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T  HE 


listorical  aift  feeahkal  Register, 


:&fek)  W&ngtavto  flitstorfc-Oniealsstcal  <Scctct£, 

FOR    THE    YEAR    1862. 



J.    MUNSELL,    78    STATE    STEEET 



1  *Haa? 



1 V  ,  \vvMi» 








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-.        •     «-  :■ 

/t%S%f  ;^SX 

■■,  rAS  \  v<ov  \  Publishing  Committee.      be  left   for  him  at  the  Rooms  of  the  Sock-iy,  .-''<.  13 

j  Bromfield  street,  Boston,  or  address-ed  to  him.  i  y  :nail, 

WIfiLIAM  B.  TRASK,  Editor  of  this  number. 

W.uiam  Blake  Trass,     1  Rev.  Elius  Xason  of  Exeter,  N.  H.,  will  .  ■  :.-   the 

Hon.  Charlks  Hunsox,       I       n         ,ti       \  next  number  of  the^cgjsfcr.    Commun»c.u..;! 

ftuv.  Euas  Naso.v, 
John  Warp  Deax, 
George  Wixgate  Chase,  J  at  Exeter. 


SiSSk;:::::::::::::::::  g  liS;S«2^F::;":::::  I 

feXmS^soiurnVtobVo^ittt^  ICSV     is     p",v tei '■;■  Marri^,  ianh.,T «ud  Itaktlu, 71 

'".'G  Inscription"*, ai 

.7     Svmonds' Testimony  in  Illation  to  Vincent  estate,  V- 


Pichael  Metealf, 

Revolutionary  Journal  of  Daniel  Gookin,  17  ,  J,  . . . 

M*-m-»i-ihle  Loneevitv  2S     Morality  m  Boston,  1 .01-3, 

fru-voV  Robert  "Calle'v.'  1699-1765,    31  Petition  of  Boston    in  relation  to  Building  wiiu 

¥-ul<  r  Gene  ilu°T  41  Brick,   1GU<>, t*« 

lull  town  charges 'tor"  Beacon  and  Watch,  1073-4,     44     Testimony  of  Waters  and  Landers, S7 

Boston  Records^ 45     Marriages .and  Deaths, •> 

Depositions  of  Philip  Long  and   Samuel   roung-  historical  lntei«igenee, f< 

love, ^     Correction, j* 

Wills  of  the  Countv  of  Suffolk, SO     J-;u'-c  ',oti^1' ' ';- ■  \V  V,:  V'^"  "*-"  •", ^Vi 

Letter  from  Rev.  John  Walley,  Jr.,  1744, 53     Members  of  the  N.  E.  Hist.  Gen.  fcociety, 104 


!    Vol.  xii,   page   160.     In  the  list   of  Townsmen    <>i  I  Earl,  the   names    of  Richard   Kirby  and  Joseph  Ta- 

Dartnioutk,  insert  between Howland  and  John  }  ber. 


'     Ne-wcomb.—  John  B.  Neweomb  of  Elsrin,  Illinois,  is  Woopwako.— A   Life    of    the   late  Gen.   >"atbaniel 

collecting  materials  for  a  Genealogy  or   the  Newcmnb  Lyon,   by  Dr.  Ashbel  Woodward  or  fcrankim,  t:.,  s* 

lamily,  and  requests  all  persons  having ■  infcwrifiatftrti  in  preparation. 

in  relation  to  that  family,  to  communicate  with  hi™.  Hot.— Wellington  L.  G.   hunt  of  Boston,  ri^'.gns 

Chapin.— Onn-e   Chapin    ot    Wi.mmans.--tt,    M::sh.,  to  publish  a  G-nealosicul  Regi*t~r  and  barney .M-mo- 

•©nrposes  to  publish  a  Geneah^votVneCham.ufimilv:  rial  of   the   Hunts  —  the   d.-sepinlants   a   \\ut\.\m   ot 

I)' include  Rev.  Mr.  Clark's  Centennial   Discourse  of  Concord,  Jonathan  of  Northampton, imoeh  oi   \*  .-y- 

1S5-2,  beimr  one  hundred  years  from  the  organization  mouth,  Edmund  ot  Duxhtiry,  „ohn  ot  .>ew  J^r^an'-. 

of  the  first  Congregational  church  in  Chicopee,  if  a  others.     Report.-  of  more  than  lOiHMamihes  have  be.-n 

lufiicient  number  of  copies  are  subscribed  tor  to  justify  received.     Those  interested  will  please  communicate 

the  outlav.     The  work,  as  proposed,  will  be  an  Svo,  to  the  above,  what  intorniation  they  may  have  relative 

of  about  300  pages,  at  >-'  per  copy.  to  the  Hunt  families. 


Albany— H.  D.  Paine;  Barton— J.  M.  Bradburv,  C.  >lvn\,]  Marxhficid— Maria  A.  Thomas:    MMhiturn-* 

I).  Bradlee,  J.  W.  Dean,  S.  G.  Drake  f4  copies),  V\\  L.  S.  II.  Parsons  :  XcicJIoven— Henry  White:  An/-  1  •  rk~ 

B.  Hunt,  Mrs.  D.P.Parker,  Thos.  Waterman  CJeopi-Sj;  J.   E.   Buikley,  William  H.   Fogg,  Geonre  a>.  l«r*:-:w, 

Robt.  C.  Winthrop,  Mrs.  E.  Child.  J.   W.  Thornton;  Isaac  J.  Greenwood,  II.  N.Otis;  Philadetpni-j—kzchel 

Bright  or.— F.  A.  Whitney;  Brookline— W.  1>.  Towne  :  Wetherili ;  i'o/jsnioidA— A.  R.  II.  Fernald  ;  i'  ■   ir;;    rt-p- 

Biijfclo— E.  S.  Hawievj"Cam6rzrt>e— G.   E.  Richards:  s«'c— Benson  J.  Lossing:   ProciJcncc— John  B :u>;  -.* ■  rj 

Charlcstown—  Edward     F.     Everett  ■;     Chicago— John  copies),  Henry  T.  Beekwith, :   Quincy,  111—  L.   A.  sa- 

Wentworth  :     Cleveland— A.    S.    Sand  ford*    Edward  va*e:    Reading— -Thomas   Spooner;    Jter/Hi—-  H.       . 

Wade,  Jas.  Wade,  Jr. ;   Franklin— Dr.  A.Woodward  Hurlhut;  Sprinzjictd—*J.   B.   Morns;    Itptct— \\  .  1*. 

(3  copies)  ;  Jamaica  Flair.— Catharine  P.  Curtis;  Jcr-  Tuthill;     tValtham—3.    B.    Bright;     U'dltmar.n-tt—0. 

scy  City— S.    Alofsen;    .l/G.ncicsfcr— Samuri   D.   Bell.,  Chapin ;  Znnc^sille— Atheneiim. 
Mrs.  M.  H.  Bell,  City  Library;  Marietta— S.  P.  Hil- 

»:-  NOTICES. 

The  Publishing  Committee,  in  their  Address  to  the  for  six  copies  of  the  work,  shall  be  entitled  to  the  se- 

Ueaders  of  the  Register  for  Jan.  1S59,  announced  fd  eir  rc:;^  <-opv — zratis. 

design  of  confining  genealogical  articles  to  the  tirst  four  pk00,iw  of  the  Society,  No.  13  Bromfiekl  stiv.  :.     R^- 

generations  in  this  country,  except  occasronally  bring-  ,r„iar  monthlv  raeHtinffs  of  the  Society,  on    ihe  ;it.t 

ing  down  a  few  lines  to  the  present  tiiiie.     ^me  tarai-  We,lnes,iav  iu  everv  month,  at  3  o'clock  P.  M. 

lies,  however,  have  expressed  a   wisu   to  have   later  " 

^fenerations  preserved  in  detail  in  the  Register.     ".  he  Fifteen  volumes  of  the  Register  being  nr>w  .  .•      >.-•<- 

CfAnuiittee  are  willing  to  do  this  >>y  adding  additional  ed,  s;.C--r:l-.-r>  may  exchange  their  nun.ocv-     -.    :« 

pa^.s  to  the  Register, 'it  correspondents  or  th-ir  fi  i-  n-ls  sood  condition)  for  hound  v.dumes.  or  h:iv->  :1 

fcill  pay  the  expanse  of  the  same.     Our  subscrili»-rd  .  number-  bound—  in  full  cloth,  lettered  a:ut^  ■■>'  '-.    ■    >■> 

Lean  not"  complain  of  such   ad<litions,  as  they  -vvili  not  cents  the  onume.     A  splendid  die  has  bc»  ti  p-      •  •» ■  i, 

be  subject  to  the  charge  of  them,  i  representing  in  sold  the  Arms  of  ail  the  kv^   '    •  :  <iul 

The  Historical  and  (Jcucalogical  Remitter  is   issued  States,  with  which  the  backs  are  impreS-i-d. 

Quarterly,  in  January,  April,  July,  and  Oct<;-bor  :  each  N.  Ik— Subscribers  trill  observe,  that  thr    '•'■    '-icr 

Bumber  cont  ining  "dv  ut  90  pages,  Svo ;  making  an-  js  hi  no  case  sent  to  th«-m  ait-rtl-'y  have  i»i  i        I  it 

lUiaUy  a  volume  of.  about  400  pages.  stoppwl    ur.lcsn  sveh  order  is   received  vj'U-r  ,        ■■■•'- 

The  price  to  Subscribers  will  be-Siayear,  pavable  ume  ha*   e&mmetced,  and  erri'irugss   ™p<^    ■     -  iV, 

on  iasu'jii2  the  ;i  >t  numbei"  of  each  volume.    Anv  n--  when,  according  to  the  rule*  of  jcriodiiols,  .'•.-.  •    -  h- 



REV.  KM  AS  NASON,  Editor  of  thh 

i..l,.  r. 

Wh.lia.m  ]>r..\Ki:  TilASK 
Ilo.v.  Ciiaklks  liri  son, 
fir  v.  Klias  Na&o.v, 
John  Ward  Dkax,. 
George  Wingate  Chase,  J 

)  Hon.  Charl.  .-  ilu'l-on  of  Letfingtoiij  Mass.,  w  ill  •  '. 

i  the  next  number  01'  the  RcgUicr,     I  onrmunioati   i 

\  Publishing  Committee.      may  bo  left  tor  Limatthe  ltoomsoftb<  S  eiety,No.  ] 

,  Bromfield  street,  Boston,  or  addressed  to  him,*by  m  : 

I  itt  Lexington. 


Menhir  of  SiriWnlter  Ralegh,   105'  Richard  Thurston's  Memorandum,  kept  at  Row- 

Annm.l  Address  by  Winsldw  Lewis,  M.  D., 119         ley,  of  the  Deaths  of  his  near  Relations, 

Extracts   from   the    Diary   of    Boburt    Calb-y   cf  EfixUupiake  in  New  England, 

Cbarh-st  >wn,  Mass.,  IG99-1765, 129     The  Familv  and  Ancestors  of  Thomas  Palmer,  o; 

Tlu'T..zer  Familv, 133         Boston,  N.  E. 

Records  of  Wethers.hVid,  Conn., 135 

Order  of  ( -row  Lawrence  of  Nova  Scotia,  in  rela- 
tion to  tlie  French  Neutrals.  142 

Dilutees  of  Narragansett  Townships, h:j 

Vote  of  the  General  Court  or'  Massachusetts,  to 
have  a  Book  called  Chitie  our  Dutie,  printed 
and  distributed, -    147 

An  Ancient  Coin  and  a  Cut  ious  Vi<<:t, 151 

Marriages,  Births  and  Deaths  in  Dorchester,  Mass., 
ie4S-10S3, 152 

Licence  to  Capt.  John  Underbill  to  repair  to  Bos- 
ton,  1 0o9, u 15S 

Abstracts  from  the  Earliest  Wilis  on  record,  and 
on  the  tiles  in  the  Couivtv  of  Suffolk,  Mass.,. .. .   159     Correction's, 

Will  of  Governor  Haynes," 107      Book  Notices, 

Letter  from  Michael"  Hiilegas,  Continental  Trea-            Officers  of -the  New  England  Historic-Genealogical 
surer  of  the  United  States,  17si   169  ,       Societv  for  Hoi',   .    .". 

Genealogy  from  the  Camp  at  IV-rt  Royal,  S.  C,  .. 

Letter  from  Grant  Thorbum, 4 

Notes  and  Queries 

Marrir.ges  and  Deaths, 

New  F.IWland  Historic-Genealogical  Society, 

Harlackenden  Family, ' ' 

Historical  Ihfellisienee : 

Long  Pas  .orates, 

Jubilee  of  Rev.  R.  S.  Storrs,  D.  D.,  of  Brain- 

Monument  to  the  late  Rev.  Dr.  Peabody,  of 

Springfield,  .Mass., 

Current  Events, 





Holt.— D.   S.  Durrie  of  ,Milwaukie,  author  of  the  press  a  Genealogy  of  the  Dannel  Family,  descendants 

Steele  Ciencaiogir,  has  the  genealogy  ot  tlie  Iloit  family  oi  Michael  Dunnel  of  1'opsfield,  wiso  died  about  '713.; 

learly  rea4y  for  press1.  It  will  by  issued  in  Aprii,  by  C.  B.  Richardson  of  New! 

Df\.\t"L.— Dr.   11.  G.  Dunne!  of  New  York,   has  in  York. 


Albnvv-l.  Hun,  A.  E.  Brown,  F.  S.  Peas^,  Rev.  E.  J.  Johnston  ;  lulu-auk  it—  II.  II.  Camp,  John  Nszro. 
LSteatus;  Albion—  L.  C.  Paine  ;  Bcleh'ertcutn—ms..  M.  J.  S.  Buck,  A.  J.  Lan^worthy,  J.  L.  Harris,  J.  F.  Bur- 
toolittle:  Boston— T.  B.  Wvman, Jr.,  Aaron  Sargent,  chard.  Dr.  E.  B.  Wclcott,"  L.  H.  Kellogg;  Mineral 
Ym.  G.  Brooks,  A.  J.  Coblulse,  L.  K.  Pai-e,  S.  Wai-  Point— C.  Woodman;  jit.  Vermm—J.  A.  Hathelt ; 
«r,  F.  M.  Bartleti,  J.  Column,  E.  F.  Shifter,  T.  L.  Xeicctrk—  3  H.  Congdon  ;  Xew  York— J.  Perkins,  W. 
"urmr,  Wm.  S.  Appieton,  K.  Nute,  George  Bates,  J.  D.  GoOkin,  A.  Grhmin,  E.Braman:  Ostcezo,  T.  Irwin  . 
[.  Sheppard;  Bv.jfolo— Young  Men's  A~sso'ei:Uioir;  Philadelphia— IS.  Chauncey;  Portsmouth-^ J.  Wen- 
cm  £>>/ 'ice — Jared  Sparks:  Canton — Ellis  :  Clii-  dell;  Putnam — A.  Kingsbury;  Quiney — W.  S.  Puttee, 
'sinati — Young  Men's  Association  :  y — A-a  \V.  Keves,  0.  H.  Browninsr,  N.  Ene.  Sbc,  S.  H.  Ernerv; 
iowland;  Danvcrsport— S.  P.  Fouler:  Elgin— J.  15.  Randolph— E.  Alden ;  Rochester— J,  M.  Hatch :  Scheh- 
eweomb  ;  Klrnirv — A.  S.  Thurston  ;  Fairfax— D.  W.  cctady—J.  Pearson,  Union  Coi.  Library  ;  Springfield — 
Dvt ;  Franklin— A.  B.  Smith;  Gov  vcrnrur—H.  D.  J.  \\'~  Crooks:  Terre  Haute — B.  Smith:  Troy — B.  Hi 
Oiith;  Ihirt/ord—C.  J.  Hoadlv;  Haverhill,  G.  \V.  Hall,  J.  Edwards;  West  TVinstcd—D.  \Y.  Patterson: 
iase;  Holyokc—J.  B.  R.  Waiktr:  Indianapolis— A.  }Vest  Bridccivater—W.  Baylies;  IFcburn—B.  Buck- 
.  VYillard  :  Lenox—  H.  \V.  Tart :  Lynn— J.  Moulton  :  man;  Woodbury — W.  Cothren:  Yonkers—R.  I.  Dou- 
Itd/ord— Miss  A.  T.   Wild  ;  Middleiown—E.  Stearns,  glas. 


SThe  Publishing  Committee,  in  their  Address  to  the  ■  for  six  copies  of  the  work,  shall  be  entitled  to  the  se- 

iaders  of  the  Register  for  Jan.  l^J/j,  announced  their     tenth  copy — gratis. 

Sign  of  confining  genealogical  articles  to  the  first  four 

Derations  in  this  country,  t-xcypt  occasionally  b.ring- 

5  down  a  few  lines  to  the  present  time.     Some  f:uni- 

*,  however,  have  expressed  a  wish  to  have  later 

Derations  preserved  in  detail  in  the  Rrglsier.     'i\.t 

•mtoitt-e.  are  willin.:  to  do  this  lv  addin&r  additional 

ffes  to  the  Register,  if  correspondents  or  their  friends 
ll  pay  the  expense  of  the  same.     Our  subscribers 
i  not  complain  of  such  ad  titious,  as  they  will  net 
subject  to  the  charge  of  them. 
The  Historical  end  G.vncalozlcal  liczistcr  is  issued 

Rooms  of  the  Society,  No.  13  Erom field  street.  PlC- 
jniur  -monthly  meetings  of  the  Society,  on  tlie  first 
Wednesday  in  every  month,  at  0  o'clock  P.  M. 

Fifteen  volumes  of  the  Register  being  now  complet- 
ed, subscribers  may  exchange  their  numbers  'if  in 
good  condition)  for  bound  volumes, 'or  have  their  own 

•s  bound-—  in  full  doth,  hit 

:re<L   £■:& 

.  t  ^ 

•rterly,  in  January,  Ajrd, 

d  Octoi- 


mber  cqiitpining  aJ>out  bO  pages,  Svo;;  making  an- 
ally a  volume  of  about  4t'0  [•  ir-s. 
The  price  to  Sol  sciib'-rs  will  bx»  >2  a  year,  payable 
issuing  the  li.Kt  number  of  eivch  volume.    .\\:y  fer- 
i  obtaining  subscribers,  ami  becoming  responsible 

cent's  tne  volume.  A  splendid  die  lias  been  procured, 
representing  in  gold  the  Arms  of  all  the  New  England 
States,  with"  which  t.he  bucks  are  impressed. 

N.  B—  Subscribers  will' observe,  that  the  Register 
is  in  m  case  sent  to  them  after  they  have  ordered  it 
stoppi  -l,  vnlc.fs  iuch  order  is  received  after  a  r.ew  ral~ 
u:ue  has  'commenced t  ar.d  ■'irre<rrurs>:i  remain  ur.O'iid, 
i&hen,  according  to  \ht  rules  of  periodically  they  ai 


■bUflx  anethei 

•j  ■■  Blake  Trask,     1                                       j  Jonx  Ward  Dean,  Esq.,  of  Boston,  Mass.,  will  i  lil 

>y.  Charles  IIi-dsox,       I  the  nest  number  of  the  Register.    Communications 

hv  w'uSu;              J^^mg  Committee,  ^y  ^  ]eft  for  him  at  the  Rooais  of  the  Society,A\o.  13 

iOROt.  Wingate  Chase    J                                          j  Broin&dd  street,  Boston,  or  addressed  to  him,  by  mail. 


»re  Baron  Steuben  was  buried', 201  'Importance  of  Early  Records, 257 

irda  copied  from  an  Ancient  Familv  Bible  in  The  old  Burial  Places  in  Exeter,  N.  H., 2c-* 

arshfield,  Mass., '. 202    The  Rev.  John  Waller, 260 

rief  History  of  the  Historic^Geaealoafioal  So-  Dominie  Frehnghuysen, yoC 

JJ*        " : 303    Records  of  Wetherslield,  Conn., 263  j 

oV'ttembers  of  the  Old  Church  at  Topsfield,,  2.13    Douw  Family  Record, 268  ; 

rasanset  Grantees, 2ii>    The  Folsrer  Family, 269 

Old  Fren  -h  War, 217     Fly-leaf  Record— Information  Wanted, 278 

t  to  Sir  diaries  Henry  FrauklanA,  Hopkinton,  Michael  Meteaif, 279 

ass " -2-20  New  England  Historic-Genealogical  Society......  254 

■folic  Iitetruct  ion's.".! .......... .'. -21  Officers  of  the  "S.B.  Ilist.^Geneaiogical  Society,..  2S7 

•rmation  Wanted, 22.5     The  Bible  as  a  Genealogical  Register, 291   j 

tract  from  the  Earliest  Wills  on  Record  and  on  Marriages  and  Deaths, 292   . 

te  Files  in  the  Countv  of  Suffolk,  Mass., 220     Diamond  \\  adding, '-(j3 

I  of  Leonard  Chester; 233  Richard  Baehe,  Postmaster-General,  to  the  Post- 

ealr>'_rieal  Sketch  of  the  Descendants  of  Remold  master  at  Boston, 298 

id  Matthew  Marvin,  who  came  to  New  England  Current  Events,  ISG2|. 299 

i  1635, 235     Winthrop, 301 

ie  Account  of  Dr.  Nathaniel  Antes,  the  Alma-  Historical  Intelligence, 300 

ac  Maker,  and  his  Family, 255    Book  Notices, 302 


itdsox.— Charles  Hudson  of  1  exinccton,  Mass.,  has  printed  for  subscribers  only.     Orders  will  be  received 

.ertaken  to  prepare  a  Genealogy  of  the  Fav  Family,  by  J.  Munsell,  Albany,  N.  V. 

-  one  bearing  that  nam-,  of  "connected"  with  the  Berxari»stox    Ce.mexxial.  —  Arrangements    have   I 

ilv,  would  confer  a  favor  bv  Sending  to  him  any  been  perfected   for   celebrating   the    incorporation  of 

.rmation   he  or  she  may  'possess  in  relation  to  any  Bernardston,  Mass.,  on    the  20th  of  August.     By  the 

ochof  the  familv  in  an v  part  of  the  country.  circular  issued    for  the  occasion,  it  appears  that  the   I 

iles,    Jex.x!.s?x,"Lixdall,    Marshall,   Vkky.-A  territory  now  contained  dn ?  the  towns  of  Bernardston, 

ally  History  of  the  Giles,  Jenni-on,  Lindall,  Mar-  f*.™*"  and  a  part  ot  Colerame  was  granted,  by  t  ne 

II  and  V,rv  Families,  by  Rev.  John  A.  Vinton,  is  ^^bitur-  or  the  province  o  Massachusetts,  m  1^4, 
..  •  ...  -  '  J  '  to  those  and  the  descendants  ot  those  who  were  in 
,mp  s*,  _  _  a  _ '  the  battle  fou-ht  on  the  ISth  May,  167G,  at  Turner's 
ooperstowx  axi>  CoorF.K.—Rcv.  ^.  T.  Livermore  F.i[U    ,vh;,.h    JT.ant  for  .,Loul   twentv-rive  vears  was 

in  press  a  History  of  Cocporstown,  with  a  Bio-  c:lll(,d  0w  Fal]s  FiqUt  Township,  or  Fall  Town.     This 

pineal  Sk.-tch  ot  J    1-eminore  Cooper, winch  wul  towu  was  incorporated  in   1762,  bv  the  name  of  Ber- 

ssuod  in  July  by  J.  Munseii,  Albany.  N.  1.  nardston,  and  a*  patriotic  call  is  ma'de  upon  the  people   I 

iixo  Philip's  War.— S.  G.  Drake,  E.-q.,  proposes  within  the  ancient  limits,  for  a  rally  upon  the  occa-    : 

eprint  Increase  Mathers  Brief  History  of  the  War  sion,  which  will  no  doubt  be  enthusiastically  respond*- 

h  the  Indians  in  New  England,  together  with  Cot-  ed  to. 

Mather's  Account  of  the  same  War,  to  which  he  Rapgoop,   Pettee,    Hewixs,    Frary,    Willis.— A 

I  add  an  Introduction  and  numerous  historical  and  volume  of  genealogies  of  the  above  named  families, 

•lanatory  Note?.     This  has  been  a  scarce  work  for  prepared  by  Rev.  Abner    Morse,  illustrated  with   12 

re  than  a  century,  and  is  indispensable  to  all  stu-  portraits,  &*c,  is  passing  through  the   press,  and  will 

its  of  New  England  History.     The  edition  will  be  be  ready  :br  delivery  in  a  few  weeks. 


Many— Rev.  E.  P.  Wadhams,  R.Woodward:  Al-  BuJTalcr-X.    K.   Hall;    Burlington— S.   Sewalb;   CV-v:- 

— R.  B.  Smith;   Amherst— E.    Tackerman  :  Brlti*  bridge— j.  L.  Siblev,   College  ■'Library,  E.  Washburn : 

•e— E.  II.  Perkins;  Bcrncrd>toa—ii.  W.  Cushman  :  Chicago— E.  S.  L.  Richardson;  Cleveland— W.  A.  Otis, 

-erle ij—.) oh n  J.  Baker;    Boscmccn—Wm.  Temnle;  P.  U.rBabc6ck:  Dedhum—A:    Larason;   Dorchester— 

.fo/i— P.  H  chart,  Jr.,  Chas.  Deane,  Rev.  C.  Cutler,  Miss  A.  Glover;  Galena— A.  M.  Haines  ;  Gloucester— 

Dayenport,  Q.  Livermore,  W.  B.  Bradford,  Miss  E.  John    Babsbh,    S.    Nelson;    Greet   Fulls— M.   Noble;   | 

Adams,  A.  Williams  oc  Co.,  Geo.  Mounttord  ,'rl),  Hartford— h  B.  Hostner,  J.  H.  Trumbull  :  Haverhiii— 

Parsons, ticknor  k  -Fields  .'2  copies),  J.  W.  War-  Mrs.  rf.  ('.  Merrill;  Hutt—K.  Oould,  Jr.-;  jfrritr:*- 
,  llis.  N.  Appleton,  F.  W.  Prescott,  E.  P-arson,  S.  bursh—W.  H.  Stephens;  MidJLebury--?.  Battell : 
Farewell,  A.  D.  llod.vs,  T.  A.  Neal,  S.  Lincdu,  J.  S*ashua—(x.  L.  Balcom ;  Xewburuport—Q.  T.  Chip- 
Parker,  S.  Swe-t,  P.  KetVv.  J.  Breek,  A.  A.  Law-  man  ;  Xor  H«ven—l\  R.  Trowbridge  ;  Xew  York— A. 
ce  (2  copies;,  F.  A.  Hail,  L."Ma-ou,  W.  W.  fireen-  W.  Slor>an,  S.  We'tmore,  G.  Q.  Thomdike,  Mercantile 
rh,  S.  E.  S-wali,  B.  Abbott,  W.  Whitincr,  J.  N.  Librafv" Association;  C.  B.  Richardson  (4  copies); 
•box,  A.  Child,  S.  Andrews,  Boston  Lil  rM-v,  H.  Xonci'ch— S.  Bli&  ;  Pawtuchet—P^v.  Win.  Tyler  : 
e,  W.  M.  Lathrop,  T.  R.  Marvin,  E.  D.  Harris,  J.  I'hiladdphifr—Jolm  Jordan,  Jr.,  S.  Breck,  J.  H.  ib'  i- 
Wizgin,  O.  W.  M-s.-in-.-r,  D.  Draper,  J.  W.  Plvmp-  fi«ld  ;  Pompcy— Jbst-ph  Dow  ;  Portland— Wm.  Willis  . 
.,  S.  T.    Snow,   Riciiard  Bri^,  Edwd.  Brooks,  F.  Froeidence—^tnte  Library,   S.  T.    Olney,  5.  Randall: 

Lincoln,   Jr.,  J.  W.  Clark,  David  LTapr,,    T.  C.  i'<7tt>^Edward  P.  Burtdiam  :  Sprin«jield—J.  G.  Chas-  ; 

iory  Jr.,  W.  C.  Lewis '(-"copies),  E.  Lombard,  J.  H.  Std'ckbridge—D.  D.  Field;  Taunton— Rev.  M-  Blake: 

>lcott,  David  Sears,  J.  P.  Ibal'v,  J.  W.  Paije,  B.  F.  E.   II.  Reed  :  Troy— Giles  B.  Kellogg;    Westchester— 

lite,  L.  M.  S^r-ent,  J.  F.  Bald'win,  H.  Lee, 'Jr.,  W.  J.  S.   Futh-v,  D.  G.  Brintou;    Wext  Sewto«—\.   H. 

Andrews,  D.  W.  Holmes,  G.  B.  Upton,  J,  palmer,  Ward;  U  'Ulinu  tnt  ic—  W.  L.  Weaver ;  Yarmouth,  Port— 

Butler,  T.   C.  Smith:   liridzcu+ater^-W.  Latham:  Amos  Otis. 


Txllxam  Blakl:  Trask, 
losr.  Chaklks  Hudson, 
Iev.  Kt.ias  Nasox, 
ons  Ward  Dean. 

JOHN  WARD  DEAN,  Editor  of  this  number. 
"I  Jons  Ward  Dean,  Esq.,  of  Boston,  Mass.,  will  edit 

the  next  number  of  the  Register.    Communications 

Jeorce  Wing  ate  Citase,  J 

\  rv blis h ing  Com m ittcc. 

may  be  left  for  him  .it  the  Rooms  of  the  Society,  No.  13 
Bromfield  street,  Boston,  or  addressed  to  him,  by  mail. 


^moir  of  lion.  Daniel  Messinger  of  Boston 

mealogv  of  the  Messinger  Family, 

)w,  ..T. .* ...314 

ill  of  Gen.  Julia  lhadstreet, 315 

i  Attendant  on  Goite  and  Whallev, 310 

•cords  of  Falmouth,  now  Portland,  Maine, 317 

.vid  McLane,  executed  at  Quebec,  1797, 321 

anklin  Arms, 3-23 

irrbges,  Births  and  Deaths  at  Taunton,  Mass  ,  .  324 

assacmisetts  Certificate  of  Indebtedness, SOS 

bstracts  Karlie?t  Suffolk  County  Wilis, 329 

3T.  Benjamin  Woodbridge  of  Medford, 336 

?m?aloay  of  the  Kin^sburys  of  Dedham,  Mass.,.  337 

Hosbaud  of  Six  Wives, 341 

riliof  Thomas  Oicott 34-3 

snelon  and  his  Connection  with  America,  344 

ermont, 346 

iiree  Memorable  Days  for  America, 347 

.   303     Letter  from  the  Rev.  Cotton  Mather,  D.  D.,  to  John 
.  308         Vaughan,   respecting  an  Indian  Deed  to  John 

Wheelwright  aud  others, 34S 

Lancaster  Records 352 

Scotch-Irish  Families  in  Chester  County,  Pa., 3l>o 

Ne'Tohvy  of  Harvard  Graduates, 303 

Rev.  Nathaniel  Ward's  Dedication  to  Lord  Bacon,  365 

Wills  ot  Richard  Inch  of  Boston,  1645, 367 


Marriages  and  Deaths, 

Notes  and  Queries, 

New  England  Historic-Genealogical  Society,  . 

Drafting  Eighty-three  Years  ago, 3S3 

Current  Events, 3S4 

Book  Notices, 3S5 

Errata, 3«S 

Index  of  Names, 3S9 





5  H.  S.  Davis  of  Springfield,  Mass.,  is 
Is  for  a  senealoirv  of  the  Davis  family 

Davis— Char 
Electing  mater 

id  invites  those  bearing  the  name 
lis  family,  to  furnish  him  with  sue! 
ve  to  the  Davis  family  as  they  intty 


ut  of  Racing  Wis.,  is  collecting 
?rials  respecting  these  families,  w 

3r  conneciea  witu 

■-  information  reia- 

—Henry  II.  Hurl- 
geneaIogica4  ma- 
ith  the  design  of 

ublicatioii  ;  ana  requests,  of  those  interested  (such  as 
Ave  not  heretofore  turnished  items  to  Edwin  Stearns, 

Esq.,  of  MiddletoWn,   Ct.,  or   himself)  contributions 

Gowaxs. — Mr.  Gowans  has  n 
ins   series,    Miller's    Account 
with  notes   by  John  G.  Shea 
with  Denton  and  \  Volley., 

Windsor. —Dr.  II.  II.  Stiles  p 
vember  a  supplemental  vo-lum 
cicnt  Windsor,  containing  sue 
as  he  has  made  since  his  work 

learly  re; 
of  New 
LL.  D., 


e  to  his 

ill  ad'iit 

was  pu' 

Ldy,  as  No. 
York  in  1 
to  corresp 

to  issue  in 
History  of 
tonal  glean 
jlished  in  1 

■5  o; 



The  Publishing  Committee,  in  their  Address  to  the 
leaders  of  the  Register  for  Jan.  1S59,  announced  their 
iesign  of  confining  genealogical  articles  to  the  ffrst  four 
;enerations  in  this  country,  except  occasionally  bring- 
ng  down  a  few  Hues  to  the  present  time.  Some  fann- 
ies, however,  have  expressed  a  wish  to  have  later 
generations  preserved  in  detail  in  the  Register*  The 
Committee  are  willing  to  do  this  by  adding  additional 
>agesto  the  Register,  if  correspondents  or  their  friends 
*dll  pay  the  expense  of  the  same.  Our  subscribers 
an  not  complain  of  such  additions,  as  they  will  not 
oe  subject  to  the  charge  of  them. 

The  Historical  and  Genealogical  Register  is  issued 
quarterly,  in  January,  April,  July,  and  Oct  >ber  ;  each 
Dumber" containing  about  96  pages,  8vb:  malting  an- 
nually a  volume  of  about  460  pag^s. 

The  price  to  Subscribers  will  be  S2  a  year,  payable 
on  issuing  the  rhst  number  of  each  volume.  Any  per- 
son obtaining  subscribers,  arid  becoming  responsible 

for  six  copies  of  the  work,  shall  be  entitled  to  the  se- 
venth, copy — gratis. 

Rooms  of  the  Society,  No.  13  Bromfield  street.  Re- 
gular monthly  meetings  of  the  Society,  on  the  lirst 
Wednesday  in  every  month,  at  3  o'clock  P.  M. 

Sixteen  volumes  of  the  Register  being  now  compl- 1- 
ed,  subscribers  may  exchange  their  numbers  (if  in 
good  condition)  for  "found  volumes,  or  have  their  own 
numbers  bound — in  full  cloth,  lettered  and  gilt,  ct  33 
cents  the  volume.  A  splendid  die  has  been  procured, 
representing  in  gold  the  Arms  of  all  the  New" England 
States,  with  which  the  backs  are  impressed. 

N.  B. — Subscribers  will  observe,  that  the  Register 
is  in  no  case  sent  to  them  after  they  have  ordered  it 
stopped,  unless  such  order  is  received  cfter  a  r.eiv  vol- 
ume has  commenced,  end  arrearages  remain  unpaid, 
ichcr.,  according  to  the  rules  of  periodicals,  they  are  li- 
able fur  another  ucar. 


Amherst—  Perler  Dod£f\  L.  >T.  Dol-  v»  ood  ;  Bolton— P..  S.  Ede<»; 
Boslo n—Dver  k  Co.,  J.  I*.  Kid-kin:*.  E.  J.  Browne.  J.  It?ch:-.r.!- 
fOD.  P.  WUIan.i;  C.  F.  Adams,  H.  A.  W-iiitn^v.  H.  E.irl,  J. 
G.  White,  E  S.  Ervlue,  E  Everett,  Jt*iah  Qun':cv,  C .  C.  Jew- 
ett,  Mrs  K.  Write.  J.  Harris,  J.  Brvant,  J.  H.  Dexter,  C.  K. 
Lowell,  M.  P-  Wilder,  C.  G.  Lor-.-,  ti  T.  That  T.-r,  J.  Wi!, 
lard,  G.  Monnt'ortj  J.  P.  Cook.  F.  K:'dder,  M.  F  Cook,  D. 
PoUifer,  T.  Tik-^on.  Mrs.  L.  Sli:tt«uck,  J.  H  BUke,  D.  C. 
Cotes  worthy,  T.  W.  Pierce,  J  St«v«sii.*.  <J.  G.  Strmh,  Rwddiri-j  ~ 
Co.;  Brumieirk—how^tinCniu'ss}  Bi'Jaio—  L.  K.  Haddock; 
Cambridge — C.  Francis*;  ChcUca—O'U  M'Triam ;  CUttlattd — 
T.  Bteck;  CoM^ttr—C.  M.  T.iinior:  Cor.rord—G.  P.  Lv.n  ; 
Dtdham—K.  Wilkinson.  W.  Bull.ird:  thnnuivUlt—?.  E.  V"o=e; 
Detroit— U.K.  C  irk";  Crovland—K.  l>>,or:,  ffadltij—S.Sir.l'U; 
Hamilton — II.  0.  Sheldon:  Jamesloien—A.  HumlUzx ;  I.owci:— 

John  Avery;  Mnndon— J.  G.  Metcalf;  Milton— J.  M.  Robbins; 
Santwk't—W.  C.  Fo'sf-r;  Xew  Bedford— €.  T.-.ter  £  Co.; 
.N>ir  Lo'rdoh-rT.  M.  CnuifcJn»:  Xnrport—  Redwood  Librsiry; 
Stic  York—D.  B.  l)~r*  vw.  W.  K.  Warren,  li.  W.  Bouncy,  C. 
Swan.  H  M.Sr.iiih;  .Yorthampton— H.  Baker.  C.  A.  Dewey;  X. 
lAominittr — D.  W«.-!der:  .YancirA— Geu.  W.  Williams;  (jrri.r.^- 
ton—A.  1).  Atwooif:  Philadelphia— -E-  Hu-r.»horn«?,  S.  H.  Per- 
k:/--.  J.  Haze]  tint-,  i-.^-oh* ;  Portsmouth— -T.  A.  Do  Eioi?. 
C.  Burrouah-  D  D  :  Provident— G.  H.  Wi.isn'ev.G.  A  Bray* 
rotr;  St.  Pauls— W.'  H.  K-.dieV;  8ibninzt'>n—  R*  A.  VV'hc-eier; 
Tfj'i—  I.  .MeCoii'th.";  Washington—  Dr.  K.  .M.-ivo:  Wcttrtoicn — 
B.Dan.-.;  »•.  Bran^Acro'—S.  Clark  ;  WtnfMd— K«v  E.Davis- 
Watford— E.  Ahbuii ;  West  \Yinsted—l.h>\<i',  H  iliicmnoisn 
—I.White;  Ho'.um—S.  Wym:in,  Jr.;  Woinsor.kei—  Ita  B< 
Peck;    \Yorct9t6T— B.  F.  He  v  wood. 




[Index  of  Names  of  Persons  at  the  end  of  the  volume.] 

Almanacs,   Interleaved,   extracts    from    (1724, 

1732),  63 

Ames's,  notice  of,  256 

Boston,  History  of,  337 
America,  Three  memorable  days  for,  317 
Anniversaries,  Notices  of — 

Braintree,  Dr.  Storrs'  50th  anniversary  at,  93 

Compact,  Signing  of  (16  20).  97 

Old  South,  Boston,  Dr.  Blagden's  25th  anni- 
versary at,  93- 
Beacon,  Watch  house,  Sec,  Hull,  Mass.  (1673-4), 

charges  for,  44 
Books,  &c,  noticed — 

Augustine,  Confessions  of,  304 

Bartol's  Sermon  on  death  of  W.  L.  Putnam, 

Boston  Directory,  by   Adams,   Sampson  & 
Co.,  337 
Almanac,  by  Coolidge,  337 

.   Pocket  Business  Directory,  by  Dudley.  337 

Christ  Church,  Cambridge,  Sermon  on  100th 
anniversary  of,  by  Hoppin,  199 

Congregational  Quarterly,  104 

Constitution,  Adequacy  of  the,  by  Farrar,  303 

Continental  Monthly,  304 

Cope  Family,  101 

Dunnel  and  Dvvinell  Family,  302 

Earle,  Ralph,  and  his  Descendants,  38S 

Essex  Institute,  Hist.  Coll.  of,  101 

Etymology,  Local,  by  Charnock,  356 

Exeter,  N.  H.,  events  in  (1361),  by  Nason,  199 

Fire  Lands  pioneer,  199 

Genealogy,    American,    Handbook    of,    by 
Wbitmore,  193 

Hatborough  Monument   Inauguration,  Pa.. 
Address  at,  by  Bellville,  336 

Haverhill,  Mass.,  Hist,  of,  by  Chase,  100 

Historical  Magazine,  N.  Y.,  103 

Lebanon,  N.  H.,  Discourse  on  100th  anni- 
versary of  charter  of,  by  Allen.  304 

Lothrop'p  Sermon  on  the  death  of  Moses 
Grant,"  102 

Lyon,  Gen.  Nathl.,  Life  of,  by  Woodward, 336 

Marlborough,  Mass.,  Hist. of,  by,  Hudson,  193 

Morse's  Genealogies  of  Descendants  of  Puri- 
tans, 338 

Newburgh,  N.  Y.,  Hist,  of,  by  Ruttenber,  101 

New  Hampshire  Annual  Register,  by  Lyon, 

Northmen  in  America,  by  Morse,  104 

Pennsylvania,  Paper  Money  in,  Historical 
Sketch  of,  302 

Psalms,  Book  of,  in  Hebrew  and  English,  193 

Rebellion  Record,  102 

Reed  Family,  103 

Rhode  Island  Society  for  Encouragement  of  | 
Domestic  Industry,  transactions  of,  102 

Savage's  Genealogical  Dictionary,  304 

Southern  Rebellion  and  the  War   for    the 
Union,  102 

Sutton-Dudleya  of  England,  and  Dudleys  of 
MaesM  by  Adlard,  365 

Thayer's  Sermon  on  the  Life  of  Rev.  O.  A. 

Skinner,  102 
Union  Army  and  Navy  Officers,  Sketches  of, 

by  Dudley,  303 
Vermont  Quarterly  Gazetteer,  103 
Wetmore  Family  of  America,  99 
Woodward's  Address  before  Conn.  Medical 
Society,  304 

Boston,  Almanac,  Hist. of, 337;  Directories, Hist. 
of.  357;  First  Baptist  Church  in,  25;  Mor- 
tality in  (1701-1703),  S3  ;  Old  South  Church, 
Dr.  Blagden's  25th  anniversary,  at.  93;  Pe.i- 
tion  of  Inhabitants  in  (1696),  34 ;  Records  of 
(1661, '2),  45. 

Castle  William,  15 

Centennial  Celebrations,  Notices  of — Abineton, 
Mass.,  302;  Lebanon,  N.  H.,  97;  Milton, 
Mass.,  3)2;  Poultney,  Vt.,  97 

Charlestown,  Mass.,  Calley,  Robert,  schoolmaster 
in,  Diary  of,  34,  129;  First  Baptist  Church 
in ,  25 

Chester  County,  Pa.,  Index  to  Notices  of  Men 
and  Events  in,  362;  Scotch-Irish  families  in, 

Coins,  ancient,  151 

Confederacy,  Southern,  vision  of,  8 

Deaths — See  Obituaries 

Dedham  Church,  ancient  relic  of,  62 

Depositions — Long,  Philip,  49;  Younglove,  Sa- 
muel, 49 

Diamond  Wedding,  293 

Diary  of  Robert  Calley,  Charlestown  (1699-1765), 
34,  129 

Directories,  Boston,  History  of,  337 

Douw  Family  Record,  268,  273 

Drafting,  eighty-three  years  asro,  333 

Earthquake  in  New  England  ( 1755\  171 

Errata,  corrections,  &c,  98,  194,  200,  338 

Events,  Current.  196,  299,  334 

Exeter,  N.  H.,  burial  places  in,  253 

Fenelon,  and  his  connection  with  America,  344 

Fire  Lands,  Hist.  Society,  Ohio,  notice  of,  199 

Frankland,  Sir  Chaa.  Henry,  visit  to  (1759),  220 

Franklin  Arms,  323 

Frelinghuysen,  Dominie,  262 

French  War  (1755),  record  of,  217 

Genealogies  and  Pedigrees — 

Arnes,  255 ;  Marvin,  235 ; 

Folger,269;  Messinger,  303; 

Franklin,  273  ;         Parker,  41 ; 
Kingsbury,  337;       Ralegh,  107; 
Tozer,  133. 

Goffe  and  Wh alley,  notice  of  an  attendant  on,  316 

Harlackenden  family,  corrections  relative  to,  194 

Harvard  Graduates,  necrology  of  (1861-2),  363 

Haynes,  Gov.,  Will  of  (1646),  167 

How  family,  314 

Husband  of  six  wives,  341 

Indian,  Captive,  247;  Deed  of  Eastham  (1692), 

Inscriptions,  Burial — Brattleboro,  Vt.,  31  ;  Mar- 
vin family,  237 ;  Walley,  Rev.  John,  261. 


Larrabee,  Capt.,  brief  notices  of,  15,  00 
Letters — 

Bache,  Richard  (  17S1),  298 

Htllegas,  Michael  (1781),  169 

Mather,  Cotton  (1708),  348 

Metcalfe,  Michael  (1636),  279 

Osborne,  Thomas  ( 1682),  2.5 

Thorburn,  Grant  (1S62),  173 

Walley,  Rev.  John,  jr.  (1744*,  58 
Licence  to  Capt.  John  Underbill  )1639),  158 
Longevity,  33. 19(5 
"Looking  Glass  for  the  Times" — a  poem,  by 

Peter  Folger  (1676),  270 
Louisbourg  Expedition  (1755).  information  want- 
ed concerning  men  engaged  in,  225 
Massachusetts,    "Certificate      of     Indebtedness 

(1780),    32S;    namin?    of   towns  in,    query 

about,  3S1 
Marriages,  77,  88,  152.   175,  317,  324.  363 ;  births, 

deaths    in    Dorchester    f'1643-83),    77,   152  j 

Taunton  (1643-97),  324 
Memoirs  and  Notices  of— 

Ames,  Dr.  Nathaniel,  255 

Appleton,  Hon.  Nathan,  1 

Barrett,  Rev.  John,  I6S 

Edes,  Peter,  16 

Green,  John,  &c.  (see  subscribers  to  Prince's 
Chronology),  12-15 

Larrabee,  John,  15 

Messinger,  Daniel,  305 

Ralegh,  Sir  Walter.  105 

Walley,  Rev.  John,  56,  2G0 
Men  and  Events  in  Chester  Co.,  Pa.,  by  Darling- 
ton ;  Index  to  Notices  of,  360 
Narraganset  Townships,  Grantees  of.  143,  216" 
Necrology  of  Harvard  graduates,  363 
Neutrals,  French,  orders  iu  relation  to  (1756), 

New     England,     Earthquake     in    (1755),    171; 

Washington's  vis;:  to,  3?1 
New*England  Historic  Genealogical  Society — 

Address,  Pres-  Lewis's,  at  annual  meeting 
of,  119 

Amendments  of  the  Constitution  and  By- 
laws of,  193 

Brief  history  of,  203 

Members"  of,  104 

Monthly  meetins*,  Reports  of,  192,  254,    S2 

Officers  of,  200,  287 
Newspapers,   early— Boston   News  Letter,   13  ; 

Gazette,  14:  Connecticut  Content,  14  ;  New 

England  Journal,  14;  New  London  Gazette, 

14;  NewLoDdon  Summary,  14 
Notes  and  Queries,  174,  225,  278, 301,  330 
Obituaries,  38,  175,  292,  316,  36a 
Palmer,  Thomas,  Family  of,  171 
Pastorates.  Lone,  19a 

Patriotic  Instructions— Lexington  ( 1772),  221 
Peabody  Monument,  Springfield,  Mass.,  Dedica- 
tion of,  195 
Peekham  Family,  291 
Petition  relative  to  the  war  (1675-6),  61 
Fort  Royal,  S.  C,  Genealogy  irom,  172 

|  Portraits— 

Appleton,  Hoik  Nathan,  1 
Messinger,  Daniel,  305 
Ralegh;  Sir  Walter,  105 
I  Printer.?.  Early,  12-15 
Queries,  174,  fc'25,  278,  323,  336,  340,  367,  381 
Records — Boston,  45;  Falmouth,  now  Portland, 
Me.,  317  ;  Lancaster,  Mass.,  3"2  ;  We' hern. 
held,  Ct.,  17,  135,  263  ;  Early,  importance  of, 

Revolutionary  Journal  of  Daniel  Gookin,  27 
Robinson  Family.  24 

Scotch-Irish  families  in  Chester  Co.,  Pa.,  360 
Settlers  or  Grantees  or'  Ashburnbam,  Mass.,  145 
Soldiers  from  Dorchester,  Mass.,  iu  Canada  Ex- 
pedition (1690),  148 
Steuben,  Baron,  burial  place  of  (with  a  view  of 

his  residence),  201    ■ 
Subscribers  to  Prince's  Chronology,  memoirs  and 
no  rices  of — 

Ames.  Dr.  Nathaniel,  255 
Barrett,  Rev.  John,  166 
Edes,  Peter,  16 
Green,  John,  12 
Green.  Jonas,  15 
Green,  Rev.  Joseph,  12 
Green,  Joseph,  13 
Greer:.  Nathaniel.  14 
Green.  Samuel.  14 
i  Green,  Timothy,  13    ' 

j  Green,  Timothy,  14 

Larrabee,  John.  15 
I  Testimony  of  Den.'  Gov.   Symouda   (1665),   82; 
Samuel  Waters  and  Robert  Sanders  ( lbi3),  87 
I  Thomas  Family  Bible,  Marshfield,  202 
!  Thurston's  Memoranda.  170 
|  Tucstield  Church,  members  of,  212 
!  Towns—  Abington,  302;  Appleton,  Me.,  3  ;  Ash- 
burnham,   143;    Bcifon,    260;    Brattleboro, 
!  Vt.,  81;  Doichester,  77,  148,  152:  Exeter,  N. 

H.,  258;  Falmouth,  Me.,  313  ;  Hopkinton, 
220;  Hull,  44;  Lancaster,  352  ;  Lebanon,  N. 
H..  97;  Lexington.  221 :  Lowell,  5,6;  .Mil- 
ton, Mass..  302;  New  Ipswich,  N.  H-,  1,  3; 
Portland,  Me..  317  :  Poultney,  Vt..  97  ;  Provi- 
dence. R.  I.,  321 ;  'Rindge,  N.  H.,  75  ;  Row. 
ley,  170;  Taunton,  324;  Topsfield,  212; 
Wethersfield,  Conn.,  17,  135,  263 
Tozer  Family,  133 
Treason,  Hieh.  an   American  executed  for,  at 

Quebec.  (1797),  321 
"TJnitie  ourDutie, ;'  book  so  called  to  benrintcd, 

Vermont,  origin  of  the  name  queried.  345 
Ward's  Dedication  to  Lord  Bacon,  365 
Washington's  Visit  to  New  England,  3^1 
Wheelwright  Deed,  Mather's  letter  on  tho  Au- 
thenticity of,  348 
Wills — Brada'treet.  John,  315;  Chester,  Leonard. 
233;    Fitch,   Richard,    367;    Hay  net?,    Gov. 
John,   167;  Middlesex,  72;  Oicott,  Thomas, 
342  ;  Suffolk,  50,  159,  226,  323 
Woodbridge,  Rev.  Benjamin,  query  about,  336 

g&  •   *  - 

)   Vol  XVI. 




No.  1. 

fjist0ncai  #  ^titeabgical  Eegtsfer, 



U  N  D  F.R     THE     D  I  R  E  C  T  I  O  N     O  I'     T  H  E 




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ALBANY:    J.   M-JIvSI-LL. 

18  6  2.       i 

IcVh^'y/S  *vJ,00  Per  Aumua. 

(Tontage  T'.ro  Ccwte,  it'  paid 
I  quarterly  in  advance. 




[Communicated  by  John  II.  Sheppard,  A,  M.,  Librarian.] 

Among- the  granite  hills  of  New  Hampshire,  on  its  southern  bor- 
der, and  about  fifty  miles  from  Boston,  lies  New  Ipswich,  one  of  the 
i  •  loveliest  villages  in  that  state.  The  town  is  situated  in  a  valley, 
and  along  the  slopes  of  the  mountains;  it  is  watered  by  plentiful 
streams,  and  the  river  Souhegan  winding  among  the  farms,  adds  to 
the  beauty  of  this  rural  place,  which  of  late  years,  from  numerous 
water-privileges,  has  become  the  seat  of  mills  and  manufactories. 
One  of  the  mountains  which  surround  it,  may  be  seen  on  a  clear  day 
from  the  dome  of  the  State  House  in  Boston.  Such  is  the  scenery  of 
this  romantic  spot,  that  the  author  of  the  History  of  N&io  Ipswich  has 
I  compared  it  to  the  Happy  Valley  in  liasselas. 

It  was  in  this  sequestered  town  that,  on  the  6th  day  of  October, 
lii  19,  the  Hon.  Nathan  Appleton  was  born.  His  father,  Deacon 
Isaac  Appleton,  was  a  native  of  Ipswich,  removed  here  in  1750,  and 
settled  on  land  of  which  his  father  Isaac  Appleton  was  a  large  pro- 
prietor, though  he  preferred  living  in  Ipswich,  where  he  died  in  1194, 
at  ninety  years  of  age.  . 
.  Deacon  Appleton   was  a  farmer,  whose  industry,  exemplary  life 

and  deep  interest  in  the  welfare  of  his  neighbors,  made  him  much 
beloved;  and  he  must  sometimes  have  reminded  his  fellow  Christians 
of  the  patriarch  Jacob  ;  for  like  him  he  bad  twelve  children,  was  the 
owner  of  flocks  and  herds,  and  could  trace  his  genealogy  high  up  in 
the  dim  vestiges  of  the  past.  Is  it  not  nobility  enough  in  New  Eng- 
land to  prove  a  descent  from  one  of  the  Pilgrim  Fathers?  —  but 
Mr.  Appleton  could  point  through  five  generations  to  his  ancestral 
race  in  this  country,  and  then  travel  seven  more  to  a  family  in  Eng- 
land, from  whom  he  was  a  lineal  descendant. 

The  stirps  or  root  of  the  Appleton  family,  as  appears  by  the  Har- 
Irian  Manuscripts  in  the  British  Museum,  and  the  Memorial  of  Samuel 
Appleton,  by  Isaac  A.  Jewett,  is  John  Appulton  of  Great  Walding- 
field,  England.  It  carries  the  descent  back  even  to  William  de  Ap- 
pulton, in  1326.  The  name  is  spelt  in  a  variety  of  ways,  and  de- 
scendants lived  in  Kent,  Essex  and  Suffolk.  The  arms  of  the  progeni- 
tor were  a  shield,  "Argent  a  fess  sable  between  three  pomgranets  gules, 
slipped  and  leaved,  vert:11  in  common  parlance  —  A  shield  white,  a  fess 
black  between  three  pomegranates  red,  on  a  branch  broken  off,  leafed 
Vol.  XVI.  ~  X 



2  Sketch  of  Hon.  Nathan  Jlppleton.  [Jan. 

and  green.  The  crest,  "An  Olivant's  hed  conped  sa  tusked  eared, 
or,  with  a  serpent  writhed  about  his  noz  vert;"  which  is,  An  ele- 
phant's bead  cut  off'  black,  tusked,  cared  yellow,  with  a  serpent 
wreathed  about  his  trunk  green. 

The  arms  of  different  families  of  this  name  varied  much  in  their 
charges;  but  on  examination  of  the  books  on  heraldry — and  in  our 
Historic-Genealogical  Society  we  have  a  large  and  rare  collection  — 
I  have  found  that  in  nearly  all  the  coats  of  arms,  and  I  counted 
twelve  of  divers  kinds  of  blazoning,  they  agreed  in  one  device,  the 
apple  or  pomegranate.  Is  not  this  a  conclusive  evidence  of  a  com- 
mon origin  in  the  herald  office  ?  And  it  may  be  remarked  that  a 
crest  points  to  a  higher  order  in  marshaling  arms,  denoting  a  knight- 
hood for  some  signal  service. 

In  blazoning  a  fresh  or  original  shield,  where  a  new  family  is  in- 
troduced, a  device  is  often  chosen  similar  to  the  name.  A  few  in- 
stances will  explain  this  custom  :  as  Arundel,  six  swallows,  Batson, 
three  wings,  Colet,  three  colts,  Hancock,  three  cocks  and  a  hand, 
Lucy,  three  lucies,  i.  e.,  pikes,  a  fish,  and  Shakespeare,  a  spear.  This 
is  called  Amies parlantes,  or  canting  arms;  and  Mark  Antony  Lower, 
on  English  surnames,  says  that  "  English  heraldry  delights  in  pun- 
ning devices." 

Heraldry  throws  much  light  on  history,  architecture  and  genealo- 
gy. Had  there  been  no  coat  of  arms  in  their  lineage  in  England,  the 
Appleton  family  in  America  could  not  have  traced  their  descent  much 
beyond  the  ancestor  who  first  came  to  this  country.  Heraldry  has 
bestowed  on  them  an  apple  more  precious  than  the  golden  fruit  of 
the  Hesperides. 

Mr.  Appleton  was  taught  letters  by  the  Widow  Tiliick,  and  soon 
after  sent  to  the  town  school.  He  was  then  so  young  that  in  order 
to  make  his  debut  in  declamation  before  the  scholars,  he  was  put  in 
jacket  and  trowsers.  His  early  proficiency  at  this  school  must  have 
gladdened  the  heart  of  his  father,  for  in  spelling  he  was  at  the  head 
of  his  class;  in  arithmetic,  he  could  extract  the  cube  root,  and  his 
master  could  go  no  farther.  The  school,  as  usual  in  villages,  was 
only  open  in  the  winter  ;  in  summer  the  boys  were  employed  on  the 
farm.  They  learned  to  wield  the  axe,  and  to  hoe  and  plough  and 
mow,  and  they  needed  no  gymnasium  nor  dumb-bells  to  give  tone  to 
the  muscles,  or  broaden  the  chest  for  the  lungs  to  play  in. 

He  was  sent  to  the  academy  in  1192,  under  the  tuition  of  Mr.  John 
Hubbard,  of  whose  excellence  and  worth  he  speaks  highly.  This 
seminary,  incorporated  as  the  New  Ipswich  Academy  in  1789,  next 
to  the  Phillips'  Academy  in  Exeter,  was  the  oldest  in  the  state; 
and  in  1853,  on  account  of  a  munificent  donation  from  Mr.  Samuel 
Appleton,  a  brother  of  Nathan,  and  a  former  pupil,  it  was  afterwards 
entitled  the  New  Ipswich  Appleton  Academy.  Nathan  was  dili- 
gent in  his  studies,  and  having  been  well  fitted,  he  was  examined 
and  admitted  a  freshman  in  Dartmouth  College,  August,  1794.  But, 
perhaps  to  the  great  disappointment  of  his  father  at  the  time,  he 
changed  his  mind  and  gave  up  the  still  retreat  of  the  Muses,  for  the 
business  and  bustle  of  the  Exchange. 

And  here  a  few  remarks  may  not  be  out  of  place.  Happy  would 
it  have  been  for  many  a  young  man  thus  qualified  and  imbued  with 

1862.]  Sketch  of  Hon.  Nathan  JUpplcton.  3 

a  taste  for  literature,  who  had  his  own  fortune  to  make,  if  he  had 
turned  from  the  academic  groves,  and  sought  some  industrious  em- 
ployment, by  which  a  competency  for  life  could  be  secured,  instead 
of  contracting  idle  and  dissipated  habits  at  college.  The  celebrated 
Junius  gave  this  advice  —  "  Let  all  your  views  in  life  be  directed  to 
a  solid,  however  moderate,  independence.  Without  it  no  man  can 
be  happy,  or  even  honest."  In  Helon's  Pilgrimage,  which  contains 
an  elaborate  account  of  Hebrew  instruction,  it  is  stated  that  the 
Jews  finished  the  literary  education  of  their  sons,  by  giving  them 
some  trade  or  calling,  on  which  to  depend  as  a  resource  in  adversity; 
which  explains  why  St.  Paul,  though  brought  up  at  the  feet  of  Ga- 
maliel, was  a  tent-maker,  while  a  prisoner  in  Rome.  The  advantages 
of  a  solid  collegiate  education,  where  virtuous  and  industrious  habits 
have  been  cherished,  cannot  be  valued  too  highly.  But  after  all  that 
teachers  can  do,  the  student  must  depend  on  his  own  efforts.  Sir 
Benjamin  Brodie,  in  his  learned  essays  on  Mind  and  Matter,  re- 
lates a  saying  of  Walter  Scott,  that  "  The  best  part  of  a  man's  edu- 
cation is  that  which  he  gives  himself."  There  is  reason,  therefore,  to 
believe  that  Mr.  Appleton  during  a  long  and  distinguished  life,  never 
had  reason  to  utter  a  word  or  sigh  of  regret  at  his  early  choice. 

The  offers  and  inducements  of  his  brother  Samuel,  may  have  had 
some  influence  in  this  decision.  Samuel  was  then  thirteen  years 
older  than  himself.  At  the  age  of  22  he  went  down  to  Maine,  with 
some  young  men,  to  settle  on  a  township  of  wild  land  —  now  the 
town  of  Appleton,  in  Waldo  county  —  where  induced  by  the  favora- 
ble offers  of  the  proprietors,  they  selected  their  lots,  and  with  his 
axe  he  began  to  clear  up  a  farm.  After  two  years  of  trial,  amidst 
hardships  and  privations  which  formed  a  sad  contrast  to  the  home 
of  his  boyhood  in  the  Happy  Valley,  he  relinquished  farming,  came 
back  and  set  up  as  a  country  trader  with  Col.  Jewett,  in  Ashburn- 
ham,  an  adjacent  town.  Afterward  he  returned  to  New  Ipswich, 
and  formed  a  copartnership  there  with  Charles  Barrett,  Esq.  How 
far  either  of  these  concerns  was  profitable  is  now  unknown  ;  but  the 
field  of  enterprise  being  very  small  to  a  man  of  Mr.  Samuel  Apple- 
ton's  abilities,  in  1794-  he  concluded  to  try  his  fortune  in  Boston,  and 
Nathan,  though  only  fifteen,  was  invited  to  join  him.  There  is  some- 
thing peculiarly  pleasing  in  this  trait  of  brotherly  affection,  an 
affection  which  continued  unabated  to  the  end  of  their  lives. 

Nathan  left  home  and  went  to  his  brother  in  the  fall  of  that  year. 
He  commenced  as  a  clerk  under  him  in  a  small  shop  in  Cornhill,  now 
Washington  street.  The  business  was  buying  at  auction,  and  selling 
to  country  traders  ;  and  as  it  increased  rapidly,  his  brother  removed 
to  a  larger  store,  No.  50  in  same  street. 

When  a  young  man  tries  "  to  do  his  duty  in  that  state  of  life  unto 
which  it  shall  please  God  to  call  him,"  he  will  find  many  things  con- 
tributing, as  it  were  providentially,  to  promote  his  success.  For  in 
the  first  place,  Nathan  was  truly  fortunate  in  his  situation  ;  though 
in  a  large  place  where  there  were  numerous  temptations,  leading 
the  inexperienced  to  ruin,  yet  he  was  safe  under  the  eye  and  watch- 
ful care  of  a  fond  brother.  At  his  boarding  house  in  Quaker  lane, 
dow  Congress  street,  he  met  with  an  old  acquaintance,  Eliphalet  Hale, 
who  was  a   schoolmate  at  the  New  Ipswich  Academy.     He  taught 

4  Sketch  of  Hon.  Nathan  Jlpphton.  [Jan. 

him  book-keeping  by  double  entry —  a  knowledge  of  which  he  found 
so  essential  in  his  brother's  counting-room,  and  in  all  his  future  mer- 
cantile transactions,  that  in  his  Autobiography  he  sa3*s,  "  I  have 
always  attributed  to  a  want  of  attention,  a  great  portion  of  the  fail- 
ures which  take  place,  or  to  a  want  of  knowledge  in  the  proper  prin- 
ciples of  book-keeping.'''  Another  advautage,  in  his  situation,  was  the 
acquaintance  he  formed  ;  among  his  friends  were  Henry  Higginson, 
who  afterward  became  an  eminent  merchant,  and  Joseph  Story,  who 
had  been  a  fellow-patient  with  him  in  the  hospital  for  the  small  pox, 
and  who  was  destined  hereafter  to  be  a  great  civilian,  and  an  illus- 
trious judge.  With  young  Higginson  he  sought  the  celebrated  Mons. 
Francis  Sales,  afterwards  professor  of  French  at  Harvard  Univers- 
ity, and  they  boarded  a  year  or  two  in  his  family,  for  the  benefit  of 
speaking  French. 

Such  was  his  ardor  in  acquiring  a  knowledge  of  his  profession  and 
aiming  at  intellectual  improvement.  The  evening  hours,  which  are 
now  too  often  spent  by  young  men  in  idleness,  oyster  saloons,  ex- 
pensive places  of  amusement,  and  dissipation,  were  by  him  devoted 
to  Latin  or  French,  or  some  study  which  disciplined  the  mind.  What 
a  precious  gift  it  would  have  been  to  man}'  a  tyro  at  the  counter  or 
the  counting  room,  if  his  Autobiography  had  embraced  a  detail  of  the 
six  years  of  his  clerkship,  when  the  seed  was  sown,  the  fruit  of  which 
we  all  so  much  admire.  Gibbon  has  left  us  an  immortal  Diary  of  his 
mental  labors  ;  and  had  Mr.  Appletou  traced  the  particulars  of  the 
books  he  read,  the  studies  he  pursued,  and  the  labors  of  his  pen  at 
that  time,  such  a  work  would  have  shown  taste  of  a  high  and  noble 
rorder,  and  been'a  stimulus  to  young  clerks,  who  with  small  salaries, 
and  too  often  chilled  by  neglect,  need  encouragement. 

As  the  business  had  greatly  increased,  and  Mr.  Samuel  Appleton 
became  a  large  importer,  he  found  it  necessary  in  1799  to  make  a 
voyage  to  England,  in  order  to  establish  a  correspondence  and  pur- 
chase goods  for  the  American  market.  During  his  absence  he  left 
the  sole  care  and  management  of  the  store  to  his  young  brother,  not 
yet  twenty-one.  He  saw  his  worth  and  knew  his  qualifications,  and 
without  anxiety  he  committed  the  disposal  of  all  his  shipments  to 
him  ;  nor  was  he  disappointed  in  such  unlimited  confidence,  for  iu 
1800  he  took  him  into  copartnership  under  the  firm  of  S.  &  N.  Apple- 
ton,  5  South  row —  a  block  near  to  and  owned  by  the  Old  South 
Church,  in  Washington  street. 

In  November,  1801,  the  younger  partner  wrent  out  to  Liverpool,  on 
a  similar  business.  He  returned  in  July  of  the  ensuing  year.  Dur- 
ing his  absence  he  visited  the  Continent,  examined  the  splendid  mu- 
seums and  galleries  of  Paris,  and  at  a  grand  review,  from  an  eligible 
stand-point,  saw  the  great  Napoleon,  the  future  emperor  of  France. 
"  He  was  then,"  Mr.  Appleton  remarks,  "  thin  and  pale." 

His  connexion  with  his  brother  was  dissolved  in  1809,  and  he  ob- 
served, "My  life  thus  far  had  been  a  laborious  one."  In  1810  he 
formed  a  copartnership  with  his  brother  Eben,  and  Daniel  P.  Parker. 
This,  although  profitable,  was  closed  in  1813  in  consequence  of  the 
war  with  Great  Britain,  which  was  declared  June  19,  1812. 

He  was  married  in  180G,  to  Miss  Maria  Theresa,  daughter  of 
Thomas  Gold,  Esq.,  of  PittaSeld,  Mass.,  and  in  1810,  on  account  of 

r  ■ 

JS62.]  Sketch  of  Hon,  Nathan  Jlpjphton.  5 

her  health,  he  again  made  a  voyage  to  England.  They  visited  Scot- 
land and  its  beautiful  lakes,  and  then  spent  the  winter  in  Bath,  and 
in  Clifton,  near  Bristol,  for  the  benefit  of  the  springs.  The  next  May 
they  returned  home. 

In  the  sketches  of  his  life  he  refers  to  meeting  with  Francis  0. 
Lowell,  Esq.,  in  Edinburgh,  and  of  their  repeated  conversations  on 
the  cotton  manufacture.  This,  probably,  was  among  the  first  stirring 
thoughts  and  inward  movements  of  the  American  miud  on  this  sub- 
ject j  it  was  the  germ  of  a  vast  enterprise,  wherein  a  solid  founda- 
tion was  laid  for  a  new  kind  of  domestic  industry  and  commerce, 
destined  to  elevate  our  own  country  in  wealth  and  power,  and  rival 
England  before  another  generation  had  passed.  Indeed,  the  history 
of  the  origin,  growth  and  maturity  of  manufactures  in  the  United 
States,  would  fill  a  large  volume  with  instructive  matter.  They 
have  almost  changed  the  face  of  nature  in  some  of  the  Northern  and 
Middle  States  ;  promoting  agriculture,  planting  beautiful  villages, 
building  splendid  cities,  spreading  a  net  of  rail  roads  over  the 
country,  and  giving  employment  to  myriads  of  operatives  on  the 
land,  and  fleets  of  merchantmen  on  the  sea.  But  we  can  only  touch 
on  a  theme  so  fertile  and  point  to  those  illustrious  benefactors  who 
first  thought  of  a  cotton  factory,  and  then  with  all  their  energies 
and  fortunes,  laid  its  foundation  by  the  unfailing  waterfalls  of 

On  Mr.  Lowell's  return  in  1813,  he  and  Mr.  Appleton  again  re- 
newed their  favorite  topic.  Mr.  Lowell  was  sanguine  in  his  belief 
of  success  ;  Mr.  Appleton  was  at  first  timid  and  cautious  as  to  em- 
barking in  the  experiment.  A  charter,  with  $400,000  capital,  was 
obtained.  Mr.  Lowell  and  a  few  friends  began  with  $100,000  ;  Mr. 
Appleton  willingly  risked  $5000  in  the  same.  They  purchased  a 
water-power  at  Waltham,  on  the  Charles  river,  in  1813.  Mr.  Apple- 
ton  was  one  of  the  directors.  A  factory  was  erected,  and  the  new 
and  wonderful  invention  of  the  power-loom  introduced.  The  mill 
went  into  operation  in  1814,  under  the  charge  of  a  most'  ingen- 
ious machinist,  Paul  Moody,  whose  improvements  here,  and  after- 
wards at  Lowell,  were  deemed  of  great  value.  A  brilliant  success 
followed  —  a  question  of  infinite  importance  to  the  United  States 
was  solved  —  and  the  capital  having  been  increased  to  $200,000, 
another  mill  was  built  in  Watertown. 

Mr.  Appleton,  in  1815,  formed  a  connexion  in  business  with  Ben- 
jamin C.  Ward,  under  the  firm  of  B.  C.  Ward  &  Co.,  36  Broad  street  ; 
as  he  put  in  the  capital,  he  was  not  to  perform  any  of  the  labor  ;  he 
remarks,  "I  had  acquired  a  fortune  sufficient  for  my  moderate  de- 
sires." They  became  selling  agents  for  these  factories,  and  the 
business  was  lucrative. 

In  his  Autobiography  he  gives  a  comprehensive  and  interesting 
account  of  the  cotton  manufactures,  from  their  apparently  humble 
beginning  in  Waltham,  to  the  gigantic  structures  in  Lowell,  under 
.  the  incorporation  of  the  Merrimack  Manufacturing  Company  in  1822, 
touching  which  he  might  well  have  said,  Quorum  pars  magna  fui. 
Lowell  wa3  carved  out  of  the  town  of  Chelmsford  in  1826,  and  from 
a  small  gathering  of  operatives,  has  grown  into  a  city,  by  the  last 
census,  of  36,826  inhabitants.     It  is.  the  largest  manufacturing  place 

6  Sketch  of  Hon.  Nathan  Appleton.  [Jan. 

in  the  United  States.  At  the  generous  suggestion  of  Mr.  Appleton, 
the  name  was  adopted,  for  he  said,  Mr.  Lowell  —  by  introducing  the 
new  system  of  cotton  manufactures,  before  his  death  in  1817  —  "  was 
the  informing  soul  which  gave  direction  and  form  to  the  whole  pro- 
•  ceeding."  And  truly  the  unparalleled  success  of  this  great  enterprise 
has  raised  Massachusetts  to  a  Very  opulent  and  powerful  common- 

Let  a  person  only  cast  a  bird's  eye  view  over  the  hills  and  valleys 
of  New  England,  and  he  will  see  the  surpassing  and  astonishing  re- 
sults of  the  introduction  of  domestic  manufactures.  It  is  not  yet 
forty  years  since  Lowell,  Nashua,  Manchester,  Lawrence,  Lewiston, 
and  Holyoke,  have  risen  into  great  places  by  the  side  of  the  water- 
falls. It  was  said  of  old  that  Minerva,  the  goddess  of  wisdom,  was 
also  the  goddess  of  the  distaff  and  the  spindle  ;  and  she  seems  to 
have  left  her  ancient  temple,  the  Parthenon,  which  crowned  the 
Acropolis  of  Athens,  to  dwell  among  us  in  some  towering  manufac- 
tory. For  lofty  hills  have  been  leveled,  large  rivers  dammed, 
mountain  rocks  severed  and  hewn  into  water-courses  —  tall  forests 
mowed  down  by  the  axe,  and  stately  mills,  splendid  houses  and  paved 
streets  created  —  and  all,  as  it  were,  that  millions  of  her  spindles 
might  be  set  in  motion  to  sing  her  praise,  while  thousands  of  her  vo- 
taries are  weaving  the  web  of  commerce.  Have  not  these  wonders 
of  the  age  come  upon  us  like  a  dream  of  those  palaces  which  the 
Genii  created  in  one  Arabian  night  ?  And  to  whom  are  we  indebted 
for  this  magnificent  picture  of  national  prosperity  ?  To  a  few  men 
of  genius  and  courageous  enterprise,  in  the  front  rank  of  whom  were 
Francis  C.  Lowell  and  Nathan  Appleton. 

Mr.  Appleton  took  a  very  active  part  in  promoting  home  manufac- 
tures. He  studied  the  art  of  improving  the  beautiful  and  complica- 
ted machinery  by  which  they  were  brought  nearer  to  perfection.  He 
patronized  every  new  invention  which  could  be  of  any  service.  He 
made  himself  familiar  with  the  details  of  the  process  of  the  work,  as 
will  appear  from  his  clear  and  happy  description  of  the  power-loom, 
published  in  1858.  From  the  making  of  coarse  sheetings  and  shirt- 
ings by  water  power  at  surprisingly  cheap  yet  profitable  prices  —  by 
new  modes  of  bleaching  —  by  printing  of  calicoes  with  engraved 
cylinders  —  by  the  use  of  the  self-acting  mule,  a  kind  of  spinning 
machine  —  and  by  the  application  of  chemical  skill  in  forming  and 
fixing  colors,  his  mills  advanced  to  a  high  degree  of  finish.  Such 
was  his  knowledge  and  mastery  of  this  subject,  that  at  Dr.  Lieber'a 
request  he  wrote  a  valuable  article  on  the  Cotton  Manufactures  for 
hi 8  Dictionary. 

He  was  chosen  Representative  for  Boston,  in  our  Legislature,  five 
'times,  viz:  in  1816,  1821,  1823,  1824,  and  1826:  and  in  1816  he 
made  his  "  first  speech."  It  was  on  taxing  insurance  companies,  to 
which  he  rose  in  opposition.  For  several  sessions  he  was  chairman 
of  the  finance  committee,  on  whom  the  making  of  the  state  tax  de- 
volved—  an  office  requiring  much  practical  knowledge  and  sound 

In  1831  he  represented  Massachusetts  in  Congress,  a  time  when 
our  manufactures  needed  protection,  and  the  South  was  beginning  to 
growl  and  stir  up  a  rebellious  spirit  against  them.     Then  his  great 

1S62.]  Sketch  of  Hon.  Nathan  Appleton.  7 

abilities  and  profound  knowledge  of  this  subject  were  in  demand, 
and  lie  went  to  the  Capitol  with  a  prestige  which  few  merchants 
enjoyed.  He  represented  the  largest  and  richest  district  at  that 
time*  in  the  United  States.  Such  was  his  reputation  that  he  was 
ur^ed  to  write  his  view^  for  the  Banner  of  the  Constitution,  of 
winch  Mr.  Condy  Raguet  was  editor  ;  and  under  the  signature  of 
Statist  he  furnished  six  numbers  on  the  exportation  of  cottons, 
and  competing  with  England.  Mr.  Raguet,  however,  requested  the 
author's  name,  which  he  declined  to  give  ;  and  as  the  editor  did  not 
approve  of  his  views,  though  he  confessed  they  were  "calculated  to 
make  a  stirring  impression  upon  public  opinion,"  the  publication  of 
of  them  proceeded  no  farther.  The  fact  is,  he  feared  Statist  ;  for 
Mr.  Appletou  was  a  clear,  cogent  and  powerful  reasoner,  when  he 
undertook  to  write  on  commercial  matters.  He  was  a  deep  thinker, 
and  he  reasoned  from  facts  —  the  logic  of  common  sense  —  far  bet- 
ter than  all  the  dialectics  of  the  schools. 

He  lodged  in  Washington  at  Gadsby's  Hotel,  with  his  intimate 
friend,  Daniel  Webster,  and  enjoyed  the  light  which  the  mind  of  that 
great  and  extraordinary  man  threw  around  him.  He  made  three 
able  speeches  during  his  term  — in  January  21,  and  May  30,  1832, 
and  in  January,  23,  1833.  It  was  in  May  that  he  spoke  on  the  Pro- 
tective Policy  with  such  power  of  argument,  in  reply  to  Mr.  McDufSe, 
the  champion  of  the  South.  Mr.  McDuffie,  in  an  elaborate  speech 
specially  addressed  to  Mr.  Appleton,  as  he  came  over  and  stood  by 
his  side,  had  been  exceedingly  personal  ;  and  remarked,  speaking  of 
North  and  South,  that  "  they  were  rival  manufacturers,  one  opera- 
ting with  hoe  and  spade,  the  other  with  spindles  and  shuttles."  Mr. 
Appleton  had  prepared,  with  a  great  deal  of  care  and  time,  an  analy- 
sis of  his  opponent's  argument,  and  his  reply  to  this  Southron  did 
him  honor.  It  was  favorably  and  elaborately  reviewed  in  the  iW 
tional  Intelligencer,  and  in  a  note  to  him,  dated  June  1832,  Mr.  Webster 
compliments  it  most  highly.  "  You  have  completely  refuted  each 
and  every  of  Mr.  McDufhVs  propositions.  I  see  no  vestige  left  of 
one  of  his  arguments.  *  *  *  *  The  speech  is  a  model  of  close 
reasoning  on  an  abstruse  subject."  Approval  like  this  is  far  beyond 
the  shouts  of  the  million,  which  are  often  the  most  turbulent  when 
there  is  the  least  virtue  or  merit  to  elicit  them. 

In  his  maiden  speech  in  Congress,  January  21,  1832,  he  made  this 
bold  avowal  —  that  "  We  could  convert  a  pound  of  cotton  into  com- 
mon cloth  we  were  making,  for  less  money  than  the  British  could  do." 
A  fact  he  well  knew,  but  this  early  annunciation  of  it  alarmed 
many  of  his  friends.  A  few  years,  however,  demonstrated  its  truth. 
So  far  ahead  of  the  time  did  this  enlightened  merchant  look  into  the 
woven  tissues  of  futurity. 

The  renewal  of  the  United  States  Bank  came  up  this  session  with 
much  excitement  and  a  strong  array  of  eloquence.  Mr.  Biddie,  the 
great  Banking  Magician,  brought  all  his  artillery  to  bear  upon  the 
opposition.  He  was  then  idolized  as  a  profound  financier,  and 
thought  to  be  an  upright,  honorable  man.  Mr.  Appleton,  almost 
alone,  distrusted  him.  "My  faith,"  he  said,  "in  Mr.  Biddie  had  at 
this  time  been  materially  shaken."  He  saw  danger  ahead  and  was 
opposed  to  the  renewal.     Mr.  Clay  was  exceedingly  anxious  for  its 

8  Sketch  of  Hon.  JVathan  Appleton.  [Jan. 

success.  "  Bank,  or  no  Bank,"  was  the  issue.  The  affirmative  was 
an  article  in  the  creed  of  one  party,  the  negative  a  touchstone  of 
patriotism  in  the  other.  A  bill  however,  in  favor  of  its  renewal,  was 
driven  through  the  Senate,  and  hurried  through  the  House,  when 
Andrew  Jackson  sealed  its  fate  with  his  presidential  veto.  This 
bold  act  brought  down  on  his  head  the  execrations  of  many  who  after- 
wards blessed  him  for  the  deed,  for  the  corruption  of  Nicholas  Bid- 
die,  in  his  subsequent  Pennsylvania  "United  States  Bank,"  opened 
the  eyes  of  the  nation.  If  memory  exists  after  death  —  and  without 
it  where  is  our  identity  ?  —  what  must  be  the  memory  of  that  man, 
who  by  a  deliberate  system  of  frauds,  has  caused  the  ruin  of  thou- 
sands of  widows  and  orphans,  and  doomed  them  to  hopeless  penury  ? 

It  was  at  this  session  that  President  Jackson  gave  a  death-blow  to 
the  first  attempts  at  rebellion,  by  South  Carolina,  in  the  shape  of 
Nullification  ;  and  Mr.  Webster  uttered  that  splendid  and  terrible 
phillippic,  which  disarmed  the  Southern  Champion  and  crushed  the 
eggs  of  Treason  in  the  nest.  During  this  period  Mr.  Appleton  made 
his  third  able  speech,  which  was  on  the  bill  to  reduce  and  otherwise 
alter  the  Duties  on  Imports.  In  the  course  of  his  arguments,  he 
spoke  the  following  memorable  words,  some  of  which  are  here  ital- 
icised :  "There  is  another  question  —  Does  the  South  really  wish  the 
continuance  of  the  Union  1  I  have  no  doubt  of  the  attachment  of  the 
mass  of  the  South  to  the  Union,  as  well  as  of  every  other  section  of 
the  country.  But  it  may  well  be  doubted  whether  certain  leading  politicians 
have  not  formed  bright  visions  of  a  Southern  Confederacy!  This  would 
seem  to  be  the  only  rational  ground  for  accounting  for  the  movements 
of  South  Carolina.  A  Southern  Confederacy,  of  whicJi  South  Carolina- 
should  be  the  Central  State,  and  Charleston  the  Commercial  Emporium, 
may  present  some  temptations  to  individual  ambition." 

It  seems  as  though  he  was  then  standing  on  the  mount  of  vision, 
and,  like  a  prophet  in  the  days  of  the  Hebrew  commonwealth,  saw 
not  only  the  shadows,  but  realities  of  coming  events;  as  though  in 
his  mental  perspective  he  beheld  the  conspirators  plotting  the  seces- 
sion of  seven  states,  and  already  heard  the  echo  of  that  artillery 
which  broke  the  peace  of  the  Union  in  the  bombardment  of  Fort 
Sumter.  Alas  !  thirty  years  have  not  passed  since  those  words  were 
uttered,  and  these  calamities  have  come  over  the  happiest  land  that 
ever  smiled  under  the  breezes  of  Heaven.  He  lived  to  see  the  begin- 
ning, and  to  grieve  over  it  before  he  died.  But  thanks  to  Almighty 
God,  the  stars  and  stripes  still  wave  over  the  Capitol  in  Washington, 
and  we  trust  will  wave  in  their  glory,  when  the  Rebellion  shall  be 
no  more. 

He  received  a  letter  in  February,  informing  him  that  Mrs.  Apple- 
ton  was  dangerously  ill.  He  hastened  home,  but  arrived  on  the 
10th,  the  day  after  her  death.  At  the  urgency  of  his  friends,  he 
went  back  to  Congress,  but  after  the  session,  declined  being  a  can- 
didate again.  In  May,  1842,  he  was  the  successor  of  the  Hon.  Robert 
C.  Winthrop,  who  resigned  his  seat  as  representative,  from  sick- 
ness in  his  family.  He  spoke  again  on  the  Tariff,  and  at  the  end  of 
the  session  resigned  the  office  that  Mr.  Winthrop  might  be  re-elected. 

In  1835,  with  his  son  Thomas  and  two  daughters,  one  of  whom 
was  out  of  health,  he  embarked  for  Havre,   where   he   arrived   in 

1862.]  Sketch  of  Hon.  Nathan  Appleton.  9 

December.  He  crossed  the  Alps,  visited  Rome,  and  many  cities  in 
Italy  and  in  Germany,  which  he  describes  in  his  sketches.  Among" 
other  places  he  made  a  journey  to  Waldingfield,  in  England.  ITere 
he  received  the  "beautiful  genealogy,"  which  he  mentions,  of  his 
ancestors  in  England.  It  must  have  been  a  time  of  solemn  yet  sub- 
lime emotion,  when  he  looked  upon  their  ancient  mansion,  Holbrooke 
Hall,  entered  the  two  venerable  time-worn  churches,  and  among  the 
monuments  traced  the  armorial  bearings  of  his  progenitors,  some  of 
whom  were  knighted.  In  the  History  of  New  Ipswich,  there  is  a  long 
and  descriptive  letter  to  him,  from  his  brother  Eben,  in  1S18,  referred 
to  on  page  2,  in  which  he  gives  a  particular  account  of  his  researches 
in  Waldingfield,  and  concludes  in  this  affectionate  manner:  "I  shall 
be  pleased,  if  you  derive  half  the  satisfaction  in  reading  what  I  have 
collected,  that  I  have  done  in  the  research.  Surely  the  social  and 
moral  feelings  should  receive  improvement,  and  the  mind  be  stimu- 
lated to  virtuous  emulation,  by  wandering  amidst  the  tombs  of  our 
ancestors,  tracing  the  rude  inscriptions  which  record  their  peaceful 
virtues,  and  in  looking  back  to  an  extended  line,  who  have  descended 
to  their  graves  free  from  reproach.  Let  us  be  careful  to  leave  the. 
same  memorial  to  our  posterity." 

He  was  married  in  1839,  to  Miss  Harriot  C.  Sumner,  daughter  of 
Jesse  Sumner,  Esq.  By  the  first  wife  were  four  children:  Thomas 
Gold,  who  graduated  at  Harvard  University  in  1831;  Man-,  wife  of 
R.  J,  Mackintosh,  Esq.,  son  of  Sir  James  Mackintosh,  the  eminent 
writer;  Charles  Sedgwick,  who  died  Oct.  25,  1835;  and  Fanny,  who 
married  our  celebrated  poet,  Professor  Henry  W.  Longfellow,  and 
died  July  10,  1861.  There  were  three  children  by  the  last  marriage: 
William  Sumner,  a  graduate  of  Harvard  University,  1860;  Harriot 
and  Nathan. 

He  had  been  an  invalid  for  some  time.  The  last  summer  his  health 
failed  rapidly.  He  saw  his  end  approaching,  but  he  was  n'ot 
alarmed;  an  instance  of  the  great  truth,  that  An  honest  man  is  not 
afraid  to  die;  and  if  blessed  with  a  believer's  hope,  he  looks  for- 
ward to  a  change  with  joy.  He  died  July  14,  1861,  aged  81.  Per- 
haps his  death,  in  some  degree,  might  have  been  hastened  by  his 
sudden  and  terrible  bereavement  of  a  beloved  daughter,  Mrs.  Long- 
fellow, on  the  preceding  10th  of  July.  To  him  and  his  family  it  was 
an  awful  blow  ;  and  still  more  so  to  the  afflicted  husband  and  their 
five  children.  But,  the  house  of  mourning  is  sacred.  Mr.  Winthrop, 
has  touched  on  this  scene  of  sorrow  —  which  awoke  a  deep  sympa- 
thy in  all  hearts  —  with  such  tenderness  and  delicacy,  that  silence 
only  becomes  a  stranger,  as  he  passes  by  the  spot  with  noiseless  step. 
We  live  in  a  world  of  great  trial  ;  and  sometimes  in  the  sudden  stroke 
of  sorrow,  the  ways  of  Divine  Providence  are  mysterious,  and  seem 
hard  to  bear.  They  remind  us — I  speak  it  not  irreverently  —  of  the 
veiled  Isis,  of  Egypt,  "  I  am  all  that  has  been,  that  shall  be,  and  none 
among  mortals  has  hitherto  taken  off  my  veil." 

Mr.  Appleton  belonged  to  a  remarkable  family.  His  brother  Eben, 
who  died  at  Lowell,  April  29,  1833,  was  a  man  of  superior  literary 
tastes,  and  a  poetical  contributor  to  the  Port  Folio,  edited  1801-1812. 
by  Mr.  Dennie,  whose  pen  charmed  the  public  under  the  title  of  The 
Lay  Preacher.     His  brother  Samuel  died  July  12,  1853  j  a  biograph- 

10  Sketch  of  Hon.  Nathan  Appleton.  [Jan . 

ical  notice  of  whom  maybe  found  in  this  Register,  vol.  viii,  p.  9,  written 
by  the  late  Rev.  Ephraim  Peabody,  D.  D.,  where  his  memory  is  em- 
balmed by  this  eminent  scholar  and  fine  writer.  The  late  Rev.  Jesse 
Appleton,  D.  D.,  former  president  of  Bowdoin  College,  was  his  cousin; 
a  divine  of  rare  excellence,  who  left  such  a  lasting  impression  on  the 
minds  of  his  pupils,  that  the  life  of  this  good  man  seemed  like  "the 
sweet  influences  of  the  Pleiades."  The  Hon.  Wm.  Appleton  is  also  a 
cousin  —  our  late  member  of  Congress,  an  eminent  merchant. 

Mr.  Appleton  and  his  brother  Samuel,  occupied  adjacent  houses, 
and  their  cousin  William,  for  the  long  continuance  of  whose  life  the 
prayers  of  many  a  poor  family  are  daily  offered,  lives  within  a  short 
distance.  They  each  acquired  large  fortunes — Sua  quzsque  for- 
tune? faber  est.  Their  three  mansions  are  among  the  splendid  edi- 
fices on  the  western  side  of  Beacon  street,  where  it  widens  into  the 
fine  avenue  leading  to  Brookline;  and  they  overlook  our  beautiful 
Common,  with  its  shady  mall  and  its  picturesque  surroundings.  The 
dwellings  on  this  street  are  princely. 

Mr.  Appleton  was  a  great  reader,  as  well  as  a  deep  thinker.  The 
Hon.  Edward  Everett,  at  a  meeting  at  the  Merchants'  Exchange,  in 
some  eloquent  remarks  on  his  death,  observed  that  "he  retained  to 
the  last  his  literary  tastes,  kept  up  his  knowledge  of  the  Latin  lan- 
guage, was  fond  of  reading  and  writing,  and  gave  to  the  public  many 
carefully  prepared  efforts  of  his  pen.7'  And  his  Essay  on  Currency 
and  Banking,  —  Mr.  Winthrop  in  a  memoir  of  his  life  states,  — "is 
almost  worthy  of  being  studied  in  the  schools  as  an  elementary 
manual."  Geology  was  a  favorite  study,  and  his  notice  of  the 
grooves  on  rocks,  running  in  one  direction,  and  seen  from  Canada  to 
the  District  of  Columbia,  attracted  the  attention  of  men  of  science  at 
home  and  in  England.  His  style  of  composition  was  terse  and  lucid; 
he  indulged  in  no  flights  of  the  imagination,  and  never  sought  the 
adornment  of  rhetorical  diction.  He  wrote  to  the  purpose  and  to  the 
point,  as  an  intellectual  merchant  would  do:  a  class  of  men,  some  of 
whom  have  excelled  our  best  scholars  in  the  clearness  and  felicity  of 
their  correspondence. 

In  1847  he  was  elected  an  honorary  member  of  the  New  England 
Historic-Genealogical  Society,  and  in  1853,  at  his  own  request,  there 
was  a  change  into  that  of  a  resident  member.  His  merit  was  highly 
appreciated  by  our  noble  University  at  Cambridge,  which  in  1844 
conferred  on  him  the  degree  of  Master  of  Arts,  and  in  1S55  that  of 
Doctor  of  Laws.  He  was  a  member  of  the  American  Antiquarian 
Society,  of  the  American  Academy  of  Arts  and  Sciences,  and  several 
other  societies.  He  was  also  a  member  of  the  Massachusetts  His- 
torical Society,  the  president  of  which,  the  Hon.  Robert  C.  Winthrop, 
has  given  to  the  world  a  memoir  of  him,  exceedingly  interesting  and 
written  with  great  beauty  and  elegance. 

The  life  of  the  Hon.  Nathan  Appleton  is  .full  of  instruction  to  the 
young  and  to  the  old.  The  six  years'  probation  of  his  clerkship,  is  a 
model  for  young  men  to  imitate  ;  more  especially  those  who  have 
made  choice  of  the  mercantile  profession.  For  he  laid  the  founda- 
tion of  his  high  character  and  great  success  on  a  rock  —  the  rock  of 
inflexible  integrity  in  all  his  transactions.  His  noble  mind  soared 
far  above  that  low  cunning  which  is  too  often  deemed  a  sign  of  tal- 

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*  f 



Sketch  of  Hon.  Nathan  Jlppleton. 


ent.     He  was  studious,  industrious,  and  a  great  economizer  of  time, 
as  though  he  ever  felt  the  power  of  that  exquisite  line  of  Dante, 

Pensa,  che  questo  di  mai  non  raggiorna. 

Pause,  for  a  day  like  this  may  never  dawn  again. 

And  to  those  who  are  in  the  wane  of  life  his  example  is  encour- 
aging. After  he  had  retired  from  business,  and  the  years  were 
drawing  nigh  in  which  many  have  said,  in  the  lugubrious  words  of 
the  royal  Preacher,  "  I  have  no  pleasure  in  them,"  he  exhibited  to 
the  world  an  old  age  cheerful,  useful,  and  full  of  hope.  His  literary 
occupations  at  this  period  remind  us  of  Cicero,  who  wrote  the  Somni- 
um  Scipionis,  that  beautiful  treatise  on  Old  Age,  to  cheer  the  last 
days  of  his  own  life.  Is  it  an  immutable  law  of  our  nature,  that  the 
mind  shall  decay  with  the  body  ?  Must  old  age  necessarily  be  idle, 
morose  and  gloomy  —  a  weariness  to  itself  and  a  torment  to  others  ? 
Our  Creator  has  not  fixed  this  inevitable  doom  on  our  lot.  The  fault 
is  generally  in  ourselves.  If  early  life  has  been  free  from  vicious 
habits,  if  the  body  has  been  accustomed  to  temperance  and  exercise, 
if  the  powers  of  the  mind  have  been  kept  in  use  by  discipline,  study 
and  a  love  of  reading,  the  intellectual  powers  will  continue  vigorous 
and  cheerful  to  the  last.  Sophocles  died  in  his  91st  year.  Not  long 
before  his  death  his  ungrateful  children,  wishing  to  get  the  manage- 
ment of  his  property,  accused  him  of  insanity  before  the  Areopagus. 
His  only  defence  was,  reading  before  that  august  tribunal,  his 
immortal  tragedy  of  (Edijnis,  which  he  had  just  finished,  and  he  was 
acquitted.  The  faculties  of  Dr.  Franklin,  at  the  age  of  83,  were  as 
bright  as  ever  ;  Lord  Lyndhurst,  in  his  85th  year  was  a  vigorous 
debater  in  the  House  of  Lords  ;  and  Lord  Brougham,  still  older, 
stands  almost,  if  not  quite,  at  the  head  of  the  great  scholars  and 
writers  of  the  day.  Instances  of  this  kind  are  numerous.  Some  of 
the  best  articles  Mr.  App'eton  ever  wrote  were  the  fruit  of  a  happy 
old  age,  when  his  days  were  drawing  towards  the  sunset  of  life. 

At  his  obsequies  in  King's  Chapel,  a  large  number  of  citizens  were 
present,  and  among  them  several  of  our  most  distinguished  men. 
The  services  were  performed  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Gannett,  who  on  the 
next  sabbath  preached  an  eloquent  funeral  sermon  on  his  death. 
His  remains  were  deposited  in  Mount  Auburn,  where  departed  kin- 
dred and  friends  of  other  days  repose.  In  passing  beyond  the  massy 
gates  of  this  cemetery,  where  Nature  and  Art  have  contended  in 
beautifying  the  scenery,  the  stranger  amidst  the  numerous  sepul- 
chres and  monuments,  feels  as  though  the  world  with  all  its  gaiety, 
business  and  bustle,  was  left  behind  ;  while  the  mourner  seems  to 
forget  the  tears  trickling  down  his  cheek,  as  he  looks  upon  the  land- 
scape of  the  dead.  And  why  should  we  weep  at  the  grave  where 
the  natural  body  is  laid  away,  like  a  garment  in  a  wardrobe,  while 
the  spiritual  body  has  risen  and  gone  to  its  home  ? 

New  England  Historic-Genealogical   Society,  ) 
Sept.  5,  1861.  j 

At  a  regular  monthly  meeting  in  their  rooms,  No.  13  Bromfie'd 
street,  Boston,  the  President,  Winslow  Lewis,  M.  D.,  in  the  chair, 
Frederic  Kidder,  Esq.,  read  an  appropriate  article  on  the  death  of 

12  Prince's  Subscribers.  [Jan. 

the  Hon.  Nathan  Appleton,  which  he  concluded  with  these  re- 
marks : 

"  lie  died  as  he  had  lived,  in  peace  and  resignation.  Perhaps  his 
last  hours  were  embittered  by  the  sufferings  and  death  of  a  favorite 
daughter,  Mrs.  Longfellow.  He  had  attained  to  more  than  four  score 
years,  and  had  outlived  his  brothers  and  sisters,  and  nearly  every 
one  of  his  early  associates,  and  with  the  exception  of  his  cousin,  the 
Hon.  William  Appleton,  now  filling  his  former  place  in  Congress,  he 
may  be  said  to  be  the  last  of  the  Merchant  Princes  of  Boston — the 
Grays,  Thorndikes,  Perkinses,  Goddards,  Lawrences,  Appletons  — 
men  of  great  minds  and  great  hearts,  who  have  given  character  to 
our  city.     When  shall  we  look  upon  their  like  again  ?" 

He  then  presented  the  following  Resolutions,  which  were  unani- 
mously passed  : 

Resolved,  That  in  the  death  of  the  Hon.  Nathan  Appleton,  LL.  L\, 
our  city,  state  and  nation,  have  lost  a  man  whose  place  cannot 
easily  be  supplied;  and  whose  long",  quiet  and  unostentatious  labors 
have  resulted  in  great  benefit  to  his  country. 

Resolved,  That  we  desire  particularly  to  testify  to  his  services  in 
the  cause  of  Education,  Literature,  History  and  Genealogy,  and  in 
gratitude  to  his  memory  place  these  resolutions  on  the  records  of 
our  society. 


[Continued  from  vol.  xv,  page  333.] 
[Communicated  by  Ashbel  Woodward,  M.  D.,  of  Franklin,  Conn. 

We  propose  in  this  article  to  furnish  short  notices  of  all  the  in- 
dividuals on  Prince's  list  bearing  the  name  of  Green.  The  first 
three,  though  born  in  and  near  Boston  about  the  same  period  of  time, 
were  of  distinct  origin.  According  to  Savage,  there  were  more  than 
eighty  of  this  name  in  the  New  England  colonies,  who  might  be  re- 
garded as  founders  of  families  before  the  year  1100.  The  four  last, 
on  the  contrary,  were  members  of  a  single  family — a  father  and 
three  sons — of  these,  three  at  least  followed  the  same  occupation. 
The  members  of  this  family,  including  some  of  their  ancestors,  may 
be  regarded  as  pioneers  in  the  printing  business,  especially  in  jour- 
nalism, in  this  country. 

JOHN  GREEN,  A.  M.,  was  a  son  of  John  and  Izabell  Green  of 
Maiden,  where  he  was  born  March  20,  1699-1700.  Having  graduated 
at  Harvard  College,  in  1719,  he  became  a  preacher,  but  never  was  or- 
dained. Subsequently  he  entered  into  mercantile  business  in  Boston. 
In  the  Journal  of  the  General  Court  of  Massachusetts,  Nov.  22,  1734,  is 
allusion  to  John  Green  of  Maiden  and  others,  who  petitioned  to  be 
annexed  to  Stoneham.  In  the  same  journal,  Jan.  9,  1739-40,  allusion 
is  made  to  John  Green,  merchant,  and  others,  who  surrendered  lands 
to  the  government,  lying  in  the  Upper  Housatonic,  in  order  to  favor 
the  settlement  of  the  Indian  town  now  called  Stockbridge. 

Rev.  JOSEPH  GREEN,  A.  M.,  of  Barnstable,  was  a  son  of  Joseph 
Green  of  Boston,  and  was  baptized  by  Cotton  Mather,  June  22,  1701. 

1862.]  Prince's  Subscribers,  13 



He  graduated  at  Harvard  College,  1720,  and  was  settled  over 
East  Parish  in  Barnstable,  May  12,  1725;  having  been  ordained 
same  day  that  the  church  was  organized  at  that  place.  The  Rev. 
Ebenezer  Gay  of  Hingham,  preached  the  ordination  sermon,  which  was 
printed,  and  is  now  in  the  possession  of  the  writer.  This  sermon  is 
prefaced  with  a  commendatory  introduction  of  three  pages,  by  Rev. 
Thomas  Foxcroft.  He  died  Oct.  4,  1770.  He  was  the  only  minister 
who  ever  spent  his  whole  life  with  that  society. 

In  the  Boston  Ne.zcs  Letter  of  July  4,  1745,  is  an  obituary  notice 
dated  at  "Barnstable,  June  6,"  which  reads  thus:  "This  day  died 
here  after  a  few  weeks  confinement  in  the  38th  year  of  her  age,  Mrs. 
Hannah  Green,  the  virtuous  consort  of  the  Rev.  Mr.  Joseph  Green 
Pastor  of  a  church  in  this  Town,  and  daughter  of  the  Rev.  Mr.  Jona- 
than Russell  one  of  the  former  ministers  of  this  place,  and  the 
youngest  of  ten  children  which  that  gentleman  left  behind  him  at 
his  death,  the  other  nine  being  all  yet  alive." 

JOSEPH  GREEN,  A.  M.,  merchant,  was  born  in  Boston  in  1706; 
graduated  at  Harvard  College  in  1726;  and  thereafter  devoted  him- 
self to  commercial  pursuits.  He  was  appointed  mandamus  counsel- 
or, but  it  is  believed  he  did  not  take  the  oath  of  office.  His  name 
is  found  among  the  addressors  of  Hutchinson.  He  was  a  wit  and 
poet.  Being  associated  with  a  kindred  club,  he  freely  indulged  in 
humor  and  satire,  and  not  even  spared  the  measures  of  the  govern- 
ment. He  published  several  of  his  performances,  which  were  mostly 
of  a  humorous  character.  Of  these  may  be  mentioned:  A  Burlesque 
on  a  Psalm  of  a  Brother  Wit,  Br.  Mather  Byles,  Ridicule  of  Free  Masons, 
and  Lamentation  on  Mr.  Old  Tenor,  Paper  Money. 

Though  one  of  the  Boston  memorialists  in  1760,  and  a  member  of 
a  committee,  with  Samuel  Adams,  to  report  instructions  to  the  Boston 
representatives  in  1764,  In  was  found  finally  among  the  adherents 
of  the  crown,  and  became  an  exile  to  England  at  an  early  stage  of 
the  war  of  the  revolution,  where  he  died  a  few  years  later  (1780)  at 
the  age  of  74. 

Mr.  TIMOTHY  GREEN  of  New  London,  printer,  was  a  son  of 
Samuel  of  Boston,  where  he  was  born  about  the  year  1679. 

He  descended  from  Bartholomew,  who  arrived  and  settled  in  Cam- 
bridge in  1632,  with  his  family,  but  died  shortly  afterwards.  His 
eldest  son,  Samuel,2  born  in  England,  about  the  year  1614,  and  who 
came  with  his  father,  was  admitted  a  freeman  March  4,  1635,  and 
became  a  printer,  being  the  second  in  the  colony,  having  succeeded 
Stephen  Daye.  He  was  town  clerk  some  years;  captain  of  the  town 
militia  thirty  years,  and  engaged  at  the  press  fifty  years.  The 
greatest  work  which  he  carried  through  the  press,  was  the  Indian 
Bible,  of  which  he  printed  two  editions  in  1683  and  1686. 

He  had  by  two  marriages,  nineteen  children.  He  died  Jan.  1, 
1702,  aged  88  years.  His  eldest  son,  Samuel,3  born  March  6,  1648; 
was  taught  the  art  of  printing  by  his  father.  He  resided  in  Boston, 
and  was  printer  for  the  time  being  for  the  government.  He  died  in 
July,  1690,  of  the  small  pox.*  His  son  Timothy,4  our  client,  was  a  mem- 

*  Bartholomew,  youngest  brother  of  the  second  Samuel3  Green,  was  the  printer 
of  the  first  newspaper  issued  upon  the  American  continent.  This  was  the  Bctzon 
News  Litter,  and  the  first  No.  appeared  in  April,  1704. 

]4  Prince's  Subscribers.  [Jan. 

ber  of  Cotton  Mather's  church,  in  the  year  1700,  where  his  sons  were 
baptized  as  follows:  Timothy,5  baptized  March  10,  1703;  Samuel,5 
April  21,  1706;  John,5  July' 25,  170S;  Nathaniel,5  April  2,  1710, 
and  Jonas,5  Dec.  28,  1712. 

He  conducted  a  press  in  Boston,  in  the  north  part  of  the  town  for 
thirteen  years,  after  which  he  was  induced  to  remove  to  New  London 
in  1714,  by  encouragement  held  out  by  the  General  Assembly  of 
Connecticut,  which  offered  a  salary  of  £50  a  year,  besides  the  work 
of  government.  Green  printed  many  pamphlets  on  religious  subjects, 
particularly  sermons. 

He  was  pious  and  benevolent,  and  possessed  in  a  remarkable 
degree,  what  seem  to  be  family  traits  of  character,  great  cheerful- 
ness and  humor.  He  died  May  5,  1757,  being  at  the  time  a  deacon 
of  the  church  in  New  London. 

SAMUEL  GREEN,5  though  not  on  Prince's  list,  nor  yet  the  eldest 
son  of  Deacon  Timothy,  may  not,  perhaps,  inappropriately  be  noticed 
in  this  place,  as  he  was  associated  with  his  father  in  the  printing 
business.  He  married  Nov.  12,  1733,  Abigail,  daughter  of  Rev.  Thomas 
Clark,  late  minister  at  Chelmsford,  Mass.  By  this  marriage  he  had 
nine  children,  three  of  whom  were  sons.  He  died  in  May,  1752.  His 
three  sons  all  became  printers,  having  been  instructed  in  the  art  by 
their  uncle,  Timothy. 

Thomas,6  the  eldest,  began  printing  in  Hartford,  in  1764.  The 
same  year  he  commenced  the  publication  of  the  Connecticut  Courant, 
the  third  newspaper  established  in  the  Colony.  After  a  few  years, 
he  removed  to  New  Haven,  where  he  became  established  in  business, 
at  first  with  his  brother  Samuel,  and  subsequently  with  his  son 

Timothy,6  the  second  son  of  Samuel,  commenced  the  publication 
of  the  New  London  Gazette,  in  1763.  This  took  the  place,  and  was  in 
a  measure  a  continuance  of  the  New  London  Summary,  commenced 
five  years  earlier.  In  1789,  he  became  associated  in  business  with 
his  son,  the  late  Col.  Samuel  Green.  The  Gazette  continued  to  be 
published  by  the  family  till  1841.* 

Samuel,6  the  third  son,  was  the  successor  of  Mecom  at  New  Haven, 
in  1767,  where  he  was  soon  after  joined  by  his  brother  Thomas,  who 
became  associated  with  him  in  business. 

Mr.  TIMOTHY  GREEN,5  printer,  was  the  eldest  son  of  Deacon 
Timothy.  He  became  associated  in  the  printing  business  in  Boston, 
with  Samuel  Kneeland,  in  1727.  About  this  time  they  started  the 
fourth  newspaper  printed  on  the  continent,  The  New  England  Journal. 
After  a  few  years  this  was  united  with  the  Boston  Gazette,  the  second 
newspaper  established  in  the  British  colonies  of  North  America.  The 
two  papers  were  united  under  the  title  of  The  Boston  Gazette  and  Weekly 
Journal.  The  partnership  of  Kneeland  &  Green  continued  for  twenty- 
five  years.  In  1752,  Green  removed  to  New  London,  and  became 
the  acting  manager  in  his  father's  business,  the  whole  of  which  was 
soon  resigned  to  him.     He  succeeded  his  father  as   printer  of  the 

*  Green's  Connecticut  Register,  was  commenced  by  Timothy  Green,  in  1TS5,  was 
continued  by  Timothy  and  son,  and  afterwards  by  the  sod,  annually,  with  the  ex- 
ception of  a  single  year  (1767),  to  1852,  making  76  volumes. 

3S62.J  Prince's  Subscribers*  15 

colony;  and  at  this  time  there  was  no  other  press  in  Connecticut.  He 
commenced  the  publication  of  the  Ncic  London  Summary  and  Weekly 
Advertiser,  Aug.  8,  1758.  This  was  the  second  establishment  of  the 
kind  in  the  colonv.  After  a  life  of  industry  and  usefulness,  he  died 
Oct,  3,  1763. 

Mr.  NATHANIEL  GREEN5  of  New  London,  was  the  fourth  son  of 
Dea.  Timothy  Green.  Hem.  Jan.  17,  1738-9,  Mary,  widow  of  Richard 
Christophers, •°>d  by  whom  he  had  two  daughters:  Katharine,  born 
June  6,  1740,  and  Lydia,  born  April  22,  1742.  In  1745,  he  joined  the 
expedition  against  Cape  Breton,  under  Gen.  Wolcott.  In  this  brilli- 
ant expedition,  he  held  a  lieutenant's  commission. 

\  Mr.  JONAS  GREEN  of  Philadelphia,  printer,  the  youngest  brother 

of  the  last,  was  born  in.  Boston,  and  served  an  apprenticeship  with 
his  father  in  New  London.  After  spending  a  few  years  in  the  print- 
ing house  of  Kneeland  &  Green,  in  Boston,  he  went  to  Philadelphia. 
While  there  he  was  employed  in  the  printing  houses  of  Bradford  and 
Franklin.  The  government  of  Maryland  having  invited  him  thither, 
in  1740  he  opened  a  printing  house  in  the  city  of  x\nnapolis.  He  wra3 
appointed  printer  for  the  colony,  with  an  annual  salary  of  .£500  cur- 

In  1745,  he  commenced  the  publication  of  a  weekly  newspaper, 
entitled  the  Maryland  Gazette,  which  continued  to  be  published  by 
himself  and  family  for  about  seventy  years.  He  died  April  7,  1767, 
much  respected.  His  wife,  Anne  Catherine  Green,  wras  born  in  Hol- 
land, and  came,  when  an  infant,  with  her  parents  to  Maryland.  She 
was  the  mother  of  six  sons  and  eight  daughters. 

[Communicated  by  Rev.  Richard  S.  Edes  of  Bolton,  Mass.] 

JOHN  LARRABEE,  Boston.  Hitherto  attempts  to  discover  the 
parentage  of  this  individual,  have  been  unsuccessful.  Not  improba- 
bly he  was  born  in  Lynn,  but  the  early  records  of  that  town  being 
destroyed,  nothing  certainly  can  be  ascertained.  If  his  age  is  given 
correctly  in  notices  of  his  death,  which  took  place  in  Feb.  1762,  he 
was  born  in  1686.  About  1712,  in  the  capacity  of  private  soldier, 
we  find  him  at  Castle  William  (now  Fort  Independence),  in  Boston 
harbor.  In  1720  he  was  quarter-gunner,  and  in  1725  he  had  risen 
(the  lieutenant-governor  of  the  province  being  styled  the  command- 
er) to  the  position  of  V  captain  lieutenant  and  victualler."  Proba- 
bilities favor  the  idea  that  the  office  last  named  was  somewhat  ana- 
logous to  that  of  lieutenant-colonelof  a  modern  regiment.  Records 
in  the  Secretary  of  State's  Office,  show  Capt.  L.  repeatedly  charg- 
ing not  only  for  "victualling  the  garrison,"  but  also  for  "repairs 
on  Castle  William,"  for  "  disbursments  for  sails  &  cordage  for 
the  boats,"  and  for  "extraordinary  table  expenses  he  had  been  at," 

We  find  on  the  Records  of  the  Town  of  Maiden,  that  on  Sept.  29th, 
1710,  "JohnLereby  m.  Elizabeth  Jordan;"  and  on  Boston  Records, 
"Children  of  John  &  Elizabeth  Larrabee— John,  b.  19  Apr.  1713; 
Elizabeth,  b.  4  Feb.  1715;  Sarah,  b.  12  July,  1719."     The  elder  daugh- 

16  Prince's  Subscribers.  [Jan. 

ter,  Elizabeth,  died  unmarried,  May  2,  1T46,  The  younger  daughter, 
Sarah,  married  Dec.  21, 113S,  Thomas  Edes  (ship  carpenter)  of  Boston. 
Edward  Edes,  a  large  ship  baker,  corner  of  Salem  and  North  Bennet 
streets,  and  owner  of  considerable  estate  at  the  North  End,  who  died 
Sept.  8th,  1803,  was  one  of  ten  children,  descendants  of  the  pair  just 
named;  Mrs.  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Master  (so  styled)  James  Carter,  a 
quite  noted  teacher  in  King  street,  another;  and  Mrs.  Rebecca,  wife 
of  Major  Lemuel  Trescott  of  Washington  county,  Maine,  who  had 
been  an  officer  in  the  army  of  the  revolution,  another. 

Capt.  Larrabee,  it  appears,  had  three  brothers,  viz:  Benjamin,  who 
in  1730,  in  consideration  of  £150,  deeds  him  a  piece  of  pasture-land 
at  the  North  End  in  Boston;  also  Ephraim  and  Samuel,  who  in  Capt. 
John's  will,  made  in  1160,  receive  legacies,  He  had  also  a  sister, 
Mrs.  Margaret  Brock,  and  a  negro  man  named  York,  whom  in  the 
will  he  "  manumits  &  sets  free,"  giving  him  a  suit  of  mourning,  &c. 
The  executors  named  in  the  will  above  referred  to  are,  his  "  son, 
John  Larrabee,  his  son-in-law,  Thomas  Edes,  and  his  much  respected 
friend,  Capt.  Nathaniel  Greenwood." 

One  or  two  incidental  notices,  in  manuscript  and  print,  which  have 
been  preserved,  strengthen  the  good  opinion  of  Capt.  Larrabee's 
trustworthiness  and  capacity,  which  in  consequence  of  his  long  re- 
tention in  office  (thirty-seven  years)  we  are  allowed  to  form.  In 
Jan.  1752,  Gov.  Belcher,  writing  from  Elizabethtown,  N.  J.,  rejoices 
"in  honest  Capt.  Larrabee's  so  much  recovered  his  Health,  which  he 
prays  God  to  confirm  to  him,  and  without  Derogation  to  the  merit  of 
any  other  person,  knows  not  who  can  better  till  the  Post  he  now 
sustains."  In  obituaries  contained  in  the  Boston  Gazette  and  Boston 
Post  Boy,  of  Feb.  1762,  Capt.  L.  is  commended  for  "uprightness  in- 
tegrity, generous  publick  spirit,  plain-heartedness,  humanity,  and 
freedom  from  guile."  He  is  also  spoken  of  as  a  "sincere  Christian," 
and  "dear  to  the  soldiers  at  the^Castle,  who  lovd  &  revered  him  as 
their  Friend  &  Father." 

A  full  length  portrait  of  him  is  in  the  possession  of  his  descendant, 
Mrs.  Henry  N.  Conklin  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

PETER  EDES,  hatter,  a  respectable  citizen  of  Charlestown;  son  of 
John  and  Grace  (Lawrence)  E.,  born  in  Charlestown,  Sept,  15th, 
1705,  and  died  1787  or  '88.  His  grandparents  were  John  and  Mary 
(Tofts)  E.,  (married  Oct.  15th,  1674)  who  were  also  of  Charlestown, 
and  from  whom  all  persons  of  the  name  Edes  or  Eades,  now  living 
in  this  country,  are  probably  descended.  Whether  William  E., 
Salem,  1629,  was  the  original  ancestor  of  all,  as  no  records  remain 
to  show,  conjecture  only  can  determine.  Peter  Edes  married  Esther, 
daughter  of  Stephen  and  Grace  (Willis)  Hall,  Dec.  10th,  1729;  and 
by  her  had  seven  children,  among  whom  was  Benjamin,  born  Oct. 
14th,  1732,  printer,  afterwards  of  the  firm  of  Edes  &  Gill,  publish- 
ers of  the  Boston  Gazette  and  Coventry  Journal.  Benjamin  married 
Martha  Starr,  somewhere  about  1754.  and  by  her  had  a  family  of  ten 
children.  Their  descendants  are  living  in  Bangor,  Me.;  Georgetown, 
D.  C;  and  other  places.  They  claim  to  own  the  punch  bowl  out  of 
which  the  "  Indians  "  drank  on  the  evening  when  the  tea  was  de- 
stroyed in  Boston  Harbor. 

1S62.]  Records  of  Wethersfield,  Conn.  17 


[Communicated  by  Hon.  R.  R.  Hixman  of  New  York.] 

[Continued  from  vol.  xv,  page  298.] 

Bishop,  John  and  Sarah,  were  m.  Jan.  **,  1675.  Issno — Sarah, 
b.  July  3,  1678. 

Butler,  Ensigne  Samuel,  deacon  of  ye  church  at  Wethersfield,  de- 
ceased Bee.  31,  1692,  the  last  day  of  ye  week,  ye  last  day  of  ye 
month,  ye  last  day  of  ye  year,  and  as  he  had  said,  soe  it  proved,  ye 
last  day  of  his  life.     Elizabeth  his  wife  d.  Oct,  12,  1681. 

Butler,  Nathaniel,  d.  Feb.  9,  1697,  aged  56  years  or  thereabouts. 

Butler,  Joseph,  d.  Mar.  20,  1712. 

Butler,  Wni.  and  Hannah,  dau.  of  Win.  Hills,  were  m.  May  23,  1695. 
Is.— Eunice,  b.  Jam  12,  '96;  Sarah,  Jam  11,  '98;  Peter,  Apl;  9,  1700; 
Ruth,  Apl.  29,  '02.     Mr.  W.  B.  d.  May  20,  1714. 

Butler,  Sam'.,  deac11  B.'s  son,  and  Mary,  dam  of  Scrg'.  John  Kil- 
burue,  were  m.  Nov.  26,  1696.  Is.— Elizabeth,  b.  Apl.  30,  '98;  Sam1. 
June  29,  1702;  George,  Oct.  6,  '04,  and  d.  Feb.  26,  '25;  Daniel,  Feb. 
8,  ?07;  Abraham,  Mar.  19,  '09.  Mr.  S.  B.  d.  Dec.  30,  1711;  and  Mrs.  M. 
B.,  Aug.  27,  1752. 

Butler,  James  and  Hannah,  dau.  of  Joseph  Edwards,  were  m.  May 
6,  1703.  Is.— Hannah,  b.  Sep.  26,  '05;  Hezekiah,  Apl.  29,  '08;  James, 
Feb.  4,  712;  William,  Feb.  8,  '15.  Mrs.  H.  B.  d.  Jan.  10,  '42;  and  Mr. 
J.  B.,  Nov.  7,  1765,  in  the  89th  year  of  his  age. 

Butler,  Charles,  son  of  Joseph  B.,  and  Susana,  dau.  of  Amos  Wil- 
liams, were  m.  May  17,  1704.  Is. — Mary,  b.  Feb.  25, '06;  Bathsheba, 
Sep.  21,  '09;  Charles,  Mar.  11,  '12,  and  d.  May  1,  '13.  Mr.  C.  B.  de- 
ceased on  y°  25th  day  of  Sep.,  1711;  being  in  the  Queen's  service 
dyed  at  Milford  as  he  was  coming  home. 

Butler,  Richard  and  Sarah  Goodrich,  were  m.  Dec.  15,  1725.  Is. — 
Sarah,  Feb.  20,  '27;  Joseph,  Dec.  20,  '29;  Charles,  July  19,  1732. 

Butler,  Daniel  and  Armiuel.  dau.  of  Josiah  Churchell,  were  m.  Mav 
14,  1730.  Is.— Elizabeth,  b.  Mar.  11/ '31;  Mary,  Oct,  18,  '32,  and  d. 
July  20,  '48;  Sarah,  Sep.  11,  '34;  Abigail,  Feb.'lO,  '37;  Eunice,  July 
26, '39;  Prudence,  Oct.  21, '41;  George,  Dec.  26, '43,  and  d.  in '47; 
Samuel,  Feb.  10,  '46;  Lvdia  and  Hannah,  Apl.  12,  '48;  George,  Feb. 
22/50.     Mrs.  A.  B.  d.  Aug.  27,  1752. 

Butler,  Hezekiah  and  Rebecca  Staudish,  were  m.  Jan.  19.  1732. 
Is.— Lois,  b.  Nov.  9,  '32,  and  d.  in  '41:  Rebecca,  May  12,  '35;  James, 
Dec.  9,  '36;  Hezekiah,  April  6,  '40;  Lois.  Nov.  3,  '42,  and  d.  in  '46; 
JoSiah,  July  8,  '45;  John,  Aol.  24,  '53.  Mrs.  R.  B.  d.  Mar.  22,  '76; 
and  Mr.  H.  B.,  Dec.  17,  1786. 

Butler,  Thomas  and  Sarah  Churchill,  were  m.  Nov.  22,  1737.  Is.— 
Chloe,  b.  Jan.  31,  '39;  Huidah,  Feb.  15,  '41;  Rhoda,  Jan.  7,  '43:  Josiah, 
Nov.  12,  '45;  Sarah,  Feb.  1,  '47;  Elisha,  Dec.  2,  '48;  Elizabeth,  Aug. 
19,  1753. 

Butler,  William  and  Lucy  Goodrich,  were  m.  Nov.  8,  1739.     Is. — 
Wm.,  b.  Apl.  16,  '41;  Marianne,  Dec.  22,  '42,  and  d.  in  '50;  Theodore, 
Sep.  26,  '44;  Roger,  Sep.  20,  '46;  Chloe,  Nov.  7,  1750. 

IS  Records  of  Wethersficld,  Conn.  [Jan. 

Butler,  Charles  and  Jertisha  Goodrich,  were  m.  Nov.  19,  1740.  Is. 
— Jerusha,  b.  Jan.  31,  '42;  Ruth,  Feb.  15,  '44;  Joseph,  Xov.  4,  '45; 
Moses,  Mar.  20,  '47;  Benjamin,  Jan.  5,  '51;  Mercy,  Dec.  20,  1753. 

Butler,  Samuel  and  Naomi  Kilborn,  were  m.  Apl.  4,  1751.  Is. — 
Naomi,  b.  Aug.  10,  '52.  Mrs.  N.  B.  died  Aug-.  13,  '52.  S.  B.  and  Abi- 
gail Addams,  were  m.  June  26.  1755. 

Butler,  Charles,  J1'.,  and  Azubah  Ranney,  were  m.  Oct.  24,  1754. 
Is. — Simeon,  b.  Aug.  13,  1755. 

Butler,  Josiah  and  Martha  Ranney,  were  m.  Oct.  10,  1769.  Is. — 
Simeon,  b.  Mar.  25,  '70;  Lois,  Apl.  3,  1772. 

Butler,  James  and  Hannah  Wright,  were  m.  Apl.  8,  1770.  Is.— 
James,  b.  Dec.  24,  1772. 

Butler,  Roger  and  Hannah  Hanmer,  were  m.  Feb.  22,  1709.  Is.— 
Lucy,  b.  May  3,  '09:  Roger,  Apl.  20,  1771. 

Butler,  John  and  Love  Smith,  were  m.  Feb.  9,  1777.  Is. — Sarah, 
b.  Apl.  26,  '78;  Betsey,  Oct.  8,  '80;  Hopee,  Feb.  22,  '83;  Polly,  June 
19,  'So;  Clarissa,  Jan.  8,  '88;  Hezekiah,  Jan.  IS,  '90;  Emily,  Mar.  30, 

Butler,  Frederick  of  Hartford,  and  Mary,  dan.  of  Col.  Th°.  Belden, 
were  m.  Jan.  11,  1787.  Is.-- -Mary  Porter,  b.  Apl.  18,  '88,  and  d.  Nov. 
15,  1832;  Charlotte,  Feb.  16,  '90;  Frederick  Augustus,  July  17,  '92, 
and  d.  Sep.  20,  1815;  Rosweil,  Apl.  24,  '95;  Abigail  Porter,  Feb.  26, 
'98,  and  d.  Feb.  6,  '32;  Elizabeth,  Aug.  7,  1802,  and  d.  Mar.  12,  '33; 
Julia  Ann,  July  30,  '04;   Thomas,  Aug.  22,  '06.     Mrs.  M.  B.   d.    Jan. 

17,  '11;  and  Mr.  F.  B.,  Mar.  12,  1833,  aged  78. 

Buttolph,  John.  Is.  of,  by  Hannah  his  wife — Jonathan,  b.  Jan.  8, 
1677;  Joseph,  Dec.  12,  ?S0,  and  d.  in  '83.  Mrs.  H.  B.  d.  June  6,  '*8il 
Mr.  J.  B.  and  Abigail  were  m.  June  27,  '82.  Is. — Abigail,  b.  Apl.  3, 
'83;  James,  Dec.  22,  '84.     Mrs.  A.  B.  d.  June  5,  '87;  and  Lt.  B.,  Jan. 

18,  1692, 

Benton,  Edwd,  d.  Feb.  20,  1698,  and  Mary  his  wid.  Aug.  8,  1702. 

Benton,  Samuel  and  Mary,  dau.  of  Sam1.  Bradfield,  were  m.  Feb. 
1,  1705.  Is.— Sarah,  b.  Mar"  19,  1707;  Hannah,  July  1,  '10;  Nath'1, 
Mar.  8,  '14,  and  died  9  days  old;  Jonathan,  Oct,  23,  '15;  Nathanaell, 
April  9,  '18;  Abigail,  Nov.  4,  1720.  Mrs.  B.  d.  Dec.  6,  1747;  and  Mr. 
Benton,  1752. 

Benton,  Jonathan  and  Hannah  Beckley,  were  m.  May  6,  1742.  Is. 
— Lydia,  b.  Feb.  1,  '43;  Samuel,  Sept.  4,  '45;  Jonathan,  Mar.  18,  '48. 
Mrs.  H.  B.  d.  Jan.  18,  1750,  in  the  40th  year  of  her  age.  J.  Benton 
and  Deborah  Williams  were  m.  Aug.  24,  1750.  Mrs.  D.  B.  d.  Nov.  12, 

Benton,  Nathanael  and  Dorothv  Cook,  were  m.  Oct.  13,  1745.  Is. 
—John,  b.  Mar.  13,  '46;  Mary,  Mar.  30,  '51.  Mr.  Benton  d.  Dec.  3, 

Benton,  John  and  Mary  Blin,  were  m.  May  3,  1764.  Is. — Nathaniel, 
b.  June  29, '65;  George,  July,  1,  ;6S;  Mary,  Jan.  30,  '71;  Rebecca, 
Feb.  21,  '73:  Dorothv,  Aug.  22,  '76:  John,  Fob.  16,  '79;  Simeon,  April 
15,  '81;   Haiiey  (dau.),  Mar.  14,  '84;  Harriet,  Mar.  22,  1786. 

Benton,  James  of  Sew  Haven,  and  Amanda  A.  Flint  of  Wethers- 
field,  were  ra.  May  9,  1833. 

Benton,  John  J.  of  Hartford,  and  Lucy  S.  Griswold  of  this  place, 
were  m.  Oct.  12,  1846. 

1862.]  Records  of  Weihers/ield,  Conn.  19 

Bement,  William.  Children  of,  by  his  wife  Phcebe — Phebe,  b.  Jan. 
22,  1734;  Penelope,  Oct.  11,  '35;  William,  Aug.  21,  '37;  Asa,  Feb.  4, 
739;  Ebenezer,  Jan.  3,  '41;  Samuel,  Dee.  25,  '42;  Hannah,  Oct.  25,  '44; 
Edith,  Sept.  14,  '40;  and  Edith,  April  26, '48;  Sarah,  June  10, '50; 
Chloe,  May  7,  '52;  Freelove,  Mar.  20,  '54;  Rebecca,  Nov.  18,  '55,  and 
d.  July  11,  '57;   Rebecca,  Sept.  11,  '57,   aud  d.  Nov.  4,  1760. 

Bement,  Asa  and  Ruth  Neal,  were  m.  Jan.  15,  1761.  Is. — Rebecca, 
b.  Mar.  10,  1762. 

Blackleach,  John,  Sen.,  d.  Aug.  23,  1683,  and  his  wife  Elizabeth, 
Sen.  July  20,  1683. 

Blackleach,  Capt.  John,  d.  Sept.  9,  1703,  aged  77,  and  his  wife 
Elizabeth,  June  12,  1708,   aged  74. 

Blen,  Peter.  Children  of,  by  his  wife  Johana — William,  b.  July  1, 
1675;  Mary,  Dec.  2,  '77;  Daniel,  Mar.  2,  '79;  Margerett,  Mar.  10, 

Blin,  William  and  Anne,  the  dau.  of  John  Coltman,  were  m. 
Nov.  13,  1701.  Is.— Daniel,  b.  Dec.  27,  1703;  Mary,  Mar.  18,  1706; 
William,  July  29,  1709;  Anna,  Feb.  4,1713;  Peter,  Feb.  4,  1713; 
Ephraim,  Jan.  21,  1716;  Thankful,  Aug.  9,  1720,  and  d.  Oct.  25,  1724. 
Mrs.  Anna  B.  d.  Oct.  17,  1724. 

Blin,  Jonathan  and  Hannah,  the  dau.  of  Wm.  Clark,  were  id.  Dec.  9, 
170S.  Is.— Jonathan,  b.  Oct,  1,  1711;  Lucy,  Sept.  2. '13.  Hannah, 
his  wife,  d.  Sept.  11,  1713.  He  was  m.  to  Abigail  Nott,  June  26, 

;  I  Blin,  William  and  Thankful,  dau.  of  John  Nott,  were  m.  Dec.  22, 

1725.  Is.— Gershom,  b.  Sept.  18,  1726;  Thaukfull,  24  Nov.,  '29; 
Patience,  May  16, '32;  Samuel,  April  12,  '35;  Abraham,  Feb.  2, '38, 
and  d.  in  infancy;  Elizabeth,  April -7,  1741. 

Blin,  Deliverance  and  Mary  Stiliman,  were  m.  Feb.  5,  1713.  Is. — 
Martha,  b.  Feb.  17,  1716;  Mary,  Sept.  23, '18;  Rebeckah,  Sept,  10, 
'21;  George,  Noy.  9,  172*. 

Blin,  William,  Jim.  Children  of,  by  his  wife  Sarah — Solomon,  b. 
Mar.  26,  1734;  Deliverance,  Jan.  13,  '39;  William,  Sept  14,  '42; 
Hosea,  Dec.  1,  '44;  Sarah,  Sept.  28,  1746. 

Blin,  Daniel  and  Martha,  the  dau.  of  Thos.  Stedman,  were  m.  Jan. 
15,1736.  Is.— Martha,  b.  Nov.  21, '36;  Daniel,  May  18,  '3S;  Heze- 
kiah,  July  5,  '41;  Esther,  Mar.  20,  '43;  Justus,   Nov.  29,  1748. 

Blin,  James  and  Lois  Woicott,  were  m.  (no  date).  Is. — Lois,  b. 
Mar.  17,  1757;  James,  May  14,  '60;  Elisha,  Mar.  24,  '63;  Unni,  Mar. 
25,  '65;   Abigail,  Mar.  23,  '77;  Nancy,  Oct.  13,  1778. 

Blin,  Samuel  and  Elizabeth  Wells,  were  m.  Mar.  30,  1755.  Is. — 
Elizabeth,  b.  Nov  10,  '58;  George,  Sept.  1,  1764. 

Blin,  Peter  and  Martha  Collins,  were  m.  Mar.  10,  1734.  Is. — David, 
b.  Oct.  10,  '35;  Christian,  Aug.  17,  '37,  and  d.  May  27,  '55;  Anne, 
Aug.  17,  '39;  Abraham,  Jan.  14,  '42;  Lois,  May  13,  '45;  Comfort,  Oct. 
15,  '49;  Peter,  Dec.  7,  1752. 

Blin,  Gershom  and  Chloe  Butler,  were  m.  Dec.  29,  1756.  Is.— Me- 
hetabel,  b.  June  6.  '57;  Gershom,  Nov.  15,  '59,  and  d.  the  same  day; 
Gershom,  Dec.  2,  '61,  and  d.  Oct.  25,  '68;  Simeon,  Mar.  26,  '64;  Mary, 
June  23, '66;  Gershom,  Oct.  13, '70,  and  d.  Nov.  1, '70;  Thankful, 
Oct.  21,  1771. 

20  Records  of  Wethenficld,  Conn.  [Jan. 

Blin,  Jonathan.  Children  of,  by  his  wife  Sarah — Sarah,  b.  Feb.  1, 
1759;  Jonathan,  Sept,  28,  '62;  Lucy,  Jan.  8,  17GG. 

Blin,  Solomon  and  Desire  Andrus,  were  m.  **.  Is. — Polly,  b.  Sept. 
20,  1785;  Levi,  Jan.  6,  '87;  Llannah,  Sept,  8,  '88;  Hervey,  Feb.  4,  '91; 
Barzilla,  Jan.  31,  '93;  George,  Feb.  27,  1796. 

Blin,  Justus  and  Margaret  Crofoot,  were  m.  Sept.  **,  1772.  Is. — 
Justus,  b.  Jan.  17,  '75;  ^William,  Oct.  29,  '7  7;  Elizabeth,  Feb.  1,  '81; 
Joseph,  Oct.  23,  '84;  Esther,  May  12,  '87;  Charles,  June  11,  '98.  M-3. 
M.  Blin  d.  July  2,  1798.  J.  Blin  and  wid.  Mary  Stoddard,  were  m. 
June  27,  1800. 

Blin,  Hosea  and  Ruth  Smith,  were  in.  (no  date.)  Is. — Plosea,  b. 
July  4,  1776. 

Blin,  William  and  Nancy  Lucas,  were  m.  Nov.  7,  1782.  Is. — 
Nancy,  b.  Oct.  4,  '83;  Hepsibah,  Sept.  16,  '85;  Patty,  June  14,  '88; 
William,  July  14,  '90;'  Emily,  June  3,  '92;  Joseph,  April,  1795. 

Baker,  Samuel  and  Mary  his  wife,  were  m.  May  19,  1687.  Is. — 
William,  b.  June  14,  '89;  Ann,  Nov.  15,  1691. 

Beckley,  Nathaniell  and  Comfort,  dan.  of  Jonathan  Deming,  Sen1"., 
were  m.  May  18,  1693.  Is.— Daniel,  b.  Mav  8,  '94;  Joseph,  Sept.  19, 
'95;  Mary,  Mar.  1,  1697.     N.  B.  d.  Oct.  29,  1697. 

Beckley,  Richard  and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Jon'-.  Deming,  Senr.,  were 
m.  Nov.  23,  1699.  Is.— Nathan11.,  Aug.  27,  1700;  Abraham,  Jan.  12, 
1702;  Elizabeth,  June  27,  1703. 

Beckley,  Benjamin  and  Rebecca  his  wife,  were  m.  Oct.  7,  1685. 
Is.— Martha,  b.  Oct.  15,  '92;  John,  Oct.  16,  '95;  Benjamin,  Dec.  16, 
'98.  Ben.  Becklev  and  Miriam  his  wife  were  m.  Nov.  11,  1702.  Is. 
—Miriam,  b.  May  4,  1707;  Hannah,  Mar.  24,1710.  B.  B.  d.  April 
27,  1736,  aged  about  86  years. 

Beckley,  Joseph  and  Mary,  the  dau.  of  Benj".  Judd  of  Famington, 
were  in.  Oct.  3,  1723.  Is. — Mary,  b.  April  6,  '25,  and  d.  in  infancy; 
Josiah,  April  28, '26;  Joseph,  Aug.  23, '27;  Thankful,  Nov.  U,'28;Ruth, 
Oct.  11,  '30,  and  d  in.  infancy;  Eunice,  Nov.  11,  '31;  Mary,  Jan.  12, 
'33;  Zebedee,  Mar.  8,  '34;  Hepsebah,  April  16,  '35;  Silas,  Nov.  5, '36, 
and  d.  Nov.  11,  '57;  Abigail,  Dec.  22,  '37;  Ruth,  April  14,  '39,  and  d. 
in  infancy;  Comfort,  Sept.  4,  '40,  and  d.  in  infancy;  David,  Feb.  17, 
'42;  Jonathan,  Feb.  12,  '43,  and  d.  in  infancy;  Dorcas,  Mar.  6,  '44; 
Honour,  July  3,  1745.  Mrs.  M.  Beckley  d.  April  16,  1750.  LT.  Joseph 
B.  and  Sibil  Porter,  were  in.  Mar.  29,  1753.  L*.  J.  B.  d.  Jan.  30, 

Beckley,  Daniel  and  Martha  North  of  Farmington,  dau.  of  Tb°.  North, 
were  m.  Aug.  6,  1719.  Is.— Martha,  b.  Oct.  27,  '20;  Daniel,  Nov.  29, 
'24;  Lois,  Nov.  17,  1730. 

Beckley,  John  and  Mary,  ve  dau.  of  Jn°.  .Woodruff,  were  m.  Mar.  16, 
1727.  Is.— Sarah,  b.  June  27,  '28;  Marv,  July  16,  '30;  John,  Dec.  22, 
'32;  Elias,  Feb.  27,  '35;  Achsah,  Jan.  25,  1743. 

Beckley,  Benj!1.  and  Mary  Lee,  were  m.  Mar.  4,  1730.  Is.— Rebec- 
ca, b.  Ap1.  22,  ''32:  Benjamin,  April  30,  '38;  Theodore,  Sept.  12,  '40, 
aud  d.  in  infancy;'  Mary,  Feb.  9,  1742.     Mr.  B.  d.  Nov.  12,  1777. 

Beckley,  Daniel.     Child  of,  by  his  wife  Ruth— Seth,  b.  July  28,  1753. 

Beckley,  Elias  and  Lois  Parsons,  were  rn.  ***.  Is. — Elias,  b. 
Feb.  13,  1760;  Rowena,  Aoril  2,  '63:  Olive,  June  17,  '65;  Selah,  Mar. 
31, '67;  Sylvester,  April  1/71;  Lois,  Nov.  6,  1773. 



1862.]  Records  of  Wethcrsficld,  Conn.  21 

Beckley,  David  and  Hepzi ball  Wilcox,  were  m.  Sept.  23,  1763.  Is. 
— Davidj  b.  Mar.  31,  '65;  Silas,  Sept.  28,  '60;  Caroline,  Sept.  8,  '68; 
Joseph,  Feb.  2,  '71,  and  d.  in  infancy;  Hepzibab,  Mar.  9,  '73,  and  d. 
in  infancy;  Luther,  Oct.  11,  1778.  _ 

BeckleV,  Theodore  and  Lucy  Kirbey,  were  m.  ***.  Is. — Lucy,  b. 
Sep.  17,  1772;   Setb,  Jan.  7,  17*75. 

Beckley,  Solomon  and  Cloe  Kirkham,  were  m.  July  11,  1776.  Is. — 
Solomon,  b.  Aug.  14,  '78;  Chester,  May  12,  :80;  Cloe,  Nov.  3,  '82;  Or- 
rin,  Feb.  9.  '85;  Justus,  April  20,  '87;  Meriam,  April  16,  '89;  Nathan- 
iel,'May  25,  '91;  Emily,  May  27,  '94;  Nancy,  Nov.  6,  1796.  Solomon 
Beckley,  the  son  of  Zebedee  B.,  was  b.  Sept.  12,  1756;  and  Cloe  Kirk- 
ham, May  10,  1757. 

Barnes,  Mathew  and  Abigaile  bis  wife,  were  m.  Jan.  12,  1692.  Is. 
— Mathew,  b.  Aug.  1694.  ±NL  Barnes  and  Experience  his  wife,  were 
m.  Jan.  12,  1678. 

Barns,  John  and  Esther  Blin,  were  m.  Feb.  23,  1764.  Is. —  Aziel, 
b.  Aug.  21,  '67;  Meivin,  May  8,  '72;  Anson,  Mar.  4,  '75;  Edmund, 
Dec.  2,  '79;  John  Hesselton,  Aug.  7,  1782. 

Bo  win,  Josiah  and  Susanah,  dau.  of  Wm.  Clarke,  were  m.  Nov.  9, 
1694.  He  was  cast  away  in  a  storm  the  latter  end  of  Oct.  or  first  of 
Nov.  1703.  . 

Benjamin,  John  and  Ann  Lattimer,  were  m.  July  26,  1699.  Is. — 
John,  ft  May  12,  1700;  Ann,  Jan.  1,  1704. 

Baxter,  Thomas  of  Yarmouth,  and  Mary  the  dau.  of  Serg1.  John 
Lattimer,  were  m.  May  3,  1705.  Is. — Timothy,  b.  Feb.  26,  1706; 
Elizabeth,  Mar.  23,  1708. 

Baxter,  Timothy  and  Sarah  Kilborn,  were  m.  Julv  14,  1726.  Is. — 
John,  b.  Dec.  28,  '26;  Honour,  Mar.  2,  '29;  Martha,  Dec.  14,  '30;  Eli- 
sha, Oct.  29,  '32;  Sarah,  Dec.  28,  '3-;  Mehetabel,  May  25,  1740. 

Baxter,  Elisha  &  Honor  Woolcott,  were  m.  Dec.  13,  1756.  Is. — 
Honor,  b.  Sept.  8,  '57,  and  d.  in  infancy;  Rhoda,  Au^.  24.  '58;  Elisha, 
Feb.  8,  '62;  Honor,  Feb.  17,  '65;  Lucy,  Mar.  20,  '68;  Leonard,  Oct. 
28,  '71;  Prudence,  Feb.  8,  '75;  Anne,  June  20,  '78;  Polly,  Oct.  1,  1781, 
and  was  bap.  Dec.  4,  1785. 

Baxter,  Mary,  dau.  of  Sarah  Kilby,  was  b.  Oct.  28,  1791. 

Bracy,  John,  d.  in  Wethersfield,  Jan.  19,  1709,  etatis  about  70  as  is 
thought  (doubtless  a  stranger). 

Brigden,  Thomas.  Children  of,  by  his  wife  Grace — William,  b. 
Aug.  3,  1740,  and  d.  Julv  14,  '50;  Micheal,  Nov.  16,  '43;  Sarah,  Aug. 
9,  '47;  Timothy,  Mar.  7,"  1749. 

Brigden,  Micheal  and  Catharine,  dau.  of  Dr.  Perrin,  were  m.  ***. 
Is.— Micheal,  b.  Nov.  2,  1774;  Hezekiah,  Oct.  24,  '77;  Harriet,  Jan. 
28,  '80;  Catharine,  Nov.  25,  '84;  William,  Jan.  24,  1788. 

Bunce,  Zechariah  and  Elizabeth,  ye  dau.  of  Ens'1.  Micheall  GnV 
wold,  were  m.  on  ***.  Is. — Elizabeth,  b.  May  29,  1726;  Zechariah, 
Oct.  5,  '28;  Ann,  Aug.  8,  1731. 

Bunce,  Zechariah,  Jun.,  and  Sarah  Bowin,  were  m.  June  13,  1753. 
Is. — Sarah,  b.  Mar.  8,  1755;  William,  Nov.  28,  '57;  James.  Feb.  16, 
'60;  Richard,  May  2,  '66;  Simeon,  Jan.  25,  1768. 

Bunce,  Jonathan.  Children  of,  by  his  wife  Elizabeth — Jonathan, 
Mar.  8,  17G6;  Elizabeth,  Mar.  24,  '68;  Dinah,  Mar.  4,  '70;  John,  April 

22  Records  of  Wcthersfield,  Co?in.  [Jan. 

20,  >?4;   Charles,  Sep.  5,  '79;  William,  June  2-1,  '82;  Zechariah,  July 
20,  '84;  Abigail,  Aug.  **,  1788. 

Bacchus,  Rev(l.  Simon  and  Eunice,  ye  dau.  of  y°  Rev.  Mr.  Timothy 
Edwards  of  Windsor,  were  m.  on  Oct.  ye  1st  day,  1729.  Is. — Clo- 
rinda,  b.  Oct.  ?1,  1730;  Eunice,  Jan.  15,  1733. 

Burnham,  William.  Children  of,  by  his  wife  Elizabeth — Jonathan, 
b.  Mar.  21,  1092;  Mary,  Sep.  2,  '94,  and  d.  April  17,  1715;  Abigail, 
Dec.  16,  '96;  David,  Oct,  12,  '98.     Mrs.  E.  B.  d.  Nov.  19,  1717. 

Burnham,  William  and  Hannah,  the  dau.  of  Mrs.  Judith  Wolcott, 
were  m.  May  18,  1704.  Is. — William,  b.  April  5,  1705;  Samuel,  May 
28,  1707. 

Burnham,  Nath1'.  and  Mehetabel  Chester,  the  dau.  of  Majr.  John 
Chester,  were  m.  on  the  1st  day  of  May,  in  ye  year  1714.  Is. — John, 
b.  Oct.  21,  '16;  Nathaniel,  Jan.  16,  '19,  and  d.  June  17.  1776;  Mehe- 
tabel, Dec.  15,  '20;  Peter,  Mar.  22,  '23:  Jeremiah,  July  24,  1725.  Mr. 
N.  B.  d.  Dec.  16,  1754;  and  Mrs.  M.  B.,  Mar.  18,  1773,  aged. 84 

Burnham,  Jonathan  and  Mary  Chester,  ye  dau.  of  Majr.  John  Ches- 
ter deceased,  were  m.  Jan.  1,  1718.  Is. — Jouathan,  b.  Nov.  7,  '18; 
Elizur,  Mar.  21,  '22,  and  d.  in  infancy;  Abigail,  Aug.  17,  '27;  Pru- 
dence, Dec.  1,  '29,  and  d.  June  27,  '30;  Elizur,  June  24,  '33;  Mary, 
Aug.  9,  '35,  and  d.  Aug.  25,  1735.  J.  B.  the  son,  d.  Mar.  15,  1740; 
Mr.  J.  B.,  Jan.  24,  1752;  and  Mrs.  M.  B.,  April  19,  1766. 

Burnham,  Peter  and  Hannah  Deming-,  were  m.  Nov.  16,  1757.  Is. 
— John,  b.  Oct.  15,  jdS;  Hannah,  Dec.  16,  '61;  Jeremiah,  June  22,  '63; 
Abigail,  June  19,  '67.  '  Mrs.  H.  B.  d.  June  26,  1776.  Peter  B.  and 
Elizabeth  Ward,  were  m.  Mar.  13,  '77.  Is. — George  Ward,  b.  Jan. 
2,  '78,  and  d.  in  infancy;  Elizabeth,  May  17,  '79,  and  d.  in  infancy; 
Samuel,  Sep.  29,  '80,  and  d.  in  infancy;  Samuel  Ward,  Sept.  13,  1783. 
Mr.  P.  B.  d.  Jan.  11,  1790. 

Burnham,  Elizur  and  Chloe  Rose  of  Branford,  were  m.  Aug.  19, 

Bulkley,  Peter  and  Rachel  Talcott,  were  m.  Mar.  21,  1700.  Mr.  P. 
B.  was  lost  at  sea,  in  a  storm,  about  the  22d  of  Nov.,  1701,  aged  37 

Bulkeley,  Edward.  Children  of,  by  his  wife  Dorothy — Charles,  b. 
Mar.  25,  1703;  Elizabeth,  Jan.  24,  1705;  Sarah,  Feb.  8,  1707;  Rebec- 
ca, Feb.  22,  1709;  Peter,  Mar.  19,  1711,  and  d.  in  infancy;  Peter,  Mar. 
11,  1712;  Gershom,  July  29,  '14;  Dorothy,  Sept.  11,  '16.  Mr.  Ed.  B. 
d.  Aug.  27,  1748. 

Bulkeley,  Doct.  Gershom,  d.  Dec.  2,  1713,  being  77  years  and  11 
months  old;  and  his  wife  Sarah,  June  3,  1699. 

Bulkley,  John  and  Honour  Francis,  were  m.  July  17,  1750.  Is. — 
John,  b.  Nov.  10,  '50;  Honour,  Mar.  14,  1753. 

Bulkley,  Gershom  and  Thankful  Beldin^,  were  m.  Feb.  17,  1743. 
Is.— Thankful,  b.  May  20,  44;  Jehiel,  Oct.  23,  '45;  Gershom.  Dec.  3, 
'47;  Mabel,  May  2,  '50;  Ruth,  May  17,  '52;  William,  Sep.  2,  1754. 

Bulkley,  Peter  and  Abigail  Curtis,  were  m.  April  2,  1741.  Is. — 
Joseph,  b.  Jan.  28, '42;  Abigail,  April  13,  '43;  Oliver,  Dec.  5, '44; 
Solomou,  Mar.  21,  '47:  Dorothy,  July  17,  '49,  and  d.  in  infancy;  Jus- 
tus, Dec.  24,  1752.  Mrs.  A.  B.  d.  Nov.  27,  1762;  and  Mr.  P.  B.,  April 
4,  1776. 

[to  be  continued.  1 

lSG'2.]  Indian  Deed  of  Eastham,  Mass.  23 


[Furnished  by  Wm.  H,  Kelley  of  St.  Faul,  Minnesota,  from  the  original  in  posses- 
sion of  the  Minnesota  Historical  Society.] 

To  all  people  to  whom  these  presents  shall  come,  Sachamut  of 
Setucket,  in  the  Cunstablewick  of  Eastham,  in  the  County  of  Barne- 
stable,  in  New  England,  Indian  Sachem,  sendeth  greeting",  &  knowe 
ye  that  I,  the  said  Saehamus,  for  and  in  consideration  of  the  sum  of 
seven  pounds  and  ten  shillings  current  money  of  New  England,  to 
me  in  hand  at  or  before  the  sealling  &  delivery  of  these  presents,  by 
Josuah  Shantam,  of  said  Setucket,  in  the  county  aforesaid,  well  & 
truly  paid  the  Receipt,  where  of  I,  the  said  Saehamus,  do  hereby 
acknowledge  myself  there  with  fully  sattisfyed,  Content  &  paid,  and 
there  of  and  of  every  part  &  parcell  there  of  do  acquitt,  exonerate  & 
discharg  him,  the  said  Josuah  Shantum,  his  heires,  executors  &  Ad- 
minestrators,  &  every  of  them,  for  ever,  by  these  presents  hath 
given,  granted,  aliened,  bargained,  sold,  enffeoffed  &  confirmed.  And 
by  these  prsnts  doth  fully,  clearly  &  absolutely,  give,  grant,  bargaine, 
sell,  alien,  enfeof  &  eonfirme,  vnto  him,  the  said  Josuah  Shantam,  his 
heires  and  assignes,  for  euer,  all  that  my  parcel!  of  land,  lying  and 
being  at  Setucket,  afforesaid,  bounded  partly  by  the  mill  pond  on  the 
west  side,  &  so  southerly  vp  to  the  narrow  or  wading  place,  and  so 
partly  by  the  great  pond,  to  manasses  his  land,  &  southerly  by  sd 
manasses  land,  &  on  the  north  side  by  the  land  of  an  Indian  Squaw, 
formerly  John  Qua  sons  wife,  called  by  her  Indian  name  bappannun, 
&  easterly  by  the  Indians  or  purchasers  land,  conteyning  twenty 
acres,  be  it  more  or  less,  to  gether  with  all  the  wood,  vnder  woods, 
watars,  swamps,  feedings,  ways,  easments,  proffits,  priveledges  & 
appurtenances,  to  the  same  belonging,  together  with  all  and  singu- 
lar the  estate,  right,  title,  interest,  possession,  property,  claime  & 
demand,  whatsoever  of  me,  the  said  Saehamus,  in  or  to  the  same,  or 
in  or  to  any  part  or  parcell  thereof.  To  have  And  to  hold  all  the  said 
parcell  of  land  &  prmisses  here  in  or  here  by  granted,  bargained  or 
sold,  or  mentioned  or  intended  to  be  here  by  granted,  bargained  & 
Bold,  vnto  him  the  said  Josuah  Shantam,  his  heires  &  assignes,  to  the 
only  proper  vse,  benefit  &  behooff  of  him  the  said  Josuah  Shantam, 
his  heires  &  assignes  for  euer.  And  that  I,  the  said  Saehamus,  at 
the  time  of  ensealing  and  delivery  of  these  prsnts,  hath  full  power, 
good  Right,  and  lawfull  Authority,  to  grant,  bargaine,  sell  and  Con- 
vey, all  and  singuler,  the  before  here  by  granted  or  mentioned  to  be 
granted  prmisses,  with  its  Appurtenances,  vnto  the  said  Josuah 
Shantum,  his  heires  and  Assignes  in  maner  and  forme  affore  said, 
and  that  free  and  clear  &  freely  &  clearly  acquitted,  exonerated  & 
discharged,  or  otherwise  from  time  to  time  well  and  suffitiently  saued 
and  kept  harmless  by  the  said  Saehamus,  his  heires,  executors  and 
Adminestrators,  of  &  from  all  &  all  manner  of  forrnar  and  other 
gifts,  grants,  bargains,  sales,  leses,  mortgages,  and  of  &  from  all 
and  singular  other  titles,  trouble,  charges,  demands  &  incumbrances 
whatsoever,  had,  made,  committed  or  done,  by  me,  the  said  Saehamus 

24  Robinson   Family.  [Jan. 

my  heires  or  Assignes,  or  by  any  other  prson  or  prsons  whatsocner 
lawfully  claiming,  by,  from  or  vnder,  me,  them,  or  &  of  them,  or  by 
mine,  or  their  means,  act,  consent,  title,  interest,  priuety  or  procure- 
ment, And  that  the  said  Josuah  Shantum,  his  heires  &  assignes,  and 
euery  of  them,  shall  or  may  by  force  &  vertue  of  these  p'nts  from 
time  to  time,  and  at  all  times,  for  euer,  here  after,  lawfully,  peac- 
ablely  &  quietly,  haue,  hold,  vse,  occupy,  possess,  and  in  Joy  all  the 
here  iu  or  here  by  mentioned  prmisses  with  their  &  euery  one  of 
their  rights,  members  and  Appurtenances,  and  haue,  receiue  and 
take  the  rents,  Jssues  and  proffits  there  of  to  his  and  their  owne 
propper  vse,  benefit  and  behooff  for  ever,  without  any  lawf.ull,  lett, 
suit,  trouble,  deniall,  interruption,  euiction  or  disturbance,  of  me,  the 
said  Sachamus,  my  heires  or  assignes,  or  of  any  other  prson  or  p'sons 
whatsoeuer  lawfully  claiming  by,  from  or  vnder  me,  them,  or  by 
mine,  or  theire  means,  act,  consent,  title,  interest,  priuity  or  procure- 
ment, And  lastly,  that  the  said  premisses  now  arc,  &  for  full  eight 
years,  now  last  past,  have  ben  in  the  tenure  &  peacable  possession 
of  him,  the  said  Josuah  Shantum,  &  so  is  now  to  continue. by  these 
prnts  for  euer.  In  Witnes  where  of  I,  the  said  Sachamus  (Sachem 
of  Setucket)  haue  here  vnto  sett  my  hand  and  seale  this  first  day  of 
July  one  thowsand  six  hundred  ninety  and  two: 

Signed   sealed 

Sachamus    fi\  his  mark.         [seal.] 

and  Delivered  in  the   aboue   mentioned   Sachamus   appeared  the 

prsence  of  date  here  of  and  Acknowledged  this  Instrument 

John  Thacher  to  be  his  act  and  deed  before 
John  Seabury.  John  thacher  Assist 

This  Deed  is  truly  Recorded  in  ye  County  Book  of  Barnestable  in 
page  157  of  yc  Book  of  Re  lords  of  Lands  June  ye  second  1694.. 

Attest,         Joseph  Lothrop  Recorder. 

Robinson  Family. — In  the  article  in  the  Genealogical  Register  for 
January,  1860,  page  20,  I  stated  that  Thomas,  son  of  Isaac,  removed 
to  Guilford,  Conn.  Information  since  received  makes  it  probable 
that  the  Thomas  of  Guilford,  who  conveyed  lands  in  Edgartown, 
June  19,  1106,  was  a  son  of  the  Thomas  who  was  of  Hartford  as 
early  as  1640,  and  removed  with  his  family  about  1660  to  Guilford. 
The  children  of  Thomas  of  Hartford  and  Guilford,  were:  Thomas, 
born  about  1650,  died  in  Guilford,  1712;  Jonathan,  David,  Ann,  Mary 
Saint  and  Elizabeth.  Jonathan  died  young,  all  the  others  had  fami- 

The  fact  that  Isaac  Robinson  in  his  deeds  of  lands  to  his  children 
residing  at  Martha's  Vineyard,  docs  not  uame  a  son  Thomas,  is  nega- 
tive evidence  that  he  had  no  son  Thomas  living  when  he  removed 
from  that  island  in  the  year  1701.  The  only  reference  to  a  Thomas 
Robinson  in  the  Tisbury  town,  or  the  Duke's  county  records,  is  the 
deed  to  which  reference  has  been  made.  This  is  not  sufficient  to 
prove  that  Thomas,  sou  of  Isaac,  was  living  June  19,  1706. 

Amos  Otis. 

l^r/y]  Letter  from  Thomas  Osburne.  25 



[Communicated  by  Joshua  Coffin  of  Newbury,  Mass. J 

George  Little  was  a  Baptist,  and  was  one  of  the  founders  of  the 
Baptist  Church.*  Thomas  Osburne  was  probably  a  brother  Baptist, 
and  perhaps  a  member  of  the  first  Baptist  Church  in  Boston.  He 
was  not  a  Newbury  man.  From  his  letter  it  appears  that  he  mar- 
ried the  widow  of  Thomas  Colman,  viz:  Margery  Colman,  whose  first 
husband  was  an  Osgood,  the  second,  Thomas  Rowell,  the  third, 
Thomas  Colman,  and  the  fourth,  Thomas  Osburne.  Who  was  this 
Osburne  ?  Was  he  a  member  of  the  first  Baptist  Church  in  Boston  ? 
Who  was  Elder  Hull  ?  J.  O.f 

Dear  &  loving-  brother  littell,  in  gospell  bonds  my  harty  love  re- 
membered unto  you  and  your  wife  though  unto  me  unknown,  & 
hoping  you  are  in  helth  as  I  being  att  this  wrighting  hereof. 

blessed  be  the  Lord,  hartily  giving  you  thanks  for  youf  kind  en- 
tertainment when  I  was  last  att  your  house.  This  is  farther  to  let 
you  understand  I  have  married  to  one  Margery  Colman,  a  widdow 
on  the  island  Nantucket  where  I  now  am.  I  believe  God  hath  pro- 
fided  for  me  &  given  me  a  meet  help,  a  very  loving  wife,  one  in 
charity  &  walking,  &  I  judge  for  the  Lord,  &  a  true  lover  of  the 
pepell  &  church  of  the  Lord,  &  I  se  nothing  bat   the  Lord    blessing 

*In  Newbury.  See  Coffin's  Newbwy,  pp.  135,  SOS. — Editor. 
t  On  the  2Sthof  May,  1665,  the  Baptist  Church  in  Oharlestown,  Mass.,  was  gathered, 
and  on  the  same  day,  Thomas  Gould,  Thomas  Osborne,  Edward  Drinker,  and  John 
George  were  baptized.  They  joined  with  Richard  Goodall,  William  Turner,  Robert 
Lambert,  Mary  Goodall  and  Mary  Newall,  who  had  been  of  the  same  order  in  Old 
England.  Before  the  year  1669,  Isaac  Hull,  John  Farnum,  Jacob  Barney,  John  Russell, 
Jun.,  John  Johnson,  George  Farlow,  Benjamin  Sweetser,  Mrs.  Sweetser,  and  Ellis 
Callender,  were  all  connected  with  the  same  church.  The  General  Court  had  pre- 
viously passed  a  law  forbidding  any  persons  to  form  a  church,  or  to  meet  together 
for  religious  service,  without  the  consent  of  the  magistrates.  The  above  first  named 
persons  had  violated  the  law,  they  were  accordingly  brought  before  the  Court  of 
Assistants,  and  in  September  of  the  same  year  (1665),  Gould,  Turner,  Osborne, 
Drinker  and  George,  were  sentenced  to  be  disfranchised  (such  of  them  as  were  free 
men),  and  upon  conviction  of  their  further  proceeding  therein,  to  be  committed  to 
prison.  On  the  17th  of  April  following,  they  were  again  indicted  before  the  County 
Court  at  Cambridge,  for  absenting  themselves  from  public  worship.  Gould,  Os- 
borne and  George,  were  fined  four  pounds  each,  and  for  refusing  to  bind  themselves 
for  their  appearance  at  the  next  Court  of  Assistants,  were  committed  to  prison. 
Finally,  Gould,  Turner  and  Farnum  were  banished  from  the  jurisdiction,  but  it 
does  not  appear  that  either  of  them  complied  with  the  sentence.  Mr.  Osborne  was 
fined  20»  in  1673,  for  withdrawing  from  public  meetings  established  by  law.  In 
1678,  he  was  licensed  by  his  brethren,  as  a  preacher  of  the  gospel.  Previously, 
in  Oct.  1675,  on  the  death  of  Mr.  Gould,  and  ten  years  after  the  church  was  consti- 
tuted, Isaac  Hull  and  Mr.  Russell  became  pastors  of  the  church,  afterward  assisted 
by  John  Mills.  Under  these  three  laborers,  the  church  became  so  enlarged  that 
they  agreed  to  divide  into  two  churches.  In  January,  1678,  they  resolved  to  erect 
a  place  of  worship  in  Boston.  Their  first  meeting  in  this  house  was  on  the  15th 
of  February,  1679.  Elder  Hull  died  after  March  24,  1668;  the  last  record  on  the 
church  books  during  his  ministrv,  txdng  entered  under  that  date. — Editor. 

26  Letter  from  Thomas  Oshurne.  [Jan. 

our  indavors  we  may  live  comfortably  though  both  aged  &  but  crazy. 
You  know  my  weakness  &  God  marks  my  instability  I  hope  in  marsy 
of  my  insufficiency  as  to  the  work  I  am  imployed  in  as  to  soul  con- 
cerns, but  my  desire  is,  wholly  to  [  ]  rely  upon  the  Lord 
though  I  am  weak  that  weakness  is  [  ]  that  can,  &  I  belief 
will  enable  me  in  some  measure  to  do  what  he  calls  me  to  for  which 
I  beg  your  prayers  that  in  heart  &  life,  I  may  be  to  the  praise  of  his 
free  grace  making  &  keeping  me  faith  full  unto  death,  I  may  receive 
the  crown  of  life  provided  unto  all  that  love  him.  This  further,  bro- 
ther, I  desire  &  entreat  you  to  remember  my  harty  respects  and  love 
to  Elder  Hull  &  his  wife,  our  deacons  &  their  wifes  brother  &  his  [  ] 
wife  &  cousin  Swett  &  all  the  rest  of  my  brethren  &  sisters  in  gospel 
bonds  as  if  I  had  named  them  in  partickeler  as  you  may  &  have 
opportunity  wanting  time  and  other  occasions  lying  hard  upon  me, 
This  farther,  I  &  my  wife  entreat  you  to  remember  our  harty  love 
to  our  brother  Chaudler  &  his  wife  &  all  their  children,  intreating 
him  if  he  have  my  husband  Colman's  mind,  which  himself  did  write 
&  my  husband  Colman  did  set  his  hand  to  it  how  he  would  leave  me 
a  comfortable  maintynance,  if  he  died  &  left  me  a  widow.  My  wife 
desires  he  wold  be  pleased  to  send  it,  if  he  have  the  same,  as  judging 
it  might  be  of  great  benefit  &  use  unto  her  for  her  husband  Colman's 
sons,  deals  very  hardly  by  her  &  keeps  &  takes  what  they  can  from 
me,  &  requites  me  very  unworthily  for  all  my  care  &  endeavors  for 
their  good,  which  is  a  great  grief  &  trouble  unto  me,  but  we  trust 
the  Lord  will  bear  us  up  &  grant,  what  is  necessary  and  give  us 
contentment  in  our  spirits  in  that  portion  he  in  his  wisdom  shall 
carve  out  unto  us;  so  earnestly  desiring  a  few  lines  from  you  to  let  us 
know  your  own  estate,  &  how  things  stand  respecting  our  society 
in  public  carrying  on  in  the  concerns  of  the  public  worship  of  God, 
&  how  we  do  in  number  &  increase  with  the  increasings  of  God 
in  love  to  God  &  love  &  peace  among  yourselves,  by  which  it  ib 
made  manifest  that  we  are  the  true  disciples  of  Jesus  Christ,  by  our 
peaceable  living  in  love  one  with  another.  Committing  you  to  the 
protection  of  the  Almighty  God,  &  begging  your  &  all  my  bretheren's 
prayers  for  my  being  [  ]  into  his  heavenly  kingdom  & 
delivered  from  every  sinful  way  &  work  I  rest  your  loving  brother 
in  gospel  bonds,  Thomas  Osbcrne. 

Nantucket  Island. 

This  25  of  the  8  month  1682—25  Oct.  1682. 

Superscription:    This  for  his  very  loving  frend   Goodman   Littell 
living  att  Newbury.     Deliver  this  with  care  I  pray. 

Michael  Metcalf. — "  In  the  Life  of  Matthew  Wren,  Bishop  of  Ely 
(Parentalia,  p,  101),  wherein  he  is  defending  himself  against  some 
charges  of  persecution,  he  speaks  of  '  Michael  Metcalf  and  Nicholas 
his  son,  a  Dornix  weaver  of  some  estate.'" — London  Notes  and  Queries 
for  1860,  Sept.  20,  2d  series,  vol.  x,  p.  250.     See  Reg.,  vi,  1U. 

Matthew  Wren,  b.  ab.  1586,  d.  1661,  se.  81;  made  bishop  of  Here- 
ford, 1634,  afterwards  translated  to  Norwich,  and  in  1638  to  Ely. 

JSG2.]  B  evolutionary  Journal  of  Daniel  Gookin.  27 


[Communicated  by  J.  Wingate  Thornton  of  Boston,] 

Daniel  Gookin,  a  fragment  of  whose  journal  we  publish,  was  the 
son  of  Rev.  Nathaniel  Gookin  of  Northampton,  N.  EL,  by  his  third 
wife  Love,  daughter  of  Col.  Joshua  Wingate.  He  was  born  March 
2,  1756,  and  losing  his  father  at  ten  years  of  age,  was  early  enured 
to  self-reliance.  His  commission  "as  Captain  from  the  20th  day  of 
October,  1786, "  was  executed  at  Ne«v  York,  April  2d,  1787.  "By 
order  of  Congress,"  and  is  signed  by  "  His  Excellency,  Arthur  St. 
Clair,  Esq.,  President,"  and  "  H.  Knox,  Secretary  at  War." 

1809,  June  6,  he  was  appointed  to  the  bench  of  the  Court  of  Com- 
mon Pleas,  for  the  county  of  Rockingham,  by  Gov.  Langdon. 

1815,  Dec.  19,  he  was  appointed  Judge  of  Probate  for  Rockingham 
county  by  Gov.  Giiman,  which  office  he  retained  till  constitutionally 
disqualified  by  age.  He  was  an  active  member  of  the  Rockingham 
Agricultural  Society,  and  of  the  New  Hampshire  Cincinnati.  He 
was  decided  in  his  political  opinions,  and  was  of  the  Jeffersonian 
party.  One  of  his  most  intimate  friends  was  his  cousin,  the  late 
Hon.  Paine  Wingate,  whose  family  is  noted  for  its  longevity.  When 
Judge  Wingate  heard  of  the  death  of  Judge  Gookin  at  Saco,  Maine, 
Sept.  4,  1831.  in  his  76th  year,  he  exclaimed:  "Well,  I  never  thought 
Daniel  would  live  to, be  an  old  man,  for  the  Gookins  are  a  short-lived 

[He  married  Dec.  4,  1787,  Abigail,  dau.  of  Dr.  Levi  Dearborn  of 
New  Hampshire,  one  of  the  most  eminent  physicians  of  his  day.  See 
Register,  vol.  vi,  p.  62,  and  Mementos  of  the  Sivett  Family,  p.  24.] 

"  Journal  of  March  from  North   Hampton,   N.  Hampshire,  in  the  year ' 

1779,"  by  Daniel  Gookin  of  that  place. 
"Tuesday,   May  4, '79.     Set  out  from   N.   Hampton  for  the   army. 
Lodged  at  Andover,  Mr.  Adams,  30  miles. 

5.  Thro'  Tukesbury,  Bilrica,  Bedford,  Concord,  Malborough  to  Land- 

lord Sawings,  38  miles. 

6.  Marched  thro'  Northborough,  Salsbury,  Woster,  Leister,  Spencer, 
Brookfield.     Lodged  at  Landlord  Coley,  35  miles. 

1.  Marched  thro'  Weston,  Palmer,  Wilbraharn  to  Springfield.   Lodged 
at  Landlord  Cottons,  32  miles. 

8.  Thro'  Suffield  (at  this  place  my  dog  Bark  left  me)  to  Simesbury, 

22  miles. 

9.  Sunday.     Thro'  Harrington  to  Litchfield.     Landlord  Thomsons  at 

the  Gaol,  25  miles. 

10.  Washington,  New  Milford  to  pinch  gut.  Lodged  at  Camps 
Tavern,  24  miles. 

11.  Marched  thro' Danbury  to  Ridgfield.     Lodged  at  Keelers  tavern, 

18  miles. 

12.  Wednesday,  thro'  Salem  (this  is  in  New  York)  Courtlandt's 
manor,  correspond  to  Soldier's  Fortune,  6  miles  above  Peekskill 
where  the  reg1  was  encamped,  30  miles. 

28  Revolutionary  Journal  of  Daniel  Gookin.  [Jan. 

13,  14,  15,  16.    Staid  at  Soldier's  Fortune. 

17.  Marched    from    our    encampment    thro'    Fishkill,    crossed    North 

River.  Lodged  at  Newbury,  21  m.  Here  Gen.  Poor  over  took 

18.  Marched  thro'  New  Windsor  to  Bethlam,  9  miles. 

19.  to  Chester,  12  miles. 

20.  to  Warick,  14  miles. 

21.  Kainy  Day,  did  not  march,  this  place  is  4  miles  in  the  Jersey. 

22.  Did  not  march. 

23.  To  Sussex  Court  House,  here  are  four  or  five  houses,  very  good, 
but  the  houses  from  North  River  to  this  place  are  small,  the 
country  mountainous,  the  valleys  fertile,  bearing  large  crops  of 
wheat  and  rye,  the  men  do  but  little  work,  and  the  women  great 
sluts,  marched  22  miles. 

24.  Marched  to  Hope,  a   small  moravian  town  where  there  is  one  of 

the  finest  mills  I  ever  saw,  built  of  stone,  the  since  way  of  this 
mill  is  cut  thro'  stone  800  feet  in  length,  30  feet  deep  in  some 

25.  Marched  within  5  miles  of  Easton,  encamped  in  Woods,  marched 

in  19  miles. 

26.  Marched  into  Easton   5  miles,  this  town  lies  on  the  west  side  of 

Delaware  river,  60  miles  by  land  above  Philadelphia;  this  town 
is  very  pleasantly  situated  on  the  Delaware  and  Lehi,  the  river 
runs  thro'  Bethlehem;  they  have  a  fine  Stone  Church  and  Court 
House  which  lie  in  the  centre  of  the  town  and  a  Stone  Gaol; 
the  inhabitants  German,  buildings  most  of  them  stone. 

21,  28.  We  encamped  on  the  Banks  of  the  river  Lehi.  Bethlehem 
lies  12  miles  up  this  river. 

29,  30.  Went  to  church,  heard   a   sermon   in  Dutch,    saw  the  Priest 

\  administer  the  Sacrament,,  there  was  boys  belonging  to  this 
church  not  more  than  twelve  years  old;  their  manner  of  admin- 
istering the  sacrament  is  first  the  men  come  around  the  altar, 
the  minister  takes  small  white  wafers  about  as  big  as  a  copper 
which  he  puts  into  their  mouths  speaking  to  every  one,  the  same 
with  the  wine,  the  organ  going  all  the  time  and  people  singing. 
Sunday  afternoon  went  to  church,  heard  sermon  preached  by 
Jersey  Chaplain. 

31.  I  [  ]  &  Rec'd  one  Hundred  Dollars  of  Capt.  Fogg. 

June   1,  ;79.   Rec'd   this  day  a  certificate  from  the   State  of   New 
Hampshire,  appointing  me  an  ensign  in  Col.  Reids  Reg1,  to  take 
Rank  from  6  May,  1777. 
2,  3.  On  Court  martial. 

7.  Bought  of  Capt.  Carr*  a   Hanger  for  one  hundred   and  fifty  Dol- 
lars.f     Borrowed  of  Capt.  FoggJ  200  Dols. 

*  James  Carr  of  Semersworth,  was  captain  of  company  three  of  the  second  bat- 
talion, commanded  by  Col.  Nathan  Hale  of  Rindge. — Editor. 

tSept.  1,  1779.  The  bills  in  circulation  were  one  hundred  and  sixty  millions. 
Earlv  in  17b0,  forty  paper  dollars  were  worth  only  one  silver  doiiar. — Lossing's 
Field  Book  of  the  Revolution,  i,  319. 

%  Jerry  Fogg  of  Kensington,  was  "paymaster"  of  the  second  battalion,  according 
to  the  printed  list.  His  position  may  have  been  changed  at  the  time  this  Journal 
was  written. — Editor. 

1S62.]  Revolutionary  Journal  of  Daniel  Gookin.  29 

14.  Heard  of  the  Victory  Gen1  Lincoln  gained  over  the  British  at 
Charleston,  S.  Carolina.     Fired  a  fnze  de  joy  on  the  Occasion. 

18.  Marched  from  Easton  to  Hilerston,  12  miles  and  encamped. 

19.  To  Soconoco  Mount,  Point  Lawrence.  To  wain  17  miles.  Country 
all  mountainous  and  Barren. 

20.  21,  22,  23.  Marched   thro'   Long   Swamp   to  Wyoming   36  miles, 

there  is  one  house  7  miles  from  this    (no  inhabitants)  that  is  all 
for  36  miles  back. 
24.  On  guard.     Provisions   scant,  Beef  very  poor;  there  has  been  a 
large  quantity  condemned. 

26.  Indians  discovered  last  night  near  one  of  our  piquets. 

27.  Removed  our  camp  to  the  west  side  of  the  river,  about  3  miles 
up;  this  is  allowed  by  judges  to  be  the  best  land  they  ever  saw 
and  sure  I  am  that  I  never  saw  an  equal  to  it,  our  garden  spots  in 
New  Hampshire  not  excepted,  the  interval  surpasses  all  descrip- 
tion; the  river  Susquehanna  on  which  this  lies,  abounds  with 
fish,  shad  in  great  plenty  in  the  spring,  as  they  go  up  to  spawn, 
and  the  shores  are  covered  with  these  fish  which  have  died  up 
the  river,  thro'  their  too  long  stay  in  Fresh  water.  The  land  at 
present  is  unimproved,  the  inhabitants  'being  killed  in  an  en- 
gagement with  the  Indians  and  Torys,  last  summer.  300  were 
killed  and  scalped  at  one  time. 

29.  Mr.  Bell  arrived  from  N.  Hampshire. 

30.  Our  men  went  out  this  day  gunning,  saw  deer  and  wild  Turkey, 
killed  none:  this  country  has  a  mountain  which  affords  excellent 
stone-cole;  our  blacksmith  told  me  its  almost  equal  to  Newcastel 

July  5,  1779.  This  day  Gen1  Poor  gave  a  gen1  invitation  to  the 
officers  of  his  Brigade  to  dine  with  him  in  commemoration  of 
American  Independence  (the  fourth  being  Sunday)  we  had  an 
elegant  entertainment.  A  number  of  patriotick  [toasts]  drank, 
&c.  &c. 
6.  This  day  a  shower  rose  in  the  East  and  rained  very  hard  with 
thunder  &  hail,  the  hail  was  as  big  as  pullets  ogg. 

12.  Received  Commission  as  an  Ensign  in  the  2d  N.  Hampshire  Reg'- 
giving  me  Rank  as  Ensign  from  the  6  of  May,  1777;  my  warrant 
I  ree'd  at  Easton. 

21.  The  Gen1  congratulates  the  Army  on  the  success  of  our  arms  at 

Stoney  Point,  this-newes  he  received  by  letter  from  one  of  Gen1 
Washington's  Family,  the  following  is  an  extract:  (to  wit.) 
Brigadier  Gen1  Wayne  with  part  of  the  light  Troop  surprised 
and  took  Prisoners  the  whole  of  the  garrison  at  Stony  Point,  all 
the  cannons,  stores,  mortar,  howitzers  tents,  baggage,  &c.  &c. 
without  the  loss  of  more  than  four  or  five  men,  no  officers  killed 
or  badly  wounded;  if  this  story  turns  out  as  true  as  the  news 
from  Geu1  Lincoln  did,  Amen  for  orders.  Mr.  Bell  being  on  de- 
tachment with  Col°.  Reid*  at  Brinker's  Mills  by  Major  Titcombsf 
desire  I  did  Adg's  duty  from  the  10  &e.  &c.  drew  very  bad 
provisions  it  being  that  which  was   condemned   some  time  past 

*Lt.  Col.  James  Reid  of  Londonderry,  of  the  first  battalion,  N.  H.  troops. — Er>. 
t  Maj.  Benjamin  Titeomb  of  Dover,  of  the  second  battalion. — Editor. 

30  Revolutionary  Journal  of  Daniel  Gookin.  [Jan. 

all  the  alteration  in  it  is  that  it  has  been  smoked  which  takes 
out  some  of  the  ugly  smell  but  the  juice  of  the  grape  continues 
in  it  yet.  Owing  to  the  badness  of  the  Provision  some  of  our 
officers  and  men  are  sick. 

28.  Col°  Eeid  &  Mr.  Bell  &  the  Detachments  that  went  with  him, 
arrived  at  Camp,  drew  our  horses,  making  all  the  preparations 
possible  for  a  march  up  the  river.  Agreeable  to  Gen1  orders  we 
moved  down  yesterday  from  Forty  Fort  to  Wyoming. 

31.  Marched  from  Wyoming  to  Leighawaneuch,  our  bagage  was 
carried  on  pack  horses  provided  for  that  purpose.     9  miles. 

August  1st.  By  reason  of  the  boats  not  getting  up  the  river,  we  did 
not  march  till  three  o'Clock  in  the  afternoon.  Marched  to  Qui- 
hetimaek.  4  miles. 
2.  Our  moving  so  late  from  Leighawanock  yesterday,  and  the  bad- 
ness of  the  roads,  several  of  the  pack  horses  (with  flour  and 
other  stores  over  set)  which  put  us  under  the  fatal  necessity  of 
tarrying  all  this  day  and  night  at  this  Post. 

-3.  Marched  at  Seven  o'clock  in  the  morning  over  a  very  mountain- 
ous country  to  Tunck  Hanick  twelve  miles,  our  baggage  arrived 
safe  this  night,  one  of  our  men  catched  a  wild  turkey  and  an- 
other a  deer  both  of  them  alive,  the  deer  attempted  to  run  thro' 
the  troops  but  got  grabbed;  not  very  well,  up  last  night  on 
guard  &c.  Sec.  Crosd  several  very  fine  streams  in  our  march 
this  day,  (or  rather)  waded  thro'  them. 

4.  Marched  at  six  o'clock  in  the  morning,  the  country  much  the  same 

as  yesterday  untill  we  arrived  within  about  3  miles  of  this  En- 
campment when  we  come  to  most  excellent  land  on  the  interval, 
there  were  black  walnut  trees  four  feet  through,  not  only  one  or 
two  but  a  very  large  number  of  them  that  hold  their  bignes  equal 
to  pine.  The  land  back  of  the  interval  descending  gradually  to- 
ward the  river  afforded  a  most  exalted  prospect.  On  our  march 
came  across  what  they  call  Indian  apples,  they  grow  on  a  small 
bush  only  one  stock  which  is  about  two  feet  high,  six  inches 
from  the  top  there  is  one  branch,  on  this  branch  there  is  a  very 
large  leaf  and  in  the  crotch  of  these  grows  the  apple  about  as  big 
as  a  walnut  shell  and  all  over  it  has  a  thick  skin  like  Lemmons, 
and  the  middle  of  it  very  fine  tasted.  Encamped  at  Vanderlips 
desolate  farm,  42  miles  from  Wyoming. 

5.  To  Wylueing  10  miles.  On  our  march  this  day  came  across 
very  large  Buttonwood  trees  one  of  which  I  had  the  curiosity  to 
measure,   it  was  nineteen  feet  eight  inches  round,   19-8!nche3. 

*  Capt.  Fogg  measured  one  21  feet  round. 

6.  By  reason  of  the  rain  did  not  march  this  day. 

7.  The  weather  still  continuing  bad  cannot  march  this  day  was  sent 

out  Corp1  Mill  with  some  men  to  spy  out  the  country. 

8.  Marched  at  six  o'clock  in  the  morning*  to  Standingstone,  10  miles. 

9.  Marched  to  Shackanack,  14  miles,  very  tedious   days  march  this. 

10.  Did  not  march   from  the   Shackanack  bottom  by  reason  of   the 

boats  not  arriving. 

11.  To  Tioga  4  mile3  waded  across   the   river  up  to  our  middles,  cur- 

rant running  strong.  Col.  Barber  came  very  near  drowning 
crossing   the   river.     The   number   of    horses    that .  came   from 

1862.]  Revolutionary  Journal  of  Daniel  Gookin.  31 

Wyoming  was  Gen1  Poor's  Brigade  300,  Gen1  Maxwell's  300, 
Gen1  Hands  200,  Col"  Proctor  100,  the  horses  from  the  Publick 
stores  300  besides  the  riding  horses  of  the  officers,  120  boats. 
800  head  of  cattle,  &c.  To  see  with  what  patience  the  soldiers 
endured  the  fatigues  of  this  march  wadeing  rivers,  climbing 
mountains  and  a  number  of  other  things  too  tedious  to  mention, 
afford  a  pleasing  prospect  that  in  time  we  shall  have  soldiers 
equal  to  any  in  the  world. 

12.  Waiting  at  this  post  for  Gen1.  Clinton's  Brigde,  the  Troops 
emplo}red  in  building  four  block  houses  and  a  fort  for  the 
security  of  the  garrison,  and  the  provision  that  is  to  be  left  at 
this  post. 

13.  Gen'.  Sullivan  hearing  that  part  of  the  enemy  lie  at  Chemung 
gave  orders  for  the  whole  army's  moving  which  we  did  soon 
as  ever  it  was  dark  last  night,  marching  all  night  arriving  at 
Chemung  at  day  light,  but  the  enemy  had  just  moved  out  of 
the  town  which  we  set  on  fire,  destroyed  large  fields  of  their 
corn,  beans,  potatoes,  squashes,  cucumbers,  water  meltons  &c, 
they  plant  with  as  much  exactness  as  any  farmer  and  their  corn 
and  other  things  [were]  very  forward  our  men  pursued  them, 
came  up  with  them  and  exchanged  some  shots — we  had  1  or  8 
killed  and  a  number  wounded,  returned  to  Tioga  in  the  even- 
ing from  this  to  Chemung  is  said  to  be  12  miles. 

14.  In  our  nights  march  fell   and  hurt  my  knee   which  is  somewhat 
I  painful — a  good  deal  fatigued,  &c.  &e.  &c. 

15.  Sunday  a  small  party  of  the  enemy  came  down  to  the  outpost  of 
our  encampment  and  killed  one  man  and  wounded  another. 

16.  A  detachment  of  900  men  commanded  by  Gen1.  Poor  went  to 
meet  Gen1.  Clinton. 

IT.  The  army  preparing  to  march  which  we  shall  do  as  soon  Gen1. 
Clinton  arrives.  Tioga  lies  on  the  west  side  of  Susquehanna 
river  and  just  in  the  crotch  of  the  river  that  comes  by  Chemung, 
one  man  killed  and  scalped  this  day  by  the  Indians. 

20.  A  party  from  Gen1.  Clinton  arrived  last  night  giving  an  account 
of  his  being  within  eighteen  miles  of  this  post.  Rainy  last 
night  and  to-day. 

21.  Cutting  up  tents  for  bags  to  carry  flour. 

22.  Sunday  on  guard — Gen1.  Clinton's  brigade  arrived  this  day,  they 
have  better  than  200  boats  and  1800  men. 

23.  This  day  about  3  o'clock  a  very  melancholy  accident  happened  in 
camp — Samuel  Gordon,  soldier  in  Capt.  Duston's  company  taking 
a  gun  in  his  hand  and  snaped  it  (not  knowing  it  was  loaded)  the 
gun  went  off,  killed  Capt.  Kimball*  of  Col.  Cilleys  Regiment  as 
he  was  siting  in  a  tent,  and  wounded  one  more.  Capt.  Kimball 
was  buried  with  the  honors  of  war. 

24.  The  army  struck  their  tents  at  3  o'clock  and  loaded  them  and  the 

32  Revolutionary  Journal  of  Daniel  Gookin.  [Jan. 

rest  of  the  baggage — and  the  flanks  and  the  infantry  and 
covering  partys  took  their  foot  in  order  of  march — I  was  drafted 
from  the  right  flank. 

25.  Wednesday,  was  to  have  marched  this  day  but  the  stores  not 
being  ready  prevented  our  marching  in  the  morning  and  in  the 
afternoon  it  was  rainy. 

26.  Thursday  ea*rly  in  the  morning  received  a  letter  from  my  sister 
Betsey,*  dated  July  10.  Marched  from  Tioga  at  11  o'clock  fore- 
noon about  two  &  a  half  miles  above  Fort  Sullivan. 

21.  Marched  at  nine  o'clock  but  proceeded  very  slow  on  account  of 
the  Artillery  and  the  Horses  being  over  loaded,  did  not  arrive 
till  9  o'clock  at  night  which  was  at  the  cornfield. 

28.  Marched  at  3  o'clock   afternoon   over  a  very  high   mountain  from 

which  we  had  a  fine  view  of  the  country — arrived  at  Chemung 
and  encamped — passed  a  defile  a  mile  in  length. 

29.  Sunday,  marched  at  nine  o'clock  about  4  miles  when  our  advanced 
party  discovered  the  enemys  breastwork  which  they  seemed  de- 
termined to  defend,  upon  this  we  formed  ourselves  and  waited 
for  the  rear  to  come  up,  about  3  o'clock  in  the  afternoon  we 
were  ordered  with  GenL.  Poor's  and  Gen'.  Clinton's  brigades  to 
gain  the  rear  of  the  enemy.  Just  as  we  began  our  march  the 
cannon  began  to  play  on  the  enemys  line  which  drove  them  from 
the  breast-work  before  we  had  time  to  gain  their  rear — they 
took  possession  of  a  high  mountain  which  we  immediately  at- 
tacked and  gained  the  summit  of — in  this  attack  Major  Titcomb 
was  wounded  thro'  the  belly  and  arms,  Capt.  Clayesf  thro'  the 
bod}',  Serjeant  Lane  wounded  in  two  places,  Serjeant  Thurstin 
&  Twelve  Rank  &  file  wounded.     Corp.  Huntress  killed. 

IA  McCalleyJ  of  Coi°  Cilley's  regiment  was  wounded  in  the 
knee,  the  wound  was  so  bad  that  they  were  obliged  to  take  of 
his  leg — Col°.  Reids  regiment  suffered  the  most,  the  infantry 
and  rifle  men  pursued  them  by  the  river  whilst  we  were  gaining 
the  rear;  the  name  given  this  place  by  the  Tories  is  Newton, 
about  6  miles  from  Chemung. 

30.  Monday  did  not  march — on  fatigue  L*  McCalley  died  this  morn- 
ing of  his  wound — here  were  large  fields  of  corn  and  beans  which 
our  people  destroyed.  In  the  engagement  yesterday  one  Tory 
was  taken  and  one  negro.  They  gave  an  account  that  both 
Butler  and  Brant  were  at  this  post,  they  had  with  them  1  serg* 
1  corp1  &  12  regular  soldiers,  600  Indians,  &  two  hundred  Tories, 
that  they  live  on  green  corn  and  beans,  have  no  meat  at  all. 
Our  men  found  considerable  plunder  buried  in  the  ground.  They 
got  yesterday  several  Indians  scalps,  &c.  &c.  &c. 

The  Gen1  returns  his  thanks  to  the  army  in  general  and  to 
Gen1  Poors  brigade  in  particular  for  their  spirited  exertions  yes- 

*  Elizabeth  married  Dr.  Edmund  Chadwick  of  Exeter  Hannah,  her  twin  sister, 
married  Rev.  Timothy  Upham  of  Deerfield,  N.  H.  See  Dr.  Albert  G.  Uphani's  Me- 
moir of  the  Upham  Family,  44,  45,  54,  59,  89. 

t  Elijah  Clajes  of  Fitzwilliam,  of  the  second  battalion,  company  seven. — Editor. 

%  Nathaniel  M'Cauley  of  Litchfield,  in  company  four;  Amos  Mori  ill  of  Epsom, 
captain. — Editoe. 

1862.1  Revolutionary  Journal  of  Daniel  Gookin.  33 

SI.  Tuesday.  Last  night  our  wounded  were  scut  down  flic  river  to 
Tioga  &  the  ammunition  waggons  were  sent  back.  We  pro- 
ceeded on  cur  march  at  nine  o'clock  with  4  small  pieces  of 
cannon  and  one  Howitzer.  The  ammunition  was  carried  on  pack 
horses.      March   to   [  ]    10   miles    and    pitched   our   tents 

there,  put  to  halt  allowance. 

September  1.  Marched  at  9  o'clock  across  what  they  call  the  12  mile 
swamp.  This  swamp  is  composed  of  mountains  and  valleys 
which  rise  and  fall  as  quick  as  possible  one  after  the  other,  it 
being  such  bad  going  were  not  able  to  arrive  at  our  encamping 
ground  till  ten  o'clock  night.  The  troops  much  fatigued  &  great 
loss  of  Flour,  Ammunition,  Sec,  &c. 

2.  One  Indian  squaw  left  on  this  ground,  she  was  so  old  they  could 
not  carry  her  off — Geu!.  Sullivan  gave  her  a  pardon — she  gives 
an  account  that  the  warriors  went  out  from  here  as  our  advance 
guard  entered — they  had  a  council  of  war  wherein  the  squaws 
were  for  throwing  themselves  on  our  mercy,  but  the  sannops 
would  not  consent — on  guard  last  night  and  to  day— did  not 
march  on  account  of  the  baggage  not  all  arriving  last  night. 

3.  Marched  5  mile   and  came  to  the  Sinica  Lake — a  very  fine  level 

country  along  this  Lake — Marched  12  miles  this  day. 

4.  Marched    14  miles,  plenty  of  mandrakes  or  Indian   apples   along 

this  country — encamped  in  woods. 

5.  Sunday,  marched  to  T[      ]diah  6  miles  and  encamped;  this  is  an 

old  settled  place,  a  number  of  200  old  apple  trees  and  peach 
trees  plenty — the  houses  here  look  quite  comfortable,  there  are 
two  tombs  where  their  Indian  chiefs  were  buried — here  one  of 
our  men  that  was  taken  at  Wyoming  a  twelve  month  ago  made 
his  escape  from  them  and  came  to  us,  informs  us  that  Butler  is 
for  fighting  us  again  but  the  Tories  say  its  only  throwing  their 
lives  away  for  no  purpose;  cut  down  their  apple  trees.,:* 

Memorable  Longevity. — Mrs.  Sally  Maynard,  widow  of  Deacon  An- 
tipas  Maynard,  formerly  of  Keene,  N.  H.,  died  at  South  Boston,  on 
the  21  instant,  aged  89.  Her  last  work  was  knitting  for  the  soldiers, 
and  she  left  a  pair  of  socks  unfinished.  She  has  five  grandchildren 
in  the  Federal  army,  one  of  whom,  a  private  in  Company  C,  Massa- 
chusetts 13th,  was  engaged  in  the  recent  skirmish  near  Harper's 
Ferry,  and  was  the  third  to  mount  the  32  pounder  captured  from  the 
Rebels.  He  has  his  grandmother's  blood  in  him,  and  had  heard  her 
narrate  incidents  connected  with  the  Revolutionary  war,  and  the  fact 
that  she  saw  Gen.  Washington  when  he  passed  through  her  native 
town.  She  leaves  behind  her,  still  surviving  of  her  family,  eight 
children,  forty-two  grandchildren,  and  twenty-four  great-grandchild- 
ren. For  fifty-three  years  she  was  a  consistent  member  of  the  Bap- 
t'st  church.  She  died  at  the  house  of  her  son-in-law,  J.  D.  Richard- 
son; Esq.,  of  this  city.  She  deserves  honorable  mention  among  the 
veterans  whose  last  days  are  spent  in  prayers  and  active  service  for 
their  country.— Boston  Journal  30  Oct.,  1861 

*  See  Stone's  Life  of  Brandt,  n,  1-40  ;   Lossing's  Field  Book  of  thi  Revolution,  I, 
* '4-276  ;  Barber  and  Howe's  Hist.  Coil,  of  New  York,  94r-98. 

34  Diary  of  Robert  Galley.  [Jan. 

CHARLESTOWN,    MASS.     1699-1765. 

[Communicated  by  Taos.  B.  Wymas,  Jr.,  of  Charlestown.] 

[The  following  abstract  of  Genealogical  Matter  is  contained  in  a  Diary  of  eight 
MS.  volumes  kept  by  Robert  Calley,  Schoolmaster  in  Charlestown.  The  books 
left  by  Mr.  Calley  are  nine  in  number.  The  first,  and  largest,  from  which  I  com- 
menced, which  has  the  earliest  dates, — but  not  the  commencement  of  the  Diary, — is 
a  book  once  kept,  to  some  extent,  as  a  Record  of  Church  Affairs  in  Maiden.  It  con- 
tains records  of  Church  proceedings  and  also  extracts  from  Medical,  Scientific  and 
Historical  Treatises,  &c,  and  Remarks;  the  then  remaining  space  appears  to  have 
been  used  by  Mr.  Calley  to  continue  ids  Diary. 

This  "  first  book  "  is  bound  in  leather.  The  others  are  in  thick,  brown  paper 
covers,  of  duodecimo  size.  They  are  written  in  a  large  round  hand  with  liberal 
space,  but  occasionally  with  a  faltering  and  careless  motion  of  the  pen.  One  book 
has  Accounts  merely,  and  does  not  furnish  me  any  genealogical  facts  to  embody  in 
this  work.  From  eight  volumes  this  abstract  is  constituted.  There  was  evidently 
a  large  recess  to  the  duties  of  Mr.  Calley  as  Schoolmaster,  and  that  may  account  for 
his  occasional  neglect  of  orthography ;  that  detracts,  however,  but  little  from  the 
merits  of  his  works.     He  was  otherwise,  apparently,  a  Cabinet-Maker. 

T.  B.  W.,  Jr.] 

Abbot. — Isaac  m.  Mrs.  Callev,  Jan.  3,  1754;  Mr.  A.'s  dan.  d.  Nov. 
27,  1756,  buried  Dec.  1;  Mm  A.  buried  May  13,  1763. 

Abraham. — Wm.'s  child  buried  Sept.  28,  1762;  Wm.'s  wife  buried  June 
22,  1764;  W.'s  child  buried  June  19,  1765;  Mr.  A.'s  negro  buried 
May  31,  1763;  Mr.  A.  d.  Aug.  25,  1763,  buried  Aug.  27. 

Adams. — Kate  (see  Thos.  Larkin)  published  Oct.  28,  1763;  Capt. 
A.'s  child  buried  Dec.  11,  1764. 

Ames. — Dr.  of  Dedham,  d.  July  11,  1764. 

Arnold. — Mr.'s  wife  brot.  to  bed,  June  4,  1759. 

Austin. — Old  Chance,  buried  Oct.  1,  1764;  John's  child  buried  Sept. 
8,  1759;  John's  son,  d.  and  buried  July  21,  1765:  Josiah's  child 
d.  Feb.  25,  1759,  buried  Feb.  27;  Josiah's  child  buried  Aug.  22, 
1765;  Richard,  Josiah's  son,  see.  21,  buried  Aug.  27,  1765;  Nathan- 
iel m.  Hannah  Kent,  May  24,  1759;  Sarah  (see  Billings  Bradish) 
m.  Feb.  10,  1765,  Thomas's  child  d.'  March  9;  1759.  buried  March 
12;  Thomas's  child  buried  Oct.  3,  1757;  Thomas's  child  buried  Mav 
30,  1760;  Thomas  d.  March  7,  1762,  buried  March  11;  Timothy's 
child  buried  Dec.  13,  1759;  Timothy's  child  buried  Feb.  16,  1765; 
Timothy's  negro  woman  buried  Oct.  21,  1762;  Wm.'s  wife  d.  April 
20,  1762,  buried  April  22;  Wm.'s  child  buried  April  26,  1762;  Mrs. 
A.  (see  Capt.  Stedraan)  m.  Jan.  5,  1764. 

Atjyer.— Mr.  d.  Sept.  21,  1764;  (Auyour)  buried  Sept.  23,  1764. 

Bacon. — "Bacon  buried  !i  July  5,  1758. 

Badger. — Benj.  "news  of  death  of,"  Jan.  8,  1757;  Mrs.  B.  d.  Feb.  1, 
17  65,  buried  Feb.  2. 

Baker. — Sam!'s  wife  d.  Sept.  25,  1759,  buried  Sept.  28. 

Ball. — Robert's  wife,  se  27,  d.  Aug.  29,  1764,  buried  Aug.  31;  Capt.'s 
daughter  buried  Oct.  6,  1764. 

Barnard. — Mr.  of  Andover,  d.  June  14,  1757. 

Barrot. — Mr.'s  child  buried  Jan.  14,  1758. 

Barrow. — Mrs.  buried  Sept,  15,  1757. 


1S62,]  Diary  of  Robert  Calley.  35 

Bartlett. — Mr.  m.  Katy  Witimore,  July  18,  1753. 

Barverrick[(!)]. — "  Barverrick  buried"  April  6,1763. 

Beers. — Molly  (see  Mr.  Pulley)  m.  June  9,  1757.  ...  . 

Belcher. — Gov.  "  news  of  death  of,"  Sept.  9,  1757. 

Bemas. — Child  d.  of  small  pox  Sept.  1,  1752;  child  buried  Nov.  3, 
1763;  Robert  d.  Aug.  31,'l764;  buried  Sept.  2. 

Best. — Capt.  d.  March  6,  1760,  buried  March  9. 

Billings. — Capt.  drowned  at  Sudbury,  Nov.  12,  1758. 

Biscomb. — Thos.'s  child  buried  July  13,  1765. 

Bodge.-— John's  child  d.  Oct,  28,  1763;  old  Mrs.  B.  buried  June  25, 

Borrows.— Mrs.  publ.  (see  Natb.  Rand)  May  20,  1757. 

Bowers. — Charles's  child  buried  July  4,  1758;  Charles's  child  buried 
I  Sept.  21,  1762. 

Bowles.— Mrs.  buried  Dec.  24,  1763. 

Boylston. — Richard  to  Parney  Foster  publ.  Sept.  25,  1763;  old  Mrs. 
B.  buried  April  IS,  1764. 

Bradish. — Abigail  ra.  (see  J.  Frothingham)  Aug.  16,  1759;  Billings  m. 
Sarah  Austin,  Feb.  10,  1765;  Jonathan  d.  July  11,  1763,  buried 
July  14;  Phillis  buried  April  15,  1760;  William  [Ja~jmes'  son  d  of 
small  pox,  I.  June,  1752;   Mrs.  B.  d.  June  12,  1764,  buried  June  15. 

Brazer. — Old  Ben  d.  Jan.  12,  1759;  Capt.  B.  of  Boston,  buried  Jan.  13, 
1759;  James  m.  Betty  Souther  Aug.  14,  1759;  James's  child  d.  July 
23,  1759;  James's  child  buried  May  3,  1760;  James's  child  buried 
June  16,  1762;  James's  child  buried  Sept.  17,  1764;  "  Simian  Bra- 
zier, news  of  death  of,"  Aug.  22,  1757;  Thomas's  child  buried  March 
13,  1759;  Mr.  Thomas,  ft£  73,  d.  Aug.  22,  1764,  buried  Aug.  24; 
Mrs.  B.  d.  Sept.  2,  1758. 

Breed. — Charles's  child  d.  Sept.  19,  1757,  buried  Sept.  21;  Ephraim  to 
Hannah  Newell,  publ.  April  3,  1757;  Mrs.  B.  d.  Sept.  20,  1763;  old 
Mrs.  B.  buried  May  15,  1765. 

Bridgden. — Timothy  m.  April  1,  1762. 

Brixtnal. — John,  dismissed  from  church  in  Lynn  pr  Certificate,  Sept. 

Brooks. — Nathan  of  Woburn,  buried  Jan.  28,  1758;  Susan  buried 
July  18,  1765. 

Brown.— Benj.  Jr.  d.  Sept.  18,  1762,  buried  Sept.  22;  Jonathan's 
wife  brot  to  bed.  Oct  9,  1758;  Jonathan's  child  buried  April  29, 

Bccknam. — Deacon  d.  Aug.  25,  1757. 

Bullin.— Mrs.'s  child  buried  April  3,  1759. 

Bunker.— John  m.  May  5,  1757;  John's  child  d.  Oct  3,  1758. 

Burditt. — Nathan  of  Maiden,  drowned  May  5,  1759;  Mrs.  B.  d.  March 
2,  1765;  Jacob's  wife  buried  March  5,  1765. 

Burr.— Old  Mrs.  B.  buried  Oct.  2,  1756;  Mr.  B.  "news  of  death  of" 
Oct.  8,  1757. 

Burroughs. — Josiah's  child  buried  Oct.  12,  1764. 

Burrows  (see  Borrows). — Mrs.  B.  m.  (see  N.  Rand)  June  9,  1757. 

Calder. — George  m.  Hannah  Howard  Jan.  5,  1764;  Wm.  publ.  Nov. 
25,  1757,  m.  Dec.  25;  Mrs.  C.  buried  Dec.  1,  1758. 

Call,— -Isaac  m.    Esther  Frothingham   Sept.  8,    1763;  Isaac's   wife 


36  Diary  of  Robert  C alley.  [Jan. 

brot  to  bed,  dead  child,  Jan.  6,  1764;  Isaac's  wife  d.  June  3, 
1765,  buried  June  4;  John's  child  bapt.  Aug-,  22,  1762;  Rebecca 
(see  Nath1  Gorham)  set  out  for  Hampton  to  be  m.  Sept.  6,  1763; 
Rebecca  brot  to  bed  Oct.  26,  1763;  Caleb's  wife,  a3.  45,  d.  Jan. 
26,  1765;  Mrs.  Rebecca  buried  Jan.  28,  1765;  Widow  C.  d.  June 
3,  1758,  buried  June  4;  Widow  "Call's  negro  buried,"  Nov.  17, 

Calley. —  [Robert]  m.  Sept.  12,  1751;  Robert,  "my  wife  delivered  of 
a  son,"  May  19,  1752,  d.  June  1;  Lydia,  "of  a  Saturday"  born 
July  21,  1753,  "  by  Mr.  Abbott  bap.  July  22;  [Robert]  "  my  wife  " 
d.  Thursday,  new  stile,  May  16,  1754,  buried  Saturday,  Mav  18; 
[Robert]  "  to  Eliz:  Symmcs","  publ.  March  21,  1760;  [Robert',]  "I 
was  to  Elizabeth  Symmes,"  rn.  April  10;  [Robert]  "my  wife 
delivered  of  a  son  by  Dr.  Loyd  at  between  7  and  8  of  clock  in  the 
morning,  Feb.  12,  1761;  [the  preceding  person]  bap.  by  Mr.  Abbot 
"next  church  day;  Robert  at  |  after  eleven  at  ni-ht,  d.  Feb.  23, 
1763,  buried  Feb.  26;  [Robert]  "my  wife  delivered  of  a  son  by 
Mrs.  Lee  between  12  and  1  at  noon,"  Dec.  7,  1762,  Thomas  by  Mr. 
Abbott  bap.  Dec.  12;  Thomas  f  after  10  morning  d.  Feb.  28, 
1763,  buried  March  2;  [Robert's]  "wife  brot  to  bed  at  night,"  May 
15,  1763;  [Robert]  "my  wife  delivered  of  a  daughter  about  9  a 
clock  night,"  May  24,  1764,  Elizabeth  by  Mr.  Abbot  bap.  June  3; 
"my  [Robert's]  daughter  d.  about  7  of  clock  at  night,"  April  12, 
1765,  buried  April  15;  "  my  [Robert's]  mother  to  Mr.  Isaac  Abbot," 
m.  Jan   3,  1754. 

Cam»in [(!)]'. — Jane  brot  to  bed  with  twins,  July  6,  1757. 

Capen.— Old  Mr.,  b.  June  17,  1762;  "Nabby  Capon,"  d.  March  5, 
1760;  "Abigail  Capon,"  buried  March  8,  1760. 

Carey. — Jona:'s  child  (small  pox),  d.  Sept.  26,  1752;  Capt.  Sam11  wife 
d.  Oct.  8,  1762,  buried  Oct.  13. 

Carnes.— Col.  d.  March  4,  1760. 

Chamberlane. — Ann  (see  Nath.  Phillips)  publ.  May  8,  1757,  m.  June 

Chamberlain. — John  d.  June  30,  1762,  buried  July  2;  Mrs.,  as.  71,  d. 
-    Aug.  26,  1764,  buried  Aug.  28;  Mr.,  publ.  Nov.  23,  1764. 

Chapman. — Mr.'s  child  buried  July  2,  1764;  Jonathan  "news  of  death, 
he  d.  at  Surinam,"  May  22,  1765. 

Cheever. — Capt.'s  negro  woman  buried  April  14,  1763. 

Choate. — Mr.  Samuel's  wife  brot  to  bed  with  2  boys  &  a  girl, 
Aug.  10,  1763,  Sami!.  James,  Susanah,  Mr.  Choate's  children  bapt. 
Aug.  14;  "Choate's  child  buried "  Jan.  13,1764;  "  Mr.  Choate's 
child  buried"  Aug.  15,  1764. 

Clemments. — John  d.  July  22,  1762. 

Glough. — John's  negro  woman  killed  her  child,  Nov.  30,  1757. 

Coffin. — Rev.  Mr.  Paul  to  Mary  Gorham,  m.  Nov.  10,  1763. 

Collings. — Mary   (see  Abraham  Waters)  m.  May  17,  1762, 

Conant. — Samuel  "took  into  church"  March  25,  1759;  Samuell's 
daughter  d.  of  small  pox,  inocu.  April  22,  1764. 

Cooper. — Mr.  Jonathan  d.  x^pril  26,  1765,  buried  Oct.  1. 

Cotton.— Mr.  of  Newton,  d.  May  18,  1757. 

Cummins.— Mr.  d.  Aug.  25,  1763." 

Cutler. — Dr.,  as.  82,  d.  Aug.  17,  1765. 


1S62.]  Diary  of  Robert  C alley.  37 

j) AVH.— Barney,  buried  Dec.  8,  1768;  Nath1'.  d.  March  31,  1759,  buried 
April  3;  Capt.  Nath11.  news  of  death  Dec.  7,  1762;  Hannah  m.  (see 
Isaac  Symmes)  March  20,  1765. 
Dbland.— "Deland's  child  df  Aug.  14,  1758. 
Pel.aney. — "Delaney's  child  buried." 

I»Evens. — Mrs.  buried  Dec.  9,  1756;  Mrs.'s  child  buried  March  6,  1759. 
Dizeib.— Mrs.  d.  Nov.  5,  1763. 
Dowse. — Eleazer's  child  buried  June  22,  1762;  Eleazer's  wife  d.  Sept. 

18,    1764,  buried    Sept.  20;  Eleazer  m.  April  18,  1765;  John,  news 
of  death  at  Martinico,   Sept.   13,  1762;  Jonathan's    wife  (d,  small 

pox,   nat),  July    25,    1752,  Jona:,'s   wife  buried   Match    31,  1759; 

Samu's  wife  brot  to  bed,  child  dead,  June  30,    1758;  Sam.  wife   brot 

to  bed  June  8,  1759;  Sam',  child  buried  Sept,   18,  1762;  "Dowse" 

(see  Mr.  Pain),  publ.  March  17,  1765. 
Dumslin [(!)].— Mr.'s  child  (small  pox)  d.  July  25,  1752. 
Dun.-—  Mrs. Js  child  (small  pox)  d.  May  21,  1764. 
East.— Mrs.'s  child  buried  Aug.  24,  1758. 
Eaton. — Mr.'s  wife  brot  to  bed  with  a  son,  March  19,  1757. 
Edes. — Daniel    buried    Nov.    15,    1764;    Isaiah's    child    d.    measels, 

March   1,   1759,    buried   March    3;    Isaiah's    child    buried    Oct.   18, 

1763;  Jonathan's  y,7idow  buried  April  26,    1764;  old  Mrs.  d.  Aug. 

9,  1758,  buried  Aug.  14. 
Edmans.— Jona".  d.  May  28,  1760,  buried  May  31. 
Edmonds.— Old  Mrs.  buried  Feb.  10,  1763. 
Ellery. — Elias    m.    E.  Gill    Jan.   24,    1758;  Capt.    Elery  "news    of 

death  of"  Sept.  23,  1759. 
Eskrin[(I)]. — Mr.  drowned  Nov.  4,  1757. 
Evans — Sam11,  and  Sarah  Marble  m.  Nov.  3,  1735. 
Fillebrown. — Isaac's  child  buried  Sept.  13,  1756. 
Flcker. — Capt.  d.  Nov.   3,  1757,  bur.  Nov.  5;  Jane  (see  Docr.  Rand) 

publ.  April  9,  1758;  m.  May  9. 
Ford. — Betty   in.    Sept.  5,  1757;  David    d.    March    14,  1758,  buried 

March  17;  Sarah  (see  Edward  Goodwin)  m.  Aug.  16,  1759. 
Fosdick.— -James  m.  Sept.  23,  1762;  Mr.'s  child  d.  Oct.  14, 1762,  buried 

Oct  17;  Wm.  publ.  Oct.  14,  1764. 
Foster. — Betty  m.    May  13,  1762:  Parney    (see   Richard  Boylston) 

publ.    Sept.   25,   1763;  Docr.   Wm.  at  night  d.    Dec.   3,  1759,  bur. 

Dec.  7. 
Fowle. — John's  child  buried   Sept.   13,  1763;  John   buried  April  21, 

Foye. — Mrs.  Elizr's  burial  mentioned    (Rev.  Joseph   Stevens'  wife's 

eldest  sister),  Nov.  18,  1721. 
Francis. — Stephen  drowned  July  17,  1765,  buried  July  19. 
Frothingham. — Abigail  "took  into  church"  March   23,  1760;  Benja. 

d.  July  6,  1763,  buried  July  8;  B.  publ.  March  14,  1762;  Benjamin 

m.  May  5,  1762;  Benj.'s  wife  brot  to  bed  with  a  girl,  Feb.  17,  1763; 

Benj.'s  wife    brot  to    bed    Dec.    17,  1764;  Benj.'s  child  d.  Dec.  27, 

buried  Dec.    28;  Mr.   Benj11.   about   12  o'clock  d.,   a?.    58,  July  24, 

1765,  buried  July  26;  David's  child  buried  Aug.   13,  1758;  David's 

wife  d.  April  24,  1763,  buried  April  27;  Esther  (see  Isaac  Call)  m. 

Sept.  8,  1763;  Hephzabah  d.   Oct.  26,  1756,  buried  Oct,  28;  James 

publ.   June   24,  1759;  James  to  Abigail  Bradish,  in.  August  16; 

38  Diary  of  Robert  C alley.  [Jan. 

James'  child  bap.  May  25,  1760;  John's  daughter  buried  April  9, 
1764;  Jonathan  and  Huldah  Spraguepubl.  Aug.  21,  1757,  m.  Oct. 
12;  Jona.  Fro".'s  wife  brot  to  bed  May  15,  1759;  Joseph  of  New- 
bury, d.  Oct.  17,  1762;  Jo:  d.  Dec.  4,  1762,  buried  Dec.  6;  Joseph's 
child  d.  Aug.  10,  1757,  buried  Aug.  11;  Joseph's  wife  brot  to  bed 
with  a  girl  May  17,  1758;  Joseph's  wife  brot  to  bed  with  a  son 
March  16,  1760;*  Joseph's  daughter  d.  8  o  night  Sept.  9,  1764;  J. 
F.  child  bmied  Sept.  11;  Natlr's  wife  brot  to  bed  Dec.  11,  1758; 
Nathaniel's  child  d.  Dec.  12;  Nate's  child  d.  Oct.  1,  1763,  buried 
Oct.  3;  Natlr's  wife  d.  between  4  and  5  morn,  Dec.  18,  1763, 
buried  Dec.  21;  Nath11.  m.  Oct.  3,  1765;  Deacon's  wife  d.  about 
noon  Nov.  18,  1755;  Deacon  Samuel,  a3.  87,  d.  about  10  o'clock  Nov. 
15,  1762,  buried  Nov.  18;  Thos.  publ.  Oct.  24,  1762,  m.  Dec.  2; 
Thos.'s  wife  d.  July  29,  1764,  buried  July  31;  Wm.'s  wife  brot  to 
bed  with  a  daughter  Nov.  20,  1758;  old  Mrs.  d.  about  10  o  the 
forenoon,  April  23,  1760,  buried  April  26. 

Gardiner. — James  m.  May  22,  1760. 

Gibson. — Wm.  d.  March  16,  1763,  buried  March  18;  Wm.'s  wife 
buried  Oct.  27,  1764. 

Gill.— E.  (see  Elias  Ellery)  m.  Jan.  24,  1758;  Michael's  child, 
measles,  buried  Jan.  20,  1759;  Michael  d.  March  1,  1760;  Capt. 
Michael  buried  March  6;  Madam  d.  June  2,  1759,  buried  June  4. 

Goings.— Capt.  Hammond  of  apoplexe,  d.  June  14,  1762,  buried  June 
16;  Mrs.   "some  time  this  week"  m.  (of  Aug.  31,  1763). 

Gold. — N.  and  Rebecca  Wood  pub:  March  16,  1760,  m.  April  24. 

Goodwin. — David's  child  buried  Jan.  5,  1765;  Edward  m.  Sarah  Ford 
Aug.  16,  1759;  Ed.'s  tweens  buried  July  5,  1765;  John's  wife 
of  small  pox,  I.,  d.  June  14,  1752;  John  to  Abigail  Whitimore  m. 
Sept.  5,  1763;  John's  child  buried  June  17,  1765;  Samu's  child 
buried  Aug.  18,  1758;  Samu.'s  wife  d.  May  1,  1764,  buried  May  3: 
Samll.'s  son  buried  April  12,  1765;  Thos.'s  child  buried  July  6, 
1765;  Thos.'s  wife  d.  Aug.  11,  1765,  buried  Aug.  12;  Wm.  married 
June  21,  1764. 

Gorham. — Nath1.  to  Rebecca  Call,  to  be  m.  Sept.  6,  1763;  Mary  (see 
Rev.  Mr.  Coffin)  m.  Nov.  10,  1763. 

Grant.— Capt.'s  wife  buried  March  27,  1759. 

Green. — Mrs.  brot  to  bed  at  2  o'clock  this  morning  with  a  son  Sept. 
28,  1757;  Thomas  Green's  child,  bapt.  Oct.  2;  Mrs.  brot  to  bed  with 
a  daughter  May  29,  1759;  Mary,  child,  bapt.  June  3;  Mrs.  brot  to 
bed  with  a  son  Oct.  19,  1762;  Green's  child  d.  at  9  o'clock  in 
evening  Oct.  3,  1763,  buried  Oct.  6;  Mrs.  brot  to  bed  with  a  son 
Feb.  6,  1765;  David  bapt.  Feb.  10;  Mr.'s  mother  d.  May  17,  1760, 
buried  May  22;  John's  wife  d.  Aug.  1,  1765. 

Grubb. — Wm.'s  wife  d.  Nov.  15,  1756;  Wm.  m.  March  14,  1757;  Wm.'s 
child  d.  March  14,  1759,  buried  March  15;  Wm.'s  child  buried  Sept. 
9,  1763. 

Gullifor. — Mr.  d.  June  25,  1764. 

Gullison. — Steven's  child  buried  Jan.  2,  1759. 

Hancock.— Old  Mrs.  d.  Dec.  24,  1756,  buried  Dec.  28;  Capt.'s  wife  d. 
Nov.  21,1763,  buried  Nov.  25; .  John's  wife  d.  Sept.  24,  1765,  buried 
Sept.  26. 

Harding.— Capt.'s  child  buried  Nov.  10,  1762. 

}SC2>]  Diary  of  Robert  C alley,  39 

j{.Tch.- — Mrs.  buried  April  23,  1759. 

lj'vV. 0!d   Mrs.  buried  March  23,  1764;  John's  daughter  d.,  a?.  13, 

May  14,  1764,  buried  May  16. 
H(;)vdl(e)y. — Capt.'s  son  d.  March  1,  1759, buried  March  3;  Capt.  to 

Ratty  Russell  publ.  Sept.  19,  1762,  ra.  Oct.  5;  Capt.'s  negro  woman 

buried   Sept.   3.  1762;  Capt.'s   negro,  small  pox,  d.   May  25,  1764; 

Elizabeth  (see  Thos.  Russell)  m.  May  2,  1765. 
Herington. — •"  Herington  hanged"  March  17,  1757. 
Hill.— Mrs.  (to  James  Kettell)  publ.  Jan.  27,  1765. 
Hoges.— Mary  m.  Feb.  12,  1763. 
HoorER. — Thos.   publ.    Sept.     11,  1757;   Thomas   m.   Louis   Souther 

Oct.  17;  Thos.'s  wife  brut  to  bed  with  a  boy  Aug.  2,  1758. 
Hopkins. — Joseph's  child,   of  small  pox,    d.   Oct.    6,    1752;  Joseph's 

wife  d.  Feb.  23,   1757,  buried  Feb.  26;  J.'s   child  buried  June  1, 

1765;  Joseph's  wife  d.  June  4,  1765,  buried  June  6;  Sam11,  d,  Sept. 

21,  1764,  buried  Sept,  23. 
Hopping, — Betty  (see  Nath.  Rand)  publ.  Jan.   8,1764;  Richard   news 

of  death  of,  Aug.  22,  1757;  old  Mrs.  d.  May  19,    1759,  buried  May 

22;  Thos.'s  wife  d.  July   11,   1762,  buried  July  13;  Wm.'s  child, 

small  pox,  d.  June  4,  1764. 
Howard. — Hannah  (see  G.  Calder)  m.  Jan  5,  1764. 
Humphreys. — Delight  (see  S.  Sweetser)  publ.  April  3,  1757. 
Hunnewell. — James's  child  buried  March  14.   1759;  Joseph's  wife  d. 

Oct.   15,  1762,  buried    Oct.  19;  old  Mrs.,'  se.    91,  buried  June  25, 

1763;  Lucy's  child  buried  Aug.  24,  1765. 
Hurd. — Benj.'s  child  buried  Aug.  18,  1759. 
Husse. — Robert,  of  small  pox  nat.,  d.  July  28,  1752. 
Hussey. — Mrs.  buried  July  15,  1763. 
Hutchinson. — Mr.  m.  Feb.  6,  1763. 
Ivory.— Mrs.  d.  July  17,  1764,  buried  July  19. 
Jener. — Thos.  Esq.    buried  June   27,  1765;  Neptune   Jeners  buried 

July  3,  175S. 
Jenkins. — Mrs.  buried  March  6,  1763. 
Johnson. — "Widow  buried  June  9,  1758;  old  Capt.'s  wife  d.  Aug.  25, 

1759,  buried  Aug.  27;  Joseph's  child  buried  Dec.  8,  1764;  Kate 

buried  Dec.  6,  1764. 
Kelley. — Mrs.  d.  Aug.  23,  1757,  buried  Aug.  24. 
Kenney. — James's  child  d.  Aug.  31,  1761,  buried  Sept.  2. 
Kent. — Eben  publ.  Aug.  28,  1757;  Hannah    (see  Nath11.  Austin)  m. 

May  24,  1759;  Nath.'s   child,  coffin  made  for, 'Oct.  26,  1763;  Sam11. 

child  buried  Aug.  31,  1765;  old  Mrs.  buried  April  7,  1762. 
Kettell. — Mr.   James,  with  an  apeplex,  d.  Jan.  30,  1759;  James  to 

Mrs.  Hill  publ.  Jan.  27,   1765,  m.   Feb.   12;  old  Mary  buried  Dec. 

25,  1762;  Nath1.  d.  Nov.  26,  1764,  buried  Nov.  29;  Richard's  child 

buried  Dec.  31,   1762;  Mr.'s  son  buried  April   16,   1760;  old  Mrs. 

buried  Sept.  8,  1759;  Mrs.  with  small  pox,  d.  July  9,  1764. 
Kidder.— Betty,  small  pox,  d.  May  6,  1764;  John  buried  Oct.  6, 1164; 
'  Mrs.  small  pox,  d.  May  5,  1764. 
King. — Eben    and    wife    took    into    church    June    19,    1757,    Eben 

suddingly  d.  Sept.  29,  1757.  buried  Oct.  1. 
Lamson.— Calab   d.  March  14,  1757,  buried  March  17;  Callab   d.  Feb. 

9,  1160,  buried  Feb.   14;  John  m.  Frances  Webb  May  10,  1759. 

40  Diary  of  Robert  C alley.  [Jan. 

Larkin. — Mrs.   Hannah,  apoplexy,  d.  Jan.   27,  1759,   buried  Jan.  SO; 

Isaac's   child   buried   July   23,    17G5;  John's   child   buried  July  1, 

1764;  John's    child  d.   Feb.    2,  1765,    buried  Feb.  4:  Capt.  John's 

child  buried  July  28,  1765;  Joseph  buried  April  9,  1765;  Sam;;.  d. 

March  5,  1758,   buried  March  8;  Thos.  to  Kate  Adams   publ.  Oct. 

28,  1763,  m.   Nov.   S;  Thos.'s   wife   d.  Feb.  14,  1764;  Thos.'s  child 

buried   Dec.    22,  1764;  Zac.  child    buried   May    16,   1762;  widow's 

daugh'.  d.  March  19,  1763,  buried  March  22. 
Lawrence. — Daniel    buried    May    27,    1757;  Mrs.'s    child  d.    May  9, 

Le  Busquit. — John's  child  buried  Sept.  14,  1764. 
Lee. — Ester  d.  Sept.  1,  1765;  Mr.  d.  Nov.  5,  1764,  buried  Nov.  9. 
Leman. — "  Leman  married"  Feb.  8,  1759. 
Lewis. — Capt.  of  the  Hereford,  d.  Aug-.  7,  1759;  Capt.  buried  March 

14;  Madam  buried  April  2,  1764. 
Lord. — Thos.  about  4  o'c.  this  morning,  d,  May  24,  1762,  bur.  May  25. 
Lynde. — Mr.'s  child    buried   March   19,   1759;  Mr.'s  son   buried  June 

23,   1765;  Mr.'s  negro  buried  May    16,   1764;  Mr.'s   negro   buried 

June  8,  1765. 
Mallet. — Ephraim's  child  d.  Sept.  25, 1759;  E.'s  child  bur.  Nov.  2,  1764. 
Manning. — Isaac's  wife,  as.   20,  buried   Aug.   26,  1764;  Isaac's   child 

buried  Aug.  10,  1765;  Thos.  small  pox  Bat.,  d.  July  10,  1752;  Wm. 

to  Phebe  Townscnd.   m.   Nov.  29,   1759;  Wm.'s  child  buried  June 

21,  1762;  Mr.  Wm.'s  child  buried  Aug.  15,  1765*  Mr.'s  wife  buried 

Dec.  8,  1759. 
Mansfield. — Mr.  of  Lynn,  fell  of  his  horse  and  was  killed  on  Monday 

morning,  d.  Jan.  9,  1758. 
Marble. — Sarah  (see  Sam1.  Evans)  m.  Nov.  3,  1755. 
Martin. — David  fell  from  the  stage  (^ship  launched),  and  was  killed, 

April  18,  1757. 
Mason.— Mrs.'s  child  d.  Sep;.  17,  1762. 
Masterman. — Capt.  news  of  the  death  of,  Sept.  23,  1759. 
Maudlin. — Thos.  news  of  death,  Nov.  26,  1756;  Mrs.  buried  July  11, 

Mill(*)r, — Mrs,  Abigail,  33.  85,  d.  Jan.  22,  1765,  buried  Jan.  24;  James's 

daughter  d.   Oct.  2,  1759,   buried  Oct.  5;  James's   wife  d.  June  28, 

1764,  buried  June   30;  John's   daughter,   se,    14,  d.  Dec.  17,  1757, 

buried   Dec.   21;  Johu's  wife   d.   March   31,   1763,  buried  April  2; 

Mrs.  Mary,  se.  81,  d.  Jan.  10,  1765,  buried  Jan.    12;  Pomp,  d.  April 

27,  1760;  Sam1,  m.  Aug.  23,  1759;  Capt.'s  wife  d.  Nov.  21,  1758, 

buried  Nov.  zi. 
Millens.— Mary  m.  Nov.  23,  1758. 
Mirick. — Mr.  Ed.  d.  July  6,  1762,  buried  July  9;  Joseph's  wife  buried 

May  31,  1762;  Mr.  Joseph  buried  Dec.  3,   1762;  Joseph,  small  pox, 

d.   June  24,  1764;  Mary    took  into  church,  June  17,   1759;  Sam1. 

buried  May  24?  1765. 
Mousel. — Anna  buried  Feb.   4,  1757;  Mrs.   d.  Feb.  1,  1763,  buried 

Feb.  4. 
Mousley. — Mrs.  d.  June  18,  1758,  buried  June  20. 
Mugey. — Mrs.  d.  May  6,  1764,  buried  May  7. 
Mungey.— Mrs.  d.  Aug.  20,  1758,  buried  Aug.  22. 

[to  be  continued.] 


IS62]  Parker  Genealogy.  41 


[Communicated  by  Hen.  Francis  J.  Parker  [55]  of  Boston.] 

Abraham  Parkfr,  was  the  first  of  the  family  in  this  country.  Of 
the  date  and  locality  of  his  birth  there  is  no  known  evidence,  but  it  is 
p resumed  that  he  came  from  Wiltshire  in  England.  lie  first  settled 
at  Woburn,  Mass.,  where  he  was  married  to  Rose  Whillock,  Nov.  IS, 
1644;  was  admitted  a  freemen  in  1645  and  removed  to  Chelmsford, 
probably,  upon  its  incorporation  m  1053,  with  his  brothers  Jacob, 
James  and  Joseph;  a  fifth  brother,  John,  having  settled  about  the 
same  time  at  Shawsheen  now  Andover.  The  homestead  of  Abraham 
Parker  was  set  off  to  him  Sept.  29,  1062,  and  comprised  24  acres 
near  the  middle  of  the  town.  He  held  several  minor  offices  in  the 
town;  and  his  name  appears  frequently  as  a  member  of  various  com- 
mittees for  town  purposes.  He  was  one  of  about  twenty  signers  of 
a  petition  to  the  General  Court,  dated  Aug.  30,  1053,  wherein  certain 
people  of  Woburn  remonstrated  against  the  passage  of  a  law  proposed, 
requiring  the  approbation  of  ihe  eiders  of  "  four  next  churches," 
or  of  the  County  Court  without  which  '■*  no  person  *  *  *  *  shall 
undertake  any  constant  course  of  publick  preaching  or  prophesying." 
He  died  at  Chelmsford,  Aug.  12,  1685.  His  will,  dated  six  days 
previous,  is  on  file  in  Suffolk  Probate  Records,  and  was  proved  three 
years  later,  before  Sir  Edmund  Andros.  His  widow  died  Nov.  30, 
1691;  her  will  is  on  file  in  Middlesex  Probate  Records 

1.  Abraham1  Parker,  by  wife  Rose  (Whitlock),  had  ch.:  (2)  Anna 
or  Hanna*  b.  at  Woburn,  Oct.  29,  1645;  bap.  in  1656,  by  Rev.  J. 
Fiske;  m.  Nathaniel  Blood,  Jan.  16,  1679.  She  is  not  mentioned  in 
the  will  of  either  of  her  Daren ts.  (3)  John,-  b.  at  Woburn,  Oct. 
30,  1647;  bap.  in  1656,  by  Rev.  J.  Fiske,  d.  April  14,  1699;  his  wife, 
Mary  Danforth,  dan.  of  Capt.  Jonathan  Danforth,  of  Billerica,  sur- 
vived him.  (4)  Abraham,-  b.  at  Woburn,  March  8,  1650;  d.  Oct.  20. 
1651.  (5)  Abraham*  b.  at  Woburn,  Aug.,  1652;  bap.  1656,  by  Rev. 
J.  Fiske;  admitted  a  freeman  May  24,  1682;  m.  July  15,  1682,  Martha 
Livermore,  dau.  of  John  Livermore  of  Watertown,  and  had  five 
children.  He  probably  removed  to  Roxbury  and  died  there.  (6) 
Mary*  b.  at  Chelmsford,  Nov.  15,  1655:  bap.  1656;  m.  Dec.  11,  1618, 
her  cousin,  James,  son  of  Capt.  James  Parker.  He  was  killed  by  the 
Indians  in  Groton]  July  27,  1694.  (7)  Moses*  [-J-]  b.  at  Chelmsford, 
about  the  year  1657;  "m.  June  19,  1684,  Abigail  Hildreth,  dau.  of 
Richard  Hildreth  of  Chelmsford.  In  1718,  he  subscribed  £1  toward 
.£20  raised  by  subscription  to  build  the  first  school  house  in  Chelms- 
ford. He  died  Oct.  12,  1732.  (8)  Isaac*  b.  Sept.  13,  (bap.  23),  LOGO; 
m.  Esther  or  Hester  Fletcher;  d.  Feb.  22,  1688-9.  (9)  Elizabeth*  b. 
April  10,  1663;  m.  James  Pierce  of  Woburn;  d.  March  5,  1688.  (10) 
Lydia*  b.  Feb.  17  (bap.  IS),  1665;  ra.  John  Kidder  of  Chelmsford, 
Dec.  3,  1684.  (11)  Jacob*  b.  March  24,  1669.  His  name  is  not  men- 
tioned in  the  will  of  either  parent. 

*  Thiiis  the  direct-line  of.  the  family  of  lion.  Isaac,  and  Hon.  Joel  Parker. — Ei». 

42  Parker  Genealogy,  [Jan. 

7.  Moses2  Parker,  by  wife  Abigail  (Hildreth),  had  ch.:  (12)  Abigail* 
b.  May  8,  1685;  m.  Dec.  18,  1107,  Benjamin  Adams  of  Chelmsford. 
(^13)  Moses*  "  killed  with  thunder,"  says  Chelmsford  record,  July 
23,  1702.  (14)  Aaron*  [  +  ]  b.  in  Chelmsford,  April  9,  1689;  m.  Abi- 
gail Adams,  about  1712.  The  West  Parish  of  Chelmsford  stated  its 
grievances  to  the  General  Court  in  172-1,  and  in  1729  Westford  was 
incorporated.  At  the  organization  of  the  church,  in  1727,  Aaron 
Parker  signed  the  covenant,  and  his  wife  was  admitted  April  7,  1728. 
He  died  Dec.  19,  1775,  and  was  buried  in  Westford.  (15)  Elizabeth* 
b.  Dec.  20,1691;  m.  Ebenezer  Parker,  son  of  Thomas  and  Marie. 
(16)  Joseph*  b.  March  25,  1694.  He  was  lieutenant  of  a  snow  shoe 
company  formed  in  1724,  to  operate  against  the  Indians.  He  died 
April  22,  1738.  His  son,  Lt.  Col.  Moses  Parker,  was  wounded  at 
Bunker  Hi1!  and  died  a  prisoner  in  Boston,  July  4,  1775,  a.  43.  (17) 
Benjamin*  b.  April  14,  1696.  (18)  Mary*  b.  Sept.  6,  1698;  m.  Ben- 
jamin Chamberlain. 

14.  Aarox3  Parker,  by  wife  Abigail  (Adams),  had  ch.:  (19) 
Aaron*  b.  Aug.  19,  1713;  d.  Sept,  30,  1772.  (20)  Samuel/*  [-}-]  p.  in 
Chelmsford,  afterward  Westford,  Jan.  1,  1717;  m.  1st,  Sarah  Fletcher, 
dau.  of  Deacon  Joshua  Fletcher,  Jan.  22,  1873;  was  admitted  to  the 
Church  at  Westford,    May   6,   1739.     His  wife  died  Oct.  12,  1716. 

He  next  m.  May  12,  1748,  Mrs.  Mary  Robbins,  dau.  of  John 
Proctor  of  Westford,  and  wid.  of  Jonathan  Robbins.  She  died 
Nov.  22,  1757. 

He    afterward  m.   Mrs. Fletcher,  and  d.   at  Jaffrey,  N.  IT., 

Aug.  7,  1795.  (21)  Moses/  b.  May  16,  1718;  rn.  Bridget  Cum- 
mings.  (22)  Abigail/  b.  Oct.  17,  i720;  m.  March  11.  1742,  John 
Senter  of  Londonderry,  N.  H.  (23)  Mary/  b.  Oct.  20,  1723;  in. 
April  10,  1744,  Olive"  Proctor  or*  Chelmsford.  (24)  Lucy/  b.  Jan. 
11,  1725-6;  m.  June  6,  1744,  Stephen  Corey  of  Littleton,  Mass. 
(25)  Elizabeth/  b.  Feb.  8,  x728;  m.  July  22,  1746,  Gershom  Proctor 
of  Chelmsford.  (26)  Isaac/  b.  May  20,  1731.  (27)  Joseph*  b.  Jan. 
2,  1735.     (28)   Esther/  b.  July  4,  1738. 

.  20.  Samuel*  Parker,  by  wife  Sarah  (Fletcher),  had  ch.:  (29) 
Samuel/  b.  Feb.  27,  1739;  d.  in  Maine.  (30)  Sarah/  b.  Oct.  23, 
1740;  m.  Feb.  28,  1765,  Solomon  button  of  Antrim,  N.  H.  (31) 
Joseph/  b.  May  20,  1742;  d.  in  New  Ipswich,  N.  H.  (34)  Silas/  b. 
Jan.  23,  1743;  d.  at  Ml  Desert.  (35)  Leonard/  b.  Nov.  io,  1745;  d. 
in  the  ft.  Holmes  Purchase." 

By  wife  Mary  (Proctor)  (Robbins)  Parker,  had  ch.:  (36)  Mary/ 
b.  Feb.  14,  1749;  m.  June  3,  1766,  Thomas  Wright  of  New  Ipswich, 
N.  H.;  d.  a  widow,  at  Jaffrey,  N.  H,  July  16,  1823.  (37)  Jonathan/ 
b.  March  28,  1751;  d  unm,  at  Rindge,  N.  H.,  March  20,  1820.  (38) 
Abel/  [-f-1  b.  at  Westford,  March  25,  1753,  where  he  resided  until 
about  1767,  when  the  family  removed  to  Pepperrell.  He  m.  Oct.  14, 
1777,  Edith  Jewett,  dau.  of  Jedediah  Jewett  of  Pepperrell,  and  in 
May,  1780,  he  removed  to  Jaffrey,  N.  H.,  where  he  d.  May  2,  1831. 
His  widow  d.  Oct.  23,  1848,  a.  96.  A  memoir  of  Abel  Parker  is 
printed  in  the  Collections  of  the  N.  II.  Historical  Society,  vol.  m,  p.  258. 
A  private  soldier  at  Bunker  Hill,  he  was  severely  wounded  in  the 
fight.  During  his  life  he  held  many  offices:  March  14,  1778,  was 
made  ensign  in  the  continental  army;  Oct.  28,  1779,  lieutenant  in  the 


1SG2]  Parker  Genealogy.  43 

same;  Oct.  25,  1708,  U.  S.  assistant  assessor;  May  IT,  1802,  judge 
of  probate,  which  office  he  held  more  than  twenty  years;  Jan.  21, 
1812,  postmaster  of  Jaffrey  five  years  and  resigned;  1824,  elector  of 
president  and  vice  president;  was  justice  of  the  peace  and  quorum 
throughout  the  state;  for  five  years  one  of  the  selectmen;  for  seven 
years  a  member  of  the  state  legislature;  town  clerk  one  year,  and 
was  a  member  of  the  convention  of  New  Hampshire  which  adopted 
the  federal  constitution.  It  was  his  highest  pride  that  every  office 
came  to  him  unsought.  (39)  Elizabeth,5  b.  May  9,  1755;  in.  Mr. 
Tenney.     (40)   Lydia,5  1>.  July  13,  1757;  d.  Feb.  10,  1774,  num. 

38.  Abel5  Parker,  by  wife  Eadith  (Jewett),  had  eh.s  (41)  Edith* 
b.  July  20,  1778;  d.  Feb.  23,  1784.  (42)  Abelfih  Sept.  18,  17S0; 
d.  Oct.  28,  1807,  unm.  (43)  Edmund*  b.  Feb.  7,  1783;  d.  Sept. 
8,  1856,  having  been  judge  of  probate  for  Hillsboro'  county,  about 
seven  years;  representative  in  the  state  legislature  for  Amherst 
and  Nashua,  sixteen  years;  speaker  of  the  same,  two  years;  mem- 
ber of  the  constitutional  convention  of  1S50;  agent  of  the  Jackson 
company  eleven  years,  and  at  the  time  of  his  decease,  president  of 
the  Nashua  and  Lowell  R  R.  Co.  (44)  Silas*  b.  Feb.  11,  1785;  d. 
March  21,  1785.  (45)  Ask*  b.  March  12,  1786;  d.  Oct.  15,  3833, 
having  been  judge  of  probate  for  Cheshire  county.  (46)  Isaac,*  b. 
in  Jaffrey,  N.  H.,  April  14,  1788.  His  ancestors  in  this  country  had 
invariably  followed  a  farmer's  life  as  their  occupation,  but  his  taste 
and  inclination  led  him  to  enter  upon  that  of  a  merchant.  His  ap- 
prenticeship was  served  under  Mr.  David  Page,  who  carried  on  quite 
an  extensive  business  in  several  localities.  His  first  independent 
operations  were  commenced  at  Keene,  N.  H.  Nov.  17,  1812,  he  m. 
Sarah  Ainsworth,  dau.  of  Rev.  Laban  Ainsworth  of  Jaffrey,  N.  H. 
He  afterwards  removed  to  Boston  where  for  upward  of  40  years  he 
was  more  or  less  actively  engaged  in  mercantile  pursuits.  He  was 
for  several  years  a  member  of  the  city  council,  and  for  two  years  a 
representative  of  Boston  in  the  state  legislature;  was  one  of  the 
trustees  of  Mount  Auburn  cemetery;  trustee  of  the  Sullivan  rail  road; 
director  of  a  large  number  of  business  corporations,  and  president 
of  the  Traders'  bank.  He  d.  May  27,  1858,  almost  precisely  a  year 
after  his  wife,  who  died  May  29,  1857.  (47)  Calvin,*  b.  July  23, 
1790;  d.  Aug.  17,  1790.  (48)  Luther,*  b.  Oct.  10,  1791,  d.  Oct.  25, 
1791.  (.49)  Joel,*  b.  Jan.  25,  1795.  [He  was  appointed  chief  justice 
of  New  Hampshire,  in  1838,  which  office  he  held  till  1847,  when  he 
became  Royall  professor  of  law  at  Harvard  College,  where  he  conti- 

(46)  Isaac6  Parker,  by  wife  Sarah  (Ainsworth),  had  ch.:  (50) 
Sarah  Melville,?  b.  at  Keene,  N.  H.,  Aug.  25,  1813:  m.  Oct.  1,  1840, 
Ezra  Farnsworth  of  Boston,  son  of  Abel  Farns worth  of  Groton, 
Mass.;  had  ch.:  Mary  Rice,8  Ezra,-  Alice,8  Isaac  Parker,8  Sarah 
Melville,8  a  child  who  d.  in  1854,  and  William.8  (51)  William  Ains- 
worth7, b.  at  Keene,  N.  H.,  Jan.  6,  1816;  in.  at  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Nov. 
3,  1840,  Mary  Iddings,  dau.  of  Caleb  Iddings  of  Phila.;  d.  Oct.  27, 
1849;  had  ch.:  Henry,8  William  Iddings,8  Richard, ^  Isaac,8  Joseph 
Melville,8  and  three  deceased.  (52)  Isabella  Grahame,1  b.  at  Boston, 
Feb.  15,  1818;  m.  Dec.  1.  1847,  Rev.  George  Alexander  Ovialt;  had 
ch,:  George  Alexander^  Isabella  Parker,3  Sarah  Louisa.8  (53)  Henry 


Charges  of  the  Toivn  of  Hull. 


Melville,'7  b.  at  Boston,  Aug.  t,  1820;  m.  at  Greenfield,  Mass.,  April  30, 
1851,  Fanny  Cashing  Stone,  dau.  of  Dr.  A.  F.  Stone  of  Greenfield; 
had  ch.:    Charles    Pomeroy,8  Herbert  Croswell,8  Edward    Melville,6 

Margaret  Lincoln,8  and  one  child  who  d.  in  1S5S.  (54)  Edward  Hazin," 
b.  at  Boston,  March  7,  1823;  m.  at  Hanover,  N.  H.,  Dec.  14,  1848, 
Sarah  Olcott  Heydock,  dau.  of  W.  T.  Heydock  of  Lowell;  had  ch.: 
William  Ainsworth,-'  Charles  Haddock,-  Agnes  Olcott,8  Helen8  and 
two  deceased.  (55)  Francis  Jcicett,~  b.  at  Boston,  March  3,  1825;  m. 
at  Amherst,  Mass.,  April  28,  1S46,  Anna  Whiting  Lyman,  dau.  of 
Josiah  Dvvight  Lyman  of  Nerthfield,  Mass.  [He  is  a  merchant  of 
Boston,  of  the  firm  of  Parker,  Wilder  &  Co.;  was  a  state  senator  in 
1858.]  ch.:  Francis  Vose,"  Clara  Virginia,""  Cullen  Sawtelle.8  (56) 
Mary  Ainsworth,1  b.  at  Boston,  March  8,  1827,  m.  at  Boston,  Nov.  17, 
1845,  Jabez  Whiting  Lyman  (son  of  J.  D.  Lyman  of  Northfield, 
Mass.),  by  whom  she  had  one  son,  Charles  Parker  Lyman.5  (57) 
Edith  Allen?  b.  at  Boston,  Nov.  21,  1829. 

HOUSE,  &c.f  MARCH  9,  1673-4. 
A  trve  acount  of  the  charges  the  towne  of  Hull  hath  been  out 
about  the  Beacon  with  the  watch  houss,  &  allso  the  number  of  the 
names  of  the  persons  that  warded  the  said  Beacon,  with  an  acount 
of  corne  that  was  spoiled  by  carting  ouer  the  said  corne,  &  what  was 
pluckt  vp  to  set  vp  the  Beacon.  The  wardas:  first,  Beniamin  Bos- 
worth  seniour,  17  days. 

Geoarge  Yickre: 4  days. 

Sampson  Shove i  day. 

John  Lobdall i  day. 

Sam.  Prfnc i  day. 

Charges  about  the  watch 

hous  at  the  beacon. 
3  hundred   of   boardes.. 

Joseph  Bosworth 5  day  5. 

Jerom  Bosworth i  day. 

Isack  Vickers i  day. 

Cristopher  Wheton i  day. 

Isack  Coale 2  dayes. 

John  Colyer i  day. 

Ben  Bosworth  Junior. . .  19  days. 

Isacke  Lobdell i  day. 

Isack  Princ i  day. 

Henry  Chamberlin 3  day3. 

Richard  Stubes 2  days. 

the  number  of  daj's.  6i. 

Seriant  Bosworth. 
Nathaniell  Bosworth 
in  the  name  of  the  townsmen. 

—Mass,  Archives,  bk.  112,  p.  234. 






timber  and  setinge  vp. . 


carting  to  the  place . 

this  sum  is 
more  for  the  becon,   a 

kettei 0. 

for  pich 0. 




ocum.  . 
for   ocum 

bales.  . 
for  2  men  to  go  to  bos- 
ton   to    fetch 

pich  for  the  bec< 

This  sum  is 
for  the  corne  spojld  by  cartinge 
and  the  Becon  setinge  vp  con- 
cerninge  which  corne  captaine 
Oliuer  had  a  noat  to  show  to 
athority  which  was  3  bushiles. 

Loring  &  John 
for  making  fier 
with   pitch   and 

to    mak    the 

'j  bos- ) 
more  >- 
con..  ) 

0.     4.  0. 

0.     1.  6. 

0.     4.  0. 

0.  16. 


Boston  Records. 



Boston  Births. 
[Continued  from  Vol.  XV,   page  352.] 

Megdaniett.  Elizabeth  ye  Daughter  of  John  Megdaniell  &  of  Elizabeth 

his  wife  boruc  31-1  Her  61. 
Warren.      John  ye  sonne  of  ^eter  Warren  &  of  Sarah  his  wife  borne 

ye  8th  Sept  1661. 
Fenniman,    James  ye  sonne  of  James   Penniman  &  of  Mary  his  wife 

borne  27ti!  Sep*  1661. 
Davis.  Sarah  ye  Daughter  of  Samuell  Davis  &  of  Sarah  his  wife 

borne  IIth  Sep7  1661. 
Mar  tine,       John  ye  sonne  of  Richard  Martine  &  of  Elizabeth  his  wife 

borne  2'  of  October  1661. 
Mavericke.    Mary  ye  Daughter  of  Samuell  Mavericke  &  of  Rebecca 

his  wife  borne  2J  October  1661. 
Williams.     Thomas  ye  sonne  of  Thomas  Williams  &  of  Aune  Lis  wife 

borne  29^  March  1661. 
Hucke.  Samuell  ye  sonne   of  Samuell    Rucke  &  of  Margaret  his 

wife  borne  4th  October  1661. 
Mason.         Sarah  ye  Daughter  of  Richard  Mason  &  of  Sarah  his  wife 

borne  3:  Sept  1661. 
Saywell.       Abigail  ye  Daughter  of  David   Saywell  &  of  Abigail  his 

wife  borne  12lh  Sept  1661. 
Wheatly.      John  ye  sonne  of  Lyonell  Wheat! y  &  of  Elinor  his  wife 

borne  6th  October  1661. 
Manning.     Elizabeth  ye  Daughter  of  George  Manning  &  of  Hannah 

his  wife  borne  13rli  October  1661. 
Butller.        Isaac  ye  sonne  of  Stephen  Buttler  &  of  Jane  his  wife  was 

borne  9th  October  1661. 
Buttolph.      Thomas  ye  sonne   of  Thomas  Buttolph  Junior  &  of  Mary 

his  wife  borne  5th  October  1661. 
Amey.  Mary  ye  Daughter  of  John  Amey  &  of  Martha  his   wife 

borne  10fh  October  1661. 
Sherman.      Samuell  ye  sonne  of  Samuell  Sherman  and  of  Naomi  his 

wife  was  borne  3l  October  61. 
Bedicell.        Mary  ye   Daughter   of   Samuell   Bedwell  &  of   Mary  his 

wife  borne  18th  Sep1  61. 
Mason.  David  ye  sonne   of  Arthur  Mason  &  of  Johanna  his  wife 

borne  24til  October  1661. 
Murrell.        Lydia  yc  Daughter  of  Jeremiah  Murrell  &  of  Sarah  hi3 

wife  borne  14th  October  1661. 
Flack.  Samuell   ye  sonne  of  Samuell  Flacke  &  of  Ann  his  wife 

borne  18lh  October  1661. 
Hamlin.        Elizabeth  ye  Daughter  of  Ezekiell  Hamlin  &  of  Elizabeth 

his  wife  borne  24lh  October  1661. 
Allen.  Edward  ye  sonne  of  Edward  Allen  &  of  Martha  his  wife 

borne  21*  Sep7  1661, 



Boston  Records. 


Wat  kins.      Sarah  ye  Daughter   of  Thomas  Watkins  &  of  Elizabeth 

his  wife  borne  7th  November  1061. 
Dawes.  Jonathan   y°  sonne  of   William    Dawes  &  of  Susanna  his 

wife  borne  3l  November  1661. 
Chappine.     Hannah   ye  daughter  of  David  Chappine  &  of   Lydia  his 

wife  borne  231-1  October  1661. 
Baker.  Hannah   ye   Daughter   of  John  Baker  &  of  Johanna  his 

wife  borne  41"  November  1661. 
Tomline.       John  y-  sonne  of  John  Tomline  &  of  Sarah  his  wife  borne 

14  November  1661. 
Gwine.  Thomas  ye  sonne  of  Thomas  Gwine  &  of  Elizabeth  his 

wife  borne  3d  November  1661. 
Demsdall.     Joseph  ye  sonne  of  William  Demsdall  &  of  Martha  his  wife 

borne  21th  November  1661. 
Ellis.  Lydia  ye  Daughter  of  Edward  Ellis  &  of  Sarah  his  wife 

borne  11th  November  1661. 
Checkhy.       Samuell  ye  son  of  John  Oheekley  &  of  Anne  his  wife  borne 

26  of  November  1661. 
Emons.         Mary  ye  Daughter  of  Samuell  Emons  &  of  Mary  his  wife 

borne  18th  November  1661. 
Gold.  Bartholmew  ye  sonne   of  Thomas  Gold  &  of  Francis  his 

wife  borne  27th  October  1661. 
Sanford.      Sarah  ye  Daughter  of  Robert  Sanford  &  of  Elizabeth  his 

wife  borne  23:  9her:  1661. 
Hunter.        Hannah  ye  Daughter  of  William  &  of  Mary  his  wife  borne 

22th  November  1661. 
Wells.  Thomas  ye  sonne  of  Thomas  Wels  &  of  Naomi  his  wife 

borne  4th  December  1661. 
Stoddard.     Joseph  ye  sonne  of  Mr.  Anthony  Stoddard  &  of  Christian 

his  wife  borne  first  December  1661. 
Hawser.       Joseph  ye  sonne  of  Richard   Rawser  &  of  Exercise  his 

wTife  was  borne  2d  October  1661. 
Tout.  Elizabeth  ye  Daughter  of  Richard  Tout  &  of  Elizabeth  his 

wife  borne  4rU  December  1661. 
Robbinson.   John  ye  sonne  of  George  Robinson  &  of  Mary  his  wife 

borne  [  ]. 

Copp.  David  ye  sonne  of  David  Copp  &  of  Obedience  his  wife 

borne  8:  December  1661. 
Gillam.         Zechariah  ye  sonne   of  Zecharia  Gillam  &  of  Phebe  his 

wife  borne  4th  Novemb1"  1661. 
Hitchbone.    Salomon  &  David  being  twins  ye  sonnes  of  David  Hitch- 

bone  &  of  Katherine  his  wife  was  borne  14l!l  December 

OUiver.         Abigail  the  Daughter  of  Coronett  Peter  Olliver  &  of  Sarah 

his  wife  borne  first  Janvary  1661. 
Marshall.     John  ye  sonne   of  Robert  Marshall  &  of  Mary  his  wife 

borne  1th  Janvary  1661. 
Snell.  Anna  ye  Daughter   of  John  Sneli  &  of  Phillip   [sic]    his 

wife  borne  |d(  Janvary  1661. 
Webster.       Thomas  ye  eonne  of  Thomas  Webster  &  of  Mary  his  wife 

borne  11th  Janvary  1661. 




























Boston  Records. 


Benjamine  ye  sonne  of  Hope  Allen  &  of  Rachell  his  wife 

borne  10th  Jan  vary  1661. 
Jane  ye  Daughter  of  John  Bushnell  &  of  Jane  his   wife 

borne  18th  December  1662. 
Mary  ye  Daughter  of  Orlando  Bagly  &  of  Sarah  his  wife 

borne  5th  J  an  vary  1661. 
Mary  y-  Daughter  of  John  Griffine  &  of  Susanna  his  wife 

borne  21  Jan  vary  1661. 
Benjamine  y  Sonne   of  Richard   Barnard  &  of   Elizabeth 

his  wife  borne  6th  January  1661. 
George  ye  sonne   of  George  Pearse  &  of  Mary  his   wife 

borne  30th  January  1661. 
Theophilus  yc  sonne   of  Theophilus  Frary  &  of  Hannah 

his  wife  borne  30th  Jan  vary  1661. 
Daniell  ye  sonne  of  Christopher  Clarke  &  of  Rebecca  his 

wife  borne  Iff*  Febrry  1661. 
Antipas  y°  sonne  of  Antipas  Boyce  &  of  Hannah  his  wife 

borne  8ih  Febr.  1661. 
Martha  ye  Daughter  of  Edmund  Jackson  &  of  Elizabeth 

his  wife  borne  11th  Febr.  1661. 
Sarah  ye  Daughter  of  William  Sumner  &  of  Elizabeth  his 

wife  borne  31  Febr.  1661. 
Thomas  ye  sonne  of  Richard  Hicks  &  of  Mary  his   wife 

was  borne  23  Febr.  1661. 
Abigail   ye  Daughter  of  Nicholas  Phillips  &  of  Hannah 

his  wife  borne  20t:'  Feb™  1661. 
Edward  ye  sonne  of  Mr.  Edward   Lane  &  of  Hannah  his 

wife  borne  20  Febr.  1661. 
Elizabeth  ye  Daughter   of  William  Lane  &  of  Mary  his 

wife  borne  3d  Febru  1661. 
Elizabeth  ye  Daughter  of  Nathaniell  Adams  &  of  Mary 

his  wife  borne  2J  March  1661. 
Samuell  ye  sonne   of  William  Greenough  &  of  Elizabeth 

his  wife,  borne  3d  Mrch  1661. 
Joyliffe  Price  ye  second  sonne  of  Richard  Price  &  of  Eli- 
zabeth his   wife  borne  2d  March  about   halfe  an  houre 

after  tenne  of  ye  clocke  In  ye  yea  re  16|4- 
John  ye  sonne  of  John  Phillips  &  of  Sarah  his  wife  borne 

4*  of  M'ch  16|4-. 
Ebinezer  ye  sonne  of  James  Hudson  &  of  Mary  his  wife 

borne  4th  Mrch  16££. 
Epraim  ye  Sonne  of  Samueil  Howard  &  of  Isabell  his  wife 

borne  23  Febr.  1661. 
Elizabeth  ye  Daughter  of  Joshua  Nash  &  Elizabeth  his 

wife  borne  17th  Febr.  1661. 
John  ye  sonne   of  John  Brookin  &  of  Elizabeth  his  wife 

borne  13l!l  M*ch  1661  &  62. 
Mathew  ye  sonne  of  Edward  Howard  &  of  Ester  his  wife 

borne  15th  M^ch  1661  &  62. 
Mary  ye  Daughter  of  John  Pearse  &  of  Isabell  his  wife 




Boston  Records. 


Messinger.    Thomas  ye  Sonne  of  Henry  Messinger  &  of  Sarah  his  wife 

borne  22th  MrC&  *«££. 
Nowell.         George  ye  sonne  of  George  Nowell  &  of  Lydia  his  wife 

borne  21  ^  March  1661  or  62. 
Gledtn,  Susanna  ye  Daughter  of  Charles  Gleden  &  of  Evnice  his 

wife  borne  16; ll  9,)ir  1661. 
Lynde  Elizabeth  ye  Daughter  of   Mr.  Simon  Lynde,  &  of  Hannah 

his  wife  was  borne  25th   of  M'ch  being  Tuesday  about 

4  a  Clocke  in  ye  morning  1662. 
Freake.         Mary  ye  Daughter  of  Mr.  John  Freeke  &  of  Elizabeth  his 

wife  borne"25lh  Mrch  1662. 
Breding.       James  ye  soune   of  James  Breding  &  of  Hannah  his  wife 

borne  first  Aprill  1662. 
Bridgham.    Xathaniell   ye   sonne  of  Henry  Bridgham  &  of  Elizabeth 

his  wife  borne  2!  of  Aprill  1662. 
Paine.  Hannah  ye  Daughter  of   Mr,  John  Paine  &  of  Sarah  his 

wife  borne  3D'1  M'ch  1662. 
Mar  tine.       Prudence  yf  Daughter  of  Michaell  Martine  &  of  Susanna 

his  wife  borne  26  of  M<~ch  1662. 
Woodde.       Isaac  ye   sonne   of  Isaac  Woodee  &  of  Dorcas  his   wife 

borne  6:  of  Aprill  1662, 
Sajfuie.         John  ye  sonne  of  Mr.  John  Saffine  &  of  Martha  his  wife 

borne  14th  Aprill  1662. 
Thurston.     Mary   ye   Daughter   of  Benjamine  Thurston  &  of  Elisha 

[sic]  his  wife  borne  24' '  of  Aprill  1662. 
Williams.     Sarah  ye  Daugmter  of  William  Williams  &  of  Johanna  his 

wife  borne  28**  Aprill  1662, 
Conney.        Joseph  ye  sonne  of  John  Conney  k,  of  Elizabeth  his  wife 

borne  27th  Aprill  1662. 
Mellowes.      Olliver  ye  sonne   of  John  Mellowes  &  of  Martha  his  wife 

borne  3l  Aprill  1662. 
Moore.  Hannah  ye  Daughter   of  Thomas  Moore  &  of  Sarah  his 

wife  borne  26  Aprill  1662. 
Milles.  Samuell   the  sonne  of  Samuel   Milles  &  of  Elizabeth  his 

wife  borne  27th  Aprill  1662. 
Mosse.  Sarah  ye  Daughter  of  Christopher  Mosse  &  of  Prudence 

his  wife  borne  28  Mrch  1662. 
GUlam.         Hannah  ye  Daughter   of  Benjamine  Gillam  &  of  Hannah 

his  wife  borne  27lh  Aprill  1662. 
Kinde.  Mary  ye  Daughter  of  Arthur  Kinde,  &  of  Jane  his  wife 

borne  27  Aprill  1662. 
Glover.         Mary  ye  Daughter   of  John  Glover  &  of  Mary  his  wife 

borne  16'"  Aprill  1662. 
Winsor.       Sarah  ye  Daughter  of  Robert  Winsor  &  of  Rebeccah  hi3 

wife  borne  V'a  of  May  1662. 
Rock.  Samuell  ye  sonne  of  Mr.  Joseph  Rocke  &  of  Elizabeth  his 

wife  borne  17r!i  May  1662. 
Griggs.        Rebecca    ye    Daughter    of   William    Griggs    of    Rurnney 

Marsh  &  of  Rachell  his  wife  borne  3  Aprill  62. 
Hambleton.  Abraham  ye  sonne  of  William  Hambleton  &  of  Mary  his 

wife  borne  23lu  December  1661. 


J  862.]  Depositions,  49 

Browne.       James  ye  Bonne  of  Samuell  Browne  &  of  Mary  his  wife 

borne  2d  May  1662. 
Way.  Marv  ye  Daughter   of  Eliazer  Way  &  of  Mary  his   wife 

borne  24th  May  1662. 
Knight.         Richard   ye  sonne   of  Richard   Knight  &  of  Johanna  his 

wife  borne  30th  of  Aprill  1662, 
Way.  Hannah  ye  Daughter  of  Richard  Way  &  of  Ester  his  wife 

borne  23lh  May  1662. 
licit.  Samuell  ve  sonne   of  Eliphalet  Hett  &  of  Ann  his  wife 

borne  13  May  1662. 
Alien.  Elizabeth  ye  Daughter  of  John  Alden  &  of  Elizabeth  his 

wife  borne  9  May  1662. 
PecJce.  Sarah  ye  Daughter  of  Thomas  Pecke  &  of  Elizabeth  his 

wife  borne  5th  June  1662. 
Gee.  John  ye   sonne  of  John  Gee  &  of  Hazelpanah  his  wife 

borne  27th  May  1662. 
Risden.         Sarah  ye  Daughter  of  Rob1.  Risden  &  of  Betteris  his  wife 

borne  29  [  ]. 

This  is  A  true  Copie  of  the  seurall  Birthes  for  the  Towne  of  Boston 
from  the  first  of  February  1658  vnto  the  21th  of  May  1662  which  I 
giue  in  vnto  the  Recorder.  As  Attests 

Jonathan  Negus  Cleric. 


[Communicated  by  William  S.  Appletos  of  Boston.] 

The  testimony  of  Phillip  Long,  aged  fouerty  yeares  or  there  about, 
in  and  concerning  the  Administratrizship  of  mrs.  Susanna  Zillick — 
Sayeth  that  about  the  moneth  of  [November]  1654:  I  the  sri  Phillip, 
being  at  [  ]  heareing  of  mr  David  Zillicks*  death  I  went  [to  the 

widow]  to  demand  my  debt  of  her:  she  made  me  answer  that  she  had 
not  yet  administered  and  therefore  cold  not  pay  me;  But  she  sd  she 
was  to  administer  the  next  court  following:  I  was  not  wht.  [her 
after  wards;  But  after  the  court  was  past  to  my  knowledg  she 
paid  seurall  debts:  and  further  sayeth  not.  Sworne  before  me,  this 
15*  of  October  1658.  Edward  Rawson  Comission1". 

The  deposition  of  Samuell  Youngloue,  senior,  aged  about  sixty 
two  yeares,  who  testiSeth  and  saith;  that  when  Joseph  Lee  and 
Goodman  Hunt  were  sculling  together  in  the  high  way  neere  mr 
Hubberds  pales,  I  saw  Goodman  Lee  coming  up  hastily  towards  them 
with  a  pitchforke  in  his  hand;  which  had  but  one  tine,  he  came  with 
it  up  ready  to  strike;  soe  when  he  came  up  to  them,  I  saw  him  strike 
twise;  and  for  the  maner  of  his  strikeing;  I  doe  apprehend  he  strucke 
as  hard  as  he  could  &  thereupon  I  did  see  the  bone  upon  his  head, 
having  pulled  off  his  hatt.  Samuell  Youngloue. 

Taken  upon  oath,  Novemb  23th  1668, 

before  me.  Samuel  Symovds.  . 

*  He  appears  among  the  freemen  of  1642  as  David  Zullesh. — W.  S.  A. 


50  Mstracts  of  Early  Wills.  [Jan, 


[Prepared  by  William  B.  Trask  o!  Dorchester.] 

[Continued  from  Vol.  xv,  page  326.] 

Elkaxah  Gladman. — Inventory  of  the  Estate  of  Elkanah  Glad-man, 
apprised  by  Ilezekiah  Usher,  Thomas  Snaicsell,  Nov.  23,  1664.  Arat. 

Inventorye  of  Debts  Due  to  the  Estate  of  Mr  Elkanah  GJ adman  as 
they  were  found  in  His  Book  at  His  Death.  From  Capt.  Thomas 
Bredon,  Goodwifc  Cutler  of  Charlestowne,  John  Holliday  of  Boston, 
Nurse  Greene,  Mrs  Trance,  Mrs  Roades,  Mr  George  Saunders,  Mr  John 
Blake,  Mr  Edward  Nailor,  Samuel  Mattox,  Goodwife  Farnham,  Alex- 
ander Steward,  Sarah  Potterton,  Mrs.  Mary  Johnson,  Mr  John  Gil- 
ford, Mrs  Susan  Jack! in,  Thaddeus  Mackartye,  Mr  Wollaston,  Anne 
Carter,  Lawrence  Smithe,  Zacheus  Scdgwicke,  Mr  Stephen  Goodieur, 
Mrs  Eieres,  Edward  Page,  Goodwife  Baxter,  Edward  Li  live,  Serjant 
Wm.  Cotton,  Mr  Job  Sayres,  Mrs  Allice  Thomas.  Total,  £139.05.01  J. 
Out  of  which  is  to  bee  paid,  [specified  sums]  to  Mr  Thomas  Lake, 
Jn°.  Watts,  Benj.  Gillam  senior,  M>  Tho.  Deane. 

Feb.  8,  1664.      Capt.  Thomas  Bredon  &  Capt.  Thomas  Lake,  deposed. 

[On  page  261  of  vol.  I,  is  a  recital  of  the  doings  of  the  Court  in 
regard  to  the  estate  of  Elkanah  Gladman.  It  is  stated  that  the  Ad- 
ministrators, Capt.  Thomas  Bredon  and  Capt.  Thomas  Lake,  brought  into 
Court  an  inventory  of  said  Estate,  producing  also  "  a  Letter  from 
Mr  Elkanah  Gladman,  Father  to  the  late  Elkanah  Gladman  Deceased 
March  21st  1664  in  which  u  appears  that  the  sd  Elko.nah  Gladman  De- 
syres  &  orders  that  one  hundred  pounds  of  his  Late  sonnes  Estate, 
with  halfe  his  Bookes  shall  bee  &  goe  to  MTS  Lydia  Goodyear,  who 
was  the  Contracted  Wife  of  the  Late  Elkanah  Gladman  Junor,  the 
which  the  Court  allowes  &  approues  of,  and  orders  that  the  Adminis- 
trators Remit  the  Rest  of  the  sd  Elkanah  Gladmans  estate,  to  Mr  El- 
kanah Gladman  the  Father,  as  in  &  by  his  Letter  may  appear  to  bee 
his  Desyre,  which  thi3  Court  orders  to  be  Recorded  &  kept  on  File. 
And  on  a  Certificate  from  Mr  Elkanah  Gladman  senior  that  he  Doth 
Allow  &  approue  of  this  Order,  by  sufficient  Witnesses  Coming  into 
these  parts,  or  on  testimonye  of  some  knowne  publick  Notarye  to  his 
said  state,  this  Court  shall  approue  of  the  xVdministrators  Accompt 
and  Giue  them  a  Discharge  from  their  Administration. 

At  a  County  Court  16th  June  1665.      Edward  Rawson  Recorder.'7] 

Daniel  Weld.— July  1,  1666.  I,  Daniell  Weld,  of  Roxbury,  Yeo- 
man, hauing  the  perfect  vse  of  my  vnderstanding  &  memory,  make 
this  to  bee  my  last  will.  *****  I  giue  my  House  where  I  now 
dwell,  in,  Roxbury,  my  barne.  Orchards,  Gardens  &  home  Lott,  ail  my 
Cowes,  Heiflers  &  Hogs,  my  mare  &  bees,  all  my  Household  stuffe 
bedding,  brass,  pewter,  linnen  &  wollen.     And   furthermore  I  giue 

1862.]         •  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  51 

my  orchard  &  parcell  of  Pasture  thereto  adjoyning,  lying  noare 
Stony  Riuer  bridge,  purchased  of  John  Watson.  Also  twelue  Acres 
of  plowed  Land  &  Pasture,  lying  vpon  the  great  Hill  in  Roxbury 
ncare  Muddy  Riuer,  which  I  purchased  of  Hugh  Clarke..  All  debts 
due  to  mee,  All  my  personal  Estate,  I  doe  giue  to  Ann  Weld,  my 
wife,  to  bee  Enjoyed  by  her  soe  long  as  shee  shall  remaine  my  wid- 
dow,  but  in  Case  it  please  God  soe  to  dispose,  that  my  deare  wife 
change  her  Condition,  And  marry  another  man,  then  my  will  is,  that 
shee  should  Enjoy  the  thirds  of  my  Estate,  for  the  tearme  of  hir  life. 
And  my  will  is,  that  nothing  bee  sold  of  my  Estate,  Except  there 
bee  great  necessity  for  the  maintenance  of  my  wife  &  children,  And 
that  not  without  the  Council  and  aduice  of  my  Ouerseers,  vnless  it 
'should  appeare  clearly  to  my  Executor  &  to  my  Ouerseers,  that  it 
should  bee  much  for  the  bennifitt  of  my  wife  and  children  to  sell  all 
here  in  Roxbury  &  purchase  Housing  &  Lands  in  some  other  place 
to  the  full  worth  of  it,  where  it  might  bee  plainly  for  their  advantage. 
For  my  deare  sonn,  JMr  Daniell  Weld,  in  England,  whether  hee  be 
liuinge  or  noe  I  know  not,  yet  out  of  my  tender  respect  I  haue  to  him, 
although  the  Portion  hee  hath  already  receiued  hath  bin  as  much  as 
my  whole  Estate  now  remaining,  yet  out  of  my  Fatherly  affection  to 
him  at  my  decease,  I  can  doe  soe  less  than  giue  vnto  him,  by  this 
my  will,  20s,  out  of  my  Estate,  as  a  small  Token  of  my  great  lone. 
For  the  rest  of  my  children,  my  will  is,  that  after  the  marriage  of 
my  wife  (in  Case  shee  marry)  that  two  thirds  of  my  Estate  bee  de- 
uided  by  Equail  Portions,  betweene  thern,  that  is,  mine  &  my  wiues 
children,  namely,  Joseph  Weld,  Bethiah  Weld,  &  Timothy  Hide,  And 
after  my  wifes  decease,  the  other  third  part  of  my  Estate,  or  in  case 
shee  marry  not,  then  the  whole  Estate  to  bee  Equally  divided  be- 
tweene them,  Prouided  always  that  in  Case  the  Lord  soe  dispose  that 
any  of  my  said  children  should  marry  before  my  wifes  marriage  vnto 
any  other  man,  or  whilst  shee  remaines  my  widdow,  then  my  will  is, 
that  there  should  bee  due  Encouragment  allowed  to  them  or  any 
such  of  them  out  of  the  Estate,  with  the  Consent  of  my  Executrix,  & 
by  &  with  the  aduice  of  my  Ouerseers,  according  as  they  shall  judge 
Expedient,  all  things  Considered,  which  proportion  of  the  Estate  is 
to  bee  taken  notice  of  soe  as  to  bee  allowed  for  by  them  who  shall 
receive  it,  vnto  the  rest,  at  the  time  or  times  of  the  diuission  of  the 
Estate,  to  make  Each  proportion  Equal!  according  to  the  will.  And 
in  Case  the  Lord  should  take  aivay  any  of  the  three  children  before 
Expressed,  before  the  time  or  times  of  the  diuission,  then  my  will  is, 
that  the  Estate  shall  bee  Equally  diuided  betweene  them  &  Enjoyed 
by  the  suruiours.  As  for  my  dstu.  Mary  Hide,  shee  hath  had  her  Por- 
tion already,  And  my  will  is,  my  wife  should  haue  libertie  at  her 
death  to  giue  her  sonn  some  small  token  of  her  loue  to  remember  her 
by,  with  &  According  to  the  aduice  of  my  Ouerseers.  I  appoint  Ann 
Weld,  my  wife,  to  bee  my  sole  Executrix  &  I  doe  most  hartiiy  request 
my  deare  &  faithfull  Couzens,  31r  Edward  Denison,  Mr  Thomas  Weld, 
&  Mr  John  Weld  to  bee  the  Ouerseers  of  this  my  will,  praying  them 
to  see  this  in  trust  Carefully  performed,  And  to  haue  a  Care  of  my 
poore  wife,  whome  I  leaue  into  the  hands  of  the  Lord  &  to  you  my 
deare  Couzens  to  Council  &  direct  her.  Daniel  Weld. 


John  Weld,  John  Skhbim,  who  deposed,  Nov.  3,  1666. 

52  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  *  [Jan. 

Inventory  of  the  Estate  of  Mr  Daniel  Weld,  taken  Aug.  1,  1GGG, 
by  Edicard  Dcnison,  John  Weld,,  Thomas  Weld,  John  Sicbins. 

Mrs  Ann  Weld,  Relict  &  Executrix  to  the  last  will  &  Testament  of 
the  late  Mr  Daniel  Weld,  deposed,  3:  9ber:  1666. 

David  Homes. — To  my  Eldest  sorin,  Dauid,  I  leave  £10;  to  the  other 
two  yonger,  £5  a  peece;  if  in  Case  they  bee  put  forth  to  prlntiss  for 
time,  such  as  take  them  shall  take  their  Portions  with  them,  Learne 
them  to  Read  &  write,  &  dubble  their  Portions  to  them  at  the  End  of 
their  time;  if  in  Case  such  as  take  the  Children  are  vnwilling  see  to 
doe  I  leaue  this  £20,  in  the  hands  &  to  the  disposing  of  Stephen  Kins- 
ley, &  for  want  of  life  to  his  sonn,  John  Kinsley,  &  to  Thomas  Hollman 
&  they  to  putt  it  to  the  best  improuement  &  for  the  vse  &  bennifitt 
of  the  Children  &  to  bee  payd  to  them  when  at  age  of  21,  in  such  pay 
as  they  receiued.  If  any  of  the  children  die,  their  mother  shall  haue 
their  Estate,  if  shee  die,  they  shall  haue  hers  amongst  them  Equally. 
My  will  is,  also,  that  my  dau.  Margaret,  shall  haue  £5,  to  bee  paid 
at  Age  or  day  of  marriage  if  shoe  liue,  if  not,  to  bee  at  her  mothers 
disposing.  The  rest  of  my  Estate  I  leaue  to  my  wife  to  pay  my 
debts  &  to  improue  to  her  best  advantage,  &  to  see  my  body  Law- 
fully Buried. 

Nov.  15,  1666.  Power  of  Administration  to  the  Estate  of  Dauid 
Holmes  is  granted  to  Jane,  his  Relict,  shee  bringing  in  an  Inventory 
of  that  Estate  &  performing  this  imperfect  will  as  neere  as  may  bee. 

Edw.  Rawson  Records 

This  is  to  sattisfle  that  I,  Henry  Crane,  doth  testifie  this  to  be  the 
will  of  Dauid  Homes;  pr  mee,  Henry  Crane,  this  15th  of  the  9:  month 

Inventory  of  the  Estate  of  Dauid  Homes  deceased  the  2d  of  Nov. 
1666.     Prisers,  Gregory  Belcher,  William  Daniell.     Amt.  £73.13.?. 

Nov.  15,  1666.     Jane  Holmes,  Relict  of  Dauid  Homes,  deposed. 

[On  the  back  of  the  original  document  on  file,  James  Humphry 
&  Wm  Weekes  stand  bound  in  20s  apiece  to  yc  Treasurer  "  on  this 
Condition  that  Francis  Crabtree  shall  be  of  good  behauiour  till  ye 
next  County  court  &  shall  then  appeare  &  so  from  court  to  court  till 
her  case  be  ended.'*         Signed  by  Edw.  Rawson,  Record1".] 

Henry  Withington. — 8:  11:  1664.  I,  Henry  Withington,  of  Dor- 
chester, in  New  England,  being  about  the  Age  of  76  yeares  or  vpon 
17:  being  in  perfect  memory  doe  make  my  last  will.  *  *  *  My  will 
is,  That  my  sonn,  Richard  Withington,  one  of  my  Executors;  shall 
well  &  truly  performe  vnto  my  wife,  Margerie,  all  such  Agreements 
as  are  Expressed  in  a  writting  made  &  sealed  before  our  marriage, 
bearing  date,  25:  4:  1662:  witnessed  by  Mr  John  Elicit  &  Mr  Samudl 
Danforth,  And  then  see  doing  I  giue  vnto  him  all  the  rest  Of  my 
Houses  &  Orchard  &  Lands  that  I  haue  in  Dorchester,  Except  Tena 
Acres  in  the  Twenty  Acres  Lotts,  which  Tenu  Acres  I  Giue  to  my 
dau.  Batie,  &  I  Except  also  my  devision  of  Land  which  is  about  30 

JS62.]  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  53 

Acres,  lying  neere  Dedam  mill,  which  if  it  bee  not  sold  before  ray 
death,  my  will  is,  that  it  shall  bee  sould  &  come  in  as  part  of  my 
Estate,  And  also  I  Except  all  my  Land  that  is  mine,  about  Sensions 
House,  which  Land  I  Giue  to  my  dau.  Batte,  to  bee  hers  foreuer,  And 
her  Husband  shall  haue  noe  power  to  dispose  of  it  without  her  free 
Consent.  But  all  ray  Land  Except  these  parcells  Excepted  I  Giue 
to  my  sonn  Richard  to  bee  his  foreuer.  And  for  my  goods,  my  debts 
Si  buriall  being-  discharged  out  of  the  whole,  I  Giue  as  followeth, 
nainly,  to  my  Beloued  wife,  Margerie,  £10.  ouer  &  besides  that  £10, 
1  promised  her  before  our  marriage  which  is  sett  downe  in  a  writ- 
ting,  aforesayd.  And  to  my  sonn,  Richard,  £10,  &  to  his  fowre  sonns, 
John,  Ebenezer,  Henry  &  Phillip,  each,  £5;  to  M r  Mather,  £5;  Mr  Tamp- 
ion, £5;  And  towards  the  maintenance  of  an  able  ministrie  in  Dor- 
chester, which  they  baue  or  may  chuse,  I  Give  £20  to  bee  improved 
by  the  Deacons  then  in  being,  And  the  bennifitt  thereof  shall  bee 
brought  in  yearely  to  the  Select  men,  then  in  being,  to  bee  giuen  to 
the  vse  aforesaid.  And  £10  more  I  Giue  vnto  the  poorest  inhabit- 
ants in  Dorchester,  And  the  said  £10  shall  bee  disposed  at  &  by  the 
discresion  of  the  Deacons,  then  in  being.  I  Giue  vnto  John  Raker,  £5, 
Samuell  Batte,  £5,  Samuell  Paull,  £5,  Samuell  Danforth,  £5.  To  all 
the  Childeren  I  am  Grandfather  vnto,  Except  Mary  Robinson,  &  such 
Children  as  I  haue  herein  giuen  legacies  vnto,  I  giue  each  of  them,  40s. 
For  the  rest  of  my  goods,  legacies  being  discharged,  shall  bee  Equally 
diuided  among  my  o  dau  -  namly,  Faith  Baker,  Mary  Danforth,  and  Anna 
Batte  And  for  that  Fine  Acres  of  Land  that  I  latly  bought  of  James 
Batte  at  the  south  End  of  his  Lott,  next  the  High  way,  which  Cost 
mee,  £16,  it  is  my  will  that  she,  I  meane  my  dau.  Batte,  shall  haue 
that  Fiue  Acres,  &  shee  shall  dispose  of  it  for  her  good  &  for  her 
Children,  but  her  Ilusband  shall  haue  no  power  to  sell  it  away,  with- 
out her  Consent,  nor  any  Land  that  I  haue  giuen  her  Else  where. 
And  further  it  is  my  meaninge,  that  this  £16,  which  the  Land  Cost 
mee,  though  the  Land  Returne  her  as  aforesayd,  yet  it  shall  bee  re- 
coned  as  part  of  that  Portion  which  I  leaue  with  hir  other  Sisters. 
For  ray  Executors,  I  Appoint  my  sonn,  Richard  Withington,  &  my  sonn, 
Richard  Baker  ;  for  my  Ouerseers,  my  sonn,  Mr  Thomas  Danforth,  & 
my  sonn,  James  Batte.  The  legacies  [to  be  paid]  one  halfe  within  a 
yeare  after  my  death  &  the  other  halfe  the  next  yeare  after,  if  it  may 
bee  well  had  &  done.  Henry  Withington. 

Wittnes  hereof 

Enoch  Wiswall,  Samuell  Paull, 

[In  a  codicil,  Mr  Withington  states,  that  he  has  given  to  his  son, 
Richard,  the  £10  expressed  in  his  will,  also  delivered  to  him  the  £5 
for  John  Withington,  his  Eldest  son.  "  For  the  Tenn  Acres  of  Land  I 
gaue  to  my  daughter  Batte,  lying  in  the  Twenty  Acre  Lott  I  haue 
Sold  that,  since,  to  Samuell  Clap  &  haue  deliuered  &  giuen  to  her  & 
her  Husband  all  my  Laud  at  Sensions  house."  All  which  is  acknow- 
ledged by  Richard  TVithington.  Samuel  Paul,  acknowledges  "  that  I 
haue  receiued  from  my  Father  Withington,  that  Fiue  pounds  which  is 
Expressed  in  his  will,  to. bee  Giuen  me.     23:  9:  1666."] 

15  Feb.  1666.     Enoch  Wiswell  &  Samuel  Paule,  deposed. 

An  Inventory  of  the  Estate  of  Elder  Henry  Withington,  of  Dor- 

54  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  [Jan. 

Chester,  who  deceased  this  life  Feb,  2,  1666,  taken  &  apprised  by 
John  Capen  sew  &  William  Sumner,  March  6,  1666-7.  Amt.  £850.17.3. 
Due  from  the  Estate,  ,£14.4.6.  Mentions,  -fa  pt.  of  three  Ketches; 
J  of  a  warehouse  at  Boston;  two  shares  in  the  iron  works  at  Tanton. 
Richard  Baker  &  Richard  Withington,  deposed  to  this  inventory, 
May  2,  1667. 

Richard  "Woodcock.* — An  Inventorye  of  the  Estate  of  Richard 
"Woodcock  Deceased  Nouembcr  22th  1662,  as  apprised  by  Edward 
Fletcher,  Michadl  Wills.  Amt.  £3S.9.5.  "Also  general!  armes  of  other 
mens,  as  we  are  Informed,  in  ye  shoppe  (uiz1.)  8  swordes,  10  pistolls, 
39  gunnes  with  stockes,  23  fyre  Lockes,"  &c.  Sworne  in  Court  Dec. 
19,  1662,  by  Richard  Wayie  k  Thomas  Matspn. 

[The  Administrators  of  said  estate  were  ordered  by  the  Court,  to 
deliver  to  Cap1  Davenport,  of  the  Castle.  Mr  Rosewell  &  Mr  Dames 
man  &  such  other  their  seuerall  gunnes  "  they  Making  proofe  by 
Oath  before  any  Commissioner  in  Boston,  or  on  ye  Acknowledgment 
of  the  wife,  or  Late  apprentice  of  the  said  Woodcocke  to  bee  theires. 

Edward  Rawson  Recorder. 

George  Davis. — I,  George  Davis,  beinge  bound  for  Cape  Feare,,  doe 
now  dispose  my  outward  estate  as  followeth,  in  case  I  die  before  I 
come  againe  or  shall  hear  after  make  any  other  will;  being  in  health, 
My  wrhole  estate,  that  I  leaue  in  New  England,  I  do  bestow  vppon 
my  wife  and  Children,  and  doe  make  my  wife  executrix,  and  my  son, 
Benjamin,  executor  Joyntly.  My  estate  to  be  diuided  into  fine  parts, 
two  parts  I  giue  to  my  wife  and  my  son  Benjamine  equaly,  the  other 
three  parts  I  giue  to  my  Hue  daus  to  be  diuided  equaly,  and  to  be 
paid  vnto  them  when  they  come  to  age,  or  when  they  may,  as  their 
mother  shall  Judg  best,  and  their  mothers  part  she  has  power  to 
dispose  it  to  her  she  dies  to  those  or  to  all  of  my  Children,  soe  it  be 
to  my  Children,  that  are  most  Louing  and  dutifull  vnto  her.  My 
house  and  land  I  do  dispose  to  my  wife  and  my  sone  Benjamine,  pro- 
uided  my  daughters  haue  their  portions,  though  it  be  in  other  things. 
To  my  sone,  Joseph,  I  giue  ail  that  I  haue  now  in  the  shipp,  and  that 
we  cary  with  vs  to  Cape  Feare,  with  the  weauers  loome;  but  in  Case 
it  does  Miscary  before  it  come  ther,  and  he  com  agen  to  new  Eng- 
land, my  executors  out  of  the  whole  estate  shall  pay  him  ten  pound 
farther,  becaus  my  Daughters,  sorn  of  them,  are  young,  and  to  be 
brought  vpp  in  the  feare  of  God  and  well  educated,  is  my  desire, 
which  I  hope  my  wife  will  not  be  wanting  in,  therfor  their  portions 
shalbe  responsable  for  theire  bringinge  vpp  and  left  to  the  discission 
of  my  wife  what  to  pay  them  when  they  come  to  age,  or  when  she 

*  The  following  is  from  the  files.     See  Will  of  Jane  Woodcock,  Reg.,  vol.  sv.  76. 

"William  Day,  sonne  of  ye  late  Hugh  Day  &  Jane  his  wife,  j}  married  to  ye  late 
Richard  Woodcocke  &  Richard  Brooke.,  of  Boston,  Gunn  smith/'  were  bound  U>  Ed- 
ward Rawson,  Recorder,  in  the  sum  of  £50,  Aug.  10,  1666.  "by  virtue  of  Mr  said 
last  will  bearing  date  16th  March  1665,*'  to  the  performance  of  the  conditions  as 
administrators  of  said  will.  Signed  by  William  Day  and  Richard  Brooke,  with  seal3, 
bearing  impressions  of  coats  of  arms.  Witnessed  by  John  CUuerle,  Recompence  Os- 

lS62ij  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  55 

(Jiee.  I  haue  chosen  for  one  ouerseer  of  this  my  last  will,  my  bro- 
ther, William  Clark,  of  linn,  and  doe  you  chuse  another  whome  you 
think  fit,  and  giue  them  40s  apeece,  and  trust  to  their  faithfullnes 
and  care  for  my  poor  Chilldren.     Dec.  7,  1664.  Georg  Dauis. 


William  Killcupp,  Grace  X  Killcupp. 

My  son,  Joseph  Coult,  I  doe  desire  my  sone,  Benjamine,  to  haue  Care 
o(  him  till  he  doe  take  farther  order  about  him.  Geo:  Davis. 

William  Kilcitp,  &  Grace  Kilcupp  his  wife,  deposed,  Sep1  30,  1661. 
Recorded,  Book  I,  fol.  522. 

Inventory  of  the  goods  of  Georg  Dauis,  leatly  desesed  at  cape 
faier,  taken  by  John  Gould,  William  x  Clark.     Amt.  £355.01. 

Benjamin  Daius  deposed,  Oct.  29,  1661.     Recorded,  Book  V,  fol.  63. 

Robert  Woodmansey.* — The  Last  Will  And  testament  of  Mr  Rob1 
Wcodmansey,  being  weake  of  Body  but  off  A  disposing  mind  and 
having  before  me  the  thoughts  of  my  departure  out  off  this  worjd. 
Concerning  my  little  estate  I  have  left  vnto  me,  wcil  lyeth  in  monyes, 
debts  &  Household  stuff,  and  is  speicified  in  An  Inventorie,  I  dispose 
off  it  to  my  wife,  Margarett,  And  my  two  daus  Martha  and  Baihia. 
1  make  my  wife,  Margarett,  sole  executrix.  As  vnto  Any  Proportion 
I  bequeath  one  halfe  to  my  sd  Two  daughters,  the  rest  vnto  my  wife, 
excepting  some  Perticulers  which  I  have  caused  to  be  putt  into  writ- 
ing &  to  be  disposed  off  by  my  s(i  Executrix  according  to  my  s"  de- 
sire therein.  That  this  is  my  will  I  acknowledge  by  my  hand  seale 
berevnto  Put,  this  5th  day  of  July  1667.  Robt  Woodmansey. 

Wittnesse  herevnto, 

John  Hull,  Gregory  Clemrnt. 

John  Hull  deposed,  Nov.  15.     Recorded,  Book  I,  fol.  523. 

An  Inuentory  of  the  Goods  &  Estate  of  Mr  Rob1  Woodmansey,  late 
fchoolemaster  of  Boston,  deceased,  taken  by  vs,  Richard  Gridley  & 
Edmond-  Eddenden,  Sept  18,  1667.     Amt.  £196.07.2.     Added,  £3.3. 

Mrs.  Margaret  Woodmansey  deposed,  Nov.  15,  1667. 

*  Mr.  Woodmansey  was  one  of  the  early  school-teachers  in  Boston.  His  name 
is  ou  the  records  April  11th,  1650.  March  12th,  1666,  Mr.  Daniel  Henchman  was 
engaged  "to  assist  Mr.  Woodmansey  in  the  Grammar  School  and  teach  children  to 
*rite."  The  successor  of  Mr.  W.  was  the  celebrated  Benjamin  Tompson,  "  a  man 
of  great  learning  and  wit,  well  acquainted  with  the  Roman  and  Greek  writers,  and 
*  good  poet."  (See  Register,  xiv,  54,  141;  xv,  113,  116.)  He  was  chosen,  Aug. 
*6thj  1667,  and  with  Mr.  Henchman,  appears  to  have  continued  in  the  employ  of 
tL<j  town,  until  Jan.  3,  1671,  when  the  noted  Ezekiel  Cheever  took  the  principal 
charge  of  the  school.  The  immediate  predecessor  of  Mr.  Woodmansey  was  proba- 
cy a  Mr.  Woodbridge,  mentioned  Dec.  2,  1644.  Previous  to  this,  in  August,  1636, 
Sir.  Daniel  Maude  was  chosen  to  the  office  of  "free  schoolmaster. "  He  was  a 
fcnuister,  and  removed  to  Dover,  N.  H.,  where  he  settled  in  1642,  and  died  in  1655. 
,  hnson,  i11  his  Wonder  Working  Providence,  says:  he  was  "  both  godly  and  diligent 
In  the  work  "  of  a  pastor.  But  the  probable  pioneer  in  the  Boston  "  free  school," 
**a  Philemon  Pormortt,  who  on  the  13th  of  April,  1635,  according  to  the  Town  Re- 
fwta  was  "  intreated  to  become  a  schoolmaster  for  teaching  and  nurturing  of  children 
*ith  us."  Whether  this  office  was  accepted,  we  know  not.  He  was  dismissed 
J&«  6,  1639,  as  appears  by  the  church  record,  "  to  ioin  Mr.  Wheelwright  and  others 
M  Fhycatuqua." 

56  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  [Jan. 

Jasper  Rawlins.— It:  11th  mo:  1665.  I  give  vnto  my  wif,  Mary 
Rawlins,  my  now  Dwelling1  howse  wth  all  the  moveable  goods  in  it, 
as  also  all  my  Debts  and  Demands,  for  her  vse  and  Despose  after 
my  decease,  and  doe  hereby  Constitute  my  deare  wife  to  be  my  sole 
executrix,  where  vnto  I  doe  set  my  hand.  And  in  case  any  of  my 
children  should  come  over  to  settle  here,  I  do  give  a  peece  of  ground 
where  the  clay  doth  ly  to  build  him  an  howse,  if  not,  to  be  left  to 
ray  wif  for  her  dispose;  witnes  my  hand. 

The  mark  of  x  Jasper  Rawlins. 

Witnes  here  vnto  this  IT,  of  11th  mo.  1665. 
Joseph  Knight. 

The  mark.         of 

John  3   Skinner. 
13th  June,  1667.     Joseph  Knight  &  Jn0  Slcinner  deposed. 

Humphery  Milam. — Feb.  14,  1666.  I,  Humphry  Mylam,  of  Boston, 
Cooper,  being  sick  but  of  sound  memory,  do  make  this  my  last  Will. 
Debts  to  be  paid.  Vnto  my  wife,  Mary  Mylam.  my  now  dwelling  house 
with  the  Shop  &  the  building  thereto  adjoining  &  the  land  where 
on  it  standeth,  &  £30  in  money.  To  my  dau.  Mary  Mylam,  £30  in  money 
&  the  value  of  £10  of  my  goods  &  a  fether  bed  &  bolster,  a  Rugg,  a 
Blankett,  Two  paier  of  Sheets  &  a  Silver  Spoon.  To  my  dan.  Con- 
stance Mylam,  £30  in  money  &  the  value  of  £10  in  goods  &  a  fether  bed 
&  bolster,  a  Rugg,  a  Blankett,  Two  paier  of  Sheets  &  a  Silver  Spoon. 
To  my  dau.  Sarah  Mylam,  £20  in  money  &  £10  value  in  goods  &  a 
bed  &  bolster,  a  Rugg,  Two  paier  of  Sheets  Sz  a  Blanket.  To  my  dau. 
Abigail  Mylam,  my  moiety  or  halfe  in  that  ware  house  our  against 
my  dwelling  house  &  the  wharf  thereto  belonging  &  my  Silver  Tas- 
ter. Vnto  my  dau.  Hannah  Mylam,  £20  in  money  &  that  peece  of 
ground  behind  the  yard  behind  my  dwelling  howse,  wth  the  priviledg 
of  way  &  passe  there  from  &  to  foreur  on  the  wharfe  at  the  South- 
westerly end  of  my  dwelling  house  from  &  to  it  into  the  street. 
My  will  is  that  the  before  mentioned  legacies  to  my  Daughto1"3  shall 
be  paid  them  respectively  when  they  shall  be  of  the  Age  of  19  or 
at  theire  Marriage  wch  shall  first  be,  p'vided  each  of  them  marry  wth 
the  apprbation  of  theire  mother  &  in  her  absence  wth  the  Apprbation 
of  my  friends  here  after  named,  any  or  either  of  them,  whom  I  in- 
treat  to  be  theire  ourseers.  If  any  of  my  Children  die  before  she 
come  to  the  age  aforesaid  or  be  married,  then,  the  Survive1"5  shall 
haue  such  part  equally  divided  amongst  them.  My  meaning  is  that 
my  wife  shall  have  my  abovesaid  dwelling  house  but  during  her  life 
&  after  her  decease  to  her  &  my  Children  together  to  be  divided 
equally  amongst  them.  Vnto  my  wife  all  my  goods,  debts,  Chattells, 
not  hereby  before  disposed  of,  &  the  term  of  yeares  yet  to  com  &  vu- 
expired  at  the  time  of  my  decease  in  my  Apprentize  Nath:  Claddis. 
I  ordain  my  wife  sole  executrix,  most  heartily  beseeching  her  that 
as  she  hath  showed  her  selfe  faithfull  k  louing  to  me  whilest  we 
have  lived  together  so  she  will  continue  a  naturall  mother  towards 
my  Children  a3  my  trust  in  her  is  she  will  be.  I  Intreat  my  friends, 
Cap?  Thomas  Lake,  my  Cozen,  MT  Jeremiah  Cushen  &  Mr  Joseph  How  to 

1S62J  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  57 

bo  ourseers  of  this  my  will.     I  have  here  vnto  subscribed  my  name 
v"  15'h  12,h  moneth  in  ye  yeare  above  written.         Humphrey  Milam. 
Signed  &  sealed  in  the  prsence  of  us: 

Witt:  Turner,  William  Pearse  scr.  N 

3  May  1667,  Wm  Turner  deposed.  William  took  like  oath 
in  open  Court  6  May  67.     Recorded,  Book  I,  fol.  523. 

Inventory  of  the  Estate  of  the  late  ITumphery  Milam,  deceased, 
prized  by  John  County,  William  Turner,  May  1,  1667.  The  net  state 
resting*,  £700.06. 01.  Mary  Mylam,  Relict  of  Itumphery  Mylam  deposed, 
May  3,  1667.     Recorded,  Book  V,  fol.  39. 

John  Alcocke. — I,  John  Alcocke,  of  Roxbury,  hailing  had  more  then 
ordinary  occasions   &   oppertunitys   duely  to  weigh   &   Consider   the 
Incertainty  of  this  life,  being   in  a  peculiar  manner  by  my  Calling 
exeersised  for  the  few  yeares  I  haue  hitherto  liued,  being  helpful!  as 
God  Enabled  to  others  &  knowing  the  decree  is  Certaine  that  he  only 
is  the  great  &  only  phisition,  in  whose  hands  my  times   are,  accord- 
ing to  his  mind  &  will  &  rny  duty,  being  in  my  good  and  sound  vn- 
derstanding  &  memory,  tho*  weake  in  body,  doe   make   this  my  last 
will.     I  Giue  my  soule  into  the  hands   of  him  that  Gaue  it,  and  my 
body  I  Oomitt  vnto  the  Earth  to  be  buried  as  neere  my  beloved  wife 
y*  was.     Debts  to  be  payd.     I  Giue  my  dear  wives  Apparrell  &  what 
did   belong  to  hir  &  was  in  hir  Custody  to  my  daughter  &  children 
as  she  Gaue  it,  as  I  was  Informed  by  nurse  Clarke  whose  testimony 
I  allow  &  will  to  be  sufficient  for  yl  end.     I  bequeath  all  my  Estate 
in  houses,  lands,  plate,  goods,  debts,  Catle,  horses,  mares  &  other  es- 
tate whatsoeuer  in  Sc  out  of  this  Jurisdiction  to  my  8  children,  George, 
John,  Pagraue  [Palgrave],  Anna,    Sarah,  Mary,  Elisabeth  Sc  Joanna, 
my  eldest  to  haue  a  double  portion  &  the  Rest  part  Sc  part  alike; 
only  as  my  wife  desired  so  I  doe  bequeath  my  farme  at  Assabath 
Riuer  of  1000   acres  wth  the   stok  &  Vttensills   now  vpon   it  to  my 
three  daughters  Anna,  Sarah  &  Mary  as  their  portions,  at  least  on  a 
due  value  to  be  Recconed  to  them  as  prie  thereof,  if  the  Estate  will 
hold  out  &  Reach  to  be  better;  and  my  mind  &  Will  is,  that  my  lands 
what  may  be  mine,  be  kept  Intire  w!h  the  wood  from  any  spoyle  or 
wast,  at  least  as  litle  as  may  be,  &  that  my  bookes  &  manuscripts 
may  be  kept  for  my  sonnes  those  two  that  are  desireus  to  be  scho'ers, 
&  my  estate  or  favor  of  my  friends  will  procure  them  so  to  be,  only 
my  books  &  manuscripts   a  true  Inventory  of  them  being  taken  by 
my  executo13  &  ouerseers  I  will  to  be  left  wth  Mr  Mihilh,  till  he  shall 
alter  his  Condition  and   then  to  be  Returned  to  my  executors  custody 
to  be  kept  for  my  two  sonnes  that  shall  proue  scholers;   &  my  will 
J8,  that  each  of  my  children  shall  during  their  being  undr  age  be 
^eires  each  to  other  in  Case  of  death  to  be  divided  amongst  them, 
part  Sc  part  alike.     My  mind  is,  &  as  a  furthe1'  Sc  due  manifestation 
of  my  deare  loue  &  respect  wcu  I  owe  my  deare  mother  Pagraue,  I 
pu<"  hir  those  three  peeces  of  plate  wcb  my  wife  gaue  vnto  hir  Sc  she 
«awi  had   in  hir  possession.     I  further  will  Sc  order  hir  ,£5   a  yeare 
to  be  payd  unto  hir  during  hir  life  &  desire  hir  faithfull  motherly 
vuufcseil  &  Advice  may  be  wth  hir  Inspection  ouer  my  children.     I 

58  Letter  from  Rev.  John  IV T alley ',  Jr.  [Jan. 

make  my  children  execute-1"*  &  executrixes  of  this  my  last  will  k  be- 
cause they  are  Vnder  Age  I  desire  Mr  Sam:  Danforth,  &  Mr%  Edward 
Dennison  to  be  ,executors  in  trust  in  their  behalfe,  And  desire  Major 
Generall  Jn°  Leuerel,  Cap1  Wm  Dauis,  Mr  John  Hull,  to  be  my  ouer- 
seers,  &  desire  their  Acceptance  of  40*  a  peccc  a  smale  token  of  my 
loue  as  a  remembrance  to  them,  &  £4  a  peece  to  my  executors;  to 
Mr  Mikills,  40s  to  buy  him  a  Ring  to  weare  for  my  sake  and  desire 
his  greatest  Care  to  gett  in  my  debts  for  wch  I  will  him  twelve  pence 
in  the  pound  for  what  he  Getts  in.  In  Testimoney  whereof  I  haue 
hereunto  sett  my  hand  &  scale  this  10th  May  1666. 

I  giue  to  y°  church  of  X1  in  Roxbury  £Z  to  buy  them  a  good  wine 
boule.  John  Alcocke, 

In  prsence  of 

William  Parke,  Elisha  Cooke. 

May  2,  1 667.  Mr  Samuell  Danforth  came  into  Court  &  discharged 
his  power  of  Executorship. 

May  22,  1667.  Mr  Edward  Dennison  came  into  the  Generall  Court 
before  the  Governor  &  magist.  &  did  disclaime  any  rig-lit  and  power 
of  executorship  in  ye  will. 

May  4,  1667.  Deacon  William  Parkes  &  Mr  Elisha  Cooke  deposed. 
Recorded,  Book  I,  fol.  526. 


[Rev.  John  Walley  was  son  of  Hon.  John  Walley  of  Boston,  born 
Sept.  11,  1691,  who  married  Bethiah  Eyre,  and  died  in  Boston,  March 
6,  1745;  grandson  of  John,  who  was  a  major  in  the  army,  took  the 
lead  in  the  Canada  expedition  of  1690,  and  was  afterwards  a  judge; 
and  great-grandson  of  Rev.  Thomas  Walley,  minister  of  Barnstable. 

John,  Jr.,  was  born  Oct.  6,  1716;  graduated  at  Harvard  College 
1734.  "  Before  he  entered  the  ministry  he  was  private  secretary  to 
the  governor  of  the  province,  and  accompanied  him  in  several  jour- 
nies  of  public  concern."  He  preached  a  while,  as  appears  by  the 
following  letter,  at  Portsmouth,  N.  H.,  where  Rev.  William  Shurtleff 
was  pastor;  was  afterward  (in  Jan.  1747)  invited  to  preach  for  the 
First  Parish  in  Ipswich,  Mass.,  which  he  did  for  eight  months,  and 
then  received  a  call  from  a  large  majority  of  the  church  and  congre- 
gation to  settle  with  them.  But  the  pastor,  Rev.  Nathaniel  Rogers, 
objected,  because  Mr.  Wr alley  declined  exchanging  with  Rev.  John 
Cleaveland  of  Chebacco  Parish.  This  caused  a  dismemberment  of 
the  Society.  Those  that  left,  invited  Mr.  W.  to  become  their  minister. 
He  was  ordained  Nov.  4,  1747;  married  Elizabeth  Appleton;  was 
dismissed  from  his  church  at  his  own  request,  Feb.  22,  1764.  Mr. 
Walley  was  well  versed  in  the  French  language,  and  while  at  Ips- 
wich, he  instructed  the  French  neutrals  located  in  that  town,  in  their 
native  tongue.  He  afterwards  preached  for  the  Huguenots  in  Bos- 
ton. Mr.  Walley  died  at  Roxbury,  without  children,  March  2,  1784. 
His  widow  died  in  the  same  town,  about  the  year  1800. 

The  father  of  Rev.  Mr.  Walley  had  five  sisters.  Sarah,  the  eldest, 
married  Charles  Chauncy!     They  were  the  parents  of  Rev.  Charles 


]S62.]  Letter  from  Rev.  John  Walley,  Jr.  59 

Chauncy,  D.  D.,  of  Boston.  Elizabeth,  married  Rev.  Joseph  Sewall, 
D.  I).,  of  Boston.  Thomas,  a  brother  of  Rev.  Mr.  Walley.  by  his 
second  wife,  Sarah  Hurd,  had  four  children;  one  of  these,  Sally,  mar- 
ried John  Phillips,  the  first  mayor  of  Boston.  The  youngest  child  of 
Thomas  was  Samuel  Hall  Walley,  who  married  Miriam  Phillips. 
They  were  the  parents  of  Hon.  Samuel  Hurd  Wailey  of  Roxbury, 
now  living.  See  Bridgman's  Pilgrims  of  Boston,  pp.  33-36;  Felt's 
History  of  Ipstvich,  pp.  247,  348.  We  infer  that  this  letter  was  writ- 
ten by  Mr.  Walley  to  his  father,  though  the  address  is  not  given.] 

ITond.  Sir, 

Wednesday  Evening  I  recd  your  kind  Letter  by  the  Post,  'twas 
pleasing  &  refreshing  to  me.  I  thank  you  for  it,  as  also  that  you  re- 
member me  in  your  Prayers;  pray  continue  so  to  do.  I  thank  you 
that  your  Letter  contains  so  many  suitable  Petitions  to  God  for  me, 
to  which  I  heartily  say  Amen  ;  may  God  give  an  answer  of  Peace. 

As  to  my  Coming  home.  I  scarce  know  what  to  say.  When  I  men- 
tion it  to  Mr.  Shurtleff,  he  tells  me  he  can't  bear  to  hear  of  it,  &  says 
it  yrill  quite  sink  his  Spirits.  He  shows  me  much  Kindness  &  Respect, 
the  People  likewise  seem  to  be  very  desirous  of  my  Stay;  &  indeed 
as  Things  are  circumstane'd,  I  apprehend  it  would  be  difficult  for 
them  at  present,  to  be  suitably  supply'd  elsewhere.  There  are  some 
Reasons  that  incline  me  to  stay  a  little  longer,  which  Mr.  Bromfield 
perhaps  may  mention  to  you,  or  the  Bearer  of  this  Letter. 

I  have  devoted  myself  to  the  Service  of  God  in  the  Work  of  the 
Ministry,  &  desire  to  be  entirely  at  his  Disposal,  &  not  to  seek  my 
own  Ease  or  temporal  advantage.  I  desire  to  know  what  is  the  Call 
of  his  Providence  to  me,  &  that  I  desire  to  obey-— Oh  1  wrestle  with 
God,  that  he  would  direct  me.  I  think  I  am  willing  to  go  or  to 
stay  just  as  he  would  have  me.  God  has  been  very  gracious  to  me 
since  I  have  been  here.  I  have  preach'd  seven  Times,  twice  on  each 
Sabbath,  once  on  the  Friday  Evening  Lecture,  &  twice  yesterday. 
God  has  strengthened  me  in  my  Body,  &  I  hope  has  also  strengthened 
nie  in  my  Soul,  &  is  pleased  in  some  Measure  to  enliven  me'in  his 
Service;  to  his  Name  be  all,  all  the  Glory,  that  he  thus  smiles  on 
such  a  sinfull  Worm,  blessed  be  God!  I  hope  I  can  say,  I  love  my 
Lord's  Work  better  &  better;  &  he  is  pleas'd  abundantly  to  encour- 
age me. 

You  do  not  particularly  mention  wherein  it  appears,  that  the  Call 
of  Providence  is  louder  to  me  to  come  to  Boston  than  to  tarry  here, 
that  so  I  might  judge;  nor  can  you  well  judge,  except  you  were  ac- 
quainted with  the  State  of  affairs  here,  how  loud  the  Call  is  to  me  to 
stay.  You  say,  you  can't  consent  to  my  staying  longer  than  the 
fourth  Sabbath,  on  any  Account.  If  Things  so  appear  to  me,  as  that 
I  think  I  can  consistent  with  my  Duty  to  God  &  his  People,  return 
'by  that  Time,  you  may  depend,  that  I  shall  do  it;  if  otherwise,  I'm 
sure  you  won't  expect  it;  however,  if  I  should  tarry  another  Sabbath, 
I  intend  that  shall  be  the  longest,  (as  I  hinted  before,  with  a  Sub- 
mission to  Providence.)  Mr.  Shurtleff,  to  ease  me,  has  got  a  neigh- 
bouring Minister  to  preach  this  Evening:  and  I  expect  to  change 
with  Mr.  Rogers  of  Kittery  next  Sabbath.  I  bless  God,  I  am  still 
in  very  good  Health,  I  think  belter  than  usual.  Oh!  may  my  Soul 
more  &  more  be  in.  Health  &  prosper.  I  was  obtig'd  to  study  two 
Canons  for  the  Fast;  &  God  graciously  enabled  me  to  carry  on  the 


60  Capt.  John  Landbee.  [Jan. 

whole  of  the  publick  Exercises  of  the  Day.     Oh!  'pray,  pray  for  me; 
&  praise  God  also  for  his  abundant  undeserved  Goodness  to  me. 

I  did  intend  to  write  to  my  Uncle  Sewall  to  Day,  as  also  to  Sister 
Thiah,  &  an  answer  to  Cous11  Jeffries,  but  have  been  interrupted,  & 
the  Time  is  gone;  hope  to  have  an  Opportunity  in  a  few  Days.  Tin's 
Letter  is  wrote  in  great  Haste.  My  Respects  to  all  Friends,  as  if 
mentioned.  Desire  my  Uncle  Sewall  to  continue  to  wrestle  with  God 
for  me.     Let  him  know  how  Things  arc. 

That  God  would  bless  you  abundantly  with  all  the  Blessings  of 
the  New  Covenant.  &  when  he  shall  call  you  hence,  bring  you  to  the 
full  Enjoyment  of  him  in  Heaven,  is  &  shall  be  the  prayer  of 


I  don't  know  whether  Mr  Shurtleff*         Your  Dutifull  Son, 
be  quite  out  of  Danger,  but  there  is  a  John  W alley  Junr. 

hopefull  Prospect  of  his  Recovery.  God 
grant  it  in  Mercy  to  his  People.  He  is 
still  confln'd.     Let  me  hear  from  you. 

Portsmouth  April  13th  1U4. 
Friday  Noon. 

Capt.  John  Larrabee. — In  the  History  and  Antiquities  of  Boston, 
page  661,  it  is  stated  that  John  Larrabee  was  commander  of  Castle 
William  in  Boston  harbor.  He  died  in  1762,  and  the  fact  of  his 
being  commander  of  the  Castle  was  mentioned  in  connection  with 
that  statement.  Not  long  since  a  writer  in  the  Boston  Transcript, 
called  that  statement  in  question,  and  asserted  that  Mr.  Larrabee 
never  was  commander  of  the  Castle.  The  authority  for  the  state- 
ment in  the  History  of  Boston,  may  be  found  in  the  two  papers  pub- 
lished in  Boston  at  the  time  of  Capt.  Larrabee's  death.  The  Evening 
Post  of  Feb.  15,  1162,  says:  "  Last  night,  died  here,  in  an  advanced 
age,  John  Larrabee,  Esq.,  for  many  years  past,  Captain  at  Castle 
William,  where  he  mostly  resided." 

If,  as  it  is  stated,  the  governor  of  the  colony  or  province  was  the 
nominal  governor  or  captain  of  the  Castle,  we  do  not  see  how  Capt. 
Larrabee's  right  is  affected,  inasmuch  as  he  was  the  actual  com- 
mander. D. 

["The  captaincy  of  the  Castle,"  says  Sir  Wm.  Pepperrell,  "is 
looked  upon  as  an  appendage  to  the  commission  of  lieutenant  gover- 
nor, as  it  has  been  usually  held  by  all  of  them." 

The  Castle  Island  Records,  informs  us,  that  "on  the  11th  of  Sept., 
1123,  John  Larrabee  succeeded  John  Gray,  as  Lieut,  of  Castle  Wil- 
liam. The  lieutenant  being  the  senior  resident,  had  the  more  im- 
mediate control  of  the  discipline  and  police  of  the  island.  After  this 
date,  we  find  him  called  captain  lieutenant." — Ed.] 

*Rev.  William  Shurtieff  died  May  9,  1747.  "His  remains  were  deposited  under 
the  communion  table  of  his  church."  (Adams's  Annals  of  Portsmouth,  p.  1S5.)  He 
was  born  in  Plymouth,  Mass.  ;  graduated  at  Harvard  College,  1707  ;  ordained  at 
New  Castle,  1712  ;  removed  in  1732  ;  installed  in  the  South  Parish  of  Portsmouth, 
Feb.  21,  1733,  succeeding  Rev.  John  Emerson,  who  died  June  21,  1732,  in  the  62d 
year  of  his  age. 

l$62.]  Petition  to  the  General  Court  of  Massachusetts.  61 

RELATIVE  TO  THE  WAR.     1675-6. 

To  the  Right  Honoblc  the  Governor  Depty  Gov1"  Magistrates  &  De- 
putyes  now  assembled  in  the  Generail  Court  February  ye  22  1675. 

Honoured  Sr<  we  are  not  Ignorant  of  yor  Ernest  aud  Solicitous  En- 
deavours to  have  prevented  the  sad  providences  that  have  befalne  us 
by  this  present  Warr:  the  great  Loss  that  this  poore  Country  have 
sustained  both  in  the  Lives  and  Estates  of  many  worthy  persons,  but 
also  in  those  that  are  in  Captivity  under  the  Heathen,  which  Doubt- 
less doth  Lye  Heavy  upon  yor  Spirits  as  well  as  ours:  And  will  with- 
out the  imediate  hand  of  God  worke  for  us:  and  some  Speedy  meanes 
be  used  by  yorselves  prove  the  mine  of  us  all:  And  therefore  we  (as 
part)  freemen  and  other  inhabitants  being  in  the  same  Danger  and 
Hazard  doe  presume  now  to  propound  to  yor  Honors  these  Consider- 
acons  following  Leaveing  you  to  ye  guidance  and  direction  of  the 
All  wise  God  begging  of  him  that  you  may  have  supplyes  of  Wis- 
dome  from  above:  to  conclude  matters  so  as  may  be  for  the  greatest 
peace  &  safety  of  this  poore  people  in  this  day  of  our  Callamity. 

First.  Whether  it  may  not  be  convenient  in  this  Juncture  of  time 
to  nominate  and  appoint  three  or  foure  meet  persons  to  give  Comis- 
sions  to  all  partyes  that  are  or  shall  be  sent  out  with  power  to  give 
Commissions  or  Coppyes  to  such  as  the  Councell  of  Warr  in  the  field 
shall  thinke  meet:  with  power  to  act  and  doe  in  all  things  relateing 
to  this  present  Warr  according  as  the  Emergency  of  the  occasion 
shall  require;  without  farther  order. 

2.  That  our  Fronteire  townes  be  sufficiently  Garrisoned  to  defend 
them  from  the  rage  of  the  Enimie. 

3.  That  there  be  a  sufficient  army  speedyly  sent  forth  and  divided 
into  two  or  three  partyes  with  order  to  follow  the  Indians  whereso- 
evr  they  can  heare  of  them  and  be  able  to  reach  them. 

4.  That  Due  incouragem1  be  given  to  all  such  persons  as  shall  be 
willing  to  adventure  their  Lives  for  the  suppressing  of  the  Enimye. 
And  that  this  be  accomplished  with  all  Expedition:  For  if  seed  time 
and  planting  time  be  prevented  or  obstructed  we  shall  be  in  great 
Hazard  of  a  Famin. 

5.  That  some  Effectual  and  Speedy  Course  may  be  taken  for  the 
preventing  of  the  Narragansets  possessing  their  country  or  returning 
thither,  in  regard  it  is  Judged  they  may  have  store  of  Come  there 
hidd  in  secret  places  which  the  English  have  not  yet  found:  But  if 
they  had  no  corne  there,  that  is  such  a  place  for  shell  fish  and  other 
as  is  not  the  like  in  all  these  parts:  And  if  God  by  his  providence 
doe  not  bring  them  Low  before  planting  time,  many  of  our  men  will 
unavoideably  be  destroyed  &  their  Habitations  Laid  in  Ashes: 

6.  That  some  speedy  Course  be  taken  for  the  removall  of  those 
Indians  that  dwell  in  and  amongst  our  Plantations  to  ecme  place 
farther  remote  from  us. 

t.  That  plowing  and  sowing  be  farthered  by  mutuall  agreem1  of 
People  in  Each  towneship  togather  and  that  they  helpe  Each  other: 
and  have  a  guard  about  then)  untiii  Each  Lott  be  improved. 


An  Ancient  Relic, 


8.  Thai  unimproved  Lands  in  particular  proprietyes  that  Lye  freer 
from  the  danger  of  the  Enimy  be  planted  and  sowne  by  those  that 
are  driven  from  their  habitations  for  the  supplye  of  them  selves  and 
Comon  Benefltt. 

We  desire  our  Loveing  friends  to  present  these  Consideracons  to 
the  Honoblc  General!  Court: 

William  Inglish 
Manasses  Beck 
Jeremiah  Cushinge 
Johnathan  Adames 
Nathanell  Addams 
Robert  Williams 
Josh va  Win sor 
Joshua  Hewes 
Tho.  Wattkines 
John  Goffe 
Samuel!  Clement 
Samuel!  Mattocke 
Andrew  Clarke 
Samwell:  Sundell 
W"i  Tailer 
John  Viall  Junr 
Hope  All  in 
John  Tucker 
Samson  Dewer 
Robert  Sanford 
Tho:  Brattle 
Henry:  Thomson 
Isaack  Walkar 
William  Gibson 
Joseph  Knight 
Thomas  Dewer 
Penn  Townsend 
John  Willises 
John  Yiall 
[Abrajham  Gooding 
[         ]  Atkines 
Cum  Multis  Aliis.- 

Rich  Bennett 
Bernard  Trott 
Daniel!  Turell  Junr 
Nathanill  Gallup 
Dauid  Adams 
Nicklis  How 
Christopher  Clarke 
John  Temple 
Sam11  Haugh 
Richard  More  Junio1" 
Henrie  Ernes 
John  Beteman 
Obadiah  Ernons 
Anthony  Checkley 
William  Wrighte 
Gilles  Dyer 
Ambros  Dawes 
John  Moore 
Hugh  Drury 
John  Conney 
William  Dawes 
William  Barthoimew 
Richard  Collacott 
James  Euerell 
John  Search 
John  Sweet 
William  Parsons 
Joseph  How 
Da:  Edwards 
Mathew  Barnard 
Tho:  Bill 
-Mass.  Archives,  Book 

Josh:  Scottow 
John  Ballantine 
Beniamin  Negus 
Nathaniell  Blague 
Samuel!  Nordeu 
John  Gotta 
John  Clarke 
Ralph  Carter 
Jn°  Woodmansey 
Elisha  Odlm 
John  Wing 
John  Walley 
John  Faverweather 
Tho.  Baker 
Franses  Doues 
Richard    Middlccott 
John  Farnarn  senr 
Joseph  Cock 
Samuel!  Ward 
John  Ely 
Isaack  Woodde 
William  Smith 
Nathaniell   Greenwood 
William  Greenough 
John  White 
Edward  Sale 
Ephraim  Sale 
John  Smith 
John  Noyes 
William  Killcupp 
Richd  Wharton 
68,  p.  HO. 

Recovery  of  an  Ancient  Relic — An  old  church  relic,  in  the  shape 
a  pewter  communion  flagon,  has  lately  been  discovered  in  an  acci- 
dental manner  in  Hatch's  auction  rooms,  in  Boston.  From  an  inscrip- 
tion upon  it,  it  is  supposed  to  have  formerly  belonged  to  the  Second 
Church  in  Dedham,  Mass.  It  is  inscribed  as  follows:  "ExdonoMr 
Nathaniel  Kinsbury  to  ye  2d  Church  in  Dedham,  174:5,"  So,  from  the 
date,  it  would  appear  that  the  flagon  is  116  years  old.  The  curious 
article  found  its  way  to  the  auction  room  among  the  stock  of  a  house 
furnishing  concern.  It  has  been  presented  to  the  Dedham  Historical 
Society.— Boston  Journal,  Oct.  14r,'lS61. 



1S62.]  Extracts  from  Interleaved  Jilmanacs.  63 


[From  the  originals  in  possession  of  the  N.  E.  Historic-Genealogical  Society.] 

[Samuel  Sewall,  Jr.,  the  writer  of  the  diary  from  which  we  make 
the  following"  extracts,  was  the  eldest  son  and  child  of  Chief  Justice 
Samuel  Sewall,  and  was  born  June  11,  1678;  married  Sept.  15,  1702, 
Miss  Rebecca  Dudley,  daughter  of  Gov.  Joseph  Dudley;  resided  the 
most  of  the  time  at  Brookline;  his  name  was  the  first  of  thirty-two 
on  the  petition  to  the  General  Court,  in  the  autumn  of  1705,  praying 
that  "Muddy  river  [now  Brookline]  might  be  allowed  a  separate 
village  cr  peculiar,  and  be  invested  with  such  powers  and  rights,  as 
they  may  be  enabled  by  themselves  to  manage  the  general  affairs 
of  the  said  place."  He  was  commissioned  as  a  justice  of  the  peace, 
Jan.  24,  1722-3,  and  died  in  Brookline,  of  a  paralytic  shock,  Feb.  27, 
1150-1,  aged  73.  His  large  landed  estate  in  Brookline,  still  known 
as  "the  Sewall  farm,"  was  derived  principally  from  his  grandfather, 
John  Hull,  the  mint  master,  whose  daughter  and  sole  heir,  Hannah, 
was  the  mother  of  Samuel  Sewall,  Jr.  The  well  Itnown  "  Sewall's 
Point,"  was  a  portion  of  that  estate,  taking  its  name  from  him.] 


Jany  21.  Lydia  Cooledgef  taken  very  ill  in  Night. 

22.  Yery  ill  &  full  of  Pain.  Hannah  goe  to  Dr.  Wheats — saies 
she  is  very  bad  &  will  be  worse — sends  her  a  Vomit.  Continues  full 
of  Pain  all  Night.  Send  Muthew  for  Dr.  Tompson — Willm  for  Her 

Feb:>'  24th.  Mrs.  Einingham  came  from  Watertown  in  the  Morn- 
ing &  told  me  that  they  were  coming  to  Carry  home  Lidia.  A  little 
after  Dinner  Mr.  Kiningham,  Mr  Sawing  &  Mr  Mattocks  Put  her 
into  a  Horse  Litter,  Mr  Sawins  horse  before  &  mine  behind  &  car- 
ried her  away  home. 

March  20th.  Lidia  Dies  Hopefully  and  well.     Buried  22d  at  Night. 

Febry  27th.  Mr  Solomon  Champny  came  to  live  at  my  House  for 
a  year  for  £3.0.0. 

Jan.  3.  In  the  Night  son  John  have  two  short  fitts. 

4th.  Wife  goe  to  see  him. 

*  The  author  of  these  almanacs  was  N..  Bowen  of  Marblehead.  Who  was  he,  how 
many  almanacs  did  he  publish,  and  during  what  years? 

t  Lydia  was  the  eighth  child  of  Obadiah  and  Elizabeth  (Rouse)  Coolida:e,  and  was 
Born  Feb.  5,  1701-2.  Her  father's  will  was  proved  June  19,  1706.  The  widow 
married  Feb.  16,  1714,  John  Cunningham,  sometimes  called  Kinecam,"  "Kimining- 
Mtt',**  and  as  above,  "Kiningham."  She  was  dead,  and  he  living,  Nov.  6,  1732. 
B«  Bond's  Watertoun,  p.  168. 

I  Probably  John  Sawin,  who  married  Elizabeth  Coolidge,  the  eldest  sister  of  Ly- 
«***.  Deo.  5,  1711.  '  J 

64  Extracts  from  Interleaved  Almanacs.  [Jan. 

Cth.  Kill  2  Hoggs  &  sow  bought  of  J.  Gleason. 

10th.  Bring  Sheep  from  Boston  which  Mr  Niles  send  me  pr.  Mr 
Kinion  the  Drouer.  He  had  lost  one  sheep  so  that  I  received  but  J  9 
sheep  &  10  Lambs.  Meeting  at  my  House — Mr  Allen*  Preach  from 
Isai  03:1.     Mighty  Saviour. 

12.  Nurse  Tomson  goe  to  Nurse  Morgans  Wife 

12th.  In  the  Night  son  John  have  a  fit.  14th.  Towards  morning 
he  has  another  short  fit. 

15th.  Send  Mathew  for  sou  John.  His  Nurse  Sarein  comes  with 
hirn.  Next  day  goe  home.  Her  sister  Lydia  comes  to  assist  in 
weaning  him. 

Feb.  1.  Mr  Yalintine,  the  Lawyer,  Hangs  himself  in  a  Cockloft.  A 
Little  in  the  afternoon  they  find  him.  The  Jury  brought  in  Non 

2.  Son  John  have  a  short  Fit.  9th.  Mr  Jacksonf  Preach.  Mr 
Allen  Preach  at  Newtown. 

IT.  Son  John,  about  six  a  clock,  have  a  Convulsive  fitt.  Held  him 
rather  better  than  a  qr.  of  an  hour. 

23.  Not  very  well  &  so  after  my  wife  &  I  had  din'd  at  Mr  Aliens, 
she  went  to  meeting  and  I  staid  at  his  House  till  after  meeting  & 
then  we  went  home  in  the  Calash  round. 

March  3  Mr  Craft,  with  B.  Tompson,  came  to  frame  Cydar  mill 
House.  4.  Great  storm  of  snow  with  High  Wind.  Craft,  with  Ben 
came  late  to  framing.  6.  Taped  a  Pipe  of  Cydar.  8th.  Negro  Ga- 
brel  dies  of  Fever.  Paid  Mr  Danl.  Watkins  20s.  in  part  for  Covering 

10.  Something  before  day,  son  John  have  a  fit  &  by  T  morn,  have 
six.  Noon,  one  a  longer  &  stronger.  Send  for  Dr.  Tompson.  Mathew 
see  him  by  Sharps  &  he  came.  Look'd  upon  the  Chiid  &  saies  he 
has  a  bladder  in  his  throat.  Agree  with  Mathew  for  £23.10.0  a 

April  1.  Gott  Two  New  plows  of  Mr  Oldhains  make. 

11.  Wife  with  Nurse  Lee  goe  to  Boston  with  my  two  sons,  my 
youngest  never  there  before.  I  went  to  Mr  Thomas  Stedmans  Wives 
Funeral,  Buried  in  Brooklin  Burial  Place.     Mathew  bring   a  Maid 

from  Sudbury.  \ 

20th,  very  Hot.  Carry  John  with  Nuss  Lee  to  Widow  Ruggles 
(alias  Fielder)  for  Her  to  keep  him. 

May  1st.  Mr  Josiah  Winchester  iunrJ  Buried — a  great  many  peo- 
ple. Die  suddenly  &  much  lamented.  He  died  last  Tuesday  Night. 
(April  28th.] 

16.  Gave  Sam1  Clark  his  Cash,  as  Clerk  of  Brooklin  Company. 

19th.  Mathew  buy  a  qr.  of  Beef,  1T4  lb.  at  4d*. 

— — — 

*Rev.  James  Allen,  tiie  first  minister  of  Brookline,  was  a  native  of  Roxbury; 
graduated  at  Harvard  College,  1710  ;  ordained  Nov.  5,  171S  ;  died  Feb.  18,  1747.' 

t  Rev.  Edward  Jackson  was  born  in  Newton,  April  3, 1700 ;  graduated  at  Harvard 
College,  1719;  ordained  at  Woburn,  Aug.  1,  1729;,  as  a  colleague  with  Rev.  John 
Fox,  and  died  Sept.  24,  1754. 

^  t  He  was  one  of  the  thirty-two  inhabitants  of  Muddy  river,  who  signed  the  peti- 
tion mentioned  in  the  introduction  to  this  article. 


J 863.]  Extracts  from  Interleaved  Almanacs.  65 

20th.  Three  Companies  from  Roxbury,  &  Brooklin  Company  Mus- 
tered before  my  Door  upon  the  Common  with  the  Red  Troop,  Col. 
Dudley  exercising;  them. 

June  1.  Brooklin  Town  Meeting*.  Voted  40  pounds  of  use  money 
To  defrey  town  Charges.  30  pounds  more  to  Ballence  the  Towns 
Ace1.     30  lb.  School.     20  lb.  Towns  Expences  this  year. 

9th.  Early  in  the  morning  Dies  my  very  usfull  Neighbour  Mrs. 
Clark— Buried  the  10th  Instant. 

24th.  N.  Gleason  help  mow  young  Orchard.  25.  Ditto,  mow  Berr- 
stow's.  29th.  Mathew  &  William  Gett  into  the  Barn  5  Jaggs  of 
English  Hay. 

April  nth,  Mr  Gleason  Graft  for  me  upon  2  Apple  tree  stocks,  one 
with  Drews  Russett  &  the  other  with  a  Golden  Russett,  And  took  up 
2  Pair  tree  Grafts  &  transplanted  them  in  my  orchard.  Boston.  All 
Dead.  Benj:11  Benson,  with  Keen,  put  up  fence  8  foot  high  against 
Madra  Saltoustalls  Heires.     Finished  April   20th. 

April  21st.  Wm  Gleason  Put  in  24  Paire  Cyons  left  Hand  of  the 
Lane  &  4  Ditto  into  a  Button  Wood  Tree  in  young  Orchard,  And 
Eight  Apple  Tree  Ditto. 

April  21st.  Mr  Hopestill  Foster  (that  married  Mrs  Elisabeth 
Phipps)  upon  the  Staiers  with  a  Corn  bagg  double  under  the  Rope 
hanged  himself.* 

May  3d.  President  Leverett  Dies  Early  in  the  Morning  a  Bed,  very 
suddenly  &  to  his  Wives  great  surprise.  Buried  on  the  6th.  His 
Corps  being  carried  into  the  Colledge  Hall  &  Mi*  Welsteed  made  a 
Latin  Oration.  Mr  Appleton  &  Mr.  Wadsworth  Preach  Next  Sab- 
bath, Mr  Coirnan  Sabbath  After,  All  gave  him  a  great  Character,  as 
I  am  informed. 

May  27th.  Col.  Dudley  chose  speaker.  Goe  to  the  Castle  with  sis- 
ter Dummer,  Justice  Dummer  &  Wile,  Couz.  Hale  &  Wife,  my  Wife 
&  Henry,f  with  Mr.  Pembercon,  Chaplin. 

Ma}T  29th.  Mr  Colman,  Aunt  Sewall,  couz.  SewalPs  wife,  &  couz. 
Robe's  J  wife  came  to  Brooklin  in  a  Coach. 

June  1st.  Mrs  Abigael  Green  begin  to  keep  School  at  North  School 
Hous,  by  Clerks  Brook. 

July  5th.  Yesterday  goe  to  Mrs.  Smith's  (who  keeps  the  Swan 
Tavern)  &  take  a  Girl  their  about  14  or  15  years  of  Age,  whom  Mr. 
Gookin  of  Sherburn  sold  to  her. 

*  See  Reg.,  xv,  201. 

t  Henry  Sewall,  eldest  son  of  Samuel  Sewall,  Jr.,  was  born  at  Brookline,  March. 
8,  1719-20;  graduated  at  Harvard  College  1738  ;  married  Miss  Ann  White  of  Brook- 
line,  Aug.  18,  1743;  was  a  justice  of  the  peace  for  the  countv  of  Suffolk;  died  May 
29, 1771.  (See  Am.  Quar.  Reg  ,  xm,  250.)  He  had:  1,  Hull,  b.  Aug.  7,  1744;  gra- 
duated at  Harvard  College,  1761;  married  Abigail  Sparhawk  of  Little  Cambridge, 
now  Brighton ;  died  Nov.^27,  1767.  %  Samuel,  born  Dec.  31,  1745  ;  Harvard  College 
1761,  died  unmarried,  in  Bristol,  England,  Mav,  1811;  a  refugee.  3,  Henry,  born 
Jan.  19,  1749;  Harvard  College,  17»tf;  died  unmarried,  Oct.  17,  1772.  4,  Hannah, 
born  Sept.  2,  1751,  married  Edward  Woicott  of  Brookline;  died  a  widow  at  Dor- 
< -hfater  about  1832,  aged  81. 

t  Joseph,  son  of  Rev.  Joseph  Sewall,  born  March  9,  17G2;  married  Miss  Mary 
Hobie,  daughter  of  Thomas  Robie,  Esq.,  of  Salem. 


65  Extracts  from  Interleaved  Almanacs.  [Jan. 

23d.  Lecture  turned  into  a  Fast  at  Boston,  upon  the  acc°  of  "War 
k  Droubt,  At  Newtown  a  Fast  24th.  Brantery  A  Fast  28th  or 

Aug.  1.  Peter  Gardner,  Blacksmith,  put  into  Prison  for  putting  off 
some  Five  pound  Bills  of  Connecticutt  being  couuterfitts.  He  saies 
he  found  them  k  cried  them  a  Commencement  11  or  12  5  pound  Bills 
k  Now  he  owns  22. 

August  16th,  about  11  or  12  in  the  forenoon  Dies  my  Dear  sister, 
Hannah,*  after  long  languishment.  18th  Buried — Pall  Bearers,  Ha- 
bijah  Savage  Esq1".,  Mr  Wm.  Pain,  Mr.  Boydell,  Mr.  Franklin,  Mr. 
John  Walley,  Mr  Henry  Gibbs.     Brother  Sewajlf  Prayes. 

Aug.  18th.  Mrs.  Ruggles  send  her  Daughter  to  acquaint  us  that 
son  John  had  a  Flux  k  vomited.  As  we  went  to  Boston  called  k  see 
it,  it  being  considerable  ill.  As  we  goe  to  Boston  call  at  Dr.  Tomp- 
sons.  He  gone  to  Boston.  Call  as  we  come  Back  k  take  him  with 
us.     We  thought  he  was  better,  k  so  went  home. 

Sept.  12.  Betimes  in  the  morning  Dyed  Mrs.  Clark  (alias  Brown) 
the  Wife  of  Sam1  Clark  junr  in  Child  birth,  she  being  not  delivered. 

15.  Sister  Cooper'sJ  Daughter,  Mehitabel,  Dies  after  long  languish- 

16.  Brother  Dummer  k  sister  with  sister  Wainwright  k  9  men 
from  Castle  came  up  by  Water. 

11th.  Went  to  the  funeral  of  Brothr  Coopers  Mehitabel,  about  a 
year  old. 

18.  Afternoon,  Rain  with  Thunder  k  Lightening,  struck  a  Locust 
Tree  by  S.  Clarks  junr  House.     Mooting  at  Mr.  Kindricks. 

20th.  Govr.  Saltonstall  Dies  at  N.  London. 

23d.  Made  2  Cheeses  of  Cydar,  13  Barels. 

Oct.  1.  Dr.  Mather  Preach  a  funeral  sermon  upon  Govr  Saltonstall. 
His  caracter  large  in  News  Letter. 

2.  Goe  to  Newtown  with  Mr.  Allen  &  wife,  Mr.  B.  Alford,  k  sister 
Wainwright  wife  k  Henry. 

5th.  Begin  to  Dam  out  the  Tyde  at  my  Round  Marish.  Capt.  As- 
pinwall  with  Wm.  Gleason  measure  out  length  of  Dam,  on  my  side 
IT  Rude,  N.  Gates  9  R.,  in  all  26  Rude. 

25th.  Towards  Night  send  for  Dr.  Boylston,  he  came  k  pulled  out 
a  stump  of  Tooth  for  Wife.  She  being  still  all  night  full  of  pain,  I 
went  to  Boston  k  the  Dr.  came  k  pulled  out  the  next  Tooth. 

Nov.  4th.  James  help  me  fetch  wood  k  sea  weed. 

11th.  Peter  Gardner  Tryed  for  Uttering  Fiue  pound  Bills  of  Con- 
necticutt. 12.  Jury  brought  in  a  special  verdict.  Judges  send  them 
out  again.     Bring  in  not  Guilty. 

16th.  Reed,  of  Father  12  Books  by  Lott  which  was  Mothers  k 

*  Hannah  Sewall,  born  Feb.  3,  1679-80  ;  died  unmarried,  aged  45. 

tRev.  Joseph  Sewall,  D.  D.,  of  the  Old  SouUi  Church. 

t  Judith,  sister  to  Mr.  Sewall.  married  Rev.  William  Cooper  of  Brattle  Street 
Church,  Boston,  May  12,  1720,  :ni>\  died  Dec  23,  1740,  leaving  two  childr-n— Wil- 
liam, the  celebrated  town  clerk  of  Boston,  and  Samuel,  who  succeeded  his  father  as 
minister  at  Brattle  Street  Church,  and  was  colleague  pastor  with  Rev.  Dr.  Colman; 
he  died  Dec.  23,  17S3. 



IS62.]  Extracts  from  Interleaved  Almanacs.  67 

Bister  Hannah's,  &  my  Brother  &  Sister  &  sister  Hursts*  Children 
12  each  of  them.     4  Lotts  in  all. 

19.  Paid  Gleason  for  a  qr.  of  Beaf  85J  at  3<*  21  shill. 

21st.  finish  laying-  sods  &  filling  Gravel  for  2  part  of  Dam. 

23.  Very  Cold.  Lnst  Night  very  high  wind,  did  considerable 
Damage  among*  the  Vessels  in  Boston. 

30th.  Stack  2  pt  of  Dam  in  afternoon. 

Dec.  1.  Nurse  Tompson  Goes  to  Dorchester. 

3.  Went  to  Boston,  [Thursday]  heard  Mr.  Mayhew  Preach  the 
Lecture.     Capt.  Daughter  married. 

6th.   [Sunday.]     A  Rainy  Day.     Dine  at  Mr.  Aliens. 

7th.  Towards  Night  went  to  visit  Capt.  Aspinwalls  Daughter  Gard- 
ner.    About  Noon  wife  &•  Henry  goe  to  Boston. 

11.  Meeting  at  my  House.  Mr  Allen  Preach  from  Psal.  25,  13. 
Look  <fec. 

12th.  Bought  a  pr.  of  Oxen  of  Mr  Nath1  Holman  of  Sudbury  next 
to  Stow.  Capt.  Aspinwall  with  Mathew  shut  the  Gate  of  the  Dam 

13th.  [Sunday.]  Dine  at  Mr.  Aliens.  15th.  Mathew  goe  to  Les- 
ter. lTth.  Give  Mr  Allen  Rivet  upon  Hosea  &c.  Lattin.  18th.  Mr. 
B.  Alford  brought  home  wife  &  Henry  from  Boston  in  a  Slay. 

22.  Fast  at  Roxbury  For  young  Mr  Walterf  who  is  in  a  very  lan- 
guishing condition — carried  on  by  Mr.  ThayerJ— Pray  Mr.  N. 
Walter — Preach  conclude  with  Prayr.  Afternoon  Mr  Webb  Pray, 
Mr  Foxcroft  Preach  from  2  Cor.  1,  11.  Former  part — conclude  with 
Prayer.  Last  Night  Mathew  return  from  Lester  being  gone  8  dayes. 
A  very  slavery  day. 


January  2d.  Mrs.  Kneeland  the  wife  of  John  Kneeland,  Mason, 
Dyed  in  Child  Birth,  prezantly  after  her  being  Delivered  of  a  Daugh- 
ter. Her  maiden  Name  was  Clark,  the  Daughter  of  Timothy  Clark 

3d.  Went  to  the  Town  House  where  I  took  the  Oaths  upon  Govr 
Belchar's  New  Commission  for  justices.  Gov  giving  a  Dedimus  to 
Col.  Byfield,  Elisha  Cook,  Thomas  Palmer,  &  Adam  Winthrop  Esq" 
to  give  the  justices  there  oaths.  Col.  Elisha  Hutchenson  &  Col. 
Dudley  being  Dropt  &  not  commissioned  for  Judges. 

23d.  Rain  &  a  storm.  Wife  &  I  not  well,  so  did  not  goe  to  meet- 
ing, tho'  it  was  sacrament  Day.  The  L.  sanctify  all  my  Afflictions 
to  my  spiritual  good. 

24th.  Goe  to  Mr.  Lambertz  to  acknowledge  5  or  6  writings  for  Mr 
Sam1  Dummer. 

*  His  sister,  Elizabeth,  Lorn  Dec.  29,  1061 ;  married  Grove  Hirst  of  Boston,  who 
died  July,  1716.     He  was  a  member  of  the  council. 

t  Rev.  Thomas  Walter  of  Roxbdry,  son  of  Rev.  Nehemiah,  was  born  in  1696; 
graduated  at  Harvard  College.  1713:  ordained  colleague  with  his  father,  over  the 
Ififst  Church  in  Koxbury,  Oct!  29,  1718  ;  died  Jan.  10,  1725,  aged  23.  "He  was 
one  of  the  most  distinguished  scholars  and  acutest  disputants  of  his  day." 

JEbenezer  Thayer,  first  minister  of  the  Second  Church  in  Roxbury,  born  in  Bos- 
ton ;  graduated  at  Harvard  College.  VUiB  ;  ordained  1712;  died  in  1733,  aged  about 
45,  and  waa  succeeded  by  Nathaniel  Walter,  son  of  Thomas. 

•o  ** 

68  Extracts  from  Interleaved  Jttmanacs.  [Jan, 

Feb:?  I2th.  Couz  Davenport*  Brought  to  Bed  of  a  Boy,  At  Wo 
born.     13th.  Mr.  Jackson  Baptize  it  Addington. 

16th.  Mrs.  Dyar  (maiden  Name  Banuister)  Dies  suddenly.  Has 
left  one  Daughter  which  is  a  going  to  be  married  to  Mr.  Church. 

23.  Bought  of  Mr.  Hancock,  CowePs  Law  Dictionary,  £3-10.0;  Dr. 
Mather's  Church  History,  £3.10.0. 

Sister  Winthrop  send  Wife  a  Cheese  about  30  lb.  which  in  the 
Storm  they  heft  over  Board  with  a  great  many  other  things... 

Also  she  sent  two  Gammons  of  Bacon,  which  was  saved,  Paid  12cl 
Freight  and  10l  for  bringing  them  up. 

26th.  Mr  Gleason  bring  me  a  Load  of  Wallnutt  wood  from  Brook- 
lin  Farm. 

March  1.  A  special   Court  was  held   to  try  a  Cause   between   one 
Swasy  &  Judge  Byfield  Esqr  about  his  taking  Excessive  Fees  in  the 
Court  of  Admiralty.     By  Anthony  Stoddard,  Francis  Fullam,  &  Hu 
Hall,  Being  Judges  appointed   by  His  Excellency.     Col.  Tailer  ou 
Lt.  Govr  Dies  after  some  illness. f 

16th.  Mr.  Binning  Dies  that  married  Mr  Cooks  sister.  Paid  Brother 
Sewall  my  subscription  to  Narragansett  Minister,  £5.0.0. 

I7tb.  Subscribed  for  6  of  Mr.  Dickinson's  Reasonableness  of  Christ- 
ianity, in  4  sermons.!  Gave  to  Mr.  Allen  of  Brooklin,  Mrs.  Gleason, 
Mrs.  Hambleton,  Henry,  Richard  Bishop,  &  Jane  Swett. 

21st.  Paid  Mr.  Bozoun  Allen  40\  for  10  pr.  of  Pidgeons. 

23d.  Paid  Mrs.  Pastry  in  full,  £3.10.0. 

April  5th.  Bought  half  a  Hogg  at  8d  pr  lb.  weighing  63  lb.  £2.2.0. 
Afternoon  a  great  storm  of  snow  with  wind  at  N.  E.  Towards  Night 
very  violent  &  all  night.  6th.  in  Morning  snow  over  3  hours,  very 
wett  going  to  the  Fast. 

10th.  Paid  Mr.  Balston  £68.1.3,  &  took  up  his  two  Bonds. 

13th.  Pay  Mr.  Fleet  for  a  Years  Votes,  £1.5.0.  14th.  Paid  Mr. 
Chauncy  his  Two  Bonds  &  the  use.     £69.13.6. 

17th.  Brother  &  Sister  Dummer  goe  from  Boston  to  Newbury. 

20th.  Pay  Couz.  Davenport,  £31.5.0,  in  full  of  what  1  owed  him 
upon  Bond. 

28th.  Keep  a  fast  at  Mr.  Webbs  Church  upon  the  account  of  Mr. 
Thatchers§  Illness.  29th.  Wife  goe  to  meeting  after  long  confine- 

May  2d.  Mrs.  Febuan  Dies  at  Brooklin  after  sometime  of  sickness. 
4th.   very  Hott.     Mrs.   Febuan  Buried   in  Brooklin  Burying   Place. 

*  Mr.  Sewall's  sister  Elizabeth,  who  married  Grove  Hirst,  had  a  daughter  Jane, 

who  married  Dec,  23,  1729,  Rev.  Addington  Davenport,  graduate  of  Harvard  Col- 
lege, 1719.  At  the  above  date  Mr.  D.  was  a  minister  in  Scituate  ;  atterward  he 
preached  at  King's  Chapel,  in  Boston,  and  was  subsequently  the  first  rector  of  Tri- 
nity church. 

t  See  an  article  on  the  death  of  Lt.  Gov.  Tailer,  in  Hist.  Mag.,  v,  317. 

X  Rev.  Jonathan  Dickinson,  first  president  of  New  Jersey  College,  published  the 
above  mentioned  book  this  year,  1732. 

§  Rev.  Peter  Thaeher,  son  of  Rev.  Thomas,  was  born  in  Boston  ;  graduated  at 
Harvard  College,  169ft;  was  a  schoolmaster  at  Hatfield;  then  minister  at  Weymouth, 
eleven  or  twelve  years ;  was  installed  pastor  of  the  new  North  Church  in  Boston, 
as  colleague  with  Rev.  John  Webb,  Jan.  27,  1720,  and  died  Feb.  2t>,  1729,  aged 


i?62.]  Extracts  from  Interleaved  Almanacs.  69 

uave  I  &  Wife  Gloves:  myself  with  son,  Jane  Swett,  &  Richard  at 
the  Burial. 

6th.  Pay  Mr.  Kneeland,  Printer,  34s  for  a  Ream  of  writing  Paper. 

9th.  Sett  out  10  in  the  Morning  npon  my  journey  with  Col.  Ger- 
rish  of  Newbury.  See  Journal.  Brother  &  sister  Atkins  came  to 
my  House,  with  son  Dudley  &  maid,  on  the  11th,  &  Mr.  Benj11  Wood- 
bridge  the  same  day.     Came  home  the  19th. 

31st.  Dined  with  me  in  my  Hall  The  Rev'd.  Mr.  Walter,  Couz. 
Moody*  &  a  Deacon  with  him.  The  first  time  of  my  Dining  in  the 
Koom.  Lord  be  pleased  to  hear  the  Petitions  put  up  for  me,  &  my 
family  &  answer  them.  Couz.  Moody  sais  that  the  Text  that  Mr. 
]  Preach'd  from  at  or  after  old  Govr  Dudley's  marrying  his 
second  wife,  1  Chronicles  2,  21,  22. 

June  5th.  Mr  Samuel  Brown  came  to  my  House  with  his  Wife  <fe 
her  sister  Ann  Winthrop;  Dined.  After  Dinner  Brother  &  sister  At- 
kins with  son  &  maid  went  in  a  sloop  to  Newbury. 

6th.  Couz.  Brown  goe  for  Salem  10  in  the  morning. 

tth.  Send  nry  Horse  by  Richard  to  the  Farm  towards  Night  & 
Henry's  Horse  the  Day  before. 

13tb.  Paid  Mr  Clark  for  a  Pr  of  Bellows  U\ 

18th.  Mr.  Manly  buried.  20th.  Mrs.  Margaret  Davis. Dies  at  her 
sister  Frosts.  Pall  Bearers,  Col.  Winthrop,  Col.  Alford,  Ma/jr  Wins- 
low,  Dr.  Dowglas,f  Mr.  Benja  Walker  &  my  self — Gave  Gloves  & 
Rings.  Her  remains  Deposited  in  Maj:r  Davis's  Tomb  the  21st  In- 

21th.  Morning.  Mrs.  Hannah  Davis  Dies.  29th.  Col.  Alfords 
Mother  Buried.  After  her  Funeral  I  went  to  Mrs.  Hannah  Davis's. 
Pal  Bearers,  Col.  Winthrop,  Secretary  Willard,  Col.  Savage,  Majr 
Winslow,  Mr  Benj11  Walker  &  my  self.     Gave  Gloves  &  Rings. 

July  1st.  Coz.  Ann  Winthrop  come  to  Boston  with  Mr.  B.  Brown 
the  evening  before — Col.  Gerrish  &  Mr.  Woodbridge  accompany 
Henry  to  Newbury.  8th.  Woodbridge  &  Henry  come  to  Boston  from 
Newbury.  13th.  My  Wife  &  Couz.  Ann  Winthrop  at  Lecture.  Bro- 
ther Cooper's  sister  Chevers  Dies  in  the  morning. 

18th.  Goe  to  Col.  Dudley's,  Carry  Wife,  Couz.  Ann  Winthrop,  Son 
Henry  &  I  Ride  a  Horse  Back.  Called  at  Judge  Dudleys  as  we  came 

29th.  Paid  Brother  Gerrish  for  Richd.  Bible  Binding  8s,  Clasps  3d 
&  took  my  History  of  Geneva*  12*.     Paid  B.  Gerrish  20*. 

Aug.  7th.  Mr.  Woodbridge  buy  for  me  a  good  Cheshire  Cheese 
Weighing  29J  at  18d  Cost  2.4.3. 

*  Hannah,  wife  of  Rev.  Samuel  Moody  of  York,  Me.,  was  a  daughter  of  John 
Sewall,  who  was  a  brother  to  Samuel,  the  father  of  the  diarist. 

t  Probably  Dr.  William  Douglas  of  Scotland,  author  of  A  Summary,  ffittoriml  and 
Political,  of  the  first  Planting,  Progressive  Improvements,  and  Present  State  of  the  British 
Settlements  in  North  America,  in  two  volumes — the  first  volume  printed  in  Boston  in 
174$,  the  second  in  1753.  He  Had  a  controversy  with  his  contemporary  Dr.  Boyl- 
ston,  in.  relation  to  inoculation  for  small  pox.     He  died  Oct.  21,  17-32. 

X  Rev,  Andrew  Le  Mereier  published  hU  History  of  Geneva  in  173*.  12mp.  200 

70  Extracts  from  Interleaved  Almanacs.  [Jan. 

Aug.  15th.  Went  with  my  Wife  in  the  Shays  to  Mr  Samuel  Aspirt- 
wals*  Funeral,  Mr  Allen  made  a  very  good  Prayer  k  bewailed  his 
Loss.  Gave  my  Wife  &  I  Gloves.  He  died  the  Sabbath  Day  before 
[the  loth]  after  long  laug'uishmeut, 

24th.  At  Night  Mr.  Benj:n  Woodbridge  junr  about  10  or  11  at 
Night  with  Jane  Swett  went  on  Board  Couz.  Moses  Gcrrish  to  goe 
for  Newbury.  I  hear  that  Mr.  Paisonf  of  Rowley  died  last  Tuezday. 
Wilson  condemned  for  Burglary.  Counsellor  Osbourn  &  Counsellor 
Lewis  sett  in  the  fore  seat  with  Col.  Fitch  the  12th  Instant  being 
the  first  time  of  their  sitting  there. 

Sept.  1st.  Buy  at  Mr.  Williams's  4  Gallons  of  Wine  at  6*  pr  Gal- 

5th.  In  the  morning  called  at  Brother  Sewall's.  Took  him  with 
me  to  Winnisimet  Ferry.  We  went  over  with  the  Post,  Henry  & 
Richard  going  along  with  us.  Henry  come  home  with  Post  the 
Ninth.  My  Brother  k  I  with  Richard  arrive  safe  at  Boston,  Friday 
15th  by  half  an  Hour  after  six  in  the  Evening.  Find  my  Wife  & 
Family  all  well. 

18th.  Couz.  Mitchel  SewallJ  son  Mitchel  Died. 

20th.  The  Honbie  Hugh  Hall  Esqr  Dies  at  Cambridge.  Iuterred 
Sept.  25th  at  Boston.  Sent  Wife  &  I  Gloves.  Being  ill  I  did  not 
goe  to  the  Funeral.  21st.  Went  to  see  B.  Sewall  ill  of  Cold.  Mr. 
Samuel  Mather  Preach  his  first  Boston  Lecture  Sermon. 

22d.  Took  a  swett  in  the  Afternoon  for  Cold.  25th.  Dr.  Guttler 
Blooded  me  in  the  Right  Arm.  27th.  Took  a  purge,  it  worked  up  4 

*  "  The  Eternity  of  God,  and  the  short  Life  of  Man  considered.  A  Sermon  on  Oc- 
casion of  the  Decease  of  Mr  Samuel  Aspinwal,  who  died  August  13,  1732,  in  the 
37th  Year  of  his  Age.  By  James  Allin,  M.  A.  Pastor  of  the  Church  in  Brcoklin. 
Boston  in  New  England.  Printed  for  D.  Henchman,  over  against  the  Brick  Meeting 
House  in  CornLil.  1732.  Text  Ps.  cii,  11,  12.  Dedicated  to  Mr  Thomas  Aspinwal 
a  brother  of  the  deceased."  The  Discourse  contains  nothing  particularly  of  an 
historical  or  genealogical  nature.  The  preacher  in  his  Dedication  says:  "  Tis  hnt 
little  I  have  said  of  the  Deceased ;  not  because  the  Subject  would  not  bear  me  to 
enlarge,  but  lest  I  should  be  suspected  of  Flattery  by  those  that  did  not  know  him  ; 
and  as  for  others,  there  is  no  need  of  saying  much."  At  the  end  of  the  Discourse 
is  an  extract  from  the  New  England  Weekly  Journal,  No.  283  : 

"Brooklyn,  Aug.  21.  On  the  13^  Instant  died  here  Mr  Samuel  Aspinwal,  of 
this  Town,  in  the  37th  year  of  his  Age,  after  between  six  and  seven  years  Illness. 
He  commenced  Master  of  Arts  at  Cambridge  1714,  and  was  designed  for  the  Minis- 
try but  discouraged  by  an  inward  Weakness;  which,  after  he  had  been  for  some 
little  time  settled  here,  so  advanced,  as  to  take  hirn  off  from  Business,  and  at  length 
proved  fatal.  He  was  a  Gentleman  of  bright  Parts,  natural  and  acquired,  a  strong 
Memory,  quick  Wit,  and  a  solid  Judgment,  pleasant  in  his  Conversation,  a  sieady 
Friend,  and  a  good  Christian." 

*Rev.  Edward  Payson,  son  of  Edward  of  Roxbury;  graduated  at  Harvard  Col- 
lege, 1677;  ordained  1U82;  Lad  sons — Samuel,  Eliot,  Stephen,  Jonathan,  David, 
Phillips.     His  age  at  death  was  75. 

*  Mitchell  Sewall  of  Salem,  son  of  Stephen  and  Margaret  (Mitchell)  Sewall,  by 
his  second  wife,  Elizabeth  Price,  had  subsequently  a  son,  Jonathan  Mitchell,  born 
at  Salem,  1748  ;  a  lawyer  at  Portsmouth,  N.  H.,  who  died  March  29,  lSy£.  Stephen, 
the  father  of  Mitchell,  above  (born  in  England,  Ai\z.  19,  1657),  was  a  brother  to 
Chief  Justice  Samuel  Sewaii ;  Lis  wile  Margaret,  was  a  daughter  of  Rev.  Jonathan 
Mitchell  of  Cambridge. 


1S62.]  Extracts  from  Interleaved  Almanacs.  71 

28th.  Judge  Remington*  pay  me  the  Money  Due  upon  Bond  with 
the  use  £103.10.0.     Assign  the  Bond  over  to  secretary  Willard. 

Oct.  3d.  Give  Endicott  40s  to  buy  a  Knocker  for  Fore  Door.  Paid 
Dr.  Cuttler  £6.15.0,  for  G  pr.  of  Stockings. 

5th.  Cold  &  Raw,  for  season.  Mr  Biles  Preach  Mr  Thatchers  Lec- 
ture.    A  very  thin  Lecture  by  reason  of  so  many  seased  with  Colds. 

4th.  Died  Henry  Marshal  Esqr  Post  Master.  Sent  rue  Crloves. 
Buried  the  8th  Instant.     A  Large  Funeral. 

18th.  Brother  Cooper  Raise  his  House  at  Cotton  Hill.  Brother  & 
uiy  self  at  the  Raising  Supper. 

19th.  Nurse  Fyke  came  to  Live  with  us.  Mrs.  Frost  Buried.  23d. 
at  Night  Mary  Foster  came  to  live  with  wife. 

25th.  Dine  with  Brother  Atkins  at  Couz.  Edward  Tyngs. 

2Gth.  Towards  Night  Mr.  Dummer  &  sister  came  from  Judge  Dud- 
ley's to  Boston.     They  comeing  from  Salem  the  Day  before. 

Nov.  7th.  Warned  Mrs.  Hambleton  to  goe  out  of  my  House  by  the 
Ninth  of  April  next.  Warned  Anthony  Negro  to  goe  out  of  my 
House  by  the  25th  of  March  Next.  Warned  Mr.  Roulston  to  goe 
out  of  my  House  by  the  Eighth  of  April  Next.  Took  Mr.  Indicott  & 
Richard  Bishop  as  Witnesses. 

15th.  Exchanged  2  Rings  with  Mr.  Edwards,  viz  Rings  £2.16.8. 
Two  Half  Crowns  £0.17.6. 

25th.  Couz.  Addington  Davenport  Goe  on  Board  Capt.  Sheperdson 
To  sale  for  England.  On  the  12th  Instant  I  hear  he  partook  at  the 
Church  of  England  in  Dr.  Cuttler's  Church  &  on  the  19th.  He  &  his 
wife  went  to  church  there.  It  is  said  he  goes  to  take  Orders  to  be 
a  Church  of  England  Parson. 

Dec.  2d.  Pay  Mr.  Granger  40s  for  Henry's  schooling. 

oth.  At  Night  Draw  Lotts  at  my  House  for  Common  Land.  Bro- 
ther Cooper  Drew  Lott  A.  I  Drew  Lott  B  &  E.  B.  Sewall  Draw  Lott 
D,  &  Balston  Draw  Lott  C,  for  Couzens. 

11th.  Very  cold  &  a  great  wind.  Winisimett  Ferry  Boat  over 
sett.     See  Thirsdays  News. 

21st.  Sister  Coopers  Child  Hannah  Dies.  Mr.  Thomas  Clark,  Bra- 
zier, Buried,  being  Dr.  Colmans  first  Wifes  Father.  Sent  wife  &  I 
Gloves.     A  large  Funeral  of  men. 

23d.  Brother  Cooper  Buries  his  Daughter  Hannah  in  the  Tomb.  In- 
vites Brother  Sewall  &  myself.  Gave  us  &  our  wife  Gloves.  First 
went  Brother  Cooper,  Mad:m  Stoddard  &  Nurse  Kenny  in  the  Coach. 
Then  his  2  sons  in  the  slay,  then  Brother  &  I  in  my  sjiay.  When  we 
came  to  the  Burial  Place  walked  to  the  Tomb  all  but  Madra  Stoddard, 
the  Nurse  carrying  the  Corpse.  Unkle  Northendj"  of  Rowley  Dies; 
sent  me  &  my  wife  Gloves. 

28th.  Couz.  Green  Dies,  after  long  illness  &  Confinement. 

*  Jonathan  Remington,  judge  of  the  supreme  court  of  Massachusetts,  graduated 
at  Harvard  College,  ltj96;  was  the  second  tutor  from  1707  to  1711 ;  died  at  Cam- 
bridge, Sept.  SO,  1745,  aged  about  70. 

t  Kis  fathers  sister,  Dorothy,  horn  Oct.  29,  1CG8;  married  1,  Ezekiel  Northend  of 
Rowley,  Sept.  10,  K81;  2,  Ivloses  Bradstreet  of  Rowley,  bhe  died  June  17,  1752, 
aged  84.  By  referring  to  Gage's  History  of  Rotclcy  (pp.  3S3,  399,  400),  we  learn  that 
ia  1631  the  name  of  Ezekiel  Northend  stood  at  the  head  of  the  board  of  selectmen  ; 

72  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills,  [Jan. 


[Prepared  by  W.  B.  Trask  of  Dorchester.] 

Thomas  Flint. — 21,  10,  1651.  I,  Thomas  Flint*  of  Concord,  in  New 
England,  intending  by  the  leave  of  God  a  voyage  ere  longe  to  our 
native  Contrey  of  England,  and  not  knowing  how  God  may  dispose 
for  my  retnrne,  doe  hereby  expresse  my  mind  concerning  my  worldly 
estate,  leaning  both  it  and  my  selfe  alsoe  to  the  wise  hands  of  him 
from  whom  I  haue  reeeined  all,  to  order  as  may  be  most  for  his  own 
glory  and  the  best  good  of  my  wife  and  the  Children  which  God  of 
his  grace  hath  given  vnto  vs.  My  Children,!  being  some  young  and  , 
non  of  them  disposed  of,  I  leane  them  all  vnder  the  power  and  go- 
vernment of  my  wife,  by  the  Conncell  and  advise  of  my  Reverend 
and  Louing  freinds,  Mr  Bulkley,  Teacher  of  our  Church  of  Concord, 
my  brother  Flint,  Teacher  of  the  Church  at  Brantrey,  Captain  Simon 
Willarcl,  of  Concord,  and  my  vncle  William  Wood,  of  the  same.  If 
God  should  take  mee  out  of  this  world  by  death  before  my  returne 
vnto  ray  family,  not  knowing  what  estate  I  shall  dye  seised  of.  I  doe 
hereby  intreat  such  helpe  from  my  forementioneci  freinds  that  the 
will  of  God  may  onely  sway  in  devideing  my  estate  after  my  death. 
Whatever  my  estate  at  my  death  shalbe,  lesse  or  more,  my  mind  is, 
that  it  should  in  a  principall  manner  be  improved  for  the  good  and 
comfort  of  my  wife,  during  her  life.  My  Children  being  all  alike 
deare  vnto  mee,  I  desire  they  may  alike  partake  in  the  succour  and 
supply  of  that  estate  I  leave  behind  mee,  the  lawe  of  God  being  ob. 

that  he  was  taxed  £10  the  same  year,  the  largest  sum  assessed  on  any  individual 
of  the  town  that  year;  and  that  the  representative  to  the  general  court  from  Row- 
ley, 1715  to  1717,  was  Ezekiel  Northend. 

*  "  Hon.  Thomas  Flint  came  from  Matlock  in  Derbyshire,  to  Concord,  in  1633, 
and  brought  with  him,  says  a  family  genealogy,  £4000  sterling. "  "  He  represent- 
ed the  town  four  years,  and  was  an  assistant  eleven.  He  d.  Oct.  S,  1653.  John- 
son {Hist.  Coll.,  in,  p.  161)  calls  him  'a  sincere  servant  of  Christ,  who  had  a  fair 
yearly  revenue  in  England,  but  having  improved  it  for  Christ  by  casting  it  into  the 
common  treasury,  he  waits  on  the  Lord  for  doubling  his  talent,  if  it  shall  seem 
good  unto  him  so  to  do,  and  the  mean  time  spending  his  person  for  the  good  of 
his  people  in  the  office  of  magistrate.' 

*  At  Christ's  commands,  thou  leav'st  thy  lands,  and  native  habitation : 

His  folke  to  aid,  in  desert  straid,  for  gospel's  exaltation,  | 

Flint,  hardy  thou,  will  not  allow,  the  undermining  fox, 

With  sub-till  skill,  Christ's  vines  to  spoil,  thy  sword  shall  give  them  knocks, 

Yet  thou  base  dust,  and  all  thou  hast  is  Christ's,  and  by  him  thou 

Art  made  to  be,  such  as  we  see  ;  hold  fast  for  ever  now.' 
This  is  what  Johnson  calls  '  remembering  in  short  metre.'  " — Shattuck's  Concord, 
p.  371. 

f  Mr.  Shattuck  (Hist.  Concord,  p.  371)  mentions  the  names  of  two,  viz:  Ephralm 
married  Jane,  daughter  of  Rev.  Edward  Bulkley,  and  diedwithout  issue,  1722  ;  John 
married  Mary,  daughter  of  Cr'ian  Oakes,  president  of  Harvard  College,  1667,  died 
1687;  she  died  1690;  had  Abigail,  John,  Mary,  Thomas,  Edward. 


1862.]  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  73 

served  to  my  first  borne,  and  due  acknowledgement  given  to  such  as 
shall  most  tenderly  endeavour  the  comfort  of  theire  mother.  My 
true  intent  is,  that  my  estate  should  be  kept  k  improued  together,  to 
rise  and  fall  vnto  the  whole  family,  my  wife  and  children,  till  some 
necessary  prvidence  call  for  some  devision  of  all  or  of  part.  If  my 
wife  should  alter  her  condition,  I  leave  it  to  her  liberty  to  choose 
either  the  house  wherein  I  now  live,  together  with  the  accomodations 
belonging  to  it,  whether  meadow  or  vpland,  whereof  T  am  now  po- 
sessed,  on  both  sides  the  river,  or  the  farme  now  in  the  occupation  of 
Joseph  Wheeler,  w,h  all  the  accomodations  therto  belonging,  during 
the  terme  of  her  life,  and  then  to  descend  ypou  my  children.  If  any 
of  my  Children  shall  desire  his  or  her  prportion,  either  in  case  of  ma- 
nage, or  vpon  other  reason,  my  will  is,  that  my  wife  wt!l  m3r  over- 
seers shall  have  power  to  determine  theire  present  portion,  and  the 
child  not  to  plead  and  haue  his  or  her  whole  prportion  vpon  an  equal! 
devision;  for  my  mind  is,  that  noe  Child  shall  take  forth  his  or  her 
full  part  to  the  vnnecessary  detriment  of  the  whole.  And  therefore, 
though  I  intend  an  equall  portion  to  all  my  yonger  children,  first  or 
last,  yet  if  any  desire  to  receiue  his  or  her  portion  before  a  generall 
devision,  I  leaue  it  to  the  discretion  of  my  wife  and  overseers  whe- 
ther they  shall  haue  all  or  but  a  part  of  that  wch  a  generall  devision 
of  the  estate  wTill  cast  vpon  them.  If  God  call  my  wife  to  alter  her 
condition,  I  desire  my  Eider  Children  may  Endeavor  to  keepe  the 
yonger,  together  w;th  themselues,  vpon  the  rest  of  my  estate  wch  is 
left,  after  my  wife  hath  made  choyce,  either  of  my  dwelling  house 
or  farme,  vnlesse  my  yonger  children,  wlh  theire  portion,  goe  alonge 
wth  my  wife,  after  shee  is  maryed,  or  if  my  wife  sbould  dye,  my 
yonger  children  being  small,  my  mind  is,  they  shall  continue  vnder 
the  care  of  the  elder,  and  that  the  elder  doe  improove  the  whole  es- 
tate for  the  good  of  all  my  children,  yonger  and  elder. 

Signed  &  sealed  in  the  prsence  of  Thomas  Flint.* 

Joo,ne  if  Hoare, 

her  **   mark. 

Henry  Flynt, 

Mr  Henry  Flint  appearing  before  Mr  Bellingham,  ye  Deputy  Gournr, 
Mr  Nowell'k  Mr  Hibbins,  Attested  vpon  oath,  that  his  Bio:  Mr  Tho: 
Flint,  being  of  good  vnderstanding  &  memory,  made  this  his  last 
will  &  testament,  2(1)  1654.         .  Tho.  Danforih,  Recorder. 

Inventory  of  the  estate  of  Mr  Thomas  Flint,  of  Concord,  taken  9: 
9:  1653.  Prizers,  Simon  Willard,  William  Wood,  Samuel  Basse.  Men- 
tions land  "at  Bullocks  wigwam,"'  &c;  debts  due  from  Mr  James 
Oliver,  Mr.  Joseph  Temple,  Mr  Daniell  Hoare,  John  Miles,  Thomas 
Hincksman,  Baptist  Smedley,  Joseph  Merriam,  Henry  Wooddis, 
Thomas  Brookes.  Debts  owing  to  Major  Willard  for  strong  water, 
&  for  a  debt  paid  by  him  to  Mr  Starre;  to  Deacon  Merriam,  Ensigne 
Savage,  Goodman  Penticost,  Goodman  Cutler,  George  Wheeler. 

2:  1:  1654.     Mr  Henry  Flint  deposed. 

*  The  above  is  nearly  a  complete  transcript  of  the  Will  of  Thomas  Flint,  taken 
from  the  original,  on  rile.  The  early  wills  and  inventories  in  the  Middlesex  Pro- 
bate Office,  have  been  alphabetically  "arranged,  and  placed  in  tin  boxes,  by  Mr.  T. 
*•  Wyman,  Jr.,  of  Charlestown.      "  v     '       


74  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills,  [Jan. 

Roger  Bancroft. — Nov.  26,  1653.  T,  Roger  Bancroft,*  being  sick 
in  bod}-,  yet  through  the  mercy  of  God  in  perfect  memory  do  make 
this  to  be  my  last  Will.  Debts  and  funerall  expences  discharged,  I 
give  unto  Mr.  Mitchell,  20";  Elder  Frost,  10s;  the  rest  of  my  Estate 
unto  my  Wife,  Elizabeth  Bancroft,  that  is  to  say,  all  my  debts,  house 
and  Lands,  goods,  Chattels,  and  Cattell,  to  her  and  her  Assignees 
forever.  Of  this  my  last  will  and  Testament  I  ordain  and  appoint 
my  wife  sole  executresse.  Roger  Bancroft. 

In  the  presence  of 

Edward  Oakes,  Joseph  Metier,  Vrian  Oakes. 

4,  (2)  1654.     Edward  Oakes,  and  Vrian  Oakes,  deposed. 
Inventory  of  the  goods  and  Chatteles  of  Roger  Bancroft,  taken  by 
John  Bridge,  Edward  Oakes,  11:  12  mo:  165 J. 

"William  Green. — 6:  11  mo.  1653.  I,  William  Greene,  of  Woobtirn, 
in  the  County  of  Middilsex,  being  sick  of  Boddy,  yet  in  good  &  per- 
fect memory,  make  this  my  last  Will.  To  my  Eldest  son,  John,  my 
house  &  all  my  land  in  the  Town  of  Wooburn,  prvided  that  what 
ever  it  shall  amount  vnto  above  his  duble  portion  of  two  thirds  of 
my  whole  Estate,  he  shall  pay  backe  the  same,  vnto  the  Residue  of 
my  Children,  to  whom  I  will  <fc  Bequeathe  the  Remainder  of  the  said 
tow  thirds  of  my  Estate,  Eaqually  to  be  devided  among  them,  as 
well  sons  as  Daughters.  To  my  wife,  Hannah,  one  third  of  all  my 
moveable  goods,  And  further  I  giue  her,  during  her  life,  the  third  of 
my  bowse  &  Land,  &  after  her  death  to  be  disposed  to  my  Eldest 
Son,  as  is  aboue  Expressed,  besides  the  Ten  pounds  giuen  him  by 
his  grandfather,  whieh  I  have  Reseaved.  I  make  my  wife,  Execu- 
trix of  this  my  will,  &  to  dispose  the  severall  portions  to  my  Child- 
ren at  there  severall  ages  of  21  yeares,  or  at  the  day  of  manage,  to 
my  daughters  if  by  Gods  providence  it  happen  first,  provided  when 
my  wile  shall  cease  to  Continue  vnmarried,  then  it  shall  be  in  the 
power  of  the  overseers  of  this  my  will  to  disspose  of  my  Children  & 
there  portions  according  to  there  discression;  &  I  desier  my  Brother, 
John  Carter,  &  Cap-  Edward  Johnson,  to  bee  overseers  of  this  my  Last 
Will  &  Testament.  William  Green. 


John  Mousall, 

Edw,  Johnson,  John  Carter, 

4  (2)  54.     Ensigne  Jn°  Carter  deposed. 

Inventory  of  the  estate  of  Willm.  Grcene,f  of  Wooburne,  praized 
28:  11  mo:  1653,  by  Edw.  Johnson,  Edw.  Convers,  Sam11  Richardson, 
John  Carter.  Tho.  Danforth  Recorder. 

*  Roger  Bancroft  of  Cambridge,  1636,  freeman  1642,  died  Kov.  28,  1653.  "  His 
■widow,"  says  Mr.  Savage,  il  ra.  23  May  1654,  Martin  Saunders  of  Boston,  and  nest, 
Deao.  John  Bridge  of  C.  and  thought  herself  bound  to  take  fourth  husband,  Ed- 
ward Taylor/' 

f"  William  Green  was  of  Charlestown,  1640,  freeman  1644;  was  of  the  part 
which  became  Woburn  ;  by  wife  Hannah,  had  Mary,  b.  Jan.  20,  1644;  Hannah, 
7  Feb.  1647;  John,  11  Oct.  1649;  William,  22  Oct.  1651.  The  father  d.  Jan  7, 
1654."— Savage. 

1S62.]  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  75 

Gabriel  Wheldox. — Maulden  1653,  11,  12°.  In  the  name  of  God, 
and  in  obedience  to  his  comand  (according-  to  my  bonnden  duty), 
I,  Gabriell  Whelding,  of  the  Towne  and  Church  of"  Maulden,  being 
weake  and  sicke  in  body,  do  make  my  last  will.  My  body  to  be  Iayd 
asleepe  in  the  bed  of  the  grave,  in  the  Oomon  burling  place  for  the 
Inhabitants  of  this  Towne.  I  give  10s  as  a  Small  testimony  of  my 
true  Love  to  the  Church  of  Maulden,  to  be  payd  into  the  hands  of 
the  Deacons  within  a  m°  after  my  decease.  I  give  all  my  estate  in 
Maulden,  consisting  of  house,  Frame  [farm?]  Lands,  cattle,  and 
corne,  (together  [with]  what  money  is  due  vnto  me  from  William 
Crofts,  of  Linne)  to  Margaret  Whdding,  my  wife,  whom  I  appoynt 
my  sole  executrix.  Gabriell  Wheldox. 

In  the  prsence  of 

Nathaniell  Vphame,  Ja?nes  Barnard, 
Michaiah  Mathews,  with  others. 

4  (2)  1654.     Jn.  Vphame  and  JVaih'inidl  Vphame  deposed. 

Inventory  of  the  goode*,  Chattells  and  Cattell  of  Gabriell  Wheldon, 
lately  of  the  Towne  of  Maulden,  prized  by  Edward  Carrington  &  John 
Vphame.     Amt.  £40.11.08.     Mentions  Williak  Qfofts, 

William  Smith. — 1:  2-1  m°.  1654.  Inventory  of  the  houseing  & 
goodes  of  William  Smith,  and  his  wife,  of  Charles  Towne,  both  de- 
ceased. Mentions  John  Green — received  from  him  rent  of  the  house, 
£6. 7s.  Appraisers,  Tho:  Lynde,  Robert  Hale.  John  Green  paid  a  debt 
to  Robert  Chalhly — Due  Tho;  Birddin,  for  keeping  ye  Girls  11  weekes. 

Nicholas  Groome. — 2*7th  of  June  1651.  I  bequeath  vnto  my  Brother, 
Henry  Groome,  £80;  hisChilldren,  Mary,  Elizabeth,  and  Pince£i0  apeece; 
Malhew  Groome  £50,  and  his  two  Chiildren,  £15  apeece;  my  brother, 
John  Qroome,  £50,  and  his  sonne,  John,  £20;  my  sister,  Margett,  £50 
and  to  her  twoe  daughters,  £15  apece,  and  John  Goose,  £5;  my  brother 
Wall,  £3,  and  my  sister  Wall,  £10;  my  brother  Goose,  £3.  I  make  my 
brother  Wall  and  my  Brother  Henry  Groome*  Exkecttors.  Vnto  Ro- 
bard  Myckdl,  30s;  vnto  my  ante  Cole,  and  my  Ante  thorne  bush,  £3  apece, 
this  to  be  paid  wthin  14  months  at  Longest,  and  ten  months  at  short- 
est, after  the  Aryuale  of  the  ship  Casteil,  in  the  riuer  of  theames; 
the  Chilldrens  monies  to  be  put  out  to  the  best  Aduantage  till  they 
Cum  of  Age,  or  at  daie  of  marage.  To  my  Brother,  John,  my  best 
sute  of  Clothes  and  Cloke,  &  my  Brolfa.r,  Henry,  my  best  Clotii  sute 
and  Clo'  hat  I  haue  Aborcl:  Frances  Crutton  a  read  sute  and  ashurt; 
my  Brother  Henry  my  , pin  and  qnadrent  and  Compases.  Yf  there  be 
rtu?re  then  I  haue  bewilled,  t'hf»ti  to  be  eackqvally  deuided:  yf  there 
be  Lese  thin  T  willed,  to  be  deducted  out  of  the  whole  perperction- 
asly.  Nycholas  Murry,  the  elldcr,  In  the  behalfe  of  his  sonn,  Nychclas 
Ihrnj,  [Late  dcseased]  to  haue   the  Joynt  hallfe  of  the  [  ] 

w«^  left  in   Mr  EllyaAts  hands,  that   is  to  saye,  2  neagers   sould  att 

Mr.  Savage  sajs  that  Nieho'as  Groom  of  Ma.>«=aolinsefts,  died  in  1651,  and  that 
nry  ^ministered  on  his   estate,  but  whether   Henry  was  father,  brother,  or  son 
^  Moholas,  he  sa?8,  "  I  know  not." 

76  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  [Jan. 

16  C.  waight  of  snger;  19  C.  waight  Left  in  Copt.  Grices  hands,  9 
C.  in  Mr  Spillares  hands,  11  C.  and  od  Left  in  Thomas  Walls  hands,  a 
planter  in  the  Barbathes  deseased.  pr  mee  N.  Gp.oome. 


Thomas  Ford 

Robert  Michcll 

Attested  vppon  oath,  in  Court,  by  these  witnesses. 

Tho:  Danforth,  Record1-. 

William  Wilcockes. — I,  William  Wilcockes,  of  Cambridge,  although 
weake  in  Body,  yet  of  sound  mind,  make  this  my  last  will.  Just 
debts  be  Saitisfied,  and  the  remainder  of  my  estate  my  wife  shall 
have  the  vse  thereof  dureing  the  time  of  her  widowhood,  and  when 
it  shall  please  the  Lord  to  change  her  Condition,  by  manage,  or  by 
death,  whether  shall  first  happen,  my  will  is,  that  my  estate  shaibe 
thus  devided,  to  my  deare  pastor,  Mr  Michcll,  1  give  £o,  to  Elder 
Frost,  £4,  to  my  Couzen  John  Woodes,  £\0.  To  rny  Loving  Brethren 
that  were  of  my  family  meeting,  vizT  R.ogr  Bancroft.  Jn°  Hasting,  Tho: 
Fox,  William  Patten,  and  Frances  Whilmore,  I  give  20  a  peeee;  to  my 
sister,  the  Widow  Hall,  20 -,  and  to  her  sonne,  William,  and  daughter, 
Susan,  I  giue  20s  a  peeee;  to  my  honest  Bro:  Richard  Frances,  I  give 
203,  and  to  my  Bro:  Jn°  Taylor,  I  give  40';  to  Tho:  Shepard  (For 
whose  fathers  Sake  I  cannot  forget  him)  I  give  £b,  and  the  remain- 
der of  my  estate,  my  will  is,  that  it  shallbe  thus  devided  to  my  wife 
in  case  the  Lord  doth  lengthen  out  her  life  that  so  shee  doth  againe 
chang  her  condition  by  manage,  my  will  is,  that  shee  shall  have  the 
one  halfe  thereof,  and  in  ease  ihe  Lord  shall  take  her  away  e}rther 
before  shee  Recover  of  this  prsent  sicknes,  wch  is  now  vpon  her,  or 
before  her  mariage,  my  will  is,  that  shee  shall  then  dispose  and  have 
to  her  Vse,  only  one  fourth  part  of  the  remainder  of  my  estate,  after 
my  debts  &  legacies  are  first  payd,  and  the  remainder  of  my  estate 
I  give  to  my  sisters  Children  in  old  England,  to  be  equally  devided 
between  them,  who  were  the  Children  of  my  deare  sister,  Christian 
Boyden.  I  appoynt  for  my  Executors,  my  Loving  wife  and  Tho: 
Danforth,  whom  I  do  desire  to  see  this  my  will  fulfilled.  26:  9  m° 
1653.  per  me,  William  Wilcocks.* 


Tho:  Brigham. 

his  marke. 

Anne  Hastings,  Tho:  Danforth. 

Entred  and  Recorded  the  22,  3™°  1654  by  Mr  Tho:  Danforth,  Re- 
corder.    Jan.  3,  1653,  Tho:  Danforth  &  Ann  Hastings,  deposed. 

Inventory  of  the  estate  of  Mr  William  Wilcockes,  of  Cambridge, 
Lately  deceased,  taken  and  apprized  by  Edward  Gaffe,  Ricltrd  Jacson. 
Jn0  Stedman,  Edw :  Shephord,  22,  10rno:  1653.  Mentions  3  acrs  at 
Winottime  field,  &c,  && 

At  a  County  Court,  held  at  Charlestowne,  3:  11:  1653,  Tho:  Dan- 
forth  deposed. 

*  William  Wilcox,  Cambridge;  freeman  1636,  died  there  Nov.  23th,  1G53, 


JS6.2.]  Marriages,  Births  and  Deaths.  77 



[The  following  is  believed  to  be  a  correct  list  of  all  the  marriages, 
births  and  deaths,  entered  on  the  first  volumes  of  the  Town  Records 
of  Dorchester,  from  1648  to  1683  inclusive,  with  the  exceptions  of 
names  previously  printed  in  the  Register,  viz:  Minot  Family,  i,  171— 
173;  Dorchester"  Inscriptions,  iv,  165-167;  Register,  v,  97,  243,  333; 
Old  Dorchester,  v,  395-402,  465-468;  Sumner  Family,  vm,  128/-12SA; 
Register,  xi,  331,  332:  Tolman  Genealogy,  xiv,  247,  248;  Clap  Fami- 
ly, xv,  225,  226.] 

Adams—Long. — Petter  Adames  and  Mary  Long  were  married  by  the 
Worshipfull  John  Hull  Esq'.  Jan.  4:  82, 

Allison  — Veazie. — James  Allison,  of  Boston,  and  Elizabeth  V'asey,  of 
Braintry  were  ioyned  in  marriage  by  Mr  William  Stoughton,  of  Dor- 
chester, Assistant,  28  (Mo  3)  called  May  1674. 

Annable. — Sarah  Amiable  dyed  June  28,  1674. 

Atherton. — Maior  Humphrey  Atherton,  d.  17:*  7:  1661;  Humphrey, 
son  of  Consider,  b.  Jan.  26,  1672;  John,  son  of  Consider,  b.  May  5, 
1677,  d.  June  22:  79;  Anna,  dan.  of  Consider,  b.  Feb.  17:  79;  Sarah 
dau.  of  Consider,  b.  May  8:  83;  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Waching  [Watch- 
ing], b.  March  14:  80;  Patience,  dau.  of  Waching,  b.  May  30:  82. 

Austin. — Frances,  wife  of  Jonas  Astin,  d.  Nov.  18:  76. 

Badcocke. — Rachel,  dau.  of  George,  b.  8  (1)  '59-60;  Caleb,  son  of 
Robert,  b.  14  (6)  1660. 

Badcock= Daniel. — Benjamin  Badcock  and  Hannah  Daniel  both  of 
Milton,  m.  Feb.  11,  1673,  by  Mr.  Stoughton. 

Badcocke=Deneson. — Return  Badcocke,  m.  Sarah  Deneson  of  Milton, 
Dec.  1:  1681,  by  the  Worshipfull  William  Stoughton  Esq*. 

Baker. — Silence,  dau.  of  John  Baker,  deceased,  of  Boston,  b.  28  (5), 

Barber=  Badcock.— John  Barber,  of  Meadfield  and  Abigail  Badcock 
of  Milton,  m.  17:  10:1674. 

Barbor=Hide. — James  Barbor,  in.  Elizabeth  Hide,  June  23:  80;  Eli- 
zabeth, dau.  of  James  Barbor,  b.  Aug.  4:  81, 

Bate. — James,  son  of  James,  b.  15  (2)  1662;  Margaret  Bates,  dau.  of 
James,  b.  17:  5:  64;  John,  son  of  Benjamin  Bate,  b.  Feb.  25,  '74; 
Mary,  dau.  of  Benjamin,  b.  April  23:  77. 

Batten.— Hugh  Batten  deceased  this  life  the  8  (4)  1659;  Vrscilla 
Batten,  d.  Dec.  19:  82. 

Belcher=Billing.— Samuel  Belcher,  m.  Mary  Billing,  15  (10)  '63. 

Belcher.— John  Belchar  d.  Feb.  2*:  81. 

Beman.— Sarah,  dau.  of  Gamaleel,  b.  19:  11:  1658;  Mary,  son  of  John, 
d.  May  8,  '76;  John,  son  of  John,  b.  Feb.  21:  76;  Gamaleell  Bea- 
«nan  Sr.  d.  March  23:  78;  Ziporah,  dau.  of  John,  b.  March  24:  7S--9. 

*  Gravestone  reads  16th.     See  Reer.,  it,  3S2  ;   Blake's  Annals,  p.  22;  John  Hull's 
"«ry,  ia  MS.  says:  17  Sept.  at  one  o'clock,  A.  M. 

78  Marriages,  Births  and  Deaths.  [Jan. 

Bently=Houghton. — William  Bently  and  Mary  Houghton,  m.  by  Mr. 
Stoughton,  Jan.  (20)  16T5. 

Billing. — Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Roger,  b.  27:  8;  '59;  Hannah  Billing*, 
deceased  this  life  the  25  (3)  1602;  Zipporali,  dau.  of  Rdger,  b,  21 
(3)  16G2,  d.  Oct.  8:  76;  Richard,  son  of  Ebenezer,  b.  Sept.  21:  75; 
Ebenezer,  son  of  Ebenezer,  b.  July  13:  77;  Jonathan  Billinge  dyed 
Jan.  14:  1077. 

Billing=  Paine. — Roger  Billing-,  m.  Sarah  Paine,  Jan.  22:  78. 

Billing.- — Zipporah,  dau.  of  Ebenezer.  b.  March  20:  79;  Hannah,  dau. 
of  Roger,  b.  Jan.  21:  79:  Jonathan,  son  of  Ebenezer,  b.  April  24: 
81;  Joseph,  son  of  Roger,  b.  May  27:  81;  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Eben- 
ezer, b.  March  8:  83;  John,  son  of  Roger,  b.  March  10:  83;  Roger 
Billinge  d.  Nov.  15:83. 

Birch. — Mary,  dau.  of  Joseph,  b.  25  (2)  1672;  Joseph,  son  of  Joseph, 
b.  10  (11)  1673;  Joseph,  son  of  Joseph,  b.  Nov.  (23)  75;  Jeremiah 
son  of  Joseph,  b.  Jan.  2,  d.  Jan.  3:  77;  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Joseph 
Burch,  b.  June  10:  80;  Experience,  dau.  of  Joseph  Birch,  b.  Jan.  15, 

Bird==  George. — James  Bird,  m.  Mary  George  by  Cap1  Clap,  6  (2) 

Bird— Joseph,  son  of  Thomas  Bird  Jun.  b.  1  (8)  1666;  Thankfull, 
dau.  of  Thomas  Bird,  b.  6:  12:  1667:  Thomas  Bird  sen:  aged  54,  d. 
8  (4)  1667;  Sarah,  dau.  of  Thomas  Bird,  b.  24  (8)  1669;  John,  son 
of  John,  b.  26  (10)  1670;  Ann,  dau.  of  Thomas,  b.  8  (9)  1671; 
James,  son  of  James,  b.  27  (10)  1671;  Thomas,  son  of  Thomas,  b. 
11  (6)  1673;  a  dau.  of  James,  being  his  first  child,  b.  22  (mo.  7.) 
departed  this  life  the  1  of  the  (8  mo:)  1670;  Mary,  the  wife  of 
James,  died  in  child-bed,  Jan.  23,.  1673;  Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas,  b. 
Jan.  26:  74;  Damaris,  dau.  of  John.  b.  Sept.  (18)  75:  Hannah,  dau. 
of  John,  b.  Dec.  16:  77;  Submit,  dau.  of  Thomas,  b.  May  13:  78. 

Bird=Withington. — James  Bird,  m.  Ann  Withuigton,  Nov.  13:  79. 

Bird. — Mercy,  dau.  of  Thomas,  b.  Feb.  6:  79;  Samuel,  son  of  John,  b. 
April  14:  80;  Vnite,  son  of  James,  b.  Oct.  16:  80;  Patience, 
dau.  of  Thomas,  b.  Nov.  19,  d.  Dec.  25:  81;  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John, 
b.  Jan.  4:  82;  Patience,  dau.  of  Thomas,  b.  Nov.  27:  83;  Ebenezer, 
son  of  James,  b.  Jan.  30:  83. 

Blackman. — Abram  Blackeman,  d.  Oct.  5:  81;  Mary  Blackeman,  d. 
25:  10:  81. 

Blake=Macy. — James  Blake  and  Hannah  Macy  were  married  by  Mr 
James  Walker,  6:  12:  82. 

Blake. — Edward,  son  of  Edward,  b.  Sept.  30:  76;  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
James  Blake  J«r.  b.  Nov.  10:  d.  22:  82.     ■ 

Boclton. — Sarah,  dau.  of  John  Boulton,  b.  Dec.  26:  83. 

Bowker. — Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Edmund,  b.  3:  5:  1659;  Ellen  Bowker 
deceased_this  life  the  21  (1)  16|~J;  Edmund,  son  of  Edmund,  b.  13 
(10)  1661. 

Bradley. — Mary,  dau.  of  Nathan,  b.  7:  5:  1667;  Susann,  dau.  of 
Nathan,  b.  13  (10)  1669;  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Nathan,  b.  15  March, 
'72-3;  Nathan,  son  of  Nathan,  b.  12  March,  '74-5;  John,  son  of 
Nathan,  b.  Oct.  25:  78;  Samuel,  son  of  Nathan,  b.  Aug.  5:  83. 

Brag. — Jonathan  Brag,  a  Souidier  at  the  Castle  vnder  Cap::  Clap,  d. 
21  (Mo:  4)  1669. 

]$62.]  Marriages,  Births  and  Deaths.  79 

Br.ECK.--Edward  Brecke  deceased  this  life  the  2  (9)  1662;  Robert, 
son  of  John  Bricke,  b.  Dee.  8^  82. 

Browne. — Elizabeth,  dan.  of  Edmund,  b.  31:  10:  58;  Dorcas,  wife  of 
John  Brown,  d.  Feb.  29:  18;  John,  son  of  John  Browne,  b.  Oct.  15: 
81,  d.  next  day;  Edmond  Browne,  d.  Sep1.  23:  82;  Samuel,  son  of 
John,  b.  Jan.  8:  82;  d.  June  16:  S3. 

Burden. — John  Burden  d.  Jan.  29:  18. 

Burge. — Jane,  wife  of  John  Burge,  d.  April  4:  18;  John  Burge  d.  Oct. 
22:  18. 

Butt.- — Nathaniel,  son  of  Richard,  b.  Dec.  2,  1670;  Samuel,  son  of 
Richard,  b.  March  1:  '73;  Jerabiah,  son  of  Richard,  b.  Sep1.  (18) 
15;  Deliverance,  dan.  of  Richard,  b.  May  2,  IT:  d.  Feb.  10:  19; 
Berethiah  and  Hanah,  son  and  dau.  of  Richard  But,  b.  Jan.  8,  19: 
Berechiah,  son  of  Richard,  d.  Jan.  22:  19;  Mary,  dau.  of  Richard, 
b.  March  18:  82. 

Caleb,  an  indian  servant  to  Joshua  Hensbaw.  d.  Jan.  21:  80. 

Caley. — Ruth.  dau.  of  Fetter  Caley,  b.  Dec.  20:  80;  Susannah,  dau. 
of  Peter  Cally,  b.  Dec.  18:  1682:  Henry  Cealey,  son  of  Fetter,  b. 
July  18:  1683." 

Capen. — Joseph  Capen,  son  of  John,  b.  29:  10:  1658;  Barned,  son  of 
Berned  [Barnard]  Capen,  b.  March  26:  16]  John,  son  of  Bernard,  b. 
Feb.  18,  d.  same  day,  IT;  Sarah,  dau.  of  Bernard,  b.  Jan.  5:  78; 
John  Capen,  d.  Aug.  1:  81;  Joseph,  son  of  Bernard,  b.  Nov.  28;  81; 
Mary,  dau.  of  Preserved  Capen,  b.  March  28:  83. 

Cartwight. — Jane,  wife  of  Arthur  Cartwright,  d.  29  (8)  1811. 

Chandler— Davis. — Samuel  Chandler,  m.  Sarah  Davis,  widow,  21 
(10)  '64. 

Chandler. — Samuel,  son  of  Samuel,  b.  Dec.  20:  69;  John,  son  of 
Samuel,  b.  Oct.  24:  11;  d.  21:  11:  18;  Joseph,  son  of  Samuel,  b. 
Oct.  30:  13;  Hannah,  dau.  of  Samuel,  b.  Aug.  29:  15;  Jonathan, 
son  of  Samuel,  b.  3:  5:  11;  Ester,  wife  of  Samuel,  d.  14:  10:  18. 

Chapi.ey. — Moses,  son  of  William,  b.  2  (6;  1663;  Rebecka,  dau.  of 
William,  b.  26  (11)  1669. 

Chaplin. — Barbarah,  dau.  to  William,  b.  Mav  15:  1661:  William,  son 
of  William,  b.  13  (1)  1613;  Mehitable,  dau.  of  William,  b.  22  Feb. 
74-5;  Joseph,  son  of  William,  b.  Sept.  6th.  1617;  Elizabeth,  dau. 
of  William,  b.  June  1:  1681. 

Cheny. — Benjamin,  of  William,  May  1:  77;  Abiel,  son  of  William,  b. 
Nov.  26:  81;  d.  Dec.  IT:  81. 

Clap. — Abigail,  dau.  of  Edward,  b.  27:  2:  1659;  Supply,  son  of  Roger, 
b.  30  (8)  1660;  Joshua,  son  of  Edward,  b.  12  (3)  1661;  Abigail 
Clap  deceased  this  life  the  8(11)  1659;  Joshua,  deceased  this  life 
the  22  (3)  1662;  Samuel,  son  of  Samuel,  b.  22  (12)  1661;  Jonathan, 
son  of  Dea.  Edward,  b.  23  (1)  1664;  John,  son  of  Samuel,  b.  16 
(4)  1664;  d.  6  (8)  1665;  Hannah,  dau.  of  Sergeant  Samuel,  b.  28 
(7)  1666,  d.  March  1:  79-80;  Vnite,  son  of  Cap7.  Roger,  d.  20  (1) 
1664;  Jonathan,  son  of  Dea.  Edward,  d.  30  (3)  1664;  Dea.  Edward 
d.  the  8th.  buried  10  (11)  1664;  Samuel,  son  of  Serg'-.  Samuel  Clap, 
d.  25  (12)  1666;  Experience,  son  of  Samuel,  b.  28:  5:  1670,  d.  3  (6) 
1671;  Susanna,  dau.  of  Hopestill,  b.  23  (10)1673;  Vnite,  son  of 
Samuel,  d.  18  (11)  1674;  Sarah,  dau.  of  Nicholas,  b.  Nov.  22,  1674; 


80  Marriages,  Birtlis  and  Deaths.  [Jan. 

Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Hopestill,  b,  29  Feb.  1675.;  Sarah,  dau.  of  Ezra, 
July  20:  77;  Return,  of  Sarg1  Samuel,  d.  July  18:  16;  Sarah,  dau. 
of  Hopestill,  b.  Jau.  13:  77;  Edward,  son  of  Nehemiah,  b.  Dec  20: 
1678;  d.  Feb.  1:  79;  Hopestill,  of  Hopestill,  b.  Nov.  26:  79;  Jndith, 
dau.  of  Ezra,  b.  May  6:  80;  Abigaiil,  wife  of  Ezra,  d.  Oct,  12:  82; 
Desire,  son  of  Desire,  b.  Ma}7  2:  d.  May  6.  82;  Ruth,  dau.  of  Hop- 
still,  b.  Oct.  10:  82;  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  'Ezra,  b.  Oct.  1:  82;  Submit, 
dau.  of  Nehemiah,  b.  Aug1.  2:  83:  William,  son  of  Desire,  d.  Nov. 
27:  83;  Experience,  dau.  of  Desire,  b.  Nov.  30:  83. 

Cooke. — Thomas,  son  of  Robert  Cooke,  b.  May  19:  80. 

Crane. — John,  son  of  Henry,  b.  30:  11;  1658. 

Curtis=Payn. — Theophilus  Curtis  and  Hannah  Payn  of  Braniry 
were  ioyned  in  marriage  by  Mr  Wm.  Stougton  of  Dorchester,  Assis- 
tant the  7th  of  Jan.  1673. 

Daniel.-— El iezar,  son  of  William,  b.  25:  5:  1657. 

Danforth.. — John  Damfort,  sou  of  Thomas,  b.  20  (8)  1664;  Mehitophel, 
of  Thomas,  d.  18  (8)  1663;  Eliiah  [Elijah],  son  of  Mr  John  Dan- 
forth,  b.  Nov.  30:  83. 

Davenport=Watkings. — John  Davenport,  m.  Bridget  Walkings,  1  (9) 
1667;  Sarah  Davenport,  d.  May  10:  79;  Desire,  of  Charles,  b.  June 
20:  79;  Sarah,  dau.  of  Charles,  b.  July  10:  81;  Thoma3,  son  of 
Jonathan,  b.  Dec.  10:  81;  Paul,  son  of  Charles,  b.  Jan.  30:  83. 

Davis.- — Richard  Dauis  deceased  this  life  the  2:  II:  1658;  Richard, 
son  of  Richard,  b.  26:  3:  1661:  Richard  Dauis  deceased  the  6:  1: 

Dayis=Torret. — John  Davis  and  Marie  Torrey,  both  of  Roxbury,  m. 
Jan.  14:   1673. 

Demauzaday=  Glansha. — Philip  Demauzaday  and  Margaret  Glansha, 
m.  by  the  Worshipfull  John  Hull  Esqr.  Nov.  22:  82. 

Demodseday. — Mary,  dau.  of  Philip,  b.  July  27:  83. 

Denton. — Richard  Denton  ceceased  this  life  the  28:  10:  1658. 

Dewey=Hawes. — Thomas  Dewey,  m.  Constance  Hawes  1  (4)  '63. 

Dyer.— William  Dyer,  d.  18  (4)  1672  in  the  93*  yeere  of  his  age. 

Eaton=Mede. — Jabez  Eaton,  m.  Experience  Mede  4  (10)  '63. 

Eddy=Mede.— Samuel  Eddy,  m.  Sarah  Mede  31  (9)  1664. 

Ellen. — John  Ellen  deceased  this  life  the  8:  11:  1658;  Martha  Ellen 
deceased  this  life  the  17:  7:  1660. 

Ellen=Pond.— Nicholas  Ellin,  m.  Mary  Pond  3  (5)  1663. 

Ellen. — Mary,  dau.  of  Daniel  Ellen,  b.  Feb.  14,  '67;  Elizabeth,  dau. 
of  Daniel,  b.  Nov.  2,  '69;  Nathaniel,  son  of  Daniel,  b.  Oct.  20,  ;71; 
Martha,  dau.  of  Daniel,  b.  April  5,  '74;  Ichabod,  son  of  Daniel,  b. 
Jan.  24:  75;  Daniel,  son  of  Daniel,  b.  July  22:  77. 

Evans. — Mathias,  son  of  Mathias,  b.  11  (3)  1670. 

Everden. — George  Euerden,  borne  Aug.  7    1677. 

Eyres=Millet. — Moses  Eyres,  m.  Bethiah  Millet  3  (6)  1666. 

Eyres. — Moses,  son  of  Moses  Heirs,  b.  10:  7:  1687;  Bethiah,  wife  of 
Moses  Eayre,  d.  15  (2)  1669. 

Fisher— Breck.-— Anthony  Fisher  sen:  m.  widow  of  Edward  Breck. 
14  (9)  1663. 

Fisher.—- Daniel,  son  of  Daniel,  b.  22  (10)  1663. 

Fisk=Fry.— Nathan  Fisk,  m.  Elizabeth  Fry,  26  (2)  1665. 

Flint. — Mary,  dau.  of  Rev.  Josiah  Flint,  b.  IS  (9J  1672;  Henery,  son 

1362.]  Braitleborough,  Vt.t  Inscriptions.  81 

of  Rev.  Josiah,  b.  9  (Feb.)  1673;  Mary,  dan.  of  Rev.  Josiah,  b.  18 
(9)  1672,  d.  15  (10)  1673;  Uenery,  son  of  Rev.  Josiah,  b.  5  May, 
1675;  Josiah,  son  of  Rev.  Josiah,  b.  Oct.  5:  76;  Dorothy,  dau.  of 
Mr.  Josiah,  b.  May  11:  78:  Thomas,  son  of  Rev.  Josiah,  b.  July  11: 
80;  "  Mr.  Josiah  Flint  the  renerend  pastor  to  the  church  of  Dor- 
chester died  September  16:  80." 

Fortune. — Fortuue,  a  negro  of  Mr  Stoughton,  d.  Dec.  23:  78. 

Forward. — Edmund  Forward,  d.  Feb.  16:  1676. 

Foster=Baker. — Thankful!  Foster,  dau.  of  Lief1.  Hopestill,  m.  John 
Baker,  of  Boston,  8  (11)  1663. 

Foster—Capen. — James  Foster  and  Mary  Capin,  m.  bv  Mr  Stoughton 
Sep*  (22)  74. 

Foster. — Mary,  dau.  of  James,  b.  June  17:  75,  d.  Oct.  29:  75;  Silence, 
dau.  of  James,  b.  April  4:  77;  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Timothy,  d.  Sep1. 
15:  76;  Mary,  wife  of  James,  d.  Feb.  8:  78. 

Foster=Lane. — James  Foster  and  Anna  Lane  were  married  by  the 
Worshipful  Humphrey  Daue  Esq:  Oct.  7:  80. 

Foster.—" Mr.  John  Foster  died  September:  9:  81;"  Thankful!,  dau. 
of  James,  b.  March  30:  83;  Elisha  Foster  died  Oct.  16:  82. 

George. — Elizabeth  dau.  of  Joshua,  b.  9  (9)  1671;  William,  son  of 
Joshua,  b.  4  (3)  1674;  Nicolas  George  senr.  d.  8th  April  1675; 
Joshua,  son  of  Joshua,  b.  Sept.  3:  76;  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Joshua,  d. 
Oct.  11:  76;  John,  son  of  John  George  and  Mary,  his  wife,  b.  Oct. 
5:  80;  John,  son  of  Richard  and  Elizabeth,  d.  Feb.  2,  81-2. 

Gernsey. — Hannah,  dau.  of  John,  b.  July  25:  76:  Henry,  son  of  John, 
b.  July  16:  79;  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John,  b.  April  23:  82. 

Glover, — Nathaniel,  son  of  Mr.  Nathaniel,  b.  Feb.  24:  74;  Nathaniel, 
son  of  Mr.  Nathaniel,  b.  Aug.  7:  75;  Nathaniel,  son  of  Mr.  Nathan- 
iel, b.  Nov.  10:  76;  Mary,  dau.  of  Mr.  Nathaniel,  b.  April  12:  79; 
Hannah,  dau.  of  Nathaniel,  b.  Dec.  3:  81;  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Na- 
thaniel, b,  July  26:  83. 

[to  be  continued.] 


[Communicated  by  Samuel  Blake  of  Dorchester.] 

In  Brattleboro',  Yt.,  about  half  a  mile  from  the  ancient  site  of  Fort 
Dummer,  in  a  northwest  direction,  but  on  much  higher  ground,  in  a 
pasture,  near  the  old  first  traveled  road,  stand  five  grave  stones, 
which  time  will  ere  long  obliterate,  if  man  does  not  sooner  destroy; 
of  which  the  following  is  a  copy: 

In  memory  of  two  Daughters  of  Mr.  Tilley  &  Mrs.  Mary  Wilder,  born 

May  14,  1777,  aged  1  day. 
Dolle,  daughter  of  Mr.  Tilley  &  Mrs.  Mary  Wilder,  died  June  24,  1785. 

Aged  6  y.  5  mo.  9  days. 
Dolle,  daughter  of  Mr. "Tilley  &  Mrs.  Mary  Wilder,  died  August  27, 

1794.     Aged  8  y.  &  2  months. 
Dea.  Jonathan  Pearce  died  Oct.  28,  1785,  in  the  69th  year  of  his  age. 
Mr.  Asa  Putnam  died  Sept.  7,  1795.     Aged  53  years. 


82  Testimony  of  Deputy  Gov.  Samuel  Symonds.  [Jan. 


[From  the  original  in  possession  of  Jeeemiah  Colburx  of  Boston.] 

[Mr.  Vincent  mentioned  below,  was  probably  Mr.  Humphrey  Vin- 
cent of  Ipswich,  who,  according  to  Mr.  Felt  {Hist.  Ipswich,  p.  158), 
died  in  Ipswich,  Dec.  5,  1664.  "He  was  of  Cambridge,  1634;  of  Sa- 
lem, Jan.  1637;  and  was  granted  land  at  Ipswich  the  next  February. 
He  left  no  family."] 

Having  lately  heard  some  strange  stories  concerning  the  discon- 
tentfull  speaches  vttered  amongst  them  at  Cosen  Harrises,  I  was 
put  vpon  it  to  call  to  minde  the  original!;  &  some  consequent  act- 
ings referring  to  Mr  Vincents  estate. 

1.  About  foure  yeares  since,  Mr  Vincent  now  &  then  coming  to 
my  bowse,  (it  seemeth)  his  affections  were  inclined  to  vs:  And  free- 
ly, &  of  his  owne  motion,  tould  my  then  wife  &  me,  that  it  was  his 
minde  to  make  his  will:  &  he  would  soe  &  soe  dispose  of  what  he 
had,  &  make  me  his  executor.  I  did  ask  him  if  he  had  not  kinrid  in 
the  country?  he  said,  I  have  a  kinswoman,  but  saith  he,  I  like  her 
not;  I  will  give  her  nothing,  soe  we  thanked  him  for  his  love,  &  I 
made  his  will  accordingly. 

2.  Soe  things  went  on;  &  divers  intercourses  of  love,  &  kindnes, 
passed  betweene  vs,  he  coming  now  &  then  &  staying  a  good  space 
together  at  our  bowse.  He  had  my  advise  about  his  booke,  &  ac- 
counts &  the  like,  amongst  which  he  spoke  of  two  bonds  where  in 
he  was  bound  in  20Ib  a  peece,  to  one  in  England;  which  did  there 
lye  forfeited  in  Engl:  &  the  pay  being  divers  tymes  called  for,  &  no- 
thing done  towards  payment;  at  last  one  was  impowred  thence  to 
eue  for  the  same:  wherevpon  I  did  bestir  me,  &  in  two  yeares  tyme, 
obtayned  payment  to  be  made,  &  the  bonds  to  be  brought  from  Engl: 
cancelled  to  his  great  contentment. 

3.  Above  a  year  since,  (now  it  is),  there  did  grow  a  great  discon- 
tent betweene  Mr  Vincent  &  his  tenant  about  a  writing  vnder  Mr 
Vincents  hande,  his  Tenant  construing  it  contrary  to  his  minde,  in 
the  thinge,  insomuch  that  Mr  Vincent  left  the  howse,  &  went  downe 
to  Thomas  Harris  his  house,  wherevpon  both  Mr  Vincent  &  cosen 
Harris,  she  were  soe  mooved  that  they  did  speake  very  much  how  he 
was  in  danger  to  be  circumvented  of  much  of  his  estate  if  he  should 
Btill  lye  open  to  them.  And  this  was  the  occasion  that  put  me  vpon 
the  course  I  tooke  to  secure  the  same,  according  to  his  owne  minde, 
&  deliberate  will,  &  was  by  him  impowred  (as  occasion  might  be), 
to  act  in  his  behalf. 

4.  After  these  things,  all  went  on  quiettly  at  Cosen  Harrises,  for 
ought  I  did  .  know.  But  latewardiy.  there  were  some  hintes  given 
to  me  of  faults  finding:  And  that  sometyme  there  were  angry  words 
passed  betweene  she,  Cos:  Harris,  &  Mr  Vincent. 

When  Salem  Court  last  was  neare  at  hande,  I  being  at  Cosen 
Harrises,  she  spoke  of  such  &  such  small  things  she  said  he  wanted; 
I  tould  her  why  she  did  not  take  vp  what  she  wanted  for  him,  she 
then  began  to  make  it  a  question  least  they  should  aske  who  should 

1862.]  Mortality  in  Boston.  83 

pay  them,  vnlcs  they  were  had  at  Thomas  Bishops?  I  thought  that 
that  was  a  strange  thinge:  but  she  did  much  vrge  me  to  stay  still  & 
speake  further  of  it,  but  I  being  in  very  great  hast,  as  I  tould  them, 
having  appoynted  at  the  very  houre  to  meet  with  three  prsons  at  a 
certayne  place,  could  not  stay;  but  she  still  vrging  me,  it  seems,  I 
said  what  would  you  have  me  to  doe  ?  would  you  have  me  to  doe  it 
of  my  owne  Estate  ?  And  I  said  (as  often  I  had  done  before),  pray 
let  him  not  want  any  thinge.  And  this  I  hope  they  will  not  deny. 
The  yeare  of  his  sojourning  there  was  not  as  yet  completed,  nor  noe 
lieed  of  making  accounts  with  mrchants  or  with  them.  But  might 
take  vp  (as  fovndly)  what  they  would  vpon  Account.  I  did  never 
take  one  peny  into  my  hande  since  the  power  was  comitted  to  me. 
Time  cutts  me  off;  I  cannot  speake  of  more  particulars  now.  Can 
any  man  thinke  that  I  should  or  would  have  acted  in  &  about  Mr 
Vincents  busiues  as  I  did,  &  was  put  vpon  it  to  doe,  both  before  & 
since  Mr  Vincents  death,  if  they  had  discovered  to  me  such  secrett 
matters  as  since  appeares  ?  I  should  have  bene  loath  to  have  bene 
eoe  leade  by  my  friends. 

I  speake  to  the  substance  of  things.  Samuel  Symonds. 

March  30th  1665. 

MORTALITY  IN  BOSTON— 1701,  1702,  1703. 

Anno  1701.  1702.  1703. 

March 11 

April 6 

May 11 

June -«r. . .  13 

July 15 

August 15 

September 17 

October 12 

November 15 

December 7 

January 17 

February 7 

























146  441  159 

Niofet.  In  that  Mortal  year,  1702,  the  Number  of  Negroes  and 
Indians,  which  had  a  Singular  Share  in  the  Mortality,  made  the 
Number  of  the  Buried,  arise  to  about  500. 

Note  2.  Many  Inhabitants  of  Boston,  have  their  Employments  at 
Sea;  and  many  of  these  Dying  abroad  (in  proportion,  much  more 
tha'i  at  home)  they  are  not  reckoned  in  our  Catalogue. 

Note  3.  It  has  been  observed  by  some,  that  in  Times  of  Health 
(such  as  we  now  Enjoy)  Mortality  ordinarily  carries  off,  somewhat 
about  a  Fiftieth  Part  of  the  People  Every  year.  Quere,  How  far  will 
that^ Observation  hold  for  this  Town? 

Note  4.  It  might  be  of  use,  if  some  other  of  the  principal  Towns 
1b  the  Country,  would  preserve  their  Bill  of  Mortality,  and  Commu- 
nicate it.— Boston  News  Letter,  July  3,  1704. 


84  Petition  of  Boston  Inhabitants.  [Jim. 


[As  preliminary  to  tins  petition,  we  give  an  abstract  of  the  main 
portions  of  the  law,  made  in  1692,  relative  to  the  erection  of  brick 
buildings  in  the  town  of  Boston:  "Whereas  Great  Desolations  and 
Ruins  have  sundry  Times  happened  by  Fire  breaking  out  in  the 
Town  of  Boston,  principally  occasioned  by  Reason  of  the  joining  and 
nearness  of  the  Buildings,  being  mostly  of  Timber,  and  covered  with 
Shingle:  For  the  better  preventing  of  such  Accidents  for  the  future, 
and  Damage  and  Loss  thereby;"  it  was  therefore  enacted, 

"That  henceforth  no  Dwelling  House,  Shop,  Warehouse,  Barn, 
Stable,  or  any  other  Housing  of  more  than  eight  Feet  in  Length,  or 
Breadth,  and  seven  Feet  in  Height,  shall  be  erected  and  set  up  in 
Boston,  but  of  Stone  or  Brick,  and  covered  with  Slate  or  Tile;  unless 
in  particular  Cases  where  Necessity  requires,  being  so  judged  and 
signified  in  Writing  under  the  Hands  of  the  Justices  and  Select-Men 
of  the  said  Town,  or  major  Part  of  both.  If  any  Person  shall  pre- 
sume to  erect,  or  cause  to  be  erected,  any  Frame  or  Building  contrary 
hereto,  upon  Conviction,  such  Building  shall  be  deemed  a  common 
Nuisance,  and  the  Owner  of  such  Frame  or  Building  shall  enter  into 
a  Recognisance  to  demolish  the  same;  In  Default  of  such  Recognis- 
ance, shall  be  committed  to  Prison,  until  he  cause  the  same  to  be 
demolished,  or  else  such  building  shall  be  demolished  by  Order  of 
the  Quarter  Sessions  of  the  Peace  within  the  said  County,  and  the 
Charges  thereof  to  be  levied  by  Distress,  and  sale  of  such  Offender? 

"And  whereas  several  Houses  and  other  Buildings  have  been 
erected  and  set  up  since  the  Year  1688,  contrary  to  the  Law  made 
by  the  General  Court  of  the  Massachusetts  Colony,  it  was  therefore 
enacted  That  every  owner  of  such  Building,  shall  cause  the  same  to 
be  covered  with  Slate  or  Tile;  otherwise  such  Building  shall  be 
deemed  a  common  Nuisance,  aiid  the  owner  thereof  proceeded  against 

In  1699  an  additional  act  was  passed,  with  penalties  annexed,  not 
to  exceed  "  the  sum  of  Fifty  Pounds,  for  one  offence,  which  shall  ex- 
cuse the  offender  from  any  further  Penalty  of  the  Law.  All  such 
Fines  to  be  applied  towards  the  raising  of  a  Stock  for  setting  of  the 
Poor  on  Work  within  the  said  Town  of  Boston  at  the  Work  House."] 

To  the  Rl  Honble  William  Stoughton  Esqr  Liev*  Governor  and  Co- 
mander  in  Cheife  of  his  Majties  Province  of  the  Massachusetts  Bay 
in  New  England  with  the  honrd  Council  and  Representatives  thereof 
now  assembled  in  Gen;1  Court  held  at  Boston  by  Adjournm*  Novem- 
ber im  1696. 

The  Petition  of  us  the  Subscribers  being  Sundry  of  the  Inhabitants 
of  the  Towne  of  Boston. 
Humbly  Sheweth, 

That  the  Law  relateing  to  building,  with  Brick  in  Boston  is  found 


Petition  of  Boston  Inhabitants. 


tv  continuall  experience  to  be  greatly  Injurious  and  Prejudicial!  to 
the  Gcnerallity  of  the  Inhabitants  of  this  Towne,  which  consists, 
cheifly  of  Tradesmen  who  tho'  many  of  them  have  Lands  and  Some 
Estate  to  befriend  them,  yet  have  not  a  Sufficiency  to  comply  with 
ihe  sd  Law  and  to  carry  on  their  Trades  for  the  upholding-  their 
familyes;  And  there  being  much  Land  lying  waste  in  This  Towne, 
which  if  built  upon  would  not  only  be  advantageous  to  particular 
persons  butt  to  the  Publick  also,  by  the  Increase  of  the  Towne. 

That  it  is  evidently  and  apparently  Seen  by  all  Observing  persons 
among1  us,  that  by  this  present  long"  continued  and  Wasting  warr, 
aiid  through  the  Scarsity  and  dearness  of  Provisions  wee  are  very 
greatly  Impoverished  and  distressed  Soe  that  many  of  us  know  not 
how  much  Longer  to  Supply  the  wants  of  our  Poore  family 8  and  to 
comply  with  the  demands  of  the  Publick;  And  if  wee  have  not 
Speedy  redress  and  relief  herein  many  of  us  that  are  antient  Inhabit- 
ants and  Children  of  the  first  Planters  and  Settlers  of  this  place 
must  either  be  forced  for  a  Subsistence  and  Livelyhood  to  Leave  our 
Country,  and  that  little  our  Fathers  by  their  care,  Industry  and  God's 
Messing  thereon  have  left  us,  or  else  to  become  Tenenants  to  For- 
eigners that  have  come  among"  us,  &  with  their  moneys,  here  pur- 
chased houseing  and  Lands,  Or  att  best  to  our  Rich  and  Wealthy 
Neighbours,  who  are  Sometimes  telling  us,  That  if  wee  cannott  com- 
ply with  the  Law  wee  must  Sell  our  Lands,  which  is  a  very  bard  and 
unreasonable  thing,  (Seeming  much  like  to  the  Israelites  Egiptian 
Bondage  in  makeing  Bricks  without  Straw)  seeing  lime,  Slates  or 
tiles  are  not  to  be  purchased  had  wee  Estates  to  comply  with  the 

Your  Petition18  Therefore  doe  humbly  Entreate  That  this  high  and 
bonrbl«  Court  will  take  the  premises  into  Consideracon  Soe  as  that 
the  sd  Law  relateing  to  Brick  buildings  in  Boston  may  be  repealed 
and  utterly  made  Null  and  void  in  all  respects. 

Silvanus  Davis 
Samuel  Bridge 
Richard  Keats 
Joseph  Bisco 
Jonath.  Evens 
Ju°  Walley 
Jn°  Combs 
Tho:  Stanbery 
Joseph  Gallup 
Ebinezer  Clore 
Tho:  Cobb 
Richard  Cobb 
Wm:  Porter 
Tno:  Lesenbee 
Wm.  Wheler 
Tho:  Harris 
Wm:  Hoi  way 
Nich":  Sparrey 
Hi  chard  Preist 
•Jo°:  Pell 

Jn°.  Ricks 
Joseph  Riall 
Joseph  Adems 
Tho.  Stevens 
Jn°.  Arnold 
Benja:  Gallop 
Josh.  Hewes 
Peter  Barber 
Jonolh:  Berny 
Florence  Mecarta 
Timo:  Nash 
Wm  Thwinge 
Jn°  Parker 
Wm  Hoi  well  Junr 
Anthony  Greenhiil 
Obadiah  Emons 
Rignel  Odell 
Eliezer  Star 
Edward  Durant 
Tho  Oaks  Jim* 

Saml.  Bill 
Joseph  Billings 
Tho.  Phillips 
Sam1:  Pearce 
Tho.  Roper 
Hennery  Cole 
Joseph  Holmes 
Sam1.  Flack 
Joseph  Yickers 
Edwd  Keets 
Ebinezer  Lowell 
Tho,  Powell 
Wm.  Gibbon 
Jn°  Balston 
Tho.  Baker 
Robert  Sanderson 
Edwi  Taylor 
Josh.  Lane 
Danill  AUin 
Jn°.  Marion  Junr. 


Petition  of  Boston  Inhabitants. 


John  Atwood 
Tho.  Barnott 
John  Bennit 
Peter  Wear 
Samuel  Marshal 
Nath.  Holmes 
Seth  Perry 
Parcefell  Clark 
Math i as  Smith 
Sam1.  Marion 
Jn°.  Morton 
Ralfe  Ransford 
Joseph  Wheler 
Win.  Ted  man 
Jn°.  Cole 
Barth.  Green 
Jn°.  Allen 
James  Harris 
George  Clark 
Richard  Paine 
Jn°.  Ranger 
Wm.  Clow 
Jn°.  Langdon 
Sam1.  Grice 
Jn°.  Dinsdell 
Nath.  Goodwin 
Arther  Hael 
Gamaliel  Rogers 
Nath:  Baker 
Elezr  Darbee 
Ambros  Dawes 
Sam1.  Clowe 
Joseph  Jackson 
Joseph  Pearss 
Tho:  Savage 
Jn°.  Eustis 
Jabesh  Negus 
Henry  Ems 
Wm.  Gill 
Jabes  Salter 
Arther  Smith 
Tho:  Kelen 
Dauid  Norton 
Newcom  Blake 
Joseph  May 
Phillip  Finnee 
Jn°.  Jenkins 
Andrew  Cuningham 
Jn°.  Kneeland 
Thomas  Child 
Andrew  Mariner 
Barth.  Sutton 

Return  Wait 
Jn<\  Taller 
Joseph  Tolman 
Jn°.  Farnum 
Jacob  Meline 
Wm:  Robee 
David  Copp 
John  Goodwin 
Mich:  Willis 
Jn°.  Clow 
Wm.  Grigs 
Tho.  Cashing 
Ben  Emons 
Jn°.  Winchomb 
Richard  White 
Daniel  Morey 
Danill  Phipenny 
Tho.  Peck  senr. 
Joseph  Hill 
Jn°.  Claverly 
Peter  Warrin 
Sam1  Gray 
John  Cutler 
Jn°  Fosdike 
Josiah  Franklin 
Sarill  Simson 
Jn°.  Berree 
James  Webster 
Tho.  Peck  Junr, 
James  Andros 
Thomas  Walker 
Thomas  Lincoln 
Rob*.  Earle 
Ben  Backworth 
Mathu  Delver 
Sam1  Bridg  Jun. 
Sam1.  Weaver 
Richard  Hubbert 
Sim°.  Masinger 
Jn°.  Roberts 
Ben.  Fitch 
Edwd.  Bartlit 
Wm.  Wheler 
Joseph  Rodgers 
James  Thornbay 
Joseph  Lowell 
Jn°.  Clowe 
Joseph  Lowell  Jun1 
Dauid  London 
Wm  Til  ley 
James  Labloon 
Tho.  Paine 

Rolan  Story 
Henry  Rite 
Henery  Mills 
Wm.  Mamford 
Sam1.  Bickner 
Tho.  Wheler 
Wm.  Barage 
James  Flndd 
Richard  Flud 
Joshua  Gee 
John  Marion 
John  Goodwin 
Joseph  Belknap 
Bar.  Arnald 
Mich.  Shaller 
Stephen  Minott 
Win.  Obbirson 
Jn°.  Humpherys 
Richard  Gridly 

Josh.  Cornish 
Richard  Richeson 

John  Tolman 
Richd.  Price 
He  Dry  Briteman 

Richard  West 

Silenc  Allen 

Jn^:  Nicholson 

Rob*.  Smith 

Richd.  Partman 

Wm:  Hawkins 
Ambros  Hanwe11. 

Francis  Moss 

Ben.  Holway 

Wra.  Meed 

David  Addams 

Wm.  Enecott 

Richard  Font 

John  Nichols 

Raffe  Carter 

Jn°.  Perrish 
.  Wm,  Hough 

Wm.  Tarnner 

Sam11.  Jacklin 

Ebinezer  Hayden 

Edwd.  Oakes 

Thomas  Baker 

Richard  Whitridge 

Robert  Seers 

Jn°.  GotTe 

Jn°.  Parram 

Tho.  Verny 

Sam'-.  Gardner 




Sain1.  Earle 
Thomas  Gould 
Wra:  Frothingham 
Peter  Butler 
Theophilus  Frary 
Joseph  Elliot 
Elisha  Odlin 
John  Mason 

Isaac  Marion 
Benja.  Snelling 
Benja.  Bream 
Obediah  Read 
David  Farnam 
Sam1.  Greed  wood 
Thomas  Downe1" 
Thomas  Oakes 
James  Barns 

Natfa.  Alden 
Rich.  Way 
Stephen  French 
Jn°.  Child 
Wm.  Werden 
Jn°  Ball 
Edwd.  Ashley 
Isaiah  Tay 

Wee  the  Selectmen  of,  (and  For  and  in  behalf  of  the  Inhabitants 
of)  the  Towne  of  Boston  doe  humbly  request  and  Entreate  the  favour 
of  this  high  and  honbIe  Court  to  Grant  the  above  petition,  Of  if  it 
may  not  seerne  meet  by  yor  honrs  soe  to  doe  That  then  you  will 
please  to  grant  That  the  Towne  may  have  full  power,  authority  & 
Free  Liberty  to  choose  Such  persons  as  they  shall  see  meet  from 
time  to  time  to  approve  and  allow  or  disallow  of  the  place  or  places 
where  Woodden  Buildings  in  this  Towne  shall  or  may  be,  or  may  not 
be  Errected  &  Sett  up.  And  that  all  such  persons  as  have  hitherto 
Transgressed  ye  Law,  relateing  to  Brick  buildings  may  not  be  lyable 
to  Incurr  the  penalty  thereof.  Pr  Order  of  the  Selectmen 

Dated  Boston  June  11,  1697.  W*  Griggs  Town  Cler: 

Read  y«  11  June  1691. 

Read  a  Second  time,  16th,  &  debated  with  the  Report  of  the  Com- 
mittee thereon  And  Report  Negatived. 



[Communicated  by  William  S.  Appleton  of  Boston.] 

September  ye  11th  day  1683. 

The  testification  of  Samuell  Water  aged  21  years  ore  there  about 
testifieth  and  sayeth  that  when  beniamin  coker  cam  to  the  hous  of 
beniamine  frankling  ffor  to  demand  his  goods  then  beniamin  frank- 
lins  said  to  beniamin  coker,  that  ther  was  one  pound  five  sailings 
that  was  to  be  taken  out  of  the  bill  then  answered  beniamen  coker 
I  own  it  for  I  would  desisire*  nothing  but  what  is  just  betwixt  man 
and  man  and  that  ten  pound  15  shillings  worth  of  .goods  was  their 
just  due'  and  no  more  concerning  the  building  of  ye  sloope  which  is 
now  in  controuersy.  I  Robert  Sanderes  aiged  25  eares  or  thereabout 
testifeth  and  saieth  that  as  for  the  25  shilenes  bengman*  coker  and 
Joh  Ralfe  ded  own  that  it  was  to  be  redcted*  out  of  the  bill. 

sworne  by  Samuell  Water  &  Robert  Sanders  in  Bostone  the  18th 
of  Septembr  1GS3  before  John  Joyliffe  Comiss1" 

Superscribed:  "To  the  Clarke  of  the  Countie  Court  at  Ipswich 

♦  Sic— W.  S.  A. 

88  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [Jan. 



Oarver=Edwards. — At  East  Boston,  Nov.  10,  Ira  Lysander  Carver, 
Esq.,  of  Grand  Falls,  Mich.,  to  Miss  Mary  Anna  Edwards,  only  dau. 
of  the  late  Thomas  Edwards  of  East  Boston;  by  Rev.  Caleb  Davis 

Gay— Freehan. — At  Cincinnati,  0.,  Nov.  21,  J.  Willard  Gay  to 
Anna  M.  Freeman;  by  Rev.  William  A.  Snively. 

Pette8=Allen. — At  Roxbury,  Thursday  evening,  Oct.  11th,  John 
Pettes,  of  West  Cambridge,  to  Miss  Sarah  Matilda  Allen,  youngest 
dau.  of  Walter  M.  Allen  of  North  Cambridge;  by  Rev  Caleb  Davis 

Thayer=Cooke. — At  the  Prospect  Street  Church,  Cambridgeport, 
Nov.  13,  Dr.  Henry  Thayer  to  Miss  Jennie  Cooke;  by  Rev.  Elias 
Nason  of  Exeter,  N.  H.,  assisted  by  Rev.  J.  0.  Murray. 

Trask=Blake. — At  Boston,  Nov.  4,  John  Pierce  Trask  of  Roxbury, 
to  Miss  Eveline  0.  Blake  of  Boston;  by  Rev.  Daniel  C.  Eddy,  D.  D. 


Appleton. — Hon.  Nathan  Dane,  Alfred,  Me.,  Nov.  12,  a.  61.  He 
grad.  at  Bowdoin  College  in  1813;  has  been  in  the  practice  of  law 
more  than  forty  years.     He  was  late  attorney  general  of  Maine. 

Baker. — Gen.  Edward  D.  of  Oregon,  was  killed  near  Leesburg, 
Va.,  Oct.  21,  during  an  encounter  between  the  forces  commanded  by 
Gen.  Stone,  and  those  under  the  rebel  general  Evans.  '  Gen.  Baker 
was  born  in  England,  but  came  to  this  country  when  about  four 
years  old.  He  began  his  career  in  Philadelphia,  as  an  apprentice  to 
a  hand  weaver,  and  for  a  long  period  labored  industriously  in  that 
vocation.  While  yet  a  boy,  he  emigrated  to  Illinois.  Here  he  prose- 
cuted the  study  of  the  law,  while  earning  an  honorable  livelihood 
at  manual  labor.  At  twenty  years  of  age,  he  was  admitted  to  the 
bar  of  Illinois,  being  entirely  self  taught  in  the  intricacies  of  the  law. 
He  early  became  widely  known  as  a  legal  practitioner  and  a  political 
leader.  He  served  eight  years  in  the  state  legislature  ;  was  in  the 
Black  Hawk  war,  in  company  with  Mr.  Lincoln,  the  President  of  the 
United  States,  and  in  1844  was  elected  to  congress.  He  was  a 
colonel  in  the  Mexican  war  and  while  on  the  Rio  Grande,  was  severely 
wounded  by  a  shot  through  the  neck.  At  the  end  of  the  war,  he  was 
again  elected  to  congress,  and  at  the  close  of  his  term,  became  a 
contractor  under  the  Panama  Railway  Company,  having  engaged  to 
open  the  line  over  which  the  rail  road  across  the  Isthmus  was  to  pa»3, 
for  some  twenty-five  miles  from  Aspinwall.  He  fulfilled  his  contract, 
but  returned  to  New  York  prostrated  by  fever.  He  recovered  from 
his  sickness;  went  to  San  Francisco  the  ensuing  year;  practiced  law, 
and  up  to  the  year  1859,  enjoyed  the  reputation  of  being  at  the  head 


1862.]  Marriages  and  Deaths.  89 

of  the  profession  on  the  Pacific  coast.  In  Dec.  1859,  he  migrated  to 
Oregon,  and  took  up  his  residence  in  Salem,  the  capital  of  that 
state;  in  September  following  he  was  elected  to  the  senate  of  the 
United  States,  of  which  body  he  was  a  member  at  the  time  of  his 
death.  He  fell  at  the  head  of  his  brigade  while  cheering  on  his  men 
to  the  conflict. 

Benton. — Thomas,  Rutland,  Sept.  5,  a.  94  yrs.  10  mo.  His  wife 
survives;  they  having  lived  together  sixty-three  years. 

Blaisdell. — Silas,  a  well  known  teacher  in  Lawrence,  Mass.,  died 
there  on  Wednesday  evening  in  his  71st  year.  (He  was  formerly  a 
minister  and  was  for  a  number  of  years  a  subscriber  to  the  Register.) 
— Boston  Journal,  Saturday,  Nov.  16th. 

Briggs. — Hon.  George  Nixon,  Pittsfield,  Sept.  12,  a.  65.  He  was 
born  in  the  town  of  Adams,  in  the  county  of  Berkshire,  on  the  12th 
of  April,  1796.  His  father  was  a  blacksmith,  who,  when  George 
was  seven  years  old,  removed  from  Adams  to  Manchester,  Vt.,  where 
he  resided  two  years;  from  thence  he  removed  to  White  Creek,  Wash- 
ington county,  N.  Y.,  where  he  resided  several  years.  At  thirteen 
years  of  age  George  went  to  learn  the  trade  of  a  hatter,  and  worked 
at  it  for  three  years.  Returning  home,  he  went  to  an  academy  one 
year,  which  constituted  his  "  education."  In  Sept.  1813,  he  returned 
to  his  native  village,  with  nothing  but  a  small  trunk,  slung  on  his 
back,  containing  his  scanty  stock  of  clothing.  He  soon  entered  the 
law  office  of  Mr.  Washburn  in  Adams,  and  began  the  study  of  his 
chosen  profession.  He  remained  there  one  year,  when  he  removed  to 
Lanesborough  in  the  same  county,  and  studied  laboriously  at  his 
profession  for  four  years,  and  in  Oct.  1818,  he  was  admitted  to  the 
bar.  In  18S0,  he  was  elected  to  congress,  and  took  his  seat  in  the 
house  of  representatives  in  Dec.  1831.  He  was  continued  in  his 
seat  through  six  congressional  terms,  until,  in  1843,  he  was  chosen 
governor  of  the  commonwealth,  and  was  re-elected  every  year  till 
1851.  In  1853,  he  was  appointed  by  Gov.  Clifford,  associate  justice 
of  the  court  of  common  pleas  of  Massachusetts.  He  was  a  member  of 
the  last  state  constitutional  convention,  where  his  counsels  were  ex- 
ceedingly influential.  To  the  day  of  his  death  he  was  active  in  every 
"  good  word  and  work  n  which  came  within  his  sphere.  When  he 
was  in  congress  he  was  devoted  to  the  temperance  question,  and  his 
personal  influence  in  this  respect  was  known  to  be  of  much  value. 
He  was  often  called  to  lecture  before  lyceums,  when  he  never 
failed  to  inculcate  the  best  lessons  of  political  and  moral  bearings. 
He  was  an  active,  devoted  Christian,  with  heart  and  hand  ready  to 
cooperate  in  every  good  enterprise — being  a  member  of  the  Baptist 
denomination,  and  regarded  as  one  of  their  best  and  ablest  men. 
For  ten  or  twelve  years  he  was  president  of  the  Baptist  Missionary 
Union,  their  great  foreign  missionary  association.  He  was  also 
president  of  the  American  Tract  Society  at  Boston — which  office  he 
held  from  May,  1859. 

He  was  made  an  honorary  member  of  the  N.  E.  Hist.  Gen.  Society 
in  Feb.  1847. 

He  m.  Miss  Sarah  Hail  of  Lanesboro,  by  whom  he  had  George  P., 

90  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [Jan. 

Henry  S.  and  Harriet,  who  m.  in  1846,  Capt.  Chas.  H.  Bigelow.  Henry 
S.  is  colonel  of  the  tenth  Massachusetts  regiment,  now  at  the  seat  of 

The  circumstances  attending-  the  death  of  ex-Gov.  Briggs  are 
these:  On  Wednesday,  Sept.  4th,  while  in  the  act  of  taking  down 
his  coat  to  assist  a  person  in  distress,  a  loaded  gun  fell  and  dis- 
charged its  contents  into  his  face,  the  charge  passing  under  one  jaw 
and  a  portion  of  it  through  the  other  side.  On  Thursday  morning, 
Sept.  12th,  at  9  o'clock  A.  M.,  on  the  eighth  day  after  the  sad  acci- 
dent, he  died. 

Browne. — William,  Portland,  Me.,  Nov.  14;  a.  83.  Mr.  Browne  was 
the  youngest  son  and  the  last  surviving  child  of  Rev.  Thomas  Browne 
of  Stroudwater,  who  was  settled  in  1765  and  died  in  1797.  He 
was  the  son  of  Rev.  John  Browne  of  Haverhill,  whose  wife  was 
Joanna  Cotton,  dau.  of  Rev.  Roland  Cotton  of  Sandwich,  and  great 
granddau.  of  Rev.  John  Cotton  of  Boston. 

Mr.  Browne  was  formerly  in  business  at  Portland,  with  Stephen 
McLellan,  but  being  unfortunate  in  the  disastrous  times  of  1807,  he 
never  recovered  from  it,  and  has  not  been  in  business  since.  He  m. 
in  1805,  Octavia,  dau.  of  Dr.  Robert  Southgate  of  Scarborough,  Me., 
by  whom  he  had  five  children,  viz:  two  sons  and  three  daus.  One 
dau.  married  her  cousin,  Bishop  Southgate. 

Clap.™ Mrs.  Ann,  Richmond,  Va.,  Sept.  2,  a.  82;  wid.  of  Dea. 
John  Clap  of  Roxbury,  Mass.     See  Reg.,  xv,  228. 

Clapp. — Thaddeus,  Dorchester,  July  10,  a.  50.  He  was  the  second 
son  and  third  child  of  Capt.  William  and  Elizabeth  (Humphreys) 
Clapp,  grandson  of  Capt.  Lemuel  and  Rebecca  (Dexter)  Clapp,  and  a 
descendant  in  the  seventh  generation  from  Nicholas  and  Sarah  Clapp 
of  Dorchester.  He  was  born  in  Dorchester,  May  11,  1811;  was  fitted 
for  college  at  the  academy  of  Hiram  Manley  in  D.  In  college  he 
attained  a  distinguished  rank  and  graduated  in  1834,  with  the  second 
honors  of  his  class,  when  he  delivered  the  salutatory  oration  in  Latin, 
being  the  first  time  commencement  exercises  were  held  in  Rev. 
Dr.  Newell's  church.  After  leaving  college  he  taught,  for  a  short 
time,  a  private  school  in  Brookline.  He  was  superintendent  of  the 
sabbath  school  of  the  first  church  and  society  in  Dorchester,  from 
1836  to  1841;  he  entered  his  name  with  Col.  Loammi  Baldwin  of 
Charlestown,  Mass.,  as  a  student  in  engineering,  Feb.  16,  1837,  but 
on  account  of  ill  health  did  not  prosecute  his  studies.  For  a  like 
reason  he  declined  the  Latin  valedictory  oration,  proffered  him  the 
same  year  by  Pre3.  Quincy.  He  took  his  degree  of  master  of  arts  in 
1838.  He  was  secretary  of  the  board  of  school  committee  in  Dorches- 
ter several  years,  and  wrote  the  annual  reports  for  the  years  1842  and 
1843,  which  were  printed.  In  the  fall  of  1838  he  went  to  Franklin, 
La.,  where  he  was,  for  some  six  or  seven  months  a  tutor  in  the  family 
of  William  T.  Palfrey,  brother  of  Hon.  John  0.  Palfrey,  postmaster  of 
Boston.  He  returned  to  his  home  in  the  summer  of  1839.  About 
the  year  1840  he  engaged  in  horticultural  and  pomological  pursuits, 
which  he  continued  until  the  winter  of  1860.  He  became  quite  cele- 
brated among  fruit  growers  for  his  theoretical  and  practical  know- 


1862.]  Marriages  and  Deaths.  91 

led^e,  and  obtained  many  premiums  for  choice  varieties  and  fine  sam- 
ples of  fruit.  He  was  a  member  of  the  Massachusetts  Horticultural 
Society  and  the  Norfolk  Agricultural  Society.  He  was  also  a  member  of 
the  Phi  Beta  Kappa  Society.  He  was  of  a  most  amiable  disposition  and 
led  a  life  of  unspotted  integrity.  He  m.  in  Claremont,  N.  H.,  Aug. 
11,  1857,  Mary  H.  Dustin,  clau.  of  Rev.  Caleb  Dustin,  but  had  no 
children.     His  wife  survives  him. 

Colbdrn. — Danfortb,  West  Dedham,  Oct.  9,  a.  90  yrs.  15  days. 

Doe. — Jacob,  Rumney,  N.  H.,  Oct.  1,  a.  90  yrs.  6  days. 

Everett. — Edward  Brooks,  Boston,  Nov.  5,  a.  31;  grad.  H.  C,  1850; 
M.  D.,  1853.  He  d.  at  the  residence  of  his  father,  Hon.  Edward 

Goddard. — Benjamin,  Brookline,  Oct.  26,  a.  95  years,  7  mos.  6 

Grant. — Dea.  Moses,  Boston,  July  22,  a.  nearly  76.  He  was  b.  in  Bos- 
ton, July  29,  1185.  It  is  stated  in  the  appendix  to  Rev.  Dr.  Lathrop's 
discourse,  that  the  family  is  of  "  Scotch  origin,  although  the  descent 
cannot  be  distinctly  traced  further  back  than  the  grandfather  of 
the  late  Moses  Grant."  "  During  the  French  war,  a  Scotch  regiment, 
composed  exclusively  of  Grants — that  being  the  only  surname  upon 
its  muster-roll — came  to  Boston,  and  Mr.  Samuel  Grant,  the  grand- 
father of  the  late  Deacon,  gave  an  entertainment  to  the  whole  regi- 
ment, the  officers  being  received  and  regaled  in  his  house  in  Union 
street,  while  tables  for  soldiers  were  spread  in  his  garden."  As  early 
as  the  year  1736,  and  for  many  years  subsequently,  the  above  men- 
tioned Samuel  Grant  had  his  store  in  Union  street,  which  was  known 
by  the  sign  of  the  Crown  and  Cushion.  This  emblem  was  engraved 
as  a  heading  on  his  bills  of  sale.  He  lived  in  the  rear  of  his  store. 
His  son,  Moses,  resided  in  the  same  house,  and  carried  on  business  in 
the  same  place,  after  the  death  of  his  father,  in  1784,  and  probably 
for  some  time  previous  to  that  event;  he  was  one  of  the  famous  party 
who  destroyed  the  tea  in  Boston  harbor  in  1773.  He  was  born  March 
13,  1743;  m.  1st.  in  1768,  Elizabeth  Brown,  dau.  of  Samuel  Brown, 
by  whom  he  had  one  child,  the  late  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Snelling;  m.  2d.,  in 
Dec.  1773,  Sarah  Pierce,  dau.  of  Capt.  Joseph  Pierce  of  Boston.  Moses 
Grant,  the  subject  of  this  notice,  after  leaving  the  public  school 
in  Boston,  went  to  the  academy  at  Exeter,  N.  H.;  was  afterward  an 
apprentice  to  his  father,  and  subsequently  a  partner  with  him  in 
business,  under  the  firm  of  Moses  Grant  &  Son,  upholsterers,  which 
continued  till  the  death  of  the  father.  He  then  carried  on  the  busi- 
ness alone,  until  1826,  when  he  took  into  partnership  his  son-in-law, 
George  K.  Daniell,  under  the  firm  of  Grant  <fe  Daniell;  they  went  into 
business  as  paper  dealers.  Subsequently,  by  the  withdrawal  of  Mr. 
D.,  the  firm  was  changed  to  Grant,  Warren  &  Co.  He  m.  1st,  Oct. 
2,  1814,  Susan  White  Seaver,  dau.  of  Nathaniel  and  Susanna  Seaver. 
There  were  no  children  by  this  marriage,  but  they  adopted  an 
orphan  child  named  Hannah  Adams  Fiske,  a  niece  of  Miss  Hannah 
Adams,  the  historian.  This  child  was  educated  as  a  daughter.  She 
m.  George  K.  Daniell.     Mrs.  Susan  White  Grant,  the  first  wife  of 


92  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [Jan. 

DeacoD  Grant,  died  in  Philadelphia,  July  23, 1818,  on  her  return  from 
a  voyage  to  Italy,  for  her  health.  Dea.  Grant  m.  2d,  Oct.  19,  1819, 
Mary  Gore,  dau.  of  Samuel  Gore,  and  niece  of  the  late  Hon.  Christo- 
pher Gore,  governor  of  Massachusetts  for  the  year  1809-10.  She 
had  six  children — one  son  and  five  daus,  all  of  whom  but  one  dau. 
survive  him.     Mrs.  Grant  d.  in  March,  1859. 

Dea.  Grant  was  a  well  known  philanthropist,  and  friend  of  the 
destitute;  a  firm  supporter  of  the  temperance  cause.  He  was  a 
member  of  the  common  council  eight  years — from  1835  to  1842,  in- 
clusive; of  the  board  of  aldermen  four  years — from  1848  to  1851,  in- 
clusive. He  was  one  of  the  originators  of  the  present  primary 
school  system,  and  a  member  of  the  primary  school  committee  seven- 
teen years — from  1819  to  1835,  inclusive.  He  was  at  the  time  of 
his  death,  president  of  the  Howard  Benevolent  Society,  the  Society 
for  the  Prevention  of  Pauperism,  and  the  Home  for  Aged  Men,  and 
vice  president  of  the  Home  for  Aged  Women.  He  was  managing 
director  of  the  Farm  School  for  many  years.  He  was  a  deacon  of 
the  Brattle  Street  Church  .(Ptev.  Dr.  Lothrop's).  His  father,  Moses, 
was  also  a  deacon  of  the  Brattle  Street  Church,  and  his  grandfather, 
Samuel  Grant,  was  deacon  of  the  New  North  Church  in  Boston. 

Healy. — Hon.  Joseph,  Washington,  N.  H.,  Oct.  10,  a.  85.  He 
was  son  of  John  and  Mary  (Wight)  Healy,  and  was  b.  Aug.  21, 
1176.  He  was  a  representative  in  congress  from  that  state,  from 
1825  to  1829,  and  was  father  of  Hon.  John  P.  Healy  of  Boston. 

Hunt. — Polly,  Braintree,  Oct.  27,  a.  94  yrs.  l'mo.  12  days;  widow 
of  Elihu  Hunt. 

Hunter. — Joseph,  Esq.,  F.  S.  A.,  Torrington  Square,  London,  Eng., 
May  9,  a.  77;  one  of  the  assistant  keepers  of  the  public  records. 
He*was  born  at  Sheffield,  Feb.  6,  1783;  was  son  of  Michael  Hunter,  a 
gentleman  engaged  throughout  his  life  in  the  cutlery  business  at  that 
town.  His  mother  died  while  he  was  yet  very  young,  and  shortly 
after  he  was  placed  under  the  guardianship  of  Rev.  Joseph  Evans,  a 
Presbyterian  minister,  with  which  denomination  his  parents  were 
connected.  He  received  the  rudiments  of  a  classical  education  at  a 
school  in  the  neighborhood  of  his  birth-place,  while  he  devoted  all  his 
leisure  moments  to  the  study  of  such  works  as  he  could  procure  upon 
historical,  topographical  and  genealogical  subjects,  and  to  copying 
all  monumental  inscriptions  and  similar  remains  to  be  met  with  im 
the  churches  of  the  vicinity.  He  thus  laid  the  foundation  of  that 
minute  acquaintance  with  the  family  history  of  his  native  town  and 
neighborhood,  of  which  he  afterwards  made  such  good  use.  Many 
volumes  yet  remain,  of  church  notes  taken  by  him  at  this  early  age. 
It  was  determined  that  he  should  be  brought  up  to  the  ministry 
among  the  sect  to  which  his  family  belonged,  and  accordingly  in 
1805,  he  proceeded  to  a  college  at  York,  where  he  received  his  pro- 
fessional training  under  Rev.  Chas.  Wellbeloved,  a  gentleman  well 
known  to  Yorkshire  antiquaries,  and  who  survived  till  a  recent 
period.  In  1809,  he  became  minister  of  a  congregation  of  Presbyte- 
rians at  Bath,  where  he  resided  twenty-four  years,  during  which  time, 
in  addition  to  his  professional  duties,  he  continued  his  collection  of 

1862.]  Marriages  and  Deaths.  93 

materials  for  the  history  of  his  native  town,  part  of  which  he  em- 
bodied in  his  Hallamshire,  published  in  folio  in  1819.  This  was 
followed  by  two  volumes  of  the  History  of  the  Deanery  of  Doncaster, 
in  1828  and  1S31.  He  was  one  of  the  original  members  of  the  Bath 
Literary  and  Scientific  Institution,  which  is  still  a  flourishing-  estab- 
lishment. He  was  a  valued  member  of  the  Stourhead  Circle,  of 
which  he  afterwards  printed  some  account — a  party  of  gentlemen 
residing  in  the  counties  of  Somerset  and  Wilts,  who  year  after  year 
met  under  the  roof  of  Sir  Richard  Colt  Hoare  of  Stourhead,  to 
compare  the  progress  they  had  made  in  those  studies  which  had  an 
interest  for  them  all.  Mr.  Hunter's  intimate  acquaintance  with  an- 
cient writings  and  with  the  minuter  details  of  English  history 
attracted  the  attention  of  the  then  existing  commissioners  of  the 
public  records,  who  were  determined  to  secure  the  services  of  cue  so 
well  qualified  to  assist  in  the  work  with  which  they  were  charged. 
Mr.  H.  -was  appointed  a  sub-commissioner — removed  to  London  in 
1833,  and  that  summer  entered  on  the  duties  of  his  office.  In  1838, 
he  was  appointed  an  assistant  keeper  of  the  first  class,  and  to  his 
care  were  committed  the  Queen's  Remembrancer's  Records,  with  the 
especial  duty  of  forming  a  calendar  of  this  vast  mass  of  miscellan- 
eous documents. 

Mr.  Hunter's  numerous  publications  represent  but  a  small  part  of 
the  labors  of  his  evenings  and  vacations.  It  was  a  principle  with  him  to 
print  nothing  of  any  new  discovery  while  any  hope  remained  of  finding 
further  illustrations  of  it.  It  results  from  this  that  much  curious 
information  remains  in  his  manuscripts,  relating  to  all  the  subjects 
which  engaged  his  attention.  He  devoted  much  time,  in  middle  life, 
I  to  the  illustration  of  the  text  of  Shakespeare's  Plays.  A  part  of  the 
results  of  his  labors  in  this  direction  may  be  learned  from  his  two 
published  works  on  this  subject.  He  made  collections  towards  lives 
of  English  verse-writers  of  the  16th  and  17th  centuries;  these  he 
never  published.  The  work  of  Mr.  Hunter's  which  possesses  great 
interest  to  Americans,  is  his  Founders  of  New  Plymouth,  published 
first  in  a  tract,  afterwards  in  the  Massachusetts  Historical  Collections. 
It  was  subsequently  enlarged  and  printed  in  London  in  1854,  in  a 
volume  of  205  pages.  He  was  instrumental  in  procuring  for  the 
Mass.  Hist.  Society,  a  transcript  of  the  History  of  the  Plymouth  Planta- 
tion, by  Gov.  Bradford,  from  the  original  in  the  Fulham  Library. 
The  work  was  printed  in  the  Collections  of  the  society,  vol.  in,  fourth 
series.  Many  of  Mr.  Hunter's  communications  were  inserted  in  the 
Archaologia,  and  were  among  the  papers  read  at  the  annual  meet- 
ings of  the  Archaeological  Institute.  In  consideration  of  his  con- 
tributions to  the  former  series,  he  was  honored  with  the  title  of  vice- 
president  of  the  Society  of  Antiquaries.  After  more  than  two  years 
of  suffering,  Mr.  Hunter's  system  sank  under  disease  on  the  9th  of 
May.  He  was  interred  at  Ecclesfield,  a  village  in  the  neighborhood 
of  Sheffield,  in  a  spot  chosen  by  himself  some  time  before  his  death. 

In  1815,  he  m.  Mary,  dau.  of  Francis  Hay  ward,  M.  D.,  of  Bath;  by 
her,  who  d.  in  1840,  he  had  six  children,  of  whom  three  sons  and 
a  daughter  survive. 

He  became  a  corresponding  member  of  the  N.  E.  Hist.  Gen.  Society 
in  1848,  his  letter  of  acceptance  bearing  date,  Feb.  2. 


94  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [Jan. 

Jackson. — Francis,  Boston,  Nov.  14,  a.  72.  He  was  a  descendant 
in  the  fifth  generation  from  Edward1  Jackson  of  London,  Eng.,  one 
of  the  first  settlers  of  Newton,  Mass.,  who  was  born  in  London  about 
the  year  1G02.  Edward  followed  the  trade  of  a  nail-rnaker — was  the 
son  of  Christopher  Jackson,  and  was  bap.  Feb.  3,  1604.  His  first 
wife's  name  was  Frances,  by  whom  he  had  four  sons  and  four  daugh- 
ters. He  in.  2d,  in  March,  1649,  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  Newgate, 
and  wid.  of  Rev.  John  Oliver,  H.  C.  1645,  the  first  minister  of  Rum- 
ney  Marsh  (Chelsea),  by  whom  he  had  four  daughters  and  one  son. 
He  was  made  freeman  in  1645,  and  the  next  year  purchased  a  farm 
of  500  acres  in  Cambridge  village,  of  Gov.  Bradstreet,  paying  for  it 
£140.  This  farm  commenced  near  what  is  now  the  division  line 
between  Newton  and  Brighton,  and  extended  westward,  including 
what  is  now  Newtonville.  He  was  one  of  the  deputies  to  the  Gene- 
ral Court  from  Cambridge,  IT  years  in  all,  commencing  in  1641.  He 
was  a  selectman  of  Cambridge  in  1665;  one  of  the  commissioners  to 
end  small  causes  in  Cambridge  several  years,  and  filled  many  other 
offices  in  the  town.  Johnson,  in  his  Wonder  Working  Providence,  says: 
"He  could  not  endure  to  see  the  truths  of  Christ  trampled  under 
foot,  by  the  erroneous  party."  He  had  ten  children  in  this  country. 
Five  of  these  were  children  of  his  second  wife,  and  born  here.  The 
names  of  the  ten  children  were:  Hannah,2  Rebecca,-  Frances,2  Jona- 
than,2 Sebas,2  Sarah,2  Edward,2  Lydia,2  Elizabeth,2  Ruth,2  besides 
four  who,  it  is  supposed,  died  in  England.  He  d.  June  It,  1681,  a. 
79  yrs.  5  mos.  The  inventory  of  his  estate  proves  him  a  man  of 
wealth,  for  he  had  1600  acres  of  land.  His  property  was  prized  at 
£2,411.19.6,  including  two  men-servants,  valued  at  £5  each.  It  is 
a  remarkable  fact,  taken  in  connection  with  the  life  and  character  of 
his  descendant,  Francis,  who  was  such  an  uncompromising  abolition- 
ist, that  Edward,  his  ancestor,  was  a  slaveholder — probably  the  first 
in  Newton.  His  wife  outlived  him  twenty-eight  years,  and  d.  Sept. 
20,  1709,  a.  92.  His  son,  Sebas2  (by  his  first  wife),  sometimes  writ- 
ten Seaborn  upon  the  old  records,  according  to  tradition,  was  born 
on  the  passage  to  this  country;  he  m.  Sarah,  dau.  of  Thomas  Baker 
of  Roxbury,  19:  2:  1671,  by  whom  he  had  nine  children,  viz:  Edward,3 
Sebas,3  John,3  Sarah,3  Elizabeth,3  John,3  Jonathan,3  Marv,3  Joseph.3 
He  d.  Dec.  6,  1690;  his  widow  d.  March  25,  1726,  a.  84.  Their  young- 
est son  and  child,  Joseph,3  b.  March  6,  1690— just  three  month's  after 
the  death  of  his  father — m  Patience,  dau.  of  Samuel  Hyde  (grand- 
Bon  of  Dea.  Samuel),  Nov.  28,  1117;  had  children — Lydia*4  Timothy,4 
Joseph,4  Patience.4  Their  eldest  son,  Timothy,4  b.  April  20,  1726, 
m.  Sarah  Smith  of  Cambridge,  Feb.  20,  1752,  and  had — Lucy,5  Sarah,5 
Timothy,5  Mary,5  Abigail:5  he  d.  of  consumption,  June  18,  1714,  a. 
48;  his  wid.  d.  Nov.  27,  1797,  a.  81.  Their  son,  Timothy.5  b.  Aug. 
3,  1756;  m.  Sarah,  dau.  of  Stephen  Winchester,  Nov.  28,  1782;  had 
William,6  b.  Sept.  2,  1783,  who  was  a  representative  in  congress, 
and  d.  Feb.  27,  1855  (see  Meg,,  ix,  196);  Lucretia,6  b.  Aug.  16,  1785: 
m.  Enoch  Wiswall,  and  d.  Dec.  28,  1812;  Stephen  W.,6  b.  March  19, 
1787;  Francis,0  the  subject  of  this  notice,  b.  March  7,  1789,  m.  Eliza 
Copeland  of  Quincy,  and  had  Eliza  Frances,7  James,"  Harriette  Mar- 
tineau,7  Susan  Gardner,7  Francis,7  Francis;7  George,6  b.  April  22, 
1192;  Edmund,6  b.  Jan.  9,  1795. 

]862.]  Marriages  and  Deaths.  95 

Major  Timothy5  Jackson,  the  father  of  Francis,6  was  the  only  son 
of  his  parents.  He  was  a  subordinate  officer  in  the  revolutionary 
war,  was  subsequently  adjutant  and  brigade  major  in  the  militia, 
was  deputy  sheriff,  selectman,  representative.  He  d.  Nov.  22,  1814, 
a.  58;  his  wid.  d.  March  13,  1815,  a.  60. 

In  1854,  Francis  Jackson  published  a  History  of  Newton.  It  is  a 
valuable  work,  in  12mo,  pp.  556,  with  a  genealogical  register,  con- 
taining the  names  of  the  inhabitants  of  the  town  prior  to  the  year 
1800,  and  a  plan  of  the  town,  "  showing  the  approximate  location  of 
the  homesteads  of  the  early  settlers,  the  dwelling  houses  they  built, 
and  the  roads  they  laid  open,  from  1639  to  1100,  and  onward  to  1750." 
He  was,  at  one  time,  a  member  of  the  city  government,  but  of  late 
years,  through  conscientious  scruples,  had  withdrawn  from  all  public 
office.  He  devoted  himself  earnestly  to  the  cause  of  reform,  espe- 
cially the  anti-slavery  movement,  being  for  many  years  the  president 
of  the  Massachusetts  Anti-Slavery  Society.  He  was  noted  for  his 
honesty,  sound  judgment,  firmness,  perseverance,  and  unflinching  in- 

Lincoln. — Gilbert,  Taunton,  Sept.  2,  a.  93  yrs.  T.  mos.  11  days. 

Manchester. — Mrs.  Patty,  New  Bedford,  Oct.  24,  a.  90. 

McGregory. — Lieut.  Joel,  Newport,  N.  H.,  Oct.  31,  a.  100  yrs.  11 
mos.  9  days.  He  was  b.  in  Enfield,  Conn.,  22d  November,  1160.  He 
volunteered  in  the  army  of  the  Revolution,  was  taken  prisoner  and 
confined  in  the  "  old  sugar  house/'  New  York,  for  eight  months.  He 
has  enjoyed  good  health  in  his  last  years,  though  his  mind  has  been 
somewhat  impaired.  In  olden  time  he  worked  at  nail-making,  by 
hand,  and  has  made  tacks  so  small  he  could  put  one  thousand  of  them 
in  an  eggshell.  For  many  years  he  has  received  a  pension,  which, 
with  what  he  laid  by  in  hh  younger  years,  has  made  his  declining 
years  peaceful  and  happy.  It  is  supposed  that  he  is  the  last  sur- 
viving Revolutionary  soldier  in  New  Hampshire.  All  honor  to  his 
memory,  and  peace  to  his  ashes. 

Minot. — John,  Boston,  March  5,  a.  IT;  a  descendant  of  Elder  Geo. 
Minot  of  Dorchester. 

Porter. — Col.  Paul,  Wenham,  on  Sunday  last,  a.  85  yrs/ T  mos. 
For  seven  years  he  was  representative  to  the  general  court;  town 
clerk  ten  years;  thirteen  years  moderator  of  the  town  meetings,  and 
for  many  years  selectman,  &c.  In  the  war  of  1812,  he  was  colonel 
of  the  Ipswich  regiment  of  militia.  He  died  of  apoplexy. — Boston 
Journal,  Wednesday,  Nov.  6th. 

Putnam. — Lieut.  William  Lowell,  who  died  Oct.  22,  in  consequence 
of  wounds  received  in  the  battle  of  Ball's  Bluff,  the  day  previous. 
He  was  born  July  9,  1840 — being  21  years  old  at  his  death — was  a 
grandson  of  the  late  Rev.  Dr.  Charles  Lowell,  his  mother  being  a 
daughter  of  Dr.  L.  "The  body  of  the  deceased  was  brought  to  Boston, 
where  funeral  services  were  held  on  Monday,  Oct.  28th.  the  state 
joining  with  his  kindred  and  friends  in  celebrating  his  obsequies  in 
the  West  Church,  the  coffin  being  placed  on  the  same  spot,  in  front 

96  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [Jan. 

of  the  pulpit,  occupied  nine  months  before  by  that  of  his  maternal 
grandfather   above  mentioned.     A   discourse  was   delivered    on  the 
occasion  by  Rev.  Dr.  Bartol,  from  the  text:  "The  beauty  of  Israel  is 
"slain  upon  thy  high  places."     (See  Book  Notices.) 

Wilkins.— Hon.  John  Hubbard,  Boston,  Dec.  5,  a.  6*1,  lacking-  five 
days.  He  was  son  of  Samuel  and  Dorcas  (Towne)  Wilkins;  was  b. 
in  Amherst,  N.  H.,  Dec.  10,  1*194;  grad.  H.  C.  1818.  In  1821  he  came 
to  Boston,  and  entered  the  bookstore  of  Willard,  Gray  &  Co.,  and  in 
1826  he  was  admitted  as  a  partner  in  that  well  known  publishing 
house,  where  he  remained  until  1832,  when  he  withdrew,  and  the  next 
year  he  formed  a  copartnership  with  Charles  Bolles,  under  the  style 
of  John  H.  Wilkins  &  Co.,  as  paper  dealers,  in  Water  street.  In 
1835,  Mr.  Bolles  withdrew;  Mr.  Wilkins  then  took  in  as  a  partner, 
Richard  B.  Carter,  and  they  continued  the  business  under  the  firm  of 
Wilkins  &  Carter,  and  in  1844,  Hon.  Alexander  H.  Rice  (mayor  of 
Boston  in  185*7,  and  now  a  representative  in  congress)  was  admitted 
a  partner,  under  the  st}7le  of  Wilkins,  Carter  &  Co.  In  his  business, 
Mr.  Wilkins  displayed  great  talent  and  stern  integrity. 

In  1853  the  National  Bank  of  Boston  was  chartered,  and  Mr.  Wil- 
kins having  been  elected  its  president,  withdrew  from  mercantile 
pursuits,  and  devoted  himself  to  the  interests  of  that  institution, 
which  he  did  with  rare  ability.  He  held  the  office  of  president  until 
Nov.  1861,  when  at  the  annual  meeting,  on  account  of  his  ill  health, 
he  declined  being  a  candidate  for  re-election. 

Mr.  W.  has  been  a  most  useful  and  valued  citizen.  He  was  a 
member  of  the  Boston  common  council  in  1840,  ;41,  J42  and  '43;  was 
an  alderman  in  1844,  '48  and  '49;  was  elected  to  the  senate  in  the 
state  legislature,  in  1850  and  '51,  and  was  a  member  of  the  state 
convention  in  1853.  He  was  for  five  years  president  of  the  Cochitu- 
ate  water  board.  He  was  a  candidate  for  the  office  of  mayor  of 
Boston,  but  failed  of  an  election  by  a  few  votes. 

In  1822  he  published  the  first  edition  of  his  Elements  of  Astronomy, 
for  the  use  of  schools  and  academies.  This  treatise  met  with  a  rapid 
sale.  The  encouragement  he  received,  induced  him  to  correct  and 
somewhat  enlarge  his  work,  and  in  1823  he  issued  a  second  edition. 
Subsequently  the  book  was  stereotyped.  Iu  1822  the  celebrated 
Warren  Colburn  writes  thus  to  Mr.  Wilkins:  "I  have  examined  your 
treatise  on  astronomy,  and  I  think  that  subject  is  better  explained, 
and  that  more  matter  is  contained  in  this,  than  in  any  other  book  of 
the  kind  with  which  I  am  acquainted." 

During  the  discussion  of  the  subject  of  introducing  water  into  the 
city  of  Boston,  Mr.  Wilkins  took  a  prominent  part.  He  wrote  seve- 
ral pamphlets  on  the  question,  which  were  printed;  and  contributed 
many  valuable  articles  to  the  newspapers.  At  the  consecration,  June 
24,  1852,  of  Mount  Hope  Cemetery — located  in  Dorchester  and  "West 
Roxbury — Mr.  Wilkins,  as  president  of  the  corporation,  made  some 
introductory  remarks,  which  were  published  in  the  pamphlet  contain- 
ing the  order  of  services. 

He  m.  Nov.  17,  1826,  Mrs.  Thomasine  E.  Minot  (nee  Bond),  she 
being  a  sister  of  the  late  Prof.  William  Cranch  Bond  of  Harvard  Col- 
lege.    He  had  no  children.     His  wife  survives  him. 

1862.]  Historical  Intelligence.  97 


Lebanon  (N.  H.)  Centennial. — The  one  hundredth  anniversary  of 
the  incorporation  of  the  town  of  Lebanon,  N.  H.,  took  place  July  4th, 
1861.  G.  H.  Lathrop,  Esq.,  president  of  the  day.  Prayer  by  Rev. 
George  Storrs  of  New  York;  historical  address  by  Rev.  D.  H.  Allen, 
D.  D.,  of  Lane  Seminary,  Ohio;  a  poem  by  Rev.  C.  H.  Fay  of  Provid- 
ence, R.  I. — all  natives  of  the  town;  reading  of  the  Declaration  of 
Independence  by  Hon.  A.  H.  Cragin;  oration  by  Prof.  J.  W.  Patterson 
of  Dartmouth  College. 

Anniversary  of  Signing  the  Compact,  1620. — This  event  was  cele- 
brated, in  1861,  throughout  the  states  of  Massachusetts  and  Maine, 
the  governors  of  those  states  having  appointed  Nov.  21st  as  the  an- 
nual day  of  Thanksgiving.  Govs.  Andrew  and  Washburn  were 
highly  complimented  by  the  press,  for  their  choice  of  day;  and  the 
editors  of  some  of  the  principal  papers  prepared  elaborate  leaders, 
giving  a  history  of  the  event,  and  showing  the  important  influences 
that  flowed  from  it.  Many  of  the  clergy  in  their  sermons  took  occa- 
sion to  make  the  Pilgrims  and  their  Compact  the  subject  of  special 

In  1860,  this  anniversary  was  celebrated  by  the  New  England 
Historic-Genealogical  Society,  by  an  address  from  Rev.  Frederic  W. 
Holland  of  Dorchester.     See  Register,  vol.  xv,  page  96. 

Centennial  Celebration  at  Poultney,  Yt. — The  one  hundredth  an- 
niversary of  the  incorporation  of  the  town  of  Poultney,  was  celebrat- 
ed Sept.  21st,  when  all  the  sons  and  daughters  of  Poultney  were 
welcomed  to  "  the  old  homestead,  to  recount  the  joys  and  sorrows  of 
Auld  Lang  Syne,  and  make  a  record  for  the  future."  Historical 
sketch  by  Henry  Clark,  oration  by  Rev.  I.  Newton  Sprague. 

Proposed  Centennial  Celebration  of  tee  Incorporation  of  Bernards- 
ton,  Mass. — The  territory  now  contained  in  the  towns  of  Bernards- 
ton,  Leyden,  and  a  part  of  Coleraine,  was  granted  by  the  legislat- 
ure of  Massachusetts,  in  1135,  to  those  and  the  descendants  of  those 
who  were  engaged  in  the  battle  with  the  Indians  at  Turner's  Falls, 
on  the  Connecticut  river,  May  18th,  1676.  This  grant,  for  about  25 
years,  was  called  the  Falls  Fight  township,  or  Falls  town.  Said  ter- 
ritory was  incorporated  as  a  town,  by  the  name  of  Bemardston,  in 
1163.  At  a  town  meeting  held  in  Bemardston,  Nov.  5,  on  motion 
of  Hon.  Henry  W.  Cushman,  it  was  voted,  to  celebrate  next  year,  the 
one  hundredth  anniversary  of  the  incorporation  of  the  town:  and  a 
committee  was  appointed  to  make  the  necessary  arrangements.'  As 
a  matter  of  historical  interest  in  regard  to  centennials  and  bi-cen- 
tennials  that  occur  next  year,  in  Massachusetts,  we  would  mention 
that  Milton,  in  Norfolk  county,  was  incorporated  in  1662;  SandisHeld 
aud  Tyringham,  in  Berkshire  county;  Bemardston,  in  Franklin 
county;  Chesterfield,  in  Hampshire  county;  and  Athol,  Oakham,  and 
Templeton,  in  Worcester  county,  in  H62. 

98  Correction.  [Jan. 

The  towns  whose  centennials  came  this  year  were:  Great  Barring- 
ton,  Pittsfield,  Ooleraine,  Shutesbury,  Belchertown,  and  Ware.  Had- 
ley  was  incorporated  in  1661.  Has  there  been  corresponding  cele- 
brations in  these  towns?  Where  the  opportunity  occurs  but  once  in 
a  hundred  years,  it  would  seem  as  though  the  occasion  ought  to  be 
improved  by  the  inhabitants,  to  review  the  history  of  their  respective 
towns;  to  learn  of  the  past  those  salutary  lessons  which,  if  rightly 
studied  and  improved,  can  not  fail  to  result  in  good  for  the  future. 

Fortieth  Anniversary  of  the  Ordination  of  the  Rev.  Dr.  Burnham, 
at  Rindge,  N.  H.— The  fortieth  anniversary  of  the  ministry  of  Rev. 
Amos  W.  Burnham,  D.  D.,  at  Rindge,  was  publicly  celebrated  Nov. 
14th,  day  and  evening,  by  appropriate  services.  The  exercises  opened 
with  the  singing  of  one  of  the  old  tunes,  Strike  the  Cymbal.  After 
prayers,  reading  of  the  scriptures,  &c,  Dr.  Burnham  delivered  an 
excellent  historical  discourse  from  the  text,  "  Hitherto  hath  the  Lord 
helped  us."  At  the  close  of  the  exercises  in  the  church,  the  congre- 
gation repaired  to  the  Town  Hall,  where  a  collation  was  provided. 
This  was  followed  by  pleasant  speeches,  addresses,  singing,  <fcc., 
which  were  continued  in  the  evening,  Hon.  Marshall  P.  Wilder  of 
Dorchester,  a  native  of  Rindge,  taking  the  lead  in  singing,  as  he  did 
at  the  ordination  forty  years  ago.  It  is  hoped  that  the  sermon, 
addresses,  &c,  will  be  published. 

Twenty-Fifth  Anniversary  of  the  Settlement  of  Rev.  Dr.  Blagden, 
at  the  Old  South  Church,  Boston. — This  anniversary  occurred  on 
Saturday,  Sept.  28tb,  but  as  it  came  just  at  the  close  of  the  week, 
the  celebration  was  postponed  until  Monday,  Sept.  30th.  It  was  a 
social  gathering,  and  after  singing  by  the  choir,  prayer  by  Rev.  Dr. 
Jenks,  and  interesting  remarks  by  Deacon  Charles  Stoddard,  Rev. 
James  H.  Means,  Rev.  Joseph  H.  Thayer  and  others,  Dr.  Blagden  re- 
sponded in  a  brief  address.  A  collation  was  given  at  Music  Hall, 
after  the  exercises  at  the  church,  and  a  silver  pitcher  presented  to 
the  pastor.  An  interesting  commemorative  discourse  was  preached 
by  Rev.  Dr.  Blagden,  on  Sunday  morning,  Sept.  29th. 

Life  of  Gen.  Lyon. — Dr.  Ashbel  Woodward  of  Franklin,  Conn., 
has  in  preparation  a  life  of  the  late  Gen.  Nathaniel  Lyon. 

Correction. — On  page  311  of  the  Register,  Oct.  1861,  there  is  a 
mistake  in  the  foot  note  respecting  Mr.  Timothy  Thornton,  whose 
burial,  Sept.  22,  1126,  is  recorded  in  Bumstead's  Journal  on  the 
same  page.  The  error  is  in  supposing  him  to  be  identical  with 
another  Timothy  Thornton,  who  is  mentioned  by  Bumstead  in  the 
same  journal  (page  315)  as  living,  Dec.  1,  1T2T,  more  than  a  year 
afterward.  The  Mr.  Thornton  whose  burial  is  recorded  by  Bumstead, 
died  Sept.  19,  1126,  aged  19  years,  as  appears  by  his  gravestone. 
He  was  son  of  "the  aged  and  Rev.  Mr.  Thomas  Thornton,  form- 
erly minister  of  Yarmouth,"  Mass.,  who  died  Feb.  15,  1100,  aged 
nearly  93.  Bridgman's  Copp's  Hill  Epitaphs,  pp.  56,  209,  211.  Bond's 
History  of  Watertown,  pp.  602,  9pl. 


Book  Notices.  99 


The  Wetmore  Family  of  America,  and  its  Collateral  Branches:  with  Genea- 
logical, Biographical,  and  Historical  Notices.  By  James  Carnahan 
Wetmore.     Albany:  J.  Munsell.     1861.     8vo.     pp.  684. 

We  have  here  no  mere  dry  genealogical  forms  and  frameworks  of  a  family  or 
race,  but  an  exhibition,  to  a  good  extent,  of  the  lives  and  characters  of  those  who 
belong  by  connection  or  consanguinity  to  the  Wetmores.  The  work  is  truly  a 
"family  memorial,"  and  as  such,  it  should  be  prized  and  appreciated  by  every 
one  bearing  the  name.  There  are  many  interesting  biographical  sketches  of  indi- 
viduals, and  valuable  historical  matter  presented  in  these  pages.  Fortunate  is  the 
family  that  embraces  within  itself  such  an  assemblage  of  noted  men,  distinguished 
in  the  religious,  political,  judicial,  and  commercial  world;  in  the  army  and  navy 
of  the  Union;  in  the  public  and  private  walks  of  life — individuals  that  have  adorned 
their  country  and  its  history,  and  exerted  an  influence  that  will  be  seen  and 
felt  through  the  coming  ages.  The  work  is  elegant  and  attractive  in  appearance 
and  execution;  as  a  whole,  we  hardly  know  where  to  find  its  equal.  It  is  got 
up  in  Mr.  Munsell's  best  style,  which  is  known  to  be  an  excellent  one  Much 
praise  is  due  to  the  author  for  giving  to  the  world,  at  great  expense  it  must  have 
been,  such  a  beautiful  and  valuable  book.  The  photographs  are  fine — the  binding 
is  superior,  being  in  harmony  with  the  character  of  the  work. 

Thomas  Whitmore,  the  progenitor,  was  born  in  the  west  of  England,  in  1815, 
and  came  to  Boston,  Mass.,  in  1635.  His  name  appears  in  1639-40,  on  the  Weth- 
trsficld  (Conn.)  Town  Records,  as  an  owner  of  lauds  in  that  locality.  He  died  Dec. 
11,  1681,  aged  66  years,  leaving  sixteen  children,  by  his  three  wives,  Sarah,  Mary, 
and  Katharine.  Each  of  these  children,  male  and  female,  under  the  head  of  "  im- 
mediate descendants  of  Thomas  Whitmore,"  are  separately  noticed,  and  the  names 
and  time  of  birth  of  their  children  given.  The  next  stage  is,  to  give  the  descendants 
of  John,  the  first  child  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  (Hall)  Whitmore,  and  their  children, 
and  children's  children,  following  the  male  line  to  the  eighth  generation  inclusive. 
The  record  of  descendants  of  the  daughters  follow,  immediately,  their  mother's 
name,  while  the  record  of  the  descendants  of  the  sons  come  in  order  under  their 
proper  generation ;  so  that  each  family  is  kept  by  itself,  and  each  branch  of  the 
family  is  given  distinct  from  all  the  other  branches,  till  the  work  closes.  But  the 
principal  peculiarity  in  the  arrangement  is,  "  that  the  heading  of  each  particular 
family,  together  with  the  heading  of  the  page  above,  gives  the  entire  genealogy 
back  to  Thomas  the  founder  of  the  family."  As  an  instance,  in  the  regular  order 
of  generation,  by  reading  thus  :  u  James  Carnahan  Wetmore  "  (the  author),  "  child 
of  Rev.  Oliver,  son  of  Deacon  Oliver,"  with  the  head  line  of  the  page,  "  descend- 
ants of  Judge  Seth,  son  of  Izrahiah,  son  of  Thomas,"  the  first  ancestor,  it  gives  us 
the  entire  pedigree  through  six  generations,  and  by  continuation,  in  other  in- 
stances, through  nine  generations,  complete. 

At  what  particular  time  the  family  changed  the  spelling  of  their  name  from  Whit- 
more to  Wetmore,  it  does  not  appear.  It  is  thought,  however,  "  that  the  children 
of  the  third  (possibly  some  few  of  the  second)  in  part,  and  the  descendants  of  the 
fourth  generation  very  generally  adopted  the  name  of  Wetmore."  Mr.  Somerby, 
it  seems,  after  a  diligent  search  in  various  counties  of  England,  has  found  no  record 
of  a  family  spelling  their  surname  Wetmore.  Abstracts  of  wills  of  the  name  of 
Whitmore,  Whitmar,  Whitmer,  &c,  furnished  by  Mr.  Si,  are  introduced  into  the 
appendix,  where  also,  among  other  thing?,  are  notices  of  Pres.  Jonathan  Edwards, 
Elder  William  Brewster,  Hon.  John  Treadweil,  Rev.  Samuel  Kirkland,  and  Capt. 
Wiles  Standish. 

In  addition  to  the  Wetmore  family,  so  fully  represented  in  the  work  under  no- 
tice, there  are  "also  biographical  and  genealogical  notices  of  collateral  branches  of 
Backus,  Badger,  Barber,  Bexton,  Bigelow,  Binxey,  Bliss,  Boerum,  Booth,  Brew- 
ster, Butlee,  Chetwood,  Creesbrocgh,  Christophers,  Cottox,  Craft,  Dibble, 
Edwards,  Ehle,  Ellsworth,  Flewellino,  Goodrich,  Haight,  Hobbs,  Hopkins, 
«o*t,  Huftes,  Huaiikgtox,  Ja&vis,  Johssos,  Kikklasd,  Lamsox,  Lee,  Livlvgstox, 

100  Book  Notices.  [Jan. 

Metcalp,  Merritt,  Peter?,  Prime,  Phillips,  Pcddington-,  Rainsforb,  Rathbone, 
SiiEPAUD,  Sherwood,  Spooxer,  Standish,  Stoddard,  Story,  Stocgiitox,  Tkead- 
well,  Waldo,  Warner,  Walker,  Willard,  Williams,  White,  Whittlesey, 
Whitmork  (John  of  Stamford,  1649),  &c  ,  &c,  &c,  and  indexes  of  over  5,000 
names. " 

The  History  of  Haverhill,  Massachusetts,  from  its  first  Settlement,  in  1640, 
to  the  year  1860.  By  George  Wingate  Chase.  Haverhill:  Published 
by  the  Author.  1861.  For  sale  at  S.  G-.  Drake's,  13  Bromfield 
street,  Boston,  and  by  the  Author. 

Mr.  Chase  worthily  represents  the  good  old  town  of  Haverhill — its  character* 
history  and  institutions — in  his  invaluable  work  of  near  700  pages,  whose  title  we 
have  given  above.  This  fine  octavo  carries  its  own  encomium  with  it,  and  there- 
fore needs  no  praise  outside  of  the  book  to  recommend  it.  We  can  scarce  refrain 
from  lingering  at  the  threshold  of  this  notice  to  express  the  wish,  that  every  town 
in  New  England,  might  have  as  faithful  and  judicious  a  chronicler  as  the  historian 
of  Haverhill.  Where  is  the  historian  of  old  Salisbury  and  her  daughter,  Amesbury; 
of  Marblehead,  Manchester,  and  other  towns  that  might  be  mentioned?  Though 
Essex  county  has  contributed  more  than  her  quota,  it  may  be,  to  our  local  history, 
yet  there  is  much  that  remains  to  be  done  toward  gathering  up  the  interesting  and 
instructive  fragments  of  the  past,  scattered  through  her  thriving  towns  and  villages. 
Would  that  the  example  set  by  the  pattern  town  of  Haverhill,  of  voting,  unani- 
mously, that  $500  be  appropriated  toward  the  publication  of  her  history,  might  bo 
imitated  by  other  towns  and  municipalities  in  our  Commonwealth. 

Haverhill  was  one  of  the  frontier  towns,  and  was  subject  to  frequent  incursions 
from  the  Indians.  One  of  the  most  romantic  incidents  in  the  early  history  of  our  coun- 
try, was  the  well  known,  chivalrous  and  daring  exploit  of  Hannah  Duston  with  her 
savage  foes.  Her  very  name  is  associated  in  our  minds  with  the  town  of  Haver- 
hill. A  complete  and  graphic  narrative  of  the  whole  affair  is  here  presented,  special 
pains  having  been  taken,  as  it  would  seem,  by  the  compiler,  to  make  it  as  correct  as 
possible.  And  while  he  "  would  not  detract,"  as  he  says,  "  one  jot  or  tittle  from 
the  full  credit  due  the  mother  for  her  extraordinary  feat,"  he  claims  "  for  the  pure 
and  lofty  heroism  of  the  father,  a  larger  share  of  the  world's  applause  than  has  as 
yet  been  awarded  him."  In  accordance  with  these  feelings,  an  attempt  is  made — 
successfully  we  think — to  do  justice  to  this  courageous  and  noble-hearted  man. 
Other  incidents  and  details  of  savage  depredations  are  related.  An  epitome  of  the 
history  of  slavery  in  Massachusetts,  with  the  names  of  owners  of  slaves  in  Haverhill, 
till  the  death-blow  was  given  to  "  the  peculiar  institution  "  in  Massachusetts,  in 
1783,  are  here  registered. 

The  boundary  difficulties  that  prevailed  for  nearly  forty  years  between  Massachu- 
setts and  New  Hampshire,  from  1720,  are  detailed,  illustrated  with  drawings  from 
the  originals  in  the  Massachusetts  Archives,  and  here  for  the  first  time  printed. 

On  page  411,  we  find  a  scale  of  depreciations  in  the  paper  money,  from  Jan.  1777 
to  Dec.  1780,  copied  from  the  town  treasurer's  book.  The  worth  of  £100  in  paper 
money,  when  reduced  to  solid  coin  (at  the  rate  of  6s  8d  for  an  ounce  of  silver),  is 
presented  for  each  month,  at  its  specie  value,  in  Massachusetts,  New  Hampshire, 
and  in  Congress.  This  is  convenient  as  a  table  of  reference  for  those  who  would 
like  to  know  the  worth  of  the  paper  emission  at  any  period,  from  the  beginning  to 
the  end  of  the  above  dates. 

There  is  an  entertaining  account  of  Washington's  visit  to  Haverhill,  in  1789, 
when  he  made  his  eastern  tour ;  chapters  on  trade  and  manufactures ;  the  ecclesi- 
astical history  of  the  town  ;  biography,  genealogy,  kc,  &c,  with  other  topics  usually 
dwelt  upon  in  a  well  written  history.  The  indices  are  good,  embracing,  besides 
the  subjects,  upwards  of  three  thousand  names.  Among  the  illustrations  is  a  fine 
view  of  the  town,  and  a  fac-simile  of  its  Indian  deed,  dated  Nov.  15,  1642.  There 
are  also  other  views,  and  several  portraits  in  the  book. 

This  is  one  of  the  few  towns  in  our  Commonwealth,  of  which  there  are  two  his- 
tories extant  In  1832,  B.  L.  Minsk  published  a  History  of  Haverhill,  in  227  pages, 
12uio.  The  work  is  now  rare.  It  is  written  in  the  form  of  annals.  Mr.  Chase  has 
corrected  some  mistakes  made  by  Lis  predecessor,  and  enlarged  on  many  subjects 
where  Mr.  M.  was  brief,  besides  adding  a  vast  amount  of  matter  not  touched 
upon  by  the  previous  author. 

186  2.] 

Book  Notices.  10 1 

A  Record  of  the  Cope  Family,  as  established  in  America,  by  Oliver  Cope, 
who  came  from  England  to  Pennsylvania  about  the  year  1682,  with  the 
residences,  dates  of  births,  deaths  and  marriages  of  his  descendants  as  far 
as  ascertained.  By  Gilbert  Cope.  Philadelphia:  18G1.  8vo.  pn. 

We  welcome  this  accession  to  our  genealogical  literature  from  the  Key  Stone 
State,  for  it  is  seldom  that  we  receive  a  work  of  the  kind  from  that  quarter.  Of 
the  two  indices  in  the  hook,  one  is  of  a  general  character,  the  other  an  index  to 
marriages  only.  There  is  no  index  of  names  to  aid  a  stranger  in  finding  a  particu- 
lar member  of  the  family,  which  numbers  more  than  three  thousand.  There  are 
no  biographies,  and  scarce  any  personal  history  in  the  work.  The  compiler  says  : 
"  It  was  not  thought  best  to  insert  much  information  in  regard  to  the  wealth  ov 
occupations  of  the  different  members  of  the  family,  or  anything  that  would  tend 
to  a  discrimination  between  them,  socially  or  morally,"  being  quite  in  contrast 
with  the  Wetmore  Genealogy  noticed  in  this  number.  If  there  are  men  of  note  in  a 
family — individuals  whose  talents  and  influence  have  made  them  conspicuous  in 
their  public  and  private  walks,  as  men  of  integrity  and  virtue — why  not  embody 
the  prominent  facts  in  their  lives  into  a  work  that  purports  to  be  a  cenealogy  of 
that  family?  We  consider  those  fortunate,  as  we  have  before  said,  who  possess 
materials  of  this  nature.  We  make  the  above  remarks  in  no  fault-finding 
spirit  of  the  work  under  notice.  We  appreciate,  as  many  do  not,  the  labors  of  the 
compiler,  who  is  a  young  man.  He  has  manifested  great  industry  and  persever- 
ance in  collecting,  and  good  judgment  in  classification,  though  the  plan  differs 
somewhat  from  many  of  our  New  England  genealogies.  A  single  asterisk  is  used, 
in  the  arrangement,  to  separate  brothers  and  sisters — two,  to  divide  cousins — three, 
second  cousins,  &c. 

History  of  the  Town  of  Newburgh  [N.  Y.~\,  general,  analytical,  and  bio- 
graphical. By  E.  M.  Ruttenber.  Illustrated  with  views,  maps, 
portraits,  &c.f  &c.,  drawn  by  Chas.  W.  Tice,  engraved  by  David 
Nichols.     Newburgh.     Nos.  1-10.     8vo.     pp.  344. 

We  have  been  pleased  with  the  appearance  of  this  work,  as  from  time  to  time  a 
number  came  to  hand,  and  would  now  congratulate  the  author  on  its  completion. 
He  has  given  us  interesting,  and  we  doubt  not,  correct  accounts  of  the  rise  and  pro- 
gress of  Newburgh,  dating  back  more  than  two  and  a  half  centuries,  to  the  morning 
of  Sept.  15th,  1609,  when  the  navigator  Hudson,  in  his  "  Half  Moon  "  barque,  sailed 
into  that  quiet  bay,  and  when  under  the  light  of  an  autumnal  sun,  he  pressed  with 
his  feet  the  soil,  exclaiming  :  :{ It  is  as  beautiful  a  land  as  one  can  tread  upon." 

The  aboriginal  history  is  well  drawn,  as  also  the  history  of  the  worthy  Palatines, 
those  fugitives  from  the  Rhine  in  Germany,  about  fifty  in  number,  who  amid  hard- 
ships and  privations,  in  1709,  just  one  hundred  years  after  Hudson's  visit,  laid  tho 
foundation  of  the  present  town  of  Newburgh.  The  revolutionary  history  is  suc- 
cinctly narrated — public  enterprises  detailed — as  also  matters  ecclesiastical,  educa- 
tional and  local.  The  biographical  sketches  are  valuable,  and  the  illustrations 
appropriate.  The  whole  work  is  indeed  creditable  to  the  trio — author,  artist  and 
engraver — citizens  of  Newburgh — whose  portraits  adorn  the  title-page  of  their  joint 

Historical  Collections  of  the  Essex  Institute.  Vol.  m,  No.  4.  Salem, 
Mass,:  1861. 

This  number  contains  among  its  continued  articles,  Goodell's  Biographical  Notices 
of  the  Officers  of  Probate  for  Essex  County,  from  the  commencement  of  the  Colo- 
ny to  the  present  time ;  Craft's  Journal  of  the  Siege  of  Boston,  with  Notes  by  S.  P. 
Fowler;  History  of  the  Essex  Lodge  of  Free  Masons;  Abstracts  from  Wills,  &c.;  and 
Extracts  from  the  First  Book  of  Births,  Marriages  and  Deaths  of  the  City  of  Salcin, 
by  Ira  J.  Patch.  Besides  these  is  a  Genealogy  of  the  Derby  Family,  by  Ferley 
Derby  ;  Extracts  from  Letters  of  Capt.  George  Curwen,  while  on  the  expedition 
against  Louisburg,  &c.  The  primal  object  of  this  periodical,  is  (i  the  collection  and 
preservation  of  ail  authentic  memorials  relating  to  the  civil  history  of  the  county 
of  Essex,  Mass.,  and  of  the  eminent  men  who  have  resided  within  its  limits  from 

102  Book  Notices.  [Jan. 

the  first  settlement."  We  would  cheerfully  recommend  these  historical  collections 
to  the  sons  of  Essex  and  their  descendants.  The  work  is  issued  in  bi-monthly 
numbers  of  about  50  pages  each,  at  £2  per  annum. 

Transactions  of  the  Rhode  Island  Society  far  the  encouragement  of  Domes- 
tic Industry,  in  the.  year  1860.     Providence:  1861.     8vo.     pp.96. 

A  meeting  of  the  above  named  society  was  held  in  the  city  of  Providence,  R.  I., 
Jan.  23,  1861;  James  D'Wolf  Perry  of  Bristol,  president.  An  interesting  commu- 
nication from  Dr.  Usher  Parsons,  on  Flax  Culture  and  Manufacture,  was  presented, 
and  subsequently  printed  in  the  pamphlet  before  us.  The  necrologioal  report,  by 
the  secretary,  W.  R.  Staples,  gives  brief  memoirs  of  eleven  members  of  the  society, 
who  deceased  in  I860,  viz  :  John  Jones  Stimson,  Adnah  Sackett,  William  Burnit 
Bradford,  Daniel  Eldredge  Carpenter,  George  A.  Taylor,  Anthony  Budlong,  Thomas 
M.  Remington,  Luke  Green,  Robert  Rhodes,  Samuel  Billings,  Elisha  Dyer  Vinton. 

The  Life,  Labors,  and  Character  of  Rev.  Otis  A.  Skinner,  D.  D.  A  Dis- 
course delivered  in  the  Warren  Street  Universalist  Church  [Bos- 
ton], on  Sunday,  October  6th,  1861.  By  Rev.  Thomas  B.  Thayer, 
Pastor  of  the  Society.     8vo.     pp.  23. 

The  Mature  Christian  ripe  for  the  Harvest :  A  Sermon  preached  in  the 
Brattle-Square  Church  [July  28],  on  the  Sunday  succeeding  the 
Death  of  Moses  Grant,  senior  deacon  of  that  church.  By  Rev.  S. 
K.  Lothrop,  D.  D.     8vo.     With  an  Appendix,     pp.  38. 

Our  Sacrifices.  A  Sermon  preached  in  the  West  Church  [Boston], 
November  3,  1861,  being  the  Sunday  after  the  Funeral  of  Lieut. 
William  Lowell  Putnam.     By  C.  A.  Bartol.     8vo.     pp.  23. 

We  give  above,  the  titles  of  funeral  discourses,  preached  in  Boston,  on  occa- 
sion of  the  decease  of  three  individuals,  who  might  be  severally  designated  as — 
the  pastor,  the  philanthropist,  and  the  patriot.  Brief  notices  of  each  will  be  found 
in  our  obituary  department. 

The  Rebellion  Record ;  a  Diary  of  American  Events.  1860-61.  Edited 
by  Frank  Moore,  author  of  Diary  of  the  American  Revolution.  In 
three  divisions,  viz:  1,  Diary  of  Verified  Occurrences;  II,  Docu- 
ments, Narratives,  etc.;  Ill,  Poetry,  Anecdotes,  and  Incidents. 
New  York:  G.  P.  Putnam.  Part  9,  vol.  n.  Monthly  edition,  illus- 
trated with  portraits  of  Gen.  Lander  and  Bishop  Polk. 

In  this  number  the  Diary  of  Events  is  brought  down  to  July  12th.  Among  the 
important  documents  may  be  mentioned  one  by  Reverdy  Johnson,  on  The  Power 
of  the  President  to  Suspend  the  Habeas  Corpus  Writ;  also  a  Speech  of  Charles  D. 
Drake,  delivered  at  the  city  of  Louisiana,  Mo.,  July  4,  1861;  of  Joseph  Segar,  de- 
livered, in  the  Virginia  House  of  Delegates,  March  30th;  of  Galusha  A.  Grow;  of 
Daniel  S.  Dickinson,  &c. 

Mr.  Moore,  in  this  work,  carries  on  the  sifting  process  so  faithfully,  that  the 
digest  of  facts  here  presented,  must  be  of  great  value  to  every  one  who  takes  an 
interest  in  the  history  of  his  country;  while  the  documents,  being  published  entire, 
give  added  worth  to  the  publication  as  a  memorial  of  the  times  in  which  we  live. 

The  Southern  Rebellion,  and  the  War  for  the  Union.  A  History  of  the 
Kise  and  Progress  of  the  Rebellion,  and  consecutive  narrative  of 
event3  and  incidents  from  the  first  stages  of  the  Treason  against 
the  Republic,  down  to  the  close  of  the  conflict,  together  with  im- 
portant documents,  extracts  from  remarkable  speeches,  &c.  New 
York:  James  D.  Torrey,  publisher.     No.  16.     Dec.  4,  1861. 

The  number  before  us  completes  vol.  i  of  this  periodical.  It  differs  from  the 
work  before  mentioned,  by  giving  us  in  a  narrative  form,  a  connected  account  of 
the  whole  insurgent  movement  from  its  incipieuoy,  conducting  us  through  its  vari- 


Book  Notices.  103 

ous  phases  of  rebellion,  manifestly  exhibiting  throughout  the  weakness  and  wicked- 
ness of  its  adherents.  The  Record  gives  the  material,  the  warp  and  woof  of  history; 
the  work  now  under  notice  forms  it  into  a  more  complete  fabric. 

We  concur  with  Gov.  Andrew,  who  says:  "Such  a  condensation  of  facts,  and 
presentation  of  official  documents,  relating  to  the  present  war,  can  not  fail  to  be  of 
great  interest  and  utility,  and  in  future  years  will  be  invaluable  to  all  who  will 
wish  to  study  the  details  of  the  great  conspiracy  against  constitutional  liberty  and 
the  rights  of  humanity." 

Vermont  Quarterly  Gazetteer.  A  Historical  Magazine,  embracing*  a 
digest  of  the  history  of  each  town,  civil,  educational,  religious, 
geological  and  literary.  Edited  bv  Abby  Maria  Hemenway.  Lud- 
low, Vt.:  1861.     8vo.     pp.  120.     Nos.  1  and  2. 

This  is  surely  a  novelty  in  our  periodical  literature.  It  is  purely  democratic, 
also,  for  every  town  in  the  state  is  allowed  to  furnish  its  history,  each  in  its  own 
way — give  the  lives  of  its  men,  and  the  poetry  of  its  women;  not  only  permitted, 
but  expected  to  do  so.  We  hope  the  undertaking:  may  be  a  successful  one.  There 
seems  no  good  reason  why  it  should  not  be.  And  wbat  a  valuable  compendium  of 
history  of  the  Green  Mountain  State  we  shall  have  when  all  the  cities  and  towns  in 
its  fourteen  counties  are  represented  in  one  work — two  volumes,  at  least,  of  more 
than  SOU  pages  each,  if  the  plan  is  carried  out,  as  commenced,  of  having  120  pages 
to  a  number  Addison  county  is  complete,  in  the  first  number;  a  greater  portion 
of  Bennington  county  published  in  the  second;  to  be  followed  by  Caledonia,  Chit- 
tenden, and  other  counties,  in  alphabetical  order.  Portraits  of  Govs.  William  Slade 
and  Hiland  Hall  grace  the  numbers  before  us.  What  an  amount  of  racy  anecdotes, 
pleasant  biographies,  and  picturesque  facts,  are  here  unfolded;  the  patronage  table 
will  be  stored,  we  doubt  not,  with  names  in  some  degree  proportionate. 

Ine  Historical  Magazine,  and  Notes  and  Queries  concerning  the  Antiqui- 
ties, History,  and  Biography  of  America.  Vol  v,  No.  12.  December, 
1861.     New  York:  C.  B.  Richardson. 

This  is  the  closing  number  of  vol.  v.  We  have  looked  at  and  read  each  issue  of 
the  work  from  its  commencement,  with  great  interest,  and  are  gratified  at  the  hold- 
ing on  of  such  a  periodical  in  these  trying  times.  Five  volumes  of  such  garnered 
literature,  much  of  it  relating  to  our  colonial  and  revolutionary  history,  can  not 
fail  to  be  a  rich  accession  to  our  libraries;  and  to  our  antiquarian  gleaners,  in  par- 
ticular, it  must  be  very  acceptable. 

History  of  the  Reed  Family  in  Europe  and  America.  By  Jacob  Whitte- 
more  Reed,  member  of  the  New  England  Historic-Genealogical  So- 
ciety. Boston:  Printed  by  John  Wilson  &  Son.  1861.  8vo.  pp. 

The  author  of  this  book  informs  us  that  it  is  ten  years  since  he  commenced  his 
labors.  We  remember  him  five  years  ago  as  then  engaged  upon  the  work,  and 
noticed  the  zeal  with  which  he  pursued  his  researches.  He  has  now  published 
the  result  in  a  book  of  nearly  600  pages,  elegantly  printed,  illustrated  by  numerous 
portraits,  and  thoroughly  indexed.  He  deserves  the  gratitude  not  only  of  those 
whose  ancestry  he  has  so  patiently  and  successfully  investigated,  but  of  all  who 
take  an  interest  in  American  genealogy.  There  are  some  things,  it  is  true,  not  ex- 
actly to  our  taste.  We  think  a  better  arrangement  might  have  been  adopted,  and 
that  nearly  all  of  the  first  chapter  had  better  have  been  omitted. 

The  task  that  Mr.  Reed  has  undertaken,  is  rendered  more  difficult  by  the  number 
of  different  families  of  the  same  xiame,  or  of  similar  names,  that  exist  in  this  coun- 
*fj.  All  of  these  families — the  Reeds,  Reedes,  Reads.  Reades,  and  Reids — have 
their  genealogy,  more  or  less,  fully  displayed  here.  Of  course  so  wide  a  field  ren- 
ders the  work  more  liable  to  errors;  and  the  author  candidly  confesses  that  mis- 
takes and  omissions  will  doubtless  be  found  in  his  book.  He  has,  however,  en- 
deavored to  avoid  them  as  much  as  possible. 

104  Book  Notices.  [J; 

;  1 1 , 

The  Congregational  Quarterly.  October,  1861.  Vol.  in,  No.  4,  con- 
ducted under  the  sanction  of  the  Congregational  Library  Associa- 
tion and  the  American  Congregational  Union,  Boston. 
We  have  not  been  informed  as  to  the  precise  arrangements  for  carrying  on  of  vol. 
it  of  tins  periodical,  but  understand  at  the  time  of  writing  this  article,  that  the  Jan. 
No.  is  in  a  forward  state.  It  lias  been  announced  that  it  will  contain  a  memoir, 
with  a  fine  portrait,  of  the  late  Rev.  Joseph  S.  Clark,  D.  D.,  who  has  been  heretofore 
one  of  the  editors  of  this  valuable  work,  and  whose  withdrawal  by  death  has  been 
a  great  loss,  not  only  to  the  denomination  of  Christians  to  which  he  belonged,  and 
to  the  associations  with  which  he  was  connected,  but  to  the  public  generally.  An- 
other article  of  interest  expected,  is  one  on  the  Recent  Discoveries  in  regard  to  the 
Plymouth  Pilgrims,  with  a  woodcut  of  John  Robinson's  house  in  Leyden.  The 
ably  written  memoirs  prepared  for  this  quarterly,  with  the  accompanying  portraits, 
give  a  great  value  to  it.  These  alone  are  well  worth  the  single  dollar,  which  is  the 
subscription  price.     We  hope  it  will  be  liberally  sustained. 

Further  Traces  of  the  Ancient  Northmen  in  America.,  with  Geological  Evi- 
dences of  the  Location  of  their  Vineland.  Communicated  to  the  Historic- 
Genealogical  Society,  by  Rev.  Abner  Morse,  A.  M.,  and  published 
at  their  request.     8vo.     pp.  16. 

In  this  communication  Mr.  Morse  graphically  describes  stone  hearths  lately  found 
in  three  localities  upon  Cape  Cod,  deeply  buried  beneath  peat  and  the  stump  of  an 
ancient  oak.  He  gives  the  result  of  extensive  inquiries,  showing  that  these  heart*i3 
were  not  the  work  of  the  Aborigines,  but  of  another  people,  who  did  not  remain  to 
build  others,  and  whom  he  supposes  to  have  been  Northmen.  Mr.  M.  is  still  pur- 
suing the  subject,  and  has  further  ascertained  the  discovery  of  a  metallic  arrow 
point  on  Nantucket,  exactly  resembling  those  found  with  the  skeleton  at  Fall  River, 
and  the  use  of  steel  axes  in  the  southeast  part  of  Massachusetts,  as  long  ago  as  the 
construction  of  these  hearths.  * 


[Continued  from  vol.  xv,  page  191.] 
FROM  FEBRUARY  1,  1861,  TO  DECEMBER  1,  1S61, 

Life. — Calvin  Fletcher,  Indianapolis,  la. 

Resident. — Hales  W.  Suter,  Boston;  George  E.  Allen,  West  Newton;  Asa  Howland, 
Conway;  Bradford  Kingman,  Brookline;  Louis  A.  Surette,  Concord;  Wellington 
L.  G.  Hunt,  Boston;  Abram  E.  Cutter,  Chariestown;  Samuel  J.  Spalding,  New- 
buryport;  Nehemiah  Washburn,  Brookline;  Abraham  A.  Dame,  Hugh  Montgo- 
mery, Eliphalet  Jones,  Boston. 

Honorary. — William  Willis,  Portland,  Me.;  Frederick  Madden,  London,  Eng. ; 
Louis  Adolphe  Thiers,  Paris,  France;  George  R.  Noyes,  Cambridge. 

Corresponding. — Edward  Burgess,  Poughkeepsie,  N.Y. ;  I.  Daniel  Rupp,  Phila- 
delphia, Penn. ;  Jarvis  M.  Hatch,  Rochester,  N.  Y. ;  Benj.  H.  Hall,  Troy,  N.  Y.  j 
James  Riker,  Harlem,  N.  Y. ;  Beriah  Botfield,  Norton  Hall,  Daventry,  Eng. ;  E. 
George  Sqnier,  New  York  city;  Matthew  S.  Henry,  Philadelphia,  Penn.;  John 
Meigs,  Nashville.  Term. ;  Henry  Onderdonk,  Jr.,  Jamaica,  N.  Y. ;  William  E*.  Du 
Boi3,  Philadelphia,  Penn. ;  Richard  S  Charnock,  London,  Eng.;  Clifford  Stanley 
Sims,  Philadelphia,  Penn.;  G.  J.  Farish,  Yarmouth,  N.  S. ;  William  Winthrcp, 
Island  of  Malta;  Thos.  Spooner,  Reading,  0.;  Jas.  C.  Wetmore,  Columbus,  0.; 
Rufus  R.  Belknap,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. ;  Frederic  A.  Holden,  Washington,  D.  C. ; 
George  H.  Tucker,  New  York  city;  Gilbert  Cope,  Westchester,  Penn. ;  John  Rey- 
nolds, Belleville,  111.;  John  H.  Redfield,  Philadelphia,  Penn.  ;  Robert  P.  Du  Bois, 
New  London,  Penn. 




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1862.]  Memoir  of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh.  105 

Born,  1552;  Beheaded,  18  Oct.,  1618. 

Few  memories  of  any  period  have  received  more  attention,  than 
that  of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh;  and  few  periods  of  the  world's  history 
afford  such  a  constellation  of  names  as  that  of  the  reign  of  Queen 
Elizabeth.  This  can  hardly  fail  to  be  admitted,  if  a  brief  survey  be 
taken  of  even  a  portion  of  what  has  been  written  under  the  titles  of 
Lives  and  Memoirs  of  the  men  of  that  time. 

Among  the  notables  of  the  Elizabethan  period  stands  prominent 
Sir  Walter  Ralegh  (as  he  uniformly  wrote  his  name,  but  Rawley  as 
everybody  pronounced  it).  It  will  not  be  hazarding  much,  it  is  pre- 
sumed, to  pronounce  the  prominence  of  that  Knight  as  rather  an  un- 
due or  factitious  one,  and  to  venture  the  opinion  that  much  of  his 
fame  is  owing  to  his  tragical  death. 

Notwithstanding  the  great  amount  of  materials  for  a  Life  of  Ra- 
legh, and  the  extensive  memoirs  which  have  been  published  of  him, 
almost  nothing  is  known  of  his  early  years.*  Respecting  these  ma- 
terials a  remark  is  thought  to  be  necessary.  William  Oldys  drew 
up  a  very  elaborate  Life  of  Ralegh  which  he  prefixed  to  "the  ele- 
venth edition"  of  the  History  of  the  World,  published  in  1136,  in  two 
volumes  in  folio.  Before  this  time  nothing  like  justice  had  been 
rendered  to  the  memory  of  the  "  wandering  knight."  This  edition 
of  the  History  of  the  World  was  brought  out  in  a  style  of  magnifi- 
cence then  rarely  equaled.  With  that  work  was  issued  a  portrait, 
done  in  the  highest  style  of  the  art,  bearing  this  inscription:  "  From 
a  picture  in  possession  of  William  Elwes,  Senr.,  Esqr.,  formerly 
belonging  to  Lady  Elwes,  eldest  daughter  of  Sir  Walter,  grand- 
son of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh."  It  was  executed  by  G.  Vertue,  1735. 
By  a  reference  to  the  pedigree  of  Ralegh  in  this  Memoir,  it  will  be 
seen  that  "Lady  Elwes"  was  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Sir  John  Elwes,  Kt. 
Respecting  the  work  of  Mr.  01(hrs  it  may  be  further  remarked,  that 
it  has  been  the  foundation  of  all  the  Lives  of  Ralegh  since  its  publi- 
cation, or  all  of  much  account.  Its  author  was  a  true  antiquary, 
and  has  deserved  well  of  historians  as  well  as  antiquaries,  however 
slightly  biographers  have  passed  over  him. 

The  next  work  of  importance  upon  Ralegh,  was  published  by  Dr. 
Thomas  Birch,  M.  A.,  F.  R.  S.  This  is  in  two  handsome  octavos,  and 
was  issued  in  1751,  fifteen  years  after  the  work  of  Mr.  Oldys.  The 
character  of  Dr.  Birch  as  an  antiquary  and  historian,  is  too  well 
known  to  need  special  notice  here,  but  it  may  not  be  out  of  place 
to  remark,  that  his  Life  of  Ralegh  is  much  less  valuable  than  that 
by  Oldys.  He  entitles  his  volumes:  The  Works  of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh, 
*&.t  Political,  Commercial,  and  Philosophical ;  together  with  his  Letters 
and  Poems  •  the  whole  never  before  collected  together,  and  some  never  yet 
printed;  to  which  is  prefixed,  a  new  Account  of  his  Life. 

*  Lord   Bacon  lias  indeed  preserved  one  anecdote  of  Ralegh's  college  days,  bat 
it  is  too  frivolous  for  serious  biography. 

Vol.  XVI.  H 

106  Memoir  of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh.  [April 

For  the  next  fifty  years  Ralegh  seems  to  have  been  somewhat 
neglected,  saving  by  the  general  historian  of  England.  But  in  1805 
appeared  two  elegant  quarto  volumes,  in  which  more  pains  was 
taken  to  polish  the  character  of  Sir  Walter  than  had  been  done  since 
the  labors  of  Oldys.  These  volumes  were  accompanied  also  by  a 
a  fine  engraving,  apparently  copied  from  that  of  Oldys.  They 
are  by  Arthur  Cayley,  Jr.,  Esq.,  who  has  also  deserved  well  of 
all  readers  of  history  of  the  age  of  Elizabeth.  But  the  labored  life 
of  Ralegh  prefixed  to  the  History  of  the  World,  published  apparently 
in  the  lifetime  of  the  Knight,*  to  which  Oldys,  Cayley,  Birch,  and 
others  have  been  greatly  indebted,  should  not  be  overlooked.  In  the 
title-page  is  a  portrait  of  Ralegh,  engraved  by  Simon  Pass.  Of  the 
modern  lives  of  him,  it  is  not  necessary  to  speak.  Notwithstanding 
the  researches  of  all  who  have  yet  written,  there  remain  numerous 
documents  in  the  State  Paper  Office  and  the  British  Museum,  un- 
touched by  the  biographers  of  Ralegh.  Of  them  much  use  will 
be  made  in  this  memoir. 

As  Sir  Walter  Ralegh  has  been  considered  by  his  biographers,  a 
sort  of  universal  genius,  they  did  not  know  under  what  head  to  class 
him;  for  he  was  a  soldier,  a  sailor,  a  historian,  poet,  and  a  courtier. 
Some  of  them  have  set  him  down  as  a  lawyer — probably  because  he 
talked  like  one  on  various  occasions — but  though  he  was  for  a  time 
in  lodgings  where  lawyers  were  made,  he  says  himself  he  did  not 
study  the  law.  Anthony  Wood  said,  in  his  time,  "it  still  remained 
a  dispute,  whether  the  age  he  lived  in  is  more  obliged  to  his  pen  or 
his  sword."  Sir  Robert  Naunton,  his  contemporary,  has,  with  as 
great  truth  as  brevity,  exhibited  the  fortunes  of  this  singularly  un- 
fortunate man.  He  says:  "As  for  the  remaining  part  of  his  life 
[after  1576],  it  was  sometimes  low,  and  sometimes  in  a  middle  con- 
dition, aud  often  tossed  by  fortune  to  and  fro,  and  seldom  at  rest. 
He  was  one  that  fortune  had  picked  up  on  purpose,  of  whom  to  make 
an  example,  or  to  use  as  her  tennis-ball,  thereby  to  show  what  she 
could  do;  for  she  tost  him  up  out  of  nothing,  and  to  and  fro  to  great- 
ness, and  from  thence  down  to  little  more  than  to  that  wherein  she 
found  him,  a  bare  gentleman,  not  that  he  was  less,  for  he  was  well 
descended,  and  of  good  alliance,  but  poor  in  his  beginnings;  and  for 
my  Lord  of  Oxford's  jest  of  him  (the  Jack,  and  an  upstart),  we  all 
know,  it  savors  more  of  emulation,  and  his  humor,  than  of  truth;  and 
it  is  a  certain  note  of  the  times,  that  the  Queen  in  her  choice  never 
took  into  her  favor  a  mere  new  man/'y 

The  relationship  of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh  to  many  remarkable  men, 
particularly  to  Devonians,  as  well  as  the  pedigree  of  his  family,  are 
exhibited  by  the  following  table:! 

*  According  to  the  frontispiece,  this  edition  of  the  History  of  the  Wonid  was 
printed  in  1614,  while  the  life  prefixed  records  the  beheading  of  the  author,  in 
1618.  And  then  by  the  colophon  the  work  was  printed  in  1624.  This  collation 
is  given  to  show  how  publishers  sometimes  lead  us  astray,  however  careful  we 
intend  to  be. 

tBut  from  a  priority  of  publication,  this  might  be  attributed  to  Winstaniey.  or 
to  Lioyd.  Naunton  published  his  Fragnunta  Regalia,  1642.  Winstmley  his 
Worthies,  1660,  and  Lloyd  his  Statesmen,  1664. 

t  Compiled  in  part  from  an  ingenious  article  in  The  Arehaologia  (Soc.  jSntiquaries), 
vol.  xxxw,  p.  225. 


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108  Memoir  of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh.  [April 

In  the  latter  half  of  the  sixteenth  century,  there  were  living  within 
and  about  the  county  of  Devon  a  truly  wonderful  race  of  men.  There 
were  the  families  of  the  Raleghs,  the  Gilberts,  the  Drakes,  the  Fortes- 
cues,  the  Carews,  the  Cimmpernons,  the  Grenvilles,  the  Gorges, 
and  several  others  which  might  be  named.  AYiJli  all  of  these  Sir 
Walter  Ralegh  was  connected  by  consanguinity,  and  he  sometimes 
spoke  with  satisfaction  of  his  affinity  "  with  all  the  great  families  in 
those  western  parts." 

Sir  Walter  was  born  in  1552  (Gth  Edward  VI),  at  a  farm-house 
of  his  father,  called  Haye's,  in  the  parish  of  East  Budleigh  (called 
Duke's  Haye's  in  Prince's  time,  because  belonging  to  Duke  of 
Otterton).  He  was  the  youngest  sou  of  Walter  Ralegh,  of  Fardell 
a  seat  but  eight  miles  to  the  east  of  Plymouth.  By  a  reference  to 
Prince,  and  other  writers,  the  pedigree  of  Ralegh  may  be  carried 
back  many  generations,  even  to  the  Norman  conquest,  before  which 
time  Smallridge  was  in  possession  of  this  family.  As  will  be  seen 
by  the  pedigree  annexed,  his  mother  was  a  daughter  of  Sir  Philip 
Champernon  of  Modbury,  widow  of  Otho  Gilbert  of  Compton,  and 
that  Sir  Walter  was  half-brother  of  the  distinguished  brothers,  Sir 
John,  Sir  Humphrey  and  Sir  Adrian  Gilbert, 

Of  the  earl}'  life  of  Ralegh  there  appears  to  be  no  account.  His 
grandson,  Philip  Raleigh,  Esq.,  says  his  family  was  "  more  consid- 
erable for  antiquity,  than  largeness  of  fortune,  which  had  been 
much  impaired  by  the  generosity  and  prodigality  of  ancestors.'7* 
However,  he  was,  by  some  means,  fitted  for  college,  and  was  entered 
of  Oriel,  at  Oxford,  about  1568.  There  he  continued  about  a  year, 
after  which  we  find  him  at  the  Inns  of  Court.  But,  remarks 
Naunton,  "  his  approaches  to  the  University  and  Inns  of  Court  were 
the  grounds  of  his  improvement,  but  they  were  rather  excursions 
than  sieges,  or  sittings  down,  for  he  stayed  not  long  in  a  place." 
By  the  close  of  another  year,  he  is  found  embarking  with  his  kins- 
man, Henry  Champernon,  in  an  expedition  into  France,  which  expe- 
dition was  for  the  succor  of  the  Huguenots.  About  six  years  of  his 
life  is  supposed  to  have  been  passed  in  this  service,  in  which,  accord- 
ing to  Cayley,  "  nearly  thirty  battles,  sieges,  treaties  and  capitula- 
tions" took  place.  "The  school  must  have  been  a  fine  one"  for  his 
initiation  into  the  arts  of  war  and  diplomacy.  He  was  in  that  coun- 
try when  the  bloody  massacre  of  St.  Bartholomew,  in  1572,  took  place. 

Returning  to  England  in  1576,  he  immediately  entered  into  the 
service  against  the  Spaniards  in  the  Low  Countries.  There,  under 
Sir  John  Norris,  he  acted  a  conspicuous  part,  and  was  at  the  battle 
of  Rimenant,  on  Lammas-day,  1578,  in  which  Don  John  of  Austria, 
the  hero  of  Lepanto,  was  defeated,  which  defeat  he  survived  only 
two  months. 

On  his  return  to  his  own  country,  in  1579,  he  found  his  half- 
brother,  Sir  Humphrey  Gilbert,  fitting  out  an  expedition  for  New- 
foundland, of  which  the  Queen  had  given  him"  a  patent.  Capt. 
Francis  Drake  had  returned  from  the  West  Indies,  with  much  wealth 

*  Philip  spells  the  name  of  his  grandfather,  Raleigh,  in  accordance  with  his 
own.  The  second  edition  of  his  account  was  printed  in  1702,  in  octavo.  It  has  a 
preface  by  the  well  known  Laurence  Echard,  dated  25th  Oct.,  1697. 

1862.]  Memoir  of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh.  109 

taken  from  the  Spaniards,  and  was  again  upon  a  secret  expedition 
into  unknown  seas.  No  little  emulation  had  been  excited  among 
seamen  by  his  adventures.  Ralegh  seized  upon  the  first  opportunity, 
therefore,  to  become  familiar  with  maritime  affairs.  He  accordingly 
embarked  with  Sir  Humphrey,  but,  falling  in  with  some  Spanish 
ships  of  war,  was  attacked  by  them  and  the  voyage  ruined.  Soon 
after  this  misfortune  he  embarked  for  Ireland.  The  Pope  had 
sent  soldiers  there  to  root  out  the  Protestants,  and  Elizabeth  was 
determined  to  sustain  them.  In  this  service  he  fought  in  many 
sanguinary  skirmishes,  thereby  came  into  notice,  and  received  the 
appointment,  among  others,  of  governor  of  Cork.  This  brings  our 
history  to  1580,  at  which  time  Lord  Grey  was  sent  over  to  take  the 
chief  command  in  that  country,  between  whom  aud  Ralegh  a  dispute 
arose,  of  the  nature  of  which  history  is  not  very  explicit.  However, 
it  was  probably  the  cause  of  Ralegh's  quitting  Ireland  and  returning 
to  England,  where  the  fame  of  his  exploits  had  doubtless  preceded 
him.  His  return  is  fixed  ''towards  the  close  of  15S1,"  at  which  time 
all  Europe  was  astir  in  admiration  of  the  then  wonderful  achievements 
of  Sir  Francis  Drake,  wTho  had  recently  returned  from  his  voyage 
around  the  world,  with  immense  wealth,  and,  as  Camden  says,  still 
greater  renown.  This  mighty  undertaking  filled  the  souls  of  such 
men  as  Ralegh,  and  spurred  them  on  to  emulate,  as  far  as  they  might, 
the  glory  of  that  enterprise.  Drake,  too,  had  performed  signal  service 
in  Ireland,  by  the  means  of  which  he  was  brought  to  the  notice  of 
Elizabeth;  and  now  the  same  thing  happened  to  Ralegh.  But  he 
was  not  so  fortunate  in  the  Queen's  acquaintance  as  Drake  had  been, 
for  the  latter  was  not  beguiled  into  a  fawning  dalliance  about  her, 
but  only  used  his  introduction  at  Court  for  the  furtherance  of  mighty 
undertakings  for  the  glory  of  England  and  the  Protestant  cause. 

It  is  said  that  Ralegh  first  attracted  Elizabeth's  notice  by  one  of 
those  servile  acts  so  much  esteemed  in  those  times.  The  Queen 
walking  abroad  one  day,  and  coming  to  a  fenny  place,  was  hesitating 
how  to  pass  it.  Ralegh  was  an  accidental  observer  of  her  difficulty, 
and  hastening  to  the  spot,  took  off  his  richly  embroidered  plush  cloak, 
6pread  it  upon  the  place,  upon  which  she  passed  lightly  over.*  At 
another  time,  being  in  an  apartment  of  the  Queen,  he  wrote  upon  a 
window,  for  her  observation,  "  Fain  would  I  climb,  yet  fear  I  to  fall." 
Under  this,  when  she  saw  it,  the  Queen  wrote,  *  If  thy  heart  fail 
thee,  climb  not  at  all."  Whether  these  were  actual  occurrences  or 
not,  it  is  quite  certain,  as  Lodge  remarks,  that  they  were  consistent 
with  the  practices  of  those  times,  and  agreeable  to  the  frivolities  of 

If  the  person  of  Ralegh  is  accurately  described  by  Sir  Robert 
Naunton,  who  knew  him  well,  it  is  highly  probable  that  Queen 
Elizabeth  used  those  arts  to  attract  him  which  she  possessed  in  per- 
fection, and  which  she  did  not  fail  to  exercise  on  other  occasions. 
Ralegh  had,  says  Sir  Robert,  "  in  the  outward  man,  a  good  pre- 
sence, in  a  handsome  and  well  compacted  person,  a  strong  natural 

*  Fuller  says  Ralegh's  clothes  were  then  a  considerable  part  of  his  estate ;  but 
that  the  Queen  rewarded  him  afterwards  with  many  suits,  for  his  so  free  and  sea- 
sonable tender  of  so  fair  a  foot-cloth. —  IVorthies,  in,  419. 

110  Memoir  of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh.  [April 

wit,  and  a  better  judgment,  with  a  bold  and  plausible  tongue, 
whereby  he  could  set  out  his  parts  to  the  best  advantage;  and  to 
these  he  added  the  adjuncts  of  some  general  learning,  which  by 
diligence  he  enforced  to  a  great  augmentation  and  perfection;  for 
he  was  an  indefatigable  reader,  whether  by  sea  or  land,  and  none  of 
the  least  observers  both  of  men  and  times."  In  this  connection  may 
be  noted  what  another  has  said:  "He  seemed  to  be  born  to  that  only 
which  he  went  about;  so  dexterous  was  he  in  all  his  undertakings, 
in  camp,  in  court,  by  sea,  by  land,  with  sword,  with  pen."*  Thus 
he  was  a  fit  subject  for  an  artful  woman,  as  Elizabeth  was,  to  prac- 
tice her  arts  upon.  And,  although  he  was  doubtless  quite  as 
attractive  to  the  female  sex  as  they  were  to  him,  he  had  not  the 
power  of  repulsion  in  an  equal  degree.  And  thus,  in  the  language 
of  one  of  his  early  biographers,  "he  dallied  like  a  fly  in  the  flame 
till  it  consumed  him." 

Ralegh's  long  confinement  in  the  Tower  had  the  effect  to  gain 
him  a  high  reputation  for  learning,  and,  judging  from  what  he  has 
left  us,  he  was  one  of  the  best  scholars  of  the  age  in  which  he  lived. 
His  great  work,  The  History  of  the  World,  is  indeed  a  great  monu- 
ment to  his  memory,  as  it  is  equally  a  monument  to  his  want  of 
judgment  in  the  choice  of  a  subject.  It  is  said  that  he  brought  the 
work  down  to  his  own  times,  in  another  volume,  and  that  before  his 
death  he  burnt  it,  because  his  publisher  of  the  former  volume  told 
him  it  had  sold  so  badly  it  had  undone  him.  The  continuation  would 
doubtless  have  been  of  great  value  to  us,  if  he  had  but  treated  of 
the  affairs  known  to  him  personally,  while  few  now  think  of  reading 
his  history  of  the  antediluvian  world. 

Being  now,  1582,  in  the  full  sunshine  of  Elizabeth,  Ralegh  was 
by  her  sent  to  France,  with  Simier,  who  was  an  agent  of  the  Duke 
of  Anjou,  for  effecting  the  Duke's  marriage  with  the  Queen,  and  after- 
wards attended  Anjou  himself  to  Antwerp.  The  next  year,  with  the 
approbation  of  her  majesty,  he  adventured  with  Sir  Humphrey  Gil- 
bert, in  his  fatal  voyage  for  Newfoundland,  in  a  ship  of  his  own,  and 
bearing  his  name.  This  vessel  was  forced  to  return  before  getting 
far  from  the  English  coast,  owing  to  a  contagious  disease  which 
broke  out  among  the  crew.  From  this  attempt  at  colonizing  New- 
foundland by  Gilbert,  but  one  ship  returned  besides  that  of  Ralegh, 
just  mentioned. f 

But,  with  some  temperaments,  the  more  difficult  the  object  to  be 
attained,  the  greater  will  be  the  energy  brought  into  action  to  over- 
come it.  Dazzled  by  the  renown  acquired  by  Drake  in  his  disco- 
veries, Ralegh  determined  to  plant  a  colony  in  America.  On  the  for- 
tunes attending  that  enterprise  it  is  unnecessary  to  enlarge,  as  no 

*  From  the  anonymous  Life  of  Ralegh  prefixed  to  his  History  of  the  World, 
edition  purporting  to  have  been  published  in  1614,  but  containing  an  account  of 
his  execution  in  161S.  The  plagiarisms  of  early  authors  are  very  embarrassing  to 
writers  who  wish  to  give  due  credit.  The  above  extract  was  supposed  to  belong  to 
quaint  Fuller.     See  his  Worthies,  as  cited  in  the  last  note. 

t  The  Queen  advised  Sir  Humphrey  to  give  up  his  enterprise  to  others,  telling 
him  he  was  known  "  for  no  good  hap  at  sea."  She  might  well  have  said  the  same 
to  Ralegh,  for  in  all  of  his  undertakings,  save  possibly  that  of  1596,  he  was  unfor- 
tunate.    Whatever  was  accomplished,  was  done  without  his  being  present. 

1862.]  Memoir  of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh.  Ill 

one  can  bo  supposed  to  be  ignorant  of  them.  Suffice  it  to  be  said, 
that  in  his  attempts  to  colonize  Virginia,  Ralegh  himself  never 
accompanied  an  expedition.  One  of  his  principal  men  in  the  enter- 
prise was  Arthur  Barlow,  who  had  served  with  him  in  Ireland,  and 
wrote  an  account  of  his  voyage  to  Virginia,  which  has  been  many 
times  printed. 

The  fame  of  his  discoveries,  or  those  made  under  his  auspices, 
added  to  that  he  had  previously  acquired,  occasioned  him  so  much 
popularity  that  he  was  elected  to  Parliament  in  1584,  and  was  soon 
after  honored  as  "Sir  Walter  Ralegh."  When  or  where  he  received 
the  honor  of  knighthood,  does  not  appear,  but  it  was  undoubtedly 
conferred  during  one  of  his  expeditions  by  its  chief  commander,  as 
was  the  custom  of  the  time;  though  some  of  Ralegh's  recent  biogra- 
phers assert  that  he  was  knighted  by  the  Queen,  yet  they  are  careful 
not  to. state  the  time  or  occasion.  About  this  time  Ralegh  was  made 
farmer  of  wines  in  the  kingdom,  which  brought  him  a  large  revenue. 

In  1585,  Capt.  John  Davis  began  his  voyages  to  the  North  AVest. 
Ralegh  was  concerned  with  this  adventurer.  The  same  year,  he 
sent  out  seven  ships  under  Sir  Richard  Granville,  to  prosecute  farther 
his  settlement  of  Virginia.  Ralph  Lane,  afterwards  with  Drake  and 
Norris  in  Spain,  was  sent  over  as  governor.  Granville  returned  with 
good  success,  having  captured  a  rich  Spanish  ship  during  the  voyage. 
And  about  the  same  time  a  grant  of  12,000  acres  of  land  was  con- 
ferred on  him  in  Ireland,  of  which  the  real  owners  had  been  dispos- 
sessed by  the  sword. 

But  Ralegh's  colony  of  Virginia  was  badly  governed  by  Lane,  and 
poorly  provided  with  the  means  necessary  to  make  it  permanent; 
and  despairing  of  aid  from  England,  Lane  took  the  first  opportunity  to 
abandon  the  country.  The  colony  was  accordingly  taken  on  board  Sir 
Francis  Drake's  fleet,  and  landed  at  Plymouth,  in  Devonshire,  July 
27th,  1586.  Thus  the  country  concerning  which  such  glowirg 
accounts  had  been  published,  was  entirely  abandoned;  and  yet  Sir 
Walter  was  very  high  in  the  Queen's  favor,  of  which  he  had  new 
proofs,  being  appointed  by  her,  Seneschal  of  the  Duchies  of  Cornwall 
and  Exeter,  and  Lord-warden  of  the  Stannanes  in  Devonshire  and 
Cornwall.  To  these  was  about  the  same  time  added  the  Captaincy 
of  the  Queen's  guard. 

With  Ralegh's  colonists  tobacco  was  brought  into  England,  and 
by  Ralegh  its  use  was  introduced  into  respectable  society,  if  such 
then  existed  in  high  places.  Connected  with  its  introduction,  some 
anecdotes  are  told,  and  among  them  these.  Sir  Walter  was  smoking 
alone  in  his  private  room  one  evening,  and  being  thirsty,  ordered  his 
servant  to  bring  him  a  mug  of  ale.  The  servant  having  never  seen 
a  person  in  the  act  of  smoking,  and  opening  the  door  of  Sir  Walter's 
apirtment,  seeing  a  volume  of  smoke  issuing  from  his  mouth,  and 
supposing  he  must  be  on  fire  inside  and  had  called  for  ale  to  quench 
it,  dashed  the  ale  in  his  face,  and  running  out,  gave  the  alarm  that 
his  master  was  all  on  fire.  At  another  time,  he  was  conversing  with 
the  Queen  upon  the  properties  of  tobacco,  and  their  conversation 
happened  to  lead  to  the  question  of  the  weight  of  the  smoke  of  a 
given  quantity  of  the  herb;  and  when  Ralegh  told  her  he  could 
determine  accurately  its  weight,   she  was   somewhat   incredulous, 

112  .    Memoir  of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh.  [April 

thinking  be  was  "playing1  the  traveler/'  and  proposed  a  wager  that 
he  could  not  perform  such  an  operation.  Whereupon  Ralegh  weighed 
out  a  pipe  of  tobacco,  and  then  smoking  it  out,  put  the  ashes  into 
the  scale  and  weighed  it.  The  solution  was  easily  seen  by  the  Queen. 
The  difference  in  weight  between  the  tobacco  and  its  ashes  was  the 
weight  of  the  smoke!  She  paid  the  wager,  remarking  that  "she 
had  known  many  who  had  turned  gold  into  smoke,  but  that  he  was 
the  first  one  she  had  ever  known  who  turned  smoke  into  gold." 

In  1586,  Ralegh  fitted  out  an  expedition  to  the  Azores.  Several 
prizes  were  taken,  in  one  of  which  was  Pedro  Sarmiento,  who  had 
been  sent  by  the  Spanish  government  to  plant  a  colony  in  and  to 
fortify  the  Straits  of  Magellan.  With  him  were  taken  numerous 
papers  of  value  to  the  British  government.  Many  of  them,  of  pri- 
mary importance,  are  yet  extant  in  the  British  Museum,  but  have  not 
been  printed.  Sarmiento  was  delivered  to  Ralegh,  and  for  some  time 
remained  his  prisoner  in  England. 

Some  time  in  the  course  of  the  following  year,  1587,  he  conveyed 
or  assigned  his  American  interest  to  some  merchants  of  London. 
The  Court  seems  to  have  engaged  all  or  nearly  all  of  his  attention 
at  this  period.  Sir  Francis  Drake  had  performed  the  important 
service  of  destroying  the  King  of  Spain's  preparation  for  invading 
England,  and  was  now  turning  his  attention  again  to  auother  Indian 
expedition,  and  applied  to  Ralegh  in  relation  to  it.  Ralegh  wrote  to 
the  Earl  of  Leicester  respecting  it,  and,  "  with  much  ado,"  as  he 
says,  "procured  the  Queen's  leave  for  Sir  Francis  to  visit  his  Excel- 
lency."* But  the  new  preparations  of  Philip  delayed  Drake's  going 
at  this  time  to  the  Indies,  as  Drake's  operations  in  Spain  bad  delayed 
Philip  in  his  intended  invasion  of  England.  The  next  year,  be  fur- 
nished a  ship  and  men  in  the  expedition  against  the  Spanish 
Armada,  but  nothing  appears  to  show  that  he  went  in  the  ex- 
pedition himself,  f  Neither  were  his  services  of  much  account  in 
the  expedition  under  Drake  and  Norris  to  restore  Don  Antonio  to  the 
throne  of  Portugal,  as  he  is  not  mentioned  by  either  of  the  commanders 
in  connection  with  it. J  After  the  return  of  that  expedition,  a  quarrel 
arose  between  him  and  Sir  Roger  Williams,  which  grew  out  of  some 
booty  claimed  by  Ralegh,  because  brought  home  in  his  ship,  while 
the  ship  itself  could  not  have  returned  but  for  the  aid  rendered  by 
Sir  Roger's  men.  But  Ralegh  had  then  too  much  influence  with  tha 
Queen  and  others  to  allow  a  less  influential  man  to  carry  a  poir.t 
against  him,  although  it  may  have  been  a  just  one.  Yet  it  is  told 
that  Essex  had  caused  the  Queen  to  become  cold  towards  Ralegh  at 
this  time,  which  occasioned  his  flight,  or  retirement  into  Ireland. 
But  the  truth  seems  to  be,  that  Ralegh  went  to  Ireland  to  look  after 

*  I  found  the  original  in  the  Bodleian  Library,  at  Oxford.  It  is  endorsed  Oct. 
8th,  29th  Eiiz. 

t  Yet  some  of  his  biographers,  particularly  Mr.  Oldys,  give  a  whole  history  of 
that  affair,  as  appropriate  to  the  Life  of  Ralegh  !  He  was  captain  of  the  Queen's 
guard,  and,  though  he  doubtless  furnished  one  or  more  vessels  for  the  fleet,  he 
cannot  be  supposed  to  have  left  the  post  of  guarding  the  Queen's  person. 

%  After  Ralegh's  return,  it  is  said  the  Queen  presented  him  and  several  ether 
gentlemen  with  gold  chains.  The  gold  chains  had  probably  nothing  to  do  with  the 
expedition  of  1583. 

1862.]  Memoir  of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh.  113 

the  estates  which  he  owned  in  that  country,  and  to  visit  his  poetical 
friend,  Edmund  Spenser,  whom  he  had  settled  there  upon  lands  which' 
he  had  previously  given  him.*  From  some  poetical  effusions  of 
Spenser,  at  this  period,  it  appears  that  Ralegh  was  laboring  under 
the  Queen's  displeasure.  However,  our  Knight  soon  returned  to  Eng- 
land, and  taking  Spenser  along  with  him,  introduced  him  to  the 
Queen.  He  also  encouraged  that  poet  to  publish  his  Faerie  Queen, 
which  he  dedicated  to  Ralegh. 

In  1590,  the  great  scholar  and  eminent  divine,  John  Udall,  was 
sentenced  to  be  put  to  death  for  the  exercise  of  too  free  a  judgment 
upon  the  ecclesiastical  government  of  England.  Ralegh  knew  him, 
and  sympathised  with  his  ideas  to  some  extent.  He  applied  to 
Ralegh  to  use  his  influence  in  his  favor,  which  he  did,  and  Udall  was 
set  at  liberty.  On  some  other  similar  occasions,  it  is  said  Sir  Walter 
interceded  with  the  Queen  successfully,  and  that  at  length  she  in- 
quired of  him  '■  when  he  would  cease  to  be  a  beggar,"  upon  which 
he  readily  replied,  "  When  your  Majesty  shall  cease  to  be  benefi- 

In  the  course  of  the  next  year.  1591,  Ralegh  was  busy  in  fitting 
out  a  great  expedition  against  Spain,  in  the  West  Indies.  At  the 
same  time,  he  got  into  trouble  by  too  great  familiarity  with  one  of 
the  Queen's  maids  of  honor,  named  Elizabeth  Throgmorton.  From 
a  letter  of  his,  preserved  in  Murden's  Collections,  it  is  inferable  that 
the  lady,  perhaps  through  a  friend,  had  intimated  to  him  that  his 
marriage  might  be  necessary  to  set  matters  in  a  safe  way.  How- 
ever this  may  have  been,  he  protested,  in  a  letter  to  Sir  Robert  Cecil, 
that  "  there  was  none  on  the  face  of  the  earth  that  he  would  be  fast- 
ened unto."f  This  was  in  March,  1592,  and  his  West  India  fleet 
was  not  yet  ready  for  sea,  although  it  had  been  many  months  in 

It  was  the  6th  of  May,  1592,  before  the  expedition,  consisting  of 
fifteen  ships,  sailed.  And  it  would  seem  that  the  Queen  had  just 
learned  what  had  happened  between  Ralegh  and  her  maid  of  honor. 
Whereupon  she  sent  a  messenger  with  a  letter  recalling  him.J  With 
this  letter,  Sir  Martin  Frobisher  overtook  him  at  sea  the  next  day. 
Ralegh  was  disinclined  to  obey  the  summons;  but  when,  four  days 
after,  on  arriving  near  the  Land's  End,  he  met  a  French  ship,  and 
learned  from  an  Englishman  on  board,  named  Nevel  Davis,  who  had 
just  left  Spain,  where  he  had  been  twelve  years  a  captive,  that  there 
was  no  hope  of  any  success  in  the  West  Indies,  as  the  King  of  Spain 
had  knowledge  of  <he  expedition,  and  had  taken  all  precautious  to 
frustrate  its  object,  he  changed  his  plan.  He  therefore  gave  the 
command  of  the  fleet  to  Sir  Martin  Frobisher  and  Sir  John  Burgh, 

*  Mr.  Southey  seeins  to  have  formed  a  very  erroneous  opinion  about  Ralegh's 
visit  to  Ireland.  He  says  he  was  banished  there,  and  that  there  he  made  the  ac- 
quaintance of  Spenser ! 

t  Mr.  Tytler,  Life  of  Ralegh,  129,  imagines  that  they  were  already  married,  but 
offers  no  reasons  for  his  conclusion.  He  assumes  that  they  were  privately  married, 
but  there  is  nothing  to  show  when  or  how  they  were  married. 

t  Had  Mr.  Southey  and  the  other  biographers  of  Ralegh  seen  the  original  letters 
and  documents  in  the  Lansdowne  MSS.,  B.  M,,  their  accounts  would  have  appeared 
0}  much  better  advantage. 

114  Memoir  of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh.  [April 

ordered  them  to  cruise  about  the  Azores  and  the  coast  of  Spain   for 
prizes,  while  he  obeyed  the  Queen's  order  and  returned  to  London. 

/As  soon  as  Ralegh  arrived  at  the  Court,  he  was  by  the  Queen  sent 
to  the  Tower;  and,  it  is  said,  the  lady  also.  In  the  mean  time,  his 
fleet  intercepted  a  great  Spanish  carack  and  brought  her  into  Eng- 
land; the  richest  prize,  it  was  reported,  ever  before  captured  by 
Englishmen.*  She  was  named  the  Madre  de  Dios  (Mother  of  God), 
commanded  by  Fernaudo  de  Mendoza;  was  of  1C00  tons  burthen, 
whereof  900  were  merchandize.  She  was  not  captured  without  a 
desperate  fight,  of  which  there  are  many  accounts  in  print  and  ori- 
ginal manuscripts,  all  detailing  one  of  the  most  bloody  and  obstinate 
naval  battles  ever  recorded.  There  are  to  be  seen  in  the  British 
Museum  the  original  accounts  drawn  up  by  Sir  John  Burgh,  Sir  Rob- 
ert Cross,  and  some  others,  all  claiming  to  have  been  the  chief  men 
in  the  capture.  But  to  Cross  evidently  belongs  the  greatest  credit.")* 
The  battle  was  fought  on  the  3d  of  August,  and  it  was  the  tth  of. 
September  when  the  prize  was  brought  into  Dartmouth.  No  sooner 
had  she  been  captured  than  the  English  mariners  commenced  an  indis- 
criminate pillage  of  her  cargo,  which  continued  till  her  arrival,  by 
which  several  thousand  pounds  were  lost  to  the  adventurers.  The 
ship  is  reported  to  have  drawn  several  feet  less  wrater  on  her  arrival 
than  when  she  was  taken.  The  Queen  had  a  large  interest  in  her, 
she  having  been  a  considerable  adventurer  in  the  expedition.  She 
therefore  had 'commissioners  immediately  upon  the  spot,  who  took 

*  The  expedition  of  which  this  rich  prize  was  the  result  escaped  the  notice  of 
Dr.  Berkenhout,  in  his  otherwise  neat  and  perspicuous  memoir  of  Ralegh.  See  his 
Biographia  Literaria,  I,  518,  &c. 

t  He  was  vice-admiral,  and  commanded  the  Foresight,  one  of  the  Queen's  ships. 
On  his  return,  he  was  implicated  in  the  embezzlement  question,  and  defended  him- 
self in  several  letters  which  I  have  seen.  In  one  to  the  Lords  of  the  Council,  dated 
Oct.  18th,  1592.  he  complains  that  he  had  been  accused  of  swearing  falsely  respect- 
ing the  goods  in  the  carack.  To  this  charge  he  answers  that  it  was  made  by  those 
who  "never  swear  true  except  to  serve  their  own  turns."  But  being  now  to  be 
heard  and  judged  by  the  Honorable  Council,  he  feels  safe.  He  then  goes  on  to 
make  some  statements  which  will  in  due  time  correct  the  past  history  and  affect 
the  biography  of  Ralegh.  He  says,  seeing  he  was  vice-admiral,  and  commanding 
one  of  the  Queen's  ships,  and  being  more  interested  by  his  own  adventure  than 
most  others,  and  seeing  "goodes  being  taken  out"  of  the  carack  "by  others,  I 
thought  myself  and  her  Majestie's  shipp  to  be  so  sufficient  as  any  of  the  rest  to 
answer  anything  that  should  be  taken,  ....  because  by  my  place  and  warrant  I 
was  reported  more  answerable  for  the  securitie  of  things  then  others,  ....  and, 
besides,  I  was  the  principall  cause  of  takinge  the  caracke  [Camden  endorses  this 
statement].  Yea,  had  not  myne  aduise  persuaded  a  contrary  resolution.  Sir  Walter 
Rawleigh  with  the  whole  fieete  had  returned  back  home  agayne  without  doing  any 
service.  As  for  mine  other  p'formances  in  this  action,  I  wish  rather  they  were  wit- 
nessed [related]  by  other  indifferent  [disinterested]  men,  then  reported  by  myself. 
Only  nowe  I  will  saye  this  much  for  myselfe,  that  I  have  faithfully  served  her 
Ma'tie  now  this  27  yeares  w'hout  recompence,  and  have  all  this  tyme  spent  of  noe 
man's  purse  nowe  lyviuge  but  onlye  of  myne  owne  :  and  therefore  I  hope  in  this 
to  be  well  delt  withall.  May  it  please  your  Lordshippes  to  consider  well  my  letter 
of  adventure  given  me  from  Sr.  Walter  Rawleigh,  her  Majestie's  General!  of  the 
Fieete;  yt  inaye  be  I  shaibe  thought  the  more  excusable,  and  yf  in  case  (w'ch  I 
think  not),  throughe  strictnes  of  lawe  and  quiddyties  of  warres,  it  seeme  not  to 
reach  home  to  that  w'ch  I  have  done,  yet  I  beseech  your  L:  consider  that  souldiors 
are  more  skilfull  in  mannaging  arms  then  in  construing  termes  of  lawe,1;  &c. — 
Lamdovme  MSS.,  B.  M.,  voh  lxx,  No.  192. 

1862.]  Memoir  of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh.  115 

possession  of  the  prize.  These  Commissioners  were  Sir  Francis 
Drake,  William  Kyllygrewe,  and  John  Blond.  Drake  immediately 
(Sept.  8th)  addressed  a  letter  to  the  Lords  of  the  Queen's  Privy 
Council,  detailing  the  condition  of  the  prize.  Among"  other  things 
he  said:  "Divers  of  the  ships  that  were  at  the  first  taking  of  this 
carrick  had  already  passed  eastward)  and  some  were  at  Plymouth, 
with  which  we  have  taken  as  good  order  as  we  can  for  the  preserva- 
tion of  all  things.  But  we  find  such  confusion  and  disorder  amongst 
the  men  of  war  [soldiers]  and  such  spoil  committed  by  them,  that 
we  know  not  how  to  redress  it."  However,  he  said  "they  would  do 
the  best  they  could  in  that  troublesome  business."  Two  days  after, 
the  Commissioners  held  a  court  for  the  examination  of  the  prisoners 
taken  in  the  carack,  relative  to  her  cargo.  From  whom  it  appeared 
that  there  were  in  the  Madre  de  Dios  8500  quintals  of  pepper,  900 
quintals  of  cloves,  700  do.  of  cinnamon,  500  do.  of  anneal,  50  do. 
of  mace,  50  do.  nutmegs,  50  do.  benjamin,  and  about  400  chests  of 
other  merchandize.  Also  that  there  were,  probably,  in  stones,  plate, 
amber  and  muske,  to  the  value  of  400,000  cruzados.*  There  were, 
besides,  jewels  and  precious  stones  to  a  great  value. 

The  examinations  continued  three  days,  viz.,  to  the  11th  of  Sep- 
tember.f  The  great  value  of  the  prize  was  known  to  the  Queen. 
Much  expense  had  accrued  thus  far  in  securing  it,  but  the  man  the 
most  interested,  and  who  was  to  provide  for  the  settlement  of  the  ex- 
pense which  had  accrued,  was  locked  up  in  the  Tower.  Elizabeth  was 
easily  reached  with  a  golden  rod.  Through  Ralegh's  means  the  rich 
carack  had  been  taken.  It  was  highly  necessary  that  Ralegh  should 
attend,  in  person,  to  the  business  of  the  prize.  Therefore  a  plan 
seems  to  have  been  made  to  secure  his  attendance  at  Dartmouth.  How- 
ever, on  the  11th  of  September,  Sir  John  Hawkins  wrote  to  Burghley, 
stating  how  necessary  it  was  that  Sir  Walter  should  be  allowed  to 
attend  to  the  busiuess,  and  urged  him  to  intercede  with  the  Queen 
for  his  liberation  for  that  purpose,  adding,  that  after  he  had  attended 
to  it,  he  might  return  to  the  Tower.  This  was  not  all.  Sir  John 
well  understood  her  Majesty's  golden  propensity,  and  therefore,  in 
the  same  letter  observed,  that  by  Ralegh's  being  allowed  to  attend, 
"myght  very  myche  sett  forward  her  Ma'ties  service,  and  myche 
benyfytte  her  porcyon,  for  I  se  none  of  so  reddy  a  d}7spocycion  to 
lay  the  grownd  howe  her  Ma'tie's  porcyon  may  be  increasyd  as  he 
ys,  and  can  best  brynge  yt  about."  Sir  John's  argument  was  all- 
powerful,  for  in  a  few  days  after,  Ralegh  actually  appeared  at  Dart- 
mouth, and  his  signature  appears  to  two  reports  drawn  up  by  the 
Commissioners  and  forwarded  to  Lord  Burghley.  Sir  Robert  Cecil 
doubtless  proceeded  to  Dartmouth  with  Ralegh.  The  first  report  is 
signed  by  "Ro:  Cecyll,  W.  Ralegh,  *Fra.  Drake,  Willm  Kyllygrewe, 
Richd.  Carm'den,  and  Thomas  Myddelton."  It  was  dated  Sept.  27th. 
The  other  was  dated  a  few  days  later,  and  signed  by  the  same  gen- 
tlemen, with  the  exception  of  Carmarden. 

*  An  ancient  Portuguese  coin  of  the  value  of  2s.  Sd.— Stevens'  Diet. 

t  Camden,  in  detailing  the  affair  of  the  Madre  de  LMos,  says  :  "  But,  though  strict 
inquiry  were  made  by  the  Commissioners,  the  dishonesty  of  the  captors  was  too 
hard  for  the  industry  and  care  of  the  Commissioners." — Rdgn  of  Elizabeth,  p.  46G. 

116  Memoir  of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh.  [April 

Sir  John  Hawkins  was  not  an  entirely  disinterested  party.  He  sent 
a  ship  with  Ralegh,  the  Dainty, *  of  the  services  and  claims  of  which, 
he  wrote  to  Burghley  in  the  same  letter  which  has  been  mentioned 
as  containing  an  application  for  the  release  of  Ralegh.  "  I  most 
humbly  desyre,"  wrote  Sir  John,  "yor  honours  the  good  service  of 
the  Daynty  may  be  declared  to  her  Mat'ie;  she  borded  the  Carrake 
fowre  tymes  before  any  ship  cold  come  vp  to  her,  savyng  the  Dragon 
wch  wold  not  bord  with  her  when  she  came  vp.  Yf  the  Daynty  had 
not  bord3'd  so  often  and  so  desparately,  the  Carrak  had  recoveryd  the 
Island  of  Flores  and  biene  burnt  as  thother  Carrake  was.  They  report 
yt  for  trothe  that  the  Daynty  in  her  bordyng  slew  both  the  Captayne 
and  master  of  the  Carrake,  w'eh  were  sworn  to  the  Kynge  never  to 
yeld  the  ship  to  Ynglyshe  men,  but  to  fyre  her  rather." 

The  first  dispatch  from  the  Commissioners,  after  the  arrival  of  Ra- 
legh, is  without  day  of  the  month,  but  was  probably  on  the  20th  of 
September;  and  the  last  subscribed  by  him  was  on  the  27th  cf  the 
same.  Drake  wrote  to  Burghley  on  the  19th,  and  in  his  letter  says, 
Sir  Walter's  coming  was  "expected  presentlie."  And  the  next  day 
we  find  he  had  arrived,  and  was  hard  at  work  with  the  Commission- 
ers examining  parties  respecting  the  missing  goods  of  the  prize.  In 
their  first  despatch  they  say,  '*  wee  haue  examined  all  paities  with- 
out respect,  and  began  with  Sr  John  Gilbert,  and  Mr.  Carew  Rawleigh 
by  oathe,  w'ch  Sir  Walter  Rawleigh  would  needs  have  done,  that 
others  might  not  think  themselues  hardelie  dealt  withal!  to  be 
sworne."f  Thus  from  the  20th  to  the  27th  of  September,  1592,  Ra- 
legh was  at  Dartmouth.  Thence  he  returned  to  London,  and  no 
doubt  settled  the  matter  with  the  Queen,  by  marrying  Lady  Throg- 
morton,  and  was  finally  taken  again  into  the  Queen's  favor. 

Remarks  highly  reflecting  on  the  honesty  and  morality  of  Ralegh 
have  been  freely  indulged  in  by  Dr.  Southey  for  his  conduct  respect- 
ing the  maid  of  honor,  ard  also  for  other  conduct  while  in  the  Tower; 
conduct  more  like  such  as  might  well  be  supposed  to  belong  to  one 
of  the  followers  of  Robin  Hood,  than  to  any  man  who  had  ever  en- 
joyed decent  society.  The  reader  who  desires  a  nearer  view  of  Ra- 
legh's private  character  at  this  period,  may  consult  a  letter  of  Sir 
Arthur  Gorges,  his  intimate  friend  and  relative,  and  other  documents 
in  the  labored  life  of  our  knight,  by  Mr.  Cayley. 

*  There  is  a  curious  account  of  this  ship  in  Sir  Richard  Hawkins's  Observations, 
fol.  London,  1622.  "  She  was,"  says  Sir  Richard,  "  pleasing  to  the  eye,  profitable 
for  stowage,  good  of  sail,  and  well  conditioned."  She  was  built  by  him  m  the 
river  Thames,  for  a  voyage  to  Japan  and  the  Phillippine  islands,  and  named,  agree- 
able to  his  request,  by  his  mother-in-law,  the  Repentance.  This  caused  him  "  to 
desist  from  the  enterprise,  and  leave  the  ship  to  his  father,  who  took  and  paid  the 
expense  of  her,"  because  he  believed  the  name  surely  boded  her  ill  fortune.  But 
as  she  lay  at  Deptford  not  long  after,  the  Queen,  as  she  passed  by  in  her  targe  for 
her  palace  at  Greenwich,  observing  her,  inquired  what  ship  it  was,  and  being  in- 
formed, said  she  disliked  nothing  but  her  name,  and  so  ordered  it  to  be  changed 
to  the  Dainty.  The  ill-boding  name  being  removed,  and  the  Dainty  having  made 
divers  profitable  voyages,  Sir  Richard  became  again  possessed  of  her;  and  while 
upon  a  voyage  to  the  East  Indies  in  her,  was  captured  by  the  Spaniards.  Thus 
proving,  to  his  satisfaction  at  least,  that  a  change  of  name  could  not,  in  this  in- 
stance, change  fortune  or  avert  a  certain  destiny. 

t  Lansdowne  MSS.<  B.  M.,  vol,  lxx. 

1862.]  Memoir  of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh,  1 17 

I  have  been  somewhat  particular  on  this  period  of  Ralegh's  life, 
because  it  lias  not  before  been  done,  for  the  reason  that  the  docu- 
ments had  not  been  accessible  to  his  biographers.  A  rapid  glance 
is  all  that  will  be  undertaken  in  this  memoir,  at  the  remainder  of  the 
career  of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh.  It  has  been  seen  that  the  rich  carack 
had  not  only  restored  him  to  the  Queen's  favor,  but  it  had  mended 
his  fortune,*  so  that  he  now,  according  to  Lodge,  "tilted  in  silver 
armor,  wearing  a  sword  and  belt  set  with  diamonds,  rubies  and 
pearls;  appeared  at  court  on  solemn  occasions,  covered  with  jewels, 
nearly  to  the  value  of  seventy  thousand  pounds."  If  such  freaks  of 
ostentation  and  youthful  extravagance  are  common  among  men,  Ra- 
legh at  forty  did  not  exhibit  any  traits  of  a  snperior  mind  to  those 
discovered  in  the  lower  orders,  by  indulging  in  them. 

In  two  years  more,  a  jealousy  and  rivalry  had  begun  to  cause 
Ralegh  considerable  uneasiness.  Robert  Cecil,  son  of  Lord  Burghlej^, 
and  the  Earl  of  Es'sex,  now  seemed  bent  on  his  ruin;  and  if  Ralegh 
lacked  judgment  and  decision  of  character,  his  rivals  were  far  more 
deficient  in  manly  uprightness  and  moral  honesty.  His  extravagance 
had  reduced  his  estate,  and  he  now  turned  his  mind  upon  improving 
it  by  another  expedition  at  sea.  This  gave  rise  to  the  first  voyage 
to  Guiana,  in  which  he  endeavored  to  enlist  the  Queen.  From  a 
want  of  faith  in  it,  or  some  other  cause,  her  Majesty  declined  the 
offer;  but  to  appease  his  disappointment,  as  it  is  said,  she  commis- 
sioned him  admiral  in  the  expeditions  of  1596  and  159T.  But  in  these 
the  Earl  of  Essex  had  the  chief  command,  and  the  latter  quarreled 
with  Ralegh  and  was  ever  after  his  enemy.  Monson,  Hakluyt  and 
the  naval  histories  are  full  on  these  expeditions.  To  them  the 
reader  is  referred.  But  against  the  power  of  Essex  and  Cecil,  Ralegh 
was  safe  as  long  as  Elizabeth  lived,  yet  his  safety  hung,  says  Lodge, 
by  the  slender  thread  that  supported  her  life.  This  proved  to  be  too 
true.  Yet  he  saw,  by  the  mad  pranks  of  Essex,  that  misguided  maL 
put  out  of  the  way  by  the  loss  of  his  head,  but  the  wily  Cecil  re- 
mained, though  but  a  short  time,  yet  long  enough  to  crush  Ralegh. 
Elizabeth  died  in  1603.  Her  successor,  James,  hardly  needed  the 
instigation  of  Cecil  to  set  him  against  his  hated  rival,  and  he  soon 
deprived  him  of  all  emoluments  and  offices.  He  was  therefore,  now, 
with  reason,  bitter  against  this  meanest  of  kings.  This  led  to  his 
connivance  at,  encouragement  of,  or  being  in  some  way  connected 
with,  a  design  to  depose  James,  and  to  place  Arabella  Stuart  on  the 
throne.  And  although  there  was  not  enough  proved  against  him, 
which  in  an  ordinary  civil  suit  at  law  in  a  later  age,  would  have 
mulcted  him  in  a  sum  of  Sve  pounds,  yet  he  was  pronounced  guilty 
of  high  treason.  This  was  in  November,  1603.  The  prosecution 
against  him  was  conducted  without  a  shadow  of  decency.  The 
attorney  general,  Sir  Edward  Coke,  was  more  brutally  savage,  and 
conducted  the  case  with  more  barbarity,  than  will  easily  be  con- 
ceived of  by  any  of  this  distant  generation.  During  it,  Ralegh  ac- 
quitted himself  with  much  discretion  and  marked  ability. 

♦Notwithstanding  the  immense  spoil  made  of  the  cargo  by  the  sailors  and  sol- 
diers, the  adventurers  divided  £150,000 — a  sum  in  those  days  equal,  perhaps,  to 
four  times  that  amount  in  our  times. 


118  Memoir  of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh.  [April 

Owing  to  a  deadly  disease  in  London,  Ralegh  was  tried  at  Win- 
chester. There  he  remained  imprisoned  for  a  time,  daily  expecting 
the  sentence  of  death  to  be  executed  upon  him.  At  length  the  King- 
reprieved  him  and  sent  him  to  the  Tower.  There  he  remained 
twelve  years.  At  the  end  of  that  time  he  found  means  through, 
friends  by  bribery,  to  engage  George  Villiers  to  intercede  with  the 
King  for  his  liberty.  He  was  accordingly  liberated,  but  not  par- 
doned. He  now  revived  his  old  scheme  of  the  discovery  of  a  gold 
mine  in  Guiana.  His  sad  fortune  in  that  enterprise  need  not  be 
detailed,  nor  the  conduct  of  the  Spanish  ambassador,  Gondomar. 
Neither  will  it  be  necessary  only  to  allude  to  the  attempted  escape  of 
Ralegh,  on  his  return  from  Guiana,  and  how  he  failed  in  it  through  a 
singular  want  of  decision  in  himself.  As  to  the  conduct  of  Sir  Lewis 
Steucly  it  was  that  of  the  false-hearted  knave,  but  Ralegh  was  his 
own  executioner. 

Being  returned  again  to  the  Tower,  the  King's  judges  held  "  a 
solemn  mockery  of  a  conference,"  and  then  insultingly  demanded  of 
the  prisoner  to  say  why  sentence  of  death  should  not  be  executed 
upon  him  in  accordance  with  the  sentence  pronounced  fifteen  years 
before.  Thus,  on  the  28th  of  October,  1618,  he  was  resentenced, 
conducted  to  Old  Palace  Yard,  Westminster,  and  there  beheaded,  at 
the  age  of  66  years,  or  thereabouts. 

The  visitor  to  the  Tower  of  London  is  still  shown  the  apartment 
in  which  Ralegh  was  confined,  and  where,  it  is  said,  he  wrote  his 
History  of  ike  World.  His  cell  is  upon  the  right  hand  as  you  pass 
through  the  White  Tower.  Before  the  door  of  the  cell  is  a  behead- 
ing block,  and  upon  it  a  strange  looking  axe,  calculated  to  remind 
all  beholders  of  the  summary  method  once  in  use  for  the  advancement 
of  civilization. 

From  the  limited  space  assigned  for  this  memoir  in  these  pages, 
many  things  of  much  interest  in  the  life  of  Ralegh  are  necessarily 
passed  over.  But  the  chief  object  of  it  is  attained,  which  was,  from 
unpublished  sources,  to  throw  light  on  several  important  points, 
hitherto  resting  in  much  obscurity,  or  entirely  unknown. 

The  following  lines  are  said  to  have  been  found  in  Ralegh's  bible, 
written  the  night  before  his  execution.  They  are  supposed  to  have 
been  intended  by  him  for  his  epitaph: 

"  Even  such,  is  Time,  who  takes  in  trust 
Our  youth,  our  joys  and  all  we  have, 
And  pays  us  but  with  earth  and  dust; 
Who  in  the  dark  and  sileBt  grave, 
When  we  have  wander'd  all  our  ways, 
Shuts  up  the  story  of  our  days. 
But  from  that  earth,  that  grave  and  dust, 
The  Lord  shall  raise  me  up,  I  trust." 

S.  G.  D. 

1862.]  Jin  Address.  119 


Delivered  at  the  Annual  Meeting  of  the  New  England  Historic-Genealogical  Society, 

January  1,  1SG2. 

[By  Wixslow  Lewis,  M.  D.,  President  of  the  Society.]. 

Gentlemen,  Members  and  Friends  of  our  Society  : 

On  this,  the  opening  day  of  a  New  Year,  it  seems  to  me,  that  your 
President  may  both  appropriately  and  usefully  endeavor  to  attract 
the  attention,  especially  of  the  younger  members  of  the  Society,  to 
some  topics  of  more  general  interest  and  fundamental  importance, 
than  the  mere  review  of  our  last  year's  progress.  Not  that  I  would 
regard  that  progress  in  any  depreciatory  light;  on  the  contrary,  you 
all  will,  I  am  sure,  sympathize  very  heartily  in  the  satisfaction  to  be 
derived  from  the  favorable  reports  of  our  Librarian,  Treasurer  and 
Secretary,  and  in  the  gratitude  due  to  those  officers,  and  the  other 
gentlemen,  whose  zeal  and  labors  have  contributed  to  secure  so  happy 
a  result — a  gratitude,  to  which,  I  feel  assured,  the  Society  will  not 
be  slow  to  give  adequate  expression. 

But  standing  as  we  are  to  day  on  the  threshold  of  a  New  Year — an 
event  and  an  era  ever  calculated  to  awaken  serious  reflections  in 
every  thoughtful  mind,  and  more  especially  with  those,  who,  like 
myself,  have  passed  the  zenith,  and  begun  to  descend  the  western 
slope  of  life's  orbit — and  this  too,  in  what  must  emphatically  be 
termed  the  age  of  living  history,  not  only  of  our  country,  but  of  the 
world  at  large — it  seems  to  me  that  some  utterance  should  go  forth 
from  this  Society  in  explanation  of  the  principles,  and  in  assertion  of 
the  claims  which  it  has  upon  the  regard  and  consideration  of  the 
public  of  America.  It  has  been,  almost  from  immemorial  antiquity, 
a  custom  to  offer  presents  and  good  wishes  to  our  friends  on  New 
Year's  Day.  The  Romans,  you  will  remember,  ascribed  the  origin 
of  the  custom  to  Romulus  and  Tatius  :  and  it  is  by  no  means  unin- 
teresting to  trace  the  antique  vestiges  of  this  custom  preserved  by 
Count  Caylus  ;  such  as  the  piece  of  old  Etruscan  pottery,  bearing 
the  inscription  in  Latin,  "  a  happy  new  year  to  you,1'  and  the  medal- 
lions, such  as  that  of  Janus  standing  in  the  temple,  with  a  like  in- 
scription, wishing  a  happy  new  year  to  the  Emperor.  In  almost 
every  nation  we  find  traces  of  like  customs  and  ideas  associated  with 
the  New  Year.  The  ancient  Druid  then  cut  down  the  branches  of  the 
sacred  misletoe  with  a  golden  knife  from  the  midst  of  a  forest  dedi- 
cated to  the  gods,  and  distributed  them  with  solemn  pomp  and  mystic 
rites  among  the  people,  as  the  best  and  most  auspicious  of  gifts. 
Our  old  Saxon  forefathers,  as  we  .learn  from  Bishop  Stillingfleet, 
observed  the  festival  with  great  feasting  and  rejoicing,  and  sent  New 
Year's  gifts  with  good  wishes  to  each  other  :  and  this  custom  was 
handed  down  with  honor  to  their  descendants,  and  its  prevalence  is 
thus  quaintly  described  by  an  old  poet  of  the  16th  century — Barnaby 
Googe,  in  his  translation  of  a  Latin  poem  written  in  1553  : 

120  An  Address.  [April 

'*  The  next  to  this  is  Newe  Yeares'  Day 

whereon  to  every  friend, 
They  costly  presents  in  do  bring, 

and  New  Yeares'  gifts  do  sonde. 
These  gifts  the  husband  gives  his  wife, 

and  father  eke  the  child, 
and  maister  on  his  men  bestowes 

The  like,  with  favour  milde." 

At  the  risk  of  incurring  the  good  humored  derision  of  "Young 
America" — proud  of  its  progress,  its  science,  its  enlightenment,  and 
its  freedom  from  the  shackles  of  all  old  superstitions,  I  must  avow 
my  warm  affection  for  these  old  usages  and  anniversary  customs  ; 
and  I  must  claim  the  liberty  of  doubting,  whether,  with  all  our  utili- 
tarian science  and  enlightenment,  we  are  one  whit  better  or  happier 
than  our  more  simple  ancestors,  who  derived  such  great  enjoyment 
from  the  celebration  of  Christmas,  with  its  carols,  audits  "  cakes  and 
ale,"  its  reeking  sirloin  and  huge  plum  pudding  ;  its  holly  and  ivy  in 
Cottage,  church  and  hall,  where 

"  The  fire,  with  well  dried  logs  supplied, 

Went  roaring  up  the  chimney  wide  ! — 

England  was  merry  England,  when 

Old"  Christmas  brought  his  sports  again. 

T'was  Cbristmas  broached  the  mightiest  ale, 

T'was  Christmas  told  the  merriest  tale — 

A  Cbristmas  gambol  oft  would  cheer 

A  poor  man's  heart  through  half  the  year." — Scott. 

In  accordance  then  with  the  good  old  custom  of  the  New  Year's 
gifts  and  good  wishes,  I  would  fain  offer  to  my  brethren  of  this 
Society,  some  thoughts  which,  although  they  may  present  nothing 
new,  and  perhaps  may  appear  to  some  to  involve  a  re-traversing  of 
ground  already  familiar  to  all,  will  yet,  I  trust,  be  accepted  with  a 
kindly  spirit,  as  an  evidence  of  the  deep  interest  I  feel  in  the  progress 
and  success  of  this  Society.  Our  title  naturally  suggests  the  course 
of  my  remarks,  nor  may  it  be  altogether  unprofitable  to  examine 
(much  as  may  have  been  spoken  and  written  on  the  subject)  what  is 
comprehended  in  the  terms  History  and  Genealogy — what  are  the 
higher  uses  of  these  sciences,  and  their  relations  to  each  other,  and 
consequently  what  are  the  duties  to  be  discharged,  and  the  claims 
upon  general  support  put  forth  by  a  Society,  whose  especial  object  it 
is,  to  promote  the  study  of  these  sciences.  And,  although  it  may 
be  contrary  to  the  more  usual  order,  which  descends  from  genera  to 
species,  or  from  the  whale  to  its  parts,  I  will,  with  your  permission, 
glance  first  at  Biography  and  Genealogy,  which  are  the  twin  hand- 
maids and  helpers  of  their  elder  and  more  stately  sister,  History. 

To  the  dependence  of  History  upon  Biography,  I  need  scarcely  allude, 
before  such  an  audience  as  this.  History  is  only  collective  Biography, 
and  in  order  to  understand  History,  as  a  great  living  writer  observes, 
"  we  must  first  try  to  understand  men  and  women.  He  who  knows 
men  and  women  thoroughly,  will  best  understand  the  past  work  of 
the  world,  and  be  best  able  to  carry  on  its  work  now.  The  men 
(continues  the  same  writer)  who  in  the  long  ruD,  have  governed  the 
world,  have  been  those  who  understood  the  human  heart  ;  and  there- 
fore it  is  to  this  day  the  statesman,  who  keeps  the  reins  in  his  hand, 
and  not  the  mere  student.     If,  therefore,   any  of  you  should  ask  me, 

1862.]  An  Address.  121 

how  to  study  history,  I  should  answer,  Take  by  all  means  biographies, 
wheresoever  possible  auto  biographies,  and  study  them.  Fill  your 
minds  with  live  human  figures,  men  of  like  passions  with  yourselves; 
see  how  each  lived  and  worked  in  the  time  and  place  in  which  God  put 
him.  Believe  me,  that  when  you  have  thus  made  a  friend  of  the  dead, 
and  brought  him  to  life  again,  and  let  him  teach  you  to  sr-e  with  his 
eyes,  and  to  feel  with  his  heart,  you  will  begin  to  understand  more 
of  his  generation  and  his  circumstances,  than  all  the  mere  history 
books  of  the  period  wiil  teach  you."  Such  are  the  opinions  of  Charles 
Kingsley,  the  gifted  Professor  of  History  in  the  University  of  Cam- 
bridge, in  England,  and  I  think  we  must  all  accept  and  endorse  them. 
Biography  is,  in  fact,  as  has  been  observed  by  another  writer,  the 
key  to  History,  and  therefore,  even  on  that  account  alone,  is  of  im- 
mense, incalculable  value.  But  it  would  be  unphilosophical  and 
unjust,  to  regard  it  from  that  point  of  view  only.  "  The  proper  study 
of  mankind  is  man,"  and  each  man  of  sense  and  feeling  must  reecho 
the  sentiment  nihil  humanum  a  me  alienum  pulo. 

Each  man's  life,  no  matter  how  obscure  or  humble  he  may  be, 
contains  a  history,  and  an  interesting  one  too,  if  we  could  only 
get  at  it;  and  every  man,  worthy  of  the  name,  leaves  such  a  history  in 
writing  behind  him,  although  the  writing  may  not  be  on  parchment 
or  on  paper.  We  have  but  to  look  around  this  stirring,  moving,  en- 
terprising western  world  of  ours,  to  see  thousands  of  such  histories, 
daily  written  and  published  for  our  perusal,  in  the  cleared  forest  and 
the  cultivated  field;  in  the  city  raised  to  day,  where  but  yesterday, 
as  it  were,  the  wild  beast  roamed  at  large  amongst  the  brushwood, 
or  the  wild  bird  harshly  screamed  above  the  marsh  and  the  morass — 
and,  passing  by  countless  other  fields  of  life-exertion,  how  many  of  a 
still  more  thrilling  and  exciting  kind  may  we  not  read  on  the  southern 
fields,  already  saturated  alas  !  with  the  blood  of  so  many  of  our  best 
and  bravest  and  most  beloved  ones,  whose  anxieties,  struggles,  groanr., 
and  tears  and  triumphs  might  each  suffice  to  fill  a  volume  of  the  most 
truthful,  touching  and  dramatic  history. 

Biography  has  been  well  defined  by  a  distinguished  writer  (Paxton 
Hood)  as  the  Museum  of  Life.  "Well  written  lives  (he  observes) 
are,  as  well  preserved  mental  fossils,  and  they  subserve  for  us  the 
purpose  of  a  collection  of  interesting  petrifactions  ;  they  illustrate 
the  science  of  life  ;  they  are  the  inductions  of  moral  anatomy."  There 
are  some  other  remarks  made  by  this  writer,  on  the  study  of  Biogra- 
phy, which  are  so  truthful  and  judicious,  that  I  feel  justified  in  com- 
mending them  to  the  attention  of  our  brethren.  "  By  too  many 
persons,  lives  are  read  without  motives,  without  discrimination  ;  they 
lie  within  the  library,  or  the  brain,  like  the  bones  in  Kirkdale  Vale, 
before  Bucklaud  ;  or  those  in  the  Paris  Basin  before  Cuvier.  No 
study  has  been  so  entirely  without  classification  and  arrangement. 
*  *  *  *  Would  the  effort  be  wholly  futile  and  vain  to  attempt  a  com- 
parative Anatomy  of  Biography  ?  to  arrange  the  worthies  of  humanity 
in  groups,  not  so  much  with  reference  to  the  pursuits  in  which  they 
were  engaged,  or  the  region  in  which  they  moved,  but  illustrated 
rather  by  the  more  subtle,  final  distinctions,  which  gave  a  character 
and  bias  to  their  minds,  and  determined  their  influence  on  Society  ? 
At  present,  the  venerable  and  the  vile,  the  worthy  and  the  worthless, 

122  An  Address.  [April 

the  mean  and  the  magnificent,  lie  heaped  and  huddled  in  promiscuous 
neighborhood  ;  the  mention  of  Biography  only  suggests  to  the  mind, 
the  idea  of  a  vast  pyramid  of  conglomerate  marble!  In  the  cement- 
ing cells,  may  be  seen  preserved,  the  pens  of  poets,  the  swords  of 
statesmen,  the  garters  and  coronets  of  kings  ;  yet  all  confused  and 
indistinct,  like  fossils,  but  partially  developed  in  the  polished  stone. 
And  the  probability  is,  that  as  we  have  seen  in  museums  and  collec- 
tions of  natural  history,  the  most  common,  not  to  say  the  most  worth- 
less, attracts  the  most  attention." 

There  is  sound  sense  and  philosophy  in  these  remarks,  and  I  would 
respectfully  commend  them  to  the  students  of  Biography.  It  would 
far" exceed  my  limits  of  time,  and  also,  it  is  probable,  your  patience, 
were  I  to  dwell  so  fully  as  I  could  wish,  upon  the  many  and  powerful 
claims  of  Biography.  I  therefore  only  dwell  upon  its  essential  value 
and  importance,  first,  as  the  key  of  History  ;  and  second,  as  being 
the  great  storehouse  from  which  we  are  to  draw  examples  of  good- 
ness and  greatness  to  be  emulated  and  imitated,  and  of  vice  and  vile- 
ness  to  be  abhorred  and  avoided.  The  study  of  Biography  properly 
pursued  must  ever  be  accepted  as,  under  God's  blessing,  one  of  the 
most  powerful  means  and  modes  of  training  men  to  be  good  citizens, 
good  members  of  society  in  the  present  life,  and  fitted  to  enjoy  the 
purer  and  less  alloyed  happiness  reserved  for  them  in  the  life  to 
come  1 

Genealogy  is  of  course  an  integral  part  of  Biography.  The  word, 
as  you  know,  is  derived  from  the  Greek  ysvsa.  (genea)  race,  and  Xoyog 
(discourse)  a  history  ;  so  that  it  more  particularly  means,  the  history 
of  a  race  or  family.  I  have  said  it  is  a  part  of  Biography,  but,  viewed 
in  one  light,  it  may  perhaps  more  properly  be  considered  as  the 
generic  or  inclusive  term.  All  that  I  can  pause  however  to  refer  to 
now  is,  the  great  importance  of  this  study  in  a  scientific,  or  moral, 
and  a  political  point  of  view,  more  especially  in  a  country  endowed 
with  free  institutions  like  ours.  Taking  these  points  very  briefly  in 
their  order,  there  is  no  doubt  in  the  mind  of  any  enlightened  man, 
that  mental  as  well  as  physical  qualities  are  handed  down  more  or 
less  from  parent  to  child,  from  forefathers  to  posterity,  and  that  thus, 
pure  and  healthy  descent  is  of  immense  importance.  It  is  the  espe- 
cial province  of  genealogical  science,  to  investigate  all  facts  illustra- 
tive of  this  and  similar  truths,  and  to  inculcate  the  wholesome  lessons 
to  be  derived  from  them.  To  those,  whose  studies  have  been  so 
largely  devoted  to  this  subject,  T  need  scarcely  allude  to  the  pecu- 
liarly interesting  conclusions  which  the  philosophical  genealogist 
arrives  at,  when,  in  watching  the  life  of  one  or  another  of  America's 
many  virtuous  and  noble  sons,  he  observes  the  generic  seeds  of  these 
virtues,  and  that  nobility  of  soul  in  the  parents  or  ancestors  ;  and 
very  frequently  can  ascribe  the  united  qualities  of  valor  and  of  vir- 
tue, of  great  intellect  and  gentle  heart,  to  the  marriage  union  of 
parents,  whose  families  were  respectively  distinguished  for  these 
virtues.  This,  in  a  scientific  point  of  view,  is  one  of  the  chief  duties 
of  Genealogy. 

Disregarding  all  artificial  and  aristocratic  distinctions,  and  looking 
at  them  simply  through  the  glass  of  moral,  physical  and  intellectual 
worth,   Genealogy  endeavors  to   ascertain  from  reliable  statistics, 

3862.]  An  Address.  123 

those  laws,  by  which  moral  or  intellectual  traits,  or  physical  charac- 
teristics of  organization  are  handed  down,  from  generation  to  genera- 
tion, in  races  and  families.  "The  human  mind  (observes  Holgate) 
having  the  opportunity  of  illimitable  expansion,  is  another  reason 
why  the  pedigree  of  families  should  be  preserved.  It  is  an  important 
part  of  genealogical  science,  to  investigate  the  results  of  the  inter- 
marriage of  families  of  different  extraction,  and  to  determine  in  what 
manner  the  laws  of  physiology  are  affected  by  the  connection."  As 
in  more  immediate  relation  to  Genealogy,  though  also  directly  bear- 
ing upon  History,  and  moreover  as  being  a  subject  deserving  of  more 
attention,  than  it  too  frequently  receives,  even  in  societies  like  our 
own,  I  desire  here  to  say  a  few  words  respecting  Heraldry,  in  which 
subject  I  think  our  younger  members  would  soon  take  a  lively  inter- 
est, if  they  would  make  themselves  acquainted  with  its  history,  and 
its  great  importance,  as  an  aid  to  the  studies  both  of  Genealogy  and 
History.  The  armorial  bearings  of  American  families  are  of  course 
derived  from  their  English  forefathers,  and  it  is  considered  doubtful 
whether  they  had  become  hereditary  in  the  mother  country,  before 
the  reign  of  Henry  III.  Whether  this  view  be  correct  or  not,  there 
is  every  reason  to  believe,  that  their  transmission  from  one  generation 
to  another,  was  not  unknown  to  other  ancient  nations.  In  almost 
every  age  and  country,  men  have  adopted  the  figure  of  animals  and 
other  symbolic  representations,  to  distinguish  themselves  on  the  field 
of  battle  ;  and  there  is  also  good  reason  for  believing,  that,  from  a 
very  early  period,  distinctive  ensigns  or  emblems  were  adopted  by 
civil  communities.  As  examples,  I  may  point  to  the  "  Lion  of  the 
tribe  of  Judah,"  the  owl  consecrated  at  Athens  to  Athene,  or  Minerva 
(to  call  her  by  her  Roman  name)  ;  and  the  old  national  symbols  of 
the  Turkish  and  Persian  empires,  the  former  of  which,  described  in 
terms  of  modern  blazonry,  would  be  "  azure  and  increscent,  argent," 
and  the  latter  "  vert,  a  lion  couchant,  guardant,  proper  before  the 
sun  in  splendor,  or"  The  symbol  of  the  ancient  Phrygians  was  a 
sow,  that  of  the  Thracians,  Mars;  of  the  Romans,  an  eagle;  of  the 
Goths,  a  bear  ;  of  the  Saxons,  a  horse  ;  of  the  earlier  French,  a  lion. 
The  necessity,  as  I  observed,  of  having  some  distinguishing  ensign 
in  war,  suggested  all  these  symbols.  So  also  of  the  Lions  of  Eng- 
land, which  were  introduced  by  the  Norman  Sovereigns,  who  after 
their  accession  to  the  English  throne,  continued  to  bear  the  arms  of 
their  province  of  Normandy,  which  were  two  lions,  or,  as  is  supposed 
by  some,  two  leopards  ;  and  these  lions,  increased  by  Henry  III  to 
the  number  of  three,  have  ever  since  continued  to  be  the  armorial 
bearings  of  the  Royal  Family  of  England  ;  neither,  I  may  add,  may 
these  arms,  viz.,  three  lions  passant,  or,  on  a  shield  gules,  be  assumed 
by  an}'  subject  of  the  crown,  under  the  penalty  of  high  treason.  The 
cross  and  the  lion  appear  to  have  been  especial  favorites  among  our 
English  forefathers,  nor  is  the  fact  difficult  to  be  accounted  for.  The 
lion,  the  symbol  of  strength  and  courage  in  the  animal  world,  was 
very  naturally  selected  as  an  ensign  in  the  earlier  and  ruder  state  of 
society;  when  courage  and  military  distinction  were  the  chief,  if  not 
the  only  virtues;  when,  in  fact,  even  in  comparatively  civilized  Rome, 
the  very  word  virtue,  virtus,  meant  not  moral  purity,  but  manhood, 
valor;  and  the  cress  no  less  easily  and  naturally  became  the  emblem 

124  An  Address.  [April 

of  those  nations  that  bad  recently  been  converted  to  Christianity,  or 
bad  distinguished  themselves  in  the  Crusades,  in  which  you  will  re- 
member the  warriors  wore  a  rod  cross  upon  the  right  shoulder,  and  from 
which  they  took  the  name  ot  Croises,  that  is,  Crossed  or  Crusaders, 
and  when  thus  whole  armies  of  Crusaders  came  to  bear  the  cross, 
it  became  necessary  that  some  distinction  should  be  made  be- 
tween the  several  leaders.  Hence  arose  those  very  numerous  modi- 
fications in  form  and  color,  under  which  we  find  this  symbol  to  have 
been  used.  To  illustrate  this  on  a  small  scale,  I  may  refer  you  to  the 
three  national  banners  of  England,  Scotland  and  Ireland,  in  each  of 
which  you  will  notice  a  difference  of  color  or  form;  the  first  being* 
"argent  (or  white  metal  color)  and  the  cross  of  St.  George,  gales"  (red) ; 
the  second,  the  Scottish,  bearing  the  saltire  or  diagonal  cross  of  St. 
Andrew,  argent  on  azure  shield;  and  the  third,  being  argeyit,  with  the 
saltire  of  St.  Patrick,  gules."  Again,  the  Cross,  the  Gospel  and  the 
Lions,  in  the  arms  of  the  University  of  Cambridge,  in  England,  sym- 
bolize a  bold  defence  of  the  Faith;  while  the  Crown  and  Psalter  in 
those  of  Oxford,  have  a  like  allusion  to  the  supremacy  of  religion; 
and  though  the  cross  does  not  appear  on  the  shield  of  our  own  Uni- 
versity of  Harvard,  the  arms,  as  you  all  know,  symbolize  devotion 
to  Christ  and  the  Church. 

I  remember  reading  in  an  old  writer,  whose  name  I  can  not  recall, 
an  interesting  incident,  which  may  illustrate  and  close  this  part  of 
my  address.  He  was  endeavoring  to  show,  that  devices  were  in  use 
in  the  time  of  William  the  Conqueror:  although  he  admitted  that  arms 
were  only  attributed  or  assigned  to  William,  for  he  had  never  been 
able  to  find  proof  of  their  use,  either  on  monument,  coins,  seals,  or  in 
any  contemporary  author.  The  anecdote,  so  far  as  I  remember  runs, 
that,  on  the  occasion  of  the  challenge  of  Geoffroy  Martel,  Earl  of 
Anjou,  and  the  Duke  of  Normandy,  Count  Martel  made  this  return  : 
"Tell  the  Duke,  tomorrow,  he  shall  have  me  there  on  a  White  horse; 
and  to  the  end  he  shall  know  me,  I  will  wear  a  shield  d'or,  without 
any  device."  To  which  the  Duke's  second  replied  :  "  Sir,  you  shall 
not  need  take  the  pains;  for  tomorrow  you  shall  have  the  Duke  on 
this  place,  mounted  on  a  bay  horse,  and  that  you  may  know  him,  he 
shall  wear,  on  the  point  of  his  lance,  a  streamer  of  taffeta  to  wipe 
your  face." 

I  have  merely  touched  thus  lightly  and  briefly  on  the  origin  of 
Heraldry,  in  order  to  attract  the  attention  of  our  young  members,  and 
indeed  of  all  students  of  History  and  Biography,  to  a  subject,  which, 
lam  confident  they  will  find  less  ■'  dry"  than  they  may  suppose,  while 
they  will  derive  valuable  aid  from  it,  in  the  pursuit  of  those  studies. 
More  than  one  interesting  and  romantic  volume  might  easily  be  filled 
with  the  history  of  the  causes  and  circumstances  that  led  to  the 
adoption  of  many  national  and  family  coats  of  arms.  And  as  I  inci- 
dentally alluded  just  now  to  monuments,  and  medals  or  coins,  let  me 
most  briefly,  but  not  the  less  emphatically,  commend  the  study  of 
Numismatics  to  every  student  of  History.  The  history  of  coins  and 
of  money,  is  in  itself,  a  subject  of  peculiar  interest,  but  the  light 
thrown  by  it  upon  General  History,  is  that,  to  which  alone  I  now  refer; 
and  it  is  not  too  much  to  say,  that  more  trustworthy  information  in 
regard  to  the  history  of  the  distant  past,  has  been  derived  from  the 

1862.]  An  Address.         *  125 

enduring  pictures  and  inscriptions  of  monuments  and  medals,  than 
from  any  other  source.  And  now,  still  pursuing-  the  backward  or 
ascending  course  of  my  somewhat  desultory  remarks,  I  ask  you  to 
accompany  me  in  a  brief  review  of  some  of  the  uses  of  History.  The 
subject  is,  I  am  well  aware,  a  very  trite  and  worn  one;  but  yet  ex- 
perience and  observation  have  impressed  me  with  the  belief,  that  it 
is  not  less  necessary  to  repeat  and  reassert,  and  that  over  and  over 
again,  facts  and  truths,  which  are  already  (in  the  language  of  society) 
well  known.  In  other  words,  I  believe,  that  in  this,  as  in  other  mat- 
ters, we  all  require  to  be  from  time  to  time  reminded  of  what  we  have 
long  since  known,  but  may  not  always  have  borne  in  memory.  At 
all  events,  I  feel  assured  that,  addressing  you  from  this  chair,  in 
which  your  kindly  feeling  has  placed  me,  you  will  bear  with  patience, 
even  the  repetition  of  some  familiar  views  and  principles.  You  and 
I  have  read  of  late  years,  many  learned  disquisitions  on  History,  its 
science,  its  philosophy,  its  moral  influence;  but  I  confess  none  of 
these  more  modern  essays  have  seemed  to  me  equal  in  truth  or  power, 
or  comprehensive  grasp,  to  those  letters  of  Bolingbroke,  which  I  had 
read  in  earlier  life,  and  whose  impression,  as  is  wont  to  be  the  case 
with  the  acquirements  of  our  earlier  years,  when  the  faculties  are 
fresh  and  vigorous,  and  the  memory  is  bright  and  strong,  remains 
vividly  stamped  still  upon  the  tablets  of  my  mind.  In  according 
such  praise  to  Bolingbroke,  I  refer,  of  course  to  his  philosophical 
methods  in  the  study  of  general  history,  without  by  any  means  en- 
dorsing his  views  of  sacred  history,  which  were  lamentably  tinctured 
with  skepticism. 

In  the  works  of  a  living  writer,  who  is  a  member  of  this  Society, 
occurs  this  passage  in  reference  to  the  study  of  History,  and  few  of 
us,  will,  I  think,  dissent  from  its  truth:  *  The  past  is  a  treasure 
house,  containing  jewels  of  inestimable  value;  and  History  is  the  key 
that  will  give  us  entrance,  and  enable  us  to  make  that  wealth,  those 
gems,  our  own!  In  the  temple  of  secular  knowledge,  there  are  many 
shrines,  but  there  is  none  more  holy,  more  beautiful,  more  worthy  of 
our  worship,  than  that  dedicated  to  the  Annals  of  the  Olden  Time." 

It  is,  I  think,  my  favorite  writer  on  this  subject,  as  I  have  before 
stated,  Henry  St.  John,  Lord  Bolingbroke  (although  Burke  asked 
"Who  reads  Bolingbroke?7')  who  records  the  definition,  since  so 
often  quoted,  of  Dionysius  of  Halicarnassus,  that  "  History  is 
Philosophy  teaching  by  example,"  and  both  in  our  own  hearts 
within,  and  in  all  the  facts  and  records  of  the  world  without, 
ancient,  middle  age,  and  modern,  we  shall  find  ample  and  constant 
evidence  of  its  truth.  To  the  same  effect  and  of  equal  truth, 
is  the  remark  of  the  great  Roman  Historian,  Tacitus  :  Fauci  pru- 
dentia,  honesta  ab  deter ioribus,  utilia  obnoxiis  discernunt  :  plures  alio  rum 
eventis  docentur,  "Some  few  distingush  honorable  things  from  dis- 
honorable, profitable  from  hurtful,  by  their  own  judgment;  but  a 
far  greater  number  are  taught  by  the  examples  of  others."  So 
imperfect  indeed  is  our  understanding,  so  frail  and  weak  the  struc- 
ture of  the  human  mind,  that  it  has  always  been,  a  great  difficulty  in 
grasping  and  realizing  abstract  propositions  of  any  kind,  however 
true.  It  requires  them  to  be  embodied  in  what  I  ma}*  term  objective 
material  examples;  a  fact  of  which  the  polytheistic  systems  of  heathen 
nations    afford   another   striking   illustration,   for   undoubtedly,    as 


126  An  Address.  [April 

Scblegel  says,  "those  systems  may  be  traced  to  tin's  striving-  after 
objectivities"  in  the  heart  of  man.  The  force  of  the  teaching-  of 
History  also,  is  derived  from  another  principle,  which  has  been  well 
stated  by  Seneca  :  Homines  ampiius  oculis,  quam  av,ribust  creduiit, 
lovgum  iter  est  per  prcecepta,  breve  ct  efficax  per  excmpla;  which  1  may  freely 
translate,  "Men  are  always  more  inclined  to  trnst  the  evidence 
of  their  eyes,  than  of  their  ears  :  for  the  path  of  instruction  by  the 
way  of  precepts,  is  long-  and  tedious;  but  that  by  the  way  of  ex- 
ample is  short  and  satisfactory." 

The  latter  mode  of  instruction  appeals  moreover  to  our  feelings 
and  passions,  as  well  as  to  our  own  reason,  and  when  the  former  are 
brought  on  the  side  of  the  latter,  the  whole  man  works  harmoniously 
together,  and  is  led  almost  insensibly  to  imitate  that  which  he  has 
learned  to  love  and  to  admire.  There  is  a  deep  and  vital  truth  in 
another  saying  of  Seneca's,  that  "  Cleanthes  had  never  become  so 
perfect  a  copy  of  Zeno,  if  he  had  not  passed  his  life  with  him,"  and  of 
a  like  tendency  is  the  ancient  Roman  custom,  referred  to  by  Boling- 
broke,  of  placing  the  images  of  their  ancestors  in  the  vestibules  of 
their  houses,  so  that,  whenever  they  went  in  or  out,  these  venerable 
figures  met  their  eyes,  and  recalled  the  glorious  actions  of  the  dead, 
firing  the  living  and  exciting  them  to  imitate  and  emulate  their  great 

It  has  been  well  and  wisely  said,  that  the  world  is  the  great  life- 
school,  of  which,  the  two  teachers  are  history  and  experience.     Com- 
parisons have    often  been   rather   uselessly  instituted    between   the 
relative  values  of  genius  and  experience.     The  truth  is,  though  there 
doubtless  have  been  many  remarkable  exceptions  in  either  direction, 
that  they  must   go,  hand   in  hand   together,  and   be   guided  on   their 
path  by  the  lamp  of  History.     This  is  the   educational  Triad,  which 
will  train  up  your  youth  to  be  good  men   and   good  citizens,  at   once 
the  ornament  and   the  bulwark  of  our  liberties,  and  our  national  re- 
nown!    An  instructive  comparison  has  been  instituted  by  more  than 
one  writer,  though  wTith  different  views,  between  the  Roman  General 
Lucullus,  and  the  English  Duke  of  Marlborough,  some  of  the  writers 
endeavoring  to  show,  that  the  former  became  a  great  commander  by 
reading  and  theory  only,  and   the  latter  as  exclusively  by  practical 
experience.     This   view,  however,  was   incorrect   and  unjust,   for   it 
has  been  proved   that   Lucullus  added  early  campaign  experience,  in 
the  war  against  the  Marsi,  and  in  the  East  under  Sylla,  to  his  book- 
studies;   while  Marlborough  certainly  had   little  book-learning,  but 
his  great  natural  genius  was  developed  and  improved  by  early  train- 
ing under  the  celebrated   Marshal  Turenne,  and  in  Irish  and  Flemish 
wars;  so  that,  though  Lucullus  is  not  a  just  example  of  the  success 
of  theoretical  study  alone,  Marlborough   is  an  instance  in  proof  of 
what  genius  and  experience  can  unitedly  effect,  though   unaided   by 
the  "learning  of  the  schools,"  and  of   all  such  examples,  it  may  be 
observed,  that   they   would    unquestionably  have   attained  a  higher 
standard  of  public  and  private  virtue,  if  their  minds  had  been  enlight- 
ened, and  their  hearts  ennobled,  by  that,  tone  of  thought  and  feeling, 
which  the  study  of  History  rightly  and   philosophically  pursued,  will 
never  fail  to  bestow. 

It  is  useless,  I  fiud,  to  attempt  to  dwell  as  I  could  wish,  on  the 

1862.J  An  Address.  127 

many  and  various  claims  of  the  study  of  History  upon  all  men,  and, 
above  all,  to  my  mind,  upon  the  citizens  of  a  great,  free  Republic, 
such  as  ours.  I  will  therefore  only  refer,  very  briefly,  to  two  of 
them,  the  Moral,  and  the  Political. 

What  can  be  better  calculated  to  stir  and  stimulate  us  in  the  pur- 
suit of  the  Noble  and  the  Good,  than  the  record  of  the  great  and 
good  deeds  of  those  who  have  gone  before  us,  whose  place  on  earth 
indeed  is  vacant,  but  whose  memory  survives,  enshrined  in  the  hearts 
of  their  posterity  ?  When  we  read  in  classic  story  of  the  virtuous 
self-sacrifice  of  a  Scipio  or  a  Decius,  do  not  the  love  of  Freedom  and 
of  Fatherland  and  Virtue  glow  more  brightly  in  our  bosoms  ?  Do 
we  not  say  perforce  within  ourselves,  "If  they,  enveloped  as  they 
were  in  Heathen  darkness,  could  act  thus  nobly,  shall  we,  who  have 
a  clearer  light,  and  a  truer,  holier  faith,  be  outstripped  by  them  in 
the  race  of  Virtue  ?  Nor  is  this  moral  influence  of  History  confined 
to  examples  which  stimulate  to  Virtue;  it  is  equally  full  of  warnings 
to  deter  from  Vice.  "Hence  (as  Livy  says)  you  may  select  examples 
which  you  may  imitate,  as  being  noble  and  good;  or  which  you  may 
shun,  as  being  base  in  their  origin,  base  in  their  result."  When  we 
see  how  History  has  fixed  the  stamp  and  stigma  of  an  eternal  infamy 
upon  the  guilt  of  so  many  of  the  world's  great  ones,  do  we  not,  must 
we  not,  at  the  same  time  think  of  the  crime  with  detestation  and 
abhorrence,  and  of  the  punishment  inflicted,  and  recorded  by  His- 
tory, with  terror  and  dread  ? 

And  here  I  may  remark,  that  probably  this  anticipation  of  what 
History  will  say,  exercises  an  influence,  and  a  most  salutary  one, 
upon  the  great  ones  of  the  earth.  The  human  heart  is  but  too  apt 
to  grow  wanton  in  the  days  of  wealth  and  power;  and  were  the 
present  time  only  thought  of  by  the  rulers  of  mankind,  it  is  to  be 
feared  that  deeds  of  violence  and  cruelty  and  crime,  would  be  even 
far  more  frequent  thau  they  are. 

So  much,  very  briefly,  for  the  Moral,  and  now  let  me  glance  at  the 
Political  influence  of  History. 

When  we  look  back  upon  the  glorious  and  successful  struggles  of 
our  forefathers  to  maintain  those  constitutional  rights,  and  to  gain 
that  constitutional  freedom,  now  enjoyed  by  us  —  a  People's,  and 
therefore  more  than  a  '*  Princely  heritage"  —  when  we  see  them 
bearing  all  the  sufferings  of  privation,  and  braving  all  the  perils  of 
the  battle-field,  rather  than  allow  themselves  and  their  country  to  be 
trodden  down  by  tyranny — when  we  read  of  these  things  in  the 
annals  of  the  not  far  distant  Past,  does  not  a  brighter  and  holier 
halo  diffuse  itself  around  the  sacred  name  of  Liberty  ?  Do  we  not 
feel  more  truly,  more  intensely,  as  we  look  up  loyally  and  lovingly 
to  the  good  old  Flag  of  the  Union,  the  full  force  of  the  Poet's  ex- 

(i  From  life  without  Freedom,  oh !  who  would  not  fly  ! 
For  one  hour  of  Freedom,  uh  !  who  would  not  die !  " 

and  is  not  the  study  which  kindles  and  cultivates  such  thoughts  and 
feelings  as  these,  of  the  highest,  the  most  incalculable  value,  to  all 
friends  of  freedom,  but  especially  to  all  American  freemen,  at  the 
present  momentous  and  most  critical  period  of  our  history  ?    Is  not 

128  An  Address.  [April 

all  doubt,  all  wavering,  thereby  banished  from  our  hearts,  and  do 
we  not  resolve  and  swear,  with  God's  blessing-,  that  no  cowardice, 
nor  sloth,  nor  selfishness  of  our  own,  nor  any  madness,  or  folly  and 
fury  of  others,  shall  snatch  away  from  us  the  sacred  heirloom  be- 
queathed to  us  by  those,  our  great  Forefathers,  or  blot  out  or  dim 
the  brightness  of  one  Star  of  our  glorious  Banner? 

Assuredly,  the  Palladium  of  American  Freedom  and  Greatness  is 
placed  in  that  temple  of  the  heart,  in  which  history  has  entwined 
the  memories  of  our  ancestors,  of  Washington,  and  Henry  and  Frank- 
lin, and  all  the  other  heroic  men  and  heroic  women  of  the  Revolution; 
all,  who  by  their  eloquence,  their  valor,  their  self-sacrifice  and  virtue, 
assisted  in  erecting  and   adorning   the  noble  edifice  of    a   People's  4 

Power,  and  thus  earned  for  themselves  an  undisputed  title  to  the 

"  Exegi  mo  mi  in  en  turn  sere  pereimius." 

Nor  are  such  views  as  these,  mere  ideal  theories.  The  last  year,  the 
last  six  months,  have  given  us  ample,  and  alas!  too  fatal  proof  of 
their  solidity  and  truth.  What  but  such  historic  memories,  and  their 
soul-inspiring  associations,  kindled  at  once  so  bright  and  broad  a  fire 
of  patriotic  ardour,  against  those,  who  had  insulted  our  Union  flag, 
and  were  seeking  to  overthrow  the  Union-work  of  our  fathers.?  This 
it  was,  and  nothing  else,  that  roused  the  hearts  and  nerved  the  arms 
of  the  young  men — nay!  not  of  our  young  men  merely,  but  of  our 
"  old  men  and  maidens,"  wives  and  widows,  boys  and  girls  through- 
out the  length  and  breadth  of  the  land.  So  that  with  one  soul  and 
one  voice,  they  have  avowed  their  readiness  and  eternal  resolve,  to 
bear  all,  to  brave   all,  to  suffer  all,  rather  than  surrender  the  historic  * 

heritage  handed  down  to  them  from  their  great  ancestors,  or  allow 
domestic  traitor  or  foreign  foe  to  injure  or  insult  the  Star  Spangled 
Banner  of  the  Union!  Inspired  by  these  historic  memories,  our  hero- 
soldiers  have  already,  on  many  a  bloody  field,  given  the  last  and 
strongest  proof  of  the  Patriot's  love  and  loyalty;  their  guiding  motto 
in  spirit,  if  not  in  words,  being  still — 

Heroes  !  to  the  combat  fly,  ' 

Proud  to  struggle,  blest  to  die! 
Go  !  should  Death  your  efforts  crown, 
Mount  the  pinions  of  renown  ! 
x  Go  !  tell  our  sires 

Their  daring  fires 
Glow  in  our  lofty  souls  till  life  expires. 

Many  other  claims  could  I  easily  put  forward  on  behalf  of  History, 
and  therefore  of  a  Society,  whose  great  object  it  is,  to  develop  and 
promote  and  systematize  the  study  of  History.  But  I  willingly  and 
purposely  pause  at  this  point,  for,  if  History  and  historic  memories 
shall  have  availed,  as  1  firmly  believe  they  null,  to  bring  our  beloved  coun- 
try safely  through  the  dread  crisis,  in  which  she  is  now  struggling, 
and  to  place  her  once  more  before  an  admiring  world,  brighter  and 
purer  and  more  powerful  for  the  terrible  ordeal  through  which  she  will 
have  passed,  then  it  would  indeed  be  vain  and  unnecessary  to  seek 
for  any  foundation  on  which  to  rest,  and  recommend  to  the  love  and 
honor  of  all  true  sons  and  daughters  of  America,  the  study  of  His- 
tory, and  the  support  of  such  societies  as  this  Historic-Genealogical 
Society  of  New  England.  1 

1862.]  Diary  of  Robert  C alley.  129 

CHARLESTOWN,   MASS.     1699-1765. 

[Communicated  by  Thos.  B.  Wyman,  Jr.,  of  Charlestown.] 

[Continued  from  vol.  xvi,  page  40.] 

Newell.— Anne  buried  Feb.   9,   1763:  Hannah    (see  E.  Breed)   pnbl. 

April  3,  H5Tj  Mr  "  Newell's  wife  brot  to  bed,"  March  29,  1757. 
Odin. — Capt.  drowned  Feb.  15,  1757,  taken  up  March  26. 
Orcutt. — Micah,  news  of  death,  April  5,  1760. 
Orr. — Capt.'s  child  buried  Dec.  17,  1764. 
Osbo(r)n. — Abraham  d.  Mar.    13,   1759,  buried  March  13;  Ephraim's 

son   buried   Aug-.    6,    1762;  John   m.   April   3,    1757;  John's  child 

buried  June  5,  1764;  John,  news  of  death,  Dec.  1,  1764. 
Oyer.— Mr.'s  child  buried  Oct.  16,  1762. 
Pain. — Betty  at  3  of  clock  morning,  d.  Sept.  21,  1765,  buried   Sept. 

22;  Hitty  or  Kitty  buried  Oct.  9,  1764;  Mrs.  d.  Dec.  1,  1764,  buried 

Dec.  2;  Mr.  and  "  Dowse  »  publ.  March  17,  1765,  m.  April  28. 
Payne. —  (See  Elizabeth  Sweetser.) 
Parker. — John's  child  buried  Sept.  29,  1764;  John,  83.  40,  d.  Sept.  8, 

1765,  buried  Sept.  10. 
Patten. — Mrs.  d.  June  22,  1765,  buried  June  23;  Mr.  "Patten  buried" 

July  8,  1765. 
Peat.— Robert's  child  Aug.  17,  1765. 
Peck. — Mr.  to  Eliza  Townsend  m.  Jan.  19,  1758. 
Peirce. — Mrs.  d.  March  4,  1757,  buried  March  7;  Steven's  wife  brot 

to  bed  wh  a  son,  April  18,  1757. 
Person.— Old  Mrs.  d.  Dec.  20,  1759;  (Mr.?)  buried  Dec.  25. 
Phillips.— Mr.   Eleazer  buried   Feb.   18,  1763;  Coilonel  d.  April  17, 

1763,  buried  April  23;  Capt.  John   buried   Nov.    7,    1756;  John's 

child   buried   May   16,    1758;  Nath.    and   Ann   Chamberlane  publ. 

May   8,   1757,  m.  June   21;  Nath.   took   into  church  Jan.  1,  1758; 

N.'s  child  buried  July  5,  1762;  Nath.'s  child  buried  July  25,  1765; 

Richard's  daughter  buried  March  19,  1759;  Richard,  33.  20,   buried 

July  20,  1757. 
Phipps. — Eliah's  wife,  of  small  pox,  d.  (Oct.?)   5,  1752;  Gov.  d.  April 

5,  1757,  buried  April  9;  Solomon,  news  of  being  killed  by  a  gun 

on  board  of  Capt.  Rouse,  March  27,  1758. 
Pierce. — Jonathan,  news  of  death  of,  Aug.  22,  1757. 
Polard.— Colonel  d.  Oct.  (26),  1756.  ' 
Polley. — Mr.  m.  Molly  Beers  June  9,  1757. 
Pounding. — Of  small  pox  nat.,  d.  July  29,  1752. 
Powers. — Batery    m.    Sarah    Rand    June    19,    1759;    Battry's   child 

buried  Aug.  28,  1765;  Mr  d.  Feb.  13,  1759,  buried  Feb.  16. 
Pownall. — Mrs.  buried  Nov.  15,  1758. 
Pratt. — Ebenezer  and  his   wife  dismissed  from   a  Boston  church  pr. 

certificate,  Dec.  12,  1735. 
Priest.— Hannah  d.  Dec.  21,  1757,  buried  Dec.  22. 
Prince.— Mr.  d.  Oct.  22,  1758,  buried  (30!). 


130  Diary  of  Robert  Calley.  [April 

Rainer.— Mr.  "  Rainer's  child  buried"  July  6,  1765. 

Rand. — Ann  (see  Sam11.  Sumner)  m.  Sept.  13,  1762;  Docr.'s  wife 
buried  Nov.  20,  1756;  Docr.  to  Jane  Fluker  publ.  April  9,  1758,  m. 
May  9;  Docr.'s  child  buried  Dec.  17,  1762;  Edmond's  wife  of  the 
email  pox  n.,  d.  June,  1752;  John's  wife  d.  June  5,  1762,  buried 
June  8;  Jong's  child  buried  Sept.  29,  1762;  Jonathan,  as.  40,  d. 
Aug.  8,  1764,  buried  Aug.  10;  Joseph  m.  Dec.  8,  1757;  Joseph's  wife 
d.  March  23,  1759,  buried  March  26;  Joseph  took  into  church  June 
17,  1759;  Joseph  m.  Sept.  20,  1759;  Joshua  publ.  Aug.  28,  1757; 
Nath.  to  Mrs.  Borrows  publ.  May  20,'  1757,  m.  June  9;  Xath.'s  wife 
took  into  church  Feb.  26,  1758;  Nathu.'s  wife  buried  Sept.  6,  1758; 
NatrA's  child  buried  Sept.  17;  N.  to  Mrs.  Stacy,  m.  June  21,  1759;  > 

Nath.'s  wife  d.  May  10,  1762,  buried  May  12;  Nath1.  the  feryman's 
wife,  d.  July  17,  1762,  buried  July  20;  Mr.  Nath.  to  Betty  Hoping 
publ.  Jan.  8,  1764;  Nath11.  news  of  death,  July  18,  1764;"  Nathll.'s 
child  buried  Sept.  17,  1765;  Same's  wife  buried  Oct.  23,  1762; 
Sarah  (see  Baterv  Powers)  ra.  June  19,  1759;  Thos.'s  twins  buried 
Feb.  26,  1765;  Waff's  child  buried  March  3,  1758;  old  Mrs.  d. 
Sept  21,  1757,  buried  Sept.  24;  old  Mrs.  d.  Nov.  5,  1762,  buried 
Nov.  8. 

Ranks. — 's  wife  buried  Nov.  30,  1758. 

Rayner — Mr.'s  daughter  d.,  ?e.  20,  Nov.  17,  1764,  buried  Nov.  19. 

Reed. — Benj.  d.  April  21,  1764,  buried  April  25;  Wm.'s  wife  d.  Sept. 
29,  1752.  >    j 

Rhoads. — 'es  child  (small  pox),  d.  Aug.  2,  1752. 

Rhodes. — Hannah  took  into  church,  Jan  1,  1758. 

Riga. — James  d.  March  7,  1762.  k 

Rudge. — Mr.  drowned  May  5,  1759. 

Runey. — James's  child  buried  Oct.  8,  1762. 

Russell. — Judg's   wife   buried   Aug.    17,    1762;    Katty    (see    Capt. 
Hendly)   publ.   Sept.  19,  1762,  m.  Oct.   5;  old  Mr.  d.  Dec.  6,  1763, 
•  buried;  Richard's   child  buried  Aug.   6,  1764;  Thos.  m.  Elizabeth 
Hendly,  May  2,  1765. 

Sanfords. — Mrs.'s  child  buried  Aug.  24,  1758. 

Scotow. — Joshi's  son,  re.  6  yrs.,  drowned  April  28,  1758.  ' 

Seargant. — James  drowned  May  5,  1759. 

Sewell.— Mr.'s  child  buried  Aug.  16,  1764. 

Shed. — Eben's  wife  d.  Dec.  4,  1759,  buried  Dec.  7;  Eben  publ.  March 
9,  1760. 

Sherman. — Mrs.  d.  June  13,  1758,  buried  June  16;  widow  buried  May 

7,  1763.  j 

Skinner — Andrew  m.  Anne  Sutton,  June  12,  1759. 

Sloane.— Robert  to  Sail:  Whitman,  m.  Dec.  28,  1758.  j 

Smith.— Mi cll.'s  child  buried  June  9,  1763. 

Soley. — Mrs.'s  child  buried  Nov.  25,  1763. 

Souther. — Betty  (see  James  Brazer),  m.  Aug.  14,  1757;  Louis  (see 
Thos.  Hooper),  m.  Oct.  17,  1757;  Mary  d.  Nov.  27,  1759;  Molley, 
buried  Nov.  30.  '  i 

Sprague. — Huldah  (see  J.  Frothingham\  publ.  Aug.  21,  1757;  in. 
Oct.  12;  Mrs.  Huldah  of  Medford,  buried  Aug.  29,  1757:  old  Mrs. 
d.. April  5,  1759,  buried  April  9;  Jonathan  d.  June  5,  1759,  buried 

1862.]  Diary  of  Robert  Calley.  131 

June  9;  Sam'Vs  wife  d.  March  26,  1759,  buried  March  29;  Same's 

child  buried  Aug-.  10,  1764. 
Stacy. — Mrs.  (see  N.  Rand),  m.  June  21,  1759. 
Standley. — Robt.'s  child  d.  Aug.    31,    1752;  Robert's    widow  buried 

Aug.  31,  1765.  • 
Stanton. — Capt.'s  child  buried  Sept.  26,  1764. 
Stedman. — Capt.  to  Mrs.  Austin,  in.  Jan.  5,  1764. 
Stevens. — Betty  d.  June  3,  1757,  buried  June  5;  Joseph  "Tastor"  in 

39th   year,   d.    Nov.    16,  1721,   buried    Nov.    18;   [Joseph's]    only 

daughter's   burial  named  Nov.  18,  1721;  Mrs.'s  negro  d.  April  19, 

Stimpson. — Uncle  Joseph  was  borne  Feb.  13,  1699,  and  d.  March  28, 

17.52;  Joseph  adm.    to  church    in  Charleston,  pr.    certificate,  Nov. 

11,  1722;  John's  wife  brot  to  bed  June  1,  1757;  John's  wife  brot  to 

bed  son  June  25,  1759. 
Stoak. — Mr.  at  half  past  3  o'clock  afternoon,  d.  Oct.  31,  1756,  buried 

Nov.  4. 
Stobard.— -Capt.  d.  April  11,  1763. 
Stone. — Old  Elias  buried   Jan.  6,  1757;  Elias's  daughter  d.  Nov.  27, 

1757,  buried  Dec.  2;  buried  Oct.  30,  1759;  Eiias's  child  scalded  to 
death  May  24,  17f»2;  Elias's  negro  drowned  May  21,  1762,  buried 
May  30;  Elias  Stone's  mother-in-law  buried  Jan.  4,  1758. 

Sumner. — Sam1,  and  Ann  Rand  m.  Sept.  13,  1762;  Saml.'s  wife  buried 

Nov.  27,  1764. 
Sutton. — Ann  (see  Andrew  Skinner),  m.  June  12,  1759;  Mrs.  d.  Oct. 

6,  1757,  buried  Oct.  8;  Mr.  m.  July  17,  1758. 
Swan. — Samn.'s  child,  measles,  d.  March  10,   1759,  buried  March  12; 

S.'s  child,  made  a  coffin  for,  March  9,   1765;  Sam'.'s  maid  buried 

Sept.  20,  1762. 
Sweetser. — Benj.'s  wife  d.  June  11,  1765,  buried  June  13;  Elizabeth 

Sweetser,  now  Payne,  admitted  to  church,  pr.  certificate,  July   19. 

1704;  Hephey  d.  Nov.   2,    1756,  buried    Nov.   5;  Naby   d.  Sept.  5, 

1758,  buried  Sept.  8;  uncle  Sam11,  about  eleven  of  clock  at  night, 
d.  July  18,  1757,  funeral  July  21;  Steven  to  Delight  Humphreys 
publ.  April  3,  1757;  Wm.'s  child  of  small  pox,  d.  Aug.  14,  1752. 

Symmes. — Caleb's  child  d.  July  16,  1759;  Caleb's  wife  brot  to  bed  with 

a  son  half  after  one  of  clock,  March  7,    1762;  Caleb's  wife  brot  to 

bed  with   a   girl,  Aug.   31,    1763;  Eliz:   (see  Robert  Calley)  publ. 

March  21,  1760,  m.  April  10;  Graced.  Oct.  8,  1762;  [Grace,]  uncle's 

child  buried  Oct.  10;  Isaac  ra.  March  20,  1765. 
Taylor. — Darcos,  buried  Nov.  2,  1762. 
Teal. — Wm.'s  daughter  buried  Nov.  21,  1764. 
Temple. — Mrs.'s  negro  woman  buried  Sept.  25,  1765. 
Thompson. — Mr.  Wm.  d.  July  5,  1762,  buried  July  8;  old  Mrs.  buried 

Sept.  10,  1762. 
Ting.— Jon*,  d.  Oct.  1,  1759,  buried  Oct.  3. 
Townsend. — Eliza  (see  Mr.  Peck),  m.  Jan.  19,  1758;  Phebe  (see  Wm. 

Manning),  m.  Nov.  29,  1759;   Sam1,  and  wife  took  into  church  Feb. 

26,  1758;  Sam!l.'s  child  buried  Sept,  17,  17G5. 
Trow.— Anna  m.   March   2,    1763;  Bart   m.  Aug.  3,  1758;  Betty  d.  at 

night,  Nov.  15,   1759,    buried   Nov.   18;  Richard  in,  Nov.  4,  1762; 

Capt  buried  Oct.  27,  1758. 


Miscellaneous — Nameless. — Capt.    shot  himself  in  his  cabin  at 

Boston  Aug.  2,  1T59;  Sam1.  Kent's  apprentice  d.  Sept,  12,  1759; 
five  children  bapt.  Jan.  24,  1 760 ;  3  soulders  at  the  castle  drowned 
Feb.  17,  1757;  Charles  Giles  killed  a  man  April  11,  1757;  two  men 

132  Diary  of  Robert  Callcy.  [April 

Trumbal.— James  m.  Nov.  22,  1764:  John's  wife  d.  Jan.  31,  1763, 
buried  Feb.  3;  Sam11,  d.  May  27,  1764;  Same's  negro  d.  July  15, 

Trumble.— Old  Mr.  d.  Sept.  24,  1759,  buried  SeFt.  27. 

Tufts. — John,  small  pox,  d.  May  3,  1764. 

Turner — John's  child  buried  April  11,  175S;  John's  child  buried 
June  25,  1765. 

Wait. — David  m.  Eebecca  Wood,  Dec.  21,  1758:  David's  wife  brot 
to  bed  June  5,  1759;  David's  child  bapt.  Sept.  16,  1759;  David's 
child  buried  Nov.  3,  1764,  David's  child  buried  Dec.  5;  Molley 
carried  to  goal  at  Boston  for  killing  her  child,  Feb.  24,  1760. 

Waldo. — Brigadier  at  the  eastward,  d.  May  23,  1759.  'I 

Waters. — Abraham's  child  buried  May  22,  1757;  Abraham  m.  Mary 
Collings,  May  17,  1762. 

Watson, — Alex,  child  buried  Jan.  13,  1758. 

Webb. — Frances  (see  John  Lamson),  m.  May  10,  1759. 

Webber. — John  d.  May  21,  1759,  buried  May  24. 

Wheeler. — Benj.  buried  Nov.  21,  1764,  Glocester  buried  March  3, 

White. — John's  child  d.  of  small  pox,  I.,  June,  1752;  Robert's  wife 
d.  May  23,  1762,  buried  May  24. 

W(h)itmax. — F.'s  wife  brot  to  bed  with  a  daughter,  Feb.  17,  1759; 
F.'s  child  buried  Oct.  30,  1762,  he  was  drowned  14th;  Sail:  (see 
Robert  Sloane),  m.  Dec,  28,  1758.  *  j 

W(h)i(t)t(k)more. — Abigail   (see   John  Goodwin)   m.  Sept.  5,  1763;  § 

Joseph  d.    morning   April  16,  1762,  buried  April  22;    Joseph  m. 
Oct.  25,   1764;  Katv    took   into   church  Jan.  1,    1758;  Katy  (see  I 

Mr.    Bartlett)    m.  July  18;  Thos.  m.  April  18,  1762;  Thos.'s'  child 
buried  Nov.  19,  1764. 

Whright. — Mr.  of  Woburn,  hanged  himself  April  28,  1763. 

Wigglesworth. — Dr.  d.  Jan.  16,  1764. 

Wilkins.— Thos,  buried  Aug.  26,  1762;  Thos.'s  child  buried  March 
26,  1751 

Willard. — Secretary  d.  Dec.  6,  1756.  , 

Williams. — Mary  d.  Nov.  18,  1756,  buried  Nov.  19; 

Willson. — Phebe,  daughter  John  and  Lydia,  bapt  atMenatamy,  June 
13,  1736. 

Wood. — David  m.  Aug.  22,  1765;  James  d.  Feb.  22,  1759,  buried 
Aug.  24;  Jonanh.  d.  May  30,  1762,  buried  June  1;  Rebecca  (see 
David  Wait),  m.  Dec.  21,  1758;  Rebecca  and  N.  Gold  publ.  March 
16,  1760,  m.  April  24,  1760;  Samuel,  David's  son,  se.  13,  d*  Nov, 
30,  1764,  buried  Dec.  i. 

Wybert. — Mrs.  small  pox,  buried  Jan.  28,  1758. 

Wyer. — John's  son  inoculated,  d.  June  (2)5,  1752;  John's  daughter 
nat.,  d.  June  29;  John's  child  small  pox,  nat,  d.  July  9;  John's 
child  small  pox,  nat.,  d.  July  14;  Sarah,  William's  daughter  d. 
July  2;  Wm.'s  child,  small  pox,  d.  Aug.  7.  i 

1862.]  The  Tozer  Family.  133 

at  Cambridge  drowned  Oct.  5,  1764;  a  negro  woman  found  dead 
at  Maiden,  May  30,  175";  a  boy  at  Boston  drowned  Juno  11;  six 
persons  took  into  church  Oct.  9;  3  children  baptized  Jan.  1,  1758; 
Gapt.  of  the  Royal  American  buried  April  18;  a  man  and  woman 
burned  to  death  at  a  fire  at  Boston,  April  20;  scooner  cast  away, 
7  men  drowned,  Nov.  5;  child  buried  June  21,  1762;  a  schollar  at 
Cambridge  drowned  June  23;  six  children  baptized;  a  negro  buried 
Nov.  19/1764;  child  buried  Sept  3,  1765;  child  buried  Sept.  25. 


In  vol.  viii,  page  264,  of  July  No.  of  the  Register,  I  caused  to  be 
inserted  the  following: 

"  The  following  children  of  Richard  and  Elizabeth  Tozer  were 
alive  22d  Sept.,  1734,  viz:  Martha  m.  Samuel  Lord;  Abigail  m. 
Samuel  Newton;  Sarah  Tozer;  Judith  m.  Jonathan  Burroughs;  John 
Tozer;  Richard    Tozer;  Mary  Tozer." 

Subsequent  examinations  prove  that  these  persons  then  alive  were 
not  the  children  of  Richard   and  Elizabeth. 

The  above  Samuel  Lord,  son  of  Nathan  and  Martha  (Tozer)  Lord, 
born  14th  June,  1689,  was  married  at  Kittery,  Me.}  19th  Oct.,  1710,  by 
Rev.  Jeremiah  Wise  to  Martha3,  born  9th  February,  1684,  daughter  of 
Paul2  and  Catharine  Wentwortb. 

Bond's  History  of  Water  town,  Barry's  Framingham,  and  Jackson's 
Newton,  give  proof  that  the  others  were  children  of  Simon  Tozer  of 
Watertown  Farms  (Weston),  who  died  30th  Dec,  1718,  by  his  wife 
Mary.  Simon  was  a  brother  of  Richard  Jr.,  who  married  Elizabeth2 
Wentworth,  and  son  of  Richard  Sr. 

Richard  Sr.  was  married  at  Boston,  Mass.,  3d  July,  1656,  by 
Richard  Bellingham,  Deputy  Governor,  to  Judith  Smith,  He  had  son 
Thomas  born  5th  May,  1657,  of  whom  nothing  more  is  known. 

York  Covyrdy  (Me.)  Records  show  that  he  had  a  daughter  Elizabeth 
who  married  Richard  Randall  of  Dover,  N.  H. 

Richard  Sr.  was  in  Kittery,  Me.,  as  early  as  1659,  where  he  was 
killed  by  the  Indians,  October  1675.  And  his  widow,  Judith,  was 
dead  prior  to  18th  June,  1683,  as  her  son  Richard  Jr.,  was  then 
appointed  her  administrator. 

On  the  17th  April,  1734,  Richard  Tozer  of  Berwick,  Me.  (a  town 

taken  from  Kittery),  deeds  to  Samuel  Lord  of  Berwick,  all  his  real 

*  estate,  cattle,  horses,  and   all  other    property  he  possessed,  whether 

real  or  personal,  moveable  or  immoveable,  in  consideration  of  .£500. 

His  wife  Elizabeth,  joined  in  the  deed. 

Neither  the  records  of  York  county,  nor  of  Kittery,  nor  of  Ber- 
wick, nor  of  any  other  place  yet  examined,  show  anything  further 
of  him  or  her,  nor  of  any  children  of  his.  From  his  selling  out  every 
thing  as  he  did,  they  probably  moved  away  where,  perhaps,  they  had 
children  living-. 

On  the  22d  Sept.,  1735,  the  above  referred  to  Tozer  children, living 
in  Massachusetts,  deed  to.  the  same  Samuel   Lord,  property  in  Ber- 


134  The  Tozer  Family.  [April 

wick,  Me.,  which  belonged  original^  to  their  grandfather,  Richard 
Tozer,  Sr. 

Until  recenthr,  they  were  supposed  to  have  been  the  children  of 
Richard  Jr.,  but  now  the}'  are  known  to  have  been  those  of  Simon, 
who  had  but  two  sons,  viz  :  1.  John,  b.  8th  Oct.,  1695;  m.  1718, 
Experience  Jackson  of  Newton,  Mass.,  and  he  had  no  sons,  but  he 
had  several  daughters.  2.  Richard,  b.  26th  July,  1701;  rn.  Elizabeth, 
and  had  several  daughters  and  only  two  sons;  (1.)  Richard,  b.  13th 
Oct.,  1732;   (2.)   Simon,  b.  7th  Nov.,  1743. 

But  there  are  Tozer  families  in  and  around  Waterville,  Me.,  still 
unaccounted  for,  who  descended  from  John  Tozerof  Georgetown, 
Me.    (formerly  called  Rowsick  Island).     He  died  there  in  1806,  aged  > 

84.  He  was  a  constable  there  in  1755,  and  was  bom  1722.  The 
place  of  his  nativity  is  not  known. 

May  he  not  have  been  a  grandson  of  Richard  Jr.? 

This  John  of  Georgetown,  Me.,  by  wife  Sarah,  had  Jeremiah,  b. 
in  Georgetown,  Me., "26th  Dec,  1747;  Abigail,  b.  17th  Sept.,  1749; 
Jonathan,  b.  27th  Aug.,  1751;  Sarah,  b.  1st  July,  1753;  Samuel,  b. 
9th  Aug.,  1755;  Patience,  b.  20th  Oct.,  1757;  Ellas,  b.  14th  Aug., 
1759;  Simon,  b.  23d  July,  1761;  John,  b.  3d  Oct.,  1763;  Benjamin 
P.,  b.  13th  Oct.,  1764;  Amos,  b.  31st  Jan.,  1769. 

Richard  Tozer  Sr.  had  a  daughter  Martha,  as  the  following  from  the 
Berwick  {Me.)  Records  proves: 

Nathan  Lord   married  to   Martha,  daughter  of  Richard  Tozer  and  ^ 

Judith  his  wife,  22d  Nov.,  1678:  Martha,  b.  14th  Oct.,  1679;  Nathan, 
b.  13th  May,  1681;  William,  b.  20th  March,  1682-3;  Richard,  b.  1st 
March,  1684-5;  Judith,  b.  29th  March,    1687;  Samuel,  b.  14th  June.  1 

1689;  Mary,  b.  29th  July,  1691;  John,  b.  18th  Jan.,  1693;  Sarah,  b. 
28th  March,  1696;  Anne,  b.  27th  May,  1697;  Abraham,  b.  29th  Oct., 

Instead  of   the    above  Samuel   Lord's    wife   being  a  daughte-r*of  | 

Richard  Jr.  and  Elizabeth  (Wentworth)  Tozer,  she  was  a  daughter 
of  Paul2  Wentworth,  and  in  her  will  she  speaks  of  her  brother 
William  Wentworth;  whilst  her  husband  was  a  nephew  of  Richard 
Tozer  Jr.,  and  grandson  of  Richard  Sr.  f 

Capt.  Samuel  Lord  wjlled  property  to  sons  John,  Nathan,  Abraham, 
Samuel  and  Ebenezer,  and  daughter  Mary  Grant.  He  spoke  of  his 
own  residence  which  he  gave  his  wife  as  at  Quamphegan.  He  spoke 
of  the  Tozer  place  which  he  gave  his  son  Abraham  as  at  Salmon 
Falls,  and  it  continued  until  very  recently  in  the  possession  of  Abra- 
ham's descendants. 

Nathan  Lord,  son  of  Samuel  and  Martha,  was  father  of  the  late 
Gen.  John  Lord,  and  grandfather  of  Nathan  j  Lord,  President  of 
Dartmouth  College. 

Robert  Blott  of  Suffolk  county,  Mass.,  in  his  will  [dated  May  27, 
1662.  See  Register,  xv,  73],  gives  property  to  his  daughter  Tozer, 
and  also  to  his  daughter  Tozer's  children. 

But  what  Tozer  was  there  in  this  country  at  that  time,  but  Richard? 
Was  his  wife  Judith  a  daughter  of  Blott,  and  a  widow  Smith  when 
he  married  her  ?  J.  W. 



1862.]  Records  of  Wethersficld,  Conn.  135 


[Communicated  t>y  Hon.  It.  R.  Hixmax  of  New  York.] 
[Continued  from  vol.  xvi,  page  22.] 

Bulkley,  Charles.     Children  of,  by  Mary  his  wife — Charles,  b.  May 

19,  1760;  Justus,  Mar.  15,  '62:  Mary,  Jan.  13,  '64;  Mrs.  M.  B.  d. 
Jan.  24,  1771.     Charles  B.  and  Eunice  Welles  were  m.  Oct.  7,  1773. 

Bulkley,  Benjamin  and  Susannah  Kirbey,  were  ra.  Nov.  3,  1757. 
Is.— Thomas,  b.  Oct,  2,  '58;  Lucy,  Sep.  18,  '60;  George,  Nov.  28,  '62; 
Huldah,  Oct.  1,  64;  James,  Sep."  11,  '66;  Stephen,  Nov.  IS,  '68;  Abi- 
gail, Dec.  30,  '70;  Martha,  April  26,  '73;'  Hannah,  June  25,  '75.  Mrs. 
S.  B.  d.  May  27,  17  76.  B.  Bulkley  and  Elizabeth  Brownell  were  m. 
Feb.  6,  1776. 

Bulkley,  Capt.  Edward  and  Prudence  Wells,  were  m.  Mar.  24.  1782. 
Is. — Rachel,  b.  Dec.  13,  '82;  Pamela,  April  6,  '84;  Oliver  Pomeroy, 
Jan.  31,  '87.     May.  Edw'h  B.  d.  May  30,  1787. 

Bulkley,  Edward  and  Dinah  Bunce,  were  m.  July  9,  1795.  Is. — 
Honor  Francis,  b.  Aug.  22,  "95;   John  Bunce,  May  2,  '97;    Eliza,  May 

20,  '99;  Edward,  Aug.  7,  1801;  Marv,  Mar.  16,  1803,  and  d.  in  in- 
fancy; Weahhv,  Mav  28,  1804.  Mite.  D.  B.  d.  Dec.  6,  1804;  and  Mr. 
E.  B,  Feb.  5,  1805.   . 

Bulkley,  Francis  and  Elizabeth  Fosdick,  were  m.  Jan.  5,  1796. 
Is. —  Chauncey,  b.  Jan.  16,  '98;  James  Henrv,  July  23,  '99;  Charles, 
April  27,  1801. 

Bridgman,  Isaack  and  Dorothy,  the  dau.  of  Serg1.  John  Curtis,  were 
m.  on  the  11th  day  of  April,  1706.  Is. — Lidia,  b.  Feb.  9,  1707;  Gideon, 
Oct.  2,  1708;  Dorothy,  Oct.  10,  1710. 

Belknap,  Samuel.  Child  of,  bv  his  wife  Elizabeth — Elisha,  b.  Dec. 
1,  1718. 

Brunsun,  Isaac  and  Thankful,  dau.  of  Samuel  Dibill,  of  Winsor, 
were  m.  on  the  30th  of  Jan.,  1707.     Is. — Samuel,  b.  Dec.  30,  1707. 

Brattle,  William  and  Marv  Wright,  were  m.  Sept.  21,  1743.  Is. — 
Sarah,  b.  Julv  11,  '44;  William,  Aug.  29,  ?45;  Elizabeth,  Jan.  13,  '47: 
Mary,  July  25,  '48:  John,  Aug.  11,  '50;  James,  Nov.  23,  '51;  Martha, 
Feb.  22,  '53;  Ann/Aug.  15,  1755. 

Beadle,  David.  Children  of,  by  his  wife  Abigail — Benjamin,  born 
Dec.  18,  1741;  Jonathan,  June  20,  '44;  Ruth,  June  30, '48;  David, 
Sep.  12,  1750. 

Beadle,  William.  Children  of,  by  his  wife  Lydia — Lydia,  b.  Nov. 
1,  1774;  Mary,  Oct.  6,  1776. 

Basset,  Jonathan.  Children  of,  by  his  wife  Mary — Abigail,  b. 
Sept.  6,  1739;  Jonathan,  Nov.  14.  '43";  Mary,  Mav  20, '45;  Hannah, 
Feb.  13,  '47; 'William,  April  28, '49;  Nathan,  Dec.  11,  '51;  Elisha, 
May  6,  1753. 

Balch,  Ebenezer  and  Sarah  Belding,  were  m.  together  on  the  28th 
day  of  June,  1750.  Is. — Sarah,  b.  Aoril  1,  '51;  Jonathan  Belding, 
Nov.  14,  '54;  Mary,  Nov.  17,  1752.  Mrs.  S.  B.  d.  April  3,  1756. 
Ebenr.  Balch  and  Lois  Belding  were  m.  Nov.  29,  1756.  Is. — Lois,  b. 
Feb.  27,  '58,  and  died  Aug.  15,  '60;   Joseph,  Feb.  16,  ;60;    Lois,  Dec. 



136  Records  of  Wether sfield,  Conn.  [April 

20,  '61;  Lucy,  Dec.  21,  G3;  Ebenezer,  Aug1,  30,  66;  Timothy,  Oct.  26, 
'68;  William,  May  If,  1778.     Mrs.  L.  B.  d.  May  23,  1793. 

Barret,  James  and  Anue  Carington,  were  m.  Dec.  3,  1761.  Is. — 
Selab,  b.  Dec.  24,  '62;  Anne,  Sep.  4,  '64;  Martha,  June  27,  '^;  Mary, 
Feb.VGS;  Mary,  Sep.  7, '69:  Sarah,  Aug-.  8, '71 ;  Ruth,  April  17,  '75; 
James,  Mar.  7,  1777. 

Bull,  Amos.  Child  of,  by  his  wife  Mary — James,  b.  Aug.  10,  1772. 
Mr.  A.  B.  d.  Jan.  8,  1775. 

Bull,  Samuel.  Children  of,  by  his  wife  Fanny — Eleazer  Hunting- 
ton, b.  Feb.  14,  1800;  Seth  Pitkin,  Dec.  31,  1801;  Fanny  White, 
Aug.  2,  1803;  Samuel  Griswold,  April  6,  1805,  d.  April  9,  1806; 
Samuel  Griswold,  April  17,  1807,  d.  Oct.  13,  1810;  Melissa  Amelia, 
Feb.  9,  1809,  d.  Dec.  7,  1811:  Edgur  Leonard,  Feb.  5,  1811;  Lorenzo 
Solon,  Mar.  8,  '13;  Melissa  Amelia,  Jan.  9,  1815. 

Chester,  Lenord.  Children  of,  by  his  wife  Mary — John,  b.  in  Wa- 
tertown,  Mass.,  Aug.  3,  1635;  Dorcas,  Nov.  5,  '37;  Steven,  Mar.  3, 
'39;  Mary,  Jany.  15,  '41;  Prudence,  Feb.  16,  '43;  Eunice,  June  15, 
'45;  Mercy,  Feb.  14,  1647.     Stephen  d.  April  23,  1705. 

Chester,  Capt.  John  and  Sarah,  the  dau.  of  the  Hon]e  Gov  Thomas 
Wells,  were  m.  in  Feb.,  1653.  Is— Mary,  b.  Dec.  23,  1654:  John, 
June  10, '56;  Sarah,  Nov.**,  '57;  Stephen,  May  26,  '60;  Thomas, 
Mar.  23,  '62;  Samuel,  May  23,  '64;  Prudence,  Dec.  10,  '66;  Eunice, 
May  17,  1668.  Samuel  d.  May  12,  1689.  Mary,  wife  of  Mr.  John 
Wolcott,  d.  July  10,  1G89.  Eunice,  wife  of  Timothy  Stevens,  d.  June 
16,  1698.  Capt.  John  Chester  d.  Feb.  23,  1698;  Mrs.  Sarah  Chester 
d.  Dec.  12,  1698. 

Chester,  Thomas  and  Mary,  the  dau.  of  Richard  Treat,  were  m.  Dec. 
10,  1684.  Is.— Eunice,  b.  Nov.  22,  16S5;  Samuel,  Sept.  29,  1696,  and 
d.  March  17,  1710;  John,  Dec.  17,  '99,  and  d.  Dec.  14,  1700;  Mary, 
Jan.  6,  1706.  Mr.  Thomas  Chester  d.  Dec.  5,  1712;  Mrs.  Mary  C., 
Jan.  1,  1748,  aged  81  years. 

Chester,  John  Junr.  and  Hannah,  the  dau.  of  Capt,  Samuel  Talcott, 
were  m.  Nov.  25,  1686.  Is. — Penelope,  b.  Oct.  21,  '87,  and  d.  in  in- 
fancy; Mehetable,  Jan.  29,  '89;  Mary,  March  8, '91;  Penelope,  Nov. 
18,  '93;  Hannah,  May  15,  ;96,  and  d.  May  29,  1749;  Prudence,  March 
4,  1699;  Eunice,  May  11,  1701;  John,  June  30,  1703;  Sarah,  July  1, 
1707;  Thomas,  Aug.  31,  1711,  and  d.  in  infancy.  Major  J.  Chester 
d.  Dec.  14,  1711,  aged  55|  years;  Mrs.  Hannah  C.  d.  July  23,  1741, 
in  the  77  th  year  of  her  age. 

Chester,  Stephen  Junr.  and  Jemima,  dau.  of  Lieu'.  James  Treatt,  were 
m.  Dec.  17,  1691.  Is.— Dorothy,  b.  Sept.  5,  '92;  Sarah,  March  5,  '94; 
Mercy,  Oct,  26,  '96;  Stephen  John,  Feb.  14,  1698.  S.  Chester  Jr.  d. 
Feb.  9,  1698,  aged  37|  years. 

Chester,  John  and  Sarah  Noyes,  were  m.  Nov.  19,  1747.  Is  — 
John,  b.  Jan.  18,  '49;  Leonard,  Sept,  18,  '50;  Sarah,  Aug.  12,  '52; 
Abigail,  May  27,  '54;  Stephen,  Oct.  28,  '61;  Thomas,  Jan.  7,  1764. 
J.  Chester  Esq.  d.  Sept.  11,  1771. 

Chester,  John  and  Elizabeth  Huntington,  of  Norv/ich,  were  m. 
Nov.  25,  1773.  Is.— Elizabeth,  b.  Nov.  10,  '74;  Mary,  April  20,  '79: 
Hannah,  Oct.  27,  '81;  Sarah,  June  17,  'S3;  Juhn,  Aug.  17,  ;85;  Char- 
lotte, March  20, '87;    Henry,  Oct.  3,  '80,  and  d.  in  infancy;    Julia, 


1S62J  Records  of  Wdhersfield,  Conn.  137 

March  15,  '92;    Henry,  Dec.  22,  '93;   William,  Nov.  20,  '95;    George, 
June  14,  1798. 

Chester,  Leonard  and  Sarah  Williams  of  Pittsfield,  were  m.  Sept. 
12,  niG.  Is.— Leonard  Williams  Peppereli,  b.  Dec.  20,  "tV;  Sarah, 
Aug.  8,  "19:  Henrietta  and  Sophia,  Mar.  8,  '81;  John  Noyes,  Mar.  20, 
'83;  Sally  Williams,  Nov.  2,  '84;   William  Williams,  July  13,  1786. 

Curtis,  Thomas.  Chiiclren  of,  by  his  wife  Elizabeth — John,  b.  Jan. 
1,  1C39;  James,  Sept.  15,  '41;  Joseph,  Mar.  31,  '44;  Samuel,  April  1, 
'45;  Isaac  (date  obliterated).  T.  Curtis  d.  Nov.  13,  1681,  aged  83 

Curtis,  John  and  Lidia  his  wife,  were  m.  Nov.  20,  1666.  Is. — 
John,  b.  Dec.  10,  '6";  Thomas,  Sept.  15,  'TO;  Lidiah,  March  1,  '73; 
Dorothy,  May  15,  '74;  William,  Oct,  12,  '77;  Elizabeth,  Nov.  13,  'SI; 
Jonathan,  Aug.  13,  1682. 

Curtis,  Joseph  and  Mercy  his  wife,  were  m.  Feb.  8,  1674.  Is. — 
Meribah,  b.  Mar.  10,  '74,  and  d.  Jan.  15,  1684;  Joseph,  Jan.  10.  '75; 
Mary,  Sept,  2,  '77;  Sarah,  Sep.  29,  '79;  Thomas,  Dec.  24,  'SO;  David, 
Nov.  29,  '82.     J.  Curtis  d.  Dec.  31,  1683,  aged  about  40. 

Curtis,  James  and  Abigaill  his  wife,  were  m.  July  8,  1686. 

Curtis,  Samuel  and  Sarah  his  wife,  were  m.  Feb.  20,  1683.  Is. — 
Samuel,  b.  Nov.  23,  '84;  Elizabeth  and  Ruth,  May  17,  '87;  Elizabeth 
d.  in  infancy.     S.  Curtis  d.  Nov.  26,  1688,  aged  about  42  years. 

Curtis,  John,  the  son  of  Serg;.  John  Curtis,  and  Elizabeth,  the  dau. 
of  Joseph  Wright,  were  m.  April  3,  1690.  Is. —Martha,  b.  Jan.  17,  '91; 
Lidia,  Nov.  15,  '94.  and  d.  in  infancy;  Mary,  Julv  5,  '96;  Rachel, 
Oct.  25,  '98;  John,  Feb.  8,  1701;  Josiah,  Nov.  17,H03;  Elizabeth, 
Mar.  18,  1707;  Hannah,  Dec.  12,  1711.     J.  Curtis  d.  Nov.  8,  1712. 

Curtis,  Thomas  and  Mary,  the  dau.  of  John  Goodrich,  were  m.  Dec. 
30, 1703.  Is.— Rebecca,  b.  April  28,  1705 ;  Thomas  Curtis  and  Rachell, 
dau.  of  John  Morgan  of  Groton,  were  m.  Mar.  17,  1715.  Is. — Ambrose, 
b.  Mar  23,  '16;  James,  Sep.  11,  '18;  Experience,  Nov.  12,  20;  Wait- 
still,  July  22,  '23;  Rachell  Feb.  5,  1727.  Mrs.  R.  Curtis  d.  Feb.  5, 
1730.  \ 

Curtis,  David  and  Abigaile,  the  dau.  of  John  Goodrich,  were  m. 
April  25,  1706.     Is.— Allen,  b.  May  18,  1708;  Anne,  July  18,  1710. 

Curtis,  William  and  Ruth.  dau.  of  Nath!.  Butler,  were  m.  Jan.  8, 
1702.  Is.  — Gideon,  b.  July  10,  1703;  William,  Aug.  23,  1705; 
Charles,  Mar.  13,  1710. 

Curtis,  Jonathan  and  Hepzibah  Hastings  of  [Hartford]  Hatfield, 
were  m.  June  5,  1705.  Is. — Anna,  b.  Mar.  31,  1706;  Abigail,  Oct. 
11,  1708;  Thomas,  Oct.  8,  '10;  Eleazer,  Sep.  16,  '12;  Jonathan,  Dec. 
26,  '14;  John,  Jan.  5,  1721. 

Curtis,  Joseph  and  Dorothv,  the  dau.  of  Joseph  Edwards,  were  m. 
Dec.  7,  1708.  Is.— Dorothy,  b.  Jan.  30,  1709;  Kathrine,  Dec.  25t  '10; 
Joseph,  Jan.  22, '13;  Daniel,  April  29. '15;  Sarah,  May  23, '17:  Zecha- 
riah,  Sep.  13,  '19;  Josiah,  Dec.  12,  1721.  Mrs.  Dorothy  C.  d.  April  18, 
1760;  and  Mr.  Joseph  C,  Dec.  31,  1765. 

Curtiss,  Samuel  and  Susanna  Allen,  were  m.  Feb.  2,  1710.  Is. — 
Elizabeth,  b.  Mar.  7,  '11;  Samuel,  Aug.  28,  1712. 

Curtice,  Joseph  Jr.  and  Silence  Williams,  were  m.  Oct.  31,  1732. 
Is.— Mary,  b.  May  22,  1733. 

Curtis,  Samuel   and   Loia   Belding-,  were  m.  Oct.  28,  1736.     Is. — 

138  Records  of  Wethersfield,  Conn.  [April 

Lois,  b  Feb.  24,  '40;  Hannah,  Feb.  G,  '42;  Samuel,  March  30,  '44; 
Susanna,  June  23,  '4G;  Daniel,  Nov.  25.  '4S;  Margaret,  March  5,  '52; 
Eunice,  Dec.  t,  '54;  Joseph,  June  15,  1765. 

Curtis,  Josiah  and  Mary  Kilborn,  were  m.  Dec.  3,  1747.  Is. — 
Levi,  b.  June  26,  1749;  Ruth,  Dec.  6,  '51;  Josiah,  Aug.  26,  '57; 
Ebenezer,  Jan.  31,  17G0.     Mrs.  Mary  C.  d.  Oct.  7,  1799. 

Curtiss,  James  and  Elizabeth  Kilborn,  were  m.  May  18,  1749. 
Is.— Elizabeth,  b.  April  3,  '50;  Hannah,  Jan.  12,  '52;  Martha,  Dec.  8, 
'53;  Mary,  April  11,  1756. 

Curtiss,  Thomas  and  Dorothea  Bulklev,  were  m.  Jan.  8,  1741. 
Is.— Dorothy,  b.  Dec.  5,  '41;  Josiah,  May  *11,  '44;  Charles,  March  7, 
'46;  Rachel,  April  9,  '48;  Wait,  Jan.  1,  '51;  Eleazer,  March  14,  '53; 
Mary,  Oct.  6,  1755. 

Curtis,  Jonathan  2d.  Children  of,  by  Hannah  his  wife — Joseph,  b. 
April  12,  1756;  Hannah,  Mar.  24,  1758. 

Curtis,  Samuel  Jr.  and  Mehetabel  Goodrich,  were  m.  Oct.  17,  1764. 

Curtis,  Josiah  Jr.  and  Eunice  Hun,  were  m.  Dec.  28,  1780. 

Curtis,  Levi  and  Rhoda  Stoddard,  were  m.  Jan.  4,  1779.  Is.— 
Josiah,  b.  Oct.  31,  '79;  Thomas  Stoddard,  Jan.  14,  '83;  Lucy,  Aug. 
T,  '82;  Cloe,  Mar.  13,  '85;  Lydia,  Mar.  2,  '87;  Joseph  Edwards,  Oct. 
9,  '89;  Rhoda,  July  30,  1796. 

Curtiss,  James  Jr.  and  Sarah  Fosdick,  were  m.  April  6,  1788. 
Is. — Sarah,  born  April  4,  '89;  James,  May  1,  '91,  and  d.  in  infancy: 
Sally,  Nov.  28,  '92;  Mary.  Nov.  8,  '94;  Roswell,  Aug.  20,  '96;  Samuel 
Fosdick,  Sep.  8,  '99;  Charles  Chauncey,  Dec.  20,  1803;  James,  Mar. 
29,  1806;  Anner  Bacon,  April  20,  1808. 

Curtiss,  Joseph,  was  b.  April  9,  1777,  and  Abiah  Seely  Dec.  25, 
1769,  and  were  m.  June  17,  1798.  Is.— Daniel,  b.  Nov.  8,  1799;  Jo- 
seph, Mar.  30,  1802;  Seely,  Feb.  12,  1805. 

Cheeny,  John  and  Sarah  his  wife,  were  m.  June  26,  1669.  Is. — 
John,  b.  July  1,  1672;  Henry,  Feb.  14,  1673. 

Churchill,  Josias.  Children  of,  by  Elizabeth  his  wife — Mary,  b. 
March  24,  1639;  Elizabeth,  May  15,  '42;  Hanah,  Nov.  1,  '44;  Joseph 
Dec.  2,  '49;  Benjamin,  May  16,  '52;  Sarah,  Nov.  11,  1657.  Wid. 
Elizabeth  C.  d.  Sept.  8,  1700,  aged  about  84. 

Churchel,  R.  Georg,  sonne  of  Churchel  and  of  Marget  his  wife, 
was  borne  the  14th  day  of  March,  1653. 

Churchell,  Jose  and  Mary  his  wife,  were  m.  May  13,  1674.  Is. — 
Mary,  b.  April  6,  1675;  Nathaniell,  July  9,  1677. 

Churchell,  Benjamin  and  Mary  his  wife,  were  m.  July  8,  1676. 
Is.— Josiah,   b.  Jan.  S,   1676;    Prudence,  July  2,  ;78;   Abigaiil,  Feb. 

18,  1680.     Mrs.  C.  d.  Oct.  30,  1712. 

Churchill,  NathH.  and  Mary,  the  dau.  of  John  Hurlbutt  of  Middle- 
town,  were  m.  Oct.  9,  1701.     Is.— Nath11.,  b.  Oct  29,  1703;  John,  Jan. 

19,  1706;  Daniel,  Nov.  3,  1710. 

Churchill,  Josiah  and  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Mr.  Thomas  Towsev,  were 
m.  May  8,  1706.  Is.— Arminell,  b.  Feb.  20,  1709;  Prudence,  Dec.  20, 
'10;  Hezekiah,  Aug.  20,  '12,  and  d.  June  24,  '14;  Mary,  Oct.  6,  '14; 
Sarah,  June  11, '16;  Josiah,  June  28,  1720.  Mr.  J.  C.  d.  Aug.  22, 
1751,  and  his  wife  Oct.  23,  1751. 

Churchel,  Joseph  and  Ledia,  dau.  of  John  Dickinson  of  Hatfield, 
were  in.  Jan.  12,  1714.     Is. — Joseph,  b.  Npy.  23,  1714. 


1862.]  Records  of  Wethersfield,  Conn.  139 

Churchill,  Ensign  Samuel,  d.  .July  21,  1767,  and  Martha  his  wid., 
Dec.  14,  1780. 

Churchil,  David.  Children  of,  by  Doroth  liis  wife — Dorothy,  b. 
Oct.  3,  1726;  Elizabeth,  Feb.  1,  '29,. .and  d.  in  infancy.  Betty,  June 
9,  '31;  David,  Oct.  16,  '33;  Anne,  Oct.  23,  '37;  Joseph,  May  31,  1743. 

Churchil,  Nathanael  and  Rebecca  Oris  wold,  were  m.  (no  date). 
Is.— Abigail,  b.  Sept.  28,  1727;   Mary,  Aug.  22,  '29;    Nathaniel,  June 

25,  '31;  Rebecca,  Feb.  10,  '34;  Lucy"  May  3,  '36;  Janna,  Feb.  20,  '38; 
Amos,  Mar.  5,  1743. 

Churchil,  Charles  and  Lydia  Belding,  were  m.  Nov.  19,  1747.  Is. — 
Hannah,  b.  Jan.  11,  '49,  and  d.  in  infancy;  Levi,  May  28,  '52;  Mary, 
t  Sept.  22,  '53,  and  d.  in   infancy?    Charles,  May  3,  '55;    Samuel,  April 

5,  '57;  Hannah,  Dec.  28,  '58;  "Solomon,  July  29,  '64;  Silas,  April  5, 

Churchil,  Josiah  and  Eunice  Doming,  were  m.  May  2,  1753. 

Churchill,  Samuel  and  Mercy  Bordman,  were  m.  July  16,  1778. 
Is. — a  dau.  (nameless),  b.  Dec.  7,  '79;  Mary  Anna,  Aug.  25,  1782.. 

Chapel,  George.  Issue  of,  by  Christian  his  wife — Abigail,  b.  Sept. 
1,  1644;  Sarah,  Sept.  21,  '4.7;  Rachell,  Oct.  10,  1649. 

Cotton,  John  and  Hanah  his  wife,  were  m.  Nov.  7,  1660. 

Colfox,  William.  Children  of,  by  Alse  his  wife — Elizabeth,  b.  in 
April,  1633;  John,  in  Feb.,  '55;  Mary,  in  Feb.,  57;  Jonathan,  in  Feb., 

Colefox,  Jonathan  and  Sarah  his  wife,  were  m.  May  28,  1696.  Is. — 
Sarah,  b.  Mar.  3,  1697.     J.  C.  d.  Dec.  17,  aged  about  53. 

Catellin,  John  and  Mary  his  wife,  were  m.  Sept.  23,  1662.  Is.— 
'     John,  b.  July  26,  '63. 

Crane,  Benjamin  and  Mary  his  wife,  were  m.  April  23,  1655.  Is. — 
Benjamin,  b.  March  1,  1656;  Jonathan,  Dec.  1,  '58:  Jose,  April  1, 
'61;  John,  April,  '63;  Israel,  Nov.  1,  1671.  Mrs.  M.  C.  d.  July  8, 

Crane,  Joseph  and  Sarah,  the  dan.  of  John  Kilborne,  were  m.  Dec,  10, 
1684.  Is. — Sarah,  b.  Dec.  10,  '85,  and  d.  in  infancy;  Sarah,  Mar.  15, 
'87;  Hannah,  Aug.  4,  '89;  Mary,  Aug.  31,  '92,  and"  d.  Dec,  27,  1701; 
Benjamin,  May  21,  '94;  Joseph,  Nov.  25,  '96,  and  d.  Sept.  28,  1712; 
Hester,  Sept.  7,  '98,  and  d.  Sept.  6,  1701;  David,  April  27,  1701,  and 
died  in  infancy;  Easter,  Aug.  28,  1702;  Isaac,  Oct.  20,  1707.  Mr.  J. 
Crane  d.  Nov.  28,  1707,  aged  46. 

Crane,  John  and  Abigail,  dau.  of  Nath11.  Butler,  were  m.  Oct.  27, 1692. 
Is.— Josiah,  b.  Mar.  22,  1694.     Mr.  John  C.  d.  Oct.  23,  1694,  aged  30. 

Crane,  Benjamin  Jr.  and  Mary  Chapman,  were  m.  May  12,  1686. 
Mrs.  M.  C.  d.  April  5,  1687,  aged  22.  Children  of  B.  Crane,  by  Mar- 
tha his  wife — Benjamin,  b.  Nov.  7.  1690,  and  d.  May,  1693;  Isaac, 
Aug.  19,  792,  and  d.  Sep.  15,  1712.    'Mr.  B.  Crane  d.  June  20,  1693. 

Crane,  Israel  and  Lidiah  his  wife,  were  m.  Sept.  13,  1695.  Is.— 
Lidia,  b.  Aug.  4,  1701;  Hannah,  Nov.  24,  1702;  Elizabeth,  Sept.  23, 
1704;  Martha,  Mar.  19,  1706.  Mr.  I.  0.  d.  April  28,  1707,  in  his  36th 

Crane,  Abraham.  Children  of,  by  Hannah  his  wife — Mary,  b.  Feb. 
7,1697     John,  Mar.  14,  1700;    Benoni,  Aug.  20,  1704;    Hannah,  May 

26,  1706;  Lucy,  July  25,  1710;  Abraham,  Oct.  5,  1713.  Mr.  A.  C.  d. 
July  5,  1713,  aged  about  45. 

J  40  Records  of  Wethersfield,  Conn,  [April 

Crane,  John  Jr.  Children  of,  by  Rebeckah  his  wife — Sarah,  b. 
Nov.  30,  1735;  Benjamin,  Mar.  29,  1738. 

Crane,  Abraham  and  Rebecca  Ilurlbutt,  were  m.  Mar.  15,  1739. 
Is.— Abraham,  b.  Dec.  16,  '39;  David,  Nov.  29,  '41;  Elijah,  Jan.  9, 
'44;   Benjamin,  July  18,  '46;    Hezekiah,  Sept.  28, '48;    Rebecca,  Nov. 

22,  '50,  and  d.  in  infancy:    Mary,  Nov.  5,  '52;   Joseph,  Aug.  13,  1755. 
Mr.  A.  C.  d.  Mar.  25,  1756,  in  the  43d  year  of  his  age. 

Crane,  Hezekiah.  and  Mary  Dix,  were  m.  Dec.  29,  1771.  Is. — 
Sarah,  b.  May  7,  '72;  Mary,  Jan.  17,  '74;  Leonard,  Aug.  15,  '76,  and 
d.  1797;  Samuel,  Jan.  25,  '79;  Hezekiah,  Jan.  5,  '81,  and  d.  May  19, 
1827;  Thomas,  Mar.  1,  1783,  and  d.  1787;  Lancelot,  Sept.  12,  'S6; 
Rebecca,  Mar.  14,  '88;  Emily,  Dec.  19,  1790.  Mr.  H.  C.  d.  Mar.  10, 
1800,  aged  52,  and  his  wid.  Jan.  19,  1825,  aged  75. 

Crane,  Abraham  Jr.  and  Huldah  Hanmer,  were  m.  Feb.,  1797. 
Is. — Mary,  b.  Jan.  27,  '98:  William  Hanmer,  Oct.  25,  '99.  Abraham, 
Nov.  13,  1801. 

Couch,  Thomas  and  Rebeckah  his  wife,  were  m.  Nov.  22,  1666. 
Is.— Susannah,  b.  Oct.  12,  '67:  Simon,  Dec.  11,  '69;  Rebackah,  Feb. 
16,  1672.     Mrs.  R.  C.  d.  March  1,  1672. 

Couch,  Thomas  and  Sarah  Hust  of  Deerneld,  were  m.  Dec.  16, 
1713.  Is.— Sarah,  b.  Nov.  7, '14;  Hannah,  Julv  27, '16;  Elizabeth, 
Aug.  23,  '18;  Thomas,  May  9, '21;  Ebenezer,  Sept.  28,  '23;  Benoni, 
June  5,  '27.     Mr.  T.  C.  d.  Dec.  1,  1751.  and  his  wife  Oct,  16,  1757. 

Couch,  Benoni  and  Phebe  Miller,  were  m.  July  28,  1754.  Is. — 
Samuel,  b.  June  18,  '55:  Thomas,  April  26,  1757. 

Coultman,  John  and  Mary  his  wife,  were  m.  Sept,  21,  1667.  Is. — 
Mary,  b.  Nov.  29,  1672;  Elizabeth,  Jan.  14, '77;  Anna,  March  11, 

Cole,  Samuel  and  Lidiah  his  wife,  were  m.  Sept.  25,  1679.  Is. — 
Joseph,  b.  Sept.  12,  '81;  Lidia,  Jan.  18,  1684. 

Cole,  Joseph  and  Abigail,  aau.  of  Sergt.  Jonathan  Rily,  were  m.  Jan. 
13,  1709.     Is.— John,  b.  June  13,  1710. 

Clarke,  William.  Children  of,  by  Susanah  his  wife — Mary,  b.  June 
18,  1669;  Susanah,  Dec.  25,  '71;  William,  Jan.  29,  '73;  Mathias, 
Feb.  9,  '77;  Elizabeth,  Aug.  28,  1679.  By  his  2d  wife  Margaret,  he 
had  Is. — Abigail,  b.  Feb.  4.  1707.  Wm.  C,  jr.,  was  drowned  AdhI 
8,  1708,  aged  about  33  years.     Mr.  W.  C.  d.  Dec,  1711. 

Clarke,  Thomas  and  Dorothy,  dan.  of  Stephen  Hurlbutt,  were  m. 
Dec.  9,  1710.  Is.— Phebe,  b.  Aug.  25,711,  and  d.  Dec.  21,  '12:  Wm., 
June  19,  '13;  Martin,  May  9.  '15:  Elisha,  March  23,  '18;  Phebe,  Jan. 
27,  '20;  Hannah,  Jan.  23,  '22;  Mary,  June  9,  '24;  Thomas,  Sept.  25, 
1728.     Mr.  T.  C.  d.  April  3,  1767. 

Clarke,  Thomas  Jr.,  and  Lois  Brooks,  were  m.  June  17,  1756. 
Is.— Martin,  b.  July  20,  '57,  and  d.  Dec.  16,  '62;  Roger,  Dec.  1,  '59; 
William,  May  30,  '62;  Rufus,  Sept.  2,  '64;  George,  Dec.  1,  '66,  and 
d.  Sept.  27,  '75;  Moses,   Jan.  4,   '69;  Mary,  Feb.    15,  '71;  Olive,  Oct. 

23,  '74;  George,  Jan.  7,  1778. 

Clarke,  Moses.  Children  of,  by  Mary  his  wife — Daniel,  b.  Jan  16, 
1793;  Henry,  Dec.  1,  '95;  Thomas,  March  5,  1797. 

Crowfoot,  Joseph  and  Margaret  his  wife,  were  m.  Dec.  30,  1686. 
Is.— Mary,  b.  Sept.  25,  '87,  and  d.  Aug.  1,  '89;  Margerett,  March  8, 
'89;  Joseph,  June   12,  '92;  Elizabeth,   Aug.  14, '93;  Mary,  Jan.  II, 


186.2.]  Records  of  Wethersfidd,  Conn.  141 

'95;  Mehetable,  July  1,  '91;  Sarah,  March  19,  1700,  and  d.  in  infancy; 
Ephraim,  July  27,  1705. 

Coolidge,  Obadiab.  Children  of,  by  Elizabeth  his  wife — Elizabeth, 
b.  Feb.  26,  1688;  Obadiah,  their  son,  d.  Sept.  25,  '89  ;  Hannah,  b 
March  26,  1690. 

Coleman,  John  and  Hannah,  dan.  of  James  Wright,  were  m.  April 
24,  1695.  Is.— Mary,  b.  Dec.  13,  '95;  John,  May  12,  '9S;  Thomas, 
June  6,  1701;  Hannah,  Sept.  25,1704;  Eiisha,  Oct.  8,1707.  Mrs. 
H.  C.  d.  Aug-.  1,  1741. 

Coleman,  John  Jr.,  and  Comfort  Bobbins,  were  m.  (no  date).  Is. — 
Comfort,  b.  Aug".  29.  1727;  John,  July  27,  '29;  Elizabeth,  Oct  24, 
'31;  Hannah,  Sept.  19,  '34;  Thomas,  May  28,  1737. 

Coleman,  Eiisha  and  Anne  Rose,  were  m.  (no  date).  Is. — Peleg, 
b.  Aug.  19,  1738;  Anne,  Dec.  22,  '39;  Zadock,  Aug.  27,  1746. 

Coleman,  Nathanael  and  Ruth  Beadle  were  m.  Jan.  19,  1744.  Is. — 
Mary,  b.  March  3,  '45;  Benjamin,  April  21,  '47;  Sarah,  July  30,  '49, 
aud  d.  in  infancy;  Apphia,  Feb.  4,  '51.  Mrs.  R.  C.  d.  Feb.  20,  1751. 
N.  C.  and  Comfort  Loveman,  were  m.  Nov.  23,  1752.  Their  is., 
Nathaniel,  b.  Dec.  30,  1755. 

Coleman,  Zadock  and  Hannah  Goodrich,  were  m.  Sept.  28,  1174. 
Is:— Zadock,  b.  Dec.  16,  1176.  Mr.  Z.  C.  d.  March  15,  1776.  (Proba- 
bly an  error  in  date  here.) 

Coleman,  Peleg  and  Rebecca  Dickinson,  were  m.  (no  date).  Is. — 
Thomas,  b.  Feb.'  10,  1761;  Sarah,  Jan.  2,  '63:  Eiisha,  Jan;  2, '65; 
Anne,  Feb.  4,  '67;  George,  Feb.  4,  '69;  George',  Jan.  10,  '71;  John, 
July  10,  1713. 

Collins,  Samuel  and  Martha,  his  wife,  were  m.  Oct.  26,  1104.  Is. — 
Samuel,  b.  Jan.  21,  1705;  Jonathan,  Oct.  8,  1706;  Martha,  July  9, 
1709;  David,  May  13,  '12;  Daniel,  Aug.  27,  '14;  Hannah,  June  1,  '11; 
Mary,  April  11,  '20;  John,  Jan.  8,  J23;  Benjamin,  Nov.  13,  '24;  James, 
Oct.  30,  1121. 

Collins,  Jonathan  and  Rebina  Smith,  were  m.  June  2,  1131.  Is. 
— Isaac,  b.  Feb.  27,  '32;  Robert,  June  5,  '34;  Charles,  Oct.  6, '36; 
Anna,  July  14, '38;  Prudence,  Sept.  20,  '40;  Olive,  March  13, '43; 
Charles,  Nov.  11,  '46.  Rachel,  Rebina  and  Kezia  were  all  b.  July 
20,  1149. 

Collins,  John  and  Lydia  All  is,  were  m.  March  8, 1739.  Is.— Amos, 
b.  June  5,  '46;  Kezia,  1141. 

Collius,  David  and  Sarah  Cole,  were  m.  Nov.  11,  1142.  Is. — 
Abigail,  b.  Dec.  4,  '42;  Lucy,  Dec.  5,  '45;  Josiah,  July  26,  '48,  and 
d.  Nov.  22,  '49;  Josiah,' Sept,  26,  1750. 

Collins,  James  and  Elizabeth  Riley,  were  m.  Nov,  5,  1741.  Is. — 
Elizabeth,  b.  May  2,  '48;  Patience,  Nov.  9,  '49;  Lydia,  June  5,  '52; 
Zebede,  July  16,  1155. 

Collins,  Benjamin  and  Bathsheba  Dimick,  were  m.  Jan.  30,  1155, 
Is.- — Moses,  b.  Jan.  6,  1156. 

Collins,  Isaac  and  Esther  Belding,  were  m.  Sept,  5,  1154.  Is. — 
Simeon,  b.  Jan.  19,  1155. 

Collins,  Martha.  Children  of  Rhoda  Belden,  b.  April  13,  11S8— 
Eiisha  Belden,  Sept.  2,  1196. 

Camp,  John.  Child  of,  by  his  wife  Mary,  b.  Oct.  25,  1113.  Capt. 
J.  C.  d.  Feb.  4,  1141,  in  the  12d  year  of  his  age. 


142  Orders  of  Gov.  Lawrence.  [April 

Camp,  John  Jr.,  and  Penelope  Doming,  wore  in.  Nov.  1,  1139. 
Is.— Mary,  b.  Dec.  10,  '40;  Anno,  Dec.  1,  '42;  Joseph,  July  27,  '44; 
James,  Nov.  30,  '46;  Lucy,  March,  27,  1749. 

Camp,  Joseph  and  Anna  Kellogg,  were  m.  Dec.  **,  17**.  Is. — 
Anna,  b.  April  15,  1773;  Eleanor,  July  17,  '75;  Sarah,  June  6,  '78; 
Joseph,  March  26,  '31;  James,  March  15,  '84;  Alma,  Jan.  31,  '87; 
Lucy,  May  12,  1790. 

Camp,  James  and  Elizabeth  Kilborn,  were  in.  Dec.  4,  1769.  Is. — 
John,  b.  April  6,  ?70;  Samuel,  Aug.  25,  '72;  Abigail,  Oct.  30,  '73; 
Moses,  April  15,  '77;  Mary,  Oct.  14,  '78;  Elizabeth,  March  24, 1782. 

[to  be  continued.] 


[From  the  Original.     Communicated  by  Geo.  Mountfort  of  Boston.] 

By  His  Excellency  Charles  Lawrence  Esquire  Lieutenant  Governor 
and  Commander  in  Chief  of  His  ma'ties  Province  of  Nova  Scotia  or 

To  Major  Prebble,  commanding  the  Battallion  of  Major  General 
Shirley's  New  England  Regiment  now  embarked  in  this  Harbour  in 
order  for  their  return  to  Boston. 

Whereas  the  Government  of  this  Province  have  some  time  ago 
come  to  a  Determination  of  removing  the  French  Inhabitants  from 
this  Province,  on  account  of  their  having  refused  to  take  the  oath  of 
allegiance  to  His  Majesty,  and  divers  instances  of  Treasonable  & 
treacherous  behaviour  on  their  parts. 

And  whereas,  orders  were  accordingly  Issued  for  the  removal  of 
the  said  Inhabitants,  notwithstanding  which,  I  have  been  informed, 
that  some  of  them  do  still  remain  in  different  parts  of  the  Province, 
particularly  at  Cape  Sable  and  the  places  round  about. 

You  are  therefore  hereby  required  and  directed  to  put  into  Cape 
Sable,  or  some  of  the  adjacent  Harbours  (in  your  way  to  Boston), 
and  with  the  Troops -under  your  Command  to  land  at  the  most  conve- 
nient place,  and  to  seize  as  many  of  the  said  Inhabitants  as  possible, 
and  carry  them  with  you  to  Boston,  where  you  will  deliver  them  to 
his  Excellency  General  Shirley,  with  a  Letter  you  will  receive  with 
this  Order. 

You  are  at  all  events  to  Burn  and  Destroy  the  Houses  of  the  said 
Inhabitants,  and  carry  Off  their  utensils  and  Cattle  of  all  kinds,  and 
make  a  distribution  of  them  to  the  Troops  under  your  Commands,  as 
a  reward  for  the  performance  of  this  Service,  and  to  destroy  such 
things  as  cannot  conveniently  be  carried  off. 

Given  under  my  Hand  and  Seal  at  Halifax,  this  ninth  day  of  April 
1756,  in  the  29th  year  of  His  Majesties  reign.  Chas  Lawrence. 

By  His  Excellencys  Commad 

WM  Cottebell  Sec: 

1862.]  Narraganset  Townships.  143 


[The  following-  is  what  remains  of  a  list  of  Grantees  of  seven  Nar- 
raganset townships,  laid  out  by  order  of  the  General  Court;  confirmed 
April  18,  1735.  Rev.  J.  B.  Felt  in  the  Collections  of  American  Statis- 
tical Association,  i,  pp.  28,  29,  has  given  us  a  history  of  these  grants. 
"On  July  1,  1727,  Samuel  Chandler,  Jacob  Wright  and  many  others, 
soldiers  or  lawful  representatives  of  such  as  were  in  the  Narragan- 
set  Expedition  of  1675,  petitioned  for  land.  They  represented,  that 
in  16S6,  two  townships  were  granted  to  them  in  the  Nipmug  county, 
which  were  not  settled.  They  desired  that  a  like  grant  might  be 
renewed,  which  was  done  the  following  year,  though  not  in  the  same 
location.  Thomas  Hunt  and  others,  petitioned  General  Court,  Feb. 
17,  1731,  that,  as  the  preceding  grant  was  insufficient  for  all  the 
Narraganset  claimaints,  they  may  have  some  additional  townships. 
The  Legislature  ordered  that  one  township  should  be  allowed  for 
every  120  of  such  individuals.  The  House  sent  a  message  to  the 
Council,  Jan.  19,  1732,  on  this  subject.  It  was  as  follows:  "  Proclam- 
ation was  made  to  them,  when  mustered  on  Dedhara  Plain,  whence 
they  began  their  march'  (Rev.  Peter  Hobart's  diary  gives  the  date  of 
this  marching  from  Dedham,  Dec.  9,  1675),  '  that  if  they  played  the 
man,  took  the  fort,  and  drove  the  enemy  out  of  the  Narraganset 
country,  which  was  their  great  seat,  they  should  have  a  gratuity  in 
land,  besides  their  wages.7  Such  a  victory  was  achieved.  'And  as 
the  condition  has  been  performed,  certainly  the  promise,  in  all  equity 
and  justice  ought  to  be  fulfilled.  And  if  we  consider  the  difficulties 
these  brave  men  went  through  in  storming  the  fort  in  the  depth  of 
winter,  and  the  pinching  wants  they  afterwards  underwent  in  pur- 
suing theindians  that  escaped,  through  a  hideous  wilderness,  former- 
ly known  throughout  New  England  to  this  day,  by  the  name  of  the 
hungry  march,  and  if  we  further  consider,  that  until  this  brave,  though 
small  army,  thus  played  the  man,  the  whole  country  was  filled  with  dis- 
tress and  fear,  and  we  trembled  in  this  capital,  Boston  itself,  and  that 
to  the  goodness  of  God  to  this  army,  we  owe  our  fathers  and  our  own 
safety  and  estates' — they  ought  to  have  their  claim. 

The  list  of  Narraganset  claimants,  April  26,  1733,  were  840,  who 
had  five  townships  allowed  them,  besides  two  previously  assigned  to 
them."  A  rule  was  adopted  by  the  General  Court  for  adjusting  the 
claims  of  the  various  heirs,  that  the  eldest  male  heir,  or  in  want  of 
.  male,  the  eldest  female,  'if  they  pleased,  should  hold  the  land  by 
paying  to  the  other  descendants  or  heirs,  such  proportionable  parts 
of  ten  pounds  (which -was  judged  to  be  the  value  of  a  right  or  single 
share),  as  such  descendants  would  be  entitled  to,  provided  the  said 
land  had  descended  according  to  a  law  of  the  province  for  the  settle- 
ment of  intestate  estates.'  After  many  meetings  of  committees,  ap- 
pointed by  the  grantees,  the  latter  convened  on  Boston  Common,  and 
formed  themselves  into  seven  associations,  each  having  the  specified 
number  of  120  for  a  single  township.  Every  association  chose  three 
agents,  all  of  whom  met  at  Luke  Verdey'e,  the  Royal   Exchange  in 

\  \ 



144  Karragansci  Townships.  [April 

King  street,  Boston,  October  17,  1733,  and  assigned  the  respective 
townships.  These  were  located  in  what  subsequently  fell  to  New 
Hampshire  in  Massachusetts  and  Maine."  The  grantees,  as  before 
stated,  had  a  confirmation  of  their  grants  in  1735.  We  regret  that 
we  are  unable  to  give  the  list  entire.  The  residue  of  the  names  are 
gone.  See  Register,  v,  369,  for  interesting  notices  of  addresses  deli- 
vered at  Buxton,  Me.,  in  1850,  and  at  Bedford,  N.  H.7  the  same  year. 
Of  these  seven  Narraganset  townships,  Buxton,  Me.,  was  No.  1; 
Princeton,  Mass.,  No.  2;  Amherst,  N.  H.,  No.  3;  GofTstown,  N.  II., 
No.  4;  Bedford,  N.  H.,  No.  5;  Templeton,  Mass.,  No.  6;  Gorham,  Me., 
No.  7.  W.  B.  T.] 

Boston. — His  Excellency  JonathaTi  Belcher  Esq1-.;  for  his  Father, 
Andrew  Belcher  Esq1.;  William  Clark  Esq1".,  for  ye  Heirs  of  Doct. 
John  Clark;  The  Heirs  of  Richard  Way;  William  Dinsdell,  for  his 
Father  William;  Sarah  Warren,  for  her  Husband;  Benjamin  Swain, 
for  his  father,  Henry;  Isaac  Prince's  Heirs;  The  heirs  of  Doct1".  John 
Cutler;  The  heirs  of  Bepja.  Williams;  Daniel  Ailin,  for  his  father, 
Nicolas;  The  Heirs  of  Henry  Timberlake;  The  Heirs  of  Jeremiah 
Tay;  The  Heirs  of  Thomas  Weymoth,  The  Heirs  of  John  Arrnoid; 
Sam11.  Kneel  and,  for  his  Grandfather,  Sam'1.  Polard;  Benja  Bicknerd, 
for  his  Father,  Sam11.;  The  Heirs  of  Jacob  Grigs;  John  Gridley,  for 
his  Father,  Joseph;  John  Nelson,  Alive;  Peres  Savage's  Heirs; 
James  Lendal's  Heirs;  Thomas  Plimbly's  heirs;  John  Gridly,  for  his 
grand  Father,  John  Mors;  John  Ruggles,  for  his  Father,  [  ]  Rug- 
gles;  Sam11.  Kneeland,  for  John  Triscot;  Rebekah  Hannan,  for  her 
Father,  Daniel  Mathewes;  Benja.  Dyer,  for  his  Father,  Benja.  Dyer; 
Edward  Ting,  for  his  Father,  Edward  Ting;  John  Leach,  for  his 
Father,  John  Leach;  John  Chamberlan,  for  his  Father,  Henry;  Benja. 
Landon,  for  his  Father,  David;  John  Lain,  for  his  Father,  Joshua; 
Rebeckah  Foster,  for  her  Father,  Edward  Weden;  Sarah  Perkins, 
for  Joshua  Hewes;  Thomas  Daws,  for  his  Father,  Ambros;  Zachariah 
Gurney,  Alive;  Addington  Davenport  Esqr.,  for  his  Uncle,  Capt. 
Davenport;  Thomas  Hunt,  Alive;  Joseph  Wadsworth  Esq1".,  for  his 
Father,  Capt.  Wadsworth;    Owen  Harris,   for  Wife's  Father,   Petter  ,  !J 

Bennet;  Simon  Rogers,  for  his  Father,  Gamaliel;  John  Tuckerman, 
Alive;  Richard  Bill,  for  his  Father,  Richard;  William  Hacy,  for  his 
Grandfather,  William;  John  Richards,  for  his  Father,  John;  Jonathan 
Williams,  for  his  Wife's  Father,  Capt.  Maudsley;  William  Manley, 
Alive;  John  Mears,  Alive;  Ephraim  Moor,  for  his  Father,  Caleb; 
Daniel  Oliver  Esqr.,  for  his  Uncle,  Capt.  James  Oliver:  Hugh  Calder, 
for  his  Wife's  Fatha.,  John  Hands;  John  Simkins,  for  his  Father 
Pilgrim;  Natha.  Goodwin,  for  his  Father,  John;  Thomas  Beedle,  for 
his  Father,  Thomas;  Moses  Ayers,  for  his  Father,  George  Ripley; 
John  Moors,  for  his  Father,  Thomas;  Samuel  Kneeland,  for  Dommini 
McDonell;  Thomas  Barnard,  for  his  Father,  Thomas. 

Billerica. — John  Stern's  Heirs;  Natha.  Rogers,  Alive:  James  Pat- 
tison,  for  his  Father,  James;  John  Needham,  for  his  Father,  John; 
Sam11.  Hunt,  Alive;  Sam1'.  Shelden,  for  his  Father;  John  Shed,  Alive; 
Benja.  Thompson,  for  his  Father,  Joseph. 

Brantree. —  Samuel  Bass,  Alive;    Samuel  Whitt,   for  his  Wife's 


1862.]  Narraganset  Toumslrips.  145 

Father,  Sam11.  Bingley  ;  Thomas  Caplin,  for  his  Father,  Thomas; 
Thomas  Holbrook,  Alive;  The  Heirs  of  Thomas  Bingley. 

Boxford — Stephen  Peabody,  for  his  Father,  William;  James  Cur- 
tise,  for  Francies  Jefferys;  John  Andrews,  for  his  Father,  Robart; 
John  Bixbe,  for  his  Father,  Josepli. 

Brookfield. — Edward  Walker,  Alive. 

Beverly. — Thomas  Payment,  Alive:  Ralph  Elinwood,  Alive;  Henry 
Bayley,  Alive;  Christopher  Read,  Alive;  Lott  Oonnani,  Alive;  Thomas 
Blackfield,  for  his  Father,  Thomas;  Andrew  Dodge,  for  John  Elin- 
wood; Joseph  Morgan,  for  his  Father,  Joseph;  William  Dodge's 
Heirs;  Jonathan  Byels,  Alive;  William  Rayment's  Heirs;  Joseph 
Picket,  for  his  Father,  Elias;  Sam11.  Harris's  Heirs;  John  Doge's 

Bridgewater. — Abigail  Hubard,  for  hur  Father,  Richard  Burnham; 
Sam11.  Pecker,  for  his  Father,  Sam11.;  Daniel  Hudson,  Alive;  Isaac 
Leonard,  for  his  Father,  Isaac;  Richard  Jennings,  Alive;  Benja. 
Richards,  for  Joseph  Richards;  Edward  Howard,  for  his  Father, 
John;  James  Gary,  for  his  Father,  James;  Thomas  Hay  ward,  the 
3t3,  for  his  Uncle,  Elisha;  Benj\  Washborn,  for  his  Father,  Jonathan; 
Ebenezer  Hill,  for  his  Uncle,  Joseph  Baley;  Josiah  Edson  Esqr.,  for 
Solomon  Cheeker;  Ebenezer  Hill,  for  his  Father,  Ebenezer;  John 
Handmore,  for  his  Father,  John. 

Bellingham. — Thomas  Brick,  for  his  Father,  Thomas. 

Brooklyn. — Benja.  White's  Heirs;  Joseph  Gardner,  for  his  Brother, 

Barrington. — Joseph  Allen,  for  his  Father,  Benja. ;  Joseph  Allen, 
for  his  Uncle,  Richard;  John  Reed,  for  his  Father,  John. 

Berwick. — Nicholes  Tarbott's  Heirs. 

Bristoll. — John  Borworth,  for  his  Father,  John. 

Bedford. — Elezer  Davis,  Assine  to  John  Wight. 

Biddaford. — Moses  Dures,  Alive. 

Bradford. — Ichabod  Boynton,  for  his  Father,  John. 

Cambridge. — William  Russel,  Alive;  Gershom  Cutter,  Alive;  Joseph 
Beammus,  for  his  Father,  Joseph;  Jonathan  Remington  Esqr.,  for  his 
Fath3.,  Cpf.  Remington;  Downing  Champuey,  for  his  Father,  Samuel; 
Jonathan  Barthrick,  for  his  Father,  Thomas;  Fetter  Hay,  for  his 
Brother-in-law,  John  Barrett;  William  Gleson,  for  his  Father,  Wil- 
liam; The  Heirs  of  John  Smith;  Samuel  Smith,  for  his  Uncle,  Samuel; 
The  Heirs  of  Joseph  Smith;  The  Heirs  of  Nath11.  Smith:  The  Heirs 
Of  Thomas  Brown:  Jonathan  Gates,  for  his  Father,  Simon;  Thomas 
Willington,  for  his  Uncle,  John;  Daniel  Cheaver,  for  his  Uncle, 
James  ;  Will'",  Brattle  Esqr.,  for  his  Grandfather,  CapJ.  Tho\ 
Brattle.  '        *    . 

Concord. — Abraham  Temple,  Alive;  John  Wood's  Heirs;  Samuel 
Chandler,  for  his  Father,  Joseph  Buss;  Joseph  Buckley,  for  his 
Father,  Petier  Buckley;  Samuel  Chandler,  Assine  to  John  Taley; 
John  Wheeler,  for  his" Brother,  Joseph  Wheeler:  Joseph  Wheat,  for 
Moses  Wheat;  William  Clark,  Heir  to  John  Taylor;  Jane  Cane,  for 


146  Narragansct  Townships.  [April 

hur  Father,  John  Cane;  George  Farrow,  Heir  to  Sam11.  How;  Eleazer 
Flag",  for  his  Father,  Eleazer;  Ebenezer  Wheeler,  for  his  Father, 
John;  Josph  Dudley,  for  his  Grandfather,  Tho\  Goblc;  George 
Hayward's  Heirs;  Ephrim  Brown,  for  his  Father,  Thomas;  Samuel 
Chandler,  Assigne  to  John  Gr-rrigs;  Daniel  Adams,  for  his  father-in- 
law,  Daniel  Dean;  Daniel  Billing,  for  his  Father,  Natha.;  Sam11. 
Hartwell,  for  his  Father,  Sam!l.  Hartvvell;  Elnathan  Jones,  Assigne 
to  Jonat1.  Looker;  Samuel  Butt-rick's  Heirs:  James  Rnssel,  for  his 
Grandfather,  BenjX;  Samuel  Chandler  Junr.,  Ssine  to  John  Kene; 
Jonathan  Whittne,  Alive;  David  Wheeler,  Assine  to  Sam11.  Gree- 

Oharlstown. — James  Lowden,  Alive;  Samuel  Read,  Alive;  Henry 
Summers,  Alive;  Robert  Fosket,  for  his  Father,  John;  Thomas  Skin- 
ner, for  his  Uncle,  Isaac  Lewis;  Samuel  Fosket,  for  his  Father, 
Samuel  ;  Samuel  Long,  for  his  Uncle,  Sam11.  Xewhell  ;  Margery 
Dowse,  for  hur  Father,  Joseph  ;  Nath11.  Goodwin,  for  his  Uncle. 
Benja.  Lathrop ;  James  Smith's  Heir,  namely,  Jon-.  Call  ;  Joseph 
Pratt's  Heirs;  Sam11.  Lemmon's  Heirs;  William  Burt's  Heirs;  Jacob 
Cole's  Heirs;  John  Mousley's  Heirs:  Humphry  Miller's  Heirs;  John 
Hawkins'  Heirs;  John  Trumball's  Heirs;  Alexander  Philliphs'  Heirs; 
George  Mudge's  Heirs;  John  Shepherd's  Heirs;  Thomas  Welch's 
Heirs;  George  Grind's  Heirs;  Joseph  Lynd's  Heirs;  Timothy  Cutler's 
Heirs;  James  Kittle,  for  his  Father;  Thomas  Jorner's  Heirs;  John 
Griffen,  Heir  to  Matthew  Griffon;  Ebenezer  Breed,  for  his  Father, 
John;  Zaca.  Davis,  for  his  Uncle,  Hopestill  Davis;  John  Sprague,  for 
his  Father,  Jonathan;  Elezer  Johnson,  for  his  Father,  Edward;  John 
Senter,  for  his  Father,  John. 

Yarmoth. — Sam11.  Barker,  for  his  Father,  Samuel;  Richd.  Taylour, 
Alive;  William  Gray,  for  his  Father,  William}  William  Chase,  Alive; 
Capt.  John  Goreham's  Heirs;  Thomas  Baxtor's;  John  Thatcher's; 
John  Hallet's;  John  Mathews';  Thomas  Thornton's;  William  Gray's;* 
Sam11.  Hall's  ;  James  Maker's  ;  James  Claghorn's  ;  Joseph  Hall's  ; 
Lammy  Hedge's;  Natha.  Hall's;  Joseph  Welden's;  Samuel  Thomas's; 
Jonathan  Smith's;  Samuel  Jones's;  Richard  Taylour's;*  Thomas 
Felton's;  John  Gage's;  William  Follen's;  William  Gage's;  Ananias 
Wing's  ;  John  Crowell's  ;  John  Chase's  ;  Henry  Gold's  ;  Richard 
Pakes';  Jabez  Gorham's;  Henry  Gage's;  Yelverton  Crowell's;  John 
Pugsley's;  Daniel  Baker's;  Jonathan  Whight's;  Samuel  Bakers; 
William  Baker's. 

York. — Denison  Sergent,  for  his  Father,  Andrue. 

The  Comittee  ordered  to  prepare  a  Correct  &  Exact  list  of  the 
Grantees  of  the  Seven  Narraganset  Townships  lately  laid  out  by 
order  of  the  Great  &  General  Court,  humbly  offer  the  aforewritten 
list  of  Eight  hundred  k  forty  persons,  for  confirmation,  which  they 
have  prepared  with  great  pains  &  the  utmost  faithfulness. 

By  order  of  the  Comitee.  Samuel  Welles. 

In  the  House  of  Representatives,  April  17th,  1735. 

Read  and  Ordered,  that  the  Report  be  accepted,  and  the  several 

*  Against  the  name  of  William  Gray,  is  written  Edxsard,  in  another  hand,  ami 
against  the  name  of  Richard  Taylour,  John. 

1862.]  Vote  of  the  General  Court  of  Massachusetts.  147 

persons  within  named  are  hereby  declared  to  be  the  Grantees  of  the 
seven  Naraganset  Towns,  above  mentioned,  to  have  and  to  hold  the 
same  to  their  heirs  '&  assigns  respectively,  according1  to  the  Condi- 
tions of  the  Grant. 

Sent  up  for  Concurrence.  John  Quixcy,   Speakr. 

In  Council,  April  18,  1735. 

Read  &  Concurred.  T.  Maton,  Dep*.  Sec^r. 

Consented  to.  J.  Belcher. 

— Mass.  Archives,  Book  114,  pp.  103-110. 


Whereas  by  a  good  prouidence  of  God  there  is  come  vnto  or  hands 
a  booke  lately  printed  in  England,  Intitled  Vnitie  our  Dutie;  It  being 
priucipallie  applyed  &  presented  to  the  Godly,  Reuerend  &  learned 
brethren  of  the  Presbyterean  Judgm';  <x  the  dissentinge  Godlie  Re- 
uerend &  learned  brethren  comonly  called  Independant,  contending 
together  about  Church  Gouernm1..  tending  earnestlie  to  diswade 
thorn  from  bitter  speaking  &  writing  on  against  another.  It  being 
a  subiect  in  the  generall  applicable  to  most  Christian  Churches  & 
states  &  not  vnsuteble  to  or  present  condition.  It  being  also  a 
worke  penned  wth  much  wisdom,  authoritie  &  power,  gnided  by  a 
spirit  of  meekenes,  &  profitable  to  all  that  will  make  good  vse  of  it. 
This  Court  being  very  willing  to  further  the  peace  &  vnitie  of  The 
people  heere  amongest  vs,  &  to  prevent  all  Occasions  tending  to  the 
breach  thereof,  &  finding  this  short  treatise  speaking  throughlie  & 
fullie  to  the  point,  &  may  be  a  meanes  of  blessing  to  us  in  that  be- 
halfe,  hath  thought  it  meete  to  cause  the  said  booke  to  be  printed  & 
Bent  abroad  into  all  ye  prtes  of  or  Jurisdiccou,  whereby  all  may  take 
notice  of  God's  will  revealed  in  that  prticular. 

■  The  magistrates   desire  the  Concurrence  of  the  Deptys  in  passing 
this  order,  &  that  this  order  should  be  prefixed  to  the  Booke. 

Jo.  Winthrop:  D:  Go: 

The  howse  of  depts  doe  concurr  wt}l  or  honored  magrts  in  the  pass- 
inge  of  this  bill,  &  doe  further  desire  them  to  make  choyce  of  one  or 
more  of  or  Reuerend  Elders  whoe  are  desired  to  drawe  vpp  an  Epis- 
tle in  comendacons  of  ye  worke,  woh  wee  desire  may  bee  likewise 
printed  &  prfixt  to  ye  booke.  Rob:  Bridgg. 

Voted — consented  heere  vnto.  Jo:  Winthrop,  D:  Go: 

Or  Reuerent  Elders  are  desired  to  choose  out  some  arnongest 
themselues  who  may  answere  the  desire  &  expectation  of  the  Court. 

ExCREASE    NOWELL    Secret. 

*This  document  was  copied  from  the  Massachusetts  Archives,  vol.  lYiii,  pp.  1 
and  2.  It  is  without  date.  It  must  have  been  previous  to  the  death  of  Gov.  Win- 
throp, which  event  occurred  March  26,  1649.  We  do  not  iind  it  on  the  Records 
of  the  Court.  W.  B.  T. 


Soldiers  from  Dorchester,  Mass. 



[In  the  year  1690,  a  large  company  of  soldiers  was  raised  in  Dor- 
chester, to  embark  in  the  Canada  expedition.  Forty-six  of  this  com- 
pany, it  is  supposed,  never  returned;  many  of  them,  probably, 
perished  at  sea.  A  list  of  the  entire  company  was  found  among  the 
papers  left  by  Ebenezer  Clap,  son  of  Nathaniel  (see  Reg.,  xv,  225- 
227),  who  in  1690,  was  one  of  the  active  citizens  of  the  town.  We 
give  the  list  as  printed  in  the  Hist,  of  Dorchester,  p.  256]. 


"  A  list  of  the  names  of  the  Soldiers  under  the  command  of  John 
Withington,  Oct.  3,  1690. 

Capt.  Joh.  Withington     Sargt.  Ammiel  Weeks 
Left.  George  Minott  Sargt.  Richard  Butt 

Insine  Samuel  Sumner     Sargt.  Samuel  Sumner 

Sargt.  Increase  Modsley 
Joseph  Weeks,  Clarke.  Joseph  Trescott, 


Corp.  John  Poope 
Corp.  Joseph  Curtis 
Corp.  George  Holmes 



Adam  Barr,  These  on  bord  Capt.  B- 

James  Robinson       Corp.  Daniell  Hensha 
Cornelius  Tilestone  William. Blake 


Ebenezer  Sumner, 
Henry  Lyon 
Eliab  Lyon 
Unight  Modsley 
William  Cheney 
Peter  Calley 
Ebenezer  Poope 
William  Sumner 
Eleazer  Walles 
William  Cooke 
Joseph  Long 
Thomas  Weeks 
Thomas  Andrews 
William  Sumner 
Samuel  Sandras 
Edward  Wiatte 
Benieman  Hewens 
James  Swift 
Hopstill  Sandras 
Solomon  Clarke 
John  Lord 
Consider  Athcrton 
Jezeniah  Sumner 

[The  following  list  of  about  Jan.  1737-3,  is  taken  from  the  Massa- 
chusetts Archives,  book  114,  pp.  193,  194.  The  grant  was  known  by  the 
name  of  "Dorchester  Canada;1  but  at  the  incorporation  of  the  town 
in  1765,  it  was  named  Ashburnham.  It  is  in  Worcester  county, 

Richard  Euins 
Samuel  Hicks 
John  Tolman 
John  Jones 
Ebenezer  Crane 
Samuel  Chandler 
William  Fowst 
William  Belshar 
David  Stevenson 
Henry  Jackson 
Thomas  Bird 
Augusten  Clements 
William  Swift 
Moses  Chaplin 
Joshua  Shoot 
John  Anderson 
John  Leeds 
Isaac  Caps 
John  Crowhore 

John  Gulliver 
William  George 
Joseph  Atherton 
Samuell  Triscott 
Thomas  K  el  ton 
John  Morrill 
James  Morey 
Edward  Clap 

Jehosephat  Crabtree 
John   Briant 

Rob  art  Husay 

Charles  Readman 

William  Baker 

Matthew  Mapley 

John  Jones 

Elias  Moonke 


1S62.]  Soldiers  from  Dorchester,  Mass.  149 

A  list  of  y°  Persons  admitted  as  Setlers  or  Grantees  into  a  New 
Township  Granted  by  y-  Great  and  General  Court  of  ye  Massaehu- 
sets  Province  in  New  England,  on  y*  Petition  of  Thomas  Tilston 
Esq.  in  behalf  of  ye  Offiseis  and  Soldiers  who  served  in  ye  Expedi- 
tion to  Canada,  under  ye  Command  of  Capt.  John  Withington,  of 

1.  Atherton  Humphry,   of  Stoughton,  in    the   Right  of  his   Father, 

Consider  Atherton. 

2.  Atherton  James,   of  Harvard,  in  the  Right  of  his  Vncle,  Joseph 


3.  Andrews  John,  of  Dorchester,  in  ye  Right  of  his  Brother,  Thomas 


4.  Butt  Samuel,  of  Dorchester,  in  the  Right  of  His  Vncle,  Richard 


5.  Baker   Josiah,  of  Boston,  in  the  Right   of  His  Vncle,  "William 


6.  Bird,  Benjamin   ju.,    of  Dorchester,    in  the  Right  of  His  Vncle, 

Thomas  Bird. 

7.  Blake  Samuel,  of  Taunton,  in  the   Right  of  His  Vncle,  William 


8.  Cheney    Benjamin,  of  Dorchester,  in    ye   Right  of   His  Brother, 

William  Cheney. 

9.  Chandler  Jonathan,  of  Dorchester,  in  the  Right  of  His  Brother, 

Samuel  Chandler. 

10.  Crane  Ebenezer,  of  Brantree,  -in  ye  Right  of  His  Father,  Ebenezer 


11.  Clap   Neamiah,  of  Milton,  in   the  Right  of  His  Brother,  Edward 


12.  Cook  Robert,   Neadham,  in  the   Right  of  His  Brother,  William 


13.  Calhoor  John,  of   Milton,  in  ye   Right  of   his  Vncle,  John  Cal- 


14.  Chaplin  Joseph,    of   Roadiseland,   in   ye  Right   of  His  Brother, 

Moses  Chaplin. 

15.  Eavins  Mattathias,   of  Dorchester,  in  the  Right  of  His  Brother, 

Richard  Evens. 

16.  Oliver  Wilder,    of   Lancaster,  in  ye  Right  of   his  Wife,  Mary, 

daughter  of  Jonath.  Fairbank  who  served  under  Capt.  Champne. 

17.  George  Joshua,  of  Atelburrough,  in  the  Right  of  His  Brother, 

William  George. 

18.  Goodin  Phillip,  of  Stoughton,  in  his  own  Right,  under  the  Com- 

mand of   Major  Wade. 

19.  Henchawa  [Henshaw]  Samuel,  in  the  Right  of  Daniel  Hinchawa, 

his  Uncles  son,  of  Milton. 

20.  Ebenezer    Hewens,    of   Stoughton,    in    the     Right  of   Benjamin 

Hewens,  at  ye  Desier  of  Joseph  Hewens,  Eldest  Brother  to  said 
Benjamin  Hewens  and  assigned  over  to  ys  Revd.  Mr.  Cooper, 
of  Boston,  by  said  Ebenezer  Hewens. 

23.  Temothy    Mossman,  of  Sudbery,  in  the  Right  of  Samuel  Hix,  his 

Wifes  Brother. 

24.  Jones  David,  of  Rentham,  in  the  Right  of  His  Vnckle,  John  Joans. 

150  Soldiers  from  Dorchester,  Mass.  [April 

25.  Kilton  Edward,  of  Dorchester,  in  the  Right  of  his  Father,  Thomas 

2G.  Benjamin  Merifield,  in  the  Right  of  His  Nefue,  Peter  Kelley. 

27.  Thomas  Lion,  of  Dorchester,  in   the  Right   of  His   Uncle,  Henry 


28.  Hezakiah  Barber,  of  Dorchester,  in  the  Right  of  Eliab  Lion,  by 

ye  Desier  of  Zachariah  Lyon,  his   Eldest  Brothers  Son — viz  : 
Nathaniel  Lion. 

29.  Revd.  Mr.   William   Cooper,    of  Boston,  in  ye  Right  of  his  vncle 

George  Minot  his  Mothers  Brother. 
Joseph   VYarrin,   of  Roxbury,   in    the   Right  of   Elias  Monk,   of 

30.  William    Blake,    of   Milton,    in  the    Right  of   his  Yncle,  James 


31.  Hezakiah  Barber,  of  Dorchester,  in  the  Right  of  his  Vncle,  Thomas 


32.  Pope  Ralph,  in  the  Right  of  His  Brother,  Ebenezer  Pope,  of  Dor- 


33.  Thomas   Wilder,   of  Lancaster,   in  ye   Right   of  John   Pope,  His 

Wifes  Father. 

34.  Robason  John  ju.,   of  Dorchester,   in    the    Right  of   His  Yncle, 

James  Robason. 

35.  Reedman  Robert,  of  Stoughton,  in    the    Right   of  His    Father, 

Charls  Reedman. 

36.  Sumner  Benjamin,  of  Milton,  in  the  Right  of  His  Brother,  William 


37.  Sumner  Edward,  of  Roxbery,  in  the  Right  of  His  Brother,  Samuel 

60.  Goold  Bartholimue,   In  the  Right  of  Eb:  Sumner,   His  Mothers 

38.  Swifte  John   Junei,  of  Framingham,  in  the  Right  of  his  uncle, 

William  Swift, 

39.  Shephard  John,   of   Stoughton,  in  ye  Right  of  his  Uncle,  John 

Shephard,  who  served  under  Major  Wade. 

40.  Swift  Obadiah,  of  Dorchester,  in  the  Right  of  his  Brother,  James 


41.  Sumner   Seth,  in  the   Right  of  his   Yncle,  Jezeniah  Smner,   of 


42.  Samuel  Sumner,  of  Taunton,  in  the  Right  of  His  Father,  Samuel 


43.  Sumner  William,    of  Milton,    in   the  Right   of  his   Yncles    son 


44.  Thomas     Tiles  ton,    of    Dorchaster,    in    the    Right   of    Hoapstil 


45.  William  Royal,  of  Stoughton,  in  the  Right  of  Samuel  Sanders. 

46.  Triscot  Elisabeth,  of  Milton,  in  the  Right  of  Her  Brother,  Samuel 


47.  Triscot  Joseph,  of  Dorchester,  in  ye  Right  of  His  Father,  Joseph 


48.  Toleman  John,  of  Dorchester,  in   the  Right  of  His  Fatb.  John 



3S62.J  Jk*   Ancient  Coin.  151 

49.  Tileston   Timothi,   of  Dorchester,  in   the  Eight  of   His  Brother, 

Cornell  ay  Tileston. 

50.  Withington   Richard,  of  Dorchester,  in  the  Right  of  His  Father 

Cap1.  John  Withington. 

51.  Samuel  Kneland  of  Boston,  in  yc  Right  of  Ammiel  "Weeaks,  atye 

Desier  of  his  Son,  George  Weeks. 

52.  Joseph  Leeds,  of  Dorchester,  in   ye  Right  of  Joseph  Weeks,  his 

Wifes  Brother. 

53.  Waitstiil  Lion,  of  Dorchester,  in  the  Right  of  Her  Uncle,  Edward 


54.  Weeks  Joseph,  of  Dorchaster,  in  the  Right  of  His  Brother,  Thomas 


55.  Wilder  Joseph,  of  Lancaster,  in  the  Right  of  His  Yncle,  Samuel 

Wheler,  His  Mothers  Brother,  who  served  under  Major  Wade. 

56.  Wheelock    Joseph,   of  Lancaster,  in    the  Right    of    His    Vncle, 

Timothy  Wheelock,  who  served  und.  Capt.  Anderson. 

57.  Samuel  Burch,  of  Dorchester,  in  the  Right  of  His  Yncle,  Eleazer 

*58.  Hawood  Nathan,    of  Lunenburg,   in  the  Right  of  John  Willes, 

his    Wifes   Father,   who    served  under   ye    Comand    of   Cap1. 

59.  Thomas' Tyleston,  of  Dorchester,  in   the  Right  of  John  Colliver, 

at  y°  desier  of  Jonathan  Colliv. 
59.  Isaac  How,  of  Dorchester,  in  the  Right  of  Joseph  Curtice. 

Joseph  Wilder 
Thoiias   Tileston 


An  Ancient  Coin  and  a  Curious  Fact. — Mr.  Thomas  Singleton  of 
the  North-end,  has  in  possession  an  old  Massachusetts  Pine  Tree  six- 
pence,, bearing  date  1652.  The  curious  fact  connected  with  the  six- 
pence, is  this:  A  member  of  Mr.  Singleton's  family  was  engaged  on 
Gray's  Wharf,  picking  over  and  assorting  a  cargo  of  gum  from  Africa, 
and  this  coin  was  found  embedded  in  the  gum. — Boston  Herald. 

We  can  mention  a  similar  fact  equally  curious  and  unaccountable. 
We  have  in  our  possession  a  Massachusetts  Fine  Tree  threepence  of 
the  date  of  1652,  which  we  obtained  in  New  Granada,  three  or  four 
years  since,  while  making  a  collection  of  some  of  the  rude  coins 
of  ancient  times,  which  are  still  to  be  found  among  the  abori- 
gines of  Central  and  South  America.  In  making  change  with  an 
old  Indian  woman  for  the  purchase  of  some  oranges  in  a  remote 
mountain  district,  we  asked  her  to  show  us  the  most  ancient  coins 
she  had,  knowing  that  the  natives  were  always  glad  to  exchange  such 
pieces  for  Yankee  dimes.  She  went  into  her  hut  and  brought  out  the 
threepence  of  which  we  speak.  She  did  not  know  it  was  an  American 
coin,  and  we  could  only  learn  from  her  that  it  had  been  in  possession 
of  her  family  ever  since  her  remembrance.  She  gladly  exchanged 
it  for  a  new  dime,  evidently  thinking  she  had  made  a  lucky  trade. — 
Worcester  Transcript. — Boston  Journal,  Sept.  2,  1852. 



152  Marriages,  Births  and  Deaths.  [Aptil 



[Continued  from  page  81.] 

Grant.— Thomas  Grant  died  Aug'.  24:  81. 

Greadley= Hickman. — Joseph   Greadly   and    Elizabeth   Hickman,    of 

Boston,  were  married  by  Mr.  Win.  Stoughton,  June  24:  15. 
Grenaway. — Mary  Grenaway  deceased  this  life  yc  23:  11:  1658. 
Gulliver. — Samuel  Gulliford,  son  of  Anthony,  b.  14:  12:  1650;  Steuen, 

son  of  Anthony,  b.  19:  4:  53;    Lydia  Guliiford  [date  gone];   Jona- 
than, son  of  Anthony,  b.  24:  6:  59. 
Gurnell. — John  Gurnell  died  July  30:  15.    [Gravestone  says  July  31. 

See  Reg.,  iv,  166.] 
Hall=Hinckley. —  Samuel  Hall,  m.  Bashua  Hinckley,  June  6  :  81. 

[See  Reg.,  v,  400.] 
Hall. — Bashebah,  dau.  of  Samuel  Hall,  b.  Nov.  14:  83. 
Hancock— Wilson. —  Anthony   Hancocke,    m.    Sarah    Wilson,    April 

11:  18. 
Hawes.— Ruth,  dau.  of  Eleazer  Hawes,  b.  22  (9)  1610;  Ruth  Hawes, 

wife  of  Eleazer,  d.  16  (6)  1612.     [Her  former  name  was  Haines. 

See  Reg.,  v,  400.] 
Heneway— Trescott. — John  Heneway.  m.  Mary  Trescott,  6:  8:  1665. 
Hewens. — Samuel  Huens,  son  of  Jacob,  b.  9:  6:  58. 
HicKEs.—^Sarnuel  Hickes,  b.  24  June,  1611 ;  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Samuel, 

b.  9  Oct.,  1614;    Mary,  dau.  of  Samuel,  b.  Nov.  12:  16,  d.  Dec.  23: 

16;  Sarah,  dau.  of  Samuel  His,  b.  March  12:  81-2. 
Hill. — John  Hill,  of  the  great  Lotts,  departed  out  of  this  life  31  (3) 

1664;  Mehitable  Hill,  d.  March  5:  19. 
Holmes. — Joseph  Holmes,  son  of  Joseph,  b.  6  (9)  1661;    Elizabeth 

Homes,  dau.  of  Joseph,  b.  28  (10)  16C2;   Nathaniel,  son  of  Joseph 

Homes,  b.  21  (4)  1664;  Sarah,'dau.  of  John  Homes,  b.  16  (9)  1665; 

Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Joseph,  b.  8  (4)   1666;    Mary,  dau.  of  John,  b. 

24  (1)  1668;    Peleg,  son  of  Joseph,  b.  24  (12)  1668;   George,  son 

of  John,  b.  26   (11)    1669;    Rely,  dau.  of  Joseph,  b.   9  (6)   1612; 

Samuel,  son  of  John,  b.  June  21:  15.     John  Homes,  Seinr.  d.  Mav 

Holman=Rigby.— Thomas  Holman,  m.  Abigail  Rigby,  29:  12:  1663, 

by  Capt.  Clap. 
Holebrook— Heminway. — John  Holebrook.  m.  Elizab:  Heminway,  24; 

9:  1663,  by  Capt.  Clap;  John,  son  of  J</nn,  b.  21  (1)  1664. 
Hoppen. — Stephen  Hoppen,  Sen1*,  dyed  Novr.  1,  167 1. 
Hosley=  Parser. — James  Hosley,  m.   Martha  Parker,  13  (10)  1614; 

James,   son  of  James,   b.   Feb.  4,   1615  ;    James   Hosley  d.  July 

9th:  11. 
Houghton. — Hannah,  dau.  of  Ralph,  d.  Oct.  S:  19;  John,  son  of  Ralph, 

d.  Oct.  10:  19. 

How. — Sarah  How  d.  Nov1-.  25,  1615;  Israeli,  son  of  Israeli  How,  b. 
Sep1.  24:  16;  Isaac,  son  of  Isaac,  b.  July  1:  IS;  Susana,  dau,  of 
Israeli,  b.  Nov1*.  11:  18;   Abraham,  sou  of  Isaac,  b,  April  1  :  SO; 


1862.]  Marriages,  Births  and  Deaths.  153 

John,  son  of  Israel,  b.  SepT.  18:  81;  James,  son  of  Israel,  b.  Nov 
14:  83. 

Humphreys. — Jonas  Humphreyes  deceased  this  life  the  9  (1)  1661-2; 
Jane  Humpryes,  widdow,  d.  2  (6)  1668. 

Humphry=  Baker. — Hopstill  Humphry,  m.  Elizabeth  Baker,  Nov.  21: 
77;  James,  son  of  Hopstill  Humfrey,  b.  March  8:  80;  Mary,  dan. 
of  Hopstill  Humphrey,  b.  Feb.  26:  81. 

Jackson— Hoppen. — John  Jackson,  m.  Hannah  Hoppen,  July  16:  79. 

Job.— Job,  an  Indian  of  Mr.  Flint's,  d.  Feb.  23:  78. 

Jones. — Dauid  Joans,  son  of  Dauid,  b.  20  (9)  1664;  Anne,  dau.  of 
Samuel  Joancs,  b.  Nov.  14:  80,  and  then  the  mother  died. 

Jones=Tucker. —  Samuel  Joanes,  m.  Mary  Tucker,  July  25  :  81; 
Samuel,  son  of  Samuel,  b.  Aug.  19:  82;  Sarah,  wife  of  Dauid,  d. 
Oct.  13:  S3. 

Kebbey. — Sheberiah,  son  of  Henry,. b.  2  (10)  1659;  Henry,  deceased 
this  life,  yf  10  (6)  1661. 

Lane. — Hannah,  dau.  of  Thomas  Lane,  b.  Feb.  21:  79. 

Lawrence. — Nathaniel,  son  of  Nicolas  Laurence,  b.  10  (6)  1660;  Nico- 
las, son  of  Nicolas,  b.  26  (4)  1662;  Rebekah,  dau.  of  Nicholas,  b. 
1  (7)  1664;  Ebenezer,  son  of  Nicholas,  b.  23:  4:  1667,  d.  Sep1.  20: 
76;  Beniamin,  son  of  Nicholas,  b.  23  (8)  1670;  Patience,  dau.  of 
Nicholas,  d.  Dec.  2:  77;  Elizabeth  Laurence,  d.  Feb.  18th:  79. 

Lawrence=Harris. — Nicolas  Lawrence  and  Mary  Ilarice,  m.  by  the 
Worshipful  Wm.  Stoughton  Esq1'.,  Nouember  3:  81;  Patience,  dau. 
of  Nicolas,  b.  Aug:  12:  82. 

Leeds. — Beniamen,  son  of  Joseph,  d.  Oct.  2:  79;  Samuel,  son  of  Jo- 
seph, b.  Dec.  19:  79;  Joane,*  wife  of  Richard,  d.  Feb.  9  :  82  ; 
Nathaneel,  son  of  Joseph,  b.  April  27:  82. 

Lewis. — Hannah,  dau.  of  John  Lewes,  b.  June  1:  78;  Thankful!,  dau. 
of  John,  b.  Sept.  9:  80;  Thankfull  Lewes,  d.  Sept.  5:  82;  William 
Lewis,  d.  Sept,  6:  82. 

Ley. — Sarah  Ley  died  Feb.  27:  75. 

Litchfield. — Anne,  dau.  of  Thomas  Leichfeild,  b.  Aug.  18:  78. 

Long. — Marv,  dau.  of  Joseph,  b.  9  (4)  1665;  Sarah,  dau.  of  Joseph, 
b.  3:  7:  1667;  Joseph,  son  of  Joseph,  b.  31  (6)  1669;  Hannah,  dau. 
of  Joseph,  b.  3  (12)  1671;  Alwen,  son  of  Joseph,  b.  28  (9)  1673; 
Joseph  Lon<re  Sen1".,  d.  Aug.  26:  76. 

Lyon.— IsraeC'son  of  Peter  Lion,  b.  21  (8)  1666. 

Mares. — Henery,  son  of  Henery  Mares,  b.  20  (7)  1670. 

Mason= Wales. — John  Mason,  m.  Content  Wales,  Oct.  15:  1679,  by 
Maior  Gugins;  John,  son  of  John,  b.  July  18:  80;  Sarah,  dau.  of 
John,  b.  July  4th:  82. 

Mather. — Nathaneel,  son  of  Timothy,  b.  2:  7:  1658;  Samuel,  son  of 
Timothy,  b.  5:  7:  51;  Richard,  son  of  Timothy,  b.  22:  10:  53;  Jo- 
seph, son  of  Timothy,  b.  25  (3)  1661;  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Mr.  Timo- 
thy Mather,  d.  May  15:  78. 

Mather=Wise. —  Richard  Mather,  m.  Kataren  Wise,  July  1:  80; 
Timothy,  son  of  Richard,  b.  March  20:  81;  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Ri- 
chard, b.  Nov.  20th:  82. 

*  In  vol.  v,  Reg.,  p.  401,  it  is  stated.,   erroneously,  that  Joan,  wife  of  Richard 
Leeds,  d.  March  18,  1692-3.     This  is  the  date  of  death  of  Mr.  L.— See  Reg.  iv.  169. 



154  Marriages,  Births  and  Deaths.  [April 

Maxfield. — John,   son   of  Samuel,    b.   13    (6)    16T1  ;    Mary,  dan.  of 

Samuel,  b.  27  (9)  1673;    Ebenozer,  son  of  Samuel,  b.  Nov.  20:  75; 

Mehitable,  dau.  of  Samuel,  b.  Sept.  18:  77;  Sarah,  dau.  of  Samuel, 

b.  July  1:  80;  Samuel,  son  of  Samuel,  b.  May  27:  82. 
Mead. — Thomas,  son  of  Israel,  b.  16  (8)  1670. 
Memry. — John  Memry  d.  July  22:  1678;    Mary  Memry,  widow,  died 

Aug.  17:1678. 
Merifield. — Beuiamin,  son  of  Henry,  b.  11:  10:  58;  John,  son  of  John, 

b.  Feb.  10:  65;    Mary,  dau,  of  John,  b.  March  26:  67;    Sarah,  dau. 

of  John,   b.  May  14,   69;    Hannah,  dau.  of  John,    b.  Dec.  6,  70; 

Thomas,  son  of  John,  b.  Jan.  1:  72:   Joseph,  son  of  John,  b.  Aug, 

6:  75;  John  Merefield,  d.  Dec.  9«*  78. 
Minot. — Jonathan  Minott,  sou  of  Steven,  b.  22:  7:  58;    Israel,  son  of 

James,  b.  28:  8:  54:    Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Stephen,  b.  Nov.  9,  1663; 

Mrs.  Lydia  Minot,  wife  of  Mr.  John,  dyed   in  childbed,   together 

with  her  child,  25  ('11')  1667 — buried   27th,  1667;    George,  son  of 

John,  b.  Feb.  16:  82;  Josiah,  son  of  John,  b.  Dec.  25,  1674;  Josiah, 

d.  Jan.  11:  76.* 
Modesley. — John  Modesley  deceased  this  life,  27:  8:  1661. 
More=  Newel. — Thomas  More  and  Susanna  Newel,  both  of  Roxbery, 

were  ioyned  in  marriage  by  Mr.  Stoughton,  Assistant,  Octob:  the 

8*4  1673. 
Morell.— Mrs.  Alice  Morel!  died  Aprill  2:  79. 
Morgan. — Cornelius  Morgan  died  Aug.  28:  74. 
Moses.— Mary,  dau.  of  Tho:  Moses,  b.  2  (3)  1665. 
Newman. —  Mrs.  Joanna  Newman  dyed    Nouember  23:  78:   and  was 

Buryed  at  Brantre  by  her  father  at  her  owne  desire,  Nov.  26:  78. 
Newton.— Mary  Newton  died  31  (11)  1663. 
Osburne. — Nathaneell  Osburne  died  Jan.  11th:  78. 
Payson. — Joanna,  dau.  of  John  Pason,  b.  18  (7)   1670;    Presselah, 

dau.  of  John,   b.  July  28:  7-i  ;    John,  son  of  John,  b.  July  17:  76; 

Jonathan,  son  of  John,  b.  Aug.  18:  78;  Prudence,  dau.  of  John,  b. 

March  1:  SO;    Bathshebah,  wife  of  John  Pason,  d.  Feb.  20:  81; 

Bathshebah,  dau.  of  John,  d.  May  16:  83. 
Pelton= Smith. — Samuel  Pelton,  m.  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Smith,  Quar- 
termaster, 16th  (Mo.  5)  1673,  by  Mr.  Stoughton. 
Pelton. — Robert,  son  of  John  Pelton  Jr.,  b.  Jan.  1:  1675;    Samuel, 

son  of  John,  b.  Jan.  26:  75;  Mary,  dau.  of  Samuel,  b.  May  29:  78; 

Christian,  dau.  of  John,  b.  June  5:  78;  Deliverance,  dau.  of  Samuel, 

b.  July  31:  80;  Susanah,  dau.  of  John,  b.  Aug.,  1680;  John  Pelton 

died  January  23:  80;    John,  son  of  Samuel  IPelton,  b.  Jan.  9:  82; 

Charity,  dau.  of  John,  b.  Jan.  25:  82. 
Pennyman=Parmiter.  —  Samuel   Pennyman,   m.   Elizabeth   Farmiter, 

Jan.  6,  1673. 
Pierce. — Thomas  Pearse,  son  of  Thomas,  b.  21  (6)  1662;  Mary,  dau. 

of  Thomas,  b.  15  (1)  1665;    John,  son  of  Thomas,  b.  27  (8)  1667; 

John,  son   of   Thomas,    b.   27   (8)   1668  ;    Robert,  son  of  Thomas 

Pcirce,  b.  April  26:  73:    Samuel,  son  of  Thomas  Pearce,  b.  July 

*  Mr.  Shattuck,  in  Minot  Family,  Reg.,  i,  173,  has  another  Josiah,  b.  Dec.  27, 

1SG2.]  Marriages,  Births  and  Deaths.  155 

28:  76;    Sarah,  dau.  of  Thomas  Peirce,  b.  April  5:  79;   Elizabeth 

dau.  of  Thomas,  b.  June  IS:  82. 
Place. — Enoch  Place,  son  of   Enoch,  b.   18:  Ts  1658;    Peter,  son  of 

Enoch,  b.  16:  12:  1660. 
Plumb. — Samuel  Plumb,  son  of  John,  b.  29:  11:  1659. 
Pole. — Mr.  William  Pole,  that   saige,  reverant,  pious  man  of   God, 

departed  this  life  February  the  (24th)  16T4. 
Pond.— Martha  Pond,  dau.  of  Robert,  b.  13:  2:  1660. 
Pope. — Wilmouton,  son  of  Thomas  Pope,  b.  May  2i:  72;  Henory,  son 

of  Thomas,  b.  Dec.  20.  73;  Experience,  son  of  Thomas,  b.  June  21: 

75;  Joseph,  son  of  John,  b.  Oct.  17:  79:  d.  24.  same  month. 
Preston. — Mary,  dau.  of  Daniell  Presson  Jnnr.  b.  Sept.  1:  75;   John, 

son  of  Daniel  Presson,  b.  Nov.  12:  76;    Remember,  son  of  Daniel 

Preston,  b.  Nov.  4:  78;    Margaret,  dau.  of  Daniel,   b.  Jan.  23:  SO; 

Deliverance,  dau.  of  Daniel,  b.  July  14:  83. 
Puffer=Everett. — Richard  Puffer,  m.  Ruth  Eueret,  March  23:  80. 
Redman.- — Prudence    Redman,  dau.  of  Robert,  b.  17:  6:  58;    Mercy, 

dau.  of  Robert,  b.  23  (3)  1661. 
Rigby. — Susanna,  dau.  of  Samuel  Rigby,  b.  1  (11)  1669;   John,  son 

of  Samuel,  b.  Aug.  19:  76;    Silence,  dau.  of  Samuel  Rigbee,  b.  22 

Sep<.  78. 
Roberts. — Henory,  son  of  Henery  Roberts,  b.  June  6:  77;    Henery, 

son  of  Henery,  b.  Aug.  20:  79;    Henery,  son  of  Henery,  d.  Aug. 

25:  79;  Henry,  son  of  Henery,  b.  Nov.  20:  80. 
Robinson— Penniman. —  Encrease   Robinson,  m.  Sara  Penniman,   19 

(11)  63. 
Robinson. — Samuel  Robinson,  son  of  Samuel,  b.  13  (4)  1666;    Mary, 

dau.  of  Samuel,  b.  11  (6)  1668. 
Robinson  —  Craft. — Widow  Robison,  m.  Griffin  Craft,  of  Roxbury, 

by  W.  Stoughton,  the  15<h  (5)  1673. 
Rogers'. — Mehetabel   Rogers,  dau.  of  Jeremiah,  b.  6:  8:  1658:  Abia 

Rogers,  Widdow,  d.   March    10:  78;    Abigaiel,  dau.  of  Abia,  d. 

March  6:  78-9;  Bathshebah,  dau.  of  Abia,  d.  March  10:  78-9. 
Royal.— Ruth,  dau.  of  Isack  Ryal,  b.  2  (9)  1668;  Mary,  dau.  of  Isack 

Rialls,  b.  8  (7)  1670;   William  Riall  d.  June  15:  76;    Samuel,  son 

of  Isaac,  b.  July  21:  77;    Hannah,  dau.  of  William,  b.  Aug.  7:  77; 

Phebe  Ryall,  widdow,  d.  July  16:  78;   Martha,  dau.  of  William,  b. 

Sept.  6:, 79;   William,  son  of  Isaace,  b.  March  17:  80;    Ruth,  wife 

of  Isaace,  d.  May  1:  81;  Isaace,  son  of  Isaace,  b.  10:  3:  82;  Jacob, 

son  of  William,  b.  June  29:  82;  Jerusha,  dau.  of  Isaac,  b.  Jan.  15:  83. 
Russell. — George,  son  of  George  Russell  Esq1-.,  d.  Feb.  21:  80. 
Salesbury. — William   Salesbury,   son   of    William,   b.  14   (6)   1659; 

Susannah  Salesbury,  dau.  of  William,  b.  27:  2:  62. 
Sanders. — Joshua  Sanders,  son  of  Robert,  b.  17:  1:  1658-9;  Nathaniel, 

son  of  Robert,  d.  2  (1)  1664;  Joshua,  son  of  Robert,  d.  1  (2)  1664; 

Mary,  dau.  of  Robert,  d.  16  (4)  1664  ;   John,  son  of  John,  b.  Dec. 

13:  77;    Joana,  wife  of  Robert,  d.  Dec.  9:  77;    Nathaniel,  son  of 

John,  b.  June  24:  79;  Robert  Sanders  died  March  6:  83. 
Scott— Nfale. — Peter  Scot,  m.  Abigail  Neale,  22  Jan.  1673. 
Searle. — Nathaniel,  son  of  Robert  Searle,  b.  9:  4:  1662;  Robert,  son 

of  Robert,  b.  24  (1)  1667;  Robert,  son  of  Robert,  b.  2  (5)  1671. 

156  Marriages,  Births  and  Deaths.  [April 

Skilton=How. — Joseph   Skilton   of   Dedham,  and   Deborah   How  of 

Dorchester,  in.  by  M<\  Stoughton,  25  Feb.,  1673. 
Smead.— William  Smead,  son  of  William,  b.  18  (5)  1*660. 
Smith. — Samuel  Smith,  son  of  John,  b.  1.8:  1:  1658-9;  Sarah,  dau.  of 
Quarter  Master  Smith,  b.  9:  2:  1665;  Abigail,  dau.  of  John  Smith, 
Quartermast:  b.  31  (6)  1668;  Laurence  Smith,  d.  3  (S)  1665; 
Joseph,  son  of  John  Smith,  Quarter-master,  b.  30  (3)  1671,  the 
day  before  the  Election — died  about  a  month  after;  Quarter  Mr. 
John  Smith  d.  April  29  :  1678  ;  Mary  Smith,  Widow,  died  June 

Spurr.— Patience,  dau.  of  Robert  Spurre,  1).  27  (5)  1664. 

Spurr  =  Hoare. — John  Spurr  and  Mercy  Hoare,  m.  bv  Mr.  Joseph 
Dudlow  [Dudley]  Dec.  26,  1676. 

Spurr. — John,  son  of  John  Spure,  b.  Oct.  12:  77;  Joseph,  son  of  John, 
b.  Sept.  2:  79. 

Stanton. — Prudence  Stanton,  dau.  of  Robert,  b.  14  (4)  59. 

Staple — John  Staple  died  July  4:  83. 

Stiles. — John,  son  of  Robert  Stiles,  b.  25  (2)  1669;  his  eldest  son, 
Joseph,  b.  last  day  of  June,  1667. 

Stoughton. — Elizabeth  and  Mary,  daughters  of  Nicholas  Stoughton, 
b.  xMarch  10:  76-7;  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Stoughton  died  Aug.  6:  81. 

Sumner. — Susana,  dau.  of  Samuel  Sumner,  d.  Novr.  7:  78. 

Swift. — Thomas  Swift,  son  of  Thomas,  b.  30  (5)  1659;  Remember 
Swift,  dau.  of  Obadiah,  b.  5(10)  1661;  James  Swift  deceased  this 
life,  4:  9:  1657;  Elizabeth  Swift  deceased  this  life,  6:  9:  1657; 
Remember  Swift,  deceased  this  life,  5:  12:  1661. 

Tailor  =  Stoughton. —  Mr.  William  Tailor,  m.  vnto  Mrs.  Rebekah 
Stougton,  25  (6)  1664;  Stoughton  Tailor,  son  of  Mr.  William,  b. 
18  (4)  1665;  Mary,  dau.  of  James  Taylor,  b.  May  2:  S3. 

Talbut=Wadell. — Petter  Taibut  and  Mary  Wadell,  m.  by  the  wor- 
shipfull  Joseph  Dudlow  Enquire,  Jan.  12:  77. 

Thacher. — Theodora,  dau.  of  Mr.  Peter  Thacher,  b.  Novr.  1:  78. 

Tileston. — Cornelius  Tile-stone  deceased  this  life  the  20:  5:  1659; 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Timothy,  b.  29:  1:  1666;  Cornelius,  son  of  Timo- 
thy, b.  4:  7:  1668;  Sarah,  dau.  of  Timothy,  b.  7  (7)  1671;  Thomas, 
son  of  Timothy,  b.  Oct.  (19)  75;  James,  son  of  Timothy  Tilstone, 
b.  2  July:  75:  Anne,  dau.  of  Timothy,  b.  Dec.  7:  81. 

Topliff. — Mehitable,  dau.  of  Samuel  Taply,  b.  Agust  15:  73. 

Trescott.— Sarah  Trescott,  dau.  of  William,  b.  13:  7:  1662;  Dier, 
son  of  Samuel,  b.  Aprii  28:  73;  Samuel,  son  of  Samuel,  b.  April 
27:  75;  William,  son  of  John,  b.  Feb.  1:  78;  Abia,  dau.  of  Samuel, 
d.  Feb.  20:  78;  William,  son  of  John,  d.  Sept.  28:  79;  Ebenezer, 
son  of  Samuel,  b.  April  20:  80;  William,  son  of  John,  b.  July  18: 
80;  Zachariah,  son  of  John,  b.  May  12:  82;  Abiah,  dau.  of  Samuel, 
b.  Feb.  3:  83. 

Trott. — Sarah,  dau.  of  Thomas  Trot,  b.  June  5:  81;  Mary,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Trot,  b.  Jan.  23:  82. 

Trowbridge. — Elizabeth  Trowbridge,  dau.  of  James,  b.  12:  8:  1660; 
Mindwell,  dau.  of  James,  b.  20 "(4)  1662. 

Tuchel  [Twitchell]. —  [  ]  Tuchel,  dau.  of  Beniamin,  b.  8:  1:  58-9; 
Hanah  Tuchel,  dau.  of  Beniamin,  b.  8:  8:  1660. 

1S62.]  Marriages,  Births  and  Deaths.  157 

Tucker.— Exsperienee,  dau.  of  James  Tucker,  b.  Aug*.  19:  70. 

Turner.-=--=Rigby. — Nathaniel  Turner,  m.  Mehitibel  Rigby,  29  (1)  1665; 
William  Turner,  d.  Aug.  15:  80. 

Underwood==How.- — Joseph  Vnderwood,  m.  Mary  How,  26  (2)  65. 

Vose.— Elizabeth  Vose,  dau.  ef  Thomas,  b.  8  (6)  1661. 

Wadsworth. — Timothy,  son  of  Samuel  Wadsworth,  b.  19:  1:  1666. 

Wainwright. — Anna  Wainwright,  dau.  of  Thomas,  b.  15:  1:  58-9. 

Wales.— Content  Wales,  dau.  of  John,  b.  14  (3)  1659;  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  John,  b.  1  (5)  1662;  Elkanah,  son  of  John,  b.  16  (4)  1665; 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John,  d.  30  (4)  1673;  Elizabeth,  wife  of  Nathan- 
iel, d.  Oct.  22:  76;  Jerijah,  son  of  Samuel,  b.  Feb.  26:  78;  Eliza- 
beth, dau.  of  Samuel,  b.  Jan.  9:  80;  Sarah,  dau.  of  Samuel,  b.  May 
5:83;  John  Wales  iunr.,  d.  June  18th:  83.  [Gravestone  has  it, 
"June  16."     See  Reg.,  iv,  167.] 

Way.— Henery  Way,  aged  84,  d.  24  (3)  1667;  Joannah,  dau.  of 
William  Waye,  b.  July  25:  76. 

Weekes. — John  Weekes,  son  of  William,  b.  23:  12:  1651;  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  William,  b.  16:  7:  53;  Mary,  dau.  of  William,  b.  10:  9:  56; 
George  Weekes  deceased  this  life,  27:  8:  1659;  Jane,  dau.  of 
William,  b.  30  (7)  1662;  Submit,  dau.  of  William,  b.  Feb.  3:  71. 

Weekes— Hamox. — John  Weekes,  m.  Sarah  Hamon,  Nov.  4  :  1674; 
Sarah,  dau.  of  John,  b.  April  20:  1676;  Hannah,  dau.  of  John,  b. 
Feb.  28:  77;  William  Weekes,  Clarke  of  the  Writs,  dyed  Dec?  13: 
77;  Samuel,  son  of  John,  b.  Aug.  9:  SO. 

Weekes=Trescot. — Amiel  Weekes  and  Abigaill  Trescot  were  maried 
by  the  Worshipfull  John  Hull  Esq:  March  21:  82;  Amiel,  son  of 
Amiel,  b.  Feb.  26:  82;  Hanah,  the  daughter  of  the  Widow  Weekes, 
d.  Aug.  3.  S3. 

White.— Mary,  dau.  of  John  White,  b.  8  (8)  1666;  Thankfull,  dau. 
of  John,  b.  Jan.  18:  77;  Susanna,  dau.  of  John,  d.  June  18*:  78; 
Josiah,  son  of  Henery,  b.  June  14:  80;  Returne,  dau.  of  Henry,  d. 
Dec.  1680. 

Willis=Hill.— Roger  Willis  m.  Ruth  Hill,  19  (5)  1664;  Elizabeth, 
dau.  of  Roger,  b.  March  9:  77-8;  Hannah,  dau.  of  Roger,  b.  Feb. 

Williams. — Josiah,  son  of  Ebenezer  Williams,  b.  July  25:  75;  Ebe- 
nezer,  son  of  Ebenezer,  b.  March  13  :  1677-8  ;  Martha,  wife  of 
Ebenezer,  d.  Feb.  27:  78. 

Williams— Be amax. — Ebenezer  Williams,  m.  Sarah  Beaman,  Dec.  28: 
80  ;  Sarah,  wife  of  Ebenezer,  d.  Oct.  19  :  81  ;  Benonie,  dau.  of 
Ebenezer,  b.  Oct.  12.  d.  15:  9:  81. 

Wiswall. —  Oliver  Wizall,  son  of  Enos,  b.  25  (11)  1664  [another 
entry  on  the  same  page,  gives  it,  "27:  11:  1664"];  Elizabeth,  dau, 
of  Enos,  b.  28:  2:  1667.  r- 

Withixgtox. — Mary,  dau.  of  John  Withington,  b.  2  (10)  1673;  Mestris 
Mariary  (Margary  or  Margaret?)  Withington,  d.  May  20:  76; 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John,  b.  Aug.  5:  76;  Mary,  dau.  of  John,  d.  Sept. 
15:  76;  Mary,  dau.  of  John,  b.  March  10:  79.  d.  Oct.  1:  79;  Richard, 
son  of  John,  b.  Aug.  1:  SO;  Silence  and  Submite,  the  daughters  of 
John  Withington:  born  15th  Jan:  82;  the  one  of  them  died:  29th: 

*  Gravestone  reads,  "Jane  16."     See  KegJ,  iv,  167. 

15S  License  to  Capt.  John  Vnderhill.  [April 

llmo:  82;  the  other  dyed  3d:  12rao:  82;  John,  son  of  Philip,  b.  Dec 
30:  83. 

Wood=Daniel. — Jonathan  Wood,  of  Med  field,  and  Mary  Daniel,  of 
Milton,  m.  by  Mr.  Stoughton,  26  (3)  1674. 

Wyat=Spurk. — Nathaniel  Wyat,  son  of  Edward  Wyat,  was  married 
by'Maior  Lusher  vnto  Joanna  Spur,  8  (11)  1668;  Nathaniel,  son 
of  Nathaniel,  b.  26  (9)  1669;  Edward,  son  of  Nathaniel,  b.  5  (8) 
1671;  Susannah,  dau.  of  Nathaniel  Wiet,  b.  7  March:  74-5;  Jona- 
than, son  of  Nathaniel  Wiete,  b.  May  27:  77;  Edward  Wyet,  d. 
Feb.  14:  SO. 


BOSTON— 1639. 

Massachusetts.  Wheras,  Libertye  by  letters  of  Publick  Assur- 
(11)  29. 1639.  ance,  was  [sent]  to  Capt.  Jo:  Ynderhill  to  repayer 
to  the  Church  of  Boston  [<&  give]  satisfaction  con- 
cerninge  such  matters  of  offence  as  they  had  charge [d]  him  with, 
the  time  therein  limited  beinge  longe  since  expired,  I  have  thought 
fitt  (wth  advise  &  consent  of  othere  of  the  Councell)  at  the  earnest 
request  of  the  sd  Capt.  Vnd:  to  renewe  the  same,  &  doe  heereby 
licence  him  to  repayer  to  Boston  aforesd,  &  by  virtue  of  the  Authori- 
tye  &  power  to  myselfe  &  the  rest  of  the  Councell  Comitted,  doe 
Assure  him  yr  he  shall  come  and  returne  in  peace  Sz  saftye,  free 
from  all  arests  or  othere  molestation  by,  or  from,  any  Authoritye 
heere,  he  demeaninge  himselfe  well  in  his  travail  &  staye,  according^ 
to  the  order  of  such  Pck  Assurances:  Provided  the  time  of  his  beinge 
in  Boston  be  either  in  the  first  weeke  of  the  first  month  next,  ore  in 
the  second  week  of  the  third  month,  &  he  staye  not  wit!iin  this  Juris- 
diction aboue  tenn  dayes  after  notice  giuen  him  from  the  Goverr 
ore  Deputye  yl  he  should  depart;  this  Licence  to  be  of  force  to  ye 
end  of  the  3d  month  next,  and  noe  longer  without  further  Alowance 
from  the  next  Gen11  Court. 

To  all  officers  &  others  wthin 
this  Jurisdiction  whom  these 
may  Concerne. 
— Suffolk  Deeds,  vol.  I. 

[Capt.  John  Underhill  was  one  of  the  early  planters  of  Massa- 
chusetts, coming  here  in  1630;  was  a  friend  of  Sir  Henry 
Vane,  and  sent  by  him,  as  commander  of  the  colony  troops  to  Say- 
brook,  Ct.,  in  1637;  was  a  representative  of  Boston;  was  actively 
engaged  as  a  commander  in  the  Pequod  war,  and  with  Capt.  Mason 
attacked  the  fort  of  the  savages  at  Mistick;  was  chosen  governor  of 
Exeter  and  Dover,  N.  EL,  in  1641:  afterward  removed  to  Stamford, 
Ct.,  and  in  1646  to  Flushing,  L.'l.  He  died  at  Oyster  Bay,  L.  L, 
about  1672.  His  descendants,  mostly  Quakers,  remain  on  that 
island.  He  was  a  man  of  very  eccentric  character — an  enthusiast 
in  religion,  but  immoral  in  practice.  He  made  public  confessions  of 
bis  sins  at  various  times  in  Boston.  See  Winthrop's  Journal,  Eliot's 
Dictionary,  Wood's  Long  Island,  Drake's  Boston], 


1862.]  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  159 


[Prepared  by  W.  B.  Trask  of  Dorchester.] 
[Continued  from  page  58.] 

Thomas  Bcttolph. — 25;     3:     67.      I,    Thomas  Bultolph,  of  Boston. 
Glouer,  being1  weake  in  body,  but  in  perfect  memory,  make  this  my 
Last  will.     For  my  outward  estate  that  the   Lord  hath  Lent  me,  I 
giue  as  followeth:     Ynto  Anna  Butolph,  my  wife,  the  dwelling"  house 
wherein  I  now  Line,  together  with  the  yards,  stable,  Barne,  and  other 
housing  belonging  to  the  same,  during  her  Life,  and  after  her  decease 
to  my  sonn    Thomas  and  his   Heyrs.     Also,  my  meaning  is,  that  the 
garden  shal  belong  to  my  new  house,  to  my  wife;  and  my  will  is,  that 
my  wife  shall  haue  all  my  Linnin,  woollen,  Beding,' Pewter  &  brass, 
wearing  aparill  and  many,  to   be  at  ber  disposs  for   euer,  she  defray- 
ing  my  fuuerall    charges  &  debts.     Also,  my  will  is,  that  my  wife 
shall  haue  the   one   halfe  of   Centry  Feilde,  &  one  halfe  of  the  furder 
Garden,  soe  called,  next  plantans,*  daring  her  life.   My  will  is  that  my 
wife  haue  one  Cow,  which  my  wife  shall  choose.     I  giue  vuto  my  son, 
Thomas  Butolph,  the  house  where  he  now  Liueth.  Called  the  old  house, 
with  the  Breadth  of  the  house  from  the  house  downe  to  the  [     f 
hill  place  duringe  the  Life  of  my  wife  his  mother,  and  after  my  wiues 
decease,  I  giue  the  old  house  to  vnto  my  sonn  John  Butolph  and  his 
heyres  for  euer.     My  will  is  that  my  sonn    Thomas,  shall  haue  that 
halfe  of  Centry  feild  that  Lyeth  from  Mr.  Brattles  Close,  and  my  sonn 
John,  shall  baue  the  halfe  next  to  Mr.   Bratle  for   him  and  his  heyrs 
for  euer,  after  his  mothers  decease,  that  is,  the  one  halfe  of  the  mea- 
dow in  Centry  feild  where  the  watering  is.     Also,  I  giue  to  my  sonn, 
John  Butolph,  and   his   heyrs,    for  euer,   the   whole   parcell   of  Land 
called  the  furder  garden,  next  vnto  plantons,  and  he  to  haue  the  one 
halfe  of  it  during  the  Life  of  his  mother,  after  my  decease.     My  will 
is,  that  my  dau.  Abigail,  shall  haue  <£40,  to  bee  paid  vnto  her  after  the 
decease  of  her  mother  my  wife.     I  giue  vnto  my  dau.  Mehitebell,  that 
spott  of  Land  yl   Lyeth   front  upon   the  highway,  abutting  vpon  Mr. 
Brattle,  Mr.  John  Endecot   Sf  Francis  Dowse   &  £50   there   is   in   the 
hands  of  John  Barker,  my  kinsman,  with  £3  [  ].     All   the  inte- 

rest vntil  the  said  £50  be  demanded  after  my  decease.  My  wife 
Anna,  &  son  Thomas,  executors,  and  what  Lether,  Si  Ike  and  other 
Vtensells  y*  are  belonging  to  my  calling,  in  my  possession,  at  my 
decease,  or  any  other  estate  whatsoeuer  doth  belong  vnto  mee,  shall 
bee  diuided  betwixt  my  wife  &  children  in  equall  proportions. 
Also,  my  will  is,  that  my  Louinge  Freinds,  my  Brother  Henry  Bridg- 
ham,  Uenery  Ensigne  Philips,  Edmond  Edendon  4*  John  Parker  bee  my 

*  Probably  William  Blantaine. 

1 1  am  not  entirely  satisfied  as  to  the  correctness  of  the  record  which  reads : 
"  dung  hill  place."  The  most  of  the  letters  are  gone  from  the  word  on  the  ori- 
ginal document — T. 

1G0  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  [April 

Ouerseers  to  this  my  Last  will;  and  Igiue  ynto  them  405  apcece,  to  be 
payd  by  my  executors  after  my  decease.  Thomas  x  Butolpii. 

Signed,  sealed  &  delivered   in  the  presence   of   Theodoer  Atkinson, 
James  Hill. 

18  June,  166?,  Theodoer  Atkinson,  senior,  deposed. 

7:  6:  1667,  James  Hill  deposed.  Edward  Rawson,  Record1". 

Bcttolph — Frarye — Hardinge. — The   Petition  of  Tho.  Buttoljph,  Jo. 
Sf  Elizabeth  Frarye  §-  Jo.  Hardinge. 

May  it  please  the  Honoured  Court  these  are  to  Informe  that  John 
Frarye,  Junior,  by  Couenants  of  Marriage  with  Elisahelh  Hardinge, 
the  Relict  of  Abraham  Hardinge  *  Deceased,  haue  possessed  the  Estate 
left  in  the  Hands  of  the  aboue  sd  Elizabeth,  &  haue  through  Gods 
Blessing  Corn  for  t.ablye  Brought  up  foure  Children,  &  now  the  Eldest 
sonne  John  Hardinge,  is  21  yeares  of  age,  &  according  to  his  fathers 
will  is  to  haue  a  double  portion.  They  haue  therefore  agreed  yl  John 
Harding,  shall  haue  all  his  Fathers  Lands  &  Housinge,  as  they  are 
specified  in  the  Inuentorye;  &  what  other  graunts  of  Land  haue  since 
fallen  to  the  whole  Estate  they  are  Jointly  agreed  upon  a  Diuision  of 
seuerall  parcells,  to  their  Mutuall  Satisfaction,  which  Estate  of  House 
&  Lands,  with  £19  of  other  Estate  doe  amoante  to  £172,  which  i3 
John  Hardinges  Double  portion,  &  the  portion  of  2  of  the  other  Child- 
ren, which  John,  Being  willing  to  take  into  His  Hand,  &  giue  such 
securitye  as  the  Court  shall  thinke  Meete  for  the  payment  of  their 
portions  as  they  shall  Come  of  age  to  Receiue.  It  is  therefore  ye 
Humble  petition  of  Thomas  Buttolph,  senir.,  &  John  Frary  &  Elizabeth 
his  wife,  &  Jo.  Hardinge,  that  they  might  haue  the  approbation  of  this 
Honourd  Court  for  the  Confirmation  of  this  their  agreement,  so  as  may 
bee  to  the  Discharge  of  that  Bond  wherin  Thomas  Bultell  k,  Elizabeth, 
now  the  wife  of  John  Frarye,  are  Bound  for  securitye  to  the  whole 
Estate;  so  your  humble  petitioners  shall  Rest  yours  in  all  Dutye  as 
God  shall  enable.  Thomas  Buttolph, 

Jn°.  Frarye, 
Elizabeth  Frarye. 

The  1st  of  October,  1665.  Jn*.  Hardinge. 

The  Court  approues  of  this  agreement  for  the  Eldest  sonne  Jn°.  Mary 
&  Abraham,  the  sd  John  Giuing  his  owne  Bond,  together  with  his 
Engagement  of  his  Land  for  the  two  Childrens  portions  tiil  they  Come 
to  Age  to  Choose  their  Owne  Guardians. 

Edward  Rawson  Recorded 

At  the  same  time  the  Court  Ordered  that  John  Frarye  on  Request 
of  Elizabeth  Hardinge  testifyed  by  her  Mother  &  Brother  Jn°.  Hardinge 
shall  bee  guardian  to  the  sd  Elisabeth,  the  Daughter,  giuing  securitye 
to  Respond  her  portion  of  Forty  three  pounds,  k  the  Former  securitye 
is  Discharged.  Edw.  Rawson,  Records 

*See  will  of  Abraham  Harding  in  the  Register  for  Jan.,  1855,  page  35. 

1862.]  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  161 

Thomas  Bird. — I,  Thomas  Bird,  Senir,  of  Dorchester,  in  yc  County  of 
Suffolk  in  New  England,  Tanner,  being  by  yc  p'udence  of  God  not 
well  in  my  body,  yet  through  ye  mercy  of  God  in  p'tit  memory, 
make  my  last  will  &  Testament  vnless  I  shall  see  Cause  heerafter  to 
alter  it.  My  will  is,  that  all  my  Just  depts  be  paid  k  funerall  dis- 
charged. My  will  is,  that  Ann,  my  wife,  haue  one  Third  r?<  of  ail 
my  housing  k  land  duering  her  life.  For  ye  rest  of  my  Estate  I  giue 
one  third  pl  thereoff  vnto  my  wife  wholly  to  be  at  her  owne  disposs- 
all  as  God  shall  moue  her  hart.  My  will  is  ,y'  ye  other  two  third 
pts  of  my  Estate  be  deuided  as  Followeth,  viz:  WLeeras  I  p'mised 
my  sonne  Thomas,  at  his  marrige  fifty  pounds,  of  wc!l  a  good  p'1  is 
paid,  as  by  my  booke  will  appeare,  then  (that  fifty  pounds  being  ac- 
counted as  pt  of  ye  Estate)  y-  estate  shalbe  equally  deuided  to  my 
Fower  Children,  viz:  Thomas,  John,  James  k  Sarah,  only. my  Sonne, 
Thomas,  shall  haue  ten  pounds  added  to  his  pl  more  then  any  one  of  ye 
rest  of  my  Children,  For  that  third  pT  of  my  houseing  k  land  wch  I 
leaue  in  iny  wiues  hands  duering  her  life,  my  will  is,  that  when  it 
shall  please  God  to  put  an  end  vnto  her  days  that  then  that  houseing 
k  land  shal  be  equally  deuided  vnto  my  three  sonns;  but  if  either  of 
them  dy  k  leaue  not  Isue,  then  this  p1  shall  goe  equally  to  those  that 
doe  suruiue.  I  appoiut  Anne,  my  wife,  to  be  execetrix  of  my  wholl 
Estate.  I  appoint  my  loving  freinds  Liftenant  Hopestill  Foster  k 
Ensigne  John  Capen  to  be  ouei  seers.     12th  July,  1666. 

Thomas  Bird. 

In  p'sence  of  vs,  viz:  John  Capen,  Senr.,  Jasper  Rush. 

Bps'ton  17th  of  July,  166T.  John  Capen,  Senr.,  k  Jasper  Husk  de- 

An  Inventory  of  ye  Estate  of  Thomas  Bird,  senr.  of  Dorchester, 
who  departed  this  life  ye  8th  day  of  June,  1667,  taken  &  apprized 
by  John  Capen,  Se?ir.,  William  Sumner,  James  Humfrey.  Amt.  £997, 
11:  5,  including  debts  due  the  estate.  Debts  due  from  the  Estate, 
£61:  14:  10.  Mentions  the  names  of  John  Blackman  k  John  Daven- 
port. "The  prsons  yl  prized  ye  stock  in  tanning,  John  Gurnell,  Henry 

17th  July,  1667,  Ann  Bird,  relict  of   Thomas  Bird,  deposed. 

Thomas  Birch. — At  a  Countye  Court  held  at  Boston  Jan.  31,  1664, 
John  Gomel  k  J  no.  Mynott  administrators  to  the  Estate  of  ye  Late 
Thomas  Birch,*  came  into  ye  Court  k  presented  ye  Eldest  sonne 
Joseph  Birch,  as  of  age,  to  the  Court,  together  with  his  request  for 
this  Courts  making  ouer  the  whole  remainder  of  the  Estate  unto  the 
8d  Joseph  Birch,  six  acres  of  Land  remote  only  excepted,  which  is 
referred  as  part  of  Jonathans  portion,  at  twelue  pounds;  the  said 
Joseph  Declaring  that  hee  was  willing  to  allow  each  of  his  Brothers  & 
Sisters,  instead  of  twentye  foure  pounds  apece,  thirty  pounds  apece,  as 
they  shall  Come  to  age,  in  Corne  &  Cattell,  k  Bound  ouer  the  Hcuse  & 
Land  as  giuen  into  this  Court  in  the  Inuentorye  to  the  Record1"  of  the 
Countrey  k  his  successors.  For  the  performance  thereof,  the  Guar- 
dian of  the  second  sonne  Consenting  heerunto.  The  Court  allowed  of 
this  agreement,  on  which  the  s,J  Joseph  Birch  did  accordingly  Bind  ouer, 

*See  Will  of  Thomas  Birch  of  Dorchester,  in  the  Register,  vol.  vm,  p.  2S1. 

162  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  [April 

in  open  Court,  his  House  &  Land  for  the  performance  of  this  Order, 
to  the  Recorder  k  His  successors. 

By  the  Court.  Edw:  Rawson,  Recorder. 

There  is  paid  out  of  Thomas  Birches  Estate  for  repairing  the  fences 
&  Housing,  Clothing  for  some  of  the  Children  k  other  charges,  £17: 

The  Estate  Cr.  by  Is:  2d  to  bee  added  to  the  Inuentorye  k  seuerall 
debts  of  Rent  £21:  6s:  5d  which  makes  the  Inuentorye,  £191:  IS:  4d 
out  of  which  is  paid  to  the  Eldest  Daughter  £2-1.  This  Accompt  was 
Brought  into  the  Court  Jan.  3ist,  1 664,  by  John  Gumell  &  Jo.  Minoti 
k  addition,  k  is  accepted;  k  Jonathan  Birch  Came  into  the  Court  k 
made  Choyce  of  Thomas  Tilesione  to  bee  his  Guardian,  which  the  Court 
approued  of.  Edward  Rawson,  Recorder. 

Thomas  Munt*. — According  to  an  Ordr  from  the  Honoured  Gonern1" 
and  Major  Leuerett  to  us,  whose  names  hear  undr  written,  for  the  diui- 
sions  of  the  Estate  of  Thomas  Munt  deceased,  Between  Tho.  Hill  the 
Husband  of  the  Relict  of  Thomas  Munt  k  his  three  Children  is  as  fol- 
io weth:  The  whole  Estate  amounted  vnto  £216:  4:  3.  **To  Thomas 
Hill  the  one  Halfe,  £108:  2:  U. 

To  Clement  Short,  Husband  to  Faith  Munt,  Imp.  a  piece  of  Land 
Lyeing  nigh  the  Mill  dam  between  Robert  Sanderson  and  Jno.  Bracket, 
£30;  2|  acres  of  Land  at  Spectacle  Island,  £3;  for  Thomas  Hill  in 
goods  6s:  8|,  &c.  &c.     Amt.  £3G:  00:  8J, 

To  Thomas  Kingston,  Husband  to  Mary  Munt — To  a  peice  of  Land 
Lying  at  the  upper  end  of  Tho:  Hills  Lot  fronting  upon  the  Common, 
£16;  to  2  acres  of  Land  at  Long  Island,  £2,  &c,  &c.  Amt.  £36:- 
00:  00 J. 

To  Patience  Munt,  2   peic   of  Land  lying  by   Peter  Warrens,  £20; 
a  debt  wch  Wm.  Hersy  of  Hingham,  owes,  &c,  &c.     Amt.  £36. 
Edward  Rainsford,  Thomas  Kinston, 

Robrt  Sanderson,  Tho.  Duer  pro.  Clement  Short. 


Henry  Allinne,  Thomas  x  Hill, 


Edward  Rawson,  Guardian  to 
Patience  Munt. 

April  28th,  1666,  The  Court  allowes  k  approues  of  the  Returne  & 
the  Diuision  of  the  Estate  therin.  Edward  Rawson,  Record1". 

Thomas  Ethrington. — At  a  meeting  of  the  Magistrates  and  Recorder, 
at  Boston,  the  8th  September,  1665.  Prsent  Gouernor,  Deputy  Go- 
urIlor,  Mr  Davforth  k  Recorder.  Whereas,  Thomas  Ethrington  of 
Newichewannok,  perished  with  His  wife  in  the  sea,  Coming  for  Bos- 
ton. The  County  Court  being  then  Informed  thereof,  k  Zechariah 
Gillam  had  his  Chest  k  seuerall  goods  in  his  Custody,  the  Court,  on 
his  Motion,  appointed  Marshall  Richard  Wayte  k  Thomas  Fitche,  Late 
Constable,  to  take  into  their  Hands  the  said  Chest  k  Goods  k  Bring 

See  abstract  of  the  inventory  of  Thomas  Munt  in  the  Register,  vol.  xn,  p.  345. 

1862.]  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  163 

a  true  Inuentorye  thereof  into  Court,  k  giue  the  sd  Zechariah  Gillam 
a  Discharge  for  the  same,  they  Keeping  the  sd  goods  in  specie,  to 
Respond  the  Order  of  the  Court  for  such  as  shall  appeare  to  haue 
most  Right.  And  Wm.  Spencer,  the  sonne  of  Thomas  Spencer,  k  Brother 
in  Law  to  the  said  Thomas  Ethrington,  appearing  Before  the  Magis- 
trates &  Recorder,  desiring  administration  to  ye  Estate  of  said  Late 
Thomas  Ethrington  as  it  Lyeth  heere,  &  in  Yorkshire.  The  Magistrates 
Judge  it  meete  to  graunt  him,  the  sd  Wm.  Spencer,  Administration  to 
the  Estate  of  Thomas  Elhrington,  both  there  &  heer,  hee  giuing  in  a 
true  Inuentorye  of  that  Estate  that  Lyeth  in  Yorkshire,  k  giuing  his 
personal!  Bond  to  double  ualue  of  the  whole  to  the  Recorder  to  Re- 
spond the  Judgment  of  the  County  &  the  Court,  &  to  Administer 
according  to  Lawe,  in  Behalfe  of  the  children  of  the  Late  Thomas 
Ethrington,  k  Engaging  his  House  and  Land  in  Yorkeshire  to  the 
Recorder  for  that  end;  which,  when  Done,  the  Marshall,  Richo.  Wayte, 
is  ordered  with  Thomas  Fitclie,  to  Deliuer  up  the  Goods  in  specie 
in  ther  Custodye  to  the  sd  Tho.  Spencer,  he  satisfying  them  for  their 
paines,  &  answering  the  ordinary  Charges,  sixe  shillings  apeice,  to  the 
trustees,  k  12d  apeice  to  the  apprisers. 

Edward  Rawson,  Recorder. 

The  Inuentorye  of  the  goods  of  Thomas  Elhrington,  Beceased- 
ree'd  of  Mr.  Zachariah  Gillam  the  14  of  (9  mo.)  1664.  Appraised  by 
Edxo.  Fletcher,  Iiabbacuk  Glouer,  Thomas  Blighe,  who  deposed  at 
Boston   IT  (9  mo)  1664. 

A  true  Inuentorye  &  exact  Accompt  taken  of  the  Houses,  Lands  & 
Goods  with  all  the  Implements  thereunto  Belonging  of  Thomas  Eth- 
trivgton,  Deceased,  sometime  Inhabitant  of  the  Town  of  Kittrye,  at 
Newitchewanneck,  whom  with  his  Wife  was  Cast  away  in  John  Coles 
Lighter  in  Nouember  1664;  taken  by  Humphrey  Ckadborne,  Richard 
Nason.     Amt.  £94:   18. 

William  Spencer  deposed  Sept.  9,  1665. 

THOirAS  Marshall. — An  Inuentory  of  some  Clothes  of  Thomas  Mar- 
snails,  Lately  Deceased,  taken  by  James  Euerill,  &  William  Englishe, 
3:6:  1665.     Mentions — Deacon  Richard  TrusdalL 

October  31st,  1665,  James  Pemberton  deposed. 

[James  Pemberton  rendered  his  accompt  as  administrator  to  the; 
Estate  of  Thomas  Marshall,  deceased,  late  of  Boston.     Amt.  J£49: 7:6:] 

The  estate  was  indebted  to  Doctor  Akock  for  Physick;  to  Theod*. 
Atkinson;  to  Gm.  Clear;  to  Mr.  Bradstreet  for  Physick;  to  Mr.  Raicson; 
to  Lieft.  Tho.  Clarke;  to  Gcodwife  Topping,  of  Boston;  to  legacies  paid 
to  James  Pemberton  and  to  Joseph  Howe.  Accompt  all&wed  by  the 
Court  Jan.  ©1,  1665.     James  Pemberton  deposed. 

Gabriel  Mead. — I,  Gabrieil  Mead,  of  Dorchester,  being  aged  & 
Infirme  in  body,  yet  of  perfect  Remembrance,  doe  make  this  my  last 
will  &  testament.  My  will  is,  that  Joanna  my  wife  be  my  sole  execu- 
tix  &  have  ye  full  dispose  of  all  my  estate  for  her  owne  comfort  & 

164  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  [April 

helping*  to  bring  vp  ray  children  while  shee  lives,  &  after  her  disease 
my  will  is,  yl  my  sonne,  Israeli,  shall  haue  ye  house  I  now  dwell  in, 
with  ye  orchard  &  apurtenance  therevnto  belonging-.  I  giue  vnto 
my  sonne,  Dauid,  my  old  house  and  that  orchard  or  garden  thervnto 
adjoyniug,  &  also  my  plott  of  land  being  in  yc  field  neer  the  buriall 
place.  I  giue  vnto  my  dau.  Lidia,  SO-5,  to  be  paid  as  my  wife  shal 
be  able,  within  two  yeres  after  my  desease.  1  giue  vnto  my  daus. 
Experience,  Sarah  and  Patience,  30^  apiece,  to  be  paid  them  within  one 
year  after  they  shalbe  marled,  if  they  liue  soe  to  bee;  and  it  is  my 
mind  that  if  either  of  my  sonns  dye  before  they  come  to  enjoy  that 
before  giuen  them,  or  either  of  them,  that  then  ye  same  to  bee  equally 
deuided  after  my  wifes  disease  to  yc  rest  of  my  children;  also  it  is 
my  mind  &  will,  that  if  my  wife  shall  by  nessesity  be  forced  to  sell 
either  part  or  y-  whole  for  maintenants  of  her  sclfe  or  children,  while 
6he  is  a  widdow,  yl  she  shall  haue  powre  soe  to  doe  with  ye  aduise 
off  my  friends  after  named;  and  In  case  shee  should  marry,  then  my 
mind  is,  that  my  sonns  shall  enjoy  ye  former  gifts  when  they  shall 
attaine  the  age  of  one  &  twentye  yeares.  1  intreat  my  louing  Freinds, 
Deacon  Clap  &  ensigne  Foster,  to  be  ouerseers  and  to  asist  and  aduise 
my  wife  &  children  as  need  may  require.  Jan.  15,  1654. 
witnes  hervnto  Gabrell  Meade. 

Hopestill  Foster. 

Boston  17th  of  July  1667,  Capt.  HopesliU  Foster  deposed. 

Edw.  Raws  on,  Recorder. 

William  Cheiney. — Being  sick  in  body,  &  of  perfect  understanding 
&  memory  according  to  my  measure,  I  make  this  my  last  will  &  testa- 
ment. My  will  is,  that  my  deare  &  afflicted  wife,  Margaret  Cheiney,  be 
carfully  &  sufficiently  prouided  for  during  the  time  of  her  life,  &  to 
that  end  my  will  is,  that  she  haue  all  the  rents  &  proffitts  yearely,  & 
euery  yeare,  during  the  aforesayd  tearms,  of  all  my  houses,  lauds,  & 
orchards,  that  I  die  possessed  of,  either  in  Roxbury,  Boston,  or  els 
■where,  except  such  part  of  my  lands  or  estate  which  I  shall  here 
after  in  this  my  will  dispose  of  to  my  children  or  otherwise,  which 
estate  bequeathed  by  me  unto  my  sayd  wife,  it  is  my  will,  that  she 
enter  upon  &  be  possessed  of  immediately  after  my  decease  (to  witt) 
the  present  cropp  upon  all  the  land  &  the  use  of  all  my  household  stufle 
&  goods,  my  debtts  &  funerall  expences  being  in  the  first  place  with 
all  conuenient  speed  fully  discharged;  &  for  my  wifes  more  comfort- 
able being,  my  desire  is,  that  one  of  my  executors  may  liue  in  my 
house  in  Roxbury,  with  her,  to  inioy  the  housing  &  lands  by  the 
yeare  which  I  haue  as  is  aforesayd  giuen  unto  my  wife,  upon  such 
equall  tearmes  as  my  other  executor  &  ouerseers  shall  agree  with 
him  for;  but  in  case  both  my  executors  see  cause,  to  refuse  to  accept 
of  this  motion  in  answer  to  my  desire  herein,  then  my  will  is,  that 
it  be  let  outt  by  my  executors  &  ouerseers  to  the  best  advantage  for 
my  wife  [s]  comfortable  maintenance.  When  all  my  debts  &  Lega- 
cies are  discharged  out  of  my  stock  &  husbandry  utensills,  as  cants, 
plows  &  such  like,  what  remaines  of  my  stock  afterwards,  my  will  is, 
it  be  let  out  or  disposed  of  for  my  wifes  use  by  my  executors,  with 
the   aduice  of  my  ouerseers;  And  my  will  is,  that  all  my  moueables 

1862  J  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  165 

be  for  my  wifes  use  during  her  life,  except  what  is  before  disposed. 
And  in  case  what  is  aboue  expressed  be  not  sufficient  for  the  com- 
fortable maintenance  of  my  wife,  then  my  will  is,  that  the  house  at 
Boston  be  sold  k  improved  for  her  further  &  better  supply.  I 
bequeath  unto  my  sonne,  John  Cheiney,  all  that  land  both  Aeirable  k 
pasture  lying  on  the  east  side  of  the  great  lotts,  being  with  in  the 
great  lotts,  being  twenty  accres,  more  or  lesse,  being  nowe  in  the  pos- 
session of  the  sayd  John.  Allso,  I  giue  to  my  sayd  sonne,  a  percell 
of  meadow  in  the  fresh. meades  being  two  accres,  be  the  same  more 
or  lesse,  as  it  lyeth  on  the  south  of  a  ditch  made  to  dreine  the  sayd 
meadow.  Also  I  giue  unto  him  one  accre  of  salt  marsh,  be  it  more 
or  lesse,  as  it  lyeth  bounded  with  a  creeke  next  the  marsh  of  John 
Douies,  formerly  Isaadc  Heaths.  Also  I  giue  unto  him  eight  accres  of 
land,  more  or  lesse,  lying  neare  the  house  of  William  Ilopkinns,  All 
&  euery  of  these  percells  of  lands  my  will  is,  that  my  sayd  sonne 
John,  be  possessed  of  imediately  after  my  decease.  I  giue  to  my 
sonne,  William  Cheiney,  all  my  land  lying  in  Medfeild,  lately  in  the  pos- 
session of  my  sayd  sonne,  upon  this  condition  or  promise,  that  he  &  his 
wife,  Deborah,  be  reconsiled  k  line  together  in  Meedfeild  or  ells  where 
to  the  satisfaction  of  John  Wiswall,  of  Boston,  k  Deacon  Parke  of 
Roxbury,  but  not  in  Prouidence  or  that  Jurisdiction;  prouided  allso, 
that  what  either  my  selfe  or  Deacon  William  Parke  haue  allready 
payd,  or  doe  stand  ingaged  for  unto  the  Court  in  his  behalfe,  be  first 
repayd  k  fully  discharged  by  him,  his  heires,  or  assigues;  but  other- 
wise, if  my  sayd  sonne  neglect  or  refuse  to  accept  it  with  these  pro- 
uisoes,  then  my  will  is,  that  twenty  pounds  be  payd  to  John  Wiswall, 
of  Boston,  out  of  my  estate.  To  my  Sonne,  Joseph  Cheiney,  ,£60  (to  witt) 
my  land  lying  in  the  third  deuission,  being  thirty  seauen  accres,  more 
or  lesse,  k  twenty  pounds  to  be  payd  to  my  sayd  sonne,  Joseph,  out.  of 
my  stock.  My  will  is,  that  my  three  daughters  (to  witt)  Ellin,  Mar- 
gret  k  Mehit obeli,  haue  each  of  them  £10  payd  to  them  out  of  my 
stock.  After  my  wifes  decease,  my  will  is,  first  that  all  my  houses  & 
lands  in  Roxbury  undisposed  of  before  by  this  will,  I  doe  giue  unto 
two  sonnes  of  my  eldest  sonne,  Thomas  Cheiney  (to  witt)  his  sonne, 
Thomas,  k  his  sonne,  William,  to  be  improued  for  their  beniffitt  by 
ther  father  untill  they  are  21  yearcs  old,  then  to  be  inioyed  by  them. 
What  remaiues  of  my  estate  after  my  wifes  decease  either  in  stock  or 
otherwise,  in  housing  or  lands  (in  any  other  towne)  or  estate  in  any 
kind  undisposed  of  by  this  my  will,  My  will  is,  that  one  halfe  of  it 
be  giuen  to  my  sonne,  Joseph  Cheiney,  k  for  the  other  halfe  therof, 
my  will  is,  that  it  be  Deuided  into  four  equall  parts,  k  so  dispose  of 
it  to  my  sonne,  John  Cfainey,  k  to  my  three  aforesayd  daughters,  to 
each  of  them  an  eqnall  portion  thereof.  I  make  my  two  sonnes, 
Thomas  Cheiney  k  Thomas  Hasting,  the  executors  of  this  my  will, 
requesting  my  friends  Mr.  John  Eliot,  Deacon  William  Parke,  k  Ed- 
ward Denison  to  be  ouerseors.     April!  the  last,  sixty  seauen. 

Witnesse.  William  x  Cheiney. 

John  Newell,  Samuell  Scarbcrow,  who  deposed  July  30,  1667. 

Inventory  of  the   estate   taken  by  Edward  Denison,  Thomas  Weld, 
July  10,  1667.     Amt.  £386:11:4. 

166  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  [April 

o  is 

[The  original  of  the  above  will  of  William  Cheney,  as  the  nam 
now  written,  appears  to  be  in  the  handwriting  of  the  "  Apostle  Eliot,' 
bo  called,  who  was  one  of  the  overseers.]. 

William  Stark. — At  a  meeting*  of  the  Gonernonr,  Majr.  Generall 
Leverett  &  Recorder,  in  Boston,  12th  Feb.,  1665.  Power  of  Adminis- 
tration to  the  Estate  of  the  Late  Wrri.  Starr,  of  [  ]  in  Deuonshire 
Marriner  &  Late  sojorner  in  Boston,  who  Departed  this  Life  in  his 
Going  to  Salem  on  6th  Instant,  is  Graunted  to  Robert  Starre  of 
Salem,  in  behalfe  of  such  as  shall  appeare  to  have  most  right  to  it, 
he  giuing  securitye  to  Administer  according  to  La  we. 

Edward  Rawson,  Recorder. 

Inventory  of  the  estate  prised  by  John  Fuller,  Christopher  Skinner, 
Nathaniel  Adams.     Aint,  £9:6:8.     Robert  Starr  deposed  Feb.  12,  1665. 


[Continued  from  vol.  xvi,  p.  16.] 

Barrett,  Rev.  John,  the  first  minister  of  Hopkinton,  Mass.,  was  b. 
in  Boston  A.  D.  1100;  graduated  at  H.  U.  in  1121,  and  began  to 
preach  at  Hopkinton  the  next  year,  at  the  house  of  Mr.  Jno.  How. 
The  first  mention  of  his  being  at  H.  occurs  in  Rev.  Sam'l  Dexters 
Diary— [See  Register  Oct.  1859,  p.  303.]  "I  diverted  myself  [I 
hope]  with  a  law  full  Recreation  in  hunting  with  Mr.  Barrett,"  &c. 
On  organizing  a  church,  Sept.  2,  1124,  Mr.  Barrett  was  ordained 
pastor  at  a  salary  of  £10,  with  the  addition  of  "cutting  and  carting 
his  fire  wood."  Mr.  B.  proved  himself  to  be  a  workman  worthy  of  his 
hire,  and  continued  pastor  of  the  church  until  his  death,  Dec.  11,  1112. 
[His  wife  Anna  d.  Oct.  19,  1111,  a.  69.]  One  of  his  sermons  entitled, 
"  God  is  the  Shepherd  of  Believers,"  and  preached  on  the  first  sab- 
bath in  June,  1161,  was  printed  after  his  decease.  It  is  plain, 
simple  and  scriptural  in  style.  Though  not  an  eloquent  speaker,  Mr. 
Barrett  was  a  sensible,  good-natured  and  consistent  minister;  and 
although  Mr.  Whitfield,  on  his  visit  to  Hopkinton,  is  said  to  have 
prayed  in  allusion  to  Mr.  Barrett  that  "  God  would  make  that  dumb 
dog  bark,"  the  sterling  good  sense  of  Mr.  B.  amply  compensated  in 
the  long  run  for  any  want  of  eloquence.  Mr.  B.  had  but  one  child, 
Samuel,  b.  1126,  m.  Mary  Caswell,  Feb.  9,  1158,  and  d.  March  10, 
1800,  leaving  two  children,  John,  b.  1159,  and  Anna,  b.  1161.  Under 
the  tuition  of  the  Rev.  Aaron  Hutchinson,  John  became  a  fine  classi- 
cal scholar,  and  like  Euler,  could  repeat  nearly  the  whole  of  the 
jiEneid  of  Virgil  by  heart.  He  spent  the  greater  part  of  his  life  as  an 
"  itinerant  schoolmaster,"  and  fitted  several  young  men,  among 
whom  was  the  late  Horace  Mann,  for  college.  He  published  a  very 
curious  work  ok?  English  Grammar  in  1819,  a  copy  of  which  lies  be- 
fore me.  He  d.  April  4,  1821,  leaving  two  children,  Orlando  and 
Clarissa.  N. 

1862.]  Will  of  Governor  Haynes.  167 


The  second  volume  of  the  Records  of  the  Particular  Court  of  the 
Colony  of  Connecticut,  containing  also  the  Probate  proceedings  and 
Wills  and  Inventories  exhibited  from  1650  to  1G63,  after  having  been 
lost  for  very  man3*  years,  was  recently  discovered  by  Charles  J. 
Hoadly,  Esq.,  who  has  communicated  the  following  copy  of  a  docu- 
ment heretofore  much  sought  after: 

Whereas  I  John  Haynes  of  Hartford  upon  the  River  and  within 
the  Colony  of  Connecticut  in  New  England  Esqr,  am  by  the  good 
providence  of  the  Lord  called  to  the  undertaking  of  a  voyage  into  my 
native  country  of  England  and  duly  weighing  according  to  my  mea- 
sure the  difficulties  and  hardships  I  am  liable  and  exposed  to  therein, 
especially  in  these  declining  days  of  mine  when  my  sun  cannot  be 
far  from  setting,  I  do  in  the  fear  of  the  Lord  and  in  obedience  to 
his  rules  of  wisdom,  for  the  continuance  of  love  and  peace  in  my 
family  make  this  my  last  will  and  testament  and  thereby  dispose 
of  that  outward  estate  the  Lord  in  mercy  hath  vouchsafed  me,  in 
manner  as  followeth. 

I  do  give  unto  Mabell  my  dear  loving  wife  all  that  my  mansion 
house  in  Hartford  together  with  the  outhouses,  barns,  stables,  orchards, 
gardens  with  all  the  appurtenances  thereunto  belonging,  together 
with  my  meadows  inclosed  in  the  little  meadow,  also  all  my  meadow 
and  swamp  in  the  south  meadow,  likewise  my  oxpasture,  together 
with  all  other  divisions  of  land  of  right  belonging  unto  me  on  this 
side  the  great  river. 

I  give  also  unto  her  sixteen  acres  of  meadow  in  Hocanum,  now  in 
my  own  possession  and  occupation,  Provided  always,  and  my  will 
and  intent  is,  my  said  wife  shall  have  and  enjoy  all  the  aforesaid 
houses  and  land  for  term  of  her  natural  life  only,  and  after  her 
decease  I  give  the  said  houses  and  land  before  mentioned  to  John 
my  eldest  son  by  my  wife  Mabell  Haynes  and  to  his  heirs  forever. 

I  do  further  give  and  bequeath  to  my  said  wife  all  that  my  house 
and  farm  with  the  appurtenances  ou  the  east  side  the  great  river, 
commonly  called  Hocanum,  with  all  the  lands  thereunto  belonging 
(except  before  excepted)  viz*  the  close  of  upland  inclosed  by  the  house 
with  my  upland  lots  adjoining  the  meadow  I  purchased  of  Nathaniel 
Ward,  and  swamp  ground  inclosed,  as  also  the  swamp  without  the 
fence  adjoining  to  Hocanum  that  belong  to  me,  also  the  meadow  in 
Hocanum  now  in  the  tenure  of  James  Northam  and  his  partner  for 
a  term  of  years  together  with  all  rights  of  commonage  and  further 
divisions  of  land  on  that  side  the  river  and  all  other  privileges 
belonging  thereunto,  Provided  also  as  before  my  wife  possess  and 
enjoy  the  same  during  the  term  of  her  natural  life  only,  and  after 
her  decease  I  give  the  said  houses  and  lands  to  Roger  my  second  son 
betwixt  us,  to  him  and  his  heirs  forever.  I  do  moreover  give  and 
bequeath  unto  my  said  wife  all  that  my  houses  and  farm  at  Tunxus 
Sepos  or  else  Farmington,  together  with  all  the  meadow  and  upland 

168  Will  of  Governor  Haynes.  [April 

thereunto  belonging,  with  all  rights  and  divisions  of  lands  or  com- 
monage appertaining,  now  in  the  tenure  and  occupation  of  Thomas 
Judd  and  his  brother,  Provided  in  like  manner  that  my  wife  enjoy 
the  same  for  term  of  her  natural  life  only,  and  after  her  decease  I 
give  the  said  farm  houses  and  lands  with  the  appurtenances  to  Joseph 
my  youngest  son,  to  him  and  his  heirs  for  ever. 

And  whereas  I  am  indebted  to  Mr.  Will.  Tanner  of  Cophall  in  certain 
sums  of  money  payable  to  him  by  bill  sent  into  England,  and  to  my  son 
Mr.  Nathaniel  Eldred  above  two  hundred  pounds  which  he  disbursed 
for  me  here  for  and  towards  the  maintainance  of  myself  and  family, 
my  will  is  that  the  lease  of  my  lands  in  England  made  unto  my 
brother  in  trust  for  payment  of  legacies  therein  specified,  and  of 
such  monies  I  should  need  towards  my  own  maintainance  be  im- 
proved for  the  payment  and  discharge  of  the  before  mentioned  debts 
to  Mr.  Eldred  and  Mr.  Tanner,  but  if  the  said  debts  shall  not  be 
satisfied  by  my  estate  in  England,  which  is  my  desire  and  aim,  then 
my  will  is  that  the  aforesaid  debts  with  such  other  as  are  justly  due 
in  this  country  be  paid  and  discharged  by  my  loving  wife  whom  I 
make  sole  executress  of  this  my  last  will  and  testament,  and  for  the 
inabling  of  her  to  the  performance  of  the  same,  I  do  give  and  be- 
queath unto  her  all  my  goods  and  chattels  in  New  England,  as  quick 
stock,  household  stuff,  movables  and  debts  due  unto  me,  it  being  my 
will,  and  I  do  hereby  leave  the  care  and  education  of  my  children  to 
my  loving  wife,  and  the  charge  hereof  to  be  borne  out  of  the 
estate  hereby  bequeathed  unto  her. 

I  do  also  give  unto  my  wife  all  that  my  house  and  land  in  Windsor 
with  the  appurtenances  in  the  tenure  of  Mr.  George  Hull  and  formerly 
purchased  of  him  or  of  the  town  or  any  other  particular  persons 
there,  together  with  all  other  rights  of  divisions  or  commonage  of 
land  thereunto  appertaining  and  do  also  hereby  give  unto  her  liberty 
to  make  sale  thereof  towards  the  payment  of  the  debts  formerly 
mentioned  as  due  to  Mr.  Eldred  and  Mr.  Tanner  in  case  they  be  not 
otherwise  discharged  according  to  my  mind  and  will  herein  expressed, 
but  in  case  the  said  debts  be  paid  out  of  my  estate  in  England  and 
that  my  wife  be  not  charged  therewith,  then  my  will  is  that  my  wife 
possess  and  enjoy  the  said  houses  and  lands  situate  in  Windsor 
aforesaid  during  the  term  of  her  natural  life,  and  after  her  decease 
to  be  equally  divided  betwixt  my  two  daughters  Ruth  and  Mabell. 
My  will  further  is  that  in  case  the  foreraentioned  debts  be  not  paid 
according  to  my  desire  by  my  means  in  England  but  that  my  wife  be 
necessitated  to  make  sale  of  the  lands  situate  in  Windsor  aforesaid 
for  the  discharge  and  payment  thereof,  that  then  she  enjoy  the 
goods  and  chattels  bequeathed  unto  her  by  this  my  will,  for  the  term  of 
her  natural  life  only,  with  liberty  to  make  any  such  changes  and 
alteration  therein  as  either  the  nature  of  the  things  or  her  own  occa- 
sions may  necessarily  require.  Provided  the  true  and  just  value 
thereof  be  as  near  as  may  be  maintained  intire  which  goods  or 
chattels  aforesaid  or  the  true  value  of  them,  I  do  in  case  the  fore- 
mentioned  lands  be  sold  give  unto  my  two  daughters  Ruth  and 
Mabell  to  be  equally  divided  betwixt  them,  but  in  case  the  debts 
foremen tioned  be  paid  otherwise,  then  my  will  is  that  my  wife  injoy 
the  goods  and  chattels  as  before  during  her  natural  life  only  and 

/     * 

1S62.J  Letter  from  Michael  Hillegas.  169 

after  her  decease  to  be  equally  divided  betwixt  all  the  children  which 
I  have  by  the  said  Mabel i  my  wife.  My  will  further  is  that  if  either 
of  my  children  do  depart  this  life  before  they  come  to  the  age  of  one 
and  twenty  years  or  be  married  that  then  the  portion  bequeathed 
unto  them  or  any  of  them,  by  this  my  will  be  equally  betwixt  those 
that  survive. 

I  do  also  request  and  with  their  consents  ordain  my  true  loving 
friends  Mr.  Hopkins,  Mr.  Hooker,  Mr.  Stone  and  John  White  super- 
visors or  overseers  of  this  my  will.  Also  I  give  and  bequeath  to  my 
poor  brethren  of  our  congregation  five  pounds  to  be  dispersed  by  the 
deacons  thereof  where  they  shall  see  most  need.  I  give  to  Mr.  Hop- 
kins 203,  also  to  Mr.  Hooker  our  pastor  £b,  to  Mr.  Stone  <£4,  to  John 
White  10s,  to  every  one  of  my  children  by  my  first  wife  20s. 

In  witness  hereof  I  have 

set  to  rny  hand  and  seal  John  Haynes. 

this  27:8,  1646. 

The  Court  of  Magistrates  the  11  July  1654  being  (upon  the  exhi- 
bition of  this  will)  informed  that  a  little  before  the  testator  departed 
this  life  he  agreed  for  the  marriage  portion  of  his  daughter  Mrs. 
Ruth  with  Mr.  Willis  different  from  his  provision  for  her  in  this  will 
and  that  the  marriage  portion  aforesaid  is  paid  and  to  be  paid  by  Mr. 
Haynes  out  of  what  is  in  this  will  bequeathed  to  her  and  the  said 
testator  declaring  upon  the  said  agreement  that  he  could  do  no  more 
for  her  then  the  aforesaid  agreement  amounted  unto,  do  declare  that 
it  is  their  judgment  that  the  testator's  mind  was  that  Mrs.  Ruth 
should  have  no  right  to  any  part  of  the  housing  and  lands  at 

TREASURER  OF  THE  U.  S.,  17S1. 

[Coniruunicated  by  Jeremiah  Colbuen.] 

[The  contents  of  the  following  letter  are  of  much  interest  at  the 
present  time,  the  state  of  the  country  and  its  finances  being  in  a 
similar  condition  to  what  they  were  in  1781.] 

Sir:  Yours  of  the  7th  ultimo,  with  the  six  chests  of  defaced  money 
[old  emissions],  said  to  contain  thirteen  million  and  one  thousand  six 
hundred  and  thirty-seven  dollars,  as  well  as  the  chest  from  Nicholas 
Gilman,  Esquire,  of  New  Hampshire,  was  delivered  me  per  Lieut. 
Osgood  Carleton  on  the  11th  instant,  the  whole  of  which  I  shall 
deliver  to  the  Commissioners  appointed  by  Congress  for  burning  the 
same.  I  likewise  have  received  yours  of  the  9th  ulto:  per  post 
copy  of  which  I  have  sent  to  the  Honble  the  Board  of  Treasury,  to 
be  (if  they  approve  thereof)  by  them  forwarded  to  Congress,  which 
I  hope  may  be  done,  if  not  already  sent  there,  tho*  I  wish  you  had 
wrote  a  letter  to  ye  President  of  Congress — mentioning  something 
of  what  you  did  to  me;  it  might  have  had  its  use;  for  my  pari:,  I 
really  think  some  provision  should  be  made  for  the  payment  of  the,  interest  of 



170  Richard  Thurston's  Memorandum.  [April 

the  Nciv  Bills,  as  that  would  in  some,  degree  support  their  Credit  and  gua.rd 
against  a  depredation  which  I  dread,  should  nothing  be  done.  I  am  informed 
[tho*  I  do  not  know  how  true]  that  the  State  of  New  York  have  pro- 
vided hard  money  m  their  State  Treasury  for  the  payment  of  the 
Interest  of  their  New  Rills,  and  have  not  rely'd  on  Congress.  And 
I  think,  as  the  mind  of  Congress  is  so  much  taken  up  with  the  prose- 
cution of  this  Just  &  necessary  War  in  defence  of  our  Lives,  Liber- 
ties &  properties,  &  in  works  of  General  Concern  to  all  the  States, 
perhaps  it  would  have  been  best  if  all  the  States  had  had  it  in  their 
power  to  have  done  the  same  as  New  York.  But  entre  nous,  I  sincerely 
wish  the  Interest  had  never  been  annexed  originally  to  the  Money; 
the  Idea  of  a  circulating  money  bearing  Interest,  which  is  &  must 
be  daily  accruing;  in  my  opinion,  is  really  a  laughable  affair  enough, 
tho'  I  don't  chuse  to  say  it  is  ridiculous,  or,  as  some  politicians  say, 
foolish:  but  as  it  is  at  present,  we  ought  now  to  support  it. 
I  am,  Sir,  with  much  essteem  k  Regard, 

Your  most  Ob't  Servant, 

M.  Hillegas. 


Oh  that  when  I  look  on  the  account  of  so  many  of  my  near  rela- 
tions gone  before  me,  I  may  give  all  diligence,  to  make  "my  calling 
and  election  sure." 

March  10,  1720,  my  brother,  Daniel  Thurston,  d.  in  the  30fh  year 
of  his  age. 

March  14,  1124,  my  venerable  grandfather  f  Dresser  d.  in  his  85th 

Sept.  4,  1727,  my  sister,  Lydia  Thurston,  d.  in  her  30lh  year. 

Sept.  18,  1127,  my  brother,  Stephen  Thurston,  d.  in  his  24lh  year. 

Dec.  1,  1135,  my  honored  mother  Thurston  d.  in  her  70th  year. 
My  mother's  death  was  very  sudden,  for,  standing  up,  she  dropped 
down  and  was  not  perceived  to  breathe  after.  The  same  month, 
Mary  Jewett,  Daniel  Thurston  and  Thomas  Thurston  died  at  my 
father's  house. 

Feb.  18,  1138,  my  honored  father,  Daniel  Thurston,  d.  in  his  I8lh 

Sept.  28,  1138,  my  brother,  Jonathan  Thurston,  d.  in  the  38th  year 
of  his  age. 

Sept.  6th,  1146,  my  brother,  Benjamin  Thurston,  d.  in  his  52d  yr. 

May  25th,  1752,  my  brother,  John  Thurston,  d.  in  his  69th  year. 

Augt.  12,  1160,  my  sister,  Mary  Chute,  d.  in  her  67th  year. 

Sept.  18,  1770,  my  sister,  Hannah  Frazer,  d.  in  her  73d  year. 

*  Died  at  Rowley,  1782.     This  is  the  "  Deacon  Thurston"  mentioned  by  Pres. 
John  Adams  in  his  Diary. 
t  John  Dresser  of  Rowley — See  Savage's  Gen.  Diet.,  vol.  n,  p.  72. 
X  Mary,  dau.  of  John  Dresser. 

1862.]  Family  and  Ancestors  of  Thos.  Palmer.  171 


[Copied  from  the  Family  Bible  of  the  late  Col.  Anthony  Thomas  of  Marshfield, 
Massachusetts.     By  M.  A.  Thomas.] 

Tuesday  morning  Nov.  18  H55.  An  earthquake  about  18  minutes 
after  four  o'clock  in  ye  morning.  The  air  clear  and  calm,  the 
Heavens  bright,  the  moon  shining  and  about  two  hours  high,  a3 
pleasant  a  morning  as  ever  was  seen, — but  the  sea  was  roaring  at 
the  shore  with  such  a  noise  as  hardly  ever  was  known,  &  ye  continu- 
ance of  the  shock,  by  all  the  calculation  I  can  make  about  one 
minute  and  a  half,  &  then  we  seemed  to  think  it  was  going  off,  but 
ye  repeated  shock  was  more  terrible,  and  shook  down  many  tops  of 
cbimleys,  both  in  Boston  and  country  &  ye  whole  shocks  as  near  as 
I  can  think,  two  minutes  '&  a  half, — after  that  we  had  dull,  heavy, 
calm  weather,  and  one  shock  more,  but  small  comparatively  yet  felt 
considerably,  &  ye  twenty  second  of  ye  same  month,  Saturday  at  40 
minutes  after  eight  in  the  evening  we  were  alarmed  with  another 
still,  though  not  to  be  compared  with  the  first  these  were  all  I  heard 
til  Dec.  the  19  about  10  o'clock  at  night,  some  noyse  but  little  or  no 

OF  BOSTON,  N.  E. 

[Communicated  by  Clifford  Stanley  Sims,  Member  of  the  Society  of  the  Cincin- 
nati of  New  Jersey,  of  the  Historical  Society  of  Pennsylvania,  and  Cor.  Member 
of  the  N.  E.  Hist. -Gen.  Society.] 

In  looking  over  Burke's  Landed  Gentry,  I  stumbled  upon  the  en- 
closed account  of  the  Palmer  family,  one  of  which,  Thomas  Palmer 
by  name,  emigrated  to  Boston,  N.  E. 

"The  Family  of  Palmer,  whose  patriarch,  William  le  Palmer,  was 
a  Crusader  under  Richard  Coeur  de  Lion,  was  from  a  remote  period 
established  in  the  county  of  Sussex;  but  a  branch  of  it  was  settled 
at  Marston  as  early  as  the  year  1559." 

John  Palmer  of  Marston,  co.  Stafford,  living  in  1566,  a  scion  of 
Palmer  of  Yorkshire,  had  three  sons:  1,  Robert  of  Hill,  co.  Beds, 
father  of  Sir  William  Palmer,  knt.  of  Wardon  street;  2,  William  of 
London,  and  afterwards  of  Wanslip;  3,  John  of  Marston,  who  had 
two  sons — Robert,  a  Hamburgh  merchant,  and  Thoma3  of  Marston. 
John  Palmer's  second  son, 

William  Palmer,  Esq.,  of  Wanslip,  co.  Leicester,  d.  about  the  year 
1636,  leaving  by  Barbara  Archdale,  his  wife,  3  sons:  1,  Archdale  his 
heir;  2,  Sir  William  of  Hill,  co.  Beds,  carver  to  King  Charles  I; 
3,  John  of  Temple  Hall,  co.  Leicester,  the  eldest  son. 

Archdale  Palmer,  Esq.,  of  Wanslip,  served  as  high  sheriff  of  Lei- 

172  Genealogy  from  Port  Royal.  [April 

cestcrshire,  in  1641.  He  m.  Martha,  dan.  of  Thomas  Smith  of  London, 
merchant,  and  by  her,  who  1619,  had  issue:  1,  William  his  heir; 
2,  Archdale  in  holy  orders;  3,  Thomas  of  Engorsby;  4,  Samuel  of  Lon- 
don; 5,  Joshua,  M.  D.;  6,  Barbara  m.  first  to  Samuel  Sleigh,  Esq.,  and 
second,  to  John  Morswood,  Esq.  of  Alfreton;  7,  Martha,  wife  ^of 
Richard  Lloyd,  a  citizen  of  London.  Mr.  Palmer  d.  in  August,  1613, 
aged  63,  and  was  succeded  by  his  son 

William  Palmer,  Esq.  of  Wanslip,  who  m.  twice.  By  his  first  wife 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Wm.  Danvers,  Esq.,  of  Swithland,  he  had  4  sons: 
1,  Archdale,  his  heir;  2,  Henry,  d.  s.  p.;  3,  William,  M.  D.  m.  Mary 
Hough  and  their  dau.  Mary  m.  Coote  Molesworth;  4,  Thomas  of 
Boston  in  New  England,  who  m.  Abigail  Hutchinson  and  had  2  sons, 
Eliakim  and  Thomas,  and  a  dau.  Sarah  m.  to  Mr.  Lewis.  Wm.  Pal- 
mer d.  18th  April,  1692,  aged  56,  and  was  succeeded  in  the  Wanslip 
estate  by  his  son  Archdale.  The  English  branch  of  the  family  is  now 
seated  at  Nazing  Park,  co.  Essex. 


[Communicated  by  John  L.  Sibley,  Esq.] 

The  following  Family  Record  is  copied  from  vol.  i  of  MacJ:nighty s 
Harmony,  4to,  Lond.  1746,  found  in  irresponsible  hands  at  Beaufort, 
S.  C,  on  the  12th  of  November,  1861,  and  deposited  20th  November, 
1861,  in  the  Library  of  Harvard  University,  subject  to  the  call  of 
the  owner  at  any  time,  by  Capt.  Charles  Henry  Davis  (H.  U.,  1825), 
the  second  in  command  of  the  U.  S.  naval  forces  at  the  capture  of 
Port  Royal,  1th  November,  1361.  The  record  is  somewhat  imperfect, 
from  the  wear  of  the  leaf: 

....     Smith,  b.  April  28, 1691;     ....     Smith,  b.  May  10, 

1699,  d.  Dec ;  they  were  married  May  27,  1714.     Roger 

Moore,  b.  Aug.  24,  1694,  d.  — ;  Catharine  Rhett,  b.  Dec.  14,  1705,  d. 
June  11,  1745;  they  were  married  Oct.  10,  1721.  Thomas  Smith,  b. 
Nov.  7,  1719;  Sarah  Moore,  b.  Sept.  7,  1728;  they  were  married 
Aug.  2,  1744:  Roger  Smith,  b.  Aug.  4,  1745;  Tho.  Smith,  b.  July  5, 
1748,  d.  Jan.  17,  174|;  Benj.  Smith,  b.  Nov.  23,  1749,  d.  April  19, 
1750;  William  Smith,  b.  March  26,  1751,  d.  June  1— ,  17o— ;  Sarah 
Smith,  b.  Aug.  22,  1752,  O.  S.,  2d  Sept.,  N.  S.;  Peter'  Smith,  b.  Nov. 
14,  1754,  N.  S.j  Benj.  Smith,  b.  Jan.  10,  1757;  Rhett  Smith,  b.  Aug. 
13,  1759,  d.  June  21,  176—;  James  Smith,  b.  Nov.  2,  1761;  Polly 
Smith,  b.  Feb.  7,  1764;  Ann  Smith,  b.  Sept.  26,  1765;  Rhett,  b.  Aug. 
23,  1767,  d.  Sept.  7,  17—.  ,,,,"" 

At  the  same  time  with  the  above  volume,  Stephen  Minot  Weld, 
Jr.  (H.  XL,  1860),  of  Jamaica  Plain,  Mass.,  2d  Lieutenaut,  who  wit- 
nessed the  storming  of  Port  Royal,  among  other  printed  matter, 
placed  in  the  library  a  portion  of  a  4to  Bible,  London,  1761,  which 
on  the  day  after  the  landing  was  taken  from  the  house  of  William 
Pope-,  Senior,  the  house  which  was  occupied  by  Gen.  Drayton  and 


1862.]  Grant  Thorium.  173 

his  staff,  and  used  as  a  hospital.  It  was  the  first  house  on  which 
the  U.  S.  flag  was  raised  and  became  the  headquarters  of  Gen. 
Sherman  and  staff.  The  fragment  contained  the  following  family 

Samuel  Green,  b.  Sept.  Y,  1721,  in.  27th  Jan.,  1752,  to  Sarah 
Norton,  d.  27th  July,  17  70,  and  his  wife  5th  May,  1765;  Mary  Ann, 
daughter  of  Samuel  and  Sarah  Green,  b.  28th  Oct.,  1752;  James,  b. 
2d  Nov.,  1754;  Samuel,  b.  13th  June,  1756,  d.  25th  Dec,  1776;  Sarah, 
b.  6th  Feb.,  1759;  Mary  Ann,  b.  14th  Aug.,  1761;  Susanna,  b.  8th 
Nov.,  1763;  Samuel  Green  and  Catharine  Campbell,  m.  1765,  Sept. 
20;  their  daughter  Catharine,  b.  10th  Feb.,  1768,  d.  8th  Sept.  . 



Our  readers,  will  doubtless  be  pleased  to  see  the  following  cha- 
racteristic communication  from  the  celebrated  seedsman  of  New 
York,  who  is  still  a  hale  and  hearty  man,  although  entering  upon  his 
90th  year: 

New  Haven',  Feb.  1862. 

"Dear  Sir:  The  sunny  hills  and  pleasant  vales  of  Scotland  make 
that  country  the  admiration  of  the  world;  but  it  is  the  Bible  that 
causes  Scotchmen  to  differ  from  all  men  under  the  sun.  It  was  the 
Bible  that  inspired  the  song  of  the  Ettrick  Shepherd  while  watching 
his  flock  'by  night  all  seated  on  the  ground.'  He  was  then  in  his 
eighteenth  year  and  had  never  read  anything  except  the  Spelling 
book  and  the  Bible.  Mtny  of  the  poets,  historians  and  statesmen 
of  Scotland,  are  thus  self-taught.  The  manners  and  men  of  the 
Eastern  States  are  very  similar  to  those  of  Scotland.  The  Bible,  the 
sabbath  and  the  church,  are  their  watchwords.  Most  of  our  useful 
inventions,  such  as  the  telegraph,  etc..  etc.,  were  made  perfect  by 
those  'cunning  yankees'  who  read  the  Bible  till  they  became  wiser 
than  their  teachers.  Who  ever  heard  of  an  Irish,  German  or  Spanish 
peasant's  writing  a  book  to  cheer  his  fellows  ? 

"On  the  13th  of  April,  1794,  I  embarked  at  Leith  for  America;  and 
the  amount  of  my  education  was  ability  to  read  the  Bible  and  to  write 
my  own  name.  We  arrived  at  New  York  on  the  16th  of  June,  and 
on  the  sabbath  following,  three  of  my  fellow  passengers  called  at 
my  lodgings,  saying:  'Grant,  where  are  you  going  to'day?'  'To 
church,'  I  replied.     'We  have  been  nine  weeks  at  sea/  said  they, 

.  *He  was  b.  near  Dalkietli,  Scotland,  Feb.  18,  1773.  He  was  the  son  of  James 
T.  a  nailmaker,  who  d.  March,  1837,  a  95;  grandson  of  Alexander  T.  who  d.  about 
1825,  at  the  advanced  age  of  100  years;  his  great  grandfather  was  one  of  those  cove- 
nanters who  "  wandered  in  the  mountains  and  hid  in  the  caves  of  the  earth,  of  whom 
the  world  was  not  worthy."  Grant  came  to  this  country,  1794,  and  experiencing  a 
chequered  fortune,  furnished  John  Gait  with  some  of  the  incidents  of  "Lawrie 
Todd  ;"  this  work,  however,  being  a  little  too  fanciful  for  Mr.  Thorburn,  he  pub- 
lished his  own  autobiography  at  Boston  in  1834.  For  many  years  he  was  engaged 
as  a  "  seedsman  "  in  New  York;  but  now  resides  at  New  Haven,  Conn. 

174  Notes  and  Queries.  [April 

1  let  us  go  out  into  the  country  to-day,  we  can  go  to  church  next 
sabbath/  'The  last  words  I  had  from  my  father/  said  I,  'were, 
Remember  the  Sabbath  day.'  They  went  to  the  country,  spent  their 
money,  became  drunkards  and  died  peggars.  I  went  to  church, 
became  rich,  was  never  drunk  in  my  life  and  have  been  confined  to 
the  house  by  illness  only  six  days  since  I  came  to  America.  Now  I 
walk  without  a  staff,  sleep  without  rocking  and  digest  without  the 
help  of  brandy  or  bitters.  In  1803  I  boarded  in  the  same  house  with 
Thomas  Paine,  who  assisted  Robespierre  in  establishing  his  model 
Republic,  by  means  of  the  guillotine.  He  was  intemperate  and  often 
became  a  terror  to  himself  and  those  around  him.  He  died  in  1809, 
at  the  age  of  73,  and  his  nurse  and  physician  both  informed  me  that 
during  the  last  two  months  of  his  life,  he  consumed,  at  least,  two 
gallons  of  brandy  per  week.  Yours  truly, 

Rev.  E.  Nason.  Grant  Teorburn. 


I.  In  what  publication  does  the  work  Yankee  first  appear  ?  Is  it 
a  corruption  of  the  word  English  or  Anglais,  as  pronounced  by  the 
Indians,  as  Worcester  intimates,  or  has  it  a  more  recondite  origin  ? 
What  is  the  earliest  printed  copy  of  the  tune  of  "  Yankee  Doodle" 
extant,  or  in  what  work  is  the  earliest  mention  of  it  made? — W.  W. 

II.  A  ballad  commencing, 

"  My  name  is  Shays,  in  former  days 

In  Pelham  I  did  dwell,  sir, 
And  I  was  forced  to  quit  that  place 

Because  I  iid  rebel,  sir." 

was  printed  on  a  "  broadside"  and  extensively  sung  in  New  England 
half  a  century  ago.     Is  that  rebellion  song  still  in  existence? — N. 

III.  A  book  hunter  wishes  to  know  the  authorship  of  the  Romans 

in  Greece,  an  allegory  of  80  pages,  published  at  Boston  by  J.  Nan- 

crede,  1199.     Nancrede  came  to  this  country  with  Rochambeau  and 

was  wounded  at  the   battle  of  Yorktown.     He   afterwards   taught 

French  at  Harvard  University,  and  d.  at  Paris,   Dec.  15,  1841,  a.  SI. 

For  what  political  purpose  was  the  above  work  written  and  how  is 

it  to  be  interpreted  ?     The  book  hunter  would  also  be  glad  to  know 

the  title  of  the  earliest  Spelling  Book  printed  in  New  England. — P. 

IV.  In  a  folio  edition  of  the  Book  of  Martyrs,  with  copper  plates, 
1732,  I  find  on  page  379  the  famous  "Advice"  of  Mr.  John  Rogers 
to  his  children — which  the  New  England  P rimer  (ed.  1777)  informs 
us  was  written  a  few  days  before  the  martyr's  death— ascribed  to 
Mr.  Robert  Smith,  a  painter,  who  suffered  at  Uxbridge,  Aug.  8,  1555. 
As  much  more  poetry  of  "the  same  sort"  is  there  given,  from  the 
peu  of  Mr.  Smith,  there  can  be  little  question  that  the  celebrated 
lines  of  the  Primer, 

"  Give  ear  my  children  to  my  words,"  &c. 
are  inadvertently  set  down  to  Mr.  Rogers. — [En. 



1862.]  Marriages  and  Deaths.  176 



French=Clark. — At  Exeter,  N.  EL,  Feb.  19th,  Moses  J.  French  to 
Miss  Alcina  F.  Clarke,  both  of  Kingston;  by  Rev.  Elias  Nason. 

Oliver=Andrews. — At  Salem,  Jan.  23,  Lt.  Col.  Samuel  C.  Oliver 
of  the  14th  Massachusetts  Regiment,  to  Miss  Mary  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
Gen.  Joseph  Andrews,  all  of  Salem;  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Willson. 

Porter=Wiggin\ — At  Exeter,  .N.  H.,  Dec.  25,  Joseph  I.  Porter, 
merchant,  to  Miss  Ann  M.  Wig-gin,  both  of  Exeter;  by  the  Rev.  Elias 

White=Kimball.— At  Boston,  Jan.  20,  Lt.  William  H.  White,  Co. 
D,  22d  Massachusetts  Regiment,  to  Miss  Annie  B.,  dan.  of  Warren 
Kimball,  Esq.;  by  the  Rev.  A.  L.  Stone,  D.  D. 


Abbott. — Henry,  Andover,  Mass.,  Jan.  13,  a.  84|  yrs.;  a  grad.  of 
Harvard  University  of  the  class  of  1796. 

Albert. — Prince  Consort,  Duke  of  Saxe  Cobnrg  Gotha,  etc.,  Lon- 
don, Dec.  15.  He  was  b.  Aug-.  26,  1819,  and  m.  Queen  Victoria,  Feb. 
10,  1840. 

Allex. — Joseph  Warren,  at  sea,  Feb.  — ,  a.  50.  He  was  a  native  of 
Bristol,  Pa.,  but  had  resided  many  years  in  New  Jersey,  where  he 
served  two  years  in  the  state  senate;  but  was  better  known  as  a 
civil  engineer,  and  had  executed  many  important  works  in  several 
of  the  states  of  the  Union.  He  was  attached  to  the  9th  New  Jersey 
regiment,  in  the  Burnside  expedition,  and  was  drowned  off  Hatteras 
by  the  sinking  of  a  life  boat. 

Appletox. — Hon.  William,  Boston,  Feb.  15.  He  was  b.  in  Brook- 
field,  Mass.,  November,  1786,  and  was  therefore  75  yrs.  old  at  the 
time  of  his  death.  He  was  educated  for  mercantile  pursuits,  in  which 
he  embarked  with  signal  success.  But  he  early  gave  his  attention 
to  public  affairs,  particularly  in  the  departments  of  banking  and 
finance,  and  there  was  hardly  any  man  in  our  community  whose 
opinion  was  more  valuable  on  this  class  of  subjects.  For  many 
years  prior  to  the  close  of  the  institution,  he  was  president  of  the 
Branch  Bank  of  the  United  States,  in  Boston.  In  1850  he  was  chosen 
a  member  of  congress,  and  re-elected  in  1852.  His  services  were 
held  in  high  estimation.  He  was  again  returned,  after  an  exciting 
canvass  in  1860,  and  held  his  seat  till  ill-health  compelled  his  resigna- 
tion last  autumn.  His  charities  were  constant  and  on  a  systematic 
scale.  It  has  been  reported  that  for  some  years  he  has  kept  his  accu- 
mulations down  to  a  fixed  point,  by  devoting  the  surplus  to  benevo- 
lent purposes.  One  #f  his  last  contributions  known  to  the  public 
was  a  very  liberal  and  reasonable  gift  to  the  Massachusetts  General 

176  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [April 

Hospital,  making  his  whole  "benefactions  to  that  institution,  we 
believe,  to  amount  to  thirty  thousand  dollars. — Journal. 

Arbin. — Mrs.  Catharine,  Baltimore,  Jan.  21,  a.  118. 

Bell. — Dr.  Luther,  V.  brigade  surgeon  in  the  army.  He  was  b. 
in  Francistown,  N.  H.y  Dec.  20.  1806,  but  came  to  this  state  in  early 
youth.  Perhaps  he  was  best  known  to  the  public  as  superintendent 
of  the  Insane  Asylum,  at  Somerville,  a  position  which  he  filled  with 
great  ability  and  success.  Unassuming  in  his  demeanor,  he  was 
both  as  a  man  and  a  politician,  strictly  honest.  Clinging  to  the 
Whig  party,  until  its  final  dissolution,  he  received  many  tokens  of 
the  esteem  and  respect  of  his  party  friends.  In  1850  he  was  a  mem- 
ber of  the  executive  council,  and  was  the  candidate  for  governor 
of  the  Whigs  in  1856,  the  last  year  the  party  held  a  regular  conven- 
tion. He  was,  we  believe,  a  son  of  Governor  Bell  of  New  Hamp- 
shire, a  man  of  considerable  note  in  his  day.  His  death  will  be 
sincerely  regretted  by  hosts  of  acquaintances  and  friends. —  Traveller. 

Blunt. — Edmund  March,  Sing  Sing,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  13,  in  his  92d  year. 
He  was  b.  at  Portsmouth,  N.  H.,  June  20,  1770.  and  was  the  author 
of  the  American  Coast  Pilot  and  many  other  valuable  nautical  works, 

Bolles. — Mrs.  Mary  C,  Montville,  Ccnn.,  in  January,  a.  104  yrs. 
and  8  mos.  Her  husband,  Capt.  Ebenezer  Bolles,  served  through  the 
Revolutionary  war.     Fifty-two  direct  descendants  are  now  living". 

Breath. — Edward,  Mt.  Seir,  Nov.  18,  a.  53.  Was  b.  in  New  York 
in  1808,  and  removed  to  Illinois  with  his  parents,  wrhere  he  became 
a  printer,  and  in  183T  printed  the  abolition  paper  of  Lovejoy  at  Al- 
ton, when  the  latter  was  killed  by  the  mob.  In  1840  he  went  to 
Oroomiah  as  a  missionary  printer  and  editor,  where  he  labored  with 
great  usefulness  during  twenty -two  years.  With  a  hand  before  un- 
practiced  in  that  art,  he  cut  and  fitted  up  beautiful  founts  of  Syriac 
types  for  the  use  of  the  mission,  and  issued  for  the  Nestorians  more 
than  80,000  volumes,  including  several  editions  of  the  Bible  in  mo- 
dern Syriac,  a  language  never  before  printed,  at  a  great  saving  to 
the  American  board. 

Bridgman. — Dr.  E.  C,  Shanghai,  China,  Oct.  2T,  a.  61  yrs.  He 
graduated  at  Amherst  College,  1826,  Andover,  1829,  and  was  for  a 
period  of  32  years,  a  missionary  at  Canton,  China. 

Brown.— D.  F.,  d.  of  fever  at  Hall's  Hill,  Fairfax  co.,  Ya.,  Feb.  1, 
son  of  D.  S.  Brown  of  Cambridgeport,  and  quartermaster  sergeant 
of  the  22d  Regiment  Massachusetts  Yolunteers. 

Brown.— Mrs.  Phebe  H.,  Henry,  III,  Oct.  10,  a.  IS.  She  formerly 
resided  at  Monson,  Mass.,  where  she  wrote  the  beautiful  and  well 
known  hymn, 

"  I  love  to  steal  awhile  away 
From  every  cumbering  care,"  etc. 

She  composed  many  other  excellent  hymns  and  also  a  favorite  little 
tract,  entitled  Poor  Sarah.  She  was  eminent  for  piety.  She  was 
b.  in  Canaan,  N.  Y. 



1862.]  Marriages  and  Deaths.  177 

Buckman. — Mrs.  Eliza,  wife  of  Bowen  Buckman,  Woburn,  Nov.  15, 
1861.  She  was  b.  in  Boston,  June  29,  1S05,  and  was  dau.  of  Warner 
Claflin — b.  in  Hopkinton,  1788;  d.  in  Boston,  Feb.  2,  1S20 — and  Naney 
(Pond)  Claflin,  b.  in  Dedham,  1784  and  d.  in  Boston,  May  29,  1817. 
The  deceased  had  two  sisters;  Nancy  Claflin  who  ra.  Daniel  Draper, 
Esq.,  b.  Sept.  1803,  now  merchant,  Boston,  and  Julia  Ann,  who  m. 
Dea.  John  Tidd  of  Woburn,  who  was  b.  May  17,  1810,  and  d.  at 
Woburn  June  4,  1832.  Mrs.  B.  left  Eliza  Maria,  who  m.  Geo.  A. 
Newell  of  Boston,  and  Julia  Ann  who  m.  Alexander  Beal  of  Dor- 

Gary.— William  H.  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  d.  Feb.  26,  1861,  a.  62  yrs. 
An  eminent  and  highly  respected  merchant  of  the  city  of  New 
York,  where  he  went  from  his  native  city  of  Boston  many  years 
ago;  a  son  of  the  late  Jonathan  Cary  of  Lexington,  Mass.,  also 
formerly  of  Boston.  H.  W, 

Clap. — Richard,  Dorchester,  Dec.  26,  a.  81  yrs.  5  raos.;  a  descendant 
of  Nicholas1  Clap  of  Dorchester,  through  Nathaniel-  and  Elizabeth 
(Smith),  Ebenezer3  and  Hannah  (Clap),  Ebenezer4  and  Hannah 
(Pierce),  Lemuel5  and  Rebecca  (Dexter).  He  was  born  in  Dorchester, 
July  24,  1780;  m.  Nov.  3,  1807,  Mary,  dau.  of  Jonathan  and  Sarah 
(Pierce)  Blake  of  Warwick.  They  had  twelve  children,  of  whom 
seven,  with  their  mother,  survive.  Mr.  Clap,  for  several  years,  held 
responsible  offices  in  the  town,  was  chairman  of  the  board  of  select- 
men; overseer  of  the  poor  and  of  the  highways;  was  one  of  the 
school  committee;  and  in  many  ways,  not  to  be  enumerated,  con- 
tributed his  part  toward  carrying  on  improvements  and  true  reform. 
A  man  of  large  benevolence,  firm  in  his  principles,  just  and  kind,  a 
good  citizen  and  an  exemplary  Christian. 

Clark. — Mrs.  Mary,  Plymouth,  Mass.,  Feb.  2,  a.  99  yrs.,  9  mos.  and 
15  days.  She  m.  Mr.  Seth  Clark  in  Dec,  1789,  by  whom  she  had 
seven  children,  among  whom  was  the  late  Dr.  Joseph  S.  Clark  of 

Colt. — Col.  Samuel,  Hartford,  Jan.  — ,  a.  41.  He  was  b.  at  Hartford, 
July  10,  1814,  and  is  well  known  as  the  inventor  of  the  revolving 
pistol  which  bears  his  name.  The  model  of  this  instrument  was 
made  by  him  while  on  a  voyage  to  Calcutta  in  1829,  and  the  patent 
for  it  was  taken  out  in  1835.  The  manufacture  of  Colt'3  fire  arms 
is  carried  on  quite  extensively  at  Hartford. 

Dean. — Mrs.  Silena,  Chaplin,  Conn.,  Jan.  7,  a.  106  yrs. 

Dean. — Thomas,  Raynham,  Mass.,  Jan.  11,  a.  60  yrs.  and  11  mos. 

Dickinson.— Capt.  Daniel,  Stillwater,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  21,  a.  67.  He 
was  one  of  the  eminent  men  of  the  town.  The  Dickinsons,  Sey- 
mours and  Palmers,  came  from  Connecticut  before  the  Revolution, 
were  the  pioneer  settlers  from  New  England,  acquired  wealth,  and 
are  closely  connected  by  marital  relations. 

Doak. — Capt.  John,  Newtonville,  Mass.,  Jan.  26,  a.  82.  He  was 
one  of  the  oldest  of  Boston  shipmasters. — Traveller,  Jan.  28. 


178  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [April 

Dwight. — Rev.  H.  G.  0.,  a  distinguished  missionary  of  the  Ameri- 
can Board,  in  Turkey  since  1832.  He  was  b.  in  Conway,  Mass.,  Nov. 
22,  1803.  He  was  killed  by  an  accident  on  the  Troy  &  Rutland  R. 
R.,  Jan.  25. 

Fowler. — John  W.,  Bath,  Steuben  co.,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  S,  a.  71.  He 
was  b.  in  Loudon,  and  came  to  New  York  with  his  parents,  in 
1801;  removed  to  Batli  after  their  death,  and  in  1828  accepted  a  post 
in  the  service  of  the  Pulteney  estate,  in  which  he  continued  through 
life,  and  acquired  an  enviable  reputation  for  integrity,  and  capacity 
for  rapid  and  orderly  transaction  of  business,  for  his  unimpeachable 
accuracy,  and  extensive  acquaintance  with  the  vast  property  of  his 
principals;  while  the  thousands  of  persons  seeking-  to  gain  homes  for 
themselves  and  families  in  the  wilderness,  found  in  him  that  kindly 
disposition,  that  sympathy  for  them  in  their  tasks,  often  so  difficult, 
bo  frequently  interrupted  by  misfortune,  which  made  them  look  to 
him  as  their  true  friend. 

Gillis. — Col.  Mark,  Nashua,  N.  H.;  Jan.  25,  a.  ab.  55  yrs.  Keeper 
of  the  Indian  Head  Hotel.    , 

Gordon. — Nathaniel  D.,  executed  in  New  York  city,  Feb.  21.  He 
was  engaged  in  the  slave  trade,  and  fell  the  first  victim  to  the  law, 
which  had  been  a  dead  letter  for  forty  years. 

Harding. — Hon.  Lewis,  Worcester,  January,  a.  t&j  yrs.  He  was 
formerly  of  Franklin,  Mass. 

Hodges. — Geo.  Foster,  Hall's  Hill,  Fairfax  co.,  Va.,  Jan.  30,  a.  25  yrs. 
He  was  the  son  of  Almon  D.  Hodges,  president' of  the  Washington 
Bank;  a  graduate  of  Harvard  University  (1855)  and  adjutant  of  the 
18th  Regiment  Mass.  Vol.  He  was  highly  esteemed  by  a  large  circle 
of  friends.     Dulce  et  decorum  est  'pro  patria  mori. — Hot.  L.  3.2. 

Horn. — Henry,  New  York,  Jan.  12,  a.  76.  He  was  an  eminent 
democratic  politician,  and  during  the  presidency  of  Gen.  Jackson, 
was  a  representative  in  congress.  He  was  one  of  the  commissioners 
who  investigated  the  affairs  of  the  United  States  Bank,  and  was 
surveyor  of  the  port  of  New  York  under  Mr.  Polk. 

Kimball. — Rev.  Daniel,  Needham,  Mass.,  Jan.  17,  a.  83.  He  was  a 
graduate  of  Harvard  University,  of  the  class  of  1800,  and  distin- 
guished as  a  teacher  and  a  public  benefactor. 

Lander. — Gen.,  Paw  Paw,  March  2,  of  a  wound  received  at  Ball's 
Bluff.  He  was  a  native  of  Massachusetts.  In  1859-60  he  superin- 
tended the  construction  of  the  wagon  road  to  California,  which  he 
completed  satisfactorily,  and  acquired  much  reputation  for  heroism 
by  his  expedition  against,  and  subjugation  of,  the  hostile  Indians. 

Larned. — Rev.  Wm.  A.,  New  Haven,  Ct,  Feb.  3,  a.  52.  He  was  a 
graduate  of  Yale  College,  and  for  more  than  twenty  years  connected 
with  its  government,  first  as  tutor,  and  latterly  as  professor  of  rhe- 
toric and  oratory.  He  was  some  time  settled  in  Troy,  N.  Y.,  as  an 
associate  of  the  Rev.  Dr.  Beman,  in  charge  of  the  First  Presbyterian 
Church  in  that  city. 


3862.]  Marriages  and  Deaths.  179 — Dr.  William,  Canton,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  19,  a.  70.  He  was  a 
native  of  Ireland,  of  Scotch  descent,  and  immigrated  with  his  father 
in  1799.  He  acquired  an  education  by  perseverauce  under  difncul- 
ties,  and  began  the  practice  of  medicine  in  1823,  which  he  continued 
successfully  for  thirty-eight  years,  and  was  in  all  respects  an  exem- 
plary man. 

Marsh. — Jonathan,  Quincy,  Dec.  10,  a.  74  yrs.  8  mos.  He  was  the 
second  son  and  third  child  of  Wilson  and  Susannah  (Savill)  Marsh; 
was  born  April  4,  1787,  in  that  part  of  Braintree  now  Quincy,  on 
the  place  which  had  been  owned  and  occupied  by  his  maternal  grand- 
father and  great-grandfather,  and  probably  by  their  ancestors  from 
the  early  settlement  of  the  town.  He  was  a  descendant  of  Alexan- 
der1 Marsh  (freeman  in  1634;,  through  John,'2  Wilson,3  Wilson.4 

At  the  age  of  seven  years,  Jonathan  graduated  from  the  great 
educational  institution  of  New  England — the  common  school.  He 
removed  to  a  farm  with  his  father  in  the  westerly  part  of  the  town, 
near  the  head  of  Granite  street.  In  connection  with  farming,  he 
commenced  to  learn  the  trade  of  manufacturing  coach  lace  and 
fringe.  This  was  a  peculiar  and  prosperous  business  in  those  days. 
From  the  raw  material  to  its  final  consummation  into  nice  fine  lace 
and  fringe,  all  were  conducted  on  the  premises.  A  large  number  of 
sheep  were  kept  on  the  farm,  and  women  and  girls  .were  employed 
in  spinning,  winding  the  yarn,  and  weaving  the  lace.  The  latter 
article  was  manufactured  from  the  woolen  yarn,  together  with  cotton 
and  colored  linen  thread.  Besides  supplying  material  for  their  busi- 
ness, they  also  had  a  large  demand  for  carded  wool  for  domestic 
purposes.  After  the  death  of  his  father,  his  oldest  brother,  Elisha, 
continued  the  business  with  him  until  Sept.  1835,  when  George,  the 
eldest  son  of  Jonathan,  was  admitted  as  a  partner.  Elisha  retired  in 
January,  1839,  and  in  October,  1840,  George  also  left  the  firm.  Two 
years  subsequent,  the  whole  business  was  brought  to  a  close,  having 
been  superseded  by  patent  power  looms. 

Mr.  Marsh  took  a  deep  interest  in  advancing  all  measures  that 
were  for  the  improvement  and  prosperity  of  his  native  towo;  and  so 
constant  was  he  in  his  attendance,  and  so  attentive  to  the  proceed- 
ings of  the  public  meetings,  until  his  infirmities  compelled  him  to 
remain  at  home,  that  if  his  neighbors  wished  to  be  informed  in 
regard  to  any  questions  that  had  been  acted  upon  at  these  meetings, 
they  would  call  upon  him  for  the  desired  information,  which  was 
freely  given  them;  they  considering  him  as  correct  as  the  town  re- 

Mr.  Marsh  was  made  a  corresponding  member  of  the  N.  E.  Hist- 
Gen.  Society,  in  1847.  He  took  a  deep  interest  in  the  objects  of  the 
society,  as  the  217  closely  written  pages  left  by  him,  on  historical 
and  genealogical  subjects,  fully  attests.  He  was  frequently  called 
upon  by  individuals  from  various  states  and  the  provinces,  who 
were  in  pursuit  of  knowledge  concerning  the  earlier  families  of  old 
Braintree.  The  Register  was  to  him  a  source  of  great  comfort  during 
his  declining  days,  and  from  it  he  made  copious  extracts.  He  was 
anxious  that  the  work  should  receive  a  liberal  and  permanent  sup- 
port. He  sometimes  served  as  one  of  the  school  committee,  and  on 
other  committees    for    special   occasions,  though    he   never  desired 

180  Marriages  and  Deaths,  [April 

public  office,  nor  would  his  business,  during  his  active  life,  admit  of 
his  taking-  much  time  for  such  purposes.  He  was  a  constant  attend- 
ant of  the  First  Church  (Unitarian),  of  whicli  he  was  an  upright, 
worthy  member. 

Mr.  Marsh  m.  for  his  1st  wife,  Sophia  Spear,  June  13,  1811.  She 
was  dau.  of  Seth  Spear,  and  was  born  on  that  part  of  Quincy  called 
Hough's  Neck,  Dec.  1,  1190.  They  had  seven  children — four  sons 
and  three  daus.  The  daus.  were  all  b.  at  one  birth,  Oct.  20,  183.5, 
and  are  now  living;  one  of  them  is  m.,  and  has  children.  Their 
mother,  Mrs.  Sophia  Spear,  d.  Aug.  29,  1827.  Mr.  Marsh  m.  for  his 
2d  wife,  Mrs.  Patience  Vose  Bailey,  Aug.  14,  1831.  She  was  wid. 
of  Whitman  Bailey;  her  maiden  name  was  Elizabeth  Thompson 
Crane.  She  had  two  daus.  by  Mr.  Bailey;  they  m.  two  sons  of  Jona- 
than Marsh,  her  last  husband. 

After  more  than  twenty-five  years  of  suffering,  which  was  often 
very  severe  (the  seated  disease  being  rheumatism,  and  afterward 
erysipelas),  the  tried  spirit  of  Mr.  Marsh  was  released  from  the  body. 

Metcalf. — William  Pitt,  Dr.,  Mendon,  Worcester  co.,  Mass.,  Jan. 
4,  at  5  o'clock  p.  m.,  a.  8T  yrs.  6  mos.  and  4  days.  He  was  born 
at  Franklin,  Mass.,  June  30,  1774,  the  younger  of*  the  Hco  children  of 
Dr.  John  and  Eunice  Metcalf.  His  classical  education  was  mainly 
acquired  under  the  tuition  of  the  Rev.  Caleb  Alexander,  at  Mendon. 
His  professional  studies  were  pursued  under  the  direction  of  his 
father  and  the  late  Dr.  Samuel  Willard  of  Uxbridge.  He  entered 
upon  the  practical  duties  of  his  profession  about  the  year  1800,  at 
Franklin;  and  for  a  short  time,  was  associated  with  his  father,  then 
engaged  in  an  extensive  practice.  He  continued  to  reside  at  Frank- 
lin until  the  infirmities  of  age  compelled  his  retirement  from  the 
active  discharge  of  his  professional  duties.  For  the  last  ten  or  twelve 
years  he  has  mainly  resided  with  his  son,  Dr.  John  George  Metcalf 
of  Mendon,  Mass.,  at  whose  house  he  died,  suddenly,  of  congestion 
of  the  lungs. 

Dr.  M.,  although  somewhat  eccentric  in  his  manner,  always  retain- 
ed a  strong  hold  upon  the  confidence  and  good  will  of  his  patient. 
During  the  years  of  his  active  professional  life  he  was  in  the  enjoy- 
ment of  a  large  circle  of  practice;  and,  until  a  very  recent  period, 
his  counsel  and  advice  was  not  unfrequently  sought  by  those  who 
had  been  benefited  by  his  prescriptions  in  the  olden  time. 

For  some  years  previous  to  his  decease,  he  had  been  engaged  in 
collecting  and  arranging  the  genealogy  of  the  Metcalf  family,  since' 
the  emigration  of  Michael  Metcalfe,  the  undoubted  progenitor  of  the 
family  in  New  England.  At  the  period  of  his  death  he  had  collected 
and  arranged  the  names,  with  many  interesting  memoranda,  of  some 
twenty-seven  hundred  of  the  race.  The  results  of  his  labors  are  in 
the  hands  of  his  son,  before  mentioned,  and,  should  time  and  oppor- 
tunity allow,  may  some  day,  be  put  in  shape  for  publication. 

Dr.  M.  was  of  the  sixth  generation  from  the  emigrant,  and  the  line  • 
of  descent  is  as  follows,  viz: 

First  Generation — Michael  Metcalfe,  was  born  in  Tatterford,  in  the 

county  of  Norfolk,  England,  in   1586,  m.   Sarah ,  who  was    b.  in 

Waynham,  June   7,  1593.     They  were  m.    in    1616,  next   the  city  of 

1862.]  Marriages  and   Deaths.  181 

Norwich,  Eng.  He  was  a  non-conformist,  and  emigrated  to  escape 
the  persecutions  of  Matthew  Wren,  then  Bishop  of  Norwich,  and  his 
Chancellor  Dr.  Corbit.  He  arrived  in  Boston,  three  days  before  mid- 
summer, 1637,  with  his  wife,  nine  children  and  a  servant.  He  imme- 
diately removed  to  Dedham,  county  of  Norfolk,  Mass.,  and  was  made 
a  freeman  of  that  town,  July  14,  1631,  d.  Dec.  24,  1664,  a.  78. 

Second  Generation. — Michael  Metcalfe,  Jr.,  was  the  3d  child  of 
Michael  and  Sarah,  b.  in  the  city  of  Norwich,  Eng1.,  St.  Benedict' 
List  (Parish?)  Aug.  20,  1620,  d.  at  Dedham  March  27,  1654,  a.  34,  m. 
Mary  Fairbanks,  dau.  of  John  Fairbanks,  Jan.  14,  1644. 

Third  Generation. — Eleazer  Metcalfe,  was  the  5th  child  of  Michael, 
Jr.,  and  Mary  (Fairbanks)  Metcalf,  b.  March  20,  1653,  d.  Aug.  11, 
1742,  a.  89,  m.  Meletiah  Fisher,  April   19,  16S4. 

Fourth  Generation. — Samuel  Metcalf,  was  the  3d  child  of  Eleazer 
and  Meletiah  (Fisher)  Metcalf,  b.  Jan.  15,  1689,  d.  Feb.  10,  1738,  a. 
49,  m.  Judith  George,  1725. 

Fifth  Generation — John  Metcalf,  was  the  5th  child  of  Samuel  and 
Judith  (George)  Metcalf,  b.  July  3,  1734,  d.  Aug.  22,  1822,  a.  88,  m. 
Eunice  Metcalf,  1759. 

Sixth  Generation. — William  Pitt  Metcalf  was  the  2d  child  of  John 
and  Eunice  (Metcalf),  b.  June  30,  1774,  d.  Jan.  4,  1862,  a.  87,  m. 
Susanna  Torrey,  Nov.  25,  1800.  J.  G.  M. 

Mullett. — John,  Detroit,  Jan.  10,  a.  75.  He  was  an  early  settler 
in  Detroit,  and  as  government  surveyor,  laid  out  a  very  large  portion 
of  the  state. 

Munro. — Sylvester,  Bristol,  R.  L,  Jan.  23.  a.  91  yrs.  7  mos.  19  days. 
He  was  the  oldest  male  person  in  the  town,  and  the  last  survivor  of 
four  children  of  George  Munro,  all  of  whom  lived  to  an  advanced 
age.  The  others  were  females,  and  they  deceased  as  follows:  Abi- 
gail, May  9,  1S49,  aged  7f  yrs.  3  mos.;  Sarah,  May  11,  1S56,  aged 
80  yrs.  10  mos.;  Phebe,  Jan.  6th,  1862,  aged  83  yrs.  2  mos.  Their 
united  ages  amount  to  337  yrs.  10  mos.,  making  an  average  to  each 
of  84  yrs.  5J  mos.  Mr.  Munro  was  three  times  married.  His  first 
wife  was  Sarah,  dau.  of  Dea.  Archibald  Munro,  who  had  two  children. 
His  second  wife  was  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Joseph  Lindsey,  who  had  six 
children.  His  last  wife  was  Sarah,  dau.  of  Samuel  Haley  of  New- 
port, who  had  three  children;  she  d.  in  1826.  He  had  11  children,  42 
grandchildren,  56  gr.  grandchildren,  and  1  gr.  gr.  grandchild — in  all 
110  descendants — of  whom  6  children,  31  grandchildren,  36  gr.  grand- 
children, and  1  child  of  the  fifth  generation,  survive  him.  On  the 
introduction  of  Methodism  into  Bristol,  by  "  Old  Father  Lee,"  in  1792 
or  '93,  he  was  among  the  first  to  embrace  it,  and  became  a  pioneer 
of  the  Methodist  church  here.  In  1804  he  and  the  late  Wm.  Throop 
Waldron,  as  a  committee,  went  to  Plymouth,  Mass  ,  and  obtained 
the  frame  of  the  first  Methodist  church  erected  in  this  town,  now 
standing  on  the  Common.  We  have  before  us  the  original  subscrip- 
tion paper  for  raising  means  to  build  this  church.  It  bears  date  Feb. 
9th,  1804,  and  the  fourth  name  on  the  list  is  Sylvester  Munro,  $50. 
There  are  thirty  subscribers,  and  the  aggregate  subscriptions  exceed 
$1000.  Only  two  of  their  number  survive — Wm.  Pearse  and  Samuel 
Smith,  the  former  90,  and  the  latter  84  yrs.  of  age.     Mr.  Munro  cast 

182  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [April 

his  first  presidential  vote  for  Washington,  on  his  second  election, 
and  has  voted  at  every  presidential  election  since,  until  the  last, 
when  he  was  too  feeble  to  go  to  the  poll. — Bristol  Phenix. 

Nason. — John,  at  Portsmouth,  W.  H.,  Jan.  25,  a.  86  yrs.  and  1  mos. 

Nason. — Seth,  at  Harvard,  Mass.,  Jan.  17,  a.  90  yrs.  and  2  mos. 
Ha  was  the  son  of  Nathanael,  and  the  gr.  son  of  Thomas  of  Walpole 
at  which   place   he  was   b.  Nov.  2,  1771.     Thomas   Nason   m.   Sarah 

f  and    had   I.  Thomas,   b.  about  1739.     II.  Nathanael,  b.  1740. 

III.  Abigail,  b.  March  24,  1741.  IV.  Margaret,  b.  Oct.  23,  1745. 
His  wife  Sarah  d.  Aug.  10,  1748,  and  in  1749,  he  m.  Mary  Camperneli 
of  Ipswich,  by  whom  he  had,  V.  Willoughby,  b.  Feb.  21,  1749-50. 
VI.  Mary,  b.  Dec.  27,  1751.  His  wife,  Mary,  d.  March  3.  1769.  The 
three  sons  of  Thomas,  Thomas  Jr.,  Nathanael  and  Willoughby,  oc- 
cupied the  Eliakim  Hutchinson  farm  in  Walpole,  after  the  owner's 
flight  to  Boston,  1775;  and  they  were  all  engaged  in  the  army  in 
1776  and  7. 

Nathanael,  m.  Abigail  Hartshorn  of  Walpole,  in  April,  1764  [date. 
of  publishment,  April  71,  and  had  I.  Oliver,  m.  M.  Powers,  Boston. 
II.  Eliakim,  m.  Nancy  Pettee,  Dedham.  III.  Jacob,  m.  Rhoda 
Whittemore,  West  Cambridge.  IV.  Abigail,  hi.  James  Hill,  Sher- 
born.  V.  Seth,  m.  NancyGould,  Sharon.  VI.  Catharine,  m.  James 
Bullard,  Sherborn.  VII.  Nathanael,  m.  Sarah  Swan,  West  Cam- 
bridge. VIII.  Samuel,  m.  Fanny  Mann,  Walpole.  IX.  Sarah,  m. 
Isaac  Bullard,  Walpole.  X.  Elizabeth,  m.  Thomas  Sumner,  Dedham. 
XI.  Leavitt,  m.  Nancy  Guild,  Dedham.  XII.  Joseph,  d.  a.  20.  XIII. 
Jabez,  m.  Elizabeth  Maxwell,  Roxbury.  XIV.  Horace,  m.  Amanda 
L.  Lamb,  Middleboro. 

Nathanael,  the  father  of  these  fourteen  children,  and  sixty-three 
grandchildren,  d.  1805,  and  his  wife  in  1833,  a.  86. 

Seth,  their  fifth  child,  and  subject  of  this  notice,  m.  Nancy  Guild, 
and  had  issue,  of  whom  Harriet  m.  the  Rev.  James  Howe  of  Harvardr 
Oct.  13,  1833.     He  was  a  cotton   manufacturer  in    New  Ipswich,   N. 
H.,  as  early  as  1808,  and  was  a  man  of  enterprise  and   intelligence. 
His  widow  d.  Jan.  22,  a.  81  yrs.,  2  mos.  and  18  days. — Editor. 

Parker. — Amos,  M.  D.,  of  Bolton,  at  Shrewsbury,  Oct.  24,  a.  84. 
Dr.  Parker  was  a  son  of  Hollis  and  Louisa  (Bragg)  Parker,  and  was 
b.  in  Princeton,  Oct.  17,  1777,  the  day  of  Burgoyne's  surrender  at 
Saratoga.    -- 

Peet. — Edward,  New  York,  Jan.  25,  a.  35.  He  acquired  much  re- 
putation by  his  success  as  a  professor  in  the  New  York  Institution 
for  the  Instruction  of  the  Deaf  and  Dumb.- 

Pennington. — William,  Newark,  N.  J.,  Feb.  16,  a.  65.  He  was  a 
member  of  the  state  legislature;  held  the  office  of  chancellor;  in  1837 
was  elected  governor;  was  appointed  governor  of  Minnesota  by  Pre- 
sident Taylor,  which  he  declined;  in  1858  was  elected  to  congress, 
where  after  a  protracted  struggle  in  the  house  of  representatives,  he 
was  placed. in  the  speaker's  chair. 

Perkins. — Nehemiah,  Wenham,  Oct.  31,  a.  95  yrs.  5  mos.  19  days. 
He  was  born   at  Wenham,  May  22,  1776,  and  had  always  lived  on 

156 2.]  Marriages  and  Deaths.  183 

the  same  farm,  which  the  family  still  hold  by  the  Indian  title.  Mr- 
P.  had  two  brothers  that  lived  almost  to  his  remarkable  age,  viz: 
John,  who  d.  at  Wenham,  Feb.  3,  1841,  a.  93  yrs.  6  mos.  15  days; 
and  Edward,  who  d.  at  W.,  June  13,  1853,  a.  93  yrs.  11  mos.  21 

Phillips— Micajah,  Ohio,  Jan. — ,  a.  125.  He  accompanied  Herman 
Blenncrhasset  into  the  western  country  as  a  slave,  in  1796;  and  was 
accustomed  to  relate  incidents  of  the  battle  of  Yorktown,  at  which 
lie  was  present. 

Pope. — Eunice  (Thaxter),  Whitney ville,  Me.,  Sept.  28,  a.  51;  wife 
of  James  Pope. 

Rice. — Mrs.  Georgianna  de  Villers  Lincoln,  d.  at  Worcester,  Mass., 
Dec.  28,  18G1,  of  puerperal  convulsions,  a.  21  yrs.  7  mos.  18  days. 

Extensive  family  connections  mourn  her  departure.  Her  husband, 
Francis  Blake  Rice,  was  son  of  George  Tilly  Rice  of  Worcester, 
eon  of  Thomas  Rice  of  Warren,  son  of  Tilly  and  Mary  (Buckminster) 
Rice  of  Bi'ookfield,  Mass.,  by  his  wife  Elizabeth  Chandler  Blake,  dau. 
of  the  late  Hon.  Francis  Blake  of  Worcester,  son  of  Joseph  Blake  of 
Hingham  and  Watertown;  by  his  wife  Deborah  Smith;  by  his  wife 
Elizabeth  Augusta  Chandler,  dau.  of  Gardner  Chandler,  son  of  the 
late  Hon.  John  of  Worcester;  by  his  wife  Elizabeth  Ruggles,  dau.  of 
Brig.  Gen.  Ruggles  of  Hardwick,  Mass. 

Mrs.  Georgianna  de  Tillers  Lincoln  Rice,  was  the  only  child  of  the 
late  Capt.  George  Lincoln  of  Worcester,  who  fell  at  Buena  Yista, 
and  his  wife  Nancy  Hoard. 

Capt.  Lincoln  was  son  of  Hon.  Levi  Lincoln,  son  of  late  Hon.  Levi 
Lincoln  of  Worcester,  and  Martha  Waldo,  dau.  of  Daniel  Waldo,  Sen., 
of  Worcester,  and  Penelope  Sever,  dau.  of  William  Sever,  Jr.,  of 
Kingston  and  Worcester,  and  Mary  Chandler,  his  wife,  dau.  of  the 
late  Hon.  John  Chaudler  of  Worcester,  by  his  wife  Mary  Church, 
dau.  of  the  late  Col.  Charles  Church  of  Bristol,  R.  I. 

The  mother  of  Mrs.  Rice,  Mrs.  Nancy  Lincoln,  was  dau.  of  Silvius 
and  Nancy  M.  Hoard  of  Ogdensburg,  N.  Y.  Mrs.  Nancy  M.  Hoard 
was  dau.  of  Louis  de  Yillers,  a  native  of  France,  who  came  out  in 
Rochambeau's  Expedition  to  aid  this  country  in  the  war  of  the  Re- 
volution; and  she  in.  2d,  Hon.  Stephen  Salisbury  of  Worcester. 

Robbins — Nancy,  Winchendon,  Mass.,  Dec.  30,  a.  101  and  3  mos. 

Robinson — David  T.,  at  Hartford,  Jan.  26,  a.  61  yrs.,  an  eminent 
publisher,  and  highly  esteemed  citizen. 

Rockwood. — Rev.  Sewall,  Groton,  Mass.,  Dec.  21,  a.  T8  yrs.  and  6 

Rogers. — Nancy  (Perkins),  Brighton,  Oct.  24,  a.  82.  She  was 
wid.  of  Samuel  Rogers,  of  Boston,  and  youngest  dau.  of  Col.  William 
Perkins,  who  commanded  for  several  years  at  Castle  William,  after- 
wards Fort  Independence,  in  Boston  harbor.  Mrs.  Rogers  was  a 
member  of  the  Brattle  Street  Church,  and  afterwards  of  the  First 
Church,  Brighton. 

184  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [April 

Sibley. — Joseph,  Rush,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  31,  a.  76.  He  was  b.  in  Sand- 
lake,  and  removed  to  Rush  in  1804.  He  was  a  volunteer  in  the  war 
of  1812;  about  1835  was  appointed  first  judge  of  the  county,  and 
was  the  only  man  not  a  lawyer  that  ever  held  that  office  in  Monroe 
county.  He  was  for  a  long-  time  justice  of  the  peace,  and  among1 
other  offices  which  he  held,  was  a  member  of  the  legislature  for 
several  terms. 

Skinner. — Rev.  Otis  A.,  Napierville,  111.,  Sept.  18,  a.  54.  He  was 
b.  in  Royal  ton,  Vt.,  July  3,  1807.  At  the  age  of  19,  he  commenced 
school  teaching,  which  was  soon  followed  by  the  additional  labor  of 
preaching,  to  which  he  was  called  by  the  wishes  and  solicitations  of 
his  friends.  He  continued  in  this  double  work  for  nearly  two  years, 
spending  most  of  his  time  in  Lempster,  Marlow,  Washington,  and 
neighboring  towns.  In  182S,  he  made  an  engagement  with  the 
societies  in  Washington  and  Jaffrey,  N.  H.,  preaching  half  the  time 
at  each  place.  About  one  year  after  this  he  went  to  Woburn,  Mass., 
where  he  continued  two  years.  He  was  then  invited  to  Baltimore, 
Md.,  to  which  city  he  removed  in  1831.  It  was  near  this  time  that 
he  married  Angela,  dan.  of  Rev.  Sebastian  Streeter  of  Boston.  In 
1836,  he  settled  in  Haverhill,  Mass.;  after  remaining  there  a  year,  he 
accepted  a  call  from  the  Fifth  Universalist  Society  in  Boston,  and 
was  installed  their  pastor,  Jan.  26,  1837.  The  meetings  of  the 
society,  were  at  that  time  held  in  Boylston  Hall,  but  in  a  little  more 
than  two  years  from  the  commencement  of  Mr.  Skinner's  labors  in 
the  place,  the  church  edifice  in  Warren  street  was  completed.  It 
was  dedicated  Jan.  30,  1839.  In  1846,  he  received  an  invitation  to 
settle  with  the  Orchard  St.  Society  in  N.  Y.  city,  of  which  society  Dr. 
Sawyer  had  been  pastor.  He  remained  in  New  York  nearly  three 
years,  when  at  the  urgent  request  of  his  old  society  in  Warren  St., 
Boston,  he  returned  and  pre.iched  to  them  from  Jan.  1,  1849,  to  April, 
1857,  during  which  period,  in  addition  to  his  ministerial  labors,  he 
was  engaged  as  agent  in  securing  the  one  hundred  thousand  dollars 
necessary  for  the  establishment  of  Tufts  College.  This  work  com- 
pleted, for  important  reasons  affecting  his  family  and  relatives,  and 
at  the  earnest  intreaty  of  his  brother  Samuel,  he  removed  to  the 
west,  at  the  date  last  mentioned,  and  took  up  his  abode  in  Elgin, 
111.,  about  35  miles  from  Chicago.  He  accepted  the  office  of  pre- 
sidency of  the  Lombard  University  at  Galesburg,  111.,  and  entered 
upon  its  duties  in  Aug.,  1857.  Here  he  received  the  degree  of  D.  D. 
Besides  the  work  of  president  and  teacher,  he  performed  the  duties 
of  preacher  and  pastor  to  the  society  in  Galesburg.  In  Oct,  1S58, 
in  consequence  of  the  new  burdens  laid  upon  him  by  the  death  of  his 
brother  Samuel,  the  settlement  of  whose  large  estate  devolved  upon 
him.  he  removed  to  the  beautiful  city  of  Joliet,  111.,  and  took  upon  him- 
self the  pastoral  care  of  the  Universalist  congregation  in  that  place. 
Here  he  remained  till  the  time  of  his  death,  which  took  place  in  Na- 
pierville about  20  miles  distant,  whither  he  had  gone  on  an  exchange  of 
pulpit  services.  The  sickness  which  terminated  his  life,  was  sudden 
and  severe,  and  he  was  only  able  to  go  from  the  pulpit  to  the  bed, 
which  hejiever  left.  He  died  on  the  evening  of  Wednesday,  Sept. 
18th,  and  the  funeral  service  was  on  the  following  Friday  afternoon 

1862.]  Marriages  and  Deaths.  185 

from   St.  Paul's  Church  iu  Chicago.     He  was   buried  by  the  side  of 
his  brother  Samuel,  for  whom  he  ever  cherished  a  special  affection. 

Dr.  Skinner  was  a  man  of  great  industry.  While  in  Baltimore  he 
established  a  religious  paper  called  The  Southern  Pioneer;  in  Haver- 
hill he  published  The  Gospel  Sun;  in  1843,  he  began  in  Boston,  the 
publication  of  a  monthly  magazine  called  the  Universalisi  Miscellany, 
to  which  he  largely  contributed,  and  the  editorial  labor  of  which 
was  almost  wholly  in  his  hands.  The  work  was  carried  through  six 
volumes.  He  was  the  author  of  several  books:  Universalism  Illus- 
trated and  Defended;  Doctrinal  Sermons;  Letters  on  the  Knapp  Excitement; 
Letters  to  Parents;  Family  Worship,  containing  Reflections  and  Prayers 
for  Domestic  Devotion.  Besides  these  works,  he  prepared  two  or  three 
Sunday  school  class  books.  He  was  a  firm  friend  of  education  and 
of  the  reformatory  movements,  was  an  efficient  member  of  the  board 
of  school  committee  in  Boston,  a  worker  in  the  cause  of  temperance, 
was  among  the  founders  of  the  South  End  Provident  Association, 
which  was  afterward  merged  in  the  Boston  Provident  Association. 
He  was  a  man  of  "  genuine  goodness" — "  was  genial  and  amiable  in 
disposition,  frank  and  cordial  in  his  manners,  kind  in  feelings  toward 
all,  helpful  to  every  one  who  sought  his  aid,  the  companion  and 
counsellor  of  youth,  the  comforter  of  the  aged  and  the  sick,  the  loving 
and  laborious  pastor,  and  the  faithful  minister  of  Christ  and  his 
gospel."  The  above  notice  of  Rev.  Dr.  Skinner  was  drawn  from  the 
sermon  of  Rev.  T.  B.  Thayer,  referred  to  on  page  102. 

Sturtevant. — Noah,  of  East  Boston,  was  killed  about  5  o'clock 
Wednesday  evening,  Dec.  5th,  his  carriage  coming  in  collision  with 
the  cars  on  the  Eastern  Rail  Road  crossing,  while  he  was  on  his 
way  from  his  farm  in  North  Chelsea  to  Saugus.  His  age  was  56 
years,  8  months.  He  was  a  native  of  Winthrop,  Me.,  and  was 
at  the  head  of  the  house  of  Noah  Sturtevant  &  Co.  of  Boston, 
New  York  and  Philadelphia.  He  was  one  of  the  early  settlers  at 
East  Boston,  and  has  done  more,  perhaps,  than  any  other  man  toward 
the  improvement  of  the  place.  The  two  splendid  blocks  on  Maverick 
square,  the  Sturtevant  House  and  Winthrop  Block  are  monuments 
of  his  enterprise  and  public  spirit.  The  Sturtevant  House  was 
erected  in  1857;  it  is  six  stories  in  height,  and  covers  an  area  of 
more  than  14,000  square  feet. 

The  sudden  death  of  Mr.  S.  will  make  a  void  in  the  community  at 
East  Boston,  and  elsewhere,  which  it  will  be  difficult  to  fill.  He 
leaves  a  widow  and  several  children.  It  is  a  singular  fact  that  an 
elder  brother  of  the  deceased,  Mr.  Newell  Sturtevant,  died  almost  as 
suddenly  in  Boston  a  few  years  ago.  He  was  crossing  the  Common 
to  his  residence,  when  he  fell  and  expired  almost  instantly. 

Sullivan. — Hon.  Richard,  Cambridge,  Dec.  11,  a.  82.  He  was  the 
third  son  of  Hon.  James  and  Mehetabel  (Odiorne)  Sullivan,  and  was 
born  in  Groton,  Mass,,  July  IT,  1779.  His  father  was  born  in  Ber- 
wick. Me.,  April  22,  1744.  He  practiced  law  in  Georgetown,  Me., 
afterward  in  Biddeford.  In.  Feb.  1778,  he  removed  to  Groton,  Mass., 
and  from  thence  to  Boston  in  1782.  He  was  a  judge  of  the  supreme 
court,  attorney-general  of  Massachusetts,  and  in  1807  was  chosen 
governor  of  the  state,  was  re-elected  in  1808,  and  died  while  in  office 

186  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [April 

Dec.  10  of  the  same  year.  The  mother  of  Richard  was  a  daughter 
of  William  Odiorne,  a  shipbuilder  of  Durham,  N.  IT.,  where  she  was 
born  June  26,  1748,  and  died  in  Boston,  Jan.  26,  1786.  Richard  was 
filled  for  college  at  the  Boston  Latin  School.  He  graduated  at  Har- 
vard University  in  1798;  studied  law  in  the  office  of  his  father  and  was 
admitted  to  the  Suffolk  bar  in  1801.  He  married  May  22,  1804, 
Sarah  Russell,  dau.  of  Hon.  Thomas  Russell  of  Boston,  and  shortly 
after,  in  company  with  his  wife,  made  an  extensive  tour  in  Europe. 
By  this  marriage  he  had  four  sons  and  four  daughters,  of  whom  only 
two  sons  survive.  His  wife  died  June  8,  1831.  On  his  return  from 
his  European  tour  Mr.  Sullivan  opened  a  lawyer's  office,  but  having 
a  competency  of  worldly  goods  he  soon  relinquished  the  practice  of 
his  profession.  He  was  elected  a  senator  in  the  state  legislature  from 
Suffolk  in  1815,  and  the  two  following  years;  was  a  member  from 
Brookline  of  the  convention  for  revising  the  constitution  of  the  state 
in  1820;  was  a  member  of  the  governor's  council  in  1S20  and  182,1. 
In  1823,  he  was  the  candidate  of  the  federal  party  for  lieutenant- 
governor  of  the  state,  the  Hon.  Harrison  Gray  Otis  being  the  candi- 
date for  governor,  but  the  ticket  was  defeated.  In  1321,  he  was 
elected  a  member  of  the  board  of  overseers  of  Harvard  University  and 
held  that  office  until  the  board  was  newly  instituted  by  an  act  of  the 
legislature  of  Massachusetts  in  1852,  which  was  accepted  by  the  cor- 
poration and  overseers  of  the  university.  He  was  one  of  the  gentlemen 
who  aided  in  rearing  the  Massachusetts  General  Hospital,  using  his 
efforts  in  obtaining  subscriptions  to  that  establishment,  the  first 
meeting  for  the  project  being  held  at  his  house.  He  also  delivered 
an  address  in  King's  Chapel  on  this  subject.  He  resided  many  years 
in  the  town  of  Brookline.  Rev.  Dr.  Lathrop  in  his  published  sermon 
preached  in  the  Brattle  Square  Church,  Dec.  15th,  on  Sunday  succeed- 
ing the  decease  of  Mr.  S.,  speaks  of  his  home  in  Brookline  as  being 
"the  model  of  a  Christian  home;  and  comes  up  to  the  thoughts  of  ail 
who  remember  it,  as  near  an  approach  to  a  picture  and  miniature  of 
heaven  as  they  may  ever  hope  to  see  on  earth/' 

Prof.  Sidney  Willard  of  Cambridge,  in  his  Memories  of  Youth  and 
Manhood  gives  some  interesting  biographical  notices  of  his  classmates; 
in  vol.  ii,  pp.  48-50,  will  be  found  a  sketch  of  Mr.  Sullivan. 

Allen,  in  his  Biographical  Dictionary,  says  that  the  father  of  Gov. 
Sullivan  was  a  man  of  liberal  education;  that  he  came  to  this  country 
about  the  year  1723,  and  died  in  July,  1795,  aged  105  years.  William 
Sullivan,  LL.  D.,  brigadier-general,  author  of  The  Political  Class  Book, 
&c,  who  died  in  Boston,  Sept.  3,  1839,  aged  64,  was  a  brother  of  Hon. 
Richard  Sullivan. 

Mr.  S.  was  made  an  honorary  member  of  the  New  England  His- 
toric-Genealogical Society  in  1847. 

Sumner. — Gen.  William,  Jamaica  Plain,  West  Roxbury,  Mass.,  Oct. 
24,  a.  81.  He  was  born  in  Roxbury,  July  4,  1780;  was  the  only 
son  of  Gov.  Increase  and  Elizabeth  (Hyslop)  Sumner,  grandson  of 
Increase  and  Sarah  (Sharp)  •Sumner,  gr.  grandson  of  Edward  and 
Elizabeth  (Clap)  Sumner,  gr.  gr.  grandson  of  George  and  Mary 
(Baker)  Sumner,  gr.  gr.  gr.  grandson  of  William  and  Mary  (West) 
Sumner,  and  gr.  gr.  gr.  gr.  grandson  of  Roger  and  Joan  (Franklin) 
Sumner  of  Bicester,   Oxfordshire,   England.     His   mother  was   the 

1862.]  Marriages  and  Deaths.  187 

only  daughter  of  William  and  Mehetable  (Stoddard)  Hyslop,  grand- 
daughter of  David  and  Elizabeth  (Richardson  Shrimpton)  Stoddard, 
and  gr.  granddaughter  of  Simeon  and  Elizabeth  (Shrimpton)  Stod- 
dard. His  grandfather,  William  Hyslop,  son  of  James,  came  from 
East  Lowden  in  Scotland,  and  died  in  Brookline,  Aug.  11,  179G,  in 
the  83d  year  of  his  age. 

William  Hyslop  Sumner,  after  passing  through  the  preparatory 
studies  in  his  native  town,  entered  Phillips  Academy,  Andover,  in 
1793,  where,  under  preceptors  Ebenezer  Pemberton,  Abiel  xYbbot,  and 
Mark  Newman,  he  was  fitted  for  college.  He  graduated  at  Harvard 
in  1799,  the  month  after  the  death  of  his  father,  who  died  June  1th. 
He  studied  law  in  Boston  with  Hon.  John  Davis,  then  district  at- 
torney; was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  1802;  remained  in  the  practice  of 
the  law  till  his  appointment  as  adjutant  general  by  Gov.  Brooks  in 
1818,  which  office  he  held,  together  with  that  of  quarter  master 
general,  under  the  administrations  of  three  governors,  viz:  Brooks, 
Eustis  and  Lincoln,  In  1834,  he  resigned,  and  was  succeeded  by 
Gen.  H.  A.  S.  Dearborn.  He  was  a  representative  from  Boston  to 
the  general  court  in  1808,  and  the  eleven  following  years.  For 
further  particulars  concerning  the  military  life  of  Gen.  Sumner — the 
power  that  was  entrusted  to  him  by  Gov.  Strong  in  making  provision 
for  the  sea  coast  defence — his  agency  in  forming  the  East  Boston 
company,  having  previously  projected  the  settlement  of  Noddles 
Island  as  a  part  of  the  city  of  Boston — these  and  other  facts  in  his 
personal  and  public  life  may  be  found  written  at  length  in  his 
elaborate  History  of  East  Boston,  published  in  1858,  a  volume  of  800 
pages  octavo,  also  in  Hist,  and  Gen.  Reg.,  vol.  vin,  p.  128.  He  was 
thrice  married  but  had  no  children.     He  died  of  paralysis. 

Gen.  Sumner  became  a  resident  member  of  the  N.  E.  Hist.-Gen. 
Society,  in  1845. 

Symonds. — William  Law,  Boston,  Jan.  18,  a.  28;  a  graduate  of 
Bowdoin  College  of  the  class  of  1854.  He  was  an  able  contributor 
to  the  New  American  Cyclopedia,  and  the  Atlantic  Monthly;  he  was  an 
accomplished  scholar  and  an  excellent  man. 

Ticknor. — Horace  C,  for  many  years  landlord  of  the  hotel  at  Van 
Deusenville,  died  on  Friday  night,  at  the  age  of  70. — Jour.,  16  Nov., 

Trask. — Joseph,  Salem,  Mass.,  a.  47.  He  died  Sept.  13th,  on  the 
passage  from  Africa  to  Boston,  on  board  barque  D.  Godfrey,  of  which 
vessel  he  was  mate. 

Tufts. — William,  Salem,  June  3,  a.  74.  He  was  b.  in  Medford, 
March  1,  1787.  For  40  years,  from  1815  to  1855,  he  was  known  to 
those  who  had  business  transactions  at  the  State  House,  having  been 
for  a  long  period  the  chief  clerk  in  the  office  of  the  secretary  of  the 
commouwealth.  For  several  years  past  he  has  resided  in  Salem.  The 
late  Samuel  Tucker,  Theophilus  Sanborn,  Gideon  Tucker,  and  William 
Tufts,  occupied  the  same  pew  in  the  First  Church  ;  they  have  all 
deceased  within  less  than  three  years,  and  they  died  successively 
according  to  the  order  in  which  they  sat  in  the  pew  in  the  church. — 
Salem  Register. 

J  88  Marriages  and  Deaths,  [April 

Vickery. — Mrs.  Mary,  Marblehead,  Nov.  25,  a.  02  yrs.,  6  mos'; 
widow  of  Capt.  William  Vickery. 

Vinton. — Edward  Payson,  South  Boston,  Oct.  13,  of  consumption, 

a.  21  yrs.  8  mos.;  son  of  Rev.  John  A.  Yinton. 

Walcott. — Benjamin  S.,  New  York  Mills,  Jan.  12,  a.  70.     He  was 

b.  in  Cumberland,  R.  I.,  and  became  an  eminent  manufacturer.  He 
had  been  largely  identified  with  the  manufactures  of  Oneida  county 
for  half  a  century.  He  accompanied  the  Rev.  Dr.  Thompson  through 
Syria,  and  the  latter  has  dedicated  his  great  work  to  him.  He  gave 
$15,000  to  Hamilton  College,  to  found  a  professorship  of  the  evidences 
of  Christianity. 

Waterman. — Dea.  Joseph  S..  Halifax,  Mass.,  Oct.  13,  a.  16.  In 
early  manhood  he  followed  the  seas,  and  during  his  sailor  life,  he 
experienced  much  hardship  and  many  "  hair  breadth  escapes."  On 
one  occasion,  in  a  storm,  the  ship  was  thrown  on  her  beam  ends,  and 
having  some  twenty  tons  of  lead  on  her  keelson,  it  slid  off  and  thus 
rendered  the  righting  of  the  vessel,  after  cutting  away  the  masts, 
almost  impossible.  On  another  occasion,  he  fell  overboard,  caught 
hold  of  a  rope  as  he  was  going  down,  grasped  it  firmly,  passed  under 
the  ship,  and  was  brought  on  deck  insensible. 

On  his  last  voyage  to  Europe,  he  sailed  with  Capt.  Prior  of 
Duxbury.  Returning  homeward  they  were  brought  to  by  a  British 
man-of-war,  from  which  a  boat  under  a  lieutenant  was  sent  on  board 
to  search  for  British  subjects.  He  had  his  American  papers,  but 
they  afforded  him  no  protection.  He  was  seized  and  conveyed  to 
the  English  ship,  the  lieutenant  swearing  that  he  wanted  him  for  a 
main-top  man,  and  that  he  would  have  him.  As  he  came  into  that 
strange  vessel,  some  of  the  crew  told  him  that  he  was  just  such  a 
man  as  they  wanted,  and  that  as  the  ship  was  a  new  one,  he  would 
have  to  stay  till  he  was  grey-headed.  But  on  examination  of  his 
papers,  by  the  British  captain,  he  allowed  him  to  return  to  his  own 

Waterman. — William,  Dumont  Place,  Hillsborough,  Somerset  co., 
N.  J.,  June  10,  a.  84;  at  the  residence  of  his  son,  William  Dwight 

In  the  latter  part  of  the  last  century,  and  the  beginning  of  the 
present  one,  the  deceased  was  extensively  engaged  in  business  as  a 
merchant  at  Salisbury  Meeting  House  in  Herkimer  co.  (then  Mont- 
gomery), N.  Y.  He  was  one  of  the  veterans  of  the  war  of  1812,  and 
took  his  first  lessons  as  a  soldier  under  General  Scott.  Though  long 
retired  from  active  life,  his  interest  in  passing  events  continued  un- 
abated. He  was  widely  known  in  the  state  of  New  York,  where  the 
most  active  portion  of  his  business  life  was  spent. 

Weld.— Edward  Franklin,  Roxbury,  died  Sunday  evening,  7 
o'clock,  Sept.  22,  a.  9  yrs.,  10  mos  ,  1  day;  youngest  child  of  the  late 
Edward  Franklin  Weld,  and  grandchild  of  Samuel  Bradlee. 

Weller.— Dr  Frederick,  at  sea,  Feb.  — .  He  was  a  native  of 
Paterson,  N.  J.,  and  was  in  the  enjoyment  of  a  lucrative  practice 
when  he  joined  the  9th  regiment  of  his  state  as  surgeon.  He  was 
drowned  off  Hatteras  by  the  sinking  of  a  life  boat  belonging  to  the 
Burnside  expedition. 

1862.]  Marriages  and  Deaths.  189 

Wells. — Joshua,  Baltimore  county,  Md.,  Jan.  24,  a.  98.  He  was  a 
native  of  Maryland,  b.  in  1764,  early  connected  himself  with  the  Me- 
thodist Episcopal  Church,  and  was  the  oldest  clergyman  of  that  de- 
nomination. He  was  cotemporary  with  Wesley,  Asbury,  Whitfield, 
Coke,  and  other  pioneers  of  that  denomination,  having  become  an 
itinerant  preacher  in  11 88,  when  he  was  24  yrs.  of  age.  In  the  early 
days  of  his  ministry,  the  hardships  of  travel  were  very  great,  and  in 
many  instances  he  was  required  to  travel  beyond  the  Alleghanies  to 
fill  his  appointments.  His  ministerial  career  began  with  the  Balti- 
more Annual  Conference,  where  he  remained  in  active  service  until 
the  infirmities  of  age  compelled  his  retirement,  though  he  still  held 
a  superannuated  relation  with  the  body.  He  was  a  man  of  robust 
constitution,  and  though  not  possessed  of  a  brilliant  scholastic  edu- 
cation, was  esteemed  an  able  expounder  of  the  Scriptures.  Until 
within  two  or  three  years  of  his  death,  he  regularly  attended  the 
sessions  of  the  conference.  His  remains  were  interred  at  Green- 

White. — Kev.  Charles,  D.  D.,  president  of  Wabash  College,  Craw- 
fordville,  la.,  died  of  apoplexy,  Oct.  29,  a.  65.  He  was  son  of  Solo- 
mon and  Rhoda  (Braman)  White,  and  was  born  at  Randolph,  Mass., 
in  1196. 

At  the  marriage  of  his  mother  in  1808,  with  Rev.  Asa  Burton,  D. 
D.,  he  removed  to  Thetford,  Vt.,  where  he  received  his  academic 
education.  He  graduated  at  Dartmouth  College  with  distinguished 
honors  in  1821,  and  studied  theology  at  Andover,  two  years  in  the 
class  which  left  the  Theological  Institution  in  1824.  His  first  settle- 
ment in  the  ministry  was  at  Thetford,  Yt,  where  he  continued  four 
years;  thence  he  removed  to  Cazenovia,  N.  Y.,  where  he  continued 
until  called  to  the  presidency  of  Wabash  College,  which  office  he  sus- 
tained at  the  time  of  his  death.  His  wife  was  Martha  Carter,  by 
whom  he  had  ten  children.  Dr.  White  was  a  sound  theologian,  an 
able  minister,  and  a  successful  presiding  college  officer.  His 
published  writings  were  chiefly  sermons  and  baccalaureate  ad- 
dresses, the  latter  of  which  were  collected  into  a  volume  and  pub- 
lished  in  1853,  with  a  portrait  of  the  author.  In  1854,  he  preached 
the  annual  sermon  at  Hartford,  before  the  American  board  of  com- 
missioners for  foreign  missions,  of  which  he  was  a  corporate  member. 
[He  was  a  lineal  descendant  of  Peregrine  White  who  was  the  first 
child  born  after  the  arrival  of  the  Pilgrims,  1620.  Yide  Prince's 
Annals,  p.  16.]  E.  A. 

Whittemore.— Rev.  E.  B.,  Oxfordville,  N.  H.,  Dec.  27,  a.  37.  He 
was  graduated  at  Dartmouth  College  1849,  and  was  highly  esteemed 
as  a  Christian  minister. 

Whittemore. — Rev.  Thomas,  D.  D.,  Cambridgeport,  March  21,  a.  61. 
He  was  b.  near  Copp's  Hill,  in  Boston,  Jan.  1st,  1800;  was  a  descend- 
ant of  Thomas1  Whittemore,  who  settled  in  that  part  of  Charlestown 
called  Mystic  North  Side,  and  which  in  1649,  was  incorporated  as 
Maiden.  Among  a  large  family  of  children  was  a  son  John,-  who 
came  a  minor  with  his  father  to  this  country,  and  having  married  in 
Maiden,  removed  to  Charlestown.     He  was  the  father  of  Joseph,3  an 

190  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [April 

inn  keeper,  who  had  Joseph,4  a  house  joiner,  the  father  of  Joseph,5 
who  had  Thomas,6  a  chaise  maker,  who  in.  Elizabeth  Rand.  Thomas,'5 
died  at  the  age  of  33,  leaving  a  wife  with  an  only  son,  Joseph,7  who, 
in  1794,  at  the  age  of  28,  married  Comfort  Quiner,  a.  19.  They  had 
ten  children,  of-  whom  Thomas, s  the  subject  of  this  sketch,  was  the 
fourth.  Thomas  was  duly  baptized  in  the  Brattle  street  church,  Bos- 
ton, when  about  two  weeks  old.  When  he  was  five  years  of  age, 
his  father  removed  to  Charlestown,  established  himself  in  the  baking 
business,  and  there  became  a  member  of  the  church  of  which  Rev. 
Jedediah  Morse  was  pastor.  The  father  died  in  Jan.,  1814,  a.  41, 
leaving  a  widow  and  seven  children.  At  the  age  of  seven,  Thomas 
was  placed  in  one  of  the  common  schools  of  Charlestown,  where  he 
acquired  all  the  education  he  ever  received  under  a  teacher,  except- 
ing three  months  at  an  evening  school,  just  before  the  age  of  twenty- 
one,  and  a  few  weeks  of  private  tuition  after  that  time;  so  that  he 
was  in  the  fullest  sense  of  the  term — a  self-educated  man.  At  the 
age  of  14,  be  was  apprenticed  to  a  morocco  dresser  in  Charlestown; 
subsequently  to  a  brass  founder,  afterwards  he  went  to  Lynn  to 
learn  to  make  ladies' shoes;  finally  he  was  bound  an  apprentice  to 
Mr.  Abel  Baker,  a  noted  bootmaker  of  Boston,  with  whom  he  lived 
till  he  was  21  years  old.  While  with  Mr.  Baker,  he  became  acquainted 
with  Rev.  Hosea  Ballou  of  the  Second  Universalist  Church  of  Boston, 
and  the  intimacy  ripened  into  friendship,  which  continued  through 
life.  Probably  for  no  man  on  earth  did  Mr.  W.  entertain  a  higher 
respect  and  a  deeper  love  than  for  Mr.  Ballou.  Soon  after  the  com- 
mencement of  their  acquaintance,  Mr.  Whittemore  was  employed  to 
play  the  bass  viol  in  Mr.  Ballou's  church.  Mr.  B.  asked  him  one  day, 
if  he  did  not  think  of  preparing  for  the  ministry.  "  No  sir,"  he  re- 
plied, "  the  thought  never  entered  my  mind."  From  that  moment; 
however,  he  did  think  of  it;  it  seemed  to  him  more  and  more  certain 
that  he  should  eveutually  1  ecome  a  preacher.  At  finst  he  dreaded 
the  idea,  but  gradually  the  fear  subsided,  and  was  succeeded  by  an 
earnest,  ardent  desire  to  engage  in  that  sacred  office.  During  the 
summer  and  fall  of  1820,  he  devoted  every  leisure  hour  to  the  study 
of  the  bible.  Though  not  yet  twenty-one  years  of  age,  he  had  formed 
his  purpose;  just  three  weeks  before  he  had  attained  his  majority, 
he  preached  his  first  sermon.  This  was  in  Roxbury.  On  the  1st  of 
January,  1821,  he  left  his  master  and  the  shcemaking  business, 
and  on  the  Monday  following  entered  the  family  of  Mr.  Ballou,  with 
whom  he  studied,  to  prepare  himself  more  fully  for  the  work  before 
him.  In  April  following  (1821)  he  received  and  accepted  an  invita- 
tion to  settle  in  Milford,  Mass.  Here  he  married  Lovice,  dau.  of 
John  Corbett,  in  September  of  the  same  year.  Three  months  after 
marriage,  while  absent  on  a  ministerial  exchange,  the  house  he  oc- 
cupied was  burned  to  the  ground,  and  every  thing  belonging  to  him 
was  destroyed,  except  his  wife,  who  was  saved  by  leaping  from  the 
chamber  window.  After  spending  a  year  in  Milford,  he  removed  to 
Cambridgeport  and  took  charge  of  the  Universalist  Society  there,  and 
was  pastor  nine  years,  when,  owing  to  the  pressure  of  duties,  he 
resigned  his  office,  but  continued  a  resident  of  the  place.  On  his 
removal  to  Cambridgeport,  he  became  joint  editor  of  the  Universalist 
Magazine,  with  Rev.  H.  Ballou  and  H.  Ballou  2d.    On  the  5th  of  July. 

1S62.]  Marriages  and  Deaths.  191 

1828,  this  paper  was  first  issued  under  the  name  of  The  Trumpet  and 
Universalist  Magazine.  Under  tin's  new  form,  Mr.  Whittemore  soon  be- 
came sole  editor  and  publisher.  The  Trumpet  was  therefore  under 
his  control  more  than  30  years.  In  Jauuary,  1S30,  he  published  an 
elaborate  work  entitled,  the  Modern  History  of  Universalism.  In  3  S32, 
the  first  edition  of  his  Notes  and  Illustrations  of  the  Parables  appeared, 
and  a  2d  edition,  improved,  in  1834;  the  Swigs  of  Zion,  a  book  of 
church  music,  of  360  pp.,  many  of  the  tunes  and  anthems  of  his  com- 
position, was  published  in  1836;  in  1811,  the  Gospel  Harmonist, 
another  book  of  church  music  of  the  same  size,  and  like  the  former, 
containing  many  original  pieces.  During  18-12,  appeared  his  first 
book,  and  in  1S13,  his  second  book  of  Conference  Hymns.  In  1811,  he 
also  pubb'shed  his  Sunday  School  Choir,  a  book  consisting  of  services, 
tunes  and  hymns  for  Sunday  schools.  In  1840,  The  Plain  Guide  to 
Universalism,  was  issued,  one  of  his  most  popular  works.  In  1S48, 
was  published  his  Commentary  on  the  Revelation.  In  1852,  he  wrote 
the  Memoir  of  Walter  Balfour,  printed  in  a  small  12mo;  and  in  1854-5, 
the  Life  of  Rev.  Ilosea  Ballon,  published  in  four  volumes;  in  1858,  his 
own  autobigraphy  appeared.  Several  single  sermons  delivered  by 
him,  on  doctrinal  and  other  subjects,  have  been  printed.  Mr.  Whitte- 
more was  a  man  of  remarkable  energy  of  character  and  superior  busi- 
ness talents.  He  was  popular  and  beloved  as  a  man,  a  preacher,  a 
pastor,  a  citizen.  Much  of  the  success  of  the  denomination  is  owing 
to  his  arduous  and  self-sacrificing  labors,  both  as  an  editor  and 
minister.  He  represented  Cambridge  several  years  in  the  legis- 
lature, and  also  served  as  selectman  under  the  town  organization, 
and  as  alderman  since  Cambridge  became  a  city.  For  many  years 
he  was  president  of  the  Cambridge  Bank,  and  also  president  of  the 
Vermont  and  Massachusetts  Rail  Road.  The  degree  of  Doctor  of 
Divinity  was  conferred  on  Mr.  Whittemore  by  Tufts  College,  in  1851. 
He  left  a  widow  and  eight  children,  four  sons  and  four  daughters. 
His  second  son,  John  W.  Whittemore,  was  third  assistant  engineer 
of  the  steam  sloop-of-war  Mohican.  He  was  killed  by  the  bursting 
of  a  shell  at  the  bombardment  of  the  forts  at  Hilton  Head,  S.  C, 
Nov.  1,  1861,  a.  26  yrs.,  1  mo.,  19  days.     He  left  a  widow. 

Wise. — 0.  Jennings.  He  was  captain  of  the  Richmond  Blues,  and 
was  killed  at  the  capture  of  Roanoke  Island.  He  was  for  several 
years  chief  editor  of  the  Richmond  Enquirer,  and  his  ability  and  ac- 
quirements enabled  him  to  exercise  great  influence  over  the  young 
men  of  Virginia. 

Wright. — John  C,  Schenectady,  January  24.  He  graduated  at 
Union  College  in  1821,  studied  law,  and  became  first  judge  of  Scho- 
harie county;  subsequently  state  senator,  and  in  1846  a  member  of 
the  constitutional  convention.  The  last  office  of  importance  which 
he  held,  was  that  of  comptroller  of  the  state,  to  which  he  brought 
business  capacity  and  honorable  intentions. 

Zollicoffer. — Felix  K.,  of  Tennessee,  was  killed  in  battle  at  Som- 
erset, Ky.,  Jan.  19.  He  was  b.  in  Mowry  county,  Tenn.,  in  1812  and 
learned  the  trade  of  a  printer.  He  afterwards  became  an  editor,  and 
in  1853  was  elected  member  of  congress.  He  died  ingloriously  in 
arms  against  his  country. 

192  JV.  E.  Hist. -Gen.  Society.  [April 


Monthly  Meetings — 1862. 

Boston,  Jan.  l.~ The  annual  meeting  of  the  society  was  held  this 
day.     President  Winslow  LevvTis,  M.  D.,  in  the  chair. 

Letters  from  gentlemen  accepting  resident  membership  were 
reported   by  the  corresponding  secretary. 

The  librarian  announced  that  112  pamphlets,  reports,  &c,  6  news- 
papers, 11  manuscripts  and  1  volumes,  had  been  received  during  the 
last  month. 

W.  B.  Trask  read  memoirs  of  members  deceased  since  the  previous 
meeting,  viz:  Hon.  Richard  Sullivan,  an  honorary  member;  Hon. 
John  Hubbard  Wilkins,  a  resident  member;  Jonathan  Marsh,  a  cor- 
responding member. 

The  president  gave  an  address,  which  may  be  found  in  full  in  this 
number  of  the  Register. 

The  donations  to  the  library  for  1861,  were  larger  than  any  pre- 
vious year,  according  to  the  report  of  the  chairman  of  the  library 
committee;  the  whole  number  being  121  bound  volumes,  2581  pam- 
phlets, 19  manuscripts  and  some  40  loose  documents. 

On  motion  of  Mr.  Kidder,  a  resolution  was  unanimously  passed, 
giving  the  thanks  of  the  society  to  Mr.  John  Ward  Dean,  correspond- 
ing secretary  for  the  past  three  years  and  for  his  previous  services 
as  recording  secretary  and  treasurer;  also  to  Dr.  Joseph  Palmer  for 
his  services  as  historiographer  for  the  past  six  years. 

Officers  of  the  society  were  elected  for  the  ensuing  year,  and 
amendments  to  the  Constitution  passed.  The  list  of  officers  will  be 
found  printed  on  page  200,  and  the  amendments  on  page  193. 

Rev.  Abner  Morse  read  a  continuation  of  his  paper,  entitled 
Northmen  in  America. 

Feb.  5. — The  regular  monthly  meeting  of  this  society  was  held  at 
their  rooms.  Rev.  Martin  Moore,  vice-president,  in  the  chair,  at  3 
o'clock  P.  M. 

The  corresponding  secretary  reported  that  since  the  previous  meet- 
ing he  had  received  letters  from  the  following  gentlemen,  accepting 
the  resident  membership  to  which  they  had  been  elected,  viz:  Hon. 
Isaac  Emery  of  Boston;  Lieut.  Col.  Charles  E.  Griswold  of  Boston, 
now  at  Hall's  Hill,  Ya.;  Rev.  Abbott  E.  Kittredge  and  Selwin  Z. 
Bowman  of  Charlestown. 

The  librarian.  John  H.  Sheppard,  Esq.,  reported  that  since  the  pre- 
vious meeting,  there  had  been  donated  to  the  society  thirteen  bound 
volumes,  ninety-four  pamphlets  and  periodicals,  seventeen  newspa- 
pers; also  a  large  and  valuable  collection  of  ancient  MSS.,  deeds, 
court  papers,  and  miscellaneous  documents;  many  of  them  were  once 
the  papers  of  Judge  Samuel  Sewall. 

Hon.  Charles  Hudson  read  an  able  and  eloquent  memoir  of  Rev. 
Jonas  Clark,  whose  ministry  in  Lexington  extended  over  half  a  cen- 

1862.]  JV.  E.  Hut-Gen.  Society.  193 

tury.  A  vote  of  thanks  was  passed,  and  a  copy  requested  for  the 

Dr.  Alden  read  a  well  prepared  memoir  of  the  late  Bartholomew 
Brown,  which  was  prepared  at  the  request  of  the  librarian  of  Har- 
vard University.  The  thanks  of  the  society  were  passed,  and  a  copy 
requested  for  the  archives. 

Rev.  F.  W.  Holland  read  an  interesting-  sketch  of  John  Clay  of 
Preston,  Eng.,  who  spent  his  life  in  solving  the  problem  of  prison 

March  5.- — President  Lewis  in  the  chair.  The  reports  of  the  Cor- 
responding Secretary  and  Librarian  were  presented.  10  bound  vol- 
umes, 405  pamphlets  and  several  files  of  old  newspapers  were 
donated  to  the  Library  since  the  former  meeting. 

Memoirs  of  two  honorary  members,  recently  deceased,  were  read 
by  the  historiographer,  viz:  of  the  late  Hon.  John  Tyler  of  Virginia 
and  President  Cornelius  Conway  Felton  of  Harvard  University. 

Rev.  James  Freeman  Clarke  read  the  paper  of  the  afternoon,  on 
the  importance  of  giving  right  names  to  towns  and  streets.  He 
recommended  that  new  streets  in  Boston  should  be  called  after  dis- 
tinguished men,  who  had  resided  here  in  early  times,  especially  that 
the  new  streets  west  of  the  Public  Garden  should  be  named  for  such 
historic  characters. 

He  farther  recommended  that  the  city  government  be  petitioned  to 
appoint  an  Historic  Commission  of  gentlemen,  to  be  selected  from 
the  Historical  Societies,  to  propose  suitable  names  for  the  streets 
and  public  places,  and  inscriptions  for  localities  where  important 
events  have  taken  place.     These  commissioners  to  serve  without  pay. 

Amendments  of  the  Constitution  and  By-Laws. 

The  Constitution  and  By-Laws  of  the  New  England  Historic 
Genealogical  Society,  as  they  then  stood,  were  printed  in  the 
Register,  vol.  xn,  pp.  94-96.  Since  then,  the  following  amendments 
have  been  adopted: 


Art.  1. — The  President,  the  past  Presidents,  the  Secretaries,  the 
Treasurer,  the  Historiographer,  the  Librarian,  the  Chairmen  of  the 
several  Standing  Committees,  and  five  members  chosen  by  the  Society 
for  the  purpose,  shall  constitute  the  Board  of  Directors. — Amended 
Jan.  1,  1862. 

Art.  9. — The  Officers  of  the  Society  shall  be  chosen  at  the  January 
meeting,  by  written  ballot,  and  at  any  other  stated  meeting  when  a 
vacancy  shall  have  occurred. 

Art.  11. — No  alteration  shall  be  made  in  this  Constitution,  except 
at  a  quarterly  meeting,  on  the  written  recommendation  of  at  least 
five  members  of  the  Society,  and  by  a  vote  of  three-fourths  of  the 
members  present  ;   notice  of  the  proposed   alteration  having  been 

194  Harlackenden  Family.  [April 

given  and  entered  on  the  records  at  a  previous  meeting  of  the 
Society,  and  notices  of  the  proposed  change  sent  to  each  Resident 
Member. — Amended  April  7,  1858. 


Art.  15.  —  The  payment  of  thirty  dollars  for  that  purpose,  by 
himself  or  ethers,  shall  constitute  any  Resident,  Corresponding,  or 
Honorary  Member,  a  Life  Member  of  the  Society;  and  said  Life 
Member  shall  be  free  from  assessments  and  entitled  to  all  the  rights 
and  privileges  of  Resident  Members  during  his  Life. — Amended  July 
6,  1859. 

Art.  18. — The  Board  of  Directors  and  the  Standing  Committees 
shall  severally  determine  what  number  of  members  shall  constitute 
a  quorum  of  their  respective  bodies. — Amended  Dec.  4,  1861. 

Art.  23. — All  moneys  received  for  Life  Membership  shall  be  in- 
vested by  the  Treasurer,  with  the  approval  of  the  Finance  Commit- 
tee, and  the  moneys  so  invested  shall  be  called  the  Life  Fund,  the 
income  whereof  shall  be  used  to  defray  the  expenses  of  the  Society, 
but  the  principal  shall  remain  intact. — Adopted  Oct.  5,  1859. 

Art.  24. — There  shall  be  a  Standing  Committee  on  Lectures  and 
Essays,  whose  duty  it  shall  be  to  make  arrangements  for  the  Literary 
Exercises,  by  engaging  persons  to  read  Historical  Papers  or  make 
verbal  communications  at  the  stated  meetings  of  the  Society. — 
Adofted  March  t,  1860. 


Correction. — Through  the  kindness  of  Nathaniel  Chauncy,  Esq.  of 
Philadelphia,  I  am  enabled  to  furnish  the  following  important  cor- 
rection to  the  pedigree  (see  Reg.,  vol.  xv,  p.  321)  of  the  Harlacken- 
den Family.  -  Isaac  J.  Greenwood,  New  York. 

Moses2  Harlackenden  was  father  of 

I.  William3  of  Woodchurch,  co.  Kent,  the  grandfather  of  Thomas5, 
of  the  same  place,  who  died  26th  Aug.  1558,  leaving  a  son  and  heir 
George6,  then  aged  39,  who  m.  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Hardres, 
afterwards  wife  of  Roger  Harlackenden  of  Earl's  Colne,  co.  Essex. 

II  John3  of  Warhorn,  co.  Kent,  m.  Joan  Willis  (or  Willes)  and 
had  John,4  who  m.  Joan  Phillips  and  was  father  of  Thomas5  of  War- 
horn,  who  m.  1st  Mary,  dau.  of  Rich.  Lonchnoys  and  granddau.  of 
Thomas  Fienes,  Lord  Dacre.  His  second  wife  Elizabeth  was  mother 
of  Alice  who  m.  Henry  Thompson.  According  to  the  Inq.  p.  m.  at 
Ashford,  co.  Kent,  taken  11  Sep.  1564,  he  left  sons: 

1.  John,6  aged  30;  2.  William6,  aged  28;  3.  Roger,6  aged  27,  the 
purchaser  of  Earl's  Colne.  But  the  will  of  Thomas,  dated  25  Jan. 
1562-3,  mentions  a  fourth  son  Richard  and  some  daughters. 

■'•y-w  jo  K(3?>;jl;.'.r>:  .-'.ji/ 

3 862.]  Historical  Intelligence.  195 


Long  Pastorates. — Rev.  Benjamin  Lord,  D.  D.,  was  settled  over  the 
First  Congregational  Church  in  Norwich,  Conn.,  Nov.  20,  171*1.  Rev. 
Joseph  Strong,  D.  D.,  was  settled  as  his  colleague  March  18,  1778. 
Dr.  Lord  died  March  31,  1184,  after  a  pastorate  of  sixty -seven  years. 
Dr.  Strong's  pastoral  relation  with  the  church  continued  fifty-six 
years,  till  his  death,  which  occurred  Dec.  18,  1834.  These  two" suc- 
cessive pastorates  covered  a  period  of  one  hundred  and  seventeen 
years;  while  the  separate  pastorates,  added  together,  make  one 
hundred  and  twenty-three  years.  Fitzwilliam,  N.  EL,  Nov.  5,  1861. 
— Boston  Journal,  Nov.  7,  IS 61. 

Jubilee  of  Rev.  R.  S.  Storrs,  D.  D.,  of  Braintree,  Mass. — July  3d, 
1861,  being  the  fiftieth  anniversary  of  the  ordination  of  Rev.  Dr. 
Storrs,  at  Braintree,  it  was  thought  proper  to  commemorate  the  event. 
After  prayers  by  Rev.  Drs.  Russell  of  Randolph,  and  Albro  of  Cam- 
bridge, and  the  singing  of  an  original  hymn,  an  historical  address 
was  delivered  by  Rev.  Dr.  Storrs,  concluding  with  prayer  by  Rev. 
Nehemiah  Adams,  D.  D.,  of  Boston.  In  the  afternoon,  some  very  ap- 
propriate remarks  were  made  by  Rev.  Dr.  Storrs  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y., 
who  presided,  prayer  having  been  offered  by  Rev.  Dr.  Thompson  of 
Roxbury.  Rev.  Edwards  A.  Park  of  Andover,  who  was  settled  as 
colleague  with  Rev.  Dr.  Storrs,  Dec.  21,  1831,  and  resigned  Jan.  17, 
1834,  gave  an  interesting  account  of  the  previous  pastors  of  the 
church.  Dr.  Ebenezer  Alden  of  Randolph,  followed,  on  "  The  people 
of  Braintree  fifty  years  ago."  Rev.  Leonard  Withington,  D.  D.,  of 
Newbury—"  On  the  importance  and  influence  of  a  permanent  past- 
oral relation."  Rev.  Mr.  Means  of  Dorchester,  Rev.  Dr.  Blagden  of 
Boston,  Rev.  Mr.  Eustis  of  New  Haven,  Rev.  Dr.  Thompson  of  Rox- 
bury, and  Rev.  Mr.  Dexter  of  Boston,  took  part  in  the  exercises.  The 
discourse  and  proceedings  have  since  been  published  in  a  pamphlet 
of  102  pages,  octavo. 

Monument  to  the  late  Rev.  Dr.  Peabody  of  Springfield,  Mas3. — A 
monument  having  been  erected  to  the  memory  of  Rev.  W.  B.  0.  Pea- 
body,  D.  D,,  first  pastor  of  the  Unitarian  Church  in  Springfield  (who 
was  b.  July  9,  1799,  d.  May  28,  1847),  the  dedication  exercises  took 
•  place  Sept.  29th.  Prayer  by  Rev.  Francis  Tiffany,  pastor  of  the 
Unitariau  Society,  hymn  by  J.  G.  Holland,  address  by  Geo.  Walker. 
A  hymn  written  by  Rev.  Dr.  Peabody  was  then  sung,  commencing — 
"  Behold  the  western  evening  light,"  benediction  by  Rev.  S.  G.  Buck- 
ingham of  the  South  Congregational  Society.  The  cost  of  this 
beautiful  monument,  was  about  $2,000,  exclusive  of  the  foundation 
and  preparation  of  the  ground.  It  is  constructed  of  Dorchester 
(Nova  Scotia).] freestone,  in  bight  21|  feet,  is  in  the  pointed  Gothic 
style.  It  has  been  remarked  that  though  less  elaborate,  it  suggests 
to  the  observer  the  monument  to  Sir  Walter  Scott  at  Edinburgh.  It 
was  executed  at  the  stone  works  of  Elijah  W.  Bliss  of  Springfield, 
from  a  design  by  a  New  York  artist. 

196  Current  Events.  [April 

Extraordinary  Longevity. — Asa  Raymond  and  his  wife,  Huldah 
(Rice)  Raymond,  of  Shutesbury,  Franklin  co.,  Mass.,  if  living'  on 
the  16th  of  the  present  month  (April,  1S62),  will  celebrate  the  scven- 
Uj-fifth  anniversary  of  their  wedding"  day.  We  think  that  another 
like  instance  can  not  be  found  on  record.  The  venerable  old  gentle- 
man, who  is  quite  active,  is  96  years  of  age;  his  wife,  a  fine  speci- 
men of  the  ladies  of  the  old  school,  is  94.  They  have  three  sons  and 
one  daughter  now  living:  Edward  A.  Raymond,  Esq.,  of  Boston, 
Mass.;  Hon.  Z.  L.  Raymond  of  Cambridge,  Mass.;  Emmons  Raymond, 
Esq.,  of  Boston;  and  Mrs.  Huldah  Spear  of  Shutesbury. 


1.  Mass.  State  Legislature  assemble.  Messrs.  Mason  and  Slidell 
leave  Fort  Warren  for  England,  in  the  Rinaldo. 

2.  The  Ella  Warley  runs  the  blockade,  and  enters  Charleston 

5.  Skirmish  at  Bath,  Va.,  between  Gen.  Kelly  (Union)  at  the  head 
of  500  men,  and  Gen.  Jackson  with  about  6,000.  One  hundred  and 
thirty-one  light  houses  have  been  destroyed  since  the  commencement 
of  the  war. 

10.  Victory  of  Brig.  Gen.  J.  A.  Garfield,  with  about  1800  men, 
over  Humphrey  Marshall,  with  a  force  of  about  2500  rebels,  near 
Prestonburg,  Ky. 

11.  The  steam  frigate  Pensacola  runs  the  blockade  of  the  Potomac 
in  safety.  Gen.  Burnside's  expedition — over  one  hundred  and  twen- 
ty-five vessels  in  all — leave  Hampton  Roads  for  Cape  Hatteras. 

19.  Action  of  Mill  Spring,  Ky.,  in  which  Gen.  F.  K.  ZollicofTer  is 
killed,  and  his  army  routed.  Our  loss — 38  killed,  134  wounded. 
Enemy's  loss — about  500,  together  with  14  cannon,  4000  or  5000 
stand  of  arms,  &c. 

20.  Edwin  M.  Stanton,  vice  Simon  Cameron,  enters  on  his  duties 
as  secretary  of  war.  Schooner  J.  W.  Wilder  captured  near  Mobile, 


5.  Jesse  D.  Bright  of  Indiana,  expelled  from  U.  S.  Senate  for  dis- 
loyalty—vote, 32  to  14. 

6.  Fort  Henry,  on  the  Tennessee  river,  is  captured  by  Com.  A.  H. 
Foote,  after  an  action  of  about  one  hour.  19  cannon,  the  rebel  Gen. 
Tilghman,  &c,  fall  into  our  hands. 

8.  Battle  at  Roanoke  Island,  by  the  Union  forces  under  Gee.  Burn- 
side.  The  confederate  army  of  about  3000,  defeated.  Our  loss — 
about  42  killed,  200  wounded.     Rebel  loss— 30  killed,  100  wounded. 

9.  The  rebel  fleet  under  Com.  Lynch,  destroyed  by  the  Union  gun 
boats  in  Albemarle  sound. 

10.  Bowling  Green,  Ky.,  is  evacuated  by  the  rebel  army.  Eliza- 
beth city,  N.  C.,  occupied  by  Union  forces. 

1862.]  Corrections.  .  197 

13.  Gen.  Sterling  Price  evacuates  Springfield,  Mo.,  leaving  many 
prisoners  in  the  bands  of  Gen.  Curtis. 

16.  Fort  Donelson,  on  the  Cumberland  river,  surrenders,  after 
two  days'  hard  fighting,  to  the  Union  forces  under  Gen.  U.  S.  Grant. 
About  15,000  prisoners,  with  arms  and  military  stores,  fall  into  our 
hands.  Brig.  Gen.  Edvr.  Price  and  staff,  captured  near  Warsaw,  Mo., 
by  Capt.  Stubbs  of  the  8th  Iowa  Regiment. 

21.  Nathaniel  D.  Gordon  is  executed  at  New  York,  for  being  en- 
gaged in  the  slave  trade. 

22.  This  day  generally  observed  in  the  loyal  states  by  the  reading 
of  Washington's  Farewell  Address,  &c.  Jefferson  Davis  inaugurat- 
ed president  of  the  southern  confederacy;  A.  H.  Stevens,  vice-pre- 

24.  Great  fire  in  Commercial  st.,  Boston.  Loss  about  $1,500,000, 
together  with  two  or  three  lives.  A  severe  thunder  storm.  Build- 
ings in  Portsmouth,  Kittery,  Lowell,  and  other  places  struck  by 

21.  Gen.  Banks's  Division  of  the  Federal  army  advance  into  Vir- 
ginia, at  Harper's  Ferry.  Nashville  occupied  by  the  Union  army 
under  Gen.  BuelL 


2.  Com.  S.  F.  Dupont  takes  possession  of  Fort  Clinch,  Fernandina, 
St.  Marys,  etc.     The  Rebel  steamer  Darlington  captured. 

3.  Columbus,  Ky.,  evacuated  and  burnt  by  the  Confederate  army. 
Gen.  N.  P.  Banks's  forces  occupy  Martinsburgh,  Va. 

7.  Centreviile  and  Manasses  evacuated  by  the  Confederate  army. 
Battle  of  Pea  Ridge,  Ark.  After  three  days'  hard  fighting  the  Con- 
federate forces  under  Gen.  S.  Price,  are  completely  routed  by  the 
Union  army  under  Gen.  Curtis,  and  the  rebel  generals,  McCulloch 
and  Mcintosh,  killed. 

8.  Leesburgh,  Va.,  occupied  by  the  Federal  forces.  Naval  action 
at  Hampton  Roads  between  the  iron-clad  gunboat  Virginia — formerly 
the  Merrimac — and  the  Federal  iron-clad  boat  Monitor,  which  after  a 
long  and  close  engagement,  compelled  the  Rebel  vessel  to  retire. 
The  Cumberland  was  sunk  and  the  Congress  captured  anH  burned  by 
the  Virginia  before  the  Monitor  engaged  her.  This  is  the  first  con- 
test between  two  iron-plated  vessels  on  record,  and  will  doubtless 
produce  an  entire  change  in  naval  architecture,  as  well  as  in  coast 
defences,  throughout  the  world.  Evacuation  of  Pensacola,  Fla.,  by 
the  Confederate  troops. 

11.  St.  Augustine,  Fla.,  surrenders  to  Com.  S.  F.  Dupont. 

13.  The  Union  forces  take  possession  of  New  Madrid,  Mo. 

14.  Capture  of  Newburn,  N.  C,  by  the  Union  troops  under  GeD. 
A.  E.  Burnside,  after  a  hard  fought  battle  of  about  four  hours.  Fe- 
deral loss — 91  killed,  and  466  wounded.  Over  60  pieces  of  cannon 
are  taken. 

18.  Final  evacuation  of  the  Potomac  by  the  Confederate  forces. 

23.  Battle  near  Winchester,  and  defeat  of  the  rebels.  Great  loss 
on  both  sides.  Beaufort,  N.  C,  taken  from  the  rebels,  and  Fort  Ma- 
con blown  up. 

[to  be  continued.] 

J9S  Book  Notices.  [April 


A  Handbook  of  American  Genealogy,  fyc.  l&y  William  H.  Whitmore, 
member  of  the  Publishing  Committee  of  the  N.  E.  Historic-Genea- 
logical Society.     Albany  -  Joel  Mnnsell.     1862.     4tO.     pp.  272. 

"Well  indeed,"  was  our  conclusion  after  reading  this  elegantly  written  and  ele- 
gantly printed  book,  "  genealogy,  thanks  to  the  labors  of  Farmer,  Drake,  Savage, 
Bond.  Morse,  &c,  genealogy  has  come  to  be  a  scieace  in  America  and  to  have  a 
literature  of  its  own."  In  1771  Mr.  Luke  Stebbins  published  a  brief  memorial  of 
his  family  at  Hartford,  Ct.,  which  appears  to  be  the  first  work  of  the  kind  printed 
in  New  England.  From  this  humble  head-spring  Mr.  Whitmore  traces  the  current 
of  genealogical  literature  from  year  to  year  down  to  the  present  day.  He  enume- 
rates nearly  three  hundred  distinct  works  upon  the  subject,  and,  in  respect  to  most 
of  them,  presents  some  critical  or  curious  information.  In  a  very  able  introduction 
he  sketches  the  early  history  of  genealogy  in  this  country  and  directs  the  student 
in  this  science  how  to  proceed  in  his  researches.  He  then  lays  before  him  what 
has  been  written  on  the  subject  and,  by  an  index  of  every  name,  leads  him  at  once 
to  any  point  desired  in  the  rich  field.  Mr.  W.  writes  con  amore,  and  whoever  reads 
his  book  will  find  himself,  not  only  inspired  thereby  with  stronger  love  for  genea- 
logical investigations,  but  also  in  possession  of  more  ample  means  for  prosecuting 
them.  Tiie  illuminated  letters  and  other  devices,  the  paper  and  printing,  are  most 
superb  and  reflect  great  credit  on  the  archaeological  press  at  Albany. 

We  are  requested  to  say  that  in  the  notice  of  the  Otis  pamphlet,  on  page  75, 
the  statement  that  the  first  part  of  the  Otis  genealogy,  published  in  the  Register  for 
1848,  was  not  reprinted,  was  inserted  in  Mr.  Whitmore's  notice  from  misunder- 
standing a  letter  from  Mr.  Whitmore  himself.  Both  parts  are  reprinted  in  the 
pamphlet  there  noticed. 

The  New  Hampshire  Annual  Register,  $fc.t  for  the  year  1862.  By  G. 
Parker  Lyon.     Concord,     pp.  172. 

Comes  to  us  with  its  usual  store  of  rich  and  useful  information.  Its  value  is 
very  much  enhanced  by  the  rosters  of  the  N*  H.  regiments.  This  is  the  71st  num- 
ber of  the  work  and  every  page  of  it  evinces  the  industry  and  accuracy  of  the  com- 

The  Book  of  Psalms,  in  Hebrew  and  English,  arranged  in  parallelism.  W. 
F.  Draper,  Andover.     1862.     16mo.     pp.  194. 

Does  any  one  desire  to  learn  or  to  review  the  Hebrew  ?  This  is  the  book  for 
him.  The  text  is  that  of  Halm;  the  type  well  cut  and  the  print  clear.  By  opening 
an  old  dog-eared,  wood-covered  and  ill-printed  Psalter  which  our  grandfathers  stu- 
died on  the  backless  bench  at  school,  and  then  this  beautiful  copy  of  the  Psalms,  we 
seem  to  get  a  very  good  conception  of  what  is  meant  by  our  favorite  national  word 
U  progress." 

History  of  the  Town  of  Marlborough,  Middlesex  county,  Mass.,  from  its 
first  settlement  in   1657    to   1861;  xcith  a  brief  sketch  of  the  town  of 
Northborough  ;  a  genealogy  of  the  families  in  Marlborough  to  1800,  and 
an  account  of  the  celebration  of  the  two  hundredth  anniversary  of  the  incor- 
poration of  the  town.     Bv  Charles  Hudson,  a  native  of  the   town. 
Boston:     T.  R.  Marvin  &  Son.     1862.     8vo.     pp.545. 
This  work  is  a  most  noble  contribution  to  our  rapidly  increasing  store  of  local 
histories.     Mr.  Hudson   has  executed  his  task,  imposed  upon  him  by  the  town   it- 
self, with  judgment  and   ability,  and  has   by  this  admirable   record  of  the   "  olden 
times"  reflected  much  honor  upon  the  place  of  his  nativity.     Of  its  kind,  this  book 
is  a  model;  the  topics  are  well  chosen;  the  details  copious,  the  conclusions  gene- 
rally correct;  the.  style   is   lucid;  the  arrangement,  natural,   and  many  of  the"  de- 
scriptions, a  son  p.  22G,  for  example,  are  very  beautiful.     Although  Marlborough 



Book  Notices.  199 

was  settled  as  early  as  1G57,  and  afterwards  became  one  of  John  Eliot's  "  Praying; 
Towns ;"  although  it  suffered  somewhat  from  the  depredations  of  the  Indians,  and 
manifested  a  most  loyal  and  patriotic  spirit  during  the  old  French  and  revolution- 
ary wars,  still  Mr.  Hudson  found  the  historic  material  of  the  town  somewhat 
common  place  and  scanty  ;  but  by  a  most  careful  study  of  the  spirit  of  the  times,  by 
a  constant  reference  to  the  spring  and  philosophy  of  action,  and  its  relation  to  con- 
temporaneous history,  he  has  certainly  given  us  a  work  worthy  of  a  conspicuous 
place  in  the  library  of  every  person  interested  in  the  habits,  manners,  customs  and 
opinions — in  the  outer  and  inner  life — of  that  sturdy  yeomanry  which  forms,  both 
in  the  old  times  and  the  new,  the  real  strength  and  glory  of  New  England.  The 
system  of  genealogical  notation  is  very  neat  aud  simple  ;  the  portraits  are  true  to 
life,  and  the  typographical  appearance  of  the  book  is  excellent. 

A  Brief  Record  of  Events  in  Exeter,  N.  II.,  during  the  year  1861;  to- 
gether with  the  names  of  the  soldiers  of  this  town  in  the  viar.  By  Rev. 
Elias  Nason.     pp.  16.     Exeter:     Samuel  Hall.     1862. 

This  is  an  extract  from  the  author's  private  journal,  and  makes  mention,  not 
only  of  the  leading  incidents  in  the  civil  aud  military  life  of  the  town  for  the  year; 
but  also  of  any  unusual  phenomena  in  meteorology,  natural  history,  &c,  &c. 

TJie  Fire  Lands  Pioneer :  published  under  the  supervision  of  the  Fire 
Lands  Historical  Society.  Vols.  1  and  2.  Sandusky,  Ohio:  H.  D. 
Cooke  &  Co.  1858-1861.  8vo.  8  Nos.  of  48  pp.  each. 
It  may  not  be  familiar  to  all  our  readers,  that  during  the  Revolutionary  war  the 
British  made  incursions  into  some  of  the  towns  of  Connecticut,  and  laid  waste  by 
fire  and  plunder  portions  of  the  fair  settlements  at  Greenwich,  Fairfield,  Banbury, 
Ridgefie'd,  Norwalk,  New  and  East  Haven,  New  London,  and  Groton.  In  consi- 
deration of  the  losses  sustained  by  the  inhabitants  of  the  above  named  towns,  and 
as  a  compensation,  in  part,  for  their  misfortunes,  the  state  of  Connecticut,  on  the 
10th  of  May,  1792,  released  to  said  sufferers,  or  their  legal  representatives  when  dead, 
all  the  right  the  state  had  to  half  a  million  of  acres  of  land  lying  in  the  western  part 
of  what  was  called  the  Western  Reserve,  in  the  now  state  of  Ohio.  These  lands 
were  early  designated  as  Fire  Lands — a  tract  of  about  781  square  miles,  contained 
within  the  present  limits  of  the  counties  of  Huron,  Erie,  and  a  part  of  Ottawa.  On 
the  20th  of  May,  1S57,  the  Pioneers  of  the  Fire  Lands  and  others  assembled  at  the 
Court  House  in  Norwalk,  Ohio,  and  united  in  forming  an  historical  society.  On 
the  4th  of  July  following,  the  constitution  was  adopted,  and  officers  were  elected. 
Piatt  Benedict,  Esq.,  one  of  the  pioneers,  was  chosen  president.  Mr.  B.  is  still  the 
presiding  officer.  He  went  from  Danbury,  Conn.,  in  September,  1815,  and  was 
the  first  settler  in  the  village  of  Norwalk,  which  is  now  the  county  seat  of  Huron 
county.  The  society  has  not  failed  to  hold  regular  quarterly  meetings.  These  are 
said  to  be  always  interesting,  often  intensely  so.  The  one  at  Berlin  Heights,  last 
fall,  we  are  informed,  was  attended  by  from  4000  to  5000  persons.  On  the  11th  of 
December  last,  was  celebrated,  by  the  society,  the  50th  anniversary  of  the  settle- 
ment of  Greenfield,  one  of  the  Fire  Land  towns.  A  large  and  interesting  collection 
of  historical  relics,  both  of  aboriginal  and  civilized  life,  has  been  gathered  by  the 
society,  and  valuable  additions  are  being  rapidly  made.  The  two  volumes  of  their 
periodical  before  us,  contain  the  history  of  nineteen  townships  of  the  Fire  Lands, 
leaving  thirteen  more  yet  to  be  written.  An  effort  is  being  made,  we  understand, 
to  publish  in  the  next  volume  of  The  Pioneer,  the  history  of  the  remaining  town- 

One  Soweth  and  Another  Reapeth.  A  commemorative  Sermon  on  the 
one  hundreth  anniversary  of  Christ  Church,  Cambridge,  Mass., 
Tuesday,  October  15;  1861.  I  By  the  Rev.  Nicholas  Hoppik,  D.  D., 
Rector.     Cambridge.     1861.     8vo.     pp.  36. 

Rev.  Mr.  Hoppin  had  previously  published  an  interesting  historical  discourse 
delivered  by  him  on  the  reopening  of  Christ  Church,  Nov.  22,  1857.  This  pam- 
phlet was  noticed  in  the  Register,  vol.  xn,  page  281.  In  the  sermon  before  us, 
from  the  text — "  Other  men  labored,  and  ye  "are  entered  into  their  labors,"  he 
brings  to  remembrance  the  Venerable  and  Religious  Society  for  the  Propagation  of 
the  Gospel  in  Foreign   Parts,   under  whose  auspices  and  timely  assistance,  Christ 

mo  Officers  of  JV*.  E.  Ilisl-Gen,  Society.  [April ,  '62.] 

Church  was  established.  Their  first  missionary  to  this  church  in  Cambridge  was 
the  Rev.  East  Apthorp,  who  left  for  England  in  the  latter  part  of  1764,  and  in  the 
following  year  resigned  his  mission.  Mention  is  also  made  of  the  labors  and  serv- 
ices of  the  original  members  and  founders  of  the  church,  who  exerted  themselves 
to  build  up  and  keep  it  nlive.  From  the  period  of  the  revolutionary  war  to  the 
year  1790,  Christ  Church  lay  neglected.  At  the  latter  date,  it  was  comparatively 
restored,  yet  for  forty  years  subsequent,  it  had  its  trials.  It  has  since  become 
strengthened  and  enlarged,  and  now,  in  the  days  of  i'.s  prosperity,  is  verifying  the 
truth  of  the  saying,  "  one  soweth  and  another  reapeth." 


Pre'    .'nt. — Wixslow  Lewis,  M.  D.,  of  Boston. 

Vid-  Presidents. — Massachusetts,  Rev.  Martin  Moore  of  Boston  ;  Maine,  Hon.  John 
Appl 'ton  of  Bangor;  New  Hampshire,  Hon.  Samuel  D.  Bell  of  Manchester;  Ver- 
mont, Henry  Clark  of  Poultney ;  Rhode  Islaud,  John  Barstow  of  Providence; 
Ccmn'e    tc£l,  Rev.  F.  W.  Chapman  of  Ellington, 

Hov  ry  Vice-Presidents. — New  York,  Hon.  Millard  Fillmore  of  Buffalo  ;  New 
Jers'es  inon.  Joseph  C.  Hornblower  of  Newark;  Pennsylvania,  Hon.  Samuel  Breck 
of  Philadelphia  ;  Maryland,  S.  F.  Streeter  of  Baltimore;  North  Carolina,  Edward 
Kidder  of  Wilmington;  South  Carolina,  Rev.  Thomas  Smyth,  D.  D.,  of  Charleston; 
Ohio,  'Hon.  Elijah  Hay  ward  of  McConnelsville;  Michigan,  Hon.  Lewis  Cass  of  De- 
troit Tn,diana,  Hon.  Ballard  Smith  of  Terre  Haute;  Illinois,  Hon.  John  Wen tworth 
of  ago;  Wisconsin,  Cyrus  Woodman  of  Mineral  Point;  Iowa,  Rt.  Rev.  Henry 

W.      ;e,  D   D.,  of  Davenport. 

Corresponding  Secretary. — Rev   Caleb  Davis  Bradlee  of  Roxbury. 

Recording  Secretary. — Edward  F.  Everett  of  Charlestown. 

Treasurer. — William  B.  Towne  of  Brookline. 

Historiographer. — William  B.  Trask  of  Dorchester. 

Librarian. — John  H.  Sheppard  of  Boston. 

Directors. — Rev.  Martin  Moore  of  Boston;  Joseph  Palmer,  M.  D.,  of  Boston; 
John  Ward  Dean  of  Boston  ;  Hon.  George  W.  Messinger  of  Boston  ;  John  Barstow 
of  Providence,  R.  I. 

Pub^'shing  Committee. — William  B.  Trask  of  Dorchester ;  Hon.  Charles  Hudson 
of  Lexington  ;  Rev.  Elias  Nason  of  Exeter,  N.  H.  ;  John  Ward  Dean  of  Boston; 
George  W-  Chase  of  Haverhill. 

Committee  on  Finance. — Frederic  Kidder  of  Boston;  Hon.  George  W.  Messinger 
of  B-      >n ;  J.  Tisdale  Bradlee  of  Boston;  Thos.  J.  Whittemore  of  Cambridge. 

Cc  nittee  on  the  Library. — Jeremiah  Colburu  of  Boston ;  Rev.  Abner  Morse  of 
Bost      :  Thomas  Waterman  of  Boston  ;  William  S.  Appleton  of  Boston. 

£**  *tiitlee  on  Lectures  and  Essays. — William  Reed  Deane  of  Brookline  ;  Rev.  P. 
W.-' .  Hand  of  Dorchester;  Rev.  Washington  Gilbert  of  West  Newton;  Thomas 
Cusliing  of  Boston ;  J.  Gardner  White  of  Boston. 

iTrt'stees  of  the  Bond  Property  and  Fund. — Almon  D.  Hodges  of  Roxbury;  Frede- 
ric-Kidder  of  Boston  ;  John  W.  Dean  of  Boston. 

Corrections. — It  is  stated  in  a  note  to  the  Parker  Genealogy,  page  41,  that  the 
family  given  is  the  one  with  which  Hon.  Isaac  Parker  is  connected,  which  i*  a  mis- 
take.    See  Reg.,  vi,    p.  375,  for  an  account  of  his  family. In  the  will  of  George 

Davis,  page  54,  line  13  from  bottom,  for  dispose  it  to  her  she  dies,  read  dispose  it  when 

she  dies. Mr,  Mihill  mentioned  in  the  will  of  John  Alcocke,  pages  57  and  58,  was 

Mr.  Mitchell,  though  it  reads  as  above  on  the  original. On  page  60,  line  5  from 

bottom,  for  informs,  read  inform. Page  62,  line  10  from  bottom,  insert  the  word 

of  after  shape.     For  Kinsbury,  line  5  from  bottom,  same  article,  rf-ad  Kingsbury. 

J.  H.  Wilkins,  in  1821,  entered  the  store  of  Cummings,  Hilliard  &  Co.  (by  mistake 
printed  Wiliard,  Gray  &  Co.,  on  page  96),  and  in  1826  went  into  business  under 
the  firm  of  Hilliard,  Gray  &  Co.  He  was  not  an  alderman  in  1844,  as  stated  in  the 
same  article,  but  in  1847. 





-x-~.  -•-  -  ■  -  -    — 


'  .  J%^ 



\    oV- 

Vol.  XVL 

\vnoj.;:  \oitcR,  c,x. 

JULY,  1862. 

No.  3.    3?3 




j&feionrd  #  ©  en  cdomcd  Eemster, 







I    ■ 

BOSTON:  .     :        . 

■■  ALDANY:    J.  MUXSEtL. 



r©  i 

V\V  1  §i.00  Per  Annum. 

fPoMnrr  Two  Out**  if  paid      -£*       -V^  ••-  \ 

lt£uar{"i:r'l)    in  rulvuiice.  f  '     V.J     ffJ'J 


1S62.]  Baron  Steuben.  201 


A  newspaper  writer  asserts  that  Baron  Steuben  is  buried  in  New 
York  city,  and  that  no  monument  of  any  kind  is  erected  over  his 
grave.  This  notion  was  probably  obtained  from  the  tablet  which 
was  placed  in  the  old  Lutheran  Church  in  Nassau  street,  where  he 
worshiped.  But  he  was  buried  in  Steuben,  Oneida  co.,  N.  Y.f  agree- 
ably to  his  will  hereto  annexed,  the  original  of  which  is  on  file  in 
the  Office  of  the  Clerk  of  the  Court  of  Appeals  in  Albany,  and  is  now 
first  published: 

T,  Frederick  William  Baron  de  Steuben,  of  the  city  and  state  of 
'New  York,  do  make  this  my  last  will  and  testament.  Sufficient  rea- 
sons having  determined  me  to  exclude  my  relations  in  Europe  from 
any  participation  of  my  estate  in  America,  and  to  adopt  my  friends 
and  former  aid  du  camps  Benjamin  Walker  and  William  North  as 
my  children,  and  make  them  sole  devisees  of  all  my  estates  therein, 
except  as  herein  afterwards  is  otherwise  disposed  of.  In  conse- 
quence thereof  I  bequeath  to  the  said  Benjamin  Walker  the  sum  of 
three  thousand  dollars,  and  the  gold-hilted  sword  given  me  by  con- 
gress. To  the  said  William  ijsorth  I  bequeath  my  silver-hilted  [sword] 
and  the  gold  box  given  me  by  the  city  of  New  York.  To  John  J. 
Mulligan  I  bequeath  the  whole  of  my  library,  maps,  and  charts,  and 
the  sum  of  twenty-five  hundred  dollars  to  complete  it.  And  to  each 
of  my  servants  living  with  me  at  the  time  of  my  decease,  one  year's 
wages,  and  besides  this  to  my  valet  de  chambre  all  my  wearing  ap- 
parel; but  I  do  hereby  declare  that  these  legacies  to  my  servants 
are  on  the  following  conditions;  that  on  my  decease  they  do  not  per- 
mit any  person  to  touch  my  body,  not  even  to  change  the  shirt  in 
which  I  shall  die,  but  that  they  wrap  me  up  in  my  old  military  cloak, 
and  in  twenty-four  hours  after  my  decease  bury  me  in  such  spot  as 
I  shall  before  my  decease  point  out  to  them,  and  that  they  never  ac- 
quaint any  person  with  the  place  where  I  shall  be  buried.  And 
lastly  I  do  give,  devise  and  bequeath,  all  the  rest  and  residue  of  my 
estate,  real  and  personal,  after  the  payment  of  my  debts  and  the 
legacies  aforesaid  to  the  said  Benjamin  Walker  and  William  North, 
to  hold  to  them  their  heirs,  executors  and  administrators,  share  and 
share  alike,  hereby  appointing  the  said  Benjamin  Walker  and  Wil- 
liam North  executors  of  this  my  last  will  and  testament,  and  revok- 
ing all  former  wills  bv  me  heretofore  made.  Sxeuben. 

New  York,  Feb.  12,  1794. 

The  Baron  was  accustomed  to  spend  his  winters  in  New  York. 
He  returned  to  his  log  house,  which  he  erected  on  the  sixteen  thou- 
sand acre  tract  given  him  by  the  legislature  of  New  York,  and  died 
there  on  the  28th  of  November  in  the  same  year  in  which  his  will  is 
dated.  He  was  buried  in  conformity  to  the  foregoing  will  in  a  deep 
forest,  which  being  afterwards  crossed  by  a  road,  his  remains  were 
removed  to  a  spot  about  a  quarter  of  a  mile  north  of  his  house 
marked  by  a  stone  with  a  plain  inscription,  and  surrounded  by  an 
iron  fence.    (Jones's  Annals  of  Oneida  County.)    The  annexed  engrav- 

202  Records  coined  from  an  Ancient  Bible.  [July 

ing  is  a  view  of  the  house  in  which  this  remarkable  man  spent  the 
last  years  of  his  life. 

Steuben  was  a  Prussian  officer  who  served  many  years  in  the 
army  of  Frederick,  and  afterwards  entered  the  service  of  Prince 
Charles  of  Baden.  He  held  the  rank  of  Lieut.-Gjeneral,  and  was  a 
canon  in  the  church.  Spending-  a  winter  in  Pari?,  he  became  ac- 
quainted with  Dr.  Franklin,  by  whose  representations  no  doubt,  he 
was  induced  to  visit  America,  where  he  offered  his  services  as  a  sol- 
dier. He  desired  no  office,  but  simply  asked  to  be  received  as  a  vo- 
lunteer. Perceiving  his  talents  and  his  devotion  to  the  cause  of 
liberty,  he  was  appointed  Inspector-General  of  the  army.  He  esta- 
blished a'uniform  system  of  drill  and  discipline,  which  was  adopted 
throughout  the  army.  He  rendered  important  service,  and  is  re- 
membered with  gratitude  by  the  American  people.  He  was  a  volun- 
teer in  the  battle  of  Monmouth,  and  commanded  in  the  trenches  at 
Yorktown.  He  was  an  accomplished  gentleman,  and  a  virtuous  citi- 
zen of  extensive  knowledge  and  sound  judgment. 


[By  M.  A.  Thomas.] 

Anthony  Thomas  his  Bible  bought  in"  ye  year  1*149.  Cost  in  old 
Tenor  £20. 

I  was  born  in  ye  year  1719,  on  ye  24  of  March,  my  wife  Abigail 
was  born  21  Feb.  1727. 

My  father  John  Thomas  was  born  16  Oct  1683,  my  mother  Lydia 
(Waterman)  Thomas  was  born  february,  16S9,  my  father  and  mother 
were  married  in  1713,  my  father  died  x\pril  ye  14  1770,  aged  86,  my 
mother  died  Jan.  17,  1759  |  60  aged  60. 

Jan  17,  1759  |  60.  My  Honored  mother  died  this  day  at  9  Oclock 
P.  M,  and  was  buried  the  19  of  sd  month  She  died  at  the  house  of 
Nath1  Ray  Thomas  of  fever. 

Jan  23,  1745  |  6,     This  day  I  was  married  to  Abigail  Alden. 

June  ye  6  1748     We  had  a  son  born  and  we  called  his  name  John. 

Nov  11,  1748,  The  Lord  was  pleased  to  take  our  son  from  us  by 
death,  he  was  5  months  and  5  days  old, 

Oct.  18,  1751  Our  son  Briggs  was  born  on  Monday  at  8  Oclock 
in  the  morning, 

Sabbath-day,  March  4,  1753,     Our  son  Waterman  was  born. 

Tuesday  July  11,  1758,     Our  son  Judah  was  born. 

Dec  11,  1751,  This  morning  our  sister  Kezia  Thomas  breathed 
her  last,  who  we  hope  and  trust  is  now  in  a  more  happy  condition  in 

John  Thomas  (brother  of  Anthony)  died  of  Small  Pox  June  2,  1776, 
at  Champlain,  Major  General  in  the  American  Army  under  the  illus- 
trious Gen.  Washington.     Etatis  51. 

Anthony  Thomas  breathed  his  last,  July  14,  1781  at  11  Oclock  P 
M  aged  62  years. 

Abigail  widow  of  Col  Anthony  Thomas  deceased,  July  24th  1802, 
aged  75  years. 

1862.]  Brief  History  of  the  J\r.  E.  His. -Gen.  Soc.  203 


[Read  at  the  monthly  meeting,  May  7,  1862,  by  the  Librarian,  J.  H.  Sheppard,  A.  M.j 

"  The  time  will  come.  Sir,  when  it  will  be  accounted  an  honor  to  have  descended 
from  th& men,  who' first  settled  this  country." — Jddress,  ]852,  by  the  Rev.  William 
jenki,  D.  D.,  Hon.  Memb; 

Every  association,  institute  or  political  body,  like  a  human  being, 
as  it  progresses  to  maturity,  has  its  infancy,  youth  and  manhood.  It 
has  been  so  with  our  Genealogical  Society;  at  first  feeble,  then  vigor- 
ous and  now  strong  and  flourishing.  A  brief  outline  of  our  history 
seems  peculiarly  adapted  to  our  situation  and  wants  at  the  present 

The  preliminary  steps  toward  the  formation  of  this  Society  occur- 
red at  the  residence  of  William  H.  Montague,  merchant  of  Boston, 
in  Orange  street,  Oct.  1844;  which  were  followed  by  a  meeting  at 
Mr.  Shattuck's,  No.  19  Harrison  Avenue,  on  Friday  evening  Nov.  1, 
of  the  same  year.  The  gentlemen  then  present  were  Charles  Ewer, 
Samuel  G.  Drake,  William  H.  Montague,  J.  Wingate  Thornton  and 
Lemuel  Shattuck.  They  organized  the  meeting  and  chose  Mr.  Ewer 
President  and  Mr.  Thornton  Secretary.  It  may  be  asked,  who  first 
conceived  the  idea  of  an  institution  which  in  IT  years  from  its  incor- 
poration has  grown  into  such  magnitude  and  influence  ?  For  we 
may  rest  assured  that  no  invention,  discovery  or  useful  project  ever 
took  place  without  a  thought  from  some  prime  mover,  or  a  suggestion 
first  made  by  an  original  thinker. 

The  answer  to  this  question  may  be  rendered  certain,  and  will  be 
only  an  act  of  justice  to  the  memory  of  a  worthy  and  excellent  man. 
Charles  Ewer  was  the  first  mover  and  originator  of  a  plan  which  led 
to  the  formation  of  the  "  N.  E.  Historic-Genealogical  Society,"  which 
he  wished  to  be  entitled  the  "  N.  E.  Genealogical  and  Heraldic 
Society."  He  was  a  man  of  leisure,  was  anxious  to  form  such  an 
association  and  invited  congenial  spirits  to  unite  with  him  in  this 
object.  It  was  a  grand  and  noble  thought;  for  this  Genealogical 
Society  ^s  the  first  one,  particularly  devoted  to  the  Pedigree  of  fami- 
lies in  the  world.  Some  years  after,  a  similar  society  was  instituted 
at  London.  We  know  of  no  other.  Perhaps  the  lamented  Charles 
Ewer,  when  he  first  meditated  in  the  secret  chamber  of  his  brain,  on 
the  formation  of  a  Society  so  valuable,  felt  like  that  quaint  and  pious 
poet  of  old  England,  Herbert,  when  he  said, 

"  He  that  good  thinketh,  good  may  do, 
For  God  will  help  him  thereunto  ; 
For  was  never  good  work  wrought     * 
Without  beginning  of  good  thought." 

In  December,  the  Constitution,  which  had  been  drafted  by  a  Com- 
mittee, was  adopted.  March  18,  1845,  an  Act  of  Incorporation 
was  granted  by  the  Legislature,  wherein  the  object  of  this  Society 
was  set  forth  in  these  words:  "  For  the  purpose  of" collecting,  preserv- 
ing, and  occasionally  publishing  genealogical  and  historical  matter, 

204  Brief  History  of  the  JV.  E.  His.-Gen.  Soc,  [July 

relating"  to  early  New  England  families,  and  for  the  establishment  of 
a  Cabinet."  This  great  aim  was  also  emphatically  represented  in  a 
Circular  by  the  Directors,  June,  1847:  that  is,  to  Rescue  the  decaying 
Records  of  New  England.  These  words  were  not  a  mere  flourish  of 
the  pen;  for  a  quarterly  was  published  by  the  Society,  young  and 
comparatively  feeble  as  it  was;  and  No.  3,  of  the  New  England 
Historical  and  Genealogical  Register  was  issued  Jan.  1,  1847,  under  the 
editorial  care  of  the  late  Rev.  William  Cogswell,  D.  D. 

We  have  described  the  Birth  of  our  Society;  let  us  for  a  moment 
look  at  its  struggles  in  Infancy.  It  began  in  poverty.  No  rich 
patron,  nor  beneficent  donor  smiled  on  it  as  it  stretched  out  its  little 
arms.  Its  nursery  was  a  solitary  chamber,  No.  9,  in  the  third  story 
of  the  "  City  Building,"  so  called,  Court  Square;  an  out-of-the-way 
place,  small,  being  only  12  feet  square,  badly  lighted  from  back 
windows  overlooking  a  dark  alley — a  room,  indeed  sombre  enough 
and  poorly  adapted  to  the  wants  of  the  little  Genealogical  stranger. 
An  old  table,  troubled  with  the  podagra — a  chair  or  two  which  had 
seen  better  days — and  a  set  of  pine  shelves  without  back  or  panel, 
subject  to  the  rickets;  such  was  the  furniture  in  this  cavernous-look- 
ing spot — this  Pandora's  box  with  only  hope  at  the  bottom.  But  as 
the  Society  held  their  meetings  for  business  in  the  attic  room  of  the 
Am.  Ed.  Soc,  in  Cornhill,  this  dark  chamber  was  resorted  to  rather 
as  a  place  for  depositing  donations.  The  amount  of  these  donations 
for  the  year  1845,  as  appears  by  the  Records,  will  show  how  small 
was  that  beginning  which  formed  a  nucleus  around  which  have 
gathered  in  sixteen  years  so  many  golden  treasures  of  antiquarian 
research.  There  were  presented  in  1845,  24  bound  volumes  of  books — 
10  manuscripts — 6  plans — an  old  lease — 4  bound  volumes  of  the 
Independent  Chronicle,  1S04-1811 — and  185  pamphlets,  consisting  of 
sermons,  catalogues,  orations  and  miscellaneous  matter  -De  omnibus 
rebus  tt  quibusdam  aliis;  besides,  "a  wheelbarrow  load  of  manu- 
script sermons" — as  the  record  has  it — "  of  Dr.  Joseph  Eckley,  Old 
South  Church."  The  books  were  scattered  on  the  shelves;  but  these 
pamphlets  of  the  infant  Society,  lay  like  swaddling  clothes  in  a 
corner,  where  it  slept. 

To  follow  its  growth  and  progress  year  by  year,  would  be  unprofit- 
able and  only  weary  the  reader's  patience.  Daily  records  have  been 
kept  wherein  the  donations  and  donors'  names  are  preserved,  with 
all  the  proceedings,  and  deposited  in  our  archives.  The  ghostly 
chamber  in  the  City  Building  was  abandoned  Oct.  6,  1847,  for  a  room 
larger  and  a  little  better,  but  still  badly  windowed,  on  the  first  floor 
in  Massachusetts  Block,  No.  8.  This  building  was  then  a  kind  of 
Lincoln's  Inn,  and  the  little  fellow  got  nestled  among  the  lawyers. 
Some  furniture  was  procured  with  cases  and  shelves,  and  the  dona- 
tions soon  began  to  accumulate  and  make  a  show  of  antiquity-where 
they  stood  carefully  arranged. 

During  the  three  or  more  years  this  tenebrious  place  was  occupied, 
our  prospects  were  slowly  and  hopefully  encouraging;  until  Jan. 
1851,  a  new  room  was  hired,  more  lightsome  and  pleasant,  No.  5 
Tremont  How;  and  here  to  contiuue  our  similitude,  the  Society  passed 
its  youth;  for  this  room  was  occupied  nearly  seven  years,  until  the 
shelves,   cases  and  walls  were  so  crowded,  with  books  pamphlets, 

1862.]  Brief  History  of  the  N.  E.  His.-Geri.  Soc.  205 

MSS.,  newspapers,  portraits,  &c,  that  the  growing  society  had 
but  a  small  space  to  meet  in,  and  a  bibliothecal  stevedore  would 
have  found  it  difficult  with  a  cotton-screw  to  press  more  donations 
into  any  part  of  the  library.  Another  and  a  better  apartment,  No. 
13,  Bromfield  street — our  present  large  and  well  lighted  hall— was 
secured  for  our  use  in  Oct.  1S58,  and  any  one  who  knows  how  small 
in  size  the  Society  once  was,  and  now  looks  around  on  the  numerous 
shelves  and  cases  for  books,  and  closets  for  manuscripts,  which  are 
all  well  filled,  must  acknowledge  that  it  has  reached  the  full  stature 
of  manhood,  and  well  deserves  the  "  freedom  suit  "  of  some  fire-proof 

Before  contemplating  the  Library,  it  may  be  well  to  cast  our  eye 
on  the  annual  increase  of  resident  members.  Beginning  with  1844, 
when  there  were  only  5  original  members,  the  statistical  table  stands 


New  Members*  New  Members*  New  Members. 

1845 37  1851, 22  1857, 43 

1846, 21  1852, 21  1858,.. • 71 

3847, 32  1853, 40  1859,   60 

1848, 14  1854, 12  1860, 46 

1849, 2  1555,. .......   40  1861, 20 

1850, 22  1856, 30 

The  Society  now  consists  of  about  325  paying  members;  in  addi- 
tion to  which  there  is  a  large  number  of  Corresponding  and  Honorary 
members.  The  Presidents  were  as  follows:  Charles  Ewer,  Esq.,  Jan. 
1845-1850;  Rev.  Joseph  B.  Felt,  LL.  D.,  1850-1853;  William  Whit- 
ing, Esq.,  1853-1858;  Samuel  G.  Drake,  A.  M.,  1858-1859;  Almon  D. 
Hodges,  Esq.,  1859-1861;  and  Winslow  Lewis,  M.  D.,  1861,  President 
at  this  time. 

By  the  Report  of  Frederic  Kidder,  Esq.,  Chairman  of  the  Library 
Committee,  Jan.  1,  1862>  it  appears  that  there  are  over  5,000  bound 
volumes  of  books,  and  about  18,000  pamphlets  of  various  kinds  be- 
longing to  the  library.  A  Catalogue  of  the  books  has  been  made 
within  a  year; 

Many  of  the  books  are  very  valuable,  and  if  lost  could  not  be  re- 
placed. For  instance  twenty  large  folio  volumes,  well  bound,  of  the 
U.  S.  Direct  Tax  of  1198,  in  Massachusetts,  including  Maine  then  a 
district.  This  gigantic  work,  containing  nearly  every  town,  is  all  but 
complete.  Three  vols,  have  each  a  copious  index — the  rest  need  one. 
This  Domesday-book  of  the  Bay-State  is  of  inestimable  value  to  the 
genealogist  and  biographer  of  New  England.  In  addition  to  numer- 
ous plans  and  ancient  charts  and  a  great  collection  of  Mss.,  some  of 
which  are  very  old  and  rare,  the  Society  has  94  bound  volumes  of 
pedigrees  and  about  133  distinct  family  lists  of  ancestors,  included 
in  separate  pamphlets  or  in  volumes — making  all  together  at  least 
227  genealogies  of  different  families;  also  102  volumes  of  town 
histories,  which  include  pedigrees  not  elsewhere  published.  Many  of 
these  pedigrees  are  noticed  in  that  recent  and  exceedingly  useful 
Hand  book  of  American  Genealogy,  by  William  EL  Whitmorc,  a 
member  of  our  Society.  It  is  a  source  of  no  small  satisfaction  to 
the  N.  E.  His.-Gen.  Soc,  while  it  has  been  struggling  through  many 
difficulties  and  discouragements,  to  behold  on  its  shelves  no  small 
number  of   these  pedigrees  and  town  histories  and  kindred   works 

206  Brief  History  of  the  JV.  E.  His.-Gen.  Soc.  [July 

■which  were  written  and  published  by  some  of  its  own  members. 
The  same  remark  might  also  apply  to  some  of  our  books  on  bio- 
graphy. A  tree  is  known  by  its  fruit,  and  a  Society  like  ours  by  its 
genealogical  trees. 

It  may  be  here  observed,  that  in  the  General  Statutes  of  Mass., 
chap.  18,  sec.  10,  p.  158,  there  is  a  provision  that  towns  in  this  com- 
monwealth may  grant  and  vote  such  sums  as  they  may  think  necessary, 
"For  procuring'  the  writing  and  publishing  their  town  histories.*' 
This  clause  wTas  res-enacted  from  an  act  of  April  29,  1854,  chap.  429; 
a  law  got  up  by  the  writer  of  this  article,  when  he  was  a  member 
of  the  Legislature.  Its  utility  was  then  so  apparent,  that  it  passed 
the  House  unanimously  without  comment.  It  is  said  that,  in  Ver- 
mont a  similar  statute  soon  followed. 

There  is  also  in  the  library  a  choice  collection  of  works  on  Her- 
aldry; Rymer's  Fader  a  in  19  great  folios;  a  very  curious  old  book, 
the  Andrea.  Lectura,  an  antique  on  Genealogy,  in  Latin,  printed 
about  1474  at  Nuremberg,  perhaps  the  earliest  printed  volume  on 
Pedigree,  illuminated  by  hand  and  with  a  pictured  model  of  a 
genealogical  tree,  with  the  motto  Sequit  figwra  arboris  consanguini- 
tatis;  and  several  elaborate  histories  of  English  counties.  Nor 
would  I  forget  to  mention  the  beautiful  specimen  of  music,  650 
pages  on  parchment  or  vellum,  presented  by  Col.  Swett,  to  whom  it 
was  sent  by  his  daughter  at  Florence.  It  is  a  Roman  Catholic  choral 
book,  and  by  Bishop  Fitzpatrick  was  called  a  Graduale.  The  musical 
notes  are  square  or  angular,  different  from  those  now  in  use.  On  each 
page  are  letters  splendidly  illuminated.  There  can  be  no  doubt  that 
it  is  the  work  of  a  pen  before  the  invention  of  printing,  which  was 
about  1440;  therefore  it  must  be  nearly  500  years  old,  if  not  more. 
It  is  a  beauiiful  curiosity,  and  the  chants  on  those  pages  now  silent 
as  death,  must  have  once  awakened  the  sweetest  feelings  of  adora- 
tion in  the  Italian  chapel  or  cathedral  their  melody  filled. 

There  is  a  large  collection  of  MSS.,  some  of  which  are  of  early 
date  in  the  settlement  of  the  country;  such  as  Hull's  Journal 
written  in  1675,  and  Russell's  Treasury  Accounts  of  Massachusetts 
Bay,  1645-1656. 

Among  the  donors  whose  names  appear  on  our  records,  reference 
should  be  made  to  the  liberality  of  Charles  Ewer  and  William  Whit- 
ing, our  past  Presidents — to  the  Hon.  Edward  Everett,  who  in  March 
1852,  donated  more  than  100  volumes — to  the  Hon.  David  Sears 
for  some  costly  works  he  procured  for  the  Society  from  London — to 
the  late  Hon.  Nathan  Appleton  for  some  rare  and  valuable  volumes 
— and  for  several  hundreds  of  books,  man}*  of  them  scarce  and 
ancient,  besides  a  mass  of  old  MSS.  and  pamphlets,  from  Dr.  Lewis. 
The  heart  that  is  warmed  with  grateful  emotions  delights  to  speak 
of  its  benefactors.  And  we  would  not  forget  the  generous  bequest 
of  the  late  Dr.  Henry  Bond  of  Philadelphia — of  which  an  account  is 
given  in  a  Memoir  of  him  in  the  N.  E.  His.-Gen.  Reg.,  vol.  xiv,  p. 
1-3 — which  bequest  has  been  invested  in  the  "Bond  Fund."  Nor 
would  we  be  silent  on  the  two  donations  of  John  Barstow,  Esq.,  of 
Providence,  R.  I.,  which  are  to  form  a  permanent  fund.  Mention 
should  also  be  made  of  a  rich  gift  from  the  British  Government,  viz. 
The  Rotuli,  or  Rolls  of  Parliament  and  Record  Publications  of  Great 


1862.]  Brief  History  of  the  JV.  E.  His.-Gen.  Soc.  207 

Britain,  being  29  volumes  principally  folios;  and  also  of  a  large 
number  of  its  publications,  including  three  great  folio  volumes  of 
Plates  sent  us  by  the  London  Society  of  Antiquaries. 

Since  I  began  to  take  charge  of  this  library — nearly  a  year  and  a 
half  ago — I  have  been  surprised  at  the  number  of  gentlemen  who  have 
come  here  to  look  up  their  pedigrees.  One  from  Oregon,  another 
from  California,  another  from  Illinois,  and  numbers  from  the  middle 
states,  and  different  parts  of  New  England,  have  called  and  spent 
hours  and  some  few  even  days,  id  searching  genealogy  and  heraldry, 
taking  minutes,  and  pondering  over  the  faint  or  certain  traces  of 
their  ancestors.  Not  long  since  two  very  civil  and  intelligent  Mor- 
mons from  Utah  spent  some  hours  in  searching  their  progenitors  and 
went  away  somewhat  pleased  at  the  information  they  obtained.  Let- 
ters of  inquiry,  touching  this  subject  are  not  unfrequent.  It  shows i 
the  value  of  our  association,  and  the  .increasing  spread  of  its  influ- 
ence; and  let  it  be  our  grand  object  and  untiring  effort  to  obtain 
every  book  of  pedigree,  and  everything  touching  this  subject  in  New 
England,  that  our  Genealogical  Society  may  be  the  Head-quarters, 
from  which  shall  issue  all  true  knowledge  of  New  England  ancestry. 

But  among  the  respectable,  and  sometimes  eminent  visitors  to 
our  Genealogical  Library,  in  search  of  their  family  history,  there  is 
one  class  of  a  different  kind,  which  deserves  no  encouragement  and 
ought  to  be  repudiated  as  drones  in  the  hive  of  human  society.  I 
refer  to  hunters  of  English  fortunes — weak  men,  led  on  by  specula- 
tors  to  false  hopes  and  great  expectations,  and  deluded  into  a  notion 
that  some  rich  old  fellow  of  the  same  name — some  hundreds  of  years 
ago — died  without  children,  and  an  immense  inheritance  has  slept  in 
abeyance,  till  the  lost  heir  turns  up  in  a  cottage  under  the  cliffs  of 
New  England. 

Such  infatuation  is  of  a  similar  character  with  the  dreams  of 
money  diggers;  and  from  the  great  faith  of  some  of  the  dupes  in 
finding-  hidden  treasures,  it  would  seem  that  Herman  Dousterswivel 
in  Walter  Scott's  inimitable  Antiquary  when  he  dug  for  ingots 
among  the  ruins  of  St.  Faith,  was  no  fiction,  but  a  reality.  So  many 
rogues  have  deluded  the  credulous  in  this  way,  and  so  much  imposi- 
tion has  been  practised  by  hungry  sharpers  on  each  side  of  the  At- 
lantic, that  the  best  way  is  to  turn  a  cold  shoulder  to  all  hunters  of 
inheritances  and  advise  them  to  waste  no  money  on  agents  and  go  to 

The  regular  reading  of  papers  before  the  Society  at  their  monthly 
meetings  began  in  February,  1855,  at  the  suggestion  of  our  former 
vigilant  and  active  Librarian,  the  Rev.  Luther  Farnham,  who  deli- 
vered in  October  of  that  year  a  very  interesting  article — which  was 
afterwards  published  under  the  title  of  a  Glance  at  Private  Libra- 
ries. Several  of  the  Readings  have  been  printed  in  a  pamphlet 
forin,  and  in  magazines  and  newspapers — a  particular  reference  to 
which  the  time  forbids;  although  the  valuable  paper  on  New  Eng- 
land Architecture  by  the  Rev.  N.  H.  Chamberlain,  deserves  your  at- 
tention. S<jrne  of  the  Readings  have  been  marked  by  a  talent  and 
learning  which  would  have  delighted  a  large  assembly  of  the  public, 
as  they  did  our  limited  audience; — a  convincing  proof  that  we  need 

208  Brief  History  of  the  jY.  E.  His.-Gen.  Soc.  [July 

a  Lecture-room  to  accommodate  a  greater  number  and  enable  the 
Society  to  enlarge  their  Invitations. 

Some  idea  may  be  formed  of  the  progress  and  present  flourishing- 
state  of  the  Society  by  a  reference  to  Addresses  delivered  at  annual 
or  public  meetings,  four  of  which  have  been  published  in  the  Regis- 
ter and  also  separately  distributed  in  a  pamphlet  form.  The  first 
was  by  the  Rev.  William  Jenks,  D.  D.,  March  1,  1852,  in  which  that 
elegant  and  learned  scholar  and  eminent  linguist  in  his  own  peculiar 
and  happy  manrer  illustrated  the  connection— the  commune  vinculum — 
of  History,  Biography  and  Heraldry  with  Genealogy  the  great  object 
of  our  institution. 

The  next  was  by  William  Whiting,  Esq.,  Jan,  12,  1853,  as  Pre- 
sident, in  which  he  portrayed  the  purposes  and  design  of  the  Society 
in  a  striking  manner  and  great  variety  of  particulars,  pointing  out 
in  a  graphic  sketch  the  ardor  and  enthusiasm  with  which  a  searcher 
of  Genealogy  enters  on  his  task,  perseveres  in  the  pursuit  and  after 
he  has  accomplished  his  object,  we  "  hear  his  shout  of  joy  when  he 
at  last  finds  the  lost  jewel.'''     Register,  vol.  vn,  p.  106. 

Jan.  20,  1858,  Mr.  Samuel  G.  Drake,  A.  M.,  President  of  the  Society., 
gave  us  another  Address.  He  had  been  Corresponding  Secretary 
thirteen  years,  and  from  his  long  and  unwearied  devotion  to  Anti- 
quarian researches,  his  remarks  were  valuable  and  instructive, 
fraught  with  the  weight  of  experience.  "I  wish" — he  observes — 
"  particularly  to  impress  upon  the  minds  of  all  present,  that  they 
should  encourage  contributions  of  books,  pamphlets,  as  well  as  manu- 
scripts of  every  description.  For  who  can  estimate  the  value  a  single 
pamphlet  or  letter  may  be  to  somebody  at  some  time  ?"  This  he  cqw 
roborates  by  an  anecdote  directly  in  point  to  which  I  must  refer  for 
want  of  room. 

The  last  Address  was  from  our  President  Winslow  Lewis,  M.  D., 
Jan.  1,  1862.  The  happy  and  classical  reference  to  the  long  hallowed 
customs  of  marking  this  day  in  the  calendar  of  life  was  introduced 
with  much  effect.  Nor  were  the  allusions  to  the  Christmas  carols 
with  "cake  and  ale"  less  touching  at  the  time,  as  we  were  then 
entering  upon  the  last  half  of  the  Holidays  so  dear  to  the  recollec- 
tions of  many  and  waking  up  delightful  thoughts  of  other  times,  as 
some  old  poet  feelingly  sings: 

"The  Chimes,  the  Chimes  of  mother  land, 
Of  England  green  and  old  ; 
That  out  from  thane  and  ivied  tower, 
A  thousand  years  have  told." 

The  union  of  Genealogy  with  Biography,  Heraldry,  Numismatics  and 
History  was  set  forth  find  exemplified  fully;  but  there  was  a  province 
of  Genealogy  of  peculiar  importance,  which  has  seldom  been  brought 
before  the  notice  of  our  Society;  and  coming  from  one  of  eminent 
professional  experience  it  has  the  sanction,  as  it  were,  of  a  truth  ex 
cathedra.  It  is  this:  "That  mental  as  well  as  physical  qualities  are 
handed  down  more  or  less  from  parent  to  child,  from  forefathers  to 
posterity,  and  that  thus,  pure  and  healthy  descent  is  of  immense  im- 
portance. *  *  *  And  very  frequently  we  can  ascribe  the  united 
qualities  of  valor  and  of  virtue,  of  great  intellect  and  gentle  heart, 

1S62.]  Brief  History  of  the  JT.  E.  His.-Gcn.  Soc.  209 

to  the  marriage  union  of  parents,  whose  families  were  respectively 
distinguished  for  these  virtues." 

These  four  Addresses,  though  on  subjects  somewhat  similar,  have 
presented  the  object  and  aim  c^f  our  Society  in  so  many  different 
points  of  view,  and  all  concentrating  in  one  grand  purpose — the 
preservation  of  all  kinds  of  documents  from  ruin — that  they  deserve 
the  special  attention  of  every  member. 

There  is  also  one  other  Address  which  was  delivered  before  the  N. 
E.  His.-Gen.  Society  in  the  Hall  of  the  House  of  Representatives  of 
Mass.,  September  13,  1859,  and  published.  It  was  by  one  of  our 
members,  the  Hon.  Lorenzo  Sabine,  a  Centennial  Address  on  the 
death  of  Maj.  Gen.  James  Wolfe,  who  died  on  the  heights  of  Quebec 
in  the  arms  of  victory,  Sep.  18,  1759.  The  subject  was  one  of  great 
interest,  as  a  brilliant  epoch  in  the  Colonial  history,  and  as  a  memo- 
rial of  one  of  England's  noblest  warriors.  Both  branches  of  the  Le- 
gislature were  present,  and  delegations  from  several  antiquarian  and 
historic  societies  attended.  Mr.  Sabine's  well  known  reputation  as  a 
writer  and  a  most  accurate  investigator  of  facts,  was  ably  sustained; 
and  he  has  given  to  us  a  piece  of  Biography,  rich  and  exceedingly 
interesting — a  diamond  of  the  first  water.  It  is  beautifully  printed 
making  a  centurial  pamphlet,  of  exactly  100  pages,  including  notes 
and  36  pages  of  Appendix, 

The  value  and  importance  of  the  iV".  E.  Historical  and  Genealogical 
Register,  which  commenced  as  a  quarterly  Jan;  1,  1847,  and  has  now 
reached  xv  complete  volumes — whether  we  regard  the  numerous 
sketches  of  biography,  the  minute  and  carefully  drawn  pedigrees  of 
families  or  the  fragments  of  the  early  history  of  our  country — can- 
not be  estimated  in  the  bird's  eye  view  of  this  article.  Our  Register 
has  travelled  on,  patient,  noiseless  and  persevering,  for  fifteen  years  in 
the  humble  path  of  usefulness.  It  has  sought  none  of  the  rhetorical 
adornments  of  genius,  nor  the  charms  of  fiction;  nor  even  tried  to 
cull  a  blossom  on  the  Parnassian  mountains  and  valleys  of  New'Eng- 
land-—unless  it  be  a  May-Flower,  which  has  at  times  perfumed  its 
pages.  It  has  become  a  reservoir  of  facts,  which  from  day  to  day 
and  year  to  year  will  grow  more  precious.  And  when  we,  whose 
locks  are  touched  with  age,  and  all  our  younger  members,  have 
passed  away,  this  ancestral  monument  of  so  many  honored  families 
— some  of  whom  were  lineal  descendants  of  the  Pilgrim  Fathers — 
will  be  sought  out,  read  and  cherished,  as  an  Englishman  venerates 
the  Armorial  bearings  transmitted  to  him  by  progenitors  who  did 
their  country  some  service.  This  Genealogical  Register  has  already 
been  a  copious  fountain,  from  which  some  books  of  Pedigree  have 
drawn  a  rich  supply;  nor  has  a  generous  credit  always  been  given, 
where  pretty  large  annexations  of  original  matter  have  been  made. 
But  the  Register  is  able  to  bear  it  and  stand  alone  on  its  merit. 

That  we  may  justly  appreciate,  the  worth  of  this  elaborate  work, 
let  us  suppose  for  a  moment  that  every  copy  of  the  xv  volumes,  was 
suddenly  blotted  out  of  existence,  and  moreover,  that  the  learned 
antiquarian — the  indefatigable  historian  of  Boston — who  so  long  and 
so  ably  conducted  a  large  portion  of  the  work,  had  gone  to  his  rest; 
where  could  we  supply  their  ^place  ?  Who  then  could  restore  the 
lost  pedigrees  of  so  many  New  England   families,  which,   root  and 

210  Brief  History  of  the  JV.  E.  His.-Gen.  Soc.  [July 

branch,  have  been  here  embalmed  ?  Their  memory  would  perish  in 
that  deep,  dark  gulf  over  which  the  waters  of  Lethe  are  rolling-  for- 
ever !  This  Register  of  the  past — even  if  it  should  stop,  after  the 
current  year's  experiment — which  we  sincerely  hope  may  not  be  so, 
but  like  the  Eagle  it  may  renew  its  strength — will  stand  the  test  of 
of  time,  and  a  hundred  years  hence  be  called  for  and  sought  by  de- 
scendants of  the  Pilgrim  Fathers. 

Those  who  undervalue  a  regard  to  Pedigree  may  deem  these  re- 
marks as  enthusiastic  or  visionary.  They  can  see  no  beauty  nor 
benefit  in  Genealogy.  It  was  far  otherwise  in  that  ancient  land, 
where  honor  to  our  father  and  mother  was  deemed  among  the  first  of 
virtues,  and  where  the  Law  and  the  Gospel  first  prevailed.  We  are 
informed  in  Calmet's  great  Didiohary  of  the  Bible  that  "  the  Hebrews 
carefully  preserved  their  genealogies  and  never  was  a  nation  more 
circumspect  respecting  them."  Josephus  speaks  of  the  uninter- 
rupted succession  of  priests  for  2,000  years;  and  Jerome,  who  wrote 
in  the  4th  century,  says  the  Jews  knew  so  perfectly  their  genealogies 
that  they  could  repeat  all  the  names  from  Abraham  to  Zerubbabel. 
According  to  the  prophet  Ezra,  chap,  ii,  62,  a  priest,  who  could  not 
trace  his  genealogy,  was  not  admitted  to  the  ministry.  In  England 
the  Herald's  College  is  the  great  office  where  the  enrolment  of  dis- 
tinguished pedigrees  is  kept  under  the  various  and  almost  infinite 
emblems  of  a  Coat  of  Arms,  which  to  a  stranger  appears  odd  and 
trifling,  but  to  any  one  who  is  conversant  with  the  metals,  colors  and 
furs,  the  charges  and  crests  with  which  a  shield  is  emblazoned,  will 
see  the  propriety  and  beauty  of  Heraldry  and  that  it  is  worthy  of  the 
study  it  requires:  for  it  is  not  learnt  in  a  moment;  it  is  a  language 
by  itself. 

It  is  true  that  Genealogy  is  a  dry  pursuit  and  demands  patient  re- 
search, mental  labor  and  no  small  skill  in  forming  a  clear  and  tabu- 
lar view  of  a  man's  progenitors.  It  is  a  science  which  makes  little 
noise,  and  requires  a  mind  like  Old  Mortality  to  decipher  the  inscrip- 
tions on  tombstones,  or  an  antiquarian  eye  to  sift  old  wills  and  search 
the  natal  or  funeral  annals  of  a  family  in  their  "Big  ha' Bible." 
Who  does  not  wish  to  know  something  of  his  ancestors  ?  And  more 
especially  if  he  have  become  eminent  in  wealth  or  talent.  Such  a 
desire  is  a  principle  inherent  in  our  nature;  it  is  born  in  us,  and  is 
only  lost  by  vice  or  debasing  pursuits.  The  moment  a  man  rises 
above  the  level  of  a  clown  or  churl,  he  looks  beyond  the  nameless 
hillocks  of  the  dead  and  wishes  to  know  where  his  buried  ancestors 
lie.  There  are  those  born,  it  is  true,  consumer  e  fruges  terra,  who  care 
for  none  of  these  things.  But  as  a  man  advances  in  taste,  intellect- 
ual improvement  and  the  delight  of  knowledge,  he  grows  more 
anxious  to  get  some  tidings  of  those  ancestors  from  whom  he  is  de- 
scended. Even  the  immortal  Washington,  it  is  said,  used  means  to 
trace  his  ancestry,  and  they  were  not  unsuccessful,  for  his  descent 
was  worthy  of  his  fame.  We  may  look  back  through  ages  on  our 
progenitors,  but  we  can  only  look  forward  for  years  to  our  posterity, 
for,  as  they  are  coming  on  the  stage,  we  are  going  off.  It  was  a 
beautiful  thought  of  Virgil,  but  contrary  to  human  nature,  when  he 
represents  Anchises  in  the  Elysiau  fields,  as  bringing  before  his  son's 
eyes  the  shades  of  his  illustrious  descendants  from  Silvius  down  to 

1862.]  Brief  History  of  the  JV.  E.  His.-Gen.  Soc.  211 

Augustus  Csesar,  one  after  another  like  "  dissolving  views."  Such 
visions  of  our  future  progeny,  perhaps,  we  may  have  from  some 
standpoint  in  the  celestial  world,  but  not  on  this  dark  earth,  for  we 
know  not  what  a  day  may  bring  forth. 

When  the  ancients  could  not  find  a  splendid  parentage  for  a  favor- 
ite hero,  they  solemnly  averred  that  he  was  descended  from  some 
deity  they  worshiped.  In  this  kind  of  Genealogy  they  made  Her- 
cules the  son  of  Jupiter  and  a  young  lady  of  Argos  by  the  name  of 
Alcmena  whom  the  Thunderer  bewitched;  Pious  iEneas  who  carried  his 
father  out  of  flaming  Troy  on  his  shoulders,  was  the  son  of  Anchises 
and  Venus  the  queen  of  beauty;  and  Romulus  and  Remus  were 
twins,  the  children* of  Mars  and  Miss  Ilia  of  Alba,  a  vestal  virgin; 
but,  these  fashionable  parents  left  the  little  gemini  to  be  suckled  by 
a  wolf.  Such  was  the  love  of  the  Ancients  for  tracing  their  pedi- 
gree either  on  earth  below  or  among  the  Olympian  gods  and  god- 
desses above.  Even  in  one  of  the  late  Genealogical  works,  the  deriva- 
tion of  the  name  of  the  ancient  stirps  savors  a  little  of  a  half-way  con- 
nexion with  Jupiter  and  a  kind  of  avuncular  relationship  to  Hercules. 

Pardon  this  digression.  It  is  pleasant  to  allude  to  those  classic 
allegories  which  illuminated  the  reading  of  early  days  and  sometimes 
give  the  color  of  the  rose  to  the  realities  of  life.  Indeed,  of  a  clear 
night  I  can  never  look  upon  the  heavens  above,  without  beholding 
the  Mythology  of  the  ancients  written  on  the  blue  sky  in  the  starry 
letters  of  the  constellations. 

But,  it  is  time  this  sketch  should  draw  to  a  close,  some  parts  of 
which  may  seem  superfluous  after  the  subject  of  Genealogy  has  been 
bo  happily  and  ably  handled  in  the  recent  address  of  our  President. 
Yet  if  any  thing  I  have  said  on  this  point  should  lead  to  a  more 
careful  perusal  of  that  valuable  document,  my  labor  will  not  be  in 
vain.  One  thing  I  can  assure  you,  I  have  been  induced  to  recom- 
mend the  tracing  of  pedigrees  to  the  descendants  of  the  Pilgrim 
Fathers,  by  no  self-flattering  motives  as  it  regards  myself;  for  my 
ancestors  and  birth  were  in  England.  Yet  both  there  and  here  the 
contemplation  of  the  virtues  of  our  progenitors  has  a  tendency  to 
make  us  more  virtuous,  and  many  a  son  has  lived  more  nobly  from 
the  recollection  that  the  blood  which  flows  in  his  veins  came  from  an 
honorable  and  elevated  source.  On  the  other  hand  the  light  of  a  dis- 
tinguished ancestry  will  only  make  the  spots  more  visible  and  hide- 
ous in  the  character  of  a  degenerate  descendant. 

I  have  said  that  the  X.  E.  His.-Gen.  Society  is  now  in  its  manhood; 
yes  in  strong,. healthy  and  vigorous  manhood.  Is  it  not  so?  Jan- 
uary 1,  1862,  our  indefatigable  and  excellent  treasurer,  William  B. 
Towne,  Esq.,  reported  that  we  were  out  of  debt.  We  have  a  large 
and  pleasant  hall  to  meet  in,  where  the  light  from  the  north  and  south 
cheers  the  eye  as  it  rauges  up  and  down  the  library;  and  yet,  though 
the  rooms  we  occupy  are  much  safer  than  are  usually  found  iu  the 
centre  of  a  large  city  like  this,  there  is  not  an  active  member  of  this 
Society,  who  does  not  feel  anxious  and  insecure,  like  one  whose 
cottage  lies  at  the  foot  of  a  volcano;  for  if  a  fire  should  break  on 
this  spot,  what  would  become  of  so  many  scarce  books,  ancient 
manuscripts  and  rare  works.  Their  loss  would  be  irreparable.  No 
money  could  restore  them. 


212  Members  of  the  Old  Church,  Topsfield.  [July 

We  are  told  by  Scott  in  the  Fortunes  of  Nigel  that  in  the  time 
of  James  the  1st,  King  of  England,  it  was  the  custom  in  London 
for  men  in  trade  to  send  out  their  clerks  into  the  street,  and  cry  out 
to  the  passers  by,  "What  d'ye  lack?  What  d'ye  lackV  Should  some 
of  our  merchant-princes,  or  millionaires  put  to  our  Society  a  similar 
question,  our  answer  is  ready: 

1.  We  lack  a  Fire-proofroom  to  secure  our  rare  books  and  manu- 

2.  We  lack  a  Lecture  room,  where  the  readings  at  our  monthly 
meetings  could  be  heard  and  better  appreciated  by  a  larger  audience. 

3.  We  lack  a  room  for  the  storage  of  duplicates  and  documents, 
whose  worth  will  be  better  known  at  a  future  day. 

In  a  word  we  need  a  Fire-proof  building  ;  it  would  cost  probably 
$20,000.  One  tenth  or  one  twentieth  of  this  amount  has  been  already 
offered  by  a  member,  if  nine  or  nineteen  will  join  him.  Who  will  aid 
in  this  noble  undertaking  ? 

[Compiled  by  H.  G.  Dunnel.] 

To  the  Editor  of  the  Register: 

Sir — In  the  summer  of  1861,  while  pursuing  my  searches  among" 
the  records  of  the  town  of  Topsfield,  Essex  county,  Mass.,  I  had 
an  opportunity  of  copying  the  list  of  members  of  the  old  church,  and 
as  I  have  been  gratified  myself  by  it,  I  thought  it  might  be  of  like 
pleasure  to  some  of  your  readers,  whose  ancestors  once  resided  in 
this  county  or  town,  and  have,  therefore;  sent  a  true  copy  to  yon,,  for 

The  Church  of  Topsfield  Parish. 

Mr.  Knight  and  Mr.  Perkins  preached  here  before  the  formation  of 
the  church. 

The  church  was  formed,  and  Mr.  Thomas  Gilbert  ordained,  Nov., 
1663.  He  was  dismissed  1671,  and  died  at  Charlestowu,  Oct.  28, 

Jeremiah  Hobart  ordained  Oct.  2,  1672;  dismissed  Sept.  21,  1680, 
and  died  at  Haddam,  Conn.,  Nov.  6,  1715.  Mr.  Perkins  also  died 
here,  May  21,  1682, 

Joseph  Capcn  ordained  June  11,  1684;  died  June  30,  1725. 

Daniel  Brush  ordained  Nov.  17,  1779;  dismissed  May  26,  1788. 

Asahel  Huntington  ordained  Nov.  12,  1789;  died  April  22,  1813. 

Radnev  Gove  Dennis  ordained  Oct.  4,  1820;  dismissed  May  6, 

James  F.  McEwen  installed  May  5,  1830;  dismissed  Mav  5, 

The  book  kept  by  Rev.  Joseph  Capen,  from  1684,  heads  his  list 


Members  of  the  Old  Church,  Topsfield. 


A  List  of  members  in  full  communion  at  Topsfield  when  I  was  ordained,  or 
were  admitted  afterwards. 


Francis  Pabody,  d.  d 
John  Reddington 
Abraham  Reddington  Senr 
Joseph  Bixby  Senr 
John  Gould  Senr 
Thomas  Baker 
Thomas  Perkins  Deacon 

d  d  May  7,  1636 
John  Pabody 
Thomas  Dorman 
Ephraim  Borman 
Samuel  H  owlet 
Isaac  Cumins 
John  French 
Daniel  Hovey 
Isaak  Estie 
James  How  Senr 
Samuel  Parley 
Neheruiah  Abbot 
John  Cummins 

Dec  7,  dismissed  to  Church 
at  Dumstable 
Robert  Stiles  d  d 
Thomas  Perkins  Junr 

Since  my  ordination, 
were  admitted  of 
Daniel  Reddington 
Tobijah  Perkins 
Jacob  Foster  Junr 
William  Pabody 
John  How 
Kphraim  Curlise 
Sergeant  Jacob  Towne 
Timothy  Perkins 
Daniel  Wood 
Daniel  Clarke  Senr  d  d 
Samuel  Simons 
Thomas  Hafien 
John  Stiles 
Mr  William  Perkins 
Samuel  Stanley 
Abraham  How 
Benjamin  Foster 
John  Estie 
Thomas  Reddington 
Philip  Knight 
Abraham  Reddington 
John  Gould  Junr" 
John  Perley  Senr 
John  Wilds  Senr 
John  French  Senr. 
Zacheu3  Curtis 
Joseph  Hail 
John  Kenney 
Luke  Hovey 
Isaac  Estey 

John  Andrews 


1.  Deacn  Perkins         Wife 

2.  Lieutenant  Moulds      " 

3.  Tho  Dorman  " 

4.  Isaac  Easties  " 

5.  Jacob  Towns  " 

6.  Joseph  Towns  " 

7.  Widow  Mary  Towne 

S.  Ephraim  Dorman's  Wife 
9.  John  Wilds  his 

10.  James  How  his  wife  Senr 

11.  Michael  Dunneis  Wife 

12.  John  Nichols  wife 

13.  Daniel  Borrnans  " 

14.  Isaak  Cummins  " 

15.  William  Howletts         " 

16.  Abraham  Reddington  " 

17.  Joseph  Bixby's  " 

18.  John  Pabody 's 

19.  Samuel  Simon's  his  wife 

20.  Robert  Smith's  wife 

21.  William  Smiths    " 

22.  Widdow  Andrews 

23.  Nehemiah  Abbots  wife 

24.  Widdow  Perley 

25.  William  Watson  his  wife 

26.  (  John  French  his  wife 
\  John  Cummin  his  wife 

27.  Benjamin  Bixby's  wife 
23.  Tobijah  Perkins        " 

29.  My  own  Wife 

30.  Thos  Andrew  his  wife 

31.  The  Wife  of  Mattaew  Stanley  Sen' 

32.  The  Wife  of  John  Curtis 

33.  Martha  Reddington 

34.  Sarah  Bisn  r 

35.  Ye  Wife  of  Daniel  Wood 

Sarah  Wood 

36.  a  Wife  of  John  Town  Mary 

37.  a  Wife  of  Samuel  Howlet  Sarah 

37.  Deliverance  Wife  of  John  Stiles 

38.  Wife  of  Jacob  Foster 

39.  Martha  Foster  dismissed 

to  Concord 

40.  Joanna  Stanley  Wife  of  Samuel 

41.  Sarah  Bixby  wife  of  Joseph 

42.  Wife  of  John  Gould  Junr 

43.  Wife  of  John  Ramsdell 

44.  Elizabeth  Stiles 

45.  Hannah  wife  of  Timothy  Perkins 

46.  Hannah  wife  of  Wm  Pebody 

47.  Margaret  Knitmt 

48.  Perkins 

49.  Lucy  Wife  of  Nathan*    Wood 

50.  Sarah  Wife  of  John  Andrews 

51.  Grace  Wife  of  Ichabod 


52.  Widow  Mary  Hale  from 


53.  Margaret  French 


Members  of  the  Old  Church,  Topsfietd. 



Joseph  Andrews 
Jacob  Smith 
John  Cuinmings 

Jonathan  Bixby 
Isaac  Burton 
Joseph  Esty 
Daniel  Clarke 
Thomas  Robinson. 
Joseph  Peabodj  Junr 

Zachei.s  Gould 
Samuel  Foster 
Amos  Dorman 
Joseph  Tosvne 
Nehemiah  Abbott. 
Abraham  Foster 
John  Robinson  Senr 
John  Hovey,  Senr 
Joseph  Towne  Senr 
Wm  Chapman 
Elishe  Perkins 
Timothy  Perley 
Benjamin  Bixby  Senr 

Thomas  Gould 
John  Howe 
Thomas  Howlitt 
Thomas  Perley 
Thomas  Dorman 
Job  Averili 
John  Curtiss 
John  Nichols 
John  Hovey 
Michael  Duinnel  Junr 
Seth  Dorman 

Timothy  Perkins 
Samuel  Smith. 
Samuel  Stanley 
Paul  Averili 
Joseph  Borman 
Wm  Bixbey 
Ivory  Hovey 
Jesse  Dorman 
Joseph  Towne 
John  Perkins 
John  Perley 


54.  Judith  Dorman 

55.  Dorotha  Robinson 

Wife  of  .John 

56.  Mary  Perley  Senr 

57.  Sarah  Foster 

58.  Mary  wife  of  Joseph  Hail 

59.  Wife  of  John  Kenney 

60.  Susanna  Hovey 

61.  .Abigal  Esty 

62.  Wife  of  Jacob  Foster 

63.  Elizabeth  Curtis 

64.  Widdow  Sarah  Gill 

65.  Susanna  wife  of  John     " 

6Q.  Sarah  Wife  of  Jonathan  Bixby 

67.  Hannah  Foster 

68.  Ruth  Simons 

69.  Rebecca  Simons 

70.  Hannah  Burton 

71.  Jane  Ely  wife  of  J.  E. 

72.  Hannah  Clark 

73.  Hannah  Robinson 

74.  Widdow  Cooper 

75.  Mary  Peabodv 

76.  Elizabeth  Wife  of 

Zacheus  Gould 

77.  Ellean or  Porter 

78.  Mary  Averili 

79.  Content  Nicholas 

80.  Elizabeth  French 

81.  Dorotha  Dorman 

82.  Mehitable  Nichols 

83.  Corp1    Joseph  Towne's  wife 

84.  Wife  of  Nehemiah  Abbott. 

85.  Phebe  Towne 

86.  Jane  Perley 

87.  Sarah  wife  of  John  Brad- 


88.  Sarah  wife  of  Ephraim  Wilds 

89.  Elizabeth  Chapman 

90.  Priscilia  Capen 

91.  Mary  Capen 

92.  Elizabeth  Perkins 

93.  Catherine  Perkins 

94.  Deborah  Perley 

95.  Mercey  Wife  of  Thos.  Gould 

96.  Elizabeth  Perkins 

97.  Mrs   Baker 

98.  Widdow  Avril 

99.  Abigal  wife  of  Thos  Perley 

100.  Abigal  W  of  Timty  Perkins 

101.  Sarah  (W)  of  John  Hows  Junr 

102.  Rebecca  W  of  Thos  Howell 

103.  Susanna  W  of  Job  Averili 

104.  Priscilia  W.  of  John  Curtis. 

105.  Mary  Waters 

106.  Sarah  W  of  Josiah  Peabody 

107.  Deborah  W  of  Thos  Dorman 

108.  Mary  W  of  John  Hovey 

109.  Judith  Perkins 

110.  Hannah  Howlett 

112.  Hannah.  W.  of  Michael  Dannel] 


Members  of  the  Old  Church,  Topsfield. 



113.  Mary  Grant  wife  of  Samuel 

114.  Sarah  H  tie 

115.  Prudence  wife  of  Joseph  Borman 

116.  Phebe  Foster 

117.  Wife  of  Samuel  Towne 
US.  Wife  of  William  Hollet 

119.  Jane  wife  of  Ivorv  Hovey 

120.  Martha  How 

121.  Ruth,  w.  of  Jessie  Dornian 

A  List  males  now  belonging  to  the  Church  in  Topsfield,  May  18,  1751, 

Daniel  Reddington  Deac* 
Daniel  Clark 
Zacheus  Gould* 
Nehemiah  Abbot* 
Abraham  Hotter* 
Elisha  Perkins* 
Thomas  Gould 
John  How  of  Middletown 
John  Curtis* 
John  Hovey 
Michael  Duinnel 
Timothy  Perkins* 
Samuel  Smith  of  Ipswich 
Paul  Averil  Middletown 
Joseph  Borman* 
Willliam  Porter  Norton.* 
Deac  Ivory  Hovey 
Jesse  Dormau 
John  Perkins,  Middleton 
John  Hewlett  Deac11  * 
Joseph  Gould 
Caleb  Potter  Ipswich 
Tobijah  Perkins 

Benjn  Howf 
Jacob  Towne* 
Abraham  How  Ipswich 
Thos  Potter  Ips. 
Isaac  Co  minings  Ips 
Edmond  Towns* 
Sam*    Potter  Ips. 
Daniel  Reddington  Junr. 
John  Gould,  Boxford. 
John  Abbot  Ips 
Richard  Towne 
Mark  How  Ips 

Joseph  CommingsT  Ips 

Mathew  Peabody 

Joseph  Hovey 

Jacob  Bixbyf 

John  Prichard 

Daniel  Nelson  dismissed  to  Lancaster 

Ivory  Hovey  Junrf 

Nathan  Bixbyf 

Deacon  Jacob  Peabody 

Reverend  Mr  If  there  be  any  mist  that  were  in 

ye  church  before  your  coming  it  is  Jonah  Andrew  and  I  cannot  tell 
whether  he  belongs  to  us  or  Boxford  church. 

Luke  Averill 
Ebeneser  Lake 
John  Wildes 
Phineas  Reddingtonf 
Wm  Reddington 
John  Lompson  Junr  Ips 
Nathan  Hood 
George  Bixby 
Stephen  Peabody,  Eoxf. 
Wm  Perkins 
Thomas  Howlett 
Joseph  Peabody 
Jacob  Robinson 
Jacob  Peabody  Junr 
Jacob  Averal 

John  Andrews  Boxf. 

Joseph  Edwards 

John  Symonds 

Ezekiel  Foster,  Ips 

Abraham  Foster  Junr.  Ips 

Sam1    Howlett  Junr. 

John  Wood. 

Amos  Duinell 

Doctor  Dexter 

Zacheus  Gould 

Aaron  Hovey 

Nehemiah  How,  Ips. 

Pomp  a  negro  Servant  man  Ips. 

David  Baieh. 

John  Pterkins 

Rev1  Mr.  Capen  was  settled  in  Tops.  1684. 

*  De&d.       f  Diseased, 

216  Narraganset  Grantees.  [July 


In  the  April  No.  of  the  Register,  pp.  144-146,  is  given  a  list  of  the 
grantees  of  the  Narraganset  townships.  The  gentleman  who  fur- 
nished the  list  expresses  his  regret  that  it  is  not  complete.  Being  in 
possession  of  a  full  list  of  the  grantees  of  township  No.  2  (now  West- 
minster and  not  Princeton  as  stated  in  that  article),  I  will  supply  the 
defect,  so  far  as  that  town  is  concerned.  The  grantees  from  Cain- 
bridge  and  Charlestown  which  drew  No.  2,  are  given  in  the  article. 
The  remaining  grantees  of  No.  2  were  the  following,  from  the  follow- 
ing towns: 

Watertown. — John  Sawin  for  his  father  Thomas,  Ephrairn  Cutter 
(then  living),  Jonas  Cutting  for  his  father  James,  John  Butnard 
(then  living),  Joshua  Bigelow  (then  living),  William  Shattuck  (then 
living),  Joseph  Grant  for  his  father  Joseph,  Zachariah  Smith  for  his 
father  Jonathan,  Samuel  Hager  for  his  father  John  Eager,  George 
Harrington's  Heirs,  John  Harrington  (then  living),  Joseph  Priest  for 
his  father  Joseph,  Zachariah  Cutting  (then  living),  John  Bright  for 
his  uncle  John,  George  Parmetor  for  his  father  William,  Joseph  Bail 
for  his  uncle  Jacob  Billiard,  Thomas  Harrington  for  his  wife's  father 
Timothy  Rice,  John  Sherman  for  his  uncle  John,  Capt.  Joseph  Bow- 
man for  his  wife's  uncle  James  Barnard,  Joseph  Smith  for  his  father 
Joseph,  Richard  Beers  for  his  father  Elnathan,  Michael  Flag's  heirs, 
Capt.  Joseph  Bowman  for  his  wife's  father  John  Barnard,  John  Cut- 
ting for  his  father  John,  the  heirs  of  Dr.  Wellington,  the  heirs  of 
Benjamin  Wellington, 

Weston. — Ebenezer  Boynton  for  his  wife's  father  Caleb  Grant, 
Onesiphorus  Pike  for  his  father  James,  Thomas  Cary  for  his  father 
Thomas,  Nathaniel  Norcross  for  Jeremiah  Norcross,  Daniel  Warren 
(then  living). 

Sudbury. — Matthew  Gibbs  (thenliving),  Richard  Taylorforhiefather 
Richard,  Thomas  Taylor  for  his  father  Sebred,  John  Marston  (then 
living),  John  Parkhurst  for  his  father  John,  Denis  Hedly  (then 
living),  John  Adams  (then  living),  Benjamin  Parmcter  for  his  brother 
Joseph,  Joseph  Rutter  for  his  father  Thomas,  Ebenezer  Graves  for 
his  father  Joseph  Graves,  John  More  for  his  father  Joseph. 

Newton. — Edward  Jackson  for  his  father  Seborn,  Nathaniel  Haly 
(then  living),  Isaac  Beech  for  his  brother  Richard  Beech,  Stephen 
Cook  (then  living),  John  Park  for  his  father  John,  Jonathan  Wiliard 
for  his  father  Jacob,  the  heirs  of  Capt.  Thomas  Prentice. 

Medford. — William  Willis  for  his  father  Thomas,  John  Hall  for 
Capt.  Seill,  John  Whitrnore  for  his  father  John. 

Malden. — John  Mudge  (then  living),  Samuel  Kneeland  assignee 
to  Phineas  Upham,  Abraham  Skinner  for  his  father  Abraham,  James 
Cheak's  heirs,  John  Winslow  for  his  father  John,  William  Willis  for 
the  heirs  of  John  Bachelor. 

Reading. — Nathaniel  Parker  for  his  uncle  Jonathan,  Richard  Brown 
for  his  uncle  Edmon,  Thomas  Nichols  (then  living),  Maior  Swain's 
heirs,  Isaac  Williams'  heirs,  Benjamin  Davis'  heirs,  Samuel  Larnpson 
for  his  father  Samuel,  Thomas  Hodgman's  heirs,  Richard  Upham  for 
his  father  Phineas,  Samuel  Chandler  for  William  Jones. 

1S62.]  The  Old  French  War.  217 


As  all  scraps  and  items  relative  to  the  early  wars  of  the  country, 
are  important,  and  as  the  preservation,  even  of  names,  may  aid  the 
historian  and  genealogist,  we  give  below  the  remnant  of  a  record  or 
diary  by  Ensign  Edmund  Munroe*  of  Lexington,  kept  by  him  at  the 
lake,  in  1758,  while  serving  in  Rogers's  Rangers: 

Laki  George  Camp,  Aug.  27,  1758. 
Parole,  Jersey. 

Officers  of  the  day  for  to-morrow, 

Col.  Grant  and  Col.  Prebble. 

Field  Officers  for  the  Regiment, 

Maj.  West  and  Maj.  Slap,  Brigade  Major  Money-Penny. 

Two  Regiments  from  the  Regulars,  and  two  Regiments  from  the 
Provintials  to  parade  immediately,  and  march  to  the  five  Mile  Brook 
to  meet  the  wagons — the  oldest  Captains  of  the  two  Regiments  to 
call  at  head  quarters  for  orders  for  the  above.  The  Regiments,  the 
27th  &  42^. 

Camp  near  Lake  George,  Aug.  28,  '58. 

The  Rangers  to  be  under  arms  at  six  o'clock  this  evening  to  illu- 
minate, the  rejoicing  for  the  success  of  his  Magisty's  arms  at  Louis- 
borg,  at  which  time  Major  Rogers  gives  to  his  Ranging  Company, 
as  a  token  of  his  dependence  on  their  loyalty  and  bravery,  a  barrel! 
of  Wine  treat,  to  congratulate  this  good  news  to  them,  and  the  good 
behavior  of  the  four  Companies  of  Rangers  at  Louisborg. 

Lake  George  Camp,  Aug.  28,  1758. 

Parole,  Louisborg. 

Field  Officer  of  the  Regiment, 
Maj.  Beckworth. 

The  troops  to  fire  a  rejoicing  firing  this  evening  for  the  success  of 
his  Magistys  arms,  for  the  taking  of  Louisborg.  The  Regiments  to 
be  under  arms,  and  line  the  breastwork  at  six  O'clock.  The  tiring 
to  begin  with  21  guns  from  the  Royal  Artillery,  and  then  from  the 
right  of  the  27th  Reg.  round  the  line  &  to  finish  with  the  left  of  Col. 
Bayley's  Reg.  This  to  be  repeated  till  the  whole  shall  have  fired 
three  rounds.  The  Regiments  and  guards  not  to  fire,  but  to  be 
formed  in  the  rear  of  the  Regiments.  The  Commanding  Officers  of 
Regiments  to  order  a  review  of  their  Regiments,  at  12  O'clock,  and 
the  balls  to  be  drawn,  and  to  have  cartridges  without  balls  made  up 
for  the  rejoicing  fire. 

*  Edmund  MunroR  was  afterwards  a  Captain  in  the  Continental  Army  of  the  Re- 
volution, and  fell  at  the  battle  of  Monmouth,  1773. 



218  The  Old  French  War.  [July 

Lake  George  Camp,  Aug.  29,  1758. 

Parole,  Berlin?.. 

For  the  day,  to  morrow, 

Col.  Haldimand  aud  Col.  Bayley. 

Field  officers  for  the  Regiment, 

Col.  Eyre  and  Maj.  Gage,  Brigade  Major,  Spittle. 

Maj.  Rogers  Rangers  to  discharge  their  pieces  between  4  and  6 
this  evening,  beyond  the  advanced  guards. 

The  Connecticut  Regiments  to  do  all  the  duty  of  the  Provintial 
troops  tomorrow,  and  the  Massachusetts  Regiments  to  be  mustered 
on  Thursday  by  Mr.  Stoughton,  Brigade  Major,  of  the  Provintials, 
beginning"  with  Col.  Prebble's  Regiment,  beginning  at  7  in  the  morn- 
ing; Col.  Williams'  at  9,  Col.  Bayley's  at  11,  Col.  Nickols'  at  4  in  the 

Doct.  Monroe  to  examine  the  Medicine  Chest  of  every  Regiment, 
Royal  and  Provintial  tomorrow  afternoou,  and  Report  to  the  General 
the  condition  he  finds  them  in. 

The  Roll  to  be  called,  and  if  any  man  is  missing,  a  Report  to  be 
sent  to  the  Brigade  Major  at  tattoo  beating. 

Lake  George  Camp,  Aug.  31,  1*158. 

Parole,  Dublin. 

Officers  for  tomorrow, 

Col.  Hawaland   and    Col.  Whitney. 

Field  officers  for  the  Regiments, 

Maj.  Beckworth  and  Major  Titcomb,  Brigade  Major  Money  Penny. 

One  Capt.  one  Subaltan,  two  Serjeants,  two  Corporals,  and  forty 
men  from  the  Rangers  to  hold  themselves  in  readiness  to  embark  on 
the  sloop  tomorrow.  One  hundred  men  from  the  line  to  be  in  readi- 
ness to  parade  at  2  O'clock  without  arms,  to  go  to  the  woods  to 
bring  each  a  load  of  boughs,  to  cover  the  provisions. 

Camp  at  Lake  George,  Sept.  1,  1158. 

Parole,  Halifax. 

A  detachment  of  4  subaltans  and  100  volunteers  from  the  Regu- 
lars, three  Companies  of  Light  Infantry,  100  of  Maj.  Rogers'  Rangers, 
100  of  Col.  Partridge's  Rangers,  100  of  Connecticutt  Rangers,  to 
march  tomorrow  morning  at  9  O'clock,  with  seven  days  provision 
under  the  command  of  Capt.  Dalzell  of  the  light  Infantry.  This  de- 
tachment to  be  under  arms  this  afternoon  at  4  O'clock,  on  the  ground 
near  the  old  Fort.  When  any  prisoners  or  deserters  come  into  camp, 
the  party  or  guard  that  has  them  in  charge,  is  to  conduct  them  di- 
rectly to  head  quarters,  and  not  to  suffer  any  person  whatever  to 
ask  them  any  questions,  and  no  officer  to  offer  to  stop  or  question 
any  deserter,  or  prisoner,  on  pain  cf  disobedience  of  orders. 

1SG2.]  The  Old  French   War.  219 


Lieut.  Brewer  with  a  sergeant  and  30  men  to  Parade  immediately 
for  the  half-way  Brook. 

One  Capt.  4  Subaltans,  4  sergeants,  and  150  men  from  the  Rangers 
to  be  ready  to  proceed  on  a  scout  tomorrow  morning.  The  Captain 
to  take  care  that  his  party  are  provided  with  seven  days  provision. 

A  subaltan  of  each  Company  to  see  that  huts,  tents,  and  encamp- 
ments are  kept  clean  and  in  good  order,  and  this  order  to  be  complied 
with  every  morning. 

The  Sergeant  Major  to  attend  at  the  adjutant's  tent  at  half  an 
hour  after  nine  in  the  morning,  and  at  six  in  the  afternoon  to  receive 
such  orders  as  ma}''  be  given  to  the  Rangers.  For  the  scout  tomor- 
row Capt.  Lovwell,  Lieut.  Forkenden,  Ens.  Sinclear,  Lieut.  Towel 
and  Ens.  Jones  of  Capt.  Jacob's  Indians. 

Camp  Lake  George,  Sept.  3,  1158. 

Parole,  Bratal. 

Officers  of  the  day, 
Col.  Beckworth  and  Lieut.  Col.  Handimand. 

A  Court  Martial  to  sit  tomorrow,  to  try  such  prisoners  as  may  be 
brought  before  them. 

Capt  Noal  President 
Lieut  Stark 
"     Babenston 
"     Lyon 
"     Foote 



Three  Companies  to  be  under  arms  tomorrow  morning  at  Guard 
mounting.  A  scouting  party  consisting  of  1  Sergeant  and  six  men 
to  go  about  six  or  seven  miles  to  the  westward  to  Predee. 

Tuesday,  Sept.  5,  It 58. 

Parole,  Lemerick. 

Field  officers  of  the  Regiments, 

Maj  Beckworth  and  Maj.  Ingerson. 

The  party  at  the  Island  to  be  releived  this  day  by  one  Capt.  one 
subaltan,  two  sergeants,  and  38  men;  two  Corporals  from  the  Regu- 
lars, &  two  subaltans,  two  sergeants,  two  corporals  and  36  men  from 
the  Provintials.  The  men  to  be  chosen  and  to  be  such  as  have  been 
accustomed  to  boats,  and  understand  them. 

Wednesday,  Sept.  1758.     Camp  Lake  George. 

Parole,  Darfidd. 

Officers  of  the  day  for  tomorrow. 

Col.  Haverland  &  Col.  Hart. 

220  Sir  Charles  Henry  Frankland.  [Juty 

Field  Officers  for  the  Regiments. 
Lieut.  Col.  Lynn,  &  Maj.  Slap;. Brigade  Major,  Spittle. 

An  alarm  in  the  night.  The  Rangers  of  Cols.  Pribble's,  Williams', 
<fc  Bayley's  are  to  man  the  breast  work,  from  the  Hospital  on  the 
right  to  the  post  on  the  right  flank  of  the  Royal  Americans;  the  Re- 
gulars to  man  from  the  right  flank;  leaving  the  ground  while  the 
first  Royal  Americans  are  engaged. 

Friday,  Lake  George  Camp,  Sept.  8,  1758. 
Parole,  Westfield. 
Col.  Haldimand  &  Col.  Nichols,  for  the  day,  and   Maj.  Munster  & 
Maj.  Spencer  for  the  field. 


Four  men  of  Capt  NeaPs  Company  to  march  to  Fort  Edward  to 

join  Capt V 

Fort  Edward,  Nov.  4,  1758. 
Parole,  St.  George. 
A  Copy  of  Orders   given   at  Albany  by  Maj.  Gen.  Abercrombie- 
Abererombie  is  ordered  by  the  King  to  express  to  the  officers  &  sol- 
diers, His  Magisty's  perfect  satisfaction  of  their  behavior  before  Tr 
conderoga  the  8th  of  July  last. 

Nov.  5,  1758. 
His  Magisty  has  been  pleased  to  appoint  the  Hon.  Thomas  Gage, 
Esq.,  Col.  of  the  Regiment  of  Light  Infantry,  a  Brigadier  General  of 
his  forces  in  America. 

Fort  Edward,  Nov.  9,  1758. 
After  orders,  the  troops  in  the  garrison  to  be  under  arms,  tomor- 
row at  12  O'clock,  the  troops  on  the  Island  to  be  drawn  up  at  the 
same  time  with  their  front  towards  the  fort;  the  detachment  at  the 
Royal  Block  House  to  be  posted  round  inside  the  ditch;  each  man  to 
be  provided  with  3  cartridges  without  balls;  the  Artillery  to  fire  3 
rounds  of  21  guns,  the  Artilery  at  the  Block  House  to  fire  immedi- 



"I  proceeded  to  Sir  Harry  Frankland's  seat,  kept  now  by  Mr. 
Jacques  Joseph  Villiers  de  Rohan  marrie  avec  Mademoiselle  Frances 
de  Turenne,  he  gave  me  such  slips,  branches,  cions,  deeds,  as  I  de- 
sired, and  lent  me  Du  Mouliu's  Book  of  ye.  Accomplishment  of  ye  Prophe- 
cys,  or  Third  Book  of  ye  Defense  of  ye  Calholique  Faith.  I  borrowed  it 
for  ye  sake  of  a  Treat  with  my  Mr.  Blanc;  for  it  beilig  in  French,  I 
presume  not  to  read  much  of  it." — Rev.  C.  Parkmarfs  Diary,  April  19, 
1759  [Westboro']. 

"My  brother  assists  me  in  grafting  apricocks  and  apples  wc  I 
brought  from  Sr  Henry  Frankland's  last  week." — Id.,  April  27. 



3SG2.J  Patriotic  Instructions.  221 


One  of  tke  most  interesting  features  in  the  early  history  of  the 
Colony  of  Massachusetts  Bay,  is  the  knowledge  of  their  rights  evinced 
by  the  people  in  the  performance  of  their  ordinary  duties.  Before 
the  breakiug  out  of  the  American  revolution,  almost  every  town  in 
the  Province,  b}'  public  resolutions  or  instructions  to  their  represent- 
atives, adopted  in  town  meetings,  set  forth  their  rights  and  immu- 
nities in  such  a  manner,  as  to  show  that  they  were  no  strangers  to 
the  science  of  human  government,  or  ignorant  of  their  duty  as  free- 
men. These  instructions  to  their  delegates  to  the  general  court,  in 
many  cases,  are  valuable  state  papers,  which  would  do  honor  to  the 
first  men  in  the  country. 

The  records  of  most  of  our  towns  in  Massachusetts,  abound  in 
these  instructions.  In  the  town  of  Lexington,  the  people  were  alive 
to  the  great  subject  of  civil  and  religious  freedom,  and  embraced 
the  earliest  opportunity  to  speak  out,  when  their  rights  were  even 
threatened  with  invasion.  In  1772,  when  a  measure  was  proposed 
in  the  British  parliament  to  make  the  Supreme  Judges  in  the  province 
independent  of  the  people,  by  granting  them  a  salary  directly  by  par- 
liament— thus  taking  from  the  people  the  only  check  they  had  upon. 
those  important  officers — that  of  withholding  supplies,  the  good  peo- 
ple of  this  little  town  took  the  alarm,  and  gave  to  their  representa- 
tive in  the  General  Court,  the  following  instructions;  which  those 
who  look  at,  will  think  too  long,  and  those  who  read  will  think  too 

"To  Mr.  Jonas  Stone,  Representative  of  the  Town  of  Lexington. 

"Sir, — It  is  not  to  call  in  question  your  capacity,  disposition,  or 
fidelity,  of  which  we  have  given  the  fullest  evidence  in  the  choice 
we  have  made  of  you  to  represent  us  in  the  Geueral  Court  of  the 
Province,  but  in  exercising  our  right  of  instructing  our  Representa- 
tives, to  open  our  minds  freely  to  you  upon  matters  which  appear  to 
us  interesting  to  ourselves,  to  the  Province,  and  to  posterity,  and  to 
strengthen  and  confirm  you  in  measures  which  we  trust,  your  own 
judgment  would  have  suggested,  as  necessary  and  important,  to  our 
common  safety  and  prosperity,  though  we  had  been  silent. 

"Our  worthy  ancestors  after  many  struggles  with  their  enemies 
in  the  face  of  every  danger,  and  at  the  expense  of  much  treasure 
and  blood,  secured  to  themselves  and  transmitted  to  us  their  poste- 
rity a  fair  and  rich  inheritance,  not  only  of  pleasant  and  fertile  lands, 
but  also  of  invaluable  rights  and  privileges,  both  as  men  and  as 
Christians,  as  stated  in  the  Royal  Charter  of  the  Province,  and  se- 
cured to  us  by  the  faith  of  the  British  crown  and  kingdom.  As  we 
hold  due  allegiance  to  our  rightful  Sovereign,  King  George  III,  and 
are  ready  with  our  lives  and  fortunes  to  support  his  just  and  con- 
stitutional government,  so  we  look  upon  ourselves  as  bound  by  the 
most  sacred  ties,  to  the  utmost  of  our  power,  to  maintain  and  defend 
ourselves  in  our  Charter  rights  and  privileges,  and  as  a  sacred  trust 


222  Patriotic  Instructions.  [July 

committed  to  us,  to  transmit  them  inviolate  to  succeeding  genera" 


"  It  is  the  general  voice,  at  least  of  the  more  thinking  and  judicious 
among  us,  that  our  charter  rights  and  liberties  are  in  danger — are 
infringed;  and,  upon  the  most  careful,  mature  and  serious  considera- 
tion of  them,  as  stated  in  our  charter,  and  comparing  them  wiih  the 
Acts  of  the  British  Parliament,  and  measures  adopted  by  the  British 
Court,  Ministry,  and  Government  relating  to  this  and  other  American 
Colonies,  some  of  which  have  been  carried  into  execution  among  us: 
we  are  clearly  of  opinion  that  they  have  been  for  some  time  past, 
and  are  at  present  greatly  infringed  and  violated  thereby  in  various 
instances,  and  these  measures  have  been  gone  into  from  time  to  time, 
by  the  Honorable  Council  and  House  of  Representatives  of  the  Pro- 
vince for  relief  and  redress;  yet  so  far  from  being  successful,  our 
grievances  seem  to  increase,  and  to  be  more  intolerable  every  day. 
The  unhappy  and  distressing  effects  of  the  measures  referred  to,  are 
too  many  to  admit  and  too  well  known  and  felt  to  require,  a  parti- 
cular mention.  But  we  cannot  forbear  observing  the  glaring  con- 
trast which  in  some  instances  is  to  be  seen  between  our  Charter, 
and  the  Acts  and  Resolves  of  the  British  Parliament,  and  measures 
of  administration  adopted  by  the  British  Court,  respecting  the  people 
of  this,  as  well  as  the  other  Colonies. 

"The  Charter  grants  to  our  General  Court  full  power  and  author- 
ity, from  time  to  time,  to  make,  ordain,  and  establish  all  manner  of 
reasonable  laws  &c,  and  that  such  laws  &c.  not  being  disallowed  by 
the  King  within  three  years,  shall  continue  in  full  force  until  the 
expiration  thereof,  or  until  repealed  by  the  same  authority.  But  the 
British  Parliament  have  resolved,  that  they  have  the  right  to  make 
laws  binding  upon  the  Colonies  in  all  cases  whatsoever,  so  that  when- 
ever they  please  to  carry  this  resolve  into  execution,  they  may  by 
another  resolve  passed  into  a  law  by  one  powerful  stroke,  vacate 
our  Charter,  and  in  a  moment  dash  all  our  laws  out  of  existence,  or 
bury  them  together  in  one  common  ruin. 

"By^he  Charter,  the  right  of  taxing  the  people  is  lodged  in  the 
General  Court  of  the  Province,  and  we  think  exclusively.  But  by 
the  late  revenue  acts  which  have  been,  with  so  many  ensigns  of 
power  and  terror,  in  open  violation  of  the  laws  and  the  liberties  of 
this  people,  put  into  execution  by  the  Commissioners  of  Customs,  this 
right  is  clearly  infringed,  and  the  power  put  into  and  exercised  by 
other  hands. 

"By  the  Charter,  we  are  vested  with  all  the  rights  and  liberties  of 
British  subjects,  one  of  which  we  know  is  in  Magna  Charta  declared 
to  be  that  of  trial  by  jury,  and  that  no  freeman  shall  be  disseized  of 
his  freehold  and  liberties,  but  by  the  lawful  judgment  of  his  peers. 
But  such  is  the  provision  made  in  the  revenue  act,  and  such  the  exer- 
cise of  the  power  of  the  Courts  of  Admirality,  that  men  may  be  dis- 
seized of  their  liberty,  and  carried  from  one  part  of  the  country  to 
the  other,  and  be  tried  and  sentenced  by  a  single  judge  for  any,  even 
the  smallest  breach  of  this  act,  whether  real  or  supposed.  Though 
the  Charter  provides  for  the  erecting  of  judicatories  for  the  hearing 
and  trying  all  manner  of  offences,  as  well  criminal  and  capital  as 
civil;  yet  if  we  are  rightly  informed,  a  late  act  of  Parliament  pro- 

18G2.]  Patriotic  Instructions.  223 

vides,  and  directs,  in  some  cases,  that  persons  may  be  seized  and 
carried  to  England  for  trial,  and  that  for  life.  Should  this  be  the 
fact  where  is  the  boasted  liberty  of  English  subjects. 

11  The  Charter  represents  the  Governor  of  this  Province  as  Captain- 
General,  and  as  having  full  power  and  authority  in  all  military  and' 
warlike  affairs,  and  of  himself  to  appoint  all  military  officers,  to 
erect  forts  and  commit  them  to  the  custody  of  such  person  or  per- 
sons, as  he  shall  think  meet.  But  can  it  be  said  that  this  is  the  truth 
in  fact,  when  the  Governor  himself  declares,  that  he  has  no  authority 
over  those  who  have  the  custody  of  the  most  important  fortress,  and 
where  garrisons  are  changed,  and  officers  appointed,  not  only  not  by 
the  Governor,  but  without  his  knowledge  and  consent.  Whether 
this  is  the  state  of  Castle  "William,  the  principal  fortress  of  this  pro- 
vince, appears  to  us  to  be  a  question  not  unworthy  the  serious  atten- 
tion, and  most  critical  inquiry  of  the- Great  and  General  Court. 

"  The  Charter  not  only  vests  the  General  Court  with  the  right  of 
imposing  taxes,  but  also  points  out  the  end  for  which  taxes  are  to 
be  raised — one  of  which  is  to  support  the  Government,  justly  suppos- 
ing that  necessary  connexion  between  the  governing  and  the  govern- 
ed, and  that  mutual  dependence  which  preserves  a  due  balance 
between  them,  which  in  all  well  regulated  states,  has  been  found  to 
have  the  happiest  tendency  to  promote  good  government  on  the  one 
hand,  and  cheerful  obedience  on  the  other.  But  not  enough  that  the 
right  of  taxation  is  violated,  but  the  right  of  determining  the  merits 
and  services  of  those  that  are  employed  in  the  government,  must  be 
yielded  too.  Thus  with  respect  to  the  first  officers  among  us,  the 
only  remaining  interest  whereby  persons  in  service  of  the  public 
were  induced  to  be  faithful  in  their  trust  to  the  people,  is  dissolved 
and  being  entirely  dependent  upon  the  crown  for  both  place  and 
support,  it  becomes  their  interest  at  least,  in  many  cases,  to  be  un- 
faithful and  partial  in  their  administration  with  regard  to  the  people. 
And  considering  the  imperfections  of  human  nature,  it  is  scarcely 
possible  it  should  be  otherwise,  even  though  the  best  of  men  were 
in  authority.  For  interest  will  have  its  influence  to  blind  the  eyes 
and  prevent  the  judgment  of  the  wisest  and  most  upright. 

"We  have  been  certified  in  form  that  this  is  the  case  with  the 
gentleman  in  the  chief  seat  of  the  government,  and  at  the  head  of 
the  Province,  and  from  the  best  information  we  are  able  to  obtain, 
we  have  but  too  much  reason  to  fear  that  the  same  has  taken  place 
with  respect  to  a  number  of  others  in  office,  in  places  of  trusts  and 
power  of  no  small  inportance  to  the  well  being  of  the  people.  Par- 
ticularly have  we  reason  to  think  this  to  be  the  fact  with  respect  to 
the  Judges  of  the  Supreme  Court,  the  highest  court  of  justice  in  the 
Province — the  court  upun  whose  decisions  and  determinations  all 
our  interests  respecting  property,  liberty  and  life  do  chiefly  and 
ultimately  depend;  and  what  adds  to  the  indignity  of  this  measure  is, 
that  it  is  carried  into  effect,  as  we  have  just  reason  to  suppose,  at 
our  own  expense  at  the  same  time  that  it  is  against  our  consent. 
Thus  the  plan  of  oppression  is  begun,  and  so  far  carried  on  that  if 
our  enemies  are  still  successful,  and  no  means  can  be  found  to  put 
a  stop  to  their  career,  no  measure  contrived  for  a  restoration  of  our 

224  Patriotic  Instructions.  [July 

affairs  to  a  constitutional  course,  as  pointed  out  in  our  charter,  we 
have  just  reason  to  fear  that,  the  eyes  of  the  head  of  the  government 
being  blinded,  the  sources  of  justice  poisoned,  and  the  hands  of  the 
administration  bribed  with  interest,  the  system  of  slavery  will  soon  be 
'complete.  These  things  are  of  so  interesting  a  nature,  so  deeply 
affecting,  and  so  big  with  the  ruin  of  all  our  rights  and  liberties, 
both  civil  and  religious,  that  we  readily  acknowledge  that  we  can 
not  so  much  as  transiently  view  them  without  a  mixture  of  horror, 
indignation  and  grief. 

"  But  this  is  not  all.  Our  Charter  knows  no  such  thing  as  instruc- 
tions to  Governors — and  yet  what  have  not  instructions  done  to  dis- 
tress this  people;  and  if  in  addition  to  these,  it  should  be  found  upon 
inquiry  by  the  guardians  of  the  Province  in  General  Court  assembled 
(and  they  have  the  right  to  inquire)  that  the  law  had  not  in  all  cases 
had  its  course,  or  that,  at  any  time,  measures  have  been  successful 
to  stay  justice  from  offenders,  it  seems  as  if  it  was  time  to  be  alarm- 
ed, and  provide  for  our  own  safety,  or  else  tamely  to  bow  down  to 
the  yoke,  and  forever  hereafter  be  silent.  Whether  this  representa- 
tion be  just,  is  submitted,  and  must  be  left  to  time,  and  facts  to  dis- 
cover. But  that  these  among  other  things,  are  worthy  of  our  most 
eerious  attention  as  subjects  of  inquiry  and  deep  interest,  can  not  be 

"  And  therefore  to  you,  sir,  whom  we  have  chosen  to  represent  us 
in  the  Great  and  General  Court  of  Inquest  for  this  Province,  we  do 
most  earnestly  recommend  it,  that  you  use  your  utmost  influence  that 
those  as  well  as  all  other  matters  in  which  the  rights  and  liberties 
of  this  people  are  concerned,  are  impartially  inquired  into  and  dis- 
passionately considered  by  the  General  Assembly;  and  that  mea- 
sures be  pursued  by  Petition  to  the  throne,  or  otherwise,  as  the  court 
in  their  great  wisdom  shall  see  meet,  for  a  radical  and  lasting  redress. 
That  thus,  whether  successful  or  not,  succeeding  generations  may 
know  that  we  understood  our  rights  and  liberties,  and  were  neither 
ashamed  or  afraid  to  assert  and  maintain  them;  and  that  we  our- 
selves may  have  at  least,  this  consolation  in  our  chains,  that  it  was 
not  through  our  neglect  that  this  people  were  enslaved." 

This  able  and  patriotic  Address  to  the  Representative  was  accom- 
panied by  the  following  Resolves  :  , 

r   "1.  Resolved,  That  it  is  the  natural  right  and  indisputable  duty  of 
every  man,   and   consequently  of  every  society  or  body  of  men,  to ._ 
consult  their  own  safety,  and  to  take  measures  for  the  preservation 
of  their  own  liberty  and   property,   without  which  life  itself  can 
scarcely  be  deemed  worth  possessing. 

"2.  Resolved,  That  the  security  of  life,  liberty  and  property  to  a 
people  is  and  ought  always  to  be  considered  a3  the  great  end  of  all 
government,  and  is  acknowledged  to  be  the  professed  end  of  the 
happy  constitution  of  the  British  Government  in  particular. 

"3.  Resolved,  That  when,  through  imperfection  necessarily  attend- 
ant upon  the  wisest  system  of  which  fallible  men  are  capable,  or 
through  the  designs  of  wicked  or  crafty  men  in  places  of  power  and 
trust,  any  laws  or  acts  of  government  are  found  to  be  obnoxious  or 

1S62.]  Information  Wanted.  225 

oppressive  to  the  subject,  it  is  wisely  provided  and  established  by 
Magna  Charta,  the  Petition  of  Rights,  and  other  statutes  of  England, 
that  not  only  Counties,  Cities  and  Corporations,  but  also  Towns  and 
individuals  may  consult  and  adopt  measures  for  redress  by  petition, 
remonstrance,  or  otherwise,  as  occasion  and  the  emergency  of  affairs' 
may  require. 

"4.  Resolved,  That  the  inhabitants  of  this  Town  and  Province  by 
the  Royal  Charter  (a  sacred  compact  between  them  and  the  crown) 
being  vested  with  all  the  rights  and  privileges  of  Englishmen  and 
British  subjects,  have  an  indisputable  right  both  as  a  people  and  as 
individuals  to  judge  for  themselves,  when  laws  and  measures  of 
government  are  obnoxious  or  oppressive,  and  to  consult  upon,  and  to 
adopt  the  best  measures  in  their  power  for  redress  when  oppressed. 

"And  therefore, 

"  5.  Resolved,  That  as  inhabitants  of  this  town  they  look  upon 
themselves  in  common  with  their  brethren  and  fellow  subjects  through 
the  Province,  to  be  greatly  injured  and  oppressed  in  various  instances 
by  measures  of  government  lately  adopted,  especially  by  the  pro- 
posed measure  of  making  the  Judges  dependent  upon  the  crown 
alone  for  their  support;  they  can  not  but  judge  it  their  inalienable 
right  and  a  duty  they  owe  to  themselves  and  posterity,  freely  to 
express  their  sentiments  concerning  them,  and  consult  measures  for 

Such  was  the  action  taken,  and  such  the  doctrines  promulgated  by 
the  inhabitants  of  Lexington  three  years  before  the  commencement 
of  the  Revolution;  and  by  a  series  of  such  papers,  written  by  their 
pious  priest  and  statesman  Rev.  Jonas  Clark,  from  time  to  time, 
meeting  every  point  at  issue,  and  refuting  every  position  of  the 
Ministry,  the  peeple  of  Lexington  were  prepared  to  dare  and  to  do 
what  they  so  nobly  performed  on  the  19th  of  April,  1115. 


In  1155,  Massachusetts  had  3250  men  in  the  memorable  expedition 
against  Louisbourg.  In  the  absence  of  regular  rolls,  the  loss  of 
which  historians  have  long  felt,  we  have  no  doubt  but  that  a  list  of 
the  men  in  that  brilliant  expedition  could,  with  considerable  accu- 
racy, be  made  up  from  private  papers.  Every  person  having  the 
names  of  an  individual,  or  of  a  company  in  that  service,  is  requested 
to  forward  the  same  to  the  Librarian  of  the  Historic-Genealogical 
Society,  No.  13  BromSeld  street,  Boston,  Mass.  The  production  of 
such  a  list  would  greatly  aid  future  inquirers,  and  prove  a  just  tri- 
bute to  the  memories  of  a  large  class  of  men  who  were  engaged  in 
an  enterprise  which  has  commanded  the  admiration  of  America  and 
Great  Britain — ah  enterprise;  the  plan  of  which,  it  has  been  said, 
"  was  drawn  b}r  a..  Lawyer,  to  be  executed  by  a  Merchant,  at  the  head 
of  a  body  of  Husbandmen  and  Mechanics." 

226  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  [July 


[Prepared  by  W.  B.  Tkask  of  Dorchester.] 

[Continued  from  page  166.] 

Henry  Kingman-. — The  last  will   and  testament  of  Henry  Kingman, 
of  AVaymoth,  aged  74  yeares  or  theirabont,  being  weake  of  buddy 
but  of  perfect   memmory.     Debts  payed,  all   the  rest  of  my  worldly 
goods    I   dispose  of  as   folow.     To   my  sonn,  Edward  Kingman,  my 
dwelling  house  with  all  my  housing  perteining   their  vnto,  and  my 
orchords   with    all   the   appurtinantes   therto   belonging,    and   I  doe 
giue  him  as  much  land  a  Joyning  thcr  to  as  will  make  it  25  acors. 
I  giue  him  two  third  partes  of  myne  own  comon  lot.  I  giue  to  my  son, 
Edward,  that  peece  of  meddo  that  was  John  Alines,  and  more  meddo 
I  doe  giue  him,  one  acor  nearest  to  my  house,  of  that  which  was  Mr. 
Jeners.     To  my  son,  Edward,  my  fether   bed  that  I  ly  on  and   all   the 
furniture  theirto  belonging.     To  my  son,  Thomas  Kingman,  half  the 
rest  of  the  land  that  I  haue  aioyningto  my  house,  except  it  be  two 
acors  which  I  shall  here  after  Express.     I  giue   to   my   son,  Thomas, 
the  other  two  acors  of  meddo  which  I  haue,  that  was  Mr.  Jeners.     To 
my    son,    Thomas,   25   acres  of    vpland  that   lyeth  near   and   aboue 
Samuell  Whites  house.     To  my  son,  Thomas,   one  third   parte   of  rny 
own   comon  lot.     I   giue  my  son,  Thomas,  that  fether  bed  which  he 
lyeth  on  and  all  that  doth  belong  their  vnto.     To  my  son,  John  King- 
man, the  two  acores  of  land  that  I  aboue  reserued,  and  it  shall  be  near 
his  house  from  his  barne  to  his  planting  lot  as  conuenient  as  it  may 
be.     I  giue  to  my  son,  John,  the  other  half  of  my  land  at  home.     To 
my  son,  John,  the  two  acors  of  meddoe  that  I  haue  which  was  William 
Richards,  and  lyeth  near  the  tyed  mill;  and  my  son,  John,  shall  haue 
one  acor  of  vpland  that  lyeth  along  by  the  meddo  to  make  medoe  of 
if  he  will.     To  my  son,  John,  half  the  comon  that  did  belong  to  owld 
'Brother  Holhrook,  which  I  had  of  him.     To  my  son,  John,  the  cow  that 
hee  hath  of  myne  in  his  hand  allreddy.    To  my  dau  llolbrook,  <£T2.    I 
giue  to  my  dau.  Holhrook,  the  chest  that  standes  at  my  beds  feet.  To 
my  dau.  Dauis,  £10;  to  the  chilldren  of  my  dau.  Barnard,  £10,  they 
be  now  fine,  they  shall  be  payed  when  they  com  to  be  of  age,  the 
sons  at  20  years  old  and  the  dau.   at  13;   and   if  Either   of  them  dy 
before,  his  portion  shall  be  deuided  to  the  rest.     I   appoint  my  three 
sons  aboue  Expresed,  to  be  my  Executors  and  to  full  fill   all  my  will 
as  above  written  and  to  diuide  the   rest  of  my  Estate   amoug  them 
Equaly;   and  hear  vnto  I  haue  set  my  hand  and   Seall,  24th   of  May 
1667.  H 

The  mark  of 

Signed  sealed  and  delivered  Henry  Kingman. 

in  the  presents  of  vs 

Edward  Sale,  Thomas  Dyer. 

31  July  67.     Edw.  Sak&  Thomas  Dyar,  deposed. 

Edw.  Rawson  Record1. 

1862.]  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  227 

Inuentory  of  the  Goods  &  Chatties  of  Henry  Kingman,  that  deceas- 
ed in  Weymouth  the  5th  of  the  4th  month  1661,  taken  by  Leift.  John 
Holhrook,  Thomas  Dyar,  the  9th  of  4rh  month. 

31st  July  1667.  Edward  Kingman  &  John  Kingman  deposed.  Where- 
as I,  Thomas  Kingman,  of  Weymouth,  sonn  of  Ihnrey  Kingman,  of 
Weymouth,  lately  deceased,  am  by  my  father  made  a  joynt  Executo1 
with  my  two  Brothers,  Edward  &  John,  in  my  Fathers  last  will  & 
Testament,  doe  hereby  signify  my  acceptance  of  Executorship  with 
my  brothers,  &  Consent  to  the  will,  &  also  my  desire  that  the  will 
may  bee  rattifyed  according  to  Law.  Thomas   T  Kingman. 

wittnes  my  hand, 

Weymouth  July:  the  29*:  1667. 

bis  marke 

Henry  Douglas. — I  giue  to  my  wife,  Judea  Bugles,  £100  of  my 
estate  so  longe  as  shee  contino  a  wido.  To  my  eldcste  sonn,  a  du- 
bell  porshon  of  the  Reste  of  my  estate,  and  the  other  parte  of  my 
estate  to  be  equally  devided  between  my  other  toe  children,  only  to 
my  granchild,  Samuell  Hett,  I  giue  25  shillings  sheare  of  lande  at 
cape  feare;  and  in  case  my  wife  mary  a  gaine,  shee  then  to  take  the 
thurds  of  my  estate  during  hure  life,  provided  the  ouerplush  of  the 
hundred  pound  be  euequaily  deuidei  to  my  chilldren  that  ear  liuing, 
and  when  my  wife  dye  that  thurd  parte  of  the  estate  to  be  devided 
betwexte  my  children  that  ear  living;  and  if  eany  of  my  chilldren  dye 
Dot  being  mared  then  that  estate  that  I  giue  them  to  be  eaquelly  to 
be  deuided  a  mongest  the  Reste  of  my  chilldren  and  grandchilldren, 
prouided  all  my  dates  be  payed  and  my  funerall  discharged.  My 
wife  and  my  sonn,  John,  to  be  my  admenistraters  and  Mr.  John  Sen- 
derlin,  sener,  John  far num,  sener,  and  Richard  Woodde,  to  be  my  ouer- 
sersof  this  my  laste  will  and  testament,  the  9th  of  february  1662 — as 
Witnes  my  hand  and  seale.  Henry  Douglas. 

Boston.     Wittnes 

Richard  Woodde,  Isaac!;  Woodde. 

31  July  1667.     Rich.  Wooddy  S-  hack  Woodchj  deposed. 

At  the  same  time  power  of  Administration  to  the  Estate  of  the 
late  Henry  Douglas  is  granted  to  Judelh  Douglas,  Relict  of  ye  said 
Henry,  to  p'forme  the  Imperfect  will  of  the  said  Henry  Douglas  as 
neer  as  maybe.  E.  R.    R. 

This  Paper  was  brought  by  srz'.ant  Woody,  sealed  up  &  declared 
that  it  Was  left  by  Henry  Dvglas  v,-  a  him  as  subscribed  by  him  his 
last  will  to  be  kept  by  him,  the  said  Mi.  IVoody,  vntill  he  cald  for  it 
or  his  death;  this  given  to  Thomas  Dvglas,  in  the  presence  his  brother 
Hett,    the  17  May  1667.         before  J.  L. 

An  Inuentory  of  all  singular  the  Goods  &  Chatties  of  Hennery  Dow- 
glas,  deceased,  taken  the  9th  of  July  1667,  by  James  Euerell,  Joseph 
How.  Mentions — the  old  buildiDr  Containing  4  lower  roomes  &  the 
roomes  aboue  with  the  chimney,  belonging'  to  the  said  house,  &  all 
the  Ground  from  Eighteene  ynci-s  beyond  the  Ground  sill  of  the 


223  Abstracts  of  Early  V/ills.  [My 

same  bouse   southward,  &  all   the   Land  soe  fair  as  the  Ground  of 
Goody  Jameson  northward,  £40. 

31  July  1667.     Judeth  Douglas  Administratrix,  to  the  imperfect  will 
of  Henery  Douglas,  her  late  husband,  deposed. 

Henry  Powning. — An  Inuentorye  of  the  goods  &  chattels  Belong- 
ing to  Henry  Pawning,  deceased,  taken  by  James  Penn,  John  Wiswall, 
Edward  Hutchinson.  Aint.  £585.15.01.  Debts  owing  pr  the  Estate, 
to  seucrall  persons  Heer  in  Xew  England  Knowne — £358.08.01. 
More  owing  Mr  Roud;  in  England,  not  yet  Knowne. 

July  27th  1665.     Elizabeth  Pawning  deposed. 

Edward  Rawson  Secretarye. 

Added  by  Eliza.  Poioning,  ye  16  July  1684.  Six  acres  of  Land  lying 
at  Kittery. 


Henry  Bishop. — An  Inuentory  of  the  Goods  k  Chattells  of  Henry 
Bishop,  Late  of  Boston,  Deceased.  Taken  by  John  Wiswall,  John 
Hull.  Amt.  ,£359.15.03.  Mentions  2  Horses  at  New  Hauen;  Debts 
at  Barbadoes  11500  lb.  sugars,  £169.  Debts  due  from  the  Estate 
amounts  to  £370. 

6th  Nouember  1665.  Prsent  the  Gouernour,  Majr  Gen.  Leuret,  Mr 
Lusher.  Nath.  Bishop  deposed  to  the  Inuentory  of  the  Estate  of  the 
Late  Henry  Bishop,  His  Brother.  Edward  Rawson,  Recorder. 

Boston  1665.  A  true  Inuentorye  of  the  apparreli  &  some  other 
small  things  of  Elizabeth  Bishoppe,  Widow,  Late  wife  of  Henry  Bishop, 
Both  Deceased,  prised  by  Thomas  Grubh,  John  Lake,  at  Boston,  Oct. 
4, '65.     Amt.  £13.13.7- 

16  Nouember  1665,  speciall  Court,  Nathaniell  Bishop,  deposed. 

Edward  Rawson,  Recorder. 

James  White — Boston  In  New  England  1666.  I,  James  IMiite,  of 
Barbados,  mrchant,  Infirme  of  body  but  of  sound  &  perfect  memory, 
ordaine  this  my  last  will  and  testament.  As  to  my  worldly  estate  in 
Barbados  or  elsewhere  I  bequeath  as  followeth:  Vnto  ye  parish  of 
.Home  church,  in  ye  County  of  Essex,  &  to  ye  parishes  of  S1.  Johns 
&  S1.  Michalls  in  Barbados,  to  each  of  them,  a  peace  of  plate  of  tenn 
pounds  for  value  to  yc  seruice  of  ye  Comunion  table,  for  ever.  To  ye 
said  parish  of  Home  church,  being  ye  place  of  my  Natiuity,  one 
thousand  pounds,  for  ye  Erecting  or  buying  of  aiixVlmes  house  yT  may 
Cont:  sixe  poore  men  which  Cannot  [  ]  otherwise,  &  to  be  pci  on 
euery  fifth  of  Nouember  sixe  pound  str.  to  each  of  them,  &  a  new 
gound;  &  ye  ministers  of  y*  parish  to  haue  forty  shillings  for  A  ser- 
mon for  euer;  ye  aforesaid  rnonys  I  doe  will  shall  be  paid  within 
twelve  months  after  all  my  Just  debts  are  pd  k  to  [be]  disposed  of 
in  purchase  at  ye  Discretion  of  my  suruiueing  executors,  in  trust,  with 
ye  aduise  of  the  next  two  Justises  in  yt  parish  of  Home  church,  or 
Adjacent  theirto;  but  in  case  my  Es[tate]  amount  not  to  teuo  thou- 
sand pounds  str:  my  debts  pd,  then  I  giue  but  flue  hundred  pounds 
str:  to  ye  Vse  &  behalfe  aforesaid,  &  to  be  disposed  of  as  aboue  men- 

1862.  J  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  229 

tioned.  I  giue  vnto  Mr.  William  Leisly  &  [  ]  Johns  [  ]  minis- 
ters in  Barbados,  to  each  a  King'  of  ten  pounds  sterlin  in  Value;  to 
Mr.  John  Bowden,  Mr.  Rich:  Seawell  Mr.  Chr.  Jason,  Mr.  Job  Browne, 
to  each  of  them  Rings  of  20'  value.  I  giue  vnto  ye  parish  of  s\ 
michalls.  in  Barbados,  one  tenth  part  of  ye  neate  Value  or  rent  Raised 
by  my  houses  &  Land  in  y.e  said  towne  &  parish;  &  in  case  my  Ex- 
ecutors, in  trust,  shall  sell  &  dispose  of  all  or  any  p?t  thereof,  then  I 
will  &  ordaine  y  one  tenth  pl  of  the  produce  or  p'veneiw  shall  bee  to 
ye  Vse  of  yc  said  parish  for  ye  building,  buying  of  a  worke  house.,  or 
ye  setting1  of  poore  people  at  worke,  at  ye  discretion  of  any  of  execut- 
ors in  trust  withye  advise  of  ye  Justices  in  q'ter  sessions  of  yl  place; 
this  is  to  be  after  my  debts  are  pa  vzt.  in  12  months  after.  I  giue 
Vnto  Ann  Gallop,  Ralph  &  Cathcrin  Truth,  to  each  of  them  £50  str. ; 
&  to  William  Truth,  £100  str.  to  be  p(l  two  yeares  after  my  debts 
are  pd;  but  in  case  my  estate  be  not  valued  at  £10,000  str.  at  my 
decease,  then  I  giue  but  halfe  ye  sumes  to  be  pd  as  aboue  mentioned. 
I  giue  vnto  yfc  children  of  my  well  beloued  Brother,  Will"1  While, 
Late  of  London,  in  old  England,  vzt.  John,  Will"1,  Ann,  Dorothy,  & 
ye  rest,  Equaly,  Except  Josiah  &  Jeames,  £100  to  purchase  of  their 
father  ye  free  hold  of  ye  farme  of  Fethes,  alias  fethes,  in  ye  County  of 
Essex,  by  Chensford,  ye  which  farme  so  purchased,  I  giue  vnto  his 
sonn,  Josiah  White,  student  in  Oxon,  &  to  his  heires  for  euer,  which 
if  he  haue  of  his  owne,  if  not,  then  of  his  Relation,  I  desire  him  to  be- 
stow ityx  their  may  neuer  want  one  of  ye  name  to  serue  at  ye  Alter, 
Vntill  Christs  second  Comeing  in  glory.  I  meane  £700  str:  amongst 
tbem;  not  to  each.  Jeames  White. 

I  giue  vnto  my  wife,  Katherine  White,  £100  str.  to  buy  her  a  Ring 
in  Remembrance  of  mee,  with  my  Jewells,  plate,  household  stuffe 
for  euer,  &  ye  vse  of  my  dwelling  house  on  my  plant11  &  ye  prouis- 
sion,  stock,  Vntill  hermariadge,  Besides  ye  bond  giuen  her  by  fea- 
feas  in  trust,  for  which  she  is  to  release  all  claime  of  thirds  or  other 
interest  in  or  to  any  part  of  my  estate,  &  not  other  wise,  this  Legacy 
being  in  full  of  her  Dower.  I  giue  to  ye  Child  she  now  goeth  with 
[  ]   pounds  starling,  to  be  pd  after  my  debts   or  [  ]  my 

Executors  besides  ye  bond  giuen  &  made  to  feafecs  in  trust,  for  his 
portion,  ye  which  bonds  I  leaue  be  [aring]  date  wth  this  my  will  in 
ye  hands  of  Coll.  Daniell  Side.  I  giue  vnto  ye  Eldest  child  of  Mr 
Edward  Bowdon,  deputy  secretary  of  Barbados,  &  to  Elizabeth  More, 
Late  Daughter  of  Thomas  More,  to  eacli  of  them,  £100  str.  to  be  paid 
at  each,  of  their  day  of  Mariadge  ;  my  debts  being  pd,  this  to  Eliza- 
beth More  Desire  speedily.  To  my  Bro'>.  John  &  Wihm  White  &  [their] 
wiues,  to  each  of  them,  Rings  of  £10  str.  in  Value,  wth  mourneing. 
Vnto  my  Nephew,  Jeames  White  my  Brother,  Willm  White,  of 
London,  all  my  [estate]  Reall  &  p'sonail,  hereby  constit'uteing  ye 
said  James,  my  sole  heire  &  executr  of  this  my  Last  will  &  testament. 
Appointing  Coll.  Henry  Uaicly,  Edw  :  Py  Esq,  Jeames  Bcake,  Esq: 
WiWn  Bate  Esq.  my  Brother,  Willm  White  &  Jeramiah  Egings  march'ts: 
Execufs  in  trust  of  this  my  Will,  in  behaife  of  my  said  Nephew, 
James,  or  any  two  of  them,  &  ye  suruiuer,  desireing  them  to  follow 
the  aduise  of  my  said  Bro  :   Willm,  his  Guardian,  to  ye  be[stj   ad- 

230  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  [July 

uantage  of  my  Nephew,  his  son,  Giueingmy  sa[id]  Executrs  ill  trust, 
or  any  two  of  them,  full  power  to  buy  more  Lands,  stock  or  other 
necessaryes  for  my  plant",  &c,  or  to  sell,  Lease,  or  to  farme,  Let,  any 
[or]  all  my  estate,  reall  or  prsonall,  as  in  their  discretion  may  seeme 
most  for  ye  profit  of  my  said  Nephew  &  heire,  desireing  them  to  doe 
by  him,  As  they  desire  others  may  doe  for  theirs,  in  ye  Like  case.  I 
giue  vnto  Mrs  Elizabeth  Hawley,  (Long  since  mariedj  dau.  of  George 
Hawley,  march*,  in  Gracious  Streate,  London,  £300  str:  to  bee  pd  three 
yeares  after  my  debts  are  pd,  &  in  case  of  her  death,  without  Ishue, 
then  to  ye  meanest  of  relicts  of  ye  Children  of  ye  said  George  Hawly, 
at  ye  discretion  of  my  Execut"  in  trust,  I  hereby  revoke  &  declare 
voyde,  ye  will  &  bonds  Left  with  John  Harris,  to  giue  Mr  Job  Browne., 
at  my  Comeing  from  Barbados  Last,  &  ail  other  wills  or  papers 
lending  theireto,  prvided  this  &  ye  bonds  Come  safe  to  hand  ;  &  to 
my  Executrs  yr  Come  &  appeare  in  trust  for  my  Nephew,  to  each  of 
them,  I  giue  a  Ring  of  term  pounds  ;  &  if  my  Brother,  Willmf  Come 
not  ouer,  I  giue  yl  Executr,  or  any  two,  one,  yl  will  take  sutne  prticu- 
lai*  charge  therof.  To  Coll.  Darnell  Sirle,  I  giue  a  Ring  of  flue 
pounds  ;  to  Thomas  Grey,  Jeames  Cluterbooke,  to  each  of  them,  two 
thousand  of  musCo:  sugar,  vzt,  to  John  Harris  &  George  Fryar  three 
thousand  pounds  each  of  them. 

10  Sept,  16G6.  Jeames  White. 


Acknowledgd  by  James  White  to  bee  his  Last  Will  &  by  him  signed, 
sealed  and  deliuered  in  these  words  In  ye  presentes  of  vs,  with  ye 
Adition  vnder  written.  George  Fryer. 

Tel.  John  Goble,  Era.  Funchard,  Richard  Gregorie. 

Boston  In  New  England.  Alt  a  meeting  of  ye  Gouemcr.  Richard 
Bellingham  Esqr,  John  J.eueret  Esq7",  Major  Generally  <J*  Edward  Rawson, 
Record^  in  Boston,  28th  of  March  1667. 

John  Gable,  aged  forty  three  yeares  or  thereabouts,  Frances  Funch- 
ard,  aged  thirty  eight  yeares  or  thereabouts,  Richard  Gregorie,  aged 
twenty  foure  yeares  or  thereabouts,  &  George  Fryer,  seruant  to  ye 
late  Cap  James  White,  of  Barbados,  aged  twenty  three  yeares  or 
thereabouts,  ou  theire  Corporall  oathes,  deposed,  yl  on  ye  15lh  of  this 
Instant  march,  being  present  wt!l  ye  sd.  Late  Jeames  White,  at  his 
lodging  in  Boston,  on  his  request,  &  did  heare  the  sd  Jeames  White 
acknowledge  &  publish  these  two  sheets  of  paper  to  be  his  Last  will 
&  testament,  ye  wch  he  had  formerly  according  to  ye  date  therof  so 
signed  &  sealed;  &  on  ye  sd  fifteenth  Instant,  they  did  see  ye  said 
James  White  put  also  on  &  take  his  seale  therefrom,  saying,  I  deliuer 
this  as  my  act,  [&c.  The  words — "  Richard  Gregorie,  aged  twenty 
four  yeares"  was  interlined;  and  John  Goble  affirmed,  "  y!  he  set  his 
hand,  at.  a  Wittnesse,  some  day  in  March,  but  before  the  fifteenth."] 

An  adition  to  my  Will. — Whereas  I  am  advised  of  a  great  fire  ia 
London,  to  my  Brother  Willm.  While  great  [loss]  as  well  as  others,  I 
hauing  invited  him  ouer,  his  wife  &  children,  I  will  declare  &  giue 
him  my  household  stuffe,  being  in  more  want  thereof  then  my  wife, 
whose  bond  I  doe  giue  her  to  make  Void  her  Bower,  &  debare  her 

1862.]  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  231 

all  therds  or  clarae3  or  other  Interest  in  any  of  ye  Estate,  reall  or 
pr8onal],  belonging  vnto  me,  or  any  thing  to  ye  Contrary  before  ex- 
prest.  Jeames  White. 

Boston  Oct.  12th  16G6. 

Test:  Richard  Gregorie,  Fra.  Punchard,  George  Fryer,  who  deposed 
to  the  above,  March  28,  1666. 

Boston  1666. — Instructions  to  my  Executors,  in  trust,  nominated  in 
my  Last  will,  bearing  Date  wth  these  prsents,  being  the  10th  Oct.  16G6. 

As  to  my  wife,  Ka  :  White,  I  haue  wrote  her  Letter,  which  I  de- 
sire you,  H.  Hawley,  or  some  other,  to  prvse  &  be  verry  priuate  in 
it  ;  then  seale  &  deliuer  it  at  your  ovvne  time,  I  doubt  not  but  I  shall 
recouer  ye  £4000  of  Mr  Bantly,  £2000  may  be  secured  to  her  &  her 
child,  either  by  morgage  or  to  let  it  ly  in  a  Judgment  to  ye  payment 
of  her  child  £150  pr  annrn,  or  if  M,  B.  bee  not  willing  to  keep  it,  Let 
it  be  deuided,  &  she  to  take  her  £1000  to  her  new  husband,  but  Let 
it  not  goe  wthout  securing  a  Joynture  Vpon  her  ;  if  she  be  Kind  to 
ye  Child,  let  her  haue  £40  pr  ann.  out  of  ye  interest  of  his  £1000,  for 
I  would  haue  j*  £1000  be  let  out  to  M.  B.  at  4  pr  C<  Yntill  y.«  Child 
be  17,  &  if  A  boy  that  he  be  fitted  for  a  march1,  &  bound  out,  yl  bee 
wrCh  hath  yc  mony  shall  advance  £200  to  binde  him  out,  and  Keep  ye 
mony  flue  yeares  gratis  ;  this  is  but  by  way  of  aduise,  I  leaue  it  to 
yr  care  &  Discretion,  as  in  all  things  else.  As  to  those  two  great 
debts  I  owe,  you  will  find  pTtiall  Instructions  herewth,  &  another 
Copy  in  ye  hands  of  Mr  Browne  or  John  Harris.  If  my  wife  is  not 
Contented  wth  her  Legacy,  vzt.  my  bond  which  I  giue  her  in  full  of 
her  therds,  Dower,  &  all  other  claime  to  my  Estate,  reall  &  p'sonall, 
then  wtl;hold  ye  present  yearely  allowance  mentioned  in  my  will,  for 
she  deserues  no  Kindnesse  from  mee.  Yor  seruant 

Boston  Oct.  10,  1666.  Jeames  White. 

Test  :  John  Goble,  Geo.  Fryer,  Fra  :  Punchard,  Richard  Gregorie,  who 
deposed  March  28,  1666.  Edward  Rawson,  Record1". 

Boston  the  30  th  1™  :  1667.  Inuentory  of  the  Estate  of  the  late  Cap. 
Jams-While,  deceased,  as  it  was  shewen  vnto  vs,  the  subscribers,  by 

/fieorge  Fryer~T^  his  domestique  seruant.     Signed  by   Rich:    Cooke,  Josh: 
Scottow.     Ami  £178.12.5.     Debts  the  deceased  oweth,  to  Josuah  Scot- 
low,  Mr  Atwater,  Mr  Lynes,  Edward  Lilly,  Deacon  Trusdall,  MX  RuddGck} 
Mf  Lidget,  Leift:  Cooke,  Arthur  Mason,  Ben:  Gillam,  John  Lake,  Mr  Bend- 
I        alL  Goodman  Fetch;  to    George  Fryer,  for  his   Sallery,  in   p1   whereof 
V      heeNmttu£6\11.06   paid   in    69   gall,   of   Rum    &    a   bill.     "  Colonell 
^■^Searles  hath  tooke  the  negro  boy*  as  in  p*  of  the  funerall  Expence." 
Ami.  of  debts:  £184.11, 

George  Fryar,  deposed,  April  1,  1667. 

Edward  Fletcher.— Feb.  20,  1659.  I,  Edward  Fletcher,  now  of 
Badgeden,  in  the  County  of  Gloucester,  Gierke,  being  in  health  of 
body,  doe  make  this  my  last  will.  I  giue  all  that  my  messuage  or 
tenement  wth  the  appurtenances,  scituate  and  being  neere  the  Little 

*  The  negro  was  valued  at  £25. 

232  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  [July 

Cloisters,  within  the  precincts  of  the  Colledge,  in  the  Citty  of  Glou- 
cester, and  the  rents,  issues  &  profit  thereof,  vnto  Mary,  my  wife, 
during  the  terme  of  her  life,  she  keeping  the  same  in  repaire,  Sc  also 
giving  free  &  full  liberty  to  Mr  James  Forbes,  of  Gloster,  and  such 
other  Christians  w,h  him  as  he  shall  allow  of,  to  meete  and  assemble 
themselues  together,  from  time  to  time,  in  the  great  Hall  of  the  said 
Messuage  or  tenement,  for  the  worship  of  God  only,  and  to  haue  free 
liberty  of  ingresse,  egresse,  and  regresse,  to  &  from  the  same, 
thorough  all  vsuall  waves,  at  their  will,  &  pleasures,  paying  40s  pr 
ann.  rent,  for  the  same,  during  my  wifes  life;  and  imediately  after 
my  wifes  decease,  I  giue  said  messuage  or  tenement  wth  the  appur- 
tenances, vnto  my  sister,  Elizabeth  Hooper,  for  the  tearme  of  her  life, 
shee  keeping  the  same  in  repaire.  And  vpon  this  further  condicon, 
yl  my  said  sister,  Elizabeth,  her  executors,  Admin?8:  or  assignes,  pay 
to  my  Cozen,  Mar garett  Ellis,  now  of  the  Citty  of  Gloucester,  Spinster, 
out  of  the  rents,  issues  and  proffits  of  the  said  Messuage  or  tenement, 
.£10  of  Lawfull  English  Money,  within  Fewer  yeares  after  my  said 
wifes  decease,  in  Case  my  said  sister  shall  Hue  and  enjoy  the  said 
house,  messuage  &  premises  soe  long.  And  my  will  is,  that  from 
&  after  my  wiles  decease,  the  said  Mr  James  Forbes  &  such  other 
Christians  as  hee  shall  allow  of,  may,  if  they  desire  it,  have  the  vse 
of  the  said  great  Hall  for  the  vses  aboue  menconed,  during  my  Sisters 
life  [with  rights  and  privileges  as  before  expressed,]  wihout  giuing* 
any  rent  for  the  same  during  my  said  sisters  life.  I  giue  the  Reuer- 
con  and  inheritance  of  said  Messuage  or  tenement,  w*iil  the  appur- 
tenances expectant  vpon  &  after  the  death  of  my  wife  or  my  sister 
Elizabeth  &  either  of  them  longest  [Liuing,]  vnto  my  well  beloued 
Preinds,  Mr  James  Forbes,  of  the  Citty  of  Gloucester,  Gierke,  William 
Sheppard,  the  younger,  of  the  [same]  Citty,  gent,  Thomas  Cole,  of 
the  same  Citty,  scriuener,  Thomas  Jlenning,  of  the  same  Citty,  joyner, 
Thomas  Shipton  of  Ba[rn]wood,  and  John  Badger,  of  St.  Bridge  in  tne 
County  of  the  same  Citty,  yeoman,  &  their  heires  foreuer,  vpon  trust 
and  confidence,  neuer  the  lesse  to  the  intent  &  purpose  yt  they  the  sd 
Forbes,  Sheppard,  Cole,  Henning,  Shipton  $■  Badger  &  the  surviuo1"3  or 
suruivor  &  the  heires  or  assignes  of  such  surviuor  shall  and  [may 
dis]pose  of  the  rents,  issues  &  proffits  thereof  to  &  for  the  relief  of 
such  godly  poore  and  needy  people  as  they  shall  judge  meete,  and  to 
bee  distributed  by  them  in  such  sort  &  manner  as  they  in  their  dis- 
cretion shall  thinck  convenient,  All  [need]  full  charges  in  repara- 
cons  and  otherwise  being  allowed  &  defaulted  out  of  the  rent,  from 
time  to  time,  as  it  shall  grow  due  &  payable.  All  the  rest  of  my 
goods,  chattells  and  personall  estate  whatsoeuer,  [all]  my  debts 
payd  &  funeral  1  expences  discharged,  I  giue  to  my  wife,  Mary  Fletcher, 
whome  I  make  sole  executrix  of  this  my  last  will  &  testament. 

Edw:  Fletcher. 
Sealed  and  published  in  ye  presents  of 

Tho:  Browne,  Ridge  Van,  Susana  Rogers. 

An  Inuentory  of  the  Goods  &  Estate  of  Edward  Fletcher,  lately  de- 
ceased, in  Boston,  &  Apprized  by  Thomas  Bumstead,  William  Kilcup, 
Dec.  31,  1666. 

Boston  12th  Feb.  1666.     Power  of  administration  to  the  estate  of 


1S62.]  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  233 

the  late  Mr  Edw:  Fletcher,  deceased,  is  granted  unto  Mary,  his  relict. 
Mrs.  Mary  Fletcher  deposed. 

Capt.  Richard  Davenport. — 30th  Octobr.  16G5.  Power  of  Adminis- 
tration to  the  Estate  of  the  Late  Cap1.  lUchard  Dauenport,  on  Request 
of  Elizabeth,  his  Relict,  testifyed  pr.  her  sonnes,  is  graunted  to  Mr  \Vm 
Sto.vghion,  Mx  Nathaniel  Dauenport  $*  Mr  Stephen  Minott,  they  giuing 
securitye  to  Administer  according  to  Lawe  &  bring  in  a  Just  &  true 
Inuentorye  therof  to  the  County  Court.         Edw.  Rawson  Recorder. 

Inuentoryc  of  the  Estate  taken  Oct  9,  1665,  pr  Roger  Clapp,  Hope- 
still  Foster,  John  Minott,  Amt.  £9114.  Mr  W™  Stoughton,  Mr  Nathaniell 
Dauenport,  cy  Mr  Stephen  Minott  Administrate  deposed,  Oct  30,  1665. 

Nicholas  Badditier. — An  Inuentory  of  the  Estate  of  Nicholas  Bad- 
ditier,  of  Datsuro,*  neer  Dartmouth,  in  England,  that  Departed  this 
Life,  in  June  last,  at  Edw:  Barkers  House.  Taken  by  John  Search, 
Edward  Ellis,  John  Sweete,  Amt.  £3.15.11. 

Oct  31,  1665.     Edward  Barker  deposed. 

Arthur  Clarke. — Oct  31,  1665.  Power  of  Administration  to  the 
Estate  of  the  Late  Arthur  Clarke  is  Graunted  to  Sarah,  his  Relict,  in 
Behalfe  of  Her  selfe  &  sonne. 

Inventory  of  the  Estate  taken  by  Thomas  Matson.  The  gallie  pots 
prised  by  Mr  Jn°  Endecot  c\-  Mr  Daniel  Stone.  Amt  of  inventory, 
£?1.19.6.     Sarah  Clarke  deposed. 


[Communicated  by  Charles  J.  Hoadley  of  Hartford,  Ct.] 

Mr.  Goodwin,  in  a  note  at  the  foot  of  page  8  of  Genealogical  Notes, 
published  1856,  gave  from  the  original  document  on  file  at  the  Pro- 
bate Office  in  Hartford,  the  last  will  of  Mr.  Chester,  made  in  1648. 
In  that  document  Mr.  Chester  refers  to  a  writing  drawn  up  some 
years  before,  which  is  here  given  as  found  entered  with  the  will  of 
later  date,  in  the  recently  discovered  volume  of  Probate  Records  of 
Connecticut : 

November  82*  1637. 

In  the  name  of  God  Amen. 

I  Leonard  Chester  of  Wethersfield  in  Connecticut  gentleman  be- 
ing sound  in  body  and  of  good  and  perfect  memory.,  praised  be  God 
therefore,  do  ordain  and  appoint  this  my  last  will  and  testament  in 
form  and  manner  following:  First  I  commend  my  soul  into  the 
hands  of  almighty  God  my  creator,  in  hope  of  resurrection  unto  life 
by  Jesus  Christ  my  Saviour,  and  my  body  to  the  earth  from  whence 

*  Probably  Dittisham,  in  Devon,  5|  miles  N.  by  W,  from  Dartmouth.  "The 
parish,  which  is  remarkable  for  the  beauty  of  its  scenery,  is  crossed  by  the  navi- 
gable river  Dart,  over  which  there  is  a  ferry."  Lewis's  Topographical  Die.  of  Eng- 
land.   London,  1831. 


.  ' 

234  Will  of  Leonard  Chester  .  [July 

I  came,  and  my  worldly  estate  I  dispose  of  in  such  wise  as  shall  be 
hereafter  expressed,  all  former  wills  and  testaments  being  by  virtue 
of  these  presents  made  void  and  of  none  effect. 

Impr.  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  son  John,  all  that  my  house 
lot  with  houses  meadows  and  other  lands  whatsoever  together  with 
that  mill  and  the  appurtenances  thereto  belonging  which  I  am  in 
building  at  the  devising  of  these  presents,  all  which  doe  lie,  are  sit- 
uate, and  have  their  being  in  the  town  and  liberty  of  Wethersfield 
aforesaid:  to  enter  upon  the  one  half  immediately  after  my  decease 
for  and  towards  his  education  and  maintenance,  and  upon  the  other 
half  after  the  decease  of  Mary  my  beloved  wife  and  not  before.  And 
if  it  shall  happen  that  the  said  John  shall  die  without  issue  before 
he  comes  to  the  age  of  one  and  twenty  years  that  then  the  said 
houses,  lands  and  appurtenances  thereto  I  do  give  and  bequeath 
unto  my  daughter  Mary,  and  if  it  shall  please  God  that  my  daugh- 
ter Mary  shall  die  without  issue,  that  then  my  will  is,  that  the  afore- 
said houses  lands  &c  shall  be  divided  amongst  the  heirs  of  my  body 
in  general,  or  for  want  of  issue  to  the  children  of  my  dear  uncle  Mr. 
Thomas  Hooker  now  pastor  at  Hartford  in  Connecticut  aforesaid: 
Item  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  son  John  an  hundred  pounds: 
Item  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  daughter  Mary  two  hundred 
pounds:  Item  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  mother  Dorithy  Chester 
thirty  pounds:  and  I  do  give  unto  my  wife  Mary  one  half  of  my 
house  lot  with  houses  meadows  and  other  lands  whatsoever  together 
with  that  mill  and  the  appurtenances  thereto  belonging,  which  I  am 
now  in  building,  to  have  and  to  hold  for  her  proper  use  and  benefit 
during  the  time  of  her  natural  life,  and  then  to  return  to  the  only 
use  and  right  of  my  son  John  &c.  according  to  the  premises  before 
specified:  And  I  do  appoint  and  constitute  my  dear  wife  Mary  my 
whole  and  only  executrix.  And  I  do  request  Mr  John  Plum  and  Mr 
Henry  Smith,  both  of  this  town  of  Wethersfield,  to  be  my  overseas, 
for  which  I  do  give  unto  Mr.  Plum  ten  shillings  to  buy  him  a  pair  of 
gloves,  and  Mr  Smith  I  give  him  thirty  shillings.  In  witness  here- 
unto I  have  set  my  hand  and  seal  the  day  and  year  first  above  writ- 
ten. Leonard  Chester. 

In  the  presence  of  us  • 

Henry  Smith. 

It  is  the  last  will  and  testament  of  Leonard  Chester  gent:  that  Mr 
Haynes  and  Mr  Webster  shall  take  into  consideration  the  300£  sent 
over  as  a  part  of  the  portion  of  his  wife  since  he  came  to  New  Eng- 
land, which  was  to  be  disposed  of  for  her  use  with  her  liking,  which 
being  rectified  by  the  two  friends  above  named,  then  his  housing 
lands  stock  and  estate,  to  be  disposed  to  the  benefit  of  his  children, 
according  as  the  said  Leonard  should  determine  when  they  confer 
with  him.  And  in  case  he  depart  this  life  before  they  can  visit  him, 
then  he  intreats  those  two  friends  as  his  last  will  to  proportion  the 
estate  to  his  posterity  as  they  judge  fit,  and  he  makes  Mr.  Webster 
and  Mr.  Newton  of  Tonxsis  his  overseers.  Leonard  Chester. 

In  the  presence  of 

Tho:  Hooker 

James  Boost 

Dorothy  Chester. 

IS62.]  Descendants  of  Rein  old  and  Matthew  Marvin.  235 


OF    THE 


[Compiled  from  authentic  sources,  by  T.  R.  Marvin,  Boston.] 

The  following  sketch  is  necessarily  imperfect,  from  the  fact  that 
the  records  to  make  it  complete  are  not  within  the  reach  of  the  com- 
piler. It  was  originally  commenced  by  him  with  the  hope  of  tracing 
the  direct  line  of  his  ancestry  to  the  first  emigrant  to  this  country; 
in  this  he  has  been  entirely  successful.  If  those  of  the  name  will 
communicate  to  the  compiler  correct  lists  of  their  families,  he  will 
hereafter  make  use  of  them. 

In  some  of  the  following  records  there  are  apparent  discrepancies 
in  regard  to  the  ages  of  persons,  arising  from  the  fact  that  their 
birth  was  recorded  for  old  style,  and  their  death  for  ■new  style. 

The  first  family  by  the  name  of  Marvin,  who  came  to  New  Eng- 
land, consisted  of  two  brothers,  lieinold  and  Malihew,  and  one  sister, 
Hannah,  who  probably  came  over  from  England  with  her  brother, 
Reinold.  I  have  not  been  able  to  ascertain  in  what  year  Reinold 
came  to  New  England.  Matthew,  and  his  family,  came  in  1635,  as 
will  be  seen  by  the  following  statement: 

During  the  summer  months  of  1842,  Hon.  James  Savage  of  Boston, 
Mass.,  who  was  on  a  visit  to  England,  was  chiefly  occupied  with 
searching  for  materials  to  illustrate  the  early  annals  of  New  Eng- 
land, lie  was  richly  compensated  for  his  toil.  The  result  of  his  in- 
vestigations was  published  in  the  8th  vol.  Mass.  Hist.  Coll.,  3d  series, 
under  the  title  of  '  Gleanings  for  New  England  History/  From  this 
article  I  extract  the  following: 

"Perhaps  the  acquisition  most  valuable,  in  the  opinion  of  our  local 
antiquaries,  is  my  copious  extracts  from  a  MS.  volume  in  folio,  at 
the  Augmentation  Office  (so  called),  where  the  Rev.  Joseph  Hunter, 
one  of  the  Record  Commissioners,  presides,  in  Rolls  Court,  West- 
minster Hall.  It  contains  the  names  of  persons,  permitted  to  em- 
bark at  the  port  of  London,  after  Christmas,  1G34,  to  the  same  period 
in  the  following  year,  kept  generally  in  regular  succession.  This  was 
found  a  few  months  since,  and  may  not  have  been  seen  by  more  than 
two  or  three  persons  for  two  hundred  years." 

Under  date  of  15th  April,  1635,  is  the  following  entry  in  the  above 
named  volume: 

"Theis  parties  hereafter  expressed,  are  to  be  transported  to  New 
England,  irnbarqued  in  the  Increase,  Robert  Lea,  master,  having 
taken  the  oath  of  alleg-iance  and  supremacy,  as  also  being  conform- 
able, &c.  whereof  they  brought  testimony  per  certif.  from  the  Just- 
ices and  ministers  where  there  abodes  have  lately  been." 

The  following  names  are  included  in  the  list  above  referred  to: 

23G  Descendants  of  Remold  and  Matthew  Marvin.  [July 


Husbandman         Matthew  Marvyn,  35  yrs. 

uxor         Elizabeth  Marvyn,  31 

Elizabeth  Marvin,  11 

Matthew  Marvyn,  8 

Marie  Marvyn,  6 

Sara  Marvyn,  3 

Hanna  Marvyn,  J 

The  brothers  Matthew  and  Reinold  were  among  the  original 
settlers  of  Hartford,  Conn.,  and  both  were  proprietors  of  land  in 
that  ancient  town. 

Matthew  resided  on  the  corner  of  Village  and  Front  streets,  Hart- 
ford, for  some  years.  He  was  among  the  pioneers  in  the  settlement 
of  Norwalk,  which  town  he  represented  in  the  General  Court  in  1654. 
Matthew,  his  son,  represented  that  town  in  1694  and  1G97;  Samuel, 
bis  grandson,  in  1718,  and  John,  his  grandson,  in  1734  and  1738. 
He  died  at  Norwalk,  in  1687. 

Eeinold*  sold  his  land  in  Hartford  and  removed  to  Farmingtqn, 
and  was  probably  among  the  first  settlers  of  that  town,  xlbout 
1648,  he  sold  his  property  in  Farmington  to  John  Warner.  The  pro- 
perty sold  to  Warner  consisted  of  a  homelot  of  five  acies,  a  new 
house,  and  other  lands,  which  are  recorded  at  Farmington.  This 
"  was  a  prominent  homelot,  having  Mr.  Willis  of  Hartford,  on  one 
side,  and  Mr.  Hopkins  on  the  other;  it  was  on  the  west  side  of  the 
main  street."  From  Farmington  he  removed  to  that  part  of  Say- 
brook,  which  is  now  Lyme,  where  he  died  in  1662.  He  had  two 
children,  Reinold  and  Mary.  His  daughter  Mary  married  William 
Waller  of  Saybrook;  they  had  sons  William,  John,  Samuel  and  Mat- 
thew. The  early  town  records  of  Saybrook  have  been  unfortunately 
destroyed  by  fire, — and  the  Farmington  town  records  do  not  extend 
back  farther  than  1646;  so  that  it  is  only  by  collateral  evidenee  that 
some  of  the  foregoing  dates  and  conclusions  have  been  arrived  at. 
His  will  is  recorded  on  the  Colony  Records  at  Hartford,  in  which  he 
directs  that  to  each  of  his  grandchildren,  "  there  be  provided  and  given 
a  Bible  as  soon  as  they  are  capable  of  using  them."  The  inventory 
of  his  estate  amounted  to  over  £800, 

Hannah  married  Francis  Barnard,  at  Hartford,  in  1644;  and  re- 
moved from  thence  to  Hadley,  Mass.  She  died  in  1676.  Farmer 
says,  that  Francis  Barnard  is  the  ancestor  of  all  the  divines  of  the 
name  of  Barnard,  who  have  graduated  at  Harvard,  excepting  John 
of  Marblehead,  and  Jeremiah  of  Manchester,  X.  H, 

Reinold  Marvin  (son  of  Reinold,  preceding),  born  about  1634, 
married,  about  1663;  Sarah  Clarke,  daughter  of  George  Clarke,  Jr., 
of  Milford,  Conn.,  husbandman.  She  was  baptized  Feb.  18,  1644. 
He  is  known  on  the  town  records  as  Lieutenant  Reinold  Marvin.  He 
was  one  of  a  committee  appointed  to  divide  the  town  of  Saybrook, 
in  the  year  1665.  That  part  of  the  town  lying  east  of  Connecticut 
river,  was  named  Isyme,  from  Lyme  Regis,  in  the  south-west  of  Eng- 

*This  name  is  spelled  in  different  ways — Reginold,  Reinold,  Renold,  Reynold. 
I  have  used  Reinold,  in  these  records. 

3862.]  Descendants  of  Reinold  and  Matthew  Marvin.  237 

land.  Lieut.  Marvin  was  a  large  landholder,  and  a  prominent  man 
in  the  town.  He  represented  Lyme  in  the  General  Court  in  1670, 
and  from  1612  to  1676.  He  had  three  sons,— John,  born  1664-5; 
Reinold,*  born  1669;  and  Samuel,  born  1671:  ond  two  daughters, 
Mary  and  Sarah.  Mary  married  Richard  Ely  of  Saybrook.  He  died 
in  1676,  aged  42  years.  His  widow,  Sarah  Marvin,  married  Oapt. 
Joseph  Sill,  Feb.  12,  1677-8.  She  was  his  second  wife,  and  had 
children — Joseph,  born  Jan.  6,  1678-9;  and  Zechariah,  born  June  1, 
1682.  Capt.  Sill  had  formerly  lived  in  Cambridge — his  first  wife  was 
Jemima  Belcher,  daughter  of  Andrew  Belcher,  by  whom  he  had  seve- 
ral children.  He  had  distinguished  himself  in  Philip's  Indian  war. 
He  died  Aug.  6,  1696,  aged  60. 

Reinold  Marvin,  second  son  of  Lieutenant  Reinold,  was  born  in 
1669.  He  was  famous  as  Lyme's  Captain.  He  was  a  deacon  in  the 
Congregational  Church.     He  represented  Lyme  in  the  General  Court 

from  1701  to  1728.     He  was  first  married   in  1695,  to  Phebe ; 

she  died  Oct.  21,  1707:  married  the  second  time  in  1708,  to  Martha 
Waterman,  daughter  of  Thomas  Waterman  of  Norwich;  she  died 
Nov.  1753,  aged  73.  He  died  Oct.  18,  1737,  aged  68  years.  The 
following  is  inscribed  on  his  tombstone: 

This  Deacon,  aged  sixty-eight, 

Is  freed  on  earth  from  serving; 
May  for  a  crown  no  longer  wait, 

Lyme's  Captain,  Reinold  Marvin. 

The  above  inscription,  as  also  that  on  the  gravestone  of  his  first 
wife,  was  executed  by  an  illiterate  artist,  and  with  bad  spelling,  and 
the  effects  of  time,  is  now  rather  obscure.  The  following  is  the  in- 
scription on  the  gravestone  of  his  first  wife: 

Here  lies  the  hodv  of 

wife  of 

Rei>told  Marvin, 

who  died  Octoher  21,  1707, 

in  the 

31  year  of  her  age. 

Her  body  only  resting  here, 

Her  soul  is  fled  to  a  higher  sphere. 

Samuel  Marvin,  third  son  of  Lieutenant  Reinold,  represented  Lyme 
in  the  General  Court,  in  1711  and  1722. 

Reinold  Marvin,  first  son  of  Captain  Reinold,  was  known  and 
spoken  of  as  Deacon  Marvin.  A  great  many  anecdotes  are  related 
concerning  this  Deacon  Marvin — which  have  generally  been  attributed 
to  Captain  Reinold.  I  am  fully  convinced,  however,  that  they  all  be- 
long to  his  son  Reinold;  both  being  Deacons,  and  both  having  the 
same  Christian  name,  the  mistake  could  easily  be  made.  This  son 
Reinold  was  unquestionably  the  poet  who  composed  the  epitaphs  on 
his  father's  and  mother's  tombstones,  and  the  odd  genius  of  whom  a 
multitude  of  anecdotes  and  queer  sayings  and  rhymes,  are  still 
related;  the  most  of  them  are  positively  known  to  apply  only  to  the 
son  of  Captain  Reinold. 

Reinold  Marvin,  first  son  of  Deacon  Reinold,  graduated  at  Yale 
College,  1748;  studied  law;  resided  in  Litchfield.  He  left  a  daughter 
who  married  Ephraim  Kirby,  who  prepared  the  first  volume  of  Law 

23S  Descendants  of  Remold  and  Matthew  Marvin.  July 

Reports  published  in  the  United  States.  Major  Reinold  Marvin 
Kirby  of  the  U.  S.  Army,  sou  of  Ephraim  Kirby,  was  twice  breveted 
for  gallantry  in  the  war  of  1812,  and  died  in  the  service  in  1842. 

Kichard  Pratt  Marvin,  a  great-grandson  of  Deacon  Reinold,  was 
a  Member  of  the  25th  and  26th  Congresses  of  the  United  States. 
Is  at  this  time  one  of  the  Judges  of  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  State 
of  New  York. 

William  Marvin,  brother  of  Richard  P.,  is  a  District  Judge  in  the 
U.  S.  Court  for  the  District  of  Florida,  and  resides  at  Key  West. 

Dudley  Marvin,  a  great-grandson  of  Lyme's  Captain,  was  twice 
elected  a  Member  of  Congress  from  Ontario  county,  X.  Y.,  and  in 
1846.  a  Member  from  Chautauque.  county,  N.  Y. 

William  Marvin,  another  great-grandson  of  Lyme's  Captain,  was 
for  several  years  a  Judge  of  Probate,  for  the  District  of  Lyme,  Conn. 



First  Generation. 

I.  Reinold  Marvin  came  to  New  England  about  1635.     The -date  of 

his  birth  and  the  name  of  his  wife,  are  not  known.  He  had  two 
children,  and  probably  no  others.  He  d.  at  Lyme,  Conn.,  in 

Children : 

1.  Reinold,  b.  about  1634. 

2.  Mary,  m.  William  Waller  of  Saybrook,  Conn.      Had  sons — Wil- 

liam, John,  Samuel,  Matthew. 

Second  Generation. 


Lieut.  Reinold  Marvin,  m.  Sarah  Clark,  dau.  of    George  Clark, 

Jr.,  husbandman,  of  Milford,  Conn.,  about  1663.     He  d.  at  Lyme,  in 

1676,  a.  42.      His  wid.  m.  Capt.  Joseph  Sill,  Feb.  12,  1677-8.     She 

was  his  2d  wife,  and  had  children — Joseph  and  Zechariah. 

Children : 

3.  John,  b.  in  Lyme,  1665. 

4.  Mary,  b.  1666,  m.  Eichard  Ely  of  Saybrook. 

5.  Reinold,  b.  1669. 

6.  Samuel,  b.  1671. 

7.  Sarah,  b.  1673. 

Third  Generation. 


John  Marvin  m.  Sarah  Graham  of  Hartford,  Conn.,  May  7,  1691. 
She  was  the  dau.  of  Henry  Graham  and  Mary  his  wife.     He  d.  Dec. 

II,  1711,  a.  47  yrs.  His  wife  d.  the  relict  of  Mr.  Richard  Sears,  at 
Lyme,  Conn.,  Dec.  14,  1760,  a.  91  yrs. 

Children  : 

8.  Sarah,  b.  in  Lyme. 

9.  Mary. 

10.  John,  b.  Aug.  9,  1698. 

1862.]  Descendants  of  Reinold  and  Matthew  Marvin,  239 

11.  Elizabeth. 

12.  Joseph,  b.  about  1103. 

13.  Benjamin. 

14.  Metiitable. 

15.  Jemima. 

Reinold  Marvin  (Lyme's   Captain),  was  twice  m.     1st,  to  Phebe 

,  in  1695;  she  d.  Oct.  21,  1707,  a.  31.     2d,  to  Martha  Waterman, 

dau.  of  Thomas  Waterman  of  Norwich,  Conn.,  1708.  Reinold  M,  d. 
at  Lyme,  Oct.  18,  1737,  a.  68  yrs.  Hi3  wid.  d.  at  Lyme,  Nov.  1753, 
a.  74  yrs. 

Children  by  first  wife: 

16.  Phebe,  b.  in  Lyme,  Dec.  3,  1696. 

17.  Reinold  (Daniel  on  the  town  records),  b.  Jan.  1702. 

18.  Lydia,  b.  Jan.  12,  1701,  m.  Philip  Kirkland. 

19.  Esther,  b.  April  3,  1707,  m.  Thomas  Lord,  Jr. 

.  Children  by  second  wife : 

20.  Martha,  b.  April  3,  1710. 

21.  Elisha,  b.  Sept.  26,  1711,  d.  in  infancy.  "  ,;      '") 

22.  James,  b.  May  26,  1713. 

23.  Sarah,  b.  March  8,  1716. 

24.  Elisha  2d,  b.  March  8,  1718. 

25.  Miriam,  b.  March  1720,  m.  Samuel  Beckwith. 


Samuel  Marvin  m.  May  5,  1669,  Susannah  Graham,  dau.  of  Henry 
Graham  of  Hartford,  and  sister  to  the  wife  of  John  Marvin,  No.|3. 
He  d.  at  Lyme,  March  15,  1743,  a.  72. 

Children :  - 

26.  Samuel,  b.  in  Lyme,  Feb.  10,  1700. 

27.  Zechariah,  b.  Dec.  27,  1701. 

28.  Thomas,  b.  March  4,  1704. 

29.  Matthew,  b.  Nov.  7,  1706. 

30.  Abigail,  b.  Sept/ 13,  1709. 

31.  Elizabeth,  b.  June  1,  1712. 

32.  Nathan,  b.  Nov.  21,  1714. 

33.  Nehemiah,  b.  "  at  the  time  the  great  snow-storm  commenced/' 

Feb.  20,  1717. 

35    A^on  }  twin8'  b'  April  15'  mL    The  SOn  d' 
Fourth  Generation. 
John  Marvin,  m.  Mehitable  Champion,  Feb.  24,  1725-6. 
Children  : 

36.  Johu,  b.  in  Lyme,  Jan.  30,  1726-7. 

37.  Mehitable,  b.  June  27,  1729,  m.  (?)  Stephen  Lee,  Jr.,  Sept.  25, 


38.  Adonijab,  b.  March  1,  1732. 

240  Descendants  of  Reinold  and  Matthew  Marvin.  [July 

39.  Elizabeth,  b.  Aug.  21,  1734. 

40.  Esther,  b.  April  15,  1737. 

Joseph  Marvin,  m.  Jane  Lay,  May  28,  1730.     He  d.  in  Lyme,  April 
7,  1791,  a.  88  yrs.     His  wid.  cL  Oct.  21,  1795,  a,  89  yrs. 

Child : 

41.  Hepzibah,  b.  March  11,  1731,  m.  (?)  Enoch  Lord,  Dec.  31,  1748. 


Benjamin  Marvin,  m.  Deborah  Mather,  dau.  of  Samuel  Mather  of 
Lyme,  Nov.  11,  1742.     He  d.  Jan.  21,  1775. 

Children : 

42.  Benjamin,  b.  Nov.  7,  1743, 

43.  Mehitable,  b.  Oct.  4,  1745. 

44.  Azubah,  b.  Dec.  23,  1748. 

Reinold  Marvin,  was  twice  m.  1st',  to  Mrs.  Sarah  Lay  (originally 
Sarah  Marvin,  8,    dau.    of    John  Marvin),    Dec.    23,  1725.      2d,   to 
Mrs.  Mary  Kellogg,   originally  Mary  Niles  (?)   of  Colchester,  Conn., 
July  7,  1746.     He  d.  in  Lyme,  Feb.  24,  1701,  a.  60  yrs. 

Children  by  first  wife: 

45.  Remold,  b.  Oct.  23,  1726. 

46.  Phebe,  b.  March  18,  1729. 

47.  Dan,  b.  Jan.  2,  1732. 

48.  Lydia,  b.  Sept.  14, 1733. 

Children  by  second  icife : 

50.  Eunice, }  '  r         '  '  ' 

61.  Esther,  b.  Feb.  14,  1755. 

52.  Judith,  b.  April  16,  1757. 


James  Marvin,  m.  (?)  Ruth  Mather,  dau.  of  Timothy  Mather  of 
Lyme.  (If  this  should  meet  the  eye  of  any  of  the  descendants  of 
James  Marvin,  they  would  oblige  the  compiler  of  this  Genealogy,  by 
communicating  to  him  what  they  can,  respecting  this  family.) 

Child : 

53.  Moses,  b.  in  Lyme. 


Elisha  Marvin,  m.  Catharine  Mather,  dau.  of  Timothy  Mather,  1738. 
He  d.  in  Lyme,  Dec.  3,  1801,  a.  84  yrs.,  8  mos.  and  14  days.  His 
wife  d.  Dec.  4,  1799,  a.  82  yrs.,  10  mos.  and  12  days. 

Children : 

54.  Pickett,  b.  1739,  d.  Nov.  23,  1762. 

55.  Elisha,  b.  June,  1742. 

56.  Timothy,  b.  1744. 

57.  Enoch,"b.  1747. 

3S62.J  Descendants  of Reinold  and  Matthew  Marvin.  241 

58.  Elihu,  b.  Dec.  1752. 

50.  Joseph,  b.  Feb.  14,  1755. 

GO.  Catharine,  b.  Jan.  20,  1757. 

Samuel  Marvin:,  m.  Mary  TVege   [?  Wedge],  April  2,  1740.     He  cl. 
at  Lyme,  April  18,  178G,  a.  86. 

Children :  \ 

61.  Sarah,  b.  Jan.  27,  1741. 

62.  Martha,  b.  May  2,  1743. 

Zechariah  Martin,  m.  Abigail   Lord,   March   29,  1732.      He  d.   in 
Lyme,  Sept.  12,  1792,  a.  91. 

Children : 

63.  Elisha,  b.  Feb.  13,  1733. 

64.  Zechariah,  b.  Aug.  11,  1735. 

65.  Thomas,  b.  Oct.  12,  1737,  d.  Oct.  15,  1737. 

66.  Susannah,  b.  Nov.  12,  1738. 

67.  Thomas  2d,  b.  May  29,  1742, 

68.  Daniel,  b.  May;  2,  1745,  d.  Jan.  30,  1751. 

69.  Joseph,  b.  Jan.  8,  1748,  d.  in  infancy. 

70.  Silas,  b.  July  19,  1750. 

71.  Joseph  2d,  b.  June  22,  1751. 

Thomas  Marvix,  m.  Mehitable  Goodrich.     He  d.  about  1763. 
Children  : 

72.  Joseph,  "  a  sea  captain  in  the  West  India  trade,  and  supposed  to 

have  been  lost  at  sea,  not  long  before  the  Revolution." 

73.  Lois. 

74.  Mehitable,  b.  Nov.  19,  1738,  m.  Benjamin  Marvin,  great-grandson 

of  Matthew  Marvin  of  Norwalk,  the  original  settler,  brother 
of  Reinold  of  Lyme. 

75.  Samuel,  who  d.  "  in  the  service."  in  the  old  French  war. 

76.  Susannah,- m.  Hezekiah  Frisbie;  lived  and  d.  at  Duanesburg,  N.  Y. ' 

77.  Elizabeth,  m.  Wm.  Roberts. 

78.  Matthew,  b.  in  Simsbury,  Conn.,  June  7,  1754,  d.  at  Walton,  N.  Y., 

Sept.  22,  1846,  a.  92. 

Matthew  Marvin,  resided  in  Lyme,  Conn.,  m.  Mary  Beckwith,  iVpril 
20,  1732.  "They  both  d.  the  same  day,  of  the  small-pox,  taken  from 
a  transient  person  who  came  to  their  house — which  was  turned  into 
a  hospital,  and  all  the  children  were  inoculated,  and  recovered,  as 
well  as  several  neighbors." 

Children : 

79.  Seth,  b.  July  12,  1733,  "killed  in  a  skirmish  with  the  Indians,  on 

the  Susquehannah." 
*80.  Eunice,  b.  Dec.  2,  1735,  m.  Judge  William  Noyes  of  Lyme. 
81.  Matthew,  b.  about  1742,  m.  Elizabeth  Deming. 


242  Descendants  of  Reinold  and  Matthew  Marvin.  [July 

82.  Ezra,  b.  July  15,  1744,  m.  Susanna  Peck. 

83.  Elizabeth,  b. — ,  in.  Rev.  George  Griswold. 

84.  Mary,  b. — ,  m.  Samuel  Griswold. 

85.  Abigail,  b.  ■ ,  ra.  Marshfield  Parsons,  his  second  wife. 

86.  Rhoda,  b. ,  m.  William  Mather. 

87.  Phebe,  b. ,  m.  Thomas  Lee, 

88.  Joseph,  b. ,  d.  in  youth. 


Elizabeth  Marvin,  m.  Richard  Waite  of  Lyme,  Nov.  8,  1133.     She 
d.  May  27,  1755. 

Children : 

89.  Phebe,  b.  in  Lyme,  Sept.,  1734, 

90.  Lois,  b.  1735,  m.  Marshfield  Parsons. 

91.  Richard,  b.  1739. 

92.  Elizabeth,  b.  1741. 

93.  Sarah,  b.  1745. 

94.  Marvin,  b.  1746. 

95.  John,  b.1749. 

96.  Daniel,  b.  1751. 

32.  ! 

Nathan  Marvin,  m.  Lydia  Lewis,  May  17,  1743.  He  d.  in  Lyme, 
March  15,  1755. 

Children : 

97.  Samuel,  b.  in  Lyme,  Feb.  14,  1744. 

98.  Henry,  b.  Dec.  21,  1745,  d.  March  15,  1755. 

99.  Martin,  b.  May  6,  1750. 

100.  Lebbeus,  b.  Feb.  10,  1752. 

101.  Nathan,  b.  Feb.  9,  1754. 

102.  Henry,  b.  March,  1755. 

Nehemiah  Marvin,  m.  Hester  Lord  of  Lyme,  Jan.  9,  1746. 
Children  : 

103.  Phebe,  b.  in  Lyme,  Oct.  15,  1746. 

104.  Anne,  b.  Dec.  29,  1748. 

Fifth  Generation. 


John  Marvin,  m.  Sarah  Brooker  of  Saybrook,  Feb.  10,  1747.  He 
resided  in  Lyme,  Conn.,  until  1767,  when  he  removed  to  "  Guilford, 
or  Surrey,"  New  Hampshire. 

Children : 

105.  Sarah  (or  Hepzibah),  b.  in  Lyme,  Nov.  7,  1747. 

106.  Giles,  b.  Dec.  23,  1751. 

107.  Lois,  b.  May  12,  1754. 

108.  Esther,  b.  Sept.  12,  1756,  d.  Nov.  22,  1759. 

109.  John,  b.  May  6,  1759,  d.  June  14,  1759. 

1862.]  Descendants  of  Reinold  and  Matthew  Marvin.  243 

110.  Lydia,  b.  Nov.  4,  1760. 

111.  John  2d,  b.  Dec.  15,  1763. 

112.  Marv,  b.  March  2,  1766. 

113.  Adonijah,  "  b.  in  Guilford  or  Surrey,  N.  H.,"  April  16,  1769. 

Adonijah  Marvin,  m.  Diadema  Miller,  Aug.   20,  1755.      He  d.  at 
Lyme,  April  20,  1758,  a.  26. 

Children : 

114.  Elizabeth,  b.  in  Lyme,  June  30,  1756. 

115.  Diadema,  b.  April  5,  1758. 

Benjamin  Marvin,  was  twice  m.;  first  to  Phebe  Rowland  of  Lyme, 
Oct.  29,  1767;  and  second  to  Abby  Smith.     He  d.  in  Lyme,  June  14, 
1823,  a.  79.     His  first  wife  d.  Dec.  27,  1812,  a.  67;  his  second  wife  d. 
Sept.  28,  1840,  a.  73. 

Children : 

116.  Abigail,  b.  in  Lyme,  Aug.  29,  1768,  d.  Dec.  5,  1776. 

117.  Uriah,  b.  Aug.  8,  1770,  m.  Olive  Ingraham. 

118.  John,  b.  June  8,  1772,  m.  1st  Amy  Stevens,  2d  Lucia  M.  Lee. 

119.  William,  b.  April  5,  1775,  m.  Julia  Ann  Taber,  June  29,  1820— 

resided  at  New  London,  Conn.,  where  he  d.  in  1849.     He  had 
no  children. 

120.  Abigail  2d,  b.  March  27,  1777,  m.  Ichabod  Smith. 

121.  Phebe,  b.  May  18,  1779,  m.  Uriah  Benedict. 

122.  Lois,  b.  May  2,  1781,  d.  Aug.,  1781. 

123.  Lois  2d,  b.  July  21,  1782,  m.  David  E.  Gregory. 

124.  Alexander,  b.  Jan.  31,  1785,  m.  Mary  E.  Pepoon. 

125.  Richard,  b.  April  19,  1787,  d.  Aug.  20,  1840. 

126.  Edward  Lee,  b.  Aug.  16,  1789,  d.  Oct,  16,  1820. 


Reinold  Marvin,  was  b.  Oct.  23,  1726.      He  resided  in  Litchfield, 
Conn.,  at  which  place  he  d. 

Child  : 

127.  A  dau.,  who  m.  Ephraim  Kirby. 

Dan  Marvin,  m.  Mehetable  Selden,  Oct.  14,  1762.     He  d.  at  Lyme, 
Dec.  30,  1776. 

Children  : 

128.  Reinold,  b.  in  Lyme,  July  21,  1763,  d.  Dec.  10,  1767. 

129.  Dan,  b.  Oct.  15,  1765,  m.  Huldah  Mather. 

130.  Reinold  2d,  b.  March  21,  1769,  m.  Mabel  Bushnell  of  Saybrook. 

He  resided  at  Fairfield,   Herkimer  co.,  N.  Y.,  where  he  d.  in 

244  Descendants  of  Rein  old  and  .Matthew  Marvin.  [July 

131.  Sarah,  b.  Sept,  21,  1771,  in.  Joel  Pratt, 

132.  Selden,  b.  Nov.  21,  1773,  m.  1st  Charlotte  Pratt;  2d  Mrs.  Eliza- 

beth Vandenburg.     He  resided  in  Herkimer  CO.,  N.  Y. 

133.  James,  b.  May  10,  1776,  d.  Nov.  G,  1779. 


Moses  Marvin7,  m.  Zilpah  Gillett,  at  Lyme,  March  30,  1780.  He 
removed  to  Genesee  co.,  N.  Y. 

Children : 

134.  James,  b.  in  Lyme,  Jan.  24,  1781,  d.  June  4,  1811. 

135.  Daniel,  b.  Feb.  18,  17S3,  d.  Oct.  17,  1801. 

136.  William,  b.  1784,  d.  Nov.  27,  1793. 

137.  Moses. 

138.  John. 


Elisha  Marvin,  m.  Elizabeth  Selden,  at  Lyme,  July  10,  1766.  He 
d.  at  Lyme,  Oct.  21,  1817,  a.  75  yrs.  His  wife  d.  July  24,  1825,  a. 
78.  She  was  the  dau.  of  Samuel  Selden  of  Lyme,  and  Elizabeth 
Ely,  his  wife. 

Children : 

139.  Elizabeth,  b.  July  6,  1767,  m.  Judah  Colt. 

140.  Elisha,  b.  Nov.  22,  1768,  m.  Minerva  Prendergast. 

141.  Selden,  b.  March  2,  1770,  d.  Oct.  23,  1794. 

142.  Phebe,  b.  Nov.  28,  1772,  m.  Seth  Eiv. 

143.  Enoch,  b.  Oct.  19,  1774,  m.  Eliza  Hull;  d.  at  Beaver,  Pa.,  March 

31,  1840. 

144.  Deborah,  b.  July  11,  1779,  d.  May  28,  1802. 

145.  Mary,  b.  April  1,  1784,  d.  April  30,  1841. 

146.  Dudley,  b.  May  29,  1786,  m.  Mary  Whalley. 

147.  Emila,  b.  Nov.  25,  1789,  m.  Geo.  Selden. 

148.  Elihu,  b.  Aug.  1,  1791,  m.  Anna  Humphreys;  resides  in  Erie,  Pa. 


Tdiothy  Marvin,  was  thrice  m.  His  1st  wife  was  Sarah  Perkins 
dau.  of  James  Perkins  of  Lyme,  m.  May  30,  1765.  She  d,  Oct.  23, 
1795.  2d  wife,  Mrs.  Azubah  Sill.  3d  wife,  Mrs.  Prudence  Lewis. 
Timothy  Marvin  d.  at  Lyme,  Feb.  27,  1808,  a.  64. 

Children,  all  by  first  wife  : 

149.  Lucy,  b.  in  Lyme,  March  14,  1766,  m.  Daniel  Fuller. 

150.  Picket,  b.  Feb.  5,  1768. 

151.  Asahel,  b.  Sept.  16,  1769,  m.  Azubah  Sill. 

152.  Timothy,  b.  Aug.  3,  1771.  m.  Rachel  Crosby. 

153.  Sarah,  b.  July  7,  1773,  m.  Elisha  Gould. 

154.  HuMah,  b.  May  31,  1775.  m.  Matthias  Fuller. 

155.  Seth,  b,  March  17,  1777,  d.  April  23,  1799. 

156.  Abijah,  b.  April  6,  1779,  m.  Susan  Barker. 

157.  Catharine,  b.  June  10,  1781,  m.  Henry  Crittenton. 

1862.]  Descendants  oflleinold  and  Mallhcw  Marvin.  245 

158.  Calvin,  b.  June  1,  1184,  in.  1st,  Alice  M.  Ransom.    2d,  Deborah 

W.  Gibbs. 

159.  Elizabeth,  b.  Sept,  25,  1TS6,  ra.  Samuel  Parsons. 

160.  Mather,  b.  June  25,  1789,  m.  Matilda  Vreeland,  resided  in  Michi- 

gan, d.  April,  1862. 


Enoch  Marvin,  m.  Ruth  Ely,  dau.  of  Wells  Ely  of  Lyme.  He  d. 
in  the  State  of  Missouri,  about  1842,  a.  upwards  of  90  yrs. 

Children : 

161.  Elizabeth. 

162.  Catharine. 

163.  Elisha,  m.  Laura  Foote  of  Pittsfield,  Wis. 

164.  Rebecca,  m.  Christopher  Lee  of  Lyme,  Conn. 

165.  Sarah. 

166.  Ruth,    )  ,     . 

167.  Rhoda,  }  twms- 

168.  Mary. 

169.  Wells  Ely,  m.  Mary  Davis,  resided  in  Missouri,  d.  1856,  a.  64. 

Elihu  Marvin,  m.  Elizabeth  Rogers,  dau.  of  Dr.  Theophilus  Rogers, 
and  Penelope  Jarvis,  Dec.  25,  17.80.     He  resided  at  Norwich,  Conn., 
where  he  d.  of  the  yellow  fever,  Sept.  13,  1798,  a.  45  yrs.     His  wife 
d.  Dec.  30,  1808,  a.  51. 

Children : 

170.  Sarah  Rogers,  b.  Oct.  4,  1781,  m.  George  W.  Trott,  d.  Sept.  13, 


171.  Elizabeth,  b.  June  1,  1783,  d.  Aug.  24,  1802. 

172.  Penelope  Jarvis,  b.  June  9,  1785,  m.  John  S.  Pearson,  d.  July 

16,  1833. 

173.  Susannah,  b.  Oct.  1,  1788,  d.  Feb.  26,  1827. 

174.  Catharine  Mather,  b.  Jan.  27,  1793,  m.  Rev.  Luther  F.  Dimmick, 

d.  Dec.  8,  1844. 

175.  Theophilus  Rogers,  b.  Feb.  23,  1796,  m.  Julia  A.C.  Coggeshall. 


Joseph  Marvin,  m.  Phebe  Sterling,  dau.  of  William  Sterling  of 
Lyme,  1783.  He  d.  at  Lyme,  Nov.  18,  1839,  a.  84|  yrs.  His  wife  d. 
Nov.  6,  1822,  a.  59  yrs. 

Children : 

176.  Fanny,  b.  at  Lyme,  Oct.  7,  1784,  m.  Ezra  Pratt. 

177.  Phebe,  b.  June  7,  1780,  m.  1st,  Rev.  Leverett  I.  F.  Huntington. 

2d,  Rev.  Urban  Palmer. 

178.  William,  b.  May  12,  1788,  m.  Sophia  Griffin. 

179.  Jemima,  b.  March  28,  1791,  m.  Abraham  Blatchley. 

180.  Joseph,  b.  Feb.  8,  1793,  m.  Elizabeth  Hopkins,  d.  Feb.,  1830. 

181.  Clarissa,  b.  May  5,  1795,  m.  Horace  Ely. 


246  Descendants  of  Remold  and  Matthew  Marvin.  [July 

Catharine  Marvin,  was   m.  to  Abner  Brock wav  of  Lyme,  Sept.  7, 
1775.     He  d.  at  Lyme,  Sept.  6,  1808.     She  d.  at  Lima,  N.  Y.,  1831. 

Children : 

182.  Catharine,  b.  at  Lyme,  July  6,  1776,   m.  Lazarus  Church,  d.  at 

Rockford,  111.,  Dec.  14,  1851,  a.  75jyrs. 

183.  LuciDa,  b.  Sept.  17,  1778,  d.  March  26,  1779. 

184.  Marvin,  b.  July  8,  1780. 

185.  James,  b.  May  23,  1782,  d.  Jan.  25,  1806. 

186.  Abner,  b.  Aug.  19,  1785,  d.  Sept.  3,  1808. 

187.  Pickett,  b.  April  10,  1788,   m.  1st,  Rhoda  N.  Clark;    2d,  Nancy 

Stevens,  d.  Jan.  20,  1833. 

188.  Temperance,  b.  Dec.  10,  1792,  m.  James  Cowles,  d.  Feb.  9,  1820. 

189.  David  C,  b.  May  2,  1794,  d.  Aug.  12,  1806. 

190.  Samuel,  b.  Sept.  2,  1795,  d.  Aug.  12,  1814. 

191.  Alice,  b.  May  8,  1798,  d.  June  3,  1823. 

192.  Elisha  Marvin,  b.  Aug.  3,  1801,  d.  Nov.,  1848. 


Zechariah  Marvin,  m.  Mrs.  Ann  Lee,  July  23, 1761.  She  d.  at  Lyme, 
March  1,  1777. 

Children : 

193.  Eunice,  b.  at  Lyme,  May  22,  1766. 

194.  Lee,  b.  Sept.  16,  1768,  d.  April  21,  1777. 

195.  Zechariah,  b.  June  5,  1771. 

196.  Lucinda,  b.  Sept.  23,  1773. 


Thomas  Marvin,  m.  Sarah  Lay,  May  23,  1784.  He  was  the  son,  as 
I  suppose,  of  Zechariah  Marvin  (No.  27),  and  if  so,  he  was  b.  May 
29,  1742.     He  may  have  been  the  son  of  James  (No.  22). 

Children : 

197.  Lucy,  b.  at  Lyme,  Feb.  11,  17S5,  d.  July  1,  1785. 

198.  Thomas,  b.  July  7,  1787. 

199.  Abigail. 

Matthew  Marvin,  m.  Mary  Weed,  resided  in  Walton,  Delaware  co., 
N.  Y.      He  d.  Sept.  22,  1846,  a.  92J  yrs.      His  wife  d.  Feb.  25,  1846, 
a.  88J  yrs. 

Children : 

200.  Abigail,  b.  Aug.  5,  1785. 

201.  Joseph,  b.  May  I,  1787,  ra.  Mary  Tiffany. 

202.  Jared,  b.  March  4,  1789,  m.  Frances  Almira  Rogers. 

203.  William  W.,  b.  Sept.  26,  1793,  m.  Frances  Cornwall. 

204.  Thomas,  b.  April  20,  1795,  m.  Deney  Tiffany. 

205.  Lewis,  b.  Oct.  13,  1796,  m.  Mary  Weed. 

)$G2.]  Descendants  of  Reinold  and  Matthew  Marvin,  247 

Mvtthew  Marvin,  m.  Elizabeth  Doming,   May  30,  1TT1.     He  d.  at 
Lyme,  Aug.  29,  1806,  a.  64  yrs.     His  wife  d.  June  22,  1839,  a.  92  yrs. 

Children :  * 

206.  Joseph,  b.  at  Lyme,  March  26,  1712,  m.  Temperance  Miller. 

207.  Mehetable,  b.  Oct.  26,  1773,  m.  Lynde  Lord. 

208.  Mary,  b.  Nov.  16,  1775,  m.  William  Colt. 

209.  David,  b.  Nov.  2,  1777,  m.  Alpha  Bates. 

210.  Elizabeth,  b.  Nov.  12,  1779,  d.  Sept.  19,  1825. 

211.  Abigail,  b.  Dec.  31,  1782,  m.  John  L.  Higby. 

212.  Rosalinda,  b.  Jan.  26,  1781,  m.  Noah  Stone,  d.  Sept.  16,  1859. 

213.  Lurana,  b.  April  18,  1786. 

2H.  Jonathan  Deming,  b.  Sept,  11,  1789,  ra.  1st,  Maria  R.  Bloom; 
2d,  Henrietta  Andrus;  3d,  Mary  Seaver. 


Capt.  Ezra  Marvin,  m.  Susanna  Peck,  at  Lyme,  about  1766.  He 
removed  to  Granville,  Mass.,  in  the  year  1773,  at  which  place  he  re- 
sided until  his  death. 

Children : 

215.  Mary,  b.  in  Lyme,  Feb.  25,  1767,  m.  Israel  Parsons  of  Granville. 

216.  Jasper,  b.  1770,  m.  Comfort  Munson. 
4Jl7.  Matthew,  b.  1772,  m.  Mary  Morgan. 

218.  Nathan,  b.  June  7,  1775,  m.  Judith  Gates. 

219.  Sylvanus,  b.  fe 

220.  Henry  A.,  b.  Oct.  15,  1782. 

221.  William-Noyes,  b.  April  10,  1784,  m.  Vashti  Clark. 

Mary  E.  Marvin,  dau.  of  William  Noyes  Marvin,  rn.  Ammi  Filley, 
1831.  Their  son,  William,  b.  in  1832,  was  lost  among  the  Indians, 
an  interesting  account  of  which,  and  his  recovery,  prepared  by  a 
gentleman  in  Granville,  Mass.,  was  published  in  the  newspapers  of 
the  day,  and  is  here  subjoined. 

In  1835,  Mr.  Ammi  Filley  of  Windsor,  Conn.,  having  in  1831  ra.  a  dau. 
of  Capt.  William  Marvin  of  Granville,  Mass.,  removed  with  bis  family 
to  the  town  of  Jackson,  in  the  state  of  Michigan.  In  this  town,  then 
a  wilderness,  he  located  himself,  and  by  his  industry,  economy  and  per- 
severance, he  soon  found  himself  in  possession  of  a  productive  and  pro- 
fitable farm,  and  by  the  accession  of  settlers,  the  town  from  an  un- 
cultivated desert,  became  a  flourishing  and  populous  village.  Al- 
though in  the  vicinity  of  numerous  hordes  of  savages,  and  often 
visited  by  wandering  families  of  the  natives  w^ith  whom  the  citizens 
occasionally  traded,  yet  no  hostility  was  ever  manifested,  all  was 
peace  and  quietness,  and  every  thing  conspired  to  render  their  abode 
pleasant  and  happy. 

On  the  3d  of  August,  1837,  his  little  son,  then  a  child  of  five  years 
old,  went  out  to  a  swamp  in  the  vicinity  of  their  dwelling  with  a 
hired  girl  to  gather  whortleberries.  The  swamp  was  in  the  direction 
from  Mr.  Filley's  to  the  dwelling  of  a  Mr.  Mount,   the   father  of  the 


248  Descendants  of  Remold  and  Matthew  Marvin.  [July 

girl,  whither  they  expected  to  go  to  spend  the  night,  and  the  scene  of 
their  amusement  was  about  a  mile  from  the  house  of  the  former  and 
some  twenty  or  thirty  rods  from  the  dwelling  of  the  later. 

Having  satisfied  himself  with  picking  berries,  the  child  discovered 
a  desire  to  return,  whereupon  the  girl  conducted  him  to  the  road  and 
placed  him  in  the  direction  to  the  house  of  Mr.  Mount,  not  doubting, 
as  the  house  was  in  plain  view,  and  only  a  few  rods  distant,  but  the 
little  fellow  would  reach  it  in  perfect  safety.  The  girl  3-eturncd  to 
the  swamp,  and  after  completing  her  supply  of  fruit,  went  home  to  the 
house  of  her  father,  and  found  to  her  astonishment,  as  well  as  that  of 
the  family,  that  William  had  not  arrived.  Notice  was  immediately 
communicated  to  the  parents  and  an  alarm  given  through  the  settle- 
ment, and  the  whole  population  rushed  at  once  to  the  assistance  of  the 
almost  distracted  family.  Day  and  night,  for  weeks,  witnessed  the 
praise  worth}'-  exertions  of  his  neighbors,  and  the  whole  country  in 
every  direction  to  an  extent  of  more  than  twenty  miles,  was  searched 
with  untiring  vigilance.  Every  stream  of  water  and  pond  was  ex- 
amined and  dragged,  and  every  rod  of  ground  scrutinized  for  many 
successive  days,  and  no  trace  could  be  discovered  of  the  absent  child. 
As  an  inducement  to  continue  the  search,  notice  of  the  event  was  pub- 
lished in  the  papers,  and  Mr.  Filley  offered  a  reward  of  two  hundred 
dollars  for  a  recovery  of  the  child,  either  dead  or  alive. 

As  suspicions  were  entertained  that  foul  play  bad  been  practised 
by  the  Indians,  inquiries  were  made  of  the  different  tribes  and  fami- 
lies in  the  vicinity,  and  pecuniary  offers  tendered  to  their  chiefs 
and  head  men,  and  Mr.  Filley  himself  traversed  for  months,  the  wilds 
of  Michigan,  Wisconsin  and  Iowa,  but  his  efforts  proved  ineffectual; 
no  discovery  could  be  made  and  no  tidings  received,  and  he  returned 
to  his  heart-broken  family  with  the  sad  conclusion  that  their  little 
William  vjas  lost ! 

For  seven  long  years  this  stricken  family  endured  the  agony  of  an 
affliction  which  seldom  falls  to  the  lot  of  humanity  to  experience. 
"Months  of  vanity  and  wearisome  nights  were  appointed  to  them." 
-If  the  shaft  of  death  had  smitten  down  their  first-born  while  under 
their  fostering  care,  and  they  had  seen  him  laid  in  the  grave  of  their 
own  churchyard,  time  would  have  tempered  their  grief  and  mitigated 
the  anguish  of  their  bereavement,  but  the  painful  suspense,  the  awful 
uncertainty  that  hung  over  his  fate,  was  an  abiding  sorrow  which 
time  could  not  soften  and  earth  had  no  balm  to  heal.  As  time  rolled 
on,  hope  became  more  and  more  extinguished,  William  was  not  forgotten, 
The  mournful  event,  with  its  aggravating  circumstances,  was  a  Cor- 
roding canker  upon  every  comfort  of  the  family — a  fatal  disease 
seized  the  mother  and  she  sunk  into  an  untimely  grave. 

Since  the  decease  of  his  wife,  Mr.  Filley  has  visited  Connecticut, 
the  place  of  his  nativity,  and  while  here,  by  a  mysterious  course  of 
events  beyond  the  comprehension  of  human  wisdom  to  fathom,  his 
long  lost  child  has  appeared  and  been  restored  to  his  fond  embraces. 

It  seems  that  the  lad  before  reaching  the  house  of  Mr.  Mount,  was 
overtaken  and  kidnapped  by  a  band  of  Indians,  who  in  their  wan- 
derings, happened  to  pass  that  way  at  that  time.  In  this  family  he 
lived,  and  traveled  with  them  in  all  their  migratory  movements  from 
the  time  he  was  captured  until  the  autumn  of  1843.     About   this 

1S62.]  Descendants  of  Reinold  and  Matthew  Marvin.  249 

time,  this  family  visited  Albany,  N.  Y.,  and  while  there  this  white 
child  was  discovered  among  them. 

The  municipal  authorities  of  the  city  becoming  acquainted  with 
the  circumstance,  at  once  caused  their  arrest,  and  took  measures  to 
compel  them  to  disclose  the  means  by  which  they  became  possessed 
of  the  child.  They  were  alternately  flattered  and  threatened,  but  no 
disclosure  could  be  obtained.  They  manifested  their  native  obstinacy 
and  resolved  to  submit  to  any  punishment  rather  than  make  any  com- 
munication by  which  the  paternity  of  the  child  could  be  ascertained. 
They  were  therefore  discharged,  the  child  retained,  and  very  hu- 
manely placed  in  their  Orphan  Asylum. 

Subsequently,  in  the  spring  of  1844,  Mr.  L.  Cowles  of  Tolland, 
Mass.,  being  in  want  of  a  boy  in  his  family,  was  recommended  to 
this  place,  and  was  furnished  with  this  lad,  whom  he  brought  home 
with  him  to  his  residence  in  Tolland. 

In  the  month  of  Dec.  1844,  by  a  series  of  events  unequivocally 
bespeaking  the  intervention  of  Divine  benevolence,  the  facts  that 
transpired  at  Albany  in  relation  to  this  boy,  came  to  the  knowledge 
of  the  Rev.  Dr.  Cooley  of  Granville.  The  Doctor  having  frequently 
heard  the  circumstances  under  which  the  child  was  lost,  immediately 
communicated  the  intelligence  he  had  obtained  to  Mr.  Marvin,  the 
grandfather  of  the  child,  and  he  made  known  the  tidings  to  Mr.  Fil- 
ley,  who  was  then  with  his  friends  in  Connecticut. 

From  the  knowledge  thus  obtained,  Mr.  Filley  was  prompted  to 
call  without  delay  on  Mr.  Cowles,  and  examine  the  child — although 
.  time  and  exposure  had  changed  his  countenace  and  somewhat  ob- 
literated his  youthful  features,  yet  in  his  personal  appearance  he 
found  a  correct  counterpart  of  the  other  members  of  his  family. 
Hio  size,  his  age,  the  complexion  of  his  eyes  and  hair,  and  all  his 
prominent  characteristics,  resembled  those  of  his  child,  and  upon  ap- 
pealing to  a  known  scar  upon  his  head  and  an  indubitable  mark  in 
the  hair  of  his  head,  his  identity  was  plainly  recognized,  and  with 
emotions  of  unspeakable  joy  he  pressed  to  his  bosom  his  long  lost  Son. 

From  the  story  of  the  boy,  it  appears  he  has  constantly  continued 
in  the  same  famil}7,  consisting  of  four  Indians,  Paul  Pye  and  Phebe 
Ann  Pye  his  wife,  Martha  Ann  Pye  their  daughter,  and  Thomas  Wil- 
liams, who  seemed  to  be  an  inmate  in  the  family.  They  adopted  him 
as  their  son,  and  he  was  taught  and  believed  that  Paul  and  Phebe 
were  his  parents,  and  Martha  his  sister.  He  supposed  himself  an 
Indian  boy,  and  was  not  aware  of  any  difference  of  complexion  or  dis- 
tinction of  nation  until  his  deliverance  at  Albany.  It  seems  he  felt  an 
instinctive  repugnance  to  their  manners,  and  attempted  once  or 
twice  to  run  away,  in  consequence  of  which  they  cut  off  one  of  his 
toes,  by  which  mean3  they  could  more  readily  reclaim  him  by  his 
track.  He  has  an  indistinct  recollection  of  attending  school,  but 
when  or  where,  he  knows  not.  This  seems  to  be  the  only  remaining 
fact  in  his  memory  that  he  can  recognize  as  having  transpired  prior 
to  his  capture,  and  he  does  not  seem  to  associate  this  with  any  other 
fact  indicative  of  his  home,  except  that  he  did  not  go  to  school  with 

The  first  place  which  he  remembers  to  have  visited  was  Green 
Bay,  of  the  scenery  of  which  he  gives  a  faint,  though  correct  de- 

250  Descendants  of  Rcinold  and  Matthew  Marvin.  [July 

scription.  Id  traveling  to  that  place  they  probably  either  went  or  re- 
turned by  water,  as  he  remembers  sailing*  in  a  steamboat.  Be  was 
compelled  to  accompany  them  in  a!!  then'  migrations,  and  was  used 
as  a  mendicant  to  beg-  clothes  at  the  white  settlements  through 
which  they  passed,  and  furnish  the  family  with  food  when  their  in- 
dolence prevented  their  obtaining  it  in  any  other  way. 

In  the  summer  they  made  their  peregrinations  back  and  forth  through 
the  states  of  Michigan  and  New  York,  and  sometimes  visiting  Con- 
necticut, and  at  one  period  encamped  themselves  for  several  weeks 
in  Stonington.  In  the  winter  they  generally  quartered  themselves 
in  wigwams  in  the  vicinity  of  some  village,  and  lived  on  small  game, 
such  as  rabits,  skunks  and  bullfrogs,  the  latter  of  which  they  deemed 
a  sumptuous  repast. 

Occasionally  they  made  a  few  baskets  and  taught  the  trade  to  the 
boy,  and  also  instructed  him  into  the  art  and  mystery  of  bartering  the 
commodity  for  whiskey. 

He  recollects  living  near  Detroit,  Utica,  Brothertown,  Catskill  and 
Hudson,  and  several  months  at  Hillsdale,  N.  Y. 

In  all  their  rambles,  in  summer  and  winter,  he  traveled  barefoot, 
suffering  in  winter  from  the  cold,  and  at  all  times  from  hunger  and 
fatigue.  His  little  Indian  sister  was  his  only  solace,  and  like  a  second 
Pocahontas,  her  tender  assiduities  contributed  essentially  to  render  his 
captivity  endurable. 

Although  he  can  not  recognize  his  new  friends,  he  rejoices  in  the 
felicity  of  a  civilized  and  permanent  home,  and  all  parties  feel  a 
grateful  sense  of  the  kindness  of  the  Author  of  all  good  for  this 
marvelous  display  of  his  benevolence  in  "  redeeming  us  from  our  enemies, 
for  his  mercy  endureth  forexerV  C.  J. 

Granville,  Mass.,  Jan.  22,  1845. 



First  Generation. 
II.  Matthew  Marvin  came  to  New  England  in  1635.  He  was  one  of 
the  original  proprietors  of  Hartford,  Conn.,  and  was  also  among  the 
pioneers  in  the  settlement  of  Norwalk,  Conn.  He  d.  in  1687.  The 
Christian  name  of  his  1st  wife,  who  came  with  him  from  England, 
was  Elizabeth.  Late  in  life  he  in.,  for  his  2d  wife,  Mrs.  Alice  Kel- 
logg of  Norwalk. 

Children,  all  by  first  wife: 

1.  Elizabeth,  b.  about  1624,  came  to  New  England,  with  her  father, 

in  1635,  m.  Dr.  John  Olmstead  of  Hartford  and  afterwards  of 
Norwich.  She  d.  at  Norwich,  without  issue,  at  an  advanced 

2.  Matthew,  b.  about  162*1,  came  to  New  England,  with  his  father, 

in  1635.  He  was  also  one  of  the  original  proprietors  of  Nor- 
walk, which  town  he  represented  in  the  General  Court  in  1696 
and  1697.     His  wile's  Christian  name  was  Mary. 

3.  Mary,  b.  about  1629,  came   to   New  England   with  her  father  in 

1635.  She  d.  in  Norwich,  March  29.  1713,  a.  84.  She  was  m. 
1st,  in  1643,  to  Richard  Boshneli  of  Saybrook.     Their  children 

1S62J  Descendants  of Remold  and  Matthm  Marvin.  251 

were:  Joseph,  b.  in  Saybrook,  May,  1051,  m.  Mary  Leffingwell 
of  Norwich,  1673,  d.  Dec,  23,  1748,  a.  97;  Richard,  b.  Sept., 
1652;  Mary,  b.  Jan.,  1654-5;  Maria,  b.  1657.  She  was  m.  the 
2d  time  in  1660,  to  Dea.  Thomas  Adgate  of  Saybrook,  and  was 
his  2d  wife.  Their  children  were:  Abigail,  b.  in  Norwich, 
Aug.  1661,  m.  Daniel  Tracv,  1682;  Sarah,  b.  1663-4;  Rebecca, 
b.  June,  1666;  Thomas,  b.  March,  1669-70,  d.  1761,  a.  91. 

4.  Sarah,  b.  in  1632,  in.  1st,  William1  Goodrich  of  Weathersfield, 

Conn.,  Oct.,  1648.  2d,  Capt.  William  Curtis  of  Stratford, 
Conn.,  son  of  John  Curtis,  one  of  the  first  settlers  of  the 
town,  by  whom  she  had  no  children.  She  d.  at  Stratford,  near 
the  close  of  1702.  Children  by  1st  husband:  Sarah,  b.  1649, 
rn.  John  Bollister,  Junr.;  William,  b.  1651,  d.  young;  John,  b. 
May  20,  1653,  m.  Rebecca  Aldeu;  Elizabeth,  b.  1658,  ra.  Ro- 
bert Welles;  William  2d,  b.  Feb.  8,  1661,  m.  1st,  Grace  Riley, 
2d,, Mrs.  Mary  Ann  Ayrault;  Ephraim,  b.  June  2, 1663,  in.  1st, 
Sarah  Treat.  2d,  Mrs".  Jerusha  Welles;  David,  b.  May  4,  1667, 
m.  1st,  Hannah  Wright.  2d,  Prudence  Churchill;  Mary,  m. 
Joseph  Butler;  Abigail,  m.  Thomas  Fitch. 

5.  Hannah,  b.  in  1634,  m.  Thomas  Seymour  of  Norwalk,  Conn.,  Jan., 

1653.  Children:  Hannah,  b.  Dec.  12,  1654,  m.  Francis  Bush- 
Bell,  Oct.  12,  1675;  Abigail,  b.  Jan.  1655-6;  Mary  and  Sarah, 
twins,  b.  Sept.  1658;  Thomas,  b.  Sept.,  1660. 

6.  Abigail,  b.  at  Hartford,  Conn.,  m.  John  Bouton  of  Norwalk,  Jan. 

1,  1656,  being  his  2d  wife.  Children:  John,  b.  Sept.  30,  1659; 
Matthew,  b.  Dec.  24,  1661;  Rachel,  b.  Dec.  15,  1667;  Abigail, 
b.  April  1,  1670;  Mary,  b.  May  26,  1671. 

7.  Rachel,  b.  at  Hartford,  Dec.  30,  1649,  m.  Samuel   Smith  of  Nor- 

walk. Children:  Rachel,  who  m.  Thomas  Benedict;  Lydia, 
who  m.  James  Lockwood. 

Second  Generation. 

Matthew  Marvin,  m.  Mary  — . 

Children : 

8.  Sarah,  b.  in  Norwalk,  about  1660,  m.  Thomas  Betts  of  Norwalk, 

Jan.  1680-81.  He  was  the  son  of  Thomas  Betts  of  Guilford, 
Conn.  Children:  Thomas,  b.  Jan.  17,  1681-2;  John,  b.  July 
7,  1684;  Sarah,  b.  Jan.  21,  1686-7;  Matthew,  b.  Jan.  10,  1691- 
92;  Mary,  b.  March  31,  1694;  Elizabeth,  b.  Oct.  23,  1699. 

9.  Matthew,  b.  in  Norwalk. 

10.  Samuel,  b.  in  Norwalk. 

11.  Hannah,  m.  Epenetus  Piatt. 

12.  Elizabeth,  m.  Joseph  Piatt,  Nov.  6,  1700,  d.  April  9,  1703. 

13.  John,  b.  Sept.  2,  1678. 

Third  Generation. 

Matthew  Marvin,  m.  Rhoda  St.  John,  dau.  of  Mark  St.  Joha.  d.  in 

252  Descendants  of  Reinold  and  Matthew  Marvin.  [July 

Child  : 

14.  Mary,  b.  in  Norwalk,  Oct.  1,  1689. 

Samuel  Marvin,  b.  in  Norwalk;  name  of  wife  not  ascertained,  or 
date  of  death. 

Children  : 

15.  Matthew,  b.  Oct.  1102. 

16.  Samuel,  b.  in  Norwalk. 

17.  Josiah. 

There  were  other  children,  probably. 


John  Marvin,  b.  at  Norwalk,  Sept.  2,  1678,  d.  1774.  He  was  a 
Representative  in  the  General  Court,  in  1734  and  1738.  He  m.  1st, 
Mary  Beers  of  Fairfield,  March  22,  1704.  She  d.  April  17,  1720.  His 
2d  wife  was  Rachel  St.  John,  dau.  of  Matthias  St.  John,  m.  April 
27,  1721. 

Children  by  first  wife: 

18.  John,  b.  July  22,  1705. 

19.  Nathan,  b.  March  4,  1708. 

20.  Seth,  b.  July  13,  1709. 

21.  David,  b.  Aug.  24,  1711. 

22.  Elizabeth,  b.  Oct.  23,  1713. 

23.  Mary,  b.  Dec.  29,  1716. 
2\.  Elihu,  b.  Oct.  10,  1719. 

Children  hy  second  wife : 

25.  Hannah,  b.  Dec.  4,  1722. 

26.  Joseph,  b.  Mav  29,  1724. 

27.  Rachel,  b.  Dec.  24,  1725,  d.  Dec.  26,  1725. 

28.  Benjamin,  b.  March  14,  1728,  d.  March  17,  1728. 

29.  Rachel  2d,  b.  March  27,  1729. 

30.  Sarah,  b.  May  18,  1733,  d.  May  21,  1733. 
$1.  Ann,  b.  Sept.  7,  1741. 

Fourth  Generation. 
Matthew  Marvin,  m.  Elizabeth  Clark.     He  d.  about  1746. 

Children : 

32.  Hannah,  b.  in  Norwalk,  Sept.  30,  1732,  d.  1806. 

33.  Matthew,  b.  Oct.  21,  1734. 

34.  Ozias,  b.  Jan.  29,  1737. 

35.  Barnabas,  b.  Dec.  25,  1739. 

36.  Silas,  b.  1741. 

37.  Uriah,  b.  Feb.  17,  1744,  d.  1824. 

38.  Ichabod,  b.  Dec.  15,  1745. 

1862.]  Descendants  of  Reinold  and  Matthew  Marvin.  253 


SaiIuel  Marvin,  m*  Deborah  Clarlr,  Nov.  25,  1735. 

Children : 

39.  Esther,  b.  in  Norwalk,  Aug-,  22,  1736. 

40.  Rebecca,  b.  March  19,  1733. 

41.  Samuel,  b.  Feb.  7,  1740. 

42.  Elizabeth,  b.  Jan.  12,  1744. 


Josiae  Marvin,  d.  about  1780.     The  name  of  his  wife  or  date  of 
m.  not  ascertained. 

Children : 

43.  Daniel,  b.  in  Norwalk,  about  1739. 

44.  William,  b.  March  24,  1741. 

46.  John,  who  d.  in  Nova  Scotia,  a  refugee  in  the  Revolution. 

47.  Josiah,  who  d.  on  Long  Island,  in  the  British  army,  during  the 

Revolutionary  war. 

48.  Samuel. 

(Had  four  daughters  besides  the  above  sons.) 

John  Marvin,  m.  Abigail  St.  John.    He  d.  Aug.  25,  1775. 
Childrtii : 

49.  Mar£,  b.  in  Norwalk. 

50.  Abigail. 
61.  John. 

52.  Stephen. 

53.  Rebecca. 
64.  Sarah  i 

55.  Benjamin,  b.  Sept.  30,  1737. 

56.  Mary. 

57.  Ebenezer. 

68.  Lydia. 

69.  Ephraim. 

60.  Esther. 

61.  Jedediah. 

62.  Susannah. 


Nathan  Marvin,  mi  Hannah  Betts. 

Children : 

63.  Nathan,  m.  Mary  Marvin,  dan.  of  David  Marvin. 

64.  Jesse. 

65.  Elizabeth,  m.  Zopbar  Betts. 

66.  Hannah,  m.  Jonathan  Perry. 

67.  Rachel,  m.  1st,  J.  W.  Comstock.    2d,  Aaron  Holley. 

68.  James. 


254  Descendants  of Remold  and  Matthew  Marvin.  [July 

69.  Julia,  m.  David  Herrick. 

10.  Anna,  m.  1st, Willard.     2d, Adams. 

11.  Patty,  m.  Eben  Comstock. 

12.  Esther,  m. Howard. 

Seth  Marvin,  m.  Phebe  Lee,  resided  in  Norwalk. 

Children : 

13.  Seth,  b.  Dec.  21,  1149. 

14.  Eleazer,  b.  March  20,  1152. 

15.  Moses,  b.  Aug.  25,  1154. 

16.  Elihu,  b.  June  8,  1156. 

David  Marvin,  m.  Hannah  Gregory. 

Child : 
*l*l.  Mary,  who  ru.  Nathan  Marvin,  No.  63. 


Elihu  Marvin,  m.  Abigail  Yelverton.  He  resided  in  Orange  co., 
N.  Y.,  during  the  Revolutionary  war,  through  the  whole  of  which, 
he  and  his  oldest  son,  Seth,  took  an  active  part — the  father  as  Colonel 
and  General,  and  the  son  as  Captain  and  Colonel.  He  d.  in  Bloom- 
ing Grove,  N.  Y.,  Aug.  11,  1803,  a.  83  yrs.  10  mos.  4  dys. 

Children : 

18.  Seth,  b.  Feb.  15,  1145. 

19.  Abigail,  b.  June  28,  1141. 

80.  Elihu,  b.  July  2,  1149. 

81.  John  Yelverton,  b.  March  21,  1151,  d.  young. 

82.  Elizabeth,  b.  April  16,  1153. 

83.  Hannah,  b.  June  12,  1155. 

84.  John  2d,  b.  April  8,  1151. 

85.  James,  b.  Nov.  11,  1159. 

86.  Keziah,  b.  March  18,  1162. 

81.  Anthony,  b.  Nov.  10,  1164,  m.  Abigail  Paine. 


Joseph  Marvin,  m.  Catharine  St.  John. 

88.  Joseph. 

1862.]  Dr.  Nathaniel  Ames. 


AMES,  NATHANIEL,  of  Dedham,  born  in  Bridgewater  in  1708, 
was  a  great-great-grandson  of  Richard  Ames  of  Bruton,  Somerset- 
shire, England.     Richard1  had  two  sons,  viz:  "William2  and  John.2 

William,2  born  at  Bruton,  Oct.    6,   1605,    settled   at  Braintree   as 
early  as  1640.     He  bad  wife,  Hannah,  and  six  children,  viz:  Hannah,3 
b.   12:3:16-11,   m.  John    Hayden  in   1660;    Rehecm?    b.    8,   mo.   1642; 
Lydia3  b.  2:4:1645;  John*  b.  24:3:1647;  Sarah*  b.  1:1:1650;  Deliver- 
ance,3 b.  6:12:1653.     John3  moved  to  West  Bridgewater  in  or  before 
the  year  1672.     He  m.  Sarah  Willis,  dau.  of  Deacon  John  and  Eliza- 
beth Willis,  and   had  eight  children,  viz:    John*  b.  April  14th,  1672 
William*  b.  Nov.   6,  1673;  Nathaniel,*  b.   Oct.   9,  1677;    Elizabeth*  b 
Sept.  6,  1680,  m.  Capt.  John  Field  in  1697;  Thomas*  b.  Feb.  21,  1682 
Sarah*  b.  Oct.  12,  1685,   m.  Daniel  Field,  March   6,  1706;   David,*  b. 
Aug.  30,  1688;  Hannah*  m.  David  Packard,  Dec.  17,  1712,   and  died 
Jan.  10,  1767,  in   the  75th  year   of  her   age.     John,3    d.    at  West 
Bridgewater  in  1726. 

John-,2  was  born  at  Bruton,  Dec.  10,  1610;  was  at  Duxbury,  Mass., 
in  1643;  settled  in  West  Bridgewater  in  1656;  m.  Elizabeth  Hay- 
ward  in  1645,  and  died  at  West  Bridgewater  about  the  year  1698. 

Nathaniel,4  born  in  1677,  son  of  Juhn,3  and  grandson  of  William,2 
m.  Susanna,  dau.  of  John  Howard  in  1702,  Their  son,  Nathaniel,5 
the  subject  of  this  notice,  was  a  distinguished  physician  and  mathe- 
matician, who  removed  to  Dedham,  where  he  in.  Mary,  dau.  of 
Joshua  Fisher,  in  1735.  By  this  connection  he  had  a  son  named 
Fisher*  "who  died  in  infancy;  but  not  till  after  his  mother,  upon 
which  the  famous  law  suit  took  place,  in  which  it  was  determined, 
for  the  first  time,  that  the  estate  ascended  to  the  father,  as  next  of 
kin  to  his  son,  by  the  Province  law,  contrary  to  the  English  common 
law."  Dr.  Ames,  m.  in  1740,  a  second  wife,  Deborah,  dau.  of  Jere- 
miah Fisher.  By  this  marriage  he  had  children:  1,  Nathaniel*  b.  in 
1741;  H.  U.,  1761.  He  was  a  physician:  died  at  Dedham  in  1822, 
leaving  no  children.  2,  Seth*  H.  U.,  1764;  was  also  a  physician; 
settled  at  Amherst,  N.  H.,  but  removed  to  Dedham,  where  he  died  in 
1778.     3,  Fisher*     4,  Deborah*     5,  William,* 

Fisher,6  third  son  of  Dr.  Nathaniel,5  and  Deborah  (Fisher)  Ames, 
was  "one  of  the  most  brilliant  men  this  country  ever  produced." 
He  was  born  April  9,  1758;  admitted  to  Harvard  University  at  the  age 
of  twelve,  where  he  graduated  in  1774.  He  m.  Frances,  dau.  of  Col. 
John  Worthington  of  Springfield,  July  15,  1792,  and  had  children: 
John  Worthington,7  Nathaniel,7  Hannah7  Jeremiah  Fisher7  William7 
Seth7  Richard7  Further  particulars  of  the  life  of  Hon.  Fisher  Ames 
may  be  learned  elsewhere.  He  died  on  the  twenty-second  anniver- 
sary of  our  national  independence,  July  4,  1808,  aged  50  years.  "In 
the  old  church  yard  at  Dedham  is  a  plain  white  monument,  on  which 
is  the  simple  inscription — FISHER  AMES." 

256  Dr.  Nathaniel  Ames.  [July 

Dr.  Nathaniel5  Ames,  the  father,  as  before  intimated,  was  dis- 
tinguished for  his  mathematical  attainments.  His  taste  for  astrono- 
my, it  is  said,  was  acquired  from  his  father,  Nathaniel,4  who  took  a 
deep  interest  in  such  studies.  In  1725,  Dr.  Ames  commenced  the 
publication  of  his  famous  Almanacks.  He  published  them  for  thirty- 
nine  years,  and  prepared  a  portion  of  the  fortieth,  for  the  year  1165. 
The  number  for  that  year,  with  others  subsequently  issued,  until 
11*15,  were  published  by  and  in  the  name  of  his  son  Nathaniel. 

At  the  end  of  Almanack  for  1151,  Dr.  Ames  has  the  following 
"Advertisement.  These  are  to  signify  to  all  Persons  that  travel  the 
great  Post-Road  South  West  from  Boston,  That  I  keep  a  House  of 
Pnblick  Entertainment  Eleven  Miles  from  Boston,  at  the  sign  of  the 
SUN.  If  they  want  Refreshment,  and  see  Cause  to  be  my  Guests, 
they  shall  be  well  entertained  at  a  reasonable  Rate.  N.  Ames." 

The  following  is  from  the  Almanack  for  1752: 

"  Courteous  Reader, 

"With  the  year  1740,  all  the  Ephemerides  of  the  Planets  Places 
then  extant  expired;  and  however  cheap  and  contemptible  a  Thing 
an  Almanack  may  seem  to  be,  it  annually  costs  me  much  Time  and 
hard  study  to  prepare  one  for  you;  and  your  chearful  Acceptance  of 
my  Labours,  for  these  Twenty-seven  Years  past  has  encouraged  me 
more  to  continue  in  this  your  service  than  the  Reward  I  receive  for 

"The  Affairs  of  my  House  are  of  a  publick  Nature,  and  therefore 
I  hope  may  be  mentioned  here  without  Offence  to  my  Readers.  The 
Sign  I  advertised  last  Year  by  Reason  of  some  little  Disappointment 
is  not  put  up,  but  the  Thing  intended  to  be  signified  by  it  is  to  be 
had  according  to  said  Advertisement.  And  I  beg  Leave  further  to 
add,  that  if  any  with  a  view  of  Gain  to  themselves,  or  Advantage  to 
their  Friends,  have  reported  Things  of  my  House  in  contradiction  to 
the  aforesaid  Advertisement,  I  would  only  have  those  whom  they 
would  influence  consider,  that  where  the  Narrator  is  not  honest,  is 
not  an  Eye  or  Ear-witness,  can't  trace  his  Story  to  the  original, 
has  it  only  by  Hear-say,  a  thousand  such  Witnesses  are  not  sufficient 
to  hang  a  Dog:  &  I  hope  no  Gentleman  that  travels  the  Road  will 
have  his  Mind  bias'd  against  my  House  by  such  idle  Reports. 

*     N.  Ames." 

Whether  Dr.  Ames  ever  succeeded  in  raising  the  sign  of  "  the  sun" 
we  know  not.  It  is  related  of  him  that  "on  one  occasion,  the  colo- 
nial judges  having,  as  he  thought,  decided  a  case  against  him  unlaw- 
fully, he  sketched  their  honors  upon  a  sign-board  in  front  of  his 
tavern,  in  their  full-bottomed  wigs,  tippling,  with  their  backs  to  an 
open  volume,  labeled  Province  Laws.  The  Boston  authorities  sent 
some  officers  to  Dedham,  to  remove  the  sign.  The  doctor  was  pre- 
pared for  them;  and  when  they  arrived,  they  found  nothing  hanging 
but  a  board,  on  which  was  inscribed:  'A  wicked  and  adulterous  gene- 
ration seeketh  for  a  sign,  but  no  sign  shall  be  given  them." 

The  Boston  Evening  Post,  Monday,  July  16,  1764,  says:  "  About  a 
fortnight  ago  was  seized  with  a  painful  billious  Disorder,  which  was 

1862.]  Importance  of  Early  Records.  257 

followed  with  a  nervous  Fever,  &  last  Wednesday  morning'  [July 
11th]  died  at  Dedham,  Doctor  Nathaniel  Ames,  aged  56  Years. 
Besides  his  practice  in  Physick,  he  followed  the  study  of  Astronomy 
from  his  Youth;  He  has  published  an  Almanack  annually  for  38 
Years  past,  to  the  great,  very  great  Acceptance  of  the  Inhabitants 
of  this  Province,  as  also,  to  the  neighboring  Colonies  and  Provinces," 

The  Boston  Gazette,  of  the  same  date,  adds:  "His  remains  were 
decently  interred  last  Saturday  afternoon"  [July  14th]. 

In  1766,  was  published  what  was  termed  "Ames's  Almanack  re- 
vived and  improved,"  "  by  a  late  Student  at  Harvard  College,"  "  as 
Mr.  Ames,"  it  was  stated,  "  (son  of  the  lately  deceased  Dr.  Ames) 
declined  furnishing  the  Public  with  an  Almanack  for  the  year  1766, 
and  Application  was  made  by  the  Printers  to  the  Author,  he  under- 
took it, "partly  as  a  Service  to  the  Public,  and  partly  as  an  agreeable 
Amusement  to  himself."  "The  Author  has  put  this  Almanack  into 
the  same  Form  with  those  published  by  the  late  Dr.  Ames,  whose 
annual  Performances  of  this  Sort  gave  general  Satisfaction." 

Dr.  Nathaniel  Ames,  the  younger,  did  however,  issue  his  calender 
for  1766.  In  his  introduction  to  the  number  for  that  year,  he  says: 
"I  purpose  to  make  my  appearance  before  you  annually,  notwith- 
standing what  some  obscure  persons  would  insinuate  to  the  con- 
trary." "They  have  not  only  made  use  of  my  name,  to  impose  upon 
the  public,  by  prefixing  it  to  their  counterfeit  Almanacks,  but  have 
even  advertised  that  I  was  not  about  to  publish  an  Almanack  for 
this  year,  which  the  public  knows  to  be  false."  It  was  continued 
till  1775  or  later;  we  have  seen  one  for  that  year.  Dr.  Nathaniel 
Ames,  senior,  was  a  subscriber  to  Prince's  Chronology.         W.  B.  T. 


No  one  inexperienced  in  historical  and  genealogical  researches, 
can  fully  appreciate  the  value  of  early  records.  Not  only  the  his- 
tory of  a  town,  but  of  a  state,  may  in  some  important  particular 
turn  upon  the  record  kept  by  a  small  municipal  corporation.  The 
record  of  a  birth,  marriage,  or  death,  may  determine  the  identity 
of  a  distinguished  individual,  and  so  prevent  the  historian  from  con- 
founding him  with  another  of  the  same  name.  Not  only  public 
records,  but  private  diaries,  often  cast  valuable  light  upon  public 
events.  Nor  are  papers  of  a  less  formal  character  destitute  of  va- 
lue. A  single  leaf  from  an  account  book,  or  a  receipt  for  a  sum  of 
money,  or  a  bill  of  sale  of  even  a  trifling  article  of  merchandize,  may 
fix  a  date,  determine  a  residence,  decide  the  motive  of  an  action,  or 
show  the  manners  and  customs  of  the  people,  and  so  exhibit  the 
spirit  of  the  age  in  which  the  event  occurred. 

We  make  this  statement  for  the  purpose  of  inducing  a  more  care- 
ful preservation  of  records  and  papers.  Every  year  that  passes, 
carries  with  it  the  loss  of  family  papers,  which  are  thrown  away  or 
committed  to  the  flames,  from  the  impression  that  they  are  worth- 
less.    We  hope  that  the  increasing  interest  felt  in  genealogical  and 

258  Old  Burial  Places  in  Exeter.  [July 

historical  inquiries,  will  induce  every  person  in  possession  of  old 
manuscripts  and  papers,  to  preserve  them.  It  is  not  possible  for 
any  person  to  decide  in  advance,  what  papers  will  be  valuable,  and 
what  not.  The  only  safe  rule  is  to  preserve  all;  so  that  every  class 
of  inquirers  may  be  able  to  find  something  to  their  purpose. 

It  frequently  happens  that  on  the  death  of  the  head  of  a  family, 
his  old  papers  are  destroyed  from  the  impression  that  they  are  not 
worth  preserving.  This  ought  not  to  be  so.  If  the  family  deem 
them  worthless,  let  them  be  presented  to  some  public  institution 
which  will  preserve  them.  The  Historic-Genealogical  Society  would 
be  glad  to  receive  them,  and  keep  them  for  future  reference.  If  any 
person  comes  into  the  possession  of  any  rile  of  old  papers  which  he 
thinks  not  worth  preserving-,  let  him  forward  them  to  this  Society, 
No.  13  Bromfield  street,  Boston,  where  they  will  be  kept  on  file,  and 
may  be  used  for  some  valuable  purpose. 


[By  Rev.  Elias  Naso.\.] 


Exeter,  on  the  Squamscott  river,  was  settled  by  John  Wheel- 
wright and  others,  in  1638.  The  first  public  burial  place,  every  * 
visible  trace  of  which  has  long  since  been  obliterated,  was  near  the 
spot  now  occupied  by  the  building  erected  for  the  ma-nafacture  of  £ 
earthen  pipe  for  drainage.  The  original  church,  constructed  of  logs, 
stood  here,  and  the  "church  yard"  then  was  synonimous  with  "bu- 
rial place."  In  digging  for  clay  in  this  vicinity,  the  workmen  occa- 
sionally exhume  the  bones  of  the  "  rude  forefathers  of  the  hamlet." 

ii.  | 

The  next  place  selected  for  the  repose  of  the  dead,  was  a  beautiful 
knoll  near  the  river,  and  immediately  south  of  the  present  gas-works.  i  { 

A  few  old  apple  trees  crown  the  summit,  and  here  the  dandelion, 
Houstonia  cerulea  and  violet,  earliest  deck  the  sod  in  spring.  Most 
of  the  headstones  are  rude,  rough,  and  unshapen  slabs  of  granite; 
and  unless  some  Old  Mortality  shall  retouch  them  with  his  friendly 
chisel  soon,  the  inscriptions  will  become  illegible.  The  following 
still  remain: 

"Here  Lyes  Buried  ye  Body  of  Capt  Jonathan  Thing,  Decd  OctT 
ye  31st  A.  D.  1694— ^Etatis  suss  40." 

"Here  Lyes  Buried  ye  Body  of  M"  Mary  Thing,  Wife  of  Capt 
Jonathan  Thing,  Decd  Augst  A.'D.  1691.     JS'tatis  suas  33."  j 

"Here  Lyes  Buried  ye  Body  of  Mrs  Abigail  Thing,  wife  to  Mr 
Bartho  Thing  who  died  May  29lh  1711,  Aged  25  years."  I 

"Josiah  Thing  aged   6  months  &  15   dayes  Died   March  ye  5th 

"Tristam  Thing  aged  1  year  7  mos  &  27  ds.  Died  June  ye  22d 


1862.]  Old  Burial  Places  in  Exeter  259 

"Here  Lyes  ye  Body  of  Sarah  Dudley — was  Born  Feb?  ye  25th 
166£  Departed  this  life  January  ye  24<'<>  17  }-$." 

"  Here  Lyes  ye  Body  of  Samuel  Dudley  junr  aged  32  years  &  about 
2  mos.     Died  Feb.  16th  17J4-" 

"Here  Lyes  Buried  ye  Body  of  Mr3  Abigail  Thing  wife  to  Samuel 
Thing,  Esq.  who  died  Novr  7th  1728.     JiHatis  suae  54." 

"Here  Lyes  ye  Body  of  Mrs  Joanna  Gillman  wife  to  mr  Andrew 
Gillman  Decd  Nov1  ye  16th  1727  in  ye  31st  year  of  her  age." 

"Here  Lyes  Buried  ye  Body  of  Timothy  Cunningham  aged  46 
years—Departed  this  life  ye  16th  of  April  1712." 

"  Joseph ." 

"  Jonethan  Penn  Decd  — —  1757." 

The  remaining  headstones  whose  inscriptions  are  legible,  are  en- 
closed by  a  neat  fence,  and  a  plain  marble  monument  bears  this  in- 

"  In  memory  of  the  Ladd  Family  who  sleep  in  this  enclosure.  Na- 
thaniel, the  first  of  the  name  who  settled  in  Exeter,  was  born  in 
Haverhill,  March  10,  1650.  Elizabeth  his  wife,  and  daughter  of 
Councillor  John  Gil  man,  was  born  in  Exeter,  August  16.  1661.  He 
was  mortally  wounded  in  a  fight  with  the  Indians  at  Macquoit  & 
died  Aug.  11,  A.  D.  1691." 

Alexander,  one  of  their  descendants,  was  born  in  Exeter,  May  9th, 
1784,  and  erected  this  stone,  A.  D.  1850.  "Blessed  are  the  dead 
who  die  in  the  Lord." 

"Abigail  Ladd  deest,  Aug.  1st  1757." 

"Mr  Josiah  Ladd  aged  73  years  Died  Nov  8th  17 — "  [defaced]. 

"Mrs  Sarah  Ladd  aged  70  years  Died  Nov  5*  1780." 

"Mrs  Kuth  Ladd,  wife  of  Simeon  Ladd  died  Novr  14  1784  aged 

"In  memory  of  Mr  Simeon  Ladd  born  May  18th  A  D  1742.  Died 
Dec  17  A  D  1811." 

"Mrs  Alepha  Ladd,  wife  of  Mr  Simeon  Ladd  Died  Oct  24,  1788 
aged  33  years." 


The  third  public  burial  place  was  on  the  rising  ground  now  occu- 
pied by  the  First  Congregational  Church.  Here  the  Rev.  Messrs. 
Odlin,  and  many  of  their  contemporaries,  were  buried.  The  head- 
stones were — for  what  reason  I  can  not  divine — leveled  and  buried 
above  the  bones  which  they  commemorated,  many  years  ago.  Only 
one  of  them,  sunk  several  inches  below  the  surface  of  the  earth,  re- 
mains half  visible  to  remind  the  present  generation  that  the  ashes 
of  their  forefathers  repose  beneath.  Removing  the  earth  and  long 
grass  with  a  spade,  I  succeeded  in  deciphering  the  inscription  upon 
the  sunken  horizontal  slate  stone  slab: 

"Mrs  Elizabeth  Hale  Relict  of  ye  Reverend  mr  John  Hale  Late 
Pastor  of  ye  church  in  Beverly  and  sometime  wife  to  Nathaniel  Clark, 
Esq.,  Late  of  Newbry  Decd  who  died  March  ye  15lk  1716  aged  71 

There  are  several  private  family  burial  places  in  Exeter,  and  on  a 


260  Rev.  John  Walley.  [July 

low  and  beautiful  headland  on  the  left  bank  of  the  river,  about  a 
mile  below  the  falls,  I  find  a  solitary  free  stone  slab  resting  on  some 
rude  masonry  about  two  feet  from  the  earth,  and  bearing  the  follow- 
ing interesting  inscription: 

"Here  Lyes  Buried  the  Body  of  Mr  James  Dudley  who  departed 
this  life  Nov  the  14th  H20  in  the  51th  year  of  his  age.  He  was  son 
of  the  Reverend  Mr  Samuel  Dudley,  minister  of  the  gospel  in  Exeter 
and  grandson  of  the  HonorbIe  Thomas  Dudley,  Esq.  one  of  the  first 
Governors  of  New  England." 


[Additional  to  the  article  on  Rev.  John  Walley,  Jr.,  in  the  Register,  page  53.] 

Mr.  Editor — I  notice  in  your  last  number,  a  Letter  from  Rev.  John 
Walley,  Jr.,  in  1144,  which  is  prefixed  with  a  sketch  of  some  of  the 
principal  incidents  of  his  life.  By  some  oversight,  however,  an  im* 
portant  chapter  in  the  history  of  that  life,  is  wholly  omitted.  That 
omission,  with  your  leave,  I  will  supply.  It  relates  to  the  portion 
spent  as  minister  of  the  parish  in  Bolton,  Mass. 

The  town  of  Bolton,  formerly  the  South  East  Precinct  of  Lancas- 
ter, was  incorporated  in  1133,  and  in  1741  settled  as  minister  Rev, 
Thomas  Goss,  H.  U.  1731.  In  process  of  time,  difficulties,  originally 
of  a  personal  nature,  arose  with  him,  which  led  to  an  acrimonious 
controversy,  in  which  most  of  the  neighboring  ministers  and  churches 
became  involved,  and  which  resulted,  August  13th,  1771,  in  his  dis- 
mission. But  the  strife  did  not  end  here.  Many  individuals  and 
families  withdrew  with  him,  formed  a  separate  organization,  and 
held  religious  services  on  the  sabbath  in  a  private  house  [that  now 
(1862)  occupied  by  Gen.  Ambry  Holman] ;  while  another,  the  major, 
portion  retained  the  meeting  house,  claimed  to  be  the  town  parish, 
and  made  arrangements  for  settling  another  minister.  Though  in 
doing  this,  they  labored  under  a  sort  of  ban  of  excommunication  in 
the  neighboring  churches,  most  of  the  ministers  of  which  ardently 
sympathized  with  Mr.  Goss,  and  did  their  best  to  uphold  him.  He 
had  taken  the  position  that  a  minister  possessed  the  right  of  nega- 
tiving— whenever  disapproving  of  them — 'the  votes  of  his  church.* 

*This  controversy  in  its  day  excited  much  attention.  See  in  relation  to  it,  A 
Treatise  on  Church  Government,  in  three  parts  :  being  I,  A  Narrative  of  the  late 
Troubles  and  Transactions  in  the  Church  in  Bolton,  in  the  Massachusetts  ;  II,  Some 
Remarks  on  Mr.  Adams's  Sermon  preached  there,  with  an  Appendix — being  some 
Remarks  on  an  Account  in  the  Boston  Evening  Fost,  Dec.  28,  1772,  of  the  Dismis- 
sion of  a  Minister  at  Grafton ;  III,  On  Councils,  their  Business,  Authority,  and  Use. 
With  an  Essay  on  Ministers  Negativing  the  Votes  of  the  Church,  and  showing 
where  the  Keys  of  the  Church  are.  By  a  Neighbour.  (Luke  x,  33,  34,  quoted.) 
Boston :  Printed  by  John  Boyles  in  Marlborough  st.  mdcci.xxiii.  See  also  An 
Answer  to  a  Piece  on  Church  Government,  published  under  the  signature  of  A  Neigh- 
bor. Where  printed,  my  imperfect  copy  does  not  show.  There  were,  doubtless, 
othor  pamphlets  respecting  this  controversy,  but  they  are  not  at  hand  for  refer- 
ence. .  E. 

1862.]  Rev.  John  Walley.  261 

The  church  and  parish  at  Bolton,  however,  held  their  ground  firmly, 
refused  terms  of  compromise  with  Mr.  Goss  and  his  adherents,  and 
finally — after  hearing,  probably,  a  number  of  candidates,  whose 
names  have  not  been  preserved  in  the  record — in  April,  1713,  gave 
a  call  to  Rev.  John  Wullej'.  This  call,  in  two  letters,  one  addressed 
to  the  church,  the  other  to  the  town,  he  accepted:  and  record  remains 
on  the  books  of  the  town,  of  arrangements  made  for  his  installation 
in  June  of  the  same  year.  That  installation,  doubtless,  took  place, 
tho'  no  trace  of  it  can  be  discovered  in  any  document  existing  here. 
Mr.  Walley  took  his  place  as  minister  of  the  church  and  society  in 
Bolton,  receiving  as  salary  £66.13.4,  and  twenty-five  cords  of  wood, 
brought  to  the  house,  per  annum.  In  his  answer  to  the  town.,  accept- 
ing the  call,  dated  May  17th,  1773,  he  said:  "I  now  inform  you  that 
I  accept  the  annual  support  which  you  offer  me,  expecting  a  house 
and  accommodations  to  be  provided  for  me,  as  is  proposed  by  a 
number  of  persons  in  their  private  capacity,  and  expecting  that  un- 
til I  can  keep  a  family,  which  I  desire  may  be  as  soon  as  possible, 
my  support  will  be  the  same  and  in  the  same  manner  as  it  has  been 
hitherto,  since  my  coming  to  this  place."  In  accordance  with  the 
above  suggestion,  the  traditions  of  this  locality  assert  that  a  house 
was  provided  for  Mr.  Walley,  and  the  place  where  it  stood  is  pointed 

In  January,  1780,  Mr.  Goss  died,  and  his  clerical  friends,  not  long 
after,  erected  over  his  remains,  in  the  now  South  burying  ground,  a 
neat  monument,  inscribed  with  the  following  Latin  epitaph,  which  I 
copy  verbatim  it  literatim : 

Memorise  Sacrum 

Revdi  Thorn  as  Goss,  A.  M. 

Ecclesia3  apud  Boltenensis  Pastoris, 

qui  supra  XXXIX  Annos,  sacro 

functus  Officio,  e  Vita  cessit 

Jan'*  Die  17™  MDCCLXXX, 

JStatis  63. 

Vir  Pietate,    Hospitalitate,    Amicitia 

aliisq;  Yirtutibus  et  publicis  et  privatis 


Corpore  quidem  infractus,  Animi 

tamen  robustus,  miraq;  Fortitudine 


primus  inter  Clerum 

Temporibus  hisce  infaustis, 

Statum  Ecclesiarum  labefactantes 

fortiter  oppugnando; 

et  pro  re  ecclesiastica  sicut 

a    majoribus   tradita. 

Heroice  obluctando, 

graviter  perpessus  est. 

Hoc  Monumentum  Amici  possuere. 

I  subjoin  a  translation,  .somewhat  free: 

"Sacred  to  the  memory  of  Rev.  Thomas  Goss,  A.  M.,  pastor  of  the 


2G2  Domine  Frelinghuysen.  [July 

Bolton  Church,  who  having  exercised  the  sacred  office  upwards  of 
39  years,  died  on  the  1 7th  January,  1780,  aged  63  years. 

"A  man  adorned  with  piety,  hospitality,  and  friendliness,  and  other 
virtues  both  public  and  private;  somewhat  broken  in  body  but  hardy 
of  mind,  and  endowed  with  a  wonderful  fortitude,  he  was  the  first 
among  the  clergy,  in  these  unhappy  times,  to  suffer  persecution  on 
account  of  boldly  opposing  those  who  were  seeking  to  ruin  the  pros- 
perity of  the  churches,  and  on  account  of  his  heroically  struggling 
to  maintain  the  ecclesiastical  polity  handed  down  from  our  ances- 

"Friends  erected  this  monument." 

Mr.  Goss  being  dead,  acrimonious  feelings  by  time  somewhat  al- 
layed, and  the  inconveniences  of  the  partition  of  the  society  felt  se- 
verely, socially  as  well  as  pecuniarily,  overtures  to  bury  the  hatchet 
and  reunite  as  one  church  and  parish  were  made  in  the  fall  of  1782, 
it  being  oue  of  the  stipulations  that  Mr.  Walley  should  resign.  He 
acceded.  Early  in  1783,  the  arrangements  above  referred  to  were 
satisfactorily  completed,  the  two  portions  of  the  society  came  to- 
gether again,  reunited  as  one  parish,  and  the  members  of  the  church 
from  the  two  sections,  signed  anew,  the  old  covenant  adopted  in 
1741,  at  the  first  organization. 

Thus  terminated  Mr.  Walley's  ministry  in  Bolton.  He  left  the 
town  with  his  wife,  and  as  your  former  article  on  p.  58  states,  died 
in  Koxbury  in  the  year  1784.  In  his  will  he  did  not  forget  these  to 
whom  he  had  formerly  ministered,  leaving  a  small  legacy  to  the  town 
of  Bolton,  the  income  of  which  was  to  be  appropriated,  in  a  manner 
pointed  out,  for  the  purchase  and  distribution  of  Bibles.  That  legacy 
still  remains  in  the  town  treasury,  and  the  interest  has,  from  time  to 
time,  been  used  in  accordance  with  the  wishes  of  the  testator. 

Bolton,  January  16th,  1862.  E. 

Domine  Frelinghuysen. — Mrs.  Grant,  in  her  American  Lady,  has  in- 
vested the  memory  of  Tbeodorus  Frelinghuysen  of  the  ancient  Dutch 
church  of  Albany,  with  a  melancholy  interest.  No  other  written 
contemporary  history  of  him  has  been  given,  yet  her  account  is  cor- 
roborated by  tradition.  Singularly  enough,  a  letter  has  just  been 
found,  the  relic  of  an  old  garret,  dated  New  York,  Oct.  10,  1759, 
which  fixes  the  date  of  his  departure,  hitherto  uncertain.  The  author 
says  that  while  he  was  writing,  the  ship  in  which  Dom.  F.  sailed  was 
leaving  the  port,  and  the  guns  were  being  fired  on  the  occasion. 
That  on  the  previous  Sunday  he  preached  in  the  new  Dutch  church, 
and  that  when  he  sat  down  after  giving  out  the  last  psalm,  the  bench 
gave  way  and  he  fell  to  the  floor,  which  was  universally  regarded  as 
a  bad  omen.  It  was  remarked  that  the  ocean  was  fatal  to  his  family, 
and  the  impression  that  he  would  never  more  be  seen  pervaded  the 
minds  of  the  people.  This  letter  gives  additional  mysteriousness  to 
the  fate  of  the  good  domine.  The  vacancy  in  his  pulpit  was  not  as 
long  as  represented  by  Mrs.  Grant;  his  successor,  Dr.  Westerlo, 
began  his  ministry  in  1760, 

1862*]  Records  of  Wether sfic Id,  Conn.  263 


[Communicated  by  Hon.  R.  R.  Roman  of  New  York.] 
[Continued  from  page  142.] 

Carter,  David.  Children  of,  bv  Susan  ah  Lis  wife — Joanna,  b.  Jan. 
23,  1759;  David,  Sept,  18,  '61;  George,  Jan.  26,  '63,  and  d.  Nov.  23, 
'67;  Elisha,  July  26, '64;  Jason,  Jan.  8, '67;  George,  Sept.  25, '68; 
Susannah,  Jan.  18,  1771. 

Carter,  Alfred  H.  and  Cynthia  C.  Chapman,  both  of  East  Haddam, 
were  m.  Sept.  3,  1829. 

Chilson,  Daniel.  Child  of,  by  Sybil  his  wife — Daniel,  b.  Feb.  9, 

Cleaveland,  Moses,  son  of  Moses  C,  by  his  wife  Mary. 

Cady,  Nicholas  and  Sarah  Wright,  were  m.  Oct,  12,  1749.  Is. — 
Butler,  b.  Aug.  27,  '50,  and  d.  2nov.  25,  1754. 

Cady,  Walter  Goodale  of  Hartford,  and  Julia  Ann  Stoddard,  were 
m.  March  7,  1838. 

Church,  John  and  Anne  Curtis,  were  m.  Dec  11,  1735.  Is. — John, 
b.  Oct.  27,  '36;  Hepzibah,  Feb.  20,  '38;  Anne,  Feb.  20,  '40;  Christian, 
Feb.  17,  '42;  Elisha,  Sept.  17,  '47;  Daniel,  Aug.  17,  1750. 

Colson,  James,  son  of  Joseph  C.  and  Lois  Brooks,  was  b.  Oct.  30, 

Dickinson,  Nath.  Children  of,  bv  Ann  his  wife — Samuel,  b.  July 
15,  1638;  Obadiah,  April  15,  '41;  Nehamiah,  Aug.  15,  '43;  Hezekiah, 
Feb.  28,  '45;  Azariah,  Oct,  10,  1648. 

Dickinson,  John.  Dau.  of,  by  Frances  his  wife — Hanah,  b.  Dec.  6, 

Dickinson,  Obadiah.  Children  of,  by  Mehetabel  his  wife— Noadi- 
ah,  b.  Aug.  2,  1694;  Mehetabel,  June  11,  1696.  Serg*.  0.  D.  d.  June 
10,  1698,  being  in  his  58th  year. 

Dickinson,  Jonathan,  the  son  of  John  D.  and  Susannah  his  wife, 
was  b.  May  18,  1695. 

Dickinson,  Eliphalett  and  Rebecka,  the  dau.  of  Jacob  Brunson  of 
Farmingtown,  were  m.  Nov.  24,  1697.  Is. — Sarah,  b.  Nov.  8,  '98; 
Obadiah,  Aug.  14,  1701;  Eliphelet,  Aug.  1,  1703;  Rebecca,  Dec.  28, 
1705;  Eunice,  July  22,  170S;  Lois,  Aug.  18,  1710,  and  d.  Nov.  8, 
1712;  Eleazer,  Aug.  23,  1712. 

Dickinson,  Ebenezer  and  Susanna,  dau.  of  John  Waddoms,  were  m. 
April  3,  1707.  Is.— Thomas,  b.  Dec.  29,  170^;  Anna,  Sep.  6,  1710, 
and  d.  in  infancy. 

Dickinson,  Elihu  and  Mary,  dau.  of  Jonathan  Smith,  were  m.  Nov. 
13,  1718.  Mrs.  Mary  D.  d.  *Nov.  1720.  E.  Dickinson  and  Lucy  Do- 
ming were  m.  April  2,  1724.  Is. — Mary,  b.  Jan.  26,  '25;  Hannah, 
Feb.  28, '27;  Samuel,  Oct.  28, '29;  Esther,  Jan.  SO, '32;  Ebenezer, 
Feb.  21, '34;  Experience,  April  17, '36;  Moses,  April  15, '38;  Eliza- 
beth, Mar.  4,  1740. 

Dickinson,  Eleazer  and  Jemima  Nott,  were  m.  April  20,  1737.  Is. — 
William,  b.  Oct.  6,  '37;  Daniel,  Oct.  29,  '38;  Mary,  Sep.  17,  '40;  Ja- 

264  Records  of  Wetkersfield,  Conn.  [ 

cob,  Dec.  16.  '41;  George,  Mar.  1,  '34;  Noadiah,  Nov.  20,  1745.     Mr. 
E.  D.  d.  July  24,  1768. 

Dickinson,  Jonathan  and  Sarah  Francis,  were  ra.  (no  date).  Is. — 
Elezur,  b.  May  15,  1725;  Jonathan,  Dec.  5,  '26;  Sarah,  Mar.  8,  '29; 
Bildad,  Mar.  27,  '33;  Mary,  Aug.  16,  '35,  and  d.  June  7,  '36;  Mary, 
Oct.  12,  1737. 

Dickinson,  Thomas  and  Hannah  Hurlbutt,  were  m.  Mar.  3,  1735. 
Is. — Hannah,  b.  Mar.  28,  1735;  Ebenezer,  Dec.  14,  '36;  Susanna,  Feb. 
23,  '39;  Rebecca  and  Sarah,  Feb.  23,  '42;  Thomas,  Aug.  20.  1744. 

Dickinson,  Obadiah.  Children  of,  by  Hannah  his  wife — Elizabeth, 
b.  Nov.  19,  1736;  Obadiah,  May  2,  '39;  Elias,  Feb.  20,  '42;  Hannah, 
Feb.  24,  '45.  Mrs.  H.  D.  d.  xMay  23,  '81;  and  Mr.  0.  D.,  April  23, 

.  Dickinson,  Obadiah  and  Mary  Collins,  were  to.  Mar.  18,  1750.  Is. 
—Wait,  b.  Nov.  10, '51;  Eunice,  Dec.  15, '52;  Ozias,  May  17, '54; 
Christian,  Nov.  29,  1755. 

Dickinson,  Jonathan,  Jr.,  and  Hannah  Bordman,  were  m.  May  8, 
1754.  Is.— Levi,  b.  Jan.  22,  '55;  Simeon,  Dec.  22,  '56;  Martha,  Juiy 
29,  '59;  William,  Nov.  17,  '61,  and  d.  two  days  old;  Lemuel,  June  6, 
'63;  William,  Nov.  18,  '65;  Hannah,  June  14,  '68;  Abigail,  May  21, 
'70;  Samuel,  June  21,  1773. 

Dickinson,  Elias  and  Ruth  Savage,  were  m.  Dec.  25,  1766.  Is.— 
Lois,  b.  Aug.  2,  '68;  Harvev,  Mar.  29,  '70;  Rockwell,  Nov.  18,  '71; 
Seth,  June  8, '74;  Sally,  Sep.  19, '76;  Burrage,  July  4, '79;  Elias, 
July  18,  1782. 

Dickinson,  Ebenezer.  Children  of,  by  Mabel  his  wife — Ebenezer, 
b.  June  9,  1771;  Orran,  June  10,  1779. 

Deming,  John  and  Mary  his  wife,  ware  m.  Sep.  20,  1657.  Is. — 
John,  b.  Sep.  9,  '58;  Joseph,  June  1,  '61;  Jonathan,  Feb.  12,  '63;  Mary, 
July  1,  '66;  Samuel,  Aug.  25,  '68;  Jacob,  Aug.  26,  '70;  Sarah,  Jan. 
17,1672.     J.  D.  d.  Jan.  23,  1712. 

Deming,  Jonathan  and  Sarah  his  wife,  ware  m.  Nov.  21,  1660.  Is. 
— Jonathan,  b.  Nov.  27,  1661;  Sarah,  Aug.  12,  '63;  Mary,  July  11, 
'65;  Comfort,  June  5,  '68.  Mrs.  S.  D.  d.  June  5,  1668.  Jonathan  D. 
and  Elizabeth  his  wife,  were  m.  Dec.  25,  1673.  Is. — Eloisse,  b.  Feb. 
16,  '74;  Elizabeth,  June  12,  '77;  Thomas,  Nov.  27,  '79;  Charles,  Jan. 
10,  '81;  Benjamin,  Jan.  20,  '84;  Jacob,  Dec.  20,  '89;  Mary,  Oct.  24, 
'92;  Ann,  Oct.  1,  1695.  Mr.  J.  D.  d.  Jan.  8,  1700,  aged,  as  he  sup- 
posed, about  61  years. 

Deming,  Ebenezer  and  Sarah  his  wife,  were  m.  July  16,  1677.  Is. 
-—Ebenezer,  b.  Mav  5, '78;  John,  July  26,  '79;  Sarah,  Jan.  6,  1681. 
Mr.  E.  D.  d.  May  2,  1705. 

Deming,  David  and  Mary  his  wife,  were  m.  Aug.  14,  1678.  Is. — 
David,  b.  July  20,  '81;  Sam!1,  Aug.  9,  '83;  Honor,  May  9,  1685. 

Deming,  Jonathan,  ye  son  of  Mr.  John  D.,  and  Martha,  the  dau.  of 
Henry  Buck,  were  m.  Oct.  27,  1687.  Is. — Isaac,  b.  July  26,  '88; 
Anne,  Sep.  20,  '90;  Noahdiah,  Feb.  20,  '93;  Abigaill,  Mar.  i,  '95;  Gi- 
deon, Feb.  29,  1700;  Martha,  Aug.  30,  1704. 

Deming,  John,  son  of  Serg*.  D.,  and  Mary,  the  dau.  of  Wid.  Graves, 
were  m.  June  5,  1684.  Is.— Abigail,  b.  Oct.  7,  '93;  Nath11.,  Sep.  2, 
'96;  Mary,  Sep.  27,  1700.     Mr.  J.  D.  d.  Nov.  25,  1729, 

1862.]  Records  of  Welhersfield,  Conn.  265 

Deining,  Sam11,  and  Sarah  his  wife,  were  m.  Mar.  29,  1694.  Is. — 
John,  b.  Dec.  27,  '94;  David,  Dec.  29,  '96;  Samuell,  June  12,  '99;  Hon- 
nor,  Dec.  16,  1701;  William,  May  10,  1705.  Mr.  S.  D.  d.  April  6, 
1709,  in  his  63d  year,  near  out. 

Deming,  Thomas,  son  of  Jon:l.  D.  senr.  and  Mary,  dan.  of  Th°.  Wil- 
liams, ware  m.  June  2,  1698.  Is. — Luce,  b.  Mar.  9,  '99;  Mary,  Mar. 
17,  1701;  Elizabeth,  Sept,  27,  1703;  Daniel,  May  18,  1705;  Abigail, 
Nov.  6,  1706,  and  d.  Mar.  16,  1708;  Hannah,  Sep.  22,  1709;  Thomas, 
Feb.  16,  1712.  Mr.  T.  D.  d.  Jan.  31,  1716,  and  his  wid.  Aug.  24, 

Deming,  Hezekiah  and  Lois,  the  dau.  of  John  Wyavd,  were  m.  Nov. 
22,  1700."  Is.—IIezekiah,  b.  July  10,  1703;  Benjamin,  July  20,  1705; 
Eunice,  May  29,  1708;  Lois,  Jan.  24,  1711. 

Deming,  Benjamin  and  Mary  his  wife,  were  m.  Feb.  4,  1707.  Is. 
— Jonathan,  b.  July  29,  1707;  "Benjamin,  July  19,  1709;  Mary,  Jan. 
27,  1719;  Elias,  Nov.  7,  '21;  Wait,  Sep.  27,  1*724. 

Deming,  Jonathan  and  Abigaile,  dau.  of  Zerubabel  Tiler,  were  m. 
Jan.  5,  1709.     Is.— Danieil,  b.  Nov.  5,  1709;  Charles,  June  26,  1714. 

Deming,  Charles  and  Anna,  dau.  of  Mr.  Th°.  Wickham,  were  m. 
Sep.  5,  1706.     Is.— Anna,  b.  May  28,  1711. 

Deming,  Ebenezer  and  Rebecca,  dau.  of  Lieu1.  James  Treat,  were 
m.  Dec,  27,  1704.  Is.— Elizabeth,' b.  Mar.  6,  1706;  Joseph,  Jan.  24, 
1708;  Oliver,  Dec.  31,  1709;  Ebenezer,  Dec.  17,  '12;  Timothy,  May  7, 
'16;  Moses,  Mar.  1,  1720. 

Deming,  Jacob  and  Dinah,  dau.  of  Joseph  Churchill,  were  m.  Nov. 
3,  1709.  Is.— Dinah,  b.  Oct.  18,  1710,  and  d.  in  infancy;  Joseph, 
Nov.  24,  1711. 

Deming,  John  and  Mary  Curtis,  were  m.  June  5,  1712.  Is. — Jed- 
dediah,  b.  April  15,  1713;  Nichols,  Oct.  25,  '14;  Elizur,  Oct.  5,  '16. 
Mrs.  M.  D.  d.  Dec.  21,  1723.  Deacon  J.  D.  and  Widow  Katharine 
Dewey  were  joined  together  in  marriage  on  ye  12th  day  of  Aug. 

Deming,  Josiah  and  Prudence,  dau.  of  Capt.  James  Steel,  were 
marryed  Dec.  8,  1714.  Is. — Elisha,  b.  Dec.  13,  '15:  Penelope,  Nov. 
17,  '17;  Zebulon,  Oct.  25,  '19;  Solomon,  July  8,  1722. 

Deming,  Ephraim  and  Hannah  Belding,  yc  dau.  of  John  Belding, 
were  marryed  Jan.  19,  1716.  Is. — Dorothy,  b.  Oct.  21,  '16;  Janna, 
Nov.  2,  '18;  Honour,  May  18,  '21;  Stephen,  Aug.  25,  '23;  Waitstill, 
May  18,  '26;  Hannah,  Aug.  4,  '28;  Lidia,  Mar.  26,  1732.  L*.  E.  D.  d. 
Nov.  14,  1742. 

Deming,  Samuel  and  Katharine,  ye  dau.  of  Eichard  Treat,  were  m. 
June  16,  1726.  Is.— Treat,  b.  Sep.  28,  '27;  Sarah,  Mar.  10,  30;  Ka- 
tharine, Jan.  18,  '33;  Samuel,  Dec.  10;  Rebecca,  Oct.  10,  '38.  and  d. 
July  6,  '58;  Mabel,  Aug.  24,  '43;  Deliverance,  Dec.  3,  '46;  Richard, 
April  11,  1750. 

Deming,  Noadiah.     Son  of,  by  Ruth  his  wife,  b.  Feb.  6,  1729. 

Deming,  Daniel  Jr.  and  Mehetabell,  ye  dau.  of  ye  Rev.  Mr.  Noa- 
diah Russell  of  Middletown,  were  m.  Nov.  19,  1729,  Jonathan,  b. 
Sep.  14,  '30;  Abigail,  Sep.  29,  '32;  Mary,  July  24,  '34.  and  d.  in  in- 
fancy; Lydia,  Dec.  24,  1738.     D.  D.  Jr.  d.  April  23,  1748. 

Deming,  David  and  Martha,  the  dau.  of  Sergf.  John  Russell,  were 
m.  Jan.  28,  1725.     Is.— Martha,  b.  April  15,  '26;  Mehetabei,  May  27, 


266  Records  of  Wcthersfield,  Conn.  [July 

27;  David,  Aug.  16,  '29;  Mary,  Mar.  8,  '32;  Abigail,  April  29,  '33, 
and  d.  in  infancy;  Elizabeth  Abigail,  April  5,  '34;  Solomon,  Dec.  1, 
'36:  Elizabeth,  Mar.  S,  '39;  John,  Mar.  14,  '43;  Simeon,  Mar.  5, 
174S.  M.  D.  d.  Sep.  1,  1763;  and  D.  D.  Feb.  17,  1771,  in  the  75th 
year  of  Lis  age. 

Deming,  John  and  Elizabeth,  dan.  of  Capt.  Perkins  of  Norwich, 
were  m.  Nov.  25,  1727.  Is.— John,  b.  Oct.  19,  '28;  Daniel,  Dec.  1, 
'30;  Honour,  Mar.  11,  1733. 

Deming,  William  and  Prudence  y°  dau.  of  Josiah  Churchill,  were  in. 
Jan.  22,  1730. 

Deming,  Hezekiah  and  Hannah  ye  dau.  of  Abraham  Warren,  were 
m.  Aug.  17,  1734. 

Deming,  Daniel  and  Eunice,  dau.  of  Abraham  Williams,  were  m. 
Mar.  10,  1735.  Is.— Giles,  b.  Feb.  IS, '36;  Abraham,  May  29. '38; 
Hannah,  Mar.  12,  '43,  and  d.  Sep.  29,  '46.     D.  D.  d.  Oct.  20,  1745. 

Deming,  Thomas  Jr.  and  Elizabeth  dau.  of  Ensn  Sam11.  Smith,  were 
in.  Dec.  20,  1734. 

Deming,  Nathaneal  and  Mary  Webb,  were  m.  Jan.  25,  1722.  Is.— - 
Lois,  b.  June  1,  '22;  Eunice,  Feb.  11,  '24;  Charles,  Sep.  4,  '25;  fell- 
sha,  April  8,  '28,  and  d.  Nov.  15,  '31;  Hannah,  May  15,  '32;  Sarah, 
Feb.  6,  1738. 

Deming,  Joseph  and  Martha  Hart,  were  m.  Dec.  16,  1736.  Is. — 
Joseph,  b.  Aug.  22,  '39;  David,  Jan.  12,  '42;  .Gideon,  April  21,  rH, 
and  d.  Nov.  10,  '48;  Asahel,  May  27,  '48.  Mrs.  M.  D.  d.  Nov.  26,  '48, 
in  the  33d  year  of  her  age.  J.  D.  and  Elizabeth  Wright  were  m. 
Aug.  2,1750.  Is.— Elizabeth,  b.  Dec.  20, '52;  Abigail,  Oct.  9,  '55, 
and  d.  in  infancy;  Mary,  Feb.  24,  '58;  Huldah,  Mar.  19,  '60;  Gideon, 
Sep.  27,  1762.     J.  D.  d.  Feb.  28,  1774. 

Deming,  Gideon  and  Elizabeth  Case  of  Hartford,  were  m.  Nov.  5, 
1729.  Is.— Gideon,  b.  Sep.  11,  '30;  Peter,  Dec.  22,  '33;  Temperance, 
Nov.  15,  '35;  Mary,  Aug.  23,  '38;  Jonathan,  July  23,  '40;  Sarah,  Sep. 
7,  '42;  Mabel,  Jan.  25,  '45;  Martha,  Sep.  2J,  1748. 

Deming,  Oliver  and  Lucy  Hale,  were  m.  April  3,  1735.  Is. — 
Lemuel,  b.  Oct.  16,  '35;  Abigail,  May  30,  '38;  Oliver,  Mar.  21, 

Deming,  Joseph  and  Elizabeth  Francis,  were  m.  Jan.  8,  1736.  Is. — 
Sarah,  b.  May  24,  '37;  Francis,  Jan.  12,  '39;  Aaron,  Oct.  16,  ?40,  and 
d.  in  infancy;  Aaron,  Mar.  29,  '44;  Elizabeth,  July  1,  '50;  Titus, 

Deming,  Elisha  and  Elizabeth  Williams,  were  m.  Mar.  13,  1745. 
Is. — Ephraim,  b.  Jan.  25,  '46;  Josiah,  Aug.  1,  '47;  Anne  Williams, 
Mar.  28,  '50;  Prudence,  Jan.  30,  ?53.     Mrs.  E.  D.  d.  Oct.  1,  1779. 

Deming,  Solomon  and  Sarah  Kirkham,  were  m.  Oct.  27,  1748.  Is. — 
Noadiah,  b.  July  14,  1749. 

Deming,  Charles  and  Dorothy  Belding,  were  m.  Dec.  20,  1750. 
Is.— Mary,  b.  Jan.  23,  1752.     C.  D.  d.  Feb.  6,  1752. 

Deming,  Eleazer,  dau.  of,  by  Hannah  his  wife — France,  b  Oct.  21, 

Deming,  Stephen  and  Hannah  Goodrich,  were  m.  Jan.  29,  1747. 
Is. — Abigail,  b.  Dec.  2,  '47;  Rosanna,  Dec.  3,  '50;  Silvia,  Jan.  22, 
'54,  and  d.  June  6,  '58;  Leonard,  Sep.  1§,  '56,  and  d.  Aug.  14?  '58; 
Silvia,  July  6,  '59;  Leonard,  Sep.  7,  1763,  and  d.  April  1,  1787. 

1S62]  Records  of  Wethersficld,  Conn.  267 

Deming,  Janna  and  Anno  Kilborn,  were  m.  June  14,  1750.  Is. — 
Elizur,  b.  Feb.  3,  '51;  Eiias,  April  11,  '52;  Daniel,  Dec.  31,  '53; 
Thomas,  Oct,  27,  '55;  Anne,  Mar.  6,  '58;  Eunice,  April  4,  '60;  John, 
May  4,  'G2;  Chloe,  April  25,  '05;  Honor,  May  6,  '67;  Gad,  June  19, 
"70;  Levi,  Aug-.  27,  1772.     Mr.  J.  Dl  d.  July  24,  1797,  aged  78. 

Deming,  Gamaliel  and  Rebecca  Kellogg,  were  in.  July  18,  1751. 
Is.— Elijah,  b.  **;  Mary,  Oct.  5,  '52. 

Deming,  Thomas  Jr.  and  Elizabeth  Smith,  were  m.  Dec.  19,  1734. 
Is.— Abigail,  b.  Mar.  1,  '37:  Ozias,  May  11,  '39,  and  d.  July  19,  '45; 
Elizur,  May  9,  '41:  John,  April  19,  '43;  Elizabeth,  Nov.  22,  '47;  Anne, 
Mar.  8,  '49;  Sarah,  April  30,  '52;  Mr.  T.  D.  d.  Sep.  29,  1755. 

Deming,  Elijah  and  Lucy  Satre,  were  m.  Jan.  29,  1756.  Is. — Mary, 
b.  Nov.  4,  '56;  Thomas,  Jan.  21,  1759. 

Deming,  Jacob  Jr.  and  Lucy  Hart,  were  m.  Jan.  28,  174 

Deming,  David  Jr.,  children  of,  by  Elizabeth  his  wife — Elizabeth, 
b.  Sep.  2,  1754;   Sarah,  Nov.  1,  175G. 

Deming,  Ebenezer  Jun.  and  Amy  Bunce,  were  m.  **.  Is. — Ebene- 
zer,  b.  June,  1742;  Amy,  Sep.  3,  '43;  Rebecca,  June  10,  '45;  Jerusha, 
Feb.  17,  '47;  Elizabeth,  July  8,  '48,  and  d.  Oct.,  '49;  John,  Dec.  6,  '49; 
Simeon,  Sep.  16,  '51;  Elizabeth,  Oct.  16,  '53;  Hester,  Dec.  25,  '57; 
Jesse,  June  17,  1760. 

Deming,  Waitstill  and  Hannah  Lusk,  were  m.  Aug.  31,  1758.  Is. — - 
Elizabeth,  b.  May  17,  '59;  Ephraim,  Feb.  26,  '61;  Ezekiel,  April  4,  63; 
Frederick,  May"l7,  '65;  Lucretia,  Mar.  19,  '67;  Selah,  Mar.  7,  '69; 
Roger,  July  19,  71;  Lyman,  June  2,  1773.    W.  D.  d.  Mar.  10,  1776. 

Deming,  Moses  and  Martha  Welles,  were  m.  Nov.  10,  1748.  Is. — 
Martha,  b.  Nov.  16,  '49;  Judith,  March  18,  '54;  Elizabeth,  Nov.  28, 
'56;  Moses,  Jan.  9,  '59,  and  d.  in  infancy;  Moses,  July  19,  1760. 

Deming,  Timothy  and  Susannah  French,  were  m.  Dec.  5,  1740. 
Is.— Eiiakim,  b.  Aug.  1,  '41:  Charity,  Nov.  29,  '42;  Sabia,  Feb.  14, 
'45;  Abel,  March  11,  '47;  Eli,  Aug.  18,  '49;  David,  Oct.  22,  '55; 
Mary,  Jan.  18,  '58;  Daniel,  April  10,  1762. 

Deming,  Jonathan  and  Jerusha  Williams,  were  m.  Jan.  27,  1763. 
Is.— Mehetabel,  b.  Jan.  15,  '64;  Daniel,  Feb.  20,  '65;  Abigail,  Nov. 
19,  '66;  Hamlin,  June  26,  '70,  and  d.  Oct.  11,  '76;  Harriot,  May  19, 
"14;  Lydia,  May  9,  1777. 

Deming,  Peter  and  Jerusha  Welles,  were  m.  Feb.  6,  1765.  Is. — 
Abigail,  b.  Nov.  10, '65;  Elizabeth,  Nov.  9, '67;  Jerusha,  July  22, 
'72;  Martha,  July  14,  '76;  Jonathan,  Oct.  2,  1778. 

Deming,  Ebenezer  Jr.  and  Mabel  Deming,  were  m.  Jan.  4,  1769, 
Is.— Mabel,  b.  June  23, '69:  Joseph,  Nov.  6, '72;  Gideon,  April  12, 
'75;  Rebecca,  Nov.  14,  '78;  Ebenezer,  May  7,  '82;  Sarah,  Aug.  15, 

Deming,  Ephraim  and  Martha  Deming,  were  m.  June  27,  1771. 
Is.— Martha,  b.  May  1,  '72;  Betsey,  Feb.  23, '78;  Nancy,  Jan.  11, 

Deming,  Lemuel  and  Hannah  Standish,  were  m.  **.  Is. — Josiafy, 
b.  June  7,  1758;  Hannah,  May  31,  '60,  and  d.  April  27,  '73;  Allyn, 
Sep.  19,  '62;  Levi,  Nov.  25,  '64;  Rhoda,  April  3,  '67;  Huldah,  Oct.  8, 
69;  Lucy,  Mar.  31,  '72;  Oliver,  Nov.  1,  '74;   Hannah,  Nov.  16,  1776. 

Deming,  EH  and  Wid.  Sarah  Ames,  were  m.  Feb.  8,  1778.     Is.— 

268  Douw  Family  Record.  [July 

Benjamin,  b.  Mar.  30,  1717;  Hannah,  Dec.  10,  1778.  (No  mistake— 
a  true  copy  of  Record.) 

Doming,  Francis  and  Mary  Camp,  were  m.  July  13,  1762.  Is. — 
Nancy,  b.  Dec.  11,  '02;  Robert,  Dec.  19,  '03;  Barzillai,  Mar.  21,  '66; 
Joseph,  July  23,  '69:   Mary,  Oct.  15,  '70.     Mrs.  D.  d.  Aug.  19,  1782. 

Deming,  John  and  Elisabeth  Wells,  were  m.  Dec.  IS,  1777.  Is. — 
Elizabeth,  b.  Feb.  9, '80;  John,  Nov.  16, '82;  Abigail,  Dec.  2,  '87; 
Achsah,  May  11,  ;90;  Amos,  Oct,  16,  '92;  Laura,  Oct.  7,  '94;  Julia, 
July  15,  1796. 

Doming,  Elias  and  Martha  Wells,  were  m.  Nov.  26,  1778.  Is. — 
Enos,  b.  Aug.  20,  '79;  William,  Feb.  25,  '81,  and  d.  in  infancy;  Wil- 
liam, Oct  13,  "82;  Martha,  Dec.  2,  '85,  and  d.  Dec.  4,  1800;  Lucy, 
May  13,  '88;  Jedediah,  Sep.  7,  '90;  Lydia,  July  1,  1794,  M'.  E.  D. 
d.  May  13,  1814,  aged  62. 

Deming,  Henry,  issue  of,  by  Anna  his  wife — Anna,  b.  Sep.  4,  1772; 
Demis,  July  22,  '74;  Henry,  Feb.  12,  ;77;  David,  Jan.  12,  '79;  Lavinia, 
Feb.  23/81;  Betsey,  June  23/83;  Mary,  June  8/85;  Sophia,  Aug. 
10,  '87;  Harriot,  Nov.  6,  1789. 

Deming,  William  Jr  and  Elizabeth  Griswold,  were  m.  Julv  14, 
1774.  Is.— William,  b.  Sep.  19, '77;  Elizabeth,  May  1/30;  Caleb, 
July  31,  J85;  Sarah,  April  22,  17S9. 

Deming,  Pownall  of  Colchester  and  Abigail  Hubbel  of  New  Fair- 
field, were  m.  **.     Is. — Eleazer,  b.  Feb.  13,  1785. 

Deming,  Abel  and  Mary  Benton,  were  m.  Sep.  27,  1770.  Is. — 
Ehoda,  b.  Nov.  19/71;  Lydia,  Nov.  25,  '73;  Mary,  Jan.  18,  '76; 
Sabia,  May  27,  '78;  Prue,  Oct.  31,  :80;  Isaac,  Nov.  7,  '82;  Jared, 
Dec.  5,  '84;  Titus,  Sep.  3,  '86;  Emily,  July  14,  '91 ;  Harriet,  Oct.  29, 

Deming,  Elizur  2d  and  Lusina  Francis,  were  m.  May  5,  1773.  Is. — 
Elizur,  b.  July  20,  74,  and  d.  in  infancy;  James,  July  29,  '76;  Anne, 
Oct.  19,  '80;  Elizur,  May  .8,  '82;  Nancy,  April  9,  1786.  Mr.  E.  D. 
d.  Dec.  7,  1827,  aged  78. 


[Copied  from  an  ancient  Dutch  folio  Bible.     The  record  was  begun  by  Jonas 
Douw,  of  Wolvenhoek,  near  Albany,  who  it  appears  by  an  entry  in  the  same  book 
died  Oct.  7,  1736.] 

Petrus  Dorw,  b.  March  22, 1692 ;  m.  Anna,  dau.  of  Hendrik  Van  Rens- 
selaer, Oct.  8,  1717;  she  d.  April  3,  1756,  a?.  60  y.  2  mo.  3d.;  he  d.  Aug. 
21,  1775,  a?.  83  y.  5  m.  8  d.;  had  Magdalena,  b.  Aug.  1,  1718;  spon- 
sors Catriua  Van  Rensselaer  and  Jonas  Douw:  Volkert,  b.  March  23, 
1720:  Hendrik,  b.  April  13,  1722;  d.  Dec.  17,  1756,  je.  34  y.  8  m.  3  d.': 
Catrina,  b.  March  23,  1724;  sponsors  Eleena  Van  Rensselaer  and 
Jo'hannis  Ten  Broek:  Maria,  b.  Dec.  25,  1725;  m.  Johannes  Gaase- 
voort;  d.  Aug.  17,  1729,  re.  33  y.  7  in.  12  d.:  Margrita,  b.  Dec.  25,  1729: 
Anna,  b.  Feb.  20,  1732:  Elisabeth,  b.  Dec.  1,  1733;  sponsors  Engeltie 
Livingston  and  Volkert  Van  Vechten:  Rageltie,  b.  Feb.  27,  1736. 

1862.]  Folger  Family.  269 


[Compiled  by  William  Coleman  Folger  of  Nantucket,  a  Corresponding  Member 
of  the  N.  E.  Historic- Genealogical  Society.] 

1.  John  Folger  and  his  son  Peter  (the  name  was  then  frequently 
written  Foulger),  are  said  to  have  crossed  the  Atlantic  in  the  same 
ship  with  Hugh  Peters,  in  the  year  1635.  They  came  from  Norwich, 
in  the  county  of  Norfolk,  England.  Peter  was  then  about  18  years 
of  ag;e.  At  what  time  they  settled  at  Watertowu,  Mass.,  is  not 
known,  but  in  1642  John  Fulger  was  possessed  of  a  homestead  in 
that  town,  and  owned  six  acres  of  land.  It  is  probable  that  John 
and  Peter  Folger  accompanied  Thomas  Mayhew,  Jr.,  to  Martha's 
Vineyard  in  1641  or  1642.  John  owned  a  house,  upland,  commonage 
and  meadow  land  at  the  Vineyard,  as  appears  by  the  Vineyard  re- 
cords. John  Folger  died  about  1660.  Meribell  Folger  his  widow, 
was  living  in  1664.  Her  surname  is  said  to  have  been  Gibbs.  Ac- 
cording to  tradition,  John  was  a  widower  when  he  came  over;  if  this 
be  correct,  he  must  have  married  her  after  his  arrival  in  America. 

2.  Peter  Folger,  son  of  John,  born  in  England,  accompanied  his 
father  to  America  in  1635,  and  probably  emigrated  with  him  to  the 
Vineyard  in  1642.  He  married  in  1644,  Mary  Morrill,  who  had  been 
an  inmate  in  the  family  of  Hugh  Peters,  and  according  to  tradition, 
a  fellow  passenger  with  him  from  England.  Whilst  at  the  Vineyard 
he  taught  school  and  also  practiced  as  a  surveyor  of  land.  He  also 
assisted  the  younger  Thomas  Mayhew  in  his  work  of  Christianizing 
the  native  Indians.  Rev.  Experience  Mayhew,  in  a  letter  to  John 
Gardner,  Esq.,  dated  1694,  stated  that  when  Thomas  Mayhew,  Jr., 
left  for  England  in  1657,  he  left  the  care  of  his  church  or  mission 
with  Peter  Folger.  Peter  became  a  Baptist  in  his  sentiments,  and 
after  his  removal  to  Nantucket  is  said  to  have  baptized  two  persons 
in  Waiptequage  pond. 

At  a  meeting  of  the  proprietors  of  the  island  of  Nantucket,  held  in 
Salisbury  in  the  latter  part  of  1660  or  early  part  of  1661,  five  per- 
sons were  chosen  to  measure  and  lay  out  the  land,  and  in  the  order 
it  is  said,  that  what  shall  be  done  by  them,  or  any  three  of  them, 
Peter  Folger  being  one,  shall  be  accounted  legal  and  valid.  This 
vote  shows  the  confidence  they  placed  in  his  judgment  and  integrity. 

Whilst  a  resident  at  the  Vineyard  he  acquired  the  Indian  language, 
which  was  of  great  service  to  him  in  business  affairs  and  in  enabling 
him  to  communicate  religious  instruction  to  the  natives. 

In  the  summer  of  1659,  he  is  said  to  have  accompanied  as  an  inter- 
preter, Tristram  Coffin  and  others  who  visited  the  island  of  Nan- 
tucket to  view  it  about  the  time  of  the  purchase  from  Mayhew.  He 
was  there  in  1661  and  1662,  surveying,  and  on  the  4th  of  July,  1663, 
the  proprietors  of  Nantucket  granted  hirn  half  a  share  of  land  on 
Nantucket,  or  half  as  much  as  one  of  the  twenty  purchasers,  pro- 
vided he  would  come  to  inhabit  with  his  family  on  the  aforesaid 
island  within  one  year  after  that  date,  and  attend  the  English  in  the 
way  of  an  interpreter  between  the  Indians  and  them  upon  all  neces- 


270  Folger  Family.  [July 

eary  occasions.  He  accepted  the  grant  and  moved  there  with  his 
family  within  the  specified  time. 

On  the  21st  of  July,  1673,  he  was  chosen  clerk  of  the  courts,  which 
office  he  held  some  years.  In  his  poem — "A  Looking*  Glass  for  the 
Times,"  published  April  23,  1676,  he  shows  himself  an  advocate  for 
religious  liberty,  and  strongly  condemns  the  persecuting  spirit  ex- 
hibited in  New  England  in  his  day.  Dr.  Benjamin  Franklin,  his 
grandson,  when  in  England,  found  no  arms  for  the  Folgers  at  the 
Herald's  office,  and  concluded  that  they  were  a  Flemish  family  who 
came  over  in  the  time  of  Queen  Elizabeth.  There  were  others  of  the 
name  in  England  besides  John  Folger  and*son,  as  in  the  latter  part 
of  last  century  a  young  man  named  Thomas  Folger,  Jr.,  son  of  Tho- 
mas and  Mary  (Rant)  Folger  of  Norfolk,  England,  came  over  and 
married  Abigail,5  dau.  of  Daniel1  Folger,  at  Easton,  N.  Y.  This 
Thomas  Folger  moved  to  Charlton,  Saratoga  county,  N.  Y.,  where 
he  died  May  22,  1838,  aged  80  years. 

Peter  Folger  1st,  d.  in  1690,  and  Mary  his  widow  survived  him, 
dying  in  the  year  1104.  The  ch.  of  Peter  and  Mary  Folger  were  as 
follows:  (3)  Joanna,"2  [-f  ]  m.  John  Coleman,  son  of  Thomas.  (4)  Be- 
thiah*  m.  Feb.  26,  1668,  John  Barnard,  son  of  Robert.  They 
were  drowned  between  Nantucket  and  Martha's  Vineyard,  by  the 
upsetting  of  a  boat,  June  6,  1669.  (5)  Dorcas*  [  +  ]  m.  Feb.  12, 
1615,  Joseph  Pratt  of  Charlestown.  (6)  Eleazer?  [  +  ]  b.  1648;  m. 
Sarah  Gardner,  dau.  of  Richard  and  Sarah.  (7)  Bathshua*  [-J-]  m. 
Joseph   Pope,  son  of  Joseph  of  Salem.     (8)   Patience*   [-f  ]   m.  1st, 

Harker;  m.  2d,  James  Gardner,  son  of  Richard.     (9)  John*  [-f] 

b.  1659;  m.  Mary  Barnard,  dau.  of  Nathaniel.  (10)  Experience* 
[-f  ]  m.  John  Swain,  Jr.,  son  of  John.  (11)  Abiah?  [+ ]  b.  Aug.  15, 
1661;  m.  probably  in  1690,  Josiah  Franklin. 

3.  John  Coleman,  by  wife  Joanna-  Folger,  had  ch.:  John,3  b.  Aug. 
2,  1661;  m.  Priscilla  Starbuck,  dau.  of  Nathaniel.  He  d.  Jan.  19, 
1762,  in  his  95th  year.  Priscilla,  his  widow,  d.  March  14,  1762,  in 
her  86th  year.  His  ch.  were:  (12)  Thomas?  b.  Oct.  17,  1669;  m. 
Jane  dialling,  widow  of  John.  He  died  Jan.  23,  1753.  (13)  Isaac? 
b.  Feb.  6,  1671-2;  m.  1st,  Ann  Reynolds;  and  2d,  widow  Jane 
Watson.  He  died  without  issue,  31  2  rno.,  1752.  (14)  Phebe?  b. 
June  15,  1674;  m.  Gershom  Cathcart.  (15)  Benjamin?  b.  Jan,  17, 
1676;  d.  single.  (16)  Solomon,3  m.  1st,  Mary  Macy;  she  d.  in  1715. 
He  m.  2d,  Deliverance  Swett.  He  d.  Jan.  12,  1772.  (17)  Jeremiah? 
m.  20  of  11  mo.,  1714-15,  Sarah  Pratt,  dau.  of  Joseph.  He  d.  4  of  1 
mo.,  1739,  O.  S.  (18)  Abigail?  m.  James  Tisdale  of  Dighton.  He 
moved  to  Lebanon,  Ct.,  where  Abigail  d.  Nov.  18,  1726,  in  her  45th 
year.  He  d.  May  3,  1727.  John  Coleman  was  a  yeoman;  he  resided 
on  Nantucket,  where  he  died  in  1715.  Joanna,  his  widow,  d.  18  5 
mo.,  1719. 

5.  Joseph  Pratt  of  Charlestown,  Mass.,  by  wife  Dorcas2  Folger, 
m.  Feb.  12,  1675,  had  ch.:  (19)  Mary?  b.  Sept.  16,  1675.  (20) 
Sarah?  m.  20  11  mo.,  1714-5,  Jeremiah  Coleman  her  cousin.  She  in. 
2d,  John  Renuff,  and  died  27  4  mo,  1762.  (21)  Joseph?  b.  Oct.  19, 
1677.  (22)  Belhiah?  b.  Feb.  11,  1680;  m.  Sampson  Cartwright. 
She  d.  19  10  mo.,  1741.  (23)  Benjamin?  b.  Jan.  19, 1082.  (24)  Dor- 
cas? b.  April  2,   1683;  d.    soon.     (25)  Phineas?    b.    Jan.   18,   1684. 

1862.]  Folger  Family.  271 

Joshua, 3  b.  June  18,  1686;  Lydia,3  b.  Nov.  28,  1688.  I  have  the 
most  of  the  above  Pratt  family  extracted  from  the  Gen.  Diet,  of  the 
Hon.  James  Savage,  LL.  D.  Hon.  William  Mitchell,  A.  M.,  Miss 
Maria  Mitchell,  the  astronomer,  and  Charles  W.  Cartwright,  Esq.,  are 
among  the  descendants  of  Dorcas  Pratt. 

6.  Eleazer-  Folger,  m.  1671,  Sarah  Gardner,  dau.  of  Richard.  He 
came  to  Nantucket  from  the  Vineyard,  having  half  a  share  of  laud 
on  the  island  of  Nantucket  granted  him,  to  act  in  the  capacity  of  a 
shoemaker.  His  ch.  were:  (26)  Eleazer*  Jr.,  [  +  ]  b.  July  2,  1672; 
m.  1st,  Bethiah  Gardner;  m.  2d,  Mary  Marshall.  He  d.'l5  2  mo, 
1753,ao,8I  years.  (27)  Peter?  .  [+]  b.  Aug.  28,  1674;  m.  Judith 
Coffin.  He  d.  1707.  (28)  Daniel*  d.  young.  Elisha,3  d.  young. 
(29)  Sarah?  [+]  m.  May  6,  1701-2,  Anthony  Oder  of  the  Isle  pf 
Wight.  She  d.  March  23,  1732-3.  (30)  Nathan?  [+.]  b.  167S; 
m.  Dec.  29,  1699,  Sarah  Church,  dau.  of  John  and  Abigail  of  Dover. 
He  d.  2  of  7  mo.,  1747,  0.  S.  (31)  Mary?  [+]  b.  Feb.  14,  1684; 
m.  Feb.  26,  1703-4,  John  Arthur.  She  d.  7  8  mo,  1720.  Eleazer^ 
Folger  is  said  to  have  represented  the  county  in  the  Gen.  Court.  He 
died  in  Boston  in  1716,  aged  68  yrs.  6  mos,  and  his  widow,  Sarah,  d. 
at  Nantucket,  Dec.  19,  1729. 

7.  Joseph  Pope,  Jr  ,  of  Salem,  son  of  Joseph  and  Gertrude,  d.  in 
1712.  His  ch.  by  wife  Bathshua2  Folger,  were:  (32)  Nathaniel?  b. 
Nov.  20,  1679;  m.  (33)  Joseph?  d.  young.  Bathshua,*  b.  April  9, 
1683.  Gertrude,*  b.  Aug.  27,  1685.  (34)  Joseph?  b.  June  16,  1687. 
Euos,*  b.  June  6,  1690.  Eleazer,3  b.  Dec.  4,  1693.  (35)  Jervsha?  b. 
April  1,  1695.  Hon.  James  Savage,  from  whose  Genealogical  Dic- 
tionary I  have  extracted  this  Pope  family,  says  that  Joseph  Pope,  in 
his  will  of  Jan.  25,  1712,  pro.  3d  of  March  following,  names  all  the 
children  but  the  first  two,  and  notes  that  the  eldest  daughter  was 
infirm  of  mind,  as  probably  had  been  her  mother;  at  least,  she  was 
much  afflicted  in  the  witchcraft  days.  Also,  names  Mary  and  Sarah, 
children  of  his  son  Nathauiel,  deceased  before  1711. 

8.  Mr.  Harker,  by  wife  Patience-  Folger,  had  ch.:  (36)  Hepzibah? 
b.  1694;  m.  24  of  11  mo,  O.  S,  1711,  Jonathan  Coffin,  Esq,  son  of 
James  Coffin,  Esq.  They  had  10  ch.  Hepzibah  d.  Dec.  30,  1773,  a. 
nearly  80  yrs;  her  husband  had  d.  Feb.  5,  1773,  a.  81.  (37)  Ebene- 
zer?  m.  Sarah  Jones,  dau.  of  Thomas;  had  1  son  named  Raymond,4 
besides  several  children  that  died  in  infancy.  After  the  death  of 
Ebenezer,  of  which  I  have  not  the  date,  his  widow  Sarah  m.  John 
Barnard,  son  of  Benjamin  (his  second  wife);  by  him  she  bad  one 
son  John. 

The  name  of  Patience  Folger's  1st  husband  has  been  given  by 
genealogists  here  both  John  and  Ebenezer;  whether  either  was  right 
is  doubtful.  I  believe  they  lived  in  North  Carolina,  where,  probably, 
the  husband  died;  and  the  widow  returned  to  Nantucket,  where  she 
married  James  Gardner,  son  of  Richard,  being  his  2d  or  3d  wife. 
She  died  1  mo,  1717-18.  The  name  of  Ferdinaudo  Harker  appears 
in  a  business  transaction  here  under  date  of  Feb.  7,  1681-2.  Even 
the  late  B.  Franklin  Folger,  so  well  versed  as  he  was  in  the  Nan- 
tucket genealogies,  could  not  be  certain  of  the  given  name  of  the 
first  husband  of  Patience.  Very  likely  the  Ebenezer  whom  I  have 
given  as  a  son,  may  be  a  grandson  of  Patience.  There  arc  many 
descendants  of  Jonathan  and  Hepzibah  (Harker)  Coffin. 

272  Folger  Family.  [July 

9.  John2  Folger,  by  wife  Mary  Barnard,  dau.  of  Nathaniel  and  Mary, 
had  ch.:  (38)  Jcthro*  [-f]  b.  IT  of  8  mo.,  1689;  m.  Mary  Starbnck, 
dau.  of  Nathaniel,  Jr.  lie  d.  19  4  mo.,  II 72.  (39)  Jhthia*  [-fl  b. 
24  11  mo.,  1692;  m.  9  mo.,  1718,  Samuel  Barker  of  Falmouth;  his  2d 
wife/and  had  a  family.     He  d.  2  mo.,  1739.     She  d.  at  Nantucket,  29 

1  mo.,  1774,  a.  82  yrs.  7  mos.  (40)  Nathaniel*  [+]  b.  IS  12  mo., 
1694;  m.  Nov.  18,  1718,  Priscilla  Chase,  dau.  of  Lieut.  Isaac  of  Mar- 
tha's Vineyard.     He  d.  15  4  mo.,  1775.     (41)  Jonathan,'-1  [+]  b.  10  of 

2  mo.,  1696;  m.  1st,  Margaret  Gardner,  dau.  of  Nathaniel;  m.  2d, 
Deborah  Bunker,  wid.  of  Benjamin;  m.  3d,  Susanna  Paddock,  wid. 
of  Daniel.  (42)  Richard*  [-f]  b.  14  5  mo.,  1698;  m.  March  11,  1722, 
Sarah  Pease,  dau.  of  Joseph  of  the  Vineyard.  He  d.  Sept.  15,  1782. 
(43)  Shubael*  [+]  b.  25  of  8  mo.,  1700;  m.  10  mo.,  1720,  Jerusha 
Clark,  dau.  of  Thomas.  He  d.  August  21,  17  76.  Jerusha,  his  widow, 
d.  Aug.  18,  1778.  (44)  Abigail*  b.  8  of  4  mo.,  1703;  m,  among 
Friends,  Aug.  31,  1721,  Daniel1  Folger,  [No.  82]  son  of  Peter. 3  He 
was  lost  in  Vineyard  sound  in  1744.  She  m.  2d,  Oct.  20,  1748,  Da- 
niel Pinkham.  She  d.  21  11  mo.,  17S7,  a.  84  yrs.  (45)  Zacckms,3 
,[+]  b.  14  of  6  mo.,  1706;  m.  Nov.  20,  1728,  Abigail  Coffin,  dau.  of 
John  Coffin,  Esq.  They  had  a  large  family.  He  d.  20  7  mo.,  1779. 
(46)  Hannah*  b.  20  of  7  mo.,  1708;  was  an  idiot.  John'2  Folger, 
was  a  miller  and  a  farmer.  He  was  a  Friend,  and  resided  in  that 
part  of  the  island  called  Polpis.  He  d.  23  of  8  mo.,  1732,  O.  S.,  a. 
73  yrs.  Mary,  his  widow,  d.  6  of  8  mo.,  1737,  O.  S.,  aged  nearly  70 

10.  John-  Swain,  Jr.,  son  of  John.  He  was  b.  Sept.  1.  1664,  being 
the  first  male  white  child  born  on  the  island  of  Nantucket.  By  wife, 
Experience2  Folger,  his  ch.  were:   (48)   William*  b.  Oct.  2,  1688;  m. 

12  ,  1726,   Jemima   Coffin,  dau.  of  Peter  Coffin,   Jr.     He  d.  4  of 

March,  1770.  Jemima  d.  6  of  April,  1766,  a.  70  yrs.  4  mos.  6  days. 
(49)  'John,*  m.  6  of  1  mo.,  1711-12,  Mary  Swett  of  Me.  He  d.  28  2 
mo.,  1744,  O.  S.  (50)  Eliakim*  m.  April  18,  1717,  Elizabeth  Arthur, 
dau.  of  John  and  Priscilla.  His  wife  d.  Nov.  29,  1741,  with  the 
throat  ail,  a  distemper  then  prevailing.  He  was  an  enterprising  man, 
a  merchant.  He  d.  6  of  5  mo.,  1750,  0.  S.  (51)  Stephen*  m.  Eleanor 
Ellis.  He  m.  2d,  Nov.  29,  1734,  Catherine,  wid.  of  Edmund  Heath, 
a  Frenchwoman.  He  d.  Feb.  14,  1785,  aged  82  yrs.  6  mos.  Cathe- 
rine his  wid.  d.  Feb.  8,  1786,  a.  85.  (52)  George*  m.  10  mo,,  1729, 
Love  Paddock,  dau.  of  Nathaniel.  He  d.  8  of  Dec,  1797,  being  the 
oldest  man  on  the  island.  (53)  Ruth*  m.  1st,  George  Coffin,  son  of 
James,  Jr.  He  d.  Aug.  1727.  She  m.  2d,  Jonathan  Upham.  She 
d.  Feb.  8,  1775,  a.  about  80.  (54)  Catherine*  m.  1720,  Robt.  Wyer, 
son  of  Robt.  and  Ruth  of  Charlestown,  a  carpenter.  She  d.  1783,  a. 
89.  He  d.  June  1,  1761.  (56)  Hannah*  m.  Nov.  30,  1724,  Tho- 
mas Gardner,  son  of  George.  She  d.  May  12,  1779.  (57)  Priscilla.  * 
m.  Nov.  14,  1717,  Daniel  Bunker,  son  of  George.  She  d.  12  of 
9  mo.,  1737,  0.  S.  He  d.  5  of  11  mo,  1746.  Experience  Swain? 
d.  6  mo.  4,  1739,  O.  S.  John  Swain,  Jr.,  her  husband,  d.  29  mo.  11, 
1738,  O.  S.,  being  at  the  time  of  his  death  the  oldest  white  man  on 
the  island.  He  owned  a  farm  in  Polpis,  where  he  resided,  being 
a  farmer.  His  land  adjoined  that  of  his  brother-in-law  John- 

1862.]  Folgcr  Family.  273 

11.  Josiah  Franklin'  of  Boston,  by  his  second  wife  Abiah2  Folger, 

m.  probably  in  1690,  bad  da,.:   (68)  Yin.  John,3  b.  Dec.  7,  1G90;  m. 

Goocli;  d.    1756;  bad  one  son,    a  young    man,    lost  at  sea.      (50)  ix 

Jeter,3'  b.   Nov.    22,    1692;  ra.   Mary ;  d.   July  1,  1706;   no  issue. 

(60)  x  Mary  *  b.  Sept.  26,  169,1;  m.  Robert  Homes;  left  2  cb.     (61) 

xi  James,3  b.  Feb.  4,   1696;  m.   Anne ;  d.    Feb.,    1735;  left    i  eh. 

His  wid.  d.  April  19,  1763.  His  son  James  d.  Aug.  22,  1763.  (62) 
xn  Sarah3  b.  Jan.  9,  1699;  m.  Joseph  Davenport;  d.  May  23,  1731; 
left  children,  (63)  xin  Ebcnezer3  b.  Sept.  20,  1  701 ;  drowned  when 
a  child,  (64)  xiv  Thomas,3  b.  Dec.  7,  1703;  d.  young.  (65)  xv  Ben- 
jamin3 b.  Jan.  6,  1706;  m.  Deborah  Head,  Sept.  1,  1730;  d.  April  17, 
1790.  His  wife  d.  Dec.  19,  1774.  (i)6)  xvi  Lydia3  b.  Aug.  8,  1708; 
m.  Robert  Scott,  1731.  (67)  xvn  Jane,3  b.  March  27,  1712;  m.  Ed- 
ward Mecom,  July  27,  1727;  d'.  1795.  Josiah  Franklin  was  b.  Dec. 
23,  1657;  emigrated  to  New  England  about  1685;  d.  Jan.  16,  1744-5. 
Abiah  Franklin  d.  1752.* 

26.  Eleazer3  Folger,  m.  Sept,  27,  1706,  Bethiah  Gardner,  dau.  of 
Joseph  and  Bethiah.  She  was  b.  Aug.  13,  1676;  ch.:  (68)  Gideon,* 
d.  single.  (69)  Urian,*  b.  1711;  ra.  Jedidah  Pitts,  wid.  of  Jonathan, 
dau.  of  Charles  Stewart  of  M.  Vineyard.  He  d.  without  issue,  Jan. 
5,  1764.  (70)  Eliphaz*  [+]  b.  1713;  m.  7  mo.,  1735,  0.  S.,  Priscilla 
Gorham,  dau.  of  Thomas.  He  d.  Jan.  1,  1794,  aged  81.  [Bethiah 
his  first  wife  d.  June  20,  1716,  and  he  m.  Sept.  25,  1717,  Mary  Mar- 
shall, dau.  of  Joseph.]  Ch.:  (71)  Charles*  b.  1718;  d.  single,  Feb.  28, 
1784,  a.  66.  (72)  Deborah,*  b.  1720;  m.  Benjamin  Frost,  son  of  John. 
She  d.  Dec.  10,  1758,  aged  38.  (73)  Bethiah,*  b.  1732;  m.  9  mo., 
1755,  James  Finkham,  son  of  Ricir'd  (his  2d  wife).  She  left  no 
issue.  She  d.  Oct.  15,  1810,  a.  88  yrs.  (74)  Ruth*  b.  1723;  d, 
young,  (75)  Fredcrid,4  b.  17  25;  m.  Mary  Trott,  dau.  of  Benjamin. 
He  was  a  schoolmaster,  register  of  probate,  clerk  of  the  courts,  and 
justice  of  the  peace.  He  was  a  good  Latin  scholar,  and  well  versed 
in  mathematics.  He  d.  July  27,  1790.  He  had  11  ch.,  of  whom  Fre- 
derick,5 b.  Nov.  5,  1755,  was  a  shipmaster,  resided  at  Baltimore,  Md., 
and  ra.. Isabella  Emmet  of  that  place.  During  the  revolution  the  son 
commanded  a  privateer  and  took  many  prizes,  which  was  very  dis- 
agreeable to  his  mother  who  was  a  Quakeress.  After  the  revolution 
he  was  appointed  American  consul  at  Aux  Cayes,  where  he  died. 
(76)  Stephen,*  b.  1727;  m.  Jane  Cook.  He  d.  on  board  the  pri- 
son ship  at  New  York  in  1782,  without  issue.  (It)  Margaret,*  b. 
Dec.  2,  1729;  m.  8  mo.,  1753,  Jonathan  Swain,  son  of  Richard  3d 
(2d  wife).  He  d.  Aug.  23,  1800.  She  d.  Feb.  2,  1822,  a.  92  yrs.  2 
mos.  (78)  Sophia,*  b.  Aug.  21,  1731;  m.  Matthew  Worth,  son  of 
Wm.  and  Mary.  She  d.  Jan  31,  1789.  (79)  Pdeg*  b.  Oct,  13,  1733; 
d.  single,  May  26,  1789,  aged  55.  He  is  said  to  have  been  a  good 
classical  scholar,  was  something  of  a  poet,  a  seaman  in  his  early 
days,  afterwards  a  farmer.  He  was  chosen  an  elder  among  the 
Friends,  and  was  a  worthy  man.  (SO)  Mary,*  b.  Jan.,  1735-6:  m. 
Dec,  1760,  William  Black.     She  d.   17   1  mo.,  1815,  m.  79.     Eleazer 

*  This  account  of  the  descendants  of  Abiah  Franklin  is  extracted  from  the  Ap- 
pendix to  Tared  SparkS's  Works  and  Life  of  Dr.  Franklin,  vol.  i,  where  a  list  of  the 
descendants  of  Dr.  Franklin  may  he  found.  A  fuller  list  is  printed  in  the  Register^ 
vol.  viii,  p.  374  ;  and  an  article  on  the  Franklin  family,  vol.  xi,  p.  17. 

274  Folgcr  Family.  [Jnfy 

Folger,3  Jr.,  was  a  farmer,  school  teacher,  47  years  register  of  pro- 
bata. He  died  Feb.  25,  1753,  in  his  81st  year.  Mary  his  widow  d. 
Dec.  11,  1765,  in  her  71st  year.  Their  dwelling  house  still  stands 
on  the  western  border  of  the  town. 

27.  Peter3  Folger,  by  wife  Judith  Coffin,  dau.  of  Stephen,  Jr.,  had 
ch.:  (81)  JKfewa,*  b.  23  12  me.,  1699;  m.  Jethro  Gardner.  He  d.  17 
3  mo.,  1734.  She  m.  1737,  Paul  Starbuck,  She  d.  2  of  8  mo,  1749, 
0.  S.  (82)  Daniel  *  ['+]  b.  13  of  11  mo.,  1701;  in.  6  mo,  1721,  Abi- 
gail Folger,3  [No.  44]  dau.  of  John.-  He  was  lost  in  a  vessel  with 
his  son  Peter  and  one  or  two  other  persons,  on  Horse  Shoe  shoal,  be- 
tween Nantucket  and  the  Vineyard,  in  a  gale,  in  1744;  his  age  about 
43  years.  (83)  Anna,*  b.  25  3  mo,  1703;  m.  8  mo,  1720,  William 
Starbuck,  son  of  Jethro.  (84)  Mary*  b.  10  of  6  mo,  1705;  m.  4  mo., 
1725,  Nathaniel  Gardner,  son  of  Nathaniel.  He  d.  5  mo,  1727,  and 
she  m.  7  mo.  1729,  Nathaniel  Coleman.  She  d.  3  of  12  mo,  1763. 
Peter  Folger3  was  register  of  probate,  and  died  in  1707.  Judith  his 
widow,  m.  in  1709,  Nathaniel  Barnard,  Jr.,  and  in  1722,  she  married 
a  third  husband,  Stephen  Wilcox,  whom  she  survived,  and  d.  2d  of 
Dec,  1760. 

29.  Anthony  Oder,  son  of  Nicholas  of  Newport,  in  the  Isle  of 
Wight,  Hampshire,  Eug.  He  was  by  trade  a  tailor.  By  wife  Sarah3 
Folger  he  had  ch.:  (85)  Lois,*  m.  10  mo,  1728,  Caleb  Stratton,  son 
of  William.  They  had  11  ch.  She  d.  11  of  5  mo,  1755.  He  d.  6  of 
12  mo,  1786.  (86)  Elizabeth,*  b.  Sept.  16,  1703;  m.  Jonathan  Mooers; 
had  11  ch,  10  of  whom  m.  He  d.  April  8,  1740.  She  d.  April  22, 
1784,  a.  80  yrs.  8  mos.  (87)  Huldah,*  b.  April  6,  1706;  m.  18  of  9 
mo,  1723,  Samuel  Russell;  had  8  ch.  She  d.  9  mo,  1740.  Sam'l  tn. 
again.  He  d.  Jan.  6,  1780,  a,  83.  (88)  Sarah*  d.  single,  1  mo.  1, 
1741.  (89)  Philip,*  b.  April  1,  1713;  d.  single.  (90)  Pelatiah*  lived 
to  be  a  school  boy  in  1727;  whether  he  grew  up  to  mauhood  I  have 
seen  no  record.  Sarah  Oder,  wife  of  Anthonv,  d.  March  23,  1732-3, 
O.  S. 

30.  Nathan3  Folger,  m.  Dec.  29,  1699,  Sarah  Church,  dau.  of  John 
and  Abigail  (Severance)  Church  of  Dover,  N.  H.  Ch.:  (91)  Abisha,** 
b.  Sept.  27,  1700;  m.  Nov.  6,  1727,  Sarah  Mayhew,  dau.  of  Paine  May- 
hew,  Esq,  of  Chilmark,  M.  Vineyard.  She  d.  July  11,  1734.  He  m. 
7  mo,  1735,  Dinah  Starbuck,  wid.  of  Benjamin.  He  d.  22  1  mo,  1788. 
(92)  Leah,*  b.  Dec.  14,  1701;  m.  May  26,    1724,  Men*  Gardner,  3d. 

*  Ab;sha4  Folger  was  father  of  George,5  b.  24  5  mo.,  1730,  whose  son  Alexan- 
der,6 b.  Dec.  22,  1773,  d.  Jan.  3,  1846,  ra.  Sarah5,  dau.  of  Barnabas4  Coleman, 
Alexander6  and  Sarah  (Coleman)  Folger,  were  parents  of  William  Coleman  Folger, 
Esq,  the  compiler  of  the  above  article,  b.  Jan.  8,  1806;  m.  Oct.  30,  1842,  Mrs. 
Jane  L.  Middleton,  wid.  of  Robert  Middleton,  and  dau.  of  Benjamin  and  Nancy 
(Jeffers)  Clark  of  Newport.  He  is  a  corresponding  member  of  the  N.  E.  Historic- 
Genealogical  Society. 

Barzillai*  For.of.R,  brother  of  Abisha,  was  father  of  Walter,3  b.  29  1  mo,  1735, 
who  tn.  1756,  Elizabeth  Starbuck.  Their  4th  child,  Hon.  Walter15  Folger,  was  b. 
June  12,  1765,  and  m.  Dec.  2;),  1785,  Anna  Ray,  dau.  of  Alexander.  After  his 
marriage  he  studied  law,  and  afterwards  practiced  his  profession  many  years.  Ha 
was  a  member  of  the  Massachusetts  Senate,  and  from  1S17  to  1821,  a  representative 
in  the  U.  S.  Congress.  He  had  great  natural  genius,  as  his  astronomical  clock  and 
his  telescope  evince.  His  wife  d.  Sept.  20,  1844,  a.  79  vrs.  9  mos..  He  d.  Sept.  8, 
1849,  a.  84. 

1862.]  Folger  Family.  275 

He  d.  Feb.,    1724-5.     She   in.  Seth   Paddock,  boh  of  Joseph.     Sited. 

.      (93)    Esther,*   b.    Nov.   3,    1104;  d.  single.      (94)   Timothy*}). 

SuDt.  24,  1706;  m.  Dec.  .5,  1733,  Anna  Chase.  He  d.  1749.  '(95) 
Pcfcr^  b.  24  4  mo  ,  1703;  m.  April  23,  1731,  Christian  Swain, 4  dan.  of 
John.?  He  d.  1762.  (90)  Barzilla/  b.  4  of  11  mo.,  1710;  m.  S  mo., 
1730,  Phebe  Coleman,  dau.  of  John;  was  a  captain  in  the  merchant 
service.  He  d.  10  of  4  mo.,  1190,  and  Phebe  his  widow  d.  17  2  mo., 
1791.  (97)  Judith,^  h.  Dec.  18,  1712;  m.  Jan.  22,  1728-9,  Thomas 
Jenkins,  son  of  Matthew.  He  d.  suddenly  at  shearing-  pen,  23  6  mo., 
1756.  She  d.  10  of  6  mo.,  17  64.  They  were  the  parents  of  Seth  and 
Thomas  Jenkins,  the  founders  of  the  city  of  Hudson,  N.  Y. 

Nathan3  Folger,  was  a  blacksmith  by  trade.  At  one  period  he 
kept  an  inn  or  public  house.  He  was  also  a  farmer,  and  was  a  select- 
man of  the  town.  The  dwelling  house  in  which  he  resided  was  built 
for  him  in  Squam  in  1702:  brought  to  the  town  and  rebuilt,  with  ad- 
ditions aud  enlargements,  in  1716;  has  alwa}'s  been  owned  by  his 
descendants,  and  is  now  owned  by  a  granddaughter  of  one  of  his* 
grandsons*  It  is  in  good  repair,  and  is  situated  on  North  Shore  hill 
and  enjoys  a  fine  prospect  of  the  harbor,  with  all  the  passing  vessels. 
Nathan  Folger  was  blind  in  his  old  age.  His  son  Barzilla  lived  with 
bim  in  the  old  homestead;  and  his  grandson  Walter,  who  was  my 
grandfather,  used  to  lead  him  to  and  from  meeting.  He  died  2  of  7 
mo.,  1747.     Sarah  his  wife  had  died  13  of  2  mo.,  1745,  0.  S. 

31.  John  Arthur,  son  of  John  and  Priscilla  (Gardner)  Arthur,  by 
wife  Mary3  Folger,  had  ch.:  (98)  Keturah/  m.  Richard  Peckham  of 
Portsmouth,  R,  I.  (99)  Eunice/  b.  29  6  mo.,  1706;  d.  19  5  mo.,  1729. 
(100)  Rhoda/  b.  26  9  mo.,  1708.  (101)  Percis/  b.  Nov.  17,  1710;  m. 
Nov.  20,  1734,  Douglas  Black.  He  d.  Aug.  14,  1775.  Percis  his  1st 
wife  d.  26  4  mo.,  1749.  (102)  Thomas,!  b.  Nov.  8,  1712;  m.  Feb.  17, 
1735,  .Mary  Edmunds.  She  d.  28  10  mo.,  1776;  and  he  m.  2d  wife, 
Dec.  5^  1780,  Priscilla  Trott,  dau.  of  Benjamin.  She  d.  June  13, 1793. 
Thomas  d.,I)ec  16,  1800,  a.  84.     (103)  Stephen/*  b.  2  of  12  mo.,  1714. 

(104)  Eleazer/  was  a  schoolboy  in   1727.     I  have  no  other  record. 

(105)  Priscilla/  b.  Nov.  2.  1718;  m.  1739,  Benjamin  Fish,  son  of 
Preserved.  John  Arthur  was  a  cordwainer.  He  d.  1  of  9  mo.,  1719, 
O.  S.     Mary,3  his  widow,  d.  7  of  8  mo.,  1720. 

38.  Jethro3  Folger,  m.  10  mo.,  1710,  Mary  Starbuck,  dau.  of  Na- 
thaniel, Jr.;  ch.:  (106)  Jedidah/  b.  1711;  in.  11  mo.,  1729,  Robert 
Gardner,  son  of  Benjamin.     She  d.  2  of  10   mo.,   1757.     (107)  John,! 

b.  1714;  m.  9  mo.,  1733,  Rebecca  Baker  of  Barnstable.     He  d. . 

(108)  Anna/  b.  1720;  m.  173S,  James  Mitchell  of  R,  I.  (109)  Lydia^ 
b. 1722;  m.  1742,  Hezekiah  Coffin,  son  of  Joseph.  She  d.  4  9  mo., 
1807.  (110)  Eunice/  b.  1724;  m.  9  mo.,  1750,  George  Coleman,  son 
of  Solomon;  d.  9  4  mo.,  1782.  (Ill)  Tristram/  b.  1727;  m.  9  rao.f 
1750,  Mary  Coffin,  dau.  of  Prince.  She  d.  1776.  He  m.  2d,  Mary 
Folger,  wid.  of  Nathaniel,  dau.  of  Timothy  Wyer.  He  d.  2  mo.  2d, 
1785.  His  widow  Mary  d.  8  of  3  mo.,  1801.  (112;  Hepzibah/  b.  1729; 
m.  10  mo.,  1747,  Jonathan  Swain,  son  of  Richard.  She  d.  18  1  mo., 
1750.  (113)  Jethro/  Jr.,  b.  1731;  m.  1753,  Mary  Barnard,  dau.  of 
•Thomas.  She  d.  July  1,  1767.  He  m.  2d,  July,  1768,  Anna  Swain, 
dau.  of  John,  3d.     He  died  May  22,   1796;  Auna  his  wid.,  d.  Feb.  14, 

276  ,  Folger  Family.  [July 

1801.  Jethro  Folger3  d.  April  19,  1772;  Mary  his  wife,  d.  July  22, 
1763,  a.  10  y.  7  mo. 

39.  Samuel  Barker  of  Falmouth,  son  of  .Isaac  of  Buxbury,  rta.  9 
mo.,  1718,  among"  Friends,  Bethiah3  Folger.  She  was  liis  2d  wife. 
Ch.:  (114)  Judith,4  b.  12  of  1 1  mo.,  1720;   d.  single,  G  mo,  1739,  0.  S. 

(115)  Robert ,4  b.  Feb.  23,  1723;  m.  Feb.  16,  1744,  Jedi'dah  Chase,  dau. 
of  James.  She  d.  14  9  mo.,  1762.  He  m.  Sarah  Gardner,  wid.  of 
Hezekiah,  dan.  of  Abisha  Folder,  Esq.  Robert  d.  at  Swan  Island, 
Kennebeek  river,  April  26, 1780.  Sarah  his  widow,  returned  with  her 
family  to  Nantucket,  where  she  d.  March  24,  1833,  a.  93  yrs.  5  mo. 
They  had  a  large  family,  the  youngest  child  being  the  distinguished 
Jacob   Barker,  Esq.,  of  New  York    and    New   Orleans,   now    living*. 

(116)  Samuel,  4  b.  Feb.  14,  1725;  m.  Christian  Coffin,  dau.  of  Bartlett 
Coffin.     He  was   captain    of  a  packet.     Christian  d.   Mav   7,    1805. 

(117)  Jonah4,  b.  Sept.  17,  1728;  m.  Elizabeth  Mitchell,  dau.  of  Rich- 
ard.    She  d.  March  29,  1761.     He   m.    2d,  in   March,   1763,  Elizabeth 

'Coffin,  wid.  of  Peleg,  dau.  of  George  Hussey.  He  d.  July  23,  1803. 
His  wid.  d.  June  13, 1805.  Josiah  Barker  was  a  man  of  property,  and 
was  a  great  landholder  here  on  the  island. 

Samuel  Barker,  Sen.,  was  a  farmer  at  Wood's  Hole,  Falmouth,  Mass. 
He  d.  1  of  2  mo.,  1739,  O.  S.  Bethiah  his  wid.  d.  at  Nantucket,  Jan. 
29,  1774,  a.  82. 

40.  Nathaniel3  Folger,  m.  Nov.  18,  1718,  Priscilla  Chase,  dau.  of 
Lieut,  Isaac  Chase  of  Tisbnry.  Ch.:  (US)  Elizabeth*  m.  Paul 
Pease.  She  d.  Nov.  1795.  (119)  Rebecca,*  b.  Sept.  10,  1721;  m.  Ben- 
jamin Marchant.  She  d.  5  10  mo.,  1778.  (120)  Judith,4  b.  June  3, 
1726;  m.  Edmund  Heath,  Jr.  She  d.  Feb.  8,  1775.  (121)  Paul,4  b. 
Nov.  5,  1729;  m.  Catharine  Coffin,  dau.  of  Robert.  He  d.  June  11, 
1799,  a.  69  y.  7  mo.  6  days.  Catharine  his  widow,  d.  Sept.  4,  1822, 
a.  88  v.  10  nios.  Nathaniel  Folger  d.  15  of  4  mo.,  1775.  Priscilla 
d.  30  12  mo.,  1753. 

41.  Jonathan3  Folger,  m.  11  mo.,  1716,  O.  S.,  Margaret  Gardner, 
dau.  of  Nathaniel.  Ch.:  (121  a)  Ruth,4  b.  10  of  4  mo.,  1718;  d.  single. 
(122)  Dinah,4  b.  24  of  4  mo.,  1720;  m.  Jan.  3,  1744,  Stephen  Chase. 
She  d.  18  2  mo.,  1786,  with  a  cancer.  (123)  Rmhen,4  b.  10  of  6  mo., 
1722;  m.  9  mo.,  1743,  Dinah  Hussey,  dau.  of  George.  She  d.  Sept. 
20,  1763.  He  m.  2d,  Dec.  1764,  Mary  Pinkham.  wid.  of  Nathaniel, 
dau.  of  Jonathan  Ramsdell,  Sen.  He  d.  August  28,  1808.  Mary  his 
wid.  d.  Oct.  9,  1807.  Reuben  commanded  a  vessel  in  the  London 
trade;  he  had  a  strong  memory,  hence  in  his  old  age  was  a  good 
genealogist.  There  are  many  descendants.  (124)  Abigail,4  b.  27  5 
mo.,  1724;  m.  7  mo.,  1757,  David  Coffin.  She'd.  Aug.  10,  1792. 
(125)  Jonathan  4  b.  7  of  5  mo.,  1727;  m.  1750,  Lydia  Barnard,  dau.  of 
Ebenezer.     He  d.  April  28,  1812.     His  wife  d.  June  7,  1800. 

Jonathan  Folger,  Sen,,  was  a  blacksmith,  He  d.  March  6,  1777. 
His  1st  wife  Margaret,  d.  17  5  mo.,  1727.  He  m.  5  mo.,  1728,  Debo- 
rah Bunker,  wid.  of  Benjamin,  and  dan.  of  Zachariah  Paddack  of 
Yarmouth.  She  d.  27  4  mo.,  1750.  He  m.  3d  wife,  Susanna  Pad- 
dack, wid.  of  Daniel,  dau.  of  Stephen  Gorharn.  She  d.  13  of  7  mo., 
1777,  a.  72  years.     No  ch.  by  his  2  last  wives. 

42.  Richard3  Folger,  m.  Oct.  11,  1722,  Sarah  Pease,  dan.  of  Joseph 


1862.]  Folger  Family.  211 

of  Martha's  Yinevard.  Ch.:  (126)  Susanna*  b.  1724;  m.  Ebenezer 
Cleaveland.  (127)  Rachel,*  b.  13  of  4  mo.,  1726;  m.  John  Ellis,  son 
of  Humphrey.  She  was  killed  by  lightning-,  being  struck  dead  in  her 
garret,  14  of  6  mo.,  1756.  (128)  Sylcunus,*  b.  11  of  4  mo.,  1728. 
(129)  David,  *  b.  3  of  9  mo.,  1730;  m.  Anna  Pitts,  dau.  of  Jonathan. 
She  d.  1  inc.,  17S3.  He  m.  2d,  Sept.  9,  1784,  Susanna  Foy,  wid.  of 
Samuel,  dau.  of  John  Ellis,  lie  d.  4  of  March,  1813,  His  w.  d. 
July  7,  1809.  (130)  Ruth,*  b.  1732;  m.  Christopher  Pinkham,  son  of 
John.  (131)  Solomon,1  b.  13  4,  1734;  m.  Lvdia  Russell,  dau.  of  Ben- 
jamin. "He  d.  Aug.  7,  1813.  Uis  wife  d.  July  7,  1809.  ^132)  Mar- 
tha* b.  1737;  in.  Obadiah  Gardner,  son  of  Logan.  He  was  drowned, 
lost  from  a  boat  in  Vineyard  sound  in  1772.  Martha  d.  30  6,  1781. 
(133)  Ilepzibah,*  b.  Dec.  24,  1743;    m.   Feb.  6,  1766,  William  Mooers, 

son  of  Thomas.     He  d.  .     She  m.  2d,  John  Hall,     She  d.  June  6, 

1812.  (134)  Elisha,*  b.  Sept,  16,  1746;  m.  Deborah  Swain,  dau.  of 
Caleb.  He  d.  Jan.  25,  1836.  His  wife  d.  April,  1825,  m.  76  years. 
Richard  Folger,3  was  a  carpenter.  He  d.  15  9  mo.,  1782.  Sarah 
his  wife,  d.  June  18,  1783. 

43.  Shubael3  Folger,  m.  10  mo.,  1720,  Jerusha,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Clark.  Ch.:  (135)  Ph&bep  m.  10  mo.,  1740,  Joseph  Marshall,  Jr. 
She  d.  Feb.,  1802,  (136)  Sefo*  m.  9  mo.,  1745,  Phebe  Coleman,  dau. 
of  Elite  She  d.  Dec,  1797.  He  d.  Nov.  17,  1807.  (137)  Mary*  b. 
31  12,  1728;  m.  7  mo.,  1745,  Benjamin  Worth,  son  of  Kichard  and 
Lydia;  m.  2d  bus.,  8  mo.,  1751,  Peleg  Coleman,  son  of  Solomon.  She  d. 
June  8,  1815,  a.  8  6yrs.  5  mos.  (138)  Benjamin,*  b.  19  10  mo.,  1731 ;  m. 
10  mo.,  1754,  Judith  Barnard,  dau.  of  Timothy.    Hed.  March  21,  1819, 

a.  87,  of  cancer  and  old  age;  his  wid.  Judith,  d.  Oct.  17,  1828,  a.  93  yrs. 

(139)  Jemima*  m.    1   mo.,    1753,   Solomon    Gardner,  son  of  Andrew. 

(140)  Shubad*  Jr.,  b.  1737;  m.  12  mo.  1756,  Lydia  Bunker,  dau.  of 
George;  lost  at  sea.  carried  down  with  a  line,  1774.     (141)  Abigail,* 

b.  2  12  mo.,  1738;  m.  8  mo.,  1756,  Benjamin  Gardner,  son  of  James. 
She  d.  Sept.,  1S12,  a,  74  yrs.  7  mos.  He  d.  on  board  of  the  prison 
ship  at  New  York,  Dec,  1777,  Shubael3  Folger,  Sen.,  d.  Aug.  21, 
1776.     Jerusha  his  wid.,  d.  Aug.  18,  1778. 

82  and  44.  Daniel4  Folger,  m.  Aug.  31,  1721,  Abigail3  Folger,  dau. 
of  John.  Ch.:  (142)  Elisha,5  b.  1721-2;  was  lost  at  sea,  a.  19  vrs. 
(143)  Keziah,5  b.  9  of  10  mo.,  1723;  m.  4  of  10  mo.,  1740,  John  Coffiu, 
son  of  Samuel.  He  d.  July  18,  1788.  She  d.  March  29,  1798,  a.  75. 
She  fell  down  stairs  and  hurt  herself,  so  that  she  lived  but  a  short 
time.  She  was  the  person  called  "  Miriam  Coffin,"  in  J.  C.  Hart's 
novel.  She  had  been  doing  a  large  commercial  business,  but  met 
with  losses  of  vessels,  and  became  poor  in  her  old  age.  (144)  Peter,6 
b.  1726;  lost  with  his  father  in  1744,  in  his  19th  year.  (145)  Judith? 
b.  March  15,  1728-9;  m.  James  Gardner,  son  of  Jethro.  He  d.  12  2 
mo.,  1748,  without  issue.  She  m.  3  of  12  mo.  1749,  Caleb  Macv,  son 
of  Richard.  He  d.  June  20,  1793.  She  d.  Aug.  12,  1819,  a.  90  yrs. 
5  mos.  (146)  Abigail,5  b.  25  4  mo.,  1731;  m.  12  mo.,  1749,  Barnabas 
Coffin,  son  of  Richard.  She  d.  18  1,  1809.  (147)  Mary,5  b.  4  of  7 
mo.,  1733;  rn.  10  of  5  mo.,  1752,  William  Starbuck,  son  of  Thomas. 
She  d.  8  of  9  mo.,  1825.  (148)  Daniel,5  Jr.,  b.  14  6  mo.,  1735-6;  m. 
2  mo.  2,  1757,  Judith  Worth,  dau.  of  Christopher.  They  had  a  large 
amily  of  children.     Judith  his  wife,  d.  12  mo.,   1815.     He  m.  2d, 

27S  Fly  Leaf  Record.  [July 

Elizabeth  Williams,  wid.  of  George  Williams  and  dau.  of  Nicholas 
Header.  He  bad  moved  to  Easton,  X.  Y.,  before  the  revolution, 
where  he  d.  at  his  farm,  Nov.  17,  1819,  a.  82.  His  dau.  Abigail  m. 
Thomas  Folger,  from  England,  as  before  mentioned.  (149)  Thomas ,4 
b.  27  2  mo.,  1739;  d.  young,  a.  about  3  weeks.  Daniel  Folger,  Sen., 
was  lost  in  the  Vineyard  sound,  30  10,  1T44.  Abigail  his  wid.,  m. 
12  mo.,  1748,  Daniel  Pinkham,  son  of  Richard.  She  d.  Nov.  21,  1787, 
aged  84  years;  her  2d  husband  had  d.  2  6  mo.,  1770. 
•  45.  Zaccheus3  Folger,  m.  Nov.  20,  1728,  Abigail  Coffin,  dau.  of 
John,  Esq.  Ch.:  (150)  Many*  b.  June  3,  1730;  d.  single,  Feb.,  1805. 
(151)  James,*  b.  June  13,  1731;  m.  Mary  Aldrich.  She  d.  Feb.  15, 
1802.  (152)  John,-  b.  July  30,  1733;  m.  Love  Gabriel,  dau.  of  Ma- 
nuel. She  d.  3  of  9  mo.,  1768.  He  m.  Lydia  Gardner,  dau.  of  Robert. 
She  d.  Jan.  1,  1811,  a.  78;  no  ch.  John,4  d.  July  13,  1815;  he  was 
a  cooper  by  trade;  he   had  5  ch.  by  his  1st  wife,  3  of  whom  married. 

(153)  Nathaniel,*  m.  1759,  Mary  Wyer,  dau.  of  Timothy.  He  d,  in 
W.  Indies  in  Feb.,  1777.  They  had  8  ch.,  7  of  whom  married.  His 
wid.    m.   Tristram    Folger,    son  of   Jethro.     She   d.  March  8,    1801. 

(154)  Anna,*  b.  4  of  7  mo.,  1744;  m.  Christopher  Swain,  son  of  Rich- 
ard. She  d.  Feb.  15,  1819,  a.  74  yrs.  7  mos.  (155)  Abigail,*  m.  Eli- 
jah Coffin,  son  of  Hezekiah.  (156)  Andrew,*  d.  single.  (157) 
Jleule?i.*  (158)  Zaccheus.*  Zaccheus3  Folger,  d.  July  20,  1779.  Abi- 
gail his  wife,  d.  Aug.,  1770.     He  was  a  captain  of  a  whaling  vessel. 

[Mr.  Folger's  manuscript  carries  this  family  several  generations 
further — in  some  lines  to  the  seventh  generation.  Our  limits  will 
not  allow  us  to  publish  it  in  full;  but  the  manuscript  will  be  placed 
in  the  library  of  the  New  England  Historic-Genealogical  Society, 
where  it  can  be  consulted  by  those  interested.] 


[The  following  was  copied  from  the  fly  leaf  of  the  Sermon  Book  of  Jonas  Douw 
of  Wolvenhoek,  on  the  east  bank  of  the  Hudson,  near  Albany.  The  property  is 
still  in  the  possession  of  his  posterity,  and  is  now  occupied  by  Yolkert  P.  Douw, 

1683,  Sept.  21,  m.  Magdalen  Pieterz;  1684,  Oct.  19,  Maerytve  b.; 
1686,  Nov.  14,  Volkert  b.;  d.  Ap.  17  1711;  1689,  June  22,  Doo'raltje 
b.;  1692,  March  24,  Pietrus  b.  A  Dutch  folio  Bible  in  possession  of 
Dr.  Thomas  Hun  of  Albany,  has  this  entry:  "  1736,  Oct.  7,  Jonas  Douw 
in  den  Heere  ontslaapen  op  een  Donderdag  omtrent  te  3  ure  namiddag, 
en  's  Maendags  begraven,  na  dat  by  vier  weken  siek  gewest  is."  That 
is,  he  fell  asleep  in  the  Lord  on  Thursday,  about  3  o'clock,  after  a 
sickness  of  four  weeks,  and  was  buried  on  Monday.     (See  p.  268.) 


Who  were  the  parents  of  Abigail  Plasted  (or  Plaisted),  who  was 
married  in  Boston,  March  10th,  1725,  to  Andrew  Nichols.  Any  in- 
formation to  be  sent  to  C.  M.  Thurston,  New  Eechelle,  N.  Y. 

1S62.J  Michael  Metcalfe.  279 


[Communicated  by  Hon.  John  George  Metcalf  of  Mendon,  Mass.] 

Michael  Metcalfe  was,  undoubtedly,  the  progenitor  of  the  Metcalfe 
families,  in  Now  England.  He  was  bom  in  Tatterford,  count;/  of 
Norfolk,  England,  15S6,  but,  for  some  years,  before  his  voluntary 
expatriation,  he  resided  in  the  city  of  Norwich,  Eng.  Being  a  zealous 
non-conformist,  and  to  escape  the  persecutions  of  the  notorious  Mat- 
thew Wren,  then  Bishop  of  Norwich,  he  made  up  his  mind  to  emigrate 
to  America.  In  his  first  attempt  he  did  not  take  his  family;  and,  after 
being  "tossed  up  and  down"  from  the  17th  of  September,  IGoG,  till 
the  Christmas  following,  came  to  Plymouth  in  old  England.  In  this 
attempt  he  sailed  from  London.  In  the  second  trial  he  took  ship  at 
Yarmouth,  in  the  county  of  Norfolk,  April  15,  1637,  and  arrived  "in 
Boston,  in  New-England,  three  days  before  mid-summer,  of  the  same 
year,  with  my  wife  nine  children  and  a  servant." 

By  the  date  of  the  following  letter  it  will  be  seen  that  it  was  writ- 
ten before  he  made  his  first  attempt  to  come  to  America.  At  the 
time  of  his  writing  he  speaks  of  himself  as  an  exile  from  his  wife  and 
children,  "  with  whom  he  would  gladly  have  continued,  if  with  liberty.''1 
It  seems  a  reasonable  presumption  from  this,  that  he  was  staying  at 
Plymouth,  to  escape  the  persecution  of  the  Bishop  of  Norwich;  and 
that  he  could  no  longer  occupy  his  own  house  with  safety.  I  am 
indebted  to  Dr.  Luther  Metcalf  Harris,  of  Jamaica  Plain,  West  Rox- 
bury,  for  the  ancient  manuscript  from  which  the  letter  is  transcribed. 

The  Letter. 

"  To  all  the  true  professors  of  Christs  gospel  within  the  city  of  Nor- 

"The  peace  of  God  in  Jesus  Christ;  the  help,  comfort  and  assist- 
ance of  his  eternal  spirit  be  with  you,  my  dear  and  loving  wife,  and 
all  the  rest  of  our  loving  friends,  professors  of  Christ's  Gospel  and 
pure. religion,  most  purely  taught  and  powerfully  preached  amongst 
you  not  long  since,  who  now  mourn  for  the  miseries  of  God's  people, 
and  loss  of  your  faithful  ministers,  to  your  everlasting  consolation 
in  him. — Amen. 

"Our  adversary  the  devil  as  a  mighty  Nirarod  and  cunning  hunter 
doth  continually  compass  the  earth  to  and  fro  like  a  roaring  lion 
seeking  whom  he  may  devour,  ruling  in  the  hearts  of  children  of 
disobedience,  stirring  them  up  against  the  people  of  God:  you  know 
there  ever  hath  been  enmity  between  the  seed  of  the  woman  and  the 
seed  of  the  serpent;  for  as  he  that  was  born  after  the  flesh  persecuted 
him  that  was  born  after  the  spirit  (Gal.  4,  29,)  even  so  it  is  now: 
for  are  there  not  beasts  among  you,  after  the  manner  of  men,  such 
as  Paul  fought  with  at  Ephesus  ?  yes,  surely,  I  would  they  were  cut 
off  which  trouble  you.  Persecutors  they  are  of  you,  my  friends,  in 
in  the  apostles  phrase  alluding  to  Gen.  21,  9  there  you  shall  find 
Ishmael  mocking  and  tempting  of  Isaac  for  his  religion  called  perse 


280  Michael  Metcalfe.  [July 

cution  by  the  apostle  Paul,  and  are  there  uot  such  a  scoffing*  genera- 
tion, of  Ishmaelites  among-  yon,  who  hate  you  because  you  love  the 
thing  that  is  good  and  will  not  run  with  them  into  all  excess  and 
riot  with  their  tongues  do  shoot  at  them  that  are  true  of  heart  (as 
the  prophet  saith)  lie  saith  further,  in  the  person  of  the  church  that  f 

they  that  sit  in  the  gates  spake  against  me,  and  I  was  a  song  of 
the  drunkard,  for  the  just  man  is  laughed  to  scorn,  Job  12,  4.  The 
wicked  watcheth  the  righteous  and  seeketh  to  slay  him  Ps.  37.  I 
could  wish  this  viperous  generation  did  not  so  multiply  in  your  city 
as  they  do;  among  them  are  some  scoffing  ishmaelites,  prophone 
Esaus,  flatteriug  Doegs,  subtle  Ahitophels,  children  of  this  world 
wiser  in  their  generation  than  the  children  of  light;  but  in  the  end 
will  prove  to  be  Solomon's  fools. 

"When  I  was  among  them  I  tasted  of  their  burning  charity  when 
some  of  them  conspired  against  1113-  life,  as  you  know,  accusing  me 
with  treason  most  unjustly;  some  of  my  adversaries  were  at  difference, 
one  with  another,  yet  like  Pilate  and  Herod,  they  became  friends 
and  joined  malice  and  madness  against  me,  but  God,  who  hated  their 
conspiracy,  so  mollified  the  heart  of  one  of  the  witnesses  that,  with 
tears,  she  confessed  I  never  spake  any  such  words.  Their  malice 
being  manifest  to  the  world,  their  project  was  laid  in  the  dust;  yet 
herewith  not  satisfied,  they  sent  out  their  blood  hounds  abroad  to 
smell  out  some  new  matter  against  me;  but  my  God,  bounded  their 
madness  and  by  death  took  away  one  of  my  chiefest  enemies:  Who 
ever  perished  being  innocent?  or  when  were  the  righteous  cut  off? 
I  have  seen  them  that  plough  iniquity  and  sow  wickedness,  reap  the 
same  (Job  4,  7).  My  cause  may  well  allude  to  the  prophet  David's 
complaint  against  his  enemies;  (saith  he)  my  enemies  spake  against 
me  and  they  that  lay  wait  for  my  life  take  councel  together,  but  the 
Lord  hath  delivered  me  out  of  the  wicked,  out  of  the  unrighteous  and 
evil  man:  To  God  I  have  referred  my  cause  to  whom  I  leave  it  and 

"  You  are  not  ignorant  (I  suppose)  of  the  great  trouble  I  sustained, 
in  the  Arch-Deacon's  and  Bishop's  court  at  the  hands  of  my  enemies 
concerning  the  matter  of  Bowing  as  well  as  for  other  matters  of  like 
consequence.  I  alledged  against  them  the  scripture,  the  canons 
and  the  book  of  common  prayers;  but  the  chancellor  replied  he  cared 
for  none  of  them  I  further  alledged  against  them  the  authority  of 
Arch-Bishops  and  Bishops,  as  also  their  great  patrons  of  ceremonies 
the  learned  Hooker  (so  called  by  them)  together  with  a  book  called 
the  Regiment  of  the  church  allowed  by  authority,  which  hath  these 
words;  that  the  decrees  and  constitutions  of  the  Church  of  England 
must  not  be  made  a  part  of  God's  worship,  neither  holden  necessary 
to  our  salvation,  as  some  have  vainly  in  some  of  your  hearings;  for 
our  Saviour  saith,  "in  vain  do  they  worship  me  who  teach  for  doc- 
trines the  precepts  of  man."  The  apostle  condemneth  all  voluntary 
worship  devised  by  man,  Hooker  after  saith,  "  our  church  doth  not 
enforce  bowing  at  the  name  of  Jesus  upon  any  man  against  his 
conscience."  Notwithstanding  these  and  more  than  these  reasons 
alledged  against  them,  their  learned  and  invincible  arguments  to 
refute  my  assertions  were  these,  "  Blockhead — Old  heretick, — the 
Devil  made  you — I  will  send  you  to  the  Devil,"  with  such  other  trim 

1862,]  Michael  Metcalfe.  281 

stuff,  unfitting  terms,  to  be  used  by  a  judge  in  a  court  of  judicature: 
but  of  these  no  mote,  for  these  words  were  not  spoken  in  a  corner 
but  in  a  Consistory. 

"My  loving-  friends  be  not  discouraged  too  much  at  innovations 
now  forced  upon  you,  but  never  heretofore  urged  upon  an}7  man's  con- 
science, by  any  Bishop  of  the  see  of  Norwich  since  the  Reformation; 
but  as  the  proverb  says,  "  new  Lords — new  laws."  Such  doings  make 
sad  the  hearts  of  God's  people:  let  your  faith  and  patience  have  their 
perfect  work  in  these  perilous  times,  now  come  upon  you,  by  the 
sufferance  of  God.  Be  you  chearly,  God  is  on  your  side  and  his  truth 
is  your  cause,  and  against  you  be  none  but  the  enemies  of  the  cross 
of  Christ.  The  serpent  and  his  seed  the  Ishmaelites  and  prophane 
Esaus  of  this  wicked  world  children  of  the  malignant  church,  such 
as  the  Lord  hath  always  abhorred  and  in  all  ages,  resisted  and  over- 
thrown; God  (from  whom  nothing1  is  hid)  knoweth  what  they  are;  he 
hath  found  out  your  enemies  to  be  profane,  malicious,  proud  disdain- 
ful filthy  shameless  persecutors  of  and  despiteful  against  his  people 
and  truth:  The  spirit  of  God  doth  describe  them  in  the  Scripture  by 
the  names  of  serpents,  lions,  bulls,  bears,- wolves,  dogs,  swine,  beasts 
&c.  teaching  us  to  understand  that  their  natural  inclination  is,  as  much 
as  in  them  lyeth,  to  bring  into  trouble  and  bonds,  all  those  that  live 
godly  in  Christ:  but  the  Lord  with  his  right  arm,  will  defend  his 
little  distressed  flock  against  his  and  your  enemies  which  do  conspire 
against  your  precious  faith  and  liberty.  In  the  meantime,  my  friends, 
have  patience  while  they  rage,  let  them  curse,  ban,  rage  and  become 
mad  against  you,  casting  the  dirt  of  aspersion  at  your  faces,  not 
hating  you  for  your  vices  but  for  your  virtues.  Cain  like,  and  had 
they  power  with  their  will,  surely  they  would  cast  fire  and  faggots 
at  your  faces;  These  Jehus,  I  do  hope,  march  too  furious  to  hold 
out  long.  They  may  haply  prove  but  summer  birds.  The  Lord  hath 
bounded  their  madness  that  they  shall  not  do  more  to  you  than  he 
will  suffer  them  to  do. 

"  God  is  about  to  try  his  people  in  the  furnace  of  affliction,  and  he 
that  suffereth  patiently,  for  his  christian  profession,  is  hereby  known 
to  be  of  Christ;  even  so  are  the  persecutors  and  opposers  of  God's 
people  known  to  be  enemies  of  the  cross  of  Christ.  Besides,  their 
injustice  may  be  a  means  the  sooner  to  provoke  the  Lord  to  take 
pity  on  you  and  to  punish  them  that  so  despitefully  use  you;  for 
though  God  suffer  them  for  a  time,  in  their  pride,  yet  shall  they,  not 
always  escape  his  avenging  hand.  They  are  his  rods  and,  when  he 
hath  worn  them  to  the  stumps,  then  will  he  cast  them  into  the  fire: — 
This  shall  be  their  final  reward.  Your  duty  is,  in  the  meanwhile, 
patiently  to  abide  the  will  of  Gody  who  worketh  all  things  for  the 
best  for  you.  0  Norwich  !  the  beauty  of  my  native  county — what 
shall  I  say  uuto  thee.  Thou  art  little  inferior  to  any  of  thy  sister 
cities,  within  this  Kingdom.  Famous  hast  thou  been  for  religion 
throughout  this  island,  the  Gospel  of  Christ  Jesus  hath  been  purely 
and  powerfully  taught  to  thy  great  honor,  y-  joy  aud  rejoicing  of  thy 
religious  inhabitants: — thy  God  hath  adorned  thee  with  such  a 
succession  of  Godly  and  able  preachers,  within  some  of  thy  churches, 
that  few  congregations  (I  suppose)  have  had  the  like,  who  so  faith- 
fully have  taught  their  people,  both  by  life  and  doctrine,  to  your 

282  Michael  Metcalfe.  [July 

everlasting1  fame;  carefully  preaching  and  defending  the  doctrine 
of  the  free  justification  by  faith  in  Christ,  with  other  truths  of  the 
true  Protestant  faith,  against  the  defenders  of  the  stinking  tenets  of 
Arminius,  that  enemy  of  God,  so  called  by  King  James,  i.  e.  y°  1st. 
Alas  my  friends,  what  comfort  is  it  now  to  you  to  hear  what  your 
city  hath  formerly  been,  for  Christ's  true  religion  taught  in  her? 
The  question  is  what  is  she  now  1  Surely  much  relapsed  and  fallen 
from  her  first  love  and  purity  of  life  and  doctrine.  Would  to  God 
thy  spiritual  fathers  had  not  tasted  the  sour  grapes  whereby  most 
of  thy  children's  teeth  are  set  on  edge.  For  many  strange  things  are 
now  preached  in  thine  ears,  by  your  new  teachers,  which  your  old 
preachers  would  never  have  endured.  But  the  religion  of  these  novelists 
consisteth  in  formalities,  they  striving  to  use  the  desk  above  the  pulpit, 
teaching  the  people  less  preaching  may  now  serve  were  it  not  but 
to  preach  down  schism  and  faction  as  at  Winsor  visitation.  Another, 
he  makes  it  arbitrary  whether  or  not  the  Pope  be  antichrist,  as 
Burgess,  in  my  hearing,  at  the  Cathedral,  in  Norwich,  My  friends 
beware  of  them  that  preach  to  you  with  the  enticing  words  of  man's 
wisdom,  and  do  chalk  out  a  nearer  way  to  Heaven,  than  they  shall 
find  (I  fear)  that  walk  in  it. 

"Follow  the  apostles  counsel  and  take  heed  how  you  hear;  be 
not  led  away  with  the  error  of  the  wicked,  beware  of  them  which 
come  to  you  in  sheep's  clothing,  but  inwardly  are  ravening  wolves, 
for  the  apostle  saith  ye  wolves  will  enter  into  the  fold  of  Christ,  not 
sparing  the  flock.  My  friends,  imitate  the  wise  Bereans,  and  search 
the  scripture  whether  you  become  such  proficients  as  to  try  the  doc- 
trines of  your  preachers,  whether  they  be  consonant  to  the  scripture 
or  not,  beware  you  keep  your  judgments  sound  in  the  truth,  rectifying 
your  zeal  and  affections  by  the  spirit  of  truth,  making  God  the  object 
of  your  faith  and  love: — If  your  judgments  be  lost  then  will  follow 
that  you  will  soon  make  shipwreck  of  faith  and  a  good  conscience. 
Remember  therefore  what  you  have  received  and  heard  and  hold  that 
fast  which  thou  hast,  that  no  man  take  away  thy  crown,  Kev.  3, 
3 — 11.  And  if  you  do  persevere  and  keep  the  word  of  his  patience, 
He  hath  promised  he  will  also  keep  you  from  the  hour  of  temptation 
which  shall  come  upon  all  the  world  to  try  them  that  dwell  upon  the 

"My  loving  christians,  in  taking  this  my  last  farewell  of  you,  I  do 
earnestly  exhort  you  in  the  bowels  of  the  Lord  Jesus  and  as  you 
tender  the  eternal  welfare  of  your  poor  souls,  purchased  by  the  blood 
of  Christ  that  you  carefully  beware  of  xirminianism;  do  not  nibble 
too  long  at  the  bait  until  you  are  catched  with  the  hook;  rather 
banish  from  your  ears  and  hearts  those  stinking  fogs  and  infectious 
vapours,  into  the  Netherlands,  from  whence  they  were  spawned,  a3 
a  bastard  brood  of  Popery;  for  these  tenets  were  arraigned  and 
condemned  at  the  council  of  Dort,  by  a  synod  of  learned  Prelates.  I 
do  marvel  how  your  novelists  dare  be  so  audacious  as  to  meddle 
with,  and  teach  those  dangerous  and  pernicious  errors,  prohibited  by 
proclamation.  Would  to  God  this  spirit  which  is  seen  frequently  to 
walk  among  you,  in  the  likeness  of  men,  were  conjured  out  of  your 
nation  by  authority: 

"My  brethren  I  cannot  but  much  bemoan  your  great  loss  of  late: 

■1862. J  Michael  Metcalfe.  2S3 

I  mean  those  godly  and  learned  divines,  your  most  loving*,  faithful 
and  powerful  preachers  now  forced  from  amongst  you,  to  your  no 
little  sorrow  thus  to  be  deprived  of  them  that  so  faithfully  have 
taught  you  and  so  fatherly  cared  for  you  and  so  godlily  have  governed 
you  by  the  scriptures  of  truth: — The}*  were  given  to  you  and  sent  of 
God  as  a  great  blessing  to  your  city;  by  the  power  of  whose  ministry 
many  have  been  converted  and  won  to  the  truth  of  the  Gospel,  who 
have  begotten  them  to  a  godly  life  and  conversation.  Surely  for 
your  sins  the  Lord  hath  deprived  you  of  them  as  not  worthy  of  so 
great  a  mercy  as  the  enjoying*  them,  since  whose  departure  a  famine 
of  the  word  is  come  upon  you,  most  of  your  lights  being  put  out. 
Therefore,  seeing  what  the  Lord  hath  done  unto  thee  0!  Norwich! 
prepare  to  meet  ttiy  God:  0  Norwich  !  by  repentance  and  deep  hu- 
miliation, lest  the  Lord  come  against  thee  to  avenge  the  quarrel  of 
his  covenant  which  thou  hast  broken: — Humiliation  is  a  sanctified 
means  whereby  the  Lord  will  be  intreated  of  you: — If  you  do  humble 
yourselves  by  fasting  and  prayer  in  your  several  families,  then  it 
may  be,  the  Lord  will  work  for  you: — Therefore  cry  mightily  to  God 
and  turn,  every  one  from  his  evil  ways,  who  can  tell  if  God  will  turn 
and  repent  and  turn  away  from  his  fierce  anger  to  you  (John  3,  8) 
and  send  you  such  preachers  again  as  may  divide  the  word  of  God 
aright  among  you; — you  did  not  duly  prize  them  when  you  enjoyed 
them,  therefore  the  Lord  hath  deprived  you  of  them  as  not  worthy 
of  them: — I  may  warn  you  of  your  danger  as  the  Lord  did  Jerusalem 
by  the  Prophet,  "  Be  thou  instructed  0  !  Jerusalem  lest  my  soul 
depart  from  thee;"  so  may  I  say  to  sinful  Norwich,  which  hath  pol- 
luted the  Lord's  sabbaths  and  profaned  his  hoi}'  things  by  supersti- 
tions and  foolish  ceremonies  which  the  Lord  commanded  not,  together 
with  the  corruption  of  doctrine  and  manners  too  much  connived  at 
among  you,  by  siding  with  the  times,  and  yielding  too  much  through 
slavish  fear,  to  the  wasting  of  your  graces  and  quenching  that  spirit- 
ual vigour,  zeal  and  affection  that  formerly  you  had  in  shew  before 
these  times  of  tryal  came  on  to  try  you,  for  the  Lord  is  about  to 
purge  his  floor  and  to  thrash  his  church  with  the  flail  of  affliction: — 
you  may  easily  see  that  wrath  is  gone  out  from  the  Lord,  and  judg- 
ment is  begun  at  the  house  of  God;  and  his  hand  is  stretched  out 
still,  but  who  taketh  it  to  heart, — custom  hath  taken  away  the  sense 
of  misery,  and  security  is  the  sin  of  Churches  in  all  places — the 
consideration  whereof  might  cause  you  to  fear  and  tremble  by  the 
example  of  Germany,  Bohemia  and  the  Palatinate  and  many  other 
reformed  churches  over  whom  the  wrath  of  God  hath  been  to  the 
uttermost,  to  the  great  depopulating  and  wasting  of  cities  and 
countries: — When  your  neighbours  houses  are  on  lire,  it  is  time  to 
look  to  your  own,  let  others  examples  teach  you  to  beware, — "A 
wise  man  foreseeth  the  storm  and  shunneth  it,"  saith  Solomon  Look 
about  you, — quit  yourselves  like  men.  for  the  hour  of  temptation  is 
at  hand,  which  shall  come  upon  the  world  to  try  them  that  dwell 
upon  the  earth;  These  are  like  to  be  trying  times  indeed,  therefore 
let  him  that  thinketh  he  standeth  take  heed  lest  he  fall.  God  is  able 
to  separate  the  wheat  from  the  chaff,  and  to  put  a  difference  between 
them  that  fear  him  and  those  that  fear  him  not;  but  he  that  is  found 
to  be  faithful  unto  death  Christ  hath  promised  unto  him  a  crown  of 

284  J\r.  E.  Hist.-Gen.  Society.  [July 

life.  Bo  not  secure,  but  fear  for  such  times  may  soon  come  upon 
you  as  may  shake  your  faith,  if  it  be  not  founded  on  the  rock  Christ. 
Draw  nigh  unto  God  and  he  will  draw  liigh  to  you  (James  4,  8)  and 
he  will  comfort  you  after  the  time  he  hath  nflicted  you: — The  Lord 
shorten  these  sorrowful  and  sinful  days  for  his  great  name's  sake, 
and  give  you  of  his  saving  grace,  that,  as  you  have  a  little  strength 
60  you  majr  keep  his  word  and  not  deny  his  name,  Rev.  3,  8. 

11  Now  farewell  my  beloved  christians  and  dear  friends,  the  Lord 
defend,  keep  and  preserve  you  and  me  from  the  malice  and  power  of 
the  serpent  and  his  seed;  and  send  us  a  joyful  meeting  here  or  else- 
where as  it  shall  please  our  Good  God  to  appoint: — In  the  meanwhile 
I  most  earnestly  desire  you  to  pray  for  me,  for  I  never  had  more 
need  in  my  life,  in  regard  of  in}7  excited  condition  from  my  wife  and 
children,  with  whom  I  would  gladly  have  continued,  if  with  liberty — 
but  all  things  came  to  pass  with  the  good  will  of  God.  Doubtless 
you  shall  never  want  my  poor  prayers,  if  it  shall  please  God  to  accept 
the  prayers  of  so  sinful  a  wretch  as  I  am. 

"The  Lord  impute  not  my  sin  unto  me  for  Jesus  Christ's  sake, 
unto  whose  merciful  defence  I  do  most  heartily  commit  you.  The 
blessing  of  God  be  with  you,  my  dear  wife  and  children  and  all  you 
my  christian  friends;  and  fill  you  all  with  his  holy  and  blessed  spirit, 
that  you  may  always  rejoice  in  the  comforts  of  the  same  now  and 
evermore,  Amen. 

"Your  loving  brother  in  exile  persecuted  for  Christ's  verity, 

Michael  Metcalfe. 

"Plymouth  (Eng.)  the  13th  of  January  1636." 

Monthly  Meetings — 1862. 

Boston,  April  2. — The  regular  monthly  meeting  was  held  at  their 
rooms,  13  Bromfield  street,  this  afternoon  at  3  o'clock  P.  M. 

In  the  absence  of  the  president  and  recording  secretary,  Rev. 
Washington  Gilbert  was  chosen  chairman,  and  Rev.  Abner  Morse, 

John  H.  Sheppard,  Esq.,  the  librarian,  reported  that  since  the  pre- 
vious meeting  there  had  been  donated  to  the  society  fifteen  bound 
volumes,  forty-six  pamphlets,  consisting  of  essays,  reports  and  ser- 
mons, and  one  manuscript. 

Rev.  Caleb  D.  Bradlee,  the  corresponding  secretary,  reported- that 
letters  had  been  received  from  Rev.  Edward  Warren  Clark,  Auburn- 
dale,  Mass.,  and  Edward  M.  Endicottof  Boston,  as  resident  members; 
from  Rev.  George  Grout  Hapgood  of  Delta,  N.  Y.,  as  corresponding 
member.  Accompanying  Mr.  Hapgood's-  letter  was  a  paper  on  the 
Samaritan  Alphabet. 

W.  B.  Trask,  Esq.,  the  historiographer,  read  a  memoir  o^  Pynson 
Blake  of  Boston,  a  resident  member  of  the  society;  also,  of  Rtf  Rev. 
William  Meade,  D.  D.,  Bishop  of  Virginia,  a  corresponding  member, 
both  of  whom  recently  deceased. 

1862.]  M  E.  Hist.-Gen.  Society.  285 

A  paper  entitled  the  History  of  Roanoke  Island,  was  read  by  Fre- 
deric Kidder,  Esq.,  beginning  in  1584  and  ending  with  the  battle 
fought  there  the  present  year.  It  gave  the  details  of  the  experience 
of  the  three  colonies  sent  there  by  Sir  Walter  Raleigh,  and  tracing  it 
down  to  its  explorations  from  Virginia  in  1653,  and  its  grant  to  a 
Boston  merchant  in  1676,  where  its  title  was  retained  till  subsequent 
to  the  revolution.  From  this  spot  the  English  obtained  tobacco,  the 
potato  and  some  other  plants. 

Rev.  Abner  Morse  gave  what  he  considered  farther  evidence  of  the 
emigration  of  the  Northmen  to  the  valley  of  the  Mississippi,  and 
of  their  adoption  of  Indian  manners  and  customs. 

Rev.  F.  W.  Holland  read  an  amusing  paper  on  the  derivation  of 

The  thanks  of  the  society  were  passed  to  the  gentlemen  who  read 
the  papers  of  the  afternoon,  and  copies  were  requested  for  the 

May  7. — The  regular  monthly  meeting  was  held  this  afternoon, 
President  Winslow  Lewis,  M.  D.,  in  the  chair. 

The  corresponding  secretary  reported  that  he  had  received  letters 
from  the  following  gentlemen  since  the  previous  meeting,  accepting 
the  membership  to  which  they  had  been  elected:  As  resident — Rev. 
Stillmau  Pratt  of  Middleboro',  Mass.;  as  corresponding — Thomas 
Hughes,  F.  S.  A.,  of  London,  England. 

The  librarian  reported  that  there  had  been  donated  to  the  society, 
since  the  previous  meeting,  29  bound  volumes  and  124  pamphlets. 

Wm.  B.  Towne,  Esq.,  the  treasurer,  announced  that  John  Barstow, 
Esq.,  of  Providence,  R.  I.,  had  very  liberally  donated  three  hundred 
dollars  to  the  society,  in  addition  to  his  previous  donation,  for  which 
a  vote  of  thanks  was  passed,  and,  in  accordance  with  the  donors  re- 
quest, trustees*,  viz:  W.  B.  Towne,  A.  D.  Hodges,  and  J.  TisdalB 
Bradlee,  Esqs.,  we^re  appointed  to  take  charge  of  the  fund. 

Rev.  Samuel  Sewall  read  a  very  interesting  account  of  the  old 
meeting-houses  of  New  England,  as  illustrated  by  the  second  house 
built  in  Woburn,  with  a  very  full  description  of  a  Sunday  in  the 
olden  time. 

John  H.  Sheppard,  Esq.,  read  a  carefully  prepared  paper  on  the 
history  of  the  society,  its  objects  and  wants.  Thanks  were  voted 
and  a  copy  of  the  paper  requested.  It  will  be  found  entire  in  the 
present  number  of  the  Register. 

Mr.  Dearborn  read  a  short  but  very  clear  account  of  a  shot  from 
Bunker  Hill,  found  in  1845  or  1846. 

Col.  Swett  showed  three  photographs  which  he  had  recently  re- 
ceived from  Florence,  Italy.  One,  a  likeness  of  Franklin,  copied 
from  the  statue  by  Powers,  destined  for  our  national  capltoi;  another, 
of  Powers  himself;  and  the  third,  of  Garibaldi,  all  of  which  were 
pronounced  excellent. 

June  4. — The  regular  monthly  meeting  was  held  this  afternoon 
President  Winslow  Lewis,  M.  D.,  in  the  chair. 

The  librarian  reported  that  eight  bound  volumes  and  forty-eight 
pamphlets  had  been  donated  to  the  society  since  the  previous  meeting. 

The  historiographer  read  brief  memoirs  of  members  recently  de- 

2S6  JV*.  E.  Hid.-Gcn.  Society.  [July 

ceased,  viz:  Of  Rev.  John  Wheeler,  D.  P.,  of  Burlington,  Vt.,  an 
honorary  member;  Kev.  George  Washington  Bethunc,  1).  D.,-of  New 
York,  corresponding  member;  Mr.  George  Eddy  Henshaw  of  Cam- 
bridgeport,  resident  member.  The  latter  was  a  member  of  the  ISth 
regiment  Massachusetts  volunteers,  and  was  the  first  of  the  members 
of  the  society,  so  far  as  known,  who  has  died  in  the  Federal  service 
during  the  present  rebellion. 

Hon.  Charles  Hudson  of  Lexington,  read  a  portion  of  his  MS.  His- 
tory of  the  Toicn  of  Lexington,  setting  forth,  in  an  able  manner,  the 
causes  of  the  Americau  revolution,  which  commenced  in  Lexington 
on  the  19th  of  April,  1*175.  He  maintained  that  the  controversy  with 
the  mother  country  did  not  begin  or  end  in  the  question  of  taxation, 
as  is  generally  supposed.  Taxation  at  one  time  was  made  the  occa- 
sion of  bitter  strife,  but  the  true  cause  was  deeper  and  more  vital. 
Great  Britain  claimed  the  right  to  legislate  for  the  colonies  "  in  all 
cases  whatsoever,"  whether  by  general  laws  which  applied  to  the 
whole  empire,  or  by  partial  laws  which  applied  only  to  the  colonists. 
On  the  other  hand,  the  colonists  maintained  that  on  leaving  England 
with  a  charter,  which  was  a  sacred  compact  which  no  earthly  power 
could  rightfully  infringe,  they  were  clothed  with  ail  the  rights,  pri- 
vileges and  immunities  of  English  subjects,  and  having  by  their 
charter  all  legislative  powers,  they  had  a  lawful  right  to  make  their 
own  laws;  and  that  the  enactment  of  Parliament  touching  the  colo- 
nies was  void,  on  the  ground  that  they  were  not  represented  in  Par- 
liament, and  that  most  of  these  enactments  were  not  only  violations 
of  the  colonial  charters,  but  directly  repugnant  to  the  fundamental 
principles  of  the  English  constitution. 

The  colonists  complained  not  of  taxation  alone,  but  of  attempts  on 
the  part  of  the  ministry  to  quarter  troops  upon  them,  and  to  maintain 
standing  armies  among  them  in  times  of  peace,  without  the  consent 
of  their  legislatures;  to  make  the  judges  of  the  supreme  court  de- 
pendent upon  the  Crown  alone;  to  deprive  the  people  of  the  right 
secured  to  all  English  subjects  of  being  tried  by  a  jury  of  their  peers 
in  the  vicinity  of  the  alleged  offence;  and  to  modify  and  annul  their 
charters.  They  maintained  that  this  whole  system  of  measures  was 
designed  to  reduce  them  to  a  state  of  vassalage,  and  that  in  resist- 
ing these  aggressive  measures  they  but  vindicated  their  rights  as 
British  subjects. 

Mr.  Hudson  said  it  was  a  libel  upon  the  character  of  our  patriot 
fathers  to  say  that  they  involved  the  country  in  all  the  horrors  of 
war  to  save  themselves  from  a  paltry  tax  upon  stamped  paper  and 
tea.  They  had  motives  higher,  purer  and  holier.  They  stood  upon 
sacred  compacts  and  the  great  principles  of  human  rights.  They 
felt  that  they  were  set  for  the  defence  of  freedom;  that  they  had 
not  only  personal  rights  to  maintain,  but  a  posterity  to  serve,  and  a 
God' to  obey.  Entertaining  these  views,  they  could  not  hesitate. 
To  submit  to  such  encroachments  would  be  injustice  to  themselves 
and  their  posterity,  and  treason  to  that  Almighty  Power  by  which 
they  had  been  sustained  and  in  which  they  put  their  trust. 

A  vote  of  thanks  was  passed  for  the  paper,  and  a  copy  requested 
for  the  archives. 

1862.]  Officers  of  the  M  E.  Hlst.-Gen.  Society.  2S7 



[Compiled  by  J.  W,  Dean.] 

*  Prefixed  to  a  name,  signifies  deceased  ;  t  Signifies  txoffi.cio. 



*Charles  Ewer.  Esq.,  of  Boston,  Mass., Jan.  1845,  to  Jan.  1850 

Rev.  Joseph  Barlow  Felt,  LL.D.,  of  Boston, "     1850,  to     "     1853 

William  Whiting,  A.  M.,of  Roxbury, "     1S53,  to     "     1853 

Samuel  Gardner  Drake,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, "     1858,  to     "     1859 

Almon  D.  Hodges,  Esq.,  of  Roxbury,  Mass., <{     1859,  to     "     1861 

Wiuslow  Lewis,  M.  D.,  of  Boston, "     1861. 


*Lemuel  Sbattuck,  Esq.,  of  Boston,  Mas3., Jan.  1845,  to  Jan.  1850 

Rev.  Lucius  Robinson  Pai^e,  D.  D.,  of  Cambridge,  Mass.  "     1850,  to     "     1851 

Nathaniel  B.  Shurtleff,  M.  D.,  of  Boston,  Mass.,   .  .  "     1851,  to     "     1853 

Hon.  Timothy  Farrar,  A.  M.,  of  Boston,  Mass., "     1853,  to     "     1858 

Hon.  William  Willis,  A.  M.,  of  Portland,  Me., Feb.  1855,  to     "     1359 

Hon.  Noah  Martin,  M.  D.,  of  Dover,  N.  H., "     1855,  to     "     1859 

*Rev.  John  Wheeler,  D.  D,,  of  Burlington,   Vt., "     1355,  to     "     1859 

Hon.  William  R.  Staples,  A.  M.,   of  Providence,  R.  I.,...  "     1855,  to     "     1859 

*Hon,  Nathaniel  Goodwin,  of  Hartford,  Ct., "     1855,  to  May  1855 

Rev.  Leonard  Bacon,  D.  D.,  of  New  Haven,  Ct., Aug.  1855,  to  Jan.  1859 

Hon.  Frances  Brinley,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1858,  to     "     1859 

Hon.  Charles  Hudson,  A.  M.,  of  Lexington,  Mass., "     1859,  to     "     1861 

Hon.  John  Appleton,  of  Baugor,  Me., "     1859. 

Hon.  Samuel  D.  Bell,  LL.D.,  rf  Manchester,   N.  H......  "     1859. 

Henry  Clark,  Esq.,  of  Poultney,  Vt "     1859. 

John  Barstow,  Esq.,  of  Providence,  R.  I., "     1859. 

Rev.  F.  W.  Chapman,  A.  M.,  of  Ellington,  Ct  , "     1859. 

Rev.  Martin  Moore,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, "     1861. 

Honorary    Vice-Presidents. 

Hon.  Millard  Fillmore,  LL.  D  ,  of  Buffalo,  N.  Y., Feb.  1855. 

Hon.  Lewis  Cass,  LL.  D. ,  of  Detroit,  Mich. , "     1855. 

Hon.  Elijah  Hayward,  A.  B.,  of  Columbus,  0., "     1855.                          * 

Hon.  John  Wentworth,  of  Chicago,  111., "     1855. 

♦Rev.  John  Lauris  Blake,  D.  D.,  of  Orange,  N.  J., Jan.  1856,  to  July  1857 

Hon.  Samuel  Breck,  of  Philadelphia,  Pa.} "     1856. 

Sebastian  Ferris  Streeter,  A.  M.,  of  Baltimore,  Md.  "     1856. 

Edward  Kidder,  Esq..  of  Wilmineton,  N.  C, "     1856. 

Rev.  Thomas  Smyth,  D.  D.,  of  Charleston,  S.  C.,. "     1856. 

Hon.  Ballard  Smith,  of  Cannelton,  lud., ,..  "     1S56. 

Cyrus  Woodman,  A.  M.,  of  Mineral  Point,  Wis.,.  . .  "     1856. 

Rt.  Rev.  Henry  W.  Lee,  D.  D.,  of  Davenport,  Iowa, '*     1856. 

*Andrew  Randall,  M.  D.,  of  San  Francisco,   Cal.,...  "  *1856,  to  July  1856 

Hon.  Joseph  C.  Hornblower,  LL.  D.,  of  Newark,  N.  J.,. .  "     1853. 

Corresponding   Secretaries. 

Samuel  G.  Drake,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, ,....  Jan.  1845,  to  Jan.  1850 

Nathaniel  B.  Shurtleff,  M.  D.  of  Boston, "     1850,  to     "     1851 

Samuel  G.  Drake,  A.  M..  of  Boston, "     1851,  to     "     185S 

2SS  Officers  of  the  jY.  E.  Hist.-Gen.  Society.  [July 

Row  Samuel  H.  Riddel,  A.  B.,  of  Boston, Jan.  185?,  to  Jan.  1859 

John  Ward  Dean,  of  Boston, "     1859,  to     "     1862 

Rev.  Caleb  Davis  Bradlee,  A.  M.,  of  Roxbury,    "     ]862. 

Assistant    Corresponding   Secretary. 
John  Ward  Dean,  of  Boston, Sept.  1858,  to  Jan.  1859 

Recording    Secretaries. 

John  Wingate  Thornton,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1845,  to  Mar.  1846 

Rev.  Samuel  H.  Riddel,  A.  B.,  of  Boston, Apr.  1846,  to  Jan.  1851 

*Charles  Mayo,  Esq.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1S51,  to     "     1856 

Hon.  Francis  Brmley,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, "     1856,  to     "     1857 

David  Pulsifer,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1857,  to  Aug.  1S57 

John  Ward  Dean,  of  Boston, Aug  1857,  to  Jan.   1858 

William  M.  Cornell,  M.  D.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1S58,  to     "     3859 

Rev.  Caleb  Davis  Bradlee,  A.  M.,  of  North  Cambridge,..      "     1859,  to     '«     1862 

Edward  F.  Everett,  A.  B.,  of  Charlestown, "     1862.' 

Assistant  Recording    Secretary. 
Edward  F.  Everett,  A.  B..  of  Charlestown. Jan.  1861,  to  Jan.  1862 


William  Henry  Montague,  Esq.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1845,  to  Jan.  1851 

Frederic  Kidder,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1851,  to     "     1855 

John  Ward  Dean,  of  Boston, (£     1855,  to     "     1857 

Isaac  Child,  Esq.,  of  Boston,    "     1857,  to     "     1860 

Hon.  George  W.  Messinger,  of  Boston, "     1860,  to     •«     1S61 

William  B.  Towne,  Esq.,  of  Brookline, "     1861. 


Joseph  Palmer,  M.  D.,  of  Boston, , Jan.  1856,  to  Jan.  1862 

William  B.  Trask,  of  Dorchester, "     1862. 


iJ.  Wingate  Thornton,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, Apr.  1845,  to  Jan.  1846 

Edmund  Bachelder  Dearborn,  Esq.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1846,  to     "     1849 

David  Pulsifer,  Esq.,  of  Boston,    \ "     1849,  to     M     1S51 

Thomas  Bellows  Wyman,  Jr.,  Esq.,  of  Charlestown,     "     1851,  to     "     1852 

William  Blake  Trask,  Esq.,  of  Dorchester, <l     1852,  to  Aug.  1854 

Rev.  Luther  Far nham,«A.  M.,  of  Boston, Aug.1854,  to  July  1856 

Thomas  B.  Wyman,  Jr.,  Esq.,  of  Charlestown,....    Sep.  1856,  to  Jan.  1858 

Edward  Holden,  Esq.,  of  Roxbury Jan.  1858,  to     "     1859 

William  Blake  Trask,  Esq.,  of  Dorchester, "     1859,  to     "     1861 

,  John  H.  Sheppard,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, "     1661." 


*fCharles  Ewer,  Esq.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1845,  to  Jan.  1850 

*fLemuel  Shattuck,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1S45,  to     "  1S50 

tSamuel  G.  Drake,  A.  M.,   of  Boston, "     1845,  to     "  1850 

tJ.  Wingate  Thornton.  A    11,,  of  Boston, "     1S45,  to  Mar.  1846 

tWilliam  H.  Montague,  Esq.,  of  Boston,    "     1845,  to  Jan.  1851 

tRev.   Samuel  H.  Riddel,  A.  B.,  of  Boston, Apr.  1846,  to     "  1851 

tRev.    Joseph  B.  Felt,  LL.  D.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1850,  to     "  1853 

tRev.    Lucius  R.  Paige,  B;  D,, of  Cambridge "     1850,  to     "  1851 

fNathauiel  B.  Shurtltii,  M.  D.,  of  Boston, ,;     1S50,  to     "  1853 

tSamuel  G.  Drake,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, "     1851,  to     "  1859 

*tCharles  Mayo,  Esq.,  of  Boston, •»     1851,  to     "  1856 

tFrederic  Kidder,  Esq  ,  of  Boston, "     1851,  to     "  1855 

tWilliam  Whiting,  A~  M.,  of  Roxbury,.... "     1853,  to     "  1858 

tHon.  Timothy  Farrar,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, "     1853,  to     "  1858 

tJohn  Ward  Dean,  of  Boston, "     lb55,  to     "  1657 

1862.]              Officers  of  the  JV.  E.  Hid.-Gcn.  Society.  2S9 

tHon.  Francis  Brinley,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1856,  to  Jan.  1857 

tDavid  Pulsifer,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1857,  to  Aug.  1857 

tlsaac  Child,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1857,  to  Jan.   1860 

tJohn  Ward   Dean,  of  Boston, Aug.1857,  to     "     1858 

tHon.  Francis  Brinley,  A.  M.,   of  Boston, Jan.  1858,  to     "     1S59 

fRev.    Samuel  H.  Riddel,  A.  B.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1858,  to  Jan.  1859 

t William  M.  Cornell,  M.  P.,  of  Boston, "     1858,  to     "     1859 

tAlmon  D.  Bodges,  Esq  ,  of  Roxbury, "     1859,  to     "     1861 

tHon.  Charles  Hudson,  A.  M.,   of  Boston, "     1859,  to     "     1861 

John  Ward  Pean,t  of  Boston, "     18.r>9. 

tRev.    Caleb  Davis  Bradlee,  A.  M  ,  of  North  Cambridge,..  "     1859. 

tHon.  George  W.  Messinger,  of  Boston, "     ] 8G0,  to  Jan.  1861 

tWinslow  Lewis,  M.  D.,  of  Boston, "     1861. 

Rev.  Martin  Moore,*  A.  M.,  of  Boston "     1863. 

tWilliam  B.  Towne,  Esq. ,  of  Brookline, "     1861. 

John  H.  Sbeppard,  A.  M.,§    of  Boston, July  1861. 

fEdward  F.  Everett,  A.  B.,   of  Charlestown, Jan.  1862. 

tRev.    Joseph  B.  Felt,  LL.  P.,  of  Salem, "     1862. 

tWilliam  Whiting,  A.  M.,  of  Roxbury, "     1862. 

tSamuel  G.  Drake,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, "     1862. 

tAlmon  D.  Hodges,  Esq.,  of  Roxbury "     1862. 

tWilliam  B.  Trask,  Esq. ,  of  Dorchester, "     1862. 

tFrederic  Kidder,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1862. 

tJeremiah  Colburn,  Esq.,  of  Brookline, "     1862. 

tWilliam  Reed  Deane,  Esq.,  of  Brookline, "     1862. 

Joseph  Palmer,  M.  D.,  of  Boston, ««     1862. 

Hon.  George  W.  Messinger,  of  Boston, "     1862. 

John  Barstow,  Esq.,  of  Providence,  R.  I., "     1862. 

L  Secretaries  of  the  Directors. 

tJ.  Wingate  Thornton,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1845,  to  Mar.  1846 

♦     tRev.  Samuel  H.  Riddel,  A.  B.,  of  Boston, Apr.  1846,  to  Jan,  1851 

Nathaniel  B.  Shurtleff,  M.  D.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1851,  to     "     1853 

*tChar!es  Mayo,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1853,  to  June  1855 

John  Ward  Dean,  of  Boston, Junel855,  to  Jan.   1856 

tHon.  Francis  Brinley,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1856,  to     "     1857 

fPavid  Pulsifer",  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1857,  to  Aug.  18f  7 

tJohn  Ward  Dean,  of  Boston, Aug.  185 7,  to  Jan.   1858 

tWilliam  M.  Cornell,  M.  D.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1858,  to     "     1859 

tRev.    Caleb  Davis  Bradlee,  A.  M.,  of  North  Cambridge,..  "     1859,  to  Feb.  1861 

Edward  F.  Everett,  A.  B.,  of  Charlestown, Feb.1861. 

Publishing  Committee. 

♦Charles  Ewer,  Esq.,  of  Boston, Mar.  1847,  to  Jan.  1851 

Nathaniel  B.  Shurtleff,  M.  D.,   of  Boston, "     1S47,  to     "     1849 

Rev.  Samuel  H.  Riddel,  A.  B.,  of  Boston, "     1847,  to     "     1851 

^David  Hamblen,  Esq.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1849,  to  Oct.  1855 

•      *tWilliam  T.  Harris,  A.  M.,  of  Cambridge, Feb.  1849,  to     "      1849 

Rev.  Joseph  B.  Felt,  LL.  D.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1850,  to  July  1S52 

Nathaniel  B.  Shurtleff,  M.  D  ,  of  Boston, "     1850,  to  Jan.  1851 

Rev.  Lucius  R.  Paige,  D.  D.,  of  Cambridge, "     1850,  to     "     1851 

Charles  Deane,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, "     1851,  to  Oct.    1851 

J.  Wingate  Thornton,  A.  M.,  of  Boston "     1851,  to  Mar.  1852 

♦William  T.  Harris,  A.  M.,  of  Cambridge, "     1851,  to  Oct.    1851 

Frederic  Kidder,  Esq.,  of  Boston, Oct.  1851,  to     "     1855 

Hon.  Timothy  Farrar,  A.  M.,  of  Boston  and  Dorchester,.   Nov.  1851,  to  Dec.  1854 

William  B.  Trask,  Esq  ,   of  Dorchester Apr.  1852,  to  Oct.    1853 

♦Charles  Mavo,  Esq.,  of  Boston, Oct.  1852.  to     M      1853 

Rev.  William  Jenks,  P.  D.,  of  Boston, "     185?,  to     "     1858 

Lyman  Mason,  A.  M.,   of  Boston, "     18^3,  to  Dec.  1854 

%  Ex-ofikio  till  Jan.  1S62.        \  By  invitatioa  of  tht>  Board  till  Jau.  1S62. 



290                 Officers  of  the  J\r.  E.  Hist.-Gen.  Society.  [July 

Rev.  John  Ward  Dean,  of  Boston, Dec.  1854. 

William  Read  Deano,  Esq.,  of  Brookline, "     1S54,  to  Oct.   1856 

♦Lemuel  Shattuek,  Esq.,  of  Boston. "     1854,  to     u     1856 

Rev.  Alonzo  Hall  Quint,  A.  M.,  of  Jamaica  Plain, Oct.  1855,  to     "     18&6 

James  Spear  Loring,  Esq.,   of  Boston,... rt     1855,  to     "     1856 

Hon.  Francis  Brinley,  A.^M.,  of  Boston, "     1856,  to     "     1858 

Charles  IT.  Morse,  Esq.,  of  Cambrklgeport. "     1856,   to     "     1858 

William  II.  Whitmore,  Esq.,   of  Boston, "     1856,  to  Nov.  1861 

Hon.  Timothy  Farrar,  A.  M  ,  of  Boston, Oct.  1857,  to  Oct.  1858 

William  B.  Trask,  Esq.,  of  Dorchester, "     1858. 

Hon.  Charles  Hudson,  A.  M.,  of  Lexington, Nov.  1861. 

Rev.  Elias  Nasou,  A.  M.,  of  Exeter,  N.  H. "     1861. 

George  W.  Chase,  Esq.,    of  Haverhill, "     1861. 

Committee,  on  Donations  and  Exchanges." 

James  S.  Loring,  Esq.,  of  Boston, May  1S50,  to  Jan.  1852 

Charles  J.  F.  Binney,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1850,  to     "     1852 

Hon.  Amasa  Walker,  A.  M.,  of  North  Brookfield, Jan.  1852,  to     "     1854 

John  G.  Locke,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1852,  to     "     1853 

James  S.  Loring,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1853,  to     "     1854 

Committee  on  the  Library  and  Room. 

Isaac  Child,  Esq.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1852.  to  Jan.  1856 

♦Aiteruas  Simonds,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1852,  to  Oct.    1S54 

Committee  on  the  Library. 

{Thomas  B.  Wyman,  Jr.,  Esq  ,  of  Charlestown,  ..  .  Jan.  1856,  to  Jan.   185S 

Charles  H.  Morse,  Esq.,  of  Cambridgeport, "     1856,  to     "     1857 

William  H.  Whitmore,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1856,  to     "     1857 

William  B.  Trask,  Esq.,  of  Dorchester "     1856,  to     "     1858 

fRev,    Luther  Farnham,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, "     1856,  to  July  1856 

Dean  Dudley,  Esq.,  of  Boston, Oct.  1856.  to  Jan.   1858 

Rev.  Caleb  D.  Bradlee,  A.  M.,  of  North  Cambridge......  Jan.  185  7,  to     "     1858 

Sylvester  Bliss,  Esq.,  of  Roxbury, "     1857,  to     "     1858 

Thomas  J.  Whittemore,  Esq.,  of  Cambridge, 4'     1858,  to     4C     1859 

William  Makepeace.  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1858,  to     "     1859 

Horace  G.  Barrows,  M.  D.,  of  Boston "     1858,  to     "     1859 

Edward  S.  Rand.  Jr.,  A.  M.,of  Dedham, "     1858,  to     "     1859 

tEdward  Holden,  Esq  ,  of  Roxbury, "     1858,  to     "     1859 

Rev.  Alonzo  H.  Quint,  A.\m.,  of  Jamaica  Plain, 4*     1859,  to     "     1861 

Samuel  Burnham,  Esq.,  of  Jamaica  Plain, "     1859,  to     "     1861 

Thomas  Waterman,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1S59. 

J.  Gardner  White,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1859,  to  Jan.  1861 

fWilliam  B.  Trask,  Esq.,  of  Dorchester, "     1859,  to     u     1861 

Frederic  Kidder,  Esq.,  of  Boston, , "     1861,  to     "     1862 

Kev.  James  Thurston,  A.  M.,  of  Belmont, "     1861,  to     "     1S62 

William  S.  Appleton,  A.  B.,  of  Boston, "     1861. 

tJohn  H.  Sbeppard,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, "     1861. 

Jeremiah  Colburn,  Esq.,  of  Brookline, "     1862. 

Rev.  Abner  Morse,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1862. 

Committee  on    Finance. 

Gen.  Samuel  Andrews,    of  Roxbury, Jan.  1852,  to  Jan.  1856 

♦David  Hamblen,  Esq.,  of  Boston, li     1852,  to  Nov.  1855 

Samuel  Nicolson,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1856,  to  Jan.   1857 

Col.    Samuel   Swett,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, "     1856,  to     '*     1857 

Nathaniel  Whiting,  Esq.,  of  Watertown, "     1856,  to     "     1857 

Hon.  George  W.  Messinger,  of  Boston, "     1856,  to     "     1857 

tJohnW.  Dean,  of  Boston, , "     1856,  to     "     1857 

John  W.  Parker,  Esq.,  of  Roxbury, "     1S57,  to     "     1858 

Charles  H.  Morse,  Esq.,  of  Cambridgeport, "     1857,  to     iC     1858 

J  Ex-officio  from  Sept.  1856  to  Jan.  1S5S.       J  Ex-officio  since  Jan.  1361. 

1862.]  The  Bible  as  a  Genealogical  Register.  291 

lion.  William  Makepeace,  Esq.,  of  Boston, Jan.  1857,  to  Jan.  1658 

Thomas  J.  Whittemore,  Esq.,  of  Cambridge, "  1857,  to     '      1858 

tlsaac  Child,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "  1857,  to     "     1860 

Sylvester  Bliss,  Esq.,  of  Roxbury, , "  1858,  to     "     1859 

William  E.  leaker,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "  1858,  to     "     1861 

Jacob  Q.  Kettelle,  A.  B.,  of  Boston, "  1858,  to     "     1859 

C.  Benj.  Richardson,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "  1858,  to  Nov.  1858 

William  Makepeace,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "  1859,  to  Jan.   I860 

Jeremiah  Colbum,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "  1859,  to     "     1862 

Thomas  J.  Whittemore,  Esq.,  of  Cambridge, ;t  1859. 

^William  B.  Towne,  Esq.,  of  Brookline, "  1860. 

Hon.  George  W.  Messinger,*  of  Boston, Jan.  I860. 

J.  Tisdale  Bradlee,  Esq.,  of  Boston, , ct  1861. 

Frederic  Kidder,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "  1862. 

Committee  on  Lectures  and  Essays. 

Rev.  Martin  Moore.  A.  M.,  of  Boston, Mar.  1860,  to  Jan.  1861 

Rev.  Lucius  R.  Paige,  D.  D.,  of  Cambridge, "     I860,  to     "     1861 

William  Reed  Deane,  Esq.,  of  Brookiine, K     1860. 

Rev.  Frederic  W.  Hollaud,  A.  M.,  of  Dorchester, "     1860. 

Thomas  Cushing,  A.  M.,  of  Boston, "     I860. 

Rev.  Washington  Gilbert,  A.  M.,  of  West  Newton, Jan.  1861. 

J.  Gardner  White,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1861. 

Trustees  of  the  Bond  Fund  and  Property. 

Almon  D.  Hodges,  Esq.,    of  Roxbury, July  1S59. 

Frederic  Kidder,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1859. 

John  Ward  Dean,  of  Boston, "     1859. 

Trustees  of  the  Bar  stow  Fund. 

William  B.  Towne,  Esq.,  of  Brookline, May  1862. 

A.  D.  Hodges,  Esq.,  of  Roxbury, "     1862. 

J.  Tisdale  Brodlee,  Esq.,  of  Boston, "     1802. 


Mr.  Jonathan  K.  Peckhani  of  Middleboro,  Mass.,  has  an  ancient 
Bible,  presented  to  him  in  1848,  by  his  father  David  Peckham,  3d, 
who  was  son  of  David  Peckham,  2d,  who  was  son  of  David  Peck- 
ham, 1st,  who  was  son  of  Philip  Peckham;  all  of  whom  had  in  turn 
been  owners  of  the  Bible,  it  having  originally  been  purchased  by 
Philip  Peckham,  who  died  in  1722. 

The  Bible  contains  a  partially  erased  record  of  Philip  Peckham, 
born  in  1680.  The  second  is  the  name  of  Jane  Peckham,  his  wife, 
born  in  1683.  It  contains  a  record  of  the  births  of  Sarah,  Caleb, 
John,  Robert,  Joshua  and  David  Peckham,  children  of  the  above 
named  Philip  and  Jane. 

This  Bible  also  contains  a  record  of  the  births  of  the  children  of 
Jonathan  K.  Peckham,  a  native  of  Rochester,  Mass.,  and  Lydia  F. 
Edwards,  his  wife,  who  was  a  native  of  Nantucket. 

Thus  on  four  blank  pages,  including  a  short  note  on  the  fly  leaf, 
we  get  a  clue  to  seven  generations  of  Peckhams,  extending  buck  to 
1680.  Had  all  Bible  records  been  kept  with  as  much  care  during 
the  two  past  centuries,  it  would  now  be  an  easy  matter  to  trace  the 
genealogy  of  many  families  in  New  England,  concerning  which  little 
is  known. 

*  Ex-ofiicio  till  January,  1861. 

292  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [July 


Bethune. — Rev.  George  Washing-ton,  D.  D.,  of  New  York,  at 
Florence,  Italy,  April  28,  a.  57.  Dr.  B.  traced  his  family  descent  from 
the  Huguenots.  He  was  born  in  the  city  of  New  York  in  March, 
1805;  was  a  son  of  Divie  and  Joanna  (Graham)  Be'thune.  D.  Beth- 
une was  born  at  Dingwall,  Ross  shire,  Scotland,  in  1771,  died  in  New 
York,  Sept.  IS,  1824.  In  early  life  he  emigrated  to  the  Island  of  To- 
bago, thence  to  New  York  in  1792,  where  he  settled  as  merchant.  He 
connected  himself  with  the  Scotch  Presbyterian  Church  of  Dr.  Mason 
in  Cedar  street;  and  became  prominent  for  his  zeal  in  the  cause  of 
religion.  At  his  own  expense  he  printed  10,000  tracts  and  imported 
Bibles  for  distribution.  This  was  before  a  tract  society  was  formed 
in  this  country.  From  1803  to  1816  he  supported  one  or  more  Sun- 
day Schools.  He  devoted  to  such  work  one-tenth  of  his  gains.  The 
house  of  Bethune  &  Smith  (both  sons-in-law  of  the  celebrated  Mrs. 
Isabella  Graham),  was  established  in  1798;  the  firm  changed  in  1805, 
by  the  withdrawal  of  Mr.  S.,  to  that  of  Divie  Bethune  Sc  Co.,  which 
continued  till  Mr.  B.'s  death.  In  the  year  1826,  George  Washington 
Bethuue  was  ordained  a  minister  of  the  Presbyterian  Church,  but  in 
1827  joined  the  Dutch  Reformed  communion  where  he  lias  since  con- 
tinued. His  ministerial  career  was  commenced  at  Rhinebeck  on  the 
Hudson,  from  whence  he  removed  to  Utica;  and  in  1834  to  Philadel- 
phia; in  1849  to  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. ;  and  finally  to  New  York  city.  Dr. 
Bethune  was  an  eloquent  divine;  was  an  author  and  a  poet.  He  pub- 
lished several  popular  works  of  a  devotional  character;  in  1&4&,  Lays 
of  Love  and  Faith,  and  other  Poems,  and  in  1850  a  volume  of  Orations 
and  occasional  Discourses.  He  also  collected  and  published  a  portion 
of  his  sermons.  In  1847  he  edited  the  first  American  edition  of  Wal- 
ton's Angler.  He  delivered  the  Oration  before  the  Phi  Beta  Kappa 
Society  of  Harvard  University,  July  19,  1849,  which  was  published. 
This  elegant  literary  production  was  entitled  The  Claims  of  our 
Country  on  its  Literary  Men.  He  was  made  a  corresponding  member 
of  the  N.  E.  Hist.-Gen.  Society  in  1855.     He  left  a  widow. 

Blake. — Pynson,  South  Boston,  Jan.  7,  a.  65.  He  was  a  son  of 
James  and  Lydia  Blake,  and  was  born  in  Boston,  Oct.  16,  1796.  He 
was  a  descendant  in  the  sixth  generation  from  William  and  Agnes 
Blake  of  Dorchester,  through  five  in  succession  by  the  name  of  James. 
The  maiden  name  of  his  grandmother  was  Mary  Pynson.  Mr.  Blake 
was  for  a  while  engaged  in  the  salt  business  with  his  brother  Samuel, 
on  Long  Wharf,  Boston,  but  soon  removed  to  the  town  of  Orange, 
Franklin  county,  Mass.,  where  he  opened  a  grocery  store,  and  there 
remained  a  few  years.  In  1826,  he  m.  Sarah  Dana  of  Princeton,  Mass. 
He  engaged  in  trade  in  that  town,  residing  there  until  1841,  when  he 
returned  to  Boston  and  devoted  himself  to  the  real  estate  and  pension 
business  until  within  a  year  of  his  decease.  He  was  quite  success- 
ful in  obtaining  pensions  for  those  who  were  entitled  to  them,  and 

1862.]  Marriages  and  Deaths.  293 

while  in  health  pursuer]  the  subject  with  much  energy  and  perseve- 
rance. For  more  than  thirty  years  he  was  troubled  with  an  affection 
of  the  eyes,  at  times  very  painful.  Notwithstanding-  the  discourage- 
ments which  attended  him,  his  patience  and  good  spirits — his  Christ- 
ian principles  bore  him  on.  He  was  an  estimable  man,  of  kind  feelings, 
beloved  and  respected  by  his  many  friends  and  acquaintances.  His 
wife  Sarah,  died  May  28,  184S.  They  had  six  children;  two  sons  and 
two  daughters  are  living.  The  sons  are  twins.  Mr.  B.  took  great 
interest  in  historical  and  genealogical  pursuits  and  had  nearly  a 
complete  record  of  his  own  and  his  wife's  families.  He  became  a 
member  of  the  N.  E.  Hist.  Gen.  Society  in  1860. 

Cushing. — John  P.  dishing,  Esq.,  one  of  the  wealthiest  and  mosi 
benevolent  citizens  of  Massachusetts,  died  at  his  residence  in  Bel- 
mont  on  Saturday,  April  12,  at  the  age  of  76  years.  Mr.  Gushing  has 
been  several  years  in  a  poor  state  of  health.  In  early  life  he  amassed 
a  princely  fortune  in  China  and  his  subsequent  life  has  been  marked 
by  the  most  liberal  yet  unostentatious  charity.  At  Watertown  he 
established  one  of  the  most  magnificent  conservatories  in  the  State, 
which  was  liberally  thrown  open  to  the  public.  His  garden,  now 
included  in  the  town  of  Belmont,  was  a  place  of  great  attraction,  and 
thousands  of  admiring  visitors  flocked  to  it  every  season.  He  took 
an  active  part  in  public  enterprises,  and  his  loss  will  be  sorely  felt 
alike  in  social  and  business  circles. 

Langdon. — Jane  Weaver,  New  York,  April  29.  1861,  a.  12,  widow 
of  late  Thomas  W.  Langdon.     See  Register,  vol.  xv,  page  185. 

Lothrof.— Mrs.  Jemsha,  Utica,  Feb'y  19,  1862,  a.  86.  She  was  the 
daughter  of  the  Rev.  Samuel  Kirkland,  the  missionary  to  the  six  na- 
tions of  Indians,  prior  to  and  during  the  Revolutionary  War,  and 
Jerusha  Brigham,  who  was  a  niece  of  the  Rev.  Dr.  Wheeiock,  presid- 
ent of  Dartmouth  College,  and  fifth  in  descent  from  Capt.  Miles  Stand- 
ish  of  the  Mayflower.  Mrs.  Lothrop  was  born  in  Stockbridge,  Mass., 
January  8,  1776.  She  was  taken  by  her  parents  in  her  childhood  to 
the  then  .wilderness  of  western  New  York,  where  she  in  maturity 
contributed  largely  with  other  pioneers  to  lay  the  foundations  of 
that  intellectual,  moral,  and  religious  character  for  which  the  citi- 
zens of  that  section  of  our  country  have  since  been  distinguished. 
She  married  in  1797,  John  Hosmer  Lothrop,  Esq.,  a  lawyer  by  pro- 
fession, a  man  who  was  noted  in  his  time  for  his  literary,  and  high 
toned  gentlemanly  accomplishments;  by  this  marriage  she  had  three 
sons  and  four  daughters — the  elder  sou  being  the  Rev.  Samuel  K. 
Lothrop,  D.  D.,  pastor  of  the  Brattle  street  church,  Boston.  Previous 
to  her  marriage  she  enjoyed  the  privileges  of  the  seminaries  and 
society  of  Boston,  which  eminently  fitted  her  for  association  with  the 
talented  and  accomplished  men  and  women  that,  were  early  attracted 
to  western  New  York.  She  had  many  of  those  qualities  of  mind  and 
heart  that  characterized  her  father;  vivacious,  conscientious,  chari- 
table, self-sacrificing,  always  foregoing  her  own  interests  and  pleas- 
ures for  the  good  of  others.  She  was  a  favorite  of  the  celebrated 
Indian  chief  Skenando,,  who  was  termed  the  "  white  man's  friend." 
Members  of  his  family  were  accustomed,  prior  to  the  removal  of  the 

294  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [ Jnl^y 

Oneidas  to  Green  Bay>  to  pay  her  periodical  visits.  "  She  was  (says 
one  id  noticing*  her  demise),  the  last  surviving-  member  of  her  family 
— the  last  surviving1  child  of  a  man  who,  ninety-seven  years  ago, 
went  from  the  residence  of  Sir  William  Johnson,  at  Johnstown,  under 
the  guidance  of  two  Indians,  upon  snow  shoes,  through  an  unbroken 
wilderness,  to  the  chief  town  of  '  the  savage  Seuacas/  to  attempt  to 
teach  them  'the  way  of  salvation/  and  to  introduce  among  them  the 
arts  of  civilized  life.  In  that  adventurous  and  dangerous  journey  he- 
passed  over,  or  near  to  the  present  city  of  Utica  ;  of  which  place 
Mrs.  Lothrop  had  been  a  resident  for  more  than  fifty  years  previous 
to  her  death." 

Mason. — Rev.  Charles,  D.  D.,  Boston,  March  23d,  a.  49.  He  was  a 
son  of  lion.  Jeremiah  Mason,  the  eminent  jurist,  and  was  born  in 
Portsmouth,  N.  H.,  July  25th,  1812;  grad.  H.  U.  1832;  was  inducted 
Rector  of  the  Episcopal  Church  in  Salem,  Mass.,  May  31st,  1S3T; 
resigned  his  charge  May  31st,  1847 — removed  to  Boston,  and  was 
inducted  Rector  of  Grace  Church,  in  Temple  street,  in  September  of 
the  same  year — where  he  remained  until  his  death.  He  was  a  man 
of  a  strong  and  well  cultivated  mind,  was  an  earnest  and  able  preacher; 
of  uncommon  excellence  and  generosity  of  disposition;  exemplary  in 
all  the  relations  of  life;  and  died  distinguished  alike  by  private 
affection  and  public  regard.  The  degree  of  Doctor  of  Divinity  was 
conferred  upon  him  by  Harvard  University  in  1858,  and  he  received  the 
like  from  Trinity  College,  Hartford,  Conn.,  the  same  year.  His  first 
wife  was  a  daughter  of  the  late  Hon.  Amos  Lawrence  of  Boston. 
She  died  in  1844,  leaving  four  children.  His  second  wife,  a  daughter 
of  the  late  Hon.  J.  H.Lyman  of  Northampton,  by  whom  he  had  three 
children,  survives  him,  together  with  all  his  children. 

Perkins. — Another  of.  our  prominent  and  highly  respected  citizens 
is  dead.  Henry  Perkins  departed  this  life  last  evening,  at  his  resid- 
ence in  this  city.  He  passed  away  quietly,  conscious  almost  to  the 
last  hour  of  his  life,  and  welcoming  death  as  a  joyous  relief  from 
sickness  and  great  suffering  of  nearly  two  years'  duration.  For 
some  months  past  he  appeared  quite  happy  in  the  prospect  of  final 
dissolution.  He  was  in  the  48th  year  of  his  age.  Mr.  Perkins  gradu- 
ated at  Trinity  College,  and  subsequently  fitted  himself  for  the  legal 
profession.  In  1846  he  was  elected  by  the  Legislature  Judge  of 
Probate  for  the  District  of  Hartford.  In  1850,  that  office  becoming 
elective  by  an  amendment  of  the  Constitution,  he  was  chosen  by  the 
people  of  the  District  and  re-elected  annually  to  that  office,  till  1858, 
when  he  declined  to  be  longer  a  candidate.  About  that  time  he 
was  elected  president  of  the  Mercantile  Bank.  On  several  occasions 
he  was  chosen  as  a  member  of  the  Court  of  Common  Council,  holding- 
at  one  time  the  seat  of  an  Alderman,  and  at  another  that  of  a  Coun- 
cilman. Last  spring  he  resigned  his  seat  as  Alderman,  on  account 
of  his  health.  He  also  resigned  the  presidency  of  the  Mercantile 
Bank  for  the  same  reason.  In  every  official  position,  Judge  Perkins 
discharged  his  duties  with  ability  and  the  strictest  fidelity.  As  a 
citizen  he  was  universally  respected.  He  leaves  a  wife,  but  no  child- 
ren. His  memory  will  be  cherished  by  many  friends  who  knew  his 
real  woith^Hartford  Times,  Feb.  15,  '62. 

1862.]  Marriages  and  Deaths.  295 

Prescott. — Joseph,  Bridgewater,  N.  EL,  Nov.  7,  1861,  a.  94  years 
and  5  months.  He  was  of  the  fourth  generation  from  James  Pres- 
cott, who  settled  in  Hampton,  N.  H.,  about  1GG5,  and  was  probably 
the  last  survivor  of  that  (the  fourth)  generation.  He  was  son  of 
Joshua  Prescott,  2d,  being  the  eleventh  of  his  twelve  children,  and 
the  third  by  his  second  wife,  Mary  Moulton.  He  was  born  in  Ches- 
ter, N.  H.,  June  8,  1767.  His  father  Joshua  Prescott,  2d,  was  son  of 
Joshua,  senior,  who  was  son  and  first-born  of  James  the  first,  and 
born  16G9.  Joseph  Prescott  had  13  children.  He  represented  the 
town  of  Bridgewater  in  the  X.  H.  Legislature  for  several  years;  was 
justice  of  the  peace,  and  highly  respected.  He  was  a  worthy  and 
devoted  Christian  of  the  Methodist  denomination,  and  died  as  he 
lived,  peaceful  and  happy. 

Prescott. — Stephen,  Liberty,  Waldo  county,  Me.,  Oct.  19,  1861,  a. 
98  years  and  3  months.  He  was  the  third  of  the  13  children  of  Micah 
Prescott,  of  Epping,  where  he  was  born  July  24,  1763;  married  Ra- 
chel Rundlett,  daughter  of  Josiah  Rundlett  and  Mary  James,  Nov.  3, 
1784  ;  removed  to  Montville,  Me.,  in  1801,  and  felled  the  first  tree  in 
that  part  of  the  town  now  known  as  South  Montville.  He  had  12 
children,  57  grandchildren,  103  great-grandchildren,  and  several  of 
the  fifth  generation.  He  was  of  the  fifth  generation  from  James 
Prescott,  the  first,  of  Hampton,  N.  H.,  being  the  son  of  Micah,  who, 
was  the  son  of  Capt.  Jonathan  Prescott  (who  commanded  a  company 
under  Sir  Wm.  Pepperel!,  at  the  reduction  of  Louisburg,  in  1745, 
where  he  died  of  fever  the  following  January — 1746),  who  was  son, 
and  first  born  of  Jonathan,  senior,  who  was  son  of  the  first  James. 

Roberts — Mrs.  Deborah,  at  Rollinsford,  N.  H.,  25th  April,  1862, 
relict  of  Stephen  Roberts,  aged  82  yrs.  5  months  and  7  days.  She 
was  a  daughter  of  Bartholemew4  and  Ruth  (Hall)  Wentworth,  grand- 
daughter of  Lt.  Benjamin3  and  Deborah  (Stimpson)  Wentworth,  and 
he  was  the  son  of  Benjamin*2  and  Sarah  (Allen)  Wentworth;  and 
grandson  of  William,  the  emigrant  settler. 

Tucker. — Mr.  William,  born  in  Framingham,  (Saxonville),  Feb.  17, 
1789,  son  of  William  and  Julia  (Twitchell)  Tucker,  and  grandson  of 
William  Tucker,  of  Sherburne,  originally  from  Milton,  Ma33.,  died  in 
Roxbury,  Feb.  22,  1862,  a.  73  years  and  5  days,  and  was  buried  in  the 
family  vault  under  Trinity  Church  in  Boston.  At  the  age  of  six  years, 
on  the  death  of  his  parents,  his  paternal  grandfather  took  charge  of 
him,  but  he  left  Sherburne  when  a  mere  lad  to  serve  an  apprentice- 
ship in  the  store  of  Mr.  Paul  D.  Richards  in  Boston  ;  was  early  in 
business  on  his  own  account,  and  married  before  he  was  of  age,  Miss 
Mary  Ann  Kirby,  a  native  of  England.  Among  the  first  to  remove  to 
Central  Wharf,  he  was  the  occupant  of  a  store  belonging  to  Mr. 
Samuel  Appleton  for  about  forty  years.  A  resident  of  Boston  nearly 
sixty  years,  and  one  of  its  active  merchants  for  more  than  half  a  cen- 
tury, he  felt  for  it  all  the  attachment  of  a  native  born  citizen,  and 
left  it  only  a  few  months  before  his  decease.  Of  an  enterprising 
spirit,  his  transactions  were,  at  times,  somewhat  extensive,  particu- 
larly with  the  British  Provinces  before  our  war  with  England,  as  a 
contractor  to  supply  the  British  navy  at  Halifax.  Formerly  connect- 
ed with  the  Boston  Light  Infantry,  and  its  captain,  he  was  the  oldest 

296  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [July 

survivor  of  the  past  odwiniander^  of  that  corps.     He  was  a  gentleman 

of  great  kindness  of  heart  and  of  courteous  manners;  a  merchant 
distinguished  for  industry  and  fidelity  to  every  trust  ;  and  a  citizen 
widely  known  and  respected. 

Vinton-. — Hon.  Samuel  Finloy,  died  suddenly  in  the  city  of  Wash- 
ington, May  11,  aged  G9  years,  lie  was  a  son  of  Abiathar  and  Sarah 
(Day)  Vinton,  South  Hadley,  Mass.,  Sept.  25,  1792;  m.  June,  1821,  Ro- 
maine  Madelaiue  Bureau;  she  d.  1S31.  2vlr.  Vinton  graduated  Wil- 
liams College,  1814,  read  law,  and  settled  at  Gallipolis,  Ohio.  Being 
quite  distinguished  and  popular,  he  was  elected  to  Congress  in  1822 
where  he  remained  till  1837.  In  1S43  he  was  again  elected  to  the 
House,  where  he  remained  by  reelpctions  eight  years  longer.  He 
was  a  distinguished  lawyer  and  a  valuable  legislator.  During  his 
last  term  in  Congress  he  was  chairman  of  the  committee  of  Ways  and 
Means,  a  position  which  made  him  the  leader  of  the  House — the  duties 
of  which  position  ho  discharged  with  great  ability.  After  leaving 
Congress  he  was  for  a  year  or  two  president  of  an  important  rail 
road  in  Ohio.  Having  a  daughter  married  in  Washington,  and 
having  no  family  of  his  own,  he  spent  the  last  years  of  his  life  with 
her.  '  He  was  a  gentleman  of  good  talents  and  of  unimpeachable 
integrity  and  purity  of  character.  For  a  further  account  of  him,  see 
the   Vintcn  Memorial,  pp.  196,  538. 

Waterman.— Thomas  G.,  Binghamton,  N.  Y  ,  Jan.  T,  1882,  a,  U.  He 
was  born  in  the  city  of  New  York,  on  the  23d  day  of  January,  1788,  and 
while  yet  a  child  removed  with  his  parents  to  Salisbury  in  the  state 
of  Connecticut,  where  his  father,  Mr.  David  Waterman  had  established 
extensive  iron  works.  At  the  age  of  fourteen  he  entered  Yale  Col- 
lege, and  was  in  the  same  class  with  James  Fenimore  Cooper,  and 
other  men  of  note.  After  his  graduation  he  pursued  the  study  of  law 
for  some  time  at  the  celebrated  school  in  Litchfield,  Connecticut,  and 
completed  his  legal  studies  in  the  office  of  the  Hon.  Samuel  Sher- 
wood, of  Delhi,  N.  Y.  He  was  admitted  to  practice  as  an  attorney 
in  the  Supreme  Court  of  Mew  York  in  1809,  and  continued  with  Mr. 
Sherwood  until  1812,  when  he  went  for  a  few  months  to  Oswego,  and 
from  thence  to  Binghamton  in  the  spring  of  1813,  making  this  town 
his  permanent  residence.  He  married  Miss  Pamela  Whiting,  eldest 
daughter  of  Gen.  Joshua  Whiting,  in  August  of  that  year,  and  about 
the  same  time  was  admitted  to  practice  as  a  counsellor  of  the  Su- 
preme Court  of  New  York.  Like  almost  all  the  prominent  members 
of  his  profession,  Mr.  Waterman  took  an  active  interest  in  political 
questions  of  the  day.  In  1826  he  was  elected  a  member  of  the  As- 
sembly for  the  county  of  Broome,  and  in  the  four  succeeding  years 
he  represented  in  the  state  senate,  the  senatorial  district  of  which 
that  county  formed  a  part.  During  this  period  the  Revised  Statutes 
of  the  state  of  New  York  were  enacted;  and  Mr.  W.  was  among  the 
foremost  of  the  members  of  the  legislature,  whose  learning,  practical 
knowledge,  and  laborious  devotion  to  their  duties  contributed  to  the 
success  of  that  important  reformation  of  the  statute  law  of  New 
York.  Several  years  previous  to  his  decease  be  declined  ail  public 
employment  and  devoted  the  remainder  of  his  days  to  the  cares  and 
duties  of  domestic  life. 

1862.]  Marriages  and  Deaths.     '  297 

Weaver.— -Jane,  New  York,  March  2t,  1861,  a.  92  years,  at  the 
residence  of  her  late  nephew,  Clarke  Greenwood.  She  was  the  last 
survivor  of  the  family  of  William  and  Jane  (Cazourt)  Weaver  of 
New  York.  Her  father,  a  native  and  citizen,  was  wounded  by  a  can- 
non shot  from  the  Asia,  on  the  night  of  August  23,  1715,  losing 
thereby  the  calf  of  one  leg;.  (See  Almon's  Remembrancer  for  1775, 
p.  251.)  He  removed  from  the  city  during  the  war,  and  died  in  the 
vicinity  of  Newark,  N.  J.,  about  1778.  Mrs.  Jane  Weaver  was  the 
only  child  of  Dr.  Cazourt  (or  Cossart),  by  his  wife  Elizabeth,  dan.  of 
Adrian  Hooghland,  of  N.  Y.,  and  sister  of  Sarah,  wife  of  Jacob  Jane- 
way.  Samuel,  father  of  William  Weaver,  came  from  England,  and 
was  admitted  freeman  of  New  York  in  1722.  In  1734  he  was  one  of 
the  "  struck  jury  "  on  the  trial  of  Peter  Zenger,  and  also  a  juror  in 
1741  on  the  trials  following  the  discovery  of  the  Negro  Plot;  he  died 
the  following  year;  his  wife  Anne  (Nettleton  ?)  Weaver,  a  near  rela- 
tive of  Lady  Hervey,  died  in  November,  1752,  leaving  an  only  son, 
William  (as  above),  aged  about  22,  and  a  young  grand-daughter, 
Anne  Carpenter. 

Wetmore. — Mrs.  Chloe,  Oct.  16,  '61,  a.  87,  at  the  residence  of  her 
son,  Edward  P.  Wetmore,  near  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  where  she  had  been 
temporarily  residing.  She  was  a  daughter  of  Capt.  Asa  and  Abigail 
Benton,  of  Hartford,  Conn.;  was  born  March  27,  1774;  married  Sept. 
23,  1807,  Rev.  Oliver  Wetmore,  then  a  missionary  of  the  Connecticut 
Association,  whose  field  of  labor  was  in  western  New  York — his  sta- 
tion being  at  Holland  patent.  She  accompanied  her  husband  to  the 
place  of  his  ministry,  where  she  devoted  many  years  of  earnest  effort 
in  doing  good  to  others.  She  followed  the  "golden  rule"  with  fideli- 
ty; her  charity  and  love  knew  no  bounds.  The  half  century  that  she 
lived  in  Oneida  county,  enabled  her  to  see  the  fruits  that  came  from 
her  husband's  planting,  and  she  often  gave  expressions  of  thankful- 
ness to  God  for  his  goodness  towards  her.  Mrs.  Wetmore's  ancestry, 
the  Beutons  and  Bigelows,  were  among  the  early  settlers  and  pro- 
prietors of  Hartford.  Her  remains  were  interred  beside  those  of  her 
husband  in  the  cemetery  at  Utica,  N.  Y. 

Yendell. — Samuel,  Boston,  died  at  his  residence  in  Commercial 
street,  Nov.  7,  1861,  a.  92.  Mr.  Yendell  was  born  on  Copp's  Hill,  in 
this  city,  March  15,  1769,  and  has  been  a  resident  of  Boston  ever 
since  his  birth.  In  his  early  life  he  was  carpenter  on  board  the  ship 
Columbia,  of  Boston,  when  the  Columbia  river  was  discovered.  He 
also  served  as  a  boy  on  board  the  U.  S.  frigate  Tartar,  in  the  revolu- 
tionary war.  He  remembered  fleeing  from  Boston  daring  the  siege, 
in  1775.  For  many  years  he  was  a  master  boat-buiider,  and  car- 
ried on  that  business  until  advancing  age  made  -it  necessary  tor  him 
to  relinquish  it.  He  then  was  engaged  in  the  grocery  business  for 
several  years,  and  is  spoken  of  by  those  who  knew  him  as  an  honest, 
upright  man  in  all  his  business  relations.  He  was  one  of  the  oldest 
members  of  the  Mechanics'  Charitable  Association.  Until  quite 
recently  Mr.  Yendell  lias  been  able  to  take  quite  long  walks — visiting 
the  market  and  other  business  points  in  the  city.  He  had  been  sick  bult 
three  or  four  days  previous  to  his  decease.  The  wife  of  Mr.  Yendell 
died  three  or  four  years  since,  at  the  advanced  age  of  83  or  84  years. 
It  is  Beldom  that  we  record  the  decease  of  a  couple  so  advanced  in  age. 

298  '        Diamond  Wedding.  LJu-y 


A  remarkable  event,  such  as  has  never  before  been  known,  so  far 
as  I  am  aware,  in  this  state,  or  perhaps  in  New  England,  has  this 
day  (April  17,  1862,)  occurred  in  Shutesbury,  Mass.  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Asa  Raymond  have  celebrated  their  "Diamond  Wedding" — the  75th 
anniversary  of  their  marriage!  It  has  been  an  occasion  of  peculiar 
interest  to  them  and  all  who  were  present. 

Mr.  Raymond  is  in  his  97th  year,  and  Mrs.  R.  in  her  96th.*  They 
were  born  in  Holden,  but  have  lived  in  Shutesbury  the  past  60  years. 
Tliey  have  never  been  separated  from  each  other  for  the  space  of  two 
weeks  at  any  one  time  during  the  75  years  of  their  wedded  life. 

The  longevity  in  each  of  their  families  has  been  remarkable.  Mr. 
R.'s  mother  died  at  the  age  of  90.  There  were  13  children  who  all 
lived  to  the  meridian  of  life,  and  six  of  them  to  an  average  age  of 
93 J;  one  to  the  age  of  97,  and  Mr.  R.,  the  only  one  now  living  is,  as 
before  stated,  in  his  97th  year.  Mrs.  R.\s  father  lived  to  the  age  of 
97,  and  her  mother  to  that  of  73.  They  had  six  children,  all  of  whom 
lived  to  an  average  of  92J,  and  Mrs.  R.,  the  only  survivor,  is  in  her 
96th  year. 

This  aged  couple  have  had  eight  children,  four  of  whom  are  still 
living,  the  eldest  71  years  of  age,  and  the  youngest  55,  all  of  whom 
wTere  here  present.  They  also  have  living  18  grandchildren  and  33 
greatgrandchildren.  \ 

Mr.  Raymond  has  always  been  a  practical,  hard  working  farmer, 
and  both  he  and  his  companion  have  been  industrious,  temperate  and  * 

cheerful.     Mr.  R.  can  read  fair  type  without  glasses,  but  lie   is  very 
'    infirm  and  his  hearing  and  memory  are  quite   impaired.     Mrs,  R.  ha3 
r  nearly  lost  her  sight,  but  she   can  hear  pretty  readily,  and  her  me- 
!    mory  is  remarkable.     She  can  repeat  large  portions  ot  the  Scriptures 
and  many  of  Dr.  Watts'  Psulni3  and  Hymns,  and  remember  import- 
ant events  through  all  her  life. 



[Communicated  by  Jeremah  Colecex  of  New  York.] 

PhiK  June  27th,  1781. 
Dr.  Sir:  The  Post  Master  General  directs  that  you  receive  only 
hard  money  for  Postage  in  future, -if  your  Tender  Law  is  repealed.  I 
have  consulted  the  Board  of  Treasury  about  the  Ballance  in  your 
hands  due  to  the  Gen'-.  Post  Office,  and  they  advise  that  you  pay  it  to 
Mr.  Appleton,  taking  his  Receipt  for  so  much  on  the  public  account. 

I  am,  Dear  Sir,  Yours  affectionately,  . 

Jonathan  Hastings,  Junr..  Esq1".,  EBENr.  Hazard. 

Boston.  I 

*  Mrs.  Huldali  Raymond  died  May  17,  1862,  just  one  month  from  the  celebra- 
tion, aged  SG  years. 


1862.]  Current  Events.  299 


[ContiDued  from  page  197.] 
29.  The  Baltimore  and  Ohio  Rail  Road  (closed  since  April,  1861), 
is  reopened.     Explosion  of  Prof.  Samuel  Jackson's  cartridge  factory 
at  Philadelphia;  several  persons  killed. 

31.  Just  12,250  muskets  have  been  manufactured  at  the  Spring- 
field armory  during  this  month. 


4.  Gen.  George  B.  McClellan  commences  the  seige  of  Yorktown, 
Va.  Pass  Christian,  50  mites  from  New  Orleans,  captured  by  a 
Federal  force  from  Ship  Island. 

6.  Severe  battle  at  Pittsburgh  Landing,  or  "  Shiloh,"  which  con- 
tinues two  days  and  closes  with  the  defeat  of  the  Confederate  army, 
under  Gen.  Beauregard,  whose  loss  is.  13,661.  Our  loss  in  all,  is 
10,699.  The  rebel  Gen.  A.  Sidney  Johnston  is  killed  in  this  battle 
and  the  Federal  Gen.  Prentiss  taken  prisoner. 

T.  Island  No.  10,  in  the  Mississippi,  taken  by  the  Union  gun  boats 
under  Com.  A.  H.  Foote,  who  commenced  his  attack  upon  it,  March  15. 

11.  Fort  Pulaski,  14  miles  below  Savannah,  taken  after  a  splendid 
cannonade  of  36  hours  from  the  Union  batteries  under  Gen.  Giimore, 
with  the  loss  on  our  side  of  but  one  man  killed  and  three  wounded. 
The  rebel  gun  boat  Merrimac  captures  two  brigs  and  a  schooner 
near  Newport  News,  Va.  Gen.  0.  M.  Mitchel,  the  astronomer, 
occupies  Huntsville,  Ala.,  with  the  Union  forces,  cutting  thereby  the 
great  artery  of  rail  road  communication  between  the  southern  states. 

16.  Congress  passes  a  vote  of  thanks  to  Gen.  George  B.  McClellan 
for  his  distinguished  services.  The  Vermont  3d  regiment  has  a 
sharp  encouuter  with  a  strong  detachment  from  the  Confederate  army 
in  front  of  Yorktowu,  in  which  our  loss  is  32  killed  and  90  wounded; 
loss  of  the  enemy — 25  killed  and  75  wounded. 

18.  Com.  D.  S.  Farragut  commences,  with  a  fleet  of  46  sail,  the 
bombardment  of  Forts  Jackson  and  Phillips,  which  continues  six  days. 
Our  loss  is  36  killed  and  1*23  wounded;  the  enemy's,  from  1000  to 
1500,  with  several  hundred  prisoners.  Brig.  Gen.  Angar,  from  Mc- 
Dowell's division,  after  some  skirmishing  occupies  Fredericksburg, 
Va.  The  President  signs  the  bill  emancipating  the  slaves  in  the  Dis- 
trict of  Columbia. 

19.  Gen.  Reno  with  a  detachment  of  5  regiments,  viz:  9th  N.  Y., 
89th  N.  Y.,  2Ut  Mass.,  51st  Penn.,  and  6th  Mi  II.,  engages  the  enemy 
at  South  Mills,  N.  0.,  and  loses,  in  killed  and  wounded,  about  100 
men.  The  Union  gun  boat  Huron  captures  a  schooner  freighted  with 
cotton  valued  at  $10,000,  off  Charleston,  S.  C. 

24.  Com.  Farragut,  with  his  fleet  in  three  divisions,  runs — under  a 
terrific  cannonade,  in  which  the  Varuna  was  sunk — Forts  Jackson 
and  Phillips.  This  action  opens  the  way  for  Gen.  B.  F.  Butler's 
forces  to  occupy  New  Orleans. 

300  Current  Events.  [July 

25.  Fort  Macon,  N.  0.,  bombarded  and  taken  by  Gen.  E.  A.  Burn- 
side,  our  fleet  assisting.  [Incorrect  in  last  No.  of  the  Register.] 
Rebel  loss — 7  killed  and  18  wounded;  ours — one  man  wounded.  The 
firing  continued  from  5.40  A.  M.  until  about  4  o'clock  P.  M. 


4.  Gen.  McCle^an's  army,  after  a  seige  of  one  month,  takes  posses- 
sion of  Yorktown,  Ya.,  the  22d  Mass.  regiment — Gen.  Fitz  John  Por- 
ter's division — entering  first.  The  enemy  leave  11  seige  guns, 
military  and  hospital  stores,  Sec,  which  fall  into  our  hands. 

5.  Battle  of  WilliamsburGrh,  in  which  Gen.  Hancock  makes  a  bril- 
liant  charge  and  turns  the  fortunes  of  the  day  in  our  favor.  Our 
loss  in  killed  is  about  300,  most  of  which  were  in  Gen.  Hooker's  divi- 
sion, which  greatly  distinguishes  itself  in  this  action. 

7.  Battle  at  West  Point,  Ya.,  in  which  a  part  of  Gen.  Franklin's 
division  engages  and  puts  to  flight  a  much  larger  number  of  rebels. 
Our  loss  is  about  300  in  killed  and  wounded.  Ship  Zone  of  Portland, 
Me.,  stranded  at  Sable  Island — all  hands  but  one  lost. 

8.  Naval  combat  near  Fort  Wright,  during  which  three  of  the 
eight  rebel  gun  boats  were  sunk  and  the  rest  compelled  to  retire;  we 
had  only  six  boats  in  the  action. 

10.  Norfolk,  Ya.,  taken  without  resistance,  by  Gen.  John  E.  Wool. 
Pensacola,  Fla.,  together  with  the  navy  yard  and  forts  at  that  place, 
destroyed  by  the  rebels.  The  iron-plated  steamer  called  New  Iron 
Sides,  launched  at  Philadelphia;  Lieut.  Worden  appointed  to  com- 
mand her. 

11.  The  iron-clad  Merrimac  blown  up  by  the  rebels  themselves, 
at  5  o'clock  A.  M.  Reasons  given — a  bar  in  the  river  prevented  her 
ascent  to  Richmond;  the  Monitor,  Sea.,  prevented  her  from  making  a 
voyage  at  sea,  and  our  occupation  of  Norfolk  rendered  it  impossible 
for  her  to  remain. 

13.  Suffolk,  Ya.,  occupied  by  the  Federal  forces.  The  rebel  steamer 
Planter  of  Charleston,  S.  C.,  with  four  guns  and  sixteen  persons  on 
board,  is  given  up  to  our  fleet  by  its  heroic  colored  pilot,  Robert 

15.  Destructive  fire  at  Troy,  N.  Y.;  6tl  buildings  consumed;  loss 
in  all— $2,842,000. 

16.  A  day  of  fasting  in  the  Confederate  states. 

21.  President  Lincoln  signs  the  Homestead  bill,  and  it  becomes  a 

24.  Gen.  N.  P.  Banks'  division  of  about  6000  men  make  a  masterly 
retreat  from  the  Shenandoah  valley,  before  the  rebel  forces  of  EweSl 
and  Jackson,  amounting  to  20,000  men.  The  4th  Michigan  regiment, 
Col.  Woodbury,  makes  a  brilliant  charge  on  Gen.  Sims'  brigade  at 
Chickahominy  bridge  near  Richmond. 

25.  A  severe  battle  in  front  of  Winchester,  Ya.,  in  which  the  re- 
treating columns  of  Gen.  Banks  defend  themselves  with  signal 
bravery.     Three  men  in  a  boat  are  carried  over  Niagara  Falls. 

27.  Battle  of  Hanover  Court  House,  in  which  Gen.  Fitz  John  Por- 
ter's division  is  engaged  with  a  superior  force  of  the  enemy,  which 
is  put  to  flight. 

29.  Corinth,  Miss.,  evacuated  by  Gen.  Beauregard's  army. 


1862.]  Current  Events.  301 


1.  Gen.  Fremont's  advance  attacks  and  puts  to  flight  Gen.  Jack- 
son's army,  and  occupies  Strasburg,  Va,  A  sanguinary  battle  at  Fair 
Oaks,  seven  miles  from  Richmond,  Va.,  between  the  left  wing  of  the 
Union  army  and  the  rebel  forces  under  Gen.  Joseph  Johnston  and  Gen. 
Lee.  The  contest  begins  on  the  day  preceding,  with  the  rout  of 
Gen.  Casey's  division,  and  terminates  by  the  flight  of  the  entire  con- 
federate forces.  Gen.  Johnston  was  wounded  during  the  engage- 
ment. Our  loss  in  killed,  wounded  and  missing  is  5,739;  that  of  the 
enemy  is  supposed  to  be  about  10,000.  The  movements  of  our  army 
were  guided  by  a  balloon,  some  2000  feet  high,  having  telegraphic 
communication  with  Gen.  McClellan. 

2.  Gen.  McClellan  makes  a  spirited  address  to  his  army  in  front 
of  Richmond. 

8.  A  great  freshet  occurs  in  the  Lehigh  valley  in  eastern  Pennsyl- 
vania, by  which  about  100  lives  and  property  to  the  amount  of 
$10,000,000  are  destroyed.  Fort  Wright,  alias  Pillow,  on  the  Missis- 
sippi, is  evacuated  by  the  rebels. 

4.  Gen.  Halleck  reports  that  some  10,000  of  Beauregard's  army, 
retreating  from  Corinth,  have  been  captured  by  the  Union  forces 
under  Gen.  Pope, 

6,  A  grand  naval  battle  at  Memphis,  from  5. SO  to  T  A.  M.,  in  which 
seven  rebel  vessels  were  either  sunk  or  captured  by  our  fleet  of  rams 
and  gun  boats  under  Com.  C.  H.  Davis.  Memphis  occupied  by  Union 

8.  Battle  at  Cross  Keys,  about  8  miles  from  Harrisonburgh,  Va., 
between  the  rebel  forces  under  "Stonewall"  Jackson  and  a  part  of 
Gen.  Fremont's  division  of  the  Union  army.  Our  loss  is  about  625 
in  killed  and  wounded.  The  enemy  was  driven  from  the  field.  The 
public  debt  is,  after  the  vast  expenses  of  this  war,  something  less 
than  $500,000,000. 

13.  The  rebel  troops  make  a  successful  raid  along  the  Pamunkey 
river,  destroying  two  schooners,  about  50  wagons,  &c.,  and  killing 
several  of  our  men.  Gen.  McClellan  is  making  slow,  but  steady 
advances  upon  Richmond. 

16.  Four  men  are  hung  at  New  Orleans  for  committing  burglary, 
under  pretence  of  doing  military  duty.  Gallant  attack  of  Colonel 
Fitch's  regiment  at  St,  Charles  city,  Ark.  The  Mound  City  blown 
up,  and  many  lives  lost. 

24.  Severe  and  successful  skirmish  of  the  left  wing  of  the  Federal 
army  in  front  of  Richmond;  our  loss  in  in  all  about  300. 

Winthrop. — In  Savage's  Geneal.  Dictionary,  vol.  iv,  under  the  name 
of  Winthrop,  the  compiler  says  he  does  not  know  who  Martha,  the  2d 
wife  of  Deane  Winthrop,  was.  We  are  informed  by  one  of  our  sub- 
scribers, that  Deane  Winthrop  married  Martha  Mellows,  widow  of 
John  Mellows,  as  appears  by  a  deed  (dated  January  22,  1T03-4,  Suf- 
folk registry  book,  21,  fol.  45),  of  Thomas  Messinger  and  his  wife 
Elizabeth,  who  was  the  daughter  of  the  late  John  Mellows,  the 
mother  of  said  Elizabeth  then  being  Martha  Winthrop,  wife  of  Deane 
Winthrop  of  Fulling  Point, 

302  Book  Notices.  [July 


Celebration  at  Abington,  Mass. — The  one  hundred  and  fiftieth 
anniversary  of  the  incorporation  of  the  town  of  Abington,  was  cele- 
brated June  10th.  Rev.  Ebenezer  P.  Dyer  delivered  the  address. 
Original  hymns  written  by  Rev.  II.  D.  Walker  and  Mrs.  E.  L.  Cum- 
raings  were  sung.  Prayer  by  Rev.  Asahel  Cobb.  After  dinner, 
toasts  and  sentiments  were  given,  which  were  responded  to  by  Gov. 
Andrew,  J.  Wilson  Ward,  Jr. — the  poet  of  the  day— -Hon.  Benjamin 
Hobart,  Rev.  Mr.  Abbe,  Rev.  H.  D.  Walker,  Charles  F.  Dunbar  of 
Boston  and  Rev.  I.  C.  White. 


The  200  anniversary  of  the  incorporation  of  the  town  of  Mi! ton  was 
observed  on  Wednesday,  June  11.  After  music  by  the  Grermania 
band  and  singing  by  the  choir,  Rev.  Dr.  Morison,  pastor  of  the  1st 
church,  offered  prayer.  An  original  hymn  written  by  Mrs.  S.  D. 
Whitney,  was  then  sung  to  the  air  of  "Auld  Lang  Syne  "  This  was 
followed  by  an  address  from  Hon.  James  M.  Robbins.  A  collation 
was  provided  in  a  tent  adjoining,  and  the  festivities  of  the  occasion 
were  closed  with  music  and  dancing  in  the  Town  Hall. 


The  True  Genealogy  of  the  Dunnel  and  Dwinell  family  of  New  England* 
By  Henry  Gale  Dunnel,  M.  D.,  of  New  York  city.  New  York:  C. 
B.  Richardson.     8vo.     pp.  84. 

It  is  seldom  that  we  find  so  many  variations  in  the  spelling  of  a  surname  as  li- 
the case  with  this  family,  there  being  no  less  than  twenty-eight  different  forms  of 
the  name  in  the  work  before  us.  Michael  Dunneil  of  Topsfieid,  Mass.,  whose  will 
was  proved  March  3,  1717-18,  was  the  progenitor  of  the  family  in  this  country. 
The  compiler,  who  was  a  descendant  through  the  second  son,  Thomas,  says  that  he 
has  finished  for  the  present,  the  task  he  imposed  upon  himself  "  seven  years  since, 
of  tracing  the  male  descendants  "  of  his  above  named  ancestor.  If  the  genealogy  is 
not  so  full  and  minute  as  some  of  the  name  might  desire,  it  is  doubtless  the  fault, 
in  a  great  measure,  of  the  fault  finders  themselves  for  not  furnishing  the  details  of 
their  own  branches  when  requested  so  to  do.  At  any  rate,  such  has  been  the  ex- 
perience of  not  a  few  genealogists  who  have  mourned  over  the  errors  and  deficien- 
cies of  their  family  histories. 

The  Dunnel  genealogy  is*clear  and  simple  in  form  and  arrangement,  and  is  highly 
creditable  to  the  author.  The  mechanical  part  fully  sustains  the  well-deserved 
reputation  of  Mr.  Munsell ;  the  book  being  beautifully  printed,  on  good  paper. 

An  Historical  Sketch  of  the  Payer  Money  in  Peiinsylvania,  SfC.  By  Henry 
Phillips,  Jr.,  member  of  the  Numismatic  Society  of  Philadelphia. 
1862.     pp.40. 

This  sketch  of  the  origin  of  paper  money  in  Pennsylvania  is  useful  and  season- 
able in  the  present  state  of  our  country  ;  and  it  purports,  if  favorably  received,  to 
be  the  commencement  of  a  series  of  similar  productions  on  the  issue  of  paper  credits 
in  the  colonies. 

It  evinces  much  research  among  the  records  and  laws  of  the  Quaker  state.  The 
first  issue  of  paper  currency  there,  which  was  effectual,  and  laid  the  foundation  of 
this  medium  of  commercial  business  in  that  section,  occurred  in  1723.     It  origin* 


Book  Koikes.  303 

ated  on  a  petition  to  the  House  of  Assembly,  from  a  number  of  merchants  in  Phila- 
delphia, setting  forth,  "  That  they  were  sensibly  aggrieved  in  their  estates  and  dealings 
to  the  great  loss  and  growing  ruin  of  themselves,  and  the  evident  decay  of  the  Province 
in  general  for  want  rf  a  medium  to  buy  and  ml  with." 

It  may  be  noted  here  by  the  wayside,  1st,  The  reason  these  merchants  gave  is  an 
irresistible  argument  to  show  that  an  extensive  commerce  can  not  be  carried  on  upon 
the  basis  of  specie  alone;  2d,  An  excellent  definition  is  given  of  paper  currency, 
viz  i  "  A  medium  to  buy  and  sell  with." 

On  this  petition,  March  22,  1723,  £15,000  of  paper  currency  were  issued,  viz  :  in 
notes  of  20s.,  10s.,  5s.1.,  and  down  to  1  shilling;  the  dollar  was— -5s.  The  bills  were 
loaned  out  on  mortgage  or  plate  at  treble  the  value,  at  5s.  the  oz,,  and  they  carried 
five  per  cent  interest. 

This  measure  was  successful  and  promoted  commerce  to  such  a  degree,  that  on  De- 
cember of  same  year  a  loan  of  £30,000  was  granted,  and  so  from  various  periods, 
until  in  the  revolutionary  war,  when  the  continental  money  was  issued  without  se- 
curity or  power  to  redeem.  The  consequence  was  a  dead  loss  instead  of  a  blessing  to 
men  of  business.  Yet  in  1783,  Pennsylvania  did  issue  a  small  loan  in  treasury 
notes  which  were  redeemed. 

A  knowledge  of  the  issue  of  paper  currency  in  each  colony  which  afterwards  be- 
came a  state  in  the  confederation,  would  be  useful  to  the  merchant  and  the  financier, 
and  we  hope  the  writer  of  this  sketch  will  be  encouraged  to  proceed  farther. 

Adequacy  of  the  Constitution.  By  Hon.  Timothy  Farrar  (Mt.  Bowdoin), 
Dorchester,  Mass.     Svo.  pp.  23, 

This  is  a  reprint  of  an  article  from  the  Neic  Englander  for  January,  1S62.  In  it, 
the  author  shows,  in  an  able  manner,  that  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States  is 
fully  adequate  to  the  exigencies  of  government  and  the  preservation  of  the  Union. 
Judge  Farrar  has  since  contributed  to  the  April  number  of  the  same  publication,  an 
article  on  a  kindred  subject — Congress  and  the  Territories — bearing  equal  marks  of 
learning  and  ability. 

Officers  of  our  Union  Army  and  Navy ;  their  Lives,  their  Portraits. 
Edited  by  Deax  Dudley,  honorary  and  corresponding  member  of 
several  state  historical  societies.  Illustrated  with  line  engraved 
portraits  from  life,  by  L.  Prang  &  Co.  Vol.  i.  Boston:  Published 
by  L.  Prang  &  Co.,  34  Merchants'  Eow.  Washington,  D.  C:  520 
Seventh  street.     1862. 

This  work  contains  a  brief  sketch  of  the  lives  and  public  services  of  Generals 
Scott,  McClellan,  Wool,  Fremont,  McDowell,  Lyon,  Roseerans,  Heintzlernan,  An- 
derson, Banks,  Barry,  Blenker,  Burnside,  Butler,  Dix,  Couch,  Duryee,  Franklin, 
Lane,  Mansfield,  Richardson,  Sickles  and  Slocum;  and  of  Colonels  Cochrane,  Cow- 
din,  Ellsworth  and  Corcoran-,  and  of  Commodores  Wilkes  and  Dupont — with  a  por- 
trait of  each.  This  work  is  well  calculated  to  meet  the  wants  of  the  public.  In 
times  like  the  present,  when  every  eye  is  turned  to  the  field  of  war,  and  ail  are 
reading  with  eagerness  the  accounts  of  battles  and  of  victories,  we  need  a  map  to 
show  us  the  localities,  and  succinct  biographies  of  the  brave  leaders  of  our  gallant 
troop*.  The  editor,  Mr.  Dudley,  has  shown  good  taste  and  sound  judgment  in  the 
preparation  of  the  work,  avoiding  all  harsh  criticism,  and  excessive  laudation.  Nor 
does  he  allow  himself  to  dwell  upon  the  acts  and  doings  of  his  favorites,  to  the  neglect 
of  others;  but  presents  fairly  and  impartially  the  leading  events  in  the  life  of  each. 
Being  a  pocket  edition,  the  sketches  of  course  are  brief,  and  yet.  it  is  believed  that 
no  important  event  in  the  life  of  any  one  is  omitted.  The  style  is  plain,  and  the 
facts  touching  each  individual  are  presented  in  a  manner  so  direct  and  clear  as  to 
be  understood  by  every  reader. 

We  have  read  the  volume  with  profit  and  pleasure  ;  with  profit,  because  it  made 
ns  acquainted  with  the  antecedents  of  the  distinguished  men  whose  names  are  be- 
coming as  familiar  as  household  words;  and  with  pleasure,  because  ail  attempt  at 
display  appears  to  have  been  sacrificed  to  simplicity  and  fidelity.  We  can  cheer- 
fully recommend  the  book  to  our  readers,  and  trust  that  the  patronage  will  be  such 
as  will  induce  the  editor  and  publisher  to  prosecute  the  work,  and  give  to  the  pub- 
lic a  sketch  of  our  other  patriotic  citizens,  whether  native  or  adopted,  who  have 

304  Book  Mtices.  [July 

cheerfully  devoted  their  services  to  ot;r  beloved  country,  or  sacrificed  their  lives  in 
the  cause  of  our  free  institutions. 

The  Continental  Monthly  for  May,  18G2. 

This  No.  contains  the  usual  variety  of  interesting  matter.  Among  the  articles  is 
one  replete  with  interesting  information  relative  to  the  early  settlement  of  Roanoke 
Island,  which  will  be  read  with  peculiar  satisfaction  at  this  day,  iu  consequence  of 
its  recent  capture  by  Gen.  Burnside. 

Life.  The  Annual  Address  delivered  before  the  Convention  of  the 
Connecticut  Medical  Society  at  New  Haven,  May  22,  1881.  By 
Asiibel  Woodward,  M.  P.,  of  Franklin,  President  of  the  Society. 
Hartford.     8vo.     pp.  86. 

We  have  not  room  for  an  analysis  of  this  sound,  practical  address,  the  sentiments 
of  which,  if  heeded,  would  be  a  benefit  to  the  human  race.  Physiology  and  genea- 
logy, as  we  consider,  should  go  hand  in  hand.  They  are  legitimately  connected, 
and  ought  not  to  be  divorced.  A  thorough  study  of  the  habits  and  characters  of 
those  who  have  gone  before  us,  especially  in  our  own  line  of  ancestry,  might  avail 
much  toward  raising  a  higher  standard  in  the  physical,  intellectual  and  moral 
characters  of  ourselves  and  our  descendants.  Genealogical  researches  and  inquiries 
can,  in  this  way,  be  turned  to  a  noble  account. 

The  Confessions  of  Augustine.  Edited,  with  an  Introduction,  by  "Wil- 
liam G.  T.  Shedd.  Andover:  Warren  F.  Draper.  1860.  pp.  4 It, 
Have  you  read  what  Macaulay  says  of  Bunyan's  Pilgrim's  Progress  ?  Has  the 
Bedford  tinker's  "  cunning  book  "  a  little  comer  in  your  well-selected  library  ? 
Does  Thomas  a  Kempis — Whitefield's  favorite — stand  beside  it  ?  Well,  place  this 
Lest  of  St.  Augustine's  works — ably  edited  and  beautifully  brought  out — between 
them,  and  you  have  the  inimitable  trio  of  spiritual  autobiognaphers — as  threa  loving 
angels — luring  with  golden  tongues  up  over  the  "  dark  mountains  "  to  the  shining 
portals  of  eternal  peace. 

An  Historical  discourse  on  the  commemoration  of  the  One  Hundredth  Anni- 
versary of  the  Charter  cf  Lehaiwn,  N.  H.  Delivered  4th  of  Jtilv, 
1861,  by  Rev.  D.  H.  Allen,  D.  D.  of  Walnut  Hills,  Ohio. 
The  people  of  Lebanon  have  wisely  contributed  their  mite  to  keep  alive  a  know- 
ledge of  the  early  settlement  of  New  England.  The  address  is  historical  in  its 
nature,  and  presents  the  incidents  of  the  early  settlement  of  the  town.  The  imme- 
diate occasion  of  the  settlement  of  this  part  of  the  Connecticut  valley,  was  the  French 
war.  In  the  progress  of  that  war  the  New  England  troops  had  cut  a  road  from  the 
older  settlements  in  the  south  parr  of  the  province  through  Chariestown — the  No. 
4 — to  Crown  Point.  Being  pleased  with  the  country,  as  soon  as  hostilities  ceased, 
a  swarm  of  adventurers  began  to  seek  out  these  lands.  A  majority  of  those  who 
fixed  upon  this  township  were  from  Lebanon,  Conn.,  and  hence  gave  the  place  the 
name  of  their  former  home.  The  first  settlers  of  this  town  were  fully  imbued  with 
the  spirit  of  the  age,  and  took  an  active  part  in  the  contests  of  the  day,  engaging  in 
the  struggle  for  independence,  and  in  the  controversy  with  New  Hampshire  and 
New  York  concerning  the  New  Hampshire  grants. 

Dr.  Allen  has  done  good  justice  to  the  subject,  and  has  presented  a  great  variety 
of  facts  highly  creditable  to  the  town.  Rev.  Mr.  Fay,  a  native  of  the  place,  deli- 
vered a  poem,  having  the  necessary  characteristics  of  such  performances,  familiar 
ease  and  pleasantry. 

Such  celebrations  deserve  to  be  liberally  encouraged,  as  they  rescue  from  destruc- 
tion valuable  papers  and  traditions  which  would  otherwise  be  lost.  Let  every 
town  imitate  the  example  of  the  good  people  of  Lebanon,  and  a  rich  stock  of  mate- 
rials for  both  local  and  public  history  would  be  spread  before  the  public  in  an  im- 
perishable form. 

Savage's  Genealogical  Dictionary. 

This  valuable  work  is  now  completed,  the  third  and  fourth  volumes  having  l>een 
published  in  June  last.  The  third  volume  was  finished,  and  a  few  copies  issued, 
some  months  previous.  On  the  appearance  of  the  first  two  volumes,  we  gave  a 
very  full  notice  of  the"  work  {ante,  xiv,  276),  au&  would  refer  our  readers  to  that 
nptice  for  its  characteristics. 

•■<Sga  $& 




:--"fr-<      ?'v-m" 

"  t  ^ 



,  y  vol.  xvi. 

OCTOBER,  1862. 



j  Qts.ioncal  &  ©cncalo^ical  Begiaicr. 

No.  4.    @?1 


















$•2.00  Per  Annans, 

fPoitnee  Two  Cent*,  if  paid      4*  "  — V*  <^V  ^  i^.. 
I  Quarterly  fu  udvaace.  K'v    V;*;    f*>j/ 


1862.]  Memoir  of  Hon,  Daniel  Messinger.  t305 

[By  John  Ward  Dean.] 

The  subject  of  this  notice,  for  more  than  sixt}'  years  a  resident  of 
Boston,  and  descended  from  one  of  its  early  settlers,  was  so  identi- 
fied with  its  charitable,  civil,  and  military  institutions  that  he  might 
well  be  considered  a  representative,  r/ian,  for  half  a  century,  in  the  his- 
tory of  this  metropolis. 

Col.  Messinger  was  born  at  Wrentham,  Norfolk  county,  in  this 
state,  June  17,  1768,  and  was  the  third  of  twelve  children  of  Daniel 
and  Mary  Messinger.  His  father,  a  farmer,  was  a  son  of  the  Rev. 
Henry  Messinger,  the  second  minister  of  the  Congregational  church 
of  Wrentham,  and  his  mother,  Mary  Brastow,  was  a  descendant  of 
the  Rev.  Samuel  Mann,  the  first  minister  of  that  parish.  His  uncle, 
Rev.  James  Messinger,  was  settled  over  a  church  in  Ashford,  Conn., 
and  four  of  his  father's  sisters  were  married  to  clergymen.  Coming 
from  this  Puritan  stock,  and  thus  surrounded  by  religious  influences, 
he  was  early  imbued  with  the  firmest  principles  of  integrity  and 
honor — principles  which  sustained  him  in  his  early  business  career, 
and  confirmed  his  reputation  for  being,  through  the  rest  of  his  life,  a 
reliable,  upright  and  conscientious  man. 

For  a  short  time  after  leaving  school,  he  assisted  his  father  on  the 
farm;  but  being  desirous  of  learning  a  trade,  he  was  sent  to  Boston, 
when  about  fifteen  years  of  age,  and  apprenticed  to  Mr.  Nathaniel 
Balch,  hatter,  No.  72,  Cornhill,  now  Washington  street,  opposite  the 
head  of  Water  street.  Mr.  Balch  was  quite  a  prominent  man,  and 
was  considered  one  of  the  wits  of  that  day;  so  much  so,  that  he  was 
on  quite  social  terms  with  Governor  Hancock,  Mr.  Secretary  Avery, 
Rev.  Dr.  Thacher,  Mr.  Sheriff  Allen,  William  Cooper,  the  town  clerk 
of  half  a  century,  and  other  worthies.  "  The  apprentice  thus  became 
acquainted  with  some  of  the  dignitaries  of  church  and  state,  and 
appears  to  have  enjoyed  their  friendly  regard  in  after  years.'-'* 

In  the  twenty-fifth  year  of  his  age,  he  married  Susanna  Hinckley. 
She  was  a  daughter  of  Capt.  Thomas  Hinckley,  by  his  wife  Susanna, 
whose  father  was  Dr.  Daniel  Hewes  of  Foxboro'.  A  few  years  after, 
by  the  advice  of  his  friend,  Mr.  Secretary  Avery,  he  purchased  the 
estate  at  the  corner  of  Sheaf's  lane,  now  Avery  street,  and  Newbury, 
now  Washington  street,  the  secretary  residing  on  the  opposite  cor- 
ner. Here  Mr.  Messinger  carried  on  his  business,  at  one  time  quite 
extensively,  and  built  a  brick  factory  in  the  rear  of  his  dwelling 
house.  He  did  not  change  his  residence  until  after  the  decease  of 
his  wife  in  1843. 

In  military  affairs  he  took  a  great  interest,  and  was  a  good  officer 
and  disciplinarian.     In  1709,  he  raised  the  well-known  infantry  coin- 

*  Memoir  of  Col.  Messinger,  by  Hon.  Joseph  T.  Buckingham,  in  the  Annals  of 
the  Mastaihusetts    Charitable  Mechanic  Association,  pp.  29—32.     Free   use  has   been 
made  of  the  Memoir  in  preparing  this  sketch. 

306  Memoir  of  Hon.  Daniel  Messi?iger.  [Oct. 

pany,  the  Winslow  Blues — named  for  his  friend  General  John  Wins- 
low — and  was  its  first  commander.  In  the  Columbian  Centincl  of 
October  13,  1802,  is  this  notice  of  a  parade  of  the  Winslow  Blues: 
"On  Monday  last  this  well  disciplined  and  respectable  military 
corps,  commanded  by  Capt,  Messinger,  celebrated  the  anniversary 
of  its  institution.  After  performing  a  number  of  manoeuvres,  it  was 
marched  into  State  street,  where  it  performed  the  manual  exercise 
(by  tap  of  drum),  and  a  number  of  firings  with  the  most  correct 
precision.  The  exercises  of  the  day  finished,  the  corps  repaired  to 
Faneuil  Hall,  where  an  excellent  dinner  was  provided,  to  which  the 
officers  of  the  Legionary  brigade  were  invited."  The  first  toast  by 
Capt.  Messinger  was:  "  Our  native  country — may  its  citizens  emulate 
the  virtues  of  the  First  Settlers,  whose  only  fear  was  the  fear 
of  God;  and  whose  prime  duties  were  the  support  of  pure  religion, 
correct  morals  and  good  government."  Upon  the  organization  of 
the  light  infantry  companies  of  Boston  into  a  sub-legion,  he  was 
elected  major.  He  was  afterwards  made  colonel  of  the  third  regi- 
ment, and  was  senior  colonel  of  the  Boston  brigade  during  the  war 
of  1812.  He  was  chosen  a  brigadier-general,  but  declined  accepting 
the  office.  In  1792,  he  became  a  member  of  the  Ancient  and  Honor- 
able Artillery  Company,  of  which  he  was  lieutenant  in  1800,  and 
captain  in  1804  and  1810.* 

He  was  an  original  member  of  the  Massachusetts  Charitable  Me- 
chanic association  in  1795,  was  for  several  years  a  trustee  and  vice- 
president,  and  for  two  years  was  president.  He  always  took  a  great 
interest  in  the  prosperity  of  this  institution. 

He  filled  various  offices  in  the  municipal  and  state  governments; 
was  a  fireward  for  many  years  under  the  old  fire  organization;  was 
a  member  of  the  city  council;  often  a  representative  in  the  legis- 
lature; a  member  of  the  Massachusetts  constitutional  convention  in 
1820;  and  a  state  senator  from  Suffolk  county  in  1835.  In  politics, 
he  belonged  to  the  old  Federal  party,  and  often  presided  at  public 
meetings.  Afterwards,  he  became  attached  to  the  National  Repub- 
lican or  Whig  party.  His  last  appearance  at  a  public  meeting,  was 
in  Faneuil  Hall  in  1845,  when  Daniel  Webster,  of  whom  he  was  a 
great  admirer,  spoke.  Mr.  Webster,  on  seeing  him  on  the  platform, 
came  forward  and  greeted  him  so  cordially  as  his  "  old  friend  Col. 
Messinger,"  as  to  attract  the  attention  and  elicit  the  applause  of  the 
citizens  in  that  part  of  the  hall. 

From  Mr.  Buckingham's  memoir  it  appears  that  Mr.  Messinger  first 
attended  the  First  Baptist  church  of  which  the  Rev.  Dr.  Stillman  was 
pastor;  but  he  afterwards  became  a  member  of  the  First  Congrega- 
tional church,  with  which  he  was  connected  till  his  death.  For  many 
years  he  was  the  leader  of  the  choir  of  that  church.  "  He  had  a  fine 
musical  ear  and  as  fine  a  voice,  and  could  sound  the  highest  notes 
in  the  treble  staff  with  remarkable  strength  and  clearness.  He 
was  often  invited  to  sing  on  public  festive  occasions,  and  Faneuil 
Hall  has  many  a  time  been  filled  with  the  melody  of  his  notes.  His 
favorite  songs  were  Bright  Phoebus,  and  the  Downhill  of  Life,  both 

*  Whitman's  History  of  the  Ancient  and  Honorable  Artillery  Company,  2d  ed.,  p.  354. 

1S62.J  Memoir  of  Hon.  Daniel  Messinger.  307 

of  which  he  sung  when  he  was  over  seventy  years  old,  without  any 
perceptible  imperfectness  of  voice."*  An  amusing  incident  occurred 
once  at  a  dinner  given  Prince  Jerome  Bonaparte,  in  1304.  A  cor- 
respondent, in  the  Evening  Transcript  of  September  25,  1861,  makes  a 
statement  on  the  authority  of  the  venerable  Josiah  Quincy,  probably 
the  only  survivor  of  that  patty:  "After  dinner,  Col.  Messinger  sang 
the  favorite  old  song  of  To-morrow.  As  the  audience  joined  in  the 
chorus  of  To-morrow,  To-morrow,  a  cloud  came  over  the  counte- 
nance of  the  Prince,  and  taking  his  next  neighbor  by  the  arm  he 
exclaimed  'To  Moreau,  to  Moreau;  is  it  a  song  in  honor  of  General 
Moreau?'  He  was  quickly  undeceived,  and  smiled  when  he  found 
that  no  one  but  himself  was  thinking  of  the  great  rival  and  enemy 
of  his  brother." 

Mr.  Messinger  was  by  nature  of  a  very  strong  constitution.  His 
death  was  hastened  by  being  accidentally  knocked  down  by  an  ex- 
press, wagon,  while  crossing  the  street.  From  the  effect  of  this 
shock  he  never  recovered;  it  being  followed  by  a  sickness  of  seven 
months,  ending  by  a  severe  attack  of  erysipelas  and  dropsy.  He 
died  June  21,  1846,  being  seventy-eight  years  and  four  days  old. 
His  funeral,  from  his  late  residence  in  Purchase  street,  was  private, 
his  family  declining  any  public  demonstration.  He  was  buried  in 
the  family  lot  at  Mount  Auburn. 

His  pastor,  the  Rev.  Nathaniel  L.  Frothingham,  D.  D.,  who  officiated 
at  his  funeral,  preached  a  discourse  at  the  First  church  in  Chauncy 
place,  on  the  Sunday  following,  from  which  we  make  an  extract,  as 
a  fitting  close  to  this  memoir. 

"  He  was  much  before  the  public  eye,  and  appears  always  to  have 
enjoyed  its  favor;  for  he  could  be  relied  upon  for  his  calm  judgment, 
his  steady  determination,  his  zealous  patriotism,  his  incorruptible 
integrity.  He  was  usually  among  those  who  sit  chief  in  the  manage- 
ment of  political  affairs,  unassuming  though  firm,  never  overstepping 
the  proprieties  of  his  position,  and  giving  no  offence,  for  it  was  not 
in  his  nature  to  give  any.  His  character  and  manners  showed  a 
combination  by  no  means  usual,  at  least  to  the  extent  to  which  he 
displayed  them,  of  courtesy  and  robustness.  These  qualities  seemed 
to  be  stamped  upon  his  very  features,  that  might  have  looked  rough 
to  some,  but  it  was  a  roughness  that  setoff  their  kindliness.  He 
was  a  frank,  upright,  plain-hearted  man;  eminently  social  in  his  dis. 
position;  willing  to  serve  as  far  as  he  was  able,  and  possessing  an 
unusual  share  of  that  part  of  the  apostle's  praise  of  charity — that  it 
is  '  not  easily  provoked.'  He  was  considerate  of  others,  both  by  a 
friendliness  that  seemed  born  with  him,  and  by  a  wise  self-command. 
And  since  it  was  appointed  to  him  to  contend  with  so  much  suffering 
before  he  could  obtain  his  discharge  of  death,  we  have  reason  to  give 
thanks  that  he  has  no  more  to  endure,  but  at  length  finds  rest. 

'  Disturb  him  not-,  but  let  him  sweetly  take 
A  long  repose;  lie  bath  been  long  awake.'  " 

*  Buckingham. 


30S  Genealogy  of  the  Messingcr  Family.  ["Oct. 


[Communicated  by  Hon.  Geo.  W.  Messinger  of  Boston.] 

According"  to  Burke  and  other  authorities,  Massiuger,  Messenger, 
Massenger  and  Messingcr  all  seem  to  be  the  same,  noted  first  of 
Gloucestershire.  Arms — "Ar.,  a  chevron  between  three  close  helmets 
Sa.;"  and  in  Rudder's  History  of  Gloucestershire,  page  591,  is  this  no- 
tice: "In  the  church  at  Painswick,  6  miles  south  of  Gloucester, 
against  the  north  wall,  are  several  memorials  of  the  Massinger 
family,  formerly  of  Gloucester,  whose  arms  are:  'Argent  a  chevron 
gules  between  three  helmets  sable.'7' 

In  the  Herald's  college,  London,  the  same  arms  are  entered  as 
borne  by  John  Messenger  of  Newisham,  county  of  York,  who  died  in 
1616,  aged  70  years,  and  was  buried  at  Kirk  Ravensworth.  Two  of 
his  sons,  Henry  and  Anthony,  were  killed  in  the  service  of  King 
Charles  I,  and  another,  John  Messenger,  Esq.,  born  in  1590,  was 
the  owner  of  the  Fountain  Abbey  estate,  near  Ripon,  in  1627.  His 
crest  was,  a  dove  with  an  olive  branch,  and  the  motto — Nunaa  Pads. 
But  other  arms  were  borne  by  the  Messengers  of  Norfolk  at  the 
visitation  of  that  county  in  1664,  viz:  "Vert,  on  a  bend  engrailed 
argent,  a  plain  bend  of  the  field,  a  bordure  engrailed  of  the  second; 
crest — a  lion's  head  erased  vert,  charged  with  a  bar  engrailed 
argent;  motto — Legatus  fidelis  ei  qui  misit  eum. — Proverbs  xxv,  13." 
And  in  Bloomfield  &  Parkin's  History  of  Norfolk,  vol.  vn,  page  294, 
these  arms  are  found  in  the  church  at  Whitwell:  "Messenger,  vert, 
a  bend  voided  and  engrailed  argent."  And  in  the  same  history,  it 
appears  that  Henry  Messenger  married  Joan  Coke  [about  1570],  and 
that  his  son  Augustine  Messenger,  gent.,  was  "  Lord  of  Whitwell  or 
Gambon  Manor."  On  a  grave  stone  in  the  chancel  of  the  church — 
inscription  partly  in  Latin — the  name  is  spelled  Messinger.  If  either 
of  these  coats  of  arms  belonged  to  the  first  settler  of  that  name  in 
Boston,  it  was  probably  the  first  described.  We  know  that  he  was 
entitled  to  arms,  as  his  widow  in  her  will,  dated  in  1694,  particularly 
mentions  that  Simeon  Messinger  (the  eldest  son  then  living),  is  to 
have  the  "  Messinger  coat  of  arms."  As  Simeon  died  without  male 
issue,  these  arms  were  probably  lost. 

Of  the  origin  of  the  name,  Lower,  on  Surnames,  says  of  Massinger,* 
that  it  is  evidently  a  corruption  of  the  French  Messager — a  messen- 
ger, a  bearer  of  despatches;  while  some  have  supposed  the  name 
comes  from  the  parish  of  Messing,  in  Essex  county,  England.  This 
name  is  Saxon,  and  in  the  old  records  is  written,  Messinges,  Messan- 
ges,f  Mescinge  and  Massinge.     In  the  Rolls  of  Pleading,  time  of  Ed- 

*  See  Memoir  of  Philip  Massinger,  Reg.,  vol.  xiv,  p.  7.5,  for  Massinger  of  Gloucester. 

tin  Wright's  Essex,  page  384,  vol.  i,  we  find  this  note  :  "  King  Henry  III  grants 
to  Hugh,  son  of  Anketill  de  Mescinge,  all  the  land  which  he  held  in  the  Barony  of 
Reynes,  in  the  villages  of  Messanges,  Birch,  &c,  and  what  he  and  his  heirs  should 
afterwards  purchase,  with  ample  privileges  and  liberty  of  hunting  in  all  the  forests 
of  England." — See  Charta  de  Foresta  de  Enex, 

1862.J  Genealogy  of  the  Messinger  Family.  309 

ward  I  and  II,  page  207,  allusion  is  made  to  the  men  of  Massinge; 
and  on  page  336,  is  the  name  of  Ric'us  Messinge  of  London,  time  of 
Edward  II;  but  the  earlier  names  are  those  of  Messager.  In  the 
Rolls  of  the  King's  Court,  in  the  reign  of  Richard  I,  page  118,  is  the 
name  of  Johannes  Messager,  about  the  year  1194;  and  in  the  Fine 
Rolls  of  Henry  III,  about  1260,  we  find  Henricus  Messager,  son  of 
Radulphus  le  Messager  of  Essex;  and  in  the  History  of  Surrey,  vol. 
in,  page  110,  it  appears  a  part  of  the  manor  of  Send  is  vested,  in 
1359,  in  John  Messenger  or  Messager,  vicar  of  Send.  In  the  History 
of  Norfolk  are  several  of  the  clergy,  from  1435,  of  the  name  of  Mes- 
senger; and  we  find  a  Thomas  Messinger,  rector  of  Shimpling,  Nor- 
folk, in  1451.  In  Wood's  Oxoniensis,  F.,  page  12,  Rev.  Roland  Mes- 
synger  was  proctor,  May  11,  1508,  and  in  the  service  of  Cardinal 
Wolsey;  he  was  also  one  of  the  original  fellows  of  Brazen  Nose 
College,  Oxford,  in  1511,  and  his  name  is  there  spelled  Messenger. 


Henry1  Messinger  and  his  wife  Sarah,  were  residents  of  Boston 
prior  to  the  year  1640.f  He  was  the  first  known  proprietor,  as  ap- 
pears by  the  Book  of  Possessions,  of  the  land  on  which  now  stands 
the  building  owned  and  occupied  by  the  Massachusetts  Historical 
Society,  and  a  part  of  that  now  covered  by  the  Boston  Museum^ 
His  house  and  garden  were  bounded  on  the  west  by  the  street  lead- 
ing to  the  common,  now  Tremont  street;  on  the  north  by  land  of 
Richard  Crychley;  on  the  east  by  the  land  of  Major  Sedgewick;  and 
on  the  south  by  land  of  Thomas  Scottow  and  the  burying  place. 

He  was  a  member  of  the  A.  and  H.  artillery  company  in  1658;  a 
freeman  in  1665;  and  by  trade  a  joiner.  His  will  was  dated  March 
15,  1672,  and  his  signature,  written  in  the  old  style,  is  quite  dis- 
tinct. He  probably  died  in  1681,  as  his  property  was  appraised 
(at  £496  9s.  6d.),  April  30th,  of  that  year.  He  leaves  his  estate  to 
his  wife,  with  power  to  divide  it  as  she  may  choose  among  her  child- 
ren, with  the  exception  of  his  eldest  son  John,,  to  whom  he  bequeaths 
"Five  shillings  and  no  more,  for  reasons  best  known  to  myself. n 
His  wife  Sarah,  lived  to  an  advanced  age;  her  will  was  dated  in 
1694,  and  proved  June  24,  1697.  She  leaves  the  household  estate 
to  be  divided  equally  between  her  sons  Simeon  and  Thomas;  Simeon 
to  have  the  left-hand  side  of  the  line  to  be  drawn  from  the  highway 
on  the  westerly  end  to  Savage's  fence  on  the  easterly  end,  being  the 
side  next  Bumstead's,  with  the  cow  common;  also,  the  Messinger 
coat  of  arms.  To  Thomas  she  leaves  the  right-hand  side,  next  the 
burying  place.  The  live  stock  also  to  be  divided  between  her  sons. 
Her  household  goods  she  wishes  divided  among  her  daughters,  and 
Anna  Messinger,  daughter  of  her  son  John;  and  she  appoints  her 

t  Jan'y  27,  1640.  Henry  Messinger  has  a  lot  of  land  allowed  him  at  Muddy 
river,  by  town  grant,  for  two  heads.— See  Drake's  Hist,  of  Boston, 

X  This  is  a  portion  of  the  land  which  Hutchinson,  in  his  History  of  Massachusetts, 
vol.  i,  page  22,  says  Isaac  Johnson  chose  for  his  lot,  viz  :  the  square  bounded  by 
School  and  Queen  (now  Court)  street.  By  some  of  our  modern  antiquaries  it  is 
doubted  whether  Johnson  had  a  lot  of  land  in  Boston. 

310  Genealogy  of  the  Messinger  Family.  [Oct. 

friends  Simeon  Stone  of  Watertown,  and  Abraham  Williams  of  Marl- 
boro', to  see  that  the  property  was  properly  divided. 

The  children  of  Henry  and  Sarah  Messinger  were:  (2)  John,-  [-4-] 
b.  Jan.  25,  1641;  bap.  "right  of  the  wife,"  April  25,  1641.  (3)  Sd- 
rmkj*  [+]  b.  Jan.  12,  1643.  (4)  Simeon*  [  +  ]  b. Jan.  19,  1645.  (5) 
Henry*  [+]  (6)  Ann*  bp.  Jan.  20,  1650,  when  13  days  old  (Sa- 
vage). (7)  Rebecca*  b.  Jan.  26,  1652.  (8  and  9)  Lydia*  and  Pris- 
cilla*b.  Nov.  22.  1656;  the  latter  d.  June  21,  1657.  (10)  Priscilla* 
(again),  b.  ab.  1659  (see  Reg.,  xm,  220).  (11)  Thomas*  [+]  b. 
March  22,  1661.     (12)   Ebenezcr*  [+]  b.  Oct.  25,  1665. 

2.  John2  Messinger,  b.  Jan.  25,  1641 ;  wife  Martha.  Probably  d. 
shortly  after  his  father,  as  his  widow  appears  to  have  been  m.  Sept. 
5,  1689,  to  Jeremiah  Fitch.  His  ch.  were:  (13)  John,3  b.  Jan.  2, 
1670.  (14)  Joshua*  b.  Jan.  2,  1671.  (15)  Sarah*  h.  Oct.  1,  1672. 
(16)  Anna? 

3.  Richard  Mason  m.  Sarah2  Messinger.  He  was  the  eldest  son 
of  Ralph  and  Anne  Mason.  They  were  m.  Nov.  20,  1660,  by  Governor 
Endicott.  By  the  records,  it  appears  that  Ralph  Mason  deeds  his  son 
a  parcel  of  land  on  his  marriage  with  Sarah,  dau.  of  Henry  Messin- 
ger. Their  ch.  were:  (17)  Sarah*,  b.  Sept,  3,  1661.  (18)  Jacob* 
b.  Oct.  17,  1662.  (19)  Simeon*  b.  March  23,  1664.  (20)  Benjamin* 
(21)  John*  b.  March  9,  1671.  In  Suffolk  Deeds,  book  39,  fob  264, 
Benjamin,  as  administrator,  in  behalf  of  himself  and  others,  heirs  of 
Richard  Mason,  deeds  certain  property,  June  2,  1725. 

4.  Simeon2  Messinger,  b.  Jan.  19,  1645;  m.  Bethia,  dau.  of  Robert 
Howard,  the  notary  of  Boston,  and  Mary  his  wife,  He  was  a  mem- 
ber of  the  A.  and  H.  artillery  company  in  1675.  His  ch.  were:  (22) 
Bethia*  b.  May  24,  1668;  m.  to  John  Green,  Jan.  17,  1692.  (23) 
Mary*  b.  March  25,  1672;  m.  to  William  Painter,  May  28,  1691. '  In 
Suffolk  Reg.,  book  18,  fol.  45,  Simeon  and  Bethiah  Messinger  deed 
his  part  of  the  Messinger  estate  to  their  son-in-law  John  Green. 

5.  Henry2  Messinger,  m.  Mehitable,  dau.  of  Stephen  and  Truecross 
Minot.  His  property  was  at  the  north  part  of  Boston,  near  the  Mill 
Pond.  He  was  a  joiner.  His  will  was  made  Nov.  17,  1686,  and  he 
d.  a  few  days  after,  as  his  estate  was  appraised  Nov.  30.  He  leaves 
his  dear  mother,  for  her  kindness  to  him  through  his  severe  sickness 
and  through  life,  the  sum  of  five  pounds,  to  buy  her  mourning,  and 
a  gold  ring  of  the  value  of  twenty  shillings;  to  his  wife's  mother 
Mrs.  Truecross  Minot,  to  his  brother-in-law  John  Thwing,  and  to 
each  of  his  brothers  and  sisters,  excepting  his  sister  Neale,  a  gold 
ring  of  twenty  shillings  value,  to  wear  in  remembrance  of  him; 
to  his  apprentice,  Benjamin  Threadneedle,  the  balance  of  his  time,  and 
if  in  need,  desires  his  wife  to  give  him  a  new  suit  of  clothes;  his 
wearing  apparel  valued  at  <£25  4s.,  he  divides  among  his  brothers 
Simon,  Thomas  and  Ebenezer,  and  giving  to  the  youngest  "  two 
muskets  and  two  bandineer3;"  the  balance  of  his  property,  there 
being  no  children,  to  his  wife  Mehitable*,  who  is  made  executrix. 
His  estate  was  valued  at  £'338  10s.  6d. 

11.  Thomas2  Messinger,  b.  March  22,  1661;  m.  Elizabeth  Mellows, 

♦  She  afterwards  m.  Stephen  Mills  of  Boston,  and  d.  Aug.  16,  1690. 

1S62.]  Genealogy  of  the  Messinger  Family.  311 

dau.  of  Jobn  and  Martha  Mellows.  He  received  from  bis  mother  the  one 
half  of  his  father's  estate,  next  the  burying  ground.  Some  mortgages 
and  deeds  are  on  record,  in  one  of  which  his  wife's  mother  is  then 
Martha,  the  wife  of  Dcane  Winthrop  of  Pulling  Point.  Among  the 
fourteen  tything  men  selected  from  seven  military  companies, 
Thomas  Messinger   was  chosen    from  Major    Savage's   company  in 

Oct.    25,    1065; 

(30)   Ebenezer*  b.  March  30,  1688:   (31)   Ilmry?  b.  July  8,  16S9. 

28.  Kev.  Henry3  Messinger,  son  of  Thomas-  and  Elizabeth, 

was  b.  in  Boston,  Feb.  28,  1695;  graduated  at  Harvard  college  in  1717; 
ordained  minister  of  the  First  Congregational  church  in  Wrenthain, 
Dec.  5,  1719;  m.  Jan.  5,  1720,  Esther  Cheevers,  dau.  of  Israel  and 
Bridget  Cheevers  of  Cambridge,  Alass.  He  d.  March  30,  1750.  A 
brief  memoir   of   him    will    be   found  in  the   Register  (ante,   ix,   59), 


(34)  Sarah*  b.  Nov.  27,  1725;  in.  1st,  Dr.  Cornelius  Kollock  of 
Wrentham,  Nov.  26,  1745,  by  whom  she  had  one  son,  Oliver5  Kolluck, 
b.  Nov.  17,  1751;  d.  1754.  Dr.  Kolluck  cl.  Jan.  22,  1754,  and  she  m. 
2d,  Rev.  Benjamin  Caryl  (H.  C.  1761)  of  Dover,  Mass.,  who  was  min- 
ister of  one  parish  41yr3.,  and  d.  Nov.  13,  1811,  a.  79.  (35)  Henry,* 
b.  Nov.  18,  1727;  d.  July  26,  1729,  his  death  having  been  caused  by 
falling  from  a  chamber  window  while  his  parents  were  absent  at 
Cambridge.  (36)  Elizabeth,  [+]  b.  Feb.  23,  1729;  m.  April  30, 
1751,  Rev.  Joseph  Bean.  (37)  John*  [+]  b.  Oct.  30,  1731.  (38) 
Samuel*  [+]  b.  Jan.  29,  1733.  (39)  Jernsha*  [+]  b.  Sept.  11,  1734; 
m.  Sept.  11,  1734,  Ebenezer  Fisher,  jr.  (40)  Daniel*  [  +  ]  b.  Oct. 
11,  1735.  (41)  Rev.  James*  b.  Dec.  4,  1737;  grad.  H.  C,  1762;  m. 
March  1,  1769,  Elizabeth  Fisher  of  Wrentham;  was  settled  over  the 
First  Congregational  church  at  Ashford,  Conn.,  Feb,  13, 1769;  d.  Jan. 
6,  1782.     (42)    William,*  b.  March  3,  1739;  d.  March  5,  1741. 

29  Ebenezer3  Messinger,  son  of  Thomas'2,  was  b.  in  Boston,  June 
2,  1697.  He  m.  1st,  Jan.  26,  1719,  Rebecca,  dau.  of  Wigglesworth 
and  Ursillear  Sweetser,  by  the  Rev.  Cotton  Mather.  He  first  resided 
in  Boston,  but  afterwards  removed  to  Wrentham,  where  his  wife  Re- 
becca d.  Nov.  21,  1752,  a.  51  yrs.  He  m.  2d,  to  Hannah  Metcalf, 
Nov.  3,  1766,  and  d.  June  9,  1768.  Estate  appraised  at  £676  18s. 6d. 
By  1st  wife  had  8  ch.  :  (43)  Rebecca*  b.  June  26,  1721;  (43  ')  Ebene- 
zer,* b.  Nov.  25,  1793.  (44)  Elizabeth,*  b.  July  16,  1728;  m.  Oct. 
28,  1756  to  Hugh  Knox  of  Stoughton.  (45)  Abigail,  m.  Caleb  Death 
of  Framiugham,  Dec.  27„  1752,  (46)  Ruth',*  m.  Josiah  Wood.  (47) 
Ursula,*  m.  Abraham  Belknap,  Sept.  15,  1763.  (48)  Siceetser,*  [+]. 
(49)    Wigglesworth*  [-f ] 

32.  Rev.  Elias  Haven "(H.  C,  1733),  who  m.  Mary4  Messinger,  was 
the  first  minister  settled  over  the  second  parish  of  Wrentham,  now 
Franklin,  Mass.     He  d.  Aug.  10,  1754,  a.  41.     She  d.  Jane  10,  1756; 

3 12  Genealogy  of  the  Messinger  Family.  [Oct. 

ch.:  (50)  Martha*  b.  Oct.  15,  1742;  d.  Feb.  17,  1748.  (51) 
Thomas,*  b.  Aug.  30,  1744  (H.  C,  1.765):  m.  Anna  Bigelowof  Weston; 
was  settled  over  the  3d  church  in  Reading-,  1770;  he  d.  May  7,  1782. 

(52)  Ellas*  b.    Nov.  11,  1745;  ml  Elizabeth   Bright,  March   5,  1169; 

(53)  Rachel*  b.  July  31,  1.747;  d.  Feb.  19,  1748.  (54)  Philemon,*  b. 
July  7,  1749.  (55)  William*  b.  June  20,  1751.  (56)  Mary*  b.  May 

36.  Rev.  Joseph  Bean  of  Cambridge  (II.  C,  1748),  who  m.  Eliza- 
beth4 Messinger,  was  the  successor  of  her  father  over  the  first  church 
in  Wrentharn.  He  was  ordained  Dec.  5,  1750,  and  d.  December, 
1784,  a.  66  yrs.  The  Church  Manual  says:  "  He  was  greatly  beloved 
by  his  people,  and  his  memorv  is  fondly  cherished."  Their  ch.  were: 
(57)  Hannah*  b.  May  6,  1752;  Joseph*  b.  July  6,  1754.  (58)  Eliza- 
beth,* b.  Oct.  8,  1755.  (59)  Henry-*  b.  July  12,  1757.  (60)  Cyrus,* 
b.-March  A,  1760.  (61)  Molly,*  b.  May  11,  1763.  (62)  Sarah*  b. 
Oct.  18,  1766.  (63)  Horace*  b.  Sept,  4,  1770;  was  a  physician  in 
Boston,  and  graduated  H.  C.,  1800.  (64)  William*  b.  March  23, 

37.  John4  Messinger,  b.  Oct.  30,  1731;  m.  1st,  Mary  Messinger, 
Dec.  18,  1754,  who  d.  Nov.  17,  1756,  leaving  one  child,  (65)  Mary* 
b.  Nov.  17,  1756;  d.  1768. 

He  m.  2d,  Milatiah  Corbit,  June  30,  1758,  who  d.  March  27,  1761; 
ch.:  (65»)  Esther*  b.  March  25,  1759;  m.  Oct.  22,  1788,  to  Amariah 
Frost  (H.  C,  1770).     (66)  Abigail*  b.   Nov.  3,  1760;  d.  1761. 

He  m.  3d,  Phebe  Guild,  Jan.  7,  1762;  their  ch.  were:  (67)  Emily* 
b.  Dec.  8,  1762;  in.  1st  to  Dr.  Waldo,  and  2d  to  Rev.  Dr.  John  Prince 
of  Salem.  (68)  Nanna*  b.  Nov.  10,  1764;  d.  1765.  (69)  Phebe,*  b. 
Aug.  15,  1766;  m.  John  Trescott,  March  22,  1789.  (70)  John,*  b. 
March  16,  1769.  (71)  Patty*  b.  Jan.  5,  1772.  (72)  ClarinAa*  b. 
May  5,  1775;  d.  1782. 

38.  Samuel4  Messinger,  b.  Jan.  29,  1733;  m.  June  23,  1757,  Kathe- 
rine,  dau.  of  Deacon  Joseph  Brown  of  Ilolliston,  Mass.,  and  settled  in 
the  westerly  part  of  that  town,  on  the  homestead  of  his  father-in-law, 
where  he  d.  Nov.  19,  1795.  His  wife  d.  Jan.  28,  1831,  a.  94  yrs. 
They  had  nine  ch.:  (73)  Olive*  b.  Aug.  26,  1758;  unm.;  d.  at  the 
old  homestead,  Oct.  25,  1847,  a.  89.  (74)  Joel*  b.  May  26,  1760;  m. 
1st,  Sally  Storrs  of  Mansfield,  Conn.;  settled  in  Ashford,  Conn.,  and 
had  two  ch.:  Sarah,6  b.  1792,  and  Storrs,6  b.  1799;  m.  2d  to  a  Mrs. 
Ruggles  of  Princetown,  N.  Y.;  he  d.  April  28,  1850,  nearly  90  vrs. 
of  age.  (75)  Julitta*  b.  May  9,  1762;  m.  April  24,  1785,  Baruch 
Bullard;  settled  in  Uxbridge,  Mass:  had  six  ch.,  and  d.  May  15, 
1846.  (76)  Henry*  b.  Dec.  7,1764;  d.  of  dropsy  March  27,  1790; 
(77)  Joseph*  b.  February  23,  1767;  m.  Mary  Mellen  of  Ilolliston;  re- 
sided there  for  some  years,  and  then  moved  to  Springfield,  Vt.,  where 
he  d.  Nov.  25,  1839;  had  seven  ch.  (78)  Laban*  b.  Oct.  2,  1769;  d. 
of  palsy,  Feb.  13,  1846;  no  family.  (79)  Samuel*  b.  July  25,  1772; 
m.  Olive  Chase  of  York,  Me.,  June  8,  1801;  he  d.  at  Holliston,  March 
5,  1856,  having  ten  ch.,  of  whom  the  eldest  was  the  Rev.  Edward 
Chase,6  b.  March  8,  1802;  m.  April  7,  1835,  Julia  Cushing,  and  set- 
tled over  a  Baptist  church  in  West  Med  way,  Mass.  (80)  Rev.  Iiosewdl* 
[+]  b.  March  9,  1775.  (81)  Charles*  b/jan.  18,  1778;  d.  of  palsy 
Beb.  5,  1835;  unm. 


1862.]  Genealogy  of  the  Messinger  Family.  313 

39.  Ebenezer  Fisher,  Jr.,  m.  Jerusha4  Messinger,  March  12,  1755, 
and  d.  Sept.  23,  1761;  they  had  four  ch.:  (82)  Jerusha?  b.  April 
15,  1756.  (83)  Chloe?  b.  May  1,  1757.  (84)  Ebenezer?  b.  Feb.  19, 
1759.     (85)    Catherine?  b.  Jam  14,  1761. 

40.  Daniel4  Messinger,  b.  Oct.  11,  1735;  m.  Mary  Brastow,  dau.  of 
Thomas  Brastow,  in  1763. — Aiiie,  xm,  249.  He  was  a  farmer  in  Wrent- 
ham,  and  d.  Jan.  11,  1812,  a.  76  yrs.  His  wife  d.  February,  1836,  a. 
94  yrs.  They  had  twelve  ch.:  (86)  Mary?  b.  March  9,1764;  m. 
1st  to  Jona.  Everett;  2d,  Rev.  Mr.  Seamans  of  New  London,  N.  H. 
(87)  James?  b.  Sept.  20,  1765,  and  d.  Dec.  24,  1768.  (88)  Dcniiel?[+] 
b.  June  17,  1768;  ml  May  26,  1793,  to  Susanna  Hinckley. — Ante,  xm, 
210.  (89)  Salhj?  b.  March  25,  1770;  rn.  Timothy  Dexter  of  Cumber- 
land, R.  I.  (90)  Fifth  child,  b.  Nov.'3,  1771,  and  d.  soon  after.  (91) 
Henry?  b.  March  23,  1773;  m.  1st  to  Frances  Bowen,  and  2d  to  Esther 
Gould.  (92)  William?  b.  Feb.  24,  1775;  m.Diraxa  Fales  of  Wrentham. 
(93)  Repsima?  b.  March  9,  1777;  m.  Daniel  Woodbury  of  New  Lon- 
don, N.  H.,  parents  of  Gen.  Daniel  P.6  Woodbury,  U.S.A.  (94) 
Esther,  b.  April  19,  1779;  m.  Capt,  Robert  Hinckley  of  Milton.  (95) 
Horace?  b.  Sept.  19,  1781;  m.  Olive  Hancock  of  Wrentham.  (96) 
Elizabeth?  b.  July  29,  1783;  m.  Erasmus  J.  Pierce  of  Philadelphia. 
(97)    Simpson?  b.  Sept.  6,  1785;  d.  unm.,  May  22,  1821. 

48.  Sweetser4  Messinger,  m.  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  John  and  Elizabeth 
Smith.  Had  twelve  ch.:  (98)  Betty?  b.  March  1,  1759.  (99) 
Samuel?  b.  May  12,  1761.  (100)  Rebecca?  b.  Jan.  8,  1763;  m.  Ebene- 
zer Blake,  3d,  Jan.  2,  1786.  (101)  John  Smith?  b.  Dec.  27,  1764. 
(102)  James?  b.  April  16,  1767.  (103)  Ebenezer?  b.  March  5,  1769; 
m.  Azubah  Farrington,  June  14,  1795.  (104)  George  Whitfield?  b. 
Jan.  3,  1771;  m.  Polly  Fisher.  (105)  Margaret?  b.  Feb.  21,  1773; 
m.  James  Simpson,  April  21,  1805.  (106)  Eli?  b.  Nov.  15,  1774;  m. 
Polly  Haven,  May  10,  1797.  (107)  David?  b.  Oct.  28,  1776;  m.  Polly 
Pond,  March  8,  1804.  (108;  Oliver?  b.  June  28,  1778,  and  (108a) 
Nancy?  b.  June  6,  1781. 

49.  Wigglesworth4  Messinger,  rn.  Jemima  Everett  of  Wrentham, 
and  had  twelve  ch.:  (109)  Jemima?  b.  Oct.  6,  1765.  (110)  Jerusha? 
b.  Oct.  12,  1767.  (Ill)  Pelatiah?  b.  Aug.  28,  1769;  m.  Polly  King 
of  Rutland,  January,  1799;  d.  in  1814.  (112)  Abigail?  b.  Aug.  11, 
1771;  in.  Simeon  Turner,  May  6,  1791.  (113)  Jason?  b.  Sept.  26, 
1773.  (114)  Cyrus?  b.  Oct.  26,  1775.  (115)  Jonathan?  b.  Sept,  21, 
1777.  (116)  Artemas?  b.  1780.  (117)  Eunice?  b.  1782.  (118) 
Lots?  b.  March  16,  1784.  (119)  Avery?  b.  July  13,  1786.  (120) 
Polly?  b.  Aug.  29,  1788. 

80.  Rev.  Rosewell5  Messinger,  b.  March  9,  1775;  grad.  H.  C, 
1797;  m.  1st,  Jan.  25,  1801,  Mary  Brown  of  Concord,  Mass.,  and  2d, 
January,  1819,  Joanna  Yeaton.  He  was  settled  at  York,  Me.,  Oct.  10, 
1798;  became  totally  blind  in  the  early  years  of  his  ministry,  and 
prepared  and  published  a  book  on  Resignation,  of  more  than  200 
pages,  his  wife  acting  as  amanuensis.  He  d.  at  Berwick,  Me.,  of 
congestion  of  the  lungs,  Feb.  20,  1844,  a.  68.  He  had  nine  ch.,  viz: 
six  by  his  1st  wife:  (121)  Zabiah  Gore?  m  David  Austin  of  Charles- 
town;  removed  to  Columbus,  Miss.  (122)  Catharine  Brown?  m. 
John  W.  Capron  of  Uxbtidge.  (123)  Iiosv:ell  Emerson?  merchant  of 
Boston;  m.  Delia  Adams.     (124)  David   Seivall?  settled  at  Worces- 

314  How  Family.  [Oct. 

ter;  m.  Harriet  Sawyer.  (125)  Mary  Williams,6  num.  (120)  Hannah 
Churchill, 6  m.  1st,  John  P.  Arlin;  2d,  John  B.  Smith;  3d,  William 

By  his  2d  wife,  he  had  three  ch.:  (127)  Frances  Eliza,6  m.  Charles 
W.  Williams.  (128)  Benjamin  Franklin*  d.  young;.  (129)  Charles 
Addison,6  m.  Hetty  Ann  Green;  resides  in  Richmond,  R.  I. 

88.  Hon.  Daniel5  Messinger,  whose  memoir  is  prefixed,  had  ten  ch.: 
(130)  Susanna  Ilewcs,6  d.  in  infancy.  (131)  Daniel/3  dec'd,  m.  Mary 
Ann  Smith,  dim.  of  Capt.  Benjamin  Smith,  Portwarden,  Bostuu,  and 
hadch.:  Daniel,7  William  Smith,7  Susan  Dorcas,7  and  Helen.7  (131) 
Eliza  Avery,6  m.  1st  to  E.  T.  F.  Richardson  of  Boston,  and  had  William 
Fox,7  merchant  of  Boston,  Daniel  Messinger,7  d.  at  the  a.  of  13  yrs., 
and  Charles  Tyng,7  d.  in  infancy;  m.  2d,  Gov.  Anthony  Colby  of  New 
London,  N.  H.  (132)  Mary  Brastow6  m.  John  Ayers,  merchant  of 
Boston,  and  had:  William  Austin,7  dec,  Katherine  Downer,7  John,7 
Nathaniel  Henry,7  and  Lionel.7  (133)  Harriet  Hinckley,6  m.  Richard 
Cary  Morse  of  New  York.  (134)  Thomas  Heices  Hinckley6  merchant 
of  New  York;  m.  Margaret -A.  Grimbly  of  London:  now  resides  at 
Stamford,  Ct ,  where  his  wife  d.  Jan.  15,  18G2.  (135)  Foster  Cruft6 
m.  1st  to  Louisa  Grant,  and  2d  to  Maria  J.  Langley,  by  whom  he 
had:  Susan  Hinckley,7  Thomas  Hewes  Hinckley,7  and  George  Wash- 
ington.7 He  resides  at  Wilmington,  Del.  (136)  Susan  Heices6  m. 
William  Bailey  Lang,  merchant  of  New  York,  and  had:  Maria 
Bailey,7  Caroline  Walter,7  and  Fanny  Gore.7  (137)  Robert  Hinckley  6 
merchant  of  New  York.  (138)  George  Washington6  merchant  of  Bos- 
ton, the  compiler  of  this  genealogy. 

How. — Elizabeth,  eldest  dan.  of  William  Jackson  of  Rowley,  m. 
James  How,  jr.,  of  Ipswich.  She  was  tried  for  witchcraft,  Juue  30, 
1692,  and  after  various  witnesses  against  her  were  heard,  she  was 
condemned  to  death,  and  was  executed  on  Gallows  Hill  in  Salem, 
July  19,  1692.  Rev.  Dr.  Felt  in  his  History  of  Ipswich,  p.  207,  informs 
us  that  "  she  left  a  husband,  James,  and  ch.,  Mary  and  Abigail,  who 
in  1712,  received  £12  for  damages,  occasioned  by  the  prosecution  of 
their  mother,  from  the  Province."  Her  husband  had  other  ch.  besides 
Abigail  and  Mary,  but  as  they  did  not  receive  any  portion  of  the 
money  paid  by  the  Province,  it  is  probable  that  they  were  by  a  pre- 
vious wife.  Can  any  one  inform  me  whether  this  wTas  the  fact,  and  if 
so,  what  the  maiden  name  of  said  wife  was?  One  of  the  other  ch. 
of  James  How,  jr.,  viz:  Deborah,  was  certainly  living  in  1712. 
She  m.  May  11,  1685,  Isaac  How  of  Roxbury,  who  was  living  Nov. 
15,  1712,  but  had  d.  before  May  18,  1719,  when  the  widow  resided  at 
Charlestown.  She  was  a  living,  a  widow,  at  Stoneham,  Feb.  26, 
1733-4,  but  I  find  no  further  mention  of  her.  The  other  ch.  of 
James — Elizabeth,  who  m.  a  Mr.  Jackson,  and  John — may  have  been 
dead  when  the  Province  money  was  paid,  but  John  is  known  to  have 
left  descendants,  as  we  learn  from  documents,  that  on  the  30th  of  May, 
1717,  his  son  James  resided  at  Haverhill,  and  his  dau.  Martha  (wife 
of  Thomas  WTood),  resided  at  Rowley.  H. 

1862.]  Will  of  Gen.  John  Bradstreet.  315 


[From  tlie  New  York  Surrogate's  or  Probate  Records.] 

[Communicated   by  S.  Lorixg,   Esq.,  of  Brooklyn,    JNT.   Y.] 

This  is  the  last  Will  and  Testament  of  John  Bradstreet,  Major 
General  in  his  Majesty's  Army,  as  follows:  I  revoke  all  former  Wills 
and  Testaments.  I  appoint  Col.  Philip  Schuyler  to  take  all  my  books 
and  papers,  and  to  settle  and  transmit  my  public  accounts  to  Charles 
Gould,  Esq.,  of  London,  and  I  discharge  the  said  Col.  Schuyler  from 
all  demands  and  debts,  except  £1000  currency,  which  shall  be  paid 
to  Elizabeth  Bradstreet.  daughter  to  my  wife.  I  devise  the  Farm, 
which  I  have  a  lease  of  in  Fee,  and  which  is  now  possessed  by  Tony 
Cliff,  to  John  Bradstreet  Schuyler,  son  of  the  said  Col.  Schuyler,  and 
to  his  heirs  and  assigns  forever,  together  with  my  Arras,  Books  and 
apparel.  I  give  all  my  Carriages,  Horses  and  Tackle  to  Mrs.  Schuy- 
ler, wife  of  the  said  Col.  Philip  Schuyler.  The  money  due  to  me  from 
Parson  Johnson  of  Corry's  Bush,  by  Bond,  I  give  to  his  daughter, 
Margaret  Schuyler.  All  the  rest  of  my  estate,  real  and  personal,  I 
devise  and  bequeath  to  my  two  daughters,  equally  to  be  divided  be- 
tween them,  as  tenants  in  common,  in  Fee.  But  I  charge  the  same 
with  the  payment  of  £100  Sterling,  per  annum,  to  their  mother  during 
her  life.  Notwithstanding  the  former  Devise  for  the  benefit  of  my 
Wife  and  Daughters,  I  empower  my  Executor  to  do  all  acts,  and  exe- 
cute all  Instruments  which  they  may  conceive  to  be  requisite  to  the 
Partition  of  my  landed  estate,  and  I  devise  the  same  to  them  as 
Jointenants,  to  be  by  them  sold  at  such  time  and  in  such  manner  as 
they  shall  think  most  for  the  interest  of  my  daughters,  to  whom  the 
nett  produce  shall  be  paid,  in  equal  shares,  the  sum  of  £100,  ster- 
ling, per  annum,  being  first  deducted,  or  a  capital  to  secure  the  same 
set  apart,  for  an  annuity  to  my  wife,  as  aforesaid.  I  order  that  Dr. 
Bruce  have  £100  for  his  trouble  &  for  his  kindness  to  me.  My 
Watch  I  give  to  Mr.  Gould,  as  a  mark  of  my  friendship.  I  leave 
funeral  expenses  to  the  discretion  of  my  Executors.  And  I  appoint 
for  the  execution  of  this,  my  Will,  the  said  Col.  Philip  Schuyler  and 
William  Smith,  Esq.,  of  New  York,  who  penned  this  according  to 
my  Dictation  while  much  indisposed,  but  in  the  enjoyment  of  my 
usual  share  of  understanding.  In  testimony  whereof,  I  have  here- 
unto set  my  hand  and  seal,  this  twenty-third  day  of  September,  1774. 

Jno.  Bradstreet.   [l.  3.] 

Signed,  sealed  &  published  by  Gen.  John  Bradstreet  the  Testator, 
as  his  last  Will  and  Testament,  and  by  us  subscribed  as  witnesses 
thereto,  in  his  presence,  &  at  his  request  the  word  in  Fee  &  the  words 
(for  his)  first  interlined,  &  the  legacy  of  fifty  changed  to  one  hun- 
dred, before  attesting.  Adam  Gilchrist, 

Wir.  J.  Almon, 
Francis  Grant. 

316  An  Attendant  on   Goffe   and  Whalley..  [Oct. 

City  of  New  York,  ss: 

Be  it  remembered,  that  on  the  30th  day  of  Sept.,  1114,  personally 
came  and  appeared  before  me,  Cary  Ludlow,  thereunto  duly  author- 
ized, Adam  Gilchrist  of  the  city  of  New  York,  Taylor,  and  William 
J.  Almon  and  Francis  Grant,  both  of  the  same  city,  apprentices  to 
William  Bruce  of  the  city  aforesaid,  surgeon  &  physician,  the  former 
aged  about  nineteen  years  and  the  latter  aged  about  twenty  years, 
and  being  severally  duly  sworn,  on  their  oaths,  declared  that  they 
saw  John  Bradstreet  sign  and  seal  the  within  written  instrument, 
purporting  to  be  the  Will  of  the  said  John  Bradstreet,  bearing  date 
the  23d  Sept.  inst.,  and  heard  him  publish  and  declare  the  same  as 
and  for  his  last  Will  and  Testament;  that  at  the  time  thereof,  he  the 
said  John  Bradstreet  was  of  sound  &  strong  mind  and  memory,  to 
the  best  of  the  knowledge  and  belief  of  them  the  deponents,  &  that 
their  names  subscribed  to  the  said  Will  are  of  their  own  proper  hand 
writing  which  they  severalty  subscribed  as  witnesses  to  in  the  tes- 
tator's presence.  Car?  Ludlow,  Sur. 

[Maj.  Gen.  John  Bradstreet  was  born  ab.  1711,  and  died  at  New 
York,  Sept.  25,  1774.  Dr.  0?Callaghan  has  given  a  very  good  sketch 
of  his  life,  particularly  full  as  to  facts  and  dates,  in  his  notes  to 
Commissary  Wilson's  Orderly  Book  (Albany,  J.  Munsell,  1857),  pp.  6-8. 
Lossing,  in  his  Field  Book  of  the  Revolution,  vol.  i,  p.  215,  has  a  notice 
of  him,  as  has  also  Alien,  in  his  American  Biographical  Dictionary.  Wre 
can  learn  nothing  relative  to  his  birthplace  or  parentage.  He  has 
generally  been  represented  as  an  Englishman,  though  we  have  some- 
times seen  it  stated  that  he  was  a  native  of  this  conntry.  We  first 
find  him  in  command  of  provincial  troops;  but  have  not  been  able  to 
connect  him  with  any  of  the  families  of  Bradstreet  in  New  Eng- 
land.— Ed.] 


[Communicated  by  Joseph  Palmer,  M.  D.] 

"Needham,  July  17,  1735.  This  day  died  here,  Mrs.  Lydia  Chick- 
ering,  in  the  eighty-sixth  year  of  her  age.  She  was  born  in  Dedham, 
in  New  England,  July  14,  1652,  and  about  the  year  1671  went  up 
from  thence  to  Hadley,  where,  for  the  space  of  about  a  year  she 
waited  upon  Col.  Whalley  and  Col.  Goffe  (two  of  King  Charles  let's 
judges),  who  had  fled  thither  from  the  men  that  sought  their  lives. 
She  was  the  daughter  of  Capt.  Daniel  Fisher  of  Dedham,  one  of  the 
magistrates  of  the  colony  under  the  old  charter.  Having  lived  a 
virtuous  life,  she  died  universally  respected,  and  came  to  her  grave 
in  a  full  old  age  as  a  shock  of  corn  cometh  in  in  his  season." 

The  above  I  copied  from  the  original,  which  is  in  the  hand-writing 
of  Rev.  Jonathan  Townscnd,  who  was  the  first  minister  of  Needham. 
He  was  born  in  Lynn  in  1698;  graduated  at  Harvard  College  in  1716; 
was  ordained  in  Needham,  23d  March,  1720;  died  30th  September, 
1762,  aged  64  years,  and  of  his  ministry  42  years. 

Boston,  14th  June,  1862. 

1862.]  Records  of  Falmouth  (now  Portland),  Me.  317 


[Continued  from  vol.  xiv,  page  226.] 

Intentions  of  Marriage,  from   the  Records  of  the   Town  of  Falmouth. 
Alphabetically  arranged. 

Fickett  John  with  Isabella  Roberts,  Dec.  13, 1749.  Freeman  Joshua, 
Jr.  with  Lois  Pearson,  June  9,  1*150.  Forbes  John  with  Eiiz.  Burns, 
May  8,  1152.  Flood  James  with  Abigail  Thomas,  Feb.  7,  1753. 
Flarity  James  with  Eliz.  Hays,  Sept.  25,  1756.  Frink  John  with  Jo- 
anna Westcott,  Aug.  5,  1758.  Ford  Daniel  of  Brunswick  with  Kezia 
Pottinger,  July  17,  1759.  Fulton  John  of  Topsham  with  Hannah  Max- 
well of  Fal.,  Aug.  24,  1759.  Freeman  Jona.,  Jr.  with  Sarah  Parker, 
Nov.  28,  1759.  Freeman  George  with  Martha  Thorn  (married  Feb. 
14),  Jan.  26,  1760.  Fickett  Benja.  with  Sarah  Sawyer,  Feb.  2,  1760. 
Frink  John  with  Sarah  Cresey  (married  Nov.  13),  Sept.  16, 1760.  Fly 
James  of  Scarboro'  with  Jerusha  Freeman  of  Falmouth,  Nov.  21, 1760. 
Field  Daniel  with  Mary  Ingersoll  (married  June  24),  Mar.  13,  1762. 
Frank  Thomas  with  Ann  Babbage  of  N.  Yarmouth,  June  26,  1750. 
Fabyan  Joshua  with  Sarah  Brackitt,  Jan.  9,  1766.  Fainer  Peter 
with  Mercy  Cox  (by  Mr.  Smith),  Dec.  21,  1773.  Fosdick  James 
with  Ann  Codman,  Aug.  28,  1781. 

Grafton  Jacob  with  Mary  Moody  of  Scarboro',  Feb.  17,  1734. 
Gooding  Arthur  with  Ann  Ross,  Aug.  3,  1735.  Gibbs  Andrew  with 
Susannah  Frizzell,  Oct.  22,  1738.  Greely  Phillip  of  N.  Yarmouth  with 
Hannah  Stubbs  of  Falmouth,  Mar.  27,  1740.  GrafTam  Caleb  with 
Lois  Bennett,  July  29,  1741.  GrafTam  Samuel  with  Lydia  Cobb,  Jan. 
16,  1742.  Gookin  Simon  vvith  Prudence  Ilsley,  March  21,  1742. 
Gooding  James  with  Hannah  Sweetsir,  Aug.  8,  1742.  Gatchell  John 
of  Brunswick  with  Mary  Barbour  of  Falmouth,  Nov.  7,  1742.  God- 
frey Benja.  with  Ruth  Wheeler,  Feb.  13,  1743.  Gooding  Joseph  with 
Hannah  Waite,  Sept.  12,  1746.  Greely  Thomas  with  Allice  Ross, 
Feb.  8,  1747.  Gammon  Wm.  with  Dorcas  Gatchell,  Aug.  28,  1748. 
Gilkey  James  with  Martha  Morton,  Sept.  11,  1748.  Goddard  James 
with  Sarah  Parker,  Sept.  17,  1749.  Gammon  Phillip  with  Hannah 
Gatchell,  Sept.  24,  1749.  Gammon  Joseph  with  Eliz.  Robardson, 
Jan.  14,  1750.  Galloway  Wm.  with  Martha  Currier,  Dec.  8,  1750. 
GrafTam  Samuel  with  Mary  Aery,  March  9,  1751.  Green  Wm.  a  re- 
sident in  Falmouth  with  Sarah  Hatten,  March  16,  1751.  Graves  Wm. 
with  Ann  Bush  (married  Nov.  18),  Oct.  5,  1751.  Gooding  Mr.  James 
with  Mrs.  Mary  Wheeler,  Nov.  12,  1753.  Gent  George  with  Thankful 
Johnson,  Jan.  26,  1754.  Gookin  Samuel  with  Sarah  Haskell,  Aug.  3, 
1754.  Gordon  Nathl.  with  Mary  Bangs,  Oct.  3,  1754.  Graves  Joseph 
with  Jane  Adams,  Nov.  2,  1754.  Genniss  Wm.  with  Jemimah  Proctor 
(d.  of  Saml.),  Feb.  22,  1755.  Goodwin  John  with  Mary  Hunt,  March 
6,  1756.  Gould  Aaron  with  Sarah  Starbird,  Feb.  5,  1757.  Graves 
Johnson  with  Sarah  Staples,  Sept.  10,  1757.  Gray  Andrew  with 
Lydia  Brown,  Oct.  5,  1757.  Greenlaw  Wm.  of  Boston  with  Eliz. 
Fausset,    Nov.   21,   1758.       Greenlaw  Jona.  of   Boston  with    Eliz, 

318  Records  of  Falmouth  {now  Portland),  Me.  Oct. 

Lamb,  Feb.  10,  1159.  Gooding  Arthur  with  Jane  Hows  (Father  G. 
&  the  widow  of  Amos  Hows  married  Aug.  6),  July  28,  1759.  Gilkey 
James  of  Gorham  T.  with  Margaret  Watts  of  Falmouth,  Nov.  9,  1759. 
Gustin  Ehcnr.  with  Lucy  Eayers  (married  April  10),  Feb.  9,  1760. 
Green  John  resident  of  Falmouth  with  Eliz.  Sharp  of  Falmouth  (mar- 
ried March  6),  17 607. '7"' Gustin  Thomas  with  Charity  Trundy,  April 
20,  1760.  Gragg  John  with  Tabitha  Parker  (married  Sept.  2,)  Aug. 
16,  1760.  Gilford  John  with  Eliz.  McKenny  of  Scarboro',  Jan.  2,  1761. 
.'Gustin  Thomas  with  Mary  Sawyer  (banns  forbid  by  Mary  Day),  June 

22.  1761.  Green  Samuel  with  Jane  Gustin,  March  10,  1763.  Graves 
Crispus  with  Susannah  Merrill  (married  by  Mr.  Smith),  May  2,  1765. 
Gooding  James  3d  with  Mary  Sacks  (married  by  Mr.  Smith),  May  20, 
1765.  Godson  Kichd.  with  Betty  Elsley  (married  by  Mr.  Smith), 
June  29,  1767.  Gould  Joseph  with  Lydia  Lowell  (married  by  Mr. 
Smith),  Oct.  24,  1773. 

Huston  Simon  with  Eliz.  Elder,  July  23,  1761.  Hutchinson  Daniel 
with  Lydia  Strout  (married  Oct.  14),  May  12,  1762.  Hutchinson 
James  with  Abigail  Dyer,  Sept.  30,  1762.  Hidden  John  of  New- 
bury with  Eliz.  Blackstone  of  Falmouth,  Jan.  20,  1763.  Hall  Joseph 
with  Mary  Cocks  (married  by  Mr.  Smith),  March  3,  1763.  Haskell 
Nathl.  with  Deborah  Bayley  (married  by  Mr.  Smith),  Aug.  30,  1763. 
Holland  Wm.  with  Eliz.  Greenwood,  (married  by  Mr.  Smith,)   Sept. 

23,  1765.  Hall  Stephen  with  Mary  Holt  (married  by  Mr.  Smith); 
1778.  Hooper  James  with  Mary  Stickney  (married  by  Mr.  Smith), 
Nov.  29,  1781. 

Ingersoli  Nathl.  of  Falmouth  with  Jane  Fitzgerald  of  Portsmouth, 
N.  IL,  Feb.  19,  1744.  Ingersoli  Nathl.  with  Hannah  Spinney,  Feb. 
16,  1745.  Ingersoli  Jas.  with  Eliza  Davenport  of  Boston,  Sept.  24, 
1749.  Ilsley  Isaac  with  Mary  Bradbury,  Feb.  15,  1751.  Irish  Jo- 
seph with  Hannah  Dow,  March  .10,  1753.  Irish  James  with  Mary 
Graffam  Phinney,  both  of  Gorham,  March  10,  1756.  Irish  Thomas 
with  Deliverance  Skillings,  both  of  Gorham,  July  6,  1759.  Ilsley 
Daniel  with  Jemimah  Bradbury,  Jan.  17,  1761.  Ilsley  Daniel  with 
Mary  Jones  (married  Nov.  11),  Oct.  6,  1762.  Ilsley  Enoch  with  Eliz. 
Harper  (married  by  Rev.  Mr.  Brown),  Feb.  24,  1783. 

Jordan  Samuel  with  Frances  Cranch,  March  2,  1734.  Jones  Stephen 
of  Falmouth  with  Lydia  Jones  of  Weston,  Dec.  29, 1734.  Jones  Nathl. 
with  Mary  Flagg  of  Worster,  Sept.  18,  1735.  Jordan  Thomas  with 
Ann  Simonton,  Dec.  23,  1736.  Jordan  John  with  Mary  Porterneld, 
Jan.  15,  1737.  Jordan  John  with  Deliverance  Reding,  April  9,  1737. 
Jordan  Richard  of  Falmouth  with  Catherine  Hanscom  of  Scarboro', 
Sept.  26,  1737.  Jordan  John  with  Abigail  Coomes  of  New  Meadows, 
Oct.  23,  1737.  Jordan  John  with  Isabel  Armstrong,  March  10,  1738. 
Jones  Ephraim  with  Mary  Pearson,  Feb.  18,  1739.  Jameson  Samuel 
with  Sarah  Smith  of  Arundell,  Nov.  26,  1739.  Jordan  Robert  with 
Joannah  Thorndike,  Feb.  17,  1740.  Jordan  Dominions  with  Phebe 
Gray,  Feb.  21,  17  40.  Jordan  Wm.  with  Abigail  Allen,,  April  20,  1740. 
Jordan  Nathl.  with  Sarah  Woodbury  of  Beverly,  Aug-.  2,  1740.  Jon- 
son  James  of  Boston  with  Mary  Bosworth  of  Falmouth,  March  6,  1741. 
Jordan  James  with  Phebe  Mitchell  of  Kittery,  May  18,  1741.  Jordan 
Stillman  of  New  Castle.  N.  H.,  with  Hepzibah  Jordan  of  Falmouth, 
July  10,  1742.      Jonson  Benja.  with  Sarah  Hodgdoa,  Oct,  2,  1743. 

1862.]  Records  of  Falmouth  (noiv  Portland),  Me.  ,-319 

Jameson  Alex,  with  Mary  McLellan,  1743.  Jordan  Clement  with 
Eliz.  Allen,  April  29,  1144.  Jordan  James  with  Eliz.  Jordan,  Dec.  9, 
1744.  Jones  Ichabod  with  Apphia  Coffin  of  Newbury,  Nov.  5,  1745. 
Jordan  Samuel,  Jr.  with  Hannah  Jordan,  Jan.  3,  1740.'  Jones  Isaac 
with  Rachel  Jones  of  Hull,  April  20,  1746.  Jordan  Ebenr.  with  Re- 
becca Brown,  Aug*.  3,  1746.  Jordan  Richard  with  Eliz.  Smith,  Aug-. 
14,  1748.  Jackman  Joseph  with  Eliz.  Swett,  Aug-.  14,  1748.  Jordan 
Noah  with  Sarah  Morrell,  Dec.  3,  1748.  Jameson  Samuel  with  Sarah 
McLellan,  Aug.  4,  1749.     Jameson  Dave  with  Eliz.  Peoples,  Nov.  4, 

1749.  Jackson  Solomon  with  Sarah  Jordan,  Feb.  25,  1750.  Jordan 
Jeremiah,  Jr.  with  Eliz.  Cox,  June  2,  1750.  Jordan  Nathl.  3d  with 
Sarah  Wyle  of  Billingsgate,  July  27,  1751.  Jameson  Robert,  Jr. 
with  Sarah  McKenney,  Dec.  7,  1751.  Johnson  Guye  with  Mary  Jack- 
son, June  25,  1752.  Jordan  Nathl.  with  Mary  Randall,  Aug.  13, 1753. 
Jones  Ephraim,  Jr.  with  Susannah  Wallis,  Sept.  7,  1753.  Jones  Jonas 
with  Rachel  Haskell,  Dec.  15.  1753.  Johnson  James  Jr.  with 
Hannah  Blake,  July  17,  1754.  Jordan  John  with  Agnes  Berry,  Aug. 
20,  1754.  Jones  Ezekiel  with  Eliz.  Conant,  Sept.  14,  1754.  Jordan 
Nathl.  H.  with  Susannah  Hill  of  Scarboro',  June  18,  1755.  Jones 
Henry  of  Scarboro'  with  Lydia  Lowell  of  Falmouth,  Nov.  14,  1755. 
Jordan  Clement  with  Sarah  Dunham,  Dec.  20,  1755.  Johnson  Robert 
with  Mary  Millens,  May  27,  1757,  Jones  Thomas  with  Catharine 
Thompson,  Sept.  23,  1757.  Jenks  John  with  Eliz.  Haney,  JvAy  8, 1758. 
Johnson  James,  Jr.  with  Eliz.  Porterfield,  Jan.  20,  1759.  Jordan 
Dominicus,  Jr.  with  Susannah  Simonton,  June  19,  1760.  Jones  Isaac 
with  Hannah  Paine,  both  residents  in  Falmouth,  Sept.  25, 1762.  Jones 
John  with  Mary  Riggs,  married  by  Mr.  Brown,  Nov.  21,  1782. 

Knight  Anthony  with  Eliz.  Adams,  Dec.  9,  1744.  Knight  Enoch 
with  Margaret  Winslow,  Aug.  10,  1746.  Knight  Wm.  with  Hannah 
Babb,  Sept.  24,  1748.      Knight   Samuel  with  Mary  Knight,  Oct.  5, 

1750.  Knight  Benja.  with  Eliz.  Elder,  Dec.  22, 1752.  Knight  George, 
Jr.  with  Esther  Butman,  Aug.  2,  1754.  Knight  Henry,  Jr.  with  Me- 
hitable  Sawyer,  Nov.  7,  1755.  Knight  Wm.  3d  with  Hannah  Knight, 
April  3,  1756.  Knight  Wm.  Jr.  with  Ann  Johnson  of  N.  Yarmouth, 
July  28,  1757.  itnight  Mark  with  Margaret  Johnson,  Dec.  31,  1757. 
Killpatrick  John  of  St.  Georges  with  Ann  Bradbury,  Nov.  3,  1758. 
Knight  Jos.  with  Lydia  Libby  of  Scarboro',  Dec.  12,  1759.  Knight 
Amos  with  Ann  Sawyer,  Feb.  28,  1761.  Killpatrick  Floyd  of  Scar- 
boro' with  Mary  Carl  of  Falmouth,  June  13,  1761.  Knight  Joshua 
with  Abigail  Merrill  (married  Nov.  10),  Sept.  12,  1761.  Knight 
William  with  Sarah  York,  Oct.  24,  1742.  Killpatrick  Thomas  of 
Biddeford  with  Eliz.  Simmons  of  Falmouth,  Oct.  16,  1743.  Knowles 
Samuel  with  Sarah  El  well,  Dec.  29,  1754.  Kenney  John  with  Eliza. 
Tucker  of  N.  Yarrno',  Sept.  28,  1740.  Kipps  Ben,  a  negro,  with 
Thankfuil  Hill,  an  Indian,  Jan.  16,  1742.  Knapp  Jonas  with  Mary 
Wright,  Nov.  6,  1737,  Knight  Amos  with  Ann  Sawyer  (married 
by  Mr.  Smith),  March  26,  1761.  Kenney  Samuel  with  Sarah  Sawyer 
(married  by  S.  Longfellow,)  Dec.  29,  1768.  Knight  Samuel  with 
Rebecca  Young  (married  by  Mr.  Smith),  June  20,  1773. 

Loveit  Jona.  with  Mary  Woodbury,  March,  1736.  Lowell  Abner 
with  Lydia  Purinton,  July  13,  1737.  Larraby  Thomas  with-  Mary 
Long,  Feb.  14,  1742.     Lunt  James  of  Newbury  with  Hannah  Noyea 

320  Records  of  Falmouth  {now  Portland),  Me.  [Oct. 

of  Falmouth,  April  10,  1743.  Long-fellow  Stephen  with  Tabitha 
Bragdon,  Oct.  1,  1149.  Lunt  Job  with  Abigail  Brackett,  Oct.  8, 
1749.  Lewis  Thomas  with  Sarah  Ray,  Dec"  20,  1749.  Lambert 
Jona.  with  Mary  Harper,  May  19,  1750.  Leech  James  with  Sarah 
Welch,  Sept,  29,  1750.  Larraby  Wm.  of  Scarboro'  with  Mary  Burns 
of  Falmouth,  July  25,  1752.  Lawrence  Joshua  with  Sarah  Follow, 
Aug.  19,  1752.  Loring  Ezekiel  of  N.  Yarmouth  with  Hannah  Burton 
of  Falmouth,  July  27,  1753.  Lowell  Stephen  with  Agnes  Bottom, 
Oct.  27,  1753.  Lowell  Mr.  Samuel  with  Mrs.  Martha  Galloway,  Nov. 
10,  1753.  Lowell  Thomas  with  Sarah  Brackett,  March  30,  1754. 
Libbey  John  of  Scarboro'  with  Deborah  Dunnafar  of  Falmouth,  Dec. 
13,  1754.  Ladd  NathJL  with  Rebecca  Smith  of  Biddeford,  May  7, 
1755.  Lewis  Abijah  P.  with  Rebecca  Melcher,  both  of  Gorham,  Dec. 
27,  1755.  Loveit  Saml.  of  Narragansett  with  Sarah  Phinney  of  Gor- 
ham, Dec.  27,  1755.  Locke  Nathl.  with  Mary  Lombard,  Oct.  30,  1756. 
Little  Moses  of  Newbury  with  Mary  Milk  of  Falmouth,  July  9,  1757. 
Libby  Andrew  of  Scarboro'  with  Ellinor  Tuckey  of  Falmouth,  July 
16,  1757.  Lawrence  Peter  with  Mary  Dulmige,  Dec.  3,  1757.  Libby 
Joseph  with  Mary  Huston,  Jan.  7, 1758.  London,  Capt.  Walter  Simon- 
ton's  negro,  with  Nancy,  Capt.  Loring  Cushing's,  Nov.  30, 1758.  Lavy 
Dennis  of  Gorham  with  Patience  Wooster  of  Pearson  Town,  April  20, 

1761.  Low  James  with  Esther  Lensket,  both  of  Gorham,  Jan.  20, 

1762.  Libby  Samuel  with  Mary  Frost,  April  17,  1762.  Little  Paul 
of  Falmouth  with  Hannah  Emery  of  Newbury,  April  24,  1762.  Libby 
Daniel  with  Sarah  Doughty  (married  July  1),  May  22,  1762.  Larraby 
Benja.  of  Brunswick  with  Lydia  Bayiey  (married  Oct.  12),  Aug.  26, 
1762.  Lee  John  with  Rachel  Strout,  Nov.  13,  1762.  Larraby  Benja. 
with  Catharine  Tibbetts  (married  Aug.  18),  Jan.  7,  1763.  Larraby 
Benja.  Jr.  with  Sarah  Wood  (married  April  21),  Jau.  10,  1763. 
Lakeman  Wm.  with  Hannah  Doane,  both  of  Gorham,  Nov.  16,  1754. 
Lowell  Thomas  with  Lydia  Hanscom,  Jan.  9,  1752.  Lewis  John  with 
Eliz.  Turbuch,  Jan.  4,  1773.  Longfellow  Stephen  Jr.  with  Patince 
Young  (married  by  Mr.  Smith),  Dec.  13,  1773.  Lunt  Job  with  Mary 
Collier  (married  by  Mr.  Smith),  Aug.  12,  1784.  Littiefield  Elijah  with 
Sukey  Malby  (married  by  Mr.  Smith),  Nov.  4,  178L 

Milk  James  with  Sarah  Brown,  Sept.  8,  1735.  Muckleroy  Arthur 
with  Ann  Collins,  Nov.  16,  1735.  Moody  Joshua,  Esq.  with  Tabitha 
Cocks,  Feb.  3,  1736.  Muckleroy  Arthur  with  Eliza  Ingersoll,  March 
21,  1736.  Mosely  Thomas  with  Sarah  Scott,  Nov.  24,  1736.  Marvin 
John,  Jr.  with  Sarah  Roberts,  June  19,  1737.  Marvin  John  with  Re- 
becca Nyles  of  Boston,  July  13,  1737.  Marvin  John  with  Martha 
Sarvcnor,  Nov.  15,  1737.  McCraight  John  with  Mary  PorterSeld, 
Feb.  27,  1738.  Motley  John  with  Mary  Roberts,  May  14,  1738. 
Miller  John  with  Jane  Craige,  Aug.  27,  1738.  Moody  Enoch  with 
Dorcas  Cocks,  April  1,  1739.  Mullony  Tirno.  of  N.  Yarmouth  with 
Hannah  Woodman  of  Falmouth,  July  29,  1739.  McCauasland  John 
with  Isabell  Thompson  of  Scarboro',  Sept.  1,  1739.  McAllister  Wm. 
with  Eliz.  Coger,  May  11,  1740.  Marviue  Jos.  of  Falmouth  with 
Abigail  Hanscomb  of  Scarboro',  June  23,  1741.  Merrill  Humphrey 
with  Betty  Merrill  of  N.  Yarmouth,  Aug.  29,  1741.  McLellan  BryeV 
with  Eliz.  Miller,  Sept.  10,  1741.  Millet  Thomas  with  Susannah 
Skilliugs,  Oct.  4,  1741. 

1862.]  David  McLane.  321 


[By  John  Gilmaky  Shea,  Esq.,  of  New  York.] 

All  are  aware  of  the  attitude  assumed  in  the  United  States  by 
Genet,  Fanchetand  Adet,  the  French  ministers  to  this  country  during 
the  administration  of  Washington,  and  the  dangers  in  which  their 
advocates  in  this  country  involved  the  rising-  republic,  Washington's 
Farewell  Address  is  the  solemn  warning  of  a  statesman  to  his  coun- 
try against  their  incessant  machinations. 

Much,  however,  of  the  intrigues  set  on  foot  is  scarcely  known  and 
few  American  readers  are  aware  that  they  led  to  the  execution  at 
Quebec  of  an  American  convicted  of  high  treason,  and  an  execution 
conducted  with  ail  the  barbarity  of  the  English  code,  probably  the 
solitary  instance  of  hanging,  drawing  and  quartering  in  America. 

In  1796,  Adet  addressed  a  kind  of  proclamation  to  the  Canadiaus, 
in  which  he  announced  that  the  French  Republic  having  defeated 
Spain,  Austria  and  Italy  was  now  on  the  point  of  attacking  England 
in  her  turn,  beginning  at  the  colonies,  and  he  invited  the  Canadians 
to  rally  around  his  standard,  telling  them  that  France  intended  to 
raise  troops  in  Canada. 

Even  Monroe  from  France  had  alread3r  talked  in  his  correspondence 
of  the  easy  conquest  of  Canada,  and  doubtless  many  in  the  United 
States  looked  upon  the  termination  of  the  English  power  in  the  pro- 
vince as  a  certainty  on  which  they  might  safely  base  their  cacula- 
tions  of  political  or  commercial  profit. 

David  Lane,  a  native  of  Attleboro',  Mass.,  in  the  course  of  trade 
in  the  south,  had  adopted  or  been  honored,  as  many  still  are  in 
North  Carolina,  with  a  Scottish  prefix  and  retained  permanently  a 
name  which  in  his  regular  autumn  visits  to  the  south  he  had  found 
profitable,  going  by  the  name  of  David  McLane. 

The  reminiscences  of  a  worthy  citizen  of  Providence,  Rhode  Is- 
land, thus  speak  of  Lane  and  his  operations  in  that  city. 

"The  first  considerable  improvement,  within  my  recollection  in 
this  place,  was  the  erection  of  the  Coffee  House,  which  is  now*  recog- 
nized in  the  old  building  adjoining  westward  to  the  splendid  granite 
block  on  the  north  side  of  Market  square.  This  in  its  day  was  con- 
sidered as  a  wonderful  effort  in  the  architectural  line.  It  was  built 
by  Messrs.  David  McLane  and  Paul  Draper.  It  is  probabW  the  first 
building  erected  in  this  town  where  the  floor  joists  were  laid  upon  the 
plates  or  frame,  instead  of  being  let  into  them  by  means  of  tenons 
and  mortices,  as  had  previously  been  the  practice.  McLane  was  an 
operative  housewright,  and  this  though  an  innovation,  was  soon  ac- 
knowledged by  the  craft  generally  to  be  an  improvement,  inasmuch 
as  labor  was  saved,  and  strength  was  added  to  the  building  by  pre- 
serving the  timber  whole;  and  since  that  time,  this  mode  has  been 
generally  adopted  by  architects. 

*  The  reminiscences  quoted  were  written  a  number  of  years  ago.     The  Old  Coneo 
House  building  has  since  been  demolished  and  freestone  buildings  occupy  its  site. 
Lotteries  here  mentioned  as  in  vogue,  have  since  been  abolished  by  the  state. 

322  David  McLane.  [Oct. 

This  establishment  was,  for  some  years,  what  it  purported  to  be — 
a  coffee  house.  Its  lower  floor  was  laid  out  into  one  or  two  well 
furnished  bars,  and  a  room  embracing  all  its  front,  except  an  entrance 
and  stairway  to  the  upper  stories,  which  large  room  was  used  as  an 
exchange  for  merchants,  politicians,  newsmongers,  quid  mines  and 
scandal-brokers  of  all  descriptions,  in  stormy  weather,  when  it  was 
inconvenient  for  them  to  assemble  at  their  old  established  rendezvous 
on  the  Great  Bridge.  On  either  side  of  this  large  room,  on  the  ground 
floor,  were  a  number  of  recesses,  each  with  a  table  and  seats  which 
would  accommodate  four  persons,  who  were  furnished  promptly  by 
the  waiters  with  newspapers,  or  with  coffee,  sling,  punch  or  other 
refreshments  required.  The  second  story  contained  large  parlors, 
and  a  spacious  room  Tor  the  practice  of  the  culinary  art,  and  tiie 
manufacture  of  gastronomic  delicacies. 

The  third  story  and  the  lofty  attic  had  numerous  rooms  for  lodging 
and  for  a  billiard  table,  and  for  the  accommodation  of  card  parties, 
which  were  generally  composed  of  amateurs  instead  of  professed 
artists.  This  establishment  was  kept  up  a  few  years,  but  was  found 
to  be  in  advance  of  the  population,  the  refinement  and  the  business 
of  the  place,  and  after  having  had  a  succession  of  keepers  or  land- 
lords, none  of  whom  ever  secured  a  competence  in  the  business,  was 

To  aid  the  builders  in  their  work  of  enterprise,  which  was  con- 
sidered in  the  light  of  a  great  public  improvement,  through  the  ad- 
dress and  perseverance  of  McLane,  a  lottery  had  been  granted  to 
him  by  the  legislature  of  Rhode  Island,  classes  of  which  had  been 
put  forth  and  drawn  in  due  season,  by  the  old  fashioned  slow  process, 
long  before  it  had  entered  any  mathematician's  pericranium  that  com- 
binations might  be  formed  which  would  arrive  at  the  same  result,  by 
an  almost  instantaneous  operation.  A  prodigious  labor-saving  in- 
vention, without  which,  it  is  not  easy  to  conceive  in  what  manner  in 
the  present  age,  with  our  unparalleled  number  of  lottery  grants,  this 
useful  branch  of  business  could  be  accomplished.  The  wheel  of  for- 
tune revolved,  the  lottery  of  McLane  was  drawn,  but  we  never  learn- 
ed that  any  ticket  purchaser  ever  received  a  prize.  Those  who  held 
what  was  called  lucky  numbers,  had  a  golden  vision  in  prospect  ; 
but  it  soon  vanished  into  the  air;  and  the  treasures  which  they  were 
about  to  seize  were  snatched  from  their  grasp,  as  if  touched  by  the 
wand  of  those  enchanters,  in  oriental  tales  described." 

When  Adet  made  his  appeal  to  the  Canadians,  McLane  was  a  ruined 
man,  and  ready  for  any  enterprise  offering  a  prospect  of  wealth  and 
honor.  He  received  a  general's  commission  from  Adet  and  visited 
Canada  in  1196  to  prepare  a  plot  for  overthrowing  the  power  of  Eng- 
land. His  plan  was  to  raise  a  body  of  men  in  the  adjacent  states  v.- ho 
as  raftsmen  were  to  rendezvous  near  Quebec,  and  when  all  was  ready 
he  and  his  men,  armed  with  wooden  pikes  eight  feet  long  headed  with 
an  iron  point,  were  to  rush  on  the  garrison  of  Quebec  and  carry  it. 
Drugged  liquor  introduced  among  the  soldiers  was  to  facilitate  the 
success  of  the  bold  attempt. 

The  next  year,  H97,  having  completed  his  arrangements  he  return- 
ed to  Canada  by  the  way  of  St.  John's,  where  he  hired  a  French  hahi- 
tan  named  Charles  Frichette,  an  illiterate  man,  to  whom,  however,  he 
imparted  his  schemes,  and  who  agreed  to  accompany  him. 

38G2.J  David  McLane.  323 

By  some  means  he  was  induced  to  broach  his  plans  to  John  Black, 
a  shipbuilder  at  Quebec,  with  whom  the  well  known  Henry  Eck- 
ford  learned  his  business.  Black  had  just  by  intrigue  succeeded  in 
.securing*  his  election  to  the  provincial  parliament,  and  eagerly  grasp- 
ed at  the  occasion  of  reaping  lienor  and  profit  by  handing  McLane 
to  the  authorities,  as  unscrupulous  as  McLane  is  said  in  other  days  to 
have  declared  himself  to  be  as  to  the  means  of  acquiring  wealth. 

As  soon,  therefore,  as  Black  had  McLane  in  his  power  he  betrayed 
him.  The  government  resolved  to  make  his  case  one  to  strike  terror 
into  the  French  population  and  prevent  any  rising  at  the  instigation 
of  the  envoys  of  the  Republic.  lie  was  brought  to  trial,  every  effort 
being  made  to  render  the  proceedings  notorious  and  imposing.  "  The 
selection  of  jurors,"  say  Garneau,  "the  testimony,  the  judgment,  the 
execution  all  were  extraordinary.  He  was  condemned  to  death  and 
executed  with  great  military  parade  on  the  glacis  outside  the  wall 
near  St.  John's  gate  on  the  21st  of  July,  1797,  the  elevated  spot  be- 
ing visible  to  the  surrounding  country.  The  body  after  remaining 
some  time  on  the  gallows,  was  let  down  to  the  foot;  the  executioner 
cut  off  the  head,  and  held  it  up  by  the  hair  to  the  people,  crying 
"  Behold  the  head  of  a  traitor."  He  then  opened  the  body,  took  out 
the  entrails  and  burnt  them,  and  made  incisions  on  the  four  limbs, 
but  without  separating  them  from  the  body.  Never  had  such  a  spec- 
tacle been  seen  in  Canada." 

Christie  remarks  "  that  had  not  the  government  deemed  an  example 
necessary,  in  the  agitation  of  the  times,  he  might  with  more  propriety 
have  been  treated  as  an  unhappy  lunatic  than  a  criminal.  A  stran- 
ger, friendless  and  unknown,  he  was  altogether  powerless,  and  now 
that  time  has  dispelled  the  mist  of  prejudice  against  him  at  the  mo- 
ment, and  that  wTe  can  coolly  survey  the  whole  matter  from  first  to 
last,  there  seems  more  of  cruelty  than  of  justice  in  the  example  made 
of  this  unfortunate  person,  who  suffered  rather  for  the  instruction  of 
the  people  uneasy  under  the  road  act  than  for  any  guilt  in  a  plan 
perfectly  impracticable  and  preposterous." 

Garneau  adds  that  the  witnesses  and  informers  received  grants  of 
land  and  Black  a  considerable  reward,  attended  however  with  public 
execration,  under  which  he  lost  popularity,  office,  business  and  means, 
so  that  in  a  few  years  he  was  a  loathsome  beggar  in  the  streets  of 

The  reminiscences  already  quoted  describe  McLane  as  "  a  man  of 
great  decision  of  character,  possessing  a  reckless  spirit  of  enterprise 
and  adventure.  His  stature  was  above  the  middling  size  and  his  per- 
sonal appearance  was  prepossessing."- 

Franklin  Arms. — Did  Dr.  Franklin  obtain,  from  the  Herald's  Col- 
lege, a  grant  of  the  arms  which  he  used,  or  did  he  assume  them  ? 
His  pedigree  has  not  been  traced,  I  think,  to  a  family  entitled  to  ar- 
morial bearings;  but  he  is  known  to  have  used  arms  as  early  as  1*158 
(ante  xiv,  200).  His  son,  Sir  William  Franklin,  governor  of  New  Jer- 
sey; according  to  Burke  (General  Armory,  sub  voce),  used  very  near  but 
not  the  same  arms.  H. 

324  Marriages,  Births  and  Deaths  at  Taunton,  Mass.  [Oct, 


[From  the  Proprietors'  Records.  Communicated  by  Edgar  H.  Reep,  Esq.  of  Taunton.] 

The   Town   Records  of  Taunton  previous  to  about  1800,    were   do-  j 

Btroyed  in  the  great  fire  of  1838;  and  any  information,  therefore, 
which  can  now  be  obtained  of  our  early  families,  is  exceedingly 

On  the  Proprietors'  Records,  still  existing',  are  found  recorded 
many  Births,  Marriages  and  Deaths,  which  I  have  transcribed  in  the 
order  in  which  they  there  appear,  and  send  for  publication.  $\ 

Here  followeth  the  names  of  those  that  hath  bene  maried  by 
Justice  Leonard. 

George  Leonard  and  Anna  Tisdale  were  married  July  the  fourth, 

Joseph  Tucker  and  Hannah  Wilkinson  were  married  Dec.  7,  1605, 

Charles  Williams  and  Mary  Glading  were  married  Feb.  13,  1695-6, 

Joseph  Joans  and  Abigail  Caswel  were  married  April  the  6th,  1096, 

Jacob  Staple  and  Mary  Bn'ggs  were  maried  Sept.  15th,  1696. 

John  Hall  and  Elizabeth  King  were  married  Dec.  17th,  1696. 

Samuel  Crosman  and  Mary  Sawyer  were  married  Decemb.  22,  1696. 

Eleazer  Fisher  and  Hannah  Edy  were  married  Decemb.  24,  1696.  % 

Thomas  Randall  and  Rachell  Lincoln  were  married  Jan.  20th, 
1696-7.  ' 

Jacob  Hathway  and  Philip  Chase*  were  married  Jan.  28th,  1696-1. 

All  these  were  married  as  above  said  in  Taunton  by  me. 

Thomas  Leonard,  Justice. 

James  Bundy,  the  sone  of  John  Bundy,  borne  29  September,  1664: 
Patiance  Bundy,  the  daughter  of  John  Bundy,  dyed  27  March,  1665; 
Sara  Bundy,  the  daughter  of  John  Bundy,  borne  the  4th  of  March, 
1668;  Samuel  Bundy.  the  son  of  John  Bundy,  borne  the  4th  of  Octo- 
ber, 1670;  John  Bundy,  the  son  of  John  Bundy,  borne  6th  October,  > 
1677;  Joseph  Bundy,  the  sou  of  John  Bundy,  borne  the  1st  of  Jane- 
wary,  1679;  Edward  Bundy,  the  son  of  John  Bundy,  borne  the  13th 
of  August,  1681. 

.  Hana  Smith,  the  daughter  of  Samuel  Smith,  borne  17  Sep.,  1662; 
Sarah  Smith,  the  daughter  of  Samuel  Smith,  borne  25  Jan.,  1664; 
Sarah,  daughter  of  Samuel  Smith,  died  18  July,  1665;  Samuel,  son 
of  Samuel  Smith,  borne  15  Octo.,  1666;  Susana,  daughter  of  Samuel 
Smith,  borne  20  July,  1669;  Easter,  daughter  of  Samuel  Smith,  borne 
6  Jan'y,  1671;  Nathaniel,  son  of  Samuel  Smith,  borne  26  July,  1675. 

Hana  Paull,  daughter  of  Mary  Paull,  born  4th  Octo.,  1657. 

The  sons  and  daughters  of  Shadrach  Wilbore:  Mary,  born  11th 
Nov.,  1659;  Sarah,  born  18th  M'ch,  1661;  Samuel,  born  1  Ap'i,  1663; 

*  When  we  iirst  saw  Mr.  Reed's  transcript  from  the  Proprietors'  Records  of  Taun- 
ton, several  years  ago,  we  thought  Mr.  R.  had  mistaken  a  long  and  a  .short  s  united 
for  the  letter  p,  and  that  the  name  really  read  Pkiliss ;  hut  about  four  years  ago,  a 
record  book  of  Thomas  Leonard,  who  performed  the  marriage  ceremony,  was  found, 
and  here  too  the  name  was  recorded  Philip  (ante,  xin,  352).  Can  any  of  our  cor- 
respondents furnish  us  with,  other  instances  where  this  name  has  been  borne  by  a 
female  ? — Ed. 

1862.]        Marriages,  Births  and  Deaths  at  Taunton,  Mass.  325 

Rebeckah,  born  13th  Jan'y,  166-1 ;  Hana,  born  24  Feb'y,  1667;  Joseph, 
born  27  Jnlv,  1610;  Shadrach,  born  5  Sept.,  1672;  John,  bom  2  M'ch, 
1674  or  5;  Eiiezer,  born  1  July,  1677;  Benjamin,  born  23  July,  1GS3. 

The  sons  and  daughters  of  Thomas  Caswell:  Steven,  borne  15 
Feb.,  1648;  Thomas,  borne  22  Feb.,  1650;  Fetter,  borne  last  of  Goto., 
1652;  Mara,  borne  Inst  of  kiigl,  1654;  John,  borne  (?)  last  of  July, 
1656;  Sarah,  borne  (?)  last  of  Nov.,  1658;  Will  nun,  borne  15  Sept., 
1660;  liana,  borne  14  Jofyi,  1661;  Samuel,  borne  26  Jan'y,  1662; 
Elizabeth,  borne  10th  Jan'y,  1GG4;  Abigail,  borne  27  Octo.,  1G66; 
Easter,  borne  1  June,  1669. 

The  sons  and  daughters  of  Samuel  Hal]:  Samuel,  borne  11  Dec, 
1664;  John,  borne  19  Oct©.,  1666:  Nicklos,  borne  23  Jan'y,  16G8; 
Elizabeth,  borne  2S  Octo.,  1670;  Mary,  borne  3  Octo.,  1072;  Sarah, 
borne,  14  Octo,  1674;  Ebenezer,  borne  19  M'ch,  1677;  Sarah,  dyed  28 
May,  1677;  Sarah,  borne  2  March,  1679;  Goarge.  borne  25  Jan'y,  1680. 

The  names  of  the  children  of  William  Briggs:  "William,  born  25 
Jan'y,  1667;  Thomas,  born  9  Sept.,.1669;  Sarah,  born  10  Sept.,  1669; 
Elizabeth,  born  14  M'ch,  1671:  liana,  born  4  Nov.,  1672;  Mary,  born 

14  Aug.,  1674;  Mathew,  born  5  Feb'y,  1676:  John,  born  19  M'ch,  1680, 
Sarah,  wife  of  William  Briggs,  dyed  20  March,  1680. 

The  names  of  the  children  of  Jonathan  Brigges:   Jonathan,  borne 

15  M'ch,  1668;  David,  borne  G  Dec,  1G69. 

The  names  of  the  children  of  James  Leonard,  Junior:  Unis,  borne 
at  Brantry,  25  Nov.,  1668:  Prudence,  24  Jan.,  1669;  Hana,  borne  at 
Brantrey  2  Octo.,  1671;  James,  borne  1  Feb.,  1672;  Hana,  the  wife 
of  James,  dyed  25  Feb.,  1674;  James,  the-  son  of  James,  dyed  30 
Dec,  1674;  James  Leonard,  Jun.,  married  to  Lidia  Culipher  of  Miltin 
29  Octo.,  1675;  James,  son  of  James,  b.  11  May,  1677:  Lidia.  dr.  of 
James,  b.  10  M'ch,  1679;  Stephen,  son  of  James,  b.  14  Dec,  1680; 
Abigail!,  b.  30  Jan.,  1682;  Nathaniell,  b.  18  M'ch,  1685;  Nathaniel], 
dyed  11  June,  1685;  Seth,  borne  3  Ap'l,  1686;  Sarah,  borne  6  Sept., 
1688;  *  Ebenezer,  son  of  James,  borne  2S  Aug.,  1708. 

The  names  of  Edward  Bobit's  children,  and  their  age:  Edward, 
borne  15  July,  1655;  Sara,  borne  20  M'ch,  1657;  Hana,  borne  9  M'ch, 
1660;  Damiras,  borne  15  Sep.,  1663;  Elkana,  borne  15  Dec,  1665; 
Dorkas,  borne  20  Jan'y,  16GG;  Easter,  borne  15  Ap'l,  1669;  Ruth, 
borne  7  Aug.,  1671;  Deliverance,  borne  15  Dec,  1673;  Dorkas,  dyed 
9  April,  1674. 

The  names  of  James  Phil i pes'  children,  and  their  age:  James,  borne 
1  Jan.  1661;  Nathaniel!,  borne  25  M'ch,  1664;  Sara,  borne  17  M'ch, 
1667;  William,  borne  21  Aug.,  1669;  Seth,  borne  14  Aug.,  1671; 
Danil,  borne  9  May,  1673;  Ebenezer,  borne  16  Jan.,  1674. 

Israeli  Woodward  maried  to  Jane  Godfree  4  Aug.,  1670.  Eliza- 
beth, dr.  of  Israeli,  borne  15  June,  1670;  Israeli  Woodward  died  15 
June,  1679;  Israeli  Woodward,  son  of  Israeli,  borne  18  Sept..  1674. 

The  names  of  Joseph  Williams'  children,  and  their  age:  Elizabeth, 
borne  30  July,  1669;  Richard.,  borne  26  Nov.,  1671;  Mahitabel,  borne 
7  June,,  1676:  Joseph,  borne  13  Feb.,  1678;  Benjamin,  borne  15  Octo., 
1681;  Ebenezer.  borne  21  April,  1685;  Febe,  borne  25  Sept.,  1687; 
Richard  dyed  13  Julv,  1688;"  Elizabeth  dyed  by  drowning'l.S  Octo., 
1688;  Richard,  borne  26  M'ch,  1689;   Joseph,  Sen.,  dyed  17  Aug.,  1692. 

*  In  another  handwriting. 

326  Marriages,  Births  and  Deaths  at  Taunton,  Mass.  [Oct. 

The  names  of  Joseph  Staples'  children,  and  their  age:  John  Sta- 
ples, borne  28  Jan.,  1670;  Amy  Staples,  borne  13  Ap'l,  1674;  Mary 
Staples,  borne  2G  Jan.,  1017:  Joseph,  12  M'ch,  1680;  Hannah,  17 
May,  1082;  Nathaniel,  22  M'ch,  1684-5. 

The  names  of  the  children  of  Mr.  George  Shove  and  Hopestill: 
Edward,  borne  Ap'l  28.  166a,  buried  Aug.  7,  1665;  Elizabeth,  bom 
Aug.  10,  1666;  Seeth,  born  Dec.  10,  1667;  Nathaniel,  born  Jan.  29, 
1668;  Samuel,  born  June  16,  1670;  Sarah,  born  July  30,  1671.  Hope- 
still,  wife  of  Geo.  Shove,  dyed  7th  M'ch,  1078  or  4.  George  Shove 
maried  to  Mrs.  Hannah  Walley,  Feb.  17,  1674-5.  Mary,  dr.  of  Geo. 
Shove,  borne  Aug.  11,  1676;  Johana,  dr.  of  Geo.  Shove,  borne  Sep. 
28,  1678.  Mrs.  Margary  Peacock,  the  mother  of  Mr.  Geo.  Shove, 
buried  the  17th  day  April,  1680.  Edward,  son  of  Geo.  Shove,  borne 
Octo.,  1680;  Mercy,  dr.  of  Geo.  Shove,  borne  7  Nov.,  1682.  Mr.  Geo. 
Shove  married  to  Mrs.  Sarah  Farwell  Dec.  8,  1686.  Mr.  Geo.  Shove 
dyed  Ap'l  21,  1687;  Mrs.  Hannah  Shove,  wife  of  Creo.  Shove,  dyed 
Sept.,  1685. 

The  names  of  the  children  of  John  Smith,  Sen.:  Elizabeth,  borne 
7  Sept.,  1663;  Heniry,  borne  27  May,  1666.  John  Smith,  Sen  ,  mar- 
ried Jael  Parker  of  Bridgewater  15  Nov.,  1672.  Deborah,  born  7 
M'ch,  1676;    Hana,  born  22  M'ch,  1676;  John,  born  6  Dec,  1680. 

The  names  of  Samuel  Holloway  his  children:  Hana,  born  1  M'ch 
1667;  Samuel,  born  14  Sep.,  1668;  Nathaniel,  born  2  July,  1670; 
Easter,  born  14  May,  1673;  John,  born  24  Feb.,  1674. 

The  names  of  the  children  of  Jarad  Talbut:  Jarad,  borne  20  March, 
1666  or  7;  Mary,  borne  21  July,  1670;  Elizabeth,  borne  15  Dec,  1671: 
Samuel,  borne  29  Feb.,  1675;  Josiah,  borne  21  Octo.,  1678;  Nathaniel, 
borne  21  Feb.,  1679. 

John  Edy  married  to  Susana  Padocke  of  Dartmouth,  12  Nov.,  1665. 
The  names  of  the  children  of  John  Edy:  Mary,  borne  14  M'ch,  1666  or 
67;  John,  borne  19  Jan'y,  1670;  John  Edy  married  to  Deliverance 
of  Brantrey,  1  May,  1672;  Marcey,  dr.  of  J.  Edy,  borne  5  July,  1073; 
Hana,  dr.  of  J.  Edy,  borne  6  Dec,  1676;  Ebenezer,  son  of  J.  Edy, 
borne  16  May,  1679;  Elazer,  son  of  J.  Edy,  borne  16  Oct.,  1681;  Jo- 
seph, son  of  J.  Edy,  borne  4  Jan'y,  1683;  Jonathan,  son  of  J.  Edy, 
borne  15  Dec,  1689;  Susana,  dr.  of  J.  Edy,  borne  18  Sept.,  1092; 
Patience,  dr.  of  J.  Edy,  borne  27  June,  1696.  Susana,  wife  of  J. 
Edy,  died  14  M'ch,  1670;  John  Edy,  Sen.,  dyed  27  Nov.,  1695. 

The  names  of  -the  children  of  Richard  Briggs:  William,  borne  21 
Nov.,  1663;  Rebaka,  borne  15  Aug.,  1665;  Richard,  borne  7  Ap'l, 
1668;  John,  borne  26  Feb.,  1669;  Joseph,  borne  15  June,  1674;  Ben- 
jamin, borne  15  Sept.,  1677;  Richard,  borne  12  Jan.,  1679;  Hana, 
borne  17  Feb,  1681;  Samuel,  borne  20  Ap'l,  1683;  Mary,  borne  1  Jan., 
1686;  Mahitabel,  borne  18  June,  1689. 

The  names  of  the  children  of  Samuell  Lincon,  Senior:  Samuel) , 
borne  1  June,  1664;  Hana,  borne  24  March,  1666;  Tamsan,  dr., 
borne  27  Octo.,  1667;  Elizabeth,  borne  24  April,  1669;  Ebenezer, 
borne  15  Octo.,  1673;  Rachill,  borne  16  Sept.,  1677;  John,  borne  15 
Sept.,  1679;  Thomas,  borne  Sept.,  1683. 

The  sons  and  daughters  of  Robert  Grossman:  John,  borne  16 
M'ch,  1654;  Mary,  borne  16  July,  1655;  Robert,  borne  3  Aug.,  1657; 

1862.]        Marriages,  Births  and  Deaths  at  Taunton,  Mass.  327 

Joseph,  borne  25  April,  1659;  Nathaniil,  borne  7  Aug".,  JJGO;  Eleazer, 
borne  10  M'ch,  1663;  Elizabeth,  borne  2  May,  1665;  Samuel,  borne 
25  July,  1GGT;  Eleazer  dyed  2*6  Octo.,  1007;*  Mercy,  borne  20  M'ch, 
16G9;  Thomas,  borne  G  Octo.,  1.611;   Susana,  borne  14  Feb.,  16Y2. 

The  names  of  the  children  of  Jonah  Asten,  Jr.:  Ester,  borne  3d 
Jan.,  16G2;  Mary,  borne  .12  May,  1GG3;  Sarah,  borne  4  Nov.,  16G5; 
Jonah,  borne  11  Aug.,  1607;  John,  borne  1  July,  1671. 

The  names  of  the  children  of  John  Lincoln  John,  borne  11  Octo., 
1665;  Thomas,  borne  15  Sept.,  1667. 

Farmer  Smith  step-child,  named  Nicklos,  borne  the  21  Feb'y,  1612. 

The  names  of  the  children  of  Daniel  Fisher:  llano,  borne  1  Feb., 
1666;  John,  borne  last  of  Nov.,  1667;  Samuell,  borne  3  Dec,  1669; 
Eliezer,  borne  12  May,  1673;  Mary,  borne  30  May,  1675;  Mary,  borne 
12  Dec,  1677;  Isreall,  borne  27  M'ch,  1680;  Nathaniel,  borne  9  Feb., 

The  names  of  the  children  of  Jabez  Hackit:  John,  borne  26  Dec, 
1654;  Jabez,  borne  12  Sept.,  1656;  Mary,  borne  9  Jan.,  1659;  Sarah, 
borne  13  July,  1 G G 1 ;  Samuell,  borne  29  July,  1664;  Hana,  borne  25 
Jan.,  1666.     Jabez  Hackit,  Senior,  dyed  4  Nov.,  1686. 

The  names  of  the  sons  and  daughters  of  John  Richmond:   , 

dr.,  borne  at  Bridgwatter  2  June,  1654;  John,  borne  at  Bridgwatter  6 
June,  1656;  Thomas,  borne  at  Newport,  on  Road  Hand,  2  Feb.,  1658; 
Susana,  borne  at  Bridgwatter,  Nov.  4,  1661;  Joseph,  borne  at  Tanton 
Dec.  8,  16G3;  Edward,  borne  at  Tanton  Feb.  8,  1665;  Samuell,  borne 
at  Tanton  Sep.  23,  1668;  Sarah,  borne  at  Tanton  Feb.  26,  1670; 
John,  borne  at  Tanton  Dec.  5,  1673:  Ebenezer,  borne  in  Newport, 
R.  I.,  12  May,  1676;  Abigail^  borne  26  Feb.,  1678. 

The  names  of  the  children  of  James  Leonard:  Mehitabel,  borne  24 
Octo.,  1691 ;  Elizabeth,  borne  19  April,  1694;  Mehitabel  dyed  10  June, 

The  names  of  the  children  of  John  Dean:  Samuel,  born  24  Jan., 
1666;  Sarah,  born  9  Nov.,  1668;  John,  born  26  July,  1670;  Mehita- 
bell,  born  9  Oct.,  1671;  John,  born  18  Sept.,  1674;  Elizabeth,  bora 
15  M'ch,  1676;  Mary,  born  15  July,  1680;  Susana,  born  13  Aug., 
1683;  Israeli,  born  i  Aug.,  1685. 

The  names  of  the  sous  and  daughters  of  Hezakia  Hoar:  Marcy, 
borne  last  Jan'y,  1654;  Nathaniil,  home  last  M'ch.  1656;  Sarah, 
borne  first  April,  1658;  Elizabeth,  borne  26  May,  1660;  Edward, 
borne  25  Sept.,  1663;  Lidia,  borne  24  March,  1665;  Mary,  borne  22 
Sept.,  1669;  Hezekiah,  borne  10  Nov.,  1678. 

The  names  of  the  children  of  Joseph  Gray:  Mahitabell,  borne  21 
Feb.,  1668;  Joseph,  borne  31  Dec,  1670;  Ephraim,  borne  20  June, 
1673,  dyed  21  June,  1675.  Rebecka,  wife  of  Joseph,  dyed  13  May, 

The  names  of  the  children  of  Thomas  Lincon,  Jun.:  Mary,  borne 
12  May,  16^2;  Sarah,  borne  25  Sept.,  1654;  Thomas,  borne  21  Ap'i, 
1656;  Samuell,  borne  16  M'ch,  1658;  Jonah,  borne  7  July,  1660; 
Hana,  borne  15  M'ch,  1663;  Constant,  borne  16  May,  1665;  Marcy, 
borne  3  April,  1670. 

The  names  of  James  Bell's  children,  and  their  age:  Jan,  dr.,  borne 
4th  Ap'l,  1658;  John,  borne  15  Aug.,  1660;  James,  borne  15  July,  1663; 
Nathaniil,  borne  1  Jan.,  1664;  Sarah,  borne  15  Sep.,  1666;  Elizabeth^ 

328  Certificate  of  Indebtedness.  [Oct. 

borne  15  Nov.,  16GS;    Mary,  borne  7  July,  16G9;    Joseph,   borne  21 
June,  1670:  Easter,  borne  15  Aug,  1672. 

The  names  of  the  children  of  Thomas  Armsbee:  Thomas,  borne  23 
Feb.,  1668;  Mary,  borne  3  Octo.,  1670;  Rebecka,  borne  26  May,  1672; 
Juda,  dr.,  borne  8  Jan'y,  1673;  Jeremiah,  borne  25  Nov.,  1678. 

The  names  of  the  children  of  John  Tisdill,  Jr.:  Abigail,  borne  15 
July,  1667;  John,  borne  10  Aug.,  1669;  Anna,  borne  27  Jan.,  1672; 
Remember,  borne  8  July,  1675. 

[to  he  continued.] 


A  complete  Financial  History  of  the  American  Revolution  is  a 
desideratum,  though  much  has  been  written  upon  portions  of  the 
subject.  The  following-  document  illustrates  one  phase  of  that 
history,  and  we  have  no  doubt  will  interest  our  readers.  It  has  been 
furnished  us  by  Jeremiah  Colburn,  Esq.  of  Boston,  who  has  a  fine 
collection  of  Revolutionary  documents  and  Continental  money. 

N°-  6437.  State  of  Massachusetts  Bay. 

^244.10  .  The  First  Day  of  January,  A.  D.  1780. 

IN  Behalf  of  the  State   of  Massachusetts-Bay,  I   the  Subscriber    do  '* 

hereby  promise  and  oblige  Myself  and  Successors  in  the  Office  of 
Treasurer  of  said  State,  to  pay  unto  Samuel  Vose,  or  to  his  order, 
the  Sum  of  Two  hundred  forty-four  Pounds  10s,  on  or  before  the  First  0} 

Day  of  March,  in  the  Year  of  our  Lord  One  Thousand  Seven  Hundred 
and  Eighty  one,  with  Interest  at  Six  -per  Cent,  per  Annum:  Both 
Principal  and  Interest  to  be  paid  in  the  then  current  Money  of  said 
State,  in  a  greater  or  less  Sum,  according  as  Five  Bushels  of  CORN] 
Sixty-eight  Pounds  and  four-seventh  Parts  of  a  Pound  of  BEEF, 
Ten  Pounds  of  SHEEPS  WOOL,  and  Sixteen  Pounds  of  SOLE 
LEATHER  shall   then   cost,  more  or  less   than  One  Hundred  and  4    . 

Thirty  Pounds  current  Money,  at  the  then  current  Prices  of  said 
Articles: — This  Sum  being  Thirty-two  Times  and  an  Half  what  the 
same  Quantities  of  the  same  Articles  would  cost  at  the  Prices  affixed 
to  them  in  a  Law  of  this  State  made  in  the  Year  of  our  Lord  One 
Thousand  Seven  Hundred  and  Seventy-seven,  intitled,  "An  Act  to 
prevent  Monopoly  and  Oppression.1,1  The  current  Prices  of  said  Articles, 
and  the  consequent  Value  of  every  Pound  of  the  Sum  herein  pro- 
mised, to  be  determined  agreeable  to  a  LAW  of  this  State,  intitled, 
"  An  ACT  to  provide  for  the  Security  and  Payment  of  the  Balances 
that  may  appear  to  be  due  by  Virtue  of  a  Resolution  of  the  General 
Assembly  of  the  Sixth  of  February  One  Thousand  Seven  Hundred 
and  Seventy-nine,  to  this  State's  Quota  of  the  CONTINENTAL 
ARMY,  agreeable   to  the   Recommendation  of  CONGRESS,  and  for  | 

Supplyiug  the  Treasury  with  a  Sum  of  Money  for  that  Purpose." 

Witness  my  Hand, 
Tho.  Dawes,  {  „         ...  H.  Gardner,  Treasurer. 

R.  Cranch 


1862.]  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  329 


[Prepared  by  William  B.  Trask  of  Dorchester.] 

[Continued  from  page  233.] 

Stephen  Spicer. — Dec.  24,  1664.  I,  Stephen  Spicer,  of  the  Island  of 
Barbados,  .merchant,  being  weake  in  Body  but  of  good  &  perfect 
memory,  doe  make  this  my  last  will.  My  body  I  commit  to  the 
Earth  to  bee  decently  buryed  wth  such  Charges  &  such  place  as  my 
deare  wife  Dionisa  shall  thinck  good;  &  touching  the  distribution 
of  my  mortal)  Goods  I  dispose  of  the  same  as  followeth:  I  will  that 
all  such  debts  &  duties  which  I  shall  Owe  vnto  any  person  or  Per- 
sons at  the  time  of  my  decease,  Either  by  Law  or  Consience,  bee 
well  &  truly  Contented  &  payd  within  Conuenient  time.  Whereas  I 
am  indebted  to  the  Estate  of  Mr  John  Williams  as  by  my  Ledger  <fe 
Jornall  N°:  A:  more  planely  Appeares,  &  Whereas  I  haue  recouered 
by  Law  seuerall  judgments  in  seuerall  Courts  of  this  Island  against 
eeuerall  Persons  debtors  to  the  said  Estate,  for  their  seuerall  debts 
by  them  Respectiuely  due  &  Owing,  now  my  will  is,  that  all  such 
debts,  soe  Recouered,  when  receiued,  shall  bee  with  all  Conuenient 
speed  Remitted  for  London  vnto  M  Edward  Micho,  merchant,  for  the 
Account,  afore  sayd,  And  that  before  remittance  of  the  full  ballance 
due  to  the  said  Estate  Ample  acquittances  &  discharges  bee  de- 
manded &  taken  of  &  from  the  Person  or  Persons  interested  & 
Lawfully  Capacitated  to  make  &  giue  such  Ample  acquittance  & 
discharges  as  aforesaid.  Whereas  there  is  remaning  in  my  hands 
a  Certaine  parcell  of  salt  unsould,  I  doe  hereby  Acknowledge  &  de- 
clare that  one  halfe  part  thereof  is  the  proper  Goods  of  M  Phillip 
Crossing,  merchant,  And  one  fourth  part  thereof,  belongs  to  Mr  Rob 
Nutt,  merchant,  And  that  I  my  selfe  had  interest  in  the  other  Fourth 
part  thereof.  Debts  paid,  or  Ordaned  to  bee  paid,  I  Giue  vnto  my 
mother,  Mrs  Jane  Spicer,  of  Topsham,  in  the  Countie  of  Deauon, 
Widdow,  £20  of  Currant  English  money,  which  I  will  shall  bee  payd 
vnto  her  by  my  Executrix  hereafter  named  within  Twelue  monthes 
next  after  my  decease  if  my  sayd  mother  shall  soe  longliue.  I  giue 
vnto  ray  Brother,  John  Spicer,  of  Topsham,  marriner,  And  to  my  sis- 
ter, Elizabeth,  Wife  of  William  Taylor,  of  Topsham,  aforesayd,  mar- 
riner, to  each  of  them  £10  of  like  Currant  English  money,  a  peece, 
to  bee  paid  to  them  respectiuely  in  manner  as  aforesaid.  I  Giue  to 
my  Vnckle,  George  Saunders  &  Margaret,  his  wife,  or  to  the  suruiuor 
of  them,  £5  Currant  English  money  payable  as  aforesaid.  I  giue 
vnto  &  Amongst  the  poore  people  of  the  Towne  of  Topsham,  £5, 
which  I  will  bee  distributed  or  ordered  to  bee  distributed  amongst 
them  within  Twelue  months  after  my  decease,  According  to  the  dis- 
cretion of  my  Executors.  I  Giue  to  Josiak  Hcimon  the  sume  of  T  [  ] 
thousand  pounds  of  muscouado  sifgar.  I  give  vnto  John  Cooper,  now 
liuinge  in  my  imployment,  besides  his  yearely  sallery,  the  sume  of 
Two  Thousand  pounds  of  muscouado  sugar,  vpon  Condition  that  bee 


330  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  [Oct. 

shall  bee  Ayding  &  assisting  vnto  my  Executrix,  in  the  RecoueriDg 
of  iny  debts  to  mee  [due  ?]  &  Owing-  &  perfecting  my  accounts, 
wherein  he  is  [  ]  vtmost  Care  &  dilligence  during  the  tearme  of 
]  mouthes  next  after  my  decease,  or  longer  if  need  bee.  I  giue 
vnto  Enery  of  my  Freinds  hereafter  named,  vizt.  Hen  [  ]  Esqr. 

&  his  now  wife,  JMr  Richard  Barrett  &  his  wife,  [  ]  Nutt,  &  to 
Mr  William  Byrdall  serf  &  William  Byrdall  [  ]  a  mourning  King, 
Each  Ring  to  bee  of  the  uallue  of  20s.  starling.  I  ordaine  my  wife, 
Dionisa,  Executrix  of_  this  my  last  will,  And  my  Louiug  Father  in 
Law,  Mr  Henry  Quintin,  I  make  Ouerseer,  And  I  giue  vnto  him  & 
my  mother  in  Law,  Mary  Quintin,  his  now  wife,  Each  of  them  a  new 
suite  of  mourning  Apparrell  &  a  mourning  Ring  a  peece,  Each 
Ring  to  bee  of  the  same  uallue  as  before,  in  Consideration  of  his 
paines  to  bee  taken  in  the  Ouersee  [ing]  thereof.  Stephen  Spicer. 

John  Cooper,  Jos:  Hitman,  Rich:  Glascock  scr. 

Barbados — By  the  Dep^  Governour. 

This  2d  October  1665.  Personally  Appeared  before  mee,  Mr  Rich: 
Glascock  &  Mr  John  Cooper,  &  made  Oath  that  they  did  see  the  within 
named  Stephen  Spicer,  signe,  seale,  declare  &  deliuer  the  within 
written,  being  two  sheets  of  Paper,  wheruunto  his  hand  Is  sub- 
scribed as  his  last  wnll  &  testament. 

Sworne  before  mee, 

Hen:    Willoughby.  ^ 

This  is   a   true  Copie  of  the  Records  in  the  Secretaries   office, 
Attested  this  5th  of  October  1665. 
Attested  by  mee: 

Edward  Boicden,  Dep'y  Secry. 

Barbados — By  the  Depl>*  Governour. 

Know  yee,  that  on  the  second  of  October,  in  the  yeare  of  our  Lord 
one  Thousand  six  Hundred  Sixty  &  Fiue,  before  mee,  the  last  will 
&  Testament  of  Stephen  Spicer,  late  of  this  Island,  merchant, 
deceased,  was  proued,  Approued  &  allowed  &  therefore  Mrs  Dionisa 
Spicer,  Relict  of  the  said  deceased,  &  full  &  whole  Executrix  in  the 
said  Will,  nominated,  is  admitted  to  take  into  her  Custody  &  Posses- 
sion, &  to  Administer  on  all  the  goods,  chatties,  debts,  dues, 
Accompts,  &  all  other  the  Estate  of  the  defunct,  which  I  hereby 
publish  &  make  knowne,  to  all  Judges,  Justices,  clerkes,  marshalls, 
&  Bayliffs  whatsoeuer,  the  said  Mrs  Dionisa  Spicer  hauinge  benn 
sworne,  to  bring  into  the  secretaries  within  fowreteene  days  next 
Ensuing  the  date  hereof,  a  true  &  perfect  Inuentory  of  all  &  Euery 
the  said  deceaseds  Estate  which  hath,  shall,  or  may,  Come  to  her 
hands,  possession  or  knowledge,  there  to  bee  Recorded,  &  to  pay  the 
just  debts  &  legacies,  &  perform  such  other  things,  as  an  Executrix 
ought  to  doe. 

Giuen  vnder  my  hand  the  day  &  yeare  first  aboue  written.  j 

Hen*:  Willoughby.  * 

To  all  whome  these  prsence  shall  or  may  Concerne. 

Endorst — The  within  written  is  a  true  Copie  of  the  Originall 
Attested  the  5th  of  October  1665.         pr  mee     Edward  Bowden, 

Depl>"  Secry. 

1862.]  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  331 

[Mr  John  JoUiffe  &  Mr  Thomas  Brattle  appeared  in  Court  Feb.  1, 
1665,  &  produced  the  probate  of  the  last  will  of  the  late  Mr  Stephen 
Spicer,  vnder  the  Certificate  of  the  DepTV  Gov  of  Barbados,  Henry 
Willoughby  Esqr  with  the  Certificate  of  Edward  Boivdcn,  Secretary 
there,  that  Mrs  Dionisa  Spicer,  his  Relict,  is  sole  Executrix  of  the 
last  will  of  said  Spicer,  aud  said  JoUiffe  &  Brattle  desire  to  be  dis- 
charged of  their  Bonds  giuen  by  them  to  the  Court  in  behalfe  of  the 
said  Dionisa  Spicer,  and  the  Court  cancelled  the  Bond. 

Then  follows  the  discharge  of  John  Gibls  &  Dennis  Gibbs,  his  then 
wife,  Executrix  to  the  Estate  of  Stephen  Spicer,  deceased,  discharge 
the  County  Court  of  Boston  in  new  England  from  all  Claymes  by 
Reason  of  an  Inuentory  giuen  into  said  Court  of  the  Estate  of  said 
Spicer,  deceased.  "  Wee  doe  Acknowledge  to  haue  Transported  all 
the  Effects  thereof  into  this  Island  of  Barbados."     May  15,  1666. 

John  Gibbs. 

In  the  prsence  of  Dennis  Gibbs. 

Jeremiah  Qui  shin,  Rick  :  Price, 
Joseph  Grafton  junr-  ] 

Mr-  Richard  Price  deposed  in  Court  Aug.  3,  1666,  that  he  did  see  & 
heare  John  Gibbs  &  Dennis,  his  wife,  signe,  scale  &  deliuer  the  dis- 
charge as  their  act  &  deed.  Edw:  Rawson,  Record1". 

Mr  Jeremiah  Quishion,  deposed  the  same  day. 

An  Inuentorye  of  the  Goods,  Debts  &  Estate  of  M*  Stephen  Spicer, 
in  New  England,  who  Dyed  in  Boston  June  10th  1665,  taken  by 
Jn°  Joyliffe,  Tho:  Brattle.  Amt.  £373,  17.04.  Mentions  Mr  Nathaniell 
Fryer,  Mr  James  Russet  Mrs  Denise  Spicer  deposed.  June  16,  1665. 
Administration  granted  to  Mrs  Denise  Spicer,  Relict  of  Stephen  Spicer, 
Late  of  Barbados,  to  that  part  of  her  late  husband's  estate  that  is  in 
this  Country. 

Samuel  Hutchinson. — Boston,  7th  Aprill,  1667.  I,  Samuel  Hutchin- 
son, of  Boston,  in  New  England,  being  in  perfect  health  &  memory, 
doe  make  my  last  will.  Just  debts  &  funerall  Expences  first  paid. 
I  giue  vnto  Samuell  Wheelwright,  Eldest  sonn  to  my  sister  Wheelwright, 
two  mares  &  six  Ewe  sheepe;  to  Elizabeth  Person,  Katherine  Naylor, 
Mary  Loyd,  Rebecca  Mauerick,  Hannah  ChicJdey  &  Sarah  Wheelwright, 
the  six  daughters  of  my  sister  Wheelewright,  to  Each  of  them  a  mare 
&  six  Ewe  sheep;  vnto  Edward  Rushworth,  one  mare  &  six  Ewe 
sheepe;  vnto  Eli  fall  Hatton,  six  Ewe  sheepe;  vnto„[  ],  Thomas, 
Ephraim,  (_  ]  Mary  &  Dine  Sauage  &  Hannah  Gillam  the  seuen 
Children  of  my  Cozen,  Faith  Sauage,  deceased,  20s  a  peece,  to  be 
paid  to  them  in  a  [  ]  or  other  stock  that  my  Executor  shall  Ap- 
point. I  giue  vnto  my  Couzen,  Peleg  Sanford,  my  Orchard,  lying  in 
Portsmouth,  in  Rhoad  Island,  with  the  twenty  Acres  of  Land  ad- 
joyning  vpon  it,  bee  it  more  or  less,  &  all  my  Land  in  the  north  feild 
&  Common  fence  &  Calfe  pasture,  with  the  marsh  called  musceto 
marsh,  to  him  &  his  heires  foreuer,  yet  paying  for  my  life  halfe  the 
rent  hee  shall  make  of  it  Euery  yeare,  putting  mee  to  noe  Charge 
about  it  &  at  my  decease  or  within  one  yeare  after,  paying  also  £50, 
in  siluer  to  my  sister  Whed-w rights  Children,  namely,  to  Samuell  Wheel- 

332  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  [Oct, 

wright,  Eldest  sonn  to  my  sister  Wheelewright,  £10;  to  Mdward  Rusk- 
worth,  Eldest  sonn  to  my  sister  Rushworth,  £10;  to  Katherine  Naytor, 
£10;  to  Hannah  Chicldey,  £10;  to  Sarah  Wheelewright,  £10,  &  if  "any 
of  them  dye  before  they  shall  come  to  haue  their  legacies  due  out  of 
this  £50,  the  legacy  or  legacies  to  bee  diuided  amongst  the  suruiu- 
ours.  I  Giue  vnto  Elizabeth  Person,  Mary  Loyd,  Rebecca  Maucrick,  & 
Elizabeth  Hudchinson,  the  Eldest  daughter  of  my  Cozen,  Elizabeth 
Hutchinson,  my  Orchard  &  Land  adjoyning  vpon  or  Ouer  against 
Theodar  Atkinson  Warehouse,  neere  to  Mr  Peter  Olliuers  house,  to 
them  &  their  heires  foreuer,  being  about  one  Acre  of  Land,  bee  it 
more  or  less,  to  bee  Equally  deuided  to  them,  or  one  Hundred  Pounds 
in  siluer,  which  Peter  Olliuer  is  to  pay,  for  it  six  monthes  after  my 
decease,  or  at  my  decease  to  them.  I  Giue  vnto  Elizabeth  Hutchinson, 
one  mare  &  six  Ewe  sheep.  I  Giue  vnto  Restrain,  William  k,  Ezbon 
&  Elisha  Sanford,  20s  a  peece,  to  bee  paid  out  of  my  stock;  to 
Elisha  HutcJunson,  Eldest  sunn  to  my  Cozen,  Edward  Hutchinson,  my 
Two  Hundred  Acres  of  Land,  bee  it  more  or  less,  that  lyeth  at  Seg- 
nest,  vpon  Rhoad  Island,  that  was  of  late  in  the  occupation  of  Bar- 
tholomew West,  as  also  I  Giue  vnto  him  one  mare  &  six  Ewe  shcepe 
to  him  &  his  heires  foreuer;  vnto  Elizabeth  Hutchinson,  Ann  Diar  & 
Susan  Hutchinson,  or  soe  many  of  them  as  shall  bee  lining  at  my 
death,  my  neck  of  Land  together  with  mackpila,  as  also  that  six 
Acres  of  meadow  Ouer  against  mackpila,  which  is  in  the  occupation 
of  Edward  Fisher,  which  lyeth  in  Portsmouth,  in  Rhoad  Island,  to 
them  k  their  heires  foreuer,  Excepting  twenty  Acres  in  the  neck, 
next  the  Ferry  place,  which  my  Brother,  Edicard  Pfutchinson,  is  to 
haue,  in  lew  of  Forty  Ewes  which  I  [promised  ?]  him,  to  him  &  his 
heires  foreuer.  Ynto  Ann  Dyar  &  Susan  Hutchinson,  Each  of  them, 
one  mare  &  six  Ewe  sheepe.  Ynto  Edward,  Katherine  &,  Hannah 
Hutchinson  [  ]  other  children  of  my  Couzen,  Edward  Hutchinson, 
to  Each  of  them  Fine  Ewe  sheepe;  vnto  my  Couzen,  Susan  Cole,  one 
mare  &  six  Ewe  [sheepe];  vnto  my  Cozen,  Bridget  Willis,  40s;  vnto 
Abigail,  Sarah  &  Samuell  Bath  [  ]  them  two  Ewes;  vnto  Sarah 
Langdon,  the  wife  of  John  Langdon,  [  ]  great  bible.  I  giue  vnto 
my  Couzen,  Edward  Hutchinsons  [  ].  For  my  neck  of  Land  &, 
mackpelon  my  will  is,  that  the  [  ]  Tenn  pounds  in  Siluer  to  bee 
disposed  as  followeth  [  ]  Powell,  40s;  to  Elefall  Slratton,  40";  my 
Couzen  Willis,  of  Bridgwater,  40s;  the  other  Fowre  pounds  to  bee 
deliuered  vp  into  the  [  ]  the  Elder  &  Deacons,  to  bee  disposed  on 
to  Eight  poore  [  ]  whome  they  shall  thinck  most  needful!,  Euery 
one    [  ]  shillings   vpon  the   sale   of  the  neck   of  Land   &  the 

re  [  ]  money  for  it.  Notwithstanding  what  is  aboue  exprest,  if 
I  haue  not  soe  many  mares  at  my  decease,  but  haue  Horses,  my  will 
is  that  my  E  [  ]  shall  giue  some  of  them  Horses  in  roome  of  the 
mares.  I  Giue  vnto  my  Couzen,  Edward  Hutchinson  senior  of  [  ] 
in  New  England  whome  I  make  my  sole  Executor  all  the  rest  of  my 
Goods,  Lands  &  chatties  [not]  disposed  of  in  this  my  will:  hereby 
cutting  off  all  others  [  J  from  any  clayme  to  any  part  of  my 
Estate,  And  doe  Order  him  to  take  into  his  possession  immeadiatly 
after  [my]  decease  all  the  seuerall  legacies  giuen  by  my  will,  &  to 
[pay  ou]  or  about  the  29:  of  September  next  after  my  decease,  all 
the  legacies  giuen  by  this  my  will,  as  being  a  time  most  conu[eui- 

1862.]  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  333 

ent]  for  taking  off  Lambs  from  the  Ewes,  &  foles  from  their  mares 
[  ]  Except  those  to  his  owne  children,  which  hee  is  to  hanc  the 
vse  of  during  their  minority;  &  what  sheepe  1  haue  disposed  of  in 
this  my  will,  or  mares,  I  lcaue  to  ray  Executor  to  Appoint  Each  party 
where  he  shall  receiue  them.  And  the  parties  to  whome  I  haue 
giuen  any  legacies  vnto,  though  they  should  not  bee  of  full  Age,  yet 
their  receipt  shall  bee  a  full  discharge  to  my  Executor;  &  for  those 
that  are  in  their  minority,  their  mother  or  Fathers  receipt  shall  bee  a 
full  discharge  for  the  vse  of  their  children,  k  shall  bee  a  full  dis- 
charge also  to  him.  I  request  my  Couzen,  Eliakim  Hutchinson,  to  bee 
an  ouerseer  of  this  my  will,  for  which  I  giue  him  Forty  shillings  to 
buy  him  a  ring.     17  April  1661.  Samuel  Hutchinson. 

In  the  presence  of 

Thomas  Vnderwood,  William  Kilcujpjp. 
who  deposed  July  16,  1667. 

Samuel  Maverick,  Jr.  (ante,  xn,  155).— Inuentorye  of  the  Estate  of 
Samuell  Mauerick,  Deceased,  apprised  pr  Mr  John  Winslow  Snr  &  Jn° 
Farnham,   March  28:  |f.     Amt.  dE12T.10.2J. 

Nov.  4,  1665,  Mr  Jn°  Wiswall  &  Mr  Wm  Bartholomew  Deposed  to 
the  Inventory  of  the  Estate  of  the  Late  Samuel  Mauerick,  the  Bill  of 
Particulars  on  the  other  side  taken  away,  alwayes  excepted,  &  a 
Bill,  in  Cap1  Sauages  Hand,  not  yet  Brought  into  them,  on  which 
Cap*  Sauage  sued. 

28:  5mo:  1665.  Vpon  Information  from  Mr  Jonathan  B.ainsford, 
that  the  Chamber  Door  was  Broken  up,  where  some  goods  were  lefte, 
whereof  the  Keye  was  Lost,  we  understand  as  Followes.  [Articles 

2:  7:  64.  A  note  of  what  was  Wanting  upon  the  reuiew  of  the 
Inuentorye  Immediately  -ipon  Mrs  Mauerickes  going  out  of  the  House, 
who  was  one  of  the  Administrate  Formerlye.     Amt.  .£32.8.4. 

John  Enmcott. — Jan.  27,  1667.  I,  John  Endicott  of  Boston,  in 
new  England,  Eldest  sonn  to  the  late  John  Endicott  Esqr,  &  late 
Gouernor  of  the  Massachusetts  Colony,  being  sick  of  a  sore  throate 
&  other  distempers  of  body,  but  as  well  &  perfect  in  mind  &  memory 
f  as  Euer  I  was  when  I  was  in  my  best  health,   &  greatest  strength, 

God  bee  praysed,  doe  make  this  my  last  will. 

Wher[as  I  for?]sooke  all  other  women  &  joyned  myselfe  in  marriage 
vnto  [my]  deare  wife  &  wee  twaine  became  one  flesh,  And  shee  hath 
Carryed  her  selfe  a  louinge,  helpful!,  &  painefull  wife  vnto  mee. 
[I]  giue  vnto  her  all  my  Estate.  I  giue  vnto  my  wife  my  house  in 
Boston,  joyning  to  George  Bates  on  the  west,  with  Appurtenances 
thereto  belonging.  I  giue  vnto  my  wife,  all  Lands  within  [  ]  of 
Salem,  the  whole  farme  called  Chickrells  farine,  to  her  & 
foreuer.  I  giue  vnto  Elizabeth,  my  said  wife,  all  Chatties  within  & 
without  dores.  wheresoeuer  they  shall  [  ]  all  other  Estate  that 
belongs  to  mee  both  in  reucrsion  [  ]  to  bee  disposed  by  her  for- 
euer. I  Appoint  Elizabeth,  my  wife,  sole  Executrix  of  this  my  last 
will.  John  Endecott. 

I  make  my  Father  in  Lawe,  Mr  Jeremiah  Howchin,  &  [  ]  Sajin, 
Ouerseers  of  this  my  will. 

334  Mslracts  of  Early  Wills.  [Oct. 

In  the  presence  of 

Jeremiah  Ilowchin,  Nathaniel!  Greene,  Robt  Bradford,  Moses 

24lh  Feb.  1661.  Jeremiah  Ilowchin,  Rob1  Bradford  &  Moses  Brad- 
ford deposed. 

John  Hill. — July  7,  1665.  Whereas  John  Hill,  Late  of  Barbadose, 
Uintner,  on  bis  Uoj'age  From  Barbadoes  to  New  England,  &  on  the 
Coasts  of  this  Countrey,  departing'  this  life,  Hailing",  as  Mr  John 
Winslow,  of  Boston,  affirmed,  made  his  will  in  Barbadoes  &  left  it 
there,  in  the  Hands  of  Mr  Phillippe  Herbery  of  said  Barbadose,  one  of 
His  executors,  who  since  tho  said  Hils  departure  from  Barbadoes 
wrote  to  the  said  Winslow  in  Case  of  the  Death  of  said  John  Hill,  to 
take  the  said  Hills  goods  that  hee  Brought  with  Him  into  His  Custo- 
dye  to  preserue  &  Respond  the  Will  of  the  said  Hill,  Therefore, 
Power  of  Administration  to  the  Estate  of  the  Late  Mr  John  Hill,  as 
it  is  in  this  Jurisdiction,  is  Graunted  to  the  said  Mr  John  Winslow, 
of  Boston,  Merchant,  hee  Bringing  in  a  true  Iimentorye  of  the  Estate. 
Inuentory  of  the  Estate  prised  by  Thomas  Lake,  John  Winslow,  Bos- 
ton, July  18,  1665.     Amt.  £26.4. 

More  prised  pr  Thomas  Bredon  k  Rich.  Waye.  Amt.  .£21.11;  pr 
Antipas  Boyer  k  Tho.  Kellond.     Amt.  £68.5. 

Mr  John  Winsloio  deposed,  July  26,   1665. 

The  account  rendered,  July  IS,  1665,  by  John  Winsley.  The  whole 
charge  of  his  burial  was  £26.4.6,  including  36  pr  of  gloues,  20  gall. 
Malego  wine,  3  gall.  Canary,  scarfes,  a  post  &  rayle,  &c.  Mentions 
Wm  Jones -j  Mr  Fidces,  in  Barbadoes. 

Mr.  John  Paine. — Oct.  17,  1665.  Power  of  Administration  to  the 
Estate  of  the  Late  Mr  John  Paine,  Granted  to  Agnes,  his  Relict.  In- 
ventory of  the  Estate  prised  by  Abraham  Browne,  Jon  Woodmanseye, 
Oct.  11,  1665.  Amt.  £135.12.  Debts  due  to  Mr  Ilezekiah  Usher, 
Mr  John  Joyliffe,  Mr  Tho.  Kellond,  Mr  Peter  Oliuer,  Mr  Symond  Lyndes, 
J\lr  Peter  Lidgett,  Mr  Hudson  Leaner  ett,  Mr  Nicholas  Redwood,  John 
kPaineJunr.,  William  Smith.     Amt.  £160.4.8. 

Boston,  Oct.  31,  1665.  Mrs  Agnes  Paine  deposed  in  Court.  Or- 
dered that  the  Recorder  Issue  out  an  Order  for  Mr  Edvjard  Tinge  & 
Mr  Stoddard,  as  auditors  &  Commission5"3,  to  examine  all  Creditor, 
Debts,  &  accompts,  &  make  their  Returne  to  the  Court.  [As  the 
Estate  was  V  more  indebted  then  it  will  Reach  to  paye,"  MT  Edward 
Tinge  &  Mr  Anthony  Stoddard,  as  Auditors  &  Commissioners,  were 
authorised  tO'pay  the  creditors  their  just  proportion  of  debts,  proved 
within  a  twelve  month,  the  widow  being  allowed  the  bed  &  furniture 
as  ye  Law  prouides.  Edward  Rawson,  Recorder, 

Robert  Prentice. — Inuentory  of  the  Goods  &  estate  of  Robert  Pren- 
tise,  apprised  by  Wm  Parke,  Edward  Denicon,  1  (12)  1665.  Amt. 
£174.16.5.  Mentions  a  house  bought  of  Samuell  &  Jn0  Perry,  salt 
marsh  in  the  island;  salt  marsh  at  grauely  point;  fresh  meadow  near 

1862/|  Mstracts  of  Early  Wills.  335 

Dorchester  shcepe  penu;  29  acres  in  the  thousand  acres  next  Dedr 
ham,  Sec;  Father  Palmeter,  Cajpt  Isaack  Johnson,  Robert  Pierpoint;  Gil- 
hurt,  of  Boston;  Lewis,  of  Nashaway;  Peter  Gardner. 

Debts  due  or  demanded  from  the  Estate:  Feb.  2,  1GG5:  From  John 
Slcbbin,  Thomas  Ilahj,  Robert  Seauer,  Tobi/as  Dauis,  SAubaeU  Seaucr, 
Deacon  Park,  Mr  Peacock;  Mr  Alcocke,  for  physicke;  John  Weld; 
Mr  Bracket,  of  Boston;   Mr  Raicson,  Wm  Curtis,  Robert  Pepper. 

Capt  Thomas  Prentice  deposed  in  Court  April  26,  1666. 

Edw.  Rawson,  Record1". 

Joseph  Chandler. — An  Innentory  of  the  Estate  of  Joseph  Chandler 
who  deceased  20th  June  16GG,  was  prised  by  Richard  Gridley,  Thee- 
philus  Frarye.     A  int.  £29.1 0.G. 

Hannah  Chandler  deposed  to  the  inuentorye  of  her  late  husband, 
Aug.  3,  166G. 

Edmund  Browne. — Whereas  Elizabeth,  the  wife  of  Edmund  Browne, 
of  Boston,  lately  deceased,  hath  left  two  children,  the  said  Edmund 
Browne  hailing  absented  himselfe  for  seuerall  yeares  &  none  left  [to] 
looke  to  his  Estate  remaining,  &  left  by  his  wife,  nor  Prouision  for 
the  said  Children,  that  the  Children  may  duly  bee  prouided  for,  Sc 
what  Estate  is  left  of  the  said  Edmund  Brownes  may  bee  preserued 
as  much  as  may  bee  &  what  is  due  to  the  said  Edmund  Browne  may 
bee  gott  in,  This  Court  jadgeth  it  meet  to  Order  &  impowre,  Mary, 
the  relict  of  the  Late  Robert  Bouchier,  alias  Garret,  Grandmother  to 
the  said  Children,  &  Benjamin  Ward,  shipwright,  as  feofees  in  trust, 
not  only  to  take  a  true  Inueutory  of  the  Estate  of  the  said  Edmund 
Browne,  but  out  of  the  same  to  prouide  for  the  children,  &  to  gett  in 
by  all  legall  wayes  &  meanes  what  is  due  to  the  said  Edmund 
Brozvne,  or  they  shall  find  to  bee  due  from  one  or  other,  giuing  this 
Court  an  Account  thereof  by  the  next  Court  in  April!,  &  security  soe 
to  doe  in  the  meane  time,  &  bringing  into  the  Inuentory  of  what 
they  find  by  the  next  Court: — the  2d  Nouember  1666. 

pr  the  Court:  Edw:  Rawson,  Record1". 

28:  11  mo.  166?.  An  Inuentory  of  the  Goods  &  chatties  of  Ed- 
mund Browne  of  Boston,  deceased,  taken  by  Henry  Olliue,  Gamaliel 
Way  te,  Abell  Porter.  Amt.  £216.3.  Mentions  Nicholas  Baxter;  land 
at  Muddy  river,  land  at  Long  Island;  Peter  Till,  Edmund  Stockden, 
of  new  Castell,  in  old  England. 

Jan.  29,  1667.     Elizabeth  Browne  deposed. 

Mrs.  Alice  Lisle. — Boston,  Nov.  1,  1666.  Power  of  Administration 
to  the  Estate  of  the  late  Mrs  Alice  IJsle,  granted  to  Mr  Freegrace 
Bendall,  in  behaife  of  Mary,  his  wife,  daughter  to  the  sd.  Alice  Lisle, 
&  Francis  her  husband,  together  wlh  Joseph,,  their  sonn.  (Lib.  iv.  fob 

(Lib.  v.  fol.  125.)  Boston  3:  3:  1667.  Inuentory  of  the  visible 
Estate  of  Ann  Like,  Widdow,  deceased  the  30th  of  the  3d  month  1666. 

336  Abstracts  of  Early  Wills.  [Oct. 

Estemed  pr  John  Freake,  Rich:  Williams.     £24.10.     Mentions  land  at 
Brain  try. 

The  9">  of  May,  1661.  Mr  Hope  for  Bcndall  deposed  before  the 
Gouernor,  -major  Generall  Leucreti  &  Recorder,  to  the  lnuentory  of  the 
Estate  of  the  late  Alike  Lisle,  his  mother  in  Lavves  Estate. 

Edw.  Rawson,  Record c. 

[In  vol.  ii,  of  the  Register,  for  Jan.  1848,  p.  102,  was  commenced 
by  Mr.  Drake,  the  abstracts  of  Suffolk  wills,  which  were  continued 
to  vol.  v,  p.  297;  82  wills  and  inventories  being  furnished  by  him. 
From  thence,  to  the  present  time,  the  abstracts  have  been  made  by 
the  writer  of  this  paragraph.  In  a  note,  vol.  iv,  p.  53,  Mr.  D.  remarks 
in  regard  to  the  first  volume  of  the  Record  of  Wills,  "  There  are  in 
the  volume  542  pages  foolscap,  and  we  hope  to  be  enabled  to  con- 
tinue our  labors  through  it."  That  labor,  with  the  present  issue,  is 
completed  by  his  successor.  In  addition  thereto,  abstracts  of  the 
most  important  parts  of  all  the  inventories  contained  in  volumes  it, 
hi  and  iv,  have  been  made.  These  three  books  contain  664  pages, 
making  in  all,  with  the  first  volume,  1206  pages  of  the  records. 
Besides  this,  in  vol.  vn,  of  the  Register,  are  abstracts  of  106  wills  and 
inventories  from  the  files,  which  are  not  on  the  records.  Abstracts 
of  704  wills  and  inventories  have  been  contributed  by  the  writer, 
which,  added  to  those  given  by  Mr.  Drake,  make  a  total  of  786. 

It  may  be  well  in  this  connection,  to  remark  what  has  been  stated 
before  in  substance,  that  in  the  abstracts  of  wills  and  inventories 
prepared  for  the  Register,  names  and  expressions  do  not  always  cor- 
respond with  those  on  the  record,  there  being  occasionally  mistakes 
in  the  latter.  In  many  instances  the  record  has  been  compared  with 
the  original,  in  other  cases  the  abstracts  have  been  made  from  the 
originals,  on  file.  Our  aim  and  endeavor  has  been  correctness  or 
conformity  to  the  originals,  when  they  can  be  found,  rather  than  uni- 
formity with  the  records.  Thus  much  it  seems  proper  to  state  in 
justification  of  the  transcriber,  so  that  errors  may  not  be  imputed  to 
him,  unwarrantably.  See  note  on  the  subject  in  Register,  vol.  x, 
p.  263. 

It  has  been  the  aim,  throughout,  to  make  faithful  abstracts  of  the 
wills,  giving  all  facts,  iiames  and  dates,  retaining  the  phraseology  of 
the  originals;  tautological  or  superfluous  matter,  only,  being  omitted. 

W.  B.  T.] 

Rev.  Benjamin  Woodbridge  of  Medford. — Mr.  Savage  in  the  last 
volume  of  his  Genealogical  Dictionary,  tells  us  that  this  person  was 
"  b.  in  Eng.,  whither  his  father  had  gone,  a.  1647."  Was  Mr.  Savage 
aware  that  there  is  an  account  of  him  in  Brooks's  History  of  Medford, 
in  which  he  is  said  to  have  been  "  ag-ed  sixty-five"  at  the  time  of  his 
death,  Jan.  15,  1710  ?  This  would  make  him  two  years  older  than 
Mr.  Savage  supposes  him  to  have  been.  I  should  like  to  know 
whether  the  historian  of  Medford  obtained  the  age  of  Rev.  Mr.  Wood- 
bridge  from  records  or  from  a  gravestone  inscription,  or  both;  and 
also  what  documentary  evidence  there  is  for  Mr.  Savage's  positive 
assertion  that  Mr.  W.  was  born  in  England.  F. 

1862.]  Genealogy  of  the  Kingsbury  Family.  337 


[By  Joux  Ward  Deax  of  Boston.] 

Several  persons  by  the  name  of  Kingsbury — or  as  it  was  generally 
spelt  in  former  times,  Kingsbery — -are  kuown  to  have  come  early  to 
New  England.  Two  of  these,  John  and  Joseph,  were  brothers. 
Henry,  another  immigrant,  is  not  known  to  have  been  related  to 
these  two,  though  he  may  have  been  a  brother.  Henry  brought 
children  with  him  to  this  country  in  1630,*  but  I  can  not  learn  what 
became  of  them.  It  is  possible,  however,  that  another  Henry,  b.  ab. 
1615,  who  settled  at  Ipswich,  Mass.,  and  who  is  known  to  have  been 
a  kinsman  of  the  above  John  Kingsbury,")"  may  have  been  one.  I 
have-given  some  of  his  descendants  in  the  Register.^  The  Records  of 
Massachusetts  Colony,  mentiou  a  Willi:  Kingsbury,  who,  Sept.  6, 
1638 — there  being  then  no  constable  at  Dedham — was  appointed, 
with  Abraham  Shaw,  to  inform  the  Court'  of  Assistants  of  new 
comers,  admitted  to  that  town  without  license. §  I  can  find  no  other 
evidence  of  a  person  by  that  name  having  existed  at  that  time  in 
New  England.  If  Willi:  be  not  a  clerical  error,  perhaps  this  per- 
son was  the  husband  of  Sarah  Kingsbury,  who  was  admitted  to  the 
church  at  Dedham,  Dec.  8,  1643,  and  who.  according  to  the  Dedham 
Ch.  Rec,  died  there  "  after  long  and  painfull  illness,"  Feb.  1,  1645-6. 
The  Boston  Records,  however,  give  the  date  of  her  death,  Jan.  24  of 
that  year,  which  may  be  correct,  the  former  date  being  that  of  her 
burial.  The  following  entry,  which  I  have  not  yet  been  able  to  ex- 
plain to  my  own  satisfaction,  is  found  in  the  Dedham  Church  Records: 
"Abigail  Dr  of  our  Sister  Elder  Kingsbury,  a  meber  of  the  church 
of  Linn,  Bpt.  19  (7)  1641."  The  name  of  "Thos  Kingsbury,"  follows 
that  of  "Hen.  Kingsbury,"  in  a  list  of  names  in  the  addenda  to  Win- 
throp's  Journal  (n,  340),  which  the  editor,  Mr.  Savage,  thinks  a 
catalogue  of  "  those  who  in  February  designed  to  come  over,  and  of 
whom  the  greater  part  arrived."  I  do  not  find  his  name  in  this 
country.     Probably  he  did  not  embark. 

1.  John1  Kingsbury  was  adm.  a  freeman  of  Massachusetts,  March 
3,  1635-6.  He  was  a  proprietor  of  Watertown,  1636-7,  but  sold  his 
land  there  to  David  Fiske,  Sen.  and  Jr.,  who,  April  20,  1661,  resold 
it  to  John  Coolidge.lj  He  was  one  of  the  signers — the  6th  in  order — 
to  the  petition  to  the  Massachusetts  general  court,  Sept.  6,  1636,  for 
the  incorporation  of  Dedham. *[[  After  the  gathering  of  the  church 
at  that  place,  Nov.  8,  1638,  being  still  of  Watertown,  he  was  named 

*  Savage's  Winthrop,  vol  i,  p.  368,  1st  ed.,  and  p.  442,  2d  ed.  For  other  parti- 
culars concerning  him,  see  Reg.,  xni,  157. 

t  Reg.,  x,  176. 

XAnte,  xin,  157.  I  have  ascertained,  since  that  article  was  published,  that  Joseph, 
Samuel  and  Thomas  Kingsbury  vrere  brothers  of  John  and  Ephraim,  and  sons  of 

$  Mass.  Col.  Rec,  i,  241.  ||  Bond's  Watertown,  327. 

•f  Mann's  Jinnals  of  Dedham,  p. 

338  Genealcgy  of  the   Kingsbury  Family.  [Oct. 

one  of  four  candidates  for  the  office  of  ruling  elder  of  the  Dedham 
church,  but  declined  the  nomination.*  He  must  have  removed  from 
Watertovvn  soon  after,  for,  Oct.  30,  1639,  ne  and  his  wife,  name  not 
given,  "both  of  ye  church  of  Watertovvn,"  were  adm.  to  the  Dedham 
church.  In  June,  1G39,  he  was  appointed  by  the  General  Court  one 
of  the  commissioners  of  Dedham,  "  to  drdfcr  small  businesses  under 
20s,"  and  was  again  appointed  to  that  office  in  1641.f  He  was  a 
deputy  to  the  General  Court  in  16-17  J  He  died  at  Dedham  "  after 
long  weakness  of  31  [or  31]  years,"  Sept.  12,  1600.  His  wife  Mar- 
garet, survived  him,  but  died  before  May  20,  1062.  In  the  Remitter 
(ante,  x,  1*16,  and  xi,  40),  will  be  found  abstracts  of  the  wills  of 

2.  Joseph1  Kingsbury  settled  at  Dedham  as  early  as  1637.  His 
wife  Millecent,  "who  appeared  to  ye  church  a  tender-hearted  soule, 
full  of  feares  &  temptations,  but  truly  breathing  after  Christ,"  was 
adm.  to  the  Dedham  church,  April  24,  1639.  He  was  adm.  to  that 
church,  April  9,  1641;  and  a  freeman  of  the  colony,  June  2,  1641. 
He  d.  in  1676,  previous  to  June  1,  his  wife  Millecent  surviving  him. 
Their  ch.  were:  (3)  Sarah,-  [~j-]  m.  Robert  Crossman  of  Taunton, 
N.  E.  (4)  Mary?'b.  at  D.,  Sept,  1,  1737;  perhaps  m.  Dea.  Thomas 
Cooper  of  Rehobotb,  as  her  father  iu  his  will,  May  22,  1675,  mentions 
a  dau.,  name  not  given,  who  was  then  the  wife  of  said  Cooper.  (5) 
Elizabeth,-  b.  at  D.,  Sept.  14,  1638;  m.  Nathaniel  Brewer  of  Koxbury, 
and  d.  June  25,  1661,  leaving  a  dau.,  Elizabeth^,  who  was  Jiving  in 
1675.  (6)  Joseph?  [+]  b.  at  !).,  Feb.  17,  1640-1;  d.  Dec.  16,  1688; 
wife  Mary,  d.  July  31,  1680;  m.  Sept.  7,  1681,  Mary  Donier,  who  sur- 
vived him;  settled  and  died  at  Wrentham.  (7)  John?  [-f-]  b.  at  1)., 
Aug.  15,  1643;  d.  May  30,  1669;  m.  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Thomas  Ful- 
ler, who  survived  him,  and  m.  Sept.  19,  1672,  Michael  Metcalf  (ante, 
iv,  173);  she  d.  Oct.  24,  1732.  (8)  Eleazer?  [+]  b.  May  17,  1645; 
d.  Feb.  2,  1722-3;  m.  Esther  Judson  (dau.  of  Samuel  Judson  of  Ded- 
ham, who  came  from  Horton,  Bradforddale,  co.  of  York,  Eng .),  who 
d.  May  6,  1717.  (9)  Nathaniel?  [+]  b.  at  D.,  March  26,  1650;  d. 
Oct.  14,  1694;  was  a  freeman,  1677;  wife  Mary. 

3.  Robert  Grossman,  by  his  wife  Sarah-  Kingsbury,  had  ch.:  (10) 
John  3  b.  at  T.,  March  16,  1654;  m.  Jan.  7,  1689,  Joanna  Thayer,  dau. 
of  Nathaniel.  (11)  Mary?  b.  July  16,  1655.  (12)  Robert?  b.  Aug. 
3,  1657;  m.  July  21,  1679,  Hannah  Brooks.  (13)  Joseph?  b.  April 
25,  1659.  (14)  Nathaniel?  b.  Aug.  7,  1660;  killed  by  the  Indians  at 
Wrentham,  March  8,  1675-6.  (15)  Ekazer?  b.  March  16,  1663;  d. 
Oct.  26,  1667.  (16)  Elizabeth?  b.  May  2,  1665.  (17)  Samuel?  b. 
July  25,  1667;  1st  wife,  Elizabeth;  2d  wife,  Mary.  (18)  Mercy?  b. 
March  20,  1669.  (19)  Thomas?  b.  Oct.  6,  1671.  "  (20)  Susanna?  b. 
Feb.  14,  1672-3. 

6.  Joseph'2  Kingsbury  of  Wrentham,  had  ch.:  (21)  Joseph?  b.  at 
D.,  Aug.  28,  1665.  (22)  John?  b.  at  D.,  Dec,  24,  1667;  d.  s.  p  bef. 
Nov.  12,  1695.  (23)  Elizabeth?  b..  according  to  Wrentham  Records, 
May  14,  1670;  by  Dedham  Records,  May,  1671;  in.  William  Bn'ggs, 
cooper,  of  Taunton,    who  d.  April  21,   1721,  aged   62;  she  survived 

*  Rev.  Dr.  Lam?on's  CenttnniaL  p.  15. 

t  Massachusetts  Colony  Records,  i,  263  and  328.       X  Ibid,  n,  1S6,  and  in,  105. 

1S62.]  Genealogy  of  the  Kingsbury  Family.  339 

him,  and  d.  Nov.  2 T,  1720,  in  her  '"  59th  year."  (24)  Ekazer*  b.,  by 
W.  Records,  May  12,  1673:  by  D.  Rec,  May  9,  1073;  was  a  tailor  of 
"Wrentham,  Nov.  25,  1695;  in.  Sarah  Maccane,  April  14,  1696;  after- 
wards became  a  preacher,  and,  according  to  Cotton  Mather,  changed 
his  name  to  Berry,  and  went  to  Cape  Mav.  (25)  Hannah*  b.  at  \V\, 
July  26,  1G75.  (26)  Mary*  b.  at  W\,  Nov.  10,  167  7.  (27)  Mercy,* 
twin  of  preceding;  living'  at  Roxbury,  April,  1704.  (28)  Marah*  b. 
at  W.,  July  19,  1680. 

7.  John"2  Kingsbury,  by  wife  Elizabeth,  had  ch.:  (29)  Elizabeth* 
b.  at  D.,  Nov.  23,  1663;  m,  Dec.  12,  16S6,  Joseph  Damon. 

8.  Eleazer-  Kingsbury,  by  wife  Esther,  had  ch.:  (30)  Mary*  b. 
at  Dedham,  April  6,  1680.  (31)  Josiah,*  [-(-]  m.  at  Roxbury,  Jan. 
16,  1704-5,  Susannah  Morev,  dau.  of  Thomas  M.  of  R.;  d.  1739;  wife 
in  will,  April  14,  1739,  is  called  Hannah.  (32)  Eleazer,-  b.  May  10, 
1683.  (33)  Samuel,*  ["+]  b.  Nov.  4,  1690;  m.  May  12,  1715,  Joanna 
Guild.  (34)  Noah*  [+]"b.  Sept.  16,  1694;  m.  at  Roxbury,  Sept.  30, 
1718,  Mehitabel  Morey,  sister  of  Susannah  above. 

9.  Nathaniel-  Kingsbury,  by  wife  Mary,  had  ch.:  (35)  Nathaniel* 
[+]  b.  Sept.  14,  1674;  m.  Dec.  5,  1695,  Abigail  Baker;  d.  Jan.  19, 
1724-5;  wid.  d.  Nov.  9,  1764,  in  her  90th  year,  having  "lived  about 
20  years  a  single  lite,  about  30  years  in  the  married  state,  and  about 
40  in  that  of  widowhood,  in  each  of  which  her  behaviour  was  amiable 
and  exemplary."  (36)  James*  (37)  Timothy*  [  +  ]  b.  Oct.  15,  1680; 
res.  Needham;  will,  March  3,  1757,  in  his  "  seventy-seventh  year," 
proved  Oct.  31,  1760;  wife  Hannah.  (38)  John*  b.  Aug.  17,  1686. 
(39)  Daniel*  [+]  b.  Nov.  11,  1688;  res.  Wrentham;  d.  April  27. 
1754;  m.  at  W.,  Dec.  29,  1713,  Elizabeth  Stevens  of  Dedham,  who 
survived  him,  and  d.  1764.     (40)  Milliant*  b.  March  30,  1693. 

31.  Josiah3  Kingsbury  of  Needham,  had  ch.:  (41)  Josiak*  b.  at 
Dedham,  Nov.  15,  1705.  (42)  Theodore*  b.  Dec.  17,  1707.  (43) 
Jesse.*  (44)  Thomas.*  (45)  Jemima.*  (46)  Eliphalet*  (47)  Caleb.* 
(48)  Elijah.* 

33.  Samuel*  Kingsbury,  had  ch.:  (49)  Esther*  b.  at  D.,  Feb.  23, 
1717-18;  m.  Ebenezcr  Baker  of  Walpole.  (50)  Seih*  b.  at  D.,  May 
18,  1720;  res.  W.  (51)  Joanna,*  b.  at  D.,  Oct.  19,  1722;  m.  Joseph 
Holmes  of  Dedham.  (52)  Nathan*  (53)  Mary*  m.  Elenry  Smith 

34.  Noah3  Kingsbury,  by  wife  Mehitabel,  had  ch.:  (54)  Noah,*  b. 
March  30,  1720.  (55)  Ezekiel*  [-f  ]  b.  Nov.  14,  1721;  d.  a%.  1797; 
wife  Keziah.  (56)  Joshua,*  b.  July  30,  1723.  (57)  Mary,*  b.  April 
12,  1725.     (58)  Abigail,*  b.  July  30,  1732. 

35.  Nathaniel3  Kingsbury,  by  wife  Abigail,  had  ch.:  (59)  Abi- 
gail* b.  Jan.  5,  1696-7;  m.  Mr.  Fisher.  (60)  Nathaniel,*  b.  July  31, 
16$8;  d.  Aug.  20,  1775;  m.  1st,  June  14,  1722,  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 
William  and  Elizabeth  (Avery)  Billiard,  who  d.  Dec.  29,  1751;  2d 
wife  Hannah,  d.  Aug.  17,  1775,  in  76th  year:  (61)  Jeremiah*  F+J  h. 
March  24,  1701;  wife  Rest.  (62)  Ebenezer,*  [+]  b.  Dec.  lsf  1703; 
wife  Abigail,  d.  Nov.  11,  1767,  in  60th  year.  (63)  Mary,*  b.  Aug.  2, 
1705;  d.  ab.  1788.  (64)  Sarahs  b.  ah."  1711;  d.  Dec.  17,  1739.  (65) 
Rebecca,*  b.  May  27,  1713;  m.  Nathaniel  Gay  of  Walpole.  (66)  Ben- 
jamin* b.  ab.   1715.     (67)  Joseph,*  [+]  b.  Jan.  19,  1718-9;  d.  Aug. 

340  Genealogy   of  the  Kingsbury  Family.  [Oct. 

17,  1715 ;lm.  Jan.  3,  1765,  Phebe  Willet,  who  survived  him,  and  m. 
Sept.  18,  1776,  Joseph  Gay  of  Dedham. 

37.  Timotht3  Kingsbury  of  Needham,  had  these  and  probably  other 
ch.:  (68)  Timothy. 4     (G9)  MehUdhdi*     (70)   Rath,*  m.  Mr.  Alden. 

39.  Daniel3  Kingsbury  of  Wrentharn,  had  ch.:  (71)  Daniel, *f*-f*] 
b.  March  12,  1715;  d.  17S3;  m.  1st.  Nov.  3,  1737,  Beriah,  dan.  of 
Theodore  Mann,  b.  May  2,  1719,  d.  May  26,  1755  (ante,  xm,  326);  in. 
2d,  wid.  Abigail  Adams,  Oct.  19,  1755,  who  survived  him.  (72) 
Stephen,*  [--}-]  b.  ab.  1716;  d.  April  23,  1754,  a.  38;  m.  Silence,  dan. 
of  Samuel  Partridge.  (73)  Elizabeth*  m.  Joshua  Partridge.  (74) 
Mary,*  m.  Joseph  Harding'. 

55.  Ezekiel4  Kingsbury,  by  wife  Keziah,  had  ch.:  (75)  Lvdia,5  b. 
at  D.,  Aug.  9,  1753;  m.  Reuben  White.  (76)  Anna,5  b.  Dec.  28, 
1755;  m.  Mr.  Bird,  prob.  Jonathan.  (77)  Ezekiel-5  wife  Mary.  (78) 
Noah,5  b.  May  30,  1758.  (79)  Katharine,*  m.  Mr.  Gay,  prob.  William. 
(80)  Lucy,5  m.  Christopher  Chester.     (81)  Judith.5 

61.  Jeremiah4  Kingsbury  had  ch.:  (82)  Jeremiah,5  of  Dedbam.  (83) 
Nathaniel5  of  Sharon.  (84)  James,5  of  Dedham.  (85)  Abigail.5  m. 
Ebenezer  Capen  of  Stoughton.  (86)  Sarah,5  b.  Aug.  17,  1741;  m. 
Benjamin  Fairbanks  of  Stoughtonham. 

62.  Ebenezer4  Kingsbury,  by  wife  Abigail,  had  ch.:  f87)  Abigail5 
b.  March  4,  1730-1;  d.  April  119,  754.  (88)  Ebenezer]5  b.  May  31, 
1734.  (89)  Rev.  Samuel5  b.  Dec.  17,  1736  ;  grad.  H.  0.,  1759;\vas 
"a  learned  scholar  and  a  good  divine;"  set.  at  Edgartown,  1761;  d. 
of  small  pox,  Dec.  30,  1778,  a.  42.  (90)  Enoch,5  b.  Dec.  7,  1738. 
(91)  David5  b.  June  8,  1741;  d.  Aug.  13,  1754.  (92)  Asa5  b.  Oct. 
7,  1743;  d.  Sept.  24,  1754.  (93)  Mary5  b.  Oct.  27,  1746.  (94) 
Joseph,5  b.  Dec.  6,  1749. 

67.  Joseph4  Kingsbury,  by  wife  Phebe,  had  ch.:  (95)  Joseph5  b. 
April  19,  176S;  only  ch.  that  survived  his  father.  (96)  Sarah,5  bap. 
Jan.  27,  1771:  d.  Aug.  14,  1775,  a.  4.  (97)  George5  bap.  Aug.  S, 
1773;  d.  Aug.'  14,  1755,  a.  2. 

71.  Daniel4  Kingsbury,  bv  wife  Beriah,  had  ch.:  (98)  Nathaniel5 
b.  Feb.  18,  1739:  d.  Jan.  26,  1803.  ('99)  Lydia,5  b.  Nov.  19,  1740; 
d.  March  3,  1781;  m.  Amos  Holbrook.  (100)  Daniel,5  b.  Oct,  6, 
1742;  d.  June,  1825;  settled  at  Keene,  N.  H.;  and  he  (or  a  son  of 
the  6ame  name)  had  a  dau.  Lucretia,  m.  to  Charles  Flanders  (H.  C. 
1808)  of  Plainfleld,  N.  H.,  b.  1788,  d.  1860,  whose  son  is  Henry  Flan- 
ders, Esq,  author  of  Lives  of  the  Chief  Justices  of  the  United  States,  and 
other  works.  (101)  Samuel,5  b.  Feb.  20,  1744;  d.  Jan.  5,  1757. 
(102)  John,5  b.  July  1,  1745;  d.  Aug.  18,  1745.  (103)  Timothy,5  b. 
Aug.  6,  1746;  d,  Feb.,  1825;  settled  at  Franklin.  (104)  James5  [-}-] 
b.  Jan.  3,  1748;  d.  May  18,  1821;  m.  Mary  Walker  of  Upton.  (105) 
John,5  b.  March  17,  1749;  d.  Feb.  11;  1813.  (106)  Theodore5  b.  Feb. 
20,  1752;  d.  Dec,  1786. 

By  2d  wife  Abigail,  Daniel4  Kingsburv  had  ch.:  (107  and  108) 
Two  ch.5  b.  April  27,  1755.  (109)  Peter,5  b.  Oct.  11,  1758;  d.  Oct. 
12,1759.  (110)  JJenjamin,5  b.  Oct.  11,  1758;  d.  1831;  removed  to 
Brewer,  Me. 

72.  Stephen4  Kingsbury,  by  wife  Silence,  had  ch.:  (Ill)  Moses5 
b.  ab.  1743,  probably  the  Moses  who  d.  in  the  fall  of  1771,  leaving  a 

A  Husband  of  Six  Wives 

pnen,'j  v.  au.  i  to-t.      { i  j  i )    £>enjaminv      Vli°i    -a-uiguu." 

104.  James5  Kingsbury  of  Franklin,  by  wife  Mary,  had  ch.:  (119) 
Rev.  Samuel,*  b.  May  18,  1798;  grad.  B.  U.,  1822;  set.  at  Tamworth, 
N.  H.;  m.  Dec.  1G,  1829,  Mary,  dau.  of  Josiah  Badcock  of  Andover, 
N.  H.,  formerly  of  Milton,  Mass.,  by  whom  he  has  had  ch.:  Josiah,7 
d.  young",  Rev.  William  Henry,"  ord.  at  Corinth,  Vt,,  Jan.  5,  1859; 
James  M.;7  Mary  S;7  Josiah  W.;7  Harlan  Page;7  and  Edward  Pay- 

snri  ~i 


A  Husband  of  Six  Wives. — The  following  epitaphs,  copied  from  the 
old  burying  ground  in  Bradford,  Mass.,  have  been  furnished  us  by  a 
correspondent.  The  man  and  his  six  wives  lay  side  by  side.  The 
inscriptions  are  copied  in  the  order  of  the  decease  of  the  wives,  The 
numbers  within  brackets  show  the  order  in  which  they  lay,  beginning 
on  the  right  of  the  husband,  the  child  being  between  two  of  them. 

Hon.  Nath1  Thurston  |  died  at  Lansingburgh  |  (N.Y.)  Oct  21, 1811 
iEt  56.  |  For  many  years  he  was  a  |  member  of  the  Legislature, 
was  distinguished  for  his  benevolence  |  and  greatly  lamented  by 
his  friends.  I 

[4]  Here  lies  |  Interred  the  remains  of  |  Mrs  Betsey  Thurston 
consort  of  |  Capt  Nathaniel  Thurston  |  who  departed  this  life  the 
25th  of  November  A.  D.  1790.  |  JStat  34. 

]>t  mourning  friends  and  husband  dear 
Lament  the  dead,  repent  and  fear 
Let  youthful  children  read  this  stone 
Feel  they  must  die  and  soon  he  gone. 

[5]  Mrs  Martha  Thurston  |  consort  of  |  Nathaniel  Thurston  Esq  I 
died  May  12,  1799  |  JBtat  32—. 

See  there  all  pale  and  dead  she  lies 
Forever  flow  my  streaming  eyes  : 
There  dwells  the  fairest,  lovliest  mind 
Faith  sweetens  it,  together  join'd 
Dwelt  faith  &  wit  &  sweetness  there 
0  view  the  change  and  drop  a  tear. 

[7]  Mrs  Huldah  Thurston  |  consort  of  |  Nathaniel  Thurston  Esq  ] 
died  Sept  8,  1801  |  iEtat  24. 

[3]    Mrs  Clarissa  Thurston  |  consort  of  |  Nathaniel  Thurston  Esq 
|  died  Nov.  14,  1803  |  yEtat  36. 

[2J   Mrs  Martha  B.  Thurston  |  consort  of  |  Nathaniel  Thurston  Esq 
|  died  July  27,  1804  |  iEtat  25. 

[11  Mrs  Mary  Thurston  |  consort  of  Hon  Nath1  Thurston  |  died 
March  3,  1808  |  Ml  27. 

6.  Benjamin  |  son  of  |  Nath1  Thurston  Esq  |  &  Mrs  Huldah  Thurs- 
ton j  died  Mch  17,  1801  |  aged  8  months. 

342  Will  of  Thomas  Olcott.  [Oct. 


[Communicated  by  Charles  J.  IIoadly,  Esq.,  of  Hartford,  Ct.] 

Mr.  Goodwin  mentions  the  loss  of  this  will,  in  tbe  preface  to  tire 
Olcott  Family,  published  in  1845.  The  following  copy  is  from  vol.  n 
of  the  Records  of  the  Connecticut  Particular  Court,  lately  found: 

In  the  name  of  God,  amen.  I,  Thomas  Olcott  of  Hartford,  being 
weak  in  body,  but  through  the  mercy  of  God  of  perfect  memory,  yet 
calling  to  mind  the  certainty  of  death  and  the  uncertainty  of  the  time 
thereof,  do  make  and  ordaine  my  last  will  and  testament  in  manner 
and  form  as  following: 

First.  I  commit  my  soul  into  the  hands  of  my  most  merciful  Father 
and  blessed  Redeemer  and  eternal  comforter,  hoping  and  being  fully 
assured  that  it  shall  be  kept  safe  in  the  arms  of  those  everlasting 
mercies  which  have  from  eternity  before  time  loved  it  with  a  infinite 
and  everlasting  love,  and  in  time  manifested  this  love  unto  me  in 
(by  a  mighty  and  unresistible  power)  plucking  me  out  of  the  chains 
of  darkness  and  the  dungeons  of  sin  and  misery,  and  translating  of 
me  into  the  kingdom  of  his  dear  son. 

My  body  I  commit  to  the  earth  from  whence  it  come,  and  out  of 
which  it  was  formed,  knowing  and  being  perfectly  persuaded  that 
the  Lord  by  his  almighty  power  will  raise  it  up  at  the  last  day,  and 
then  both  soul  and  body  shall  be  reunited,  and  this  frail  and  mortal 
body  shall  be  made  like  unto  the  glorious  body  of  the  Lord  Jesus. 

My  wife  I  leave  her  to  the  care  of  the  church  whereof  the  Lord 
bath  made  her  a  member,  and  to  the  counsell  and  advice  of  them  m 
general  and  my  overseers,  and  Mrs.  Hooker  in  particular,  and  do 
desire  their  utmost  care  and  indeavour  for  her  good,  and  I  do  ear- 
nestly desire  her  to  attend  their  counsell  and  advice  to  the  utmost. 

The  children  which  the  Lord  of  his  mercy  hath  given  me,  I  firstly 
commit  them  into  the  arms  of  that  mercy,  and  beseech  the  Lord  to 
make  good  his  everlasting  covenant  that  he  hath  of  his  rich  mercy 
made  with  them,  and  to  circumcise  their  hearts  that  they  may  love 
and  fear  him  forever:  and  secondly,  1  leave  them  to  the  love,  care 
and  faithful  endeavor  of  the  church  with  whom  they  live  and  whereof 
they  are  members,  entreating  them  according  to  the  covenant  of  the 
Lord,  that  they  would  be  helpful  to  thera  and  watchful  over  them, 
both  for  their  outward  and  spiritual  good. 

And  touching  the  worldly  goods  which  the  Lord  hath  been  pleased 
to  lend  me,  my  will  is,  that  after  my  debts  are  paid  and  discharged, 
that  my  estate  shall  be  disposed  of  as  followeth,  viz:  Unto  my  dear 
and  loving  wife  I  give  unto  her  the  sum  of  twenty-eight  pounds  per 
year  during  her  life,  to  be  made  fair  unto  her  out  of  my  estate,  partly 
out  of  what  rents  and  yearly  annualties  are  coming  to  me,  and  partly 
so  much  of  my  estate  to  be  put  to  it  a3  will  procure  so  much  to  be 
assured  to  her  during  her  life;  the  whole  remainder  of  my  estate, 
except  twenty  pounds,  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  children,  five 
or  six,  more  or  less,  as  it  pleased  the  Lord  to  leave  me,  which  are 
surviving,  to  be  divided,  if  I  have  six  children,  into  seven  equal  parts 

1862.]  Will  of  Thomas  Olcott.  343 

or  if  five  children,  into  six  equal  parts,  or  if  seven  children,  into 
eight  equal  parts,  and  I  do  give  and  bequeath  unto  my  eldest  sun 
Thomas  two  equal  parts  of  the  estate  so  divided,  and  unto  the  each 
of  the  rest  of  my  said  children  one  equal  part  of  the  estate  so  di- 
vided; my  mind  and  will  is,  that  each  of  their  parts  and  portions 
shall  be  due  unto  them  and  payable  unto  them  at  the  age  of  twenty- 
one  years,  or  day  of  their  marriage,  which  shall  first  happen;  as  also, 
that  if  any  of  my  said  children  shall  die  or  depart  this  life  before 
that  their  portion  shall  become  due  and  payable,  that  then  their  part 
and  portion  shall  be  equally  divided  unto  those  that  are  surviving-, 
I  mean  each  of  them,  both  eldest  and  youngest,  to  have  each  of  them  an 
equal  proportion.  Also,  my  will  and  desire  is,  that  my  estate  which  I 
have  given  to  my  children  may  be  ordered  and  improved  to  the  best 
advantage  of  my  said  children,  by  my  overseers.  And  1113'  mind  is, 
that  my  said  overseers  may  be  paid  out  of  my  estate  for  such  time 
and  cost  and  expenses  as  they  shall  be  at,  in  ordering  my  estate  from 
time  to  time,  as  also  that  the  said  overseers  v/ould  so  order  of  the 
bringing  up  of  the  children  as  they  conceive  may  be  best  for  the 
children's  spiritual  and  temporal  good.  And  the  rest  of  my  estate 
not  given,  I  give  and  bequeath  as  folio weth:  Unto  my  dear  and  ten- 
der mother,  Mrs.  Margrett  Charlfount,  for  her  own  peculiar  use,  two 
pounds;  to  my  dear  and  much  respected  sister,  Mrs.  Mary  Hardy, 
five  pounds;  to  my  indeared  friend  and  faithful  counsellor,  Mrs. 
Hooker,  fifty  shillings;  to  my  reverend  teacher,  one  pound  ten  shil- 
lings; to  my  mother,  Hoare,  twenty  shillings;  to  my  brother,  Will. 
Wadsworth,  one  pound;  to  brother  Will.  Lewis,  senior,  one  pound: 
to  the  overseers  of  this  my  last  will,  each  of  them  apiece,  three 
pounds.  My  desire  is,  that  ail  my  said  legacies  shall  be  paid  within 
one  year  after  my  decease. 

I  do  make  and  ordain  my  loving  wife  and  my  son  Thomas,  execut- 
ors of  this  my  will;   and  I  do  desire   my  dear  brethren  and  friends 
Mr.  John  Talcott  and   Edward   Stebbin,  to   be  overseers  hereof,  and 
desire  their  utmost  care  a,nd  faithfulness  herein. 

And  lastly,  1  do  desire  to  leave  a  record  of  God's  faithfulness  and 
goodness  towards  me,  who  hath  been  infinite  and  abundant  in  his 
goodness  and  fatherly  mercy  toward  me  even  unto  admiration,  who 
though  he  hath  seemed  to  me  to  deny  for  a  long  time,  yet  hath  heard 
all  my  prayers,  supplied  all  my  wants,  overcome  all  my  evils  with 
his  goodness,  and  when  I  have  been  as  proud  and  stubborn  as  I 
could  be,  yet  then  hath  he  magnified  his  rich  compassion  to  me,  that 
all  whom  it  may  concern,  especially  my  wife,  children,  kindred  and 
friends,  may  learn  to  humble  and  abase  themselves  before  that  God. 
to  seek  and  to  wait  upon  that  God  who  is  nearest  to  help  when  all  other 
help  is  furthest  from  us,  and  to  love  and  fear  and  serve  that  God  for 
ever,  who  is  a  God  full  of  mercy,  and  faithful  in  his  covenant  to  his 
poor  servants  and  their  seed.  And  I  do  revoke  all  other  wills  by  me 
made,  and  do  acknowledge  this  as  my  last  will  and  testament,  and 
in  witness  hereof  have  hereunto  set  mv  hand  and  seal  this  20th  dav 
of  Novemb.,  1653.  THOMAS  OLCOTT.  " 

Witness 'by  us, 
Hexuy  Hardye, 


Elizabeth  X  Roberts. 


344  Fenelon  and  his  Connection  icith  America.  [Oct. 


[Communicated  by  Rev.  Caleb  Davis  Bradlee,  A.  M.,  of  Roxbury.] 

Mr.  Dean:  At  your  request  I  have  written  a. short  article  upon 
Fenelon  and  his  connection  with  America,  the  main  points  of  what  I 
have  had  to  say  may  be  considered  as  the  substance  of  a  portion  of 
a  lecture  delivered  by  me  before  the  New  England  Historic-Genea* 
logical  Society  in  1857.  I  only  regret  that  I  have  not  the  time  and 
the  health  to  do  full  justice  to  a  subject  at  once  so  grand  and  sug- 

It  has  been  supposed  by  many,  and  certainly  on  grounds  deserving 
of  some  credit,  that  the  Archbishop  Fenelon,  somewhere  between  his 
twentieth  and  thirtieth  year,  visited  North  America,  and  located  him- 
self in  Canada  as  a  missionary.  Imagination  undoubtedly  has  aided, 
to  a  great  extent,  the  desire  of  scholars  to  believe  that  some  part  of 
our  continent  has  been  hallowed  by  the  tread,  and  consecrated  by 
the  presence  of  one  so  eminent,  not  only  in  his  own  church  and 
amongst  his  own  people  and  friends,  but  everywhere  and  by  everybody 
honored  as  gifted  in  all  those  graces  of  character  that  label  a  man 
both  as  philosopher  and  Christian. 

But  there  are  some  items  of  history  that  give  nourishment  to  this 
wish,  and  that  have  led  many  writers  to  assert  confidently  that 
Francois  Salignac  de  la  Mothe  Fenelon  did,  in  early  life,  visit  our 
land,  and  as  teacher  of  the  Iroquois  tribes  in  New  York  and  Canada, 
commenced  the  establishment  of  that  golden  reputation,  which  by 
universal  consent  he  afterward  obtained  and  deserved. 

The  New  York  Historical  Society  who  have  looked  somewhat  into 
this  matter,  have  the  following  testimony  embalmed  in  their  records: 

"  In  1849,  before  the  society,  Mr.  Bartlett  said,  that  the  paper  which 
Mr.  Greenough  read  at  the  late  meeting,  showing  the  probability  that 
the  celebrated  Fenelon,  Archbishop  of  Cam  bray  has  been  in  early  life 
a  missionary  among  the  Iroquois  in  western  New  York  and  Canada, 
had  attracted  much  attention,  and  already  brought  forth  additional 
evidence  to  sustain  Mr.  Greenough's  conjectures.  That  gentleman 
himself  had  ascertained  since  his  return  to  Washington  that  Hennepin 
arrived  in  Canada  with  La  Salle  in  1674,  and  it  was  therefore  doubt- 
less correct,  that  he  was  in  Canada,  as  he  asserts,  while  the  Abbe  de 
Fenelon,  now  Archbishop  of  Cambray,  was  residing  there. 

Mr.  Bartlett  read  a  letter  from  0.  A.  Marshall,  Esq,,  of  Buffalo, 
communicating  some  interesting  facts  which  he  had  discovered  on 
the  same  subject* 

Mr.  Marshall  states  that  he  has  met  with  some  additional  evidences 
corroborating  the  same  facts,  and  which  would  seern  to  place  it  be- 
yond all  question,  inasmuch  as  they  give  his  name  in  full,  the  time  of 
his  ordination,  which  Mr.  Greenough  sought  for  in  vain,  and  the  date 
of  his  departure  from  Canada,  which  correspond,  or  at  all  events  do 
not  conflict  with  other  known  circumstances  of  his  life. 

The  proof  he  referred  to  may  be  found  in  a  chronological  list  of 
the  Catholic  hierarchy  of  Canada,  published  at  Quebec  in  1831.      It 


1862.]  Fen  do  a  and  his  Connection    with  America.  345 

states  that  Francois  c!e  Salignac  de  Fenelon,  President,  was  ordained 
June  11th,  loGS,  and  left  Canada  September,  1673. 

In  a  letter  from  the  Bishop  of  Patrei  to  Mon.  Bitevia  of  Paris,  the 
Bishop  states  that,  he  had  sent  two  pious  and  able  laborers  to  the 
Iroquois  tribe  settlement  on  the  north  side  of  the  great  Lake  Ontario, 
one  of  whom  is  Mon.  de  Fenelon,  whose  name  is  well  known  in  Paris, 
and  the  other  Mons.  de  Trouve." 

If  we  were  to  make  no  farther  inquiries,  but  rest  satisfied  with 
this  testimony  afforded  by  one  of  our  most  respectable  historical 
societies,— and,  certainly,  agreement  to  any  thing  that  such  an  asso- 
ciation proclaims  would  argue  neither  presumption  or  weakness, — we 
should  be  glad  to  believe  and  feel  a  certain  authority  in  asserting 
Fenelon's  alliance  to  Canada;  certainly  our  preference  would  lead  us 
to  stop  just  here  and  to  institute  no  further  search,  viewing  all  other 
testimony  as  either  useless  or  absurd.  But  wishing  to  make  assu- 
rance doubly  sure,  and  to  put  a  belt  of  iron  round  what  seems  to  be 
an  incontestible  fact,  so  that  it  should  never  ag;ain  be  challenged,  the 
writer  of  this- article  applied  to  Rev.  Dr.  John  B.  Fitzpatrick,  Bishop 
of  Boston,  for  additional  light  upon  the  subject,  and  received  the  fol- 
lowing prompt  and  courteous  reply: 

"  The  supposition  that  Fenelon  visited  this  country,  must,  I  think, 
be  abandoned.  There  was  a  priest  of  the  name  wmo  labored  amongst 
the  Indians  of  Canada,  butit  was  not  Francois  de  Salignac  de  la  Mothe 
FeneloD,  Archbishop  of  Cambrai  I  remember  having  given  some 
attention  to  this  subject  twenty  years  ago  in  Paris,  when  I  vras  a 
student  in  the  same  seminary  where  Fenelon  [of  Cambrai],  had 
studied.  I  can  not  now  call  to  mind  the  authorities  on  which  my  con- 
clusion was  based,  nor  even  the  sources  from  which  they  were  de- 
rived. But  I  do  remember  that  such  was  the  conclusion  I  arrived  at 
then,  and  that  the  evidence  in  the  case  was  ample.  Fenelon  did  not 
receive  orders  till  the  year  1675,  being  born  in  1651.  He  first  exer- 
cised the  ministry  at  Paris  in  the  parish  church  of  St.  Sulpice,  and 
elsewhere.  His  biographers  account  for  all  the  subsequent  years  of 
his  life,  leaving  no  interval  for  a  visit  to  America.  I  might,  if  I  had 
leisure,  hunt  up  authorities  on  the  subject,  but  I  think  it  would  be 

Such  was  the  answer  of  the  Bishop,  and  such  was  the  cloud  thrown 
upon  what  seemed  to  be  unquestioned  before.  For  my  own  part,  feel* 
ing  great  confidence  in  Bishop  Fitzpatrick's  scholarship,  and  being 
very  certain  that  in  this  case  his  convictions  were  in  direct  opposi* 
tion  to  his  desires,  and  knowingthat  he  had  the  best  opportunities  for 
ascertaining  the  truth  by  his  residence  in  the  college  where  Fenelon 
graduated,  viewing  all  these  things,  I  reluctantly  gave  up  all  faith 
in  the  American  visit  of  the  distinguished  ecclesiastic,  and  put  aside 
a  supposition  so  pleasing,  as  incapable  of  defence. 

The  question,  however,  is  yet  a  mooted  one  before  the  public  which 
time  will  undoubtedly  solve;  but  of  one  truth  we  may  least  be  assured, 
that  Fenelon  belongs  to  this  country  as  well  as  to  Europe,  that  his  spirit 
is  cosmopolitan,  and  that  his  worth  and  works  can  never  be  shackled. 
No  matter  whether  his  feet  have  consecrated  our  soil  or  not;  but  all 
matter  it  is  whether  his  spirit  has  hallowed  our  souls  and  whether 
his  beautiful  character  somehow  has  made  our  characters  beautiful: 

346  .  Vermont.  [Oct. 

if  \vc  wear  gracefully  the  mantle  of  his  goodness,  tlieu  we  are  his, 
and  no  records  found  at  Paris  or  Montreal  can  dispossess  us  of  our 


Rev.  Samuel  Peters,  LL.  D.,  in  his  History  of  Hugh  Peters,  pp.  94-5, 
claims  the  honor  of  giving  name  to  Vermont,  or  Verdmont  as  he 
writes  it.     The  following  is  his  account  of  the  ceremonies: 

"  Verdmont  was  a  name  given  to  the  Green  Mountains,  in  October, 
1768,  by  the  Rev.  .Dr.  Peters,  the  first  clergyman  who  paid  a  visit  to 
the  thirty  thousand  settlers  in  that  country,  in  the  presence  of  Colo- 
nel Tapling,  Colonel  Willes,  Colonel  Peters,  Judge  Sumner,  Judge 
Sleeper,  Captain  Peters,  Judge  Peters,  and  many  others,  who  were 
proprietors  of  a  large  number  of  townships  in  that  colony.  The 
ceremony  was  performed  on  the  top  of  a  rock  standing  on  a  high 
mountain,  then  named  Mount  Pisgah,  because  it  provided  to  the  com- 
pany a  clear  sight  of  Lake  Ghamplain  at  the  west,  and  of  Connecticut 
river  at  the  east;  and  overlooked  all  the  trees  and  hills  in  the  vast 
wilderness  at  the  north  and  the  south. 

"  The  baptism  was  performed  in  the  following  manner  and  form, 
viz:  Priest  Peters  stood  on  the  pinnacle  of  the  rock  where  he  received 
a  bottle  of  spirits  from  Colonel  Tapling;  then  haranguing  the  com- 
pany with  a  short  history  of  the  infant  settlement,  and  the  prospect 
of  its  becoming  an  impregnable  barrier  between  the  British  colonies 
in  the  south  and  the  late  colonies  of  the  French  in  the  north,  which 
might  be  returned  in  the  next  century  to  their  late  owners,  for  the 
sake  of  governing  America  by  the  different  powers  of  Europe;  he 
continued:  '  We  have  here  met  on  the  rock  of  Etaw,  standing  on 
Mount  Pisgah,  which  makes  part  of  'the  everlasting  hill,'  the  spine 
of  Africa,  Asia  and  America,  holding  together  the  terrestrial  ball  and 
dividing  the  Atlantic  from  the  Pacific  ocean;  to  dedicate  and  conse- 
crate this  extensive  wilderness 'to  God  manifested  in  human  flesh,' 
and  to  give  a  new  name  worthy  of  the  Athenians  and  ancient  Spar- 
tans, which  new  name  is  Verd-Mont,  in  token  that  her  mountains  and 
hills  shall  be  ever  green  and  shall  never  die;'  and  then  poured  the 
spirits  around  him,  cast  the  bottle  on  the  rock  Etaw.  The  ceremony 
being  over,  the  company  descended  Mount  Pisgah,  and  took  refresh- 
ment in  a  log  house  kept  by  Captain  Otley,  where  they  spent  the  night 
with  great  pleasure.  After  this,  Priest  Peters  passed  through  most 
of  the  settlement,  preaching  and  baptizing  for  the  space  of  eight 
weeks,  and  baptized  neatly  twelve  hundred  children  and  adults. 

"  Since  Verdmont  became  a  state  in  union  with  the  thirteen  states 
of  America,  its  general  assembly  have  seen  proper  to  change  the 
spelling  of  Verd-Moiit — Green  Mountain,  to  Fer-Mont — Mountain  of 
Maggots.  Both  words  are  French;  and  if  the  former  spelling  is  to 
give  place  to  the  latter,  it  will  prove  that  the  state  had  rather  be 
considered  a  mountain  of  worms  than  an  ever  green  mountain  I" 

Is  there  any  evidence  to  confirm  this  account  ?  The  reputation  of 
Peters  for  veracity  does  not  stand  very  high;  but  it  is  hard  to  be- 
lieve that  he  would  give  names  and  a  date  unless  some  such  transac- 
tion took  place.  Querist. 

1S62.]  Three  Memorable  Bays  for  America.  347 


The  Twenty-First  days  (Ne\\T  Style)  of  the  last  three  months  in  the 
3Tear  are  memorable  in  the  history  of  America — the  21st  of  October 
being  the  anniversary  of  the  discovery  of  America;  the  21st  of  No- 
vember, the  anniversary  of  signing  the  Compact  by  the  Pilgrims;  and 
the  21st  of  December  that  of  their  first  landing  in  the  town  of  Ply- 
mouth, which  they  afterwards  made  their  residence. 

America  was  discovered  by  Columbus,  Friday,  Oct.  12.,  1492,  0.  S. 
corresponding  to  Oct.  21,  N.  S.  The  American  Antiquarian  Society 
has  selected  the  21st  of  October  for  its  annual  meetings,  so  that  it 
may  thus  keep  the  day  in  remembrance. 

The  Pilgrim  Fathers  signed  their  famous  Compact  on  board  the 
Mayflower,  Saturday,  Nov.  11,  0.  S.  (21,  N.  S.),  1G20,  and  the  same 
day  landed  at  Cape  Cod  harbor.  This  was  the  first  New  England 
soil  on  which  the  Pilgrims'  feet  rested.  Last  year  the  day  was  ob- 
served in  two  states  as  the  annual  Thanksgiving  {ante,  p.  97). 

The  landing  of  the  Pilgrims  at  Plymouth  occurred  Monday,  Dec. 
11,  0.  S.  (21,  N.  S.)t  1620.  An  exploring  party  of  eighteen  persons 
who  had  left  the  Mayflower  at  Cape  Cod  five  days  before  and  had 
spent  the  Sabbath  on  Clark's  Island  in  Plymouth  harbor,  landed  that 
day  on  the  mainland,  and  "  marched  into  the  land."  The  party  con- 
sisted of  twelve  of  the  Pilgrims,  namely  Capt.  Miles  Standish,  Mr. 
John  Carver,  Mr.  William  Bradford,  Mr.  Edward  \\  l'uslow,  John 
Tilley,  Edward  Tilley,  John  Howland,  Richard  Warren,  Stephen 
Hopkins,  Edward  Dotey,  John  Alderton  and  Thomas  English;  and 
six  of  the  ship's  company,  viz,  two  of  the  master's  mates  (Mr.  Clarke 
and  Mr.  Hoppin),  the  master  gunner  and  three  sailors.  This  was  the 
landing  at  Plymouth'  on  Forefathers'  Day,  which  is  annually  cele- 
brated. "Woman's  fearless  eye"  was  not  there;  and  it  is  very  doubt- 
ful.whether  the  Pilgrims,  on  that  occasion,  "  shook  the  depths  of  the 
deserts'  gloom  with  their  hymns  of  lofty  cheer."  The  event  which 
orators  and  poets  frequently  suppose  themselves  to  be  commemo- 
rating on  Forefathers'  Day,  took  place  at  a  later  date.  The  day  was 
first  celebrated  at  Plymouth,  Friday,  Dec.  22,  1769,  by  the  Old  Colony 
Club,  which  had  been  formed  the  previous  January.  On  the  18th  of 
December  in  that  year,  the  club  voted  to  keep  the  next  Friday  "in 
commemoration  of  the  landing  of  our  worthy  ancestors  in  this  place;" 
and,  accordingly,  on  the  22d  they  celebrated  the  day  by  the  discharge 
of  small  arms  and  cannon,  and  by  a  supper  with  toasts  and  conver- 
sation. A  mistake  was  then  made  in  reducing  the  old  style  date  (Dec. 
11)  to  new  style,  which  caused  them  to  select  the  wrong  day  for  the 
celebration.  The  mistake  was  not  noticed  for  some  time;  and  when 
it  was  discovered  the  error  was  too  firmly  fixed  in  the  public  mind 
to  be  easily  removed.  An  effort,  however,  was  made  in  1849  to 
change  the  celebration  to  the  true  day.  A  committee  was  appointed 
by  the  Pilgrim  Society,  Dec.  15  of  that  year  {ante,  iv,  350  and  369), 
who  reported  May  27,  1850,  that  the  21st  of  December  was  the  true 
anniversary  of  the  landing,  and  recommended  that  this   day  be  cele- 

348  A  Letter  from  the  Rev.  Cotton  Mather,  B.  D.  [Oct. 

brated  in  future  instead  of  the  22d.  The  report  was  accepted  by 
the  society7  and  a  vote  passed  in  accordance  with  the  recommendation 
of  the  committee.  We  believe,  however,  that  the  force  of  habit  has 
proved  stronger  than  the  love  of  truth,  and  that  the  Pilgrim  Society 
has  rescinded  its  vote,  and  again  celebrates  the  22d  of  December. 



[Communicated  by  Samuel  G.  Drake,  A.   M.  of  Boston.] 

This  letter  was  used  by  the  Rev.  Jeremy  Belknap,  when  compiling 
his  splendid  History  of  New  Hampshire.  Of  so  much  importance 
was  it  considered  by  him,  that  he  gave  it  a  place  in  the  appendix  to 
that  work.  Since  the  time  of  Dr.  Belknap  no  one  seems  to  have 
known  what  had  become  of  the  original.  Fortunately  it  has  recently 
been  brought  to  light  and  is  now  the  property  of  Winslow  Lewis, 
M.  D.f  President  of  the  New  England  Historic-Genealogical  Society. 
To  him  the  readers  of  the  Register  are  indebted  for  bringing  it  to  the 
knowledge  of  the  copyist.  Dr.  Belknap,  as  just  stated,  gave  a  copy 
in  his  history.  This  was  correct  enough  for  his  purpose,  but  it  is  not 
a  literal  copy;  and  besides,  he  made  a  few  verbal  alterations.  We 
now  print  it  exaclly  from  the  same  original  used  by  him;  which  is 
still  in  a  tolerable  state  of  preservation.  x 

This  letter  of  Dr.  Mather  bears  the  marks  of  having  been  com- 
posed with  much  care,  as  is  apparent  from  its  man}'  erasures  and 
emendations.  And  naone  can  read  it  at  this  day,  as  it  appears  to 
me,  without  being  perfectly  satisfied,  that  there  was  a  deed  from 
certain  Indians  to  Mr.  Wheelwright,  in  1629;  that  it  had  come  to 
light  about  1708;  that  old  people  of  the  highest  respectability  then 
living  in  the  country  knew  there  was  such  a  deed,  that  its  condition 
was  such,  that  no  one  could  for  a  moment  doubt  its  genuineness; 
that  if  a  forgery,  Mr.  Wheelwright  must  have  been  privy  to  it;  and 
that  no  one  living  then  or  since  has  for  a  moment  harbored  a  thought 
that  he  ever  could  have  been  capable  of  any  fraud  whatever. 

With  such  facts  before  him  the  reader  may  well  be  surprised  to 
learn,  that  within  our  time  there  has  been  any  one  hard  headed,  and 
intellectually  obtuse  enough  to  aver  that  the  "  Wheelwright  Deed  is 
a  forgery."  All  that  need  be  said  here,  respecting  the  question  of 
the  genuineness  of  this  deed  may  be  summed  up  in  a  very  few  words. 
The  gentleman  who  assumed  that  the  deed  was  a  forgery,  did  so  up- 
on grounds  quite  extraordinary.  They  were  to  the  effect,  that  there 
could  not  be  two  persons  of  the  same  name  in  Old  England  and  New 
England  at  the  same  time;  that  a  man  could  not  vote  in  a  company 
concern  by  proxy;  that  there  never  was  an  Indian  bearing  a  certain 
name  in  all  the  American  wilderness,  and  that  an  instrument  in  the 

1862.]        A  Letter  from  the  Rev.  Cotton  Mather,  D.  I).  349 

time  of  Mr.  Wheelwright  could  not  have  been  written  in  a  scholarly 

If  there  are  any  of  our  readers  who  have  a  curiosity  to  see  how 
much  can  be  said  on  such  assumed  premises  as  these  above  stated, 
they  may  be  gratified  in  the  perusal  of  an  article  in  the  appendix 
to  Winthrop's  Journal,  Savage's  edition,  vol.  i,  p.  405,  &c.  In 
the  same  connection  should  be  read  an  article  in  the  Register,  vol. 
ix,  p.  208. 

It  should  be  borne  in  mind,  that  when  the  original  deed  was  dis- 
covered, the  cry  raised  that  it  was  a  forgery,  recoiled  at  once 
upon  those  who  raised  it,  and  overwhelmed  them  with  confusion.  And 
that  it  should  not  be  revived  under  any  circumstances,  those  inter- 
ested caused  it  to  be  recorded  in  two  different  counties.  The  records 
then  made  of  it  are  to  be  seen  in  the  proper  offices,  with  all  the  In- 
dian and  other  names,  to  this  day. 

Theorists  will,  like  drowning  men,  "  catch  at  straws,"  so  we  see  a 
great  discovery  proclaimed,  respecting  the  date  of  the  deed  to  Mr. 
Wheelwright.  "  It  was  dated  on  a  Sunday!"  Now,  it  may  be  so; 
and  if  so,  what  does  it  prove?  Everybody  who  writes  and  dates 
knows  how  easy  a  thing  it  is  to  mistake  a  day  in  dating,  under  the 
most  favorable  circumstances,  and  in  their  own  offices.  Then  add  to 
that  the  probable  fact,  that  after  many  days  wandering  in  the  wil- 
derness, the  instrument  in  question  was  probably  dated,  and  who,  for 
a  moment  will  wonder  if  the  day  of  date  upon  it  was  a  misdate  ?  Our 
tenacious  Theorist  may  have  misdated  a  document  during  his  legal 
career.  Will  he  deliberately  aver  that  he  has  never  done  so? 
Finall}',  any  unbiassed  judge,  I  question  not,  will  decide  that  this 
error  in  the  date  is  much  more  in  favor  than  against  the  genuineness 
of  the  instrument. 

To  Mr.  George  Yaughan,  Agent  for  N.  Hampshire.  3d  lm  1708. 

Sr — You  demand  my  Thoughts  upon  the  Date  of  ye  Instrument  in 
which  the  Indian  Sachems  of  Piscataqua  convey  to  Mr.  Wheelright. 
and  his  Friends,  the  Countrey  whereof  your  People  are  the  present 
possessors:  How  a  date  in  the  year,  1629,  could  consist,  with  the 
True  Time  of  Mr.  Wheelrights  coming  into  ye  Countrey? 

I  cannot  but  admire  at  ye  Providence  of  Heaven,  which  has  all 
along  strangely  interposed  with  most  admirable  Dispensations;  and 
particularly  with  strange  mortalities  to  stop  the  proceeding  of  ye 
Controversey  about  Masons  Claim  upon  you,  still  as  it  has  been  just 
upon  a  Crisis:  just  in  ye  most  critical  moment  of  it.*  There  seem's 
to  have  been  a  remarkable  Display  and  Instance  of  that  Providence, 
in  the  finding  of  this  Instrument,  just  before  the  sitting  of  your  last 
Court  about  this  affair,  &  after  it  had  been  for  very  many  years  dis- 
coursed of,  among  the  Good  Men  who  knew  of  such  an  instrument,  but 
with  regret  concluded  it  lost  and  gone  beyond  all  Recovery. 

I  suppose  you  are  making  your  Application  to  those,  who  will  be 
far  from  the  Opinion  That  Dominion  is  founded  in  Grace.  Titles  to  lands, 
are  not  more  or  less  valid,  according  to  yc  profession  of  Christianity, 

♦  Referring  to  tke  death  of  Robert  Mason  in  16S8,  and  of  Samuel  Alien  in  1705. 
— Belknap. 

350  A  Letter  from  the  Rev.  Cotton  Mather,  I).  D.  [Oct. 

in  the  owners. .  There  is  no  Protestant,  but  what  will  acknowledge, 
that  Pagans  have  Titles  that  are  incontestable,  and  that  they  have 
not  by  their  paganism,  forfeited  their  Titles,  to  the  first  Christians 
that  shall  therefore  pretend  unto  them. 

Lett  the  Date  of  Wheel 'right's  Instrument  be  what  it  will,  there 
seems  an  Instrument  of  some  such  importance  on  Masons  party  ne- 
cessary to  render  Masons  Claim  effectual.  When  the  Kings  of  Eng- 
land have  given  Patents  for  American  Land's  unto  their  Subjects,  their 
vertue  and  Justice  has  been  such,  that  they  have  not  therein  designed 
ever  to  give  away  the  Properties  of  the  Natives  here,  but  always 
intended  that  their  subjects  here  should  honestly  agree  with  ye 
Natives,  for  what  Lands  they  should  gett  under  ye  protection  of  these 
Patents,  before  they  should  call  them  their  own. 

Briefly,  you  expect  a  Decision  of  your  Case,  where  Indian  Titles 
will  have  a  due  consideration.  And  I  suppose  your  Antagonists  can 
hardly  show  such  an  one  as  yours. 

I  confess,  when  I  first  was  informed  of  ye  Date,  which  your 
Instrument  bears,  I  thought  that  it  must  be  a  Forgery.  But  I  must 
now  give  you  my  second  Thoughts  upon  it. 

The  very  Aged  Gentlewomen,  his  two  Daughters,  I  look  upon  as 
very  Incompetent  witnesses  to  determine  y?  Time  of  their  Fathers 
first  coming  over  into  America.  I  have  discoursed  the  more  sensible 
&  capable  of  them,  namely  Mr3.  Pierson,*  who  tells  me,  That  her 
Fathers  coming-  over  with  his  family,  was  in  the  same  ship  with 
Mr.  Samuel  Whiting,  ye  minister  of  Lyn,  and  others;  who  we  are  all 
sure,  came  in  the  year,  1636.  ,  But  she  tells  me,  That  she  is  not  sure, 
her  Father  never  visited  America  before;  only  she  does  nut  Remember 
that  she  ever  heard  him  speak  of  it.  And  yett  there  are  shrewd  Intima- 
tions of  the  Gentlemans  being  here,  before  the  year,  which  they  tell 
us  of.     I  suppose  you  are  furnished  with  them. 

Your  Instrument  cannot  be  Invalidated  but  by  some  Demonstration 
that  Mr.   Wheelright  was  at  home  in  Lincolnshire  all  the  year  1629. 

We  know  there  were  many  voyages  taken  between  England  and 
these  Parts  of  America,  before  that  year.  In  the  year  1624,  we  find 
Mr.  Roger  Cona.nt,  managing  a  Plantation,  but  a  very  little  to  the 
southward  of  Piscataqua.  It  is  no  Improbable  thing,  That  such  an 
active  and  lively  Man,  as  Mr.  Wheelright,  might  step  over  hither,  to 
see  how  the  Land  lay,  before  his  Transportation  of  his  Family. f 

The  Instrument  of  1629,  has  upon  it,  such  indisputable  &  irrefraga- 
ble Marks  of  Antiquity,  that  if  it  be  a  Forgery,  it  must  be  a  very 
Ancient  one,  it  has  almost  as  many  marks  of  1629,  upon  it,  as 
there  be  years  in  ye  Number,  of  which  you  need  no  Recitation  of 
mine  you  are  much  better  able  than  I  am,  to  amply fy  upon  them. 

About  an  hundred  and  twenty  years  ago,  there  were  found  certain 

*  She  was  then  about  75  years  of  age.     See  Register,  xv,  271. — Ed. 

t  See  Belknap,  vol.  i,  Appendix  p.  is.  If  the  reader  will  refer  to  the  volume  and 
page  indicated,  he  will  see  the  copy  of  a  paper  dated  in  1633,  in  which  reference 
is  made  to  Mr.  Whcdxc rights  purchase.  Now  if  the  deed  in  question  be  a  forgery 
this  paper  m'ust  be  a  forgery  al>o.  I  have  myself  seen  the  original  of  that  paper, 
and  know  it  is  genuine.  I  have  al*o  seen  several  other  papers  ail  bearing  upon  the 
question,  which  must  have  also  been  forged,  but  they  are  genuine. — S.  (i.  D. 

1862.1  A  Letter  from  the  Rev.  Cotton  Mather,  D.  D.  351 

manuscripts  in  some  vaults  near  Granada,  iu  Spain,  which  twas  af- 
firmed, were  fifteen  hundred  years  old;  and  they  sang  Te  Deum,  for 
ye  Discovery.  But  y°  Dominicans  presently  discovered  them,  from  y° 
Language  &  ye  Intent  of  them,  to  be  a  Modern  Fraud  of  ye  Francis- 

All  ye  witt  of  Man  cannot  percive  the  least  symptom,  of  a  modern 
Fraud  in  your  Instrument.  The  Gentleman  who  litt  upon  it,  is  as 
honest,  upright  k,  pious  a  man  as  any  in  the  world,  and  would  not  do 
an  111  Thing  to  gain  a  world.  But  ye  circumstances  of  the  Instru- 
ment itself,  also  are  such,  that  it  could  not  be  Lately  Counterfeited. 

If  it  were  a  Forgery,  Mr.  Whedright  himself  must  be  privy  to  it. 
But  he  was  alwayes  a  Gentleman  of  the  most  unspotted  Morals  im- 
aginable. A  man  of  a  most  unblemished  Reputation.  He  would 
sooner  have  undergone  any  martyrdom,  than  have  given  the  least 
Connivance  to  any  Forgery, 

There  was  a  Time  in  the.  year  1637,  when  he  was  persecuted,  with 
too  much  violence,  in  ye  Massachuset  Colony;  but  it  was  only  from  a 
Disturbance  made  about  certain  speculations,  which  were  thought  to 
be  of  an  Antinomian  Tendency.  His  worst  enemies  never  looked  on 
him  as  chargeable  with  yu  least  111  practices. 

The  blinding  heat  of  those  Troubles  procured  an  order  for  his  Re- 
move out  of  ye  Colony.  Tis  remarked  in  the  Books  then  published, 
That  he  did  not  go  to  Rhode  Island,  ye  most  Inviting  Part  of  y-  Coun- 
trey,  whither  all  they  went,  that  were  censured  at  the  same  time  with 
him.  No;  he  removed  then  into  Hampshire,  and  unto  Hampton,  which 
would  invite  one  to  think,  that  he  had^a  peculiar  Interest  in  that  Pro- 

I  have  heard,  That  when  he  was  a  young  spark  at  the  University, 
he  was  noted  for  a  more  than  ordinary  stroke  at  wrestling,  and  that 
afterwards  waiting  on  Cromwel,  with  whom  he  had  been  contemporary 
at  the  University,  Cromwel  declared  unto  the  Gentlemen  then  about 
him,  that  he  could  remember  the  Time,  he  had  been  more  afraid  of  meeting 
this  Gentleman  at  Footbal  than  of  meeting  any  Army  since  in  y^  Field,  for 
he  was  infallibly  sure  of  being  tript  up  by  him! 

I  know  not  whether  ye  Instrument  of  his,  now  in  your  Hands  wilt 
have  as  good  an  efficacy  as  its  owner  had;  you  will  doubtless  think 
it  has,  if,  in  wrestling  with  3rour  Adversaries,  it  trip  up  their  cause, 
and  give  them  a  fall. 

I  should  abhor,  that  ye  Cause  of  my  best  friends,  &  a  very  good 
cause,  ever  should  be  serv'd  by  any  Indirect  means.  Yet  I  verily 
think,  this  Instrument  ought  very  much  to  be  considered,  &  to  have 
a  very  great  weight  allowed  unto  it. 

Sr  I  wish  you  a  good  voyage,  and  a  good  Issue,  and  subscribe 

your  sincere  servt. 

Co.  Mather. 

P-  S. — I  forgott  to  tell  you,  that,  when  my  Parent  lay  at  Plymouth 
bound  for  New  England,  on  March  24,  1691-2,  Mr.  Sherwit,  a  minister 
then  living  near,  told  him,  That  his  grandfather,  and  our  Mr.  Coleman 
and  another,  had  a  Patent  for  that  which  Mr.  Mason  pretended  unto  at 
Fiscataqua.     You  may  do  well  to  enquire  further  concerning  it. 

352  Records  of  Lancaster.  [Oct. 


^Communicatee!  by  Asdrew  H.  Ward,  Esq.,  of  West  Newton,  Mass.] 
The  town  of  Lancaster  was  incorporated  in  1G53,  and  belonged  to 


Middlesex  County.  In  1731  it  was  included  in  the  county  of  Wore* 
ter,  which  was  incorporated  in  that  year.  The  following-  records  are 
from  a  copy  of  Middlesex  County  Records  of  births,  marriages  and 
deaths  made  for  me  some  years  since  by  Mr.  Pulsifer,  which  was  to  be 
a  copy  in  every  respect.  It  is  supposed  to  be  so,  notwithstanding  it 
contains  errors.  Those  herein  and  known  to  be  such  are  corrected  in 
brackets.  The  spelling"  and  manner  of  dating  as  in  the  copy,  are 
retained.  What  is  herein  enclosed  in  parentheses,  is  in  addition  to 
Middlesex  Records,  and  not  a  part  thereof. 

The  latest  record  here  furnished  is  7th  of  August,  1674.  From  that 
time  there  is  a  chasm  of  five  or  more  years,  in  the  records  of  its  peo- 
ple, in  Middlesex  Records;  and  probably  in  those  of  the  town,  as  the 
inhabitants  were  dispersed  and  the  town  eventually  abandoned  for 
several  years  in  consequence  of  Indian  hostilities.  At  the  time  of 
the  first  assault  upon  it,  22d  August,  1615,  eight  persons  are  said  to 
have  been  killed  by  the  Indians  (  Worcester  Magazine,  vol.  n,  p.  291), 
the  names  of  five  of  them  may  be  found  herein — they  are  severally 
starred.  The  second  assault  was  made  10th  February  following,  and 
the  town  destroyed.  Fifty  or  more  persons  were  either  killed  or  car- 
ried into  captivity — the  names  of  some  of  the  killed  may  be  found 
herein — they  appear  in  italics.  Subsequent  to  that  time  and  including 
1707,  they  repeated  their  assaults  and  killed  a  large  number  of  the 
inhabitants — a  notice  of  whom,  if  opportunity  permits,  may  appear 
with  further  records  of  that  ancient  town,  whose  records  here  sub- 
joined commence  thus: 

Lanchasler . 
15.  4mo.  1661. 

dat.  mo:tth.  teah. 

Henry,  sonne   of  Henry  Kerley  and  Elizabeth  (White, 

in.  Nov.  2,  1654)  his  wife  was  borne 00.  11.  1657 

Mary,  daughter  of  Mr.  Joseph  Rowlason  [Rowlandson] 

and   Mary  his  wife  was    borne ... , 15.11.  1657 

Marjr,  daughter  of  Ralph  Houghton  and  Jane  his  wife 

was  borne , 4.  11.  1653 

John,  sonne  of  Ralph  Houghton  and  Jane  his  wife  was 

borne . .    28.    2.  1655 

Joseph,  sonne   of  Ralph  Houghton   and   Jane   his  wife 

was  borne 1.    5.  1657 

Experience,  daughter  of  Ralph  Houghton  and  Jane  his 

wife  was  borne 1.     8.  1659 

James,  sonne  of  James  Atherton  and  Hannah  his  wife 

was  borne 13.     3.  1 654 

Joshua,  sonne  of  James  Atherton  and  Hannah  his  wife 

was  borne 13.     3.  1656 

Hannah,  daughter  of  James  Atherton  and   Hannah  his 

wife  was  borne 10.  11.  1657 

1862.]  Lancaster  Records.  353 


Mary,  daughter   of  Jn°.  Moore   and   Anna   (Smith,   m. 

Nov.  16,  1654)  his  wife  was  borne 4.    9.  1655 

Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Jn°!   Moore  and    Anna  his  wife 

was  borne 27.     9.1657 

Mercy  &  Esther,  daughters  of  Edmund  Parker  and  Eliza- 
beth his  wife  was  borne 28.    8.  1654 

Deborah,  daughter  of  Edmund  Parker  and  Elizabeth  his 

wife  was  borne 6.  11,  1655 

Two  children   of  Jn°.   Rug  [Rugg]  and   Mary  his  wife 

was  borne 17.  11.  1655 

Joseph,  sonne   of  Laurance  Waters  and   Ann   his  wife 

was  borne 29.     2.  1641 

Jacob  &  Rachell,  sonne  and  daughter  of  Laurance  Wa- 
ters and  Ann  his  wife  was  borne - 1.     1.  1649 

Samuel,  sonne  of  Laurance  Waters  and  Ann  his  wife 

was  borne 14.  11.  1651 

JoanDa,  daughter  of  Laurance  Waters  and  Ann  his  wife 

was  borne 26.    1.  1653 

Ephraim,  sonne  of  Laurance  Waters  and  Ann  his  wife 

was  borne 27.11.1655 

A  child  of  Nathaniel   Joslin    and   Sarah  his   wife   was 

borne 15.    5.  1651 

Grace,  daughter  of  Jonas  fairebank  and  Lidea  his  wife 

was  borne 15.    9.  1663 

Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Thomas   Sawjir    [Sawyer]    and 

Mary  his  wife  was  borne : 5.  11.  1663 

Samuel,  sonne  of  Daniel   Allin   and   Mary  his  wife  was 

borne 7.    2.1664 

Sarah,  daughter  of  Nathaniel   Joscelin   and   Sarah  his 

wife  was  borne 15.    5.  1660 

Mary,  daughter  of  Samuel  Davis  and  Mary  his  wife  was 

borne ,    26.  11.  1661 

A  child  of  Richard  Smith  and  Mary  his  wife  was  borne  23.    3.  1654 
John,  sonne  of  Richard  Smith  and  Johanna  his  wife  was 

borne .; 20.  11.  1655 

ffrancis,  sonne  of  Richard  Smith  and   Johanna  his  wife 

was  borne 26.    6.  1657 

William,  sonne  of  Henry  Kerly  [Kerley]   and  Elizabeth 

his  wife  was  borne 22.  11.  1658 

Thomas,    sonne   of  Thomas  Sawjer   and  Mary  his  wife 

was  born 2.    5.  1649 

Ephraim.,  sonne  of  Thomas  Sawjer  and  Mary  his   wife 

was  borne 16.  11.  1650 

Mary,  daughter  of  Thomas  Sawjer   and  Mary  his  wife 

was  borne 4.  11.  1652 

Joshua,  sonne  of  Thomas  Sawjer  and  Mary  his  wife  was 

borne 13.    1.1655 

James,  sonne  of  Thomas  Sawjer  and  Mary  his  wife  was 

borne 22.     1.1651 

Caleb,  sonne  of  Thomas  Sawjer  and  Mary  his  wife  was 

borne 20.    2.  1659 


354  Lancaster  Records.  [Oct. 


Mary  daugher  of  Jonas  ffairebank  and  Lidea  bis  wife 

was  borne 20.    4.1659 

Ichabod,  sonne  of  Jeremiah  Rogers  and  Bya    [Abiah] 

his  wife  was  borne 9.  11.  1659 

[According  to  Mr.  Savage,   Ichabod  was  by  a  pre- 
vious wife  Mehilable.'] 
Nathaniel,  sonne  of  Nathaniel  Joslin  and  Sarah  his  wife 

was  borne 21.    4.1658 

Joseph,  sonne  of  Simon  Willard  and  Mary  his  wife  was 

borne, 4.  11.  1660 

Samuel,  sonne  of  George  Bennitt  and    Lidea   his  wife 

was  borne 22.    5.  ) 665 

Joshua,  sonne  of  Jonas  ffairebankes  and  Lidea  his  wife 

was  borne , 6.    2.1661 

Abigail,  daughter  of  Ralph  Houghton  and  Jane  his  wife 

was  borne 15.    5.1 664 

Noah,  sonne  of  Gamaliel    Bern  an   and  Sarah  his   wife 

was  borne 3.    2.1661 

John,  sonne  of  Thomas  Sawyer  and  Mary  his  wife  was 

borne 6.    2.1661 

Lidea,  daughter  of  Jn°.  Moore  and  Ann   his  wife  was 

borne 6.    2.  1 660 

John,  sonne  of  Jn°.  Moore  and  Ann  his  wife  was  borne     1.    2.  1662 
Racheli,  daughter  of  Arculas  [Archelaus]   Courser  and 

Rachell  his  wife  was  borne. 8,  10.  1662 

John,  sonne  of  George  Bennitt  and  Lidea  his  wife  was 

borne , 31.    5.  1659 

Mary,  daughter  of  George  Bennitt  and  Lidea  his  wife 

was  borne 19.    6.1661 

Steeven,  sonne  of  Steeven  Gates  and  Sarah  his  wife  was 

borne 17.    5.1665 

Joseph,  sonne  of  Mr.  Joseph  Rowlason   and  Mary  his 

wife  was  borne , 1.    1.1661 

Mary,  daughter  of  Mr.  Joseph  Rowlason   and  Mary  his 

wife  was  borne, 12.  6.  1665 

Waytestill,  daughter  of  Roger   Sumner  and  Mary  his 

wife  was  borue 20.  10.  1661 

Mary,  daughter  of  Roger  Sumner  and  Mary  his  wife  was 

borne . 5.    6.  1 665 

Sarah,  daughter  of  Ralph  Houghton  and  Jane  his  wife 

was  borne , 17.  12.  1661 

Joseph,  sonne  of  Jn°.  Moore  and  Ann  his  wife  was  borne  20.    8.  1664 
Beatrix,  daughter  of  Jn°.  Houghton  and  Beatrix  his  wife 

was  borne , 3.  10.  1665 

Josiah,  sonne  of  Josiah  Whetcombe    [Whitcorob]   and 

Rebeccah  his  wife  was  borne 12.    9.  1665 

Jacob,  sonne  of  Richard  Wheeler  and   Sarah  his  wife 

was  borne 25.    9.1653 

Zebediah,  sonne  of  Richard  Wheeler  and  Sarah  his  wife 

was  borne '. 2.11.1664 

Hannah,  daughter  of  Simon  Willard  and  Mary  his  wife 

was  borne 6.    8.1666 

18G2.]  Lancaster  Records.  355 


Rebeccah,  daughter  of  Jn°  Lewis  and  Hannah  his  wife 

was  borne 8.    6.  1 065 

Bethia,  daughter  of  Jn°.  Lewis  and  Hannah  his  wife  was 

borne 13.    5.  1666 

Jo  si  ah,  sonue  of  Josiah  Whetcornbe   and  Rebeccah  his 

wife  was  borne 7.  11.  1666 

Jonathan,  sonne  of  Jonas  ffairbanke  and  Lidea  his  wife 

was  borne 1.    8.1666 

Elnathan,  sonne  of  Daniel  Allin  and  Mary  his  wife  was 

borne 1.  11.  1666 

Dorothy,  daughter  of  Nathaniel    Joslin    and  Mary  his         "*•- 

wife  was  borne 4.    1.1662 

Peter,  sonne  of  Nathaniel  Joslin  and  Sarah  his  wife  was 

borne 22.  12.  1665 

Hannah,  daughter  of   Henry  Kerley  and    Elizabeth  his 

wife  was  borne .      8.    5.  1663 

Mary,  daughter  of  Heury  Kerley  and  Elizabeth  his  wife 

was  borne 14.    8.1666 

Sarah,  daughter  of  Richard  Wheeler  and  Sarah  his  wife 

was  borne 1.  12.  1666 

Ann,   daughter  of  Jn°.   Moore   and   Ann  his   wife   was 

borne •. 1*1.    5.  1666 

Mary,  daughter  of  James  Atherton  and  Hannah  his  wife 

was  borne It.  11.  1660 

Elizabeth,  daughter  of  James  Atherton  and  Hannah  his 

wife  was  borne 6.    8.  1666 

Mary,  daughter  of  Abram  Joslin  and  Beatrix  his  wife 

was  borne 14.  10.  1666 

Joseph,  sonne  of  xlbram  Joslin  and  Beatrix  his  wife  was 

borne 26.    5.  1663 


Jonas  ffairebanke  &  Lidea  Prescott  were  maryed 28.    3.  1658 

George  Bennitt  &  Lidea  Kibby  were  maryed 13.    4.1658 

Richard  Wheeler  &  Sarah  Prescott  were  maryed 2.    6.  1658 

William  Kerley &Briehett  [Bridget]  Rowlandson  maryed  31.    3.  1659 

William  Kerley  &  Rebeccah  Joselin  were  maryed 6.    3.  1664 

John  Ikuall*  and  Hannah  White  were  maryed/. 23.  10.  1663 

Josiah  Whetcombe  and  Rebeccah  Waters  were  maryed.     4.  11.  1664 


A  child  of  Jn°.  Rug  and  Martha  his  wife  died 18.  11.  1655 

A  child  of  Jn°  Rug  and  Martha  his  wife  died 24.  11.  1655 

Martha,  wife  of  Ju°.  Rug  (and  dau.  of  John  Prescott)  died  24.  11.  1655 

Joane,  the  wife  of  Jn°.  White  died 18.    3.  1654 

Mary,  the  wife  of  Richard  Smith  died 27.    3.  1654 

Elizabeth,  the  wife  of  Edmund  Parker  died.., 6.    9.1657 

Thomas  Rowlandson  died 17.    9.1657 

*  This  name  is  Divell  on  subsequent  pages  of  Middlesex  County  Records,  and 
probably  Divoll  in  the  Records  of  Lancaster — see  Willard's  History  of  Lancaster  in 
Worcester  Magazine,  vol.  n,  page  292. 

356  Lancaster  Records.  [Oct. 

EAT.   MONTH.   7rA?.» 

A  child  of  Nath&hiel  Joslin  &  Sarah  his  wife  died 16.    5.  1657 

Rachel,  daughter  of  Laurance  Waters  &  Ann  his  wife 

died 31.  1.  1649 

Joanna,  daughter  of  Laurance  Waters  &  Ann  his  wife 

died 21.    2.  1654 

Mary,  wife  of  Jn°  Smith  died 27.  10.  1659 

Ann  (first),  wife  of  William  Kerley,  sen.,  died 12.  1.  1658 

Ephraim,  sonne  of  Laurance  Waters  and  Ann  his   wife 

died , It.  4.1659 

Josiah,  sonne  of  Josiah  Whetcombe  &  Rebeccah  his  wife 

died , 12.  9.  1665 

Thomas  James,  died 13.  1.  1660 

Mary,  daughter  of  Mr.  Joseph  Rowlandson  &  Mary  his 

wife  died * 20.  11.  1660 

Hittabel,  daughter  Jeremiah  Rogers  &Byah  his  wife  died  20.  11.  1660 
Rebeccah,  daughter  of  Jn°  Lewis  &  Hannah  his  wife 

died 20.  7.  1665 

Jn°  Whetcombe,  Sen.,  died 2-1.  7.  1662 

Elizabeth,  daughter  of  James  Atherton    &   Hannah  his 

wife  died ; . . .   10.  6.  1 665 

Richard  Linton  died 30.  1.1665 

Henry  Reuie,  Servant  to  Roger  Sumner  died 15.  4.  1 662 

Brichett  (second),  wife  of  William  Kerley,  Sen.,  died..    14.  4.  1662 

Jacob  son  of  Richard  Wheeler  &  Sarah  his  wife  died..  21.  12.  1663 
Deborah,  daughter  of  Thomas  Sawjer  &  Mary  his  wife 

died 17.  5.1666 

Ann,  daughter  of  Daniel  Hudson  and  Joanna  his  wife 

was  borne .Jan.    1.  166S 

Daniel,  sonne  of  Daniel  Hudson   and  Joanna  his  wife 

was  borne , . .  .May  26.  1651 

Mary,  daughter  of  Daniel  Hudson  and  Joanna  his  wife 

was  borne Sept.   7.  1 653 

Sarah,  daughter  of  Daniel  Hudson  and  Joanna  his  wife 

was  borne Jan.    1.1656 

Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Daniel  Hudson  and  Joanna  his 

wife  was  borne Jan.    8.1658 

Johanna,  daughter  of  Daniel  Hudson  and  Johanna  his 

wife  was  borne Jan.    6.  1660 

John,  sonne  of  Daniel  Hudson  and  Johanna  his  wife  was 

borne Mch.  10.  1662 

William,  sonne  of  Daniel  Hudson  and  Johanna  his  wife 

was  borne June  12.  1664 

Abigail,    daughter   of  Daniel   &,  Johanna   Hudson  was 

borne Sept.  7.  1667 

Simon,  sonne  of  Arculas  and  Rachel  Courser  borne Aug.   3.  1667 

Hittabel,  daughter  of  Jeremiah  and  Abiah  Rogers  borne  Oct.  4.  1663 
Abijah  [Abiah]  daughter  of  Jeremiah  &  Abijah  [Abiah] 

Rogers  borne . July    6.  1 666 

HanDah,  daughter  of  Ralph  &  Jane  Houghton  borne. .  .Oct.  16,  1665 


Lancaster  Records. 



John,  sonne  of  John  and  Hannah  Divell  home Sept.  28. 

Hannah,  daughter  of  Jn°  and   Hannah  Divell  home..  June  12. 

John,  sonne  of  Ju°  Ruge  [Rugg]  &  Hannah  his  wife 

borne .  •  June      4. 

Marra,  daughter    of    Jn°  and    Hannah    Ruge    borne  July    11. 

Thomas,  sonne  of  Jn°  and  Hannah  Ruge.      ...     "  Sept.  15. 

Bathsheba,  daughter  of   Jeremiah    and    Abyah 

Rogers "  Jan.       6. 

Benjamin,  sonne  of  John  and  Beatrix  Houghton    "  May    25. 

Mary,  daughter  of  John  and  Mary  farrer "  June    18. 

Jaahzoniah,  sonne  of  Roger  and   Mary  Sumner     "  April   11. 

Hannah,  daughter  of  Jonathan  &  Hannah  Whet- 
combe "  Sept.   IT. 

George,  sonne  of  George  and  Lidea  Bennitt.  . .     "  March  26. 

David,  sonne   of   Josiah    and    Rebeccah  Whet* 

combe "  Feb.    20. 

Joseph,  sonne  of  John  and  Hannah  Ruge M  Dec.     15. 

John,  sonne  of  Thomas  and  Deborah  Wedge.  ..     "  April   28. 

Mary,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Deborah  Wedge     "  May     12. 

Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Nathaniel  &  Sarah  Joslin,     "  June      7. 

John,  sonne  of  John  and   Elizabeth  Rigby "  July      2. 

Thankefull,  daughter    of  Gamaliel   and    Sarah 

Beman "  April  18. 

Mchettabell,  daughter  of   Gamaliel   and  Sarah 

Beaman "  May     26. 

Hasadiah,  daughter  of  Jonas  and  Lidea    fai re- 
banks..... "  Feb.     28. 

Jonathan,  sonne  of  John   and  Ann  Moore "  May     19. 

Josiah,  sonne  of  John  and  Hannah  Divell "  Sept.  27. 

Sarah,  daughter  of  Joseph  &  Mary  Rowlandson    "  Sept.   15. 

Barrachia,  sonne  of  John  &  Hannah  Lewis "  July    21. 

Patience,  daughter  of  John  &  Hannah  Lewis.. .     "  Jan.     31. 

Mary,  daughter  of  John  &  Sarah  Prescott "  Feb.      2. 

Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Richard  &  Sarah  Wheeler    "  May     24. 

Jonathan,  sonne  of  Jonathan  &  Hannah  Whet- 
combe "  Feb.    26. 

Jonathan,  sonne  of  Simon  &  Mary  Willard "  Dec.    14. 

Thomas,  sonne  of  Daniel  &  Mary  Aliin "  Feb.     20. 

Joseph,  sonne  of  Henry  &  Elizabeth   Kerley "  March  28. 

John,  sonne  of  John  &  Mary  farrer . "  Nov.   28. 

Mary,  daughter  of  Arculas  &  Rachell  Courser. .     "  May    11. 

A  child  of  William  k  Elizabeth  Lencorne  [Lincoln]    "  July   17. 

Deborah,  daughter  of  James  &  Hannah  Atherton    "  June     1. 

Joshua,  sonne  of  Thomas    &  Deborah  Wedge    "  March  30. 


Thomas  Wilder died  Oct.    23. 

Hettabell,  daughter  of  Jeremiah  Rogers "  Nov.      7, 

Hannah,  daughter  of  Jonathan  Whetcornb "  Dec.     19. 

Nathaniel,  sonne  of  Nathaniel  Joslin "  June      8. 

John  Smith «  Jnjy     16. 

Isabel!  Walker »  April     3 










1  669 



35S  Lancaster  Records.  [Oct. 

MONTH.    DAT.    ST.AR. 

Hope,  daughter  of  Major  Simon  Willard "  Dec.     23.  1663 

Simon,  soune  of  Arcu leas  Courser "  June    15.1069 

John  farrer V"  Nov.      3.1669 

A  child  of  William  Lincorne "  July    17.1670 

William  Kerley,  Sen., "  July    14.1010 


Jonathan   &  Hannah  Whetcome were  maryed  Nov.    25.  1667 

John  k  Mary  farrer ".            "  June    SO.  1667 

John  Bug  &  Hannah  (Prescott),  his  wife  "            "  May       4.  1660 

John  Prescott  &  Sarah  his  wife . "            "  Nov.    11.  1668 

Thomas  Wilder  k  Mary  his  wife "            "  June    25.  1668 

Jacob  farrer  k  Hannah  (Hayward)   his 

wife "            "  Nov.     11.  166S 

John  Rigby  k  Elizabeth  his  wife "            "  Aug.    30.  1662 

Reuben  Luxford  &  Margaret  his  wife. . ,    "            "  June    22.  1609 

Henry  Maze    [Mays]  and  Ales  his  wife.    "            "  Sept.    14.1669 

John  Whetcombe  and  Mary  his  wife...   "            "  May     19.1669 

9.  7.  1670  Ralph  Houghton 

Clark  of  ytf  writts  for 


Jacob  of  Jacob  and  Hannah  ffarrer .\..born  29.    1.      69 

Jonathan  of  Jn°  &  Elizabeth  Kettle, .  .  "       24.    9.       70 

Nathaniel  of  Thomas  &  Mary  Sawjer "       24.    9.      70 

Hannah  of  John  &  Hannah  Rug "        2.11.      70 

Maria  of  John  &  Ann  Moore   "      10.     1.      7^ 

Child  of  Jonathan  &  Dorathy  Prescott "        2.    3.       7  i 

Samuell  of  Richard  k  Sarah  Wheeler "      29.    2.       71 

Jabez  of  Jonas  &  Lidea  ffairbanks "        8.11.       70 

Joseph  of  Jacob  k  Ann  [alias  Hannah]  ffarrer "         6.    6.    *72 

George  of  Jacob*  &  Ann  ffarrer "       16.     6.      70 

Rebecca  of  Josiah  &  Rebecca  Whitcombe "      12.    9.      71 

Rebecca  of  Roger  &  Mary  Sumner "        9.    8.       71 

Benjamin,  Hannah  of  Benjamin  k  Hannah  Allin.  ..  "       10.     7.       71 

Mary  of  Job  k  Mary  Whitcomb "      27.10.      71 

Hannah*  of  Mordecay*  &   Lidea*  Mackload    [Mc- 

Leod?]  "      16.    9.      71 

Mary  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Sawyer "      30.11.      71 

Israel  of  Jeremiah  &  Abigail  Rogers "      26.     9.      71 

John  of  Jn°  &  Hannah  Lewis "      20.    4,       71 

Hannah  of  Jonathan  k  Hannah  Whitcomb "      29.    6.       71 

Nathaniel  of  Daniel  k  Johannah  Hudsou 15.    3.       71 

Jonathan  of  Jonathan  &  Dorathy  Prescott. 10.    2.      72 

Rebeccah  of  Nathaniel  k  Sarah  Joselin 14.    3.       72 

William  of  Jn°  &  Hannah  Divell 8.    2.      72 

Ruth  of  Jn°  k  Mary  Whetcomb 27.    4.       72 

Sarah  of  Jufi  k  Beatrix  Houghton 30.    5.      72 

Mary  of  Ciprian  k  Mary  Steevens 22.     9.       72 

Joseph  of  James  &  Hannah  Atherton 28.    2.      72 

William  of  George  &  Lidea  Bennett 5.    1.      7 \ 

*  Middlesex  Records  say  6.  6.  60. 

jgfr2.]  Lancaster  Records.  359 

DAY.   MONTH.  YEA'i. 

John  of  Jn°  &  Sarah  Prescott 24.    9.  12 

Priscilla  of  Ephraim  &  Priscilla  Roper 26.  11.  72 

.John  of  Jn°  &  Mary  Houghton 13.  12.  72 

Jonas  of  Jonas  &  Lidea  ffairbank 6.    3.  13 

.John  of  Jn"  &  Hannah  Wilder . .            11.    5.  13 

Martha  of  Henry  &  Elizabeth  Kerley 10.    4.  72 

William  of  John  &  Hannah  Lewis 2.  11.  73 

A bi<rail  of  Benjamin  k  Mary  Allin 12.     1.  7-| 

KebeCcah  of  Jn»  &  Hannah  Rug 16.    3.  73 

Mai tha  of  Thomas  k  Mary  Sawyer 10.    6.  73 

William  of  Roger  &  Mary  Sumner 26.  11.  73 

William  of  William  &  Elizabeth  Lincorne 26.    6.  72 

Elizabeth  of  William  k  Elizabeth  Lincorne 26.  12.  73 

Samuel  of  Samuel  &  Mary  Waters 23.     1.  73 

Johannah  of  Josiah  &  Rebeccah  Whetcomb 8.    1.  7| 

Jacob  of  Jn°  &  Mary  Houghton 17.     2.  74 

)i:atrix  of  Abram  k  Ann  Josh/n 9.     3.  74 

.Abigail  of  Jonathan  &  Hannah  Whetcomb 5.    3.  74 

Susannah  of  Jeremiah  &  Abiah  Rogers 2.11.  73 

Lidea  of  George*  &  Lidea  Bent  [Bennett] 7.    6.  74 


Ann  wife  of  Jn°  Moore died    10.     1.  1-f 

Child  of  Jonathan  &  Dorathy  Prescott "        2.    3.  71 

William  Lewis "        3.  10.  71 

Orances  Whetcomb "      17.    3.  11 

Jonathan  of  Jonathan  Prescott "        4.    3.  71 

Mary  daughter  of  James  Atherton "        4.    9.  70 

Henjamin  son  of  George  Adams "      26.    8.  '12 

Isaac   Wright 1 "      20.10.  63 

Thomas  Joslin "        3.  11.  60 

Sarah  wife  of  thomas  Sawyer . . . , "         2.     1.  1J 

William  son  of  George  Bennett "      14.    1.  11 

John  son  of  Jn°  ITarrer "        2.    8.  13 


Jonathan  Prescott  &  Dorathy  his  wife 3.    6.  70 

thomas  Sawyer  k  Sarah  his  wife 11.    8.  10 

John  Whitcomb  &  Mary  his  wife * 16.     1.  1$ 

Benjamin  Bosworth  &  Beatrix  his  wife 16.    9.  71 

Mordeeay  Mackload  &  Lidia  his  wife 31.11.  10 

John  Wilder  k  Hannah  his  wife 17.    5.  12 

Cipriiin  Stevens  &  Mary  [not  Sarah]  his  wife  as  in  copy 

of  Mid.  Records 22.  11.  71 

John  Houghton  &  Mary  [Farrer]  his  wife 22.  11.  11 

thomas  Sawyer  &  Hannah  his  wife 21.    9.  12 

Jeremiah  Rogers  &  Dorcas  his  wife 11.10.  12 

Abram  Jocelyn  k  Ann  his  wife 29.    9.  72 

Samtte!  and  Mary  Waters 21.     1.  72 

Nathaniel  Wilder  k  Mary  his  wife 24.  11.  73 

Jonas  Prescott  k  Mary  [Loker]  his  wife 14.    9.  72 

Re1-  from  Ralph  Houghton,  6.  8.  14. 

and  entered  by  Thomas  Danforth 


360  Scotch-Irish  Families.  [Oct. 


Among  the  early  immigrants  to  this  region,  were  numerous  families 
known  as  Scotch-Irish,  from  the  north  of  the  Emerald  Isle.  These 
were  a  class  of  people  very  remarkable  for  intellectual  activity  and 
enterprise, — ever  prompt  to  encourage  all  sorts  of  improvements; 
and  especially  to  promote  the  establishment  of  Educational  Institu- 
tions, for  the.  better  instruction  of  "Young  America;7'  and  many  of 
them  came,  ready  and  fitted,  to  engage  in  that  honorable  and  import- 
ant employment.  Among  these  valuable  acquisitions,  were  the  Blairs,, 
and  the  Smiths, — distinguished  Teachers  in  Eastern  Pennsylvania, 
and  parts  adjacent  ;  from  whom  was  descended  the  patriotic  and 
gallant  General  Charles  F.  Smith,  whose  recent  loss  this  republic 
lias  so  much  reason  to  deplore. 

The  ancestors  of  Gen.  Charles  Ferguson  Smith  comprised  such  dis- 
tinguished persons  as  the  Blairs,  of  Pennsylvania,  father  and  son — 
Robert  Smith — Elizabeth  Blair  Smith — and  John  Blair  Smith — down 
to  Samuel  B.  Smith,  M.  D.,  the  father  of  the  lamented  general. 

Rev.  Samuel  Blair,  Sen.,  born  in  the  province  of  Ulster,  Ireland,  in 
1712,  came  to  America  while  quite  young;  received  his  education  at 
the  famous  Log  College,  at  Neshaminy,  Bucks  county,  Penn,  under 
the  Rev.  William  Tennent.  Becoming,  in  1739,  pastor  of  the  Pres- 
byterian congregation  at  Fagg's  Mauor,  Chester  county,  he  soon 
afterward  established  there  a  flourishing  classical  school,  with  par- 
ticular reference  to  the  study  of  Theology. 

Rev.  Samuel  Blair,  the  younger,  son  of  the  preceding,  was  bom  in 
Fagg's  Manor,  Chester  county,  1741  was  trained  in  his  father's  school, 
and  graduated  at  the  College  of  New  Jersey,  in  1760;  was  a  tutor 
at  Princeton,  from  1761  to  1764.  Jn  1766,  he  became  pastor  of  the 
Old  South  church,  in  Boston,  as  colleague  of  Dr.  Sewall, — which 
charge  he  resigned  in  1769,  and  took  up  his  residence  in  Germantown, 
Penn.  He  afterward  served  two  years,  as  chaplain  to  the  continental 
congress.  His  wife  was  a  daughter  of  William  Shippen,  M.  D.,  an 
eminent  physician  and  medical  professor  of   Philadelphia. 

Rev.  Robert  Smith,  D.  D.,  born  in  Londonderry,  Ireland,  in  1723; 
came  when  a  child,  with  his  parents,  to  this  country,  and  settled  on 
the  head  waters  of  the  Brandy  wine,  in  Chester  county,  where  he  grew 
to  manhood.  He  was  educated  at  the  celebrated  school  of  Rev. 
Samuel  Blair,  in  Fagg's  Manor, — and  was  licensed  to  preach,  in  De- 
cember, 1749.  In  1750,  he  married  Elizabeth  Blair,  a  sister  of  his 
preceptor,  a  lady  of  high  intellectual  endowments,  and  fitted  to  grace 
the  most  exalted  station  in  society.  In  1751  Robert  Smith  was  in- 
stalled pastor  of  the  Pequea  Presby terian  church,  in  Lancaster  county, 
near  the  county  line, — with  a  portion  of  his  congregation  residing 
in  Chester  county.  At  this  place,  he  established  a  classical  and 
theological  seminary  of  a  high  character, — much  resorted  to,  in  those 
days,  by  young  men  of  Pennsylvania  and  other  provinces.  Here 
was  laid  the  foundation  of  the  eminence  of  his  two  sons,  namely:  Rev. 

1862.]  Scotch-Irish  Families.  361 

Samuel  Stanhope  Smith,  I).  P.,  who  was  first  President  of  Hnmpden- 
Stdney  College,  in  Virginia, — and  afterward  succeeded  Dr.  Wither- 
spoon,  as  President  of  Princeton  College,  New  Jersey:  also  Rev.  John 
Blair  Smith,  D.  D..  who  succeeded  his  brother,  as  president  of  Hampden- 
Sidney  College,  was  a  genius  and  a  pnet;  became  the  firnt  president 
of  Union  College,  Schenectady;  and  was  finally  pastor  of  the  Third 
Presbyterian  church,  Philadelphia, — where  he  died  of  yellow  fever, 
in  1790. 

The  accomplished  teachers,  here  enumerated,  were  signally  instru- 
mental in  imparting  a  hopeful  impulse  to  the  march  of  mind,  on  this 
side  of  the  Atlantic;  and  the  recollection  of  the  pleasant  hours  passed 
by  the  compiler  of  these  notes  among  a  portion  of  their  descendants, 
awakens  touching  reminiscenses  of  times  now  gone  by  for  more  than 
half  a  century. 

Sixty  years  ago,  a  considerable  number  of  aspiring  young  men,  in 
the  United  States,  were  engaged  in  the  study  of  medicine;  and  in  the 
autumn  of  1R02,  a  goodly  portion  of  them — attracted  by  the  reputa- 
tion of  the  medical  school  under  the  auspices  of  the  Professors  Ship- 
pen,  Rush,  Wistar,  Barton,  and  Woodhouse, — assembled  in  Philadel- 
phia, to  attend  the  lectures,  in  the  University  of  Pennsylvania.  Ap- 
preciating each  other's  tastes  and  aptitudes,  some  ten  or  a  dozen  of 
them  soon  agreed  to  form  a  society,  or  free  and  easy  club,  for  the 
purpose  of  social  enjoyment,  and  intellectual  improvement.  The  club 
was  strictly  select — consisting  chiefly  of  medical  students,  youthful 
merchants,  and  a  few  hopeful  young  artists.  Among  the  more  zealous 
and  devoted,  may  be  mentioned  the  following:  Win,  W.  Wistar, 
merchant;  Joseph  P.  Horner,  merchant;  Geo.  F.  Raudolph,  merchant; 
Benjamin  Paxson,  merchant;  Joshua  Emlen.  merchant;  Isaac  Cleaver, 
medical  student,  Samuel  B.  Smith,  medical  student  (father  of  Gen. 
C.  F.  Smith),  YVm.  Kneass,  engraver  (U.  S.  Mint),  Wrm.  Strickland, 
Narchitect  (U.  S.  Bank,  Exchange,  State  House,  Nashville),  Thos.  G. 
Lea,  merchant  (naturalist),  Joseph  Klapp,  medical  student,  Vincent 
King,  medical  student.  Of  all  the  members  of  this  once  idolized 
club,  there  are  now,  alas!  but  two  survivors. 

The  name  adopted  for  the  association  was  whimsically  derived 
from  that  of  the  great  Roman  orator;  whereupon  they  called  it  the 
Tullian  Society:  and  although  the  club  enjoyed  rather  slender  pre- 
tensions to  elocution,  it  may  be  safely  alleged,  a  corps  of  more  hearty, 
jovial,  sprightly,  or  cordially  attached  youngsters,  was  never  aggre- 
gated in  one   brotherhood. 

Samuel  B.  Smith,  M.  D.,  a  lineal  descendant  of  the  Pennsylvania 
Blairs,  and  of  the  learned  theologians  among  the  Smiths,  of  the  last 
age. — was  a  special  favorite,  and  a  master  spirit,  in  the  Tullian  Club 
of  Philadelphia. 

Among  these  Tullians,  were  two  or  three  quaint  individuals  of 
rhyming  propensities, — who  often  perpetrated  songs,  and  ditties,  to 
enliven  the  jollifications  of  the  congregated  brethren:  and  on  one 
occasion,  near  the  close  of  the  winter  course,  of  1803-4 — a  song 
was  produced,  in  titled  a  "Bird's  eye  view  of  the  Tullian  Society." 
It  was  a  parody  on  a  fashionable  ditty  of  that  day;  and  a  stanza 
was  devoted  to  each  member, — either  complimentary,  or  sportively 
hitting  at  some  noticeable  trait  of  his  character. 

362  Scotch-Irish  Families.  [Oct, 

The  following:  is  the  stanza  appropriated  to  Samuel  B.  Smith, — 
which  was  well  received: 

"  There's  Smith,  we've  next  to  boast  of, — 
And  boast  of  him  we  may; 
For  hearts  as  warm  and  noble 
Come  seldom  in  our  way: 

With  talents  rare,  aud  virtues  social, — 
Tullianistn  true  :  (61s).1' 

Such  was,  then,  the  enthusiastic  youth,  whose  noble  spirit  made 
him  the  delight  of  his  Tullian  brethren:  whose  heroic  son  became  a 
brilliant  leader  in  the  armies  of  the  republic, — and  shed  a  lustre  upon 
American  prowess,  that  will  be  the  pride  of  our  country,  for  ages  yet 
to  come. 

[The  preceding  is  from  the  Tillage  Record — a  newspaper  published 
at  West  Chester,  Pa. — of  May  17,  18G2.  It  is  one  of  a  series  of  bio- 
graphical and  historical  articles  communicated  to  that  paper  by  the 
Hon.  William  Darlington,  M  D.,  LL.  D.,  of  West  Chester,  tinder  the 
title  of  Notte  Cestrienses;  Notices  of  Chester  County  Men  and  Events. 
The  first  number  appeared  June  19,  I860;  and  there  have  been  86 
numbers  of  the  regular  series  published  besides  some  supplementary 
numbers.     The  above  article  is  supplementary  to  Nos.  36,  37  and  38. 

Copies  of  the  whole  series  are  to  be  placed  in  three  public  libraries, 
viz:  the  Village  Library  at  West  Chester,  the  library  of  the  Historical 
Society  at  Philadelphia,  and  the  library  of  the  Smithsonian  Institu- 
tion, at  Washington,  D.  C.  The  first  19  numbers  are  in  the  library 
of  the  Historic-Genealogical  Society  at  Boston.  For  the  benefit  of 
those  of  our  readers  whose  researches  lead  them  into  Chester  county 
biography  and  history  we  print  an  index  to  the  series. 

Index  to  Notje  CESTFaEysES. — Alison,  Rev  Francis,  35  ;  Association,  Revolution- 
ary, 68;  Baldwin,  Dr.  William,  54;  Barnard,  Isaac  D.,  56;  Bartholomew,  Benjamin, 
22;  Bartram,  John,  4;  Battle  of  Brandywine,  78;  Beaton,  John,  29;  Bell,  Thomas  S., 
60;  Benner,  Phillip,  31;  Blair,  Rev.  S.  and  J.,  36;  Blair,  Rev.  S.  and  J.  D.,  37; 
Blunston,  John,  3;  Bolmar,  Anthony,  48;  Boston  Bard  on  Wm.  Peun,  86;  Bou- 
quet, Col.  Henry,  67;  Boyd,  Rev.  Adam,  39;  Bradford,  Andrew,  65;  Braudvwine 
Battle,  78;  Buchanan,  Rev.  James,  45;  Bufiington,  Richard,  63;  Bull,  Rev.  Levi, 
62;  Bull,  Col.  Thomas,  29;  Caldwell,  Vincent,  62;  Carmichael,  Rev.  John,  41; 
Chadsey's,  or  Chad's  ford,  3,79;  Cheyney,  Thos.,  21;  Churchman,  John,  48;  Clin- 
gan,  "William,  32;  Coates,  Moses,  8;  Cochran,  Samuel,  22;  Committee,  County,  68; 
Cope,  John,  54;  Cresap,  Capt.  Thomas,  6&;  Culbertson,  Samuel,  31;  Guningham, 
Allen,  31;  Cuningham,  John  W.,  32;  Damages  bv  the  enemy,  80;  Darlington, 
Isaac,  59;  Darlington,  Robert,  24;  Davis,  Caleb,  30,  7*2;  Davis,  Hezekiah,  24;  Davis, 
John,  27;  Dickey,  Rev.  Ebenezef;  46;  Dilworthstown,  Enemy  at.  76;  Disaffected, 
Rebuke  of,  84;  Dixon's  and  Mason's  Line,  68,  83;  Dougherty  the  Bandit,  82;  Dun- 
lap,  Rev.  James,  42;  Ehrenzoiler,  Dr.  Jacob,  52;  Emancipation  urged,  83;  Erskine, 
Sir  William,  80;  Evans,  Columbus  P.,  57;  Evans,  Rev.  David.  39;  Finley,  Rev. 
Samuel,  37;  Finney,  Walter,  18;  Fitzpatrick  the  Bandit,  82;  Forsythe,  John,  49; 
Foster,  Rev.  Wm.,  40  ;  Frazer,  Persifor,  20;  Funk,  Frederick,  24;  Futhey,  Samuel, 
22;  Gardner,  Cars  well,  31-2;  Gardner,  John,  26;  G-ur.Iner,  Joseph,  29;  General 
Orders,  74;  Gibbons,  William,  31;  Gibbons,  Dr.  William,  54;  Graham,  Henry  Hale, 
30;  Graham,  Col.  J.  D.,  68;  Grain  and  Stock  removed,  73;  Grey,  Gen.  (at  Parti), 
81;  Grwr,  Rev.  Nathan,  41;  Gronow,  Lewis,  31;  II  annum,  John,  2b;  Harper,  John, 
25;  Hayes,  Dr.  Nathan,  54;  Hemphill,  Joseph.  58;  Howe's  Army,  March  or,  79; 
Humphrey,  Jacob,  27;  Humphrey.-;,  Charles,  10;  Humphreys,  Edward,  10;  Hum- 
phreys, Joshua,  10;  Humpton,  Richard,  19;  Independence,  69-70;  Irwin,  Rev.  Na- 
thaniel, 43;  Jackson,  John,  6;  Jacobs,  John,  29;  John,  Jesse,  60;  Johnston,  Francis, 
16;  Jones,  Rev.  David,  17;  Kersey,  Jesse,  49;  Key,  John,  63;  Lafayette,  Letter  of, 

1862.]  Necrology  of  Harvard  Graduates.  363 

73;  Latta.  Rev.  F.  A.,  46;  Latta,  Rev.  Wm  ,  46;  Lewis,  Enoch,  50;  Lewis,  Wm., 
13;  Lightfoot,  Michael,  62;  Lightfoot,  Thomas,  62;  Llovd,  David,  3,  64;  Lovdon, 
John,  62;  ST  Aden.  Rev.  Hugh,  38;  M'Clellan,  Joseph,  23;  M'Clellan,  Samuel,  24; 
M'CoIlough,  James,  25;  M'tf'ill,  Rev.  Daniel,  39;  M'Kean,  Thomas,  12;  M'Millan, 
Rev.  John,  44;  Marshall,  Humphrey,  5;  Marshall,  Dr.  Moses,  52;  Mason  and  Dixon's 
Line,  67,  8,  83;  MRchell,  Rev.  Alexander,  40;  Montgomery,  William,  24;  Moore, 
William,  Esq.,  67;  Morris,  Dr.  Jonathan,  51;  Morton,  John,  11;  Moyian,  Stephen, 
26;  Neutrals.  French,  67;  Niles,  Hezekiah,  34;  Order  of  Council,  78;  Darke,  Dr. 
Thomas,  6;  Parry,  Col.  Caleb,  18;  Paschall,  John,  8;  Pearce,  Col.  Cromwell,  55; 
Peirce,  Joshua,  6;  Peirce,  Samuel,  6;  Penn,  William,  2,86;  Power,  Rev.  James, 
44;  Price,  Philip,  49;  Proclamation  (Council),  76;  Pusey,  Caleb,  1;  Ralston,  John, 
55;  Read,  Rev.  Thomas,  43;  Reid,  Rev.  William  8.,  45  ;  Riley,  Richard,  30;  Ross, 
James,  A.  M.,  48;  Ross,  Dr.  John,  53 ;  Seat  of  Justice  removed,  83-5  ;  Sellers.  John, 
8  ;  Sermon  at  Chadsford,  77  ;  Slavery  Denounced,  68,  83  ;  Smith,  Rev.  Joseph,  44  ; 
Smith,  Rev.  Robert,  38  ;  Star  Gazer's  Stone,  68;  Stock  and  Grain  removed,  73; 
Straw  for  Valley  Forge,  81;  Symcocke,  John,  3;  Taylor,  Isaac,  26;  Taylor,  Tims., 
25;  Test  Law,  83;  Thomas,  Col.  Richard,  14;  Townsend,  David,  61 ;  Townsend, 
Joseph,  33;  Traitors  Designated,  S2;  Valley  Forge  (Straw),  81;  Vaughan,  Dr.  John, 
53;  Vaughan,  Rev.  Joshua,  47;  Von  Leer,  Dr.  Bernhard,  51  ;  Waddell,  Rev.  James, 
38  ;  Washington's  Army,  75  ;  Wayne,  Anthony,  15,  84;  West,  Benjamin,  7  ;  White, 
Rev.  Robert,  46;  Williams,  Rev.  Joshua,  45;  Williamson,  Dr.  Hugh,  9  ;  Wilson, 
Rev.  Bird,  62;  Wilson,  Rev.  Matthew,  42;  Women  of  Chester  County,  71; 
WTynn,  Thomas,  24. 

The  venerable  author  has  performed  a  valuable  service  to  his 
native  county  by  gathering  up  the  scattered  and  perishing  records 
of  its  history.  We  hope  to  see  his  example  imitated  in  other  parts 
of  our  country.  En.] 


Joseph  Palmer,  M.  D.,  has  this  year  given  us  his  twelfth  annual 
installment  of  obituary  notices  of  Harvard  College  graduates,  de- 
ceased within  the  past  academic  year.  This  series  of  obituaries  has 
already  beeu  noticed  in  the  Register  {ante  xiv,  375);  and  the  present 
"biographies  deserve  the  praise  bestowed  upon  those  before  noticed. 
As  in  the  previous  years,  the  obituaries  for  1861-2,  were  published 
on  Commencement  morning,  in  the  Boston  Daily  Advertiser  (July  16). 
They  fill  nine  and  a  half  columns  of  that  sheet.  We  are  pleased  to 
see  that  the  alumni  of  his  alma  mater  appreciate  Dr.  Palmer's  labor 
and  care,  gratuitously  bestowed  upon  these  memoirs,  and  that  they 
have  determined  to  give  them  a  better  and  more  permanent  form 
than  they  now  possess  in  the  columns  of  a  daily  newspaper.  At  a 
meeting  of  the  Association  of  the  Alumni  held  on  Commencement 
morning,  on  motion  of  Hon.  G.  Washington  Warren,  the  following 
vote  was  passed:  "That  the  thanks  of  the  Association  be  presented 
to  Dr.  Joseph  Palmer  for  the  able  and  interesting  notices  he  has  pre* 
pared  and  published  from  year  to  year  in  the  Boston  Daily  Advertiser, 
of  deceased  alumni,  and  that  the  Government  be  requested  to  confer 
with  Dr.  P.  and  take  such  measures  as  they  may  deem  expedient  to 
secure  their  preservation  in  a  permanent  form." 

"  The  ascertained  deaths  during  the  year  ending  on  Commencement 
day  were  forty-four,  being  thirteen  more  than  last  year.  The  num- 
ber of  deaths  during  the  academic  year  ending  July,  1851,  was  forty- 
two;  in  1852,  forty-two;  in  1853,  sixty;  in  1854,  fifty-one;  in  1855, 
fifty-one;  in  1856,   forty-three;  in  1857,  forty-eight;  in  1858,  thirty; 


Necrology  of  Harvard  Graduates. 


in  1859,  thirty-nine;  in  1360,  thirty-eight;  in  1861,  thirty-one.  The 
average  number  of  deaths  for  the  last  twelve  years  is  43  and  4-12 
per  year. 

Of  those  who  have  deceased  during  the  past  year,  fifteen  were 
lawyers,  six  were  physicians,  five  were  clergymen,  five  were  mer- 
chants, three  were  teachers,  one  was  a  college  president,  one  was 
an  engineer,  one  was  a  law  student,  one  was  a  philosopher,  one  was 
a  farmer,  one  was  a  planter,  and  four  had  no  profession. 


Henry  Abbot,. . . . 
Richard  Sullivan, 
William  H.  Sumner,* 
Daniel  Kimball,.  , 
Henry  Newman,  . 
Samuel  Greele,  .  , 

Charles  Wellington 
Jonathan  Wild, .  , . 
Edward  P.  Campbe 
Samuel  R.  Putnam, 
Samuel  A.  Eliot,  . . 
Daniel  G.  Hatch,.. 
John  Prentiss, .... 
Charles  Robinson,. 
Simon  Whitney,  . . 
John  H.  Wilkins,*. 
William  Farmer,.. 
Joseph  H.  Prince, . 
Jonas  H.  Lane,  .  . . 
John  M.  Gourgas, . 
Cornelius  C.  Felton 
Josiah  Q.  Loring,  . 
Alexander  R.Bradley 
Charles  Mason,  .  . . 
Thomas  B.  Pope,.-. 
John  F  W.  Lane,  . 
David  H.  Thoreau, 
George  E.  Rice,.  . . 
George  D.  Guild,. . 
Henry  M.  R.  Fogg, 
John  S.  Nichols,  . . 
Everett  Peabody,f 
Edward  B.  Everett 
Arthur  H.  Poor,.  . . 
George  D.  Porter,. 
Henry  B.  Hubbard, 
Langdon  Erving, . . 
George  D.  Hodges, J* 


Place  and 



Jamaica    Plain, 



Swampscott,  .  . 


Augusta,  Ga.,.  . 


Cambridge, .... 
Exeter,  N.  H... 
Baltimore,   Md., 


Framingham, . . 


Lunenburg,  . . . 




Chester,  Pa.,  . . 


Fryeburg,    Me., 






Brookline,  .... 
Somerset,  Ky.,. 
Nevada,  Cal., . . 


New  York,. . . . 


Chicago,  111.,  . . 
Baltimore,  Md., 
Hall's  Hili,  Va., 

Time  of  Decease. 

Jan.  13, 
Dec.  11, 
Oct,  24, 
Jan.  17, 
July  28, 
Aug.  16, 
Aug.  3, 
Dec".  6, 
Sept,  27, 
Dec.  -4, 
Jan.  29, 
Mar.  13, 
Aug.  31, 
April  9, 
Sept,  2, 
Dec.  5, 
June  24, 
Nov.  18, 
Sept.  5, 
June  28, 
Feb.  26, 
April  6, 
Feb.  16, 
Mar.  23, 
Jan.  15, 
Aug.  25, 
May  6, 
Aug.  10, 
May  5, 
Jan.  19, 
April  6, 
Nov.  5, 
Jan.  11, 


May  20, 
Jan.  30, 


*  Members  of  the  N.  E.  Hist.  Gen.  Society. 

tDied  in  the  U.  S.  Volunteer  service;  Col.  Peabody  and  Major  How  were  killed 
in  battle.  %  Sons  of  Members. 

1862.]  Ward's  Dedication  to  Lord  Bacon.  365 

Class.                    Name.  Age.            Place  and  Time  of  Decease. 

1858,  George  B.  Chadwick,  25,  Northampton,  .  Aug.   12,  1861. 

1858,  Nathaniel  Russell,  ..  24,  Drum'ndt'n,  Va.  Mar.    25,1862. 

1858,  Frank  H.  Shorey,  ...  24,  Dedham, Jan.     24,1862. 

1859,  Henry  J.  How,* 26,  Virginia, June          1862. 

1860,  Julius  S.  Hood 21,  Louisville,  Ky.,  Dec.    21,  1861. 

1860,  William  M.  Rodgers,*  23,  Virginia, June,         1862. 

The  following  are  the  names  of  those  deceased  in  previous  years, 
but  not  before  published: 

1808,     Lloyd  N.  Rogers,  ...      12,     Baltimore,  ....      Nov.   30,  1860. 
1842,     Nathaniel  W.  White,     61,     Halifax,   N.  S.,     Sept.   30,  1860. 

The  oldest  living  graduate  is  Hon.  Josiah  Quincy  of  Boston,  of 
the  class  of  1790.  The  next  oldest  is  Dr.  John  Walton  of  Pepperell, 
Mass.,  of  the  class  of  1791.  The  third  in  seniority  is  Hon.  Samuel 
Thatcher  of  Bangor,  Me.,  of  the  class  of  1793.  There  are  none  living 
in  the  class  of  1794  or  1795.  In  the  class  of  1796  two  are  living. 
In  the  class  of  1797,  five;  in  the  class  of  1798,  three;  in  the  class  of 
1799,  five;  in  the  class  of  1800,  two.  Tims  there  were  living  in  July 
last  only  twenty  persons  who  graduated  at  Harvard  during  the  last 


The  following  dedication  to  Sir  Francis  Bacon,  afterwards  Baron 
Verulam  and  Viscount  St.  Albans,  by  Rev.  Nathaniel  Ward,  author 
of  the  Simple  Cohler  of  Aggawam,  is  prefixed  to  his  brother's  work, 
entitled  .Jelhro's  Justice  of  the  Peace,-\  which  appears  by  the  epistle 
appended,  to  have  been  first  printed  on  the  continent,  without  the 
consent  or  knowledge  of  the  author.  The  dedication  was  written 
probabty  not  far  from  the  year  1618.  For  biographical  sketches  of 
Rev.  Nathaniel  Ward,  see  Brook's  Lives  of  the  Puritans,  in,  1,82-3; 
Rev.  Dr.  Felt's  History  of  Ipswich,  pp.  216-18,  and  Rev.  Dr.  Allen's 
American  Biographical  Dictionary. 

We  have  appended  to  the  dedication  Rev.  Nathaniel  Ward's  apo- 
logy to  his  brother,  which  follows  it  in  the  volume. 

"To   the   Right  |   Honovrable  |  Sir   Francis   Bacon   |  Knight,    Lord 

Chancellor  |  of  England,  &c. 

"When  wee  see  one  goe  or  doe  amisse,  though  his  feet  or  hands 
be  the  next  actors  and  instruments  of  his  error;  yet  we  say  not,  Are 
you  lame?  but,  Have  you  no  eies?  or,  Can  you  not  see?  What  euer 
sweruings  or  stumblings  any  part  of  the  body  politike  makes,  the 
blame  lights  not  vpon  the  Gentry  or  Comrninalty,  the  immediate  de- 
linquents, but  on  the  principall  lights  in  magistracy  or  ministery, 
which  being  as  guardians  and  tutors  of  the  rest,  should  either  pre- 
uent  or  reform  their  aberrations.     And  herein  miserable  is  the  condi- 

*Died  in  Uie  United  States  service. 

t  "  Iethro1s  |  Ivstice  of  j  Peace.  |  A  |  Sermon  J  prea-  I  ched  at  a  generall  Assises 
held  |  at  Bvry   St  Edmvnds,  |  for   the  County   of  SuSblke.  |  By  Sainvel   Ward  j 
Bachelour  of  Diuinity  |  London.  |  Printed  hy  Miles  Piesher  for  Iohn  J  Grismand  in 
Ivie  Lan6  at  the  signe  of  the  Gun.  j  1627."     sin.  8vo.  pp.  6  and  7. 

306  Ward's  Dedication  to  Lord  Bacon.  [Oct. 

tir»n  bf  those  two  optick  pieces,  that  they  arc  more  subieet,  and  that 
\,>  mbre  distempers  then  other  inferior  parts;  yet  herein  more,  that 
being  hurt,  they  are  more  impatient  of  cure;  not  onely  of  searching 
acrimonious  waters,  (which  yet  oft  are  needfull)  but  shye  of  the 
m-'st  soft  and  lawny  touches;  but  most  of  all  in  this,  that  being' 
once  extinct,  they  leaue  a  void  darknesse  to  the  whole  body,  expos- 
ing it  to  the  pits  of  destruction..  As  exceeding-  great  on  the  other 
baud,  is  the  happinesse,  honour  and  vse  of  them,  if  cleare  and  single. 
For  this  our  National!  Body,  it  will  little  bootc  either  to  applaud 
the  one,  or  to  bewaile  the  other:  I  rather  wish  and  looke  about  mee 
for  some  eye-salue,  which  may  helpe  to  descry  and  redresse,  if  any 
thing  bee  amisse.  And  behold  here  (right  Honourable)  a  confection 
promising  something  thereto;  It  was  prescribed  first  by  Iethro,  whom 
Moses  calls  the  eyes  of  Israel,  Numb.  10,  31.  And  newly  compound- 
ed by  an  Oculist,  of  who  as  I  may  not,  so  I  need  not  say  anything 
at  all.  Next  vnder  the  sacred  Fountaine  of  light  (the  light  of  our 
Israel)  I  worthily  accompt  your  Lordship  most  sufficient  in  law  to 
accept,  to  make  vse,  to  iudge,  to  patronize  it.  The  subiect  of  the 
book  is  the  principal  obiect  of  your  office,  to  elect,  direct,  and  correct 
inferiour  Magistracy.  To  which  purposes,  Nature,  Literature  and 
Grace  haue  inabled  you,  that  if  you  should  faile  the  worlds  expecta- 
tion, they  will  hardly  trust  any  other  in  haste.  Many  in  rising  haue 
followed  the  stirrop,  pampered  and  ietting  honour  not  standing  the 
ground,  but  once  seated  haue  done  renownedly.  But  your  Lordship 
had  neuer  any  other  graces  then  your  birth  and  desert;  to  which 
hereditary  dignitie  hatji  so  gently  tendered  itselfe,  that  you  haue  not 
let  fall  your  name  of  Religion  in  getting  vp.  Therefore  now  you 
are  in  the  top  of  Honour,  all  that  know  you  look  you  will  be  exactly 
honourable.  For  my  part,  bounden  to  your  Lordship  for  a  fauour 
formerly  receiued,  greater  then  your  Honour  knowes  of,  or  I  can  ex- 
presse;  I  shall  leaue  Iethro  to  be  your  Monitor,  and  myselfe  remaine 
euer  an  humble  suitor  to  God  who  hath  made  you  a  Iudge  of  con- 
science, that  he  would  make  you  continue  a  conscionable  Iudge,  irn- 
prouing  your  place  and  abilities  to  the  best  aduantage  belonging  to 
it,  and  furtherance  of  your  reckouing  to  the  last  day. 

"Your  Honours  daily  |  Beadsman,  |  Nath:  Ward." 

"  To  my  lotting  Brother,  Mr  |  Samuel  Ward. 

"  Brother,  if  you  meet  with  your  Jethro's  counsell  returned  from 
beyond  the  Seas,  and  as  much  beyond  your  expectation  preserued 
aliue,  as  his  son  in  law  was  against  Pharoah's  iniunction;  maruell 
a8  much  as  you  will,  but  be  no  more  offended  then  you  have  cause. 
Ioab  sinned  wider  on  the  other  hand  in  destroying  Dauids  Absalom, 
contrary  to  his  serious  charge,  yet  Ioab  was  pardoned,  and  yet  no 
brother.  I  haue  noted  you  hitherto  inexorable  for  your  owne  pub- 
lishing of  anything  of  your  owne;  whether  out  of  Judgment,  modesty, 
curiosity,  or  melancholly,  I  iudge  not:  but  when  others  haue  aduen- 
tured  them  with  fruit  and  acceptance  into  the  light,  I  haue  scene  you 
rest  content  with  the  publique  good.  The  like  leaue  I  have  taken, 
expecting  the  like  successe,  assuring  you  and  myselfe  of  the  gene- 
rail  welcomnesse  and  vsefulnesse  hereof  to  .all  whom  it  concernes, 
which  are  the  greatest  number  of  the  land,  euen  so  many  as  haue 
any  reference  to  Sessions  and  Assises,  if  not  all  sorts  of  Christians. 

1862.]  Wills  of  Richard  Fitch  3G7 

Onely  I  feare  that  the  corruption  of  our  times  is  growne  so  grosse 
and  Eglon-like  that  it  doth  not  Ehud-like  enough  sharpen  the  points 
and  send  them  home  to  the  hilt,  that  they  may  reach  to  the  quicke.  I 
had  myselfe  added  thereto  a.  project  and  perswasion  for  the  redresse 
of  many  abuses  crept  into  offices  and  officers,  hauing  spent  so  much 
time  in  the  study  of  the  Law,  and  execution  of  some  offices  as  made 
me  weary  of  the  errors  I  saw  and  heartily  wish  the  reformation  of 
them;  but  fearing  I  haue  learned  too  much  bluntnesse  and  plump- 
ness of  speech  among  the  Lutherans,  which  is  here  as  prime  a 
quality  as  srnoothnesse  with  you,  as  also  loth  to  meddle  out  of  mine 
orbe,  in  my  second  thoughts  I  suppressed  it.  And  so  wishing  vnto 
this,  many  diligent,  conscionable,  and  ingenuous  Readers  and  Ap- 
pliers,  and  to  them  Gods  blessing  and  the  fruit  intended,  I  take  my 
leaue.     From  Elbing  in  Prussia. 

"Your  brother  in  the  flesh,  in  the  Lord,  and  ]  in  the  worke  of  the 
Ministery.  |  Nath.  Ward." 


[Copied  by  Wm.  B.  Trass,  Esq.,  from  the  original  in  possession  of  the  N.  E.  Hist.- 

Gen.  Society.] 

I,  Richard  Fitch,  for  ye  peaceable  ordering  of  my  outward  estate 
according  Vnto  God,  doe  thus  dispose  of  What  he  hath  betrusted  me 
Wth  therein,  by  this  my  last  Will  &  Testame1.,  Namely,  all  my  debts 
being  discharged,  I  give  Vnto  my  hrother  So  Sister  Feveritt,  my  house 
&  ground  Ynder  it  in  Boston.  Wth  all  my  goods  &  Chattells  What- 
soeir.  after  my  decease,  In  Witnesse  Whereof  I  haue  here  Ynto 
sett  my  hand  this  16th  day  of  the  12th  Month,  1645. 

In  ye  prsence  of  Richard  Fitch. 

Boneface  Burton. 

I,  Richard  Fitch,  of  Boston,  in  New  England,  for  ye  peaceable  Or- 
dering of  the  outward  estate  Where  Wlh  ye  Lord  hath  betrusted  me, 
doe,  according  to  God,  dispose  thereof  by  this  my  last  will  &  Testa- 
me1.  First,  I  giue  to  Elizabeth  Fitch,  ye  onely  daughter  of  my  brother 
James  Fitch,  deceased,  the  sixteene  acres  of  land  (be  it  more  or  lesse) 
Wch  I  haue  at  Muddy  River.  Vnto  her  &  her  heirs  &  Assigne3  for- 
euer,  after  my  decease,  &  yc  same  to  be  disposed  of  for  her  Vse  Vntill 
her  age  of  21  years  or  day  of  marriage  Wch  of  them  shall  first 
happen,  by  my  brother  Sf  Sister  Leveritt,  or  by  their  Assignes.  Alsoe, 
I  giue  Vnto  my  said  brother  c)-  Sister  Leveritt,  my  house  and  ground 
Vuder  it,  lying  &  being  in  Bostou  Milne  Field,  together  Wlu  all  my 
goods  &  Chattells  Whatsoeur,  after  my  decease,  They  dischargeing 
all  my  debts.  In  Witnesse  Whereof  I  here  Vnto  sett  my  hand  this 
29th  day  of  ye  12^  Month,  1645.  Richard  Fitch. 

In  the  prsence  of 
Boneface  Burton, 
Josejpk  Fell, 

Wainwright. — Who  were  the  parents  of  Elizabeth  Wainwright, 
who  married,  Sept.  8,  1107,  Rev.  Robert  Breck  of  Marlboro',  Mass.? 


368  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [Oct. 



Kixgsbury—Free^ax — June  20,  Benjamin  Barnes  Kingsbury  of 
Boston,  counselor  at  law,  to  Sarah  Russell  Freeman  of  Sandwich, 
daughter  of  the  officiating  clergyman;  by  Rev.  Frederick  Freeman. 

Messixger=Neilsox. — In  New  York,  at  the  Calvary  church,  by 
the  Rev.  Dr.  Hawks,  July  15,  Capt.  Daniel  Messinger,  quartermaster 
in  Gen.  Foster's  brigade,  U.  S.  A.,  and  late  provost  marshal  at  New- 
bern,  N.  C,  to  Elizabeth  C,  daughter  of  the  late  A.  B.  Neilson,  Esq. 
Capt.  Messinger  is  a  grandson  of  the  late  Hon.  Daniel  Messinger  of 
Boston,  whose  memoir  is,printed  in  this  number. 

Sampsox=Seayer. — At  East  Boston.  Monday,  Aug.  4,  by  Rev.  Caleb 
Davis  Bradlee  of  Roxburjr,  Ichabod  Sampson,  Esq.,  to  Miss  Harriet 
A.  Seaver,  both  of  East  Boston. 


Baldwix. — Hon.  James  Fowle,  at  Boston,  Mass,  May  20,  aged  80. 
He  was  born  at  Woburn,  Mass.,  April  29,  1782.     His  father,  Loammi 
Baldwin,  was  a  surveyor  of  land,  and  at  the  time  the  only  engioeer 
of  note  in  that  part  of  the  country,  engineering  as  a  profession  being 
as  yet  unknown.     He  projected  the  Middlesex  canal,  one  of  the  ear- 
liest works  of  the  kind  in  the  United  States,  and  it  was  constructed 
under  his  direction.     James   was  the  fourth  son.     He  received  his 
early  education  at  the  school  in  his  native  town,  and  afterwards  went 
to  the  academies  at  Billerica  and   Westford.     About  the  year  1800 
he  was  in   Boston,  preparing   for   a   mercantile   education,  in   which, 
after  a  few  years,  he  was  established;  but  undoubtedly,  the  influence 
of  his  early  association  with  his  father,  together  with  his  own  tastes, 
had  turned   his    attention  to  another  pursuit.     His  brother  Loammi, 
who,  although  educated   a   lawyer,  had   a  strong  predilection  for  en- 
gineering, had  sometime  previously  relinquished   his  profession  and 
was  engaged  in  the  construction  of  that  beautiful  specimen  of  work- 
manship, the   dry  dock   at   Charlestown  navy  yard.     James  joined 
him,  and  thus  commenced   in  earnest  the  work  of  his  life.     In  1828, 
a  project  for  a  rail  road  to  the  western  part  of  the  state  was  started. 
Mr.  Baldwin,  with  Nahum  Mitchell  of  Bridgewater  and  Samuel  Mac- 
kay  of  Pittsfield,  were   appointed  state  commissioners   to  make  the 
survey  from   Boston   to   Albany.     Upon   this  arduous  labor  he  was 
employed  more   than   two  years.     The  work   was  not  prosecuted  at 
that  time,  but  subsequently  the  Western  rail  road,  now  in  operation, 
v/as  built   upon   the   location   selected  by  him,  and  his  plans  tor  its 
construction    were   generally  adopted.     Mr.  Baldwin   always    looked 
upon  this,  next  to  the  introduction  of  pure  water  into  Boston,  as  the 
most  important  of  his  professional  works.     In   1832  he  commenced 
the   location  of  the  Bostou    and    Lowell   rail   road,    which   was  con- 
structed under  his  superintendence.     He   was  also  employed  in  his 

1862.]  Marriages  and  Deaths.  3G9 

profession  by  the  Ware  Manufacturing  company,  the  Thames  com- 
pany of  Norwich,  Ot.,  and  the  Proprietors  of  the  Locks  and  Canals  at 
Lowell.  * 

In  1825,  the  matter  of  supplying  Boston  with  pure  water  began  to 
attract  the  serious  attention  of  the  city  authorities.  An  investiga- 
tion of  the  different  sources  for  a  supply  was  made  during  Mr. 
Quincy's  mayoralty,  and  the  results  embodied  in  a  report.  In  1837, 
Mr.  Baldwin  was  appointed  upon  a  commission  to  inquire  still  further 
into  the  subject.  A  majority  of  the  commission  recommended  Spot 
and  Mystic  ponds,  but  Mr.  Baldwin  dissented  and  recommended  Long 
pond.  The  majority  revised  their  report  the  following  year,  but  still 
adhered  to  Spot  and  Mystic  ponds.  The  mayor  reported  in  favor  of 
the  majority;  still  Mr.  Baldwin  was  immovable.  The  plan  recom- 
mended was  submitted  to  popular  vote  and  rejected.  The  project 
was  not  renewed  till  1844,  when  Mr.  Baldwin  was  again  on  the 
commission.  His  plan  was  adopted,  March  .30,  1846;  the  ground 
was  broken  five  months  after,  and  on  the  25th  of  October,  1848,  Mr. 
Baldwin  as  one  of  the  three  commissioners,  had  the  good  fortune  to 
see  his  plan,  so  long  resisted,  finally  triumphant,  and  the  public 
fountain  playing  for  the  first  time  in  the  presence  of  an  immense 
concourse  of  his  fellow  citizens. 

Mr.  Baldwin,  although  confining  himself  to  his  professional  duties 
and  having  but  little  taste  for  politics,  was  for  several  years  a  se- 
nator from  Suffolk  county,  in  the  Massachusetts  general  court. 

He  was  of  a  kindly  and  benevolent  disposition,  affable  in  his  man- 
ners, warm  and  unfaltering  in  his  attachment  to  his  friends.  His 
sense  of  justice  and  his  fair  appreciation  of  the  rights  of  others 
showed  to  great  advantage  in  many  of  his  public  works.  He  mar- 
ried, July  28,  1818,  Sarah  Parsons  Pitkin,  dau.  of  Samuel  Pitkin, 
Esq.,  of  East  Hartford,  Ct.  They  were  the  parents  of  three  promis- 
ing sons,  who  died  at  the  respective  ages  of  14, 1  and  5  years.  His 
widow  survives. — Boston  Daily  Advertiser,  abridged. 

.  Benedict. — Lewis,  at  Albany,  N.  Y.,  July  15,  aged  78.  Mr.  B.  was 
born  in  Saratoga  county,  but  spent  most  of  his  life  at  Albany.  He  was 
a  merchant,  intimately  connected  with  the  political  movements  of  the 
state,  and  exerted  a  wide  influence  in  that  state.  He  possessed  a 
strong  intellect,  a  generous  disposition,  and  was  generally  esteemed. 
Mr.  Benedict  celebrated  his  golden  wedding  a  few  weeks  before  his 
death,  and  to  all  appearance  was  at  that  time  likely  to  last  several 
years.  He  was  the  cherished  associate  of  John  L.  Schoolcraft,  Gov. 
Patterson,  Mark  H.  Sibley,  John  C.  Spencer,  and  that  order  of  public 
men,  and  for  a  year  held  the  post  office  at  Albany,  by  appointment 
of  Gen.  Taylor. 

Bryant. — Mrs.  Frances  Goodwin  (Clark),  at  Boston,  July  21,  aged 
87.  She  was  born  in  Charlestown,  Aug.  11,  1774,  and  was  the  first 
female  who  crossed  Charlestown  bridge  after  its  completion,  which 
she  did  the  evening  previous  to  its  being  opened  to  the  public  in 
June,  1786.  "  K. 

Cass. — Col.  Thomas,  at  Boston,  July  12,  aged  about  45.     He  was 
the  son  of  John  Cass,  and  was  born  in  Queens  county,  Ireland.    While 



310  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [Oct. 

be  was  young,  his  parents  emigrated  to  St.  John's,  N.  B.,  and  after  a 
sbort  residence  there  removed  to  Boston. 

Col.  Cass  has  been  for  many  years  one  of  the  most  energetic  and 
public-spirited  Irishmen  of  this  city.  At  an  early  day  of  the  war  he 
offered  his  services  to  raise  a  regiment,  and  by  the  liberal  use  of  his 
own  funds  and  the  aid  of  his  friends,  he  succeeded  in  enlisting  the 
first  Irish  regiment  from  Massachusetts  for  the  three  years'  cam- 
paign. His  regiment,  with  full  ranks,  left  this  city  on  the  25th  of 
June,  1861,  and  formed  in  front  of  Washington  a  portion  of  the  army 
of  the  Potomac;  up  to  December  last  not  one  man  of  the  regiment 
had  died  of  sickness  or  of  wounds.  It  has,  however,  suffered  severely 
since  the  commencement  of  the  campaign  of  the  peninsula,  from  sick- 
ness and  in  the  battle  held;  but  its  members  have  been  distinguished 
for  their  bravery  in  all   the  battles  in  which  they  have  participated. 

Col.  Cass  was  wounded  in  the  battle  of  Malvern.  It  was  at  first 
supposed  that  he  would  recover  from  his  injuries,  as  he  reached  this 
city,  in  company  with  his  wife,  a  few  days  before  his  death,  in  good 
spirits.  An  examination,  however,  showed  that  the  ball  followed 
the  course  of  the  ear,  cutting  off  the  back  of  the  tongue  and  severing 
so  many  important  nerves  and  muscles  that  recovery  was  impossible. 
He  died  quietly,  rejoicing  with  his  last  breath  that  he  had  been 
enabled,  so  far  as  he  was  able,  to  defend  the  government  of  his 
adopted  country.     He  was  buried  with  public  honors,  July  16,  1862. 

Curtis. — Rev.  Jared,  at  Somerville,  Mass.,  July  14,' aged  84.  Mr. 
Curtis  was  born  in  Stockbridge,  Mass.,  Oct.  6,  lttt,  grad.  at  Wms. 
Coll.  1800,  and  was  tutor  there  1803-4.  He  was  chaplain  of  the  state 
prison  about  thirty  years,  for  which  he  was  well  fitted,  as  he  knew 
how  to  treat  criminals  according  to  tbeir  peculiar  characters. 

Felton, — Cornelius  Conway,  LL.  J).,  President  of  Harvard  Univer- 
sity, died  at  Chester,  Pa.,  at  the  residence  of  his  brother,  Samuel  M. 
Felton,  Wednesday  evening,  Feb.  26,  at  half-past  seven  o'clock,  aged 
54.  He  was  son  of  Cornelius  Conway  and  Anna  (Morse)  Felton; 
was  born  in  Newbury,  now  West  Newrbury,  Mass.,  Nov.  6,  1807! 
From  his  early  youth  he  was  fond  of  study.  His  parents  being  in 
indigent  circumstances,  were  unable  to  furnish  him  the  means  for 
obtaining  an  education,  but  the  desire  for  knowledge  on  the  part  of 
the  son  was  so  great,  that  the  father  thought  he  would  make  an 
effort  to  send  Cornelius  to  the  academy  at  Bradford,  Mass.,  for  one 
quarter,  where  he  studied  under  the  distinguished  antiquarian  and 
author,  Joshua  Coffin,  Esq.,  who  is  still  living.  From  thence  he  re- 
turned to  the  public  school  in  Saugus,  to  which  town  his  parents 
had  removed.  Early  in  the  summer  of  1822,  his  father  concluded  to 
send  him  to  the  academy  at  North  Andover,  one  quarter.  This  semi- 
nary was  at  that  time  under  the  charge  of  the  late  Simeon  Putnam 
(H.  U.,  1811),  an  eminent  classical  scholar  and  teacher.  Learning 
the  circumstances  of  the  student's  father,  Mr.  P.  called  young  Felton 
to  him  one  day  and  said:  "  I  want  you  to  go  to  college/'  stating 
that  he  would  trust  him  for  his  tutorage  till  he  could  repay  it.  To 
the  great  joy  of  the  young  man  his  tarry  here  was  extended  to  one 


1862.1  Marriages  and  Deaths,  371 

year  and  three  months.  He  entered  Harvard  University  in  1823,  in  his 
sixteenth  year,  and  graduated  in  1827.  For  two  years,  in  conjunc- 
tion with  his  class  mates,  the  late  Henry  Russell  Cleveland  and 
Seth  Sweetser  (now  Rev.  Seth  Sweetser,  1).  P.,  minister  in  Worces- 
ter), he  had  charge  of  the  Livingston  County  High  School  at  Gcne- 
seo,  N.  Y.  In  1829,  he  was  appointed  Latin  tutor  in  Harvard  Uni- 
versity, and  the  next  year  Greek  tutor,  which  office  he  held  two 
years.  In  1834,  he  was  appointed  Eliot  Professor  of  Greek  Litera- 
ture, the  third  professor  on  that  foundation;  Mr.  Everett  and  John 
Snelling  Popkin  having  preceded  him.  This  professorship  Mr.  F. 
held  more  than  a  quarter  of  a  century,  being  absent  twice  only,  in 
his  European  tours.  As  professor  of  Greek  he  obtained  a  high  re- 
putation in  Europe  as  in  this  country,  His  lectures  before  the 
Lowell  Institute,  upon  Greece,  abounded  with  valuable  information 
in  regard  to  that  classic  land,  much  of  it  drawn  from  his  own  ob- 
servation and  knowledge  obtained  while  on  a  visit  there.  On  the 
19th  of  July,  1860,  Mr.  Felton  was  inaugurated  as  President  of  Har- 
vard University,  in  place  of  Rev.  James  Walker,  D.  D.,  who  resigned. 
He  was  the  20th  president  of  that  venerated  institution,  and  the  10th 
who  has  died  in  office,  the  last  before  him  being  President  Samuel 
Webber,  in  1810,  more  than  half  a  century  ago.  Four  ex-presidents 
of  the  college  are  now  living,  viz:  Quincy,  Everett,  Sparks  and 

Mr.  Felton  married  in  the  summer  of  1838,  Mary  Whitney,  dau.  of 
Asa  Whitney,  a  merchant  of  Boston.  She  died  April  12,  1845,  leav- 
ing two  daughters.  He  married  for  his  2d  wife,  Sept.  28,  1846, 
Mary  Louisa  Cary,  dau.  of  Hon.  Thomas  Greaves  and  Mary  (Perkins) 
Cary.  By  his  second  wife  he  has  had  two  sons  and  one  daughter,  who 
with  their  mother  survive  him. 

The  degree  of  Doctor  of  Laws  was  conferred  upon  him  by  Amherst 
College  in  1848.  He  was  a  member  of  various  literary  societies,  and 
was  made  an  honorary  member  of  the  N.  E.  Hist.-Gen.  Society  in 
1860.  He  delivered  numerous  addresses  on  public  occasions,  and 
contributed  valuable  articles  to  the  popular  reviews  and  other  pub- 
lications, and  to  the  leading  newspapers  of  the  day.  His  volumes 
of  the  classics  and  contributions  to  general  literature  are  too  numer- 
ous to  mention  here,  the  titles  of  which  may  be  found,  many  of  them, 
in  that  valuable  depository,  Duyckinctfs  Cyclopedia  of  American  Litera- 
ture. His  first  edition  of  the  Iliad  of  Homer,  was  published  in  1833, 
and  he  has  the  credit,  we  believe,  of  being  the  first  American  editor 
of  the  Greek  poet. 

Fletcher. — Prof.  Miles  J.,  at  Sullivan,  Ind.,  May  10,  aged  33.  He 
was  the  son  of  Hon.  Calvin  Fletcher,  a  prominent  citizen  of  Indian- 
apolis, where  he  was  born  in  August,  1828.  His  youth  was  spent  in 
an  alternation  of  student  and  farm  labor,  which  developed  both  mind 
and  body.  He  entered  Brown  University  in  1847,  and  graduated 
with  honor  in  1852.  While  a  student  there  he  was  hopefully  con- 
verted and  joined  the  Methodist  Episcopal  church.  After  graduating 
he  became  professor  in  the  Indiana  Asbury  University  at  Greencai>tle, 
Ind.  His  life  as  a  professor  wa3  intermitted  by  a  year  given  to  the 
assistance  of  his  father  and  a  year  spent  at  Cambridge  Law  school. 

372  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [Oct. 

In  the  fall  of  I860  he  was  elected  superintendent  of  public  instruc- 
tion for  the  state  of  Indiana,  which  position  he  held  at  his  death.  In 
this  capacity  his  labors  were  incredible.  When  the  firing  upon 
Sumter  aroused  the  nation,  he  assisted,  by  request  of  the  governor, 
in  drilling  raw  recruits  for  the  three  months'  service  at  Camp  Morton. 
His  brother,  Dr.  William  B.  Fletcher,  having  been  captured  by  the 
rebels  in  July,  1861,  he  made  a  visit  in  August  to  Western  Virginia, 
and  another  in  the  winter  to  Washington,  for  the  purpose  of  ascer- 
taining the  place  of  his  confinement  and  effecting  his  release,  both 
of  which  objects  he  accomplished.  He  was  killed  on  the  Evansville 
rail  road  while  on  an  expedition  for  the  relief  of  the  sick  and  wounded 
of  our  army  near  Corinth,  in  company  with  Gov.  Morton,  Adjt.  Gen. 
Noble  and  several  other  citizens.  His  funeral  at  Indianapolis  is  said 
to  have  been  the  largest  that  ever  took  place  in  the  state.  He  died 
after  a  career  which,  though  brief,  was  one  of  great  usefulness. 
The  marked  traits  of  his  character  were  energy,  honesty,  generosity 
and  usefulness.  For  much  of  the  impress  of  his-  character  he  was 
indebted  to  his  father,  whose  practical  energy  is  well  known  in  his 
state.  His  taste  was  for  general  knowledge,  and  on  passing  events 
and  things  gone  by  he  was  a  living  encyclopaedia. 

Goodrich. — Rev.  Charles  Augustus,  at  Hartford,  Ct.,  June  4,  aged 
11.  The  deceased  was  a  son  of  Rev  Samuel  Goodrich,  and  an  elder 
brother  of  Samuel  Griswold  Goodrich,  Esq.,  the  author,  who  died  in 
New  York,  May  8,  1860  (ante,  xiv,  287).  He  graduated  at  Yale  Col- 
lege in  the  class  of  1812.  Like  his  brother  he  devoted  his  life  to 
literary  pursuits.  He  was  the  author  of  Lives  of  the  Signers  of  the 
Declaration  of  Independence,  a  school  History  of  the  United  States,  and 
other  works.  "  The  reverend  author,"  says  the  New  York  Times, 
"  was  naturally  a  very  gifted  man  and  a  most  accomplished  scholar. 
His  mental  organization  was  active,  though  of  that  sensitive  nature 
which  caused  him  to  shrink  from  rough  contact  with  the  world.  Mr. 
Goodrich's  love  for  his  fellow  men  was  refined,  charitable  and  of  the 
most  enlarged  order.  After  a  life  spent  with  the  single  view  to  ele- 
vate mankind,  the  good  man  is  now  gathered  to  his  fathers,  and 
another  of  those  bright  lights  that  have  adorned  New  England  is  put 

Gould. — Jacob  S.,  at  Boston,  June  30,  aged  68;  a  native  of  Lynde- 
borough,  N.  H. 

Guild. — Samuel  Eliot,  at  his  summer  residence  in  Nahant,  Mass., 
July  16,  aged  42.  He  was  the  son  of  Benjamin  and  Eliza  (Eliot) 
Guild,  and  was  born  in  Boston  the  8th  of  October,  1819.  He  gradu- 
ated at  Harvard  University  with  high  honors,  in  1839.  He  afterwards 
studied  law  and  has  since  practiced  his  profession  in  Boston.  He 
was  a  gentleman  of  high  moral  instincts,  of  unblemished  character, 
ever  ready  to  promote  the  best  interests  of  the  community,  kind, 
charitable,  endowed  with  all  the  amenities  of  a  gentleman,  having  a 
pleasant  word  for  every  one  with  whom  he  might  have  intercourse. 

Henshaw. — George  Eddy  of  Cambridgeport,  Mass.,  died  of  a  fever 
at  the  hospital  in  Alexandria,  Va.,  on  the  afternoon  of  May  20th,  in 
the  23d  year  of  his  age.     He  was  the  second  son  of  William  and 


1862.]  Marriages  and  Deaths.  373 

Sarah  Eolden  (Wetherbeo)  Henshaw  of  Cambridgeport,  and  was 
born  in  that  town  Nov.  15,  1839.  He  entered  the  army  last  year, 
from  conscientious  'motives,  feeling  that  his  life  and  strength  were 
due  to  his  country  in  her  day  of  peril;  was  a  non-commissioned 
officer  in  the  eighteenth  regiment  of  Massachusetts  volunteers.  He 
died  after  about  a  week's  sickness,  brought  on  by  over  exertion, 
adding  another  to  the  list  of  young  men  who  have  been  cut  of!  in 
their  prime,  by  the  present  unholy  rebellion.  He  became  a  member 
of  the  N.  E.  Hist.-Gen.  Society  in  April,  1858,  and  was  the  first  of  its 
number,  so  far  as  we  are  informed,  who  has  died  in  the  federal 
service  during  this  war.  He  had  spent  much  time  in  collecting  in- 
formation relative  to  the  genealogy  of  his  family,  and  was  desirous 
that  the  matter  he  had  taken  pains  to  gather  and  perfect,  might  be 
deposited  in  the  archives  of  the  society,  so  as  to  be  made  available 
to  all  w7ho  felt  interested  in  such  subjects. 

From  a  personal  knowledge  of  Mr.  Henshaw,  we  feel  justified  in 
saying  that  he  was  a  young  man  of  a  noble  spirit,  frank,  hopeful, 
energetic,  lovely,  amiable  in  disposition,  decisive  in  character.  He 
had  many  of  the  essential  requisites  that  go  to  make  up  a  strong- 
minded,  efficient,  active,  Christian  man.  Had  his  life  been  spared, 
the  probabilities  are,  that  as  he  became  more  matured,  there  would 
have  been  a  corresponding  accession  to  his  strength  of  character, 
and  that  he  would  have  been  an  ornament  and  a  blessing  to  society. 
But  he  has  passed  away. 

Herrick. — Edward  Claudius,  at  New  Haven,  Ct,  June  11,  aged  51. 
He  was  the  son  of  Rev.  Claudius  Herrick  of  New  Haven,  well  known 
and  beloved  as  a  clergyman,  teacher,  and  friend  of  the  poor,  and  was 
b.  at  that  place  Feb.  24,  1811.  Mr.  Herrick  was  for  many  years  clerk 
in  the  bookselling  and  publishing  house  of  Hezekiah  Howe  &  Co.,  and 
for  a  short  time  was  a  partner  in  the  firm  of  Herrick  &  Noyes.  In 
1843  he  was  elected  librarian  of  Yale  College,  and  in  1852,  treasurer, 
in  which  office  he  continued  till  his  death. 

"  Though  Mr.  Herrick  led  a  life  of  active  business,"  says  the  New 
Haven  Daily  Courier  and  Journal,  "  he  had  made  remarkable  acquisi- 
tions in  many  branches  of  science  and  literature.  In  entomology, 
practical  astronomy,  history  and  bibliography,  he  was  eminent  for 
exact  and  comprehensive  attainments  and  for  painstaking  and  per- 
severing research. 

"In  that  varied  and  miscellaneous  knowledge  which  was  congenial 
to  a  person  of  his  comprehensive  curiosity,  his  active  habits  and  his 
iron  diligence,  he  had  scarcely  his  equal  in  the  university,  and  the 
extensive  correspondence  which  he  maintained  for  years  with  persons 
of  varied  pursuits,  residing  in  every  part  of  the  country,  is  both  an 
evidence  that  his  knowledge  was  extensive  and  highly  prized,  and  a 
monument  to  his  industry  and  his  disinterestedness.  As  a  man  of 
business,  he  was  distinguished  for  quickness,  sagacity  and  the  rarest 
integrity.  The  whole  community  knew  him  as  one  of  the  few  in 
whom  all  might  confide,  and  whom  none  could  possibly  suspect.  His 
reputation  in  these  respects  was  such  as  but  few  mortals  attain  or 

"  As  a  friend  he  was  affectionate  and  true — spending  his  services 

374  Maniages  and  Deaths.  [Oct. 

and  bis  care  for  all  that  needed  them,  and  often  doing"  this  with  a 
lavish  hand.  Few  men  have  cherished  so  sacredly,  and  have  exem- 
plified so  perfectly  the  saying  of  the  Lord  Jesus:  'It  is  more  blessed 
to  give  than  to  receive.'" 

Hobart.— Rev.  James,  at  Berlin,  Vt.,  July  16,  aged  95  yrs.  11  mos, 
14  days.  The  deceased  was  first  settled  over  the  Congregational 
society  in  that  town  in  1198,  and  was  dismissed  in  1829;  but  his 
active  labors  as  a  preacher  of  the  gospel  were  continued  with  little 
intermission  nearly  up  to  the  period  of  his  decease.  He  grad.  at 
Dart.  Coll.  in  1194. 

Lombard. — Israel,  at  his  residence  in  Newton,  Mass.,  May  6,  aged 
57.  He  was  son  of  Capt  Israel  and  Hannah  (Coan)  Lombard, 
and  was  born  in  Truro,  Mass.,  June  6,  1804.  He  came  to  Boston  in 
1822  and  entered  the  counting  room  of  Mr.  John  Houston,  with  whom 
he  remained  four  years.  He  then  entered  into  partnership  with  Mr. 
Charles  0.  Whitmore,  under  the  firm  of  Lombard  k  Whitmore.  In 
1855  this  firm  was  dissolved,  and  Mr.  Lombard  formed  a  new  co- 
partnership with  Mr.  George  Whitney  (son  of  Mr.  Israel  Whitney) 
and  his  elder  son,  Dwight  B.  Lombard,  under  the  style  of  Lombard, 
Whitney  &  Co.  Mr.  Lombard  was  a  man  of  great  enterprise,  saga- 
city and  financial  skill,  of  scrupulous  integrity  and  amiability  of 
character,  and  was  held  in  high  estimation  by  the  mercantile  com- 
munity. He  was  for  many  years  a  director  of  the  Massachusetts 
Bank,  the  Boston  Insurance  company,  and  the  Boston  and  Worcester 
Rail  Road  company.  He  has  left  a  widow  and  four  children — two  sons 
and  two  daughters. 

Meade. — Rt.  Rev.  William,  Bishop  of  Virginia,  at  Richmond,  Va.> 
March  14,  aged  72.  He  was  born  in  Frederick  county,  Va.,  Nov.  1L 
1789;  son  of  Col.  Richard  Kidder  and  Mary  (Gryme)  Meade.  The 
latter  had  for  a  former  husband,  William  Randolph  of  Chattsworth, 
a  brother  of  Gov.  Beverly  and  Col.  Robert  Randolph.  David  Meade 
of  Kentucky,  the  eldest  brother  of  Col.  Meade,  and  uncle  to  the  bish- 
op, lived  to  be  upwards  of  ninety  years  of  age.  "  He  was  much  ad- 
dicted," says  his  nephew,  "to  the  study  of  genealogy."  Andrew 
Meade,  the  paternal  ancestor,  was  born  in  the  county  of  Kerry, 
Ireland,  the  latter  part  of  the  seventeenth  century.  Tradition  says 
that  he  went  to  London,  thence  to  New  York,  where  he,  though 
a  Romanist,  married  Miss  Mary  Latham,  a  Quakeress  of  Flushing, 
L.  I.;  "a  heterogenous  kind  of  union,"  says  Bishop  Meade,  "  !ess  ob- 
noxious to  nature  than  to  bigotry."  He  settled  in  Nansemond  co., 
Va.;  was  for  many  years  a  representative  in  the  House  of  Burgesses, 
judge  of  the  county,  and  colonel  of  the  militia.  He  died  in  1745, 
leaving  a  son  David,  and  a  daughter.  David,  by  his  wife  Susanna 
Everard,  had  two  daughters,  Anne  and  Mary,  and  sons,  David,  Rich- 
ard Kidder,  Everard,  Andrew  and  John.  Susanna,  wife  of  Gov. 
Everard  and  mother  of  Susanna  who  married  David  Meade,  was  a 
dau.  of  Richard  Kidder,  Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells.  The  bishop  and 
his  wife  were  killed  by  the  falling  of  a  chimney,  Nov.  27,  1703.  The 
three  elder  children  of  David  Meade  were  sent  to  England  for  their 


1862.]  Marriages  and  DeatJis.  375 

education,  one  of  whom  was  Richard  Kidder  Meade.  The  latter,  at 
the  age  of  nineteen,  married  Miss  Jane  Randolph  of  Curls,  sister  of 
Richard  Randolph,  who  married  his  sister,  and  aunt  of  the  celebrated 
John  Randolph  of  Roanoke,  who  always  called  him  "  Uncle  Kidder." 
Mr.  M.  was  one  of  24  persons  who,  on  the  24th  of  June,  1715,  shortly 
after  the  hegira  of  Lord  Dunmore,  seized  upon  the  arms  and  ammuni- 
tion in  Lord  Dunmore's  house  in  Williamsburg,  carrying  the  powder 
to  the  magazine,  and  dividing  the  arms  among  themselves  for  safe 
keeping  and  the  service  of  the  country.  He  commanded  a  company 
at  the  battle  of  Great  Bridge,  near  Norfolk,  the  first  battle  fought  in 
Virginia,  when  the  troops  of  Lord  Dunmore  were  defeated  with  great 
loss.  He  was  soon  after  taken  into  the  family  of  Gen.  Washington, 
as  his  aid,  where  he  remained  five  years.  He  was  very  active  in 
reconnoitering,  being  a  good  rider,  having  a  fine  animal— the  black 
mare  so  well  known  to  the  British  as  well  as  American  armies.  To 
him  was  committed  the  superintendence  of  the  execution  of  Andre. 
At  the  close  of  the  war  he  married  widow  Randolph,  as  before  stated. 
She  is  mentioned  in  Campbell's  History  of  Virginia  as  among  the  fe- 
male contributors  to  the  expenses  of  the  war  in  a  time  of  great  need. 
Her  contribution  was  800  dollars.  "  Perhaps  this  circumstance,"  says 
Bishop  Meade,  u  may  have  first  attracted  my  father's  attention  to 
her."  Soon  after  his  father's  death,  William  was  sent  by  his  mother 
to  Princeton  College.  He  was  at  that  time  17  years  of  age.  While 
at  college  the  great  rebellion  took  place,  in  which  150  out  of  200 
took  part.  He  prepared  for  the  ministry,  under  Rev.  Walter  Addi- 
son of  Maryland;  was  ordained  deacon  by  Bishop  Madison,  in  Feb., 
1811;  for  a  short  time  assisted  Mr.  Balmaiue  in  the  two  congrega- 
tions belonging  to  his  charge,  in  Frederick  county.  In  the  fall  of 
the  same  year  he  took  charge  of  the  vestry  of  old  Christ  church, 
Alexandria,  with  the  privilege  of  spending  a  portiou  of  the  year  in 
Frederick  and  not  entirely  relinquishing  his  engagements  there.  I& 
this  way  two  years  of  his  ministration  were  spent  in  Alexandria.  On 
leaving  Alexandria  he  returned  to  his  little  farm  in  Frederick,  and 
to  the  tending,  in  conjunction  with  Mr.  Balmaine,  of  the  two  small 
flocks  at  the  chapel  and  in  Winchester,  besides  bestowing  a  portion 
of  his  labors  on  five  or  six  counties  around,  which  were  either  desti- 
tute of  ministers  or  very  partially  served.  A  few  years  after  his 
ordination  as  deacon,  he  was  ordained  priest,  by  Bishop  Claggett. 
In  the  summer  of  1829,  he  was  consecrated  assistant  bishop  of  Vir- 
ginia, by  Bishop  White,  and  continued  to  perform  the  duties  of  that 
office  until,  by  the  death  of  Bishop  Moore,  in  1841,  he  succeeded  to 
the  office  of  bishop  of  the  Protestant  Episcopal  church  of  Virginia. 
The  bishop  availed  himself  of  the  opportunities  afforded  him  during 
his  official  visits  through  his  extensive  diocese,  to  obtain  much  in- 
formation in  regard  to  the  histories  of  the  old  families  and  churches. 
In  the  fall  of  1855,  he  was  solicited  to  furnish  some  personal  remini- 
scences of  the  Episcopal  church  in  his  native  state.  Two  articles 
were  promised  to  one  of  their  quarterly  reviews.  These,  unexpect- 
edly to  himself  and  to  the  gratification  of  others,  grew  into  two  large 
octavo  volumes  of  about  500  pages  each.  The  work  was  published 
by  J.  B.  Lippincott  &  Co.,  Philadelphia,  1857,  and  is  entitled  Old 
Churches,  Ministers  and  Families  of  Virginia.     His  experience  and  ob- 

376  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [Oct. 

seiwation  put  him  in  possession  of  the  best  materials.  Old  vestry 
books,  or  fragments  supposed  to  have  been  lost,  were  brought  to 
light.  Records  in  a  mutilated  and  mouldering  condition  in  the 
clerk's  offices  of  various  counties  were  resuscitated,  "some  of  which," 
he  writes,  "are  like  exhumed  volumes  from  the  long  buried  towns  of 
the  east."  Documents  of  especial  interest  to  Virginians  were  fur- 
nished him  from  family  records  and  papers,  which  must  otherwise 
have  soon  perished.  He  wandered  among  old  churches  and  their 
ruins  and  their  grave  yards  around  them,  visited  old  family  seats, 
copied  inscriptions,  and  traced  localities  of  the  ancestors  of  the  most 
distinguished  families  of  the  state.  And  more  than  this,  through 
the  kindness  and  aid  of  others,  many  interesting,  unpublished  docu- 
ments from  the  old  world  were  placed  at  his  disposal — copies  of 
papers  from  the  archives  of  Parliament,  of  Lambeth  and  Fulham 
palaces,  appertaining  to  and  illustrating  the  history  of  the  state  and 
church  of  Virginia  and  its  people.  By  this  historical  work  he  will 
be  known  to  the  world.  He  was  made  a  corresponding  member  of 
the  N.  E.  Hist.-Gen.  Society,  in  1858. 

Bishop  Meade  was  a  man  of  marked  character,  and  wielded  a  re- 
markable religious  influence,  it  is  said,  in  every  section  of  Virginia. 
At  the  commencement  of  our  national  disturbances  he  deprecated 
disunion,  and  made  strong  and  fervent  appeals  to  avert  a  civil  war; 
but  Virginia  seceded,  and  what  could  a  single  man  do,  though  ever 
so  well  disposed,  toward  stemming  the  rebellious  flood  which,  like  a 
rush  of  waters,  has  swept  over  so  large  and  fair  a  portion  of  the  old 
dominion  ?  Let  us  rejoice  that  many  of  her  sons  are  returning  to 
their  fealty;  and  may  the  time  soon  come  when  a  general  loyalty  to 
our  government  will  prevail. 

Snell. — Rev.  Thomas,  D.  D.,  at  North  Brookfleld,  Mass.,  May  4, 
aged  87.  He  was  born  at  Cummington,  Mass.,  Nov.  21,  1174,  and 
was  the  eon  of  Ebenezer4  and  Sarah  (Packard)  Snell.  His  father 
was  son  of  Zechariah,8  grandson  of  Josiah2  and  great  grandson  of 
Thomas1  Snell,  who  came  from  England  and  settled  in  Bridgewater, 
Mass.,  in  1665.  Rev.  Dr.  Snell  was  fitted  for  college  by  his  pastor 
Rev.  James  Briggs  of  Cummington.  He  entered  Dartmouth  College 
at  the  age  of  17  and  graduated  in  1795.  For  one  year  after  leaving 
college  he  taught  an  academy  in  Haverhill,  N.  H.  He  then  studied 
for  the  university  with  Rev.  Charles  Backus,  D.  D.,  of  Somers,  Ct., 
and  was  licensed  to  preach  by  the  Tolland  Association,  Oct.  3,  1797. 
On  the  27th  of  June,  1793,  he  was  ordained  the  third  pastor  of  the 
second  church  in  Brookfield,  now  the  1st  church  in  North  Brookfleld. 
He  received  the  degree  of  D.  D.  in  1828,  from  Amherst  College.  A 
sermon  was  preached  at  his  funeral  by  Rev.  Christopher  Cushing, 
which,  with  a  memorial  tribute  by  Rev.  Lyman  Whiting,  and  a  por- 
trait, have  been  published  in  a  pamphlet  of  60  pages.  A  list  of  24 
publications,  chiefly  sermons,  is  appended.  Among  them  are:  An 
Oration  at  Brookfield,  July  5,  1813;- the  Election  Sermon,  1817;  a 
Sermon  on  the  completion  of  the  40th  year  of  his  ministry,  with  a 
brief  history  of  the  town,  1838;  a  Sermon  on  the  50th  anniversary  of 
his  ordination,  1848;  a  Discourse  containing  an  historical  sketch  of 
the  town  of  North  Brookfield,  1850;  and  a  Discourse  containing  an 

1862.J  Marriages  and  Deaths.  377 

historical  sketch  of  the  1st  Cong,  church  in  North  Brookfield,  embrac- 
ing 100  years  from  its  organization,  May  28,  1752,  to  May,  1852. 

.  Dr.  Snell,"  says  the  Worcester  Spy,  "  was  the  last  of  five  ministers 
whose  parishes  joined,  that  lived  to  a  great  age,  and  preached  on  an 
average  over  fifty  years  each,  viz:  Rev.  Dr.  John  Fiske  of  New 
Braintree,  Rev.  Daniel  Tomiinson  of  Oakham,  Rev.  Mr.  Pope  of  Spen- 
cer, Rev.  Micah  Stone  of  Brookfield,  and  Rev.  Ephraim  Ward  of  West 
Brookfield.  Perhaps  a  similar  case  could  not  be  found  in  the  com- 
monwealth. " 

He  has  left  three  sons — Prof.  E.  S.  Snell  of  Amherst  College,  Rev. 
Wm.  W.  Snell  of  Rockford,  Minnesota,  and  Dea.  Thomas  Snell  of 
North  Brookfield. 

Tyler.— Hon.  John,  Virginia,  January,  1S62.  He  was  the  second 
son  of  John  and  Mary  (Armistead)  Tyler;  was  born  on  the  James 
river,  in  Charles  City  county,  about  5  miles  below  Berkeley,  March 
29,  1790.  His  mother  was  the  only  child  of  Robert  Armistead, 
whose  ancestors  migrated  to  Virginia  from  Hesse  Darmstadt.  His 
father,  John  Tyler — born  in  James  city  in  1748 — one  of  the  leading 
revolutionary  characters  of  Virginia,  was  for  many  years  a  member 
of  the  House  of  Delegates,  and  in  1781  or  '82,  succeeded  Benjamin 
Harrison  as  speaker.  After  being  governor  of  Virginia,  to  which 
office  he  was  elected  in  1808,  he  was  judge  of  the  district  court  of 
the  United  States  for  Virginia,  and  died  at  his  seat  m  Charles  City 
county,  Jan.  6,  1813.  John,  the  subject  of  this  notice — supposed  to 
have  been  the  fifth  in  descent  bearing  the  name  of  John — commenced 
his  political  career  at  an  early  age;  was  elected  to  the  Virginia  legis- 
lature at  the  age  of  21,  and  five  years  later,  to  congress.  In  1826, 
he  was  elevated,  like  his  father,  to  the  station  of  governor  of  Vir- 
ginia. After  filling  the  office  one  year  and  a  half,  he  was  selected 
by  the  legislature  to  fill  a  vacancy  in  the  senate  of  the  United  States. 
He  afterwards  resigned  his  seat.  In  1840,  he  received  the  nomina- 
tion for  vice-president  of  the  United  States,  from  the  Whig  party, 
and  was  elected  by  a  large  majority.  He  entered  upon  the  discharge 
of  his  duties  in  March,  1841,  when  the  death  of  the  president,  Wil- 
liam Henry  Harrison,  shortly  after,  raised  him  to  the  chief  magis- 
tracy of  the  republic;  making  him  the  tenth  president  of  the  United 
States,  the  sixth  from  the  state  of  Virginia.     Since  his  retirement  | 

he  has  lived  at  Sherwood  Forest,  Charles  City  county,  Va.  He 
delivered  the  historical  address  at  Jamestown,  in  1857,  on  the  250th 
anniversary  of  its  settlement.  This  was  published  in  the  Richmond 
papers.     He  was  buried  Jan.  21,  1862. 

His  remote  ancestor,  John  Tyler,  is  believed  to  have  come  from 
England  to  Virginia  in  1637,  when  in  his  16th  year.  A  brick  house, 
supposed  to  have  been  built  by  his  son,  John  Tyler  the  second,  re- 
mains to  this  day.  So  stated  President  Tyler  in  1859.  He  settled 
on  a  tract  of  land  lying  on  the  head  waters  of  Powhatan  swamp,  in 
the  county  of  James  City,  four  miles  above  Williamsburg.  John 
the  third,  was  marshal  of  the  court  of  admiralty  for  the  county  of 
Virginia,  and  dying  about  the  time  of  the  breaking  out  of  hostilities 
with  England,  was  the  last  person  who  held  such  an  appointment 
from  the  crown.  He  had  an  only  son,  John,  the  father  of  President 
John,  and  several  daughters,  who  married  and  left  descendants. 

378  Marriages  and  Deaths.  ["Oct. 

Hon.  Jobn  Tyler  was  an  honorary  member  of  the  N.  E.  Historic- 
Genealogical  society.  In  his  letter  of  acceptance,  dated  Sherwood 
Forest,  Charles  City,  Ya.,  Dec.  19,  1859,  he  writes  that  his  father, 
"  whether  in  earnest  or  not,  I  can  not  say,  often  claimed  his  descent 
from  Wat  Tyler,  the  blacksmith  who  headed  the  great  rebellion  in 
the  time  of  Richard  the  second.  As  au  evidence  of  my  father's  sin- 
cerity in  the  matter,  he  named  his  eldest  son  (a  physician),  still 
alive,  after  the  blacksmith,  conjoining-  to  it  that  of  Henry,  as  the 
highest  compliment  he  could  pay  the  Virginia  patriot." 

Van  Buren— Hon.  Martin,  LL.  D.,  at  Kinderhook,  N.  Y.,  July  24,  ee. 
80.  He  was  b.  at  Kinderhook,  N.  Y.,  Dec.  5,  1182,  and  received  an 
ordinary  education  at  the  common  school  and  academy  of  his  native 
village.  In  1796,  he  left  the  academy,  and  began  the  study  of  the 
law  in  the  office  of  Francis  Sylvester,  a  respectable  lawyer  of  Kin- 
derhook. While  a  student,  he  was  an  active  politician,  and  in  the 
fall  of  1800,  being  less  than  eighteen  years  old,  he  represented  the 
Republicans  of  his  native  town  in  the  congressional  convention  for 
the  district.  He  spent  a  part  of  1802  and  1803  in  New  York  study- 
ing his  profession,  and  in  Nov.  1803,  was  admitted  to  the  bar,  but 
continued  to  take  an  active  part  in  politics.  The  first  office  he  held 
was  that  of  surrogate  of  Columbia  county,  to  which  he  was  appoint- 
ed in  1808  by  Gov.  Tompkins.  In  the  spring  of  1812,  he  was  nomi- 
nated as  state  senator  and  was  elected  by  a  small  majority  over  his 
opponent  Edward  P.  Livingston.  He  took  his  seat  at  the  extra  ses- 
sion in  November  following,  and  at  once  assumed  a  prominent  posi- 
tion. He  continued  in  that  body  till  1820,  haviug  been  during  that 
period  a  zealous  supporter  of  the  war  and  the  canal  project.  A  por- 
tion of  the  time  he  held  the  office  of  attorney-general.  He  was  a 
member  of  the  constitutional  convention  of  the  state  of  New  York 
in  1821,  and  in  February  of  that  year  was  elected  to  the  United 
States  senate,  and  was  reelected  in  1821.  In  1828  he  was  chosen 
governor,  and  entered  on  the  discharge  of  his  duties  in  January  fol- 
lowing; but  he  did  not  hold  the  office  long,  as  Gen.  Jackson  offered 
him  a  seat  in  his  cabinet  as  secretary  of  state,  which  position  he 
accepted.  In  April,  1831,  he  resigned  his  position  and  was  appointed 
minister  to  England,  and  entered  on  the  duties  of  the  office.  On  the 
assembling  of  congress  the  next  winter  his  nomination  was  rejected 
by  the  casting  vote  of  John  C.  Calhoun,  the  vice-president,  a  political 
rival.  In  1832  he  was  nominated  for  vice-president  on  the  ticket 
with  President  Jackson,  was  elected  by  a  large  majority  and  held  the 
office  four  years  from  March  4,  1833.  In  1836,  he  was  nominated  by 
the  democratic  or  Jackson  party  for  president  and  was  elected.  He 
was  inaugurated  March  4,  1837,  and  served  his  full  term  of  four 
years.  During  his  administration  the  independent  treasury  was 
established.  Some  trouble  with  England  also  occurred  relative 
to  the  "  patriot"  war  in  Canada,  but  it  was  amicably  settled.  He 
was  renominated  by  his  party  for  president,  in  1840,  but  was  defeat- 
ed by  Gen.  Harrison,  the  whig-  candidate.  Since  the  close  of  his 
presidential  term,  March  4,  1841,  he  has,  except  during  a  visit  to 
Europe  several  years  ago,  lived  in  retirement  at  Kinderhook,  the 
place  of  his  birth,  on  an  estate  to  which  he  gave  the  name  of  Lin- 

1862.]  Marriages  and  Deaths.  379 

denwald.  In  1348,  be  was  nominated  for  president  by  the  newly 
formed  free-soil  party,  and  aceepted  the  nomination.  He  did  not  receive 
a  single  electoral  vote,  nor  did  he  probably  expect  it,  However,  of 
a  popular  vote  of  nearly  three  millions  he  received  over  one-tenth. 
He  died  at  Lindenwald,  Thursday  morning,  at  2  o'clock,  his  last  words 
being1:  "  There  is  but  one  reliance. n  His  funeral  took  place  on  Mon- 
day July  28,  at  the  Dutch  Reformed  Church -at  Kinderhook.  His  sons 
John,  Abraham  and  Smith  were  present.  He  was  buried  by  the  side 
of  his  wife  Hannah  Hoes,  to  whom  he  was  married  Feb.,  180T,  and 
who  died  Feb.  5,  1819,  aged  36. 

Wheeler — Rev.  John,  D.  D.,  Burlington,  Yt.,  April  16,  a.  64  yrs.  1 
mo.  5  ds.  He  was  a  son  of  John  Brooks  and  Hannah  (Hills)  Wheeler, 
and  was  born  in  Grafton,  Vt.,  March  11,  1798.  At  the  age  of  6  years 
be  removed  with  his  parents  to  Orford,  N.  H.,  which  was  from  thence 
the  family  residence.  He  grad.  D.  C.  1816;  at  Andover,  1819;  and 
received  license  from  the  Haverhill  Association  at  Boxford,  Mass,, 
Aug.  4,  1819.  He  was  ord.  pastor  of  the  Congregational  Church, 
Windsor,  Vt.,  Nov.  1,  1821;  was  chosen  president  of  the  University 
of  Vermont  in  1824,  but  did  not  accept.  Rev.  Willard  Preston  of 
Burlington,  was  elected,  and  became  the  third  president  of  that  in- 
stitution. Dr.  Preston  resigned  and  removed  into  one  of  the  southern 
states,  and  was  succeeded  by  Rev.  James  Marsh,  in  Oct.  1826.  On 
the  resignation  of  Pres.  Marsh,  Dr.  Wheeler  was  appointed  to  pre- 
side over  the  University.  He  was  dismissed  from  his  pastorate  at 
Windsor,  Oct.  16,  1833,  and  in  Nov.  entered  upon  the  duties  of  the 
presidency.  In  Aug.  1848,  he  resigned,  and  in  June,  1849,  Rev. 
Worthington  Smith,  D.  D.,  of  St.  Albans,  Vt.,  was  appointed  to  the 

Among  Dr.  Wheeler's  publications  are  discourses  on  occasion  of 
the  death  of  Pres.  Harrison,  Hon.  John  Smith,  Rev.  James  Marsh; 
and  an  historical  discourse  at  the  semi-centennial  anniversary  of  the 
University  of  Vermont,  Aug.  1,  1854.  He  was  elected  in  Feb.,  1855, 
vice-president  of  the  N.  E.  Hist.-Gen.  Society  for  Vermont,  and  ac- 
cepted, March  7,  being  at  that  time  on  a  temporary  visit  for  his 
health  at  St.  Augustine,  Florida. 

Widdifield — Daniel  Brown,  at  Boston,  May  18,  a.  nearly  62.  He 
was  born  at  Boston,  May  26,  1800,  and  began  his  apprenticeship  with 
Thomas  Pons,  optician,  after  whose  death  he  completed  it  with  John 
Peirce.  At  his  majority  he  commenced  business  in  his  native  city  and 
gained  the  reputation  of  an  expert  artiste  in  his  profession.  He  m.  in 
1825,  Harriet  Hansell  of  Boston,  by  whom  he  had  six  children,  three 
sons  and  three  daughters,  all  of  whom,  except  one  son,  with  their 
mother  survive.  Mr.  Widdifield  was  a  gentleman  of  most  genial 
and  kind  feelings.  His  moral  character  was  without  a  blemish,  and 
we  think  we  may  safely  say  he  had  not  an  enemy  on  earth. 

Williams — Hon.  Reuel,  at  Augusta,  Me.,  July  24,  a.  79.  He  was 
b.  at  Augusta,  June  2,  1783.  After  receiving  an  education  he  en- 
tered the  profession  of  the  law,  and  early  acquired  a  high  standing. 
For  many  years  he  held  a  conspicuous  position  and  acquired  a  wide 
influence  in  his  native  state.     It  was  chiefly  through  his  exertions 

380  Marriages  and  Deaths.  [Oct. 

that  Augusta  was  made  the  capital  of  Maine.  He  was  an  U.  S. 
senator  from  Maine,  1S37-1S43.  Bowdoin  College  in  1855,  conferred 
on  him  the  degree  of  LL.  D.  His  late  years  were  passed  in  quiet,  sur- 
rounded by  all  the  comforts  which  wealth  and  a  wide  circle  of  friends 
could  afford.     He  was  a  member  of  the  Maine  Historical  Society. 

Wtmax — Col.  Powell  Tremlett,  fell  at  the  battle  of  Glendale,  June 
30,  1862,  aged  34.  He  was  the  son  of  Oliver  C.  Wyman  of  Boston,  a 
writer  to  whom  Kettell  gives  a  place  in  his  Specimens  of  American 
Poetry.  Col.  Wyman  was  b.  in  Franklin  Place,  Boston,  January  29, 
182S.  He  entered  the  U.  S.  Military  Academy  at  West  Point  in  1846, 
and  graduated  in  1850,  the  fifth  in  his  class.  He  was  brvt.  2d 
lieutenant  of  Artillery,  1st  July,  1850,  and  continued  in  the  service 
till  about  two  years  ago  when  he  resigned  and  went  to  Europe.  On 
the  breaking  out  of  the  rebellion  last  year  he  returned  and  offered 
his  services  to  Gov.  Andrew  who  appointed  him  Colonel  of  the  16th 
Massachusetts  volunteers.  During  his  command  he  showed  himself 
a  brave  man,  a  thorough  soldier,  and  an  accomplished  and  efficient 
officer.  He  was  killed  by  a  minie  ball,  which  having  been  blunted 
by  hitting  some  other  object,  penetrated  his  breast  near  the  heart 
about  an  inch  and  a  half,  tapping  the  main  artery.  The  body  was 
carried  several  miles  from  the  field  and  buried  on  Haxall's  plantation. 
It  was  afterwards  taken  up  and  brought  to  Boston,  where  his  funeral 
took  place  on  Tuesday  July  22,  from  the  State  House.  The  governor 
and  other  officials  were  present,  as  was  also  quite  a  large  delegation 
of  masons,  including  many  prominent  members  of  the  order.  His 
remains  were  interred  in  Mount  Auburn.  The  funeral  solemnities 
were  of  an  imposing  character. 

Col.  Wyman  was  descended  from  Francis  Wyman  of  Woburn,  the 
early  generations  of  whose  descendants  are  given  in  the  Register 
(ante,  in,  33-38).  A  member  of  the  society,  who  has  an  extensive 
genealogy  of  this  family  in  preparation,  furnishes  us  with  the  fol- 
lowing pedigree:  Francis1  (1617-99)  and  Abigail  (Read)  Wyman  of 
Woburn,  were  parents  of  Samuel-  Wyman,  b.  Nov.  29,  1667,  ra.  1692 
Rebecca,  dau.  of  Matthew  Johnson,  both  of  Woburn.  He  d.  May 
17,  1725.  He  had  10  ch.  of  whom  Samuels  b.  March  18,  1700,  m.  July 
8,  1730,  Mary  dau.  of  Lieut.  Eben  Pierce.  He  d.  Dec.  23,  1767.  He 
had  6  ch.  of  whom  Samuel4  b.  June  13,  1731,  res.  in  Concord  and 
Cambridge,  m.  1st  Hannah  Clark  of  Roxbury,  Nov.  23,  1756,  who  d. 
Feb.  3,  1757,  a.  26  (gravestone  in  Lincoln).  He  died  after  1763.  He 
had  4  ch.  of  whom  Oliver  Cromwell3  bap.  Nov.  24, 1771,  in  Burlington, 
res.  in  Boston,  was  a  merchant  and  broker,  m.  ab.  Jan.,  1798,  in 
Eutland,  Vt.,  Nabby  Hind  Reed  (see  Reed  Genealogy)  who  d.  at  Na- 
hant,  Jan.  3,  1851,  a.  72.  He  d.  Jan.  17,  1830,  a.  58.  He  had  6 
ch.  of  whom  Oliver  Cromwell,6  his  elder  son  res.  in  Boston,  was  for- 
merly lessee  of  the  New  Drury  (Boston)  Theatre,  is  now  in  the  U. 
S.  Appraiser's  office,  m.  Helen  Dickson  Powell,  dau.  of  Snelling 
Powell,  Esq.,  of  Boston,  a  comedian  of  much  merit,  afterwards 
a  merchant  in  Cornhill,  Boston.  They  were  parents  of  Charles 
Whitney,"  d.  1829,  Col.  Powell  T.,7  d.  as  above,  James  Dickson,7  Eliza- 
beth,7 Mary  Isabella"  m.  Win.  Babson  of  Gloucester,  Margaret  G.7  and 
Helen  R.7 

1862.]  Notes  and  Queries.  381 


William  Henry  Whitmore,  Esq. — Our  readers  will  be  pleased  to 
learn  that  this  gentleman — who  was  for  several  years  on  the  pub- 
lishing' committee  of  the  N.  E.  Hist.-Gen.  Society,  and  was  one  of  the 
editors  of  the  Register,  for  the  years  1859  and  1860 — is  expected  to 
return  to  this  country  the  present  month.  He  left  Boston  in  the 
beginning:  of  1861,  for  Port  Louis,  Mauritius,  with  the  intention  of 
spending  a  year  or  two  abroad.  From  Port  Louis,  he  sent  home  for 
publication  his  Handbook  of  American  Genealogy,  a  large  portion  of 
which  was  composed  on  his  voyage  from  Boston  to  that  port.  A 
small  edition  for  subscribers  was  issued  by  Mr.  Munsell  the  present 
year  (ante,  p.  198).  This  book  of  272  pages  may  perhaps  be  con- 
sidered an  expansion  of  an  article  on  American  Genealogies,  written 
by  Mr.  Whitmore,  and  published  in  thq,  North  American  Review  for 
April,  1856.  We  believe  this  was  the  first  article  in  that  periodi- 
cal on  the  subject  of  Genealogy — a  subject  that  for  the  last  ten  years 
at  least,  has  interested  the  American  community  in  a  remarkable 
degree.  Mr.  Whitmore  has  also  contributed  to  the  North  American 
articles  on  the  Life  and  Labors  of  Thomas  Prince,  October,  1860,  and 
Jane  TureU,  July,  1861. 

Washington's  "Visit  to  New  England,  1789. — In  the  Dio.ry  of  Wash- 
ington, October  1,  1789  to  March  10,  1790,  privately  printed  at  New 
York  in  1S58  (ante,  xm,  177),  Col.  Hale  is  mentioned  on  page  28,  as  aid 
to  Gen.  John  Brooks.  A  correspondent  of  the  Boston  Transcript,  July 
26,  1862,  who  signs  himself  C,  calls  attention  to  the  error  in  this 
name,  which  should  read  Hall.  "  The  late  Judge  Joseph  Hall,"  the 
writer  adds,  "  and  his  cousin,  the  late  Col.  Fitch  Hall,  were  the  aids  of 
Gen.  John  Brooks,  when  Washington  visited  New  England.  The 
former  was  despatched  to  Worcester,  being  the  person  alluded  to; 
and  the  latter  stated  to  the  writer  that  he  (then  being  quite  a  young 
man),  was  struck  with  awe  when  he  went  to  Washington's  head- 
quarters, now  occupied  by  Prof.  Longfellow,  and  after  being  ushered 
into  his  presence,  asked  at  what  time  it  would  be  his  pleasure  to 
pass  the  troops  in  review.  Washington,  taking  him  by  the  hand, 
replied,  in  five  minutes.  The  aid  mounted  and  ran  his  horse  at  full 
speed  to  Cambridge  common,  and  the  troops  were  barely  in  line, 
before  Washington,  with  his  suite,  appeared,  having  kept  his  word, 
and  evidencing  the  promptness  which  characterized  all  his  move- 
ments." The  late  Gen.  William  H.  Sumner  in  his  Reminiscenses  of 
Gen.  Washington's  Visit  (ante,  xiv,  162),  gives  the  name,  Hall. 
Gen.  Sumner  was  afterwards  intimately  acquainted  with  Col.  Fitch 
Hall,  and  derived  some  of  the  facts  in  his  article  from  him. 

Naming  of  Towns  in  Massachusetts. — I  have  somewhere  seen  it 
stated  that  it  was  a  practice  of  the  General  Court  of  the  Province  of 
Massachusetts  Bay,  previous  to  the  Revolution,  out  of  courtesy  to 
the  governor,  to  send  bills  for  the  incorporation  of  towns  to  him  with 
the  names  left  blank.  Tin's  gave  him  an  opportunity  to  compliment 
his  friends  by  filling  the  blanks  with  their  names  when  he  signed  the 
bills.     Is  there  any  authority  for  this  statement?  D. 

382  JV:  E.  Hisl-Gen.  Society.  [Oct. 


Monthly  Meetings — 1862. 

Boston,  July  2,  1862. — A  stated  meeting  was  held  this  afternoon  at 
13  Bromfield  street,  Boston,  the  president,  Winslow  Lewis,  M.  D., 
in  the  chair. 

John  H.  Sheppard,  Esq.,  the  librarian,  reported  that  since  the  pre- 
vious meeting  13  bound  volumes  and  16  pamphlets,  addresses,  &c, 
had  been  donated  to  the  Society. 

Rev.  Caleb  Davis  Bradlee,  the  corresponding  secretary,  reported 
that  letters  had  been  received  from  Rev.  Dorus  Clarke  of  Waltham, 
and  Samuel  P.  Fowler,  Esq.,  of  Danversport,  accepting  the  resident 
membership  to  which  they  had  been  elected. 

David  Pulsifer,  Esq.,  delivered  a  very  able  and  interesting  address 
on  the  Life  and  Character  of  Sir  Henry  Vane,  the  two  hundreth  an- 
niversary of  whose  execution  fell  on  the  24th  of  the  preceding 
month  (June),  and  since  the  last  meeting  of  the  society. 

Mr.  Pulsifer  gave  a  full  account  of  the  most  important  transactions 
in  which  Sir  Henry  was  engaged  from  his  early  days  to  the  time  of 
his  death.  Born  in  1612,  and  according  to  Winthrop,  a  young  gen- 
tleman of  excellent  parts,  who  had  been  employed  by  his  father, 
while  he  was  ambassador,  in  foreign  affairs,  "  he  being  called  to  the 
obedience  of  the  gospel  forsook  the  honors  and  preferments  of  the 
Court  to  enjoy  the  ordinances  of  Christ  in  their  purity  here"  in  New- 
England.  He  arrived  at  Boston  in  October,  1635,  and  at  the  next 
election,  May  25,  1636,  was  chosen  governor,  but  failed  of  a  reelec- 
tion owing  to  his  support  of  Mrs.  Hutchinson's  religious  opinions. 

After  his  return  to  England,  August,  1637,  he  was  a  member  of 
the  Long  Parliment,  which  commenced  its  session  Nov.  3,  1640;  and 
in  1644,  a  complaint  being  made  against  Massachusetts  on  account  of 
a  judgment  given  against  Alderman  Berkley  of  London,  at  the  suit  of 
the  Lady  La  Tour  for  £2000  sterling,  and  they  being  "  threatened 
with  the  loss  of  their  privileges,  Sir  Henry  Vane  appeared  their  friend 
and  by  his  great  interest  with  the  Parliment,  appeased  their  resent- 
ment and  laid  the  storm  which  was  gathering  and  hung  over  them." 

Upon  the  dissolution  of  Parliment  by  Cromwell  in  1653,  he  retired 
from  public  life.  In  1655,  he  published  a  quarto  volume  entitled  the 
Retired  Man's  Meditations.  The  next  year  he  published  A  Healing 
Question,  for  which  Cromwell  sent  him  a  prisoner  to  Carisbrook 
Castle  in  the  Isle  of  Wight,  where  he  remained  four  months. 

He  was  also  a  prisoner  after  the  restoration  of  the  monarchy,  for 
nearly  two  years  till  the  time  of  his  death.  During  this  imprison- 
ment he  wrote  several  works  which  were  printed  after  his  decease, 
in  the  year  1662. 

On  Monday,  June  2  (0.  St.),  1662,  at  the  Court  of  King's  Bench, 
he  was  arraigned;  on  Friday,  June  6,  he  was  tried  by  a  jury,  who 
in  half  an  hour  returned  a  verdict  of  guilty  of  high  treason;  on 
Wednesday,  June  11,  he  was  sentenced  to  be  executed,  and  Satur- 
day, June  14,  0.  S.  (24,  N.  S.),  he  was  beheaded  on  Tower  Hill.   The 

1862.]  Jf.  E.  HisL-Gen.  Society.  333 

treatment  that  he  met  with  at  his  trial  and  execution,  Mr.  Pulsifer 

considered  disgraceful  to  the  judges  and  officers  concerned.  He  was 
a  true  patriot,  a  friend  of  his  country  and  a  firm  supporter  of  the 
liberties  of  the  people. 

Rev.  F.  W.  Holland  next  read  a  short  paper  entitled  "  Shakspeare's 
Caricature  of  Richard  III,"  presenting  the  view  of  Richard  III  as 
given  in  Shakspeare,  and  now  established  in  the  common  faith  of  the 
world,  as  a  mere  caricature,  intended  by  the  poet  to  honor  Elizabeth 
by  justifying  her  grandsire's  usurpation — contradicted  by  all  pro- 
babilities of  the  case,  by  contemporary  chronicles  and  by  the  nature 
of  the  human  mind.  Not  improbably  the  ballad  of  the  Babes  in  the 
Wood  was  circulated  by  the  Duke  of  Buckingham  to  excuse  his  per- 
fidy to  a  monarch  who  had  loaded  him  down  with  benefits.  The  fact 
that  Henry  VII  could  present  no  proof  of  the  murder  of  the  princes 
when  a  pretender  to  the  throne  appeared  and  started  a  revolt,  throws 
doubt  upon  the  worst  charge  against  the  last  royal  Plantagenet. 

August  6. — A  stated  meeting  was  held  this  day,  the  president,  Wins- 
low  Lewis,  M.I).,  in  the  chair.  John  H.  Sheppard,  Esq.,  the  librarian, 
reported  that  since  the  previous  meeting  there  had  been  donated  to 
the  society  eleven  bound  volumes,  thirty-seven  pamphlets  and  four 

Rev.  Caleb  Davis  Bradlee,  the  corresponding  secretary,  reported 
that  he  had  received  a  letter  from  Rev.  Henry  M,  Dexter,  accepting 
the  resident  membership  to  which  he  had   been  elected. 

Hon.  Timothy  Farrar,  formerly  vice-president  of  the  society,  read 
a  very  able  paper  on  the  absolute  condition  of  the  relations  of  the 
United  States  and  the  several  states  as  they  exist  under  the  present 

Rev.  Caleb  Davis  Bradlee  read  a  brief  paper  prepared  for  the  soci- 
ety by  John  Gilraary  Shea,  Esq.,  of  New  York,  on  David  McLane 
alias  Lane,  a  native  of  Attleboro',  Mass.,  who  was  executed  for  high 
treason  at  Quebec  in  1797.  This  paper  is  printed  in  the  present  num- 
ber of  the  Register,  pp.  321-3. 

Drafting  Eighty-three  Years  Ago. — Below  we  print  a  copy  of  a 
receipt  which  has  been  furnished  us  for  that  purpose  by  Mr.  Colburn. 
Nathaniel  Appleton,  Esq.,  to  whom  it  was  given,  was  a  son  of  Rev. 
Nathauiel  Appleton  of  Cambridge,  Mass.  He  was  born  in  1731,  was 
a  merchant  of  Boston  and  a  zealous  patriot  during  the  Revolutionary 
struggle.  He  was  Commissioner  of  Loans  during  the  Revolution; 
but  at  what  time  he  was  appointed  we  have  not  ascertained.  Per- 
haps some  of  our  readers  can  inform  us.  We  have  the  impression 
that  he  held  the  office  at  the  date  of  the  receipt.  If  so.  it  would  seem 
that  his  office  did  not  exempt  him  from  a  draft.     He  died  in  1798. 

Boston  Octob-r  14th  1779 

Received  of  Nath1  Appleton  Fifty  Pounds  L.  M°.  in  full  for  his  line 
being  drafted  to  serve  in  the  Continental  Army  for  three  months  by 
order  of  the  General  Court  Octobr  9th  current 

£50.  Israel  Loring,  CapT. 

N°.  10 

384  •  Current  Events.  [Oct. 


[Continued  from  page  301.] 


24.  The  boiler  in  the  forge  shop  of  Messrs.  Larell  &  Perkins  of 
Bridgewater,  Mass.,  explodes,  killing  eight  persons  and  wounding 
about  twenty  more. 

25.  Great  Masonic  celebration  at  Portland,  Me.  Over  2000 
masons,  in  their  regalia,  present. 

26.  The  great  battle  in  front  of  Richmond,  commences  by  an  attack 
on  McCall's  division  on  the  right  of  Gen.  McClelland  army  at  Me- 
chanicsville.     The  fighting  continues  from  2  until  9  o'clock,  p.  m. 

27.  The  contest  between  the  two  great  armies  goes  on  through 
the  day — with  great  slaughter  on  both  sides.  Gen.  Porter's  division 
is  hotly  engaged  and  retreats  across  the  Chickahominy.  It  is  called 
the  battle  of  Gaines'  Mills.  Gen.  John  Pope  is  appointed  to  the 
command  of  our  army  in  Virginia.  Gen.  John  C.  Fremont  resigns 
his  office  in  the  army  and  Brig.  Gen.  Rufus  King  is  appointed  in  his 
stead  as  commander  of  the  1st  army  corps  in  Virginia. 

28.  The  government  calls  for  300,000  more  men  to  carry  on  the 
war.  Battle  of  the  Chickahominy  in  which  the  artillery  of  Federal 
army  prevent  the  rebel  forces  from  crossing  the  river. 

29.  Battles  of  Peach  Orchard  and  Savage's  Station.  The  rebel 
forces  cross  the  Chickahominy. 

30.  Battle  of  White  Oak  Swamp.  Destruction  of  life  is  very  great. 
Our  arms  victorious,  yet  owing  to  the  superiority  of  the  enemy  in 
number,  we  continue  to  retreat. 


I.  Battle  of  Turkey  Bend.  Gen.  McClellan  succeeds  in  reaching 
James  river,  where  his  army — shattered  but  not  disorganized — is 
protected  by  the  gun  boats  Aristook,  Galena,  Monitor,  etc. 

3.  The  enemy  make  an  attack  on  our  lines,  and  are  driven  beyond 
White  Oak  Swamp.  Our  loss  in  the  recent  battles  in  front  of  Rich- 
mond in  killed,  wounded  and  missing  is  stated  at  15,224  men.  That 
of  the  enemy  is  supposed  to  be  much  greater. 

10.  Congress  adjourns.  Among  the  most  important  acts  of  the 
session  are  those  confiscating  the  property,  and  liberating  the  slaves 
of  men  found  in  rebellion  against  the  United  States. 

II.  Gen.  Henry  Wagner  Halleck  of  New  York,  is  appointed  Gen- 
eral-in-Chief of  the  Federal  land  forces  of  the  United  States. 

15.  The  crops  of  hay,  fruit  and  grain,  in  the  eastern  states  are 
very  promising. 

20.  Gold  is  at  a  premium  of  about  20  per  cent.  Postage  stamps 
now  constitute  the  circulating  medium. 

24.  Martin  Van  Buren,  ex-president  of  the  United  States,  dies  at 
Kinderhook,  aged  about  80.  The  powder  mills  at  Hazardville,  Ct., 
are  blown  up — 1.0  men  killed  and  40  tons  of  powder  destroyed. 


Book  Notices.  3S5 

27.  The  steamship  Golden  Oate  lost  by  fire  near  Manzanilla.  Of 
her  307  passengers  about  200  perished.  $1,400,000  in  gold  were 
also  lost. 

31.  The  rebels  bombard  the  camp  of  Gen.  McClellan's  army  from 
the  shore  opposite  Harrison's  Landing,  on  the  James  river. 

1.  A  noble  spirit   of  lo3Talty  and  enthusiasm   frequently  prevails 
through  the   northern  states,  and  war  meetings   are  held  in  all  our 
cities  and  villages. 

4.  The  government  calls  for  300,000  additional  men  to  carry  on 
the  war.     The  draft  is  for  nine  months  only. 

5.  The  states  are  rapidly  filling  up  their  respective  quotas  of  men 
by  voluntary  enlistment, 

6.  Battle  at  Baton  Rouge,  in  which  our  troops  were  successful. 
The  brave  Gen.  Williams  fell  while  cheering  on  his  men.  The  rebel 
ram  Arkansas  destroyed. 

8.  Geo.  G.  Hersey  is  executed  at  Dedham,  Mass.,  for  the  murder 
of  Miss  Betsey  Frances  Tirrell,  May  3d,  1860. 

9.  Battle  of  Cedar  Mountain,  near  Culpepper  co.,  Va.,  in  which 
Gen.  Banks's  division  of  about  7000  men  bravely  held  their  ground 
against  a  superior  force  under  Gen.  T.  J.  Jackson. 


The  Sutton-Dudleys  of  England,  and  the  Dudleys  of  Massachusetts  in 
JSTew  England.  From  the  Norman  Conquest  to  the  present  time, 
By  George  Adlakd.     New  York:     8vo.     pp.  160. 

One  of  the  principal  objects  of  the  work  is  declared  to  be  "  to  ascertain  whether 
the  Dudleys  of  Massachusetts  in  New  England  were  connected  with,  or  descended 
from  the  family  of  that  name  in  England,  some  of  whom  were  so  celebrated  during 
the  reigns  of  Henry  VII,  VIII,  Edward  and  Elizabeth.  The  author  states  that  during 
a  sojourn  in  England,  lie  had  an  opportunity,  and  full  permission  to  examine  all 
papers  and  records  at  the  Herald's  College,  the  British  Museum  and  the  State 
Paper  office  in  London,  and  he  appears  to  have  embraced  the  opportunity,  and  im- 
proved it  to  the  best  advantage,  and  has  given  a  connected  view  of  the  Sutton^ 
Dudleys  from  the  earliest  period.  Sutton  appears  to  have  been  the  original  name 
of  this,  one  of  the  oldest  families  in  England,  whose  ancestry  has  been  traced  to 
the  time  of  William  the  Conqueror.  Our  author  tells  us  that  "  the  first  among  those 
of  distinguished  note,  was  the  Sutton  who  was  created  Baron  Dudley  in  the  time 
of  Henry  VII,  and  who  thereupon  assumed  the  baronial  as  the  family  name,  and 
which  was  thereafter  continued  by  his  descendants."  From  the  first  Baron  Dudley 
(John  Sutton),  descended  several  branches  of  the  Dudleys  which  became  eminent, 
and  filled  distinguished  places.  Thomas  Dudley,  Governor  of  Massachusetts,  was 
the  sixth  generation  from  John  Sutton,  who  took  the  name  of  Dnftley.  This  descent 
is  through  Edmund,  Edward,  Thomas,  John  and  Roger  to  the  governor. 

The  book  also  contains  a  memoir  of  Governor  Thomas  Dudley  and  his  son, 
Governor  Joseph  Dudley,  together  with  a  genealogy  of  their  families.  \t  also  con- 
tains much  valuable  information,  relative  to  the  Dudleys  in  England  and  in  this 
country,  highly  valuable  to  the  genealogist  and  historian.  The  work  is  well  ar- 
ranged, and  its  mechanical  execution  is  excellent.  Mr.  Adiard  has  male  an 
important  contribution  to  the  stock  of  antiquarian  lore.  (=  We  cheerfully  recommend 
the  work  to  the  public.  H. 



Book  Notices. 


Local  Etymology ;  a  Derivative,  Dictionary  of  Geographical  Names.  By 
Richard  Stephen  Charnock,  F.  S.  A.  Loudon:  Houston  &  Wright, 
65  Paternoster  row.      1850.     Svo.     pp.  324. 

In  this  work,  the  author  tells  us  lie  has  confined  himself  principally  to  the  geo* 
graphical  names  which  are  of  most  interest  to  the  general  reader.  He  has  given  the 
etymology  of  about  three  thousand  of  these  names,  besides  furnishing  clues  to  many 
others.  The  places  here  given  are  found  in  every  quarter  of  the  globe,  while  numer- 
ous languages  are  laid  under  contribution  to  explain  their  origin  and  signification. 

The  author,  has  shown  learning,  industry  and  judgment  in  the  compilation  of 
tliis  hook,  and  we  shall  look  with  interest  for  the  other  works  announced  by  him 
as  in  preparation,  especially  his  Derivative  Dictionary  of  Personal  Names,  British 
and  Foreign,  Ancient  and  Modern,  which  we  hope  he  will  give  to  the  public  before 

Mr.  Charnock  does  not  appear  to  be  familiar  with  the  later1  American  works  on 
the  Indian  languages,  for  he  gives  The  Father  of  Waters,  as  the  meaning  of  Mis- 
sissippi, without  referring  to  its  more  probable  signification.  The  Great  River. 
We  think  it  more  likely  too,  that  Massachusetts  is  derived  from  the  Indian  words 
signifying  Many  Mountains,  than  that  it  is  corrupted  from  the  name  of  an  Indian 

Life  of  General  Nathaniel  Lyon.  By  A shbel  Woodward,  M.  D.  Hart- 
ford:    Published  by  Case,  Lockwood  &  Co.     1862.     pp.  360. 

Next  in  interest  and  influence  to  the  life  and  conduct  of  an  individual,  is  a  well  writ- 
ten biography.  The  opening  scenes  of  the  present  unrighteous  rebellion,  brought  pro- 
minently before  the  nation  one  of  the  purest  patriots  and  gallant  officers  of  our  army. 
The  patient  labor,  and  the  faithful  and  valuable  services  of  Lyon  in  Florida,  on  the 
Pacific  Coast,  and  in  Mexico,  brought  him  to  St.  Louis  in  the  command  of  the 
arsenal,  Here  the  rebellion  found  him  in  its  earliest  development.  His  prompt 
and  gallant  course  there,  and  his  brilliant  career  through.  Missouri,  have  gained  for 
him  an  imperishable  name. 

His  rapid  promotion  from  a  captain  to  a  general,  hardly  kept  pace  with  his  valu- 
able services  and  untiring  exertion  in  defence  of  his  country  and  her  institutions. 
It  was  well  for  the  country  that  we  had  such  an  exalted  patriot,  and  such  a  skillful 
soldier  in  the  field  at  that  critical  period;  and  his  fall,  while  it  exalted  his  character 
and  sealed  his  fame,  cast  a  sad  gloom  over  an  admiring  community. 

The  life  and  services  of  such  a  man  should  be  presented  to  the  people,  and  held 
up  for  the  imitation  of  the  rising  generation.  This  task  has  been  performed  by  Dr. 
Woodward,  in  the  volume  before  us.  And  next  to  the  services  of  the  gallant  Lyon, 
the  public  owe  a  debt  of  gratitude  to  his  faithful  biographer,  who  has  given  us  a 
well  digested  memoir  of  one  whom  the  people  delight  to  honor.  The  book  is  well 
written,  and  the  intelligent  reader  will  rise  from  its  perusal  with  an  increased  ad- 
miration for  the  character  of  the  illustrious  dead,  and  with  a  rejoicing  that  the  labor 
of  presenting  his  services  to  the  public,  has  been  performed  with  so  much  ability 
and  fidelity.  The  book  deserves  an  extensive  circulation,  and  should  be  read  by 
every  young  man  in  the  country.  H. 

Address  at  the  Inauguration  of  the.  Hatborough  Monument,  commemorating 
the  Battle  of  the  Crooked  Billet,  delivered  in  Lcller  Academy,  Decemher  5, 

1861.  By  Rev.  Jacob  Belyille.     Published  by  order  of  the  Monu- 
mental  Association.     Doylestown,  Pa  :     W.  W.  H.  Davis,  printer. 

1862.  8vo.     pp.  12. 

This  patriotic  address  is  devoted  to  the  present  as  well  as  the  past,  and  has  warn- 
ings and  counsel  for  the  future,  which  we  trust  his  hearers  and  readers  will  heed- 
An  appendix  of  four  pages  furnishes  an  account  of  the  proceedings  at  the  inaugura, 
tion.  Among  the  speakers  on  that  occasion  were  two  veterans  of  the  war  of  1812, 
Dr.  William  Darlington,  a  major,  and  Gen.  John  Davis,  a  captain  in  that  war.  Dr. 
Darlington,  who  is  in  his  eighty-first  year,  and  is  celebrated  for  his  scientific  and  his- 
torical attainments,  was  a  son-in-law  of  Gen.  John  Lacey,  the  commandant  of  the 
American  patriots  at  Crooked  Billet,  May  1,  177S. 


Book  Notices.  381 

The  Boston  Directory,  embracing  i/tc  City  Record,  a  General  Directory  of 
the  Citizens,  and  a  Business  Directory  for  the  year  commencing  July  1, 
1SG2.  Boston:  Adams,  Sampson  &  Co.  1SG2.  8vo.  pp.  552 
and  100. 

The  Boston  Almanac  for  the  year  1862.  No.  27.  Issued  by  George 
Coolidge.     Published  by  J.  E.  Tilton  &  Co.     24mo.     pp.340. 

The  Boston  Pocket  Business  Directory f  containing  the  navies  of  all  Business 
Men  in  the,  city  of  Boston  ;  each  branch  of  business  arranged  alphabeti- 
cally under  appropriate  heads,  with  a  complete  index  referring  to  every 
name.  Compiled  by  Dean  Dudley.  Boston:  Published  by  the 
Proprietor.     1S62.     18rno.     pp.  234. 

We  have  grouped  these  works  together,  for  the  purpose  of  giving  a  brief  history 
of  Boston  directories.  The  first  Directory  published  in  Boston,  was  that  of  1789, 
issued  by  Mr.  John  Norman,  in  an  ISnio.  of  56  pages,  containing  the  names  of 
1474  persons,  and  illustrated  by  a  plan  of  the  town.  The  names  in  this  Directory 
were  rearranged  in  a  "  perfect  alphabetical  order,"  by  Mr.  Nathaniel  Dearborn, 
and  printed  in  184S  in  his  Boston  Notions,  pp.  247-262.  The  whole  directory  was 
re-printed  by  Mr.  George  Adams  in  the  Appendix  to  his  Directory  for  the  year 
1852,  and  also  the  same  year  in  a  separate  form.  Mr.  Norman  announced  his  in- 
tention in  1789,  of  issuing  the  work  annually,  but  this  was  the  only  directory  he 
issued;  and  not  till  1796,  seven  years  after,  was  there  another  directory  printed. 
The  publisher  then  was  Mr.  John  West,  and  his  work  contained  3531  names, 
being  more  than  double  the  number  in  Mr.  Norman's.  Directories  were  published 
mostly  in  18mo.  form  by  Mr.  West  and  his  successors  in  the  years  1798,  1800,  3,  5,  6, 
7,  9, 10,  13, 15,  16  and  18,  after  which  they  were  issued  annually,  except  in  1824,  till 
1846  inclusive.  In  1846,  Mr.  George  Adams  issued  a  new  directory  in  octavo  form, 
to  which  he  added  a  Business  Directory,  on  the  plan  adopted  by  Mr.  Dickinson  in  the 
Boston  Almanac,  and  made  other  improvements.  Mr.  Adams,  who  has  published  the 
work  annually  since,  alone  or  with  partners,  has  been  indefatigable  in  his  efforts  to 
produce  a  first  class  Directory,  and  nearly  every  year's  issue  shows  an  improvement 
upon  its  predecessor.  The  Directory  for  1860  contained  upwards  of  60,000  names,  or 
more  than  forty  times  those  in  the  first  directory.  Since  then,  owing  to  the  war.  there 
has  been  a  decrease,  the  present  issue  containing  but  55,519  names.  The  reader 
will  find  some  interesting  statistics,  relative  to  the  various  Boston  directories  up  to 
1852,  in  the  Appendix  to  Adams's  Directory  for  that  year,  page  60.  The  preface  to 
this  year's  Directory  is  also  worth  perusing. 

The  Boston  Almanac  was  projected  by  the  late  Mr.  Samuel  N.  Dickinson,  an  en- 
terprising printer  of  Boston,  who  in  1836,  published  the  initial  number  in  a  thin 
ISrao.  of  eighty-four  pages.  Most  of  the  edition  was  issued  in  paper  covers  It  seems 
to  have  been  got  up  with  the  idea  of  securing  the  patronage  of  the  Fire  Department, 
then  a  very  influential  portion  of  the  community,  as  nearly  half  of  the  book, 
exclusive  of  the  calendar  pages  and  blanks  for  memoranda,  was  devoted  to  the 
Boston  Fire  Department,  giving  the  names  of  all  the  members,  and  a  record  of 
the  fires  during  the  preceding  year.  The  next  year  the  size  was  reduced  to  24mo. 
the  number  of  pages  was  increased  and  a  cloth  binding  was  given.  In  this  form  it 
has  been  issued  to  the  present  time,  though  it  has  been  from  year  to  year  increasing 
in  thickness.  In  1841  Mr.  Dickinson  added  a  list  of  the.  business  men  in  Boston, 
grouped  under  their  occupations,  which  were  arranged  alphabetically.  With  the 
exception  of  1843,  this  was  published  in  every  almanac  till  the  present  year,  when 
a  list  of  volunteers  in  the  United  States  service  from  l^ew  England  was  substituted. 
Many  articles,  and  series  of  articles  of  an  historical  character,  relative  to  the  churches 
and  other  buildings,  and  the  cemeteries  in  and  around  Boston,  have  also  appeared 
in  the  almanac.  An  index,  properly  prepared,  of  matters  of  permanent  interest  in 
the  volumes  from  the  commencement,  now  numbering  27,  would  reveal  a  mass  of 
valuable  information,  of  the  existence  of  which  few  are  aware.  We  would  advise 
the  publisher  to  add  it  to  some  future  volume. 

Mr.  Coolidge,  the  present  proprietor,  has  had  an  interest  in  the  almanac  since  the 
death  of  its  founder,  Dec.  16,  1848.  Twenty^seven  years  ago,  being  an  apprentice 
to  Mr.  Dickinson,  he  participated  in  the  labor  on  the  first  almanac. 

Mr.  Dudley's  Directory  is  a  new  work  intended  to  supply  the  vacuum  which  the 

3SS  Book  Notices.  [Oct. 

omission  of  a  Business  Directory  from  the  Boston  Almanac  created.  He  has  given 
in  a  portable  form  a  directory  like  those  found  there,  but  in  more  elegant  style;  and 
by  adding  indexes,  lie  enables  us  to  find  any  person  in  business,  and  to  ascertain 
the  members  of  the  various  business  firms.  He  has  also  prefixed  a  brief  history  of 
the  city,  given  some  valuable  statistical  information  relative  to  the  city  and  country, 
and  added  other  improvements.  The  work  promises  well,  and  Mr.  Dudley's  energy 
and  industry  will  no  doubt  cause  it  to  succeed. 

Ralph  Earle  and  his  Descendants.  Compiled  by  Pliny  Earle,  M.  D.  of 
Leicester,  Mass.     I860. 

This  is  a  large  tabular  pedigree  on  a  sheet  three  feet,. three  inches  wide,  and 
four  feet,  eight  inches  long.  It  is  arranged  on  very  nearly  the  plan  of  the  pedigrees 
prepared  and  published  by  Mr.  Newman  of  Pawtucket,  R.  I.  The  whole  number 
of  Ralph  Earle's  descendants  given  is  1714,  wives  of  descendants  386,  husbands  of 
descendants  341.  The  aggregate  of  names  is  2441.  The  work  appears  to  have  been 
very  thoroughly  done. 

Genealogy  of  the  Descendants  of  Several  Ancient  Puritans.  "Vol.  II. 
By  Rev.  Abxer  Morse,  A.  M.,  Memb.  of  N.  Eng.  Hist.-Gen.  Soc. 
Boston:     Press  of  H.  W.  DuttOD  k  Son,     1859.     8vo.     pp.  238. 

On  its  first  issue  in  1859,  this  volume  contained  only  the  Brigham  genealogy, 
making  94  pages.  We  then  gave  a  brief  notice  of  the  work  {ante,  xiv,  3(8).  In 
August  last  the  volume  in  its  complete  form  was  issued,  containing  of  additional 
matter,  a  supplement  to  the  Brighams,  pp.  95-110;  the  Hapgood  family,  pp.  111- 
142;  the  Pettee  family,  pp.  143-164;  the  Hewins  family,  pp.  165-184;  and  the 
Willis  family,  pp.  185-238.  Nine  portraits  and  two  coats  of  arms  are  given.  We 
hope  the  latter  will  not  mislead  any  of  the  name  who  wish  to  trace  their  English 
ancestry.  Among  the  portraits  are  those  of  Hon.  William  Willis,  author  of  the 
History  of  Portland,  a  sketch  of  whose  life  by  John  H.  Sheppard,  Esq.,  is  given, 
pp.  202-204 ;  of  Nathaniel  Willis,  Esq.,  the  founder  and  former  editor  of  the 
Boston  Recorder,  and  his  son  Nathaniel  Parker  Willis,  Esq.,  celebrated  as  a  poet 
and  prose  writer.     Of  the  father  a  sketch  is  given,  pp.  213-216. 

Mr.  Morse  has  laid  the  community  under  great  obligations  by  his  genealogical 
publications.  His  zeal  and  industry  in  these  pursuits  are  truly  remarkable.  Of  the 
present  work,  the  first  volume  was  published  in  1857,  and  the  third  in  1860.  He 
is  also  the  author  of  an  extensive  genealogy  of  the  Morse  families  of  America,  and 
briefer  accounts  oi  the  Litchfield  and  Sanger  families.  We  understand  that  he  thinks 
of  preparing  a  fourth  volume  of  the  Ancient  Puritans  to  contain  the  Cutler  and 
some  other  families,  though  he  has  not  fully  determined  to  do  so. 


Page  166,  line  16,  for  Barrett,  Rev.  John,  read  Barrett,  Rev.  Samuel.  See  Beg., 
xm,  p.  308. 

Page  189,  line  7  from  bottom,  after  March  21,  insert  1861. 

Page  225,  first  line  under  the  head  of  Information  Wauted,/or  1755,  read  1745. 

Page  290,  line  2,  dele  Rev. 

The  foot  note  §  on  the  same  page  should  be  transferred  to  the  next  page,  291. 
It  refers  to  William  B.  Towne,  Esq,,  on  the  latter  page. 

Page  274,  note  *  1.  3,  for  Sarah  (Coleman),  read  Rebecca  (Folger).  [Sarah  (Cole- 
man) Folger  was  my  grandmother,  wife  of  my  grandfather,  George5  Folger.  My 
mother  Rebecca  (Folger)  Folger  was  dau.  of  Waiter3  Folger,  sen.,  and  sister  of  Hon. 
Walter6  Folger  mentioned  in  the  same  note.  W.  C.  F.J 

Page  276,  line  40,  for  wid.  read  wife. 

Page  277,  lines  8  and  9, /or  His  w.  d,  July  7,  1809,  read  Susanna,  his  widow,  died 
Jan.  29,  1827. 

Page  287,  line  26,  for  Frances,  read  Francis. 

Page  291,  line  2.  dele  Hon. 

Page  291,  line  31,  for  Brodlee,  read  Bradlee. 

Page  364,  last  line,  for  *  readf  [George  D.  Hodges  died  in  the  United  States 
service,  and  was  not  a  member  of  the  Hist.  Gen.  Soc] 

Vol.  xv,  p.  334,  footnote,  last  line,  for  the  preceding  week,  June  22,  read  June  1. 


Abbe,  302 

Abbott,  34,  3G,  ITS,  187. 
213-215,  364 

Abercrornbie,  220  j 

Abraham,  34 

Adam?,  13,  18,  27,  31,  40, 
42,47,  60,  62,77,55,86, 
91,  146,  166,  170,  105, 
216,  2.5-3,  260,  313,  3i7, 
319,  340.  359, 357 

Add-on,  375 

Adei,  321,  322 

Adgate,  251 

Adlard,  385 

Aery,  317 

Ainsworth,  43 

Albert  (Prince),  175 

Albro,  195 

Alcock,  57,  53,  163,  200, 

Alden,  40,  87,  193,  195,' 
202,  251,  310 

Alderton,  347 

A  Id  rich,  273 

Alexander,  ISO 

Alford,  66,  67,  69 

Allen,  45,  47,  62,  64,  66- 
6S,  70,  85,  86,  SS,  97, 
104,137,  144,  145,  162,; 
175,  1S6,  226,  235,  304,: 
305,  316,  3 IS,  319,349, 
353,  355,  357-359,  365     j 

Alh»>,  141 

Alison,  77,  362 

Aimon,  297,  315.  316 

Arae?,  34,  255-257,  267 

Amev,  45 

Anderson,  143,  303 

Andre,  375 

Andrew,  97,  103,  215, 
302,  380 

Andrews,  145,  148,  175, 
213-215,  W9J 

Andros,  41,  86 

Andrus,  20,  247 

Angar,  299 

Anjou  (Duke  of)>  HO 

Annabie,  77 

Appleton,  1-12,  49,  58, 
65,  87,  88,  175,  200,206, 
287,  290,  295,  298,  3S3    I 

Apthorp.  200 

Arbin,  176  I 

Archdale,  171 


Armistead,  377 

Armsbee,  328 

Armstrong,  318 

Arnold,  34,  S5,  S6,  144 

Arthur,  271,  272,  275 

Arundel,  2 

Asbury.  189 

Ashley,  87,  107 

Asoinwall,  66,  67,  70        i 

Atherton,  77,  148,  149, < 
352, 355-359  | 

Atkhis,  62,  69.  71 

Barrows,  290 

Berny,  89 

Atkinson,  169,  163,  332 

Barry,  133,  303 

Berry,  86,  319,  330 

Atwater,  231 

Bars  tow,    65,    200, 


Best,  35 

At  wood,  S6 

285.  287,  289 

Beteman,  62 

Atitrustine,  304 

Bartholomew,    62, 


Bethune,  286.292 

Austin,  34,  35,39,77. 131, 


Betts,  251.253 

313,  327 

Barthrick.  145 

BeviHe,  107 

Auyour,  34 

Bartlett,  35,  86,  132, 


Bid;  ner,  86,  114 

Auver.  34 

Bartram.  362 

Kiddle,  7,  8 

Avenil.  214.  215 

Bartol,  96,  102 

Bi^elosv,  90,  99,  2'iC,  297, 

Avery,  305,  339 

Barton,  361 


Ay  era,  314 

Barverrick,  33 

Bill.  62,85,  144 

Avrauh,  251 

Base,  73,  144 

B:liine:s,34,  35,  77,7S,S5,- 

Ayres,  144 

Basset  t,  135 

102,  146 

Bate,  2-29 

Bingiey.  145 


Bate?,  77,  247,  333 

Sinney.  99,  290 

Babb,  319 

Batson.  2 

Birch,  78,  105,  ICo.   151, 

Babbage,  317 

Batte,  52,  53 

16  i,  162 

Bttlenston,  219 

Batten.  77 

Bird,   7S,   113,   149,   161, 

Babson,  3S0 

Baxter,  21.  50,  146,  ? 



Bacchus,  22 

Baylev.  145,217,218 


Birddin,  75 

Bache,  293 

3  IS,  320 

Bisco.  85 

Bachelor,  216 

Beadle,  135,  141 

Biecomb,  35 

Backus,  99,  376 

Beake,  229 

Bishop,  17.  68,  71,  S3,  223 

Back  worth.  So 

Beal,  177 

Bisner,  213 

Bacon,  34,  105,  287,  365 

Beaman,  157,  337 

Bitevia,  345 

Badeock,  77,341 

Bean,  311,  312 

Bixhy,  145,  213-215 

BaJ.ditier,  233 

Beaton.  3?>2 

Black,  273,  275,  3^3 

Badger,  34,  99,  232 

Beauregard,  299-301 

Bla-kfield,  145 

Bagley,  47 

Beck.  62 

Blackleacb,  29 

Bailey,  145,  1^0 

Becklev,  13.20,21 

Black  man,  73,  161 

Baker,  20.  31,  46.  53.  54, 

Beckwuli,  239,  241 

Blackstone,  313 


62,  77,  81,  63,  ^5,  83,  94,    Beekwnnh,  21' 

146,  148,  149,  153.  186;  Bedwell,  45 

190,213,  214,  275,  291,    Reech,  216 

339  ;  Beedle,  144 

Balch,  135,  215.  305  Beers,  35,  129,  216 

Baldwin,  90,362,  363,369   Belcher,  16,  35,  52,67,  77 
Balfour,  191 
Ball,  34,  87,  216 
Ballantine,  62 
Ballou,  190,  191 
Baimame,  375 
Balston,  63,  71,  85 
Bancroft,  74 
Bangs,  317 

Banks,  197,  300,  303,  335  Btllmzhara,  73, 
Bannister,  68  i  Belville,  3>6 

Banrly,  231  !  Beman,  77,  178,  3-54 

Barage,  S6  :  Beruas,  35,  145 

Barber,  30,  33,  77,  35,99,!  Bement.  19 

I  Blagden,  98,  195 
Blague.  62 
Biair,  360-362 
|  Bhusdeil.89 
i  Eiake,  50,  77.  73,  SI,  86, 
i      S3,    148-150,    177,    183, 
144,  147,  14s,  23/  '      2>4,  287,  292,  313,  319 

|  Belden,  IS,  141  |  Blanc,  220 

'  B'eldiDtr,  22.  135, 137,  139,;  Bland,  115 
|      141.  265,  266  Blautaine,  159 

!  Belknap,   Mi,     104.    135,' B  latch  lev,  2i5 
j      311,  343-350  B)et!ker,"303 

i  Bell,  29,  30,  175,  200,287,'  Blennerh^set,  1S3 
327,  362  I  BliKhe,  163 

""    133,  230  Ein.  18-21 

B!i*s,  99,  195,290,  291 


B3rbour,  317 
Barker;  146,233,244,272 

Barlow,  ill 
Barnard,  .34,  47,  62,  144 

216,   2-26,  236,  270-272 

274-277,  362 
Barnes,  21,  37 
Barney,  25 
Barnott.  56 
Barr,  14  S 
Earrett    3,  136. 

330,  333 
Barrot,  34 
Barrow,  34 

Blood, 41 
B'cora,  -247 
Eloomneld,  303 
Bendall,  231,  335,  335       \  Blott,  134 
Benedict,   199,  243,  251,]  Blunston,  362 

369  I  Blunt,  176 

Benjamin,  21  I  Bobtt,325 

Bermer,  362  |  Bodge,  35 

Bennett,  62,  86,  144,  317,   Boerum.99 

35-1,  355,  357-35r 
Bermmg,  63 
Bens<>n,  63 
Bent,  359 

!  Bently,  73 

!  Benton,   13,  39,  99,  268 
115,  165,       297 

BerkenhoQt,  111 
!  Berkley,  5V2 
I  Bernard,  215 

olinbroke,  125,  126 
j  Boiles,  96,  176 
|  Bolmar.  302 
•  Bonaparte,  307 
'  Bond,'  63,  96,  98,  133, 198, 
1      206,  337 
j  Boosy,  234 
'■  Booth.  99 
!  Bordruan,  139.264 
I  Borman.  213-215 


Index  of  Names. 

Borrows,  35, 130  | 

Borworth,  145 
Bosworth,  44,  318,  359     j 
Botfield,  104 
Bottom,  320 
Bouciiiur,  335 
Boulton,  78 
Bouquet,  362 
Bouton,  231 
Bowden,  229-331 
Bowen,  vl,  63,  313 
Bowers,  35 
Bowker,  78 
Bowles,  35,  1G5 
Bowman,  192,  216 
Boyce,  47 
Boyd.  362 
Boydell,  66 
Boyden,  76 
Bover,  334 
Boyles,  260 
Boylstou,  35,  37,  66,  69 
Bovnton,  14  5,  216 
Brackett,   162,   317,  320,  j 

Bracy,  21 
Bradbury,  318,319 
Bradfield,  18 
Bradford,  15, 93, 102, 334J 

347,  362 
B  radish,  35,  37 
Bradleo,  S3,  188,200,284. 

285,  283^-291,  314,  368, 

382,  383,  388 
Bradley,  78,  364 
Bradstreet,   71,   94,   163, 

214,  315,  316 
Bragdon,  320 
Bragg,  78,  182 
Braraan,  1S9 
Brandt,  32,  33 
Brastow,  305,  313      [331 
Brattle,  62,  135,  145,  159, 
Brazer,  35,  130 
Brazier,  35 
Brearn,  87 
Breath,  176 
Breck,  79,  SO,  200,  287, 

Breding,  43 
Bredon,  50,  334 
Breed,  35,  129,  146 
Brewer,  219,  333 
Brewster,  99 
Brick,  145 
Bridaden,  35 
Bridge,  74,  35,  56,  147       j 
Bridgham,  4-,  159,  161     j 
Bridgraan,  59,   98,    135, 

176  i 

Brigden,  21 
Briggs,  89,   90,   324-326,1 

333,  376 

Brighara,  75,  293,  2s3 

Bright.  196.  216,  312 

Bhnley,  287-290 

BriD trial,  35 

Briteman,  66 

Brock,  16 

Brockway,  246 

Brodie,  3 

Brorurield,  59 

Bronson.  135,  263 

Brooke,  54,  365 

Brooker,  242 

Brookme,  47 

Brook?,  3-5,  73,  140 
263  336,  338,  381 

Brougham,  II 

Brown,  35,  49,66,69,  7 
90,  91,  145,  116,  17 
193,  216,  229-232,  31 
313,  317-320,  334,  335 


Browneli,  135 
Brace,  315,  317 

Brush,  212 
Bryant,  14S,  369 
Buchanan,  362 
Buck,  264 
Buckingham,   195.  305- 

Buckingham,  Duke  of,! 

Buckley,  145 
Biickrnan,  177 
Buckminater,  183 
Bucknam,  35 
Bndlona,  102 
Buell,  197 
Buffiugton,  362 
Bulkier,  22,  72,  135,  138 
Bull,  136,362 
Bullard,  182,216,312,339 
Bull  in,  35 

Bumstead,  98,  23-2,309 
Bunco,  21,  135,  267 
Bundy,  324 

Bunker,  35,  272,  276,  277 
Bunyan,  304 
Burden,  79 
Burditt,  35 
Bureau,  296 
Burge,  79 
Burgess,  104,  288 
Burgh,  113,  114 
Burgh  ley,  115-117 
Borgoyrte,  182 
Burke,  125,  171,323 
Bum  ham,    22    98.    14  b,  j 

290  | 

Burns,  317,  320 
Burnside,   196,  197,  300,! 

303>  304 
Burr,  35 

Burroughs,  35,  133 
Burrows,  35 
Burt,  146 

Burton,  189,214,320,367! 
Bush.  317 
Bunnell,   47.   243.    250.! 

Buss,  145 
Butler,  17-19,  32,  33,  45,; 

87,  99    137,   139,  251, 

Butman,  319 
Butt,  79,  148,  149 
Buttolph,  18,45,  159,  160: 
But  trick,  146 
B\  field,  67,  73 
Byels,  145 
Byles,  13,  71 
Byrdall,  330 

Cadv,  263 
Caider,  35,  39,  144 
Caldwell,  362 
Caleb,  79 
Caley,  79 
Calhoor,  149 
Calhoun,  373 
Call,  35-37,  146 
Callerider,  25 
Ca!iey,34,  36,   129,    131 

Calmef,  210 
Camden,  109,  114,  115 
Cameron,  196 
CarrmiiD.  36 
Camp.  27,  141,  142,268 
Campbell,  173,364,375 
Campernell.  152 
Cane,  145.  146 
Caoen.  36,54,  79,  81,  16 1 

212,  214,  215,  340 

Caplirt,  1 15 
Capron,  313 

Caps,   143 
Carcw,  108 
Carey,  36 
Carl,  319 
Carlton,  169 
Carmarden,  115 
Carmichnel,  362 
Carries,  36 
Carpenter,  102,  297 
Carr,  28 
Carrington,  75,  136 


263.  277. 

Claddis,  54 
Claflin,  177 
Claggett,  373 
Ciaghoru, 116 
Clap,  53,  77-79,  90,  14?, 
149,  152,  164,177,   1->J, 
Clarke,  14,  19,21,47,51, 
55,57,62,  64-67,  69,71, 
86,97,101,110.144,  145, 
143,  163,  175,  177,  192, 
193,  200,^13-215,  225, 
233,  236,238,  2 16,  247, 
252,  253,  259,  272,  274, 
277, -284, 287, 347,  369, 
I      3^0,  382 
!  Claverly,  86 
j  Clay.  7,  193 
!  Ci ayes,  32 
!  Cleauthes,  12 
I  Clear,  163 
|  Cleaveland,  i 
i  Cleaver,  361 
i  Clement,  55.  62 
;  Clements,  36,  143 
'  Cleverly,  54 
!  Cliff,  315 
I  Clifford,  89 
i  Clingan,  362 
'  Clinton,  31,  32 
!  Ciore,  85 
j  Ctougb,  36,  86 
I  Clowe,  86 
Cluterbooke,  230 
Coan,  374 
Coates,  362 
Cobb,  85,  302,  317 
Cochrane,  303,  362 
Cock,  62 
Cocks,  318,  320 
Cod  man,  317 
Colli  n,   25,   36,    3; 
271,272,  274-27 
^  <■,-.,'.,  ■  370 

Chaplin,  79,  148,  149        I  Cogeir,  323 
Chapman,   36,  139,  200,   Coggeshail,  245 

214,26-3,287  i  Cogswell,  201 

Chappine^  46  j  Coke,  117,  308 

Charliount,  343  j  Coker,  87 

Charles  (King),  171,308,   Col  burn,  82,  91,  r. 

Carter;  16,  50.  62,  74,  86, 

96,  1-9.263 
Cartwrieht,  79,  270 
Carver,  c?8.  347 
Carv,  145,  177,216,371    ! 
Caryl,  311 
Case,  266.  366 
Casey,  301 

Cass,  200.  287,  S69,  370 
Caswell,  i66,  324,325 
Cateilin,  139 
Cat  heart,  270 
Caylr-y,  106,  103,  116 
Cazourt,  297 
Cecil,  113.  115,  117 
Chad,  362 
Chadborne,  163 
Chndsvy.  362 
Chadwfek,  32,  355 
Chalkley,  75 
dialling,  -70 
Chamberlain,  36.  4 

Cbamperaon,  107,  103 
Champion,  239 
C'nampnev,  63,  115, 119 
Chandler."   20,    79,     143, 

145,  146',  148,  149,  183, 

216,  335 
Chapel,  139 
Chapley,  79 


3  hi 


269-29".  298,  323, 

Charles  (Prince),  202  363 

Charnock,  104.  386  I  Colby,  314 

Chase,  100.  146,200,  272.!  Cole,  44.  75.  85,   86,  107, 
275,  276,  290.  312,  324       140,  141,  146,  163,  232 
Chauncy,  58,  59,  68,  194 
Cheak,  216 

Cheekley,  46,  62,  331, 332 
Cheek  er,  145         v 
Chcesbfough,  99 
Cheever,  36,  55,  69,  145 vei>,  311 

Coleman.  270,  274,  275, 
277.  38-3 

Colet,  2 
Cuiey,  27 
Colfox,  139 
Coltacott,  ti. 

Cheney.  79,  138,  143, 149.   Collin-,  19.  36,  l:j2,  14] 

164-166,  362  i      2fi4,  320 

Chester,  22,  136,137,233,   Collyer,  44.  320 

234,  340  I  Col  man.  25.26.  55.  06.  71. 

Chickering,  316 
Chick reli,  3:33 
Child,  S6,  ST,  288-291 
Chilson  263 
Cboate,  36 
Christie,  3i3 
Christophers,  15,  99 
Chudleigh,  107 
©hurch,  68,  183,246,263 

271,  274  ' 
Churchill,   17,   138,  139 

251,  285,  266 
Churchman,  362 
Chute.  170 
Cicero.  11 

Col  man.  25,26, 

!  Colson,  263 

I  Colt,  177,  244.  217 

I  Colt  man.  19 

j  Combs,  85 

'  Cornstock,  253,  254 

'  Conant,  36,  145,  319,  350 

I  Conklin,  16 

1  Conney,  43.  57,  62 

:  Convers,  74 

:  Cooke,  16,  56.  67.  68,  =0, 

j      6-,  148,  142,    199,  2i6} 

■i      231,  273 

j  Cooley,  249 

|  Coelidge,    63, 

I  Cooraes,  318 

141,    3$ 

Index  of  Names. 


Cooper,  36,  66,    09,  71, !  Davenport,  54,  OS,  71,80, 
149,  150, 214,  296,  305,!      144,  161,  233,  273  313 

i  Davie?.  54 
i  Davis.  37,  45,  54,  ."»■' 
60,  79,80,85,  111. 
145,  146,   172.   167, 
'200,  '216,  '2-26.  245, 
33.3.  353,  362,  3-6 
Dawes,  46, 62,  S6, 14 
Day.  13,  54.  296,  3 IS 
Dearie,  50,  14'".,   177, 
200,  2S7-291,  305, 
337. 344 

i      2SS,  367 

329,  330,  333 
Cope,  101,  104,  36 
Copcland,  94 
Coj>p.  45,  .^6 
Corbet  t,  I'.O 
Corbit,  181.  312 
Corcoran,  303 
Corey,  42 
Cornell,  283 
Cornish,  S6 
Cornwall,  '246 
Cossart,  297 
Cotterell.  142 
Cotton,  27,  36,  50,  90,  99,    Death,  311 

Couch,  140,  303 
Coult,  55 
Coultman,  140 
Courser,  35},  356-353 
Couzens,  71 
Cowdin,  303 
Cowe'l,  68 
Cowles,  246,  249 
Cox,  317,  319 
Crabtree,  52,  14S 
Craft,  64,  99,  101,  155 
Cranio,  97 
Craijre,  320 
Crahch,  318,  323 
Crane,  52,   SO,  139,   140, 

146   149,  ISO 
Crehore,  14  3,  149 
Cresap,  362 
Cresey,  317 
Crittenton,  244 
Crofoot,  20 
Crofts,  75 
Cromwell,  351,  382 
Crosby,  244 
Crosrnan.  324 
Cross,  114 
Crossing:  329 
Crosrnan,  326, 333 
Crowell,  146.311 


Du  Moulin,  220 
Dumslm,  A? 

Dun.  37 
Dunbar,  302 
Dunham.  319 
Dun  lap,   362 
Dunmore  (Lord),  375 
.  Dunnafar,  3*20 
,329   Dunnel,  212-215,302 

I  Dupont,  197,303 
192,:  Duram,  85 
327. :  Dures,  1 15 

i  Durvce,  303 
235,)  Dnstin,  91 

Duston,  31,  100 

Duyckinck,  371 

Dutton,  42,  388 

D  wight.  173 

|  Dwinell.302 

I  Dyer,  62,  6?.  50, 144,  226, 

227,  302,  318,  332 



Evans,  37, 10.  SO,  85,  88, 

92,  148,  149,362 
Ever  ard,  374 
Eve  id  vi),  60 
Everell,  62,  163,  227 
Eve  re;;.  10.  91,  153,  200, 

206,288.  2:0,  313,  361, 
I      371 
Ewell,  300 
Ewer,  203,  205,  200, 287- 

Eyre,  58,  218 
Eyres,  SO 

|  Fabyan,317 
I  Fainer,  317 
Fairbanks,  149.  131.  340, 
353-355,  357-359 

Decius,  127 
Deland,  37 
Delaney,  37 

Delver,  86  j  Dyer,  62,  6?.  50,144,  226,1  Fales.  313 

Demauzaday,  80  I      227,302,318,332  j  Fanchet;  321 

Deming.  20,  22,  139,  142,|  j  Farish,  104 

241, 247, 263-26S  E  I  Fallow,  25 

Deraouseday,  60  j  Fames,  62  I  Farmer,  31, 193,  236,  364 

Demsdall,  46  j  Earle,  S6,  87,  333  Faraham,   50,    62,    207, 

Deniscn,  51,  52,  58,  77,   East,  37  283,290,333 

165,334  Eaton,  37.  SO  Farnsworth,  43 

Dennie,  9  Eayers,  318  Farnum,  25,  86,  87, 227 

Dennis,'  212  Echard,  10S  Fai  ragut,  299 

Denton,  80  Eckiord,  3-23  Farrar,  287-290,  303, 357- 

Derby,  101  Eckiey,  204  359,  363 

Devall,  355  Eddeuden.  55  Farrington,  313 

i  Devens,  37  Eddy,  SO,  83.  324,326  |  Farrow,  146 

I  De  Villers,  133  Edendon.  159  Farwell,  326 

I  Dewer.  62  Edes,  15,  16,  37  Fausset,  317 

j  Dewey,  80,  265  Edmonds,  37  !  Fay,  97.  304 

Dexier,  90,  166,  177, 195,   Edmunds,  275  j  Fayerweather,  62 

215,  313.  3S3  |  Edson,  145  I  Febaan.  63 

Dibble,  99,  135  I  Edward  (King),  108,303,!  Felch,  231 

Drckev,  362  S      309,385  I  Felt,  59,  82, 143, 205, 237- 

Dickineon,  68,  102,  133,!  Edwards.  17.  22,  62,  71,1      289,  314,  365 

Crowfoot,  140 
Crutton,  75 
Crychley,  309 
Culbertson,  362 
Cammine?,  42  200,,  214 

215,  302 
Cummins,  36,  213 
Cunningham,  63,86,259 

Currier,  317 
Curtis,  22,  SO,  135,  137 

136.  145,  148,  151,  197,    Dotey,  347 

213-215,-251,  263,  265,   Dougherty,  362 

335,370  ;  Doughty,  320 

Curwen,  101  j  Douglas,  69.  227 

Cushiug.  56,  62,  86,  200,   Douw,  209  '278 

Cushrnan,  97 
Cutler,  35,  50,  70,  71,  73, 

86,  144,  146 

Diramick,  141,215 
Dinsdell,  86,  114 
Dionysius,  125 
Divell,  355,  357,  35c 
Dix,  140.  303 
Dixon,  362,  363 
Dizeir,  37 
Doafc,  177 
Doane.  320 
Doe,  91 
Dodge,  145 
Don  Autonio,  112 
Dohier,  333 
Dorman,  213-215 


99,  137,  215,  291 
ngs,  Eggington,  229 


!  Ehle, 

I  Ehrenzeller,  362 

!  Eiers,  50 

|  Elder,  313,  319 

I  Eld  red.  16S 

Eliot,  158,  165,  166 
364,  372 

Elizabeth  (Queen),  105-j  Fillev,  247-249 

i  Fe: ton,  146,  193  364,370, 

i  Fenelon,  314,  345 
J  Fiekes,  334 
!  Fiekett,  317 
j  Field.  255, 317 
!  Fielder,  64 
199,  i  Fienes,  194 
1  Fillebrown,  37 

107,  109,  110,  115,  117. 

270,  333,  365 
Ellen,  80 
EUerv,  37 
!  Ellin-wood,  145 
Elliot,  52,  87 
Ellis,   45,   232,  233,  272, 

Ellsworth.  99,  303 
Eilvcott,  75 
Eielev,  313 
Elweil,  3i9 
Elwes,  105,  107 

Ely,  62,  214,  237,238,244,'  Flags,  14 
F  lander* 


Cutter,  10-1,  145,  216 
Cutting,  216 


Dalzoil,  213 
Dame,  101 
Damon,  339 
Dana,  292 

Danforth,  41,  52,  53,  5?, 
73,  74,  76,  80,  162,  359 
Darnell,  52,77,60,  91,153 
Dante,  11, 
Danvers,  172 
Darby,  .>6 

Darlington,  362,  3S6 
Darrell,  107 
Dave,  bl 

Doves.  62 

Dow,  316 

Downer,  S7 

Dowse,  37,  129,  146.  159  j      245 

Drake,  100.  102,  107-112.'  Emerson,  60 
115,  116,  158,  19-,  203,!  Emery,  192,  320 
205,  203,  267-239,309,   Emlen,  351 
236,  343  j  Emmet,  273 

Draper,  177,  193,304,  321   Emmons,  46,  62,  85,  S6 

!  Drayton,  172 

I  Dr  eser,  170 

'  Drew,  55 
Drinker,  25 
Dairy,  62 
Du  Bo  is,  104 
Dudb-v,  63,  65,  £ 
14Q,  156,  259.  i 
303,  385,  387,  3; 
Duor,  162 
Dulmige,  320 
Dummer,  t>5-68, 

Emms.  S'6 

EndicoH,  71.  86,  159,213, 
233,  i.S4,  310,333 

.  English,  16.3,  3-17 

j  Erskitie,  362 

j  Em-lag,  364 
,69,71,1  E>krin,37 
JQ,  290,'  Estey,  213,214 
i  j  Estie,  213 

j  Ethr.ngtou,  162,  163 

j  Euler,  166 
'i  i  Eustifl,  36,  1^7,  195 

FiSlmore,  200,267 

Fin ley,  362 

Finney,  SO,  362 

Fish,  -275 

Fisher,  SO,  181,  25 
313,316,321,  327,  332, 
jFtske,  41,  80,91,337,377 
j  Fitch,  70,   66,    15-2,   163, 

251.  301,  319,  367 
j  Fitzgerald,  S18 
i  Fttzpatrick,  206,  315,  362 
I  Flaoixo.  45,  So 


!  Flarity,  317 
|  Fleet.  68 

Flesh^r,  365 
j  Fletcher,  41,  42,  51,  101, 

1<;3,  23.-233,  371,  372 
!  FiewHiing,  99 
|  Flint,  13.  72,  73,  81,  353 
;  Flood, 317 
I  Ffudd,  ^6 
j  Fluker,37, 130 
!  Fly,  317 
!  Fosrg,  28.  30,  364 
i  Folger,  269-273,  383 
i  F-jllen,  146 
J  Font,  66 

j  Foote.  196,  219,  215,  299 
j  Forbes,  232,  317 


Index  of  JYames. 

Furd,  37,  33,  76.  317 
Forkenden,  5219 
Forsythe,  302 
Fortescue,  107,  103 
Forward,  SI 

Gifford,  BO 

Gilbert,  107,  109,110,110. 
200,  212,  284,  291,  335 
Gilchrist,  315,  310 
Giles.  132 

Posniofe,  37,  SO,  13.3,  13S,  Gilford;  313 
317  j  Gilkey,317,  313 

Fosket,  140 

Foster,  3.%  37,  65,  7J,  81, 

144,  101,  16-1,213-215 

233,  362,  308 
Fu\v!e,  37 

Fowler,  101,  178,382 
Fowst,  148 
Fox,  64,  76 
Foxeroft,  13,  67 
Foye,  37,  277 
Francis,  22,  37,  70 

Frank,  317 
Frank  land,  220 
Franklin,  11,  15,  66,  £ 

128,  186,  202,  270,  27 

2S5,  300.  303,  323 
Frary  47,  87,  160,  335 
Frazer,  170,  302 
Freake,4S,  330 
Freeman,  88,  317,369 
Frelingbuyeen,  202 
Fremont,  301,  303,  384 
French,  67,  17i 

Frichette,  322 
Frink,  317 
Fnsbie,  241 
Fnzzeil,  317 
Frobisher,  113 

Frost,  69,  71,  74,  76. 

Frothingbam,  35,  3 

87,  13U,  307 
Fry,  SO 

Fryer,  230,  231,  331 
Fulbam,  68 
Fuller,  109,110,  100,244 

Fulton,  317 
Fuak,  362 
Fatbey,  362 


Gabriel,  278 
Gage,  71,  140,218,220 
Gallop,  229 
Galloway,  317,  320 
Gallup,  02   65 
Gait,  173 
Gammon,  317 
Gannett,  11 
Gansevoort,  268 
Gardiner,  38 
Gardner,  66,  67.  SO. 

Gill,  16,37,38,  86,  214 

Gil  lam,   40.  48,   50,  102, 
163,  231,  331 


Gillis,  178 

Gil  man,  27,  109,259 

Gilmore,  299 

G  lading,  324 

Glad  man,  50 

Giansha,  SO 

Glascock,  330 
I  Gieason,  64-03,  145 
j  Gleden,  4S 
i  Glover.  43,  81,  103 

Goble,  146,  2c0,  231 
:  Gocldard,  12,  91,317 
i  Godfrey,  317.  325 
I  Godson, 318  ' 
i  Gotle,  62,  70,  SO,  316 
,  Goings,  38 

!  Gold.'  4.  38,  40,  132,  146 
I  Gondomar,  US 
I  Gooch,  273 
2i3,214,j  Goodall,25 
■  Goodell,  101 
j  Goodiner, 02,  317,  318 
i  Goodrich,  17,  IS.  99.  137, 
!      133,  141,  241,  251,  200, 
I      372 

Goodwin,  37,  38,  86,  132, 


[  Grey,  230,  362 
,  Grey  (Lord),  109 

Grice,  7  6,  86 

Grtdley,  55,  S6,  144,  152, 
335  " 

Grier,  302 

Griffin,  47,  140,  245 

Grig«s,  48,  SO,  87,   144,' 

Grimbly,  314 

Grind,  140 

Gnsmand,  305 

Griswoki,  IS, 21,  139, 192. ! 
242,  26=  I 

Gronow,  302 

Groome,  75,  76 

Grow,  102 

Grnbb,  38,  223 

Gryme,  374 

Guild,  1S2,  312,339,304,: 

Gullison,  33 

Gulliver,38, 148  151, 152,, 
j  Gurnell,  152,  161,  102      ! 
|  Gurney,  144  j 

■  Guri.isey,81 
i  GuBtin,  313 
'.  Gvvine,  46 

115,  115, 



269-278,  328, 
Garfield,  196 
Garibaldi,  285 
Garneau,  323 
Garret,  335 
Gatchell,  317 
Gat  en,  60,  145,  247.  354 
Gay,  13,88,  339,340 
Gee.  49,  86 
Genet,  321 
Genniss,  317 
Gent,  317 
George,  25,  78, 

149,  is  I 
George  (Kink) 
Gerrioh,  09.  70 
Gibbon.  4,  85 
Gibbons,  c62 

144,  140,  149,  233,  287, 
317,  342 
38,1  Goodyear,  50 
Googe,  119 

Gookin,  27,  55,  153,  317 
Goose,  75 

Gordon,  31.  17c,  197,  317 
Gore,  92 
|  Gorges,  103,  116 
Gorharn,  36,  38,  146,  273, 

Goss,  200-262 
Gotta,  62 

Gould,   25.   55,  S7, 
182,  213-215,  244 
j      315,  317,  318,  372 
|  Gourgas,  304 
!  Grafiam,  317 
j  Grafton,  317,  331 

Gragtj.  318 
!  Grab  am,  238,  239, 
j      302 
I  Granger,  71 
!  Grant,  38,  91,    102,  134 
152,  197.  215,  216,  217 




335,  362!      202,  314-316 

i  Granville,  107,  111 

:  Graves,  216,  204.  317, 318! 

Gray,  12,  00,  SO,  90,  146, j 
j      200,317,318,327 
l  Greed  wood.  87 

Greelaud,  140 

Ureele,  «>64 
Greely,  317 

j  Greene,  12-15.  3>,  50.  65 
71,  74,  7 

81,  143, 

',   102,  173, 
310,  314,  317,  313,  334 
Green  hill,  S3 
Greetdaw,  317 
!  Greenoutrh,  47,  62,  344 
|  Greenvvay,  15  i 
|  Greenwood,  16,  62,  194, 
I      297.  318 
Gibbs,  66,  216,  245,209,   Gregory,  230,   2-33,  243, 

317,231  |      ^54 

GibeoD,3S,  62  |  Gleuville,  107,  103 


j  Hacy,  144 

i  Haei,  So 

j  Hafien,  213 

:  Hager,  216 

I  Haiglu,  99 

-  Hail,  213,  214 

j  Haines,  152 

!  Halm,  193 

!  Hakluyt,  117 

j  Haldimand,  218,  220 

I  Hale,  3,  28,  05.  75,  213. 

j      259,200.3  31' 

Haley,  131.  216.  Z35 

Hall,  10,  OS.  70,  70,  89, 
99,  103,  104,  146,  152, 
199.  210,  277,  295,  31S. 
324,  325,  381 

Halleek.  301,  384 

Hallet.  140 

Hatnbleton,  48,  68,  71 

Hamblen,  233,  290 

Hamlin,  45 
1  Hamon,  157 

Haneoek.  2.  33,  63.  152, 
!      300.  303  313 
!  Hands.  3! 
:  Hanev,  319 
I  Hand!  mane,  219 
I  Handmore,  145 
!  Hand-,  144 

Hanmer,  IS,  140 

Hannan,  144 

Han  num.  362 

Hanscom,  318,  320  j 

Hansell,  379  ] 

Han  well,  SO 

Hapgood,  23-5,  388 

Harding,  38, 100,  1 

Hard  re*,  194 

Hardy,  343 

Harker.270.  271 

Harlacfcenden,  194 

Harper,  313.  320.  302 

Harrington;  216 

Harris.'  -2, '  85,   .SO,    14  4 
145,  | S3,  230,  231,  289 

Harrbson.  377-379 

Hart,  219,  206.  207,  277 

Hartshorn,  132 


Hartwell,  146 

Haskell,  317-320 
Hastings,    70,    137,    103, 

Hatch,  39,  62,  104,  304 
Hatbawav,  324 
Hutton,  3*17,  331 
Haugh"  02 
Haven,  311.  313,  337 
Haverland,  219 
Hawaland,  218 
Hawes,  SO,  152 
Hawkins,     50. 

Hawks,  368 
Haw  ley,  229-231 
Haxall,  380 
Hay,  39,  145 
Hayden,  -:'J,  255 
Haves,  302 
Haynes,  167,  169,234 
Hays,  317 
Haywwrd,    93,    145,  140 

200,  255,  287,  358 
Haywood,  151 
Hazard,  293' 

Heat'h,  165,  272,  276 
Hedge,  146 
Heide,  314 
Helraon,  323 
Helon,  3 

Hemenway,  103.  152 
Hemphill,  3B2    ' 
Henchman.  55,  70 
Henuiey.  39,  130 
Heneway,  152 
Hennepin,' 344 
Kenning,  232 
Henry,  164,  128,  378 
Henry  (Kins),  123,  303, 

309,  383,  3*5 
Hensliaw,  79.   143,  149, 

250,  372,  373 
Herbert,  203 
Herbery,  ?.:.U 
Herrick,  25-1,  373 
Herring  ton,  39 
Hersey,  162,  385 
Hervev,  297 
Hfctl,  49,  227 
Hewes,  62,  85,  144,  305 
Hewing,    148.    149,   152, 

Heywood,  151 
Hibbins,  73 
Hickee,  47,  148,  152 
Hie  Km  an,  152 
Hidden,  313 
Hide,  51,  77 
Higby,  247 
Higginson.  4 
Hsldreih,  41,  42 
Hillegts,  169.  170 
Hill, 39,  S6,  107,  145,   152, 

157,   100.  102,    1-2,  319 


Hi  1! lard,  96,200 
Hills,  17,379 
Hitman.  510 
Hinckley,  152,305,313 
Hindi-man.  73 
Hinman,  17, 135,  263 
Hirst,  67:  OS 
Hncbbone.  40 
Hix.  119.  152 
Hoadiv,  167,  233,  342 
Hoard",  1-3 

Hoare,   73,  93,  156.  327, 

Index  of  Name?.      C 


Hobart,  143, 212, 302,  3741 

Hobbs,  99 
Hodgdon,  318 
Hodges.    173,    200,    205, 
265,  287,  269,  291,  364, 


Hbdgman,  216 

Hoes,  370 

Ho^e*,  39 

Hoi  brook,  145,  152,  226, 

227,  340 
Holder),  104.  28S,  290 
Holgate,  123 
Holland,  97, 193,  195  200, 

265,  291,  31S,  363 
Holler,  215 
Hoi  ley,  253 
Holliday,  50 
Hollister,  251 
Holloway,  326 
Holman,  52,  67,  152,  260 
Holmes,  52,  85,  86,  143, 

152,  3-39 
Holt,  3 IS 
Hoi  way,  85,  SO 
Holwcil,  85 
Homes,  52,  152,  273 
Hood,  121,  215,  365 
Hooghland,  297 
Hooker,   169,    234,     2S0,1 

300,  342,  343 
Hooper,  39.  130,  232,  313, 
Hopkins.  39,99,  165,  169  i 

236,  245,  3-17 
Hoppin,  199,  347 
Hopping,  39, 130, 152,153] 
Horn,  173  I 

Hornblower,  200,  237       j 
Horner  361 
Hosley,  152 
Hotter,  215 
Hough,  36,  172 
Houghton,  78,    152,  352,! 

Houlston,  336 
Houston,  374 
Hovey,  213-215 
Howard,   35,39,  47,  145,1 

254,  255,  310 
Howctain,  333,  334 
Howe,  33,  56. 62. 146,  151,1 

152,  156,  157, '163,  156,  i 

132,213-215,  227,  314,1 

362,  365,  373 
Howell,  214 
Howland.  104  ■ 
Howlet,  213-215 
Howes,  318 
Habbard,  2,  49,  36,  145, 

Hudson,  47, 101, 145, 192,' 

198-200,   286,  287,  289,; 

290,356,353  j 

Hashes,  235 
Hull, 25,  26,  55,  5S,  63,  77,; 

157,  163,  206,  228,  244 ! 
Humphrey,  52,  153,  161,1 

Humphreys,  39,  86,    90, 

131,  153,  244,  362 
Hurapton,  362 
Hun,  133,  273 
Huunewell,  39 
Hunt,  49,  92,  99,  104, 143, 

Hunter,  46,   92,  93,  99, 

Huntington,  99,  136,  212, 

Huntress,  32 
Hard,  39,  59 
Httrlburt,  133,  140,  264 

Hussev.  39,  lis,  276         j 

Hust,  140 

Huston, 318,  320 

Hutchinson,  13,  39,  67, 
166,  172,  132,  223,  309,1 
318,  331-333,  382 

Hyde  [sec  Hide], 94        j 

Hyelop,  166,  187 

Id  dings,  43 

Ilsley,  317,  313 

Inuicott,  71 

Ingersoll,  317,  318,  320    j 

Ingerson,  219 


Iugraham,  243 

Irish,  318 

Irwin,  362 

Ivory,  39 

Jrtcklin,  50,  86 

Jaokman,  319 

Jackson,  8,  47.  64,  68,76, 
66,  94,  95,  133,  134,  148, 
153,  178,  196/216,  299- 
301.  314,319,362,  378, 

Jacob,  219 

Jacobs,  362 

James,  295,  356 

James  (Kine),  117,  282 

Jameson,  223,  318,  319 

Janewav,  297 

Jarvis.  99.  245 

Jas  on,  229 

Jeffers,  274 

Jeffries,  60,  145 

Jener,  39 

Jenkins,  39,  86,  275 

Jenks.  98,  203,  203,  289, 

Jenner,  226 

Jennings,  145 

Jerome,  203 

Jeweit,  1,  3,  42,  43,  170    j 

Joans,  324 

Job,  153 

Jocelyn,  353-359 

John,  362 

Johnson,  25,  39,  50,  55,1 
72,  74,  94.  99,  102,  I46,| 
294,309,  315,  317,  318,: 

Johnston,  299.  301,  362     I 

Jones,  104.  116.  146,  149/ 
153  201,  216,  219.  271, 1 
318,  319,  334,  362  ; 

Jordau,  15,  318,  319 

Jorner,  146 

Josephus,  203 

Jos! in,  353-359 

Joyliffe,  87,  331,  334 

Judd,  20,  163 

Judson ,338 


Keats,  85 
Kebbey,  153 

Keeier,  27 

Keen,  65 

Kcier,,  ^6 

Keiiev,  23.  39,  150 

Kei  logg,  142, 240. 250,  267 

Keilond,  334 

Kolloway,  107 

Kelly,  196 

Keiton.  143,  150 

Kernpis,  304 


Kendrick,  66 

Kene,  146 

Kenney,  39, 71,  213,  214, 

Kent,  39,  132 
Keriey,  352,  353,  355-359: 
Kerrey ,  362 
Kottell,  39,  291,  380 
Kettle,  353 
Key,  362 
Kibby, 355 
Kidder,    11.  39,  41,   192,1 

200,  205,  '235,  287-291,1 

374,  375  , 

Eilbume,  17,  18,21,  133,! 

139,  142,267 
Kilbv,  23 

Killcup.  55,  62,  232,  333  \ 
Killpatfick,  319 
Kimball,  31,  175,  178,364, 
Kiude.  48 
King, '39,  313,  324,  361,! 

Kingmans  104,  226,  227     j 
Kingsley,  121 
Km  ion.  64 
Kingsbury,  62,  200.  337-! 

3-41,  388  j 

Kinsley,  52  ; 

Kingston,  152 
Kip os,  319 
Kirby,  21,  135,  237,  238,1 

2-13,  295 
Kirkharn,  21,  266 
Kirkland,  99,  239, 293      ' 
Kittle,  146 
Kittredge,  192 
Kiapp,  361 
Kriapp,  319 
Kueass,  361 
Kneeland,  14,  15.  67,  69,  j 

86,  144,  151.  216 
Knight,  49.   06,  62,    107,1 

212,  213.  319 
Knowles,  319 
Knox,  27,311 
Kolluck,  311 
Kyllygrewe,  115 


Labloon,  86 
Lacey,  385 
Lndd,  259.  320 
Lafayette,  362 
Lake,    50.   56,  215,   223, I 
231.334  i 

Lakeman,  320 
Lamb,  182,  313 
Lambert.  25,  67,  320 
Lamson,  39.  39,  132,  216, 

Lander,  102,  178 

Landon,  144 

Lane,  32,47,81,  85,  111,' 
144,  153.  303.  321,  364, 
383  | 

Lang,  314 

Langdon,  27,  86,  293,  332. 

Langley.  311 

Larell,  36-1 

Larkin,  34,  40 

Larnard,  75 

Lamed,  173 

Larrabee,  15.  16,  CO,  319, 

La  Salle,  344 

Latham,  374 

Lathrop,  97,  145,185 

La  Tour,  382  j 

Latta,  363 

Lat timer,  21 

Laiigblin,  179 

Lavy,  320 

Lawrence,  12,  16,  40, 142, 

153.  294.'  320 
Lay,  240,246 
Lea,  235.  361 
Leach,  144 
Le  Busquit,  40 
Lee,  20,36,40,  49.  64,  99, 

131,  200,  239,2  42,  243, 

245,246,  251,  267,  301, 

Leech,  320 
Leeds,  148,  151,  153 
Leffingwell  (Eari  of),  251 
Leicester  (Earl  of),  112 
Leman,  40 
Le  Mercior,  69 
Lemmor.,  146 
Lendal.  144 

Lensket,  320  T327 

Leonard,    145,   324,  325, 
Lesenbee,  85 
Leverett,  58,  65, 162,  166, 

223,  230,  334,  336,  367 
Lewis,    11,   40,    70,    119, 

146.  153,  172,  192,  193, 

200,  205,  206,  208.  233, 

242,  244,  285,  267,  289, 

320,  335,  3-13.  348,  355- 

359.  363,  382,  363 
Lev,  153 
Libby,  319,  320 
Lidgett.  23L  334 
Ltehtfoot,  363 
Lilly,  50, -231 
Lincoln,  29,   36,    SS,  95, 

I-S3,  167.  300.  324, '326, 

327.  357-359  ' 
Lindsay,  161 
Linton,  356 
L'ippineott,  375 
Lisle,  335.  336 
Litchfield,  153,  3=6 
Little,  25,  26,  320 
Littlefieid,  320 
Liverrnore,  41 
Living  ton,  99,  268,  378 
Livy,  127 
Lloyd,  36,  106,  172,  331, 

332,  362 
Lobdall,  44 
Locke,  290,  320 
Lockwood,  251,  356 
Lodge,  109,  117 
Loker,  359 
Lombard,  320,  374 
Lorapson,  215 
Lonchnoye,  194 
Loudon,  86,  320 
Long,   49,   77,   146,    148, 

Longfellow,  9,    32,  319, 

320,  381 
Looker,  146 
Lord,  40,    133,  134,  143, 

195,  239-242,  247 
Loring,  44,  290.  315.  320, 

364,  38^3 
Loseing,  23.  33,  316 
Lothropj  24,  91,  92,   102, 

293?  294 
Lovejby,  176 
Lovemah,  111 
Loveit,  319,  320 
Lovwell,  219 
Low,  329 
Lowden,  146,  863 
Lowe!!,   5,  6,  SS,  86,  95, 

318,  319,  320 
Lower,  2,  308 
Lucas,  20 
LncuHfas,  12C 


Index  of  Names. 

Lucy,  2 
Ludlow.  316 
Lunt,  319,320 
Lusher,  158,  223 
Lnsk,  2(37 
Luxford,  333 
Lyman,  44,  294 
Lynch,  196 
Lynde,  40,  4S,  73, 

231,  334 
Lyndhurst  (Lord),  11 
Lynn,  220 


McClellan,  299-301,  303, 
363.  384,  385 

McCoIlousrh,  363 
McCmight,  320 
MeCnlloeh,  197 
MeDonell,  144 
McDowell,  299,  303 
McDuffie   * 
McElroj  , 320 
McEweii,  *12 
McGill,  363 
McGregory,  95 

Lyon,  98,   14S,  150,  151,1  Mcintosh,  15 

153,  19S,  219,  303,  386 

Macarly.  50 
Maeaula'y,  304 
Maccane,  339 
Mackintosh,  9 
Maeknight,  172 
Macy,  78,  277 
Madden,  104 
Madison.  375 
Makepeace,  290,  291 
Maker,  146 
Malby.  320 
Mallet,  40 
Mamford,  86 
Manchester,  95 
Manly,  69,  90,  144 
Mann.  166,  182,  305.  337, 

310 ' 
Manning,  40,  45,  131 
Manstield,  40,  303 
Mapley,  148 
Marble,  37,  40 
March  ant,  276 
Mares,  153 
Mariner,  86 
Marion,  83-67 
Marlborough  (Duke  of), 

Marsh,  179,  1?1,  192.  379 
Marshall,  46,  71.  86,' 163, 

Morison,  302  I  O 

Morrill,  32,  148, 154,  209,'  Oakes.  72,  7  1,  85,  ■ 

319  |  Obbiraon,  86 

Morris,  363  j  O'Callagban,  316 

Morse,  101,  114,  190,  192,   0  to!!,  Bo 
193,  200,  284,  2S5,  290,!  Oder,  271,  274 
-14,  370,  388  |  Odin,  129 

Morswood,  172  |  Odiorne,  185,  166 

Morton.  86,  317,  363,  372   Odlin,  62,  87,  259 
Moeeley,   144,   143,   150,  .  Olcott,  312,  313 


McKean,  363 
McKenny,  318,  319 
McLane,  321-323,  3S3 

McLellan,  90,  319,  320 
McLeod,  358,  339 
McLoad.  353,  359 
McMillan,  363 
Meade,  154.  163,164, 

374-376    ' 
Means,  98,  193 
Meare,  144 
Mecom,  14,  273 
Mede.  80 
Meed,  86 
Megdaniell,  45 
Mek's,  104 
Melcher,  320 
Meline,  86 
Mellon,  312 
Mellor,  74 
Mellowes,  48,  301, 

Memory,  151 
Merriarn,  73 
Merritield,  150,  154 
Merrill,  315-320 
Menitf,  100 
Messinger,  48,  200,  288- 

291,  301.  30-5-314,  358 
Metcalf.  26.  109,  160,181,1  Nailo 

279-264,  '311.  338,  341  !  Nanc 

151,  3'20 

Moses,  154 

Mosec,  48.  56 

Mossmanj  149 

Motley,  320 

Moulton,  295 

Mount,  247,  243 

Mountfort,  142 

Mousall,  74 

Mouse!,  40 

MoiiBley,  40,  146 

Mo.'  I  an,  363 

Madge,  146,  216 

Stagey,  40 

Mullott,  1S1 

Mulligan,  201 


Mungey,  40 

Monroe,  131,  217,  21S 

Munsell,  99,193,302,310 
j  Munson,  247 
!  Munsier,  220 
i  Munt,  162 
310,!  Murden,  113 
i  Mnrrav,  75,  83 
I  Murreil,  45 
|  Myddleton,  115 
i  My  la. -ii,  56,' 57 

Oldham,  64 
Oldys,  105-107,  112 
Oliver,  46,   73.   94, 
175,  332,  334,  335 
01  instead.  250 
Onderdonk,  104 
Orcult.  129 
Orr,  129 
Osborne,  54,  70,  129 

1 1  i. 


i  Osgood,  25 
j  Otfs,  24,  165. 
i  Otiey,  346 
I  Ovialt,  43 
|  Oyer,  129 

3,  26,  154 


»Iicl lo,  329 

196,  271,  273,  277,  344,!  Middlt-cott,  62 


Mareton,  216 
Martel,  124 
Martin,  40,  45,  48,  257 
Marvin,  198,235-254,  320 
Mason,  40,  45,  57,   153,] 

158,  196,  231,  269,  292, 

294,  310,  349-351,  362,1 

363,  364 
Massinger,  86,  303 
Masterman,  40 
Mather,  12,  14,53,66,68,! 

70,   133,  240,  242,  243, 

311,  339, 346,  351 
Mathews,  75,  144,  145 
Maton,  147 

Mateon,  54,  233  ; 

Mattocks,  62,  63 
Mattox,  50 
Maude,  55 
Maudlin,  40 
Maverick,  45,  331-333      1 
Maxfield,  154 
Maxwell,  31,  162,  317 
May,  66 

Maynew,  67,  269, 274 
Maynard,  33 
Mays,  358 
Mayo,  283,  289 
McAtien,  363 
McAllister,  320 
McCall,  364 
McCarty>  85 
MoCaulev,  32 
McCausland,  320 

Miudleton,  274 

Milam,  56,  57 

Miles,  73 

Milk,  320 

Mill.  30 

Millens,  40.  319 

Miller,  40,  110,  146,  243, 

247,  320 
Millet.  60,  320 
Mills, '25,  48,86,  310 
Minot,  77,  86,  95,  96, 148 

150,  154 

Mirick,  40,  100 
Mitchell,  57,  58 

76,   200.   271,  : 


or,  50.  331,  332 
e,  174 
'Nash,  47.  S3 
j  Nason,  63,  163,  174,  17, 
I      182,  199,  200,  258,  290 
j  Nauuton,  106,  108,  109 
I  Nay  lor,  331,  332 
|  Neal,  19,  155,  220.  310 
!  Needham,  144 
!  Negus,  49, 62,  S6 
|  Neilson,  363 
j  Nelson,  144.  215 
I  Neltietor.,297 
;  Newell,  35,  90, 
154,  165, 177 

161,  162,  233,!  Newgate,  94 
j  Newhali,  25 
Newman,  154, 
0, 74-!      388 
>,  276, :  Newton,  133,  154,  234 

j  Packard,  235,  376 
j  Paddock,  272,  275.  276. 
,       32* 
I  Paee,  43,  50 
i  Paige,  287-289.  291 
•  Paine,  37,  48.  65.  75,-,8S, 
1S9,  174,  254,  319,  334 
Painter,  310 
i  Pakes,  146 
!  Pa i trey,  90 
j  Palerave.  57 
!  Palmer,  67.  171, 172,  177. 
j      192,  200,245.238,  289, 
Parke,  165.  195,  21G,  334, 
335,  363 ' 
I  Parker.  4,  41-44.  85,  129, 
152,  159,  162,  200,  216, 
290,  317,  316,  325,  353, 
Parkes,  58 
Parkhuret,  216 
Parkin,  303 
Park  man,  220 
,  Pai'meater,  216,  335 
Parram.  58 
Parry,  363 

Parsons,  20,  62,  102.  242, 
215.  247 
29,  146,1  Pan  man,  85 

j  Partridge,  218,  340 

299,  313,  353,  368 
|  Mc'esworth,  172 
j  Money-Penny,  217,  213 
j  Monk,  148,  150 
I  Monroe.  321 
!  Monson.  117 
I  Montague,  203,  283 
i  Montgomery,  104,  363 
I  Moody,  5,  69,  317.  320 
I  Mooers,  274,  277 
I  Moore,   31,  4^,  62,    102 
|      144,  172,  192.  200,  287, 
|      239,  291,  353-355,  367- 
f      339,  363,  375,  14  4 

More,  62,  154,  216,  229  j  N 
Moreau,  307  I  N 

Morey,  86,  143.  150,  339 
Morgan,  04,  lu\ 143,  l.*>i 



Nicholson,  36 
Nicolson,  290 
Niles,  64.  240,  320,  363 
Noal,  219 
Noble,  372 
Norcross.  216 
Norden,  62 
Norman,  387 
Norris,  103.  Ill,  112 
North,  20,  201 
North  am,  167 
North  end.  71,  72 
Norton,  86,  173 
t.  19,  263 

L4~,  73,  147 

Paschal],  353 
1  Pass,  106 
137.  364,1  Pastry,  63 
i  Patch,  101 
l  Patten,  76, 129 

Patternon,  i-7,  14-1.  369 
,  Paul,  53,  324  ' 
':  Paxson,  361 
i  Payne,  30,  129,  131 
I  Payson,  70,  15  i 
i  Peabody,   10,    145,    195, 
I      213-215,  364 

Peacock,  326,  335 
I  Pearee,  81,  85.  15-1,363 
|  Pearse,  47,  57,  66,   154, 

Pearson,  243.  317,  313 
!  Pease,  272,  276 

129,    131, 

I  Peat, 

!  Peck,  49,  S* 

j       242,  247 

!  Pecker,  145 
No>es,  62,  104,  138,  241, ;  Peckham,  5s75,  291 

319,  373  t  Peer,  162 

Nutt,  329  !  Peirce,  129,  155,  363,  379 

Index  of  Names, 


Pell,  85,  3G7  I 

PeltoD,  151 

Pemberton,  Go,  163,  187 
Penn,  228,  '2.09,  303,  364 
Penuiman,  45,  154,  155     I 
Pennington.  1S2 
Penticust,  73 
Pepoon,  243 
Pepper,  335 
Pepperreli,  60,  295 
Peoples,  319 

Perkins,  12,144,182,103, 
212,  2 13-215,  244,  266, 
294,  37 1,  384 
Perley,  213,  214 
PerriBh,  S6 

Perry,  36,  102,  253,  334 
Person,  129,  331,  332 
Peters,  100,  269,  316 
Pettee;  182,  358 
Pettes,  83 
Philip  (Kino:),  237 
Phillips,   36,  47,  59,   85,1 
100,  129,  146,  159,  183,! 
194,  302,324  I 

Phinney,  318,  320  , 

P&ippeny,  86 
Phiopa,  65,  129 
Picket,  145 
Pierce,  41,  91,   129,   154, 

Pierpont,  335 
Pierson,  350 
Pieterz,  27S 
Pike,  71,  216 
Pink  bam,  272,  273,  275- 

Pitkin,  369 
Pitts,  273,  277 
Place,  155 
Plaisted,  273 
Phut,  251 
Piimbly,  144 
Plumb,  155,  234 
Popkiti,  371 
Poie,  155 
Polk,  102,  17S 
Pollard,  129,  144 
Pol  lev,  35,  129 
Pond,  80,  155,  177,  313 
Pone,  379 

Poor,  28,  29,  31,  32,  364 
Pope,  148,  150,  155,   172,! 
153,  270,271,301,  364,1 
377,384  ! 

Porruortl,  55  ' 

Porter,  20,  85,    95,  175,; 
214,  215,300,335,  364,: 
Porterfield,  318-320 
Potter,  215 
Potterton,  50 
Pottinger,  3i7 
Pounding,  120 
Powell,  85,332,330 
Power,  363 

Powers,  129,  130, 1S2,  285 
pownali,  129 

Rica  96. 183, 196,216,3641  Sampson,  368,  3:7 
Hiehafd  (King).  309,  383  Sanborn,  187 
Richards,   144,  145,  226,   San  Jers,  87,  150.  155 

295  Sanderson,  85,  162 

311,  312,.  Richardson,   33.  74,   80,'  Sandras,  148 

10-1,  187,  291,  302,  303,  Sanford,46,  62,   130,  331 

314  !      332 

Richmond,  327  !   i  ncer,  333 

Ricks,  c5  I  Sarein,  64 

Ridde".  238,  28^  j  Sargent,  130,  14G 

Riga,  l'JQ  |  Sarmiento,  112 

Ritrby,  152,  155,  157,  357,;  Sarvenor,  320 

Riker,  104 
Riley,  140,  141,  251 
Ripley,  144 

Priest,  55,  129, 
Prime,  100 
Prince,  12,  44, 

114,  189,  257 

364,  351 
Prior,  183 
Proctor,  31, 42,  317 
Puddington,  100 
Pufl'er,  155 
Pugsley,  146 
Pulsifer,   233,    259, 

382,  353 
Punchard,  230,  231 
Purinton,  319 
Purley,  213 
Pusey,  363 
Putnam,  81,  95,  102,364,!  Risden,49 

370  '  Rite,  86 

108,  129, 


Saunders,  50,  74,  329 
Savage,  12,  06,  69,  73-75, 

86,"  144,  151,    170,   198, 
363         235,26-1,-271,  301,  .'304, 

309,  311,  331,  333,  336, 

Py,  229 
P(/e,  249 
Pyuson,  292 

Quason,  23 

Quincy,  90,  147,  307.  365, 

369.  371 
Quiner,  190 
Quint,  '290 
Quintin,  330 
QulBhm,  331 


100,  162 

Raguet,  7 
Rainer,  130 
Rainsford,  86, 

Ralegh,  105-113,  285 
Ralfe,  87 
Ralston,  363 
Ramsdell,  213,276 
Rand,  35,  37,   39, 

130,  190, 290 
Randall,  133,  237, 

Randolph,  361 
Ranger,  86 
Ranks,  130 
Ranney,  18 
Ransom,  245 
Rant.  270 
Ralhbone,  100 
Rawlins,  56 

!      337,  349,  354 
j  Saviii,  179 
Rive.,,  k.  I  Sawin,  27,  63,  216 

Roadee,  e0  I  Sawyer,  184, 314, 317-319, 

Robbins,  42,  143,  1-3,302'      324,  353,  354,  356.  358, 
Roberts,  56,  155,241,295,       359 

317.  320,  343  I  Say  res,  50 

Robertson,  317  j  Saywell,  45 

!  Robespierre,  174  j  Scarborow,  165 

i  Robie,  65,  85  Schlegel,  125 

Robinson,  24,  46,  53, 104,  Schoolcraft,  369 
I      148,  150,  155,  163,  214,1  Schuyler,  315 
j      215,  364  j  Scipio,  127 

Rochambeau,  174,  133    I  Scott,    3,   120,   155,    188, 
I  Rock,  45  195,  207,  212,  273,  303, 

j  Rockwood,  133  I      320 

Rogers,   53,   59,  86,   107,!  Scottow,62,  130,  231,  309 
144,  155,  174,  133,  217,1  Seabury,  24 
I      218,  232.  245,  246,  354,-  Seamans,313 

374.  375 

o.j'i-.j.jy     o65 

Roper,  85,  359 

Rose.  22,  141 

Rosecrans,  303 

Rosewell,  51 
129-'  Ross,  317,  363 

I  Rouck,  228 
319,|  Roulstone,  71 
j  Rouse,  63,  129 
|  Rowel  1,  25 
I  Rowland,  243  [357 

Rowiandson,   352,    354- 
!  Royal,  150,  155 
!  Rucke,  45 
j  Rudder,  303 
!  Ruddock,  231 
I  Rudge,  130 
I  Rugg,  3-53,  355,  357-359 

Rawson,  49,  50,  52,  54,'  Rubles,  64,  66,  144,  183, 
160,  162-164,  166,  226,|      312 
228,  230,231,2-33,  331.1  Rundlett,  295 

Search,  62,  233 
Searle,  155,  223-231 
Sears,  66.  206.  i>33 
Seaver,  91.  247,  835,  363 
Seawell,  229 
Sedgwick,  50,  309 
Seelv,  138 
Segar,  102 
Seill,  216 
Selden,  243,244 
Sellers,  363 
Seneca,  126 
Sension,  53 
Senter,  42,  145 
Sever,  183 
Severance,  274 
Sewall.  59,  60,  63,  65.  66, 
68.  70,  71,  130,  192,285, 


Ray,  274,  320 
Ravmenr,  145 
Raymond,  196,29-3 
Rayner,  130 
Read,  87,   103,  145. 

273,  363,  330 
Roadman,  146.  150 
Reddinaton,  213,  215 
Redtieid,  1C1 
Reding,  318 
Redman,  155 
I  Redwood,  3:34 

I  16 

Ritney,  130 
i.Rupp.  104 
I  Rush,'  161,  361 
!  Rushv/orth,  331,  332 
i  Russell,   13,  25,   39,  130, 


I     3l 

j  Seymour,  177,  251 

i  Sbaseapears,  2,  93,  383 

!  Shaller.  86 

Shantam,  23,  24 
!  Sharp,  64,  186,  318 
I  Shauuck,  72,    154 
216.  '287,  288,  21*0 


145,  146,  155,  186,  195,   Shaw,  337 
206,265,  27 J,  277,  331,;  Shays,  174 

Powning,  223  )  Reed,  103,  130,  143, 

Prang,  303  !      330 

Pratt,  129,  146,  244,  245,!  Redman.  150 
270,  271,  285  j  Reid,  28-30,  32,  103. 

Prebble,  112,217,218,220 
Prendergast,  244 
Prentice,  216,  334 
Prentiss,  299,  354 
Prescott,  215,  355,  357- 

Preston,  155,  379 

I  Remington,  71,  102,  i)f 

1  Re  me,  356 

|  Reno,  299 

;  RenaS-  270 

j  Reynolds,  104,270 

(  Rej  award,  107 

|  Rhett,  172 

Price,  47,  70,  36,  197,  331,j  Rhodes,  102,  130 
363  j  Riall,  85 


Ruiter.  216 
Rymer,  206 

,|  Sabine,  209 
j  Sa'-hamvs,  24 
i  Sar.ha.raut,  23 

>   Saokett,  102 
;  Sacks,  318 
1  Suffin,  46,  333 
!  Sage   267 
j  SaleV  62,  226 
j  Sale*,  4 
;  Salesbury,  155 
I  Salisbury,  183 
I  Salter,  -56 
!  Saltonstall,  65,  66 

Shea,  321,  333 
Shed,  139,  144.  3C4 

j  Shelden,  144 

j  Shepard,  76,  100,  150 

}  Sheperdson,  71 

I  Shepherd,  146 

i  Sheppard,    1,    192,    200, 

I      203,  232,  234,  285,  253- 

I  Sherman.  45.  130,  216 
j  Sherwit,35l' 
I  Sherwood,  100,  296 
I  Shippen,  360,  361 
j  Shipton,  232 
j  Shiriey.  142 
j  Shoot.  148 
;  Shore v,  365 

Short,' 162 
I  Shove,  44,  326 


Index  of  Names. 

Shrimpfon.  1§7  I 

Shimlefi,  5S-60,  2S7-2S3] 

Sibley,  172,  184,369 

Sickles,  303 

Sill,  237,  239,244 

Simier,  110 

Simmons,  319 

Simonds,  290 

Slmooff,  223,  214 

Simon  ton,  313—320 

Simpkms,  144 

Simpson,  86,  313 

Sims,  104,  171,300 

Sinclair,  219 

Singleton,  151 

Skenatido,  293 

gklllinge,  31S,  320 

Skiltou,  155 

Skinner,  56,102.130,131, 
146,  1615,  184,  Id",  216    i 
.Slade,  103 

Slap,  217,  220 

Sleigh,  172 

Sleeper,  316 

Slidell,  106 

Sloane,  130,  132 

Slocum,  303 

Small,  300 

Smead,  156 

Smedley,  73 

Smith,  18,  20,  50,  62,  6, 
75,86,94.  13,),  133,  141,! 
145,  146,  154,  156,  172,1 
174,  177,  181,  183,  200,1 
213-216,  234,  243,  251, 
263,  266,  267,  287,  292, 
313-315,  317-320,  324.1 
326,327,  334,  339,  353, j 
355-3-37,  360-303,  379     j 

Smyth,  200,  2S7 

Snawsell,  50 

Snedale,  107 

Snell,  46,376,377 

Sneiling,  87,  91 

Snively,  63 

Soley,  130 


Sophocles,  11 

Soother,  35,  39,  130 

Soot  hey,  113,  115 

Southgate,  90 

Spalding,  104 

Sparhawk,  65 

Sparks,  273,  371 

Sparrey,  85 

Spear,  ISO,  196 

Spencer,  163,  220,  369 

Spenser,  113 

Spicer,  329-331 

Sp  ilia  re,  76 

Spinney,  313 

Spittle,  218,  220 

Spoouer,  100,  104 

Sprague,  33,  97,  130,  146! 

Spurr,  15G,  153  j 

Squier,  104 

Stacy, 131 

Stanbury,  85 

Standlah,  17,99.  100,267,1 

Stanley,  131,  213,  214        | 

Stanton,  131,  156,  196 

Staple,  156,  324 

Staples,  102,  257,317,326 

Starbird,  317     . 

Starbuck,  270,  272,  274,' 

Stark,  219,  270 

Starr,  16,  73,  .^5,  160 

St.  Clair,  27 

Stearns,  144  ! 

Stebbiiiij,  5L  52,  198,333,! 
34-3  j 

Stcdman,  19,  31,  64.  76, 

Steele,  2G5 
Stephens,  197 
Sterling,  245 
Steuben,  201,202 
Steucly,  118 
Stevens,  37,  85,  115,  131, 

136,243,  240,  339,  358, 

Stovenpon,  143 
Steward,  50 
Stewart,  273 
Stickney,  318 
Stiles,  156,  213 
Stillingfleet,  119 
Stillraan,  19,  306 
Stirapson,  131,  295 
Stimson,  102 
St.  John, 251-254 
Stoak, 131 
Siockden,  3.35 
Stoddard,  20,  46,  6^,  71, 

96,   100,  131,  138,  187,1 

262,  334  | 

Stone,  33.  44," S8, 131, 169, 

175,221,  233,  247,  310,  j 

Storrs,  97,  195,  312 
Story,  4,  6 6,  100 
Stoncrhtoru  77,  78,  81,  84,' 

100,  152-156,   156,  218 

Stratum,  274,  332 
Streeter,  184.  200,  287 
Strickland,  361 
Strom:,  187,  195 
Strom,  318,  320 
Sumrt.  117 
Stubb.-,  197,  317 
Stubes,44  , 

Sturtevant,  165 
Sullivan,  31,  33,  1S5,  136, 

192,  364 
Summers,  146 
Sumner,  9,  47,54.77, 130.' 

131,  14*,   150,  156,  161,! 

162,  186,  167,  346,   354,; 

35fc-359,  364,  361 
Sundell,  62 
Sunderland,  227 
Surette,  104 
Suter,  104 

Sutton,  66,  130,  131,385  ! 
Swain,  144,216,  270-273,, 

Swan,  131,  182  | 

Swasey,  68  j 

Sweet,  62,  233 
Sweetser,  2r5,  39, 129, 131,1 

Swett.  26,  27,  68-70,  206, 

27C,' 285,  290,319  j 

Swift,  143,  150.  156 
SyUa,  126 
Sylveateri  373 
Symcocke,  363 
Symmee,  36,  37,  131         I 
Symonds,  49,  62,  83,  187,' 

215  j 





Tuber,  213 
Tacitus,  125 
Tailer,  62,  6^,  130 
Talbot,  156,  326 
Talcott,  22.  136,  343 
Taley,  145  ' 
Taller,  86 
Tanner.  168 
Tarbott,  145 
Tarnner,  86 

Tay,  87,  114 

Taylor,  74.  76,  85,  102, 

131,  115,  146,  1S2,  216, 

329.  363,  369 
Teal,  131 
Ted  man,  S6 

Temple,  62.  73.  131,  145 
Ten  Broek,  266 
Tennent,  360 
Teimev,  43 
Test,  363 

Thacier.  24,  156,  305 
Thatcher,  66.  71,  i 46, 365 
Thaxter,  183 
Thayer,   67,  88,  93,  102, 

165,  336 
Thiers,  104 
Thing,  256,  259 
Thomas,    50,    146. 

Thompson,  27,  62,  131, 

141,  1S>,  194,  193,  319, 

Thorburn,  173,  174 
Thoreau,  364 
Thorn,  31? 
Thorrib::v,  66 
Thorndike,  12,  313 
ThorneSmsh,  75 
Thornton,    27,  98, 

203,  286.  269 
Threadneedle,  310 
Thr,  giuorlon,    107, 

Thurston.    32,    43, 

276,  290,  341 
Thwing.  65,  310 
Tibbetts,  320 
Tice,  101 
Tick  nor,  167 
Tidd.  17  7 
Tifia'jy,  195,  245 
Tiler,  265 

Tileston,  146-151, 156,162 
Tilgbrnan,  196 
Till,  335 

Tilley,  61,  86,  317 
Tiihck,  2 
Til  ton,  367 
Timberhike.  144 
Ting,  131,  144,  334 
Tirrell,  385 
Tisdale,  *70,  324,  323 
Titeomb,  29,  32.  218 
Tolmaa,  77,  S6,'i46,  150> 
Toml-ne,  46 
Toralinsoa,  377 
Tompkin-,  376 
Tompyon,  53,  55,  63,  64,' 

66,  67 
Topi:  a;  156 
Tor- [.me,  163 
Torrey,~S0,  102,  181 
Tout.  46 
Toue!,  219 
Towi.e,  96,  200,  211,213- 

215,  2.63,  233,  289,  291, 

Towns'?nd,  40.    6i 

131,  316,  363 
Tow*ey,  138 
Tozer,  133,  134 
Tracy.  251 
Trariee,  50 
Tra«k,   50.J72,  6= 

167,   192,200,22 

288-290,  329.  867 
Treadwe!!,  99,  100 
Treat.  136,  251,  265 
Trescott,     16,    144,    143. 

150.  152,  156,  157,  312 
Trot t;  62,   156,  245,  273, 


1-3     I 



Trouve.  315 
Trow,  131 
Trowbridge,  156 
Trumbull,  132.  146 
Trusdall,  163,  231 
Trmle,  229 
Tucker,  62, 104,  153,  157, 

1-7,  295,  319.  324 
Tuckerman.  Hi 
Tnckev,  320' 
Tufts,  16,  132.  167 
Turbuch,  320 
Tureli,  62,  3^1 
Turenne,  126 
Tun;er,  25,  57.  132,  157, 

Twitchell,  156,  295 
Tyler,  193,  377,  378 
Tyrrell,  107 
Tytler,  113 

Udall,  113 

Underbill,  153 
Underwood,  157,  333 
Upham,  32,  75,  216,  272 
Ubher,  50,  3<U 


Valentine,  64 
Van.  232 

Van  Buren,  378.  384 
Vyndenburg.  24  4 
Vanderlip,  30 
Vane,  158,  362 
Van  Kensseiaer,  203 
Van  Vechien,  263 
Vaughan,  346,  219,  363 
Veazie,  77 
Verdey,  143 
Verny,  86 
Venue,  105 
Vial!,  62 
Vickerp,  4-1,  85 
Vickerey,  41,  168 
Victoria  (Queen),  175 
Villiers,  118,220 
Vincent,  82,  S3 
Vinton,  102,  158,  296 
Virgil,  210 
Von  Leer,  363 
Voee,  157,  323 
Vreeland,  245 

Waddell,  156.  363 
Waddoms,  263 
Wade,  149-151 
Wadawortb,  63,  144. 157, 

Waiuwright,66.  157,  367 
Waite,   54,  86,  132,  242, 

317.  335 
Walcott,  133 
Waldo,  100,  132,  183,  312 
Waldron,  181 
Wales,  143,  151,   153,  157 
Walker,  62,  69,  -6,  luO, 

145,   195,201,302,  310. 

357,  371 
Wall,  75,  76 
Waller,  236,  233 
Walley,  53-60,  62,  66,85, 

260-262,  326 
Walli*,  319 
Walter,  67.  69 
Walton,  2<*2,  365 
Ward,  5,  22.  62,  167,  302, 

335,  352,  :!65-367,  377 
Warner,  100,  236 

Index  of  Names. 


Warren,  45   86,  91,  144,  < 
150,   162,  216,  266,  347,: 

Washburn,  89,97, 104.1451 
Washington,  29,  33, 100,! 

128,  182,  197,  202,  210,! 

321,  3(33,  375,  381 
Waterman,  185,  200,202, 

237,  239,  290,  296  j 

Waters,  36,  87,  132,  214,| 

353,  355,  356,  359 
Watkins,  46,  62,  64,  SO 
Watson,  51,  132,213,270 
Watts,  50,  298,  313  ; 

Way,  49, 87, 144,  157,334 
Wayne,  29,  363 
Wayte,  162 
Wear,  86 
Weaver,  86,  297 
Webb,  39,  67,68,  132,266 
Webber,  132,  371       [306 
Webster,  7,  8,46,  86,234,1 
Weden,  144 
Wedge,  241,  357 
Weed,  246 

Weeks,  52,  143,  151, 157  i 

Welch,  146,  320  ! 

Weld,  50-52, 165, 172, 1S3,: 

335  ) 

Welden,  146 
Wellbeloved,  92 
We!  lor,  183 

Welles,  135,  146,  251,267 
Wellington,  216,  364 
Welle,   19,  46,  135,  136,' 

139,  268 
Welsteed,  65 
Wentworth,     133,     134, 

200,  287,  295 
Werden,  87 
Wesley,  189 
West,  86,   136,  217,  332,' 

363,  3^7 
Westcott,  317 
Weston,  107 
Wetherbee,  373 
Wetmore,  99,  104,  297      I 
Weymouth,  144 
Whaltey,  244,316 

Wharton,  62 
Wheat,  63,  145 
Wheaton,  44 

Wheeler,  73,  85,  86,  132, 

145,  146.   151,  286,  287,! 

317,  354-358,379 
Wbeelock,  161,  293         j 
Wheelwright,    55,    258,! 

WheldoD,  75 
Whitcomb,  3.">1-C^59 
White,  62,  65,  86,    100, 

132,  145,  157,169,   175, l 

189,  200,  226,228-231, 

290,  291,  3(r2,  340,  352,; 

353,  36:3,  365,  375  I 

White-held,  166,  139.  301! 
Whiting,   205,  206,  208,1 

287-290,  296,  350,  376 
Whulegh,  107 
Whitlock,  41 
Whitman,  130, 132,  305 
Whit  mora,   76,   99,   100, 

198,  205,  216,  290,  374, 

Whitney,  146,  218,  302, 

Whitridge,  86 
Wbilt,  144 
Whittemore,  35,33,  132, 

132,  189-191,  200.  290, 

Whittlesey,  100 
Wickhara,  265 
Wicks,  107 
Widdifield.  379 
Wiggin,  175 
Wigglesworth,  132 
Wight,  92,  145,  146 
Wilbore,  321 
Wilcox,  21,  76,  274 
Wild,  364 
Wilder,  44,  81,  93,  149- 

151,  357-359 
Wilds,  213-315 
Wilkes,  303 
Wilkins,  96,132,192,200,1 

364  I 

Wilkinaon,  324 

WiHard,  69,  71-73,  100, 
132,  1>0,  186,  200,  216,! 

254,  354,  353,  357,  353    I 
WillcB,  191,346 
Wii;?t,3i0  [or),  385 
William  (tha  Conquer-! 
Williams,  17,  18,  45,  48, 

62.  70,  100,  112,  132,1 
137,  144,  157,  216,  213,; 
220,  249,  265-267,  278, 
310,  314,  324,  325,  3-29,! 
336,363,  379,335 

Williamson.  363 

Willington,  145 

Willis,  16,  86,  104,  151,! 
157,  169,  194,  216,  236/ 

255,  287.  332,  333 
Willises,  62 
Wilis  54 

Willo'ughby,  330,  331       ! 
Will*or,,  175 

Wilson,  70.  103,  132,  152,: 

316,  363 
Winchester,  64,  S4 
Wmehomb,  S6 
Wing,  62,  146 
Wingate,  27 
Winstanley,  106 
Winsley,  331 
Winsiow,  69,    216,  306,' 

319,  333,  334,  347  ' 

Winsor,  48,  62 
Wicthrop,  8-10,    67-69,! 

104,  147.  138,  301,  311,1 

337,  382' 
Wise,  133,  153,  191 
Wistar,  361 
WiswaU,  53,  94,  157,  165,; 

223, 333  ! 

Witherspoon,  361 
Withir.gton,     52-54,   78, 

148,  149,  151,  157,  195    I 
Wolcott,  15,19,21,22,65,: 

Wolfe,  203 
Wollaston,  50 
Wolsev  (Cardinal),  309! 
Wood,  33,  72,  73,  106, 132,! 

145,'  153,  213,  215,  309,! 


Wood  bridge,  £5,  G9,  70, 

Woodburv,  300,  313, 318, 

Woodcock,  54 
Woodde,  43,  62,  227 
Wood d is,  73 
Wood  house.  351 
Woodman,  200,  287,  320 
Woodrjatieey,  '55,62  334 
Woodruff,  20 
Woods,  76 
Woodward.   12,  98,  304. 

325,  356 
Wool,  300,  303 
Wooster,  320 
Worcester,  174 
Worden,  300 
Worth,  273,  277 
Worthiugton,  255 
Wren,  26,  181,  270 
Wright,  IS,  42,  62,  132, 

135,  137,  141,  143;  251 

263,  260,  308,  319,  359, 

Wyard,  265 
Wyatt,  143,  151t  158 
Wybert,  132 

Wyer,  132,  272,  275,  273 
Wyle,  319 
Wyman,  34,  73,  123,  233 

290,  380 
Wynn,  363 

Yeaton,  313 
Yelverton.  254 
Yendeli,  297 
York,  319 
Young,  319,  320 
Younglove,  43 

Zenger,  297 
Zeno,  126 
Zillick,  49 
Zollicoffer,  191, 1?£ 
Zuiiesh,  49 


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