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These books reprint, with tome abridgment, articles and addresses Ott 
current controversial questions* There are six numbers in each volume, all 
of which are now generally published in the same calendar year. Eaoh num- 
ber (separately bound) is devoted to a single subject and gives background 
information and pro and con arguments, followed by a comprehensive 

Subscribers to the current volume receive the books as issued. Prices 
of individual numbers as noted. The current subscription rate is $8 ($1$ 
foreign) for a volume of six numbers. 

Volume 30 

No. No. 

1. Mental Health. G. E. Langr. $2. 2. The New Japan. Elizabeth and 

V. A. Velen. $2. 

Volume 29 

No. No. 

1. American Highways Today. Poyntz 4. American Indians. W. M. Daniels. 

Tyler. |2. $2. 

2. France In Crisis, Elizabeth Darey. 5. U. 8. Foreign Aid. G. 3. McClellan. 

$2. |2. 

8. Representative American Speeches: 6. City and Suburban Housing, 

1956-1957. A. C. Balrd. 12. Poyntz Tyler. |2. 

Volume 28 

No. No. 

1. Immigration and the United States. 5. The Government and the Farmer. 

Poyntz Tyler. |2. W. 1L Daniels, $2. 

2. Juvenile Delinquency. Q. 8. He- 6, The Middle East In the Cold War. 

Clellaru $2. Q. S. McClellan. |2. 

4. Community Planning. H. L. Marx, 
Jr. $2. 

Volume 25 


3. Representative American Speeches: 1952- 
1953. A. C. BairdL $1.75. 


By The H. W. Wilson Company 

Printed in the United States of America 

Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 58-7293 


Japan today is in a unique historic situation. In less 
than a decade she was reduced from a would-be world 
conqueror to her original "core," a group of small, scat- 
tered, and economically dependent islands. Her natural 
hinterland, the land mass of the Asian continent, has 
been separated from Japan proper, its traditional indus- 
trial arsenal. 

The crux of many of Japan's political, economic, and 
psychological problems lies in the enormously rapid pace 
of her industrialization. Within a generation, after the 
restoration of power to the Emperor Meiji in 1868, she 
was transformed from an agricultural, feudal society 
into the world's third most important industrial and 
military power. The development of a modern indus- 
trial society in a still medieval, peasant land created an 
internal crisis. Japanese industry, producing at full 
capacity and speed without any real home market, 
was forced to expand abroad. This led to the concept 
of the "Greater Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" and to forty 
years of conquest. 

Japan's defeat dealt a severe blow at home to the 
myth of Japanese superiority. It also left a dangerous 
power vacuum. This the American occupation attempted 
to fill. Under General MacArthur the occupying au- 
thorities sought to remodel Japanese society through a 
series of far-reaching reforms. They also drew up a 
constitution, later adopted by the Japanese, designed to 
establish the country on a new base that of a Western- 
type parliamentary government. 


Now, five years after the end of the occupation, the 
question remains as to whether this new democratic 
society is firmly rooted. In recent years both internal 
and external factors have intervened to hamper or to 
reverse the trend toward democratization in Japan; they 
also tend to pull her away from the West, To a certain 
extent political and economic power has returned almost 
automatically to those groups and interests which were 
wielding it in prewar Japan. The cold war has led to a 
reversal of American policy toward rearming Japan; 
a paradoxical situation has thereby arisen in that power- 
ful forces in Japan now oppose rearmament and a mili- 
tary alliance with the West in the very name of the 
policies and aims of the American occupation. The Com- 
munist victory in China (1950) and the appearance of 
newly independent states among the formerly colonial 
territories in Asia have placed Japan in a new strategic 
relationship to Asia. Finally, Japan has been offered the 
bait of renewed leadership in Asia by the emergence of 
the "Bandung powers" the anticolonial nations of the 
Asian-African Conference held at Bandung, Indonesia, 
in 1955. 

These pressures combined may account for the in- 
creasingly neutral role Japan has adopted in world 
affairs, notably in the United Nations. 

The purpose of this book is to give the background 
for an understanding of Japan today of the complex 
and conflicting forces at work in the country. Some of 
the articles included are straight reporting of events; 
others represent the opinions of qualified observers. All 
were selected with an eye to giving the most relevant 
facts as well as a balanced picture. 


The editors wish to thank the various authors and 
publishers who have given their permission for the use 
of materials included in this book. They would like to 
express appreciation to Mr. Alan D. Smith of the Japa- 
nese Consulate General in New York for supplying 
material not readily available otherwise. 

January 1958 



Editors' Introduction 11 

Japan as It Is Today 11 

A Chronology of Japanese History 

Atlantic Monthly 15 

Religion 17 

Hasegawa, Nyozekan. Japan's Cultural History 

Atlantic Monthly 18 

Ozaki, Koji. The Popular Arts in Japan 

Atlantic Monthly 29 

Kalischer, Peter. Nippon with a New Face 

Collier's 39 


Editors' Introduction 49 

Borton, Hugh. Democracy in Japan 

Political Science Quarterly 50 

Structure of Government 62 

Prime Ministers of Japan Since the Promulgation 

of the 1947 Constitution 64 

Webb, Herschel. The Japanese Political Parties . . 65 
Jansen, Marius B. Ultranationalism in Postwar 

Japan Political Quarterly 69 

Swearingen, Rodger. The Japanese Communist 

Party: Strategy and Strength 

Annals of the Ameri- 
can Academy of Political and Social Science 78 


Parrott, Lindesay. Yoshida "Deep Bows and a 

Temper" New York Times Magazine 82 

Ichiro Hatoyama Time 85 


Editors' Introduction 88 

The Nature of Japan's Economy 

Atlantic Monthly 89 

Trumbull, Robert. Japan Regains Place as In- 
dustrial Great New York Times 94 

Abegg, Lily. The Japanese Labor Movement . . . 

Reporter 99 

The Comeback of the Giant Trade Combines .... 

Newsweek 101 

Made in Japan Business Week 106 

Abel, Elie. Southern Boycott of Japanese Textiles 

New York Times 110 

Sulzberger, C. L. The Lure of Peiping 

New York Times 1 12 

Hailey, Foster. Embargo on Trade with China 

Lifted New York Times 114 

Dean, Vera Micheles, The Hard Economic Facts 

Foreign Policy Bulletin 116 


Editors' Introduction 121 

Quigley, Harold S. Japan Between Two Worlds 

Far Eastern Survey 122 

Fujiyama, Aiichiro. Principles of Japan's Foreign 

Policy 131 

Dulles, John Foster. United States Security and 

Japanese Trade 

. . . United States Department of State Bulletin 134 


Braibanti, Ralph. Japan : Future Ally ? 

Virginia Quarterly Review 136 

Bess, Demaree. Anti- Americanism 

Saturday Evening Post 147 

Passin, Herbert. Japan and the H-Bomb 

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 154 

Trumbull, Robert. The Bonin Islands: Pawns in 

a Power Game New York Times 166 

Trumbull, Robert. Okinawa : United States Ward 

in the Pacific .... New York Times Magazine 171 
Kemvorthy, E. W. The Facts of the Girard Case 

New York Times 179 

Baker, Russell. United States Agrees to Withdraw 

Troops from Japan New York Times 182 

Japanese Socialists Map Anti- West Policy 

New York Times 184 

Sulzberger, C L. Attempt to Build Security Upon 

Paradox New York Times 185 

Wilbur, C. Martin. Japan and Communist China 188 
Reischauer, Edwin O. Outlook for the Future . . . 

New York Times Magazine 193 




Our knowledge of the Japanese has increased im- 
measurably as a result of the American occupation. To 
the American soldier stationed in Japan the Japanese 
were surprisingly unlike the picture of them painted by 
the wartime press. Far from resembling a nation of 
tough military extremists dominated by a fanatical 
emperor, the country appeared to be populated by gentle, 
cultivated tea drinkers and colorful geisha girls. A look 
beneath the surface, however, would have revealed the 
Japanese as they really are a proud and insular people 
steeped in the traditions of an ancient, Asian culture. 

Japanese life today is a curious mixture of age-old 
ritual and modern innovations adopted from the West, 
particularly from the United States. An understanding 
of this dual character of postwar Japanese society is 
essential to a grasp of the country's present problems. 

In this section an attempt is made to show modern 
Japan in brief perspective its land and people, its his- 
tory, its religion, its cultural history, and its popular 
arts. These are dealt with in five background articles. 
The concluding article gives a rounded impression of 
modern Japanese life. 


An insular country situated off the eastern edge of 
the Asian continent, Japan is composed of the four main 

1 From pamphlet published by the Public Information and Cultural Affairs 
Bureau, Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Tokyo. 1956. (Obtainable from 
Information Office, Consulate General of Japan, 3 East 54th Street, 
York 22) p5-10. Reprinted by permission. 


islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu and 
some thousand smaller islands and islets which lie adja- 
cent to them. 

Japan lost 45.5 per cent of its prewar territory as a 
result of the war and is now a country of only 141,529 
square miles. A comparison with other countries shows 
that it is one eighth the size of India, less than one 
twentieth the size of the United States, one fifty-eighth 
the size of U.S.S.R. or 1.5 times as large as the size 
of the United Kingdom. 

Small though it is, Japan has a wealth of scenic 
beauty. Situated in the temperate zone, the entire land 
is robed in verdure. With high volcanic mountains, lakes 
brimming with limpid waters, rivers dashing through 
craggy gorges and stripes of neatly cultivated paddies 
and fields, the whole of Japan gives the appearance of 
a beautiful natural park. 


Japan is a mountainous country. Mountains with 
peaks higher than 2,000 meters (6,561.68 feet) above 
sea level number 250. The highest and most famed is 
majestic Mt. Fuji which towers 3,773 meters (12,378.6 
feet) above sea level. 

Being of volcanic origin, the Japanese islands abound 
with volcanoes both dormant and active. Of the 192 
volcanoes located in Japan, 58 are active. 

Extensive plains are few in Japan, but the ones that 
do exist are of great economic importance to the popu- 
lation and provide much of its food supply. 

Japan is surrounded by water. Its coast line is 17,150 
miles long (about twice that of the United States). The 
shores of the Sea of Japan are comparatively regular, 


but those facing the Pacific Ocean are indented with a 
large number of gulfs, bays and inlets, many of which 
offer excellent anchorages. Harbors are thus numerous; 
some of them, including the two principal ones Yoko- 
hama and Kobe are kept busy with ocean-going vessels. 


Japan is noted for its mild and temperate climate, 
and . . . since it is surrounded by sea, Japan's climate 
is considerably influenced by two ocean currents which 
flow around Japan. They are "Kuroshio" and 
"Oyashio." "Kuroshio," meaning black current, origi- 
nates north of the Philippines and flows along the eastern 
coast of the main island and "Oyashio" originates in the 
Arctic and washes the shore of the northern part of the 
main island, meeting the Kuroshio. The first is warm 
and the second cold. 

Generally speaking, four seasons of the year follow 
one another with a clear-cut regularity in Japan. On no 
occasion does winter telescope into spring with late 
snow, or summer blaze loiter into autumn. . . . 

Rainfall is heavy, ranging from 40 to 100 inches 
annually and snowfall is frequent and heavy in northern 


With more than 89 million people living within its 
limited territory, Japan has the fifth largest population 
in the world. Only China, India, the Soviet Union and 
the United States outrank Japan in this respect. 

In contrast to these nations, however, all of which 
are huge in area, Japan is very small. The total Japa- 
nese land area is ... about the size of the state of Mon- 
tana in the United States. Japan thus has a population 
density of about 630 persons per square mile. 


Belgium and the Netherlands have a higher rate of 
population density than Japan. When, however, com- 
puted on the basis of per square mile of arable land, 
Japan is without comparison. Only about 15 per cent of 
Japan's total land area is arable, which means that more 
than 4,200 persons live in one square mile of cultivated 
land, a much higher rate than that of any other nation 
in the world. 

Figures compiled in 1780 and 1846 indicate that the 
Japanese population remained comparatively stable at 
about 26 million for more than a century preceding the 
Meiji Restoration in 1868. The natural increase in 
population which multiplied the Japanese population by 
more than three times and brought it to the 89 million 
mark is, therefore, a phenomenon of the past ninety 
years. In Japan, as in the case of European nations, an 
increase in population followed the advent of modern 

The increase in population was not so spectacular 
during the war, as shown by the fact that the population 
of Japan was approximately 71.4 million (excluding the 
population in Korea, Formosa anc} Sakhalin) in 1940 
and 72.2 million in 1945. 

In the postwar years, however, Japan's population 
rose sharply to 83.2 million in 1950 and reached 89.3 
million in 1955. In other words, the increase during the 
first half period (1945-1950) was 11.2 million and dur- 
ing the latter (1950-1955) was 6.1 million. . . . 

It is estimated, on the basis of the current rates of 
births and deaths, that Japan will have a population of 
100 million within fifteen years. 



Legends and archaeological remains suggest that dis- 
parate races were fused in prehistoric times. The first 
emperor, Jimmu, came to the throne about 660 B.C. 

c.400 ; Introduction of Chinese learning to Japan. 

552 : Buddhism imported from Korea. Clan warfare. 

645 : Overthrow of the Soga clan by the first of the 
Fujiwara, a family which virtually ruled Japan for cen- 
turies by controlling the hereditary line of emperors. 

710-784: The Nara period. First permanent capital 
at Nara. Compilation of legendary histories such as the 
Kojiki and Nihonshoki. Flowering of literature, includ- 
ing the Manyoshu poetry collection. Buddhist sculpture 
and rise of painting. 

794-1185: The Heian Period. Capital moved to 
Kyoto. Art and literature flourished. The Tale of Genji 
written by Lady Murasaki about 1000. Struggles among 
feudal clans, later immortalized in Noh and Kabuki 

1185-1333: The Kamakura Period. Continuing 
struggles for power among rival feudal lords and their 
knights. Emperors dominated by these Shoguns (gen- 
eralissimos). Invading Mongol Armada, sent by Kubla 
Khan, destroyed by typhoon in 1281. 

1333-1568: The Muromachi Period. Ashikaga fam- 
ily Shoguns in power at Kyoto and great art patrons. 
Monochrome ink-wash in painting. Noh dramas. Con- 
stant civil wars. Trade with the West opened by Por- 
tuguese in 1542. St. Francis Xavier brought Christianity 
in 1549. 

8 Reprinted from Atlantic Monthly. 195:174. January 1955. Courtesy of 
"Perspective of Japan," published by Intercultural Publications Inc. Reprinted 
by permission of Intercultural Publications Inc. 


1582-1600: The Momoyama Period. Hideyoshi uni- 
fied Japan, then tried to annex Korea. Kyoto destroyed 
in civil wars and rebuilt A new, florid style in art 

1600-1867: The Edo Period. Tokugawa family Sho- 
guns with capital at Edo (now Tokyo). Outlying re- 
gions ruled by feudal Daimyo lords. Samurai warriors 
became a fixed aristocracy. Commerce with Western 
traders until all but Dutch expelled in 1640. Rising 
merchant class held down politically. Christianity sup- 
pressed; Confucianism encouraged. Another great age 
of literature and art. Kabuki drama flourishing. Ukiyo-e 
wood-block print books. Hiroshige and Hokusai, great 

1853 : Commodore Perry's visit; reopening of trade. 

1868-1912: The Meiji Period. Emperors take back 
control from Shoguns and power from Daimyos and 
undertake modernization of Japan along Western lines. 
Emphasis on education. Extensive social reforms culmi- 
nating in Meiji Constitution and first Diet in 1890. 
Sino-Japanese War in 1894-1895. Russo-Japanese War 
in 1904-1905. Korea annexed in 1910. Building up of 

1912-1926: The Taisho Period. A liberal era with 
party governments in power. "Proletarian movement" 
in literature. Despite strong German influence in Meiji 
Period, Japan sided with the Allies in First World War. 
Earthquake destroyed Tokyo in 1923. 

1926-1940: Liberal elements outmaneuvered by those 
favoring imperialist expansion into Asia. Japan moved 
into Manchuria in 1931 and war with China began' in 
1937. Orderly party government gave way to virtual 
military dictatorships. Japanese troops entered Indo- 
China and alliance with Germany and Italy in 1940. 

1941-1945: World War II. Japanese overran most 
of Southeast Asia, but were finally defeated. 


1945-1952: Allied occupation of Japan. Attempt to 
"democratize" Japan largely successful. Restoration of 
party government and suppression of militarism. Eco- 
nomic recovery. Korean War began in 1950. 


The following three major religions exist in Japan : 
Shintoism, Buddhism and Christianity. 

Shintoism is Japan's indigenous cult. The Imperial 
as well as the family ancestors are worshipped and it is 
not a religion in a strict sense. It was, however, regarded 
as a state religion during World War II when it was 
encouraged by the government. After the cessation of 
the war, it became an ordinary religion. Two univer- 
sities are operated by the Shinto organization. 

Buddhism was introduced to Japan from India 
through China and Korea, around the middle of the 
sixth century. While it greatly contributed to the promo- 
tion of learning and the arts, Buddhism also flourished 
as a religion. Twelve universities are operated by 
Buddhist organizations. The number of people who 
belonged to its numerous sects or subsects were approxi- 
mately 45.4 million in 1943 and 47.7 million in 1953. 

Christianity was introduced to Japan by St. Francis 
Xavier, a Jesuit Father, in 1549. Although it prospered 
rapidly at first with the encouragement of Shoguns dur- 
ing the latter half of the sixteenth century, Christianity 
came under prohibition during the course of 250 years 
that followed until the middle of the nineteenth century, 
when Japan opened its doors to foreign nations. . . . 
Christian organizations now operate twenty-two univer- 

3 From "Japan as It Is Today," pamphlet published by the Public Information 
and Cultural Affairs Bureau, Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Tokyo. 1956. 
p85, Reprinted by permission. 


sities. There were approximately 277,000 Christians in 
1943 and 485,000 in 1953. Protestants outnumber the 
Catholics slightly. 

Besides these three major religions, there are many 
other religious organizations. Some of them have ex- 
panded considerably in postwar years. 

Confucianism is regarded by some as a religion. It 
is, however, a code of moral precepts rather than a 
religion. It was introduced to Japan at the beginning 
of the sixth century and exerted a tremendous influence 
on the minds of Japanese people . . . until the end of 
the recent war. It has declined, however, relatively in 
the postwar period. 


The progress of history has so accelerated that a 
century now witnesses the profound changes that once 
took several centuries. This is especially true of the 
Orient, which until recently stood apart from the cen- 
tral movements of world culture. Japan is the most 
remote of the Oriental nations and was the last to be 
washed by the tide of Western culture. But the changes 
that occurred throughout the Orient after its meeting 
with the West took place more swiftly in Japan than in 
any of her neighbors. Japan had to rush along the road 
which the West had followed at a more leisurely pace 
since the Renaissance, and in that cultural race Japan 
proved herself swift-footed. I refer, of course, to Japan 
since the Meiji Restoration of 1868. ... 

The modern Japanese is sometimes criticized for for- 
getting history. The Japanese of the early Meiji Period, 

* From "Japan's 'Cultural Democrat " by Nyozekan 
ySfyflft ?* B0vd & t T ^nslated by William* CaSlewood. 
195:170-3. January 1955. Courtesy of "Perspective of Japan," published 
cultural Pufticataons Inc. Reprinted by permission of Jntercultural P 


when I was born, was moving forward with the vigor 
necessary to jump from the old feudal state to the mod- 
ern state, but at the same time past history was with 
him, not simply as a memory, but as a concrete part of 
his life. The "child of Meiji," as he is called in Japan, 
therefore had in himself, as his period had in itself, a 
progressive side and a conservative side. In that I think 
he was a little like the modern Englishman, Actually, 
this conflict has been true of every period in Japanese 

The Japanese nature contains many varied elements. 
Native Shinto is the racial religion, and yet long ago 
Buddhism was accepted from the continent and peace- 
fully amalgamated with Shinto. The two faiths, native 
and imported, have lived side by side. St. Francis 
Xavier, who came to Japan in the sixteenth century, 
reported in his letters that in the same family parents 
and children or brothers and sisters might belong to 
different sects. 

This is true not only of religion but of culture in 
general. The Japanese, individually and socially, has a 
malleability which makes it possible for him to incor- 
porate these varied elements. The persecution of Chris- 
tians toward the end of the Middle Ages is a blot quite 
without parallel in earlier Japanese history, but it is 
rather different from the intolerance of medieval Eu- 
rope. -The Dutch, who were in a position of particular 
intimacy with the Japanese, passed on information on 
the record of aggression by European powers in the 
Far East, and it was the' fear that Christian mission- 
aries were the spearhead of colonialism that led to the 

After that, Japan sealed herself from the world 
except for some commercial relations with the Dutch 


from whom the Japanese learned something of contem- 
porary Europe. Inside Japan a flowering called by 
historians the "Japanese Renaissance" took place in the 
seventeenth century. This awakening, fostered by the 
stable government of our Edo Period, may be compared 
to the European stage of development from warring 
feudal states to free guild cities. I would like to suggest 
that our Renaissance was possible because certain "mod- 
ern" characteristics were already to be found in Japan 
at the dawn of history. 

In a sense, Japan has always been a "national" state. 
With no interruption it has been a nation of one people 
through more than two thousand years. Not one among 
the empires of Europe and Asia escaped internal terri- 
torial and racial conflicts, but Japan did. As anthro- 
pologists point out, the Japanese nation is compounded 
of various strains, but even as early as the "period of 
the gods," a single Yamato people had developed a belief 
in a common ancestry. Earlier there had been two domi- 
nant peoples, the Yamato and the Izumo, who set up 
rival states, but the Yamato absorbed the Izumo, and 
the legendary ancestors of both were united in the great 
shrines of Ise and Izumo, where they are still worshiped 
today. . . . 

The Japanese, held together by belief in a common 
ancestry, were never conquered by another people. And 
Japan lost her sphere of influence in Korea in ancient 
times, so that "imperialism" had no chance to show 
itself until our day, either as imposed from abroad or as 
launched by the Japanese themselves. Japan resembled, 
politically and socially, an advanced development of the 
primitive clan-state. 

Immigrants from abroad comprised no small part of 
the population in prehistoric and early historic times, 
but without exception they were swiftly assimilated, and 


though legally they were registered as "foreign clans/* 
they were, except for distinguishing physical character- 
istics, no different from the Yamato people. This great 
power of assimilation is to be explained by the fact that, 
as the population is made up of many elements, so also 
are cultural forms multiple, and it may be said that a 
"human" or active element prevails over a "racial" or 
passive element in the Japanese. And this, too, is one 
of the characteristics of the modern national state. 

As a result of unification, Japan already had in the 
eighth century a national language such as reached 
maturity in Europe only with the modern age. A people's 
literature had arisen by the tenth century, and in the 
eleventh large numbers of novels and essays were writ- 
ten, including our greatest masterpiece the Tale of Genji. 

The court early encouraged the spread of the Yamato 
language, and, to stimulate their composition, systemati- 
cally collected poems and folk songs throughout the 
country, had them set to music, and included them in 
anthologies. The Manyoshu, a collection of some five 
thousand poems compiled over a long period by a num- 
ber of editors, reflects the poetic concepts of the age, 
expressed in the Yamato language, from emperors, 
nobility, and warriors, down to the common people. 
Contemporary critics still give the Manyoshu the highest 
critical rating as poetry, not only because the language 
is so beautiful but also because the poetic emotions 
expressed have affinities with modern realism and ro- 
manticism further evidence that the Japanese in ancient 
times had modern characteristics. 

Modernism in Early Literature 

This modernism of the ancient Japanese was inherent 
in our culture in the period covered by the legends of 


the gods. One of the prime scriptures of our Shinto 
religion, the Kojiki ("Records of Ancient Matters"), 
compiled in 712, represents Japanese literature in its 
most primitive form. The first half of the Kojiki deals 
with the gods, but these gods do not have the heroic 
qualities of those in the legends of other countries. 
They are described as thoroughly human. They partici- 
pate only in the production of the things of nature, and 
even here they have not the power to make rivers and 
mountains, but only to create the staples of an agrarian 
society and these almost as if by accident, one product 
rising quite by chance from another. 

The legends of our gods are in the naturalist-realist 
vein that has characterized so much of Japanese litera- 
ture. The one heroic god in the pantheon, Susanoo-no- 
mikoto, was purged for his violence. Japan, we are told, 
was founded by the Sun Goddess a survival of sun 
worship but she was feminine in nature, and she fled 
from Susanoo's violence into a cave, leaving the world 
in darkness, subsequently to be lured out again by an 
amusing dance performed by another goddess. It is 
notable that our legends frequently recount similar vic- 
tories of the weak over the strong. 

The latter half of the Kojiki treats of the earliest 
historical period, and, as the scholar Norinaga has 
pointed out, it is a matter-of-fact history in no way 
distorted by ideology. Its rationale is not far from that 
of modern historiography and this already in the eighth 

And even in those days, thanks to the unified Yamato 
language, there was a form of education such that lit- 
erature and history spread through the land like folklore. 
Villagers in the remotest countryside sang Yamato 
songs. History was transmitted through kataribe, "reci- 


ters," and as Japan had no native system of writing, 
Chinese characters were used phonetically by the upper 
classes to take down the history thus recited. This verbal 
tradition was preserved particularly well in aristocratic 
houses and provided material for the Kojiki and the 
Nihonshoki, another collection of legends. . . . 

The Japanese character reveals itself most clearly in 
literature. In my opinion the history of Japanese lit- 
erature shows less evolution in tendency than that of 
Europe, which moved from classicism through romanti- 
cism to realism and naturalism, while in our literature, 
from the tenth century onward, the realistic and natural- 
istic strains have been dominant over the classical and 
the romantic. I attribute this largely to the fact that 
Chinese characters were not long retained as our chief 
written language, giving way to a simple phonetic sys- 
tem which adequately represents the fifty syllables of our 
spoken language. The first condition for the rise of 
realistic literature is a system of writing which repro- 
duces colloquial speech. 

From the tenth century on Japanese could be noted 
down with rigid formality in the fifty phonetic signs. 
These were later reduced to forty-eight, and, like the 
alphabet, the series was named for its first letters (in 
this case, the three sounds i, ro, ha) . Anyone who knew 
these forty-eight symbols could read all the literature of 
the day. Until the end of the Edo Period (1600-1867), 
works completely in the phonetic syllabary were com- 
mon, and the highest literary achievement thus reached 
down to the lowest strata of society. 

In the Middle Ages it became the custom for even 
pure Japanese to be translated into Chinese, and this 
affected speech, so that the Japanese sentence became 
a mixture of pure Japanese (in the phonetic script) and 


Chinese. Few, however, except the nobility, the warrior 
class, and scholars, had an opportunity to study Chinese 
and in due course the Chinese characters used in writing 
also came to be transcribed after their sounds into the 
phonetic script so that they could be read by the populace 
at large. As a result the demand for historical and lit- 
erary works increased, and to satisfy it there was no 
printing in those days and hand-copied texts were costly 
the art of reciting grew rapidly from around the 
fourteenth century. Blind priests made their living by 
singing historical narratives in the streets to the simple 
accompaniment of a sort of mandolin. The classic Noh 
drama which survives today is a product of the same 
epoch. Its content was influenced by a sort of Buddhist 
romanticism, for by the fourteenth century Buddhism 
had spread from the upper classes to the masses. Yet 
this romanticism in Noh was balanced by the realism of 
Kyogen, the comic interludes . . . interspersed with the 
serious plays. The vein of Kyogen resembles the realism 
of Moliere, though Kyogen predated Molere by three 

"Cultural Democracy" 

In the Edo Period, literature and the arts flourished 
in Edo (the present Tokyo) and Osaka as never before 
in Japanese history. Unlike the West, however, where 
the old was usually discarded for the new, in Japan 
the historical and the contemporary existed side by side. 
All periods in Japanese history were piled one on an- 
other to give form to the Edo Period. 

On top, so to speak, of the old Noh drama the Bun- 
raku puppet theatre and the Kabuki theatre developed. 
Noh continued to be performed, in theory only for the 
Samurai it was forbidden to the commoner but actu- 


ally it was widely appreciated, the prohibition being little 
more than a form. [In Noh, the oldest form of Japa- 
nese drama, the action is a form of stately dance with 
strict, conventional gestures; narrative choruses and or- 
chestral music provide accompaniment. In-Kabuki, the 
most popular form of drama, the action combines sing- 
ing, dancing, and pantomime; the acting is stylized, but 
less restrained than in Noh. Both Noh and Kabuki have 
repertoires of poetic plays using historical and legendary 
material, and in both feminine roles are taken by men. 
Eds.] In prose, the fantasies of the Muromachi Period 
gave way to more modern romances and novels. Critics 
have noted that Edo literature was rather similar to 
English literature during and after the Renaissance. The 
playwright Chikamatsu is often compared to Shake- 
speare, the romancer Bakin to Scott, and Edo humor to 
that of Dickens and Thackeray. 

The art of wood-block printing saw marked advances 
in the Edo Period, and a wide variety of literature 
was transcribed into the phonetic syllabary and pub- 
lished with Ukiyo-e-style illustrations as ezoshi, "picture 
books," a popular form that reached to every level of 
society. Romances were imported from China and trans- 
lated in large numbers. Even in an age that did not 
know movable type, books printed from wood blocks 
were published in very large editions. By the Edo Period 
the illiteracy rate was extremely low, and even the illiter- 
ate could become familiar with the contents of literary 
and historical works by hearing them read or recited. 
Thus the finest works of literature became accessible to 
the lowest levels of society. Japan was politically a most 
undemocratic country, but culturally it was from its be- 
ginnings one of the most democratic societies. I like to 
call this Japan's "cultural democracy." 


When I was asked once by an American professor 
what I meant by my term "cultural democracy," I cited 
the Katsura Imperial Villa near Kyoto, which is ... 
[an excellent illustration] . I pointed out that it is an ex- 
tremely small and simple wooden building, somewhat 
different in its form from the house of a commoner but 
no different in its basic principles. It does not suggest 
wealth and power as do European palaces. It has none 
of their decorations and elaborations; it is simplicity 
itself. Smaller in scale than even the houses of the 
wealthy and noble, it is a symbol of the way in which 
the Imperial Family held itself aloof from politics, 
rather as in a modern democracy. Like the English 
monarch today, our Emperor reigned but did not rule. 

To be sure, the Emperor was deified, but, he was a 
most human god, a model of humanism, quite divorced 
from military power, which was in the hands of the 
Shoguns and, in our time, of the generals and their 
clique. The shrines where the Imperial ancestors are 
worshiped are termed "great" shrines, but they are actu- 
ally even smaller than the Villa, and Ise, the greatest 
shrine of all, is a simple little building not as large as 
the house of a small landowner. Anyone familiar with 
the grandeur of St. Peter's in Rome is no doubt sur- 
prised when he sees the modesty of the building in which 
is enshrined the ancestor of the Japanese race. This I 
consider a typical manifestation of Japanese "cultural 

The finest art and literature of the Edo Period was 
popular. The Ukiyo-e print, now recognized throughout 
the world as the highest product of wood-block art, was 
provided in every household for the education of chil- 
dren, and in middle-class families prints were collected 
year by year for generations, so that the family collec- 


tion was larger than that of the specialized collector 
today. A wood-block portrait by Sharaku that would 
now sell for tens of thousands of yen, was one of my 
childhood companions, along with my picture book. As 
a child I enjoyed too the series of Ukiyo-e prints called 
the "Genji-e," a widely read modernized version of the 
Tale of Genji. A further example of the democratic 
vein in our literature is Saikaku Ibara's tale in this col- 
lection, the story of the niece of a proud feudal Daimyo 
who dared to accept the love of a commoner. 

As with literature, so with the theatre, where art of 
the highest order was appreciated by the lower levels of 
society. Square, straw-matted stalls were provided at 
the Kabuki-Za so that the whole family could see the 
play together, and I can remember how as children we 
went with our parents to the theatre. The most demand- 
ing critics of the Kabuki were from the Tokyo artisan 
and working class. It was the custom to shout words of 
criticism or approval at the stage, and the most enthu- 
siastic always came from the highest and cheapest bal- 
conies. The man in the street was skilled at mimicking 
the speeches and motions of the great actors such as 
Danjuro and Kikugoro. When I was in London some 
fifty years ago, I asked if workers could imitate Tree 
and Irving, the great English actors of the day. I was 
told that such a thing would be impossible in Europe or 
America. But it was possible in Japan as late as my 
childhood. . . . 

Western Influence 

The characteristics of Japanese culture which I have 
stressed persisted into the late nineteenth century, but 
from the beginning of the Taisho Period (191*2 to 1926) 
far-reaching social and cultural changes began to set in. 


European influence took hold and the highest culture 
soon became the property of the intelligentsia and the 
economically privileged classes. The masses were left at 
a distance from it, with a lower-level literature and art 
of their own. Not only were the best things the most 
expensive and thus beyond the reach of the masses, but 
their Westernized content was beyond popular compre- 
hension. This sudden intrusion of alien forces led to a 
distorted sort of culture in which a form reached high 
quality only when it was divorced from the masses. 
"Cultural democracy" declined. 

What was the nature of the Western tide that swept 
over Japan? In the early Meiji Period Japan had pur- 
sued Anglo-Saxon culture, attracted by its liberal spirit. 
But from the mid-Meiji Period, leaders in the bureauc- 
racy, the armed forces, and the academic world began to 
feel that Japan's position in the Far East was not unlike 
that of Germany in Europe. They therefore proceeded 
to replace their Anglo-American model with a German 
one. Misguided by the currents of the time, they tried 
to make their debut on the stage of twentieth century 
history in German costume and make-up, adopting a 
transcendentalism and idealism diametrically opposed to 
our traditional realism and naturalism. Japanese civili- 
zation became highly Germanized, and the country was 
finally led to the same fate as the German Empire. 

Since her defeat Japan has been forced to devote 
her whole effort toward reorganizing the nation in the 
direction of modern history. The most fortunate factor 
in this situation is the tradition of "cultural democracy" 
which Japan possessed from its origins do\yn to the 
Meiji Period. I find our oldest traditions are in accord 
with the most advanced steps forward. 


Nevertheless I am disturbed by doubts as to whether 
most Japanese, not yet free from the influence of the 
un- Japanese elements of education in the Taisho Period 
and after, are yet properly conscious of their own true 
national character. The ruling class in particular seems 
to lack this consciousness. Yet it is hard to believe that 
the traditional traits in a national history of over two 
thousand years can be destroyed by the distortions of 
less than half a century. Provided the Japanese do not 
give up the desire to return to their own fundamental 
nature, the day when they will do so cannot be far away. 

Motion Pictures 

Of the five hundred films shown yearly in Japan, 
half are Japanese and the remainder mainly American, 
followed by French. Immediately after the war, Japa- 
nese audiences showed little interest in native products, 
but in 1953 the trend was reversed and box-office re- 
ceipts from Japanese films now far exceed those from 
foreign ones. This change can be attributed to the grow- 
ing skill of Japanese directors, the foreign awards which 
their films have received, and the reawakening of patri- 
otic sentiment among the people. 

This new trend began with the spectacular success 
abroad of Rashomon, directed by Akira Kurosawa, and 
virtually ignored in Japan until it won the film awards 
of Venice and of the American Academy. Based on a 
story by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, in which an outlaw 

5 From "Popular Entertainments of Japan," by Koji Ozaki, drama critic. 
Translated by Donald Keene. Atlantic Monthly. 195:148-51. January 1955. Cour- 
tesy of "Perspective of Japan," published by Intercultural Publications Inc. Re- 
printed by permission of Intercultural Publications Inc. 


violates a woman before her husband's eyes, the film 
posed the question: was the woman attracted by the 
savagery of the man, or did she yield to save her 

Another Venice prize winer, Ugetsu, directed by 
Kenji Mizoguchi, tells of an ambitious potter, so eager 
for wealth that he leaves his wife in the ravaged coun- 
tryside to sell his wares in the city. There, a beautiful 
woman orders him to her home. He succumbs to her 
beauty only to discover that she is a ghost, the last 
daughter of a ruined clan, and that association with her 
will be fatal. Awakening from the spell, he hastens 
home only to find that his wife has been killed. Both 
direction and photography reflect the story's blending 
of realism and fantasy, most notably in the subtle in- 
terweaving of time present and time past 

The Tale of Genji, based on the eleventh centurj 
classic novel of Japanese court life, was directed b) 
Kozaburo Yoshimura and won a Cannes award. A 
Venice award was given to A Woman's Life, alsc 
directed by Mizoguchi, and based on a novel by th< 
seventeenth century author Saikaku Ibara. 

Gate of Hell, superbly photographed in color an< 
directed by Teinosuke Kinugasa, is placed in the f euda 
Heian Era. It is a tragic drama of unrequited passioi 
and of a wife who sacrifices her life for her husband' 
honor. This film, too, won a prize at Cannes. Of al 
the Japanese films receiving foreign acclaim, only one 
The Place Where the Chimneys Are Seen, had a moder 
theme. Directed by Heinosuke Gosho, it won an awar 
in Berlin. 

Despite the many real advances made by Japanes 
films, there are recurrent themes and situations whic 
reflect the old-fashioned and feudal elements still survh 


ing in social custom. For example: once a woman is 
married she must never, for any reason, leave her hus- 
band's house and must comply with his will. If a family 
is extremely poor, they may sell their daughter, and the 
girl does not hesitate to sacrifice herself to provide for 
her parents. Such things do still take place, occasionally, 
in present-day Japan and there are films which exploit 
these ideas and include all the other trappings and sym- 
bols of old Japan the master-retainer relationships 
(which always accompany sword fighting), clan feuds, 
-and anachronistic dramatic situations. Certainly such 
themes do appeal to the Japanese, Tragedies, acted in 
a style half-classical and half-realistic, usually center on 
fatalistic sacrifices. The Japanese, who weep at these 
films, respond more to the emotions depicted than to the 
plot itself. 

Along with these ancient themes is a fairly heavy 
emphasis on tragic love. We still do not have the habit 
of kissing in public, but the films are breaking down 
this restriction. Before the war, kissing scenes in foreign 
films were generally deleted by order of the government 
At first depicted with typical Japanese modesty in the 
shade of a tree or behind a fan the intense emotion 
of parting lovers has recently been shown a little more 
frankly, often by a kiss in the rain. 

There is an effort among some of the younger direc- 
tors to come to grips realistically with the misery of war 
and to portray the complicated ways in which modern 
people live their struggles, their compromises, and their 
defeats. Such directors are incorporating new artistic 
elements into their work, and many now cooperate with 
authors in an attempt to criticize contemporary society. 

Another interesting addition to film art has been 
provided by some of the older directors, and this is a 


re-creation of the emotion that one finds in such tradi- 
tional arts as the Noh drama and Kabtiki. They attempt, 
as far as possible, to stylize actuality, even in the drama- 
tization of present-day events. 

The making of Japanese films is primarily the re- 
sponsibility of five major film companies, of which the 
largest, Shochiku, has a capital of the equivalent of 
$5 million and employs eighteen directors. Compared 
with foreign production, Japanese companies work at 
enormous speed. Each produces, for example, at least 
four films a month, and a director needs only ten days 
for a feature film. 

Until very recently these five companies held a com- 
plete monopoly of the Japanese film world, and pro- 
tected themselves by permanently barring an actor from 
employment by any of the major companies if he made 
a film outside their auspices. In 1930, in an attempt to 
break this monopoly, several small independent produc- 
ers made films designed to combine entertainment with 
a social message of some sort. This effort, however, 
was short-lived. The major companies as a rule steered 
clear both of politics and of social problems. 

Recently, the Nikkatsu Company also tried to chal- 
lenge the supremacy of the Big Five. As yet, it cannot 
boast of any stars or first-rate directors, but its influence 
in the film world has been considerable and has revived 
the interest in independent producing companies. In 
fact, many stars now attempt to maintain a free status, 
and insist that their contracts include a clause allowing 
them to perform occasionally for other companies. 

This trend has been further spurred as a result of 
the Red purge carried out in the big companies. Many 
excellent technicians of Leftist politics have now begun 
to make films independently or with the help and co- 


operation of labor unions. One of Japan's more success- 
ful directors, Tadashi Imai, who used to work for one 
of the big companies, now devotes his time exclusively 
to independent productions. He created a sensation with 
his School of Echoes, which inquires into the problems 
of education in elementary schools, and his Tower of 
Lilies, which was based on the true story of the annihi- 
lation of girl students who served as nurses during the 
fighting on Okinawa a film meant to highlight the 
tragedies of the war and the recklessness of the Japa- 
nese military. Independent producers concentrate on the 
production of antiwar films, for the major companies 
have so far shown no interest in such subjects. The Left- 
ists, of course, openly use such themes for propaganda. 


Television in Japan is still on a fairly primitive level 
because neither of the two television networks, the gov- 
ernment subsidized NHK, or the commercial NTV, has 
adequate facilities. A shortage of studios exists, and 
technical processes are still to be perfected. Yet a for- 
eigner visiting a Japanese studio would, I think, be 
surprised at the ingenuity of the sets. The various 
properties are handmade and, for economy's sake, the 
producers have resorted to the ancient techniques of 
Japanese-style painting in the making of scenery. For 
instance, the feeling of dark or light colors is conveyed 
by the use only of black, white and grays. 

The spread of television has been slow. There are at 
present about 30,000 receivers in operation, and both 
networks broadcast only five hours a day. When televi- 
sion broadcasts began, certain critics cynically remarked 
that it was a typically bad habit of the Japanese to start 


something before they were fully prepared for it. How- 
ever, the potential popularity of television is now clearly 
evident. In Tokyo crowds of people gather before the 
shop windows which display television sets. 

By far the most popular television programs are 
news, baseball, Japanese wrestling, boxing, and of course 
"pro-wrestling" or Western-style wrestling. Television 
drama is still in an embryonic state, and only three or 
four authors are writing what may properly be called 
television dramas, the most popular of which are com- 
edies. About the only other type of play on television is 
the "home drama" which is directed at the entire family, 
and stresses common domestic problems. . . . 

Even .though original works written for television are 
still scarce and poor, the medium does serve to bring 
stage performances to a wider public. Telecasts of 
Kabuki performances, for instance, have been about the 
most popular dramatic shows to be put on. Stage per- 
formances of other kinds of theatre have also enjoyed 
considerable success. Now that an agreement has been 
reached with the film companies allowing the use of 
films that are at least three years old, television's pros- 
pects seem brighter. 


Before the war, there were in Japan only two schools 
of dancing the traditional Japanese dance, and the mod- 
ern dance imported from Europe. Since the war, ballet 
has been introduced, and has had such an immediate 
and widespread success that advertisements for "ballet 
academies" are now seen not only in Tokyo, but in the 
suburbs. This is one of the most inexplicable entertain- 
ment phenomena, for nothing could be farther in mood 
or technique from the classical dance of Japan. 


The Japanese style of dancing has been for some 
time now controlled by four major schools. In order to 
become a dancer, a pupil must enter one of these schools 
and study with an approved teacher. When that teacher 
decides that the young dancer is sufficiently accom- 
plished, the head of the school gives his consent for the 
dancer to appear in public and to use the school's name. 
Without this cachet, a dancer cannot perform as an 
independent artist. 

This may appear excessively old-fashioned, but it is 
precisely because of this system that the Japanese classic 
dances have been preserved intact. However, it must be 
added that while this conservative system protects the 
classics and refines techniques, it seriously hinders the 
production of new works on modern themes. 

Apart from the young girls of good families who 
study dancing as a pretty, drawing-room accomplish- 
ment, the chief exponents of traditional dancing are the 
geishas. To the Japanese, the word "geisha" has many 
beautiful associations, even though they know that pov- 
erty may have obliged a girl to take up the profession. 
For a Japanese audience, the brilliant spectacle of geisha 
dancing on the stage is one of the most moving and 
glamorous entertainments. In Tokyo, for instance, the 
Azuma Dance, an annual all-geisha performance, is one 
of the season's brightest events, as are the Miyako Dance 
and the Kamo River Dance in Kyoto. 

In 1917, the geisha, Shizue Fujikage, who was at the 
time considered one of the foremost dancers, began to 
perform independently as an advocate of the "new" 
dance. She put together a repertory of dances based on 
modern themes, but performed with the traditional tech- 
niques. Most of the works of the traditional Japanese 
dance describe unhappy love affairs and Fujikage 


brought a welcome new note of gaiety, which has been 
carried on by her followers. 

But recently, ballet has far surpassed in popularity 
the "new" dance, although there are, so far, only two 
full-size, professional ballet companies, and as yet no 
Japanese choreographer and no original Japanese ballets. 
The companies rely entirely on such perennial favorites 
as Swan Lake, The Nutcracker Suite, Scheherazade, and 

Only one recent event has encouraged traditional 
Japanese dancers to feel that there is an active future 
for their art. This was the triumph of Tokuho Azuma 
in America. And although there were sharp protests 
because she styled herself "a Kabuki dancer," her success 
has given added confidence to classical dancers here in 
the face of trends that seem to draw more and more on 
the West. 


Just as ballet has come into its own in Japan's world 
of dance, so in music, opera is now claiming the greatest 
attention. Before the war, virtually the only Western 
vocal music heard in Japan were the German lieder, 
because the teachers in Japanese music schools were 
almost all Germans. Since the Occupation, however, the 
American fondness for Madame Butterfly, The Mikado, 
and the like, has stimulated Japanese musicians to ex- 
plore the opera form, using native material. 

There are said to be over thirty thousand opera 
devotees in Tokyo alone. So far they have seen little 
besides the conventional productions of such operas as 
Boris Godunov or COM Fan Tutte, but lately, original 
Japanese works have appeared. Ikuma Dan's Twilight 
Crane is the operatic version of Junji Kinoshita's hit 


play based on the folk tale of a crane whose life is saved 
by a farmer; she turns into a woman and out of grati- 
tude becomes his bride. The love story of Townsend 
Harris, America's first consul in Japan, and the geisha 
0-Kichi is the theme of Kosaku Yamada's The Black 
Ships. Osamu Shimizu has adapted to the opera form a 
Kabuki play about a maker of masks, called Tale of 
Shuzen Temple. And Yamada is in the process of com- 
pleting yet another Japanese opera to be called Princess 

In contrast to this tendency, the number of vocal and 
instrumental recitals has sharply dropped. As a result of 
visits by such artists as Traubel, Huesch, Cortot, Giese- 
king, Heif etz, and Backhaus, listeners have, for the time 
being, lost interest in recitals of Western music by Japa- 
nese artists. Tickets for the concerts of the famous for- 
eigners sell for a minimum of 500 yen and a maximum 
of 3,000 far too much for an average Japanese, who 
earns about 20,000 yen (roughly $55) a month. Yet 
students, often the most ardent followers of Western 
music, will carefully save up money in order to attend 
performances of these visiting artists, and such expres- 
sions as "my Cortot savings," or "my Heifetz savings/* 
are often heard. 

Traditional Japanese music, which has a history that 
goes back hundreds of years, and still retains, in the 
Imperial Court, such magnificent survivals as Gagaku, 
orchestral music dating from the eighth and ninth cen- 
turies and originally imported from the mainland of 
Asia, is a more or less private art. Apart from the great 
music that accompanies the puppet plays and Kabuki, 
there are few public performances of music alone. 
Geisha songs are of course accompanied on the samisen 
[a three-stringed banjolike instrument], and in upper 


class houses, the koto (an instrument that resembles the 
zither) is studied by the daughters as part of their edu- 
cation and refinement. It is believed that to learn the 
koto and flower arrangement before marriage gives 
depth to a girl's sentiments. However, the most famous 
koto players have been men, and one of the very few 
Japanese artists who can command a large audience for 
native music is Michio Miyagi, the greatest koto player 
and composer of new pieces on old themes and in old 

Among workers of the lower classes, Naniwabushi, 
a musical storytelling which is a survival of an ancient 
form, is the most popular musical expression. These are 
usually sung in a strained and hoarse voice and tell of 
the heroic and desperate actions of warriors and their 
followers. The general effect of Naniwabushi is that of 
an American Western sung as a ballad. Several times a 
year, some ten famous singers of this type give a huge 
performance in Tokyo; the majority of their spellbound 
audience consists of older people. 

The most rapidly growing and the most hectic of 
the recent additions to Japan's popular entertainment is 
American and South American jazz. It is sweeping the 
country and finding its chief devotees among the young 
people between seventeen and twenty-five years of age. 
In special jazz cafes they whistle, stomp, and become 
intoxicated by the intense rhythms. The older people 
tend to frown on this new jazz craze, and wonder what 
has become of the old Japanese songs. But the jazz 
mania shows no sign of being halted, and may in the 
future acquire as great a hold on the Japanese as it now 
appears to have on Westerners. 

Unlike the films, where native style is gaining ground, 
the predominant influence of the West on Japanese 
music seems likelv to continue. 



The bespectacled diplomat in the hotel-room chair 
seemed amused at my question: Why, in a country 
noted for government by assassination, had there been 
no serious attempt in ten years to kill a Japanese or 
United States official ? "Lack of enthusiasm," he said in 
precise English. "Young people feel social changes can 
be achieved without resorting to this primitive and in- 
effective method, while the general public, it would seem, 
has greatly lost interest in politics." 

He glanced down to where his empty right trouser 
leg was tucked into his belt. The leg had been blown off 
by a Korean assassin's bomb in 1932. 

This was Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shige- 
mitsu, sixty-eight, who served in two wartime cabinets, 
signed the surrender aboard the battleship Missouri, 
spent five years in prison for helping wage offensive 
war. . . . Shigemitsu is a remarkably durable barometer 
of his country's world standing : he and Japan alike have 
come through ten years of ruin, retribution and recovery. 

Today the once-sprawling empire of Japan is reduced 
to four main islands. ... It is engaged in a frantic, 
endless race to balance its exports against imports of 
food and raw materials. . . . 

Yet for all that, this vulnerable, picture-post-card 
country, little more than a decade after its crushing 
defeat in war, again boasts the biggest industry in the 
Far East and with it holds the balance of power in Asia. 
A Japan harnessed to Russia and Red China could lure 
what is left of independent Asia into the Red camp and 
tip the scales fatally against the West. A prosperous 
Japan on the side of the free world remains a valuable 

From "Japan," article by Peter Kalischer, author and CBS correspondent in 
Japan. Cottier's. 137:58-67. March 2, 1956. Reprinted by permission. 


Seizing or subverting Japan is therefore the Com- 
munists' jack pot in East Asia; keeping Japan our ally 
is America's first concern there; and getting the most 
for the best from both sides if possible is Japan's. 

For seven occupation years the Japanese had no 
choice of sides. We ran the country and fed them slabs 
of democracy sandwiched between $2.5 million worth of 
relief and rehabilitation. Japan enjoyed our help and 
even digested a good deal of the democracy. But when 
the occupation lid came off in 1952 it revealed a country 
weary of being told what to do, curious to taste the 
forbidden fruit beyond the bamboo curtain, and relish- 
ing its authority over the foreigners who had been giving 
it orders for so long. 

The new Japan is fermenting a mash of new ideas 
and old customs. It is mixing political democracy with 
feudal loyalties, free enterprise with giant monopolies, 
and several shades of Marxism with a hankering for 
the good old days. The nation that once meekly did 
what a handful of leaders told it to is now outspokenly 
divided on every major issue American troops and 
bases, rearmament, relations with Red countries, neu- 
trality, foreign trade. 

Japan is on her feet but headed where ? 

Postwar Changes 

In searching for the answer I took a long, fresh look 
at the country I first saw as a GI more than ten years 
ago and have worked in most of the time since. Once- 
devastated cities Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, 
Hiroshima show hardly a scar. Phalanxes of new office 
buildings, new apartment houses and plaster-front shops 
cover ground only recently bare of everything but fire- 


proof safes and brick chimneys. From the southern tip 
of Kyushu to the fishing villages of northern Hokkaido 
farmers have harvested a record rice crop. Handker- 
chief-size plots are still cultivated like truck gardens, 
but the machine age is creeping in; a few farmers* wives 
now own washing machines something newsworthy 
enough to get their pictures in the paper. 

The Dai-Ichi Building in Tokyo, General Mac- 
Arthur's famed command post, has reverted to the in- 
surance company which owns it. Crowds bunch around 
store-window TV screens instead of queuing up for 
rations. Gay print dresses and Italian hairdos are the 
vogue among girls whose elder sisters wore baggy war- 
time slacks. And the girls are walking "avec" that is, 
with their escorts, arm in arm, instead of behind them. 
(They borrowed the word from the French but the habit 
from the GFs.) 

Millions of Japanese spend more money in pinball 
parlors than the government does on national defense. 
For businessmen, the golf course vies with the geisha 
house as the place to seal a deal. In any city you can 
take your pick of Japanese, American, French or British 
movies. The All Girl Revue is at the Tokyo Takarazuka 
Theatre, formerly the Ernie Pyle, formerly the Takara- 
zuka. The burlesques feature battalions of classic strip- 
teasers and one new variety a young lady shedding a 

Fewer than one hundred rickshas are left on Tokyo's 
streets, which now are choked with 8 million people, 
25,000 private cars, 12,000 taxis, enormous diesel buses, 
motorcycle-powered three-wheelers, and bike-riding de- 
livery boys balancing anything from eight tiers of noodle 
soup to a plate-glass window. There is a major traffic 
accident every thirty minutes. 


The Asahi, Japan's largest newspaper (circulation 
5 million), now runs news bulletins in English, along 
with Japanese, on its moving electric signboard, New 
York Times style. Throughout the country English is 
the second language, American products the technologi- 
cal yardstick, Marxism the religion of the intellectuals, 
mambo the latest dance craze and baseball, introduced 
seventy-two years ago, still the most popular sport One 
hundred thousand Tokyoites turned out in the rain last 
fall to greet the New York Yankees and the young 
man who carried a Yankee Go Home placard on May 
Day was more than likely among them. 

The Emperor 

Probably the most extraordinary sight in postwar 
Japan is Emperor Hirohito for the very reason that 
he can now be seen. Up to a decade ago the Japanese 
people bowed low and averted their eyes even when the 
Imperial Presence passed in a speeding train or car. 
They would not have dared look at the awesome descend- 
ant of the world's oldest unbroken imperial dynasty. 
When they raised their heads after the war and looked 
straight at him, the Japanese saw an unassuming little 
man with a toothbrush mustache, thick glasses, a shy 
smile and a hesitant walk. Japanese eyes are still a little 
blurred by the image of the prewar emperor, but they 
genuinely love the one they see now. Not even the Com- 
munists dare suggest openly, as they did right after the 
war, that he be abolished. 

Nowadays nobody apologizes to the emperor by 
kneeling in the Imperial Palace Plaza, or, as happened 
on the day of surrender, by committing group hara-kiri. 
But sixteen persons were crushed to death on the double 


span bridge leading into the palace grounds when a 
crowd of 380,000 came to pay their New Year's respects 
in 1954; and thousands of countrywomen still troop into 
Tokyo to sweep the palace grounds in a labor of love. 

The man who inspires this devotion is a curious 
mixture of ancient tradition and modern tastes. Hiro- 
hito wears only Western clothes, prefers European cook- 
ing, and sleeps on a bed instead of a Japanese-style straw 
mat or tatarni. He makes regular public appearances, 
and has informal pictures taken by the court photogra- 
pher. He has fought a slow battle against the imperial 
household's 930 retainers, headed by a grand chamber- 
lain, who have controlled his life since babyhood. . . . 

Still, there is strong conservative sentiment to en- 
shrine Hirohito again and he might be unable to resist 

American Influence 

America, more than any other nation, has had a hand 
in shaping modern Japan. History brought Commodore 
Matthew Perry into Tokyo Bay a century ago and Gen- 
eral Douglas MacArthur there ninety-two years later to 
fulfill a prophecy by Perry that ranks as one of the 
shrewdest pieces of long-range forecasting ever made. 

To me [Perry wrote] it seems that the people of Amer- 
ica will extend their dominion and power until they shall 
have brought within their mighty embrace multitudes of the 
islands of the great Pacific, and placed the Saxon race upon 
the eastern shores of Asia. And I think, too, that eastward 
and southward will her great rival in future aggrandizement 
(Russia) stretch forth her power to the coasts of China and 
Siam ; and thus the Saxon and the Cossack will meet once 
more, in strife or in friendship, on another field. Will it be 
friendship? I fear not! 

Almost from the beginning, MacArthur's occupation 
wrestled with this problem in a modern context: dis- 


irming and reforming an aggressor Japan and at the 
>ame time building up a solvent ally which could resist 
:he growing Communist menace next door. 

Under a broad State- War-Navy Department memo- 
randum dated August 29, 1945, General MacArthur at- 
:empted more social changes in two and a half years 
than Japan had seen in the previous fifty. He disarmed 
the Japanese down to the last KP, arrested high-ranking 
military and civilian jingoists, encouraged labor to or- 
ganize, purged 200,000 persons (including Japan's . . . 
premier, Ichiro Hatoyama, and twelve of his sixteen- 
man cabinet), abolished Shinto as the state religion, 
dissolved the zaibatsu the family cartels , revamped 
the education system, remodeled the judiciary, decentral- 
ized the police force, gave women equal civil rights, and 
carried out a land-reform program so successful the 
Communists tried to claim the credit. The Japanese also 
were induced to adopt a new American-model constitu- 
tion which renounced war and declared that "land, sea 
and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never 
be maintained." 

As the cold war grew hotter, reconstruction took 
precedence over reform. By mid-1948, MacArthur was 
banning large-scale political strikes that were wrecking 

The following year trust-busting ended, and the big 
zaibatsu firms he split began rolling back into one like 
balls of quicksilver. Inflation was halted by rigorous 
austerity and mass government firings. 

When left-wing labor indulged in sporadic sabotage 
and violence, MacArthur purged from unions and then 
from public life Communist leaders whom he had lib- 
erated as political prisoners in 1945. With the Korean 
war, Communist publications were suppressed and key 


industries told to fire known Communist employees. The 
same year the first of the early purgees were depurged. 
Then, with all his occupation forces ticketed for Korea, 
MacArthur set Japan on the road to rearmament by 
ordering the government to form a 75,000-man National 
Police Reserve. Every nation, he declared, has the in- 
herent right of self-defense. 

By the time the occupation ended in April 1952, 
nearly every stratum of Japanese society had got a pat 
and a kick. Now, four years later, many are outspoken 
about its policies and their effects. 

"I had to report to the police once a month for a 
year because I didn't surrender my family's samurai 
sword," said Tetsu Nakamura, of Kyoto. "Now you 
want us to build jet fighters." 

Labor unions organized under the occupation accuse 
us of having revived the military and siding with the 
old order. Businessmen criticize early trust-busting and 
labor reforms that raised the price of Japanese products 
on the world market. Conservatives chide us for initially 
"encouraging" Communism. "The Communists you let 
out of jail were not political prisoners," Foreign Minister 
Shigemitsu told me. "They were common criminals in 
prison for breaking laws." 

The average Japanese if there is one will admit 
we behaved far better than the Russians would have, or 
(some say frankly) than the Japanese under similar 
circumstances. But we, not the Russians, are in Japan 
today 135,000 United States servicemen in 600 instal- 
lations and the Japanese have a haunting sensation that 
the occupation never ended. They called the old occu- 
pation troops Shin-chu-gun advance army; they call 
our present security forces Chu-ryu-gun the army that 
stays. . . . 


Current Japanese Attitudes 

Defeat in war and the physical and psychological 
destruction of the military caste have helped turn most 
Japanese into pacifists. The country's two big postwar 
best sellers are violently antimilitary. One called Long 
the Imperial Way relates the brutalized life of the Japa- 
nese enlisted man in China. The hero of the other, 
Homecoming, is a cashiered navy officer who copes with 
his problems better than his conventional fellow officers. 

But the main reason most Japanese want no part of 
war is the obvious one they were atom-bombed twice. 
In 1946, I called on a top Japanese nuclear scientist, 
Professor R. Sagane of Tokyo Imperial University, now 
dead, and asked what he thought about Japan rearming 
in the future. "Useless," he told me. "Today there is 
no such thing as a good second- or third-class military 
force. Without atomic weapons a nation might as well 
not have any." 

That argument has gained ground since two former 
enemies are now armed with the H-bomb. The Japanese 
are understandably touchy on the subject 106,000 of 
them died in just two old-fashioned nuclear explosions. 
Fate also chose twenty-three Japanese fishermen to be 
the first victims of an H-bomb fall-out near Bikini in 
March 1954. The "ashes of death" incident, for which 
we paid $2 million compensation, brought Japanese- 
American relations to a postwar low. . . , [See "Japan 
and the H-Bomb," in Section IV, below. Eds.] 

If there is one personal history that shows the new 
face of Japan it is that of thirty-year-old Tadashi Ita- 
gaki. Itagaki graduated from the Japanese Air Force 
Academy in March 1945, was sent to Korea as a second 
lieutenant pilot in June and was taken prisoner by the 


Russians in August. In July 1948, he was moved to a 
camp in Khabarovsk, Siberia, which held four hundred 
Japanese enlisted men and three hundred low-ranking 
officers. By the time Itagaki got there a social revolution 
had taken place. A small group, supplied with books, 
pamphlets and a Japanese-language newspaper which 
gave the news according to Moscow, had converted most 
of the men to communism. Enlisted men would sur- 
round an officer and badger him until he tore off his 
insignia. "After three years, do you still want to fight 
wars?" they would jeer. "J a P an doesn't even have an 
army." Itagaki held out for six months. He was a fer- 
vent believer in the emperor system, and he had another 
special reason: his father was Lieutenant General Sei- 
shiro Itagaki, one of Japan's most aggressive militarists. 

One day a fellow prisoner came up to him waving a 
copy of the Japanese newspaper. 

"Great news today," he said. "To jo and your father 
and five other war criminals were executed in Tokyo." 

"To me," Itagaki recently explained, "my father was 
almost synonymous with the emperor. When I heard 
the news my world collapsed. I thought if this could 
happen, then Japan was really turning inside out, as the 
Communists among us said/' 

The next day Itagaki joined the Communists. 

In 1950 he was repatriated. The Communists lion- 
ized him; they tried to use him as a speaker in an elec- 
tion campaign. 

But something was wrong. The picture of Japan that 
Itagaki had inside his head did not jibe with the Japan 
he had come back to. 

"I talked with my mother and my friends/' Itagaki 
said, "and I read the new constitution. Then I made up 
my mind." 


Six months after his return he quit the party. Today 
he is a very ordinary young man with a very ordinary 
job he wants to keep. He is not much interested in 
politics, but he votes Right Socialist. 

"I think Japan should be friends with everybody," he 
said. "I don't want any more war." 



The foundations of the present parliamentary system 
of government in Japan were laid by the 1947 consti- 
tution. Largely written by General MacArthur's staff 
advisers, the constitution was designed to erase old politi- 
cal forms in Japan, notably the institution of the em- 
peror, and to replace them by a government based on 
popular representation. Thus, it provides for the sepa- 
ration of powers (executive, legislative, and judicial) as 
in the American system, with real power resting in the 
Diet as the legislative arm of government. 

In studying postwar Japanese political development 
it is important to keep in mind the fact that the consti- 
tution inaugurated a form of government basically dis- 
similar to that of prewar Japan which was in effect 
ruled by an oligarchy of powerful groups among the 
aristocracy and the army. While democracy and the 
party system appear to be functioning well in Japan, 
dissatisfaction is shown by a move to revise the consti- 
tution. And there are forces at work that would under- 
mine it entirely. 

This section opens with a discussion by Hugh Borton 
of the nature of democracy in modern Japan and the 
chances for its future. A short article outlines the struc- 
ture of the present government. A list of the postwar 
prime ministers with their terms of office is given to 
orient the reader. An article taken from an introduction 
to Japan sketches the history and character of the major 
political parties. The origins and nature of the extreme 
right in Japan are taken up in an article on ultranation- 


alist groups. The composition and character of the Japa- 
nese Communist party are discussed in an article by 
Rodger Swearingen. This is followed by biographical 
sketches of the two most prominent postwar prime min- 
isters, Yoshida and Hatoyama. 


In any analysis of the growth of democracy in mod- 
ern times in Japan, it is important to remember that in 
the years immediately following the restoration of power 
to the Emperor Meiji in January 1868 the new leaders 
devoted their main strength and effort to the solution of 
their country's economic dilemma. The problems which 
absorbed their time and energy were practical ones ; polit- 
ical problems began to demand their dominant attention 
only after many of the basic economic issues had been 
settled. The new imperial government had been estab- 
lished in 1868 by some of the most powerful feudal 
barons and their warrior-advisers, who had rallied 
around the youthful emperor. 

These men formed a small group of oligarchs who 
were the de facto rulers as councillors and state minis- 
ters. They improvised a national governmental structure 
and operated within a framework of broad policies pro- 
claimed by the emperor. They promised to establish a 
public assembly and to lay great stress on public discus- 
sion. In reality, however, these oligarchs were more in- 
terested in stifling public discussion than in encouraging 
it. By 1881, they laid down the broad principles for the 
constitution which were incorporated in that document. 

The constitution, which had been drafted in secret by 
the oligarchs, was promulgated on February 11, 1889, 

1 From "Past Limitations and the Future of Democracy in Japan," article by 
Hugh Borton, president of Haverford College. Political Science Quarterly. 70 :410- 
20. September 1955. Reprinted by permission. 


by Emperor Meiji who proclaimed it as the immutable, 
fundamental law for his subjects and their descendants. 
For fifty-eight years, from that day until May 3, 1947, 
when the post- World War II constitution went into 
force, not a single change was made in the document or 
in the central concept that the emperor be the center, the 
axis, of constitutional monarchy. It established the em- 
peror as sacred and inviolable. It gave legal sanction. to 
the wide powers previously exercised for him by his min- 
isters. It granted extensive authority to the executive 
branch of the government and limited the legislative and 
judicial branches. The extra-legal institutions such as the 
Elder Statesmen (Genro) who acted as imperial advis- 
ers only increased the powers of the emperor as the chief 
executive. . . . The concept of the state as an overriding 
entity prevailed. The government rested on the 
suzerainty of the crown, not on the discretion of a parlia- 
mentary body. . . . 

Thus, from the restoration to power of Emperor 
Meiji in 1868 to the surrender by the representatives 
of his grandson to General MacArthur on September 2, 
1945, conservatism, absolutism and a strong, centralized 
autocracy were the guiding political principles of Japan. 
The Potsdam Declaration of July 26, 1945, on which 
the surrender was based, had stated that the occupation 
of Japan would continue until "there has been estab- 
lished, in accordance with the freely expressed will of 
the Japanese people, a peacefully inclined and responsible 
government/* In other words, two of the basic objec- 
tives of the United States and its allies for postwar 
Japan were the creation of conditions which would pre- 
vent Japan from becoming a military menace and which 
would assure, to the extent that it was possible to do so, 
the creation of democratic institutions in Japan. 


Reforms During the Occupation 

Many -of the directives issued by the Supreme Com- 
mander for the Allied Powers (SCAP), especially those 
during the first two years of the occupation, were di- 
rected at achieving this democratization. In other words, 
certain essential reforms were undertaken to create an 
atmosphere in which democracy would prosper. While 
demobilization of the Japanese Army and Navy was 
being effected, human rights were protected by order of 
the supreme commander. Restrictions on freedom of the 
press and radio, except on material critical of the occu- 
pation, were removed. Bans were lifted on political, civil 
and religious liberties. Discrimination was forbidden on 
grounds of race, nationality, creed or political opinion. 
Political prisoners were released and the national police 
were stripped of their authoritarian powers. 

But if democracy was to have a chance for perma- 
nent survival, it was necessary for Japan to have a new 
constitution based on democratic principles. For the first 
five months of the occupation, desultory attempts at con- 
stitutional revision were undertaken by the conservative 
political leaders. Early in February 1946, however, offi- 
cials of General MacArthur's headquarters prepared a 
draft for a new constitution which stripped the emperor 
of governmental powers and strengthened the legislative 
and judicial branches of the government. Civil rights 
were guaranteed; the cabinet was made collectively re- 
sponsible to the Diet. The latter was made the sole law- 
making body and had complete control over the budget 
On the insistence of General MacArthur, the document 
also contained a provision which abolished war as a 
sovereign right of the nation. The final draft for the 
new constitution, which contained all of these provisions 


of the MacArthur draft, was accepted by the Japanese 
cabinet in March 1946. After the addition of a few 
changes which strengthened the democratic aspects of 
the document, it was approved by the Diet on November 
3, 1946. When it was implemented by new legislation 
strengthening the new freedom and liberty of the Japa- 
nese people, the formal framework, at least, was at hand 
for Japan's democratization. 

Other reforms encouraged or initiated by the occupa- 
tion also contributed toward the possibility that Japan 
would not revert to its old conservative autocratic ways. 
For example, encouragement was given to the rise of a 
strong labor movement. After the passage of legislation 
which legalized collective bargaining and trade unions, 
union membership jumped in twelve months from about 
125,000 to 4.5 million. . . . 

Many other occupation-inspired reforms, such as the 
abolition of absentee landownership, the purge of ultra- 
nationalist leaders in the political and economic field, 
and the deconcentration of economic and financial power, 
were directed against past autocratic practices. Two 
changes, of special significance, occurred in the police 
system and in national education. Since the Japanese 
police, who had been controlled by the home minister 
and had wide powers, had been one of the important 
elements in forming a pre-surrender dictatorial govern- 
ment, their overhaul was imperative. After temporary 
objections by the Japanese cabinet to a proposal from 
General MacArthur's headquarters for complete decen- 
tralization of police powers, a new police law was finally 
enacted on December 17, 1947. This law adopted the 
principle of decentralization by dividing the police into 
local municipal police and national rural police. The 
former were to be controlled by local police boards, the 


latter by a National Public Safety Commission. Other 
functions formerly exercised by the police were trans- 
ferred to either the local or national governments. 
Police, customs and patrol duties in Japanese territorial 
waters were assumed by a Maritime Safety Authority. 
Thus, one of the strongest agencies of Japanese totali- 
tarianism was transformed to make it as difficult as 
possible to use it for the establishment of a police state. 
As for educational reform, in prewar days, the Min- 
istry of Education in Tokyo exercised autocratic control 
over the entire educational system, from primary school 
to university, and the schools became important outlets 
for the transmission of nationalist dogma and militarism. 
The whole system was designed to discourage individ- 
ual initiative and independent thinking and to foster 
conformity and absolute obedience. If the obstacles to 
the revival and strengthening of democratic tendencies 
among the Japanese were to be removed, as provided 
in the Potsdam Declaration of 1945, an educational 
system and philosophy diametrically opposed to that 
which existed before surrender would have to be evolved. 

The first important step in educational reforms came 
in October 1945 when the schools were opened, but 
militaristic and nationalistic subjects were not permitted 
to be taught and a program of screening teachers and 
revising the textbooks was undertaken. The 1946 New 
Year's Day statement of the emperor was another impor- 
tant event in educational reform. It denied his divinity 
and the superiority of the Japanese over other people and 
urged that wisdom and knowledge be sought abroad. 
By the time the new constitution went into effect in May 
1947, the entire educational system had been completely 
reformed to the extent that this could be achieved by 
legislation. New laws stressed the importance of indi- 


vidual initiative and inquiry and guaranteed academic 
freedom. Education was made compulsory for nine 
years. The most significant administrative change was 
in the decentralization of control through the formation 
of local, elective school boards responsible to the local 
community. Theoretically, at least, the minister of edu- 
cation in Tokyo could no longer act as a dictator over 
the whole system or be subject to the dictates of the 
party or group in power. 

Weaknesses of Occupation Reforms 

But helpful as these and many other reforms might 
be to facilitate Japan's democratization, they had two 
basic weaknesses. In the first place, the innovations were 
carried out during a military occupation. Though they 
were formally implemented by the Japanese Diet and 
cabinet, the initiative had come from the various staff 
officers of General MacArthur's headquarters. Though 
many leading Japanese had been consulted in formu- 
lating these new policies, General MacArthur as the 
supreme commander could always exercise a direct or 
indirect veto on actions which he did not approve, or 
order the Japanese government to carry out policies 
which he considered urgent In other words, even though 
the reforms were accepted formally, there was no assur- 
ance that they had been wholeheartedly accepted by the 
Japanese people. The test would come only after the 
occupation ceased. 

The second weakness of these reforms was the fact 
that in Japanese history the men who control the gov- 
ernment and their ideas have been far more important 
than the formal structure through which they operated. 
The Meiji Constitution of 1889 was made to fit the 
beliefs, ambitions and desires of the Meiji leaders. They 


made the various government officers work for them; 
they were in no sense bound by "the will of the people." 
Consequently, if we are to evaluate correctly the future 
possibilities of the democratization of Japan, we must 
conclude our analysis with a brief account of the gov- 
ernments which operated in postwar Japan and of the 
trend which has developed particularly after April 28, 
1952, when the peace treaty came into effect. 

As for Japan's postwar political development, while 
there have been various changes in party names and in 
political alignments, there are three general groups. On 
the right are the two largest parties, the Liberal and 
Democratic parties, which, despite their official names, 
are basically conservative. In the center and left of 
center is the Socialist party or Social Democrats who 
have split into a right and left wing. On the left are the 
Communists, theoretical Marxists and fellow travelers. 

From the surrender of Japan on September 2, 1945 
to the elections of February 1955, there have been ten 
cabinets and five general elections for the House of 
Representatives. Five of these cabinets have been headed 
by Shigeru Yoshida for a total of seven out of ten years. 
For about half of the time that he was premier, his 
Liberal party had an absolute majority in the House of 
Representatives. After the elections in April 1953, he 
retained control of the government through a shaky 
coalition but was finally forced to resign in December 

1954. He was succeeded by Ichiro Hatoyama, president 
of the Democratic party. In the elections in February 

1955, the Democrats won the largest number of seats 
in the House of Representatives and Hatoyama was 
subsequently confirmed as prime minister. 

A significant aspect of Japan's modern political trend 
is the fact that the electorate has always preferred con- 


servative candidates. Although the Liberal and Progres- 
sive parties may not have agreed on the question of who 
should control the parties, they are both conservative 
and together have possessed more than half of the votes 
in the House of Representatives. Even in the election 
of April 1947, after which Tetsu Katayama, a Social 
Democrat, formed a cabinet, the Socialists controlled less 
than one third of the seats. Furthermore, after the un- 
expectedly heavy Communist vote in the elections in 
January 1949, when they polled nearly 10 per cent of 
the total and returned thirty-five members to Parliament, 
their support has rapidly declined. For example, in Feb- 
ruary 1955, the Communists elected only two represen- 
tatives to Parliament. Apparently many former support- 
ers of the Communists shifted to the Left-wing Socialists 
who increased their strength by one fifth. Together with 
the Right-wing Socialists they control one third of the 
seats in the House of Representatives. But the combined 
seats of the two conservative parties equal nearly two 
thirds of the total. 

Postwar Reaction 

In view of this basic conservative political atmos- 
phere in postwar Japan, therefore, it is not surprising 
to find signs of a shift in the direction the nation is 
headed. In fact, there is general support, stimulated by 
a new nationalism which has arisen since the peace treaty 
went into effect in April 1952, for shelving many of 
the reforms established under the occupation. To verify 
this generalization, we need only glance at what has 
been happening to the reforms mentioned above. In the 
first place, the basic civil rights inaugurated by General 
MacArthur and guaranteed by the constitution have 


been severely threatened by two parallel developments, 
namely, the passage of an anti-subversive activity law 
and the return to centralized police control. As for the 
former, Premier Yoshida pressed for the passage of a 
law which would control the terroristic activities of ex- 
tremists, especially the Communists and Communist- 
inspired organizations. The proposed law was so worded, 
however, as to be applicable to labor unions and political 
parties which "incited or agitated" political action. Con- 
sequently, it was strenuously opposed by organized labor 
and by many of Yoshida' s political opponents who feared 
that a rigid enforcement of the law would threaten 
individual freedoms. On the basis of a new fear of 
communism aroused by the May Day riots in 1952 and 
a promise from the attorney general that care would be 
taken in applying the law, however, Yoshida obtained 
approval of the law in July 1952. 

An even greater threat to Japan's democratization 
has been the basic alteration in the reforms of the police 
system. The chief purpose of the SCAP-inspired re- 
forms was to prevent the police from continuing to be 
an enforcement agency directly under the cabinet which 
could use them for its own ends. Prime Minister 
Yoshida, in the face of Communist disturbances and 
protracted strikes, maintained that the dual system of 
municipal and national rural police was inefficient and 
incapable of dealing with internal peace and security. 
He proposed, therefore, that many of the changes in- 
augurated during the occupation be abandoned and that 
a national police system under the supervision of a 
Central Police Board responsible directly to the Prime 
Minister be established. He also recommended that 
police chiefs in the various prefectures be named by the 
Chairman of the Police Board and that they be national 


government employees. In February 1953, Parliament 
refused to consider the national budget unless Yoshida 
withdrew his proposal. Finally, in June 1954, after the 
Socialists had boycotted the Lower House, the conserv- 
ative majority approved the new bill. Consequently, the 
police in small communities and the five largest cities in 
the country lost their autonomy and were again placed 
in a position to enforce the will of the government and 
to threaten democratization. 

The movement to revise or reconsider the constitu- 
tion, which has notably gained momentum ... is more 
complicated than the other issues which are demanding 
current reconsideration. The main question of revision 
centers on the question of rearmament and is compli- 
cated by the reversal of the American position on that 
issue. Most Japanese realize that it was General Mac- 
Arthur who insisted in February 1946 that the consti- 
tution contain a provision (Article IX) prohibiting 
Japan from maintaining armed forces. They also know 
that there has been an increased tendency on the part of 
American officials to emphasize the role Japan could 
play in the defense against communism. For example, 
Vice President Nixon stated in December 1953 that the 
United States was mistaken in its earlier policy and that 
the Japanese National Safety forces, which were planned 
at over 110,000 men, were not enough. 

In the meantime, the question whether the constitu- 
tion should be amended has been made a political issue. 
The Progressives, and their successors, the Democrats, 
urged such action and the formation of regular armed 
forces. Premier Yoshida argued that since the proposed 
forces were to be defensive they were not unconstitu- 
tional. Another aspect of revision of the constitution is 
the position taken by some of the old nationalists who 


were influential members of the Manchuria clique. . . . 
[Nobusuke] Kishi [the present premier], one of the 
former directors of the General Affairs Bureau of Man- 
chukuo, recently declared that "the time is here for a 
wholesale scrutiny of the constitution/' His remarks 
become even more ominous for the future of democracy 
in Japan when it is realized that he served as minister of 
commerce and industry under Tojo's cabinet . . . and 
that in November 1954 he acted as chief mediator be- 
tween the dissident Yoshida followers and the organizers 
of the new conservative Democratic party. 

Finally, a reversion to prewar educational policies is 
a further indication of the present trend away from de- 
mocratization in Japan. While Prime Minister, Yoshida 
sponsored this reversal of Allied policy and a shift 
toward centralization for financial and political reasons. 
The war damage repairs and replacement of school 
buildings were too great a burden for local communities 
to bear. At the same time, the central government 
sought ways to control the Left-wing-dominated Teach- 
ers Union. Previous efforts to restrict the political ac- 
tivity of this important union had failed, so a bill was 
proposed to place teachers on the payroll of the national 
government. As government employees, they would be 
prohibited from political activity and the Teachers Union 
could be controlled. Moreover, the law provided that the 
power of appointment of teachers should revert to the 
Ministry of Education. The Yoshida government was 
severely attacked by the teachers and the press for con- 
sciously attempting to destroy the liberalizing effect of 
the occupational policies. As the Asahi, one of Tokyo's 
leading papers, editorialized, "Passage of these laws will 
have a more far-reaching effect on the freedom of edu- 
cation and perhaps on other freedoms now enjoyed by 


the people than any other legislation since the war." 
Consequently, when these new laws were approved early 
in 1954, centralized control of the entire educational 
system was possible. 

Under the premiership of Hatoyama, the trend away 
from the Allied policies which aimed at assisting the 
process of democratization and toward authoritarian 
control is likely to continue. The by-products of this 
trend also cannot be overlooked. A rearmament move- 
ment and the revitalization of the armed forces give 
ample opportunity for the old militarists or their proteges 
to reassert themselves as a significant nationalist in- 
fluence. The reemergence of the large financial combines 
(the Zaibatsu) and the rationalization of industry [or- 
ganization on an orderly and economic basis] facilitate 
a close alliance between the government and the leading 
financiers. The concentration of police power and edu- 
cational policies within the cabinet make regimentation 
possible if not probable. 

Balance of Forces 

But over against this discouraging prognosis are 
arrayed new forces which will retard the trend toward 
totalitarian control and may even reverse it. First, the 
labor movement has come of age and the unions have 
tasted the giddying effect of political power. They and 
their members will not easily give up their freedom of 
action. Secondly, the agrarian reforms, which affected a 
large portion of the population, have lifted a heavy debt 
burden from many farm families. As a result, they are 
reluctant to see a return to prewar conditions for fear 
that they may lose what they have already gained. In the 
third place, the equality of the sexes, guaranteed by the 


constitution, has released an entirely new force. Women 
are coming into their own. They are equal before the 
law, vote, work, and have greater educational opportuni- 
ties than ever before. No politician will dare to deprive 
them of their rights. Finally, the bitter pill of defeat 
confronted many Japanese, particularly the youth, with 
a new political philosophy to guide them; those who 
have found it in democracy do not intend to give it up. 
On balance, therefore, prospects for democratization 
are not as bright as they appeared to be before the 
Treaty of Peace was signed, but it is unlikely that au- 
thoritarianism will be able to negate the advances already 
made. The reactions against the occupation-inspired 
reforms are natural ones and in the end Japan may 
settle down to a moderate form of democracy well to 
the right of center. 


The main characteristics of the new constitution, 
particularly in contrast with the old one, are as follows : 
(1) the symbolization of the state by the emperor and 
recognition of popular sovereignty, (2) renunciation of 
war, (3) superiority of the House of Representatives 
over the House of Councillors and (4) the assumption 
by the cabinet of responsibility to the Diet. . . 


Japan has adopted the parliamentary system of gov- 
ernment, under which the executive and the legislature 
are not as independent of each other as under the 
United States governmental system. The prime minister 


in Japan is designated from among the members of the 
Diet by the action of that body. All cabinet members 
must be civilians, and at least half of them must be 
selected from the Diet, to which they are collectively 
answerable. If the House of Representatives passes a 
non-confidence resolution, or rejects a confidence resolu- 
tion, the cabinet must either resign en masse or dissolve 
the House within ten days. . . . 

For the purpose of local administration, Japan is 
divided into forty-six districts. Under these regional 
governmental organizations are the city, town and village 
units. Local government personnel totaled 1,391,368 in 
April 1956. 


The Diet is the highest organ of state power and the 
only lawmaking body. It consists of two Houses, the 
House of Representatives (467 seats) and the House of 
Councillors (250 seats). . . . 

The members in the House of Representatives are 
elected for a four-year term. But their term of office 
can be terminated whenever the House is dissolved. The 
electorate system for the House of Representatives is 
based on the medium constituency. The members in the 
House of Councillors are elected for a six-year term. 
One half of the total membership of the House of Coun- 
cillors are elected every three years. One hundred out 
of the 250-member House of Councillors stand election 
on the national constituency while the rest are elected 
from the local constituencies. 

Voters in all elections must be Japanese nationals, 
both men and women, who are twenty years of age or 
over. . . . 



Judicial power is vested in a supreme court and in 
lower courts. All judges are permitted full independence 
in the exercise of their conscience and they are bound 
only by the constitution and the laws. 

The supreme court is composed of a chief justice 
and fourteen judges. The chief justice is appointed by the 
emperor as designated by the cabinet and all other judges 
are appointed by the cabinet, but reviewed by the people. 




Tetsu Katayama, Socialist 

May 1947-March 1948 
Hitoshi Ashida, Democrat 

March 1948-October 1948 
Shigeru Yoshida, Liberal, second term 

October-December 1948 

(First term: May 1946-May 1947) 
Shigeru Yoshida, third term 

January 1949-August 1952 
Shigeru Yoshida, fourth term 

August 1952-April 1953 
Shigeru Yoshida, fifth term 

May 1953-November 1954 
Ichiro Hatoyama, Japan Democrat 

December 1954-March 1955 
Ichiro Hatoyama, second term 

March 1955-October 1955 

1 Compiled by the Information Office, Consulate General of Japan, New York. 


Ichiro Hatoyama, third term 

November 1955-November 1956 

Tanzan Ishibashi, Liberal-Democrat 
December 1956-February 1957 

Nobusuke Kishi, Liberal Democrat 
February 1957- 


Before the war Japan's two leading political parties 
were the Seiyukai and Minsei-to. With the revival of 
party government in the autumn of 1945, both re- 
appeared to become the leading conservative parties, the 
former as the Liberal party and the latter as the Pro- 
gressive party. Meanwhile, members of former prole- 
tarian parties organized the Japan Social Democratic 
party, and the Communist party came out of hiding 
with the return from exile or release from prison of its 
former leaders. A profusion of minor parties ranged 
from right to left behind candidates of widely varying 
backgrounds and degrees of political experience. In the 
1946 general elections, 267 parties entered candidates. 
An inevitable weeding out of most of the minor parties 
and splits or consolidations of the more vigorous of them 
have made for a gradual simplification of the party 
scene. Since late in 1955 there have been two main 
parties, which between them have filled all but a handful 
of seats in the lower house and three quarters of those 
in the upper house. Backgrounds, policies, and person- 
alities of the major parties are as follows. 

A. The Japan Socialist party (Nihon Shakai-to). 
Pre-occupation suppression of the socialist movement 

4 From An Introduction to Japan, by Herschel Webb t instructor in Chinese 
and Japanese at Columbia University. Columbia University Press. New York. 
1957. p54-8. Reprinted by permission. 


gave the Japanese left wing a cohesiveness under stress 
that it was not long to maintain after it was freed for 
political activity. Early solidarity of the Social Demo- 
cratic party (Shakai Minshu-to) led to unexpected 
strength at the polls in April 1947, followed by strong 
positions for the party in the two succeeding coalition 
cabinets under their own leader Tetsu Katayama, from 
May 1947, until March 1948, and under Prime Minister 
Ashida, a Progressive, until October 1948. Yet there 
came to be fundamental differences between extremists 
and moderates within the party. In October 1951, the 
two wings split. The immediate issue was Japanese rati- 
fication of a peace treaty in the drafting of which neither 
the Soviet Union nor China had participated. Right 
Wingers, though they opposed the United States-Japa- 
nese defense pact that accompanied the treaty, supported 
the treaty itself. This the Left Wing refused to do. The 
Right Wing took a firm stand against rearmament, but 
avoided commitment to outright anti-Americanism. 

Meanwhile, Left-Wing Socialists maintained strict 
opposition to cooperation with the West in all phases of 
its struggle with world communism. It opposed active 
and passive aid to the South Korean cause during the 
Korean War and after the war favored complete with- 
drawal of foreign defense troops from Japanese soil. At 
the same time it staunchly resisted rearmament for Japan 
either with or without amendment of the constitution. 
Such a program attracted some of Japan's neutralists, to 
whom commitment on either side of the cold war seemed 
ill-advised, but it also appealed to those committed on 
the side of communism who were not actually Commu- 
nist party members. 

Relaxation of American-Soviet tension in 1955 had 
the effect of diminishing some of the issues between the 


two wings, and in October 1955 they merged to form the 
Japan Socialist party. Mosaburo Suzuki, leader of the 
Left Wing, became party chairman, while Right-Wing 
leader Inejiro Asanuma became chief secretary. Some 
disagreements still remain among factions of the party, 
though all of them agree on an anti-capitalistic program 
of domestic economy and a greater or lesser degree of 
opposition to the pro-American foreign program of the 
majority party. Socialists hold less than a third of the 
seats in the House of Representatives, but their program 
has powerful support among labor unions and in intel- 
lectual circles. 

B. The Liberal-Democratic party (Jiyu-Minshu-to). 
Japan's present majority party is basically conservative 
and favors alliance with the West. It came into being in 
November 1955, with the union of the Liberal and 
Democratic parties. The latter had consisted of the mem- 
bers of the old Progressive party plus dissidents from 
the Liberals. Postwar conservative factions exhibit at 
least one of the striking characteristics of their prewar 
counterparts : they unify not so much around articulated 
programs or policies as behind dominating politicians. 
Personality clashes among conservative leaders delayed 
formation of a united party until after reconciliation of 
the Left- and Right-Wing Socialists had made it a politi- 
cal necessity. These clashes have continued to plague the 
new party since its establishment. It remains to be seen 
whether the union will be stable. 

In March 1957, Nobusuke Kishi, who became prime 
minister on February 25, was made head of the party. 

C. The Ryokufu-kai. In 1947 a group of House of 
Councillors members of generally conservative political 
philosophy formed a separate party known as the Ryo- 
kufu-kai, or "Green Breeze Society." Its importance to 


Japanese political life lies in the fact that its upper-house 
membership of thirty-one seats prevents either of the 
major parties from obtaining majority control in the 
House of Councillors. The Ryokufu-kai fared badly in 
the elections of July 1956, and may be heading for 

D. The Japan Communist party (Nihon-Kyosan- 
to). Communist strength in Japan cannot be gauged by 
its numerical strength in the Diet, which declined from 
a high of thirty-five representatives after the January 
1949 elections to its present figure of two members in 
the lower house and two in the upper. In terms of its 
discipline, its hidden external support by Russia and the 
international party organization, and its potential appeal 
in times of crisis to possible millions not now swayed by 
its program, the Japan Communist party must be con- 
sidered one of the major parties. Its avowed aims in- 
clude immediate withdrawal of United States security 
forces, abrogation of the United States-Japanese defense 
pact, continued disarmament, and social reforms. Incor- 
poration of Japan into the Communist bloc of nations is 
an ultimate aim. 

During the occupation years the party offered a pro- 
gram of so-called peaceful revolution, designed to build 
popular support and at the same time ward off the wrath 
of the occupying authorities that would have resulted 
from a more overtly revolutionary policy. In conse- 
quence, orders from Moscow in January 1950 purged 
top Japanese party officials, replacing them with others 
who supported more radical methods. Purge from the 
opposite direction in July 1950 followed the outbreak of 
the Korean War. The party's official newspaper, the 
Akahata, was forced to suspend publication at the same 
time that other measures were taken by the occupation 


to prevent Communist obstruction of the United Nations 
war effort. Since the peace treaty became effective in 
April 1952, the party has again enjoyed the legal status 
of all other parties. 

Composition of the House of Representatives, by 
parties, as of November 1955, was as follows : 

Liberal-Democratic party 299 

Socialist party 154 

Communist party 2 

Other parties 6 

Independents 3 

Vacancies 3 

Total 467 


There have been many changes in the decade since 
occupation planners fashioned a democratic structure for 
Japan. More and more old patterns, personalities, and 
themes return to the stage. Premier Yoshida was suc- 
ceeded by Mr. Hatoyama, the only prewar politician 
favored by a personal purge decree from General Mac- 
Arthur's headquarters. Of the seventeen members of 
the Hatoyama cabinet . . . eleven were under the occu- 
pation's ban, and Foreign Minister Shigemitsu served 
a five years' sentence as a major war criminal. The 
Liberal-Democratic party, a merger of the two conserva- 
tive groups, commands a substantial majority in the 
lower house of the Diet and is committed to establish- 
ment of "public morality," educational reform, and 
changes in occupation laws to make them "conform with 

* From an article by Marius B. Jansen, associate professor of Japanese history, 
University of Washington. Political Quarterly. 27:141-51. April 1956. Reprinted 
by permission. 


national conditions." Steps are being taken to recentral- 
ize the educational system, standardize textbooks, and 
control their selection. And while revision of the consti- 
tutional ban on maintenance of a "war potential" is still 
in preparation planes and tanks are under manufacture. 
Yet it is much too early for sweeping verdicts on 
the demise of Japan's new democracy. Everywhere new 
interest groups which have had a decade to root them- 
selves stand to protest and moderate the plans of the 
conservatives. Education boards and teacher groups are 
waging a vigorous campaign against the centralization 
and standardization which is planned. The labor unions 
are preparing a spring offensive to protect their gains 
and secure further benefits. Constitutional revision is 
still very far from accomplished. The united Socialists 
lose no opportunity to challenge the less united conserva- 
tives. And there is room for misgivings about the justice 
of the sweeping condemnations of occupation days. Most 
of the present leaders stood against the extremism of 
war-time. The reappearance of Mr. Hatoyama and Mr. 
Shigemitsu does not necessarily mean a return of prewar 
nationalism, and the reappearance of some of the war- 
time military in posts of responsibility does not fore- 
doom a rebirth of prewar militarism. 

Ultranationdist Terrorist Societies 

But there is no room for doubt as to the undesir- 
ability of the return of ultranationalist, terrorist societies. 
Such groups have gained in number and in boldness, and 
their prewar leaders have regained some of the prestige 
and respectability that they lost in defeat. As currents 
of nationalism rise again, the ultranationalists rush to 
make their old claims of national superiority. An esti- 


mate of the strength and possibilities of the right-wing 
organizations, of their activities and handicaps in post- 
war Japan, can serve as a useful indication of the dis- 
tance which the Japanese people are prepared to travel 
in going back to the old ways. 

Rightist activities reached their postwar high during 
the closing days of the Yoshida Cabinet in 1954. In that 
year nationalist groups dropped leaflets from planes, they 
showered leaflets on Diet sessions, they made at least 
four plots against Mr. Yoshida's life, and addressed over 
fifty threats to him. In November 1954 ultranationalists 
staged their first public demonstration since Japan's de- 
feat. Four thousand members and affiliates of the Na- 
tional Martyr Youth Corps ( Junkoku Seinendan) rallied 
at Hibiya Hall in Tokyo. Among the speakers was 
Yoshio Kodama, a prominent prewar terrorist and war- 
time navy agent, who assailed both the Yoshida govern- 
ment and Japanese Communists. After his speech came 
a street demonstration. The Martyrs wore their dark 
blue uniforms with caps and black combat boots. They 
marched quietly, carrying banners inscribed with pa- 
triotic slogans, to the accompaniment of the national 
anthem. This rally illustrates some of the distinctions to 
be drawn when discussing the postwar right wing in 
Japan. Kodama attacked both the centrist conservatives 
and the left The rally was very different from those 
sponsored by leftist groups; rigid discipline and order 
were marked, and not a woman was present 

The right wing in postwar Japan tries to carry on the 
work of prewar ultranationalists. It recruits followers 
among those who believe that Japan's war aims were 
basically just and that Japan was defeated because it 
failed to live up to its noble spirit Postwar changes in 
democratization represent, they feel, still another failure 


to abide by that spirit, and close ties with America are 
unworthy of the historical mission of Japan. Renova- 
tion, purity, and self-respect will provide cures for cor- 
ruption in politics, cowardice in diplomacy, and selfish- 
ness in family and society. Japan can then be saved 
from the dangers of the left, it will be unencumbered by 
the self-seeking, craven politicians, and it will be free of 
Mr. Dulles and the MacArthur constitution. 

Although many writers use the term "fascist" when 
discussing Japanese ultranationalist organizations, the 
European exemplifications of that term fit the pre- and 
postwar pattern in Japan rather poorly. The main stream 
of the Japanese rightist movement has been rooted in the 
distinctive mixture of traditional and industrial values 
and practices in Japanese society, and its works can be 
understood only by considering the tensions on which it 
has fed. 

The right-wing organizations of twentieth-century 
Japan trace their ancestry back to societies formed by 
disgruntled ex-Samurai in the early years of the 1880's. 
Their founders were alarmed by the extent of social 
and ideological change that had followed the overthrow 
of the feudal regime, and they feared that Japan was 
leaving its proper course. They were obscurantists and 
xenophobes, and they were happy to receive support 
from segments of the business world (notably the coal 
industry) which valued their insistence on expansion and 
internal unity. The most celebrated of these organiza- 
tions, the Kokuryukai (Black Dragon, or Amur, Soci- 
ety), formed in 1901, combined an insistence on tradi- 
tional values with a call for leadership in Asia. Its 
members fostered study of Asian conditions and helped 
refugee Asian leaders, and they considered themselves 
self-appointed guardians of the national morality. Be- 


sides receiving support from sections of the business, 
army, and governmental groups, the ultranationalists 
were involved in many questionable transactions on the 
borderline between legitimate business and labor racket- 
eering. Their organizations were not secret societies, 
but neither were they mass societies. They were small 
elite groups clustered around leaders who made every 
attempt for full publicity in order to exaggerate their 
influence. . . . 

Decline of the Prewar Rightists 

But the influence of the ultranationalists in prewar 
days can easily be exaggerated. The rightists never 
achieved unity, and they never won power. . . . 

The surrender brought a sudden halt to the rightist 
organizations. Although a small number of extremists 
believed, with the young officers who assaulted the palace 
guard, that the surrender was against the will of the 
emperor, there were remarkably few spectacular protests 
or suicides. Kodama reappeared briefly as councillor in 
the post-surrender cabinet of Prince Higashi-Kuni, but 
before long he was in Sugamo Prison while Higashi- 
Kuni was operating a grocery store. General Mac- 
Arthur's headquarters moved promptly against the right- 
ist organizations, dissolving 232 and purging some 3,000 
leaders from public life. Some attempted new organi- 
zations only to have them stopped by summary orders 
from SCAP. But in any case the post-surrender days 
contained few opportunities for rightist propaganda. 
The deflation of war-time boasts of Japanism, national 
essence, and national purity was climaxed when the occu- 
pation proved to be humane instead of vindictive. Kod- 
ama, who writes that he never sensed defeat despite the 


bombings and horrors of the war, was crushed to find 
that the Americans were well-behaved. "When I first 
saw with my own eyes the civilized occupation/' he notes, 
"I could not but cry out from the bottom of my heart, 
'Japan has been defeated. We have been defeated !'"... 

Reappearance of Extremists 

The ultranationalist leaders have been able to resume 
open work since the mass depurges of the late occupation 
years. In 1950 the Korean War centered attention on 
the Communist danger, and the following year came the 
San. Francisco Peace Treaty which brought independence 
in the spring of 1952. Since then the soil for a new 
rightist movement has been good. Social confusion, eco- 
nomic boom and fears of panic, a middle class hard hit 
by inflation, the continuing presence of foreign troops, 
and the constant picture of political corruption have 
provided potential demagogues with rich material. In 
1951 ... [it was] estimated that 540 branches of 
266 organizations were in being. In July 1954 a news- 
paper summary counted over 700 branches with a total 
membership of 200,000. 

Most of the organizations are related to prewar 
bodies, and several, like the Fatherland Protection Corps, 
are led by assassins of the early 1930's. Two or three 
such organizations may be taken as outstanding. The 
Fatherland Protection Corps devotes itself to fighting 
communism, political corruption, and giving "proper 
guidance to youth." It has about thirty standing mem- 
bers who dress in a uniform patterned on that of the 
American Air Force, and a total membership of around 
500. Fourteen members, quartered in Tokyo for "group 
training" in Spartan living, devote themselves to fencing, 


judo, and ceremonies revering the emperor. The Martyr 
Youth Corps . . . was formed in 1952 by Hidezo 
Toyama, son of Japan's greatest prewar ultranationalist 
It advocates patriotism as "the only salvation for the 
nation which is now contaminated by both communism 
and the tendency to be servile to the United States." 
Its Tokyo headquarters houses thirty carefully selected 
young men (frequenters of slot-machine parlors and 
romantic films are excluded) who drill and study under 
banners reading: "All members will die for the sake of 
the country." 

The Seisanto (Production Party) is a revival of a 
group organized by the Black Dragon Society in 1931. 
It was originally designed as an anti-Communist group 
among the proletariat, but since its leader was a labor 
contractor and the organization was financed by Osaka 
business men its success was not great. The postwar 
Seisanto claims twenty thousand "troops" in the Osaka 
area, but police concede them one tenth as many. Its 
program calls for complete independence for Japan, in- 
cluding an "independent constitution," a grand union of 
a self-reliant Asia, and absolute peace. In 1954 the presi- 
dent and chairman of its central executive committee 
traveled to Formosa to confer with Chiang Kai-shek 
about the self-reliant Asia. The travelers told reporters 
that they conceived of national socialism as the answer to 
the two competing power systems of Russia and Amer- 
ica, and that after their visit to Formosa they hoped to 
go to the mainland to persuade Mao to leave the Russian 
orbit in return for leading Japan out of the American 

A Seisanto leader, Toshiharu Kawakami, also heads 
the League for the Defense Against Communization 
(Sekka boshi dan) which he formed in May 1952, afte? 


the Communist demonstrations on May Day. The 
League's platform features worship of the Imperial 
family, love of the fatherland, freedom and rights of the 
people, and annihilation of Communist influence. Kawa- 
kami, grandson of a xenophobic swashbuckler of [Meiji] 
Restoration days who slew one of Japan's great western- 
izers, is admirably equipped to train the 120 men he 
houses in his Kyoto residence. Among those receiving 
drill in swordsmanship, boxing, judo, and ideology is a 
youth who tried to assassinate Mr. Yoshida in 1954. . . . 

Evaluating the Threat 

From all of this it would be possible to draw very 
gloomy conclusions about the prospects for democracy 
in Japan. Nevertheless from a study of the evidence 
available one is led to the conclusion that the rightists 
have very few of the advantages that were theirs in 
prewar Japan while they have retained their handicaps. 
The reemergence of colorful terrorists of the 1930's does 
not mean that methods that were then effective can now 

First of all, the ultranationalists have been unable to 
work together. . . . The ultranationalists have also failed 
to come up with any really new ideas. . . . The leaders 
cannot form mass movements, and yet it takes a mass 
movement to get results in postwar Japan. . . . 

What can the ultranationalists promise would-be 
supporters ? Japan's relations with Asia furnish an illus- 
tration of the way old slogans have lost efficacy. Before 
the war, rightist leaders could point to ties with Asia in 
ideological and political programs. They promised Asian 
reformers Japanese help, and they promised Japanese 
leaders Asian followers. And, failing leadership, there 


was always the possibility of conquest But today con- 
quest, even of South Korea, is unthinkable. And the 
rightists can hope to talk with almost no Asian leaders in 
ideological terms with the possible exception of Chiang 
Kai-shek and Syngman Rhee, neither of whom has 
proven eager to follow Japanese leadership in the past 
It is the left, and not the right, that can offer Japanese 
businessmen ties with China today. 

And . . . the rightists never really won out in the 
1930's. They merely provided the instability in which 
the military could take over. Their program, when shorn 
of its mysticism and Confucianism, amounted to prepar- 
ing the stage for army take-over; the army, they thought, 
would know what to do next. But there is no comparable 
group with which the ultranationalists can work in the 
new Japan. 

But once these disclaimers of imminent disaster are 
made it must still be granted that the ultranationalist 
revival presents a real danger to Japan. So long as 
young fanatics see in chauvinism a code of values, so 
long as politics are corrupt, and so long as depression 
lurks behind the precarious balance of imports and ex- 
ports, Japan's new democracy will be vulnerable to attack 
by the demagogues. Economic pressures caused by re- 
armament can add to the difficulties and opportunities. 
Governmental attempts to revive patriotism and loyalty 
as preliminary steps to rearmament offer new dangers. 
And, while the old values are still in decline, no new 
codes have come in to inspire the idealism of the young. 
This is a setting in which the extremism of the left and 
right can thrive. 

Thus the rightists are a significant sign of a partial 
return to prewar patterns in postwar Japan. But unless 
standards of national and international political and eco- 


noniic health dwindle rapidly the ultranationalists seem 
most unlikely to regain the influence that was theirs a 
decade and more ago. Their problems illustrate the fact 
that despite the apparent identity of persons and themes 
in postwar Japan, the total balance of forces has changed 
very considerably since 1945. 


The signing of the Japanese Peace Treaty and the 
United States-Japan Security Treaty at San Francisco in 
September 1951 was the occasion for an unprecedented 
shift in the Communist party line on Japan. A little 
more than one month before Stalin's historic 1952 New 
Year's message to the Japanese people in which he 
wished them "success in their courageous struggle for 
independence/' the Cominform (Communist Information 
Bureau) recast the erstwhile imperialist state in the role 
of colonial appendage of foreign imperialism, thereby 
placing Japan for the first time in history in the category 
of the anticolonial nations of Asia. . . . 

Significantly, the "1951 Thesis," as the new party 
program came to be called, remained the basic policy 
guide for post-treaty strategy and tactics of the Japanese 
Communist party (JCP) at least up to the party's na- 
tional council meeting in July 1955. . 

Party Strength 

According to official registration figures party mem- 
bership reached a peak of 100,000 in March 1950, but it 

From "Japaxjeae Coamnunisra and foe Moscow-Peking Axis " article h v PrvWt. 


dwindled gradually to 65,000 in January 1951, 59,000 
in May, 56,000 in August, and 48,000 in June 1952. Its 
actual strength including nonregistered members, which 
was once thought to be several times the registered 
membership, was estimated early in 1954 to be between 
60,000 and 70,000. The number of members who actu- 
ally pay dues to the party was at the same time said to 
be between 20,000 and 30,000. 

A comparison of Communist results in the elections 
of 1949, 1952, 1953, and 1955 offers another indication 
of trends in post-treaty Communist strength. On Octo- 
ber 1, 1952, a national election was held after a lapse of 
nearly four years. The Communists campaigned vigor- 
ously, putting up one candidate for each constituency 
throughout the country. Whereas thirty-five Communist 
candidates had been elected in the preceding election, 
not a single seat was won by the Communist party in 
the new House of Representatives. The aggregate vote 
declined from 2,980,000 (9.1 per cent) in the 1949 elec- 
tion to 890,000 (2.5 per cent) in the 1952 election. In 
the general election of April 19, 1953, the Communist 
vote decreased to 660,000 (1.89 per cent) of the total 
votes cast, and the party managed to win one seat in the 
House of Representatives. The February 1955 elections 
to the House of Representatives shows the first slight 
reversal in the downward trend in JCP popularity. Two 
JCP members were elected, both of them from Osaka; 
the party polled 773,120 (2 per cent) of the total votes 

JCP and the Socialists 

During 1954, the Communist party continued to woo 
the Socialists, but the latter remained largely uncon- 
vinced of the necessity, value, or wisdom of accepting 


Communist bids for "joint action," To be sure, certain 
of their objectives coincided with those of the JCP, and 
the Communist party "used" the Socialists when and 
wherever possible. 

Propaganda Themes 

The principal Japanese Communist propaganda cam- 
paigns of 1954-1955 revolved around themes of opposi- 
tion to rearmament, military bases, and mutual security 
aid, while the most sensational issue which the party 
was able to exploit was the "Bikini incident/' involv- 
ing atomic fallout on the Japanese fishing vessel Lucky 

The Labor Front 

The party has been most active on the labor front, 
with the 3-million-member General Council of Trade 
Unions of Japan (Sohyo) an identifiable target By 
1954 Communist influence on the Council had become 
substantial, but it appears to have declined somewhat 
since that time. The party has made relatively less head- 
way with the farmer and fisherman, and redoubled 
efforts have recently been called for. 

Sixth National Council Meeting 

After the Geneva "summit" conference, the JCP 
began to display aspects of the Soviet "new look." This 
was in line with the world-wide Communist policy and 
was not an unexpected development. Certain other re- 
lated domestic developments also appear to have influ- 
enced the transformation in JCP policy, especially the 
evident failure of the party's militant underground policy 


and the replacement of the Yoshida government by the 
Hatoyama government, with the increased strength of 
the Socialist parties (and union as the Social Democratic 
party), which, in turn, tended to create what the JCP 
apparently regarded as a more fluid political situation. 
The new modified policy was adopted at the party's 
sixth national council meeting in July 1955, and was 
published almost immediately in Akahata. After com- 
menting on "favorable" developments on the interna- 
tional scene (such as the Geneva and the Bandung con- 
ferences) and noting that "the American imperialists are 
still supervising and controlling our industry, agriculture, 
and finances and trade, and exploiting and plundering 
our people," the document takes up several fundamental 
problems and errors, identified as failure to overcome 
factionalism and to unify the party, the tactical error of 
leftist adventurism, and the inability to strengthen the 
ties between the party and the people. Each of these is 
elaborated in some detail with the appropriate "lessons 
the party must learn." The document concludes by pin- 
pointing specific target areas or groups and suggesting 
that there is an appropriate tactic towards each in the 
national-democratic liberation revolution. 

The new tactical line as outlined by the Resolution, 
reminiscent of Mao's New Democracy, may be summar- 
ized as follows: (1) Win labor and farmers by "correct- 
ing the error of leftist sectionalism," by paying more 
attention to the laborer's and farmer's daily needs, by not 
forcing "mechanically the party's program on groups" 
but by "winning them ideologically." (2) "Eradicate ex- 
isting prejudice in the party against intellectuals" and 
channel the political consciousness of the intellectuals, 
youth, and women toward the correct cause. (3) Correct 
mistakes such as supporting Shigemitsu and attacking the 


Socialist rnrty ght for the unity of all democratic 
forces. (4) Be ready to exploit dissatisfaction with the 
Japanese government on the part of small- and medium- 
sized businesses, while realizing at the same time that 
various types of governments, though reactionary and 
pro-United States in large measure, can nevertheless con- 
tribute to the revolution. (5) While the party must not 
ally itself with monopoly capital, which supports traitors 
and reactionary governments, certain "dissatisfied big 
bourgeois" may be "encouraged" to take a neutral posi- 
tion* (6) Expose and block the revival of anti-Commu- 
nist, Fascist, terrorist, rightist groups. (7) Organize 
broad peace movement among people of all walks of life 
who are against atomic war the party must, in effect 
stand publicly for neutralism while not being itself neu- 
tral. (8) The party must raise its ideological level. 


Since Yoshida emerged in 1946 from the status of < 
diplomat laid on the shelf by the military to that of th< 
potentially most powerful statesman of postwar Japan 
a dozen epithets, not all of them complimentary, hav< 
been applied to the man and his policies. 

He has, for instance, been called a representative o 
the "extreme right," but this, except as a shorthand de 
scription of an old-fashioned Japanese conservative, i 
scarcely correct. He is profoundly anti-Communist, an< 
suspicious of anything resembling fellow-traveling. H 
made some sensation when, in the early stages of hi 
last election campaign, he angrily called Japan's Lefl 
wing Socialists Communists or little better. He is 

* From an article by Luwtesar Parrott, former chief of the New York Tim 
Tokyo Bureau. New York Times kaffazine. p 12+ . September 6, 1953. RcpriS 


devoutly royalist, convinced, as perhaps most Japanese 
are, that the imperial institution, no matter to what evil 
uses it may have been put in the past, is the pivot around 
which the nation turns. 

"Extreme right" in Japan has a special connotation 
the return of the military caste, reestablishment of tough- 
muscled secret societies and "young officers" groups 
which dominated Japan before the war, government- 
backed family monopoly, and reestablishment of an 
aggressive empire to dominate a new Greater East Asia. 
None of these objectives has been endorsed by Mr. 

The policies he has followed . . . might be de- 
scribed as somewhat to the right of middle of the road. 
They, as he has outlined them in campaign speeches, 
addresses to the Diet, parliamentary committee testimony 
and rather rare press interviews, are about as follows: 

On international relations : Close alignment with the 
United Nations and with the United States. "Empty 
arguments" by the Left and the idealist intellectual 
fringe for absolute and unarmed neutrality in a troubled 
world and against "one-sided reliance on America alone" 
are Communist traps against which Japan must be on 

On rearmament : Japan must have the forces for self- 
defense and to insure internal security, but this requires 
no immediate revision of the postwar national constitu- 
tion outlawing war forever. Arming of Japan, however, 
must wait on Japan's economic progress. "Under the 
present economic conditions, the construction of a single 
battleship would upset the whole of government finance." 

On foreign aid : As the United States assisted Japan 
immediately after the war, so America will continue 
indeed has promised to lend a hand through special 


procurement. MSA [Mutual Security Administration] 
aid would be acceptable. The United States would be 
expected to make **no unreasonable demands" for an 
arms program that might wreck the Japanese economy. 

On trade icith communism: A profitable export- 
import relationship between Japan and China remains a 
question mark. Under the circumstances, Southeast Asia 
is Japan's most likely source of raw materials and poten- 
tially her best customer. 

These are scarcely the opinions of an "extreme 
Rightist." If Yoshida's views require a special charac- 
terization, they smack more of the outlook of the states- 
men of the Aleiji era, during \vhich, in Tokyo, he was 
born, than they do of anything extreme. 

Voshida was born a Takeuchi, a wealthy . . . fam- 
ily, identified with the politics of the early imperial re- 
vival. In common with many Japanese of every class, he 
bears an adopted name. His adoptive father was Kenzo 
Voshida, a business man and manufacturer of silk 
Voshida passed through the Tokyo Imperial University, 
then an essential training ground for public servants. 

From 1906 to 1939 he worked his way through the 
ranks of the imperial diplomatic corps, in China, in Rome 
and finally as ambassador to the Court of St. James a 
servant of the throne and a member of the professional- 
business man's caste, little if at all responsible to the 
shifting political administrations of Japan. 

It is conceivable that England, another island empire 
with a long royal tradition and a civil service upper class, 
colored Yoshida's views more than any other nation iti 
which he served. This and his advocacy of amity with 
China were the main reasons for his earning the distrust 
of the military clique that drove Japan's government 
into the camps of Britain's foes in World War II. For 


opposing the militarists Yoshida in 1936 was vetoed as 
foreign minister in the new cabinet formed after key 
antimilitarists gained control of Japan's government. 
With the outbreak of the war in Europe Yoshida, then 
president of the Japan-Britain Society, went into virtual 
retirement. After Pearl Harbor he smuggled to the thai 
interned United States Ambassador, Joseph C Grew, his 
regrets over Japan's plunge into the war. He spent the 
last three months of the war in prison for advocating 
peace negotiations through British channels. . . . 

It is perhaps a paradox that Yoshida, after his career 
as a diplomat and a retirement which he probably de- 
signed to be permanent, was tossed into the dogfight of 
postwar Japanese party politics more or less by accident 
Originally in occupied Japan, under General Douglas 
MacArthur as Supreme Commander for the Allied 
Powers, Ichiro Hatoyama, ex-cabinet minister and poli- 
tician, organized and led the conservative forces, was 
elected to the Diet and virtually assured of the first 
ministry. Then, suddenly, he was purged for his acts 
and writings while Japan was still a member of the Axis. 
Yoshida, with little or no knowledge of party politics, 
took the job almost by default. 

The occupation ended and the purges were with- 
drawn. But when Hatoyama attempted to reassume con- 
trol of the party he had formed Yoshida was in full 


The transfer of power [in December 1954] from the 
Liberals of ex-Premier Shigeru Yoshida to Hatoyama's 
Democrats was in great part a result of Hatoyama's 

From "Japan Land of tfce Reluctant Sparrows." Time. 65:34-7. March 14, 
1955. Reprinted by permission. 


personal popularity, his canny exploitation of Japan's 
disillusionment with his highhanded and distant prede- 
cessor, Yoshida. But, as Hatoyama was among the first 
to acknowledge, his mandate went far deeper than a 
change of personalities. In sweeping out the Liberals, 
the Japanese were sweeping away a regime that repre- 
sented to the majority of Japanese a decade of meek 
complaisance to the commands and suggestions of the 
United States occupiers. . . . 

In place of the Yoshida men, the electorate had 
turned to men of almost identical pin-stripe; indeed, 
some were the very same men. But they wore new colors 
more independence from the United States; negotia- 
tions with the Chinese Communists and Russia; some 
second thoughts about rearming and lining up on the 
Western side of the cold war. "... I feel that align- 
ment only with the Western nations and the ignoring of 
the Communist nations . . . could lead to a third world 
war," said Ichiro ttatoyama. "I would like to awaken 
the people to a deeper, more serious sense of their 

A Tokyo businessman put it more crudely. "Yo- 
shida," he said, "sold Japan from under his kimono, like 
a Parisian selling dirty pictures. Hatoyama is different 
He is like a brand-new shopkeeper on the Ginza his 
door is open to everybody." . . . 

^For all his political canniness and his present popu- 
larity, it is by no means certain that aged, crippled Ichiro 
Hatoyama is the one who can do the job. He is essen- 
tially a politician, a man who made his way up by nifty 
deals across the ... [gaming] tables, by tough brawling 
in the Diet (once he rushed to the rostrum and tried to 
punch a fellow Diet member in the nose), and by tack- 
ing with the winds of national sentiment "He is not 


the kind of leader who stands out and looks down on the 
people," said a friend, "but more the kind who leads by 
standing in the middle of them." 

His manner and his mode of living are Western. 
Brought up on John Wesley and Adam Smith, he wor- 
shiped for years as a Christian, and still devotes several 
hours a week to robust singing of Christian hymns. But 
when the militarists took over in the 1930's to pursue 
their dream of empire, Hatoyama accepted it, endorsed 
it on a tour of foreign capitals, wrote a book praising 
Hitler and Mussolini. He was not close enough to the 
team to be completely trusted, so before war's end he 
was nudged into retirement; but he was not clean enough 
to pass the occupation's purview, and was purged (along 
with 201,815 other Japanese) after he had formed the 
postwar Liberal party and was about to become premier. 

Until he could return, Hatoyama entrusted the Lib- 
eral party to his good friend Yoshida. By the time he 
was depurged five years later, Hatoyama had been laid 
low by a stroke, and tough-minded Shigeru Yoshida had 
grown too attached to the job to relinquish it Hato- 
yama bided his time until the conservatives and their 
business backers began chafing under Yoshida's leader- 
ship, and the public began showing its irritation with the 
remnants of United States occupation and those who 
cooperated with it All that was then necessary was a 
shrewd deal across the game tables. Overnight ... a 
chunk of the Liberals broke off, styled themselves the 
Democrats, and chose Ichiro Hatoyama as their leader. 
Another convenient arrangement with the Yoshida- 
hating Socialists knocked the premier out and brought 
Hatoyama in. 



An understanding of Japan is impossible without a 
grasp of the problems arising from her island economy. 
Forced to rely for her economic existence on imports 
of raw materials and on export of finished goods, she 
has since the end of World War II struggled to stabilize 
a shaky balance of trade. While the country shows signs 
of a remarkably quick industrial recovery, she still 
desperately needs markets abroad to support a growing 
population and an expanding economy. Until recently, 
Japan depended almost exclusively on Western markets ; 
now she is turning to Asia and Communist China. 

The first article in this section gives a general picture 
of the nature of Japan's economy and the twin problems 
of population and labor force. An article from the New 
York Times special section on foreign trade (January 
1957) shows Japan's rapid postwar industrial progress. 
Another article briefly describes the role of trade unions 
in Japanese industry and politics. The comeback of 
Japan's giant prewar trade combines is reported in a 
news story from Newsweek. Japanese-United States 
trade relations are first taken up in a discussion of the 
invasion of United States markets by Japanese goods. 
This is followed by a short news story from the New 
York Times on the boycott by southern states of Japa- 
nese textiles. An article by C. L. Sulzberger warns that 
Japan is being forced to look to China for markets as 
a result of restrictive measures taken by Western coun- 
tries against Japanese goods. Another New York Times 
news story reports on the Japanese lifting an embargo 


on 272 items to be shipped to China. In the concluding 
article Vera Micheles Dean sums up Japan's economic 
dilemma, raising the further question of the country's 
new need to divert money and manpower to defense 
(with the withdrawal of the United States Armed 


Few travelers to Japan realize they are visiting three 
different but related countries. In the rice paddies farm- 
ers use methods of hand labor which date back to primi- 
tive times; in the small shops and cottage industries 
there are medieval-feudal patterns of manufacture and 
distribution, and even semi feudal social relationships; in 
the large factories labor unions are strong, and there are 
faint beginnings of automation and of an economy of 

On the farms almost half of Japan's population 
reaches old age in the middle forties, and children are 
valued if only to take care of the prematurely aged. 
Indeed, in certain areas, large numbers of children are 
necessary if the family is to survive. Thanks to agri- 
cultural reforms, tenant farmers are now only a small 
minority, and democratic cooperative organizations have 
spread through the land. 

Well-informed Japanese call the agricultural coopera- 
tives one of the best of the occupation reforms and say 
that the Japanese bosses who at first dominated the 
cooperatives have gradually been replaced. Nevertheless 
American movie-makers recently found that to rent a 
Japanese farm, theoretically belonging to its farmer- 
owner, they had to consult a Nipponese Capone. 

1 From "Atlantic Report on the World Today Japan." Atlantic Monthly. 
198:17-22. August 1956. Reprinted by permission. 


The small shops and cottage industries produce the 
hr.r.'Irrrsf*? cattery, lacquerware, silk, and damascene 
for which Japan is famous. They also produce all 
sorts of industrial products on a sub-contract system, 
with some attempt at standardization, and with a re- 
markable ability to shift rapidly from one temporarily 
successful export to another. Here one can see at its 
most fascinating the Japanese social system of paternal- 
ism, or substitute father, substitute child, as the Japanese 
sociologists call it One does not fire an inefficient father 
or an incapable son, but one does not need to pay him 
very much either. 

On the farms the working day is ten hours except 
at the time of planting or harvest; and the pay is often 
as low as $10 a month. Wages in the large industries 
are the best in Japan, about $55 a month. Usually the 
working day is eight hours, and the productivity of 
these workers is far greater than that of workers in 
smaller industries. 

Too Many People 

The population of Japan is steadily increasing. In a 
country roughly the size of California (which has about 
13 million inhabitants) there are close to 90 million, and 
each year 1.5 million new Japanese appear on the 
crowded scene. 

Japan is one of two countries in the world (India is 
the other) in which systematic private and public efforts 
are being made to spread knowledge of birth control. 
Meanwhile abortion is widely used, and one estimate 
has it that there are each year as many abortions as 
births. . . . 

The immediate question is what to do about the 
young employables who are already born and who for 


at least fifteen years will threaten the Japanese economy 
with chaos. The examples of Belgium and the Nether- 
lands, both more densely populated than Japan, suggest 
that an answer can be found. Those who advocate emi- 
gration are fond of citing the fact that only 16 per cent 
of Japan's land is usable. But in this respect Japan is 
better off than North America, and far better off than 
the world as a whole. More can be done to reclaim land 
from the sea and, as one experiment has shown, to use 
land above 1200 feet in altitude. 

Productivity and Efficiency 

If Japanese productivity continues to increase at its 
present rate, there will be new jobs each year for per- 
haps 320,000 new workers. That leaves a balance each 
year of close to 400,000 young workers for whom new 
jobs must be found, for at least a decade. The only 
answer now in sight is a still further increase in pro- 

Productivity in Japan, however measured, is certainly 
above the prewar years perhaps as much as 150 per 
cent of that period & remarkable achievement when one 
remembers that Japan lost 40 per cent of its national 
wealth and 45 per cent of its territory in the Second 
World War. . . . 

The Japanese, who in their internal affairs show a 
marked distaste for competition, are facing for the first 
time on a large scale the necessity for reaching a com- 
petitive position in international trade. Some Asian na- 
tions are reaching self-sufficiency in the light industrial 
goods Japan exported before the war; and others, such* 
as Red China, are beginning to undersell the Japanese 
in exports of cloth, a Japanese world specialty. In heavy 


industrial goods and chemicals, Japan is a less efficient 
producer than the United Kingdom, West Germany, or 
the United States. . . - 

The Fear of Competition 

Japan's great pool of cheap and surplus labor is a 
disadvantage, rather than an advantage, for it leads to 
a lack of interest in efficiency. And Japanese workers 
in the largest labor union, Sohyo, have even opposed 
productivity. In all walks of Japanese society, raises in 
pay are awarded mainly according to seniority rather 
than merit; and generally speaking, it is more important 
to age than to think. 

The unions object, for the most part, to time and 
motion studies, or even to aptitude testing for jobs. The 
main concern of a worker is keeping his job. A Japa- 
nese worker who seeks to better himself by transferring 
from one company to another is immediately suspect as 
disloyal. A worker expects his employer, or substitute 
father, to take care of him for life, and hiring a worker 
is closer to adoption of a child than to fitting the right 
worker to the right job. 

Japanese industry is also weak in marketing prac- 
tices, both in finding out whether there is any consumer 
demand for a given product, and in selling the product 
once it has been manufactured. Aside from neon light- 
ing, advertising balloons, and a few sandwich men 
equipped with drums, umbrellas, and clackers, there is 
little salesmanship. A salesman is ranked with a factory 
worker in prestige. 

Another weakness of Japanese industry, particularly 
the smaller industries, is the lack of adequate cost- 
accounting procedures. Often a company assigns an arbi- 


trary price for its product and hopes for the best Some 
companies will keep as many as three sets of books : one 
for themselves, one for their investors, and one for the 
government. . . . 

Cultural Interchange 

Japanese scholars and businessmen are now traveling 
abroad at a rate far greater than in the early days of the 
Meiji era, when Japan first made its effort to draw level 
with the Western world. Thanks to the Fulbright pro- 
gram, and similar but much smaller British, German, 
and French programs, foreign experts of all kinds are 
visiting Japan as never before in its history. 

The most remarkable, and as yet little noticed, effort 
at cultural interchange is that represented by the still 
new Japan Productivity Center. Its efforts are being 
aided by an able and energetic group of Americans in 
the United States Overseas Operations Mission. These 
two agencies make it possible for teams of Japanese, 
usually twelve in number, from industries chosen with 
an eye to the long-range future of Japan, to visit the 
United States for six weeks of study. This program has 
only just begun, but its final effects may reach every 
circle of Japanese society. Badly needed in Japan is a 
business and industrial college which, free from tradi- 
tion, could approach Japan's industrial productivity in a 
Japanese way. Such a college, properly run, could serve 
as an inspiration for Japanese education in general. 

A period of far-reaching re-education lies ahead for 
the industrial and business world of Japan. . . . 

It is not likely that the Japanese can make further 
improvements in Japanese industrial production without 
introducing industrial democracy and a more truly com- 


petitive pattern of life. In the long run, historians may 
be able to record that even more significant and lasting 
than the democratic influences of the occupation were 
the new democratic forces in Japanese business and edu- 
cation which appeared after the occupation was over. 


Japan is rapidly returning to the forefront among 
the great industrial nations. This is evidenced by hum- 
ming factories, bustling offices, roaring traffic and huge, 
well-dressed throngs in hundreds of richly-stocked de- 
partment stores of the nation. 

Generally speaking, the people never have lived so 
well. If the average Japanese still cannot afford an auto- 
mobile, it is now no impossible strain on his budget to 
buy a motorbike. He can afford electric lights in his 
house and a radio. The electric refrigerator is becoming 
common, and nearly 500,000 Japanese own television 

If an average annual income of about $230 a person 
seems inordinately low to an American, it is very high 
for a Japanese accustomed to an extremely frugal cul- 
ture. It is about 4 per cent more than he made last year, 
more than 10 per cent above the peak years of 1934-36. 
"Real" wages, earnings beyond rising price levels, have 
increased 7.1 per cent in the last year. Wholesale prices 
jumped 24.5 index points, but the consumer price level 
has held to a reasonable 4.3. . . . 

Analysts generally concede that the prospects for the 
future are bright. However it is never forgotten that 
Japan must import 20 per cent of her food and 80 per 
cent of her raw materials; that the population . . . con- 

N~*? 1 T ?t5cle *.?**$ Trumhl ?', f <5 * New York Times Tokyo Bureau. 
New Ttork Times. p47-f . January 3, 1957. Reprinted by permission. 


timies to expand; and that the export economy, by which 
Japan must live, is at the mercy of economic winds in 
the buying countries. 

Problems and Progress 

Japanese exports are still little more than half the 
figure for the prewar peak years. Internally, economic 
expansion is being hampered by transportation bottle- 
necks and power shortages, which can be attributed, at 
least, in part, to shortsighted planning. The failure of 
urban gains in income to keep pace with the new pros- 
perity of the farmers has an adverse political affect. 
And abroad, Japan faces new competitors and continuing 
discrimination against Japanese goods for one reason or 
another. . . . 

However, the progress being made amazes observers 
who found a rather despairing picture here only two 
years ago. 

From the utter economic prostration at the end of 
the war, Japan has risen to become the leader of the 
world in fishing, second in shipbuilding (first in number 
of ships built for export), third in cotton textile produc- 
tion, and sixth in steel output. And every month sees 
new postwar records in production. 

A comparison of foreign trade figures for the first 
nine months of the calendar year 1956 with the totals 
for the comparable period in the previous year tells part 
of the story. The following table is in thousands of 
dollars : 

Jan.-Oct Jan.-Oct 

1955 1956 

Imports .... $1,516,300 $2,628,795 
Exports .... $1,582,000 $2,004,910 


In the 1956 figure, the trade deficit of $623,885,000 
is partly compensated by a $285,771,000 excess in "in- 
visible" exports (United States procurement contracts 
and cash spending by United States servicemen and 
tourists) over invisible imports. . . . 

As an indicator of domestic prosperity, production 
levels in mining and manufacturing, based on an index 
figure of 100 for 1950, hit 250.4 in August, 1956. Con- 
tinued good rice crops, except in frost-stricken Hokkaido, 
enabled farmers to raise their consumption index to 132, 
against 100 for 1934-36. The same figure for urban 
workers was 127.1. 

It would perhaps be misleading to dwell here on the 
contribution of the United States to the resurgence in 
Japan's economy. In the six years and eight months of 
Allied occupation under United States direction, a thor- 
ough revamping of the economic pattern, helped by a 
cash advance of $2 billion that is yet to be repaid, put 
the prostrate country back on its feet. As the occupation 
ended, Japan was enjoying the extraordinary boom 
caused by the Korean War. 

United States Expenditures Cited 

The negative effects of World War II on Japan's 
economy will continue to be felt for many years, entirely 
apart from the disintegration of her prewar overseas 
empire. She must pay reparations of $200 million to 
Burma, $550 million to the Philippines, and yet undeter- 
mined amounts to Indonesia and Vietnam probably 
more than $1 billion in all. The United States is not 
expected to remit more than two thirds of the $2 billion 
rehabilitation and occupation debt. 


Today, the United States contribution to Japan's 
expanding economy has its chief significance in the over- 
seas procurement program which in 1956 has paid into 
Tokyo $188,345,000 in contracts awarded up to October 
this year. The visiting servicemen and others spend 
about another $325 million a year in various ways swell- 
ing the "invisible" exports. 

Significant as this addition to the export economy is, 
Japanese analysts now say confidently that Japan would 
be able to survive if the United States contribution were 
withdrawn. They are less happy, however, over the im- 
plications of continuing and sometimes growing hostility 
to Japanese competition in United States markets, par- 
ticularly in textiles. 

Competition for Markets 

The Japanese say they are among the best customers 
of the United States. In the first nine months of 1956, 
for example, Japan purchased $736 million in goods 
from the United States. Much of this is in raw cotton, 
a small part of which is made into cloth . . . and sent 
back to the United States, often to the dismay of Ameri- 
can textile interests who find themselves being undersold 
by Japanese competitors. 

It appears that this conflict will be resolved by nego- 
tiation. The Japanese have shown a willingness to im- 
pose voluntary quotas on shipments in delicate areas, and 
to police exporters who tend to such sharp practices as 
over-concentrating on easy selling items. 

Reforms in Japanese selling methods are only one 
facet in a vastly changing business philosophy. . . . 
Where once Japan concentrated on cheap, inferior con- 
sumer goods and low-priced textiles, she is now going in 


for machinery and quality products. She also is tapping 
new markets to replace those she lost when her prewar 
colonies were taken away from her. 

The new markets are in the underdeveloped countries 
of Southeast Asia. There Japan runs into heavy compe- 
tition from India in the textile field, and there are indi- 
cations that some day, Communist China, rapidly indus- 
trializing, may offer a challenge in consumer goods. So 
Japan is placing her dependence on heavy equipment and 
machinery, areas in which she can compete with the 
United States, Britain and Europe for the Asian market. 
^ At the end of the year Japan sent a floating sample 
fair, showing a myriad of quality products, to all the 
great commercial ports of South and Southeast Asia. At 
the same time her agents are plentiful in many other 
countries, particularly Latin America of late, with sample 
cases bulging and order books open. 

Resumption of formal diplomatic and trade relations 
with^the Soviet Union, and rising hopes for an easing of 
restrictions on trade with Communist China in strategic 
goods, place new commercial vistas before Japanese 

The disturbances in the Middle East, and their reper- 
cussions on the trade patterns of West Europe, have 
been to Japan's advantage, perhaps more than tempo- 
rarily. The diversion of South Asian orders to Japan 
with the closure of the Suez Canal was particularly 
significant. ... J 

The rebirth of Japan as the "workshop of Asia " in 
a wider sense than before, has prompted one more his- 
torical readjustment now in process. . . . This is the 
development, hitherto unnecessary but vital now, of serv- 
icing facilities, pools of replacement parts, and other 
necessities for building permanent markets in major 



One cannot understand the present condition of 
Japan's labor movement and with it the nature of its 
social problems without at least a cursory look at the 
structure of the Japanese economy. Side by side with a 
handful of industrial giants, there are many thousands 
of small enterprises that are little more than artisans' 
shops. The larger firms, those with more than two hun- 
dred workers, employ only thirty per cent of the labor 
force. The big companies generally comply with the 
United States-inspired labor laws that were introduced 
after the war. In these companies the workers are organ- 
ized. The smaller enterprises, employing more than two 
thirds of all Japanese workers, do not bother much 
about these laws, and their employees remain largely out- 
side the unions. Wages, too, are substantially higher in 
the larger enterprises, and they are the ones that are 
usually cited abroad. 

The smaller employer still runs his business on a 
patriarchal basis, combining incredible exploitation (low 
wages, unpaid overtime, working days up to twelve or 
fourteen hours) with a minimum of social benefits. In 
many cases he employs far too many workers, because 
it is contrary to the traditional social code to leave rela- 
tives or friends on the street. The jobless and under- 
employed in all categories are estimated at a minimum 
of 6 to 7 million about 16 per cent of Japan's working 
population of 44 million, and almost ten times the num- 
ber of unemployed officially registered in the summer of 
1955. . . . 

Most of the 7 million unemployed and underemployed 
are badly off indeed. They receive a nominal pittance or 

From "Japan: Between Mane and the Midxfle Ages," article bj Lfly Abegg, 
author and expert on Japanese affairs. Reporter. 14:23-6. March 8, 1956. Re- 
printed Tty permission. 


no pay at all. They are undernourished and desperate. 
Their 'number is further swollen by the army of day 
laborers who live from hand to mouth and have no 
unions. Many of the large Japanese enterprises employ 
a high percentage of day laborers because they are much 
cheaper. This means that the majority of Japanese 
workers are not organized. 

What, then, is the role of the Japanese unions : that, 
for instance, of the large Communist-infiltrated General 
Council of Trade Unions (Sohyo) with nearly 4 million 
members ? 

One can say that in Japan only the "rich" workers 
are organized. * Next to the Sohyo, the Trade Union 
Congress (Zenro) with about 700,000 members plays a 
major role. The other unions number some 2 million 
members altogether. 

The surprising thing is that the Sohyo derives its 
main support from the 1.8 million workers and em- 
ployees of the government and of public enterprises. Its 
other 2 million are made up of industrial workers from 
the big companies. These are the highest-paid workers 
in Japan; some of them are even entitled to pensions. 

Naturally, not all Sohyo members are Communist- 
inclined, but most of the Sohyo leaders are, and they try 
to make their influence felt more and more. Sohyo is 
more a political organization than an ordinary union. 
In a certain sense it carries more weight than the newly 
reunited Socialist party of Japan with its eleven million 

Sohyo leadership is less concerned with the workers' 
welfare than with their political indoctrination. Sohyo 
strikes are almost always political, and pay increases and 
other such demands serve merely as adjuncts. Since 
Sohyo is mostly interested in political power, its first 


interest was in the "rich" workers in the largest enter- 
prises and the government services who could be organ- 
ized more easily. 

Zenro, the more moderate federation, rejects political 
strikes, stresses the unions' economic tasks and is close 
to the right-wing Socialists. 

Recently, however, Sohyo has realized that even the 
"rich" workers, the left-wing intellectuals, the frustrated 
youth, and other dissatisfied groups do not add up to 
enough votes for the left-wing parties. The Japanese 
House of Representatives still consists of about two 
thirds conservatives and one third Socialists. (The Com- 
munists have only two seats.) 

For this reason, Sohyo [has] embarked ... on a 
major organizing campaign among the smaller enter- 
prises and the day laborers. The question who will 
win these unorganized masses is of major importance 
for Japan. 


Prewar Japan boasted some of the biggest of the 
world's big businesses. These great combines, such as 
Mitsui, Mitsubishi, and Sumitomo, were broken up dur- 
ing the postwar occupation. Now as Japan faces an 
economic crisis, they are being reformed. The follow- 
ing report explains the vital role these giant concerns 
have played in the Japanese economy and in world trade 
and outlines their plans for resuming this role. . . . 

The Zaibatsu 

The history of Mitsui, Mitsubishi, and Sumitomo, 
the most famous of the Zaibatsu [Wealth-Clique] goes 
back centuries and decades: 

* From "Comeback of th* Great Japan Trade Combines." Newsweek. 43 :60-1. 
April 12, 1954. Reprinted by permission. 


Three centuries ago a family named Mitsui owned a 
plant making sake [the most popular alcoholic beverage 
of Japan, fermented from rice] . They branched out into 
retailing and money-lending. As Japan's industrial and 
commercial expansion began in the second half of the 
nineteenth century, Mitsui-Gumi (House of Mitsui) be- 
came in 1871 financial agent for the government, in 1872 
the backers (unwillingly) of the First National Bank, 
and in 1876 the founders (willingly) of the Mitsui Bank. 

In the days when Japan was opening up after Com- 
modore Perry's visit, title financial adviser to the Lord of 
Tosa, a noble on the island of Shikoku, was named 
Iwasaki. He formed an enterprise called Tosa Kaisei 
Shosa which acquired interests in mining, manufactur- 
ing, and shipping, and became Mitsubishi. 

In the sixteenth century a family named Sumitomo 
operated a copper refinery in Sakai. About a century- 
later it acquired the renowned Besshi copper mines. 
Gradually the House of Sumitomo expanded, always 
with mining as its base. 

In this manner the Zaibatsu rose from humble be- 
ginnings to giants that straddled the world. In late nine- 
teenth- and early twentieth-century Japan their growth 
was natural against a background of rapid moderniza- 
tion, a growing labor supply, a shortage of capital, a 
small investing class, and a primitive economy. 

Strict "house rules," usually laid down through the 
will of the founder, determined every action of the mem- 
bers of the Zaibatsu families although later the compa- 
nies tended to supplant family rule with a paid mana- 
gerial class. The firms were holding-company pyramids, 
each with a parent company, the Honsha, on top in 
control of a number of manufacturing, commercial and 
financial companies which in turn dominated affiliates 
and subsidiaries. 


After the war the United States occupation began a 
veritable crusade aimed at tearing down these Immense 
enterprises and "purging" practically all their executives. 
By 1947 these extreme measures, in the opinion of re- 
sponsible officials in the Truman Administration, were 
threatening permanently to cripple the Japanese economy. 
From that time on measures were taken by Washington 
to temper and often to reverse the directives issued by 
occupation authorities. Behind the scenes the Zaibatsu 
companies maintained the old ties and, by the time the 
Japanese peace treaty was signed in 1951, it became 
obvious that the parent organizations would be revived 
in one form or another. 

The old Zaibatsu had their faults. The rivalry of 
Mitsui and Mitsubishi through the political parties they 
controlled or tried to control was unhealthy. Competi- 
tion to a considerable extent was stifled. The maze of 
interlocking companies made accurate cost accounting 
difficult and preserved inefficient enterprises. Neverthe- 
less, the old Zaibatsu played a predominant role in 
Japan's rise to industrial greatness. Few authorities now 
doubt that the new Zaibatsu will have to play the same 
role if Japan's industrial strength is to be restored. 

New Circumstances 

Just as a peculiar set of economic circumstances fos- 
tered the growth of the old Zaibatsu, so postwar consid- 
erations are dictating the reappearance of the Zaibatsu 
in a new guise. These considerations are: 

1. The general obsolescence of the Japanese indus- 
trial plant. ... A good start has been made on the in- 
stallation of new machinery but there is still a long road 
ahead before Japan can measure up to such advanced 
countries as the United States and West Germany. 


2. The need for large industrial facilities to cope 
with rearmament orders. 

3. A high wage structure for Japan and a great need 
for "rationalization" in the employment of labor. 

4. The high price of imported raw materials. Japan 
lost control of important raw-material areas in the war. 
The postwar period, generally speaking, has brought 
greater rises in raw-material prices than in those of 
manufactured products to Japan's detriment. 

5. Tough competition in the regions that are natural 
markets for Japanese products. The Germans, notably, 
are underselling the Japanese in Southeast Asia, India, 
and the Middle East. 

6. The closing off of some natural markets, such as 
China, and the difficulty of developing trade in other 
natural markets, such as the Philippines, because of 
political considerations. 

Toward the Future 

In order to cope with these circumstances, the Japa- 
nese need companies with large reserves of capital, good 
credit ratings abroad, managerial competence, long ex- 
perience in foreign markets, and a reputation for honest 
dealing and sound products. The reconstituted Zaibatsu 
firms can meet these requirements. That is the reason 
they are now able to go ahead with ambitious plans for 
the future as outlined in this report from Compton 
Pakenham, chief of Neivsweek's Tokyo bureau : 

The re-amalgamation of the big firms is being carried 
out through the banks the Mitsubishi, Mitsui, and 
Sumitomo banks have dropped their occupation-imposed 
names by means of stockholdings in, and loans to, pre- 
viously affiliated companies. The Korean-War boom, 


which brought unexpected dollar orders to Japan, started 
this development. 

For example, the Mitsubishi Bank has given priority 
to loans to such firms as Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, 
Mitsubishi Steel, and Mitsubishi Petroleum. These com- 
panies are still among the most prominent of their kind 
from the point of view of facilities and personnel. Other 
former Zaibatsu banks have followed suit, assuming 
more and more the aspects of holding companies along 
the old lines. 

As such they began sending their personnel into 
executive positions with the firms borrowing from them. 
The managing director of the Mitsui Shipping Company 
was transplanted from the Mitsui Bank. The Mitsubishi 
Bank has placed directors on the boards of three former 
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries companies. Today all eleven 
of the largest shipbuilding companies have one or more 
bank executives on their boards. 

On December 10, 1953, it was announced that four 
ex-Mitsubishi trading firms, Mitsubishi Shoji, Fuji 
Shoji, Tozai Koeki, and Tokyo Boeki, had signed an 
agreement to merge into a single unit under the same 
name as the old trading pivot of the complex-Mitsubishi 
Shoji (literally Commercial Affairs). Its first overseas 
venture will be an office, under United States law, in 
New York. Along the same lines, Mitsui is reorganizing 
the Muromachi Bussan Kaisha into a new Mitsui Bussan 
Kaisha (its great prewar trading unit). 

The big companies, as they reorganize, are naturally 
playing a leading role in various schemes for increasing 
Japan's exports. For example, they are behind the gov- 
ernment's plan to conclude the technical agreements with 
the Southeast Asian countries and the formation of an 
"Asia Association" for trade promotion. 



More and more United States stores, especially in the 
East and on the West Coast, are carrying Japanese goods 
toys, cameras, chinaware, sewing machines, furniture, 
ladies' blouses, cashmere sweaters, silks, Christmas orna- 
ments, pearls. Add these items to heavy imports of 
plywood, tuna, and cotton cloth and you have a real 
movement into the United States market. . . . Japanese 
traders, sometimes aided by United States importers, 
have shown a remarkable ability to find a whole new 
gamut of products for the United States market. On 
top of that they have had official United States help in 
reestablishing Japan's traditional markets in this country. 
This has been part of our Pacific strategy aimed at hang- 
ing on to our principal ally in the area and helping it 
become economically strong again. 

Success in the American Market 

Some United States industries feel that the tariff 
concessions carry this help beyond reasonable bounds 
They recall that in the 1930's some United States indus- 
tries were pushed to the wall by cut-throat Japanese 
competition based on "starvation" wages and "dumping/' 
Even if these practices are not revived, Japanese success 
m the United States market has already given quite a 
few businessmen cause for worry. 

In Japan, interest in the United States market has 
reached fever pitch. Fred H. Schoeman, vice president 
for the Far East of Metasco, Inc., importing subsidiary 
of Allied Stores Corp., says hardly a week goes by that 
a Japanese manufacturer doesn't drop by his New York 


office asking for advice about tackling the United States 
market. Other importers tell of receiving direct-mail 
advertising from Japan. And the Japanese government's 
trade and information center on Fifth Avenue in New 
York is sparking all kinds of promotional gimmicks. . * . 

This enthusiasm for making a big pitch at the United 
States market is paying off. Metasco, for example, has 
developed a whole line of modern design dinnerware 
manufactured from basic Japanese patterns. The quality 
of the article does not recall cheap Japanese imports of 
the past. Metasco is using snob-appeal to sell the mer- 
chandise, including promotions with Shirley Yamaguchi, 
Japanese movie star now in United States films. 

Japan's blossoming postwar optical industry with its 
35mm. cameras, binoculars, and microscopes is another 
example of new products in the United States market. 
Japan is selling cashmere sweaters, in direct competition 
with Britain; they have almost become a staple in many 
West Coast department stores and are seen increasingly 
in the East. Some scientific instruments of high quality 
and low price a voltameter, for example are now 
entering the United States market. Most retailers report 
that the high quality of these new Japanese products is 
overcoming whatever sales resistance there might have 
been in the past to Japanese imports. 

The Japanese, in fact, are moving into higher priced 
goods as a planned policy. And it isn't just a tactic to 
defeat United States protectionist interests. They recog- 
nize that merely copying United States and European 
products and selling them for a lower price won't gain 
the ends of the Japanese export program. Japan must 
put as much labor as possible into the exports it makes 
from raw material imports. The Japanese feel that's the 
only way their industry can support the country's grow- 
ing population. 


Most United States importers agree with this policy. 
"The only way we can help ourselves and the Japanese 
is to raise the level of the quality of Japanese imports 
into this country," Schoeman of Metasco says. He also 
acknowledges that higher quality and prices for an im- 
ported article mean larger profits for the importer. 
Schoeman believes a whole new group of Japanese 
products, based on Japan's great artistic traditions, can 
change United States homes as much as the Scandi- 
navian-modern designs did in the 1930's and the 1940's. 

American Resistance 

But not all United States importers are willing to go 
along with this appeal to higher quality and higher priced 
merchandise. That's why there have been several power- 
ful, if little publicized, blowups in Japanese imports. . . . 

In cotton textiles, the Japanese are trying a ... 
policing system. The Japanese Cotton, Yarn, & Cloth 
Export Association . . . [has] provisionally decided 
to curtail all exports to the United States and Canada, 
and made plans to set up minimum quality standards for 
United States shipments. 

A part of this story is the "notorious dollar blouse/* 
as one Japanese consular official in New York calls it. 
Two Japanese companies, after three years of study in 
the United States market, began turning out a blouse 
that could be sold here for $1 or even 89 cents. So far 
more than 1 million have been ordered in Japan. Now 
the Japanese government has moved in and put a floor 
under blouse prices. Last year a similar situation oc- 
curred with sewing machine heads. . . . The present 
Japanese government has been quick, in most cases, to 
act in response to American industries' demands. It 
knows that sharp tactics by Japanese traders could under- 
mine the whole United States- Japanese alliance. 


So far, by working with United States importers and 
trade associations, this policing has been successful. It 
remains to be seen whether it will be equally effective 
as the volume of Japanese imports rises. If it is not, 
outcries from United States industry and protectionist 
forces in Congress are likely to bring quotas on Japanese 

The reduction of some tariffs ... has sharpened 
the demands of some United States manufacturing firms 
for such quotas. Thomas N. Ingram, head of the Char- 
lotte, North Carolina, branch of the American Cotton 
Manufacturers Institute, asserts that quotas will be 
necessary in his industry. 

But the cotton textile problem is not simply one of 
undercutting domestic production by Japanese cheap 
labor receiving sometimes as little as a tenth of United 
States wages. Japan's textiles were almost completely 
destroyed by the war. Facilities have now been rebuilt 
in the most modern fashion, and as a result productivity 
is up 15 per cent to 20 per cent. That's why, in spite of 
substantial wage increases, Japanese textiles are cheap. 

This agitation by the textile industry has been inten- 
sified by the tariff concessions. There's a feeling that 
the concessions will make the greatest difference in the 
United States textile industry. . . . 

Effect on Japanese Trade 

More important than any of the actual reductions in 
tariff, most United States observers believe, is the psy- 
chological effect on Japanese traders. The United States 
concessions are being taken in Japan as proof that the 
Administration means to back up the pledges to help 
Japan's comeback in world trade, which it made at ... 
[the 1955] Geneva meetings on the General Agreement 
on Trade and Tariffs. . . . 


Shikichi Minami, director of Daiichi Bussan Kaisha, 
Ltd., in New York, Japan's largest trading company, 
puts Japan's argument in a nutshell : "I hope the United 
States public appreciates that we must sell if we are to 
buy here." Japanese imports from the United States 
we're $725 million last year [1954] about three times 
Japan's sales in the United States. Furthermore, Japan 
bought $185 million worth of fibers, the largest single 
customer abroad for American cotton. Minami points 
out that a relatively small part of that came back as Japa- 
nese textiles only 1.5 per cent of United States con- 


The Administration is worried about the long-range 
effects of a southern campaign to boycott Japanese 

The State Department has not yet spoken out or 
intervened lest it strengthen the forces in Congress intent 
on curbing the President's treaty-making powers. 

On March 8 [1956] South Carolina took the lead 
by decreeing that wholesalers and retailers selling Japa- 
nese textiles, or garments made from them, must post a 
sign saying, "J a P anese textiles sold here." The sign must 
be displayed "in a conspicuous place upon the door" in 
letters "not less than four inches high," the law said. 

Meanwhile, the City Council of Greenwood, South 
Carolina, adopted a resolution March 16 urging a citi- 
zens* boycott of Japanese goods. 

Alabama's legislature passed a similar bill. . . . 

* From "Boycott of Japan Upsets Officials," by Elie Abel, New York Times 
Washington Bureau. New Yoric Times, p 12. April 12, 1956. Reprinted by 


Tokyo protested in a note delivered ... [in Washing- 
ton]. It said the South Carolina law violated the 1953 
treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation. Article 
16 of the treaty accords to Japanese goods in the United 
States market treatment no less favorable than that re- 
ceived by exports from any other country. 

The effect on the United States foreign policy is held 
damaging in these respects: 

1. Discriminatory legislation of the type adopted in 
South Carolina contradicts the basic tenet of postwar 
policy for the Far East, which is to help a friendly and 
politically reliable Japan establish a sound economic 

2. The boycott movement is expected to incite neu- 
tralist and left-wing politicians in Japan to step up their 
attacks on the United States. 

3. Officials are concerned lest South Carolina's ac- 
tion expose United States business interests in Japan to 
retaliation and cause other countries to doubt similar 
treaties with the United States. 

4. Japan is the largest single market for United 
States raw cotton in a period of declining exports and 
increasing surpluses. In 1955, the Japanese bought 
647,000 bales, 26 per cent of the total exported. If 
Japan's textile exports encounter discrimination in the 
United States she may reduce raw cotton imports in 

Officials make the additional point that the United 
States sells far more cotton cloth to Japan than it buys 
in return. In the last year Japan bought 542 million 
square yards of cotton cloth from the United States, 
while exporting 99.5 million square yards. 


The State Department has avoided such open inter- 
vention as urging ... [a governor] to veto . . . [a] 
bill. Secretary of State Dulles, asked about the Japanese 
protest at his April 3 news conference, acknowledged 
that "there is a possibility of setting up forces here which 
could be very inimical to the operation of our most- 
favored-nation policy with respect to trade." 


Our State Department is often referred to as Foggy 
Bottom because of its miasmal Potomac lowland site. 
Japan's Foreign Office is similarly known as Misty Bar- 
rier. Sometimes these labels stimulate sardonic quips. But 
economic rather than diplomatic vapors most threaten 
the health of our relations. When Wall Street sneezes, 
Tokyo catches influenza. 

Japan is not only our most important Asian ally but 
also our second greatest international market Com- 
merce with us is even more vital to this land of traders. 
Its diplomacy must ultimately respond to their require- 
ments. . . . 

Hopes and Prospects 

The Japanese hope to expand sales in America. 
Nevertheless, prospects are limited. Our manufacturers 
resent the prospect of further competitive incursions. 
Therefore, Tokyo scans the rest of the world for other 
opportunities. However, in Western Europe it sees a 
restrictive common market sponsored by us. And in 
the Commonwealth not only Britain but Australia, New 
Zealand and even India refuse to accord this nation equal 
treatment. In Asia, Japan is hampered by two factors. 


There is a legacy of resentment left in lands like Indo- 
nesia and the Philippines by Tokyo's imperial armies. 
And on the mainland we have forced them to participate 
in our economic blockade against the Communist bloc. 

While still patient under these circumstances, it is to 
the mainland and above all to China that Japanese in- 
dustrialists ultimately look. We tell them this is a differ- 
ent China; that it makes its own textiles and needs its 
own iron and coal. But not only do the Japanese re- 
member prewar days when Manchuria fed their hungry 
furnaces. Their businessmen have been scouring the 
continent and come back with optimistic views. This is 
reflected in Tokyo's diplomacy. 

Japan would like to tidy up the complex Chinese 
picture. It favors a "two China" solution which would 
guarantee Formosan independence while recognizing 
Peiping. It hopes mercantile restrictions on the Com- 
munist bloc will gradually wither away. It even desires 
a reunited neutralized Korea. 

These concepts run counter to some of our announced 
policies. As yet there is no conflict because Japanese- 
American trade still flourishes. The present government 
remains highly responsive to Washington's suggestions 
and politically well entrenched. 

Effects on Japanese- American Relationships 

But diplomacy must plan for possible contingencies. 
Peiping has promised massive trade if the country de- 
nounces its security treaty with us. China pledges aid in 
restoring sovereignty over American-occupied Okinawa. 
This impresses Japan's opposition Socialists. Right now 
they are weak and their prospects poor. But any eco- 
nomic crisis might easily catapult them into office. . . . 


As long as we can keep . . . [Japan's] trade balances 
relatively healthy it is almost certain that a strongly 
pro-American administration will remain in office. . . . 
In such an event subsidiary disputes are unlikely to upset 
our basic position. 

However, diplomacy cannot control the economics of 
democracy. Any recession in the United States will be 
mirrored in Japanese ballot boxes. Tokyo's policy, as we 
know better than anyone, is subject to swift and astonish- 
ing change. In Washington the Pentagon has a large 
say in relationships with Japan. . . . [In Japan] the big 
voice is business; business is survival. 


Japan joined Britain and some Western European 
nations today in the race for the Chinese Communist 

The Ministry of Trade and Industry announced, 
after a two-hour Cabinet session, a list of 272 previously 
banned items whose shipments to the Chinese mainland 
now would be permitted. 

The list followed exactly the one announced ... by 
Britain when she eased her trade restrictions with Com- 
munist China [in May 1957]. 

The changes mean that the Peiping regime will be in 
the same category as the Soviet Union and the Eastern 
European Communist countries as far as trade is con- 
cerned. Previously, some items banned for shipment to 
Communist China could be sent to the Soviet Union and 
other Communist lands. 

From "Japan Joins Race for China Trade," news story by Foster Hailey, 
Tokyo BttPeaa of the New York Times. New tforic Times. p3. July 17/1957. 
Reprinted oy penmssaon. 


Still restricted to all Communist countries are about 
170 items, including those considered to have direct war- 
making potential. 

The new move will be popular among members of 
the ruling Liberal-Democratic party as it robs the oppo- 
sition Socialists of one of their main platform planks. 

But Japanese trading circles expressed skepticism 
whether the action would mean much economically. They 
said that most of the items on the list were machinery 
and that Japanese machinery was not competitive in 
price with that of the British and Western European 

The only way in which the China trade could be sub- 
stantially improved, they said, would be by the extension 
of long-term credits. There was no indication from any 
government source that such a move was in prospect. 

Some optimists predicted, however, that even with 
the handicaps of high prices and lack of official relations 
with the Chinese Communists, trade next year probably 
could be doubled from the 1956 total of $150 million. 

Japan's decision to follow Britain's lead in canceling 
part of the United States-sponsored embargo list came 
as a surprise. 

On his recent visit to the United States, Premier 
Nobusuke Kishi had left the impression in both public 
and private talks that Japan intended to move slowly in 
amending the embargo, out of deference to Wash- 
ington's ideas. The Japanese press had so interpreted 
his words and had censured him for taking that attitude. 

Apparently the pressure of events was so great that 
the Premier felt it necessary to take action promptly. 
Japan's trade balance has been steadily deteriorating in 
recent months and stringent import controls have had to 
be imposed. Even a small increase in exports would be 


It could not be learned today whether the govern- 
ment intended to take any further steps to stimulate the 
China trade. An unofficial trade agreement expired in 
May and has not been renewed. 

The Chinese have refused to send a trade mission to 
Japan unless Japan waives her requirement for finger- 
printing its members. The Foreign Office restated today 
its position that it would not grant privileges to the 
Chinese Communists that were not extended to other 
foreigners, since such a move might be accepted abroad 
as tacit diplomatic recognition of the Peiping Govern- 
ment. Japan does not appear ready to give even an 
appearance of inclining in that direction as yet. 


Put in the bluntest terms, Japan once again faces the 
dilemma which harassed its pre-World War II leaders 
and finally induced them to embark on an attempt to con- 
quer mainland China and Southeast Asia. Their dilemma 
is starkly clear. Japan, pinned into a cluster of islands 
which lack the principal raw materials essential for mod- 
ern industry and having developed a highly industrialized 
economy, must import raw materials. To do this it must 
find expanding markets where it can sell its manufac- 
tured goods, preferably for hard currencies, American 
and Canadian dollars and pounds sterling. 

This raw-materials-plus-export-markets dilemma had 
been temporarily relieved by the United States military 
and defense-support expenditures in Japan, first during 
the occupation and then during the Korean war, when 
Japan served as a supply base for United Nations troops, 

From "Japan's Year of Decisions." by Vera Mickeies Dean, editor, 
Policy Bulletin. Foreign Policy Bulletin. 36:172+. August 1/i 957 


American expenditures, in any case nonrenewable (un- 
less war is resumed in Korea, which the Japanese are the 
last to wish for), will be further reduced now that the 
United States plans to withdraw some 25,000 ground 
combat troops and has transferred the Far Eastern Com- 
mand from Tokyo to Hawaii. Troop withdrawal alone, 
it is estimated, will reduce spending by American mili- 
tary personnel by $100 million. 

The United States plans to cushion the impact of 
this change-over by increasing military procurement in 
Japan of items needed to provide military assistance and 
economic aid to Asian nations. This, however, cannot 
of itself provide a long-term alleviation of Japan f s eco- 
nomic problem, which is now clearly seen as a widening 
gap between its expenditures on imports notably raw 
materials and capital goods for industrial expansion 
and receipts on its exports. 

The man in the street is still unaware of this prob- 
lem and looks forward to the continuance of the current 
high employment and boom prosperity. Even govern- 
ment officials have been slow to recognize the possible 
consequences of the country's economic difficulties. At 
first, former Finance Minister Hayato Ikeda thought that 
financial controls would be sufficient to deal with the 
crisis. But the governor of the Central Bank, Masamichi 
Yamagiwa, and a five-man brain trust of economic ex- 
perts appointed by Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi urged 
a stern over-all plan to check the deterioration of Japan's 
international monetary position. . . . 

New Economic Policy 

The cabinet on June 14 [1957] approved a series of 
over-all economic measures drafted earlier by the ruling 
Liberal-Democratic party. These measures include inten- 


sive export promotion, such as the famed export finance 
system to increase exports; curbing of imports; wide 
retrenchment of state investment and loan programs; 
deferment of investment in plants which are not key 
industries and even in some key industries; tighter con- 
trols on financial policy, accompanied by efforts to help 
small industries; price stabilization; and new foreign 
credits, including a loan of $125 million from the Inter- 
national Monetary Fund and projected borrowing from 
the World Bank and the Export-Import Bank of the 
United States. 

Japan's predicament is that any economic move it 
makes threatens to create new problems. Cuts in govern- 
ment spending particularly on housing, of which, with 
the growth of population, there is a dire shortage will 
lower living standards. Emphasis on large-scale pro- 
duction for export may drive small enterprises manu- 
facturing for internal consumption to the wall, creating 
unemployment. In turn, unemployment would weaken 
the position of the Liberal-Democratic party and play 
into the hands of the opposition party, the Socialists. 
And efforts to push Japanese exports invariably arouse 
hostility in hard-currency countries, notably Britain and 
the United States. 

Trade with Asian Countries 

The hard economic facts are that even with the best 
will in the world, Britain, the Commonwealth and the 
United States cannot provide the markets Japan needs 
for its exports, if for no other reason than that they 
produce much the same goods, often better, even though 
sometimes more expensively. Recognizing this, Mr. 
Kishi has proposed the establishment of a South Asia 
Development Fund, chiefly with United States financial 


contributions, under which Japan would supply manufac- 
tured goods of all kinds to the industrially less developed 
countries of Southeast Asia, obtaining from them the 
raw materials it needs. 

So far, the Asian response to this proposal can only 
be described as cool. Except for Thailand, which escaped 
Japanese conquest in World War II, most of the coun- 
tries of this area suffered from Japanese invasion and 
deprivation, and are not roused by visions of a plan 
which reminds them of Tokyo's wartime slogan for a 
"Co-prosperity Sphere." Moreover, these countries, no- 
tably the Philippines and Indonesia, demand reparations 
in kind from Japan. None of them wants to see Japan 
acting as a sort of major-domo for Washington, and all 
prefer to get aid from the United States direct, to be 
spent as they think best for their own needs. They also 
fear that Japan's proposal would prevent their indus- 

The prospect for the fund, then, is distinctly dim. 
Japan hopes to enlist the support of India, which has 
already benefited by Japanese experience in rice growing 
and the development of small industries. Meanwhile, 
they talk of trade with Communist China, although they 
recognize that the Chinese, now engaged in an indus- 
trialization program of their own, may be unable to 
export much in the way of the raw materials Japan 
needs. What the Japanese hope for is to participate 
jointly with the Chinese in developing new raw materials. 

But in one way or another Japan has to solve its 
raw-materials-plus-exports dilemma if it is to maintain 
its high living standard and avoid social unrest and 
political strains. Twenty years later, with 20 million 
people more, Japan faces the same problems it did before 


it turned to war and conquest in the early 1930's. War 
proved an ineffective instrument of economic policy; 
now Japan, with the aid of the United States and the 
United Nations, hopes to find a peaceful way out of its 



The dilemma of Japan today is most manifest in her 
foreign relations, which are closely interwoven with her 
trade relations. First, Japan's course is naturally affected 
by the bufferings of the cold war. Newly freed from 
United States military occupation, she is yet dependent 
on the United States for her defense. Aligned with the 
West, and having roundly rejected communism at home, 
she is nonetheless drawn to Communist China by historic 
ties and the need for China markets. Finally, she must 
reckon at home with a rising tide of pacifist, neutralist 

There are essentially three main courses open to 
Japan: She can remain linked with the West as a sort 
of junior partner of the United States; she can adopt 
neutrality and join with the Bandung powers as part of 
an Asian-African "Third Force"; or she can look for 
closer economic and political ties with Communist China 
and with the Soviet Union. At the moment it would 
appear that she has chosen the role of a neutral nation. 

In the first article in this section Harold S. Quigley 
defines Japan's present neutralism. Next, Foreign Min- 
ister Fujiyama explains why it is natural for Japan to 
want ties with Asia. Secretary of State John Foster 
Dulles outlines United States policy toward Japan in 
terms of markets and trade. An article by Ralph Brai- 
banti presents reasons why Japan should continue close, 
friendly relations with the United States. Demaree Bess 
reports on anti-Americanism in Japan which was par- 


Ing of cooperation has dawned upon the Japanese. Hav- 
ing learned it the hard way they are determined to 
experiment with it. They are making encouraging head- 
way. Among the lesser states of East Asia whose good 
will has been sought, only South Korea has stood 
aloof. . . . 

Relationship with the United States 

It is apparent from recent utterances of Japanese 
political leaders that, while they wish to cooperate closely 
with the United States, they prefer to do so from a 
position of complete independence. Obviously they do 
not occupy that position at present and will not do so 
during the life of the existing Mutual Security Treaty 
and its accompanying Administrative Agreement. [For- 
mer] Prime Minister Hatoyama, who heads the majority 
Liberal-Democratic party, declared nearly two years ago 
that "national pride does not allow the indefinite con- 
tinuation of a situation in which national defense is 
mainly dependent upon foreign military forces." The 
platform of his party, announced on January 1, 1956, 
called for development of self-defense "so as to prepare 
for the eventual withdrawal of foreign troops stationed 
in this country." Shortly before this announcement the 
strong, labor-backed Socialist party asserted in its plat- 
form that "Japan, since her defeat, has been seriously 
limited and controlled by a foreign power and is virtu- 
ally in a state where she has lost her real independence." 
All of these statements are moderately phrased and 
hardly express the degree of disagreement with Ameri- 
can policies which is felt by many Japanese. As seen by 
Arata Sugihara, a recognized expert on Far Eastern 
questions, "cooperation between the two nations should 
constitute the mainstay of Japan's foreign policy but 


without any semi-occupational coloring." American con- 
sciousness of the absence of any thought of limiting the 
independence of Japan should not lead us to discount 
Japanese interpretations of our relationship to their 
country. It will hardly be denied that this relationship 
is of our choosing. If the Japanese do not regard it as 
protective to them, its importance for the protection of 
the United States will decline. If, as seems probable, its 
value to both Japan and the United States can be assured 
by some modification of the existing relationship that 
takes fuller account of Japanese sensibilities, all relevant 
factors, historical and contemporary, should be under 
consideration in Washington and Tokyo to that end. 

Japan and the Communist Countries 

Until October 1956 the technical state of war between 
Japan and the Soviet Union had continued, in view of 
the latter's failure to sign the peace treaty of San Fran- 
cisco, Both states desired to resume diplomatic relations 
and they had been discussing possible bases of agreement 
at intervals since June 1955. Speaking in the Diet on 
April 25, 1955, Prime Minister Hatoyama said : 

The Government, as has been stated frequently, hopes 
to terminate speedily the state of war and restore normal 
diplomatic relations with the U.S.S.R. The Government also 
intends to make efforts to improve the trade relations be- 
tween Japan and Communist China. I should like to make 
clear again one particular point on this occasion. That is, the 
normalization of diplomatic relations with Communist coun- 
tries is one thing and the acceptance of communism is an- 
other. We are firmly resolved to adhere to our attitude of 
anti-communism and to adopt every available means in de- 
fense of the cause of democracy. 

He continued: 

Meanwhile it is an undeniable fact that, however strongly 
opposed we may be to the Communist ideology, there now 


exist in the world certain powers which are adherents of 
communism. In dealing with such powers it would be advis- 
able to respect each other's sovereignty and thereby to open 
normal diplomatic or economic relations to mutual advantage 
without propagandizing or trying to impose one's ideology 
on the ,-ther. I arr. firmly convinced that this very course 
should be adopted also as a means of forestalling another 
world war, the possibility of which is now filling all the 
peoples of the world with terror. 

On February 27 of the same year the two wings of 
the Socialist party issued a joint statement of similar 
tenor. It called for the 

issuance of a joint statement declaring the termination of a 
state of war between Japan on one side and Communist 
China and Soviet Russia on the other, thereby to conclude a 
peace treaty, to restore normal diplomatic relations, and to 
promote greater trade with the aforementioned nations. 

Although Russia initiated an exchange of notes on 
January 25, 1955, indicating her readiness to negotiate 
in Tokyo or Moscow, and subsequently appeared to ac- 
quiesce in Japan's preference for New York, the two 
governments ultimately agreed upon London as the site 
for talks, which began on June 1, 1955. Matsumoto 
Shunichi represented Japan and Jacob Malik, Russia. 
Until March 1956 the two men sought to reach agree- 
ment on points deemed to be obstacles to the establish- 
ment of regular diplomatic relations. The principal 
issues arose from the diplomatic and military conse- 
quences of World War II. They involved the repatria- 
tion of Japanese held as war prisoners by Russia, Japa- 
nese claims to South Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands 
(all of which were Japanese before the war but are now 
occupied by the U.S.S.R.), and Japan's desire to resume 
fishing rights in Soviet-controlled waters. Also of great 


importance to Japan was the vote of Russia in support 
of her admission to the United Nations. When the talks 
began, Japan contended that some 1,450 of her citizens 
were known to be alive under Soviet detention and that 
some 19,700 others had not been reported upon. . . . 

Russo-Japanese Declaration 

On October 19 [1956] at Moscow Bulganin and 
Hatoyama signed a joint declaration which embodied 
the following terms: (1) the state of war ends on the 
day the present declaration enters into force; (2) diplo- 
matic and consular relations are re-established; (3) rela- 
tions will be guided by the principles of the United 
Nations Charter; (4) the U.S.S.R. will support Japan's 
admission to the United Nations; (5) all Japanese pris- 
oners will be repatriated and the U.S.S.R. will investi- 
gate as to the fate of other Japanese believed by Japan 
to be in the U.S.S.R.; (6) the U.S.S.R. renounces all 
reparations claims and both governments renounce all 
claims for war damages originated since August 9, 1945 ; 
(7) talks looking toward a trade and navigation agree- 
ment w r ill be begun as soon as possible; (8) the fishing 
convention and the agreement for cooperation in rescue 
at sea, both signed at Moscow on May 14, 1956, will 
enter into force with this declaration; (9) the two coun- 
tries will cooperate in measures to conserve fish and 
other marine resources; (10) the U.S.S.R. agrees to 
hand over to Japan the islands of Habomai and Shikotan 
after the conclusion of a treaty of peace; (11) negotia- 
tions for a peace treaty will be continued after diplo- 
matic relations have been established; (12) this declara- 
tion is subject to ratification and will enter into force as 
soon as ratifications are exchanged in Tokyo. . . . 


Japan's Neutralism 

There is something to be said in extenuation of 
Japan's "neutralism" or, preferably, nonpartisanism. But 
it need hardly be spelled out, since the fate of Japan as a 
participant in World War III, should it occur, would be 
that of Hiroshima many times compounded. The Japa- 
nese find it difficult to look beyond such a war to its 
consequences in the event of a Communist victory. How- 
ever, they are not in a position, quite apart from their 
security arrangements with the United States, to be un- 
qualifiedly neutral in the strict sense of neutrality since 
they agreed at San Francisco "to give the United 
Nations every assistance in any action it takes in accord- 
ance with the Charter and to refrain from giving assist- 
ance to any State against which the United Nations may 
take preventive or enforcement action." This obligation, 
however, obviously has no reference to nonpartisanism 
in time of peace nor to. a war not involving the United 

In attempting to understand the current policy of 
Japan one cannot overlook the apparent general desire 
of her people to be free from the heavy cost of large- 
scale rearmament and from a revived "Supreme Com- 
mand" and the militarists' probable renewed interference 
in every aspect of the political and social order. That 
this attitude should have arisen in Japan is something of 
a miracle. In the light of history and of what happened 
in Germany between the world wars, one might justifi- 
ably doubt that it will endure. But the policies of 
friendly states should be directed toward its encourage- 
ment, not toward the revival of militarism. Japan in the 

role of mediator between democracy and communism 

which her statesmen seem to be seeking may not be 


well cast The conduct of World War II by their prede- 
cessors still fresh in memory may prompt questions 
as to whether they are either sincere in seeking the role 
or capable of playing it Japan's immaturity in her 
understanding of liberalism and her penchant for bu- 
reaucracy add weight to such questions. She has, how- 
ever, one qualification that no other people can claim: 
she knows from experience what atomic warfare means. 
In the contest for the Japanese political mind, de- 
mocracy is winning over communism; the people have 
weighed communism in the balance and found it want- 
ing. They have not outlawed it because they are not 
afraid of it. Moreover, they came through the postwar 
occupation with a sense of gratitude and a feeling of 
admiration for Americans, although these sentiments 
were mixed with resentment and chagrin. They looked 
beneath the surface of the un- Japanese changes that were 
imposed upon them and saw that the motivation was 
good. Many of these changes will disappear but there 
will remain a permanent residue of liberalism. It seems 
wise, therefore, to put doubt aside and to afford Japan 
an opportunity to attempt the role of nonpartisan and 
intermediary. The United States stands to gain thereby. 
Democracy is winning not because representatives of 
Western peoples have fulsomely proclaimed its superi- 
ority to all other ideologies and forms of government 
but because the Japanese have found that it is effective 
in peace and war and interesting and adaptable at home. 
Good works and courteous conduct in personal relations 
and recognition of equality in public life are its most 
effective advocates. The Japanese are particularly sensi- 
tive to criticism and correspondingly responsive to con- 
siderate treatment 


Maintaining Japan's Ties with the West 

It would seem to be crucially important to capitalize 
upon the favorable sentiment toward democracy and the 
West before elements opposed to cooperation with the 
United States can return to power. Communism and 
rightist authoritarianism are latent forces of unknown 
strength. Although in theory at opposite ends of the 
political spectrum, their distaste for liberalism and inter- 
nationalism and their liking for violence invite their 
collaboration against Japan's renovated parliamentary 
order. That order, while strongly impregnated with 
bureaucratism, is popular today and has the sincere sup- 
port of the fanners, organized labor, businessmen and 
the professional and intellectual classes. The political 
parties, if not yet cleansed of venality, are vigorous, and 
elections bring out a larger proportion of voters than is 
common in many Western states. Emperor Hirohito, 
more a constitutional ruler and less a mere symbol of 
authority than the new constitution would suggest, is a 
reliable bulwark of parliamentarism. . . . 

In practical terms this means that any feature of 
America's present relationship with Japan which affords 
grounds for charges that our government is treating her 
as a satellite should be abandoned. It means revision of 
the security treaty or its termination if that be the desire 
of Japan, It means non-interference with her foreign 
policy and greater attention to Japanese views in the 
administration of the Ryukyus and in the conduct of 
nuclear weapon tests in the Pacific, to the end that fisher- 
men and the fish upon which they depend for a livelihood 
and which are an important part of the Japanese diet 
will not be endangered. It means a trade policy which 
takes account of Japan's necessity to balance exports 
against imports. It is incumbent upon Western peoples 


as well as their governments to recall the disastrous 
effect of their prewar commercial policies upon Japan, 
whose economic position today is far less favorable than 
it was before the war. 

If we must assume that Soviet Russia is determined 
to destroy Western civilization and that she can rely 
upon the Chinese people to forget their debt to the West 
and to remember only the indignities suffered by their 
great country under what Sun Yat-sen termed "hypo- 
colonialism/' the instinct for self-preservation will con- 
tinue to urge that the present-day world is no place for 
"neutrals." But it may also be argued that partisanship 
cannot be compelled and that, should democracy and 
communism collide, Japan, if treated as an equal by the 
democracies, will be on their side ; also, that her prospects 
of building up her strength to a significant degree will 
improve if her economy develops freely through world- 
wide contacts. It is apparent that Japan is thinking in 
these terms, while holding firmly to her desire for 
friendly cooperation with the West, particularly with the 
United States. Japan, the only country whose constitu- 
tion prohibits war or armament, and whose geographical 
situation renders her extremely vulnerable, is quite nat- 
urally resolved to contribute her best efforts to the pre- 
vention of a third world war in which she would be 
crushed between the two major opponents. 


Naturally, the direct aim of Japan's foreign policy is 
to promote our political and economic interests in line 

*From an address by Foreign Minister Aiichira Fujiyama to the Foreign 
Correspondents' Club of Japan, Tokyo, September 5. 1957. Text from Japan 
Report. 3. no 15:2-4. September 10, 1957. Reprinted by permissioa of the 
Consulate General of Japan. 3 E. 54th St New York 22. 


with the needs and aspirations of our nation and in the 
international environment in which our country is placed. 
But the pursuit of this objective does not in any way 
mean the sole advancement of our own selfish or exclu- 
sive interests. In a world in which interdependence and 
solidarity among nations have grown to the extent that 
they have today, it would be unrealistic and to its own 
disadvantage for a nation to seek to advance its own 
interests in disregard of those of the other nations of 
the world. It must be recognized that the pursuit of a 
self-centered diplomacy has become a thing of the 
past . . . 

Japan an Asian Nation 

Needless to say, a nation's foreign policy is governed 
by its historical background, geographical position and 
other factors. Thus we find Japan closely allied, politi- 
cally and economically, with the United States and the 
countries of Western Europe. She is perhaps the one 
nation in Asia that has become most westernized during 
the past hundred years. Be that as it may, there is no 
question that Japan is a part of Asia; racially and spiritu- 
ally the Japanese people are Asian. For instance, an oil 
painting by a Japanese will have something about it that 
will distinguish it from that by a French artist. It will 
retain some quality that is distinctly Japanese from 
which the Japanese painter cannot break away. And this 
Japanese quality will, in turn, contain something that is 
typically Asian in character. It is natural and inevitable, 
therefore, that Japan's foreign policy should be based on 
a feeling of kinship and unanimity with Asian countries. 

When we speak of Asia, however, we must guard 
against generalizing, as is often done. We must recog- 
nise^ that the various countries of Asia have different 
foreign policies arising from their respective historical 


backgrounds and political and economic positions. But 
there are certain problems which are common to the 
Asian countries. One is the rise of nationalism and the 
resulting resistance against colonialism in whatever f orm. 
Another is their aspirations for social and economic 
progress in order to ensure their newly-won independ- 
ence. The same can be said for the countries of the 
Middle East and Africa. As a member of the Asian 
community, we in Japan strongly sympathize with these 
aims and aspirations of the peoples of the Asian and 
Arab countries. We hope sincerely for a peaceful and 
constructive solution which will make possible the attain- 
ment of these aspirations, and we, on our part, wish to 
contribute in every possible way to such a solution. 

Need to Understafid Asian Aspirations 

Never in her long history has Japan been placed 
under a foreign colonial rule. Her recent unhappy ex- 
perience of being placed under foreign military occupa- 
tion as the result of a war she foolishly waged is, of 
course, another matter. It may be for this reason that 
we Japanese sometimes fail to fully understand the dis- 
content and misery of the peoples of Asia who have had 
to live under colonial rule for a long time. Perhaps we 
have not made sufficient efforts to try to understand 
their determination, once having won independence, to 
build their own future with their own hands, rejecting 
all outside interference. In the future development of 
our Asian policy, I am deeply aware that there is need 
for self-examination, naturally on rny own part as For- 
eign Minister as well as on the part of the Japanese 
people as a whole. Without doing so, we cannot win 
their trust and good will as a true friend of Asia, 


I believe that the emergence of Asia on the world 
political scene is an immovable fact and that the smooth 
conduct of world affairs is impossible if this fact is 
ignored. In order to make the lofty ideals of world 
peace and world democracy a reality, Asia's historical 
significance today must be recognized and Asia's voice 
must be fully reflected in international affairs. It is 
from a desire to play a constructive part in this effort 
that Japan has decided to be a candidate for a seat as a 
non-permanent member of the Security Council at the 
forthcoming Twelfth Session of the United Nations 
General Assembly. [Japan was elected to the Security 
Council on October 1, 1957. Eds.] 


For approximately one hundred years, between 1830 
and 1930, the United States had generally friendly rela- 
tions with the nations on the other side of this vast 
ocean, and we faced no threat from that direction. 

Since 1930 there has been a change for the worse. 
The economic depression of 1929-1930 cut Japan's for- 
eign trade in half. It gave the Japanese extremists a 
chance to press their program for extending the Japa- 
nese Empire. In 1931, Japanese aggression began in 

Our Government saw the serious implications of that 
move. ^ Secretary of State Stimson proposed to other 
countries that there should be united action to restrain 
Japanese aggression. The answer, in Secretary Stimson's 
own words, was "a plain rebuff/' Matters went from 
bad to worse until finally there came Pearl Harbor and 


the Japanese sweep through Southeast Asia and the 
Western Pacific. 

It took four years of terrible war to reverse that 
situation. Now, happily, the island positions in the Paci- 
fic, for the most part, are no longer in hostile hands. 
Japan is a friendly power. However, on the mainland 
the situation is different 

When the Japanese surrender occurred, the Russian 
Red armies were allowed to penetrate deeply into China 
and Korea to accept the surrender of Japanese forces. 
Also, the Soviet Government took over the Manchurian 
railroads and Port Arthur and the Japanese northern 
islands, as had been agreed at Yalta But, in violation 
of its express agreement, the Soviet gave vast Japanese 
war supplies to the Chinese Communist forces, so that, 
by the end of 1949, they had gained control of substan- 
tially all of the China mainland. 

In June 1950 the Communists from North Korea 
opened their military aggression, and in November 1950 
the Chinese Communist regime launched its massive at- 
tack against the forces of the United Nations engaged 
in repelling the Korean aggression. . . . 

Today, the vast Pacific is a friendly ocean only be- 
cause the West Pacific islands and two peninsular posi- 
tions are in friendly hands. Thus, the United States 
itself holds Okinawa, Guam, and other islands. Also we 
have security or defense arrangements covering the 
Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Formosa, 
and Japan. . . . But close behind this island and 
peninsular screen lies a mainland with many hundreds 
of millions of people under a despotic rule that is 
fanatically hostile to us and demonstrably aggressive 
and treacherous. 


One problem which must particularly concern us is 
the economy of Japan, a chain of rocky islands whose 
area is about that of California. 

Japan's population, now grown to 87 million, depends 
for its livelihood upon foreign trade. Trade is offered 
by the Communists at a price. The price is that Japan 
the only industrial power in Asia should cease to 
cooperate with the United Nations and with the United 
States as it is now doing and should become a work- 
shop where the abundant raw materials of Asia can be 
converted into implements for Communist use against 
the free world. Japan must trade to live, and if the free 
nations fail to make it possible for Japan to earn its way, 
then inevitably, though reluctantly, her people would turn 
elsewhere. This would be stupid from an economic 
standpoint and folly from a political standpoint. Japan 
is an excellent customer for our cotton, wheat, and rice. 
From a political standpoint it requires little imagination 
to visualize what would happen if Russia, China and 
Japan became a united hostile group in the Pacific. 

It was difficult enough for the United States to 
defeat Japan when Japan fought alone in the Pacific 
with China its enemy and Russia neutral. The free 
world must shun economic policies which would press 
Japan into becoming the ally or the tool of Communist 
China and Soviet Russia. 


Paradoxically, the blustering behavior of Commodore 
Perry a century ago ushered in a long period of close 
friendship between the unknown empire of the Tycoon 

Sta ? s and Japa*' A New Century Begins," article 

JSf ei 5 r of P^&t 1 s cncc MaftmSSSr. * 

31:383-400. Slimmer 1955. Reprinted by permissioa. 


and the United States. Half a century of tranquility, 
respect, and friendship was followed, however, by a 
similar period of suspicion, hurt, and deteriorating diplo- 
macy which reached its nadir with Pearl Harbor. A 
second century of relations between the United States 
and Japan now begins and the outset again seems marked 
by auspicious signs. The visit of former Prime Minister 
Shigeru Yoshida to the United States late in 1954 was 
an appropriate symbol of this new era : that he insisted 
on the visit reveals a feeling of amity; that his visit was 
opposed by many of his countrymen suggests that the 
feeling is not universal; that he came as a mendicant 
diplomat exposes the really precarious and uncertain 
future which Japan faces. 

There can be no certainty that Japan and the United 
States will remain bound together for the first half or, 
indeed, for even the first decade of this second century. 
Japan is one of a group of nations which, less firmly 
attached to either of the poles of power, can move into 
new alignments, freshen old enmities, and create new 
friendships almost as imperceptibly as the drift of desert 
sands. There are clear and powerful forces which bring 
our two nations together, yet there are also latent ten- 
sions which can push us apart and even rend us asunder. 
An appraisal of both forces of pull and push seems 
essential before we can ascertain if cleavage is inevitable 
or if not, how it can be avoided. 

Present Ties 

Put in the plainest language, our purpose is to keep 
Japan from entering the orbit of the Soviet Union's 
influence. The enthusiasm and even vanity which im- 
pelled us a decade ago to attempt to reweave the fabric 
of Japanese culture into a Jeffersonian doth of agrarian, 


rationalist, decentralized design has been almost totally 
eclipsed by this impelling fact of power politics. The 
danger of actual conquest by the Soviet Union is not as 
imminent as the possibility that Japan might be slowly 
pushed into the vortex of communism by peaceful or 
even constitutional means. Anxiety over this latter pos- 
sibility cannot easily be expressed in formal legal ar- 
rangements, for no longer do we have any control over 
the kind of government which Japan evolves. To be 
sure, there are sinews of international law which bind 
Japan to the United States, yet economic exigencies or 
other circumstances can develop new sinews with the 
Soviet Union and the older connections with our own 
country can be allowed to wither through disuse. 

Present relations between the two nations are con- 
structed on a base of somewhat more than forty legal 
instruments, five of which can be singled out as being 
of crucial importance. Three of these five, namely, the 
Treaty of Peace, the Security Treaty, and the Adminis- 
trative Agreement, came into force in 1952. The Agree- 
ment transferring the islands of Amami-Oshima to Japa- 
nese sovereignty was effective in 1953 and the following 
year the fifth of these important pacts, the Mutual 
Defense Assistance Agreement, was signed and came 
into force. Of these, the Peace Treaty is not only the 
keystone, but, indeed, an important achievement in the 
progress of international relations. Chief Justice Earl 
Warren, governor of California during the San Fran- 
cisco Conference, described it well when he said : "Never 
before in history have victors been so magnanimous 
with the vanquished never before in history have the 
conquered been so encouraged to regain their normal 
status of dignity and self-esteem." Prime Minister 
Yoshida's reference to the treaty as "a magnanimous 


peace unparalleled in history" is an indication that 
Warren's judgment was shared by Japan's political 
leadership. . . . 

Anti-Soviet Forces 

The currents which seem to propel Japan in a west- 
ward direction are from two separate sources. First, 
there are forces which tend to alienate Japan from the 
Soviet Union. Secondly, there are positive factors which 
enhance and deepen understanding and good will with 
the United States. Among the sources of disaffection 
between the Soviet Union and Japan, the nature of 
Japan's experience with the Communist party must be 
regarded as an important influence. The Communist 
party was allowed to function without restriction in 
Japan from 1945 to 1949. It reached the pinnacle of its 
popularity in 1949 when about ten per cent of the total 
votes cast were for Communist candidates and thirty-five 
members of the House of Representatives were Commu- 
nists. Yet a spectacular repudiation of communism at 
the polls came in the general election of 1952 when the 
Communists failed to elect a single member to a seat in 
the Diet. The underlying causes of this reversal cannot 
be determined with certainty, but some reasons can be 
hazarded. Not the least of these was Communist advo- 
cacy of abolition of the Imperial Institution at a time 
when the emperor was enjoying a peak of popularity. 
This shockingly radical view of the deeply revered Tenno 
system undoubtedly alienated great numbers of Japanese 
who might otherwise have found communism appealing. 
No doubt also the Japanese were appalled by the tactics 
of riot and bloodshed used by the Communists in 1950. 
Paradoxical though it may seem, the Japanese have a 
strongly developed sense of order and peace and regard 
riot and rebellion as contrary to propriety and therefore 


as tin- Japanese. Further, both the strength and the popu- 
larity of the Communists were reduced by MacArthur's 
justified severity in 1950 when members of the Central 
Committee were purged and other repressive measures 
taken. Finally, the invasion of South Korea by Com- 
munist forces alerted the Japanese as it did the whole 
Western world to the deceptions of aggression through 
indigenous revolt which, since Korea, has become the 
principal technique of communism. 

Such factors reduced the peak membership of some 
ninety thousand to about seventy-five thousand. ... In 
any case the ability of the party to mobilize votes for its 
own members in national elections has been severely 
reduced. Yet it would be a mistake to discount the 
potential influence of the Communist party. . . . 

A second determinant in the alienation of the Soviet 
Union and Japan is the stubborn unwillingness to re- 
patriate Japanese prisoners of war still held in custody 
by the Communists in Russia, China, and North Korea. 
This situation has continued for more than ten years 
with Russians and Japanese disagreeing as to the num- 
ber of prisoners involved. In September 1954, Japan 
stated that more than 252,000 Japanese wfio had never 
been allowed to return from Communist-held areas had 
been confirmed as dead. In addition, some 7,000 are 
thought to be still retained in Communist areas. The net 
effect of this failure to repatriate has been profound 
throughout Japan. Almost every village has a family 
one of whose members has been lost as a result of this 
policy. To the Japanese the fate of the unrepatriated is 
one of ignominy, for though separated from the Land 
of the Gods, they could not share the glory of dying in 
its defense. This policy of the Communists, deeply 
affecting the Japanese, has stimulated speculation as to 
its motivations. The Soviet pattern of action in North 


Korea is a frightening example which many Japanese 
fear may be paralleled. It is now well known that the 
Soviet occupation of North Korea was managed through 
the shrewd use of Koreans who had fled to Russia since 
1910 and had become naturalized citizens. Such Koreans 
or their children staffed the new Korean government 
and became officers and non-commissioned officers in the 
new North Korean People's Army. A similar cadre of 
trained Japanese could be very effective in bringing 
Japan under Communist control. While no proof of this 
intention can be presented, it is likely that the several 
thousand Japanese remaining in Communist custody 
would be more than adequate for any sinister designs 
which the Communists may have. [Under the terms of 
the Russo-Japanese joint declaration of October 1956, 
a small number of Japanese prisoners have been re- 
patriated. Eds. ] 

Pro-American Forces 

Certain positive forces which tend to push Japan 
closer to the United States should be assessed. The effect 
of the seven year occupation has been, generally, to 
strengthen the ties that bind us together. There will be 
many who, pointing to widespread anti-American senti- 
ment and dissatisfaction with occupation reforms, may 
doubt the validity of this appraisal. It is true that im- 
mediately after Japan regained her sovereignty there 
swept across the islands a wave of sentiment against 
Americans and against everything American. This is 
hardly a cause for alarm; rather, it was a natural reac- 
tion to long control by a nation of dissimilar culture. . . . 

The occupation's residue of good will can be accounted 
for by several factors. In the first place, the Japanese 
were able to preserve their self-respect when we decided 
to retain the emperor and to make changes gradually 
through the existing government. Secondly, the conduct 


of Americans was, on the whole, dignified, friendly, and 
relatively free of corrupt practices and scandals. Thirdly, 
in a significant number of instances the Japanese them- 
selves participated in making many of the policies. 
Change could thus be shaped in a Japanese mold and 
the base of acceptance broadened. Fourthly, the per- 
sonal influence and conduct of General MacArthur can- 
not be discounted. However controversial his personal- 
ity or other accomplishments may be, he fitted neatly 
the Japanese stereotype of leadership. The aristocratic 
quality of his command, his intuitive understanding of 
the Japanese mind, and the contagion of his classical 
dedication to duty were very impressive to the Japanese ; 
their admiration was inevitably transferred to Americans 
and the United States. Fifthly, American action in sav- 
ing the Japanese from almost certain starvation in the 
early days of the occupation made an indelible impres- 
sion on the minds of the people and created a burden of 
indebtedness. . . . Lastly, the occupation came to a digni- 
fied, indeed graceful, conclusion with the peace treaty 
admired as a benevolence. 

An attitude of identification with the Western powers 
was reflected in the platforms of political parties in the 
general election of 1952. At that time only one of the 
four major parties, the Left-Wing Socialists, took a firm 
anti-American attitude. But there was less certainty re- 
vealed in the election returns of February 1955, which 
returned the interim Hatoyama government. The revi- 
sionists (Left and Right-Wing Socialists, Labor-Farmer, 
and Communists) who are strongly against rearmament 
and favor strengthening ties with Communist China and 
the Soviet Union, greatly improved their position by 
securing more than a third of the seats in the House of 
Representatives. Most of the newly-made voters cast 
their ballots for the revisionist parties. For the moment, 


at least, Japan has decided to continue her policy of 
working with the Western powers. But we cannot be as 
certain what the next moment will bring as we were 
before the 1955 election. 

Potential Threats 

The balance which now appears to be somewhat tilted 
in favor of the West can be upset by several potential 
sources of tension. Although it is relatively easy to 
isolate and assess these forces, it is perhaps impossible 
to predict under what conditions and in what propor- 
tions they may interact. 

The question of rearmament has been and may con- 
tinue to be a source of misunderstanding between the 
two countries. The ninth article of the 1946 constitution, 
cast as it is in the rhetoric of MacArthur, compels Japan 
forever to renounce war as a sovereign right. Mac- 
Arthur felt strongly that this constitutional pacifism 
would become a feature of Japanese civilization to be 
copied by the nations of the world. At a moment of 
defeat and exhaustion, he breathed into the Japanese 
people the revivifying hope of being the foremost paci- 
fist democracy in the world. None would deny the nobil- 
ity of this ideal. But the creation of a power vacuum 
in this strategic area of the Pacific was hardly in accord 
with the concept of regional security which was then 
emerging from the United Nations. It has been argued 
that this proclamation of pacifism was necessary to in- 
sure demilitarization of Japan. But Japan's demilitari- 
zation was actually accomplished quite independently of 
any influence of the constitution. Dispersion, if not dis- 
integration, of the military clique (Gumbatsu) and 
American fiat and continuing surveillance over the manu- 
facture of weapons easily demilitarized the nation. Ger- 


many was successfully demilitarized without recourse to 
constitutional pacifism. When in November 1953 Vice 
President Nixon characterized Article Nine as a mistake, 
he made one of the wisest, and certainly the briefest, 
interpretations ever made of an important constitutional 
principle. Mistake or not, pacifism succeeded too well. 
It captivated the imagination of the Japanese, enervated 
by the privations of war, terrorized by two atomic bomb- 
ings, and only too eager to renounce war forever. The 
terrible irony is that the cruel realities of international 
politics reduced this glorious aspiration to a faded wisp. 
Yet it has been, at least until now, impossible to excise 
Article Nine from the constitution. Other constitutional 
innovations sponsored by the United States conspire 
against revision. The constitution cannot be amended 
without popular ratification. Among the voters, for the 
first time in Japanese history, are women. This newly 
created portion of the electorate feels most strongly 
about the ideal of peace. Thus far, Japan's leaders have 
not dared risk amending the constitution for fear the 
people might not ratify the proposal. . . . 

A second facet of Japanese political thought which 
must be weighed in assessing the permanence of Japan's 
identification with the powers of the West is the peren- 
nial fascination of the concept loosely called "neutral- 
ism." The hope that Japan could remain happily neutral 
as a Switzerland of the Pacific was especially popular 
immediately before ratification of the peace treaty in 
1952. Neutralism is grounded in part on the conviction 
that an Asian bloc of nations could effectively serve as 
a kind of "Third Force" capable of reducing tensions 
between the West and the Soviet Union. It also results 
from the uncertainty of continued American loyalty to 
Japan. The greatest fear is that Japan will be the battle- 


field of the next war, that Japanese will be simply fodder 
in the cannons of the great powers. . . . 

To a great extent neutralism has lost its captivating 
force, yet it can find new strength, particularly if fears 
of nuclear bombing are rekindled. Japan's dilemma of 
being hopelessly trapped between two world powers is 
heightened by the unfortunate results of the hydrogen 
bomb tests on Bikini in March 1954. The death in Sep- 
tember 1954, of one of the twenty-three men exposed to 
radioactive fallout brought a resurgence of Japanese 
uncertainty and fright. Nor were the Japanese alone in 
their concern for the effects of radioactivity, for the 
British House of Commons discussed the subject in No- 
vember 1954. No doubt our position at the dropping 
rather than the receiving end accounts for our callous 
response to the horrors of nuclear bombing. It would do 
Americans good to read again John Hersey's descrip- 
tions in his novel Hiroshima and Dr. Takashi Nagai's 
moving account in We of Nagasaki. Many Japanese 
associate Nagasaki and Hiroshima with other evidences 
of Caucasian racist notions. Why, they ask, were atomic 
bombs used in Asia rather than in Europe? The Ger- 
mans were guilty of scientifically planned bestiality at 
Dachau, Buchenwald, and elsewhere. The spontaneous 
atrocities of the Japanese were less in scope and number 
and different in motivation. In view of the greater guilt 
of Germany in crimes of inhumanity, it is not difficult 
for Japanese to regard their selection as atomic bomb 
victims as but another aspect of a policy of racial dis- 
crimination which has included the Gentlemen's Agree- 
ment, the Oriental Exclusion Act, the Immigation Act, 
and the relocation of Japanese citizens from the West 
coast to government camps. Nor is this feeling dispelled 
by the cold chronological facts showing that the German 
surrender occurred in May 1945, before the atom bomb 


was ready for use. It is difficult for Japanese to believe 
that American intelligence was so poorly informed that 
it was not aware that Japan was on the verge of collapse 
and would have surrendered without resort to atomic 

These deeply felt emotions regarding nuclear bomb- 
ing have not been adequately assessed in the United 
States. Our reaction to the radioactive fallout of the 
spring of 1954, dwelling on the propriety of the Japa- 
nese vessels' presence within the danger area, was more 
quarrelsome than tender. To be sure, we later expressed 
our sympathies and after the death of the first victim we 
promptly sent a check for a million yen, and later gave 
two million dollars as compensation for damages suffered 
by Japanese. Few episodes in recent times better illus- 
trate the need for articulating diplomatic practices with 
the emotional, non-rational qualities of Japanese thought. 
[See "Japan and the H-Bomb," in this section, below 

A third imponderable force which looms ever larger 
as a real threat to relations between Japan and the 
United States is the increasingly popular view in Japan 
that Peiping has found the correct formula for the solu- 
tion of Asia's problems. . . . 

Need for American Understanding 

Japan's second century of contact with the West 
begins with elements of both stability and uncertainty. 
It is possible that Japan can become the outstanding 
model of Asian democracy, regaining the confidence of 
the nations of Southeast Asia, strengthening her de- 
fenses, and reweaving strands of Western and Asian 
culture into her own inimitable fabric of life. Japan 
could then be the Pacific proof of the capacity of West- 


ern constitutionalism to adapt to Asian ways and solve 
the problems of Asian nations. Such a possibility is con- 
tingent upon Japan's ability to survive, upon the confi- 
dence and trust which she can inspire in her Asian 
neighbors and upon her trust that the United States 
will reciprocate the loyalty which Japan seems to have 
pledged to the West. Her survival as an ally of the West 
is possible only with American understanding and help; 
her standing among her neighbors can come only from 
upright behavior made possible by a confident economic 
and political security; her trust in the United States will 
continue only if we respect her integrity as a nation and 
as one of the great civilizations of the world. These 
contingencies demand a statecraft of the greatest erudi- 
tion and finesse. Nor have these qualities been totally 
lacking in our policy toward Japan since the peace treaty. 
Should they not be continued and refined, the alternative 
would be a Japan lost to the West Neither right reason 
nor self survival can permit the acceptance of this possi- 
bility for more than a fleeting moment 


[In the occupation period] Americans played a big 
part in breaking down the deeply ingrained Japanese in- 
scrutability. After American armies landed in Japan, 
our representatives heartily encouraged Japanese verbal 
assaults upon their own most revered customs and lead* 
ers, up to and including their emperor. Americans thus 
hastened the transformation in Japanese manners which 
has produced the current flood of frankness about Amer- 
icans. This flood was bottled up during the six years 

8 From "The Japs Have Us on the Griddle Now,** article by Demaree Bess, 
associate editor of the Saturday Evening Post. Saturday Evening Post. 225 :24-5-f-. 
April 4, 1954. Reprinted by permiasioo. 


and eight months of our occupation because our military 
government did not relish criticism of its own activities. 

So Japanese publishers accumulated a great store- 
house of "revelations" about Americans, and they have 
handled this material very much as American publishers 
would do in the same circumstances. In Japan, as in the 
United States, there are readers for every kind of printed 
matter, ranging from the cheapest kind of sensational- 
ism to scholarly dissertations. Japan is the only Asiatic 
country which has taught all its boys and girls to read 
and write during several generations as contrasted with 
10 per cent literacy in China and the Japanese have 
managed to keep all their children in school all through 
their wars and occupation. 

That explains why American behavior in Japan 
past, present and future has been getting such full 
treatment in recent months from every variety of Japa- 
nese publication. The "yellow press/' with its particular 
emphasis upon sex and crime, has been disinterring the 
private lives of Americans stationed in Japan who were 
immune from public exposure during the occupation. 
Apparently some scandal sheets have been hoarding for 
years stories about romances between high-ranking 
American occupants and aristocratic Japanese ladies. 

Memoirs of "Purged" Leaders 

While a considerable part of the recent stream of 
stories about Americans is thus either deliberately sensa- 
tional or merely entertaining, most Japanese publishers 
have aimed at more serious readers. They are finally 
releasing hundreds of "memoirs" in books and articles 
which were held in reserve during the occupation for 
fear they might offend the American authorities. De- 
layed also for many years were the recorded impressions 


of so-called "purgees" prominent Japanese leaders who 
were forbidden to publish anything until recently. 

Last summer in Tokyo an American friend suggested 
to me, only half jokingly, that the so-called purges con- 
ducted by Americans probably did more than anything 
else to improve the quality of Japanese war and postwar 
memoirs. Washington decided in 1947 to "purge" all 
Japanese who held top posts between 1931 and 1945 in 
such activities as politics, finance, industry and journal- 
ism. These leaders were forbidden not only to publish 
anything but also to take any active part in national life. 
So for several years these immobilized Japanese some 
of the brainiest in the country had plenty of leisure to 
think about what had happened, was happening and was 
likely to happen. They became, in fact, a sort of Japa- 
nese brain trust, as their memoirs are now revealing, dis- 
cussing with one another long-range policies for Japan. 
Some of them also recorded their impressions of develop- 
ments during and after the war, and they could afford 
to give much more time to this than Americans who were 
similarly prominent. The memoirs of our recent leaders, 
when they have been written at all, usually have been a 
mere by-product of otherwise crowded days. 

These belatedly published impressions by Japanese 
leaders, including the "purgees," are being read very at- 
tentively not only by the Japanese but also by American 
policy makers. Many purgees are now as active as before 
the war in politics and industry, in banking and journal- 
ism, and their influence is growing, because the Japanese 
consider that many of them were unjustly treated by 
Americans. Our policy makers are interested in their 
present views because, whether we like it or not, the 
destinies of the United States and Japan are more closely 
involved than ever before. 


I have been reading in translation extensive samples 
from recently published Japanese memoirs, and one com- 
plaint about Americans has reappeared in them time and 
time again. American behavior seems to be at least as 
puzzling to Japanese observers as Japanese behavior ever 
was to us. They describe Americans with such adjectives 
as baffling, peculiar and unpredictable, and they cite ex- 
amples which have convinced them that Americans are a 
curious mixture of hardheaded common sense and quix- 
otic utopianism. 

Japanese Impressions of Americans 

As an example of our farsightedness, they mention 
the immense reserve of good will which Americans 
stored up immediately after the Japanese surrender by 
treating them with more consideration than they had 
expected. They express gratitude to General Douglas 
MacArthur, for protecting them, as they believe, from 
vengeful Russians, Chinese, Koreans, Australians and 
Filipinos. Japanese writers present evidence which has 
convinced them that only American influence prevented 
widespread starvation in Japan, as other victorious na- 
tions demanded withholding of food in 1945, and that 
Americans also prevented the destruction or removal of 
industrial plants, without which Japan cannot hope to 
support its people. 

But our occupation was only a few weeks old when 
Americans began to demonstrate what the Japanese now 
describe as quixotic utopianism. Our military govern- 
ment, despite the fact that it was headed by conservative- 
minded General MacArthur, nevertheless launched what 
seems, in retrospect, a revolution almost as radical as 
communism. This was no temporary whimsey; for sev- 
eral years a host of American reformers, working under 


General MacArthur's command, was given a more or 
less free hand to abolish the established order in Japan 
and replace it with an American-type political and social 


This American project still fascinates Japanese mem- 
oir writers far more than anything else which has hap- 
pened to them in recent times, including their war. All 
through their accounts runs an incredulous wonder and 
grudging admiration for the imaginative audacity behind 
this scheme, even though almost all Japanese now agree 
that it has failed. They ask themselves why this "Amer- 
ican revolution" has fizzled out, and most of them feel 
that American made the fatal mistake of trying to re- 
mold Japan in our own image without taking into 
account fundamental differences between the two peoples. 
A veteran Japanese radio executive recalls that Americans 
put up signs over the washrooms in all buildings which 
we used, reading, JAPANESE KEEP OUT! He dryly re- 
marks that this sign really summed up our whole reform 
program, which was a fantastic attempt to create a new 
Japan out of American heads, whereas no kind of lasting 
changes in Japan could be made by anybody except the 
Japanese themselves. 

Even more harsh is the judgment of a prominent 
publisher, Otoku Obama, who writes : 

I think the fundamental reason for the failure of re- 
forms introduced by Americans was the absence of any guid- 
ing principle in American politics. That explains why such 
inferior Americans were sent to Japan to handle the affairs 
of 80 million people. The Japanese would Jhave gained a 
great deal (especially in industrial reorganization) and would 
be grateful today to the United States if only more capable 
American officials had come to Japan. The ignorant and 
narrow-minded Americans who composed so large a part of 
the occupation personnel made many mistakes which have 
been equally harmf ul to Japan and to the United States. . . . 


To a number of Japanese economists and industrial- 
ists the most sensational American working for the occu- 
pation was a young lady whom they describe as the 
"glamorous girl trust buster." The Japanese give this 
young woman chief credit for almost halting Japanese 
industrial activity. She took a leading part in plans to 
dissolve the great Japanese family corporations, known 
as Zaibatsu, which have dominated Japan's industry and 
commerce for several generations. 

Operating on the theory that these family corpora- 
tions were mainly responsible for Japanese aggression 
a questionable assumption Washington policy makers 
decreed that they should be broken up. The Japanese 
were ordered to appoint a liquidation commission, which 
was headed successively by Tadao Sasayama and Iwajiro 
Noda. In the memoirs of these two men, the American 
woman is pictured as the most implacable and persistent 
enemy of the Zaibatsu. She spent many months going 
through their books. 

Mr. Noda comments that the young lady combined 
"extremely rigid views" with the charming and vigorous 
personality which gave her great influence with top mem- 
bers of General MacArthur's staff. The Japanese are 
convinced that this young woman actually wrote the 
drastic dissolution decree which they considered ruinous 
to their whole economic order. The Japanese were 
warned that the American government would not con- 
sider a peace treaty until this decree had been accepted. 

Mr. Sasayama explains what happened then: 

A peace treaty was, of course, the principal objective of 
Japanese official policy, and nothing could stand in its way. 
So it was up to us to satisfy the American conditions as 
smoothly as possible. Fortunately, the Zaibatsu chiefs (who 
were supposed to be purged at that time) showed a good 


understanding of the problem. We Japanese try to be far- 
sighted and submissive to the inevitable. This national trait 
helped to handle the Zaibatsu question without wrecking the 
country's economy. . . . 

American Policy Questioned 

An altogether different expression of doubt about 
American policy in the Far East comes to me in a letter 
from Tokyo, written by the eminent Japanese historian, 
Shunkichi Akimoto. ... As long as I have known Mr. 
Akimoto he has been a vigorous advocate of a firm 
working agreement between Japan and the United States, 
a dangerous position for any Japanese to take between 
1931 and 1945. Last summer I asked Mr. Akimoto how 
he felt now about an American- Japanese working agree- 
ment, and he replied that the kind of agreement he once 
advocated is no longer possible. Neither Americans nor 
Japanese, he said, seem to have realized the most revolu- 
tionary change in the Far East caused by the war 
namely, the destruction of Japan as an empire and a 
military power. 

It is therefore foolish, Mr. Akimoto believes, for any 
Japanese to talk about remaining neutral today. . . . 
Today the Japanese are almost completely unarmed and 
cannot even fight to preserve neutrality for many years 
to come. So the Japanese are offered only two alterna- 
tives to throw in their lot with the United States or to 
take a minor role in the Soviet system. 

When the question is thus reduced to its simplest 
terms, said Mr. Akimoto, there can be no doubt that the 
great majority of Japanese prefer a working agreement 
with the United States upon one condition. That con- 
dition is assurance that Americans now consider them- 
selves a permanent fixture in the Far East, as Russia 


most certainly is and has been for three centuries. Many 
Japanese still fear, Mr. Akimoto told me, that Americans 
will refuse to pay the price of our Far Eastern commit- 
ments, and thus leave the field to Russia when we once 
realize what a long and costly conflict confronts us across 
the Pacific. 


There is a feeling among the Japanese these days 
bordering on paranoia that they are the fated victims of 
American atomic policy. Whenever America lifts an 
atom, some Japanese gets hurt. Not only did we drop 
the only two atom bombs ever used against human beings 
on the Japanese, but they were also the first victims of 
the H-bomb, in the fall-out at Bikini. To Americans the 
words "Fukuryu-Maru" [the fishing vessel which entered 
the danger area during the H-bomb test], "Kuboyama" 
[one of the bomb-dusted fishermen, who died a few 
months later], and "radioactive tuna" are almost mean- 
ingless collocations of sounds; but to the Japanese they 
have become household words that stir a deep sense of 
resentment. It is true, of course, that American soldiers 
and Marshall Islanders were also affected by the fall-out 
But most Japanese do not know about this nor do they 
want to know. If asked, they would argue that it is your 
business if you hurt "your own" people; but you have 
no right to jeopardize others. Besides, most Japanese 
prefer to think of themselves as unique, the privileged 
victims, and they do not want to share the spotlight with 
American GFs or Marshallese natives. As Professor 
Ikutaro Shimizu of the Gakushuin University said in an 
argument that seems to be very persuasive to Japanese 

research associate with the Department 



intellectuals, twenty-three fishermen may seem like a 
small number compared to the hundreds of thousands 
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki victims, but in a symbolic 
sense it is even worse. "During the war, Japan and 
America were enemies. But this time, the injury was 
done to an ally, or at least to a friendly nation." . . , 
This is, to be sure, somewhat disingenuous of Professor 
Shimizu because he has been devoting a good part of his 
intellectual activity to persuading people not to be 
friendly to America; but whatever the source of the 
argument, it holds great appeal for the Japanese. 

What we sense immediately here in Japan is that 
Americans and Japanese are looking at this problem in 
a different way, that they are not on the same wave 
length. For Americans, the problems created by the 
Bikini fallout were essentially technical The explosion 
was enormous; the fall-out exceeded calculations. Since 
the consequences were quite unintentional, it is enough 
to estimate the amount of the damage and make proper 
compensation. For the Japanese, however, the problems 
were emotional. Why are we always the victims? Are 
we destined to suffer from every contact we have with 
America? Does this not show America's contempt for 
us ? In addition, there was something peculiarly horrify- 
ing in the prospect that fish, Japan's main protein source, 
might be contaminated by radioactivity. 

The Fukuryit-Maru Wall 

There was, therefore, a complete lack of congruence 
in American and Japanese reactions, both sides failing to 
understand or to recognize the sincerity of the other. 
Whatever the Americans said inevitably sounded like an 
insult to the Japanese, since it was technical and rational 
and seemed to regard feelings and anxieties as irrelevant, 


Many things that we did, however well meaning they 
may have seemed at home, were wrong in the emotional 
atmosphere of Japan at the time. \Vhen Japanese doctors 
requested certain information on radioactivity, for ex- 
ample, the Americans refused it on the grounds that it 
was "unnecessary" for the treatment of radioactive 
burns. As Professor Shigeo Oketani of Tokyo Engineer- 
ing University said, the Americans may very well have 
been right, but "probably nothing has made Japanese 
people who were originally friendly to America incline a 
favorable ear to the fashionable anti- Americanism of 
intellectual circles more than this refusal." . . . 

The American statement, however correct it may 
have been, was not on the same emotional wave length 
as the Japanese request. Professor Tetsuzo Tanikawa, 
Dean of the Faculty of Literature of Hosei University, 
a leading proponent of world government, speaks for 
much Japanese sentiment when he says : 

I am not what is called an "anti- Americanist." ... I 
. - . have long been censuring Russia's attitude toward world 
government. But today I must censure America as well . . . 
W G . a . re informed that American newspapers dealt with the 
Bikini incident only as a problem of leakage of secrets. And 
Chairman Cole of the Joint Congressional Committee on 
Atomic Energy reportedly said that it was possible that the 
Japanese fishermen had been spying on the test. This plain 
national egoism has completely forgotten respect for the lives 
of ^the unfortunate fishermen and the danger threatening the 
daily life of the Japanese people. We cannot but conclude 
that this comes from a subconscious contempt for colored 
people. . . . 

This disparity in emotional tone can be seen at every 
step. The first American reaction was that perhaps the 
Fukuryu-Maru had run too close to the danger area. 
Perhaps it was spying. If not, what was it doing so close 
to the blast? For responsible officials who must take 


into consideration all possibilities, this is undoubtedly a 
perfectly reasonable speculation. But speculating in pub- 
lic, as high-placed Americans do all too often, can have 
disastrous effects that cannot be effaced by official state- 
ments. The possibility of spying, for example, was prob- 
ably not seriously entertained. And as it turned out, it 
was very quickly rejected. But its very announcement 
was enough to cause harm, and its retraction was unable 
to overcome the resentment it had caused. For some reason 
the charge was especially galling to Japanese sensitivi- 
ties, and it opened the way to a flood of resounding 
denunciations in the press of American "arrogance" and 
laborious proofs that the charges were false. Learned 
articles appeared both in the academic and the popular 
press to demonstrate that even on the evidence as given 
and it was strongly hinted that much was kept back by 
the Americans for security reasons the fishermen must 
have been outside the danger area. 

. . . [On] April 18, 1954, Ryuzaburo Taguchi, Presi- 
dent of the Color Film Research Institute, argued, for 
example, that sound waves of explosive origin travel 
faster than ordinary sound waves, and that given the 
temperature of the Marshall Islands and the size of the 
explosion, the sound would have reached the distance 
claimed by the fishermen in 6 minutes 15 seconds. Then 
when the American side accepted with what seemed to 
the Japanese considerable reluctance the conclusion that 
the ship was actually beyond the designated area, the 
American reaction was again a "correct" and rational 
one : this confirms that the fall-out was greater than ex- 
pectations; the problem must be studied. It was this feel- 
ing that the Americans were concerned only with the 
technical aspects of the problem and that they dis- 
regarded the damage to Japan that outraged Japanese 


In Japanese eyes, the American reaction appearec 
surly and ungracious. "Why didn't the fishermen repon 
what happened right away?" we asked. If they hac 
washed the ashes off immediately, the results would no1 
have been so serious. All perfectly reasonable observa- 
tions. But we were being querulous and logical when the 
situation called for demonstrating one's sympathy; tech- 
nical issues should have taken second place in these first 

The Tuna Economy 

The problem of the "radioactive tuna" shows the 
same lack of communication. The Americans seemed to 
take the attitude that the Japanese were being unneces- 
sarily hysterical. Again, although the American may 
have been right, the statement could only sound cold and 
unfeeling. For one thing, Americans are unable to com- 
prehend how important fish is to Japan and therefore 
how terrifying to basic security this anxiety about con- 
tamination can be. It is true that anti- American elements 
deliberately inflated the issue, but they were able to do 
so because it did touch on primordial sensitivities of the 
Japanese people. For Americans, Pacific tuna is a canned 
delicacy that is nice to have but that we can do without. 
For Japanese, fish from the Pacific is a daily necessity. 

But there is another aspect of the problem that Amer- 
icans do not understand. Since the end of the war, Japa- 
nese fishermen have been having a hard time. Their 
traditional fishing areas have been cut off on all sides: 
the Russians have taken their best fishing grounds in the 
north, right down to within two miles of the coast of 
the home island of Hokkaido; the Chinese have cut off 
important fishing waters on the west; the South Koreans 
have established the "Rhee Line," and all Japanese 


vessels caught beyond it are impounded and their crews 
interned; and many of the Central Pacific fisheries in 
the former mandated islands are now under American 
control. So anything that appears to threaten their liveli- 
hood is a very serious matter, and since there are more 
than a million fishermen in Japan, this anxiety spreads 
itself to all corners of the country. 

A young fisherman in Chiba Prefecture expressed 
what is undoubtedly a widespread view : 

I was repatriated from the Soviet Union in the autumn 
of 1948. So far, I have been very grateful for America's 
policy toward Japan. But since this H-bomb business I find 
that in spite of myself I am more sympathetic to the Com- 
munist position. ... It is outrageous for the Chairman of 
the Congressional Atomic Energy Committee to suggest that 
the Fukuryu-Maru fishermen were spies. The American 
Army here in Japan has taken over the Kujukurihama Coast 
for a firing and maneuver ground ; and then when fishermen 
move out to the deep seas to try to make their living, impor- 
tant fishery grounds there are turned into H-bomb proving 

For several years now the American Army has been 
engaged in a dispute with local fishermen on a stretch 
of beach known as Kujukurihama over artillery practice 
in the area. The fishermen claim that the firing harms 
their catch, while the Americans contend that they need 
the area for training purposes* Both sides are probably 

What made the American attitude seem particularly 
insincere was that no sooner had the Americans made 
the suggestion that the Japanese were perhaps being 
overanxious about the radioactivity of the tuna when 
the American tuna packers announced that they would 
not accept Japanese tuna for the time being because it 
might be contaminated ! 


Medical Misunderstandings 

When the injuries to the fishermen became known, 
Ambassador Allison offered his condolences on behalf of 
the United States government. But by the time these 
official condolences were transmitted, it was almost too 
late. The impression of American "coldness" was al- 
ready firmly fixed by the initial reactions of Americans 
reported in the press. 

Then came one of the worst mistakes of all. As a 
friendly gesture, the Americans offered the use of the 
facilities of the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission 
(ABCC) in Hiroshima. Now this offer could only be 
based on a complete misreading of Japanese sentiment 
The ABCC had been established in Hiroshima and Naga- 
saki by the United States Atomic Energy Commission 
as a research institution. From its very foundation, the 
Japanese have resented the fact that it was designed for 
diagnosis and research but not for treatment. The Amer- 
ican government has campaigned for years to convince 
the Japanese that the ABCC was not set up for treat- 
ment and that this was as it should be. The findings of 
objective scientific investigation, we argued, would in the 
long run benefit the Japanese people as much or more 
than mere treatment. But the Japanese have never fully 
given up their suspicions that they are being used as 
"guinea pigs" by the ABCC. Therefore to offer the 
ABCC facilities after all this suggested one of two 
things : that the original contention that the ABBC could 
not provide treatment was untrue; or that the Americans 
wanted these fresh cases for research purposes. Neither 
conclusion was to our benefit. Said the [newspaper] 
Shukan Asahi on April 4, 1954, "The ABCC has never 
once treated A-bomb sufferers in Hiroshima and Naga- 
saki with kindness, and it treats the patients as 'guinea 


pigs/ " When Dr. Morton of the ABCC visited Tokyo 
University Hospital, it was taken for granted by Japa- 
nese that he had not come on a visit of sympathy or 
cooperation, but simply to do some research on the 
secondary symptoms of H-bomb radioactivity. Dozens 
of articles in the press appeared on the general theme 
that "We are not guinea pigs!" 

Thus every action meant something different to the 
two sides. The Americans, for example, offered to make 
a joint medical investigation. From an American point 
of view this may have looked like cooperation, but from 
a Japanese point of view it smacked of insult to the 
Japanese medical profession. They immediately in- 
terpreted the offer to mean that the Americans were 
going to challenge the Japanese diagnoses and estimates 
of damage, perhaps in order to reduce the extent of 
America's financial liability. The Japanese were indig- 
nant. "We know more about radioactive burns than any- 
one else in the world, including the Americans. We are 
the only people in the world who have been exposed to 
atomic radiation on a large scale/' Therefore, Japanese 
medical circles, interpreting our offer of cooperation and 
of ABCC facilities to imply distrust of their ability, were 
bitterly offended. Dr. Kazuo Miyoshi of the Okinaka 
Internal Department, Toyko University Hospital, in a 
medical report on the condition of the twenty-three fish- 
ermen, said coldly: 

We are glad to have American good will. But this can 
only be on a collaboration basis, not a joint-study basis. We 
have never refused to allow American doctors to examine the 
patients. But we did not want them interrogating patients 
for three or four hours at a time because the patients need a 
good rest and they are worried about being used as guinea 
pigs. . . . 


Unfortunately, this sensitivity has been rubbed raw 
by a continuing series of statements made by American 
doctors, private and governmental, expressing doubts 
about the Japanese diagnosis of the causes of the death 
of Aiichiro Kuboyama, one of the bomb-dusted fisher- 
men, on September 23, 1954. The suggestion has been 
made that the cause of death may not have been radio- 
activity, but rather jaundice resulting from a transfusion 
infection. Whether this is true or not and American 
statements are only suggestions of alternative possibili- 
ties they rub everybody the wrong way because of their 
clear implication that Japanese doctors are incompetent. 
In the latest of this series, Dr. Berry repeats the charges. 
. . . Since Dr. Berry is in the Defense Department, the 
Japanese regard his statement as the official statement 
of the United States government, and no amount of 
denial will convince them otherwise. Japanese medical 
circles have therefore turned with warm relief to the 
more sympathetic statement of three foreign doctors on 
June 1, 1955, at the International Radiation Conference 
in Hiroshima which had an anti-American flavor and 
was not attended by Americans. Dr. Simon Sevitt, pa- 
thologist from Birmingham, England, Dr. Leonardo 
Guzman, Director of the National Institute of Radium 
of Chile, and Dr. Karl Holubec, Czech surgeon, agreed 
that the Japanese diagnosis was correct and that there 
were no grounds for the American doubts. . . . 

United States and Soviet Tests 
The net result has been a strong feeling against 
American atomic and thermonuclear experiments. It is 
true that the Russians conduct them too, and it is even 
true that Japan was bothered by "radioactive rains" on 
its Japan Sea side as a result of the Russian explosions 
of middle September and late October 1954. But in spite 


of the attempts of cooler heads to put these matters in 
perspective, there is without doubt a tendency to con- 
sider the United States more at fault than Russia. The 
Russians conduct their tests on their own territory. But 
the American tests are held in the Pacific. By what right 
does America use the Pacific Ocean for its own experi- 
ments which endanger Japan and her food sources? 
America is violating the freedom of the sea by denying 
its use to other nations. 

"The Pacific is not an American lake!" announced 
the Shukan Asahi in its April 4, 1954, issue, echoing 
the Daily Herald of London. Learned jurists, lawyers, 
and professors filled the press with detailed analyses of 
the position of the tests in international law. Fuel was 
added to the flames by the statement of the Secretary of 
the House Atomic Energy Committee, Nichols, that ex- 
periments would continue in spite of Japanese protests. 
Koichi Fukui, a member of the radioactivity team that 
went to Bikini in May 1954, expressed the views of 
many Japanese when he said : 

It is impermissible to contaminate the sea by H-bomb 
tests when no one has any idea of what its effects will be. 
The American scientists (fid not really know, whatever they 
may claim. . . . Two months after the explosion, the fish 
were still dangerously radioactive. . . . 

America and the Atom 

America's failure to meet the emotion of Japanese 
reaction has led to the charge that we are cruel and 
inhuman, perhaps, in the suspicion given voice by Pro- 
fessor Tanikawa, because we are fundamentally con- 
temptuous of "colored people." It must be remembered 
that throughout Asia, and particularly in India, it is 
widely believed that America dropped the first atom 
bomb on Japan, rather than on Germany, because the 


Japanese are "colored people" and the Germans are 
"whites/* No amount of argument will convince people 
that the atom bomb was only developed after the Ger- 
man surrender. And if America is capable of such in- 
humanity, "treating the masses like animals," in the 
words of the novelist Kojoro Serizawa . . . then perhaps 
the Communist charges of germ warfare in Korea are 
also true. . . . 

With this background, it is understandable that the 
Japanese become jittery whenever the words "American" 
and "atomic" appear in the same sentence. So when 
Americans come, atom in hand, to make an offer, there 
is a strong inclination to look long and hard. It was this 
mood that lay behind the protracted hassle over our offer 
of enriched uranium to Japan, which was part of Presi- 
dent Eisenhower's "atoms-for-peace" program. Once 
again America found itself in the ridiculous position of 
offering gifts to people who were not at all certain that 
they wanted to receive them. Although the offer was 
welcomed by engineers and businessmen, most scientists 
were very suspicious and inclined to reject it. The debate 
raged in scientific and academic bodies providing the 
staple of Japan Science Council deliberations for weeks 
on end in the press, and in the Diet committees, and 
bitter sentiments were expressed on all sides. The issue 
divided the country politically, with the Right and the 
Left Socialists (not to mention the Communists and the 
Farmer-Labor party) opposed, and the conservative par- 
ties more or less in favor. 

Although many specific points of objection were 
raised, what the debate showed was something more 
important: a real distrust of American atomic policy. 
Speaking of the American offer, which he characterized 


as the "American atomic energy offensive," Professor 
Koji Fushimi, physicist of Osaka University, argued that 

the United States is motivated by the desire to divert world 
opposition to the military uses of atomic energy by empha- 
sizing its peaceful uses; to support its domestic armament 
industry; to assure overseas supplies of uranium; and to 
capture markets for her atomic energy industry. . . . The 
consequence of cooperation with the United States in electric 
power generation by atomic energy [one of the proposals 
involved in the uranium offer] would be the domination of 
all of Japanese industry by American monopoly capitalism 
through the manipulation of electric power prices. . . . 

Although an agreement was finally signed between 
the Japanese and American governments on June 21, 
1955, the opposition of the "progressive front" -of sci- 
entists, intellectuals, socialists, and trade unionists has 
succeeded in leaving the impression that this was not a 
generous American gift, but just something else America 
has forced down Japan's throat. 

This attitude is, of course, strengthened by the grow- 
ing political hostility toward American foreign policy 
here and the recent moves to "normalize" relations with 
Russia and China. . . . 

Revising Our Policies 

In respect to atomic policy, what this means is that 
many people are becoming more favorable to the Com- 
munist bloc. A favorable attitude toward Communist 
atomic policy seems to be psychologically the necessary 
counterpart of the resumption of "normal" relations. 
This feeling coincides with the growing Russian and 
Chinese campaign to woo Japanese intellectuals, a cam- 
paign that has been having striking success. . . . 

It is this mood that American atomic policy must 
take into account in future dealings with Japan. We 


cannot act In international relations on the basis of 
purely rational and technical calculations of what we 
think is good for people. . . . From a narrow point of 
view, the problem is essentially one of public relations. 
This is supposed to be our specialty, but we still cannot 
present the face to the world that we want to present 
But from a larger point of view, the problem is how to 
make manifest the feelings of a whole people, their 
spontaneous warmth and sympathy. That is why the 
warm personal gestures the treatment of the "Hiro- 
shima maidens," or the meeting together of people in 
international conferences have more effect at certain 
moments in history than the giant official actions. As 
long as America held undisputed lead in atomic develop- 
ment, we could get away with unilateral actions. But 
resentment against our policy now has other places to 
turn. The Japanese reaction should alert us to the 
dangers before it is too late. 


An ominous question mark hangs over the future of 
the 178 persons comprising the civilian population of the 
tiny Bonin Islands. 

The inhabitants want to become United States citi- 
zens, but have become, instead, pawns in an international 

The Bonins are sheer, grim volcanic outcroppings in 
the western Pacific, about midway between Japan and the 
United States island territory of Guam. Hundreds of 
miles from regular shipping lanes, they have been islands 
of mystery except to officials and others who have lived 



in the lonely jungle clearings. Occasional visitors in 
whaling and fishing craft were almost exclusively Japa- 
nese nationals until the end of the World War II. ... 

The islands figure prominently in the postwar conten- 
tions that inevitably followed Japan's resumption of tech- 
nical sovereignty over them with the United States 
continuing in military occupation. 

The question, as far as the islanders are concerned, 
is whether they shall remain under the jurisdiction of 
the United States, now represented by a dilapidated and 
undermanned naval station on the main island of Chichi, 
or whether they shall revert to the unwelcome rule of 
the Japanese. 

Conflicting Claims 

The Japanese claimed the islands eighty years ago, 
ignoring the assertions of the settlers that they were 

Most of the tightly inbred island fishing and farming 
community today claims relationship, either by direct 
descent or through intermarriage, to Nathaniel Savory, 
a Massachusetts seafarer who settled here in 1830, when 
the Bonins were uninhabited and unclaimed. He died in 
1874. . . . 

International considerations that may affect the even- 
tual fate of this strange community in the far Pacific 
are these: 

Japan wants the United States to permit 7,711 for- 
mer Japanese residents of the islands to return, partly 
because this matter has become a national issue in Japan, 
and partly because this would give Japan a lever on the 
Soviet Union for return of the Kuriles and other former 
Japanese territories held by the Russians. 


The United States Navy, administering the islands 
for Washington under a security agreement with Japan, 
apparently has long-range plans for an important sub- 
marine base in the Bonins, and wants no Japanese settlers 
complicating the situation. The present residents heartily 
concur in discouragement of the Japanese, albeit for 
different reasons that are economic and political. 

Eager to strengthen United States ties with Japan, 
but also mindful of prospective relations between Tokyo 
and Moscow, the United States State Department ap- 
pears to be supporting the case of the Navy and the "in- 
digenous" islanders without real conviction. 

Spokesmen for the former islanders now residing in 
Japan evince impatience with the Navy's contention that 
resettlement of the Bonins would compromise military 
security. They declare that a Japanese population in the 
Bonins would be no more of a security risk than those 
near United States bases in Japan and Okinawa. 

The Navy, in rebuttal, cites the smallness of the 
islands and the necessity of supplying any civilian settlers 
through the only port, which is on Chichi and is the 
heart of the military base. 

All the adult islanders, simple fishermen and farmers 
with names like Gilley, Robinson, Webb and Washing- 
ton, unanimously signed a petition to the State Depart- 
ment a year ago. It opposed Japanese resettlement on 
the grounds that the 7,711 listed as wishing to return 
"are mostly immigrants of the early 1930's and are not 
true Bonin Islanders." 

The petition added that "only a nominal percentage 
of these would be able to subsist on the natural resources 
of the islands and the surrounding waters." The rest, 
the petition said, worked for the Japanese military. 


Later, the Islanders sent a delegation of four persons 
to Washington to plead their case. Meanwhile, the is- 
landers as a group have twice requested United States 
citizenship, without result. 

Historical Background 

The Bonin Islanders legally are Japanese nationals. 
In the peace treaty signed in San Francisco in 1951, the 
United States recognized Japan's "residual sovereignty" 
over the Bonins and Okinawa. These islands were left 
under United States military government for an indefi- 
nite time in a concurrent agreement on Pacific security. 

Japan's historical claim to the Bonins goes back to a 
visit there by Sadayori Ogasawara in 1593, just fifty 
years after the Spanish navigator Don Ruy Lopez de 
Villalobos was said to have sighted the islands for the 
first time on record. The Japanese named the group 
Ogasawara Gunto, but did not get around to asserting 
sovereignty until 1876. 

Tokyo's annexation of the tiny group was not dis- 
puted by anyone at that time except Nathaniel Savory 
and his little band who had been on Chichi (then called 
Peel Island) for forty-six years. In 1853 Commodore 
Matthew Perry, who called at Chichi on his historic 
voyage to open up Japan, strongly recommended that the 
United States acquire the Bonins, but he was disregarded. 

Until the time of World War II, the Caucasian blood 
of the original colonists had been mixed with that of 
Malayan, Japanese, Polynesian and Negro stock. Chichi 
had become a principal Japanese submarine base and one 
of the strongest fortifications in the Pacific. 

The Bonins, originally so called through a corruption 
of the Japanese name Bune Shima, or Islands Without 


Men, now teemed with 25,000 or more soldiers, more 
than 7,000 Japanese civilians and the little community 
that still defiantly regarded itself as American. . . . 

In 1944, under intensive American bombing, all but 
the military personnel were evacuated to Japan. After 
the war, United States occupation authorities repatriated 
the Savory clan and the other descendants of pre- 
Japanese colonists. The others were barred. 

The Japanese, the Islanders, and the 
United States Navy 

The League of Bonin Evacuees for Hastening Repa- 
triation also sent a delegation to Washington last year 
with powerful Japanese political backing. It asserted 
that before World War II these now nearly destitute 
refugees had earned in the islands nearly $2 million a 
year by farming, nearly $1 million by fishing, and nearly 
$500,000 by whaling. 

While these Japanese figures could not be checked, 
most of the many Bonin Islanders interviewed . . . [on 
Chichi] agreed that the hard-working Japanese settlers 
had prospered in the islands. Now it is they who are 
prospering by sending produce to Guam through a 
cooperative trading company. But that is not the only 
reason they do not want the Japanese back. 

"The Japanese, while treating us fairly until the war, 
always regarded us with contempt because we weren't 
Japanese," said Charles Washington, stately descendant 
of a Negro who left an American whaling ship here in 
the early 1840's. The islanders fear worse discrimina- 
tion because of their present pro-American stand 

The Tokyo Government wishes to set up a complete 
civil administration in the Bonins. The United States 


Navy, like the islanders, views the prospective complica- 
tions with disquiet. 

The two top Navy officers here are . . . veteran sub- 
mariners who view the Bonins as a potentially important 
base for undersea craft. . . . 

Many United States submarines have made Chichi a 
port of call since the war. In time of hostilities in the 
Pacific they could replenish their torpedoes and other 
supplies here, as the Japanese once did. 


Sakini, the wily Okinawan interpreter in The Tea- 
house of the August Moon, observes in the preamble to 
the play that the process of learning from the conqueror 
is "sometimes painful." And sometimes, as is happening 
on Okinawa today, it is the conqueror who suffers the 
pain. It came as a sharp jolt to the Americans who have 
tutored Okinawans in democracy for nearly twelve years 
when the voters of Naha, the capital, recently elected 
as their mayor Kamejiro Senaga, a reputed Communist 
who had campaigned largely on a platform of "Yankees, 
Go Home!" 

Some Americans here believe that if affairs were 
handled right in Washington, this tiny island [of the 
Ryukyu chain] with its wholly Oriental indigenous popu- 
lation, would be "a showcase for American democracy 
in the East." It is so far from that today, however, 
that the authorities considered it wise to cancel plans for 
an international conference of Asian educators this year 
at the American-instituted University of the Ryukyus in 

From "Okinawa: 'Sometimes Painful' Lesson for Us," article by Robert 
Trumbull, chief of the New York Times bureau in Tokyo. New Yoric Timts bfaffa- 
mne. p29-K April 7, 1957. Reprinted by permission. 


Naha. They feared that the visitors, especially those 
from neutralist countries, might be so influenced by criti- 
cal elements that they would go home as propagandists 
for the return of the Ryukyus to Japan. 

There is little outward evidence of unfriendliness to 
Americans in Okinawa. When you drive through a vil- 
lage laughing children hail you with beaming smiles and 
screams of "Hello, baby!" which they apparently have 
come to think is the standard American greeting. Like 
their Japanese cousins, Okinawans are invariably polite, 
but they have an independence of character which often 
leads them to go their way in defiance of the conqueror. 
A visitor to the villages will find that these people think 
and discuss critically the problems of the day with greater 
sophistication than the average American is likely to 

Citizenship Status 

A paramount problem for most Okinawans appears 
to be their anomalous political status as citizens of Japan 
and wards of the United States. One high-ranking 
American here describes the Okinawans as "people with- 
out a flag" and suggests that much apparent anti- 
Americanism on the island may be largely the product 
of their feeling of insecurity. 

The Ryukyuans, who speak a dialect Japanese and 
have been attuned to Japanese culture since their incor- 
poration into that empire as a prefecture in 1876, say 
frankly that they feel like Japanese and want to revert 
to Tokyo's rule. They still nurture many grievances 
against the repressive regime they knew until the Ameri- 
can forces captured the island in April 1945 in one of 
the bloodiest battles of the Pacific. But they also believe 


that relations with the Japanese, themselves newly de- 
mocratized under American influence, would be different 

Economic Problems 

Another yearning that disturbs the Okinawans is the 
yearning for land. Their island, sixty-seven miles long 
and from three to twenty miles wide, has a population 
density about twenty-two times that of the United States, 
or about 1,270 persons a square mile to 54. A congres- 
sional land committee which visited here last fall esti- 
mated in its report that if the United States were as 
crowded as Okinawa, her population would be 2.75 bil- 
lion more people than there are on earth. 

Since the island contains only 80,000 acres of tillable 
land one acre for every seven and a half persons the 
Okinawans were understandably exercised when the 
United States armed forces took about one cultivable 
acre of every five for military use. The construction of 
an eighteen-hole golf course for personnel also started a 
controversy between the Army and Okinawan farm or- 
ganizations. The farmers say they can understand appro- 
priating farm land for military purposes, although they 
may not like it. But they do not understand taking their 
crop land for amusement. The Army's answer is that 
the former occupants of the golfing area are now making 
more by working on the links than they ever earned 
from their farms. 

In the long dispute over appropriation of farmland 
the United States, it appears now, has met every objec- 
tion but one. Rent to be paid by the United States was 
tripled; lump-sum compensation for long-term use at 
least doubled. A development fund in which Okinawan 
owners may invest their money and earn a perpetual in- 
come may be set up, resettlement programs are afoot 


and, finally, the United States is leaving actual title to 
the land with the Okinawan owners, who, in theory, may 
hope some day to return to it. 

But the problem turned out to be more than eco- 
nomic. Okinawans, the Americans discovered, have a 
fanatical attachment to their land that is akin to religion. 
Land has been the core of their social organization as 
well as their livelihood and, before the Americans came, 
transfer of land from one owner to another was rare. 
No way has been found to compensate for this love of 
the land. 

A third grievance of the Okinawans stems from their 
work on Army projects. The United States construction 
program and the expenditure of more than $4 million a 
month by the armed forces sustain the island economy. 
The armed forces currently employ more than 50,000 
Okinawans more than half the total labor force. About 
10,000 Okinawan girls find work as domestics in 
American quarters and many other islanders find jobs 
in local industries that have sprung up with the military 

But the pay of Okinawans in defense work, set by a 
military wage board in faraway Washington, is very low; 
it ranges from 10 cents an hour minimum for a heavy 
laborer to 36 cents maximum for a skilled foreman. The 
Okinawan is embittered, not only because an American 
doing the same work receives up to twenty times as 
much, but also because an imported Japanese employee 
may be getting five to ten times the pay of his Okinawan 
counterpart, although retail prices of a range of daily 
needs are said to average 28 per cent more here than in 

Okinawa today is a combined "Little America" and 
"Little Japan." Most of the 40,000 Americans, service 


men and dependents on the island live in a different 
world from the 600,000 "indigenous personnel," as serv- 
ice gobbledygook calls the islanders. 

Defense Installations 

From a height on the island one can see the twin 
white ribbons of Kadena Air Base's two 12,000-foot 
concrete runways, longest in the Far East and capable 
of accommodating any plane in the Air Force inventory. 
The other major air installation is outside Naha, where 
civilian transocean airliners landing and taking off dur- 
ing daylight hours are required to have their window 
curtains drawn, according to United States security 

These and several subsidiary airfields, the naval head- 
quarters of the Taiwan (Formosa) Straits Command, 
the Third Marine Division's barracks, vast forests of 
antennas for far-ranging communications installations 
and a network of radar-guided anti-aircraft gun emplace- 
ments on a round-the-clock alert these are the visible 
heart of the $588,600,000 United States defense bastion 
on Okinawa. There are also immense storage areas and 
underground secret chambers believed to contain atomic 
bombs. In this panorama of military might lies the 
reason the United States retained Okinawa and the other 
Ryukyu Islands, a prefecture of Japan, when the occu- 
pation ended in 1952. These defenses are why we show 
every indication of meaning to stay for as long as any- 
one can foresee. 

The military installations are enclosed by miles of 
high steel-mesh fencing, guarded in some places by fierce 
dogs trained to attack any unknown intruder. Barring 
occasional destructive typhoons and a certain amount of 
island claustrophobia, life for Americans behind these 


fences Is considered good by Army standards. Officers, 
higher-grade enlisted men and civilian employees of the 
United States Government who have families here are 
generally quartered in attractive concrete houses, more or 
less typhoon-proof. Their nightly television is broadcast 
by an Air Force station from filmed stateside network 
programs, commercials included. They can also tune in 
the Armed Forces radio and Okinawan stations. . . . 

Many service families, paying one or more maids 
around $20 a month to do the cooking and other house- 
work, look back on high-priced though possibly substand- 
ard housing, a complete lack of domestic help and other 
undesirable features of many stateside assignments and 
consider Okinawa a "good deal"; so much so, in fact, 
that the Army has felt it necessary to limit Okinawa 
tours to three years. 

Okinawan Life 

From one of these self-contained American commu- 
nities it is not very far in miles over a good highway 
mostly paved and some portions four-lane to a village 
like Nakagusuku, under the hill where the castle of Oki- 
nawan kings once stood. But it's a long way and all 
downhill in other respects. 

Here, in conditions approximating those of the aver- 
age Okinawan, you find a crowded cluster of thatched, 
one-room shacks lacking running water and elementary 
sanitation. Chickens wander among the littered huts, a 
pig squeals from an enclosure of rushes. Some of the 
older women, mashing sweet potatoes to yellow pulp 
with mallets in old wooden bowls, have floral and other 
designs tatooed on their fingers. You chat with a man, 
the head of a family, and find that his whole day's wages 


wouldn't have paid for your $1.50 dinner in the club last 

But the experienced Asian traveler notes that the ap- 
parent standard of living here, while lower than the 
average in Japan, is far better than in most rural vil- 
lages in India and a dozen other countries of the Far 
East. The villagers are eating rice every day, which they 
could seldom afford a few years ago. They have shoes 
and clothes that hundreds of millions of other Asians 
would envy. And here are a schoolhouse and community 
hall of permanent construction and a playground facili- 
ties that most Indian villages are only now getting, one 
by one, under the Community Development Plan. 

The Okinawan knows that he is better off than he 
was before the Americans came and he is also aware 
as he w r ill readily tell you that conditions on Amami 
Oshima, in the northern Ryukyu group returned to Japan 
in 1953, have become a great deal worse since the Amer- 
icans left. Yet because he is confronted daily with ex- 
amples of the highest standard of living in the world he 
thinks he should be doing even better than he is. 

Among Okinawa's three political parties, there is 
little difference in principle on domestic issues all are 
for reversion of Okinawa to Japan sooner or later and 
all oppose the American land policy. The Communists 
and their supporters, however, differ from the others in 
demanding that the Americans get out right now. Few 
Okinawans appear to be serious about this. The Demo- 
crats, who are the dominant and conservative party, and 
the Socialist Masses party, which is the principal opposi- 
tion, favor letting Americans stay on after reversion by 
arrangement with the Japanese Government, on the same 
basis as they now remain in Japan itself. . . . 


American Policy 

Many Americans here believe that the United States 
should give long and careful thought to ways of counter- 
ing the Communist-led exploitation of Okinawan griev- 
ances and frustrations. It is widely said by Okinawans 
as well as Americans that continual agitation for rever- 
sion to Japan would abate if Washington were to say 
that abandonment of the Ryukyus would not be consid- 
ered for a stated number of years. Many also think that 
Washington should initiate a thoughtfully conceived, 
long-range program for economic and social develop- 
ment to replace the more or less limited and uncertain 
operation that has been in effect since 1945. 

Jugo Thoma, the Army-appointed chief executive of 
the locally manned government of the Ryukyu Islands, 
believes that as time goes on and if conditions continue 
to improve, the anxiety of Okinawa for reversion to 
Japan will lessen. At any rate, Mr. Thoma, a former 
judge and Naha city mayor, urges Okinawans to recon- 
cile themselves to the expectation that the United States 
will hold onto Okinawa for another generation at least 
^ In the long run, the policy of the United States ad- 
ministration of the island appears to foreshadow a dras- 
tic reconstruction of an ancient way of life. Lieutenant 
General James E. Moore, United States Army deputy 
governor and supreme authority on the island, has urged 
dramatic development of industries to replace an agri- 
cultural economy that has always been a poor one and 
can only become more inadequate with the population 
growing by 20,000 a yean 

Thoughtful Okinawans are urging the United States 
to sponsor an intensive emigration program to other 
countries and perhaps to the many islands of the Pacific 
Trust Territory administered by the United States as 


sole United Nations trustee. Many, in agreement with 
some Americans, believe Washingon should embark on a 
"crash" program of social betterment along Point Four 
principles to make Okinawa really a "showcase." And 
a majority, it appears, believe we fail to practice what 
we preach when we refuse to let Okinawans elect their 
chief executive. As Sakini said, "Okinawans most eager 
to be educated." 


The United States agreed . . , that a Japanese court 
should try an American soldier charged with having 
killed a Japanese woman. 

The soldier is Army Specialist 3/c William S. Girard, 
twenty-one years old, of Ottawa, Illinois. 

. . . [On January 30, 1957] Girard fired an empty 
cartridge case from a grenade launcher to frighten away 
several Japanese scavenging for metal on the firing range 
at Somagahara. Mme. Naka Sakai, forty-six years old, 
was hit in the back by the shell case and killed. 

In a joint statement issued at the Pentagon . . . 
Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson and Secretary 
of State John Foster Dulles said that Girard's action 
"was not authorized" and therefore was not done in the 
performance of duty. 

Consequently, the two officials said that they had con- 
cluded that the trial of Girard in Japanese courts was 
"in full accord" with an agreement between Japan and 
the United States governing the status of American 
forces in Japan. 

From "U.S. Agrees to Let Japanese Try GX in Woman's DeaA," br E. W. 
KenTOtby, of tbe New Yoric .Times Tokyo Bureau. New Yoric Times, p 1+. June 
5, 1957. Reprinted by permfamon. 


The question of jurisdiction in the Girard case has 
become a heated issue in the Japanese press and has in- 
flamed public opinion. 

The Government's decision in the Girard case came 
less than two weeks after the destructive anti-American 
rioting in Taipei, Taiwan. The rioters, who sacked the 
United States Embassy and the United States Inf orma- 
tion Agency building, were angered by a United States 
Army court-martial's acquittal of a sergeant accused of 
having killed a Chinese Peeping Tom. . . . 

Under the status-of-forces agreements, an offense 
committed by United States service men against foreign 
nationals is within the jurisdiction of United States 
courts-martial if the offense arises "out of an act or 
omission done in the performance of official duty." 
Otherwise it is within the jurisdiction of the host coun- 
try's courts. 

However, the host country has the final decision, in 
case of dispute, over whether an offense is, or is not, 
committed in performance of duty. 

Facts of the Incident 

In the Girard case, the basic facts of what happened 
are not in dispute. The incident, as described by Secre- 
taries Dulles and Wilson today, happened in this way: 

A number of Japanese were on the firing range gath- 
ering empty brass cartridge cases. These civilians had 
created such a risk of injury to themselves during morn- 
ing exercises that the commanding officer withdrew live 
ammunition before the start of the afternoon exercises. 

In the interval between the two exercises, Girard and 
another soldier were ordered to guard a machine gun 
and other equipment. It was during this interval that 
Girard put a cartridge case in his grenade launcher, 
fired it. and killed Mme. Sakai. 


The grenade launcher is a device that fastens on the 
muzzle of a rifle. The firing of a blank charge in place 
of a regular cartridge in the rifle launches an explosive 
grenade for an arched flight up to 100 yards. In this 
case an empty cartridge case rather than a grenade was 

Under the treaty provisions, the case went to the 
Joint United States- Japan Committee. The United States 
representative asked for military jurisdiction because the 
divisional commander had certified that Girard's action 
was committed in the performance of duty. 

The Japanese held that it was not part of his duty 
to fire at the scavengers, that the firing was done between 
exercises, and that Girard had thrown out empty shell 
cases to entice the scavengers to come closer. Girard 
denied this, and said that he had been merely trying to 
frighten the scavengers. 

For the first time in more than 14,000 alleged 
offenses against Japanese law, Japanese officials claimed 
their right to judge whether the offense was connected 
with performance of duty. 

With the Joint United States-Japan Committee dead- 
locked, the United States representative was finally au- 
thorized on May 16 to surrender jurisdiction. There 
%vas an immediate uproar in Congress, and the next day 
Secretary Wilson ordered that Girard be held in United 
States custody pending a review. 

The Wilson order brought an outcry in Japan. Since 
a treaty question was involved, as well as Japanese- 
American relations, the State Department at this point 
stepped into the situation, and the question was ulti- 
mately carried to the President. [The trial of Girard in 
a Japanese court ended in a three-year suspended sen- 
tence for Girard in late 1957 Eds.] 



The United States agreed ... [on June 21, 1957] 
to a prompt withdrawal of all its ground combat forces 
from Japan. 

In step with the buildup of Japan's own defense 
force, it also pledged to cut the strength of its other 
military elements stationed there. 

This was announced in a communique concluding 
the three-day visit of Premier Nobusuke Kishi. There 
was no immediate Defense Department estimate of how 
many men would be involved in the initial cutback. 

The Pentagon estimated, however, that Army and 
Air Force elements stationed in Japan totaled about 
35,000 men. The Air Force and Army supply and ad- 
ministrative elements are not affected by the first-stage 

The United States Government was also understood 
to be studying Japanese requests for assistance in various 
forms, totaling about $500 million. 

In addition, Mr. Kishi was reported to have notified 
the Administration that Japan would soon follow the 
British lead and step up her non-strategic trade with 
Communist China. 

The Premier was said to have been unsuccessful in 
his efforts to gain for Japan a voice in governing the 
Ryukyu and Bonin Islands, territory seized by the 
United States in World War II and now used for de- 
fense purposes by this country. 

The communique supplied generalities on all points 
except the ground troop withdrawal agreement . . . 

*From "U.S. Agrees to Withdraw Combat Troops in Japan; Studies 500 
Mfflion in Aid," by Russell Baker, of the New York Times Washington Bureau. 
New York Times, p 1+. June 22, 1957. Reprinted by permission. 


Administration officials emphasized that the decision 
to start a military cutback in Japan was not prompted by 
the controversial case of Specialist 3/c William S. 
Girard. In fact, it was understood that the basic decision 
had been taken some time ago but that the announce- 
ment was delayed to coincide with Mr. Kishi's visit. 

The communique, nevertheless, was a far cry from 
the advance billing that was given the meeting by the 
White House, which had said no specific agreements 
were expected to result from the talks. Indeed, high 
Army officials said tonight the troop withdrawal an- 
nouncement caught them completely by surprise. It had 
been their understanding that no reduction was planned 
for some time yet. . . . 

The basic decision . . . was being interpreted here 
tonight as the start of a general United States military, 
pullout from Japan phased to the buildup of Japanese 
military forces. 

There are several reasons for the United States 
action. One primary factor from Washington's view- 
point is budgetary. Another is the fact that the large 
military community in Japan is an inevitable point of 
friction increasingly apt to touch off trouble such as the 
recent Taiwan (Formosa) riots and the dispute sur- 
rounding the Girard case. 

The communique said that an intergovernmental com- 
mittee would be established to study the present Security 
Treaty of 1951, under which the troops are kept in Japan. 
The committee's functions will be to consult on the 
disposition and use of United States forces in Japan 
and to "assure that any action taken tinder the treaty 
conforms to the principles of the United Nations 
Charter.' 5 



The Central Committee of the opposition Socialist 
party concluded a two-day session . . . [on June 28, 
1957] with adoption of a foreign policy report that 
would, in effect, put Japan in a position of opposition 
to the Western world. 

It also adopted a "criticism" of Premier Nobusuke 
Kishi's program of cooperation with the United States 
that denounced almost everything the Premier did in his 
. . . [June 1957] visit to the United States. 

The eight-point program adopted as the Socialists' 
foreign policy if they should win power was as follows : 

1. Termination of the Japanese-United States Secu- 
rity Treaty and immediate withdrawal of all United 
States military units based here. 

2. Revision of the 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty. 

3. Full economic cooperation with the Soviet Union. 

4. The immediate return to Japan of Okinawa and 
the other Ryukyu and Bonin Islands. 

5. Recognition of Communist China and establish- 
ment of diplomatic relations with Peiping. 

6. Early settlement of problems between Japan and 
South Korea and peaceful unification of Korea. 

7. Close economic cooperation with Southeast Asian 
nations but without any financial assistance from the 
United States. 

8. Imposition of an international ban on the testing 
or use of nuclear weapons and absolute prohibition of 
their introduction into Japan. 

" From "Kishi's Rivals Map Anti-West Policy." New Yoik Times. p3. June 
29, 1957. Reprinted by permission. 



Our military relationships with Japan are based on 
paradox. We imposed upon this defeated former enemy 
a constitution forbidding all armed forces. By law the 
Japanese cannot fight even a defensive war. 

We also introduced democracy. This functions M> 
well that a strong opposition prevents amendment of 
crippling constitutional limitations. The arrangement 
seemed all right in the peaceful world we dreamed of 
once. But it falters now. 

After the Korean conflict started we saw the illogic 
of the situation. At our behest and quite illegally the 
Japanese created an armed police and, from that nucleus, 
what is euphemistically termed a Self -Defense Force. 

This has been developing slowly too slowly for our 
revised tastes. We would like it to grow into an army 
of 180,000 soldiers, a small navy and an aviation of 
thirty-three squadrons. If this happens within four 
years we will be lucky. 

The Japanese discovered advantages to living in an 
American-protected incubator. It is inexpensive. Even 
today . . . [Japan] invests only 1.3 per cent of its gross 
national income in defense compared with 9 per cent 
in the United States. 

It insures democracy. When there is no army, or 
at best a weak one, there can be no revival of a dominant 
military class. And it is practical. The Japanese know 
we must protect their islands in our own strategic in- 
terest Therefore they can invest industrial energy that 
might be expended on rearmament in the manufacture 
of export goods. 

From article by C. L. Sulrbcrgwr, columnist for the New Yoric Times. New 
York Times. p!8. October 12, 1957. Reprinted by permission. 


As might be expected from all this, the result is dis- 
tinct apathy on the subject of national defense. More 
than two years ago we decided we could no longer af- 
ford to heavily garrison Japan, that therefore we must 
apply shock treatment to stimulate greater local effort. 
This took the form of notice that we intended to reduce 
and eventally to withdraw our forces. 

Clever diplomacy made this economizing move ap- 
pear as a gesture to our political friends. Many Japa- 
nese thought, as the reduction became evident, that it 
resulted from . . . [the] Kishi-Eisenhower talks. Thus 
the Premier gained popularity; and we saved money. 

But can Japan fill the vacuum now being created? 
The present answer is no. Its ordnance industry lags. 
Conventional arms manufacture remains inadequate. 
And there has been virtually no start toward fabricating 
weapons of the future. 

Furthermore, because of a political situation we cre- 
ated, the legal structure is hopelessly inadequate. There 
is no security law. It is virtually impossible to prosecute 
leakage of military secrets. Consequently, the United 
States is reluctant to furnish truly modern equipment. 
We won't risk giving this country such devices as Nike 

With its impressive industrial complex, Japan is East 
Asia's greatest potential military power. But, relatively, 
it becomes weaker every month as we withdraw. Across 
the water is a Sino-Soviet force of eight thousand air- 
craft, one hundred submarines and seventy-five combat 

Our security treaty with Japan has neither time limit 
nor provision for abrogation. However, Tokyo is only 
obligated to aid us in repelling aggression against these 
islands. No clause covers the possibility of another 
Korea or a Formosau war. 

The agreement allows us bases. But were we to try 
to operate from them in a conflict not resulting from 
attack on the Japanese, we might find the going difficult. 
A resentful population could sabotage our communica- 
tions and render key points incommunicado. No matter 
what treaties say, we remain here today as Tokyo's 
military guests. The weaker our presence becomes, the 
more this is true. 

The paradox boils down to one all-important factor. 
Japan's ultimate defense shelters beneath the umbrella 
of our strategic striking power. In East Asian terms, 
where is that power based? Upon Okinawa an island 
\vhose Japanese sovereignty we figuratively acknowledge. 

But our security treaty simply doesn't guarantee this 
country would fight beside us in any Pacific war. There- 
fore our generals and admirals calculate we cannot re- 
linquish Okinawa, a quintessentially important base, The 
threat of riposte from there is the greatest immediate 
deterrent to assault on the island chain extending through 
Japan and Formosa from the Aleutians to the Philip- 

This will remain the case for years to come, even 
when missiles replace planes. Our planners insist on re- 
taining control of Okinawa as long as we face a power- 
ful opponent in the Orient. Right now that seems to 
imply "forever." But our tenure of Okinawa increas- 
ingly poisons relations with Japan, America's most in- 
fluential Eastern ally. 

This embarrassment is still politely avoided in diplo- 
matic exchanges. So, for that matter Is Article Nine of 
the Constitution forbidding Japan "the right of bel- 
ligerence." We cannot afford to let this country slip 
from our political sphere. But we are building forces 
which one day must repel it. "Paradox," says the dic- 
tionary, is a "seemingly absurd though perhaps really 
well-founded statement." 



What Japanese think and feel about Communist 
China is largely an outgrowth of their attitudes toward 
the country itself and the Chinese people, attitudes that 
long antedate the advent of the People's Republic. The 
Japanese know a great deal about China, which plays an 
important part in their lives. Ties with China go back to 
the very beginnings of the Japanese nation. Over many 
centuries China influenced profoundly the emerging Japa- 
nese civilization. It provided Japan with its written 
script and with some of its ethical foundation stones in 
Buddhism and Confucianism. It gave the model for the 
traditional educational system and the very forms in 
which for centuries Japanese history was written. All 
educated Japanese are well aware of these historic ties. 

When educated Japanese and Chinese meet there 
exists a common cultural bond. They understand the 
same etiquette and have read the same classical literature. 
Before dinner they can discuss poetry and painting, after 
dinner they can play Chinese chess. They can fall back 
on a common written script if there is any difficulty of 
oral understanding. The cultural bonds which link Amer- 
ica with England are hardly closer than those which 
draw the two Asian neighbors together. 

During the past fifty years Japan has been deeply in- 
volved in China in wars against it or on its soil, in 
control of Chinese territories and people (Manchuria 
and Formosa), and in very close economic and cultural 
relations. Hundreds of thousands of Japanese have lived 
and worked in China, and scores of thousands of Chinese 
have come to Japan to secure a modern education. Mil- 

**From chapter entitled "Japan and the Rise of Communist China," by 
C. Martin Wilbur, director, East Asian Institute, Columbia University, in Japan 
Between East and West. Published for the Council on Foreign Relations by 
Harper & Brothers. New York. 1957. p223-31. Reprinted by permission. 


lions of Japanese young men served in the Army in China 
between 1931 and 1945. Japan is full of "China experts" 
and "old China hands." 

Popular Attitudes Toward Communist China 

It is not easy for an outsider to perceive, let alone 
describe, the attitudes of one people toward another. 
Without attempting so subtle an exercise, I should like 
merely to suggest a few elements that enter into the 
prevalent Japanese viewpoints on Communist China. One 
is the feeling of close relationship, mentioned above, 
which derives both from ancient cultural bonds and from 
pre-1945 economic and personal ties. This makes the 
present isolation from the mainland seem unnatural and 
uncomfortable. It accounts in part for the lively interest 
in all kinds of news of recent developments in China. It 
may also account for a sense of gratification at China's 
successes against the United States and at its evident 
internal achievements. 

In addition to the feeling of cultural indebtedness, 
Japanese also seem to have a strong feeling of superi- 
ority toward the Chinese. Perhaps this arises in part 
from Japan's success in modernization while China 
lagged so far behind. In Japanese accounts of the mate- 
rial progress in China since 1949 there is a strong under- 
tone of astonishment. Japanese seem quite confident of 
their ability to understand the Chinese and to handle 
them. Among some Japanese there are also evident feel- 
ings of remorse and guilt at the way Japan mistreated 
China in the past, and this in turn leads to the view that 
Japanese have no grounds to criticize China for the 
course it is following under communism. Statements by 
Chinese leaders exonerating the Japanese people from 
blame or disclaiming any desire for revenge seem to 
make a deep impression. 


Japanese draw a clear line of distinction, whether 
justified or not, between Communist China and Soviet 
Russia. From reading the Japanese press, talking with 
Japanese friends about the Communist problem, or 
studying public opinion polls, one quickly observes that 
the Japanese view Russia with a great deal of suspicion 
and dislike. In part this is a legacy of more than a half 
century of contest for influence in Manchuria and Korea 
and for possession of Sakhalin and the Kuriles. In part 
it is a reaction to Russia's having broken the nonaggres- 
sion treaty of 1941 and plunged into the Pacific war at 
the very moment when Japan was already suing for 
peace. It is fanned by the belief that Russia held many 
thousands of Japanese war prisoners for more than a 
decade after their surrender and allowed the death by 
disease and starvation of many thousands more. 

Dislike of Russia does not seriously reduce the tra- 
ditional affection for China merely because China has 
adopted the Russian path toward socialism. There is a 
strong belief that the Chinese revolution has been far 
more humane than the Russian one. Many Japanese who 
detest communism see no reason to fear Communist 
China. Or, on the contrary, a Japanese may say, "There 
is nothing wrong with communism, except that it was 
first taken up by the Slavs, who are cold-blooded." . . . 

It should be emphasized that there are great differ- 
ences of emphasis within the left and liberal side of the 
political spectrum. Communists are implacably anti- 
American and unqualifiedly pro-Soviet. They stand at 
the forefront, or just behind the scenes, of drives against 
rearmament and against American bases. Right-wing 
Socialists are more neutralist, more skeptical of the in- 
tentions of Soviet Russia and China, and cautiously in 
favor of a strictly controlled rearmament. Russia's brutal 
intervention in Hungary shocked Japanese opinion, and 


Communist China's support of that action was not ap- 
proved. The Socialists were split right and left, as to 
where to place the blame for the Hungarian uprising 
and its suppression. Many liberals are fond of America 
but believe its policies toward Japan since the cold war 
became intense have been misguided. On all these issues 
there are many gradations of opinion. 

The Political Parties and Communist China 

Since 1953 the China problem has been of increasing 
importance in Japanese politics, especially the question 
of encouraging trade with China. 

The platforms of the two major parties show clear 
differences on relations with America and Communist 
China. The conservative Liberal-Democratic party, 
which controls about two thirds of the lower house, ad- 
vocates "cooperation with free, democratic countries as 
the keynote of diplomacy," It proposes to "promote re- 
duction in the joint cost of defense, decrease in the num- 
ber of military bases, and amendment of the Japan- 
United States Security Treaty and the Administrative 
Agreement." Referring to China and Russia, it promises 
to "try to normalize or adjust diplomatic relations with 
the countries with which such relations have not been 
resumed/* It will "pursue economic diplomacy, and try 
to expand trade with various countries, especially eco- 
nomic cooperation with Southeast Asia and the promo- 
tion of trade with Communist China. . . ." 

These rather ambiguous statements of general aims 
are accompanied by policies of promoting close coopera- 
tion with the United States in trade and rearmament, 
participation in the embargo against the sale of strategic 
goods to Communist China, and the absence of any ob- 
vious effort to enter into diplomatic relations with 


Peking. However, both Yoshida and Hatoyama, and 
more recently Ishibashi and Kishi, have found the pres- 
sure of public opinion and of some business groups run- 
ning so strongly in favor of facilitating trade with China 
that the government has taken some steps in that direc- 
tion. The party's platform accepts this as necessary. 
Furthermore, the government is moving toward forms 
of quasi-recognition. ... [It has been] reported that a 
postal agreement is likely to be concluded for the ex- 
change of postal matter between China and Japan, al- 
though the Foreign Office has pointed out that this step 
has nothing to do with the question of recognition. . . . 

The Social-Democratic party caps its views toward 
the United States and Communist China by a broader 
theory that Japan and China working together should 
attempt to form a bridge between America and Russia 
in the Far East. To bring this about Japan should per- 
suade the United States to give up the Mutual Security 
Treaty of September 1951, and China should persuade 
Russia to give up the Sino-Soviet Treaty of February 
1950, which unites those countries against the possibility 
of attack by Japan or a country allied to it. Then the 
security of both China and Japan should be guaranteed 
by a multilateral collective security pact among the four 

In sum, all Japanese political parties favor trade and 
diplomatic relations with Communist China. They dis- 
agree only on the manner and timing. To the Com- 
munists and the left wing of the Social-Democratic party, 
close relations with China are a point of cardinal im- 
portance. They want full relations established immedi- 
ately. Members of the right wing in the Socialist party 
are troubled about the problem of Formosa and do not 
wish to imperil good relations with the United States 
through a precipitate move to open relations with China. 
Leaders of the conservative party also favor trade and 


other relations but feel under heavy pressure from the 
American government to delay and proceed cautiously. 
They have held back, at some risk to their own political 
positions, against the strong tide within Japanese pub- 
lic opinion. 


Japan is the only thoroughly modernized nation in 
Asia, the only major center of industrial power, and the 
only Asian country that has ranked as a first-rate mili- 
tary power in modern times. Yet the free world has 
made nothing of this great potential in its struggle 
against totalitarianism. We have been content to keep 
Japan a minor American problem rather than to help her 
become a major asset for the democratic side. 

If Japan does not become a major asset for our side, 
there is always the possibility it is fortunately not a 
probability at the present time that she might join the 
Communist camp. As a working member of the opposi- 
tion, she could easily restore herself as the greatest mili- 
tary force in all Asia. Her industrial strength and tech- 
nical skills would unquestionably insure the success of 
the Chinese Communists. Such a defection, in fact, 
might well prove the death blow to democratic hopes in 

What, in contrast to this possibility, has the free 
world done to develop the Japanese potential? Very 
little. Nothing significant has been attempted and, worse 
still, neither the partisans of democracy in Japan nor 
the leaders of the Western democracies even visualize 
Japan in these terms. 

"From "To Make 
Reischatier, professor of 
of Wanted: An Asian Policy, 
1956. Reprinted by permission. 


Japan's possible contribution to the democracies falls 
roughly into three categories military, economic and 
ideological. And the most vital of these is the ideologi- 
cal. It is clear that the military role of a democratic 
Japan cannot in the foreseeable future be more than that 
of a useful base for the free world and even then useful 
only in a limited war. Her economic potential could in- 
deed be as valuable to the democratic world as to the 
Communists, not only in terms of goods and machines 
(Japan represents the greatest concentration of factory 
power in all Asia), but also through full use of her vast 
technical knowledge. But it is in the third category that 
Japan presents the potential of greatest value; her suc- 
cess as a working democracy may prove to be a psycho- 
logical factor of the greatest importance in the battle 
for Asia. 

A Demonstration of Democracy in Asia 

It is no small thing that Asia's most advanced nation 
is a living demonstration that democracy can work suc- 
cessfully in an Asian cultural setting and at Asian eco- 
nomic levels. The successes of this experiment in democ- 
racy speak for themselves. The failures and they have 
been many and serious would prove instructive as a 
working plan of the pitfalls that threaten the newer 
Asian democracies. 

Many Asians, mostly notably the Chinese, have al- 
ready abandoned their earlier hope that democracy is a 
realistic pattern of social and political organization. The 
problem, therefore, is not to convince them that ideal 
democracy is a beautiful theory or even to demonstrate 
to them that it has proved a marvelously successful 
mechanism in some parts of the Western world. The 
real problem is to convince them that it is a practical 


pattern for Asians and then to help them prove the 
truth of this bold hypothesis in the face of the obvious 
difficulties. Here the Japanese could help. Their experts 
in sociological and political problems would probably be 
of more value in Asian countries than would Western 
experts in the same field, simply because the personal 
experience of the Japanese economically and culturally 
has always been closer to that of other Asian nations 
than has our own. 

We are not the only ones who have overlooked 
Japan's various potentialities in the battle for Asia. The 
Japanese themselves, as well as the other peoples of 
Asia, have been equally blind. The Japanese still have 
not recovered their self-confidence after their cata- 
strophic attempt to carve out an empire and they are 
content to leave to us the worries of solving the world's 

Asian Attitudes Toward Japan 

The blindness of the other peoples of Asia is still 
easier to explain. Those closest to Japan fear the Japa- 
nese for their past aggressions, hate them for the destruc- 
tion and suffering their armies brought and despise them 
for having failed in their foolhardy attempt to conquer 
the Far East. Such antipathies become progressively 
weaker the further west one goes in Asia, but they are 
replaced not by respect for Japan but by complete in- 
difference. All Asians, despite their emotional pan- Asian 
bias, in reality continue to look toward the West and to 
ignore with some disdain the rest of their own continent. 
And Japan in particular is ignored by the other Asian 
nations because its relationship with the United States is 
commonly considered to be semi-colonial. . . . 

While it is primarily up to the Japanese to determine 
their own role in Asia, the United States can at least be 


of assistance in bringing Japan and the rest of Asia into 
more beneficial contact with each other. Asian suspicion 
and resentment of the United States unquestionably limit 
our role as a sponsor in Asian society of an equally un- 
popular Japan, but much can still be accomplished if we 
are willing to exercise tact and imagination. We could 
help the Japanese solve the disputes over reparations that 
stand between them and some other Asian peoples; we 
could do more than we are doing to use Japanese techni- 
cal skills and industrial power in the economic aid pro- 
grams we are sponsoring in Asia ; we could certainly help 
the Japanese realize the full economic potentiality of 
which they are capable. 

More important than such specific steps, however, 
would be a basic change in attitude. We have concen- 
trated on Japan's very limited role as a military base and 
thereby have allowed her more significant potential to go 
begging. For just as a Japanese switch to communism 
would probably prove the decisive factor in a Communist 
triumph throughout Asia, Japan's continued success with 
the democratic pattern of life might well prove the most 
important psychological factor in the eventual victory of 
democracy in that vast area. 


An asterisk (*) preceding a reference indicates that the article or 
a part of it has been reprinted in this book. 


Benedict, Ruth. Chrysanthemum and the sword. 324p. Houghton 

Mifflin Co. Boston. '46. 
Bisson, T. A. Prospects for democracy in Japan. 143p. Institute of 

Pacific Relations. 1 E. 54th St. New York 22. [49. 
Borton, Hugh, ed. Japan. 320p. Oxford University Press. New 

York. '52. 
Borton, Hugh. Japan's modern century. 524p. Ronald Press Co. 

New York '55. 
Bronfenbrenner, M. Prospects of Japanese democracy. (Behind the 

Headlines, v 15, no3) 17p. Institute of Pacific Relations. 1 E 

54th St. New York 22. '55. 

Cohen, J. B. Japan's economy in war and reconstruction. 545p. In- 
stitute of Pacific Relations. New York. '49. 
^Consulate General of Japan. Foreign minister outlines principles of 

Japan's foreign policy. Aiichiro Fujiyama. (Japan Report v3, 

no 15) 4p. The Consulate. 3 E. 54th St. New York 22. '57. 
Consulate General of Japan. Japan today. 27p. The Consulate. 3 E 

54th St. New York 22. '57. 
Consulate General of Japan. Japan's constitutional problems and her 

political chart Tosiyosi Miyasawa. (Japan's Problems Series) 

9p. The Consulate, 3 E. 54th St New York 22. '56. 
Consulate General of Japan. Japan's foreign trade. Ryokichi Minobe, 

(Japan's Problems Series) 19p. The Consulate. 3 E. 54th St 

New York 21 '56. 
Consulate General of Japan. Japan's international cultural activities. 

48p. The Consulate. 3 E. 54th St New York 22. '55. 
Consulate General of Japan. Japan's labor problems. Ichiro Naka- 

yama. (Japan's Problems Series) 17p. The Consulate. 3 E. 54th 

St New York 22. '56. 

Consulate General of Japan. Major foreign policy speeches. Mainoru 
Shigemitsu. 24p. The Consulate. 3 E. 54th St New York 22. 


Consulate General of Japan. Prime Minister Kishi visits the United 
States, June, 1957. 16p. The Consulate. 3 E 54th St New 
York 22. '57. 


Consulate General of Japan. Rehabilitation of Japan's economy and 
Asia. Saburo Okita. (Japan's Problems Series) 16p. The Con- 
sulate. 3 E. 54th St. New York 22. '56. 

Consulate General of Japan. Review of Japan's defense strength. 
Keikichi Masuhara. (Japan's Problems Series) 22p. The Con- 
sulate. 3 E. 54th St New York 22. '56. 

*Council on Foreign Relations. Japan between East and West 327p. 
Harper & Bros. New York. '57. 

Reprinted in this book: Japan and the rise of Communist China. C. M. 
Wilbur. p223-31. 

Elling, P. W. Japan. 40p. Japan Society, c/o Savoy-Plaza Hotel. 

Fifth Ave. at 58th St. New York 22. 
Fisher, Harold. Japanese attitudes toward American policy. (Journeys 

Behind the News v 17, no 12) 5p. Social Science Foundation. 

c/o University of Denver. Denver 10, Colo. '54. 
Hersey, John. Hiroshima. 117p. Alfred A. Knopf. New York '46. 
Ike, Nobutaka. Japanese politics. 300p. Alfred A. Knopf. New 

York '57. 

*Japan. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Public Information and Cul- 
tural Affairs Bureau. Japan as it is today. 87p. The Bureau. 

Tokyo. '56. 

Obtainable from Consulate General of Japan. 3 E. 54th St. New 

York 22. 
Kublin, Hyman. What shall I read on Japan. 16p. 4th ed. rev. Japan 

Society. 18 E. 50th St New York 22. '57. 


Latourette, K. S. History of Japan, rev. ed. 299p. Macmillan Co. 
New York '57. 

Linebarger, P. M. A. and others. Far Eastern governments and poli- 
tics, China and Japan. 2d ed. 643p. D. Van Nostrand Co. Prince- 
ton, NJ. '56. 

Nagai, Takashl We of Nagasaki; tr. by Ichiro Shirato and H. B. L. 
Silverman. 189p. Duell, Sloan & Pearce. New York '51. 

Newsweek Qub and Educational Bureaus. Japan: a free world di- 
lemma. 22p. The Bureaus. 152 W. 42d St New York 18. '54. 

Qiagley, H. S. and Turner, J. E. New Japan: government and poli- 
tics. 456p. University of Minnesota Press. Minneapolis. '56. 

Reischauer, E. O. Japan, past and present 2d ed. 292p. Alfred A. 
Knopf. New York '52. 

Reischauer, E. O. United States and Japan, rev. ed. 394p. Harvard 
University Press. Cambridge, Mass. '57. 

Reischauer, E. O. Wanted: an Asian policy. 276p. Alfred A. Knopf. 
New York '55. 

Sansom, G. B. Japan in world history. 95p. Institute of Pacific 
Relations. 1 E. 54th St New York 22. '51. 

Swearingen, Rodger and Langer, P. F. Red flag in Japan. 276p. 
Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Mass. '52. 


Tiedemann, A. E. Modern Japan. (Anvil original no9) 192p. D Van 

Nostrand Co. Princeton, N.J. '55. 
Vining, E. G. Windows for the crown prince. 320p. J. B. Lippfocott 

Co. Philadelphia, '52. wmcott 

*Webb, Herschel. Introduction to Japan, 2d ed. 145p. Columbia 

University Press. New York '57. 
Yanago, ChitoshL Japanese people and politics. 408p. John Wilev & 

Sons. New York. '56. ^ 


Academy of Political Science. Proceedings. 26:71-115. Ja. *55. Eco- 
nomic and political position of Japan. 

America, 89:213-15. My. 23, '53. Roots of Japanese anti-American- 
ism. R. L. G. DeveraU. 

America, 97:379-80. JL 6, '57. Mr. Kishi's new era, 

America. 98:310-12. D. 7, '57, Hope for Japan, 1958. Colin dark. 

American Historical Review. 60:818-29. JL '55. Japanese nationalism 
and expansionism. Hilary Conroy. 

American Political Science Review. 50:980-1010. D. f 56. Origins o f 
the present Japanese constitution. R. E. Ward. 

American Quarterly. 7:247-56. Fall '55. Young Japan's anti- Ameri- 
canism. Hilary Conroy. 

American Scholar. 24:443-55. Fall '55. What the Japanese intellec- 
tuals are thinking. Dallas Finn. 

Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 
294:1-243. JL '54. America and a new Asia, J. C Oiartesworth 

Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 
305:101-13. My. '56. Approaches of the Japanese innovator to 
cultural and technical change, J. W. Bennett; R. K. McKnight 

*Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 
308 :l-236. N. '56. Japan since recovery of independence. K, K 
Colton and others, eds. 

Reprinted in this look: Japanese comxoonisxa and the Moecow-Pdcing 
axis. Rodger Swearingen. p63-75. 

Atlantic Monthly. 194:30-5. N. '54. Japan at the crossroads. A. H. 

^Atlantic Monthly. 195:97-174. Ja, '55. Perspective of Japan; an 

Atlantic supplement assembled by Intercultural Publications Inc. 
Reprinted in this book: Popular entertainments of Japan. Kan Oafci 

(tr. by Donald Keen*). p!48-51; Japan's "cultural democracy." Nyon&an 

Hasegawa (tr. lay William Candlewood). p!70-3; Chronology of Japanese 

history, pi 74. 

Also separate: 78p. Intercohural Publications Inc. 60 E. 42d St. New 

York 22. r 55. 
^Atlantic Monthly. 198:17-22. Ag. '56. Atlantic report on the world 

today Japan. 


Atlantic Monthly. 198:55-7. Ag. '56. Southern cotton and Japan. 

D. L. Cohn. 

Reply. 198:32+. D. '56. J. L. Severance. 

Atlantic Monthly. 199:20+. Mr. '57. Atlantic report Japan. 
Atlantic Monthly. 200:19-23. O. '57. Atlantic report Japan. 
^Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 11 :289-92. O. '55. Japan and the 

H-Bomb. Herbert Passin. 

^Business Week, p 148+. S. 24, '55. Made-in- Japan : a new record. 
Business Week, p 126+. Je. 22, '57. Japan's bid to regain its place 

in the sun. 

Business Week, p 102. Ag. 3, '57. Japan nears its export goal. 
Business Week, p 154+. S. 7, '57. Japan upgrades its old label. 
Catholic World. 182:364-70. F. '56. How red the Rising Sun? P. K. 

Christian Century. 74:983-5. Ag. 21, '57. Japan walks a tightrope; 

Christian Century world seminar. H. E. Fey. 
Christian Century. 74:1208. O. 9, '57. Bomb protest aftermath. 

W. P. Woodard. 

*CoIlier's. 137:58-67. Mr. 2, '56. Japan. Peter Kalischer. 
Commentary. 23:466-70. My. '57. Japan's lost generation. Peter 


Contemporary Review. 192:37-41. Jl. '57. Japan today. W. J. Moore. 
Current History. 31:15-19. Jl. '56. Japan: ally for peace. H. S. 

Current History. 33 :353-7. D. '57. Chinese- Japanese courtship. H. S. 


Economist. 180:571-2+. Ag. 18, '56. Arms and Japan. 
Economist 180:641-2. Ag. 25, '56. Orphan of Asia. 
Economist 180:868-9. S. 15, '56. Japanese table-turning. 
Economist 182:891-2. Mr. 16, '57. Peaceful co-prosperity? 
Economist 183 :603-4. My. 18, '57. Mr. Kishi in search of face. 
Far Eastern Quarterly. 14:355-63. My. '55. Old values and new 

techniques in the modernization of Japan. T. C Smith. 
Far Eastern Quarterly. 15 :57-75. N. '55. Management and industrial 

relations in postwar Japan. S. B. Levine. 
Far Eastern Survey. 24:71-5. My. '55. Prime minister's office and 

executive power in Japan. J. M. Maki. 
Far Eastern Survey. 25 :49-58. Ap. '56. Constitution and the current 

Japanese politics. R, E. Ward. 
*Far Eastern Survey. 25 :168-74. N. '56. Japan between two worlds. 

H. S. Quigley. 

Far Eastern Survey. 26:129-40. S. '57. Japanese exports and the 

American market. W. S. Hunsberger. 

Foreign Affairs. 33 :402-15. Ap. '55. Japan reconsiders. Lily Abegg. 
Foreign Affairs. 34:40-9. O. '55. Japan's new role in east Asia 

Toshikazu Kase. 


Foreign Affairs. 34:227-44. Ja. '56. Japan at cross-purposes. H. F. 

Foreign Affairs. 34:459-68. Ap. '56. False assumptions about the 

Japanese economy. Nobutane Kiuchi. 

^Foreign Policy Bulletin. 36:172+. Ag, 1, '57. Japan's year of deci- 
sions. V. M. Dean. 
Foreign Policy Bulletin. 36:183-4. Ag. 15, '57. Japan and Far East 

security. V. M. Dean. 
Fortune. 56:106-13+. Jl. '57. In Japan it's Jimmu keiki. John 


Fortune. 56:96+. O. '57. Japan holds the line. 
Harper's Magazine. 215:27-36. D. '57; 216:48-55. Ja,; 72-9. F. '5& 

Voyage of the Lucky Dragon. R. E. Lapp. 
International Affairs. 31 :291-9. Jl. '55. Present economic situation in 

Japan. G. C. Allen- 
Journal of Economic History. 16:165-81. Je. '56. Landlords and rural 

capitalists in the modernization of Japan. T. C. Smith. 
Journal of Modern History. 29:108-11. Je. '57. Roots of Japanese 
imperialism: a memorandum of General LeGendre [with text]. 
E. L. Presseisen. 

Nation. 178:333A Ap. 17, '54. Japan revisited. W. M. Ball. 
Nation's Business. 43:70-81. Ap. 55. Keep out! Japan tells U. S. 

investors. Richard Tregaskis. 

New Leader. 40:12-14. O. 14, '57. Why Japan is only haK-modenK 

the occidental apparatus and the old moral structure. Takeo Naoi. 

New Republic. 128:12-14. Jl. 20, '53. Batto-tai is sung again. H. H. 


New Republic. 132 :3^. My. 9, '55. Resistance in Japan. 
New Republic. 132:9-11. My. 30, '55. Trade with red China. H. H. 


New Republic. 136:10-12. Ap. 22, '57. Japan and China. S. C. Leng. 
*New York Times, p 1+. Mr. 11, '56. Bonin Isles' 178 residents 

seen as pawns in power game. Robert Trumbull. 
*New York Times, p 12. Ap. 12, '56. Boycott of Japan upsets offi- 
cials. Elie Abel. 
New York Times, p 17. Ap. 18, '56, Ryukyuans look to Japanese ties. 

Robert Trumbull. 
*New York Times. p47+. Ja. 3, '57. Japan regains place as industrial 

great. Robert Trumbull. 
*New York Times, p 1+. Je. 5, '57. U.S. agrees to let Japanese try 

G.I. in woman's death. E. W. Kenworthy. 

*New York Times, p 1+. Je. 22, '57. U.S. agrees to withdraw com- 
bat troops in Japan; studies 500 million in aid. Russell Baker. 
*New York Times. p3. Je. 29, '57. Kishi's rivals map anti-west 


*New York Times. p3. Jl. 17, '57. Japan joins race for China trade. 

Foster Hailey. 
*New York Times, p 18. O. 12, '57. Attempt to build security upon 

paradox. C. L. Sulzberger. 
*New York Times. p26. O. 14, '57. Can Asian flu come to America? 

C. L. Sulzberger. 
New York Times, p 1+. Ja. 13, '58. Pro-red is victor in Okinawa 

vote. - Robert Trumbull. 
New York Times, p 1+. Ja. 22, '58. U.S. land reform law in 

Japan foils red drive to win farmer. Robert Trumbull. 
*New York Times Magazine. p!2+. S. 6, '53. Yoshida- 'deep bows 

and a temper.' Lindesay Parrott 
*New York Times Magazine. p23. Ag. 26, '56. To make Japan an 

asset to democracy. E. O. Reischauer. 

*New York Times Magazine. p29+- Ap. 7, '57. Okinawa : a 'some- 
times painful' lesson for us. Robert Trumbull. 
New Yorker. 33:33-4+. Je. 22, '57. Letter from Tokyo. Anthony 


New Yorker. 33:57-90. D. 7, '57. Our far-flung correspondents- 
game on a hill [the Girard case], John Hersey. 
*Newsweek 43 :60-1. Ap. 12, '54. Comeback of the great Japan trade 


Newsweek. 49 :49-51. Je. 24, '57. Helmsman and Japan today. 
Newsweek. 50:16-17. Jl. 1, '57. What Kishi wanted. 
^Political Quarterly. 27:141-51. Ap. '56. Ultranationalism in postwar 

Japan. M. B. Jansen. 
^Political Science Quarterly. 70 :410-20. S. '55. Past limitations and 

the future of democracy in Japan. Hugh Borton. 
Reporter. 10:30-5. F. 16, '54. Anti-Americanism in Japan; ed. by 

C. H. Kawakami. 
^Reporter. 14:23-6. Mr. 8, '56. Between Marx and the Middle Ages. 

Lily Abegg. 
*Saturday Evening Post 225 :24-5+. Ap. 4, '53. Japs have us on the 

griddle now. Demaree Bess. 
Saturday Evening Post 230:18-19+. Ag. 10, '57. Are we driving 

Japan into red China's arms? Cameron Hawley. 
Senior Scholastic. 69:8-10+. O. 4, '56. Japan, problem child of the 

Far East 

"Time. 65:34-7. Mr. 14, '55. Japan land of the reluctant sparrows. 
Time. 69 :24+. Je. 3, '57. Co-prosperity again. 
Tune. 70:17. Jl. 1, '57. Kudos for Kishl 
Time. 70:106+. N. 18, '57. Naka-darumi in Japan . 

United Nations World. 7:27-30+. Ap. '53. Japan, America's schizoid 
ally. H. H. Smythe. 

United Nations World. 7:38-42. S. '53. Will Japan bow to the East? 
H. H. Smythe, 


"United States Department of State Bulletia 30:971-3, Je, 28, '54. 

Security in the Pacific; speech made before the Los Angeles 

World Affairs Council, June 11, 1954, J. F. Dulles. 
United States Department of State Bulletin. 32:1051-5. Je. 27, '55. 

Agreement reached on Japan's participation in GATT. 
United States Department of State Bulletin. 34:974-7. Je. 11, '56. 

U.S. Trade mission to Japan. 
United States Department of State Bulletin. 37:534-5. S. 30, '57. 

Relationship between U.S.-Japanese security treaty and U.N. 

^Virginia Quarterly Review. 31 :383-400, Summer '55. United States 

and Japan: a new century begins. Ralph BraibantL 
Virginia Quarterly Review. 33:17-27. Winter '57. How new is the 

new Japan? H. S. Quigley. 
Vital Speeches of the Day. 21 :879-80. D. 1, '54. Japan and southeast 

Asia; address, November 8, 1954. Shigeru Yoshida, 
Western Political Quarterly. 8:545-68. D. '55. Japan's rearmament : 

progress and problems. J. M. Maid. 
Western Political Quarterly. 10:457-9. Je. '57. Prognosis on Japan. 

D. H. Mendel, Jr. 
Woman's Home Companion. 82 :9+. Je. '55. Japan, a yen with two 

sides. H. Holly. 

World Politics. 8:423-32. Ap. '56. Problems of democratic adjust- 
ment in modern Japan. R. E. Ward. 
World Politics. 9:37-54. O. '56. Japan's response to the West; the 

contrast with China, W. W. Lockwood 

World Today. 11 :6-8. Ja. '55. Japan after the fall of Mr. Yoshida, 
World Today. 11 :458-60. N. '55. Socialist merger and the balance 

of parties in Japan, 
Yale Review. 46:571-85. Summer '57. Japanese politics and the 

Socialist minority. Hyman Kublin. 

Yale Review. 47:198-218. Winter '58. Japan's foreign policy. 
Yasushi Akashi.