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Full text of "The New spectator, with the sage opinions of John Bull"

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No. L 

TUESDAY, February 3, 1784. 

Price Three-pence. 

To be continued every Tuesday. 

Ut t;i wVdf, ftc in Jtudiis, pukherrimum ^ humaniffimum exifiinw^ ferverkatcm comitatemque rmjcere^ 
Tie ilia in trifiitiam, heec in petulantiam procedat. Plin, £pift« 

'< As in a man's life, (6 in his literary purfuits, I think it tlic mod beautiful and humane thing in the world 
fo to mingle gravity with plealantry, that the one may not link into melancholy, nor the other rife up 
in wantonnefs." 

THE ceremony of introducing himfclf to the 
public is, perhaps, tlic mod difagreeable 
circumdance a periodical writer has to encounter. 
Contrary to the eftablifticd rule of the poets, who 
invariably commence their labours with invoking 
the mufe, it is necefTary he fhould avoid the 
footfleps of his prcdeceflbrs in every thing but 
an endeavour to x-ender his lucubrations ufeful as 
well as amuting. 

In compliance with this rule, I [hall decline 
troubling the reader, with any account of my 
perfon, name, or family, the planet I was bom 
under, or the feats I performed at School. All 
thcfe minutiae, though vaftly entertaining to fome 
readers, I (hall refcrvc for a very learned work to 
be publilhed in the one hundred and fiftieth, year 
of my. age, at which time my very good friend, 
Dr. Gjiaham, affures me, I fhall enjoy a per- 
fect date of health, full-toned juvenile virility, 
together with that brilliancy of imagination, 
and ferenity of mind, fo edential to one of my 
occupation : providtd I follow the mode of living 
prelcribed to me, and indeed to all the worlds 

by the faid Doflor, which, it may well be 
feppofed, I have faithfully promifed to do. 

It is more immediately neceflary that the reader 
fhould be informed of the nature and tendency of 
the publication offered to his perufal, than of any 
perfonal particulars refpe6iing fuch as may be 
concerned in. its produftion. , 

Information, indru6^on, or at lead innocent 
apiufcment, mud always be expe&ed from thofe 
who, whatever be their motives, dcp forth the 
candidates for public favour. It has been the 
fmgular felicity of fome writers, by the drength 
of their genius, and the foundnefs of their 
judgment, to produce works in which thefe fc- 
veral excellencies have been united; and I know 
not of any fpccies of compofition that more 
happily admits of their union, than thofe detached 
effays which are prcfented to the public as 
literary amufements, but from which may be 
derived all the advantages generally fuppofed 
peculiar to more voluminous produ^ons. 

In fupport of this obfervation, it feemt 
unneceilkry to mention the Sp£Ctator as the 


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No. 1. 

mod convincing proof of its propriety. To that 
paper, and to the fevcral others which have been 
publiflicd on the fame plan, every Englifh reader 
will cheerfully acknowledge himfclf indebted for 
inflru£lion conducive to his real happincfs, for 
information contributing to his real intcreft, and 
for hours of amufemcnt rccoUeclcd with pleafurc. 

And who fo fit to entertain die mind, 
As he who pi6lurcs morals and mankind ? 


The immediate objctl of publications of this 
kind is, in a familiar manner, to lafli vice, 
however dignified; to expofe folly, -whatever 
^fotois fhe may affume ; and to rtfcommcnd thofc' 
«gracc5.and virtues .which have the honoxjr lobe 
univerfally praifed, and the misfortune to be very 
little praftifed. 

This was the grand objcft of the former 
Spectator 5 and it i<cnc£li great bonojar on the 
conftellation of gcniufes which produced it, to 
lecord, that its influence was fuch as to corrc£l 
vice and folly in the bud, and to (lop tlie progrcfs 
of manners obnoxious to virtue. When a fafh- 
ionablc lady, by a fantaflic appearance, had ren- 
dered hcrfelf publicly ridiculous, the Spectator 
of thofe days, by expofmg her folly, prevented 
imitation, and genierally rcftored the pretty flut- 
tcrer to rea{on and hcrfelf. 

But thcfc arc honours which the K e w 
Spectator can never hope to (hare, and which 
Addison himfelf would now find it difficult 
to acquire. Since his time, this country has 
abounded in writers, whofe chief aim, inflead of 
flrengthening, has been to undcrmme virtue, to 
patronifc hypocrify, to render piety ridiculous, 
and, in effeft, to fubflitute external griraace for 
moral re£litude. 

And grace and virtue, fcnfc and rcafon fpUt, 
With all the rafli dcxteiity of wit 1 


Indeed they have not flopped here, but, throw- 
ing afide the maflc, have recommended vice itfelf 
in fuch flattering colours, that even our daily 
news-papers arc faihionably vicious: uniting the 
efFufions of party virulence, with partial and 
intercfted dcfcriptions of public amufemcnts, and 
perpetual panegyrics on fuch charafters, male and 
female, as a rational man would naturally look 
for in the Newgate Calendar, and Harrises Liji of 

Such is the prcfcnt (late of the more amufivc 
branches of literature, and particularly of periodical 
produ&ions, that it is dangerous to lay them before 
the youth of cither fex, whofe morning bufinefs, 
it formerly was, to read them to their parents ; but 

who arc now obliged to renounce that kind of im- 
provement, left their morals fhould be tainted^ 
their palTions inflamed, tlieir delicacy dcflroyed. 

Who, therefore, fecks in thefc 
True wifdom, finds her not, or by dclufion 
Far worfc, her falfc rcfemblance only meets, 
An empty cloud ! Mi ltoit. 

The endeavour, therefore, to reflorc this bud 
ofaraufement to the garden of literature, cannot 
be deemed an unworthy tafk, and, it is hoped^ 
will meet with the candour and proteftion of a 
generous and an enlightened public : whether it 
will be fo conduced as to merit that candour and 
proteAion, the New Spectator mufl leave to 
the determination of hiy reidcrs. In- one part 
ofhisconduft, at leafl, the New Spectator 
will endeavour to dcfervc commendation : though 
the plcafure of his readers may not be augmented, 
their innocence will not be dlminifhed ; though 
he fhould be too weak to add flability to virtue, 
he will not be weak enough to give colour to vice. 

Viliiu tji argtntwm auro, viriutibus aurum. 

Silver to goU we own /ball yield the prize, 
And gold to virtue. Francis. 

With this determination he Commences his labors^ 
and, relying on the protection and afliflance of 
the virtuous, he will cheerfully proceed in their 
for vice, and deem their approbation his greatcfl 

• As in a work of this nature variet)' of enter- 
tainment is naturally cxpefted, and as almoft 
every fpecics af public amufemcnt now forms 
•an objeft of criticifm ; I found it neccffary to 
depute fome trufly Spectator of thofe affairs, 
who will make a jufl report of his obfcrvations, 
and give his fenlimcnts freely, without refpeft 
to perfons of either fex, or of any denomination, 
whilfl I attend to the more ferious objefts of this 

Luckily, forme, I have long been intimately 
acquainted with a man on whofe judgment I can 
rely, and whofe integrity is inflexible. Johw 
Bull is, to be fure, as honefl a creature as ever 
was bom. With a tinfture of found philofophy 
and a great deal of good nature, John is perpe- 
tually contemplating the objefts before him, and 
is freqently giving his opinion unafkcd. I have 
fomctimes feen him at a theatre, gravely fhtiking 
his head, whilft a celebrated performer has bein 
applauded from all parts of the houfc. At other 
times, I have difcovered pleafurc fparkling in 
his eye, and his hands ready to exprefs his fa- 
tisfa6Hon, when tlie houfc has appeared quite 


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ittfenffl>le of excellence in the performance. It 
nuft be confefled that, with all his philofophy 
and good nature about him, he will fometimes 
exprels himfelf with afpcrity not becoming a 
thinking man ; but it is only on occafions where- 
in others, as well as himfelf, have fuflered, or 
arc liable to fuffcr, from knavery, folly, or igno- 

Communicating to John my intentions rc- 
fpe&ing this undertaking, he eamedly folicited 
the privilege of inferting his opinions refpe^ling 
fome things, which, he faid, the papers of the 
day either totally overlooked or quite mifrepre- 
fented« I gladly granted him the privilege, re- 
quelHng^ on my part, that he would not confine 
himlelf to particular tranfa£lions or objeds, but 
give fcope to his obfervations, and communicate 
them with freedom and (incenty ; and as I have 
always been taught to look up to him with fome 
degree of veneration, I bought proper to notice 
kis productions in the very title of my work ; and 
I truft the SACBOFiMioNS of John Bull will 
merit the attention of my readers. 

AoD£o to the regular correfpondence of my 
friend, John Bull, I fhall ia every number of 
this work infert Soiayt potTxcAL piodu&ion, 
which, Lhope, will merit the attention of thofe 
who are attached to the mufes.— But as I am de* 
tennined not to give place to any poetry whick 
does not bear evident marks of genius, and as 
very few original vecfes, if I may judge from 
daily, weekly, and monthly publications, difco- 
ver any pzetenfions to that diflin^lion ; fo I (hall 
find myfelf under the neceffity of republifliing 
ibme choice pieces which have already ap^>eared, 
but which axe not fo univerlally kaown as they 
ought to be. This fcheme meets the approbation 
of my friend John, who hopes that it may have 
fome effieft on public tafte, and give men a reliih 
for the flights of true genius, which a^e ieldom 
to be found in thefugitive produftioos of the day. 
Meanwhile I (hall very cheerfulfyinien tbcf poe- 
tical, as well as profe produ&iont of.fuch as 
choofe to become my correfpondents, or candidly 
afEgn proper reafons for their rejeCUon, and re- 
queft they may be addrefled as mentioned at the 
ioot of thia papdr. 

SiJCM being the plan of the New S^acTAToa, , 
it remains only to apologife for the apparent pre- 
fomptifOn of adopting a Titk which may indicate 
arrogance radier than that diffidence which is the 
concomitant of genius. It is well known that 
kveral publtcationa of this kind have failed for 
want of their nature and tendency being fufltci- 
«nily cgcplained to the public : many who hare 

read, with pleafure, the Spsctator, Tat lb r, 
&c. have no conception that the Idler, the 
World, the Connoisseur, &c. &c. are pro- 
duftions of a (imilar nature, but who will at 
once comprehend what is meant by the New 
Spectator. To have entitled it the Spec- 
tator Revived had indeed been a fpiecicsof 
arrogance, of which I hope I fhall never ftand 

To tht New Spbctator. 
Sir, ^ 

My brother John having informed me that, 
when deftitute of fuch original Poetry as may 
havefufl^ient;nerit to recommend it to the pnblic, 
you mean to infert the poetical cftufiona of the 
more ancient Bards ; I reqneft the favour of feeing 
the following Sono in the New SptcrPATOR,not 
only as being worthy of fodl 7 place, but as it is 
the whole of one of thdfebeaudiful pieces of (im« 
plicity, with a line or two of which OpHkltA, an 
her diflradion, fo captivates the attentiop of all 
who have not facrificed every pretention tp zca} 
ufte. ' Your's, &c. 



O flng unto my roundelay, ' ' 

O drop the briny tear with me j 
Dance no more on hoKday ; 
Like a nmning riycr bo. 
My love is dead. 
Gone to his death-bed^ 
All under the willow tree f 

Black his hair ai winter ns^t ; 

White his |kin as fummcr fotittr^ 
Red his &cc as morning Ught ;— 

Cold be lies in die grave below f 
My love is dead, &c. 

Sweet hittongoe as throfiit*s note | 

Quick in dance as thoqght can be ; 
Daft his labour; cudgel flout ;— 

O he lies by the wilbw tree I 
My love is .dead, &c. 

Hark ! the raven flaps his wing^ 

In the briered dell below ; 
Hark ! the death^wl bud doth ling 

To the night-mares as they go« 
My love is dead, &c. 

See, the white mom (hincs on high; 

Whiter is my true-Iove*s fhroud ! 
Whiter than the morning fky I 

Whiter than the evening clondt ! 
My love it dead, &€. 


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Here» upon my truc-lovc*« grave, t 

Shall the barren flowen be laid ;— 
Not one holy iaint to fave 

All the forrows of a maid ? 
My love is dead, &c. 

With my hand I'll plant the briars, 

Round his hallow'd corfe to grov ; 
£If and fairy light your (ir«s, 

Here my body ttill fhall be. 
My love is dead, &c. 

Come with acorn cups and thorn, 

D/tin mj heart its blood away ) 
life and all its goods I fcom, 

Dance by nig|it, or fea(l by day; 
My love is dead, &ۥ 

Water-witches, erown'd with reeds, 

Bear me to your deadly tide ; 
I di»»-I come— my tnie^love waits*— 

Thus the damfel fpolK, and died 1 

To ike New Spzctatoh. 
Fxiend S p e C| 

To write on every thing worthy of public 
cotnxnetulation or of public cenfure, in this me- 
tropolis, is an arduous tafk. To give a few loofe 
UxiX^ convcpng little information, and lefs 
inftru^on, is mere wafte of time and paper. 
In order, therefore, to avoid prolixity, on the 
one hand, and frivolity on the other,— permit 
me to throw my thoughts into a ibrt of mifcel- 
lany, without regard, to order, conne^on, or lite- 
rary excellence ; all which I leave to your more 
ferious and more learned correfpondents. 
Female D a e s s. 

The ladies have afTumed the trebU^capcd great 
coat and feft, in which they parade the flreets, like 
fo many fiemalfc jockies. I expeO, that in a few 
days, my grandmother's Jofeph will foon be the 
ton : I (hall, accordingly, have it advertifed for (ale 
by auftion, and (hall depute that lady audioneer, 
who is mod remarkaUe for overpowering tke 
voices of the performers in the moft interefling 
fcenes of a tn^gedy • The great coat lafliion took 
its rife from thofe females who vifit Covcnt-Gar- 
den thrico a week, at five in the morning, with 
turnips, carrots, and other wholefome vegetables 

Am Ballook hats and caps are in the^igheft 
eftimation ; the green boxes are thronged with 
the former, and the front boxes with the latter. 
In another week, the lower order of the town 
ladies will eadiibit them in the ftreets, and 
then farewel to Balloon hats and caps! Fafhi- 
ons, particularly female fmfliions, fare juft like 
(pngs; they fometimes have a long play-houie 

run, till at length they get into the ftreets and are 
no more regarded. The Cyprian corps too g^tiC'* 
rally meet the fame fate.*— -The balloon hat is cer« 
tainly pretty, and has a good effe£l ; there isfomc* 
thing womanly in it ; but the balloon cap is fo 
totally eclipfedby the Turki(h tuiban, that I can- 
not fay a word in its £ivour* 

To the great joy of many a waining lady, P<w- 
dtr has rcfumed its reign, and fits enthroned on 
the head df beauty, bidding, defiance to nature 
and fimplicity. My fifler, Anna Maria^ true to 
her fcx, is a ftrong defender of this fame duft of 
vanity, and is now deeply engaged in writing a 
poem, to be entitled the Comforts of White Dujt 
and Beards Greafe, to be dedicated to Lady 
A , who, it fecms, always Carries a quantity 

of right orris, with a Imall puiF in her pocket. 

Squiee Morgan's Nephew. 
The amours of this young gentleman will 
hereafter form a very pretty book, and become a 
great favourite with your boarding-fchool milTes. 
His grand chara^riflic, and his fole bufinefs is 

To rove. 

Free and uiiqucftion'd, through the vilds of love. 
Variety^ is his motto, and he may be truly faid to 
dick at nothing. He fairly knocked up his uncle 
Morgan^ and obliged him to go abroad for his health, 
et cetera. He is accufcd of being too pnttiifcuous 
in his amours ; be that as it may, he is certainly fo 
miich attached to one at prefent, that I am in 
hopes his defigns have not yet fucceeded, and 
that the fair one may have refolution enough to 
refill his attempts, or that her hufband may have 
wit enough to take her out of the way of temp- 
tation, and not be fent out of the way himfelf fo 
often as he has been. It is ipmewhat fingular, 
but fo it happens, that Squire Morgan's Nephew 
always finds himfelf vaftly inclined to the com- 
pany of neighbours wives. I hear various com- 
plaints of him on this head. 

About fifteen months ago, Mr. H***** mar- 
ried a delicate woman, who, till very lately evin- 
ced the utmoft tendemeOs and aficffion for her 
hufband. Unfortunately, (he was noticed by our 
hero, who, being a very gallant man, feldom fails 
in his attacks on the ladies, and being a man of 
property, and keeping much company, Mr. H— 
was prefently invited to fhare his confidence and 
friendihip, which he thought it advantageous to 
accept of, and the intiinacy increafed fo much, 
that our hero made no fcruple frequently to vifit 
him en pafantf and at length prefented to the lady 
the gre^ Bucephalus of his Honour's fUble. 

Oua hero and his friend were lately in the 
gallery of the Houfe of Commons, to hear a fmart 
debate* About ^ in the evening the former re- 


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quefted tlie latter to keep his feat whilft he ftepped 
"out, and returned near two in the morning, with 
an apology to his friend for having troubled him 
fo long. On Mr. H-^ retiring hotne^ he found 
that our heto had taken a little rtfrejhmtnt with 
his lady whilft he kept his place in the gallery ! 

This anecdote may convince the world, that 
our hero is not fo (illy as many take him to be. 
Soon after that trick, he praftifed another of a 
funilar nature. Finding Mr^ H-^ and his lady at 
home, he requeftcd the favour of writing ma- 
terials^ and that his friend would flep with a note 
to a gentleman on fome bufmefs which he could 
entruft to none clfc. The contents of this card 
vcre ftmply thefe : " keep the bearer as long, 
and make him as drunk, as you can.*' This was 
accordingly done, and Squire Morgan's Nephew, 
at three the next morning, was found confollng 
the wife of his friend in the abfence of her 

I HAVE fevcral more anecdotes to communicate 
refoefling this amour, unknown even to the 
Abigail ef Mrs* H-* herfelf. As yet nothing 
has tranfplred, which can fo much tax the reputa- 
tion of the lady, as the folly of her hufband ! 

Air-Balloon Extraordinary. 

Th£ phylofophical inventersandi^proversoftho 
Acrojtdtic GloU rightly conje^red, that important 
difcoveries would refult from a contrivance en« 
abling people to travel in the air. In conjunftion 
with a Very (agacious friend of mine, I finifhed 
a Balloon of coniiderable magnitude, and a fhort 
time ago, after the manner of MelT. Charles and 
Robert, we took our departure from this world, 
which, after travelling nine days, appeared to us 
about the fize of a reafonable plumb-pudding, and 
on the tenth morning was totally invifible to the 
naked eye ; on which my friend began to be a 
little alarmed, aM obferved, that we were wan- 
dering round the world like departed fpirits, and 
polEbly might arrive on fome other planet, and 
be hanged as fpies in a foreign country. Whilft 
my friend was thus lamenting our fituation, I 
difcovered, as I imagined, feveral white rocks at 
no great diftance, to our left, and prefently after 
a quantity of what appeared to be eagles on the 
wing, but, on approaching nearer, we found 
therodcs to be theoutfkirtsof another world, and 
the eagjles to be neither more nor lefs than fo many 
Air-'balloons, which, it feems were the common 
packhorfes and machines for conveyance in thefe 
remote regions. 

RajoxcBO at finding ourfelves in fuch excellent 
company, as well as in the profpe£l of making 
aeroflatic difcoveries beyond any thing known in 

our world, we purfued our courfc, and foon gain- 
ed the confines of this ftrange country; then 
orderiilg our machines accordingly we afcended fo 
much above the new world, that we tould readily 
view every part of it, for it confifled but of one 
Very large city, furrounded on all fides, but that on 
which we entered it, with villages. Vineyards, 
meadows, woods, lawns, and gardens iii abun«- 

My friend Who but a little time before Was xrt a 
defpairing mood, now refuming his courage, and 
impatient to find himfelf oh the terra Jirma of 
the new world, let out fuch a quantity of gaz, that 
we fuddenly reached the ground, luckily without 
ahy inconvenience except that of breaking feven 
bottles of the bed vitriol we could purchafe in 
London, and three times that number of excellent 
Hock, given us by Stack at the Bet/ford. 

As I am determined in this account to adhere 
ftriftly to truth, I fhall not take the advantage 
ufually claimed by your tcrreflrial travillers of 
cmbcllifiiing my narrative with the marvellous, 
tliough no man had ever fo fine an opportunity, 
I fhall not therefore dcfcribe thcfc people as either 
giants or dwarfs in ftature, nor amufe you with 
a wonderful account pf powers, which they never 
poffeffed, and of cuftoms which they never prac- 
tlfed. Uo, Sir, thefe people, who wear the human 
form differ from ourfelves in nothing^ fo much as 
in their apparelj and being peculiarly beautiful ; 
their language has even lome affinity to our own, 
being fo much like the ancient Saxon, that my 
friend, who is a great antiquarian, and has a par- 
ticular veneration for that tongue, in the courfo 
of a few days, found himfelf able to converfc with 
them on any topic. Unfortunately, we arrived 
amongflthematatime when their whole attention 
was devoted to Politics, At the very moment we 
fell into the cit)', their fenate was fo deeply en- 
gaged in difputes for the good of the nation, and 
t}%people fo anxious to know the refult of their 
proceedings, that we cfcaped the notice of almoft 
every body, but a few boys, who followed and 
hooted at us on account of our (Irange dreis, and 
for our want of beards, which in this country are 
worn, both falfc and natural, as common as wigs 
and pig- tails among us. 

The name of this world, of which we were 
thus become unexpe6led inhabitants, vras Niatirb, 
and that of the metropolis Bulla* The farm of 
government nearly refembled that of ancient 
Rome, when a king and fenate conducted its 
affairs. The grand point then before ^e Bulians 
appeared to us whimfical and ridiculous enough. 
The Etanes or fenate compofed of the oldcfl man of 


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the city and villages, having fat a confiderable 
time, Rexman^ the king, out of an extreme huma- 
nity, for which he was remarkable, requefled 
them to renounce for a time, the cares of (late, 
and employ themfelves in fuch purfuits as their 
feveral inclinations fhould fuggefL But in the 
fenate there was a man, who, for many years 
had made it his chief fhidy to obflruft the will of 
the king, and to lead others into the fame line of 
conduct. The name of this man was Rtynardam. 
His public charafter was fimilar to that of the 
Lucius Junius who had the audacity to afTume 
the adcUtional name of Brutus, and whom hif- 
torians reprefent to have been << a trubulent 
*^ fedidous man, who wanted neither wit nor, 
« penetration; was particularly a great fpeaker, 
** and fpoke freely what he thought,' With re- 
fpe6l to his private charader, it was of fo fmgular 
a complexion, and was compofed of fuch a vari- 
ety of inconfiftent colours, that I defer copying 
the portrait till fuch time as I ihall have occafion 
to reveal fome of his domefUc tranfa^lions. At 
prefent I fpeak of him only as one of the Etanes. 
He profefTed great opennefs and candour in his 
harangues, and, by the rapidity of hfs eloquence, 
ind the fubtility of his fophifms, fo far milled many 
of his hearers, as to induce them to join with him 
in tnalicious endeavours to thwart the king. No 
fooner was the fovercign's defire of relieving the 
Etanes mentioned, than Reynardam, with great 
vehemence, oppofed the meafure as tending to fub- 
vert the governments He adduced feveral plau- 
(ible pretexts to convince the Etanes of its impolicy, 
and at laft even gave it as his opinion, that tlie 
king had no right to put a period to their de- 
liberations. This caufed great confufion in the 
Etanes, which Reynardam took care to foment, 
by infinuating that the king wilhed to diffolve 
their tneeting for infidious purpofes, the more 
fecure to carry on fome projeft of his own ; and 
by this means Reynardam made each prty fuiyi. 
dous of the other, while the people at large, or 
more properly the mob of the people, hailed him 
as iheir prote6lor, who, but a little time ago, they 
^xeenitedboth for his public and private condu6t 
So fickle his popular indignation and applaufe ! 

It was in the very midft of thefe contentions, 
that my friend and I appeared amongft the Buli- 
9fiMf and hoping to eicape the notice of the higher 
powen^ we immediatdy drefled ourfelves in the 
Bulian haUti and puxdiafed venerable beards. — 
And truly, Mr. SiiicTAToa, my friend cut a 
vety venerable figure, for being, likeyourfelf, be- 
yond the grand climaderic of a grave afpeft, 
and. ftMut deportment, he might eafily have 
been Juftakea for a Bulian in Mo* 

Thbse precautions, however, proved abor'* 
tive ; on the tixth day after our arrival, we were 
fummoned to appear before a council, in which 
his Majefty was to be prcfont, theve to give an 
account of ouHelves* This greatly .terrified my 
friend, who now began to fufpe£l himielf as al* 
ready condemned for a fpy. As be had aiade a 
confiderable progrels in his acquaintance wi^i 
the Bulian langui^e, we agreed chat he fhould 
prepare our account and defence, and deliver k 
verbally b^ore the council ; a circumflaUce tend* 
ing fo much to our fafety, that my fnetvi (at a- 
bout it with great diligence, and in myjndsetnent 
produced a very able oration» in which- he gav« 
a concife account of our world ; the objeA of our 
journey to BuHa ; a curious relation of ottr ad- 
ventures and observations on our paffage through 
the aerial regions; and concluded with htunbly 
reqelling his Majefty to grant us a (afe oonvey*- 
ance to our own world, by enabling us to foroi 
an Aerojlatk machine^ with proper materials, and 
after the manner of the Bulians, who travti 
in them wirh incredible vdocity, and dire& thdr 
courfe with wonderful fecility. • Qf this fpeech 
my friend is preparing an dabprate tranflation, 
which he means to dedicate to Dr. Priefiley ; but 
I intend to give you the heads of it in a future 
epiftle to your Spi^atorjhip. Let us now return 
to the little affairs of our own liulc wortd. 

TU£ATR£S« , 

The accounts daily given to the world of the- 
atrical affairs, are fometimes fo contradiftory to 
truth, and to one another, that \ have frequently 
lamented the want of a public joumsd of drama- 
tic proceedings, from which fome Ju<!igment 
might be formed as to the real merits and deme* 
rits of plays and players ; and I truft, Friend Sfe c; 
with yourpermiflion, and with your afliftance, to 
render the New Spectator fubfervient to/o 
laudable a delign. 


It reflefts no (mail credit on the manager of 
this houfe, to fay, that he is, if not an enemy, 
at lead no friend to puffing : nor does he put Mrs. 
Siddons*s name at the top of his bil}s, by way of 
hooking the multitude ; a device pradifed by 
the other houfe, in regard to Mrs. Crawford, in 
the fame manner, and probably with as much 
fuccelsas Katterfelto exhibits at the top of 
his bills, the angels, devils, and the devil knows 
what, of his own fublime invention I The great- 
fault of the manager of Old Drury, is die giving 
charafters to performers which they are tmable to 
fuftain, whilft he has others in his company by 
whom they would be well fupported. Egregious 


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No. K 

THE }IEW S^ECtAfOft, Aci 

Jnftances of this occur almoft every day, as I fliall 
Kereafter have occafion to obfcrve.- — Mrs. Siddons 
Appeared laft night in Ifabella. It were a wafte 
of criticifm to fay any thing of a performance 
Ivhich is acknowledged to be as near perfe£Uon 
as humanity can reach. — Harlequin Junior^ by 
fi-equent repetition, feems to gain, rather than lofe 
on the town, and that defervedly. Variety, 
hovelty, and buftle form the very effcnce of pan- 
tomime, in all which this abounds fufhciently. 
But, — I fpeak it with wonder— the mufic is exe- 
crable, and though Mr. Linley may have com- 
pofed andfcle£led it, and though he is a profefTcd 
and an admired mufician, the prefcnt compofition 
and feleftion, ought to be remembered as the moft 
unhappy, ever offered to the public under that 
celebrated name. 

It is frequently the fate of dramatic writers 
from unaccountable caufcs, to receive cenfure 
when they def<irve applaufe. This has been the 
cafe of Macklin, whofe comedy of the Man of the 
Worlds was performed on Thuifday, before one 
of the moll croudcd and refpeftable audiences, I 
ever faw, and in the performance met with that 
approbation which has been denied to it by thofc 
critics of the day, who write to gratify fome ma- 
lignant padion, rather than give the real decifion 
of their judgment, for I cannot fuppofe them fo 
ignorant as not to acknowledge this to be the beft 
comedy, except the School for Scandal, which 
has appeared for many years. They fay it wants , 
buftle, but if the attention is kept up. even to a 
kind of anxiety, and a play abounds in nervous 
language, and forcible inftruftion, which is the 
cafe in the prefcnt inftancc, that very bufUc be- 
comes impertinence, and can be wiflied for only 
by thofe mafters and miffes, who go to plays fm 
furiy in which number, from their judgment in 
pronouncing on this play," I fliall fuppofe our 
tiev^s-paper critics arc to be ranked — The pan- 
tomime of Friar Bacon was revived the fame nighty 
■with alterations, but thefc alterations refleft credit 
only on the fcene-painters, for the fame defpicable 
nonfenfe pervades the whole piece which ori- 
ginally diftinguifhed it. I have not tirfie to go 
into particulars, but Ihall, next week, be more 
circumftantial,unlefsin the mean time this bantling 
of ignorance and folly fhould depart this life. The 
mufic is good. 

Miss Younge, on Saturday, played janeShore^ 
in which (he is inferior to Mrs. Siddons, but much 
fupcrior to Mrs. Crawford. Our critics fay " com- 
parifons arc odious.;'* but " all excellence is com- 
parative." The Alicia of Mrs. Crawford was 
applauded as the news papers had dire^d it fhould; 

It was indeed wdll playftd, but riot equal to Mifs 
Younge's Shore. I know I am fpeaking againfl 
the voice of the multitude ; but that is nothitig. 
Hid Mift Younge been abfent fi5c years, (he 
would have been received again with as great, at 
leaft With as much deferved applauf<i aS Mrs. 
Crawford.i^Laft night the felf-be-pdragT^aphed, the 
felj'puffed and the felf -adoring Mothei* Abington ap- 
peared in Lady Betty Modijki It is impofflble to 
with-hold praife from fo excellent a performance, 
and I will always give merit its due ; but when 
it is faid the flagc is inanimate without her^ 
that fhe is the comic mufc, in propria perfanoy and 
fuch rubbifh as the papers continually abound with 
rcfpeftingtliis woman, who, I fhould imagine kept 
half a dozen clerks for the purpofe of writing to he;" 
honour and glory : an ingenuous mind cannot but 
feel itfelf difgufled ; and half tempted to dcpy hcf 
excellence* I wonder the manager docs not jpuf. 
her name at the top of his bilb* I hope her en- 
gagement is of that nature, that fhe cannot infuU 
the Town by the flale trick of a Box-fever, with 
which fhe ufcd to be terribly afflifted I 

To WM L A D i ts« 

CoNTRARV to cv«ry idea of decency and o( 
policy, the public papers abound in encomiums 
on fome of thefc abandoned charafters. Nay^ 
a morning paper of laft week gave public tiotice, 
that the Perdita was quite recovrtfd from her in- 
difpofition, and looked as well as ever* A va* 
hiable piece of information * tmly ! I fhould 
deem myfelf inexcufable to mention fuch a wo- 
man in a public print, but for the purpofe of 
holding her up as one whofe example fhould be 
abhorred, and to point out to the female world 
the fatal confequcnces'of unbounded diflipation 
and illicit^ amours. This woman is faid to have 
been the favourite of a prince. Indeed her con- 
duft plainly evinces fhe thought herfelf fuch; 
but if we may judge from the pitiful complaints 
which, in fome papers, are daily urged againfl a 
certain young gentleman, by way of extorting relief 
from him, ihe is no longer fo ; and her conduft 
may ferve to convince Others, that the capricious 
fmiles of a prince are of little value, unlefs ma- 
naged with prudence* Care has been taken to 
inform the public of tlie fituation and ornaments 
of the Perdita*s box at the opera-houfe ; this is all 
very well in the way of trade ; it anfwers the pur- 
pofe of advcrtifmg Lodging^or Single GentUmm* 
And the Queen of France will no doubt think it 
a high compliment, when fhe reads in an Englifh 
news-paper, that her example in drefs, &c. is fol- 
lowed by the grcateft proAitutc in England ! 

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Ko, I, 

Of the Bird of Paradife, ■ llic Armjlead, the 
Farrcnelli^ the White Crow^ &c. I have not at 
prefent time to fay any thing; and ivith refpeft 
to the infeiior women of this clafs, their exfun- 
pk being more confin'd, is Icfs definitive •, their 
inEsuny is not publicly trumpeted as if it were a 
virtue ; and fome le^iflative expedient ihould be 
devifed for refcuing them from deflru^tion, and 
rendering them fit members to the community. 

Chancery-Lane Ghost. 
I am Corry, on enquiry, to find that this Phan- 
tom has ceafed to appear, but am confidently 
informed that the wonderful Dr. Katterfelto 
lias reduced it to inflammabU air, and that it is now 
confined in an azr-balloon ; and I am further affured 
that this " Devil of a Philofopher," this principal 
of all modem magicians, when he lets of his Air- 
Balloon means to dired its flight in fuch a manner, 
as that the (aid Phantom (hall be laid in the Red-- 
SeOf and the peaceable inhabitants of Chancery- 
Lane, no more receive no6himal greetings, from 
fo terrible a vifitant ! 

And now, friend Spec, I mufl, for the pre- 
fent, bid you adieu ; for though your paper is on 
a very extenfive plan, I gefis you have Utde more 
room for me. Succeis, I doubt not, will attend 

your Spectatorsuip, and thepublic will re- 
gard your firft number rather as the prtjaot of wb^ 
is to follow, that judge of your abilities by an 
introdu£lory effort. 

Your very faithful Deputy, 


To other Correspondents. 

The ways and means of Editors with the art 
of conducing morning papers, next week — Htc 
Ghoft of Gulliver, to Mr. O'Keeffe, is received .-^ 
Memoirs of Mrs. H-^ ; Anecdotes of Weltjie's club ; 
and an Account of the Sophifms of Mr. Fox, are 
alfo received. But I defire my correjpondents will take 
notice, that party politics unllfind no place in the 
New Spe&ator. An authenticated account of Mrs* 
Curtis, fijler to the Kembles, is now before me, and 

Jhall be attended to. The Stridures on the news- 
paper politics of Mrs. R — , however jujt, are written 
with too much afperity. Operatical Obfervations 
are unavoidably poflponed; and for a circum/lantial 
account of the Bifhop of Landaff*s excellent Difcourfe 
before the Houfe of Lords on Friday laft, I with plea- 

Jure, refer my readers to Mr. Ayre's Sunday Mo- 
niter, ofthttfi inflant. 


London: Printed by T. Rickaby, No. 15, Duke's-Court, Bow-Street, Covent^Garden *»: 

And Sold by T. AX TELL, No. 1, Finch-Lane, Comhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by 
W. SWIFT, Bookfeller, Charles-Stteet, St. James's-Square ; by P. BRETT, Bookfeller and 
Stationer, oppofile St. Clement's-Church in the Strand; by G. KEARSLEY, No. 46, Fleet-Street; 
and by W. THISELTON, Bookfeller and Sutioner, No. 37, Goodge-Street, Rathbone-Place. 

\^ CoRaESPONDBNTS are requefted to addrefs their favours to the New Spectator, to be 
left at Mr. Swift's, in Charles-Street, St. James's-Square, where a Letter-Box is affixed 
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N E W S P E C T A T O R; 



^ No. 11. 

TUESDAY, February lo, 1784. 

Price Three-pence. 

To be continued every Tuesday. 

Nmirum infanus paucis videaiur^ eo quod 
Maxima pars hamnum-^morbojaBatur codem. 

By few, forfootb, a madman is he thought, 
For hidf raankiad the fanue difesJe have caught ! 

Hor. Sat. 3, U 2, v. 120. 


PLATO, fpeaking of fine writers, and par- 
ticularly of poets, cxprefsly affirms, that, 
added to other extraordinary requifite^i, it is ne- 
ceffary they (hould poffcfs, or be pofTeded by, a 
certain degree of Madness; — an opinion, which, 
1 am verily pcrfuadcd, has fome foundation in 
truth ; for though the number of.literary maniacs 
is very condderable, and that of fine writers, on 
the contrary, very inconfiderable, yet, on en- 
quiry, I have no doubt it will be found that at 
lea ft one-tenth part of our writers are either 
many degrees too mad, or, unhappily, not mad 
enough. And here I might adduce, from living 
examples, abundance of illuftrations in fupport 
of this doftrine ; but I willingly fpare myfelf fo 
invidious a tafk, and leave it to the Monthly and 
Critical Reviewers, and thofe whom it more im- 
mediately concerns. 

Th e heroes of both ancient and modem times, 
who have greatly diftinguifhed theinfclves, in 
whatever profeffion, whether of arts or arms, 
have becii celebrated, by their refpeftivc poets 

and hiftorians, in proportion to the extent pf 
their madnefs. Hence it is that the fame of 
Alexander the Great, 

Who the tiara tore 
From kings of all the then difcoverM globe, 

far furpalles that of Charles the Twelfth, who, 
in fa6):, was but a humble follower of the faid 
Alexander, as he was of the maniac Achilles* 

But, that a touch of madnefs is neceffary for 
the accompli (hment of great purpofes, cannot 
be doubted when we recolle£l, that Cervantes 
defcribes it to have been the main-fpring of all 
the wonderful exploits performed by his hero, 
Don Quixote, Knight of the woful countenance, 
a man'almoft as famous as Alexander himfelf, 
and the hiftory of whofe achievements has proved 
more beneficial to mankind than all the boafled 
a£lioBSof the fon of Philip. 

It was but the other day, in the company of a 
learned friend, that I was thus elucidating Platols 
doftrine refpefting certain degrees of madneis, 
when my friend jocularly turned my attention to 


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No. Ih 

myfelf, and obferved, with a logical precifion, of 
which he is completely mafter, that at any rate, I 
mud certainly be a little crack-brained; for, {kid 
he, " If you hold, with Plato, that a certain 
" degree of madnefs is eiOcntial to tlic accom- 
" pli{hmcntofgrcatpurpofc«,you nfuftncceflarily 
" fuppofe ydurielf affcftcd, oiherwifc you would 
•* never have commenced fuch a work as the 
" Naw Spectator. On the other hand, if you 
" maintain both Plato's do£lrine and the pcrfcft 
*• foundnefs of your own mind, then the moon is 
*' indeed at full with you, fo that you cannot be 
" in any other (late than that of lunacy to a certain 
<« degree, which, according to your friend 
" Plato and yourfcif, is a very defirablc ftatc 
** indeed!" 

Just as my friend had made thb curious con- 
clufion, we were joined by my fagacious deputy, 
Tqhn Bull, who, being informed of the argu- 
ment, became a (Irong advocate for its propriety; 
and remarked, that (incc his engagement under me, 
he had looked on himfelf as neither more nor Icfs 
than the Sancho Panza of the lad Don Quixote 
which had ftartcd up in the literary world. Now, 
according to the opinion of Plato and myfelf, 
this was a great compliment to me, though I 
believe honcft John meant it as very good fatirc 
on us both. 

TiiK pofTcfTion of unabufed reafon is the mod 
impudent and the mod uncommon of all human 
bleflings. It is true, that there are few of man- 
kind, comparatively fpeaking, who have not had 
this bleffing conferred on them by the giver of all 
good gifts; but the number of thofe is dill fmaller 
who have not abufed and imparcd it, by difling 
its operations, and rejefting its counfcis; by re- 
nouncing its jurifdi6Uon, and revcrfmg its 

On lifcs'i vail ocean divcrfcly vc fait, 
ReafoQ the card, but paflion is tlie gate. 


To riwD a man implicitly following, in all his 
. aAions, the diftatcs of found reafon, would prove 
a tafk much more difficult than that of difcovcr- 
ing one perfcftty honed ; though Diogenes, we 
know, deemed an honed man a very fmgular phe- 
nomenon. It is a general error amongd man- 
kind to feek for fame and happinefs in wrong 
channels, and vainly endeavour to ** gather 
** grapes off thorns, and figs offthidles.^ Men 
are not fo gerierarfy deditute of genius and abi- 
lities as is commonly imagined; they only mif- 
apply the former, and, by that means, render 
the latter ufelefs. We are ufually on our guard 
againd the treachery of others, and were we 
equally folicitous of avoiding the deceptiotss of 

our own minds, we (hould tiot fo frequently fee 
genius mided, and abilities mifapplied. An af- 
fedion for fcienceis too commonly midaken for 
am indication of inherent powers, and, before 
we have well confidcred the nature of either, we 
precipiute ourfelves into puxfuits rather to gratify^ 
adventitious enquiry and natural curiodiy, than* 
to follow the didates of unclouded reafon, and 
the dimulations of real genius. Thus inclina- 
ixon^ paffion, or more trifling caufes fitquently 
ufurp the authority of reafon, in the condud of 
life, and, in a great meafure, tend to form that 
irariety of the ridiculous which we daily difco« 
ver in the charaders of mankind. 

As it i& the bufinefs of human reaibn todireft 
the conduft of human life, fo its vieWs fhoutd 
not be confined to one obje^ or to a certain . 
number of obje6b: this, however, is too geno^ 
rally the cafe, particulariy amongd men of ge- 
nius and erudition, who, dircfting their purfuits 
to the completion of one purpofe, confine their 
ideas to that obje£b, and wave all confiderations 
which do not, either direClly or collaterally, apply 
to their immediate views. 

And hence one mafler paflion in the bread, 
Like Aaron's fcrpent^ fwallows up the reft. 


Aiulthis, in fome meafure, accounts for that nar« 
rownefs of mind which has been difcovercd even 
in fome men of gettius, and into which all that if 
fingular in the lover, the coquette, the avaricious, 
and the proud, is to be reduced. 

To accomplidi a work of genius, it is neceQary, 
however, that the mind, when employed on it, 
(hould be direQed to that alone ; and it is wdl 
known that intenfe application to one objeft fre- 
qtienfly diforders the reafon, and, in the end, U 
produftive of madneis itfelf. The intermediate 
date between extreme attention and inattenUon, 
is that' which produces the divine glow of genius^ 
the enthufiafm which Plato, who perfeftly un- 
derdood the operations of the human mind, not 
injudicioufly denominates a kind of madnefs, 
that is, a fervor of Imagination which has ever 
accompanied extraordinary genius. 

For my own part, I have very liitle chance of 
becoming thus divinely mad^ the multiplicity of 
obje& to which, as a SrscxAToa, my attention 
is nccedasily direfted, totally preclude all poflibi- 
lity of fuch an event taken place ; and I know" 
not whether my labours may not prove more ex- 
tenfively beneficial by direfting my attention ta 
many fubjefis, than by confining all my fdeas f 
one objeft, however excellent in itfelf, or ple^ 
fing to me. 

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No. IL 



To thi New Spectator. 

S I R, 

Thb attention of the audience at Drury-Lsme 
Theatre, a few nights ago, being attr^Red by the 
appearance of two ladies in a tide box, Jans hat, 
<ap, or any covering, fave that which nature and 
Monf. le Friicur had beftowcd; and fcveral 
Tdle6Uons having been cad on the faid ladies in 
confequence thereof; I beg yourS pectatorshjp 
to acquaint the public, that the faad ladies having 
BallooTtrhaU and lappets, weieobHgedto renounce 
-them in compliance with a (landing order of the 
Houfe, and were not infane as many people won- 
<only reported. Yours, Ac. 

A DERBY Gentliwomai^. 

To the New S p e c t a t o r« 

Moft worthy Spec , 

It muft' afford you no fmall pleafure to be 
told that your firft effort has already accomplifhed 
more than you could reafonably exped. It has 
not only ' informed the public of the nature and 
defign of your plan, but it has i^ally operated 
in thefervice of virtue, and to the encouragement 
of vice, as will appear by the Miftellaned of your 
faithful deputy, 

S^^UI R £ Mo ROAN 'S Nb P U £ W. ^ 

I Have been told that this gentleman keeps a- 
diary of his time, which istifually fpent in (iich 
a manner that, I think, the faid diary may, xK>t. 
improperly, be called the JB^cA-ApoA^* and as one 
of his intimate friends has promiicd me a fight of 
it> I (hall take care to extraQ a page, or two, 
ibr your amufement, from whence, probably, 
you may form a better judgment of his real cha- 
rafler, th^ti ftpm the caric^turp prints 4nd news* 
papers cf the d*y. 

Iw my laft, 1 acquainted you with the flate of 
lhi& young ^ntleman's amour with Mn. H— . At 
the fame timOi .1 intimated to yo^, that nothing 
bad tranfpired which could affefl the reputation 
of the lady V Mnd I am extremely happy to have it 
in my power now to add, tha nothing is likely 
to^ccur which can diminifh the luflre.of her 
fame; for, in confcquencc of the reprefcntations 
I before msbdc, and in coniequence of them Qply, 
Uie' hulband of the lady, with a fenfe of honour 
becoming a' gentleman, and with the refolution 
becoming a virtuous man, abandoned the company 
of Squire Morgan's Nephew, and immediately 
dppaiftcd, with his lady, into Yorkftire, from 
whence, I underftand, they mean to travel to the 
continent ; choofing rather to leave the kingdom 
ill an refide in it with exiemaliplcndour, accom* 

panied by difgnce^-^But the moft agreeaUe cir* 
cumftance attending this bufineis, is the willing 
obedience the lady paid to her hufband's wifhes. 
Tnough allured, for a moment, from domelHc 
felicity, by the Mcmaling glare of tinfel frippery; 
though (he was become the adnuration of men, 
and the envy of women; yetnofooner was dan- 
ger intimated, than the flame of nuptial love 
glowed with frelh ardour in her untainted bofom, 
and, quitting that road to perdition which thou« 
fands of her fex are eager to travel, (he flew with 
her hulband into that rettrement, which is the 
feat of innocence, where fhe may ruminate, with 
thankfulncOs, on tbe dangers (he has eioqped ; and 
improve, with delight, the felicity which }ier 
condud entitles her to expeA. 

Squire Moi^n's Nephew, thus unexpe&dly 
deprived of the company he was very (blicitous 
to keep, was at firft a little difconcerted, and de« 
tcrmin^d not to gr^e the laft mafquerade with 
his prefence. Two jolly topers however, per- 
fuaded him to go, and, fuch is the natural incon* 
ftancy of hit ditporition, that he is faid to have 
already half-forgotten the charms of the lovely 
Mrs. H— in the bewitching fmiles of a HcJge-lanc 
beauty ! 


Though I am ignorant as to iht author of 
the following ftanzas, I am not fo as to their 
merit. They contain a beautifully pi£iureiquo 
defcription, fuitable to the prefent fcafon, and 
which many a fon of Phoebus would have worked 
into a fafhionable quarto, of no inconfiderabtt 

The C A V X. , ' 

The wind up, die field is bare;~» 

Some hermit led m^ to his cell. 
Where Contemplation, lonely fiiir— 

With bled Content, has chofe to dwell. 

Behold, it opens to my fight, 

Dark in the rock, befide the fiood ; 

JDry (ere around obfini^ the fight; 
Tbe wiiidt above it move the wood. 

Refleded in die lake, I fee 

The downward mountains and die flues | 
The flying bird, tbe waving tree, 

Tbe goats that on tbe bills arife* 

The grey-cloak'd herd drives on ibe cow| 
Tbe flowwpac'd fowler walks the beatb i 

A fpeckled pointer fcouri tbe brow; 
A mufing (bepberd flaods benettb. 

Car\'c o'er the rain of an oak, 

The woodman lifts hit ax on higb| 
The hills re*ccbo to the firokc,— 

I fee, I fee the Ouvers fly ! 

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THE WE \V . S ? £ ,C T A T O R, Ac. 

Nd. 11*' 


- • ^SMie ftkcil aMid; v^l4i 'apro» foil, 

Brifigi iucl to the faDmely flame ; 
r foe the fmddky Qolfimas fqII, 

4Ad. through ^ cbifikey but the beam. 

Bifider a Hone, o*er*gfoi»U wrth m^fti* 
Two wtli-mcft humtri talk at eafie i 
Thiec panting 4ogs befide ttfok ; 
. One hlecdJagikof is fife tcW on graCu 

' A lake^at cHfiattce li)r«uii to fight, 

- ^ - Sk'ttted Vi^ fhafdy fofefts r«und^ 
' In ihiiift M iAatr4'i rdcky hdg^t 

Suffaisfr y nm once renovnTcl* 

6(« ^ee httidi o*tr the naked valh; 
'* Two bf dad-win^ eagles hover liigh— * 
'^/tntetvab a ^ftgri^m &)!«» 
As blows the blaft akmg the fky. 

Two rough-rpun hinds the pmnace giude^ 
With labouring oarS) along the flood/ 

- An artgler, bending b*^cr the tide. 

Hangs from the boat th^ infiditwkt Wood« 

ficfide the flood, beneath the rocks, 
, On grafiy bank two lovers lean, 
Bend on' eacli other amours looks. 
And feeiii to Iauj;h and klfi betweenl 

The wind is niOling tn the oak,. 

They fcem to hear the tread of feet; 

They ftart --they "rife — look round the rock- 
Again they uniTc, again they meet! 

BvkX ^1 ^gwy mill from the }^e 
... Afceods upon the fhady hillf i 
•Dark flormt the murmuriog forelb fhake^ 
Rain beats— *re(biind a hundred rills. , 

To Damon's homely hut I fly, 

I fee it fmoaking o'er the plain; 
When fiorms are pafl,' and fair the fky, 

111 oftea feck ti^ Cavb again) 

, B i; L 1 A. 
In recatKng your attention to the B&irs of 
Bulia, it is nccefTaiy for me to remark that, ex- 
dufive of the king; the Ktane^, the deputies of 
the people, 'and the people fliemfelvcs, there was 
a third powpr forming a kind of Senate, or af- 
fembly of great men, luperior to the Etanes, dif- 
tinguifbied }Sy the a({>pdlation ot^ the 2&^fc^ and 
confiftihg iyt liifen bortt =to honotilr^ atid cxtenfive 
property, and effcemed as the chief men of the 
realm. Their tntmber amounted to about half 
that of tbe.KCaiK^, ^hofe law^ atod nf«2ltfion& 
were of no fotcc^nlil raltfied by the Reppu. The 
Reppu had therefore ibaikling diftinA ^mthat 
of the Eunes, appropriated for tiieir delibera^ 
tions« Such, however, was. the legiibtivc wif- 
dom of the Etanes^ U^at the Rtppu (eldoiQ found 
it neceffary to controvert, or tO iovalid^te ^eir 
flatuteSy and, therefore,, ufually joined in irecomp 

mending them lo the eodcunrenee tf the king ;. 
and had they not, jufl at the time we arrived^ 
in Bulia,. rendered tbemfelves particularly popu* 
lar amongfl the people, I fhould fcarcely hava 
noticed them, of fo little importance were they 
except on fuch peculiar emergencies as fcldonii 
Ofcur in the government of Niatirb« 

Having mentioned the popularity of the 
Reppu, I cannot Defwn giving, you a. Haftx 
Sketch cj the day's hufinefi^ by whichit:>^rass|c- 
^ired, though I muil previoufly confult th« 
hafiyjketchts vchich have already been given^ left 
my jiqipixiory fail me in fo arduous an undertaking 
and left I omit circumftancps cffentially neceflary 
to be adverted to in all iafy^ Jketches of fuch im- 
portant affiiirs: Take notice, however, that this 
is my own AJ^jr^/c7i, andnoHhat of my Bal- 
loon friefid, who, notwithftailding his acquaint- 
tance with the Bulian language|.,ha%4kotihe fa- 
cility /or which I a^i remarkable in i^eporting.le- 
giflaiive proceedings* 

I'Hiva alre^ly lofonftedyau, that it was Rey- 
twdam's delight to obiUua the will of the King.. 
T^ man wsume^l oqly extremely ambitious, but 
his ambition, vfircf. a very dangerous com- 
plexioni and,' had' his power been :fubfervient to 
his wifhes, was fuch as all good men had reafon 
to fear. 

By the operation of caufes, to the influence of 
which limited monarchies are always fubjefl, 
Reynaniam became the RafinvHi or chief fer« 
vant of Rexman th« kiAgi and cOnftquently had 
the management of the moft important ai^its» 
This gave him Wonderful influence amongft the 
EtatKS, who, though not otie of diem, the daf 
before^ would have iMit hiih the loan of an air« 
balloon, but on condition of his never teturaing 
int6 the kingdom, tiow courted and paid more ^U 
tentionto him than to the king himfelf« In order 
to augment his influence, Mid to feed his ambi- 
tion, -Reynardam knew it wasneceflary to pofiela 
wealth; and he kndw k was no tmeommon 
thing to appropriate the riches of the public to 
private ufes \ a maxim retigioufly obferved by all 
who had the honour to aft as Re^itinv, or chief 
fervant of the king. Unluckily for Reynardam^ 
he became Retfmim at a time when there were 
b6 fruMic riches to appropriate. Sotnethhig^ 
however, was to be done; the intereftcd wretches 
who, againft the voice of the people, and iia 
^re hatred to the king, had railed Reynardam^ 
to power, were anxiou(ly waiting for the rewardi 
of their ferviccs, and Reynardam at length dit 
<!Overed means to put them out of fufpenfe. 

CsRtAiN of the inhabitants of Bulia had th* 
cxcliifirc prlvifcgeof making and exporting air* 


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hnUoooM^d other Biilian mcrchloidHc to foreign 
■plaoetft^ They were an aOociated body, and iud 
^acquired great riches in ihe Bulian cOiA, bcfidcs 
^;ua immenfe quantity of air-balloons, which were 
-continually pafling and lepalling to and from 
-ether planets, particularly Eaftwardof Niatirb, to 
-a world called Jidni^ alxMinding in jewels and 
{lecious ftooes* 

.HAVma power inhtihaiKls adequate to hi^ 
defigns,. Reynafdam immediately -determmed, hy 
a fudden (Iretch of that power, to eilabliOi it, 
.and to enrich himfetf. He, therefore, prepares a 
ibrtiite enabling a certain number of his friends, 
under v^^^s.yictencofi, .to (eife the fnTOperty^of 
ihjD ^ll^on-mongers^ and to apply^ it for the 
tnutu^- benoftt of the right ownei^, andiof the 
public, that is 0f himfol^ -for. I heve:akeady ah* 
{ei^vfd thet^'tfaf^ ReUininD always. ufios. the public 
money aaif it wem his. ow^i private property ; a 
cuftom whkh Reynvdam, id this inftancd 
would not have renounced for the whole (blar« 
fyftem;. fuch was his delight in following thofe 
ftate maxims which had received the fan£Uon.of 
innumerable precedents ! 

Rkynardam having declared his intention,- 
and produced his ftatute, all Bulia was in con« 
^on; every man e^pe^d to be deprived of 
his property by a ftatutc, >yhich cxprefsly ordain* 
ed the Bal^>on-mongers to refign their riches in- 
tpthe^handsof thofiiJleynardam had appointed 
to receive them. This flatute gave infinite plea-) 
fure to the moft mercenary, that is, to the great cfl 
part of the Etanes, who began to entertain fome 
hopes of reaping advantages for affifting Rcy- 
nardam in his infamous defigns ; and, to obtain 
them, give their voiced fdr confirming (he ftatute. 

L\, this, hQwever,, they were providentially 
ml(laken. The king,, who asfmc^rely loved his 
people, as he hated the infidious Reyhardam, 
and whofc humanity and regard to juftice were 
as confpicuous as the public Vnd private bafcnefs 
of his chief fcrvant, privately fent for Elpmet, 
one of the Reppu, a man refpe6lcd for his public 
abilities and amiable for his private chara^r. 
To him Rexman communicated his ideas of 
Reynardam*9 ftatute, and requefted to know the 
Tcntimcnts of Elpmct, 9n the fame fubje6^« Find- 
ing them fimilar to his owii, he conjured him, 
hy the love he bore h:$ country, to oppose Rey- 
nardam's (btute in the Reppu, as the only means 
of prctcrving even the appearance of juftice, and 
the lafcty of the ftarc. Elpmet accordingly op- 
pofed it, and infimafing to others of the Reppu, 
that it was the will of the king, as well as of the 
cople, that it fliould be oppofed, the chief 'Of 

the Reppu reje^ed the ftatute; Reynardam was 
deprived of the office of Retfmim, and retired to 
his original obfcurity, with the augmented de* 
tcftation of Rexman, and the execration of the 
people at large ! — Of the hatred, which he bore 
to Elpmet, and to the king himfelf ; of the empty 
menaces with which he threatened both of thern^ 
for the mutual confidence they repofed in each 
etfaejr^ aed of the arts he ufed for corrupting the 
moraljsa^d political principles o^Sclaw^ the king's 
eldeft fon, I may have occafion to fpeak here- 

SvcH was the tranfa£Uon, which, meeting 
With the-hearty concurrence of the people, ac« 
quiiM the Reppu more popularity than they had 
pofieifed for many years: a tranfa6tion of which 
ihey ase perpetually fpeaking with rapture, and 
on which feveral fiulian volumes have been 
written, but of which I have been obliged to 
give only a Hafiy^ Sketchy by way of Chronicle, and 
that, I ficar, with many imperfe£lions. 

St. Cecilia, 

The departure of this divine warbler from 
this kingdom, is to be lamented as an event which 
muft jdamp with difgrace the chara6^er of one 
who has been hitherto efteemed a woman of 

dlfcretion and virtue. The D of D»»»»« 

feems to have a peculiar penchant for the fingers 
and dancers of the other fex. BaecdU long 
reigned, if not unrivalled, at leaft triumphant ; 
but the charms of Sl Cecilia have overpowered 
thofc of BacccUi, and the former is now in Paris, 
what the latter was in London — the hofom friend 
of D***** ! From this circumftance it is but 
too evident, that a man poflefled of abilities to 
charm (enates, and to delight theatres, may yet 
want power to check the progrefs of female 
vanity and female inconftancy, charm he ever fo 
wifely ! 


Thc Mafquerade Ball of Thurfday was by no 
means well entitled to tJte sppollation ; the 
charaftqrs were very few^ and many of the domino 
gentry walked the rooms without niaflts. The 
French ambaifador, it Ceems, had a rout at his 
houfe, at which moft of the great world were 
prefent,.for not above three <»r fi9ur of the nobility 
appeared, and n6t one titled dune was to be 
found tttidet dm roof t{ the KingVTheatre, 
though inmfk was Ae word, arnd gallantry ttic ob* 
je£L The corapany^-a pfetty, witleb, inoffen- 
five company as ever a&mble4togethcTw«amount« 
ed to about four hundred. 


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No. in 

Th« mod ftriking charafter which appeared 
m the rooms was VicCy who, in the pcrfons of 
fcveral impurcs, was to be difeovercd at every 
turn, well arrayed, and as fKppant as ufual. I1ie 
Perdita, the Bird of Paradice. White Crowj and in- 
deed none of the higher order of the infernal fif- 
tcrhood, except Mrs. M — and the C— «, were to 
he found, though 1 am pretty cdnfidcnt they were 
not at tlic French ambaflador's rout. Times we 
know, are hard %Yith the Pcrdita; and two 
guineas^, fomctimcs, an objeft with mod of them. 
—Moihcrs Windfor, Johnfon, &c. fupplied the 
tnarkct with the choiceft fruits, their hot- 
houfes could afford J whiUl Mrs. M-— -affumed 
the aiw aad the appeatancc of the Queen of hnpu- 
rity, and was cojnpUmcwtcd as fupporting the 
eharafter. wheilici' mafkcdor not, with (ingular 
iucccfi ! 

'The maiks that claimed the mo ft favourable 
tioticc, vfCic^ razor -grindery a Dutch jtw^ ^ High 
land lad and M/j, ^coutitry clown; There was 
alfo a Mad Tom^ who, tq be furc,. muft have 
been crazy, to h4ve attempted a charaftcr which, 
notwilhftanding his crazi'ncfi^ he was by no means 
able to fuflain; his appearance- was rather dif- 
^ufting than otherwifc. — A taU man, dreffed in 
pink,, witli a fadi, repiefented a chiUy and it was 
univerfally aUowcd that he was perfc£Hy in cha- 
ratler, till he got diunk^ and became zfooL A 
figure rcprcfenting SccrU Influence, aarafted ge- 
neral notice, bearing the ribbon of the order of 
thi? Templers, with an infcription, Knights of 
Temple; he had on a black cloak, tied'round with 
a girdle, labelled 5<rcrcf Influence-, a double face; a 
wooden Temple on his head, on his back a ladder, 
with the words,BflfA Staixs\ a dark lantern in his 
ha|id> and a qiuch darker in his head, for of all the 
mafked figures, h© was the dulleft. After re- 
ceiving fome ftale news-paper repertees, probably 
from the original fabricators, he was courteoufly 
addreffed by a domino, who congratulated him 
on his public appearance, and complimented him 
asthefaviourof his county, by exerting his power 
in fupport of his fbvereign, and the rights of 
his fellow citizens, and aboliihing the growing 
influence of a defpcratc minifter. ** You came^ 
faid the cbmino, like the angel to Feter in prifoH 

and I truft iuch angels will never be wanting 

to fupport the dignity of the king, and the 
majcfty of the people^ againfl ihefecret influence^ 
and public impudence of hackneyed ftatefmen azid 
profeffed (harpers!** This (iomitto was faid to be 
an independent ele^for WeJiminfUr. 

Political wit, indeed, was the only wit 
that could be heard at this xnafquerade; and it 

confided chiefly of thofe miferable pUM which 
fill the daily prints, amufing one part of mat^ 
kind, and difgufting the other. 

About two o'clock the company fat down ta 
an elegant cold fupprr : mod of the articles, con- 
fiding of chickens, hatiis» partridges, and othef 
game, Iweetmeats, &c. were excellent; but the- 
wines, confidered as foreign, were bad ; con* 
fidered as home^madt^ they wetv not good ; and 
confidered as mixed, they were villainous. 

Scelus eft jugular Falcmum^ 

Et dare Compano toxica Jixva mero 't 

Such of the company as amufed themfelves with 
dancing, were perpetually interrupted by die 
furrounding fpe£tators, and confequently could 
not di^lay themfelves to- much advantage ; every 
thing, however, was taken » good part, and it 
was determined to keep up the fpirit of good 
humour, which was the only fpirit that appeared 
during the time I (laid in the rooms. 

Masquerades have been for fome time on 
the decline, and the managers of this, difcovcrcd 
little judgment in rating their tickets fo high as 
t%vo guineas. It is not poflible to give an enter- 
tainment in this houfie worth more than half the 
money ; even if they were to appoint the opera 
dances to perform a ballet, by way of addition 
to the pleafures of a mafquerade ; and fomething, 
extraordinary fbo|dd be given for anextraor^ 
dinary price. 


Cum tM^ulis animum cenforis fumet honefti. 


«« Bold be the critic, zcalotu to bit tnifii 
Like the firm judge, inexorably juft.'* 

I X NOW not of any perfbn that is ipore likely 
than myfelf to obferve the golden rule of Ho- 
race: — becaufc| am not perfonally acquainted 
with, or partial to, any one manager, aftor or 
aftrefs of any theatre. I, therefore, proceed in 
this department without refpcft to names, per- 
fons, or any thing elfe, but tfie diftatcs of com- 
XBon obfervation and common fenfe. 


Twxs Theatre, after a variety of contentions 
which threatened us with the total lofs of the 
Italian opera, at laft opened under the aufpices of 
SignorGALLiNi, with a fele£Hon of performers,, 
efpccially amongft the dancers,that may well fcrve 
the purpofes of a fhewy amufement.— But the 
Opera rage is over. The more rational amufc- 
ments of the Britifti dage, under the influence 
of much novelty and fome excellence, have fu^ 


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perfeded lialian frippery; and the public have re- 
peatedly given an earned of their tafte, by leaving 
I^cchierotti to fmg to empty benches, 

Like Philomela warMiog all alone 1 
* whild clapping theatres and fhouting crowds," 
hive hailed the Siddons and the Crawford «8 
the rival queens of dramatic glory ! 

I AU well pleafed with an opera well fet, 

for as to the language of the Italian opera it is» 

ufually, execrable indeed ! Refpe^ng Saturday 

t)ights*s / Rivali Dciufi, it may be faid to poflfeft 

fomt degree of mufical merit. Franchi and 

Tafcamet with applaufe; and Signora D'Orta 

certainly improves in her firft fong. Cramer's 

accompaniments are, in general, well executed; 

but Cramer muft play many a folo before he 

rivals Ciardini. The faouie was by no means 

wanned with company; and I am convinced 

that nothing but the revival of fomc favourite 

piece will regain that eftimation to the Italian 

opera which it experienced three years ago.-^ 

The Dances, indeed, merit that applau(e which 

they received, and inftcad of a fccondary, are now 

become the primary objedl of attention. Slingfby 

and Theodore always give more than fatisf^Aion. 

Vcflris,' Roffi, and Simonet are juflly admired 

by thofe who have any proper conception of the 

Serious in dancing. — Barthelemon^s muHc is, in 

general, pleafing, and in fome paflages does him 



Thk Provoked Hujhndy performed on Tucfday, 

gave me an opportunity of feeing Smith and 

Mils Farrcn as Lord and Lady Townley, and I 

think them equally excellent in their refpe^ve 

charaflers ; and fo long as Mils Farren continues 

to play with the fprightlinefs and eafe which dif- 

tinguiChed her performance of Lady Townley, I 

fee no manner of rcafon for all the weeping and 

wailing» the howling and crying which the daily 

prints pour forth when the town is deprived of 

the injinitt deiight of feeing the peacock Abington 

in all the gaudy plumage of a theatric waitlrobe ! 

MiTs Farrcn always pleafes the audieAce; and if 

{he is not (6 much puffed in the papers u the 

tharming AHngton, " her ftaie is the more graci- 

^\X$,**''^C/u6rmiMg Abington !--*and why not cJiarm' 

ing Katierfclto ? 

Mas. SioooMSf in Meafure for Mcafurt^ on 
Wedneiday, played Ifabella with her accu domed 
excellence. It is remarkable of this aflrefs, that 
flie never «* o*cr(leps the modefty of nature.*' 
Ifabella is a charader by no means calculated to 
(hew her powers, though (he was, when necef- 
lary^ impaffioned, and through the whole play 

dlfcovered that grace and delicacy which gave her 
the preeminence overall her prefent contempora- 
>ries, except in the judgment of thofe who prefer 
rant to nature. 

I c AH NOT omit mentioning a circum{b}nce 
which reflefb credit on feveral of the Kembles^ 
who afted as fpe£Utors of this play which was 
very tliinly attended. The circumftance I al- 
lude to is, that fuch of the family as were prefent^ 
decently fcated themfel^ in the pit, and behaved 
in fuch a manner as ought to make their pro* 
feffional friends blufh for thofe impudent and 
fantadic airs by which they are ufually dif* 
tinguifhed in the green boxes. 

On Friday Mrs. Siddons played JfaneShore^ 
and gave the chara£ler every advantage of excel* 
lence, in drefs and performance. Smithes Haft* 
ings is a very indifferent piece of work, and his 
drefs one of the vile(l the wardrobe can fui^ 
ni(h» Mils Kemble, in Alicia, was all that is 
defpicabic, and the managers deferve the utmoft 
reprobation for infulting the town with perry ^ 
when ihey are paid for champagne. 


Mas. CowLfiY*s comedy of More Wt^s than 
Ofu^ wa5 performed on Tuefday. The public 
prints have already faid enough, and fomething 
too much, in its favour.— ^I fhail, therefore, only 
obfcrve, that the farcafm on paragraph-writers^ 
of which honourable profcflion I cannot but deem 
myfelf, whild I aft as your Sfectatorshif's 
Deputy, is a fmart rap on her own knuckles. 
This play is well dreffed, well performed, and 
delcrves to be, as it always ia^ well received* 

On Wednefday, the Duenna. Davies, in the 
abfence of Reynolds, performed Antonio, and 
acquitted himfelf with cn^it. It is unneceflary 
to criticife on a mttficat piece when performed at 
Covent-Garden Theatre. Nothing but excellence 
can be expcAed from fuch an affemblage of mals 
and female nightingales, larks, and black-birds! 

Th s Mourning Bfide^ on Thurfday, was decently 
performed ; but the part of Almeria is not cal- 
culated to exhibit the powers of Mrs. Crawfbfd. 
Mifs Younge in Zara, difplayed thofe abilities 
\vhich entitle her to admiration. The reft of the 
play was delivered *< as weU as could beexpeded." 

The Pantomime of Harlequin RamUer con- 
tinucs to be run every night again ft the Harlequin 
Junior of the other Houfe. This is fomething 
like running a jack-afs again ft the beft horfe in 
the Duke of Queenfl)eity*s ftable I 

It is to be lamented that a manager of fo much 
fpirit as that of Covcnt-Carden fhould fo fre- 


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No. IW 

quentiy put himfelf to enormous expenccs in get^ 
ting up tralh that is better calculated for Bartho- 
lomew fair^ d»n a Theatre Royal ; 

The Political Graces* 

The l)uchcfs of Rijf LAN'D. 

The Counfefs of Chatham. 

The Counsels of Te rfp l e . 
1 AM credibly informed that thdfethrcd amiable 
iharaHers, having the welfare of this country, 
arid the dread of a certain monftcr, called Coati- 
iion before their eyes, a few days ago, aCfembled 
fogcther, and being fo aflembled, deivoutly, on 
their htees^ drank " Succcfe to the 'prcfent Mi- 
niftry! — Of this I thought proper to inform 
four Spectator SHIP, notwithflanding your In- 
junftion to rejeft political obfervations in my 
mifcellany ; in which injunftion I humbly con- 
ceive you did not mean to include female politics^ 
i therefore thought proper to make this report, 
and to aflurc you that the faid Three Graces have 
my hearty concurrence to affemble again, and de- 
voXitly, on their knees, to drink " Succefs to the 
New Spectator J"-— not forgetting the Su^ 
SfeOtdorial welfare of 

Th^ir truly devoted, 


To other CoRRESPOK&EirTs.^ 

I am ohliged to pofpoite the Art of conducing 
morning papers, btfides corifiderably cuHaxHng tht 
theatrical^ and other ohfetvatiom ^ John Bull, The 
advice contained in the Utter Jigned Sawney W. is 
not thrown axoay; the offiic of my Deputy is %o^^ 
however f to be confined to important vuUters, htt it iti 
intended that his obfervations fhall extend to the 
" tittle-tattle** of the day ; "/(tt by the throwing up of 
a ftraxo (fays an old author, J we may fee which wa^ 
the wind fits" — The lines figned CdXofiould have been 
addrejed to Jeffrey Dvnfian, and not to the Lord 
Chancellor. The letters figned A Whig, and a Re- 
volution Whig, can have no place in the l^ zw S?gc» 
TAT OR ; they favour too much ofthefpirit of party ; 
and though party is the bane of this kingdom, it fhalS 
not be the ruin of this paper. The impudence of a 
morning paper of yefterdc^, in comparing Mrs, H. 
with a notorious proftitute, can be equalled only by the 
falfliood contained in tht affertion that the former is 
nowfecreted in PaU-malL It has ufuaUy been tht 
fate of that paper to fteer on the wrong fide of 
the Poft \-^The Ladies who called at the Printer's 
on Saturday, may reft ajfured that their requefi 
fhall be complied with. 

LoKDON : Printed by T. RtctAsy, No. 15, DukeVCourt, Bow-Street, Covcnt-Gardcn ; 

Sold by T. AX TELL, No. 1, Finch-Lane, Comhill, and at the Royal Exchange; hf 
W. SWIFT, Bookfeller, Charles-Street, St. James's-Square ; by P. BRETT, BookfcUer and 
Stationer, oppofite St. Clcment's-Church in the Strand ; and by W. THISELTON, Bookfeller and 
Stationer, No. 37, Goodg^.Street, Rathbone-Placc. 

^ * CoRRBSPOMDENTS ve requefted to addrefs their favours to the Ni^v SrictATOH, t» 
the care of any of the above-named Publiihers» 

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W 1 T H T H E 


ifti" r*riJtj»1«i<i 

No. in. 

TUESDAY, FtBRUARV 17, 17^84. 

Price Thrce-pciuJe. 

in fiiin V \t9 

To b€ continued every Tuesday. 

■lU ,iltl^ ■a^iifiltfr 

Pars nmUa natat^ modi fe£U capijjen^ 
InUrdum praois Umxia. 

Moft otlien float along thd changing tide, 
And now to virtue, now to vice they glide. 



IT is adifiigreeable drcumfUnce to a writer who 
wiihes to render hii labours fubfervicnt to 
humanity, that he is under the neceflity of ex- 
poiing the vices, rather than of recommending 
the virtues of mankind ; fOr fuch is the prefent 
fiate of morality amongfl us, that the fear of 
punifhment operates more (brongly on the minds 
of men, than the hope of reward; hence fatire 
has been able to efiFed at leaft apparent amend- 
ment| where the imited powers of reafon and 
pcrfuafion have proved abortive. But t^e im- 
porfe6Hon of human nature has in all ages been 
jufUy lamented. Prejudice and paflion, cuftom 
and caprice, have ever held the moft tyrannical 
dominion over the minds of men. Slaves to 
the depravity of their nature, and, like {laves, 
accuftomed, not only to obey, but to flatter the 
taik-mafter, and encourage him to rivet their 
chains the faftcr, mankind have been, and ftill 
continue, the pupils of prejudice, rather than 
the followers of reafon. 

Thi prefent is an age abounding inphilofophy 
and literature; and Britain may juiUy be efteemed 

the Athens, and Rome of the eighteeflth ceittaty. 
The recedes of philofophy were never niofe affi- 
duoufly explored ; the precepts of morality , were 
never more ftrongly inculcated; nor was the in* 
veftigation of truth, ever more ardently purfued; 
jret when will the bulk 6f matikind grow wifet, 
and the multitude ceafe to do evil ? 

We fee that in almoft every fcietice, truth 
has its opponents, but in none more than ift 
the fcience of legiflation. Were ati angel vifibtjr 
to defcend from heaven, deputed by heaVen itiblf, 
to govern mankind, fa^on and aflimolity would 
ftill retain their influence; for, whilft mi^ are 
mortal, paflion will too often fuperfede reafon 1 
ambition will ftill contend for power, avarice for 
riches, folly for titles, and the multitude for the 
darling liberty of abufing authority, and Vi6* 
lating laws with impunity. 

So that, notwithftanding the world ha^ been 
favoured with the promulgation of a religion^ 
pure and undefiled, with luminaries of fciehce, 
codes of laws, and fyftems of morality, we fee 
mankind ftill prejudiced in their ientiments, 


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narrow in their conceptions, imperfcft in their 
conduft; always endeavouring to defend their 
opinions, and indulge their paflions, rather than 
to re£Ufy their errors, and amend their lives. 

It is an obfervation of the contemplative 
Cowley, that " A learned age is always leaft 
devout;" an obfervation which, I am forry to 
fay, is, *by the prefent times, hut too fully juf- 
tified;' for it mufl be confefled that we abound 
more in learning thin in devotion; in fpeculative 
divinity, than in pra6lical piety; and this will 
always be the cafe, where men have the liberty 
of diflcminating their fentiments, publifhing the 
coi^jft^iires of fimey, laying. the foundations of 
Eygothetical fyftems,, and erefting the ftrufturcs 
of theory, as watch-towers to the benighted ma- 
riner, and as land-marks to the pious pilgrim ; a 
liberty which is the peculiar blefllng of this coun- 
try, and on which alj other liberties depend. 

But as kamed, partipularly fpeculative men, 
feldom agree, • fo, with all the rancour of dif- 
putation, and the animofity of party virulence, 
fyftcm is oppofed to fyflem, theory .to theory, 
and opinion to opinion; all pretending to in- 
ftruft mankind, in the road to virtue and hap- 
pinefs, and, in the heat of debate, forgetting to 
praftife the one, and totally loofing fight of the 
other; and a great part of the multitude, by no 
means addifted to thinking, choofe rather to be 
defUtute of fixed principles, than to acquire them 
at the expencc of fo much time and contemplation 
as their vocations will not pcnnit, nor their in- 
clinations indulge. 

From hence we may, though with tlie figh of 
philofophy, fafely fubfcribe to the opinion of 
Cowley; fincc the learned, by their impolitic 
cavils, not only abandon piety themfelves, but 
lead the vulgar to conclude that religion is the 
offspring of fiftion, the contrivance of cunning, 
the chimera of fancy, or fomething fo difficult to 
attain, that they fhall Hand excufed^ on the plea 
of ignorance, in the omiflion of duties, with 
which they are as well pleafed to remain unac- 
quainted. Hence they become more abandoned 
in tbcir vices, more profligate in their manners ; 
and nothing but the dread of temporal afflidion 
can reflrain them from the indulgence of favage 
ferocity, and wanton barbarity: they would " eat 
the bread of wickcdnefs, and drink the wine of 

There is another and happily the more nu- 
merous clafs of men, who are neither philofo- 
phical enough to frame fyflcms, nor wicked 
enough to dethrone confcience ; who firmly 'Re- 
lieve the exiflence of the deity, and diffent only in 
their modes of worfhip ; and though fome modes' 

are certainly more confonant to reafon thaaothen^i 
yet each of thefe has his leader in opinion, and is 
fo ftrongly fettered by prejudice, as not even to 
liften to arguments, that tend to the convi6^ion 
of error in his leader, or impropriety in himfelf. 
Thus it is, that fimilarity of fentiment is the 
flrongcft cement of affection ; though many will 
more readily embrace and efleem principles for 
the fake of men, than love men for the fake of . 
principles. And this is no late prejudice ; for even 
Cicero complains, that men regarded the perfon 
who fpoke, more than the thing that was fpoken. 
Much more might be added in illuftration of 
Cowley's fentiment. It opens a l^rgc fie^4 ^V 
fpechilationi'but in one thing, at leaft, I will 
imitate the poets : I will leave iomcthhig to cxet^ 
cife the imagination of the reader. 

Several thoufand years ago, three beautiful 
damfels, named Reason, Opinion, and Curio- 
sity, were wanderii\g together in m cxtcnfivo 
foreft, in fearch of a flower called Truth, which 
had long been fought for in vain. It was deemed 
fwceter than the rofe, more delicate than therlily^ 
and had the fingular quaLry of retaining an eter< 
nal bloom. Repofing themfelves by the fide of a 
fountain. Opinion difcovercd a purple violet, 
and infifted that file had found tlie prize. Rea- 
son Contended that k could never be the fiower 
. called Truth, for wherever it grew, it was as 
white as the mountain fnow, and, even in the 
night, might be difcovered like the glimmering of 
the evening flar in the blue expanfe of heaven* 
But Opinion perfifted, and would not quit the- 
contcfl, till fhe could be affurcd of the fa6l, and 
requeftcd it might be left to the decifion of the 
next perfon they fhould meet. Whilfl Curio- 
sity was attentively examining it, a traveller, 
who delighted in nothing fo much as rambling 
out of the common road, and had lofl his way, 
came up to the damfels to enquire where he was^ 
and to folicit their prefence at his dwelling, for he 
was ever pleafed with the converfation of ftran- 
gers. His name was Chance, and he no fooner 
behdJ Opinion, than he conceived a violent 
affeftion for her. Opinion, with a wining 
fmile, artfully propofed the queflion refpe6Ung 
the flower, and he, defirous of ingratiating him- 
felf with fo fair a damfel, alTured her it was 
the flower called Truth, on which Opinion 
faid fhe would' proceed no further in quell of 
that which fhe had already found. So that 
Reason and Curiosity, never tired of walk« 
ing, purfued their journey; and Chance taking 
Opinion home with him, publicly efpoufed her, 
and had a daughter named Prejudice ; but 
her parents ncglcfting her education, fhe was de- 

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fiowercd by a man called Custom, with whom 
fhc continued to live as his concubine, and hy 
whom he had a numerous progeny of male and 
female children. 

What became of Reason, hiftory does not 
inform us ; but tradition fays fhe at length found 
out Truth, and being thirfly with rambling in 
the woods, direded her courfe to a cottage, aea^ 
which a young maiden, called Philosophy, was 
drawing water out of a well. Curiosity 
prompted Reason to peep into the well, to fee 
how deep it was, when (he accidentally let the 
flower Truth drop into it. Curiosity was 
not at all concerned at the event ; for having ex- 
amined and fmelled on the Teaves, fhe was fatis- 
fied; but Reason made great lamentation; and 
it is faid, that (he and Philosophy have at 
times, ever (Ince, been vainly endeavouring to 
recover Truth out of the well ! 

To the Nxw Spectator. 

I tfuftthc caufe of Humanity will always 
fed an advocate in the New Spectator. * A$ 
a ftiend to Humanity, I wifh to £tt the foOow- 
ing P©em in your coUedion. It was written by 
the late Rev. Dr. LAKisftORNs, whofe poedcal 
todrit is wdl known amongft poetical tcadefs, 
imd whofe letters of Tkeodofots and Conjtantia have 
^fervedly rcndeped him a favourfte writer with 
the wofid «i general, and our {ex m particular. 
I am truly aftonSflied Aat fo cxccflent a com- 
pofition ^ that wbhich I now fend you, is not 
mwe generally known. I am. Sir, 

Yours, &c. 

Lichficid. " ANN S*****, 

Hymn to HuM.i^NiTY, 

tarcnt of virW, if thine car 

Attcnsil tioi now to forrow^s bi^; - 

If ttow'thc 5^ty-ftTcamifl]g tear ' 

ShwiW hAplf bh thy Aeek be c% ; 
3n<folgi inyvOB^ Ulriiii, O fWeM Hu m a n i t y I 

Come> ever welcome to nny bi^aft ! 
A tender, but a cheaifal ^fl. » 
Nor always in the. gloomy cell 
Of Hfc^confiiming forrow dwcl|;* 
Fbr fetfOw, long induIgM and flow, 
Is to Humanity a foe ; 
And gtWf; Ai^'inakcs "ihelicart i ptty, 
WeiEiffe JfeNfiWRfy flh^iy. .. 

ITiedxwiies fwceiuiiyw^ 1 4li(lcttf «f Ihto^ 

O may that fiend be baniffied far, 
Tho' paflions hold eternal war I 
Nor ever let me ccafe to know 
The pulfe that throbs at joy or woe : 
Nor let my vacant check by dry, 
When forrow fills a brother's eye | 
Nor may the tear that frequent flowa 
From private or from focial woes, 
E'er make this plcafing fcnfc depart.— 
Ye Cares, O harden not my heart I 

If the fair flar of fortune fmilc, 
Let not Its flattering power beguile. 
Nor, borne along the fav*ring tide, 
My full fails fwell widi bloating pride. 
Let me from wealth but hope content^ 
Remembering (HU it was but lew; 
To modeft merit fpread my (lore, 
Unbar my hofpitahlc door ; 
Nor feed, for pomp, an idle train. 
While want unpidcd pines in vain. 

If heaven, in every purpofe wife^ 
The envied lot of wealth denies ; 
If doom'd to drag life's painful load 
Thro* poverty's uneven road. 
And, for the due bread of die day» 
DeflinM to toil as well as pray ; 
To thee. Humanity, fiiM trpe, 
I'll wtih ihe good I cannot do ; 
And give ihe wretch, diatpafictl^ 
A ^diii^ wonl--a tear^ fi^. 

Howe*er exalted, or depreft, 
Be ever mine the feeling bread. 
From me rempve the ftagnant mind 
Of languid indolence^ rcclin'd;' 
The fotrf that one long (abbatfa kctps^ 
And <hfo* the fito's Whole cirelc fleept^ 
J>uli Peace, that'^ells in F-otly'i eye^ 
, And iel^irtfinding :Vanity. 
'' Alike, -ihe-CcH'Kihk r«^d the v^n, 
Arc firangers to the fenfe humane.. 

O for that fympathetic glow 
tVhich teught^tfce holy tear to ^ow. 
When tl>e prophetic eye furvey'd 
Sion in future afhes laid ! 
Or, rais'd.iahcaye(i, implored fth4 bread 
That thoufands in the defart fed ! 
Or, when the heart o'er friendfhijJ*^ giwt 
Sigh'd, and forgpt its power to fevc— r- 

for that (ympathetjc glow 

Whith taught the holy tear Co flow*! ' ' 

It comes : Jt fillrmy labouring liietft;-^ 

1 fe<l my beetitg heart oppieft. r 
Oh, hear that lately widow's wail I 
See her xiim *yc.! her afpeA pale J 
To heaven fhc, t^ras in deep deipair^ 
Her infanu wonder at her prayeiy 


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And, mingling tears tkey know not why, 
Lift up tbeir little hands, and cry. 
O God I their moving forrow fee \ 
Support them, fweet rfu m a n i t y ! 

Life, iilPd with grief's diftrcfsful train, 
For ever aflcs the tear humane. 
Behold in yon unconfcious grove 
The vidims of ill-fated love ! 
Heard you that agonizing throe ? 
Sure this is not romantic woe ! 
The golden day of joy is o'er ; 
And now they part—to meet no more. 
Aflift them, hearrs from anguifli free I 
Affift them, fweet Humanity! 

Parent of virtue, if thine ear 

Attend not now to forrow's cry ; 
If now the pity-ilrcaming tear 

Should haply on thy cheek be dry, 
Indulge my votive fiiain, O fweet Humanity ! 

To the l^MMtr Spectator. 
Dear Spec! 

In the name of a church folio, what is to 
be done ? I find you leave out fomc of the moft 
choice of my opinions, and temporary remarks, 
for want of room ! My opinion of coloured garters, 
amd my remarks on gold-laced JlockingSi with the 
romantic ftory of the Windfor Widow, and the 
memoris of Mrs. Abingtorif all laid afide, for want 
of room! But, my dear Spec, confider that if 
you cannot find fpace enough formy mifcellanies, 
I {hall never write down half the abufes I am 
witnefling daily, and people wilt think I know 
no more , than a dumb fortune-teller, or a 
Piccadilly .conjurer. Remedy this evil, my good 
friend, if you even publiih twice a week, and, for 
the love of the virtues, do not be fparing of a 
little paper, to expofethe vicei! — But I proceed 
in my memorabilia. 

Your faithful Deputy eled ! 


Female Dress^ 

The moft provoking circimiftance attending 
the life of a lady of tafte, is, the impudence of 
the vulgar in prefuming to adopt her drefs, and 
render it common before ihe has (hewn it to half 
the town. I have fometimes been amazed, that 
thofe patronefles of tafte and fefhion in female 
drefs, the DuchelFes of Devonfhire and Rutland, 
never procured his Majejty's Royal Letters Patent, 
for the exclufive privilege of wearing, appearing 
in, and ex^fing to admiration certain dreffes, by 
them the laid Duchefles firft invented, formed. 

fafhioned, and worn; fOr in fuch words, or in 
words fimilar to thofe, doubtlcfs faid Patent 
would run. 

Ladies of diftin£lion, have, atlaft, however, 
procured a drefs, which cannot cafily be adopted 
by their inferiors ; it is too cxpenfivc, and in- 
deed too ftately for daily exhibition. The body 
confifts of black velvet, the train of white crape, 
and the petticoat of pink (attin* The head b 
adorned not only with feathers, but with crimp 
feathers, and it is a happy circumftance, in thefe 
times of fcarcity, that a lady of fafhion may pro- 
cure a cap, fit to be feen in, at the reafonable 
price of four guineas ! 

Balloon hats now adorn the heads of fuch of 
the parading impures, as can afford them ; whilft 
the more inferior tribe, have invented a hat 
which is, not improperly, called the Bajiard 
balloon ! — ^being a humble imitation of the green- 
box balloon, and dcftitutc of feathers. Thefe 
balloon fafhiona, I believe, are about their zenith, 
and muft foon burft, and be forgotten ! 

I AM forry to obferve, that the Sajh has its re- 
tainers, even in the depth of winter^ but fome 
ladies think they never can appear too airy, and 
perhaps deem the Safh a neceCIary appendage 
to the balloon hat. Be that as it may, I can- 
not but look on the Safh, now, as no bad re* 
femblance of a label to a phial of phyfic, con- 
taining direftions how to take it. Indeed if any 
thing were to be infcribed on the fafhes of. thofe 
ladies who now wear them, furely nothing 
could be nK)re apofite than the words. To be 
leU to the btji bidder. But I belieVe the fign ia 
prct^ gencr^ly undferfhxxi, without the in- 
fcription ! 

B U L I A. 

I HAVE already acquainted your Spectator- 
ship, that when my friend and I, in our air bal- 
loon, firft arrived in this curioiu coimtry, the 
people were involved in politics, and talked and 
thought of nothing eHe ; and as I wifhed to give, 
you a faithful relation of every thing wc fhould 
learn there, I deemed it neceffary, like all other 
travellers, to give fome account of the form of 
government and the ftate of the politi(!aI af&irs 
as well as of the manners ^nd cuftoms, fafhions, 
and amufements of the world which we thus ac- 
cidentally vifited. I will, however, fpr the pre- 
fent, bid adieu tP their politics, and give you 
fome account of the general charaOer of the 

The Bulians are reprefented by their ancie^it 
hiftorians, to have been at once warlike and hof^* 
pitable. It was late biefore fcience made aAy pro* 
greliiamoDgftthem; but iulhcadwiicedi their fe- 

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rocity gave way, and, in proccfc of time, they 
became polifhed and enervated. It was their 
pride to boaft of the warlike exploits of their 
hardy progenitors, and of the honour they had 
acquired by combating with, and conquering, 
worlds of much larger extent than their own« 
The Bulians particularly excelled in encounter- 
ing their enemies in their air balloons, and, even 
at the time we vifited them, were faid to excel 
the neighbouring planjcts in their dextrous ma- 
nagement of thofe curious machines. They had 
juft then concluded a war in which they fingly 
oppofed four enormous planets, and were willing 
to affume to themfelvcs the honours of vi6lory. 
To us, however, it appeared to have been a fort 
of drawn battle on all fides. 

BuLiA, emerged in thofe diftreflcs which war 
always occaHons, and in that luxury which a 
partial refinement always introduces, prefented 
to our view, a people of a mixed, and almofb 
heterogeneous charader : proud, and y^ vain; 
infolent and yet courteous; benevolent, and yet 
too often inhuman; generally capricious, yet 
fometimes fleady. Their chief delight was to 
command other worlds, but, alas, they wanted 
the virtue to command themfelves ! They were 
not defUtute of hcroifin, but deficient in rc- 
(blution. They aflumcd the appearance, and the 
airs of bravery,* but <* their courage was raifed 
hy an affront, and died in a duel !" 

Such were the men of Bulla, when we vifited 
them. The chara6ler of their women was 
equally mixed, and^ ifpoflible, more undefinablc. 
«— But of them I ihall have enough to fay when 
I give you the charafter of Selazo, the king's 
jeldeft fon. — My balloon friend, has juft now 
brought me a literary work, which he calls. The 
fiami kmblc of R^nardam ; tranflated from the 
£ulian; >a produ^ion read with infinite pleafure 
by the Bulians, who ever delighted in mounte- 
banks and tumblert ! 

Morning Papers, ' 
/ News-papers were perhaps never in more 
4gDXKnl eftimation, than at prefent, but the chief 
objefi: of them i«^ oearly loft. Intelligence, 
dom«ftic and foreign, is what, properly, con- 
ftitutes.a news-paper; whereas dirty abufe, il- 
liberal refle6Hons, and patty malevolence, now 
form the chief articles of k news-paper, and he 
that throws the mo^ dirt,' and exhibits the pro- 
lR*i»deft (kill in the icience of impudence, is 
£u-e to iucceed the beft t Trading-orators, like 
trading-jufticcs, fend dabotatc accounts of their 
4i¥m honefty, and, on pi^nng their fees^ are cknh 
midei^ heraldizcd, and pojted^ as the only m^ oh 
whom Um fidvatii9ii of tbr country can depend ! 

Never were the condu6lors of thefe literary 
muflirooms fo puzzled to know which fide of the 
queftion to take in their political capacity, as 
they have been lately* It was curious enough to 
obferve the violent oppofition, which during 
Lord North's adminiftration, and imm^ediately 
aftenvards,' took place between thefe important 
members of £he community !— how they pa- 
ragraphed one man, and be-paragraphed another! 
—how the Poft black-balled Charles Fox, and 
the General waflied him white again ! — ^how the 
Herald appointed Jladle adminiftrations, and the 
PiMc overturned them! — how theZ«d(g^^ reported 
certain faids, and the Gautteer contradi6led them 1 
— ^how the Daily kept accumulating money by 
advertifmg, and cared neither for one fide, nor 
the other !-— In thefe dreadful times it required 
fome ikill to condud a morning paper ; but the 
cafe is quite altered now !— Mr. Fox no fooner 
came into adminiftration, and propofed his India 
bill, than, as if he had already thrown Indian 
pearls amongft the fwine, they all grunted in one 
key, and Vive U Renard! was the word ! — Hence 
the very papers that for years, had been his 
moft violent enemies, inftantly became his greatcfl 
friends ; and the art of condu6ling a morning paper, 
refpe^ng politics, is now reduced to the fimple 
talk of panegyrifing Mr. Fox, and abufing his 
opponents. But the grand rule with an Editp^— • 
provided he is not the Editor of the Public Ad^ 
vertifer-^is to be a lawyer in his principles : that is, 
to take fees on both fides, if it can be done with- 
out difcovery ; if not, to lift under the banners of 
the beft bidder, which is ufually the man whofe 
caufe is the moft defperate !— »And fo much for 
the art of condu£ling morning papers in political 
matters!— I truft friend Spec, that I am not now 
trefpaffing on your rule againft politics, but hav- 
ing promifed the Art of conducing morning papers^ 
by way 6f opening the eyes of my countrymei^ 
againft news-paper impofition, I could not, with 
propriety, permit fo eflential an article to efcape 
animadverfton. In my next, I fhall, probably, 
go into other and, to moft people, more in- 
terefting matters refpe6Bng this bufiueis, and give 
a few inftruftions to thofe who wifti t6 {ucceed as 
writers for all, or any, of the morning papers. 

As I have neither time nor inclination to keep 
a theatrical regifter, fo I (hall only animadvert 
on fuch performers and performances, as con^ 
fiderably merit either cenfure or applaufe* 


On Thurfday Mrs. Siddons played Lady Ran- 
dolph in Douglas f a part in which Mrs. Crawford 
is faid to be ynrivalUd^ In thi$ ch vafier, theft 


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Ko; III* 

tvroaftrcffcs have merits of a difiercnt complexion. 
Mrs. Siddons, by the delicacy and fufceptibility 
of her manner, from the firft to the laft, keeps 
the attention " tremblingly alive :" whilft Mrs. 
Crawford is excellent only in a few marked paf- 
fages in which indeed fhe " harrows up the foul." 
^^JJf Brercton^s Douglas, and Benfley's Norval 
the lefs that is faid the better. 

The new comedy of Reparation, on Saturday, 
written by Mr, Andrews, is, as was intimated 
in the prologue, of the tragi-comic kind; and 
might readily be converted into any fpccies of the 
drama. The chara6ler of the ceremonious Sir 
Gregory Glovetop, is an original in water colours^ 
imd was well fupportcd by Mr. Parfons. Re- 
lating how he flood at Court in his younger days, 
he mentions the hack-Jiairsy at which fomc hot- 
headed politicians took ofFence with juft as much 
reafon as if the word dcoil had been mentioned. 
This conlidcrably retarded the performance, and 
created an univerfal uproar in the houfe. It 
Ought, however, to be obferved, that the hiflcs 
were dire^d againfl thofe whofe feelings were 
hurt by the cxpreflion, and not againfl the author 
or performer. — It is rematkable that in this piece 
there are no lefs than three chara6lers which it 
would be well to omit : Capt. Swagger, Mifs P. 
Zodiac and Lady Betty ; all ill written, and wdl 
(upported.— Julia Harvey, by Mils Farren, is a 
charafter new to the Jtage, though too much in 
the heroics, and was admirably performed. In- 
deed this is the only interefling charafter in thfc 
piece, and there is not now on the flage any ac- 
trefs who could do it that juflice it receives from 
Mifs Farren. The pretty little girl that appeared 
as thtfon of Julia, I am told is a daughter of the 
Celebrated ZofFany, the painter, who is now in 
the Eafl Indies.-^Lord Heaic and Col. Quo- 
rum ate faid to be well known chara&ers ; with- 
out adverting to any particular perfon, his lord- 
fhip is a flrong refemblance of diffipated lords 
in abundance! The Colonel too is a protot^^ 
of many a country juflScc, but Mr. Lewes dtef- 
fed his head like One pretty well known in tOfWft. 
— Mr. Dodd did juflice to Lord Heftic. Love- 
lefs atod Belfdrt, by Brercton and Farren, were 
in their ufual way : 

Something to blame, and fomediing to commend. 
They arc neceffary, but uninterefling; the fame 
obfervation may be applied to Harriet Glovetop. 
With rcfpeft to the p^y in general, it abounds 
in many good, and fome new fentiments. It is very 
thinly ftrcwed with Attic fait ; too much of the 
wit being in the news-paper ftilc, and borderi^jg 
on the pun.— The firft and fccon4 afts fo mtich 

exhaull patience itfelf, that the fcythe, rather 
than the prunihg knife, is neceffary. The ma- 
nagers in getting up the play, have not fpared 
expence, the new fcenes are well painted, and 
the dreffes are elegant, particulaHy that of Mifs* 
Farren, who, I have obferved, always dreffes 
hercharafters with propriety: feldom the cafe 
with a firfl-rate female performer !— The pro^ 
logue, fpoken by Mr. Lewes, as an old woman, 
alluding to Moliere's, had fo many temporary 
allufions, and was fo well pointed, as to receive 
more applaufc than the play itfelf— -The fame may 
be faid of the Epilogue, admirably fpoken by 
Mifs Farrch. 

The fame evening Thomas and Sally re-intro- 
duced to the public, Mifs George, ivhofe \'Ocai 
powers rival thofe of moft of our Italian vifitors. 
and who is confiderably improved in her afting, 
Mrs. Wrighten, In Dorcas, was admirable. 
Indeed, whether in old or young charaClers, the 
voice of this kdy is no fooner heard, than 
chearfulncfs and good humour pervade the whole 
houfe% Barrymore's Squire would be much 
better, if there were no Jinging in it. Wil- 
liames, in Thomas, took great pains, and is fo 
far coimnendableb 


Th£ Shipwreck^ an alteration of Lillo^ F^ 
Curigfity^ by Mr. M'Kenzie, andior of tfc« 
Prince of Tunis, Man of Feeling, and cXheriiv 
tcrary produftions, was performed on Tuefday 
and does credit to his jjonius. He has introducei 
a new chara^r with fuccefs : a ^landToti of oM 
Wilmot. The alteration, however, does tiot4>7 
any means relieve the original, in reganl to th* 
continued diflrefs which runs through the whold. 
Some further addition is neceflary to rendbr (his^ 
play of five a£b| and. firetai thtt fpeciiinn^f -Mt^. , 
M^Kenzie'is abilitik% I have no ^bubt biu h^ 
could accompHfh {vkh jmundertakii^ with citltft 
to himfelf, and fatisfa6bion to his audience, ot 
readers. By the preftnt alteratbn old Wilmot't 
crime is placed in a lefs horrid point of view, 
and the cruelty of Agnes is rendered molcc pros- 
bable. The play k well got up, and wat dbam«u 
ly performed, ifewlerfonft Wiltaot indeed, i«i 
moft parts, delayed his ufual excellenoe, -^rhidk 
in faa fu|^rted the pieca Mrs. Bates and Mib. 
Kcmble were well feteived, and Wiodig^itM 
was commendable iu Youn^ Wihnot * 
^ In ihtCardefs H^ni, oh Wedhe(fday, Mkkw 
Abtngton di^ayed fs n^iDck of her comit ^wwi 
as the part of Lady Bdtiy Modifli wifl ad»n>. 
But. the rpcurrtncc to her beauty, which is per- 
petually made through ihe wholfe pli^, thn»wi;« 
ridicule oo her perforaanct-iivliMiilil ktf 4ib 


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No. UL 


means entitled td ; Mrs. Abirigton being a very 
ordinary woman. Unfortunately for the admirers 
of this play — very little worthy of admiration-^ 
Render fon was indifpofed, and Wroughton played 
Sir Charles Elafy, which, it is io be hoped he will 
not be under the necefiity of performing again fpee- 
dily, Mrs. Mattocks in lady Eafy, gave much fatif- 
fa£lion, andwas^wcfldreffed, which is more than 
can be faid of Mrs. Abington, who was fo bc- 
fprinkled with tinfcl, as to be a filter repite^ 
fentativc 6f the dreffed dol of a toy Ihop, than- 
of a lady of quality. The audience was crouded^ 
and brilliant; for an ififipid, merctricknis comedy 
will always bring infipid, and meretricious 
people together ! 

The comedy .of the Capricious Lady^ on Fri- 
day, and again laft night, was performed before 
falhionablc audiences. This pla^y wai revived lafl 
year, at the requeft of Mrs. Abington ; and her 
performance of the capricious lady docs great 
credit to her abilities, and fhews that ftie knows 
the nature and^ftrength of her own powers; a 
fpecies of knowledge in which theatrical perform- 
ers are generally very deficient. — Mr. Wrough- 
ton, in the elder Lovelefs, appears to more ad- 
vantage than in any other comic charafter he 
has performed lately. Lewis makes as much of 
the younger Lovelefs, as it will admit ; whilft 
^Juick and Wilfon arc tolerably laughable. 

S t • C E c 1 t I A« 
I recommend it to the zoag who favored me 
with the abfurd and extravagant joke under this 
title in my laft Mifcellany, not to make the New 
Spectator the fport of his wit in future. I fay 
the tvag^ becaufe I cannot fuppofc it to have pro- 
ceeded from nudice^ which is generally difcreet 
enough to faften on charaders within the reach 
of calumny.— It would be an infult to my read- 
ers, as well as to the lady, whom I have fince 
learned was meant to be alluded to, to attempt 
apology or contradiftion. 


It is remarkable how this word is daily abufcd. 
The moft authentic accounts of the moft infamous 
tranfadions arc called fcandalous— by thofe who 
are interefted in their contradiftion. Even I, who 
make it a rule to adhere to truth have been accuf- 
ed of committing fcandal! If people will expofc 
their vices, am not I, moft worthy Spec, deputed 
by you to reveal their offences, and, in their per- 
fons, toexpofc viceitfclf ? Isnotthattobc thechief 
objea, the butt-end, as I may fay, of my mifcella- 
ncouscnquirics ? To rail, in general terras, againft 

the vices of the age, is no mqre Ihan writing fef- 
mons, and will the incorrigible regard a fermon ? 
That cannot be called fcandal Which has truth ' 
for its foundation ; and it is tlie bufmefs of the 
guilty to reform, or to concdd their crimes, and 
not for me to fpare the lafh, when vicious ex- 
ample daily ruins its thoufands, and infamy tri* 
umphs over Virtue ! 

Low WaiTiktf* 

You may think it ftrange, friend Spec, but 
notwithftanding-the admirable fatircs we have on 
the bombaftln writing, many of your, or rather 
. my readers, have ftill an affeftion for' what they 
call a Jint jiilc^ in ail fpecies af compofition I A 
vcryfagacious friend of mine loudly complains 
that the cxpreflfions, in my laft, " Hedge-lane beaii. 
ty," and *• 2l jack-afs,*' dire very low, arid unworthy 
even of John Bull ! — But, Sir, my friend does 
not refleft that the fidjeHs on which thofe words 
were employed, arc, perhaps, as arUufublimc as 
any in the univerfe : Squire Morgan's Nephew, 
and Harlequin Rambler !*—TK<x moft defpicable 
images require the moft defpicable terms ; and I 
have no notion of writing about Squire Morgan's 
Nephew as if he were a gentleman, or about Har- 
lequin Rambler as if it were 2ifarxc I 



The unfortunate duel which was fought on 
Friday, between a Captain Moftyn and a Captain 
Clarke, near Little Chelfea, in which the former 
loft his life, is another call on the legiflaturc to 
do (bmething refpefUng this prevaling cuftonu*-^ 
I am forry to read in the accounts already given 
of it, that they were obfcrvcd by feveral fpcc- 
tators, as well as their feconds, and yet that none 
interfered with the arm of juftice, to prevent the 
fatal effefts of their frenzy. • 

It is faid that one of them was deaf to all le- 
monftrance ; and if the other had not given him 
the fatisfaftion he required, he would have been 
branded as a coward, and have loft the appellation 
of a gentleman ! — It is a hard thing to abolifti evil 
cuftoms, but I truft the Bill which a right reve- 
rend Prelate is faid to have ill contemplation will 
effed the abolition of the moft barbarous cuftom 
remaining to difgrace this country. And it were 
to be wifhed that in the new regulations it maybe 
fo ordained that the great ax may fall with re- 
doubled weight on thofe of the miUtary who may, 
in this refpeft, tranfgrefs the laws of the land, 
and the diftates of humanity ! 


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XH i, NEW Sf ECTATO R,. .i8b^ 

No. III. 


I obfervcd yo«^— I «m confident I am not 
mift^Jctn— the other night at Covent^Gardcn 
Theatre^ in one corner of the upper iide-l^xesy 
neitf the gallery, fnugly ereft^ like an Egyptian 
snnmmy in a packing-cafe, making your fage re- 
vuxks through a pair of prepofterous green fpec- 
Udes, and, by the turn of ypur optics, I have 
reafpn to fuppofe you were criticifing fome liitU 
freedoms that paffcd between me and the divine 
little creature, my companion. But, mum !— no 
fcandal— -as you dread the refentment of 

Youn, as you merit, 

Bedford Coffee-HoHfe, DAN DANGLE! 


To other CoYa>Sf on dsmtk 
Ju'VENis complains that I am not an impartial , 
Spectator. / hope there is no fuck being in the 
toorUy as an impartial SpeQator: hemufi U deftHutt 
of all feeling J and <f all fittfe^ tuho can view with 
impartiality^ the good and hadt which daily pr^enb 
them/ehes^'^Ttoo of my correjpondents remind me that 
I have nothing to do wUh politics* In my tum^ I kg 
leave t0 remind them^ that relating the of airs of ano- 
ther worlds has nothing to do with the politics of this* 
-*-£xploratio Jhall be attended to^^^When Horatio 
can perfuade people to ad confidently ^ their fcelingt 
zM never be hurt by the New SrBCTAToa^— 
Modelbis has my thanks for his good wifhes: the 
matter he complains of cannot at prtfent be remedied^ 
and is indeed generally adndred^^^As to Sawney W. 
he deals fo much in the myJleriouSi that his loft epifile 
foars b^ond my comprehenfion. 

London: Printed by T. Rickabt, No. 15, DukeVCourt, Bow-Strcct, Covcnt-Gardcn ; 

And Sold by T. AXTELL, No. 1, Finch-Lane, Comhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by 
W. SWIFT, BookfeUCT, Chi^rles-Street, St. James's-Square ; by P. BRETT, Bookfeller and 
Sutioner, oppofite St. Qen^entVChurch in the Strand; by G. KEARSLEY, No. 46, Fleet-Strect ; 
and by W. THISELTON, BookfcUcr and Sutioner, No. 37, Goodge-Street, Rathbone-Place. 

\* ConaispoNDENTi aie rcqueftcd to addrefs their favours to the New S^ECTAToa, to W 
^ left at Mt. Swift's, in Charfcs-Strcct, St. Jamc5*s-S<iuare, where a L^ttek-Box is aflwc* 
for then- icception. 

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\ tAiif\sf\M 

aga^iq6ag6aig6.iaiCaqC^ AiMB/C>i> ( iV"^tirV i >>r^^ 





No. IV. 

TUESDAY, February 24, 1784. 

Price Three-pence. 

To be continued every Tuesday. 

N<m ignara malty miferis fuccurrtrc difcok 

VikC. Mn. lib* X. V. 630. 

IN literature^ as in every thing elfe, faftiioii 
has its votaries, and example commands its 
followers. When fuccefs attends the literary ef- 
forts of one man, the tribe of writers, as if pof- 
felTed of the fame genius, immediately turn their 
attention to the fame obje£t, and prefcntly furnifh 
the world with a multiplicity of books on the 
fame fubje^. 

For fomc years pad the attention of the re- 
public of letters has been chiefly devoted to a 
fpecies of compofition, called fentimental writing; 
and from the vaft number of books we have lately 
had recommending the moral graces, and the 
beauty.of virtue, it might naturally be fuppofed 
that, amongft us, virtue and the moral graces 
were in the higheft efltmation. 

But it is one thing to praife, and another to 
pra6Ufe. l>Jotwithflanding this inundation of 
literary morality, I do not find that the virtues, in 
general, are more countenanced, or that knavery 
and folly have lefs influence, than ufual^ Sen- 
timent feems to have gained poffefllon of the head 
only; whilft the heart remains expofed to the 
rude attacks of paflion. 

It would, however, have been unfortunate 
indeed, if the united labours of our fehtimental 
writers had not effe£bd fome good^ If they 
have not been able to flop the progrefs of vice, 
they have at lead, in fome meafure, and in fome 
bofoms extended the influence of Humanity; 
they have rqidered their readers fufceptible of 
the finer feelings*, and fometimes charmed tlie 

mind with a tranfient view of virtue herfclf* 
But their efforts have been generally too feeble, 
and their materials too flimfy, to make any lafHng 
impreflton on the heart. They have recommend- 
ed, rather thari enforced the practice of virtue, 
tndy in too many inflances, have painted, in 
fafcinating colours, the alluring advantages of 

It ha§ thus fcecn the fafhion to tecommend 
humanity rather as an accomplifhmeht thati as ah 
obligation ; and hence the pradice of benevo- 
lence has been circumfcribed by inclination ra- 
ther than by duty* To do urlto others as we wifh 
they fhould do unto us, is, however, a precept 
which admits of no evaflon ; and though the ex- 
tent of our benevolence may be left to our own 
determination^ a time will come when we fhall 
be obliged to render an account of the juftice of 
all our tranfadtions with the poor, as well as the 
rich ; with the mendicant, as well as the mer- 

The poflcfTion of wealth, it has often been 
remarked, has evils and duties peculiar to itfelf ; 
evils which extend in proportion to the encrcafe 
of riches ; and duties which become the more 
irkfome to perform as the means to perform them 
are augmented. He whofe heart is fet on the 
acquifition of wealth thinks he zEts nobly if he 
fatisfles all legal demands ; and referves his bene- 
volence till he makes his will, bequeathing what 
is, properly, then the right of another. Thus be- 
ncVoIcnce, with him, becomes a kind of pofthu^ 


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No. IV. 

mous work in which he has but little (hare, and 
from which he can derive but little advantage. 

Extravagance, on the other handj is another, 
and a more alarming enemy to benevolence. 
Avarice and extravagance arife from the fame 
condnd: ah improper difpofition of the means, 
wherewith providence hat cntruftcd us for the ac- 
conapliihment of certain purpofes. As avarice 
will not, fo extravagance cannot perform die 
duties of humanity. Extravagance, it is true, 
fomctimes throws wealth into the lap of indigence* 
and bread into the mouth of the hungr>'*, but 
then it as frequently happens, that he who thus 
profufely and adventitioufly fcatters the bounty 
of providence, is prefently reduced to feek that 
afliftance which he might have bcftowed on 
others, and to crave that compaflion to which 
his conduft is by no means entitled. And it 
were well if the evils of extravagance ter- 
minated here ; but alas ! the innocent too often 
{hare the fate of the guilty : families are daily 
reduced to penur)^ by the fuperflubus cxpences 
of individuals, without theexercife of one noble 
a£Uon, or the accomplilhment of one humane 

From the influence of avarice on age, and 
of extravagance on youth, it appears that the 
number of thofe is confidcrable who do not vo^ 
luntaiily contribute to the relief of the poor. But 
I trufl the number of thco is much more confi- 
derable who, aduated by the pure principles of 
benevolence, appropriate fpecific charities to the 
relief of the indigent and unfortunate, and, in 
this bitter feafon, refle£l with commiiTeration on 
the (late of fuch as are deilitute not only of the 
comforts, but even the necefiaries of life. 

It is not my intention here to appeal to the 
feelings of my readers, on a fubjeft which fur- 
nifhcs the mod extenfive field for exciting fympa- 
thetic emotion and tender fcnfibility. Enough 
has been faid and written for that purpofe, and I 
have already intimated that our fentlmcntal wri- 
ters have, in this refpeft, done fome fervicc. That 
benevolence which has been fo repeatedly praifed 
and recommended as graceful and excellent, it is 
my wiih to enforce as a duty, neceffary to be per- 
formed, and for the omiflion of which no ade- 
quate reafon can be afligned. 

O pity human woe 1 
*TSs what die happy to the unhappy owe : 

was the language of Homer ; and, «« Give to him 
that afkcth of thee ; and from him that would 
borrow of thee turn not thou away ;" are the 
words of one that fpakeas never man fpakcl 

The moralifl, the poet, and the divine never 
more forcibly affeft fenfibility than in the relation 
of fome aft of benevolence. There is fomething 
in gencrofity fo congenial to the human heart 
that a good a£lion alwiiys meets with the applaufe 
even of the vicious. Thus an humane fentiment • 
delivered with propriety on the ftage,, never falls 
to excite the indantaneous approbation of the bad 
as well as of the good. The heart, how great a ' 
ftranger foever to merit in itfelf, by the abufe of 
a felfifh poffeflbr, will, on all fuch occadons, af- 
fcrt its nature, and, deflitute of caufe to rejoice 
in its own excellence, will exult in that of ano- 
ther. That f)Tnpathetic feeling which nature has 
implanted in the breaft, and from which the great- 
ed pleafures are derived, religion has commanded 
us to indulge, and rendered that our duty which 
encrcafes our felicity. 

Let me then recommend to the attention of 
the opulent the annual cuftom of one of the 
greatefl charafters in this kingdom, who appro- 
priates a certain, and no incondderable, fum for 
the relief of thofe indigent creatures whofe in« 
duftxy will fcarcely I'upply their wants, and who 
are unwilling to become burthenfome to the 
community. This clafs of people contains many 
worthy charafters^ who deferve every relief which 
benevolence can bellow, and it mufl afford the 
Duke ofNoRTHUMBERLAND a fatisfa£uon which 
I am little able to defcribe, when he rcfic6ls that 
his humanity may have refcued from pining mi- 
fery many a didreffed family, and laved fiom de- 
ftruftion many a channing infant. Thus even 
after ages may reap the good cffc6ts of his Grace's 
bounty, and the name of Percy will defceod to 
poilerity with additional luftre ! 

To the New Spectator. 

You have applauded the playing and the 
drcfs of Mife Farren in the new comedy— I ntean 
dramatic hermaphrodite— «f Reparation* Permit 
me to enter an exception againft each. 

As to playing : if MiCs Farren would not doop 
quite fo much, and (b continually, it would be all 
the better. She does wtfjl to avoid die contrary 
extreme of a drawing-room formality ; but there 
is a medium in all things, and ihe may be cafy 
without flooping, and (lately without ftiffnefs. 

As to drefs: the flounce trimmings are too nu- 
merous, too heavy, and too flat ; and the muflin 
on the (leeves (b difycMi as to make the anna ap- 
pear longer than could be wiflied. The head- 
dreis is by hr the mofl excellent, and I know not 
any thing wherein a woman's ufte can be better 
difplayed than in a hoad-drefs* 

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Kb* IV. 


The drcfs of Mifs Pope is of a piece with her 
performance — almoft unexceptionable ; whilft 
that of MrSi Brercton is in a contrary extreme. 

I am, Sir, Yours, &C4 


I AM afraid Mifs Charlotte Curious is " more 
" nice than wife." However, I leave her and 
my deputy John Bull to fettle thefe points as well 
as they can. For my own part, I am not critical 
in drefs ; but if I were afked which is the beft 
drefled charaftcr in the new play, I fhould give 
my voice for Sir Gregory Glovctop / 

P o E T R V. 

I HAVE two rcafons for prefenting you with the 
following fonnet ; (irfl, becaufe it is fhort, and 
you, I know, have little room to fpare ; and fe- 
condly, becaufe it merits a place in the New 

S O N IJ E tj 

€n a Jlormy Sea-projpe^, 
By Mr. Bampfylde^ 

How fearful *tis to walk the founding (horc, 
When low'rs the Iky, and winds ate piping loud t 
And ;x>und the beech the tearful maidens croud, 
Scar'd at the fwelling furge and thunder's roan 

High o'er the cliflFs the fcreaming fea-mews foar, 
Loft is the adventurous bark in ftormy cloud,' 
The flirill blaft whittles thro* the fluttering fhroud ; 
And, lo ! the gallant crew, that ti^ before 

Secure rode tilting o'er the placid wavcj 

Scarce know to Hem the black and boiOerous main^ 
And view, with tyts agaft, their watery grave. 

So fares it with the breaft of him, the Swain, 
Who quiu Content for mad Ambition's lore, 
Short are his days, and diftant far the fliore! 

To the N E w Spectator* 
Friend Spec ! 

Whilst you arc amufing yourfelf with 
Plato, and Ariftotle, and « the more illuftrlous 
«« dead ;** I am amfing myfelf with the more 
illuflrious living. You are contemplating the 
wifdom, and 1 the follies of mankind* Our ob- 
jeft, however, is the fame : you are willing to 
recommend their virtues, and I to expofe their 
vices. Your tafk is the more agreeable of the two ; 
but mine is more likely to anfwer our purpofe. 
Little children may be perfuaded to quit the path 
of danger; but grown-up children niutt; be lafhed 
ere they will leave their follies ; they are too in- 
corrigible to be laug^ied out of them, and there 
arc fomc on whom even public fhame has no in- 

fluence. I arti happy to think that in this me* 
tropolis, there are not many of the latter dcfcrip- 
tions", whild Bulia,-^ill fated city ! — abounds in 

, B U L X A; 

The following is abflraflcd from the tranflation 
of the Bulian pamphlet entitled 

The second tumhU of Reynafdann ! i2mo. 
'^ — " Such, however, was the difpdfition of our 
hero, that the fcom of his fovereign, and the 
contempt of all good ihen, afFefted not him — He 
well knew that amongft the Bulians, the number 
of the bad far ekceeded thkt of the good ; and he 
concluded that having the majority Of the Etanes 
on his fide, Rexrnah would comply With their 
requeft, and take Reynardam into his fcrvice 
again. In this they were wofully deceived, Be- 
fldes the antipathy which Rexman had to any 
fuch meafure, he was \Vamed againflr it by the 
fage difpenfer of^ equity, the great Wolruth^ a man 
whom the king loved, and the people regarded : 
whofe counfcls might be telied On j whofe honour 
was unblcmiflied, whofe integrity was inflexible, 
and who had the Angular charafter; (ihgular indeed 
amongd the Bulisins — of being an equal friend to 
the king and to the people. To him Rexman 
liftened with attention, and his Counfcls he de- 
termined to follow. 

" Reynardam, aware of the irlfluence of 
Wolruth, failed not to declaim againfthim in the 
Etanes, and to recommend hinifelf to its atten- 
tion by pretending that his difgrace affeftcd the 
honour of the Etanes itfelf ; arid his arts fo far 
prevailed, that the greateft part of that body be- 
gan to be of the fame opinion, and to efpoule the 
caufe of the dcfperate Reynardam; . 

" The Retfmim, or chief fervant of the king^ 
who had now the confidence of the fovereign, the 
good wifties of the Reppu (in which Wolruth 
was a chief), and the friendilhp of the people, 
was Tz^ryiY/jayoung man whofe abilities had never 
been impaired by diflipation, aiid who added to 
them the virtiie of integrity in his public and 
private dealings, and Was at once ah ornament to 
Bulia and to nalure. The only fault that his ene- 
mies, — the mod; virtuous charaftcrs have always 
their oppofites, and confe.quently their enemies — 
The only fault that his enemies could find in hini 
was, that he had not acquired what they deemed 
the neceflar)' arts of a Retfihim ; that he was 
not inroUcd amongfl thofc 

Calm, thinking villains, ^vhom no faith caii fix, 
Of crooked counfels, and dark politics 1 

No ! Tipwill was of a'nobler fchool. In his father 
he had beheld the lovclinefs of public as well as 


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No. IV. 

of private virtue, and he determined not to tar- 
nifli the luftre ©f a name rendered immortal 
amongft the Bulians ! Hence his condu6l was di- 
ametrically ©ppofite to that of Reynardam, and 
he was at once the faitliful fcrvant of Rcxman 
and of his people. 

*' It is a principle in the Bulian government, 
that the Etanes ihall be removable at certain pe- 
riods, and others appointed in their flead; if the 
villajes which fent them approve not of their 
condu£l. Thus the Etanes were but the fcrvants 
of the public at larjge ; and Reynardam, during 
his popularity, always contended that their fenfe 
of legiflative meafures could never be collcftedbut 
from their own mouths ; that the fcntiments of 
the Etanes and of the public might be widely dif- 
ferent : and that, in fuch cafe, the Etanes ought 
to conform to the public, and not the public to 
the Etanes. This opinion greatly endeared Rey- 
nardam to the people, and they regarded him as 
their chief friend ; as a tower of flrength againft 
thofe who might be induced to trample on their li- 
berties, and, as fuch, they chearfully fupported 
him in all his attempts to gain power. But the 
patriots of Bulia, like thole of this country, on a 
change of fituation, could change fentiments too ; 
and when Reynardam became Retfmim, and pro- 
pofed his ftatute refpefting the balloon merchants 
of Aidni, which he well knew the people could 
not approve, then he vehemently contended that 
the Etanes fpoke the fenfe of the people, or, that 
if tliey did not, the people knew nothing at all 
about the matter ! 

« The meafure refpefting the balloon merchants 
having been rcjefted by the virtue of the Reppu, 
and by the particular exertions of Elpmet and 
Wolruth ; and Reynardam having been difcarded 
from the Retfinimfliip, and Tip will appointed 
in his (lead, thofe of the Etanes who favoured the 
views of Reyaardam were greatly exafperatcd, 
and determined to fupport him in regaining his 
power, and depriving Tipwill of the Retfinimfhip, 
But Reynardam, whofe fortunes were defperate, 
and who dreaded the rifing virtues and fplendid 
abilities of his opponent, rather than lofe all hopes 
of fuccefs, was prepofteroys enough to propofe 
fharing the Rctfmimfliip with Tipwill. Rexman 
could by no means approve of fuch an union, 
and Tipwill would not hurt his own feelings, nor 
diftrcfs thofe of his mafler by having commu- 
nion with a man fo defpicable in the eyes of the 
worthy and the difpaflionate part of ihe Bulians. 
This created great confufion in the Etanes, and 
many of the villages in Niatitb adembled their 
people, and framed letters to the king, in which 

they requcfted him to continue Tipwill his chief 
fervant ; fo that the people, who formerly fup- 
ported Reynardum, were now enra^sd againft 
him. Reynardam, however, had it propofed in 
the Etanes, that Tipwill fhould be removed from 
the king's prefence, and applied to his own villa- 
gers to meet and write to the king, reguefting him 
to difmifs Tipwill. On the day appointed ten 
thoufand air balloons were feen floating over* the 
village, which was called Retfnimfew, and 
Reynardam took his flat ion, fur rounded by his 
friends, in a kind of forum, where jufUce was 
adminiftered. Many friends of Tipwill were alfp 
prefcnt. Here Reynardam intended to have har- • 
rangucd the people, but he had fcarce began when 
the burfting of an air balloon, filled with a nau- 
feous and fuffocating inflammable air, deprived 
him of utterance, and at the fame moment 
the flage on which he was placed, like a moun- 
tebank, gave way, and down came Reynardam, 
amid ft the (houts and hifles of the multitude ; 
many fuperflitious people auguring from thence 
that his political fame, like the explofion of the 
balloon, was " vaniihed into air, into thin air!" 

Thus far from the tranflation of the Second 
tuTtihU of Reynardam, I have felefted the more 
ferious paflagcs in it, becaufe the wit difplayed in 
the reft of the pamphlet is not fufficicntly delicate 
for an Englifh ear. 

Naked Truth. 
There is nothing like obliging the Ladies; 
I therefore recommend to your Spectator- 
ship to difmount your emblematical fronti/piece 
retaining it only in your firft number. Truly, 
Sir, feveral gentlemen, as well as ladies, have 
been fhocked at feeing naked Truth at the head 
of your paper. It is an objeft that few people 
are fond of. Let her Jigure, therefore, be ba- 
niflied ; but let her facred influence pervade 
your writings, as it certainly fliall my obfer- 

MoR N I N c Pap E R s. 

Faciunt nee intelligendo, vt nihil intdligant* 

While they pretend to know ihorc than others they 
know nothing in reality. 

Pursuant to my promife in my laft, I (hall 
now proceed to give a few inftruftions to any gen- 
deman, that may choofe to become a profeflcd 
writer for a news-paper. — In the firft place, then, 
he muft have no political principles of his own; 
he muft in that refpeft be a kind of non-entity in' 
the community; becaufe, though virtue and vice 
never change their natures, the Editor may mif- 


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No. IV. 


take the one for the other, as has lalely been 
evinced by the conduft of feveral fagacious con- 
du£lors of morning prints, who for fome years 
paft without a (hadow of reafon, perhaps, have 
been vehemently abufing characters, which they 
now difcoverto be little lefs than angelic ! Ex- 
cellent cafuifts ! — In the next place, a writer for 
a news-paper, if he has the intcrefl of his em- 
ployer at heart, will make himfelf acquainted 
with the private concerns of families, and by in- 
timating in a paragraph, that certain fecrets will 
be revealed, which probably he knows little of, 
induce the parties to bribe handfomely for the 
fuppr&flion of that mixture of truth and fiftion, 
which thcfe hackers and hewers of reputation deal 
out fo lavifhly on thofe who will not come down ! 
-^Another imporfent branch in this traffic, is the 
Cyprian Jijlerhood, who, when they can afford it^ 
pay well for having thofe praifes beftowed on them, 
which are due only to illuftrious charaftcrs ; thus 
doing the dirty work of a proflitute, and recom- 
mending vice to the admiration of young girls, 
and publicly contributing to the ruin of the rifmg 
generation. It is fhocking to refleft that there are 
women who rejoice in being pofled for proftitutes, 
and men who facrifice what little talents they have 
in a fervicc fo difgraceful to human nature ! — In 
the third place, the writer muft adopt fomething 
of the manne^:, or the ftile, us it is called, of the 
Editor, in whofe paper he means to fhew his abi- 
lities. But here I (hall give him a few examples, 
by writing fuch paragraphs for each paper, as I 
fancy would well fuit them. 

For tkt Daily Advertisbk. 

Ycfterday two military gentlemen in a poft-chaife were 
robbed on Hounnow-heath, by a fingle highwayman we.'l 
mounted. The gentlemen were armed, but unfortunately 
both their piftolt mifled fire j the villain therefore got off'with 
a confiderabte booty. 

The fnow having rendered the roads impaflabic in feveral 
parts of the kingdom, the general poft letters were not deli- 
vered till late laft night. 

For the Public Lbdgei. 

It is impoifible to wlth-hold praife from Mr. Pitt : though 
perhaps his abilities arc not fo tranfcendant as thofe of Mr. 
Fox. Refpeaing prcfcnt appearances in the political hemif- 
phere, much is to be faid on both fides ; and, after matters 
have been adjufted, wc ihall declare our principles, by efpoufing 
the xaufe of the prevailing party. At prefent the Public 
Ledger it «< open to all parties j infiuenctd bj nontr^ 

Yefterday a gentleman had his pocket picked near CharWig- 
crofs, of a gold watch. It were to be wiihed that gentlemen 
would keep a (briber watch over their gold I 

The late coalition it beyond example I We may nttl tt^€t. 
to fee the GuikihaU giants dancing the hays on Temple- bar ! 
For tbt Gbreral AovbrtIsib. 

Mr. Fax is the grtateft orator, and the moft upright cha- 
rafter of the ptcfeot $gt : witnefi his ladhi bill, and his fptcches 
thereon I 

Nothing can equal the abilities and the honcfty of Mr. 
Fox. The falvation of this county depends on his having the 
fway in the cabinet. It is true, we deferted him when he 
rcfigned ; but we are fjnce convinced that it was not only a 
prudential, but an honourable meafure, and Mr. Fox was 
always a man of honour. 

Mr. Fox*& India bill was a roafter-piece, and had it been 
carried int^ execution, would have produced the moft happy 
eSeOs both abroad and at h^mie. 

We recommend it to the afpiringfon of Chatham to itad 
the ftory of Phaeton with che attention it defervet. 

Yefterday it was reported that a podr t»omau fell out of a 
two pair of ftairs window, and was killed on the fpot. The 
coroner's inqueft fat on the body laft night, and brought in 
their vcrdift, «<2/iflaughter. 

For the Gaskttzbi. 

Mr. Fot is the greateft orator, and the moft upright cha- 
radler of the prefent age. Witnefs his India bill, and'hia 
fpceches thereon !— Though wc have for feveral years con- 
dufted our paper on principles nearly impartiil, we have at 
length found the abilities of Mr. Fox fo peculiarly excellent, 
that we cannot but wifli he were at the head of affairs, and 
that the union of his talents, with thofe of liit right honour- 
able and coalefcing friend, might be rendered fubfcrvient tm 
the moft falutary purpofes. 

Tuefday, a whole barrow of oranges belonging to a woman 
in Water-lane, were taken by a fudden guft of wind into the 
Thames; the poor woman, ^n^attempting to recover fome of 
them, difcovered a dead corpfe near the ihore, which proved 
to be her own fon, who had been miffing fome days. The 
fituation of the poor woman may be better cdnceived than 

Erratum In our yefterd ay's paper: for the bon^ of Mr. 
Pitt ; read the bonejiy of Mt. Fox. 

For the Morning, alias the Midnight Crroniclx. 

Mr. Fox is the greateft orator, and the moft uptight cha- 
racter of the prefent age : witneft his India bil^ and faia 
fpceches thereon ! 

After feveral years dofe attendance in, or rather on Par- 
liament y and after having repeatedly exprefiTed ourfelves inimi- 
cal to the above opinion, we have now the ampleft reafon to 
fubfcribe to it, and fiiall feize every opportunity of evincing ' 
its truth, by giving the fpeeches of Mr. Fox In asfuU a mao» 
ner as pofiible. 

It is impoffible for us to give more than » Hsfy /kttehof 
yefterdafs hujinefs \ we will therefore content ourfelves with 
cutting the matter fiiort, and prefent our readers with onXf 
fifteen columns of a debate which employed the attention of 
the Houfe nearly u many hours* 

In prefumption, at leaft, young Pitt is a << chip of the 
old block j" but alas! his abilities, compared "with thofe of 
Mr. Fox, arc very flender indeed. 

Yederday a Court of Aldermen was held, at w^ch nothiBf 
mater! al was tranfa Aed. 

For the Morning Post. 

Mr. Fox is the greateft orator, and the moft upright cha- 
rader of the prefent age. Witnefs his India bill, and his 
fpeeches thereoa 1 

Though we have for no lefs than twtlve years been of an 
opinion diametrically oppofite to the abave, yet we are happy 
in thit golden opportumty of fubfcribing our aflcnt to it. 

The voice of the people is with Mr. Fox, and it will be in 
vain for the friends of the beardlcff Pht to thiak of retaining 
him in his prefent ficuation. 


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THE NEW S P £ C T A T P R, &c. 

No. IV. 

Op VErot Cxntjt thus much may be faid that it 
is more abundant in good fongs than any opera 
which has been performed this year. Pao- 
chierotti's firft air was beautiful ; but that in which 
he added peculiar brilliancy to a divine pathos 
was his RtfftrcnA il vago d^io: andjof his Tyio, 
with Lufmi and Franchi too much cannot be faid, 

Thb cooipofer Rauzzipi is worthy of the lau- 
rel. There is xK>t a fingle (ong in ithis opera 
which has not foroething to recommend it« A 
rare circumilance indeed ! 

■ Cramer, Tacet, Baumgarten difplayed a fpirit 
and ataftcwell becoming the fird theatric ban4 
in the kingdom. Vcftris improves daily, whilft 
Sling{by and Theodore reign the king and queen 

of EngUfh .hearts I 



The Poem, as the author has mifialUd t/, <m 
Lady Weflmoreland, has neither rhrme nor rtafan 
to recommend it, — J. B. A. willjnd a ffnaU parcel 
left for him at Mr. Sunft*s — Thefcheme mentioned by 
Hint cannot y for ohioiis reafons, be adopted: it would 
be well if it could.^^If Benjamin Sarcafm converts 
his inveBives againjt ofeEiation into a rational effay^ 
it JkalL have a place in the New Spectator. The 
gentleman who figns himfdj a Young widow, will 
find the poems of Mr, Pope, &c, in -any Book/eller's 
^fhop in London,* — A Gentlewoman fh>m Jerico nu^ 
depend on being treated asjke rf^i/w.— ^Sawney W.'s 
^friend Jeems* io be as crack-brained as himfdf^ and 
ihdr reJpeBUve tpijlks havefuffered viartyrdom in the 
fa^nes, - - .. . 

London:- Printed by T.Rickaby, No» 15, liuke's-Court, 'Bow-Street, Covent-Garderi ; 

And Sold by T. AX TELL, No. 1, Finch-La;ie, Comhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by 
W. SWIFT, Bookfeller, Charles-Street, St. James VSquare ; -by P. BRETT, BookXeller and 
Stationer, oppofite St Clement's-Church in the Strand; by^G. KEARSLEY, No. 46, Fleet-Street ; 
and by W. THISELTON, Bookfeller and Stationer, No. 37, Gpodgc-Street, Rathbonc-Place. 

' %• Correspondents are reqaefted to addrefs their favours to the New Spectator, to be 
left at Mr. Swift's, in Charles^trect, St. James's-Squarc, where a Letter-Box is affixed 
for their reception. 

Digitized by 






No. V. 

TUESDAY, March 2, 1784. 

Price Three-pence. 

^ito be continued every Tuesday. 

■ f \ % ! ' '■ lli f t' ■ m il i»i 

Vox FopuU vox Deo / 

AMONGST other maxims which moral 
philofophy has revealed, and which mo- 
ral writers have rendered common, is that which 
fays, every age has virtues and vices pectdiar to 
itfelf. It is equally true, that amongft thofe vir- 
tues and vices, there is ufually one which has 
the predominance, and if I were aiked, which is 
the poft prevailing vice of the prefent day, I 
fliQuld (ay, contonpt of reputation. 

When men are inclined to give criminal in- 
dulgence to their pafltons, and to refift the 
ftfuggles of confcience, the fear of public fhame 
fometimes operates more ftrongly than the voice 
of duty, and prevents the commiflion of crimes, 
prompted by paflion, and feconded by inclina- 
tion ; and this aftuating fear will always be pro- 
portionable to the public virtue of the times -, for 
when vice has gained the afcendant, and ufurped 
the authority of virtue, the fear of public fhame 
will be annihilated ; and thofe men who always 
a£t in conformity to prevailing principles, and 
who always bow to the deity of the day, will 
readily fubfcribe to the pre-eminence of vice over 
virtue, and to opinions which flatter their incli- 

Thus duellings though a crime of the highefl 
magnitude, has, time immemorial, been meta. 
morphofed into heroifin ; and there are, compa- 
ratively, few men who would not be more 
afhamed of refuting a challenge than of killing 

There was a time when a contempt of repu* 
tation pervaded only fuch of the nobility as held 
the doftrinc, that the poflcflion of riches is a li- 
cence for all things ; and the influence of their 
example was confined to a few. I remember 
fome years ago adultery was deemed infamous, 
and the feducer of female innocence was branded 
as a villain ; whereas thefe are no longer crimes 
in the eflimation of men whofe example influ- 
ences the million ; and compliments rather than 
reproaches are beflowed on chara^rs, which 
formerly would have been hooted out of fociety. 
Thus, the corruption which once defomed the 
body politic by fpots, now pervades the whole 
mafs, and not a fmgle limb elcapes contagion. 

This univerfal change of fentiment and of 
manners is, ultimately, to be attributed to a dere- 
li^on of thofe religious principles which, here- 
tofore, regulated the eondud of hutnan life, and 
forry I am to fay that the caufe of that dereliflion 
is to be afcribed to men who, in forae refpeft?, 
were ornaments to fociety : to the cloud of infi- 
del writers which of late years has darkened the 
horizon of literature, and endeavoured to ob- 
ilru^ that light which was ordained to illumine 
the world. The labours of a fioLiNCBROOxe 
andaHuMs; of a Voltaire and his literary 
mimics, have accomplifhcd this mighty change. 
By endeavouring to abolifh all ideas of future re- 
wards and puniflunents, as the fuggeflions of hu- 
man policy, of religious fiienz)% or of poetical 
fiftion, thefe men, and their followers, have la- 


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No. V. 

boured to fap the foundations of all religion, and, 
by d^roying its obligations, to render men ac- 
countable to thcmfelves only for their moral con- 

pRI^fCIPLEs fo flattering to mankind, could 
not fail of having many adherents, and were 
eagerly adopted by men >Nrhofc hearts were prone 
to evil, and who were ready to embrace any 
fyftem which apparently prefcnted freedom from 
the reftraints of religion, and the reproaches of 
confcience. Freedom of enquiiy was the watch- 
word of infidel enthufiafm ; but freedom of ac- 
tion was the objeftof purfuit ; and thcfe modem 
philofophers were not fo anxious to recommend 
good conduft to others, as to find metaphyfical 
excufes for their own; or tD condemn the judg- 
ment which religion and rcafon fliould pronounce 
againft them, as the offspring of fuperflition, or 
the error of vulgarity. To deride, with fuperci- 
lious vivacity, the opinion of others, is one of the 
chief arts of a modern free-thinker, and was 
pra6Hfed with wonderful fuccefs by Voltaire, 
whofe witticifms have.been received as cogent ar- 
^[umcnts, and whofe arguments have been receiv- 
ed as found do6lrine. I can only wifh that his 
readers were as well acquainted with the fpirit of 
the facred Mrri tings as they are with the genius of 
Shakespeare and Milton: they would then 
difcover that his criticifms refpeding the former 
arc of a piece with his dogmas refpe£Ung the lat- 
ter, uncandid, ungenerous, futile and ignorant: 
the crude eifufions of envy and malice, and all 
uncharitablenefe ! 

But who will not follow leaders that promifc 
the rewards of viftory without the toils of battle ? 
The offer of an exemption from labours, efpcci- 
ally the labours of religion, is not cafily to be rc- 
fifled ; and the confcience being foothed with the 
pcrverfions of rcafon, there remains nothing to 
be dreaded but the ccnfure of the world, which 
the example of others deprives of its fling, and 
which, therefore, is derided by all who can reap 
immediate gratification from their vices, without 
rendering thcmfelves amenable to the laws of the 

A CONTEMPT of religious inflitutions is foon 
followed by a negleft of the moral . duties, and 
that negle£l by a difdain of public opinion. Thus 
all the barriers which heaven and earth had fet 
up to defend us againft the inroads of vice, have,, 
by the exertions of a few bad-hearted men, been 
undermined; and the filver cord which bound 
focicty together is cut in two. 

A DISREGARD of public Opinion can be ex- 
cufable in fuchonly as have refolution enougli to 

be eminently virtuous. Wlicn Augustus was 
determined to avoid the T^icious conduft of for- 
mer emperors, and to build his fame on another 
bafis, he was at fir ft fo much afhamed of his vir- 
tues, and fo fearful left the people fhould miflake 
them for afpecies of pufillanimity, that MitCE- 
NAs found it neceffary to, advife him, "never 
to be concerned at what was fpokcn of him;" 
and I am confident that if his prefcnt Majefty 
would follow the noble di£lates of his own 
heart, which pants only for the welfare of his 
people, and the fafety of the conftitution ; if he 
would difregard the voice of an abandoned fac- 
tion, and liften only to tliat of the public at large, 
his refolution and pcrfeverance would be follow- 
ed by more than Augustan glory to himfelf, and 
happinefs to his fubjefts. 

I HAVE faid that a contempt of reputation is 
the prevailing vice of the times, and I have en- 
deavoured to (hew whence it originated : I fhall 
take fome future opportunity to point out its 
baneful effefts on common life, audits influence 
on the manners of the times. 


By the New Spectator, 

Whereas certain men calling thcmfelves Edi- 
tors, not having the fear of ccnfure before their 
eyes, and inftigated by a certain heathen deity 
called Mercury, the god of thieves, have lately 
entered our dominions, and committed the high 
crime of Plagiarism, to the great prejudice, &c. 
Now we do hereby ftriftly enjoin and command 
all Editors, Writers, Printers, and Printers devils, 
and all others whom it may concern, from hence- 
forth to defift from fuch unlawful feizure of our 
property on pain of our high difpleafure. And 
forafmuch as it hath been rcprefented to us, that 
the faid offenders have committed the faid crime 
in confequencc of extreme poverty, we are wil- 
ling, in confideration of the fame, to grant our 
Spectatorial pardon for the faid offence, on 
condition of this our Proclamation being ftri£bly 
complied with. — An d w h e r e as it hath alfo been 
reprefented to us, that certain malicious and evi( 
minded perfons have reported that thefc our 
fpeculations, lucubrations, mcditationis, reprefcn- 
tations, communications, confiderations, expof- 
tulations, and vindications would fhortly termi- 
nate, and be no more. Now we do hereby de- 
clare, that our faid fpeculations, lucubrations, 
meditations, rcprefentalions, communications, 
confiderations,. cxpoftulalions, and vindications, 


Digitized by 


No. V. 


(hall continue to be iflued every Tuesday, till 
our (aid labours (hall form a fuf&cient quantity to 
complete Fifteen handfome volumes in fmall folio, 
fuch being the will of the public, and of our 
pnnten Given at our Siectatorial Court, 
this 2d day of March, in the firft year of our 

By his Spectator ship's Command. 


7i the New Spectator, 

.*5 I R, 

You herewith receive the firft eflfortsofa 
youthful mufe. The following poem was written 
by a young gentleman to a lady, favoured by the 
mufes, in confcquencc of a rcqucft, that the for- 
mer would write a charity hymn which (he de- 
clined. It is far from being perfcft, but, nevcr- 
thelefs, difplays a dawn of genius, which ought 
lo be encouraged. I am. 

Sir, Yours, &c. 

L. G****. 


To Mifs C— — ; rtqueJHng her to write in favour 
of Charity. 

O thou, on whom the liberal powers divine, 
Their choiceft influence have (hed, 

And tun'd they foul to harmony, 
Sweet daughter of ai^ronomy ! 
And twinM their laurels round thy head: 
Proceed, fair maid, 
To call the mufes' aid. 
And let thy name ift fature aonaU (kine ! 

Then firike the founding lyre, 

Higher, and yet higher,' 
Till all the charms of melody rcfound ; 
And let fmagination tait her round 
in fai«y fields that glowing fiuicy Ibrmt : 

Now let her walk the grove, 
In maiden n^jefty ; 

Or join the fongs of rural love. 
In heavenly extafy ; 
Then fweep tranfported through the azure ikies. 
Overtake the rapid lightning as it flies. 
Or mark the grandeur of the ratling florms ! 

Thefe are. the fcene^ Sophia, diac impvt 
A pleafipg wonder to the human, heart. 

And ftrike, with fond furprize. 
Our week, our mortal tyts, 
T90 much accudomed to behold the ways 
Of evcr»erring man, unworthy praiie* 
But yet one fcene (Urpafleth thefe, 

Though greats though noble, and divine: 
Befiold the man of mtferies, 
Oa whom die heavens itldom (htne ! 

With careful toil, through many many years. 

Bears the fad load of poverty. 

Unknown to fwcet profperity I 
Bears the fad load ! — his children all in tears ! 

Beneath pale Cynthia's glimmering ligl\t. 
See him hafliag home at night, 
All adown the dufky dale, 
Heeding not the nightingale : 
His little children nieet him on the way, 
And tell the fuflerings of the long, long day 1 
Whilft be, with nature's Ample guile, 
Ufes many a borrowed fmile. 
With kifles flops the tale he bears. 
And, to difpel their inhat fears. 
With many foothing words their little hearti he chears ! 

O fweet Sophia! may we ever have 
A will divine, if not a power to fave ! 

The 6rphan in&nt that unhouf 'd doth lie; 
Expof'd to fcorcking funs, or winter's freefing fkf^ 
May well demand a wifli, a tear, a fi^ I 
Then fweep the firings 
The virtues fing 
Of hea>^nly Charity ; 
And fiace that tender bofom knawt 
What mental ^leafure from k flows, 
Who ib meet to fing as thee ? 

Men fliall admire thy foftly flowing ftrain ; 
Ai the fweet warblers of the feather'd train, 

I^ llfien to their Philomel, 
'* When her fadfong flie moumethwdl," 
What ttrne the rifing aioon 
The cheequer^d grove difplays. 
And lovers 'gin to wander forth 
Beneath her filver rays 
The fliady woods among : 
O far more mute mankind. 
When thou, to harmony indin'd, 
Shalt fing thy Toothing fongt 

To the'^tvr Sprctator. 


I SHOULD very much have wondered if 
my animadverfions in general, hut on a^r$ and 
aftrefles in particular, had not met with fbme 
oppoHtion, from thofe who are hired to praife, 
and to abufe, as their employers think proper.-^ 
The voice of truth, my dear friend, is foldom to 
hie heard, and when it is, never fails to be 
drowned in the clamours of falfhood. My ob- 
fer vations have generally the bad, or rather the 
good fortunp to vary coniiderably from thoie of 
the daily prints, which^ by a ftrange kind of 
acddaUf agree unanimoufly in matters of opinion, 
as well as of faft ! 

I AM led into thefe remarks by the conduft of 
your correfpoodent, Sawney JV. over trhofe myt- 


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Uo. V. 

terious cpiftfcs we had a hearty laugh ; and who 
threatened you with publifhing his rhapfodics 
clfewhcre, if you rejeftcd his fublimc cor- 
Tcfyondencc^^awney has been as good as his 
word: throwing off his Scotch-plaid, diflipating 
the Scotch-^Jl which enveloped his meaning, 
and affaming the tremendous air of a Dublin 
Volunteer, under the appellation of Paddy Whack, 
he flourifhes away in a young Magazine, and, 
truly, I am glad to fee him cut fo refpcdable 
a figure. 

His chief charge againft: me, is with refpc£l to 
Mrs. Abington. 1 have faid that it might be 
fuppofcd (he kept at leaft half a dozen clerks, 
(and probably this fame Sazoney alias Paddy, is 
one of them) to write panegyrics on her in the 
news-papers, they were fo numerous and fo 
fulfomc. To convince the world, however, 
that the cafe is not fo, he informs us that fhc has 
a heart " tremblingly alive" to the moft diftant 
calamity, and that Mifs Younge has not. This, 
you fee, is a piece of Iri/h logic, to prove that 
Mrs. Abington is not a woman of extreme vanity, 
and you will readily grant it to be very con- 
clufive, and the rcfleftion on Mifs YOunge to be 
very liberal. 

He alfo informs us, that St. Cecilia is now 
in Paris, and that 1 knou^ her to be there. It is 
true I have his word for it, and the ocUk of a gen- 
tleman, that (he is at this time in London : now 
whether his word, or the oath of the (aid gentle- 
man is entitled to the moft credit, 1 am utterly at 
a lofs to determine ! — Leaving this modem Jacob 
Behmen to his reveries, 

I on my journey, all alone, proceed I 


Yesterday this drverfion commenced for 
the week at the , Cockpit Royal : Twenty 
Guineas a battle, and one thoufand the odd battle, 
between Sir John Lade and Thomas Bullock 
Efq. — I remember it was the obfervation of fome- 
body, that he conceived a Cockpit, in the midft 
of a battle, to be as complete a rcprefentation of 
Hell, as it was pofl[ible for human bafencfs to pro- 
duce. I have often wondered that fome mortal 
entmy to fwcaring does not atjtend thefe infernal 
meetings^ and employ a fufficient number of 
people to count the oaths of the gentlemen who 
bett their money. I (hould fuppofe, that, at a 
crown an oath, a gambler might lofe double his 
wagers in the (imple article of fwearing ! 

This diuerjion, as it is called, is a good deal 
forfaken by the lower ranks of the people, and it 
is to be lamented, that it is not entirely (lopped 
xmongH; all ranks. Let gentlemen keep as many 

game-cocks as they pleafe, but let it be rendered 
highly penal to fight them : there are ways enough 
to gamble away their acres, without offending 
humanity. If, however, gentlemen arc deter- 
mined to retain the fport, I (hould ^dvife them 
to arm their fingers with filverj or rather with 
ftecl fangs, and claw each other for the diverfion 
of their fellow-brutes, and the mutual enter- 
tainment of each other. 

B 9 L I A. 

My fagacious friend who accompanied me in my 
aerial flight to Niatirb, has not yet finifhed the, 
£ngli(h tranflation of our fpeech to the BuliSin 
king ; for as we were anxious toconftruft an Air- 
Balloon on the fame principles as thofe of Bulia, 
in which, I have obfervcd, the inhabitants travel 
with incredible velocity, and as we were defirous 
of knowing what palled in Bulia, fubfequent to 
our departure thence; we mutually employed 
ourfelves in preparing the balloon, and, having 
^ccom|^(hed our purpofe, my friend undcrtc>ok 
folely to vifit Bulia, and arrived from thence 
yefterday morning, without any thing material 
occurring on his journey, except the lo(s of a pair 
oiJaJhionahU buckles intended as a prefent to Selaw, 
the king's eldeft fon. 

My friend, it feems, found the Bulians in 
greater confulion than ever. The friends of Rcy- 
nardam finding that he could not recover the Rct- 
fmimftiip, and having propofcd that he (hould 
(hare it with Tipwill ; with great form and folem- 
nity, addre(red themselves to Rcxman, rcquefting 
' he would receive Reynardam to his favour, and 
permit him to fliare the honours of the Rctfinlm- 
(hip. Great expefiations were formed on this re- 
queft. Many faid that Rcxman, notwithllanding 
his known averfion to Reynardam, would iiot 
refufe the requeft of what tbby called fo refpe£bi- 
ble a body of his fubje6b; and fome went (Jb.fzr, 
as to fay that he dare net. But Rexman well 
knew that the moft tefpcftable body of his tub- 
jeds was the people at large ; and he alio well 
knew, that their fentiments rcfpeffing Reynardam 
coincided with his own. He, therefore, natly 
refufcd this requeft. Nothing could eqiial the 
joy of the Bulians on this occafion. 1 hey loved 
the king more than ever, and looked ori Tipwill 
as one fent from heaven to guard them againft <hc 
ambitious attempts of other men ; and to (hew 
their refpeft for him, they determined to confer 
on him certain civil honours peculiar to the Bu- 
lians, and, for that purpofe, invited him to a 
magnificent entertaiimient. He was accompanied 
by his brother, and by Elpmet, and by a mime- 
rous cav^ade of the nobility^ and the moft re- 


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fpc£bblc citizens. All Bulia rejoiced ; favc Rcy- 
nardam and his abaibed adherents : they flood 
envious fpcftators of feftivities, which they could 
not fhare, whilft 

Rage gnawM the lip, and wonder chain'd the tongue I 
In (he evening thcBulians difplayed their regard 
for Tipwill, by innumerable illuminations, fo • 
that Bulia, at a diftance, feemed like a clufter of 
brilliant ftars; the laft mark of refpeft they can 
pay to thofe they cfteem. 

During thefe rejoicings a council was held by 
the enemies of Tipwill, and it was determined to 
infult him on his return from the banquet. Up- 
wards of three hundred weapons were immedi- 
ately procured, and put into the hands of ruffians 
to each of whom it was whifpcred what ufe fliould 
be made of them. Such is the violence of party 
in Bulia, that a Bulian, in other refpc£ls, an ho- 
nourable man, will facrifice every principle of 
juilice, every particle of humanity, and affocialc 
witli ruffians and aflaffins, for the accomplifhcnt 
of any infernal purpofe, wherein the intcrefl of 
his leader is concerned. Tipwill, on his return 
at midnight, accompanied by many friends, was 
accordingly ailaultedby this banditti, who ruJhed 
upon the unarmed nobles and citizens, and com- 
mitted outrages, (hocking to humanity. |iea- 
ven, however, prevailed agajnft hell, and Tip- 
will cfcapcd witb his life ! 

Such were the tranfa6Uons to which my frieqt^ 
was an cye-witncfs during his laft vifit to Bulia. 
He is DPW deeply engaged in the tranflation of 
our fpcech delivered before Rexnvan and the 
council ; and in a little time, means to revifit 
Bulia, wijh choice prdenls to the Queen of that 

Mrs. H*****. 
One of the morning papers ofyefterday in- 
forms us, that " for more than ten days paft Mrs. 

" H — has not enraptured the fcenes of C — n 

*< Houfet A Iktlc miff, thenati ral confequence 
" of extreme love, isfaid to have thus driven the 
" fair enamorata from the gay metropolis: (he is 
«* however, hourly cxpeftcd to return more 
<* beautiful, vid fandly bemtching than ever!"— 
Nothing can equal the infamy of this paragraph. 
I before dated to your Spectatorship, the 
whole of this lady^s condu^ and informed you 
that (he, a confiderable time (ince, went with Mr. 
H — into Yttrkftiire, from whence they intend 
to depart, or arc already daparted, for the con- 
tinent. • We arc'ndw told that " for more than 
TEN DAYS, (he has not ENtAPtuRBD the fcenes 

of C n Houfe /" There is a double inlinaation 

conveyed in this fentence, fo totally void of truth 

and decency, that the author of it deferve« to 
have Mr.H — *s horfe-whip broke about his bones ; 
and I would — as a friend — advife him to confine 
his italics and notes of admiration! to the charm- 

ing Perdita ! the beautiful Mrs. M 's ! and 

thofe whofe proftitution has rendered them fit iub- 
je6b of his panegyric ! Mean time he may reft 
afTured, that Mrs.' H — never will " enrapture 

« the fcenes of C— n Hovje !" 

It is thus my dear Spec, that female reputa- 
tion is fullicd. And what (hall guard it againft 
attacks like thefe ? It is the height of cruelty to 
impute guilt where there is none : it is robbing 
virtue of its immediate reward, the good opinion 
of mankind ; and the man who is bafe enough, 
by inuendo and infmuation, thus to attack a lady*! 
fame, deferves the dcteftation of every virtuous 
woman, and the contempt of every hbneft man. 

Morning Papers. 

How weary, fiak, flat, and unprofitable!-^ 


I AM under the nccelTity of once more recur- 
ring to the daily prints. I find that great fault 
has been found vvith the paragraphs in my laft r 
it has been faid that they confift ondy of fulfome 
panegyric, ill-founded abufc, aiid a miferable fet 
of puns. Now, thisisexadly my. opinion too, 
and I am happy to End the pubhc judgment 
coinciding with my pwn. Of fuch like materiids, 
however, it is allowed, the morning papers arc . 
conftruftcd. They are fit only for vitiated 

Occidit miseros crambe repetitor^^ ' ' 


** The fame (ble viands, ferv'd up o'er and o'er» 
The (lomach naufeates" — 

From what I have faid, and the examples I have 
given, the reader will readily perceive the nature 
and complexioaof each morning paper. For my 
own part, I always regard the Daily as a foot* 
man enquiring after a place, or an( au£kiopeer 
with a catalogue in his hand. 

The Ledger as a dem<ara3ere : half a citizen 
and half a wit, with a bundle of news in one 
hand, and of modern bpn mots and profe epigrams 
in the other* 

The Gazette BE, before Mr. Fox's India bill 
came on the tapis^ I .always regarded as a. city 
merchant of tolerable credit ; but now it appears 
to me like a fellow with a blue cockade in his 
hat, (houting Fox /or ever! 

The General is an Ifraelite, who. after quit- 
ting one of the flelh-pots of politics, . could not 
avoid returning to it, and found, it morcfavoury 

than before I . ... 


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No. V. 

The Morning, aUas the Midnight Chro- 
nicle is a meiTcngcr of parliament^ carrying out 
copies of rcfolutions, with, his mouth full of 
Ha/fy Skttches^ like a taylor %^rith a fuit of cloaths, 
and a pocket full of fhreds and patches ! 

Of the Post it can only be faid that it 
is a poji indeed ! — a finger-pojl^ pointing only 
one way— the way to OppoJUion CaJlU^ kept 
by Giant Talkative^ who lives by the breath 
of his mouth) and is lately gone mad for an //i- 
dian princcfs of immenfe fortune and exquifue 
beauty ! 

Tlie Herald i% like a political clergyman 
with his coat turned wrong-fide outwards, 
or a Fox-Jkin to defend him from the weather.— 
It is a kind of literary Proteus : fometimes it af- 
fumes the (hape of a Bazody recommending profti- 
tutes to princes, and is as good a {tickler for price^ 
as any in King's place. At other times, it 
walks the town in the form of a folio conundrum 
book, with a choice coUeftion of punsy and double 
dUendrCf as keen as a leaden fwordi 

The Public Advertiser refembles Ithuriel 
witii his fpear, dete£Ung falfhood, expofing 
cahamny to flume, and warning the public 
againft political treachery, and the more 
ibominabk vices of the times! 

Such arc my ideas of the morning papers ; 
whether they arc juft or not, let their leaders 
determine i 

Black Contract. 

The Coatra6t between Giant TailuUive and the 
Head-caters, for deluding the public, and for 
mifieprefenting political men and mealures, it 
is generally underftood, expires this day ; and it 
IS (uppofed, that the faid Head^eaters-^unlch 
they Deceive anoti^r retaining fee &om the friends 
of the faid Giants-will renouiKe their temporary 
fnendihip ifX him, and voluniarily Jaa about to 
the RiCHT ! 


Vestr IS* benefit on Thurfday did not bring to- 
gether fo much company as might have been cx- 
pe^ed. It would be well to ihut up this houfe 
for a feafon or two, by way of creating novdty. 
We know every note of Pacchierotti, and every 
ftcp of Vellris; and there is nothing left to excite 
curiolity but Novofielfki's new fcencs of which, 
for obvious reafons, there have been but few this 
feafon.^-The decline of the Italian opera is not 
however to be attributed to the want of capital 
performers. The Buffa opera went off well, and 
the new dance with fmgular eclat. Vcftris and 

Theodore, difcovcred unufual abilities, or, to 
fpcak in the news-paper phrafe, *< out-did all their 
former out-doings;" their minuet was the moft 
exquifite performance exhibited on this ftage this 
feafon ; whilft Slingfby, Rofli^ and Simonct 
did all that was required of them. The band 
did ample juftice to the opera and the dances; 
but — the opera rage is over I 

Nothing, finccmy laft, has occurred at this 
theatre, on which criticifm has not been cxhauft- 
ed, except Friday's 


of L*AlUg;ro it Penforofo, commanded by their 
MajefUes, which went off with fuch applaufe 
that it will no doubt be frequently repeated be- 
fere the conclufion of Lent. The admirers of 
Mifs George — and all her hearers are admirers — 
will now have opportunities of hearing her to 
advantage. She fung the firft treble, and acquit- 
ted hcrfelf with fmgular fucceft. To the air of 
« Sweet bird, that ilhunn'ft the noifc of folly," 
which admits of all the powers and graces a fing* 
er can bellow, ihc did more julHce than any 
dteatrical performer I have heard for many years, 
and I do not recolleft any of her predeceffors ac- 
quitting themfelves to more advantage. Hexein 
I differ from the opinion of fome, who imagine 
they fhew a fupcriority of judgment by finding 
fault with what gives general fatisfaftion ; but it 
is cruel that a performer fhould fuffer from tkt 
coxcomical afie£bition of pfeudo critics ! 

Or Mrs. Kennedy it is needlefs to fay any 
thing : her powers arc well known ; fhe never 
fings to an unfeeling audience ; for were it com« 
pofed, as, in part, it too frequently is, of brutes, 
fhe, above all others, poffeffes the Orphean fkill 
to footh them into humanity. — Meflrs. Norris 
and Reinhold received the applaufe due to their 
extraordinary tidents. The latter in ^' Mirth ad« 
vol me of diy crew," was peculiarly animated. 

The performance of the evening concluded 
wid% the Coronation Anthem^ and it gave me the 
moft heart-felt pleafure to hear Godjavt the King I 
twice encored in honour of the Royal vifiton. 
The fatififaftion of his Majelly was vifible in his 
countenance; and the plaudits he received on 
his entering and departing from the theatre are 
the moft convincing proofs that no fovereign 
was ever mpre beloved by his peiople, and no 
people ever more happy in a fovereign. Teaiv 
of joy ffood tn the eyes of many, and the Cora- 
nation of 1761 was remembered with delight ! 


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No. V. 


Cavtnt Garden* 
* At thU theatre, nothing material has prefen ted 
itfclf, fmcc my laft, except a tepetition of that 
farago of nonfenfe, Harlequin Rambler, with im- 
provements, that is, improvements on the non- 
fenfe, making it more nonfcnfical ; and laft 
night's performance of Thomfon*s Tancred and 
Sigijinunda, of which I (hall only fay, that it 
might have been caft belter. Mr. Wroughton 
would have fuftaincd TaiKred better than Mr. 
Lewis, who certainly wants weight in all the 
firft-rate charaAers he plays in tragedy. If Mrs. 
Kemble, Mifs Younge, or in Ihort, almoft any 
tragic heroine younger than Mrs. Crawford had 
reprefented Sigifmunda, the play would have 
fared the better. Mrs. Crawford, however, did 
the part every juftice it required from great abi- 
lities, and received the applaufe which was due 
to her fifteen years ago — Of Scffridi, it is nced- 
lefs to obferve that Mr. Hull reprefented hitn 
with great propriety ; and with refpeft to 
Ofmond, Mr. Aickin fhould have performed it, 
and not Mr. Whitfield. Credit is due to the ma- 
nager for his attention in getting up this play. 

Town Ladies. 

Su c H is the prefent fcarcity of cafli amongft the 
higher orders of the frail fifterhood, that the 
public is not fo frequently infultcd with their me- 
retricious appearance and behaviour, as it was 
laft winter. Their admirers, en militaire^ from 
the colonel down to the more worthy private^ 
beffin to repent of connexions, which, in a fhort 
time, have deprived them of the hard-earned wa- 
ges of a fcven ycafs war. 

The Mifs W s and Mrs. M s now af- 

pire to the eminent diftinftion of public ap- 
plaufe in their private profeflion, wifhing, it 
fcems, to eclipfc the Perdita herfelf in the noto* 
ricty of their behaviour. Of the fame Perdita^ the 
Black Crow, the White Swan, and the reft of the 
fifterhood, who are ambitious of popularity in 
infamy, little has been lately faid ; the fubjeft, 
like themfelves, is grown ftale, and " in the 
« noftril fmells horrible," 

It is to be lamented that chara6ler$ fo preju- 
dicial, ftiould be permitted to join fociety in an 
admiflion to public places. The contagion of 
example has ruined many ; and if the legiflature 
could devife means for effefting the exclufion of 
this part of the fcx from the reft, they would do 
infinitely more good than by framing ftatutes for 
the limitation of marriage, and eiia6Ung laws for 
theprefervation of game. 

At prefent the influence of vicious example 
has full fcope, and I know but of one antidote 

againft its cfiefb, which I very carrteftly recom* 
mend to my female readers I I mean a ferious 
contemplation of the, latter end of thofe unhappy 
wretches who have heretofore (hone in all the 
fplendour of proftitution. The mifery they 
ufually fuffer by a tranfition from unbounded 
diflipation to extreme indigence, may ht more 
eafily conceived than defcribed ; and the con- 
templatiop of it will naturally fuggeft this re- 
fle6Uon, that death is far better than fuch a 



Of literary produftions of excellence, this 
winter has been remarkably fcarce ; a fure fign 
that the next will abound more abundantly* 
This obfervation does not extend to learned men 
only, but, what is more remarkable^ to learned 
women alfo : neither Mifs More, Mrs. Brooke, 
nor Mifs SewarJ having produced any thing, 

• though remarkable for a quick fucceflion of 
ideas, and fpeedy communications to the public* 
A fecond volume of Efays from the inimitable 
pen of Mifs More, would be peculiarly ac- 
ceptable, unlefs flie is employed in the more 

r arduous purfuits of the mufe, and adding dra- 
matic charms to fcriptural fimplicily. The pro- 
duftions of Mrs. Brooke and of Mifs Seward 
are more adapted to the times, and are, confe- 
quentiy, more generally known. 

Speaking of female writers, it is to be re- 
marked, that the purfuits of literature have been 
greatly on the decline amongft the fair fex within 
thefe few years pa ft; which 1 cannot help at- 
tributing to the univerfal prevalence of that dif- 
fipation which has ruined half our nobility, and 
greatly corrupted the public tafte. Woihen are 
chiefly fwayed by example ; and it is incredible 
to fay how much they will facri$ce to faftiion- 
rather than be thought fingular« Men becoming 
effeminate, and affe6ling to defpife 

The man to books confin'd, 
Who from his ftudy nils at human kind ; 
the ladies had great reafon to fuppofe that they 
ihould fuiFer fimilar difgrace, by fimilar purfuits, 
and, therefore, to avoid fharing the contempt of 
the majority, willingly facrificed the amulive 
branche* of fcience to the tafte of the times ! 

Walking Jockies, 

Notwithstanding the dryrtefs of the wea- 
ther, the lobbies of the Theatres were, laft night, 
as crouded as ever with this fpecies of public nui- 
lance. Thefe figures who are ufually Irifh 
fortune-hunters, Scotch bludej, Engliftimen mis- 
-bredj or pretended officersj are a real terror to all 


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Nb. V. 

peaceabk people. With a flouched hat, 4 grisat 
ftick, a monftrous club, and a down look, they 
parade all public places, particularly the Theatro$> 
and fccm in fc?rch of whoip they may devour. 
Nothing can equal the infolence and ^^fTumed airs 
thefc fellows give themfel ves ; and their behaviour 
is generally fuch, that I have frequently fufpeded 
them £or diiguifed chairmen and porters, I am 
vaftly pleafed when two or three of thefc gentle- 
vifin quarrel ; they have ufually madnefs enough 
to fnap piftols at each other, which always affords 
the comfortable profpeft, as Dean Swift fayb, of 
ridding the worid of a couple of fcoundrels. 

I CANNOT but think it equitable, and I recom- 
mend it to the attention of the managers of our 
dieatres, that as they will not permit ladies to 
wear balloon-hats, evtn in the green boxes, they 
ought to oblige thefe fame Walking Jockics to 
pull off their boots and leave them with perfons 
appointed for the purpofe, or with their dear 
friends the fruit-women, before they are permitted 
to enter the boxes. 

I AM now in poflefllon of the memorandum 
book pf Squire M^g^m'sNephotf, and ihall fpecdily 
fend you a few extra^b from it. In the me<Mi 
time, I am, 

Dear Spec! 

Your faithful Depiuy, 


To ether CoaaEsvoNOENTs. 

If every one had t!ic abhorrence to vice which 
Exploratio profeffes to have^ the publication fie al» 
ludes to would not long infult the town, Modeflus 
may rejt ajfured that his wijhes will be complied with^ 
except zoith reJpeEl to the Firft Number, which is 
this day reprinted. Attention has been put into tfie 
hands of the Printer^ and he has attended to it ac* 
cordingly. I am Jorry to rejuje a lady any things 
but the Lines on Mrs, Crawford are too imperJeB for 
publication. Probably any of the morning prints -wilt 
admit them. 

Lqhoqh: Printed by T.I^icka^y^ No. 15, DukeVCourt, Bow-Street, Covent-Gslrden ; 

And Sold by T, AX TELL, No. 1, Finch-Lanc, Comhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by 
W. SWIFT, Bookfeller, Charles-Street, St. James's-Squarc -, by P. BRETT, BookfcUer and 
Station^if, oppofue St. Clement's-Church in the Strand ; by G. KEARSLEY, No. 46, Fleet-Street ; 
and by W, THISELTON, Bookfeller and Sutioner, No. 37, Goodge-Strect, Rathbonc-Placc. 

%< Correspondents are requefted to addrds their favours to the New Spectator, to be 
toft at Mr. Swift'Si in Charles-Street, St. JamesVSquaFe, where a Letter-Box is affixed 
for their ii6eeption« 

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No. VI. 

TUESDAY, March 9, 1784. 

Price Thrc^-pencei 

To be continued ez\ery Tuesday, 

All this they fpcak in print. 


HAVING pronrifed an early unfcrtion of 
flush favours of my correfpondcnts, as, 1 
trudy will nierit public attention, I fhall dedi- 
cate this paper to their fervioc. 

To the New Spectator^; ^ 
Mr. Spectator, 

Y o V have commenced an undertaking 
highly proper for the prefent era of periodical 
publications; and fuch -as, I doubt not, will meet 
with public approbation. It is true, you have 
had many predeccflbrs, who have extrcifcd their 
genius on almoft every ftibjeft ; but one of them 
rery judicioufly remarks, that as the works of 
nature will always afford matter for endlefs con- 
templation, andasvice and folly perpetually vary 
their appearances^ fo frelh fources of animadvcr- 
fion arc perpetually difcovcred, and the enquirer 
always finds iiovelty fufficient to avoid the foot-* 
Heps of thofe who have gone before him. Thus, 
in countries where the fciences have made confi- 
derabljQ progrcfs, and learning and ingenuity have 
ereQed the ilandard of truth, the human mind, 
pevcr fatiated with enquiry, purfues, with all the 
Ardour of avidity, frefti trafts of knowledge ; and 
afber having gratified its ciiriofity in. the contem- 
pUtion of ike material world, and external ob- 
je£ls, ceaies al length t0 wander in queft of exer- 
ciie, and finds an ine^hauflible fountain of ratio- 
cinatioain the contemplation of itfelf. 

So when the liberty of communication accom- 
panies the liberty of inveftigation^ the progrefs 
of litenktare is proportionably rapid ; for litera- 
ture is notHing more than the revdations of rea- 
ibn, the public tranfcripts of private Opinion, or 
thfe decifions of combined enquiry. Nothmg 
can bi more regular than the advancement of fo- 
ciefyfroiti baAarifm to refinement. After the 
formation of laws, for the ^rote^tion of fociety 
atui individuals, men begin to' turn their atten- 
tion to the fciences which, by expanding their 
ideas, prefently introduce inoral enquiries, refixwd 
fpeculations, and elegant manners* 

It has been very often, and very juftlyobferv- 
ed, that liberty and literature accompany each 
other ; that the latter cannot exifl, but under the 
immediate proteftion of the former ; and that 
a country dcftitute of freedom, can never be exu- 
berant in knowledge. Tyranny is a Medufian 
head to the fciences ; it congeals, it petrifies ; it 
blafts the bud of knowledge, and we look for 
. the flower in va:in. 

There is no one country in which this truth 
is more fuUy evinced th^n in our own ; for fuch 
have been the flu6hiations of power, fometimes 
in favour of freedom, and' fometimes of tyranny, 
that I think a flight attention may difcover, by the 
literature of the times, which have had the pre. 
dominance at different periods. It opens a field 
of ufcful Ipeculationi which would terminate in 


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No. VI. 

the delightful contemplution of that felicity which 
\vc enjoy, but which, to other nations, is only 
an ideal happincfs. The fpeculations of the 
thinking part o£ mankind, in fuch kingdoms, 
would turn -on the nature of freedom, and iporc 
perfeft forms of govcrraent; but Oiat freedom 
being fecured to us, we may indulge our minds 
in all the luxury of fpcculaiivc dift]uiiuions, and 
tnetaphyfical enquiries. Thus, it is obvious that 
under the cfbtblifhment of freedom, the mind 
ncceffarily expands itfelf ; but the want of freedom 
contra£b it in fomc degree toone contemplation : 
and that is the contemplation of that liberty of 
which it i^xlcprivcd. 

Indeed, wc are not only indebted to liberty 
for the enjoyment of all thofe advantages to 
which, as men and as free agents we arc na- 
turally entitled ; but to its influence we mud alfo 
afcribc the produftion of all our more refined 
pleafures. But for the influence of this prin- 
ciple, we had been deprived of the fentiments of 
men, whofc works have inftrufted, reformed, 
and amufed mankind. To this influence we arc 
indebted not only for the more voluminous pro- 
- duftions of learned men, but alfo for the b^au- 
tifuKentimcnts of an Addison, and a Steele, 
aJoHusoN, andaMoRE; and I am aj>t to think 
that the nature of the climate and of the people, 
has not had fo large a (hare )s the freedom of 
enquiry, in forming the charafteriftic pf the 
^ Englifti, and entitling them to the appellation of 
*• a nation of philoibphers." The qualities of 
the climate may, in a degree, have contributed 
fomething to natural difpofition, and rendered 
them a thinking people ; but diough thought and 
.meditation may go far towards forming an indi- 
vidual philofopher; yet to give a philolophical turn 
to people, communication mud be unrc drained, 
the mind perfeAly at liberty, and cnquir)' aug- 
mented by encQuragcment, and rewarded by au- 

If then, as a people wc are doubly bicflcd 
with liberty and philofophy ; with freedom of 
enquiry, and capacity to enquire : let us make 
a full, but a pleafing are of our acquifitions. Let 
the moments of amufement contribute to our in- 
telleftual pleafures *, and I cannot conclude this 
letter better than by thanking you, Mr. Spec- 
tator, for commencing a paper conduced on li- 
beral principles, and which may tend to the re- 
vival of a fpecies of literature, highly advanta- 
geous to the community, in ridiculing, if not 
checking, the follies of the times* • 
I am Sir, 

Your's, &c. 


To the New Spectator. 

Mr, Spectator, 
The public having been recently infulted at 
the Haymarket Theatre, by being invited to fee 
a colleAion of proditutes of the fird order, who, 
however, never appeared ; and Mn Colman, as 
proprietor of ^e houfe, having had fome reflec- 
tions cad on him in confequence ; I • have no 
doubt but your candour and impartiality will 
permit mc.publidy to obfervc that fuch ccnfure is 
by np means applicable to him. It is tnie, that 
Mr. Colman is proprietor of the houfe, but it 
docs not thence follow that he is to be ahfwcrablc 
to the public' for whatever may be performed in 
it, except during his own management. If he 
Ictts the Theatre for Angle nights to temporar)' 
managers, and fuch 1 underdand is frequently tliC 
cafe, in the winter feafon, I cannot fee what he 
has to do with the performers or performances 
which that manager may think proper to bring 
forward. If the audience are infulted, the re- 
drcls lies with themfelvcs, A virtuous pubhc 
would have crowded the houfe on this infamous 
occafion, and by their cenfures have put proditu- 
tion to the blufh, and corrc6led the impudence of 
him who could thus think of c^tivating the 
town widi the exhibition of chara6bcrs which 
ought to be hid from the public eye, or hooted 

from focicty. 

I am, Sir, 

Yours, &c, 


To ifLt New Spectator. 
; Normchy Murch tjt 1 784. 

Mr. Spectator, 

• As you have declared an intention of rcfuftng 
every thing in the form of poetr}', which has not 
marks of genius to recommend it, ^'ou will, of 
courfe, feldom admit any of thofe compofitions 
called Prologues and Epilogues. TTie following, 
however, is one exception againd tlic vilcnefs 
which ufually pcr\'adcs thofe wretched icffufions. 
It was fpoken at our Theatre oh Saturday the 7th 
of lad month, when the comedy of As you like ii^ 
was performed for the benefit of the poor. You 
win regard it as a proof of genius, when I in- 
form you that on the preceding Wcdncfday 
night, about twelve o'clock, Mr. Walker, ont 
of the Minor Canons was requeded to prepare 
an occafional Prolog4ie to be delivered to the 
pcrfon who was to fpcak it the nc-\t morning. 


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^% VI, 

THE N, B W S. ? E C T A T O R, 4c, 

Qn tius ft^H and 9^bnipl noUce^ He ftt^ 4pw«» 
zskA toiihed it before ho wtnt tq^bf^. Wlw» 
you have penifol it, ycju \^iU Toadily oOBchicU 
tha* i^ was lAUich aypl*wi©4» Iwa^ Si», 

. Your's, &ۥ . 
: \. . ■ ..B- 


Bj ike Retftrend Jq»n Walrer, 

Spbkin by Mrsi Murray. 

As var^uog (cafons maiY the circling yeaiy 
Tbu«iaoar piimic worl4 by lums appear 
Succcffivc changeful fccnes.-^Lo! Comedy 
like thc'young Spring, with laughter-loving ey<e, 
Brightens ^ull thought, and bids th* enlivenM brcaft 
Glow with pure wft, chaftc humour and fair jeft. 
rtferctdo, with dkcful ftorm, Ae Tragic train' 
In glotmiy triumph fix pale Terror's reign ; 
Emblem of Winter wiJd I— Hark ! ihc fierce bjaft 
Shakes the dark air, aQd.ho>Ml»o^er die nidc wafie. 

,Q, kayeyour foub Dc'cr vcpt wbea aged L» ar 
Tue^b^s l^i^ath the Aorm, and (bikes yqur ear .. 
Withfonnds of woe? Say^ what the acted grief 
To ibat i^ o w claimi your, pity, now implpres relief? 

PcVchance within this city's ancie^it wall 
Swells fome fiich haplcfs father^ <:a{l from all 
His heart holds dear; all Tad in midnight florm 
With'no Cordelia his cold heart to warm, 
No friend; no fafithful Edgar by his fide,— 
Ah-! fee, he finks, and freezes life's. red tide, 
lliisnigbt, byftatcdnile, |he Comic mufe 
Takes hex alternate reign ; glad to diffbfe 
Tatfais barighf circle henenchasiting fmile^ 
To fm^tk &x^^ thought, or foften honed tpil. ] 

What then, no laughing Prologue to the play ? 
Mid no fmart couplet glitters wit's fiiir ray ?— 
Sir, Critic, ho: For ev'n our comic mufc 
Than laughter merely has far noWer views : 
This Night (he fmiles, as ufual, to be fure; 
But then (he fmiles, like angels, on the Po o r ! 

To ths New S p e c t at o r. 

Friend Spec, 

Tiis Theatres have^ fince my lafl, engaged fo 
much of my attention, that I h?.ve not been sJsle. 
to vi£t «thcr places of public amufement ; and 
indeed there are few others worthy of noticel 
The DoMmg Bo^^ I havenot yet fecn, and of 
the Qther dancing puppets, I (aid enough laft 
week, therefore bpgin my mifcellanea, with a 

Private Anecdote, ' 

^i$s L****, a young lady at the weft end 
of the town, whbfe fortune and accomplifliments 
arc fuch as to attraft many hearts, received the 
addre(&s €>f an officer of the guards, and, it 

wa3 faid, (He had ptomifed him her hand. 

Amongft ^i$ fpecics of gentry, it has been long 

temarked^ ^^ there are individuals who, though 

appan^ntly nccomplifiied, are dcftitute of every 

priofciple of humanity; and the moft dread&i 

thing whi^h can happen to a worthy priva^^ is 

to incur the difpleafure of a coxcomb of the 

Quards, Our heroine's difpofition was of the 

tendered kind ; and ihe ffoquently lamented the 

hard fate of the fun-burnt foldier obliged to Dub^ 

imt to the )iarfli<^rre£iion of unfeeling wretches 

whofe fervices were confinedto the parks aiid iQai^ 

palaces of ihe metroppUs ; but Aie had no .idea 

of her loyi^r being one of thofe fona^ of iahuma-f 

nity. It happened, however, a littie tixne ago^ 

that accidentally feeing him on duty'ifi Hyde 

Park, (bey with fome &iends, came up at the 

very movient he was caning an old foldier, and^ 

Qn (^nquury, finding it was more to indulge aii ioi 

human prppenfity, thim from any ncal fauk conm 

mittedby the poor fellow who was obliged to fubf 

mic to the barbarity, ihe renounced all conneftioti 

with his officer ; and the intreatiesc^ her friend^ 

the protcftatiohs of her lover, .and indeed her 

own prcpoiTeflion in his favour, have not ht^n 

able to. induce her to think ^f entering ihematn^ 

mo^ial ftate with a wretch ft> ii^nmian ais to: pes* 

Jbn^lly chaftife where no chalHfement is waatingt 

being tvell convinced *thatif -age andtgOOd fervicxi 

peceiv^i fuch treatment at his hands, a'* 

huinanity muft bjc the ,prevtiHng paffion of his 

brcaft; and (he h^ thextfore, emphatically de^ 

clarcd that <« (he will not link herfelf t6 a cock- 

^ded beadle, though he.Wcrc fure of. a'ftafF;" juft- 

ly concluding that as fuch a man advances in pow* 

er his barb^ty increafes. 

I AM much delightied with the coaduft of; this 
young, lady, and wi(h I had her authority for 
publiihing the name of her quondam lover ; but 
Die, with the fpifit of genuine charity, << fparetb 
" hiqdth^tipajceih not another! '•' ^ 

Je MALE Dress, 

This (ubje& is inexhauftable. The ladieft vary, 
their (hapes fo frequently, and wjlth fuch rapidity^ 
that, were I conilantly to attend to their traipefor- 
mations, I (hould every week trouble your 
Spectator SHIP with , frelh ob(ervation» pa- 
modes of female «dre(s and decoration. 

• » i' ", - ■ . ■ NUJiut unquam 

Sic dijparjibi -i-*-- HoR . 

Sure (iich a various creature ne'er was known ! 


Thc Balloon hat is confiderably cncreafed'in its 
dimcnfxons, and the decorations over the crown. 

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No. vi: 

being fphcriodical, give it a better title to the 
appellation : to give a brilliancy to thcfe decora- 
tions, diamond pins are added, and the figns of 
the Zodiac are now (een to glitter on the heads 
of the ladies, in emulation of the twin ftars 
that give animation to a beautiful form ! 

The party-coloured ftocking has fomctimes 
made its appearance, but has been gencrally^(?M^- 
ed^ as having too mafculine an appearance : it 
had the difadvantage too of being introduced by 
impurcs, who ufually exhibited it in a manner 
calculated to excite difgufl rather than admira- 
tion. That the (ale may not be entirely loft, 
the frail fiftcrhood, on the rcquifitipnof ccruin 
hofiers, have promiied to fport it as a fpring 
faihion ; but it is to be hoped the falhion will be 
confitied to their own order, and not contaminate 
the delicate limbs of elegant innocence ! — The 
gold and fdver worked chevaux-de-frife, — if 1 
may fo call it— is liable to the fame objeQions. 
Nothing can equal pure white for a lady's 
flocking, and hence, in fome countries, it has 
received the elegant appellation of thcfnow drop 
of drefs I 

I AM aftoniflicd that though her Majefty's vir- 
tues areib little emulated among the higher ranks 
of the female world, an imitation of the elegant 
neatneOi of her drefs (hould be equally negle^ed. 
Indeed all thofe of the Royal Family who ho- 
noured the Oratorio with their prefence on 
Friday evening, if I except the Princels Royal, 
were well and elegantly drefled. Her Majcfty 
wore a flight fatin drefs, Saxon blue, richly trim- 
med with filver crape. The head^refs confifted 
of a piece of plain crape gauze, pinned before, 
and thrown back, with great neatnefs and tafte : 
on the left fide, a black velvet crefccnt adorned 
•wi|h brilliant pins, terminating with a black bow, 
ornamented with a diamond flar. Her ear-rings 
wore fingularly beautiful, each confifting of tranf^^ 
parent brilliants. The head-dreffes of both the' 
Princeffes, were in every refpcft tlic fame, ex- 
cept that they had each of them an elegant plume 
of white feathers. The Princefs Royal had on 
a pink and filver ftripe tiffue, with breaft-bows 
and fleeve-knots of the fame, and trimmed like 
her Majefty's, but by no means well put on ; 
her flays came remarkably high, and, with an 
enormous pifturc, hid every part of her bofom. 
The PrinccfsAugufla wore a drefs of the fame co^ 
lour as her Majefty's, and trimmed in the fame 
manner, and loolccd extremely elegant. 
B u L I A. 

Th£ Bulians are remarkable for a grave and 
philofophic wayijf thinking; and, if they were 
not fo much i^&ed to politics, would excel the 

univerfe in fcience ; but politics arc at once their 
bane, and their delight. Even the priefls, for- 
getting Uie nature of their profeflion, will, in 
the facred temples, read— as well as they can— < 
certain political pamphlets which they call 
Ncmra^ fignifying pulpit difcourfes. Hence, it 
may naturally be fuppofqd, that the literati of 
Bulia are chiefly politicians; too many of them 
indeed, arc fo ; as they have no lefs than fixteen 
thoufand books a day publifhed on that lubje^ 
in Bulia only : one half in the morning, and the 
other in the evening ; in which the politicians 
write againft each other with all the rancour of 
animofity, and the virulence of party. In thefe 
books they alfo give daily accounts of what paflf- 
es in the Reppu and the Etanes, which the peo- 
ple read with the utmoft avidity. Several of 
them will fometimes aflbciate together, when one 
flroking his beard with great gravity, and, taking 
up one of thefe books, will read to the refl* 
Nothing can be more rifible to a fbranger than 
to hear the curious comments each of them will 
beftow on what is reading to them: it might 
naturally be concluded, that there is no fuch 
thing as virtue or vice in Bulia. At the time I 
vifited them, you will recoUeft, that difputes ran 
very high refpefling R^nardam. On the one- 
liand, I have heard men obftinately contend that- 
nothing could equal his virtues; and, on the 
other, that his vices are as numerous and as gla- 
ring as fun beams. But, the Bulians have a very 
fingular way of arguing, ^and difcover extreme 
ignorance or extreme turpitude; for rather 
than give up the hero of their praife, they 
will dcfcend fo low as to endeavour to prove 
that his vices arc virtues, and defend him in the 
commifTion of the moft deteftable crimes. The 
fubtilty of their fophifms is, fometimes, amazing^ 
and fhews of what exertions the mind is capable 
in defence of its prejudices. 

In Bulia they fpeak very freely of the fuprcme 
authority, and, in plain terms, exprefs their 
opinions of legiflative meafures. One thing \txy 
much excited our admiration : that as the vices 
of fome were maintained to be virtues, fo the 
virtues of others were held to be vices. Rexman 
the king, than whom none had a more amiable 
chara6ler, frequently fuffercd grofs infuhs from 
the multitude, by the mifreprefentations of poll- ' 
tical defperadoes ; and, what is almoft incredible, 
by the very men whofe fole ambition it was to 
(hare his confidence I Thefe men had the fingular 
addrcfs, by their oratorical arts, to perfuade the 
Bulians, that the motives to every aftion of the 
foveieign, and the confequences rcfulting from 
it, muft inevitably prove detrimental to the in«^ 


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No. VI. 


terfts of the people at large. But in all his afiions 
die king was fuppofed to be aflviiedby the Retfinim 
or his chief Servant, who^ of courfe,. was deemed 
anfwerahle for the coniequences : for the Buiians 
held a do^lrine, that the head of the legiflature had 
no political free-agency ! In the affair of Rey- 
nardam's flatute refpeding the balloon merchants^ 
Rexman, however, made it appear that his 
voice had fomo^ influence in the legiflature, by 
rcfcutng the government ^m the impending 
danger, with which it was threatned by that 
ftatute ; and yet Reynardam and his friends had 
the audacity to contend that the flatute \i^ fram- 
ed for the public good ! In this tninla£Uon, the 
opinion which Rexman entertained of Reynar- 
dam was verified to the world; and the king's 
love of his fubje&, and regard to their welfare 
were fo clearly manifefted, that from thence 
Reynardam was held in deriflon, and Rexman 
efleemed and honoured as the faviour, as well as 
the father of his people. 

This formed a grand era in the reign of Rex- 
man; the royal authority afliimed its due weight 
and importance in the (late, and the perfon of 
the fovereign received additional refpe6l and 
xeverence. Nothing reitiained to difturb the 
public tranquillity, but the vain attempts of Rey* 
nardam to recover the power he had fo juflly for- 
fei^d by attempting to deprive the balloon mer- 
chants of their peculiar privileges ^ the Buiians 
naturally concluding that he who aims at the 
defSeat of right in a partial degree, wants only 
power to extend the influence of his princ^les 
to the deftxu£lioa of every thing tending to coun- 
lerafthis own ambitious views. 

Though Reynardam was artful, and penetrat- 
ing, he was impatient of contfoul, and his thirfb 
after power was exceflive. Reynardam was well 
verfed in the chara^rs of men : he %^ras, there- 
fore, advetfe to veiling Reynardam with any^ 
of thofe powers which could feed his ambition* 
and enable him to ufurp improper authority. As 
the public, however, feemed defirous of the Rct- 
finimihip being confered on him, the king, will- 
ing to gratify his people, nominated Reynardam 
his chief (ervant* Of his behaviour in that fta- 
tion, and his diflnif&on from it, I have ali^ady 
informed you. The conjeftures of Rexman were 
formed in trudi, and the eyes of the pe<^le were 
at length opened to the real chara£ler, and the 
deep defigns of Reynardam. It was ncceflary to* 
4ay thus much eefpeAing the political principles of 
the Hulians, previous to the relation of fome cu- 
rious circumflances, which will form the fub- 
ja&ofmy folure animadverflons on the political' 
iituatioD of the Buiians* In my next letter, I 

intend giving you a tranflationof a very Ihort 
woric, which has lately been read with great avi* 
dity in Niatrib, entided the BuUan Lovers^ found* 
ed on fads, which have lately occurred in a Bu^ 
lian family of diflin£Uon. 


ihury Lant* 
This theatre, flnce my lad, has abounded in 
excellence of entertainment. On Tuefday Ifabcl' 
la ; Wednefday, MeJ/iah ; Friday, by comftiand, 
Acts and Galatea^ in which Mifs George appear^* 
ed to much advantage. , She was particularly ex- 
cellent in the delightful air of << As when the 
Dove." Mifs George has the Angular quality of 
giving to Englifh mufic all the delicacy of the 
Italian. A boy, from the King's chapel, was 
much applauded in every thing he fung, particu- 
larly in " Shepherd, what art thou purfuing?'* 
Mrs. Kennedy was not fo happy as ufual in her 
exertions, none of the muilc which fell to her 
lot being of that kind in which fhe excels. Meflrs. 
Rcinhold and Korris acquitted themfclves with 
great approbation. Crofdill played a concerto on 
i the violinccllo, with peculiar tafle apd execution. 
The compofition Mras of a kind calculated to fhew 
his abilities, and he did (hew them. . 

Besides the prefence of their MajefUes, the 
performance was honoured with that of the 
Prince of Wales, the Princefs Royal, and the 
Princefs Augufla. On his Royal Highnefs enter- 
ing his box a partial hi fling of — about^ to one-^ 
prevailed in the houfe, which prefently fubflded, 
and reminded me of the old privilege claimed bythe 
good people of thefe realms, of abuting their t>etters 
when they think proper. — ^Thcir Majcflies were 
received with three cheers, as were the Priacefles^ 
and appeared well entertained with the perfor- 
mance. The King and Queen were particularly 
chearful, and retired amidfl the united plaudits of 
one of the moft crowded audiences I have ever 
feen at an Oratorio. 

The tragedy of the CounUfs of Salijbury was 
revived at this ho6fe on Saturday, and is likely to 
become a prevailing piece« No play has, this 
feafon, been honoured with a more refpe6bble 
audience, or more deferved applaufe.— Mr. 
Smith, in Alwin, acquitted himfelf with great 
fuccefs. His fcene with Raymond was particular- 
ly excellent, and gained him Angular approba* 
don.v^In Raymond, Mr. Paliner gave evident 
proofs that he is honoured with the favours of 
Melpomene, as well as Thalia. — Aickin and Far- 
ren made as much of Grey and Morton as they 
could ; whilfl Mifs Kemble made me regret that 
there was any Aich charaftqi^ as .Elfanor in the. 


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No. VL 

dranuUis per/brut of diu plaly, or that the managen 
could be pet^iaded to make ufe of a little common 
fenfis, and not eaft their plays as if they did not 
know dietr i^t hand from their kft«->-The Coun«« 
te(s was performed by Mrs, Siddons* with that 
correftnefis, chaftity, and delicacy, and was, 
throughout the whole, marked with fuch pe- 
culiar excellencies, that I can fpeak of it only in 
general terms of applaufe, except in the fcene 
where fhe is on the point of lofing her child, in 
which Mrsj Siddons was equal io the late Mr. 
Garrick in any one of his mo ft diftinguiflied^ 
paffages. I remember this tragedy was performed 
fome years ago, in which Mr. aqd Mrs. 3arry,, 
now MrS.Crawford, play edAl win and the Coun- 
tefs : but Mrs. Cj^wford, though then in the 
zenith of her glory, did not difplay thofe powers 
nor that general excellence which marks the per- 
formance of Mrs. Siddons. 1 have before remark- 
ed, that the difference between tKofe two ex- 
cellent aftreffes confifts in the one exciting the 
warmeft attention through the whole performanccV 
and the other only in cdrtain marked paffages, in 
which (hcy perhaps, excels the former. — Mrs. 
Siddons ma4c fo much of the Countefs, that 
though the tragedy is but dramatic diofs, ihe 
(lamps it with the value of refined ^old, and the 
au<iience at the conclufion called loudly for its 
repetition on Mon<ibiy, and when Mr. Smith 
gave it out for Tuefday, he received threfe thun- 
dering plaudits. 

After the tragedy the D^trter was performed 
in which Mils Philips attra!6ted evnery auditor,. 
Befides a vexy beautiful perlbn, this young lady 
poffeffes" all ^e cliarms of mufic ; an uodon by 
no means common, and, therefore^ contemplated 
with delighc. It isnecdlcls to add, that (he fung. 
her airs with cxqnifite t^fte and delicacy. Mrs. 
V/righten was alfo excellent; Henry was decent; 
and the reft of the chara6ter» were played witji 
general propriety. 

After the tr^edy of HaTnUt^ Uft nighty a 
new mufical piece called the DahtbU Difgutfe was 
prcfented ; the plot of which turns chiefly ori a 
fervant aiTuming the title and pretenfions of his 
lord> ^vho, on going to pay his addreflcs to a lady, 
leaves his lervants at an inn» and, under pretence 
of returning to London, purfues his journey, and«. 
under a dil^uife, gains the af!e£tion of the kidy. 
His fervant then arrives, and creates « a whimA- 
cal confulion in the family," which is at length 
cleared up by his confeffion. This is fimplylhe 
outline of the plot, whidi is well fuit^ to convey 
fome fprightly dialogue, awmated with fiwae-of the 
plealkntcft fotigs, and moft argreeable raufic 1- 

karve heard for fome time. Mifs Philips, wids^ 
that delicacy and grace peculiar to heifidf, gave, 
all her fongs in the moil captivating manner— p 
Kin. Wnghten repre£ented an In& gtrl^ and wa» 
particularly arch in the dialogue, whilft her fongs 
wertl chara&eriftkally written and £et, and moft 
eMceUently ituig.^^Mr. Barrymore in the Lord, 
and Mr. Dodd in the fervant,' weie very well at 
home, particularly the latter.^^aribns, in the 
&dKr of the young ladyv was as comical as ever ; 
and Mrs. Hopkins quite refpe^blb as an old 

. Mr. HooKi, incompofing the imiflc tothi» 
pretty uifle, has attended to a circumfttnce very 
little attended to amongft modem muficai com- 
pofers: that ballad fmiplicity which never £iils 
to charm the moft refined, as wdl as die moft 
unpoUfhed laftc* Every one of the airs are kib 
in this ftile ; light, airy, Bmcifbl, charming ; 
and indeed the overture prepared the audience 
to expeft fuch ; for it is one of the moft pleafmc 
of that kind Of coknp<>(ition whiohhas gcaced the 
orcheftra for a long time. The badboit and the 
^utboy are principab in it ; snd tkem are fe- 
veral folo and oiiZitottvaiiovementsforeadiof thofe 
inftrumentSi which charm every hearer, and do 
g!?eat credit to the pecfbnners as weU ^ the 
c^ianpofer*. . : 

This opera has been got wf with great caie^ 
tafte, andeiegance; and has beep decorated wittv 
feveral new ^enes, particularly a gandm fcene, 
exquiHtely rich and wdl fancied. It w»re^ 
ceived with unremitted applaufe thnxigkeut, and 
I am much miftaken, if it does not Ibecome one 
of the moft popular muHcal piccct which has 
been brou^t ft>rward for many years, andfe- 
veral of the fongs will foon be warfafed in the 
ftreets of this metropolis, partkuhniy Mrs» 
Wrighten's humorous ifong of the h%Jk4$df 
— ^The audience, Plough not veiy bxiliont, wns 
uncommonly crouded. 

CooeiU Gardetu 
On Thurfday Aaron HilLV lidcewarm tnmflft* 
tion of. Voltaire's lukewarm tngedyoflZaca, iwan 
performed at this liouie. . Lufignan by Mr. Hen*^ 
derfon, was equal ta Gprrick's, but inficcior to 
the late Mr. Barry's, though the fcttie in- 
which he discovers Zara to be his daughter, was^ 
perhaps never better played«— rMr» Wrong^itoa 
ihould not have been pennitted to^fyout.Ofifnav 
andif Mn Whitfield. would pocolleft thatZam^ 
is a tragedy, and not an oper^ it woukl he lU 
the better.-*^n. Gt»wfbrd's Zara is a hig^- 
finiihed piece o£ a£Ung, and it were a wafteof 
words to attempt praifmg a pecfiMsnanon tduoh 

h above all pcaife ! . . 


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No. VI. 


In the comedy of Rule a Wife and have a Wife^ 
Mrs, Abington played Eflifania, for the fir ft thne, 
on Saturday, and acquitted herfclf with her uTual 
fpirit, and certainly with more dramatic fuccefs. 
Eftifania is evidently her line of playing, and is 
much to be preferred Iq her Lady Betty ModiOi, 
and other modifli trifles, about which a great deal 
more has been faid than they merited.— -Mr. Hen- 
dcrfon, in Leon, was little, if any thing, infe- 
rior to Garrick, though it is the Jajhion to call 
him a copy only.— Mr. Lewis in the Copper Cap- 
tain was eafy and fpirited % and the play, on the 
whole, went off with eclat. 

The evening's entertainment concluded with 
the agreeable trifle called the Sultan^ which being 
a produdion of Mrs. Abington, it is ncedlcfs to 
fay, fhc played with the vivacity and gaiety for 
which Hie is remarkable. 

Pacchierotti's Benefit on Thurfday, brought 
together a confiderabie audience <it the King's 
Theatre ; and was one of the bed entertainments 
of the kind, I ever attended. I'he mufic was 
excellent, and if Pacchierotti had a good benefit, he 
(hewed his gratitude by performing in a manner 
highly gratifying to his auditors. No eflbrtsof the 
human voice can excel his fecond air ; and his 
laft had peculiar merit : merit worthy of Pacchi- 
erotti. Repetitions of this opera may therefore be 
cxpefted during the reft of the feafon. 

OFLufini, andFranchi, Bartolini, and Tafca, 
I can only fay that they feconded the great maf- 
ter of melody and pathos with all their powers, 
and the whole of the opera received, as it ought, 
abundant applaufe. 

The dances went off with ufual eclat^ and gave 
a very brilliant condufion to the evening's 

TiiEATHiCAL Orchestras. 
Th e ** th rummers of wire and fcrapers of cat- 
gut," who arc engaged at the Theatres to enter- 
tain the audience previous to, and during the 
performance, fcem to have an infuperable objec- 
tion to the former part of the bufinefs. They by 
no means relifh wafting their rofm before the 
curtain draws up. It is not, therefore, till 
after a vaft deal of thumping with (licks, (lamp- 
ing with feet, hooting andfhouting, that the mu- 
fical gentry, who are thus the authors of difcord 
itiftead of harmony, choofe to make their ap- 
pearance ; and then they have fcarcely put their 
inftfuments in tune, but— whifk! — aWay they 
go through the little dbor, like a duck under wa- 
ter, and arc irivifiblc in i, moment ! Then recom- 

mences the mufic of ^hc iritated Gods, conjpirito: 
after that comes the tinkling of the prompt bell ; 
and then opon flies the little door, ^nd-^Da Capo t 
—Rofm away— -whi(k| and dive again I 

W ON D E R s. 

The moft wonderful philofopher of the prefent 
age, the redoubted Katterfelto, whofc phi- 
lofophy confifts in the black aft and the black cat^ 
has communicated to me a plan for difcovcring 
who isthegreateft philofopher in the prefent age: 
and his fcheme is fo curious, that I (hall, here- 
after, with your permiffion, lay it before the pub- 
lic. At prefent I can only fay, that Katterfietto's 
is the moft innocent and diverting philofophy 
which can be ftudied ; for though it be cur- 
rently reported, that he and his black cat are devils , 
he never fails to convince his auditors that they 
are each of them as harmlefs as any houfe lambs in 
chriftendom. After all the noife this philofopher 
and his philofophy have made, his Solar MI- 
crofcope is the moft worthy of obfervation and 
applaufe. It is indeed, one of the beft I have 
ever feen, and his colle£lion of micrcfcopici^ 
objeds are well chofen, curious, and, what is 
more, inftru£live. Rattcrfelto, however, has 
the misfortune to be fometimes vifited in the 
night for the exhibition of that which can gnly 
befcen by the light of the fan I 


The Box-lobby nuifance is a nuifance only : 
a very harmlefs, but a very impertipent animal. 
It is fometimes a thing of fafhion ; but more fre- 
quently a would-be thing of fafhion : each is, 
however, equally troublefome. It fometimes 
dreffes in the extreme of fafhion, and then it re- 
fembles Shakefpeare's flower, 

That fmiles on every one. 
To fliew its teedi. 

At other times it a(rumes the form of a walking" 
jockey f and being juft arrived from Cheapjide^ ex- 
patiates very largely on the pleafures of travelling, 
and the delights of the country ! It joftles every 
gentleman from the box-book, and, with an in- 
credible buftle, examines the book, and exprelTes 
its furprife that no more of its acquaintance are 
in die houfe. It then difcovers that public bufi- 
nefs may have detained them^ — ^that is, their bufi- 
nefs on the public roads — and that pofllibly its 
dear friend ♦ • ♦ ♦ may ftay the divifion — that is, 
the divifion of the booty — and it cannot think of 
(laying the play when there is no company in 
the houfe ; and, therefore, having in the buftle 
of its importance,-.eafed fomc of its gazing ad- 
, mirers 

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No. Vt 

mirc^s of their watches and money,. Ijt <jyits the 
Iwufe abruptly, to be alii? prcfent at the divi- 
fion l^^^^ 

Akother Nuisance, 
A MORE alarming nuifancc than the former, is 
tlie Adverlifing Money Lender / This is a public 
Tiuifance that, under the mafk of friendfhip, 
plants a dagger in many a bread. He riots in 
the diftreffes of his fellow creatures ; and, in- 
flead of removing their miferies, plunges them 

in ten-fold ruin ! It is impoflible to conceive 

the variety of wretchednefs to which families are 
daily reduced by thefc villains and their con- 
federates, who thus Openly, and in the fecc of 
day, under a (hew of philanthrophy, prey upon 
the ignorance, the fimplicity, and the neceflities 
of mankind. The gentry of this vocation have 
greatly incrcafed in their number lately; and 
fomc of them are fo honourable as to inform you 
in their advertifements, that they will not give 
you a proof of their villainy under two, or per- 
haps five hundred pounds, as " nothing under 

** that fum will be advanced." Various arc 

the modes of defraud praftifed by them for the 

acquifition of goods and iccuritics^ whict being 
oi)CC in their cullody, are feldom recovered, nor 
any thing equivalent to their value. I would, 
therefore, much fooncr p.ut my life into the hands 
of a quack, than entruft my property wltli an ad* 
vertifinf mfiney-Under I 

You will excufe my having dwelt fo long op 
theat^ipal affairs, bu^ the ficfount^ given in th^ 
daily prints being ufually f4b]:icated by (he par* 
tial and the intcrcfted, it is neccflary, occa- 
fionally, to point out thp (ruth. 

Faithfidly Your's, 



Stakzas on a Smnmer Morning, and Igno- 
ratus urt received. — The requeft of Modeftus, re- 
JpedUng the moUos, and the reprinting of the numkrs 
already pubUJhed^ will be complied xtnth.^y-The tetter 
finned A. B. and the manner in tohich it was fent^ 
are proofs of a very polite taftc and manners: the 
letter will appear next week, with the r4al name of the 

London: Printed by T» Ricxaby, No. 15, DukeVGourt, Bow-Street, Covcnt-Gardcn ; 

And Sold fey T. AXTE^L, No, 1, Finch-Lane, Comhill, and* at the Royal Exchange; by 
W. SWIFT, PooWellcr, Charies-Strcc^ St. James's-Squarc ; by P. BRETT, BookfeUcr and 
Sutioner, oppofitc St. Clement's-Church in the Strand; by G. KEARSLEY, No. 463 Fleet-Street 5 
and by W. THISELTON, Bookfeller and Stationer, No. 37, Goodge-Street, Rathbonc-Place. 

*^* Correspondents are requefted to addrefji their favours to the New Spectator, to be 
left at Mr. Swift's, in Charges-Street ^ St. JamesVSquarCi where a LsTTSR»Boi^ is affixed 
for their reception. 

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rurv . /\jrvAiA/Vy>tAg'\'A!/>eAJ>jAiA<VjA3<V 





No. vn. 

TUESDAY. March i6, 1784. 

Price Three-pence. 

To be continued every Tuesday. 

Quern res plus niwio dcUBavcre fccunda, 
Mutatct quatknt. Si quid miraberey pones 


They who in Fortune's fmiles too much delight, 

Shall tremble when the goddel^ takes her Hight; 

For if her gifu our fonder paflioos gain. 

The frail pofleiEon we refign with pain. 


OF the various kinds of knowledge, rcquifite 
to conduft human life with propriety, there 
fecms none lc(s underftood, or at leaft Icfs prac- 
tifed, than that which fiiould teach us how to 
fupport our charaftcrs under, the different cir- 
cumflances of profperity and adverfity. It has, 
however, been univerfally acknowledged, that 
the duties to which we are rendered liable, and 
the temptations to which we arc expofed, by 
profperity, are the moft numerous and the mofl 
difficult to encounter ; for fuch is the perverfe- 
nefs, and fuch the weaknefs of human nature, 
that its moft falutary bleflings are too frequently 
converted into the moft poifonous evils; and 
the profperous are more generally remarked for 
their follies rather than their virtues. Adverfity, 
on the other hand, has been called the fchool of 
wifdom ; but'the difcipline, like that of all other 
fchools, has di^rent efiefb on different tempers 
and difpofitions ; and there are fcholars as fro- 
ward,pervcxfe,and intra£bable in the one as in the 
other. The confequences of difobedience and 
non-compliance in thefe feminaries arc indeed 
widely different ; in one, we incur the difplea- 
furc of an authorized tutor, and fruftratc the care 

of indulgent parents ; in the other, we bid a 
kind of defiance to the laws of providence, and 
excite the anger of heaven. 

The perpetual fluctuation of human affairs, 
and the viciflitudes to which every one is fubje6^ 
have taught mankind the neceffity of providing 
againft future contingencies, by unremitted in- 
dufby, and the previous exercife of that charity 
which feldom faib to infure the real efteem of 
the world and the approving fmile of heaven. 
To the influence of fuch rational motives, arc the 
poor indebted for thofe noble afylums from 
want and deftruftion, which, in this country, 
have, of late yearS) rifen like thofe exhalatioiw 
of the evening that, defcending in bcncHcial 
dews, form the luftre of a vernal morning. 

Such, however, is the imperfeftion of all 
human inftitutions, and fiich the irrefiftibility of 
all human paflions, that the intentions of good- 
nefs are too often defeated by the intervention of 
folly, or the fubtiliiy of wickednefs. Hence it 
is, that inftitutions calculated for public benefit, 
do fomctimcs more abundantly redound to private 
emolument ; and the principle that formed the 
bafis, being abandoned in the fuperftrufture, 


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Ko. Vlf . 

what was meant for univcrfal advantage, pro- 
duces but a partial good, »nd fometixiics givei 
rife to an extenfive evil. 

Previously informed of the nature of our 
laws, and of the provjfion made for our poor, a 
ftranger is not a little aftonifhed to find his cha- 
rity (blicited in our ilrcets, and our highways 
mbounding with beggars. And he cannot but 
b)nclude that we take more delight in extolling, 
than in executing our laws ; that we form medi- 
cines, but negleft to apply them ; at once ex- 
hibiting our wifdom and our folly. 

Every well-wifher to order and economy, 
entertained fanguinc cxpeflations of feeing this 
grievance redreflcd, by the enading of a flatute 
framed for that particular purpofc ; but the whole 
attention of the legiflaturc having been dircfted 
to objcfts apparently of more immediate concern, 
and which could be terminated only by the te- 
dious operations of fleets and armies, or the 
improbable union of heterogeneous principles, 
the defign was, if not defeated, at leaft deferred. 
How it happens that an attention to internal 
polity, and the cxcrcife of foreign dominions, 
arc incompatible, I have not fagacity enough to 
difcover ; and I am afraid the prefent contefl for 
power amongft the different fadionsof the day, 
will totally preclude all thoughts of the country** 
benefit in the amendment or the framing of laws 
refpcding the poor, which is matter of furprixc' 
to me, as thew are fevcral members of the lower 
Houie of Parliament that, fhould they fail in 
their views, might hereafter reap advantage 
ffom thofc very laws : 

The cup goes round, 
And who fo artful as to pafs it by ? 

Many perfons have Uvcd to enjoy the benefit of 
thofc charities which they have cftablifhed for 
the relief of indigence. 

B^T whatever inftitutions maybe formed^ there 
will always remain objca* to whom they will be 
of no fervicc; objc£U who have fallen from 
• elevated fituations, ftill contending with the ele- 
msnt^ of affliftion, and diCdaning to feck fhelter, 
whilft there is a poflibility of braving the ftorm ; 
and others, who, from a certain delicacy of dif- 
pofttion, languifh in obfcurity, and are more 
willing to indulge ^e moll diHant hope, than 
eager to folicit immediate redrefs ; a kind of liv- 
ing monuments of mifcry and modcfty, Thefc 
would then be the objefts of all peculiar charity ; 
and to their lupport might be appropriated thole 
cafual effuiioas of benevolence, which are at prc<- 
ient laviihed on undeferving objeds, and too 
frequently tend to the encouiagementof idlencfs^ 
4hd the ftimulation of impudence. 

Adversity tries the temper of all thofewho 
bow under its influence, and nothing fo(»ier ex- 
pofes their predominant paiHons. I have often 
obfervlKl that they who by unjufl means^ have 
accumulated wealth, and have afterwards been 
reduced to poverty, generally difcover the moft 
violent impatience ; and, rejefting tha£ univeHal 
proteftion of providence, from which they ima* 
gine themfelves fecluded, pb^e their future de-^ 
pendence on the fuccefs of new ftratagems of vice^ 
and frefh fchemes of more complicated wick-^ 

Ok. the other hand, the wealth acquired by 
honefl induftry, and fuccefiifiil ingenuity is often 
refigned with patient fubmiflion and religious re- 
fignation; with thanks of providence for paft 
enjoyment, and firm dependence for future fup- 
port« But it is, in all things, difficult to avoid 
extremes ; and if fomc men place too much con- 
fidence in themfelves, and negled to implore 
the afliftance of heaven ; there are others who, 
imploring the alfiflance of heaven, lofe the ne- 
cefiary confidence in their own abilities ; and by 
neglcfting to co-operate with benignant provi- 
dence, become examples of the little eifeft of 
pious ejaculations without hearty exertions ; and 
afford matter of triiunph to the votaries of vice^ 
who wanton in luxury, and hold in derifion the 
expe6lations of dependent piety. 

A DECENT, and a becoming behaviour is dif- 
ficult to fuflain under the preflures of adv€rfity« 
Hence fome are unfeafonably importunate^ and 
fome unmeafurably deje£bed : it is, therelbre^ the 
peculiar excellence of unaffeded goodnefs^ to 
reflet on the imperfections of hum^ nature^ 
and patiently to attend to the former, and affidu- 
ouHy to feek out the latter ; omitting n^ oj^r" 
tunity, under the condud of prudence and pto^ 
priety, of tefUfying that rcg^d for the wel£ireof 
others, which we would wiih, in fimllar c>r<* 
cumdances, were extended to ourowa. 

The difEcultxes to which vrt are expofed by 
the poflefiion of riches, and the depreflton of 
poverty, and which every rational man views in 
the fame light, have rendered the gulden mtmH the 
general ch)cGt of purfuit. In holy writ we find 
one wifhii^ foir << neither ipovtttf net riches^'' 
^thehappiefl (late of hwnanity ; and.HoKAci, 
no unikilful judge of human kUcityf klas left hi* 
tcftimony to die fame eSc&. ; t 

■■ ' Bene eft^ cni Deuj okuHt 
Pmcoj fmdfoHs e/t mam* 

Tbcn happy he whom heaven hath fed 
With fnigal, but fufficient bread. * 



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No. VU. 



Unfortuaately, however, few people know when 
they do poffcfs the golden mean ; for that is one 
of thofe teaUers on which we permit inclination 
to decide rather than reafon ; and almoft every 
vian applies the term to a different quantity of 
wealth. But i«a(bn and confcienec cannot al- 
ways be ftifled ; and no man ever yet made an 
addition to his trcafures, that did not immediately 
feel his mind filled with ideas of additional duties, 
^ough he may have rcjefted the performance. 
It cannot, therefore, 1)e too often, or too ferioufly 
recommended to a mercantile people to recoUeft, 
that on every acceffion of wealth, it is their duty, 
avid coitfcquently their intereft, to attend to the 
^ diftnsffes of thofe ki advcrfity, and to rdieve tfceir 
neeelltties, rather than to emulate thofe nume- 
fous -follies of the prodigally profperous, which 
ftndcr them contemptible, inftead of ornamental 
to human nature. 

7>M«N«W S^lbCTATOR, 

The greateft of your predcceffors made it 

a rule to give accountsof the various clubs which, 

in his time, were formed in th€ metropolis j and 

fome of the papers which contain his dcfcriptions 

of them, are the mofl entertaining to be met with, 

and at the lame ^me, throw no fmall light on the 

iiuxed cbaraftcr of pur fclWw fubjefts; tixhibiting 

the feripus aod the ri&ble in majr^y pounts of view. 

I ho^ thai ie this, at Jeaft, you wiU foUow hk 

example, and glv«eu5fc4mehum<M'0»usdeicriptiQns 

ftf the clubs p{ tbeifc days, which will be very 

acceptable m 

Your's tp <a>mmand, 

Tke KxrNG if Clubs. 

I HAVE not the leaft doubt but that his majefty 
the KiT^ of Clubs is a man of tafle, and was 1 fo 
happy as to be perfonally acquainted with him, 
probably I might be enabled to fulfil his wifhes. 
At prcfcnt, however, I know not of a finglc 
club in this metropolis which admits of defci;ip- 
tion. Times arc confiderably changed fiiice the 
days of Ad D ISO N, and our amCifements ^xc wide- 
ly different. Though fociety is more refined, it 
is Icfs fociable ; and men carry their difcriminat* 
ing ideas much further than they formerly did. 
Hence, clubs are confined to .villages, whence 
trade by the introduftion of wealth, and artificial 
manners, has not baniflied equality, and tlie na- 
tural defire of alTociating for mutual entertainment. 
I hear but of few clubs in the metropolis that 
arc not appropriated to gaming and drinking: to 
fortune and Bacchus; imlefs indeed I include 

l^e political club at the St Albany's Tavern, 
which may be called tlie Labow in vain Club. 
For the iatis^i£tion of his majefty, the King of 
Clu6s, and fuch others of my correfpondents and 
readers as wifh to be acquainted with the ftate of 
clubs in this metropolis, i (faali dire£^ my Deputy, 
John Bull, to make a report of them and their 
proceedings, to be laid before the public. 

To the New Spectator. 

You Speftor 

Beeing a grate Hadmyror of the Hould 
^>eftor 1 was meetdy pleifed to fe the Hadvere- 
tyzmunt inn the Mourning Yearould for a Nue 
Sped:or and bote em weth grate gle but haylack 
thaer flarke noute but bawderdafhe and notin- 
fens about Mafkreds and Pleighs and Harbyloones 
and Squre Mawlgins Neffcy and hall mannur of 
fbleries and nounfens to pleife wimmin and 1 kan 
maik noe mannur of fens inn it and I ham fhure 
it wil never cum to nout taik;ni WMrd I hundur- 
ftand gud riteing tho I ham noe grate ikollar and 
ham fhure yure Speftor wil doe no gudl>ecafc why 
why becafe ther his-fiout int abought SrRodgurding 
Coblerey and Mefter Hunneycumb and the Hug^ 
ley clubb and hall that and wats a Spe£lor gud for 
weout hall that and foe I hav fent the nummbers 
bak inn defye/ that yue wil putt inn fummet 
abought Sr Rodgur and hall tho^ haffares Uiat I 
menfhend and 1 wud hadvice yue to ia Aimmet 
hanfum of the Prins of Wails and Chris Phocks 
that is nixnaimcd the Mann of the peeplc and the 
grate Hqrridors that fpekes lofige fpeaohers inn 
the Nufepaypurs abought hour hafiares and the 
Coolifhon and younge Pit and hall that and then 
yue (hud nte abought Miftrifs Robbefon and her 
FifTyfce and nott abought Catterfclltoes Filhof- 
fify and hall that but abought Seekrit Hinflewens 
and nott the Mades of Honer and the Dutchaffes 
that dres foe at the kurt that is menOiund irm the 
Nufe and leve hout hall thoas grate liae abought 
the flrainge nafhon weth longc. Beerds and Har- 
byloones innfted of Hoffcs I hop yue wil taik mi 
hadvice and I ihal rcckiuneucKl yiwe Nue Speftor 
to hall mi Friends. 

Berry Sunt Hedmunt. 

The above literary curiofuy with three num- 
bers of the New Spectator, was received by 
the Printer lafl week, who, by a ftngular accident, 
inftantly difcovercd the writer, whofe name I 
intended to have inferted at the foot of it (as I 
promifed in my laft}, had he not, in another very 
curious epifUe, couched in terms of the mod 


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No. VIL 

profound fupplication, rcqucfled mc to omit the 
only two words in which he difcovcrcd any 
knowledge of common orthography. I thought 
it but jufl: to infert his cpiftle, and to exprcfs my 
fatisfaftion, that the New Spectator is con- 
demned, and 1 truft always will be condemned 
by fuch critics as my good friend A. B ! 

Tq the New Spectator. 

Mr. Spectator, 

A MANUSCRIPT copy of the following 
llanzas, being in my pofleflion, and not knowing 
wether they have yet been publifhcd, I trufl 
you will think them worthy of a place in your 
elegant paper. 

I am, Sir, 

Your's, &c. 


Adieu to Avon. 

Adieu f weet Avon ! gende flream ! 

That in majcfiic filence flows, 
Where oft the mufc has chofe a theme 

That forrov's deepcft dnu difclofe. 

Adieu, fwcet Avon ! gentle Oreaqi! 

Where trees protra^ed form a (hade, 
Excluding Sol's intenfeft beam, 

When o'er thy banks my feet have ftray'd. 

Adieu, fwect Avon I gentle ftream ! 

Where many a fragrant flow'rct blows. 
Where oft fome vifionary fchcme 

Hath luird my forrows to repofc! 

Ah ! who can tell the fweets that bloom 

Along thy margin's verdant fide P 
Or count the rofes that perfume 

The gale that blows o'er Avon's tide ? 

Yc hills, ye vales, with umbrage crown'd, 
So far beyond my view outfprcad, 

Where many a graceful villa's found, 
And many a turret rears its head: 

'Twas not from you affliction found 

Relief in forrow*s pcnfive hour, 
But in the lilent fcenei around, 

That deck fweet Avon's lovely bower ! 

Adieu fweet Avon I gentle ftream ! 

Accept the mufe's grateful lays ; 
For many a foft enchanting dream 

From thee dcriv'd, deferves my praifc I 

To the New Spectator. 
Friend Spec, 

I AM by no m^iis pleafed with your cxtrethe 
gravity, and I wifh you would alTume a little 
fprightlinefs, if it were only to divert the ladies, 
who, let me tell you, from the chief part of your 
readers, and who, in general, prefer a little ro- 
ras^nce to a great deal of morality. As to the gen- 
tlemen, it is the full moon with them, and they 
are politically mad, at leaft fixteen hours of the 
four and twenty; and confequently have few 
lucid intervals to beflow on the trifling concerns 
of morals, philofophy, or even bon ton, Befides 
the good people of thefe days are too wife to 
need inftruftion, and defirc nothing of a peri- 
odical writer but amufement, and if you feafon it 
with a little Kyan of Scandal, it would fuit the 
public tafle much better, and your lucubrations 
become as relilhing as a fricafee of half a dozen 
morning papers. But I know that to attempt 
peifuading you from wliat you deem the right 
path, and the duty of a periodical writer, were 
vanity and vexation of fpirit. And in my Mif- 
ceUany I have determiried to adhere fo finely to 
truth, that I have not an opportunity, if I were fo 
inclined, of gratifying the public ufte in a few 
ebullitions of the extravaganza, comme U gazette 
• Anglois ! 

Carleton House, Pall-mall, 

His Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales hav- 
ing decorated this Houfe in the ftile of Eaflem 
magnificence, it was opened with a kind of 
Houfc warmings on Wednefday lafL 

It is unneceffary, and would be tedious, to 
give you a particular defcription of the principal 
rooms, and of the mouldings^ cornices^ ff^^i p^' 
dimtnts^ and all the ct ceteras of architefturc em- 
ployed in their conftru6Uon and ornament. 1 will 
fimply inform you, that the principal rooms in the 
houfe are a Dining room, a State room, a Ball room, 
and a Saloon ; and that fome ingenuity and fome 
tafle have given them a brilliant and a fanciful, 
rather than an elegant appearance. 

The entertainment given by his Highnefs, is 
denominated, by fome a Fetc^ and was highly 
relifhed by all parties, efpecially the ladies, great 
part of whom did not quit this terreflrial Elyfium 
before eight the next morning. — ^To attempt a 
defcription of the fupper would be ufclcfs to you, 
unlefs you was defirous of following his High- 
nefs*s example, or of inflrufting your houfekfcc- 
per in the art of fetting out a table to the beft 

The company was very numerous and very 
brilliant, particularly the ladies, who emulated 


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No. VIL 


each other in their perfonal tlecorations, atid 
their attentions to his Highnefs. — Contrary to the 
report of fome papers Mrs. H— , though long 
fmcc invited, being in the country, did not add 
to the beauty of the affembly by her prcfence. 

The BuLiAN Lovers. 
A true Story* 

Literally tranflatcd from the Bulian languagCi 

Lv the fair city of Bulia there dweh a man, 
whofe name was Edart^ remarkable for his riches, 
and who had feveral daughters ; one of which 
was exceedingly beautiful, and was called Aidniy 
fignifying brilliant and alluring. When his chil- 
dren arrived at a certain age, Edart gave them 
portions, and left them to their own difpofal ; 
for he entertained an opinion that the happincfs 
of children confifted in the difpofal of thcmfelves, 
and that the interference of parents more fre- 
quently rendered them miferable than otherwife. 
The beautiful Aidni having received her por- 
tion, condfting of five thoufand balloons, fifteen 
villages, and an immenfe quantity of jewels, and 
being folicited in marriage by fome of the fir ft 
families in Bulia, at length liftened to the ad- 
dreffes of Lahnedael, a man whofe riches and 
family honours were nearly equal to her father's. 
Articles, with feals dangling at ihtni^ were pre- 
pared, and the good people of Bulia began to 
rejoice on the approaching union of Lahnedael 
and Aidni, for they were both beloved by the 
whole city. 

Unfortunately for our lovers, Aidni, foon 
after (he had eftablifhed her own houfhold, and 
had the entire command of herfelf, was met at 
Court by one of thofe deteftable women who 
make a pra£tice of enfnaring the innocent, and 
reducing them to all poflible diftrefs for the moft 
inhuman purpofes. The name of this woman 
was Carolo^ and her defign was to proftitute the 
beautiful Aidni to no lefs than ftxteen gentlemen 
of Bulia, who had all declared themfelves capti- 
vated by her charms, and impatient to poflefs 

Innocence is feldom fufpicious. A friendly 
intercourfe foon took place between Carolo and 
Aidni ; for the bawd was fo kind and fo officious, 
and ufed to give her fo much grave advice, that 
it is no wonder Aidni grew fond of her company 
and converfation. The old hag — [I beg the 
reader will remember that this is a lUtral tranfla- 
tion,]— The old hag contrived to get into all her 
fecrets, learned all her movements, once hired 
all herfervants, and, it isfaid, by certain corrupt 
prafticesi fecretly gained over almoft all the peo- 
ple in her houfe. 

Aidni, though a charming woman, was not 
deftitute of female faults : (he was a little expen- 
five, and Carolo perceiving it, would freely offer 
to lend her as much money as Ihe wanted — for 
Carolo, though poor herfelf, knew how to pro- 
cure money on fuch occafions^— Aidni would 
fometimes accept her offer, and, as the fortune 
of Aidni was prodigious, Carolo!* demands were 
regularly difcharged as Aidni's rents came in* 

Previous to- her contraft with Lahnedael, 
Aidni borrowed a very large fum of Carolo, who 
no fooner heard of the intended marriage, but fhe 
immediately demanded the repayment of her mo- 
ney, which Aidni found herfelf unable to fatisfy. 
Whether it arofe from the real poverty of her 
tenants, who had certainly been at rack*rcnti 
for fome years ; whether fhe was defrauded by 
her ftcwards, or what elfe could be the caufe, 
none could tell. Be that as it might, this fhame« 
ful, this deteftable wretch infifled on inftant pay-, 
ment, unlefs the fweet girl, the charming Aidni, 
would yield herfelf up to the abominable purpofes 
of Carolo, by profHtuting herfelf to the fixteen 
Bulians, who had declared themfelves the captir 
vated (laves of the beautiful Aidni ! 

More aftonifhed than alarmed at the infemal 
purpofes of Carolo, Aidni treated her menaces 
with contempt, and to avoid immediate diftre(% 
appealed to the Etanes for juftice. But many 
of the Etanes were privately attached to Carolo, 
and were alfo defirous of polTcfling the charms of 
Aidni; her fuit, therefore, was rcjefted. She 
then appealed to the Rcppu, who, taking her 
cafe into confideration, ordered her debts to be 
paid by proper inftalments ; her marriage con- 
contrad with Lahnedael to be ratified ; her fix- 
teen admirers to be publicly whipped ; and Caro- 
lo to be branded as a difgrace to her fex, to Bulia, 
and to the univerfe ! 

Nothing could equal the joy of the lovers on 
this dccifion of the Reppu ; and Rexman the king, 
being made acquainted with the virtues of Lah- 
nedael and Aidni, honoured their union with 
his approbation, and all Bulia rejoiced that the 
wickednefs of Carolo was fruftrated, and the 
lovers made perpetually happy. 

<* This flory has a meaning, and no doubt 
" You all have fcnfc enough to find it out." 

Air Balloon. 
Amongst other public amufements of this 
week, that of letting off an air balloon took 
place on Friday, in St* GeorgeVfields* Mr. 
AfUey having previoufly informed the public, 
that<* a large aeroftatic globe, together with*a 


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No. VII. 

triumphal car," were to make the grand aerial 
tour, the concourfe of people was prodigious. 
Two very fmall globes were fenl into the air, to 
the'fmall diverfiott of the fpeftators, Who im- 
patiently waited the appearance of the triumphal 
car ; at length the major balloon afcends ; but no 
car appearing fufpended, it was permitted to go 
fans acclamation, and was quickly out of fight. 
•—Many people ilaid in hopes of feeing the 
triutnphal car; but the focicty of pick -pockets 
were obfezved to make a precipitate retreat to- 
wards Field lane; leaving one of their brethren 
to the futy of the populace who gave him a terri- 
ble duckii^. I could not help lamenting that 
this poor ragged wretch, was unaccompanied 
tn hit punitibment by any of the genteel (harpers 
who icfeAed the place r as Mr. B. and Co. were 
obferved to be actively afliduous about tli^ per- 
fefls of the ladies, feveral of whom loft their 
watches andoioney. 

With refpc^ to the balloon itfclf, it went 
ofF very well, and looked very handfomc ; and 
had notthe poblic been taught to expe6l feeing it 
•ttBoded by a triumphal coTy would have given 
general fatisfa^oiu 

SiKTH was the magical effe^ of this aeroflatic 

Iflobe, that, in variioii» part3 of the metropolisi 

the price of pocket handkerchiefs was redMced 

fxily per cent, the fame day ; and watichcs «ibout 


T U £ A T ^ £ s. 

Drury Lane* 
On Tuefday, Every Man in his Humour^ inftead 
of the Countels of Salifbury, which was poft- 
poned on account of the indifpofition of Mrs. 
Siddons, was performed at a fhort notice, and 
was very well received. Mr. Palmer was parti- 
cularly excellent in Bobadil. — The DouhU Dip 
guife was performed, for the fccond time, the 
fame evening, and was received with repeated 
plaudits, and having been performed every even- 
ing iince, except on Wcdncfday and Friday, fully 
juftifies the opinion 1 ^ave oFit in my laft. The 
news-paper critics, however, conceiving that the 
piece was written l?y one of their own profefTion, 
^have JTpoken as Ill-naturedly of it as they poffibly 
could. But merit bears down all oppofition, and 
both the words and' the mufic of the Double Dif- 
guife codtinue to meet with the mod abundant 
applaufe. I am told that the words arc by Mrs. 
Hooke ; be that as it may, they do credit to the 
writer, and the piece is already fo well eftablifli- 
ed in the public opinion, that all the nralevolcnt 
cflbrts of pfeudo-crftics fhall not prevail againft it I 
Ttt£ Oratorio of Sam/on, on Wednc(yay,went 
off With fuecels, and was honoured with a hrge 

The author of the comedy of Rgparaiismf 
which was performed on 'Qiurfday, Saturday, 
and lafl night, is much inddited to the inimitable 
performance of Mifs Farren for the fupport of 
his comedy, which is Hkely, on that account, to 
run much longer than could have been expefted 
from the merit of the peicc itfclf. 

On Friday, by Command, the Oratorio of 
Alexander's Feaji was performed. Tlic mufic, 
vocal and inftrumental, went off with great ap- 
plaufe, exceeded only by that with which his 
Majefly was received on entering his box, 
teftifying the moft cordial unanimity between 
the fovereign and the people. The plaudit on his 
appearance was — as is ufual new— thrice encored / 

Miss G FORCE and Mrs. Kennedy, Mr, Rein- 
hold and Mr. Norris, acquitted themfelves with 
their ufual excellence ; and particular praifc is 
due to thofe little fons of harmony, Gucfl and 
Binns, belonging to the King's Chapel. Their 
exertions do them great credit, and reflefl np 
fmall honour on the gentleman by whom they 
are inftrufted : Mr. Ayrton, of the King's 

Covent Garden, 

On Tuefday Mr. Macklin's Man of the World 
was performed to a brilliant audience, and re- 
ceived with every mark of approbation. The 
more frequently this play is iccn the better it is 
liked ; and Macklin is juflly regarded as a good 
writer, and a theatrical phenomenon! — Th^Poor 
Soldier^ though defpicable in itfelf, never fails to 
pleafe, by the exertions of Mrs. Kennedy. 

Their Majeflies, onThurfday, honoured this 
Houfe, with their prefence to fee the comedy of 
Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, and the farce of the 
Sultan ; in both which pieces Mrs. Abington 
played with more than ufual fpirit. — ^Four of the 
Princefles were alfo prefcnt; but his Royal High-, 
ncfs the Prince of Wales not intending to honour 
the theatre with his prefence, his box was not 
fitted up, 

The mufic of acclamation with which his 'Ma- 
jefly was received, drowned the harmony of all 
other founds; and the Queen and Princefles 
received fimilar applaufe. 

The Caftleof Andalujia, performed on Saturday, 
for Signora SefUni's benefit, was honoured with 
one of the mofl crouded and brilliant audiences I 
ever beheld. Edwin and Quick, were very 
chara£fcreftic, and it ought to be remarked, that 
this piece owes its fupport entirely to their exer- 
tions, forinjpoint 6f compoTition, it is, perhaps, 
as wretched an attempt at writing as ever ifliicd 
from the pen of Mr. O'KcefFc. ^eflini, Mrs. 
Ket^ledy, andMrs.Banmlter; MeOcs.Banniller 


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Kd» Vtt» 

THfiMfiW SPEcTAtOft» ^ 

ft^inkold and Brett tung their fongs with their 
accuftomed excellence.*^In Ro/trta, iSeftini played 
Phcbc, and what with her broken Ertglifh, and 
the arch manner of finging the celebrated duet 
Vith William, kept the Hode ih perpetual laugh- 
ter and goiod hnmour. 

The Hz RO llEVERSElJ. 

The gallant Colonel—who knows not the 
gallant Colonel ?-^whofc boaft was to haVc 
- «« killed more men, and to have ruined more 
« women than any man in England,*' has 
thought fit to make a precipitate fdlrcatj afraid 
of a criminal profecution, and of (hewing himfelf 
in the metropolis.^*i*Thc celebrated courtezan, 
whofc charms have fubdued iftany heroes, is 
highly enraged at the man of wa^ for paying fo 
ill a compliment to her beauties. She is now on 
the leok out for a frefh fupply of faihionable folly, 
in order to recover her wonted fplendour in tlic 
Cylherean hemifpherc; but it is to be hoped that 
Ibc is become too hackneyed to attra£k any atten- 
tion, but that of general difguft! 

Thus it is, that infamy and ruin accompany 
each other 5 and the all-accomplilhed foldier and 
his Dulcinea are examples to their rcfpeftive pro- 
fcflions, that external fplendour can never fliield 
private vice from public difgrace ! 

Town Gentlemen* 
Whilst many writers have exetted their 
talents in the argumentative and the declamatory, 
refpefting Town Ladies, a numerous clafs of 
beings equally refpe6bble, and who may juftly 
be called Town Gentlemen^ feem t» efcapc nbtice^ 
as if they were not a nuiCance equally dangerous 
with Om {harpers of the otbei' fe*. ' A great deal 
has been (aid of the numbers of proftitutes infcft. 
i*ig our ftfceis; aad whteH if iA doAfidired, thai 
the number of ^yncfters^ fWiodlcrsy motiey len- 
ders, and black-legs, is perhaps fuperior, it may 
juftly excite our wonder, that honeft induftry can 
ftiake ayiy p^ogrefs, thi^ be-ifer wiA eVefyfpccrcs 
of viBalhy. A Towft'Oentfenrtn is one who, 
having no vifiblc means of fubfiftcncc, runs the 
round of diflipated folly, and is always to be dif- 
covered in every place of public amufement, 
which he frequents on the fame principle as 
Town Ladies—for the fake of reimburfmg his 
cxpences, and picking up a decent livelihood. 

He is generally fupported by his fuccefs at the 
gaming table, which he conftantly attends, in 
tjrder to uke in every unwary vifuant. A pub- 
lic proceffion forms a kind of field day for him, 
and he generally retires well paid for his extra' 
duty.—Sometimes he affociates with a houfe of 
mercantile thieves, who, after having procured 


iatge quititities of itterchandizc, on die credit 
of their houfe, ufually divide the fpoil, and ab- 
fcond^In fhort, it is impoffible to trace him in 
his various fi^rms; and nothing but the moft vigi- 
lant attention can fecurc the public ftt)m the effefts 
of his artificesi 

Now, though ihcans may be dcvHcd for putting 
a ftop to the baneful ekcrtions of Town ladies, 1 
am quite at a lofs what to fay refpefting thefc 
l^own gendemeni and xhuft leave them to the cor- 
refting hand of that providence, which feldom 
pcnnits fuch wretches to efcape the halter many 
years together. I only v^fh I might be per- 
mitted to warn the public againft them indi- 
vidually, as well as generally; I would then 
prefcnt a lift of fuch names, as at ptefent figure 
In the fafhlonable world, xvhich, if thihgs Went 
right, would figure in the Iflack lift of Mr. Akerman \ 
As it isj I can only advife my readers to beWare of 
the Box-lobby, the horft-racing, ih ftort of all 
thofe gentryj who aflume thti impudent aits of a 
tnan of quality, when nobody knows toho they a:re ; 
and in that kind of gentry this metropolis does 
abundantly abound I 

il A k ri E Li 

Th e intended commemoration of this immortal 
mufician, is likely to prove one of the moft fplen- 
did mufical feftivals ever known in this coun- 
tiyj and that under the imme d ia te proteftion of 
his Majefty, who by this mark of his attention to 
one of the moft enchanting fciences, in the aft of 
conferring, receives immortal honour. Indeed 
nothing has been wanting on the part of his 
Majefty, fince his acceflion to the throne, 
for the utmoft, eticooragemc^ of the a&ts' add 
fciencGS \ and j® there ^^ few better Judg» of 
compofition than Im Ms^efty, it,i§iK> Woiftler 
that he wiftteft to pay pwtCtttor JroAOUra <o the 
memory of Handel. 

A GALLERY, peculiarly magnificent and beau- 
tilrrf, xtf faitf tt'h^pf^iparing fW Ae R^at Famt 
ly, i^ 1?fe irM^mv ; ahd dfffeflteh* af^ given 
to prepare Weftminfter Abbey' ftfr tfte^ ration 
of a more numerous and fplendid congregation 
than have appeared \vithin its walls fmcc the co- 
ronation of our illuftrious Sovereign. 

Whilst the fine arts are thus countenanced 
by Royalty, we may entertain the moft lively 
hopes that Britain fhall more than emulate Athens 
and Rome in the excellence of her produftions, 
and the happinefs of her people ! 

I am, Dear Spec, 

Your upright Deputy, 


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No. VII. 

To the IJtw Spectator. 
Mr. Spectator, 

We wifh to be informed, through the chan- 
nel of your entertaining paper, what advantages 
would refult to the mathematics from a difcovery 
offquaring the circle; and whether the /lifcovercr 
might expcft a pecuniary reward for making it 

public ? 

We arc, Sir, yours, &c. 


To tJue New Spectator. 
Mr. Spectator, 

Don't you think that fmce the invention of 
balloon carriages it, will greatly increafe the num- 
ber of cajilebuilders ? If fo, we may hope to fee 
Reynarduvif that great architefl, Mafler of .Arts, 
and Fellow of Brooke* s College^ at the head of the 
City caftlc, near the Deuily Temple-Bar, where 
nought but wind can make his beard to wag ! 

Yours, &c. 


To other Correspondents. 

The writer who ftgns himfelj Blaze, has my 
thanks for his friendly hints ; but he Jhould recolleB 
tliat the Opinions of John Bull, are introduced 
purpofely to animadvert on Juch temporary matters as 
are either negleded^ or mifreprefentedy in the daily 
prints. The Eflay is what properly Jomu the New 
Spe£Utor ; and is appropriated to that [pedes of com- 
pojition^ which I am happy tojind meets with the ap- 
probation of Blaze, whofe literary favours would 
be very acceptable^ — The requefl of the Gen- 
tlewoman from Jerico can be complied with on no 
other condition than that of her fetting the example 
fhe wifkes me to follow* As I have no manner of ac- 
quaintance with the gerdUmenfhe alludes to, her com- 
pliments reft mth myfelf, — The reprefentations of one 
of the Goldfmith's company may be very juf, but 
his favours would probably prove more acceptable to 
a morning paper, — / am obliged to the gentleman who 
fends me the complimentary verfcs on the Duchefs oF 
Devonfhire, but he will find the^n already printed in a 
certain colledion of Sonnets entitled the Bevy of 

London: Printed by T. Rickabt, No. 15, Doke's-Court, Bow-Street, Covent-Carden ; 

And Sold by T. AX TELL, No. 1, Finch-Lane, Comhill, and at the Royal Exchangfc; by 
W. SWIFT, Bookfeller, Charles-Street, St. James's-Square ; by P. BRETT, Bookfeller and 
Stationer, oppofite St. Clement's-Church in the Strand; by G. KEARSLEY, No. 46, Fleet-Street; 
and by W. THISELTON, Bookfeller and Stationer, No. 37, Goodge-Strect, Rathbone-Place. 

%* CoRRBSPONDENTS aie lequeftcd to addrefs their favours to the Nzw Spectator, to be 
left at Mr. Swift's, in Charles-Street, St. JamesVSquare, where a .L£tt£R-Box n affixed 
for their reception. 

Digitized by 


/>u^>yv>VAJ^Vj'>i » ^uA;Aiy>y>tA!/>AA a fttAy^^ 



W I T n T H E 


No. Via. 

TUESDAY, March 23, 1784. 

Price Three-pence. 

To be continued every Tuesday. 

Ad populum phaleraSf tgo U irUus^ et in cute novi. 

Such pageantry be to the people (hown; 
There boafi thy horfe's trapping* and thy own: 
I know thee from thy bottom; from within 
Thy (hallow centre, to thy utmoft fkln. 


AMONGST thofc who afpirc to the praifc of 
leading fafhions and adjufting ceremonies, 
it is obfcrvable that their whole conduft may ge- 
nerally may be reduced to a kind of fcience, in 
which aiSeftation, either fcrious, comic, or dtmi" 
caraSlerCf is the main fpring of adion. It is 
therefore no wonder, that of all common attain- 
ments there does not feem to be any thing lefs 
underftood than politenefs, or that attention to 
the eafe and pleafure of others, by which people 
of refined manners wifh to be didinguifhed. 
And it is remarkable that the poflhumous docu 
ments of a late noble Earl have rather contributed 
to miflead the judgment, than to correft the man- 
ners, of his readers. He has laid down a fyflem 
the obfervation of which involves them in a 
thoufand abfurdities, gives them falfe ideas of 
tafle, and renders them liable to that ridicule 
which always accompanies the extravagancies of 
afFeftation, and the aflumption of airs foreign to 
natural habits and manners. 

I THINK I can perceive a wonderful change in 
the common behaviour of fuch of my acquain- 
tance as are defirous of eftablifhing a reputation 
ibr this enchanting accomplifhment of politenefsi 
upon his Lordfliip's principles. Without the 


abilities and addrefs which didinguifhed the 
noble Lord whofe precepts they endeavour to 
follow, they, on every occafion, wifli to adopt his 
finefle ; and, however incompatible with their 
natural difpofitions, to put on that malk of dif- 
fimulation, that air of deception, which is the 
grand comer-ftone of his Lord(hip*s fuperflruc* 
ture of politenefs, but which is veiy apt to give 
way, and expofe the weaknefs of the whole 

The fyftem of manners which his lordfhip has 
fo warmly endeavoured to recommend to his 
pupil, and thofe graces by which he was defirous 
that pupil fhould be diftinguifhed, may perhaps 
be of fome fervice in courts, where diflimulation 
and the outward (hows of virtue are praftifed ; 
but are of the mofi: pernicious confequence in the 
fcale of general life, where they tend to break the 
bond of civil compa£l, to put virtue out of coun- 
tenance, to abolifh common honedy, and render 
every man fufpicious even of the friendly deeds 
of his neighbour. 

Since the publication of this much-admired 
fyflem, it has afforded no fmall deg^ of en* 
tertainment to me, to obfer\'e the gracelefs man- 
ner in which many have attempted, and " fpite 


Digitized by 




« of nature, and of common fenfc," ftill do at- 
tempt to praftifc thofe graces which, in their ideas, 
conftitute the very effcncc of politencfs and gen- 
tility. They do nothing like other people. They 
are fo attentive to the manner^ that they cannot 
deliver a news-paper, a(k a common queflion, or 
walk a^ofs » room^ without imprelling on the 
Ihinci a ftrotig idea of that afifcftaiion which they 
ihiltake for elegance, and wjiich, infload of 
infuring the refpeft, never fails to excite the dc- 
rifion and contempt of men of fcnfe. 

This can never be properly called politenefs. 
Genuine politenefs is incompatoWe with hypo- 
crify and affcdation ; and h^ who* pra6iifcs the 
arts of the latter, can never poflefs the former, 
which is a flower fpringing from the goodnefs of 
the heart, rather than of the head ; an internal 
perfeftion, rather than an external accomplifti- 
ment ; a pliability of difpofition, which (hews 
itfelf in the performance of thofe innumerable 
litde kindneffes, which apparently confer no ob- 
ligation, but which neverthelcfs conflitutc the 
chief cement of fociety, and endear mankind to 
each Other. 

I AM well aware that the performance of thefc 
fociable aftions, this minutia: of friendly intcr- 
courfc, is not confidered as the objcft of polite- 
nefs ; but that its gi-and conflituent is the manner 
in which thcfe kindnelTes are expreflcd ; and this 
idea is the very fountain-head whence flow thofe 
innumerable flreams of affeftation and fupercili- 
oufncfs which fo abundantly water the fields of 
politeneCs and good breeding as to render them 
more fruitful in the rank weeds of folly, than 
the flowers of elegant gentility. 

That fome favours acquire a double value 
from the manner in which they are conferred, 
the experience of every man can tcftify. But 
that this manner requires very Angular addrefs, 
and is fo difficult of attainment as the fons of 
politenefs would have us believe, is not quite fo 
obvious. In the a6lion or manner of him who 
is heartily defirous of ferving us, we fhall never 
difcover either aukwardnefs or afieftation : the 
benevolence of his intention gives a life and a 
manner to his aftion indefcribably pleafing, and 
which fafhionable politenefs vainly endeavours 
to imitate, and can never acquire. In this adion, 
and in this manner confifls that genuine polite- 
ncfs which fo widely differs from the politenefs 
of courts, and which courts can never teach : 
becaule the former is the produftof benevo- 
lence; the latter of diflimulation ; the one is the 
offisprrng of that focial kindnefs implanted in the 
bofom by the hand of nature; the other, the 

bungling eflbrt of art: die wretched fubftitute 
for fmothered fociablenefs and brotherly kindnefs« 
And hence arifes the difficulty of being what the 
world caljs polite; for the politenefs of the 
world confifls in impoflng on mankind ; in fub-' 
flituting fpecious profeffions for generous ac- 
tions, and endeavouring, to .pafs current the ^nijpl 
of art,' as the bullion of nature. Tilts arti&rial 
conduft of thofe who afliimd to theiraelveS prtf^ 
cedency in politenefs, gave occafion to the beft 
of all moral writers to remark, that « he had not 
" found among any part of mankind, lefs real and 
** rational complaifance, than amonj thofe who 
** have paiTed thcii^ titne in paying and receiving 
" vifits, in frequenting public entertainn^nts, in 
<< fludying the exadmeafures of ceremony, and in 
^' watching all the variations of fafhionable 
« courtety.*' 

The fcience of true politenefs contains hut 
few rules, and thofe very fimple. I believe 
they may be reduced to two : Firfl, always to 
give that preference to others which arrogance 
would alTume to itfelf; and, fecondly, on all 
occafions, to adopt that golden rule, fo often 
praifedy fo feldoai pra£Hfcd, and fo unmeritedly 
rejefted in all modern fyflems of politenefiSy 
which advifes men, " to do unto others as 
" themfelves would wifh to be done unto ;" a 
rule totally fubverfivc of the noble Earl's fyflem^ 
which h built on a profeded violation of duties 
incumbent on every human being who has any 
regard for the good-will of good men, or the ap- 
probation of heaven. Of a fyflcm thus vitiated 
and depraved, it is no wonder that the follower* 
and admirers were numerous. We always lend 
a willing ear to him that promifes to render us 
amiable in the eyes of others, more efpecially if 
his inftru6lions, at the fame time, tend to liberate 
us from the reflraints of morality, and the duties 
of religion. 

There are few men, particularly young men, 
without the dcfirc of external accomplifhments. 
Previous to the labour of acquifition, I fhould 
wifh them always to confidcr the real value of 
that which they are folicitous to obtain: can* 
didly to weigh its advantages with its inconve- 
niencies ; and if it cannot be acquired but with 
the facrifice of principle, to reject it altogether, 
not only as contemptible, but as deflruftivc of 
its own purpofes. He that makes himfelf ac- 
quainted with external accomplifhments, But 
with a view of laudably recommending himfelf 
and of rendering his fervices the more accepta- 
ble to his fellow-creatures, has learned only that 
which he will foon find it neceffary to unlearn ? 


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No, VIII. 


and if in the purfuit of fbch narrow fame, he faaa 
injured his innocence, will the applaufe of va- 
nity and of folly, of the icfle and of the fafhiona- 
ble, afford any recompcnce for the lofs of that 
which can never be regained ? He can never 
err, who in the purfuit of accomplifhments, can 
aflure himfelf that he fhall not repent of his ac- 
quifitions ; and who fhall have fo ufbd them, as 
to bear their remembrance in that hour when 
*« vanity is divefted of her robes, power de- 
** prived of her fceptre, and hypocrify drops her 
•* mafk." 

To the New Sfeptator. 

Fri^ Sfec, 

I MAVE an exlieniive acquaintavice, kxpw every 
bod^, and tbcir concerm ; an4 a &w anecdotes pf 
my companions, whpfc original, ch^^l^ftcs »^ay 
merit yKW aMcfttipo, wili m 4pwJ>t ^c^^tcrtain 
ypMTI'C^dcn. Y4)urs, ^. 



[No. I, 

Timothy Aktist, 
^^ thdfyit mim^ tmM^r tiHr 
FvNifiMO is a fpodiee of ^unuTcment too com- 
«ion -with Qjor modem petit -maitres, wlio have 
«ot fenfe'ful&etent^to VAV. ba^ an h«ur rationalr 
ly without punmng on evevy lenience and word 
«^^ is vepeated. Running refembles a general 
^flying over 'lO'the enemy, and enflaving his coun- 
^Tf. Though we approve pf the trtafm^ .we de- 
<fpi(e*the4raitor. The -pun We may admire, but 
*the -punlkr is always treated w4th contempty from 
a pr^umption that we arc, ourfelves the fubje^ 
of his Tidiculc. 

TmfOTHY Artist is, as moll /t^^/^ people .' 

are, vaki to a proverb, and very t^n^cioiLis of his 

own abilities, which, if we €Tedit4iis otm ;w<>nis, 

Jwrpi^s-natmre! Sgotifm ishts Pegaftis, on- which 

;he «ides inobfeurity. Lmot him the other even- 

' ing accidentally, at thchqufe of a frie^id, where I 

-wa& invited 4o a fmall aaid |^rty. * On-my .enter- 

Mg ihc room, before- the ufujil camplimeMs of po- 

iitenelshad enfued, he Jazed my hai»d,-gavc«e 

H'PimmtuUus ^ftdkf, and' with an almofl udiatel- 

.ii^biovoke dked me howl did? Then — ^without 

-waitong^for-ananfwer— *r«peat«d a whole Aring 

^ dMliJk'good^pMnsy as^Ac called them, -which he 

vha d m«d b *(ince be £a^¥-melail,~and which / could 

-not ^(ibly Mtnd- to, :^m. my- auk ward painfid ! 

. iitiflition. \My inattention n^her chagrined him ; 

however hcpenoiued-mci at laft, io fit down. • 

An Englifh pauje enAied— a paute which inter' 
venes in all cpq^ip^ni^s \vben th(e gendemen are 
picking their teeth^ looking at their watches, or 
loft in the admiration of a (fcUcate white hand 
which the company muft rwt be ignorant of: the 
ladies, on the other fide, viewing each other 
with infigniftcant fmik$.r^This Jiknct remained 
for the fpace of five minutes, which my friend 
Timpthy pbferving, was willing to remove ; and 
— to the furprize of the ladies, whole Uujka zvixk- 
ced their ailonifhment-»he put his hand, as if in-* 
advertently, on a critical part of the gentleman's 
kruchcs who fat next to him ; perceiving his pur^ 
pojkd qrror, he afked if they wore not iattin? 
The gentleman, with a farcaftic referve, replied 
No ! — that they were nankten. The words were 
fi;:arcely ffiid, when my friend Timothy exclaim* 
cd~I beg your pardon. Sir, a^hreecha vejatiat 
— He then burft out into an immoder^ fit of 
laughter, which /(?rcri the laug^ of the compa- 
ny at i^ folly, inftead of the pun. Tea was 
fenred round. The lady of the Houfe afked my 
friend if he chofe Bohca ? he replied in the nega- 
tive, that he pre&rred BulU-Jhe f Another peal of 
laughter fucoecded — from himfelf-— with a con- 
ftant repetition of ^ That's very good I very good 
indeed !''-^tie tf^oioyj places himfelf at the comer 
ofa table, and will nattaty which 4he company 
naturally c^ferving, he then ecchoes their fuif- 
^prifewith " Not eat ! blefs mel I am amazed at 
-*^ that; for I am Jharp j^ /'t— alluding to jthe 
comer of the table againft his breaft. 

This is a true copy of Tiicothy Artist, 
•Mdio is an exa£l imfge of Sancho Panca* 
:Uad he but the proverbs— 'inftead of his 
puns— there is fuch a ftriking rcfemblance, that 
1 ihould certainly have miftaken him for an 
illegitimate oaring Qf that famed hero. Yhis 
Original, friend Spec, will reflelb on a fenfible 
■mind, the cmUmpt^ which it muftbe fubjeftto, 
•by repeating a ftring of ftale, tpte jokes, without 
time or j>lace to recommend them ! 

{To be continued. 1 

■ ' i..J tf' JHlU ' J..,. ■■ 

To /A^ N S W 'S]^g C T AT O R« 

Dear Spec, 

Not to be awed hy a^ffun^ed au^ipri]^, 

nor to fpare follies in compliipent to the man iiiat 

commits them, is ihc chief charaftciiftic of John 

Bull. I fruft, therefore, you will not ifcieft 

fuch pf Vfy animadverjions .as may Ijave tlje ao- 

p^arance .pf^fevcrity, wjien they arc r^con^- 


Truly Your's, 


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B U L I A« 

Another Jiory^ too trot I 

'* Learn to be wife from others* harm, 
And you (hall do full well." 

In Bulla, as in London, there arc many 
public amufemenU, and, amongfl the reft, thea. 
trical exhibitions ; but not to be compared with 
thofe of London. The performers arc, in gene- 
ral, idle and diflipated*, the men peculiarly 
irreligious, and the women peculiarly frail. In 
this charafter, however, they are not all to be 
included. The Bulian ftage boafts of fome men 
morally good, and of fome women pioufly 

. Amongst other aftreffcs whofe beauty of 
perfon and theatrical merit excited particular 
notice, and the applaufe of the Bulian audience, 
was Ligrac ; and fuch was the peculiarity of her 
fortune, that it dcferves commemoration. A 
London aftrels may not be aftiamed of receiving 
inft!ru6Uon from the example of . a Buban he- 

LriGRAC was the daughter of a Bulian tradef- 
man< ., She had no other than a common edu- 
cation ; but the fwectnds of her voice determined 
her to embrace the profeffion of an a£kre(6 ; and 
indeed it would have been cruel to have de- 
prived the Bulians of a harmlefs pleafure by 
concealing fo excellent a talent. Ligvac was 
engaged, and captivated all who faw, and aH 
who heard her. 

The HE is perhaps no ftation wherein the 
fair fex are fo much expofed to temptation as on 
the ftage. Ligrac, of courfe, had many admirers; 
and, amongft the reft, one whofe offers Ihe 
thought it prudent to accept, for they were fuch 
as promifcdthe tranquillity of retirement, and the 
-enjoyment of affluence. 

EoALi was one of thofe men who, without 
any of the accomplifhments which render riches 
refpefUble, vr9S ambitious of public regard, and 
the applaufe of an ignorant multitude ; and thefe 
he endeavoured to obtain by emerging into difll- 
pation, by purchafhig large quantities of balloons, 
and by contributing to fudi of the public fports 
and diverfions as delight the <' great vulgar, and 
the little ;" for of elegant amufement or mental 
recreation, Edali had no more conception than 
a Bulian joint-ftool. 

Against the charms of beauty, however, 
neither ignorance nor dulnels can make any for- 
cible refiftance ; and as it is a principle of folly 
to be difcontented without the pofFefRon of that 
which ha& the admiration of multitudes, Edali 
lacrificed a part of his wealth for the company of 

Ligrac ; and agreed to fupport her for life, on 
condition that fhe formed no new connexions, 
and attached herfelf folely to him. 

But it was never yet in the power of beauty 
to render its influence perpetual. Though it may 
retain its qualities, and even grow more lovely, ^ 
it can feldom conquer the oppofition of novelty, 
or infure a lafting attachment of the human 
heart. Cuflom renders it familiar, and familiari- 
ty produces indifference. Then it is that mental 
accomplifhments, fweetnefs of difpofition, and 
propriety of conduft are to preferve that aficftioa 
which beauty created, but which beauty can no 
longer infure. But qualities like thefe have litde 
efFeft on the heart of him who feeki only the 
gratification of brutal paflions. If, therefore, 
Ligrac pofTefTed them, fhe poflfefFed them in 
vain ; for befides the natural infenfibility of Eda- 
li, he was not only tired of Ligrac, but he was 
avaricious, and confequently defirous not only of 
quitting her arms, but of annulling the contraft 
by which he was bound to fupport her for life. 

Ignorance and cunning are often afIociated« 
Edali confidered how the latter fcheme might be 
accomplifhed, and at length found that confede- 
racy Was necedary, and therefore imparted hisde« 
fign to a man of little or no property, and who, 
like himfelf, would " circumvent heaven" fot 
Intereft.* It was now the chief bufmcfs of thefe 
two to find out means for. depriving a harmless 
girl of her livelibdod, and to complete the. ruia 
which Edali had begun. 

To which of them the honour. oi the invention 
is due, I have not been able to difcover, but they 
at lengt}i adopted a plan which had the defired 
ef£e6l ; and fhews to what baienefs human nature 
can defcend, and how foon << the wicked find fit 
inflruments of ill." , It was propofed that the con- 
federate, putting on the habit of ^ Bulian noble- 
man, and appearing as dhe pofleffed of more ex- 
tenfive property than Edali, fhould pay his court 
to Ligrac, and offer her his hand in marriage, 
which, as Edali had quitted her, it was not likely 
fhe would refufe. Thus Edali would be freed 
from ^e performance of his contra6^ and hit 
confederate would gain a wife from whofe thea- 
trical talents he expeded to derive confiderable 

Ligrac received the addredes of the confede- 
rate, and the nuptials were celebrated. He had 
recominended himfelf more particularly by an 
affurance that fhe fhould always have at her com- 
mand an aerofbtic globe of peculiar magniftcence 
and which fhould tranfport her with peculiar ra- 
pidity to whatever quarter fhe dire£M its courfe« 
A few days after their marriage Ligrac called for 


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No. VIII. 


the globe ; but no globe was to be found ; and 
on enquiring into the reafon, her hufband calmly 
informed her of the whole deception. I (hall 
not attempt to dcfcribe the feelings of the unfor- 
tunate Ligrac. No pen can defcribe them ;*«-and 
yet fuch was the goocjnefs of her difpofition, that 
had fhe fadlen into other hands^ fhe had been re- 
conciled and happy. But alas ! what happinefs 
could fhe expe6l in the arms of one capable of 
thus deceiving her? She not only abandoned 
him, but her country, her father, and her friends. 
Thoufands of leagues did fhe go, and at length 
found herfelf in Aidni, breathing perfumes, and 
living in the luxuries peculiar to that country. 

He&k fhe formed a new connexion, and was 
bleffed with an infant. Having acquired riches, 
and defirousof rcvifiting her native country, with 
her lovely infant in her arms, fhe, with many 
others, entered a balloon deflined for Bulia, and 
with a panting heart bade adieu to Aidni ! It was 
a journey of many months ; a, journey which 
the haplcfs Ligrac never accomplifhed ; for the 
travelling machine had not been many days 
launched into the air, before it came over an im- 
menfe confluence of waters, and, fomc of its ma* 
terials giving way, made a rapid defcent into the 
midfl of the waves where Ligrac, her infant, and 
all her companions perifhed. 

Such was the end of the lovely, the unfortu- 
nate Ligrac ! — Her body was afterwards found by 
fome Bulian ipariners, and what is remarkable, 
her infant was clafped in her arms. The fight 
touched even the hard hearts of mariners ; with 
tears in their eyes, they committed the bodies to 
the earth, and a Bulian poet infcribed this verfe 
over Ligrac 's grave : 

** Let coxcombs flatter, and let fools adore, 
Here learn the leflbn to be vain no more I** 

The following flanzas were written by theim- 
morul Sir Philip Sidney^ a lover, and a hero in 
the glorious reign of Elizabeth ; and are commu- 
nicated to me by a lady who probably thought 
the inflruftions they contain neceffary for my 
conduft in the article of 


Faikt amorift !— what, doft thou think 
To taflc Lovc*s honey, and not drink 
One dram of gall ?— Or to devour 
A world of fwcct, and uftc no four ? 

Doft thou over think to enter 
Th' £lyGan fields, that dar'ft not vcnnire 
In Charon's barge ?— A lover's mind 
Muft life to fail with every wind. 

He that loves, and feah to tryi 
Learns his miftrefs to deny. 
Dodi (he chide? 'Tis to fhcw it, 
That thy coldncfs makes her dolt. 

Is fhe filent ? Is fhe mute P 
Silence fully grants thy fuit. 
Doth fhe pout, aud leave the.n)om? 
Then fhe goes to bid diee come. 

Isfbefick? Why then, be furc, 
She invites thee to the cure* 
Doth fhe crofs thy fuit with No ? 
Tufh ! fhe loves to hear thee woo. 

Doth fhe call the faith of men 
In queftion? Nay underfoot, fhe Idves ^etheni 
And if e'er fhe make a blot, 
She's lofl if diat thou hit'fl her not* 

He that after ten denials, 
Dares attempt no further trials, 
Hath no warrant to acquire 
The dainties of kis chafte defire I 

The following truly poetical efiiifion ref!c£U 
honour on the author, and confequcntly needs 
no apology for infer tion. 


Addrejed to Mrs. M a r t V a. 

Anteros fwift thy fecret arrow aim I 

To which Creufa fell Mccjca's prey, 
And pierce die heart my eager foul wou'd claim, 

Prevent the danger of a Syren's fwayl 

Then wou'd ftem Ate, on her Cnmfon throne, 
Arife and fmile amid her bloody crew | 

Lcander, own that love widi jufUce ihone, 
Idalia then her tempting light renew] 


Whilst, in the daily prints, priufc and cert- 
furc are fo partially bcftowed on publie pci^ 
formances, I cannot refrain fayihg fomediin^ 
to counteraa the prevalence of mifreprdentation'; 
and though I fhould not trouble myfilf with k 
perpetual review of theatrical afUn from aa 
idea of their importance, yet I aim excited by 
the love of truth, and flimulated by indignation 
at its continual abufe, to remarit on fuch exhi- 
bitions as I find thus mifreprefentcd by the artt- 
fice of avarice, the partiality of fnendfhfp, the 
real of ignorance, or the heat of refcntmcnt, • 

Drury Latu* 

For this fortnight paa this theatre has beeti 

di%raced by a dance which is ufually introduced 

between the play and the fiwce, atod is called the 

SpcrtJmatCs ROvm, in which a man £re$ a gun to 


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THE *r E W S P E C T A T O R, &c. 


the great terror of th^ ladks^ arid to ^e feme 
colour to the name of the dance*. It is tediously 
long and difgufting ; and tfiough Mr. Hamoir c&f- 
plays fome merit in his performance, the ^portf- 
man's Return is a mif^tiMfe eststhple erf hh ikill in 
compofition* I have lifevef Be€i» prefeirt ^vrhen 
it has not completely* tt^earied ttik pad^nce of (he 
audience, except fuch of tneni as thighl htvtr 
have feen a (Uge dante before^ 

But indeed, whilfb the dpera houfe isop^n, 
it is not to be exp(£{ed that danciilg fhould Aic- 
ceed on the En^ifh ^gb. Th«* fs no Veftigc 
' of comparifon. 

Judas Maccabeus, by command, on Friday, 
brought a polite audiencci and went off with 
great fpirit.— His MajeOy was received, as ufUal, 
with reiterated marks of loyalty. The Queen 
and Princefles never fail of fimilar tokens of po- 
pular afiedion and edecm. 

The Double D^guifc continues to increafe in 
reputation, and verifies my prcdi^ons concern- 
ing te fucceft. 

Covent Garden. 

In kitteaif^ and Have a Wifc^ Mrs, Abington 

has received fo much news-paper appl^fe, 'thak 
It is needlefs to fay any thing of her excellence. 
The extravaganza of puffing, however, conflde- 
rably hurts her ; bccaufe, after reading fuch ac- 
counts, (he ^!ways Ms fhdn of eicj^cfdUAion, 
even in EffifiWri*, =the only 'ehVrtiAcr fn which 
{heckn*prt:tcTia t64n6rc £han ^heral txcellettce. 
Her forte is 16'^ cdmcdy, l^ut fhe is fb ambitious 
of repreleitting affine hidy, Utat fhe grows giddy 
with drefs, fluttdrs 6ti theibge, is^ogledlyy cox. 
combs — aswsry woman in, that putfs for it — 
and then is tttlled k fliie ^fefs !— Excellent 
criticifm! — Iflialln^t exped to fee her ftiled 
a beauty ! 

That praife is felddtn well grounded which is 
exaggerated; and I (houldwifh to rcfcuethc'rc- 
roputation of Mrs. Abington out of the hands of 
her xriticB, who in{l<ad of (hewing her in deli- 
cate colours, bedaub her in fuch' a manner with 
fuifome .panegyric, and artificial compliments, 
that ihe refembles nothing in the (hape of huma- 

Mrs. Cowxxy's comedy called Hliich is the 
Man ^ was .performed on Tucfday to a crouded 
audience. ^I he ^comedy itfelf is intitled to very 
ilender praife ; and nothing could have faved it 
from "oblivion, but the comic powers of Mr. 
Quick and Mrs. Mattocks, who, in the outre 
Pendragons, ufoally excitfi^much laughter. The 
fable exhibits no (kill,* for we very early difcover 
tuhich is the man ; an i of the principal female 
chara£ter, Lady Bell ' fo much L faid previous 
to hLor appearance, and expeOation raifed fo 

Afgfc, that' we are dMkppcfetci Lady Bell by 
ik>' ftWatts irtfwers her ddcription; her perforr 
tni nftmn^r, r&pTdeilted i by Mife Younge, arc 
indeed chaMiiig; but the promifed exxxberance 
6f Wit, attd (]pHghtKrtcfs of diategue ate feWom 
(6 be difdbvetcd. Mbft dramatie writers have po- 
licy enough to afford unexpcfted gratification ; 
but, rh this inftancc, Mrs. Cowley has reverfed 
the rule. The performers are not wanting, on 
their parts, to dd the comedy ample jufHec. 

O^ thiirtdzYi the Merchant of Venice. Enough, 
yet not too touch, has been faid of Macklin's 
Shylock. There may be many Shylocks in the 
world ; but on the ftage it will probably be many 
years befbw we fee another.— Mifs Younge's 
Portia has been equalled, but never excelled. 
— ^JfeflTita Was peribnated by Mifs Wheeler of 
Drury-Lahe Theatre, in fuch a manner as to 
make me rcgtrt that fhe is not brought forward 
as (he iherits.^tt may be faid of Mifs Wheelcf, 
thit when her theatrical abilities (hall equal^the 
exfcdkncfe trf her private chara6lcr, fhe will be 
thfe bed tL&xe[$ this kingdoln ever produced. 

IsABtLLA, by Mrs. Crawford, on Saturday, 
has completely eftabliihed the reputation of Mrs. 
Sidiiotts. It were invidious to make comparifens ; 
and ft ouglht to become confolation to the friends 
of Mrs. Crawford that fhe plays Dabellaiio mot^. 
-^HendeifOh^s Biron, like the Dnny-lane Ifa- 
t)ella, foars above aH praffe.^ — The inferior cha- 
ratftcrs merited the applatzfc they received. 
The Epithalamium, inftead of decorKting, dif- 
igracfed the whole. 


King*s Theatre* 
To the new entertainment of 'La ^iegina di 
Gokonda, "The Queen of' Golconda," performed 
on Thurfday, it is difficult to aflign an appella- 
tion : in the bills it is mifcalled an opera. It is a 
kind of dramatic hodge-podge : it is not an opera, 
for the better part of it confifts of dancing ; it is 
not a ballet, for it is intermixed with finging.. 
"We are told it is after the French ftyle, and I 
Iruft it is, for it is by no means worthy of any 
other ftage. 

The fable, likcmoftof the Italian fables, is 
trifling and foolilh. Indeed any thing, in that 
rcfpef^ conceived by genius, or diflated by ele- 
gance, is, I believe, never expcfted in thefo re- 
gions. I have always regarded the Poet x>f the 
Italian opera, as the maker of a naufeous pill, 
which another is obliged to gild, before it can be 
adminiftertJd to the patient. The fable and the 
language of LalRegina di Golconda haSjgivenjne 

no occafioQ to alter my opinion* 


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Op the Mufic, rcfpe6Hng which no fmall fum 
has been fpcnl in pufing it in the news-papers, it 
may be faid in general to be pretty, and would 
have done Rauzzini credit had it been his own. 
But the pretticft parts of the pretty have been 
borrowed : neither of the ducts, whith excited 
general applaufc,.^though I cannot fay they 
fb fingularty merited it — neither of the ducts are 
f>riginally from Rauzzini. Still there was fome- 
tliing to commend. 

Thk want of principal lingers was a <fifagreeab!'e 
circumftance, and might have been* avoided. 
Rauzzini heretofore, may have fung well : at 
prcfent he fcarcelyboafts of mediocrity, and yet he 
fung— for it was firtging^ — that which (hould have 
!)een better fung by Pacchierotti ! Signora Car- 
nevale, might pafs well enough for the Queen of 
"Golcohda; if We fuppofe her Msrjefly no C3f- 
quifite finger. Cartievale was pleafmg in one 
Air ; but Cramer's Violin, in the accompaniment 
and paTticuferly the fyntphorties, got, a^it de- 
fcrved, all the applaufe. Camcvale's powers 
arc very limited. 

You will perhaps little regard' the opinion of 
John Bull, rcfpefbing an Italian openu How- 
ever, I will venture to deliver an opinion, in 
which I doubt not but that three- fourths of the 
audience on Thurfday night would agree with me, 
were they honed enough to let truth take place 
of afFe6lation. Know then, good Mr. Specta- 
tor, that Mifs Philips wottld have fong Rat> 
zzini's airs as much better than Rauzzini as he 
than Barrymorc! And Mifs George as much 
fuperior to Carnevale, as AUegranti to Mifs 
George. I mean in the opera before us: let 
Mifs Philips reprcfent Albert, and Mifs George 
.the Queen of Colconda, and if they do not fmg 
the airs with more taftc^ and be flow on them 
additional graces, I will be' content to be toflcd 
in a blanket! I know that every one will pulf. 
licly pronounce this opinion high treafon againft 
tafte; and privately confefs it is the truth and 
nothing but the fruth ! 

If any partictilaF pralfe is due, the fccne-pain- 
ter defer ves it. The firft fcene in the fccond aft, 
and the lad in the piece, are particularly 

O F the dances which, in this piece, are 
ftrangely jumbled with the finging — ^after the 
French ftile though, remember that — Of the dan- 
ces, need I fay any more than that they were 
performed by Le Picq, Vcftris, Slingfby; The- 
odore Simonet, and her two daughters, Rofli, 
&c ?— The names of the performers are the bcfl 
recommendation of the dances, which are com- 
pofcd by Monficur D'Auberval -, but have very 

little in them of the excellence of Novcrrc.— 
D' Auberval is not a good daac^c, and is a worfe 

Contrary to moft of the public prints^ 
whofe accounts, like thofe of the other Thcp 
atrcs, are fupplied by the interefted and the 
prejudiced, thus, much for the entertainment. 
It remains next to fpeak of 

Ths Au D I B N c I. 
And of the Audience it may be faid that it was 
as numerous and brilliant as any the Opera Houfe 
can boad fmcc the famous benefit night of the 
famous Vcftris. The whole houfe, however, 
was in mourning ; and the head-drcflcs of the 
ladies were" pretty equally divided between 
the Balloon-hat and white feathers; and the 
diminutive fancy cap.— Of the frail fiflerhood, 
the Bird of Paradije and the J0iite Crow were moll 
confpicuous ; for the houfe was not contaminat- 
ed with the more influencing example of the 
Perdila, or her equally attraftive admirer.— That 
the houfe might not, however, be deftitule of 
fomcthing particularly offenfive, the performers 
were obftru6led in their entrances and exits, 
and the effeft of fome fcenes entirely deranged 
by fome forty or fifty of the gentry who ought to 
have been feated in the Pit, and where there was 
room enough to have ftowed double the quantity. 
But we are told in the Bills that. By thdr Ma- 
jcjlies Command no ptrfon can be admitted behind the 
fcenes ; which at once accounts for the nuifance ; 
for a coxcomb is never in his element, but when 
he is violating fome command. It were to be 
wifhed, that the managers would render their 
Majf/lies Commands a Httle more efficacious by 
fhewing thefe gentry into their proper feats, and 
not permit them to exKiWit their rodehef* l»y 
a difagt^eabte inHemiptton e#the performers^ and 
exdting the difgutl of tfce m^tt tepAn p«rt of 

I SHOULD not have dwelt fo long on the fub- 
jeft of this Theatre, but that the entertainment 
has been repriefehted in the daily prints, with 
fuch exaggeration of pariegyric as it by no means 
merits, and that I might give my voice againft 
fuch accumulated falfhoods. 

School for Scandal. 
Beware of counterfeits^ for fuch are abroad ! 
Mr. Sheridan has not yet publifhed this 
matchlefs comedy. Some years ago, a wretched 
political thing made its appearance under the 
title of the Duenna^ by way of cxtrafting gold 
from drofs ; and the like miferable attempt has 
lately been made with rcfpeft to the School for 

Scandal ! — Verbumfapientia, 


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Mrs. Hodges. 

It has been faid in fome of the morning prints, 
that this lady is retired to Weybridgc, for the k- 
nefit of her health. I am happy to affure you, 
that (he is by no means indifpofed. Mr. Hodges 
has an cftate in the neighbourhood of, and a 
houfe at, Wcybridge. — Peace Viper ! 

Squire Morgan's Nephew. 

This young gentleman has lately taken one of 
the beft houfes near that of his uncle, who is yet 
abroad. He has a numerous train of fervants ; 
and being good-natured and affable, lets them 
have too much of their own way. Hence their 
charaders are naturally diverflfied, and confe- 
quently eafily difcriminated. The mofl impor- 
tant amongft them is M after Jelly y who may be 
called chief amongft the chief ; for a more con- 
fequential man fcarce ever exifted. He is one of 
thofe who are unwilling to let their importai^e 
efcape notice; and if every body does not tell 
him that h e is a great man^ he takes care to tell 
every body himfelf. As he ranks high in the 
eftimation of his mafter, he expe£ls fervility 

from thofe beneath him. But it is the curfe of 
arrogance to be frequently reminded of former 

Jelly, one morning, walked through his 
matter's court-yard, and pafling a bricklayer, 
who, intent on his biifmefs, paid no regard to 
Jelly, he, with all « the infolence of office," 
exclaims, " Don^ you know mi ?'"— " Yes, fays 
" the bricklayer, I remember when you ufed to 
«* lie naked a bed, whilft your fliirt was wafhing," 
— Finding the man's memory better than his 
manners. Jelly, like a lion, fnuffing the rifing 
ftorm, « grumbling to his den retum'd 1"^ 

To other Correspondents. 
Th e letter fgned Ignoratus is laid before a BuU* 
an fage^ eminent for his knowledge of the conftitution 
of Niatirb, — Emma, a Sentimental Tale, in my 
next. — Edgar H. zmU find a line addreffed to him 
as he direBcd. — Tht critique on the Haymarkct Ora- 
torios came too late for infcrtion ; but the Chorufes 
de/erve infinitely more than the critic has exprefed.^^ 
The lines on Mifs Farren are inadmijible ; as are 
thofe on Mr. Packer, tohofe private charaBer is 

London: Printed by T. RicKAsr, No. 15, Dukc's-Court, Bow-Street, Covent-Garden ; 

And Sold by T. AX TELL, No. 1, Finch-Lane, Comhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by 
W. SWIFT, Bookfeller, Charles-Street, St. James's-Square ; by P. BRETT, Bookfeller and 
Stationer, oppofite St. Clcment's-Church in the Strand; by G. KEARSLEY, No. 46, Fleet-Street; 
and by W. THISELTON, Bookfeller and Stationer, No. 37, Goodge-Street, Rathbone-PlaCe. 

*^* Corrbspondents are requefted to addrefs their favours to the New Spectator, to be 
left at Mr. SwirT*S| in Charles-Street, St. James^Square, where a Letter-Box is affixed 
for their reception* 

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r\/\/viy>^i/V>/V'V>yXjrVif\/VTw^\/V\A/ i!S 





No. IX. 

TUESDAY, March 30, 1784. 

Price Three-pence. 

7*0 be continued every Tuesday. 

Terra fdutifcras htrhas^ eadmqui noccntts^ 
, Nutrit: ^ urtica proxima fxpc rofa\^^ 


Our bane and phyfic the fame earth beftows, 
And near the noifome nettle blooms the rofe.** 

ENQUIRING after the reception of my 
lucubrations amongft my friends, I find 
they are deemed deficient in a requifite very ef- 
fential to aH fpecies of compofition : namely, 
jpiriti and out of fixty-nine letters I have already 
received, I find forty-four harp upon one firing, 
I IhiU publilh a few for the infpe£tion of the ca- 
rious in modem literature. 

To the New Spectator. 
Mr. New Spectator, 

Your writings would do well enough, if 
they were not quite fo grave. Merry and Wifry is 
my motto ; and if you give us a droll ftory now 
and then, you may depend upon it your re* 
putation would increafe. 

Your's, as you're merry, 

Timothy Merryman. 

To the New Sfectator. 
Mr. Spec, 

I BELIEVE you may be a well-meaning 
man, and your deputy, John Bull, right honed, 
but you neither of you go the right way to have 
your works read. You fall foul on the fafhiona- 
ble amufements of the times, and give no fort 
of countenance to the harmlcfs recreations of the 

BofiTon^ If you would yourfelf affociatc witli 
that order of people, and transfufe into your 
manner of writing fomething of the fmartnefs 
that prevails in every thing which they do, 
you would be much better relifhcd. 

Your partial admirer, 

Sampson Smart, 

To the New S p e c t at o r. 
Mr. Gravity Ditlness, 

You, and your bluff Deputy, are two 
fplenetic, pfalm-finging, fermonifing writers, I 
mean fcriblers ; and the fooner you have done 
the better. What bufinefs had you to vilify 
Squire Morgan* s Nephezo and the divine PerdUa ? 
Keep a good tongue in your head. 

Colonel Renown. 
Miss N**** prefents compliments to the New 
Spectator, and to his (agacious Deputy, Mr. 
Bull, and as (he is obliged, by the command of 
parents, to read their joint produ6lions before the 
whole family, begs they will let brevity mark the 
future numbers, for however the old folks may 
relifh them, they never fail to give her the 
Grofvtnor Square* 


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No. IX. 

9t^CH is the general coiUplaint againfl: the 
N«w SvtcrA^ofC and Go. thrt unlefe 1^ aker 
my mode of writing, I am likely to reap little 
benefit from the favours of my correfpondents. 
No lefs than eight formally addrefs me with Rs- 
verend Sir^ apprehending, from my gravity, I 
fupsofe^ th^ i^imftngh^ly orders, r And l^ %ne 
lar^l hatje rJfeiveJ from PoftmankSqu^re Al^d, ' 
the neighbourhood oT St. James's, I find fcvcral 
ladies of high rank have enjoined their daugh- 
ters not to read a line of fuch an old-fajkioited 
moraliji as I am ; and have been cruel enough 
to infmuate ffiaf I ai!i 4n c4d lladhiktdr, paft aU 
manner of miTchref ; a charge fufficient to fct all 
the young ladies in the world again ft me. 

To ^MM^ the gay and th« lovely part of the 
fea againft ait is'a very mortifying circumftance; 
Jf9l I cannot bring myfelf te ufe that fpccies of 
writing, which is now fo generally adopted by, 
and. received amongft neA from whom better 
things might naturally be expefted. I muft con- 
fefs I have no knack at doubk entendre^ by which 
fome periodical writers amongft us, get wonder- 
ful applaufe. Nor have I a^ propcnfity to bc- 
ftow thofe encomiums on folly ?i^ <iii|ip^ipn 
which are due only to fenfe atid ded^ney. ■ \ 
cannot think of praifing the Royal Family of 
England, and tt the fame time (peaking well of 
the JEnglifh nobility; for can light ai>4 darkijefs be 
more oppofite than the general copduft a^d cha- 
rafters of each ? When the pnblic tafte is become 
vitiated with immoral produftions and loofc wit, 
the writer has little ^h^^nce who endeavours to 
fl^ that torrent of corruption with which fuch 
literature, by its general difTemination, deluges 
the land* Though his obfcrv^tions, and his fame 
may be confined to fmall circles, ha wiU have 
tiM c^olstbn of reflie£Hng that his works will 
never Hib in judgment a^inflihiai. 

The moA dangerotis member of any comtmi^ 
mty is aa immooral wxiter ; he not only corrupts 
hit coiiitetiiporaJrie^ blit, if he is a man ofgcniusj 
the bai^iL iafiuenec of his works (xlcnd to pof- 
tority. Xho «oUiplicity of obfcenc and indeli- 
cate books and printt daily obtruded on the 
pu)dic» is to beeijualbdonly by the avidity with 
>*ach thoy arc purchafed. Their eJfefts on 
maaaers «m vifiWe and obvious* Private con* 
ver&tioa ia perpctualiy tm6hjired with dmSk 
0ikmke^ t^ wWeh 6iii- women arc now fomuch 
accuflgattd^as to Hften to thia moft contemptible 
^;aH wit, not only without difcdveting the in. 
dignation of infulted virtue, but even without 
the leaft fymptom of difapprobation ; whttft, in 
^ubHc, they vie with each other in affuming all 

thofe inlpudent and meretricious airs by which 
the common proftkute endeavour^ to atttaft 
attention. I fhould be forry if there were not 
many undeferving of this cenfune: I fpeak 

Such of my contemporaries as have meanly 
foiiak^en the flandard ^ M«RAi.iT)V<-ri am aet 
fangujne enough to lode £6r QAMSTiMmi'tr 
amongft themr-and by their writings feed thx» 
flame of diffipation, meet with a fhort-lived praife^ 
flattering their vanity, which foars not to future 
applaufe, unlefs future infamy may be called ap- 
plaufe, and earn thtir daily br^d by fhewing 
that cduntcnance' to vice which may give encou- 
ragement to its votaries, and afford a kind of li- 
terary ian£Uonto the moft dia b o l ica l crimes. 

NoyttSj originally intended as pifturcs of 
life, and incentives to virtue, have now juft the 
contrary cfcft ; for though fome common moral 
i& generally aimed at in the cataftrophe^ yet vice 
throughout the tale is moftly reprefented in fuch 
pleafmg colours as cannot but excite the admira- 
tion, rather than t}ie deteflation of the youthful 
reader, whofe principles are as commonly under- 
piined by this pernicious amufement, as by the 
inftuence of e:iai^ple. Of this kind of tnixed 
compofition it may jufHy be faid that " the de- 
praved difpofition of m^kind is pretty fure to 
drop die morality and carry away the ribaldjy." 

Wa^GH^N^ tfeerefpre, all that caikbe giidfor 
a^ againft the mode of writing &» Dvuch tetuniA 
»(^Bde^ by i^y ccurrefj^tHieirt$, I wm in«lin^ l^ 
pe^(9vejro ia my preTent uafaihion^bl^ rou^ 
turning neitlMt (O the fig^t hawfMi n<ili 10 th0 left ; 
though I will chearfully give fhc^ W ^^fnurt 
produ6Uon I may be favoured with, provided the 
wit be ifioffenfive and the fatire wholelbme ; but 
may the labours of the New SfrECTATO!( never 
be read if tikey faife One blufh on the cheek of 
modcfty, or «ln indelicate thought in the bofom of 

To the Hrw Spectator. 
Mr, SjrictATOA, 

As you, appear lo he. ^tc int^partial in 
your Theatrical obfervations, and not to be in- 
fluenced, as you have exprcfled it, by the « the ar- 
" tifice of avarice, the partiality of friendfhip, 
" the zeal of ignorance or the heat of refen.t-r 
« mcnt;*' I truft y^u will give me leave to ob-, 
ftrve, that the conduft of the managers of. QW 
hrury is not only inexplicable in itfclf, but in- 
Riltihg to the Town, in giving the parts oi Alicia^ 
Almeria, Portia^ Imoinda, Imo^tn^ Eleanor, ^c. &c. 


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to Ac Mifs Kcmblcs, who are univcrfelly al- 
lowed to be very incompetent to the fuftaining 

liny, of thofc charaacrs, when there are fevcral 
. ladies in the fame company by whom they would 

be fupportcd, at lead with decency. 

I WILL at prefent mention only a few names 

in confirmation of what I have advanced; and 

!hall be glad to know by what fccrd influence, 

• w wretched fyftem in dramatic politics, we are 

• tlebarred the pleafurc of feeing the incomparable 
•Biddbns fecondcd fey Yitr ifuatrical, iiiftcad of 
•licr natural fitters ? 

Previous to the engagement of the MiFs 
Kembles, Mifs Farten was making a confiderable 
jrogrefs in the Tragic line, and filled fcveral 
charafters with honour to herfelf, and pleafurc. 
lo her auditors.-^Mrs. BulkUy is, no doubt, re- 
membered to have been feen with great fatisfac- 
tion in both tragedy and comedy ; and there is 
wanting nothing but praftice and encouragement 
lo render Mrs* Wells a refpeaable fervant of 
Melpomene, as well as of Thalia* It may be 
remembered that, at the latter end of laft fcafon, 
this lady played Jane Share with fuch .propriety 
as to gain a thundering plaudit, thrice repeated, 
at the end of the performance. If, therefore, 
the and Mifs Farren, and Mrs. Bulklcy play 
' lirft-rate charafters dccentfy^ might it not be fup- 
j)ofed they would fupport inferior charaaers 
reputably ? And if fo, why is the Town to be 
as you once faid, ferved with Perry inftead of 

Champaignt ? 

lam, Sir, 

Your's, &c* 


. The bevy of originals* 

[Ko. lU 
Mifs Verjuice Leada^e. 

Pltu vident ocuU quam octUus»> 

This Original, Mr. Spectator, is a lady 
who has pafled the meridian of beauty, and whofe 
irride overbalances the precepts of nature. So 
much is her averjion to that kind benefaftrefs, 
becaufe it is natural to wear one*8 own hair, fhe 
had her head fhaved, and fports an enormous 
wig, which being elajiic^ and by conflant wear* 
iig has !b contracted the fcull as io force the brain 
to iorfake its habitation. She exclaims again (I 
nature as a rebelKous ufurper, as a deflroyer of 
politenefs and good manners, and as a nuifunce to 
R civiliaed nation ! — A natural blooming healthy 

colour is as execrable zsitoo eyes !— Mifs Verjuicd 
having but wie-^the confequence of an overbear- 
ing difpofiiion in her youth. White teeth have 
a mafculine appearance, which \^ Jhe pofleffed, a 
perfon would be employed to disfigure them* 
How horrid to have vthite teeth \ 

Whatever the fafhion is, this unnatural lady 
is juft the reverfcv When fhort ftays are worn, 
ftie admires the reign of our Elizabeth, when ftays 
— extended from the chin to the knce*-*werc 
the fsle defenders of Virtue I 

Wh E N a long petticbat is the ion^ fo avcrfc* is 
my dear Mifs Verjuice to fajbion and nature that 
on a windy day, with attentive fpeculation, the 
pious inotto on her garter may be eafily penifed* 
•* Fix your thoughts on things above!" 

The converfation of this Original is equally 
abfurd with her drefs* She is the true offspring 
of Eve* Contradiftion is her only food. How- 
ever ftrange, Mr. Spectator, ihhfood may ap- 
pear to you, I really know a family oi ffteen 
fifters. Who exifl entirely on that delicious food. 
Why not ?— ^It was the ambrofia of the gods ! — 
It was this food alone that gave immortality to 
Jupiter^ Juno, Vulcan, Venus, &c. I knew a 
lady that died fuddenly in an affembly room, be- 
caufe one evening (he had her own way ! Mifs 
Verfuice Leadape is the moft complete virgin of 
ffty-ftx, that 1 784 can boaft of. Her knowledge 
is extenfive : there is not a rape, murder, or rob- 
bery committed in the metropolis that ihe is igno- 
rant of! 

I met her the ether day in Pall Mall, and 
went up St. JamesVftreet to avoid her. No 
fooncr had I reached Piccadilly, but I found her 
ready to receive me. I haftily croffed the way, 
went into George's, ftaid fomc time, but on going 
down the Hay*market, to my furprize and mor- 
tification, who {hould I meet, full butt-^^uoting 
her oWn phrafe«— but Mi/s Verjuice Leadape !•— . 
She feized my arm-^-the impreffion remains ftill 
-^and forced me to accompany her. At laft we 
arrived at the auftion, whele after being the fub- 
jed of the whole room, I took a convenient op- 
portunity and left hen 

Miss Verjuice receives company every 
Thurfday to tea and cards. All Weftminfter is 
invited^ fave the refpeElable men and ladies of 
ckaraEler, She keeps the pool at Quadrille to a 
ffh^ and 3s never better pleafed than in a party of 
tabbies whofe unfeeling fouls are fteeled with in- 
fenfibility, and whok fatisfoEHon is to hear of the 
dotonfal of their acquaintance* To make any 
more reflexions on this Original would be need- 


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Ids, I (hall therefore conclude with a friendly 
admonition to the JemaU beauties of the creation. 
—Let their pride be as a conveyance to Jupport 
them above condefcenfion and meannefs, and ne- 
ver to anbracejalfc delicacy as it is a total deftroy- 
cr of every union ! 

\^To be continued, ] 

To the New Spectator. 

Dear Spec, 

Though you have very properly excluded 
from the New Spectator all political fubje£ls; 
yet furely it would be a difficult thing for John 
Bull to forbear faying a word on fo important a 
fubjeft as a diffolution of Parliament. Our 
family ever delighted in politics. On this oc- 
^afion, however, great as it is, 1 wifli only to re- 
commend lo the ferious attention of every eleftor 
in Great Britain the following fpecch of a certain 
Knight Errant^ who happening to pafs through a 
Borough Town at a general ele£lion, by the 
oddity of his appearance, prefcntly attra6ledthe 
notice of the elcAioncering mob, and being ele- 
vated above the reft, fpoke as follows. 

*' Countrymen^ Friends^ and Fdlow-Citizcnj ! 

"You arc this day affemblcd to deter- 
mine a point of the utmoft confcquence to your- 
felves and your poflcrity ; a point that ought to be 
determined by far other weapons than brutal force 
and fa&ious clamour. You, the freemen of Eng- 
land, are the bafis of that excellent conflitution 
which hath long flourifhed the objeft of envy and 
, admiration. 'J o you belongs the ineftimable 
privilege of choofmg a delegate, properly qua- 
lified, to reprefent you in the higli court of Par- 
liament. This is your birth -right, inherited 
from your anceftors, obtained by their courage, 
and fealed with their blood. It is not only your 
birth-right which you (hould maintain in defiance 
of all danger, butalfoa^rf</^rM^, to be executed 
with the mod fcrupulous care and fidelity. The 
perfon whom you truft ought not only to be en- 
dued with the mod inJlexibU integrity^ but (hould 
jikewife podefs a fund of knowledge that may 
enable him to a^ as a part of the legiflature. 
He muft be well acquainted with the hiftory, 
the conflitution, and the laws of his country ; 
he mufl underfland the forms of bufinefs, the 
extent of the royal prerogative, privilege of 
parliament, the detail of government, the nature 
and regulation of the finances, the different 
branches of commerce, the politics that prevail, 
and the connexions that fubfid amongd the dif- 
ferent powers of Europe; for on all thefe fubjeds 

the deliberations of a Houfe Of Commons Oc- 
cafionally turn. But thefe great purpofes will 
never be anfwered by elefting an Uliterattfaxfage^ 
fcarce qualified, in point of underdanding, to 
aft as a country judicc of peace; a man who 
fcarce ever travelled beyond the cxcurfion of a 
fox-chace; whofe converfation never nunbles 
further than his dable, his kennel, and his barn- 
yard ; who rejefts decorum as degeneracy ; mif- 
takcs rudicity for independence ; afcertains his 
courage by leaping over gates and ditches, and 
founds his triumph on feats of drinking ; who 
holds his edate by a faflious tenure ; profedes 
himfelf the blind JUme oj a party y without know- 
ing the principles that gave it birth, or the mo- 
tives by which it is actuated, and thinks that ^a- 
triotifm confijls in railing indifcriminatdy at mi" 
nijicrs, and objiinatdy oppofing every meafure oj the 
adminijlration. Such a man, with no evil inten- 
tions of his own, might be ufed as a dangerous 
tool in the hands of a defperate faftion, by feat* 
tering the feeds of difaffeftion, embarrafling the 
wheels of government, and reducing the whole 
kip.gdom to anarchy. Such a man may be dan- 
gerous from ignorance; but is neither fo mit 
chievous nor fo deteflable as the wretch whd 
knowingly betrays his truji^ and fues to be the 
hireling and proditute of a weak and worthlcfs 
minider; a fordid knave without honour or 
principle ; who belongs to no family, whofe 
example can reproach him with degeneracy ; 
who has no country to command his refpc6l, no 
friends to engage his a^eftion, no religion to 
regulate his morals, no confcience to reflrain 
his iniquity, and who worfhips no god, but 
mammon ; an infinuating mifcreant, who un- 
dertakes for the dirtied work of the vilcd ad- 
mini drat ion ; who praftifes national ufury, 
receiving by wholefale the rewards of venalit/ 
and didributing the wages of corruption by re- 
tail. When fuch a caitiff prefents himfelf to you, 
like the devil, with a temptation in his hand, 
avoid him as if he were in faft the devil — it is 
not the offering of difintereded love ; for what 
fhould induce him, who has no affeftions, to 
love you, to whofe perfons he is an utter draiv- 
ger ? Alas ! it is not a benevolence, but a bribe. 
He wants to buy you at ane market^ that he way feU 
you at another. Without doubt his intention is 
to make an advantage of his purchafe, and this 
aim he cannot accompli fh but by iacrificing, is 
fome fort, your intered, your independency, t» 
the wicked defigns of a minidcr, as he can ex- 
pcft no gratification for the faithful difchaiije of 
his duty. But even if he fhould not find an op- 

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No. 13i. 


portunity of fclUtigyouto advantage, the crime, 
the fhamc, the infamy will ftill be the fame in 
you, who, bafer than the moft abandoned prof- 
titutes, have fold yourfelves and youf pofterity 
for hire, for a paultry price, to be refunded with 
intereft by fome minifter, who will indemnify 
himfelf out of your own pockets; for after all, 
you are bought and fold with your own money; 
— 4he miferable pittance you may now receive 
is no more than a pitcher full of water thrown 
in to moiften the fucker of that pump which will 
drain you to the bottom ! Let me, therefore, 
advifc and exhort you, my countrymen, to avoid 
the oppofite extremes of the ignorant clown and 
defigning courtier, and choofe a man of honefty, 

intelligence and moderation, who will" ^ 

Cetera defunt. 


A Sentimental Tate^ 

Thf. orient Sun had funk beneath the weft, 
And lovely Nature feemM inclinM to reft, 
Stillnefs prcvailM: except the gentle breeze, 
Which fann'd in fportive gales the verdant trees, 
l-una's pale rays rcfleaed in the ftream, 
Where Sol before, hid fhot his fcorching beam | 
Sad Phil'mcl's note rc-eccho'd thro' the wood, 
And beauteous Naiades rofe above the flood ; 
The bubbling brook in fofteft murmurs flow*d, 
And Flora all her various fwects difclos'd : 
When lovely Emma from her cottage firay*d, 
To taftc die fweet receflcs of the fliade, 
To hear die turtle's melancholy moan. 
And fympadiife with forrows like her own* 
Sweet peace of mind ne*cr with young Emma dwelt, 
Nor foft rcpofc her haplefs bofom felt ; 
The god of love had piercM her tender breaft, 
Difturb'd her joys, and robb'd her foul of reft. 
She came— of cruel fortune to complain, 
Edgar fhc lov'd— but lov'd, alas, in vain I 
Her auburn hair, difhevcll'd widi die wind, 
Flew like her garments, loofc, and unconfin'd; 
From her bright eyes foft roli'd the cryftal tear, 
While on her face fat grief, and ftcra defpair. 
At length the fair in a deep fhade reclin'd, 
Thus in foft accents fpoke the anguifli of her mind: 

In vain for me, ye fragrant zcyhyrs, blow, 
For me, in vain, ye limpid rivMets flow; 
In vain fweet bird of night ! you tune your throat. 
And fweetly raife that foft melodious note; 
In vain, dcluCvc hope! you chacc my fears,' 
And tiy to flop the current of my tears; 
Tears that will flow in fpite of cv'ry art 
To calm my mind, or heal my wounded heart I 
In all the many charms of earth combin'd, 
Plcafurc, nor peace can wretched Emma find/ 

Only can Edgar diflipate my grief, 
Sootli my deep woe, and grant me wifliM relief; 
But, ah ! the perjur'd youth forfakes my arms, 
NcgleOs my love, and flights my fadirtg charms; 
Forgetful of his broken vows, and fighs 
Regardlefs of my tears— he diflaat flics 1 
For once lov»d Emma now no more he cares. 
But from his breaft her long-loathM image tears ; 
Some other nymph, more lovely and more kind. 
Hath fix'd his heart, inconftant as the wind. 
What do I fay ?-alas !-~Shc cannot te 
More kind than Emma, or more lov'd than he! 

How oft when featcd in yon flow'ry vale, 
Lift'ning attentive to my Edgar's ulc, 
He'd fwear by all the mighty powers above, 
That nought on earth fliould e'er decreafc his love I 
Then to his bofom Was 1 fondly preft I 
How fweetly flat ter'd !— how fupremely blefti, 
The peaceful hills did with our lays refound, 
And bright-eyMjoydiff'us'd itfelf around: 
But now alas ! die dear delufion's o*er. 
And love's foft voice falutes my ear no more. 
The flow'ry meads no longer charm my view,— 
All charms are fled fincc Edgar is untrue! 
Confliaing paflions tear my troubled foul. 
The flowing tears in liquid torrents roll. 
Oh!— that a draught of Lethe I could take, 
Or drown my forrows in the Stygian lake \ 
Then fliould I ceafc for ever to complain, 
And murmurto the winds incrcafing pain. 

She flop'd ;--nor could proceed— but rofe to go, 
And trembling funk, beneath her weight of woe. 
Alas! at length the icy hand of Death, • 

Had fciz'd her foul, and grafp'd her fleering httzth. 
Adieu, ye nymphs, ye woods, and groves, flic cried t 
Then fainting h\\, clos'd her bright cyea and died I 

All nature feem'd to mourn the haplefs maid; 
Sweet Phil'mel ceas'd her fong, each flowret dioop»d 
its head! 

E n c A R H 

Morning Papers. 

It is impoffiblc to fpeak of thcfc diimial rhap. 
fodies without involving onc's-felf in politics. 
The diflfolution of Parliament, and the confcqutnt 
eflabli/hment of the prcfcnt minillry will en- 
tirely blaft the hopes of thofe wretched tools of 
party, whoffc profpeft of gain was founded on the 
probability of ihf, great charaaci^ returning into 
office who, on the profpca of official emoluments, 
were mean and defpicable enough to evade news- 
paper indignation, and to infure ncws-papcr 
applaufe, by the facrificc of fome pelf, the ad^ 
miniftcring of a plentiful potion of promifcs, 
and faving the Editors a great deal of trouble by 
writing panegyrics on thcmfelves and their 
friends, in firings of paragraphs, which the rea- 

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crs little imagine arc written by^ the immaculate 
chara,6lers themfelves, or fuch of their depen- 
dents as have a knack at that fpecies of compo- 
fition, and the reputation of being far better em- 
ployed. But, to the honour of the people, they 
were not to be thus deceived. Judging for them- 
felves, the paragraphs written even by mem- 
bers of parliament, and notorious wits were of 
no avail. Truth is immutable; and men know 
a zoolf from an elephant. 

The JVhirling Pojl, finding nothing more to be 
had under the banners of the Coalition, or from 
the profpef): of Indian munificence^ has given 
another proof of its propenfity to tergiverfation 
(a moft delightful word), by a declaration that 
it is to be an impartial paper, that is, a paper of 
no principles at all — and with great violence 
direfcily efpoufes the caufc of the prefent mi- 
niflry! So much for news-paper confiflency! 

Op the other papers I have not time to fpeak. 
Their tergiverfations^ reciprocities and coatitions 
deferve fome notice, and (hall have it« 

B u 

L I A. 

My fagaqious friend, who accompanied me 
in my aerial tour to Bulia, is now, I trufl, in 
that capital. On his return I make no doubt 
but that he will communicate fome curious in- 
telligence refpefting (he political concerns of 
that ftrangc people.— I pj^rticularly requefled 
him to bring fome Bulian ,books, tfpecially a 
\'olume of their lUtutcs, which are I'eplete with 
great wifdom, and remarkable for their brevity. 
• Having on our firft vilit, left behind us a few 
news-papers, fome of the Bulian literati had 
tranflatcd them, and on his fecond vifix, the 
tranfjation \vas prcfented to my friend, requefting 
him to anfwer the Queries that were fubjoined to 
it; Of thefe queries and of my friend's an- 
fwers, I here fend you an extraft. 

To the learned Seer from a certain world 

called the Earth, the Bulian Houfe of 

Science, Sendeth Greeting. 

Whereas toe have employed four of the moft 

learned of our Houfe to tranjlate into the Bulian 

Tongue certain Earthly pieces of literature^ left in 

OUT metropolis by you and your friend bearing the 

name of John BuU. And whereas there are certain 

pjireifes contained therein, which our faid learned 

men cannot comprehend; and which, therefore, we 

requeft your Seerfliip to explain in fuch a manner 

as that we may give an account thereof in our next 

edition of the tranflation herewith prefented. For 

that purpofi we eamefily befceech you to anfwer the 

following Queries^ 

Signed by order of the Houfe of Science, 

Lancam, Secretary. 

Bulian Queries, andENCLUHJftEPLJEs. 

What is the meaning of the xoord Coalition ?— • 
Union. The very found of this word has a won. 
derful eflfeft on Engli(hmen. Several fenatori 
have foamed at the mouth in attempting to explain 
its confequences. Some have faid that it ruined^ 
and fome that it favcd the Britifh nation. The 
faft is, that it did neither. 

IVhat is tfie meaning of the phrafe -Modern Pa- 
triot ?— A man who, under pretence of rcn-^ 
Bering ferviccs to his country, is aiming at the ac- 
quifition of power to. gratify his ambition or his 
avarice. The moft dangerous man in the 

What is the meaning of a Hasty SKEtCH P-— -It 
fomctimes means a tedious and dull account of 
long fpecches, without the anfwers; and fome- 
times of anfwers without the fpcechcs. At other 
tirties, it implies a fcleftion horn the breakfafl ma- 
terials of others, to form a kind of literary hafiy- 
pudding for grofs fi^eders and vpatient politici- 
ans ! 

What is the meaning of Boa To n ?--4Di{^pa- 
tion in the extreme, a^d atotal difrcg^rd pf every 
thing facred. A violent attachment to trifles* 
To be one of .the Son 7\)n is to be envied by 
beaux, protcfted by belles, admired by folly, and 
condemned by common fcnfe. 

What is the meaning of the word Perdita?— r 
Perdita, is the advertifing name of a notorious 

What is the meaning of the phrafe Political 
consistency? — Afting direftly ^n contradic- 
tion to flrong profcflions ^d promifSas. Speak- 
ing one thing to day, and contradifling it to-mor- 

What is the rn^cining of the phrafe Secret In- 
fluence ? — 'It is a political bugbear ufcd by fome 
men to alarm others : as we frighten children by 
crying raw-head and Uoody.hones /—So when a 
man attempts to do any thing for the public 
good, and to fave his country from the ruin irt 
which others wifh to involve it, they ende^^vouf 
to frighten him by fhouting Secret Influence I 

What is an Alderman ?— A voracious ani- 
mal, in the human form, that devours ftfh, flcfh 
and fowl, and pofTefllng fome degree of human 
reafon. He is generally chained. 

What is an amia»le woman ?— One who by 
unbounded diflipation,and the apparent contempt 
of all religious order, renders herfelf confpicu- 
ous. By an amiable woman (in news-papers) 19 
more generally underftood an extravagant profti- 

What is a Man of the people ?-<^A good 

Houfe-Dog, of the Fox breed* 


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No. IX. 


JVhat is a Lo^ High Chm^bliox P^-— Except 
one^ tho greatefl man in Great Britain, if his 
name happens to be Th u k t o w . 

WhU is 4 Lord ?— A Lord is a Temple which 
the people decorate with laurels. 

What is the crime of youtk ? — ^To be emi- 
nently virtuous^ and to poflefs the wifdom of old 
age. To refufcv adociating with public plunder* 
crs, black l4!gs, and fharpers. 

Thus far, dear Spec, I have extrafled for 
your amufeihcnt ; and {hall hereafter give you 
ibme account of the flrange notions the Bulians 
entertain of this world, and particularly of this 


Dfufy JLtuHi, 
. Ma ». Sf »i»o KS) after an iUneTs which confined 
liar a eonfiderable time^ on Tinirtday appeared in 
IfMiAf and £b<imed t« be ^cfeflly recovered 
from an indifpoTitioa which deprived the: public 
of the chief attradion of tlii^ Houfe* 

.Their Majeftics honoured the theatre with 
their prefence on Friday, having commanded the 
Oratorio of Judas Maccabats, which went off 
with eonfiderable applaufe. — His Majefty, hav- 
ing lately paid the people the grcateft compli- 
ment ever paid them by an £figl»A» mofwreh-, wa9 
received with more heartfelt applaufe than ever ! 

Covent GardcTu 

Nothing material has occurred at this theatre 
fmce my laft, except Mr. Hcnderfon playing 
Comtis^ and giving the town a proper idea of 
Milton^s powers and his own. 

if<^ Markets 

It muft afford no fmall pleafure to the admirers 
of the late Dr. Arne, that this popular ferenata 
is revived at the Haymarket Theatre, and per- 
formed with good fuccefs. Eliza muft always be 
a favouxite with an Engliihinan^ Th« poctjry is 
greatly Gipcriar to mail pieces of th« kind, and 
the mufic fo nicely adapted that he muft have no 
car who cannot difcover its excellence. 

To Meffrs. Arne and Barthelemon, names 
pretty well known in the mufical world, I under- 
iland the public is indebted for the perfonnance 
of oratorios at play-houfc prices. To render an 
entertainment of this kind more common, is to 
be a friend to the community. The moral effefts 
of mufic are much greater than is generally ima- 
gined, and to extend thofc effefts by thus re- 
ducing the prices, is a circumflance that demands 
public approbation, and merits public fupport. 

Op Eliza I can only fay that it was performed 
throughout with fmgular happinefs of exprcfTion 
and peculiar delicacy of execution. Mrs. Bar- 

" theleaWh?* powoCrft dft% W^cll knowiij and the 
fongs given to Mr$. Ante were received ivith 
ranch approbation* Mr* Arrewfaiith \a confi- 
derably improved. Mr. Wilfon'a voice ia h Kte 
Mrs. Kennedy's th«i in the higher iv}«f(i diry ale 
hardly to be dtflii^fbed ; kis voic<^ i$ of frcQ^ 
extent and fweeinofe ; ami Mr. Angictr it i^mMh^ 
a rapid advancement} in tbe.ljJi^ ia£JReitib«M^^ 
The choruflfes received every ^Qi|^<tfb.f<ippokt» 
and went off with lingular «rf«^i-.p^f Mt. Anrn's 
Organ Concert^ ifc \s necdlefe ^ fey aoy tUt% ; 
his taflfi, fancy^ and execution ar* too. y^ltawwA 
to receive any additionai 094aaieiid0fti€it Ansvcsy 
pen.--.The fam» faid. of! Mfi. Bftttbel6- 
mon*s concerto on tlk« violiuv tliaa^^kXnMh 
ver heard a morp fioifhed) pelrfeiviafi^fu*^ fiUft 
that this fpiritcd fondua of tho manager^ in ^ 
ing fuch exquifite performances at play-hgufc 
prices, will me^t witb the. fuccefs it merits ! ' 

N A T I o n A,L lu t m L-fc ft b E. K d i;; 

Mrs, CcYtER's benefit it the Haymartet 
Theatre was honoured by the prefence of the 
Perditay who having been previouQy indilpofed, 
as it is generally underflood, by the adminiftra- 
tion of white lead and mercury, and being per- 
fe6Uy recovered, was received with evident 
marks of envy and chagrin by thofe of the fifter- 
hood who happened to be prefent ; and with 
warm applaufe by the refpedable fociety of petit 
maitres then in the houfc. An event of fuch fm- 
gular importance to the community, it was highly 
nacWflaiy to render public^ an^adv^rdfeftUnt, in 
the form of a paragragh, accordingly appeared 
tn a morning paper of laft wetk, in which the 
Edifdi* kindly informs us, that ftit is ih excellent 
condition to fee compahy ; that fhfe is a very 
Ibvely creature ; that fhe is r lady* of exqui!ite 
fenfibility and delicate fentimcnts ; and, in fhort, 
that fhe i& the moft amiable woman iu th« firi> 
ti(h dominions. 

f BIG, friend Spec, that I may be permitted 
to corroborate every word of this account. I was 
alfo prefent, and faw the Petdita ; and if white 
and red paint can make her look beautiful, fhe 
is indeed beautiful, for fhe was '^ psunted an' 
" inch thick." If exquifite fenfibility and de- 
licate fentiments confift in a perpetual frown, 
and can refide in a bofom rendered callous by 
public proflitution, fhe is indeed a truly amiable 
woman ; and it reflefts no fmall credit on the 
Editor of the paper in queftion to fingle out this 
immaculate piece of purity, as one worthy of pe- 
culiar commendations and of public fupport in 
her profeffion. And furely fome attention fhould 
be paid to the IVcman^ as well as to the Man of 
the People! Yours, in haftc, 


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No. IXt 

Advertisement E^^teaordinary* 

J. S. Plagiary ukes this opportunity of ac- 
quainting authors and writers in general, that 
his Paper is on an entire ntw plan, which will 
deferve the encouragement of the public » As a 
jptninen look at Wcdnefday's Morning Herald^ 
Mafich a4th, Poet's corner, and you will find an 
Invocation addreffed to Mifs Philips, and figned 
fiifimt|io— That identical Invocation Jirjl appeared 
un the New S?sctator, No. VIII, Tuefday, 
;I)f aiach aj, . addreffcd to Mrs. Martyr, figncd 

£doar H The change of the name to whom 

"ft was addreflod, and the alteration of i\n^/tgnaiurc 
•hiud thrown it into fuch a different light that the 
•suthor wa» at a loft to know his ottm Invocation. 
This example will be fufficient to convey to the 
public the utility of the prefent fchcme. 

N.B. No efFufions, but what pofTefs true po- 
etical ment^ will find admifTion in the manner 
defcnbed. Pope, and the red ' of the Englifh 
poets, will appear, foon under Jdilious x^ames. 


I HAVE received a liji of the f urns paid to the Editors 
ofjix of the morning papers for the paragraphical 
fupport of a certain unpopular meafure, hut I have 
reafvn to think it erroneous in more inflancls than 
one. I believe the fourth paper mentioned in the lift 
received Three hundred guinea^, and not Five 
hundred pounds. If a Detefler of Corruption 
can procure a lifty which may be relied on^ I mtl 
certainly publifh it, — The religious obfervations of 
J. C. do credit to his heart ; but they are too inaccu^ 
rate for publication, — Brutus is received.-^Thc 
lines on Mrs. Bannifler^s inanimation are to0 
inftgnificant for infertion — Bob Ouzel's remarks 
fhould be confined to, his Counti%g'h$ufe. — The Merry 
Companions is under confderation. — 7%«Piccadilly 
Beauty fiall be attended to. — TJie letter ^gned a 
Dancing Dog if written by a fad dog indeed.-^The 
Scandalous Anecdotes by Tom Crazy, are inad- 

mifible; and the Private Memoirsof Lady R 

apparently by a waiting-maid, are unintelligible. 

London: Printed by T. Rickaby, No, 15, Duke's-Court, Bow-Street, Covcnt-Garden ; 

And Sold by T. AX TELL, No. 1, Finch-Lane, Comhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by 
W. SWIFT, Bookfeller, Charles-Street, St. James's-Square ; by P. BRETT, Bookfellcr and 
Stationer, oppofitc St. Clcmcnt's-Church in the Strand; by G. KEARSLEY, No. 46, Fleet-Street} 
and by W. THISELTON, Bookfeller and Sutioncr, No. 37, Goodgc-Street, Rathbone-Place. 

♦^* CoRRBSPONDENTs aTC rcqueflcd to addrefs their favours to the New Spectator, to be 
left at Mr. Swift's, in Charles-Street, St. James's-Square^ where a Lietter-Box is 9&xcd 
for their reception. 

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No. X. 

TUESDAY, April 6, 1784. 

Price Three-pence. 

To he continued every Tuesday. 

Et quando ubctiot vitiortitn copia? Quando 
Major avaritiet patuit Jtnus f Alea quand9 

What age fo large a crop of ^tti bore ; 

Or wbeA was avarice extended more ? 

When were the dice with more profufion thrown ? 



THE accumulation of knowledge is vain if 
it doe$ not reform the manners and amend 
the hearf. The education of that man is but 
half accompliflied} who, " though he undcr- 
" ftand all languages and all fciences," ihould 
yet harbour principles definitive of thofe mo. 
ral duties, the obfervance of which confUtutes 
the individual and general h^ppinefs of mankind. 
It is, therefore, the chief bulinels of letters to 
recommend virtue, and to expofe vice*, and I 
believe no language can boafl of fo many pro- 
dudions as the Englifli, written folely with that 
view, * and which, I doubt not, make proper 
impreflions. But it is a hard thing to eradicate 
a favourite paflion ; and there is, perhaps, no 
vice againft which literature has levelled the 
injunQions of morality and the fallies of ridicule, 
with lefs fucceis than thofe fhe has employed 
again 11 Gam inc. To whatever caufes it may be 
afcribed, certain it is, that this paflion, of all 
Others, is the mod difficult to eradicate from the 
mind. It is, therefore, extremely dangerous to 
indulge a propenfity to play, even by way of 
paftime: the paffion gradually gains ground, and 
fteals imperceptibly on the heart ; it raifes emo- 
tions to which the mind has not been accuftomed, 

and feldom fails to afFcft the temper. But it \i 
not my intention in this eflay to point out the 
natural effcds of gaming. They have been abun>* 
dantly exemplified by lively, and by moral writers, 
and with great fuccefs exhibited on the (tage. 

Gaming feems to have had the greateft in^^ 
flueiKe, and to have been carried to the higheft 
pitch of extravagance, in an age and in a country 
one could lead have expend to hear of it. 
Many centuries ago, in the woods of Germany, 
Tacitus informs us, this paflion produced the 
mofl fatal effe£ls* The ancient German would 
play away his perfonal property, his cattle, his 
houfes, his lands, and at laft (lake even his 
liberty, and voluntarily become the flave of his 
more fuccefsful adverfary. He was, one day, 
the happy mailer of a happy home ; had flocks 
grazing around him, and a fionily finiling in do- 
medic tranquility. The next day (aw him a 
flave, laborioufly cultivating, for another, the 
land which a few hours before entitled him to 
independence. Thefe are circumdances which, 
but to refled on, excite indefcribable ienfations ; 
what then mud have been the feelings of the 
poor gameder at the moment he was about to 
barter liberty for flavery ! 


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i((f. X. 

Whether the Germans of thefe days are parti- 
cularly addifted to this vice I know not; it 
certainly is not, like forac other crimes, peculiar 
to any country ; it may, however, be remarked, 
that its baneful influence has, of late years, been 
confiderably extended in this kingdom ; and its 
fatal ieffiffts .j^e>|cveiy day cdwfeffed to be ns^ 
ti^^YJind ii^d^duaUy alarming. 

Various caufes have concurred to produce 
this effcft, amongft the foremoft of which w/e 
may rank the confequent luxury of an unbounded 
commerce ; anfl a^uMequent war, ^1^ f xpences 
of which hiiVc t)bligcd us, unwiHingly,. to fa- 
crifice fome of thofe luxuries which, from long 
cnjf^mcnt, ^we began to confider as neceiTaries. 

That ridiculous vanity which prompts people 
ixi Ihe midting'aiid lower ranks of life to imitate 
their fuperiors in external parade, and the gra- 
tification of dcffires that ought to be repreffcd, 
urges them to fupport an idle diftin£Uon at the 
cxpence of their own peace, and the welfare of 
their families, by having recourfe tA other means 
than induftry arid frugality, the only lawful 
means by which wealth can accrue to gc^iplp ix^ * 
dependent ftations. 

But it is difficult to exterminate habit, and 
irkfome to baniih enjoyment. Hence it too fre- 
quently ^appcias. that he >vhQ has c^fpericficcd the 
fcu|es of fortune in trade, without laying up 
agi^nfl. the day wherein the fickle god(k;fs fhall 
tj4Y^ her wh^fl, has recourfe to the gamixig table ; 
choofuig lather to d^ez^d qn, chance than in- 
duftry, on hopc^ rather thap frugality, on un- 
certainty rather than certaiaty for thpfe fuppl^es 
which arc nec^flary to fupport hifn in the en- 
jpyn^^ptof a fancicflan4 ridicu^pus p^p-f min^ncc, 
or thp gratification qf paf^ons which oi^f aever 
to. If^yp bepi indulgpd. To this cairfe I cannot 
^t ajttribute, )n a gr^ meafure, the alarming 
jrogrdk \Yhich gamit^g has m^d^ of l^e years, 
apfl pjrti^cularVy fubffquent to t^ic comn\ence- 
^(^t of the lat^ vfar. 

. The encouragement given to gaming by 
State Lotteries is another evil that ought not to be 
overkiol^ed. A licence to game, by parliamentary 
authority, excludes the idea of criminality ; and 
weak minds, not d^ply impreflied with the im- 
portance of moral duties, and incapable of judg- 
ing for themfclves, . no longer confider that as a 
yice which kas a Icgiflative fandion. . Much 
indeed, has been iaid for and agaioft State Lot- 
teries^ They, have heea found convenient in 
governments for raifing money; ap obje^ to 
^h^ ^ other conlidcrations arc too frequently 

facf ificed ; they have therefore been too generally 
adopted, and have given die people a tafte foi' 
gaming more fatal in its confcquences to the ilate 
itfelf than the money raifed by it ever proved 
advantageous ; for, however little it may no^ 
be attended to, certain it is, that its morality is of 
ififin^e more confequev^e to i^* il^te^hanr it* 
riches. • t • 

It cannot indeed be fuppofed that parliament 
could forefee thofe effefts which lotteries have 
produced, and towards which the mere difpofal 
pf ticket$ C91J4 . c,0|itribute , but little. The 
Iffgiflature .was not aware of the complicated evils 
of Infurance, which, by enabling the lower 
cbflbs to fporl their IDQney, at length rendered 
gaming fo umverfi|l, and its confcquences {qr 
alarming as to call lav ILq ^id of par liament in 
tjie f^ppreflipn of ^n evil fo extenfively preju- 
dicial. Surely the fountain head cannot be clear 
whence originate fuch llreams of corruption as 
pollute the w}^le ^nd through which they 
floif, , ,; 

Th e man who vAutures to fport that money 
in a lottery v^hich pxtaht to be appropriated to 
Oliver ufc5, is, k\it \o^ apt to fly to the private 
gjUping Uh\c^ ijpi .i^TO9^ to regain the property 
he has loft, by frefh facrifices at the altar of 
chance. He is then on the brink of deftruftion^ 
for he is then on the point of becoming a profeffed ' 
gamefter ; and though he may fometimes float in 
a fea of wealth, yet he never knows 'that peace of 
mind, that fweet trknquflTrty which conft^ntly at- 
tend the enjoyment of the comparatively' fmall 
wcahh acquired by itiduftry and integrity ; and 
perhaps the mere turn oPa wheel, or the plucking 
of a ftraw, deprives hltn bf his gold in a mbment, 
and leaves him as wretched, as fricndlefs, and as 
pennylefs as ever i 

The inftjmt a man commences gamefter^. hq 
lofes a great Ihare of his i^oral reftitjude* ijc 
may ^)e faid to be under. the. immefjiate in^uencQ 
of a demon ; he is no, logger his o\vrn m^fter ; he 
is b^ap^y,prmiferaWe, richor ppprj,juTt as ^hanc^ 
dii;c6U. To d^v he wallo>vsin extrfvagan?c;..t<?- 
morrpwheis thc]j>,oo^eft ofbc^afs^ fqr, ^i^opgft, 
hi^ other wants, he wants that contcntn^ept for 
yhi^h common beg^^^s have ip^n^^mos ^een 
envied. Havin|r pc^erte4 to tj>^ vjfQrft of yfcst 
j the goods committed lo^ Proyidepce tp.his c?i^ 
ip this world, he di^s. wJtJ^PH^ ^ 0X94p>v. ojf hqp^ 
Cor the -enjoyment pf thofe bteflingfj prpjcftiiS^A 
to temperanf>e,^ p?Uf QW;,, ?n4 ^W^qjifPfC^ ia 
th9, ^pf;ld tp, qoj^X. „. 


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Mo. ^. 

tHE Ml^WS?ECifAt(Jft^ id 

The bevy of ORIGINALS. 

£n«. III. 

Mifs Dinah AMazOn Primrose. 

Vera rtiit faciui dtfimulaiapefit, • . 


This Original is of that fed of Diffetiters, 
which firft gave rife to the important decifion of 
aye and no. — Her whole life is one fcene of gaiety 
and diflipalion; la^f vff^hlicmujlic "Bufmefs 
claims l^er .attcntipn, fgch as cleatiing th«!L rooms, 
fcouring the flairs, wafhing, ironing, and A 
thoufand. other family employments, whi^h our 
modem females arc ^entire flrangcrs lo^ She- 
changes her appearance aa often as a camelion 
does its colour. At nine fhe rifes, and is the 
howfe-m^id till twelve ; then affumes the Cook- 
anaid till three* At fburj as if by magic infpira-. 
tion, (he is mctamorphofed into the miftrefe of 
the houfc ! At five, the hairdreffer is waiting 
for commands. At eight, fuch a fudden change 
appears in her whole frame, that occular demon- 
(Iration is doubtful. Her drefs is equal to the 
firft duchcfe's in the metropolis. Such are the 
contrajls exhibited by Mifs Dinah Amazon Prim- 
rofe ! 

She knows every body, that is, cVcry body 
knows her — She gains her acquaintance as other 
people generally lofe them — fey fcandal.-i-Out' 
jirft interview was at a concert. Being alone, 
and feeing her with a number of ladies, without 
a gentleman, I wilhed to join her : \vrith that in- 
tent I moved forward, and fate next to her. 
Five minutes had fcarce clapfed, when (he, with 
Kjmpering fmile, and an affeEUd blufh, afked me 
how my friend Frank Tattle did ? I declared 
my ignorance of his acquaintance*— Ifet ktibw 
Frank Tattle!— vociferated Mifs Dinah-^^Blefs 
me ! Is it poffible ? He is very cohfpicuous. 
Sir, and you muft certainly have feen hitti.-^My 
fiftcr ttnll have it that he refcmblcs a toad ;«— only 
think, Sir, a toad! He is tiick-named the 
iSpy ; and can give you thd life, charafter, and 
behaviour of every family iti Weftminfter. It 
isfome confolation, however, to the wofldj that 
whatever he repeats is treated with contempt, 
the natural confequence of deviatitig from truth«^ 
Not know Frank Tatde !-^If you will/xtf(mr' mc 
with your company next Wednefday, Sir, I 
rccehrd company that dVfcning, and Tattle will be 
prefent. A card was then drawn out of a red 
morocco pocket-book, and prcfented me with-*^ 
I (hall depend on feeing you, Sir..--A gentleman 
then approached, with whom, after feveral far- 
caftic reficAions on the fingers and company, 
&e lefiE tho room* • 

The adventure was fo fudden, that it ^to* 
vented a ferious inveftigation. What could I 
think ? However, at the time appointed, atfter' 
traverfmg Gracechurch-ftrept half an hour, I 
arrived at the houfe. The fcrvant announced 
my prefence, which Mifs Dinah repeated to the 
company, with the Jlrong recommendation of 

! being her friend; Tlic rufi of politencfs did not 
wear ofF for fome time.-^JScandal being th? 
word of command^ given by Polly Demure, as if 
by inJ^inEl, every body fpoke at once; but 

; Frankey Tattle's voice foon over-powered the 

• reft, and tlie w^ole produced fuch a " cornpli- 
catiop o^fwcet founds" as could be equalled only 
by the fagacious builders of the Tower of Babel; 
Frankey's voice being predominant, he was at 
length indulged in.2Lfolc, aiid did rtolceafe till He 
was treated -with the filcnt cmte^pt of three- 
fourths of thfe company^ His modejly on the 

' dccafion 6bljged him to retire. The door was 
Ihuti Poor Ftankey Tattle was the JhuUU-cock 
of fixteen ladies, and as many gentlemen. What 

a fituation'!- Every pcrfon, ifter they made 

their exit, was a fubjea of fcandal for a quarter 
of an houri-i— Knowing thay by rotation it 
would be my turn next, I bowed rcfpcftfully to 
the remaining party, ^ndicutup myfejf in theyj- 
verejl manner I could, and quitted the houfe 
with a determination never to enter it again ! 

This, Spec, is a fketch of Mils Dinah Ama- 
zon Primrofe, whofc only pleafure is to hear^ 
and to repeat fcandal. 

Her houfc is the retort of tnfi'ing charafters 
of dl denominations; and her acquaintance— fuch 
of them as ftie does not kjiow herfelf— a fet of the 
moft contemptible wretches that ever nature 
formed !-*-^ThJs Original ttiuft cOnvcy to thofc 
ladiesj who poffefs too much levity, an idea of 
the confequences which generally arife from 
inviting ftrangets, forming conhexions, and 
diffemihating Opinions, which they often i-epent 
ever aftet-, either frotri the duplicity of the men^ 
or the doubtftil chatafter of the wonicm 

[^ To be continued. ] 

fo the New Spectator* 
Mr. Spectator, 

As I ani fully peifuided it is the ofajeft 
nearcft the heart of «ivery one polRflcd of thofc 
truly noble fentiiticnts. which your writings 
evince you to be, at all times to impart know- 
ledge to the uniformed ; permit me to rcqueft 
your opinion on a fubjcftj with which I muft 
corifefsj. I am fo wholly unacquainted, that the 
confideration of it, has always led mc into a 


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N«. X^ 

greater Ubyrinih, than I have erec been ^le 
to txtricate myfelf from. What I mean to refer 
to iSf refpeOinj the ButiAN Goverament. 

Pa AY, good Sir, did you or your friend ever un- 
dcrfland, that it was a prerogative of RexTnan's to 
create an individual one of the Reppu, if contrary 
to his inclination? 1 have heard many argu- 
ments made ufc of in fupport of this right ; but 
the impropriety of it ftrikes me in fuch a forcible 
manner, and on the contrary, my friends 
opinions create in my mind fo. many doubts, 
that I (hall think myfelf highly honoured by your 
reply to this quellion, as I am confident there 
is no one I can apply to, who is better verfed in 
the conftitution of Bulia than yourfelf. 

To apologiife for this liberty. Sir, would, I am 

ienfible, with a gentleman of your candour and 

poUtencfs, he but to raifc an ijupediment to your 

ac.quie£cenfe With my rcqucft, and therefore I 

beg leave to fubfcribe myfelf, with the grealefl: 


Si R J Your moll obedient, 

humble Servant, 


The Balloon friend of my dcpUt)', John Bull, 
\s daily cxpeftcd to return from Bulla, and to 
bring with him, inter alia^ an anfvycr to the above 
letter, figned by a Bulian fagc of diftinftion, 
and whofc determination may be relied on, 
as fpcaking the language of the Bulian con- 

T9 the New Spsctatqju 


Though I do not pretend to be a 
poet, I have fomc trifles by me which I wiih to 
fee in your elegant rcpofitory. The following 
flanzas were written fomc years ago, when I was 
a young man, 

On receiving a Breast Buckle, 
from a Lady, 

Pretty (pangler! welcome hiih«r, 

Welcome to this faithful bread ; 
Glowing emblem of my pa(Eon ! 

Here for ever ever reft I 

Whilft I gaze upon thee fparkling, 

Food to feed my flame 1 find ; 
Thy delicacy — Laura's frame; 

fieaxning cbryflaU-Laiua's mind I 

Whilft I wander lar from Laura, 

My companion thou flialt be ; 
* Of her merit and her beauty, 

Sweet difcQurfe V\\ hold with thee ! 

So to ^ .cro& tbe pilgriai piow 

Tunis a fupplicating eye, 
And, in fancy'4 fweet iUtiflon, 

ComoMmes with tm dei^y I 


To Mtf K £ w Sp £ G T at O 1I« 
Dear Sp£c^ 

As I have heard little for many days paft^ 
but certain cledioneering phrafes and exclama- 
tions, it cannot be fuppofed that, tefpe£ting 
die piibKc, I Ihould have much to fay, unlels I 
were to indulge the family propenfity to po- 
litres. But as politics are your abhorrence, I 
fhall avoid them a& much as poflible ; though 
I cannot prevail on myfeif^to omit faying a word 
or two refpefUng 

The PoLiTicAi, Duch£ss* 
This lady has long beipn diftingwifc^d as an 
Qraannent to her fej^, ai^d ccl^braxcd for her 
domeftic virtues. Wc are now to contemplate 
her as a female poUticiaa ; divefting herfelf of jfe* 
male delicacy fo far as to run round tbe town^ 
with a parcel of hot-h^ied fellows, (houting. 
No Secret Influence / The vsLonk (^ tk p^U for 
ever I — and, by her prefence, fearing her fellow- 
labourers from thofe tUEUoneering fawfu^s 'vyhich 
canvaifers (bme times receive again ft their will ; 
fpr who can be brutal cjiov^h to abuie a woman 
and not only a woman, but a Duchcfs, and 
not only a Duchefs, but the Duchcfs of •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ? 
To cart y a h an d fo mc woman about, by way 
of fccuring the fupport of xku^ who are in- 
fluenced by the momentary condefcenfion of 
greatneis^ is an artifice that I have known to be 
praflifcd with fucccfs. It is an artifice (unilartQ 
that of placing a handfome girl in the bar of a 
CofFee-lioufe; it generally infures the fupport of 
a certain number of coxcombs who, otherwifc, 
would never come near the houfc. And though 
I think neither of the fituations becoming ^ 
woman, many excufes fuggefl themfelves in 
favpur of this lady at the Air, wbich will not 
hold with refped to the lady who has nothing t» 
do but to render herfelf refped:able iq her con* 
dud as well as her fuuation ; which however, 
can never be done by parading the (beets with 
a -mah 9f gentkmsn, and violating the dignity and 
delicacy of the female charafter, and making 
herfelf bufy in thofe things ia which^ of all otbew^ 
women have the Icaft concern, . fi^tb^Wv^.o^ 


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T ^'E M je W $ B E C * A t t, ^e. 


fmn% vA the affit&n^n of (uigul^rity htv^ 
powerful eft>ft«pntbc f(Wi4i!«nin4* MylifUr, 
i4<»i«4 iC#nA J3I4/4 contQods tiM^t ik iim l^y> l^k^ 
th« Kii^ OWif^ n^ wrcngi mi Ihsit it vo\d4 be 
a very hai4 thing if a D.MjQhQ(ii Q0v)4 not 4f> is 
[he likes. To be fuFQ «oy wom4i> may 4o 49 (he 
likes; but her (ituation, however exalted, can 
never confer propriety on ihofe aftions which 
WDt incongnibtts; and a woman in tho charaBcr 
of a vat^Jatwiat^ previous to an ela^on, is is 
Hdiculous as Hercules with the diftaff, orta 
Ducbefe ridlipg cinders l*-X am, .therefore, hap- 
py to .find that the exampli; 9^ the. Puchefc ifi 
qucftion, though of great ii^flypific^ has not |?pqi 
openly fpljowed in th? metropolis, except 1^ 

Who, J am to]d, at th^ requefl; of the Platonic 
£arly was (:ontent to devote her eloquence fin4 
perfopal ajtraftions to the fame worthy caufe, an4 
in conjunftion with the ami»ble Duchefs, to 
(hew that the Man of the People, however averfe 
to Secret, is rio enemy to Petticoat tnjluenct I 

Every one knows that it is a breach of pri- 
vilege in a peer to interfere 10 an elcftion for a 
commoner. But ^a peer's, wife is not a peer, 
though ^e l^2is probably more .influence than his 
lordfhip. The moft faJkioTiable^ and J am toltj, 
the moft fucccfsful way, 1^ for his lordfhip to 
take a favourite aftrefs pf one of the theatres, 
and, accompanied by her, to vifit the fhops of 
fuch tradefmen as have votes and intercft ; buy 
fomething at each to a confiderable amount, and 
when it is padced up, let the aftrefs fpcak thus : 
«« Mr. — , tell me the amount of the goods, 
** and I will pay you ready numey for them, on 
«< condition that you vote for Mr. •♦•: if 
'w you do not think fit to comply with the con- 
••* dition, you may replace the goods in your 

^ (hop.** ^This 1 am told is a recipe frobgtum 

tjt. For further particulars^ 1 refer the curipus 
to the Jilvefpniths and linen-drapers, 

TiUoxTGH this may be the (alhionable mode of 
qarocurtng teropoi^ry friends, I can ^y no means 
irecommeiid.tke pra^oe of it to a^re(fes, who, 
above all people, ought to avoid politics and 
j>»rty, and} like 'the inimitable Farren^ canvas 
^nify for public approbation! 

T^.MP4^,E of Taste. 

One of the morping papers has fported an 
idea, .that a Tcmple.confecrated to Tafte is build- 
ing in one of the gardens of a certain Royal Per- 
Jonage, and that a ftatue is .to be placed in the^ 
centre of it, Npw if I were to afk you, what ele- 
gant perfbnage, peculiarly diftinguifhed by Tafte, 

ti^t ftatyd W4% t% pcjrtfc^. y^ y^^ ^»f% 
teply, th^ Qi^exi. Put yw ^Mi hf. Wfts*W* 
The Princcfj.Rpyri?t-No| Xh^ f ri^cefc ^> 
a^hcth ?-^No ! The J>W^W^ «! O^fW^^frirc ?^ 
No I Qf|{.ittl4n4?— NqI ApypfthefnfOJt^lit- 
ing W?44^g?^VCs?r-rNol Thf g^^449& Qf th^ 
i;it^4e4 F^n«b 

I* tieatit hotybflarsi 
And thou, pate mqoii, turn pei^ptt the f^mnd !^^ 

The goddefs of this intended Fancf, is Mother 

'AHnpon /-—Would you defire abcttct Saltre oh 

Taste? ' ' - 

• '. ^* li A V E 1 if* r 

. Th^ moft inhmhah of all traffic ii that of Slsfc* 
very,' and tWe*mo(t inhuman of all wretches arfe 
thofe who en^ouVage it. Nothingj indeed, hard- 
ens the heart like the luft of gairu The Queen of 
Portugal hbs rendered her name immortal by abcU 
■H(hing in het* dominions, this infernal traffic ; 
and I have hopes that her exaMpfle will be rol- 
lowed by every nation that is guilty of this crime^ 
except Britain, for of Britain I have no hope*. 
Reafon^ c^riftianity,confciencCj eycry thing pleads 
in vain with a Br iti(h Merchatit^ when his intereft 
is at ftake« Ht is at on c^ one of the greateft 
and one of the meaneft charafteri inekiftence'l 
Though hi* miiid is enlarged^ his* principles 
hOneft; his religion, as he fiiMefly imagines^ 
<:h4riftian, in ftiort, though he prides himfelf oh 
his charafterj and lives itt the eighteenth century^ 
he traffics in bloody ahd lioafts Of thoie richer 
which are acquired by means* too horrible t^ 
mention, and which but to thihk of makes hu-^ 
canity ^m^der ! ■ ■' 

If 4he 'New Pariiament wiih to do one zEtlcm 
^worthy of t^iijcmfcratioe, let them give liberty 
io t^e (lavei dnd s^lifti a traffic which difgracei 
«the realm ; isacurfe to thdfe that follow it; 
Xht greateftbar to ;the progrefs of chriftianity; 
■^e greateft fcandal to human nature* If inftead 
of the ridicidous Tcfts propoTed 10 candidate^, 
ihdy were fworn to fupport- particular bills for 
the redrefs of notorious grievances, the meeting 
of a New f*arliament would become an objeft dF 
univerfal good) and the falutary regulations of a 
Brittfti Houfc of Commons be felt in the remoteft 
^arts of the world ! 

B u L I A. 

Tl^ Cxmte^! 
During our.refidence in^v\li4,-my.fri^o^^^ 
J were wi^n<fli;&of a <;pnteft between tW0:Qf {^ 
Bulians, for the honour of a feftt in t}ic F.tjnc^ 
J^c^cmau, the menaces of Rqy^^^J^up^ 
who hadinipud^ntly iofinuat^^ *^*^ ij^^ Soy^ 
reign dared not to diflblve the meeting of the 


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No4 X« 

\Etjncs, ifiiied his. fiat, amd put an end to their 
diffentions, blading all the hopes Rcynardam had 
entertained of becoming Retftnim. 

As no iTiaii can fit in the Etanes without the 
concurrence of the people, they arc ufually fo- 
licitcd pievioufly to the day of determination, to 
fupport particular perfons. It was the fate of 
Reynardam to be oppofed by a man of fingular 
probity, and wHofe talents, though not fplendid, 
were refpeaabk; and, what is better, were 
never perverted to accomplifti finifter views. 
His name was Sefiira, 

No arts were left untried by Reynardam for 
pcrfuading ^he Bulians to elcft him, amongft 
others, to rcprefcot them in the. Etanes ; and the 
Bulian mob, admiring his talcnLB^gaye him every 
mark of- their approbation, by bellowing oppro- 
bious epithets on his opponent. In this they 
were affiftcd by the conduftors of the political 
papers tof the Bulians. Reynardam, or rather 
his friends, had prcfcnted a fum of money to 
every one of thefe paper gentry, to induce them 
;to fupport his prctenfionsby crying up his talents, 
and mifrcprcfenting his chara6lcr. Audit was 
cvrious cfiough to read the egregious falfhoods 
fand . wretched . nonlenfe that were fabricated. 
But the prctenfions of Rcynardam were too well 
known,; and his enmity to Tipwill, the favourite 
,of t^c people, too. much refented by the Bulians, 
for the hipiUpgs of Reynardam to.effeft any pur- 
pofc but tihat^pfjcxpofrng him and thcmfelves to 
.public contempt. . 

As Reynardam deemed his fu«;^efs on this oo- 
cafion, the criterion of his future hopes, every 
,inftrument was put in motion fpr^hcaccompliih- 
jsent of his wifhes« To rend^f his opponent 
xkUous in the opinion of the Bulians,- he was re- 
prefcntcd a^ having. forfeited. the friendfcip of 
JR^ynardam, w^ich he once polTefied, .becaufe he 
would not give his fupport to meafiires calculat- 
ed for the oppreffioD of the people, nor abet 
thofe defigns by which Re)'nardaia. hoped to ren- 
der himCelf fupcrior in power to Rexman himr 
(elf ; for the ambition of Reynardam knew no 

In the neighbourhood of Bulia, there (lands 
a famous building, facred to Valour^ inhabited 
by thofe who have diftinguiflied thcmfelves in 
the defence of their country, and who, by age 
or infirmities, are rendered incapable of future 
ferviccs ; who can only wifh that good they are 
"tio longer able to perform. The inflitutfon is 
noble, Ac building elegant, and the inhabitants 
numerous. But the defign is abufed. Amongft 
the bees ai^ many drones, who, in idlcncfs, de- 

vour that which was m«mt for the fupport of the 
. retiring hero ♦, the panders, parafites, lacquies^ 
and time-'ferving Haves of higher (laves, who have 
waded through infamy to profits and diftinAions. 
Hence many a Bulian, Well entitled to the com- 
forts of this refuge J was left 

To beg his bread thro* lands his valour fav'd f 

whilft thefe imps were rioting in luxury on die 
hard earned property of the unfortunate fugt. 

Abuses fo abominable could not fail of attra6l- 
ting the attention of an humane heart, and Se- 
fiira complained of them to the Etanes ^ demoti- 
llrating that by abolKhing the inftitutioh, dipprb^ 
priating with propriety the fiims £|uandered on 
the worth lefs, and adopting new regula^ons, the 
prefent inhabitants would not only live infinitely 
better, but double the number mignt enjoy the 
fame benefits, at that time kept from them by the 
cormorants of office. 

Bur the art and impudence of Reynardam 
were matchlefs ; and it was openly declared, that 
Scfilra meant to turn out the fuperannuated he** 
roes, and expofe them to the diffrefles experienced 
by their unfortunate brethren ! — A report, dilat- 
ed by the heart of malice, and propagated by the 
tongue of ilander. It alienated the affe^ions of 
many from Scfilra ; but, indeed they were of the 
ignorant mob, who, fo far from thinking for 
thcmfelves, are incapable of thinking at all. 

Another arti"fice employed by Reynardam to 
undermine the intercft of Scfilra will fhew in 
flill more flriking colours the complexion of his 
c.ondu6l, and to what bafenefs ambition will de- 
(icend to accompjifh its purpofes. To render his 
opponent unpopular, he orders a certain number 
of his own friends perfonally to abufe each othert 
and to reprefent thcmfelves as having been injur- 
ed by the adherents of Sefiira, and prevented 
teflifying their regard for Reynardam. 

Thus Reynardam contrived to difgrace hisad- 
verfary, and it was once thought that he would 
have accomplifhed his ends* The thoughdefe 
BuHans wavered in (heir opinions ; when in the 
midft of the confufion, a balloon merchant arofe, 
and with great gravity demanded a hearing ; being 
elevated above the reft, and the people filcnt, 
with reverence he addrcfled himfelf as follows : 

" O Bulians, renowned foryi£loryin war, and 
" fkilful in the arts of peace I Rejc6l the fuggcf- 
<- tions of pafOion, and attend to the voice of 
*' reafon. Reynarda;n folicits from you a truft: 
« of importance j he foliciis to be the protcflor 

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Mo. X. 

tMt MfiW StfiCtAtdft, &6 

«« of your property, your liberty, and your rights ; 
" he folicits that which fhould be conferred only 
^< on intcgnty of heart and rectitude of manners. 
« The 3^J^ilit^cs of Reynardam arc known in 
*< other regions ; his fame is extended f*r beyohd 
'< the limits of Bulia. But in contemplating bis 
^' abilities, forget not his defpftsi RccoUeft that 
^< eloquence cannot accomplifh all things ; and 
« th^t it is mor^ frequently ekcrted in thq fup- 
" port of felfifti principles than the public good. 
«' Remember wlfat is rcquirc4 of him that 
" afpires to join the Etancs, and try Reynardam 
•• on the teft' of other qualities than that of 
*« cloqucncei *• — -^ — 

« It isFcqui«odofovcryon«of theEt»neS| that 
«• h# Up ppff«fife4 of w«4^h fuftciei^t to kc^p 
*f him Independent. Of yfW \vie?ltb i3 Rcy- 
« BarW p^flcflW ? l* he pojrcjred of wcp^lth 
«. fuflfiQimtlo^ ^TiiJkgk^aliponwi^h inflamma*. 
« Weait?rT-No4 Can it l^fup^M that he will 
« bd A coroi^Wl^t gv?*i4ian: <tf . ^ prqp«rty of 
<« others who has non^ of hif own ? 

« With refpeft to your rights and liberties, 
<« can they find a prote£lor in any man whofe 
«' fole aim is to become Rctfinim, and fo to exert 
« his authority as to violate the conftitution by 
« rendering one branch of it impotent ? And 
*« has not a bofom friend of Reynardam declared, 
*< that when Reynardam is Retfinim again, One branch 
** of the BuUan conftitution would be fo trammelled 
*• and hampered as that the people Jhould not know it 
" were in exijlence ? And can any man be a 
« friend to the people who is an enemy to the 
*< conftitution? 

<' Ip Rcyniirdam is deflfous of A^Wing Ws 
« public virtuj;, ^cm^d pf hiip to fc.<;k redfefs 
« for yoi^r w^onfi^, to f^pp^prt yoiir king, and 
«< not ^ fa£)jpn, and tp urj^e ifi. the cpd^avo^r ]to 
« difcover, yvho it w^ that einployed a banditti 

" to murder Tipwill ; who it was that'* 

The laft words were fcarcely uttered when an 
univdrfal Ofy of execration' prevented the mer- 
chant from |yvocoeding ; aiid the dulians became- 
fo outrageous, that my friend and I made a pre- 
cipitate retreat to our place of rcfidcncc.. 

Brookes' 8. 

** No game at dice or chance has been played 
** in this Houfe this winter." Thus fays a 
morning paper, and if it is not a mere attempt 
to wajh the blackmo^r tohite^ that is, if there is any 
truth in the aflertion, it is to be attributed to a 
want of money, which is laid to have been very 
(carce in that quarter for fome time paft. 


This hero improves daily. He is become 4 
Bon Vivanty only fome what too much addifted 
to Bacchus. I met him laft Wednefday at a 
mufic meeting, fo glorioujly drank^ that the 
Frenchman who accompanied him, was obliged 
to call for additional fuppoit. Nevcrthdefs h^ 
behaved with great decorum, 4tid fccmcd higWy 
delighted with fome paflage$ on the Baflbgn. 
which he iwftflpk for the VioliwM^ / 

I HAVE V«*ry great hopes of his being ati oi^ 
nament to the family^ for he is lately become a- - 
great economift. In conjun£lion with Mafter 
' J^^y^ ^^ ^^^ contrived ah excellent fcheme for 
; faving his beft witves-. When his company 
! amounts to ttbov^'Qx, the tommofi Wine is pufhed 
! about. But no fooncr is the ww;mV^ gone, thiirt' 
t the favou¥ite pa^tjt is* regaled with ' the beft win^^ 
* and To aU eur[ni^le Jtlves f is ll4e u^rd! — O*, I • 
: have great hopes of Squire Mbi^Ws Nephew I 

I He has got'^a very curious way'ot judging of 
the goodnefs of Candles and' Shoe'sl ' He one day * 
laft week, fent for a Tallow-chandler, ani afked 
him, whether he did not think a Fox preferable 
to a RabitP No, fays the chandler. " Why 
" then you fliall make no candles for me !*' was 
his Worftiip's reply. O he's wonderfully faga- 
cious ! 

Crispi,n was afked thd fame ,queftionj and 
after fome confideration, confeiTed that he 
thought a Rabit infinitely preferable to a Fox» 
"Why thenj fays the Squire's Nephew, you know 
no more how to make a pair of (hoes than I do^ 
and fo bring in your bill. — ^Why here's Jfelly 
fwears that even die tongue ^f- aTox is pre- 
ferable to a haunjh of venif9n !'' O^ tti^t Jelly's 
a fine fellpw ] ** 


Coveni-Garien " Church^ 
Lord Hood, Sir Cecil Wray, and Mr. Fox 
wereyeftcrday l>onour«d i^th:« very fiUmerou^' 
audicBee at -iKu theMro* - At tKe 't^i4kig eir the 
piece — ^which, like the gnci^tt-:^Jl^^i, •con- 
tinues for feveral days— the principal performers 
were received with repeated burfts of applaufe ; 
whilft the fecond-ratc charaftcrs exhibited them- 
fclves to wonderful advantage ! 

The female chara£lers were reprefented by 
feveral ladies of diftin£iion, and impures of ton^ 
particularly the famous Perdita^ who was ad- 
mirably painted and dreilcd for public exhi- 


Digitized by 




No. X. 

The performance laded till four in the after- 
noon, when the public applaufe was decidedly 
in favour of Lord Hood and Sir Cecil Wray, in 
the following proportion : 

Huzzas for Lord Hood 3262 

Huzzas for Sir Cecil Wray 2985 

Huzzas for Mr. Fox ...- « 2868 

This deciiion having taken place, and the 
Society of Pickpockets who honored the ITieatre 
with their prcfence, having withdrawn, the com- 
pany retired highly delighted with the entertain- 
ment they had received. 

Scandalous Reports. 

Various fcandalous reports having lately 
been propagated in this metropolis, it is but juft 
^at they be refuted. 

1. It is not true that Mr« Fox is an enemy to 
to the King. But there is no perfuading the 
people to the contrary. 

2. It is not true thai the Duchcfs of Devonfliire 
canvafTcd for Mr. Fox. She was much better 

3. It is not true that the Prince of Wales . 
canvaflcd, in a jacket andtrowfers, for Mr. Fox ; 
his R6yal Highnels knows that he has no buHncfs 
to interfere in ele£Uons. 

4. It is not true that Mr, Fox bribed the 
editors of all the morning papers to fupport his 
India Bill. The Editors, feeing the error of 
their ways, became fuddenly converted to prin- - 
ciples which they had long execrated. 

5. It is not true that thefe vile reports have 
any truth in them. 

Yours, in the fpirit of truth, 


To other Correspondents. 
CuRiosiTATiBus ts referred to the Firfi Number' 
of the New Spectator. — The poem addrefed to 
R. B. Sheridan Efq ; on his bang re-deStd Jor 
Stafford^ is libellous.*^ Anna. Maria Bull's c^- 
pUnnt aganjt her brother John is receixfed*^^The 
Pupil of LucifeFy or the Private Life of Perdita, 
is too indecent for publication. 

London: Printed by T. Rickaby, No. 15, Duke's-Court, Bow-Street, Covent-Gardea ; 

And Sold by T. AX TELL, No. 1, Finch-Lane, Comhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by 
W. SWIFT, Bookfeller, Charles-Street, St. James's-Square ; by P. BRETT, Bookfcller and 
Stationer, oppofite St. Clement's-Church in the Strand; by G. KEARSLEY, No. 46, Fleet-Street; 
and by W. THISELTON, Bookfeller and Stationer, No. 37, Goodge-Street, Rathbone-Place. 

%* CoRRBSPONDSNTs ate requeued to addrefs their favours to the New Spbctatori to be 
left at Mr. Swift'Si in Charles-Street, St. James's-Square, where a Lsttbr«Box is affixed 
for their receplioii* 

Digitized by 


. . . li- • '* ' ' ' T H E^ ' '■ ' *■ '' '' ' '" ■-'•'' 


, V. Fi T (> 

,_W i T H THE 


No. XL 

T U E S-D A^V; Anwid igf^ ^784. 

Price Three-pence* 

To be ioMnied tviky TtfESDk'y. 

'ij .a;! J/ rri-.r: 

ill' *')*>»-to<V > 

Nonjccus acftumen .•-itofiie ««tw conjijlerc Jlumm^ 
Ncc levis hora p&Ufiy^fsd' ut: unda vrnpttUttir undai 
UrgttirqwtfHot WiefW^/ krgttpte ptiorem, 
Temp&ra jkJug&Li^fafUWi pariterque fequuntur. 


With c<(nftam motJoli ak Ac moihents glide. 
Behold ID running llfe^the it>lling tide ! 

' Fdr-none can ftem by art,' or 4bp hy po^iry 
The fldwing oceanj M the fioecfaig fa)>Ur ; u 1 
Bill wivCvby vaveif uHu'djUturcs on flxvre^* 
And eachimpePd'AMllind.ipEkpflls before: 
So time oj|k tiiBe'rei!p}yin^i«^ de(c^;' 

'^ w^Ut^ follow* and fo mijaiUes ffy. 



TO contemplate the natural. iBifHtneb^ofi:. 
human life, and the innumttmble acoir / 
dents by which it is frequently rendered -ftatt » 
ihorter, feldom fails to excite diligence^ Hud-:. 
Simulate refolution. But if we look aieoui^:u«| 
we fhall be apt to conclude th^ m^t; &11oim4 / 

creatures are feldom aauated by contemf^ladm.! 1 . ftequttit contemplation of death becomes a duty 

fuch as thefe* We fhall fee the yoi^if^^ppafeiuly^ 
defUtute of all thought, and t]ke-!fig^{»(Miuing: >■ 
plans of life, fit only for the contempla^ioniOf , 
youth. ' , f I;/ 

Life maybe compared to a wave of the fea 
which, impelled by gentle gales, may Ml ftldUgf • 
the fur&ce of the deep till it reach the^hore^'af^ - 
calmly expire. But how frequently^^iHldl its 
courfe be obilrufted by rifing tempefts and impe-^ ' 
tuous whirlwinds; and how exceeding im^ 
probable that it ihould efcape the hidden ro^k» 

^;5mth'\Yhicb'4ie deep aboimds, and the various 
acxjideiits.of time and chance ! 

*^ A WAVE of the fea, or a bubble of the air, is 
-not more liable to be broken, than life is likely 
< to be loft,v ere we have feen half the allotted 

time of <« AirMcore years and ten." Thus the 

inxmabent on youth as well as on age, and unlels 
it'bei iiKh^jod^'j libjeds us to much immediate 
uh^aftndis, and the more dreadful idea of future 

ti A PERPETUAL, or at leaft an habitual con« 

'^iM||S^0ti of the hour which, fooner or later, 

> 4Atfft coihe, affords a kind of tranquillity to the 

'•Qiifid' w^lkli'can be equalled only by the con« 

fi^oufneis of being well prepared to meet it, and 

by whi^h a young lady I knew was once par- 

tkttbuiy diftinguifhed. She was of a difpofition 

,.:./ exceed- 

Digitized by 



No, XI. 

exceei&igly ckiiarful, «nd wouU jcm with pica- 
l^ra in ^ amoctnl amiifamfgnts of thg gay ; and 
yet I believe (he never laid her head on her 
pillow, but that fhe could fafcly (ay, (he was 
prepared, (hould her (Iccp prove the flecp of 
death. She died upwards of four years ago ; and 
I am iopy t^uU my.aftquaintapce with the fex^is 
fit copftped is thiit 1 know not: one whofe cl^- 

/^ L. 

rafter exli&its h many virtues, mtennueed widi 
.to {cwblcmifhn; &r perfe3»0A U not the lot of 
human nature. She deferved a lading monument 
to record her virtues, not fo much in honour of 
h^rfelf, as a memento to the youth of her o%im 
fex, to teach them how, like her, to live and to 
die, happy and beloved. If I were aflced to in- 
fcribc her T^mb, I woujld fhrile ^bts • ' . 

O T H o u, 

Whom contemplation or curiofity (hall excite 

To pcrufc this U\fcription» ,- ^ , 
*" Believe. wliiiAhoU Ibah ^ttfad^ ^ 
For know, 
That fimpk truth will rrflrft the highr.ft praiffi 
And h«ft hfCQwe a Tvah mudc ; 
Sacrad to the in ^*T**'*r y of 

. ,M A a T .».♦♦♦*• .^ . . 

fi p^yfj^ri iy hi>j<» finmilay 

Goodneft of heart, 

Exeelkncy of i^irferifamdinf^. 


Pioprie^ oC coodufi, 

EattOtdber to theinoft frioodly cOmat 

Of the worid in eaoe^* 
And the moft fincere affe&ion 

Of ibofe whQ |icj;f<wJly l^i^yi Im^r 


When vice And kixvry hvl tplcratefl fa^ levity, 

And diOahneocA of RUmicn was n^^ffiim 

She prefeivad tkb native dignky of hei &x ; 

Before H«r 

Vice ilood aba(hed, and 

Virtue became more enaHiot»ed of lierfelf. 

In her per(bn (he refembled the myrtle» 

Never iplendSd, bu(ev«r ekgattt.- 

Her mind was; adomadwkh 

The beauty of koUn^fc, 

AnddiiP bqatiiudes of 

Humilky and mackaefe ^ 

And the yiilMS which odierspvail^ 


in bar attKhai^nti (he was finecsti 

f or dacy w»r» foBlmed by pnideDCt^ anA 

SattAifird|>y virtiit^ 


anci . 

Ir l«r fMblicj de|0Cl9i^Qt 

Sko WMrafarkaU^ ftwr » 

J^tmMAfimflic^y of «amac< s 


WttlKHKK levity^ eajf ; 

WUl9i]fc»fliaa^09|, iMdcfti 

Without pridcjpmdcntly reJtrvcd. 

Digitized by 



T,^,E ,tJ«W StP-E'C T AT aA, ftiu 
tl^lMer dontcaTaiigt^ 


. ^ 4oHe»cy< of icnftiteeol» 

SfiJMfly of jvvi«tocnfr 

BlUi too (Mom cultivated fBMngjk H^t ftx» 

Jtt^ philoft^ol aAerence to^the 

Fi«eccpt8 ^f morality ; 

Her knowl«l9B arid flje^iy &ith 3n4ke 

SuVtoe doArines of chfiftiaiiky ; 

JBut above ati, 

Hisr Sim Rnd coinft^ niiaBCecrb 

; Tkt prnvide^icc^ luutvon, 

Wem ttualen^y coofpicixMis V 

And M of ce<««>iiMd 

..TtefoiMkie(s iof IteredMCatioit/ 

And he^ftat1|lraldifpofitAotl- 

To the |nve{li(;atidaof TVudi. 
Ify her. aid picQr, imd-fintcrtial alMBM' 

. ^he^vai^W^^fsenddttiedto 
Hi?r,.p^wnm huftrothen, and h«^ (U^fs, 
,Tbl«>'to fiich ai wore 
. Wibi«ffN» byhcrexanipkv 
; .. .^' HiOw^ifvcetadiingitiaf 
., To: ,hf)nour! the 'Irarmef) 
, ' * amd. - 

Tf» liv^ ^itmitjr with the latter* 
. :Th©wgb.hofcviJtutewei«'iii4ny, ' 
-> A^dfut^ M yTdUld hjive honoored old n^ 
J n^ey wfitc ac^uioed ii the mortiitii^ ^f ^fe^ 

.: ^ • ' And TOtdeccdlthat life happy^ 
. ^VJ^ch waf Jle«nttnated;by a'Confumpekm,^ 

. Ai^ agerof TWe«iy-fit<fc ye4t«, 

, .. [ i 0tt tfaff ifth 4^7 of OQobcr^ 

InrtheTea^ofoiflr^tKHd ' 

- '» 'i' - NiNcih^xik. ■"■\ 

Utmil lit mUM 

The BAVY op 


[No. IV. 

ittlhi ii 

Syi j9H#c eoR#i,^ri 
Plus apud me ra{0 pMHtk ^^^^ vulgi opinio. 
H4.! ta4vha4-^Ydu AiiA-rcfrfliy^cjccufe ntc, 
friend Spec, for 1 iiluftigl*re;'^nt to my mirth, 
at the ignoranc;e of my c^^mj^^ipi^s whPh ^ill 
have it that Ja<pHy, Cordi4 iS' a ;gB^'0i^0i\9n* 
try! .- .\ ^ , .:' : ■ • '' 

Gallantry, if/ Vf dktv the: tefrteio«^ from our 
forefathers, is bravery, gpnerofity^ ^c.*— and^iot 
duplicity^ which^ >vhcneyar exxAcacc^i dwqgatcs 
the name of man. How bae^i wds^Mn^ttvtte a 
fiew centuries a|i}; and itf 'h99^£ttld vsdn^ if vre 

judg^ by ap p ^ dtfaaet g, doe&'!fJfeMh6w ; Whqi 
lefiebiiiiacy 13 thb" predbmihsLnt^psTflfiohl How 
*|ii«cb faither tli^ (mc^ fupport^fs may ^generate, 
trpaft tny-lbrtfight; 'but at pi^ftnt two flurds of 
'owmec&i^ then, cotivey t6 our ideais,' that laSC 
idifcovered JfkUsx^tA i£<?im-fcmalcs. " ' 

JacX'V ddkriiAiis a young fellow who ha9 
^•dquircd kiWwledgie1)y the experience of hii own 
viUait^ ^fo* ftich l^uft CiJt it whfefi \z can fa- 
ctdfiner hdti^r and Antef hy f6r the fteetiQg grat](* 
-ficatiotioiFfpOllittfhg"ihti6cfcncct whlcli has reti" 
'deflidlftan^a-W^t^^y'finlity wr^chcd for ever. 
Jiff mud (s <^xftiiminar^'^ith'di(fipatbn, and 
Ida fold wiftyutlillknimity: 'it renders his com- 
pany and cdtivetfacioil dii^grdbablean^odioui: the 


Digitized by 



No. XI* 

fonner, becaufe his affeOation diiguftsyou, and 
the latter, as he can only boaft of deflroying unr '• 
proteAed virtue. No lefs than fourteen youn^i 
beautiful females are now' the ze- 
nith of Cyprian pleafures by his initialiotu Why 
will inexperienced females embrace credulity, 
when they may behold fuch true chara^rs of 
villainy difplayed every hoiir ? Jacky Cordial 
is— but I will give you 9LJuJt idea of him in re- 
lating the following f aft : 

Charlotte £••♦**• was about nineteen 
when (he was doomed by advcrfity to quit her 
parents and enter into fome bufinefs. A finall 
fum of money was given her for the encounter, 
with which ihe bought articles of perfumery, 
took a ihop at the weft end of the town, and 
{etded there for fome time. Every advantageous 
expe&ation that (he had formed was realiaed* 
Innocence was her guide, and the atiaiiUnent of 
a future competency to fupport her .aged parent! 
was her only wifh. Every Qower in the field, 
however tender, is open to the danger of the 
rude laft, fo is every woman open to the wiles 
of dcfigning man. Jacky was pafling by the 
(hop one evening, and feeing a youQg girl,, juft 
entered into the meridian of her beauty, with a 
dazling complexion, and well (hapedt he was 
determined to begin his ufual attack and claim an 
acquaintance. He knew the gcfura( failing of the 
fex, and talked love to one to l^ introduced 
to another. Thus far he fucceedoJL But now 
«— -the peffon that introduced him was his onfy ob- 
fbicle, and which he muft remove at all events. 
Theie was no fcheme but what his villainy could, 
bring about i nor any condefcenfion, however 
nuan^ but he would embrace to fupport the de- 
ception. Accordingly he obUged a quarrel to en* 
fue between the two females, and divided their 
intimacy that he might urge his padion without a 
podibility of interruption. Every thing was now 
ripe for the intended declaration. Many of her 
acquaintance, perceiving what would in future 
happen, inftead of adviiing, forfook her, and her 
friends were too far off to proteft her. Jadcy 
' foon frarned her inind as he wifhed. He ren- 
dered her blind to his fcheme, by attention, and 
feigning an efteem which ^only true honor could 
have been, fufceptible of. When in her company 
he afeOed dulnefs, which (he obferving, with her 
natural fympathy and ur^fpeding fimplicity, 
afked the reafon of fuch a fudden cban^ in his 
fpirits ? That was the criterion which he inftant- 
ly embraced. Wi^h all the diftrefs of apparent 
Sincerity, he declared what had bfen fo long in 
exnbryo. Charlotte, being a (banger to fudb 
complicated artificei foon believed what proved 

her deftruOion, A j^rmnj/i of marriage (bon fbrm* 
ed a anmexian which proved btal to Chariotte 
and her hunily. After living with her lover ten 
mondiSi (he proved pregnant by him, and claim- 
ed his prmfojc of marriage, which Jacky, as hm 
intended^ denied, and left her. Such was the (i- 
tuation of poor Chariotte ! forfaken by the man 
who feduced her, and n^lefted by all the world* 
She was brought to bed, and produced a livir^ 
emblem of her (hame. Her parenU came and 
beheld her with tears and commiferation : But, 
fuch was their chriftianity and noUe difpo- 
fitions, that they difdained reproackt and gene* 
roufly admintftered every comfort in their power, 
She rdated the circumflances of her folly, with 
the promifi of marriage. The joy of her Parei^ 
at the laft fentence was inconceivable. They 
were determined that Charlotte (hould have 
every iaiishlEdon that law and equity could give. 

A WARM profecution was then commenced 
againft Jacky, and he immediately abfconded to 
France. His flight produced many evils; the 
profecution was delayed. Charlotte, refleftin^ 
on his duplicity, (bon gave way to defpair. A 
(evere fit of illnefs, created by conibnt fretting, 
eiifued, and (he died. 

Jacky, on hearing this agreeabU news, re- 
turned from the Continent, on the wings of 
impatience, and laughed off the circumftance^ 
' as the natural confequence of female weaknefs. 

Though Jacky Cordial, friend Spec, may 
not be quite fo original a charader, as fome of 
my Bevies, yet I think, he is a proper obje6l to 
convey to your readers, how contanftiUi fuch a 
perfon appears. 

.. Can there be a more iiJpicabU wretch, than a 
mui wlio is always enfnaring unprotcded inno- 
cence ? Such is the jujt defcription of Jacky 
Cordial, who defervedly merits the deteftation of 
. the virtuma female part of the workL 

[^To be continued. 3 

Thx Visioif. 

A Rhapfo^. 

Addrejed to Mrs. Marty a, \m hekrOg of icr 

Oifiand's Jk4th. 

Lost in the maze of dark fufpcnfe, 

Somiius, fats fable curtain drew; 
Harmooious founds my fenfes charm'd, 

TTbe mufes* god appear'd in view. 

A laurel crowft adom'd his bead ; 

Hit left hand bore the harp' of Fame ; 
A vdbnenc azure carelefs hung. 

He graceful f|K>ke, and nearer came. 


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tut NEW SPfiCtAtOft, Ac. 

Anfe, dull ycmiht and follow xne ; 

I rofe with extacy, and bow'd; 
Thio' fcenet of bli&, and pleafure led| 

My Ibnl with myfiic tranfpoits glowMi 

Ambrolial fweeul aromatic (hrabsl 
And Flora's beantiet form the fcene ; 

One view of joy, my thoughts infpir'di 
^was paradife !— illufive dream 1 

fiut, fbtther led— the Harry lights. 
Trembling like leares, when zephyr* play^ 

The fickly moon with head half raisM, 
Throws here, and there, a glimmtrbg ray» 

The difmal landfcape^s horrid view| 

A pale, (ad, influence teignM around ; 

Saving, when fpecks of light dawn forth. 
Which chear*d the (able filent ground. 

£re£l above the verdant green, 

A grafly pedcflal arofe, 
It bore an urn — a form ftood by : 

A widow weeping o^er her woes I 

A radiant luftre in her tycMf 

With filent melancholy flione! 
Her panting bofom rais'd defirc, 

While pity fmil'd, and heard her moan ) 

My Ibul on wonder*i hinges bung ! 

My fenfes loft in deep furprife ; 
I caoght the fympathetic tear 1 

The ciyftal drops bedtwM my eyci« 

Diftrefs prefided o*er her mind | 

Loft in the labyrinth of grief ! 
With plaintive looks to heav*n Oie figh*d| 

With hands united, aflced relief I 

Then as the diftant gurgling rill. 
Meanders haHh o*er pebbles flow, 

Whole gliding noife, feigns mufic's founds 
While Uftnii^ fwains wtt^ rapture ^W t 

Or as the warbling bird of eve, 
With pleafing carol joys refign ; 

She rais'd her voice— my foul indamcd, 
Amd long an elegy divine I 

Sweet echo heard the tender (bng, 
And told the fofteft tale of love 1 

Exprelfive found !— enchanting fair. 
Away I— from this dull (cene remove t " 

Sheceas'd— and with attentke loott, 
As if her mind had known no care. 

Propitious fmil'd !->-my bo(bm beat: 
I eager ran— embraced the fair j 

Who, gentle at afuimner mom, 
Kindly ietiim»d the loft embrace ; 

Sweet as Aoion» Unflang viewa 
The daws, and rides her wonted race. 

Hie fcene was changed ; no urn appear^ 

1*0 claim the fympathetic (igh t 
But, rapid flowed forgetful ftreams, 

Whete mdrtak e^er firofti ouleiy fly* 

Tranfported with twotts of blil^ ! 

Arriv'd at Plealiire's telnptii^ fleqii 
We bowM fubmiflive to her will, 

And inftant plung'din Lethe's deep* 

Sottntts, his magic fpell withdrew. 
No more the dazzling beauty^s feeh ;— & 

O I Venus aid a fuppliant's prayer. 
And realize thy votary's dream, 


T0 iht New SrEctAtdft* 

The laft we^ \icvtigPaffion Wtek^ and eveiy 
place of public araufement (hut up, except the 
Political Theatre in Covent Garden, the atten- 
tion of tht metropolis has been wholly direfied 
to the eKcrtions of Lord Hood, Sir Cecil Wray 
and Mr. tox, the contending candidates for the 
honour of reprefenting the city of Weibninfter 
in Parliament* Party fpirit never appealed ix^ 
more odious colours* The mob were not a 
jpt more diilinguifhed by Blackpuordijm than 
fcvcral gentUmiti who appeared on the Huflings^ 
and exerted themlelves like fo many bullies, en* 
dcavouring, like fome wretched, butneVerthelefs 
popular counfel at the bar^ to confound the dec-* 
tors, and make them vote for Black inftead of 
JVhiU^ Yet when I confider what a wretched 
tool a dependent on party is, I am not a(toni(hed 
at the condu^b of men who are ambitioiu of figur« 
ing in tht Red Book, and whofe biead, perhaps^ 
depends on the return of a particular member* 
Nor is their conduft fo culpable, or at lead fo 
abfurd as that of a 

Female C a m v a s s e a^ 

Who laying alide the decorum due to her iex^ 
(ticks at nothing to gain a vote I— -Laudable am- 
bitiori of fettuJe patriottfin !«^Who is there 
amongft the admirers of the Ibft, the gende, an^ 
the ddicate fex, that k not eiuraptured at die 
iovcfy anule/UnJioli of a Duchels (aluting a ChSte^ 
market Butdier ?*«-Who^ but muft adore a lad/ 
of exquifiu fou fitUngs^ and an ornament of tho" 
court, exerting her dwine in/fuence on an Irilh 
Chairman for the honour of his vote?«^Is not 
thdpe fomething peculiarly grtai in fuch amiable 
conde(cen(ion ?-^You will fay perhaps that fuch 
gnatnefs is incompatible with ondiMaufs. But 
then I muft tell you, that you are a breadl^s 


Digitized by 




Np. XX. 

young man^ an enemy to the fair fex,* an4f abpve 
all, no true patript^ for true patriotilm cpnfids 
an bedowing your tigie ^nd ^afii Qfi. ungufili^ed 
candidates, b%>y]ing.fQr /^^^ .^wi-ppra^tting 
ypur wife or your fiftcr to go through the dirty 
drudgery of an eld6kion.fioit tlie honour of a party I 
i— There is (bmetjiing <b dcMeate, fo feminine, fo 
fafcinating in a IFtmait Oarwajftr^ decked with 
the proper eiiligns, bidding defiance to all vulgar 
decency t and afliduous -only ip ferv'ing her friend, 
that it is no .wp?i^r the ph^rafter ba? bc*n fo 
lavifhly praifed 4^ fyfqc jqw^fniag pi^pcr^s 1 

Impudejtt Old Fellows. 

Befides a confounded fight of impudent young 
fellows, (evend- of my female friends inform 
me, that this, metropolis ahouncU in po fmall 
quantity of impudent old fellows, who are pe^.- 
petually dangling after young girls in the vicinity 
of the Hay-market, andarefaid to "have brought 
t)n die Town, as Ae phrafe is, moft of thofc 
pool* creatures that arc feen paradirig thdfe parts 
icvery evening. I have the names of two' or three 
bid goats which I pi'omifc to publilh very fpcedily, 
\inlefe they dcfift their attackls on the fait milliner, 
jtift" «omfe ' from ' ttmcafhire, whofc bafinefe fre- 
tjtiently calls her fnto Pall Mall, * 1 partkularly 
iffare the geiitlchian in the zJhite wig, that the next 
time he drags the faid milliner towards an ih- 
ftSfious houfe in James-ftt-eet, his behaviour, 
liable, and connexions, all now Vfell* known, 
itiaR- find a" jpJlace' in the New' 'SKtctAroR. 
Thcte is -nothlrfg'fiife (b Odious' as the libidinous 
tj^rfiiits of- old"; men. When ige Jndul^e^ itfcif 
In the follicis of youth it lofes all reverence, and i 
Jtreet -walking old goat is the mod dcteftable "of all 
puUic nuifances } He knows no' bounds *, but 
is ' in perpetual purfuTt of 'his* OWh' difgracc. 
Hence Shakfpearo has Well remarked thit 

** The blood of youth bums no^ in fi^:h cjqccfi, 

" As gravity's revolt to wantoimefs." 

.. , . . . » 

B U L I A. . 

. Uf (ni^^:lwmP«s.nQta:iklfoch|igriHttlat 
t#.. ^fik ^' ^ mbi^yiUd^ ^ttMse mMmtpttd 
<be. W h m ^^hm^ 4nd preyimted u&lkariiig 
tlm ^gnglvfipn 9f » igl^siki . wbioh hti^kA to vuou 
wi4t pop<4«r.^^. . The-fdntfiflv howavci^ 
^POt^m^ ji^Liihis i}dmi» pf lUynw^am ^m^ki to 
lpfo:#lUope»pf hk fucc^ft. T^ofwUicvoicjo 
yffm dccich4ty^ i^gidiAft him*. Thcai|[uiumu ha 
ufffi ^ainil hi^ opi^qnem bec»in^ ^< ftalc^ iat, 
". WBr<?4trt4f," ai|d Uik. He-p<arprtmdlf vil, 
liitolth^AuUlNiLCQuns but(hfsauluncot|xths4 

lately faved the publi^; from tvils of aa exte^ve 
magnitude. The,intefqft, therefoi;c^ of the court 
and of the pc^gl^ w^ pne*, HUdtilQ ^pg^^tnce 
of ReynarcJam Cpuld «0t di«i4c Ut Xq.^^ vir- 
ulently againft the higher powers, and to flatter 
the people ; to point out kntgtnary gncvanceS| 
and to foment difunion, were artifices fo hack- 
neyed, that even the meaneft of the people def- 
pifed them ; and began to develope the cliaraden 
that ufed them. Thcrrifane, wIka B^nfU^am 
attempte4 tp fyul^ fcis yoip« vas^ lirowned in 
ihouts of intcrtuptioQ «Bithifles.Qf.oKecniiioe. 

FiNofj«Q hiapopi^trity in tiie mtan^ and that 
he was likely to prove unfuccefsful in his ogpo« 
(ition to Scfilfa, Reynardaun. ha4 rccourfe to 
another fcheme. 

Selaw, the eld«ft fon of At iUng, eapth^ted 
by the eloquence and external accompl|fliincnt$, 
though a flranger to the heart pf Reyns^dam, 
aflbciated with him, anfl delighted in his Qpn- 
vcrfation. Thp ihflueace.of Selaw was confide- 
rable; his friends were, therefore, the friends of 
Reynardam; and ampogft them was a My of 
diftinftion, whofe name was Novedoy who had 
rendered herfelf popular by an affeftttion of afft- 
bility, and having a pleafing perfon and much 
wealth, was a fu^jeft of pjipcgyric for thofc who 
always difcover pfici4i4r graces in parade and 
fplendour. Her accompliibmen^ weitf Aip«fficial, 
and the comp^py^pf JeUv wa^ not e^lcuhted to 
improve them ; for he had the cncomiupis pijly 
of the gay and the diflipated ; and .his attachment 
to Reynarcjapi h^d rer^dcred him unpopijar 
amongft the people. 

To a lady of fuch general eftim^Uon^as Novi;da, 
Reynardam concludecl tjie Bul^ns wpiild. refufc 
nothing. He knew that 

AndNovedawas readily perfuadcd to fqlicitAc 
Bulians in behalf of Reyn^rd^m,*: fli«^,/alas, 
fuch was his charaflief, ?iriilfu<J) ^f(ffi^pfi^e 
Bulians, that Noveda. frpq^^ently. mot wbkgrofs 
infults, indecent liberties were taken with her, 
and fhe was fcvertd times otliged to flieltc? her- 
felf from the fury of thbfe of the Syli^jii >vho 
regarded neither her fiivles nojr hfr frp>v^. who 
knew that fuch affairs belonged not to women, 
and who detefte4 Roynaisbm; 

Some particiiUi^ frietids of Reynir^ xott 
every night during' thfe' conteft, in order to give 
their opinions on the fucccfs of the ^ay, and to 
arrange plans for tl^Wp,^i;Qil^fi, Tc^yw«,Hw*U 
communicated hei:^^4«E»to«(i^ j»4' Aiding. that 
her reception wa% ^vtryrtmgiicioii^ thfyudrttr- 
'•'''"• ' ■ imned 

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No. XL 


mined that H was proper for Re^rnardam to drop 
the contcft. Ihis, however, he flatly rcfufcd, 
and thus addrefTed himfelf to his friends : 

** Centlemen of the Sclcft AfTcmhly, 
*' Though the popular voide is evidentiy againft 
inc, and though the krvely Movcda has exerted 
her influence to little purpofe, yet I ho!d it nc- 
ceflary to continue the contcil for the mccotn- 
plilhmcnt of another -objcft which I have in con- 

*• ^T is well known that many Bulians have 
given their voices onbgjjjj^des^who have no right 
fo to do; and my friends chiefly confiding of the 
lowed elafs' of people, the uHauthorifed names 
jrhi<^ ^VPG^ ^^ ""^y behalf arc much mpre nu- 
jmerQui thao tbofe (m the ^ ether fide* Should \ 
fiicoeed, my opponei^^wiU dc^nwid redrcl^ of the 
Stones; the ^xpcncc attending fwhkh kUI 
n^axly involve himin xuin; a cir^ni&aacp 
irhicb cpuld not hut aibrd ix^nite pkafure to the 
jgendei^ieKi of this {cleQ ajTembi^f ; and iu order 
to. «ccompliJ3i it, * we x^^ cp»tinuc the c^nte^^ 
and folicit the fupport of all ranliLSof ft^oph^ 
whether they have authprity to give thcii: fuffjagp 
or not. 

" For this purpofc, I muft requefl you to 
exert yourfelvcs with fpirit, for your intereft in 
this determination is more deeply concerned than 
mine. You will not only have fpent an immenfc 
ftun of money in fupporting me, for you know I 
have none myf elf, hut we ihall become fubj^'fts 
of ridicule to all Niatirb-*The influence of 
greatnefs combined with beauty, is aflonifhing ; 
and I have no doubt but that if the charming 
Noveda will condefcend to vilit the dregs of the 
people, we fhall exceed our opponent in num- 
bers ; to which he mdft fubmit ; or otherwlfe in- 
wlyc himfelf in ruin, to^cc^nteraft tbe.W)cifition 
ofthatdcipifion." . , ; . .. .V ' 

. Tfii$ {pctcb was, recciye4 with woyn^crfulap-^ 
plairfe, and the ncxtJnpming Novcjia, in viola- 
tion of all female delicacy, again faUiedTorth the 
championefs of Reynardam ! 

The Ta|;acious condu6(eh 6f thefe dally rhap- 
Ibdies are terribly alarmed at feeing the tide of 
popularity run againft Mr. Fox, whofe ele^on 
for Weftminfter feems beyond all probability, the 
numbers, laft night, ftanding thus : 

For Lord Hood 5464 

Sir Cecil Wray..^ «.. 4995 

Mr. Fox ..,....,.....*....«.„. 4677 
I believe fome of the new»-paper genty are neariy 
as much interefted in the event of this cleftion as 
the candidates themfdvcs. They, however, 
who are always boaftinf ^f their imfiartMity^ 

never ^il to worfhip the rifmg fun ; and another 
paper, lafl week, has given broad fymptoms of 
rejecting their principles, and reaflfttming foma 
degree of decsncy towards the Throne. I ex- 
pea in kfsthana month the rdl of the Terginir^ 
fatim C/^ will foUow the exam^ of tbaMoro^ 
ing PofL 

The papers which coniintte in the pay of ihf 
expiring ikaioQ^ abound in Uttfc n^re ihm 
ridiculous panegyric on perfqns who have long 
had " no chara6ler at ajl," and On others w"ho 
are driving, Jchu-likc, into the fame predicamfPt, 

G o V a ii t C A a o < y» 

It U jatiiar junhickf that ihe Waftoiiiifter 
elc6Hon (houUl happen to rah into the Kafter 
holidays. = Thou^ 1 doubt not but that khc 
peace of Covcnt Garden, and its envirom wfll be 
kept fVee* from any outrageous moleftation by the 
aftive viligance of Sir Sampifon Wright, whpis, 
happily, refident in the neighbourhood. The 
hami of iaikMs, I underftaad, it pedty well 49^- 
perfed, and ai the mch are naw headed i^ ^f few 
ladies of diftindion, J am jm ^pes it will not b^ 
neccQary ^q ^cad the Riot ad again ; a chapter on 
Female Decency^ inftead erf it, would come with 
peculiar grace from the Duke of Devonfhire, 
who is faid to be a capital orator on that fubjed t 


I FXKD feveral readers obje&to my opinions^ 
becaufe they are too perfonal. But that is a 
ftrange kind Of reafoning. Example, it has 
often been repeated, has more influence than 
precept ; in order, therefore, to (hew the beauty 
of virtue and the deformity of vice in more lively 
colours, the heft way is to adduce examples. It 
is true, that in doing Ais, you are wptii^ pane- 
gyric or cenfure on fome particular charafters, 
Sut lei itbe remembereil, . ^that it ia efnally itnie, 
tChofejcfaftraficis nxeiut tibM panegyric pr ih^i^en* 
fi«r. :If an]r haam toaJkiafMt io laciMy,* by 
h^h^im^fimal. XflMuldwft iwpi^«a|Mm- 
plaints againft perfonality. The contrary, how- 
ever, is the cafe. If any one fuflfers, it b the 
party ; ' and does not the party deferve itf^ And 
if any one is ft«^pcd'in Ac career off folly, or 
prevented purfuing falhnnwftile vices, by ^y ex- 
pofmg the principles or perfons of thofe that fet 
the example, my purpofe is anfwered. Therefore, 
notwithftanding all that has been, or may be faid 
againft perfonality ^ you may reft aflured that, No 
reJpeEt of perfons^ being my motto, and vice and 
impropriety being fair game, whether in a 
prince or a peafant, whether in a duchefs or a 
ftreet-walker, they fhall not efcape the cenfure, 
nor (hall modeft merit want the fupport of 
Your faithful Reporter, 


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No, XI. 

To the New Spectator. 
Mr. Spectator, 

There is a certain gentleman in this kingdom 
nick-named Oliver Cfomwcll. I beg you will 
recommend to his attention, in particular, and to 
the attentioti of all men who wifh to diflinguifh 
themfelves ii'^true patriots and good mat, the fol- 
lowing lines of the beft poet Europe eVqr faw. 

Cromwell,! charge thee, fling away ambition; 
By that fin fcli the angels; how can man then, 
The image of his maker, hope to winby't ? 
Love diyfelf lad ; die^fli thofe hekttft* th&t hate thee ; 
iCoJtRUPTrotf wins not more than, uoime^ty. 
I Stin in thy ri^t hand carjry gentle peace [ .: 
To-.filence envfQi,is tongues. Be just and {ear not. 
Let all the ends thou aimCl at be thy Country's, 
Tbjr God's and Truth's; then if thonfeirft, O 

\ Cromwell^ 
Thou fall'ft a blcffcd martyr ! 

Thgfeare the fentiments^ and this the langua^of 
Sbaf^rif Truth, and ChrifHanity! 
Yours, &c, 


To tlu New Spectator. 
Good Mr. Spectator, 

Not being much converfant y^ih the 
Buliap language, I canpqt underfland the n^ean- 
ing of the celebrated word Perdxla\ pray is it not 
PerditioJi in plain Engli/h f-r-Put me right if I am 
wrppg, and you will qblige, . . . , ^ 

Youi: conftant lieader. 

Good Friday. BOB SHpi^T. 

. To other Cor 11E9 ponds, nts.. 

A PRIVATE Utter is left at Mr. Smjt^s fiir 
R. B.—Th£ requeft of G.J. is complied toith^T^ 
lines on the Ducheft of Devonfhikie, Jiptei 
ATox'Tafl, haoefimjiviii^ but are indecent, — tke 
Ufi of "To^n Authors, tdith an ejtimate of the 
oHlities ' offome modem dfo/matic writers^ are under 
tonfideration^^Thc fianzai on Katteifelto's Black 
Caty OT'e ft only for the perufal of the faid Cat.-^ 
Thi French verfesfent by a lady^ tuho iefres a tranf 
lotion, Jkall appear in my next* 

London: Printed by T, Rickaby, No. 15, DuJccVCpurt, Bow-Street, Covent-Garden.;. .. 

And Sold by T. AXTELL, No. 1, Fmch^Lahe, Cornhill, and at the Royal Exchange; By 
W. SWIFT, BookfcUcr, Charles^treet, St. James VSquare; by P. BRETT, BookfcUer and 
Stationer, oppofite St. Clcmenf^-Chiilfcbiii the Strand; by G. KEARSLEY, No. 46, Flcct^trcft; 
and by W. THISELTON, Bookfeller and Statbner, No. 37, Goodge-Street, Rathbone-Plac^J 

%* CoRi.JiSPOND£NT8 arc requefted to addreft their favours to the New Spsctator, to be 
left at Mr. Swipt'S| in Chades-Strect, St. James-'s^Squarc, where a LsTTEa-fiox is afiibced 
for their leceptiozu 

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No. XII. 

TUESDAY, April 20, 1784. 

Price Three-pcfice. 

To be continued every Tuesday. 

Aliena negoUa centum 
Per caputs ^ circa faiiunt lotus — 

An hundred men's afTain confound 
My fenfes, and befiege me round. 



THOUGH I am daily honoured with the 
favours of numerous corrcfpondcnts, they 
have of late, turned fo much on elcftioneering, 
that I am obliged to rejeft many, on 'account of 
their relating folely to politics. It is true that 
the politics of thefe days by exhibiting fome cha- 
rafters in dife^nt points of view, and fhcwing, 
by ftriking examples, the influence of ambition 
in one,* and meannefs in another, afford am- 
ple fcopc for the moraliftj. and to fuch letters 
of my corrcfpondcnts as are likely to have any 
influence on the manners as well as the politic^ 
of my readers, I ihall give place ; and fhall 
therefore make no further apology for infcrtir^g 
the following cpiftle from a gentleman who tells 
me that its contents are grounded on truth. 

To the New Spectator. 

Mr. Spectator, ^ 

My wife is gone mad {—-and, w)ut is 
worfe, politically mad ! Now, of all madnefs, 
I hate your political madnefs. Ever fmce the 
commencement of the Weftminftcr cleftion, my 
Wife has been intoxicated with politics, my 
fcrvants with ftrong beer, myfelf with vexation, 
and my houfe has refounded with nothing but 

Fox for ever I It would have been fomc con- 
folation had (he confined her folly to her own 
houfe, but alas ! (he has been making a fool of 
herfelf all over the town ! She has been can- 
vafling, with a vengeance! And what with 
palming one fellow, ki fling another, and coax-r 
ing with thoulands, has driven me almofl hoiji- 

Previous to her marriage, my wife was re- 
markable for delicacy of fentiment and elegance of 
manners ; and afterwards was looked up to as 
the arbitrefs of fafhion, and a leader of female 
taftc. She then plunged into excels of dillipa- 
tion and of drefs ; by the former (he drained my 
purfe, and by the latter deprived me of an heir* 
I have been a coniiderable time in lopping thefe 
follies, and had broiight her mind to tafl» the 
fweets of domeftic tranquillity^ and now (be is 
ele£Uoneering mad! 

It is true that an eleftion cannot laft for ever ; 
but that is a finall confolation for the lofsof that 
delicacy and of thofe graces which rendered "her. 
amiable in the eyes of others, and doubly dear 
to me. Her reputation is indeed unimpeached, 
and I believe her prefcnt conduft arifes folely 
from that fingularity flie alwaiys alTumed^ and 


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THE N B ^ S P E C T A T .0 Ifc *c.' 

No. XII, 

wHich is her chief, if not hcr.only feuh. But * 
{he {hould femember Aat female reputation is of 
flender contcfcturc ; and that 

" tV> her tilongl 
Tlie care to flfun the Blaft of fland*rous tongues.'* - 

This, however, it impof^)>le fo long as (he in- 
torlcrc* in matters whicji, }gf no mcansg coticern 
her or her fex. ^^ 

When 1 read, !n the daily prints, of the 
mcanneflcs to which fhe (loops ; ofthe wagers ftie 
ii perpetually betting, in the ftyle of *' New- 
market jockfty ; of the lA*es fhe rcd^ivcs from 
tU moderate fpcftators ; when I think on the pbu- 
dits bedoWed On her in common with fome of 
the moft infamous women of the age, in fuch of 
(he morning papers as are famous for extolling 
the meretricious airs and purfuits o f what they 
ten© the typrian carps: when I fee her return 
home befpattered with dirt, frowning wi^ 
vexation at public infult, and biting, in anger^ 
thofe lips which once were facred to nuptial love 
and me, the equanimity of my temper almoft 
forfakes me : I fland aidoniflied at the havoc 
curfed politics have made, and am almofl tempt- 
ed to challenge the mch Of voters^ for feducing 
the attention of my wife to the very objc6t which 
mjift render her defpicable in the eyes of all 
judicious men, and women of common fienfe. 

Such, goo4 Mr. Sfectatok,. is my fituation. 
I have rcafoned with her in vain. She is en- . 
couraged by the idle and the worthlefs in all her 
purfuits. She reads your paper, and probably 
your animadverfions may t^nd to (hew her how 
deformed (he is become, and induce her to retire 
injx> the country with me, and learn once more 
to feek her chief happinels in the attention of a 
fond hufband, and the fafctaating tmiles of a 
lovely infant. 

lam, Mr*SpECTATOR4 

Piccadilfy. ♦♦•♦• 

This gentlem«n very juilly calls kimfelf zfond 
Imfband : he is indeed too' fidnd and too indulgent 
in permitting his wife to (Jhgrace bcrfel^ by a 
coifdud £b highly reprehenftble. tic fays he baf 
« leafoned with her in vain." IfceafoningfaiU, 
he (hould have rocourfe to remonffaance; and 
' ihould that alfo &il, he (hould hurry her into the 
country and by taking her from the Areuc of ailiop» 
endeavour to reclaimiier. 

It has, of Isfte years, been too much the -vogue 
amongft the Miionable fait lo imitate in every 

'thing the exaiRplc ofihe other fex ; ptrticularl/ 
in modes of dre(Sy and matters of amufcment* 
Thefe ciycumftances have been fuflicicntly fc* 
probated and ridiculefl by writcrt of every cl<cft$ 
but, unluckily,' without any vidble efFe£b« Ther# 

i^fe fome women who have a peculiar veneration 
for the maxim, that it is as well h ic^oictof 
the warldf as out of tkc/qfliion, and\«hq, therefore, 

/^ catc];i the manncn living 98 they rife,'^ and 

, however^ abfurd, immediately ^dopt thcm4 

The wijf% of my correfpondent indeed fificms- 
not to be content with following the fa(hiohs of 
others^ but is ambitioul of leading the Van of 
' female fi^lly I and boldly commences a (emale 
; canMafler on a conleded ele&ion. This is a cha- 
rader §b totally repugnant to all ' ideas of deccnc\v 
that file who a(fumes it imift have no.fmall (hare 
of impudence t^ continue it. The bufibonery 
and obfcenity of the vulgar, to which fhe is per^ 
pctually expofed, let the party (he efpoufes be 
what it maf , muft at the very onfet ftiock her in 
a high degree. If (he continues the ptirfuit, (he 
bids defiance to decency, and to every thing 
feminine in the female charafter. She becomes 
. tiie pity of her friends, the reproach of her 
enemies, the fcom of the moderate, and the 
admiration of a mob* 

To conclude. I cannot but think it a duty iiu 
cumbent on my correfponacnt, if has wife be, as 
? he lays, a leader of fafhions, to put an immediate 
ftop to her clcftionceringpei^arabulations, left her 
example (hould influence others to follow th^ 
fame ungracioos purfuits. 

To the New S p e c t a t o r» 
Friend Spjic, > 

. fARTicvLAR praife is due to Lady 


., La^y W , Lady G- 

-, and 

the indefatigable Duchels for their late patriotic 
exertions in which, I,undcrftand, tjwy have re- 
ceived no fmall help from the influence of the, 
Perdit% ^i two other ladies who having palFed 
for Duche(reS|^ have J>een eflentially fer- 
vvceable to the* good caufe. I . de(ire there^rc 
that you wiU dedicate a nuipbdr or two of your 
entertaining paper to ^tttk fcmele patriots, to 
whom the pubHc ace daily inddMcd for fiiigular 
favours. • 

I * -r Your humbk Servant, 

CavciU-Garthu BQN TOK. 


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Kg. Xllf 

TH« NE^ SPECT A TO R, ftc 



-• Ba r It a leiP E A.S y. 

Famtiarite enga^dir mepris. * 

FoRTtTuDE generally arriles from a libcrat 
^ducttion, or jmilofophic principle, imbibed at 
a|i' early age, but Mils Barbara Eajy is always in 
pofleffioaoiFtraii^juillity, fliough aftrihgcrto the • 
lattef^y ant in want of the former. Her foul is 
cofy fufccptible of one paffion, Indificrenoe is 
her hobby-horfe, which always goes ^«tf pace an4 
iync voaic She never OKperienced theoeffgft of for- 
row, or the fatisfaftiort -Of joy. The iihg»Iar 
cQnduft of thi« original^ Iftncerely tUnK, trifcs 
from Ihi e$trmity of aflfeftation, ^hich is an at- 
'tendant friend on ou( modem females. Chance 
led me Into the company of Mils Barbara On 
m)^cntering the room there was a general mov- ^ 
ing to jnwcive the caftbmary falutations which 
are tiaturaSy ufed when A ftrangcr filft enters into 
any (bcicty; but Barbara inJiJUd that every 
one Ihould fit down and. not make fuch a//^} 
about nothing. This refle£lion, from a lady . 
whom I had never iecn, excited my furprize, 
which was foon annihilated by tea minutes coqe 

Aftkr the company were re-feated Mi&. Bar- 
bara began with — ** I'ma^uzed that people will 
« give themfclves fo much trouble as to lacrififtf 
<< tranquillity for politenefa. How hornd to ufe 
** ceremony !— Blefs me f— I Wivp left my watch 
« at home !— WJhat (hall I do !— Dear Siiw— ," 
at that inftant takinf mi by the hand with as 
much |rce(k>m as. if (he had known me from my 
infancy — ^ if you.w.ill ftcp to my houfc the fer- 
<* vant will give it yoB-^I hate formality, Sir; it 
** is freedom alone that ct^ate« wf aAihiration." 

That politcnefs whKb'fhe defpifcci, Obliged 
tne to be wet to the (kin, as it rained the whole 
period of my going Ryt Mi& Barbara's watch. So 
loft in indiference is thii Original, that fht will 
employ a whole company merely out of freedom J 
Her afFe6lation even extends fo far al to permit 
her to fit * whole comedy, or opera, wliiout 
aufingthcleaft admiration at the pajomuakt of 
an Abiifgtoto, or ^^ finding of )i Martyr. 

Though infenfible to the paHIons of nature, 
y«jb, to the aftonilhrnent of her a^^ainUncc, (hfc 
has hftr gallant !-*-This very circumftance pioves 
that our ancient authors knew nothing of that 
fublimc pafllon Love ; as they rcprefente^it to be 
created by beauty, youth, and fenfc. • Now, Mifs 
BaxiMtfa, though on the verge of fix-and-tbirty, 
pitted with the (mall pox, and pofleiTing iK>t the ' 

leaft (have of beau^, has her loyav and indeed 
(he inwardly glories in die conqueft of Tomnrj^ 
Sapwellf though, to appearances his attachment 
only merits her iiy^fierenc^ When in company, 
Toinjny is treated as ah attendant, apd obliged 
to obey her orders, however abfurd. If he de- 
clares his pallion, Barbara takes lialf an hour on 
th<fW>je6b of fcfrmsftijy |* prdtefting Uiat a decla- 
ration of love is almoft as execrable as gomg to 
be manied. Such are the ei)b£b of a(fe&atioii 
and freedom. 

Lait fummer (he was invited to fpend thrM 
inont|is- 9ut of tow^ to which (he joadily ac- 
quiefcei When (hd arrived at the place of in- 
vitation, <he toti{hefs of the houfc received her 
with friendlhip, but (eemed rather fuipriied at 
hpr coaning to remain threp months, wkhqut bring- 
i^gjirm^ baggage with herj^to which Mifs Barba- 
ra replied — *« Iknoztf you hate formaiity, - tbore- 
" fore I will make free, and what I wapt, during 
« jHy ftay, a(k yob for, A ^cnd of mine is 
" cbmxng down to (liy a month with me, but I 
" rfcced not make an apology ; you know ai^ ; 1 
« hate ceremony.** The refult of hating cere- 
mony \Yas — ^that Mifs Barbara^ during her refi- 
dence in the country, was the miflreft^ of the 
hoijc, and had every thing in her owa way | 
drank tlic bcft wine«| wore the bed dpthejfc, bc- 
caufe " you know I hate ceremony I" 

Th£ confequence which muft ari(c from fuch 
an affe£led mean conduft isy that difecond inviu- 
tion never enfues. If the vifit is attempted to 
be repaid, and Mifs Barbara's friends call to fee 
her, (he is very forry that (he is engaged, but an 
apology is unneceflkry, as th^ know (he hates ce- 
remony. Thcfc are the uuo outlines of Mifs 
Barbara £afy, who was once in pofTei&otl of a 
fet of worthy and agreoabld friends, but which 
* (he haa loft By difdainiitg ceremony. When 
freedom extends beyond its compafs, it is difguft- 
ing, and only creates derifiom 

' £ Td fe continued. ^ 

T<^ tke New S;»ECTA'^oiu 
Mr. SfrcTATOR, 

Pray is the liberty of the prcfs in danger ? 
I fee by the Irifh papers that fuch an idea ia 
entertained on that fide the water. But fo long 
m I fee the pnnt-Jhops in Lpndon, I (hall never 
defpairof the liberty of one kindof prc(s, h6W- 
cvcr. But the praifo they merit in one refpedl 
iiey lofe in ano^her^ Let them baHi(h ^bJUnityy 
and receive the thanks of the comi^mnity. 

Yours, &c. 


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No. Xtl. 

To the Nr-w Spe€t*ator. 
Mr. Spectator, 

There is fomcthing fo very pretty in 
the following Stanzas, that I (hall be glad to fee 
them in the New Spectator, in hopes that 
fome of ynir correfpondcnts will favour the 
public with a poetical tranflation which may 
amufe fome, and will particularly oblige 

Yours, ScCi 


A U X jf EU N E S A M A N T E S. 
Par M, CoiNET D'Orbeii-. 

JEUNES beautes, la vie eft pcu de chofe : 
Ah ! de cc peu tachez done de jouir, 
Nc cratgnez point ^ue la fagefle en glofe, 
Elle fe tait a la voix du plaifir. 

Mais gardcz-vous fuccomber fans glo^c ; 
Fuyez plutot I'amant qui voiis pourfuit, 
Avant I'inftant marque pour la viftoirc, 
Si vous ccdez, votre empire eft dctruit. 

L'amour n*eft rien fans la dclicatcffe ; 
N'cpuifez point Ics traits de (on carquois ; 
Qu'un feul amant flatic votre tendrefle : 
Ne lancez point deux flechcs a la fois. 


To the Red-Breast. 
By Mr. 

Whe n that the fields put on tbcir gay attire, 
Thou filcnt fit'ft n«ar brake or river's brim, 
WhilQ the gay Thnifh ijngs loud from covert dim; 
Bufr v^hen pale winter lights the focial fire, 

And meads ^th flime are fprent and ways with mire, 
Tliou charm'tt us with thy foft and folcmn fymn ' 
From battlement, or bam, or bay-ftacktrtm ;' 
And now not fcldom tun'ft, as if for hire. 

Thy thrilling pipe to me, waiting to catch 
The pittance due to thy wcll-warbled fong ; 
Sweet bird 1 fing on ; for oft near lonely hatch, 

Like thee, myfclf have pleasM the ruflic throng, 
And oft for entrance, 'neath the peaceful thatch, 
Full may a ule have told and ditty long. 


On feeing a Print of a Young Gentleman as a 
Spartan Boy, 

By Fo X the Spartan Boy with honour flampM his name; 
And thou by Fo x art " damnM to everlafting fame !" ' 

To the New Spectator. 
Dear Spec, 

I BELIEVE there will be no end of thb 
fame eleftioneering. Every artifice is ufcd to 
procure votes, and the minds of the people con- 
tinue agitated by two m<^nofyll^bles : Wray and 
Fox. With refpeft to the conteil, the Black-kgs 
of Covcnt Garden, bet " Ten Guineas to Ten 
Shillings, that Mr. Fox will not be a fitting mem- 
ber for WcllminCler.'* For my own part, I 
intereft myfclf only in contemplating the moral 
cffcfts of ■ this cleftion ; and am truly fhocked 
when I hear of the grcj^t number of perjuries which 
it has produced, and is likely fUll to produce. 

The adminiflcringof an oath, is now Ijecomc 
fo common, that many regard it as a matter of 
forniy and would do much more than take a falic 
oath to ferve a party. Ignorant wretches in 
abundance, influenced by violent zeal, or unlawful 
interference, have, I undcrftand, been giving 
their voices at Covent Garden, totally deftitutc 
of any right fo to do. Thefe tranfaftions have 
a vifiblc cffcft on the moral charafter of the 
people. Guilty of perjury in their public tranf- 
aftions, villainous principles will foon pervade 
their private dealings, I truft, therefore, that if 
any enquiry b made into the legality of voles, 
every perjured man will be made to fuffcr the pu- 
nifhment due to his offence, and that a crime 
which fome of the favage Indians punifh with 
death, will not efcape with impunity in a country 
which boalls of the purity of its religion, and 
the excellence of its laws. 

Theatres.' • 

On Thurfday the Countefs of SiUfhury was 
performed to an uncommonly crouded audience^ 
It is indeed a dcfpicable play, but ncverthclefs 
exhibits Mrs. Siddons to peculiar advantage. 
There are tranfitions in the character of the 
Countefs wonderfully adapted to Mrs. Siddons's 
mode of playing; and I Hnow not of any cha. 
rafter in which fhe appears to more advantage. 

Mr. Kemble appeared for the firft time, in 

Salifbury, and rendered that charaftcr interofUng 
which, in thp hands of Mr. Smith, has nothing 
in the world to recommend it, but its being 
effcntial to the piece. This you will naturally 
conceive whftn 1 tell you that it require fome 
feding^ and of Smith you may as well require the 
pathos of Pacchierotti ! Palmer did all he or any 
body ^tlfe could do with Raymond. He ought 
to be doubly paid for his trouble ; for the cha- 
rafter is fo vilely written, that it is up-hill work, 


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No. XII. 


all the way, and I would advifb htm to ti^sfcr ' 
it as foon as pofliblc.— -Mifs Kcmblc was as 
f^ as ufual ! 

Robin Ho^o. 


A KEw comic opera under this title, could 
not but attraft general notice, and accordingly 
this Thcatie, on Saturday evening, was filled 
with company, at a very early hour. 

The fcenc lines in Sherwood foreft, and the 
plot is taken from Goldfmith's beautiful ballad of 
Edwin and Angelina, Turn gentle hermit of the dale. 
Vide the Vicar of Wakefield. Robin Hood and 
Clorinda, Scarlet and Stella, Allen a Dale and 
Margaret, are all lovers in whom there is nothing 
interefting. Edwin and Angelina arc drawn in 
water-colours, or at lead they appear fuch after 
the admirable portraits of Goldfmith ; and the 
dicovery'of Edwin is not managed fo as to raifc 
any ol thofe emotions which accompany the 
reading of the ballad. Indeed there cannot be a 
more difficult tafk than giving ftage animation, 
if I may fo call it, to charaftcrs which have been 
iinifhcd by the mufcs. The ballads from which 
Shakfpeare borrowed many of his plots were 
fuch as admitted of amplification and refinement ; 
hut Edwin and Angelina admit of neither. To 
amplify is to fpoil it ; to refine it, is to burn pa- 
per. It admits of nothing but mufic, and perhaps 
there is no mufician living capable to do it 

THis.opcra is faid to be written by Mr. Mac 
Nally, the author of Retaliation, a dramatic after- 
piece which does him much credit. I am forry 
I cannot fay fo much of Robin Hood. The Vit 
is thinly fcaitered, and is too frequently coufin-' 
german to the pun. It is very remarkable that 
Mr. Mac Nally, who, I am told, is called to the 
Bar, never omits an opportimity to. la{h the 
gentlemen of the law ; his redeflions on judges 
4hd juries, in the jrefcnt performance, arc, 
however, illiberal and vulgar. Of fentiments 
he is very fparing. In faying that virtue flou-. 
riihes more in England than any where elfe, I 
am afraid he is flattering his audience ', the ex- 
clamation againil bull-baiting w^ well conceived ; 
and I do not rccoUeft any other fentiments 
worth, notice. 

The new mufic is by Shield; and, except in the 
opening, and one movement of the overture, adds 
nothing to: his reputation. It is plcafing, . but 
wants variety and novelty. I do not recolle£l a 
fingle air that is likely to become popular. The 
duet between Robin and Edwin (Bannifter and 

Johnftone) gave the moft general fatisfaftion, be- 
caufe melody and fimplicity were happily unit- 
ed. The mufic is Harrington's. I wonder the 
old fong of << As blithe as the linnet," with the 
old mufic, was not introduced. 

The chara6lcrs were well fupported, and well 
drefied. Mrs. Martyr,' as Clorinda, looked and 
fung charmingly, and merited a brifker lover than 
Mr. Bannifter, who looked and is drawn too fc- 
rious to give an idea of the honny Robin Ho6d. 
Mrs. Kemblc played the artfully fimplt Stella to 
advantage. Quick, in Little John, and Edwin, 
in the Tinker, were as comical as ufual. 


U L I A. 

The Contejl continued ! 
Samot and Iram. 

Notwithstanding the artifices of Rcynar- 
dam, and the infamous interference of Noveda, 
Sefilra continued to have the advantage, and the 
friends of his opponents were nearly driven to 
defperation. Reynardam harangued the Bulian 
mob ; Noveda diftributed her favors with a libe- 
ral hand; but all would not do. Reynardam 
was beheld with deteftation ; and Noveda *re- 
garded as an unexampkd inftance of female 

The public and private evils attending \his 
conteft were innumerable. Amongft the chief 
of the latter may be reckoned the misfortunes of 
Samot and Iram. 

Iram, beloved by Samot, was the youngefl: 
daughter of a man of fortune. Samot was the 
rerhaining branch of an honourable family. She 
was chafte and he was valiant. The day was 
fixed on for their union. Unfortunately the Bu- 
lian conteft intervened. The father of Iram had 
long been the declared enemy of Reynardam, 
Such-, however, were the revolutions in Bulian 
politics, that he was tu)W become his firm friend. 
Samot, who had hitherto agreed with the father 
of Iram, in a determined oppofition to the prin- 
ciples of Reynardam, could not be prcivailed 
upon to regard him as worthy of his attachment 
who fo well merited the oppofition he had met 
with. Tliis fo exafperated Oram's father, that he 
refufed to give the hand of his daughter to Sa- 

The ctiflrefs of the lovers may readily be con- 
ceived. Saaiot would have been unworthy 
of the heart of Iram, had he facrificed his 
' principles to his afTcftion. He would have 
facrificed any thing but principle? In proportion 
as Sefdra advanced in the conteft, and as Reynar- 
dam became more execrated, the (ather of Iram 

Digitized by 


THE NE^SPEC T a tor, &c. 

No. XII. 

was more cxafperatcd againft Samot, though he 
did not at all interfere in any thing relative to 
the conteft. 

It is a hard thing for a man of fortune in 
Bulla to efc^ipe the imputation of being a partizan. 
The friends of Rcynardara like himfelf, the out- 
cafts of fortune, conceiving that Samot was his 
enemy, took every ppportunity to infult him. 
Indeed many of the friends of Rcynardam de- 
pended much on his fuccefs. Thofe idle and 
diflipated young fellows, who had fquandcrcd 
their patrimony in the excefles for which Rcy- 
nardam had rendered himfelf famous, ©r rather 
infamous ; thofe defpicable tools of fa6Hon, who 
proftituted the little wit wherewith heaven, in 
in its anger, had curfed them, in vile endeavours 
to miflead the public opinion ; thofe abandoned 
women with whom thcfc men affociated, and 
who mutually ruined each other ; all thefe de- 
pended on the good fortune of Rcynardam, for 
fhture honours, and fome of them for future fub- 
liftence; and all theiewcrc, of courfe, the ene- 
mies of Samot. 

,Aca;nst fuch complicated vices, what virtue 
c^ ftand fecure? They not only leagncd 
^cnafclves againft the beft and grcateft of the 
Buliiin people, but fowed divifien in families, 
and fproad difcord throughout BuHa.. Such 
wretches live only in confufion, and, enemies to 
Ribordination, trample undcr-footall order and 
4ecency« It was well known that Scunot loved 
his king, revered the laws, and detefted fedition. 
Ho was, therefore, marked by the oppofite party 
a^ ap obje£l worthy .of their peculiftr malicei He 
wa% afTultod by fome of the dregs of the people, 
and his life endangered. Report proclaimed his 
death, and Ivam,. unprepared ;fbr iuch fatal in* 
telligence, fwooned away, and revived no more. 
Samot recovered of his wounds, and ere&ed a 
ftately maufoleum to the etcmah memory of Iram, 
and ^he everlaftii)^^ ciifgra(^ of the BMlian 

Has been at a dead ftand Cvact the diflblUtion eF 
Parliament TbeJadies have- been fe deeply en- 
gaged in the important bufinefs of canvaffing fbr 
members, that they have had no time t» attend to 
alterations of dref$« Half-boots^ the tod>le<aped 
gieat coat ^md b^lt, amdthe hat half-baUoon, half- 
Bridgman, with blue ribbons infcnbed Fox,, has 
been and, notwilhftaoding the warm weather, 
ftill continue the ele^Uoneering livery of the fa- 
SuQnabk fni^ q{ the metropolis. Sad com* 

plaints amongft the milliners and mftntua-iHakera 
who have already received their fpring dolls, 
dreffed at Paris, and cannot prevail on -the ladies 
to think of any thing but Fox bows. Fox muffs, 
Fox tails, Fox every thing ! 

Yours, in haC^e, 


To /Atf Niw Spectator. 
Mr. Spectator, 

I AM very much aftonifhed and cnragedl 
at that vile fellow John Bull, whom you cali 
your fagacious deputy, who has the impudence 
to abufe the mofl lovely creature in the univerfc^ 
Give me leave to tell you Mr. Spectator, 
that your predeceflbr never abufcd people as you 
do ; and had always a particular regard for the 
fair/ex. Follow his example, or dread the 
refentmcnt of 

Yours, &c» 


Kitty DawNRrcHX entertains the general 
opinion, that perfbnality is n& where to be found 
in thofe delightful ps^ess, the Spe£lator. It is 
true that at this di (lance of time the particular 
pcrfcms alluded to arc not known ; but it is far 
from being true^ that Mr. Sbscvator fi^as not^ 
now and then,, very perfonak 

lHt>EED there is much difference between the 
manners of thofe days and of thefe. The ladies 
were then undcF fome awe ©f public cenfure^ 
But the falhion is now to fet public opinion at 
defiance, and Mr. Addifon never had the mor- 
tiiication to fee the meretricious airs, and im- 
prudent follies »f women of quality defended,, 
patronifed, and applauded in ^e news papers of 
thofe da}'s^ 

Mr. Add I sow indeed always touches the 
fSiults of the ladies with a gentle hand. Enor- 
mity of offenee did not then dare to raHe its head*^ 
The difeafe was in its infancy, and required not 
thofe rough applications, which it now demands. 
To cenfiiw-thc purfuits of particular perfons is in 
itfelf difagreeable; but ibmettmes it is no 1^» 
ncccflary. To Q)arfc vice is to countenance it. 

If, therefore, Kitty Downright is an admirer 
of the Old SpeAator, flie muft eeafe to admire* 
thofe Ladies who render themfelves objeds of 
public reprehenfton ;. and T would recomnend it 
to her to follow the precepts contained in the 
Old Spe^tor, rather than the example of ihofc 
Ladies fhe fo much admires, and who have ren- 

Digitized by 


Ho. XU. 


tiered tjicmfclv«s liable to the cenlurc of my 
Tagacious Deputy John BulK 

For my own part, having little to do in the 
fafhionable world, 1 do not pretend to judge of 
the particular perfonages my laid Deputy may 
^ludc to* But of this I am confident, that John 
Bull is too honed to cenfure or to praife thofc 
ivho do not richly dcfervc rcprchenfion or com- 

To iht New Spectator. 
Mr, Spectator, 

It you arc not very fqueamifli, give me 
leave to tell you a ftory of a rape. As the ladies 
are particularly fond of hearing trials of that kind, 
I hope you will indulge me with relating a cir- 
cumftance that once occurred at Lincoln, on the 
trial of a man for that offence, before the late Sir 
Richard Afton. 

It happened that many ladies were prcfent 
to hear the trials, and particularly on the day the 
impudent fellow was to be brought up. Before 
he was put to the bar, the Judge very properly 
informed the ladies of tlic nature of the man*« 
offence, and advifed them to quit thccourt. Out 
of about forty, three departed, who, by the bye> 
were ftrongly fufpe6led to be old maids. The 
indiftmentwas then read, which fiated, that this 
man being poffeffed of a turnip Jitld^ he caught 
the woman in the faft of dealing his turnips, and 
in revenge, committed the rape. The indiftment 
beif^ read, the Judge again exhorted the ladies 
to depwt, and two mote Went, as diftreet wo- 
men as any in Lincoln. 

The woman was then called, and previous to . 
her examination, his lordfhip rcmpnftrated 
rather warmly with " the ladies on the fabjeft of 
their prefcnce. But not another could be pre- 
vailed upon to ftir. — ^The man was acquitted, 
with this admonition from the judge; " You 
** ought to be thankful that you have efcap^d 
** this time ; and that you may never involve 
** yourfelf in a fimilar (ituation, 1 advife you 
*« never to fow that field with turnips again, for 
*< if you do, you may depend upon it, that all 
*' the Ladies of Lincoln tuill come to fitidyour tur* 

« nips r 

I am, Sir, 

Yours, &c. 

An old Jury-man. 

I HOPE the London ladies will not arrogate 
to themfelves a fuperiority of delicacy over the 
ladies of Lincoln. The conveniencies at the 
latter place have rendered the hearing of trials a 
fafhionable amufement« 

To the New Spectator. 
Mr. Spectator, 

The following Oath is tratifmittcd to me 

by a gentleman, who fays it is neceflary to be 

adminiilered in order to qualify the young virgins^ 

widows^ and old maids of Great Britain, that de« 

fire to be well married, for their being prefentcd 

by their ft lends to thofe who may requeflthem in 


Yours, &c» 



1 DECLARE that I neVer take upaboVe tWO 
hours at "my toilet and looking-glafs ; nor, When 
I am dreflcd, review myfclf above feven times 
a day, and then I will not fpend above 
three minutes at a time. 

I iolemnly profits, I will never drink above 
one gallon of tea on a vifiting day, nor above a 
quart on any other day. I vow, that I think from 
my heart, that above a pint of coffee in four and 
twenty hours, is an excefs ; and that more than 
two difhes of chocolate is an unpardonable de-* 
hauch *, and we ought to drink thofe two but 
very feldom, for fear of heating our conflitutions, 
efpecially towards the opening of the fummer* 
It is a very great abufe, to pretend a fit of the 
hcad-ach above once a week, for the f^kc of a 
dram of ftrong waters ; and to complain of an 
illnefs in onc*s flomach any oftener, that one 
may have the benefit of fwallowing a tordial. 

1 vow arid protcft that it is a very ill cuflom 
to go abroad in a hackney coach 'oh m6mings> 
to make little purchafcs, as cheapening tea, buy* 
ing china, &c. with no body but one's felf^nd a 
maid, wrapped up in loofe gowns, without ftays ; 
that it is highly tending towards ill manners, and 
is, without a great crime, impra6licable by any 
one that hath ever been inflrufted in the rules 
of decency. 

Recreation I allow of, and applaud, except 
where it is not allowable and praife worthy. I 
forfwear all high play at cards ; and it is my judg- 
ment, that tlie woman is extremely to blame 
who ventures any fuch fum as that the lofs of it 
fhould create any uneafinefs in her ; or the win- 
ning of it give her too much pleafure. 

I protest and vow that thefe are my 
opinions, and that I will flriftly aft according 
to every article as I defire the favour and help 
of Hymen, and as I hope to be well mairied.- 

♦^* Many articles more are only to be known 
to thofc to whom the oath is oflFercd. 


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No. XII. 

7b ^A^ New Spectator. 

Mr- Spectator, 

Many people having cxprcfTcd their afto- 
nifhmcnt at the intimacy fubfifting between 
Squirt Morgan's Ncphcto and Maftcr Jfelty^ I beg 
you will inform thofe whom it may concern, that 
the faid Jelly during the minority of thefaid 
Squire, and on the particular emergency of a run 
of bad luck at play, lent him Five hundred 
pounds, more or lefs, as the lawyers fay ; and 
ever fince that time, the young gentleman, out 
of pure gratitude, and to encourage the attach- 
ment of fo ufeful a man, has (hewn Jelly fuch 
particular £ivour that he is called the High Priejt 


Yours^ &c. 


To other Correspokoents. 
I AM extremely obliged to R. B. who vnil perceive 
that I have already availed myfelf of hzsjriendjhip. 
It is with pleafure that I comply with his requejt, — 
A Father's advice to his Son, is received^ andjhall 
appear as Joon as convenient^^^I have not yet been 
favoured with the promifcd information from G. J. 
— The numerous writers on the conduSt of a certain 
Duchefsy cannot all be obliged; that their favours 
have been rejeSed by the morning papers is no won- 
der^ as it is a rule of conduEl with them to rejeH 
every thing in favour of decency ^ when they are paid 
to trumpet the charms of indecency. — The letter 
fgned the Seven Stars is fomewhat too fublme for 
wy comprehenfion. — ^A.B.C may be a very witty man^ 
but he has certainly no pretenftons whatever to common 
^^.— L.F. is received* 

London: Printed by T.Rickaby« No. 15, Duke's-Court, Bow-Street, Covent-Gardcn ; 

And Sold by T. AX TELL, No. 1, Finch-Lane, Comhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by 
W. SWIFT, BookfeUer, Charles-Street, St. JamesVSquarc ; by P. BRETT, BookfeUer and 
Stationer, oppofite St. Clement*s-Church in the Strand; by G. KEARSLEY, No. 46, Fleet-Street; 
and by W. THISELTON, BookfeUer and Staticmer, No. 37, Goodge-Stieet, Rathbone-Plac«. 

^^* Corrbspondbnts arc requefied to addrefs their favours to the New Sp£ctator5 »to be 
left at Mr. Swift's, in Charlcs-Street, St. James's-Square, where a Letter-Box is affixed 
for Adr reception* 

Digitized by 






No, xin. 

TUESDAY. April 27, 1784. 

Price Tbree-pence* 

To ^be continued every Tuesday. 

Laws grind the poor, and tich men* rule the lav. 


AN author to whom this country is much 
indebted, fpeaking^ of" the maxim, aiTcnted 
to by all good divines and philofophers, **That np 
** man whatever can do evil for evil's fake,** cx- 
pre(Ies his forrow that one of the greateft ob- 
je£Uons that can be made to this univeriel prob- 
lem, fhould lie at the door of my countrymen ; 
and I cannot but join him in thiscenfure againd 
themT* but I truft the new parliament will 
make it an early bufinefs to take off the fHgma* 

What I am now fpeaking of, relates to the in- 
folvcnt debtors with whom o»:r gaols are crowded* 
The ungenerous world is come to that pafs, that 
the flrong will not (land by the iniinn; the 
rich will not help the needy ; the fine-drefled 
gentlemen overlook, and are aihamed of the 
ragged, and will not cloath the naked*, peribns wal- 
lowing riotoufly in luxury, voluptuoufhefsi and 
all forts of unwarrantable pleafures, will not give 
meat to the hungry, nor fpare time to cafl down 
one glance of pity on honed neceflity and inno- 
cent want. I fhould think myiplf inexcufablc^ 
living in a chridian age, and in a country wholb 
purity of do£^rine in religion teaches it to be 
the mod zealous in points of charit)% were I to 
omit reprimanding thofe who by u general de- 
fe£Uon from the laws, both of god and man, 
by an univerfal degeneracy both in grace and 
humanity, deny food to the hungry, drink to the 
thirdy, cloaths to the naked, a vifit to the (ick^ 

and the imprifoned, and comfort to the com* 
fordefs of heart ; efpccially fince thefe are th« 
corporal works of mercy, by the meafure of 
which mankind is to be finally judged, to bc^ 
eternally faved or condemned. 

To a man living in all temporal bleflingSi in-> 
dulging himfelf in the affluence and pomp of 
wealth, and triumphing, as it were, over for- 
tune, with infinite gladncfs, fober and ferious 
refle£Uons of this nature, may perhaps feem a 
little prepoderous ; but I mud beg leave to tell 
him this unwelcome truth, that fuch an un-^ 
chridian and even inhuman jonfidcration of the 
infelicities of his fellow- creatures, which he only 
owes to providence that he never felt, proceeds 
from a giddinefs of thought, caufedbyundigeded 
meals, the fumes of wine, and fhameful luxury* 

Such a man mui^ be made to know, that many 
of thofe wretches who are now in prifbn, wero 
not always fo ; that many who now w^ukL bo 
thankful for a cup of cold water, have been 
able to drink wine as well as he ; that many who 
now rejoice and leap at the produd of common 
charity, could once afford to keep as plenti^ 
a table as he ;. that many who are now glad of a 
patched and party-coloured garment lo cover theif 
nakedncds, have formerly made great appearances, 
and fhone in far different apparel ; that many 
who now lie upon draw, or perhaps drctched on 
the cold ground, have enjoyed as many golden 


Digitized by 



No. XIII. 

ilumbers, and funk as deeply In downy^ beds as 
he ; that many who are now kept within the 
compafs of four bare walls, have rattled through 
the ftreets in carriages, as magnificent as himfelf. 

Hz is, in the next place, to be informed, that 
they had then as good (ecurity to remain in 
that fplendour as he has now ; that the fault of 
their breaking was in neceflity, and not in their 
will ; particular inflances he will adduce to the 
contrary; but, comparatively, few, very few 
indeed. He is then to be told, that one out of 
a thoufand unprovided mifchances, out of a 
million unforefeen accidi^nts, may, in one fatal 
day, reduce him to the like variety of wretched- 
nefs. And therefore, all that I befeech and 
implore of any luch man, is, to fpare from his 
pleafures one virtuous look into his own bofom, 
lo make the cafe his own, and then, after aiking 
himfelf the quefUon, what a tcndemeis of be- 
haviour he would imagine due from his fellow- 
creatures? let him be guided' in his condu£l by 
the anfwer his reafon would give him. 

(iow different Is this honed fpirit, from the 
fpirit of a cruel creditor ! How is ht by himfelf 
deprived even of the nature of man, when he 
fpeaks real vexigeance for crimes purely imaginar)% 
and framed by his own wild and outrageous 
fancy, upon the head of an innocent and well- 
meaning debtor, wliom unavoidable casualty, has 
made infolvent, az^d rendered the caufelefs objcfl 
of his wrath ! 

Isr order to have a clear idea of this matter^ 
let us imagine we now fee what, in fuch a tra- 
ding and populous city, we may every day behold 
if we will be at a little trpublc ifor the obfer- 
vation: let us, I fay, place before us fomc 
honeft, generous and wealthy merchant, with a 
large, good, and hippy family round him, high 
in the eftcem of all his neighbours, and of thofe 
that he deals with ; to whom the news is jud ar- 
rived of all his ihips being lofl ; one furprifed in 
a fudden tempe(l| and fnatchcd away from him 
in a whirlwind ; a fecond dafhed to pieces againfl 
<< merchant-marring rocks ;" a thitd (laved and 
funk byVater-fpouts burlling from a cloud; and 
the laft drowned and fwallowed up within fight 
of his own (horeyby bulging fatally on a land. Let 
us behold the good honefl man fupporting him- 
felf under this load of calamity, by the props of 
a heavenly reiignation, (lopping the heart-breaks 
diat gape to let out life, and would make a (hip* 
wreck of his perfon too, when the tean of a 
dearly bdoved wife, and the cries of the jdedges 
of their loveS| who, by being their children, are 
grown the orphans of good foxtune, fwdl up the 
ocean of his miferyi and diftraCt the tide of hope. 

^ Let us behold him (lemming a fca of troubles, 
(Irugling aiKi graplitig in a hurricane of fate, 
fweating and toiling beneath a weary life, and 
juft finking under the burden of heavy debts, 
which it is impolTible for him to difchargCj other- 
wife than by a pious rcfolution to do it as fooa 
as he is able, and to make himfelf able as £ir as 
his (ItDngeft endeavours would let him. Let us 
behold him weathering through (he ftorm for a 
time, with tlic chcarfulnefs of a good confcicnce, 
and never fighing at his own misfortunes but 
when he fighs that they were the cruel caufes of 
thofe difappointments, with which he is not wil- 
ling, but is forced to difotlige his creditors. And 
(hall we not, after placing all this fccne of una- 
voidable woe before our eyes, be melted into 
compaiTion for fuch a man ? And (hall we not, 
with uncommon wr4th and indignation, rife up 
againft any barbarous purfc-proud creditor, that 
breaks in roughly upon his prayers and tears, to 
infult his wants, and mock and aggravate his for- 
rows ; that interrupts his honctt labours and in- 
tentions to pay his debts, on purpofc to make 
him an cvcrlafting debtor ? It«s becaufe thclc 
creditors have the world on their fide, and ^he 
fpecious colour of infamous laws to juftify their 
caufc. Shall they not be told that the extremity 
erf" rigour in the law is frequently the extremity* 
of injuflice ? And that it as often happens that 
whal"Is"nationally legal is not oply not religiofcHy 
lawful, but, on the contrary, ccnfcicntioufly ex- 
amined, veiy crimiaul ? 

In" this view, and it too oAcn happens to be a 
true one, the debtor is an innocent fuffcrer, but 
loaded with reproach that claims all the aid and 
afli (lance we can bring him; and tlie creditor is 
by (b mudi more Imrbarous a villaiti, becaufe, 
veftcd with the authority of the law, he makes 
his power his will, without ariy confidcration or 
mercy for his fellow-treature, and out of a lufk 
of rage, profecutes. with prcpcnfe malice, a man 
for being innocently and unfoitunately guilty, 
not of a voluntar}', but of a necclfary crime 
againft him. 

In this cafe not the debtor, but the creditor is 
the unjuft man ; and if ever it lies htmedly in 
their way to do it, all men are obliged to mo- 
derate the fe verity of the law, when it is fo 
flagrantly inconliftent with humanit)'. I mufl 
own, for my part, 1 would flep in between fuch 
a ruined debtor, and fuch an enraged creditor, 
as foon as if I beheld a man falling from a win- 
dow, breaking his own limbs, and only joftling 
another in his fall ; I would defend him as he 
lay on the ground, from the rafhnefs of a perfon 
who would be only like the creditor, if he went 


Dijgitized by 


>io. xm. 


to flabrhim as he 'lay hel|i3d« pa ^ cuihy ibr 
giving him ah afiio&t wkich was only caufod by 
the fame accident that made the poor ci^ature 
break his limbs, and put him in danger of his 
life, without the additional calamity of being 
inhumanly butchered^ 

Th£ parallel is jufl, an4 the cafe I h^ve fitted 
is the cafe of mod of thofe debtors who are really 
infolvcnt. With lefpcft to thofc who are not 
really infolvent, fome further conliderations 
will be neceflary, when I Ihall refume this 

It will, perhaps, be remarked that the ftor- 
txcular inlbnce I have adduced of a merchant 
rcduQsd to diftrefs, is the cafe of a very few of 
the infolvent debtors in this kingdom; and per- 
haps the remaric may be juft. But I have no 
doubt that the cafes pf atUaft two thirds of the 
poor wretches that now linger in prifops, if truly 
ftated, would prove them to be as niuch more 
honefl as they are lefe fortunate than thofe who 
fent them there. And nothing can juftiTy a 
creditor depriving an honeft debtor of his 

The attaining the age of twenty one years by a 
Prince of Wales has generally been celebrated by 
the liberation of all prifoners for debt, by an aft 
of the le^iflature ; and it is no wonder if, pre^- 
vious t9 a period fo wel} known, many ffeouj^ 
volunUrily become prifoners, with an intent to 
defraud their creditors. Such men doubtlefs 
liefcrvc an ajd^fft perpei^al oontimiancc of th«t 
puniOuDirat, which Ifeey have foliated ; and if 
they eouM be iodenti&id flK)u]d be pncUidedall 
^W^t amfwig frpm thpt aS by which the honeft 
iniglyent would rcgwn bis frtcdom. 

Many objeftions arlfe againft afts of this na- 
eure which, however, may'ljc eafily. obviated by 
particular claufes to prevent fraud and collufion. 
If inflcad of the debt being entirely doije away, 
the debtor was reftored to liberty, on condition 
of repayment, according to his ability ^ in a given 
time, five years for inftance, I have no doubt 
but that every debtot would gladly fign an in- 
ftiumefit to tliat purpofe, a^d that creditors 
wouUat length be repaid iHofe demands which, 
-under tdrtrtnow circumdancts, miHiy have Kttfe 
tifafoh to «»cpeft. Itruft fomefiich riiodewill 
h^ adapted ; that oar prilbn^ will be clea^*sd of 
^heir pr«fe(^t inhaJ>itanfe j aud that f*>c cotfititmity 
will reap bene^t from the lafeouraof lh<>fcM'ho 
are nof^ deprived- of their liberty and ^eins of 
fubfiftencc, by the opcratipi> of ridicoloos taws, 
and the catprice pf uoftding crtdhors. 

. To th£ W«w SrftCTAvoi* 

Mr. Spectator^ 

As you feem (IcHrPH? yf yrfiff xyiqg in 
your valuable mifcellany, thofe poetical pieces of 
former days, which ane no|i gencraHy known^ 
and yet are highly worthy pf roncmbrancc ; and 
as I think the following ^m comes under that 
defcription, I hope to fee it in the New Spec- 


YourSj &c. 



A Father's Instructions tohis Son, 
Written iiUmt iht Year t6^^ 

Dee p in a grove by cyprefs fliade^, 
Where mid^day fi^nhad fcldom (ho^e, 

Or noifc the folemn iccnc invaded, 
Save fome affliacd mufe*i ijipsu? : 

A fwain, t'wards fulUag'd manhood wendmg, 

Sat forrowing, at the dofc of day, 
By whofe fond fide a boy attending, 

LifpM half his father's cares away. 

The fadier's eyes no objcft Vicflcd, 

But on the fmiliog pratlei: hoog ; 
Till, what his throbbing htm fiisge^, 

Thefe accents trembled from his tongue. 

« My youth's firft.hopo •' my ttm^^U*^ im^m^ . 

* My prading innoc^ att|!nd i 

* Nor fear rebuke, mr. f^Wrd^pMbfet 

* A father's loveliefi name is friend. 

* , . 

* Some truths, from lpn| c^pc^rie^ce flgy/ijuf^ 

* Worth more than royaJl^nts, receive i 

* For truths arc gifts of heaven's bjeftowji^ 

* Which kings have feldom power to give. 

' Since, from an ancient race dcfcendod,- . 

* You boaft an unattainicd blopd, 

* By your's be their fair fenie defe^^de^l, 

* And claim by birth-right to be good. 

* In lovg of (eyc7 fjcllow crcam;e, 

* Superior rife above the crou4 : 

* What mod ennoble* human namrc^ 

* Was ne'er the portion of the proud. 

* Be thine the generous heart that l)6i7ow« 

* From odier's joys, a fti^ndly glow.; 

* And for each hapjefs neighbour's forrows, 

* Throbs with a fympathetlc woe. 

* This is the temper ntqll endearing, 

* Though wid6 projud jpomp her banner (preads ; 

* An heavenlier power, good nature bearing, 

« Each heart in willing thralidom leads. 

* Tafle not of Fame's uncertain foi^tain, 

* The peace-deftroying dreams that flow ; • • -' ' 

* Nor from Amhition^s dangerous mountain "'*•" ' - 

* Look down up©n tU world below. ^' '^'* ' ' 


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Ko. XIII. 

The priacely pine •& hills exalted, 

* Whofc lofty branches cleave the fky, 
By winds long brav'd, at lall aflaulted, 

* Is headlong hurl'd in daft to lie. 

While the mild rofei more fafely growing, 

* Low iu its unafpiring vale, 
Amidft retiremem*s ihclter blowing, 

* Exchanges fweets with e\'ery gale. 

Envy not beauty *\ darling features, 
« Moulded by nature's fondling power i 
For faireft forms 'mongft human creatures, 

* Shine but the pagcanu of an hour. 

I (aw, the pride of all the meadow, 

' At noon, a gay narciflus blow 

Upon a river's bank, wbofe fliadow 

* Bloom'd in the iilvcr waves below. 

By noon-tide heat its youth was wafted : 

* The waters, as they pafs'd, complain'd ; 
At eve its glory all was blafted, 

* And not one former tint remained. 

Nor let vain wit's deceitful glory, 
' Lead you from wifdom's path aftray: 
What genius lives renown'd in ftory, 

* To happineis who found the way ? 

In yonder mead behold that vapour, 

* Whofe vivid beams illulive play ; 
Far off it feems a friendly taper, 

* To guide the traveller on his way. 

But Ihould fome haplefs wretch purfuing, « 

* Tread where the faithlefs meteors glow, 
He'd find too late, his raftmcfs ruing, 

* Hiat fatal quickfands lurk below. 

In life, fttch bubbles nought admiring, 

* Gilt with fidfe light, and fiU'd %(rith air, 
Do you from pageant crouds retiring, 

* To peace in virtue's cot repair. 

There fcek the never-wafted treafure 
« Which mutual Idve and fricndftiip give ; • 
Domeftic comfort, fpotlefs plcafure, 

* And blefs'd and blefCng you fliall live f 

If heaven with children crown your dwelling, 

* As mine iu bounty does with you; 
In fondneii fatherly excelling, 

« The example you have felt purfuc !" 

He paus'd, for tenderly careflbg 
The darling of his wounded heart, 

Looks had means only of exprefling 
Thoughts language nqVer could impart ! 

Now m^ her fabje mantle fpreading, 
Had lobed with black the horizon round i 

And dank dew from her treflcs fticdding, 
With genial moifture bath'd the ground: 

When bade to city follies flying, 
'Midft cuftom'a ibves he liv'd refign'd ; 

His face, array'd in fmiles, denying 
The true complexion of his mind. 

For ferioufly around furvcying 

Each chara£ler in youth and age ; 
Of fools betray'd, and knaves betraying. 

That play'd upon this human flage : 

Peaceful himfclf, and undeGgning, 
He loth'd the fcenes of guilt and flrife ; 

And felt each fee ret wifli inclining 
To leave this fretful farce of life ! 

Yet to whate'er above was fated, i 

Obediently he bow'd his foul ; 
For what all bounteous heaven created. 

He thought leaven only fhould cootroul I 


To his friend, the New SfECTATOR, 
Greeting : 

WuEEEAS, in obedience to your Spectator- 
skip's commands, I have, for the lafl ten days, 
made it my bufincTs to attend mofl places of 
public refort in this metropolis, and, have been 
enabled to draw no other condufion than one, 
made feme centuries ago by a famous writer of 
thofc days : that there is nothing new under the 
fun. I«am glad, however, to find that amongft 
the mod fafhionable pafliines, are to be n*ckoned 

Theatrical Amusements, 
which, as the flage is now tolerably chaile, and 
as tragedy has, in fome mcafure, regained her 
empire, may tend to improve, rather than to 
injure the morals of the people. It, therefore, 
gives me no fmall pleafure, at a wclUplaycd 
tragedy, on calling my eyes round the theatre, to 
obfcrve thofe of others bedecked with the fympa- 
thetic pearls which indicate hearts feeling for 
the diflreffes of others. And my feelings, in 
this refped, were amply gratified on Saturday 
evening, at Drury-lanc Theatre, when the tra- 
gedy of 

. TaNCRED atld SlGliMViiDA 

was performed, for the benefit of Mrs. Siddons, 

in which that lady played Sigifmunda, and Mr. 

Kemble Tancred, with fuch happinefs of expref- 

fion, as to leave few, if any» dry eyes in the 

houfe* It was well, indeed, that the flrength of 

the piece refUd on thofe two chara&ers, for the 

others were but indifferently fupported,— The 

play is well got up ; and Mr. Kemble and Mrs. 

Siddons are the only performers in London who 

can do juftice to Tancred and Sigifmunda, 


Digitized by 


No. XllL 


The politics of the times interfere with all 
our amufcmcnts# When Tancred declares, 

Yes, I will be a king, but not a flave ! 

In this will be a king I in this my people 

Shall learn to judge how I will guard their rights. 

When they behold me vindicat* my owK ! 

the houfe clapped him three times : and when, 
prefcntly afterwards, he (ays 

There is, 
Can be no public, without privatf. virtue, 

the hearts and hands of the audience confirmed 
the jufUce of the fentiment. 

Cove NT-Car DSN Theatre, fmce my laft, 
has produced nothing material. 

Squ I Ri Morgan's Nephew. 

I have for fbme time pad had by me a few 
leaves of this young gentlemen's private memo- 
randum book, for the year 1783 ; and, in order 
to give you fome idea of his notions and manner 
of pafBng his time, the following is an extrad 
of one week.* 

Su N day.— Went to church. There is fome- 
thing more than prieflcraft in religion. The 
lovely R. always told there was not, an<^(he has . 
fenfe. — Mem. not to trouble myfclf about the 
matter. — Dined with the family ; all chearful.— . 
Going to town, detained at Kew by a pair of 
bright eyes. Proves to be a Windfor milliner. 
A good deal of the ftarch of virtue about her. 

Patience. — Accompany G. to M's-^Both drunk 

Return home at twelve. 

Monday.— A pathetic lefture from Mater. 

Sorry to difoUige her, but what is life without 
wqmen and wme? — Letter from R. — Curfcd 
fick of her.-«»Money, moficy, money. — Why 
don't you fhe get tnto keeping with • ♦ ♦ • > 
Threatens to Ihcw my letters. Not fo bad as irfy 
uncle's neither. — Send her 50I. and have done 
with her.— Try on a hunting frock .-*-Look well 
in boots and leather-breachcs.~-Order fix frocks 
of the fame fort and colour,— Write to Charles 
about I* argent, ^^X^inc with uncle and aunt.-* 
Uncle not a good judge of women. — His claret 
good. — Drunk.^ — ^Who can help it? — Go pri- 
vately to the play. — Bcft company in the two 
(hilling gallery. — See a girl to Water-lane — So- 
ber. — Sup. — Drunk. — Go to bed. 

Tuesday. — Head-ach. — Determined never to 
be intoxicated again. — Drink ftrongtea. — Better. 
— Read a page of Voltaire's Caw^tWf.— Dcfcription 
of the fummcr-houfe lined with mirrors, de- 
lightful.— Mem. To have one myfelf when I 
have a garden of my own ; but the fofa to be 
light blue fattin— Ridc.--Mect R,*-Welldrefred; 

looks like, Diana, but nothing n^uoe/^.— Shake 
hands, and give her a loU note.— Very badly 
fparc it.^-Retum.—Drefs— Charles dines with 
me.-— Can get no cafh.— -Confult about wayt and 
means.— -Charles a rake half reformed, and an 
honeft fellow. — Play billiards. — Lofe 700I.— 
His inftrudions worth half the money, and his 
company the other half.— M. and L. come.— 
Drink deep.— New knee buckles come ; exqui* 
fite ufte— Thefc make my bill 875I.— Order 
two pair more to give away. — ^Tea.— Bui^ndy. 
— Claret^Mixing liquors the devil* — L. fmga 
and throws M. and J aflcep.-^Sup.— Scotch 
ale.— -Drunk. — Go to bed. 

Wednesday.— Ride out early.— Breakfaft.— 
No head-ach.-«Skim the papers ; d — d impudent; 
abufe poor R .about her poverty ; muft do fomething 
to fet her llraight.— Order drcfs.— Letter 
from Mrs. C. offering her fervices*— Stick to the 
little milliner.— Ride with Pater.— See a diftreiT- 
ed family ; Pater gives them all his ready money* 
Give a guinea myfelf.— Mem.* Generally cofts 
me fomething when I go with him« — Return.— 
Drefs.— Hair looks vilely.— Dine whh Matcr.-« 
Talk of the poor family.-YTears in her eyes. — ; 
Sends them ten guineas.*-Mem. Mater the heft 
woman living.— Sifter plays a leiTon, Bach% on 
the harpfichord.— Plays well five minutes, and 
then carelefsly.— A private ball to morrow even- 
ing.— Mem. To keep fober.—Co^^e.— Sifter read* 
La Fontaine very well.— Gives me a pair of work- 
ed ruffles.— Vifit M.-nHis wife handfomc. — Sup 
there.— Drink too much.— Go to bed. 

Thursday.— Break&ft.— Read an Epiftlc 
from Florizd to Perdita, Not genuine.— Mufic 
mafter. Pradifc on the Violincella. Certainly 
improved. — Ride. — Drels. — Dine.— Play billiards 
with L.— Tea.— Drefs for the ball. — Dance with 
M. She dances very well.- Pleafant evening's 
amufemcnt. — Accompany M. home ♦♦♦♦♦•♦•♦ 
Go to bed. 

Friday.— Card from D. for tea and cards.— 
Not fo handfome as her fifter ; too mafculine ; 
unmeaning face ; mouth always open.— Will at- 
tend.— Breakfaft, and read the pamphlet Charles 
fent me. Don't underftand it. — Ride.— Meet 
Charles ; go to a billiard-table ; win 70L — Drefs 
and dine.- Dally an hour with little E.--rVifit D. 
A room full of ladies. — Aunt the handfomeft 
amongft them. — Lofe 19 guineas at quadrille.— 
Tea and chatter.— L. M. and C. come in and join 
us at cards.— Lofe 36 guineas.— Determined to 
be revenged on the lovely M. Think no woman 
can withftand me.^ — Sup.<— Take formal leave of 
the company, and go to moth^ •♦••• ^ith 
Charles.7-«>Drunk.«->G9 to bed. 


Digitized by 



No. xm. 

SATTTRfrAV.— iHiifit. Very good fporf.— Buy at 
fi*fh htintcr.-=-Oivcor*toGhax46s^ who returns, 
ft, having rta rfabk ^ keep it. Would keep it 
tor him, trot ?2Me vronld fee angr\'. — Mem. 
Rler don't not like Charles. — Drefe. — Dit»e. — 
Go to tTie opcta ; Pacchierotti inimftable ; Thio- 
dote a flying dcvil.^-Mem. To ^n<juirc afte/- t)Kl 
liguranirf that nodded to L. irt the pit, and to 
have her as cheap a« pofliblc.— Sup.— Half Teas 

Strcrt, Wend Stec, are the memorandums of 
fliis yOung' gentleman; by which you will per- 
ceive that he was, at that time, . fomething too 
much addi£^ed to Bacchus ; but i am told, thai 
lie has, in a great ^mcafure, renounced the jolly 
god ; in which cafe^ I have ho doubt but that he 
will become a valuable member of fociety. 

You win perceive that his ertgagcments are of 
fudh i kind, and with fuch people, that they 
pWcllude aU poflibilrty of mental improvement, 
(inkfe he had virtue enough to renounce his 
fcottle companions, as well as Bacchus himfclf. 
But he is perpetually told that it is time enough 
foV him to thiffk of grave affairs ; and it is a kind 
of fiftiioti for young *ien to pafs their early years 
in ftich *a ftiarmtr as to provide fufEcicnl matter of 
ffcpcArancd for many years to comfc.«*-.Thts 
^eritlfcmsm's difpofition is naturally good, afid 
He has nothing to dread but the bane of Falftaffej 
^ villainous company!" 

fi U L 1 A. 

We' had been repeatedly informed that in no 
place more than in Bulia, waS the influence of 
example more difcemibW. And, rel^cftihg in- 
famous example, we found it lb. The King and 
Queen o^ Hiatirb werfe the xhoft amiable of the 
BuHans in thdr public and private conduft, and 
the example of royalty ufually extends through 
fhe fubjcfl realms. But heie it failed. It re- 
quires fome viirtuc to follow virtuous example, 
an(^thc Bulians were too deeply emerged in gtok 
purfoits tb let Virtue ^n«-aliy predominate over 
vice. Tfe King and Quetn, therefore, flood 
klohe. The Court was apparently adorned with 
paicfe, 6ut, sdas! they wete the external graces 
bf ]ftolluted triitlds ; the mere fimblancc of good- 

SkLXfC^, the iMell Ton bf the king, vain, gid- 
liy, knd bftentaiioufly ^Ifable, had fet an example 
T6 the rifitig nobilfty v^fy difiwent from that of 
hii parehb. He was courted by youth and age, 
and flattimd, becaufe his ideas were fhnilar to 
fti&k of flie ivdians— who centred all good in 
l^rSfentenjoymerft; who renounced ah religion 
as afn idle ceremony ; and Who willingly Tacri- 
ficed every thing to "paffion and intereft 

I Alas MED at tlie rapid axid iocreafing pfogttfs 
which xnatmcrs fubverfive of all human felicity 
was making through the land, and trembling for 
the honor and the future happinefs of her fon ; 
the Queen called him before her, and, with that 
grace and complacency by which female wifdom 
is ever didinguiflied, addrefled him as follows : 

"If thou art influenced by any conflderation 
" for thine own honour and happinefs ; by any 
" regard for my peace, the affeftion of the king, 
" or the refpeft of the people ; attend, O Se- 
** law, and do not defpife the admoiiitions of 
" maternal love. 

*•' With an aching heart have I beheld thy 
« piirfuits, and marked thy connexiohs with deep 
" diftrefs. It becomes not thee, my fon, like 
« bafe-bom fouls, to emerge into diflipation, and 
« waftc thy precious time in folly. The mind of 
«« Selawfliould be a£luated by noble views. Thy 
« public and thy private conduft (hould be the 
«* rcvcrfe of that by which the minions of thcfe 
« days are diftinguifhed. Believe me, Selaw, 
" thy aflbciates are fuch that « 'tis a vice to 
" know them.* Guard thine own heart, and be- 
" lievc^not the tongue of flattery, left it leadllieq 
<« to deftruftion. Let not the lovely propcnfity 
" of thy foul to oblige univcrfally, tempt thee to 
*« facrifice to others the conduft of thy own life, 
« for that will lead thee to difgrace. Neither 
" be perfuaded that thofe aftions can b<?pardon- 
^ able in thee, which bring diflionour on others. 
""Elevation of dignity aggravates crimes. 

" Let a determined refolution to difcounte^ 
" nance vice, in all her forms, mark thy ^nc» 
« ral condua. Tl^y pleafores refulting then 
" from virtuous pu^fuits, (hall acquire fttbi lily J 
•* and thou (halt foon diff enf the vaft difference 
«<fc between the tranfient fluflics of diflipated met* 
" riment, and the incxtinguiihable glow of -mo- 
« ral happinefe. To renounce pleafure is dif- 
" Ecult to an ignoble mind ; but, O my Selaw, 
" let Bulia fee rfiat thy mind, like thy ftataon, 
" is elevated. ' Whilfl: I with tears, Bulia with 
" indignation, views thee the %ort of every gale 
" of paflion ; unfleady in thy pitrpofes ; quit- 
« ting good for evil, and, like folly, purfuingthc 
" phantoms of dqlufion. Turn, nobly turn; 
« free thyfelf from public fcom, and me from 
« public pity. 

" It becomes not me to interfere FeQ>elting thy 
<* political condu^ Ridicule always, andfome- 
" times infamy attends the female politician. 
« The ckib of Hercules ill hecomes d;»e hatMl of 
<< Diana. In thift, a^ as becomes a man and« 
•< prince. lUmember that thy father's intfereR ii 

" thy 

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« thy own ; and that his enemies can never be, 
« thy friends. For even thy father, virtuous as 
«« he is, has his enemies: but, believe me, Selaw* 
** they are the enemies of virtUc as well as of 
*< Rcxman. Let their crimes receive no coun- 
«* tenancc from thee, and the truly good will love 
** tfiee. Involve not thyfclf in the mazes of 
•* political controvcrfy. If becomes not a prince 
** to be a pedagogue in politics. Aft nobly, and 
«< the Bulians will defend both thee and thine. 
«* They are not more tenacious of their own li- 
<^ bcrties than zealous for the rights of their kings* 
" Aft as becomes thyfclf, my Sclaw, and they 
« will love thee ; cherifti that love, and they will 
« die tofervethee. 

« Lbt me conjure thee to renounce fuch of 
" thy connexions as are calculated tddifgrace 
" thee : men addifted to drunkennefs, and wo- 
<< men to lafcivioufnefs. Indulge not in excefs 
** of wine, and forbear the wanton touch of har- 
« lots. Let thy pleafures have a nobler fource ; 
" let them not taint the purity of thy mind, nor 
*' the honour of thy family. 

^« Above all thin§[s, be punftual in the per- 
«* formance of ihy religious duties. I am forry 
<< to remark that a vifible decline in this refpeft 
** has takcQ place amongft all ranks of people in 
'< Bulla. Let not thy example increafe the gene- 
" ral depravity. On the contrary, ufe thy utmoft 
^ endeavours to recover to religion its due influ- 
'* ence. The people will be wretched in pro- 
«' portion as they are irreligious, and thou wilt 
'' be unhappy in proportion as they arc wretch- 
" ed. Reficft then, how much depends on thy 
<< religion ; thy own mod elTcntial felicity ; the 
<^ happinefs of thoufands, ambitious oJF following 
" thy example ; the fafet)', in a great meafure of 
*• thtf ftatc ; for what ftate^can long fubllft with- 
'^ out • religion? and the honour of thy God. 
*^ Beware of ihofe doftnnes which would teach 
** thee to regard religion as a fyllem of pried- 
'< craft, or an engine of government to keep the 
^* multitude in awe. Kings and princes are fub- 
<( jeft to its ordinations and decrees ; and how 
•• much fo6ver they may difregard, them here, 
'* doubt not, my fon, they, as well as the mean- 
" eft, (hall be judged by them hereafter. 

*• Look on me, my deared Selaw, no^asthy 
'< mother only, but as thy friend. My happinels 
'« is wound up in thine. I love thee with more 
«< than maternal fondnefs ; and I trufl the decline 
** of my days will be gilded by the funlhine of 
<< thy glory. Dedicate the remainder of this day 
*« to domeftic felicity and me. Cojnc ; thy fifter* 
wait for thee. We fhall have a private concert 

'< of fuch mufic as is calculated to footh the 
^ troubled mind to red, and the fmilcs of Selaw 
" ftiall make his mother happy." 

• From this fpeech, friend Spec, you Qiay form 
(bme judgment of the Bulian queen. I did in- 
tend to draw her charafter ; but (he is (b faultlefs, 
tliat it would fecm rather a dring of panegyric. 
I wi(h your fair readers may adopt her fenti- 
ments ; and that every Engli(h youth may derive 
advantage from the moral indruftions of the Bu" 
Han queen ! 

Ranblach. . * 

Tux proprietors bf this Summer-fcene of 
gaiety, have very fooli(hly opened it for the 
reception of company at this cariy period, when 
the weather forbids all approach to futnmer 
amufements, and the evenings of the ladles are 
dedicated to the more imporunt bufmcfs of 
canvafling. I have not yet obferved it frequented 
by above three-fcorc people, who, fauntcring 
about, fcem to a(k each other, «^ what are we 
come here for ?" Even Ac ladies of eafy virtue^ 
that is, of no virtue at all, apprehenlive of being 
money out of pocket, wifely day at home. 

Of the mufical entertainment it would be un- 
fair to fay any thing, as I doubt not but the 
proprietors mean to increafe its excellence, as the 
fcafon advances; and in order to reindatc 
Ranelagh in the line it formerly held amongd 
places of public amufement, it would not be 
amifs to engage Madame Mara, fubfequent to the 
clo(ing of the Pantheon. Her demand would 
doubtlefs be enormous, but, I think, the profits 
arifing to the proprietors would be proportiona- 
ble. Andit(houldt>c retnarked'thatas Renelagh 
is perpetually the fame, and as the people of 
thcfc realms delight in nothing fo much as novelty, 
the proprietors dibuld guard againd a famenefs of 
entertainment, as the only way to fecure the 
future yifiu of thofe who have fo often vifited 
this elegant place of elegant amufcmen(, 

WfiflTMiNSTsa Election." 
I I NT E N o, on the clofe of this violent con ted, 
to infcrt the charafters I have received from 
different correfpondCnts, of certain members of 
law, phyfic, and divinity, who have rendered 
themfelves marvelloufly confpicuouson this im- 
portant occafion ; for you mud know, that in- 
fimyofconduft in the bufmefsof elcftionecring 
is not confined to the ladies. Several gentdmcn 
have exerted themfelves in a manner highly be- 
coming their charafUrs^ and have added frc(h 
laurels to thofe wreaths of fame with which they 
have for iome time been decorated. 


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THE N. E W S P E C T A T O R, &c. 

No. XIII. 

. . £ X H I B X T I O K. 

The annual exhibition of paintings, &c« of 
the Royal Academy, was opened ycftcrday. 
In the morning papers you will, for fomc time 
to cdmep be entertained with the remarks of men 
who by an a(fe£led ufe of technical terms, en- 
deavour to perfuade the Town that tlicy are ici- 
entific critics ; taking efpecial care to fleer clear 
of cenfure on great names, left tlicir judgment 
Ihould be called in queftion. 

Op Painting I knew nothing fcientifically; I 
judge from my feelings, and as I am not perfo- 
pally acquainted with any of the mighty mafters 
of the pencil, names cannot influence my judg- 
ment. I^ therefore, as I fufpeft, my fentiments 
ihould differ widely from tho(e of other people^ 
you muft lecoUeft that I am no. adept in the 
fcience, and that the honeft effoTions of John 
Bull are never likely to coincide with thofe of 
incorrigible prejudice or fupercilious afiedation. 
In my next I will commence thisbufineb. 

C A R.D. 

The New Stectator prefents compliments 
to CurioJUatibuSy Secretary to the Curious Club^ and 
takes the liberty of informing him, that unlefs 
the faid club think fit to comply with the con- 
ditions neccflar)' to be obfcrvcd for the gratifica- 
tion of their curiofity in the inftance alluded to, 
they are likely to retaiR their curiofity, and theix 
club the propijety of its appellation. 

Tq other Corres pondents. 

The tranjlation of the French Stanzas from Af. 
Cuinci D*Orbeily by C. V. Efq. in my next, — 77*^ 
Bevy of Originals, No. VI. alfo in my next. — Ig- 
noratus is in remembrance. — Both the letters of G.J. 
zoere received at the fame time. She will hear from me 
in a dcy or tioo.^^The Bullies of Covent Garden, 
a poem in Hudibrajlic verje^ is under conjideration.-^ 
A Vindication of the Piccadilly Patrole, is a grofs 
reJleBion on a once amiable Duchefs^' and is toojevere 
a^en for a JaUen JpiriL^^The Bevy of Blockheads 
is received^ 

L^ndok: Pdnted by T. Ric&abt, No. 15, Duke's-Court^ Bow-Stxcet^ Covent-Garden ; 

And Sold by T. AX TELL, No. x» Fiach-Lane, Comhill, and at the Royal Exchange ; by 
W. SWIFT, Bookfellcr, Charles-Sttt«t, St. James VSquarc ; by P. BRETT, Bookfellcr and 
Sutioner, oppofite St. Ctement's-Church in the Strand; by G. KEARSLEY, No. 46, Fleet-Street; 
and by W. THISELTON, Bookfeller and Stationer, No. 37, Goodge-Strcet, Rathbonc-Place. 

^^* C«RRis?oNOENts are requefted to addrefs their favours to the New Spectator, to be 
left at Mr. Swift's, in Charles-Street, St. Jame$'s-Squ|p, where a Lktter-Box is affixed 
for thdr ttoegidoTu 

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No. XIV. 

TUESDAY, May 4, 1784. 

Price Three-pence. 

To be continued every Tuesday. 

Aaipe nunc, vi£tus tenuis^ qua: quantaqttcfccum^ 
Adfaat^' ■■ - ^ 

NoW mark what tic filings flow 
From cempcrdte mcalsi— 



I AM favoured with th^ following rcJfleaionS 
by an unknown hand ; and 1 fincerely wifll 
that at this timcj when the virtues arc a good 
deal difcountenanccd, they might receive fome 
fupport from the arguments of fo elegant a writer. 

To the New Spictator. 
Mr. Spectator, 

The advantages which arife frohi regulat- 
ing the feveral appetites to the health of the body, 
have been too nhpetedly infifted upon to require 
any further animadverfion. My prefent remarks 
ftiall be confined to temperance of diet in par- 
ticular, and to the aldvantages which occur from 
it to the health of the mind. 

How for the int^lledual faculties arc cbnnefted 
With the animal ecdnomy, is a difquifition which 
rather belongs to the natural philofopher than to 
the moralid. The expenence of every individual 
muft convince him of their alliance, fo far as 
that the mind and body fympathife in all the 
tnodifications of pleafure or.of pain; 

Onb would imagine, that the ftoical apathy 
was founded on a notion of the independence of 
the mind on the body. According to this phi- 
lofophy, the mind may remain, as it were, an 
imconcemed fpeftator, while the body undergoei 

the mofi excruciating torments. But the mo« 
dems, however difpofed to be ftoics, cannot help 
being afflifted by a fit of the gout or flone. 

Ip the mind fuffers with the body in the vio- 
lence of pain, and acutenefs of difeafe, it is ufu- 
ally found to recover its wonted llrength, when 
the body is reftored to health and vigour. 

But there is fome kind of fympathy, in 
which the mind continues to fuffer even after 
the body is relieved. When the lifUefs languor, 
and the naufeous faliety of recent exeefs is gra- 
dually worn off, the mind ftill continues for a 
while to feel a burden^ which no efforts can 
remove ; and to be furrounded with a cloud 
which time only can diflipatc; 

Didactic authors who have undertaken to 
prefcribe rules for the ftudent in the purfuit of 
knowledge, frequently infift on a regularity and 
abflincnce in the articles of food and wine. It 
is indeed a fruitlefs laboui: to aim at increafmg 
the ftock of ideas, and improving the powers of 
penetration, without a (Irift obfervancc of the 
laws of temperance. 

It has been remarked, that the founders of 
colleges, who fpared no expcnce in the embel- 
lilhment of the buildings, have not been fo 
liberal in providing food for the inhabitants. 


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No. XlVi 

Perhaps thofe no lefs judicious than pious patrons 
of learning were fenfible of the utility of frequent 
falling and temperate meals, in promoting lite- 
rary, as well as moral and religious improvement. 
Nature's wants they took care to fatisfy, and na- 
ture wants but little. 

Horace, in a fatire, in which he profeflcdly 
tfenumcratcs the advantages of temperance, ob* 
fcrvcs, with a beautiful energy of expreflion, 
" That the body, overcharged with the excefs of 
" yefterday, weighs down the mind together 
" with itfelf, and fixes to the earth that particle 
" of the divine fpirit.*' 

That Aurora is a friend to the mufcs, is 
almoft proverbial, and, like all thofe aphorifms 
which are founded on experience, is a juft re- 
mark ; but if an adequate caufe were to be afiign- 
-ed lor this efFe6):, I know not whether it might 
not juflly be attributed as much to fading, as to 
the refrcflimcnt of fleep* The emptinefs of the 
ftomach it is which tends to give to the under- 
flandingacutenefs, to the imagination vigour, and 
to the memory retention. 

It is well known that the principal meal of 
the ancients was the fupper; and it has been 
matter of furprifc that they, whofe wifdom was 
fo generally confpicuous in the feverj inftitutions 
t>f common life, (hould adopt a praftice which is 
ttow univerfally efteemed injurious to health. It 
is, however, not unreafonablc to fuppofc, that 
they were unwilling to clog their intellefts by 
fatisfying the cravings of hunger in the d^y-time, 
the feafon of bufmefs and deliberation, and chofe 
rather to indulge themfelves in the hour of natural 
fcflivity, when no care remained, but to retire 
fiom the banquet to the pillow* 
' Too much, indeed, cannot be (aid in praife of 
temperance ; and, with your permiflion, I fhall 
take Tome future opportunity of making a few 
obfervaiions on the condutl of fume modem 
friends of this amiable virtue. 

I am. Sir, 

Your's, &c. 

Th* bevy of originals. 

[No. VI. 

Ralph Crotchet. 

Parturiunt montcsy najcetur ridiculus rmts, 

■ ■ ". - I ALWiiYf glow with indignation at fuch 
ignorancc-^lndeed Spec, I cannot keep my 
temper to fee a man fit in company, and be at a 
lofs for converfation : When I iay converfation, 
I mean a proper fubje6fc, as the intelle& of a 
man of fenfe are ever extended to improvement, 

and knowledge. There are many men who 
have not an idea above their bufmefs, or pro- 
feflion — Ralph Crotchety for example, cannot 
poffibly repeat a ftory, or even a fentence, with* 
out introducing fomc mufical expreflion s. H«= 
is ever boafling of his erudition, abilities, and" 
knowledge; but I can only refer you to thtf 
above motto, pariuriunt monies, &c, 

I WENT with a friend to a club, one evenings 
where Crotchet was prefident. It confided of 
derai-gentlemen, and refpeftable muficians. 
At the bottom of the table, were fix members,- 
overheated with the force of oppofition, talking, 
politics, and peremptorily fetling the affairs of the 
nation. On the left, were eight more, engaged 
in deep converlalion about religion, and reveal- 
ing the myfteries of its different fc6ls, the con- 
fequence of which, generally ends with the lofs 
of friendffiip, a perpetually enmity, and a vio- 
lent quarrelling. On the right, were a groupe of 
members, making, and breaking laws, for the 
better regulation of fociety, which could not 
hejinally fettled, on account of the feveral di* 
vided opinions. 

Order was called. Crotchet rifing, filenee 
cnfucd. " Gentlemen, fays he, as this fociety 
" is dedicated to mufic, it ought to be the nur- 
** fery of rifing genius. Though I am a profef- 
•^ for of that noble fcicncc,. nato, fo ayerfe wa» 
" my inclination to it when young, that a, ..- 
" famous Greenwich organift was obliged from 
*' my inattention, to tie me to thellarpfichord." 

Before he had finifhed his fentence, a gene- 
ral hiffing cnfued, and order was heard from 
every corner of the room. Crotchet demanded 
filence for five minutes, alluring the members, 
that the hiftory of his conduft, from his infancy 
merited their hearing, as it proved how people 
mijlake their genius. He then produced a large 
manufcript — " This, gentlemen, is fome mufic 
that I have compofed, entirely for your future 
amufcment, and which I will beg of you to 
play over now." Inftrumcnts were produced, 
and the mufic handed about. Though there 
were profeflbrs prefcnt, the c€>mpofition poffcffed 
fuch harm^mums flights ^ that it wa* incomprehen 
fible to a common genius, as it attempted to prove 
that the theory of that fcience wa$ quite ufelels, 
and that any perfon, however ignorant of mufic,, 
might compofe; in fhort, he referred you to» 
his own compofition, as a fpecimen, and proof 
of what he urged. The manufcript was fo loft 
in the labyrinth of difcord, that the muficians 
declared they would not attempt to perform thatf, 


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No. XlVtf 


V^ch iSticy ^ loot underfland. After a Jhffrt 
VtprimuKi to Ralph Crotchet on the infult| a 
^lewprefidenl Was elcaed^ and the Lodge clofed» 

A rawdiys aftc^ 1 happened to meet With 
t^totdttt, at a ftaU in Parlwuncnt-ftrcctj cheapen» 
tng Tome muiic^ fbt the inftruAion of his fcho- 
tars-^e recoHefted My Features^ and, after fome 
^onverfatfon, he infilled that I (hould go home 
Vith him. He uTed fo many harmonious words 
Uiat 1 was oUiged to • acquiefce* When we ar>- 
Vived in -i^-«» (Ireet) he led tne into a hack foom^ 
\ip one pair of flairs ;»>-where he intmduced me 
to his wife, as he called her. This^ lays hc^ is 
Mrs. Crotchet.-— A mutual fmile enfucs between 
kne and the lady, as we happened, two years ago> 
to have been intimately acquainted% 

ApTlrti remaining ih the aukwafd Htuation of 
doubt, fear, and apprehcnfion half an hour, I 
Was relieved by a melTagc coming to Ralph 
demanding his immediate attendance.«^Politene{ii 
obliged me to make ah attempt at going, which he 
refufcd ; infiding^ at the fame time, that I (hould 
remain till his rctum,'i*-As foon as he had (hut 
the door I gave vent to my furprize !— *« Blefs 
*< me, Louila! exclaimed I, with aIlonifhment| 
«• where is Capuin •♦♦♦*♦ ? Is it poflible that 
<< you have left him for fuch an ignorant, illite- 
« rate man as Ralph Crotchet ?"— After drawing 
her chair nearer to mine, fhc replied, " Our 
<« fcx will be fickle. Captain ♦♦•♦♦♦ went 
<< abroad, leaving me an annuity, with t.pronnft of 
« marriage on his return. The chance of florms, 
« waves, and fhipwrecks being uncertain, and 
" as we cannot account for afftOions^ you may 
«* banifh your furprize.-— However, I am not 
«• married. *'— TAu was my cue ; and as (he was not 
united to Crotchet I was pleafed with the re* 
newal of 2i former connexion « 

Thb myfleries of love were unravelled, but 
no Crotchet came home. I then bid Louifa 
adieu, with a fincere promife of waiting on her 
often. Fate intervened, fiy fome unfortunate 
accident, our difcourfe was overheard, and the 
whole of our condufl feen, which was inflantly 
conveyed to Crotchet, who aiTumed the preroga* 
live of a hufband, and the next morning fent me 
a miifical, interefting, harmonious, laughable^ 
and nonfenfical letter, which yoa will find tranf* 
cribed in a fiature number of the Bevies. 

[^Tq k cotuinmt* ] 

Tf the Nbw Sfectatok* 

Dear Si^ic ! ^ 

At the Chapter cofiee^houfe^ a lew days 
ag0| I had tne pleafure of hearing myfelf hear- 
tily abufed for fpeaking difrefpeftftilly of great 
names. I have fince that time, been ferioufly 
confidering the influence of names, and am forry 
to find that any name can be rendered refpe^bblo 
but by eminent virtae. This is matter of fur^ 
prife and regret to me» Poets have been infpi- 
red, moralifts have written, and divines have 
preached in vain, if they have not been able to 
root out of the mind the paltry prejudices in re- 
gard to the fituatlon of individuals, and do not 
judge of man as he afts. No other confident- 
tion) however, Ihall rule my opinions of petfons; 
as I have long fince learned to pay more refpeft 
to an honed tradefinan than a titled rafcaU 
NameS| therefore^ have no influence on me; 
nor do I trouble mylclf with obferving the ad- 
vice of Horace .* 

Quid de quotpte viro^ (i cui dicas,Jape cavdo. 

Take heed of whom you fpeak, and what it is. 
Take heed to whom--* 

1 begi therefore, that the gentleman in the brown 
coat and black-collar, and him in the claret frock 
and flriped waiflcoat, will take notice that Joha 
Bull is always ready to ** fpeak hb mind,*' when 
by fo doings he can honour the good) or difgrace 
the bad. 

Squirx Moxoan'sKepubw. 

*-< — Has nmgx Jeria ducunt 

Thefe toys will once to ferious mifchleft (all. 
This fagacious gentleman appeared at the 
Hanover-Square Concert, on WedneiHay; hit 
hat decorated with laurcL Enquiring into tha 
reafon of that peculiar ornament, I was told that 
his worfliip had gained a complete vifiory over 
one Common Senfe, with whom^he had been at 
war a confiderable time ; but I was aflured, that 
as this was the firft, fo it would be the laft time 
we (hould ever fee his woHhtp's head decorated 
with lauteL 

F A S U I O N. 

Thx commencement of Spring neceflkaily 
introduces new fafliions in dreis amongft the 
beaux and belles. Such of the former as do not 
choofe to fport new uniforms, diftinguifh them- 
felves by putting a black velvet collar to their 
half-worn coata^ that being the /cm; and, doubt- 
kfs, a black velvet collar is quite chanaing for 
a Spring coat« 


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No. xiv; 

Such of the bcaujc as choofc to put thcmfclvcs 
in the entire livery of Faftiion, fport a colour 
fomething darker, and, if poflible, fomething 
more horribly ugly, than the Borne de Paris. 
This, however, Fafliion has ordained to be a 
charming Spring colour ; and, ihould the Spring 
be attended with the gloom and the dirt of De* 
cember, I think it vafUy well adapted,-»*A 
regulation in the important article of hair drefs- 
ing has not yet taken place ; but it is thought 
the large club will be rendered completely en- 
ormous, by way of keeping the back of the neck 
warm, and of bearing, as it were, fome afl&iiity 
to the colour of the coat, which feems to pro- 
mife a retention of every particle of heat.— To 
contemplate the figure of of a beau dreflfed in 
his Spring uniform, one would imagine Chri/tnuu 
was at hand. 

The ladies, ever the bed judges of drcfs, have 
began by laying aftde their dark colours, their 
winter fattins, and comfortable cottons, and ex- 
hibit themfelves in the lawns and muflins of 
Spring. The favourite Fox-coloured muff and 
fur«cloak are carefully depofited till the enfuing 
winter. Their faces alTume a more delightful 
blooiA from improved cofmetics, and they appear 
like the « eldeft daughters of the Spring.'' Thus 
arrayed, they parade the parks, ** feeking whom 
they may devour," and wound their admirers 
with as much certainty, and at as great a diflance 
as MeUor*s guns which arc furc to kill ^< without 


P o E T * ir. 

I DOUBT not but Maria, who favoured you 
with the French (lanzas of M. Cuinct D'Orbeil, 
will feel herfelf much indebted to C. V. Efq. for 
Che following poetical tranflation, which re£le6b 
honour on the trandator. 

71» YouNC Lovers.. 

From the French of lA. Cuiket Dt>RBBiL. 

As life is but a tnnlient joy. 
With pleafurc every hour employ ; 
Nor fear that wifdom fhould complaia: — 
She hides herfelf from plctfurc's train. 

But flill preferve your power wkh art. 
And well reiift the poignani dart ;, 
For if too quick iu force yon own, 
Your boaflcd empire's then o'erthrowiw 

But what is love unlets fincere P 

Then fpait the oft aepeated dartg 
And if your lover's worth appear, 

Rcfign, well pleasM, your vanquiih'd heart. 

The following Angular produftion has aU 
ready been publifhed. There is fomething fo 
extremely poetical in it, and it is fo little knownj 
that I cannot but wifh to fee it pjeferved in the 
New Spectator. 

VaU^ longumvaUf ViRCit.- 

Once more, my lute, and then be flilll 

Since after this another end 
Its deflined meafure rouft fulfil, 

£re to thole bli&ful bowers we tend- 
Once more, my lute, and then be flill ! 

Once more, my lute, and then be flill ! 

To warn the world to count their days^ 
Left they their facred leifure fptll, 

In evil woiks, and evil ways ; 
And now, my lute, thou may'ft be flill ! 

Once more, my harp, and then be flill .' 
To which I fang of Ifrael's wrongs, 

M^en the proud foe who wrought their ill^ 
Demanded one of Zton's fongs ;<»- 

Once more, my harp, and then be flill ? 

Once more^ itty harp, and then be ftill \ 
To warn the world how they tranfgrefs 

Againfl the lord of Zion hill. 
Who loves his chofcn flock to ble(»— * 

And now, my harp, thou may 'ft be flill f 

OnCe more, my pipe^ and then be flilH 
Attuned to dead Time us' praife, 

Who taught his bard, with heavenly (killy 
Sweet Lu con's momiment to raife ! 

Once more, my pipe, and then be flill! 

Once more, my pipe, and then be flill ! 

To warn the world how they affeft 
Things all too high, with flubborn wilf. 

And flable joy for man expefl ! 
And now, my pipe, thou may'ft be flill f 

My pipe, my lute, my lyre, be flill ! 

Yet filent fiiall not be your &te! 
When to oblivion's dnfl^y rfll 

Retire the little and the great 
My harp fliall found when I am ftill! 

B u 

L I A. 

Evil, be ihoumygoodl-^SATAK. 

DuRfKo the con ted between Sedlra and Rey-* 
nardam, the fiuHans received many corroborating 
proofs of the judice of their opinion refpefiing 
the chamber of the latter. Reynardam, whom 
natuse intended for a great man, by his vices and 
debaucheries^ had rendered hixnfelf defpieablr* 
He was a profefled gamefler, and the moil infa- 
mous charafier amongft the Bulians was that of 
a gameften He omitted no opportunity of ex« 
ercifmg Us abilities in bis profcffion, even at a 


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No. XIV. 


time when one woiild lead have expe£led it ; and 
he became doubly anxious refpeding the fate of 
hit conteft with Sefilra, becaufe he had betted 
.coniiderable fums that he fhould prove fuccels- 
fill. It is not therefore to be wondered at that 
he Ihould ufe every effort and every art in his 
•power to recover his fituation in the Etanes, the 
lofs of which would entirely have ruined him, 
I have already informed you that a Bulian lady 
of diflin6lion had rendered herfclf confpicuous 
by folxciting the mob in his defence. But Novc- 
da did more : fhe not only folicited but bribed ; 
£he corrupted the indigent ; and gave liberty to 
thofe prifoners who promifed to give their voices 
for Reynardam« All Bulta (lood a(loni(hed at 
her condu6l. She lavifhed immenfe fums of mo- 
nc)' on the people, who^ in return, derided hpr ; 
(he fuiFercd her reputation to be queflioned by 
the ignorant and the afluming ; fhe became a bye- 
word araongil wretches who had been taught to 
look up to her with reverence ; and all this for 
a notorious gambler ; a man -fcouted from the fo- 
ciety of the good ; who fubfifted by noife and 
clamour^ and depended on his impudence and his 
cunning for his daily fuppoit. 

In defence of this pnecious feUow^ the Uvcly 
Kevcda^ as (he was called, afliiled by fome of the 
moil infamous amongft the men, and of the mofl 
abandoned amongft the women, for fuch only 
were the friends of Rcynardam, flood chief 
championefs ; and as the fuccefs of Reynardam 
became more apparent, it was difcovered that her 
inflxience had been the more extenfive. 

You will probably be much furprifed, when I 
inform you that Noveda was married, and that 
her hufband had the proper ufe of his faculties ; 
that he was neither bed-ridden nor blind, and was 
reckoned <* a good fort of a man." This, how- 
ever, was a6Uiaily the cafe. Eknd^ for that was 
his name, was held in as great efleem amongd the 
virtuous, as Reynardam was amongft the vicious, 
of the Bulians. But it was the misfortune of 
£kud to be a political partifan ; and nature never 
defigned him for a politician. Reynardam was 
artful; Ekud fimple. Reynardam was a6live ; 
£kud indolent. Reynardam was poor; Ekud 
rich. Reynardum was ambitious, and had (kill 
enough to render Ekud the tool of his ambition. 
So that between the folly of the hufband smd the 
aflc^tion of the wife, Reynardam found hiqifelf 
well fupported in his conteft with Sefdsa, for 
.many of the Bulians who wifhed to retain the fa- 
.v«our of Ekud appeared under the banners of 
Rxynardam. , 

Tui exeitions of Noveda at length had the 
#eflred eflie& A fuperiority of numbers appear- i 

ed on the part of her hero ; and it was expefled 
that he would have proved viftorious. And it 
was natural to fuppofcfo. In Bulia, as in Lon- 
don, the worthy part of the community cannot 
boaft of numbers equal to the unworthy and the 
carclefs. In fupport of Re>Tiardam appealed all 
thofe of Bulia, who, in this metropolis, would 
be diflinguiflicd by the vulgar appellation of 
'* Blackguards ;" an innumerable train ! — headed 
by Noveda, fome common proftitutes, and a few 
charaftcrs who called thcmfelves ^en^/m«i, and 
who by their profeffions were entitled to the ap- 
pellation ; but who, by their conduft on this and 
fome other occafions, difcovered that they were 
neither very gtntU, nor really mtn\ but were 
charaacrifed by a peculiar phrafe in the Bulian 
tongue which I cannot very well tranflate, tho' 
the word Bully conveys a faint idea of its mean- 
ing. Thcfc Litter gentry were the tools of Rey- 
nardam, and would have been the tools of any 
one from whom they could reafonably expeft 
prcfcnt reward, or future emolument. 

On the pcrfonal influence and bribery of No- 
veda, the flattering impudence of the profli- 
tutes, the aftivity of the abovementioncd gewtU* 
mcfiy and his own pcrfeverance, Reynardam re^ 
lied for fupport, and apparently, relied not in 
vain. But I fhall hereafter inform you of the 
exultation of virtue over vice, and of the down- 
fal <>f Reynardam. MeanwhUe, accept of the 
following tranflation of his private addrefs to his 

Reynardam to his Friends. 
Your affembling in my favour, does me great 
honour. Let it, however, be recolleded that 
your intercft in the prefent conteft is more deep- 
ly concerned than mine. The fociety oi Black- 
legs is particularly interefted. Should I not re. 
gain a feat in the Etanes fome honeft fool, like 
Sefilra, may introduce kws tending to the aboli- 
tion of gaming, and the infUtution of that order 
in fociety upon the breaking of which depends 
our very exiftence. If we cannot plunder the 
weak, cheat our rich friends, and bilk our ci^ 
ditors, we fhall be totally undone. Thefe am 
the liberties and privileges which I truft you will 
endeavour to preferve inviolate, and which you 
may depend fhall receive every public and private 
fupport that I can give them. I am exceedingly 
forry, that my attempt on the Balloon merchanU 
of Aidni was not attended with fuccefs. Had 
I obtained their wealth, you fhould have fh«ied 
my happinefs, and it would have cpabled us to 
have introduced that fyftem of government 


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No. XIV* 

without which we muft fink to infignificance and 
ruin, if we do not previoufly meet a more igno- 
minious fate. But, aided by your exertions, 
doubt not, my friends, that I (hall be able to ao 
complifti the great purpofea I have fwom to fee 
eftabliflied ; and that nothing can finally prevail 
againd the determined perCeverance of my dear 
friends, the Black-legs^ the ProfiituUs^ the Shar- 
pers^ and the Bullies of Bulia« I have given the 
neceflary orders to upwards of three hundred 
Bulian Blackguards for defending my own caufe 
and perfon, and who will take care to aflail the 
adherents of my opponent in f uch a manner as 
to prevent their appearance in his behalf a fe- 
,cond time. I conclude with wiihing that your 
daily toils in my behalf, may be fucceeded by 
no£bumal fuccefs, whether it be on the high-way, 
or at the gaming-table, in picking locks, or in 
picking pockets. But your virtues and your dex- 
terity are unrivalled, and will, doubilefs, be 
crowned with ^ccefs. 


Kings Theatre. 

The Mafquerade of Thurfday night was uri- 
cxpeftedly attended by upwards of eight hundred 
people ; amongd which, were many gentlemen 
of rank, and a few ladies of fafhion. In the 
train of Venus the Watfins led the van ; the noted 
Perdita being fo terribly reduced as not to have 
ft fpare guinea ; and being engagexi on a ffrivaU 
committee at the Shakefpeare. Corby n^ the White 
Crow, the WkUe Dove, and other IVhite DmU in 
abundance, graced Chefcene. 

The chara^crs were very few, and of thofe 
few, not above two were decently fupported* 
A good deal of low wit was fportcd amongd (he 
political gentry, but it was not my fortune to hear 
any thing worth recerrdtng. 

The Prince of Waies waspvefent, atid feenN 
tA (Iruck wilit the appearance of feveral Fox" 
krufiiS etitwined with &mrttf which the politick 
folly of fome had induced them to wear as badges 
denoting die particular hmacjt with which they 
were unhappily ai!t£fced. His Highnefit appcar- 
*d extremely forry for the poor wretches that 
Wefe thus diftTngMifhed, anc^ unable tc^ bear the 
Aght of Aich egregjlous foHy, quitted &e rooms 
in lefs than an hour* 

The ufiial afibrtment oF nofbgay and orange 
f irb, paftoral nymphs, milk-maids and ntms, 
gave ftmie edief to^ the black dominos, which 
iormed a^ more numerous body than ordinary.-^ 
1^ (upper rooms were weE ferved, and the 

Hammont prevailed through the whole, that 
is, the company were as dull as m^t tedon^ 
ably be expeded at an Engliih mafquefade ;• and^ 
having had a tolerable fupper for thef# i^kiinea^ 
departed highly (atisfied with themfelves. 



I AM now going to give you my fentimeDts oil 
fome of the paintings exhibited in the Royal 
Academy. But I will firfl premife, that I 
judge of each piece from its effect, and not from 
peculiar perfections or impcrfeftions in it» 
mnutittn Being neither a painter nor a con-' 
noiiTeur, I have an advantage on my part, which- 
I fhouldbe forry to lofe; for it has been well 
and juftly remarked, ** that the painter and 
<< connoifllBur are often in danger of having their 
<^ fendbility deadened, or their natural tafte cor« 
*< rupted, by a knowledge of the technical 
*^ ffn'ntt^ of the art, fofarastothrowthebaknce 
<' (of right judgment) towards the fide of the 
« common fpeftator/^ 

The Exhibition of this year produces very 
few paintingjs which dHcover genius as well a» 
imitation; and it muft be matter of regret to 
all lovers of this delightful art, that the names 
of fome of its greateft ornaments are not to be 
found in this year's catalogue: Caioiboroiigh^ 
Romney, &c. &c. 

Out of the Jixieen fk€t!$ exhUkitcd by Sir 
Jofliua Reynolds, no \ch ihut fourteen are mer« 
portraits, unlefr I except that of Mrs Siddon» 
which has- already received mote commendation 
than lean lubkribe to. We are told that it re^ 
prefents that hnmitable aftreft as the Tragic 
muje ; a circumftance which, in the pi£hireitfelf, 
is to be difcoveied only by the aukward figure* 
€m each fide of hef, the one bearing a bowl, and 
the other a dagger. Sir Jofhua it the firft paih<r 
ter, I believe, that ever attempted to exhibit the 
Tragie mufe fitting, if ^e ftrange pofition iiv 
whieh he has placed her, may be calfed fitting* 
Thebowl and dagger gpntry ftand Hke tw» pfllars, 
both of a height, and about equal diftances from 
the mufe, and by being brought forward, take a 
good deal fix)m the eifeft of the principal fi9n«w 
It is » great pity that they were not o&erwife 
difpofed of. 

WiTB refpeft to» the likendi^ I cannot (ay 
muck in its favour. There is indeed a likenefi^ 
but it is by no means an happy one. I wa» 
(landing by the fide of Mrs. Siddons, on Wed* 
neiday, at the time I was examining tiiis^ pifture, 
and could nothdp remarkbg that there- is a felt* 

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l4o. XIV. 


toftnefs, a dilicacy, romething indefctibably plea- 
fing in her countenance of which neither that 
pidiure, nor any other that I have yet fecn of 
her, conveys any adequate idea. Of tliis cele- 
brated pifture, then-, my opinion is briefly this ; 
that the pofition of the mufe is bad; the likenefs 
of Mrs. Sjddons not good ; the attendant figures 
'Qiukward, and vilely placed ; and the colouring 
in Sir Jofhua's ufual flilc — whether that is good 
^r bad, 

" Who Ihall decide when Doaors dlfagrcc ?'^ 
fecmcmber, that this is the critique o^ jf§hn Bull, 
Your amateurs and vonnoiffcurs will perhaps point 
tout innumerable beauties in this /k^/i7w^ pifture ; 
and, by difcriminalion, doubtleG thfcy may very 
juftly commend iu But it is my bufincfs to judge 
t)f the whole ; and^ judging of the whole, 1 
think nothing but the name of Sir Jofhua Rey- 
nolds could confer celebrity on this piece *, and 
it may be remarked, that thofe who have already 
been lavifti in their praifes of it, have carefully 
tonfined themfelves to general conlmendation, 
Vrithout pointing Out any particular inflance 
wherein either the fublime or the beautiful is 
ftrikingly predominant* 

Thr pifture No. 81, and called in the cata- 
ioguc. " The apotheofis of Prince Alfred and 
<* Prince Oftavius," is, by far, the moft pleaf- 
ing pifture in the Exhibition. It is painted by 
Mr. Wcib ; and rcprefents the guardian angel 
introducing the princes to each other in the 
"regions of the bleflcd. The defign is ingenious 
and elegant* The likeneflcs of the princes arc 
very happily preferved. The divine fweetnefs 
t>f the angel's countenance, and the delightful 
Hmplicity of the children are, beyond expreltion, 
tharming. The colouring is 1 i vely and beautiful . 
I do not recoUeft ever feeing a more happy ef- 
fufion of the modem pencil. 

As the prefent Exhibition boafts of few hifto- 
rical pieces, I fhall not trouble you with many 
animadvcrfions ; for, with refpeft to portraits, 
he can but badly judge of the piftures who is a 
(Iranger to the originals. 

Th e portraits of Mr. Fox and Mifs Kemblc, 
by Sir Jolhua Reynolds, are as good as any in 
the room. The likenefles are ftrong, and, what 
is extraordinary, the colouring is good ; and it is 
with much pleafure, that I obferve this painter 
to have rejefted, in fome meafure, that rough, 
coarie manner of laying on his colours for which 
he has been fo univerfally admired, and which, 
to a connoiflleur, may be very ftnc, but which 
never fails to difguil a common fpeflator,— -It is 

remarkable, that every pupil of the pencil can 
produce a likenefs of Mr. Fox ; and that fcarceiy 
one has given us a tolerable face of the Sid- 
dons. — But of painting and of painters, more 

Cove nt Garden. 

This Theatre, ever embracing novelty, and va- 
riety^ will on Monday next, offer to the public 
for their Jm/on, 2i New Comic Opera^ called Too 
Loving by half, from which great cxpefta- 
tions ai^ formed. I am amazed that the Author, 
who at this period flourifhes in the zenith of li- 
terature, fhould choofe a Benefit night, for its 
frjt reprefcntation ; but, I muft acknowledge 
that Mrs. Martyr's melodious powers, and atten- 
tion to the Theatre, are worthy of the obligation, 
which the manager and author has beflowed 
on her, 

I am, Dear Spec, 

Yours finccrcly, 


To /A^ New Spectator. 


Perhaps the difcovcry of the Philofo- 
pher's Stone would not have made more noifc 
than the invention of the Air-Balloon, which 
however^ is not fo new as we have beea taught 
to believe. The principle was known two 
thoufand years ago. There is a remarkable paf- 
fage in Aulus Gellius which confirms me in this 
fa£l. Ho tells us, K lo. c, 12, that Archytas, a 
difciplc of the famous Pythagoras^ made a 
wooden pigeon to fly by means of air confined 
within it, and on the motion being fomewhat 
rarified, kept afloat, whilft certain wheels with- 
in fet it forward. 

Probably Monf. Mongolfier never faw this 
pafl*age, or if he did, could reap but little benefit 
from it ; for he found-out the principle purely 
by chance ; having thrown the conical paper 
cover of a fugar-loaf into his chimney, he ob- 
ferved it to remain fefpended by the fmoke ; and 
from this circumftancc Monf. Mongolfier took 
the firft hint of his Air-Balloon, which, noi- 
withftanding the ridicule thrown on it by the 
ignorant, is likely to be produftive of many 
important difcoveries. 

I am, Sir, 
Yours, Ac. 


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Ko. XlV* 


Pricnd Spec, 

A CERTAIN lady of faflioin, whofc father 
is latdy dead, has her black gown decorated with 
bows of blue ribbons, and a3 (he is fald to be a 
leader of female taftc, I defire to know whether 
the bows of blue arc the decoration of falhion, 
or marks of infanity in the lady ? She reminds 
me of Opheliay who, in her diftraAion for the 
iofs of her father, decorates herfelf with draws : 
probably the lady in quefiion, from the fame 
principle, may exprefs her diflraflion by a fan- 
tadical ufe of coloured ribbons. If this be the 
cafe, I recommend her to the care of Monro, 
and fmccrcly wifli her better. 

Yours, &c. 


To other CoRRES^OKdE^TSi 

1 AM very much obliged lo Mr, K,/or his friendly 
intimation^ which Jhall be attended to \ and I Jhalt 
chearfuUy acknowledge his future favours, — TJu 
Curious Club do me much honour ; and I fhall he 
glad to he favoured with the laws of their infUtutiorti 
'•^The lady who figns herfdf Euphrafia, is miftaken 
in Jier conjeEture, and muft he referred to DoElor 
Kaiterfelto. — The verfes^ faid to he written by a young 
lady, on Spring, have already appeared in a maga* 
zinc, and having nothing particular to recarhmend 
them, are inadmifible.-^The Political Prebend, a 
Satire, is received, and fhaU have due attenticm* — The 
addition to theBcvy of Blockheads, is alfo received^ 
and the whole fhall appear at a convenient oppor* 

Sold by T. AXTELL, No. i, finch-Lane, Comhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by 
W. SWIFT, Bookfeller, Charles-Street, St. JamesVSquare ; by P. BRETT, Bookfeller and 
Stationer, oppofitc St. Clement's-Church in the Strand ; and by W. THISELTON, Bookfeller and 
Sutioner, No. 37, Goodge-Strcet, Rathbone-Place. 

%♦ CdRRispoNDENTi arc requeftcd to addrefs their favours to the New Speciator, to be 
left at Mr. Swift's, in Charles-Street, St. Jamcs's-Squarc, where a Letter-Box is affixed 
for their reception* 

Digitized by 






Ill 1 

No* XV. 

TUESDAY, May ii, 1784. 

Price Three-pence* 

To be continued every Tuesday. ^ 

Servetur ad imutH 
Quails ab incctpto proajferit', ^ fUn conftct. 

From firft to laft a due proportion keep> 
Let all the parts agree 


SO far as ou^ obfetVation enables us to form 
an idea of the a6kions of othei^, it never 
fails to imprcfs on our minds fome fenfe of their 
propriety and rcftitude *, but if this be more 
clofely examined^ it will, I am perfuaded, be 
found ftriftly to regard propriety and reftitude, 
•in the plain meaning of the words^ no further 
than to ftrangcrs*, for among our friends and 
acquaintance the reference or comparifon does 
not fo much depend on real re6litude, as a con- 
formity with that line of Conduft they have ge- 
nerally purfucd, and which conflitutes what is 
ufually termed charafter. Now if a perfon a6b 
conformable to that, we never, in common trailf- 
a£lions, fcrutinize every particular a6Uon ac- 
cording to the rigid rules of drift propriety; for 
we may obferve, that we form as infbtntaneouS, 
and, in general, as juft an idea how any one 
would aft, either in faying, doing, or fuffering, 
as we do of their fuppofed articulation, or accent 
in pronouncing any word we do not recolleft 
-ever to have heard them ufe. This being the 
general flandard or criterion by which we mea- 
furc, or try the words, or aftions of others, is the 
rafon why the fmalled deviation, either to the 
right or the left, equally furprifes us : to obferve 

a peirfon remarkablii for loquacity, fitting filent ift 
a circle of convivial friends, or to hear anothelr 
of audere gravity, burfl into an uncommon loud 
fit of laughter at a trifling incident, or commoti 
turn of wit^ afle6bu5 equally as to hear an illite- 
rate perfon ufe a fcientifical word with the ut* 
mofl propriety both in fenfe and accent, or a 
perfon of known erudition, accidentally mifplacfe 
or mifapply otie* And to obferve an abandoned 
perfon, whofe corrupted heart places its felicity 
in low wit and obfcenity, remain fllent when k 
favourable opportunity offers of introducing one 
of his favourite common-place puns, or a perfon 
of exemplary fanftity and purity of manners, be-* 
trayed by a fudden gud of paf&on Into aftions or 
expreflions far beneath himfelf, furprifes us dill 
more ; but in either Cafe the perfon does not lofe 
his reputation ; the one is an agreeable, and the 
other a very dilagreeable furprife, and among 
people of confined intelligence, is an inex- 
haudible fource of convcrfation ; from whence 
we may obferve, that we form our opinion of a 
perfon's conduft, rather from what we fuppofe 
he will do, than what he docs* Now refpefting 
a dranger, of whom we have no rule to judge by, 
we are more apt to try their aftions, and form an 


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T.H,£ iT.EW S;PEXTATOa^, y&c 


jDpinion of them by the nicer models of propriety 
.and re£Utude; and as in the former cafe, our 
expectation amounts almod to a certainty of 
their ading in ■ conformity with tlieir own cha- 
ra£ler: fo in this (as we always arc wilhing to fte 
Ihat pcrfcftion, we feel our own, and fee our 
fne/nls deficiency in) our hopes awi^kep pur 
fexpe&tion of feeing them aft, up to, this modcH 
So almoft as great a degree of probability as the 
other approaches to certainty ; and in pniponion 
as we find ourfelves repeatedly difappointed, do 
we withdraw our confidence, and form in our 
own mind^ a)i idea of their chat^aCler as of 
others: feeling at each difappointment ofthii 
kind, and in proportion as our expeftations were 
raifed, a Something which does not difplcafe us, 
at each new inflance of human {iailUbility ; 
adducing fuch freOi arguments in defence of our 
own vices as we can deduce from their confor- 
mity therewith^ Or prefuming on our own ibr* 
titude or prudence when in any weaknels to 
Which wo are not addii^edb 

Now as we, after many years e)cperience, arc 
apt to feel ourfelves hurt on one fide, and rather 
apt to arrogate on the other^ by the fallibility of 
thofe from whom nothing but our curiofity had 
taught us to e^pe£t any thing exemplary; I have 
^^efted, an4 that with jthe d^S^ft conpen^ 
pn Jtibe precarious fituati9n of chilcb^ in this 
rcfpe^ and hpw c;areful eVery one coQcerne4 
^ their welfare or Mfitionj ought to 1^, npjfp^^ 
contrary to the documcjits and advice Ihey give ; 
for as every one }s fnorethan ftrapg^f (pthfHR) 
:wh^\ we experience in our e>cpe&atios of f^i^p- 
gers, is more than doubly fjSt ^y^n with regar^i 
to Uficir own parents J and as the love of lib^rfy^ 
even more than Aatof credujjjy, ^ inhc^-c^nt i^i 
PHT yyry nafu^, any 4eviatio^ In u^ fr^m the 
ru|es we prefcrib^, helps more; ^pd giorc to ppq- 
^rm the ^picion their ^lopcii k^^ ^tjcfcd thetp 
Wth of our fallibility, and confcqi^cfttly in^^i^ 
l^co:^ with hpRCS that the rcftraint they lie vt,n^ 
or^nates in, and will end withj par^qtol %uthc^ 
rity, and t^at nothing but a ffw y^ars cjrp 
wanting to leave tbcm at liberty to gratify evc;iy 
wiib (wants they have few, d^^ they but ^nq%y 
U>eir l^pptnefs); and, flrangcrs to tl^eid^apf fla^. 
very to fin^ and the rcfiftkfs ixiftpyll? ^i \\\ 
lia^its and gnrti^lipns, t^ in t;hc height qf 
cxjeft^tipp, conf^ every deviation f^^jp the 
anil^ prrfcrilpjd then^, to be th^ r^fult pf copj 
dpliberation in thcr ftj^eriors, a^ cpnfcquci^tly 
^at there muft bc^ Ibm^ bid^n fecret pleafurQ, 
which it can be no harm for them to partake of, 
any more than another, whofe fupcriorycan 

give them a claim to prefatenceiiVttncferibodiiig 
which they think would indiK^eithenHOHF^fmi^ 
if there was that danger in thofe pra8ifet which 
has been reprefented unto them : and while this 
is the cafe, while fuperior difcemment will 
pufillanimoufly fuffer itfelf to be drawn into 
.low, vulg;»r, enjoyments, thereby .b}afU^g ^ 
keen remorfe that happincfs their own foul in* 
forms, aifuresj and convinces them, is within* 
their reach ; it will be impofflble for the moft 
pathetic language experienced piety can adopt^ 
to redrain inexperienced minds; impelled by 
thcfe confiderations on one fide, and flufhed with 
fome little exhilarating fuccelTes on the other, 
they pufh off from fhore in purfuit of pleafure, 
and calmly think xhat ihe voice .of experience 
fympathetically warning them of the danger 4tkey 
run, is pretty well -rewarded if it come ofiF with- 
out contep^t ; any hazard the fage advifer may 
have xun, .or any JbIUac€* he pyy l^ucc of 
premature pain and infirmity, ib confequence of 
yoijithfvil pleafure, feem rather to them to imply 
foir^ palpable deftft in the juvenile under- 
fbnding, to rdfiilt from fome ill chofen connec- 
tions, which their fuperior prudence is to pre- 
vent, or from a petulancy of difpofition towards 
thofe pleafures which he can no longer enjoy* 

.U U l U.iJH 

To tfie New Spectator* 


The influ;;nce of fupcrdition on weak mind# 
is aHoniihingly great ; apd a few centuries agc^ 
the learned as lyell as the ignorant of this king- 
dom) cpuld not refill its fway» 

A^onQST the variety of inflahcet mentioned 
of thp interference of the Holy Virgin, there ia 
one preferved in a record lodged in the Towe^ 
wqrihy of inyeftigationk It is4a|ed in the 31(1. 
of Ipldwi m. 1347^ and the copy pf tb^. rpcpr^ 
if a^ fplk^w^ ; 

*' Th^ ILing, to all bailifif an^ pdier his liegp 
M. ful)J9^^ to wbor^ thefe prcfen,ts, fl^all co^^^ 
<« Qree^ng : B^ it kppwn untg yoy, that^ vbci^ 
«* a$ Cedlx who yf^s the ^ifip of ^l^n Rjgcw^^ 
« Was lately ij^i^i^ fpjc the ihMid?r gi the faid 
^l JphPf her hi^fb^d^ and brpught U» hw triiJL 
« for the famp, before pmr b^teKedand fiudifAiI 
« Henry Grojfe,^ an4 ^ brp^w jwJgfis ^^ ^hfr 
^ytuighofi^ry l^ift^Kcqpfiximg. mHie^ an4 i»fi*' 
«<. fi^ to.plea4 to th<; laid! iff4i9mei«U QiQ.^VMr 
«f fcntepUcd tp \^ cqg^wmi t,Oi <lo(b CiiA?)^ 
<< without any vi6hials or drink, for the fpaed of 
** forty daySf which ihe miraculoufly, and even 

w contrary 

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No. XV. 



<' contrary to the cottrfie of human nature* went 

** through, 9$ we we well ^nd fully ajfund ojy 

" from pcrfons of undouhted credit. We do, 

<« therefore, for that rcafon, and from a principle 

*« of piety to the glory of God, and of the blef- 

" fed Virgin Mary, his mother, by whom it is 

«* thought, this miracle was wrought, out of our 

•« fpecial grace and favour, pardon the (aid Cc- 

<« cily from the further execution of the featence 

** upon her ; and our will and pleafure is, that 

*' fhe be freed from the faid prifon, and no far- 

" ther trouble given her upon the account of the 

*• fdid fcntence. In witnefs, &c*" 

As I do not recolle£l having read any account 

of this extraordinary tranfaclion, wliich muft, 

doubtlefs, have caufed much fpeculation at that 

time, 1 (hall be greatly obliged to any of your 

corrcfpondcnts who can inform me of any fur- 

tlicr particulars refpe6ling this matter, and am. 

Yours, &c. 

To the New S p b c t a t o a. 
Friend Spec, 

I AM a great admirer of new maxims, and con- 
template with pleafure the progrefs of iafhion in 
fentiment, as well as in drefs. I am, therefore, 
very much delighted to find the ridiculous max- 
im, fo repeatedly inculcated in former times, 
«« Not to praifc thyfelf," is now become obfolete, 
as are many others of the fame kind, which are, 
no douht, juftly rejeftcd, as not being founded 
on naturcj for, topurfue'the di^tes of naturCi is 
now the ton phibfophic. It is to be obferved, that 
this purfuit of mere nature is confined to the ac- 
tions and paflions of mankind, and not to their 
arts or fcicnces -, any thing relating to thofe, muft 
now be regulated in oppofition to nature, other- 
wife the cfTcfts of the Jublime and wonderful are 
loft. Thus modem poets and modern muficians 
are too polite and too fafhionable to attempt agi- 
tating your mind, by exciting the paflions, and 
wifh only to raife a gentle emotion oi furpriu \ 
^nd I cannot but acknowledge, that they have 
-earned this piece of delicacy to the very pinnacle 
of perfeftion. 

One improvement, like one misfortune, is 
generally the mother of another ; fo the rejec- 
tion of the old maxim, ** Not to praife thyfelf," 
was, conformable to the diflates of nature, im- 
mediately followed with the reje6Uo>n of another, 
" Not to fpeak againft thy neighbour ;" the abo- 
lition of which laft maxim has evidently many 
advantages attending it ; for men, hy extolling 
themfelvesi might fometimes be tempted to impofe 
on credulity, and endanger the intereft of their 

fellow-creatures, but by tho abolitioii of the laft 
maxiniy this eSe& it, in a great meafure, happily 

AtL old fyftems have their partisans. I be* 
licve there are people who fcctctly favour the 
Ptolomy fyflem, in oj^ofition to that of Coper- 
nicus ; and I am not imacquainted with fomo 
families, who oblHaately adhere to the old 
dtvifion of time, and dine at one o'clock in the 
day, inftcad of five ; go to bed at ten, and rife 
at fix, and fo invert the very order of nature. 
And thus it happens refpefting the before-men- 
tioned maxims, they of the old party, call fpeak* 
iiig in praife of ourfelves, vamty ; and expofing 
the defeds of our neighbours, they call fcandoL 
However, it is thought that as the old patrty i% 
very weak, it will fhortly be brought over, fox 
every one of its adherents is already fufpoded of 
a latent affection, for the new fyi^m. 

The rejection of two ruke% which bung like 
dead- weights upon the tongue, has given to coi^ 
verfation a freedom which conftitutes it^ fpirit^ 
and is indeed its chief ornament, and has afford- 
ed mankind the means of knowing each other 
much better than they could otherwife have 
attained. Some, indeed, do not fcruple to aflert, 
that they know their neighbours as well as, per- 
haps better than, themfelves. 

Tuxsp are confiderations which I eamefUy 
f ubmit to your Spec tat o r s u i p 's mature del ibe- 
ration, and wifh to be favoured with yoiu: fen- 
timents pn the old and new fyftems alluded 
toby Yours, &c. 


To the New Spictatok* 
Too Loving by Half! 
Mr. Spectator, Covent-Garden^ 

Permit me to make a few obfervations 
on the comic opera, performed, for the firft 
time, laft night, for the benefit of Mrs. Martyr* 
It is the produftion of Mr. Horatio Robfon^ who» 
from the unlimited, and deferved applaufe, 
which Too Loving by Half^ experienced laft 
night from a refpe6Uble and numerous audience, 
I have no doubt, will again delight the public 
with a fpecimenof Ms comic powers. Some 
part of the mu^ wa^ judicioufly compiled^ 
in particular an Italian air, by Mrs. Martyr^ 
in which fhe gave repeated tefUmonies of the 
excellency .of her voice. A Duet^ by Brett, 
and Mrs. Bannifter, begining with " Sweet is 
the breath of love^" a^^d a Trio, bjr Dibdin, 
were beautiful. Altqgeth<;r it was light, and 
pretty. Butj. w^ ft^puld .U\e new mK$^» as fome 


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No. XV. 

timeigb, advcrtifcd, by a faoourite compofcr, be 
Uidafide? Whether that difappointment arofc 
from the falfe judgment 6f the author, afFeda- 
tion of the performers, or idlenefs in the band, 
I have not been able to difcovcr ; but it is a rc- 
fle6Hon on all thru^ and it is what every manager 
ought to prevent An entire compilation^ not 
only deprives the public of variety ; but dcftroys 
every effort of rifing genius. 

The dialogue is natural, eafy, and fprightly, 
and kept the houfc in a perpetual laugh. The 
charaftcrs of Quick and Wcwitzer, are ably 
written, and were particularly well fupportcd ; 
indeed the latter, efpccially, never appeared to 
fo much advantage. Some of the performers 
Were rather impctfeft in their parts, but on the 
whole, did the piece juftice. Mrs. Martyr, in 
the plain drefe t)f a waiting-maid, looked as 
lovely, and fung as charming as ever. 

Thb managcVwill do himfclf, the town^ and 
Ihe author much irtjuftice if he docs not prcfent 
it as an after-piece.-^From this fpecimen, the 
public may reafonably exped mueb future en- 
tertainment from the pen of Mr. Robfott. 

I am^ Sit, yours, ic. 
Bed/ord'Ami. tHEATRICUS, 

To the New Sr£CTAtoi> 

Mr. SPECtATOft, 

Though i am no great friend to Irre^lar Odts^ 
or indeed modem odes of any fort, there is 
fomething in the following which pleafe^ my 
fancy, and which therefore I wi(h to fee in 
Ac Naw Spectatori 

Yours, &c« 

Ode to Melpomene. 

Amidst cbe foarce whence pity draws 
Her (acred fiream, by nature's laws, 
To mitigate the fcene of ill, 
Some drops of pure delight didil. 
Th& confcious heart, that throbs and yeams« 
Upon iifclf obfcrvant turns; 
With honed pleasure glows to fitid 
humanity within enihrin'd : 
And counts each drop of that bled ihowei'^ 
An offering worthy of the power* 

Thou moift-ey'd mufe, whofe footflep loves, 

Not in the gaudy day, 
Nor where the painted minions of the fpring, 
Their fafciuating fragrance fling ; 

But late in (hades, and cyprefs groves, 

Beneath o'er hanging rocks to dray ; 
Or tho(e deferted glades to feek. 
Where tomblefs gho(b glide by and (hriek 

Hence the chafte thrtftings which enhance 

Thy fcenes above mirth's fefiive dance. 

Hence to thy fad and folemnfliews, 

Thy (Irongly imitated woes, 
In fcarch of pure delight, 
The good and tender flock to weep : 
In Pity's balm their bofoms fieep, 

And buy with tears the confcioufnefs of right ! 

Go, the foul's miflrefi ! teach the gay 
Whom flem misfortune bath not taught. 
To feel and pity as they ought. 
Shew them that life has cloudpand (lorms, 
A fun that burns as well as warms, 
And ^st% that ach with grief while they unconfcious play. 
But ah ! fad goddcl's ! go not nigh 
The haunts of real mifcry. 
The foul that's wounded ill can bear 
The pidurM image of defpair : 

And wounds which lenient time has heal'd, 

Or dull oblivion's veil conceal'd, 

Will blcedafrefli when thou art view'd : 
Nor let thy vifions all too rude. 
On love's fequefter'd walks intrude. 

What can'ft thou teach the gentle breaft, 

^y that foul-foftening power polFeQ, 
But frantic fears and ten-fold care, 
Heart-rending horror and defpair P 

Whatever fatal ule is (hown, 
The anxious lov^r views his own: 
In that dark glafs his fortune reads, 

And (inks beneath a (ancy'd doom ; 

His nymph, and not Monimia blcedS;-^ 

'Tis (he that groans in Juliet's tomb ! 

Here then, Melpomene, forbear ; thy lore, 
Tbo' it (hou'd teach, would torture more ; 
They who with paflion bum, or droop with woe, 
Have feelings but too quick, and tears too apt to flow ( 

7(»^AeNBw Spectator. 

D<iat Spec l 


Amongst the variety of matters which engagie 

the attention of thofe who daily peramhulate this 

metropolis, there is none which more forcibly 

(Irike my mind than the general prevalence of 

Balloon Fashions! 

Every thing is a la balloon \ and though the fa- 
ttous aeroftatic machine of Monf. Mongolfier is 
become a ftale article, yet the balloon is likely to 
pervade every part of our fummer drcflfes, efpc- 
cially amongft the ladies^ who lately confined 
themfelves to balloon hats and caps, but have 
now gowns called balloon^ from their colour, as 
if a balloon (hould necedarily be of any parti-^ 
cular colour ) the jtetticoat, which was formerly 
fringed, \% now fuibelowed and puffed, a la bal- 
loon ; even the ihoet are decorated with balloon 


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No. XV* 


rofeS) and I am credibly infonncd that the balloon 
garter will (hortly make its appearance.— The 
balloon hat has confiderably extended its dimen- 
fions ; its circumference is equal to that of a com- 
mon-fized umbrella, and, 1 fuppofcj it is meant 
to anfwcr the fame purpofe. A lady, iki one of 
thefe, looks as if fhe had got a round tea-board 
«on her head, with an enormoiis (lop bafon, and 
two dozen of cups and faucdrs.— ^The balloon 
cap has alTumed no regular form ; and though a 
part of the drefs which one would imagine well 
calculated to be rendered balloonilh, the milliners 
fail in all their attempts on the fubjcft. 

I HAVE here a fine opportunity of being very 
witty on the fubjeft of injlammahlc air ; and might 
amufc myfclf with thoroughly differing the drefs 
of a woman of falhion, were 1 not apprchcnfivc 
of encroaching on the prerogative of thofe ad- 
mirable writers who furnifh our libraries with 
Light Summer-reading for LadUs^ &c. 

The Balloon has not only pervaded every 
part of drefe, but it has found its way into the 
heads and (hops of confc£Honcrs: and Balloon 
bifcuits and fwcetmcats are now as common as 
fugar-plumbs ; whilft inftead of Hot Jpict Nuts^ 
the barrow-m-n vociferates, Fine BaUoon-Ginger- 
breads Jmoaking hot ! 

What is IHll more remarkable than all this^ 
the balloon has found its way to the bar and the 
pulpit. When a man has been at law for a cer- 
tain time, and is at length non-fuited, the gende- 
mcn of the long robe have found it extremely 
difficult to make their clients underftand that 
term, and have, therefore, wifely adopted the 
word Ballooned, which certainly cohveys their 
meaning belter by half. When a rtin is non- 
failed^ he neither knows what is done, nor what 
he is to do -, but the moft ignorant man knows 
that when he is Ballooned^ it is his bufinefs to 


With refpcft to the pulpit it has of late been 
too much infe^ed with inflammable air ; and too 
tnany of" ihc clergy too much refemblc an air 
balloon : the people fee them exalted like a bal- 
loon, and many pay For feeing them who cannot 
difcover their ufc. 

But of all the learned profeflions, Phyfic has 
made the moft wonderful progrefs in the balloon 
manufadory. There is fcarcely one of the fa- 
culty who does not daily fend men and women 
on aerial expeditions, not only into other coun- 
tries, but into other worlds; and they have 
brought their balloons to fuch perfeEUon that 
many of their cuftomers lofe fight of the cartii in 
a few minutes. 

Thus almoft every branch of bufinels has xtM 
balloons, and happy is the man that can fly the 
higheft ! 


Amongst the landfcapes in this year's Ex- 
hibition, are feveral by Loutjicrbourg, and 
executed with his ufual flcill. His view of " Bra- 
" ther Bridge^ which divides Weftmoreland 
«* from Cumberland," is a noble painting, ad- 
mirably pifturcfque, and highly finifhed. His 
« Dove-dale in Derbyfhire," and " Matlock 
" High-Torr,** are plcafing pifturcs, and exaft 
rcprcfentations of thofe romantic fcencs.— " A 
" fylvart foene, taken at the top of a cafcade in 
" Weftmoreland," by Thomplbn^ is a delightful 
fubjcft, and well executed. Such fcen^s^ indeed, 
arc fit for the contemplation of genius. 

" Moses receiving the law on Mount Sinai,*' 
painted by' Mr k Wed, for his Majcfty's chapel 
in Windfor Cafile, is the principal pifturc in 
the Exhibiton ; and a piece in which the patntet 
has difcovered great genius in the defign, and 
no Icfs (kill in the execution. The figure of 
Mofcs is extremely ft ri king : he is reprefented 
ftandlng with a table in eac'h hand, the left being 
extended into the cloud over his head, where 
the finger of the deity is fuppofed to infcribe on 
that table a part of the law^ Mr. Weft has 
judicioufly omitted attempting that which, ad« 
niits not of delineation : and of which no human 
being can hare any conception t the figure o( 
the deity. He has endeavoured to convey an 
idea of the prefence of God, by the grandeur 
and awful folemnity of the fcene: the venerable 
group) which fills the lower part of the piece^ 
confifting of Aaron and the elders, are covered, 
as it were^ with light) and appear fenfible of the 
prefence by declining their heads^ being unable 
to bear the fplendour with which the deity is fur* 
rounded. Joftiua, who accompanied Mofes to 
the top of the mount, is> with great propriety 
and beaut}', reprefented by a young man, hold- 
ing a fcroU) proftrate on the mount. 

Whilst the effulgence of the light, and the 
noife of the thunder vifibly afle6l Aaron and 
the elders of the people, Mofes is feen in the 
midft of the cloud and whirlwind with flrmnefs 
looking into the blaze of light. 

In this excellent produflion, Mr. Weft has 
happily united the exertions of genius and the 
powers of painting. The light and the fliade, 
the diftribution of colours, the amazingly ex- 
preflave charad;crs of the heads, and ths beauty 
of the draperies, all contribute to ftamp immor- 
tality on this pifturc* 


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No. XV* 

The pifturc No. 121, reprcfcnting the Prophet 
Ifaiah, at the momcrit of his iniipiralion, is pecu- 
liarly cxpreflivc of that inimitable fublimity, 
which is the charaaeriftic of his writings. And 
the pifture No. 135, which reprefcnU thecal! of 
the Prophet Jeremiah, is equally eXprcCTive of that 
humility, modefty, and meekncfs, which per- 
vade his writings. The figure of Jeremiah is 
peculiarly beautiful. Thcfe two are proper corr- 
panions for that of Mofcs receiving the law, and 
are by the fame excellent hand* 

The portrait, No. ?o, of his Highnefs the 
Prince of Wales, by Sir Jolhya Reynolds, is ad- 
mirably painted, but the likcncfs is not good. 
His Highnefs is rcprefented Handing, with a 
drawtt fwotd, by the fide of ahorfc^ in a foreft, 
and feems to have had the misfortune lo lofe his 
hat, for upon carefully examining the pi6lurc, 
I could not difcover it, and it cannot be fuppofed 
he would amufe hittifclf with the diverfion ot 
ridii^ without his hat.-a*-The horfe is delineated in 
a ftrange pofition ; but the head is moft beautifully 
painted, and the whole pi6hxre, in the execution^ 
difcovcrs the hand of amafter.-«^Of the Nymph 
and Cupid, by the (ame great mafter, 1 (hall fay 
fomething in my nekt. 

B U L t A. 

The cllmald of Bulla is of that happy tempe- 
tatutc which is produftive of confiderable and 
proportionable degrees of valour and genius^ 
llence they boaft of able warriors, eloquetit ora- 
tprs and good poets* The hidory, therefore^ of 
fuch a country^ cannot but be peculiarly amuling 
and in(lrudive« Their manners and habits are 
ftriking^ and they have been regarded by the 
neighbouring planets as a people worthy of imt- 
tatipn* I have read ibme of their ancient books 
with inexpredible pleafurC) efpecblly the works 
of feveral of their poets* But at the time we 
vifited tbern^ they appeared to have degenerated 
ip their poetry, though confiderably improved in 
their profe. They feemed more atUched to the 
fciences than formerly, and had made confidex^ 
able progreis in feveral branches of philofophy* 
They particularly excelled in phytic, and gave 
liich wonderful accounts of their (kill, confirm- 
ed by the oaths of many Bulians, that we (hould 
never have believed them fubje^^ to be conquered 
by any of the evils of mortality, had not feveral 
of them happened to die during our ftay amongft 

In Bulla, as in every other place, the climate 
•pd tb^ mode of living contribute to the forma*. 
tion and ftrwigthcning of feveral difeafes that 

feem to mock the (kill of art 5 but fuch were 
the amazing powers of the Bulian phyficians» 
that by feveral papers they had publifhed, it ap- 
peared that even thefe difeafes were fubjefi to 
their controul, and muft infallibly be cured were 
their patients ftriftly to obferve the direftions 
prefcribed to them. For my part, I could not 
help regarding, with peculiar veneration, a fct 
of men who feemed to have the abfolute com* 
mand of life and deadi, and (hould certainly 
have been templed to have paid them divine 
honours, but that they themfelves were perpetu'* 
ally dying. 

The gentlemen of this fraternity were exceed" 
ingly ftrift in admitting others to exercife the 
privilege of prefcribing medicines for the fick, and 
regarded him as an impoftor who attempted to 
cure the difeafed, without being a member of their 
focicty. This, my friend and 1 attributed to that 
patriotic principle which is fuppofed to pervade 
every Bulian breaft, and of which every Bulian 
boaib. Yet, I know not how it happened, fome 
men who were not of that fociety^ difeovered 
wonderful (kill in thefe matters, and reftored 
many of the blind and the lame, who had been 
deemed incurable by the faid fociety, for though 
that fociety profelfed to cure every thing, yet it 
frequently happened that they declared fome 
things incurable ! 

It reflcfts no fmall praife on the Bulian phy- 
ficians that, though they are continually attending 
in the families of the great, very few have been 
known to have abufed the confidence repofed in 
them, by endeavouring to commence amoura 
with ladies of diftin^on. We heard but of one 
inftance of that kind, which had happened a con^ 
(iderable time ago ; tlie circumftances of which 
were as follow, 

Zela, the daughtei of a Bulian nobleman, aC 
the age of fifteen, was feized with a fever which 
threatened her with the lofs of life, and Lareui 
an eminent phyiician, attended her. He prC'* 
i'cribed fuch things as were ufual, in cafes of thp 
like nature, but all to no purpofe. His attend* 
ance gave- birth to a paffion which he dared not 
to reveal, but which could not efcape the oUer^ 
vation of Zela. One day, when her fever was 
abated, and (he was capable of conveHing with 
her attendants, (he fent for Lareu, and whilfthe 
was gazing on her with *' inefibble delight," iho 
faid, ** I fee, I^reu, that paflion has got the bet« 
ter of your prudence, and that in you I view a 
lover as well as a phyiician," Lareu was con* 
founded, but falling on his knee, he entreated 
her to fpare his confiifion, and that tbOMgk &• 


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.No. XV, 


had rightly judged of his.heott, he was fo far . 
fronixprcluming to declare his^palltoq, that he in- j 
tended to hav^ oppofed it with . all the philofppl^y \ 
he was mafteVof; " But fmcc, added he, you I 
have flifcovered the fccret of my heart, fmcc it j 
is true, that I love" — At that moment entered j 
the father of Zcla. He was haughty, and impla- I 
table, but laved his daughter to exccfs. Having | 
heard the laft words of Larcu, and finding him 
In a.fupplicaiing pofition before Zcla, he calUd 
the ^rnii of liulia to witnefs, that if Larcu did 
not cffed tlie cure of Zcla in ten days, without 
feeing her, Lc would not only expofe him to Bu- 
lla, but take away his life; whereqpon Lareu 
was permitted to depart, and Zela communicated 
to her fatlier all that had pafled. 

Having in vain tried all the means prcfcribed 
by tlie regular pra£lice, for the recovery of Ze- 
)a, and her father having called in the aid of eve- 
ty other eminent phyfician in Bulia, all whofe 
efforts proved ineifefhial, and the tenth day 
being at hand, "Lareu was determined, in oppofi- 
tion to the regular praclice, to adopt an idea 
prompted by nature and common fenfe. He» 
therefore, fent to the father of Zela, a large 
quantity of a liquid which, fo far from appearing 
to hare any jncdicmaA tsfte or imell, feemtd <o- 
.ULlly dclUtme of boch» With this, howc»€ty ht 
jQent a meflage) impoodeg, that if whea the lady's 
fev£r was jat its height, fhedmnk of that liqui4) 
v^ithout fuccels, he would refign all pretenfiojM 
to her cure. A confultation was immediately 
"held by the othef phyficians, who, after tailing 
the. liquid, andi ufmg many learned argnmertts, 
declared themfclves ignoraot of kt Ba^^, and 
advifcd, that it (hould not be given. To this the 
father of Zela confented, who wifely held, that 
in the multitude of couniellors tnere is fafety. 
The liquid, however, was fccretly conveyed, by 
a faithful attendant to the delirious Zela, who, 
impatient to drink any thing that came in her 
way, took great part of it at once. It aHiiaged 
the heat of her body, and threw her into a found 
flccp, from which fhe awoke in a calm and tran- 
quil ftate of mind. Larcu fecretly fupplied her 
with more, and in a few days (he peifedly re* 
covered, and throwing herfelf at her father's 
feet, inftplored his blefling, and intreated him to 
fave the hfe and honour of him who had reftor- 
ed her to health. Having got his promife to that 
effed, Lareu was fent for, and, contrary to his 
^opes, received the hand of his lovely patient, 
from her father, who fwore, by the genii of 
Bulia, that having faved the life of his daughter, 
he dcfervcd her heart, and with it the blclTing of 

a man who honored geniut laore than nches, and 
delighted to raife merit to eminence. They were 
foon united; and thus Lareu gained his miflreb, 
by dcferting the rcguhrprafti6i,'anapetmitting 
his patient, in a high fevcr, 'to drink a hottle df 
uy cold'watefl 

Rei?£ctikc other Btflian-nrttcert, Al^unaffllp* 
^of the arrival of my friend from that coutitry 
this week, I will give you his annCtatioifit ifl 
-my next. Mean time lam, 

Dettr Srp£C, Yourt, 

JOHN Bxnsu 

.. I m . .^.ji»^M^— — — ^n— til 1 1 ■ 1 1 I ■ H I ■■ ■ 

Ta the Nsw Spectator. 
Mf. Spectator, 

Your animadverfionsonthepofthumouf 

letters of a late noble Earl, are extremely juft» 

Looking overfome papers, I found the following 

Monumental Injcription^ which, as it coincides 

with your fentiments, I fend y5u for publicationi 

and am, 

TTours, &c» 

Hers ttd the lemiint of P««>-S , 

£arl of C 1 

Who, in his life time, wu juflly admired 
As ft-man oF'wit, an oi^tot, ^fi 

A ibftefOntti. 

In his pofihunioas letters mliil^ll% 

Writiea folely for his mfimdioi^ we (eaicl^ 

But feasch m vain 

Tor the parent, Ae moraliQ, the religiotu maoi 

And the philofopher. 

But parental tendemels we Ice 

Almoft wholly abforbed in an 

Unbounded ambition. 

His morals, alas ! we find convey 

A cool, deliberate plan to profccute 

Genteel adultery I 

His religion was the worihip of the graces. 

At whofe flirine he (acrificed, widiout fuccefs, 

The virtues of the man, 

And the citizen. 

Hit philofophy confided in a fuppofed, 

fiat fuperficial knowledge of human namre| 

Drawn from courts. 

And illiberal cenfures of woman, as woman^ 

Without diftinguiihing charadeis. 

Or inveftigating truth : 

Which general cenfures were fo trite, injadidotis, 

And unfupported by experience, 

As would difgrace the undcrftandii^ 

Of a fchool^. 

Reader, beware i 

Let not the bfaae of giitternig tatent^ 

Nor the pomp of foundnig tttleti 

Miflcfld thy undcfftandii^ 

Or comqfUthf heart! 

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No. XV. 

' To the New Spectator 

Mr. Spectator, 

Some time ago we heard a great deal about 
regulating the police of Weftininftcr. I truft 
that, whatever the members for that city may 
do, the new Parliament will take it into confide- 
ration, and form fuch laws and regulations on 
the ^bje£b as may prevent thofe fcenes of riot 
and iniquity which are daily exhibited, and en- 
couraged by men who boafl of being fiiends to 
the people. Thefe wordy friends are generally 
the word enemies. 

Yours, &c. 


To other Correspok dents* 

The fevered accounts received of the riot in Covent- 
Garden^ lafi nighty arc Jo contradiEtory^ that I am 
under the necejjity oJrejeEHng them all. — The poem on 
Uie late appearance of various dead men in this me- 
tropolis, at the injligation of a notorious forcerefs, is 
too long for the New Spectator. — The lines on 
Sir Jofhua Reynolds's piBure of the Prince of Wales, 
are too inaccurate for publication. — The laft epijdeof 
CurioHtatibus if under confideration. — The Budget 
of Fafhion, fy a young lady, is received. — The 
critique on Mr. Robfon*s Too Loving by Half^ 
fgned Dramacicus came too late for Inferlion. It is, 
however, nearly findlar to that fgned Thcatricus, in 
the third paga 

London: Printed by T. Rickaby, No. 15, Duke*s-Caurt, fiow*Street, Covent-Gaiden $ 

Sold by T. AX TELL, No. 1, Finch-Lane, Comhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by 
W. SWIFT, Bookfeller, Charlcs-Slrcet, St. JamcsVSquarc ; by P. BRETT, Bookfeller and 
Stationer, oppofitc St. Clement's-Church in the Strand j and by W* THISELTON, Bookfeller and 
Stationer, No. 37, Goodge-Strcct, Rathbone-Place. 

%♦ Co&rispondents are requcfted to addreis their favours to the New SpicTATOR, to 
the care of any of the above-named Publifbers. 

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; AlA^\/\i^\l^i/^llAyVA>AAJ^A/ > u^ 



W I T H T H B 


inT-i fi\ f -1 rrfwi 'SA' 

No. XVI. 

TUESDAY, MAt i9, 1784. 

t*rice 'f hrfee-penc6. 

To be continued every TvesAav. 

Gratis tmhelans^ multa agendo nihil agens* 

Puffing hard, and rnakiug much ado about nothing! 



EVERY liAtiott his its peculiar exccl- 
lexu:i^ ; and it has frequently been re- 
marked, that our neighb#ursy the French, are 
more happy in their inventive fiM:ulties than our. 
felves, but that we exteed them in jiidgihient ; 
and, potfibiTed of a bafis^ raite &ich fuperilrut- 
tures of improvement, as foinetimes to excel the 
merit of the invention itfclf. 

Amongst the numerous aHs inipoHed frohi 
the continent, 1 know not any bhe in whicli niy 
ingenious countrymen have fo well fucc^ded as 
in the Art of Puffing ; fome bratlthe^ of which 
have been happily elucidated in tbe dtamatic 
piece of the Critic^ in which it is plainly pi-oved 
that Puffing is reduced to a fyAem, and that, like 
the Complete Lettet- Writer ^ it cotitains tertain 
forms « adapted to mod occafions iti life.*' 

In this excellent art, I fay, my worthy couti* 
trymen have made wonderful progreisj of' which 
our public prints offer the moil incontefUble 
proofs ; for we there find many names and many 
things puffed into public importance, wbofe vir- 
tues mufl, othetwife, have remained known only 
to a ^ icleft few," and the world in general have 
been deprived of their advantages^ 

THit necellary art had long been confined to 
iiueKk DoBwpst who very ba^dfoIn«ly lived on 

fcltolling themfelves; till at length the &r^^ 
Barber^ emulous of the like importance, and 
confcious of fcientific abilities, aflerted his right 
to public attention, and became the autkor^ 
publilher^ and vender of the puflP of felf-appr0^ 

It wis ttoW ditcoVci^d, that itledlcal itinc- 
hmts had ho cxclufive right to exietcife the art of 
Quackery \ ahd this difcovcty, like that of elet- 
tticily, gav6 rife tb innumerable experiments^ 
ihd we havd nbW Quacks of ail denominations^ 
from the Quack minift^i- ^t SU Jani(*s's, to the 
Quack ciobler iii St, OiWsi 

f HE art of Puffing, then, is the irt of Quack- 
ery, thus uhiverfally unproved, ahd extended tcl 
all manner o^ profeilions. The terms bf the 
fciencd are thui happily brought ititd cohimon ufe^ 
and We are riow toldj that •* Mr. • • • * • •^ 
«« Paftry-cook, having a correfpondence with 
" Monfieur ••••♦, of Paris, they have, by 
<< the joint exertions of their united frofeffimud 
** ainlitieSf brought apple-puffs to an amazing de- 
** grec of perfedlon, by a hew tod fdeniijical 
*^ conftruOioH of thepafte, never before attempted 
<* in the knowxi World V* 

IThb Puff patriotic has a Wbnderful tScEt Ot^ 
the good people of xbtlc rtalxbs. The politioil 


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tHlS nt^ SflCTATO*, itc 


^uack^ lil i vtiff curious animal; he feme, 
times adniinifters to his patients, pills oF fuch 
ftrangc qualities, as to throw the whole frame 
into violent convuKions. As he is the moil 
rpecious, fo he is the mod dangerous of isll 
Quacks. He has fome of the qualities of Circe ; 
by iiMiring i9ei^n,^lMiafes, and a4minifterin^ to 
fte j^ple large quaiititics of a certaift liquid, lie 
iDonverts them into brutes, and renders thinsti the 
mere pack-horfes of his MrilK Whilft they re- 
main in this ftate, they commit all manner of 
outrages, even murder itfelf, and operily carefs 
the vc^ry man, through whofe machinations they 
are brought i% the galk>ws ! 

But the moH fucccfsful adepts in the aft of 
jHiffingy are the ladies; for I deem every article of 
unneceifary ornament, the fuff dirtB,\ fo that a 
iady in full drefs is little elfe than a puff from top 
to toe. The cap, if fhe wears any^ is puffed 
with gauze puffings, puffed ribbons, and puffed 
flowers. The hair puffed up with puffed cotton^ 
puffed with powder, from the powder-puflF of a 
puffed friteur. The cheeks dele6hbly puffed 
with catminej and the neck and arms puffed 
with artificial alabafter. The refl of the body is 
puffed with an cktcnfive hoop-petticoat, puffed 
with flounces and furbelows before, and a gown 
of pufe upon pufrs brfiirtd. This, with the pulled 
roTc bh k fmall fo3t, is the puff of temptation, 
' aiid there « the rfcgular cofrfufion ends V* 

A rt.ilH& of mine, unac<}uaihtcfd with the 
extcnfive influence of puffing, an art mofe won- 
derful is its deceptions than KatUrJelto hiihfelf, 
li^y marrieda lady of the above defcription; but 
he protefts, that, except when fhe is full-drefT- 
cd, he has only half of what he bargained for :— 
*' I was never more afloniflied in my life, fays 
^ he, than wh«n I firfl faw her undrefled ; and 
« could tK>t help applying to her Taljtajf^s dc* 
« fcription of Slender^ that he refembled a cheefe- 
<^ paring after fupper, or a forked radifh with a 
« curious head fantaftically carved !" 

BvT the kdies do not confine the art of puffing 
to 'exttmals only ; they idfo ufc a variety of 
mental fi^ atid, «s Hudibras tells us. 

They daub their tempers o'er with wafhes, 
As artificial aa tbeir faces. 

This, I apprehend, i^ effefted by the puf/enti- 
mentaif which has been long in vog^e, but it now 
on the decline, fior the puff fentimental, like the 
puff patriotic, is the vilefl of all puffs when 
Ihe tHck is found out, by retfoa of iti near 
affinity tolfc^ngr. 

I CANNOT but obferv6, that Ac puff'fcnti* 
mental is dangerous; for I Imvc litHe ^bobt but 
that it is to an improper and too extenfive vife Of 
this puff, that we are to attribute the mbfortune 
oTthe ladies^ fo univerfally complained of, that 
though they ean catch birds, they cannot make 
cages. Before marriage, though you ate per« 
milled to contemplate thetr ftrfonal beauties & 
an undrefs, their minds art always tutored M> the 
occafion, and they fail not to play off their whc^e 
artillery of fentimental puffs : they are fenti- 
mentally modeff, fentltnentally humane, fenti-' 
mentally delicate. But after the nuptial knot 
has been tied, the loVe r too f re^fuenfly difcoverv 
that his miftrefs has an undrefs qfthtmindy as well 
as of the perfon, and he has perhaps the doubler 
mortification of finding his u n dr e ffcd wi£s like 
^< a forked radifli*^ in her perfon, and her mind^ 
inftcad of the invariabls iber, refbnMing an 
elufive vapoiir« 

- ..I 1 

To the New S p e e t at o a« 
Mr* Spectator, 

1 rely on that humanity witft which it is 
apparent from ydUf writings, your breafl abounds, 
for the infertion of the following letter, to a 
gentfemaA «rho, I .k6ow, is a fcidtr of tfie 
Kew SptCTAtoA, and wi& wfaofe tdditji I 
am jinacqiiaunied, o4herwi£s I fliOiiUl not bftve 
4grouUod you on this occafion^ 

To 1R. C ti.r ,. Efq. 


Trt o u G H that man is feldbm effecmed wifc< 
who interftrs between huftand and wife, yet 
I am willing to forego the ncpulation of wifdoQi, 
to gratify the impulfe of humanity. 

Ha p p e n I n c, a few evenings ago, to be at Co-^ 
vent-Garden Theatre, I entered into converfation 
with a lady whom I found to be the zoidow'tC 

laife of Mr. C , and afterwards accompanied ' 

her to her refidence, where I found one of your' 
beautiful children. Mrs. C was by no- 
means refervcd on the fubje^ of her fituation ^ 
but I could not difcover the cxaQ: grbund on 
which a hafty, and feemingly ^unpremeditatei^ 
reparation had taken place between her andyour- 
felf. Nor was I curious in a matter which con- 
cerned not me. But my feeKngs were « trem-- 
" blingly alive** to the unplbafant fituation of 
Mrs. C n , and the obvious danger of her* 
€harmin|r child, hinriedintofcenesof fafhionablc 
fofly, at an age when the deepefl impreffions are 
made tm the v&aii at an age. wh^n^tke iwig^ 


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No. XV. 

THKNEW^ S*llCTATO!t, &c. 

Ikends tmder every impreffure, and when it 
^ould be watched with the moft guarded atten- 
tion, and prcferved from every baneful influence. 

The conduft of Mrs. C- 

I am little ac- 

<}uainted with, but have every reafon to believe 
thatfhe has not yet injured her hufband. I fay 
yet, for were (he to remain in her prefent 
fituation, it is poffiblc fhe may be liable to the 
fcdufikion of dcfigning men, and form connexions 
by no means compatible with female honour, 

I HAvp already faid, that I knpw not on 
what grounds you Ivavc parted from her ; but it 
isfurely a matter of almofl infinite momept, that 
this fepar^tion is made with the utmoft precautiop, 
and npt on any light ground?, feeing that the 
happi.nefs of a fweet little family is, in a great 
mcafure, involved in the confpquence. But, 
indcpd, it is prefumption in me tp diftate Xq 
your feelings on fo important, fo delicatp a tib- 
jeft ; and, though a ftr<inger to his perfpn, J 
know I am writing to a gentleman whofe feelings 
and idea^ are alive to parental tendernefs, as well 
as family honour, and who knows how to in- 
dulge the one, aijd to v^lue the other. 

Mr, C perceives the purport of this letter. 

An unknown friend, fropi the mere defire of 
gratifying bis own feelings, for the fecurity of 
domeftic felicity, takes the liberty to recommend 
to Mr. C ■ *s ferious confideratioji, the pre- 
fent fituation of his wife and family ; a wife, 
wTiom the tongue of flander has not yet calumni- 
ated, and whom it is at prefent in his power 
to prefervc from impending danger ; and an 
infant family, who look up to him for lupport, 
proteftion, education, and happinefs ; the Situ- 
ation of all parties difa^reeable and dangerous, 
whilft their fate hangs on your determination, 
which muft remove the dark doud at prefent 
o*er(hado\ving their felicity, or render it ftill 
darker by rejeding thofe feelings which plead in 
your own bofom, for the return of conjugal 
happinefs, and parental tendernefs. 

But Ihouid your fcofom be quke cold to the 
endearments of connubial afie£Bon, let, at leoft, 
t^e parent -tHumph in your 'heart ; and though 
ypu<bo^ld, from motives beft k«own to yourfelf, 

pejdft tfU futttfe onlercouHe wSfh Mrt, C , 

t'ike under your ppoteduon diat infant daughter 
VhO) if pennitled to -remain in her prefent fKu- 
atien, w>tl, 1 Jfear, too loon experience u4)at 
itis*to^wAappy. 4t 16 neo^lefs 4o (ay jnore 
on <h4sfiibj«fft, and I wiffh only -to add, that 
horn 4he -ecmv^alioii I haye had with Mrs. 

C , I have .little doubt but that a kind in- 

viution from yftu^ vbpm fhc fpeaks of in the 

higkef^ terms, of panegyric, would induce her 
to quili a fituation dlfgraceful to your family, 
and return tq that domeftic f^liijity| which has 
been interrupted, perhaps by fomething too 
trifling to merit fo great a facrifice, and which 
I truft, will be quite forgotten in the firfl em- 
braci? gf returning affeftign* 

Happy ipmyfrf^ I cannot tear the fight o;^ 
mifery in others ; buf where a whole family, ^ 
froiling infant family, is involvccU-it i|» too mucl| 
— my humanity g^ the better of the pcremony 9^ 
cufton?, ^nd I, p?rhap3 impertinently, fly t^ 
relieve, if | can, if not, at J^(l to i»dviCe or to, 
confole with thofe in whofe h^ppjrvel^, as ^ 
fellow-creatyrc, I fpel myfelf injercfted. Cpi^Jj^ 
I be blefled enough to b^co^ie the jp<;di»^or of 
peace betweer^ ypuffclf and Mx§. Cr-r-r-, o^ 
happinefs would be much aug^pt^ ; 1^ ^ |^ 
knp\y n9t pf any mean^ iy)icreby IxoMld^ m^^ 
myfelf thp ipflxupa^nt of fp much gppd-rrpf " 9 
cpnfuminaton £9 devoutly to be wifljcdj^'r-I cam 
onjy wifh you ^ill treat this ^iddfel^, ?sth^ e%. 
(ion pf ^ ipind delighting in univprfal h?ppinfft^ 
and if i)t (hould tend to re-unitc Mr. and Mx^ 
CU »— in connjubial felipity, it will great)/ »»4# 
to theple^repf 

Sir, Youi: mofb obedient^ 


To the N^w $^^pT4T0|i. 

Old §ftWARP-TQ.E|, 

As your depdty, John Bull, 
feems, by his writings, to be a good, ferious, 
funny fort of a man, I wifli in my heart, you 
would enjoin him to compofe a new prayer book, 
without any commandments at all. And as the 
very name oi devil makes my fides (hake, don't 
let John mention a word of him in the book, as 
you value the future correfpondence of 

Ypurs, as you like ;t, 


I HAVE no doubt, but that this Jack Carelefi, 
as he calls himfclf, is a fad young fellow ; 
though it is plain be is -not fo carel^s as he would 
ittfinuatc, otherwife »his fides would never 
Ihake at the nam^e of -riie devil, or any thing 

1 «£4.ifi'VE'my fagacious deputy is4itele qua- 
lified for .compofing a book *of common prayer ; 
and as little defwous of altering that already efta- 
blifhed ; for John is as firm a friend to the 
ChimJh of £4igland, as -to Ac civil rights and 
liboFtips^f Engliibmon. 

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No. XVI. 

The bevy of ORIGINALS, 

{[No. VII. 

Mif» Blab Wou'dbe. 

" Sh^s all that Folly can exprefs, 

" Or angry levers fancy ^ when betrayed /** 

Criticism, when txtcnded beyond its com- 
Jjafs, is illiberal, and proves an envious weaknefs. 
It was embraced in former ages by mtn of the 
mod found knowledge and erudition ; but, now, 
every woman that has read fifteen novels — which, 
by the bye, are mighty filly books — and fubfcrib- 
ed nine months to Bell's, Swift's, or Hookham*s 
circulating library, affumes the prerogative of de- 
cifioti, and palfes judgment for the whole town. 
Mifs Blab is one of thefe new-born critics, who, 
tctt' months ago was flourifhing in her native ig- 
norance, and fo weak were her intellcfts, that an 
idea above the price of a filk gown, or the com- 
plexion of the weather would fo imprefs her non" 
fchfcs, that a total lofs of memory would enfue 
for three days.— Woman, ever communicative, 
and dcjpifing fecrecy, as a deftroyer of generous 
minds, cannot embrace Folly herfelf, but muft in- 
iruft the whoU fex, Mifs Blab, for want of 
amufcment, one morning, — when Pdly Talkall 
came in, was diverting herfelf with that intereft- 
ing game, entitled Pujh-pin! — As some of your 
readers may be ignorant of that paradifiacal holy 
game, I will, in a future number, if demanded, 
fully explain it, as handed down to us from the 
ancients. Polly was much furprifed at feeing her 
friend play the Jingle game I—** Blcfs me ! Mifs 
Wou'd-be, ha, ha, ha! — this reminds me of a 
print in the laft Magazine DiabolicalJ* Indeed ! 
replied Mifs Blab ; how I fliould like to fee it ! 
Sympathy intervened. — A dozen of pamphlets 
was drawn out of Polly Talkall's pocket, at the 
f^me time, declaring her fear of being difcovcred, 
when the door was faftencd, and the tabic brought 
forward, they went at 2<— I mean looking over the 
pamphlets. After attentive fpeculation , two hours, 
a mutual fatisfaftion enfued. The firings of ' 
both their hearts were in unifon, and they have 
remained <^t-friends ever fincc J — Thofe very 
pamphlets have faved Mifs Blab from total igno- 
rance, and have led her to an invefligation of 
tnaturir (ubje^s^-^men and things, which blend- 
ed with a perufal of a few indifferent novels, fhe 
h^ commenced poetefs and critic. It is fbme 
fatisfa£lion, however, that her writings are fo 
void of grammar and unconne^ed, as not to be 
undcriUKKiU— -She writes two thirds of thofe 
fcandalous paragn^s that appear fuccefTively in 
the morning papers, beginning with A correfpon^ 
dmt inform us^ &c in whieh flie gives full fcope 

to her envy, and revenge, not only on the modeft 
part of her own fex, but on the fenfiblc of the 
other. The bafis of her criticifms arc fo weak, 
that fhe rcflefts on the judgment of a Benfley, 
and the performance of a Siddons ! She even 
treats the beauties of Johnfon, as farcafm^ on na- 
ture, and the fimplicity of Sicme, as chapters of 
indifference and trifles. She writes on the topic 
of love and friendfhip, though infenfibility has 
fleeled her foul againfl both. The doubk entendre 
fhe excels in, faving that fhe fleers too near the 
point. I have been in company when Mils 
Blab's innuendos have raifed the blufkes of fix- 
teen ladies, while ^, quite unconcerned, began 
playing another tune on the fame inflrument : 
for the pleafure of a double infinuation, fhe will 
at any time deviate from the precepts of delicacy* 
A SUBLIME and beautiful Author, writing on 
that fubjefl, fays, " It is not the oak, the afh, ar 
" the elm, or any of the robufl trees in the fo- 
" rcfl, which we confider as beautiful : — it is the 
" delicate myrtle, orange, almond, jefTamine, 
" vine, which we look on as vegetable beau- 
" ties. The beauty of women is confiderably 
" owing to their weaknefs or <i^/tc^, and is even 
" enhanced by their timidity, a quality of mind 
«« analogous to it." — I fport this quotation 
merely to conn teraft the opinions of Mils B)ab 
Wou*d-be, who infijls that a woman may fay 
what fhe will, ad placitum, as well as the men.. 
t)on*t think. Spec, that I defcribe this original, 
becaufe fhe is a female writer. No ! it is becaufe 
her poems and writings are too indecent even for 
a private perufal. — I admire the effufions of 
women, and with a proper cultivation, they 
would rife to perfeftion. As for the fex in 
general, I fincerely think with Otway- ■ 

" There's in them all that we believe of heav*a. 
" Amazing brightnefs, purity and truth, 
** Eternal joys, and everladiDg love I** 

[ To be continued, ] 

To the N E\V S P E c T A T o R, 
Mr. Spectator, 

I AM commanded by a refpe6bble fo- 
ciety of ladies, all virgins, on what is vulgarly 
called the wrong fide of forty, to requeflyour 
Spectatorship will inform the fbciety, whe- 
ther or not you are married; and if not, to 
affure you, that you will be welcome to join this 
fociety, on entering your name in the book, and 
taking the Bachelor's oath ; as the faid ladies 
doubt not but that your age and gravity will be 
highly ornamental to their fociety. 
Yours, &c. 


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No. XVI. 



To the New Spectator. 
Dear Spec ! 

Amongst other cauTesof public rejoicing, 
the peace, the diffolution of the laft parliament, 
and the univerfal rejcAion of improper members 
in the new one; amongil thrfe, and fimilar 
caufes of general good, may reckoned the intend- 
ed felf-banilhmcnt of feveral 

Town Women, 

who having for two or three years paft, afto- 
nifhcd this metropolis, by the fplendour of their 
appeariaknce, are at length, reduced to thofc cxtre* 
mitics which, fooner or later, never fail to 
encompafs unbounded diflipation. There is a 
political, as well as moral and natural caufe for 
this revolution ; and forry I am, that the chief 
offices of ftate in this country, (hould ever be 
in the hands of wretches fo combined and con- 
nefted with vice, as that they" fhOuld make it 
a point to provide for the moft abandoned cha- 
ra6lers, male and female, which, however, they 
are impelled to, by gratitude^ Jls well as by 

The Bird of Paradife, Dally ^ and others, 
illuftrious in their profeffion, are fpoken of as 
vifitors of other climes, if, perad venture, they 
can fafely efcape the watchful eye of the cormo- 
rants of the law. The Ptrdita would gladly ac- 
company them, but that fhe is under fome 
urgent neceffity for continuing amongd us. She 
intends fpeedily to adopt a new mode of reno- 
vating her charms, and to advertife herfclf under 
a new appellation, in the Morning Herald. 

The public cannot but rejoice in the banifh- 
ment of women who, by the infamy of their ex* 
anple, add daily to the lift of proftitutcs, thofe 
of their own fcx who are not proof again ft the 
fafcination of artificial happinefs, and the glare 
of meretricious fplendour. 


The following verfes are beautiful, and merit 
prcfervation. They were occafioned by Mr. 
Sheridan meeting Mifs Linley, now Mrs. Sheri- 
dan, at the entrance of a grotto, in the vicinity 
uf Bath, and taking the liberty of offering her 
iome advice, with which apprehending that fhe 
was difpleafed, he left in the grotto^ the next 
day, the following 

By R. B. Sheridan, Efq. 
Uncouth is this mofs-cover*d grotto of ftone, 

And damp is die (hade of this dew-dripping tree ; 
Yet I this rude grotto with rapture will own, 
And, willowi thy damps arc rcfrcfliing to mc. 

For this is th^ grotto where Delia reclinM, 
As late I in fecret her confidence fought ; 

And this is die tree kept her fafe from the wind. 
As blufhing fhe heard the grave Icflbn I taught. 

Then tell me, thou grotto of mofs-cover'd ftone, 

And tell me, thou willow with Iobtcs dripping dew. 

Did Delia feem vex*d when Horatio was gone ? 
And did Ihe confefs her refentment to you ? 

Methinks now each bough, as you're waving it, tri«s 
To whifper a caufe for' the forrow I feel ; 

To hint how (he fiownM when I dar'd to advife^ 
And figh*d when (he faw that I did it with zeal. 

True, true, filly leaves, fo (be did, I allow ; 

She frown*d, but no rage in her looks could I fee j 
She frown'd, but refIe£lion had clouded her brow ; 

She figh'd, but, perhaps, 'twas in pity to me. 

Then wave thy leaves brifker, thou willow of woe ; 

I tell thee, no rage in her looks Could I fee : 
I cannot, I will not, believe it was (b i 

She was not, (he could not, be angry with me. 

For well did (he know^ that my heart meant no ¥rrong j 
It funk at the thought of but giving her pain : 

But trufted its talk to a faltering tongue, 

Which errM from the feelings it could not explain* 

Yet, oh ! if indeed IVe offended the n^id ; 

If Delia my humble moninon refufe ; 
Sweet willow, the next time (he vifiu thy (hade. 

Fan gently her boforo, and plead my excufe. 

And thou, (lonygrot, in thy arch may'ft prefervo 
Two lingering drops of the night-£illen dew ) 

And juft let them fall at her feet, and they'll ferve 
As tears of my forrow intruftcd to you. 

Or left they unheeded (hould £dl at her ktt. 

Let them fall on her bofom of fnow ; and I fwear ' 

The next time I vifit thy mofs^over'd foat, 
I'll pay thee each drop with a genuine tear« 

So may'ft thou, green willow, for ages thus xo(i 
Tby branches fo lank o'er the (low-winding flream j 

And thou, ftony grotto, retain ^all thy mofs. 
While yet there's a poet to make thee his theme. 

Nay more— may my Delia fiill give you her charms, 
Each evening, and fometimes the whole evening long . 

Then, grotto, be proud to fupport her white arms, 
Then, willow, wave all thy green tops to her fong. 


This region of tafte was vifited on Friday 
evening, by a great number of tajly people indeed. 
His Royal Highnefs, the Prince of Wales, the 
Duchefs of Devonlhire, Lord and Lady Dun- 
cannon. Lady Archer, &c. &c. amongft the 
great folks, attra6led general notice. Round 
their box, there was a perfe£lww3 of female gentry ^ 
to contemplate •< the glafe of fafhion/' and to 


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Hq. XVZ. 

admire the Tvicice. «< T%e ^lofe of <iaifliion/' 
however, being m mourning, had not decorated 
her charms with any thing aidn', and the Prince's 
hair was drefled fo very frightfully, that the 
kdies could net hxAf tiitcvring. ScariGcly ^ lady 
Appeared without a Balkkon h«t, aod-the ^a^a- 
lity of them were <wcnKi'pous fine. Of tiie«n«ec- 
tainment, it may he faid, €hat -ffcc inftnimcntal 
muEc wsus, as i^Tual, moderator a longer two cxf 
Wilfon's ^nw^nw, and the tea— fixt^n fliiUings 

WixAOW is he of whole vocd powers, I had 
occafion to t(jpcak with much jplea&ire« in Mr. 
Barthejomon's Hay -market Oratorio. The 
opinion I ;thcKe advanced, foemed to he univer- 
fally agr^eed to, on Fi iday, /or I jcould hear 
fcveral i^tmark, that, whift Wilfon is finging 
the voice of Mrs. JKLcnncdy vibrates an the ear. 
I mufl, in jjuftice" add, that his is the «Mvly 
part of the entertainment woirtb attending to.— 
Befides a plentiful .affcmblage of doubtful cka- 
ra^ers, the Rotunda was pretty well ftored 
with vile obfcenity J 

B u 

L I A. 

Re xma«/, having re-aflembled the Reppu and 
the Etanes, addrefled himfclf to them in the fol- 
lowing fpeech : 

" Happy am I, O Bulians f to behold you 
" onoc more affcmbkd under this venerable 
« roof, which h rendered facred by your pre- 
*« fence, and the wifdom of your deliberations. 
*' I am happy alfo to find that far the greatcft 
« part amoo^a y©u, afe friends to jlexsooan and 
" the fwbHc weal. Prote^bd by your councils, 
*• I doubt iMt but that Buira w^ill experience the 
«« advantages of liniverfal commerce, and the 
" bleiTtngs of ,a gcnecal poaqe. Indeed, we have 
" noUvn^ to fear but diviiiofv ikwangft oMr- 
<< felves ; and I iruft tkat the pmv«r of thofe h 
« a gottd deal weakened, if <Krt totally a»nihi- 
«« lated, who make it their chief bufinefs to 
" create diftruft between Rexman andixis.pcojJe. 
^ I fay the pouter cf thodCe* £or their iiaifliaaUon, 
<< 1 fear« will always remain the fame;. 

" It grieves me, Bulians, to be under the ne- 
«* ceffity of rcquefting pecuniary afliftance in 
<* the thnc of peace ; but the efforts of faftion 
*< have rendered it neceffary. The conjduQ; jof 
<^ my RetUnim you will find hooourable to lihe 
** ftate ; and in him ygu may repofe confidenoe. 
** He has every qualification ncceflary for his im- 
♦* portant office. He is deftitute of the chkanc 
*« Thron, and the infidious ambition of Reynar- 
«* dam. His private charafbr is univcrfally ad- 
JJ mired, and his public principles every where 

'^ approved. Nothing is o4>je&edito him, except 
" his youth ; but youth adorned with wtUoia 
^ and (graviky, is far piioferable to "igt ^fgraced 
<< by vice and £dldy« fiefides, my friends, witl 
** he not have your maturer counci(s to affift 
<* him ? I truft he iwiUL Whatever, tfaerefoKe:, 
^( you.entruft ito his care, ^vtil be a /acred -de^ 
" pofit, which no views of hts owu will tempt 
*• hrni to mifappLy. Happy had it been for us, 
" had jny former fervantsbeen fwayed by the 
" like principles. Our wealth had not then 
" been drained by foreign wars, nor fquandered 
" at home in difgraceful luxuries. 

" Having wifely rcjefted from your auguft 
" body, roaky who were inimical to the true 
" honour of Bulia, and fought only their own 
« advantages ; I truft that your conduft will be 
" diftinguifhcd by every patriotic effort for the 
" renovation of Bulian felicity. And I particu- 
" larly recommend to your attention unanimity. 
" in the firft inftance, and a determination tQ 
" enforce ihofe laws that more immediately tend 
" to curb licentioufnefs, and to frame fuch otheiv 
« as may operate to a revival of tme religion, ^nd 
«« moral honefty, which, I am forry to obfervc, 
" have of late greatly dcciincd amongft us. It 
" were well to en^juire into the caufe of this ^e- 
" neral dereliftion of principle, the mor« effec- 
" tually to countermine its effefts. For my ow© 
« part, I will be free to confefs, thah, in my 
" opinion, it originates in that f|>irit of gaming 
" by which all ranks arc diftingyifhed, an<! 
«* which, jof all other vices, is the mol 
" deteftable, as it leads to the commiflion of 
" every crime human nature can be guilty of, 
" as you well know from the example of feve- 
« ral who have difgraccd this Houfe. Let 
« your laws then be fuch as may pluck up 
« this vice by the roots; and fail not inflift the 
" puniihments on thofe of your own body as arc 
« found guilty ; for it ill becomes one of the 
« Etanes, a guardian of rights, to ^dift him- 
" felf to a vice which may tempt him to facri- 
" fice not only his own, but the property of 
" every man, entrufted to his care* 

^' I AM the more anxious re/jpe^ng the rcvi- 
« val of moral honefty amongft my people 
« becaufe nothing but a <iqpartunc from its ia. 
« cred laws can involve this kingdom in ruujv 
« Of this I am confidently affured ; and I am 
« equally certain, that nothing but villainous 
<« example can hurt the principles, or influence 
" the conduft of my people, whofe hearts am 
'« naturally good, and whofe goodncfs wants 
" only the aid of encouragement to put it bc- 
^ yond the pcach even of example, 

«* I RE- 

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Tl^fi ^£W ^iHCtkltOHi, Sui 

*^ I «4|'oiC^ in tbe luyploeft oif xfty people^ 
^ I h^vc no private iriewi UMj6Aihpalihle witk 
V t)i«ir goo4 ^of ^^^^ luppntdb icenftitutes iht, 
^ very cfience of my owxu Cveiy poe^fur^ 
«« therefore, which you cah adopt to prcfervc 
<< or augment the general (elicityy will itcciVe 
** my hearty concurrence." 

Raxmam, having thus ^ivered his fenti- 
)nents, retirecL The Reppu and Etanes then de- 
liberated on certain laws for the preferVation of 
Wic pubKc good) x>i which I may hereafter give 
fans account, and of the oppoiition made to 
Ike^i by a faftion, ^^nguiftied by the appelU^ 
liodof the iPg^cfu^^. 

Dba)) M^NW 

I Ata wdrf )i*ppy to inform yon, thai tW Wp^ 
mmatioii of the We&mmfler ekdion, has greatly 
tquieted ike minds of ttije jnh a to a mt s, r^ie^ittg 
«:ertain apparitions ; for^ you muft know, fViend 
Spec, that within this month paft, various dead 
mat have appeared at mid-day befbire the huft- 
Sngs in CoVent»'Gardcn, to the great terror and 
«ma^ementof many bye-ftandcrs. I have been 
told, that the laid dead men have been heaid Co . 
utter diven Uiings which are known to be falfe, 
and have thereby greatly injured the living in- 
habiUnts of the city of Weftminfterv Thefc 
dead men have been obferved to retire under the 
ground foon after their (aid appearance, and, 
xontrary to the cuftom of all good Fpirits, to 
intoxicate themfdves with a ceruin pemicioua 
liquor cadled gin, and, being io intoxicated, to 
"deny themfelves to be dead men, though it is 
Veil known that they vrere buried long ago. In 
addition to all this, I am told, that the faid dead 
men, not having the fear of xrorporal punilfh. 
ment before their eyes, and inftigated by one 
«f the principal imps of Satan, called Partyy 
^Rvc laid violent hands on fevcral of the good 
Ipeople -of Wcftminfter, and when cited to ap- 
pear before the proper tribunal, have been found 
to lie dead to all intents and purpofes, and to 
fcave returned to their refpcftive graves. 

As we do not hold the doArine of tranfmigra- 
iMn of fouls, i have enquired particularly into 
<he truth of theTe aflEwrs and find them confirmed 
fcy the teftimony of many rerpe£bble people, 
who have alTured me, that they have obTerved 
idead druggifts, grocers, linnen-dlapera, and other 
refpeaaMe dead tradefmen appear in the form of 
Irilh x:hairaien, hackney-coachmen, Spital-field 
weavers, and daily labourers, to their utter dif- 
credit, and the great canftematioh of all their 
liviqg friends^ 

Tnoty#ll I am not fuperiUuQt^ X W iid 
doiibt but tlut thisi mifi have been t fFefted by 
magic; and a very gi^yci^cll-looUng apothecary 
aifured v^ in confid<incC| that ttiefc wonderful 
transformations were effefte^ by a certain ma^« 
^cian« whom f)e calls F^ihr Black-Mrd^ and «. 
(prcerefs vrhom he; defcrit>es to have been here^ 
tofbre a handfome won^an^ bu^ is now under a 
kind of traaslqnnation. Father ^lack-^^rd^ I 
under&and^ utters cektain iticant^^tions^ which ^rt 
iaidlp be yery potpnl ; and the fpr<ccrc6 fprinkles 
a kind ot fold duft oyer tht dead men, whicii 
nov«r faiU npt only *D give tjierti the power of 
ipe<;ch, b^^t, by a fort of R^tflity, oblijjes the|a 
to Ipea^ only what xlit maglciap (hall di^l^tf:. 

Tfiti* ttiy dc«r Sttt, is modem ttuiie, end 
is at leaft as curious as Kattefeho's Perpetual 
Moltfm» which, like F«!hes llUckwbeaid's cbftd- 
tnen, ^pQS or ftands AiU «| pltafiue I 

PoLtricAt Tn^Anta^ 

Covent Garden ^urck» 
tut gr^tii Myficry, or Farce which has taken 
near feven weeks perfowning^ was, laft nighty 
concluded by a grand proceflion of a very cu- 
rious nature. In the front appeared R* B, She* 
ridan, Efq. and the Reverend HeUiy Bate Dud* 
leys in Uui and hug\ by ivay of Scouts^ who ha- 
vtng prepared the way, weUe followed by a party^ 
of kutchtrsj armed wkh battle-aXes> and thd 
bones of animals they had formerly flain, with 
whkh they Made a hideous noife, intending to 
eXprefr a kind of ^avvge joyv To tlim fuc- 
ceede«l various inhabitants of the feverd pariftea 
of linftftniWifter, with white wands and cock- 
ades. After which appeared upwards of Three 
hundred cavalry, all clad tntiue and bujfy prece^ 
ded by a variety of flags. With difplayed different 
infcriptions, followed by the mob. Then came 
the Man of tht Ptopte^ alfo in 6tw: and huff^ ex- 
alted in a chair decorated with lauxel and gar- 
lands in fuch a mannci- that he was no bad Ye- 
prdcnutivcof Jack in the Green. His carriage^ 
adorned with lautel, preceded thoTe of the DakeS 
of Devonfhirc and Portland, alfo adorned with 
laurel, both empty, having each fix hoifcs^ 
and each horfc having on his ears fox-taifc. To 
thcTe carriages fucceeded the menial fervants of 
the noble houTcs, on horicback^ and the whole 
proceflion was covered by another party o£ Uuc 
andhfcivAlryy followed by the rabble* 

Opposite Devonihlre Houfe, the pioceffion 
halied« A certain gentleman fiofli Q90i^ 
Houfe, peepkiB i»ver the waU, gave ijbmh Aree 
cheery in i»4uch. he v«s joined b^ ^ l^ii^lMiAp 

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THE K E W^^ S P E C t A T k, &c. 

No. XVI* 

of Devonfhire and Portland, and Lady Duncan- 
non.— And in this order haVi'hg tarried the Man 
of the People till they Vert tired, the mob at 
length difp^ed^ highly delighted whh what 
they hSldt^en, iuid i^hat they had done. — ^I beg 
ISave to aflure y6u, Uiat it is not true, that the 
Prince of Waldi ^as feen on horfeback along 
with the biue and huff gentry that write Aiui- 
grams f &c.' iki imitation of Sir Cecil Wray, 

AM6N6st other flags, exhibited on this oc- 
cafion, was one infcribed, The Liberty Boys of 
Netopoirt Market: and another, of pure virgin 
whte^ infcribed Satred to Female Patrioti/m f The 
feveral divifions behaved themfelves with great 
decency, and the night concluded without riots, 
illuminationsy or other demenfbations of pub- 
lic joy. 

This proceflion will doubtlefs be remembered 
for many years to come } and indeed fo it ought« 

It was done to grace si fian who is to figure in the 
Parliamentary annals of this country, and of 
whom pofterity will hold as various opinions as 
we do of Olioer Cromwell. 

I am. 

Dear Sptc, 

Ever Yours, 


To other Correspondents* 

The obfcrvations ojt Mr. Locke*s prindples^ rt^ 
JpeBiag innate ideas^ Jhall appear ruxt Tuefdcy.'^ 
Deborah Wilkins Sprightly is anfxvered in the 
negative, — / am very much obliged to Veritas /bf Au 
judicious ammadverjions^ and Jhall pay particular 
attention to any favours he may think proper to com^ 
municate.'^The conclujion of the critique on the Ex- 
hibition, is unavoidabfy pojtponed till mkt meelu 

London: Printed by T. RiCKAair, No. 15, DukeVCourt, Bow-Street, Covcnt-Garden ; 

Sold by T. AX TELL, No. 1, Fintb-Lanei Comhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by 
W. SWIFT, Bookfeller, Charlcs-Stnjet, St. Jamcs's-Squarc ; by P. BRETT, Bookfeller and 
Sutioner, oppofite St. Clement's-Church^the Strand} and by W. THIS^LTON, Bookleiler and 
Stationer, No. 37, Goodge-Street| Ratbbone-Place* 

%* CoRRispONOBNTS are requefted to addrefs their &vours to the New Spectator^ tm 
the care of any of the above*iiamed Publi(hers# 

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No. xvn. 

TUESDAY, May 25, 1784. 

Price Three-pence. 

To be continued every Tvt:sD ay. 

DifciU Jufiitiam mchnti» \ i- 
Hear, and bp. juft* 


AM O N G S T the -ifaficty of fpcculativ^ 
fubjefts which have engaged the attention 
of mankind, there feenis -to be none whicH 
affords a larger field for metaphyfical contro^ 
verfy than that on which the following lettef 
is written. As I have nothing more ardently 
at heart, than the invcftigation of truth, 1 
Ihall very gladly give place to any future fpe* 
culations on the fame, or fimilar fubje6b ; as 
alfo to the candid artimadverfions of fuch of my 
readers as may entertain different ientiments. 

.To the New Sr* CTATO t. 

Mr. Spectator, 

It was univerfally admitted before the 
days of Mr. Locke, that there were innate 
virtues and ideas, and fcarce a moral or philo- 
fophical fabjeft was publifhcd by any writer, 
however great his talents, \)ut flrong references 
were made to fuch virtues and ideas ;, and on 
their aftual exiftcnce, re fled the whole ftr^ngtl^ 
of the argument. Whether philofophers gave 
themfelves the trouble to examine human nature 
in the operations of the intelle£lual faculties, 
and thereby experimentally adduced their por- 
tions ; or whether they took it for granted there 
were innate virtues and ideas ; . the contrary 
leeming upon the very face of it to be impoilible ; 

1 fltell not pi^eiid to determine \ but diis dv'ery 
reader knows, that ad fbon as Mr. Locke fent 
his labonous^fTay on human underftanding int6 
the world) in which, by the titne and pains ho 
took to demonftrate the negation of innate virtue* 
and ideib, it was evident the matter was even 
to him^ fceptical* and intricate, rather thati 
clear and conclufive; the learned, with a mo* 
defty by- no meahs peculiar to them, gaVe up 
their dpflrine of innate ideas, and took Mr^ 
Lodf^e's word there were none; for he was 
n^vei;op.pofcd, except by thc.Bifhop of Worcofter 
and Drm iCUrko, at that time, though an ercant 
fopl^ft^ , ^aod undoubtedly the next writer, to 
Lc^ke, ajid. copied his way,^ as thofe who hav^ 
read the works of bo^ will acknowledge; for 
neatnefs of exprcflion, harmony of well-turned 
periods,grandeur of di^ion, ar^d claflicalelegan^e^ 
they cxadly reiemble each other \ but Locke was 
too great a logician for Dr. Clarke. 

Aft E It the defeat of the Bifhop and the Do6lor, 
the aflfent' to Locke's doftrine became univerfal, 
whith, Kbwevcr, I do not attribute to general 
conviftion, but want of talents to oppofe fo 
great a wf iter. It may be afked, do 1 mean to 
oppofe him ? Certainly riot. Though I fhall, 
in the courfe of this fpeculation, give my reafons 
for believing there are iruiate virtues^ yet I ihall 

Digitized by 




^eataomifter. Thkl know, UmI the karncd 

arc very improper perfons to decide on thcfc 
matters, as they only aflbciate with each other, 
and defpifc mankind, from whom knowledge is 
only to be had ; one learned man copies, tranf- 
pofes, extra6b, and deduces what he calls an 
op^oUk of fiis ew6, From thtt woi^sf of ai^otlier 
learAed man ; Ibme other learned man fervts 
his book the fame, and fo on to the the end of 
the groupe. The unlearned who write from bits 
and fcraps, picked up here and there, (ffom the 
works of their mailers, cannot properly be faid 
to write aboiA afny ththg. MTHo thdh is to 
prove there are innate virtues 7 Why he who 
blends experience with natural genius ; for 
innate idcas^ being knowledge intuitive, can 
only be demonflrated by him who pofleiFes fueh 

Great learning and great parti aye Very 
diiUnd : greai learning confiib entirely of know- 
ledge by tuition, and it does not follow that a 
learned man has any intuitive knowledge i j^reat 
parts imply a felf-exifting or ihtuitive knowledge. 
Mr. Locke grounded his proof of there being no 
innate ideas on the following dogma, viz. << If, 
««%sfat, there are4aaa«^idM^'e]if4^r^«M^ittuft 
M J^av4^ them f^il^c, i^n4 \k fnahle^ 10 fivoa 
.«( &ti»£iaorj 4cc9vnt4)£ their. QRfin/' Asm 
nam breathing q^^d, gave imy a^fioOXI ^ iht 
origin ^f an iim^He i^ea, f^ it Wi^ft M^iAti «» 
ODC fide, aad on the other admitttd, . tbiK thiui^ 
were none I Q^ berqaAer prove th^ fiJlac^ 
of this argument* 

MnLocxBf's elftgant wdfk^wehe n6 foohcf 
{MibliAiod, but they i¥iere circukted aH over 
Europe, tranflat^ into alt languages; ancl&e 
learndd, like rhe penitent a(s in the fable, ac^ 
knowledge their former brartfgrtlfibrt, ^ and 
^phHhiTe faithfully, that in all thcif- Worki for 
the future, they will hot prefunie to advance 
til Option of their own ; fo that it has becii 
very comihon for (^drtative philofophets, fince 
the day^of Lock«, to read a (brt of recantation 
0f Acir former dogmas, and begm by ateil 
fomething like the ibilowing^«< I, A. B. do ac- 
«« knowledge, that all pur ideas pnjcecd from 
«f fenMon and nfie&ion ; that wc know nothing 
f < but w)Mt is attuned through the medium of 
u the fenfes, impreifed upon thea by eiiternal 
« obje£b; and that there t# oo manna* of dil^ 
«« fiBrence between Sir Ibac Newton and Six 
«« Jeffrey Dunftan, provided Sir Jefecy pleafci 
•» to look about hinvaf much as Sir lOacdidi 
<< {Ad EnaUy, that there arc no innate ideas; and 

^ anydoftrinetea<£n|^fo pmtet&eir eaefSeneiK 
^ i» con£onaaUe to gimevai nrpnriflacny and 
<< therefore abfurd, unlearned, and ridiculous." 
This is the teft Helvetius, Lord Bolingbrooke 
and many other great philolbphers fubfcribed to, 
e'er they could run on fmoothly ; but as I am 
not a learned man, I am entitled to an opinion 
of sny own, and may 2R:cede <9r dileaf, as| I Mb 
the metteK moft conformable to ^iad an4 e^- 

It is of infinite confequence to the common 
weakh «f letters, though of none to any other com* 
monwealth, to know rightly, whether there are, or 
a^onot iftriate idea^. If there are innate virtues 
and ideas, then it follows, as I fhall hereafter 
demonflrate, infinitely beyond mere matter of 
0{)inion« that all that part of fine writing called 
ettrics pt otora^ity^ is fo much cladical erudition 
lelponilvc to no human purpofe, unle(s to pro* 
mote idlcnefs, by ynifapplying the time of thofe 
young or old folks who are fo unfortunate as to 
read it. 

Thb very evil Mr. Locke wanted to remove, 
was ihcreafed to an infinite error ; for I infift; 
on k', that left nonfcnfe would be written 
under the title of morality, if innate virtue* 
were'4l)oifed, tt^n i(ik^ werp pot, JiU v^ry 
! tovKbblc in ^ny man to render huvmi knpw)rd|e 
|lioir^^cq;t^ii|, cle^ a&d condofivej a^io focJi 
0^^ >M^9rk3 would he cpn9ii£| ^Poki iPew^ 9n4 
w4^-rwxitteo, and ^very writer being obliged to 
dn^f^e his ^rgumcni f^om epcperi^nccj oe rifqqg 
)iis mpi^ta^ion, and tift un^er the laih of point^ 
j4dia4e, if he dwelt on idle and imaginary hypp* 
|befe% his works woyldhe a ibrt o£ maitnr of 
fd&* This was Mr. Locke> intentipa; hf 
th9MgbU if phiiolb^hers MH^uld^gree with hie* 
there were no innate ideas, which, alas, he de- 
duced f*t&m ' a fuitd' of learning, aiid not of 
experience, much ufelefs writing would be ftificd 
in the bud. The contrary has happened fincc 
his days; for if all moral and fpeculativc philofo- 
phcrs were to begin their works on one of the 
two hypothcfcs, ^« If there were, or were not 
« innate virtues and ideas,'* they muft of neceflity 
write Icfs and better, by admitting the firft; as in 
fuch cafe, the origin of evil, the fumnmm Sonutn^ 
(he regulation of the pafTions, man's free agency, 
cum multis atiisy could no longer be reckoned 
matters of fpeculation. 

I TkosT, Mr. Spectator, that you ynO. 
deem this fubjeft of importance fuffieient to en- 
gage the attention of at lead fome of your 
readers ; and that to render juft concepdons of 
the operations of the human Rund| more ge- 


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No. XVII. 

THE N E W S P E C T A T O R, Ac 

neral^ is an objcft worthy of encouragement. 
With your pcrmifTion, therefore, 1 (hall here- 
after continue my animadverfions on the matter 
in <}ue{lion ; and, in the mean time, 

I am, Mr. Spectator, 

Yours, &c. 

Ta the N E vi Spectator. 
l>car Spec 1 

1 MUST give vent to my grievances, or (hall 
burft wi^h defpair. Though 1 am in my three 
and twentieth year, I muft be guided ty a 
fatlier and mother, who ftop the current of all 
my INNOCENT pleafures. If I flay out paft tcyi 
at night, they fufpeft me of going with naughty 
women, and. I am fure without a canfi. What 
barbarous parents, to cramp my genius over 
weights and fcalcs, and to oblige a perfon of my 
figure to deal out tea and fugdr retail f 

But do, Spec, recommend me to the ladies! 
for I don't know how it is, I have not audacity 
enough to introduce myfclf. This diffidence may 
proceed from not knowing .the world ; however, 
I don't much regret it, as I .am in poflelTion of 
THAT which is always plq^fmg to th« jadies, 
"Sentiment. , I always fport fintment^ by which 
means I draw them into perpetual ^Jhares, 
Though I embrace fuch kypocri/y, and wind them 
up to the pitch of fubmitting to my Will, I 
don't know how it is, but 1 cannot afk the 
question! This delicacy Spec, I want to be 
annihilated ; therefore mufl trouble you'to inform 
me, how I mud commence this great undertak- 
ing ? But in tlie mean time, acquaint me of the 
moft certain method to fecure the propitious 
fmiles of tht J'air ladies ; and when you deicribe 
me to them, fay, that it is a young man of.Jome 
j.iTTLE education, pitted with fmall-pox, v^hich 
add fenlibillfy to his appearanjce, Sindis rather 
Jhort^ but when a convcrfation cnfucs, his Jrnall- 
nefs of Itature is entirely forgotten} audi as a 
flrongcr recommendation lay, that he wai ^nevcr 
drunk. — and what clfc you pleafe. 
lam, friend Spec, 

Sincerely Yours, 
Souchong. pEORGE CROSS. 

For this correfpondcnt to gain his wifhes, I 
mufl entreat him to perule, and fludy Lord Chc- 
fterfield. «» Graces! graces!" They fornj the 
ladies talifman ; and as iov fentiitftntal hypocrijy, a 
fcnjible womant ynfiW always treat it with contempt. 
I could not «po(hbly do more juftice in a d«f- 
cription of his perfon than iiU'erting his own 
letter to me, and which I Ai/^ every fair lady 
will read attentively. 

To the New Spectator. 

Friend Spec, 

I AM now going to roufe up the feelings 

of attention, and give your readers a Ihort, but 

true {ketch from hiflory ; which, to fympathetic 

fenfibility, will excite commifferatioA for majefty 

in mifery. 

Yours, &c. 


Ad MARtAM Illuftriflimattt Scotonmi Reginam, 
Georgii BuCHANAKi Epigramma* 

N Y M p H A , Caledojiiee qua: nunc felidter ont 

Mijfa per innumeros fceptra turns avos : 

Qucefurtem antevenis mtretis^ virtutibus anno$j , 

Sexum animiSf morum nobilitate genus : 

Accipe (fedjacilisj cultu donata Latino 

Carminay fatidici nolnle regis opus. 

Ilia quidem,Cyrrha procul ^ permeffidi lympha, 

Pitnefub Arctoifidere nata poli: 

Nan tamen aufus eravt male na^um exponcrejodum 

Ke miM^difpliceantj qua placuere tiid* 

Nam quod ah ingenio domimJperare^nequiheMf 

Dclnhunt genio forfitan ilia tuo.. 

• Thus (ung BubHANAN, the great, the im- 
pious poet of the Scotch, a moft furprifing genius, 
rtmaiO^able-^and >Arill be to all ages remarfu^le— 
for his learning, his wit, and his ingratitude; 
wkoy.aftex'hd h»d faid thefe tine things to his 
Queen,, in bcr profperity, not only -foHbok her 
in her adverfity, but,, by this poiibnous writings, 
inflamed, .his^ infatuated countiymen againft his 
fovereign,-wlHlfe tivMig,- *MMt»by his -moft in- 
famous luf|pry« WsfpHeaiedfJisr uijikmiflied ho- 
nour when dead. Alas! poor Rofc of Yarro^f 
tl>at fo fijdr a queen ihqpl4 have . ib foul an 
herald l-pHow melancholy is the rei9embranc<^ 
that a pripceft, admired for the qualities o£ her 
mind, and, adpred for the beauty of her pcrCbni 
fhQuld be ignpminioiifly execu^Mpan ajcajf^^ 
for an incorroborated charge of treafon,. wh^ 
{he ought to have fat upon tli/e Britijh throne ! 

This was the fatal end of Mary Stewart, 

who was fo'handfome, that it has been well ob- 

ferved, even to- this day, amofxg her countrymen, 

that the name o^ Mufy was only another n^me for 

beauty. But this wrctcl>, George liUie^nan, 

was an abJQ6): creature of ihe Earl of Mutray's, 

the unhappy qA^cn's j^^/^^ eneipy ; but fiflch a 

writer, fo mercenary and fo mercilefs, that the 

flates of Scotland juflly condemned his works, 

and ordered them to be burnt, as the leaned 

Camden^ an hone ft hiftorian, very well ^ ob- 

fcrvcs. . il 


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Whih her fon^ who was afterwardi King 
Jamu the firft, implored mercy for his mother, 
ler cruel couiin, Elizabeth, told Fcmpone dc Be- 
Kevrey who foUcited, but vainly foUcited, her life 
In Whalf of France, ^ That aa the heavens did 
^ not contain two llins, fo neither could Engiawd 
^ endure two queens, or two religions." 

This excellent princeis, was the mod un- 
fortunate at one time, and the moft miferable at 
another. She was bom, as it were, phccnix- 
like, from the fimeral of her father died in the 
forty-fi^th year of her agp, eighteen ye«u^ of 
which ihe had been a prifoner in England: 
When ihe was an m^nt, ibe was an exile ; file 
was a wife without joy, a widow without liberty, 
a queen without power, a prifoner without guilt, 
accufed widwuC evidence, and murdered without 

Poor royat Scot I tfky reerk was tl^ crfine ; 
Thou Pa LAI, and thou Ve>' u s of ihy time ! 
Unhappy time ! tho* foxne fcore years are led, 
Siace (he ki\ m depriv'd thee of thy head. 
My mournful oniie fliall (hed a pitying tcWp 
And with unldgiied totrwr bathe thy bier f 

The following epigram was .writren ky the 
^me unha^y Mary Queen of Scots, and fent to 
ker Suthlds coufm, Elias^bctb, Q^iecn , of Eng- 
land, with a lai;ge 4i?i(ini>»i cut in the foim of ^ 

dmid uj0npridiMfntitmrt vMd Q wwd ^JM 
ik^pilg^us<0rdis grnrn^ tf tmofo. mei tjt^ 

dnmyts dwFAm^gw^.woH wui^ forma tametu 

T0 $he NB.«r SfBCVATOJ^ 
iBir. SrtctAToay 

Many poets hxrt exercife<I their talents 
4fn ftkc fAjt€t 9f Melancholy, none of which 
htrc heen Mc to fticcecd like Mihon, in his 
itiinAable M Ftnfrnfi. The following lines, 
iKiwever, have merit fufficient to endtte them to 
iijihcein'te Itsw SraeTAfoa* 

1 am. Sir, Yoors, Ac. 


Wt to MaLAKeiraiLy.. 

60 d 9£ s s of the fofemn hour t 
ftit mt feel dPf pensive poorer. 

Wekomr, pfeaing Melmboljri 

Harkf the fign^of the (howet 
Whiftlef: tbfoni^ yon roia**d tower ;. 
Vffom'the ivy^ cliaAMOg higjh, 
Bacthe bodiagm^bt-binl iy, 
Hooting, firom iuomen'd breath, 

<iC bonoi^ feiiada of death I 

Hark I the diun^ from ^ high, 
Grombles o'er the vaulted fty ! 
See the gleamy UghtQings play, 
FkfliiDg momentary day ! 
Now the winds die forefti bendi 
No w ^e mighty ftorms defcend t 
Howl die winds in dreadful foog, 
Yon temple's fliadowy ailc» among. 
Hail, fweet horronl dreadful blift ! 
What calm can bring a joy like thisP 
The wind's diflrefs, the thunder's tM^ 
Is m«fic 10 a Ufe-iick foal; 
The miiiM vault, the time-wOTn tower^ 
More gratefiil thio a refcate bofwer, 
Kar fwoater thm a lever*! dnjji^ 
By o^mle ipofc •r purhng ftrcam. 
And can more calm refle£lioat bring. 
Than all the tributes of theSpn^g. 

Now at length thofie horrors cealc^ 
The elemenu are hulh'd lo peace ! 
See, the moon, with filvery light, 
'Doras the fadly pleafic^ nighr. 
Step we 00 whete yonder tower, 
With iron tongue proclaims the hour; 
Widi tarfy verdure, lightly prcft, 
The fathers of the village reft : 
Many a fprightly ntaid and fwda^ 
Whilom £ivottriies of the phin. 
Forego their loili, and fpotlefr love^ 
To join in gurhleit dirongs above* 
Here the milk-matd, wont to great 
The dew-rob'd morn with carolf fwee^ 
No more the vocal vales repeat 
Her fylvan love in ditses fweet; 
Death triumphs o'er her fofy bloon^ 
And oziera bind the decent tomb. 

Here a youths in carty pitde^ . 
Late another vi£lim died. 
Oft around the may-pole taU» 
Has he fed the rural bafi ; 
From the lofty mountain's view 
Oft be ftole the morning dew ; 
Kang'd the hay-cocks with his hand 
In a goodly fcemmg band \ 
The ncw-walfard (beep his Aeeis have flianv 
Hk fickle level'd iehb of com % 
Vain boaft of fylvan toils, I ween, 
Sinci Death's fliarp fickle kvcls hrm^ 

Now along the vaulted &y 
MidB*|^t fprites for mifchief fly ; 
Wicked imps, the ibes of man« 
Scatter down their motftal bane,. 
See pale Hecate grimly fmik 
At her antic fitter's toiU 
Hear the tnftnmeats of hell 
Mncteri^ haHh dkeir horrid fpetl F 
Noi» they mock the wictchef mmmp 
New the chafoi-rais^d %iritsgroan# 
Now (be tir^lay*d cymbah iaund^ 
Now they diace their nsglc leiiiid^ 


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Swift apop tlie viagi of i^gbt» 
Now they take tbcfr gambol'd flight. 
To their fo^y civerm horae. 
Sickening at the breath of mom ! 
For, fof^ ! bchoM a diAant ray. 
O'er yonder hiM, of gf ey-ey'd dayl 
Tht early lark foi^akes his bed. 
The fparidW qiitts the cottage ibed. 
The twitteriag fwallow leav«c ber bower, 
A«d dew-dropi gfutf the aonuiig flower. 

Goddefs of the penfive mien. 
Grant me ftill this folenui Icene i 
Day will wake the fons of folly, 
Sbiuk tte dill, fweet Melaticholy ! 

T4 ih£ Nbw SrSCTATQJl^ 

Ocar Spec, 

As YOU are now in the country, I ffaall 
not neglefl informing you of the progrefs of ftny 
thing in London, tending to elucidate the man- 
Iters or principles of the times, in the condu£l 
of the great, the little, 6r the miilling folks who 
are induced, by choice or neceitity, to remain i^ 
the m^opolis. 

NoTHiMC, I am confident, can give you more 
pleafunr, tbaa lo bo told« that circumftantes 
ib hll out» ao to bring lio.4bat difgrace they have 
long merited, a knot oC 


who have infefted the metropolis, and lived in 
a kind of gentleman-like fplendour for fome 
time pafh They have at length quarrelled 
amongd themfelves. It i$ needlefs to mention 
their names. They are the identical ccrfs of 
nun of honour y fo much admired lately, who come 
from nobody knows where, and cxift nobody 
knows how ; the nuifance of public places, and 
the terror oF the moded part of mankind; a kind 
of fecond-rate rafcals, who* depend purely on 
chance and their own impudence for preifcnt fup- 
port, and future fubfiftence. 

T«3S was a kind of VoaHtion^ as dangctoui 
lo the private, as ahothcr was to the public 
interefts -of the good people of old England, 
Both, however, are on the decline, if not totally 
broken, and their annihilation ought to be cele- 
brated with as much Solemnity as the jpm- 
powder plM« 

BvT of: alt the Ipeeies of iwifklHng which has 
lately vfsk^nd us, thst woHlis that by which 
many, echerwife, hanulefs, good fort of p^eople, 
have been Xwiadled out of fiUb oashs, :and ^o 
to the cnsne of fu{^rtii^ <« diUimaUe dodrioes,^?. 
add that of pcrfury ; and this too by the nutchU 
oatiooi of a vesy jpcmmrkaU^ Imalc jSwindkrf 

who, like the originad Eve, with a tjeBoptati^i i« 
her hand, has been corrupting the hone fly, ^ ^ 
fulye£Ung to " the death,'* thofe who, like het^ 
fel^ had not the fear of public fhame before their 
eyes. The fucceis of this lady has been wonder- 
ful, and (hews us the weaknefs of mankind in 
rcii{\mgJemaU temptations. As all fuch thin^^ 
fiiould turn out, however, the lady has exerted 
her talents, and f<|uandered her money in vain* 
The purpofe (bt aimed at, is not, nor ever will 
be accomplifbed ; (he has, therefore, brought dti^ 
grace and poverty on herielf, and infamy on fuch 
of her adherents as have been deprived by hcf 
of their moral honefty* *^ Who fteab my 
" purfe, &c/' 

Thus, '^ all things working together for good,*^ 
fome benefit is likely to accrue from the evils 
we havQ fuffsred ; and we may always diibcm 
enough of conibqueneesto Gomfari honefty and 


tVe will gii^ jtou the Fiathers ! 


EvEav ofle knows that Feathers are in high 
vogue ; and that not only ladies of fafhion, but 
tradefmi^n are ambitious of fporting the feathers. 
A Ducbefs who, by her exertions for the pubUc 
g0adf hsb lately rendered her name immortal, in 
her application for a vote te a refpe^ble Son of 
thtjcaks^ received no fadifaftory reply ; but tho 
next d«y, ho waited on her grace, into whof« 
pretenco, af^er he had been examined by th($ 
porter, ihe footman, the Aeward, Ac* he wao 
at length ateitled, and informed her, *« That 
<< when great folks afk favours, little folks have 
^ a right Co expe^ fome return. I'hat he was 
^ ituiuaed to vote for Mr. — ^-^ but that ho 
<' would, firft afk a favour of her grace, which 
<< he hoped ihe would npt deliy him. That he 
(( was a man of auMHon^ though he vnyrt an 
f* apron^ and therefore hoped to have the Feof- 
^ thersT-^^M this tttooient, in came his Grace, 
«nd enquiring into the circuiAftance, obferved, 
that he did not iee why the gentleman ihouid not 
have the FeaUufh for, added he, " I do nofe 
^know any body that has more influence xh^M 
^ your grace in /A4* quarter.'**— The mdn ofa/tiif* 

hitioHj therefore, voted for Mr. j butYrhe*' 

ther he yet fporu the F0MerSi I know not. 

Noriuii(» fo mueh fiitfws the tempers and 
di^Qfitionaof men -as a contefted e4e6Hon* If 
they can unite Aeit inieraft with their (irinciplcaf 
tbey think it weH; but dtey arc frequently under 
^ neoefiity of ^rifictng their principles, iff 

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»o. xvn. 

they bave any, to their intereft ; and there is no 
meanneds to which they will not (loop to fccure 
the latter. I am glad, however, to have it in my 
power to except from this general cenfure, fome 
tradcfmen who, by refigning the favours of the 
great vulgar, have given proofs of independent 
principles, and a hearty fupport of moral rcAitudc ! 

B u L I A, 

NoTHiMG could equal thcconfufion prevailing 
in Biilia, during the conlefl between Scfilra and 
Reynardam; and nothing could equal the fchemcs 
praftifed by the friends of the latter (the ad- 
herents rather, for he had no friends), to pro- 
cure him the viftory. Bcfides the influence 
of Noveda, that of many private pcrfons was 
employed in a ftill more (hameful •manner, to 
cffeft this grand purpofe. To (hew to what de. 
grec of madnefs many people were driven by the 
fpecious arts of this pedlar in politics, I fhall 
relate a circumftancc, which adually took place 
in a private family on this occafion, and may 
convey to you fome idea of the fpirit of that 
party, and of thofe who, fympathetically, joined 

A LADY, whom I (hall hero ctlV^ophia^ was 
poffcffed of property fufficient,. had ^. (he been 
of our fex, to have entitled her to give her Voice 
for a Bulian c^ndi^a^te'; and flie ddtcfted the 
name of Reynardam.- She had an uncle Avhom 
I IhaU call GTigory, who, on the contrary, as 
greatly admired him, and would d^, ajmoft any 
thing to promo^ his jntcrefts, but wbofe pro- 
perty lying in a different part of Niatirb, gave 
him no right to interfere refpcfting the Etanct 
of Bulia. 

Urged, however, by the fpirit of. party, the 
profpea of ingratiating himfelf with Reynardam, 
and the hope pf , future emolum^t, .ihould 
Reynardam again acquire the. Retfmimflvip, 
for he knew not ti^at Reynardam was aningiate, 
he waited on his niece, and requciled her to 
let him have her houfe fof a certain ,tcmi ^ years j 
which would entitle him to give his fulFragc for 
Reynardam. As he was very importunate, his 
niece was prevailed upon to grant his rcqueft > 
and a BuHan counfellor had his dice6lionato 
prepare what in this country would be called a 

The direftions he had given, . however, were 
of a very different tcnour, to thofe agieed on be- 
tween Sophia and Gregory. The counieJ, «- 
cording to the direftions given him by Gregory, 
prepared a complete conveyance to him 6f So- 
phia's eftatc, and, in confideration of a c^jtfcienr 
tious Jtt^ or a fee for quieting the confciencc, 

read the inftrumeiit to Sophia, as though it had 
been fimply a leafe, according to their agree- 
ment. She could have no idea of deception 
from the hand of an uncle, and had not (kill 
enough to read the profeffional hand, in which 
the writing was prepared. She, therefore, figned 
it, and was thus duped out of an eftate which 
was her chief fubfiftcnce, by an uncle, for the 
fake of fcrving a wretch whom (he regarded as 
a public nuifancc, as too many of thofe diflin- 
guifhed by the appellation of Bulian patriots, 
certainly were. 

Gregory took no notice of the advantage he 
had gained of his niece, for fome time, and pro- 
bably would have Tet It reft in fccret till the 
death of one of them fhould have revealed it, had 
not the approaching nuptials of Sophia brought 
the matter to light. . 

She had long been addrcffcd by a man of 
probity and honour, who at length prevailed 
upon her to give him her hand. Prior, to which, 
however, he was dcfirqys not only to give her 
a "^^/^tenance, fhould fhc furvivc him, but al- 
fo to fettle her own eftate in fuch a manner, as 
that fhc fhould enjoy the exclufive benefit of it. 

But now. Gregory pots in his claim; Thtf 
aflppifhpnent. and> veiaattoa of tSophia a#c in- 
dcfcribable. She was not fo much alarmed 
at her own lofs, as at .tl^ infamy pf her uncle, 
and the apprehenfion that her lover might ima, 
glne fhe had prcvldufly cjifpofcd of her property, 
for fome fccret ufcs. Her lover had too good 
an opinion of Sophia, and when he was inform- 
ed of the intimacy fubfifting between her uncle 
arid Reynardam, he was not at all allonifhcd at 
Gregory's condua. He knew it >ya5 the fpirit 
of party ; and when he conlidcred a-Ao and.«y/wl 
the heads of tliut parly were, he only lamented 
fhat his Sophia fliouldj'unliappily^ have fallen in- 
to fuch hands. 

The delicacy of Sophia,, however, retarfed 
' J^.?/i^^^»lS^s, She ^p3ei^l9d.tQ the Bulian laws 
for r^cuqf^.aiid qbtaip^ni. it;*. The Chief Jufice, M 
n^an vc^rablc by his years, his wifdom, and the 
uprightnefs of his cpnciuft, c^uf9d^ Gregory not 
oply, to rcaore.hcr property to Sophia, with 
apipje retribution. J^r the iqjuiy.fhc,hadfttfbin€d, 
but he inflifted fuch other punifhmeiAs on him 
as the Bulian laws. J>a4 ordaincd-i and the lODan- 
fd w)>o had been a(Iifling;in..thefra«ii he ba- 
iiiflie4^.for ever frppi al^^^u.coutts o£kw. 

In this, tht Chief j«ftfcc did right to hiihrcir 

ai welt as to Sophia; and vindicated his own 
ehara^ler againfl thofe infamous infnuationsyrhkh 
the friends of Rcynwdate faki thrown^ out; tficy 


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TilE *I£W SP«<;TAT0«, Ac. 

luviiig induiOLrieufly xcgpoited throughout Buli^^ 
.that this £Ood, this venerablci itiAn was an ad- 
herent and a friend of Rcynardam. A rqport 
calculated to |give weight to the chara£ler of the 
Jattcr, and to perfiiade the people that there was 
M ieaft fine £Qod and oii/e man in his interei^ 
which, however, was not the calc ; this vene- 
xahle dU^eoFcr of the Uw hoLding in utter con- 
lempt| Jbacn and principles fo diametricaJlj op^ 
j^oTite to every thJc^ good) ^eat ,aad reipeift- 

This liuTineis havk\g been fettled, th^ fUijs- 
tials of Sophia were privately celebrated, and 
(he now enjoys the fruit of that moral red^tud^ 
and delicacy of fientiment^ by which I wifh 
every Britifh lady was as amiably diilinguifhed 
%i (be Sofhi* ef ^^^^ ^ 


If there is any truth in the affertiont that a re- 
form bill, under the aufpices of the Earl of 
JMan^eldj is to be fpcedily brought in|^. for tlie 
abolition of imprifoment for debt^ on debtors 
giving up their whole property, to their creditorsi 
JU in caies of bankruptcy ; it will tend in a great 
ineafure to reftrain that luxury and prodigality 
by which this country is enfeebled. Gare will 
be taken to whom credit is given, and the idU 
and the diffolute will be compelled to feek other 
means of fubliilence than that of preying on the 
public, by the fpecious arts of fwindling, which 
enable half the Jine fdlozas we arc taught to ad- 
mire, to efcape the gallows ! 

It will alfo be more congenial to the fpirit of 
the firitifh conftitution ; and be the means of 
,aboliihing certain Seminaries of vice, into which 
many go honeft men,, afrtd cottt* mti cotffpfete 
Juiaves, from tKe inAfudioti^ and dkample of 
pflttifoggingattDmidsi, atid cheating bown'^voUieSi. 


p s. 

The liberty of the prefs is amply fupported by 
the Print-lhops, who, fcarlefs of libels, cxpofe 
villainVy howevet exalted, and ridicule fbllie«f 
however patronifed. I am glad to find^ that th« 
leading partizans of the principal knaves who are 
thus expofed, are hurt by feeing their friends 
lufFering under public ridicule. This kind of 
punifhment is fomething fimilar to that of hang- 
ing in effigy. Three or four tremaidaus fcUorvs 
have lately taken upon them to harangue the 
fhopkeepers, who thus expofe certain charafters, 
on the fubjcft of fcandaly defiring, it feems, to 
monopolize that commodity to themfelvei ; and 
their eloquence proving ineffeftual, they have 
threatened to break the windows^ containing 

fcandeUous exhUntwm of their dear friends ; but ai 
confjdcrable advantages would neceflarily tefult 
to thofe whdfe wittdows fhould be fo broken^ 
vYi'd :ts Vhe%^ ftitti vakt it k ^le WtrifVr t6 &} ^6oi, 
if Vhby tiih ^'olfeWy kVdii ft, Ac buriheft Je 
fcteakiniJ Windows ill Jtottpon^'d 'till proper toots 
tan be feiinci to efet A tWs goodly V<Jrk \ 


In this numerous clafs, are to be xankej^ 
thofc ladies who have the reputation of chaftity. 
Without any of its external forms. At the hcai 
of this fociety, therefore muft be placed a lady 
who, within this month paft, has rendered 
nerlclf celebrated by her mafculine avocations^ 
ani his afforded a freih fubjed for the male- 
voience of (lander. The bane of this woman it 
affeflation, whicli, like an ignis fatuus^ hat 
led her through almoll every fcene in which fht 
could render herfelf confpicuoufly ridiculous^ 
and at laft engaged her in a fervice* which hat 
deprived her of ail the rcfpeft due to her 
Situation in liff. 

Some years ago, flie was remarkable for her 
exce£i arid diflipation in drefs, acircumflanco 
which always indicates a narrow mind. She then 
plunged into the abyfi ol^ ganging, one of tho 
grand vices of the times, and affociated with 
Squire Morgan, and other charafteri that are 
not unaccountable. Snatched from that pit, o£ 
deftruftion^ by parental authority, and conjugal 
affe6Uon, fhe lived according to the rules of 
comtftOTTeritc Tor Tome tTme, when another 
lit of folly feized her, and (he became the drudge 
of a (harper, and exhibited herfelf as a modem 
patriot in petticoats! 

Sqcw hashed tie tfyxi^Bi of tW^Iad^,' whofe 
reputation is tinblemHhcd, ahd v/ho, nOtWith:* 
(landing all thefe things, is ar tewfcf tft6fth«f/ a 
dutiful wife, a true chriftiaiip and-**a UkJ/ of 
fafliionv the very quintefTence «f which i^ to 
have fuch qualifications as may (lamp her aa 
unaccountabU charaBcr ! 

With f^fpm fb rtfc iW*ef^#ift'ftfc^ :to6ngrf 
thtt fcfOkiA^i^ I drall hereafter notice them.— I 
(hall be told, that thefe things are perfonai. They 
are fo; and I never yet read a charafter, unlefs it 
were in a modem tragedy, that was not perfonai. 
If the chara6lers I draw, were not perfonai^ 
my labour would be in a great meafure loft. 1 
wi(h I could fay, they ware finguLr too. But 
this, alas ! I cannot fay. I believe if I were to 
draw a human pifture ever fo ridiculous, or 
deteftable, fcarce one of my readers would fail in 
finding an original, — provided it wcr» not 


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THE NEW S P E C T A TO R, &c. 


In Mr, Fox's Proccffion^ lafiwed, 

A VERY ifniall quantity of common fcnfc, 
which the owner has been much in want of ever 
lincc. Alfo feveral ounces of moderation, and 
two grains of decency, both a little fophifticated, 
and fomething worfe for wear. A confide rable 
quantity of very bright hopes, not a pin the 
worfe for wear. The advert ifer's pocket was 
J)icked of this article the moment the High 
Bailiff quitted the veftry room. His common 
fenfe, he fufpe6b to have left in the pocket of his 
told coat, which was fold about an hour after he 
had put on his Blue and huff^ in which pocktt 
were alfo left, by iniftake, the^hcads of a Trtaty of 
peace between a Dutch pedlar and a Clare-market 
butchery witncITed by an Irijh chairman. At the 
fame time, was alfo loft feveral drams of equani- 
mity, and high fpirits, on which the advertifcr 
has lived for feveral years, and without which 
he is apprehenfivc of falling a prey to all the 
calamities of mortality. 

Hk begs leave to inform the public, that the 
extraordinary quantity ofajfuranu obferved to be 
in thepofTefllon of a gentleman near Mr. Fox in 
the proceflion, did not belong to the advert ifer, 
Who is happy in retaining every particle of his 

original quantum of that incftiroablc treafure. 
Whoever finds any of the above articles, and 
returns them fafely to the owner, fhall be hand- 
fomely rewarded by a peck and a half of as fine 
promifcs as ever were made; and whofocver 
(hall find, apd not return them, may keep them 

at their peril 

Th e cafe of this unhappy gentleman I very 
much deplore *, and if, friend Stec, you know 
of any plain, good natured man that has a little 
common fenfe to fpare, I conjure you, recommend 
the advertifcr as a purchafer, whofe addrefe may 
be known by applying to Paddy Bludgeon^ under 
the Piazzas, Co vent-Garden. 

1 am. Dear Spec, 
Yours, &c. 


To other Corres pondents. 
The VifioTiy a poem, Jhall appear next week.-^ 
Ignoratus is informed, tliat the Balloon drrivedjrom 
BuUa U^ nightf and a tranjlation of the di/patehes 
wilt be laid before the public on Tuefddy. With re- 
JpeQ, to the loiter part of his letter^ Ignoratus is an- 
Jhftredin the afirmative. — ^TonyWifeacre^/^^nx/o be 
the Gentlewoman from Jerico, in difguifi, — I Jhall 
gladly give Rufticus and his friends the accounts 
they require. 

Lon0Ok: Printed by T. Rickaby, No. 15, Duke's-Court, Bow-Street, Covent-Garden ; 

Sold by T. AX TELL, No. 1, Finch-Lane, Comhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by 
W. SWIFT, Bookfeller, Charles-Street, St. Jamcs's-Square ; by P. BRETT, Bookfcller and 
Stationer, oppofitc St. Clemenes-Church in the Strand ; and by W. THISELTON, Bookfeller and 

• Stationer, No. 37, Goodge-Street, Rathbone-Place. 

•^* CoRRBiPOMDBNTS arc Tcquefted to addrefs their favours to the New Spectator, t% 
the care of any of the above-named Publiftiers. 

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W 1 t H T H E ^ 



TUESDAY, June i, 17^4, 

' Price Three-pence. 

T/9 6f continued tvery Tuesday. 

Todreii, to i»MS(^ Uki fing» our iole deliglif, 
The fttfti or bitb hj day, and love by night; 


BEING' retired itor^ the hurry and buttle of 
London, I am at leifure to indulge my-, 
felf in fuch amufements and company a^ I have 
ever delighted in. Of both which, I hisjl' 
hereafter ^ivc fome account to niy readers. 
Mean time I cannot ' help* rcflefting, on the truly 
ridiculous ideas/ certain claflps of the worthy 
citizens of the mctropblif^ entertain rcfpcfling 
what is called the coun/ry^ and its' inhabitants-' 
Thefc fame citizens haVc a w<)nderful propcnfity 
to diflike cv^ry thing which they do liot under- 
hand ; and to ridicule all human' beings who, 
happily, arc unlike thernfclvcs. A ii^an, bom 
m a "wood, nurfed in a cave, and educated in a 
village, the moft remote from civilized com- 
munication, has not, generally fpeaking, more 
contracted ideas than thofc Jpruct wags, thofe 
rnonjirous, gcnted and a;<ry poUU gentleman fo 
orderly ranged behind every counter between 
Charing-crofs, and Shore-ditch. 

But thefe fame gentlemen having, by reading 
the Parliamentfary debates, and other learned 
Iwniir of the times, become paffionate admirers 
oFlogic^ win expeft thatlfliould, firft, fecondly^ 
arid thirdry, (hew whence, wherefore, arid why 
(for they arc mightily fond of a labyrinth of ipdif- 
imguiJhabU diJlinBionsJ^ I advance a priepofition 
f© cont/ary to the general opinion of minhindj 

i. e. of the faid citizepa tKemfelves, and oil 
what grounds! fu^portthat prepofition. Npw^ 
as 1 am not fuch an adept in their fpecies of logic^ 
I fhall alfign my reafon, for I have but one, 
Without the folcmhity of logical formality, ^nrf 
it is fimply thif: «* Thai a "villagier nevei: 
laughsr at a ftranger." Probably this reafon may 
not be ft)' ■cI4*mpi;ehcnrive as tliey could wifh ; it 
niay, iio'vCre^^l*, afford'them ant)pportunity of 
exerc^iing theif powers of iatiocination ; and I 
will venture to -KTure them,^ that it is fundamen-' 
tally i^ true as the I^orty-fcvcnth proportion of 
the fifft Book of Euclid, for the difcovery of 
which a ' certaiti ph'ilbfopher thought proper'to' 
facrifice a'hecatomlS' of oxefi to "the blue-eyed" 
Minerva. ' '' * -* "'* 

' But this diftin£lion between the inhabitants of 
cities and thofe of villages, difcovers itfelf mgl^ 
in the .conduft and behaviour of the fair fex ; 
fo much indeed tliat I have fometimes been 
Half tempted to believe them of difiierent fpt- 


...,......' t. ^ - 

SopHJA JA the ^ughter of an eminent mer^P 
chant, on the wron^ fide of Temple-bar. _She' 
has received what is called a genfeel tducaUom^^ 
that is, fhe can ftrum a tuxieyn a guittar, dance r 
alamode, underdands the tapi^ur, has a coofufedt 
idea of the Englifh and Fre^qb .languages,' out of' 

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vhkk, wTtli Ac iddkion of iai few vernacular 
fhrftfet, flift fbfim a very pretty language at her 
' own ; and with thcfc accompliJhrrmiSi rcgplatcd by 
the nccefary pride of her fcx, that is to fay, a 
thorough contempt for thofc who arc unKkc, 
but efpecially for thofe who arc beneath, hcr- 
fclf, Sophia is a city toaft, and afpires to the 
^haiaQer of aj(Swfcw^;'an4What'fa enchanti|ig 
itfi tP be thoii^ 2ijinglady ? Tlkfe qi»aHflcati»ns, 
however, arc but Ktllc conducive to the for- 
maiion or flrcngthening of the filial and fecial 
duties, which it is the chicfbufincfs of education 
to inculcate in the hearts, and ixnprefs on the 
minda of (utH as arc infiendi^ lot 4itJfi|I dat||]|p[-^ 
fers, faithful wives, acnd prudent mothers* 
Whilft external accompliffraients arc eagerly 
pwiMly tbo heart k na gl a a » d f aiid Sophi» with 
her fa^ntktjii quidi Stations, has 4 mind » ii»- 
HHeffed aa that of mt Avab^ »r4 a heart wtMi^ 
ceptible of all thofe foft emotions, tlKioler delicate 
Mmga whi«h di ftiPffl i iih tho CSemft mi tho 
Icntimental Richardson from the Molly Seagrim 
of the humorous F t« ld i » 6# SopMa^ kaa 4)cf^ 
fore the natural^ but not the tenfki ^9f^ov^ pf 
her parents ; the eon^ments but not the good 
will of her neighbours; an cxtenfivc ac<juaintan€e 
and not one friend*. 

Such is Sophia; fngf fuc^ firqnt (he tnoilem 
tniftaK^n mod<r of femfJe educati9i^ ^ the 
gener^ii^y of ^^ daughte]:s \ amd fui^l^yrill the^r 
Continue to be f<^ tong^ a^ that modb^f ^ucaV^M 
ihall prevail ; and \ n;LU^ confefs,. that the xmoro 
I^ revolve thefubjc^ inrnj own mtnd, mi, conr^ 
4der the nature an4 exten^c inlQu^co. of Uic^ 
caufe producing the c^eftj^ the Icfs reafon have, 
X to entertain any hopes of % ^kapg!;^ vukfc 
peradventure, it be for the worfe« 

In my next pa]^r frpm thif pl^ccf^ I (haO jrc- 
fent the r^adeir with a fii|;ht ik^tch^, by way of 
contrail, of a/<»M^vt/!Ei^<r, hajmy e4vxs;atcd, and 
ifow living in a part of the ifprW of wbi<:h my 
good friends in the metropolisy conceive the mo^ 
romantic ideas, but have no other conception of 
the inhabitants than as of the chiTdrei^ of barr 
Ibaffty, and the inheritors of contempt* 

YuBKB cannot ^rely be an obje£k of more 
general concern, of inore national conf^ucQ^, 
of mt>re mimediate importance, than female 
education* An infenfibBe relaxation from its 
femei^ ftri&iefi; an iUjuci^cd devxattoa from its 
ftninief principk% have been produ3ive of uoicr 
wilk t& the eemnnmity at las^, ai we^ as to 
ifediviidual fcHeity, th^ tmt veadlly be conceived^ 
tending ae oaae «» uncknnine the pillM of 
niational glotyt aad to bp tibe foundation^ of do- 
; traoquiflity^ 

To the Nifw SP'KCTAToa* 
Friesd Spec, 

DuaiNc the vacation at the winter 
theatres, thofe Thcfpian ladies, who h»veno( 
fi4Auner engagements, havc'collc6ted themfelvcs 
together, and formed a Club, which they call 
the N^^i'si^ic, Delectable^ QaiTtCAa* 
SooiJ^TY* They not dnt^ mean ^-^makjsjAe 
Mamilgers know their conleijuenee, for "their 
better engagements next feafon, but have a£hialiy 
becomA Critics f and every night of meeting 
they give their opinions concerning the^ Pct" 
Jcnrmerj^ and naa Pieces^ which may enfuc every 
VNfcek^ wfh^*h fhcv fegrcta^y ia to^^i; a minute 
of, as the majority of opinions decide. Now, 
fmcerely Spec, I have an extended idea of this 
Society, as it containr ^ar number of fenfible 
vromeh* Every Sunday they meet, and on die 
Monday 1 wilt tranfmit to you the purport of 
the MeettBg, by which means you will be able 
to gire your readers an imppartial afiv gemiunc 
Critique, on every new a&or, a6be£i, or per- 
'fOtioaiMie fhiOtt|^ottt the whole feafon of the 
BftftnOM tAtfUtHx which i» more than any 
morning paper can, as a weighty argument can 
bias their judgment* 

T*iE reafon why you wift.bc. abl^ togi^Kri^ 
impartial and tcnuiae Crmcjuc?, is mcr^y|«i|$, 
becayfe every critiouc wilt be the cffeft of a 
ferioua invcft^ation,. and decided by a majority 
of opinions, which mull certainly adhere more 
to truth| than the ijtpinion.of one, .whohasxiQ 
ot>inion of his owa* A' tetter ia drawn up and 
figncd by the members, figmfymg their intcntio(>^ 
and ia going to be fent to their gpod-natured 
friend and ^la^ager, Ceorge Cfilmam, £P^ for hi^ 

^VEBY thing waj^ripc forcxccii^iqn, and th« 
day appointed for meeting ; but lo I there was now 
preff4ent {^rnof could the tragi-comic, heroines 
appoint one — among ^mfelves*. Ambition inter- 
rened* Who fljall take the chair? — As they 
could not bring matters tc^an amical^c cot^uCon 
they formed themfi^ves into a qommittee, and 
It palled nem. con. that / (bould be fent for„ and 
requeued to be th^ir l^flator. Accordingly i 

received the following card : " Th^ Neoteric, 

<« Dclediable, Critical Society, preient thejr re* 
<< fpe£tful compliments to Oxtabov, and tha^ 
*^ 9s Zar^ Clraveairs has.propo(ed you our Legif- 
*^ lator, which wa9 unanimouily agreed to ^ y/onK 
^ are re^efted Xp attend on Sunday tJb<^,^U»^ 
«« ipftant, at fcven o^dpc]^, wbca yo^^l^i^ ref 
«* ceivc thq finccre thanks of thi^ fppifi^c . 

Peggy Bbittlb, ^SecreiaryJ* 

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}I#. XVffl. 


My intimacy in the greem room, and woQ- 
nation to oUigo the ladies in gcnendt hani&ed 
«very diftaat idea of a vtfiiM. On Sunkcy 
«vcni«|^ «ocordi»g lo appointiaeiit, L went, and 
^Aer afcendiiig three pair of ftaixs, nrhtchmne 
M dark as the fubcerraneout paifage of thebaa- 
iditti, in Oil Bias, I eolered a iacA room, appto* 
priatcd for thd irfs of die Socioty. 

First Mbi^ting. 

A GESc HAL moving enTured. After a (Jp^ech 
of thanks from P^gg^ BritttCf Miff OgU^ and Mrs. 
Tattoo^ led me to a vacant chair, at the head of 
a uble, where they told me, I was to zGt as my 
inpenor jtxdgmentthought proper; that tkey.had 
.icivefted every decilion in ary power^ mmI diaC I 
was now their prefidcat, and iegiflator. The 
mks of the foctety were then ordered to be read 
by>Pe§^ Brittle, which were as £q11ows. 

1 -^ That every altercation, contention, difiet- 
*<' ence, or dCvifion in fentiment fttall be finalfy 
«< decided by OtTAaoM, legHlatdr of this 
« focietyi y ^ ■ 

. li '^ That want pf ci9tlH9 be po apology for 
^ not attending ipery nigkt.i . aa .^wkb a pnvper 
** appHeadon^ :ilie fbciety will find thete at the 
** expenceoltlMpuMie. 

III " That no inember,- ^^members, on 
** pain of being expdled^ Ihall, after ftie '<^ir 
*♦ istalcfen, WfdenwWitobkiDbliqOor, &t. 

IV ♦* Tm,^? !i>o i»emben» whatever-^ (hall 
*' M^9 ^ ^^ pcnodiof 4jiVeftigation iii 'ex- 
<' pired, on forfeiMre of' ninepviuie halfpenny, 
'- "and aftjcrwaffds, to be dedded^ billot, o^^the 
•* holding up of hands, 

V " That Oitaroh^ the Icgiflalot of this 
«« foctety, (hall have free accefs to 

Ha RE, Mift Sprightly rofe, and declared that 
the reading of the rules throughout, was not 
only tedious, but unnccelTary, and cfpccially 
when a ^fcy&on of more coqfe(}ucnce ought to 
enfue. }/lxu R$ckft fecondcd, tjb^ motion^ but 
was for having every rule ^.cooc^ifii.^^^^ear 
as polTible, which <lbe fifth mlfi, at pncient, was 
tiot; owing fo an tnterrupfion, thcsefore fhe 
propofnian afnendnient, vhii^^^wts recorded ; 
and was this J «*^ That OrtAJttoh, have;' free 
♦* acdrfi to every private, as wcH as pWblic 
^« meeting/' / | 

The rules were palled up in Icveral pads of 
the room. Order was calkd. and Pc^ Spttle 
read as follows, 

FaiJttAY hH^ ,May the 48th, was opened the 
llieatpe Royal in iJLe KayJ^9rk«t« for the 
SuTBttir ft »fom but M mMaid.akaratitfn has 

tak^fhtii. SoRif lew pirfstm^^ta onga^Kfrf. 
Mifa f airen t WA Kmkk, Mrs. 3atp$, Sf<i^ 
The new Pftdiwh CfilMi «< Tfie. tkSiM ^ i^ 
^ Mtautgen^'r^ poftponed* 1 then called tp 
order, iotcnogadrvg^ wbethtf tl|i4 f^okij 
thouf^ it generous ^ the public^ i^\pv adv«F- 
tifingasiewPerformaMetQYriiMfliwit?' After 
this quelHott, Zara Gravmn v^ «a4 iaid, 
that ihe did not mean to encoiarago any dif- 
appoiatment to t^ public, but to relate te the 
fociety ^ true caufe, why it was not performed* 
The Lord Chamberlain, had cHofi^ to refufe his 
licenfe; 0x1 what ^nns (ht knew not ; but do- 
dar^ that (be faw nothing in it at rehearial tp 
dcferve prohiUtion^ Where is the merit pfaa 
•uthpr^ wiibotrt he *< fto^u fpUy as it fties?"-^ 
Aceminpuebels, whofe la^ t^ondefceD&on, has 
existed derirK>ti| >ra$ <the principal phjcA in jii, 
which would have been immitably well playc4t 
by Mill Farreo. 

PoLXY Atau, then rofcj «* Legiflator, 1 
«* muft fubmit my poor judgment toyourfiiperiqr 
^ knowledge ; but J always underftood that the 
,i^ power of the licenfer extended thus hr ;•— ta 
*^ prohibit fuch and fueh pieces, that were blaf* 
** phemoiis, 1ibfllom» or trrafnnmiB thJT^ Le-*. 
<« giflater, is eU I have to ofier." 

In anfwer to 2^a Graoeairs^s qi^re, pOf^seti- 
jn|j the powei; of jjie J^rd. ,pbw^rt*ii» forbid- 
din^the reprefentatiom of plays, I referred.her 
XQ Gay's opefaoJF Polly. This beipg fufficiently 
inveftigated, the fecretary made a minute of i^, 
and informed us that the theatre opened with the 
comedy of ^the 'Spdnijk Barber and the Agreeaili 
Surprife, — Mifs Stidr informed the focieiy, that 
thehoufe was very full, and that ^ the comedy 
went off with applaufe, as ufual. When Linso 
appeared in the Agreeable Surprife, he was re- 
ceived, as his performance in getieral merited,^ 
but I may fay with \jC Sage ■ '* ^e U one 

«* of thofe fpoiled aftgrs, in whom the pit par* 
'<« dons every thing; and, indeed, this player 
<< did not (peak one' word, tiox perform one 
'<^ gefture, without attrad^in^ applaufe. Tlie 
<< audience n^ad^ him tOQ fenfible of the pleafqre 
^* they had in feeing him on the tiajje ; and he 
** abufed their favopr accordingly. 1 perceived 
" tJiat he fpmetin^es forgot himfelf xp the middle 
** of a fccnc, and put tbcif; prepoitcffion in hie 
<« behalf to too fevcre a proof; for th^ woyld 
« often have dojic him juflice, iud they hiffcd, 
« inftead of extolling him to the (kics.** — Here 
it palled that Lingo, thoug|han excellent 
^ con^ aSor, would too often abufe the audience 
"With feme nonfenfeof his owfi| which was only 


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•iKlapleil to the judgment ^of the One fhiUuig gal- 
lery'. Mifs <Siierr continued her critique thus? The 
next evening, Mifs Farren re-appeanBd in thfe 
SeparaU MmnUnAnu^ to the fatislMtoni and plea- 
fure of a genteel audience. She then concluded 
with a pmmiie to give the iockty at oiur next 
meeting, acorreft lift, with anecdotes, of all the 
new performers engaged for the feafon* 

Tub minutes heing taken down, the fociety 
book was clofed for the evenmg^a general con- 
^eriation took place, and the (bciety adjourned* 

Now, friend Spec, I mud leave you to your 
private fpecutations till a£ter our next meeting;-^ 
Between you and I, we (hall have feveral rai^ 

* anecdotes foon, for fome trifling innuendoshavt 
already occurred, which originstte in this-i- 
Ptggy Brittle^ and Mifs OgU are rivali; anxi zie 
both ftecrihgafierthe « ♦magnet of admiration." 
O Spi6 ! if a quarrel does but enfue — ^you (hall 
have their whole life, charaAer ^nd behaviour, 
which I have no doubt, but will h6 truly cmcr. 

''taining-»0 ! if they do but quiirrel ! 


• ♦Mr.P-ha.r;' ■ ' " 


To the N'E w SpfitVA^oia; 

-Dear Spec } / ' ^ • - .; ci-:-. '. 

I CANKOT but think yoii litter unforiii- 
nate in abf(^nting yourfelf at a time when thie 
metropolis was capable of completely gri^Tfying 
your muficai tafte in the > >^ . 

Commemoration of Hahpel. 
which has been nobly attended, . and, 
in fome inftanccs, well cxecuted.- 
inflances I allude to, are the giving 
fome fongs to performers who could execute 
them decently^ Whilft others were auditors that 
would have fung them divinefy., I believe there 
is a kind of fatality attending the management 
of all thefe affairs, and, as at the Theatres, (o 
here, a want of judgment,' or fome other ^au(c 
operated to prevent the performances bcii^ 
ah/bkUefy complete. On the whole, ' howcve|", 
they went off with diftinguifhcd approbation ; 
and ought to be recorded as a mo^ honourable 
' tedimonjr of the love his Maje(ly bears^ 
ifciences. It may be truly (aid, that he is the 
only Mecenas of the time; his patronage of 
the arts being one of the good qualities in 
which his nobles do not choofe to emulate him« 
. Thi abfenceaf the Prjnce of Wales on this 
. occalipn, is r^^rded with utter (iirprize and 
tegretby the kingdom in general, and the mu. 

fical MTOrld in particular. D6ubtlefs his High- 
ne(s has his private' reafons for thus denying that 
honour to Handel, which his fliulktous Sife lum^ 
thought (it to patronife, and which will add 
luftre to the name and memory o£ the Sovereign 
as well as of the artift. It is not my intention 
•here to enter into a minute difi:u(&on of Che 
various excellencies of thefe augu(tpeiformanees ; 
but as they are to be continued this week, I 
(hall give you a lift of the whole in my next, 
that fo memorable a Jubilee hisiyftand properly 
/recorded in the NeNv SptcTATbi. 

. P o E T a Y.. 

i *Thb following is an Occajumd Prologue^ on 
.the opening of the Capel-Stieet Theatre in 
Diiblin^^ (or Operas \ intended to have been fpoken 
-by Mr.' Young, and written by Mr. Horatio 
Robfon, authbrof " Too Loving. by Half, Ac. 
which i^effes t^c/m^ poignant, attic JpUf that 
prpduces dramatic: effp^ and w^ich claims a 
place in the New; Spectator, 

Melpomene araunt .'—no Siddons here 
^ To raife yO*r (t^ngi by the studied tear! 
- ' No hideoo«'diggcr/Ja(6er'i paiCont pr6vey 

V* BehoU khe pf t BD ^"B. of a fiiHtbofinnd't love 1" 
Oft have I beird .the fyppMhetic £gk,. 
-. T^ienfcf gapifigj^wiih ^IcBcaioi^ fljr 
, Jpdo^piHSTRucf iQN'sxcU: where nature'! oie 
JDaynles, , i;i;fpleiuji^pt on^gleacd Shore I 

> " H61tf^ ! hfi old QuilUdHve, ^ looking at our bill 
- 'Widi^ger eye, Opeca!-^ nauftoosFiil I 
. Some grtnd.(teme'is floiy (no dranmuc fire !) 
,Of Tbel^an ^U\ ^ power oEAmphioo's lyre^ 
And dancing brutes : but I forefee much evil ! 
What! chaim me n, with that which chann'd 
thcDcvir! ' ^ ' 

2^ilus, aicrjticy anj of great, senowa, 
For news, in fec^et wanders through the town ; 
, Taking^ his ufoal walk fome brothers dicet 
With fliflr, and formal falutations greet ; 
Twilling the button, and— have you heai-d 
Ahout' thil o'p)^*ra-work' P-^pdiaw f >-^abfurd 
- To banifii tragieidy lor fing-(bng hit \ 
And place Apol]o4'n the vadint'clMiif^ . ' > 
But I'm deteaDinM'!--4b am ly and I^ -. 
To night WftMlidamn-; ovh will's its deflinjr* 
A trucfHib^ia^. l^oneftinbis heart, 
Overheard their talk, and nobly took pur part^ . 
** Once in an age a genius may arife, . . 
♦< With wit well cultur'd, and widi learning wife i*» 
So fung your poet; then why his themt difclaim P 
If genius fues, applauTe is merit's claimi' 
Firft fee, then ad ; let candour Idd the Way, 
And as your jndgihcnt wilh, fo weMI obey, 
'Tu Honour's Voice \ injufiice you difclaisi. 
When merit's proved tba fitit reward t« fine I 


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Such is the ftruaurc of our hopci to night ; 

" Variety wc boaft, to give delight ; 
Ybung Females hcre,-whonc»cr the Stage have trod, 
Tremble with fear, and dread the critic's rod! 
Avcrtfufpencc! a kind fupport bcftow 1 
Oaf fouls, with lafting gratitude will gloW S 
Now we fubmit our genius to. y d u R laws, 

: And hope to gain a generous appUufc I 

Th? following fpiritcd equivoque on a Saddle, 
by Cimftancc, will no doubt be acceptable to your 

Maigre dps tft la poitc, 
II portc chair, eft chair le porte; 
• ' Ah ! le pauvre maigre do^:— 

Qiii rt'» ni, chair, ni fang, ni bs ! 

My venerable friend, who accompanied me 

in my tour to BuUa,. arrived from thence laft 

week, ' and has brought wUh him, feveral Bulian 

pamphlets, out of which wc'arebuficd in ex- 

tra&ng fuch" intelUgcncc as may be entertaining; 

toyour readers! the tranflation of which is pre- 

paring >vlth alf expedition,^^ and fhall form a^ 

part of* my m'ifceUany of next Week. * And I 

im further induced' 'ti poftjpone my own ob- 

{'erv^ion5,.'to give room to fome of your cor- 

refponde^ts Who, duiing. your refidence'in xU 

country, hope to fee their favours particularly 

attcndecf'to. ^ » ^ ..-,..■ 

C O R R B « T O ND E N C E. 

Since your Spectatojlship leftTown, I 
have received many favours fx:om.ypur,.Gor- 
rcfpondcnU, belidcs thofc to which I have 
thi» week given, place^j particularly. ^.letter, 
y^ith^ Si. dgubU pofifcript, much longer, than the 
letter itfelf, figncd, with^g^t proprictyi ,9 Poor. 
Chxntnfy: Sweeper^ the. fubjcft .X)f whijh. ia too 
dark f9f i^y:Comprehcnfion. .1 flvall^.t^referc, 
rcfervc ,it for . your^.,? p,f qr at o^r ih i p'^; 
penif^I-T-tA,,fard fTqm.aijpcgfcnj^vfhqcalU hii^j-, 
fclf Veritas, and fecms to be ip.a ftate of ifiiknity,r 
requires nq anfwer.— The poem of the 
refcrved tor next week.— The gentleman who 
entitles' his effay, fhcHeUsoJtht Covenl-gar^n 
Banditti diJfeOed, would defcn'e well of ihe 
pilislic Ycre his animad Wfions a little Icfs yio- 
, lent, though it is difficult to r9flrain iadignallon 9n 
//ir/i' a' fubjcft. —The Lawntadon of Net^a^e, on. 
Iht privilege of Parlianunt, ^nd the Cries of .tju^ 
Church, are libels on two theatrical writers, and. 
arcJriadmilTible*— the -Pri»ai<f anccdo^s of , the. 
^vaie life of a certain ^oung dentiemcny are alfo 
inadmirfible, on acco!i»nt,of tHt irj^^^y.^f^^' 

ample, which I am fure your SpectatorsAIp 
would not wi(K to encourage.— The Travels of 
January and May, feem to refleft on a young 
Duke, and a Lady of diftiRfiion, and perhaps 
withjuftice; but a regard to truth prevenU th# 
infertion of unauthenticated faft«. 

I am, dear Spic, 
Yours, Ac. 


To the New Spectator. 
Mr. Spectator, 

It will be neceffary to premife that whether 
there are or are not innate virtues and ideas can- 
not be demonllrated as a fa£b; the queftion 
beixlg in mctaphyfics, of equal profundity with the 
« being and attributes of God •/' only with thia 
difference, that nofatisfaftory account can be had 
concerning the being and attributes of God^ 
either a priori or a ^^mm.— Nothing can be 
proved a priori, though the people calling them- ' 
felvcs philofophers, have been vain enough to - 
idle away a long life iii the attempt* If this was 
a propel place, or th» fubjcft was worthy of 
difcuffion, or in any wife blended with, orob^* 
truded itfdf upon my argument, I fhould not • 
pafs over the puerilities advanced, concerning* 
the attributes of God, as I am not above enter- 
ing into a refuUtion of the doftrine of any 
writer, however abfurd he may be. — But -the 
exiftence of innate virtues and ideas, feema 
pretty manifeft a pofteriori, and, what is by nO 
means unfavourable to the argument of the 
proudcft philofopher,; it is the general opinion 
of all mankind ; whereas the fenfation and re- 
fleftion way of getting at virtues, ideas; prin* 
ciples,' and the whola fuxnmit of humari know- 
ledge, is admitted by the learned only, who, 
' every man is fen fiblc, may 'be* made to believe ^ 
any thing,' efpccially if we are allowed to judge' 
of th^ir thoughts by 

' i 'Mi^sT confers "V^ ^^^ 

heard to prove the ri »rtues and* 

ideas, is in favour < :ence; as^ 

no proof can be g individual j 

has by application, being by 

natMrcfaflacious, and pofteffing innate principle* 
conOituted and blended with 'the inherent fa- 
culties' diametrically oppofitc to fuch a virtue.-^^ 
No proof' can be given of acquired courage,^ 
acquired modcfty, TortJtiide, conftancy, gcne-^ 
rofit)', h(ineay,or any moral' 6r focial virtue^ 
whatever. You muR prove thefc acquirements; 
nature aaing rcvcrfe, or you writa and argue, to^ 


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no purpofc, Vou will Tay, forcing the cow^i'd 
to take the muiciviet^ and mix with the brave, in 
the vanquifhmcnt of the enemy, h^s in time;, 
worn out his puiillanimity ; and what wjis .force 
at the beginning, has at length bccQme defire, 
natural inclination, and principle. This method 
of proving is too barefaced, mean, and pitiful to 
lank with ^bilofeiphy. The man remaining in 
the field of battle, or aftually poiTefUng courage 
vrhilil tiiere, is no j)roof of his cowardice not 
being innate, or that his courage was acquired ; 
unlefs fcfrce is to pafs for acquirement, which, 
I know, even philofbphic feverity will not inlfft 
ofu-— I>i(ciplinfit htrdUp, fear and (hame will 
ke<3p fauoJtpparQQftly.oouzag^us, iwhiift wkh the 
gfiXiGoi in jdie SeU; but tkisisinioft cvidoncfty 
fbccing ji«ture, jmd not nauce berfelf. To 
|U»ve;pn>pcriy what he kj wiiuldl)eto ktihtm 
liv^iin4i(vinMfldiel>y with other nan ; ineet ihe 
fame ^a^l^ wui oppofe, or ccingc, ra Jbkfiwii 
natural ,way. I wiU aUow you to xt^m him 
wuhasnany books, «nd as much cionveilMoB 
aWt»t Cf^urage :a» you ^ lealc ; sMy, { wotAfi «>Me 
ypu |h(S(e little pdv»ntt^s into Ahc ^aqpit, 
TaJ;^ y^HT wwatd, y'dep'd nu» of coKVtfe, 
fco^irtheh»)dyff!a^ pf thetoivfi, AiviheiMitt 
moi^ aifurcd^ relaplc^ or oiprp fWfoAf i^oik* 
aijignauux ;iivriU be horCplf itgaoA. 

Nftturam acpdUsfurca vjqut repirnt. 

For raami 49Y^n^c vritbproii44iti9m». 
^l-pov{ei;fulj9(ideJGei v»ll room^^gai^. 

Water may be made tp run with ^cat r?mi- 
dity up Highgate-Hill ; but take away Uie artful 
contrivance, and nature will {hew her abhorsenoe 
of fuch relrogradation.— Trees arc ma4c to un* 
bend at the top, and in that manner gcow dpwn^ 
wards; bjat have trees themleWes any inherent 
faculty ito grow downwards ? It is neceflary to 
diflinguifb between what is purely mitural, and 
what is not, e'er we can ha^vc fuch ^tisfa&ioq, 
as is only to be come al, to afaertamif mm ha^vc 
ipnatc virtues and ^deas; and it is necdTaiy, as 
we write ugt for the fekoots, Mid prefume not 
qn, ^e province of the leamedtbutwithtobe 
rca^ and undcrftoofi by plain aien^ of plain 
capacities, like our oyfi^ that we we gp pkanly 
to wprk. Logic proves the fcMrce of sea(bn; but 
the fame log^ may be inade to confound reafon. 
We will, therefore^ have nothing to do with it« 
Experience 9»cws yx^m 9, thoyfand inftancts, 
^t we ha»rc iniu^ virtues and ideas^ 9nd de<> 
aipnftraies une^ivocally^ that we iyre incapable 
of acquiring: any virtue^ though virtue may be,. 
Uliaid^ Corcod upon us.p-*A|^ tied hand and 

foo^ and confined in t dung^nj hfs the f tin- 
ciples of lewdnels taken away, as it were, and 
you rn^y, if you plf afc^ make it a reafonable 
argument lo prove ihe is chafte, becaufe for- 
cibly deprived lof 'cvoiy human ipeans to be 
otherwife. All acquired, -or |Msetendedly ac- 
quired virtues, aie of e^ual mSffSMHtfi 
nature drawn from her purpofe, fo that ihe it 
neceifitated to a6l retrograde, or not to a& at aril. 

I KNEW a philofopher who had a fivn-Hthe 
reader may ftare, but I by agajn, and for the 
honour of philofc^herj^ am willing tp prove if, 
I knew a philofopher tlut had a foii-t-«nd as the 
philofoph^ wa^ /»Ac np boc^r elie, he w»s deter- 
mined his fon — this ton I mean— (hould refera- 
ble none but himfcdf. Tkis fon was to be a 
iloic, and to enure him to pjain, he every now 
and then made the boy undergo ihe operation of 
having one of his double-teeth drawx>, and by 
always rendering the puniflimcnt, if he flinched, 
or ^ave any figns of ienJSbility under the pau^gs 
of \o cruel an operation, more Severe than the o- 
peration itfelf, ihe poor child was terriHed itrto 

! a parent fuhmiffion. i}e was puziAuated, muti- 
lated, and half ftarved, to prrfefi bis ftoicifm; 

. and yet aftqr all, ip the father's abfcnce, I never 
faw a more lifnid, cowardly boy. This tune 
philqlopher forced Greek, Sp^hifh, and Italian, 
and all metaphyseal fuhjc^s, however abitmle^ 
upon the poor child at the early age of ten ; and 
yet I dec^ne I ixpv^ i^vf ^y perlpn fo iic^ki in 
my life, except the father. It is necdlefs to pre- 
mife fltat this Marthm% ScriMnus of a father, hy 
hfs'flnequent attempts, «kSs ignorant as utimtnly, to 
ren d e r his boy a ftoxt 'tW body and mind, tnd 
alfo the ^extreme fkigitc itnd boiAifion upon die 
intdlcfls at ^ early an age> drove trim into his 
g^^e, whtnre hn tbnder and aflcftSonaile motfier, 
dl)%g of a broken *cait,' foon Ibttowed. The 
fatrier nolwttMkanding the palpability of two 
foch toormous murders, was too little ef a man,, 
aind too much oC'^ phllefephes^ to &eilr the 
Icall coticcm or contritSofl* 

I UA,vE been forced \q behave welt x^ gopcl 
company, and (ludy the graces, to laugh' when 
others laughed^ and feem y^ry happy ; and, thpugh 
nothing cap |^ more oppolite to my nature^, .put 
on a handibme ^4rc&, fpo\e pretty things to 
the ladies— for fa they £rid, and hoped dxcy 
ihould fee me afiin— 4>ut does it follow thai^ 
ihefe acoompUfhmcnts were acquised, becaufi^ 
they deraon^rated thcnafclves in my pcrfpn at 
thai time? But philofi^hers will (ay, long ha^ 
bittacerddn virtues^ vices^ faifingS| apd accom*^ 
pH{hments» will reader £bem u pehnanently 


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ymxm^ as if they wert innaile. Phtlolbp^ers 
mKVf alMinpt to purftia^e fiich (i% people as the 
3tadcr, Mid I, wrtoa belief of thcfe-thkigs; htrt 
<«ipcri«iice> and the^ monitor wi^in, bbld^jr 

C I am, Mr. SrECTAToa, 


. TV 4A« Naw S^acTAXOiu 
Idx. SpacxAToa,. 

Airava die many TiAoutous oafteMS 
4aily in pnfii^c^ none xs, in nfopmiMftra com- 
pletely impertirvoaet as the pMfent falbitM aiiiong 
the gentlomcp^ ^ vkviing ^ple thconglK » gMs« 
I fhould he glad to know, Six:, whether this is to 
fpy our faults, or view our pcrfc6Uons j or whe- 
ther the gentlemen are all purblind ? That feme 
of them are fo, does not admit of a doubt ; — ^to 
them I w6uld recommend the ixfe of fpeftades ; 
but for thofc who can fee clear, to make ufe of 
thefe glides, i& certainly vevy abAivd f f a i ' bflfidp 
learning themfelves to fquint, it it abfolutely 
enough to put a modeft woman ovtof coun- 

In the park, theptayhoufe, and public places, 
it is impofliUe to avoid thefe cntici(ing mortals, 
andlblui]kt^&y^ tHttONDiat^tttvclxi tafias; is* 
well as ^entlQin^,. fccmt^tAcmom p^P^re , 
in looking Unough a |^aia| than in ii^^ 
devotion, Npw^ ^, if ijo^ <rf^ y9Knr ^rf^ , 
fpondents will befo obliging as to inform me o£ . 
what ufe thefe glafles are, I (hall be fully fatis- 
hed ; but till then^ or till die gentlemen have 
^rfc&ly ?MPV«r«d 4icUeyB«£gbt, 2 Mfi helper* 
think of appearing in public^ with6iitia»J^Ma9f • 
a mafic, as I wouM not wifli my face, which 
is none of the haadfimeil, to undergo fo nice a 

By inferting this in your paper, you will 
fready oblige, 

Sir, your v«ry humble Servant, 


To/AcNbw Spectatok. 

Mr. Sfictatok, 

I uKDiasTANo your paper is vaftly 
much read, fo I (hall make bold, with your 
permiiEon, to tell you a bit of my mind : I doti't 
like London; no, nor the people neither. 
Blefi my foul !^How I do kugh at them. But, 

I want a guide. I am always committing fomo 
miftakc or other. As 1 was going up that long 
lane, which Ui much refennbles a Fair, ay> th« 
Strand^ — fo feeing a fine handfome young lady^ 
as 1 thought, in a habit, 1 fpoke to her, fijucczcd 
her hand, and told her my mind; in return, ihc 
caned mc, which I thought rather odd, for they 
never told me of this in the country .—A great 
number of people came up, and pcifuadcd me Hk 
(trike again* Nol fays 1> fooner than ftrike a 
woman, I would hcbrii^d at an eledion. Therd 
I touched them Jiome^ for I underftand there hai 
been rare bribery here lately. Every body 
laughed. — An old gentleman came up to me^ and 
whilpcred, that I wa^ millakcn, for the pcrfon 
who caiffd me wa^ a m^n! What! fuch a 
little, delicate thing as that, a man f Well, 
well, if he is, he is. I then puUed off my coat, 
and afked him to turn out, which he refufed, 
with begging my pardon, but nothing could ilop 
my revenge, £o 1 threfhed him well witli his 
own cane, and left him to be hooted at by the 
whole mob. I am always committing fuch mif- 
taker as tfiefe.' However, I thought as how, that 
I (hould know a man again when I l^w one. I 
had not gone many* yards, before I met with 
a young mafculine girl in a habit, round hat and 
cane. To be fore I thought this muft be a man; 
fo being a ftranger, I wiflied to be acquainted 
wifkr Umfitmi bit iti4 farf iiQ vslwre I was 

^a|j|i^^nviw^e4<*f «^^)^ **^*^?l *?* ^^^^ At 
|«oved hcrfqlf » real ^QfWW.— t-^Wiw^ jij^ea 
arc tl^ we UYcii\.Mr,S?$^^ wbeu tbpj^I^^si- 
oil^c^^j-c^mufcyiUp^ ?nd^e ^lafeiilinA fl^lfff? 
The noble dilates of nature are perverted. 
Would yoM think it ? I went to a public garden 
fkti otliar JtBftninibi wkeaaifjEw thMr-kidiesl^y 
toifc^os,A< i lfiahil[ | n egus, aiKl in the next box, 
four men drinking tea ! I loft my temper, and 
patience at one time, and left the garden in a 
paflion, with a determination of quitting Lon- 
don as foon as pofldble ; I relate thefe circum« 
(lances to juw, Mr. Spe^btor, becaufe as how, 
you know the world, and that I would wifli 
to be certain of what I have feen, and not go 
home again as ignorant as I came from it ; there- 
fore, you will oblige me, by certifying whether 
what I have feen, and met with, are commoa 
incidents in London, or whethet it was only 
done to flout, and jeer an ignorant countiy 

I am, Mr. Spxctatok, 

Yours, &c. 



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To the New S p b c t a t o x* 

Hark you, my jewel, 

There is a fmall bit of a mi (lake in 
^e feventeenth number of your fnug little daily 
paper, that is publiflied by Mr. John Bull every 
Tuefday, you know, concerning my tight little 
coudn, honeft Paddy Bludgeon^ who, to be fure, 
is aft well known in Covent-garden, as the 
prcttiefb Blue and huff lad amongfl them ; — but I 
mufl take upon me to tell you, honey, that you 
took a little too much liberty, fo you did, in 
popping my confin's name into the poor devil's 
advertifement iq the lad page — ^for, upon my 
confcience, he has turned his back upon him 
and the whole tribe a long, long while ago. 

Permit me to tell ^ou, Mr. SpectatoR| 
that Faddy Bludgton is as true a hearted Hibernian 
as ever breath'd in the fweet county of Kilkenny ; 
for tht moment he found himfelf out to be en- 
gaged in a roguiih piece of ^ufinefs, where ho- 
nour and honefty had nothing at all to do, he 
took an oath, by holy St. Patrick, never to be 
feen in the face of day again with a blue coat and 
a kff waijtcoai / 

And moreover, Mr. Spectator, while they 
continue to 'make promifes upon their honour 
ana conference, without any intention of ful- 
filling them, the devil bum me, honey, if any 
mother's fon of them all (hall ever be entitled 
to the finalleft favour from tke family of 'th« 
Bludgeons. Yours, tetotally, 
Covent-garden. PATRICK OBLUDGEON. 

Lonixon; Printed by T.RnntAiiy, No. 15, Duke'sbCoart, fiow-Strecit, Covcnt-Garden ; 

Sold by T. AX TELL, No. x, Finch-lAuie, Comhill, , and ^t the Royal Exchange;, by 
W. SWIFT, BookicUer, Charles-Street, St JamtJs's-Square ; by P. BRETT, Bookfcller and 
Stationer, oppofite St. ClementVChurch in the Strand; and by W, THISELTON', Bookfeller and 
iSutioner, No. 37, Goodge-Street, Rathbone-Place; ' ' < 

.: .'".:.*. ; . ' '^■ 

%f CvftaiiroKBBRXf are xcquefte^ taaddrefii their fkvouts to 4h& Nsw SrECTATony ^tm 

ik% care of-any o£ the abovt-nanaad Publifliers* 

A ■•/ y 

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^J %i' \7 \J" \W 





No. XIX. 

TUESDAY, June 8, 1784. 

Price Thrcc-pencc. 

To he continued every Tuesday. 

FortunaUs nimtm^ Jud Ji bona norintl 
O happy ! if they knew their happy flate i 


MY prefent refidcnce is in the Peak of 
Derbyfhire. The polite vifitanU of 
Buxton and Matlock Batlis, in that -romantic 
region, well know> tha( for feveral miles 
around the former, the eye is prcfcnted with the 
joylefs views of barren, uncultivated hills, walls 
formed of unhewn flone, to mark the divifion 
of property which fecms fcarccly worth dividing; 
•aod that the only marks a traveller can difcover 
•of the reddence of human beings in fo dreary a 
country, is the diftant fmoke arifmg from fcat- 
tered lime-kilns, the goodncls of the roads, and 
the confequcnt ioipediments of turnpike gates. 

The country around Matlock, on the con- 
traiy, is delightfully variegated with barren rocks 
and hanging woods, founding catarafls, and 
rivers that, like the ancient Arethufa, after 
lefrefliing flowery vallies, murmur through 
i'ubterraneous caverns, and in other vallies unex- 
pe&edly meet again the eye of the wondering 
traveller; fcattered cottages add life to the 
Icene, and the pleafing view of diitant hamlets 
and of village fpires, gives relief to the wan- 
<lering eye, and terminates profpedls which 
naturally draw the mind to contemplate the 
ivonders of creation, and to acknowledge, that 

" Let proud Philofophy boaft all it can, 
** Thcfc litdc things arc great to little man!" 

In the mid«>way, between thefe two diftriOs 
of the Peak, at the bottom of a dell, defended 
from the north by a rocky prominence, co- 
vered with flirubs, open to the fun-beams of 
the morning, and the oblique rays of the even* 
ing, ilands a fmall village, the refidence of 
Maria, the daughter of a refpeftable yeoman; 
refpe£bble at leaft in this neighbourhood, for 
beyond its limits he is << nothing known." 

My morning vifttsare ufually paid to Maria, 
who, making allowances for my age, and 
bearing with patience the freedom of my ani- 
madverdons, generally welcomes me with a 
fmile, and treats me with that refpe^ful fami- 
liarity which is always pleafing to old age. 

Maria, though well proportioned, is not 
what the world calls handfome; but (he has that 
indefcribable agreeablenefs about her which is 
more permanent than beauty, atid feldom fails 
to infure longevity to ftiendfhip, and dutabi- 
lity to affedion. Though deftituteof a genteel 
education, fhe has had » very rational one, for 
which fhe is chiefly indebted to a neighbouring 
curate who keeps a village (chool, partly from a 
motive of philanthropy, and partly to fill thofb 
faaurs with foroething more than amufement, 
which might, otherwife, have been (pent amifs; 
for it has been well obferved, that^ *^ there it 


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THE NEW S P E C T A TO R, - Ac. 

No, XIX. 

*« but one ftcp from a fpcculativc, to an idle life, 
*( and nothing more eafy than to make that 
«* ftcp." 

Maria is now in her eighteenth year, with a 
fufiicicnt (hare of vfcful learning, and fo much 
of the ornamental as ferves to give agreeablenefs 
to leifure, and to render her mind a ftranger to 
tharvacancy wfeich, in her ftx, i* too frequently 
"Jilled with folly and vanity, and which never 
fails to give their charafters an unfavourable caft 
in the eyes of all but themfelves; for folly 
and vanity ever defeat their own purpolcs. And 
it is this article, and this alone, which con- 
ftitutes the 'grand " diftinftion between the 
Sophia of the cz/y,* and the Maria of the. 
Peak. . 

That part of Maria's education which I call 
the ornamental^ at the fame time that it improves 
the tafte and enriches the underftanding, tends 
alfo to ftrengthen principle, and to meliorate 
the heart ; and by ftoring her mind with ideas, 
at once chafte and elegant, her converfation 
never tires thd ear, for her, words are " like 
" apples ofgoldfet in^pifturesof filvcr." 

Thus by being fecluded from the world, and 
confequently from improper connexions; by 
^Onverfing with none bat the virtuous living, 
^r " the more illuftrious dead/' by pOrc pre-' 
cept, and by innocent example: Maria is 
happily ignorant of that fpecies of knowledge, 
and of thofe qualifications fo much at prefent 
fought after, but which, when gained, evidently 
render converfation infipid, by banifhing fince- 
rity, and fubflituting difllmulation ; give a me- 
retricious air to female manners, ill exchanged 
(or genuine modefty and fimplicity ; and expofe 
ilsputation to the ihafts of (lander, the whifpers 
of envy, and the machinations of malice. 
Maria would not be a little aftonilhed, were 
ihe told, that the fafhionable of her fex efteem 
thofe as graces to which fhe has been taught to 
give the appellation of vices; ^nd that her fair 
lifters hope, ^y /porting fuck graces^ to conciliate 
aiFe£Uon, and create efteem, would far exceed 
her belief, and appear a myftcry indeed I 

• Nor is the ornamental ihare of Maria's 
^ucation confined to books. Mufic and dancing 
are not unknown in the vallies of the Peak ; 
though it muft be confefled, that prejent tafte is 
there in fb jejune a ftate, that CorcUi is preferred 
even to Giardinij whofe compofitions are 
thought to be more pulling than pleaiing ; and 
fome of the lighter airs of Handel and thofe of 
Dr, Amcj partaking of the Caledonian fpirit; ane 

* See die lafi number. 

there in higher eftimation than the moft ad- 
mired ftrains of the Italian School 1 The fame 
perverfity of tafte prevails in their dancing; 
for though thefc fimple people are not deftitute 
of grace in their minuets, nor of fpirit in their 
cotmtry dances^ yet are they totally ignorant of 
the cotillon^ and as unacquainted with the 
fiientific motions oitht V^ris^ as he can be 'with 
the perpetual motion of the philofpphers. Rft- 
fpeding the authors they read, and the conclu- 
fionsthey form, I fhall fpeak hereafter. 

Such, however, is Maria! and fuch the 
oudines of the general charafter of her female 
- allbciates, fuch' their purfuiis, and ' fuch their 
accompli (hments, and fuch will they continue 
to purfue, till modem improvements fhall have 
found their way into the receffes of thofe ro- 
mantic mountains, which hide them from the 
world and all its follies ! 

Adieu, Maria! may'ft thou continue hap- 
py in the ignorance of thofe accamplijhmnts 
" whofe all is but an outward (how," and retain 
that firm attachment to principle, and that fim- 
plicity of. manners, which give fwcetncfs to 
thy converfation, and propriety to thy conduft; 
for, as yet, 

Thou appear'ft 
Like a fair tree, the glory ot the plain, - 
The root thy honour, and the trunk thy friendfliip. 
From whence branch out a thoufand different boughf, 
Candour, humility, and angel truth, 
And every leaf a virtue I 

To the New Spectator.- 
Mr. Spectator, 

Your infertion of a few ftanzas of mine 
in No. X, of the New Spectator, induces^ 
me to fend you the following 


To hear the evening echoes of the plain, 

Whilfl Phoebus fets behind the woodland hill ; 

His flocks fecure, to fee the mufing fwain, 
Hccdlefcly wander by the tinkling rill : 

Arc riiral pleafures, which the love-taught mind 
Enjoys enraptur'd— and, with fancy's aid, 

Hears dulcet voices in the paffing wind, 
Sees fportive fairies in the dulky glade; 

What time the moon had ihed her filvcr dew^ 
As Co LI N homeward whifiling went his way; 

Strange and unufual fcenes appeared in view» 
Auguflly bright, and rivalling the day. 


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Xo. XIX. 


A ftatcly e<fificc firfi rcjir'd its fpircj 
Amid the clpudj, which (kimM unheeded by, 

Or gaily flu'itcd with ethereal fire«> 

That feem'4 ^o v»^ 'heir wanton curls on high. 

Amn'd he limd$t ** Wh^t paUc« this, he cries, 
" Wb»t nughty dome obftni^U my evening rovi ? 

"* O fay, what power has bid this wonder rife, 
" Some grcaf magician, or fome fportive god ?" 

M^n, quick as lightning from the hurfling cloud, 
A foim ethereal flood before the fwain ; 

A milk-white mantle from his body flow*d, 
And in his hand he held a fiiyer ehaio. 

** Hear and attend !» the facred form begun, 
" Behold the vanity of human fchcmesi 

** Man's vain fantaflie meaAires ftrtve to flitm, 
" And pt6 Mt Ufe in (oft oiufivt df««m|. 

" Sccnw not the h9fis of this (ahrip feir, 
** Firmly io fta»d upon the rifing ground ? 

" Yet lo 1 »tis nothing more than fleeting air I 
"* It vantthcsl and not a wreck is found. 

. ^ So gUtteriAg &]tic» catch 4p eyw of fon^ 

•• A»d fo «re they deceived with pomp and /how; 
^ Ami many a Ion of fdly leav^ his home, 
" In/etrdi of weidth, and proud unwieldy woe. 

*' Rev«fc themandates of tb* immortal pQ|iitH% 
<* Aii^ffeft<MMtwichwhat4)e4padt(M^v}e: 

" I^icnlbHingpacejQwUiDfownihyfutarchours, 
" And«nv|rM, W^ft'd, aodJuippy ihalt thou live. 

w in fign wfiofeof 4«ccM« A^ magic chaki, 

" This aDagicchain ihail flriacft truths uafoid: 
*' ThoV bright eadi wc^ link yrithWa* ftaU ftaia, 

" Eachvintuousaa-ftaJlturnalinkjLogcUdl 
** Wiih aaions meet then let thy 4i& he ctown^l, ' 

** Se fhan that<JMHii ^ happinets unl^d ; 
^ And avhen for heaveiiy rcgipns t^ou «rt hound, 

^ Marklfavt e^h4iiA.Qutaiwies tbe.buinift'dgt)jd<'» 
This faid, rtie airy form let drop the chain. 

Borne on his pKjmes, he floated fer on high 5 
TThe %4iion4ed, «iQd^fert wasfhepbin, 
9Mile Mrinkliiig Aks iUuauifii all ithc fty . 

Ah, Co L I U t how did then thy fancy rove 1 
And how did Acn thy panting hofom glow^ 

In htftc <hon fcek^ft Ay owti fcqueller'd ^iwe^ 
And*i«IWl Ay poetdf that <ho«4i6 know 1 

And now «bou lun'ft thy pipe, a mellow ftrain ! 

or love and friendlh'ip I will help *hee fing ; 
tliou fmil*tt to feeliow yellow turns ihyxhafa, ' 

And «ii thy boibra Ut>oms eterntl '(pring < 

ye worldly wife I irom hpnce your intcreU Jleam ; 

Ala^ your boafted wjfdom is but fmall ! 
liaitoitea Co L X N, if! right dhcem, 

'U'bM^fiirtar, and wifer flian^c a« ! 


To the N«w Sps^cTATOft. 
Friend Spec, 

Yoi; li^pwith rpc^vp m acfpwBt gf 
the fuithqr priH:ec4ing« i^ PUT tbf atrical plwb. 


T«« Nioraaic, Dilictabu, 

Critical Society. 

Second Meeting. 

The inftant I entered the room there was « 

general cry of chqir, which after I had taken, 

and Peg^ Britfif had read the minutes of the* 

laft iQcetingy 

WilheliiinaBluijt rofe, "Lcgiflator^-^ my 
" fummer engagement, I^ft feafon, prevented my 
" feeing the comedy of the Fox, I was determined 
« to fee it the fira opportunity. It being adveiw' 
« tifed for Monday the 3 ift of May, I wpxt, and 
« fomc time before the curtain dr^w up, as I 
« like to took about me, in the upper )>pxc3S on 
** the king's fide, I obferved our old friend, Mrs. 
« C^..f, wlio I underftand goes r^afly every 

" evening and ogles at buf, fpr what 

'< purpofe I cannot learn. Some time after, a 
« ckEAT nojfi was licard in ^le n^xt box 
« to that lady, where a tf^an in liyeiy kept 
« places. Great were the expeaatipns of the 
« houfeattibis crifis, when after loud talking, 
" laug1ung,^&c. wbo fliould ^nter, but Farri^ 
" nelU, and' her worthy ^narnma ! 

** The condefcenfion thatenfued will furprife 
«.you!_Mrs.C....rand FarnneUi entered into 
« FAMILIAR converfation^ and yfcrejnends\ 
•« ^Ao/e' evening!! The door-keeper came wp, 
" inicmning the'^^ that my Lordwsis^ow 
•« demanding admittance, which h^ could not 
«' poflibly, without her order. Pen 
« ink and paper were brought into the iox, 
« where fhc, once htore granted the admiffion 
« of her favourite little Earl, who (opn entered 
•' the fiMt^ and thanked her in pcifon, for faying 

« him FIVE 8-HlLLINCf ! W^ich IS fuch mp fljw 

<« mousjim^ that the condefcenfion is mpft ccr* 
•'tainly excuCible**— Klifs Blunt condbdea 
with affuring the fociety, tbat itie never remeai. 
bered the comedy of the Fox fo wefl got w, <r 
foweUperformed.^ ' ^ ' 

Teooy Brittle then got up, fgyinf a 1^^ 
«< Ihc need not remind the fociety, that laft^ 
« Wednclday, June 2, was pcrfoniied ^he new 
« Prelude of % EUmfm of (he Managers, as ihjp 
« law many of the worthy members in the 
« JiouTe.** OiTARo'ul Chair! Lpgiflatorl ■ 

Digitized by 



No. XIX. 

was vociferated a dozen timc$-^I got up, de- 
daring how impolitic it would be in mc, who 
perhaps, might bias fome of their opinions, to 
deliver my fcntimcnls on a fubjeft which de- 
manded an attentive inveftigation ; and not only 
the dccifion of one^ but the opinion of a//. 

Mrs. Tattoo then rofe, and delivered her 
fer Iments as follows :-^" To bring politics on 
*< on the ftagCj^ when party and oppofition run 
*« fohigh, is not only dangerous, but impolitic ; 
*« the former, as it muft create enemies *, and the 
*« latterj as it cannot coincide with the cxtrva- 
" vagant expeftations of oppofition. Now, Le- 

^ *« giflator, the EUdion of the Managers is fo judi- 

^ «« cioufly wrought up, by the fertile pen pf 
« George Colman, Efq; that it fteers between 
** two poipts^ without touching either, and is 

, «• fufpended in fuch a critical pofition, that the 
*' fmall weight of a ftraw would over*balanqe i^t, 
*« and render it a party piece. It is an exa6i rc- 
^< femblance of a late ele^lion. Holfy and Ivy, . 
«< of the winter theatres, oppofe, LittU Bayts, of 
<« the fummer; the cataftrophe ends in noi(c 
'< and confufion, and as they cannot ^gree amoxig 
<« thcmfelves, it is to be ultimately^determincjd 
*« by the decifion of the Houfe, Seyicral ilriki^ 
** chara6lers arc happily introduced, and m^t 
*« with the applaufe of the audience. Mifs Far- 
•« ten, as Mrs. Dimple, v/^$ a clofe imitation of a 
« certain graceUJs elc£Boneering, lady, who is 
.** having a ring made, the device of which is ta 
*' be formed with the hair of her impcr lip, an4 
*«. lent to Bulia, as a prclcnt to Rt^nardam. Mrs. 
«« Webbe and Edwin, brought to our xemem- 
« brance Mrs. H —b-^rt, and Sam Hovje^ both 

/« of which .were charafteriftic and well fup- 

^ ported; the latter in particular, who is drawn 
** as a mcdling ignorant fellow, hurrying, pro- 
" mi fine, ranting, roaring, at a cooteflcd elec- 

/* tion, without knowledge to form bis judg- 
«« m^nt^how to decide. The meeting, of Mrs. 

." pi^J^^c a^d Mrs. Buckram, oppofite parties, 
*^ had a good effipft.. The iicenes are exceedingly 

1^. well adapted,,. in. particul^ that from Jamef- 
*< ftrcet, Co vent- garden, and the laft fcenc of 
the huftinjgp.^ The banners were well chofen, 
and conveyed to the audience a late parade, 
^ and burUf^ucd proceflion of the ^ifappoiated 
*< con ftituents,^ who were pofitj v^ly; ^termineij, 
<< as they couTd not obtain & return for. their 
^ candidate^, to chair him. through the public 
^ ftreets, and'oonvince the wprldin general haw 

,^ fmccrely they took it to heart \ which was ob- 
« fcrvcdin every countenance.— ^-The piece 
^ was preceded by an exceUcai^olQgtie, written 



" by Mr. Colman ; the two firft lines of which, 
" from Pope, proved the real fentiments of the 

•« writer 

Curft be the verfc, bow wcU foe'cr it flow, 
That tends to make one w6rtlly man my foe ! 

« It was admirably well fpoken by Mr. Palmer, 
". who gave it its full force and meaning." 

Foe B LI N K H o R N, Mrs. Racket, Jenny Pringle^ 
and fevcral others delivered their opinions, which 
were exaftly the fame; and when put to the ballot 
the motion ** ihat this piece is an excellent 
" piece," paffcd without a divifion. 

CHARtOTTE Foresight moved for an a- 
mendment in the critiques, " That no »^inua- 
«( tion, or reference, unlefs, dranuUk^ fhall 
" be admitted." An altercation enfued, and 
Ufted fome time, when Peggy Brittle rofe, 
and begged to be heard : '' Legiflator, aslecre- 
" tary io this fociety, I rife to encourag;e freedom, 
** the flrufture which this inditution was found- 
" ed on, and if once deviated from, a dilfc^tion 
"' muft cnfue. I therefore Jhove,* ihat every 
« metnber may have the. privilege pf making 
« fuch comments and rcfle6Uons as t^ey think 

A Divisiojf tdol" place, when'atej^ority of 
17 appeared ifi' Tavour df Peggy Briltle*f 
motion. — Stalira Frightful remarked that " the 
<f time grew la|e, ahd no member had delivered 
^* 91 critique on the appearance of Mr. Kippling\ 
«* thcreforc"-p-^wiy Ffingfc then rofe, and 
thaiiked the attentive member that fpoke lad, 
forker infinuaiion^ and that^ was ready to give 
her free opinion with pleafure ; which was re* 
queded, and Jfemty Pringle b^gan as follows.— 
w On Saturday, June the 5th, was performed 
" a piece in one a£l, called the To^conijt, 
<^ aUeired from Ben Jonfon*s Akhcymift f«r the 
<< appearance of Mr. Kippling^ who performed 
<^ the . pnrt of A6el Drugger^ His ftature is. 
<< rather (hort, his voice adaptpd to the cha- 
« ra6br, but not ilrong cnoughi^ which I have 
<< no doubt, but he will rensedy, when broii^ht 
*^ forward in another* part. Ue nm^ through 
« the charader vrith judgment, and undajtood 
<« his author, which was proceed hj his not 
«< making an improper * emphafis, or attcmp«in^ 
<' to throw tbecharaOer in a new light, toexcite 
<^ attention by fingularity. Upon the wh^le^ 
<< cenfidering the prefent difadvantaj|eous fitu» 
<< ation of the Alchymift, from its being oian^ 
<< gled to reduce it to one a^ he wept through 
<< the fcencs with great jiiftneft, and hid a num* 

* Hajclst» Vid^Dnuy-Laae* 


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No. XIX;* 

T! nt NEW S TE C T A T O R, &c. 

<< bcr of gfcntccl friends in the houfe. After 
«« the Tobacconift, were given the EUBion of 
«« tkc Managers^ and Gretna Green. Juft before 
" the ii'rft a^ o^ ^® latter piece was over (Mr. 
«* Wilfon and Mr. Egan being on the ftag*), the 
« houfe was alarmed by one of the greatcft in- 
<«* fults ever oflfered to the public, which was 
''►occafioned by a Mr. Sanguinetti^ jumping 
** from the third feat of the king's box, between - 
** four ladies on the ftagc, and fcizing Mr. Wil- 
<« i<to, with whom he went off. Soon after-- 
^ wi^ds Mr, Wilfon came forward — apologifing* 
"• in a fubmiflive maftfaer, that he fliouki be the 
« caufe of intcrmpting the performance. He 
<*• theti pledged his honour and the future favours ' 
<< of the 'public, that he would relate the whole - 
««^ truth. He theii dcfcribed his private fitu-' 
** tuation ; faying that he had been drawn in by 
*« a Jew (who I believe moft of the The- 
<« itn'cal people know), And a man who had tia- 
*'"ken a falfe oath, in colleague with his cne- 
** mies, on purpofe to betray him. — He appealed 
" to Mr. Jewell, the treafurer, if he had not 
*« already made over his falary for the payment 
" of^his creditors, and thrown afide every idea 
" of emolument for himfclf. He thanked the 
« audience for their indulgence in hearing his 
" ftory, and was ready to go on with the cn- 
^* tertainment; at which fomc* little oppofitioci 
" enfued, but was foon over-ruled, and he 
** went ' through with' h is chara'flrt* very Well,* 
^* which after fuch an accident, not a little aflo- 
^« niflicd the audience.*^ — Here Peggy Brittle 
rofc, wifhing to be ihfonned, whether the 
manager could not profecutc, and recover da- 
mages of Mr. Sangvirtetti,' for forcinig Hh 
Xvay over the ffage box, entering his pre- 
mifes, and interrupting the performance ? She 
then declared that it was fuch ah infult to the 
whole town, that Mr, Colman ought to norictf 
it inapanicuJar way,* ^ndnot only do juftice to 
the public, but to himfclf; and that if futK ^' 
fcandalous proceeding was piflcd by unnoticed, 
the pubiic would, be pSj^. Miffiltcd in the fame 
manner, and ibelr en^ertai^ui^ents frequently 

An adjournment was then < moved for, an4 
^(Ted nem* con, when Mifs Sneer clofed the fe^ 
cond meeting, by hinting to the fociety, that fhc 
thought ft highly ImprudeYit for the Sidonian Til* 
imririd to be to lavifh.of her praifes of the Voung 
"Quaker, when tw/;) of her rivals were ,ip the 
next box. 

It was fo latcj S?ec, when the adjouminent 
took place, that there was not time for private 
infmuations or inuendoi ; but I forcfee*-a time 
will come } 

To the Nkw Sfectatoh. 
Dear Spec ! 

I AM very glad to find that even fo re- 
mote a fpot in the kingdom as ih6 Peak of Der- 
byfhire, can already feel the good effefts of our 
late political changes. The peculiar excellency 
of our conftitution becomes its bane when tho 
r^ins of government are in the hands of the 
worthlefs. At prefent we are freed from every 

' apprehendbn of abufe } and his Majedy having > 
convinced his fubje^ that their welfare is as 

I dear to him as his own honour, and that nothing 
can be dearer to him than both, you , will 
not be furprized when I itiform you, that the 

Birth-day of the King 

■ was celebrated on Friday, with umifual fplendour. 
The drawingrroom was never more crouded 
with nobility. Her Majefty was in uncommon 
good fpirits, and diffufed^ univcrfal chearfulnefs. 
All that is great and good was prefent. Tho 

1 room was not difgraced with the party-coloured 
Haves of the day. Very few gamblers and black- 
legs were feen ; confequently few pockets were 
picked. " Pharoah and his hoft," overwhelmed, 
fpiritlcfs, fallen, hunted by the blood-hounds of 
the law, and fpurned from all hone ft focJcty, 
were, happily, lurking in holes and comers j 
and, defeated even by their beft friend. Impudence^ 
contaminated not " the prefence-chamber of the 
king." — Vice and virtue being fo oppofite, it is 
no wonder that the example and patfonefs of the 
latter, was, as I have faid, in uncommon good 
fpirits. ■ * . I 

With, refpeft to the ladies, there was in 
their appearance much elegant neatncfs, much 
real dignity and fplcndour. Indeed the " en- 
quiring eye of gallantry^** fcarched in vain for 
the Political Duchefs who is fcldom wanting in 
I the article of exhibition. Her Grace, it fecms, 
was deeply engaged with her milliner in forming 
thie-lov'e knots of buff and Wue, and other 
amufcments'of a like nature. The ^^ enqutring" 
eye cfg'a^niry*^ was, therefore, lent on its owit 
natural vacancy, 

I SHALL .not trouble ypur Spectatorship 
with any particulars refpefting the dreffcs of the 
ladies and gentlemen that were prefent. Suffice 
rt'to fay, that they were Udies of charaftcr, and 
men of property. I have already told ycnx that 
norifc of ' the party coloured fiuad were to be fcefn ; 
previous notice having been given to the nobility, 
to bewateofi»ftffl5, and of their pockets.— SmaU 
encouragement for the aj^pearance of the knigbu 
of the procciDon ! 


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N^ XIX^ 

Ii« th« ^^chifig the Ml t4oiri> wis very 
crouded, exhibiting an alTemblage of peculiar 
briUiaBcy; nothing unbecoming, nothing taw- 
dry 5 and you may remember, Spec, what 
Jights we ut heretofom fecn there— married co- 
quettes from PiccadiUf , and iharpen from 
Brookes's I 

THiHE WntbKttfualdiiplayofeafe,taft^aiid 
elegmte m thb mthovia, ^hkh weite bqgm by 
the Frnbct of Wailefc, with the Priaceis Royal} 
and die ctaatry dances were t<|aan)r difUa- 
goilhed f<Mr tufte «nd €pkit. 

A RfcAL iiltcrttal jtoy was apjiatent thwug^ 
the whofe Yt)Oth; and ^tttyheartfeteiued to -vibrate 
with the wifti that the 4th of Juner might be 
long, long thus celebrated. 

The impure Jquad — the bed, and now almoft 
the only friends of the blue and buff junto— were, 
as ufual, ranged fo as to fee and be feen in St. 
James's-Sreet, like vermin haunting the outer 
walls of palaces, and fecking whom they might 
devour. In this miferable train the firil, and 
the moft ambitious to be feen, was the declining 
PfrdUa^ who, like the clcpiring fnuffof a can- 
dle, feems unwitling to quit her hold of dark- 
nc(s. Ladies G. and W. The ftird of Paradife, 
the profligate Siflers, &c. &c. formed a kind of 
proceflloi^ iimilar in charader to that of fharoak. 

B u 

L I A. 

Mi/cellaneous JnttUig/ence* 

My fiieodj who^ii lately returned frxnn Bulia, 
has brought me a good deal of vahiable intelli- 
gence, with Ibme of which I (hall now acquaint 
you, previous to giving you any tranflation of 
his literary cuxiofities, 

JIetnaej^am, he afTunes me, is guitc ^ch9pr 
lallen, and is Acver^ainlikdyiobe notk^in 
Bulia, but as a ncmmnent of diiappointed aoa- 
bittoo* Rr^ftii^ higy thcaefone, 1 fhaLtrou- 
ble you no moi^c. Let the bhiAecis^ ftonn tha( 
xs^Q)ent, be fbfgotten I Butof bit abetton and 
fiipportecsi ma^ andifemalcy my fitiend has many 
things tt> recount, by way of ehicidaiii^ ihe de- 
pravi^ of human nature ; a theme which he de- 
Kghts to dwell upon, havin|r fuBered much frojm 
the knavety of hisf ellow-creatures* 

Th< fricB ii fliip between 5dasy andR^ynaidam 
CCMttdnues* For Seiawift8unbiti»us4>f paMfcmif. 
iagmmtiaA&xA\ and iKamesil of J5f)nuxdaoi 

men and Bdeafures^ rafeisUes hoaeft Joha Bus** 
yan when the burthen dropped from ha, baciu 
Bulia is become more glad and lighUome. 

The new Retfinim, favoured by the king^ 
and refpc6ted by the peoplcf cnjoyif^the fiiead- 
(hip of Wolruth, and deftiluta of all improper 
and dangerous ambition, continues^ and is likely 
to continue, to fupcrintend the national coocecna 
of Bidia« 

The Reppu and the Etanes aflcmbled to de- 
liberate en impottant concemsi previous to My 
friend's departuiei in which they wci^ a good 
dead inlemipted by the vociferations of Rey 
nardam, who conpUined chat he had been 
earned about the ftreets of Bulii^ andeic^ofedla 
the ridicofe of aU decent peopki by the pcrverie 
ob(Unacy of fcvtral BKdiws, who called them* 
fclvos his friendsv The Etanes condoled with, 
and laughed at himj at the £ime timc^ which not a 
little mortified him. Indqpeodent of this ji- 
diculouBintru&on^ the buiinefs of the Etanes pi^ 
deeded in the orditiary courfe, 


The exhibition being clofed ior thisycar^ 
I (hall only jud remark, that, indqj>endent of 
the fcrjpture pieces of Weft, there was litdc 
wortl^y of memory) except fomc of the portraits 
which, howeveri amongft fo many, it were almoft 
in vain to diCcriminate. The Nyar\ph and Gupid 
of Sir Joihua Jlcynold^ •difpUyed fome fancy, 
and fome good painting ; but this mafter feldom 
finiihes in the graceful manner of Weft or Gainf- 
borough.— The marbU works of the Hon. Mrs» 
Damer, arc very highly finiflicd, and joemind 
onf of Mrs. Macauley's writing— «Mr. Brown'> 
exhibition of the; Duchels of Devonfhire aa 
Minerva^ in regard to the thought and execution 
is ^ood ; but, the charaEer is rather raaU^propos. 
It IS ftrangc, that no lady iias«yet been painted 
as VibitM*~Vh& exhibition of this jycjOTy has not 
been honoured with a\ro^'al vi(it» 
)8l.a H.n E'iu 

IFkf juWIec in ttotntfiietnoradon of tfm im* 
m^'^^Agenius, concluded On Saturday. Thishaa 
been a muficat fe(tival which will be i ^ cmmibcrt fl 
an^ talked'i^ -for many years to "come. The 
btfndl'c^otlfiiled of 5*5. petfojrmers* 

Violta» - - - ^o 

Skcond iitto - ^s 

Tenors • * . ^9 

Oboes - . . 36 

Violincelloi • 30 

^BiBbeas - - *«5 

JD^OMc 4ltto ^ -t 

XXMiblt SsOes if 

Tnunpeu r- 24 

Trombones • ^ 

Horns - - ijr 

I>rums • - # 

^JDoid^ditto s 

Digitized by 


No. XIX. 


The managers were the Earls of Exeter, 
Sandwich, andUxbridge, Sir Watkin Williams 
Wynri, and Sir Richard Jcbb, Barts. 
• It is long fincc Welbninfter Abbey before 
«ontairicd a ** polite and crouded audience ;" and 
it may be faid of his Majefty, that he has done 
that which few other kings would be able to 
accomplifii ; he has fent the chief part of his 
nobility to church, full-dreffed, by nine in the 
rooming ! 

Though this jubilee was under the imme- 
diate patronage of" his Majefty, the Prince of 
Wales did * not honour any one of the per- 
formainces — " There are more things in heaven 
*< and earth, than are dreamt of ift our philo- 
•«« fopy." — ^TTieDuchefsof Dcvonfhirc, Ibclieve, 
was alfo abfent. 

Very few of the blue and buff heroes were to 
be fecn within thofe facred walls. They have 
fiz)?ff, and fa '' Bring us the marrow -bOnes and 
" cleavers." — They were alfo in clofe attendance 
on their friends at the Old Bailey. The au- 
dience, therefore, confided chiefly of the good 
and great. 

The profits amount to upwards fo,ooo/. and 
are faid to be promifed to the fund for the fup- 
port of the families of the decayed muTician^,** 
and the Weflminflcr Infirmary. So that the 
reports of this great fum being appropriated to 
the relief of various diflreflcd charities, feerato be 
groundlefs. — Thus his Majefty has added frcfli 
laurels to his brow ; has countenanced fcience ; 
has relieved the diftreded. 

TheicaroitnpeiialAK^orlif, and worthy, king^ I 


No member having been returned for Weftr 
minfter, and the famous Blue and Buff procef- 
fion, being confequently a/^ wrongs that refpec- 
table. body have been advifedtott«^ what was 
done amifs, and to have a kind of retrograde pro- 
cej/tortj with proper banners, &c. 

Thus, the ScouU, cloathed in deep mourning, 
arc to precede the refpcftable fociety of marrow 
bones and cleavers, to be hung with crape and 
black velvet, that they may ring a dumb peal, by 
way of expre fling their penitence for former 
offences, all walking backwards. Then two 
hundred gentlemen on foot^ alfo in deep mourning, 
are to follow the faid marrow-bones and cleavers, 
likewife walking backwards. No horfes to be 
admitted in the anti-proceflion, not having erred 
againft common-fenfe ; and being in the former 
proceflion, very much aftiamed of their com- 
pany. Proper banners made of black filk. The 

principal, in a chair hung with black velvet, 
carried backwards, preceded and followed by a 
proper quantity of chimney-fweepicrs, and fuch 
others as can drefs in the fable uniform. The 
carriages of the female patriots, hung with black, 
and pufhed backwards by black footmen, fol* 
lowed by other friends, to clofe the whole. 

Such is the fcheme that has been recommend* 
ed to the lovers of proceflion, but it is thought 
it will not be adopted. If it (hould, I fhall 
give you a particular detail. 

Tm E ATRk. * '' 

I AM now going to give you an inftance of 
theatric benevolence: Mr. Wild having fuf- 
tained amazing lofs by his former play, which 
happened the very day that Mr. Fox wa« 
chaired, Mr, Harris and Mr. Colman, as well 
as the different performers, have granted him 
their free afliftance, which will ever refleft ho- 
nour on them all ; and on Thurfday, June lo^ 
will be performed, for his benefit, The Merchant 
of Venice. Shylock by Mr. Macklin, and Portia 
by Mifs Younge; with the favourite Mafque of 
Milton, in which Mr. Henderfon will play 
Comus, I fhall here tranfcribe the names of the 
performers, which, by the bye, arc the firft ia 
eftimation with the public, who I doubt not will 
be glad to meet them on this occafion. 

Mr. Macklin, 
Mr. Wroughton, 
Mr. Reinhold^ 
Mr. Davies, 

Mr. Benfley» 
Mr. Bonner, 
Mr. Brett, 
Mr. Fearon, 

Mr. Heiiderfoa. ' ' ' ') 

Mifs Yonoge, Mts..Batei, 

Mrs. Martyr, Mrs. Morton* 

Mrs* BapniQer. . 

Better and Better! 

I AM told, that bonds for the payment of 
thirty thoufand pounds, in four years, have been 
given by a young gentleman, who, it feems, has 
lately fpent that fum in the fupport of particular 
friends. An inftance of philanthrophy fcarcely 
to be matched in the annals of modem friend, 

Language of the House. 

The lawyer, the phyfician, the divine, and 
the merchant have all their technical phrafes, 
and what is more extraordinary, the club of St. 
Stephen's have their technical terms, from which 
they have not liberality enough to depart ; fo that 
they are obliged to abufe each other by rule. I 
have it in contemplation to review their vocabu- 

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Nc. XIX. 

lary, and to fubftitutc new phrafcs for ♦* The 
** honourable gentleman in my ^^"— " The ho- 
<* nourablc gentleman lafl on his Ugs;'* — ** The 
" noble lord in the Slue ribbon^* &c. &c. And 
for this piece of fcrvice, I expcft to be hand- 
fomcly rewarded by the faid club. 

Pro Publico Bono. 

Amongst other works of public utility, lam 
informed, that the author of the School for 
Scandal is employed in writing a farce called 
The Procejfion \ and that the ingenious author of 
the Saucepan is on the point of publifhing an 
i|t>nical Defence of the conduH of Sir Jeffrey Dun* 
Jian^ written with fuch kecnncfs of fatire, that 
it IS thought Sir Jeffrey will certainly lofe the 
borough of Garret at the next ele6lion ; for this 
author, « without any great flattery, may be 
*< faid to have feldom exerted his abilities 
** without cffca !" 

Most of the letters I "have received fiqce my 
laft, are particularly addreffed to your Snc» 
TATORSHip, which I forward herewith.^— The 
correfpondent who advifes roe to fay nothing 
about a certain duchefs, becaufe *' enough hat 
" been already faid,** feems not to be aware •f 
the influence of pernicious example; and noto« 
rious deviations from female delicacy in perfons 
of high rank, cannot be too feverely cenfured. 
It is true, the fubjed is getting fble; and nothing 
but a regard to female propriety could induce me 
to have noticed it at all. — ^The Ode to the Right 
Hon. William Pitt is too incorrect for the public 
eye. — Mifs Seward's poetical novel being pub- 
lifhcd , will fpcak fudicicntly for itself, without 
the comments of H. L. 

J am, Dear Spec, 

Yours, &c. 

London: Printed by T. Rickaby, No. 15, Duke's-Court, Bow^trect, Covent-Carden ; 

Sold by T. AX TELL, No. 1, Finch-Lane, Comhill, and at die Royal Exchange; by 
W. SWIFT, Bookfeller, Charles-Strcet, St. James's-Square ; by P. BRETT, Bookfeller and 
Sutioner, oppofite St. Clement's-Church in the Strand ; ahd by W. THISELTON, BooUcller and 
iSutioner, No^sj, Goodg^Street, Rathbone-Place. 

%^ CoKMsroNoiNTi are requefted to addreft their fitvours to the Niw SrccTAXOft| t»* 
the care of any of the abovMamcd Publilbcn, 

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No. XX. 

TUESDAY, June 15, 1784. 

Price Three-pence. 

To be continued every Tuesday. . 

Crcdcbant hocgrandt nefas, iS fnortepidnduntf 
Sijuvcnis vctulo runt ajfurrtxcrat^-^"'-^ 

Had not young men the hoary beads rever'd. 
Or boys paid revereftce when a man appeared, 
Both worthy death were thoughts— 


SINCE my leaving town, 1 have received 
feveral epiftles from correfpondents, fome 
of which aie very anxious to have thdr favours 
printed ; I fuppofe in order to accomplifh pri- 
vate views of their own. The following letter 
abounds with refle£Uons that do credit to the 
writer, and I am happy that in pubiifhing it, I 
can at once ferve the author and the public. 

To </i^ N I w Spectator. 
Mr. Spictator, 

It is my misfortune to be under forty, 
and to have a round, untroubled countenance, 
which, in my prefent fituation, is a great griev- 
ance to me. I now pay my addrefles to the 
daughter of a man of bufmefs, who is fo cruel 
ms 10 threaten to marry the young lady to a con- 
temporary of his own. I mean a man of his 
own years. He fays no young man can be good 
for any thing but filling a houle with children, 
without being wife enough to know how to pro- 
vide for thenu 

Now as I am to fucceed in love, as I can 
argue my intended father-in-law into an opinion 
of my ability for bufinels, give me leave to print 
in the New Spectator, my thoughts con* 
ceming the prejudices which xiien in one ftage 
ci life hava to thofo in another. 

The utmoft inconveniencies are owing to the 
difficulty we meet with, in being admitted into 
the fociety of men in years^ and adding thereby 
the early knowledge of men and bufinels to that 
of books, £or the reciprocal improvement of each 
other. One of fifty as naturally imagines the 
fame infUfficiency in one of thirty, as he of thirty 
does in one of fifteen ; and each age is thus left 
to inftruft itfelf by the natural courfe of its own 
reflediion and experience. X am apt to think, 
that before thirty, a man's natural and acquired 
parts are at that fbength as, with a little expe* 
rience, to enable him, if ever he can be epabled» 
to acquit himfelf well in any bufinefs or conver* 
lation he (hall be admitted into. 

As to the objeflion, that thofe who have not 
been ufed to bufinefs are confequently unfit for 
it, it might have been made, one time or other, 
againfl all men that ever were bom ; and is fo 
general a one, that it is none at all. Befides, he 
that knew men the beft that ever any one did, 
fays, that " Wifdom cometh by opportunity o£ 
leifure, and he that hath little bufmefs (hall be* 
come wife ;" and the great Lord Bacon obCerves, 
that thofe governments have always been moft 
happy, which have been adminiflered by fuch as 
have fpent part of their life in books and leifure ; 
and inltances in the governments of Pius Quin- 


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T ff i * E W S P E C T *A T O K^ Acfi 


tH^ and Sixtus Quintus, about his own time ; 
v/Iio, though they were e deemed but pedantic 
friar$, proceeded upon truer principles of ftate, 
than thofe who had their education in aiiairs of 
(late, and courts of princes. If this rule hold^ 
in the difpatch of the mod perplexed matters, as 
of public politics, it iSiufE, of n^eflify, irt that of 
the codmon divxfions of buiincfs, which every 
body knows arc direfled by form, and require 
rather diligence and honefty, than great ability in 
the execution. 

A GOOD judgment wiR not only fupply, but 
go beyond E x perience ; for the latter is only si 
knowledge that direfls us in the difpatch of mat- 
ters fuluie, from the confideration of matters paft 
«f the fAtttt nature ; but the former is a perpetual 
afid eqnat dirc6Hon in every thing that can hap 
pen, and does not follow, but makes the pre'-' 
cedent that gmdes- the etherr 

This everlafting prejudice of the old again ft 
the young, heightens the natural difpofition of 
youth to plcafure, when they find ^ciufelvcs ad- 
judged incapabfe of bufinef^. Thofe *amongft 
them, therefore, whofc circumflancfei^rid Way 
of thinking will allow them fucK ITecdom, plunge 
themfelves into all fenfual gratifications. Otfi)rrs 
of them, of a more regulated turn of thought, 
BAc Bie enterWFnnient 6f h6dkk and cofmetnpla- 
tfbw, ind are Buried to tliefe j^SfuHrt. Thefe 
piifirfilftsi, Anring 6^ ifiiddle agei fbertgAeti the 
live V)f hrtiremcnt itt the foliirir vtm^ itiA make 
it riefcfefliiy %o the libettine. Tbfcy ^am phild- 
©phy Vn6isj^ by thii time fo bte Vsfenviyzed that 
il is thei^ intcyeft to have as little ambiiion as 
mayht'; and conftdering rafther ht)W much left 
thcyhStdv td Kvehifji^Ty, thiilhoifr^ueh ihM^ 
caiihot conceive ^Hy t^Vcy (houM htMibfe tlteth- 
ft!Vtt aSotot rA«fittg a fowuttey whicfh in ^ jAir- 
ftiit 'Aufl Icffeii their pnefent cnjoyntent^ ^wd in 
the p^irchkie cann6t etthV*gc it.. 

•1 conVess that the impious and TAi^fcitifibh't 
way of life and convcriatioh of youth Tn general, 
cxpofes them to 'the jutt difcftecm' 6*f their 
eldere ; but where ^hc cbritraiy is fftuftd limong 
any of them, it ffiould be the nioie parficulkr 
Fccomtnendation ta ihcir patronage. There are 
fome obfcrvabVns, I have by chance ihA With> 
Jo much in Tavour of young men, that I carihot 
lupprefs thetttk As finccrity is the cKief fecotn- 
mendation, both in public and private itiattets, 
it is dbfcrvc^, (hat the young ai'^ more fmccrc 
in 'the difpitch of Bufinelsy and profelSoh of 
friendship, than thofe that arc ihbre advanced in 
JFcars: for they cither prefer public reputatidn to 
jrivatc advariugc, or believe It is tKc only way 

to it. Th^y are generally good-riatured*, a# 
having nOt been acquainted witk' ifkidi tfiali^^^ 
or foured with difappointment. The leis dif« 
pofed to pride or avarice^ as they have neither' 
wanted nor abounded^ They are unpradifed iar 
the way of flattery and dilhmulation, and think 
^herS pradiffr thofe arts av Ittde asr th«miekes# 
This ariies from their bdklnefs, as having ml 
been yet humbled by the chances of life, ancE 
their creduHty, as having, not yet been oitexf 

I sHALt Conclude by faying, that it isverjT 
hard upon we young fellows, that w^are not ta 
be trufted in buftnels and converfation with thofo' 
in years, till <^e age, together with its con^ 
fec(uence8f ilF health and ill humour, have mark- 
ed us with a faded cheek, a hollow eye, a bufy 
ruminating forehead,- and^ in (hort, rendered u» 
lefs capable of ferving and pleafing them, than 
we were when we deemed' uiiablc* fff dCT 
either.^-I beg your pardon for fo many ferious 
refleffions, with ^hich, notwithftanding the 
great age of your Spectatokship, Itruftyou 
I will not be offended, and am,- with all pofEble 


Yours, &c* 


Doctor Gocct^, 
The Politicd Prebend, ^c. 

By the curtefy of England, lawyers and phr- 
ficians are allowed to dabble in politics; but 
a perfonal interference in politics fo ill bttdrtrt^ 
the divine, that very little rd^t£l' is paid to 
' thoTe Tons of tiie chtiVch, wh6fnake'it*th^fe»*» 
fihci^ to a'tfttid ittoie to theele6fi6n"of a-^dta* 
m6hef than thfe cufe of fbiits. It impltes'fc^lk * 
predileftiOn fot tttnporal fnfettjft*, fhaft I iMW 
never read of a ditrine dablftig Ih poHfci-, ^M 
did hot Vender himfelf defpicsibft. 

Amongst the many notorious irtf!*«ice& 'Itf 
folldcal cltrgymc^ with which thfechuifch iS^ 
this timfe ihfefted, I know of nOhe hiore ¥i^lff 
cenfurable than Doctor Goggle, Who4»asth* 
h6n()ur to hold a ppcbcndarjr in one of x>iir mod 
ancient cath)edrah. Thb Db£h>r has a han^MbOK 
cftate )kt\d a pleaftmt cournf ry refidtfnte, tt afflliiV 
markct-towti in the north of Engiaftld, ^hiA 
giving him confid<^rabfe inteifcft a* a eeneiBf 
dcaion, he is, » Sfoohatittey ^Wfyto'any 


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Ho. XX. 



blockhead in the countyr; and woe to the poor 
Vretch over whom he hat, or can poffibly obtain 
any inflaence, that votes in oppoTuion to the 

In his perfon he is an epitome of ^1 that is 
^t^reuiUc in a Ton of the church. He is (hort and 
lat, of an Egyptian compiexioti, and a counte- 
nance that would have become Leo when he was 
pronouncing Judgment againfl Luthen Over a 
full-bottomed grizly wig, he ufually puts a broad 
brin'd greafy hat, and, mounted on a mul«, 
value forty (hillings, releiiiA»les a modem churcbr 
errant in queft of a tithe pig. Like the knights 
errant of old, he is uTuaQy attended by his fquirti 
who^ for any thing I know, may be as good a 
man as ever Sancho was, though jt is oertain he 
does not ibUow £o good a mafter, • 

Tu E abilities of the DoBor are very tender 
nor does he tn>id>]e the world with frequently 
exerting them. He abominates refdence, and it 
was not till lately that he ever went near one of 
his pripcipal livings ; but a ne^hbouring (quire 
at length compelled liim to vifil it once a month^ 
for which, no doubt, he has the charitable pray- 
^ ers of the Do£lor, every time he is under the 
neceflity o^ taking a journey (6 diiagreeable^ and 
performing a fervice fo irkfome to one of his dif- 

AvAEjCft isi^ his hobby-horfe. It is the 
ambition of tyranniltng over pthers ; of being 
fcarcdy and of being regarded as a gnat moik-^ 
Every fiep,, however, that he takes towards ac« 
quiring that diftin^lion, has a dire^ contrary ten* 
dcncy. Thofc who, unhappily, arc under Ms 
thumbs io indeed fear and hate him. Thofe 
who regard, &like his (miles and frowns, defpife 
and dcrell him. 

Added to his other acquifitions, he is in com- 
miflion for the peace, and, as far ^ I can under- 
ftand, a very able magiflrate, and a man of ex- 
ceeding, great penetration, for when a fuppofed 
culprit i% brought before him, his guilt or inno- 
cence is immediately dilcovercd by the Do£h>r^ 
the moment he is informed on which (ide the 
cman voted at the laft ele6Uon ; or if, peradven- 
ture, he did not vote at all, fuch is the Dodor's 
fleill in phyfiognomy, that he would con- 
ilemn.or acquita man by the marks of his coun- 
tenance; and, to his great credit be it faid, Jic 
icldom traces the matter &irther; fo excellent i$ 
Jinowlcdge by intuition I But refpefting hi^ (kill 
Mjufiiaf^pf I (hall tell you more in a future 
number* ; ■ . r f ,• 

From a^Chriftian divine we. expeft placability 
<!>f temper^ but the refcntment of the.DoQor 
JiAOWS no bounds. He purfue« with unremitting 

vengeance the wretch that happen^ however 
lightly, to offend huh ; but efpecially in the grand 
article of an ele^ion.— Of humility and meck- 
ne(s he knows only the names; and hb bread is 
a total (branger to humanity ; for of all the diver* 
(ions to which he is addi6led, the principal is 
cockrf^tiMg^^ and his fupreme delight is to fee two 
harmlefs birds tear each other to pieces* In this 
his favage ditpofition is dearly feen ; for none* 
but favages can bear, much Icfs encourage, a di- 
vcrlion which miuft wring the heart that is not 
(leeled againftall feeling; ifttended by fuch hel^ 
lilh language as muft (hock the ear of every one, 
but fox-hunting fquires, bori(h innkecps, and a 
reverend Prebend f-*Of one of thefe infernal 
meetings, and of the chara£lers of a fox-hunting 
fot, and an unfeeling publican, who are both 
reckoned g9odJort of tnen^ 1 Ihall give you a par- 
ticular account, to (hew what brutes men may bc^ 
and yet have the reputation of being good fort of 
wen f 

It .is no wonder, friend Spec, that the clei^ 
of the eflablKhed church Ihould be held in fuch 
difr^Nile, when wretches like Dodor Goggle axo 
permitted to hold pluralities and dignities. You 
will naturally obferve that there is nothing very 
miginal in the charaQer of Doftor Goggle* 
«* 'Tis true, 'tis pity, and pily 'tis £s true." The 
charafiei' is too tommom EtcQUmtmng parfan^ 
are to be found in every cOunty, and men li\^ng 
in idlenefs on the fruits of the church, who ought 
not to live at ill ! 

[ Ttf if continued. ] 

The Neoteric, Delectable, 

Critical Society. 

Third Meeting* 

Oitarou being called upon, I took the 
chair, and having received thanks ^m tho 
fociety for my attention; 

Statira Frichtful rofe, and declared that 
(he was one of the performers engaged to play 
at the Paris Theatre ; but things had fo un- 
fortunately intervened, that (he was not only 
deprived of feeing France, but alfo of ob- 
taining any engagement, as the different com- 
panies were all foil when the di(appointment 
took place. Sliie, therefore, moved, that a pc- 
tiiion be drawn up, for the relief of thofe per- 
formers who, like hcrfelf, had been difappoihted 
in the ^aris fcherac, adigninga reafon why that 
fchcme was not put into execuHon. The motion 
not being feconded, (he fat down, as little fatis* 
fied as when (he got up. • v ■ 

Fag Blistkhorn, infinuated that (he had 
been at .the reher(al of the'^eW comedy, Th^ 6s 


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THE NEy, S PEQT ATQR, .,&c. 

No. XX* 

^hr, which is to be performed next week. The 
mufic, Ihc faid, was by Dr. Amoi^ and the 
comedy written by Mr, Colman, jun^^ who, if (he 
might judge from this fpccimen, promifes that the 
name of Caiman (hall lofe nothing in diamatic 

Mrs. Tattoo rofe, acquainting the focicty, that 
on Tucfday evening, June the 8th,- al the plofc 
eip the Agreeable Surprije^ a violent eaunngy like 
that of a raven, was heard in the houfc ; but 
it was foon difcovered to be one of the Syna- 
gogue, and wife to Sanguinctli (the mufic feller 
in Long-Acre, who, fome few days ago leaped 
from the ftagc box, on the Ilage, with a pillol in 
his hand to fecyre a performer), attempting to 
raifc a noife in the houfe, but was foon prevented, 
tb the honour of the Theatre, and the fatisfadion 
of the audience, — She concluded with obfcrving, 
that on WcdncTday^ th^ir Majeflfes honoured the 
'theatre witli their prefcnc^, for the, j6rft time 
tnis feafon. 

Theobosia HiNTWELip thdn got up wilhy 
''. Legiflator, as Mrs. Tattoo does no( ioifh the 
** critiques^ by your leave I will continue them. 
« On Saturday June, 1 2 th^ were performed the 
" Separate Mdifitenancc^ 2ind the Ekdion (^ the Ma- 
" fta^erf, ITic former, went off with, ii^ ufual 
*« Mplaufc, faying that the comc4y was weakened 
"by the indifpofition of Mr. Aickm, which 
** prevented his playing. I never faw.any tbing 
^« fo ^harafteriftic, as the meeting of Mrs. C....r, 

*< iind Mrs. L , in that fcene, wlierc the 

*« author makes jcaloufy overbalance reafon; 
«• tlic force ^ which -obli g es ^k 4o «mbraco<:on- 
« defceiifiotT^ Jtftd fehtor hito »low ^8ib4Te. In 
*« (hort, it was -quite te'cAkiyii^^.*' -the /neers that 
*« cnfued were trttfy.^gdl^ui^ ''for — enlre nous — 
« thefe two very,^^/^ ladies, no longer ago than 
M laft Thurfday, had a violent ^^*^<Ue: quarrel, 
" in their refpeftivc dreiling-rooms at the Thc- 
</ atre» where fhey talked lou^ enoui^ for the 
<' whole houfe to hear them, 'Xhey, not, only 
" ipokethe vulffit^oing^e to a znira^t'but wei^ 
f^' &ick adepti in the. dcmirip language, €hat their 
^ *inTe6tives created the'MnalFe£iQd bluA^ in the 
« cheaks of the women, and raifed the contempt 
«< of the msn.^uft ^ the JSiUOkn, of tM 
^ ManoMogers was finished, a Mr. fi-^.<^r, 
*« from Ac front boxes, vociferated Off ^I 
^ which 'Was eochoed by two more, one of 
^< whom had a cockade in his hat, but his 
^ laafuage di%raced tha noble enfign. The 
^ iithi€f.frd€fuUd tobeay«UBg<mjmi»f fkfliion. 
^ Thefc three heroes endeavaured to.pve^^ent 
^ tfie. ^erformtece, nor could the drollery* of 

1 i\r 

" the treble cry, , when fome gentlemen fron* 
" the boxes and pit interfered, and a party 
«' of the latter came into the boxes in order to- 
" turn them out. A fcuHle enfued, and the 

" whole houfe was alarmed. Capt. T y of 

" the navy bade the performers go on ; uporv 
** which the young fdJhiqnahU hero took fire, ancT 
" blows lucceeded words. The collar of the 
" lattcr's (hirt was torn entirely off. — Mr. B — r,- 
** and his cockaded friend, came up to Capt^ 

"/f , and pufhed him about, demanding. 

<' his name and rcfidencc, which he offered for 
" the addrcfs of the perfon with whom he fought,^ 
" which being refufed, he judicioufly denied his^ 

« It fo intervened, that Capt.T was left, un- 

^ protcftcd, to the three heroes, who all went 
*•' into the lobby, and really ^mCiV^ him, for fudr 
" language from gcnltcmen, as they called thcm- 
•* ielvcs, I never heard. Mr. fi — ^r dared any 
** inan to fight him. His cockaded friend, 
^« who, by the bye,' had a . pretty, effeminate, 
black patch, at the fcomcr oT liis mouth, to 
<* hi^e k pimple, or* through «ficHatfoi), ^Wafc in 
* cohverfatlon * equally Tublime. A gci^cmaa 

«< pcf fuailing ' Cap£aih T — ^ to jgo out, fee 

«< afked him,^ i¥ he wiflied to have ^\lout of die 
(^ head ? However, Tome gchdcmch tftinWn^^ 
« very improper that'Cagtairi T — ^-^l-^'ftiimtdi)© 
»' left in that fituation, forced him out, iind al* 
** yifed'hrim not to return to thbfc 1ro*ri wliom'hc 
« could ckpcft no' ^fa&s&ftion. ^he tfi^reetVLhi 
"tliat produced the i^lwle^oFAis dTftUrtTance, 
'^remained ih'*ftie Yobliy "half an'hour after Cip- 
*< tain T — -1— 1' Wciit' but, quarrelling and offer- 
*«''in^ to <• clffut^' any'^ody that bp'jmfcd thdit 
"' opinidh. Sonic riobtemen were fbr Sidling the 
^« conftibTe <jf thcliodfe,' and fettling the matter 
<< fpecdily ; they then adumed druiikennels, and 
«« left the lobby, continuihg their rioiFe as \hcy 
*^ went along.^'— ^^Jfifs Hintwcll 'having fiiiilheU 
her account, an adjournment was moved for^ 
and *pa(ted ne^n. con.* t IhaH have a rare- 

joke for you in my next. Tor jnft as' we hzA 
broke up, fome poignant infinuations efcaped 
from 'Mi fs Morrice' XoveaUy and Skylight 'Brazen' r 
and our next meeting will diCcover, 

<* Wihat fi^males. (ay, whenjeabufy's the theme 1'^ 

YO0 pcifhsrps'Tnay tktnk it'ftnmge, 'f!»t 5 
inean'to recount 'the private ^ainiotrfs' of 'iflitfe 
hdi^ Wr liicy ate earned' on irtibtha/Bk'wi 
tttrfteannotbntbeafmiifht^tQryourTeaifets. 'I^e 
keenftefk ^ the -fatc^fms 'and retOrt&irhMrpA 
between them, is fometimes fuch as tD^ eicite 
ftiudi rifib^i 'as you 'WS ^lucve' ocedSoa to 

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THE NEW g^|: 

To thz New St*^ectator. 
iDear "Spec, 

The importamt Tjufinds oF the Wcftmin- 
uer clefTion being as good as Tettlcd, thofc, who 
^an afford it, are very wifely following your ex- 
ample, and Quitting ^owTi with all poffiblc cx- 
|)cditxon. And truly the htftc with which t^cy 
travel, would indtice otic to think that thry Were 
^ying from Sodom and ComorraH* lliough the 
tate liord Cheftcrficld tells us, that it is very un- 
igcfritedtowaBc faft, left a man Aouldbefuppofcd 
lo have «ny bufincTs on his hands, and furely it 
touftlie ^ery ungcntcel for a man tp be tifeful, 
<thc role, it fecms, docs not extend to tiding ; for 
fcyth^-mode of travelling, ono might venttfrc to 
conclude, "diat the nohility and gentry were the 
^onljtpcoplc vulgar enough to have any biiiitiefs 
%t-all. \ • ..... : ' 

• TfTE Yown, however, is yet pretty fuU *, kncl 
indeed if all ih« titled people were out* of it, the 
faiftlQ o£ London would be little abated, though 
theiin&ixny of example woidd be Ibmewhat^ tt- 
Araioed. Thercfoxe, thoiigh I like conviviality 
mndgobd fdlowfh^ lam very wdl pkafed tb 
Mmain in town during tht fummer months,! when 
peace and (Ucnce pervade tbofe parts of It which, 
fo, the. winter, are perpetually difluibed by 'tht 
jftinmeanikigbuftie and irregularities of ^ple trf 
Jafliiott. . *...:- . *• 

THui^fon of the yev it very favotlrable to 
the writers of pafloral> , and I have received 
numerous poetical eflfays in that flilc fince ^\- 
day. I fhall here prefcnt my readers with two 
of the bcft that have come to my hands. , 

\ Pastoral S r a k 2 a s, ' ' *■ 
By C Y -, Efq. 

r In Biy lottcly cot obfcare,- '• ^. . . jI 

£y Vy comfort difbot faiv 
What misfortune I endure, 
JDoQmM by cupel £ue tci> bear \ 

* ' 'Bat if, DrtiA, thou woal<f ft rfweH ' '^'^ 

With thy tender faithfiil fwWi ; 
. Plcafwc thctv wQnU puj^ m^ ceK, 
J JDiUaiit ev^cy itiftuae ^ain^ 

From my labour in yon field, 

• Svaift MtQMiiif^ tfv*lPf itt^bt > 

. BtcftMii:ihce, ia.MBdB%hf^ <:^ 

With my flock on yoncler plam, 

S^Kcieft joys* Pd ^o^Otsmt fm9fc} 
Tune my pipe in chcarful ftrain^ . . .*.' 

Singing of our mutual love} 

C T A T O R, &«• 


The Lass of the Die. 
Tune^ *'JCate i$ AbcrAun:\ 

Kt>W «H die gi^vetf 4a ««rfefe ga)\ 

Aw decked to \mX ihe ^Iv^i 
My. 9Mt^ OKt iocurely play* 

The birds melodious fingi 
Ve blooming, nymphs and jocund fwains, 

Aifemble round diis tree* 
And join with mc in ruHic Urain's, 

To prsafe my Lafs ot b^e. 

jllie myrtle freen^ and mofly^lsy . 

^ rMcuMvithnkeilciirc, ^.; 

And form of <vrry fw^t that bloys, 

A chaplct for her hair ; 
For fure there's not on a\l bur lawas, 
' AihcphdxdcfttikdlJie, *'"' 
Where virtue reigns, Atttl %ciiity dl^t, 

AfthiiiiyLift<9f i>oe% 

V f 

W^n wanton zephyrs Iport aroua^ 

We iftfay befide the flrcani; 
And Hftcii to tht "bubtta^'tiifftd, " 

• tXr tilk, %xA l6Vc'«'bUf thHAfe J ' " 
^ttf th^ btftdztf *«i^(MiirWi itiriuy^; 
' ' Atid'^dl tdb r^Orctnli^ te, ' * ' 
I kfltjtht limkH^dteliitlM 9aA^ 
. :U^ath xi^-dcar JUGiCtf.^« 

Here weu cpiitenf \ tudit my ree^y 
' M/liApplfieft ftrAdir; 
Before my ^rot my lambkins f<ed,- 
' Thfc^rfllJligi rf tlfe^yiar) • 
Tbtii-ttlU, ye rkl^'yo«^idiiiiirtaiib/ 
liee^fidofftf viflMiifse^.to : . 
. GntH.t»flb««bcf(lp4r«rn%|.8cVk, 
.• .^djj|>^lci»'44aft)^*t»^I ... 

J, I. 

w K-. 



Westmi^jster Jubilee. 

^ 1 
' it 

T«H yariouarcpi^i^fipn^Mjaing ih^i^mH^ •£ 
mot^^jFtc^vod at tj^ Jul^ihae.iB Weftm^fte*- 
Abbey, a^ro. adnaEingii I.anfr thor^forei* liapp^ 
to.haVfC it now in my po>v5r, frpm ^opdauijio^ 
yityj to inform my readersj^^^? pear as- ppfliblf^ 
the whole of theexpencc an4.grofit. Thciaj^ 
isy vc^ litdc more th^, V^jOpo pounds hay^ ay 
yet con^ \^ the 4ire6ior5' hap(Js> and the expenco 
of that ftupcndouft; pp|-foriji.axice will €X<^<;^ 
5,000/., an4it isr cxp<p6tcd[, that about tho Quxjp 
fum will be p¥efcnte4 to the mufical fund^for 
whom the whole fum was originally intended, 
tut the fi I (hop of ftTocfiefter,^ being a governor 
of ine'tV*eItmrnfl!er Infi'rmary, and'ZJfczn ofWtjl^ 
m/i/fer, fpncited a part f(^ that tlofpitaf,* ' 

included. John Bull, 

Digitized by 


THE NEW SPfeCtAtOk, *c. 

No. XX. 

£ B A T t S* 

The parllamentaiy debates afe as warm as 
ever, except on the part nS the prftmieri who 
notwithftanding his youths has given the houfe 
the moft convindog proofs of his fteadinefs, 
and of the inefficacy of oppofition declamation. 
1 trud that he will acquire the rcpuUtion his 
father gained, as I am confident his Abilities 
in parliament are already greater. But it is not 
parliamentary abilities only that can make a mi* 
nifter* Had that been the cafe, Mr. Fox would 
perhi^ always be a minifter. To fhew what a 
minider ought to be, I will here tranfcribe the 
charaAer of the late Lord Chatham, as it is 
finely drawn« in the manner of Rohenfin^ to 
whom it is generally attributed, but I beBevc it 
was not written by him. 

« Th£ Secretary ftood alone) modem degene- 
<< racy had not reached him. Original andun- 
<( accommodating, the features of his charafter 
«< had the hardihood of antiquity; Hb au^ft 
«« mind overawed even Mayefty itfclf. No 
<* ftate chicanery^ no narrow fyftem of vicious 
<< politics, no idle conteft for minifteriiJ viAo- 
H ries funk hiifl to the vulgar level of ihe great ; 
^ but overbeanng, perfuiailve and imprafiieable, 
*^ his obje& was England} his ambition was 
^ fime, Wid^out dividing, he deftroyed party ; 
^ without corrupting, he < made a venal age un- 
«< anitBous. France funk beneath him. With 
^ one hand he fmote the houfe of Bouihon, and 
•< weilded in the other the democracy of England, 
<^ The fight of his mind was infinite, and 
*^ his fchemes wefe to afIcA not England, 
<< not the prefent ^, only, but Europe and 
«< pollerity«-«Wonderful were the means by 
«« which thefe fchemes were accomplilhed ; 
*< always feafonable, always adequate ; the fug- 
-^ geftions of an underftandtag animated by ar- 
** dour> and enlightened by prophecy, 

<( The ordinary feelings, which make liie 
nc amiiad>Ie and indolent, thofe fepfations which 
*^ ibften andallurct, and vulgarize, were unknown 
^ to him. No domeftic difficulties, nodomeftic 
^ weaknels reached him; but aloof from the 
«< fordid occurrences of life, and unfulliedby 
•• its inteitourfe, he occafionally came into our 
•« fyfiem to oounfel and to decide, 

^ A CHARACTaR lo exaltcd, fo ftrenuouS| lb 
^ various, fo authoritative, aftoniihed a corrupt 
<< age, and the Treafury trembled at the name of 
<« Pitt, Uurough all her clafles of venality. Gor« 
^< riqptk>n imagined, indeed, Ihe had found defe&s 
M in th*^ ft attfm THh and t^ilkri rou r hrfthf *iiciwi* 

<^ fiftency of hb glory, and much of the ruin ofhia 
'^.vidories; but the hiftory of his country, an4 
** the calamities of the enemy, anfwered and 
•♦ refuted her. 

. '* No a were his political abilities his only ta- 
lents; his eloquence was an acra in the fenate : 
peculiar and fponlaneous, familiarly exprcffing 
gigantic fentimenu and infttn^ve wifilora: 
not like the torrent of Demoilhenes, or tho 
fplcndid conflagration of Tully ; it rcfembled 
ibmetimes the thunder, and fometimes the 
mufic of the fpheres. Like Murray, he did ncft 
opndu^l the underftanding through the painful 
fubtilty of argumentation ; nor was he like 
Townfcnd for ever on the rack of exertion; 
but rather lightened upon the fubjeft, and 
reached the point by the flafliings of his 
mind, which, like- thofe of his eye, Weielclt, 
but could not be followed I 

^ Upon the whok, there was in this 
'< fomething that icould create, fiibvert, brro- 
<* forin; an underftanding, a fpirit, and aa 
^^ eloquence, to fummonjnankind to f6ciety^ or 
^ ta break the bonds of ilavery afunder; aai 
** to rule the wildemefs of free minds, with ^xi^ 
.M .bounded authority. Something that c6uld 
^ eftaUiih or overwhelm empire, 4nd ftrike a 
<* blow in the world that >fhould refound ^hibitgh 
♦* the univerfe.'* 


The late Lord Kaims tells tis, that the 
following Parable againft Perfecution, was com- 
municated to him by Dr. Franklin, of Phi- 
ladelphia, The hiftorical ililc of the Old Tefta« 
ment, his Lordlhip observes, is hcrf finely 
imitated ; and the moral mufl flrike every one 
who is not funk in ftupidity and fuperftition. 
It is at the particular requeft of a lady, that ii 
finds a place in the Nx w Spsctator^ 

—•1, Ako it came to pafs after thefe things, that»^ 
Abraham fat in the door of his tent about the 
going down of the fun, 

2, And behold a man bent with age, coming 
from the way of the wildemefs, leaning on a 

3* And Abraham arofe and met him, and fat4 
unto him. Turn' in, I pray thee, and walh thy 
feet, and tarry all night ; and thou (halt arile 
early in the morning, and go on thy way, 

4* And the man faid| Nay ; for I will abide 
under this trect 


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9, fiut Abraham prcfled him greatly. So he 
tumedi and they went into the tent ; and Abra- 
)iam baked unleavened bread and they did eat* 

6. Ajad when Abraham faw that the man 
JbiefTed not God, he faid unto hii^, wherefore 
xloft thou not worihip the moflhigh God, creator 
t>f heaven and earth ? 

7. And the man anfweted and faid^ I do not 
Vorfliip thy God, neither do 1 call upon his 
name : for I have made to myfelf a God, which 
^ideth always in my hob^C) and provideth me 
Vith all things 

8. And Abrahai)i*s acat was kindled againd 
the njiQ, and he arofe, and fell upon him, and 
drove him forth with blows into the wildcmeis* 

9. And God called unto Abraham, faying^ 
Abraham, where is the ftranger ? 

10. And Abraham anfwered and faid, Lord, 
he would not worihip thee, neither would he 
call upon thy name ; therefore have I driven 
iiim out from before my face into the wildemefs* 

11. And God faid. Have I borne with him 
thefe hundred and ninety and eight years, and 
nourifhed him, and cloathed him^ notwithfland- 
ing his rebellion againfl me ; and couldflnot thou^ 
who art thyfelf a finner) bear with him one 
^ighi ? 

12. And Abraham laid^ Let not the anget of 
Thy Lord wax hot agaihft'hii fervaiiiti Le^ I 
IkaVt firmed, forgive me^ I pray thte* 

13. And Abraham arefe »mi wcrtt fottt iritO 
the wildernefs, and diligendy fought foi the man> 
and found him, and returned with him to the 
tent ; and when he had entreated him kindly, 
he fent him away on the morrow with 

14. And God fpake again unto Abraham, 
faying, For this thy fin fhall thy feed be aflQi6Ud 
four hundred years in a (Irange land ; 

15. But for thy repentance will I deliver 
•them, and they (hall come forth with power, 
and with gladnefs of hearty and with much 



The JVcman of the People has at length been 
obliged under execution, to part with her Vis-a- 
Vis for the trifling fum of 1 70/. little more than 
the original price of the hammer-cloth ! Thus 
the envy of the frail fifterhood is done away, 
and the glory of this woman is eclipfcd. Let 
my fair country- women learn from her example 
to avoid proflitution, gamblers, and black-legs of 
every denomination, and never be fcen canvaffing 
at a general elcdion ! Sk tranfd^ ^c. 

B U L I iU 

I HAiffi brtn feifUfcfted by feyerti ladiea to 
iilfohn them of the ihanhsk* in whi^ the Bulian^ 
niake lovew I fliall hereafter take an oppor^ 
tunity of gratifying my fair readeJ-s ia that xtfpeftL 
At prefent I /hall relate to them a circum fiance 
which happened in a Buliaa village lome years 

Theodore, the fon of a wealthy gentleman, 
paid his addreffes to JfuUanai the only daugluer 
of another wealthy gentleman, in the fame neigh- 
bourhood. The amour was carried on clantlcf< 
tinely, and Theodore was made happy in tho 
embraces of Juliana. Knowing it would be im . 
vain to folj^it the confent of their parents to 
ratify their union, they carried on an illicit 
amour for a confiderable time, till the father of 
Theodore had prevailed on a city meru.iant to 
give his daughter to ITieodore^ with a very 
large portion. When this circum ilancc wasf 
con^i^ni<;ated to Theodore, he was at a lofa 
what to dow The city lady was font for into the 
tx>untty, and proved exceedingly handfome* 
Theodore, previous to being introduced tu iicr 
in form, honcIUy acquainted Juliana with his 
fituatton^ and confulted with her^ what fleps 
they fhould take. They would inflantly have 
left the country, had Theodore kiiowh in what 
nanniir to procure tHe tStthi of fubflflenee. A| 
this rmtAi^ tiM^refor^ h6thlbg ^m dMern^fied 
betwedn Thdedure afid Jolianay cxeepc tbA tbty 
would i^et the nekt CVeotog ih the grote^ 
which had been the chief fcene of thei^ amorous 
dalliances^ « 

^% if it had" been oraaine<l by pfovidenc*^ 
that the" illicit commerce between Theodore and 
Juliana (hould be fpeedily punifhed, the demon 
of jcaloufy whifpered her, that Theodore meant 
to deceive her; and perhaps the charms of her 
rival had been praifed in her hearing.' The ide» 
of feparation from Theodore, of refigning him to 
the arms of another, was more than Juliana 
could bear. She was anxious for the next 
interview with Theodore, and tlie moment he 
entered tlie grove, drawing a piflol from her 
pocket, Juliana laid him dead at her feet, and 
immediately ran into the village, telling every 
one fhe met what (he had done. In vain did 
her friends advile her to fly ; fhe remained fixed 
in a determination of fufFering the judgment of 
the law, by which fhe was accordingly con« 
demned to lofe her life. 

The fatal day being arrived, fhe drelFed her- 
felf, as for a wedding-day, in great fplendour, 
and mounting the fcafibld, bade an eternal adieu 


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to her fnends* The executioner was preparing 
to do his office^ when fuddenly, brandifhing a 
dagger ihe had concealed, (he exclaimed, " I 
<* am impatient to join my Theodore," and 
plunged it in her bofom. 

From caufes which I have not now time to 
aldduce, illicit amours amongft us, do not often 
meet with fuch dreadful cataftrophes ; but it is 
ceruin, that though the Theodores and Julianas 
of Britain may feldom fuffer after this manner, 
they neverthekfs fuffer much longer, and 
miich more, and have always reafon to repent of 
forming connexions which cannot meet with 
the concurrence of confcience. 


Amongst other favours received this week, 
I have one from Mifs frankly, alias Frantkf 
who, however fhe may flatter herfelf, is certainly 
in want of *• an agreeable companion ;"' and if 
books and cafual converfation will not guard het 
againil ennui, I have nothing elfe to recommend* 
-^Lucy and Peggy Tawdry arc too well verfed in 
the fafhionsof the day, to need my advice.-^The 
parody on Mr, Fox's laft common-place addrefs 
to the ele&ors of Weftminfter, is as miferab!ir 
and as far from the purpofe, as th^ addrefs itfelf. 
I am, dear Sp£g, Yours, &c. 


London: Printed by T. Rickaby, No. 15, DukcVCourt, Bow-Strcet, Covent-Garden ; 

Sold by T. AX TELL, No. 1, Finch-Lane, Cornhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by 
W, SWIFT, Bookfcller, Charles-Street, St. JamesVSquare ; by P. BRETT, Bookfeller and 
Stationer, oppofitc St. Clemcnt*s-Church in the Strand; and by W. THISELTON, Bookfeller and 
Stationer, No. 37, Goodge-Street, Rathbone-Place* 


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nuryunw^»/W>nufiH^ V >ufV> ii fV # 





No. XXI. 

TUESDAY. June «2, 1784. 

To h continued every Tuesday. 

Price Three-pence. 

Quantutacunque eJlUf v&s ego magna voa>. 
How fmall to othcit, but how gteat to toe 1 

NOTHING can be more agreeable to my 
nature, than the prefent fituation of my 
refidence. In this part of the Peak of Derbyihtre, 
there is a kind of primeval iimplicity. The 
lawns are fo broken by rocks, the hills fe in* ' 
terf^ crfed with woods, and the whole fo beau-^' 
tifully arranged by nature, that the attempts of 
art can fcarcely improve the fcenes that rife' 
around me. 

It is true, I have two miles to ride to a 
church ; but when I come there, I am not 
offended with the carelefs inattention of the 
preacher, or of his flock. They all feem pro- 
perly to uitderftand the nature of their bufinefs 
there ; a circumftance I have not been witnefs to, 
for feverad years paft. Declining age may here 
indulge iu devotional tafte, without interruption 
from the gaudy appearance of its juniors; and 
youth may here learn the importance of religion, 
from the attention of the aged. 

NoTwiTHSTAKDiNC the miniftcr takes tithes 
in kind, he retains the alFedion of thofe who 
pay him : a rare circumftance in a country village { 
Butdtts is owing to his great fkill in the pulpit.' 
He has been able to convince them of the ne- 
ceffity, and the importance not of religion only, 
but of chriftianity ; and with thofe of chriftiart 
principles, it is eafy to live in harmony. 

I WAS laft week prefent at the wedding of a 
young farmer with the daughter of a neighbour- 
ing yeoman. It was a merry day with the whole 
village ; for thefe people participate in the fe- 
licity of each other. The three bells of the 
church fcarcely ccafcd ringing all day. The May- 
pole was decorated with freih garlands ; and alt 
the young men and women danced round it, to 
the mu£c of a fiddle, played by the clerk of the 
parifh, who is the very Orpheus of thefe 

In tbcmidft of this divcrfioOt 1 was joined 
by the worthy parfon of the p^fh> and we fat 
down under the (hade of a large tree. The fitua^ 
tion was truly delightful. Before us was tho 
May-pole, furrounded with agroupe of dancing, 
villagers ; on our right, a pleafant river mur- 
mured along at the foot of a woody mountain.;, 
to the left was the village, with the church at ^ 
fmall didance, and a grove of tall elm^ formed, 
the back-ground of the fcene« The good man 
told me, that he was happy in the union of the 
bride and bridegroom^ who, it feems, had beeit 
lovers even from their infancy. When I cx- 
preiiied the pleafure I felt in the good order and! 
management of the village, and of his particular 
excelleAce in'fo forming his flock| that they, 
wore at once chearful and religious *, he iflured. 


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f -«-» a urn- « ^ « -C TATrO-tL,- 4^ 


-Mjfif d«at moM was due to thek fituatiori^ tlian 
to Miy cxertioni of his own. Thaty ^ing ex' 
eluded all communication with what is calhd the 
polite world, their principles remained un- 
tainted, and their manners fuch a4» muft pWafe 
an Ingenuous mind/ It vety fortuna'< ly hap- 
pened* he J^d, tha^ 4hf ir rf ridcrv(.« w,as at a 
c?6nriderahla did^nce from any road leading to 
cl4hcr of the Baths ; Tor there was rothing he fo 
much dreaded as the example of the vifiturs to 
thofe fccncs of diffipation. 

Whilst wc were thus difcourfing, word was 
brought him, (hat a young woman^ at ]^s own 
houfe, was dtiirous of feeing him* He r^quefled 
me to fup with him, and I accompanied him. 
When he approac^cd the door, the young wo- 
man came out of the houfe to meet us, J)ut a^ his 
igght fainted away. He inftantly exclaimed, 
*• Good heaven ! this is my daughter I" and 
taking her in his arms, burft into a flood of tears. 
There was a dead filence for fome time, till we 
were farrounded by feveral neighbours, and Lucy 
was fo much recovered as to fix hdr eyes atten- 
lively on her father. She was imfpf diately car- 
ried into the houfe, and fuch things adminiflercd 
to l)er comfort, th^t fhe prefently revived. 

« Doubtless you will wonder," faid the 
reverend man, addrefling himfcif to his neigh- 
bours, " to hear me call this unfortunate girl my 
daughter ; never having heard that I was niarried. 
But the cailicr part of my* life was checquered 
"^ith variety of fortnne ; andl never knew what 
happincfs was, till 1 retired amongft thefe moun- 
tains. It was here 1 devoted myfelf to true reli- 
gion, and obtained that -peace of mind which 
nothing in this world can give, anid which, I 
trull, providence will not take away. To fee my 
danghtef once more, when I had been aflurcd 
of her death ; io embrace my Lucy, when I 
imagined (he was mingl)^ with the dufl, is 
ftich an addition to my felicity as I little ex pefted. 
But fhe is weary, and wants repofb ; and though 
f am impatient to know to what fa\'ourabIe turn 
of providence, I am indebted for this happine(s, 
I muR rot impofe th^ taflt on my dear child at 
fo unfuitable a moment.** 

■ Lucy was left with her father, and the next 
day I called to en<]Uire after her health, when 
1 was not a little pleafed to find her in the com- 
pany of Mariaf whofe character I endeavoured 
to flLetch in my firft eflay from thi)5 place, and 
whofe attention and converlation feemed to ft>rm 
niuch of the happinefs df Lucy. The oldgen- 
rfctnaii being out, they wtrc engaged i^ rCadfAg 
Tliomfoa's Springs in which I would not inter- 

rupt fo actsuratiba reader MrMaria« Asfoooa» 
the venecaUe ntt^ «Huftf^) v^tmfjk 1m U^hmu 

and he related to us ihe moil ftriking circum- 
(lances of his life, with which I was fo much 
entertained, that I think the relation will not 
prove unacceptable to my readers ; and I fhall 
4herpA^ giv« it in my ncxtjapow 

Proceedings or the Neoteaic^ 


Fourth Meeting. 
Th% ffciety bei#ig affev^bled, itfi4OiTAR0if 
having taken the chair, a violent contention 
took place between Morrice Loveall and 
Skylight Brazen. The caufe of which I fhali 
hereafter relate. This contention «nded in a 
motion for expelling Skylight Brazen, but the 
eonfideratien of the queilion was adjourned 

Dinah Ferret then rofe, and addreffed 
herfelf as follows : <* Mr. Legiflator, on Wcd- 
" nefday, the EUSHon of the Managers wa > i fe:tcd 
'• in the bills for rcprefentation, which drew a 
<♦ crouded and relpeftable houfe. The three 
^yhfr^^Sf who, on Saturday the i9th» werr 
<^ defeated in thcif attempts to obfliuQ it$ 
« cf>nciufion, co.l^d a party of muoffafUcm^ 
<« ^im'gitiU49H4 aqd cUrkt^ tQ th« anaottnt of 
<( jibot^t a desfn^ lod previous to th« wm* 
♦♦ iMrtcfsnqnt of the after^picce, pt^^cd ihem« 
«« felvfa in th« fywt bo)i«a; and iooa after tho 
«, ^Hirt^in 4<^w upi th« fignal being gtvea by a 
<• young man of fajhion (as he wiihea to b» 
'^ tt«omHt), thopppofoion befan, when itap- 
«^ feaM4 lo bothe JM tepfe-«f thohouC% iodo^ 
<i pendent of th^ jock^gr^^ndmy tb^ ibia iiH. 
«• offqnftvc performance fliould g^. in, and k. 
'^ did g9 Wi amidft the continual . bootings ap4 
<( hQwlingji of thia q^d-Hke. (knof^ wbi^b y»m9 
<(. continually oppofcd by the plauditft of tbft r^ 
«< of tb&audicnqet «k1 tbus the piece was pet^ 
«« formed I and tlxuigh ngt one wocd cot^ld b« 
<< Keardy the performess^ wore epcouy^yd ^ 
" proceed till the fccne ef the ktifi»ih y^^^m^ 
( ; the howling party removed into the (Uge^bccics, 
<f wi^b 4. view of ajmng the performeis by ttm'iM. 
<<l more immediate prefenec ; but aU womU nf^ 
<< dot The piece wa& amply (upportec^ aaiAlbt 
«( appearance of every pedosnuur ii% it» recdyei 
<( wixh (udk repeated. a^pUufe aa Ua entiidy 
<f dvown^tbe howUng Qf the of^iiiAticnH Wielpe^ 
«< fo that it; w^ not ii^ die chief pac( of tk« 
i ** audience was gone, that thefe gentry could 
<< pronounce the fentence of damnation^ which 

« was 

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«V W«ei 0|>po(ed mdlMigMat by thoforenMunihg 
«• IB tiM hi9i]£i ( till die lighuwere let cbwn, • 
*^ mad tilt pUpptes «reirc lef t ta kowl tM darkn^s ! 
(ft..«^I ihavght il ve^ pn>pcr» Mr* LtglQatori to 
*<. giyt y0u a JiarticuUr deuil of thi» tranfa^on, 
^ a^ I belicvo) k is the firfl inftance of a piece 
^ running tiine i^hUi and an attempt made to 
" damn it Ob the • ^enrt / The majority of the 
** audi^ctt^ who came^ perhaps folely^ to Amr 
<< M.WOU utoju the EieBion of Uu Mdtnagtrs^ 
*< was tfatis fiMunefuUy diiappointed by the truu- 
<* Uty and caprice of a parcel of fellows^ who^ 
*^ whatever, their fitu^ions ip fociety may be^ 
<< certainly merit a fituation in the piljoryi at 
«< dtftutbtrs of the peace and entertainment of a 
*f refpe^aUe ^ndtence.*^! conld a^^tiuaint you 
^ yrl^ .the namet of fet erajl of thefe g^tryj 
« bQt e« their Mef 90^ fee$as to be that o( 
^ malting their natne« w^^fkuMs^ ^nd renderixig 
«< iH|jB(etvca the obje^^. public convfStfationK 
** I (hall not contribuMv ro^xnuch to their wiftief^ 
f* by mentioning their names^ thou^ ^'^^ 
*• only to expofe them," 

Miss Flutter roTe, and obferVed that on 
Frtdiy iftetSth, th^^Mnttf. of. Wales vmt ptc- 
fisnt at the pe^otnance bf tbe Young Qtuihr and 
the AgrttaUi Suifrvu^' His Royal Hij^kkids te 
in the^^Ofi ttcxt to thegalUn^^ (maikout ofthe 
dips that were) which is Etted up for hilHighffeft 
to come tnc(j^.— *No fooner had Mifs Flutter fat 
down, than : - t : - ' 

BRiD^arr StsADT foe u^ aiMl laddftffing 
herfelf to me, fadd '^ 1(1 fl^iM c#r 'ift ibf :cri- 
«« ticifm, rridde? Hte6 ftotnitvtc jiid^mevir«l' that 
« which lam goingl6f)p*ak tjl^ fbegl Tna/b<^f!ali- 
« ed to Md^k i^i(aay jidti^tty if^Ufi^fvered 
«' in my critique,, thal^i Bas^^Aot be pinivi^Uq^ to 
^ fpeak agai»."<^H^tor tb» lILetdbemr^pfbHided 
Bridget exceedifj^jlif, Mf &«:3Vfaitite«%»^.:Ca(l 
« Saturday was peWbfAed^ fbt^M MLyAak^ a 
f« new comedy, witH fiilgSi calM! * '* ^- 

fC 1* 


W O ; T 6 


*< written bf flifjgttofi^fciWf •£^► r jtta..i<j^ut 
w why a cmtdy^ .U%Mhm*^. witk [yftH^:^ ' .Why 
« not a mufical come^^^.Why not. an^ opera 
« which it really is ? TJ^cre ar$.no Jefs tlfian ^lA^en- 
« ty-one for)g?iniit>'ap4 J^,^ ^ catlcd ^f^dy 
« with a ne^ pfol0fSf^eim^'^fV^ .nfo^i^ > Thefe 
« tenns may- fec#iimpi^>«ftf butt tbc,im|^x^)f|pi 
«< will vanifh wtan i infoRB* yoo^ tibAt ih& hin- 
« guageof Txt&^4Pmm^M^fatM ^^aiiic^ra 
<« (which in general' t^(HiiMb'>i^ l^fiMijBeiKts), 
<< and it poOaflbs e;;|^er|^ nqpiiite oS comedy ; the 
<< characters are &nan^ dj;aw»n^ and i^aboiinds 
4 in wit. The dialogue, like that of moft 

operas, does not feem written to mtfodute thd 
fongs, but the fongs fe^m introduced to ^ace 
the dialogue.— Alter the curtain drew up, Mr» 
Palmer made his entrance* 'fhe figh of fympa- 
thy efcaped him» and the eager look of iuf« 
penfe was eafily difc6veted in his ccuntensince^ 
Then^ after furveying the hou(e> with lo ks 
that implored their proteAion, he delivered a 
pathetic prologue, which reflcficdy^«^^7t0» on 
the writer, Mr. Colman, fen. and difpUyed 
great judgment in the fpeaken The purport 
of it was to introduce Mn ColmSn jun. as a 
candidate for public favour, commenting on 
his youth, and this firft attempt, &.c. Every 
line toldy and truly merited theappliufe which 
it received* After Mr.Palmer had made his exit> 
the orcheftra ftruck up the overture, which 
was ent ir e l y newf gp Hipufcd by Dr» Arnold ; 
the fatisfa^on -of the audience, was foon 
provjcd by repeated plaudits*— l^he comedy be- 
gan with a new air, ^ng by Mrs. Banniflet^ 
and I muft acknowledge t^at not only her taftib 
in Tinging, but in drcfs is very muc^ improved* 
The comedy is written in a flrong, bold^ 
elevated flile. There is no intricacy in the 
plot,, which may boaft of fomc novelty, and 
was perfeftly intelligible to the audience. The 
charader of Capt. iJupely, a modtm man of 
honour^ was new^ and had St good tSt& ; but he 
(houldy by, all. m^l^^ have been drefTed in 
blue and buf. The part of Dicky Ditto was 
well dfiwi^, irkt la(hed the credulity of 
tradefmen, who lofe their proj^erty fot ihp 
,{U^e ofalittk aUention ^nd foliknefs y it was 
Ihprt^ and well-played by Mr. Edwin, who 
boh/^d, the chara&er inimitaUy. 1 he pei>' 
foffmors did gre^t >uftice to their lefpe^ive 
pafts, , and well deferved the ample applaufe 
which th^y fecetved p it would, therefore, hp 
invidious in me to be l»viih in the praTfe of 
m4ividuals. . The diiubk enUndrts that wese 
iaierjjperfed throughout the piece^ were fo 
q nm ^fii^ H as not to offend the eai of mod<iiif, 
and, marked the ple^iiantt humourous di:po^ 
,(i^<^ o£ t^e author, wJBov from the fucccls of 
Ttffo X0 Out, whidi wiU dbubtlefr^ have a lon;^ 
runy I hope will be induced to tieat the 
ptihlic with^moseamufement of the fame kind. 
«--Tb^ new aacs. wcad beautifully comppfed Sir 
Djr, ^Inaoidy and ptove^hii fuferiority in his 
ptofe(&om Thafcjfek£^edl were popular tune^ 
and chara£bn(lie« Several of them wer^ en** 
cofedy aswasthejbi^ which„I luppofe, is a 
orcumftance thatmever happened before, and 
waa eniung^ its fec»liar fprigjul^^ 9"<^ the 
charaQers dancing the haN^s; The curtain 


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No. XXL 

^ dropped amidft the greateft plaudits, ^rhidi 
^ were continued a confiderable time* Momus 
'^ was triumpbant| and evety one was eager to 
*^ repeat what they had feen and heard. This, 
^ Lqpflator, is a juft critique, but I Tubmit it to 
«* the dccifion of the fociety." — ^The members 
immediately, without dividing, acknowledged 
the juftice of Bridget's remarks. Several mo- 
tions were made, but an alahti c f i r< enfulng, 
we adjourned thebufinefs of that evening till our 
next meeting, to fee into the caufe of the alarm, 
which was no more than Mifs Leadape*s <fap on 
fire, but all funUet mifchief was prevented by 
the taking off her wig.-— So you fee, Sf EC, that 
wigs, in certain cafes, are equal to rope ladders, 
and why not as well as fire-ropes-^fire-wigs ? 

C A R D» 

The Nkw SptCTAToa prefents compliments 
to Curio/iiatiiiU, and on his return to Town, smd 
on receiving the iffceilary information, will do 
tiimfelf the honour to attend the Curious Ctub^ 
when they aflemble at Abigail Hatl ; or on Cu- 
riofitatibus, as Secretary to their Inquifitive 
WoHhipi, being firft informed where the laid 
Secretary may be found, 

. PtA ^Derbxlkirt4 , 

To the Niw "Sr s^TATafii. 
Dear Spec I 

But that I expeft OUaroh to give you i 
tircumftantial account of the'diftut1>anceat the 
Hay-market Theatre, on Wednefday evening, 
It would be the firft circumftance I fhoufd ad- 
vert to, ctti account of its fmgularity. I ant very 
luppy you was not prefent. Your great ^^ 
and love of peace, have difqualified you for all 
fuch tuibulent fcenes ;.and as yon cannot bear 
puppies, your patience would have been pot to 
the telL— 'Happy old man! that can retitv to 
thofe calm and tranquil fcenes which fobth dcf- 
ciining age, and give a foretafte of perpetud 
ferenity. Happy too muft that family be, under 
whofe peaceable roof you now refide ; your 
morning admonitions, and evenh^ chearfukie(s, 
like the alternate funfldne and the dew, me-, 
liorate and enliven all who enjoy them^^I am 
very forry to find, that my information on 
feveral topics, yields you fe little fatisfa^ion ; 
\\A you know the filiation of this overgrown 
isetropolis; that| in one fhape 6r other, Fplly 
ii cv«r ttittispliam^«<RADd ' widi rc^eft: fo 

that wherein Ibe is moft triumphant, Fajkim^ 
feveral minute variations Have taken place fince 
your departure ; not, however, in the drefles of 
the ladies or the gentlemen fo much, as in their 
perfons; for you are to underftand, thati 
dumfy dnde is now irt much efteom ; ^pug mop: 
is (aid to be hi great repute ; and the ladies ara 
making (uch rapid advances towmttb the maf* 
culine gender, that ^ kard is in hig^ requtft 
amongft them, as well ii the tth^tm whick* 
Were held in fuch eftimation amongft the neuter 
gender, a/uu' the beaux of laft year. Amongft 
the ladies, a wide months and a vacmajtate, ax« 
certain recomiHendations to alt thoie incrn that' 
arc difttnguifhed by Wearing a pmri^-coloutii 
tivery; -for at thofe am modifications of tha 
features that infalliikbly dctuat ukotifik^ fothe 
faid partywctrioured gentry eatpefi from fucH' 
ladies the moft liberal attention toth^ir Mri^ ; 
and, to the great credit of thofe ladies^ it mi^ be' 
allowed that they do ntft it€chit fiieh catpec^ 
ution." ' • ■ .. . r. •. ' !. . 

f o 1 T a t. 

f . M not think the m^i^ dt At i^owin^ 
lints (tilled to the occa^on.^ but the imagery .i$ 
delightful; and probably Pamel is the only poet 
who has fuececded in painting ferious objefts in 
li^ sndafure. 

' "i- i . . ^ . i i ,. .^ , .^, 

M I CBT-Pl I C ll 'i 

•l^s night, andkfloM^s dttiflMvfli fliafer 
. Dnh nU tkf biU^v^ <!D Ike Jal^i 

J TlN^Mwisid fwtepi, de^ea^ the i]fdiv . 
'^ torrema cchf to tbe ^n. 

RcvtfetmdsantMk; cheieTpretdsa pWiv • ' 
Abov^, tl« rock dtteli ihe fiia ; 
The aHlMMniig rill ^er peUiIet Ukh 
11icwiadakiag.d«e|lraiaUejli8lM,. ... 
A.(bx ia. lK>wliag ^ .the .roi;kp 
A fereecb-owl oa a blafted oak. 
Tbc ptffing meteor lighu the valCf 
A fpirit whirpers in t^e Jalc;' ' 
Or, beckoniiig, longs to Sieatbm tare,; . : .. 
And^hafilyhofrorridcaillicait* . i. 

A niin f^Hwat of old the feat 
Of heroes, now refignM tofite; 
Where often mirth rtlax'd the foul. 
And mkbighc crowif d dte tofy hcfwl ; 
Where fprtghtly raufic (Welfd ^ (oaad. 
While bloomiag bcsMy tri^t aroaad* 
With every hUft fhc fn^gPMAtt JfU, 
. The winds are hhiftristg in the hall. 

Go, on the done inlcribe'tby namt^ 
AadtotbemarUctni&tliyfiuBei < 

■ m 

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T H E . ir E W. 8 P E C T A T R, A6^ 

Bid half tht iMMmtittn torn tky tomfc^ 
The wonder of the 6mci to come ! 
The mound (tall fink, the Hone dedf^ 
The fculptUr^d figure wear awa/» 
The buft that proudly Tpelka thy pralfe^ 
Some ihepherd's future cot may raife | 
While fmiling round, bis infimt Ami 

Admires the figures on the ftonci 

t * - . . 

. A tOQ^ itt.dre*ryJKNloiiiB flidwi 
Three ftovnes exalt their beads of moft* 
^ buft.balfifuqk lA earth appears* 
The rude remains of fomker years; 
I>ry tufu of grail alrbiind itTife, 
t ; * The ^i^<l along the brulbwood fighs | 
* ^"^ ^ow peeping from the cloudy pole, 
The modi has filyet'd o'er the whole; 

Thu author of the followiDg elegant triAe 
ivirote it feiike little time afiber the death of Mmrian* 
Me had juft enkhraeed tranqtalttyi when £ite 
awakened his feelingt td a painful rfitnendbrancl^ , 
of his loft Marian by thd village clock ftrikiog 
the CMX-cnpud hoar of their meeting* > 

To M A k t A K» 

j The clock ftrtkes eight !-^No friendly feet explore 
The gloomy palTage to the mourner's door; 

^ In vain your well known ftep does fancy hdlr^ 
In vain I wait— no Ma r i a n ^ornes here ; 
Thf daikling lamp tfmiu a dying lighf^ 

* And fympathizei with me as I write* 


. WhehOaPJSsuaplayedthe.Uft'aiogihadeiaiiunigiL; 
jStem* .r uthlefs P L u T o , melted as he fttn| ; 
Oh happy poet ! had but I thy dull. 
My dear EuRYoiCB had bleft me (liU) 
But fince her toA I diuft for e^vvmou^ 
Since the grim king admits. of nomtura, - ; 
Thefe painfal hours, your prefenee may beguittfi 
And ooke i^y melancholy maafion fmil^. 

t. ,. • . . •' ... 

B tr L^ t A« 

You a(k me to give you a general charaftei' of 
BuVian literature. It is like the literature of all 
Other countries verging to refinement: therd 
is amongft them much good writing, and much 
more had. Having already informed you fome* 
thing of the nature of their government, which 
admits of i^uch freedom, you will, of coUrfe, 
conclude that, as every man may give his opinion 
Freely, they abound in writers. There are in- 
deed \^ritcrs in abundance, but it is not one in 
five hundi;ed .that produces any thing out of 
aommon way.— An ingenious Bulian made an 

eftimate of the abilities of ibe people, tnj clafled. 
them in the following tttannen lie divided 
theitt into a huhdred panS| thus i 

ffedants *i'* «»'**«*** 
P^rfoos of eommaii fedt • * • « 
Witt * * ^ - ^ 

Pools «ik^«^»«.^. 

Perfons of wild» uncultivated tafle *• * 
Perlbns of Original taftc improved by irf 





Fi^om this pifojiortional cbart^ as 1 may call it> 
you miy form fomc idea of Buliin literature* 
For my own part, I am apt to think that there 
is a greater portioti of «« pcribns oi wild, unculti* 
«< vated tafte \^^ at lead I am Aire there is in this 
country* In other refpefts, it ftrikcs me, that 
this eflimate might fuit London as well as Bulia* 

You feem Very, much aftonilhed that thtt ' 
Bulians fhould have upwards of (ixteen thouland 
poli^cid pamphlets diUhbuted among them daily^ 
for their amufement \ but were I to inform you 
of the manner in which thefe are produced, yotit 
aftonithment would ceafei .^ndthis I may do' 
hereafter* At prefent I iball inform you of the . 
xnetns ufe4 by fome of the fabricators of theAi 
daily produdionS) to infure their fuccefs. 

£vaaY one o£ them makes it a point either to 
extol, qr to revile the king and; his mini (lers; 
for thele writers know no medium* . And if they ^ 
cSin, to i|fe a phrafe of their own, prite a minifier ' 
domUy they fiave a chande o^i>eii1^i i^tliey have 
not adready been, well rewaMedby his fudccflbr*^ 
So' that thefe men are deflitute of all political^ 
principles, andfometimes of alb other principle,' 
for that requires hot ^nother^ilftp in depravity % 
and it is a matter of indifference to them what 
meafures are purfued; theit opinions Of futh 
iheafures are regulated by the good or ill will 
they bear to the rticn who propofe tbem j atid' 
thtii they fire^uently i^vile Ore beft; and praife* 
the worfl meafures that can be propofed^ ^ ' ^ 
■ Aecoani»o totheftrengthofthepattywhicl/ 
they efpoufc, the fale of tbeir produftions is' 
regulat^. But they will at any tJme, qiiJt* 
their party for an immediate advanuge^ Thus' 
previous to introducing his famoiis hw refpeftin^ 
Aidni, which he knew was in itfelf infamous/ 
Reynardam thought proper to' bribe evciry one* 
of thefe writers to prevent their expoHng him to 
the people at large, and in order to trumpet htk 
mock patriotifm; and thole who for years before 
had made it their bufinefs daily to eve him up^ as 
a man of the moft abandoned princijples^ ndv 
extolled him in fuch a manner, as convinced the 

' *"" people 

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fkE WftW itttrkt&fi, ttti 

ic<h taott 

peojlple (hit diete was no plating conlid^niccf in 
the principles or opittions of men wliofe prin- 
ciples and opinions were tor hi Changed without 
any apf^retU reakm ; for the people at larfe 
knowin§ thaC Rcynardtftn waa mikr^blf po*r, 
had nd cottcnptiott of *tJ- being able to bribe 
amy bo*^ i 

But fucfi 6? diefe writcrt who arfe not very 
Un(Ur ^ €onfcunct, and who fticfe at nothing to 
accuiniilaie wealth-1-and there are (uch amongft 
them — take a nearer road to riches than waiting 
lor poUtio^ changes^ and learn indcviduals 16 
putchaTe their own peace, by arts which one 
would imagiiife no kuitian t)eih^ coulci be cru^l 
enbugti 16 ufc. This is Ame, by attacking ^- 
vde reputation with thelhafts of ftandcr, lA fuch 
m manner that the ofcjeft and the pretended crime* 
«* ha\t-expofcd, which, excititig the pubHc 
attention, are iht iiext day further revealed ; 
ani the bbjeft pointed ai In public placed. If il 
happens to t>e a *lady, or a gentleman who withes - 
to avoid a S^xiy fquabfcle, the* writer is prevailed 
upon \o coniradiS his allertiohs, on being hdhi- 
fomely*pdik\'%rat tf it is a man of fpirit ^<^ 
knows no mode off relenting an injury but by The 
Iwo'r^ *tbife produces a challenge, and pfcrhaps 
a duel, whicli makes a gi^t rtoife ; the writer is 
a^ired Tor liis ^mt, as wetl as hisliterary tkifl, 
ftfid'his paitiplircts ificreafc in 'tTicir talc in f>ro- 
pOrtrbh as^c tricrcaTe's'mr^^«^a/w«# 

Such my dearfpcnd, are the modes uted 
amongft the Julian pamphleteers . to acquire 
riches, and io inform their good neighbour how 
the world is goi n|^ on I 

f* ir » ¥ V % • fc* 

On Saturday evening at the Hay-market 
Theatre, there was a grand difpUy of puppyifm. 
-^The front boxes were very much.crouded with 
beardlefs young feUown, ctad in the habit of the 
order, namelyi in gieen and light-coloured coats, 
-^ith black velvet colhra^ nankin breeches and 
boots. Unfortupat^y/or mc, tl^ey were joined 
by feveral dcmrrifr^ -and talked f^Ioud* that I 
did tiot hear Abel Orugger at all ; and from their 
•converftttion I could learn nothii^, but that the 
jknights of this order, are the only people that 
bave any idea of fenfe, tafte, or ^irit. The 
^nverfatien was interlarded with many dammcs 
by the knight^f and many afitftedl fits of laugh- 
ing by their -Dulcineas.— Of aUl the orden of 
buman beings, this furely iathe moddefpicakle! 
Laft week they had on opportunity of ^V;^^ 
tbemielvts, even to exta(y, by viiiting jytot 
£0O^|Whkha]trttfually /i^n^iimt by iheprefenee of 

Ibme of the high€ft^ atid tM^ bfiht loWeft tot^ 
tombs in London ; particulafly the Khights ot 
this order, wh<}, on 6ich occafiohs, ire ufuillf 
didinguilhed by the appellations of mm ofhanowr^ 
hlackUgs, and Jharpcrs^ all which words, ii w^ 
knay believe old Dupcly in Ttt$ U One, mttfi Chtf 
jfame things 

Hew very ditferent ttiefe meetings^ my deaf 
Spec, from thoftf WhWh w« vifiiediiioyr youo^ 
ger days !^-^Getitlem^n then ^pptitniu g^tW^ 
and a notorious gambles waft^ avoidei 


as a pick-pocket. But now, alas! gentle* 
men are gag:)blers, and gamblers are gentlemeil^ 

'. The whole country is over-run with bladLlegf 
uid fliarpc!rs. On the fiage, at the bar, in thtf 
pulpit, and in both houfes of parliatnent um 
thefe pe(b of fociety to be found. But indtf- 
criHaitiate taifeg avwift notblo^ I wiU» tbtfv^ 
fbre^ ^t this iibje£twick a haAity wifht that 
our ^rtxaoui Premier, nay nakt it an obfeft (9 
rid tbaStatt, alt htdk^ t£ Jmck icliavaaeis, aii4 
endoavour f» introduce (iith la«M Ar their eic*> . 
tirpation fioua Iboaty, that the rifii^ geaeratioa* 
may no longer l>e mifled by the examples of 
wretches to whjofe vi«esthis country owes half its 

, didrefles ; for half, if not the whole of its dif- 
treffe^ are owii^ to a relaxation of thai moral 

. difcipline, by which the good people of th^e 

* realms were once diftin^iifiied, but wVich is now 

* an objed of ridj^ide with thole who afpire to be 
miniiters andlf^flators; but whofe principles I 
trud will providentially bar them from every 
ptiMk MiplofiMSii^ liot tbat of koeptng the 
pillory, and^^c^vaittag at ^kdiona ^Miiona 

.^ C ^MS XI r. 

In this ^WttJiraSTfiWicrff, Wn Gofenan, |uii. ha* 
given 'Cvidentlnafks of genius, and I trtkft tt^witt 
encourage him to give us a comedy ^thoatfcmgs a 
not that I disapprove of the fongs in thb piece ; 
they certainly are ornamental to it, th«N;^ it had 
little need of fuch ocnamem. 

TiLK mufic in general b fuch as^oeng^ 
the attention ; though I cauinot but witi diaft 
Miis Geoige's fongs were better adapted to her 
mode of fmging. It is impolfible for ber to 
finj^ amiis ; but (he is certainly much f^perior to 
any other performer in fuch airs as are ^ven to 
Mrs. Banniften 1 know ibme of the pro- 
feffional men find fkult with Mifs Geoige, be* 
caufe {he fit^ £ngliih fongs in the Italian lHIc» 
But fuch judges do not rocollc6t, that it is to her 
fiik of fingiqg that Mifs Geo^e is indebted for 
that reputation and tha fiiperiority ihe has ac- 
quired over every finger on the EngE^ fiag^ 

I couia 

Digitized by 




1 couW not but tfm^xk with great plcafurc> on 
Saturday evening, that though Mifs George fihgs 
in the Italian (lllc, flic ha* an cxcelUncc which 
few English fingers can boall of, and which none 
jJoffefs in a greater degree than Mrs* Kennedy ; 
I mean^ Ihe Tmgs fo as to let one underftand 
every word flie Fays.*— tt has alfo been faid> that 
Mifs George has no prclcnfionS to playing* 1 
Was glad to find that tnoft of the people hear mt 
tm Saturday, agreed that (he plays very well, 
ftnd is likely to become a gpod afbrets as well as 
ft good fingcr% But you know, my dear Spec, 
your protiofiW critic* afe ^vay» unwilling to 
^rant merit to rifing genius^ unlefs it is accom- 
panied with Y&uch felf-fuffieiencyi which is by 
no means the cafe with this performer^ who 
fcems not to know her own value \ who in fing* 
ing, feems to ht merely, amufmg herfclF; and 
who, becaufe (he has none of the affefted and 
difgufting airs of a Signora, or an Abington, is 
fuppofed to polTefs an inferior degree of merit.— > 
I truft, that nothing Will indncc her to break 
herfelf of that mode of finging in which fhe 
excels. In proportion a$ (he addifts herfelf to 
ballad fingjng, fo (he will decline in that branch 
of mufic, for which her voice is more properly 
calculated. For, in my opinion, it is much the 
fame thing as employing Giardini to play coun* 
try-datioes, whtn -flic coo^art it tnfttV 

' Iff «b0fe feleEMit I^ ftoti fltean to fCtmfcirft 

«raB ^Ai^cd <o oO^iypoli ^Jind adapt htsmiifio to 
the part of a chambermaid ; and the latter couki 
find none in his company capable of playing 
^bat chambermaid like Mifs George* 

I CANNOT omit faying a wovd oi^tW^iif Jiif«' i 
Banniller fen. who in the charafter of Cap* 
t)apcly gave a juft exhibition of all thofe gen* 
tlemcn of whom I have heretofore faid fo much : 
men of honour, without property, and who, as 
he fays, get into Parliament to evade the pay- 
ment of their debts. It is impoffible on feeing 
fuch acharafter, not to make perfonal applica- 
cations. " I am forry," faid a tradefman near 
me, " that I have many Cap. Dupely's in my 
books ; and I much fear, they will always re- 
main there." 

With refpeft to other matters, I muft refer you 
to the Neoteric Society, with whofe opinions you 
are favoured by Oitaroh, the Prefidcnt, whofe 
remarks are generally grounded on truth and 
Teafon, and wKo, I doubt not, is faithful in 
relating the fentimcntt of that refpe&able drU' 
nuUic corps! 


Amoitost Other <coitefpbiMletits^ who havt 
(ince my laft favoured me or you with their 
fentiments, are feveral intimating, that you 
would do well to give them a little tight jfurtimet 
reading ; and for my own part> \ have alwayf 
endeavoured to be as light af jfuch readers could 
reafonably defire 5 but it feems they are not ye{ 
fatisficd ; fomething in ihe ftile of Tom Thumh 
Mrould probably be very acceptable, and ak fuch^ 
t recommend it to your SpccTAtoasuir's 

I CAN NO t help admiring the fagacity of fuck 
of your correfpondents a$ abominate you for 
being a party writer ; thougk I have not beeh 
able to difcover a fmgie paffage in the New 
Spectator which has the leaft reference what* 
ever to party* 

Dicky Squib would certainly be a great wit, 
if he could be underftood.*— It is incredible to 
tell what a number of your correfpondents I am 
unable to underfland. 

Blau is received, and is under confideration» 
I wi(h he had been fomewhat more brief. 

Phiiario has my thanks for his intimations 
refpefiing an apprent revolution amongft the 
morning papers* 

I can by no means agree with 1% S. rc« 
fpeftirtg the iixii€ lW«. iicy C^adttly dif* 
l^nce th^ (latifte hpdk \ atxl h Sx I (uppofe ii 
^e ivF^ pfXotoe ffittf vufKidti m which he 
jtoay ke affune<it . (here »ev«r ytVlX b« b Ja»ch 
Ham^ fi^* if tMi* ^^^^ diii Pot«xi^^ 


Tha,t , Jiart of my Uft, which your friends la 
th- country fo much admire, and which was 
written by the famous Franklin, the Parable 
againft Ferfecution, has difgufted many here, 
becaufe it was in the fcriptural Jlile. Many of 
them were much alarmed, left I fhould copy any 
part of the Bible, a book which they cannot beaf 
to look at, and which the celebrated Monf. do 
Voltaire, Lord Bolingbrooke, Hume, and other 
fafhionable writers have fo totally written down^ 
that a man or woman of fa(hion would not, for 
the world, be thought to have a prcdileftion for 
any work of the kind —We are conftantly told 
of the inftability of fafhion, and have lived to 
fee the Ruffs of Queen Elizabeth decorate the 
charms of modern beauty j and who knows but 
that ere long the facred writings may regain fa- 
vour, and Monf. dc Voltaire, my Lord Boling- 
brooke and Mr. Hume get kick'd down ftairs ? 


Digitized by 



No. XXI. 

The New Spectator^ Ge* 

It is very ftrange, Spec, that the readers of 
this paper cannot make a diiUnftion between the 
Spectator, and the OpiNioi^f c/ John Boll! 
Since your abfence, I have received feveral 
letters, intimating that you are partial, perfonal, 
&c. &c. &c. and railing at you, becaufe you do 
not copy the old Spe^tor. If thefe wonderfully 
fagacious gentry, were to accufe me of all thelb 
high crimes and mifdemeanours, I fhould have 
fome patience with them. But they cannot fis« 
parate the Opinions of John Bull from the New 
SpeSator ; and they will abak you for ti^ wri* 

ting ; though you have (Iriftly followed your 
intention, by adhering to t\c plan of the old 
Speftator in your own produ£bions : and though 
I have conftantly declared, that in mine^ I 
would never let folly efcape cenfure, arid that 
when it was neceilary, I ttfouid be perfmal. I 
wifh, therefore, once for all, that thofe good 
people who cannot bear perfonality,, and wh9 
wifh to confine their reading to moral eflays, 
would read the New SpeSator only ; and never 
trouble themfelves about 

The Sage Ortnioat of 


LovooM : Printed by T. Rickaby, No. 15, DukeVCourt, Bow-Street, Covent-Carden ; 

Sold by T. AXTELL, No. 1, Findi-Lane, Comhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by 
W. SWIFT, BookfeUer, Charles^Strect, St. Jamcs's^uat* ; by P. BRETT, BooUtiler and 
Sutioner, oppofitc St. Clement's-Church in the Strand; and by W. THISELTON, BookfeUer and 
Stationer, No. 37, Goodge-Street, RaiMx>iio-PUce. 

%* CoRRSiroMOBiiTs BIO requefted to addreb their fiivours to the Niw Spictator, to 
the care of any of the above-mined Piibli(her9«. 

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No. xxn. 

TUESDAY, JuMfi 29, i;^84. 

Price Three-pence, 

To hi continued every Tuesday* 

■i fc'tiiTfiir n»'ii. 

• n-ro'tr 1 <j A 

Nch0 inf^ tcnidi dejiendcrc /— Psrsius. 

NoDCy aone de(dsa()i int6 himfelf I Drtokn. 

WISHING to givecv^iy cnccmragcmcht 
to all enquiries that may tend to du- 
cidate truth, and render every fpecies of know- 
ledge mbre cxtcnfiveJ^^ beneficial, I fhall pofl- 
pone the (lory of the village curate, to give 
place to the continuation of my Correfpdndettt's 

obfervatiorfs on the (ubjeA of innate ideas. 


To the N a w S p & c t^a t o a* 


An innate idea is tlie root from which all 
our Other ideas proceed. A man without an 
innate idea would be incapable of acquiring any. 
-^Without intuitive knowledge he could have 
no tuitive. As all tuitive knowledge is acquired 
by the (hrength of the intuitive, or innate ideas, 
thofeoiily are changelings or naturals, who have 
no innate ideas; but to doubt the e^eiflence of" an 
innate idea, becaufe its origin cannot be tracccf, 
is Aiore abfurd than to doubt your own cxiflence, 
the Oi^i'gin of which, though no man pretends to . 
trace, yet no man is ridiculous enough to call 
in qaeflion ; indeed you had an idea (f mean an 
acquired fleeting, idea), ten years ago, at eight 
o'clock in the mottling, .oi*. any other time of 
that day, no doubt; yet, what account can you 
give the inquifitor of fuch idea ? ergOy you had 
no idea. But will fair argument admit fuch 

fyldglflical fdphi^a^ A man of forty mult 
haVcf ^JkiOied at twenty, fifteen, or five years of 
age^ but is maft probably as unacquainted with 
what happened at th6fe periods as if he had n(^ 
exifted ; fo that at ihb rate of arguing, to prov6 
or rememi)er the origin dr cxiftence of any 
thing, exiding at any antecedent time, to fub^ 
ilantiate the truth of its aftual cxiftence now, 
amanof foi-tydid not exi ft 2Ct twenty, fifteen, 6e 
ive, Svfi if Be was admitted on oath in behalf 
of himfelf at the Old Bailey to tell the truih and- 
nothing but the truth concerning his exiftence 
thirty-five years ago ; could he give the learned 
judge any fatisfadion on that head ? Undoubt^ 
edly not ; he would therefore be comomitted as 
an impoftor^ for attempting to pfove that he ex^ 
ifted at the fifth year of hb age! But if a maa 
was obliged to prove the origin of himfelf,f 
at to fubftance and figure v or to prove the origiii 
of the innate .idea, from whence fuch knowledge 
of himfelf muft be derived, he would be mora 
puKzled at the latter, as an innate idea bringing, 
with the knowledgeof its origin, the knowledge 
alfo of himfelf (a knowledge I am confident n^ 
man poflefles), it is demonftrable, that the idea 
muft have been more t han coeval for the idea 
being aftual^ though to our fenfes imperceptible 
and unfubftantialy muft have been to all eternity,. 


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Ko. XXtts 

hiuft alfo make up the knowledge of the man's 
fclf in another flate, or return to' its almighty 
owner! But as to the man's fclF, I mean his 
mere form, fubftance and vital being; that is 
adventitious, changeable, and finally perifliabic, 
for being produced by the (Irength of the idea 
implying a power of creation or knowledge of 
himfclf, is an infinite idea^ out of .the grafp of 
finite power. For to have a knowledge of an 
' inftatc idea, you mull alfo have a knowledge of 
yourfclf, a knowledge incompatible with the 
cxiftence of any thing that is created; fucH a 
knowledge would be nothing lefs than a know- 
ledge of the creator* • 

It is very proud and infulting in man to pre- 
tend that all he knows is acquired, and yet deny 
the exiftence of the very poivcr by which it is 
'acquired ; the word acquire, pre-fuppofes a capa- 
city to acquire, without which, we are confident 
no man can acquire any thing, though all the 
arcana of human tnowlcdgc lay unravelled be-^ 
fore him* 

This capacity io acquire, is the innate 
idea wc are contending for ;-the ideas multiplied, 
or got by fenfation and refleftion, are finite 
in^wledge, ^ and to be plainly accounted fpr; 
iut the grand idea, or ideas, that acquired th^ 
^ni^c ideas, is, or are, .infinite, efllpntiaj, ^dual, 
unknown ; for to know an innate idea, implies 
?n antecedent knowledge, or a prior idea to that; 
as an idea cannot in itfelf involve s^ knowledge 
of that idea, you muft have one foregoing idea, 
even among acquired or finite ideas, to com- 
prehend the prefent idea, as idea cannot judge 
of idea, any mprc^,thaii felf can elucidate or 
judge of fclf, .... 

As it is incompatible with the cfeator^s 
dignity for a created being to have any know- 
ledge of' himfelf, fo would a man's life moll 
probably be very painful, if he had any' the lead 
idea of himfelf,' as to the origin of innate ideas, 
from whence would hicvitably proceed a know- 
ledge of his properties, funftions, powers', and 
very silence; a knowledge fo infinite, and con- 
fequently incompatible with "a finite being, that 
I cannot imagine, even in another flate, that a 
man will have any idea of hiinfelf. Of (his 1 am 
confident that without an a6bial participation of 
God's power and glory, or being, as it were, 
an unannihilated component part of himfelf, he 
muft for ever remain dependent and ftupid as 
he undoubtedly is at prefent, being impelled by 
his innate or intuitive knowledge, and mod 

commonly in the dark, as to the confequentet 
' which will refutt from the next moment's ope- 

I CANNOT, conceive, for my part, why 
philofophers (hould fo much adore the acquired 
Knowledge, and pride themfelvcs in it, even tc^ 
the exclufion of the very exiftence of the innatd 
idea, or intuitive faculty. What i\93 this faculty 
done? Why, it puts a grtat vmn in mhid^ of 
his arbitrary exiflenct, and momentary depen- 
dance/ Is a great man any Icfs a great man for' 
owin^ his great parts to the po^er of the intu-» 
itive faculty, or ^ in other words, is a great man 
'^ lefs .To, . bcdaufe^Ee .was -^ea^y ftiarf^ to his own 
hanos^ and not put to that trouble that other men 
are, to make themfelves great by acquirement ? 
An innate idea in man is ejca^y the fame, as the 
c^nftituent and ihherent propert^^s to produce 
leaves, branches, vines, aTtcries, andaprodigi* 
\ ous bodyj is in tho'acom; fo that it is the a€6rn 
we wonder at, and admire^ and not-the mighty 
tree ! For any child can account for the leaves, 
branches, and body, but who muft not remain 
ignorant of the properties in the acorn to produce 
all ^is? "^^ But the greateft fophifm to prove 
this affair of innate ideas is, <' Suppofe, fays 
<< the philofopher, a man is bom Blindf His be 
" anyjidcaofcolouDS? Suppofe a man boijh deaf, 
« has he any idea of found ? If a man is bom in 
" a defart, what idpa ha» he of property orho- 
<< ncfty, where; there Hnol^iiAg to {leal, and no 
" one to defraud ?'' LiadyM^W* Montague migbc 
well fay, ftie had rather be the harmlefs unfuf-^ 
fpefting milk-maicf, than a Locke or Newton. 
That a bifliop or »• learned do£lor, the afliftant, 
pupil, and continuer of the great Newton'i 
fyftem again ft Leibnitz, . and the expounder of 
hard fentenccs in fcripture, ftiould have nothing^ 
to write againft fuch fophifms, but to fret and 
blubber, " Ho\y could the great Mr.Locpkc fervc 
" me fo!" Could they not fee the futility of 
proving there were no innate ideas, by depriving 
a man of his fenfcs ? I am fure there is not a 
man breathmg who could hefitate a moment to 
pronounce it the moft fophiftical^ illiberal, and 
pitiful method to prove, the impollibility of 
having any innate idea of lound, by firft depriv- 
ing a man of his ears ; and fo on as to his other 
fenfes, the meaiums through which all ideaa 
muft be conveyed. 

Your'i^ Ac. 




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Ho. XXlt THE MEW 5?ECTAT0I^ Jk. 


[no. X. 
Mlfs Caisandaa Pedaht. 

Arau tamU intoffm ritmpiXur^ 
A MtlMiM b -every ffAiere of life iscowittend' 
nbk ; but til ^ eistravagaot extremity*' is not only 
^ontcwpt^te* but diijpiftinjfc Mi6 Pedajjt has 
b»d the vdsforHM trf having a liberal cdMcation. 
There arc hut few Unguagos that Q» does not 
knQvy fomelhin^ oi^ at loalb a {u^ndcw /if^i^ to 
t^jnfufe yt)u with hipt fu^aitians. Not a icntcncc 
iwn be repeated in her company but Oxc muftdit 
ylay her erudition^ which ihe doei by repeating 
« few Une» of French> Italian^ and X-atin- 

Shk failed on me one morning, inviting me 
to accompany her to a iOtd partj^ I was in my 
ftudy, examining the beauties of ancient poetty. 
My room door fuddcnly flew open, aj»d in. came 
Caffandra Pedant, voicifenrting* " Bleb me, 
« OiTARoa l*-*wbat>inAbrownttudyP Where 
« arc your thought* ?"— ^hc then iniemjgated ' 
me about the fubjeft of ray contemplalioik l 
informed hef , I wai» about a veiy ietioua imdei^ 
;liikir)g, which I thouj^t I could never Fulfil, to 
prefein^p the true unadulterated fimplicity in the 
tranQa(ioKi of a few amcient r€li§im^ She anfweiv 
ed, " Never fear, for Chi ha attmtacccrvdl<^trou§, 
«' pQchcQofi mpofiUiu" I icplied, your obCcmar 
tion is very j,u(l» Caflandra,^ for thoe are in^k€4 
*" Molte cojc diddle in ideOi melHti a JmtU t kforai 
« JQjiil in^;?if.'>— My knowledge in the Italian 
language no^ only created her furprifc, bvit ^s}^ 
vented the fporUog of her Icatning any mor^i^ 
my company. She then ix^i (led that I ihould 
attend her in the evenii^ which I promifed to 
do, and (be left me, I paifed ever the tranflatkni 
(which in a future number ihall be inforted in 
the New Sp&ctator) for that day, and weot 
out to pay a few morning vifitf, after which X 
<am^ home and dreifed for, the eveningi*^ 

Aao^v^ight o'cloekt Caffandra called for me 
}xi hi^r c^fiag/9t which I OBtewil, and the coach 
4Ui7Tn& to Lady ffyjtaf^%\ domg 9m rtdd, )ove 
w^ tfie tppK^ vrhkh the baSkAt Mi& Pddanf, 
though weUac^MaitMttd with grammar, dduld not 
^r h(;r fipui 4fi$kHe4 The coach iidpped iff Berke* 
Jy^u4)x^ w<| ^terod Iho duMnBg-footii/ wlVeil 
ihc fci;vfri(^.a«m^*|o«ed MSfa Pedant aMd Oif a-* 
llQff« } ufas iotroduotdto L^y 9kyll«p andthe 
company, who roceived mo ¥nxh the <Mfimtat) 
poiiienefr ol^/^i/kimHiUc people* tm wm brdeighf 
JDf i*thicbtl|el<diei were ^d oi; ae it always 
#il^rdi 4;ofverfaiHlii i b^t Aof wer^Mtfpbhftd: 
Caflandra Pedant was thev» I Sovcnd Mijtib 

wcio atfen^tted, but weie all olperpowered by 
tbe force of Latin» Giefk,. French, ao^ Italian^ 
Would you believe it, reader,-^Caflandra^/cncci/ 
aincteen women I— She talked two hours with- 
out flopping ; prevented every one from fpcak* 
ing, and then fat down to Quadrill, quarreling 
about Spadill, and ted Ace, the whole evening ; 
quoting deep maxims which nobody underilood, 
to prove that afcnfrcndre avcU^ cannot poflibly 
be obtained) without a declaration before .the 
feventh trick I 

At ten, cards were baniQicd, and young mafler 
Edmund introdaccd. This hoy was about feven 
years old, fon to Lady Flyflap, who informed us 
that little Edmund was a miracle of nature ! — for 
that he talked French, Sinifpit at the fervants.— 
Sagacious child! — ^This was the time for my 
friend to difplay her knowledge i " Indeed," re- 
plied Caffandra, <' I fee nothing fo amazing as 
you infinuate in Mafler Edmund. Did not Torr 
quato Taffo fpeak plain at fix months old ? at three 
years went to fchool ; at feven he underflood La- 
tin and Greek ( before twelve he finifhed his 
difcourfe of Rhetoric, Poetry, Logic, and 
Ethics ; at feventeen he received his degree ia 
Philofophy, Laws, and Divinity, and then printed 
his Rinaldo I"— «Lady Fly flap ordered Edmund 
to be taken out of the room^ faying " to be fure 
be was not a T&rkato Tajho.'' Caflandra flill 
continued her prodigies !-—<' Did not Cardinal 
Du Perron read over the Algamefl of Ptolemy ia 
thirteen days, before he was eighteen years old ? 
.^-Did not Grotius^ at eight years old, make vcrfes 
«id^ perform his public exercifes in philofophy, 
and before fifteen publifh his Comment upon 
Martiamif Capella f At fixteen he pleaded caufes*. 
At feverrtccn he produced his Comment on Ara* 
tas> — Did not Lipfius write his Books Variarum 
LeRicnem at eighteen years old ? " Ingcnium ha- 
** huit docile, ^ omnium capax prceter mujices : mc" 
* moria non fine prceccptomm miracuto etiam inpuC" 
•* roj qua tn JbieEiute non ^/atf.**— During this 
long and learned oration, (he company had en-^ 
tircFy quitted the room. Another flory was be- 
gan, but Lady Flyflap pleaded an engagement^ 
and feft Calftmdra and me tlie only pcrfons in the 
room abrupdy. 

Thp confequence of Mif* Pedant's fbumvea* 
fally fporting her knowledge i«, that {he i^ iba« 
fakcn by all the world. She, moving in |ho 
circfe of liigli life, and haying iiieas abov«o c«v»« 
man fenfe, thole in that fphere^ milconflme heo 
erudition for madnef^, an^, more thaA oiH^e^ 
bave endeavoured to (;on6ne her. Others, ^im 
fciousof their inability, and ignorancg; aypidhe* 


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T » « NEW S P ^ C T A TO*, tec. 

Ifo. JCXtL 

prefcncc, fo that at this period, Spec, OiTAROft 
is the oniy friend ^%A acquaintance that Caffan- 
dra Pedant can boaft of. 

By this Original every reader will fee the ad- 
vantages of mediocrity. Learning, without judg- 
ment to cxercife it, will experience more dilafters 
than folly ; the latter only creates commifferation; 
but pedantry will always be treated with con- 
tempt ; and thofe that embrace it will find them- 
fclvcs deceived by an ignis Jatuui f 

[_ To be continued, ] 


Proceedings op the Neoteric, 
Delectable, Critical Society. 

Fifth Meeting. 
'" OiTAROK having taken the chair, and the 
minutes of the laft meeting being read over by 
-Pcggy Brittle, Selina Gradus began as fol- 
lows : — '" Oitaroh, as the Haymarket Theatre 
•^* can afford but few critiques this week, 1 beg 
«' leave to offer a few words which will be truly 
« intercfting to fome worthy members 1 have in 
<• my iye^ who are fubjeft to the cacoethufcriben* 
« di. 

« I COULD on this fubjeft, LcgiflaJtor, roufc up 
« the feelings of fcnfibility to much ^commifle- 
" ration of authors in general. Biit of all writ- 
" ers, the dramatic writer experiences the moft 
« difficulties — and always plays a hazard«-*^In 
*« the courfc of a man's life, efpecially an author 
«« of merit, he mud have fome few enemies-^** 
•« who to a certainty come to the Jirft night's ex- 
<« hibition of your piece, and, nine times out of 
<« ten, fucceed in damning of it. Next, if an 
«« author expofcs the reigning foibles or vica, cm- 
<' braced by particular individuals,-— it is thought 
« an irifult; and a party of jolly friends is made 
<• up on purpofe, and the piece is annihilated by 
*« brutal clamour. — But, throwing afide every 
« gppofUion obfUcle, and fuppofing the piece an* 
*< fwers every fanguine expe£kation of the public, 
•< and becomes 2i favourite, yet, I am forry to fay, 
<( Legiflator, that it is a fafhionable but fhameful 
<< example to treat with indifEerence the man 
^ whp has exerted his genius, and fucceeded in 
•< giving general fatisfoBion, This circumftance 
^ was proved by the third reprefentation of Two 
** to One. — It being the author's night, — and a 
*« cnul cuftom, nobody went. — It is a very rare 
^ circumftance indeed, Legiflator, that an author, 
** however great his merit, can boaft of a good 
• night. What will future times lay of the no- 

«« Wily of tblis age? — ^when a Ihowcr of rain 
"l has more Force than fterling merit ?-^Laft Sa- 
« turday was Xhzfxth and author's night of Two 
« to One, which, as chance direfted it, was a rainy 
" dull evening, and 1 fcarc^ly ever remember 
« the houfe to have been iofuU or fo brilHani f 

Fa c B L I N 1 H o R N rofc with fome warmth ; 
fie could afiure them that the (<mj infinuation 
given by that innocent member, Selina Gradui, 
was as feelingly fpoken, as it was true ; for to 
hir knowledge, every allurement had been thrown 
out to fecurc the affc6Hons of the above author ; 
as being out of every engagemetit, thc^n has 
certainly great inteteft with his fire. A general 
cry oi order cnfued, and Wilhelniina Blunt rofe, 
hinting that private jealous piquesy ftiould not be 
exhibited before the focicty. After a dead 

Mrt. Tattoo got up, faying, "No member has 
^ acquainted the (ociety, that a new after-piece is 
" to be performed next Saturday from a Mogul 
« tale, in which is to be introduced a balloon.— 
<« Well may it be faid, Legiflator, that Mr. Col- 
« man's theatre is the riurfety of rifing genius'; 
«^ for no lefs than three after-pieces, arid a full 
<< one (an opera), will be launched this feafon. 
<« It is no wonder, that a 5Mfw«r theatre anfwers 
<* v/hcnVarietas is the motto."— H^re the bufmefi 
of the fociety clofcd', and Peggy Brittle took 
down- the Miniitci. — sConVerfation was now free, 
and Statira Frightful informed us, that FarrinelUf 
Marrmuh »nd a Conjtant Admirer, fported their 
confpicuous, and trtimdhduous pre(ence in the 
iipper'boxes on Friday* la ft. — Synipathy interven- 
ed t her eyes were upon the whole houfe, and 
the eyes of the whole houfe were upon her ;— 
whether it was for her defhabille or triumphant 
coquetry, Statira could not tell.' but that ftic never 
remembered her to come in pubhc fo fuMy be- 
fore. * There is fomething fo outre in z dirty neg- 
ligent drefs, that it will doubtlefs, in a fliort 
period, be the reigning falhioni^-^Bedgowni and 
night-caps will foon ht as comihoh in the boxes 
as footmen and fervant maids in the tw6 ftiillm^ 
gallery.— The rcfleftion of the lights (ftie fat di- 
reftly over the ftage box) and a natural perfpirat- 
tion fuffufed the face of the envied Farrinelli 
.with a warm vermillton heat. — ^A fagacious liitk 
author, well known for his wit and writings^ 
aflced a friend that (at next to him, if FarrineOi 
yrzs not a Foxite P«— being anfwered in the affir. 
mativc, he replied :— .« I thought fo, by — — ^ 
" for (he looks as grea/y as if (he had been Ai/- 
«< fn^ a whole regiment of butchers /'* The focicty 
adjourned— laughing. * - 


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No. xja^ 

^H'E> N^EW^ "SlPE C t ATO«i: 'Ac 

Ti <A« ll<w. Sfe'ctator, 
Mr. Spectator, . , 

The , following is a^' original pocn)) 
and (uch as, I trufl, will not cliiicredit the author, 
QT the New Spectator* It is on a fubjed: 
which owes nothing to fiftlon, and, is yet ca- 
pable of poetiqal embell^ftuxv^nt. , 

•Yours^ At,,; 

L, S. r 

u s 


C. R A N T, 


i • , 1 ■ ■ . 1 . .w .. . :' . - I. .' 'I 

w^lt £ C I. O G UJC. 

the J£ghlands:<^ Scotland* ; .: ..,. 

' • Fast by Ac'torgin of a mofljr rill, 
ThMgtifgUfig wahdei^d down a Aeadi-dul hill/ 
An andeni fhepheid flodi], opprefsM widi woe, ' ^ 
, And ?yed the ^eaa flood.diat feam'd i^lovr : ^ 
;<:kiiig on the li&pg side, - >., ' K 
.A Ibtp*s tti^[wonted form was fee^ to ride, ^ , . , w 
XJnwontod well I yot, Jorpe'er before ^ 
Had touched ohe keel ilje/olitary (hofQ :• . . ^^ 

* Nor bad the fwajn's rude fobtfteps ever ftray'd , 
Beyondlb'e (belter of His native Piade. . , 
His few remaining' locks were fifvcr grey, 

* And bis tcyugh face had fccn a better day ; " ' 
n^round^him;' bleating; fltay*d a fcanty flock, ' 

And a few goats, o'erbung tbe neighbouring rock, 
, One faithful dog hjis forroif r (eem^ -(oAaFe, /I 
And (Iroyewitb many a trick to cure hiscazt ; ' . 
While o'er his furrow'd cheek tbe fait drop9 raQ» 

He tun*d his rufiic pipe, and tbus began. 

. \ . ;. • • . .1 . ' ... J 

•FaEewcVfarcwol, dear Caledonia's ftrandP' -t: 

* Hofigh tbo^ibott be, ytt flilim^ native land; - '\ 

* Exird from thee I fcek a fo/eign (Kore, 

* Friends, kindred, country to behold no more ! 

* By hard oppreflioti drivei^ |ny ^Ip.lftft age 

* lliat (houlde*re now, have left life's buftling flagc, 
'* Isd6oA'd'theocean!s boifPmus'breaft to brave,' 
-ivlh a-^r foreign land to (eetii-grtve. ■' • " ' " '• 
'VAndjmiilUtave diec then, my little coti ^ :' '^^w 
■• Mine and my fedicr*a pdor, . but hmpfy: iorjii ^ 
« WjCfc I h^c fpent, lnJyfpt^iiQbffin%mf^t ii..'±vh 

* Year after year, dli age has worn .|ao %9$;^/. m 
Thou dear companioa of my happier life, 

* Noy tq the girave gpnp dQ^j m/ virt||tou#. wiM ^ V 

* Twas here you rear'd with fond maternal piide. 

* Five comely Tons ; ' thret^fof ibeir country died, 

* Two yet remain, fad remnant of the wars ,!'• t -i 

* Without one mark of honour but their (cars, 

* Yet live to fee their fire denied a, grave , ^^ .^^ ^ 

' In lands his dear lov*d children died to fave ! . 

. *. J . ;. : ;o» -•( •"• 

• Yet ftiU in ppace andfafety^ did we live, < ooi'. . 
"* In peace and fafety, iD0K^.tbai^;wf»akhq^^1ftlav 
' My two reinaining boyi^w^b ^^^y bands, ^ ^, 
^ Rear'd the fcant produce of oitf nigg9d lands }/ • ^ 

* Scant as it was, no more our hearts dcfir'd, 

* Nor more from us, our generous lord rcquir'd. 


* But bb'; ' fad change ! ' thdfe happy days mt o*cr, ' 
' And peace, content, and 'ft^ety charm no more. 

' Another lord now rules this wide domain ; 

* The avaricious tyrant of the plain I 

* Far, far from hence he revels life away, 

' In guilty pleafures, our poor means muft pay. 

* For him, the moffy plain, the mountain's brow, 
' Muft now be tortur'd by the toifing plough, 

' And (jpi^ of nature, cropi be forc'd toriG^ 

' Which to thefe northern clim^ wife heaven denies* 

' In vain with fweat^ng brow and weary hands, 

' We ^rivc tQ earn ^ gold our lord demandi, 

* While c^d and hunger midft a diangeon's gloom* 

* Await ^our fiuhire as its certain doom. 

* To (huB the ills that tbi eat tny bpary head, 

* I feek in foceign lands precarious bread ii 

< Forc'd, tho' my belplefs age from gtiilt be puie, 
' The* pangs of banifh'd felons to endure, 

* And all becaiife thefe hands in vain have- try'd 

* To 'rear by an what nature has dented f ^ 
« In vain* of richer climated I am told, "" ' 

* Of iJiJidV wbofe mountains glow Vith'gcml and goli^ 
' Let youthful hearts, whofe mad ambition reigns, 

* Pant with the hopes of tbofe (air-promis'd phdns, ' 

* I am contented here ; I ne'er have fccn ^ • i 

* A vale mort fertile, or a hill more green ; 

* Nor wodld I leave thb fweet, this humble cot, 
' To reach the richeft monarch's envied lot. 

* Ah I would to heaven the alternative were mine, 

* Abroad^ tc^ tcigOt or he^ in want to pine I 
' Full quickly would I chufe; but e'er the fuo 
' Shall o'er my bead another journey run, 
.' I QM beibbb'd by what they juftke call; ' 
I' By boii':r«DS;rtt9»ns 6f ai^ little all : 

< My fweeiT poficflion to fome firanger givea» 
/ And^ aiid mine by force unpitying driven, 

* To. cold and hunger, nakpdnefs and grief, ^ 

< >yitboutpne pitying heart to give relief! 

' Theff-CoiBie, O fad akemativeCDehnnfc! / 

< Goneban>(bmcntt I wiUna'teorerefufe, 
. * Go wh^rjB I may, uor billo^S| jwceoks, . Q0r wi|id 

' Caaadd one^pang to tho% that tear my mind* ,. ^ 
.,' Pn^,whatfoevfr coaft I may be thrown, 

' No LOiLps can ufe me .harder than my own.^ 
y£Vn they who eat tbe limbs and drink tbe gore 
' * Of nelpielTs Urangers :— what can they do more ? 

* For tftcc, initiate cJiieff whofc ruthlcfs band, 

* Unpit)'ing ifhts me from^ my native land, 

* For thee no greater curfe I leave behind ' 
« TM the: fcU ^bpdii^.ftf aguil^ mind, . I 
' Unlcfs it's harder ta a (i^ulbkfthipe, -I 

.• To fe^lfrotncrucliy^ thy wealth decline.. 

" • Foi* fo^ tey 4iends and neigT&oiiTs of the valci 
I Whdnow wiikkindfy teafi niy fate^M^wiail, 

* Soon nti^^ur king) wboie|ati»ot bofom glows . 
« Wiih 49pflj4re((' feelingi for bta people's wks, ♦ 

< '. Soon. may V the niUefs of this mighty land, '' 
« Tjo eafc yojif fyriows %et<^ih^.hclpi;igl^and; - 
' Fife fooh, too foon your hclplefs fate ihall be^ 
' Like me to fuffer, and to fly like me. 


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T tf E fif- W. 4 P E O.T AT <>«i- -*c. 


* OBypi;4c2V n^tiva Uiid| f«Dm vlMck ^ pa^^ 
« Reft the bcft blcfling^ od^ bfoken heart ! 

* When ii> fome fiuure h«ur the foe (hall iand, 

* Her hoftile legipns on firitaqnifi's flrand^ 

* May (he not beat the flatrminB drum in yain^ " 

* Or mifa pur |>9[Qii^M thpji^fapcjs 09, th< plain !. 

* Still ma^ ihc con^^cr,^ vrj^oiit M of thole 

« Who fly their friqn4?, >jt i)^jircr fle<J their fow^f 

' My cruet Iocs ftallyttiHrpfowaortht, 

« For thrfr owA felei flWI |rtn^ y«trr ffrtggfeig i^H 

* And fitve yotif fmiA fc in^ ifroi* th^ rst*bi«igfi»« 

* Foe* oik my goatH- «iotJier ikiw ftatfdrtm 

* Your flrcams, th« hfe*f dSfeafe ali<ffeAwi pt*n> 

* But oh^ h& floofahi ibdl cvtrever it)ivv 

* To heal your imict^ heart; or cafe Ki w«e* 

« Feed'on, iny ^Oc|^ I m b(^Mb an4 Tafptj; fee^n 
« The ^otf tjwty^. cafi, Aiflbri^ to W^h 

* Oh ! that t!ieb|?f^nng.kpiflfe were^ajl my fc«^ 

* How ghdly woidfH (^r wf^ pcsiifh hwlc 1 

« Aivfjlo, t^^irpijcl %|i)ejidfiJ^ fwelUng fai^: 

* Farc^I^-jp^xei^Ml*: ^bik hwb^aivf^Jip wrvpjB 
And o*er his ft^ia^lfe^iQifo^ hi|fi(^ 

Then cafli^mf^iy a; Ijqg^Qiglooh bcJin^^ 
Do\v» thft fifof ]7}()^fp^i^'«br9wb^9't1»>i^ 

To ike Wit\r Si'icfjkfbitr 
Dear Spec J , , 

with what is dalk<ita g^OM^ j%Mui;'^MM4>^i0c had 
much diftou«fi^ Itbotlt' Ityr^, a fiUlb about m«tri< 
mony, and a Kttle "telr about reffgjoft. 'f lliere is - 
fome difF<?rcnGc betwcctl a gentect ffeWoV, and a 
pretty fellow. The gentcef fcTIow lias the ad- 
vantage. Hft.uadifiBmmiio^iiify.thin^ thoogh 
mdeed hi» oommfidMi ii gmeraU^ coonaon 
plac^-; vAtrcw ymir prtitty ft^locur ckii difcooirfc 
on very fewfi*je8!s, and thofe the 'rnoft trtrial 
you can conctfVc. tt is aftoniftuiig hb'w f^w J 
people think for thcmlclvcs, or, Ihinitrng for j 
theipfelves, coptradiH their own ipnjupicnxi,. i^ 
order to rpt^ij thofc; of others, who^ |i>leffcjl witji ' 
a litde more impwdc^cc^ «;outcafl, tfet they ane 
never in the wmn^ 

From the oo9P?«y£Kioiio# thfegcnterf i^Ildw, 
I prefently learnt that he confidered reai ttm as a 
thing quite out of naturt\ matrimdtiy as a W; 
and ir^igioci u prjei^sii&, 'So %pesl thefe 
opinions, hfr^Mlodar prolteMUlo tpote Vol- X 
taire, m4 ki* flunsious Mtowvts, and JtMucie 
exaispbt teqt fsaieel Iffb^ to ittttftMCe 4iit pd- 
iitions. WIm I eonlendec^ that It was* out of 
the ^Hem of femeei fiBows to jud^ of mic 

love, and began to adcl^ce m exain^jes (and I 
had fome to adduce from genieel life top}^ he 
laughed at me, and faid he fufpeAed he was in 
company with a poct^ Willi ' rdpeft to matri<« 
mony, it waf an oflSrpring of ndSgioti ; and tho 
obligations of rdigion ought never fo be mttk^ 
tibntd to a rtoai poffi:fiin|; the leaflT &erdiity tf 
Jentimtnt. Thuy, my dear Sptc, xadeadofa 
bleding, . thi& Jikcfality of fentiment^ fo much 
talked and boafted of^ is one of thtf greatcft men' 
tal curfes that could befal. this cou;itry« The 
man who regards not the obligations of religion^ 
but as ihcy are enforced b/lhumto laws, fetting 
oirfkkf Ihoi^ hfw^f wodid i^gard tn obRgations at 
alL He wauld otf in th« ttiaiiner h^- now argues^ 
that is, according to tb« 4i^t9te$t of his own rea- 
fon; aii4.)wMr9ul4 i<sl4Q|0baat»lg£i%»&i4a 
rcafbn, for dOtfigaiao^&lhwgs which, aattaiet^go 
now, wanldi pnrfoitly.hrio^ ban to *be gtflows. 
— I believe tlit whote matcev m<»y be refelved 
into an afFe6Ution tjf ftngdarJty > and Tarn finri!y 
perfuaded, that didl the bufk of the people, com- 
monly called the vulgar^ profels ihe(e ^al ideas, 
as they arc called^ Volairc'^^ vorks World dirc^- 
ly become as unfaihionablc as the Pil^nC^ Prp- 
grefs^ and nothing woujd diigrace rqligipo fo 
much as the gpwcrfl, caruj^a of Okt lii^$l md4l$d 
clergy I . . 

But llfttfftttot'porfueany ftxrAct at fiibjcft on 
which Rnir-fiflfrs of itiy readers and I fliall n^v^ 
agr^; and which niric-tcnths of thcrn care no- 
thing about — 1 fhall only add, it is a matter 
much to b« ljto«Mod^ Chat in oidcr to be » ^rif^/ 
felbw^^mam.mxih^ibainmfi ideas devbgaiovy to 
heaven and t& 1 

The titt-ta tJ. 

It 13, ^ the» panicujw Jicquj^ of aa Aiia«rican 
gentleman, th^ , J .ipfort ^t foltemag p<^'ttt>D, 
which ts Ml ooly iQgc;iiioii» ifi kletf,.bui enailiely 
meets myJd^ oki die 64>jcav and » ihcr fwO- 
dudion o^«g<Rillt«an ti4iwf«tfidetft at BtfSon 
in NarErt^afaA ' '• * 

To tkt Migkt m^ffidpfki €mpttt^ ^ Calticu 

thp. hiimbk pctitioo of difcatdcd U. 

That whcrea^s fnom time immcmpria) 
your petitioner hath fqund fufficient employ* 
ment for himfelf and numerous family, in the 
fcrvicc of auchoni of aft age* ant* «H degrees. 
whedw »ndtfitiormodfeni, lively or duft^ ftri, 
ous or comicad ; all of wfiom hav^ tffl lately, 
icftifioil tic uttioft approbadon of his faithful 

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THlE NEW S^ECtATOftj Sci^ 

fervices; and whereas your petitioner hath' al- 
ways demeaned himfclf in an humble arid fuhr 
ioniflive manner to all thofe with whom he has 
been connefted -, and though he is, by virtue of 
the moft unqiieftipnablc authority^ one x)f thofe 
five captains* appointed to command the nu- 
merous companies into which the Alphabeti- 
cal Regiment is.divided, yet has he never ufdrped 
the rights oJF his brother officcrsi hoi: intruded 
himfelf into thofe diviiions where he has hot 
always been invited. -Yoi^r petitioner bete begs 
leave to remark, that though he bay have been 
frequently feen, and he^rd* in the utidifliDguifli- 
able corps of Cambro-^ritifli pranouns +i yet hai 
he always been rudely thruft in. 9gaijift bis 6Wn 
judgment and inclination^ and therefore in fuch 
cafcsj grcfwmw he will be confidered (to fpeak the 
language of the iiihe^) as a prefTed man, and not 
as a volunteer. Yout oppreffed petitioner is now, 
Without the lead provocation bn his part, banifli- 
fed from favor, divelled oTjptendof, ihd depriv- 
ed of his (hare o£ honor < nor' is this all ; his (jne- 
tnics tn(Uavor, at every opportunity, to abate hiS 
nrdor, and to caft a damp on hi* fervor : hia ia>^ 
hors have been reprefented as ufelefs, and his pre- 
tenfions to candor conftrued into impertinence ; 
even his dcmtanor, which he has always endea- 
voured to regulate by thd ftri£left rules of pro- 
priety, has been branded with prefumption and 
aflcclation.. Your petitioner would appear tedi- 
ous, were tie to enumerate the many injuries he 
has lately received from rcfbrming pedants ind 
innovating caxtombs ; not lo mention the whole 
trite of fcribbling females^ and illiterate men ctf 
fdlhion : he therefore humbly hopes that your " 
worfhips will take thefe premifcs into confide- 
tation, with your ufual candojur, and endeavour 
to*tcirifl:dte the perfecuted U in the lawful pof- 
fedion of the. favours and honours he formerly 
enjoyed* Your petitioner will then cxeit him- 
felf with the utmofl vigour and ardour to afford 
general fatisfadion, and hopes that. the fervour 
of his labour) added^o the modefty of his de- 
meanour, will enable him to counteraft the 
humour of the whim fical, to fruftrate the rigour 
of the enviouS) and to moderate the rancocr of 
the malicious. 

With a full affurance that your worfhips will 
gtacioufly condefcend to grant the requeft of the 
much-injured U, your petitioner, as in duty 
bound, fliall ever pray, &c. &c* Ac* 

* The five vowels^ 

f Alluding to the Welch orthography and prolJiin- 
ciatioo of bur. 

B u 

L I A, 

Last night arrived an Air Balloon Extraor- 
dinary from fulia, wiih difpatchcs ifor your 
SpECTAtbRSHip, which are forwarded herewith; 
From fome verbal convferfatibh I have had with 
my long-bearded friend, I fiiid that the ftate of 
Bulijl imprbves daily ; 6f this I trufl the dif- 
patches %ill givd j ou the particulars, and that 
you will make them known to your readers. The 
Rctfinim entreafes in feftimatioh amongft tlic 
pcopltj^ who Regard him as an inftriiment of 
providence ititerVehing between them and 
deftru6lk)nj and prcfcrVihg them from the 
machinatiohs of the Dejptradots. 

Or thii I am very glad to hear^ as I meatt 
fpeedily to revifil Bulla myfelf ; and wifh to 
find it divcftcd of that confufion which reigned 
in it during iny former refidehce there. Rey- 
nardam, it feems, has been ithpOfing new doc- 
trines on the Etanesi refpcftlng Rexman's right 
df putting a period to their deliberations ; by 
Which it is further difcovered what wci^ liis de- 
figns on the Bulian conftitution, had he retained 
that power which he fo ftrangely acquired, and 
his lofs of which yet affords matter of rejoicing 
to cvciy Bulian who loves his country! 



I HAVE received feverjl letters from perfons 
who juftljwfiippofinfe ydui- Speftatorfhip to be a 
great cafuift, propound- feme pertihent, and 

^ many impcrUnent queries. ■ Amonga the'formc^^ 
a gentleman ferioufly cn^rca your opinio^ 

. refpe£ling - 

W I T t ii E Sj 
and contends that there muft be fuchj becaufev 
laws have been made againft them. I (hall leave 
it to yoii to anfwer him ; and (hall only give 
him the opinion of a very leahied lawyer on the 

« The law slgainft witches does nbt prove 
« there be atiy ; but it puniflies the malice of 
<« thofe people, that ufe fuch mearis, to take 
« away men's lives. Ifonefliould profefs that 
" by turning his hat thrice^ and ciying Buz^ 
" he could ukc away a Than*s life (though in 
" truth he could do no fuch things) Jrct this 
« were a juft laW made by the fiatej that who-» 
♦< foevet fliould turn his hat thrice, and cr^ 
" jBuz, with an intention to take away a man'i 
« lifej (hall be put to death/^ 

Harosome Wi^t. 

Tk e gentleman who complains of the anxiety 
he fuffers on account of his wife's beauty, would 

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TflE N E W SPl C T A TO R, Ac. 

No. XXIl. 

do well to reflet that it if a jtax he mud necef- 
farily pay, if he has been impru4ent enough to 
marry for beauty only.'r-Thc author I h*vc al* 
ready quoted fpeaks well on this fubje6^ 

« He that hath ah^^ndfome wifey ^y other men 
«' is thought l^^ppy ; 't^ a pleafgr< |q look upon 
^< her, and be in her company ^ but the hufband 
« is cloy'^d with hi?r, W^ are never content 
** >yith what we have, — ^Tis reaibn a man that 
<< wi)l have a wife, (hould be at the charge of 
'' her trinkets, and pay all the fcores {he lets on 
" him. He that will keep a monkey, 'tis fit 
<< he (hould pay for ihe glafles h^ breaks/'-^I 
think it needlels to a<ld any thipg to fuch 
reafoning as this : P. T. mufl, ther^orOi Qiake 
the beft he can of a bad bargain. 

Th£ (econdpart of the Political Prebend is under 
confidemtion. The author has been (bmewhat 
too fcvere on the Fox-kufding *Squire^ who, not- 
withftanding his brutality, isatleaft, anhoneft 
fellow. — ^The fame obfervation may be applied 
to the Berijh Innkeeper ; but of thefe hereafter. 

TuK modem Duellift, a poem, contains many 
good fentimentfi^ but too inaccurately expreffed 
for publication, 

I TRUST your SpiCTAToasHir win favour 
us with fuch particulars refpefting the prefent 
amufements at Buxton and Matlbck Baths, as may 
be wordiy of notice; and that you will as fpeedi- 
ly return to Town as your healdi an4 avocations 
will permit. I am^ 

Dear Srtc ! Your faithful, 


LoNi>pN: Printed by T-.^iPSAHY^ No* 15, DukeVCourt, Bow-Street, Covent-Gardcn ; 

Sold by T. AXTELt, No. 1, Finch-LamK, Comhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by 
W. SWIFT, Bookfcller, Charles-Street, St. James VSquai^ ; by P. BRETT,. BookfeUcr and 
Stationer, oppofite St. Clement's-Church in the Strand; and by W« TiilSELTON, BookfeUcr and 
Stationer, No. 37, Goodge-Street, Rathbone-Place. 

\* ColRissipNOENTs are rcqucfted to addref? their favours to the Niw SpECTATOty to 
the care of any of the above-named Publiihers. 

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i /\jff\/iy i >ffV)ffiV\/> 






SATURDAY, June 4, 1785. 

Price Three-pence. 

To he continued every Saturday. 

— — Alxtna negotia centum 
Per caputs et circa faliunt lotu s 

An hundred men's affairs confound 
My fcnfes, and befiege me round. 



TH £ publication of this number of the 
New Spectator has been poflponed 
to the prefcnt time for a variety of reafons, which 
my good friends, the Public, have nothing to do 
with ; and, therefore, I (hall not trouble them 
with a recital of tranfadions, the perufal of 
which can afford them neither profit nor amufe- 

It has, indeed, been intimated to me, that I 
fhould apologize for my negle^, and refume my 
labours with a handfome introductory addrefs ; 
but where no injury has been fuflained, no apo> 
logy can be neceilary ; and prefaces, introdu6lions, . 
dedications, and complimentary addrefles are quite 
out of my wafy. It is fufficient to fay, that I 
quitted the public ftage only for a time ; "we 
have our exits and our entrances," — a little 
longer, and I and my readers mufl make our 
final exit: before the ciutain of fate fbrouds me 
from the world, I would add fomething to my 
labours, and take a friendly farewel. 

At prcfent, I mufl dircft my attention to my 
correfpondcnts, all whofe favours now lie before 
me, and remind me of the tongues at Babel, 
fuch is the variety of their languages, though 
they all mean to fpeak good Englifh. From thcfe 

letters I am enabled to judge of the obje6b of 
general attention ; my male correfpondcnts dwell 
chiefly on balloons and politics ; my female 
friends on love and fafhions. With balloons 
and politics I have very little to do; with 
fafhions dill lefs, but with love a great deal ; 
and furely at my age, 1 ought to know fomething 
of the matter. 

The lady who figns herfclf Exp lo rat 10, has 
my warmefl acknowledgments for communi- 
cating a practicable fcheme, the adoption of 
which would certainly tend to the .relief of 
the mofl unfortunate part of her own fex ; and I 
fhall take the earliefl opportunity of laying it 
before the public, with fuch obfervations as may 
occur to me on the fubjeft. 

Sentimental epifUes, on a variety of 
fubjcfts, are reccivedfrom Caroline, Sophia, 
Maria, &c. &c. I can on^y inform thefe ladies, 
that I think myfelf honoured by their cor- 
refpondence ; and ferioufly recommend to them 
the proElict of thofe virtues which they praife fo 

I AM much amazed at the receipt of a letter, in 
a female hand, complaining of Signor Lunar d;, 
whom I have always underftood to be a great 


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favourite amongft die ladies. If this gentleman, 
as the lady avers, is ignorant of the (cience of 
aroftation, his courage is the greater ; and cou- 
rage is always entitled to the fmiles of the fair; 
and it too frequently happens to receive nothing 
elfe. If he is not ignorant, the lady's objeftion 
falls to the ground; and to accufe that man of ig- 
norance in the fcicnce of acrollation, who firft 
experimentally Ihewed us wliat a balloon is, does 
not, in my opinion, indicate much wifdom in 
the accufer. The lady (hould recoUeft, that all 
human contrivances are liable to the accidents of 
time and chance ; and that when we judge of 
others, we (hould take the favourable fide of the 
queflion, that if we do err, it may be an error of 
the head, and not of the heart. 

Amongst other female epiftles, I have one, 
figned LiNDAMiRA,.to which I cannot help pay- 
ing particular attention : it is written in a neat 
Italian hand, but fo very delicate, that, in addi- 
tion to my fpedlaclcs, I was obliged to ufe a 
magnifying glafs. The fubjeft of this epiftle is 
as delicate as the hand-writing; and I fhould 
wrong my fair corrcfpondent not to give her my 
fentiments on that fubjeft, which is fimply, 
" Whether, on being earneftly afked by a gcn- 
" tlcman for a lock of haity a pofitive refufal can 
" be conflrued into a want of civility, or a com- 
" pHance into an aft imprudence?" 

It gives me no fmall pleafure to find that there 
are young ladies who duly confidcr the con- 
fequence of confefring favours ; and it having 
been cuftomary to exchange locks of hair, as 
tokens of friendfhip, and not on (light occafions, 
the lady's queflion is natural and proper; though 
il will not admit of an eafy folution without the 
knowledge of fome particulars, which, probably, 
Li NDAMiRA may not be inclined to communicate. 
I mean the real charafter of the gentleman who 
requefb the favour; the nature of his connexion 
with the lady ; and the extent of her regard for 

Mr. Pope's Rape of the Lock has, perhaps, 
given additional confequence to favours of this 
kind ; every female reader of Pope, may fancy 
herfelf a Balinda, and prize her locks accord- 
ingly; and, indeed, fhe cannot e^mate the 
value too highly, if fhe regards that favour as an 
earneft: of future kindnefs, or as an indication of 
peculiar attachment ; and, from the ferious man- 
ner in which Linoamira propofes her queflion, 
fhe, doubtlefs, confiders it in this view ; in that 
cafe, fhe cannot be too cautious in conferring a 
flavour, on which fhe may fet more value tlian 
'the receiver himfelf. 

It remains, therefore, with Lindamira to 
" let her own difcrction be her tutor ;"^ smdto 
have an impartial regard to the charafter of the 
gentleman. There is a fort of gallant gentry, who 
folicit petty favours from every woman with 
whom they happen to converfe, «« to be drefs'd 
«« in an opinion" of being ** well with theladics." 
Of all coxcombs, thefe are the mofl dangerous 
and the mofl numerous. They are to be feen in 
all public places, and feldom appear without the 
enfigns of their vanity, in the forms of lockets, 
breafl-buckles, hair-pins, and pifturei, which 
they aS' fludioufly cxpofe as if the trinkets were 
intended for fale; generally with a view to excite 
enquiry, and to have an opportunity of infinu- 
ating upon what good terms they are with the 
givers : — *^ that's villainous, and (hews a mofl 
" pitiful ambition in the fool that ufes it." — If I 
may judge from the contents of Lindamira's 
letter, I fhall readily conclude, that fhe is not 
folicited by any being of this dcfcription, to 
whom I am confident fhe would give a flat ne- 
gative ; and which could not *< be conflrued into 
« avrantof civiiity." 

If Lindamira cannot read the heart of her 
admirer, (he can at leafl read his charafter; 
doubtlefs fhe has good fenfe and difcernment 
fufficient to difcover his principal motive for 
requefting the faivour ; if it be from a friendly and 
Ancere regard for her, independent of paflion, 
that friendly and £ncere regard will reftrain him 
from making any improper ufe of it : he will 
preferve it as a memento of that elegant friendlinefs 
which has fweetencd his Icifure hours, and in- 
duced him to make the requeft. If a refufal, in 
this cafe, might not " be conflrued into a want 
" of civility," I aon afraid it would favour too 
much of that %ecic» of rigid prudence which, 
bordering on afFe^adon, and fb difficult to be 
diflinguifhed from it, is no recommendation Co 
a girl of polifhed mariners and liberal fenti- 

A D M I TT I K a for a moment, that the gentleman 
is a paflionate admirer, and that he folicits this 
favour as a lover, then mufl Lindamira ad with 
caution ; then mufl fhe •** commune with her 
<« own heart," and weigh ferioufly the confe- 
quence of gratifying the requefl of an ardent lover, 
in a manner which may imply an approbation of 
his paflion ; and which if fhe does not approve, 
it would be wrong even thus far to encourage* 
If, on the other hand, that approbation is not 
wanting, a compliance with the reque(f cannot 
be conflrued « into an aft of imprudence ;" for 
I have too high an opinion of Lindamira's 


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No. XXIIt 



difcrction, to fuppofc that fhe would flicw afiy 
partiality where it is not merited, and where 
there is a pofEbility of her confidence being 

I HAVE dwelt thus long on a fubjeft, which 
many of my readers will think of little importance, 
becaufe nothing gives me greater pleafure, than 
to encourage fentimcnts of delicacy, and to gra- 
tify laudable curiofity . From my total ignorance 
of the charaftcr of Lindamira's friend, and the 
nature of her connexion with him, I am not able 
to give a more decided opinion : when the lady 
ihall think proper to repofe more confidence in 
me, (he may reft aflured of every fervice and in- 
ftru£lion in my power; and it will give me 
fingular fatisfaftion to hear of her welfare. 

I MUST not here omit an opportunity which 
naturally prefents itfelf, of addrefling my female 
readers, on the fubjeft of Likdami&a's letter. 
It is upwards of half a century fince I began to 
obfcrve the influence of general manners on the 
condud of individuals. In proportion as the 
ideas expand, and people embrace more liberal 
fentiments, they are apt to ncgled thofc ndnulia 
which ftamp with propriety the common oc- 
currences and domeftic tranfaftions of life ; fo 
that refinement of manners does not always ac- 
company liberality of fentimcnt; for we daily 
obferve, that men of the moft liberal fentimcnts 
are generally diftinguifhed for incongruity of 
aftion. Hence it is, that what in one age has been 
deemed important, has, in another, been difre- 
garded. It fecms to be the fafhion of the prcfent 
day to hold in contempt ihofe ceremonious man- 
ners by which the higher ranks of focietywcrc 
heretofore diftinguifhed; and an ea/} negligence is 
the teft of gentility. Conftraint and formality 
are extremely difgufting, and there are many who 
cannot diftinguifh between formality and cere- 
mony. There is, however, a certain degree of 
ceremony highly ferviceablc to the interefts of 
virtue ; and it is much to be feared, that in re- 
jeding its exterior forms, propriety itfelf isfome- 
times facrificed; and modifh folly, under new 
names, ufurps the authority of genuine po- 

The female part of the world being generally 
captivated with " outward fhcw and ornament," 
and the fifft to adopt new fafliions and new 
notions, as if truth and propriety were not alway» 
the fame, and their condu6l, being at the fatne 
time, the objefl: of general criticifm, it is no 
wonder that the prcfent laxity of manners expofes 
them to innumerable inconveniencies, of which 

none but thofc of extreme delicacy can have any 
conception, and from which they would be pre- 
fer ved by a fbrift attention to propriety, and an 
uniform adherence to fome principles and modes 
of condu6l, which I am forry to find have been 
fupplanted by flimfy acquifitions, and a kind oS 
artificial graces that, along with conftraint and 
formality, have banifhed that flrift propriety and 
that elegant minutia: of manners, if I may fo cx- 
prefs myfclf, which fhould always adorn the 
female chara6ler, and which cannot better be 
fecured, than by preferving the native dignity of 
their fox ; and that is cafily done by permitting 
none to approach them, but with that refpeft 
which is always due to female decorum ; fo true 
is the remark of an old writer: " Ceremony" fay$ 
he, " keeps up all things; 'tis like a penny glafs 
" to a rich fpirit, or fome excellent water: with- 
" out it the water were fpilt, the fpirit loft.'-* 
« Of all people," adds he, " the ladies have no 
" reafon to cry down ceremony, for they take 
« thcmfelvcs to be flighted without it. And 
" were they not ufcd with ceremony, with com- 
<< pliments and addreffcs, with legs and kifling 
<* of hands, they were the pitifulcft creatures in 
<* the world.*' 

Whilst fo much of female confequcncc de- 
pends on the external figns of rcfpeft, it is furely 
the firft intcrcft of my fair readers to cultivate 
thofc habits, and that mode of condu& wliich 
may tend to eflablifh the favourable opinion they 
may have raifed in the minds of others; atafk 
which requires nothing but refolution to ftem thtf 
torrent of fafhion, and to rcjcft thefe flippant 
airs and that pretended cafe fo much in vogue, 
and to fubftitute fuch qualities as will not only 
adorn the fpring, but add a grace to the winter 
of life. 

1 MAY bi accufed of the partiality of old age 
to old manners ; and I fhould have fufpefted my 
judgment might have been biafed, was I not a 
daily witnefs of the good effcRs refulting from 
that line of behaviour I have chalked out, and of 
the evil confequences arifing from a contrary 

Having, in this eflay, noticed a part of my 
female corrcfpondcnU only, I fhall take a future 
opportunity of paying particular attention to the 
favours of thofc gentlemen who have honoured 
me with their fentimcnts on a variety of fubje£b. 

t o £ T R Y» 

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P o 

E T R Y. 

The following ftanzas arc the produ£lion of a 
young lady. I do not offer them as a perfcft 
compofition ; but muft acknowledge my felf highly 
plcafed with them ; and I am confident ihatthofe 
of my readers who are bleffed with a poetical 
lafte, will join with me in the hope that the lady 
will continue her correfpondence with the 
Muses, and with the New Spectator. 

On wishes. 
By Maria. 

To footh the poignant anguifh of the foul, 
The lurking fnares of pleafure to expofc; 

The dang'rous tide of paflion to controul, 

And blunt the poifon'd dart that fortune throws : 

In humble poverty to fmile fcrcnc ; — 

Tliis, fair philofophy ! is all thy part; 
Ne'er, facred guide! hath thy commifljon been 

To chill the virtuous feelings of the heart. 

And who each foft emotion wou'd forego, 
Orlofe the lux'ry of one tender thought, 

For all that cold indifF'rcnce can beftow ? 
For all that pompous learning ever taught? 

Thro' bufy Hfe, in all its changeful round, 
Some anxious Wish its empire fhallaiFume; 

•Mid noify mirth fliall heave the figh profound, 
And fteal thro' contemplation's thickeft gloom. 

£v'n in that hour, when death fliall claim his prize, 
And nature's tend*refi union fliall invade, 

And cv'n thofc fofter, more endearing tics, 
By choice, by fympathy, a virtue made : 

In that dread hour, when fummon'd to depart, 
Some trembling Wish the fpirit fliall detain; 

Some darling image ftiU fliall warm the heart. 
And ftrive to keep its precious hold— in vain ! 

Thus, the poor mifer, fliipwreck'd and forlorn, 
Whilft grim deflru^on howls in ev'ry blaft ; 

From hope, from life, from years of comfort torn, 
Grafps his beloved treafure to the laftl 

Thus wretched Carlos,* in the fatal fcene. 
Decreed by fate, and barb'rous Philip's pride. 

Held the fair image of his much-lov'd qiieen. 
And view'd the dear refemblance— till he died ! 

Ah ! who fliall fay the (bene is clos'd on earth, 
And heav'n here marks its fav'ritesby fucccfs, 

When guilt oft triumphs o'er ingenuous worth, 
And virtue oft muft languifli in diflrefs? 

■ • Don Carlos, fon to Philip II, of Spain, doomed 
to death by his fathci's jealoufy. 

Think not the Wish that Tuff' ring pati^ce framei, 
Or that which helplefs pity fliall beflow; 

Nor the loud Wifli that gratitude proclaims, 
Nor one benignant fpark in vain fliall glow! 

The gen'rous Wish that fortune here denies, 
The Wish of pure difintercfted love. 

Shall mount like purer eflence to the flcies, 
And fwell the immortal regifters above I 

Tf- fhr N " ^ S?ftcxA.T0R. 

Though every one of the pafldons affords 
ample fcope for mctaphyfical invefligation, I 
believe none of' them has fo much employed the 
thoughts of moralifts and philofophers, and per- 
haps of almoft every other fpecies of writers, as 
that of Lov£* Whether this be an argument of 
its excellence or confequence to mankind, I fhall 
not pretend to determine. 

If we would altogether credit the graver part 
of the world, we fhould believe that fcarce any 
degree of love were juftifiable. Theftoics, who, 
among othei' of their hopeful tenets, confidcrcd 
the paflions in the fame light in regard to the 
mind, as we do diftempers with rcfpcft to the 
body, have in a particular manner levelled their 
invc£livesagainfllove: but whatever views they 
might have in fo doing, they have been fo far 
from doing mankind a fervicc by this fort of 
doftrine, that^inftead of teaching them the moft 
exalted degree of virtue, they have only con- 
tributed to extinguifli that fine Icnfe of humanity 
and tendemcfs, from which only worthy and 
virtuous aftions are to be expeded. To be un- 
moved at the diflrcfles of the unfortunate, and 
regardlefs of tlie ties of nature, is certainly heroic 
enough in confciencc; — ^but it is, I think, car- 
rying the jeft a little too far, to declaim againfl 
a padion upon which not only the welfare, but 
the continuance of our fpecies fo immediately 

Our countryman, Mr. Osborn, in his advice 
to a fon, could afFord it no other appellation, 
than that of the child of idlenefs; and 2i much 
greater author than he told us, " That amongfl 
'< all the great and worthy perfons whereof the 
« memory rcmaincth, there is not one that bath 
** been tranfported to the mad degree of love ;" 
and then infers, that " great fpirits and great 
" bufmefs keep out this weak paflion." 

The Poets, on the other hand, who indeed 
have rcafon enough to be advocates for it, fmce 


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Ko. xxui.* 


it IS love that firfl infpired what has made mofl 
of them famous, have confldered it as the only 
thing that can make life defirable, and have 
urged all that their fertile imaginations could ever 
fugged in its defence. 

Th e opinion of this latter fort of men, however 
extravagant it may feem, is of the two the more 
eligible, as it tends to promote, as well as the 
more obvious advantages, a mutual benevolence ; 
whereas the other arraigns the wifdom of the 
power that made us: However, it were to be 
wifhed that thofe gentlemen, the poets, had 
been lefs induflrious in inflaming the imagina- 
tions of their readers, than in corrcfting their 
undcrflandings ; the affedions of youth are 
generally prompt enough of themfelves, and 
fland more in need of a bridle than a fpur. 

Nothing has in a greater degree contributed 
to give us wrong notions of love, than the man- 
ner in which it is reprefented to us on the ftage 
and in novels, the chief bufinefs of which for 
feveral years paft, inftead of recommending in- 
nocence and inculcating virtuous principles, has 
been to infufe into people's minds a love of 
libertinifm, and a fpirit of intrigue and ftratagem. 
Even an honourable amour to perfons of this 
temper, if there are in it none of thefe plots and 
contrivances to cheat the old folks, as they, are 
called, with which mofl modem comedies abound, 
is the mofl infipid thing in the world. iSuch 
people generally like each other they know not 
why ; they encounter a- thouf^nd difEculties to 
get married, and for ever after are quite indif- 
ferent to each other. I do not doubt, but that, 
amongfl many other things,- the frequent exam- 
ples of this fort which France might produce, 
occafioned, M. St. Evremont's faying, " that true 
" love refcmbled ghofb and apparitions, becaufe 
« every one was talking of it, but few or none 
« had ever feen it." 

The only incentive to, and the beft prcfcrva- 
tive of love, I mean that fort of it which is worth 
the obtaining, is merit; and as this is one of 
thofe truths which carries demonftration with it, 
the worth of beauty is perhaps lefe than we ima- 
gine it to be. The opinions and inclinations of 
perfons, are as different as their faces ; and beau- 
ty, be it ever fo perfe^ can never have the fame 
influence on all ; whereas merit is an univerfal 
claim, and, befides, it is always fure to make the 
deepeft impreflSons on the moft worthy. In 
fhort, in matters of love, beauty sdone is not to 
be trufted to ; and (he who thinks to fecure the 
cfteem of a hufband, with no other claim to it, 
than what a fine fkin or a genteel air can give. 

will, to her cofl, find, that as thefe abate that 
will diminifh. 

I CANNOT, on this occafion, omit mentioning 
the advice which a Lady, who undcrflood th^ 
world, gave to her daughter on her marriage. 
« You are now become the partner, for life, of a 
pcrfon whofe even temper and exad breeding are 
the lead of his many good qualities; and though 
perhaps you are handfome enough to gain an ab- 
folute dominion over a man of lefs difcrction, yet 
neither the love nor the complaifance of your 
hufband will fuffer him to eftcem you for what 
the piftures in his gallery, or the flatues in his 
garden poflefs in as eminent a degree as yourfelf : 
Believe me, who am acquainted with the world, 
and have feen hufbands in a few months time 
ceafe to be lovers, believe me, I fay, when I tell 
you, that it requires no fmall (hare of virtue and 
good — I hadalmoflfaid — ^politic management, to 
keep alive any tolerable degree of paflion for 
thirty or forty years, in fpite of age, ficknefs, 
and other calamities to which human life is inci- 
dent ; The love of a perfon of merit is well worth 
the flriving for, and this you may lay down as an 
in^Uible rule, that there is no way fo effedual to 
attain it, as to deferve it." 

We who inhabit the more Weftem parts of the 
world, and value ourfelves much above the reft 
of mankind, on account of our fuperior attain- 
ments, have but little reafon to boaft of our ca- 
pacity for, or our behaviour in love, fince there 
are greater and more frequent inftances of it to be 
found amongft people wholly flrangcrs to our mo- 
dem refinements, and thofe empty theories which 
we have formed of it. What is reported, and fo 
well attefted of the women of Narfinga, in the 
Eaft-Indies, will fufficiently juflify this aflertion; 
and at the fame time (hew that flattery, diflimula- 
tion, and the many other arts that the politer Eu- 
ropeans pradice to procure and fupport love, arc 
nothing when compared with that natural inno- 
cence and fimplicity which, the more is the pity, 
is the effed of ignorance alone. 

That ingenious Lady, the Marchionefs de 
Lambert, whofe thoughts arc faulty only in that 
they are fomewhat too refined — for, alas ! there 
are but few Abelards and Eloifes now a days — 
tells us, " that thofe whofe fouls are of a grave 
and ferious caft, are of all others, the moft fuf- 
ceptible of love ;" tliofe of a more volatile fancy 
are apt to have their affeftions diverted by every 
new objeft they meet with ; but that refined and 
foothing kind of melancholy, fo natural to per- 
fons of this temper, is continually fuggcfting to 
their imaginations a thoufand plcafing reflections, 


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which ferve to admitiifter fuel to their fires, and 
of which none but themfclves are capable. As 
fuccefs in love, to this latler fort of people, is the 
'iiighcfl degree of human felicity, fo is difappoint- 
inent the greateft calamity that can befal them. 
There are but few other kinds of diftrefs, which 
the more ordinary amufements of life will not in 
a fliort time alleviate ; but this has need of all the 
afliftances of reafon, philofophy, an^ patience, 
and It is not often that thofc prove effeftual. 
One cannot, without the utmofl concern, refleft 
on thofe unhappy perfons, whofe diflreifes of 
this kind have ended in their total dcftruftion ; 
many have been deprived of their reafon, others 
have facrificed their fame, wealth, and all that 
they held dear, for the gratification of their paf- 
lions, and not a few have committed the moft 
violent outrages on themfelves. 

If thefc obfervations on this univerfal paflion, 
fhould meet with your approbation, I (hall, in 
fome future cffays, add a few others, that have 
occurred to me on the fubjeft. I am, 

^Mjf* . S^rcr Aro r , ' 

/-"Yotrrsr &^^ 


To the New Spectator. 
Dear Sfec. 

Though the folly and extravagance of mo- 
dem refinement have jufUy excited your refent- 
ment, I have remarked, that you entertain no 
mean illiberal prejudice, relative to the abilities 
and underflanding of us deferted females ; there- 
fore, if I am prefumptuous, and obey the dic- 
tates of infpi ration, which may hereafter be re- 
warded with indignant contempt, ambition mufl 
be my proteftor, and plead my caufe. 

I HAVE bade adieu to novels and romances 
thefe three months; not a circle of admirers, tho' 
attentive and gallant, can afford mc fatisfaftion ; 
my pen lies ufeleft ; fcandal is infipid ; dLiidfaJhion 
is no longer defpotic. In fhort. Spec, I am on 
the verge of rendering my name immortal, and 
iecuring that fame which mercenary man is daily 
endeavouring to monopolize. England was the 
place of my nativity, and for her honour 1 have 
prepared an aero/latic machine, on a conflruftion 
peculiarly fcientific, with which I mean to foar 
into the bofom of y^iher, and by that courage, 
which ouTjirJl aerial traveller infpired me with, 
prevent the future growth oi foreign weeds, 1 ac- 
' knowledge myfelf a balloon enthufiaft, and pofi- 
tively mean to perfcvcrc in that juvenile fciencc 

till fiage-coaches and Jhips are totally forfaken, 
which, in the courfe of a few years, 1 hope will 
be the cafe. 

The caufc of all this trouble. Spec, is owing 
to my ignorance in chemical preparations.— 
Quere> Can inflammable air be extrafted from 
pajle, cujtardsi or tarts of any kind? What af- 
cenfional power will a cubit foot of puffs' pro- 
duce ? What quantity of rope muft be procured, 
and of what nature, fuppofmg that I (hould wifli 
to return to the very/pot from whence Ifet out? 
Can I obtain any help in that way from the ftudy 
of anatomy ? Will not a man, after diJeSlion, be 
of more utility than zific, or fleel filings, and 
prove lefsexpenfive ? When you have anfwered 
all thefe queflions. Spec, and made a few obfer- 
vations of your own, that I may blend your 
judgment with mine, confequently make a deli- 
berate choice relative to the procefs, you fhall 
behold the wonder of the age ! the female Lu^ 
nardij and the ne plus ultra of ballobnifls I — Im- 
mortality will attend me, and all the world 
exclaim, happy zooman ! 

I am, dear Spec, 
Yours fmcerely, 

P»S. As I mean to take up my ov^n family 
only, I ftiall be glad of your company. I mean 
to fet off about midnight, that I may make obfer- 
Vatioiis on the wjoon and its inhabitants, likewife 
to difcovcr from what comer theyifn rifes. 

To the New Sybctator, 
Dear Spec ! 

As you thought proper to « reft from your la* 
bours,^' for fo long a time, I am at a lofs whether 
to give you a fummary account of the tranfaftions 
that have engaged the attention of this metropolis 
fince your temporary abdication; and ihall be 
glad to have your inftruftions on that head.— 
Meanwhile, I fhall proceed to give you a hafiy 
fketch of fuch things as occur to my recolleftion^ 

Public Amusements. 
I MiHTiON the firft, becaufe they fcem to be 
the principal objcft of attention amongft the 
good people of this metropolis; but as your cor- 
refpondeiits will neceffarily engrofs much of 5rour 
room, I ihall not at prefcnt dwell on any parti- 
culars rcfpefting the amufemcnJs. I ihall only 
obfenre, that, inftead of improving, they have 
dwindled into mere puppct-fhows. Would you 
think it, friend S#ic ?— The rag$ at prcfent i^ 


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for the dancing of dogs, the runmng of £r>xt3> 
the yelping of cun, the tumbling of monkies, 
and the gtunting of pigs !-*-Men and women are 
|>ut a kind of (ccond-r«re performers, and the 
<}uadrapedsy like the children in £lkabeth's time» 
iiave got the town on thehr fide, and run »way 
with all the applaufe 1 

The Italian Opera 
Was never at fo low an ebb as at prefcnt ; 
both the theatres fumifli much better fingers of 
both fexes, and the performers of no fex at^ll 
have not much to boaft of. The dances are, of 
courfe, the primary obje6t, and fome of them 
are worth ieeing. 

The Winter Theatres 

Are juft clofcd, and have exhibited but little 
novelty. Mrs. Siddons has made an attempt in 
comedy, but is greatly inferior to Mifs Younge. 
Mother Abington has gone through the regular 
routine of her infipidities, and has, as ufual, been 
puffed beyond all meafure, thopgh it muft be 
confcfled Jkc has not written fo much in favour 
of herfelf as fhe did the preceding winter, whence 
I conclude her private hours have been better 
employed. — She is eternally the fame : in all her 
chara^ers you difcover nothing but Mrs. Abing- 
ton, who by her drefs, her buftle, and the odd 
cackling monotony of her voice, always reminds 
me of an offended turkey when it fpreads its tail, 
flruts and frets, gabbles its fpeech, and runs away 
again ! — And yet there are people who fancy 
this woman plays well ! — '* God reft you merry 
Gentlemen !" 

The fame wretched fyftem continhes to per- 
vade both houfes in refpeft to cafting^eir cha- 
rafters : Brereton, at Druiy-Lane, and Wrough- 
ton, at Covent-Garden, play firft-rate chara£brs ; 
— need I fay any more ? 

The Summer TuEATaE 

Is opened with its ufual fupports, and will 
doubtlefs receive its ufual encouragement. We 
are taught to expe& that no lels than five new 
pieces will be brought forward at this Theatre : 

The Turk and no Turkf a mufical comedy, by 
Mr. Colman, jun. 

TU tell you whaty a comedy. 

The Siege of Carzola^ an opera. 

The Beggar on Horjebacky a farce. 

Here and there^ and every tohere^ an Olio. — ^Truly, 
here is variety in the extreme, and " good en- 
*< tertainment for man and beaft"— though learn- 
ed pigs and conjuring horfes may not be fo readily 

fatisfiedasa two-legged critic— ^ut impeding 
all Uiefe matters you will receive fuller infor* 
mation from the pen of Oitarob, the learned 
legiflator of the Neoteric, DelactahUy Critical Soci* 
ety^ which continues to affemble as ufual. 


Has been nearly deferted this (eafon, owing 
to a want of novelty in its entertainments, and 
to the puUic tafte for more diJipated fcenes* 


Is poened with fome improvements, and will 
doubtlcfc be the fummer rage with all ranks of 
people, if the admiflion of the nymphs from 
Catherine-ftreet, and the hundreds of old Drury 
does not tend to drive away the more decent 
part of the commimity ; the faid nymphs having 
already given convincing proofs of their inten. 
tion to contribute to the ^rit of the entertain- 


Somerset-House is a houfe fo muuh divided 
againft itfelf, that fome think «* it cannot ftand." 
The exhibition of this year is ftill worfe than the 
laft : little more than a coUeftion of portraits, to 
which the Prefident has contributed no lefs than 
fourteen, out of fvxteen pieces he exhibits. The pic- 
ture on which Sir Jofhua has been compliment- 
ed this fcaCon, is a Vemts, which, had it been 
painted by any one elfe, would have been men- 
tioned as a burlefque on the Goddefs of Beauty ; 
indeed, all that his admirers venture to praife ii^ 
this piflure, is a certain wantonnels in the eyes of * 
this recumbent lady : from her colour one would 
be apt to taKe her for an unwaflied nymph of St, 
Giles's ; but it is painted by Sir JoQiua Reynolds, 
and is confcquently very fine f — Several of the 
portraits of this Gentleman are beyond all praiic, 
and will redound to his credit a century hence, 
provided the figures do not aflume life, zndjly 
^/— I may, perhaps, take a future opportunity 
of reviewing the few piAures in thia exhibition 
worthy of notice. 

Squire Morgan's Nephew. 

I HAVE great hopes of amendment in this 
young Gcndeman ; he is lately become a very 
«< good liver," »d feems determined to perle- 
verein fuch laudable habiu as may endear him to 
his friends, the Blue and Buff heroes. His 
amours do not excite public curiofity fo much as 
they formerly did, becaufe his attachments are 
more general, and not confined to one, or indeed 
to one hundred. He has lately, however, been 
more than ordinarily attentive to a Lady in the 


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THE N E W S P-E C T A T O R, &c; 


vicinity of Pall Mall, remarkable for her obliging 
dilpofition, and the excellency of her lafte, in 
providing for his entertainment at all hours and 
on all occafions. As thcfc private virtues fliould 
not " go unfung,*' I (hall in my next record 
fomc tranfaftions between Squire Morgan's Ne- 
phew and Madame * ♦ ♦ ♦ that may convince 
you of his philanthropy, and her credulity ; with 
a (hort diflertation on " the art of money-catch- 
ing," 'and a brief defcription of the extraordina- 
ry virtues and wonderful qualifications of Mafter 
Jfelly, the Squire's boon companion, and the 
other convivial alTccJatcs of this furprifing young 
gentleman ! 

Fash ions. 

This being his Majefty's birth-day, all that is 
good, great, and elegant will be exhibited at St. 
James's ; and as I wifh to be prefcnt, I fhall now 
t^c my leave, with affuring you, that in my 
next I fhall endeavour to give you fuch Fajk- 
ionabU Intelligence as may prove acceptable to 
your fafhionablc readers. 

I am. Dear Spec, 

Yours, &c. 


To the Readers and Correspondents of 

The New Spectator. 
* Th e puUi^ation of this paper was commenced at ct 
time when the morning prints abounded in littU but po- 
Htics andfcurtility ; and when it was apprehended that 
a periodical paper^ chiefly devoted to polite literature^ 

and rendered various with fuch intelligence as refpeEUd 
the amufements andfafhxQns of the iimesy would not 
prove unacceptable to Bafi readers who might not wifh 
to confine their Hterary mquiries to forties^ poli- 
tics, and natiomil concerns. The number of thofe 
readers has been very confiderabUy and the number of 
my correfpondents proportionable J and under the pre* 
fentplan it is impoJibU to admit fo many of their fa- 
vours as I could wifh. My worthy friend John 
Bull, whofe honefly cannot be excelled, only by his good 
-nature, has intimated to me, that many of my readers 
wifhing to become correfpondents, he will be happy to 
refign his ojice of Deputy Spectator, in order 
to make room for the favours of fuch correfpondents^^ 
and though I fhall beforry to partwithfofhithfula 
fervant as honeft John, I fhall, for the future, lay 
this paper, open to the cafual correfpondence of the pub- 
lic, with an ajfurance that every piece, void of inde- 
cency, fhall fnd a place, or fujicient reafons ajfigned 
for its rejeElion, Under the idea of indecency, I do 
not include perfonality ; for I have hitherto held it as 
a maxim, that it is necfffary, in many infiances, not 
only to be perfonal, but to be fever ely and pointedly fo, 
in proportion to the influence of example. My next 
paper will, therefore, be publifhed on Saturday 
next, junder thefmgle title of the New Spectator, 
mnd J trufl will m/eet with a continuance of that ap- 
probation the former papers have experienced. The 
Old Spectator was ferved up at breakfafi ; but times 
arefo altered, and breakfafi hours fo various and un- 
certain, that the New Spectator will, for the 
future, befent up with tea in the evening. 

London: Printed by T, Rickaby, Duke's-Court, Bow-Street, Covcnt-Garden ; 

Sold by T. A X T E L L, No. i, Finch-Lane, Cornhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by 
W. SWIFT, Bookfeller, Charles-Street, St. JamesVSquare ; by P. B R E T T, Bookfellcr and 
Stationpr, oppofite St. Clement's-Church in the Strand; and by W. TH I S ELTON, Bookfellcr and 
Stationer, No. 37, Googc-Street, Rathbone-Placc. 

♦^* Corrbbpondents are requeflcd to addrefs their favours to the New Spectator, to 

the care of the Printer. 

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No. XXIV: 

SATURDAY, June ii, 1785. ' Price Thrce-pence. 

To be continued every Saturday. 

Uxorenty pofihume duds? 
Dic^ qua Tifiphxmt^ quibus exagitare colubtis f 

A fobcr man, like thee, to change hii life 1 
What fary could poflefs tfaee with a wife ? 



HAVING promifed to pay fomc attention 
to thofe gentlemen who have favoured 
me with their fentimcnts, I fhall felcft the fol- 
lowing letter, containing an account of whim- 
fical diftrcfs, as are not deftitute of entertain- 
ment *, and from which I hope fome old bache- 
lors may reep advantage. 

To the New Spectator. 
Friend Spec, . 

I AM a phyfician, and as my cafe is 
very extraordinary, I mean to publifh it for the 
benefit of the public. When a man lives, as I 
did, unmarried till he is fixty-one, he had better 
never marry at all. There are more ways by 
which a woman may torment her hufband, bc- 
fides being jealous of him. To give you fome 
idea of my fituation, take the general outlines of 
my hiftory : The earlier part of my life I fpent 
at college in the ftudy of phyfic, and, I don't 
know why, acquired the charafter of an odd 
learned fellow. When I arrived at the age of 
forty, a vacancy happened in the neighbourhood 
of my birth. I was invited by my uncle to take 
upon me the infirmities of all the folks within 
the circle of twenty miles. Before I fct out 
I ordered the collcsc barber to make mc, what 

the wags called a Lion or a Pompey, literally, 
nothing more than a good phyfical wig; under 
the fhadow of which, by the aflifUnce of a hand- 
fome cane, properly applied to the immovable 
mufcles of my face, and a very few fignificant 
(hrugs and folemn nods, I foon acquired the re- 
putation of an eminent phyfician. Fees canrc 
in a pace ; fo that in the courfe of twenty years 
I had laid up more money than I really knew 
what to do witli. Whether it was my learning, 
my perfon, or my mone)', I can't fay ; but a lady 
in the neighbourhood took a vaft liking to fome-< 
thing belonging to me. I was not fo blind but 
I faw the conquefl ; for fhe would often come 
and fpend a week together with mc : in fhort, 
I married her. I was pad the years of difcrelion, , 
and fo I married her. O what a condefcenfion ! 
A lady of her family, rank, and fafhion in life ! 
As for age, indeed, (he was but fix years younger 
than myfelf; and for fortune, if fhe ever had. 
any (he had fpent it ; and yet I was fuch a fool, 
as to be convinced, (he was confcxring the 
greateft obligation in the world upon mc. 

No foonerdid (he take upon her the manage- 
ment of my family, than adieu for ever to all 
order, peace, and comfort. She began wllh dil- 
charging poor Jonas, becaufe he m;ide fo queer 

a figure 

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Nb. xxiv: 

a figure in a queue and white ftockings, which 
fhe infifted upon his wearing, though the poor 
fellow could not but laugh at himfelf. The 
fame day with Jonas my old wig was difcardcd. 
It muft be confelTcd it grew rather the worfc 
for wear. From long acquaintance, it had con- 
tra6led fuch a connexion and familiarity, that 
it no longer kept that refpcftful diftancc from 
each fiKjc of my fcce, which had at fiffl fo mudi 
dJftrflgmfhed it. I had, however, ftiil-confiaMcd 
it in fervice, purely from this rcflcftion, the 
older it grew the lefs occafion it had for combing. 
A new wig has been immediately put on the 
ftocks, with a feathered top and- a forked tail 5 
fincc tbc anrl\^al of which I am ft«ver able to 
fVirout^ let the occafion be ever fo preffing, be- 
fore it is combed and powdered. Our prig of a 
new footman is fo long twiftingi and tickling it 
up, that a fcoTC of p ati e nts have ex pir ed, and 
the fees have been loft, ere I was able to fet 
out to receive them. My fnuff-coloured fuit 
had been reinftated every other year, from a 
pattern that was left in th© ha^tids of an honcft 
taylor on the neighbouring heath. He, poor 
fellow, was forbid the houfc ; bccaufe, acc6rdlng- 
to my dirc6lions, he made my cloaths cafy. A - 
more fafhionablc operator was charged with pre- 
paring a new fuit with gold button-holes. He 
made thcra to fit fo exaftly, that I dare n<:rt bring 
tny hands to meet before me, for fear of laying 
open my fpinal bone, 

. My hat is not to be flapped any more, even 
though the fun Ihines full in my face. 

I AM no lon^r fuflfered to yra(h my face, ac- 
cording to cuftoni, every morning, at the pump 
in my baclo-yard, though nothing was more re- 
frcfhing; Mor any thing more handy than the 
towel, which revolved on a roller at the back 
of the kitchfert door. 

On my returning home the other day from vi- 
fiting a patient, I found the maid had fet my 
fludy to rights, as (he called it, but the confufion 
which the regularity has occafiorted, is almoft in- 
conceivable. My toe-pin, my ftioeing-hom, and 
tobacco ftopper, are -loft forever; my papers are 
difpofed in fuch order, that 1 know not where to 
itcur to any thing I want. 

Two pair of old Manchellcr velvet breeches, 
which 1 left on the back of a chair, have difap- 
peared; and in ft ead of the cafy flippers which 
I had made out 6f an old pair of fhocs, by cutting 
the ftraps off, I found a new pair of i-cd leather, 
adorned with white flitches round the edges, and 
made fo tight, that 1 can't bear to walk in them. 

My woollen night-cap is condemned, in com* 
pany with my brown hofe, to the vile purpofe 
of rubbing the grates and fenders ; and my wife 
infifb that I wear one of linen flounced on all 
fldes, and adorned with a black ribband, which, 
tying together the aperture within an inch and a 
half of the top, carelefsly flows down on the fide. 
I took fuch a violent cold the firft night, that it 
brooght adefltixion of humours into ihy righl eyft 
which very niarly deprived mt of fights . . 

Thr flair-cafe and floors are all waxed; it faves 
the expence of mops, indeed ; but I have fuch 
falls that I have almofl diflocated every joint 
about me, . . 

My neok is ftretched out in fuch at manner, that 
I am apprehenfive of having my throat cut with 
the pafteboard. 

Whe!^ I remortftrateon any of thefe articles, 
ft»e flop» my mouth by a kife, and (ay*— «« My^ 
" dear angel — we mufl have fomc little regard to 
** appearances/* 

She is, as I told you, but fix years younger 

than myfelF; yet fhe drcffes, dances and drives 

about, as if fhe was but five and twenty. 

, This, hovrever, and much more, I could 

beiar; I defbrve k**-I am contented /he fhalt 

confume fix and thirty yards more than my < t- 

maid Hefler in the fpinnings of her gown — li <• 

• may play a (hilling a fifh at quadfillc ; fhe n.d\ 

' do, aye, fhe may do what fhe pleafes, let tnc have 

but my fludy to myfelf ; let my fiight-cap andmy 

flippers be reflored, and I will fubmitto Wear the 

new coat and the wig every Sutidla5r. " 

I long lo take poor Jonas again, he iifed al- 
ways to ride before me ; knd, drunk or fober, he 
knew the fhortefl way all over the country. — 
What fignifics, whether one's footman wears a 
wig or his own hair ? 'Tis true he n^vcr blacked 
either ihy boots of his own. 

Td tJie New Spectator. 
Mr. Spectator, 

/ s your labours are dire£lcd to moral and re- 
ligious, as well as to more comtnon etiipiries, I 
truft the following obfcrvaiions will not prove 

Th E connexion between Reliciok, Super- 
stition, and Infidelity, is as curious, as it is 
a ufeful fubjeft of enquiry ; and yet it has fo fai 
cfcapcd the attention of mankind, as to be bu- 
little underftood, and, for arjy thing I know, may 
continue to be fo as long as the world fhall en- 


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It has been generally fuppofcd that Religion 
and Super ftition arc the neareft related. 1 am at 
a lofs to difcover by what evidence this hypothe- 
fis is fupported. But it is an undoubted truth, 
that their being relations has never made them 
friends ; unlefs we may allow as an inftance of it, 
that Superftition will fometimes call Religion by 
the name of her befl friend — an Infidel ! 

It is my opinion, that Superftition and Infide- 
lity have the cleareft right to claim as relations. 
There is no room to difpute their being ftrongly 
united by friendfhip and intereft in the fame 
caufe; although, to fave appearances, in order 
the better tp carry on their fchemc, they fome- 
times abufe each other by calling ntams. 

If you think yV>u can find patience enough to 
go through it, I will give you a fketch of my 
thoughts upon this fubjcft. 

Th ere is an effcntial difference between Reli- 
gion and Superftition ; and I prefume you un- 
derftand the diftinftion. If you do not, you have 
fomething to learn which will be well worth 
your trouble. 

Religion is founded in the very nature of ^ 
man, as he came out of the hands of the Supreme 
Sovereign of the Univerfe. Superftition owes its 
being to man's whim and folly ; if I fay, to his 
vice and avarifce, it will be as true, and perhaps 
more obvious 

I VERY well know that the generality of man- 
kind, who are not very careful in their enqui- 
ries after truth, and confequently fo much the 
lefs accurate in their judgment about it, confound 
thefe' two. Nay, fome have run fo far out of Uie 
way, as to deem Religion and Superftition one 
and the fame thing. It is very unfortunate for 
them when it fo happens, becaufe ihefe two 
things arc as different in their cfiteds as they are 
in their origin. Religion is a friend to man, and 
an ornament to his nature. Superftition is often 
mifchievQus, and always a difgracc to him. 

I NEED not inform you, of the horrid mif- 
chicf Superftition, when left at large, has fpread 
over the world, in the devaftation of mankind, 
and in the murder of the guide which God ap- 
pointed to lead him through this world — ^his un- 
derftanding! But I fay, farther, that it is alfo 
chargeable with the murder of man's beft friend- 
Religion ! . 

True Religion and Superftition are fo oppo* 
fitc in their natures, that they cannot fubfift to- 
gether, and fo diffieifent in their tempers, that 
they can never agree. And yet mankind arc fo 

difpofed, that one or the other will always bear 
the rule, and the ufurper will reign until the 
lawful Prince is reftored to the throne. 

Superstition, however, has been artful, 
enough to charge the murder of Religion upon 
Infidelity; and Infidelity, in return, may retort 
the charge upon Superftition. But the truth is, 
there never were friends more heartily engaged 
in any bufincfs, than thefe two are in this. 

If you will attend, with this hint in view, to 
the hiftory of the world, from age to age, or take 
notice of what may pafs under your obfervation, 
you will foon fee, that they arc as nearly allied as 
great wit and madnejs ; and both are fuch avowed 
enemies to Religion, that they agree together to 
play the game alternately, into each other's hands, 
to keep Religion out. This was the foundation 
of the old aphorifm, that Infidelity and Superfti- 
tion beget each other. And indeed they appear 
fo truly the confequence of the fame principles, 
that is, a man's negleft of the ufe of his undcr- 
ftanding, that I think the aphorifm will ftand 
good. The difference between them is little 
more than the change of fafliion in an outfidc 

Tins may, perhaps, juftify our going a ftep* 
further,, in affcrting, that Infidelity is no other 
than Superftition hcrfelf out of Bedlam. How- 
ever, if this be not allowed, we may with confi- 
dence fayi they are both of the fame family, and 
bear the family likenefs ; but have not God for 
their father. 

I DO not mean to trouble you with a differta- 
tion upon this fubje6l, but oiily to throw out a 
few hints to be improved by your own re- 

I am. Sir, 

Yours, &c. 



R Y. 

The following Burlefque on a well-known 
fubjefl:, is given as the produftion of a pajfablc 

Orpheus and Eurydice, 

SAGE Orpheus, mufician great, 

Whofc match old Time can't boaft of late. 

Had fuch gjrcat powers in muGck, 
With charms of found he'd cure or kill. 
And was he here, and I was ill, 

Cou'd.niakc mc well, and you fick. 


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Itifplrtf nitf, all yc powert diving, 

To tcH hoMr trees, how gecfe, ho^^ fv^ne, 

To him wouM dance a ihinuet^f 
How yoang and old, and even fuchras 
Old time had brought down to their cfuichcsi 

Wou'd hobble to continue it. 

Eurydrce, his dearefl wife, 

To drown the cares of human Kfe, 

An^d be asblrthe as can be ; 
Tho' Irqoor's all the pbet's weialth, 
S&e in the cdlar got by ileal th, 

And Ahnk off aU hb brandy. 

But, O my fiiends, 'tis not a jcft. 

To tell what wrath fillM Orpbclis* breaft, 

That all his drink (hould go To ; 
What foul alive but woii'd complain ? 
$0 Orphcui fiirfg, arid play'd a ffrairi, 

HeUfireO! furiofo! 

Eurydice ah ! well-a-day ! 
"V^as almoA fit to fwoon away, 

That thus her fpoufe ftouM chide her) 
To fcream in D in alt fhc try'd, 
"but brote a vein — in fdort £he dyM, 

And weiit to dell to hide her. 

When fiie was g»ne he chaifge^ hiv todtf) 
Thro* woods aild groves he made hi^ moaiiy 

Wou'd call her back but eoiit^d not; 
He ftonn'd, he rav'd, (mind what I tell) 
He fwore by heaven ! he'd go to hell—* 

And d n him if he wou'd not ! 

He flraight refolved to take hit flight, 
And §0 to bell that v^ry night; 

So OB love's nimble pinions, 
Away he flew, and quickly founds 
His harp and he were fafe and found. 

In Pluto's drear dominions. 

When in he look'd — the Lord knows how — 
He fcratch'd his head, and made a bow, 

And hett'd i heavy groan I 
O heavens I fays Proferpine, my dear. 
We've got in hell a harper here ;- 

I will have Bob and Joan. 

He firft began a folemn flraiBf 
Whilft lifiening hell forgot its pain; 

Boid Orpheus, feeing that. 
Struck louder yet, when in a trice, ' 
Heirs monarch fung the three blind mice. 

In key of gamut flat. 

He next began a martial flraia^ 

For here thought he I can't be flain^ 

Thefe furies can but fcokl me ; 
Forth from his feat oU Pluto (pno^. 
He flamp'd, be raged, be fwoi«, he l&i^ 

I am mad Tom I behold me I 

He pl«y'd a jig, ^ foriet dtf (ssd, 
E'en Proferp4«e herfelf advanced^ 

From off the feat flie fat ia ; 
She catch d old Pluto by the thing, 
We mortals call a breeches flrtng, . 

And danced in Jack a Latin. 

She fliipt it here, fhe trrpt it there, 
In fliort fhe tript it God knows where; 

Play on, fays Prolerpiiae, Sir, 
Cries hell's g^m ^d*-What is t yoikwaat t 
A wife— fays Pluto that V\\ grant; 

In fhort I'll give you mine Sir. 

Says Orpheus, No— Eurydice 

My dear-^give her once more to m e - ■ ■ 

Ay, tbotc I tvill ; fays Pluto ; 
But belch'd out brimflone, florm'd and (Wore, 
And look'd as black as hell all o*er. 

From th' crown o* th' head to th* fhoe toe. 

For gentle readers yoti muft know, 
He wanted Proferpine to go ; 

But Orpheus refufing her, 
He fbaightway broke into a fweat^ 
Spit fire, and in a raging heat. 

He fcarce cou'd help abufing her. 

Then cry'd earaged : thii ia your lot^ 
You fhall not fee her 'till you've got 

Free from the realms of hell ; 
Agreed, fays he, and fowith that. 
He op'd the door, put on his hat, 

And faid, old god fu^wel. 

But Orpheus now began to think. 
He never more fhou'd keep his driak. 

Since hell had fcorch'd her liver ; 
Fired with this thought, he changed his mind, 
So wifely call one look behind, 

And loft his wife for ever. 

To the New Spjectator. 

Mr. Spec, 

If you think the following merits 
a place in your publication, by a fpeedy infcrtion, 
you will much oblige a^conftant reader, 


Ah Emblem of a Law Case. 

William having received a letter from Sarah, 
written by Charles, fhcwed the fame to Roger ; 
who, upon perufal faid, he wondered that Rich- 
ard ihottld be fo indifcreet as to quarrel with 
James about Abigail, who was fo extremely 
ugly: Bocaufe that Edward had rcfufcd, lho» 
•flad> to go t» the play with Catharine— 


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No. XXIV. 



Wbereupon Multp^ falling into a paffion with 
Titus, fworc he would be revenged on f atrick ; 
and therefore called Thomas rogue^ rafcal, ftc« 
Stephen, who ^6s thought was an eye or rather 
an ear witnefe to the abufe, and being Chrido- 
pher's friend (lily tripped up Rowland's heels, 
and broke Jeremy's head. Cuthbert, on this, 
drew his dagger on Edmund; and Archibald, 
trembling, with much ado, recovered his fright \ 
yefuxned his natural intrepidity, and, in a cold 
£weat, fnatched Gilbert's j^^flol from Lawrence, 
and cocked his blunderbufs at Paul, Whereat 
Ji^n being amazed, iecietly advifed Samuel to 
a{^ly to Loonard, with the help of George, pri- 
vately to make an affidavit againft Arthur, to 
take out a writ againft Henry and Rachel, at the 
fait of Timothy, executor of the laft will and 
tefUment of Jacob ; but Peter objefted to that, 
wifely alledging, that Robert, being fick^ had 
fiend word to David, who was lately married to 
Hannah, to defire Jeffery, who had been taken 
in bed with Mark's wife, to fend his grandfon 
Ralph to his coufm Bridget, eameftly to intreat 
his nephew Jofhua to go along with his brother 
Frank, to make up the matter amicably with his 
aunt Sufan. But fhe rcfufed to go with Jack ; 
yet, nevcrthclefs, recommended Frederick and 
Humphrey to Andrew, Simon, and Luke; who, 
after a long and grave confultation, ordered 
the mufic to play brifker, and then went unani- 
moufly to Banholomew, So that having drank 
plentifully at Ned's, till they were intoxicated, 
having nothing to pay the (hot with, they drew 
their fwords at Dick, the landlord (labbcd 
Robin, fell upon Lancelet, lamed Ifaac» and had 
it not been for Solomon, had (lain Cornelius ! 
Thereat Nat ru(hed forward, and fwcaring at 
Marmaduke, who had been afleep all the time, 
in Sally's lap, fo incenfed Waller and Martin, 
that Miles and Zachariah, without any regard 
to Matthew, threw bottles, glades, &c. at one« 
another's heads* At which Abraham, being 
enraged, took Benjamin civilly by the throat, 
kicked Thoophilus gently down (lairs, picked 
Abel*s pocket, while he was making hisaddrefles 
10 Nell; and at the fame time, in the higheft 
fury imaginable, fioailing calmly, fent Barnaby, 
Toby, and Giles, to the round-houfe. At 
which Anthony, half drunk, having fird reeled 
two or three times round the room, put on an 
important wife look, made a fine fpeech but 
nothing to the purpofe, and then a(ked what was 
the matter ? Whereupon Bryan in a low voice, 
loudly whifpered Aaron; and, perceiving that 
Alexander was Ilrangely aftoniihed at their filent 

noife, told Francis that his great granfiather Jo- 
feph was dead! At which unexpefted news 
Nicholas awoke, and being in an ill-humour, 
wrote a foft lovefong, whi filed an opera air, 
and then withdrew to drink a di(h of chocolate 
with Dudley. Which exafperated Job in fuch 
a furprifing manner, that everyone was alarmed ; 
however Allen run undefignedly to the gaol, in 
order to let the aforefaid prifoners out; and 
having, without any noife, broke open the door, 
freed Gerrard, Margaret, and Betty ; who being 
apprehended at King's, by the timely affiftancc 
of Bernard, were carried next morning before 
Hugh Noodle, Efq; a trabing juftice in St. 
Giles's, and upon paying one (hilling apiece, the 
whole aflfair was happily determined ; which is 
the mod exa£l account that can be given 
thereof, by. 

Your humble fcrvant, 

To the New Spkctator, 
Mr. Sprectator, 

Though mod poets have had their 
admirers, the late Birth-day Ode feems to be read 
with general di(ratisfaaion ; and I cannot help 
thinking that, if Mr. Warton is fo very partial 
to the myjlerious, and continues to fport hii 
hieroglyphics^ without a key, the excellence of his 
future produftions will be afcribed to inaiUnUou 
or inability^ 

I am, Sir, 

Tour's, Ac, 


Hail ! happy Poet— ^le to compoils 
Nonfenie, or low, or high; or both to join 
In the fame wond'rous piece I O for a fight 
Of thy rare £ecret !— ^But I mud redrain 
My forward wifhcs, for My excellence 
Confids in darhufs. Then go on, and fprcad 
Darknefs ar«mnd thee each revolving }^ar« 
Let others boad of perfpicoity : 
Thine is the praife to be completely dark* 
Cimaian darknefs was a proverb once ; 
Wartoman darknefs is a proverb now* 


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Nb. XXIV; 

To iht New Spectator. 

Mr. Spectator, 

I CANNOT but fubfcribc to the doQxlnc 
rcfpcfting the paffion of Love, laid down by 
your correfpondent Frederick, in your lafl: 
paper; yet 1 wifli to obfcrvc, that the Marchionefs 
dc Lambrrt was not the onginal author of the 
fentiment, " That thofc whofe fouls are of a 
<< grave and fcrious caft, are, of all others, the 
*« moft fufceptible of love." She fcems to have 
read the great Lord Bacon, who was an ex- 
cellent judge of human nature, and long fincc 
obfcrved that 

Grave men are mofl conjlant j 
Gay wen are mojl amorous: 
Serious men mojl loving, 

I recommend thefe three fundamental maxims to 
the attention of your female readers, who, I am 
j)crfuaded, fcldom read the works of the fagacious 
Lord Verulam. 

I am, Sir, 

Your, &c, 


To the New Spectator* 
•Mn Spectator, 

From your preceding papers, I entertain a very 
favourable opinion of your good fenfe and huma- 
nity, and I trufl you will exert them both in my 

I HAVE a difagreeablc affair on my mind at 
prefent, and have no friend to apply to in fuch 
an extremity ; therefore hope you will give your 
advice candidly on the fubjeft. 

In the firft place, I have a friend, and a fe- 
male one, which may mrprife you ; and what is 
more, wc agreed in every refpeft, as I always 
endeavoured to form my fentimentsto correfpond 
with her on all occafions, from an idea that her 
judgment was much fuperior to mine ; in confe- 
quence of which we lived in great harmony, till 
our happincfs was interrupted by a young Gentle- 
man's paying his addrefles to me, which met with 
every return that was confident with prudence. 
Thus things went on for a time very well, till 
fortune, envious of our happinefs, daflicd it all 
at once by an unexpeftcd ftroke : my friend in- 
fenfibly loft her health, and grew worfe every 
day, which greatly alarmed me, I thought her 

dangerous, and at laft found it was love; but lit* 
tie did I think of the objeft, as (he made me her 
confidante in every refpeft ; but what I am afraid 
will prove moft conducive to her happinefs ; for 
had I known it fooner, I would have fummoned 
all my little philofophy to have conquered my 
paflion in its firft rife, which I am afraid will 
not be fo eafy at prefent ; yet fomc thing muft be 
done direftly, or that dear amiable girl will be 
loft paft recovery, which would put an everlaft- 
ing period to my happinefs ; though I were to 
gain a kingdom, I cannot bear the refle£Uon that 
I fhould occaiion a moment's concern to a perfon 
to whom I have profeflcd fo fmccre a regard.— 
Alas ! it would be an ill proof of my fricndfhip, 
to fail on the firft trying occafion. I really am in 
a cruel fituation : obliged to give up my lover or 
my friend. I know not which 1 can the more 
readily part with ; however, as I never had an 
opportunity to converfe with her, my profeflions 
were not mere empty words. I muft make this 
facrifice : I may then Keep a friend in each ; and 
have the pleafure of feeing her recovered and 
happy, which will be fome attonemcnt for the 

I CAN look back without any circumftance to 
alaim my pride, as I only refign to fuperior 
charms, and one every way worthy ; therefore 
have concluded to retire till time has effaced the 
knowledge that I ever loved. 

This is not' the firft unfortunate circumftance 
in my life ; I can, therefore, fupport it with more 
fortitude than one that has never experienced dif- 
trefs. My age is juft twenty, my friend is a few 
months younger; our fortunes are not worth, 
mentioning, but they are equal. 

Now, good Mr. Spectator, which way ara 
I to aft for the heft? If I lofe a huft)and, I keep 
her affcftion, though at a dear expencc, for wd 
had partly fixed the day for our intended union ; 
but fate has ordered it othcrwife ; therefore wc 
muft fubmit, and inftead of me, he muft take one 
more worthy in every refpeft, except her love— 
and yet, — ^O, Mr. Spectator* — ^what, — what 
fhall I do? — Advife, admonifti, teach me; and 
reft affured, I will follow your inftruftions* 



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No. xxiv; 


To the Nfiw Sfectator. 

P|l«CB&I>fHC& of the NfcOTlRlC, I>£LaCTAaLE, 

Sixth Meeting. 

The day being announced for the clofmg 
of the Winter Theatres, Pe^gyi Brittle^ Secre- 
tary to Ihc Society, fkuorooncd the Members, , 
when^ to ihc regret of all prefent, oniy ono-third 
of the ufual number appeared, in confequence 
of their fuEomcr engagements^ This difeppoint- 
mcnt wa^ unavoidable, and. whaf tho Society 
nauft b« over fubjcft to»- - 

OiTAKQH haying had a Letter fent him, pre- 
vious to tlicir Meeting, he attended, ^ni being 
unanimouHy called upon to take tlie Chair, ho 
did, with many compHmcnts to the Society for 
the honour conferred;, after which^ a mature in- 
vcftigation enfued, relative to their future plan. 
Several new fchemes were propofcd, but without, 
fuccefs; however, a final determination took 
place, and it was agreed on, that the Society 
fhould meet as ufual in every relpcQ:, faving that 
a new oath ihould be adminiflercd, to prevent 
the members from difclofing the ftcrcU and wt- 
nutia of the Lodge, fcvctal intercfting fonns 
having been eftabliflicd. A daufe was, however, 
made, as an exception to thajt general -%ax:tick, 
which was, that the Ntotmc DcU5tabk (friiiful 
SociUy (hould ftill covey their opinions on. Thca- 
tried Incidents^ Ftrjormtrs^ New Pieces^ &c. to 
the New Spectator, though in a cjifferent 
manner, for the only purport of their meeting 
was, to hold the mirror of Nature to Abfurdity^ 
and reprelcnt to Merit the reward which fame 
has allotted ; therefore, in £Uure, the fentiments 
of this Society may be diftinguifhed under the 
appellation of — Theatrical Criticisms >— 
and notwithftanding the grand law of Secrecy, 
Ihall frequently contain fome broad hints, and 
private anecdotes* 

Under Secretary. 
By Order of the Legislator. 


Theatrical Criticisms. 
Th e novelties of this feafon commenced laft 
Thurfday, with the appearance of Mifs Langrijh 
and Mr. Meadows, as Rofctta and Meadows, in 
Love in a Village. On what account Mifs 
Langrilh • 4|U}Ued dancing for Jhtging, it is dif- 
ficult to determine, as her voice is by much too 

weak to exe^l in that Une, or rife above me- 
diocrity, efpecially when the fyren George !• ia 
the fame piecc^ annd is the avowed nightingale of 
4he theatre ; however an auftience will ever be. 
prepoffeffed in favour of a pretty face, and upon 
Ihe wh©le> the performance of RoTetta was cha- 
ni6kriilic. ' The buftnefs of the ftage ieemed toa 
familiar to Mifs LangrifK to Aippole it a fisft 
attempt ; we rather fuppofe the knowledge is de* 
rived from fome country theatre, by praflicei 
and muft freely intimate that flie may make n 
pretty a£b:eis, but will never attain the epithet 
of a good finger. 

Mr. Meadows came forward as Thomas, and 
the gardener's habit was fo well adapted, that we 
only thought him difguifed when he entered as a 
gentleman. His merit, as an ador, is beneatli 
all criticifm; vulgarity and ignorance fhtne forth 
in every fentence, which added to the panto- 
mimical difjplay of a whitd handkerchief, too 
often repeated, rendered the whole ludicrous 
and laughable* There was much labour and pre- 
paration in the whole of his finging, which was 
tolerable and frequently excellent. When he 
has more feeling and ^Omprehenfion his a^ng 
may prove a fupport to hii voice, and render 
him worthy of an engagement at a theatre royal ; 
«*»a. little imore of the country would have done 
him no harm. 

Mr.E»win wants c<>nfequence in the Juftice, 
confcquenily many fcenes fall fhort of their ufual 
applaufe.: whether thi« circumftancc proceeds 
from .afFe£lation or mifconception, is heft known 
to himfclf J however he foon claimed the uni- 
verfal laugh of approbation by the original man- 
ner of his finging When IfoUaw*d a lafs, &c. in 
which he difplayed true humour and merit. 

A Worcefter lady is to make her firft appear- 
ance in. London this evening, as Clariffa in the 
Confederacy. She is patronized by an amiable 
Duchefs, and has extcnfive and genteel con- 
nexions. Her cafi; is genteel Comedy, in which 
ihe fo excels, in fhort, to fuch a degree of merit, 
that in Worcefter Mrs. Nurms, was diflinguiftied 
by the appellation of a fecond Abington ! 

To the New Spectator. 
Good Mr. Spectator, 

I AM literally ^female Park-walker; and know 
almofl all thofe who make a pra6Uce of peram- 
bulating St. James's every evening. You will 
fay I am of the peripatetic fchool, and fo indeed 
I am ; for though I am a woman, I have a fpicc 
of philofophy about me ; and heaven help her 
that has not. now-a days ! 


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No; XXIV. 

- Now, grave Sir, I fancy I met you in the la ft 
evening's promenade. Don't you wear a black 
Coat, with buttons to the bottom, like a woman's 
Jofcph ; a bufhy wig, little ftioe-buckles, and 
worfted (lockings ? — And did not you accident- 
ally tread on a Lady's train, and afterwards put 
on your fpeftacles that you might fee not to do fo 
again ? I am pretty confident it was your wor- 
{hipful Spe£latorfhip ; and, therefore, I am fur- 
piifcd that you do not give us your own opinions 
on the objefts that prefent thcmrclves. 
; Pray tell us what you tliink of thofe enormous 
flouched hat5, tied under the chin, which are 
called Lavihia hats ? I faw you ftand to examine 
one- through your fpc6ldclcs, and I think you 
{hook your head ; and indeed nothing can be 
znpre prepofterous ; they were taken from a pic- 
ture of Thomfon's Lavinia, and though they rc- 
jnind one of old age and uglinefs, we all wear 
jthem ; I fay we, for 1 have one. " Out of fa^ 
fhion, cut of the world,'' you know, JMr.. Spec- 
tator. But Ifhould not quote proverb's, {hould 
1 ? — Or, do Lord Chefterfield's rules extend to 
men only? — I never faw that fame Lord Chef- 
terficld, but I fancy he was a^ queer as yourfelf, 
only in a different way. Well, I look bcftin a 
f mall hat, and I defire you will wrttc the Lavinia 
.out of fdfhion ; let it be confined to 'haymakers 
and reapers, in the name of all that's frightful.*— 
1 have not gained a cOnqueft fince I wore it. 

You know (for I fuppofe you know every 
thing), that the Duchefs of Devonfhirc affe6b 
fingularity as well as affability; and appeared at 
one of the theatres fome lime dgo inhcr mght-cap. 
I know not how it happened ; whether it was 
the effe^l of fingularity or forgetfiilnefs ; but the 
wife-acres of oijr fex have taken it into their 
.heads to wear their nightrcaps at all times and on 
.all occafions ever fince. , The mdft fafhionable 
js called the Billingfgate mob, being jnade exa^ly 
.in the form of thofe. that are fportcd by the he- 
roines of Billingfgate, and which they frequent- 
ly afTift each other to dcmolifh. The term, how- 
ever, not fuiting the weft end of the town, it is 
now called the Devonlhire mob, and really looks 
charming in a morning j but in an evening is as 
abfurd as a b!ack ftuff petticoat under a white 

The tall lady in the child's frock^ whom you 
examined fo much, is a particular favourite of 
the bloated Adonis^ and borrows her ftile of drefs 
from Mrs. Abington, which is the reafon fhe 
appears fo very taudry. The charming Adonis, 
by the frequency of his vifiits to this lady, and 
by eating three fupprs between eight In the even- 
ing and eight in the morning, reduced the lady 
to fuch extremities, that fhe was under the necef- 
fity of quitting town for a time, and iS yet in 
needy circumftances ; Adonis feldom chufing to 
give his female friends any thing more tharl the 
honour of his company, which He wifely fancies 
is as good as currency ; but within the laft twelve 
months its value is wonderfully dimihifhed. 

A s you are a very grave odd fort of a man, 
I fuppofe the large handkerchiefs that are now 
worn muft pleafe you ; for my part, I cannot 
bear them ; for though they hide the bofom, 
they are put on in fuch a manner, as to con- 
vey an'- idea of monjlrous bofoms, and though 
they are fafhionable, they are neither elegant nor 
delicate; but I have fome, for all that, Mr. 
Spectator; thefe handkerchiefs were intro- 
duced by Lady ■ , who, you know, has 

" We l'l, after all,^ I believe you are a good old 
foul, and we have all our foibles. But a truce 
with rcfli£Hon.- I wifh I could fee you at a tea- 
table, l^at I might have an opportunity of exert- 
ing my raillery at your Queen Ann-coat, your 
diminutive buckles, and your full-bottomed wig! 
Adieu, adieu, old Gentleman ! 
Your admirer, 


To otJier Correspondents. 

AV'e are much obliged to Manly for his molt 
excellent hint^ relative to Pretty Jemmy, or the 
Welbninfter what d'ye call it ? — but as we have 
not, at prefent, a Bevy of Blockheads in this pub- 
lication, he muft come under the denomination of 
Originals, where he fhall appear either in No. XXV 
or XXVI, and we have no doubt but he will make a 
truly ludicrous Bevy. — ^^ The conduSl of a Town- 
Bull/' is receivedy andfkall be attended to, with an 
hifloricaffketch of the Piccadilly Hero. 

London: Printed by T. Rickaby, Duke's-Court, Bow-Street, Covent-Gardcn ; 
Sold hy T. AX TELL, No. i, Finch-Lane, Cornhill, and at the Royal Exchange- by 
W. SWIFT, BookfcUcr, Charlcs-Sireet, St. James's- Square; by P. B R E T T, Bookfcllerand 
Stationer, oppolitc St. Clemcnt's-Church in the Strand; and by W. TH ISELTON, Bookfellcr and 
Stationer, No. 37, Googe-Strcet, Rathbonc-Plare. 

V Correspondents are requcfted to addrefs their favours to the New Spectator, to 

the care of the Printer. • 

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j%y^j'VA ' ><\/ViA 9 nLAjA^^ 

$f \f\fi\y\/\r\/ \j^ \/\/\/\/\f\/ 



No. XXV. 

TUESDAY, January 17, 1786. 

Price Three-pence. 

VaU! longum Vale! 
Farcwcl !*— a long farewcl ! 

SINCE all human pleafures and paint muft 
have an end, it is of fomc moment for every 
man to prepare for the hour when tranfitory hope 
and fear, and mifery and happineis (hall become 
empty founds ; and when retrofpeftion fhall ap- 
pear like the injured ghofl of a murdered friend, 
or the angel of comfort in the moment of diftrefs* 

Betw££n the Public and the New Spec- 
tator the hour of eternal feparation is at hand. 
Though their intimacy has been (hort, it has been 
produ£Uve of kindnefTes to the latter, which it 
would be ungrateful not to acknowledge ; nor 
can he think of leaving his aflbciates without 
taking a friendly, and a long adieu. 

The publication of thefe papers has been more 
than once interrupted by caufes which it is un- 
neceflary to particularize ; and rcfumed again as 
the author faw convenient, or, perhaps, as ca- 
price di6lated« Having, however, totally quitted 
the great fphere of a6^ion, and retired to the ruf- 
tic (hades of retreat and obfcurity, the fitteft 
haunts for meditative age, treading the brink of 
futurity, he is determined that this number (hall 
dofe the lucubrations of the New SpecIator, 
and put a period to all connexion between him 
and the public. 

In the concluding effays of moft periodical 
writers who have preceded me, care has been 
taken to imprefs on the mind juft ideas of the 
value and importance of time, and the more aw- 
ful concerns of futurity: moft authors of 
this clafs, regarding the re Agnation of their li- 
terary labours as ^ fort of final quitting with the 
world. And, indeed, to abandon the cares and 
anxieties attending periodical literature, in the 
purfuit of which a man has necelTarily, as it 

were, bufinels with the whole world, is, perhaps^ 
as near an approach to the diflblution of morta* 
lity, as can be conceived. In refpe6^ therefore; 
to that particular fpedes of morality ufually con- 
veyed in concluding effays, it is impoffible for 
me to give it additional force, or adorn it with 
new colours. 

It is fome pleafure to me to refle^ that, at a 
time, when the tide of fafhion, even in literature^ 
was in favour of vice ; when men of acknow- 
ledged talents devoted them to the fervice of in- 
fidelity, and men who imagined they had talents, 
became the diurnal panegyrifb of fplendid prof^ 
titution in its various forms, I admitted not a 
fingle article in thefe papers that could tend to 
ridicule religion, or to palliate infamy. For this 
reafon, I have not been fo general a favourite 
with the public as I might have been ; as he who 
reproves, is never fo welcome as he who flat- 
ters. For this reafon too, out of upwards of 
three hundred letters I have received from cor- 
refpondents, I have not been able to inlert half 
a fcore : neverthelefs thofe correfpondents are 
entitled to my thanks. They conceived that 
amufement was the principal objefl of this pub- 
lication, becaufe they read it with no other end in 
view ; but they forgot, that amufement does not 
neceflarily countenance the follies, much lefs the 
vices of the times. 

In order to render this publication as exten- 
fively ufeful as poflible, I admitted the lucubra. 
tions of John Bull, who took upon himito 
decide on theatrical and other public amufe- 
ments, and even defcended to the minutiae of 
fafhionable drcfs, that aurora borealis of the gay 
world, perpetually varying its colours, and dif- 


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iFH€ ?f«W SffCTATOR, tot. 

ffo XXV. 

Illiyin^ llic fltrdag ^rapoun «f canity. The 
public always love to be deceived: Hudibras fays, 

The plcafure is as great 

Of being cheated, as to cheat. 

And I found John's obfervations not much rc- 
lifljf4, fimj^ tKTCfuijr i*iey hippenfd fa be iru^ ; 
prjjqflarly, I fcrae^^ber, )^l*f rcfpe^ to ccrtajji 
theatrical performers, who with a fmall degree 
of merit, and that only of one kind, had been 
puffed by the managers, and repuffed^ even to 
faficty^ by tljicmfely^w, till every jfe/fd paragraph 
ia thti 4»ily papers canv^y^ no oihar imMllu 
gence than that the Abington, the Crawford, the 
Wroughton, and all the ihe's who wer« f i|h#f 
pad playing, or never could play, di4 pUy w\ih 
their ufual excellence. John, it fccms, excepted 
to the word excellence, infilling, they had none to 
pf^tle thpm to mon than ordinary cemmenda- 
tioD. I muft confefs, that this hon^ man fome- 
limes e]cprpffii4 Hirafelf with toe much acrimony 
OB thcfe and other occafioas ( hut, at t)ie fame 
lime, I mufk allow, that it %Fofe from a viHucHU 
impnlfe, and the 4»fii« of propagating truth. I 
mentioned this the lad time I faw him, and, tel- 
ling l^m t^at I MUis on the poinl of writing a 
^rewel paper, a(ked him, whether he had any 
fecaaUtioB to make, or apology to o^r : ^ Friend 
&BE8,'^ hefaid, f^ I think I have written with 
M gmt madesatioa ; ^ much, ^owevep, %» can 
Mk be cxpcAofi &dm ar^y huifian being who ean 
% diftinguiflt between ingenuity and ignorance } 
¥. I have, thereioEe, n^ rf caotation to make, no 
^ apology to ofier. On\y this, I hi»ve to fay, 
H that it is well I s^pi not imder the neeefflty ef 
H giving my thoughts on thefc fubje^s, any km- 
iS gf r, for tkt HolindA^ ^T^d tht Bope*^— ri faw he 
^as flyin^i out^ 9ad ^hanged the converfation, 
OF He would have talked till now on the decline 
^ the Tkcalfe, and that ii was info£le<) with no- 
Ihiog hut fehool-hoys and dunces. Now, I fee 
lilainly enough, that John is miftaken refpe^ng 
theib two young men \ hecavfe I every day read 
iaatt the news-papers, ^at they are inimitable^ 
and that the very houfe fhakes with apptaufe 
vhen the curtain drops, Beiides, I am neither fo 
old, nor fo fuperannuated as not to know, that 
the managap is on fmph good terms with the wri- 
tere of theis pa^pe»», and of fb obliging a diipofi- 
lion, as tol^ them what to fey on fuch occafions, 
thai they canr^t be miftaken, for if the manager 
himfe^do^ not know, who fhould ? Therefore 
^ ;^ of (pinion, that my friend John has f^en 
Mefib, Pope and Hobnan only in four orJivCy or 
^ 190% half a dozen charafters, which they per- 

form but i«di€cT5ently ; an^, of comfe, I muft 
fubfcribe to the more ripened and impariial judg- 
ment of the manager and his friends. 

I HAVE been cenfured for admitting John 
Bull's defcription of Bulia, by fome who pre- 
tended to difcover in it an allulion to this ifland, 
^nd fi^e hud ingenuity enough to point opt tf\e 
partic!#far pcrjpns meant byrertajn Buliag cha- 
racters. All readers have a propenfity to this 
way of (hewing their (hrcwdnefs ;* but furcly they 

pay in ill ggm^liment to their own comtiy who 

ifnagipe j^ p9 ^ofi^atn f|ich monft^s u Selopf^ 
Reynardamy wid the defpcntc gang of faftious 
and unprincipled men, fo ftrongly reprobated by 
honed John. I have a much better opinion of 
piy Qwn cotintry than to fuppofe it produftive of 
fuch beings, and am of opinion, that thofe rea- 
ders who imagine fuch a thing, are j;uilty of 
thinking a Hhei againd human fociery. If men 
will twld meanings in this manner, it would be 
dangerous to pubiifh a new play, or even '« Jack 
the Oiant-killer," fiqce one body or other, would 
hf fo ingenious as to point out a living monder, 
end perhaps f¥fear that he was alluded to in the 
charalkr of a giant. Nay, I do not know, but, 
at this rate, a man might incur a penalty for fly- 
ing a Bulian lady had an intrigue with half a 
dozen noblemen, when fhe had conferred that 
honour only on a footman. In (hort, if people 
read and apply in this manner, no writer would be 
faffe ; and I am confident honed John had no €vil 
meaning in any thing he communicated to mc« 

For the B^^vy pf Or^qinals^ I am indebted 
to the pep of 9 g^tlep^n who may hcitaltcr 

didiqguifh himfclf in thc^tri^ftl COmpofitioa ; be 
l^as a haj^y talent in drawing dsai^Qcia: hc hat 
nothing to do bu( \fi i;ive th«a» Uajpi|« and fou- 
atipn, ai>4 1 wiU Y^ntur^ to prointft him mora 
repuution tban i^ acquired by ihofe UUmATQUa 
ijouibrooms of the feafop^ that v:o puf&d ij^ oo» 
tice one day^ ^nd Ib^gott^n th^ no^gi', d«fielvuig 
one, like a pompQus pJCQceflBon promifipg fomOP 
thing, which when we approach, ieiftcad of di& 
cQveriiag a fkw-gqd or a hero, we fee viotbing 
but a coffiof I baivc a ri|^ to draw tbifi cooclur 
fton ip favour qf this gentlemaOft iiiM^e it h to 
him I 42i\ alfo indebted fo^ thQ hunvomuft ac^ 
C9UAt$of the Neo.tJ|»^Q Soqi^^jtj^ ^ Cl^^ 

for 4ifeuC[im theatrical a#aijfs.-^For tho in^fmk 
yf^iv^ iliccea, Ufl4er ^^ figiM^iArf o| &0<k4H «QI 
];eadecs a^e likewile i9<^^ ^ ^9. fm^ pii»i%» 
(;^y nothixig of othcir qmiifo6mm» of %VtfMr 
;^twe. Foff thefe ftvQvWf bc^ vMNL aAC^ 4m» 
public acknowledgment, and thanks* 


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No- XXV. 


A MO KG my female correfpondents, an apolo* 
gy is particularly due to Exploratio, for the 
fccming neglcft of her firft letter. I fay " feem« 
ing" negleft, as I fully intended to give it a 
place, with the additions ihe requeued. I after- 
wards thought it advifeable to take other fteps to- 
wards corrc6king the evil fhc complained of; 
and (hall be happy to fee her on the fubjeft, if 
(he would favour me with her addrefs, no mat- 
ter whether real or fiftitious, by leaving it with 
the Printer. The circumftance Ihe alludes to 

V is of real confequcnce to fociety, and is worthy 
of pulic attention. 

To the delicate, the charming Linoamira, 
what fhall I fay ? Her verfes fliould certainly 
have found a place even in this lad paper, had 
fhe not expreffed fo ftrong a defire to have them 
returned. Admiring and loving, as I do, the 
utmofl degree of delicacy in her fex, yet I can 
conceive it may be carried to excefs. The 
idea conveyed by her lines, is delicacy itfelf ; and 
I am extremely forry to be obliged to rejeft what 
would, perhaps, have delighted fome particular 
perfon to read, to fay nothing of poetical rea- 

. ders in general. She may refl aflured, that her 
memory will be cherifhed, and her virtues adored 
even by an old man, in a country cottage. Mu- 
fing over his evening fire, he will think of her 
vrith the tcndemefs of youth, and in his prayers 
he will not forget her. 

The author of a letter, (igned an Invisible 
Spectator,' is certainly bleffed with a confider- 
able degree of that knowledge which it is ufdefs 
to have, and not a lefs (hare of hnpertinence in 
troubling me with his remarlu. Suppofing every 
thing he fays, to be true— what then ? — The 
perfon he alludes to, may dired him to Horace : 

Search thy own bofom, mark with honeftcare 
What feeds of folly nature planted there. 

There is a great number of people in this world 
whom it is perpetually neceflary to remind of the 
moft common rules in life : and I can only fay 
to the Invisible Spectator, '^mindyourown 
bufmefs." From what little I know of the cir- 
cumftances he writes about, I believe I may 
fafely fay, he miftakes both the charaflers and 
connexions of the feveral perfokis who are the 
objeds of his animadver(ion. 

The ingenious gentleman who fent me the 
Bevy of Blockheads, No. I. has my warmeft 
thanks for his intended a(}i(bnce, which I (hould 
have been proud to have availed myfclf of. His 
•defign was fo extenfive, that I recommend it to 
him, to make a diftin£^ work of it. I am con- 

fident that the metropolis, independent of the 
country, will fupply him with ample materials 
for as many volumes as the State Trials, efpedally 
if he includes 'Members of Parliament; and I 
tliink he may exceed even the Statutes at Large 
by adding to his Bbvy of Blockheads, a Ca- 
LB N D ar of K n a V e i ; and for the latter he need 
go no further than London. I can promi(e him 
another thing ; that he may amu(e himfelf all tho 
days of his life by writing Suppltmentssnd Addenda. 

I DO not forget that I am under obligations to 
R. B. and am forry to inform him that, by par- 
ticular care, as is often the c^, I have miflaid 
his laft letter, and do not fufficiently recolleft 
its contents to anfwer it here. If he is living and 
in health, as I hope he is, and will favour me 
with a line, to be left with the Printer^ I will 
very gladly give him a private anfwer.—- Such 
others of my correfpondents as may be de(trous 
of the like attention, may command it by having 
recourfe to the fame mode. 

The gentleman who, in the courfe of thefe 
papers, favoured the public with his thoughts on 
Irmaie Ideas has my thanks. The fubjed is ex* 
tremelyjcurious and important ; and I (hould wi(h 
to fee his arguments at large, and in anodier form* 
Surely, it is advifeable to fubmit them to the 
public in a fmall volume. The lovers of me* 
taphyfical enquiry would receive them with 
thanks; and this is an age which prides itfelf in 
inveftigating the properties and principles of the 
human mind* 

Respecting the intrigues, gaming, and other 
diflipated courfes of Squ I R E MoR G an'sNb p H e w^ 
I can only fay, they are to be lamented as evils 
which all his real friends feel now^ and which 
he himfelf will feel hereafter. If he difregaids 
(hame, as feveral of my correfpondents inform 
me, nothing but die want of means to purfue, 
will (lop him in his career. If he will not li(kn 
to the fuggeftions of paternal authority, nor re* 
gard the entreaties of maternal tendeme^ he 
can only be pointed at as an obje^ who(e prin* 
ciples are to be detefted, and whofe example is to 
be fhunned* 

To the Editors of news-papers, particulariy 
of the morning prints, I am under obligations in 
common with all other periodical writers, whofe 
lucubrations they are fo obliging as to di(reininate 
under new titles and (ignatures, and giving us a 
cofequence to which we never afpired. Thus, 
the Bevy of Originals has appeared in 
a daily paper, under the inviting title of Ainsi 
VA LE MoNOEy and were read " with uni- 
verfal applaufe." Several of the poetical pieces 
have been taken under the prote6Uon of pejfons 


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No, XXV, 

irltJh i/rhtoai lliey' had ho coimexxoh, wfaojbave 
kindly Jiflbaied die ch^n&en of parents, and 
u&eDcd thea into the world aa their own chil- 
dren. A fingie compliment apfidcable^ perhaps, 
opiy to ooe ia/dy, has been fervcd up to ixttny; 
and the author, whiill his intagiaMioii waa fixed 
on a peouiar ci>}c€t. Hide fappofed that he was 
affiftiog hcaux ia their oompikiieiitary aiooura 
wBth thoie ladka nrho ane to be addrefled ooly 
thiod^ the fnodtttoi of fancy .-*-I look on nayCblf 
with gixsit compUMcencyt when I refleft what 
iervioes I hayc done my country, by having my 
opimcms made l^^c gpenerall^ koov/n, and my 
{entiments more authoritatively inqukated in the 
daily jarints, by Cato, Buvtua* AaisrioES, 
and other iiluftrSous charaSecs, who have been 
io obliging as to rife from the de»l iimply to 
ittafl my lucubrationa, to the gncat com£ort and 
edifkation of his Majefty'a li«ge iiibjeA&.'*4n 
tbt common-ureaHh of news-paper ikerature ail 
things are held in conaion : what would be 
fockoned pbgiarite in othersi k doevied com- 
plinent in thffins and, coii^ary to the law of 
Lycurgufi, when ihey ileal« U is with an mmch 
di^e intention Co nevisal the thoAu For want of 
knowing on whiit liberal principki thefe diurnal 
publications are condudod, iMoy iLutbors ane 
ofiended at ibeiog their produftions mutilatedi 
atid retailed throMgh this mediums .but they 
fhouid reoolle^ that if their wOrk$ have any 
merits tU6 ifi oneway of cxcitiiig geaoral <ie(ive 
to polTefs the whole. 

To kny friend FRvoEaicCi who has favoured 
me with many oblervations and ientineou in the 
courfe of this work, I caaii^ but recommend 
that j>etiremeBt which he ib lavilhly praiies in 
hia laft favour. I am well aware^ that folitude 
isfiotthepftoper (phereof ayou^g man: hut I 
think there is no in^oprieiy ia givii>g encou- 
ra^smonttotbedbSresof Faeocaic^ft, hecaufel 
am ioahdent he wilU render hii»feU^ aaore uleful 
10 foisiety by wilbdrawing from it, than by mix- 
ii^ m the huftle of <he m e tfoprf i 8» forwhichhe 
fieemsib liitk cakuhled, aad i*>Mbich, aceosd* 
ing to his own account, he has met v^ith nothing 
hut vexiation iwid4i£ipp(»nimofit, FRs^eaicx, 
X perceive, ha& that love for literature, and that 
(pidtof indeptfdndence, which fne^ucnUy induce 
men, who ppfllpfc *«»• to be guihy of ibeh^b 
crime of mtxvoaHOi;, than which inocbing can 
bemore {faodungtolbogeneriihty'of maokiad; 
the moft pfofUg^ and abaadonod chara^ocs, 
9ay, I x»ay juftly fxy, nuurdosora, pnwided Ihcy 
arenot mpxuDiSMT, AiallbecarefiBdande^ejn* 
cd, ftdvunod and i^p^audcd; thejjr vilbay Aall 

be calkd a kaowledge of the world, and their 
fticcefs afcrHsed to their peculiar fldll in the ex- 
erciie of arts and practices of which a good man 
can form no conception, and from the purfuit of 
which he. would {brink with horror. By im« 
PRupevcfi, is here under&XMl, thxt fpecies of 
conduct by which a man is induced to rejefi^ 
perhaps with contempt, thofe pecuniary, and 
other worldly advantages which he might obtain 
by facrihcing a imall portion of his £une, his 
(pint, his feelings, or his C^nciments, and ren- 
dering him an obje£l: of contempt, t<? himfdf^ all 
the days of his life. This is that iMpauoxNCx 
fo highly condemned by the world; and of which, 
from his own words, I pronounce my friend, 
Fxc DC RICK guilty. Lucklefsyoui^man!— had 
he been guilty of the ieven deadly £m&^ his cha- 
riot might have edipfed that of a Prince's prol^ 
titute ; his &me might liave rivalled that of an 
oppofitioo pamphleteer ; he might have been ex- 
alted to the pillory, at)d rewarded with a penfion. 
But to (acrifice all the£e §oldM advanta^, and 
to iiicur the contempt of the world \ to fink into 
obicurity, and to devote his talents to the " noble 
few :" what is this but iiifrdoenc£ ? Indeed, 
that is too ibft x terras i believe ]iine4eoths of 
the world will call it xta<£ii^/»<I am glad, how* 
ever, to find, that Freoericx difregards the 
malevolent ceniures of dulneCi, with whole vo- 
taries, or elfe with his own feelings, he muH be 
perpetually at variance. Like other young men, 
he feems to have fet out oo the journey of life, 
with an idea of reconciling profit and fame, and 
of acquiring, at once, die frieodihip of genius, 
the, reipeft of ignorance, and the love of mankind; 
the mofl difficult and the moil dangerous of all 
pur£uita, and generally found impcaiBicable. 
" The gifts of imagination, bring' the heavied 
" talk upon the vigilance of reafon; and to bear 
" thofe faculties with unerring reftitude or inva- 
<* riahle propriety, requites a dqgvee of firmne& 
^« attd oi €mo\ atlefltion, wiuch doth not alway» 
^ attend the bi^icr ^s of the mind. Ye( 
^ diftcttk aa aatare horfelf feems to have rendered 
^ the taft. «if ic^iknty to genius, it it the fii^ 
^preme oottfobtioR«f dtdnofeaodof felly to 
^ point wa^<^<irtxc trt u mph Hir ^fe twefle» 
*< which aie the overflowingfi of fKsiMcs thef 
«< never enjoyed. PerfefilyisDCMifckmsthjityicy 
«^ are isdAledio their Auphdity far liieconiAency 
**«f dieirooiiduft, they phune tincmfelves oo xb 
^< imaghMiy vartxeiriikhhat its ori^nin wluc is 
«< «eaUy their di%ixce."«-4 would not hese be 
«mderAood as the apotogift of actv^i. ihp xv- 
»&xcss it is the mother of waafi nd di^^xce, 


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No. XXV, 


which never fail to conclude the proceflion of 
its innumerable follies. The imprudencb I 
allude to, is that virtue which. renders poverty 
the ftatc of envy, and which confers real fplen- 
dour on elevated dignity ; as its oppofitc, that 
PRUDENCE fo uni verfally admired, and fo flrongly 
recommended by general praflice, is the offspring 
of unprincipled bafenefs, decked in the borrowed 
plumes of Virtue; a prudence which dare not 
examine its own principles, and prefers the 
poiTeilion of temporary profperity, gained by 
undermining artifice and petty villany, to the 
real rerpe6l of mankind, and the plaudit of hea- 
ven!— lam aflonifhed, that Frederick fhould 
dilcover fuch inveteracy againft thofe who cen- 
fure his conduft : I never yet knew an inilance 
in which a man, who facrificed a particle of his 
intereft to the gratification even of the moft lau- 
dable defigns, that was not more cenfured than 
pitied, and every action imputed to the worfl 
motive. So true is it, that ^the unfortunate man 
is viewed 

--^- Through the dim (hade his (ate cafit o*er him : 
A fhade that fpreads m evening darknefs o'er 
His hrighteft virtues, while it ihews his foibles 
Crowding and obvious as the midnight (lars» 
Which in the fun-fhine of profperity 
Never had been defcried ^— 

I again recommend to him that retirement he fo 
much admires; and I truft his hours will be 

devoted to fuch purfuits as may ftrengthen in 
him a contempt of that world, a friendfhip with 
which is " enmity with God." 

I HAVE dwelt the longer on the fubjeft of 
Frederick *s letter, as I have reafon to fuppofe 
his cafe is by no means uncommon ; and I wifh 
that all, in a fimilar fituation, may have virtue 
enough to a6l in a fimilar manner. 

Having npw made thofe acknowledgments 
which were due from me, nothing remains, but 
that I addrefs myfelf to my readers in general. 
After giving them my thanks, I cannot but re- 
commend to them, the prance of that duty I am 
now performing : this is the feafon ufually dedi- 
cated to the fetling of all accounts between man 
and man ; let the duty be extended a little further: 
prepare the account for the lafl audit ! — A little 
time, and the hand that now writes, crumbles 
into dufl ; the eye that now reads, fhall fleep 
the fleep of death ;— let not the hand write, nor 
the eye read in vain. Refolve, then, 

Wifdom to wed, and pay her long arrear. 

And now, take my lafb, my farewel wilh : may 
every fucceeding year bring new felicity, and 
retrofpeftion wear the (inile of endlefs peace ! 
Once more, 

Vale ! vale I longum vale I 


London: Printed by T. Rickaby, Duke's-Court, Bow-Stree^ Coveot-Garden; 

Sold by T. AX TELL, No. i, Finch-Lane, Comhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by 
W. T. SWIFT, Bookfeller, Charles-Street, St. James's-Square ; and by P. BRETT| Bookfdlcr 
and Stationer, oppofitc St. Clements-Church, in the Strands 

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