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WHOLE NO. 10,462. 

. By the calm, concsrrent and deliberate Judgment or steih \k—Wong plano, oncouragod and ur.o! a study to Bo ehorrfal Teway his remark that it ho dial 
THE METROPOLIS. Weed and eu! ghied gations, assasainaifon la lel ta bo ry iu peciec UF Soot oady to be ckggtful Urs sconaeur welght of ronice OR ee Te Terwiiten cangot enoogh oxpress tho, wor. 
Re bie act, woleh Do circumstancgs can bas b eo aa Axaull ability which rostod upon he shoulders woald crush Bil themeelven in meee eee ones OF OF Old, to clothe 
a excuse. That was not the Magan view. Tho chi H that wax onterly, ov. him; and {0 thls choorfuloces be cave cournge to ollicrs sackcloth and ashes. 

ira aus gets of the eermon, Pealms 27, 31, 37 and OL | 

the congregation’ also the prayer for the 

dead by the realer, Mr. Goldstein, Mlew. De, Wasser 
Hag Whee Dresthed ater‘ eat payer for the prosperity of 
Pa racy, ct,dowa2ns, the health of Kenrotary Seward. and 
BB save moet tate ag tenn of all the officers Of tho 
fate Presidente city; also for the family of tho 

‘the Jong let of acts in bia disp nsation 0 execu- 
Kind. Second—The powor whicli gulve authority oo finger ean point to & single dcod wh ch fh 
Wovalled was the pro.deace 0” God. Tho pybears upom (U faco even the shadow gf (yranoy, Thvre py 
oud doctor illustrated and enforced Lila, asf Enover was A ruler moro freo frown tho nature of m tyrant, fy 
AS that of be thin pasition—that the vic: fljor more gentle and kind than Abrahain Lincoln, Aud. fi 
Attained was the gift of God—by a sure} gwas diqusing tho spirit of Kindnoad. and forboaranco| 
of Uo whole contest In which ery ovat was Bo 9 throughout Uo and. No! the mutta. Use semper, 
Hed by the Alto ghty that it was bat a raviow of J nwa! waa ehouted by tho frantic Hond, doubles In con-f] Rov, Mr. Goldstein lowed the 
Ihe Prov dono. Ho dwelt sp cally anon the divhio Pformiiy to his instr ction that wa Mlb Know from Pa chuntiog Vidgdal, tho woolen toleeme ceremonles by 
Sreliouk of tho real Iasue from the boily of our Mf what enone tho owanily Hlow came. Tho consplratorsfd was wif ded, ad every face see ME, THe owen 
ople at the commencement of the struggle, shou A wo Id otherwisg have lost a largo part of ticle densoniscal Ml that lad befallen the matine? °zPTe#e4 Ho deep earrow 
Fore are wills to accept tho thought at raueation; and now that they have don the deed, hls 
ld overthrow the glant wrong ol §Gtory will ro Ord the torribte vengcanes of a naulon roused Congregation 0} 
Fy. Mosk slowly ald ecen that wisest man amoig of to the Higheat LN o Jndtsvation, upon wil’ all oar PM Dariog the sarsiece mt this wee ee 
Moa beon the lat great meres upon thealiar of gbpmachlog « Chnatin forbearance, Te may ey HE if Fy aE TREO the following 
Fis, reach even, a moakuro of wilingnoms that the Mf bave as Title iniiuonce as a man's Hand in slaying thee PTAYCr, Prepared expressly for {he occasion, waa offered 
OF liberty should bo to the war atall. And yet bow Bf all of an avalanche. 1 must hone; tly confoa that, Pup by tho Rey, Max Cohn, mlolstor of the ca 
enuly did thie great uo rival Mow wondertully fg mloistor aa Lain of a xospel of peace, Ie me EP te : Hts 
expectedly Wax tho union of the North crated by [Mauires a hant Aght with tho. feol nga of. tay own fy Oe 
fy a-ault on Sumtor which was 10 fira tho jslcart to my, In accordance with tho fustructions of fA Omnipotent God of Life, wo pray Thee Kara mercy 
Hom heart! What a provden e for ux was thelr/a Divino Mason "Fortear.” Cold the voico of ourfyover bim, thou Ring of tho Universe, for with Then ig 
Aon Folalog of all forts and ars pala and pubic pro- (martyred Prow dobt reach om rom that better land, (Into fel the fouutaln of Life! O may ho continually be led tn the 
(tbo living, and may lin soul rocelve ret In the 

: FP which, Uiavk God, Ne entered without pain), be. would p> laud 
Hundlo of lifo. Omay the Gracious, tn His may mere 

Mirty. Whonacalm aud pretentious selene of counsel 
BM probably havo betrayed -our glant power o (is MPcounsel UA, ax a nation, ¥oL to forbear, te wreak not t 
clos ‘or, vo bis eins; and nay bia good works b- proseat 
Ju Hin sist and be placed fa His view, together with all 

1 How: mercifully God han travel dn up to tho gate heads of others. fio had ‘wo rat in i then oll 

Opal Luca that wo area people! The now <urroncy, @4Ment of tho ero, evn all men Will say it has! 

nil@don the agxrogato of ths property of tho natin; Pg bot In atrocity ts counterpart io tho annals of this py His faithfal ones, and may ho be led io, His presonc: in 

Tetharkablo ad eot of the Mon tor, when our navy pa world’s history. His meroory Is now sacredly embalmed, tt laud of the ilving. O may he have a good momorial 
in the hoart ol our nation ax her chior mariyr, Let tbo fe Before bin rock, hat he may Inherit of ri tes of Hira 
oF part to follow tho eo msels which tie proscribed; tof) WHY Formed him, that be say approach to Mia ght) ro 

Dura .e tho path In which his wisdom had fog icoess: iy fe Malt tu HA viston and in tho visloo of Ils word, slace 
Ma way for Mek gided ve, unter tho control 0: a Divino Brovidcuce, wa fy My co euant of Ilfe and poace waa with Tim; there(ore 
In tholr glorioua MR holds tho dostiny of this nation Ih Tha hand, with Go fi let bls eoul rcolve rest in tha bundle of Iie 'O mayest 
He nd the gates of Tieaven open, and may ast thou box 
Hold the city of peace and the Avrelling place of tho 
‘ KF ust, and may tho angely of rujolelay approach then, aud 
control our lato President 60 treq ently mad bean thiully Bp te High Priest stand ready to receite thee, and mayest 
acknowledged, eo ght and conided ta, publicly, andfy ou xo to thy end and receive thy Orm stand and rest. 
done was Ue most remarkable of all: Thoy had BA privately, ax shown stom bis sirut adirom to Lis triends pe May thy soal go tothe cave of Machpolab, aud thence 
ned for tho marder of the President and bis fou leaving bis home for the capital, to hie lat daya bp to the cherublm whero God will gaide It, and there thoa 
PAPabla't, in tho hopo of creating an unoxpooced anarchy PaXald tho yualmis, “My Anes ant in Thy hand! Hof Wit bebold o pillar attracted from above, and not remain 
je) jo natlon without a ruler, and involving ws, In tho wud-B¥who guides tho hoaven of heavens and who has novor hy Without, and mayest thon goto thy vu, Bichuol shall 
(onnoss of despair, 1b an Ihoxtricablo and hopeloss rovo- gered, whoso wayn aro Cull of myntory, aro “past(@ oben tho yates of tho ranctuary, nud off r thy soul as ag 
Hon. Hut how ‘God has confoanded the counsel of Bf Undine out," has ordained tho Wa of Hations and fee CMOHD| boforo God, nnd thord we IED» fompd: with thi 
Hthopbell | Satan was oot more decoived when hod thelr jinit, and tho itmit of the life of every man. Rytlo redeoming angel to the gates of tho pleaant placa 
iunged the Jowish mob into the mind r of thelr Lord fyOor way. \e eomotimoa dark but by Ila light wolf Where Israel 1s; in this place mayest thou merit to stand, 
p. which, on this yery commomoration day of hia crucl- “In God wo trust” a ono motto offgyO may thy soul’ ba bound in the bundla of life, togothior 
Hon, he Has altned a traltoroos bullet acalust tho exalted 9 From the blood of rightoona Abeh to thofe With the beads of the colloces of and captivicy with 
oler of this people It ts a coatly sacrifice 1odoed to a Ba death of tho prow-martyr <t Stophen, through the long Mp tb) leraclites, priests and Levites, and with the soven 
ib tho blessings which It will purchase may well be worth Bg! Do of agea to tho present time, med have died in thofeyCOMpAdies of the Jast and perect, ‘and (n the ganion of 
Price. At has domonstrated the spirit and frult of ff mysterious dispensation of Divino Providence, ax martyr gs len tayert thou receive thy brm stand and delight 
Febellion. It has made it abhorrent and hateful tn Bio tho cause of right and truth, The path of daty las and thou go to thy cod and receive thy trm stand anc 
yyoa of tho Whole nation. It has {otroduced a rul ref often covered with thorna and uneoon plefalla, It uovor fj FOL 
ors stern exyeriones of Southern wickedness will cut @Y turns from Ita atralghit cour, thouch black dlouds cop. 
Wall pleas of leniency to tho baso doatroyers of thelr Ag front, and mo\intains of diiiculty obstruct, but there 1s aff 
wintry. Tthas comented for ever tho national unton PAliht which ahinos upon tt, and a Hight whieh nover fndos, be 
‘us that tho wespons of thele wabfare are and ever will BB\ad Hp Titof thls peoplo by making the man whom they ERIE tells ux Wat what wo! Kuow ot now wo shall kaow I 
bo those of honorable, though mistaken, mea, and pot Periost loved and honored tho last groat sacriiico for tho PP hereafter in another slaty of being; that tho mystories of ff Tho great motropolitan highway yeatordsy presented 
Btho polsoned chalice, the midnight torch, the secrot failbsrty and order of tho people. Thus haa Providenco og this thie will bo fully wasolied 19 us I tho uncloded Poven toa largor extent than on any provlous day of ou 
dagger, the muilied pistol. Then, might good como oven fUirlumiphed over our oncia es and glvon-ua the vie-PMlight of God's prosonca. And while wo mourn ever Uo ; e 2 
of thia'awful atastrophe. Wo loving tho dead as wo ilory. Speaking of the grovth of diving tenchiag and Ba death of om» whoin wo uever Know ven enlucd so much) Mourning tho univereality of the grief of the people ak 
do; they, Rorvor stricken at bis marder, might yet Joln Bgfuldaney exshowa to. tho Sanitary Christian Cosnmmis- fe vot wo lost lm, the puro miodod patrlow tho aith(ul the death of tho Jato lamoatod eblef magistrate of the 
bands over his bloody grave, and ask forgiveness of God fe tions and other organizations to ameliorate tho couditon Ale erdian of our'Unloa, upon whoao ehouliors so ad) yation, Abraham Lincoln. Tho day eot in with cloode 
fad of cach othor in whatscover, all through reso years, Bot sufferera by the war, nud our generous (reatmont of fM placed tho mantio of govarnment for tho wcund tuo fe at nf : 
Eo havo done amis.” Would to God It might bo £0; thofprisoncrs, Dr. T. contrasted {ead with tho tocklon nea fl bscauso bo Had proved “eo falluf, loc us take (his mys. fy ebak portended a change. from tho beauitful weather of 
Gj vicod of tho martyr might indecd mako, Cerio tbe Mo life and comfortand eru ty which marked tho tory Mi terious event Iq Accondance with the Divion tnienttn, Inf the Past few dayn Tho wind blow In Akfal gust, and 
fa ground of that country, all parts of which he loved. But 0 agents of tho robeliion. No eruelty to our prison: niality, fl rom overy lio 
Fear, I tromblo leat i ehould bo ottorvreos est wo shall Phere in Southern bande could: move our government to aif thaokul that AUrahuin Lineal lived long euoupl Us nes ae Dara Srppere OG Borromeo Oryry, Aguas aed 
hhoar tome quita difereat volo, porhaya a brutal cry of MUltor retaliation; Hor Would (he gancral ecnliment have pA tbe Noal great and glorious victory which crushed tispyl244y And monrntully to tho blast Tho storea 
approval, paraps a glorifying Of the act even moro mon-Seeonsented to lt asm principle of national rulc. pM foul robellion. Ho aleopa tho sleop of tho Junt, aiid Hoatfw throughout the whole extent of Broadway were 
fvirth—Tho requlting treatment of the captives ta thokyto Wasblagton his namo will bo loved and focored by OM ctovad, amd tho alr of yloom whica bangs ko m 
Vord's oxarople:—"Thou shalt not smite them—set Mall the great and good uoUl the moralug of the resur 2 
rater and bread before them, that they may eat aud Pd rection. . pall over tho city found a deopor response In the bear. 
Grink, and lot them go." Tho carrying out of thls re. log of the citizens and in tho display of emblems of 
mourning than heretofore einca the “Uread.ul Uldinge 
Wore Mashed from the capttal Tho rain, wtilch in the 
faftornoon began to fat rlowly, Incroased as tho day 



opinion on this point haa come w th its seospeanc: Wand bsnwlowntia the giN of God unt in tie JAnd 
SFAST DAY CES THE CITY. Poin eres ane wi the erred of Bia ro. pnd—The pier whi ¥ 
SERVICES IN Plision trough the roa gurhan ered 
E) more posble on Carutan priaciptes, itis elasad among 
In compliance with the recommendation of Governor Pe ea iatital enor es wiih which lower ef: illzations| 
f * fijteom, and to wht tinea are mora or less Promo, In hee 
Fenton, yesterday was observed-as acolsmn day of BOP tO ther higlior of laine paola one Aa nee 
4 millstion aud prayer in. this city nod throughout tho 
[stain Te treet again exited the appearazes of one Uh ev hi oem madonna Sora 
: ror, ery ot delevaljou, fl 
vast house of mourning, the hovees baing deoked In tho Be cathe “trom all who could sya for consitacorien f 
All have heard that crs, from thane wha have hover ben, 
Ing nf; Dulas men, and as Chratians, they think It due 
B (o their manhood abd thelr falth to ex>presa, i language 
fa Dot to be misunderstood, thelr horror at tho sudden ape 
pearance of that barbarian shapd (he polit cal apsasal 
Bve yeard such m dire shape bas not emer 
fefrom the o.ter darkness to alarm and  aaiot 
tho world. Since A D. 1610 no rulng eoverd 
Feet a minty people has actually thas bon hurried ot 

An Immense Number of Citizens 
View the Remains, 


4 BS more possible in this ago than to do end sulchie; 0. 
) fAdvanecment. Heros we have hoard, wheraver| 
ceding. Business was not suspended eo generally, It isn our aide, and who do not alr thelr feelings enneern: 
famnid the lights of this age. For two hundred and (fh 
of the world. Have we not, therefor, in this» venk, 

test which no ingenu ty can evudo ofthe real tempor 
tong, and quality of that commantiy with whi be 
have been forced {nto contention? Wo walt to hear what] 
they will may. They must epeak, and the whole world 
will Hsten {0 every word they uiler, Ie who invaded f. 
the family circle of tho President and did him. uw deaths of eoiton lal up fur 
ho wlio, With a dastardiy cowardice which mrt almply fl 
FS be provounced Immense, eniormd the chamber of that 
irik and helpless man,’ the Secrotary of State, and. 
tabbed him in bis bed—thess wrotchos know not all 
hat they Wid; for among tho rosulus of thosn ferosious 
pe cctions was this; that they havo armaigod the whole 
‘ma people ‘before the bar of the oplufon of mat 
ind, and pat them on trial ac that august tribunal, Tho Bae 
Judgment Is 6 t, and the books are openedy Christian ppt 
civilization waits attentively to hear tem speak. ‘There @ 
{s but one thing todo, if they would stand In this audit 
To denounce the act, 'to Join In the common cry agalnrt 
Fy tho outrage dono to God, to mam, to Crist, to tho ag 
Fs to disclalm any responsibility for {t; 10 etirink back fro: 
Bf tho bloody act aa in that murdor;' to say, wo, too, mro bs 
PA Christians, elvtiixed belnge, mon, Wo abhor as'much ax 
pe you can need Miko tha Charge {tov on ua Ie 1H 
Pi work of desperadoes for whom wo are not accountahl 
fs Think not of us as though we would excuse or derond 
Borie ft only for a barbarous zone, aud from which 
with tho enlightened world and as accoptom of 
the principles of Christianity, we equally with your- 

BR ucive ‘horror. tT 
Ho that raleth over man must be Just, roling in the peat ves, fevolt in. disgust and horror. | Euch must be} 

far of God. I 
‘And hie shall bo as the ight of the morning when the 
sun riseth, avon a morning Without clouds; as tho tonder Fg 
xrass springing out of the earth by clvar ehiuing aftor fy 
Fain, —Sccond Samiel xh, 4 

‘Theeo wero tho last words of David. He spake thom 

‘The Sonth at the Bar of the World. 




of tho parish, and a con of General Dix, {ntoned the}. 
Vtany, As 1s always the caso at Trinity, tho musical por- 


A powerful eormon was preached by the Roy. Dr. Dix. 

The Preparations for the 

‘their answer, if their claims bo true. And would to God ff 
It might come back to us from the other #ide fo unimis- 
takable terms—a full, ort hoarty, Saanlyvoley aaaurioh 


Arrangements for One of the Longesté. 
and Most Imposing Processions 
the World Ever Saw. 

h man knows bost tho way of his own 

‘ho, as aruler, knew what a ruler ought 
to be, and delivered bis Jadgmont on that subject bi 
/bofore he died. Tho sentenco on his own porformances By 

Celebration of the Funeral Rites 
Throughout the Country. 

the anclontking, may bo moat aptly used Bait; and if that cullen responsoahoold como, if those assas-99) 

scription of the’ dead President. We as- Paslin should be received aa heroes, their crlmo applauded, 
thelr porsens edmired, the Judgmentof mankiod doded— 
if such chould be the ‘answer, thon, of a trnth, mast the 
heart grow heavior than (t 18 now, and a thoughtful m: 
must ask bimself, “What aro those people? What isp 
Pg wclr normal state?” What aro thelr thoughts, thelr pria- 
‘ciples? What causo has boon at work (o keop the:n back 
ti if 
ba] bolita tho rest of the world, to dopross them, to hold| 
Bjthom at tho old Leathen positions, at the old stand- 
g points of Paganism, to keep them bilnd while all tho reat 
Fe of tho world acca? What is that civilization which appr 

pA suscktating plan wocmod eminently adapted to the mit 
and heart of President Lincoln. Tho genorosity of his |i 
rit and wlahes, ty resdinoss to give the utmort pos: 
No latitude to meroy, fo the arrangoment of (heir re-B 
rm to national dity abd penitent loyalty, wore per. 

[fectly understood and known, That ho should havo bon 

Filan ino time }iko this can nover bo anything but a 


Servioo Meld at the Congregation “Inat 


On Wodnesday, Aprit 19, aftor appropriate psalma 

FEELING OF THE SOLDIERS. Boiss fst ts catty tines 

ij read back the history of (ho men who have dwelt. hero. 
Regarded Jn ita couso and in {ts manner of manifestation, 
lit ctands beyond compartzon in its awful grandeur. By 

Deep Despondency Prevailing Miss arava tue errata doses of atcocioas. eta; 
in the Potomac Army, ~ 

covory torlous mind, That his death will [i] drooped hoavior, and the big drope—naturo's teare— 
sung by tho congrogation, tho miniator accouded the pul- Ps catno full and fat from sombre folds of woe everywhere 
pit and commonced (ho following oration:— U) displayed, Tt was ladeed a day which oven tho elomonta 

0, how doth who alt solitary; tho clty that was fll off would sccm to have devoted to themselves as ono on wich 
People hath become a widow.—Jer. |., 1. Biito participsta in the feolings of tho people And tho 

In every coraor whore I cast mino eyes mourning Wi hoart of tho people will ep:log like natare herself—the 
Jgroeta the gaz, Tho aged and tho infant, mon andi¥ potter from tho tomporary vialtatlon—for, though the 
Women, palaces and huts, allke draped in tho rablo huo Hl vation mourns hor fallen chitf, slic does not ‘mourn aa 
of desolation; and for whom? In tho midst of tho groat-fMong without hope.’ Tho ropublic ean raleo’up many 
Jest rejoicing tha administration doprived of ita heal, nore Presidents ike unto Abraham; and thoso who 
fand tho people of Ita fathor; Joachin and Boaz, tho pil: Mmight took for and anticipate disorgantzation and 

sponta of tho” Sothern” people to thesafiflot uot a eplrit of individual vengeanco be allowed to reat BM Aprtnen Lincaie, of bleed. memory, the, victor of fyustule from the Ista terrible enme perpetrated 

sircelows murders which have’ eon committed tbe mouumeok of one flea Lead. Let tho widest possl BA Nee oodtiiray desperation, Willa ML Sowae, the R48 Nor midst, wi Ood thal the Uploo, ous and Ind 

gin thelr name. We will mot think tha worst) galil allig ple door be opened to the exercise of Kindness and) Ue Bl great statosman of tbe age, wo trust Jn Theos oh dot, tof viaibio, mill ives—that sho can ‘wmile at the drawn 

ls gone; wo will yot hope . (fb) alterauice of woltom § if 5 y 

ust be so, hen, faded. sll it eect as {€ al ope wong el ura to.thelr loyalty and duty (0 the ration, whch toy fig ro=t2e0 hy Rae ea erTed, tor pclde us, cuedunts qrapgcagsee” ofthe impotent exsamatn, whose deadly alm la 

atan ond—as i al that hs been ead wero Jost—aa dg ave valraged, and the government which thoy hare 10-Bhdeath ross of tho rebellion, ta own days fy ‘Banter, PA LUt tue procorsor of his own wretched bat Just faio— 
gi the charges hitherto made had not been rash; and, poled gpd despised Tho Intelligent leaders In this ro. BA was mourning threo full weeks; I ato no pleasant broad, 4M not that of tho republic's downfall, 

Prom the Hattery to Union square the whole extent 

resented ‘a vast continulty of ghaite.!” 

Fur aa defonce of that community 1s reganted,. impart vsverve uo pity from aby human bolog. Latfe 0 fi 
Y !ips mustbe allont henceforth. HI, iA mo other and must bs thelr home, Their BAS nine” inet Per ear oo ae gal i 
‘ a Soe, 
ANS Cowamonsing at tho Union Ferry Company’a new forry 
houses, for Atlantic street and Hamilton avenne, Drook- 

ANgo In some dogreo tho,charactor aud moasure of tho 
fgottlembnt cannot bo doubled. That a restriction shall 
Jcome, as the conssquence of bin death, upon tho freene=s 
of the action of mercy to tho conquored, ts 
feost natural and just, | That | those who ' ta: 

ene and example, have nourished la epict 
which rests on Gospel prinelplos and Christian Ideas? orfOf cxwasstontion—whoss words and avowals lava 
gis ita remnant of abard old Roman Pagonlam and ankgoften before encourayed and tncited t, should be held 
Fajally and fricad of tho Thugs? And can thore bo peace Pfrespousible for tt, is inovitable aud Just; and our govern: fe 
F4 while ony vostige remains of those pecullaritics, what- pg mont owes it tothe majosty of the uation and to tho} 
lever thoy may bo, which make that nyatem what It ls Byauthorily of God, which thoy ropresont, not to allow auch 
fand, undor ft, dovase and distort thoso people fram tha faanabberrent violation of himan authority nnd safoty4o 
very form of man? Brothrun, It la with Indosoribad without very cloar aod distinct retribution apdn| 
jsnsicty that many aro ‘now wating for tho pgtho gullty tuditers and acceasorioa In such acriio. Billl, 

Fal by that deed, of which language fails to palnt tho Infamy ; 
Fy by that elo, ogainst which Christian civilization cries out | priatos and glories 1a Weeds lke this, which calls the 
42s iavolving the rovers of all progress towards good, Ba midnight murderer u hero, the stealthy killer of the ol 
Hood us throwlog back mankind into tho slough of bar-fgthe elok, tho defenceicss,'a deml-gou? Ia It a work ol 
FY barism, tho act, tho crime, the sin of murderous assassi-ajthls agol or is Ita thing of tho past! Is it a syatou| 
E| nation,’ man has beon Iai low, who hold In his bands 
Fa ihe destinies of twonty millions of la countrymen, and 
{alto whom they worv at that moment looking with grow- 
Beer eee a ee ee tear ours Ins his boveatyot\penpones tis Intep iy 
fof character and nis ability to do/bls-duty tn that pos 
{tion unto which {t had pleased God to call him 
And We aro gathered together to moara and wee 
with all thoso millioos over a bereayomont whic 
Eavery iover of his country feos to bo personal to 
Ed Limzolf, Thoro 14 0 great cry throughout the land; 11 
fd ccema as though thera was not a house where there is 
Fs not cno dead. Some fow words would [ reverently speak 
fat this hour, when, perhaps, a colemn silence might 
Ybattor cuit the occasion. And, Orst, of him who 
Ei bcon wrested from us by the inurderer’s hand. That 
'¥ flond, that nocturnal domon of the darkn’sa| 
BY of this world, thought to baye done him a harm when ho 
Atved up ths waspon against bis fe. How ahor-sghe| 
bo calor tho iat aa 
Perea nat iis desivactlooy But the ‘TaoRaliiag of the 
Wenorated and beloved victim. Wheo or where, at any 
time, in any age, has a man gone ‘to his| 
Elgrave as this ruler of the Jand ia golng to his, 
tals hoar? Who ever saw or dreamed of a manifsstalton 
Gj of sorrow. of anguish, of Intereat, o€ devotion to ono 
g human being liko that whlch this hour ts revealing? Un. 
H faced, vomasied, tho rasaitofno national edict, of no) 
proclimation by authority; the simplo, unallected, roal 
Momonstration of the cart of this grat fumily of free-| 
M men. Thors js a grandour in this ccens with whlch uo] 
Bj occurreuco hitherto can compare. Lot tho blood-stained 
Fi felon, whcrover ho be now skalking, mark what Wo bas; 
B)done’ Ho thougut to epread dianiay snd confuston| 
rough the land. Ho has but lifted @ vell which lay 
upon tho great najlonal Nesrt, and shown the 
World 3 groatest mMrength and glory in _ its 
tenderness, “its voucration for goodness, ita mag- 
aldceat colloctedness nod eelf-coniroL His 

Sympathy of the Canadians in 
Our National Grief. 

sion, I retara tothe cuhject, to Li whose. memors = 6 rr a BG 
By ious 5 tonday fon whom no Anda RA one - “ance the aly teers 
Ilo usta Danlel. Tho great grick with wbleh the whole 

= igh Lim 
tation. Bathels bayond tho roach of our cry; he fil ir property 1s yuruyTorfelted to the “DALion WIDCOALeS 
fj not, however, beyond that of our praise, Hsia is) o Benped to destroy, If tho Just utterance of Law| 
with uso’ our households, on our national au-| om personally to uller as traltors, Tet HOHM conniry was wiricken 40 unexpectedly, and wiich sent pa 
forth from tho breastof million. wail of lamentation, | 
Jand bowed every head with a burden of a great sorrovr, 

nals, on tho roll of the world’s prominent ma) Hho takes In tho spirit of vongeance. Lot tha world] 
Gland’in tho Tisert of a. greab uation while eat tlcd 1c0 OF & KovernMment thas {a grent odoogh to} 
Knosrsveh ie, and bell coulldent and self-sustaining Fl jnds ou thia day \ta culmination whon tho procioun dust fe 
fof tho great nnd good doparted ta Iald Jn tho gra 

eball ondare. T do not enumerate his simazine auc 
fcesssa in guiding the ship of «tato through ad heavy a @lewn need po retributive violeues to malntaln the 
fmorfesty of its wuthority. Lot the Lord's own oxample HA ryt {111 (ho lant ‘trump!’ rounds and timo will rol 
eternity, ‘The thought that his remalna wars yet amon) 

Byer ine, most won lene a ea ahead ey. ‘ba, to the almost ortept of personal relatious, our rulo Bf 
E¥ of tho most ronderful obaracter, ws vilicial commander. af ''3, to this alti 01 lations, 
fof the moet wonderful er a GA oud parpoxs, decermincd, In tho spirit of union and pa-FAuy han vont up iu our benrts & inolcy of our yeiah, wile AHERN Of tho produces merchant—all Sper the 
will burst fori Ju a more overwhelming alrvani a8 tho by emblems of mourting, Nowhere woru the people too poor 

Biin-chief in tho power of the nailon; ta ermagcipatin, 
from tho foters of slavery an entire race of iter Ugnee ood kindness, to edify and restore, in the widest) 
[grave closca ayer tho mortal rvmalos of our taUrdcrod Bf or tow eich ‘ta do bir roveronce.’! Tho Barge Ofce was 
President. Tho fear of the land Is the beginning Of tsstofally draped with mourning emblems; ~and the 

Etbolnge Let tho bistorian write of all these thinza a lia gd pomiblo application’ of the «pirlt consistent with tho| 
knowledgo—Proverks |, 7, A pious forvency and justly 5 aa] ine romeulc Scitation 

Beccount of that romarkable tian. Lat mie: rather repeat nation’s savory ond tho bouor of tho faw, the runltitudea 
the words of King David, spoken concerning tho just who hava beon swopt down tho corrent of rebell om by tho fy Wcaterceican 
ruler that ruleth in tho Tear of God-—For “he ehail bo‘ dotalnant Infacaos and oxample of thoso whom they bavobM yoorcciation of Uae Almishty. pervaded tho public actons}g, harbor police bo: hi 
Jas the light of Pe oe oe ban riseth, even a Herries rer tiba rrodi wiaienilieg 1a eee of Abraham Lincoln, Aruatiag ln God he met unalog. By carried the Customs flag and the Stara and Stripes aires 
7 o grass ay be great didicultes e ‘ eballlog Wiat broke oror 0 slie 
eer ye ine arth, by clear ehtalog afver faim fe Kine ff resuscliation of our aflicted land; bat Were can bo none pgy;a24 calmly iho Bora Of Tope i eee tape pm mith crape. Dowling Green row was festooned throug 
}with wonderful nccuracy, a we trust, may thoso words Which such a spirit and purpose ax were displayed In Fy years uomiadtal of “Jeors cad taunta and derision, (OUt, tho California Steamship Company having ite om- 
deed has mado etrongor thon ever the people whom bofay be applied. Tuo rebellion is nearly over; the sun of peace fq Vrosident Lincola would not soon overcome. And upon # Kev moved calmly, and acsured of thy. Justico off) blomu very artistically arranged. The Produce Exchange, 
hates; stronger, os thoy aro stronger who have been koit pa Will toon, we trust, be bright ovar all the land; and ae roratriar rath ree than upon EA tin cauen ho Had. to) dofond, acd, tnivting 106849 Whitsball soot, was docked with great taste and slm- 
cethor bythe bond oF a common ailictton. The sound iga now and grand era 1a commencing for our country, bg shat high, forgiving tomper, u A God to judge th morils of bis actlous, tho Laird bless as eis 
THE BODY IN THE CAPITOL. Bis etintrat hynny, now surily-ascchilng over, tae But tho good and honest Prealdout Wit aver stand ther fea a Wandering brother, and ropays tho cruelty ofF@ Ria workas’nad though bis toll was arduous, but, tn thepbicty, Over the varion entrances were bung fes:ooun 
e wholo lari, bospeaks’a compactness, a concentration, afin the momory of tho poople, surrounded with the Night By Hatred by an overcoming bonixnity ant love, taxen ff rds of Eolonon, ho gave no sleep to is ey 's noF slum- Wor black muslin, and inside tho broad’ pillars wero 
Wasmoron, April 20, 1865. Tnutual devotion whicli, up to this hour, lacked the lovorfy of that morning In whieh, Just as It was rising upon us, fy At tho conclusion of tho address a collection was taken Pil her to his eyelida—(Proverba wW., 4.) Ever watch(al M4 wreathed with wido bands of erape, The United States 
a s pewn’a fd Of covelopmont and tho cause of expression; this Muncral fajho was called to his rest; and bis namo will be, In thoy up for Sho ald of the orphans of oursoldicra and sallirs. hand unremitting in lis endeavors, under tho dlsinefs s warchouso, No. 68, was Lanafiilg¥adpod) the 
WHE GUAED OP HONOR OVER TH PARSIDENT!A HY OT hss to it tho music or a coming cra, through which fyhearta of the American peoplo, ws yreon, a8 frcah, and os Bf —— dane, lo triumphed. And when bis eyes closed in 00, No. 69 i, 
MEMAIN! In spirit, caoulzod and fy pleasant as (a to the oyes the ‘tender grass springing out | THE SOLDIERS. eath, alitowgh torn from tho earth in a manner wor-etars and Btripes Sylng half-mast from the roof. The 
afer the remains of Mr, Lincola wera placed upon tho Ff glorided In the undytog ve aut wep ge as eceatnicarys by eles shear e ee t ki Abani beat ws ne torent ie fo xe Laake) H express ofiices moro very tench Cre PeTaEy somal 
Stas the Frouch look back to tho fe vraa the rain ol ora ese f aioaato teaaonay foms of wo.ralog, atreamlo t 
TV and ove hii for tho fats which brutal Yassion tn-Pflve bral, of his generous Beart, but there isutrealy all sermon Delivered Defore the Garrtaon onfifbeings from tue dipth ef degradation, to mabhood's in emblems of mo,ralog streanilts TeaMEee correc 
Qicted, co will tho American peoplo, (o theirfggreatand clear shining apon the carth whoro that rod ee cetais, And the Lord sald unto Moves, Thou shalt nots being pendant from roof to store, In Adams express 
Temoteat generations, speak tenderly and rovercnuy of fel shower fell; aod, while tho lighta of martyrdow and ease ee apt ete aa ae ncoonatas Ke var this Jordan.—(0 utaronomy a3} es the pablio were notificd by a placard that no ox. 
: 0 following scrmon was deliveres halt seo the land by oro thoe,. bu shalt nov gam) " a RE eat 
IZdt and tu-doy, This Ls composed gf tho followlug toenth’ Preaident, Bg erabto lave, and glow thera liko eacred fees, trun souc-L cnuren, Governix’a land, yestorday, by Rav. Jamon A. tOiulier unto tho Tad whieh’ qlvo, tho childpen ofp pros will Yo despatched | Bofore Friday, | Trnlty 
‘araty oprioRns, fe that rulsth over man must bo Just, ruling infayfation to genorailon. Lotus pray iu the words of the fty- Bd y onan f Tsrmcl—(Do'teromomy xaall, 62) “And thus, Yn tholfs wokding waa artltically decorated with the 
Bris. Gon. Joho P. Slough. Surgeon Hard. the fear of God.’ How fairly do there Words desoribe fy first Pealin :—'Have mercy upon me, ob! God." GA. La Touretts, post chaplain: — mysterious dhypewation of the Tord, Abratuin Lincola S8o¢ mourning, tho drapery Velng brought from the 
vet rg. Gon Willfam Capt, Wickorsham, A. A.O. Whim, Who was Joat, I'he was not? or, alco, if we mayfy The Mfty-Oret Palm was then chanted with eolemnB] By Wis tight I walked (u darkness.—Joo, xxtx., % fae not detlnod Wo aslo tho eats 6 the PeRca Be eat nn ee black and white 
Gamble, Commanding tat CapcHES Lawreng, AGL Elrond the “man's idinst ear trum bis worl, did eet ald tne service was clowd with Be benediction Hf Taig tho saddest Hour that ur cOvLLy as ore a ae ete ted ot nteracog la poser proporous. Tee eflce ofthe Ta 
hy ovrom Fae coun init Gaal av, @  lSuilaand cre suuoymouarand ao tat notre PA soi, Tels net en oor of dcpale1t i eo an hoor eh ng St spied oe, a a ee and Glow lsd 
Monin Lieut Pearsog, A.D. 0. FH Vat moro could be ask, what nobler record than tlatucfg  ST- GEORGE’S CHURCH. of discoarsgement, Tho telegrophlc wires are trombl ng vost tle rauon w thin reach of to, wtent boone) MAT TReet DAE se apg 
QUES Gato AAG, Lieut More, a! D. 0, Was provorbially thy honestman? And tuon, ow tender Bf How with the burden of new victories, But in the dying fq engl o attain; aud unio ls puccomor, ax unio Justina Es Oe OY A A al of Tlaly aso jueecoled 
De AN PN ee a Hearted: oon thot bv aeiant sumnat Ca intel eo) thd ev. Dr. Tyng on Our Treatment of the fi turoes and contortions of tho great dragon of rebellion It font” teod, aa Moses Raid. unto tho cilldren of; tho natfonal emblem heavily draped io mouralng. Over 
Uta Com’g Edward EB. Liut N. H. Farquhar, thankfulness; that, it beamed forth "so brightly from Lisp Conquered. haa fnileted a foal slug wich, tn tho reeoll of ho na-fi Teren, "The Lord Oo ae Ro oat eB ito eioro of Chan. King & Co., Nroadwny, was a beautle 
Biong, Nonkor Moutank. Liout A. Ro MeNair, person at tho last, When they struck ‘him down Lol “And tho King of Israel sald onto Elisha, whem bold tion's yongeance will only serve the mora e(foctually vo pad el desta, the SEE ee eee ie Rare aaa anwar 
Bay Nae ode Shee ea, waa meditating, Low to ie Ue Leer © ea them, ‘My father, sball I sunite (themt shall Temito FY rcatter its dismembored fragments to the four winds of tio Lord do by tila uation on this day. The charsetar Of iy \seniu! appearing im black, with rombro ellbet Over 
Zderachment of tho Twenty-fourth regiment Voleran fo excien in some quarters; elarm? (a bli they mardered fa themY’ And he answered, ‘Thou sbalt not eritothem:# heaven, tls on Lour of esdnecas to us ucliko aay other our lata Cet Magistrate, wows placa In Our Bear a ne a Abad Linco 
Bssersed fs dolng general guard duty at the entrances of f thelr Best rlond; bis heart was full of plans of concills-Fif would’st thou smite thosa whom thou hast taken captive hour in ur history. It {a not because a man Las boon pg c¥eF bo B xt to tho Faller of out Conury, Bis Glaralbige oi Vt cuay 4." koa; died April 1g, 1809. With 
‘he rotanda and at the Kates of tho Caplio fy ion at the metment whoo, they nime al tt elr exe Bd with thy eword and with thy bow? Set bread and water] murdered. Sixty thovssnd nobio patriots” bavo beou BB munizalty, o tho grand doyclopia ot of wblol Ube glory ge malicy towurds none lth chan\y to <i) The ie 
Gmab a waacnaoR Pio mace him look, with molstencd dyn at that un-fabefore them, that choy may cat and drink and go.” Pl gtarved to death in rebel prizous, and wo felt not balf eo pfof our arms lun! Just given force when bo waa stricken gg vf We, trasmesn ANGE, fle OT esac 
¥ timely grave, Thero Heth ono who, to far as we conf Tho polat of this story ls very manifest, Tho princl-Mibitterly; for though that bad been hitherto thopydown. Let us hope that Lis success ry Peete Ae thelr buildiog facing up Broadway, wiih ihe 
, a fl five he bad proposed to himself. The momogy of the B¥ anal 
room 58 doo are thowa open wit morning, HEjudge, Gore aot to any ctor Wl lve ng wp eeatblahes a ala very cer. Tho daple aiken” alr ot, i pfaraty °rballon, wea ecu i hd PLD wee ga wicked Mal ok” ao, 9 re tur 
We throns of visitors began to press forward. All worof¥ who, as ho sald hiinsolf when we told bin vacipronhel cad snurered by bie ooKed apon it “as ono, of tho. incliclal hxpo- Just Biased Dat he aa ot ee eteecrearanerorercencccaneneee rate te 
equired to eater at tho mula castora entrance, aa, fylvat! Mo waa “ro-lscted, felt sorry to, triamptjauestion proposed to the prophet an y vines of war, elie wid un lnpove: Lae fo, oF A LTUT: Ae lator around thn momors off ¢¢shsfe tho mat wi makes war on Me Eos rm, 
1 ant Hover any ono; who was socking, In those Fy ovo with a brutalized enomy, who would go beyond pgm t var couple li repetiuon ed ¢meni On Ha ¥ f " 
passing In two linea on olthor sido of the ealafalue, to L| Dis taat fuw days, to ind bow ho might often to tho Sounds of honorable warfare to destroy. an army Seater pon ATI pe TIE ral, He were rosie of the United States 1 
0 A ls co feos of thelr Ia y ‘0 Word tuo Was yet t ertaluod. 4q ¥iD a Lie ‘ would bayo all gue j and who 
Pecaltad tologee Anoug puted wot paced, avon ff aaeiead css: oy uooaid wre'iem morigeatoafdpuace of man's natare, ‘Shal Cenito toma” “Anolber ABU O yecacete'Praident othe Waied San, one oracei ery honelld aad to vay Inca fF #0, tho eternal OGdd la hate he 
Sete te ae Sts ze Fy and humlliatioa; how much ba could eafely givo tem FY replies, In the spirit of the Divino teaching, ‘Set bread fy official ropressataulre of ropablleam liberty befure’ choke tbls xreat nations Wo the mort Wil) Bote OTT Eg § Roo ANDBE A 
tho lower steps of the eaaler entrance, and a lino of FA hack of that which they had forfelted; who would, 1K ter netore them, and Jet them go.” ‘The combl-fef WOrId of ‘ations, ls ftrickon down by tho hand of nn] Word, & tower of strength for, Men fo Miner 2, 180. 
grands in olo:o ordor on either side marked the ayonuo ff think, havo pardoned, If It came to the last, oven the! Ce cee, ome asin wars tian thove who crucited our Savion; orp uaxesbem ta cembat mantlly (OC ELE 6 yy ng, i aves onnvreereroreecorntenseecenrcceet tree 
tet for the people who dosired to para in About ten fffchlet man of the Insurgents; who would have had thef{nation of both would be tn the analogy of the Divisou#iney knew uot what thoy did. It Js @ remarca a eg a anfeay guard but The above extret ls aken from a prophetic speech of 
rary van blood of no one on Lis hands; and alse, If be Rey, Eada et vdigcd in every fuch erinig ff cumstance Lhat ths rebelion bas Deon, characlerived at fl (SE Tey sr purpogo of la fellow cltizens—to asvaasi-F ihe new Frealdent Johnson, delivered, in the month ol 
elock a heavy rain storim partlally checked tho crowd j 4 those last hours what bad happened to him, and who bad of Gol.” Tuoro aro tuose involved in every such crissy Ml uigerent timos by acta of to wildest {olly. No loyal go louesty of purpose of is fellow cltixena a teat fa Te fila ogy 
bot, notwithstanding tho malo, tho long and coascless dono St, would, I vorily believe, have prayed fcr Lis mur: f@j the sparing of whom Is false to the true operation OF Mnoart recotved tho cows of this eseassioation with as Ag Hato blio, iatouding by hls fom dena i oe ho Tas {sj Tuo estubiishment of Mr. Knor, at the corner of Fal. 
Yeaddaned faces essing forward aiff dsrce, and boot ready to-do Wat np ou cls can do--for-falmerey. There aro those, also, th punisblvg Of A greta phock aa tie heatta of those arch ifaliors who pg mory, frum (uoworld’s record, In is purpens be books | ot tat iascg two very approntiale molica; on One 
SE ieee (eis een UE given. 0, I tuero was arigns moro foul, wore base, fwhow would bo.anavenstng’ nduey to Jono. Fl erietaaued gua have koji alivo to dames of thin rcbalpasicrally fated, ax ity bazcness ments aor, Qin pues i rt a rom Lauoulaons:— 
‘to rato of thros thousand persons per Lour, ff tmore abominable, than that which has been done on thaif@Bcth mercy and justico derive thelt very M4lUrs Wiion, “hoy uro wieo enough to koow that wheu the soul pel Tot aud, be orRcinans OTS ae pric Hl eee semnenanecnensecanerae ee nvensencntatt te ceenee 
ans oAvAyALauE scat watt Wnts tivboffand rover”, # properonso dcr’ 7 ehh aie by exch np tercdoat yl iene aM ol LL" f orTe css aaa 
be eer araage oar vo of tho fextars of we fase on ema) nat nth clear iceduey ats Ua Ci ai, coer, crated, aU gan ayant try they otha eau dono racy le morepean im ev dear anaes wou a WOeBg 
oer deat han abe ona oe te Mouse peti rary ie eh etm ee eet i ee tg eam on A roe ot Base a ww ngayon ye Pros of tne Econ her at fom Cakes Masi, WA 
ai ud by 2 Was ever lamented or by Uh fo ti (her [4 power- t —ary mmo ‘Of surrendor afonied to a» prostrato a z es 
k rae a ca Tosslay, eta they ly ta Pleas ihe seacain OYT Whiner thatthe Justice of Hearca pd wever to ve deait with en the same plan of respaual-W tog than thocn ial fendered to. tue remoaat of toele EQSPexauion, (Al. Mola, Uacknte) 1 oy 44 Fl aeemid siogularly proves = 
Ny on Bacsby, When they ly Fd shall not fell him? Whither, that the arm of tho govern. pq bility; for them mercy delights to rejoice against J04g- FA wu great armies, aud a cour-o of couclliation an for~ pq, )7Ayer {98 the PRO To on dispersed, Geereenessrarnanecctcecereceseenttsresassses 
wate at tho White Houss, fm nt cannot lay hold of hit? This Isa. caso in which} ment, and tho highest eovereignty way wel) display Mpearmu-e had be n luaugurated by tho very bral wl ns i Til wonders past dowland excuse} (a this, 
Tho wholo foreo of the Capltol Police, andor the direc-f4 here nevi bs n0 linpatlonce, no hurry, Tho retribution fd itself in. the most complto forgivenesa, I essamms (oUF Ha Yool'a bullet pleread, aud they doubtless Kuow ibAC ATH ees ae che Synagogue of Bnal Isracl.l) Aud this eo sole and eo dninatobable, 
e v Pi may bo deferred; But it will come,’ Tho wholo earthy proposiuions as absolutely aud minvtely Wustruted by el mony Ma wiba wet for tele luteresta could never, (a such ag SOF¥: STA aaul ive a holiness a purity, 
‘Won of Captain Newman, clad {a mourning Labilimouly HY not a pluoy where ho cannot bo Kknown|afour national condition: —Firet, the wartare which this A iancturo us the prescat, Lar boon committed Wat jy This synagogue, situated at the corne Mo tue yee wubegotta sin of ma 
rere on duty preserving order, wud polly, but Ia mop: Wand filowed ‘nod found. THe” goveromont docs otf Southern rebaion Las made on obr Koverument aud Gihaya tloy galaed? A. viclriote sativa’ 1utlzoaon. b yvreyth eArolay was row open to tho congrogatlon oh Hind prove a deadly bidshed, 
Frosel tones au att nos ons Sscting they oxet wy tire fu us aval ite pas ad Ben realy ware gett ot Gtg| Mak re ing ashe Ate a1) Bl ycanay tro jargon of bsdageelsappops- By Bulb a Bras ea 
Eaveneats of he eromt Bis etme re ee ee ee unten xs re a I a eee wea eremeaes = er PAO rt aaa eas Wapeoemn 
Tho rotnoila, wich was Nehted only by a sort of tw1-17 ju those parts of thls couatry still In an Insurgent cond! ole Jeloqaent and wuching eulogy on tho manyred President ‘shading a broken colump, on the bast 

WDotails of the Special Arrangements 
for Conveying the Dead President 
to His Last Resting Place, 

(ug, the Stars and Str!pes from the lurrets Oytng: at halt 
mast, while the boats bore tho same national ensign 
‘ettnilarly placed. From this point to the Howling green 
Mall the atoren—tho humblo grocery and the well Oiled 

Proposed Monument to Mr. 
Lincoln in New York, 
do, bey bo, 

Meigs, Quartormastor Goueral, roinnined vatil they were ff 
(eken In charge by the gaard of honor dotalled for lasted 

that good, that honest, ‘that kindly-heariod man, thoirf riflco auall continse to eine, thoy will rest on thal yen i 

of a velllow trvo 
w: ed h £0! anbroken Pf tioa; and not yet reached by oor armies Bot around Be bave been testul in + is od by the Rev. M1. R. De Lacaw, Waving afget® “ll ase 
ES Sn That Je sening region tho circle hosrly contra:ts. Ho shall fa establishment apd prosperity, wax the last hope of @P#iiou, They Lace r < Hare erect upon. ail wlio heart It. ‘The aynacvgueBy of wt lod was tnscribety Sasmssowaratedsoordocs 
fave by the rustling of tle droses of the fomale th rcs iz uave wuiiter there; te years at last aball bring pt weary world that man could evor on earh enjoy & Fi ment of fiudered (lw movouents of Its vast tnachinery, oer cally decurated. ‘The arc was covertl WIINBY orwvanceesenenersdeasercaee es 
Bourners, and occastonally a dcop eigh from esma ef hira Iuio our hands, if the montis aud tha days do wot fe peacofal and proiccled Nboriy. The wartare Urvag4 Bye tia train ayiist which, four $eurs ago, (ira tks ties Hae ery a eo ae pilarasupportiog (were draped i ¢ 8 MEMORIAM. an 
ry hi Aldo iteooner. Thor ls ewall cousolation Ju the thought; $4 wal h wo have passed wens orra} SUA eit whe ulin and forced an anwilltigB Heo ee arene I dalled WAR BM @ caovoosmenreesctene etal te it arcter tee 
eer eae com: Viho evil cannot Ua repaired. But that mau owesfal throw tho government ard Int qrily of die A: asain DOK pect, Toto ond. of the Mivod. Wu Lack, bile the top. held a babe curtal. Sete tg Nest door, (a im 
OUNDITION OF URS. LINCOLN, u ber Of later thefg tion, and for the eatablishia Mm OC local soctioual eave Ayia, : ff Wilh the adie parri-idal baud garodeltes and poudan ui ; Lg) ty draped, niwared the following: — 
Gl a dbe to the mallon jaua Fee is i Tien ras mevow bo Tur. wWsyrarreed wernt of Listory, bi ee p SAwith aehiie richly worked cloub, ite slugle pillar beibs fet siiucly drop 
fi ich prostrated to-t: hi 6 yment will com es wi wowed {0 fs reat BS wanoriont Tt sore, And! thin pation Ae ee puneeta sees prec recess ned seoest hd 11 Ries betAnt soon 
SE Tae ey nae Fue re. but 2 te ony paliete Mend donrocton of the doroinon of univeral :iaerwt I Vier tubes eho hava hoon ynub, draped iy Black eval Bo rer lifes Tove hi sloop wo 
Pent aad villiction and tho tetux wconos of Abo Inst Fes Teor yeron Ure rnalnteetvée stig perperunt low Oza ote pou BS: a RE TAC Afeolifate btfhl fagee Ha SBE MO 
dase Sho lg unable at preeout ts Jeayoher bed, and VINA iiiad avenih a muscu as Unies one of which L wild -au slavery; ik wus (o eslabllsh a porvulual draralesion or avo ertaliby mist exe or our gq] HiKex Ololim U-Teadtshs § ; Bea 
{854 probably bo ablo to travel to Titaais for wav a (orieuy ond dl ‘ haerjudtiea uf (ule fe] oc houurable Tabor; to er wie and isinlain = rnjileive fi 1) ele laotny (Sai veceertnernes, weecncncenerecoossanees sete 
anlar reat in kabed : Pia Sty ered an en: arivelebip uf Giitldct and contending partion 1p thE ante ambition Yj Tole neat Witla ura of warship wan on Welncsiny Coo Tor Gat, eave ou'et gous 
Ne “f Aire population ire tie bar of the opinion pa pla:e of feces be wastes) kok Che fe ecene of very solemn cerewoslos fhe on ee 
During tho progrue af the funeral procemfon gerter: }Jurutankina. 2 urge Uy Many —Ly tivat-—Uiat py success wo: | ee ESS AO EE RRUDS TT ESS caret Sack 'ujca Coe nitlanag trem Me one ne ig wiitle Bouse were masip©77*° wince ata doors or SU tale church were bamke 
day, ua the cortege was pavalng|the comer of -Pi(veenthifa this act of ausaasicallon 1s, DOCS RE  roperiy to bor fq ments Abd liable of paiient eat meu; tt m A oandicapdlia ocr oe nely raed See or cai 
Sireat, tho horeesf the carrlage tn which Praaideat John Ke Te TOA aay ig moral and eoeial tue, weruper iy ase beet the vverthraw af all koe ellurts of Ch mat re csrastiat Wott) “the eoremuplea wore epeacd by'a ebolr with Ihc BE A en ariel (rou) 1s lighest wins 
ra and Seoaior Zing woro seated becamo unmanageable, FY uncrapiiit of the herti prople rare much thatacts Of 4 benevolence (0, to Inere hardiuved sf soliln (si ; ; : OLE, The creo Cavemen envio nnn’ ius Se rtra, Rep fishiad eae 
GRe Ths \ilaclygulibed “AeA z Ke expect frou tiem, fe} acrid Muagiiey, We wont Ginko a f ; = 2 ; rayor (yalawall? oasis ‘ e_ door (uDUtOll Ura, ce 
Nuguiabed oeaupan.a wero evmpollod to eeu: Weuch # ylew of yand morahover Wie wbole eoue nent. oe spiik an 4 by Mt Ber, Rep, and the cong a Oe sie (sd OMtBe ura, 
GE ‘I (horn cidhaation a higher lone, ba nitnd, the heart of (bis rebeliion nave been Gof r TIGRE OF ORY a et ie i Waserena the offeres » wey tine] jg a, The sud *blacola 
Awony the tucldents of yastentey worthy of record Ie Ma that Wt pro ples are the PH ie contioued sarang ot opr 0 ib ‘ Diwan peagin, afer WBIET We Ge stent, caper Bees) 
er rs ord ston Cs Fed & Heat materope of tue. Towner ia Do Fees the Prope Teatab, upon Wal Ase ce 
a ig io tah SNE tas i eee eet Pgora lnc of Vio‘deled. | Tavy have auw a c f aca fuuchcticg eran afd § 
occupied by Mr. Lizeuia were borne ia thob uopr 1 1 ‘ Uy era ATG Boereencee 
rtad Ait onc ws adliered. Hef § ols far more a ; y eed 
Noord jrsoaision. Thay ware tse coldrm of the Trexury fy tN gfe Lik wie : ap pee bent 9 1 Oni Magara at 
2 “ cine BRUTE epi iner are. \Wutnow the tiog ew be daarminid—the fa irait of # L 2 ; : ~ 5 
Srese sy Drvartinent They mere obama pratorcey EF EE rain ta ta, tne) iDaibe, plsleeio--the sre and bloods p-ourder of thr Fre ‘ ma j GUTH PAGS) 
Anyotant Courtes Callender and Pypt Licatenans Was A. PE Ugbe of ible crivel and disbuikal odirage, Thera can Le EAU cura tepaim, wil Lae ee Sos teh 
Mereriuan, of Guuipany be Abe aye cui Hil ek ne Ay rdedUR OF Ly bee, bij CuiAuet uiUinkt 1h 648 Loiuion Lens Gt @ Ded ul sure Weaed, at 



™’ . 

Hevivet us with the 
Fenjoyed a long and 
with Bim, not the 

bolog a" history he enyo of 

earorr, winding up with nm happy ence‘ole of a boyhood 

adventure of the Goneral. Tho Prevent lookn vary 

careworn, aod with feling exprome! biz dolicht at the BI 


Orr Pare, VA, Sirrnnar, Aprils, 1265. 
On Batardaz, tho first of April, the steam yacht Octa- gi 
bs, foor hundred and thirty tons—bolonging to T. W. 


Tiunmay, Apr 20-0 7. M. 

mero has Been, anrxpectodly Lo many, m general 
ir Fontou's proclainalion to-day by 

Bane Lown Brau, Clone, bomtt at Warren, Mo. (n 1057 

vas #014 (an abo arrieed from rea) ot bie East Bost 

‘on Tuesday Ly I ilarris & OA, for §4000 Aousrs Dollirer & 
‘were the porchasers 

m wil er and 
bl even 


that not only the ts 
6f Moxtoa, are labarth 

ow thinks firoper to antrage publto 
oantry of bis birth. Te Onder of the a Eagie, 


Maximilian About to Ab 


Been, 0 L M “ vedy clows of this dreadful w Boye Aneumas Meath, of ana from Oslate for New 
observance of Govern ; Kennard, Faq, Roglovertn-Chief of tho AUaniio and fy promect of a speedy clonn of road hil ware Oa Shee relent atone i 4 
eerie of bas west at comple aa tab of year Phroue of Mexico, bles dara with euch tere Manly Bere exe Ralimny ered from New York oo herp 'ay maine te, on anit fee rauiez os Reg CMiibers Seat aafore et WPALR he 
Gay, Wall treet hus therefore bees deserted, aad ito) , ae ‘ke. Fee TA Sh alake neon eat ¢ol bie faunal inp, to Fortram Moores. This tae vosel was bullt Mf Liry onier from the grardebipy (a in ap» 0 Pay and tlie tienen “Breve saved. rod 
Danka Sub Treasury, Custom Toure and broken! offiow Key y zy lofant omplra ML Cleveland, Ohio, and walled to New York via thepiftall arrow our towa tobniny ta Need T war. that tho Vatteet Mount Demettin 8x Alin eappovod there 
closed, and 10 quotations fur gold or Hocka can bo re t BiGae sae Pore fl Welles eanal rovln, Wo roceive Ler enginne, which are J ordee was obeyed linmallaioly: or sooner, and tho anchor dis laransncs On the eargn, Bako: on tho yeuseL 

4 Masimsiian Corry) 

Onr Parle Oorrpspodonce. Ipreehig Aon Cat of from the gvarhin, an GMeora} Rows Mae Avs (of rh Doras). Nrwn, weal ashore 

corded. Altiongh busines® will bo resumed tomurrow eerie +; aes : feys conetrseted on a new principin, Gacignnd by Mr. Kan- boarded va, examin ths yacht's paperm, And pare un} et WhileTaland, Kennatee tirmrou Haturdny night acd was 
Jt ts not probable that there will bo much done, (ther In "AnD Aprn Y, f [From the Mondo of Party, April hp nari, Tus party en boart-eonaated of tho oKnor, who FA parm malon to proceed up the river, Wa arrived at Wnsli- (dma to rece Cant tirown nia horvnamet Wilkos are 

Se which Veremsluder of the crow arrived at Hath 0B 

Monday evening. 
Laviewren—A brit of aban t 2m tans was lounehed from the 

Impotitt ond Irrerrtiing Infurmatin Abvit Meno) @ oo Matico wit ahoruly have nodltt 
Marintiin Drgaring b> Aldicale—The Sonawa!l and iyo envy Torin; Wie decree tor tho secnlarieall 
" '. seal property la quite a firoarnrans. 
Her Siter—Our New Mintder—Ten Sevemtonts Oin-b4 vantical promerty la quia 8 frosmommas Th 
tng  Op—The Bmpres asa. Mlus Rveking—The Ree Wh eicin to be romarkod,"" aay the Ja 
peor's Trip lo Aloeria—The Laie afr. Dsyim's Fume} thot tho doce of revialon entors en the 
n aus "Wine Jlers rrother, out dlacsiming the lawn of reform. Thak om 
ene Wine fir Sadler—The Weare icant Tt chown da the Tipor'al govormrmut Borns 
fe, tho s4arly and aontinualion of ie work, 
Lain enabled to give. you rome Information to regan! jaby MM. Comonfort and Suarez" What w 
i ie couquecto! Mrxtoa and thw fonndal 
fo tho oplolon entertained by rome of its formor voret Ip the condos’ oe ieee: wien aia 
orient ond enthrslaatio wopportam «f the future pros 
pects of tho Mextens empire and is Rinperor. This tox Bhvtow prea, are Really pred ang amet Calt 
which betokens a ypody collapse of that con. Ble it say think fn, ome poltt m pr 
orn, you may rely upon na boing tre to Whe Teller, ANCA gipimutics? Nothing of thar kind ts Ce 

Fevides in Sow Work, aod hie aya, Mr. Howard Kerinard, p¥lazioa at fonr o'clock in. the afteruoon, rate and well, 
Mr. Edvard Kennard, Br, Edward and Sir, Thomat{ Safer a week'a crulco of tho most exciting and Interost 
Niwoley fom, Londod Mr. HL. Wikot, Me. Laltoowuel fog eharacter—hearing, a8 tho rand ellmad, on land ne: ar Prime Aeagecg mntam lanarrae anebedirem |e 
and Mr Wilmerding, thre Arouncad gonticmen b\the «urronder of Loo'and bia wholo. army. Tho trial e] 74:49" £ Mr ih eeet ta Bacminy a Taurs 
Fie laa ponies Mone” of “atonday edtGe semper Of ao and, bie whole amy. The tte Flea cae Reales br ele, Mishel, te hoaae of Ws 
4, applicalon wan mad* at thn Provost FY cogines. working Beauitfully, making Up to elphiy revo: © ta 

Marshal's oviee or pamen Wo procosd to City Toloyf 4 intions par melnate, with an averaze of thre tons Of Ld 4 yewica:soutiaie sour eee 
Jib hewiqaartors of Genera Grant's army. Tho oflicet PS conl par tronty foar hours, the speed of the woe al- Werio eA reiya oS BOMBAY: 
on duty tn ure absence uf tho Vrovoat ca:!d not give us} taluing, witeolghty Tovolalions, twelve knots per hoor. _ Mrpeoaeariie rae Anematry, | 
ihe usceamary pass, aud wa dock doa boldly sit, Maret a is 
Mewning (vader the British flszy ap tho rivor. Wo) In gonsanenea ofthe destin Uy fny OF the Mafent 
Powe ok Mewpore News tint thes rac of the “Flor wa a om tear Monte ie, th Ath eerste 
rrestng in tho smoanel Ustween Oi Mus Wank and 
Pores fee 

Fo ee ting aterat drole NeW. by W of f 

The wrk cel Wwith tng Ocrra lgh}boure) beatae eae a 
We eo nnd Plome lighthouse Ry B. Tho bowen th 

or out of Wall sireot, befor Wedneway. 

The advices by tbo Vorwm reporting Ove-twontion on 
the Bib Inst at 674; w68 00 the London Stock Bx hance 
have somowhat disappointed thoss who hoped for | 
Prompt rise in tho bonds equivalent to the deoline of the 
gold premium. It was koown In Europe bofure the dale 
tm question that old hind declined as low an 145, 
Shab point haying been tooched on tho 2ih o 
March, and cons;quently It only remains to bo Reso bow 
far they will be inflaouced by (ho news of the captore of 
Richmond and Potersbarg and the urronder of I's 
army. At prosent the dieronce In price betwenn the 
Home and foreign markot is muflicl tly great to Indoor 

The Tart. : 
Toranay, April 13,—Purso and stake $125, milo heats, 

oat thre In Ao, to wagons 
roodrutt entered b. ©. Ship Tibor. 
Hx Olgn ontered oh. g. Gibo...... 

Vor Powhatan the yacht ralalod wth two guna, whic! 

~ i Ri D. POfer cutered br, m. Yauob Whickappuireabars waler aL tireasl OFvEs 4s a Deacor 
mpeculatorn and others to return then; bat, under (Ed vog will probably Ond it officially condrmed within few  iaken In virtue of a principle wifey is ale fa Were rolzrriod “the trooa hoorlnx. 5 From thé fect of iwatricappekrdabare: paler AU Deesas co my 
allerod aspect of altura on thiv aide, tho “Armin west |] wooka Boor Arrangolz, tha nocreditad Minietor of fy cused. and whioh wna long io Ind down at México by }4eocing @ mn rat ie HOCK NRAR This RAYRARCE TO TIN SOUTH ORAMICRL OF sasra. 

P| Vresidont Juaroz Ab the moment when our | 

FA Mio vimiiian at London and Dramels, wonton bis ralxon- Mi ignoring at Balan Ae rice ‘of their 
Uion by the gtoamor which Jeft Bouthampton on tho M/E band oLSoarea. Tie ringalar to eo a wlio} 
f Of Apri Tho haw elated to. gentlemen of higl political jg Mexico which Jnares would ‘pot, dlmynw. | Fhai}iberals 
will appiand, nod thole approbation will easily console 

Ei First heat, 
[4 =ccond heat 
Third heat 

First Mea’. 

re are {ay Tobel praonere, wo {oferred that somethlag was ap al 
ihe lact (the front, which proved correct, for upon arriving at 
Med at fa City Polotand dipping our Gag to the Anat gunboal, wo! 
Ed wero told by the officer on duck that both Feteraburg 
Fen Bichisond, hn fallen, Wie, rebel army, rtroat- 
{le Emporet of Mexico for tho severe cowmpnts which Pf 10g to Hurkesville, Wo then wont asl.ore and called upon 
Mfored would retain him in the powitlon, ms he ite deere sbas occaxion’d among the Cathotiqg Rut 14}@ Genemd Collis, the officer ta command, Uinklig wo 

Anim (secre, thee ywaleos arobot of lide loo, and fa vere doing tho corroct blag, but overtonking tho Vittlo 
Ned that the Mexican empire te alent collatuki teil not da much fn the considation of empl jad fact that tho foot In thie harbor hind ao Aviméral with te 

Psd ttt Sfaximtian will, er long, wisticata and roti jd fj“ Uyrin roturning to tho yaeht we foand tat Adin ral 

‘want, ahould {Cnot tn, would noon bo checked by a re 
snewod domand for thee soouritina Gold, Woo, would 
iso here, ani the bonds decline slighily If thoy wore meDk 
Tack In any considerable quantilios, while Uetr will 
4rawal from tho foreign markets, by making them 
poarse there, would tand 10 onbanoe Wielr price 

‘The Last roturna of the banks of England and Pran 
prior to the railing of tho Porsia forrwbadow an advance 

thelr Lantan! 

kjand Gibo mad abad break, wh " 
en mids a bad break, whoo tho bay oponod a (aj ena, Trdrogrephe. 

of lx lengtta This ho maintained all along tho bac! 

! ai fA ] Porwr had eout requosiing Mr. Kounand's tmmedinto at- 
J t> Aowtrin Hots known now bitterly ts rpout hartng I OT EE ES ELE 

int before to f tendancy of Uf necoptod the crow ontezainas, which ho hae fq ion eater ii Fyotrotch, aud rround tho lower tara increas dik Tt was Spoken, Wo. 
Ce ere Cie gi ba elated OY Bibl FM eee ctioesy ope, Mr bas Soon RAY Alpre ate Fj ors. pom pecentung mol tho Aten seat fA YP22P4, Skip lotr neht men dtnoont Qe, at Ey any at temo, Whe fom Hope or Ran odin 
wi ~ gfoand.a thorny one. lo 8 "he my EEE TAORsIDU RIE ordai a joren to Wand, end oame homo at a’ Jog, FE] Mat ton 28 2) W: 
jn two vory linportant expoctattoua—Piratly, thot his The Cheapest Newspaper and the Bost H inat bo had that mom ot slzncd the order for tho arrest FA winning tho haat by ton longila, Tims 20k Jog, Ke 

tuown from tho Unliod Staton 

The Blook Exchange ant Gold Room, alike with the 
banks and pablic ollices, will roojen In tho iavralox, ab 
tho up town axchang) In the erentay. 

‘There ts worno oxclinin ‘nt in the coal regions of Ponn 
sylvania, caused by tho antiolpalod fall in tho prion of 
fuol, and tho falling off in the usual numbor of ontory 
from thia and ottar cltiox Tk ayprara that m far 
umber of Aarooa wer ment to this city 1a expectation 
of mooting roady sales at formor eaorbitant praca, by 
the Now York agents rofised to recolve Wom at tl 

Foreign Porta. 
Second Iok—Ton to twoon Ship Timber. Thoy bad hf Bowxos Avnes, Fed 21_In. 
Avery oven tart, and went around tho upper turn eldo by Young, for N York, ldg; Kort hy for Boston, do; Cuan. 
F{sndelda Ab the quarter poto—time forry snconds—P ter Oak, Tukey. from XYork tor Kral tedies; Dolch Ten 
£3} Gibo was a tad in froat. Down the hackstrotely Ship fd aaa: Ohacemagne Uiry Taam. ond Aisi, Mal, for 
qTimber bogan to draw away from ths form), and at thobl for Guiles tusks Karuh B Carhon, Oeoatts; Prima Donne 
haltanile pole wasn tongth and a half in’front Timo By (try Rayer d F Pearson, Lewls and Pravk (Mir), Atbriast 
]LID Tho torrol fell of Uhroo or four longtha on’ the bl for NYore Wie Don Dies’ (itr), fer dos Katbarioe Mawde 
hy lower tum; but comin» on the hom-atretch ho speoded pi (Br). Anderyon, for Boston (eld); St Domlnicfie (Br), Gorn 
ropldly for m eouple of hundred yards, and thon broko fy or: Czaring Trek ani Catherine Jone (lr), Rugehols for 
iv ing thet to Bip Timber, wRowon on m Jog fst a Ms) Satter Ney te ehh 

p—) — ~ io: Carlotta (ir), Wilkiua fro 

Titrd Moat —No belting. With a good kend off thoy fl tric Pramktort, sry dius Arete, Hartridge. hai ILA Btep beer 
rent around the torn class togotlor, the bay leading bY x00. Prindl  brigs Nellie Hunt, Nelson, and flulde 
half a Toneth fo the avarter poly In Uhity-ning earond 
at own tho backstrotol Gibe foll off, and Ship Timber, who 
Thad been piling on thonpocd, pareod that pofnt two 
Tonztha Ahoad, {no 1:18. Gibo foll off more on the lower, 

of thn entiro party and rolzare of Use yncht by ono of tho 
gunboats In tho barker, as wo hed D0 buauess as Ciky 
Froint—that he was atm lows to undorwand bow we let 
reachod Iho place, as the sirictost ordors bad wou isti0d 
Tor no versel to pass Fortes Monroo, and ik was a mar- 
vel wo had wot bo n Lire upon by tho shore battoroa 
Taco luck Sod tho Mrilish tla had earrint ws Wrough. 
4 Mr. Konan offocod oxplanatons and npologized, Lath 
noing considered Ratifaclory tho order was no! carried 
His foffeok, Dut In Hou tho Admiral gave perwlaeion for 

Fomily Literary Journal In the 

syornmmont wuld long are thts have been recegaleed by A ahips has J Byker (RM. 

4; and aecon hat he would bave had, Cc Data e 
in Nak tommy a MeL he tat Noun ealy omer Bian 
Porvy neaured him that lio bu ermnges tho former fi ™Orn!ne: ‘Tl Contaln = b 
while at Wasblogton on bla way back (roi Moxleo, Thof@ A full scoovnt’ of tho Amweination’ of Rrosidént 
Freak with the Pope la now thorongh and eomplote, and)g Macon, with details of the fucldeute precaling and 
Ite poslitva that Pfo Noo will not ovon receiry Volns. payeubscaent to lia Doath, with spobial report df tbo ay- 

ide Loon and the oluer commlaxtoners iow on thoir pg Paerance of tha body while lying. in mats, andi@f the Im. 
jaar yoslag Funeral Goremonies In Washlogton and throug! 
font the country on Wednpaday;-Acroant of [be Sure 
dorms Aneults on Seerotary Goward and his with the 
lath bullotins of thelr condijion; Doweriptf} of the 
kuppoved Asevains; Pull Dotlls of thd Boron: 


fnaip'snd seo What we could. On Sr. Kenuant's| 

turn to tho yacht with Wie hislory we all {mmetiatoly 

Lok coplously of the beer of Rast Tho early cist 
aves us from a clos) artust OF two days, as Who flazshlp 
waa woder seegh for Rishinond. We ton all wont 
fohofe (meoting on landing th funeral procesdon of 
ora of a Zunvo rogimony) ani valted the hosp 


A into of! 
{Aly where the wooniled frou the action at Polorsbuns 

ray to Rome Rathor than grant tho cwenrdyl which 

Maximilian domants the 

(0 vill oxcamununtets Wi 

(Swed for NYork Wee Aller (He! Yorde (ett): Water Lily 
fairy Titer, tor Hig Alpine avon, ye Liver 
pool! dn: Alfred, Hutonsel for Hlver Urugisy; UA Mere 
Fa Hinvoner, Prom Giasznne, mod oihere Stl’ Fob A hare 
Banabee (Be), Honry, Aatworp; 20th slip Lani of the Mane 

tothe account of tho origlial ownors, anil protallly will 
fo romal until a matorial Poduotion takes placa Many 


e dor Foner Lan id hi turn, and wns four lengths behind st tho threo-quartor f4 (Br), Johnron, Parana. 
Of tho colllorias have bon forcod to stop oporatlons WL] of tho Hapab rea dor of Gonoral Lan and tho Rebol Frmy of icy, mtn wards werd ohl’ly constructed of plno lary PE pag’ Coming up uohomolrdch. ine. pained considers fc Uianacran, ApHia—to port bark Henry, iste, trom New 
‘once of tha dotormination of purcbascrs & HUF) The duapy to whieh ho has boon subjoctat in fa Vorthorn Vinsloia; the Occupation of Raleigh, Ne ., by EA} with cauvns roofs, and corialnly presonted ® very comb uly, but was bealon caaily by a conple of Tongths, in fel York. arr lah dsc. Sil Mareh Ml bark Lemuel (Best mate, 
B Ge I A 0 Ropartod fortable and olcan appearance. Tho woonded oro well k49 MrWilan, ta chargo), Stolle; He brig Plve Slalers, Per 
rersabmit to extoriions, aod unlove prises rule fer ld ite Mexican epecolatton, caumd him rome two month oeral Sherroan’n Army anil Whe Roported) Gabrender ot i 2:30}. Ai | dex (froma Palermo). New Orleana Wind W Sst and L 
” i . 1 You" Johnston's rebel forces tt her Cape F Mfobiln, feared for, and ‘tho samo attention ts chown to thokd” ‘Tho winnor of the above raco '@ a Onely formod bay, bj 2% (C° 
below (hose at prowot demanded many more will nd IF} ance to nntor a formal and official promt, tbrongh Mr vaston’s Tol i fhe Captare of Mobil, Pirodlos as to the Unlonista  Appicatfon was then madoF4 ntnut elxtGn Lands with two whilo paaierns and ankles pf] Passes to west 8b, bark Witeh, Hermann. 
necomary Lo KoRp nd wire Ih the Poiteriilo, Ha, J by starphy, hie Ministor at Vienna apainet the pablloatto fons and Monigomory, Ata, with Important “ie fru to Gene Oar ea ey behind Ho was aired by Ryatii'e Hambletoniao, and pq Wvevax Apel M—Are brig, Marts. Morrin: Work: TP. 
e ibe Ualontwoetea 15 all parte ae sat [Bho roverred octal Patrick, the Provost. Ba ERC AILiibMehererie obo extachip Volesuoe, Macaulay, Liverpool for NYore 6) 
trict tho (mio way now reo dull ot bis weamin to former FF nq comsmaneation to the Relobimih of thn pri Cab Darts OF the) coubtey; Mie Tathat ig ie Core yedeodi Dla regres’ o& bosg’ unahlo to lame nny Bf nae “iL sbe.characierishiog DALjad nobid rane) of Horeca. ba Tens rh Sen: tw MXR oe 

Gibo laa sn 

Nows from Karopo aud all parta of the World) Pootry ; U, compactly formed aorrol gelding, with a’ 

ob for bho Rov erii« MAxzamitio, March $7—In port sche Julla, for NYork & 

years AA TULF Ot present, and 11 wore family oct of reavnolation of Ui oanato rights, and which that day, but thooght po-sibly Geu-ral Grant might Wlo- k9 very fino trotting movement, ani ns willing to do! 
Thant demand {tla atalod thal, there would! bo 0 lola ye getmotantly afgnel at Htrnmar yuat before/Toastng. for rac Als Fit Vint to Landon; fant oth morrow Feat the etch eons iu forcof aha owl voasona RAR Cee Eee eo ONES G sete araren gtnee terkaseemetinitincer Nae 
stoppegel) Tue) sbipmenus ‘of coal’ ovor tho! Lefawarc, EM \tortcoitl "rie, Audtrlan snout woro dealmove off Rlorary, Aribstlo and Bolontifio Reming; Musical and faf\vith rospect to paseo, bolongs to the Fronch porsuasion; but 19 pusaomod of Fl York via Rermida. $Id 7th, abip Richard (1, Greenough, 
Ta exleo, Tho a povornmont Wrists cal roviow for tho wok; Interoating reading forfa.08, Wodnesiay we woro carly on ehoro, but fall tFderaxtor bottom than Wo Kouorullly. OF thaCstook.. Mog] Catia, 80, bark Olon ut ir}, Hrkneasy New York 
Lackaymna and Woatorn allroad havo fallon oT alr at) FF kooping thks protest m enrot us if ain the nccetary documonty but Mr, Huntington, bi was greatly overmateed on this occasivn, aud henco hi , port Heb whips Mountaln Ware, Soary, from Moston 
this yoar over oa hundred mad (wonty threo thousand | stricted hie m pistons tn Pay Farmers ond Gertooers; the Faris Fashions for Abril; }USuporinton ton! of tho military rullrowds, and an scqualut:2 4 his det » ; at fo dink, rene caytogs Which of the Ware 
ae wot oftetally his protest und wentaration to the {Vorloucs; Fwietin; Valaable Rovlew of the Nonny, fdunen of Me, Koonard, woetkinily ya cls sp clal ecg us EL AL the Fashton Goursa this aftorncon thoro will ben atom, fromm Liverpool fora 
Mi hihey’are avercdhtod. 4 thedrelaration Mo pro- is Satie : and car i our eorslce, by which sro all procedded to Fenn evan nec hestas Heute ta Bee, ee ome frome A rerpeal foe 
There haa beon a groat falllog of tu tho recelyta of FY pognens the feuuncdation aul and oid, nnd nsarta thaa pH Commercial, Dry Ooods, Loot and Shoe, Cattle abd Hore Hy Picoratorg, tring tho Mat ellzens that bad ontered the Edin harness Rhonda tbe hormcuntenel ea ae nee Ree ean Or pa fot New Tore 
Droaulstufly at Obicago tHe yor, compared with Inst fjsnnuld he aldioste the throne of Hoxt-o'bo will have they Markets, and reports of all important evonts of thofMtnwn The city Trveented Ue most desolate appoaranoa— Dir—come to the post, the coolest will bo highly talo.bjMar Tae Gcteree (ry Wik forty won for wma; Kot of 
J ovones Pop HRD La rok tt and resume lis former stazon ae ATO AUKO FA Wook, pabio bulldincs, warchourea, private houses, &o., too ‘4 3] lig: Amelia (Rus), for Son Franoisce 
The following table slows the recelpta and mbipmonts tg wea vtrin; thy natural ropent In caso of the Fabiarty bore evidence of the effects of tbo heavy aloliinr, PY‘ 8 7 (ith crrgo from ship Neptune): Wndine, Olark, from Balik 

Tore —Binele sutecripiion, $2; threo eoplos, €; nore foe Valnaratas qpac in 7th toaky nn ismantted), 

By rena; achry Heinrich (Itin), Qua, from Hallimore; Ouapa 

during the wook onding April 15, and for tho kame Ut faurily of the Arehdaks Rudolph, x ‘low nogrose were Visible, but oaly come half dozen In: 

City Intelligences ‘ 

1 1804-— eth without malo Lonts,. the hele ta thf Ave coptes, $5; tom eopios, $16; eingto copies, 6 conte |Whaniiants Not an hotel’ opca in the place, or thc re Mednick (Uh 

c oe me tau dais" MOREL ibe Sumter of eens anes Ants grata Sy a i th Sai Reo. Omens Stam Horaira il ot FLORES GETTMAYCT an ae ig Ooty 
Recrip'a Shiyments, Re-rip'y. Shipmmt AY iat Nis chanci ip Austria ore boller than the uncertain be ge acy. Jon for some tine. ‘The earthworks arvand tue town ox-}caes, paroled prisonors from Tao's army, on tho\f way to gy Philadelpin. Ia barks Plolades ‘Welt; Hather, tenon 

Flour, bbIR... 29,024 i 6.101 USAT PA teoure by which ho holds his present poattion; and yor EY tond twenty-three miles, und are of the most formidable Ft Now Orleans, late on Wedoosday night applied ot thoped ation. Trecarlin, nnd Otengail, Mosher, for, Nr ied 

Whoal, bashels 145,163 11, Pab 5,3 frond not be aarpriied at any moueut to bear of Lbs abs " character, ompsieting of forts of Ingenlous and #kU"ul rn, nan Bs Handalph, Reroy: Sitka. Drown; Maine, Jarvis, and, Willers 
TAsstOg 10,19 20, cation. MAILS FOR THE PACIFIC, qcousirvotloa, trenches of unusual depth and solidity, P4Pi4b Avonue Hotol for rooms, &e ; but tho proprietor gy Henry. for York: and others. 

6,509 T4 ‘As you will rao by tho telegmphio drspatebes, the 

fbr some NB, April Any ig Lady, Washlogion, Mort 

: ali eoeadca, cess de (> and all Dearing otf] declining to recaive them, they, prooceded to tho Twonty-Pe ann’ NYerk. Ciahfth, sb us tines, N 
Gl out 1.08 20,212 fA Portaguess government has rade the reparation doe jones of the etera nature of the ght, Tho dead wero Flninth procitot etatton hoxee, Twontg-ninth strojt near ky Tancnan, April S (back dated —Ta port bigs Zopher ary 
we 02,222 pees) 4400 1,005 BS pando by Sur amt ater ne Lisbon, for ih Indlgntiy The Assosaination and Death of Prey buried on tho pl Th but to tue Lea Sumbers wer Fourth avenue, and remained for the olght. 5 FY McCulloch, for NYorks lon, Bernard (Br), Jamieson, 
yalmlppl and Northorn 1linol feoinst our fing. Nothing hoa you boon board of tho} dont Lincoln—Dhe Cowarday Aasnult on f4lyinx x they (ll ‘doriag tho assault, nearly all boing P4 cs } Golden Lead, for do. 
Tho Kasing and Mrsispp| and Northorn IHltwols rail |. reeceet Rare Te vadiy havn tenn eau AW Necretary Reward sehe Dares ean See uG bends 7 a nih & Skonzo Canommt at St, Boxacr’s Rowan Oarnouso Bj Ruioni arieerio’ 
roads, (rom January 1 to April 14, earned $124,085 Fa jne opon golting out hor sister ob lny now LytoK at tho! ‘a e © Fl Uon, broken rilles, bayonols and blood-stained uniforms fy CAURGL—A grand vocal and instrumental conomrt will] BoSTON, AprliB—Arr bark Bexile Horria (Br), Wood 
During tho samo timo last yoar tho rocolpla wero $122, Bont ‘ud ready for aoa Sho las profemeedly fy Murdered Prestdent—Late and Import-} ior sculterod all over tho trenches, torn up by there. B Cee are aa Hla ne Haas erie Prectstes Mere 

take placo at the Catholic church of St Boniface, corner Ft 
flor Forty-soventh stroet and Second avenue, on noxt Sun-| 
|day ovoning, the proceeda to bo dovoted to the booetit of fe: 
io church. ' The following artists have volantoored tholr fe! 
Ejeorvices\—Madame Chome, soprano; Madame Panliteh, 
floito; Mr. Hartman, baritone; Mr, I. Schmitz on French 

Hiszatlen, Maddocks, Philadeinhla, Catharine Rogers. Yea 
ion. Jersey Clty} O Hopkins, Hamer, Portand for ataneaw 

yschra Isabella (Be), McMillin, Surinam; Hor 
Conmba, Nocfolk: BN Atwoo!. Kemp, Tanglery 
| Burro snd Freemav. Pleree, Wycomiee 
river, Flora-d Sawyer, Reed, aud WS Waker, Plerce, Balt 

thy Prossian government, ax the Stonrivall—ff ant War Nows—The Lat 
iide—wna profess-dly wold to the Danes rd froin! Marepet Monto 
Tho stevmahi Ocoap Qaecn, Cnptaln Welh will loaro 

rand Goraroacak, palishet ita MIL abot ineatie 
{hoy are hal abuat the ate wit wot pei ah ne 
W tote port on Saturday for Axplaveall. 
p hands at the rsbaln, BM nes Pome atest 

plosion.of Leary aheUs {a placos, and Mtorally sown In 
poris with shot, alell and bullets. The wonder fs how 
fe escaped through such ® deadly Uall Tho Union 
troojs bad gone {u pareult of the retreating robela, 60. 
that comparatively few remained in passion of the 

8T1—lncroaso $0,003, 

The following are tho principal footloge of the Last two] 
weekly statements of (he Halon banks, tho nation! 
taoks making returns only of thoir circulation — 

t Intelligence 

*bIp lo go out. unless the Fyustian governtnent bjnds| 
Mteolf that sho Rhall pot pass into. 

own Grestprivations had boon fulfered by the In- More; Sarai Dill; Geh Marion, Purrington, nod D. Tall 
Apel 7-|W oar that Mr. Bicelove, whos® apjolotment aa Minis 4 THe malls for Contral and South America will closo ot Hy Tuner Lacus belog the staple article. of food. Somof4hord, anda full cliorua Professor Gustavun Schmitz, Se Urine Relecsarebomnanberke ‘kor 
Loans... 10/2. tor Plenipatentinry bas eon enuhuslastically recelyed fj Balf-past ton o'olock to-morrow moralng, lea of tho coat of living may be formed frou the prices Fforwanlet of SL Pairick’s Cathodml, will direct tho per- BY (PRN an cver ayeune ned Sieinanis Helen Mor Ries Be 
Deposlii ees. gs 149 here, pot ony by ahs American roldontn, tat by the BY Tho New Youx Hemarp—Bdltion for tho Pacife—will FY formerly ch red “nt thy, Volingbroke Hotel, whleb, by feyformances. nd Hanson. Orv ego Monin eh at 
Stat poh oMclalk, will prosout Use way, had been cl for many months on account| Tux Bxuremon pon rim Parwor Oargan Hows sory Talpoy, Morobead @ily, NC; Shaan lent, Oi 
Bpeck “idiee 1,175,550 BM poxt wook, be publisbed ot balf past nine o'clock tn the morniog, fy a " Fa Ad Point, Convoy. Merrill, Fortress Mouros.t 
not woo ee irate Cll donkey nerceaae lee aaa atk: Hor tho shelling, Bavlag brea wra:k In thirteen dIMOPO8L EF Porroran.—The Inlergting performance of Cindcrela, tnt Convoy se renee 

Wo havo a report of the grasa produto of the reyvenuo hd AX TepOESTING TAM FRNW LaynON. 
A umber of English ereditors of the Confederate pov: be 
fornment have attached all the grods belonging to thal fg 

placoa. Ham and salad $0, chickeas $20, oggs $2 each, 
roast boef $5, fish $6, fried bystors per dozen $6, pota- 
oes $2, coffee por cup §4, butter and toast 83 per plate; 

ar'fiorson, Fatmen Fh 
Deihpore. "Holow lit bark. Katharine 

by an amatour juvenile band, for the benefit of thepy 

of President Lincoln, and of tho dastardly aaa on 

= =e aS th ‘ ° Bl Secretary aowald'' wih wagotats of all iptaisellaseesoul : Patriot Orphan Home, will posltively take placo at tho fed Ayres, trig Humbolit, from Ocorgetown, Di 

hac we make be floning aac anos om leben tacit 20" tho band fis Bano Pad ont ‘Graff sosuton Pan verte Este Pe leh $106 Gru of aye Grads bd only Acatomy of Mans tomorrow afternoon. The performer pease YoNE: atta etare eah Gal ea 
“1U,888,000 Pout Odea svssss 100,000} Toro wbllom dlatingulabed ~*~ =~ “ee “4 El bequtes of the murdered Peastdcat 1p) “5 A midosawake bat owt $160 to $200; word in Now York pyare the children of somo of our best famfiles. It was] Campbell (Br) Grant, Licerncol: brig Onatiancos. (Dan) 
19/5:0'000 Crown landa, 1o\ 000 rebetion nom roalding tn Fe, i = erat yee OY Aue broad cloth, coat @F0 to $1,000. The Kf found imposstbloto postpone tho exhibition, owing to Fee ae ea Cte aaal Hodge: NVarke 
'8)202/009 Miscollancoulk .:; 2,009,404 Hat It Is nearly oxtinialods @ ee | is Robe! Array? ‘Tis Tape pecoun ffow inhabitants spokon to wero loud In tholr praise bf ff fact that the Acadomy of Muslo cannot be bired tor Bl Gin trip donenhine cit) onevem tates Mase 

Ad's now uo topger doubuL wen Gas Are e- GWin. Dd Ml ettecy of General Shiriann in Norte onl Pe-Flins way tho Unlon troops had behaved. Beyond loatug fottier day, and. that all tho costumos bave boon pitt Bt, facd ait Mary Allon, Perry, New: Bedre 
sess vensresseseesoATO,310 400 the Deneral Prince do Polienaa, who has Te etn tel f4 portant Intelligence from the Union Forces lu Eleome tobacco, there waa no plilaging or violencopachased and a large sum of monoy pald out for neck ARO AS a 

The expenses of tho Urlitah government during the Pye owt we nloce havi any. Hee of tho country; Lato nnd interesting Now: TOD Nee oe Ne ed ee tue, mull: Byexpensos Under these circumstances it will be ndmlt-d) park @ fl Waterman, Biliowt from Tqulgue, with nitrate 
Oo Sea ery gaat 8 week Hloce, hariag abandoned the cause 1H Ml aod apcouata ot all interesting eventa of i y Moe, laid on the tare pated that the cnlertalnment ts cxcosable tm thes eolomn EY oasis to F ‘New York arr th Hampton Rosa, 
which he had fought and commande! with skill and| cling, the grades infttinea, being for a highly landablo and charitable pur.) naNUOR, April Is—Arr tack Civilian, Cunningham, Mew 

bravery when bo became matisfied th 

Tnleront on debt.£26,211,701 Navy tran hopeton fy Slusle coples in wrappers, ready for malling, i 

pozo—the rollef of tho Hiitlo ones of our xallant volun- 4 York, to load for Port an Princes. 

Civil Usk... 10)771,400 Collecting . Tava 10k WSSORITE g XnTerOR gS Oy Eee Wee LORORss Be £ twenty-five; we also visited tho desert-d Union camp at 4 ters of the army and nary. Dodworth’s danclog school B{ | 17th—Arr_schre Jamra Bliss, Hatch, Philadelphia; HB 
APIA oo... 15,825,070 are daily taking place among tho Confederates In Paria. & in St. Domingo. 4 Poplar Grove, most beautivully lald out in stroets of Huts ff will take part In the allow Z 7 ee pS NYork 
tal Oxpenses.... se cece £67,850, 280 i Thoy are by no means so contemptuous in thotr manner CORT AND PROFITS OF SPAIN DY THH OPERATION. Pl bull ofa. The oMcors' quarters would Wo credit £4 ny RAVERLY, April 10-Arr sehr Planet Dermot, York, 9 
Ipt cxoceded exponsar, .,...ssesese+«-£2,487,160 8 O24 Bearing towards loyal men an thoy wero at onofg Ab Madrid (April 4), In the discussion tn tho onPAto any Swing village. Tho church was most clorant fe] 272% West Proccrr.wnert Sramer.—Abbut [aloven i CHAMLESLON, April AS—Sid, bark Donor, Sinld, PAGS 
etn Tne canoer trail thal guona be copived to: Hannan Inaad of being bragging and exullany wear bill for giving “Up St Domingo, the Minliter of f¥ with a handsome tower and” epire and gothic doors and fe] °°c!ock on Wednesday night n firo broke ont tn the Cory @| "Yorn ees MONROE, April \—Arr bark JR 

ets Gnd look as if they Intonded taking to mack PY Foreign Affair gavo the following a3 tho ‘hich BA windowa. Tue whole faco of the country was trampled fq Wire Works, Noa 152, 154 ond 156 West Twenty-niath & Hend, Philadelphia; Hadley Fortapd; Horace 

wards tho payment of a natlooal debt oxcesding foor fy 

nexed to Bidomn aud almost destitute of vegetation; Indeod, every BS der, Gould, Ballimore; Hf Rembern : Ripe Canarys 
hound millions of dollars or acute of yentertay contana th fllolog Eder You shal Tern ihe cont up to October 1864 EAincy between iy Volek and eterbury (alae eal Intec BAG tet ay hoe oka oe ene Parr gL Noah inet Hae fuer 
To compare with tho sbore we annex an ostimate off rumors whieh are afloat wo may mention one to (hevetT et (6,140,608. francs}, ond that amount was pald fer only Py ‘The rubel” money lo valucleas, any quantity belngpACTMiE td drying department; that portion of thoes ny, 
{Ge probable recupto nd expanse of our own govern fit the Enpros (engaged ia wriggle of Mavic Mia of the ear; for tho yearn 1st a0 as 844636 nroupht away” as 4 curly. bona The Cry Balika Apc es Henrs9a 
= of July f 1 ramored for kore days Lint fl pesos fran for 1863-64 2 600,000, | ery hea i dad) Aaron 
ment for the Gacal yoar commeneiag on the Lat of Juls ibe Empreas was Intending to emulate th: Fmpeeer, ber ef (18,426,000 france). Te all SR 7URG6 Mange foe es BL eee very_ boas Sing was beard in tho distance, By TA er, Sees 

L Tu all, 25,203,225 Fran Forw is Wort Tunrv-sixm Srassr,—Betweon twol 
ext and ending oo the Soth of June, 1864. In making M liege lord fa spriogine full armvel like Minerva Inv hop Tho honorable Mlulster’ added’ XC Ullon. hag Bula orene wena canuniey tee Bald 

theatimate we have presumed that the army will be| 

CEL DOTTY € Nicholas, Gilbert; JW fall, Halnes 

Fanoy Kiri 

vworld of fiteraturo; and the paragraph in the Conan-Q2f that the tobacco erop there thls ‘year wilh bo woven to BA ce tee eee Ere 

Jand ono o'clock on Thursday morning a Gre broke out in 

i x " EF) On Friday Mr. Hubtington hoped to ran us through to fed ‘ark; brig Handy, Rider, di 
Tefuced (othe peace footing of slaty thousand inen, ani fi gon, Ream a Puve thy taller bey nd a doubt Zhe fd dred thousand qhlutale | What mailers it to) va, gentle: F¥nichond and aftr walting some Nowra on that day ety joe, No tue West Thiny-sixth strech corner of Bl FSi tar nig ie lta, Wal, Bulimore; tehrs 8 Colin 
Nhat the loans already authorixed by Congress will prove fy Vic ds Cesar, doubtless disturbs the dreams of hor Ma ff woods or tobacco grow thero? i Re tear tarethet Ba thes bridge ‘ever | the’ Appomattox’ at Fotersborg for'tho By A 1 appears mumenced cana Poriana. Kany Alls Zon Srl Bury, Mi 

EY rails to be lald down for te, wo calely crossed over on Loft between the partition dividing a carpenter's shop owned Sy night, —: Virginia, 3 

eaflciat to eettle all the obligations which the war Las 

By icety, and so ave, determloss ta Teave her maine to poy Fjthe Richmond Rallw by J. Noblo, and a porterbouse kept by J. Thompson, 

iB 7 ih tho frst United States car By a i sehr Leoold) “Bupbraste, 
Drought upon the country. LeTky as Roma og more) thane vapre uipream Jersoy City News, { Bihat bed ron on the Ilae for years past En rut fe The damard allogethor will bo abont $100. Mr. Noblois] -OARDINER, Aprfl 18—Arr a4 
Afeaty haa never been considered as possessing much [I rEMSONATING A NXW YORK DET! B—ARRBST a ‘ Insured for $400 in tho Globe Insurance Cor H Keene, Philadelphe. 
puASEO Has teva: Deen std Ere is oomsiegnh KOTLYB—Al OF Fito the fallen (ely, we passed cxplodod a A ee anne Lesa a ae pe Pas, and Bl" GLOUOESTER, April Arr schrag W_ Kimball, Cros 

A SWIXDLE AND SUPVOSED FORGER, Pion trina and railway debris, not forgetting num FA 
A young moan, about twonty-o Fibers of nigxers profuse o broad ering, salutations 
rae Toone years of sO) E1108 Hy nud elaborate. bows ‘Thess poor fellows word onlt 

Jett, and Kato Siorens, NYork; Hannab D, Chase; 3B Gritin, 
f Gould, and Delaware, Crockoil, do; 17th, Telexeay 

+ $100, 000,000 nga. fn the matlor of wearing good clothes—and wear eit 
fn Banbetbport for Porta 18k Teg Macias NYO, 

Insurance Gompany. The cause of the 
100,000, 000 ng them handsomely—in the way of graceful courtas Gem ene | 

{at presont 

Wurglare hrst concocted a plan for robbing her house tha: P{TwN oad dovastation presented on ontcrig the placofy tho Potoman, commencing his carcer as a private in tho| 
hight Ho tucn called (or writing mavernal aud pouved fl49y00 description The main sist and the entire fold Sisty-nldth, aad wocioy Is say up to tho positon 
the following F)dlock of buildings stretching down tothe river had been 4 of oolouel by hant exertions nnd valorous deeds. 

Inuarr Orr, April }9, 1855, [pftotally destroyed by Orv, woino say by order of Gonoral 

2,000,000F9 Ing and grocious smiling, and of sitting beau Jd tho nano of J. K. Adams, and represuting bimself to be PS tog glad to lot us havo all tho robel currency. th Fowmut oy Cor NEW BEDFORD, April M—; L Hulse, Me 
ht i 2 ; c S Lose: Monrny, o» mun Stxr¥- 4 . 
soa ooh aot tetas af" a" homo, “T'EEaw "ctfle Now vere dtecve oer, was an, Delors Roster Pifen Sng eet aren og eens ee eee EL romans oF Coxon Monon, oY em Sores Ran Bl aay tsi AN iy sha ey Hate 
Total receipt. reo. Hance Koyenie=t20. tint tuly of Proton” hf Martindale, of Jorsoy City Yonterday, on a charge of ob faRITS Upon arising ot anchor, on the south alde OC oT ooscey gre expected to nrive to morrow aNerason, fd ght eet Haina le tule, usta By 
rai Ari ie ee ee oe f famea river, sv fo:td tbo tino railway beldgo, thron quar. f4 Ror, and Uvaiden), Bourne, New York. 

ty aIree 520 000.000 fd einatt Ereatly whether she parales ber ule head muct Hj alulog money under false preteneea The “accused fiery of a mil long, deairoyed by fire, Nothtog remained and the faneral will tako place on Sunday from the City pf rare see Uollen Ha en Keley, Phttadclpb, 
Peart siggy tccatc ssstecteee $30,000 p00 In ooking op! dala upon which to daca a bography of Bl called al the house of Mra ML. J. Kaapp, 243 York erect, Blbut the vfove piers. all other brkigea were destroyed ie] Hull Colonel Murphy. ed at City Folot from wountele] gRAATUOME, april are echr J Allen, uss) Phile 
War Depariteut,.---ssscsecolcll0%, 2hom.oo0 ff the Sixtecuth. “Todeoh i-aatcred tumor already avers 98 Wejgesday afterzoon, where ho represented that hoff the rime way, cad we oatered the town over a bride off received before Foteraburg. We waa one of the most “NEWBURYPORT, Apel 1t_Arr brig Sea Foam. Coombe 
levy Departipenlien eset “boon! c00f4 tnactne composition et the Eure’ fertscom'gg wore Bf Se8s detective cifcer, aod had Vearwet thats gang oc Oral thew ecrosa ty the Union troopa.” The acene oi Blcsuragoous, daring aud niiclent olteers in tho army off Baldmore, chr Mary Clark Disuey, Now York; Sb, 1de 

Lotareet on debt. 2222, ++ 160,000) 000 las beon assigned to the Duchres Tascher de ta Pagers, 
one of her Sajosty's ladles of honor, and a lady of con! 

Total expenses... -«- $240,000,000 4 siderablo literary ability: 

This would leave throe huadred and six milflons, anda] Tl now sald that the Emperor will loaro on the 20th 

i pxiportinasia Stocks i By the duction of thof of April for a litte trip Into Algeria, but tbat ko will not 

‘Ames Martin, Balllm) re, 
NEW HAVEN, April 7—Cld Urig Biz Thomson, Marka, 

West Indien, 
FORT ROYAT, April Q—Are sobrw John Nose, Forolen 
NYork; Coat Pilot, Goodall, do; 8tb, Open Sea, abbidce, 
Now Londoe! des WW Biymsee, 


Pehle Inme vested, I dobercby Withorize fl Rwell, others by aoaident At apy rate nearly half of Fd E] Boston’ Taabells, Chapman, 

ira M. J. Kaapp, or persons authorized by her, to waoct, 10 PI tho oily has bean reduced to ashes, notwitbstanding the 

bo absent more than fflecn dayn, M self-defence aur person mie strat L t P| Shaw, Philadelphia, tb, Chas SOurstalrs, Naylor, do; LOU, 
Istereat, to be appropriated anbaally to the discharge off Sir William L Dayton, Jr, Mra Willlam 1. Daytoh fe tol ight vies ee fjeforis of the Union Anvope to arrest tho ames Only TD a 
our public debt If the laws as they now oxist should f@ #4 Miss Anna Dayton, tbo family of oor lato Miutster of Pet Wa. H. Powsts, Acting Oblef of Police. lone Lotel was open, and but fow shops and those very 

bare of goode The’ 

2 ipltol was visited, aleo Jotf Davis‘ 
Adana thon demanded one dollar and Afy ceataky house, ease Thunder, and the notorious Libby prison, 

for bis troable, which Mra K refused, when be, ve 
Jolt, and she wubseqaamtly reported the mnttor at tho fl se ta Caren, with Tobel prisoners Both 

Fine Arta. ; TM, Hoary Soithard, ireusurer of the New Janay PAey prion ercoeers te the hibeene 

road Compauy, corper of Grand and Warren strpos, 

The most exquisite pioco of nlatuary we bare conn for a A a wirvols Fe} colane, wl 
apd made # elatenient of similar porport, bat [ot 101 01 

G@long timo ls now on exb(bitlou at Schauss’ gallery, {1 je Eremanerauve, probil eyceneacit 

Bemdwny. This splondid work of art lias born oxocaled MMC EE A as ae an Interest 
ney, of Boston, Tho subject rosea ted Ba Ran na ah oe] 
by @ Miss Whitney, of 1 qT A rey reweOted BF piece of Information Lame Voited States army cat 

ta the miedinval tradition of Laly Godiva, who ly eald (of tractors have madetontrncts bere for Bordeaox “wlus, 
hurve ridden om boureack throogh the sirceta off Thich lodeperstoat of the wood, trlgbt, daties, 
Corentry In @ wiaic of wudily in onior to sAYeBE pyine de “ RERUN CIIR TE 

be permitted to remain without alteration the eutife debi 

FY tiis Court, together with Mr, Pennington, Socrelary of 
Of tbe country would be wiped Out in ten yoara S| 

Lezatlon, who has been recalled, will leave for tbo Uhited 
States on Ue 23d lust, As the governmont bas eolected 

Port of New York, April 20, 1565, 


Croole (08 transport), Toompron, Hilton Hosd, 
mauaencera, (0 US Qhartermtste 

Weamnship HL Clark (Ut trananort), Woimes, Beanfo 

8G, Apel wa Fortes Muurve dl Botte, "baat to W 
‘Steamship Be Deford (1) § transport), Loreland, Mo! 

Pa bast City, KO, April 8 wilh wick aud waduded estdiers, to} 

as, States, BS SSalp Orpheu (lire), Weasels, Rremen, 40 days, with 

bad been a "runnin! from Gineral Grant pe Ypamongers, to Gorrela & Moye 

to shoot the borplara, and then followed Adaue #s.roy Pe te : ene dart (Drees) Oltom stele Mace 10 

Cee ce eae Frenne ta onset, Fo exre i oie Idea trom tho price of the gualty of the ariein Cty ond caused bls avreat wear the fury. ap-or builg hier lene megs begin to run, ot Wi kabeg and nd fd abi Carl ice) Giien, Malngs Marc 2, and Olbriur 

ae! 7 massare, The statue fi OF foun, thers Wenot a part cle of win usad in ty com. By taken to the atalton house, wo ebtcks, guppotd fo uave ft hn Yo Richmond, whore Ho bad msde to No eaeak a Ship Aagnet lof St.Jove, Ni), Reallng, Leghora 48 days 

represoata tho Lady at tho momeut of parflag from ara naar geseers sate ean pare Oa Ss gadrae | gtaken alive, and that for ebor and eber bo moaned to jine Be FA, @/rullar 29 days, with marble, rags, 2a, to Fabbricot 

fer husband, Lord Godiva, after forming tho reso F¥ ral compound ty probably to bo used. as Uneplial stares PM twenty.Lvo dollar, payablo to, Magiaicna, Cr lar end Renae ca tine with the Yankecs, and peber run no more gy Bark Zephyr (of Port Lewis), Stahl, Mauritius 77 da 

futloa af bls taunt to undertake tho generoas lask. Ii iso and eerved Out Lo couvaleecoat eoidiore, or to be sold Bd parporug ts have derw sigaed by HL, Gasenners, cuca fof Tam Me covrlasting Stars and Stripes.” vith mdaetio orton, Passed" Cape of Uood Hops Feb a i 

A beaulifal gure fullof Ifo abd asimation, whilo th: af hS #ullers to them at the rote of two dollars a boicie. Ti Mother was one on tio First National Daak ef Jomey Citsy co aire eee gn Me cs eces Maree gsana Set ay ernie Pees 

Sovig robe tls grcfly over Ler nly formed ris tea uke ake Weenies hate yon Maat rele asses nyse tre ieee Taro a Avera tn, 3Py are Maher Mare 1 

shoulders We andertand this exquisio statue i on Brink the stole Qk) O° TS NS Palit W tbe clip pron fur furheretamaaton Pater a0 ‘Writing an estoatTobaces wan too ea Bl atcetaeines ors Olan, Leghorn, 2 dayy with mar} 

z i eather * ho weather hay niade a sudden Jump from wtater Into = is, to order. 

Frere magne te euin of ve thousand dollars Hanmer The wan, waicb wan m vith Weblo, ef A Mx Foose Diowwap sman Stare Ieary,—Coroner ff masion tusk conld not be resisted ‘There was not nel Sark, Jol, Carrer, Nickola, Malaoang 10 daya, wilh’ mo: 
Yerybedy ought to visit and oxamine for themselves By waking op fur lost time, and a eligi Uaay tinge of grcen i Baars op sEs oie hab tan ta|cony ered withotbor i assess) a Walanca Carvers 

Chirerqulsite work of slalaary. b realy begin to ammume ahape over ihe pet ioe ihe fay Hervey, of Rossvills, Staton Island, bold an inquest, op fy than that they had been treated in the most humane and 

Mr, John Buitre, of Franklin street, has published af 

sou, NYork; sehr annub Marup, Aldrich, Philadelphia 
‘Std 7th, bark iwnally 

chew B'C Soribuer, aud D Brown, 
Ath, HJ Raymond. 

FiSNBACULA, 00 dats—Arr shin. Win Cummings, Miler, 

py Philadelphia (anid sd March Al for Galveston). 
PHILADMUSUTA, Apel IS—Atr steanct Saron, Mate 
hewa, Boston: beige John Welsd, Jr, Fideld, Cleafocgaes 
Nodhera Light (ile), Anderson, Sige via Nnauit: Lug 
sake, Hand, Portree 

foo guard in every rircot. Go 
$4 Busted suspected bis true character, but pai thie tiroe Papod stelle dc Liteeett Ine win 

Fi] dollars, for vchloh be tock a receipt, as woll aw joordull \yucoaciy raid bi 

Parti Fitigeesity Gouden, ie! Mara Pasa, Foun 
Pat it, Marlatt, Pembroke; Gun Rook, Boyes, Fall 7; 
fey, Chgtaman Nantooke: aM eet acy sta 
iwin Reed, Good: od, Providence; .) 1 ecker, Naeh, Coy 
Bendorae iilagton RYorkzsua Turnes, daute, yaa. 
iterate Palins Sagm, Cahoon 
Dewen Bel April @ ANS Tbe bie icorgs G_ Robart, 
m for Barbados, went to sea 6th Inst The sleamer Colomoa, 
{eSar New Yoek fot Wasciogtons came foto tue, uaroor. eee 
Teekay moraing Wgbuy ducsbied, ui lot agate early tae 

EXLAND, April 16—scbra Rona, Cudwort, Baltimore, 
Doclig. Willard, Philadelphia; Sarab, Tuotuam 
id and! «ld atearaatip Nova Sccttan (Wr), Deo 

Eivertootisirs N° Carpenter, Harnouds, aod Matle 

Sampson, Blake, Fortress Moros. 

Teb—Arr cbr Marfa Whitney, Snow, Sonth Amboy; Ab 

Bark Rosamond, Pickett, Neuvitas 11 days, with sagar and) 
Ynroper manner, We can all veri’y to the fuct that. Bj molasses; to Peck & Chui z 
fa the ttiovnands opou Thougandaof (roopa we have moencale |, NB), Henderson, Cardenas, 9| 

Jarks and ganious [Jj Tuceday inst, ona body, supposed to be that of Luke| 

‘Bark Emblem (of St Jon 

} fel Sch which warfound foating in the 4 ~ Bei dave with sugar, to master. bert Jamieson, Candage;, Een ‘Merrymuan, Hamilton, an 
fealepcsas or bags Gare Temces ff OM Bere Correpanaener og vezi wen treats mono Gran casei yn a parton gee ee wee wo APO gaeaapecop 
eer CRG NSS fre and energy Boe Bown Moninilisn and Mls rer Ponca \ heeatabe ea re ate eee 2 val Esti rear We deep ihostalng' wor by the ae \ to Allred eteon Beas Deal 7 Wilisit NYork O16 

ayer Geo Gs, pub by te easel Feng iy en pba igh of nage wi i wa tir oleate The dey omen, als Gora aemtaoteep Wang wetti es’ ot SS VLR ang 
Douro, and to whlch tho aburo is a companion Ls having Yoo are, of course, aware of tho aplit between the new Daltoas, back cloth. reeks army blue 78 Kanto Bltity Toit wes by way of tho. James river, glsamere{d 18 ata with wupar to P Whliney a Cote CSO ashton tah 

Bjhaving arrived whl 

Bihaving arrived whilo wo wore In the town.” We thu 

Pibed an opportunity of pe eirert of the vast en 
jof fortiicativns and worl that surrounds the 

ppfallen city, ext nding over olghty milea Tho nowbor 

BA of guns loft by the rebels met be enormous. Tho cole 

seus Ils from Brady's well known photograph. ff Eroperor of Mexico and bis brother, tbe Haperor of fa cael drawers «chucked woolly orerhirt aray wl: 
in the coat pockets were found » single barrelled pistol, 
discharged, and a amall pass book, containing om the) 
rst page the following :—"Mre Mahelia Lake Schenck 

Brig Aurora (Of Lunenburg, NS), Crasbon, Clenfuegos, 14 bd ton, do pool AP IE a wD 
; Sutras ir, to Rabira £'Co, ‘Balled to" company with by Sawyer, Ray, Canconses Up, et ie y 

Fe bas jas: completed a photograph of Btwio pM Austria, which has crosted no Little exelement ta polit in 
Booth, wbich bs gaily elmired by artats for ften-PYeal circles The Intelligence that saximillan bad Py 

Folracted his resignation to the succeacon in Austria, end 

Fockloss for NewYork. 17i lost, WstS3 40, low 733), ffanson. da. 
U2 epoke bark ft A Alien, from for Bostoa. 
B hig Myauc, Berry, ‘Trinidad, 12 daya, wilh eogar, &, to 8 

altima; tara Tei 
‘Gosk, Puilsdelpb = 

Ii ls decidedly the best Lies tn account with the U. 8 B. Loso Assoriation 1664, fei brated Atlanta was lying tn the neighbo: B Brig J B Blllott (of Maiisad, NB), Murphy, Manzanillo, 24) 
tat hea ao fod beng cg DOM OF Mas cxninent trngadiso fH nad noUded bis withdrawal from the obligetions \con.faj May 3, by cash, $11 26; aller eredita at hive different P4Gap. la conipany with five Union foaltera, ‘The Ges pi cara rh mao ny cary Se, Lob Rpewetr, Te 
palticiiatie ricer Ey tracted under thst document to the Courts of France, fil lee, $20 50—to March 7." In hia Yost pockets woru fa appears abot (wo bundred yands {a longuh, cab Ubrough Fl yphee Oe wank wickwiea Cornwallis, 24 days, with pole f fC 
Santi None pel 8 Wkenees of the late Willlam FM Belgium and England, was Grst pabliahed jo the Avenir, yl tee ead je he See Es arery Bah Bap nndeciry c rebel guia) Ha the Fi Solr witlams 1 ‘Mitchell, Eston, Shulee, NB, 15 days, to OF O NYor. ot 

Noyss, tie establishment 1s so attract-[lfn somowhat obscure paper, and little weight was atlached Pd ficuie Guger was a ring, act with a Jowel, Tho bedy-op- fy tieg through whicd the ut by theif] -Sehr"Vohe Soow, Codis, Bhulce, NB, with spars, to OL 

gauntlet bed to be run by : 
Byres nous hip he anal Dad be rus by ho 
mous strength of fhe abore baitrie, and numberof or. 
B) pedoss sunk, it eceras almost impos 

Facould have resched Richmond. OY 

ard, Bowditch: Albsrt, Beken, 
itadsipliny Unariea Cuvper Bow 
vb Biaugaio,,Toruauer, Nore “Gud 
Tackett, Philadelphia; Robe 

fing a good al of atteoilon Wis spiritedly drawn, ta Pio it uolil it was confirmed by La France, whose eno, 
Ea Coes ase cera aud cannot bo sur. Fj nectioa with the French goverament Is notorious The! From come case unkyown to the Jury. Th 

omicial Journals of Viedna contince to deny the report,}@ interred in the [chatoud county ovmetery, under tho 
Literary Intelligence, Pil bot very faintly, and it ts no secret that Francis Joa ph fy ©4Prosed name of Lake Schenck: 

Bouton, of Brosdiiy, bas pobllabed anew and revinnd pq ned hinnself excossively lll-uned Dy his brother, aod #9 Texxnae Bona KxrLosox.—A Larrible boiler explo- 

Mi peared to have been In tho water about a wonk The 
p] Verdict rocdered was tbat (be docoased came to his death 
body was 

"SE; ea Bacheldor Marvin 1 Soba, NB, 17 days, with 
oats ere & Uo. 
Schr Empress, Onthousa, Sackville, 10 days, with oate and] 
Petit ocbester, Parer, Kennebec, 12 daya. 
febrile Modes Recatea 
ir hock, 

B isuzaveibpon 
Sehr Lady Sutton 

eo geaang erry { ; 
5 . le boiler ex ah —— eck Battimore, Pt Felier, Tayuers, Eng tlerinr; Mary Yalrapeth Guns, New 
Mion of “pooner Diclohary of Yaistery™ to eof] AFT DlielL with «reat biternees on hit con-flfsiog occurred at" the Musoun Inv’ Works, in, Nord mark the prosimity of ie deel Py ScRE Nellle Tertex: Pendleton, Porting for falumore (York. ld echre AuceM Nicqeienyy Sule Llule Bye’ VaR 
sae Hauck fe} ecliay, W.Va, om Monday aero, the’ Th ist But not withoat reason was this respect paid; Behr Noir ealord. ey her fla Tayler, Ep aus akon ring Sd Me 
oe Aletta 4 y whitch four men were dangerously aud two eenously ata river aleamcr that Kehr nF Ha fy Namar, aod Cynthia Jano, Kew York; sloop Jol 
The '/Anecdor be] A letter from Vienna eays-—When the Archduke left be i : fy ircoks, Fox, N¥ore. 
throe volumes of ‘Anendotes of Painters, Eo. fe icjard, besides alx or woven oubers more or low injured F4us en rerte to Richmond dovated from the heorer ph Bee BY POutSMOUTHL, Apr 17—Arr achrs DP, Thowpson, PRE 

” Fy Acatris be wan I 
vers, So rebltee F Sfeone premeed Dy numerous creditors whom, bisfWjTue Reyicc eaye:—The explosion was terrific and Jarred FA course, struck a torpedo, and 
(e Pee 2) i Rae. PP iio while mall. The other Byo boilers were thrown from slag by Se aot GCL 
Pl (heir rveting places, and the furnace was blown to atoms. 
The abed above Wie butlers waa torn (0 plrces, and the 
Limbers and fron bars were sont Sying In every direction 
The axploded boller was thrown thrvugh the roof of the 
, Shere are no Jwsf) rail, and fell to the ground about three hundred and 
michout caloulalbg thy Py Gity fect from ite original position, 

lndalpbia; Jurting, Godfrey, New York. 
t PAWTUCKET, apa Sid ceue Wary Merahony Bright 
S mse, NYor! 
MOCKLAND, April 7—Are acre Eropres 
Sad Keanedy doy i : 
cunedy, 40; Hib, willy, 
Faaneaon, dy St ih, abr nperion, My 
od Walter O Fal, rig Avery. 
‘onab; 5b, Nast Tai 31057 ree 
Tena, RB tiodgdon, Mall, Eoprias, Wialouy Mariotia, 

lilied. The joes Oshid up 
‘ing ps sie k—one contain. 
een und ; 
tl ecm set Quay ea ee 
fa oury did on tuts vocasiou, a clreumatance be had no rea- 
fa (on to esret, ea be pabed the evcoing with Goneral 
yj Woltzel, who occuples Joff Davis’ house, and visited 
Ina of iMierest to the fugitive President 
be Silorday was epent at Cty Foiot Im making oUF als 

tasaed by the same bouse, will mako a welcome addition ff mnt MMAerIook to eailsfy on condition of bis por 
Wetiry tseasy. pjPosice bis isis to the suzcemioa to (hove of al 
The few rolae x Ye Lite ee OHET ale kone of the Toads of Hepsburg. This 
on rolnss of Herrers' edition of Napoleon's “Life was retwoving theta team lrneesul tbe corey = 
‘Omear,"" ls now ready for delivery. It Le got ot Jn the PR beeldes Frucci Joveph aud Lis enn 
Style, and will comparo favorably with the Eogllab fig Ah (oorleeb Archdckes livty 

sin Boy ls wrasutcent nodal ode wera Hs10 Seon Foxe Tuono, 
P ma ) prteeode those of 1 an Snoomsa Accipest at Fos rr ATS 
The Harpers bare alio gos cat tm completo formPy lan Bit IN seme that ths new Exeter willepi Inavo.—Sers mas rocelved (a tho city Tats laereoiny 
Charles Lever's Geilghifut story, Lattcell of ArmaD,"Biroce® 9 crown of | Montezuma with oneft/ announcing tbe death of Ljoutanant TT, J. Cantwell, of 
i the kacinesr corps, (rom the viicet of a wound weet 

Buley. Figen 
Steamers Baltimore, Morro aaUlr, America, Baterpe; barks 
Penguin, Daniel. 
‘Wind at eanset 5. 


Sreausmr Havana, Captain MR Greene, will eall to-raor- 
row, 224 {nat, a3 PM, for Havana direct, from pler® North fel 
Erie those wo who hall chown ‘our party euch groat > Tver. The ascmmodaons ofthis Gao nlp are unexcallcd Bt wrSiitn ser ST cae weaen 
Ml mtretches o pejeod wousual aleationa We saw a train of two thou- le and Mr Hucrtas the gonelal parser, wins the friends! {0 SULLIVAN, April 1b—Sid schr Roy: Jenson, P» 
Which hasbeen bitheris rs 2 ‘a rat tho other to that of Bh grand men despatch ‘back \welve thou- Fy eye! 
ad Leasing macdiotn oF ee etinE ae through the wow Pathe | Hapelurg He SS wraitive Uist Count Meus fuonlaly received by the presastare discbarye of a mus Band priseuers captured om Thesreiny, luciudiog General ff SU O7 bia many acta of Kindness to thous who truval/tn tbo SN, Lanman, & 

Serial pablication. Tt ia one of fy OU Lad rmclved in end the Wesican Ambarador, Deu [a ket ih tue bands of ono of the oldoecs for MEyExclians fie ochor general Upon our way back to by Havana. Nov Yorks lt 

Che most dashing and amusing f this charmlog writer's protest whieh bis metres, i= eltvs rd " oars hat tbe deceased had ouly resets pare SPaipe yacht te Boglish portion of the party called upon} Steavanir Moura Stan, Captain Nelson, will eafl to-mor- 
Later Glories Be 5 * jad (to Love carged lim IA fow hours provious lo tbe mad vocurrenos to taka charge (the I'reedei.(, who bas béea hers for some time on \ row, 224 lost, at2 PM, for New Orleaug, 

ih; and Uble resaluticn Is gouerally auuruyes cf Our orka, No baruculara bave beaut teouived.  EDoard the Elyer ‘Queen slosmen ‘The Preadant ro-Ui Nor ives ee ee een TGA, fom: pler U6 

Bor the w 






‘ished Second Floor, with fall or i 
ine arsnuess foqutes in 

rate faraiy, between FIG and 
iisurag asia soruer of Bttuyentm aad Forky-alati street 

Personal Intelligence. [vite to attend the fwneral, from her late residence, No. ff BOARDING AND LODGING, 

leo Intelligence. ‘Sixt 38, t , — 

Axaaee ae hy abcones YUCITIVR. Governor Fenton passed through this eity yenterdag, fg ATA Ors h evens gon kana tere ah tro oo mn UR RRANKHORT HOUSE, OWE LOOK FART 

Detectives Gyo and Rannete yeetelay arrested aman |r reve from ‘Washington to Aftany. We wtayed at the Mf ‘Hen Sivan, in ihe ded sear of Bis age. Pd anrantgtiath corner of Frabtfort and Willam| 

tmirtyawo years of are, giving bls name aa Jamea Wat-f§ ARtor Heure, ond atlended morsing service al Trinity Hl” The relalivis and friends, atso (hove of ble brothers iia, [ta ie Dar days “4 Blo $9 per week. "Hours cpen 
tre! inc ted to att i 4 

‘won, an allened fugitive from the eity of Boston, where} church, with General Dix, as noticed cliew! In the FR ral, in Brooklyn, from the Central Preahyterian eure, Ri] — 


be stands rharged ‘ith the commission of x grand tar- £4a'teroon Governor Fenton Joh by the focr o'clock train Dr. Rockwell's In Rehermerdorn street, near Nevink, By FATE FAMILY, LIVING NEAR THR PIPTH. Gey id sinaisgeremene fe miriaty private Ma 
eeny. Waleon was seat back to Koston to await his trial Bd for Albany. bE a a eres Perea etek wil a4 tre La rfernlabed Rooms, tof family, located 1a Road etrest., Breakfast itl be given i Many 
SN TpUeFICION OF ARSON. aa T SON Wedueelay, Apr 19, Basin. P, Sanra, hassel ates, tah “ae cannecied) None tot iS Hemid'cticae e™ SA Fa! a’ 
1 t on r ity | 
‘Yeeterday morning officers Noyes and Davis, of theEY MARRIAGES AND DEATHS = fa, SR yids and relatives of the family and of his bro: nd WO OR THRER ROOMS TO LET=IN A 8MALT PRI. 

by Sialth, Thos Sralth and William, Valloan, 
[fare respectfalty Invited to attend the funeral, on Sanday pa"! 
Fe aflerncon, af two o'clock, from hie Tate residence, 00 Taf A 

Mand where the applicint tay be 5 
lerehant, box 8.68 }'owt ad ES 


Fucked and went’ to nny. 

nda abire oats et 
UMS feat with ie eiinsat pritnis Uhla” Atsa's tan Mf (JOXO@ROATION MIsguKAW ISRAEL TAR DIVINR 
hon cS de Serratia neces Wome nEOA TION MIGCTURAN TERAREC STI DVT 

P| roadway. py oie 4 States was bell yesterday Apri 19, al eleven otclock 

fy Sc athernmasoeusannnrr Ailap'and despa ateeatas All 

pcecny eat ea ay no 
y Acar eaerey on 

Trenly-ninth precinct, arrested James Thompson on| econ street: 

saspicion of Navins ect fire to bis Rquor store, comer of 
‘Thicty.slsth errcet and Broadway. The appearance of J 

Bema Fenty = Taicia cies on Wadieaiar Teel MRIs Ue were ee a nts {eircom for enemies wih 
he 4 ¢ flames Tei re but PA —Prrny.—In thi In re MA) Sinus —On pesday, April 19, 1 js roms ollemes 
ae ee eee oe Edarlan.  Joetice fa) 10, at tho Fourteenth street Presbstoriaa churvb, by the fs Thomas Sadler. ais! wife of FY oeiy al board at if West tweaty-eerenth street 

Dedaermmitted ihe ecovend, and Fire Marshal Daxer a Rev. Chas, E Hart Cusnizs Bouves to Mlet Sakamt EQ Tho ‘ionds of the family are recpectflly tncited to at ie A AGES GENTLEMAN WISHES TWO UNEUR 

ration Of tbe whats bd Ponnr, all of uly city. tend tho funeral, from her late resldence, 187 Greene ed Rootax, with or without Boant, on the escond| NTI STRERT, O81 01 th tel fen, we 
Sb) SHERI ce APERTURE mymtay, An 18,07 the Ren Ure ac Peay a, ln HT crens El ACsaes ea Siner rien ey oa De eani 7 D THOT ATR ON OO, PART OF FUPT Maca Caah eer ne een oe ae 
| A Lian? FiNarngD orenaton. f Alexander Thomp-on, Gannon W. Haren, IC’ D., of Rrook-fM]. Weaomacx-—Ia, this city, o by hatreet. Bosrling hours keepers vead novapply. Pes, fram May. Private uible only given at the Impresatve sermon. pialrens 
7, on Thursday, April 20, | ay iva } 
Ayoans man vamed Wills Golden waa aesedbyilvn fo eatin yobaged aighier of the ia Lamu fons 0, Wests, ago 2 ear b + Fa thie Ao arog rorm Na Hud AUanile sures sting octane Pon RyEny ora, ann 
eter McPherson, of the Broadway equaag@eharced fy Rureell, of this clty. e fa] The funeral services will be held at bla late racidence, {9 — q NINTH STREETS i = fg At log Cina, in allzer plstar nue assis Ne Oe ee ORS 
wong meh ech a cal wet 808 GP Ea Tsay ang 44 hue ene ck ito ay Nat een ur, ee A REO OOS Th RT ROA, BAL QO.LIS Roe ecraan tee re ace So en 
5 ‘hareday, April 90, Edw reasup, Bl o ‘en to rood for ba fs fete Hane form Caw elDt nue . entleman, a Room on the second dour, ate for $7: fornia; or - 
Foo A Oe ail . Hat ean recat abana aKa WAS SO (Friday) sitar spit wu Savonth ares, wear Sead wrenus fy Sw TOT OES SEES Uae ath ee Me ky pa eying Maa Tout 
: AAA ‘3 8 cord J ‘ = my iu i send ver ten pl 
Her asain Henne Smad a gepeeanen ee AMG ety,» ASBAIARL 20H, Wir gunmen AB coUNEY Hoan PASMES SBI ort 
en hie ono tneginy } and, vorn- oo gepo me Ma , ‘ joman, 4 Ie = pire if 
mien the lt some one tneging at her pookel 900 orn. , Fste—Ucvoock At Crom Point N. ¥.,on Tavetay, fy Warria da Wottenay. Apri! 19, atten o'clock P.M, Fl Founipen strwt berweso Hrvadway and Fi stances PA(JOUNTRY OARDAT MARLMOROUOTT, ON THEH Pe NrouTS OF RT PATHIOR 
Sg ars esidae Wire Brose held hea til ber hus. 6 ABH IS, at the residence of the bride's father, by thé fa Puusr Warars, aged 83 years and 8 onthe, 5 Dara wlson, eight miles nagsh of Newbarg, for Give or. alc i JONoe the Rnighur of Ge Patient ETAL MEETING 
near io ane ice Dedgc i] R°%. Mr. Bradshaw, Crane . Foors, of Tompkios, fd The relatives and fends. are reepacttully invited tof SANT SUITR OP ROOMS TANDSOMBLYPEPe™OD: pleaty of frult and vegetables Th hele envon; B House on brldayerening. Atrial Mae hO Bk 
aoa Td Uolisn te prison for ila without ball fj Miedigan, to Mim &'K. Mcxvocx, of Crown Polat attend tho funeral, from bis late resideace, No. 236 Mon. ff 4X furnlahee. to a frat clase Bouse, No. 71 East Fourveeoibpg yup mouerais, | Por parileulare address D. B, Veutres; PY action ia rezard to the death at ihe Presiteat of the. Weed 
= 2 Jacksob and Ingham coun(y (Michigan) papers please fa roo street, this (Friday) afternoon, ak two o'clock. i ea peawresa Broadway and Find areaus. =| = ee fg States, ly onder of tha Prealveot “ W. R’ ROBERTS. 
Saou OUTRAGE vroN 4 Xouxa _rapr—zum. or Bloom _ a5 fa are —On Tuesday, April 18, Lewis Waray tn theh} \ gntan STORY BACK ROOM TO LSt—wirtl pl () BRAD IN A PRIVATR py eres Sey 
FENDER PROMPTLY PONISNED. B  horrernes—Monrer.—In Will amsburz, on Monday, fay OTtb year of his age, , furniahed or upfirniahed. Dinnar at onobd wat sy), hour of New York, threo mioutea! R17 INCOLN MOURNING ORAVE, PIN OR NANGE—A. 
Mies Frances Clifford, realiding at No, 410 Weat Thirty. py APP ay by Noy, Bylveator Maloas, Gur OG. Hotaurws, fg} The rolatives and fronds of tho family ara invited to Ajply at 61 St Mark'e place. Ba ee TH RT anny ftalteond depot. Address or AY Ly poriectly now thing. Call early’ and sec, aS) Cratham 
: 4 neg aa SP Jr, to Mics Temes B. Mearar, all of Williamsburg. Jattond the faneral, from Dis lata rosidence, No. AT Bast fq ty to Mra, MURILAY, Bouth Orange, Ny J. Atreck, New York, rear building. f'rico $0, 48 and $15 
frorth treet, yorterJay entered a complaint before fl Now Haven papers please copy. ‘Thirty-fourth street, this (Friday) afternoon, al two iy b +l ounTaY WORDT WASH lot ex oabed 
Foatles Dodge agalast Philip Treanor, whose arrest she, Hisen—Axrmonr.—On Twosday evening: Apri 1 by fifo'clock. ee 2 H pipe a FIAy-anirdaireek ill et two large Roos Bd ()bearerred or ina privave tary, where ter boutons 
a oes vy. John Cotton Sith, D. D., Hexay A. tiaarx, Jr’, to 7atam—On Wednesday, April 19, of eonromptio Jrith Board, to a cvotleraan and wife, Fb ary itken: musi be co fnoceta fron BI \TEW YORK LODGE NO. 10, 1, 0. 0, P.—AT THR 
had caured by officer Doncourt, of the Twenty ninth py Rev= John Colton Simi, D. D. ever A, nem, Je tok Water. On weaned, April 10, ptten, era per week Adan ahragy oo (Gar iy ry aad acaincinloue  U at Nifinceting heta'on Weriseadiays te inh (oats he Tobe, 

oat aioe Ff ing eetolutine were adopted — 

OUNTRY NOARD WANTR cllemnarand diaation at lanes) fag aad percavatsent won: 

DUFON A GENTLEMAN, ff cilemanand ihe nation at large, nthe kad terraveinont. eux 

Oe Burge ahd tro etn) & Pee hese Uglaed by ine atlnely deste the read o the Untied 
fn reat or uotth of New York. au ragy of ascess'y (Bf Siaten Abraham Linco 

gt Nem York, au eaay of acoeas hy @BSIALGR AURA LINOIO sor respeet the merbera of 

nck She was quietly proceeding throogh Twents-Pf of this city, B} The friends of tho family re respecthitty invited toi — 
h aireot, near Broxdivay, when tho prisoner accosted [J Jacxeos—Branwumsr—On Thuraday, April 20, at thofijaitend the fonera), from ber Inte residence, 639 Second PH A PARLOR AND BEDROOM ON 6kCO) 0 
ber In an sbropt manner and unceremoniously tore, af Church of the Trazstguralon, By tho Rev. Dr, ough. filavonue, thin (Friday) afternoon, at two o'clock. pA SERRE RE a 

mavrning baige from ber breast. at the samo timo. hed tom Gest, Tec te Mint daugulerel the Loh Yuevanvoon In) Brooklyn, on Wednesday april 10, fy residence, Lafayelie place; noremoval, ‘Hetorences 
remarklog, “To bell with Lincola.” After listening tof Sarnuel Braavorst, all ofthiaelty. Fennec We, only moe oe TNs ART, 120M Changed” Sea Se nae-| 

Gre eomplaint Justice Dodge, in default of $1,000 ball for §Y Puansize—Slatore—On Thureday, April 20, by the Youngblood, aged 3 montha and 17 days. F] iis Toso will wear apon tho I(t arm the usual emblem of 
hii fotare good behavior, sent she prisoner to the work AW Rev. Noytoa Heston, Tnowas & Hesccxrts, OY The relatives and friends are reapeettully tnvited tofg A SAMOA" gly" tn Hoe ius aaah ws ene or two Bh caoUNTHY BOARD Wi go orenn fr Wale dage Cre TISTIAN SCHLOCH, N. 
Bouse ou Blickwell’s Island. Fi] daogiter of Archibald Hardis, all of Brooklyn. No cards fifattend the fuvaral, from No. 60 Hoyt nreat bis (Friday) fy waflegwolleseal bath and gust famady eroall aod quick: To. Pe iO at RO RCA NO MANTED. FOR MY Bowanp Gorrua, Secretary ho 
GT ETIOn CLYST HCE. H] , trace—Srasancar —tn, this city, "on! Wednreday, faferaonn, at oue o'clock, withoat furber aoice Ey ilgsfeoord sea conventents atid Wert Twenky-teatatreet AM ronan Yar Souee ekorreS TAA an et ee 
Robert Randall and bis reputed. wifo, ving atNo. ATES! La th vy tora: youngest dagghter of Re J Blane fi = iN fa (or three days, X. ¥, 2, Herald often M NTOTHOH.79, A8SOCIATIONS “Wwe, TIE RATIONAL 
Grovnvrich areet, wero arrested by ofcor leld, of whe fd Duby, Ban. alfot tBisclty. | } Spann ANCL A from JOUNTRY HOARD WANTRD—HY 4 VERY AMATI EL wining (a1 Nidiaia ta here ree Ee eter, 
mish urnr!-tlnowy.—-At Calvary cborch, to this ety, 0 TR ; = ; sn afarim house witha ad ones OC UNe citys skal fa tratey to art three delesatse te ne rssron nk Nesey ees 
Pith prveinch charred with stealing two hundred an weiceuiay, april ia, by the Tebt Roverend A. Clove Usiniea’ ORTH) MEW XORE, ATAU. Bsa ream atalig full parilary M,N, bor sh terad lion fd" )s9n) 84 Thin ste om Friday rela Ay as, 
enty dollars in legal tender notex from Jobn Bradley, PM tand Coxe, Witusim S Kovenrs to Caxmia W,, Caughterpy Parties bolding thirty (8) or more, eoupons of the “Loan i SOUMEN TI NORD WAtCrED= KO PANONIC(ENII LITT eto! POMMITTEE 

: 3 5 Fa of 1802'—2:20'e—maturing on Ist of May, are requested’ Lo f 
ce er een cdg eto, ap, ww FL mons weed cd A Mate eae ti anh 
eee eat ee an an tha meshetard, fe Baribolomew's charch, by tho Kev. Earmucl Cocke, D. pa Holders complying with the atbro request will hare hair pil We Raum, mies Board, lof, & respectable formate of aitty, 
ga removing hi pana he iad them on he ataaed Fp Bycste"gCanay (2 Heenan od AR a ec a Pea fl Bahan or 

Tae anc aa ANTE ge, OENTENIAN, 
Bsa natn aus a Yasar hy 
nae PRS Secrest ol anlar 

‘The ollicers in command of the wrreral regiments nad 
cormpruntex nea fayited tn call ata? itroad<ay (up talra), and, 
‘examine a badge peculiarly qdapted tn wear on paraile al the 

ha a ie nace, and cub, ff Edward P. Clark, all of this city, ler 3 o'clock P.M, ore " 3 Fahoratobaeyulea fo reside 

foming morning Lutter mised hie money, and tut Ed Trone—Nicnora—On Monay evoalog, ApHLYT, a thopef,,aby eetuen wilparuralened upon erpction at nel A “Ganytam it aaa’ alk sma rus wha wll kewl] © MOTELS, pase ae SAIC 

dollars of the bills clalmed by Br log secreted under fede ofthe ‘ride parents, by the Rev, oman une srawanr, Gre of hima Address L. L., Herald ofton. Pear OMIT BOUL Ra CONTE MIO ORNARAL COMMITTHE.—A BPRCLAL MEET. 
je carpet of the mom where he had slopt 0 prison. py Anderson, Saul S. Tuowr, Jr, to a ‘Assistant Treasurer 0.8. | BTW he "urolal e he day, nao! Ihe above commliies will Dé Belén Rasdqani 

trewerataken before Justice Hogan and committed to Pt ouly’ daughter of Edwla Nichola Esq, all of thls) JATMNITO arnger, METWREN PIPTAND SUxTTDLa, re eNyatvearees one kati Pomatan pd eaeencer tanya rm mn wet ta Tera 

the Tombs for trial. 

A cits. (a | ERDETTE, KANE &00., ! na On FOU \r 
ee ee RB BC ary, M4 for ataien. "Alzo Rootna on fourth Wout for gentlemen. 

Rov. G. A; Mubboll, Jou W. Watane, of this'clty, tof mraretiers viel Luropacan have thet" lettre addremnd A EAUOB, PLEASANT FRONT. ROOM TY 

Arrangeinchts for the faueral oparqules of our late lament 
Wresidout. Hy order, JAMES KELLY, Chairman, 
Twi it; Huwtss. | geeretarien, 

tong itererrote Parke oop or te Mut ally 
argu aud wegant nila of 

Mary Ann Claney, who has been employed as a do- fy Miss Msny Hans se, of Greenwich, Conn. Bio the care cf: ibe nbote.” Deposita, recayred: aud: lalvere/ot il second door, bathroom adjolaing, at 14 We ula logaliona Owantes He Mats,’ 
mestié In the Howard Hotel, corer of Broadway and fel Sianwic and ‘Rocksbury (Coun.) papers please copy. Pferesit grvsied. = e Py tree pear Wasblagunaqiares ne Bp OwH, Tabh sQyug 

Maiden lanc, waa arrested by officer Feld, of the nan (4 DeETROLEUM STOCK FOR FALE cnpar—onp Ath, 176 AND 178 ULEEOKER STRRET, AIX HLOCKS| 

SROLED MM STOCKER FORMAL og com. fell of Hevadwas—Plesaant Room with excellent 
Preciuet, charged with baring at diferent times etalon fy eS a caring i-faf pany a block: at aS ents rer ehare par eolon gi0edufy oor py Mein ftom 87 0:82 par week. Alsoa Prt Yicor to kt 
Aowela, pillow easca and various other arilclea from the FY , ANPUW.—On Tharstey, April 20, after a lingering MA linet “tp ne Cath paid by War, Tucker President aud O, 1 pa UONpaInDeS with fea 

_ Rotel.” Mary Ann confessed to oficar Mold that sho wae Tice ago. <<, G2d yoar of Fel Wright, Beeretary. Oma No, 4 Rector treet } 

atvieed to steal tho property by Mra Toula Facelo, aby Tho relatives and frionds of the family are respectfully pM Cu po PHA. Seeriugrin tiigtthted Sitect’ wilktA two laren Rowan 
Froo-h woman Wing at No.0 Woostor street. On Bini 

ited to attend the funeral, on Saturday moruing, atP]2EVENUE BONDS OF THE STATE OP NEW YORK pg ibiniiloor Landeimely furnished ith Hoank Wo goa p 
e arching the houzo of Mra F. goods. to the smonnt of £Y tea o'clock, from her lata resldenco, No, 40 Laroy atreet. py oM leaued fo pursuance of chapter &@ of tbe laws of Leh Bee ibaa ee a ‘Ladies 
about $15 were (oud, which Mr. Beajamia Lynde, one fe Her remains will be conveyed to tho Moravian Cemetery, PA ninvursstin duly Ie ifah, de oomverublop parsusat to aa 

‘rata wa 
4 See arena P ora 
& tho proprietors of the Howard House, identified as his @f Staten Island RR pee tee AP SETH STREET MERER UAV NaITy 


AN anikitaieh hos teat, of a 
eater tliat the Sura 
ei Uy ti iotors, NAY 
brn hiatal 

resjerial cititens of Ghleaza, is'naw in lawn to eollclt 
Sonalions from the grocers of New York to (ke Northwestern: 
Vain Me bas appointed Me it Le shermon of Morris, Bt 

4A Waco, ML Water atrvat Reeniving Acout for New 


trog. Works, Hoskin, nod, fo" 
Olek CO,, Hosta, New York 

lyuin, 1 Hlaeeke 
Taalliea, acid aingle for gaatlamen, by tho 

Property. Complaint was made against Mra Facclo for Mf Brantax.—On Wednesday evening, April 10, Jamnsfq) Persons having Cards to tayest wil Gnd thls a eafe and Nd Pitt aan —To fet, Nails of HLooras on Keo eominunicalet with here. The 
Teccivine etalon gooda. Hoth the prlroners were taken (4 Benntay, IMMER far Ot aisigees prontabis Invewment: pe a fh TOW. Wit REPOIe Lg rig abontt tad 
fh WOW, Wint mn mhontt tnd 

At Jolin Kosa’, 

‘hie brother Andrew wild like (9 een Nit vomnely st be 
ag ur OE alc and, 

home tn want at 

ee mi elends ary ronpectflly welt to alana Crry op New Youyliepanraner ot Mase | 

the fuperal, from bis Tate residence, No. §1 (new No. Comrruotiai's Orricx, Apri 12, 1608 Atte oe AES han i 

that “aty Aon gave Mne Facclo the towela, pillow casca, uluible for geoUewien, with frui'class Hoard. Transient 

ke, in jurt payment for a board bill which sho owed 

befor Justice Hogan and held for trial, Tt te rac Relat 

bomrters taken. 

129) Wost Thirty-second street, this (Friday) afternoon, at| 
wy 7) ae 

MAITITEW T. NRENNAN, Comptroller, 

Ber! Mrs F. will bo released on Ball. BH rour o'clock, witboat further {nvltation. QIX PER_CENT.PREE FROM OOVERNMENT TAX,| ‘of her prepant resiteoes by her soy, Auurew ©. Ri TEN W. BELLOWS, 
PINE tat a honvis onde s eGiio A Tramow On Wednetday, April 19, Fraxce Many, fa) 9) THIRD ANENUE SAviNaG Wabi PLEAR/NT ERONT ROOM AND BEDROOM ONP abo ii etciny nosiiel.aldrem tne Wy ili Presidsnt U.'y Sealtiry Comininda, 
rr ovse—s Noosa. Fy atom Om Wednerday; April 19, Frances Mary, HA corner or Toirdavesue abd Tweety-aitih street A “eco tinor; «19 email oom on third, fp Osan Fortdendyter, N.Y. - 
John McNell entered a complaint before Jastice Dodgo My row ‘wed years, LL months and 6 daya Bar penal depoali, rarer goad oat TORS oe Peary ateracees exchangeds 24 Univeriiy’ plave, corner ap FON JANES MUNDI, NATIVE. OF ‘OTIOR. AN ADJOUINED, 
f Siz per ceat interaa So" sil toms from of Nie) iM i rs Puy, NATIV! ‘auitons of tho Tactic 
Dasonn.—On Wesncetiay, Aprit 19, of dipthorta, Saves, 5 rren Bn government te Fa RE toany tamortoketretand., Wien test heard from, 14 FY Ca helt anon tt fa ne. Maley 

tan § 
Sfepoulisden or bafore April 22 willdrawinteP \ GENTLEMAN AND, WIPE WIE HOARD IN Ai 
cin Fy A Saralteetoosas contrat ocalon. where trey eet 
furoltore Pape payouan Sox ba same, Address M. B. 8, 
tor ll Werald erkee 

fear ago, lived Wy bin KULoof Misbigun, Ie nephew, Jobo b 
rig, would ko 19 hear from bli. Apply aS lleury 
Jaurvet, Now York, 

(his thorginy, Apel, 

sgalost Wm. H. Ryan, charging him with a slenl 
GEOKOE WAKHTOW, President of the meeting. 

scant The parties met in the porter Ronee of John fi °8ly en of Joba P. and Hanah Donoho, aged’? yearsia] “Ait men 
Ready, 100 Soventh avenue, at an chrly hour Wednceday 4" The friends of th fumily aro respectfully roqnested tole apligek ope’ dally from 10 A. M. 109. H.. and en Monday, 

atincs Bact e om edaeutay and Bulurday crentoge frum Oto Notetcok. 
morning, and soon became Involved In a quarrel, during PYattond tho funeral, from ihe residonco of his parenta, pj Weazesday and HeENCEE K ONEEN, Preaident 

which Ryan drow a pix barrelled pistol sod threatoned to b sogrrenrt sirect, this (Friday) afternoon, at two o'clock, fg] _Ricnann Kuzy, Secretary. Bares ingot are requested 
Brot hinadvereary. During the etrngglo which ensued ‘A joard; nultable for « gentleman and wi Lt u Barenth avo 
fo pistol exploded, the ball striking Mchoil's.veat fa) BLsMix0.—In his ety, oo Thursday, April 20, Sanau}d &] Q() ()()(), 70,2 0A% ON ROND AND MORTOAGE A for Aingle geotieman, ab LIS West Twenty-third airect. ir asl Haare fy BSc XPruntyalAtsetroety ARla jay ontg ae) aint O'ioakE. 13K 

ket, and, glanclug, took offect in blu aldo, Infiicting, fy GASPAR Fizanxo, agod 60 yearn; during thirty-olght years] st nix por cent, ou New York Gly property. [fq Kee(orences exobanged. 

Wor Jan. Uh, Bots, Becretary, 
r, obly nulicht wound. Offlcor Cavanagh, of the ff faithful unrso and valued friend Iu the (amily of Geo, [af Stress pees eon eae or — 

om : i en ete 
Ywenty-ninth precinct, arrested Ryan, and Justice Dodge fay Elliot, Ex. 4 TO LOAN—ON BOND AND MORT-| family or w tingle persona, at Grek class house 187 Pa [SB CRNTRAL AMBRIGAN TRANSIT COMPANY — 
Beld fim to answer.’ MeNell lives at 141 eyouth eer pairet a Drea eo Se eee fof $300.000 agen New York and Brooklyn property. Hast Twaniethetrcec. Ko Ragsmortog Babbath rerpecting [ PB EROSITI AMAL INE TOS CALUPORNSS 
mene : veckully invited to attend Une Cavera ort MSREPAC SEASON Ma Hloeaeec” Py panes arte fe) | peccrestiarcr eee ete 
MTicweat he Date evormed char, coma. oF Fit ansible “pe. LOR.—ON THURSDAY MONMINO, A WMALEAM  Deuu iatho font lta etaivd ta te cre 
7 Coroner's Inquest. fq avenue and Twonty-first etreet, this (Friday) afternoon, | POST OFFICE NOTICE. OARD-—VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS ON SECOND BU rhe foder will be liberally rewarded by returoing bim to a7 blished Immediately ‘after the urrival cf 

ji at four o'clock. 
Soren or A Borenre ny Cerro Hr Tumoar.—For A Geox —In Tompkinavilie, Staton Inland, on Tuesday, 

aevera) days past Mr. Mharies Johnson, o butcher, whofd April 18,-Misa Acavsta Gauke, aged 19 yeard and 4| 

a 13 nea tite Goore to it, with Boant, In g-privats family, PM Wavorley place. ane rae 

| nO Ane 
GAY OFFION NOTIOR TAR MAILS FOR THEE] AAT Furih wreue. Dioner at ons o'clock. Reterenceap © Sa ey Copal ar ACHE 
Af OF RIO NOTIOT.TUE MATL 20M. TUE sronanaed TRORNGSA, ATR De PRR ATM watacNmara self wi LE 

¢ ‘ited a mor and Liverpool, per steamer Edinburg, and for the Germa: Bower Hafe Key attached; found by s condoctor on the Ml] ler Lato (han never. 
Mived at No. 187 East Forty-Orat atreet, ban exbibited Bp momen dit an in Mctnran per, eleamer. ew Wore wil clove aif] PROARD,-PLBASANT ROOMS, HN SUITE ON SINGLY, Fxerenihvavenua cars. Willbe delivrni nua omer It ho Our havin held from puttleley For no Lng at Rare 
symptoms which led hls friends to believe that ho was f4 : ia‘ dince’ on faturiay. the Za day O€ Aprih'et Wa Myf 22. cau be Ad, fk Liviogsion place, (aloaiis at 779 Mroaday, aller paying coarKex FA iso wo conceanren an Fern vaso of the pasene 

BJ cers with spproblous wpltt 

Stuyvesant aquare; Iocalon delightful, 

fal ral, from tho teaidence of Dir. Caveltl, thia (Friday) alter-il and at tbe up town otieen en followas— 
saffering from temporary aberration of mind. Ho was} noon at half-past oun o'clock. LD psutlons aot B, BMS ACM & 

bribery, conntving, 10 
nm tho firolerL wan de- 

able, howover, to attend to hi doties until Wedoceans Ganinwaire.—At Deep Bottom, James river, Va, onfy Stations @ and D, 7-454. M. * lon avenue ferry, a blak Newfoundland Tha My ay ‘Under these elreamnatanees, Lozether with griovancea 
Seecing ies he eostalttadvalchissy cutting Misient pM Wednesday, Anil 8, Guowoe W Garruwarre, Acting Asp Siatonel: nad Py 73) 4: M. $ vou eanare him eattiog proery and pflogex- of an imriania (tae plenum noo 
ith o razor, nearly covering hishead from hls ehouldors, 4a] slstant Feybuuster, United States Navy, 1a tho $6th year] 2 "JAMES RELLY, Postmaster, ff —_—————————— By oo the voyago by Jeunes 0. Mayer, action opicoial request ot 
Death must) aye carued almost instantly. “Coroner SE onc eh tor aa SUPRISE. = —— — fi BY [oie ROUTH prnwEN A want, goonaie nat I Meedardt in eames, ware starting from 
was noted (o hold mn Loquest, Doceaged wasp] | Hasmsnaw, eeday, at _ Astoria, Fy fs Cee Peg TTH of 60 ill bo pald to tha fader as u3 Ad New York—a copy of which Ian my porsesslon, aod can bo 
pe TE ER Tm quecas county, LL, Mara Himesuow, in'iuo sith earl __._______ DW. GOODS. _ By OAD f FANON AND RDRDOM ITH BAND, fglite pace vw OT Baerga se Le en ee anata 
Aone by peacei—raacns ig arated or aoe ena a Heiter Ash Uae I le 
Suv eae ; : ae " vs 7 ser tner We. Dodge: tne Worgooe aad Pest and 
Arrivals ond Departares. 2s plstvea and fends are aries (without ther P SOReONTaE A) Fines AR Pol, lo (oar Dafoe goae mama erwewoani Seas financials alk cae Ami 
ARMIVALS. fel corner Remsen and Frankila slecets this (Fridoy) alter. Bi 479 BROADWAY, El ROAND.—a0 FOURTH BTRERT, ONE BLOCK wes MAM aneNNee cele ddrlesod (or'S Faris fet, audit not comptied wih Vho-hroust and repurt would 
st ocrvani, W Daturra, tay gua/cnil, cS Lather and uoob ab bal Da tp clock Tue Sylvan Buea feo nepvorn “tiie, PRIOR fa 2. dre erate Trays, Weuwant, Woone wih good aS ro atdicet ye wee Mdaroved Yo TO. Varieei fg potimed. After s dvlayof gyms suonthy ila wore 
; PH Yaodervort au e inet ip at half past one, 2 1 aN MMI To a fF Sabb eerie ie a om a dirdetor of the company, addrrascd to Mr, 
Hedalunedlec Wiss Haaweee, OR Thorsen Horry Aen Lea JoUsaos. Suddenly, on Weduewday, Apri 10, Crates} oF tg GOLD, WALUE ro a To racy Scr scum cae MT ALR Mm Ap ence GM aieegpming ibe county Be 
Aesbel Stalth, ¥ Isiols and lady, TT Older and lady, Jonxsos, son of William Johnson, aged 27 yours AT A VERY GREAT REDUCTION rs SS APARTENTS WANTE™ & Soe ee aed tira fg Pisads finale raroes 2 read be 
a a a SS ‘Tha relatives ond fricuds of the family aro tally (4 WED MY FORMER |e alee ftw genie ‘between Waahlogton ar ‘. Greenerich atrest, [aod trust that the protnt from, 
Hoh Cirben Mla M tales AL Barney, F Oui, Man taviled to allen the fauorsl, from the rovilenre of. bio SS aed tit raya Tee Be area te oN rROTIONERY FORE OP a iy TA aD 
jeale, mts, EC Por ty Ps er, No. 167 Bast Forty-diret stroet, this (Friday) alver- fr LOAN ie ene iven and req\ ddreas Mei oflice, ‘THE. hn ps re 
9 car ciara 2 Gone AP Mavala 2 ALCUACET Mera (wa wlclanky eitoos furitersagtion ot eter 9 ere reece er re nee I ra ee RUC YSU ND EAN ITT Go. fa bmaray on aonday lag a Gatela Bl cenares nthe tap fn trate nea 
Soaplue Iida Valls 8 Ungar, af 0 Anta Valder, 3 ¥atonn Ramone aetee 1 Bo: me a fog, Yea! dollara will Us yp od weluen by dr We Dodge, (io Parser, radecit serosety 

B veidcen ont tixerioard forthe wut, from tk a 

a7, A country farm houee, wit. good edu y 

fj wuble Orteun miles of the chy. "Address, slauing tara, i 
Be Herald oaice: 

Tipon Uio character of twa avin parsefigerny but tho Dodge 
B ould not take. Thls fafamous eplsuie, contatotog tbe platy 
Fellini my bands, nad cau be seen ak tay oico, nnd wil bo 
fsltanded (7 oa may return a Ban Prancteen; UUL hi 

FY | Joaxson.—Ou Thursday, April £0, Peren Jonnvoy, aged A MONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, 40. ALSO. TAWN 
F Csiro) J Fornander, V di Jado, DG Ser ‘A Cureno, HN By al years. AGROKERS' TICKETS BOUGHT "FOR DIAMONDS 

foncheo Louls My Miro. JN Goddard nad son, # Medden, fi] The fronds and relatives of tho family, also the mom- Bi WATONIES, JEWELIRY, ac. at 77 Blercker street. up alalry,| 

Grampa sd Aled. TA Valls Valle, Giuhrdo U13t0; M pers of tho. Boarding. Houso Keopera’ ‘Arcociation aro 

feb, a Porvemnnata, coatalnion some money: alsa 

: i en a T 0) NASSAU STREKT, ROOM NO. ® A. HONTO py _________ “Mothsr;"" havisg belonged to a de- Mf pusseorern aro, ccocerned, whee ames, are oo 
Mew Ontsans—Sicamabip Continsatal—Col Vell, Oeo nf Tespece’aly invited to attend the funoral, from his aici] AT FE A5-AN Sigur prises for Diamoade, We Pork, FANTRD—FoR FOUR ADULTS IN 4 PRE od to aS Latiow atrest will recalva i Daagcpernere, concerned, vhute ames re on the protest 
Eerts and wife, Capt Q Waite, Geo Dyar, it O Simpson, I atk Te oe ere aa ood pH and Jewelry, or advances on consiguments of Waly family, with Booms furplabed or ott bef thanks and no questions asked. Also a suitable reward. — Bl Agency, 1 deem il tay duly, te, Ih paneeenent ens 
Ms Ptssim. Mrs'Col Baran, Lent 'D Byrae, Cap! pg OB8 O'Clock. The remains will bo taken to Greouwood Fl ices isan Thiriy-srih aud Pinan aireeta in ood. neighbor y ta thonca savy weaviliiog publi, repectaly tndsea, 
oul), JF Path JD Meadien, Capt Mason, Mre Melvine, bt (4 cemetery for Luterment j Hand. Unexeepunusble references given, adiresa M. L. A BMT OBT OR STOLEN—PABS BOOKS, NOS, 57,008, 40.699 Bl Ehunlate to expats, wud in ccdrr (> free Str. dacmee (2 Maye 
Binool Lorp.—In Columbus, Oblo, suddealy, on Saturday, T 841 BROADWAY, OPPOSITE WALDACK'S TIAA Fadl) Boventh avenue. L and 44,661, on April 15 or 16. ‘The Onder will ploaso ro- Wand myrelf from the aboro: parka and ep\- 
HuvsonTan, § C-Gteamahip Creale—Rey J, Qubhy and BA Apri 1G, Winssant H, Lnp, In nko 20uh year of his ace.’ BY AL jew Any amount io lean on Damones, Watches Jone) BIA cup ay A GENTEEMAN AND wire, fi {i them to vin Kmferant Tnganiral savings Hank, No, ta Yemunaling frm au iilzw-paeanger. ware ft 
fe Dr'Angier, Sire Chapman, © : of the fam Ely, Plate, Ac. or thename bought for ihe ms NTED— ; i reoaive tha ths watt. Y punitaby tho Long ‘syed protest whieh comes far alo 
wife, Dr Angier, Mre Chapman, child and norse; D McHenry, 1e relatives and friends of the fs ly aro invited tof ry, B' At seagud Mooetroat aod bedroom (umfurnisbed pre: t ye f ate net wien 

fs great true espectta 
Wie Chitraad aqeit(’aN TRANSIT COMPANY. 
Toe foboming ina saement sgned by Uenty eight cabl 
passciigern on tue try inde betwern tbelO\b and 25th of Age 
TEat, on board ihe steainship America, Captain Merry, 
B from Fadams to San Vracelsco, California 
AL When Individuals. oF corpofauione presums (o sek in the 
H capacity of publiceervants, And. as sued advance claims to 
pris PateSoae, ie Heormien the trietege of the palo 
jw In what manner ita inucreat wilt be (proiceted and. Ite 
W.D—L¢ the thief will grast me a biteen nutes" pr Fes and yehet these Individuals vr corporations, 
interview tn some Lue, ualrequeaied pot, oo prosecuiloa bY nak Ls be latrusied with t id desulaten of whee cme 
will be made sgalost bic fy aualtles, It becomes an tiaperauive daty (or ihe public to as 

\iheexaceamcunt ef reponsioly resting it eon 
opoeing ta take charge o i 
Se BWA S. AP Btn tat ttle undead 
e; BA veg isave to taketh flfowiny staismens 1 facia rele fo 
G5 ARTARD HOR A OEAOK AMD TAN, TUMKUR DIS camer mance, of he inp oe dur stip 
Ming Duncan Hoals, hl Apply ah No.8 Bast Twouty- Buh August, IOI" Flevt—-On arrival of Ue pase 
ight street j f 
ela) songrra at Panaira thoy were baddled together ogabe 

5 REWARD CA SMAUL DRINDLM BLU: aNawena fs Uabizr with uo catering to protect them from the wes; 

FF ferred) on thb west side, Got above Twenty.01lh atroet, Ads 
dreaa, alating terms, Ac, D. B., box 6,609 Woat ofica. 

York, for a yooay Lady, 19 a private fatal ty 

are bat few or 00 olher boarders taken. I 

Abd required. Address E.G. 8., Herald ofton, 

fora slagle geatleman, wt once or from May 1, Ad: 
i dress, ith tarms, J. B,, Herald office, 


for a geatleman aod lady; between Fourteenth and| 

Thirtieth streets, and Bixth and Third avenues, Address, 
with particulars, Tozmun, Meruld ofllce, 


ia & quick {emily where there are but few boanters} 

references given if required. Adireas 8, A B., stailga 0, 
Noting price, which must Be moderate. 

[Laly, or whare there are(aw boarders preferred. Address} 

ibecrtber, the following doscribed pro- 

’ at 
WH Lunt, WW Lave, Mre SUH West, O TI Young. 0 Wook: BM attend. th as) afte by the weit Enown THAACS. Diamond Broker, sit Wroad 
Sah a yc Eaceane Wich tae ot (Pontes ler” dietoane Hcp 
Brows, Mls WA Bandfont Migs Arnold. sod two ebiléren, ff 123 Schermerhorn sireel, Brooklyn. fl AT Bs, wa BROADWAY, COMME OF HOND 
Siar hi Wearnoid, 85 Cape's Bh Marebonce COLE T Bf Moxrmr.—Ia Bevoklya, on Wednesday, April 10, after pa A” strect, will paid the bighost ‘price for Diaraond 
Rechmond, Uapt Waterman, Hiss ‘Hogers, CaptD I Morton, by. short illness, Hrazsa Carouma, davghlor of James B. fq Watches and Suvee Ware, or will advance oa Us above| 
Gt Put Mia Badtord: and child, ME Cordova, mito and and Heloua Murphy, ogod 2 yoars, 2 months and 25 daya, A sructes, 

bill, Alea Bile, Dr Mttaworthy J TBs John Wise Mr PM Tho frown oh famally aro tuvitod vo attoul the Cuno. 
Banperi, Capt D'O, Adaya bind enn: Alan Keyes! Joon Fa ral, trom the reeldonce of her parvats 161 Naseau etccet, Hl COPARTNERSHIPS, 

reed nnd wil 2 Being and eels : a OPARTNERSHIPS. 
Foulean CF suaner, Beyer, A Grins J Fippian, fy ' (ErIday) aftcryooa, at two o'clonk. GARB GHANOR OA PANINED WINER TO. Dil 

eres: fy Meremma.—On Thursday, April 20, Fumeuce Wat, eh 1B CHANCE AD TARTNER | WaEES TO ADU 
1, Rogers and danghter, Joba Young fl aged 3 year, 11 oaths and £2 days, cdcst eon of ‘Win! A rae arate GaSide 
fd The friends avi relaulvea of the family are invited tol (1OPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. MR. J.N. BWELL, LATE 
HH ationd "tho funeral, thls. (Friday) aftersooa, at tarcefaj ef the hous of Poluamlas & ackson a this day bo 
W o'clock, trom the restdenes of hs parcate, Al West For- HH rie? be esruuced under tus nape of Stedman, Hell CO, 
Bi sy-third streot i be BTEDMAN & CO., Of Exchanges pl 
fy Mvrzx—On Thareday, April £9, af dropsy oa thell Se oeee — 
(4 lunge, Prin Mrems, aged 42 yoarn RUG PARTNER WANTED.—THE ADVERTISER 
Cuantryrox—Steamablp Oreanns— Miss Allen, MlesCoolry, fH The relatives and Treads of the family aro meepectful'y ws foe store, 
BE Groves MreE A Grove HR Yale, Moy Yale, lt Hl invited to attend sho fanarul, from hia late residence, 101 
See ce aoe ae Baa ke lk Rs ely he a iy were, oA a etl 
jidvell, 8 Kaces, Ma Phebe B Mat 2 Weary z Bila istalmeats, 00 natlstaclocy’ ares, 
Hrvlculen went Googe, ter AH Poloese, &ALOg, (| Maxwnu.—Oa Thunday morning, April £0, Mant C.,fidone week, box 106 Herald aioe. af t 

BS Ge sable ov ue 
Pode et of Singds Harness 
Gas eustiemah’s Gadel 

fes\ aad conviation of the fer, FOI COX, 

4) to the nama of Vanny. Call at the loclalr Louse, 104 Fy peenues nossa eli Sen uae 

nari, asy wolniDg of the danger aieuding such 
Biransportation, Second—Ua board the steamer everything 
reiaUva to ie cullanry department was worougny dis 

fi found ta the eatables, and in 

roadway, eur 

Bight street 
A tween Thirty foarih aud Thirty Of0h erects sliver 


JU Frothingtiam, AM Powell,’B Cary, BS Benedict, Mra fw wife of Jaxcy E Blaxweit, and daughter of Jacol OARD IN BROOKLYN.—LARGE FRONT, BECOND| The floder will recelre the abovo reward by return: 10. The Uabl me 
5 Benedlet, Sacvea Rico, Mru James Hes, a hoy, thre F EY Campbell oe Ml \f* 2, EN RULR, PITEREST, IN OUR HOUSE! Bonar room, with scsail ope altsched 103 Weary street BM ing it to Gt Eights avenoa, T vunrit EE eee imi mere aaa oe 
Mas. Boweo, “The friends of the family are inrited te nttend the|p) iA cents (roms thls date, by its own Umltalloa. founh door trom Amity; oss to South and Wall atrec} — = Ey mowed ‘cach ale of tne dintog rovm wladow 

Snyiieny iiteas sib beges Se ee RSIS E FLORSOR ects la 
29 A Bowen, WV B Rradinay, ors, Tanta wie " . . > ‘ En 
Seale ie ee a is loons Moanin Blase Wat Brea free witout forthe iiav, j]_NEW Yow et tk 
mv, Jobo Stanton,’ E Longley, Hon O Lunt Mra © © Mowracea —On Thoeeday, April 20, Frances Mosraoor, ij 14 RTNER WANTED.—A HEBREW YOUNG MAN, AT EA 
ke, hir Perry, Mrs Wooks, Dr Alea, N Hubbard Hon fj aged 65 years, a nalive of county ‘Tyrone, Ircland. = ‘presvot fn the clothing business, wishes a young man, 
i Ketcham, Hon Geo ‘Hall, Vrof Stores a1 The relatives and friends of tho fanully ‘ro respcettully Bq with aboat 68.00, experienced 10 that trade, For further 
Hpadett, WoW Dédwick RW Howe) HH Cray. Ap pg invited to attend the funeral, from the resitence of hin faq particulars [nquire at #00 Grand eLreot, 
Gilet ue Mallow, Me Mung, M0 Tead, 2 F Gold fq s00, Edward Montague, this (Friday) aftornoon, es DAL’ RT age WANTED-IN A VERY FLBABANT, PRO. 
Saulby AB Deouy, OG Mai, O'S Hoe, OX Lapham, pif past one o'clock, from No. N Z A 
op. Ai 



fang wife or single genUemen can obtaln pleasant Front 

Hoome at No. 4 Willow street, three rninates’ walk from Ful-[f 
ton ferry. Heferences exchanged. 

RW eee Sareea ta eee 
RoBi toad ae dace 


geausmen and their wives ors party of gentlemen. Re-M 
Feresewexchanged. Inquire at £5) Bast Teoth etree, near| 
Second avenue, 

frea Mh 

30) Tei keder, oa the wight of the 18th inet, while lyiog 
Jak Uie otton wharl, Qcaraniine, a Yaw! Hoat, 3) feet long, 
Talbted walla outide wits red liz Tho above reward 
iit ba vald oho0 IM Siar? PRED ELDULDOE, Muaer 

ess ba pied 
es eolne jraeilag pubis how te 

teak Capuata Merry, of the oh 
See cae eerrcs rts C Vaillon. apd wife, Weil. 
Biro Sr hares Whinfer, Jb Uarns Jir Mar 
BW. Georg’, Thomas Spealger, J. If. Weo. Janes Mayo 
By ring, 1c Willame A. A-Aruold. W. W. Ulusier, Mra. Keus- 

i REWARD. man, Mrs Krieas, Mra. Margaret Meters, Mrx. Govino, Mra, 
182.000 "WiLi'TE eroren ow om anour rel Sarin, sain nn una, Than th 

Fira Mee sruiligan Mes Montgomery. Mies Crees, [tob- 
Tye follrwing Coupon ux per est odds of the cty of CLEA Mr roieriek, nase: Majer; Jauscs CMayer, 
Louls, Missoni, viz:— 

f] Ten’ tends of $1,000 each, 

io7 Tenth avenue, without fa vs 7 

cer eteeetee atest Ca eetan Rect noe Pe retreat eS 
Boydam, 8H Duryer, GM Lowls, J.P Atkinson, McCuray.—On Wednestay, April 19, Janrs MoCan-fY 

Mike Searls, Miss Colzats um son of Petrie ued Aue McCarthy, 4 uaulve of cout-fal R'QHMOND —A THOROUGH BUSINESS MAN, WHO 
‘A Dale} hee “ ya bas visited Ricbmoud since Ite capture, apd who basal 

qi ty Waterford, Ireland, in tho 21at year of his age. Fe permit to do buxinoss there dealron to moot with & 
4 ‘Tho relalives and friends of the family are respecttolly BES 2.60 Donnas there, desires 0 meet areal a 
Caldwell, W F Gisaron, DO Hughes, Ht jnvited tw pee the funeral, from the rosidcace of his} na bapaermaly or be ple Palani any Lard dusiness for} 
Bee EI ioe ear eter 

mother, 344 Greenmich stroot, this (Fridsy) at with feel name, Richarood, Herald ofhes. 

‘can be aqcommodaled with furnished of uofuralsdod| 
‘with Board, at No.1} Chariton street, tro doars| 


god von, 8M Grisieold = ~ - rent, Leraed 1864. da 1874 
oS Coraing, Bev Thea t r esday, April 10, Scunwa, third Eq COPARTNBRSUIP HEBETOPORE EXISTING 4 eet Pbeuly Bank, Now York, Yebrary a0: Ti WARD DRAFT ASSOCIATION.—THE COL 
ibercon het G'il Noverig Oee Aanghter of John and Elizabeth McHugh, in Wo 18th yearpd Lucder the style orfirm name of BanUug & Prancis, Is Seen ae a ale atti luclusiver wis purl due Bd 4 Ieators of the digereot districts of the abot 
ira G Farwell, GBurehsrd, E of her ago. Aikis day dissolved by mataal consent Tho affairs of the| (eps BROARD—WITH DESIRABLE ROOMS, OAN BEB oe ee ted Leet with Psi0,000 PM ready at thelr retpective places to return the 
Bowen), Jona A. Cram Wm i Hasina, J W lena, B Li The fricnds of tho family, and those of her brother fea frm rill be ectiled by T. B. Buaulng. who sll continue ike AZ ebialned at No.1 Carroll place, South Brocklre, oncil 4 Lint Pieced by tut, ona oveoly perceol, whieh as Deen eX 
Hon CP Smith, Men OP irae ny e)baninoas. «BUNTING. ¥ areas, tatareae sees Poros nid nlher expences. 
Bilires, aaron Vai, are HU Bowen, alice Buca fA ycter: Are, Feopeetfully Invited to attend the funerse CITE "New Yone, April 16 1065, ISAO P. PRANCIS, Haber, nuwibers 43 (0 4 taclualve, STS, Pearl streek, 

(ince J uly, 186! 
Fifteen ‘bo 

anuered. v7. Oliver, 3 Cherry sreek 

4b Diatriet—Jereinias O'Brian, 7 Olleer street 
Gb Disiicr—Jeremiab Caughlio. SS Roosevelt street, 
Ga Disiriet—Cbarles Kelly, ouraer of New Cbamvers and 

Mis Dnwice Wem P. KU 42 Nadlsan street 
DANIEL TAEMY, Chairman, 

tra HL G Bowen, Alive Blilta $4 (vriday) afternoon, at balf-past one o'clock, from the resi- 
era ame, Goce z. ME Bl enco of her paretie, 3 Mou wtrot, 
fa McKasxa —On Wednesday, April 19, Caamuss MoKAx- 

BSCeather, wero B Frou 
DA Sith’ SL Levnard Ak Larabee, bre AK Laratce, 1 BW 
H Mebouaid, Henry Seymour, EM Hloe, Jr; JE Parsone, f2j x4, a native of the parish of Capoy, county Tyrone, Iro-Fe areas 

be) . Sud Uillors' trimmings dealres to form » co- 
Srntleman tn possuloa of ibe abore| 

‘Addrocs Tassels, Herald office. 

Wil Varecus “Wr Dowal, Rev Jouo' J Chadwick Ki land, aged 21 yearn 
HEM Galleguer, LT Maweg, W Darton, ZY 1 Glbaon. W PHA “THe. fronds of tho family, and those of bis brother.ta 

xy WA Bloor, He yeraey, & Tommend, Georye MY iaw, John Dorsey, aro resreo\ully invited yo uiurnd, sek FINE ARTS, 


Arnold, T WHigelow, L i Bigelow, A F Bigelow, Samuel fey funeral, from tho residence of his brother-in-law, Jobuly > = modern improvemngats, can be obtained. with r MISCELLANEOUS. 
Gromeih Gow C Habinvon, alk’ Geo Buerigy, Gib Dorsoy, No. 169 Worth alreet, this (Priday) afternoon, ot Fy DAM AND EVE 1 ene. Hare'R. Wat Bighuceuth stret ui few olner ual Noalustvey with) past daa coupons a0 oe PROOURED TINT NEW YORE. ONIAN- 
Meme NO Landecd: Ut ilchanisos, James 2H Ase ial tyra o'clock VIVE LIVE Rizk PICTURES, AT THE “titparsaus ure hereby wcUded and warned aot to purcha: luer State (epeclaliy). Other good casen prusecaled, 
Whe. dd x Srp Jao W Minturn, pe McDwsur.—Hemr McDosarp, aged 35 years, : MILTON GALLERY, | AVING TAKEN A PIRST OLABG BROWN STONED or terinnsike nitty oy of ho pant due cums inere MM Casachatiorsirse tes contaentai A MOWER auoruey 
Bi aan Ck nes BRM Beralmamainins Prema Bl oh LSU FoR ATT otate Bure See nts ee Sa arene nape eel St Coc ae 

ung Mrs OL Merriam, Mrs 8 L Massed, Mra kM Mo gd McLAcorry.—In Williamsburg, N. ¥., oo Monday, WEI TB 00) 

Sonufi, Wht alien, t i youngest child and only son of A TRorion ot FINE OTL, PANT iste he OLO 
icLaughllo, aged 1 your and 2304 i xsTERS, arevow on EXHIBITION, at PRIVATE, BALE, 

‘The remains wero interred In Cypress Hilla Cemetery. | ERTY STREET a few doors wost of Broadway. FOr par 

ery denirabie} ahould be pleased Uo arrange wlth two. orf 
[Se renpecuths paruce to ‘Beard. “Address, for ose week, 
Archibald. treraid ten 4 

>| a pea o0 without publicity 
see BING, Cousellor st Law, 89 Broadway. 

‘Lrvunroow—Ktearnship Obloa—Mr and Mra Hamilton Mor. 
may and four children, 

Mticscawey, tour doors Welow Thirwenih. surest. for- Bl 

ew York; Mins Melotosi, Mr- atid = 
Hira Wo Browa, Mont Mra ol B Young, Miss’ Brayton, Washiogton (D. 0.) Chronicle please copy. OY Woulara and foquire at their oes. erly Known ax ibe Gioba Lotel.on May 1, It will be cewly (uTEDREN's TYRIAN SHOES. 
Nnwao.—At Huntington, LL, on Wednosday, April 10, Pl tied up and kept ass Grit class boarding bouss (or familles = = RAPIDLY WIN- 
ip runte: bel Ror. Jace Nicwo, aged 68 yeara DENTISTRY. Ej scd genUemen, (racsien\ or permanent Address Setlers as NAVAL PRIZE MONEY) ee Ree ee rE ia UR. AND, MARY 


ea Jove are nelther anwed nor pe 
Tollke all otbre shoes, thi aed 


‘cers speedily allied. Advances made. Fj 
EMpow ia UO, aliay Aha Ravel Bankers and 
ileetarm, No.2 Park place. 
ee ae Malied ty tieaos of an tara 
raiteatcrs We. Bbre Induraven tha leather, 

vijoen List ready. to date App aU RR eroe land nen bp pecullae Brom Th We cousslldates ta coe 
Movey Otice, No. 2 Park placa. BROWN 2 CO. Bl compact whole. 

Each pair is warranted, ad will stand tbe test of actos) 

ORE DENTAL Association Sxriact TeErH 
Iioat pain with the gas for all ages rosy theo, 12 
soventysiz years; verer a (allure, bever no accident; tha 
Fost dallas cau labalolt with eatery. Othcw 19 Cooper Io 

‘alabed Teoma to lel, witb or wilbout board; no'morlng 
ia May, Raferepors ex 

: extracted. withoat pela. by Dr. VILLERS. 1s) 
Mota (Friday) BB cad sueet tcheertuly reoarin ead Be fo tone saeoa 

Bodated wth food pia Board, op ressousle terra 13 
the vulage of Mt Veron; plenty df frult und sbade trea, 

aod Mm EO Hal Mew J 

Lardy: New Xorg) Deo evening, al elglt o'clock, withoat fcrtberinvitaon. The|Bj ioo\uache, Ie °Toyrinc, 78 Wiringion urea fil Vor fartber parucalars ioqulre sf 494 Mudscs sirert, N.Y. ep 
Miss Theuderson, Baltimore; remalas will be taken to Evergreens Cemetery, at Eliza a) —— aWEWENGIN OLED I WANTEDSEYIENONWOUNG reff "For aale at orcry sire. 


Neen, Eighth and Vorty-second srecta, 

endens priate family pre 

ered to wan be beak of rerencen ofl be ten Hee 

Es week. ‘hd ivesy stating armas and hoes: 
Bonn Ac Gt, bor Qi? Pont odin 


Zalldren and cervau 

P beth, New Jerse! 

Philadelphia and New Orleans pee pleare copy. i Cat rod LCI Dy ach DN abn So 
O'NELL On Thursday, April 40, at No. 108 East Foor-B4 7 OUI8 ANRICH, 72) BROADWAY (NEW YORK 110- 

ite al), will usual Uh ‘over apy mab 10) 
if enth aireet, of hemorrhace fof the lungs, Cuanien i 44 tel will give ae usual thleiy pur cent over aby 

Tho funeral will take place on Satorday afernoo eee ee of Virw. 
two o'clock, from tho residence of bis brother, No, 155) 


odersigood bolda private consultauous an tbe subjeek 
OPT KING, Counsallurcat-Law, X0 Brvadway. 

ownot the. Poort 
auereey for 
Bi eng HO ASattatding U. A siamer Quaker City 


x Clinton street rae Fy reones exchanges, Addices, stig term which wut bo &C. Inge, ke, 90 Brod 
Spenser nite] POL SR AE eine |. (aes Pa cate e| (Samo cee ae q wines, eravons, 6 ERD nan 
aval, Londou; Hoston; tf Ewing O'Donnell, in the 60th year o BW VV 4 club rooms, priva ‘ube rooma and watering Bd CORDIAIS, & 2 
iors TIQuans, % TELS, REPRIGE: 
4 : ‘8091 ‘cea aro respeci(ully tovited HM places with bls uiirivalled fvur end alx pocket Tables a 0OMB TO LET—WITH BOARD, FURNISHED OR} ee 0. Yo treet, importers of | TE MANTELS “LATE 
head Ree Poth ied and aenoninauen oe mopee ay imho Hts haat uaa farts Massa BH OMe ee BC MET OCs fl WV ReneS oy rela stunt  MPORRLE AND SUA ty aHAre, Mtl on 

Tatorg, Washivin sioks and. 
cok Be Re oer to Slate Works T. B. SILWAMY,s1 Canal set Urea doors 
he Fling te 

fa, Btoaguion acd Alpin 
1a; Wine Bhises, $2; raspberry and 
‘Gum, $2; Brandy, Gia, Ruw, Bourbon 

a ang 
si Oita cance 
Biivelee) Fetes vaal 

foatertom ber ine realdenee, Old Flaibush road, mear fg rms. Urdere by mall'attended for Tables and Trimmlogs 

ain pocket table, In 
fy will pay eau If 1a} 

ay iar rune 

‘Fate lable If desired. Apply at I West Siateenth at 

east of Broadw: 


ay; cxmfortable Bittlog aod’ Wedron th thle cig. A 

Ntsc Third aveaue, No ¥_ Cut tuia got 

‘awe ‘The friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invtt = e) or unfurniabed, with or witwoat . B] eighicenth street 
ses See Te ee gh rae eee CORE OO On — Sane ESS SOEAT, BERGEN al 
Hea ToSeee brie nde rails Mattee Scotty nay Py CUReR Rares Rete TARMANTED, TUE. Ta pT patna tert al ager dae MsRiipet tates Sette ate 
Setters talon nea, AGU RSS Bete meee = et 

vow York Win Craigand Wan Graig aE At: Py Ballysnena (Irelanst) papers please copy. fait nod 3 East Twenty third atreet. cto location of rooms, boume, key B., Merald oor. Ba TV eer tT ete) IA SECOND HAND HOISTINO, MACHINE, 

lew to matritnony. Aged fru 173 
Ala Western gud Mies Dells Mauer, 

wood, “VhiladeQ bla; Mise Mary Wi 
‘orks 3 
[pisbou A, Boring etreck New York 

Waren crtusuivg twee ta dtieen bundred pownde, 
address Factors bax te) Mera clon 

York: ‘aiia| 

§ ms ea ees Sree sl at ae 
"Arérne, Milas Nater, New ¥ Nwaltor, London, ff % John 1. Suoab, agea 24 youre Bi ooar— . $115 WHITE ASH, $10; NUTS! 
{Jameson and Ove ehidren, Alea HeCakough, Nw York; fy Tho relatt ‘a “of the family, and also (hore, $300. asbe yard 84 Ewhih arente, corer Taevty: Fi 
‘Yaslo Uriah CaNumaUla Rbeedar weaga NEM XOrk ora father ar: John Wane FeO ted Pe Mijas S DLAI 

Fr /PO,LeT In 4 rinsr cuss ous xO. Fo WEST IP 
Tweniyithind aise stag nesuy, furalaurd Rov 
AV a ai" Wedrocm slater st Kereresces exchansed. 

g ~ “ == &- ee 

: Ps NeW YORK HERALD, | RIDAY, APRIL 21, 1865. ° . 

ee ee 

a wt ES 
: , e, and tet it be bal pial 
MISORLLAWEOW3 NEW3. Fiotatoo in the reo of life, and fet meri / ren - 
Yestertay, in accordauce with the prrelamation of 4 Warld without regard to color.” In Tenn : TEE PRESIDENTS POLICY. 
dovertcr Piovaa reosmoniug that by sdo.oindes $1600, a8 rouryanlzod, the oleciive {ranchise 
pecially W religious services, In cousdderation of var! Jolt to the discretion of the Legislature, wi 

recent patlonal afliction, was generally vimeret OMY | in the proper way to sottle JL Lut to ell Audresses of New York, Maine and New 

oot the Slate ax a solenmn bolday, In ths city aol Hite matt on the ubolition of slavery, Mr. JO! » fl 
e.aniversst, ocarty all! + ele slevati h 
een sn ume ae We menomene oie ees) AeNSCY Delegations an} the Digo- 

pont, Mayor Lincoln, Br gadier Genars) Wilds and Alder 
mea Dana, Porter and Siebbina Lung specches were 

Tho Maine delegation, headed by the Hon. Hawes 

‘00, on behalf of the government and people of the 
Tailed states, for the sympathy which you have so feol- 
[ingly expressed upon (he mournfal eventa to which you 
fy refer. ‘The good wishes also which you so kindly, oWar 

for the welfare and prosperity of tho United Slater and 

for my persnnal health aod happiness, are gratefully Fe- FA pai Fam 
Cived. Your bopes for the early restoration of peace 10 inj, late, Vico President of the United Statea, 

his co ntey aro cordially reciprocated by ma. You may fy *™l€d apon the President to-day fur the purpose of vem 
Drasered thal I eball leave holbing oodone towards /Edering to him the mmo bearty support which ey 
{f prosersiog those rlauions of friendship whch pow for- Fil freely gave to bis iastrious Predecessor. 

Pit oalely exist belwoon the United ctates and all forelgo. 

ee - = 






“No. 110 f transacted, and the majority of the churodsor heiug ojwa. |} consti\ution alii) ponding belore the Sintes 10m f atic Corps to the President. B. 
Nolin aeae = “Trmportantiatlipeace raring Maxialin's Mexicag}) [ls three-fourths vous, “4° P Fy OBL O ees eX ORRAUN IONESCU DEDE _ ‘THE CABINET. \. 
ee ‘empire le contained In oor Yate Varia and Werlin dre? Lastly, touching our forcign affalrs, Mr. Joh GATES TO THE PRESIDENT. fie ‘Wasmaarox, April 20, 1868. 

New York. Friday, April 21, 1805. 
ho body of President Lincoln remained yosterday tn 
tho rotunda of the Capitol at Washington, which was} « 
Abronged by thousands of Borrowing wpociatora This 

f a Tho new President, Andrew Jobason, di 
5 . ‘ 2, d\it-rs from Mr. 
MR. JOHNSON’S REPLIES.!] ame committee of tho Union Leagua of New York [Lincoln in all gagpects and it ls nok Ukely that be fl 
EJ who aro here, wore this morning preasnted to Prosidont py conduct the go opt lu tho same mild mpirit as the 
f | Jobosen, and delivered the following addresa:— [former President very long. Hin fricnds here are of 
Ere Wanyroorny D.C, ApriL1®, 1808, opinion tha be { contemplating a chaugo inthe (abiaek 
| To re Presmesr oF te Usir_n Starrs’ Plold Diair, who ts an old acquaintance of Mr. Johnson, 
Sin—Dologaies from the Uulon Largao Club of Now! ang his nearoat advisor, 1 now learn, w favorable to ¢ 

fo York—not » party organization, but united by a common 
ino plo of loyalty—we havo’ come to pay our last tri- Pychango ns soon as possible, Thurlow Weed breakfasted . 

patehie, This raid that Maximitlan’s Sinieter tu Landon Waar xoros, April 20, 1805, fl 

ton, al tfis Nostiville meeting, spoke with b 
“ne rosigne hia position, doctaring that av consid ra. fq *O By Sy - 

Paani tently ecigbty. to. Induce hiia to retain the fg Wiual franknose Io said that “he was In favor 
S Joution could be oored, as bo tx watleded thnt the Mosi- fy of the Monroe doctrine throughout, and he pre- 
Scan empire incollapalig, ang that Maxiitan wiitwon P} dicted that the day was not far distant when, 
‘bateata aod retdrn to Aunteta, behaving been eomptotely [4 ywiity (he robellion crushed, we sball aay to 

dixnppolnted Ia hia two mort Important 05 ye. aideot Napoleon that ho cannot establish a monuroby | 

Yoreshadowing of His Policy in These 
| Speeches and in His Nashville 

lal} F ihe reongaition of the Tt Matos and the ‘ 

Ra ERE  y  e | E S Meriaae cle, “Aveootirmators.¢thiare ffi Mexico.” If the Emperor of the Froveby Speech of June Last Accepting pute of Jove ant honor to the memory of Abrutiam Lin. A with President Jobason the other day, DoCore ho laf fon 
; no Hupp and Mox , ‘ : sea i: Bl 

commitico dalgated to accompany them to Till port tat Moximilian contemplates roon ebendoring fy (berefore, has not been informed of President the Baltimore Nomination, fp ROT re ae aa yan ot rE Now York, and a lends my (hat bo thinks that there 

find danger you nay rely upon the sare uunwerviogf4 Will be no tmmediate change In tho Cabinot. It ts well 
wupport that the loyal citizens whom we represent 0 Fi known that thero is astroog hostility oxlsting betweem 
cordially gave to your lamenied predeceaion Unoxpect 
Uealy placed by Provid nes It 8 position for which the| 
Tecent past aGurls no precedent, sino Presiont Lin- 
cola knew oot the lesson tanght to ox by hia death, and 
by tho attenpt d murder of Mr. Seward, you aro gall 
qo perfects oatlocal policy that, stall stare peacd and 
jer to the country torn by a spirit of rebellion, which, 
howover, vanquished fo arms, still alms to harass and 
P| destroy the republic, on the one hand by the Feesnt con. 
B] piracies of organized ascassinr, and on tho other by 
P| cunning attempts, under professions of loyalty, to eolzo Fd 
again the reins 0” power. fare assured,’ slr, not fa 
simply by your words, bat by what you hayo practleally 
accomplishod, that yo. will prove yourself equal to the 

ols, aril eave Washlogton, pat (oo ae arn ive the positive anomxincenveat that Jobnson’s poaltion upon thia subject, let blm be 
Baltimore, and arriving in tho evening at TF pi ho nao) Jored bis reprevontatives at tho various buropes? A asenred that it meana the enforcement, if neces- 
Hebarg, Pa, whore thay will remain to-n}gbt f}courts to give weal notideatton that he retrscia the rH} sg oF tin Monroe dootrine. 

vociation of hts favally rights to tho throne of Austria, [4 
Taey will reach Philadelphia to-morrow erenlagy ANd Te Pp scious to leavlog.Barope. | Such is tho nocopted and declared platform 
mala there till Monday morning. Thenos they will be { 

The Alantio Mail Stoamship Company's steamer Oovan ff] upon which Andrew Johnson, a Southern abolie 
Drought to this city, where Mt te expected Queen, Captaia Wolr, will sail to-morrow, 224 fostant, at 
Abey will arrive aboot ten o'clock on noxt Mon fy twelve M,, from tho now and commodious pier No, 43, foot. 
Treparations for the recoption ig of Canal street, North river, for California via tbe Latbmun 
Ps ae the aie tn this elty and thof, of Pansuir, connecting ab {he latter port with tho fne 
of tho of the 0 
filondant cersmonios have already commenced. 

py that it was Mr. Stanton's iofiacnca which procured the 
fd romoval of Montgomory Blalr, and it Is thought that the 
FH Blalr family will roturn the compliment sa fon 6s pos 
pjeble. The late President, in bis grat kind 

ness of manner and indulgence of feeling allowed 
Stanton to play @ great many pranks; but Andrew 
Johnson 13 not the man to pormit that sort of thing im 
his Cabinet Benjamin F. Butler, of Big Bethel, ts bere, 
and bis friends soy that the Proaident has promised bum 


A Regular Cromwellian Treatment of Traitors, 
the Slaveholding Aristocrney and Slavery 
fa the Work of Reconstruction. 

EAnow ateninalip Sacramento, By a now arrangement, 

[joo noncing on the at of May noxt, tho steamers of tive in regard to tho reorganization of the 

ond ably bo Fs tall an \ us Stal di, Is of tho la 4 Fitvation; that you will notehrink from tho duties of {the War Department If old Blalr favors bim he may 
‘Tho funeral proceasion on Tuesday noxt will probably (Lio tino will mall on the Ist and 16th of every month Mrebollious States, The leading rebels of th ANGPasecu Ae STR eea ee 
4 S . h painful. They F}hare m good chance. So, at least, I boar it sald. Preston 
4 more tmpoting than any almllar affair which fp] tbereafter. ‘Sonth, especially of the slavcholding arlstoc- AA Bair Warning Also to Louisfjsk no plotgo or promis other’ tiga those fe 
Jarger nad more) Impoung, Aman named Monry Kealy was yesterday committed cy, will bo held to a stern. a but the fi & Ef offerod by your past. carvor, especially 08 Millary Gov. ff ing, of. New York, has bocn govoral toca witn Mr. 

has ever yo! ben witnosted hore, Tho entiro National 
Guard of Now York and Drooklyn, together with other 

Johnson. Ho {san old friend and correspondout of bi 
It Js gonerally supposed that Presidont Johuson will oan 
fy have all the States returned to the Union, and tho Suna 
pq orsand Representatives from tho Svuth taking thely 
seats {n the noft Congross; for ho Is a prompt and 
Jeq™clent man. Andy Johnson Is better known to the 
fmasaes tn tho South than any map since Andrew Jaok- 
son's time. They have moro confidence to blm, and will 

pruor of Tennessee, which you brought back to us reo 
fand loyal. ‘Tho American poople hava entire confidence 
that what has been already accomplished by tho racrlilco, 
from which thoy bod not shrunk,of thelr song and broth: 
ers Is not to be lost in any degreo by a hesitation on the 
part of the governmont to execcto atornly thio croat task 
of Justico; By the exhibition of mercy to criminals, which, 
kept busy day and night fo receiving, not ouly tho diplo- fa inay bo cruclty to thousands; by any conce 

i By yout ave donouneed ax the greatest of crlmee—treason 
}mualle corps and the ofllcers of the army and nary, Gov-BA artnet tho uation. ‘The Topal poop of New York ro: 

to prison charged with haying killed his wifo by #tabblog, 
or with  pockot kulf yesterday afternoon, at thotr ro- ff Masses of tho Southern people, recognizing in} 


military organizations and namorous civic associations, bi sidence, No, 122 East Fourth atroot. Andrew Jobnson one of themselyes, wili gladly Ff 
will particlpata, HE] Philip Treanor, in default of one thousand dollars #ecu-BY roturn to tho blessings of the Union under bis 
EB rity ror future good bohavior, was yosterday committed Ml amintatration, Thus wo may reasonabl: 

An order was yesterday inrued by the War Department [4 " b bavi tod . yrensonably 

to tho Blackwell's Island workhouss for having assaul Taoal thal wilh tha ropaiar’xreeltagt Or Goee 

gress in December, there will be a full delega- FF 

be, Bey ke, 

of Bovth, tho assametn of President Lincelo, and rewards lemors of States and State delegations, but Janumerablo FY eognizo tho fact that upon all who have encouraged thi = 
of twenty-five thousand dollars each for the arrest of two pe loxulting and seditious langaage. tion of members on band from every Southern fy cjyjo associatious of minor mportance. Tebsllion of extcnunted It guilt: npoa all who. bave con, Pact More promplly at bia suggestion, than that of aay 
paty-ve thousand do! James Thompson wa yesterday arrested and com. 1 nived at the villanies of tho Golden Circlo, or becought, a ff other public man in the country. Andrew Johnson will, 

Ttsall right and proper that theso calle shonld bevy ing iaterest of tho rebels, foreign Intervention; upon’ all 

Hjtnade upon the President, bot each one ecems to boP¥ who have betrayed the true hearted supporters of tho Aa 
aMJcted with a mania for specch making. Hence wop4foveromont rest tho responsibility of having prolonged 
uave dally a dozen specches mado to tho Prosident, and fig !Bo War, with its fearfut waste of blood nod treasure, and fy 

EJ of baying encouraged the Gendish spirit which reveng: 
many roplics from him, many of them long enough AY \tsolf for defeat in the field by raids on tho border, pl- BY 
regular oration. To report In fall all the prooced: 

Another Chi in Mext Maximilii Taclea by peas thot Ce 29 Barf olien ad now by (i 
other Change In Mexico—Maxim! fassaustnationg at the nail |. We fol asi 

Fe Ee » on each of these occasions would fll two or thro inst knowing. ae Sendo by heron) observation. in 

fewspaporn with reading matter, Interesting only (of your own home, the Infernal gpirit of this robelllon, 

Tho condition of Moxico at this moment hi ihceo jummediately participating. The fact 1s epparont{s] You will novor reinvest ta eblef agonts with a 

affords us n view of one of tho most curious ond BM boro that the speech making to tho President by kocloty 

‘extraordinary pictures over seen. Tho history fy committees has becn vastly overdone, 

no donbt, administer the goverament with an iron will, 
Ho will advocate, out and out, tho Monroo doctrine, and 
{a doterminodly opposed allke to tho socossloniatu of the 
South and tho peace democrats of the North. 

Of his accomplices, namod G A. Attorotand David ©. fl 
Harold. Tho order also alates that liboral rewards will 
bbe pal for any information loadiog to tho arrest of thes» 

corner of roadway and Thirty rixth street. . 

William Golden was yesterday committed for trial, 
charged with stealing ® watch worth eno bundred dol- 
Jars from Mra Sarah ©, Bross, 1 Broadway, near Grand 

‘rom tho New Youx Hunan, June 16, 18° ° 
Nasmviiiz, Tonn., June 9, 1868, 
Tho bricf announcement contained in this morning’a 

excapo, Thoso mums of mosiey offured by tho Secretary of| 
‘War aro additional toany which may be offered by Gover- 

Hi) politieal control In the States whlch they havo ruined; 

§) tne you will nover permit our loyal countrymen of thal 
el South, nor the now class of citizens created by this wer, 
of that country is suf generis, separate ond dis-Fl visiy OF THE DIPLOMATIC CORPS TO THE 

whose Mdelity and courage have ucalsted so promfucntly PY Papers that Androw Jobnsou had been nominated on the 
[3 ‘0 crush tho rebellion to bo punished by subjeciton to the pe republican ticket with Mr. Lincoln, created no surprise 
(inct from that of all other nations—as volcanic Ft q very (raltors from whose unexamplod t ey have 
Wasmrsarex, April 20, 1865. 
‘The members of the diplomatic corps called upon 
Prosident Johnson, at his rooms in the Treasury build. 

E] Saved tive coumtey, The salute OF thevetnbeagpmine fand but Ute remark In this cky, Tt was generally can 
flernoon. Sir Frederick Brace, the new Min. 

Bling this comaiaitce deciarel unanimously thele, bellvc fal sidered a foregone conclasion that the tickét would om- 
tho assassteation of Abraham Lincoln would faten 

(he solemn conviction of tho American people that 

ff {ie robeliion and elavers, {ts cause, must bo terminated 

py the etrong arm of the Innd without dalny, hesitation [4 
or compromite, tustaotly, absolutely apd forever, 

In behalf, sir, of our asscciation antl of ourselves, w ; 
revereatly {avdke upon your administration tho favor of es & matter of coarée, and no particular demonstration 
Heaven, and we have the honor to subs-ribe ourselves, pq Was mad: in public until this ovening. 
ssicuratiy and espectfully, our, fellow. countrymen, He  Samuel Carter, the proprictor of the Salnt Cloud Hotel, 
jobn Jay, Jonathan Sturgos, Charles Butlor, Jamos W: fy, bak 
Wulman, Theodore Rooseveli, Frank £. Mowe, John A, py nas always beena sisunch Union man. Ho says 

‘ecks, George Catt Wanl, Olis D. Swan, Parker Handy, fy during the morning he was revolving In his brain the 
EE. Detmold, Lo Grand BConnors, Samuel Wetmore.’ PY names of the true, staunch loyal men of Tennessee 

THE PRESIDENTS REDLY. Whom he know, Tho roll summed up olneteen names, 
‘Tho Passrorxt replled as follow fHand out of those mucteen good and holy men coe 
Geyturex—In roply to you, aud through yon to theft has been chosen by tho Baltimore Convention to be ite 
organization Which you represent, T can only say, a8 11 candidate for Vice President. Carter calculated that he. 

ave calil ta otlers, that your encouragement 1s 'pecu- Bd 4 
arly ap)ropelato af this time. Thave bean teown Tutofif uad only missed the nomfoation by eight en, aul thas It, 

tho position I now occupy bg cireuuistances that you aro 
all fimillar Wb. Thera hes been a great deal done 

fo far as wo aro (aformed:— 
Dy tho War Department... 
By tho Governor of Pennsylvania, 
By tho Washington Qty Counetla...... 
By the Baltimore City Covncity, 

mpidity, tho clash of arms continually resound 
through te land, and the masses of the people 
seck in’ vain for peace and repose, For nearly 

ff tials. Ho wan to have been presented to Mr. Lincoln at 

PY uo White Houso on Seturday last, but the vatimely and fy 
ftragical death of Mr. Lincoln on Friday night proveated bf 

President Johneon's Pollcy—An Authorl- 
ative Specoh—Andrew Jackson Over 

- $140,000 
Acdeepateh recolved In Taltimoro Inst nlght, from Gen. 


eral Tylor, dated at tho Relay House, on tho Baltimore} 

Lalf‘a century this has been the case in Mexico.f 

ff President Johnson, in bis admirable speechesf] Tho American war, which carried our ti: 

[Hin Washington, whilo emphatically pronouncing fj umphant flag to tho plains of Anahuno, taught fy 

Alin favor of tho punishment of traitors, wisely f{!ho prominent leaders of public opinion some Ff embacaitors arriyod. It was exeeedlvgly cordial ani 
Sed Ohio allroad, pear Haltisore, wales hak eneof MAB Diced that tho -speotfle measures of hisp] useful lessons; but they did not profit much by fa pleasant on both sides. Sir Frederick sede the follow- 
mon had Just eaptured and brought io a person Identifed F administration would bo shaped by tho de-f{ thelr exporience, ‘Tho great obstacle to pro-pAl Ing remarks upon tho ozcasiou:— 
te Gears A; Atzorut, ano of he coaspiratora Inthe 86-4 topment of ayenls Wo have, howovor, Inff gress thero bas, in fact, been (oo deeply rooted. FY 4 have to accowpany uy oi elie sek Withee B ieeserv i auty tozcsissrate ine [acess long EGLMIORL 
Ls ees Hour special roport—which wo republish thisEl1t is in tho nggrnndizement of the clerical} |1reslons of condolen.c. On Satirday Inst tho ceremony Be sight approached the hotel was liiminated, a brass band 

road atheros fase Looth' the wankers’ 0 4 “3 Bi that takes place to-day wna to havo becn porformed, buth¥Thoro isa great deal to do of a compiox and dificult : 
Avan at rst mppoved tobe Tooth, the marterer °C inorning—of hla Nashville epecch of Junobf party, which has enrichod itself nt the expense} iho graciius intentions of tho ate. lamented Presideat Pf character. The crsuaiances which havo eecber6d. ar H] vas obtained, a rovd gathcred eround, aad Goveraor 
saddening to us all, and no! one appresfntes them more Johnson fntroduced to It, The usual wolcome of three 

P| wero (rostrated by events shich havo pluoged this coun: 
fa try foto consternation and aftiction, and which will call deoply than Lue. But Jat tho other day our President 
fof fortis in Great firitain feelinzs of horror as well aa pro-pq was in the midst of Ifo ard the confldence of bis coun- 

3 “ found ermpathy for tho victims. It beccmes, therefore, #4 trymion.  Novr Lo has Leen romored to (hat bovme From 
Most of the revolations of which we read have ps iy yatarul duty, a'r, fo preseut tbo letter from my. cov. fy shiencauo traveller Fi = Under these circumstance 
nd their origin in this fraitful cause of dis-14 

tho Praidon was yesterday arrested ot Tamaqna, Ta; Alinst, accopting his Dalthmoro nomination and 
dot later Investigation throw donbt upon the Identity, 

‘and wo Lave not yet learned that the apprehended Indi 

choers and a fow chords frou the tand welcomed as hfzm 
honros3 and began what, unilor all tho circumstances, B 
supposed would bea ten minutes specch of thanks for 
j tho honor and compliment; but duriug the two hours im 

g-gn, Of which I dm bearer to youns President of tho J to coeupy a past of pecullar peril. When 
Unltd’ States, and it is with pleasure that I convey thof No past aud then tarp and try to wnderslond tho 

Yidual hax been proven to be the evlyvit Our coluimnsfd questions of the day, From what we know offf 

thle moraiog contain mony Interesting particulars re-f4 iho charactor of the man, we feel perfectly safeP|seneion, It was this, in fact, which gave eel urine 0 ind and cod will which hor Majeety en: Sco Lor nach Beer teh] which he oceapled the ctind ko gave vent to a letter of 
iting ooth's cbaract f and career meals 5 e stltnti ri tering toward you, sir, President of the United pi] \lch you tendor In bebslf of thoss vou rapreront; ondb4 acceptance of the nomination which has several polnts of 

: Cee : ae : ae oe Ey ; 2 tg aaa Hon that the programme ey Rare or conniidonal ‘pasty aes Sica Tam force directed to ecpress her 2 UT know myself, profoundly grateful tor th aud {nterest, und which I cudeayor to give you from moagre 
Suave beau ised problbitog for thepresent fur. sbiadowed in this specoh will be the policy off ented by Juarez, and to which tho churebmen}4irew's frioudly diepwiian toward the grant natlon lium you my hearer tusks “You have refer to tiy AlN My Anny aitcrnrt to gies you tno oteroonpped 

of which you arp the Chief Magisirato, her bearty fYyast history Bud my councetion with this rebel- 
gow wishes for Its peace, prospority ‘and wolrare. fillion. In” refo 
Jed to the {nyllation of Maximilien into Morinn [a ier Majesty has nothing sore at heart than to eultivnte tho. polley_jehich I Ive Judicated bore. 

ees a imp~! re lations of amity and good anderstanding which AY lofore will be “my gulde in tho foturo. Theft , . 
7 uoutpies,”” ond the erection of an imy Frey viene waesteagryty TY idea (at Justice, sian be ebearred in ono which bas fl MORAL OF LINCOLN'S REYOMUEUTION. 

ther diselomures, except to the War Department and FS his odministration, and that neltbor friends nor: 
jfoos will shake im from his resolution to carry 
it out. 

ce to that I can only. say 

Introduction, apologics ond couclusfon, but the mat 
polpts of bis epocoh. 

ekaquoriers of wifftary departments, of any Informa 

Hon reeaning armsta of porwr euppoved to bo con Filta been Wet Lin rongapat ihorases cell Se J dap nations of, the Unltd tates ant G¥cet Britain, ly. tpresesd rhe 
} ot Tt ts th= co ~Io1 throng on tho free soil of = ~~ dip nstions of, tho United States and G¥cat Britaty:(4 scrongly Impressed mo, and Trawst vo porynltted to. re-Pa stration which has been mato to-night, Gowe 
bectot wi ho great ssastuaon plot, Tho oljest off What to tow pedgrammet i #9 4 <I vefdeitahatsd a directed to portorm Wofe] mark thot tye ue Tae’cone ven tie natree of SenAGE seus gutmees wax pleeaed to thle, wees Got mens ta hte 
these onferk fs Ls prorat tho frustratlon of tho arrange-f40d most emplintle Intorprotation SO Dati tetas outed ome. fy should Uo understood In this eountrs, nid ihub 890, OSE voncae tat was an Spaeainigalaat we ing partons iSeon! 
a nt x ' ol, 0, elf, to cay that ff, chi ne objéct of ny fal the great mass oF pie. We have delluitions ke ; 
osate oon ihe wapea'ts tt niuals Mp premauiraeeets WHE TETHOGEDT, WHO Bos passod thrGugh thofd Unfortunatoly for the enemies of-the ropubefty gli teas Musk oh one failifally tH ecjuae In the lawtooky aniponalties are atts to there 

prezont of ther devotion to the goverancn’, tho country 
‘anil the cause In which overy trag’patrlot was engaged — 
bj te maintenance of the principles of liberty. Thla war fe 
nereatstrogelo for tho oxiatcuco of free govorument, 
apd sn the renoriinatiin of the man who had for Live yaw 
‘guided ie bark of State, ie Coneention had déciared, nat 
only ts the pe-ple of the United States, but loalt nations of 
Ue carth, that we are dterstined W carry cut and mainte 
the principles of free government, 

As for iis own humble self, Goysrnor Johnfon .= 

. tool, oF sib of the, ludividuat whok] ated that thero was also a principle declared, and them 

fire of tho robollion, could give to the leading cry is wcrimo, (uat arson ina crime: 
oo, ‘that murder tearetine. All these aro 

have peualtics aflixed. When v6 look at tho! 
present murder, tho pre: assamipation, ced trace It 
B] back (o tts source, no ono can te raistaktina’ (o the spirit 
from which itemabated. ‘There 1s uo oue but would Say, 
Big reverence to the Individual who hus jo rpeteated thi 

: hy 
Fflio, at home nnd abroad, it must be said tint ht tbat respect Abd sprees tho yoy wir, thot you wl 
principles of the Halt republican placff thls newest Invention of monarchy on this} = Hh yest a friomily Ialenticas ‘of tne uct 
form: UBirek Ro biel i re B) sod Wor Mafosty's Government Ihave tho honor, ne. 
rin. First, he holds the impregnable ground }4 continent ix not destined to livs very long, nor Bio place in your hands the letter of eredence coutued 
fg that bis nominstlon froma seceded State car-f} to faro very well whilo it continnes to exist.f4to me by ber Majo=: 
Jortlca of the day, belng decidodly Letter, He ty now] Afi WH It the doctrine that eccession has noth Liko everything clce in Mexico, a change nowf]™®PREsIMFOT’s REPLY To THE unITIeM wINIeTER. 
era ade fi takon a solitnry State out of the Union. Allfi threatens the “new order of things” Muxi-fy 
4 fy'le rebellions States oro in the Union, have#q milion has found out his mistake, and like a 

which the Preefdent replied a3 follows:— 
fy Slt Freocxice AW. Bacce:—The cordial and friendly seassin Och sirielo Indie iduady 
peeve a ee I au, must sulfer tho penalty of| 
ak onmenn was called Spon yostonvay Oy many bY pover been out of it, and we have been fighting ff sensible man—which ho has recent v 
ebting ly shown’ 
himself to be—will bo but to glad to throw & 

pablication of Important facts 

Porther linprovement in the cares of Secretary Sowant fa 


Jod Asistant Secrtary Fre‘! 
Jestenday, The Beerctary was able to elt up during a] 

fek Beward was apparent 



Gelesations of eitizons, representing various States an: 

sentifuonts which you have expressed on the port of Her 

Bi deaih, what shoot 

a Britanic Majesty give me great pleasure. Great Britein FF Sahai eheslaiveian 

pasociatoos Tori ibelpiirpoee (pC) ledping) tol him th gto keep them in, and to put down tho rebol- saat fi Valle States vy the extended and varied forms! 

soclatlons, purpore of plodales to bin oF tong elemonte fzhti re ae 5 of commerce between tiem, the contiguity of portions fy 
Ee etna eli alas Ski ee We us elements Azhting to take them ont. Here, A} up the glittering baublo of the Mexican crown, Yor th irpoucssious sud thé slullanty ot their Rnyosca fais lity: wo saust Took atic fa the exercise aud carrying 4 gave us the eubstence of what you have bnd from Parca 
then, President Jolingon demolishes the theory fj dud Jawa ore drawn into contrast and intimate Intercourse bq Out of storm infexible Justice. The tirao has come forPY Prownlow, in tho Convention, regarding tho right of 

eppeared. A largo number of naval offie!re alcoF or Senator Sumner, Thaddens St Rial the same time They are froma the same causes ox-fA vs to Understand that treason Ls a crime, ho highest of) 0 i eer J 

BC ec CHT ced. Moceae cae , Thaddeus Stevens and some ES poved (o frequent occasions of misunderstanding only to EJ crivies, In other words that all crimes aro sobimerged inf Secession. Johueon declared that {t wos on Iuportans 
vy id the dip elother Northern abolition radicals, that from faserted by mutcal forbearance. So eagerly aro the MY treasoA, and ho who has committed trescon has commlt-14 principle, and ono uot to be disregarded. The represen 

corpe, andi paid tholr respects to tho mow Treali pa poople of the two conntrlos enzaged throughout almost fed ted all crises. Please accopt my thanks, genliemen, Tork sativa of all ie Slates in that Convention had declared im 

more durable throne of the Hapsburgs ‘That 

their rebellion ogainst the genoral government} he would be forced to leave bis no : ae bi 
Ww empire fy the hole world in the pursuit of similar commercial fiy the encouragement you havo given tao, nnd the ald you hd A 
dent To each dlemiion Mr, Johnton made ofS the ent State: . . b uccal © Datu jes and 5 BEY 0 houg! fas ay be leultt srocinte it be] Ais nomination Mat they did m € re that State 
f ohnsva malo 6}F the insurgent Slates buvo ceased to be within] vory eoon wo always felt convinced; but that lien that aroctauht wocleahee “ite two fw’ amhouest and walocoro rulanes on tout powerB could withdraw or sca from te Unted Sites Im 

foverimonts most b: enewies, or at Dest, cold and calc’: 

EY whose guidance In this struggio ‘ao mantfcst to us all, 
Jating friends. So devoted aro the two mations rough. 

suitable address, and all were pleared with thotr visits }§ tho pale of the Union. Mr. Jobnzon’s peaition hy 
No ono can doubt that an oyerrull 

heavould have bad the good sense to decido ps 
and tho cordial reception they met Additjonal indica. 

J s s other words—which the Governor's moderty forbade him te 
upon this important matier will materially sim-fj on doing so without uny promptings from anfa 

Providence bas 

: " eS hy LS wut all their domain, asd even In thelr mest remote b fey controlled, the destinfes of this country. We may talks of| declars—he represented that piive ple, and Uatit hed se 
tion of what willbe bo policy of Proudent Jokmon ts 4 plify the task of the reorgnnization of tho re-f{ American ormy wns not s0 readily to be ox-fy "il shi colonial po=cecclons to me pric-iples of clei tho abil of men, bat the pogecsy of this Tebellion 4 cured Aten de nemisaiton.” He had held tha dxtrine from 
OXF} [ebts and eonstjtotiouel liberty, that, on the oftior band, has showu that th'y are only lustruments in the nods PY ise cre, and noo the naticn’s r.pre eniatives had tn co 

Bis treatment of the leading rebsla may beh bellious Statex H 
Fubcied from some ef bir remarks mado yea $4 In the next plnce, the revolting elarcholding 
tentay. MIF" be vay, “ibe murderer of n singly 13<f4onstocracy of the Sonth bave no reason to ox. 
Gividual most ever the p { pect any very large concessions of charity from publisbod thts morniny:, conlaius yory unport. 

=| Androw Jobuion. ‘Tho tine has come, be says,Pjunt information in his respeck He there 
‘The time Las come for us to nodersiand that wil crimes ior the pnoishwent of this aristocracy, based Ey sines, on the highest authority, that one of 
tro submerged tntreston, and that hewho hus eommiitea’4 Upon slave labor, and it must propare to give fy tho principal representatives of Maximiifan 
iraron haa onal CR Jop the ghost, Me is for putting them down, fin 
{ves who ealted ypont, fF confiscating their lands, end “dividing out 

pected. Yet that this is his de{ermination 
may be gathered from many premonitory pf 
Kicauses. Tho leitor of our Paris correspondent,» 

Shexupericint obsorver, might’ erroneo. 
S continual concert of action and sympathy, amounting 
toan alliance between them. Esc ts charved with the. 
dovelopment of tho progress and Uberty of a consider. 

If Iknow-the honest tmpulses of my beart, F - 5 a - 
trben the time comes tot ua racasures tat coms fg] Sention ascended, da tared sch hia that no State onuld se 
before me, tuougii I mas wot hace thy samo abllly aud ed, and, in going Into wSiate whi. nd robelled te 
talent as fone, if a hearty obedience to consciencious ndfdate aldoncy bal \amerted, 
able poriten of the American race.» Each, In its sphore, ed conviction 1s worth auytatog In tho admipietrotion of hy sclwt a candidate for the Vico Presidaucy, Lad 
Filis subject to didl-ulties and trialsnot participated In by Blthe government, you shall hace tt.” Tink you agatn, FA that Tennessee never had Beem out of tue Union and bad 
U eee foterests of civil zation und of humanity gq sentlemn, fer vat yoo Lave eald, aud trist you wilh ntver aright to secede. They bad acted as the repre 
that the two shou! friends T have always pq bear wy thanks to ths organization Fou represcat, y ‘ te govornm 
Gknorrn and nceopted Was a fect bondrablo wo. both Sos wns Pee ay Orc mean hee ON MnCle, BYE 
aud recognized no right of a parc to disruomber the whole 

gcouuiniea that io Queen, of England sa sinocr 
So far 09 ho was concerned he declared ho bad not 

sity of death, what shout! 

Ve indicind upon him who trex to woreinste a nstlont 


Wasmyorox, April 20, 1805, 

7 honest will-wisher to. the United Statex I 

have beon eqcally frank and explicit In the epiolon 
(hat the frleudsbip of the Vnited States towards) 

Among tho forelgn roy ee : l asa reason that nothing could induce im (oftureat Britain f6 enjoined by all the considerations of Thix morning at eleven o’clook o dolegation of ond fy MUEUt the Lonor which had Just been conferred apom 
Precideat Johnson yovvenday wae Sir Preter'ck firaco, [Heit possessions among worthier laborers offf continue the rypresentative of an empires Pou wily horctors, beracerpied aaee uargetor of Voth. Fa hondred citizens of Now Jersey, eompozed luryoly of fl Lim. No man could honestly ray that Audrew Johnson 
tae new Brat) Minister, eho presented bis ercdentils Re wll colors” Such were Mr. Johnson's which he Ruow and welliisposed fo tho waintenancsof praco mad the Egtutlemen from Jersey City aul In tho Stato, called bad ever eleetloncered with lm to obtain bi ftuenes 
rate ee ; d declarationa on th ati ieck'i . ie digentne Eq hogor of both countries. You wlll find myself and all {El upon Presidet F a 7 $10 secure power and place. On the coutrary, he had felt 
28 at the rame tive save uiterauew to his devy asinpu-fy 2eelarations on this Interesting eubject in June f pieces, This fs. significant, na Mr. Avy my awoelates actin in accordance wich the mimo ou- [a "ee President Yohnson at thor asary Depariinent A ee pighoe duties to perform thet those of 
Thies with ntemenratr ibe Dilton re jlost, on bis acceptance of the Baltimore nomi-}7 is expeoted to kuow vonicthing of the internal py Hedtened policy and consistent ecntiments; and eo Tampy COVernor Parker Introduced the Now Jersey delegation, eras Oa Lg Fer utiag tan SL Cee oe 

poop ho Uslted States in the terrible Ys Hamnta Hioosonltbaeceeisian, eratovi fl Werk eat ‘aiceat IDEAL caro that it will not occur in your easo hat elther your. Pj addressing President Jobnson 0s followa:— mere aspirant for ollice. Aud having been thus con- 
Gief into which they had been ro sucdonty planced In{'l said, too, ion, “I shall Workings of affvirs, and ra's, Ore aware, FA olf or this government will ever havo causs 10 regret Mr. Premest—I prezent to yon o delegation compoca fy ferred, unsought and unasked, he nppreciated (he hones 

(hat suck an Important relationship oxisted at wach a 

Both Proeident Jounzon end Sir Frederick Bruce ex- 
pressed themselves well pleased with the cousultation. 

of komme of the most respectable and inllueutlal citizens! 
of the Stato of New Jersoy, Thor caine to thls city for} 
the porpose of manifesting thelr sornyw for the great 

amity that bas befallen the vation und expressiog| 
thelr respect for tho inemory of the late Chief Magistrate 

that mueh higher; “and,’" he added, raxiog his voles, 
Py "I shall uot dectine It In accapting, come weal or come 

Wo, euccess or defeat, I shail wand on the principlea ¥ 
here enunciate, let te caueguences for good or evil b4 


desert a sinking ship. Then we know that 
tuere is wide ‘spread diteonlent among the 
What they may.” Fixed in his-y churchmen in Mexico—the {urwer «dberents of 

reply, the moz! frienily feellnse towards Ka, 

st wer { 200d on the principles I here enunciatef| 
[teected or defeated) lot the consequences for 

good or evil b 

H (4 

sani Eofala, Ata! 

cavairy, no dons fs oe VeHoms of right, he will follow them tofi tle Emperor—because of bis recent acts offi Sooo afer the other representatives of tho foreign na’ Huy part cipating to tho solemn cereswontes of bls fuacral b wekae dey may, = 
Sonera be ens tolerance nna the sequestration of religious Mim yun ete hes Ud Sate tere ts dives upen yan thom no asso theta Contents Dae 
paca int ih tron Tuo eaptore of Stneat te a ead to slavery he is: equally explicit fH estates, and he will receive uo countenance nor{] rea the buildleg though the. hall feeding from thoh ee ae tat wigh Peelion. for tho purpose of asiurin; {4 Wobad no doubt that thero were thoveands tn the 
5 bot th Eivca, The eaptorv of Scima 4 c},vory ho sire, ledcad. Ho endcavored to ancatd nese a a a le nef dyou that lathe future, as in the post, New Jorsay willfgStote, and no doubt many In th @ that liste 
tot A-eicimets, Alstama, by Geen Wien, cas Gh aeeeEs HOSTS lecead. Ho endeavored tosavof}acistanco frora them. In this quarrel. thefY uidde entrance on th eit ld of Ike bulldog to tne honkw very tates af easy’ ei of Weel Te wee EY Si an ococet any I the crowd hat steed 
aE Cos 1s edie ia Congress, and by holding it under the pro-fj Popo takes sides nguinst the young Empo-P] Scerstary of tho Treasury's rvom, now oceupled by” tho fe Ain the government in ft conGlst wih treason, Wo AaToPE “acu contempt, he fell his euperieily to then, He 
pee he Heras come dase ogo, apd Uff iection of the Union: bi . i , 2 : joving and Jaw abiding peopla, an sustela Pf {0g thelr conte 0 peu. 
ans rma ay ‘Be en ti of the Union; bot they (the alovebold-43 ror, ond as he is not possessed of sum-fy Present, They wera escorted by Mr. Hunter, bf gularly coustituted authorizes of (hs country in allpy bad alwaya undorstood thom—thls aristocracy based om 
i te ee tupting arfstocrnoy) rojooted all good advicc.pyciont nerve to brava tlie minor qndsgeem Secretary of State, he walking arm « suf awful mcamires to vindicate and catabl 

sod Eofile 1 wvsld nah with Baron Yon Gorvlt, Minister from 

Progsla ‘The following ambassadora wera also pre 

that be J aaluority nnd power of the nation.  Whateyardiiturences 
wwhoso respect be commanded, aud he was proud to aay 

They have murdered slavery in trying tos major excommonications with which the Ff" opinion may ealst amoug the people of ovr :tato us 

easteord for ome dirlanos, afer 

op eek = ulave labor. There aleo existed In the State another class 

meee ASUS IGREe Renita tine Oran aad ut fo questions of national polly, they’ ure. United hn Wie that tat el 3 rhitocracy 
theo Dein, Gal nibie thee the chats fears Mberts, Now Yet them bury i." Hebi controlling power of the Vatican is well sup-Plioat;—M Edwant do Sloeckt, Mivister from Rossa; e determination to malntaiuat atl Hasaris We tsstty ot Fl nag cooker eae roan ariatostacdy were Tar 
pertahoo, Mf svtviond the pesple, Jn the reorganization of Ten-fj plied, he mnst assuredly go down in tho stug-}Ysenor Don Tussara, Minister from Spain; Sonor Lats Pion, Gave: Wo cau apprecate to somo extent th vas I ellcig: peatioe’a tarse (proportion af cof CAPONE 
=e sce, to leave slavery only and, under bis in-pq gle. A reaction is also going on in Belgtu$y Yoliom slnlater tm Costa Blea; Colonel W. R, ese that great aaiesies wil outiuualy sain yoorhati fe hs rection were Be artioram, who wet opti ecto @ 
7 ova Geonte aid a Hs reins a ats Guverno, hey bavedoac eoneering te Legion raced. thera for service fate fom Deomane Clone Beaof af tty, at err aa 4B wert neh ny wee aed ys ma nba 
tor issty mls wet aryiIte Teuresses ts now in roll operation se a fiveff in the Franeo-Auattion empire. The Belgian bf nvm of Golowbta; Baron do Wiitcrsedy, of Snetay Baron Ot, g04 abi w speedy peace ona iat and aur. fifa from among the humble cases of 0 People 
y eith vera of State, siovery Uclng absojuiely abolished and¥y papers re. by uo means satisfied with thefd Wyadenbrock, of Ausra; TO. Ata’ Burnscs, of Chile Afa24 pon! uetbe sists of ew Jere. say I S| RAR eH RAS 
Temumetios: Before thewar fs Drobibites! within her Wormers, Such, then, willfj arrangement, nad the Indepedance, among ht % Le de Geolroy, Charp! @-aVaires, trom Praces; Seabor i tug ¥etnled of nations preserve your fe apd eal Fy at th People of G oryin would aot walunle to ba 

Eiseforitea thease be the pr ; , eH. d ee ee s aud to golie aud direct that voir udminlitrajion vill ped Hon, tat the peopte of G ork 

erieibeToriten owas) bad PaO LOL Degins to think hot if a government is{{Ustburada, Chart @Agztre, tro Drazil; sr. Boring. Wf conducs to the welfare apd hapjlacea of ue Whulo. pes fA goverued by ayaan who od risen from the rana< Twas 

: ¥ of Uresident Jolinzon in the re-pj ote 
large (otled Wate ans eer! Linge manafrctorina |g Construction of thy other rebellions Stalcs. They pf to be forced on the 
Enlai ix 2160 0b the Chaitatvres na fe Will be sostored to all their rights as thoy were, not to have avy part in ik 

urgl @Alfotres, from the Hanscatls republic; Alfred 
Norghmanr, of Belgie, and Mr. Garclo, of Feru. They 
sore mostly attended with tclr cecretaries ond olher 

4 ple und be a blessing to the world, 

ove of tho principal odgectlons of the people of thie South 
to Mr. Lincoln. What would they:do now, Lon tnoy 

cans Belgium ought 


a Bee : arate earn roan par’ 2a ts or Presidont Johaeon, in roply, eal :— z @ two raférs, who bad'riten Inch tht rank: 

Fey di diet sonia eforo the ae feexCePUNG thelr righta of slavery. ‘They musth] Thos we find that manifest destiny” is wor'-Vatvedty all arrayed tn fall cour: dress, most of Tho T,catfseareal. 5 las poene! to! expres Ml rh ecieia fact mead nlogentCa Ce a prte cM a fad 

pation of the latter placa s rer tiveaid to hare {bandon these to their work of reorganization fy ins out another problem, and the republio wil) {] veering the Dadgo of mourning on thelr left arm. af pea aks upow this oveaslon. Your worded 1.9 cratie government, and the tine hud cove when tt hae 

Yen plese th Forreat's rebut tar or tw taadres pel eCOUS=?) very Ie dead Let then: come back fl bo preserved ja Mexico without auy other Sif THe Mbior from Porisral, and M. Yoa Limbarg, of iit. Having ica called Ls thieopent by Pease fd pive up Oe ghod. Alter “ylteliog tn" generals va 

bt -rhom are reported to havo Pon eante yr mare Fies free Stes and they may, cach State fortd lerveutlon than thot of eormoon sonse, Exotics, fue Seterlands, wero not presint.. Probably they aid ata overshelmed with 4 conse of tho obligations ka mil{tary commanders who hud protected rete! jrwpeny, 

pare etalon Acai Men _forgg ler r ¢ > fl not reeelva totloe of the lntoudia wisit and duties devolving upan tne, ced I feel duoply tho kind Tpetod ta tho vebllowa arlilacraey ani NuOWUGAe 

elation of the Laat raapauteot the une go: fq teehh Teorganize thelr labor ayatem as they ike, f¥ ike monarchies and ermpires, are not thriving |} tron Von Gerott read tho follontny forma) addros exnresslons of wupportand ‘coniideney wblcl Fou Lava a ers seprosaivs manner of edidyo delivering 

SEidable robal arganizstio’ of ths Say of Surtayy wef OM ho heets of Liborty, and settle the question ff plants bere. They may blovmn for a while, butftorcaudolence, sympathy ond good selshes of the ropr rade yan agg uea ar aac sos ba xo GALINA lw Doe lol 
gine took place on tho 13th (n juctiog of tac gby OF eUEE ge to nit themuclves, they must die, for theirroots will never t scolaives of tho foreign governments under the present Uh acceptance to ueariy all tho people of Ueda cpariecrary must be punishat. ‘The tine td came ™ 

seredeieh trope blog coiled 4s the ratte | HE Mobi ceiudy all (railors from this workfebold on the popular heark ‘That Mexico's Nee— in I Epepe bee age cam, Neues dow a a He PA when Ihde land mus! Ue confvcrted. Toa slay when they 

a i OC TES eRTPas sted ay od P pDAESS OF THR pIPLOMATIO corre. BY portance to be cet m fankful for Ie of the'r th four thousand nerva a f 

them leoviog for Uheir Lome on that day. Aceurhes 1 por b sue'lon, and turn it over exclusively || requires regeneration is fully admitted. liut PabEI she, represenullves OF forele Four ckeourapsiuent auihin oer aaa 303, Sed Se Tats eee Hee sane mcrae ae, 

the ofl report, Comeral Tee wurmeedoret to Geuee) pti te bonds of loyal men, If there were}] iuis work must be accomplished uuder tho be ness to Yonr Excellency theif seept my thay Ls for your toodered wid and support beeen Te peta reee fa 

Grct twentyaix thowsnd oo borieed acd onecnh)2™'y Ure thonvand such men in the State, tye neficent rule of the ropablio; and not by teh} tar sroee, totay how in-eely th y abare the aatlous getlo and laboring masses was at hand. ‘The field waa ta 

cane’ coo fais sited plik ort atic : it would do, “The traitor who badre-fj ageocy of the stiff and formal ceremonies off] amine fr We cre mle mr ihe ate Oe Abe bo thrown open, and Le now invited tie ncrsetlo a 

ex nesdef oto? acd nner thonsted el ccared 10 be o oltizen and was anffan empire. Let Maximilian retire, therefore, fl murmurs! r sa Btates In. their Juduttrious of the North to como aud e«ipy it, and 

wea was of small erma. The nie wy" So rigidly exacting was Governor as soon as bls proparations are made. If uch) (emmenge oy tors Canes: ior she wulg aa eR UE eM ee 

Se a Cen ‘x vpay Us point that be regrotted thf had taken our advice ue would bare avoided United States, und for your persowal bealtl Pf (Oy Wie President waa ‘ Nira cas atctate St hee eae nth tnotoorceie’ 

ee - Pl cleweney of Mrsxident Linco} - sud happiiers Moy we be sllowed aleo, Mr. i'rendont, by neaded by Vice Admiral Farrgc, av! Adu yacy and dividing out Uhr pusteanions arog We work 
(Sirota aod tales at Tonner or ) “ai vincoln as exercised {nf the Moxicin crown, and thus bave sliown wich FE tw give aitersrce on this occasion, to eur'sincorest hope! FA borough, Porter, Shubrick, Lavi suv = lalorers of any and all colors, 
sf Ua Prdectand by ander of we See FY hoy ey Smnesty proclamation, becanseH more wisdom. Ae it Is, he had better followfy vranearly t.ctabishment of pracy In thls great coin. HCO ee oiting sxavzar, 

acy af We, Gone eee 8 SF “Lo lke ihe required oath are not to bef the impulse which is now upon bim, aud thst} (lwoen the government of the United States acd thef| Besides tho ca'lsof detezstlous fri We © q] Tt was a natum! trapeyorition to rlarery and the 

ae cotveated property former) fy trusted. Witt rexurd to the status of tho negro,#save Limself much trouble and a bumilintionfy Stamens wuich we r-preseot. EF vrk aiid Now Jersey, Mr. dobusome/s cxilet’nj yn By afYetatos of the negro In thls State, Ho nljuled 

orn Ui; rent, have been portponed until the erg ani-b|Governor Johnson's philosophy was thia:— EH which his worat ene! 1d. hesitate to inflict Papa Neen es BNTs *Placteyation from Maccacbureith ovr ono Lucci tufTalavory ax a diecordant clemont {a the midst of the 

sition ofthe Freetmnea's Baresa shall be coinp\oted. “Let all wen bave o fair tort ond a 1 - yn C1 ‘To whlch tho Prealdout roplied:— F{ number, Including Governor Andro, ex-overncr CHEE Y people, fe kuew many mon Ja the Sinte, and pan 

2 coual Bupon him Gexrumeux oF rus Dirtoxario Bopy—T heartily than’’M ford. ox-Lioutenant Governor Rrowa. Key, Juhu Pier fi haps some in the crowd. who were In favor of com 

: “ant TTA 3 1 & gon > i , s P - 

— — . 

NEW YORK HERALD, FRIDAY, 4 RM 21, 1865, 2. 
Pig a a mans) 7 
telegram from Conductor Br ght, dated Catawies, say: fe 
log, No nuch man camn throagh op my train." 

Mr. Lyona states that he is saulaed that the man isp 

fnomy tay syreem or negro aiavery. “GT yw he 
a pct ial cman far dass cae Th 
seamen ete tan ener) THE: ASSASSINS, 
‘was cot murdered by ma I fought the question to the | BS Booth. 4 
Bensic, where it ought to bave been oui asetey H ‘What measures are being taken for his arrest are kept be! 
Geass roid tea ot ce ted ¢ 
nd thee horrors sLich bave come to pase Ysinoa A Ong Hundred Thousand Dollars 
inst the taking the question nut of Congress [ R a for Th 

eward for Thom, 

the carn Tho ineldenta of the double asszseination, the 
Propsration to escape; every thins, (n fact, connected! 

ras datz red for i 
of bis nose being by the blow dollvered wrough, 
ebeer decence. (ICT Indricous ecsus which 

A Mat gir” of Barnam's 
AF familiar to most of our 
}.p8 of the most amusing tne 
tbe staga Tey very doubifel 


an latatcn Of aasuutuation’ more asta, rors soc (THE SEI 

ones saan rae ree 

Raitt i on gagnteaheenctiag| "A= SECRETARY OUT OF DANGER, 

the very gail and wormwood of bliternesa There will BY 

be no rest for the authors of this crime, The very alr| 
ill Dabble of them) and tbo soa cast them upon the| 

an the 

fi Ore feet elght incics tn 

f Private for obvioas reasons. E) 

4 The following Is « description of the party:—Aboot 
‘lon My advice was slleregahded, ona that of Fa 

Deter men. They disregarded all swe alvico, and 

wi rae e pilisd cotton In both ears, wore a white fit hat, had of pyether Booth w Lime when not under lahore. They. may. ldo, 1m the mountalog Dat Jusilee Ho is Able to sit Up and is Mors 
4ared to raise thelr traitorous end sacriligious Fy pleco of crapa on the left arm, wore a Lincola badge on fof 2s thilasoce of a (owas, howe! wt jm thors, The wilderness can not conceal; Co: 
Sn Nee See ee fis ron tata oersng, at Rad on tk foe FHS ane Pain tse em pe Wh ret ate ath wry Been 
turd red slavery in trylog to destroy liberty, Tet them Fy ‘coat with common blue military panta also Iu th \G sutilo pamages of bis delinos. consume thom, And to the fours ah names will bop 
epiyit Dosoaiien me for very wor sure your CAPTURE OF ATZEROT Reanim Py Apr 29 188 pull tor omar if itor np fanazan of th Frdest a is Baa Mieies © AYEREDERICK SEWARD [MPRO 
gory locks at me. Thou canst not eay I did ik! : On my retarn from Pottsville the representations to fi Re ae reat oT: of tho President and bis Prime Minster, b VING SLOWLY, 
TUR ETATCE OF THK BIAVE. } Pj mo last evening wore suoh that I sent a special engine to Bartistio ekiil, Ol tho stage tha kf Insanity In the Hooth Family. e—_— 
Addr-seing himself to any black man who might bef ‘eldor Rooth way convivl pJoxonGN D. PRKNTION'A NRJOLLUCTIONS OF THB RL 

konlal, warm-hearted, and ag 
feesion te wna aden 
Sonsisted of tho followin, 
anit adaghter, who, if tivtog, 
by bia first wilo, an Euelta 
Nest, Jobo Wilkes, Joseph, 
John & Clarks, tho com: 
fp Amorican lady, atill eur. 
this tino past My years of 

b] Pottavitto after the up evening pamongor train; but tho 
Important Order froni the {j= bd tet tho train at Auburn bofore the telegram 
HJoonld roach 1 He then walked back t@ Port Clinton, 
after dark, and stole bis passago to Tamaqua on one of 
Flour coal trains last ulght Ha lanow canght at Tama. 
B) a\18, where wo telographed to look out for him, and wil 
bo held until {dentiged Thore has been some ground 
for suspicion that it {s Booth. G, A. NICHOLLS, 
Superintendent Philadelphia and Roading Railroad. 

f] much loved an tn Bt 
Hy Tho family of 
F] Junius Bratun Boo 

riihin the reach of bis voice, he then toll thom that Bf 
fey wr vet bers and free They had boca admitted f 
{iio tha proot fleld of competition, where Industry and 
en ray alone thrived, and advised thems that if thoy were 
“Bot Jud strious nnd economical they would have to givo| 
way fo those of such habits, and that they would bo 
driven from the Geld If they did uot work. “Feed m,"" 
Do mad, “\mesns liderty b» work, and then th enjoy (Ae| 
fruits and p- dics of yur labor. Thla is the philosophy 
of it Let al’ men Nave a fair start andan eyual chance RM 
& the cae: of We, and 2 merit be rewarded wild] 
Pyard ee lor." Ho was forcuttlog the nogro loobe, 
and he bolloved that in freciug the negro wo wero 
emancipat ug tho poor white man from a no Jess do- 
grading svory (0 the urlstocracy, which bo again. 
alluded to ay "this Infernal and damnable aristocracy, ") 
‘and which he declared bimsclf in favor of breaking up. 
“And In (hus freelug the slave, thereby committing aff 

Oficial Reports of the Condition 

of the Sufferers from the 
Surgeon General, 

ko, &0., ke. 

‘The OMictat Despatches. 
Wan Devanrvexr, 
Wasnovaresy april 20, 1368. 
4 Major General Drx, New York:— 

The following is tho official report from Surgeon Gemee 
ral Barnes of tho condition of Secrotary Seward and hie 
eon, Mr. Predoriok Seward, thla morning. 

P]_ Tho deop Intorost of the American people In the wab 
Hr ett gmt Neff Faro of tho great atatesman and patriot, whoaao Ifo 
q q Oo of suled by tho murdorers of President Lincoln, induces 

eta spring kulfo, preseoted to an wo} 
ot Into his hands, show!ng kim hove ff 9 to Send you the oMolal morning and evening reper 

ghter, now wif 
children of bis 

y}man of great histrionlo genlus, has a broad etfeak of In t" 
TRU, naturas But the dvidences of bis loog-con. bE 

rately-consldéred, and terribly. 
line exelud and mak altos or 

(houghts of mercy, Oh that ho had Uweaty million 
ff ncoks—ano for the private thought and feellog” of every 

‘The oldest of thi 
(Charleston, Soath 
‘appearance on the at 
Yanla, as Tyrrel in. 
York at the 
California, andy If 
time on the Pacito 

Tuolus Brutus, waa bora In 
{01821 He ‘made hia trat| 
ISS, at Pittsbarg, Penosyl- By 
ITL , ahd appeared first in Now 
"Tho same year he wont to 
nol, he spent most of his 
fe waa married twico, rst to 
Trish actresa, from Dubllo, fj cal engagement. ‘Ho tent for ua to his hotel, with many. 
Bone of tho most beautiful Nments We went. ito received fy 
aabsoquently separated, and 
inrriott Mace, who dled 
9, afer ® Wogoring tNness. 
IY would have completed a 
AL Pikes Opora Housa, on 

the Suspected Parties to be 
Treated as Accomplices. 

Another Version of the Mysterious Adair fy 
in Pennsylvania, 
- Poransirma, April 20, 1865. 
‘The following despatch was received this evening from | 
8 lawyer at Readii 
PROBABLE ARREST OF BOOTH. pirvesstonestvice veg chcceme nents 
je statornont given by the citizen of Reading referred By y 
to Is, that ho bas no arquaintanco with Booth, having This mente af 
soon him but ones, oven years ago, in o theatre inf two week's on, ni 

oY the terriblo nows which Ho instantly rats It on igh, and FM of tho Sargeon General. 
great rixbl, you destroy aristocracy, nod thus abolish a| gj Baltimore, and not being ablo to {dontity him now. Ho} 1th th is traglo alylo, What is to eave you now!!! ' 
great verong.”” ASuspected Person Apprehended ff aw te suspected porson in w ealoon on Tucaday night, ff eaealedhe “roots who ep and roped, "What Lato nave" tn) lf EDWIN Mi BTANTON, ecrotary of Wax 
\\ RESTORATION OF TOR STATE 4 in company with another, drinking froely. Learniug fej tnd been up lato bis room and fade fear of this pistol." He responded in a most Joyous #4 SURGEON ORNERAL BARNES’ REVORT, 

Another easy step to thia subject. The Gorernor, with § 
‘mich velemence of manner, and fn a tono of voice and ft 
‘ith a peculiar gesture with bis right foro Gnger, whlch 
ferves ls, as it were, {tallclso is words and to atiract tho fy 

autention of bis audience, opened by de-laring tha! ind re, ag Believea to be the assas- 

went direct to Pik ‘Houto on Saturday mornin, 
that (ho man Intended leaving town for Pottsville at six Miwarovet eee ie ae 

Hj o'clock P. M. yestorday, ho got upon the train after it vd had already clamored at the: 
bad started, and recognized tho individual, who ap- 
H Peared vory much confused at meeting him. 

gh, “Oh, I don't caro for knives or platols, an 1B 
Know you don't; but T wanted to fad you worthy'to be. 
my friend.” Wo told him that wo bad not thus far 
found him worthy of our friendship. 

Ho then sake a4 to Fo up 10 his room ad tee some of 
hin departed friends Having an awful prejudice agalost 

in Pennsylvania, 

Avi 20-9 AL Me 
Hon. BM, Stastos, Secretary of War:— N 
SIRI havo the honor to report that the Secretary of 
By Stato parsod.a rostiow night, but ts more comfortable: 

)_atsurance that ho would 
Fmance wonld bs hai that 

‘Ho asked the citizen whether ho was golog up In tho py age, Mr. Simmons, py tho aL Of sO, declined, He urged. Wo ylolded, fg) ('® moral Mr. P. Soward continues to improve: 
De reo ganization of the Stre ar a memisr of Lie Union, (ral. Upon his answering that ho was not, the man mv 10 ono ride, and'cantioncd him fg We went with bim, and he {ntroduced us to twelve or fy Mowly. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, 
With all her former rights and privileges, he was heartily hd sin of the President. [sald that ho would bs back {n Reading in a day or two. anton Arteen roosters, and pullets, bis travelling com: fy JR BAINES, Sargon Genorak, 

"Ps favor of discarding the discordant and incongrume 
cnt of Ravery—that coro which had brougbt war 
@ misery upon the Jand, which had caused tho 
edding of s0 much Innocent blood and mado so many 
“widows aud orphans. He advised the pe ple wo ty lenve 
Havery ow, Ho graphically pictured tho condition of the| 
© Flato, resulting From the war, aud again urged them, In 
‘organizing tho Stato, to leave slavery out of tho couo of 

{us regenerntod tawra. 
-© Ho then asked who wna to do this work of restoration. 
Certainly rol the rebets who had fought, or,tiute who had| 

be pow 

antons through the country, saylog that thoy were bia 
jecearod friends, and tolling ‘us the uame of each. Hin 
id tolomalty was evidence of Miis alacerity. There was a0 

Dypoeray In hie sou 
ho next nigbt he was advertine for la third appen. 
ance at tho theatre. An lioiuonsa croved assomblod. Io 
didn’t abow himael, Tmpationce became Irreproesiblo 
hud the peoplo tn the housa had thelr money returned at 
tho door, AK wo parsed down a cross street a well-known 
poles froma care ined Halloot lave you Wanmnarox, April 200 P. Mt 

een at the thoatro ¥ 0 fal int eort of BY 7 

an audiouco was tore?!” “A tromondour ona” Did fy 7 Hon. BM. Sraxrow, Secrotary of War:— 

1 HNo, and Booth treated them Hike apy Khayo tho honor to report that thoro bas been a de 

Feith “AB well, wero thoy very much disap: o\ded jmprovemont fu the coudition of the Secrotary af 

[The citizen then left the train, and communicated thers 
facts ton govornment detective at this piace, by whos 
agency he has since been arrested, and (s now awaiting f 
recognition at Tamsqua, 

‘The Informer Not so Positive as to the 
Identity of the Arrested Man. 
Raaptso, April 20, 1865, 
Tho citizon who “recognized Booth!” wan talon before 
Jasiico of the peace this afternoon to mako afiidavit off 
hhis knowledge. He awoars now that be lias only geen: 

Wan Dapannis 
i Wasmxorox, April 20-9:45 rag 

H To Major General Dix, Now York:— 
HJ Tho ovenlog roport of tho Surgcon General as to the 
‘conditjon of Secretary Seward and bis ron ts as followay= 
SoRonoN Gevenav's Cifiah 

him, and speak adv! 

‘bon Union man, without a’ 
Hogs of neceasion pola E Ampathy; but of bis pol 

Interesting Facts About Booth 
and His Family. 

cal notions we know nothiog, Ho resembles bis futher, 
poreonally, moro tha ‘nny. olber of tho. fam! Nyy ask 

i antique type of il foatures capable of woudor- 
ful expressions “under tatence of oxcltoment, 
Ravin Forrest Booth, tho eldest’ son by tho second 

Tre, uns attaloed greater eminence fa hie proteasion By 
than apy member of the famtly. A moro verratilo and 

Qecentricities of the Hlder Booth, 
and Bad Habits of His Son, 

iden aid and in/luer e 3u . Booth once, and that was seven years ago, ancl also that fi finished actor than his father, he bas wurpassed ulm in Ml" Two dayn afterwants wa woro sent for by tho keopor of fi State to-day, 
Seid aren ara Soa ee ‘Wilkes Booth, edo so liar tho pen parued wan Beth. Tere ie maton ty tanned Aare dag a le ye Roe asin aeelng fo as P| Mo preperation th eo of Mr, Sort 
nok euntgot Uh State, ° 2 M s to-day, intingoks f) beon taken in natato of unconsclousness from ihe streets i 
Torta bad bee nile ia yaiu—all our victorlos nd been &e, &e., &e. bj tofore ho stated positively that it waa Hooth, and that hoi tho profession, cxeoptia pernope, Edwin Forrest, after Mand was still unconscloon, io bad blacked himreit py Very Tepectully, your obrdiont servant, 

whom he yas nam haa undoubted genius and 
reat scholarly attalninente. Durlog tho present eeason 
je played amfot over ons Lundred consecutlee, nights 
at tho Winter Ganten, of whlets be was on0 of tho lesscoa 
Ho cannot be over thirty-two or three years of age. ls fa 
residonce is in New York elty, and bis eagacemonts bave 
of late been exclusively In he Rast, Ho bad, [n company 
with ble brothor-In:law, Mr, Clark, parchased the Walnut 
street theatre, which {wea thelr tolontion to open and 
manage doring the comlog gearon. Mr. Booth'a wife, 
Mory, a most eatimable wouap, rnatly loved and deeply 
mourned in Boston, died oie two years ogo, leavloe 
ove child, a dughter. The port tributes to 
Flher momory hy Emerson, Sloddart and atbor poots, 
Fj ould, of thomaclves, mako a small volume, Har loxt 
paren arfected Mr, Tooth, and gavo to his palo, intol- 
FS lectual faco a tingo of eadnoay, Weblob ‘eomo. orbs friends 
By] attribated, in part, to his continued study abd persont- 
len, was tho chiof centro of attraction, Soon afterPAeation of Manileh, very probable aifect, to ls ro 
Runkell leased tho theatro hore, which waa then known Byard aa poy eli a Foaatly MDH hin, 
i a gfsolt lu ils study, and rofusing admittance to his. mos 
by the namo of the Marshall theatre, he employed young Bar iiar monde’ for. daye logetterss The. talegraph ane 
Booth a3 ono of his stock company. During his service MM nounces bis Intontion to withdraw from the alago alto 

this connection ho was regarded—co the pM xcthor. His asmualn brother will bave added to other 
fp intwbltante eay—aa an Inferior actor, but never a Te een een Te ated, the 

vou in yaio, asd all our privatlona and sufferings had Bree haialmetely, 
eeu eudiited fa valu and Were uoavailing. Le then an- 
ounce Gas his fieing and epinion Uhat if there are nol 
tmare than five thuvand men in Tennesse reho have been and fy 
fre Leyak to the © uniry, to justice and to the principe of 
ofrectimn, that Uict Fv= thousavid shoud controlab olutcly and Ba 
Ghlly Be afaire «f Go Stale Tus traitor who had ro. 

led ceased to be a citizen, aud wasanonemy. Hep 

House, this eveolng, saya: = 
Sorgeant Gammraill, of tho First Delaware cavalry, Cap- 
alluded to the oatcrallzation laws, and declared (hat hop 
Ages to favor of sulyecting tho trallor to a sovorer test 

tain Townsond’s company, of my command, has Just 
fA brought in Georgo A. Atzerot, one of tho assarsina Ho) 
than tho foreignor, and, Indeed, tho eoverest test He H has beon {dentifed by the dotestives Who havo becn pur. 
abjocts (0 Mr, Lincoln's amucsty oath, and eays thosofd 
Sabo bayo liken It are uot to bo trusted, He teanted ta! 

aulng him. 
fe Ue leavlors punih dard heir Leaders hung: aru the day 
wax mt far disant when retribulion w uld be demanded, 
“Bid taion would be odious. IU must bo mado 0. 
HGoveraor Johnson also gave vent to. a few words of! 
Yarnio; w tho French Emiporor, which; if uttered 

J. K BARNES, frigadlor Gonerak 
Secrotary of Wax 

Wasminatoy, Apel 20, 186% 
Secrotary 2oward ls ablo to elt up today, and is frm 
proving vory fast, 
Fredorick Seward passed a comfortable night, and 
H also improved. — 

blacker than tho-blackeat negro In Kentucky. Wo help. 

mn away from tho eity, 

fy bavod beltor and spoke hy 
Wodo not 

id Whon ho came again ho be 
ratitude to ox. 

Capture of Atzerot, One of the Avanssin. 
Batoworn, April 20, 1865. 
A aespatch from ceneral E. B, Tyler, dated Relay’ 

Booth's Carcer in Richmond. 


New York Henatp Roo: } 
Rucunoxp, Vo. April 10, 1865. 

fy The villanous assassin of tho late President, John 
Wilkes Booth, was connected with tho thcatro In this 
‘elty (or a porlod of thred years, dating from the fall of 
1888 to the burning of the thestro, In 1861. During that 
period tho management vated in Georgo Kunkell, 

pj kuown for many yours proviously aa the successful 

jj Booth's Note to Mr. Johnson Intended to 
Implleato Him tn the Murder. 

Anothor Wife Murder. 
About noon yesterday a min oamed Hoary Kealy wae 
arronied, ebargod wiih tho murder of bis wife, Catharine, 
under tho following olreumstancea:— 

‘ Ht eoems, by the woatimony taken by Coronor Willey, 
Toot peeks Happy to have an interviow with Mr. Fl nas Kealy resided at No. 122 Batt Fourth wireet; tha 
Would bo an ovideuco of colluslow with Mr. Lincoln's fa for some (imo paat ho and bis wifo hove quarrclod, an@ 

destined tuccersor—a abatloy device, tut one In well fy has beaten bor on moro then oue cecasion, Yoxtem 
F{(cablon oft hundred atago plots. What othor theory oc Bday he caine howe ut about. uo, and not Ondiog. Bie 
counts for tho visit to Jobusen, the note, the desired (nM dinnce ready Auinrrs), nau aie,_ [CLs 44rd, Gok @ 
tervlew and the expocted response? If'wo discard the 

Government Rownrd for the Apprehen- 
sion of the Assassins. 

16 response to bia card would 


Wan Deearnirsy, H 
— Wasmsctoy, Aprit 20, 1865, 

Major General Jous A. Dix, New York 


. m 23 broom. attel lofend heree! Len seized di 
Ay the priccijat on the ticket, would bavo ralioll apf THe munterer of oar lato Votored President, Abmbam pf lees a young man of promlee In bie profecton. Liko fer ite vaghtest. oruameals ta the. wery. boyy ot his FAidea of am intended munice of tho Vico Fres!dout, (BIAE| Ty uy tho waiel, aod In tin eerogete, Hedrons moc ee 
greater excitomont In ths Freuch capital than tho xeso-p Lincoln, (3 stilt at large. FiAy thourand dollarm reward fej bl# futher io tade fair to become a condrmed ff renasn. fi] scoms tho only remalniog conjectare, BM koite and tonicted a 

ip wound ob Lhe left (high, severe 

Fg crunk was vielou porv S Jomsrm BOOTT. it the femoral artery. Sho theo riahed out of the room 
Dalen fo Congress Iatoly did. But coming from ono of Fi will be pald by this Dopartment for his apprehension Inf ion, pe ahs cies oe dpc eee ed en fA. Of Soacph Hoot, the younyeal Of tne oroicers, woh WALL the Canadians Look on Booth as af|'®{:h ear meats oe Sare Cautneiae: Dura 
some thro or four caguidates for tho camo office, the! In addition to the vice of drunkenness combined every Fl xnose very Mikio, cr than (athe. trie to ataze only Hetligoren 

addition toany reward offered by municipal authorities 
or State Executives, 

fellow the Moor exclalaniuy, Me's Killed gy 
medica) apsistance could be procured (bi unfortunsie 
Woman bled to deat 

Mra. Wurke opened her Window and called murdem, 
whilebybroaght Iu eeveral pareons from tho street, Js dete 
son J, Mekfurray entered” Kealy'a spartmonta, hot 

other habit of dissipation that the most dopraved could Bl iong enough to rately hlinaelf and frionda th April 18 1 
HJindulge. Howas then young and handsome, acconting fjtiom was vot In that direction. When th 

Tou wi study! medial ai 
fio tuerectlctons of often might ready move inf evn, Was, Huang, roeala fa 

leoclety of tone where hia habits wero not known, Soon Adelphia, where he han sluce resided 

Genquage of “Ands" will uot do more thas wake “Nap? 
quake In bls boota He declared himul/ in favor of ths 
Wonre dctrine Oroughout, and prophesivd Ugh the day 
20) nol far distant sehen, sith the retdllion crwihed, we 

From tho Turple Glo 
Wo should ko to ask tho frieads of Judy 
Ay not Fy questions. If Hoottr sould excapa to Cxeada, be arrested 
Hay Band brovght wwtura Fudge Smath, and it boul bo foond 
By that the nesavlnation of Mr, Lincoln way authorized by aft 

Twenty-five thousand dollars rewara™ will be paid 1 
tho npprebonsion of G. A. Atzerot, sometimes called 

i 5 theatre hor 1 Richi a TI AS#A8SLh OF TNE PAVSIOENT. Conf-dorato oticer, would the Judge refure his ext Panceused war found sliding by @ pool of blood oo the 

ebmild soy lo Nopéteon Gat hecould net extadtish a menarchy bd «Pore Tobacco," one of Booth's accomplices. Twonty- Pe rere bi a nm : wees Soin Wes att I Rana on the : Xa on Abe (round of: the, beiigorent a ser tH Hoon Ho toade bo renwiace, Medurray. wih therm 

Merion. This part isspocet Was recelved with gron " for, Hal i wl 0} hore, 08 FR Form,” nour Tuition, Md. ip 182) conso. ‘ould he doo! d 419 conveyed tho accuned to (hofeventcenth Vrecinct Stax 
- Ee ot recelsedivith stelle thousand daliararoward will bo pald for tho appre-f} learn, Booth played for como timo tn tho theatre eltu- aa rar™ RY) veyed tho aca 

fod refuse to murronder tho assassin? Wo 
mo for 8 roply. To one mind thoro wo 
8 for rifuring to give up Hoth as the St, Albans by 

Spplaviss, aud the crawil war eyiuuntly opposed to MM. 
illao aud absoluie monarchy ou (is coutluent. 

i fquontly bat brenty-sanyy — SAMMUL Ho tnado Lite true ff OU Founte 

ae tlig Si Uharies 1 

ition. Wail, 

Ang Ahora Whou un tho eldewalk, sieMue 

Intod.on the corner of Calvert and Balthinore airects, which Ba naa it 

had boon leasod by Runkel aftor leaving thiselty.’ Hooul, 

in Ricl 

pearance in 1 ¢ nl UT, 
Winoro, nnd. tn the fail 

id. bo won 
henson of Id ©. Harold, another of Booth's 

or, you Love killed ches 
Mn Toy wut a 

" Icealy rapitea 

Wins concl qaieeinenecernt ‘ r fS] went. thence to Washington, whore ho was ongagod fi ou Willan dera, suppaning hee Del. wld. npova thal bo bad ? aiven, i 

Tn coocliug, the Governor declared that we wore accomplices ‘MBeral reward will bo pall Uy scha'®. Ford, nnd where, 0 (ar an can ascorinl, hopgOR AOyy appeared AB MAM meat the Are Dre ei wn teltrate Stated ta Un alton By Diauire see: ted, wom 
Page of thls tino fa tevving the Orat great prluctbloor El fr nay on that shall conduce to thofremmined op to tho porlod of tha lato ead aud awful tm . if 

eoaked admitted he (ailicted. the fatal sound 
Unfortunate people havewne child, a Voy elghe 
0, Hu tno laborer, and worked (or Frothioge 

a Gouin wireet hoy are tol nalivca of 

To Woceawed Ia thicty-elgt years of ago, 
Kealy \s forty yearn of age. 

Coroucr Wildey Late font evening concluded the im 
quest. Ann Jaspor, Catharino Gerke and Catharine 
B{ Somt, occupsoin of tho adjoining aypariments to de 

ceased all corroborate each other io tho facts na above 

heard (tio deceas’d call out for helpy 

Injury was indicted. It doesnot ape 
mony that Kealy. was fotosicated att 

De. Wooster Beach, Jr, made m 

of the deceased, “and found 

An Incleed wound on tho loft thigh, extending from the 
Fy icnco pan upwards, Infleting a cut of over a foot tm 
Wi iongih and about tures inches deop, eovorlog tho mas 

artery of tho leg. 

‘Tho Jury rendered tho following vordict:—That do 
ceased caino to her deuth by homorrhags (roi Ab le 

Miele government, and dccivivg for the benefit of the 
pesioan looking on whether min waa capable of self gor. 
eroment. He held, With Jefferson, that the government 
war made for tho peuple, not the peoplo for the govern- 
seeul, and Lies the thecoratitut-on o vuit 

gedy. John T. Ford, the lessee of tho Wavhlogion thea- 
tre, where the munlér of the Prealdent took place, was fa 


parts\during the eaibra econ. The pame of Wilkos 
‘wad piven hits i his}/atlivein Honor of an old Ualtimore 

friend, Jim W erchant ond great wit. 
Neral manager and cashier for Kunkell whilo ho tra- fey get, 1m, * Wes iy 
Felled through tbo country vith bie tronpo of rulostrela fl YoU"E Boots nexk becamea member of the Rishon 

‘eran atanioet furan ana otto eser hapored aly ian pen, en 
[atten eats peeneermaunece pnd manager for Fa 18co and ‘01 wo find Dim cogaged eillt furthor South, 
plices fn the murder of the President and the attempted Bi 

assassination of the Secretary of State, and ehall be sub- 

Ject to trial before a military commission and the punteh- 

A plasing ebledy at Montgomery aud. Col 
focapcreds The hex beard et bia wast Ieseo. off Parleg chlo a Menlzoniery aut Colum 
Bthe Holliday etreet theatre, in Baltimore, which 
a s fie Ort appeared’ tn Cluciovatl, at Wood's theatre, and f 
peas fs Which thoy rewarded by bis election to the City Counell, Pact the IinpressiogjiMhaL though rather ab uacqadl sc- 
Tet tho stata of innocont Blood be removod from thopy AMEE S service of nore than uso Fears Ip that Pody be) 
Jassie In outling, features highly Iatellectial, a plercing pe 
black ey, eapablo of expressing tho florcest and the ten: 

p\chmuit tho deed, which he probably Hod, 
arrest of fof tho above named crimluals| ) 
or tholr accompl All persons harboring or secreting fh} 
the sald pe  eithor of them, of alding or assisting fi 
age. CEASE 

or, alouceefarul 


vple cnt eh 

Geir advancement in the cause of unive sal frelon. Be: 


then urged 4! (o sustain the 
sevolutiin (hey were now enga 

verament In the great 
fn, wotll the great step} 
@e bein; {ken vas completed. Thers could be no con- 
eervalive, no middio ground, where only two great) 
grloelples opposed each of Fecry man wos now for 
& agains tie goverment, aod he called on all’ (ruo| 
PAiriotw to stisiain Ike government, tho administration 
mothe ary. 


pear fo (he 16 
(ime of tho ditt 

‘The Whole Number Paroled Twenty-six Thou- 
sand One Hundred and Fifteen. 


‘The Last of Lee’s Army 
y, “however” mich he. favored 
fale, conducted ith admirable oki and ebtcleney: Wieeata North, and io 16dl abd '02" played | Disbanded. 
fy Doring the Plog Ugly rgime In that ol ord False. Lo Hogi 1 otbor = Wester iy 
Hapscamo a pecallar favorite swith the Know Ree erate losity fe 
or, ight be expected of ono of blu limited oxpo- 
fal wus chiosen is president, In which capaclty bo continued ftv. po eate mnmbtakable erldenen of yenuine dra. 
Jacd by tho arrest and punishment of the murderers until the municipal system of Baltimore was chanced Bi rave tatene. Ho had, wided to lila native genius, the 
All good eltizons ara exhorted to ald public Justice on 
4 this occasion. Every man ebould consider his own con: & 

OF ER Te soamn following, we belleve, that 
arty for his active eerviecs in. thelr behalf PAI 99 daring the soama that 
advantage of a volco musically full ond rich, # face almost hd 

Estimate of War Materia Sur-/, 

Raltiwore Plugs Ford ext loasod (he Washington b 

2 fajderest pasion and emotion, and a commanding gure fo) lilo of tho leg, at thy hands of hor husband, Beury 
PRE OONWIEOATION ce HES ROSTPONED FOR THEE scionco charged with thls golomn duty, and rest neither fa theatre; LAU aT naa Dees MD NCO vee MNBL culdrola sa bia tee fom ; rendered, ete or tice adlu ‘day of April, 1065; nt No A2e ace 
ESES ary ounectla S t ve (ea of & part to flerce 

Special Order-—No. 92, night nor day until tt bo accoraplishod {ie Tate uofordumate yu tbls Thespian tenuple i vont quUrelieenian ce, bis asenranjmoma tects ery ey &e. Whien oxatsloed by the Coroner, Kealy ald. thot the 

= 5 fUrast bo eald of Blin that, go fur os Tan ascertain, 1 fy ut i sleotrical {oreo ani ok of Whee tr smumence coud wvok tn 

| Beogoaaray Derry) Tale ivan, EDWIN AL STANTON, FItaD'Sudonbly tenn Hlchnoad, sud maaptaneer Badin itso of tak eetrod force and PY rez, a, xtondeteka Deapaten. | PAAMLOF TUNE ube tumeoed Ie ad wri 

SUES Concha TE Sccrotary of War. faeriginally a printer by profession. Ej Called up afresh to the memory of men of tho Last genera: Huanguantens, Fier Aw Coa, Band anerwarda camo in, and callod him all. so 

‘The following orders of bis Esculleucy, the Prosident 3 tion the presence, yolco and mann of hi father. Con-P4 Near Arrowartox Cooar House, April 14, 1865, eod abused Lim. Hedon’t know then 

of the Unites Slates aro p 
and governinent of all concern: 
Wastusarox, Aprit 16, 1866. 

ished for the information’ 

The Eccentricitfes of the Booth Family. 
[From tha Ciuclnoatl Commercial.) Hjchn Wilkos made many ocqusintances and fri:uds 

Tn the world’s bislory no mau bay moro suddenly Ff among tho young men of hls own ago fu the clty—an ac- 
achieved a bad emiocuce and Immortaltty of Infamy, orf qusintance that was renewed duriog two subsequent en- 

nd genial in conversation, | 

Onr Special Washington Despateh. i 

Wasazctoy, April 20, 1805, 
Dy s0 order of tho Secrotary of War, all officers aud 

Tho last of the surrendered army left yesterday. Most 

A iva ibis babii aprigbl 


i iy Jof thom went away in straggling equade. General An- —— 

%e Goveral Goxoov, Norfolk:— nA mor uNoNFlable distinction to these connected PI gapermenta. a] 7 r Tioe 
The President directs that tha comiseation saloy bok bla by the ‘tls of blood and marrige, than the E" Our recalleclon of Boo(h i somonbatIndatinct; bat, Fy denn's Urgede, however, remalnnd Wil welastsand 4 6 THE PLAY BILL.—NOTICE. 

Pastponed Indotinitoly until the vrs ui the Precd.€s nesatsin of tho Prealdent of the United States.” Such ovle Sj we remember his features In repore bad rather a sombropawent away in s body. And thos ppeared tho] — 

ren € Bureau, You will os tc El complicity with tho murder of the President, are pro-fe} dence of gullt as bas already been obtained polote con- fy 

‘and melanchely cast; yot, under ogrecable in- B proud Army of Northorn Virginia, 

Mts dove. FE. M. STANT clusively to Joho Wilkes Booth, a play actor, as thofA gucnces or emotions the expression was very animated 

No tales of confizeated proics!y ill tHierofore Ui 
fiveo within thi dlainct unl Nusvier o 
Becrowry of War, By order of 

Brigadler Gonsrsl GEO. M, GORDON. 

FS nivited an 01 5 

fy bibiked der sovare penalties From. @eulging. anythlog R cesaaminy ani there in au unapptased carloaty to kuow Bf Aca ctominge iia hair fo black, aed glocar edrled 

fy now the subject. It Is also requested that nothing DoF what manucr of man he ts whoss'treasonbus and bloody fM slightly, and eet off in Oe relief a igh, fotellectual fore- . 

frou thei offered for transmission by tolograph for publication off parpoze consigued to death ono for whom millions oad, and n face full of Intelligence. Both chin nnd nose Beannon, &e., surrendered, has just been made out, and ts by PLAY BILL will not be lequed woul Wriday morning. 
ny statoment in regard to tho asracsing, This In doomed i] mourn to-day, acd doomed Mimself to be more hearilly wore’ markedly prominent, aud the Drm sot lips nod PAs. ratios. Monpay, Apiit 17, 1560 EZ 

belog Sted for Welieaay, lie u 
‘ Thareday belng appropriated (orm general fasl, ae WEBRLY 

WU wok genera, 



Wagons, caigsons, &c., about 
Horses ind mules. 

Tor aale tg all 


wing Macht 
wien & 

SH dott crated t vill: 6 the days Of FA lince abo ca if will, declslo = : 
noctsuiry {0 provent the hindrance of tho successfull juss Teessiot nt ney ‘tusia tance the dayBo Ree ora ion a Tieoran Maroclauay eee in ins dean Paroled prisoners. A.—Lottery Prizes Cashed. Circulars, 
puroull, capture and panlshment of tho fiends engaged Inf THE ELDER BOOTH, Pi and celected bis babit with n rare percoption of what was fe Small arms, ravings ad Information ¥en wan atreel KOE 
M us abot al plot of assazeination. Jobn Wilkes Booth tn =a of Tuc og Sune Booth, 4 Beeorstax ta jure and eouapl axis. He would el Cannon, aM CLAYTON, 
5 Sr,, by bls second wife, who murvives him, and row re-Mangwhero for o neatly, and not overly, dressed man of fe 
Among the facts ‘whieh tho reeeut assassination off tiny with her stopeou, Edwin. Forrest Booth, in. New fd asuluu, 
President Lincoln hea brought to Nght Is one iNustrating EY York elty. ‘The elder Booth, tho father of the imputed PY OF his pelleal views very lla was known, Ho kept 
J iiio eharact wing Ligh Ives which} asassin, was on English tragedian, born in London Infida titi tongue on the subject, to far aa wo have Lea 
Beer taki Sb acaataie ated be cra poclhceaaa tae ac ff Wuauyeet: 400. eting Ais wicariey: nel played te Pl parce. of sowttuem sien ued edusatious in wig rronseved 
4 TP OS PNT Ta ee aed the assassin Booth. A gentleman who wasty several of the provincial Euglh theatres withBthis eympathiea tended in that direction; But bo ex-| niece Wesedvey, 
THE CAPTURE OF MOBILE, somomnat intimate with bim states that hens an ardent mmsderate, euccess” ned. ih Gis made his, Qbulfd hjolar one varicular wormlit oF ‘seal, far. the Rebel we Goer, 249 Dronidw 
a fyodunirer of Orsini, who como years since attempted thefayat Covent Garden theatre, in bia batlve city, asbeilion, and noiblog 1, Indleate | the go teratest| der Braces, aa 
4 ‘i : nblance to “that hrinch- pe decite to € 0 uch Fa 
SSE Jovsassination of Louls Napoleon. Pootb often expressed He ee en eee etme: Ba dcalze | to | further x 
Pi his admiration of the act undof the herolsm of the 

It ls reported, by @ gentloman who heard tho fa 
Bj conversation, that duricg bis eugagement in Loulsvillo A) missioners appointed to carry out the etipalatioas of tho py aot cps s 
In bis proféssion, and successfully competed with [fy in 1562; Dooth fell into a coptroversy with tho treasurer P¥eacr-nder. Thon tho number hopped up to thirty-Orofl ft removes lack 

the use of HELMAOLD® 
wl allerupuons of the «aim 

as giving. \t pecuniary ald, much Jest perroual as B 
7 Pee 
Columtius, Ga, ana Dufala, Alas Wo Id-bo aszassin, Ho said that if ho isd undertaken tho! 

ie ‘assarsination he would have carried {t through success: 
Also Cauiured, fully, “and thon,” eald be, “E would have lived for- 

over.’ Ho thought that the attempt failed through! i 
curred! Bouth, who had been kind to bim, but ho could not, for| 
(imldity. Ho was more successful in his imitation, and| sotirepesteree|. RHE ee erat tit? 

Capture of Montgomery, Ala 4M aoupsices nas achieved the infamous notoriety for which 
ho was ambitious, 

exion Stands the 

A Beautifal Com 
gone away witbout being paroled. It was starvation with PM closest scruUoy. HELMBO! 

many to romaln, and thoy wor accordingly allowed top FARILLA la tee remiciy 
]go. Our priny was ehort of rations, and although all tho by 

—Gold and, Silver 
Dronoe GALES 
treet, (ormesly 1 Wall 96. 

American Watch 
from $45 10 $200 act 
Browdway, ous door below Canal street, 

Ed his reappearanco was tho elznal for a eerlous theatrical pa 
rlot, which resulted {n driving tim temporarily from tho 
{London cloge. Wo do not now distinctly recollect th 

fand that {f they insisted on Oghting they should bavo| 
taken the American Ooy und fought andor that Thore is [a 

not enough for all. 

: F Badges. 
rc I feeslonal or olerwire, stirred Ef apothor etory, to the effect that Hooth, while pMylox an Ff 
Go, Reward omerea vy Governor cartn, off Milsite tired yiieatiy Satatarisigar fl erauts” Woutiua efter tere Tek a =e Fer 
* Pennsylvania, al the obnoxious person, but falled to taka ft. The man sur. in a publio bar-room that the man who would kill Abra- WASHING . PUR ua OluGarern Teaver: 
Pumapzrrara, April 90, 1808. [vied the seeult, and Is now, we bellave, a roaldent of fA ham Lincoln would gala a moro enviable notorlaty than Fi PATER 

p The Savannah Herald coutalns the following:— 
Vy a devercer Irom (ho rebel arsoy, Mr. Iverson Dupren, 

Washington himsolf, It ts of course tmpoesibla to say ha 

England Oil aboot th 
ee een er oe therd laa wihethor Wiese reported eaylogy ars apocryphal or not. ft 

year 1820, when be crossed tho Atlanilo, and mado his [4 


Governor Curtin has {s:ted a proclamation offering afl 
roward of ten thousand dollars for the arrest of Lot, ! 

Wasuurxatox, April 20, 1865. 

in this country at Potere-(f] The last appearance of Hooth on tho staga (oxcept at wikaetive AKE YOUR OWN A 2 
and from asrotugce, a ative of Vlas! county, t'slwi.9 tg reported to have been seen in this Slate, if ar-fel borg Gan terete ‘Meatre, one or yo benellls in Washington) wus at i Water} FuinaENTATION OF THOFUIES TO 1B ar a 
Gato, who hus arrived in Uo elty, wo learn that Mobile J New York, ou both of which occasions he cssumed hisfs Garden, Now York, and ln conjunction with his brothers, 1 

resled In Pennaylvanio, favorite role of Richard II. From that time to the 

» EG TSN Ey Close of fis life he fulfilled engugymonta in nearly, if pd 

Dinck Muslin at 23c. a Yard—Double 
get, as yet, no particulars, 

Siri Storey!” 905 Grand « 

Razin’ and Janina Brotus, jn tho play of Julius py 
Caiar, for the baneilt of the spre Hovameat Fond. 

Geueral Wright's stat, arrived to-day, {0 chargepd widih, ub tbe "X 
aly tho we mal at Dol olf bas s a lted 1d was accou! Ho waa, wp be Wo havo played with thom agalo at fe of Major Genet Sees 
iy howe way les Gt at be Wal otHd crea ofthe Suapectea Perfon Rene Readcff st syria ta being tts snt ese ey ep bolen hapa te mic af ie Cor HDA a ate Se uit en eS 
~ilpae aha sods uot ay petk] 228 Pa—He to Supposed to be Tooth, Pycree eres waien no nesomed waa lcalied, and waa of the came and. The Play, elected was Monto sod F455 corpsin the worka at Relambarg on tho Gib etant fi wand armies IRyasiastoue, Toe os 
; a a and Junius a9 Bs 2 { = Aa 0 
Teast ee 7 Thave just ecen Mr. Lyon, a United States doteciivo fd studied ln the Deginn’ng of 1) MAT Joed ac prop-rty fd renca. "As we hao eu, Uehas played no. eosagoment il retary of War will ako place oa Monday next. The if Cristadoro’s, alr Dye; Pescesvottre 
Columbus, du. was also exrtared on Thorsday last by BY omeer, from whom get the following relative to the Bye a Gallimore, known as “The Farm,” where, during Bd ths present season. Hallet the to oogsge 10 oll Fy one gags brought by Colonel Sherman from Gavcralh aod ig, Depok, whalaale an 7 fl jou 
Tramas’ cavaire, aller a sorcrs ght with Forrest's trap- BV Root alfair:— EJ his latter years, ho resided, making _socanlonal profes: speculations, oleh bal was CO red Sheridan'a comand will also] be |presthted’at lhe | mirsé fal 767 "by anu pee 
c& We hupe wy be able is glve parttcul q : Bt (ea. He miedo an exoursion tof netted withio eix months between a0 b = : aig aT Onuens. CAPR pata OTRO 
pa beable give particulars inn sabse- FY ‘Tuo roport that Booth came to Readiog on the trio ls aaa se te avo gboat the Jear 1800, wltcro bo fal- 4 Nor had bo any Intention of remumalag the sige, abd 4 Pj time, tbat event barlog been postponed from to-day. aGnntering Mores. Pings 
SoU etn Bi re correct Hs was in Reading all day. Biot s very iueratve exangerseat,endon Bi way home flied all managors), applications geist, 8 B° visa oY TUN NEW YORK UNION LEAGUE CLUB. SMT a 
He Cor fs Madeat of Burreson wore eaptured 6) roman who rocogulsed him Ioformod dotetivo Lyon Pd wpped in Kew Orloaus where Yo'made bla Ls sppoar-F4 wrote, Being more protlable Wan the profemica.' AN viok calom League committee euteracdl a 2g Diarra, Pz Fiat crey 
Me VRAD se CO of his bolag ta town and that ho kaow {twas Boob. (MJ unco ot the &t Charies, as Sir Gi ; 3 dan ieeandt cetera OFiSG Y iot deiair) Baioaga Lael 3 ¥ 

Vifols, Als, was nla captured, and Montgomery was MrT; romediately, in company with Mr, Miller Ki way to Pay Old Dobta Itwas whilo on his passge fy prompted Booth to the commission of the great critae of rellable and 
=a, fF, Lyou Iramediately, 4 

which ho stands accused. There acems to be no doab General Fen 

from that elty to Cinclonall that bo died His rewoalus [JL B.S Fostar, President pro tempore of tho Senate, and! 

fad United States Army. 
bo reported lo howe “gone up.? ‘and another detective, proceeded to trace him. pal were (aken (0 "The Farm” for borial that it was along cherished design, and that It was lord ir en oy nd Assistant Eecroiary of chop United States Ar Win Cogialtum 
. 0 persons wi F a spocoete) : y mi frrogular, and 60 In- fq havo beon exccuted at least w month and ten daya before} Mon. . 1, Beco y Farge Mieasobual oder Sol 
Mes Aha capt Jotane 1, Does pene abors intel: BY They faally traced hc to the depot, and sscertained Bi) Hooth's, habits a ea Pah actor ry bees armed, Haul it thea bappenod the nnilon wonld not | }rreasury, ate private dinuer ab Wilard’a Woial thie wf-pejsed Wesera sass) SIA (ih 8 

ere mui vornne 3p Kes of tho Georgia 8:40) iha¢q man answering his description had got onthe tral ky Fes Sua have forfellod hla popularity beyond Fos fg have Deen, co profoundly gnrprired. Mehmood wa rey pieruooa. The dinuer ls sald to havo bea equal to Delf 

@IMila, who Velvogi 10 Dyke's station, Gam Swamp, A 4 Tt was rarely bat bo appeared eober on thof4 in passcsslon of the robals, dofen oral be a) aia AM UBilich | Rewin 
Pilaticl cavisthy nai Twerson Dapres, Who'nre. roconalzea Ph ee aes sek ore 1 ees drwnnds the ciopa of ia fifo, I required the pd and rell Sppalateg army; nde a eousimnate Eera bat and wan ighly loved by the parc] yuygnest Premio Tock Stl s 

5 re Tho facta wore Immediately Bade kno Ao He geaafefvielioace dad art of inanagers to keep Hiro In a condition by He who could lend bimsdltjto vo. dark and dacusble 808% pants Tho League commlttoa left forNew York in tho}i) sdachlvennd Guilan Tivle MAcRion yy | Sv 

fe ecors\ Volo yrivoners ovr In Savanah as having wicuolls, quporintoadeat of tho road, aud an offort wasp TE 

y ine raanit of 

to appoar on the stage at nil, Tho stories told of tim tn fy enterprise could havo, at Iéast, pleaded that t {Pl eventog 
jumerable, and some of them ex- lp) the confusion and excltaueut produced by tue removal earoy i 

E feoraely ladlcreas His sppotie for liquor was absolato-(f of the fountain bead of executive authority would be PJ KO YBICONERG OP WAN TO DE SENT TO WASDIXATON. Perse are aca sure 

Fliy voruclous, Being without money ot uno timo when {n ff favorab!s to the Confederate cange, and nroure the South IDL rebel desortera and paroled prisoners) = Tha 

[2] Now York, he went to a pawnbroker's shop, literally 4 from \ta desponding let . Bol he bas cot even ths at Fortrees Monroe, Instead of Wash-F] Not m Fow of the Worst Disordera Phas 

13 pawned himself for monos to purchase Uquor, was roga-P4 poor excuse to ofr. The erime was cormulited at a niu: / 3 get maratea sree fam corrpliiny ofthe oss HEL 

B lorly Uekoted and exhibited In a window, wocro be stald 4 incot «bea the loss of DO due, or a dozen mes, could, Iu * BOLD IB RETRACT PRGARSSEAK! 3 

Null “recosmed” by a friend. On anhiher occasion, being ff] 60 much ava halr, affect the resolt; wha, tndeod, ‘al Fon 

anpounced to appear in Fhiladelphis—at the Walcut (4 being ciren up as lost to the rebeliloo, the lnsurzen! 

Storied thet conesalment and protection durlug the 
Dut wink. 

mado to tolograph to Port CUoton, tho frst tele- 
kroph station; bat tho operator not belag about an 
eogine was firod up, and Mesara. Lyoa and Millar, to- 
Gothor with the man who hal reca Booth, proceeded at 
full epoed to overtalfa the regular train. 
They did overtake tho train; but at Port Clinton were fy 

Helmbold’s Extract Buchu, 
io Um oor m0 

The National Loan, 
Puscsortrura, April 20, 1808, 

Jay Cooke feporta that the satverfptions to the raven. 

iy loan toway amounted to $3,002,300—Iacluding! 

Under the 

u " No Pimples, no Darkne: 
ifrota Tiuaburg. for $901 om Chicago! or il Infarcaedl that 1 tof tho trata Pl rect, we bellore tue macazcr, of the day for the per. bf wera Uieraselves looking forward to petco, and plac Pe lt) ACR ee TNL 
ilo 10, one tebge Afomg ns Yor $300 000, one ros Sev ff neve Dut cherbonte cnr he Catsics train or coi furmuces, al! Booth ioked og, tat wat uC (© how wagt in qhecestiney "and lage heried tng ing GESTED wxreker Eansarseiece 
8210, 109, one frdin Mompbls for $109,000, one from Now MM thory; but whotber he wont to the Cala} ‘wited by the sector, who bribe ferent tol” nlmity of the Exccallve for torms as Uttis Bumilist 2 toed four, breat 
ors or $10,680) one trv | nN they, could\not sscert Dring a bottle of brandy, a sateen fol wm clip ond Deual tn thelr character as ic aa wlbio bis power em randing: tn th Rud Yourself of Hamers oro: coNCER 
deem Met tamstk raaent o tumsaon to te enna tos deine is oath why Mc a lg Ae i uate er acne chore ea eens wo sees OR ae eR 
helene ee : on vines (cia WEE Bun. F eyed ¢ is i mis Feelin fore reaching that tn- fea Tits 
— tho trata, nd in the meanliaio Port Cliaton was ho: fy the Send ne tlrough tho pipery. Uo tlitiy. tra te wom the Ineurgent fears and thelr fllowers «cali tiau ew York Hospital, bus died before rescbig . San oe 
Graxax Orrxs.—Amony other postponements of pnd- FU roeghty ecarobed. fodian, and the fact was disclosed whey {0 Uo Wil We took etth more confldence In thelr hour of need 1 SRR Oat PBucha Coren Omome and children 
Ue anusements, I consequence of our great eeagon OFF} Upon tho arrival of the train at Tamaqua tho conductor} ) (i gwmssnager proceeded there to conduct tin iv dre = a ta iets tga La ee ld P] Depot itl Gtambers vee Sola by all ruses 
mourning, that of the opera ianst bo Juche The pub: (4 roleprap dan followa:—ctTho man Ie om tho ale.” Moe eee ar ieit ay Lictimend 1opd three, crazy faoAllcay WIRiinoUpd tL taecasel vest lito slow Eftecta of Alcohols 
He wil wt bo fovored with, this Jotallectial trent unt Another despatch wua cant Yo wie next atatton for fur- ft conudercd somewhat jeriiogs to 4/0¥ Ti acc4 1a bj ncioaton’ rom tid rebates nad weaxoseted Pho Injuriow: EArset “ggeansne bo 
area roan ena: tor ine oavalonsy ct dace wo fe lnforination, with orders for his detention, Mire. Dorlag Ue coabat oa Mosworiy welt, So wos fia an Insane deo a exln novorey ao toalter by what NS EXT RAGE SARSAPATI 
Len Exuecey, for the eanventence of tase 5 ! is Fe sealer aieassit: In reesteyieti a waulielzate, sill Bg! pro 5 = 
feud roocrs (te Dea! places Im the WWuse. ‘This morning st <Ight o'clock detective Lyon recived! apt, 'o bis excitement, to couelder y tuoupretaxs Dat Hiekzate, lll pp! prove to 

, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1863. : 

= = 4 \ 
HE! WANTED—FEMA Roo: &0., TO LET. ™ 00) &0.,TO zo" ) SHIPPIN: 
NED _ORRMAN D—A BITUATIO! WEE, NORGE] TRH WV ANTED A Oe POR oman it fata Weel yA Baice boury 10 to «. Fast Seresty.third street. comaining of 8 room, to fomenstown (Cork Harbor) — an 
fut STustiees to aoe tee Tee Saf) ting. necowd gene MBA Cuvee ah, rear OY eee of ober kee) . AS rurcisees und Uafarauubel Hosses tole Sok geaierate (emily; posseanion glren tstaediattigy H nea Paltaisha url Soma, ‘ins ie 
: : 2 . a ‘ remlsen scale Bias mi me 
Anautate, 17 a fe TO LET—TO A 4 re ng 
ye Sep PANTED_A, SITUATION, BY A COMPETENT TER Wane a Once nact be ine we m esl fl BOUL aes wiont ealien rt, auemea, No. BPO LETTE veren PART OY ZHE BHOWN eroneBIEpipone cn Ste teloriay, Apr’ 
OOK petterae. mae late refocets heen, Suess (or Wires daa’ 0, Wersia MY rumity. Apply, trom 10 Ta s,s Ub na Arabia face marble boing near Drondwy. Been ing aac nd plat ya ache na SHY Ge BALTTAORS 
‘competent, maving Ures tn BM eflew 0 ANTED—LMMEDIATELY, FORK Di LO, x ee a ‘Balarday, ai Goon, from 
ears Lo rat class bo) bet a AV mtteas ad Xow good ir Py T NEW BRIONTON, HAMILTON PARK 0) d = 
Wepd sd ave WV ARIRD-BY Ay REgPeOTASL ST ee! PA otare ey f Telghia—Hereral firtt chess Houses, faraisbed and un. IPO URES PROM MAY 1 iro FRONT. Rooms oR | RATES OF PASSAG) 

P aewergit Sato ufctno Pisa as BS oF 

4 — ‘arple| rr 1D ra conreniences, bot and cold. 
Feat eiacngatmneracanrinsn haga EL nie wipers ye a ere 

1 gold, oF Il egaivalnnt Ia currency. 
ARUBA COMPETRICTOURT, £00) (FON anb [A rier es thine tes Acs Mi Boze aes eM Seal a a Ft : is 

weeaees SH 
ap Besar ro 

jection Wgoia the country, Oan be 

A SITUATION, WANTrripnt cook. ale Foner at 

08 wl « y arene - eS oo neeth Netlug basiocas In New York. Bia lene, frolk wees fd OS 
pacer utr iwo duel WestRO bg Wy aarp Ay A, Sonu INDUSTMOU out oscar pining hs oivasoom’ as) eStores Am een tsar sak tar tncance 7 ee (PT OAD Te LUNTT AEE MACE gC Ratatat, wine ness 
ee Iray ema Ae estat ea er crema ee fan a Feriair FURNISHED "ROOMS/TO ET Pee eeee eat canoe Ar aca s Paiegneb ae Bl AGimerpy acca steal sealer 
= 10 West ib et, 7 fe mn FIN) b s =| z = nn oc Qorenstuwn:—Firt in 
Ane IRL west ; SERTGAn Wi Wserzo 3s OOK, Om A VERE SMA GZAMILT A ec Penni On Arthas single groucraa, air, H (PO LET”AT 12 ELEVEATUL GFRELT, FOUR DoonS] ers pa ae ey ater ees 
wtp uouerere Ty wilatl g \VAXTEO—BY A, MIODLE, AGED AMERIOAN W20-4 JL, te Jaf aripet iy ecdnmendelos fsagpiy at if dere Na Sh Went ters\y plus week near Pile Avenue Hf A esi of Headway, one or two Hun | Pebaiadnre at thee tae vee | 
Siyreverenee ante ee ean Maite or call on Hovsekeeper, No. 133} East Sab ot, wear a:b ay. E i a 0 LET—A NEATLY FURNISHED HOUBE, SUITABLE] &°'% re strongly vanttn mater visit irom acctionn, and carry 
fesSlogiou placer, ta (ae cay: sor in vod | ANTED—A OIL, VOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, p] A TWO STORY DASEMENT AND (le ae Fy ok a(t nue irate family, 7¥ Weat Ymeniyninth street by lalors. Experevord surgeons are altseds 
Swart = by a ay use, baving modern Improvemen' q feeu) Sixth 40d SeveDiu aveDuen- ApDLY frvia fe (par staan b 
ALTUATION EY aa wale or wend, oi WASTHOSOY, A REAIEGTANEE YOUXO OU J Woven 204 trockeg. 1m a aay ta een PTS Be sichth bosee ext of arraae A, on. Elgous mits street Ap: Ulundi. M,-‘esmediata postevricu it deaf. ate QTyherInCormation apply In Tivernonl Uo WETLETAN 
feomluregth aid tne wating. "Can bo nan at Der persent dG NY adel te ra cea toring gaye har passes sa Dore : Fa sect in errgarge: oF OH: BURSSON, No, 6) East Teie FTO LBTArARTHENTS, ¥LOORS i Bist Ravel squares tn ueenaianen iy 62 We 
ea ee Payee Went Baty betwen Gb tnd 7th ara W2XTHD—4 0000 arnt, 70 00 gENT nouse. B TUADR- CONTAINING FARUDERIFOMER, THRBE PY cv dtiote ates Eat htc font trek: wi Be va King ih maui Fee seen UECOT RT 
JNO LADY WIANES A AITUATIO: 1 vOMAN, works expecially must be x good washier aod Irooer: fo y uN R EB THREE ES GT eit at ire Damn den Vieitres, Vine stele Mourwes to PI 
A ocau ine Bey aman atora Agareas stallg theme WANTED BY, A MESTRCTABLE YOUNG, Sones Heres Apply 210d Went Buh wy Batons Hp AL "tacirwray betcoam, guts le eto jal loa smal Fy iB Blee oe Vecoed venus baie Waldo The AOUN'G, DALICAU Wetnat stew or at the 
‘Whsan, box 6,271 How Xpre Fast odien. ‘| ypretsbhe fasouly, Adtreas Mre Cronia, coroer (—t—. FA tirstnireet. Apply on the premovrs. Ment $25 [a'['0 LET—FART OP BECOND FLOOR OF 414 BROAD- - 
= Hamilow are xod Court st, Bouin Mrookiva. - ro waycneat Canal sirest apply on tbe presniacs JOUN @.. DALE, Arenh 1b Hroadway, N.Y, 



‘Bri ta Go chamiberw ori 


Ply ab Gl 7th ay., third doar above sft A WARpeourLy ruANISi£D SUIT OF ROOMS TO t 

ht WA Wo geauemen, or  & ganUeman aod wife, wil Gee 

Twrould have co objection 




fRnlng tua privete Tau Tres abl eearnelreas cr 00 wait on ‘ i 5 i tard aleeashi 
‘ shite) Bs Sear toa, aa fofant's 1 = of kiteben, ah 65 East Tweilts streak sexoud block from F/T gion, mamteru,iaprovsisenta, furoiebed ovinplewely, 1 Pie 
Bier aad amar hs Posse eats Re sh told ud no objenlons Wo traveling, Call fortwo days VAT ASTED 4 Coe Ty Woancnt ECHR ad go fil SOSA” Hy WoalitweutsSeciod stnel ware chavce,. True gat) xt on arpa So Tore Age Ryan sa bi 
, wear the Bowery, = = othe couniry for the summer, Apply at 77 VERY FISE PARLOR FLOP, FIVE ROOMS 8700; ff ban reas box 1s = a i‘. 7 satay ha = 
ToUNH FRESOM UIRLVANTA A BHUATION AS] WASTED—& GITUATION, BY. -A\ HmSPrOTANL Bl coe door blom Bs “Tram f to Do cock. i foerta ts aujtaay Rosi Haden nave PATO. LEF-eroLES aT ql FRANKLIN, ai DIVISION Ff nbn. eee $1 AO] Second Cabin 
A Nraery maid Apply at 31 Haat 8H ot, for gue week JM 17, JOUE RUh meek AMY city reference. Can bo enn Bd Wentepct 0908, gine, mo Warr APADY py rth ery convenience, i may tm ivided—to adulte AVY Tatrech a ienyad atenin.” Aiwa Floard and Roose fOr cy, PAGE waar m4 BOLTON. ti 
Baa Friday, Apel a, fe] for two days at 78 Weat Sih sl, batwonn Gb and 71h ara, 11 ‘and ebild. Call ab the Irving House, Lon i Fl Sireets nad Beond aveouc. luduire at 09 Mleccker surect., fa -Carment in gold or ie eaualen + 

Abo rears 


aligaUon Wo travel with m family or ax companion to 
ln Lady! has resrived « pood education, aod woold taxe eharge 
of enilgren. Address Nira BU, Norton, staulen O. 


Tangri, « si(cauon as chartermald and to do ylala 
erwing, ors take earect ehildrenand sew. Gas give £000 
Feferescn, Gan be ane at 2 ast 1th th 

oe eB 
Se a ery aol uodear: motia Hike 1 c0 tM 
eee ae meet tia fauaiys baa best of ely Fe 
Pear hai Wes ah au for wo enya 
aera iosa Nod, males, ax mice” yrar a beat 
fest pisos. Plekge eal at Nos Bast 

Freee k Gud ook, wanker and wove Mappiy ott fl L forest Witlaaburgs reat $20 per oy, coataing gf IX MONTUS A OBSTEELLY FUR. ROUX AH NEESER Ess 

Leroy tt Fee eee adr genie varoeretalicrast veleaia tlt FT aTigNat, STBAM NAVIO ATION COMPANY, = 

we a fie csr | Eberepire ce ere a 30 UE ASE Na Wh cavnroo 
ie hsaugpers wim Tay ay H QOUNTRY_nasipaxCEs vo LeT—inepraTE Pos Hirpo Lev—ro, & OBNTLEMAN, WIT/OUT ROARD, APY BEEYEITS : Seuunnay, Apes 
= im AND i scre Bouse 10 roceas, cent Sous: oue at Dobb's Ferry, three’ (Laat Perehiecuis strect, belwecn Union square aud Fp treraye, $28 quid, or equivalent In currency, 

in, BAS: 
] m Yor “nly to 
reaaids TOs Bay gay at Tarryiovea, bull a anlle fem depot. boars [eee 4 MES ATTY CELLIAMS & GUION, #9 Broadmray. “f 


eb, all ov ove Door; ears 



(Or chabefmAr® uid ansiat 10 thn 

W Aicttirtreea, iso waltreca, an 
onderstand Welr busines) App et he woatawest corer of 
vey brooklyn. 

F ‘hod DeKalb avenur (iro eres, rent) $300. Ai y : 

Aly referecon, Call at ZA Weal aot BY BY 4, MAN AND WIPR; Gj Olioion pl fruit, ahrubbary and shavte tre Hage Rouse, stable, dc. ‘and Lower Porte] A NCHOR LINR.—STPAM TO OLASGOW, LIVERPOO) 

allond ‘od gardonary the woman to 60| ae ff ite from & EMDERSON, CH BiGhtS avo Rt SEL AN Dnbtn, Heltast onus ondonsarry, trom pier SNe 
Eisenia in ave cage Bua Mb West BRS HELP WANTHDOWALEN, ERE, Se ees EAN Ps TS ER 


modern liprovement. West Treeaty-fourts Len 
Wsirect, one on West Fourteenth etree one cn Weat Fairy: by Toten THUD FLOOR OF HOUSE 

ain 8535 fore cabin, $40; el-craco) $2—payabln a Fold OF 

RIGHTH Bf teeaiitralent In currincy.” Apply to P. MaCDON. a } 

adgo out, black nnd wilver, GS for Aity, by tall or ex- 

iri, se onok; understands all Kinda of Cacalty Baking Uy 

(a. 6 Howling Green, = 

eet or chaniaraure and°waanihe M900 BY WWTARTED—ABITOATION, BX, A RRAPECTADLE 

FESR Sirhan ie aha ots 

Ait the eowaury. Good ety reference Call at &) Weal Py ;: : Weat Talrty: ‘avenuo, cuasiating of ol cools wal, paniriest. water anid fof 00% 
inthe washing; whe best of clty referedee. BY Greaa, in any Quan, on receipt of usb. ilagiy, 28 cont PM frat slreek, betworn Exzch and Niold arenes; Carvo a\ Tar A a} bx roomnsTw pat ana 
c = aS De Taper ofa Went ath ac eich SUaN whirsON, Ot Canal street fo igre gh ti Hodaons oneal tomocd” Purr partleulare oeamall Famiy is Ene heroes ae ed | 1K NOEL OBRMAN LLOYD'S STEAMGUTE ITEUS j 
RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL Wa: —s Abel i at P or ake, commander carrying the Uo! - 
ae tialiysaa tri a geamberey NTED—BY A MOST RXPERIENCED WOMAN GOOD STRONG BOY OR MAN WANTRD, WHO CAN ¢ ~ EG] mail, will gail from the Bremen pler. foot of ‘Third sireet 
trex’ Xo Ruyection wovgo in ine erupiry.. Lies WE Ricelent ety referstior, «alta as cook. and milwand te care el awe and cule sbctaify PPORNISHED HOVE, AY PAEKSKILY, To Ler von pl'TO dep eat Toke ASwINOzON, with PG El Pree ee ee ee : 
Felereoon, Cau Ve meen for two days at 124 West By to aasisk wiih he alah, gah ERC Sear Hf around « boarding house, ak 170 Ulereker atreel the gumesey Bocihe—Conlaning eight rooms. in grit Bf ifoate ado f fount turee over of taods semis P| SATURDAY, April 2 at 12 o'clock M. 
ANWy, SOUps and jellies, wages Se ee ler and very plescaoily ai io the most ry a v cliy and couutry eombluel; 00 bel-| 
— — — lees Aue ARKEEPER WANTED—A YOUNG WAN) 48 APsIeT: Mf the vilage: ‘Tea misute’ walk from the Hudkon, Blver Rae a et na eon Uz eoemb a 
ATTUATION WANTRD—NY A RESPECTABLE WO: B] W7ANTED—DY A RESPECTARLE AN, AB We 1G-lo IY years cld, with good clty Telerende, at Whe Bd Iealrosd Terme rooderale. address House Ur. Bi fatlicgs “quae aioe omen af, OF would ve beeen j 
Dad, AE nuperienned pOOE; Understands meats, eoupy, Mh Wo wel pares al ber own bose; has ® breatiot w Drop, TAL 34 av. ? fa niahed. box 145 Herald osion, Tw MILES he Piasciay oleeel F] LONDON, TARRE, N AND BREWER: } 
Peet rilaninptepe orton aa APS a oj nt the following payable in guld or Ma equiradent Jr 

a Ton her crrn baliy palere 

j ; I : eo and Barclay soreel§ 

Be veary ols tee! nant or eed Mamet alte heaay ed, frie cies oer) Fa [POWREEGULLY URNTEBO, AR BNGUISU BASE BY Yr ie Gr eal, $14; aecont etn, 20 25 aensnon 
‘rous P.B,) Herald obice - Pe airlyan be reese 1 eC Rwelnb aires Efand near Filth avenue, “Apply to Wal, VENVILL, 12 Jol fe Wilt flowed by the BERS, May & <¢ 

ya = 

Tiinternld nod eee Santer and rover: tha, oth RY GOODH BALESMAN WANTED-ATlaq7 BENT ff] Fortreightor pastoga pls a - 
A har the beak of al ond da chanbarnork and abel ney have teary ee D hace ‘Wil, F. BOGAN, URNISDED MOUSER TO/LET—IN NEW YORE AND A  LETAUE, SECOND BTORY OF AX. ELEGANT H| OBLRTUIS & CO,, Broad atree\, 
eri wha raid en objeciious to ibe oou re rock yn. foo City and. Oras ruwa alone foun, furnisved or wit, with every cone . 

Bf rete Co tuelr Lat place. Uall at God 6(8 ay, boiween BBth nn Also furnisbed tnd un‘uraiaied Houses 10 1M yecjenc wllemad aud wife. Ai te TEAMSIIP LAFAYETTE FOR WAVRE=WILG SATE 

PIuee: hale GOOR.WARTAIA) AITOATIONAUN. asd stbte (ure filet co Slaten Ialasd Apply WA JOURNEAY, Ne. 8Tiueld IS Herdlduilee Pec Atcrate ea riot POH BI" tramibler Neuen Norin nicrrs feok at Marlan;atcoak vos 

famadt Prete sort ngites costing: 00 jection tof Oy iret i Weaneniag, Sul lnvk” Fusscugvre are riquestad to bo Ob 
Sass vu nom tne Qhusteyt the vest aF Sy referees | LETLWITHOUT BOARD, A-YURNIANED 00M, Pd board ot 1K ncloce, ‘ ‘ 

fa] FURNISHRD noTEE To Ler. ‘A THRER STORY HIGH fel [on asad teor, toe arenes 

five. Toquirg an 4 \jeal aMb ak, Leiwoon bib aud Gh 

0 ouly, coarenlent to 

wen H ven be seen fortwo days at . basement brick heure, tery) ted {b Brook: FA itroad lagen. ‘a eee ORY rit, ATRAMPRS TO FRANON NINRCROTIE GEM. 
= et nmnad oor tent roum. H Wires sco eusieg mits se purctepmatred. Sone firm, aboot oyster aie inne sam \atlana Plt | dqivag yO Apna Woe St hse M nice eransaTian 0 COMTARE. etme of | 
Olah WaNTs TU,DO ORSENAL NOI d vat uncon Seseoncing: good, vesommneniationt ma fo honesty fA fervien, plainly bot eu  furoiavad: te Bouse has a fd Fd ara rusts aide wheel sicamshipa betwee NEW TORE aioe | 
#7rirake fe Gall (or two dase at ud not afrel Urkineed addready ancwrilng M. PY the new lmprorements, cus bath) wash (ube, water closet, [ a; = = fe ' 
Ae ee a BA sas arma On ner OED) ASF sil clone fags «ment aaron] TATA tse aaron Wa ult. wahak a goe|ly rqypnyZtO™ NE XOEK OMAYRE, |  S 
SITUARIN w Ral fey Hous 1, low Yor! Hoard, witp choles of rooms to 4 lidy aod ber servant; up. i my ef Gs “at os} rf a 
ren y asalal IW y . H \ieaUbnable refarences required at 7 H Is07TO nontat, May 24° LIP 5] 
Perret diaati WAXTED~AT THE CONTINENTAL BALOON, BROAD I TAUANISUED HOUSE TO LUT—ira EAGT TWENTY-[i nyonable rforonces reaulred apd en, AdureakAD.A 1 CPA ere. Welty dae 225 bh 
: eee wait oa ingles kad open oyrare. “ADpy th) Lt third street third boars east of Recond evonue. ¥ nlinci 2 ae Na 
= ‘ Py moderata Inqufre oa the pre:nlsaa from 12 to 2 o'elack P.M. or NN) BROOBEVNGGDETIWEEN WALL ANDAR] Scoot cabln (Ineludiong tabjn wineds.cos, “Sid ors 
7 {Ose oNty ans 1" VEEN NDB] Papaute th gold oF ls equteateni ia’ Gaited’ Banareee 
" Penta wile ups ent of books of Os if - AT? arate revrien parte Tnd Tied “Sovien wi Beeb! 
an ‘u/Boulk ateouotss address Accwuatant, \WAXTEDCMEN yo WORK I A HONE TACToRy,E! FURNIEMED MOUSE To LET ON, WEST FOUR war ‘nd gas Wo 9 eal family. hquire of J.B. LEWIS Bf ico) altendance free of chara \ 
UES Drar the Poudrette Works, Hoekesack river, N. J-[f) 1! tornth street, ton private family only, ato moderate Fd I Morris street, N.Y, {rons 1d 8 OeLock. ef For reeigut cr passage sy lv ta 
eae a wana af sis en as, eri, Prsout ani tu Drectney,sorovr of Fort dic sleek wl 2 =H Fee ORRNRTE A 
wash aba trvuge ‘irottinatulsase ang banteeper eecavemed Waice M WTANTEO—A BOY WHO WaiTeR 4 Good HAND ; To ren toc acall Kesorlea aeay of udolac: West SLES at rarta 19 Realovard’ dex \sinaeen tea aes | 
5, be ‘olde, hae saergy und abuily, wiuh badd efreterence., 40-1 WW nate eorsecs at Oguress one whe lives wht hieyarenis El G\URNISNED PARLORS AND EXTENSION TO RENT— ward bare 12 Bonlerand gos 1s 
1 oe Vw Maye ak G23 OL av, between S60 fa yrued O84! 1d office, PY ocd Just frow scncol preferred; also elaver buy to. ry n Giret Goor, without baard, to geollemea otly, at 19) 10 LET—AT 77 GREENWICH AVENUE, THE SECOND : 
reed _ d Vusineas; als porter Bd Drereort place (esis atreet, near Broadway. Eslerence} dT aaies Howe, tercinued or waturusbed, for house. ; , 
ss 01 NTBO—| a oa would like to add to ‘aiock of ramples any goods ea- - ssceugere to pha 
G do yovorel boosswork: good re: PM sii managed; hae euerey abd m large experieace. Address {4 \47ANTED—1WO OR THREB SMART CANVASSERS MH FURNIEUSD HOUSE TO LET. FigeT CLASS |} = a q2 Anat 2) First ealin, 
Apply av 44) 80) aL curuar of Bl avs, over Soe drug Sy tana se, SuCrey pty Warten core, Grn ac tbe Bil Ports’ Moos, Nac 1 el H'° rowa stsoe Eoetah benemect Hours on Thiry xoveuth pal/[!O ,LET—TER, BECOND, FLOOR OF A UOUSR INE) £1010, Haein gel 7 
— : - pees Fark place, et 0}; o'elock. pf itreeu'ner ith avenue. “Apply limediicly at Fh Ave Falco, Gocaomiy of: sunita. lostion twuspeaceds eat Bo a cyetate nt WARDT £00, 
A. Gln yianee amimianion svananneanau Py AN EMG CiraninBuiue fea ie oadey dL Hl WraNmrn—a¥ ARSIATART RoORmERPER AND Rx Phot fy sist. “Address. W.'. box ds Pouomee TAY Hoke ish rey i RMOWARD & 
Gip Ry ~ | ing ao booorable discharge from the Un | “AN” — —ae eee oo ae F rosie, * 
: J wagher aud youre. Cail for two days at ZVLY Novy ie denruue of obulolog employinent ia. any Duslnens Ty dere: a Mboreghly estapetot and aiperences {] FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET—FOR six aNp[a = = aan : _— - =e 
jheralnduatty aod houtuy wit bo anyracateds le aevie: Hl pary toa Goin iuatiogn, ean write very rapia anid WY Urelne mouths, nll ical: reat G60 Lo 84D per mouth }]'T'O dor try Rairovd of Hee Teste ond, Western copeer pd (JERICR OF TUE ATLANTIC MAIL STRAMSIIIP £0, 
SITUATION WANTED—Y A _RESVHOTADDU yt uve atth'aiihicg te po ts ny part ef ibe soaatey A Banna ands quick aud arrest wil ares, to We rigat Alee» Uotbie Co iad eA STM CO. 065 Broadway. fy Pe, Falaen sew and commodioun tava for sores RY yOR CAL TOBA C Ure Ie Ti/MMUR OF PANAMA, Ce 
AL jong girl, aa cuapaieot waitress and wo acsint wb fd OC Herald ocee bohss ETT ret Corre ee ie * Palcrplting or Rourdieg house. ‘Also, two. Gottages with barn CARRYING TILE UNITED STATES MAIL * 
Boba eet ore Tinks bert of wy reference Cal ef erege f [pon noRIsBe PURFOsES.—To wer, PLooRS av Hard scmutlOapestlind stated mb Wri aes Ansty WA wen ARS UbUEST CoWTEAE NG MAY E 19 
enen 01S) Weal AA ob [ YOUNG MARRIED MAN WANTS A PLAOR ON A (Warne BTABLEMAN; ONB WO UNDER. G) apd 6S Franklin sircet, 75 feot from ‘Broadway: so! Five stauon. Se AOAC CIC i SIHAM ENS Ta ae SA NORTE B 
= Wi 7 l ae or cae paresaieas Bs ralands tbe care of horses; ‘slabda bie bosiuess; nono olare need apply, Cell sified locaVion for manufectoring parposes. Also in Bast Heuston By 3 ep Deamlargmalting dara: 1eTRRAS TON AE arery raoadt fron 
rire eerie tigi). fichict be peceteneeratieastainia Gooey fA CIRC po ry eee PBT, OR LBASE1@_ AND 100 west rune FY River, fol or Comal tre ick foun, preety 
prin ee ke | YOUXO MAN WANTS A. ITUATION ON A FARM FA Pagispronanoff GEORRALORE CEAT BENT, Ar OUT Ta Ena mage an oe eas Fey Ove 
frit , Non ; raf] Geeod We conten pasion muy ava fi nullable fo a4 } 
a uw h siv, <a JAA trnatienalio e horse and garden; good retersace, Ad: 1 W* tae ogy who undemisade the Pisleeee aad rani Seton ob Sret Hoar, wk bedrooms parwuily.facaabed; fq PACUsolara ayply to WM. D. ANDREWS & NRO., 4 Water ‘ , 
XOUNG GLU W1ot1B® A SITUATION AB 8UANS H4 fens Ws Ms, Herald odtew bring good eliy Feferencan, Nowa others koed aypuy at Oofig aro, fe., with Ure. oF ground twenty iets Gig { 
aha pe fing ou, Wheeler Wiens ‘omg A (MARRIED MAN WANTS A GITUATION AB GAT.(4 en BOON ELD, Oy Broadway. 50 Apnvie 98 Fro LRAPE—A BEAUTIFUL, COUNTEY REAR 91TC.f] Toy SSAC OT rc “jfibklepasa } 
ei hat Cy een Cores and A MAREE MAN WANT ea angele OA syraatan—a_oTOUR INTRLERGENT_ Koy Ty abl Bl Late cba Heel Raab a de cose lng Cann DOLL 
ue Uhvalhayneraly wanful Apply ts fh ook, 74 teaver ati HY W Whaiesais narumare store. Adircis io basdyriing. i] PTARLEM—T) RENT OR FOR GALE. 4 TWO STORY A] (CTE, Phaden acs gue (alt, Garmea sudaves: de water, RRR wre cees 
airvariox WaNFED—oy A viparouase qoox, f= eee Issehrs trate EA ie rei Hout ath ds RSLS Bl le Drliogy in mera yroveeakar sed aoe oe = 
6 ULde TRAD ds al nds Of fanily eo ‘0 ol i, = be 7 elock ba ‘comary outbulldiogs lo make (ho pres e agrees ble & y, 
Peoctitaeat aie, atta stig, Ae ab ML _ MmTUATION waxTah Ry ATONNO WAN. GAS Hl yyanren—a Tn aN wip RE vay AT Hn teen andl fe iste wali Bttcenr vie iaaes wecey cP OEE OREATASS 2EET ay canny AVANA ER 
mever cam be giTeu + ¢ Weat iin it, betwoou Sth Bl dean Or Bs llerata aches: ly Death: Lideee ie ihe sriungel tbe ae fil P[OURE TO LBT—FURNITURE POR SALE—THREE fy /ULIBN ORBVIRA, t6 Washington eireet, Fd Greet rommicer wit wir ihren yar fra ple 
Pris ares @. BE ity Direclary for eee AGA eae 18 th a Honor, high diecy erick ils Brown lana bavemcnt and fan region Seiahiyr he last, at oeack H 
ASPEGTARLR YOON Bl A SITUATION, MANTHR TAY A TOUNG, AN, An Avrucossnperen wi uet beaiendad xT Aub pay inert ge te A venne ASUS For igor pao. semkcro 2 cl 
; ; Srkerenleret aay king} eri vr aaliendet ja ee pl G r ipate : e 
Bon ag chamibermall ani Gouniaut Address B. ¥- flughen, US Hammgnd sireet. ANTED—A MAN DCA PUBLISHING GOUSE, AC-HM Gyit incijmson velvet another {a reps; Frencs plate Mir. fy 17 Broadway 
be wenn at preaga\ employers, &¢ Weal S61b ab, Deiwenn| — ‘eustored to coal sbesls repidiy Sort Bc oxtre eized Our! sir Mattresses, ‘with Bedroom end| = i 
pened STE: WITH NEARLY FOUND plain secuunte 40 willing to, mks hiss! en, “Apply at 249 West Listeenth streck 0 RENT To, PARLORS, WITT TWO. BED THE NEA AXD SPLENDID: SIDE 
SOU boars tats eee oanan nl A = : alles H 
Yo, WALTAN, GRR WOMAN WANT a i bgeerricete Gnteape fy) We ulntiy eka Cane none Ven, Ei BEER FAOURE TO LET AMD PORNITUAE won BALE WY senmranacd ale Mt Mabon prrlcge lt wanted  RaRRBr DT Oe ce aay er a 
Sai fe. ac Wives sai pice SCE) akt™ RLUM Persie tet eer ae ff menin MWS fic Hie 08) ad i 
pic tts ts = —F Cora i oesesalic give: AD eURI ooMs = . 4 
ona kevert kim apurate fast, sia wan \Wastepet errvasign tie 5 ee Bei PATLLASD, S dieiven aed (SENT ne RI UR CTS a BY ORME ORUBAXS DIRECT os eran 4 
tairtd. Mak of reerveucs thin bat Bat Sepia) wry Tor chal gF eouer. qui at ‘abd a fair eceounlaat, ry aa Fe DUOMELY PURNISHSD ROOM To LET—wrru.fa fami, | Keferonces exchanged. “Gulla i8 Phe are ego ORT OHET Ay amen ce 
ja year Apply at 704 Gwen whea ak fUraet 2G. We, Merald aillos. Nis egeata Onl tile Gop, Watt goed sae aT we apt boprds tronkinet denied. Appr at 116 listen iq nines = nae he 
Ws Wraxrep—a situation (y Some oop BUSRenSA, py US est SES ae a b Place Pichih attest, Deiwcen Fifth end Blisarenurs He P| ape RoOOMe TO LET—INCLUDING MAND! By yer eiebt or, passes, (having nnsurpasted 
ftvowas waliras, hat Ube tect ef ely roterance- frum Bd WY ANTES (ra Gr ga Es Oso eats ec eS HT Fe tons), pry (OVASIES A. KAYNOR. 1 tee 

No opjecugn ts out deet wars 
BY xo epjecuoa to out deck or 
eS Whirax 2 00., 

maeful and wife, 

‘royagea) seamen and gréen hac —UNFURM! 
BASORLL # 60, ie West st, cortey Bde ap stairs. otarsned Wery eeslrablo locstiog) near Weabl 

Roora op parior door If required; gax and water. Sttua-| 
Son deligetfal. Apply at Beoot weat Bj 
scond etreat, Yer! 

fo] ORs Cota sites Stat Ateamentp STAR OF 

Mas euaply ser. Can Ur een ot Jay Rash Ab. venue, 


Neneay atreet 

YOUNG OLML WIKUES A BITUATION AS NURBE by 7 prin Pe wi lo pay aix months! or = ye ea = <t6G - a a 
and would du i'gul ebsuaberwork oud sowiu oi cE] WV ANTSD-AT TOE NEW YORE ADVERTISING fy MONS pete fares: forald 6 MERCHANT TAILORS OR ANY OTHER GENTERL PY UNION, Uopiain A. Blanchanl, iil leave pler ‘Mort 
referooge trom ber lst place, APPAY te NS Br Weath] Want eo ee Ae ON BBY W ‘Ateacy, 26 nroedoray, ror 4 up aate, nv aevistant i vance Wal od tba ‘Adareas box ii eras] PO MERCHANT TAILORS. OF ANY OTT ENTE aon ERTUROAT  APEIEZS sa aL Herbert 
fi coraer uf 6iu oF or slote,. Address cr call on 8 FY bookkeeper, ehiry, abipolag. dulirery, grocery, drag clerks; Rl free end Broads, 4 Stare and wiber woovenlancoy Te ro-pa]sceuauuiodatlons are Gury ced” esa) 78 Hor reat 
= <n Badrvee ox call ee Rea) FY purscr'e rick, gertende, cosehinsa, porter, conduetsr, Bd = Fe] uined:alvo uaturelitied. Wooms, aullabie for a uret class P [ar passage wpjiy us Hl. B. (LOWELL & OO,, 8 West 
OU PERSON, LATELY PROM PHU 1 Den SAeRO UNGESICANCRORSTRIUGORTAG(S RL A ee ra eee “Apply at 107 Fourth avenue, private door. sirect 
ee Pea eabe ned ul ladiec\dieweantelea'e cacti on farm; bare « Worvugh understanding of farm|r care of & horse, go Out with goods and mab) himself ej Uon of the nrai brown stone house 18 Harrlson aireet: cen. Fi RT OF HIOH STOOP LOU WEST fa] APRIL 49. E | 
eal aut ie trades anes Ta bands "AUide Feo io Map Wen uth as eee ake taeeaL ea Sh ona eve isis fee Sforprcaanl (PER RAPT OF DH @TOUr,QURE at wee fl APHIS 
Ralrresnes. Audress fortwo days --M., Herald odie FY oipce. PY tie business preferred. $230 seed apply witdoat good clty al apply at 1 BiLy vesant strech comUnualon of Aster place, 1.9 narnee hine Closet Saovacs het and eolanmnterree TPHE BRITISH MATT, STRAMSILLU MONTRZUMA WILL 
RESPECTABLE O1UIL WANTS A SITCATION TO DOM yqrastED—A ITUATION, DY A RETURNED FOLUN-E] reece Cot St 0 Sorin at fy 2 occupied by owter. Reference requir be regularly despatched (or Kingston, Jamalea, cothe 
racial beotework. Call ec WOusve, Wssn te Milano he SERGE “YOUNG, MAS WANTED—IN A PUBETSAING HOUSE, b] QTBAM POWER —To LET, A IOUT, DOUDLE Fron, Bl Se Sr Ay 
A SITUATION WANTED—uY 4 TROTRSTANT wa. ote Sey, iene ia tuaineas in Rew York, at ae ad ea aa ea ered aly Waid We RTE: Ba oc seat 80 exnare eck aber ta wos oF Part A 10.000. ares gest sat 
ban ei sa ecacobsrinald and, wallzvay, (wood refe Bd reverence furaisned. audreat GK. M., Herald of Meraid ofce. Pil sireet wear Delancey. Eel 28: foe gas, ac 7 
rete ire Lei pls a feat Goth at Delon = 7 = i CS CHTAS. A. SVITITNRY, 98 Broaderage 
Seine at ee weiss HW aermo—ay A manson sre axrsa 2xcoaH $100,000 SAnReTS a DER NAVED crmam POWER —TiinD FLooy Sue Ret, Feetga epny eras eagea ro } 
5 Pronet and German, who traveled over ten years IDB? sideut Lincola. Alss citer rapily. gel 5 to Slop ,, Wladews, 6 front and rear; also Weom on sesvad Goor: HOUSES, ROOMS, &0., WANTED. HOWLAND & ASPINWALI, Agent : 

Be europe, walter, In a frat elses faral: Fy 
ly, Apply at 1,10 Broadway, seooud Boor, 4 

rapa t 
er cal rade B] botb coiled; 10 lel, with or wilboul power, at G3 and 65 Centre| 
Frgagenntgmete avvir ow? 8 wavy, staat bth tess eis ey HEN tg Suakanetsces™ El 4 conveNiesy FLOOR ON FART OF & ROUSE 

BY TONG, DASEMONT AND GUBORLTAM To LET-ATE| ine Weut moderate addres W. 4 Dy tor Ie Herald 
i] ¥ . 7 ig Heut waederate. TD, cs 
PAE TRADES, F] Se Ubunterectreee Apply to Wal He NAPIC. EI odica. 


oung san, from 38018 years oC age 19 ware go frank close fo the great business cence of Brosdway and Ce Room In Brooklyn, ns near tho Fulton (erry as possi 
fpadiug sed Jobblogy be well aqualote] with the Pustnesa BY oat trent ope wr tweniy bores, oC ie ateadies Hind.” Thatca le, Terme w not oxceed €2 per week. Address Clier, 
‘Apply at 1) bed av. bl reasousble. uguirect P.J. INGLEB, office IG Walker street fo] Herald office, 

ook, wah and Lrua, of cal) dy ebainberwonk ad wall 
j fan give good ally relerei 

Vou In & yivate fainlly ax enamberinsid sud vearo. A 
ai; Is capable of taking any situation; is willing aud Uf 

Peep, greta ty te bee abit, beat ob ty Fetersncen 

ST Caitornia The Tnterrupén to. business attends 
Spon the natlenatcalamity will prevent the proper euLBEG © 
Fol this steamer for suliing a the Snhot Apri Tela thers: 
fore yostpoued until Saturds> April 2 At non. 

rok ehvEnroor, TAPSCOITS LINE 


Ayply 6053 Douglas aL, Bevoulya. 

Wests 0, Brat Goor, {root Too Tor two Gaye GERMAN GIRL WANTED—AS COOK, WASTER EL ay ce cunts 
— = = ————— A: ed iryner, fa emuallfaccly, Apply at 1 Bast 64h fy ; Ta Ce 

or pasStl Ast RIVAN EAGLE walls Apri 77. 

| EI 
rmartler; ogc Dratis wiiltgto qrurk af Bouse palstiog cor, alm n Fanor on excung foor, basdwmely far p fe privsie familly, for bowsekeeping Address 8. Tf 
wecforred Avy ot 18 Amy at Wee Wehiboat boart “Apply st 8 Chtoa place HAs private family, for noe 
. goed, steady Clifton.” Rent $39) each Apply to K. 8 TOWKSEN "Hid E’Sallveaty vets funaily, wlahes to lease for une or aH packet ship ORIENT, at pier No. 6 North river. sale » 
4 yearg’n siriely fret class Furolelied Moti. belweon Fourth p4 24h.” Apply at THOMSON S taemigo ofce, 275 Pearl sh 

fora child (ree maaths eld. Must be Kealthy aad raat 
py Call 21215 Went ab at, after 10 o'clock A, 

Ulan Barling bonse; mukt bs perfect aod ased 6 «| 

y city Feierescea. Call for twa dayn eblis West lib 
is ean Gus n0d 7 roa. 

‘Cok, Was and iru; @ steady place pvierrad ty higu 

ee Bee Ker, 

Noo Le private faunlly, bo di general Lousewror 
ea ta ah rater Sid tre 

87 Broadwny, oF lo W. D. TOWNSEND, rear be premises, ‘hy 

1 sod Alxtb avennes ang Pourtcenth and Forty-veventh aireets. 

SB a tel 4 : piizooes 
Bra heen far two days at ted ual ive ot Py iusto ath walgih avae ces TeCoes: No. 30 MH AL, oH WranTED—A PEARL SUTTON CUTTER AT 24 JOTX 770 LETRLEGANT AND CONVENIENT OvPICES, |p Addrous box 482 Yost oe. AMIGRATION FROM ENGLAND. IRELAND, AG, BS’ ~ ~ 
MITUATION WANTED—AB GOOD COOR; WILL AS. = Bad. PC VENDBATER  fY'T conte from ay Lae aod Litany elcer aly 5, aD} BTEAMSHIPS and SAILING PACKETS, 
ev., bear SUB BL, encod Door,” sok SC SRAMETRESS WANTED “ONE WHO. UNDER: \\rANTED—A GOOD JOUBNEYMAN OONVECTIONER, PM wo enlire Lattn Tente’ very low, Inquire at J006Y EL with e qutet fanrdy, with conveniences for Nousekeers fe TAPECOTT DROS CUS celebrated linen of 
fier. yar — FE eta ere manlog prrred. Cat una day, betwee BY WW Ad go wo New Loudou, Cunn.: en uomarried men pre fd Ureadwey, hind ciary treat foo” s ing, form taully of three’ persons. A@daeas Il, box &009 Post MONDON AND LIVERPOOL PAOKETS, 
RESPECTAR ‘ * eercs . Es ferred; wages ot over $12 @ mes Inquiry at Sweeny’s Bd NOuky, ervery s Biiss. pi cales REOOIGE 
RESTECTARLE YOUNG UNL WISUES 4 erTUa.f4 8 EA hick), belwoen 13 usd'1, to-day (Pricay), Ae hs FI (gland, Treland, Scotland snd. 
uA pears ee 5 2 F q 5 BH T° vultsote for storage ov Ugbt Duniuera, or would Jet tof U)“eyau and wife; must bare oder, mprovetocats sed g 30., eF Bouth street, New Fork. 
ead A Goines enone: & faite mutinepiered if FRENCH ADVERTISEMENT ecg ASG He MP A ete ena ret eet ae tts 2.00.58 South tree Rem TES 
Le A oe ete a ee TT ee Te 00D, MILLINER AND Hf rraiusncnl doe malsiies Croviquee; rectatiseest site fa '[10 LET_FOR SIX MONTHS FROM THE 16T OF MAY ls ORK AND TANLEN WAIEROAD, 
Weal Vteiweca Wa abd 10D are. S Suly three Deaisa' rhe from Un clips he tows ie ery besieey By Bleaaute pour ler aticctons des orpenes geultaox ert deaf] L Dex « forsisbed Beskicros om Brookiye Helghts, over. Bd V)TANTED—MAY 1, BY A EMALT,, NEAT AMERICAN Eq NEW YORK AND MAI 4 sre ~ 
ie LA i finusany Usted! wood wages plieu onan Capereneed fy telteurtealres; hydropidl, pierre et gravelle Comsultatians fl Looking the bay of Now York; reat $238 anfonth, By VV family, foar or more unfurvlatod Roos, convenient bo ab erg 
ITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE YouNG ff tand-Apily: from Wield u'des, ts BY Dearmis a asf] tows len jours de WA abe ctl sok cedaB be Oty TiOfq 8 HONDLOW, comer Curt and Montague, Brooklyn. fff for housekeeping: west side prefcrred. Good’ references, 

‘Addrese for Uiroe daye 8. TV., Herald ofice. 
Wilhout board, 00 second Gor, or all entire thind Door 

qin 9 fret clase bougs'and Ceatioo, by a ganticman and. wite: = 
unt be below Thiny-rour-d strect; real from §3)) 10 $30) ITRSTONE, FORT SCHUYLER, WILLETT'C: 

he odicen of Weatcotva Ea 
fy checked frost 
ts counections, 

[a 37 Birosdivay, ap ataira, 

enilewoinen 19 work ou sheller tenia. Apply at 88 
hd 100 Prankiin street. 

woman, lily Laded as wel purse; Bo objection 4a 
Sort dinahor la ise country. Call for two days at Mo 

Hirpo LET1Wo Vorrs ATS WALKER STREET. af- 

Toret\uynaier del un f 
idnettwctse ou pour solgeur os enitear ee geet TPO, LETTE, BALLARD HOTEL, IN, RICHMOND. 

comme Usuchlsscuse ou pour solpuerdes enfauia; ele peat 
A fournir de tonnes recomsmascaQorn Wedreaser au Sif) L Thin dee kote, with aboot 18D rootis. wl be rented (arf 



wore: wid to du plain saving, best clip reference. ff = = a dennis Geren Arana 8 ren ke abot 18) ‘ror. wil be rented (or Bd Aadrcas Wikto, Herald odice, is Taland, Now 
Birra TART. =A Gina Th Ro ORE BoveEoAR Princes Te seaens preay Conia ween tee eam ote ge 
Sa ue ieaiy of oar Ie te coogi, here Re see ; Ey Seca ort Hae Atsee vii ip ey poe, yiloe Ef W/ANTED—LOWFRYARTOR UNVORNIATED HOUSE. sy pani, 

GATION WanTEBEB] A RESFECIABER YOR Seema et gece fl ne TUR CAT eet rae anP puss Petit nape rina SOc PA tact asarny GONG “haart ten tice ere ue Rect EE oe 
me erase (or the lant Ueesearay tee pityaitt kant Feely aes ‘oe Fgh, ef FLGT CLASS SEVEN OCTAVE Ba sk coud Woe Broadeny een noe ay Broeaay, tore pans iociuiog Gsiege Fat, Station Fomeleas ing 

rete iastank Uiwew lyaua Qo ciock FM t petit orf a Hana A RTE UD NTL FOUTS ene gS 
= = = 2 FH mater. (0 LET— VAY, "ABLE FOr pI ed Hoots, with boxiserseplag coaveuicuces, ab a re t iiy:necud eireet a 
vy GIBL TO DO GENERAL NOUSEWORK, | h Fea ALO ‘busloe ‘also for (be rage of “al- pj €00 le price. iy v., rua way base. = T 

5 | W A aT a for (Le siorage of farsi. fo) eonabl Apply wo W., 71 Bi J, room 14 ARILOWSMITIL—ON AND AFTET, 

fate family, Apply at No. § Barrow at 

ny reapectatle Budioe 
* Bd ture “Uppy te F- LYNCU, inthe pau roousea ibe pre fd meet 
ah = =r = t or axbufectcring pnrposa. Must be Wel ligiied, 
HA. Strortectf euperer eae ats Gai for ee at afl [Ogee ARE MABETIN Beat GD GARE town praterred. aduress Lpteuan & ong, Tra Mercere 
fy eres rien nest of reel Csaba asl daria Ciegaw ak YS Head det or 91 WA 
A AXOR SNORE, WHORE QUALITY on Tox isfy Sete EES. 2 A the 
voll. adopied for guarette’ wakes a poaltou all rG LET —FURNUED, AN ELEGANT COUNTRYS] torn 
Shred AGArhas Anant Merald etioe bal Tost sisted tt Newburg. cormaauing  magaiueen {a st, 
Giew of the Hodson sd. sutront 

ei inane 
Dok" Bor Sevier, 
fone Mout beck ies 

ery efueruimn (sununya excepted a Be 
SN rae nag wil leate Rosiya at 

eet te ioe Lascust Vatley aud Oyster Bay com> 
oid ana boat Se Glen Cov 

‘ecustry, a Udy girk ae lavrdeom and cextnteat cham 
termi Ayply between 10 aud Z o'clock at 373 


Lnstanl) to aeslat In taking care of wo infant. oe wit 
oxoln (be couniry en tluke herself uneril. Apply; 
Wis (Friday) afleruovn, f10t 2)g to Shy o'clock, at BT 


SU rredaua picture ove, TNO RESPECTABLE 
Stor lade chashicrvure andes srtuke cue lei 
Beh oh, bee era Ub ead Tb are ASSET 



sexi ius praetor sh mons GREAT BARGAIN—FIANO, BY JEST MAKES, [M|from the forry wharf, adjoining Uc Powelun louse: 2 {4 \\WANTED—TWO UNFURNISITED ROOM n EDUCT DECARTMENT.—TO COSTRAG- 
Shattered ood wate -ANTEDS =En 0 ont $00; arcrnisdy (abel few Haihs, Maries Bl variety of frut—viseyird at ‘Ustawoa and issbells erica: ff Wee ene Frateies tow small pla family, by » singel ()" ire aeparate fendormed WILE 
shee arena 0 we WWASTEDOA, DRUESSMAKER: ONE WilO UNDKA-AA cy. “Inuchre a Su West Vifteenl etree Loa’ Will Bell Corsed con Polis veges argon, ££ ‘ur FH mi, of fl hain witb board, few 4 omerady the mame 
au BAY Seistoscmertogun Womtur & Widoa'e senlee. apf salt clay. bj ranber serduare toque at Vaiss a Wako,” wipy fs Volvo eyitrey wat Gonna wad tn sarasen Refer, Whe date of ouering. will bu fecieed ak te 
Girw, WANTRU= = pee <a turer 8. ioe, AG. -Aldress'B. Ps H., 77 Our latopher street i lye April 3, Lee, 
SUUATON VASTU Ar 70 muaracraars me t 2 Ffet'cai i hck 3. es Apr 1s Tag 

Sdacf as champeraud Sod walNea “ted be ssauel pre 

fal inplayer'e, 29 Guin al hrouelye, fur wo day 

Piste aid touch the common English branches, dealres| 

1 2 Mb cobble stoves otiwenth surek fre aver 
ees Magitman Hono uamag_angennioa viuiaom,_ comm af W ite eit Sci aa . 

Trou Siseeuth to Se 
el, beteeen Eleventh» 

° presente 
nue B to east avers 

FF eva ca nad s esmet Galt aod Laui@reas; Rust Oriog hf & ciluation. Balalacut 

Herald ome, 

A fefirencen Apply #L06 TUR av. 

bi = ¥en Tallioad deyot’ post allen cbarebet aud revools "Reci ff price (rot #500 to €WO per enaum, (or eee eet nas nana iuiriyparabavouroeny beter 
1D Lxnasn, bo Go chawbarmurk aud Like cure of chudrens BN, he & good cook, wusber sod ironer, and Lring good| MOND, Mi Hloccker sirect, splendid simx pow dolaked : i py osoanisare ba Barclay stewet, Truro Collis plice Ws Weal streets cowstructe 
erp ey ee ren fy lene taal y een. Appl 6 Lexiogton ar. Raranted liye years) WT write Umedsie) adgonials frou) TO, LETIN FLUSHING, 1. 1, TWO DESIRABLE A Fy ing vt ieiug Gaal nd chlver'm of and wear 
= WARIEDSARRSIHOFAn Peckntsuaeabeam ons Frege rom 808 an e's. WALSH ck RUBIO ita : 

B Gansuvocrtatroet. fovm West stroet so Nudeoo rive! 

STUATIUSS | WASTED. rina unrtatreet treet to Hideo river 
Sing Nomes, ow Be 

Naser «QWs Ube ober os 

suerilice — Rare Ba 

Wate Tntand, teas ihe 
ped sraibar, My 



THW MUSIC.—FUNERAL MARCH, VO TITS MEMORY fd Flualing ateac planing mill 

of Abrensia Lane, tne Maraye Pree ty, rm 5 bd 
ukher of ioniavad i Carga BO Bg NO 


as caimertud aed Wo aalat Ii weaning aod froutog Maree rod the Ona Pitter frre Bis os 
SE Er Ge tet of Sy felerenre trots ter isk yes a haicve Bebeath that Surry Flags Be, tee he a twirl THOMAS ETEMENS) gore 
(or Wwe days ak vaT at, extraser ou x Price Sp eeutey wit fi ke., Ove malnutes” walk from fm Fursltare, Cilua, Glass, pilverware, KOBL Ie DALICAGIE, {Croton Aqueduct 
pads TE hate p\ 1a ep uinberlM quire of L. De BLY, Fierce ts pievehyn circ Weimer Fifta and Sixth aveuues hh SaaS TY “ 
Rew Orncs Churoy Auceoces Deranruuar, 
is og DaiTin Seas. Wh tas 4 aw Cue micas old, Call E D, RQUARR AND UF-hi'TORETSECOND FLOOR oF MOURE No. 161 west pq 1" Mefallion Par ee } 
iSnrwue ot, wots Ln, Thicteoown atreed, wow amali family. To be teen afiarfd wood Mawo, Lule : aS : 
in tee county} Nona Murtane . Brvadiea 

Tabien Bureat 

WASTED CASITUATION BY A MENY-LOTABLE GIL, Pf goad acs, sear with Lue aunt a 

ia ¥ 
ee a = fe Pinte Ware, 
eco a meokieuk washer and srueri WA "be washing: aGly lk BOVA ges gid wi HIGH sTour, BRown ht nm eon 
Reta ae teen Ua BY teterecce Call at LO Ef best refereticny reineimtinas ‘witout them eer bar ae! ¥ ry poe ee Mane bf Ge bidder writen theevog, wil be fecelved 4b tbise 
at =r Limp wr amelie indie inetd) «fp TT prcate Falys Cilunt ait Ata Satoh tema ae fy QURNITURIEY OR GALE OF RVWIY DESCKIPTION, ues Will Weuveet.s, Apri 3h lis, a Seven oc 
~ M4 ae” Kes Hledtdityg, Cilelotba, s., at HEN ALL'S Wace pal A.M. 
H Ore Carer Of TEAL sURELAS royepg ahy aad 21 Hedvou auvect corner of Cabal. Fay-pH , Put revulating, 

TO COATWACTORS.—Proggwats Inelosed In a cealed em 
Mujoreed with the Ufis ot the: wor aud. with Lao 

— ; a 
sere ab er Yresect captor) ite tera, Eb Can bef] WW ANTEDA FROTEATANT WOMAN, TO COOK AND 

earn ns 3e, Cook an 
WAYTsO=er A souKa um, a anor Aves mee DSSS ts 
40 cLataberwore ard acmah iu" weal Oise} 

FS Grout Gxen tn weekly Wnatumcuts 1f Yedied. [A aredta rireet, 

qtiar Uilek Moase Nu. OF Ryerson etreet: Hroakiyn: et BO Appiy at 218 Weat Tul) weouad sureet, betwee igull 

Geo lessoun ef) Guldamlih's 

tb avenue 
hud Gagging SixUeth street, between Fire: 

Ia r fact Brocaway. roo Nx up Boe 
Won; Ooe who ve willog W awake bereell vsefal van b! penon ey yey Pte: = =" 
ply, wits ety relereuce, as {80 Wat SKB st, between Te 

ny alter 9 

mmivalWue vai poems 

Mis ave 

aterm Apr 

Mr MLEKSTEL, 6) Brosdway. 

fas ween for = loa povatn ARTED—AN ACCOMPLISHED YOUNG LA. Sitanabijy HOOLES 20: Ras gas aod water. Liguire of GEO, P. MARTENS, 23) 2 pate + 
a ele alee Crd i eater eT ey reared eae “ teethay Nee sere 2 jana i EHH ceca guland galieg Tard trove 
= —- and whe be ‘Ueated as one of (he larly. Adin: OLSVEIt DB. GOLDEMIT ‘ripatyal aah —— 4 FrICE PURSITURE.—A BULID OAK D) p Deiween Fity-naus wud Eighty siaih eirerta, “ ~ 
aoe mes : = —— - ae os 
WASEDA ETUATION. Br 4 Exreniexora gd “Deere tod aly, Poe bo 1 Heri eic weraesiel Mpa esa manocrosnia ponMauen Gouamin hy OPA sms Camus A FoLaD ONE BESS, ALM "ta laud aplasiee esces Bnlnon ond Se 
‘chasuieriald and wallress; Bae good iy oat —— = rn patos 6G Bish Jeon, te a ee este muwere: stebley forts mi. f4 Wty alk neatly new. Will ve sold cbeop by applying sea. fo tou atrecte eat 
cua cece pee el Wek Mie ae ates A WWTASTED—A coop UME, 70, 00K, wasn avo NUMAN GSSTIRUDS, AULRTO WN A Hi ita, Ike ms tew irullas Guwers, siphles forts 10 ( Yavpl ing teamed: £40088 vy court street, between Tenth and Blew 


Sew york 2p ilnules Kral Ocye’ ALYY } 

WASTEDIA SITUATION, DY A YOUNG arnt, ay hy". ™ <THE THAI RORY MAICK DUILDING, Ny thes wiib the specications 


[KH UENTER SAS. TO TeAGH UR if Tp.cnawatcaun 

ata ee 

4 = 
aisberiaald acd Wal\Fonn OF as Pron ‘Ao bP REL ver will or witkeul susan pawen. rultagie, fora dead at vats die: 
Bereta Unt Mata a” Al? AL] WWanten-aix vousy tains, rogsrexn te AN) \astip-a rate ara or, cual or uk BURRIAN A, PURSTTUH 2 Gearon an mee es 
Sa Cas i wre Ab Int Baas Both bors hee ase Bh ey any eeaereta 4 saloon at nuit. daueweor bY W “taan and ariel y ueruun tennis audeatg set ior ina MEER INURL. Leese ff Wisedgunl suapyed. “Prrcaure fuatet caee Rea CUARLES UUORNRLE: P 
Man ead Brose ey, wider milks Weuivoad BA BS hey, Doe sd ee aah ties mac pata Be iy puta scieriec Ed RloyWMIN'vtroe apa Sisk noes eee | ‘direst Commlastonen. t 


om ® aeer-38 
a AN 
Jibiamp souence avchioNnER ons —Aie MS Tiny a co, KS SPELT DAG H HRA UL corrAun nog saLm—witih Bt PPOpNB tN, turngrent ATRRET, CARPETR AO. To 

postjoaea ua oA Moieery, to 
NA UN itowery, at 1 of AA scree Gf Lad at sown Urangy New dermey, one tal \—sirualh, tree ating, we note Lait 
ion arewioy all tmproreomuta, 

ve 7 
ihe 25th [nv owing 1 tba fuseral obsequies Of UF Lale pt ve enlire Stoclual Liquors ff from dei yrBlain 
me INES mpinel paton  feetoner) nian ih doctor By vaca Anmrican Neddte Compastyete Broadway.” “PUA 




nana’ AIRE MEANT, 

The Assoclaty Mi oo 
NR asures cleat 
seem aar hth eae ea te ee 

fee Kad tee 
AAU Cole, wiih Gos Liner and einwa. Pre 

= Ticysmaesnd Rye Whtswen Dimrrols fiedand gl pesy can bean 2 . 
- ‘COLTON NERR—LARGE AND EXT Gis, Raia, fine Fert and Eber cod Claret Wink apple ay ont HOy Uagby dre olng bax T7714 Now Yous ~ oud [Ma President 
B. HALSEY & CO,, Avaipoeere will soll a. sive Us of rich Jewelry, Dlunoaiy, Watchea Gold fd Jack, wed a Tatse Wh vb einer Wien | Levuare ont Cie — = LANDS ST, AGE, WANTING EARNS “LARGE AND aid Mane nica tedrsarerad us ‘ata 

anit adietphia, by abroad; rik poll, rilng N 
hues oat puter 

epg taec och palape aes Sete Sauces ACGERA PRROAN Hie, Suny QuErAc at 
; ais Poy erent EC 

Ge ALGHOSERNS sre Tare par, aKa OG. dra dson Winceecea, om se 

Jive Puttar wotun inde, Tater 
Berean, ans Mirrors, hookoases Bresels and 
ue wy haical tinctures wn BR Se Be 

Sootinuation, will be Bp fades said of 1 

Pilon of really good & 

Acres piraiuctive Land ca Lang Tatand, north. aba 
breryiuing th pervect onder; nar ealtrsad depot: Deaubeul Ba 
Sorat food roads end eadived eoclty. “Puacesaion (mmedi 

ataly. #100, JOSEP MASON. No By Vine slcook 

Suustarn tise Cases 
F Pale will prove worthy the Ba 
je anid ail others (a want of arst class pf 


be trate to this 

1 fda. Catalogues al tbe placa of sal, aad atte sure 74 ~ 

sale, axthe goods are of °{/e4h fmportatlon,” and wil be sald Ba Kiron deray. q = 

ilbaut resereay the rm cls og hele buslares to fate coun. PA = GS, HERMAN & co AUCTIONEERS—SELL BATUR. fl AT NRW ROCHELLE—FIRST CLAS MODERN RRA QTORES 08 LE 

Sep. Catalogues are ous realy aod may be badon the pre-f| GY COLTON, AUCTIONEER, WI PDs day: April 22, at 1olG o'clock, at Constitaven Ital 257 A idence, 18 roucra, ler, bat y AND DWELLEYOS FOR SALE CURAP—WVRLL 
ypc Sabie sr oof Bi RE CHE WU El ne twey aoa nc aoc Ate SE Pala ia cease essa Ra era 

erat ee 
aR eae te 
By siry, Dismondy, Walchon oid aau Nim Goode st all de 
Bl core stock te cieponrd uf, Those shut to parchase saat 
Bn ths Line wil do well attend, aa ihe alock fs abales ac 
Ej sill be sold without reserve to the highest bidder. Cals 

Bf Sicek "Ale. very oe: four years 91%, pure Hallaad-G 
Bourbon Wake, Jamaicn Guan, Spica and a ange 
otber Liquora Bale poallirs, Ss Poe be 

bo sold on Friday, April 31, 1864, at 12 o'clock at the 
Exchange Salesroom, Il Broadway, thn two alocy brick 

JE. HALSEY & CO., Auctlonears, ‘nnd abaday beauttcul La 

No.9 Dold wtreets 

intavenung (oes ln 
tear Pet." reas bargain. Further pardsulare with  KMUBRSOH, A Elgoth m 

P, SEYMOUR, 170 Brosdway, 

rot stvnet, near Fink aves ory bAgD 
Drown atane freak ta beautiful onder and well Volased 

: of rict 

‘Ollice Nu. B iia streek 

cnet ne AAS UNTRE SEAT eee ee Eee APRA retell beri in cncran eee 
mei’ Aienoke ne Gato ce Ace aatia R ANRay anette seeds a ed ce a i et 
ba : stn etaay staat ae, Ream 
Pn sa pcccas Ue iat Ret ae acta SUIT aL arora ans 1sggONR sy Steak eve pepe pa men toon in it aa 
te een, ai eine as Core arasgs, tenants Yas tnd cute ncaa meh AS Inet conte” EDO, MANOPACTURERE AND 3 wrens 
a bate FERC ATO as renenm Scottie Sane ipa ae Fat erased cna a ot nS aaa emma 


ta rogalng onler; Shatuog, Volleys, 

soe Sas 
Ave Se ae 

JOUK KELLY, Bherttt, 
= Hecured Hox Seate our dollar extra: 


ns Pipe ba. for pariicatary apply tr 
fg stress tie Sow York Weaumaung’ Conspaay, No" hy’ vevo 

5 Tepal 
oduct ALM AMlof which wasmute by the Alsn barrels Pork Wine, Hourkes Whiakay, Anean SNE ROLULOR 1S Broadway ._ 
sland. formerly BA BEST CITY MAKERS. Chamspagnr md a Brean NAY 2 rare y 


ber and Dining Roo B| wi ‘at auc ler of B o “and en® waler, — : 

rik gel rier Mncard wml ee anata Hae, I STRAY SGA TOR AUT ON,TURDAY, MAYA AH rime dn wer nd apanansee nf es fel na M Doth Bian ay he ae Tbe sogurvieat of ese prot arly dafered by. the 

ie Mat 4 5 need, n Nor ™ wo low ‘steam qa he ral D ad bs re unas y of aye Lon aLreet as ads vet PM rooant rw ‘~ 
wri ae Sr cena i Friar, Mears ey Rory stn wail nore ow pours stcmiea GEOROTA, of MY Wilach cheap. “E"W:'RUMALR, Cwner aa vosenat Se Para ane ea etsy gary urea Ande nih Uf caterers hrvniagoxtonal foretramec, wil coaesee 

WW Park rom, room 1S 

frien aie Oa Ma ea 

A Sitenratna rt ree for sa Ft 
Gist RITE cae GE.coR 
dig atte Seca "zoe 
asad Tinea ART ONES ssi eat 

: reise ee *Dedlata possesion gee 
Ey Eine Carpaun arior"balty ea Heng, diam uteex fy] SAM Or em 

hd Trontleth srecia RuoWwn an Blabeard 
2 Mrort will give porwiial sLulullon, aa, berrtafore, tod Uoulog from tbat diiy anil all? ia 
<aalea of household Curiiurs stn sionsow of fauniiies declia: el elegnoe lagerea, rosewood 
‘ug housekeeping, on tho 1m ik fo urable Lerman ‘Armolna.trlacay corner Elagores, rosewood 
= Dreadng Burevus, with Iolateada aud Washatands to mate 
A JOURNEAY, AUCTIONEER, OFFICE NO. & PINE py elogsot pa Alen elegant 
a tree Perrin ney oats ae Pare Not AL al BITE Bd rove wood Varior Nuits comme of whicn ars of the moat super fl 
ind sc prhiie aurilog, ow Thursday, Apat dH, Baad coally description} roserrood and Black walnut Bxteuriom fal 
etihe Ect Tit Head cerny; fb Tables, Contry aud Card Tables, Lace, SLE, Brocatel and Da: fa 
¥. roo Curled sir Mattraiaes Bolatars and 
rossals nid Tapestry Carpe, Gas 
Stier revik Stee reat ine cma cee 

SHONENT, Say cbouth stroau, NY. Hotes nid about 

ota, 84,00, Reatof house and 28 lot Bi pe rer, as 
untad th gud tenant Oneen Thomas ation cious Bi 

Wroaiay, tron Raat Toriesnih alten Vearon 

eet, twa bm Wooster attest. one West Conan 
Level, ate ta Bi hah NAS one oo West Thirtyntin fel 
9, EMBERSON, i Bighth avooua Sern Re ms 

W2XTED=TO Duy on Lrase, THER on POUR 

od wit be linia. ae Qrovtauciy ano dyer ae 

The programme of the eugaKement will remala unchangnde 
The ane playa willbe prescbted, Ih" We Uner ks ml 
ietmyat SURSORIIVION TIOKITS fe ve roi 

vg their Woks at Oe 

ied 19 thet 
Fred Seals (OF angle performaners exe 

on Friday. Apri 31, at 10} ihe tow leno the south tide of. the bash 

So GUE USIaaO as ASS er a REL 

oo Iso Silver Warn, Ding f ulliing Lata, A108 siuated beiwrea Twenty Dave their seats reorwed 
Chests anit all BA QUllta c ‘Glsrware, ac... Alvo’ fro Iron Ons fo Srerrihing (ec hey rapiae Hand rory-ordh streets an rath ateues seats roomsred for any othr nih OF els ase 
fond depot AU the oor Bepstands ani tall ba Bmp’ soots, with Globen wad inree Lanterman Withiaae OTIPOL, COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR BADIE AT fi] Addceas Gor uid Font ofce, Ut Sat Sereutn wm ae Olen 

teen, — Foy at La auction, 1 10 arrival of IM a Parties 
vax Por sale at publiaauction, afar the arrival of fl $=, from 10-4. unl PM ow 

rmrrning | Aron om the aT or Apri at 9 WV. 


Dartloulars at the odie of (ins 
pareliare st saat : i 

mB lae net WIRUAM Wittens, AUctiONE 



DOTION=SCAROR RILE OP MAnWIMIORURROUEE MEL ne Ave AL FF rainable araiiment of Moussholt Furnliure. Ae, remated PS" o'clock)” at. Mab, on ‘th eam ; 
St LON Cs OUSE: a ‘Nassau street, opposite Hort oftice. MINKE & SOMER. pa for sale y ‘aecond baad Carpets, for I’ leahlonee, contaial cre RIVATH NOXKS ad 8 
Sed purple wd Hone Ruribiog Aries coi fH vit wil walk at auctou, og: Saturday pide Toy ula buck wtas Chamiee Ruts enn beled ‘ alan Ne “to 8 scree Ratteecmee 

taytutly tad out 

I. with abunitance of orergrees 
i Mowertig ehruba: ad garden, aonianl 
berer apd racpberiy bed currants, place, mpl le 
No; aioe Brvse Of Ouse three biwdied. lornat (ronk, 
ornire of witeh ts @ One villian rain, 
foliar Uhruogbauy belie & very orvanseoial Vuh 

Ching (aay Silser Ware, aad 
‘Salt dealers and others. 

SRE Se eae Raa aR SAG 

Pe leh iy reece cgi Bmp tell 

west hee moa tne mabey Pay fae eo: wees 

ERO VRP rR Gri See Seigarsattcnnonetie i 

i sry, 'yhree‘Iy aad tngraia Garrats: fe] WW CUA rosa art at rniietet ey bere 
Tsao ae ORR 

cee sion Olea he ac 

a TULADAYe Apel 
Ai nad Mra KEAN, WEDBSDAY, Apel 24, 


[JabNuats AweRtoAN MUSEOM 


Bronzes, Bisques Uhl 
to be wold without re 
o'oloek, at the ds 

between Seventh 
elomet Verior, Di 
ture, Elizabethan. 

Fees, AS, tke whole 

J one Mock west of Broxlway; private House with 
Furniiure for eal Apply belore 10A. St 

‘anil tn 

Ekigerea, walt Deawini 

Alierovba Mt 3: Eewolng AAT! 


Se core mesh Beaming Henson ‘elerai rosewvod Dressing Bu wala the bastimancer, elaa inn ara, stacfea: woaeh: FA ce VOR A OOUNTRY BEAT AND PRODUL. AN Inf aati 
Feed, Aauss Bashi rna" Ere ailmne Rnksn este feat eee Haemanah ae ene Becaae, Cuiaitn eshinvry ant wiry yards 0) DS.OQ() tenrara or 13} unre nose ceitoad drys) A| OKAND IM CORCL Tog, Sue 1S DEAMAG 
aur bonis Hegennvirs, brogeh Ir Mrrara “Rocr lou 4 aid Bank Canter, tia Chanel Rateeatna Tableware Us bulitin bie Gribie tate wal ail ijlow on Lang Lind. Gort building, plenty of Halk 3p DIESE IN GANCUAGE, 
Phanoiot:s eestiy orl, wih warranie." Disiog hd arwhimitmay eonertn to-ingant toncwcad sven octara fl VY "asiu tan ad Th esiakane oh remaNee eeereee aE oR lng an Uriatrcted haye iL Eda Ot ett LL MABON, No, O67" saree ee LA RO, 
i st thant art tet PININE R¥at whvm itmay concern, wo singank roscwood seven oxtavo Sih luv AW 1H w'elook, al Mi tropaltin, tireaeery, 0h Yin'ivasndoe Nawbiry bay bln f - bet THK OWANGT: OL 
eyaaper Medd i EA Co acin by 4. We bedi Uo) of Basle Bd Trucks Nites Turnitura: aad crarcfaine’ eomeeteg eke toe frome Aiamnatuea gr got ies ated TM BY eG 7 ()() FOUL A HANDSOME yoUR wrOnY untox Hy ,Amene nn aumernnn tepinten ene of be 
of every nrscripiing: oie, Maing. Chalten. ta. ge rot hore praises THOMAS B.TUKLEY, Beas fA woeloly! Hels an opportunity achiom tobe mec mika. The fll DSe tiewadanse deat ok de ke lee hee DEANS DRUIDICAL Clighe LCTIE Bipta een Om 
Rafat katona Vig iene Sadb tna alee Hikes A TT ENRY D, MINER, AUCTIONENR —AALEeROOM_=7 vee _Ttheaaes A iuiihawarw ail ues, Oui Wu tnive years: "Pho wale. will BSA LT OD Tih MBUMANICAL AUPLLANCEA oe 
BON Gare Ee WE Nasscom etn oTuitolion MINE eSOaER-b] YM. WITTENS «AUCTIONEER, WILL SRUt. ON bi lake placoun invZ7il, Golose it aniili pr ee storm wie WILL BUY ONE OF THR MOAT Ene [4 Of thi Deanuitul scens ace 
URRY" WRYgCOTT, Anotlonear, SWIEIE wit’ xl amusing, oa Renday Art at, xt 10% WY, Aaturdar, wt Ign clock, at ou Pranklin streey Parlor, fy sot uke ton ou Whe neat faeaiage vr ture Full pac Bt DLAC) ()() jane and. cote antsted ecw USEQUALLED 18 BRNBATION AG EUPECE, 
———S SECOT Sorcdock, at the private reakleucn es Weat Twentieth scech, Chadfier, Dining Room and Kitchen Furnitnry, ax, cum: gq tela he pretilacs desoupive catalogues bo bail ‘un ThITiynrnt strvel, west of Bighilcarenua, Laws BATUAVAUANZA DANCE UY TORY DENIER 
Sana NIN MATHUR ERE founrad vnhiinent of Tiiehud Wurnitura,conaalog off EMane te rr cnlenta of, tha above pvvo and’ all Wald at Abe teat Weare Mouth AYONIN'S Heater stock Hun wasabi, Tere nu a Te poo NG AE 
i #20) sO. TIL OF, owevcool and rashogan ivr Suits. Brusela aod logeaia f Rood undor, Tor family tsa. By order of Juba Ik Bey Now Yor. 2 ri MABON 15 Pine atewn ONE FAMILY COMbINAT! 
GUST CLASS HOUSEUOLD FURNITURE AT fe Carpets, Inco Curtas rary Claire Meatel Graameuts, Cj Adnunt re SetAls. OT AR Ro 4 Pine rent ie 


PUBLIC AUCTION, Pa Bureaus Waskatands, Ufiekory, £6, 25 


Ab the logan reife Wei ha BAA Meade dette aa Enuriny a $16,501 

stoop, brown susbo House, 30100 Putty Aid 
en Alnthand Seventh wrenuday A lafgala. WW 

wet, be 


Lo “eh, OVI ri ~ Bi ¢nure F " LUGUES, BU, IN CHAMAUTAN 
JA Rewan stcect opposite Fostofice, MINEK & SOMPIE- A Soucn, 1 em, ono SEVAUUIE 7 Urosdway. ror WUTeHiNus "LIGHTNING CN COUCATO 
REESE So A PE a ag Pn frie nity Atha og Wen Set sie, Reteren Mo kal] —$—$—$—> — WOUDKOVEE' HONE MIAN CLASS NLOW Rist fwd 
ee goilcsh paca tier tg, roe lek out ing of carps eamaly BJ =e Ae ct uoaion Horne We) on wane. AA aren RUE in orion) MPR ie 

Stinvery § 10K, a 


manta : rcaaslan Gir, Dwarf, Lirtag Ow 

ire, covered French brofat |. WItkiaw aunorn, avert: 

without reserro 

Wagon la good condition ‘Bale posi u : 
ageron Fenty cnr eds Centre Tal ra fg Wenn In 0 Aatnetay morula. thvetd Wists al TO creek, tbe ue Rhown aa Wo, maar, Mon Curious 
Ens ignuray Cabin: eats ad ————___ Stick of Colum se, cottalned in No, 6 East Uroadway: ROOKLYN=A_ORBAT DAWUAINeSIO@y Wit ‘tients ooo of the beat abunces (nue ety, Mlaisaivoe center Children wader ten, 1S cent, 
Gornises Urmmath; Console aiid Gark ttle, Relining RNRY B. WERTS, JR, AUCTIONEER, WILT BELL ae ee Bay ac new Brat ota 2 v. - ECT 
Obalrs, Bronze Chick, V. ‘on Friday, Apo 2i, at’ 10S 0 at No, 1idis Weat og iF brown alone [welll ANNUM'G AMBRIOAN MUAKUM. 

Usduitebs Proneh plata Por a 

Muveat itty: rvaae Gert delle: O alavogn al ee aca aive, nant Soren arate, MvaQold Far erat clea: itt tags, “wear Mane ‘ ne OF the. beat Lat ICN NATION AG. 
yp abotnitmnd tuo ru ciluta. Chita Fasen  COmpHARINY Fikes ood and Wau ately, “AY py OWN! No. 1 Mavugue pil ios for didrea ve call ou Dr. Weary, DN AND Ika 1 
Riey decor tei reno Snemtareay .s Hrukeels und Tugeala Carpets, Wale stevel,corane of tet, Urvonya. eBid tat TW eran + ery ages 
Wardrobe. -Armolees af gte Lous ates, Palotings, hitebea wud — Te NATIONAL FOOLTRY BOCLETY, 



Jeaten IM mile from Peeketstn the. tlatan, stb =f ql 

AbI¢ poatun Io ann 

Hattronvon agen 

Gahaloo Talle, Tube Arm chsh } Wortact cities nnd 64 etn 
Gulun, Glaus silver Ware. t ENRY M1. LPEDS, AUCTIONEER “IT, Tl. LEEDS & SRW. coMmmiour dwelllug. «ont votbulhiloge aid Se wcreng] WUllbost BF years Mite ap “iyi wait OlORe® 1 SALOONS OF THE MUMBUM 
x eh CE very hice tani ans fnct raciety oF frule A oie fi Atle busiogsa Nove but eas. wusiuinter need Mpyiye Ad fa) EC mill Unthe coat 

Buying 24 tbls wale can nave th 




‘On, TUS DAY (Friday), gai ensnanucing At 24ned P.M 

‘tithe pricale residence’ No. 113 Wout Twenty inl eteert, 

Dear Slitr avenue Y us 
rlors—fwo cicgant rails 

eileen Friday Ate a 
‘Die alle vcattances orcitene at 
Pes Swen TeDMANE eet between Pills a 
Bide ctemuses ciuedi Heusen Purnnsre, ail tell 
ECE Pt abt een aesatr 
Ree ge a on ai Bruel Corot? 
eae eee evard pauuibeorstat 

[carved black walnut Su wod striped reps; 
STED Prem aut naurgbatorane oar eared coe 

os Paras ares 

BAND wLeTUn ; 

Pi RECTUS ON EE COUB arr resins Seen oe 

Wujthe wiatull) ply ou the premises, ov Kan CASTE PI L, 

a 7. Avply ou the prema br] Admission, leslectog’ alltbe usual rections Of the Mae 
pa raeae Cael are 

any perio doling 
Formaiton apy! 
ree NY cliy, 

ness to New York oily 
WAC IC GUDEN, (93 Haar 

Tenn Lovet ayn 

john Lovett gumea Keotue 

PMesiann ames Duo Mare, Purueth 
aan namie 

Mir. Hrowalog natmes gg. Hanest Major, ]OUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR 

Ar; Barve uatnes g. mm (frac g 10) cl rf 

SOSETIE CROCHERON, Manager, fe 0 uo Hudeon, 4 tran 

Pattervon names Wolt's Da 






rrftura, covered brocate 

, | 
ire Cora feo covered brosatel Fa Wood save netave Pang inde Ly Sieinvay € Souee carved PA faod, frit, shataba feoually hicaten ine. Noes trom Broadway New Bf | RYING HAUL, 
eto Sivan Arm, Ovid linc and’ Resepting neck waluu Silebeunim foreword Bodsioad, Dressing Bo- SPORTING. the hati0ee rlewe of Wnricerss Seren seas | Boo a oe eee ee UNUAN’S Concert Is postponed ualll Monday, 
Mi Gaeaes: Prenck clue: at ich Lace Curtan®, bj Vays Washstanda, Pestuer Hols, Holsters’ and Pillows a — BU EMBERMIN. 471 Eighth areoas: o, vel reassus for sellivg Maid 
i cecnehesy Frencn piste zt romemool seven o1a60 FM Tialr Mattresses, Viatel Ware, Obina, Crecery and Glass ff TOHN GRAY, 11 ROOSEVELT STREET, AR POR SALE A —— a PY ition A. Ayiriag surert Mie STELLA SUNUKUWB Concert Is postpooed matt 
pearterzasda by colenraied sis ena es Sts Hate ee eed hy arin? ons Gala EY J Onisran sncorimcet of boyn. Newfounhlaed Dogs. Uni il CAOUNTRY RYSIDRNCE FOR SALR—Af TARRYTOWN. - H aouday, ny 22 
fc exAineal artists, roseworrl Nod wall piste patteron, Terrfers seal Foodies gnatt Teulon reybodnde a pair or CY on ane tmson, one mile from rare and aleamvalersiied PRUNE DOST POR MALE —I TAYE REOUCED TUE B} 

Vall Muck aad Tea Doge Scotch and Skye Terttos, 

Room Ob furecnus Dinner, ENRY H. LERDS, AUCTIONEER. rot matter rimveeaute ina VINISTLAN BUILWatcrd, a8 i S7and $9 Bower, 

Studi Fale Calry sal ere. AA, by LPuDS 4 MINER, ml aby suction on ar noat eon eavacw veer Losoawim new fl eee nat ucieen ee NEOPRENE Title (raOAt) ErEminG 

ee “ << pw fay & al o'clock, at No. eat. irty af f EI LON RW i rive jelaurarb wd voRUrpaases in yn RNS « yy NI I, 
uri ecl Household Furnivura consiatiog Of Brusclc EG. ealta Apply at 9M Hlviostoa etree Cau be tougui fd givea. a eae ks Nive EN, HOUSES FOR Sat 350, Shem, ON FAST EH arn » abun eoterainonmats 

MIUEKSON, (21 Kighih roo! 


E. ROTH, AUCTIONE I uc and Fifiytbind atreeg two 4icry, 


= NEED. and Ingrain Carpelay Tosnweed Salt In-grees reps Lace v \doraies Huloytau'Comedian and ebamplon BaDjolety 
ETE SG) ay kee os Windnw Curtains, Mirrors, rosewood Buasares, fosewood NTRY VILLA AT A SACRIFICE —COST go700 ff pa ariel Ungs) all conveniences An wie D. HOLT. Lis 
Foaproriyat ayrnin a Essie aad Side Tula: nahgay etd Drag TIONSES, CARTIAGES, KG: ATi mi fers SA Faace ey ha = o HW SHAHON, No 686 Flowtrosh BA the origins Care! gun CHAS. COLLIE, 
seion thle Frlaay) atternoan, Ape Gy Morosde. Washstanua Ty RSE OA = crealran noth tiiaittinit AUOMAS? Ll AUG ATOR POR BALE—INQUTRR OF Aa " ; : 
‘Sheva baton nice El teres Pu OREAT BAROALY BEEMAN gph Mea reahy ANE DICe i DUNN, coruecot Fury bid sues aed Thi avon Forine mrss time eevee locat Urns, 
gras Gurpats thew Sopa arlr Gj taliassen, Az Ais as snorcodt of Kishen Paraltre Byte ut miei tater cafouies oe Doth oy MORALE on 1 GrARE0 cite wuuaty oar 
aan eee : ——— tral sete ae tt awoar ut Welt aROTNTTS vA ena HoncPMSTARTIPS,PiTeTAO Ur AN Doorope a tic ps sa Coutnanci seen oom 
[AG NIFIOBNT ROSEWOOD 7% OCTAYB PTANOPORTE, A aon nee Ba condition, will ba sold ata sacrifice, as the aivoer ts golng to be Manelure pantae Kk roe 
at a AVOTIONBE TS accion on Setar. ffeanailion. will Be aoid at sarridcn. As Yhe nace folg t  UAIDALT i In npiauiid ender" Apply at 3 Wullon suCCL HA W108 MINA OBARY IRVING HAL. 
BTOOL AND COVER, COST Bie MINER wil sellby auction on fenve the’ country. and wistou to: daposo.of them fumed! Bl 0 eax acne oR @ALPCIN @HR ENOLGN FA BOD Leese as FAUNTEOL coNouIsR, 


{ ronewrood and black walnut marie top Tables, Turk 

pairs and Loonges, ‘itrception Chairs bronze 

Sloces Wich Lace Curtains, Olt Patnaiigs: rosiwood and me 
no gea, Sofas, Spring. 

ra weatof Broidway, ELEGANT MOOSE. 
removed for convenience ot rale PARLOR—Vel 

ety, Niequir 


soe omned AMBP li MASieai le, 

Pets the eats 
red ternal OF KIBET ANNETTE, 

Mie Wielbeen Mir wll 

De kmrtne Techie tea aC Geec cnate Zi york, 
NUMBER OF TIGHT TOP OU) SHAVTE(. ai wot 211 Praohlip treet 

(ne story altle frame Dwelling 


Palr Horses, 12S wo 10 bands fon, Harness, Ao 
fo dlepean af quietly, ran hear of a purebaser by adareaslog 
bor 1.270 Pot oldee, stating wbere to be #00, price, ae. 

winne, Rockawaym Barouclira. 
Msgour. Coach and Ngbt flaroean Be, sell 
og of cheap. to close oot by she first of May 
TAVLONS, 66 Ondar atreet 

April 26—The troiting qeNing "Brown Dick." Descrip. 

Mousohold. Pi raltiir: 

Tedsteada, Bureiua, Hoksm By A ELODEON, 2s pro. 
Bol (air Mattresses, Blankéte, Glaas Chiawaad Silver Wares reseed Dovtor'e: Wagva for aula ph Te uc toe Hel we lee Foquice ad M OMETAING NEW “MaLLLANY NOVRCTI 
“Table Cauory, ac. | SR EA CET Co SS hen IB SLOOT MARIAITA: OARRIES 67 [tanta atthe late op hab Masque 
fan r le = Night, tu parfect order) fr river or soun " "1 
DMINISTRATHIX SALE, OF DIAMOND JEWELRY, Wlcorere Ia tepn’ciemnt Peck fia Fst Diirrors carved HHT CLASK, COMMODIONE, DOBLE OCFINO BE raga lars loquite of JOUN OURFIN, Os Weat ff Wanied 30 walter gia Geo. A wYDON. 

sireel, uP 

‘and Your Years Lease of alore GU Math avenue, corner 
Thirty eerenth streets one uf Abe best stands vo the aveoue. 
APR, to WMS GOUWIN, BH Uivadway, Absiguce of 
Charles Teoma. 


fe rowervood Etagerea, with mirror rosasood. Geatre 
Toldes, with marble Ups: brocatel atd (vce Wiadew Curtain, 
binck walnut Secretary Bookcase. DINING ROOM—Blck 
jinut and oak Extension Dluing Tables, da Bulfets, do. 
teards; Plated Ware, China and Glsa Ware, 4c. BED: 
DMS —Carved rosewood wod black walnut Bedstesds, 
jo top Dress Huresus, Washstands, Featber Heda 

repinte mith ovedgemr provements, wales 
rlovete range epeaking lubes, ma/t.e mauve 
Voda ieaaid teder. 
‘About ure arres at 
svseked with 
‘a place guise appertaining re 
possrasea every requisite apperta . 
Terme scoominodating Fariber particulars at the office) 
lor'the Auctioocer, No. ETioe rireet 

Wil upan vo Friday erooing. April 2), without Paik 
F/REBSITAKUT & CO, Hropristora, 

Dyasaatle Vall, Balurday oventog, April Zab o'clock. 

best Minstrel Trou wish 

io puredase are luviied ty of faa 

fortueselves Wer particulars address Miustrels, 



Ss i Watch and Chelts silver Spoons, FS ‘ 

ewctry finan Goll Weatch-and Ghai ives, Sonn fa Banat ea Tivos HAE Mateeasen ita dor Bee 

spate Sa ones seisteg detrei, raru’ Q) Pailassea. Alas an astortment of Mtchen Puraliar 

Seulyy an ta ford rder, Aine Steech Wardrulle, Trunk, = 

‘BIS We tor avenue, Brockiya, third house, south at Green Bl 

UCTION SALE OF HANDSOME PURNITURE. IN fe avenue, thinday, "April ui, constlog of Parlor Furniture, 

is, a # company wbo will xuaranten the Bf 
ate eatabllabnent of a onautsctory fo the edly of 
iphis--ibe amount of business (o be dove ander gor 
ontrack will vily be inlted yao capacity of the B 
Fy. Tue Tight will uly be 401d Go reapoualble men, 

y p. Carpets, Neds and Bedding, rose: Fiano, &e., all near) Uso bills now ready at Slath avenue corner of Yor- OR RKALE—ON FIFTY SEVENTH S8TREET, BE- jodie 
AOE ee Cee Roamer cuits fgDene = SS COLE, ckictloncar:” fe seth strech, {enn tind and Lexington avenues tree brow atane gg nud will be disposed of ae nny De agreed, aliber fr wun 
od dtantal stirors,bisek walont Secretary abl Li Fl ocean WEORMAN, NEW LIONT WAGON ann A erviis WORSE, fA Mont Mh stork Moreen, coatainy ratseignte, AP MA asus bf voatoai2, Wactogtn, DO LOTHIN' 

 Bonkounes.ronew cod Critre ica heavy Ine Window nix yeare ld for, axle. Apply mt WILSON'S stables, TIENTION —AT Za SBYENTI AVENUE, WE. 

‘This day (Friday) April 21, ab o'clock, A. M., 917124 

Coe eros tartare chit year oes sirogreo in 7 
irladas, reser ood and inshuxaoy Nedateads and Mareaue: Fi Dean strech bear Nond, ArvoklyS, 8 large asscriment of pycormer of Breccker and Crosby sireete, rien OR BALE—A PINE VARM AT NEW ROOUBLLE, ff OR BALEOAT A DAROAIN-SITUATED IN THER AL tweniy-ifih alreet, tadiea and gentlemen wil be 
Ee atats aes nes lin hit atte fu pea uss, tin Cerio ds eb" Tog ALE A PUN 74H, AT MEM, AOUIRLEL WA Inthe Aha NPA OTE Lat A ct is a A at 
AGeRont aid enareestainlare” Kel rigrater hithea Far. fUBOm CarFets AO BE Ae py A PARGAIKCA YOUN HORSE, 185 HANDS, RIND Hoag abrut half amle frum ihe, Noe Maren allroad ata fe Har and Tesaurant, with Ut eu ini Seg ata Marit, Jewetiy, Ae ve hat cae 
altars Abo Go elegaot ai light Chanorifera By Au a0 octock A, M., mM Tn eanAt Salesroom, Wilonghbs ff waot of use. Call atthe wioro, ded Peal sireet Bera Bae ee aca Se aes ats descers car aited? roa priaor hu ‘orfucbtaend sree perch Oat tte 

fing torough A ls well socked witb frull eras, aud baa 
welling buvee on Ik with barns ke Por further particular 
ppiz_on the pramleee or sa HERIY WOLYE, New ochelle 

= aifec corner of Pearl, Hronklya, a general eerortmealt of 
UCTION NOTICE.—WE WILD INOLUDE IN OUR Focewuer). mahogang, walaut nad marble top Parlor, 

st cals prica Io 
Hy. leak call on of saad snow to Mt. MANKS, 2a Seven 
fale of Dry (iords. 8. thin day. lange, assortment of Fl Saeiver and. Dining Looms Furaiture, Pisuvn Pier Mirrors, 

you will be dealt with honestly nod ea 
Muetually attacded Lo by Mra. Marks. 

‘ Bigh;, two uo top Wagous and Rockaway, et of 
Bi and beary Single Harness. Stalls to let Apply al 


aco MILL Gauze abd Gruadiue Cells, loves, Hosiery, ke Carpets, Ollel wos 4 Ui A libnge, or to HENKY W, CLANK, Beg, 34 Broadway, New 
White Goods, So, de, being tne balance stock of a Souwes | Pees 21 Wooster street Yorwchy. Ce ee eed Store, 4a Wav aseoue. Af suuled fon immed) WN 94 GEVENTN AVENUELADIE AND OHS 
mithiat reserve. Als 8000 FA : y; 

declining busiaess. To bo 50: 
Goren Germoan Cotton Hosiery xnd 
larga assoriment of "seasunia’ 

rll e Aatoulzhed to wen tbe pele paid by the ari 
g aer, MINTZ, for Cant Od Ciotblog | Carpetay 
Jewelry Ro Vrom $10 10 $ foF sits Dreaten $5 to B35 (og 

iro, of a well known fl Ke 

situated on Long Island, one mile from depot, aud 34 

‘aloe days left to sell balance of #iock {0 close the burt 

Zmpocadon, ogetner wit = 
Goi THAUER & CRISTALEIG eas betore the tral of May. Teockuwaya pond no top Bf irom New York. under the highest wate ch cuidv aca, large i] JOR SALY—AN UPRIGUT STEAM BOILER, ace cail-gaur seed» Sole 
Tn ee Se ea Bee eee eee eee ee ee ee eee aceasta Riau a Yeah cameust, BI taou_sabe 
Fee Ee rinyTayri Ze at nino o'clock A.M. at am Backei fd ecrtice: H.C COORD, 16Dey eteect, near Broadway. BA bonsec all ln etcellent coudition, ive acres sbotce (rot acu warrantell good. Can be heen workin 

iccown sivert, between Reveuth aod Eighth 

her with or without 

Street, between Court aud Clinton streets, Brooklyn, ‘ma- 

« Ue Househal Eurmeurr Wo be sort (hissy, nti Work, Ed bosany aud walnut marble Parter, Chamber and Dialoghl GOR SALP—FOR WANT OP USE, ONE PAIR OF Price, witb siock, crops, ae 
Aithoresidence, IF Stuyrersot aco, Nath. street, Setnces fi Room Fumitire, Matireascs, Bograviogy, Cbina Hat Stand, 4 WY sisLise boy Horieg, wand and ce aod barbemewiri $3044.00 VOR SALE—ONE OF, VERINNO'S DEST SAPLS.H | DYANOHD TILE ERICED OP O4BT OFF WEARING 
Bosoad and eink avepuer, cove lug of one magellicont EY Brussela Carpets, Olicloth ke. = Bi one wat of Double Hartian nud coe 0 3500. “For particularaloguire of U- 8 AOMLEY, Three (eat va height, fre ava vuratar prot | AvyiT 1S BE NS Apparel Furalturm Caryn Te Eye 
Planoforte, cost $000: elegant Parlor Suits, Brussels ond [n- By SANE DAY, Gi new; uleo ove bay Mores, one a3 of 

Setsof Single: Harness sed-eng 1tokn 
ood undereTaquireof OWEN COOKE 
Scitemertorn plet, pear Cilniva stteck, Brooklyn: 

atten o'clock A. M., at 3) Garden alreok between State and 
Jorslemou streets, fosowood lang, Parlor Suites, Lace Cur- 
ising, Valotinga, mahogany marbletop Chamber Furalture, 
Talr Mattresses Exteotioa Table, China, Brussela Carpets, 

grain Carpe, Ol Paintings, Mirrors, Ceairo Tubles, Bed. Bf 
Bicads, Buresus, Washtiandy, Mattierses, aud everything 
Delonging tow Orak class Louse, Sale posithio 

Fd hoists eth outed LG Muara actin gua ote eg 
ai sce sani id soada 

AL Genco to the suburbs of Vouglikecpale at auction 
B{ House coollas eleven roums, witb alf (he moders Improv. 
SOME fe] mouts, Ground well slocked with (rai Enilre plice ju perf 

1,008 rondtway, Sith National Bauk Buildiog 

vf Tard eit ray aia Breese sprees GAME DAY, ROR kro icug wllasiyeare old, 68 naude high pen fl fect order, Will bs wold at auclion at Wo FougexeepsloCeuri PY JOR BALE—STOCK, FIXTORES, PURNITORE AND) — 
rd avenue, will sell Pr 5 i lack Maro. kev x years ol 4 bands enh fect order. WI told at auction at (bo Pougukeepalo Cour! DR BA. s C 3, 7 
lat baltspamt. two o'choct Wat. oss To Fork Grean Place,” be: PA ite act cia ainincute: blemae, Also m fight, atiCtiag top fm Mousa, Weduceday, aprile al 14 Si. pS P eane of Satton Zi! West atreeny aullable furu revuau: B THEDICAL. 

'elook, gt Elghty-secoid at 
Gurtment of Household, Fura 
Dairy Tobles, Mirrors, ko. 


A ttecen Patton and be keit ntenuea, heuisome rosewood TW. SHAW, Avellopeer, 
WEEE Settee Hocus], medullon Carpaie, Coatsber Fara 

Py ure Mattrecacm Dontcaie be 0 


ei A Mager, wil post: FA J OTird avenue, near Soureenth sireat—wil sell, to-mcr Tex¢ Aunds igh, ov fol) Ul and mal mat be had.” APL 

Worn, light Wuglo Harness, &e, Can be seen at (he stabla Gt 
G2 Lact’ Fourtesuil wireet, between Broadway and Fourth 

q rao.” Apply ou tbe premlven. 

Has iden Jane: Avely wo. GU 

(iiEkrion, yoUNo MEN.—veRY 00D News 
ATT Waltb tstaerenay deeton Ward's Uaronunatee 
4 Friend cures wisboutmeseury.. 

Ali Nsrest, marranta rebel. froin Suen Wie 




Furnttore, a of 9 rater’ gas. 1 

) ‘i 
[A Yreoch Periodical Drops are alsclutely the ouly rermed; 

svalytakerpleos silty ear Grand, oF Fa ow (cuturdey). ai l0}e alo. all the Furniture coplalued &f whits, trou tosiae’ thc taluul= satin, and aa 7 5 
: reat ow (Saturdsy), ai I0}g o'clork. a ‘rnit raed fl white, foie tonlae hive talaiters price $2000: an i of SALE-ASRESTAU 
AL oVeIOGA A AL Cobo ier ae aie waratrouny Mle ouse Noo Ulky Cue Tocebly-thirg aureet consotlng af 1d biuds bight aba liver yalrs of Ft __ HFG Sititont geod buvinesa Bouse (two entrances) nod 
DLOW BUD, A Py V'arior, Chauiber, Dining room sod Kitehen Purziture; alto \0 Gandy cme iach; aud one palr 16 ard (ON ETATENIMLASD, A SMALD it Tilia uolthe premises, vorlbwent coroer Mroadns) I « py MAKAIED LADIES. —MADAME RES 
y if pvio TO 
RSDAY. SI INSTANT, AT 11 fy CaFPets, Ollelvths, Gas Fixtures, &e. or bays Uti haads high, loog fi) House, haru oud Outbslldie b sed Twentieth sree AUTELE Professor of Midenfery, cam be cidsulied aw 
azit 1S 7 ‘ rapes, atid Lack poluts, dae pair of wares 15% Bs Kat et1¢) Chambers sires. ier istailiole Frene Movialy 

fila) Kinde of fruit, and everytblug to 

rondweyeat ts < avery deslraole aud peciestly Tose MeGUIRE, AUCTIONERR—OFFIOE NO. 135) trok tn 2:40 foe le Uoreea £Y Mu nib. Toquire of Ji, H. TATTEK A BALE CHEAP FOR CASH—AN OLD ESTABLISH. 

Place, Nori Bhore"Gtsuil TL are, gra SE WIRE, NO. 13565 Thee Bir Dee icaie vee, bE this wasnt. re of TC T 70) c =, 3 No.1 (price $1), or Now 2, whlch are four deyrees 
(Beattby Place, Sore Boon Autses Wows: house, 4721 6B J Taira arcaue=ts propares, aa heretofore, gite personal To Ue oaney Lure sable wea, or UREA a Pra nui PRUALGTEN sah Rosario reper ECA ht 
See egy ee USM WILLEI, Aucudacer a ga sitenticn to sales of boaschold Curalture,‘mercaanulee of fy New Jersey, star depot oe eatin vireat Bl price $3, alco wold'a: 121 Liverty attee or seat by aialL 

C 2 q ‘aud ell olber kinds of goodaand chatlela, (Batablished fe = OR SALE—A WOODEN HOUSB AND LOT, NO. 8. ne N. B—Madawwe RESTELL dome ber duty tv caution 

Pine street 


loon Puraliure, tn Rivok'yn, ty COL & MURPHY. Sa 
Bn Saturday at 10%; o'clock, at {09 Velou street; marble ton 
(Bleed Tabla, Cocotors, Arm Chale, Tebley Glasaware, 

LINO WOOD AND GOAL YARD, 80 NEWARK lati agaost ialtatory who nok oaly depcive Laem Of tbe 
, Jersey CHiy, of B) years’ FY weane, but of their bealth, 

sudivg, fur'aale or 10 be 
O# BALE—W ER, SHAFT AND er, telia your thoughts, eagle Likcuesa. 
Saree rosea tuobeip. ress aed Einboasog Freaa ff todiow street neat Housion sree. Venue wok adiiiied, 


in 1358.) 


Belog entire balance of stock of the well Koown tmanufec 
tursra Mesure CAMPBELL & MOYER, 

OR SALE—A GRAY MARR, SIX YEARS OLD. sncroie, Bear Uvign aveuue. Inquire at dé Jay rUCct 
Tousd nod Lind in ef sorts of barness 151% loos Bl New York, : f 

‘igh, ooy wil aod ova (rol in 2-0 la saddle or baracea Cas = x 

teteeen oo win hone, uliersreet. “W-SCOT” El Fon SALE—BROWN STONE PROT f1OUSE, 1119) 

Mop: BOL and cil water, bath rood, ke, a 2S Bast 

R SALE—A EPLENDID ORAY HORSP, HEALTHY El tniricicoirect. Naw York price S00), Terins eany-_ Adl 

e236, oppostia Ciiy I 

Biron alae ee E.H. LUDLOW & CO. will scl ot auction on Frida; vir Oi ci ‘a fg 
mt — é DI ‘soll at sa) ani ftrong, 6): years of atooruer of avenue BY dreas 8,, box 49 Post off ‘atereva, N. J., or 8, B, COLE, aire for KOWLAND, 263 Canal street, or 
WA TUOTIONERIETOPELGRI IRN KSRR G yelock at he wareroous, No, SY Mercet Baad Ninelevuth aireel, South Brooklys. Sr Nassau strech roain & {ONFIDENTIAL CONSULTATIONS. —DR. K CONBETR, 
A UILTON, ACETIONERH, O (8 Nassa0 Hf Arce between tind aid irormestrosis, éentire balance Ed ‘ : a am Meraber of the 8. ¥. U. Medial College aod Kc U. Sure 
pigeetAnctidn sale of niacnie Alanis. Monioeotn Blo Furaiture if the above wall Kaowa trem now reuriagh] FOR SALE-ONE YERY MANDSOMB DALE AYE] Mon BAUB—GREAT BAROAIN.—A, PIRBT, CLARS ACHINERY FOR SALE.—ONE PAIR OF SOLID PE pcounLasdon, ean beconrulted as uaualou péivate disease 
Fo Eo ee ta eh ein deity #3, cDalstig Of M100 FoLe Wood. meabope Bd WO Hotse ead do Hay Mare, aultable for a coupe, carriage BAH trotmutone Loaser with furniture, Firat place, Lirook Wolters, with Frames; oo palr of Nollow Kollees, one fd (yaysn'2) Centre aureet, wear Chambers. N, B.—No (oe unteam 
Brn ai the manicure oicon of Mr ok Mouklen Hap und oak Factor, Gedtvmm aud. Blog ruitors for any other'use; ends high lock tal, warranted sound ‘reas Bf screw i iorone ture Mik. with 1-80 Ibs. of Cutters: and PY cused, 

‘uth and 

yaoi ia rnin uso fa Wild 
rig. Poasesslan Mn 
—_o J. ELLIOTT, 79 Cedar street, room 13. 
nen pear Fifth avenue and Tulllioth atest 
ig Pine even IN tS oelocks 

| EE eat entre 
(Borel site wi 204 pails oc\on on Nera fy facies uacarch of ane Pura 
syllogism elon cena biti and algun at te auronse'sofca No.3 Fine treat 
Aineridsa aLawuary, Italian and colored marbles of varfous Pl “4 
Beir Shoe Hs conus wines, avorioveER—zo _paassi 
= Lanai dation Boat iiers ken flavors’ Admioutratra's wale. Ei, 
SS TANDATAR TONE ADL Sonat tae Wana ak 

Sale peremptory, snd Kind; for unreacrved 
are Invited bo attend fol utrcot, N. 

On cd ned Kio: warranted to’ trot a 2-4); alson Top Bl 
Wagon und Haroeus; sold on account of the owner leario} 
Torzuroye. ‘Tuboseen at 110 aad 17 West Tweaty 

‘Apply at 160 foot of Jane fl 

BC rfttefnn for priodivg plaster ot any Nard sbbatsoce 
ti duae Uriadatones with fraine, shuft and cove pulley, 10 
inode tice of ror plates 4nd be AILiOg MueUlae, in 
eried or CUIISTIAN SCHWARTZ, 39 East FUty-tlrd wu 



Fc cra arin cet edjblenn pears succeaatth prac 
Jowivehy, guarauwees scale and, fomediate removal of 

G) special Uregulariues nd obatructioas 1a Tetalca, without 
Shin or exposure. Can be consulted, wath the atinoat coal 

Bevte, at bis private rooms Siti, Broadway, Tha boat ao 

Chmaudatlont for adses who wish to rewhlo, 


Soak, black oak and chestoul Inquire ot the ¥ilto 

jaUonal Bank, O83 Third avenue. 


«old Furniture. Al 17, Went Cortysrecond stra i EPA COUPE, NEARLY YEW, BUILT BY isametit and seb-colar Cottagn, Onlabed to acd. 

ith attest eet cnedion. si dey, cael 28a PR Sau Ceupertis hace coaps Horse, 10 Gandy Flcometiyicr with aubie. wally and curtis tmaptela; wecond f/T1O PHOTOGRAPHERS. YOR SALE, THE | MATOS, 2x OLD AND EXPEEIEN GBD Pas 
Rue te (ed ee oi ei ecco mens andtiedan oro nega Saerces Pac waa antl aren sors tue of MOU ark GS," App rte. coat ean nl iain oe 
= ~ ecsah balespermenia Satay. Appi to 1 ES DORSEY, at Clad stable: : ee rr ropatian Bou. 

nese S piory. Terioa cash. Catalogues may be 
had at the ofice of the Auctuueera, No. 3 Pine street, 

Te Miinctig Ha aod 15 Berea Taqulro as We Bape 

| croer Suri avenue and Thiruetb street, between 6 and il R SALE—$1.20—A PALM OP @ ACRES, PABTLAL- 
‘pee ROR ALES tat k Tar oe SRES RAPT 

AM and ¢and7 FM. eared oe 
; Pics. J. wunNIbn, No.6 Beakiaan sireat, over Pare Ba 
‘od, sound and Kiod ia every reapect; suitable for faraily 
ara poyucian's ue, Apply at 169 Deiaueny street 



Raby Wey oud Fearon 

aaa eat Filipe ree iu 


see TN aaah ae co ona edHS A Mack at auction, gu friiy, “Abra 2y at id Ae a 

‘pein ators all a Neeteorna darultare,coothiued (ago Went Tairyfouith street batwoea Nigh aad Tenth 

wrod Farlor Suite }eovlork, Tose Be aranucn eqeucriiamorinentat Modseboll Puraliure af 5 
‘out the boues, Centre fabve. LeerUarisios, ini? ‘amily Ureakiog up bousekeepiag. 


ANTED TO SELL—A HAL¥ INTEREST IN Als 173 Brosdw p, second Door, from 10 ul 

WATE Ta SEELGA, AM TERA Burt en are raanua TURIAN, AND 

body a rate chances gall Saptial anied. Apply oC. [)Moouchrar. a 6 Alu, thie 2 ect fca 

See ges ein mantel rice Meet San 

pj Steam Engine Works, 45 Aun slrect, N.Y. 

‘Qopany and ‘wala Chater Furniare, Slatireased, Tied: eed, splendid condition, $180. 
a at Siam aye aso Abe Hatevea Lieut Ff V7 DOUGHTY, AUCTIONEER PARTITION SALE OF| a HONEY, Zi Bast Tairieenth streat Pl Newark. H. ASTROLOGY. Ff forte rsh en 
seritls which sale ; . ‘ul ure, Oar) Vier Mir u a - ee ; y NI F aa 

ANS NOUGITEY wil tel on Fridays Aprilal, AUIDK 9 BONA FIDE ASTAOLOGIST—MADAMH WILSON [] \[ANMOOD AND OTE ya wocdertul agsuk DE 


deco at oui Orvbge, N-J,,lart ove tile fran te 
Th one vr more acres uf and. The bouse is large 

(ready (cr occupation, Address O., box 90) Post 

" DOUGUTY wil sell on Friday, Aprildl, ab lolg oeload, 

a\ [id Sullivan street, near Prince, consisting of rosewood 

teayu Fancione, Lguia a Senior makers Bruce ncd 
reeply Carpets, Euglien Olleloiby Prened pl 

Titved, with Coussla Teblex Brocatsl wud Cece, Curcalna,| 

ie four di 

fo. “Oiice, 61 Franklin etreet. 

For ae quar of rich mile per day: tls m saddle Yoo, 
suitable fora boy. Apply at 104 Bast Fwenty-Ofth street, 

las tha object of your visit, 2a 157 Alisa street ooar 
Houston, over tbe bakery. 

TA. Real Viopestberresusat Cairreyant. kuown, oder» 


ADAME, ORINDEB, Ta}ted on al diseases ot Yetstegy 
Noiiduer ate ted cerain. Courealeat rows for Latin 




Hat dont, at 10% Jomies, 

alten Atre ultiet ort tne eH ete Py igetihe a toned opin “biting eave FOR, ALE, CHRAP—A.grLENDID, FOUND RIDING was ine ee ean ea ae Ser att cS 
Ly istir iu pert of mpewood Manofurte, eupert end Chamber Furoltus Feather Be jair Mattresses, Fi aod harness ilorsa; ar and eanters; mos [T-IN RAVENSWOOD, 4 y_ ona who ah) fj wbo desire good care and medical al lance during coal 
2 Hoe Ua Nar aiteneoscarded Gaotse, SEE a ee ee se Ang dan Feealy ours arest pf FOR SALE OW 70 LET-IN RAYENSHOOD, THC ape eae a 

fos Nrocitel and Lare Duytaing, 
fe Brunaey Velret, ‘Topot-y acd Ueussels Carpets; Lack 

Ut Dinthg Room Furies, rosewood, welout aid ma- 
any Onamber Furultare, Sutireees, Bedilog, ke 

nent Furniiure, &e eiash osuen in Williacn burg. Fomsessina May i. 

ELLIOTT, 19 Cedar wires room 1S. 

Paattu on Sisten inane at teases Plain 
tres neres of land; houre covtalos elevos roma; bare 
Meese oy (rom tne foot ot Wblleaall rere 
Unies’ any trom 
Ynqaire of Mra FHULLIPA Li 

‘and Carta Apply AT. BRIGUS, 64 Rutgers ali 

B Gr tiogss vest, 140 tbe; one witb pole and shaft, 210 Iba. fa 
Winbne order and mace Ly lirewsier & Co, of Broctas streak, 

Slagls baroces, Abe beresy Slankot whip and Isp robs, Ap" 
Te Be ply ev 10l Grand rarest, corcce of Mercer. 

SUAnreateed remey, Dre ROWEIS! Baenoe of hie, 


The ore etsaed eestinted howd inssedaelyoo# DR 

PowBi cotsbratsa Busir of Life 


at fy DAaRNrRERR SA dat Sone ts 
OWARH PETHISCEN, AUCTIONEER, ws koa, Ls yolezar Nab SeLcivaw Olgas 

Fee ou ta at clack Aauncboid Af Also elt of diamonda, watches pnb and riage 

Tarniture, const ting of Cryeuy Chalrs, Tables, Hookcase, 

ilar $1. Call at 138) 
Boa; geallemen, 9 

GI New Howery, 400 lots of Mens’ and Wo COMPLE FICE—TWO. = ONSULTA- bs ‘aod Midwife Cocsuitatecs 4/7, 
Bi he soa pe eg Sh Caley tk Sg Del ar | MU spat rent Maguey eit ye ge mae JIMRTOY ANT aMicpAuree Qi uaies c Pest prot far wteee -—— 
tr as ~ u 4 sod (wl Tru a enth ayongs, Bear, revold. 90 Broadway. iD RED 
BS knerty « BLUMA UDI, 148 Broome abrecl. ee meek DOTETE a. ARE ROINED BEROM GA yu osnas ot 
ied. Ayana Gass 8 


MSptCasraitin Coun ittions ‘on budaess, sekeas 

ii. ued 


TIMER [2 Poot Brostway, of 0) ou men's and worsen peepee SE eee Waradigy vistas Yaih ad read our tel 
COLTON, AUCTIONEENLANOE GALE ov anc. 12 Baa Bros ayy of Ooo Trea aa ent Lt, ture two atory trick oanae abaaat frien ese Waversay p ay 

0 103 7, SEC. fA cholre Ciotilng an 7 th a F a sodGercuia atenus, Loquire oo pees) Tre AA STE of ia tne al thirty youre 
rttlpand Menschols furniture Hr Mle Carpet (Slereand oilers: By oer of H. Goodmno, 81 Centrost, py street, Detwoan Brosdway MB MORENOUSE, 8! a Feniteaten ot cures ase Ta Uke Reuss of diseay 


‘nivure Cart, 10 good order, can be sean at No 70 Weat| by 

Sa HSE A ell ire Sainte man QUITE ETRE TOR MAL 

See gue mete aaky it ae ae Foca. arama, WIT COAG ARAR SEAS 

Of Fasious qualities, frow Velvet Us tameain. ‘ar thres Sulla fo private stil), wanted, 

a Hee IE I St) ‘Curtsing Sbados, Halsland, Diolag av Twelfth aad Thirticth strewts and Cocond and 

“URGE oe ool Ren Go Haly boliye pid WAKLUUK reverT Falk or ailoM “SE Address bus 214 Font olan 
> ? \ 

Curtalny Pianos Sb Nea. Puch 
To-morrow (Saturiay 122 wULDSG o'clock AL M.y at the. 
Avation Store, No. 724 Uroudway, near Pourc 

auortarelit of goo), plain Puriiture frog = fan 

Deonieeaaot Su uth had he bend 
si arereeatint 

aloe, af No. 139 Wi 



fet al thie a 

NE “ 
ell. 10) orate, i 


isoases, may be o¥ts!0.ed by cuploalug Ss to De 
iain areaus Now Xerces 

firealon! Spiritualist, Mediou gnu Rvaloess Clulrvosnat 
fa, hav tliat aver failing egerek (O calle) opecly mar. 
pits Scour arenas, near WeOW TOUR strech, 


8 2 NEW YORK { 

avinit a 

1D, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1865. 

§doap damoation of ie taking off" of the taraented “Blef | 
Magirtrate were adopt d, and the following committrs| 
Wax appa old to prugsed 10 Was slogion aiid represent 

nization at the ob-equea:—G. W. McLean, Jotn| 
Rs. Conoatly, Jams Brooks, James Morphy, Bi 

tbat tho followinz a4 tional rorie'es have signified: 
dea re to pastlc pate {a the erent 

na Giae Conception T. A.B. Society. 

Athena Club 

Revenue OMorrs 

erey, magnanimity, forbearanos—all aro Jost In the con- 
temptation of the foul blow track at the head of the 
(allon and eavety of the gor roment, 

Rebel Prisoners at Point Lookant. 

amine, while bowine w 
sll. wise Oesl wag doth 
Tor whieh 0 parildel cf 

Knica wll, Have met 
fod in Gur bistory 

Meoneecssnecens revess nesweowesst-snrererarece se rt a 
Weep, conervus nayon, seep the rad, the Ay tay! i, That ehether we eo) 

Jim a the honest! 

Tempoveot bim whom Seatro, Indalgentwint Vm wine at tina Oe marelfnt roler, the fe i Hy 3 i Pe a Wratvarox, April 20, 1845, i eee tcee a escei iat 
(Too good for earth, @ heaven art thou Ded, aod left} fet notilr eusmmplon of freedom m fof unresatan a op OrBrien, 8 Pin key, P, Mekiroy rr tho rebel prennera at Toint Lasko ational Gee C10. 
the tatfon In tearm TOA‘ eran paer Of ie |, IEE TAS 5 B, 0. Birdsall and Char Of dS Lisng paged resstetion’s tL Satmrsecds setae Tt slog Gusing the ceremonla 

i widow of SC 6ed waste neni 
aialaat soap lor reek Hie a pay cokes 

“Ancient Onior of Faithful Fellows. 
Cleris and Attaches o the Post ollice. 

(Ceres Ualin rortsl Ch. 

The committee then took a recesn. 

After the reross tre emforen-# committes repartee 
that Wey could oo: liase the use of the szamer St. 
Jobo, bar If th 
Jorsey (ily Ferry Company will give them the wee of 
heirbestieny boat They also reported that tweaty= 
erren rocketies have ntfercd to partl Ipate. One of there 
omic fom five thocrnad Lo eight thonsnd men, 
soother ve thousstd men, another guarantees (we 
Hovsand eight booired nee, amd thence tho grade 
descendeto one hnudred. The procession will bo the 
Angest over scen in the city. ' 


the bulldh ‘ 
preeotianly FRET STFS omfog molto appeared 

Meeting of the Knights of St. Patrick. 

on of dont, aod thelr warm hs 
A fall meting of the Kolghu of St. Patrick tn calegp 8 ea Tr eon oe 
or thin evening, for tho jjurpose of taking action rotative Bas the War Department through (neral Bares, com. 

(othe death of President Lneofn. Tt will be bold at ff mandant at Point Lookout 

eight o'clock precterly, al tho Axtor Honso, when appro fl SARIN CANAON 

Firin’e reeoludinn, expromtag the views of tho society on 

Mm ho ve 
fuenen second Ua none. the onprene 

end the elermenis eo mixed th him that natore m|pht 
ee pond ray tall tho world, “This waa a man.'§ [Ai friend, ebowe worth and rolnw the 
Aesenesean rt ote ebbe AE LEI PLE DEL EDEL IAA O81 fet em te ode 

PF ube door, which Ia heavily draped — 
vancenectsmnerterst nsrcnenreneett gol te 
ative and osom 3 YJ" The photographie rallery “On tho corner of illom ker fy aunlved, That in the Rendish act 
Emel! erect and blossom jo the dust. irmot naitatically veiled In moarniog Tha windows! Alteham Yloooln we reo papaaed the dean os 

Bor the princiial pariors above the sinre are neatly: tex hyp fished eetell on that hee teluiged Mop Laas Jo blest durlo 
Oa elber ide of i App aaah 

Bf tooned with rable cloth and whive streamers. and in tha ket peat four xray aot the kerbarie’ DoF (he root and calise 
neecoeerereeee coer se! 
Tf misfortune comea sho brings along the bravest 

leeniro a broad panel, slirouded, archer the sign, end baa ear 


The Canadian Benevolent Society. 
At tho setn{-monthly meeting of this socioty, on Wed 

Puietcmn hive one be: fneday, Apri 10, a committee, composed of Professor 

Qormen, April 20, 7865. 

The peoplo of the capital of Canada to-day were ununt 

mous in demonstrations of sympathy with thoso of the fy 

boars the Inscription, which tx airmouated by a portrait 
of the departed Pree’ dent: — 

Yl mmemery ike tho Unta te preserved 

ng w 
fore bia. in that land where aurrow never comes 

erovcecenetevopoeonot ot for m day $ bin. nd whcre sarroW Ear comes. |, : Couneitinen Lest asked 
Heaven but urien our viriocs by ail Hut for all tien. Fala te Tae ena er ond eatColt tS appolotet to prepara a serlew of resolutions on the tragk Hal 'nited States in the hour of th trasMiction. Tho Nagao! Hat eyinun retested waite tone at coteRee 

FAs Cadel, Govornor Goncral, forelsa consulates and 
che menmera were all at half-mast and draped. Ranners 

secrecccoccerssssesvocssrestressresesesetrcocsssed {I} 
“kn Am rica abield bordered with crape complotes by 
Aho decorathon. 

ho cloud which wraps the present now serves but to 

igbten all our future days nse 

mn hein ink heer ne ima he 
Hand and helper of she witaw an tye fatoriens. St 
evinitconeey (6 than, unde the u 

Tie Cyt x of the comm tee copled that a generas 

Pend of President Lincoln by tho pitt f an amar 
nsfollon has boon axteniied to all; that they kaow the 

bye fatucrians. Moy Hite Lel rhe revolotions espress the horror whlch the asaeslia 

r yi: Bion of Mr. Lincoln aud the murderous attempts co the 2 2 WALL Loe eek vatlg, aod that the desire 1s to have Lhe 
{ho Antor House to Union equare every pomtbloBy A nrat and appropriate sentenco appears over tho fal tr soleton that cannot be fund eleqwhere. he : APA nin son have pro. py te from the United Stes eoniulale, Parliament Hf iemonstration enluutte cation 
ae ee rote and banglog was, dulayed Bf eewollttoose, Aiater wom cire lar foldn of moe Thacn are leniyend Seng anita) to oar penn of Uo Seeredry of Suis and of his rm have pro. sere, from the Uniid Sais ennvulate, Perlamen stration woluolaty ealirely. 

Sather Goat th fae don tho (anadiaas living iu the Uniced States, and Co ncilinan Lae asked If aoytbing had been heard 

badly mounted by Ue 4 

pga No proclamation of the Mayor was ever ropmorptls A cron the ren 

Home. however, were remarkablo for «howsteful manner B§ here are tho words in largo black cap tals one whita| ed hy Dinter i 

ogy tho rocioty belloves MMeclf to be thepy Tt eenerahiy responded 1. Einen pon all tho store 

Meir arratterment or the appropriateness of tho pround:— { ibe pizsent inci: pAoe 2 Tig CHANDRA EL 7 - 
Plea The Stbibbment of White, Whitman & Co. Genesee ena eee eeg ra rccccttereeay k pe ar hee anal organ om this o-casion. aad) Separtaenta have, besa, cloud, and thu cours 24° fF cu cums cenled ot get ond ded thal he 
Mee a ere oo aa ae ane esonocvneracoseenercrvereepepeseel ee MEW (ood tated Eleventh Ward Tecruiting Committec:p4/o7 pra Uera osugins Srey fr en numbering 

‘The Rebel Pirates In Canada Regretting 
Pi Committoe appointed by tho citizens of the Elevonth enone eae 
ward to promote enlistments, Messre W. W. Lyon, Se Re TEASO HTD DES TERA pens 

James R. Taylor, Christian Motzear, Tunis H. Duryea and Sm—L happened te come into Toronto on Satnrday 
Tames Little wero ajipainted a commitias op resolutions. FA morn ng, Who same dag the moss reached thia eliy, and. 
nd reported in very appropriate tangnsze the feel.ngs of meetin. wlth quitean »-!> rof southern ends, oun 
BA itesotedy 3 tho aseocuation at the horrible death of Prasidert Lincoln. faa is wall known ton of the leading citizens of To 
Ea hereby tenter ha corinematpen. OF Ale great work, ond ¢oF The resolutions concluded thar Fonto, that al! thoughii | and sensiol# mon among ther 
tlie wocomptiehient oF tha. real Cite whlch sn oue fay Ressteed, That we tender (o the Hon, Wm. Ng rully concurred with mo Iu tho Uslief that the mssassina.b 
Labors and i 4 ese proseteaon mid par fy family our'alnesre eymuthy” acd oar bert withen f eJiion of tho late President of tho United States was c 
ftuity of one ginrione Unido, ant theraratiiian of slivers furrecnrery and welfare, ent that hin valaable life may poblic calamity both to the North ant Sth. 

uhowl tbe lengli and brealls of one tekired land for-p¥ epared Yo hiscnuntey, wich wow neeca Bia eervices Tinay add, furthermore, that amouy my old follow 

Tevolved, Tout, slhough represeciicn all shades of polls : fet Or as 
"hecentsee ot tolenaraasraces mane Aedenis atthe enir-reity from the States, Including Fl 

E] The Parlora of a store nearly oppoaita the latter bufld- 
Ying exhibit an herala’e tribute to tho memory of tho 
Inte Chief Magutrata, Tho anctoot arma of the family 

rec neconcceneccercenss toatternsteccstoechs 
Wep, patlon, weop; put oo thy mourning garb, 
acd foun the bler ty idmeotations por. Dangbters 
Of Brin, tuce and sinke your lyres, aod with your Bf or Lncalp, roi in an antique frat 
eee re eb Abe rolgply ead) pear one of the windows, Under tbo arma thoro ta 
neoceesveecsvoce ners sccsnessressccassroreoe sees e WY ONY) 

‘Thr cctrance of tho Shoe and Leather Bank, at the} 
porner of Broadway and Chambers street, was very laste. Ff 
fully draped. Curtains of biack crape quite covered the 
for, and were looped near ttt bottom ty mite rosetton, Uh 
file a heavy sable drapery buog from the upper por y One porner si ee 
feo of the door. Del monico's was Titorally covered with By Tne CO Ca Cee | 
sareamers of Pack and whitocrape, The followlPg 8P- BA goign arms, an either aide of tho Parlors, bear droop!ng Fy 

med folda of rable—and tn tho conte 8 broad “aheat of 'crapo) 
cvenement a Tica cause den regrets Kf FA with festoons of white sliver lace, arrames ibe xbapo of fa 
ee reno are ee See Teurela AY Ha Xa oblong torod.” Tenrath the folds of lca are two) 

wupiorr. wreaths of Iminorteltes, with tho initials:— 

a ee ae 

yr ditg gout then ad ysrugd tl this moruing at tem 


The Military Paraite. ol 

The military will, as usual, forma leading feator® 
the solemn display. The sehole Fit division will tur 
jut, Logetber with ‘he divisions of Brooklyn aud other! 
inves fo tho viotnity. ‘The Seventh regiment will escord 
tho body U) the City Mall and mount guard thoro wh 
Cromaiueon exhibited: The fulluwing ts sijor cua 
yal Sau dion’ oner: 

Geneak demi. 
Tranquarrana, Firat Divx, NGS N.Y) 

Nowe Youre, April 20, 1863 
The division will unke with thor follow elizene Ip 
rondoring approprlot Lenura to the remains. of thae 

maay ote tat 
abe hin in grapple 
ris nicessary Wo the futare wel: 
and development of it tauniFee 

esolzed, ‘That eo WIN toall in, OFF porer to attensthen 

escort GAVE VOTO, 

Decreneanerecenes ests testU HDPE H PMOL 
Tho crest ant the borer aro draped with morning, 

eatopiuions, wedo Beret? accord Uy Andrew colimvon’ wl: Eq 

lof th ¢ rf By is vow, by the providence of (od, President of tbe Uniie” gue tenant Bonnett Young himself, there was pot onc id 

of tho gentlemen of the Department were recalved withEA guia oemod epralarand argent symumihe ard tots @Btho did bot express Yery. dveided ‘am deop regret ot 

Fil lions wore unanimously: declared afopted Aroooh or the ‘eve Hoga to the South aa wel 

rudog thet tn bir earnes and InGesitle patrnten 6 as 
t Mr. Barcoce came forward and inde's vary Interest far to tho North. Respectfully 

Alarge biack siar over tho Tradeamon's Bank con: 

pan ‘alnn 'and “moderate eounseisy ne wil aus 
out this uaholy rebellion, and «fart . ; — 
ng ond gratifying eddrom THe rald tho embloma of} ef eee SLES OS DEES BAS 

looneirly eopsummated by Mlantrvve oe sie 
Py Wiereby gain the commendation of ail good wien nt hone iu 

rusia well with tho marble of the building. A large Sk mourning Uiat lio raw about Bim, the moorning ho raw far praatate litistrloua pateiot w hase foes Ni cl 
Ghdrew's cron adorned. tho emtabiisnmeat of GoW. In tuo erntra The ikht foot of tbe Ralldlog 1s paca Hin tho ountenances of Mowe hs inet everywhcr, a0: by ae eens pratsenewe deniers tn Ae Meee Fwictory thy 
Moore, while that of Louls Cobo, 306 Broadway, din Bj llarly favorable to the display. By uaunced that tho foreiuoat man of all the world hod By Mon: t to Abrahi Lincotn. ‘ Bape lt q Upan the arrival of th> funeral eortt this city, on» 
pers! We Masonic emblem of tho aquare and compas PY As wo pass upwarts tho spectacle preanted by thebd ralleu—pasod away forever. Thore lips, aver croaedfor pH | Babee he eae et Eis seen Dee pe nusizer is entialy sampeniied here B-day, og Ja ark sDpon thearrival 6G (we fenppalleaitigeln © aity,0 

1 Ward's ora, was extensively festooned, and over fd Now Yore Hotel next claima special notice. The vest!-Fila kind word, those yea which aver looked lenicntly upon io the ban lon eg o% erect 0 the memory of Piel deat Ca ee a ea en ne eet ney 
Be door the moto HH vate and tho pillare at tho principal entraveo are robed In PA tuo faults of others, wero liad in death. The hand pA ling, Treasorer of the Fifteenth Ward Volanteer Aezocia- py Yi¢cs aro bolne held tu all tho churches, abd sorrow and A 

sue will noun 
Cuesday morniog 
The division will powide on Tuesday noxt, the 25th 
ast, with Uio ustiul badzes of mourning, as the fund 
Scort to the reining of Lie tate Preskdont Lincote I" 
The diviiton Hue will be formed in Belay, with the | 
aight on Warren street, at twelve olelock ML precieely. 11) 
The fold nud etalfof the infantry reg ments will parad« 

nant there unlit th= funeral parade ow 

grief are manifested everywhere ‘ 

[The Transportation of the Remains to 
‘The programme for tho transportation of Prestdent 

One of.tho nenlest desigos wos was that oxhibited 
i Mossre Coughlan & Dilmore's, 412 Droadxay. A pro 
fuslon of mournlog ria értel was arranged #0 an to repre ff 
Beato large mausoloam, Bands of crap» pastod from top fy rounded with panel 
te Botton, at the Jouclurn of which was nlargo plctaro of 

tion, oxeceds $1,600, and 1 bax beep decided by the FV 
nance Commiltes, provided the rubecribers are ogrocablo, 
to appropriate 1 a8 tho iret donation towant a fund for 
tho erection of a monument at Union square to the mom- 
lory of oor late President, Buch a fund we aro condden! 
‘will rapidly accummiata. 

HW alternate (elda of crap» and white muslia—and tho bal- Bl which penned tho realest “tala papwr e’nce tho Declara- 
Ficony of tho front parlors ars arched by a canopy of PM tion od armeriegar Indepondedios, givin Uborty to four] 
L} crapo—clatorate festoons of mourning and white rosoltes, Fd jytiiions of human bobdamen, was #ull and pulseless 
forming remlctrculars, which gavo grace and finish to(UOEMforovor. ‘Tho nation, stood’ paralyeod, Bote it was 
display, only for an instant. A Vico Prosident huovecded the R 
‘Over tho story No, 141 thero ta thla motto, which in mor: fl Yoo-ased President, who bad yald—-"Show tno, tho man 
id eiars of orapa:— Hf who makes war upon bia eonniry and I will how you. 

Ptraitor; and if T wero President of tho United States 1 

the lato President. Towarta tho top of the building wax A RATION MOURNS would ‘arrest him an a Waitor, I would try him oso feat’ 3 es will d im \s ! 
Sirmal, puite monomeatt with tbe word Lincoln mschibed ff &-avaveroveveeevevsenseereeeerowevecereeecerceceee OHM alt, and if convelad 1 would, By tne Elorna, beng py A¢® menting of elizens on the 105 Inst a proposlteD EA rocoipig remains ftom Waahlngton bus boon issued. Ff ales gl aiceoe etna cane oe 
0 Ik, and be Heavily draped cograying of Mr. Lin bim ayo traitor!” THis ecnUiment was received by py Was Mado and adopted to erect a suitable monument INFATy 6 mato to bo pursurd Is almost identically tho eame fi proogsic 

An exprersive saries of eentences give prominent di 
Fi tinction to tho mournful display whic 
P] ine corner of Elguth strool, Ona broad shoot of crapo}y 

‘the following lines; — 

‘mocts (he eyo at fa tbs audience with vociferous and long-continued cheare 

m aul Wh voelferogs and Ton ni ra idor near ono of the public aquares af this elty commemo: 
f. Postmaster Kolly sntroduced Hon. QaLusua 

bi rative of our late decoased, lamented President, Abraliam 

Baby which Mr, Lincoln reaclind Washington In 1851, em 

leven o'eluck A. bi, aud Capialn Ola" 

we Pereant of God, mado y 8 Bd wan tbo motto:— U]Gnow, of Ponnsylvanin. Tic addressed the atsomnbiago ai fa EA bricing tho citlon of Haltimoro, Harrieburg, Palladol- fy 0" Genre! at cleven och 
[ Thy raco In o'er, thy victory’s won. N cenenvereeneesseseresesoee serencersesrreseurceovortp pytome eng, and WAR frequenUly applauded. Ho sad, p4 Lincoln; and with a viow te enable (he massed of ORY uta Now York, Albiny, 2ulfalo, Cloveland, Colnmnbua, ff Th ton yilomirs AL ill furnish arammauition upop 
eons er oteandaseareentet eh oleres stoped pond ep seee. SUSTIOR, Nor REVENGE, oP Fain nabstanco!— Fe|cople—the poor aa well as tho rich—to partlelpato IDEM at nanails amd Chicago. The ruiroata over which th. fife requiltion uf the yroper ofle re 
Prosentlog a vory pleasing fout ensemIie seeraeeesserersces care ecetesrerevececorecsensne hq. In tho Natory of nations, as in the bietory of the Pri-Bi gach an enduring expression of public homage, It Wasbd rising will pass are declared military roads, eubjeet tof], Mave Genekal Durvea, commanding the Second diets 
Tho wiullors of Mearx Ros, Lockwood & Rona wero MA Underneath, ona draped tamb-sbaped pane), wer eove- fy YO Nreside, thero aro times of rejoicing and times of B] decided that the eubscriplon of each individual be limited pl pans ry Toads, subject to sion, National Guard, will un to with this division 1a the! 
seuly adorned, liver lara ebloing from aiid the raj inscriptiogs tecallag rebel atrcclilea to remembrance, Pat 40%8 NaRave hau both In.aahort space, What the Rdg one dollar. “All subscriptions roads forth purpose, pibe order of the War Dopariment, and the ralirads Fy sunoral parle 0 Tu way Uoxk, Tis divilou, oF euch 

Besvy folds of tho aabla 
Boat (hough now tho dark 
shadow our cx 

par: thercof av ron conve ently parade of that day, will * 
loft of the First divisloms | 
prado with Cull batt riea 

with the name of each aohscriber, wll be enslosed, a 
Jdrcssod to Timothy @. Churchill, Beq., Reosident of tho 
Columbian Firo Inguranco Company, No. 101 roadway, 

Ff locomotives, cars aad erizinos enraged will bs subject to 
EYmititary control of Brigadier General MoJollum. No| 

Pery, suggestive of tho fact Pde foliown:— 
wall Of mourning MAY OVE NN @ senreesesenecnsraersorae te nese nentvere sestecneee ne 

atry, that sul the lary of God's benod Wl y Ti MASSAOKE AT ANDERSONVILLE PRISON, 

will havo to declosa. God rules ail thiogo well, and wo kd 
may trnst the future for the retribution, Groat crimes fe 

orm Line on Broadway, on the 
The Fouriis nruilory will 

20m rhlon inoush she darkuoss Of the aipht and re. PENNSYLVANIA, Fa eee a ate fey guamttaboox: Bot BY Trosracer, CHARLES Wh, MAPSHALL, >’ FAporson will bo allowed to bo transported on the cars con-P4 fy ond ref. siyorGrmeial SHAS. W. SANDFORD, 
Bago bapplor and m brighter day for ux. In tho win. (4 pysitlan oe eee JOHN 7. HOFFMAN, Fdctituting tho funeral train save thosa who aro specially$} Ai&x/xvun Tuns.ros, Division [nepecter. 

Burrocniing ‘on opening, Whrough which might bo roa 
By tho name Lineal,” aud tho woo taslefuly deco: fd, Myths Jvaidcank deplay there was a neat addition (a 
ea eee tae apenas, Halted & Halen By Tho windows of tho storo corner of Ninth street (Ran-FA hill rr‘iuon of his hopes, aud rests poacetully at Mount 
Were adorned with featoons of mourning) streamers Bf golph'), ara marked by a simple bat commendable myo fa frullon of bia hopes, and recta peacefully at Mout 
Becta ttacy il aketnaetatad es Cac Much, ey ate erred br binds toric eebo Mains wit nla” wate 
Ei dan fuga enantio a Sef scoala plischet it tne ee a 
prescrerns reas nt repess oeee ress traverse eseet Ey tho powers of battle again shake the continont, but tho| 

republic receiyea no mhock. And in tho futore, when 
Py Urle pation erects a nicho for the reception of tho statua| 



‘Yong, April 20, 1865. 

Traglo Effect of the Am 
thin City. 


Tho Inucace which the presont national calamity ex-— 
reso ovr persons of a morbid temperament bas boca fea jay” ‘ 
fearfully exemplified within thelast few daya. A youth, A Leave Taltimore at 8 P.M. of Priday, tho Ziet, and 

named Charles Jobuson, residing with bis father, Wil-pqtive a jsborg at 8 

of Ite greatest and best men, there wi found. nonop Leave Harrisburg at 12 M,, 224, and arrive ot Fhiladel-FY equipped, without overcoats or kuapsacks, on Tuesday, — 
higher In the etimaton the world than Abrabot Lin, iam Johnson, at 187 East Foorteenth strvet, to bed ~ 2 Baa ath ming 

hia at 6:50 P. Mf. HY 2oih Instant Roll call of companies at Half-past 
In. Lat the motto over that form be ‘Lo was honest been for some timo subject to Ota, during dinner one Leavo Philaiclphia at € A.M. of Monday, tho 24th, and f 
and Juri! Ho broke ihe chains that bound in. abject (4 Tuesday last eald, “Tam golng to follow Abraham Lin fs x AM, 

use H. Tosss, Sajo® aud Volunteer Ald-de-Camp. 
General O:de s—No. 10. 
Hearquanrers, Sevesa By onexr, SN.Y.,} | 
New York, April 20, 1865, ‘ 
T. In compllance with division) and brigade ontcrs,, 
By this regiment will parale ns spacial escort to tho romaine, 
Ejof our late Presdent, Abrakaw Lincoln, on Monday,” 
f]240 lostant, fully unformed nd eq. Ipped, wilhou 
overcoata oF knapsack and with tho sual’ badgo of 
A mourning upon the leftarm, Roll call of companies a8! 
By balr-pact' coven o'clock A. 

E] IL This reciment will also parade fully uniformed and 

Fijasrassin, Dut hia canse did not die, Tho ramo with theby 
fijcaro of thé Prince of Orange. Let us, thon, takefd 
pAcoorsge from oor dieastern 80 far as theft 
fa victim of thn Iatter-dny assaseination 1s concerncd, Bf 
hho coald not have died at a moro propltioug hour, Wasb-p4 


FAzereed opon as the 


Tho reronlos will leave Washlugton ot § A. M. of Fri- 
Jday, the 21st, and arriyo at Baijimore at 10 o'clock camo) 

Were arranged in the ehape of an urn, which covered fy 
We cnure bollding i 

Aneal abineh ie Interlaciog wreaths of evor- 
ages crmaroeted the tot of No. S40 The bag reed Hl omer es cia to tho pom of ie maenare 

Bind readered {i mort conspleaous, Tho pillars of the fg President and the perpotuity of the repablic, was neatly Fe 
Goers wero covered with black, surmounted by Union pg sdorned with sable ambloma_ * hy 


Tho workman dies—but the work goes on! 

His noble motive was the public good. } 

o'clock A. M. 

arrive at Now York at 10 A.M. F] 111. Companies D, Band H, Captains Riblet, a 

Ids crossed bpntaty oF bl t Hf" Gvor tho confectianory (No. 800) thero Is a Ilttlo een-Plland degrading alavery four millions of huruan, beings, fH coln, and 1 will ‘dio Under this roof before to-morron PY Leavo New York at 4 P.M. of the 26th, and arrivo at and Smith, aro dctull.d for speclal guard duty at tbe 
et the balling wes une Tolle etag. noe Me eaUro HM soos which ombodien the ead event which called tPA yorhape it wes necessary. fo ezhitit to thie people. nek Biche’”. He then rece from tho table and prozecued upBd Albany ot 11 P. Af. fA tian phere) sf 
BY fort, aod i eect on tho telumphi of our arma. Loom. Ey decpent and most abhorrent of eritpes inorder educate lr atating tbat he wan golng to bed. ila family cave Albans ai 4PM. of MWodoeeday, the 26th, and] IV. FLld and staf, dlmouoted, will report to the 
Hing up from labyrinths of sable, there ts an oblong panel fe ‘bt no more of the matter Ull dorrive at boMalo at 7 A. M. of Thursday, tho 27th. E]Colonel at the armory, at the hours of company roll’ 

his mother, on going hl 
back room 

God moves {o'w mysterious way, i and teat i tho lesson tbat here shou! be w punish thon 

of crape, which bears the sentences in whito church! Beforo this sad 

toxt:— \ 

ment for — treason, 
Pjyou found the 

fq down to th front basement, eaw him fn the 

Leave Butthlo at 10:10 A. M. same day, and arrvo atFcall Non.commissioned, staff, band and field musio™) 
In the act of brandishing a razor. He looked very ex- 

-j ba Cloveland at 7 A. AL of Friday, tho 28th. f] will report to the Adjutant at the same time, placo and 

A Union fag, the. red, whito and blue colors aupniloa fl proriers of treason in your ae a facas 
i Torre tre fhldst, ‘Thora were othert who wero not roady to cay facited, and exclaimed, In a loud volce, “This is the razor.'"Y Leave Cloveland at midnight tho same day, and arrive [4 hour. 
by bck, was bong tr the uppse wladow of toe Broad rt ‘RUon 18 DEATH pH peat to tue leaders of tu rebellion.” In epito of our ff His mother immediately screamed for belp,, bat. before at Columbus At 7-80 A. M. of Saturday, the 23th, fq V. Tho commissioned officers of this regiment are” 
ou, mal of Whe house, belo. bandsomely.drapei IT BADDENS OUR VICTORIES! prisoners starved by thousands In Southern prison peas; any ono could respond the unbappy boy had succeeded pM Leave Columbus at 8 P. M. eamo day, via Cofumbosand fil dirocted {o rvport to the Colonel at these headquarters 

large bieck bands, which passed from wi 
ea ds, pea 

indow Lo nonveseeevetsenseoreccceeccsssveoece cence 

xistence. Hodisnapolls Central Ra‘iroad, and arrive at Indianapolis’ 
fat 7 A. 3. on Sunday, the 30th. 

‘Leave Indianapolis’ at midnight of the samo day, vin 
Bf Lafayotto and Michigan Cy Railroad, and arrive at Chi- 
pogo at ILA: ML. of Stonday. May 1 
Ba Lovo Chicago at 9:80 F. M, of May 2, and arrive ot 
Pi Springfeld at § A. ML of Monday, May 
fq Tho speed of all trains ts reduced to twenty mil’s per 

Kqhour. The timo of doparture and arrival {s ordorea by 

Eo Friday, 21st instant, at olxht o'clock P.M, and the, 
ka bon-commissioned officers aro directed to report at same 
}q place, on samo dale, at nine o'clock P.M. By order of 

| Colonel EMMONS CLARK. 
J. HL Ligsrwav, Adjutant, 

General Orders—No. 9, 

Twenry-svoox Naniowat cone, } 
‘New Youx, April 20, 1865. 

In pursuance of orders from dtvidion and Brigade besd= 
A quarters, this roy rent Will parade on Tucsday, the 265i 
Inst, Wasist In rondering appropriate houors to the 
rena os of that jMlustriows patrot whoso loss, 1a jae 
hour of victory, the nation now deplores. 6 

Re: {mental | be will be formed at ten o'clock A.M. | 

‘The Weld and s\alf, dismounted, will report to tho coms. 
macdaply and the néo-commis ohed stad, band and drum 
ere ya eport to the adj taht; at a quarter to tem 
Jo clock. - 3 

Tio commandant expects that every member. of the 
regiment Will nite Im testilying thelr resect to th/y 
monory of that reat man who dled at LEFpest, havin 
performed bia dury most wubly to the oud. 
foe order for linuallon drilton ‘Thiiraiay, 27th inst, U 
hereby countermunded. 

By order of JAS F. COX, 

Lioutenant Colonel commanding Tweniy-second ro 
B mout Nulloval Goan. =tste New York. 
LW, Deas, Aijntant 

‘A meeting of oficcr: and oldlors, who Lave served \. 
Bi during this var, will (ake place this (Friday) ovening, ae 
‘199 East Thirteonth atrost (old \fedleal College) to organize 
for the purpose of Jolaing lu tho obsequies to the late — 
President. ¥ 

ot beeding the bayonbitig of surrenderod goldlors upon i Pulting an end to Bie 

uo bate ded; forgetful oferta tho muon hori that 
could deplét or brala coucelve, there was s gonoral 4 
eadency to bo lontent even to tho chief men of th tease FEELING IN THE ARMY. 
rouabloeatal Who can tarwhst tsrblo Jadgaunt was = 
Inecorgury to educata us Into “the desth poualty for. tral ‘ora 
iors? don sald bat yesterday, ac It werv, Tot the lustitu- a ee 
Baangcanrans, Any oF rox Porowac, 
‘April 16, 1863. 

tion eurvive. But to-day comes a choton oa of tho| 
South, a son of toll, to Oll the place of the man we 
moura, tnd to wield In our mldst forthe ensuing four : 
‘Tho Major Genoral commanding announces to thofigthe military authorities to bo closely observed. A pilot 
my that official intelligenco has been recolved of thopeC¥sine 18 to bo kept ton minutes In 

years’ the most powerful infinonco wielded by! 
vance of the train, 
leath by ossassination Gf ibe President of the United fe 

fany man upon the ge:t7s"Thetber he may 
Proyel) Hola saegeas> eh IPA yoL leo NNDE| fand the special train 1s f all cases to hava the risht of 
Rsisies: fq tbe road. A special car for the romal ced 

Inamber of coaches are to ba provid each rood. 

rovealed In God can trust him Of] 
Jone Ching wo camrrest wall essursu No moro amnestlea 
KY A couple of officers have bovn detailed to proveod over Hy 

Swill go forth from the White House. Audrow Johngon| 

Tho windows of the store No. 609 has, amid cartalny of 
sable, a broad mourning #bicld oontalniog the morcifal 
f] wordh of Mtr. Lincoln at his foaogural:— 

The St Denis Hotel cannot fail to attract the notice of 
[all who visit Broadway. Every story is the scene of| 
elaborate chains of mouraipg, gracefully intermingted| 
‘with whito featoons Tho 108 and other portions of jy 
tho balding aro clinilarly drapod. |. 

‘The nest splay, to be eer uear Minion aquare tx that 
pj over Wallack’s theatre A Iurgo eat of the tate Pro-| 
dont, deeply shronded, Us exhiblied above ita/priacipel 

trate, Beneath, on’ great banner, enclosed 1p 

Sod. Tho mingling of tho Union 
alors with the black rurroundiogs of We pillars have 
Bax. wiriking eMfeet. 

‘On (be corner of Howard stroot and Nrosdway a largo 
PaloUng of Mr. Lincoln was bung, with » representation 
@E tho goddess of liberty weopiag” Tho entire front of 
Ae lai an appropri drs 

(0, 440 tho leWuars A. Le in wilte on a black ground, 
etgtated thee ruloy cf us cubation 

Appleion'a and the Cy Assombly Rooms bad both 
epEpate moinlvg decorations 
Gen of Brostvay wan At 'Hovitus AURA Ie" dye 

Pio wcesnd story was ths (ollow tog mottos 

rer, Ween, North and Bouth proura, 
Fer the groalset rida of wilhring buwnenity le gone 

eenevaseessenearsiotes nab ecaceestsetteoeedeoee| 


Ie oman of sterling sense ant integrity, and we can| 
trast to tho icp ot Tin heart, Te ues bean educated Poa the morning of tho 26th Inst: 

omen A Bae oats mo 
SUSRE dio 1eatere eh is Veboties Seateth {ES Fg To this anoy, this announcemont willbe received with i 

Thlenadlon Ihrough Tus tronbips Sea belie ode ncone ef rovound eorror, and deep horror and indignation, TEofed'St0 be widely pabllabed, in order to give thoso along the 

foture Wa, bed every faith th Aenbor fuse, to hlopy President, by the active Interest be ever took Iu the wol- fg ronte at points ee ee me ee) Piso r 
ames of heart and-burianisr; but we shausht eure bf EStonity to ebow their lovo and respeot for tho lost 
foro of thls army, and by his presence in frequent visits, ig 
patie that 8 tlle ‘moro of tho sternnass of tho ticer Bd especially during the recent operations, bad ‘purticulasly ea oblot. fe 
Pent ave bean tho bettor for thee umes of bloody Pcndeared himself to both oMlecrs and toldicrs, all of B 
revolution. | The pow Preaideat bas had the ui paenuared Mimaiel’ to born ofcars and voldters all of 4 At the varioas potats on the roxte where the remains 
Fafoondings which ring out Were atiributer | Tovraleys noble pairiot, and engacious statamen, bas fal ‘No Ajaze to bo taken from the Licarse car by State or municipal 
See en eo ne. free republic Hf these Toallng F4 greater oss at thia particola-moment could Lave bde-faq suthori(les to receive public honors, according to the 
gine, who would bare etrask thelr couniry down, i ‘alien our country. Whilst we bow with submission tof i ti 
Pyare to be allowed to live cumolested opon itey the vofathomable and inscrutable decroes of Divine . FES prexrastmag tbe pe erues ougpeacenenen, 
Ha entry rood ed Ne te neon Lor thelr Providence, Jet us earaostly pray that God In Mla Infinite RqeTMPECmeuts es may bo fitting ani appropriate to H 
Pia cos j aod Wi o ol co. » te ‘ e 
lorbenbranc he Freon tsk to the Wannnyton Pl hnvon'a bard Teck Hey wil wan fd ert he pT un se ak hi ae calamity hall wok the oseaion, eager the dresion of he zllary com- 
theatres In yeurs past ehion tho play of Macbelb wan por: better part of valor, and (ake tholr departure —fly. from BR Btn oP FORD sap eepbiuess of 9 beloved Fj mander of tho divison, department or district; but the 
formed, a portlou of which now forma his appropriatepy te Wrath to coin. "Lot them Mnd a homo whéro thoy i Fjromains will continue always under tho special charge 

py country. GSO. G. MEADE, Major General Commanding. 
epltap [Yor the ofllcers and esoort assigned by the War Depart. 

Wo nth borne bis feoaltice go racok; hath bees 

So cloar In bis froat oftce, that Lis virtucs 

Will pload Like angels, trompet (ongued agatnat 

Tho deep daronatton of hin taklug off 

And Pity, like waked, now born babs 

Riding thle blash, or heaven's cherabim, horted 
Upon the wingléss courters of the al g 
Shall blow the horrid desd Io every e; 3 

‘That gears shall drown the wind! H 
sevnoncecceney ceeeeereeoee sees re cere-scecereveeced) 

‘One could scarcoly read this Inscription withont calling: 

Yo evo of tho low y windows a mooumental stone was 
Placed, on one alin of which was the following:— 

“Too President dica—we mourn; 
The nation lives—we roles. 

On the reverse side were the words:— 

To wan n good tap and n just one. f 

pecceas wieeserteg resetinecce ites eocrmovce estore’) 
‘The Heiter 1, overtopped the entiro epitaph. 

‘Tho store of Brooks Brothers was draped from top to 

JS can on the face of God's earth, for no mora guilty crea. GENERAL ORDER—NO. 16. 

MISCELLANEOUS DECORATIONS. f] (ures, no more criminal men {0 the eyes of God and the pM Heavgvanrsns, ARuT 01 bs 
; ae Sie eer eee 
to oor deren of the mosralng decorations of tbe govety coer ened Tal ox bate Jie and mony ori ns” | 

ba] In obedience to General Orler No. 69, curront corles, 

The veterans of 1812 will moct to-ulght, 28 Ss. 
Bj from the {ollowing order:— 

Ri Veterans of the warof 1812 of thisand tho ndjacont 
leounties are requestet to nssomble nt thelr heatquarters, 

Colonel H. M. Robogon and Captain J. C. Wyman, of! 
[General D. ©, McCailum’s staff, have bec dotasted to 
}@preeedo tho funeral corti, and arrange transportation 
(3 upon the various railroads, 

Jascription— } 
were necessarily nok noticed, for want of space. Among 
ma ee AmoPE RY A very haudsoine postical tribute to President Lincoln kd 

Detiom, and prompted quitan siping appearance, 
0 jor'e, Over (he iain eutravee, i " 
ay’ ives, was tho bY city publiehed Jn Wednesday's papor a number of plao-af martyr Presidont and tbe brave tica who. hare fallow ti 
centr pervert a SY | Be battlo, ghting in the defence of thelr country. From the War Dopartmont, ths flags at all camps and 
OUR CHIEF HAS FALLE! py theso wore (ho houses of tho two fre companies in AnnFA wan recliod by its wuthor, Mr, Wille stations In thisarmy will be kept at half-mast during 
oe wecere necerecerevarececccceoecoe OH yin 5 ME, 

Tabor, Aner 4 weg 
Fd its thy mecting adjourned With the singlpg of tho dox fe] Wednesday noxt, the day appolnted for the funoral of} 

“ f Berwoan, No, 8, was yery neatly draped, and e0| 
maa Mamet bad tier ebliaeat elas Hfsiz was Southwark, ‘Nov 38 The sore af hick ee) ology, tuo late Prestdont of tho United States, ond all Ja.faj Te funeral train from hero wHleonsist of nipe cars, Beymer of Nrooine unl Mercor streota, on thls day 
Filzg-rald) tu duo site 4 near Broadway, was very taste. bor will be euspended for tho day throughoutf4*B!cb oro now being appropriatily draped In mourntag |} at four a'clock P.M, to express our feelings op 1 

f]2)1;  extonsvely draped with bands of black nif] Mecting of the Germans at the Tarn Hall, 
Fy Invurdketch of yesterday the ame of Mr, Jackronf.. {Av MeMtamection of tho Germans called by the 
ery placed In the wrong house. Itahould have bron Mr. py New York Turn-Vorcin, was held at the Turn Hall in) 
if ho lmnleds, the well known silk deater, 760 Hroadway. 
Mr. Daplols’ etoro Is bapdsomely draped,'and In one of 
Ue vehdows ts placed o portralt of Mr. Lincoln, with tr 
g followhug tusertption — 
Qeecececese cect seeereeneece-neserecceeserees oe seeeee 

1 Tie Wank wan, take hia Tora in alc 

7 i - ori ge Bfawfal calamity: that hae befallen our temo Ana count 
by Mr. John Alexander, upholsteror for the Executive py qrtul calamity that has bo fatiag or ae a oot 
fapplarsion. Too car in which tho remisios are to be depo- hin. and, the ateinut to. torr the He, Willa Th ae 
Histed Js draped on the outside with curtains of black MjSeward, Secretary of State, and his cons Monstrow 

ot Iver. Tho cu fro festooned ff insatintc, scorihless, vod of Renae, who wars at all; 1 
cloth, froged with ailver. “The curtains nro festooned fay heir cawndiy defence, these murdarer Uke a snake 
with heavy silver cord and tassels, supported by allver 8 noirod tury caime, led vn by Solon, fed by fre and tame 
eagien sd sete tha I of anak goud Man ayay, that 0 co 
The romains of Iittle Wille Lincoln have becn brought NOt live tw see novitiersdas: We ss torture the villane 

ublic. Nu citizen Ie safe, 
fin from Oak Hill Cemetery, and aro to accompany those 1 TT" Le a RAYMOND, Rrigndiee General, 1 

{of his father. ~ ABRAHAM 

‘Tye csoort will ba accompaniod by Messra Frank T. 

4 TOM. Pare, Adjutant. 
2 PS —Thee who cannot atteal ens 
FASands, Gcorge Harvey and W. J. Donobo, undertakers, fcatr at Roncasaok at SRM R ar arill please 

the Hmits of this command. Tho command- 
fog officers of tho yarous corps aro charged 
with tho exccation of thla order at the emp and de 
Be tached stations under their respective onfera. Treaty. 
Fone minute guns will bo iired under the directlon of the 
‘Chief of Artillery at twolve o'clock Mf. oa tho day men. 
Moned, hy command of Major General MEADE. 
GD, Rcvonss, Assistant AdJotapt Genoral 



Ab 04 wis tho isueriptlon— 

erence reece ceetret oe 

Othe “Guise 
cConumnvs—wasifix@roN—LincoLn, 3 

The headquarters of Avistaot Quartermaner Geueral 
‘Winton, No. $00, was elaboraicly draped, In front was 
We joscr:ption, 1a large letiers— \" 

rors rors coccerteneae tener 
And frend and foo alike 
__Apprvciate thee now. 

Ib a window of (03 was the Presldent’a Nkencss, 
@raped with flags and moarning, undor which was We 

pons rempane 12, 1609 
Ase UernATED APRIL 15, 1805, 
Moet strict In bis observance of what was right, : 

The Fitth Corps. 
Buargoanteas, Fura Avy Conra, 
Fanxvitts, April 16, 1865. 

We wero shown Wednesday a neat and finished epecimen 
[for & plaster cast of the hand of President Lincoln, exe. 
[] cuted by Mr. Leconte, of 214 Willlam street The oigioal 
Pa mould—the same from which tho one wo have reference| 

to seas faabloned—was mado In Chicago, frow Mr. To. 
coln’s own band, when he was first elected Presiden 
Bi) Tho haod ts clasplog atotm, cud isa fe piece of artis 
tlc workmanship. Tho er alls ar excel-| 
eat, aad the Knuckles 

[American colora Right and left of the atage were tof 
portraits of Grant aud Sherman. A transparency on thopey 
tego bore, on a white ground, fu large black letters, the 
followlog Inecription -— 


© olllog, No. 4.Gity Tinll place, om Saturday, for 

Irtwl Souletfens } 
A mesting of the convention of Irish eocioties was held. 
last eveutng, fo the Hibernia Hall, Prince street, A com> 
Hi mittee was appointed to act with tho Grand Marshal and 
confer with the cnmmitto» of the Common Council, hay. 
ing charge of the obsequles of the Jato President, nud 
moalse arrangemonts for the particlpation of the varoup 
Jolsh soctetioa 1 this Inst. tribute (0. ly Kroatncrs ang 
goodness, as also to prepare and submit rosoluilons bear- ¥ 
thg on tbo natiunal ercavement, The convention 
Jadjourued to Sunvay, 244 Inst, at threo o'cjock P. ML 

RPC BIT @fgfcols. The wows came unauthenticated; no ono credited 

DER MAERTYRER DES 10 GAHEAUNDERTS. } PA!—N2 ene could credit ft Soom camo a telegram—tho| 
erepeewesers rier seneeverevomseowessececere scorn a same Bett tO all corps commanders—conirming tho 
Another bore the following lnscription -— Gjromor. Iwill not undertake to describe the fooling 

Qevereesoenreceerse rmmcese-oreerssrevsccoroceetee es mete 

Preparations for the Meceptidn of the 
Remains in the Metropolis. 

famong ofllocre aud men when the trath of this terrible 
tragedy came to be Loca Ta entre ta iat eeiaitte ky The preparations for the reception of the remalns of; 

b ecoranaroTEREN_QHOSSEN. TC ceenoo fA tea loud of sorzu osormuadona the aruy. Follow. B y 

Tafront of ihe hall on the gallery, whore the Tarecpy 8 24c10% opon our late eplendid victories and withpd raonced. ‘Tho back entrances of the City Hall wero 4 
boll a witoated, was ths od Natio ag OF the Turner regi faj ecu darrn!ng prospects of permanent peace, this kragedy FA toardod up yesterday £0 a3 to it 8 
ment dlzplayed. The extertor of the Tuen Hall was ales Gece Cen(0ld more terri. [: Ratio vant weet ote 
ppropriately decorated with drapery and emblems off 
ouroing. A transparency bore, in large lettre, the fol. The SixthiCorps., 

pervormed bis work, That part of the palm of the hand| 
What romalns viaible, and tho fleshy part, or ball, of the 
, with tho wrinkles tn tho ekin, are Guished almost 

most rigid Ju bs adherence to Justice, 

Xo, $10 bore the following:— 


Tho Dulidiogs and odices tn the Central Park weref 

Fear bot, Abratam: Lam thy shield Toy reward “$f g jowiog fuseripton:— MM. OHANLES H, UANNAx’s DasPutoR. tho funeral eervioes are takiog pla News from New Orlean j 
‘hall be exceellagly great Genes Fy draped Is mournlug Wednesday, the acs being alto at tory 8 esr eee Se orapamorene ee Sn SES] oe CS A i 
esonssooeneepsceeds tras navesoanee nian halfmast. AU work was susp: the uniformed Sarai ae escaranmens, Serra Anat Cons, } fgths construction of a grand ealyaique yestentay In the New On.zase, April 16, Vie Carn, April 20, 1865, |» 

£3 fore of 
Wood's Minstrels displayed a lixenom of the deceased gy tbirty daya The throng of vimtore to tho 
Preaident, together with a igure of the Goddess of Lib- pi si 
erty, Urderneath was the following molto:— 


Pf To-day ia ong of Jubitco ta houor of the wurrender oF 
El General Loe and the occupation of Mobile by tho Unto ~~ 
If forces, oF 
fy Large numbers of robel otragglora are comipg into our» 
the eontiments of the army in relaiion to this horrible Common Council. hae fats : s) 

idoui’s death was ol cast, co to eay, Dy the axsarciapel Test In the fall de of success, in tho teightest hour |THE TOE THE THOCESSION WILL MOVE-—A OON-HA Oo. 11o9 19 very mach depressed; ealea of good ordinary 
Tish batty the taltrs Sribo Sout He emopared we havo eee daring tbe lt oar ears, this bloody and ~ FEAANCE Winn tn oovinsou axp onNnat pix BH Cilloe ney much lene RICA el har 
ie BL EM ancl aa Te Plycsterday in Brooklyn by the closing of all places off tetas tiation of Lincoln with the murder, by Spanlal By terribic tragedy haa been enacted, and now all tbe Joy tvun SEEN IN NEW YORK, ATO Pi duce, dry goods ani ull staple articles are offers! a8 
eee louse are bot Ee sincen aad exrriow in umber of the charceg res eer anes illam, of Orange, dating the war wpb resulting from recent successes havo bean ORKe BX: Ml sroatly reduced pricas, without burere 
As Bua sent as MATRA OR Fia liga ee aC Te Foetus wires. Thofaof independence of the Netherlands The death of this overshadowed. ‘Tho f-elluga of Menoucy and {riondabipfag T® Jolnt committeo of the Common Councfl met yes: "Arye, bark Ji Ualfray ad bi Arrowireo, trom 
as of the rondored Treideut were placed in the win, Efery direction, hich, torether with the eombre teupiltalelog thse ladepead neq and ater ey Bane expertonced, and co largly and widely practiced fterday again, Aldorman OWwell inthe chat. Fi vitiadeiphin; ebjp Hops, from Botton; whip Gnicua, 
i surrounded with insiguisof deopest woaralug, "Ou fh HZ4 on the Routes! io ouor of tho lato Prveidenspifiuo founders of the great flate of Now York. TheBhand dellove tte leon Wace bose bad ae ereenlz2 fe] Goneral Gaxneon lated that ho hed commonteated ffm Now York od pening Siar lefh 
peatn and sls desertod apiescance of the streets, made pg NetherIanders, who abroad fought for thelr Independence, BY ecemad to Indlcata that peace and prosperity were coon Lopaq With General Duryea to ascettaln how far th eae Yori 8 

lange plese of canvass, i prowinuut characters, were y slenmern Geer uf 
“! = F re eopaned f° 72 the evening many of fave the United States it pana. Thename of Lincoln Ml bo restored. A aurision of the militia will co-operate with tho Firct ia}. Thostock of collos on band and ehip boerd 1s 10,587 
2 Norhiog Gea bas been lked of daring the day, and 

OCOCROOELOLEEE PPLE REPO LOLETE POD EELS, ‘We slores were reopened. peeforth wil sbne in bistoy ths 0 * u 

reeset fs that of tho great e 

There was io this mau something that cosld crate A emancipator, who martyr of bis eontary.. ‘Tue tee had| the ple amuassination are anxiously Isoked path? obscatice. He also dastrad to know when the onre. fi Pal 
FA monies will tako pao, to enable him to gfe orders 10 

febvers or reform; ap uoderstanding, a spirit and an} Fcome when' Southern traitors shoald bo dealt with ac 

feloqeetie to want om mankind to society oF Lo break § cordin {o law to receive thelr reward. This would bo} Eltho militia Tho route cnggested yestoriay, at a fonoral 
ie boods of slavery as oder, and to rule awilderces} Fa the result of the of oor beloved Proeld nt. s bs 

Of free mclnds with unbounded aathorty; somethings Meeting at the Post 0; fe] Axkeries of resolutions were pated, embodying sentl- 2 

Neat cvold establivh apd orermbelm emp ra, and sinkes f Bome fro hundred pera 1 ee ments of coudoleae for tbe bareaved family ef ttre mar. ON COI TN DEE 

1 biow te the world that wruald. resound tarvogh whos hs omployes of the depert.4e dored Vresident, and a pledyo of the assembled ever toflt Heanquarrmns, Nesra Conra; Ax op tn Porowsc, 

iaulverse, ee the Postmaster, Mr. Kelly, and Mesa REG ame of Abraham Lincclp abd (0 support Heuanevise Joxcnioy, Va, April 16, 1865, } 

rehecooenertedsrentitree-aene ett, Kaapp, Collla aud otbers, resembled at the Posifg he Present stuinisiretion in all (us rosasares for the Pl ot t rf 
Tes bere eotitshment Ofice yesterday aflersooa to eelebrale 1a an app oppression of Uais sccuried tebellion p | A3 a thunderbolt falls, eo did tho nows of tho assasat- 

Boaxervnis Stamos, April 19, 1665. 
General Meade’s official announcement of the death of| 

Shortly after elght o'clock the meeting organized pi 
Py under ie presidency o€ Mr. Melxuee, tho President of (hoy 
PjTurs-Vereln. He introduced, ax to Orst speaker, Mr. 

Frederick Kapp, who, in the course of tho remarks bog 
made, observed that tho pistol tall that caused tho Pre- fe 

lobby frouling the entrance to the Governor's Room, aud 

B aiternoon was very great, and all things were draped 1s 4 the cotiro aiair will probably bo completed to-day. 

ippropriate reference to tho solemuiies of Who day. 

Hii life was genie, aud tse cleanen x 
‘Dim that nalure might xad wp and sony 10a 
the world, tnia was a man, 

The Dey in Brooklyn. 
fj The day of fasting, bumllistion and prayer, as recom. 
fe] mended by the Governor of Us State, was fully obsacred| 


Cuaxcy.—On Thursday, April 20, of conmeaptton, | 
outa, wife of Bartholomew Clancy, in tho 25ib year oF 

ends of tho family are respectfully i 

The Ninth Corps. 

Ymove over, Ho suggested that the procession movo a) 
fone a'clook P.M. from tho CltygHall 
‘Alderman Jowaaan moved that the viewing of thol 
body ba stopped at twelve o'¢lo-k on th» day of 
departure from the city; that the arrangementa for pl 

Invited to attend ue funeral, frm the reaidence of hem 
rivther, $24 Uberry street, on Saturday affernoon, ot (we 
a otelock: ‘ 
<3 [For of\er Deaths See Third Page) 

¢ Terany te Co 

sented a 

iyace in Eatuanal caer ie prate i) the west upeatcar was Dr. Ca Reewcam, who observed aation of oar Chicf Magistrate and the attempt apon the fd arpa yee from tbe ity BAI uk parilva orcko 
ea e he A ES to sezerlly commerorated that ater tle eeasn of eu olgred Frildent wo ep-§UScerelary of Stat, descead opon ue Wi tbe dnif fro that the proceasion move as oae tclcex preciee]y” 
ew ccessersrassoseuasteevesreetommorovesoeesanestp NLS Hed Biaies—the death of our hoo v than ever his wletoca and bis polley. Wo ‘Moped, 
¥ raceneteresen $Eprresioene The Post Oftee Building wan decoraicd witt-(l °°" arelve thai be wax equal (9 bigh fusilen be ae apeSiing eeiky Maa Wd eae ‘General SArorons mid he mold Uke to know whoo thet Gena 
e'tdved Bika, tad bow well E- Am ace A remalrin will I y might issue orders pt A MERION 
Gol ove bia, mites . fee hae [ih the American colors draped inp} Tus eicaker bime:it Dad fozad fault withthe policy} meDt thal the head of the nallon was Tost. ws, canted iy ee araceo lanes tee OF CEA cn eee ESTA or Site hea 
O take Vics Lame 4 c ern Mating (oF the I'resident+ bol We DOW vee that he waa yreate i Mt bo abe i 
Shenk Jimmies Ras [ate preparsuions hed boon ede fr qpeching cog jand wiser than wk.” Wo now feel tbat Lincoln has beou fq]'22 8041 of Who. great Rosia now congregated in ula Th comm{tin tld they would be able to furnish the Bl 
Bitio’s c mi and he thes cans iiata aces eee ead om F speaking end 7 ihe groat ecasncljator, wbom tha negro race will recog-pq Viclclly to recall with horror unspeakable, On Councilman Hiacenrr mored hav thee hh 
Beaquert display of discary Si Hevlad, GhoXed Wy the Amertean fag, tlm draped (a olia.40 their sxvior. This grat repubile Nas, throush Pot the asd event was received at these Bosdquartara at muniealo with tho Police Cover taloners, WATING CREEOLXEST Ie ee 

the blood of Linosla, & tre demeereey Treason and 
' walle, and Mr Walter wecretary, "A report #4 (D8 Tebeliion Uo prostrate, aud to Keaven be thanks that Sf y 
fg ™ ceceivel from Mr. Collin, reproscotng a commitice {if 2 Jobowa we Lave a Preaidaut wo will pat Lia foot enpacoavéying the tar! 

pelo ted to take prepareuous for parUclpatiog 1a the} !h 8d #0 keop Ik down, alan 

ee) * 

arly boar Yast roping, when coples of the telegram (4 tbelt c9-oporation. 
: a ME NRE. Alderman Ryaxs amersted the motion hy sole|itoling 

wero transmiticd with Blue secrolary for the cuairma, Tue sazeniweul wus erat’ 
y to dlrtrion and brigade commanders, and ere theAfadosted > aaa ea | 

Wiiory wong ost » portrac che DAE, BLT. M. Mallett was appotaied cbalrman of 

ot reed te wipes 3% le upon Sbe reception of tke remalae of thee}, 10 Conclusion ap eAdrem was delivered by Mr, Edwardes lye of another hour itt waa the all absorbicg vo Laibar bs 
live hs the Lear of op ety ete . alan e rms s = nolber hour Ww a gtbemolg The Cramuan stated (hat a avb.comraitien Nal eon. fey HKErm Coat WAG re 1 
Vecttessandesepsretetiesncscestereor hy ie chin Mieclly, afer Which Mr. J, ¥, Rogers pre-f 4 Mceller, tbe "Turn baiber, iin otteers in thelr quertary, and tho wen surrounding pe formed wth Goveraas Frain, nud lint the. srraeonionta Oates son at 
froat of r t H ob scien Se = tbe camp free. maile and proposed thua far’ mot ly ap : 
we in beck & } REO LESIONS: ClUzens! Meeting In Phird Avenoe J intienetion te beptnning to vent fteelf In terms fond po raid also that the Adjutant Geverstof tl —__—__—_ oe 
is us providence of Almtesty God A large and wenyectable siaeulhig cf cilinas of thaF{ S24 44D, a0d the pollte consideration and delicacy which Pd ta the city Lo-day, tosvarer ait vee ee H WWOCUN OINTMENT <WARRANTES 
nara tiles OF Coble Fresideot, Abrabesa 1 icon ty Mba ward ectbractag (oa fitaa chai ted the trastment of the rebola la our gy Geveral Mate waited apon the commilion, with ® mee Htbeus tbe sea age sted Bul 
= eo eaentoen | peas A ats se yi a rearesly Lo be mupiremed and pt eage from (he Govere.f, Witter Ue abi Barcel 8 
; Panecied ‘with 4 cy mat Bip ea Tasnay wraning Bd rence ine betas Mia meted to us, x0 ebail it by SE fer «ith the Governor w oral Dix : = 
decal Hit, for the perce of Uking FulALiv (0 the ax BENG emo Wem The epint of magnaniinlty which wasp eadquarierm thle iaoraing st full jot G took SAL PON CHASSIBICATION, A 
© ton of Preadant Liseoln, da, Waxer ANU ewmewens au Resrts ts loa for thet ine, {if A inolioa aoepting the Nai wan adopled, 4d ut ~\ 
y F pree ded and Mr secretary. AES wabste a yo BING ie wore coat at Which By acother mot my daviting the Comptralier Lo wn operaie 5 ueWynD —tosr, 4 soar HW ORKVE TERRIER | 
Last’ Linehiny we, 0 he sesien of hig Es} roy FETA DANS ERECA Wie day, aod FU laa rilloe which BAAD with (lie commltion, wes ikaw ae Yorn Fae aware rernnt aiil i Unmrtindne ty Yeni 
i SY syocouctive ssdelibiiaa, denouncing “he LAtwen réqcirse Wo the Cooospihivent of the greal pute td” Ths Cusimery of tue conference euinmlites enpache-d Al hiss at fp Woot Bute PPS GH ® UCL, 

7 .