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Deplorable Condition of the 
National Treasury. 

Another Appeal of Secretary 
Dix to Congress, 

Contemplated Attack on 
Fort Pickens. 
Formidable Preparations for Attack- 

ing Fort Snmtere 
aarti nee 


The Serious Charges Against 
Mr. Floyd. 

What the BEx-Secrotary Says of 


The Final Act of the Presi- 
dential Election, 

Official Counting of the Vote by Both 
Honses of Congress. 

The Ceremony Previous to the Inaugu- 
ration of Lincoln and Hamlin. 

Another Selzure of Ammunition by the New 
York Polke, 

hey Rey 



Wasnuoroy, Feb, 13, 1661. 
Tho Secretary of tho Treamury Las sent another let- 
ler toMr. Shorman, tho Chairman of the Comralttes of 

Ways ani Moans, of which tho following ls a copy:— 

‘Tarascon Drvarncexr, Veb. 18, 1881. 
‘Sm—"U1s Iodisponsablo that I ebould give fo,day no- 
too of a loan of $8,000,000, in order that the goverument 
may bo lu funds to meet indispensable paymentaon the 
Fst prox. Tho obstacies unexpectedly: thrawn {a tho way 
ot "tho pacrage of tho bill. toported by your 
committeo yesterday, sutboriziog the scceptance 
ef the guaranteo proliered by soveral of the Suites, 
compel "mo reluetastly to” ask for tha loan of 
the veoal terias, for, io the present dutracted etate of 
tn6 country, should Nt continue, 1 fear thore ancct bo a 
ken of clght handred thousand dollars. Cader alt the 
‘e.rcumstances, bow over, Instead of calliog for $2,060,000, 
kg 1 suggestoa ia my lotter to you of tho 11th inst., £ 
Lavo thought it advisable to. atk Tor £5,000 000, ress 
{egies of decay to eer He sen 
Aeemod “Ghadvantageras (0 the Calted States, “nit 
taking the cbance’ of a f°2h*-Ghonee 1a the 
political condition of the country within ths noxt 
‘days, at the end of which poposals for tho loin 
‘wi. be received Allow me to rewind you that tho 
Yoon Dilly under which Task for proposals, wat not yo 
fented for tho sppruval of Who Presigeat’ ati ths Kh 
fst, and that en the th ioSt., Saturday, thero was aot a 
‘quarm of your ccmenittes toacton the bill eported ye-- 
terpay accopling tho guarantee of tho States. 1 advert 
To lhcso circumstances to exonerato mseclt in tbo. jody 
ment ef Whovo who havo aa interest ia. tho discharge of 
iho liabilities pressing opoa tho Trearary from apy wan! 
‘Of diligecce oa my yeu Your commltico, 1 balidro, al 
‘nderatand that miro thao tive eilions of Treasury notes 
hive beoa redesmed out of tho current repens, aud 
Cant -Bout two milljoos mere fall dus before the ib of 
Mirch Jess the amount obo pald infor public duca, makiag 
oarly the eight colllicus now requled to moet tbe pablie 
wants before tbat day; Wat moro than oa-ibied of the 
rovenuo derived from tho customs Is paid in Treas)iry 
sbotes, duc at fulure day; agit tbat tho. pressat_embal- 

Yam 04 atato of te Treandes ariees fro tho opsration 
Oper system which compels tho goveramcut to’ sat\- 
Aijpte the payment of is edie oot cf Ms car 
robb reyelyice As 1 bave desided to. isguy fle. 
woticg for n loan today, I aps coustraived to 
Foot that the bill reporlol yertarday may not be 
Seted on, ss tho expsstation of w éall OF afoaa nt a fata‘ 
Gay ca pusreetecd sioeke could uot fail to havo very 
Manama. ropomi's tobe made fur 


who avo beretofore taken tho loans of governmeat, that 
weolecs tHiery (5 -a eotllomont of tho present troubles they 
wlll nota traueg a olla. Uniter these etroamstances be 
doubts the propriely of cdvertising for atean, and set the 
government has pot dollar In tho Treasury. 

Tho Secretary of the Troseary bas advertised for pro- 
pla Lil saturday, 290 inzl, for the $8,000,000 loan un 
dcr the bate set, succserful Viditers to depoalt the amowat 
aco"pled co oF Lefaro tho frst of Alsreh, 

Wasiasarox, Feb. 13, 1861. 
Governor Floyd, who 1s now absent in Virginia, as 
eaased (0 fullovilny pablicallou to bo made, addressed to 
tho pabuie — 

Wasoewos, Fob. 19, 2861. 
The nenyerous ossaolle which Lavo’ beea ma Je apn 
waF chasaciur for several weeks past lo the po wspapor?, 
fant Whlely, front thele pagrea apd nature, could not be ro" 
to, aves at lengtd culminated in a report from the 
Oirumitice of Wp Tloceo of Representatives, submitted 19 
Wat body oo Ure 120b tost. 

‘Tho report & an ex prri¢arra\coment of my olficlAl cou 
duce Upon ee parte 4 etimony,, taken infecret ln my ab- 
face. Hels a bore avtemupt fy lanwodfio and by means 
a5! circumstances In Uyp alsssuc> of proof to fix upoa ina 
wma vnexpscted cocbplichiy with a rosberyof the 
forernment, of which I no kuowledge untit 
Bbsat tho twe It was publicly discleed, and pow that 
Thess clairges hare bech peat in form and ave emansted 
frem ou aeihoritatire soaros, C plodgo mayaclt to tncet 
then Uy full resperze 2 $098 bs the Feport of this com 
malttos, Wil the cyideneo Lakea by I, bas beep priate 1 
snd can bs exam JOMN BL FLOYD. 

Inte to the wtntement of Senator Benjamin b 

fore Mes select coruraltiee of the Howso, that ho bait jo 

Tormiel the Preskeot that Secrotary Floyd was (52005 
ecocptances, it Li duo to the Prealitent to say, that ho in- 
mediately, Iberefore, ent fer Mr, Floyd and inquired Ly 

Why oulberity he issced them. Mr, Floyd sald there 
was no law for or against it, But it Bad been tbe practice 
of tho Ucfastwcat. Tho President eald the practice was 
wrong, aud Listrected him to pay what Be bad ter 

., Bote Insue uo more, whic Mr, Flos promised to do, 
tho Freeitent being under the Impression tat caly a 
nal ram of mouoy was involved 

Thers {sna treih In the etatement pabliabed in some 
newspapers that Mr- Fly or “Lis counsel baye pleaded 
to the act of 1857 In bar of the presceution pending here 
sgalnat bisa, 

Waser, Feb. 13, 1861. 
The Iece Convention met today al twelve o'clxck, 
and were faformed by tho commites that they 
Ted wat Jct agreed pea o plan of settlement, 
Bed a:kcd for futher time, Tue Coavention - gave 
teem Gott! Frbay, when tho committee tought 
Uey Woold Vo able ro repurt, Tee lodleatioes are, from 
Abe votes that Lave teva taken, that Che plas eubmitted 
vy Mr Gaturie, Which the Timuip Bas alresty 
Pablisbed. will tetLe ooe edoptod. They may 
vary WW yourirhst, Sol We bass will! be Guthrie’, 
and. it wil be sutataol ly the benter Sates; 
bath free att live Tbs New Fuotand States, with come 
ethers, WL ctyess this; ant-probably bring ferward 

neen, after & Brief Knew, of pocamonia, He was la 
ailepdance vn the Peceo Oneferenco, and waa Chairman 
AU ile ceyecieation. Dy was a member of Oxcgrems 
roriog the administraiton of bo yeorger Adams; alter 
wards Jouge of the Scpreme Court ef Ohio, and for many 
yeare editor of the Cinctnmati Gaze. His remaiee will 
Vo taken to the Welay Tlouso tomorrow morning, (9 
avait (he nrrivalof his friendn From that ery. 


? ‘Wasmnsoros, Yeb. 13, 1861. 

The (we house met et precleely twelve o'clock M. The 
Jrarrals of both were rea/l, when the Senate proceedeal in 
& Lady to the House, withoot the lightest disturbance or 
tipo of posthiog ef the kind. All the mombern of the 
House ecdinearlpall tho members-of the Veace Congres 
are pon the fear. 

The-counting of votes in golng on in the. presence of 
the two boutes, Vice Proident Breckinridge presiding 
and Ureaklng the seal of each Stale, Tho voto is do- 
clréd by Mr. Phas, of Misourl, coe of tie tellere on 
thepart of itp House. Quiet relgns. acprema, not only 
In tid about the Capitol, but Uhrougbout the city. 

The certificate of the Electora from South Cafolina to~ 
day doen nol Uceiguate the place of residence cf Breek- 
inrlége end Jane, which contrary to tho: constitution. 
The Florida, Oregon apd Minnteota Eloctora did not ettto 
(hal the favorite candidates Of their eororal States. were 
lected by ballet, ag required by Ust~coustituttow> Ta 
each of the abore cases the tellera read wufficient to 
bow the facts to the House, and as no member objected 
the errors were allowed (0 pass. 

Among the forelga ministers preeent in the diplomatic 
gallery today. rhen the yotes were belng counted, wero 
Lord Lyons, Mr. Huleeman, of Austria; Mr, Schloiden, of 
Bremen; Mr. Irvine, of the Britie Legation, and tho 
family of tho Kuselan Minlstar, Tho French Minister 
eas ou tho four of the House. 

A strong police force was stationed In various parta of 
the Capitol thle morning on the House aide, apd some 
Farls of the building usually open to visiters were choecd: 


There Is certainty acalmor and more confident fecl- 
fog obtaining aroopg republicans isco tbe of- 

Ut n formidable cembleatico la orgzaizicg to operate oa 
Mr. Licooto to force bim to appoint t) hia Cabinet mn 

to wecomfertable to the Senater from New Yerk that be 
‘will Wot remain in the Qsdinet. This organization ts 
mate vp principally of tha demccratic free soll element 
(0 the republican party, with rome old wbigy wbo havo 
keeg besa envious of Soward’s execs This com- 
Bination 9 determined to havo contre! of the 
Cabicet or break up the Uniew. They are at do- 
cHedly feccealonista as the Yanceys, Rbetts and 
Keitis, only they have not their courage. Thess 
men are agalost all compromire or concessions, 204 de- 
mand {at the covservative whign who ropported Lia- 
cola abould come over to thelr own Idea of eternal bos 
tity to viggers And nothieg else. 

Mr. Wadsworth, of New York, ono of the Peace Com- 
‘nteeioners, held a meeting lost night, which was attended 
bby the faithful free eoll democratic members of Congrees 

allerdance was not" as largo as was expectod, as gentlc- 

hopeful of euccess. Weed, who is bere, understands the 
rchemes, and will blow them oui of water before the 
President's lnaugaration 

‘Tho repab)ican party Is feat drifting on tho breakers 6 
disunlan, abd nothing bot resistance to this abolition 
clement by Mr. Lincoln can eave the Union and his party, 
‘There will bo a terrible explosion before many days. 


Tho hotels are now noarly all full, and the ecramble for 
‘office ang the [nside track under the new razime Will e000 
fairly commence. 

Arras AT Morne. 

Lelters from Mobile of the Bt inst etalo that thero 
‘were then garricontog Fort Morgan and Port Gaines Sbout 
[four bondred State troops, who aro rcloved every ten 


pneacuss’ox Tim cans — 
Soventy thousand extra copjea of the late epce:hes of 
Gov, Andrew Jobneon baye been printed for circalation 
North and South. 



Gcial deelaration of tho electoral yote, Thoy tread 
‘with 3 Grm step, and look more cheerfal and self eatisiod 
oyery where. 

‘Wasucyoros, Feb. 13, 1861, 

Oning to apprehensions of a conspiracy of purpose in 
rejzing tho pubilo buildinga they hayo been privately 
guarded, though not In Large force, come threo weeks 
past; and, In addition to other fears, ths blowing up of 
tho Capitol was regarded as an erent wot Imposalblo, and 
hence crery nigbt a thorough examination of the ccllara 
fund vaults of that building bas boen mado by the Capitol 
police, to be gure thst 00 explosive materials had been 
Where clandeatlocly deposited for such purpeza 

Today the officers of, the arlillery were oa daty 
for the purpore of linmediately communicating with 
Congrese should ab attempt be made to attack 
the Capitol, and the mililary forces wero ready 
fo auyance at a minute's waralog, But there was 
vothing whatever vieible to excite tbe least apprehension, 
‘ud it cau safely bo asserted that nover daring the Last 
twenty years at least has the counting of tbo Prosiden- 
Val electoral yotes bees attended by belter, If a8 good, 
order 8 ob the present occasion, 

Governor Hicks, of Maryland, was examined to day by 
the speets! committce, His belief that a conspiracy 
exited iv connection with tbe federal capital was, he eald, 
fuperindnecd by private and ancaymous letters and 
newspaper articles, aud that wel combinations did uot 
exist [a Marsland butin otber Southern States. That 
ft the thioe o€ his pablivation, tu the beginning of January, 
Lip wos va} lefied there were existing organtzatlons, baving 
Ja ylew on Wegal imterfereaco with the federal saimorie 
ties tho selaite of potlis property bul for gome timo 
Tht, whatever may hare beewthe designs of auy secret 
jeorations or ascoeiations, le was satistied that such 
« tyve Veen avandone’, The special conmittes 
yo unantmovely of the opinion, wba'eyer cormbinations 
oF intents may have existed at an earlier period, that for 
the Inst the weeks thero bas beeti no appearance or ves- 
{go of a organization with bostils icteat on Washington 
of the public property there 

The Fogiseer Department has cent to Congress modi- 
fou estimates (or fortificitions, omitting all with the ex- 
ception of Fort Calboun, Virgiols, and Forts Taglor and 
Jedleréon, Florida, Te is addéd that tho muna of $160,000. 
for each of the two laat mentioned can bo epplicd with 
aiivantoge to them within the noxt fiscal year, and should 
be «pplled to angnicat thetr eliciency and strength, and 
to prepare them to seryo partially, at least, as naval 
dprots ln tbe Golf 

!<Apysears from oftelst data that the Secretary of tho 
Thearury resigned se Aidde-Comp to General Brown In 
1625, and bis commission In tho army Jo 1828. Major 
Andércon graduated at West Polot In 1825. Secretary 
Dix served un a captain of artillery at Fort Soares, 1529 
afl J827, and Anderson was 9 lieutenant io bie company. 

Wastaxotos, Feb, 13, 1561, 

‘quo Meuse select committee on the President's spoctal 
Mezeage have evidence before them that beara severely 
upon the Secretary of the Navy. Ttrelates partly to the 
fact that many of the best naval ebips are not only eent 
to tho Facife and the Mediterroncam, but are disman- 
ted and volt for cervice, acd Iyiog at our navy yards at 
the present timo, Tho following veesels are dismantied 
and undt for sand row lay at the yanis desig- 
bled — 

Shige of tho {inc—Colambus, eighty guns, “Nor. 
fou; Delaware, eighty-four gums, Norfolk ; Vermont, 
igbty-folr, Usstou, Now-Orlcans, elgbly-foar, Sackett 5 
Harbor; Alabama, elghty-foor, Kittery; Virginka, elghis- 
four, Boston; New York, elghty-four, Norfolk Fri 
galee —Volted States, “ity guns, Norfolk; Potomac, 
Ofty guns, New York; Brandywine, Ofty guna, New 
York; Columbia, 6fty guns, Norfolk; Raritan, Ofty guns, 
Norfolk; “antes, ifty gona, Kittery. Stoops-of-war-— 
Sivanrah, twenty-four guns, New York; Plymouth, 
Uwenty-two cone, Norfolk; Jamestown, twenty two 
gare, Phildelphla; Germantown, twenty-two guns, Nor- 
folk; Vincennes, tweoly guns, Boston; Decatar, ststern 
guns, Sex Francisco; Marion, sixteen gans, Portsmou!” 
New Hemyebire; Vale, elxtecn guns, Portsmouth; Preble, 
Hixteen gave, Boston. Brigs-—Bainbridge, lx cans, B 
ta; Perry, six guna, Norfoli; Delphla, four cans, Norfo! 
Screw frigalew’—Rosaoke, forty gans, New York;Colera >, 
forty goes, Leston; Merrimse, forty gune, Norfolk; Mis~ 
ueola, forty guns, Gorton; Wabash, forty guns, Now 
York; Fravklin, fifty guns, Kittery. First eliss screw 
eteain shop —Pepeacola, ninetcen gute,“ Wasbingion, 
receiving ber machinery, laa new yececl., Sidewbe:) 
seamers—Mustesipp!, eleven guns, Boston; Fallon, 
foor gus, Yentncols; Water Wilh, three guns, Nor- 
folk; steam tender Jobo Hancock, three guns, San 

The order prevailiug In Washington to-day ls largely, 
credited to the mayements of General Scott, who acted 
‘upon the maxim of Wesbiretcn, in time of poece prepare 
for wet * 

‘Wasvotoy, Feb. 13, 1801. 

Ur. Otero, delegate frem the Territory of Now Mexico, 
pas information tat tke New Mexico Jegulature bas 
adopied 3 resolution callirg « Terrltarial Conveatica to 
frame a Sate coustitutlon, The election for delegates to 
the Ootvention will take place in May, and tho Oonven- 
{ioe mects in Joe next. The corstitation is to be sub- 
rltted to the people for ratldcatioe ar rejection, in Sep- 
tember, at the regular election. 


‘The spirit of compromise 18 not very magnenimecs 
jn Wicorgiz. It us cpderstoad that’ the Governor 
was willirs to Baye the Suate represented in the 
Pesce Conference bere by = mixed cxamissica, 
composed of both republicans and demecrata; bot the 
Lop:slatare (cok the appointing power out of the Gover. 

‘Other Cuewice FATA? peogonttlowa Bub for these 
octelde Sates; Ibe Rorder Kaew woh Bave agreed sume 
dase ag0 

Mr GelBrle®, propoalliis was Use farllonlaroce dee 
Dated tor’ay, and it Is said that SraLogae, of Ullous, 
exe of tho cea Mea Ll frie= 
of Ko oHorros' prefer em trittag atteratlces, bet 1 
Whey chanal 16 gbtiinad will ke It ag itis * 

Bow. Joba Q, Wright, of Covunall, died ibe aner }  Eyitenge ie Lyuriy evemelaisg Whicd cemonstvaicg agai, 

Viepyta, ta m farce 

pers banda end aclected 2# Commissioners Secators 
Darke exd Dooilttle, and representatives Potter and 
Waebborn, all repsblicane, cot even recognizing the caly 
demeccratis member froc: the State, Jadge Larrabee, wBo 
represents the mont Sargely popalsted Congressional dis- 
Arict lp the United States, comprisirg ovar thres bundred 

‘ntation on {be 21 lnst. for Pesaccola. 


Wasurscroy, Feb, 13, 1881. 
Lieut. Gilman, ono of the oficera in command of Fort 

Pickens arrived bere this evening with despatches from 

Licut. Sicmmer apd the commander of vessels of Pon- 

eacola to the gorerpmont. Ho Kft Pensacolaon Satar- 

any evening, having recolved a passport from Major 

‘Chase, who ls Ip command of the Floridatroops. He says 

the following veesels are off tho harbor —The Brooklyn, 

Sabine, St. Louls, Macedonian and Wyandot. Tbe 

Brooklyn did sot land her euppliee for Fort Pickens, 

Lieut. Sommer having notlded them tbat he bad ample 

gupplics for three mouths. 

Thero aro twelve bundrol troops at Pensa- 

cola, and they aro threatening every hour to 

moke an attack on Fort Pickens, It is all that 

‘Mojor Cbase and others in command can do to restrain 


Lieutenant Gliman saya he woald nol be surprised if 

ap atlack was mado at any moment, and it Is very proba. 

‘lo, owiog to the limited number tn the fort, that they 

‘would take It befory tho Brooklyn could throw her troops 

{oto tbe fort, If they take ital all, he says, thoy can 

toke It io thirty or forty’ minutes; but thoro will bo four 

ful loss of life oven atat that. The health of the officers 

‘and men op beard of the yesrels is good. Licutenants 

Gilman and Slemmer are the caly officers who took and 

aro cow Ip command of Fort Pickens, 

Key Wasr, Feb. 06,1861. 

The eloop of-war Macedonian, Cemmander Glynn, hay: 

Ing communicated with Fort Jelforson, ealled froas that 

The ateam slop Drooklyn)' Capt. Walker, from this 
port the 31st inst., orrived at’ Turtugas the Jot ead Land- 
ed a large quantity of ordusnee stores ant guos for Fort 
Jetlorson, and sailed for Pensacols on the 21 
Cupt. M. C. Molgs, U. S. Engineers, arpived at this place 
tho evening of the th from Fort Jefferson. Ho hag 
Chartered the brig Alpine, Capt, Lathara, fo take come of 
the beavy gups notin use at Fort Thylor to Fort Jotfer- 
Sep. Tbe armament will leavo here on the 7(b. 

"Tho Lolled Statce steamer Crusder, Capl. Matt, Ls 
row under orderd for New York, agi will sall as soon as 
tho steamship. Atlantic arrives from New Orleans. 

“Tho United Siates schooser Florida, Liout. ickoring, 
US. N., commanding, saila UIs ofenlng for Havana 
with despatehes for Wasbiogten, to go forward in the 
De Solo, 

Wasursoros, Feb. 13, 1861. 
‘Tho action of tho Congress of the Confederate States of 
America at Mentgomery, relative to fortidcations in 62 
céding States, docs not seem to hayo retarded, the mays 
ments of tbo South Carolioa authorities to Fort Bumter. 
Lettera from that fort received to-night from Caplaia 
Doubleday, one of fhe oillcers in commsnd, roport that 
the South Carolinians have erected an impregnable bat- 
tery on Cummings’ Point of railroad trom, and that a ter- 
rile Oght can bo made from Yat point, The strength of 
that poeition aa it bas now been made, and standing, as 
it doce, fye-clghths of a mile from Fort Sumter, will 
enablo the South Carolinians to do great mischief. 
The’ work on Fort Moultrie has also been pushed for- 
ward rapidly, and ils strength {s now such ag will with- 
land tho guns on Fert Sumter suecessfally. 
Great preparations wero g)lg on among the Caro 
Upians, and every day gavo (hem more certainly of ve 
cees when tho attack on Fort Sumter is made. 
‘The treopa in Fort Sumter continue tn good beat and 
spirits although very much annoyed by the Sguth Caro- 
ina authorities. 


‘The Congress of Southern Sovereignties ct Ment- 
gomery, Alabame 

Mostoascanr, Ais, Fed. @, 1651. 
Corgrees met thlz morniog at cloves o'clors, Prayer 
war offered by Rev. Dr. Basil Manly. 

‘The. Chief Jastleo of the State of Alabema then admi- 
istered the followIDE oath to tho Hob. Howell Cobb, 
President — 

You 40 aol 
conrttatttn for to Provisions Goveromest of he 
federate States of America. 

‘Tho President then aieainlstercd the at 

‘Mr. Maoasarr—I concelvo, Mr. Present, this a Oiting 
occasion to discharge a cotamlsrion which bas been en. 
trested to me by come of my coast ituezey of S7uth Care 
lina, Dhavo Defore mo a tag which somo of tho young 
Jadtes 6f Soath Carclina presect fo this Ceogrees as 0 model 
flag {ortho Confederate Sites cf Ameria. This £3g, 
Ww De feen pen inspection, 
ercet—a bles cris coated deld. Now, Mr. Presidezt, 
the Idea of a creea no doubt waa aoggesied to tue imagi- 
atlouct the young lalles by {ho beauteocs consteaton 
fof the Southern Crees, which tbe great Creater bas placed 
in the Southern beaveos by way of compensation for the 
glorious coustellatioas at the north pole. The (mesgita- 
Tion of the youtg lalles was doobilees Lespired by. the 
fenlua of Daato abd the sclentifc alll of Hormboldt: Bot 
Eir, 1 bave bo doubt that there was anctber ides associa 
‘wiih ti the minds of the young ladies—z religious cnc 
nd althocg we Bave cot acon {nb the hoayent tho ‘in 
Rengno mince” writlen upon the lebarum cf Constantlce, 
yet the same elgn bas been manifested to cs upoo tos 
{ablets of tho earth; for wo all Know that it bas been by 
tho aid of revealed. religion thal we bare achieved 

lemply awosr that you will support the 

cath Lo the 

embraces the whol 
Wbelr stare to the glorious constellation 

thocrant eovls. 

‘who aro antagonistic to bir. Seward, in order to make it | 

from tach of the free State. Tho object of this gather- 
Ing wax the purpore of perfecting this organization, The 

men beaitats to ombark in an expedition that ig not or¢r 

embraces the ides of a” 

foyer fanaticism (he victory which we this day witnes srctotse 
und. {tia becoming ca ‘ibis cccation wat’ bo deat Ue Convent 1k S83, ee te of 
of the Scuth tothe Crocs. sbould be thes recon’ zed. ot Mine bance of Ware 10 
1 taye alo, Mr. President, another commision | Vusipla’s future rici sity ext 1 Toy 
from w gentleman of taste.and akill,:n the er: of Caries | ¥bemm the people bar 1 an bolas ig 
Lip, who offers another model, which embraces the camo | il look quietly on, The preseslod of a 
Hdd CF acres, bot mpon a different grpund. The gentie- | the poiut when tho alterses Ua PS crvineioly, 
tran who ofere ibis model Yo be more opera) | Unico with the North oF Nis be question comes to that 
Tosa (se Jourg ladiex ‘They ote oce with eeven ciara | il indicate ita desire A goon sco how deoeptlre: 
nix for the Sates already represected in Uin Oongrese, | The people of the Noth WA Noe the iste elect son. 
td ibe eaves for Teas tae depalica, wenope, wil | BATEIBOE SUSU ft by ube we 
Stee er gry aes ee Seceuegaice | Migtasies ia uae ones 

‘Sificen States. God grant that this 
hope may be realized, and tbat we may soca welcome, 
the Soathera 

gn Accounia, on Eagrossmmena, co Patents, and als> 

ACemmltiee ea Pretiog: 


Ou twotlan of Mr. Cuwrar, tbe Copgrees then went 
| nto wecret seesicn. 

Alter remaining in recret ecesion for aboot baif an 
Dour, the doors were jvand Crogrem procetded to. 
tho election of hand a Vice Prendens of tbe 
Ginfederate States of America, coder the previeiooal 


The eiceticn remalted for JeGerson Davis, 
of Mites Ver'Tresidenty aod. BL Slapbenn, of 
Georys, (or Vico Prentiea 

Tho azorapcement ef the election was followed by 
warm demoustraticns ¢f appiacee. 

Mr. Fane moved tbat Coogrees co. into secret session. 

Doridg the secret ecesion the followieg basioces mas 
transacted, from which gccresy was removed before 

Mr. T. RR on offered the following rreolutions, 
which were sdopte! — 

Resilved, That a commiitice of thie be appelot=d from 
the members of this Congrvaa represenilng the State of Ala 
ama. which thall Inquire aod Feport to this Loty upon wat | 

terra pultable botldie 
cared for the use of 
‘confederacy under the 

fin the diy of Montgomery can to ac 

Gren coins dessa of be 

Hires Fe et Se eek 

dara ites eatin th 

oti feliges dc prea 
Ae te conais ls of Meesra. Shorter, Chilton and 
Mr. Hane, of Miss, presepled the fellowing bu, 

whieh Waa read three times and adopted — =~ 


with the 
ents for (ke 

Be it enacirds by the Congrem at tha Gontederals Bates of 
reas of tha Conte 
‘steric that al tbe fas Of te United Biaten of Areriom (0 

Torea and In use in these Coat 

forge and ims - Staten on ibe dest day 
Agr ember lash, aa 

Ineo paistent with tbo constitalbon, 

a Yale are hereby, ur 

Pee ine rape probareby, cmmunoad 1g foreaunul repeated, 
Mr, MmoaxceR offered tho following resotutlop, which 

‘was adopted — 

Resolved, That the Commlitee oa Ficance be lostrvcia) to 
report an won aa peaalbie © tant for raining reves for Woe 
Support of tbe governments nn OF UR 

Dir, Ruxrr offered the following, which was stopted:— 

Teseleed, That committer conslating of two from each 
ints, to bo pomligated by the dopuues fem tho etalon shall 
boafeloied to ke into vaaldermiae and report to thts Coa 
cts n coositulon for The permanent garemment of the 
|Aidtea epreeenied In ibis Coogrers 

Mosroowenr, ALL., Feb. 13, 1561, 

Mr. Srermaa presented a model flag—a model dovico 
for the ecal of the Southern confederacy. Referred. 

Mr. Wrucnr presented a communication from Mark A. 
Cooper, fring tbe Etowah Iron Works, of Goorgia, 
‘a muitable place for the foundry of the cofederacy, Ro- 
ferred. e 

Mr. Conny taid that be bod memorials from Alaba- 
miass. = 

Mr. Coxrap offered tho followin-— 

Reeolved, That tbe Committes on Military and Naval 
Affaire bo lostructod to {octodo In apy plan thoy may 

yopose for the organization of the army ahd avy sulta- 
fo provishon for such officers of tho army and nary as 
hays teodered the resignation of tholr commissions fa 

copeequence of thett adhesion to aay or all of 
of the confederacy. Adopted. 07 nL OF the Biaten 

Mr. Cnawrorp presented a communication from the 
Postmaster. Neforred. 
Mir, Mraorisomn offered tho following — 

Reeolved, Tdat the Committee on Commerce be in- 
Ftructed to inquire and report upon tho expediency of 
ropealing the Davigation laws of the confederato States, 
fund bave leave (o roport by bil. 

‘Adopted. = 
Mr. Bucorr offered tbe following:— 
Resolved, That the Committoo on a Flag and Seal be ja- 
‘troeted (o aopl abd report fag alll ax poesbie to 
that of the Unite! States, making oply such changes as 
may be neecamry to distinguish caslly ooo from the 
‘other, and that the slars and stripes be so arranged {a 
the banner as to number the Biates In tho confedoracy. 

‘Mr. Brooxx accompanied bla regotation with felicitocs 
remarks, in the coSree of which, referring to the stars 
and stripes, be eald that fag was tho {dol of the heart, 
and tbat argv~d it clung memories of tho past which 
time eculd never etitee or caueo to grow dim. 

Mr4Mruss epposed the resolutien, and sald that he bad 
regarded from youth tho stars abd stripes as tho emblem 
of tyranoy and oppression, 

‘The debate grow Intorcsting, and on tho ruggoetion of 
Mr, Stephens, Me. Brooke withurow hia resolution. 
“Tho Congress then went (nto necret nosaion. 


Our Kichmona Correspondence, 
Tuanmoy, Va., Feb, 11, 1861. 

Arriral of Delegates to Die Sate Convention Opinions of 
ithe Detega'es—The Secession of Virginie Tnevitott—O® 
stactes (o Direct Trade in Virginid—A Dinners Book in 
Actice Requisition, de., de. 

\Seyeral of the delegates to the Convention have ar 
riyod this ovening, nd. by to-morrow evening It 19 cx 
pécted all will have arrived. Itis doubtful whether any 
assembly bas ever convened 1a Virgicla comblalog moro 


pen Whe emall dealer, tbe Legislatare, by a strange pér- 
Sernen ef tbe maxim which enjoine a charitablo 

Tallen for Ibe poor and oppreteod, bavirg fo determined 
{ibe ratio of taxation a to Recure Lo the rhc tho Heat die 
[dtantages from i To Ufsatrato tbe ameaat of Laxce 
Cpon tbe tala of $100 worth of goxia brought Inia the 
bie of Vireinia from aay otber Stato, by a merchant 
fellieg apy fom between $50,000 an’ #50,000—medicm 
Fey £40,000, and cold to a jodber whore raloy average 
$17,140, apd then sold (oa Felaller hoe tales arerago 
$140; woald be as follows — 

‘bo wholesale dealer woukd pay...-.+ 

The jobber woskt pay, “0 Gk 
The ritauer woakt pay... “or 
Whoie amount ef taxes collected by the Siate....$2 17 
But if te retailer would po oot of the State ard 
Woy Nie glock ad ell sh in Virginka be will pay 
only. coer Tare corte NC 
Balazco in favor of buying out of Visginla.....-B1 16 
8 every $100 worth of ccole. 
‘Thia & the result of Ube triple tax Impoeed under the 
ayes of Virklala, the conumer at last baviog to pay all 

the borders. A’ rétaller who makes bix purchases bo- 
(od the Ftalo liuite—eay to Baltimore, Mhilatelphia, or 
New York—will be exempt from the two frat [tems of 
Lssticn enumerated abaro, lo wit, the Gfty-two oeots 
aud the slaty-four cents cpon. evory+$100 worth and. be 
‘will ay be wabject to the tax upon: his sales, Jo will, 
morégver, inereate he profts by this operation, for bo. 
receltna bit goods without bélog enhanced by successive 
Imports,such of Le Lg of Virginia impor apoa the 
impotter ad Jobber. So Jong as these laws are ic opera. 
ion, It ia Jnvaln that the people of Norfolk. or of Rich- 
mend, or avy Virginia port seek to.establiah direct trado 

resulte of Ube now order of things in tho South. 

A Dook, entithd, © Autieipatious of the Futtre,"" pub- 
Vabed. recently in'this city aod emfuontly dieanion in 
chartéter, Is {a kreat demand hero anit throoghout who 
South. The book {+ tadeup of letters to the London fiz, 
Gates! at Washington, the dater commencing with Novom: 
ber 11, 1864, and ending with May 27, 1868, ‘Tho corrcs: 
porilevce then opens at Ricbinond, cotemenctng with May 
29 of that year, apd ronning down lo September 20 of tho 
Famo year. It [a resumed again at Cuarleston| October 
10, 1848, ad cloaca with the27th of January, 1870. Thesa 
cofrtependceces embody, as it wore, tho raising “events 
of tho periods at which thoy are wriiten, and aro nothing 
more than predictions of what the writer eupposes. will 
then bo the political condition of tho country. The cor- 
rerpondence’ of November. 11, 1864, peas with 
tho anncuncement that California, Oregon, Waab- 
logteo, and alo Sonora (tho how Paciito fro 
State, bormed of territory last purchased from Mexico) 
all bavo voted tho ticket of the repablican party, as call 
by ite members, or the black republican or abolition par- 
ty, nm designated by its opponenta.  Wro. Hl. Soward, of 
New York, is elected by a much greater majority than 
his predecessor, President Lincoln, obtalned in 1860. Tha 
correspondence’ then treats succeszlvely upon the course 
of Liccoln's admisistration; sectional parties and theit 
Decessary effects; army land'grante; protective duty ays: 
temo; flablog and navigation bounties; Southern aspirants 
to tho Presidency nuited to the Nortbérn market and thoir 
Injarlous inflneuce on Southern rights and interests; dl- 
rection and policy of the government patrousge: operation 
of black repablican measures on slaves. in the South; the 
Supremo Court sectioaalized; negro citteas apd negro 
oficers of government; negro ombacsadora and negro dl- 

omatie reistioox. This book Vida falr to croato a furor 
In tho South, slimliar to tbat caused at the Nort by tho 
noterious Helper Book. The work displays considerabls 
abiity, and is predictions aro pot at al incowsiatent With 
the prigeiples of tbe black republican parly.—— 

Ex Presideat Tyler is expected here from Washing- 
ton tomorrow. Ho baa been clected a deleyate to tho 
Conventicn without opposition, from the countkes of 
Charice City, James City and Now Kent, whlch aro in: 
elnded to ond representative district. Thhox-President’a 
ame Is generally mentioued In connéction with tho Preal- 
dency of the Conyenticn. It in eabd thal bo expressed 10 
A friend who Lae Jost yotarned bere from  Wasbiogtoa 
entire despair of any satisfactory result from the Peace 
Conference, Lf this apprehenskin ebook prove correct, 
‘Virginia will promptly eecodo. 

Rictm4oyo, Veb. 13, 1861. 

The Virginia State Conyeotion mot at tho Capito! to- 
day. Join Jannoy, of Loudon, was clected President. 
He maue a Union speech, but ald that Virgiain would 
fnsiet on ber rights as a condition of remaining in the 

New Onceaxs, Fob. 12, 1861. 
‘The Louisiana Slate Cenvention adjourned on tho 12th 
inal. until tho 416 of March, to await the action of tho 
Scuthern Congress, 
‘Tho fay of Loniatana wan janvguraten to day at eleven 
eclock. Tt wan holsted op tho City Hall, and alutod 
‘wilh twenty-one gons In presence of the mombera of tho: 
Ceuyertion. There is a Large military display on us 
rcen tn Lafay otto square. 
‘The Convention Went into secret ecavlon nt two o'clock 
coh the message recelyed from the Soathern Oongress, 
announcing the formation of a Provisional Government, 
and that a permanent coufeléra7y wo2!l bo satablisbod 
by the dof March, The Louisiana Convention haa ad 
Jourged till the 4th of Mareb. . 
A despatch was received toxlsy by th3 Osileclor of 
Now Orleats from the Southern Congress, stating that 
that body, had adopted tho oxistiug revenuo laws withoat 

tajent than the Conventloa wh'eh is ty moct bere on 
Wednesday next, Every man of note in tho Stato will bo 
member of It, while it will als> combine the rielog la 
fellect of the Commonwealth, which bar haretofore been, 
obscared for want of a favorable opportunity for ita de- 
‘yelopement. Former Stato couyeations of thie character 
Shhye formed sources of future clevation to power acd 
distinction for many, If not all, of Virginia's disticguished 
men. ‘Tho précent Convention will bs mado available 
for timilar purposes by the ambitious youths who bare 
‘been fortunate enough to stcuro eeats fo that body. The. 
danger is that wo aball bare toomuch talk for bancomto, 
to the neglect of the vital Interests Which tbe Convention 
vas calied to conelder. 
Thaye converted with navy of tte leading delepates 
Uat have arrived to far, and wh/lo most of tem come 
‘under tbat class set down ax /‘contervative,"” they frankly 
‘admit that Virglala’s continsance'to a Northern all/acce, 
is al presont, with a governm(nt of Confederated Soulh- 
em States formed beside ber, Je out of the questiea, To 
show bow the Northern people Lave been deceived io the 
réeult of the Iate Virgina election, I will give o 
statement made to mo by & delegate clectod 
aa a couservative. Ho raid that "no result 
could bave becn more favcrable for tho ecomsion 
‘caugo than that exhibited by the lato election returns.’ 
Nj) amid ho," the secessionists p74 triumphed, tbe 
people of Virginia would nover havo ra\lGed any ecoce- 
PEP Ue dinaues which they might jars. They would take 
for granted. bat Its passage was tho reeult of @ foregoce 
copelusien, and. not tho ollspring of events cr necessity. 
ith the Convention as It ls tow constitatad, the cass 
Bil be very different. The members composing It hare 
Teen elected in tho fall confidence that thelr action, If It 
tbould prove to be the parmge of an ordicanco of seco: 
elon, will bo the result of deliberate counsel, prudence 
tod ‘necessity; aud belong thus aarured thoy will unbesi 
TSlingly vatify any ection whlch the conceatioa, may 
take!” There ta mcch foree and consletecey in these 
remarks, abd I firmly believe tbat they embody the real 
Fentitments of the people of Virginia cn the great question 
cpoo which the Oonyeotion #ball act. Auotber of the eo- 
called" conservatives" exprersod to ine Lis evavletlon 
that po matter whst @ecrsrlon8 may be made to the 
border States; they. will EOF mgreo to remain tn the To!on 
with the colten, Statce oot” “Mis belief was, vat if Vire 
fisia was old by the North “We will give oa. all you 
Fequire.” It would not suflice to induce her to contisiua ta 
Ube Union with the Sorth, witb her sister Sutes cf the 
Scath holding thelr preseot attltade of ecparsto lao- 
pendecce, And as 10 them, every man here believes that 
Their seyerance is permanent and Irerocable. No oiler 
In tke pift of tbe Northera people eonld loduce them 
fo relare: and, acsirding to tho. remarks of many of 
the eeleyates, VirgBis. pow reluced to the 
Alernstive cf jatnicg the Norther or Soathera confede 
Tacg. The regalntices atoploa By the, prescatLegleb 
Tare at ap carly atog> off the gesaioa—ihat io any cyrat 
ay ‘Soutb—redect clearly 
= 1d Deminion in ths 

alteration, ard that the constitution has mide no chinge 
in commercial policy. 

er reap the commercial beneBta which are looked for as |. 

Mouse of Representatives. 
Watscorsray, Feb, 13, 2667. 
th Frayer by Coaplals Broce. 

The Toate was operet wi 
‘Tos, In which be maid. — 
ives tha outgoing administration: 
labors ia peta may It clos jon 
any tata of Nlocd. Amd weeny ace an "boat 

dent eect inbis areay bias Ay Featon the Prva 

ls Joarsay ither wand 

exo may be aroun im day and aight 
ena rey wpe And we = 
Pure, wise and prodest omafarne 
tho ‘government 


‘of Ohio, 
Crom he Sereary of the Theanry cee ort ee 
mearotes in viow of (Bo preaiog Gemants Wt hart, 

Mr. Sursuuis deeorsiogly reported a vill axtborirng U 
Precident, fn plado ot any part of the roceat love, to ie 
00 coupon bends of a° denomination not exeeeding tfty 
dollars, and Dearing wot exceeding vlx per‘centsun foie. 
reat, ad running twenty-year, abd apply eg: ease at 
TarW tho creditors who may receive them—tbe entire 
Amount not to exceed that eutborined by-tlis reseut lean 

act Mr. Shorman mao an explanation show!ny tbo im- 
portance of the measure. 

Air, Cansetr, (opp.) of Va, oppated tho reportiag of 
tho ill, saying that the President eleet bil recently mate 
mavelaraticn of war,ap4 therefore ho ((aroe!t)  w 
terre Sa ene (ra) ro 
¥ despottem 01 og Sup. 
salary dee tO Inaugurated. (80 

Me. Surnws—Thla 
tho ‘earliest moment, 

Tho Seman sald this wan uot in order. 

On motion of Mr, Wantzense, (rep) o€ ML, « meena 
wan ordered to bo ent to tho Senate incorming them WAL 
tho Houso was now waiting to receive them, t0 tbat In a 
joint body the electoral votes for President abd Vico 

rcaldent mnay bo opened, and the reeul annococed. 

Aller abort tntorval tho Seoatera, preceded by Weir 
oie, wero ansounced 

members of tho ifoure immediately roce, aod re- 
mained standing’ til the Senatarn 1ock tale hee 
circular range, ls front of the Clerk's desk. 

Vico President Hreekinridgo wan conducted to tba right 
of the Sposker, and the tellers, tis-—Seuatcr: Tramball 
nod Repreecotatives Wasbburne, of Tools, and Phetpa 
took seats at tho Clork's desk. g 

When order was restored, Vice Preaklent Baxcxcennve 
Tivo have, auemlod tb 

0 havo assembled porsuant to tho coestitotiaa, in 
order thau@hin electoral fotes may be ‘counted andthe 
result declased for President and Vico President for the 
term commecclog on the 4th of Mare, 1861, aod |b x 
made my Uoty, uoder the ccnstitation, to open the eér 
(dcates of election in the presence of tho two houtem, 
‘004 1 now procead to tho performance of that duty. 

Vico President. Breckinridge then opened tho package 
containing tho cicctcral yoto of Maiooand handed it to 
the teller, when the ecrtlleato thercot wan read, the 
Sceretary of the Senate making a toto thercof. 

The electoral votes of New Hampeblro, dlagzachoeette, 
Roto Island, Conoceticat, Vermont ond. Now York were 
similarly dispored of. 

Kcntor Dovory, Copp.) of TU, noggested, ard no ob- 
Joction was mado, that the formal part ct thé oertiGcaten 
and the names of the electors bo omitted from the reading. 

‘Tho reading of tho voto of South Carolina wan pro: 
vctive of good hamored excitement 

government wil pay its debia at 
He moved a guspenskia of the 

‘The readay of all the ectoral voles having been cot- 
pleted, the feliera reported the recall. — 
2 g Bi? 
Seales. SoH Hiei! 
Spin Ae sis ss areas 
Albamass., 8 
atmomscio eo 4 eS) 
California. 4—-- — 4 
Connecticnt.... 6 — — — oo 
Delaware «. —- 8-=—- = 3 
Floriea Sas) Seat ows 
Georgla.. - e-— — 
ina MS Sue of Ee 
Indiana . B= SBR Se 
Jowareivscisvvinee asia ga 
Kentacky.ciss) — Sq Sade 
Lebanese Vey 
PARE a ee eae eee 
Musechasciies 9 = = eer 
ee geo t= egos sas 
Mioneoiasss 4 = = == 
Micmac = x SS ip 
Siew = Seige ce ae 
a Sse rey eS 
- w- — w= — 
Gee oer tg Rie ee 
racial be Aa Meer mmr 
Nae asthe set MeFi ares 
iy Se wef au'sa tec eater 
OED ee BO Sethe Reta! 
fatyiva. st — — =! sia 
Rhode toland; joi dora ty eh gt Sere 
f Se pry mem frien a 
Tex ree rrqitracid cov anew gd ox brs 
Teunesioey. iis == 01a rest 
Cee ee eta The 
Verenoays2sipi/ wes tao Ten? Nearer 
Weomilats|6 eu j= 2 yee 
Total se 160 72 30) 12) 180 12 1D 

Whercupon, tho Viex Protrer, rising, eld, tok Abra: 

| Provivxscn, R.I,, Febe 13, 1861. 
‘Thlrty-toar guns wore Ored bere this evening fo honor 
of the Union and the declaration at Waehingtca of tho 
‘lection of Prealdent and Vice President. 



Wasmvcroy, Feb, 13, 1851. 

“After the Secate bad retarced to thelr own chamber, 

Mr, Feersney, (rep.) of Maine, reported the Coamular 
£4 Diplomatic bill ard arked for a commilce of con- 

‘Mr. Foerme, (rep.) of Conn., presented 2 pelition aak- 
ing Congrese to stand Bray by the coustitotion aud the 

Four, (opp:) of Pa, presented covers) pstitions 
n favor of the Crittenden roeatatiocs. 

‘ho Vi to carry oot the treaty with New Granada was 
taken vp ord paed. 

Mr. Frrct, (ofp.) of Ici, presented a petition of a 
large number cf citizens of Iniiaca tn fayor of the Crit 
tendén restlotlons. 

Mr. seeustas, (Fep-) 02 1,, made a report of tbe Joint 
committe far coucting votes, &e., for President and Vioo 
Presizert, wit a retclation' ttab one, member, of tbe 
Senate be ap} witb two members of the 
Husa to atlfy Measre Abrabam Liccoln and Hannibal 
Hawalln of their ele-ticn. Adopted 

(p motion of Mr. Ci 0 Torlst Dill was taken 


Die Seman, (ron) of. 7 gaye cole that be aboald 
move to strike cat thst porliea of Ube bill abalishing the 
} warebooelsg syvtom. 

Mir. Freftasted aro ta msk+ a persooal oo 


rd to tho repert mace yesterday to ibe Bouse, 

Sie eat ned thal oar tcden bood bad oe beet 

miedo tho Ueparicect by tho Hop. D. Mi Fite. He 
Crplaloe! tha putter, 65jicg Wbattho bond) 

u by indiana, bat eflerwarde, by the 

ity Bad become 

Tad eyo given to him 

ng $0 arrango tbe 
Mist fo neomomoeste Govern Willard, of todans, 
And lo the eorrcspapencs the bond bad been misplaced 
Vat it tad beee rcterued ¢o the Cepartment ag goo as it 
ras found 

Tuc considerat x of {Be Tari bill was resumed. 

Sig. Ssowss. (rep.) cf RL, explained the amendments 
of the cemund:io, e£é tbe bill waa laid over. 

(ui inotién of Mr. Wests, (rep.) of Masa. the bill for a 
‘Crgubizatien of he militia of the District of Onlam- 

Mi iesiousee { Del, asieed if there waa ay 
CSicusrks, (orp )of Del, 
a sette Sil tbould ve assed pow, He knew of 

| rearen why the 
bo distaroancee fre. 
I bad been soveral 
‘he pil tad been reported 

‘Mr, Writes eid tint - 
Sears since, had received the approval of 

Oe War, ard bad no relatice whstever| 


qccstion of secns- 

Copley (Arata Seaiice foe from exch | neo, Wena elranre tar cabot IDO Ere SS, 
‘Scale be appointed to repart upon a tag for the Cunfede- | Tye cued to we tbe basis of future, commercial 
the Bestes were called aed ine fellzwicg commmivten | PTORDSTIY, 2 permitted to Conse Sat A ee limes 
was arnounsed —Mesers.' Shorter, of Alabama; Mortan, pears tbat tbe Slate cf froma two to oae quar- 
Gf Morda- Barton, of Georgi: ‘ef fousisca; | Spenall imparted soot, Tag OF OT iy imposed ope 
Hares, of Mesien pp! ab Mies, of oath Caroliea. | tet HEF GURL IR, Ths OEY Pty ober or ae 
ir. Grama mubaitied the fellowing reaalaUlsn— Borchaste acd teally open the retaber— puieg 3 
oT ae DS TES | Soe apace whe Ua aboe Bn 
Eeoo pe seen oes gmeyateny | ender gana paca) bean ober berg 

‘On ret 
Commitee on Milltary Attaire. 
‘Mr Fru moved to lake up the bill relative to the 

printing of an extra rumber of cocamente. The 
‘ides (hat co extra rember of say Coccmente 

ud witkont ibe of a jorot resitetion 
Ha'reperted frogs 8 ccmmisiee Toe BI 
the bill keews an the Patent bil, 

(ate coveer ip all tbe amt 
coe The rezort was spreed 


ten | Pore 

‘bata Lincoln, of Ilipols,baviog recelved a malority ef tho 
Iebole number of electoral voter, is daly eleched Presi: 
deat of the United States for the four yearn commpencto 
fou the 4th of March, 1861; aod that Hannibal Jaman, 
Maine, having recolved a’ majority of the whole number 
of electoral votes, [a doly’ elected Vice President of tho 
United later for the rato term. Ho added that ‘the 
Dusioers for which tho two Houses usseniblod Bavig 
Deen eomplotod, the Senators will wow return to (hele 
own chamber. 

“Tho members of the Louse roso anil remaleed etaeaog 
vptil the Benatora loft tho hall. 

Mr. Wisstow, (opp.) of N. O., moved to adjourn 

Much confusion Lera cored. 

On: Mr, Wiotlow's motion & yoted In the eflrmative 
and 64 in tho negallve. 

Mr. Sicxxs, (opp.) of Ni ¥., demanded the ayes and 
nsyt. It he ‘ohderstood that’ tbe Pacl6= Tuilecad bill 
would come up to-morrow without prejudice, Do had ra 
abjcction ta aajourn, 

While has ypcaking MerBietles wan tu0ly called to 

‘The question of adjournment was negatiyed by cue 

wir Cima, (tep.), of Town, moved tbat the special 
onder, tho Tssite fallresd Bil, bo conttnod over (i 
fre, of Obie, a member 

‘On moticn of Mr. Emenxan, 
of the Houto wes ordered to be appointed, Iu conjunction 
ith ech membere us tnay be. appoltted’ by the Sewate 
fo walt on the-Prealdent clect and {nform bla of hid 

elect in. 
Mr, Hows, (opp.) of Ark,, suggested thst Gecerat 
cell tiaon tortie that tne was vo further so for 

the mercenaries nroand the Capitol, a8 We electoral 
‘votes had been counted. 
‘The Houto adjoured. 

Wasmasorew, Feb, 12, 1461 
The telegraph made bad work with the presinblo ard 
resolution ofered by me yesterdsy. They were =e fl- 
Whereas, tb Gal tates Rave ansmed to see's fe 
‘Chico, and It ls ant 
border lave Slates from following thelr exasople 
whereas, [tls believed Usat those who are ratexibly op- 
toluny measure of compromise or coocearion that 
fn sacridee of principle or the exteuron of 
sively would ucverthelcas checrfolly ccucar In aby 
awful measure for te emancipation of the saver) 

NiTaieed, That tbe Select Committee cf Vive be te- 
stracled t'fsquire whether, by tbe consent of Use 

or of ths” Stale governments, or by coc e 
Tho laveboléere, If bo practicable for the gexeral ro 
Feroment to procore the emancipation of the wavea ja 
fame or all of tbe border States, and If to to reyart 
‘Dil for tbat parpese. 

Tald cyer for debate. 

Will you do me tbe fsvor to correct the erro? Re- 
specifoly, yours, JAS B MeKEAN. 


‘The Nictropslitan Pollee dittingalabed tercechyes again, 
yesterisy, by eclalog a lot of cartridges Gertined for 
Goarkaica, = C. Sergeant Geist, 1b appears, received 
fnformating that 2p atterapt would be made to chip 10 (00 
cartridges co Ward the Hanteville, and made extensive 
preparatlors (0 selze the property aa roan ax )t arrived ox 
the pler. Upon investigation, however, the cumber of 
the caririd cs dwinaled down to something leas than 0,00. 
The boxes containing the ammanition in question wero 
sparked & IL on ove pide, and on the other HA. Atchery 
(Charieztoa, B.C, Tk was the fotention of the shippers ta 
Raye theta reehippod at Savancab, bat whether by rail- 
road 6 steambeal does not appear, The (reght wae 
Tying Ca the pler when te police velsed V4 xed wae 

promplly carted of to tbe aruezal tn tbe Bevesth syexoe, 

inihda of Wa 
FT te formed oa Clamaibera creek, ea 

Bes o'clock P.M. ‘ 
Siam, plcneere, band ard dram 

e Adjatant at 0 quarter before 

z for nyeecial 
Capita A. S WoU wil detail bis command ; 

2 Hal Dy order. 

aay Lata TP 1 eA, Coca Osmaleg: 

0. J.pas Frusme, Span 



@ FROM MEXICO, | ScbbnSnraiesunr coven na: 17 Rtg soe sere bomat to to thes, | Central, 7754 2.247 Brie, 32 %4; Hodson River, 62 | Sia enene ER. eel | estes. ums cad omnes nerpeapeeatte es fee 
INTERESTIN' | Scysary focal Jer sack facuitia, have ls encatl- | Jue ge) wea bot couvicond 2%; Harlem, 163 34; do. preferred, (0% @ 245 Ze : 13h bub To Lenton 4.000 Sole Gear wore wagered 
eaidens {20/8 Nor la that the only manifestation of discon. tbe complainants anything if that (act was ultimately | Reading, 4234 a 43; Michigan Central, 5575 8 S61; 19 ALAS 1Nd 9 de 4M | 250 Boxee bacwe at M38: cbaeee 
Blection of Lerdo de Tejada Co the Presiden: Vas sear th gatrment Tha Fee/da speaking of established; (It was Bot clear to im that salty | Sichigan Southern and Northera tndiana, 14%4 9 aa ea name at i Ba fa Gee eee steady aa 
_Jaarez's Latest Cabloet—Eseape Of iy jonice and the good sraee of the country." “We SS Fe. plored that “thets | 15; do. guaranteed, 3234 8 33; Panama, 113% 0 100 G.c00 benbeia wheat were taka. Yesterday” sileresoe at 

ae Depariare of | MP sare the Dear umpaniy, sloes ald oo: ” ¥ of the gorse, | 115; Llinola Central, 1134.8 24; Galena and Chi- LOMCREENTge 3 | eS The dtmrem io the market pret toch 
Miramon te Havaoa—Dep: | ote the spectacle ac paai miaen IC: did nes he complainania |" 572 a 1; Cleveland and Toledo, 33% a 1%: Joo Gas....B10 at | bas coatinwed eizce, dy cod tal taackerel wore toe 

fear to face poblic r 

to ope of those pa ries 

to Detter demand. Dhuring tha prareat wok males of 24). 

; Chicago, Bur- 
24 Chicags quirtals Task ext bare Dewr ma"e aC (Ct, aot Ate 

the Dismised Diplomats—Plander Chicago and Rock Ialand, 67% 20 11 Gea hit ieeip. 

tame paper Berrlcexbal waa to Le 

‘According to the ro board’ by law to agvasse Lat Lbey ‘ 
of the Churehes—The Wi | er Arerd eed a leer trom Ccadalalara After Boney soeemmnmae tat 17 | Uagton and Quincy, 71% 8 % rt) quitals Daa 
Troubl saya several brigades had Left tn purest of the few fore Inthe cacte | The following was the business of the Sub-Trea- | {9 mee SHY: 
ive Bkhops In Trouble, | rho yet rematsea to fi tales eceamsect, ara | wire Bacaud a he jury with entries 1a Orne 1 8 me 2 tik 
deny C? do, | Grupa rest ere Ue Seen male Covert ef Be, oe ates |e o blo Ts 
| Posbla, where Trsceute paremen tg, Tear Teo bie 
New Prealdent of Mexico forkreck baa been wurrenstered to Co bi Saray 5 6 me 
‘The, New, Tos Eepih steamer Teslot brings parts Me. | Ad@ilonal by the California Pony Ex- So 
Te  venvanemia techy of New War Reeree kicker cba the Caled ale ans Pree The communication from the Secretary of the 
oo na eae eamun of weer. | presect bis cncretats eo the th wt Fort Keanver, Feb. 12,1881. | Treacury to Mr. Sherman, to which reference was Guede IRE SAE EL LO CN TEES TD 
Tock Jie Ie fie de | Mike aieisice dcstmed for tae Somth bad tent Cuerms: | The folowing t additional news by the pouy express, | made in this morning’a debate in Congress, reveals do. Destew at pt eiand 3 
Henleo cam brat anh tbo era eas of gore ee Tes was cctanlg MS cpraces MPalsh | whch ae vet hall pun in WCAE ha coeetey | en this morning's devate ee ‘aie Pan bs an eS 
amis he centrbched' Un this poentry may, BOE DO EE | MelHetiae trem tho capital aya Senor Osegura wonld e6- S0x Frascsco, Jaa-24, 1881. | peculations of the ox-Secretary of War. Whoa + | Tue —rhe aniter wae stan wilh: alee ef abo 
“lesuble tg him in hip ua atti, Dart mately mainva.chae o the Merle Legato [ares antl | Too im of Mews. Aberosttay, Cark & On, extesive | Hye Dix took the office of Secretary of the Treas: | "ig gs. PF cal EK Gite SUS | LSD telos al toc yee cli A wad won at Oe 
Seren rea rl pleats Gt erent eed - lamber dealers, of this city, bare failed for a largo | 0 - 1 me en ‘ - 
y | n oud abroad iJ ury, be bad reason to believe that the $10,000,000 2 Levesexcaaty yt Mors —The demand continues geod for coasumption, 
Aeyeatated with cor lan, loxtifollons and langunre lt | Bre thy represen : Anon Thar ke ete ee ees eee | wry; a eae ST eesssee TA | MG the demand calles got for enauimptin, 
thier au Aioliter of Public Works ned Secretary of the {From 1a Prects, of Havana, Fe’. 7.) at 79 obtained by tho sale of Treasury notes waullt {iro or thige day hare ambraten toy tales vege 

‘Treasury onder the Joasce ademiotalration ta Ver Crax 

oemekin quaatities of allrer ned yalcabla ornament, 
Jar preeioun Houck and zacred vesscie, Lito eed takod 

Dusinesa, and received thoir aapplics principally trom 

defray all the expenses of government up to March 

‘wan fea buoyant 

01d, re : : . 
4 him es a man of more than erdinary ability. | fica Frechurehire ta the capital From the Cathedral | sore cone or A ¢ ‘a 4, On forther investigations, however, it cama to my Tate, from vente at 
Merde taraays bi cotorrenaiMeseaed |e eae SIREN POr aah Bags | tardaced lta the Lagultee, asd mate the specs | ight that crediors of te governméat claiming be | ESSTAZg Piayt ok apsegts Syma 
the United Staten, aud to dovelopa thos grand foaress.ofy | Ses oh ioe rich jerrels and - ornament fad | onter in the Beste for Toureday next. None of tha reso | tweencightand nine millions of dollars were unpaid 0 Adee, WON unde of O94 mureorato wera 
vrcalth, prosperity 2b, totelligeDce subarea: ie pega, taken ot Foti a ne Aes | {otlons ctferod. thus, far either excaso or express s¢mps -| Foreome time previons, itacemedtohavebeen the | toy tewnRiumg: OF ont Tita Ni pice iaebanze 
Syopderstead can, cutee ied tha 0 are || gold trae of the pfctare of the Firgim aad tho valu Ho, | thy or the sacelenias,althodgh they aeariy all args | policy: ofthe goverment: to- pay- mobody,,and to | 100 ans RURR. 080. G7 1¢- 60.Clow Tle TUL, a eee ‘sotos haa faba 
Ars Ak wold er that be ison of Oe ot [eatetradca tba gtascelo be Cees, whieh was of} sais ie go east of ths Neches Sale gat | Jeavo dbx ctediigra to starve, Soller sallory, onic i ip cailiase We RE At LY: | oll. wan reported’ rupposnd to Lisyo Dern ate ale 
ima bere rashes Nata? The apeieats | the'lateligeres of tho captors of £42 Lule Totoit by’ | tratsierring $1¢0,0c0 from to swamp land fond to tha'| plozes in every department of the gorernment, Sor months. Loses gee enim qlarta wire poltag ts Iate 
country of the Momte zum ye—dhis cradle of pd en ik ey So th ‘S Boapherd | several futid;r0 ba to piace th fund la peouditioa to pay - LSA om ALE The moretmeate al Now fedford for tho weok 
flores of Cattio~toay wow hope cco more v0 ABeEReA: || Mets, Das Deen ecebraseds Ana SRE Sganasy ||fslorics anu cinerIeguauivarapsnea. Toe act provizes'| Bad been coolly informed by Mr, Tix’s /predeccs- as ez tho 110 have Bea noticed no’ fliowy —sperm= 
birotch bor wings so fights of; coble parpors, » Wttr-ths {ana Signtaco, withraboct  thoufand men, bad taken pos- | {Or relaruing the money: on the 21-of November wext. dors that there wad ho monty for them, and no 20 doles. etd 7175 || Netremactions tn therm, which remalon la about thy 
joremnor, tha este; arentom of Tatcat, {o Matamoron. sin Cechbng astaleycine Lsarsnsplagastiatha\dssetsniye dy- Nor was this concealed from Mr. Dix 128 Clove & Tai KR.. 3x ma vote Ba au that Whale Yory aula; ealan} 
talentaonorgy and. #kill of het new Bovernde, TAC ES | ee hoe, from OLala Chica, with @ thousand mea, had | over.tbe rczolutlons to expunge from tho leglslative re- | 1emedy- | Nor 4 of two: farctls-amonaticg to =) bniye a uot 
republic, which be co long Iain .prostrato at the fcc! Unted with tho forecs of Vicario, and tho two loaders had | Cord tho voto pgainsL the Lato cenator Rroderiek for op- | when he first took office, and the books and accounts NEW YORK CATTLE MARKET. fart Whaletce—s Jos 1.000 Ibs Aretio at Tée. 
Tyrants, may ence mine axpiro (0 tho Dleelage of UeBt | roecthertazen tho town cf OutroATacs. Posing tbovacrusion cf Kansas undor the Léoamptsa | ofthe Treasury Department were in such confu- ‘Weoxmmar, Feb, 13, 1861. | while Weasles were confued i ito ve Mauiny es 

world that tho 
apd.frcedcm, and may pet prove to the wor'd 
faople ef Mexico, howerer corropt their disreputable 
govertments, Bayo dlyray# been virtuoas and free, 

Our Vern Orux Correspondence 
Ven Gnce, Feb, 1, 1561. 
Neo Calind—1he Re dulion Nol Ye Finder —Cenerat 
Hucin—Oreat Nive at Pera Oruz—Supposs Peape of 
Airamun—Arrival of Governor Weller—Anzidty tn Oe 
‘Ametean Spuadnn—Ofrcert Rarigning—Shipping, 
‘AMuough a# an American citizen I Bayo rcarcely avy 
stomach for political aifaira in thls country wintst my 
‘own is tn auch an aubappy condition, still T ell! endeavor 
to glvo you a fowr brief votes of currect events. 
Notwithstanding. tho fact that the const{tutlonat go- 
‘veremont may bo #ald to have lind a complete triumph 
ovee Ste enemies, and la regularly installed ani tn work 

A"rbat Fowler was a efaulter the enly officer of tho pe cadena ‘ Wawarn savy at 
Veg orice at Qo aia itl tho coatry in no meass | got ctument whe korieage, If be bea any, cauld | 2882 Hn Salted aiggtac aun et oat 1 | O00 each, and Massachasots B1,000,00, of ew f- || weio od at about. yer slut, atcecs pearly | SMAMCSSQME mere wale MATES) 
gacited. Tho tants Marquee Me, Cadet O sot | LAIR ME nc omes Tauthrigreaseat ba rented | Pet 10 Mes, ilare raya ght advance opoa set | dero) bonds—thaendoraation being granted onthe |) Recess el we, toile, tleotng's roxy Tri 
CAST, 9, (BOT JFL DORIS KS | on ogainet ap ncocoat party by aby private undcratand. z basis of the federal jloan of 1836 to the ‘Statos. | it'was thought that quitoa oumber would bo lett aver ~ Ste 
cae eee coca careriattcail| sRcaae nan agentes poamenee tree Police Intelligence. With these endoreations it waa supposed that! the f ¥2fld, butdrovers put priocs down vory low, in order | PPAR LIF YOU COULD BUT KNOW UOW TILAVE 
Meanwhile certala nets of President Juarez gave ries toa || U. Tho coly. outborzed pesursslon by Fowler of the es DP ° | clastyesainy meat Pratik Mrmr | Qoadtauage yt ate Yate at mace 
\ Feat yak 

Minfeterlal crlels, and wo have had a vow Cabinet, o3 
fovlows — 
Forolgn Affatra.... 

2 Ortega 

‘A great mang fomiliea were about toloave the coantry. 
| Gibsehabeady retaeed ts the capitate Seiocs charge 
havo beep made against Goneral Santos Degollado for 
berating Dr. Barajas, Bishop of Guadalajara. 


United States District Courts 

Ihe Uniled States rs. George Law ond Gudarus A. Coma- 
ter.—The following requeals to charge were mado Uy ths 
Dlatelet Attoraey — 

1, That the more fact of an ornlsslon to deposit weekly 
| did not eoustituto Mr. Fowler a detaulter, 

2. That thero 19 notning on the fsce of the bond to 
‘show Wust'It is ap Incompioto bond. 

‘3, That Mt royaires a noaniinous sgreemont of the Jary 

to answer tach aod every the several sues, 


boud ws quetfou, sremlagly perfect on its faco, ned. with, 
the foll Bomber Of aurctica royuirod by the tastructions 
of tho department, warranted tho governiaeul im. ascept- 
Jog Ias 8 duly extouted Instrument delivered by a daly 
wiltiorizad agetl, 

7, If Fowler violated the alleged private agroement be- 
tween lila and bis suroties, reir remedy 1s agalast bin 
{Or amazes, and bot agaucél Innocent parties woom they 

coestitution. The resolutions paased that body by 41 to 

‘All tho candiates for Vaited States Senator aro Invited 
to ncdrees a meclicg of tho Vogtalature and tho public at 
Sacramcoto this the atato of tho Untoa.. Its 
Delicyed that cone of thom wil respon to tho int 

‘An effort & making amodg the Doagias metobera of tho, 
Tegislatura to bold a caucus on Tuesday of Thursday. of 
ott week to nominate o Souatorlal candidate, 

‘An Ince! dlary fire occurred at Sacramvatn on the 2th, 
destroying a large boardlog hotso knowuan the Palas! 
Tho tomates bately cecaped with thelr ives. ss aboot 

Two tes of average copper oro from. Calaveras coant 

sion that it was Impossible to discover the tru 
state of alfaira without much Iabor. Messrs. Cobb 
and Thomas, like Mr, Floyd, had evidently no love 
for light, At length, on Monday last, Mr, 
ascertained the exact amount of overdac claims 
against the government, and instantly. applicd 
to Mr. Sherman for Jeaye to borrow $5,000,000 
before the 4th of March, ia order that Mr, Bus 
chanan’s administration should go out of office 
owing no moncy which had been fairly carne, 
As it was feared that a goyernment lonn Would not, 

river apd copper at $112 per ton—the ‘proportion of gol 
Eenellver belog wbont Sid to Uke tan TS 

‘The general oe of trada is thator quietness in revard to 
ict oxportod articies, with aprotty actiyeexport domand, 
for the Tending articlea af domestic prodace. Salsa of 
ademantine candles at 202. a21c. par Ib. Sapat—Sules of 


Hogh Ward,n ccal dealer, iving at No. 617 Post! stroot, 
had a didfenity with: bis wife somo yerrs ago, which re- 
sulted 10 a ecparatiog and Mrs. Ward’s going to live with, 
her brother-in-law, Peter Howles, at No.'283 avenue A. 
Yesterday Ward repaired to the residence of his wife 

sell above 85 at the present lime, an informal un- 
derstanding was had with-the Legislatures of tho 
four leading Northern States that New York should 
endorse $3,000,000, Ohio and Pennsylvania $2,000,- 

now bonds (sixes) would have sold at par, and 
Mr. Buchanan's administration would thus have 
been enabled to pay every dollar it, owes! Uefore 
the 4th of Moreh. This scheme was defeated hy 
the objections of Mr. Garnett, of Virginia. To-day 
we notice that Br. Sherman has oltored hig plan, 

Of all things which (ho butebers and cattle drovers 
and brokers dread, as oxercising thé moat deleterious 
effect upon thelr particular Branch of trade, quad- 
rogesima is the most dreaded, “Accordingly, we wets 
| sot corprisod at ding a dal! markot at Ball's Ica, 
though tho receipts wero hot over and above Leavy, and 
tho nverage qualily full ax gcot ag dual. For the 
medium and lower gradca the demand was mocli lighter 
than uscal, in consequence of the Lenten season, and 
|cyen tho frat class butchers manifested considerable 
| tordinces in their ecleetlods. Chojco extra ateora were 
to emall tupply, and tho few that wore on nalo brought 
bigh prices, ranging from Oc. al0Xe. alte. First 
class caitle cannot bo quoted at over 94s¢,, bomover, 
and a farge proportion of got Weatorn droves 

wero porchered durlog tho latest oars. of tho dy nt 
{our Iosido quotations. | Tho market was very Irrogular 
|aniprices merely nominal, ag In scarcely any’ two yards 
wero they tho samo, oul [ho views of tho Urokers aa to 
thocurrent quotations varied moterbilly. Many of (bo 
| offeringr were ospored {0 tbe serie weather daring ths 
lweek, ond were [coking badly rnough in coosuonce, 
The total nombce on silo ot Allerton's. wan 3,07) head, 

AU BIT 25) abd) prioe al FLA. Teoh wah stoady, with 
limited rales, at $3.16 @ 29.75 for nopacked mosa and 
$10 2 $1075 forextta. Deve bad wore steady, with 
fakes cf 10) bb's, Western at $1e- Lave was dill and 
aa ct BRS soe Se pe with 
tales of 190 Yh at Oige. 8 TO Draw hogy wU4s Sul 
ak Oe sR OESTS per 100 Ws. Battor aod timee wore 
Tuch waa quictat 8X0 a 4sfor 

Sccant—The sales wore fair, though pricas wore 
coe caster. ‘The wales ceabraced aboat 0 bar, Out 
BL ATG @ bc yaad 235 boges ay Tor 9 $9, Tr 

Dus—Cloveri wos In/falr demand) with malts of 100 
bogs Ibis week at Te. a Te cash. Dinaced was to good 
requert, and tales of TAI cargoes of Calcutta havo 
been mado In Boston at $L O65. = » 

Tri— Blacks Wero to geod demAsd antdull. Only oro 
[cargo of cow green haa aryived. Low gradea were roaree 
and Ormly held, A esto has beto made this week of 
{1000 bal chesta of ootony ata reduction of o, poe. 

Waexrr.—Sales wero heavy at tho close and lower. 

reroy Ul th cSine bck would be Beller, mo. toal 
Teun M 


RESALE Mrour, G0008 30LD, 

have enabled him (o cecelve. and demanded of ber tho sum of $160, which sue had ny and at all the yards 9,605 bead, against 4091 bead Lust | TNEOMMATION WANTBD—OF. JOUN Wat, ADAMI, 
8 Lave aud Gouover ave estopred by thelr ow acts and | draw from tho eatloga bank tho day provlouey. ary, | 800 proposes Lo use part of the $25,000,000 already} Wee “Tuo eeeeipta at tho. various yards wero a8 fl- Teetneaine Oeaalete tele pact anl Bae iva 
TU Ussuppoeed tls wll toa good ozklog Cabinet, i¢ | Guinea and Joug, acaulacetes teem cvatetlng the | Wary gerused to accede Wo tbe royeest, ca tbe groans { SaDted, to be raiced by tho issue of coopoa bouds | fons — roesiesia) as | ene " 3 
nol a very strong one. “Judge Botts ia. charging to jury, alter towe preliait, | Ubatsho had a fatally to support, and told ber busbaod | not exceeding $40 in amount. Thoobject of this togn terlin's, O'Driew's. gon. | 7 wits, ERT, XOU WHERR We FUROHASRD UH 
Tho elections for President and Depatiss 9 Consro:3 | gry remarks, sald that early in Sa) Jast tae Sacshil of | 9 60 About bis business, Ward thea begged for halfof | is, of course, to elicit, bids from. the, masses, ac- | ‘This weck.....3,6073 ce 28 at) “403, outlet Je. 4 0m Arlday aM. bab gay (etre 
bavo como Off in eoveral of (io States, but Jo otbors th | jyiy qistrict.reoclved a procers frou Washlogtou requir. | teamount, bat his wife wag inoxorable, and rofusod to | cording to to method: so. successfully practised | Last wee ses BY cer AM qh Bliooc> 408)| dare SIAR FAMOUS TE ay 
confuaton consequent upm the protracted and partially | jg nig, teroiza tholproperty of two porsons, the com. | glvohimadollar, Findiog thht- he could not accompush | by Napoteon during the Crimean war. 1 quatiyy Pree Quality, 

‘cootinucd civil war Ig 60 great that it hax beet Inipossl- 

Dito havo a polling, although the Law requircs tho | for thesom ef #75 600. Concurrent with the rocaptim or | AD4) drawleg a revolver, threatenéd to shoot bia wire tf | of Jancary, 1801, wero. 2207019 AL a = 

fpoeral lectin (te held ca the game ay througboot | nat gatraot Me- Fowler, thoTstmastere tis eltr,ab. | SROWKLEOL COMIN WHR bs demand. “Nota daaated | Paroioge January, 180. soofotsss B80 R00 00,) POUT a S588 TO ot LOST AND FOUND. 

Alten Largo do Tejada wilbe clectettrestiont, and | Zcouced, ond {t became votorious that hewadwderauttor | befed to her’ resolatiod, - when her: 'hasband | Increaro boston SLRriySeS Us| | pete Dec SERIO 3 06 00g Cataract JUS DSeGK De RSEO RT END NMALBARCO RT ATH ae 

Hut Sonor Anta, tho fate nezonipllaied Mnlstor nt Wash~ | to the gorcranioat for x=ory cousldcrablo auim of mrauy, | Beeame earegcd and discharged tho pistol at er fwlee | i. ss ual report of the Ilinois Ceatral Rall: | [ YMAL cau. Toorth aucae The owner ead have Ie by calling nt 4) West 

fogton, will Bochosea Goyeruuy of this Stato. To-losing | omuuutirg to home $90,6c0,” Te mulgbh appear ey theJur} | Eettoastely the balls went wido of the mark and lodged P Ml First, pero. Ge. w Te. Common... fe. a 63, | Toleyfopeih areet between 2 ada ty 

Un serelecs of eo Irroproachable amsnax Gov. Zamora, | that it wes 8 very unusual procedure that avy pariy ta, | BArMIcesly lathe wall, ‘The Oring attracted the atten- | road Company is Known to bein type, and to have | fst perly- ee. 8 disc. femmin -... ae. 8 Ge 

NJea eatlsfaction fo foc! hat bo will hasasucb @ sus’ | this country ehools be clothe! with tho powceto summa: | op Ofzome of the inmates, who promptly taterfered. | yon cont to England; but the directors Lave not enner ayo Lon. ORTON BATU RAY ABEND YR UES fa pete 

bre ily ulna, tne preperty and ffecia of a debtor without | Tasman anger: Ward thea, pretended tobe, deeply vouchsafed to gi to any onc here, | Primo,per b4.85 60-0 7.00 Coromon......$3 00.0918 | HAohte THEM wilt benulmcis inward by leering We 
fo had a Beautiful Iittle row at this place on Sanday adjudication of the matter {aa court of fustico. ut Ber in pretended’ to be deoply | yet vouchsafe Bie a.copy:to any one here. | or dinary...... 400 0 6 00 Inferlor,.... 1, 2 78 08 00 | exmeat6s Furcs avenue, cormer of Puirtsenih atreel. 

last, caused by tho arrival of tho dieutizcu Spxnlsh, 
Guatemalan ood. Keuadorisn Ministora, with the 
Yapal Nunclo, the Archbishop of Moxica, and a 
Tot_of -bishopa Tho popiilace gut after tho Jatter, 

plaiant: In the prestut sult, Mezsre. Law and Conover, 

this “rule of law” ves obly In respect to public aiete, 
fd was exerolsed Jn the apieit of teal: tk wad 
4 ougerous. precogalive IX welt, and in tho opl- 
Rion ur this\ Court should ‘bo exercised wlth great 

ia purpose by falr means, he rceolyed upon ustog foreo, 

penitent for the attack upon his wife, and {otimated tha’ 
hho wished to gee her alone for « few moments, provious 
to parting with her forever. Not guapecting that mls- 
cbicf waa intended Mrs. Ward rotired with her husband 
to the privacy o(the hallway. In a (ew sccondsafter wards 

‘The earnings of the Erie Nailroad for the month 

We understand, howover, that. it oxhibits a stato 
of things unparalleled in (he history of rallrouds in 
this country, The debtor side of.the account is 

0 coo 31 00 Common 

Extra, pr et.$l 
Firal.....,.- $00n 9 C0. Inferlor.. 



6740. Other quala ..61;c. = 5, 
‘Tho warket for milch cows remalos quict, and prices 

First quallty..634e. 

racelet A literal reward sil bo pald on tis return to 
éekham, Merrill, Fiteh £ Ua, 17 John abreet. 

with apseket fal of rocks," before they eval descend | caution, and. watched carefully’ Ieat(t be exorelssd to ths a 
roe thelr coaches, aud inthS musa that eased, durieg | Hurt ot Individuals apd withoat carrying oat tho pur- | 19ud Fereams were héard (suing from tho ball, and upoa | said to stand somewhat as follows: — aro mituout noticeable variatien. For the cbotce blood: | —o + ox eam arm INES IN A NERTRATIND 
fre eee enenegy An me cause teak cns eds durlog | Wart of ted\riduals aod witboat carrying oot Ube par- | ¢Carcinsitoniy was ford twat the woman war ftavbed ta €&° coma the inquiry cooticues fair, and boldors aroen- | [,OST—ON THE Sti INST. IN A. TWENTE TH 

mi:cuoua manner, tho apostolic ropressotatico got a 

tho goverpment abd todlyidualy, as between man ant 

no leas thanthree places about the body. Wan was sean 
running down {ho stairs, apd aa soon as ho reached tho 

£0,cooshares, fill pald.-..-.4, $8,000,000 

Capital atock, \ 
1 ' 00 C60 etinres, 5Oper cent patd ! 7/209,000 

pied to obtain remancrative prices,’ bul for other kinda 
thi dexand 48 moderate, and our quotations are baroly 

ining iweive doinra a oree dviae bila vad ehprpio 
‘Tha onder milthave wre kindness to leave with: Me Mad 

biow on «ho. head Rites e M min ant 
blog, on tha side of the head abel sincgezol ha sav cn: || ony! has Ualdsa<BibLenCoigrese-A¥A, Ub mer ter Oro KERUZSlatT any ‘aigntt Bar asaN eee AlAs ads Moat || hageLEEN STE ee 17130? 00 | ihnvorted, Aoferior grace are dail and dreoping. “Tne | ewcrray rece 
rote in-the seven billed ely of bur psor old master, Flay | ted in Moje cage; It avy Cone Danty Whosapropeety haa, | Niweoit in. tho” région “OF the stomach, By this | Pooda ot 168... 2... Ganon. | Fecoipls at tho various yards wore as follows — : val FURAVAW ON EARDRUAT, 
IX. Thore. waa a genera) gersmblo for Metter to-tb9 | Leen ro levied upen WU privileges oF BAUR UG Fights ad! | tHE Policernan. Randfors,. of the Fightcenth ward,-| ponds of ‘75. eyed Alerten's, Browning'n, Chambetlin's. O'Brien’ OST-AT THE FRENCH TURATAM ON BATU 
Freceh-azd American Cunsoutes and various, private | cated and passed upon In ® court of law. Tho! fourth | M#Tived at the sccne of iis. dlsturbazes, and Ward was | 20 cabs | This week..22 a a 39 | optoor's tata rath inst and’ cats fun qader will eo 
hoe chon ck tap seder ntact | decttwat Grae dnd wich be erent ra ae | Geet, biere Ural oF medal ame | aot. RE Acuna oil iecreicaebre seater rune tan 
Full, whin be'wect iota private-quartses. ‘The poor tel. | thom the privilege to Uelog tre matter botore ihe Uaitea | ue abdomen, Inilcting asevaro if uot fatal wound. “SMe, | fry tesa noted | The demant'continucs foellerate for all kinds, and not- 
Jow'wac in ou awtul fright, Whough perfectly: sate, and | Stotes District Court wittiog In ebancerg, and havo a do- | \VAFa Was £9 svcnk. from the loss.of blood that It Was | Valuo of 1,033,000 acres, ‘withstanding the supply was light, oar outside prices ara ‘TRAYED OR STOLEN—A BLACK AND TAN TEI. 
ented his rank-a decided caso of melo ep icarart.” Hh) | eleloa upon the eqully and jastorss of tip demand, “Th>_| Ypenued inadvisable remove ‘hor from ber résidence. | °reut gelling price, $15 per ucro. 20,025,000 Darcly eustained. Tha Bulk of tho offerioge were placed at tier; ls anmwered otha namo! Peleg Any pire 
Miplmate gentlemen have capterked fer Liacana, but | Court ating fa eqully could grant an injunction ceatraia. | Sbe states that i. was while -ber husband was tn the act, — 33,025,000 | & c- Zc., and oblya fowor tho cholecat brooght | ‘6 iy'¥aat Fouricenthatreet ns 17 UMA ME 
Tppatito church diguitartca.aro all Jo eafo Jodglog: ta | tog Ube Marshal from eclaing the property of tho parties [ot ksslog bee that ho barlod, the steel in bor ste, and dest ,whilo only the {nferlor and common grades wero at 2 
Thacontle of Uloa, Were. blebups ever before ta oom. | upoo thelr gieing wullcfeat Dall, aud that coursa’ | tEattwo otber elas wero inflcted before the assallant’s | Clear proM.s..:1-,b-vsersso0=2t e+ sons~ $8,227,090 nihoed al our: lower: rang oF, ftom BMC. Lobe. Those | GTOFFED-FUNEORED TE BTOLEN, AX OVRL, 
letey taken by tho tn? : wos ndopted Ja thie cade, and ball to tho amount of,|,\eDRcerCe was eaviefed, The condition of the injure This is exclusive of the rallroad—the longeat in|. yar for market The fackel won atiectod eer Tak, | hnvloe etreasee: Appiy at Letyis Lake Oe fiona 
TcWs ccported that tho mighty Micamoa Linuclt, after | $200 (00 given by the complainants that thoy would pay nan LEDs M i tho, phyaiclaas iarket. ‘The market was affectod very Witle | slo 

vole concealed tome day at the French Gossalato, eta 
barked Ja the disgucs of a French payaLoflicer, with the 

tbo government all that Stmight recover ta tho ovent of 
an fuverse declelon against them. Ip the cage now be 

hi attendance having but slight hopes of her recovery. 

Cuanae oF Fates Bramacrs—$30,000 Lxvourxe —Stiles | $320,024 from. traffio, 

the United State’, and onc which last month carned 
ud which paid toward the 

by the Lenten season. Tho fecelpts at the various yards 
were ag follows — 


Syanh Ambassador, abd has sailed for foreign’ parts ta | foro the Court Messts. Law ond Conover admitted tust,! Peck, a lawyer, waa taken into castody by Sergeant ! Sapatcten's Bomentay s; Chantertie's, 0 Belong 
fHjay Bi I govten plunder. Wein AC ay Name | they bad coed the bees, Chat the algantares alle to | ctot!. 8 nacre Fas ken inte casloly Dy Sergeant | intereat fand labt year about $900,000. The total | mis weck::.210° a % 4) SB eaaapctonr, s corp crane maton, x0, 
Mitau.on wsa.of tho farts, en iit Lrorsonadle to copjec- | it wero thers; but they also claimed tkat they bad cn- TET ee ve interest on the bonded debt is $1,060,000, The z u 17,94, belween plots 27 and £4 Gouth street. Tha above: 
ture thal Deu Miguellto was not for off, as itis sali dat | tered Loto am ‘cogagement with alr. Fowlor that they-| cargo of Ta'eo pretences preferred against, tim Uy Mr | yo niery atatement shows $41,600 of bonds cancel: | 3 SHEEP AND LAMBS. | reward 'will be paid by leaving iat 17d Bouts atrony, pitt 
Couchits wil not trust her Miguelto ont of. her aigh\, Mero not to becorne his euretios without the additioual | Jégiah Starr, of Patterzon, N. J. Tha complalaant, tn his | YPRUSY sf ‘Tho market was plentifully aupplicd Ula grok aad tho | Jacob Hucker. 

overnor Weller, of California, the wow Miolster Plenl- | gignaturo of s thled party, Mr Charllck, and that thos ? : Jed, ond $31,000 collected for the interest fund, | demand being Hight, eates drogged considerably, while 1 

poteatiory to Mexico, tas reached that olty, Laylog Lauded 
‘at Acspuico. Ho ls neoompanial by bia 493 ond by Major 

sigeed tho bend with ths inderstandfog’ that it should 
Rot be cellsercd to ,the goveroment unt Mfr Charlit 

cadidagit, allcgea thst about a year ago bo had oczaston. to 
rdize the sum of §7,5000n bond ant morlgago, aid waa 

Apnexed is the January statement of the Illinois 

holders were obliged to grant a concesaldn from previous 
roles, amounting to 2c, a £0c. por bead, on au average, 


Archibald If, Gillesple,na-atiasdea of tho Iegasion.. Wo | had exccut tustrumént with: them. Moy further | rere fe nsaot bust. | Central Railroad Company: zi r thongh tho range Ls full az wide a8 last week, owiog to | ay15 ptarlon 
are ort advised fog, Weller, havin prota | lam Mia ruc for cog flmo previnigostobe | Sees ‘Starr faye Re way pouced ot fase ores |! Land Drporiments,) <1) thesact at a for cairns orooReL as high ay’ $0000 $7 < - 
ExSdcotiala, atgsara. “igco ond Iistntrloy lato. tho-| executicn of the bond bad brea in arrear to the governT] agred; Wogitbor with olber-real and personal property aa = ae Value | PRE BEM, | Good eee were sok a3 Jow an $120. which |’ & 5 ()() HEAVARD WILT. TE. EAID 70 ANY EEIAON 
Charan dtallulre snd poral agent oC tbo Ualted States; | reept, and that tho gorocament Koen of iL, and that (hoy, Yalu ind at $£0,600) und up a tui eatate bo (irapased 4 Cina trillent Yabdd.:? U G66 siz7os | Pedy Drought $5 Inst weekend ea Oo re Nee as 
willarrive at this place Ina fow days, en row’s forthe | wero’ not fnformed of ‘that fact by the’ autuorittes at | td get o loan of $7,600, a8 alroaJy gtated, Tho Jefeudant,.| Iatarest card Jand: A's > Bloat] Reroplaced at our lower quotatlons The receipts at tho | detection ant conr‘cilon of the 
United States, Worhlugton, " Thoy “also—allego ‘that ‘tho goverament,"|-p cays, Yeprescited Wbat it woul bean casy matter (9 | Free lauds sold, oid AS 492.) Aecent yards for, the Keck aud last week were pa, (ol; 
jaan may_evnketaa, ero is reat auxlty Ja he | ihyovgl thi utile ccc, ted bere delagient th hike thiralse, bn Requesicd’ complainaut’ to biga his |” | A er ee A ee ie hie 

ierlcan s © wee. Neal uta | celves in allowing ther parites fo their prejudice Yo be; LS faricg the i , * 1a nls, Browning s. Chamsberlin's. O'Brien's. 
tre uliceea have. (codered their revigastious: but FTag:] Gout aefathier aad take oe Mei Raade; wad tank roy St mana Berparied wo Deaumorigage, Ar. Starrstgued |: Tota dura ube meekh =. S.5°° 0 19289) WIBL BSED ag weaken ano | BML Os an 
Puteor Keudesgrast (a Kent cokian) declines to accept any | (complainants) bad no notice of-the fact-and that there- | bla intselon ntarted for home wishout tbinklog noytblog | Sold previously, (cot sales)...--- 1,200,278, 10,147,089,| ASt wcek,. U9 4,244 ; CO 
realtanog cri rave atuenes ions foveiga | ftro I wae iueauthi-andtnproper foal tation fave of the mates! Br the mouth of Azgust ash hows |" f z | es eee ae ee Feaqattle THE LECTURE SEASON, 

. ts ee 4s eae oth od and ogaios| em. | ever, ho esys be discovered that the'papor he signed was. Total in «+ 1,272,067) $16,590,622 |* 0 receipts darlag the week wore mod¢rate but ths | Foor Tey pasourATION, — 

progelety cf this. Tho Sablocand St. Louls hayo sailed | That was the bests of the eats fe ebancery ut “, z sient deman t a feclined Ly 5* RCANTILE LI} ASS QOIATION, 
Pre Farspabe with ioalepetigsanie recvent ca Nuepaladall (ebinotathec Gene ney (Ee ee a power-of attorney, nuthorlaing, dlpaseof bis, | Costedtlon Bouts canceled Jan- erand Los been tlgbt, and p a M® NAAM AT e 

Ubey flad dithculty at the former place.” Tha remalaing 
sbipa ,of tbe. eqzadroo, cossisting ob the dagahip Pow: 
hatan aod tho, Cumberland, will abortly renlezvona at 
Hayngn, leaving only tho, Mids leamer Posahoatas en 

Fronted an injascica agalert further procecslogs upon 
bo partof tho govcrament, pendicg the adjustment o 
tho matter,“ Ocrtain queetiony or Issues were. theo 
ftamed. and ‘propounded to bo aoswercd. by a. Jury, 

catire property. ‘opoa “Inquiry ‘he ascerlalned  ftat 
$10,¢¢0 worth of the property had been actually eold, an 
Wak there was a mortgaco cn te cémaloder of tholland j 
far over $40,000. le claims to have been Injurod to tho 
amount of $20,000, nnd prays tut Peck may bo dealt 

© at, IRBs eg avve. + -$41;600 

‘Obustruction bouds canecticd. pre 
‘Whole scence sod 

Total cust receipts in Jam., 1261. 
fatal cor and. bonds received 9 

15,740,000 | $1,771,600 

l67e. per Ib/ for corn fed, and 63 
The tolal recelpfx of all Block at all tho yarda for tho 

week and Jast weeks ter 4s follares:— 
Beeres. nes, Calera. Sh 

SLs, Sine. 

WfID deliver bis nowane wrillaaLteeture on the 

“ALB o'clock. 
Tickets 25 cents, For rato at tbe Library or al the door. 

the ion. ‘ood upon thy rendition of the answers to thom tho y v ty. (7 
NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS. act would gives Goa, deca Tho “iudge bar. | Fanti Mle aol commie) (or exealasig, Fase | eek réenpts fa ehcry! apap to cascelatnct | Growing a2 ra POUNTICAT. 
trom NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS. Dr the United States ‘and read Sieiose Brame, ,Cotrl, | ected the chargo preferreal azalost hin, atl says be'] constrcction bosds, $41,353 66; applicable (0, freo- land] Chamberlin 's B TH WARDOMOZART WALL WAND COMMITTER 
at ig y rana, Fob. 6.) | Ice's confident of soyaitial when the matter comes tobe | fund, $3,519. applicable to interest fund, $22,325 75, | OPricn’s, ss Temu 
Alii beter euncet yesterday eyvateg ier Maatys | Chef Jestcen slarsball nd Taney s opinions la ertor to (iy neesiesteds =? See Misedsnecur stecunts, 86,004 10. Total, #2427864. | Borgeo,.....2... 468 Froroasy, a 934. Mer a ley ons? Nava ageaue. seem, 
ate ‘alien, from’ Very. Cru, en u hv rf a or paginas eh eon — sed to attead, a sare wilt 
(Ilivana), havic on baad bis Fxcelicnsy Hoa J. ean, |) bond. Tue Judge alo lucidly explained’ to the jury tue |} AMEOED Dsstosmere oF 4 Cum.—Edward Slt a fast Cuan Cela \Totat, 3,605 SP brcugbr before Weenmmtegs ea 'mburaars wt 
lacy Paatcen, lato Milater to Moxtea, wich tua permnnat | mente ofa delivery of a deed of bond upoa evnditian | young man in the! employment of Messre. Halle Whcel- fees, byd Risers sical, pare SeREENARD BWESEY, Prealdeat, 
‘of tho legation, the | Nai ‘ot ie Mor ot D way y ¥ 4 erday meee Ade = janes BETA, eer: 
Clement rebel of Dveascus, Geucral Aiguet ira: | PfOved. CO We eailactioa of. bo. fury. that | ¢5°8®. 2¥alZenlaie, was taken Unto eaatody yesterday | afi -°- fs DAE Oy = 
rig ABU biter fersaus of dstinctica, The bond was execatad by the complaints soa at |! by detective Doreaberry enVebsrge of steallog elghtcen | Kent of read 5 10 eee 3,608 FINE ANTS. 
viel WS Disses A oe Senditen allegod; and that it was del refed without une god watcher, twelve Gold rsga anda Tol of otber Joel CONE Sarena ere eee nel FIR apart OTT 
jn the the government .dircoted the Chief of ,Po- Longe ition, the parttcs ai thebood | ry, valued in all at $1,000, tbe property of hid employers. on « th we 
ut tg nelly do Sehebop Ot Acaieo et owader for | wero Rot: ound to its fudlineat.” The ‘question which. | Sh grcuter partion of tbs ttolga poods was recoveec ny | Total feclP\a io January, SOL... behest cry commenctaL neporr. zulg bes Gorter age tad ostbea ok tree taf tate ero 
exile, clefog bl treo days to preysare, With him vero | ems before them was whether the bond in thiy caso had | (ho oficer and restored to its legitimate overs. Young # never ee ie Wrnstxoar, Feb. 12-08. M_ | wet, ffom 10 ecm tog) with i900) ecimel Of rare Hovke 
to sve the Bebypa of Duravgoy schoscan, Guadalajray | BECP dellvered with the eonuition named, and it would | rmidh boda penchant for fast women and fut borsss; | The exchanges at-the Hank Clearing House this | Assse—aho market war steady, wily anenorcos co | inaivdpananceivat Weratarr Yerwle bed. W BOUTON 
Volos), Linaire and Pepagra; ang it was Intimated ta thors |’ the weetimony at great length, bia Honor ctscryed, that, | S84 lived Jn fino style while the monoy lasted. Qa belag | morning were $17,551,010 47, and the balances | bb!s., locludicg pots at 6 1 102. and pearla at Gce. £,90., Importers, 57 Walker street, New York 

Personoges that thelr departure fromthe ‘capital, whero: 
they bad artombled to cgcspe from tha, daogers of tho 

$ gers to the bend wucther they hal allsched any con. The Chi ae Racer 

Fevolution, bad Vetter ike plseo fu ths qifethours of tha | Sikpe ls power, ‘The magletrato locked him up for exam! e Chicago Press of Monday cays:— more doing at the concezslou, and chiefly for oxport. "The pnecin  eeroparee ed 
Bight, {oavoia'a tumult. the=stall wboabara men: | (ye ou lg ata “Tau his depen | SAR: ‘Tho ees from Springed ie ennleing. Soma profers | (yacsncicns exabreeed abcat 10000 Obi, claleg within | J) 4MOXDE, DIAMONDS, WATOMES, Waroues — 
Moued pergouaces jeft, excaptlog, tho Ditbop of Durango, | itton into consldcration- ‘The fact ef big beleg ae to have despatches stating that a compromlge wll bs ro- | the followlog reoge of prices — 5 10 Glen Gold Wathen, ‘warranted, {rom $la Us Be — 
bo wor fh Nis sloeee4, ADM arrived af Vera Crozon Sun:.| fauieer, and having. absconded, abould slabs Uke igs | United States Commissioner's Court, _ | Perici co Menday, and put through under a suspension | Seperfine State. 8 19 | Bett Bur ictr cat top savncact, Advacersea 

Say} the 2B, at neon.” “tha popslses, exeltel by two nets Coiabelate Gch OF the rules. -Oubers report that Senator Mack's Bill will) Extra Stale, geod 6 a5 | Dismonds, a JT. WATLINGEE, 

or thresforcigacrs apd a Mesizan,"* sayy a letter whieh is 

ft was the duty of the goyernmeat to inquire of the 

condlderation, and they were to exy what credit. they 
would attach tohis evidence. 

brought before Justice Kolly, the priconer confessed is 
vilt and sntimated a desiro fo mako all the reparation Ja, 

£896,798, 63. 

bo adopted, while, many begia to fear that tho Legisla- 

Bresnertrre.—Flour—Tho market for shipping and 
superiine Weslcrn Stato branés was caslér, but with: 

Superfine Weatern.... 




17 Brosdivay, room 33, up stalre, 

Bow Weivre us, “rceeivel tee iastrlous party with | Messrs. Law and Canrver | Fra. 12.—The United States cs. Samuel Black.—Tho do. |, ure will do nothing. We & sanrenin 
i rere als9 competent witnesscn, by a t ig. Wo cannot bellove that tho latter | Common to choice Western eatra. 710 
ieee (tc e ihe mh hoking mucrat, Une | et eet wlan UA Tee atSES | (aunt ina cate asareaty reported othe out, ein a comet. Tad eesbue wold ok dace cas | Sed sright Stirs, a 6 | Somme SINE anNANrED BOLT, GOLD AN 
Sut cocapa belog wield Beton eNeY COR, | hero read several decisions upon the subject, ant re- | was charged with isauing metal buslness eards 1a Umita. | Nome to thelr constitnenta without parsing somo law to | Sira‘sht to good extra do... -. Hd Os don Walch Niogubs Costs Sad 
the wotts nine geiog etelzed by Suen burbarity, aud | ferred to tho testimouy of Sr. Law ana Sr. Gonover, who | tea of the United States cent cola, protest them from the iadeOnlte multiplication of wilt | Cbolso cxtra family and bakers’ Drania.. 7 25 a 8 00 | Botesand accordeans, de, repaired end de- 
Ropes nunaeshvaldeendo othe gotleser beVera | CYmetanGiog that a. Custis wag ane gates fe mconer Bel Rim for ab ‘alabltued oud that. these pew to aperation shall got the | Cora meal, Soiesy and Braadywiges:c<<. 8 2 $2 | WslllasUen vastarted ft een 
atten We, - tone! uuderetan: t Mr, Charlick was to bi afc fs 7 eal, Jorecy at ‘wine...... a ‘warranted al : 

Bae tar Recerca yhoo eeald bored, Strat He then aoa too evidence Jogo ee ee ote igculatan, And in iawn, so alia Seana ney easter Bed. mofgactive at the cone | _L ‘W. UW, MORBIRON, Watchmater 205 Madera street, 

oy COUL LOE canbark fed observed that it was satura] to. assume’ that R A ° jon: the tales embracod £00 a ALES 1245 —= 
ere ae rk Wot should remals prisoners uatil | Fitton, as ho had testided om the stand, did bree FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, | ficuze, orbiuding injunctions from commisrioners, and | $7 ‘25—the Jatter Bguro for only small lous of ‘aay axe] al VALENTINES. 

Buch gabe reassa why Te sloasiee Vela hunseiC with noy thing about the private tranesciioes SrAblibg (ko Auditor to wind up the Danks that do not | tm. Southern Cour was without cbango of momcat in | 47 <rastiNES val COTINES. 
svouted fea taking 9 Wisely abe Uses Guage POC, | or-unerstanding between Mr. Fowler and Messe. Law Wenxespay, Feb. 13—6 P. af, | Fe#Pend by the redemption of thelr notes. These mea- | Pticis: the mals embraced eboot 1.200 bbla., cloalog - BT! VALENTINES DAY, FEBRUARY If. 
Tad arrived at Vers Greg, One tae! who | snd Cbuover. fie bad only fuldlied the duty be was 4 *\Feb. Mf. | sures would afford both relief and protection. We trust, | Within the range of tho abore quotaticas, Rye boar was | Cal cn STRONG tovs3 aud get your Valeune, 
fag bee Sasa’ AmSicaaoe ese wea eee te. | End upent perform, and’ be had dees tar algeay | THe foreign exchange warket closed with rather | benercr athe Legutora wilGad tas enabins | Psy atsarquulties sib ues ef about Avs ie - a 
Count of Ale: AU Soaslgue ei q A with Gdellty, It it o firma S us 0 bill aro before them, | ©" wae qui ye bore Dzurce Wheat wat = 

ie ach Yeseswor Claacatt," tho other | Sit! with Adel He was not strange, therefore, wnat | more firmness this morning; the low rates at-| Sod pasgit nto aiaw at ones, hesty end rather lower, while dhero. waa’ n baler | WALERTINE, WANTEU—A XUXO Brom 

‘with Mr-Fowler about Sir. Charilck’s signing tho boad 

tracted buyers; every one who could scrape mo- 

‘The Nashville Banner of the Sth inst. says:— 

dematd for export, The trancactions embraced. eboat 

wing lady gojaainianecs, hopes UbAat some" of (be Calr sex 

vas at Sart alive : 
ineee, eo Jaden Hilton wan prevent, and the Judgo not to | noy enough ‘together mado haste to remit, The | the amount of doar, cora and bacon which bua pasead | ari Slchigea wiles SLOTGo ceo Tore Ce | puldete Fy on Rie eriarm tte and eed lin a vaeadse. 

dat the people tnt Loe tnd with Ws iste stat | Cbscrvedy Jado Mlton only denreato texorm wat tue | Steamer took out 61,455 in specie. ud is pauaing throng tls clty,en rove for tho repablics | road deat, 41 38 (or primo Loca Taaadrcl, #12) a1 2 7 ; 

Of the locividuals who lied too porticlion lay rovulred of him, and did wot attend or lsten to the | _ There ismo change to note in the money market. | coyrecedented.- Booctsion sects to havea rere rils |r Coss lx club, $121 for good Milrankes clap, and £1.17 ETA 

ccuvetsation petweci the partic.” Ta hls opinion te did 

There is plenty of money scoking employment on 

oppetites. amazingly, and they grasp at the provender oF 

{cr goed Chicago tpring.. harley. waa Orm, with eales rc 

Barley mali 


nghgauete a ecetal praga amy adv eed vary’ |-copreemabios ortetch fe parle. Tn Be opinion did Ported of 16,C00 boabe fait Miata ab TC, AMELEED ORNIT 

palraiivans of fsck were far from upeceg wih by [oP RNverumeat, beweos the ttnay given by Mewra. | Call at 6 0.6 per cent, and alively inquiry for fu- | jee Myekrensblicand with a, veracity abslalaly alarm | = Orr, wut rales of 1.260 bnabels at 00: om tine. | Ai, 33h ialLGcory,cr rarest feranvesciys ie soup 

Fae cerca gmctlak the SvenaXnl. Amoogyt othery | LA" Atul Conovcr anu that given by Judge Hton. But, | vorite names at the discount houses; but second | Siriegdeld, Il, tbe Home of tbo rail epltters wBIch coors | LoshO ced fa eee aU MeL ey wri | Va LRINOTON'S, 4 Cats! trent, oppealis Wore. Bs 
wuslice lit reeigoed. bis-psat, alleging, | °f|CaUrse; that was e roatter for the Jary to decide them: | Cass pape: ith up Ube olber ‘day oot tho! Hillman, destined’ for Geer | toe ere a cet: tho eles, incladlen parouls pbed kc 1248 

TOUR pe Feamepy tet be Eaverementaboald eet cur: | jfk 1k ta not uceseary to ave this wadertand: PRET Passes with great diffealty, and al.| Was receives’ with pleasure: Wulortacataly Toc tees? | fo Se ee a ee ante. | TacRsITUAY, 2O—a GENTLEMEN, O0IKO TED 

ELD Tie views to fnfivece: the action er the courte. Other 

high rates. 

publics aforceaid, tho Western and Atlantlo road la Gear- 

He. a 6S. for old Weatera 

ope, wiles Loyeli cul. Aman ats wile.d reas’ oxne 

(pres hat Ine narwee fayuad, and frmead and . a rm at the raliecad’ depot: unas 
ipeginte ior me tee sot et | Crees a ee ey au sia | TB stock Bark i oaig was ivegalarat | usta eee tay oa aeagen ay, | Ps ato fran dane ego | Pact cabana ty ae ae 
er retiring. = - : ‘nolng apd: oxncuted tho bond upon that con | the oponing, but the tendency of the nti few Southern whita, (or ol | reer eonde U5 o1der), very ebtep lenaash This ia or bum 
§ ana me an ul speculative | rallrosd and etearsboat bat a of rf Bererr 
nip inte ba areved the CNS et Pe Wy wert cat se ot ac eee tartan | stocks was downward, especially after qhe frat | tat aresdy hat i eel tt he tal expt of te AvPstena il GLOsasanak Bw SO}far a of Suased'| EOF hcg SPEaTUONy colors Zorn Adres Parag 
iitagamerted fo us ct Ae Pape bad bean | lens atthe setimong wich bed een gen with | board. New York Central declined 1 per ‘cent; | gre told to carry theme witbant Garberregen cae | Coast lie socskatconleaot witboat asloatioa soa | gon Byte CPUMAITURE wy A PAuTY DECLINING 
CO ORM ig ikea Prt lo Cs Pup dee! Tom Line | HP, Matthey were to consifer ohetlag the uedecuer | Zoledo, 4: Reading, 24; Mlinois Central, 134; | Our warehouses are Gilisg up, and boots not belng willlag | prictt weio cochanged. The pxlea footel abwat 2600 Lcdeheepleg A canjlelo set of Parcor, Redrorm and 
Disswosstulan fegcn es leg cs allegca, usa opealy avowed at ihe tie the teed | Evie, 1; Galena, 1. Hudson River, on thi & | to pay orayago and slcragu, on account of the fasbllity | bilee, closing at abot 3190. per Ib, for m(adlln> oplasda. "| Lilctim ure Musee Margate {tose eeciraiplaciag betoge 
pret eal been emo ecene wah cava? FemoPeely avowed at the, tine the boad A; 1s Hod er, onthe strength | or the road to reeowro feom the wharf; have lald up tp | The Sollowine w a elakersent of tho mearenieat imenion | Lesleaenied yas wppiy. accrual Key bas Litt mew VOre 
relghs Thee and a1 Ueto iho Popo Sad tbe |r Vowlerara Tae cad Goagbe a teatimay of | of the freshet, fell off 124 per cent. State stocks, | walt a elearmg out, or aro receiving no mare allroad | nitce ibe Mu ccptemmer luck ex coupaces wiih the pee-,| FOICEt 
rollers Were were tngsect eae Terltcg aorta: | RAN DEC Be bec ken by at ‘Fomraad eat nthe os Uneaten Generally better at the frst | "He receipts of the Toledo and Wabash Raflroad| eee mL tem = te 1888. a AN Duels g Ue) Vane pital 
Visplis iis saad Pak Alay at ibe herd oc a thoasand | UEPALECaLatet There war'nothieg om tae’ fas ef ine | Veneer RA steady aflermard. The decline to-day | ror the first week in February were:— Sug fo afin L800 | aka: Eo Reforoe Ee Be Vor ate 
roto, hed tozi-d at His Vreds, Eacundo, who bad ouy | CqUsMdL toabow that therewas tore thin oassurery | seems to be regarded asa natural reaction. after 5, =H Expied tou. Bi 119K.cg0 1 201000 50309 ‘6iBioon | ees aise ty Uy Bh otro) nasa deer 
rE nerr abd voy = AGEN ce aftera Oeht | Nees saeco dee seseuctio (9 Fowler, whic bad | the advance of tho past two days. If political | passengers... ‘ Balas | ne weitertn ya Isstcor sort) —aet'ous Tate | To GPOnTING. 
TatcTat erat 1,cU0 ssnog-lastateji Ine aame toe | MDS Eee two surrion buttery wee Aigicultics ore settled, it is taken for granted | Fre‘eht 9 Soi | ata expert a8 YAPROOD,TBTR 000 AM 000 630,000 | maar 
oeeciat ray ous bier aebey ion rt- ul | SRceg gar lnc SURSNg not that stocks will. rie rapldly, under the eom- | total F Ofhich aartee Ure poate, fade tn tiesto tt AL Et later af pial wer 
oar eh emia thas aay at thesgveern- | Sg ucallapatec rtne eae fy Wined effects of casa in money and the gencrsi | ferveaee- fee dat pore. T4ruco 18s ceo aa oon 125 009 | eae Neehlnd nts Bi Di oe eee 
ew. = arbor Sues ala taarMece 2eeen TUNG Voaktbeteaigaa- | increase of railway tfaffo. At the second board [arta ah ative Ty keys he eae = EAI VENEERS 
Sijq FO USN et APL Motes, Feb. 7] i Mpeg th Seccien, BuGsS t Bouse on the | (o-asy thé market was rather better a Do. toutker!’s pr. Teo <23,00 181 a Gis PUTLER, XO. SPER ELIF, HAS ALL Tae 
Aceorals ae} ay Feb. <oyplog the Send was creeciedy and. Why war wee LES i a read c 1st. é PICTOU Tee Atay 5a WR oe : eis aloes 
Qe merescen tau! Teetdoty eee aes Co tauty | fo Bauer feat Gabe ee ites: bass | mgt sleceripilons were) fraction. bigher ¥epip remuryenen tons, FE | eal fit ete pe dane ed EB eee s Faces ait to Bee 
(HR. ent cad 3 HENS ye Pacbesisacre set Hees | akan io thecmpmibe, ‘The wisrket closed quiet. | 210 co Vuuren too a0" av fist gear ya 8 8) cross inexportste | Marae umese de Meares feral! dieeaice o 
PND: oa - The a . = s Great tails oat 7! Tesrase Wo oy F == 
5 eh ee ee Se coesdecrese uy ater Renta jin, 1900. Toe ge | PhO S1EP—A ENACT BUACK AND TAY DOG. AED, 
in fhe strect Stocks" were a fracilod higher creose mn experi, 151 £900 balnn Gd Slat Pup, fre wesie old; warran:sd. 

5 BIC 
There wero isu, ether by 

oMtruvard.—United States 5° (1874), 8724: Virginia 

(re rex —The marker sea withat chsaze of mamrat, 
hie the cles cmbracet ab ait 1,90 cals of Sara al 


Figtaetreets, in the vicre. 

nipat ou 

Thud eresue, bawers cuny te aad Forty 

Be PaNLahat tq ja fassod cpen: Kirst, whether ee Recine Se Temncssces, 7234 

s Juunet ether WU. TAG ae Missourt Mee. & Wace, ane oo bows Wits at az 135 Suk DES EE. = 

ar sare oft" es fo he govcrezaeak NRE line te ad 7 sat6asTit{ 03/7 Consbeviand oat | 2 Potvin “Big mere te tients use csoe, | SAGE G ana lane Sauter ge eae 
y psi Bo reali, wt ibe givermaak tos 8 g, Cormberised.Qoat hig, tcazty wing jight; tke tyes a A tabs: 7 Vis= on: Lorsacn sa7 baaeds We o8 t 
pew ef tad ie tin Tre Iacie web Adele SO 80a PEO York {1s Wea Ay serak, SR Pie by Weare? fines “He RL A osciae ng ae Be Cc 


Eeiluarea tarot preaiiaiy Soe | LOtmMe aa Fads eteeremcon | Avenue eenettyena wee amen A rane is amenities wr | Aovenois Tamera MANE vcenon, | U sinietes Peas nae eS 
Ces ede tte aaa Wen Feath wreck Getnet Ife fren pen sc tnraatsheccd aly very say: (te edie for min Me praet owarrearag obs | y QeMi ae Le asouena lari er bawre. |p E te 
aresiay piece on DMERWICE AY ERE: Hp! Dav Te Pineeatb ricer, Soalh Brockiro. | be faciliated Spruce Wemunset ¢a om tre | on Paintings, by eainent aan 7? TINE Room Sully 
A) SRITATE AMIE™, CERAMUUTERD LOCATE A FER; Miner crony asp muses won | Higarkeere at cs oa aescse yereeear | COTMNISN YORE a persed mata airere 
rm, will et to 8 FamOy of 12m parse ef gentle: roca Deusn for axle. £0. arenas, Has all ip | Weed lsemall IUteing cbeaper in ty spring Terms easy. | Brocade. Carsi2¥ proaza and Grmaha CST Ton and sod for account of whom it may 
meal ei amian mance ha sae ROR MEUALRET AND Th, WHAT FRIRTY. | iottra inprevenenis and ta goedorest Terastsy- Ap: | APHY ca bepremles Fuls book wil te sbown adcdanied Velvet Carpats and Weeks Re Oma Chandeliers, | under se inspection ef the, Wardens pt ie Bae eee 
iy Ai 126 ear atreet._Referenors exchanged et, Taralahed, Goors or separate rors bonaca aoé, = y BOARDING HOU: aI Sere bas Iivedes Cates Yama, is 
- q b FURNISHED THROUGHOUT | Ariutl) Bronzes and Marble Stat = “5 
niory, Crown aioe, common parlor; Restaa (FE—PARTIES te) iy A ‘OBN FY aR 
EMALL PAMILY, TIAVING MORE. ROOM THAN | Srit class, (our story. brown sions) common OARD TO OWNERS OF REAL ESTA ‘and located In one ol the best mreets In thlacity, for Et Ceatre Tabs , YAN ANTWERI'S SON, AUCTIONEER, WILL 
ne tan | et i eitaaaen | A Gann en anys ea raid ena : a so | JOPSELTAN 
ite ies airaun eters ty | Runa/eia urea ar orate di caolora rere dire are tata | Sina lrame meth rowmieien alls | ox exuctkn Date Tose REN ERE gw | SSN 
ae rh ad aay Meeereal | 0,58, WEET WARIINGTON wlACR—awO, tay. | Steer pve oe! 6 Pasth Xe Wi Hse dic = | 9 LAMP AND FLUID sTonE pom asker or. | PMTCT RETT Ue are catany, | eal eek Manel Ae cid Wares eo ea 
beiteathish and Fen reete fn Ure tat cea BL La ate ba Sate A Dien Sarety Its dase fur Moses peolieseoes | Bronze und onatg Gaces bat ate Sater, | SN te 
VERY CHEAP HOUSE FOR SALE—IN THIRTY- io is pply on the premises ‘Rosewor! god Mabocany Chamber Puralturn, 

AT Ro, LGR iMEnOY PACK IX FUENTIETE without breakfaxt, fn a Freneh private family. ‘A Rae eaearard k Gao ationeer Rawe 

papi : =| A ERT Caran Oe TOR a ee | Se coast cuance Ta | as sername tba waar 

bey tea reuarein iy wena, | Dro, a west NINTH gamer, neviEeN irr ax | bha"ta wits ucsucat Wisse. Con Calera toot | ANPLEGASE CUANCE THE otoesr Borangian. | scpivan fit iicetaed ie Mabie nur ri aera 

ic iejured: onde rat aoe nod’ gc | JY sin arenas store, genilemen, or geatienan’ and | conalton, pri excerdigiy Ua Als Whotben 1 Avenue fer sie. Inquire on the premisa S37 Eighth aveau>. | oushold Furcliure apd. Works of Art cuatalned” Io tbe 

SAL ites Rataae dtaase | le Atte manic Suny Tithe ems | Gotten ea ar ie nario odie | Raeesncaty anuageatgaen seed entae™ | mcanreen ek de tigath ae tees 

And excellent Board. The house contatmd all the modern im. | of teers very cheap. Apply 10 C. G. PRATT, No 30 Pina 

"ved Sith avenues, Catalogug eamprising tho Tarcest 
Cosa ge FACTORY Fon sAvB—erruarno ay | 424 then scmrtment of Household Puraltam oeredel ane: 

provemenis. References exchanged German, French ana | ctraittacia Kae 
OMALD PRIVATA Fawiby, WAVINO ORR Roost | Enalah mouen. free roots 

0 oF FOUR Brootlya, ta complete onder, capacity about Aine | UR tbls season The Bouse was faraished ax mouths 
han they require, Will J¢t ane or (wo Bocas to alngl TIVATHMOKEDIKGL NO EROEN HEIGHTS—BUILDING PLOTS, r gr weeks Will bs mold Looe for ca uy Bod sla pertect onder. Purniture made to order by Bandon, 
aU Browne etree NO—TWO OR THRER SVADL Tunisteen aly tu eacb, beagUrully rated on and a | Pe for cais. or exchanged for ciher | A0418 la periestoader.- Furnltu ponies bf an 
mroacmrn  Xypiy ats Bross ete Hrvok Booman vas be had whe Doar at i Beat inure | wate Sauls fremSestae Cig by horse raurouss neat Dulch | Sropery. For particular, adivess Pastor, Wess ices” | Wereyaewrin aod vat the reat Gexcripion Sue recap: 
TH UNION EQUANE, OPPOSITE THB PARRA | wireeh next to Irving (lace, The bouse fs Gnely located: has | Reformed and Preavyeeran churches Termacary, toque | oo ~ | tory Drawing room Furnitars, two eoperb fall Soli eld 
EE ORLON OCANM, Ono Hs daar wate with | Fan ball totaal cid water. Dianer at Gotore Heferéoos | Atal Water nee Gl Drag ates iene ONE,OF THE BEST RE- | Cabinete ranien two large maniel Mirrorw two pler Mirrorn, 
ae Aen Tet Zena — TMIOAGO PROPARTY, WITT BOME CASH, IN BX. | Worcugbrane will be nod chrspSotascectn ang geiee | Embrolgeried Lace Curtacts igh onze andormala Chan. 
OENTLEMAN AND LADY, AND SINGLE, GENTLE ‘OOMS 70 LET—NICELY FURNIaNRD Roos, TO | C™eungs tordey pom’ Address HC, New York Past Apply op the premites, to HENRY LEA, 208 Grand eircer, | SMAI Tr Dresden China Pasos clerantty doco aiad apey 
A Err Asma td teraeand scartat it | JR Mop cloucaes, wits beanfanis resirea, taabe drat | ee Cena ae lg Rina Chad Fakaste Pete 
Bi ree er ee era inproncrazata * "°™" | Sentral and convenient to bosiueas meas ts FRG Som any CRArvaniows, Sirs, a0: | FPELECTROREPING AND Giuvnm puarixo, auar. | Matt VRE its wat sem dina Cie sk 
Ties and price, pleasant iocatiom. esareatent to thocity, | AM sae, ell ea  everyiblag esmapiote fer | Races oT erent owaer 
YRIVATR FAMILY WILL REOEIVE THREE | OOM, WAXTED—PURNISHED OR UNPURNISITED, | food buildiogy lo perfect onlers and exme torschangs foi Sbe Dasleess; dolng es lare and wiccosa/al trada, and ona of | “°° SAUNIFICENT SEVEN OCTAVE PTANOFORTE, 
A. ciliven"fo Hour! ha Edvrate, "hoy el Kindy Nr or witboot plain Hoard fora young lay; wuasal | Fy’ or imetign property. Some ine cvualry wets and & beat chances tp make money 5 ‘Carved lege and Cases found CorDETN: MAGS, to andee by 
Geni ded Gerefally instructed to the English branches, | famfly and with a widow; terma must ba fow and will ba | fine grist mill p WOOD, & Nasma street | Broadway makers, 1h at lostrament o(fered at anctlon 

i vp 
iret and eof Guraced i iia Epi Stance, | fenty ant clin ge agey terme tm pe lee dle BB Fnwrtox & WOOD, é Nanna sre nreadeay 

See ee ee i ee eae Te nee ene es dase Tan putea 

sae Am eae ed “Aral FOR SALE OR EXCWANOE FOR FIST LASS RESTOR SAU AN BNGINE TORN | Siebel Wardrobe salrouen eiaie ae ser 

iret, near COND STORY FRONT HOO, AND TAGE pep. | FARM FOM SAU OL EXCHANGE Ao a butaras hours eee peo earn Aes youre end atng | EL cleTa en ROR een Disa oom Pao, 
+ ai OPRELEMUNT DANE ETACOONMODAPED. | OTSREe AACN Er BRR cl aS ee eae] aA RT RENT aeeoea a nS aa far a en : 

A SRN OP WES and plcstant teoomnm actin Waverley, | place, tolet, with Beard, to a gentleman and his wife orale | wan's coubtry seats thas good bulldingn Rood water oad 1s 

Piiee, vear Alxth avenue. Dinner at alx o'clock. quictand ceuirsL References ox: | very pleasanily situated. Por particolars Inquire at (bo of- 

7 esihaeanee Cua arene 
INE TURNERS. FOR SAUR AN ENOINE TORN. | Wauemabdy, Wardioten Mauremes Hendioy do Mieary 

for doing an exieacife bush | CuUWry: Asay Basraaept and Rilebym Forollures “TS arora 
sdersSarex Reason tor | elegant retldecce for sale or let. For further particulars 
irinees and canost atiend ts | (aguire of auctioneers. 

iagentiemen, Locatio 

Fhabeed tee of. J. LEVEY Z0W, £49 Pearl treet, near Hroad ay. thi. “For farther Information address, with real nate, Et 

A. PMENOM FAMILY, LIVING TR, GOOD, S7¥CR, | 75 ve —vonsesutp, Rooug, WIT On WiRTOUR ASD, 7B FRUGTRATOR SSAC eacerar 
Yamlly, whin an eirganiy furnished ‘ront Pavtor and Bot Noord Apniy at 285 Fourth treet, oppaaite Wasblog- sytyaouss | FOR SALE —COUNTRY STORE, ON AccOMMODAT. MAGNIFICENT. HOUSBLOLD. FORSTCURE. 

ma cagntaunleating. witha frst class French labia Apply | (on perade grou 

{oglerma A country Slors about. twenty miles fro ‘Thurrday, Fedroary 14 nt eloven o'clock preciecly, all (ho 
ACA Went Trelfth atreot, between Fifth and Sisth avenues, 7, m3, roy I, 

stole omg loge pea toe" tenes (| atta eoniy Palate Falateee"eaRisel Wes 
0 FETA TUNRIIER, FAROE nu On tor elg ifftspfewAediena Wo ab crid sca | ity feng vel am Sus cet Las Sane 
WuRMIGHED ROO O¥ TR-SECOND, vLoON TO | Tit bear, Hutisenunan es uy alent Hath Se Meals Cape karat ao pe 
ante femicann and wiieor quo mattipin | Baned laik tothe heuse inqureativeat Tarteets | FYOR GALE-OR WOULP, BR BXCUANOED, FORA | Fron eatEerog PRTURER none wagoy, | iiss Fourteenth rurcel neat Sloth arenue, Tho 

Sith Hourdsin's private family" bere all thaenmforisof ag | fircet, Lear Finadway, ood farm near New York, a valoabia ivowsg ia tho city cA 6 Tacs ach oasatingaefantactpeetanerae aati ene 
Serecabla home can be enjoped: Also a alglo roata. Terma — of nrenkizn with all the moder Lnprovementa, For partion: | 3°. oo ide Gutteent ar fea aT ea fe AN Rak, | Pitsenier Tue whole will be peremptory and assalutely 
Biaterate. 173 Went Tweaten atrece 10 LET—A FOFNISUED FRONT ROOM ON THE SE. | Taraaddresa box ld Brookiya Fost oS Feit taba au nia of fm SUA te $2440 acar! | Lowi noat sexe 

nd Goan, In a. Geran private tara) SS ea aN xo Dal DRAWING ROOM PURNITORE 
AT JL TELM STREET, BETWEEN UNtyEasiny Foom attached, with Breakfoat {t required, t e OR SALB—TWO NEW FIRST CLASS FOUR STORY Painexacrpatlarcaloa rane Poon Hbansaand lot | con dats of carved rosnwoed Rlogeres, mA 

pikes and Furth apenas, wiult of farnthed, Wooms to | Incleve prosiclty t ecreral carand alas fvatea "For pare {Erown alana front Housex with all the modern morte | sented For address inquire ati Bonery. Ageaiomcedicat | El eared 
deni, Baiaraihous Binni: ‘ltahio cor aipeatinun ora | Heularafogutie aco 71 Mammood airecg tutween Fourth || menia Gelahed inthe beat algies altated on Murray Huy | genie! : 2 ee aura ty 
dea eed retire itusa winkcwcteraTiaproremeaue | and Blercker aroety Belwcin Farkand Levipgirn atenea, Now 43 a2 oP eae, Dromiog Noam Puraltare, Geant ete tein 

DMALD PRIVATE FAMILY WIDE LETA wrcecy | TO REST—WITlt BOARD, Two Panwons wie || =e i peeled FOR, SALESTHREE TEARS) LEASE FROM NBxT | carved rosomocd frames aa oovered in th eo colored sae 

rAdahagaa srs ana Wor inten Rasa ts | TO uetroroatarted: ava desta une Honma sogls || FUOR SALR—A FInAT CLASS FOUR STORY MANSION ay of wholesale and Fetal Liquor Store see 


goad cor- | trevade of the meat expensive descripuon-consiviing oC 
Fentlemen, with Breakfasts tke house has ait wbeaodera fe. | geovlemen, with or witboat Board. Apply at 43 Grove strest on Murray Hill Firth acrouer ferniseed wiih au the | 20 Imgubeat (2) Tenth avenue, th tho lyse w (wo Console Tablen, felnid with bobt and tarts dell: 

letops and French 

Me Apply att Siayetagt atin tinpeoverneais aud Bult in tke cat soa.anital man: —— ivcade aod ace Cartan Cabtolatyas Bracheuy Preaek 
Avply stat Stoyvesant ates atooalon 6! | A rep FOR € LADY AND OBNTLPMAN, A BED. |\ber Thencrould nsniaiefoy Caled Sica Tessar | FIO SAUEA SINGENS SEWING WyOmINE Tana. | platepiraed tanta Minty with ocA Efrat eats 
— room and Parlor, with Hoard for thé Indy oaly, 10 a | notes or stocks. Principala only need apply. Address Owner, Biss a reies and not in usoa week. Apply ‘yres apd Dresden china Vases, richly decorated Vartan 

rp houre, In the viclolty of Foorth avenus, Brondway || No.4 Willlam atreet, iat 109 Frool treet, up atalre, marvle Statueltes, ‘velvet Carpets and Mugs, Turklh Basy 

GENTLEMAN AND HIS WIFE, OR TWO SINGLE | © Chatra, bronzs Clock, runs: 

i eitcn; tin be aroammodntadwitiea pheasant frank | OF FUch avente, not above Thirdeth or below Twelfth etree — 3 : - fs faonhs Oil Palatina, ty 1s 
Hecate a foley eee erst Foe || Adereas Be Medion poate Fon oes OF SALE TA FARM OF 10) ACRES SITOATED AT | INF lore now dalaga le buse A eae: |e SUN UGRNE CVSS GOREN TANGER 
Resp cots ele WATRDAREA GHSTHEWAN oxo tame ApuaT. | Aretimenel tat RAMMyVBLtc, tas wucesuae | a a"Fsnihe pooh ftp stale lg WER SS | qevet ade, eae ape eine ront pt 

PRIVATHE PAMILY THAVINGUACUREW /APARE' Devry ih Hourdtor Who aay ip, foe | sors and Wotan Ha thug evar prea mule} | PME In Dremlses, No, 6 ith meena. Siodehack roca Sol caters oben ceeded 

Peat ana ae steisitoeal aelicceoetAsciion a ‘iy hero (aera ani other toardera’ Ade | from the lig. MGS “areculeh nest, grocery Sinin over, Hooks and Massy toll escent isstana Olt 
Fy fooma an ecrommadat oan, Siewat retersacate- | divas Corie tox rejatd atic wutlogterma (which most houre ce Wi. Kntiin. OF BALE A SIORLY FITTED UF 1iquom Sronr, | Mubeeted scwued heuiads aus Eouls Se hur 
wuired,  Joquire at 18 Hammond street a mederate), Ieealon, &e. foing a ind imDproving business, for malo cheap, on | Trsus’ aod G er ane Warinober Dresslon aed 
: 2 ae FOR SALPTUB THREE STORY BRICK HOUSE | accountof elckuces APMY at M16 Canal street fa tes bon | Haus and Commodie to, match; Wartroben Dressiog ant 

X EUBGANTLY FORNISIED DAK FARLOR, wisi | VVANTEPCEY WO wensoxa, Two BEDROOMS | W'No. a tacherieet Rroskira/earalo Gouth, Wallstreet | tern shop Fale Fabien boride” RunGA ookatinds) ued,” Arma 
AM Fue Vom taint eth ad ieseuin inevony ae | NY stern aly caren wie Beas era fron, Ss | ana ites fees near be Gear, Haa ram atbascaeal, Soe Ghalra/Coraine ‘bhater ‘Coraies bar stairs 
Hiravle house co, West Eirenth ‘atest, Gear Sisth w sid per'reks Imation ast below Sinth street ana above | suberllay, targa yar modern inprovemsats, Ram bat Fa <A RARE OBANOE—STOOK AND FIX eather are and flowy blankets 
Fialy piltnler Yoscetion immedltely ivehip Bits atrect.| Aadreas X. X, Dou 1H) Heratd ote, tor | des wil'vo oid tores.cou aad fa equal to New Cork haus || Wheat a aa cies Tote Molen aatethcct oan | uty Counterpanes, decorated clan Toliet Nels Gyal Me 
ae ad toda, SUSHIQU vent rngalroat 26 Water atte estate" Dullding dee stories, situated on a corver, bear Hastorn steam: | Yuchslln £5 ‘Ceab depoults will bo required of avery par 
A eer pavais howe; Ne Orit auvce near tis || (\AATED—IN NEW YORK OR AROOKEYN, IS A Te CUESET | feSmeteta adnmaerguaramedan ter label, fold | ehate, a ctery artkle mast pega 
Fo eee ee ee res | Woreereciaste elghtarin fone pitienin, wig | DOK SAVE ON LESINGTON AVENUE, CORNER OF | Eratwlerte forcath Nall ety rain ieee fr eA YE RIMBATLE, Adtnlalateator, 

nfeot oil vurses alsa sland wife Wetereness “hts rene, two Sra elu four slory stone teont | fog: Apply toa. SL RYDEN € CO? Oi Nasa sick Chie ; 

REATIN FORSIGUED FHowe nooM, wind ow ||cathaonyd Terme mist tennarala. aly eersaga niohng | Moor Zhi all We modern imnjreremenia Poquire of D. a eieeieescoare ICTION NOTICE. —29,00 WORTIL OF HOUSEIKOLD 

REN oe ee eee Manoa [lta take ihe whole party mech reniy. Adorn Ratiog fall | AL KNAPE, owner, 16U-Allen et x STN A BREROILLOADING ||fs, Sumer, ren man atin 

f efron oo riled door man anaadcoms: || artieuars ato. ioealty, roomy prices, key box Aso Nar LOADING | fore, mugnid-rat Flanciorte, Vatior’ Suits, rouse, Keyre 

iy furvisbed back 
4. Pourtn nvenue, oe bisck frora Bradway ot 

Fided Canon Patent claimed Wo surpass apy otber plan 
cstolien OR SALE—IHE TWO NEW HOUSHS, BROWN | in ussinthlscantry. Tomulre at Todd & Ponds ones te 
Petiooe rents nrariy caplaeds with a iuo tandern ea | att atteetenhere s wodel Sat Becscea, oak aaa 

ght avenur, the eotiro elegant 

PARTNENTS TO LEP-YURNISHED On UNroR-,| WWANTEO-VOR A GENTEEMAN AND LADY, A| provemeats and hullt iu the best thanuer. “Deatrable Toca: | bad with ibe owber 
AUARGIENTS 1G HOG AURA, GE earon: | VY Anricmson hohe arwcsta, aan panty Tut lum ernechng ne rarky ies aga fo) Ea iqatpeucee | M2™/OsBe owwer_____T "| patterns of ie tuna chit, Bay 
Fe eee ee te ene terest Gara | /nlebed, web ihoamt for the tady only. addres Made, Uaien | Terme tosule “Apply (a9, DODGUTE, 15) Bowers, cor: | TOR SALB CHEAP, FOR GABHOTIEE LUNCH moos ||P ecerty made for the present onacr:. J 
Bn mogee Dineer at O O'loske “Apply at U3 "Mfawowad Host eller ating weation auil term WIG tat bp | (Gert Broome xttrh from 2 to. otloek. ‘and Resiaurant, 74 Cedar alreet, corner Nassad; wel | ouetkerpera and ihr trades eoasiallng of as 
street; urar Foupth. tr . ‘mown aco Mx Jeara,” Lease Wil ba give. forte, cor #6, moosle Cabinet, Stool aud 
: OR SALEAIN BROOKLYN, FIVE NEW BRICK Ugangex with Volulre chairs tomatch, covered ia toaqust? 
SMALE, PRIVATE ENOUISU FQUDY, RESIOIN VERLEY VEAOE.—FURSISIED ROOMS ARE | |W Houces, threo story, basement and aubcellar, marble | TOR HALE OR EXOMANOE FOR OTIER PROPERTY |\velvet Gyeary and Wien, Gametay y 
LA en Sn Cott iee how to be [et {a the bulldiog No 1 Waverley place, corner | mantels, gaa and water; part cash and part good merchandlss ‘alot of Sewing Machines, Counter and Deak Apply at | and pler Mirrors, allk and. 
Jornithed, together coydratly, npn exttomey moternia,| of Broseway, ouad cn be hed desces Above moderato mortgage. Address W, Hy tlerald ottce- | igh pine tek Seine Nachinesy PR | centre sofa and sler Tables’ tro. rostkood le 
Webi cn tourdoon SS MHE NO BAI) TO” AcHLAND PEACE, DECVREN, GNBENWIOR | POH SALE-AT LONG BRANCH. A uOUEE, BARY || CnocERY AND FEED STORE Fon eaLe cauar— | fustla “Vetelute Hetnios Ta aise wey otsiy, 
afetusna (opera sleet fotey sit hoard, | EOAd ahaiingy (8 deo tea cts Exo ind SCBRY.AND FEED \STORE YOR SATE OBE! H 
GENTLEMAN AND WIPE CAN FIND RUEOANTLY | (0 gcutlcmen oud thelr witee or siagle geotlemch, Near cat | order; Sen ralnutes: wal i ent App nurand 1oog ease requlged, ned cheap reat, nox dala 
furnished Hooms, with Board. ino small arally a Aistare routes A. Bo LEWIS, 73 Vesey etrect, . laced cash tredonna ina Sot Ree Leen eta 

i {rood cash tredo and in a ged. Tieavon: hea beea estatlste 
TES Meninmevtrock apesn ga oe ET APPISS STRBET.—TWO FURNISHED PARLORS | GOR SALEAIN CLERMONT AVENOR, PETIEEN | {i forthlrty years Addrees $5 Bedford street, N. 
i (La alc vst arsenate tog ate,» | A remand auton renuen Brakg; thot niente | J 1QUOR, STONE, FOR, GALE OR BXOUANOR OR 

a E ‘rout eet, om Secvod flgor Vrivats faaally. ‘Bath, gas ke | ld bleck of overs Just Oulehed, with wit tho mMera fate IG RH STORE ROR GALE LOND ES 
OARD—A SUIT OF ROOMS TO LET, wits DoARD Y BAAS | Miinioeaiacaahdel inaenpte nstoat og paeSl Test estate—on0 ot the best corners on a Principal Wa: 

Le-parata or together), stil fas hol und Sold water, bach, ail = : z n ougitara: favorable lease; nicely Oited up, aud doloy a good 
of foseber lth pa hot asd cold water Oath. |) 7 cour JONES STREET—ROOMS TO LET, Witt | lhe muceteeiio tee chy. enue outhe premise froces | Toekeraras favorable lease; nicely 
eee raat ea rane Magy Wem Arian | (BO ‘orvtincar Voara wt ‘obey inaking bustnes 

Stagea pass weithia 

SOUTHWICK é WOOD, &2 Nassau streat. 
‘ong biovk of the house, "Referer ces excbanced. 


; ; AO) nin Hous cro secant, wale can bo Wad caren | EH) No Sai Fourth street ineen Breaaiay and tba wow | () y E ; 
QAND—T0 IY To GASTURMeN, wim on | Chu, tnt BOE AP UN pe Toe east Oe heh far metciag took oat oie 
‘liboat Beard, two eamnfertably furaished mediuea sized, | PUBable terme, oor 9a itn to aa 

four years) tu | peg lnuvetancen, to perfcet dust, wlla Uardeusd sift 
ete with all the’ modora. | BAP bespsce, 22, peracer au 5 : 
{oh Zine: mestrable | IRdIne BurTOeSS SAT TOK & WOOD, BE Nataan otrort: 

ER Ssnoat substantial Woanners ry 
Heomn on frsiand second sora; zanaad bstb In enous, | | q gppiNg ATREER THREE DOORS FRO _ | oprarensente and in eomnpleico 
Anis at ey Amity et eee ee ee nore Tod ROROAD, | chance foranfarestment’ for furidee pariiculars apply. fs 

ns loglegenticmen. ‘Tho location (s near ail (he Gratciass bolela | R. H, CUDLIPT, 119 Nassau ptreet! TEAMBOAT FOR SALE—I34 FEET LONG, 26 FEET | | y 
CARD. 70 LET, WHTIL OR WITHOUT, A LANOE hee MReerachemsement Heaitag rom tree. injure of He aT che ushee aeaee emceN nde pee | A Neti any ceo RDA Fanraary Hat ico 

Fe SALE CHEAP—BY A OENTLEMAN LIVING IN rn drgyea About. aes eal atuwnlgry eonpst BK 

ached, oo the thint floor; ales, a ring'e Room on tha seqod the country, one or (hree geplecl Cottages: one up tow! rea and poppers 

Brot. “apply at Us Oligton place wiguth etrect 3, GRNENE, STREET, ANOVA SPRING —Aistos | fouulsaly thre tory bad ement, bree! ah Ons fea, ip io ate fed eae 
Higues"einevaiy Yarisned volts ot Room one, | 18, broghln near fey. Three. ator, Supls basoment, | {OF nigehbeat; Raslanns, spsclty for fret and paca: 

OARD-WITH ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMS, | [roionandcrerecoavenlenes for Lousekeepingceonomically’ | Urcky $4(Go, One do. ia Willamebury, ‘near ferry, tures | Fults (Mhg uuugor Loce taand Sound. 

‘logo or in ault, lo singio gentlomen, with or without | Pariicalarly #wiavle Cor small respectablo families or eloglo | Story Abd basement, framo; $2440, “All tue abare Cottages i 

Boal; family private; nrletattention pull to comfort. Re | (eatloroen.” Neat low to permanent tenant aro In good order and contain the modern improvomons, | Gg 4MERS FOR SALE. | WE a 

ferences exehanged. Apply bt 150 Easl Fainy-foureh sinest. Mpler was, $0. Ae The terns: will ba mada to snlt par. nw Steamers. from 300 to 0 tone a 


: poses 
SERGE GTREGIT MELA” BpGLD WAGED! | Gaeta ear Bucaeaean aa mate paar | See ‘i 
OARD TA LARGE. Hac Panton oy ougono | OO) easly Murs Want asa weno Moeaortae: | Seu vate, nine’ 22a" oe ay dav} | Shs Hee vac es pea gate 
AND A LARGE. BACK PARLOR ON SECOND | etna Matai ant Sead At aor apis : i) Rea Sees sett Sa iota dad, cous! ‘ep gameen 


nap bd Wife or two albgle persone “Terms moderate, Good | Reb 
Felereooes required. Apply at Le West S24 at y 

\verina Jove. Apply ag above. Fo SALE CHEAP FOR OASUTWOEtGST CLASS ao for mates Aver, 
= WILE CKEIC STREET, Wo DLooKs WEST OF |"improvementn buill Iu tue best manace by day's work, Just | | 
are eek pau gon ea a PATMTEAT Leos flO wens eT gegen sani | eae ae cee CTs 
q BENOM PRIVATE FAMILY, ATINO,'| Zoomodalels Tasine witwode baer roel 6 Coto 6 Be ee eee ae oa ORNS 
BoM as aAiteenth strcet, Cour doors below Seotutl are bone hy Tever born eed, Winch eyliader, Nel rellar tals oa MONDATS ar 

otk; With Board, from $4 1g $12 per weeks Fors siath etree testo fobt sree ‘4 
Dug, Feoed Pode Uo tet apd tivo email Regats for stogté | ¥°R L RRueby Gonntoguam 2 Welknap, of tls ly, urealo By ED: aay 
: : : loa : | Anton etige of Bt ‘is 0 i 
Fenllemen. i [51 EASE, GHISPENEN, STEEN —rouR, Boos | Fon GALE OR BXCHANGE POR AHOUSE AND LOT | WAR MISTURN Tan Waterethest. Moneys of er day wen eal, Acocks et 

aaNet ron. | Rash 


enue, UF 

10 tock aalearoom, 

; 5 Fab ataleed, wath Hoard By aoglo eenglemen or a ee : tee : s 
ORD MANTED —A. SUIT, OF EEEASANR ROOMS | caicg Ralertiadone ef te belt aso, wey | avnigees crea Ube bulaner ible; co faéemtraace’ | (PO DENTIETS—A BUSINESS OF 450 FOR SALE: | Lictangy If prefer, Sisand Bosds Cougs and eld a 

Rube tae euk! inva! Aksar vitae | ies tes | testes ie ee NT COTTA errata: | rMewle tia Teorey ciconan 

Dox (UT EDM O00 A eect 156: TENGE SRRBET CST: CLATE. ROUSE. ELE- FROR (SALE. OR, EXCHANGE —A COUNTRY BEAT) F a : | wAgllanest and, Sick Broke, 
DARD WANTED-IN A PLAIN, PALVATE PANIED AD! pantiylurniebed Roma, with Bedrooms attached, ‘with slatcen acres of land, {o Westcheater county, wit t 0. t Willlam street, near Wall 

: fit au {be cooreolcaces {or boueekreplog complete, lactud 
ore lady wadhid fcr aaa Matt yoare of Ase. Ong ih al he conrenlcnoes for bpubeesepleR ara oot 

Se Oe ee eee ee Mien wor tent | 4 oe mmnwT, LoCTIONRER. 
juni wilh Ieasisod. The | “Ly coosieting o z r 
Toon) furnished or onfuirniebed. erma uot to exceed $2 | he gentiemen, sty na Gadimiel 1 "Dot aad cold water, tats | Tisoutee Taker type a2 Can be econo the pre | AL, “iy HANGS! MERWH # CO. frvlog Buildings, (Ot 
menih ineiydiog Gre and gan eat side oc ibe cts: | © Henge ene a Feat Gees Ue wountaney Mivaied on |, elles tadalden ane Rew York: et ; SHA pata: 
LESS SAN AAC BCE COLIN A COREE MESMANSS DOTS LESTE OA WEST TIWENTY-FIFTH STREET. BOARDING — | the Now Haven Hallroad, twenty! minatea’ ride'from the de} fie | Friday evening, Feb. 15, at 7 o'clock, 
eS 157 CEShaPESTSpupmaramerwoampiso | ERGs bie ialad eeer Se ee eT Oe ee tc ee 
: : 5 5 Firs | Heard: abso two or three emall Boome eultabe forbngls |s 2 —— 2 SO erence cra eta viraeniea Asefereamrcing tng Pars ediloas and Indlodinginany e-arce 
eee aA Ta Teed hao fa | Festtetene Moun’ and aelgbterhood drat class Family | HOR BALE OR EXCHANGE ONE ORTHERESTPAX | Vaatpesarcuuson tee Beat 202, Tong aud pelenaiiien. | sree feats tonks{aluoa qledion of rare Congres 
SS iar Soest naa al HasTON wou Coe ce geese ee ie a ee et) PIR SONA SE TE ES onto OE oF 
5 START Aly! REET, is ‘mall plaro in tho roustey, near tho clty and dey ony ; 
TBOABD WANTED ON STATEN-ISLAND, JN 1A TIEST. 210 "Nie Taraed apacin pty arranged for, wae | ferred” sald place to bo worth frome $2.08 gta on 3 ‘$2. ‘500.285. BALE) ) A WELL ESTABLISHED Fancy Goods—By HUMBERT & THOMAS, 
lass uouse, for peatleman, wife. thtes «matt enndeoa | ieusebceplog tity aN Loe eostedieoces acludlageook | VY. BURN, Geoery Venom’ Motel if and ie rark sone bee A }. wholesale cash business, now in. active aod is eloek at SO, Ann, girl) Bookseller 
nd pur near earnton! loodigg aed neo ofthe tars || Ge utuaalin best bedding, BAS Water, 0, Reals low 0,70, | Ween abd PPM, apy day his freee | nt [J puooeanfub operations Address, with fail mame, ®.C,Dor Is) |! halk" in" erenran he tea 


oe eetable feasts,” r » Herald odlice, nnran yelifederige Jo rpade! jk tome Bos Ou Palntings, including ,"'Holy Fi 
Bilog Cal) particulary, ko, Torais inuderate. ¥ : — — |) POR, SALE OR. BXCHANOE_VERY | DESIRABLE | - — ‘yy fine: by, Rosgubergy Landiapen, hy Cites; 
WHOONE STRRET—A WACK PARLOR AND |’ BO Tioninge and Vonkers Lows, with water trong aoe in | |. | SPECIAL NOTICES, LTO | Mouht Vernio, kod Wathington's netstdence neat Nevbure, 
OARDING.—TO TET, |ON WEST EUEVENTit'|' {io large panttisn also front scebad nory: Room | great local Gemand, nod good 18 yer ceut larestenetr. | Wit i fe nnd inezvotlat Hosravin 
Aircel rar Fifi evgtur, cme lasge froat Vario aad, |, aod onc inzwe pastry, totes ta. gentleman aud wite or two 

ue large extension Room, etter logither or-ecparately. |! suelo centiimen, with or without Board; alea a few eiisld | Private, Nernid vibes. ra aatin Stank, 

by Honea, 43. Also fine 

ae for good Impioredor uolmproved reperty. Address, |“ SiERIDAN [INSTITUTE=ANNUAL FLROTION—AN Reo toveréd Hand Cart b bags Peathers 7 bares ing dried 
- save” ‘Trusteet Ury at tan - [AD ‘S barrels cog ‘Brandy, Boots, 54 

Slefereteea required. Addnoas Bed BoP erala octse Hebmete tec AAMERMon for raster, Manarers ped Siandiag Goiaalt | AY ple 9 bartels cognac Pratl, Bots Siopery ave sky, 

¥. WILLIAMS sea 

1 #lGek of +" 104 Weloek, 
of ladies Gui Ieee tee Reta van euosrtent 


seven aoe As air 
Forse pea Talia tedle ae ee icing 


rh aren Dear Talrileth street, 


rea dh hairy atension Din 

ing Hureaus, Werhsiands Nedved? 

air Matt handel ers, 
led arin Hatlanda ds ger SO, 
ent wall mci Ube atledta of Nets! 

ma erery it 
Bo Highest Bidder forcast, Se PPFOmDRILY. wala to 

Moeteach SALE, tt, WURLEY, “AvoTIONRER, 

will sett th 
bin top and otter 
other Beda 

Sulte, exten 

da, pier, 

Soyards of Reuse 
Heaufig. de. ‘To boseld 

tisy, ab o'clock. aL ate Uanal sliec eee 
eats. Sofan Cote Mele mabeensyaed 

mantel and bar ('asea enamel 

on, crate ard other Tables, hate and other Mave 
testes, Veattier Neds Ti cahtlands 
UA Hors Cuttalon tnksloves toa 

ican Wanleyteny Wasa 
rveepiy'and her 
Veitbout meagre 



atbaring steed wt ll this dar, 

fam and otter Dresses, 8) 

Coats Yants, Vesta Trooks, Toolk, 

Me Harner. 

ae ae 
ndeeegi cin 

hiro. Shaw 

R.™ Ween, Avorioneen 

Whitrre moins & 1421 
WUE orelock, ai ths 
(Vader tholaspeetion ef 
‘of wher 

Foureasrs, contaloing 8 

ELL Ill well on Friday Feb 18, ab 
Vel alesTootn, 134 Mua tyay, 

The Wardens of tho Port, Turassoant 
mt moay euinnern,) 

bout a) Violins” assorted qualities 

and numbers, datuagrl 0a the voyase of lmportation 

G, £3, Hogan, avorioseens rns 

AY, AT 1035 

vcigek, mt B'Rearerelt attack Hontulag House Fura 
tore, ‘Hisisicads, Feather Neds Aitirencea: Haus Woah 


airs, Looking Glasses, Crockery, Kilebea 


Th at Lovelock, a quant 
Weary ins stare, 
brands, 1 

of Fancy Cutlery. 

SouAuat Pie 
PAUUUICLD AuetlonsSen wh ell 

if kalearootn, 113 Nassan street, on ahuredar, Petrus 

fy ot Mcarsthane and Pnoy 
“Gf award Haran wait d mea 

fpo Sema, separ Cases, Cogetber with A asi pureed 

JOUN REDDY, Sherlth, 


AU alreet, 
oreleek, at No,'33 Gold 
Bewing Machino Man 
Steam Engle, Lat 


‘CHILD, auctioneers salecroom NS 
‘on Wewesdag, Tobrunry By atl 
eel, tho contents of the Tarbes 
ufacluring Company, consisting of 

Machinery. a large nucaber of Onl 
Anni ortinired Sowloy Machines and att ae 

Wat the #tore of rAd eam 

any, corner of Iiroadway and Tovwati strech a lange auimber 

Of owing Sachines an trou Hate, ollce Farn\tur 

ac An. 
JOHN KELLY, ster, 


on 1h 

day, Pebruary I 

Terha kegs, beara cf Chevan, (reama ot Weapplag 

Uwwo cares’ Kepary, ve by 
Htpall artes. 

1) niture, en ban 
dnd Remren atreet 


1b, Auictloncers, will sell 
tek, a quanilty of 

4, nL TOAG 0 

).Xea Tobaces, Ineather with sundey 
SOW ERLLY, shonin. 

AU UL clack a C 


peis, iaoketa, Bills, Bc. 

WD) Citetatnt, ‘ene 
GFeloek, nUNo, 432 Third 
Boa Shecs, Laidlea’ Galte 

Sobn Koily, shertd 

Wnoecr, will cell Uhla day, Tit, at 10 
ventic, & lane. axsoriunaot of Boole 
ry de.’ By onder ot 


Se ciawnens & PA 
Wile day, at ize 

Howerd strect, a quail 


ARCHILD, Auctioneers, will eal 

at northeast corner of Hrowmay sod, 

yO tho as iholt Bowing Mackiner, 

for fatnily and manufacturer's work; MIL of tele dliterent 
aisles e€ Machines, tu cabinet eares ation tables; also” all 

the oltce Furniture’ Bate 



on notles JOTI 


eer, wil sell. on Thureday, Mth February, at 10 ore at 
fre siofo No. 73 Wilam siecce EDR Geratan and Ammer: 

ran ardivniey C4! 
ficode, comiprieng. 


‘Any crabenelegYuoinla wesorted Shalt 
1d dav Inbetan & Tiron. eat Stal 

jap deawea, [todoren Corkecrews, )groaa Marah fires. supa 

lor Table Callers, 200 duro Latirel 6 


and fat Sa 


tech Key timer Rippte Genchen'Sbosrioad spades 

Fat hairs) dluptiog aud Clave Datceisy tabterns, 

Putten bane An a dee 

Oe peaeeteeree a eee eae 
4 i Let for gaz 

at Hadley hoe Ba 
es. Bheara, 
iuelmy Lanteraa, 

rior Fapat 
john Turse! Crown Fila 

‘Cant Puce obo, ant of ths 

freer, under tnepection of /iko\ Port Wardens, four 

date French Toned Wat 
{ned fram Antwery, 0: 
‘Yerma Cash, to baukablo 

unased 00 tho voyagn of lgpor: 
3 board ihe reboonr Coast HOt 

money. Catalogues now ready, 

‘5, May, willecil this day cThareday), 1th fat , at 2.o'chock 
‘he! Sloek and Fixtures of ths! Grocery ‘and Liquor 

Bjore! No. lo Wert street, cmmasting of general assorieban 
if Groscries aud fue Liquors. “Ato tbs 


T2 ofeleed, at tho 
Mor S Pine erect. 


‘das, at’ td.0 
‘ornliures 8. of the at 
rootn and ¥i 

‘eben Doral 


= : det ror tus easton year Sr Sti Reo ta the 
OR SALE OR EXCWANGE.—A GENTLEMAN wAv- | |ieestor ine ensuing year Sil be beld af The | teleior Lubricating Oll'and I barrel of Kerosent, for aeco\int. 
7 per Union Building, (oda Thursday, Pebenary |4, The for Ll 
SOLVERY DESIRAGLE AcEOIMMOTATION: | @4.5 AMDT BROADWAY Glintos woven) oven | WVinsesae ca, wits fair colectn of original Fata] SPN Sent U aces hy Oece eke BY ater of | ot whe itmay exncera. 
CARDIO “VE misaseanuca ct acetate pn 64.5 Mendis catogn-Elegunt tuitsot Rooms for gentlo- ingalhy Obrch lar Hal Cropay, Hoesiler ana otbern |. Feu nrg Mist, Urositoan', 

i aegutuayoaacrsage ermeig | OD. seat tras Hipaetgine, Mrs i eau | ash She Sige Ba, Co, ene cage 
shoe Aa SARNTSARRE RA ce" py nt a Hees | eg athe aR Fe | REE VES RRR 

Soma H¥ GusnaEns Screlar5- sortment of Rentecl Household Furniture cyatalacd in 

ETTERS FO EUROPE, PERSTEAMSIIF KEDAR, | the hous 9 Weal E ousion slvet, comprising wnalorany and 

* = a BROADWAY.—ELEGANTLY | FURNISHED | Thor SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR NEW YORE O(ty A yirha (cecetepel uprehe iecapeny's. Ras Howilog, | resowocd’ Chamber’ salts," Malt (rH 
ogubisg a anenne ernae wear onann | G4 , QIN ARSENE, UPORURR | IOC BEE gn TAGEANOR, La Gee, aT | AL Wis soueesn mecsaaeatae abe | tesa tee tla Her py Rit al 
fo paren rock tro young fads atg2 23 aig | Head aC estrous Wie) Loads erpeaecd Tran: i Ve f UNARD. | Morntog a” ale. The sale wll ka place On Britay, uo Its 

rdera soc: mmodated, Terma reasonable. 

ror Ness for'men and \hele wives, trom #8 to faper | Seat 

OARDING.—A SMALL FAMILY OR PARTY OF GEN. alrcein—A pleasant root Room, and lds Boom 

flemen ran procures full of Toms, ueatly furaisned, | (bath roum on came y oor) on second door. Lo lot to gentle. 

‘and on mederale terms, at 41 Earl Fiftesath etree. Dinner |) gicn, farnsea. ceparately or together. House newly fur 

Haat at 

‘fitos. sf, CoSWAUAMTOX, Ancloncer. 

a Pacting Excablshment 1 and His West elercntts 
the deat ibingulined fA T"Ectmcen PAlaand sista erenues Houcbad Para 


ateorles flabed and Bas all tbe tedern wepravemica’s. i =. | Temter ned former President, Dr.J-WW Franca” sucel "between Filth ang stat e Houszbcid 
’ OR SALE OR EXOWANOE For OTHER PRorEnTY— | “ES Powis D, kecy. | ICD BULELEY Prost. | (ure bo: pp pars arco 
OARD IN. BROOKLYN, Ree ee OR eee ileean het TL teat ortetind | u- S Down MD. Reo. covered wagons for removing Faraliore of fazilles. Fura 

ea rede tpeattad BROADWAY.—ROOMS IN (SHIT FOR FAME | sceot, belvcen Broadway and Sixth avenue, Inqulze on Luo. 7 
‘Beard can bo oblainéd In a private (amily residing Io ace Tes earl ewnntiiohen forcss atreel, an Broadway end & ‘ ‘OTICE TO TAXPAYERS —OFFICE OF THE COM. : = 
se abrestre teste He ang a, cate | TG, Maatanpe nome fe gina cessor, | nate eon | NOUS Ge IRR GORRE Oh SEE.SO | eciosneg pape op Towaven. xp wars 
ES jal sired} er at ‘o'elon! fo loctora f y oi if 8, —ON vi street, New York, Jan. L—Notlcs ty ‘given that loneer, wi I 
Tences CXeRADORe hee See ras oa pat eS eR Sa ARG INIT ERA APPA Rau Bours aad iva tae embliatraneateah erat | the aiceatoen| cling! Heal nd Pemonal Bente Waly | fa aC. g leek at ulveanosey 25 Bey igh ig 
ee a Teele rast! aloass and Eat || abd souaty ot New York, for Gayest igh, wll bo opened oa | 0 : f me Algo 100/00 damnatie 
bind svenve. flonse 62 Greeat ie ‘Hous as Sout of New York, foro esr, ral choad oa | of Tots, Wrap 

ARD IN DROORLYN.—TWO GENTLEMEN CAN BI T NEW PUBLICATIONS, So. 7 Centro Mfarkel . io Brookiya, on tho Helghi yoda y, the 1b Instant, (or pul ‘various brands and qualities. By order 
merteodated with pigenut rant aah of We tt, EN RUB EACARIONS: | Btcdatuie sures censor of Fests; Bioreaal Oweliog if || tinveopen untthesnirdsy {Apel uexticcudiva,"Alltax- | of he amignce, 
and partial Hoard) io A eovall prisate family, where they ||) TVPIEITARY) TACOS. Jobaron street, corner of Carll; 65 Lots, boanded by Colum: | payers are earnestly requested to call abd examine the using, = Of: RTOOKE=CHAMBEESTE 
Koultinwrg acecabie ereley wotla good tiny dea smatier | JME” oblsted by onder of the War Department, we tickn Henry aud Steourney street Apply at 2a Wil: | {a order Uiat soy erepain hoaerommats may be ereode STON RE Bre BAL on OP Sine OHAMDB SS ee 
TR oreo soa tend puesta te eestermeds tee: || | aNsenucrioN 1x FIELD ARTILLERY. hate leet Frno bons Buea A Ass ected Uy Uaeraeee for atltayecerces, | ealertnun IisNancausireetaidapare of ihe piel tock of 
strect Prevated bya Board of ARMery oMlcers Lvol. 12m. $20. | Thon SALE OR TO LET THE, FIRST FLOOR OP NO. |, and alo ilerary avg ebaritablo lostitutions, by law exemnt | Ibe Cre htgge Iuspeosenneat Coupasy. Gearge B. Wost 

‘Wan Dirantwext, Maret 6,150), Ea Or 

FET Tae attarn are or mute: || fitta taraton-are r{yuested to make applicaion for suche. | be Orcen Ridge improvement Company. George E, West, 
OanD IN NROOKIA tT SINGLE, GENTE. | mea7aeme eaiesten fo HG Ate fiers | tecrtg purge Algo for cba preen Tor ‘a 

qari | icon or exciton previous (oe dosing of the rolls op Analgiee. 


Drenden tte Gmny ti elening with thle Boron 

beading up Taxing place owarda Mitta 

fg rereivourder, 

iy OF 
| io 

treat. and take up 
‘General Bupsrintdndent of Police. 



A. S398K,0F DEY noobs, READY MADE OLoru. 

1 gr Balen 
SInding an improved tart 
box 126 Herald uiton, 

hos, kantod, for which a quay ee 
10 balasce (a, Foal extaee oecar 

arta ints Beate, AK ‘Western, 

TAU? A MUTTON OF PHIAE ches pny ddons, 
tol taidya tke horvet poze tine, tan everagy ea 

tOper cent, 

fic entire stock nor o! 
tho best ely trads., Tho 
the rarest and moit dul 

fered ban been carefully weldct’d for 
slik daparzoont embracoe ema’ of 

iogun wiyies, toany of which are cx, 

elustyely condoed to thls house, 

‘The alock consists of 

Nag Sirawrs © 
MVETok. | SexnRoiDERiEs, 
"Gksubiznrs) “LAoes, 


BD IX BROOKLINE Aa Ee GEN cor Light Aniiiory odtcerm purwdunt tacibere trou this | f4eturing_ pul Ae emetic ope = (DEUMNES. 0 col athell in onli 
reetrchiya: The wicaoa a essa autenevenient to | Defartyog taios bon approcea ey tks Proudent labere | ISG feet Soom TAtUS OF TANTO 8 WHADIGIT | dhe fllwlog econ of tha act of apet 14187, bin. | BY PAST Potraar 1 {ibaa aa de decay uly roy toa the above s/o, Wl a old 
wa keven Army. Allerereisen, mancruvnes and fonusof parade uot | “on gare on TO LETOTHE FO BROWN | ne ae Be hime Une book Hall be open for paby | PalesTonese Willoughby srest corner of Peat, Brooklye, at an brerage lose of 2) per cent, 
OARn IN BROORINN, B pA privare Panny, | fergie leat, treated te tbe Lest An: | Won se rear gemaia Papakea aren eetbag be | Ue fetprton, ax beret prog Fapmitcados tak bo | axis BG/My weekly Aue, ComPCMCg EDWARD LAMBERT & C0, 
haying more room wan required, can accommodate g | FF aud ose Kereta preser u x iiccen Firth aed Sattavesuey; alsa turce sory and Gaze: | made’ by any"percon ‘eouslderlog bimsel? aggrieved by te | Ervin talrcloib, walnut. Buresox, malioza 4i7 Broadway. 
meatiemin tnd wile, crafew slope geaticaca, with Brant | | JOUN B FLOYD, Secretary of War. | EoCtihroree elone frout House in'Thiny loie sleet, noch | assessed valuation of ble real or leattia fo have the | S74 mbar clolb; walnut: Bareana, mabopany: Sofas: aten- Wiad site. 
Shd all Ibe comfarls of a dame, tna Grab class buss, witbin a | | WARDEES ZACTIOS. Hide et buss wert of Sorenihavcnue ‘They willbe rented | same corrected. Tr eoch applicatfon bz made fo: relatiou (9 M ean ce 
few minotes’ walk of South Seventh street ferry; pleasant |» \y, Tipe TUBES FacTICS: ie Hpi (o good tecants or sald on very liberal torma. Apply bo | (ee ass ssed valaation of fea estato, It must tomadela | {egrain Carpein ulelotee MBBROIDELED COLLARS, 
Tecadhom, aud boure Siied op svitd all the Toodeea conve: | , UGeend Ligat Yofantry Tactics for the exorctesand ma- | SHA EAVANAGH, borthcadt coruer of Foriy Ati atest | wrilog satlog tse grounds of objections thereto, and there: | [Rica wart, Boln, Shoe E aye ee 
Hlonsen’ Terinacitdorate Addrons 0.) boxd3 toutomce, | BeavrEsof Troma whea actlag ai Light Tafantry or Ride’ | S10, RAVAN LOM: Bron the Commissioners, shal examine Tata the’ complain Avbalr 
Gb au HRGOEL FR EEAREL OUEST STEN By brevet Liepleoamt Goiondl We, Hatten, Geek To nea in bie Judgracot tbe asiewment. ts erroneaas Wy | TOWARD SONENCK, AUCTIONEER, REAL LACES OF EVERY DRSUMtCTION, 
BAbP IN BROOKLYN. —HANDSOMELY FURSISMIED | [Yo rola velit —cepeols ef the Seliler and Cosipscy. In: | PYABLEM LOTS FOR SALE_EVERT ONE A HOME. | sbilleaasa (Be cameo becorested. Uf kues apollcatlon be Tetingiy we = Gray Thos aay & CO, 
Sea ae FA ae Ds ie eC ROSA NTED structions for Skirmisbers. Vol. I1.—Sehool of the Batia- ‘Apumber of 60 Lots, well located, 1a Harlem, and | therupplicant eball be examlaed andoroath by the pald Com: aes ei Te) Broad eay, 
Glirck APply at S91 Cilatot streets, Hrosklyn, | Hone $1, for unmediate improvement; will eeli oneaay terms or | isecishers who shall be authorized to admsialster rach oun, | BYE. & FH: SCHENGH, thls, day, Lib lost et 
: peat ould bapany catio unl Gallor address seers them sad it fa ils judgment the asvescqiens 3 | ooek, at thelr aalesroom, Ll Broadway 3 ORAY & 60. 
CARD IX BROGKIYNAIN (A TRIVATE GUEY, | _ papiubed by onderot Wee War Deysrimeal. Fiz! pari ‘AC WARNER PLATT, Novbl Literty treet: | Crfoutous, they atall rasa (ho same ti be corrpied, and ax | Ors Chet plovastond Pure ary cate a ee ean ee ERO ADWAY, 
With Room on second door, fire minutes’ walk from Fal- | school of tbe Trooper: of the Platooa and of tho Squadron y he amount of such assclarent as Ubey may believe to be | Finch, superb blackwood and gilt Cablnats, with Tables and ARE SELLING FOULARD SILES 
ten ang Waueinet ferric of) Aulary akeck No moving re Sa EAL ESTATE OR MEROUANDISE WANTED—VOR | JusCgudiceiarotheltdeculea wereon wile tarts daye after Pe ighedree 
insBir Se NITES | PRD CUNGY or Us bhistrn Moneta TaNT RA Soke | Ahsan eine amteae sean aeetnat ls Zea | gatb amniaton al hang Cera mage to (uem, Ro redue. | GBat design: Reseigy sd Fie co or oar ss cere 
toon ‘But Mouol la- x iver. wi ict 1 of Supervisors of auy assoes- ‘" As I i ) 
oak RAROORIN A Pan pau ogey, | temetateclaett Hees gk aie bh Hate Pebiep reared ete gata Pas | aed ee END Se es | MIS MELA tera, ay 
fA rg cake Doug couventent to Wall save McOLELLAN'S BAYONET EXENCISES. Se ppear,ueder cath or alirmation, thatthe party s6: | ‘Sirenum Washstands and fin icento aad ae “interan tho pat 
kul creas tolel. with eerie Bandiomels rulsset | Manual ot Haponet Huertan, Prepared forake use of the | RE Micatiwoor ins Lauren (he Sinte Serene: Equin | Meet tctine ot tase by reason ef Fecaem of abscace | BORAOS Armole a Olio, elegant broues and. mnarble Aantal iis ADELINA PATIL 
vu Mecin.“Apriy at 8 Stloatreeh, corner o¢ Garden.’ | Admyet ihn United Staten” Hy George H. MeOalan Captain | ay, SHES two or threo Lols os the Sixt f izes, by reason of slekness oF fi iahopany Paslor, Okaaiber aud Diolng reais mir Wo sarap ratara to New ark 
= eNiniwarenuen Address witb Cail pardcalary tox Has) | fromthe city, Ly a » ‘Low ou exbinidoay end wll bo posturely esd 4 er Ana pean (em 
OARD TS BROOKLAN.—A HANDSOME MACK PAR. | Wir Defariaieol Godtel grav stake TE BS | eat ome 4 RELUeHOON | Commins = |) = PARE NELD PERFORMANCES, 
Salers mm freenstins lad fro large: Rona with SoBe cheesey Mera anes geet OF a (Preval on | yp FORETLURE DEALERS AND TIERS — FOR SALE Su, W. BROWN, Shepeaveacnts. 1. ) Previogate hen departure tor Earope. 6) 
id intér witea or single gsuesien ina netretatasine eS | eS cr exchunge for Heusetild Paraivare about are sere a goats ae cor 
nog metres oralnele peaemien na prrale agli, as “DLLUPEINCOTT & 00,, Phiadeiphia, | 7,7 SF nape for Household Farnliare, aboct Greaccet ot | ee ONG ISLAND LEAVES JAMES SII? OPEB COA tA OLOA ' 
Bor Ruto stnet curvenlratio Sie aad Wad eee oeeS | Goon’, absal 184 smiles from ibe ralread depot wed loos | Teves aay a2 9) St for Bayile Dock, rest Nook, BEEKMAN! # COMPANY, RO-4D BROADWAY, 
TPO FALORS AND OLOTINERS —PUDEIGHED AND | lhaclie” Price $240. Toqatre of YOUN Ur JONES, at | Sands Folatand Gien Core, and on Nuadayn TNirmdars cod LO GrEAT Hy AUaibaatsor Ane 
OARD IN SOUTH HEOORETN a GENTERMANAND | L| so~ teaay, ihe epring aud canumee Repos of Fashious | Jones" dotel Falion ferry, Brooklyn. Entopinye extending ue ipa Jo Orater Bay, Loran Dork oil a ORF bor ! 
eos reg Seg erga cine Seen psa | Cte BL tac aR nN GUUS ET t | cer aaermp—ro man aR RARE A panat/cOn: | "24 ont ceemmene enna TU OF OPER Sagan te ETE 
festa nicued dose froma Cllatowadeey ORNL O 18) Tes tains guide tg oracticalcattinglevery agie ot gusmentto | WW uineg inealy io” Aity: acces ite: boas therena, DENTISTRY. = 2 ‘ a 3 
“ Teepe by griusl measurement, combised with proportions, | withln Gfleen or (wenly mllea of the clty Lang sian pre- u TH. LUDEAW #00. AUCTIONEEBE VALUABLE | Cire AND OTaEE pause anon4 
Bod gs RE ROE Suara A Gestunwas. | RESTS ee ASS ee EWE Bes ons Rae eae Nay clfer a foe gait wad EE Hoseeeed istoctieas ernie Hy watow e | SU Sepik Oran fees 
tnt nifeand twas Wineries ea aaa bet 2 dire; on fos wt wl at ; atte : j 
spmmedatcd With tear and picasaut Tarahees Gannie ee |] LEGAL NOTICES, -ANTED 10 PURCHASE—A THREE” OR) FOUR 8 aD So To otk died and Siteated | ai the Merctauis Exchange, tbo Talussls Hoass acd Lt iol car Puthe waning ae 
Sinele reer SEA Wire street, Drovklya Hetghig betwee, [eo coeann seen NOMIC, SEED, TO EORCHASE A, TORRE OB FOUR | Shith ejiau pla Ardea Dose Ting Oeste 0, | Neucreiciceste, caine al eee Inmet |... A LauGz stock! dp BOURRKEEETYG coop3, 
Fulico and Wall eect Ferriss NOSE WRG MERENE GIGRS, THAR A (WAR | tate. dey nadot le ean unca Muchuters) put pegs’ | puck warinicd: OBce DS lstbavzao‘ belts Tooth ced | isa; gas are wth Hn bles ZA SED ont EE SE ee eget keh 
ROORLYN HEIGHTS —PANTIAL BOAMDEOR GEN. | Ec, opite lion. JoNnh fiedrsote uPike dearer APa | Lorkood, baiwees Foor and siztsarcoues and Pours apd | Eleyenih street LS COLTON, AUOTIONEEE, WILL SELL THIS DAY a gs 80 SEBO IAT 
Uemen at Na. St Cranberry alnet beteren Willos and | Ccurt of Common Pieaa’ directed to tha AE AS | Goren stresta Trice #3,00) Xo. $10,0N, | Address J. Ets, (Thursday), February 1¢, at 103 o'clock at 60 Beekrasn TE: Ops, OR A, FIRS? RATE STQOK 
Selosta ota wih war odpa Stetundairsoe | Ruby cobeaniss Halzalice oe ceva Rune rns, | DTsovy Post oes PAIFICIAL BONE PILLING FOR DECAYED TEETEL | irc ‘by yaar ‘of «chute sata Get | Wot ccaze salssbin for bm Wontzra tus, for phied 
= s ine Baie ue : : = Foie gilesott withou pais. aS | BStdiog owe, copra 5 hele E Satin tad ga 
SR UeASh ese Sette eee the this | Wyastep fo. PUROGASE_a_vopeny purer | Alvetin mbcentt ihoatmesar cet Aces | bistdleg Bows, Scppriog pean, ties, Dela Bet | utncsiees n runace A) city wit aera mcd 
EAP FURNISHED ROOMS AT THE FRANKFORT | % Weccht of chapter, eight, of part Maree of the Revised | yuyu begctfour story, Hnglsh Basement House, situated | IN pe isms sip rgaaway, above Union | Hezts pyres (eo Billiard Taal pled fy-unlles from Wiles; {be county seas of Periins 2 
Howoe, cornan of Frankfort std Willam siresux-ccon | Ses{Ster are reared to TFurhisns Heotaray sd SMH cenug snd voariéeath and | care, erth ale. ‘rit arse bs od fatatee ‘= 

Rooms from $1 10 $8 pec week, Ledslaga front 33 coals tq | SalmAte the sald 

Rinne etree Price muai be low. Address DoE 69) ast 
Sauyetagle Upsal west Gostretiunat stated” | Boats rom Wedel pesicatlon of tha Bales or ae ane 

Vin Vaces acd Ornaments Also Office Deaks aad to Plans: 

“i ARANTEED SUPERIOR | forex Sale will be peremptory, 
Temedy againat the ll be forfetved; and that the = AST PATRONS ABE, GUAR at one-third | fc 
- ——— pald vesacl wil be sold fur the ot the. elatza 100 Aone EARS erm ABN AND PRUIT | j/, BERIT ee Oe a Beantifal esta Ardell AT AUCTION—ON FATURDAY MORNING, 
MENGE BOARD BROOELANMONE. OR Fwo | fetwicw saree mama aera | 100 SEES APCASBENEDT | wewtinn oon crete oem fegnitel ce ANE! | Trop eae At AUCTION ON FARUROAT MORSI‘, 
mae and goed Sardine | tie eect wives, sooediag wine, wists teas Found ao 8h) Saree alaaule ares mes ET 
Preodh family, by apply eg a: 1s Coton wire dees Seiya otcak and cbentuar tint reth rmiles from | Saline, oe Coat, Grab yobs mss uy | sreeryend Ligion store. earner of Water and Fear aura 
JUST GEASS oun, eA PRICATE FANIEN, FOR | Dated, Noe Tonk Fee nal eet MN OSETA MOR | pepeitg Wow items lands fed from Inca a ETD a, | Horgeeucaar toner of ¥. BOUDE,& V8. 24 Fates 
Furisied Roone very Be aro all wore is 2:0 SEN NBDE FAS BEN TEaps ba cocuanoer ta) ECE ES Fs 
Federenos reqaired Apply ki 5 muy. | Wetlie yercaters oe ke es anes |. taser be ue vara F SRY H. LEEDS, AUOHO: ae - 
witSau saw aresue | SOULE Ess aesen Heny Hage—Senmonsfurnter | werettoedl matte ie pres nag BD | Wide upper ce qudce setae pela (com Sor. oa'aiier | P[ESRY B- LEEDS AUCHONOEE op wise FURS 
URNISHED ACARTMESTR=A Lana PARLOR | CO2, Sut ser—To te adore named defendant:—You ars ake AppIY at Etar Grove, oray | (roa $8. ePartilvets on gold from g2 each woth, or oa all | tLe epy wp peepee OO, wilfsell tt ancien, oo Thurs 
readtsioees Belts bats Ae alanlelerans | KE guise etch otvedella Uesuear eetietrar ws |S : TESS Ne cite for ectrctag  Udaptrary ee | GP ENBSWatit ovio exc day. at Bresteny ar} 
Sguet en Eeeeciuia tem ro: | SBS Gr Ste uite meaner tea ens | So) 4()() POR SARE, BOSE Ap. 6 onomaRD ——— liver eral by onder of Ut autre UP cou at ocike 
of your anaret Lz so, two Lots od = tu z= ‘Ladies’ and Children’s Mowe, Cs 
elce, No, 75 Nasa Ky of New paseo Third: = RESTAURANTS~ ‘beat elass— contesting of nr 
WURRISUED ROOMS TO LET WiTi BOARD_ON | Sea tsthe Meas aeRO Ronen, | Eaean ee Tae Sreneaa 6 : ten eamepetowef adie nnd uae ee 
Frere SO inane aie | Se eas dry ihe ay of ech eerie analyea al | sd Buby areaaee Arty Is suman obs A Pintigtaese Sess EME POE, TOUS MUO | Fes Cuts eres Cee ge tatrimeat ot Sah Bove 
5 ms - ‘ota sie 2 ouocea NY. | Conlinat reel, corer of Draadawe A gacact aleaad | setioos ceucnpticas, witout resrrr 
7 ‘i iatif'ie this action will apply to te court for the Feuer A gaaor ct wi ors 
PRE TG! LRENED ERONT Woo, asp man is te Heat baud Fesroary et | $9500. Sok AES THB PROPERTY NO. 49 ‘Mik SiGdWiS for air eedic Pien Ojsatm On ENRY OREES, AUCTIONEER —DRY ASD PAXOY 
Se. Ger eee pass ei Hoard: Bocas wun all ike | Taare Ce ae eae ely aed ga the ach Sulaprivencis Bat Sabie aacees: cuit ee | TABLE D'MOTE ar SIX O'CLOCK. SUNDAYS Ar ers days 

by Telok ak the acon lone, 


Soper acres acre, wale w walla Soe 
Tbcuy or sae ct stent 84 pr eer 



iE Go, teal ale Bret 
= 13. Wal aiyoet (a Be 

Ts pone BILLIARDS)” 

1) $2004 
Brey tea tablen forealan B30, Si, SR, BD x0 

erbiog Sisto i 
Seeded SEP amnevrnit Ws valor 

Cosbione, Vatected Sorenty 

Nee Se, Sex dlerent 
ge. Waratted ty wand aby cllteale and, any Jengih of 
Und Erwan reseeeclinper cen fer 

DECEEE, 9 Ann street, 


TE Ehivas Dice tprifenata pasted sep emer 
isin Fracs rotpsed tea rg cr (Gh cat 

SE couuzxpee, 
erate 639 @ Crosby exrmet 

Wyn PATENT cm arto ary trane TABLES 

The Bxcelos 57 

AY Si he Pat 
ot Sodeia Impeoremcats Br 5 

iis four minutes walker We fe ) day of Feoruars isth in he oticect ine Clerk of hecoua, | Marka erect Sppiy to H- LAWRESCE, @ eiel Fourteen | aadnr, Hove ae 2, goed Dincer for Teal ta | 174 Willa gtret a'qusalliy or Ory acd Peary Goes 
sect pe ae ieee |e WBE SEG ct Garett abet Broadway. Peirce par | Healey, Gtrees nibbrch, Clog, Drom erin Taakes Ne 

iy. avety ab 89 Gracd 

(Cusslon, palentod Aura 10, 

Divesy, correct asd duraste beyond ‘any and all ow i 

eee. OfSce and factory, 

Th Gald etroets 8. Fe 


ene a : Sante way sToy WaK 




eat by ean wl Ne wt Oe 

THAME, wnsh in oirance Mong tat Wy ead wi te ee 

NO ote Time bk Be 
Volamr XXVI... sKo. 44 


N{DLO‘# GARDEN, Broadway.—Lesoa or C74MOTAE 

wrsT! in Bond erect 
TRE GARDRM, Brosdmay. ornoe! 
Mrscuast ov Vexice—Ict ow Papue Fmsncsis 

WAULAGK'S THBATRE, Broviray.—Cesraat FARk 
TAE, No © Bradway — 

ferns huraKe 

TTRE, Bowers. —[xcowan—Noate 

MUSED, Browtway.— 
AN, gu suarei—tarine Col 

anwTrs AMINO. 
ect Freaing—Tos LADt 
rss, A 

Hal, 472 Broad 

AYANTS!, MINSTRELS, Digcuantea’ Hall, «72 Broad 

DUTT ose, ase 
8Lb)A MINSTRELS, Niblo's Saloon, 
pHODLEY # Chari Tgosun Dancus, BORLESQUES, BO 
ues outirounans 
pasreRnony 40810 TALE, 
caste oo A 

@y Brovdway—Ticmt 

rox, No. 89 Broadway.—Soncs, Dascts, Boe. 

PY, Th. Mutave: 
D TLow Peaoixe 


sauaa Hous Hi 

Wvew York, Thursday, Febraary 11, 1861. 

The News, 

‘Tho counting of the olectoral votosfor President 

nil Vice President took place yesterday at Wash- 

Sngton, when Abrnbam Lincoln was declared Pre- 

bideot aad Honnthal Hamlin Vice President of the 

Vaited States for four years from the Ath of Morob 
next. ‘The following is the vote:— 

Fincoln and Hamlin 180 
Preokinrldgo avd Sane 2 
Jioll and Everett 89 
Pouglas and Jol 12 

Mr, Liocolu left Cincinvatl yesterday mornin 
Jor Columbus, where ho arrived in the afternoon. 
no bis arrival at Colombus he” proceeded to the 
inte House, He was woleomed in tho House of 
Ropresoutativesa by the Lioutenant Governor in a 
Hhort address, to which Mr. Lincoln respondod in 
uu spoccl which ia given elsewhere. While at Co- 
Jowbrs Mr. Lincoln and fomily are the guests of 
Governor Dennison. 

Affairs at the South stilt present the same 
napeet. Lottors received from Fort Sumter state 
that the South Carolinfans haye erected on irm- 
pregnable barrier of railroad iron ov Cummings’ 
Voiat, at o point eo near the fortasto enable 
them to do much mischief. Fort Moultrie has 
nlao beca much strongthened, Lieut, Gfman, one 
bf the officers in command of Fort Pickens, at 
Tensacola, arrived ot Washington last evening. 

Our new Minister to Mexteo, Hon. Mr. We 
of Califorals, bad arrived a the capital, and was 
to bave presented bis credentials on the 30th alt. 

‘Que Harans correspondent, whose letters will 
be found clsembere, mentions the euleide of a 
merebast, and thé probable failure of the honss of 
Korlogn & Olme, with labilitica of over four mit- 
tions of dollars, eansed by the prescat disastrous 
crisia in commercial affairs. 

‘The ice in the North river at Albany gave way 
carly yesterday morning. Great damage to pro- 
perty ensoed by tho sudden riso of the water, 
which carried steamera and canal boats into the 
streets, and demolished several storea on tho piers 
and docks. Among the rains are bridges, pro- 
pellera, towboats, barges, and other veasels lying 
together in heaps. Accounts of damage by fresh. 
ets in other localities have also reached us, and 
will be found olsewhere. 

A coal dealer named Ward, residing in Peart 
atreet, attempted (o commit murder and suicide at 
the resldence of hia wife, in ayenuc A, yesterday, 
He bad becn separated from his wife for some 
time, but visited Lor yesterday in the hope of 
obtaining $150, which =he had in her possession. 
Failing to obtain the money, he shot at her tyrice 
with a revolver, without effect, Then pleading 
penitence, he solicited a private interview with her, 
and while {non act of endearment stabbed ber 
three times. Ho then fled, and on reaching the 
foot of the stairs shot bimsclf in the abdomen. 
Detolls will be found clsowhere. 

‘A private meoting of the special committee of 
tle Common Council, appointed to make arrange- 
ments to oxtend the hospitalities of the city to the 
President cleet on bis arrival here, took placo yes 
terday, The committee agreed to moot Mr, Lins 
coln at Albany on Monday next, and to have the 
reaoltion which paased the Common Couneil in 
reference to the subject engrossed, The Mayor 
attended the meeting by invitation of the com- 

The first aoniversary celebration of tho Foarth 
Ward Mission took place at the Cooper Institute 
last ovening. The large ball was densely crowd: 
cd, and the report showed an expenditare of over 
100, notwithstanding which the sooicty did not 
owe adollar. The mccting was addressed by tho 
Presidont, W. G, Hunt; Rey. Dra. Hoge 
Hogue ani the Superintendent, Rey. W. C. 
Moter. Dodrvorth’s hand was present, 

‘The Commissioners of Emigration mot yesterday 
afternoon, but did no business worth reporting in 
the Henanp, ‘The Commissioners have considera- 
ble difficulty in sending emigrants to South Caro- 
lina and Georgia, even when they havo wealthy 
relatives in those States, owing to the distorbed 
political condition of the country. The railroad 
and steorbont lines refuse to take emigrants to 
Southern cities, lest they might be obliged to 

gatly. manifest, “bare no compromista to 
take" Mr, Lincoln's Late Indianapolis speech: 
bas dispelled all doabts upon that point. 
We may therefore safely conclude that 
this motley Peace Conference at Wash- 
ingioo, and all these impracticable com- 
promises diseusscd in Congress, will end in 
smoke There will be no compromise in ail- 
vance of Mr. Lincoln's inauguration, nod bl 
first stroke of administrative policy wilt be (he 
“cnforcement of the laws” = 

He will thas proceed to retako the federal 
forts, ardenals, &o, seized by the saceded 
States, and oeenpied’ by their troops, Mean- 
time, the federal government of the seceded 
States has taken under its charge the quest 
and didiculties existing botween them and th 
government of the United States relating (5 
the occupation of said forts, sreenals, Ko; 50 
that in the attempt, for example, to regain, by 
arms, possession of Fort Moaltrie, Mr. Lin- 
cola's administration is Uareatened with the 
armed resistance of tho six soceded States. 
Nor is this all; for the Southern States which 
have uot seceded, with hardly an exception, 
have solemnly pledged themselves, in the con: 
tingen¢y indicated, to areist the Southern re- 
public agniast tho fleets and armies of tho 
government of the United States. 

‘Thus we perceive that Mr. Lincoln, in the 
onlset of his journey to the White Houso, has 
forestadowed the experiment of the subjugay 
tion by force of arms of the whole South, in- 
cluding a white population of eight millions, 
almost every man of which is a {rained rifleman, 
Pushed to the wall, the Sonth can ex- 
temporize an efficient army of three bundred 
tbourand mca upon a month's notice. Agoinst 
such a force, the qualities of which have been 
indicated st Monterey, Buena Vista, Churu- 
busco nd Chapullepeo, what wonld be the 
recull of Mr. Lincoln's policy of subjugation? 
‘The enlargement of the Southern republic to 
tho northern boundary of the border slave 
States, and a treaty of peace withit, ander an 
irr ible Northern popular reaction, re- 
cognizing the independence of this Southern 
confederacy, or the violent overthrow of Mr. 
Lincoln, his administration and bis party. 

Such are the strong probabilities, one way 
or the other, of the ensuing twelve months, as 
foreshadowed by the speeches of the President 
elect on the one side, and by this Southern 
confederacy and Southern public opinion on 

bring them back again, ‘The unmber of emigrants 
landed here during the past week was 228, whic 
makes the total since Ist of January 2,765. Tho 
Board have liquidated the small overdraft reported 
Jost week, ond there is again « balance in their 
fuvor amounting to $3, 76. 

Judge White, of the Superior Court, yesterday 

‘He states that the Brooklyn had not landed her 
rupplics, Captain Slemmer having notifled her 
commander that he Yad snfficiont for three months. 
MThoeo were twelve hundred troops at Peusacola, 
eager to attack tho fort, and it was apprehended 
thut it would be taken bofore the Brooklyn could 
ahrow her troops into it, 

One of our Washington correspondents gives 
Hist of government yessels lying at the various 
yords and ports of the country unfit for service. 
‘The list isa long ono, and does not speak well for 
the efficiency of tho navy at the present juncture. 

The Peace Conference made hut little progress 
lerday. ‘The principal point for consideration 

that relating to the Territories. It was be- 
Woved that Mr. Guthrie's proposit would be 
adopted by the committee, who will report on 

‘Tho citizens of Now Orleaus hoisted the dag of 
Louisiana on Tuesday, in presence of the membera 
of the Convention, and saluted {t with twenty-one 
guns, The Convention bas adjourned nntil the 
4th of March. ‘The festival of Mardigras was cele- 
brated with great pomp, the weather being de- 

‘The Virginla State Convention, convened to de: 
olde on the course the Old Dominion shalt pur- 
sue in the present crisis, met at Richmond yester 
diay, ho President of tho Conyeution, om agsum- 
ing the dutics of ‘his position, said that Virginia 
was in favor of the Union, bat would insist om her 
rights as a condition of remaining in it 

Tho police authorities yesterday mide a seizure 
of sovern! thousand! cartridges destined for 
Charleston. Tho cartridges were marked H, 
Atchor, Charleston, 8, C., and were to have gone 
on the steamer Huntsville, to Savaunal. After 
their scizure by the police, they were conveyed 
to the Arsenal on Soventh avenne. 

The Tori Vill was ander consideration in tue 
Senate yesterday, when Mr. Seward gave notice 
that ho should move to strike ont that portion of 
tho-Diit abolishing the warehousing system. In 
view of the pressing embarrassments of the Tren- 
sury Department from lack of means to meet indis- 
pensable obligations, Mr. Shermau, the Chairman 
of the Committee of Wars and Means of the 
Tonée, reported a bill authorizing the President, 
in place of any port of the recent loau, to issue 
coupon bonds of a denomination not exceeding 
fifty dollars, ond bearing wot oxceciing six per 
centom interest, and running twenty years, aud 
apply such bonds at par to the creditors who may 
recelve them—the entire amount not to exceed 
that authorized by the recent Ioan act. ~ 

‘che proceedings of our Slate Legislature yes 
day were not of particular interest. Both houses 
adjourned carly. In the Senate several bills of 
special bearing only were acted upon. A bill for 
the prevention of bribery in elections and in the 
infleeacing of legislation was yoported, In the 
Assembly vetoes were received from the Governor 
of the Onondaga Penitentiary bill nud a bill antho- 
Hizing the city of Rongbkeepsie to borrow money. 
A nuniber of petitions for the repeal of the Sun- 
day laws wero presented, also petitions for State 
aid to the suffering people in Kansas, 

By_tho_orrival of the steamship Tennessee at 
New Orleans, from Vera Cruz the 6th inst,, wo 
learn that the Presidential contest, a3 far as heard 
from in various States, terminated in favor of 
Senor Lerdo de Tejada, formerly 8 member of 
Suarea’s Cabinet, in various positions of trust and 
confidence: “The President clect is probably tho 
Oe Bee SYED and much good to 
wahie yy be expected from his 

We have also, by way of Har i 
items of news from the capital CUE 
Various quarters of the Mexican republic. The 
steamer Velasco, which arrived at Havana on the 
{th from Vera Croz, brought to that city Don 

granted an injunction in tho street cleaning con- 
tract cae, requiring the Mayor, ke., to show 
cause, on Tuesday next, why the contract should 
not be awarded to William H. Williams, who, it is 
alleged, was the lowest bidder, and restraining 
them from signing the contract in favor of A. J. 

Beef cattle were in moderate reqnest, in conse- 
quence of the approach of the Leuten season; but 
the receipts were not heavy, and prices wore with- 
ont waterinl change. Milch cows were qnict. 
Veal calves were steady. Sheep and Jumbs were 
plenty, dull and 25¢. a 600. per head lower. 
Swive were in moderate supply ond demand, at 
lower rates, varying from 5%{ 
cluping all kinds. “The total recoipts were 3,605 
eover, St cows, I67 voals, 9190 sheep ani tambs, 
and 5,392 swine, 

Lettere lo.go forward per steamship Kedar, for 
Liverpool. will be received nt Mr. Cunard’s office 
vnlil ten o'clock this morning. 

Tus cotteu market yesterday was wilhcal change of 
mowent, whilo tho ‘market Clozod without splelt. Tho 
ales embraced about 2,500 bales, in lots, on the basis of 
about M4y¢. for middling uplands. Dy late accounts 
from the Southern ports it would seem that the growra 
were hurrsing thelr crop (o market and selling It as 
fast aa posalble, not feeling conBdencs In the puurpoaca of 
the incoming government after the dih of March. At 
pweeent all goes eo smoothly and actively, and might, 
under wise apd conciliatory counclls, continue to 
do fo, end result Snaliy—in permanent. peace 
to comniercia! men, Northabd South. As unpromlsing as 
things look al present, consider that eoorclon and civil 
war Tead to irreparable ruin. Crop eatiasates do not, as 
‘goneral thing, exceed four millions of bales, and rom9 
fal malcrlally below that gure, Should this prove 
true, prices may Auctuate, vat will not likely exparlence 
any permanent’ dccline. Flour was: caaler for some 
erades, bug more act{rc, witha fic amount of sales for 
export. Wheat was lower and more/active, facludiag 
purehac¢s for export.’ Corn Wax moro active, butat 
casler rates. Pork was inactive, with stiall sales of mess 
at $17 25, apd prime 3t $19. Sugars were in falr do- 
mand, with sales of 610 hhds. Cuba, part at 4¥4c. a be. 
Coste Was steads, with aales of Rio aad Jaya at rates 
given Iu another place, Freight fo Liverpool ware firm, 
mihile eugegements were light. 

The New Southern Repadtic—tts Pro- 
gramme and Kis Purposes 

The federative Congress of. the secoded 
Slotes has organized, in their Vebalf, an inde- 
pendent provisional government. This goyern- 
ment- is iu active operation, and its procced- 
ings thus far afford very little hope of the re- 
(urn of the seceded States to ouir Union \inder 
apy compromise whatsoever emanating from 
our peacemakers nt Washington. But still it 
is possible that the powerful North, actuated 
by a prowpt and liberal spirit of patriotisus, 
could not only save all theSouthern States we 
are in danger of losing, but recover all that 
we have lost. 

‘The framers of. our federal constitution, 
aware that time, experience, the developement 
of the country, of population, of parties, sec- 
tions and factions, would call for now compro- 
mises or violent disruption, previiled, in two 
different ways, for amendments to (he supremo 
lay of the land. One of these wethods is the 
submission of amondmonis, by a-two-thirds role 
of each house of Congress; to the several States 
for ratification; but this work is connected with 
the acceptance of said amendments by three- 
fourths of the States. The other method 
of amendment is by « national convention to 
be called by nct of Congress, on application 
for such act by (worthirds of the Legislatures 
of the several States. But there is n third 
method—a reserved right of the people of re- 

Francisco Pacheco, late Minister to Mexico from 
Spain; the Papal Nuncio, and, among other per- 
sooages, the renowned Miramon himself, who 
escaped in disguise from Vera Cruz, where he had 
been staying with the French Consul. Eight 
bishops who have been exiled by the government, 
and who were expected in Hayana, arrived at 
New Orleans in the Tennessee, The authorities 
jn the capital have ‘commenced stripping the 
ehoeches of their rich ornaments. From the 
<sthedral alone over a million dollars” worth 
have been taken. Zolouga has set up for himself 
; snc and a oomber of chiefs are still in the field, 
vt with so few forces that they cannot maintain 
+ any length of time, If accounts 

ital ‘me, itis lucky that Joarez’s 
feo soon, as from the strong tide of 
tect against him, on account of cor 

dressing governmental grievances—a mode of 
redress which may be most Gily explained in 
that one word of terrific @aport—rovolution. 
This remedy has heen precipitated upon the 
“cotton States,” and thus they stand this da) 
before us under a revolutionary gorerament, 
While our peacemakers at Washingion are de. 
dating between concession and coereion. 
‘To all appearances tho parties concerned in 
this new Southern federal organization hare no 
expectation and no desire of @ rer to the 
Union. We think, however, that In thelr adop- 
Uon of our federal constitntion they kare left 
the door open to a treaty of reconciliation, 
They baye indicated thelr nltimatan in fayor 
of a recoustraction of the Union and teir~al- 
ternative of independence. If we refuse the 

that wonld expel him 
© be apprebended: i 

‘one we mnst accept the other, or prepare for 
war. The ropabliown part A 

tho other side, Tho truth is, that Mr. Lincola, 
since his nomination for the Presidency, but 
more especially since his election, has been so 
completely surrounded by the anti-slavery 
radicals, fanatics, lunkoys and parasites of his 
party, that he has been excluded from the 
wholesome atmosphere of the genuine public 
opinion of the North. We must, therefore, ad- 
wonish-the American people to prepare for the 
calamities of a civil war, and for the ruinous 
experiment of military despotism at Wash- 

As Artistic Revotvrios—Mosto aNp THR 

The Deippings of an Inaugurai—ie Civil 
War = Remedy La the Present Orisia? 

Following closely in tho footsteps of his 
Premier, who invokes red “batile” as the 
means by which the adversaries of republican 
abolitionism shall be “swept away aa moths 
before the whirlwind,” Mr. Lincoln, on bis way 
to the national capital, drops, here and there, 
choice morsels from his approaching inangural, 
‘and endeavors to preparo the country for an 
“invasion” of the South, and coerelve mea- 
earvs, “to retake forta and other proportics'? 
that bave been seiaed on by the acceding 
States. His spokesmen at Washington declaro 
tbat the slayeholding members of the confedo- 
ration are ‘domestio enemies whose treason 
muat come to an end; against whom “war if 
necessary” must be declared; and that sc- 
cedors mast “take the fate of traitor”” “If 
tho time is coming,” adds Senator Fosscnden, 
“(9 uso force, I am perfestly ready to do it” 
‘And the Springfield (IL) Journal of last weok, 
in aa article inspired by the incoming Presi- 
dont, if not acfually written by his own band, 
exclaims—"The seceding States are in re- 
bollion ngainst the foderal government, and it 
is the duly of this goveroment to pat dowa 
rebellion. Away with compromises. Weshould 

not tall of compromises whilo the fag of 
traitors Goats over an American fort, and tho 
fag of our country trails in the dust. Until 
that flag is unfurled over Moultrie, and every 
other stolen fort, arseaal, custom house, and 
navy yard—uatil the laws of this government 
ore obeyed, and its aathority recognized, lot 
us ncver talk abont compromise. Let the 
stolen forts, arsenals, ond navy yards be re- 
stored to the rightful ownor—tear down your 
raltlesnake and pelican flog, and ran up-the 
ever glorions stars and atripes—disporse your 
(raitorous mobs, and let every man return to 
his duty.” 

‘This is tho programme of the republican par- 
Itis the signal for massacre and blood- 
ved, Which Las,at last, been boldly tocsiaed 
forth by the government which -vill enter into 
power on the 4th of March next, Congress is 
already decreeing that the navy shall bo re- 
inforced with vessele which shall be able to 
peuetrale Southern harbors, and attack South- 

ses; the services of the militia of 
backed by an appropriation to 
put them on a war footing, bave been proffered 
to the administration; the authorities of Mfassa- 
chusetts have voted to: mobilize their militia 
for coercive efforts, under the call of Mr. Lin- 
coln, “outside of the State;” Pennsylvania 
avenue is turned into » Champs de Mavs; 
Generals, like Scott, Wool, Sandford and 
Wightmpn are sharpening their swords for 
bloodshed; members of the Cabinet issue in- 
structions to “shoot down on the spot” active 
seceders, and every preparation is being made 
for sectional hostilities and the inauguration of 
a military despotism. It is the evident inten- 
tion of Mr. Lincoln and bis advisers that there 
shall be civil war. 

‘Are the cound, sober minded, patriotic cili- 

Dawa tN THE Metroronts—We have hereto- 
fore alluded to the very curious revolation in 
the musical taste of (he metropolis; a revolution 
which set up the ebrine of negro minstrelsy in 
Broadway, and left the muse of the lyric drama 
to®larvo in Irving place; a revolution which 
placed New York, operatically speaking, among 
the emallest of the provincial towns, and ele- 
yated Brooklyn to thé rank of a first Class artis- 
tic metropolis, But in/art and. social life the 
same rules which obtain in politics hold good. 
Aftor revolution comes: reconstruction, and we 
find ‘that work already commenced. It yas 
bigh time that something should be dono, or 
weight wake up come morning and find that 
lLtho fashionable places of amusement had 
been removed to Brooklyn. Operatically, the 
men tor the crisis was Muzio, the Garibaldi of 
thé coulisses, He ventured upon a grand coup 
de theatre, anid produced an entirely new opera, 
whereupon the New York) Academy again 
Vcamed with beauty and basked in the full 
blaze of metropolitan fashionable aatiaty— 
something £0 magnificent that ordinary eyes 
are quite dazzled by its contemplation. While 
the Academy bas been, for the time being, re- 
stoted to ils old footing, and the nose of Brook- 
lyn, £0 tospeai, dislocated, we find another 
revolution and subsejuent reconstruction going 
on in the theatres, Year after year the theatres 
of New York have been given up to the French 
ecnsation drama, comedies—more or lezs comic, 
generally leas—ond burlesques without wit or 
poist. The standard drama was laid aside, and 
Shakspere eo far tabooed that a mohager de, 
clined a play becauze its style wes too much 
like the Swan of Ayon. This state of things 
yas brough® about by the fact that the stage 
was withontactors capable of sustaining grand 
viles like Homlet, Richard IIL, Iago, Othello, 
Shylock, Sir Giles Overreach, &e., &e. All 
our young aclors have been spoiled by at- 
tempting to imitate the muscular Metamora 
school of acting; and occasionally, when a man 
‘of genius did break away from this model, his 
requisites tor the most exiyeant of artistic pur- 
suits were not up to the standard required by 
the public. But the time hind come for the revi- 
val of the classic drama, ond an actor of the 
parely intellectual school came alzo. Edwin 
Reotli—one of ourselves, an Amotican, born in 
Baltimore—stands to-day the representative of 
(his school, the inheritor of the mantle of Gar- 
rick, Edmund Kean and George Frederick 
Cooke. Young Booth bas streamed across 
the theatrical firmament like a re 1 
meteor, and, although only at the outset of 
carecr, is the lion of the day. Mis acting 
revolutionized the theatre going public. Like 
bis illustrious predecessors, be has recreated a 
taste for the old plays, and rendered inestima- 
ble services to the drama. In England, since 
the days of Edmund Kean, there has been no 
great tragedian, Franco bas had nothing of 
the kind since Talma, Italy has Salvini, now 
the nest actor in Europe. Like Booth, Salviai 
is still young, and has a handsome face, grace- 
fill manners, and, the most importqnt requisites 
for a tragedian, wonderfully expressive eyes. 
Salvin} is even better than Booth in the same 
style, but the two are undoubtedly the finest 
tragic artists in the world; indeed, the only 
representatives of the intellectual sclool—the 
school of Talma, Kean, Garrick and Cooke. 
‘Mr; Booth gives the lie to the old proverb asto 
the honoring of prophets in their omp country. 
He has néyer been abroad. lis style is origi- 

tol, and he isan actor born, not made. His 
¥igor, intensity, grace and earnestness have 
breathed new life into the old seventeenth cen- 
tury drama, and he ceems to have inspired the 
Public with his own feeling. So the revolution 
goes on in the thea(res, the opera honses and 
the social circle, as in the Senate, House and 
the potitical esnens.  Tempana mivfanker. was ef 

zens of the North prepared for the contingenoy 
of an internecine strife which ehall bury the 
prosperity of the country in ruins? Are our 
commercial, manufacturing, financial and 
agricultural interests to be sacrificed at the 
beck of w few fanatical demagogues? It is 
Clear as. noonday, that-not one outof ten of 

the voters of the Northern States on- 
dorse the schemes of personal and pecuniary 

aggrandizement, which abolitionist leaders 
have fajuously imagined. They solemnly pro- 
test against the suicidal programme, which the 
Sewards, Lincolns, Wades, Sumners, Kings, 
Fessendens, Garrisons, Phillipses, and. others 
of the Massachusetts gchool of abolitionism, 
have laid down, "They shrink aghast from the 
horrors which: must overwhelm the land, if 
an appeal is made to the-bayonet to solve the 
interState problem which the developments 
of the last few months bave created. They see 
the country upon the verge of a fearful con- 
flict, nad between whom? Natural enemies? 
Those who must make delendae es! Carlhago a 
maxim of political necessity? On the con- 

trary, where there are no really discordant 
interests, and the exigencies of national ccono- 
my and growth involve a peaccable, inatead 
of @ violent tranaitioa. Thore is no fandamen- 
tal discord between North and South, and rela- 
tions of the strictest amity are indispensable 
for the welfare of both. 

Three different methods have been proposed, 
by which the differences agitating the country 
may be-solved withont civil war, The Sr3t 
is that which will be auggested by Mr. 
Lincoln, in his inaugural—namely, a na- 
tional convention. A close examination of 
the requiremenis of the constitution shows that 
this idea is impracticable. Months wonld 
elapse before even its preliminaries could be 
settled, even if two-thirds of the States should 
consent to ask that Congress should call such 
fan assemblage together. The second is the 
immediate proposal by Congress of stich amend- 
ments to the constitution as have been con- 
tained in the bills of Senators Crittenden and 
Bigler. It bas become evident, howerer, that 
the decay of parties has thrown leadership at 
Washington into the hands of the most venal 
and corrupt class of individuals that ever held 
power in any land. A dezolate blank of every 
noble impulse Is beleld, at the yery source 
Whence sound and healthy legislation shonld 
proceed. There is not a shadow of hope that 
our national representatives, will apply any 
remedy whatever to the political disease moder 
which the Union is laboring. The only re- 
source left—the Iaat to be recommended, except- 
ing under the pressure of the dirsat evils, euch 
evils us are becoming paramount in their sway 
atthe present honr—is that to be found in 

Six of the States have already withdrawa 
from the confederacy. Nine more, under the 
pressure of circumatances they cannot evade, 
must soon join those that haye already gone 
out. What will the Northern border States; 
What will the central States rezolve upon, in 
such a contingency? They willnot consentto be 
parties inthe coercion schemes of Mr. Lincoln; 
but will they even remain tranquil spectators 
of his efforts to embroil the country in civil 
War? We think not. The line has yet to be 
drawn between the two future republics into 
which the old confederation is about ta be per- 
manenily divided, and the graye question has 
yet to be answered with whom New York, 
Pennsylvania and New Jersey will cast their lot. 
Tt is certain that between the coercive schemes, 
civil war, and military despotism, with which 

Mr. Lincola and his advisers menace the coun- 
try, and-such a bond of union as is suggested 
by the Congress that is being held at Montgo- 
mers, the people will necessarily choose the 
latter, as soon as they can make their volce 

Revolution at (hs Sontk—Pormats: 
Great Southeru Republic. 
‘The great religious, intellectual, and moral 

lever, which abolitioaist fanatios tare boea | oo. shat 

stoadfly applying, for over thirty yoary, ty ac: 
complish a dissolution of the Uniou, barat 


is wero tbe like sball bo drawn betweea the 
two Intnze republics, and to which of thea 

York, and the remalniler oF the Contra: 

1 belong. 
Tax Bxrmanmion Goan Gaxama—Tne 

length produced its legitimate resulta. It has | Count ns A Quasnsay.—The case of the slave 
culminated In a formal declaration of indo. | ®9¢ murderer Anderson lorcibly distracts and 

pendence, on the part of six States of tho Valon; 

annoys the Canadian government, Canadiana 

and the inevitable ond of the procsedingy of | Judges and Gansdina peopl The struggle bee 

tho Peace Congress at Washington, will bo that 
eight more will havo joined them, before tho 

tween treaty obligations on one side and faci. 
nation on the other ia very evident. One 

lapse of many weeks. The republican dogma | 24dlan Court (the Queen's Bench) has 

that clavory is the “sum of all villanios;’’ that 
ft is “a crime,” “a curse,” “a sin; that 
the constitution of tho United States is a “coro 
nant with death and agreomont with hell,’ 
could lead to but one inevitable result, oamoly, 
that, in the language of Wendell Phillips, “the 
slavebolding States should bo shovolled out of 
the Union,” and the tie be evorlastingly sua- 
dered which bound together, in ono confedes 
ration, elements so fundamentally discordant 
From the poriod of tho first establishment of 
an antialavery society in England, in 1823, 
with “tho Lord shall spill tho blood of those 
who traffic in the souls of thoir fellow men!” 
a standard, the Tappans, Garrisons, Leavitls, 
Phillipaes, Sowards, Wilsons, Lincolns, Love- 
Joys and Van Burens of Amorics, baye boon 
indefutigable propagators of the aggressive 
oreed sgainat the South, which Sir Robort Peol 
foretold, “would be tho best investment eyor 
made for the overthrow of free institu- 
tions,” Tho grave, statesmanlike course par 
sued by the Southern Congress at Moat- 
gomery, Alabama, demonstrates that the end 
[has nt Inst been attained, and that tho period 
has arrivod for paying dearly for tho treat of 
elevating anti-alayery republicanism to power 
in the country. ‘Tho Union is dissolved, and it 
may not, perhaps, bo In the power of man to 
unite its fragments together. 
No one can poruso with attention the accoun! 
of the proceedings of the Congress of the six 
seceding States, without being struck by the 
statcemanship and diplomatic foresight of thore 
who have guided ils counsels. Tho ground- 
work of their action has been identical with 
that of the Colonios, in their declaration of ia- 
dependence from England, in 1776; and, with 

solemun invocations of the Supreme Head of ho 
Univerzo, they have slarted from the same point 
of the “inalienable rights of man,!’ to lay tho 
basis of just and equitable revolution. Nothing 
can be more gound, and conservative, than tho 
programme which they have laid down for the 
future, and consciousness of strength lends 

confederacy, in the crisis at which the nation 
has arrived. Under any circumstances, the 
Will of the people is that there should be peace. 
If the inhabitants of the slayeholding and non- 
slarebolding States are determined to explore 
the fatare in different paths. every sensible, 

force to the dignity with which they appeal 
from the wolf-like utterances of Northern coer- 
cionists, to the good seuse of the people at 
large in the non-elaveholding Siates. ‘Tho nev 
Southorn republic starls into exislonee with a 
population of four millions, which will be in- 
creased to twelve millions ere the lapse of two 
be formed 
the most 
enlightened politicians of the age—President 
Dayis, wwho has gained distinction on the battle 
field, in the Cabinet and in the Senato, and 
Vice President Stephens, whose subtlety, elo- 
quence and private virtues, have been (he ad- 
miration of the country for along series of 
years. Out of Mexico, Cuba, Ceatral America 
‘and the northern part of South America, they 
entertain tho hope to corre, in time, an cm- 
pire, based upon slavery as a beneficent do- 
which will become the 
richest and most majestic thatthe world has ever 
In the meanwhile, they will-possess 
the coal_and iron wealth of Kentucky, Ten- 
nestee and Missouri; the corn fields, superior 
to apy in the world, of Virginin ; water power, 
within a limited space, equal to all that is con- 
tained in the North put together; a line of 
coast adequate to any requirements of navi- 

cesential of s relesumlciem™ | their theatre readily, not only for the Opera, 

months. Ils administration will 
under the auspices of two of 

mestic institution, 


gation; and every 
nation. They are 

0 about to pass tari 

Jaws, with a yiew to foster and protect South- 
ern manufactures, which call for the maturest 
consideration on the part of the central mem- 

bers of the confederacy. 

It is indisputable that the interests of the so- 
called Border States will compel:them to be- 
come apart of the new Southern republic; 
Dut it will be equally for the benebt of the 
Central Slates, including New York, to identify 

decided that the prisoner ought to be given up. 
Instead of the Canadian government carrylag 
out that judgment promptly, they rotaln tho 
accused still tn prison till the caso Is furthoe 
complicated by the arrival of a writ of haboas 

corpus from England. Simultancously with 

this evont a writ of habons corpus Is lasued by 

tho Canadian Court of Common Pleas, with a 

view (0 suporaode the English writ, The cass 

came up forhearing on Saturday,and after long 

arguments the Court concluded to reserve they 
decision till Saturday next The counsel for 
Anderson urged the polat that tho commit- 
ment was informal; and it Ls atated that by thle 
sido wind and indireotion It is intonded to gut 
Tid of the merits of the caso, and also (0 avold 
collision with the English goveromont, “Bat it 
the commitment was informal it ls vory oasy 
for the counsel acting for tho State of Missourt 
{to have a new warrant ready and roarrest the 
criminal, if thoro be really any disposition ia 
the city of Toronto or on tho part of the Cana 
dian wuthorities to fulfil the troaty obligations 
to which tho British government has pledged 

Tho legal quibbling about tho caso iy truly 
contomptible. It Is a curious feature in ft that 
tho Attorney General of the province appoarodt 
on Saturday to oppose the dischargo of An- 
derson, whereupon the funatical nntlelavery, 
nigger-worsbipplag journals of Toronto covar 
him with abuse. Ono thing Is very oloar, and 
that is, that whateror way the courts doclde 
the responsibility will till devolve upon the 
British government of surrendering Andorson, 
according to tho terms of tho Ashburtom 
{reaty. But we presume tho calcnlation of both 
tho English nnd Canadinn authorities ts, that 
tho government to he in power at Wasbingtoa 
on and after tho 4th of March is not very likely 
to give them any troublo on the subject, But 
if Missouri should join the Southorn confede- 
raoy, as sho is yery Mkely to do, the British 
government will probably hoar moro of the 
matter. If they should still refuse tho surcon- 
der of Anderson they may have rouson to 
regret it. But in our opinion they ate far mors 
likely to gratify the now confederacy by am 
not of justiog; for cotton is king, and freo trade 
Is the delight of every British heart. 

A Veny Stiant Divrenescr.—The stockhold- 
ors of the New York Aondemy—no longer “tho!” 
Academy—can find a good deal of useful infor- 
mation in tho history of the present oampaign 
in this city and Brooklyn. Acroas the water, 
on Wednesday of last week, the ‘ Barber of 
Seville,” an opera which Is not quills so now 
as it was formerly, was given, and the rooelpta 
amounted to $1,957, Lfere,on Monday, a bran 
new opera by tho first composer of tho day, 
with three prime donne, new mise en soene, kon 
was produced, and the roceipis wore only one 
hundred dollars over those of the “ Barbor’ at 
Brooklyn. The difference is that the atock- 
holders at Brooklyn pay for their acats, while 
ere the privileged ‘class (nko all the best 
places, leaving the rest to the paying public, 
which prefers the Brooklya arrangement. {a 
other words, the reserved places in our Acude- 
my represent the sole margin of profit that the 
manager can porsibly hope for. The Brooklyn 
people were wise in calting off the reseryod 
seat humbug. They will always be ablo to let 

but for other purposes; whilo the Irving place 
house enjoys such an immense amount of atls- 
tocratic patronage that it will ut no distant day 
find ileclf metamorphosed into a econventicle, 
a morket or a military barrack, 

Forszy VioLatina 48 Ovvicus Taust—Tho 
report of the Committee of Investigation, de- 
veloping the fucta connected with the robbery 
of the Indian Trust bonds and tho illegal ac- 

themselves with their Southern seceding | ceptances of Mr, ex-Secre(ary of War Floyd, 


exclude Northern fubrigs 
from Southern porls, in order 

Commercial treaties with England and France 

acliye measures that will be consummated by 
the Southern confederation. A death blow 

ists, to ruin them irrevocably, ata time when 

republic to ils prezent condition. Between the 
polism, with which republican leaders are 

union as is suggested by that new Southern re- 
public, to those who have not joined it, New 
‘York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey will 
necessarily chooge the latter, if the voice of the 
People can make {tself heard. 

It is understood that primary recommen- 
dation, in the inaugural messago of Mr. 
Lincoln, will be the assemblage of a Na- 

choten, would speedily bring to a focus the 
state of popular feeling ia the Northern, Cen- 
tral and border States. We have already 
bad occasion {0 show, however, that such 
an azzemblage is a mere chimera, and that 
to convene It is a clear impossibility. Dis- 
solution of the Union {sno Jonger a vain the- 
ory; it bas become a fact in history. It re- 
mains, however, (0 be seen whal course wil} 
be pursued by the remaining members of the 

The new Sothern conslilution 
foreshadows legislative enactments which will 
and commerce 
to divert 
capital from other uses into the creation of | who isthe Clerk of the House, This is the uae 
siapufactorics, south of Mason and Dixon’ line, 
which may snecessfally compele with thoze thal 
have hitherto eupplied them with merchandise. 

are also to be anticipated, 1s among the first 

five-sixths of the voters of those States depre- 
cate the incendiarism which -bas reduced the 

hemes, civil war, and military des- 

menacing the country, and suc a bond of 

‘filaiceonsse Movie ectections from Ne. operas, 
tional Convention. Such a body, properly | Cass exereica wil conta ut feats oa the vanling| 

Comumitles is composed of many of the deld, 
Iipe oflcors of the regiment. 

dred of th 

See riarats 
charge of and 

was presented in the House of Ropreentatives 
last Tuesday. ‘The document, however, wad 
published (he morning of the same day in the 
Philadelphia newapaper owned by Mr. Forney, 

whigh he jaukes of bis position, taking adyan- 
isgo of his office to get bold of reports of im- 
portant sclect committees, and publishing them 
to the world before the members of Congress 
have apy idea of thelr contents. This is not 
only a breach of faith on the part of the Clerk 
of the House, but it is a gross outrage on the 

will thus he struck at Northern trade, unless | confidential character of bis office. ‘Tho mat: 
those who are most immediately concerned in 
the maintenance of onr prosperity, possess 
the energy and wisdom to avert the shock | who has beep unfalihful to the trust reposed in 
itis on the point of receiving. The question | him. 

has to be settled, whether the people of the 
Central States of the Union will permit the 
aggressive fanaticism which bas been engen- 
dered by the Massachnsetts school of abolition- 

ter shculd be investigated, for no man is Gt to 
hold that or any other offico under Congress 

Acavewy oF Mcsic—The second perforsmasen of Tos 
Ballo In Maschera!” drew o crowded house last night, aa 
the performance was emineaily sallefactory. The a1 
dieoco was more enthusiastic than oa Monday, and tho 
artists seemed to hare entirely recovered from the tl 
midity incidental to the first representation of co Lmpar- 
tant a work. Especial tmprorement was ooticsd ta 
Signor Briguoll’s performance, and Madame Cplsom more 
than verided the triumph whlob abe schleved on Moaday. 
The neat performacce of the new cera will axe plaice 
on Saturday mornlog, tho only matinee of tho seam. 

On Friday, at the Brooklyn Academy, La Samnan- 
bala’ will be given. 

City Intelligence, 

Tur Serer Pannier Gocusex—Ths drit asuwl 
exhibition of tbe Serenth Regiment gymrasiam will take 
place lonight at that Jostitatioa, No. 23 St. Mark's 
place, when the members of the gallint Seventh wils 
give their friends a specimen of their dexterity ia calle: 
thenicand eymoastic ekill. & Wallace Cone will deliver 

address. aud the Nallonal Guard baod 

Pei fore damb bell, parael ‘burs, dons 
, weriel Hight, Indian ciobs,'siogla bar, la percha 
fencing and Uroad eword extrciscs. Tbs Mion 

Bocca Fxvmt—Iest evciog tbs city was startled 

with the ery of the newstoys that Fort Samter tad brow 
bombarded and between (wo and three hundred killed - 
It was soon ascertatant by ths police that te report was 

men In Whe piece arrested for examni- 

Fors oy Bist Twrusry Srecy—Tams Hocus Ticexe vo 

Dear —Shorily after elght o clock last olghl.a Gre broko 
ook ina frame stable la the rear of No. 269 Exit Twollth 
street, occupied by Pairk Kere, The flamer scam 


.bl toon eareliped 1p slalls, and preseotad tba 
br iF wo coat 




Arrhal of the President Elect at Colam'n, 
Ohio—Hly Recepilon by the Legh- 
Jatnre—Another Speech—Seenes 
Mong the Roate, 

9 key 


Capurvan, Feb. 13, 1561 

fast orenlog « largo (orchlight procession marched to 

‘the Harnet Moose and called out Mr. Lineota, who briedy 

returne bia thanks for tu hosor done bim. A number 

Of Citivens afterwards bad Use ploasore of shaking Mr, 
Diveoln's tana. 

Hews) cot uatil after midaight that the corridors of 
he Burnet Hoos were vacated by ths last of the thou. 
sands that bad como 10 tako a look at the President 
leet; and quietooes settled over the (mmense edifion, A 
mirong police force bad charge of the hotel all night, and 
secnred the Preeldential party tba reat they eo greatly 

At halfpost ala o'clock this morning the call to rise 
wan eds on tha Noor raked to tho President, bis fa- 
mily and suite, Mhortly after seven o'clock tho eatiro 
comopany partook of breakfast, Tho Governor and othor 
promloer’ repree@platives of Indiana and the clly com 
mittee thew took formal leevo of Mr. Lineola al party, 
oid snc0 after olgbt o'clock the carrlages convayod them 
Lo the Tittle Mam) depot. 

Severs! tboorand people were sksembled aroand the 
Wepot to Wid farewell to the distioguished visiter, AD 
enjoleot pollen exeort proveated, however, any clase ap- 
preach, sud tho care were catered witboat apy uncom 
Yortable erouding, AL alae A. St. preelsely tho whiatlo 
wax enroded, and tho tala rolled out anaidet the cboera 
ff the Innumerabla epectators. 

Mr, Liocola ntood on to platform of the rear ear as tho 
Train weal ont of the depot, bowing bis farowoll to tho 
crowd, who cheered enthustastically. Mr. A. Slagery 

which by eaterst cpm all subjects presated to bln ie 
the coures of conversation, was Ue gadject of general 
Waedation. Wis peréocal appearance was prosoanesd by 
all morb better thaa had been faferred from bls portraits 
Ab eight o’ciock « collation was erred op, after which 
the President was again escaifed to ths Slate Hous, 
wbere at immense assemblage of Ladies aod geatlemsa 
were in waiting for a ehaks of bis band; vat thelr ia- 
tended victim plead great fatigue, and rotorned to the 
gubersatorlal macaisa after a brief sy. 

Mr. Liseoin was apprised by rpeclal telncraph of the 
‘coanting of tha electoral voto this afternoon, and besrtiy 
ceogratolated Dy bis frleots Mrz Licoota absndoaed 
ber Intentions to start from Bpringseld 2 woek after Mr. 
Hinecla afin the syggestion of Geotral Seoul, who 
thought a separate Journey might be coustrasd Into a 
tig of apprebension of danger. 

Mr. Liteoln leaves bere at balf-past faven o'ckek Lo- 
toorrow moraiog. 

Mr, Lincota is expscted (0 spoak at Pltaburg, Bool, 
Albany, Now York and Harrlaburg. 

Mr. Lincota will arrivo tn Washington oa Saturday of 
ext week, and will top nt a private hous, 

Auaast, Feb, 13,1861, 

‘Tho committes to entortaln the Presideat elect (a yet 
fn bot wator. Gor. Morgan Inalsts (hat to shall hare 
bis own way, and that Lincola abail dino at his hoass 
with a eelect party. Ho {nformest cno of the eammittes 
that the dizer had heen arranged, Liocola had beea in- 
riled and had accepted, and tho committcs might do as 
they pleased—that had been fixea, 

Tho committes convened again at twelyo o'clock {n the 
Fxecutive Chamber. The Governor appoared before 
them, and laslsted that he shoold meet Lincoln at tho 
Aepot and ride up in tbo carrlage wit him; but on a di- 
Feet voto of the committee ft was decided that ho shoald 
not, but on tho contrary, should be ta the rotunda of the 
Gapitol, and welcome him jo behalf of the Stata; and that 
the Mayor and Common Counell should mect bln at 
tho depot, This decision waa like a wotshect to the 


Hendra} Soperinteadent of the Western Telegraph Com- 
a7, goss mith the Peealdontial party as far as Battal, 
with apparatus for maklog a coapection with wires be 
Ayveou Hes stattons, In ease of acelont to the tralo, 
Couranrs, Feb. 18, 1861, 

The magnificent weather today agaia favored tho 
Yresident’s travels, This, together with tho happy ap 
polotmests of there in charge of thoapcelal tratn, rendered. 
fe trip to Oolembus the moat pleasant portion of tho 
Jonrnoy thes far accomplished, Tho train conslated of threo 
qumenger arm io whieh only about a hundrod porsana 
were comfortably distribated. ‘The Presidential family 
and mule cecopled the rear, the local company the mid- 
10, nad the representatives of tho frees the frozt ear 
Of prominent Lndividuals thero wore aboard Adjotant 
Hienceat Carrlogton, deputed by tho Governor of tho 
Stato to escort Mr. Lincoln to tho capital; Oo}. McOtan, 
Judgo It. J. Bpaulding, of Cleveland; Geo. Robinson, of 
Vitoburg, aud Lare, Anderson, tho brother of Major An+ 
Gerson, and the members of the legislative reception 
‘oonaunttt era 

The President, althocgh somonbat stifened in hie 
Minit by bls band-sbakiag exerttons Iastalght, and gaffer- 
Jog froma cold, waa tn the beat of Lumor all day, and 
hatte aod laughed continually, Mrs, Lincoln was likewise 
Jo bor evest pledsant mood, nnd conversed with the Latics 
and gentlemen around ber in tho moet Myely manner. 
tho dit not seom to feel any thoYworse from tho epar. 
ling Catawba with which the republican youths of Clo. 
cclanati had plied him eo Uberally tho proyious evening, 
‘and cootributed much to tho general good feeling by bin 
kay colloquial ways, Tho two youngest Llncolo eprigs 
‘evere als exurberapt with jaycalto delight at tho oxolt- 
Ing acenca thoy paacd through, 

‘Tho (rala rushed oa at; the rato of thirty miles ‘on 
Jour, and reached this point beforo threo P. M. Short stop- 
pages word mado only at SUiford, Lovotand, Morrow, 
‘Seals aud London olations, although large and enthuslas- 
‘te crows bad gathered, with bands of mutio and artil- 
Jery at all others, . 

The President was slightly bearae from his frequent 
nfeaklor in the open alr on the two preceding days, and 
bis fricads destred him to maintain a atrict allence, bat 
Ils good eatarednoes made It Impossible for bim to ro- 
rnin urmored at tho antlely manifested everywhere to 
hear and to tee Lim. Wo appeared on tho platform and 
poke a few kind words at éach of the stopping places. 
AL Xeola a cotintiess multitude, very Largely sprinklod 
with colored peoplo, awalted bis arrival, and loduiyed 
Ju the wildest domionstrations of cxtbuslasm, Au 
‘ntense ecramble for a touch of bis hand en- 
sued opop the cooelesion of bis remarks, and It 
war with difficulty that be beat a safe retrea 
Jato bly ear. An equally demionstrativo ovation was 
mado at London, the whole popatation of which appeared 
Ay haveturned out Owing Lo Fomo inisundorstanding 
moog the Committee of Arrangoments, no provision had 
deen made (or dinner oo tho way; Iho appearanss of (wo 
oskets fall of cakes ahertiy after tirelye o'clock war, 
therefore, the signal of great rejoicing among tho com. 
pany. A-rughy handed by Beb, who swooped upon his, 
‘pray with alyell of dolight, was mado, anu the contents 
lsposel of ina twinkling. 

Ary Lincoln arriyed hero at two o'clock, the announoi 
mcatbeiog mado by the firlag of cannou. The city is 
trowdtd. Under a military escort Mr. Lincoln and suite 
arrived at tho Stale capital, He waa visited by Governor 
Dean\soa, ta the Executive room, and after introductions: 
vroceeded to a jolut pesalon of tho Loglilatare io Repre- 
bentafive Hall, and was welcomed by Lcateantt Gover- 
bor Kirk la a short address, to which Mr. Lincola re- 

Verily, tho Journey of the Prealdent elect is a march 
of trlamph. Columbus ts only a second clas clty, 
bf tweaty thourand ichobllauts, but ile population 
Boost Bayg bean tripled today by tbo lavasion of 
‘uriovs myriads from the rural districts. The pabl!; 
Mercola aad equares werd Mterally black with baman 
bologa, of All ages, eaxes and conditions, While the pro- 
Besaloa moved towants the Slate Housejeith the honored. 
BUCS1 of Ohio, such unlyersal, genuine, spontaneous ro- 
Jolelog aa Daret forth In erery direction at the aight of 
Aue choice of the mation for the higheat efice In tho lied, 
Yrovea meal trreltibly Gat the poplar mind of thls 
ection of the great Butoye Stato Ie fully coayincal 
hat Abraham Lincoln wlil bo worthy of the con- 
Hdeoge reposed in him, and is the fldimont of 
4viv high wlselon Ioek only fo bis conntry's 
kot. arty disticctions scem to be entirely wiped out 
among tho westert maszcs, Use 1nalatenanco of the Volo, 
Nhe evastitution and the federal Laws, Us the all-pervadiog 
poatimeat to which mea of all partles expect the fature 
CnYoC ABglateate of the eoantey to respond. fo a teuly pa. 
rlotie manner. 

“Tos rsetpiige of the Peesideat elect by tho General Ax 
embdly presented a moa) 22!20 and touching eceno, and 
-all that witnessed st felt tho deepal emolfod. Mr, La. 
‘ela wes £0 profoundly moved aa to be hardly able 
Yo do himself justice ia bls reply ta the addreas of 
Vbo President of the Segate; but ths  earvestnecs: 
‘ant consrlentiouness (hat plalaly” shooo oa bis 
face cBectel more with the aadleace than words 
Koon. The followieg was Mr. Lingola’s adilress:— 

Min. Prsevneer ax WRREINER AND GESTURES 07 ne 
Lhoneht Asam f toe, an has been sald by Ue 
Vrealdeot of the Seaate, that’ very great responsibility 
reels upas m6 {a the position to which tho votes of the 
Americas people hare called me I am deeply saasibio 

OC that weighty rospocsibility. I cannot Dat Kpow what, 
you all know, that, without a name, perbapy without 

Teascu why 'l abGuld Bays a namo, there has faliea 
Wea esa tak such as did 

Ta the 
lag cence of tho-preseot, 
Coat eoable ni tua 
og that befory peaking: 
matry, Laboakl hare gin 
to be fure, after al, Bel 
bee "the. coarse of alley, at 

= Pbave'ast 

i really burt 
ere ua paca 

Mae Bea teors 
ed reat it wesmsy" ennvial 

The carivalty of the thousands that dlicd the apa | 

rious State Hoose was 0 persiplent that dtr, Linosta 
ould cot tear bitagelf away to enjoy Rls diaver untit 
Your o'clock, From that Boar coll ball-past six he ast 
is family enjoyed the quietness of Goverser Deunttoa's 
wrtyaterssitenes, At thal time {ts déors were throwa, 
epee to the State oMcers, members ef the Legislature, 
sad olser promlatat rea of all political complexions. 
All tho sparteaeala were 20a cromod with the politieal 
elle of the State, who were reovived snd entertained by 
to Presitost 

} SF and urcbanzed. Coave active at 12'c. a Io: 
| key du at arse a 28 

Governor. Thoy also declied that tho Beasts Corn 
mittes shall “‘tako hiv to tho Seuate, aud ths 
Hous Committes tef tho Asombly Camber.’ They also 
agreed that ho should bo at the elavan on tho morpiog 
of Tucsday, for one hour, to recoivo calls from tho ladies 
of Albany,’ Tho question then arosa as to what ahould be: 
Jone with bitn In the evening, and where ho abould diac. 
‘On Ula tho Governor commented to dietata, holding thit 
Wt sbonld bo nt bis residence. Saya oae of the com: 
mittco, “What will you do with Lincoln's stall or. those 
tn bis company"! Says tho Governor, “Tho State will 
pay theif expenses—take them to apy hotel that you 
Vessco.” A partion of tbo committes Insisted that there 
Ehall bo a legislativa dinner, and no closa. corporation 
about it, Delog voablo to cori toany conclusion, after 
8 longthy wrangle, It wag agreed that a committed, con. 
tlsting of the Governor, Mayor. Chairman of tho. Scuats 
and Atzembly Committes, ehould draw up a progracime 
and subinlt It to the committee to morrow moralng for 
thelr actiom, Tho Governor 1s pleading with the mem- 
bers tonlght for bis plan, placiog It ona polnt of honor. 
His position {a looked upon as sublimely ridiculous. Ho 
coma (0 think that bo owns tho Stats. ‘There aro bitter 
denunciations uttered ogalcst Senator Forry for is 
sneaking couree. Atmovement 1s 00 foot to-night to got 
Wo Arembly to lustrect tbo coumitice I favor of a 
legislative dinner 

fe Ia latenso excitement on tho subject, and overy- 
body Is asking, “Will the Governor monopolize Lincolot" 
Really, what niall be dove with the rall splitter? Shall 
tho otto seckors or the Legislature entertain bici? What 
8 trouble it ls to have a President the Brat time. 




Tho Jotot Committes of tho Common Counclt, speclally 
‘appointed to make arrangoments for extonding the bosp!- 
talitioa of the elty to Avrabam Lincoln, the Preaideot of 
the United States elect, oo bis arrival here, held tholr-Grat 
meeting yesterday afteraoa, Alderman Cornell presided, 
end Aldermen Barry and Smith, ana Coaneilmen Gross 
and Stoyentoa wero prosent, The meeting, like 
the majority of the committee mectingy of the 
Common Counctl, whea apy subject of importance or 
interest to tho pablic {x before them, wasa prirato oas— 
tho newspaper ropertore being excluded from lt. The 
Clerk, however, supplied the followiog laformation In ro- 
fereaco to the proceediogs of tbe committes after its ad- 

AlJorman Ssum moved to {nyite the Mayor to partiel= 
pate In tho proceedings of the committes and giva thon 
bis co-operation. Tho motion boing carried, Alderman 
Barry was appointed to Inform the Mayor of this action, 
ch the part of the committee, and the Mayor slguificd bis 
acceptance of tho Invitation, and soon afterwards ap- 
prarst in tho meeting. Alderman Barry and Counell- 
‘voyances. f 

Gn motion of Couucliman Sravissox It was agreed that 
thoCommittee of the Common Council should proceed te 
Atvany on Monday morning noxt, to meet tho President 
lect thera, and tender to bus the bospltalities of tho city | 
of New York in the namo of tle city government. 

Alderman Suu moved that the resolution which 
p2zsed tho Common Council tendering the horpltalities of 
tho city to Presigent Linco’ ou bla arrival here bo es- 
groiseil. Tho motion was carried, 

Tho Committes then adjourned {Ml to-day af, th 
o'cleck FM, 


Pire in Portinnd, 
- Porciasp, Feb. 13,1561. 
Block Nos. $3 aud 47 Commercial street, oscupled by 
Sherman & Hall sod others, with a large stock of tess, 
tobacco, Ac, were destroyed by Gre this morning, Loss, 
not catimated 

Five in Baldwinsville. 

Danwiesynix, N. ¥., Fob. 13, 1861. 

A firo at ten o'clock last night deatroyed the’ roaring 
mill owned by Johnson, Coos & Co,, and the comteats. 
Lea $100,000 ‘on tho mill, and $10,080 on grain: insured 
for about $18,000, mostly in tho following companies: 
Hartford, Connecticut; Fultou, New York, nud Haxptea, 
Biron Mazz. Tho fire jy supposed to havo orizinat. 

by frletlomof the machiners.. ‘The dwalllng adjsin- 
ing was caved. 
Celebration of the Pestival of Mardi Gras, 

New Onieaxs, Fo, 132, 1551. 
Mardi! Gras ts bolog cours.) Tas 22!Térsal pom 
The day in warm nod “delighthil. Thro Wi a grand di 
[2x of markers to. open vehicles, om foot anion Norss- 
cy with Lincoln ridjog on a rall carrie by negross. 
Tho Myatick Krowe of Comus, in masked characters 
ore making a magnJOcent parade, and will have a grand 
Vall fenigut, 

Kansas Legislature, &e. 
fxavewwonmi, Feb. 12, 1861. 
Gov. Robinson has called the State Lagisiaturo to meet 
March 26. Auch interest is felt In regard to (he lection 
of Dulted States Senators, 
Beebo, the Isto actieg Goveruct of the Territory, bas 
sprolutell four Commiaslouars (0 the Peace Conference at 
‘aahington, and it ix thought Gor. Roblasoa will also 
appolot Commissioners, 

Serious Steamboat Disnst 
; Sr. Locrs, Fob. 13, 1861. 
Yesterday morning tho steamer Surshiae picked wa 
enog at Kaskaskia Bend, which passing through ber 
fait Dent the stam bine. Sexeral parsons were 
+ among them tyro @ K hands, whe subse- 
eh ped f the deck hands, whe subs: 

——— ee 
‘The Conadu Slave Case. 

LU Tonos, Feb. 19, 1961. 
‘Teo Foglich writ of babeas corpus ‘in the Audereon 
a9 VaR Served co the Sherifon Meaday.. Ifthe prisoaer 
Te emeinted by the Canadas Court he will then be fakren 

morolog. Nothing bad eva, 
Ball whieh bowl have eon 
Seo Fork, The srow bas al duapponet ee 
fd left the rose almest fmmmscation Whe Plains, 

tees enee 
The Causden ana Amuay Faitroaa, 
a cal of is peat pi Leyte 
exes ue wa ray ae Ft 
telatare, abd regulted in ita sigoal 

Southern Ocea| 

Steamer Movemonts. 
Etvassan tus, 
‘The steamship Augusta arrived al ulus oa 
aay aight. AU wal. 

Now Ofiz38, Feb 13-1861: 
jofntion, Gem eles touay 12000 Taine at ORCC ai, 
for middliog- Sagar qalet al dices Be fos at 
fully fair. fard, im barrels, al 1oGe Wakey are 
Prelaltee-cotton' to Liverpooh, igd>  Bxeuann sa ase 

dun, 102% 10, 
Momux, Feb. 19, 1381. 

Cottor—Sales tay 85,000 daless middling at 10%ze- 
| a Me., saben of three Gaya, 700 bales; recaps oC Lasse 
| ays, byo05 bates. Freights—Gottcn to Liverprol, da 
24¥. | Sterling exehapre, 1/2 3 per cent prealam. 
Hatnocnas, Fed. 13,1561. 
Ejvar dull anid besry; Oblo and Howard street are held 
| at $5 12\,—no sales; Cliy Muils nominally at $3. Wheat 

dull: red, $1 90a $1 28: white, $1 25a $1 45. Cora dull 
an beavy; yelow atSSe.a 87. Provisions qulet, 


Punapmrau, Feb, 15, 1361. 

Float weak at $5 25.0$5 60. Wheat quiet: white at 
$1520 $140; red, $1 25a $1 28. Corn steady; new yel- 

Low 608: 8 6Fe. Code firm at fellrates. WhiKES, 

ices pork, $1675 a 
Der Market anh si 



The City of Albany Floodea—Vexseis 
Drive Ashore—Great Destruction of 
Property—Damage to the Canal, &r. 

Acai, Feb- 18, 1251. 

Ths ice broke up (9 front of the city at eight o'clock 
tbls morning, caustog a great destraction to property. 
Steamers, Larges and canal boats were driven oa tha 
decks aad into the strceta by the Immense bodies of leo. 
State stzeet bridge is a complete wreck. Hamilton streot 
Ws partily destroyes, ax also Colambla street bridge. 
Several stores aloog the piers and deck hare been par- 
(ally demolished, as well as canal boats; lambec, stares 
and offices aro been carried down the river. 

‘Tho baalo prigeota an extraordinary soene, as boats 
ef bolidings are all jammed tn together, 14 1s Imposai- 
bie to approximate the amount of lom or dacaage, bat It 
mest bo very great. Too water Is rising very rapidly, 
Indicating that the fco has dammed up below. We havo 
sotlcipations now of ax great a freabot as occurred 1a 
1857, The telegraph tines between here and Troy aro 
al down. 

Auusr, Feb. 13-1 PL 

The lee commenced moving In the river at quarter past 
eight this morning. Opposite tho city the break up was 
Sudden and attended by a nolso Ifko thunder. Within 
twenty minutes after tho start the water rose four foot, 
and (bas been rising ever since, until at present the rise 
ls about seven to elght feet. Tao destruction 0 

Property Is large, the ice being blocked below 
the city. Tho damage in tho basin ts roughly 
eatimated at $60,000, Boats, —propelicrs. and 

other craft are driven up by the foree of the lec. A 
heavy towboat and other boats were driven through th 
Aral story of tho frame freight depot of the Contral road, 
the wholo froat belng knocked oot, and the balldiog, 
whleh is very long and tivo stories high, is much 
damaged. “Two brick machine shops, omual by Sr. 
Punch, wore destroyed in a similar ‘manner, at tho 
foot of Hamailvon atrcet. A propelice was drives throogh 
‘be wall of the Dudley House, which stands on 
tho corner of the quay. Damage to produce ani prov! 
sion in store is comparatively small. At the dock tho 
mon had  slroog fore oa daring the alght, {a anticips 
toa of tho: danger. Tha water in some places Is 
Broadway, and In Ma‘dea lano it reaches alrea4y to (ho 
rear of Slanwix Mall, acd tho cellars and basements as 
Tigh as Green strcot aro Alling. At present there la lit 
le prospect of the abatement of tho food. Bridges hava 
‘beew broken to ploces ngd partially swept away, anton 
tho rulna bridges, ers. towboats, argon aa 
othr craft lle smanhaMmegether in heap. 13 1m posaiblo 
1 pregont to give ans adequato idea of the damage doa; 
Dut tho destruction has beca moro guddeu and rapid than 
that of 1659, thoagh tho water has ‘not yot rexcbed near 
ly aa high. 

Wo havo no intelligence yet from Greenbush; but tho 
{od on the Hodson Kiver Kalleoul sde of tho river maak 
0 beary. 

Nasa, N. H., Feb. 13, 1861 
Tho thaw bas caseod a freahet ia tie Soohegaa river, 
piling {co and water to a great depth oy the railraad 
{rack betwee here and Wiltea, etopiog the passage of 
all tralas. 
Hestenate, Ps, Feb, 13, 188k, 

‘Tho dam of a Large reservoir on Carloybrook, ofrned by 
{be Delawaro and fTolson Canal Company, roke away 
{ls morping, destroying ta “ile eouras a largo sami 
and tancery, owned by Hoary Bunaall, together with a 

laas and boltte factory and other buildings, 0 


‘Secloux damage has also been dove to tho Delasrare and 
Hadron Canal Company's property la thls vlelaity. Tao 
‘eas I not known, 

"Tho water baa continued to rise slowly during tho day, 
unl tho entire business portion of the city cast of Mroad 
veay ts Inunfated, and buslocs is whrlly soapénded. The 
waler in several streets runulog parallel with the river, 
la tho northern section of the eity, is several fcet bigh, 
sod many families have been driven. lo a hasty retreat 
Ine number of instances families bare been obliged at 
last to remoye Uy means of Dots from second sory 

ed by J. 

South Broadway, from near tho Adar and Angut ofieo 
down to the steamboat landing, is navigable by boats. 

‘Tho Mansion Houso, lato the’ Commorcial Hotel, 1s cn 
Urely erroundes by water. 

‘When the ico seat out tio mea had a narrow escape 
Thoy saw the breaking up of tho- Ico when in the middlo 
of the river, and rap for Hamilton atreet bridge. Oa 
reaching there thoy were overtaken by the Joot and 
swept off. ‘Thoy got on a large eako of Ice formed from 1 
skating park on that part of tho river, and were carried 
down, but thoy ran against tho South ferry elip, aud were 
rescutd by means of ropes. 33 

No description can eoayey a correct Idea of the extent 
of the disaster 

Steambonts, pro 
oats aro jainm: 

All the bridges aro more oF tess Jnjures. 

‘Tho basements and collars of all tho bnildings for ron 
distanco west of Broadway aro dled with water. 

There aro at preseat o eigas of a fall in the flood 

Auuasy, Feb. 13, 1901, 

We bad on entertainment this morning not dowa on 
tho ofizial programme of the Legislature. Everyvoly 
expected last nlgbt that the river would. certatoly broak 
bp tis morning, the foe bridge give woy and crossing 
the river made} impossible. Morning, however, camo, 
fond teams were still crossing the fee, The paeseogers 00 
(ho fmorning trains for New York at half-past soven 
found thelr way over tho river withoul'any trouble, bit 
few minutes later a rumbling sound was heard in tho dis- 
tance, gradually coming’ mere near, founding Hie the roar 
of Nlagara. Sti oearer the noise cate, and it was goon as- 
cerlatocd that the dodlo Hudson had broken tho fea fe(tors 
pLced around her by the monarch of winter, and this 
rode of the mlzhty waters vox. but hor elect 19 zolease 

era, ferry boats, vessels and canal 
togetber la m primiscuous heap of 

bers from the grasp which tad e0 long held her in | 

siembering silence, At Icogth the eakes of fge could bo 
een punblog and grinding against each other, as if ut 
lovger able fo control thelr anger. Raplily they crowded 
onward, and at eight o'clock the Ice In {oat of Albany 
kavo way to tho pressure, ‘Tha water, no louger willing (0 
remain within Its preseribed bounds, ruched Ja overy di 

recllog, bearing upon its bosom the monster cakes of 1c: 
they, la turn, Rrappling ferry aud catal boats, and awzep 
Vox thom along with the tide. The rush was'so seont 
that tho water apil ico, unable to push formard fast 
crough In the ebannel of the river, raabat lulo the canal 
Unelo, carrying oversthio,e vetare it, This basin waa 
‘ied With canal beats, both barso and steam, a0 yell at 
ABumbdér Of towboats, all Lond tight within tho Ico; 
Dut this solid auchor was net enough {o ayo them, they 
were lifted from thir mooriogs aud pited ia togother at 
the foot ef State street. The bridzo across the bania at 
The foot of that atrcet was swept stray, nod (a Its plaice 

Jay crusbed capal Doats pled on top of each other, and 
the ferry boat Transit eu top of thew, with Its bows 
ovor the tres, 

y this time crowds had fovud their way 2 
wharves; thecry went forth that thers were sovet 
families ‘in Use canal -Loala. Skills wero #ezgcured sod 
efforts at coce made to rescue them from Their perilous 
‘condition; nor were their labors la sin, Weare et 
eblldren Were seca emerging frou the bola, ant wees 
svon announced as safe, when a general ebodt weal up 
from the excited crowd. aoles and horecs werd ate 
Lorned ¢ut of tho boats, aud thoy In'tirn fotind thelr wag. 
to wry Land. 

AIl along the wharves the canal boats wero thrown 
by tho pressure upon the docks, the eo piled up 
against them, “and Io [23 than an hour tho 
waler becan 10 ct back as if It had been” dammed np 
below; then copld Us seeu a hurrying to and fro ia lus 
Storehouses and stores loag tho rivor. Cartmen wero 
called Into royoloitiou and goods carted otf ag fast sa 
posible, tho Eoveral bolsting oppara\uaes worke 
thelr uttuost eapacity to place tho bales, barrels aud 
every moveable article In the upper stories of the balld- 
ings. Such busy times had not been for maay a day, 
All this time] the exolted crowd were rusbiog back aud 
forth to eee the rash of water aud fee; the leo 
was carricd cnward, cruzbiog and grindiag ‘against 
each other, at a rapid rate. ‘a it rushed 
down tho river, corrsing with It lomber,. canal 
beats and everything that carne within’ ft 
grasp. At ten o'clock the loo bogaa to shickea its 
Fpeed. Iwas at otce seen that ibe ico bsi dammet 
up below Albsny, and that the lower portion of the elty 
wes cure {o be ileoded apd. gical Jataage Jove to pro. 
Paty. The caly quas:ioa thes left was’ for all t pre 
Pore for the yrorst.. Tho water was risiog at tho rato of 
fix laches per our, with ho prospect of abatiog for some 
Ume to come. Thode qualified to fudge aazert that tho 
dawage deve will bo woreo than tUat of tho great flood 
in 1887. 

‘Tho water {3 rapidly rising, and the greatest fexra ar¥ 
mazifeated as t0 the final ead. A large aurmber of famal, 
Hes have Deen obliged to leave thelr bomes In skis, ard 
ore moving what littie faraitare they can inthat manner. 

The Harlem {9 the only train thal has arrived from Now 
York, and the passengers on tbat wers broughL to Alba: 
ny by the way of Troy. Tho aftergocn train on that road 
ett for New York fro Troy. 

Arrivals and Departures. 

Crote—Brig Wlayaw—Chas Becaimty Meary Chana: 

St Jaco—Sehr Horae=D Virsa, Jose M Moreno. 

Tesaacori—Schr E Segar—Mr and Misa Snow, Me Tallmal 


jollgan, New York: Francis Curtis, Boston: 
Perey Abd ia, "New Tore: Me Halt doy Joan Dobson, 20: 

‘lenny Bildioore; dain Schaniel, Nev Orleauny MU 
Sento Cpantopuam, Liverpool 

weiit4xxan—Steamohlp Florida—O HYoas A A Sclomoasy 

x Mim 8B H Cook, 

Bteams3p Hoatavilis—Joar, 
ie “ea rid Anow, AH Buearne, 

‘Wen Jeffrics, 

lager POSSS NU bre I Callan JW Moats, T Gal 

Atay See ‘Fidanel St Machel. Ws? MeKar, 
amg ter AR Col sagt, Mee 
Ser Sales TG Wes ie oon A halo 

5.8 Boas Jas Tacoton Mies SE varsse Muses 
4 aa 34 Amanda Bing Mawr Jou an Lacks Vide sot 
ro sore Alen Mevoccctt-Son Sinn aes Rees tt 
Fine Peeignvwile ack twats poe ea eae 
Bat airs in He 

9 | Depot Ne 1 Barclay etree, 

Our Relations With New Granada and 
Costa Riea—stace of the Tarlit Ques- 
tHon—The Gaines Use, 
Wasurons, Feb 13, 1851. 

‘The DUN which passed the Senate to-day to carry tata 
‘effect the courratioas belweea the United States and New 
Grazads, ané also with Costa Ries, to Lavestigatd acd 
adjast the elaims of citizens of the United States against 
these repoblics, only requires action on the part of the 
Hocse to become a Law. Tho President is reqalred lo ap- 
port commissioners to act jolatly with tho commberioaers 
from these republics. 


The commiltee of the Caamber of Commerce of New 
York and Board of Trade of Vhitadelph's tid a confe- 
Jerence today for the purpose of comparing views (o ace 
‘whether some arrangement could not bs broaght aboat, 
on tbs proposed new Tariff bill. 

Tho committee from New York propesed to lay aside the 
preacnt bill and tako up the existing tariff, makiog wach 
miteratioas Io regard to the duty on troa as would bo 
satisfactory to the troa interest, This they refused, ia 
sisting that the bill now before the Senate aboulil be 
parsed, with all ts Imperfections. Thera is a Largo force 
hero from Pennsylvania, who aro determined to pass this 
measure. ; 


‘The Galnes caso was up in the Suprems Court today. 
Mr. Ferin-opened the argument by stating that Mes. 
Galocs heretofore appeared as bolt at tam, bet now ag 
dovisce, Meswrs. Cushing and Magruder aro antoclated 
mith him. Jali and Honuln represent tho city of New 


The Mexican Minister received a despatch to day, giv- 
fog returns of tho Presidential election ia the frootler 
Stato of Tamaulipas, whicb occurced January 21. Juarez 
bad a largo majority ofer Lerdo, late bis Mlaiator of Fi- 
nance. Both were candidates of tho liberal party. Tho 
olcetion was held Jn all the States the sazoo day, but no 
forther returns aro received. 

The Expected European Steame: 
Torriasp, Mo., Feb. 13-11 I. 3, 
‘The sicamsblp North Amerlean from Liverpool on Jan- 
uary 1, via Queenstown February 1, has not Woen sig- 
nalled up Wo the present 
Saspr Hoox, Fob. 12—idalgbs. 
There are as yot no elgus of tho steamship City of 
Baltimore, from Liverpes! on the ddth, vla Quecastown 
on tue éist ultimo, Wind N,N. W. Weather clear 

Sinte Agricultural Soctety. 
Aun, Feb. 15, 1861 

The State Agricultural Society met In the Amembly 
Chamber to-day at balf-past tyrelve o'clock, The meot 
Jog was called to order by tho Preslitent, Hou. B. F. 
Huntlogton, The Tressurer'a report was read, and slows 
thonet recsiptaat Stato Fair at Elmira tobave beea $9,043; 
total cash “receipts of the year, $13,263; expenditures, 
$16,i71. Tho report of the Secroiary of the soclely was 
real by B, P. Jobuson. 

‘A committee of trvents-four was appointed to nomiuate 
ofleers aud celect a place for holding tho next fale. 

Recoea till four P38. Won the eoclety reassambled 
‘te commlltes reported the following ofleers for tus en 
sulog your:—President, Gcorge Geddes, of Onondaga, 
Vice Presidents, Jobn Joy, of New York, Benjamin T. 
Camp, of Westchester; Herman Wendell, of Albauy; Jolin 

Arerolution in favor of the paszago of the Assombly 
Dill authorizing the collection of agricultural siatistles 
was adopted. 

A rezolutlon approving of tbo projesed Exbibition: of 
Todustry uf All Nations in London fo 1:09, an pledging 
{he cociety to ald in the entorprise, was adopted 

‘A resolution was adopted, ou’ motion of Atr. T. C. 
Petera, afirming tho Imprortlety- of olforlng separate 
premicns for imported cattle, and ia fayor of thelr 
laising their chances of prizes with domestio cattle. 

Ou the question arising as to the propricty of requiring 
‘au catrauee feo of two dollars for ten dollar promlums oF 
over that ajoust, and ono. dollar for otlicr promiamn, 
the mattor was roforred (0 tho Rxecutive Committes. 

TRecers Ul unlF-past eave I, Mts 


Tho ovening eession was Consuied ia readiog of papers 
by Dr. Ais Bitch, os the etonologial peiaies ot 
the past geason, aid by Abr J. Slanton Gould, om grasses 
nad thelr call 

Anniversary of St. Valentin 

‘Sir Walter Seoit, the accomplished romanelst, poot aud. 
historian, was of the opinion that the true arbiter of na: 
Hons ex woll as-individaals was thie are Hittl) gos Cupid, 
0d therefore, somewhere la one of hls sharmieg wore, 

bo has wPittea onthe subject as follows:— 

Lovo rulea the camp; tho court, the gtove— 
For Joye is beayen, aad heaved oeyy 

ButSir Walter ceetaloly evor witnezsed a regular re 
publicsn crlals, euch a8 wo aro passing through-just bow; 
or he would not haya made bis assertion quit» 60 broad 
Love, so far from enjoying suprome sway In thls agitated 
land, seem to bo wholly extinguished; ail If any proor, 
{a addition to those farnisbed £0 abundantly very day, 
be demaniled, it Is afforded Jn the general apathy and in- 
difference with which tho Mth of Febraary, 1861 
Valeatine's Day—is regarded, Never was Ue anuive 
sary of the good old Roman bishop and wartyr so ehab- 
Dily counmemorated before. Lovers seem. to forget tho 
{ime honored custom peculiar to the day, tit of eeaiin, 
Dilet doox and dotfeate tte tokeus of aizetion to. ence 
other. Tho most tempting aed costly yaleutlucs are to 
be seen adornlug the windowa of-stationers’ stores, un- 
{oched sud unsought—a fact whieh is hearti‘y bemoaned 
by the shopkeepers, whose arrangements appeir to bare 
been ona Beale quite as extensive as over. Ina word, 
Fearcely apybody evinces a destre to purchase, aod a 
oad gee Is anticipated. by those who expected to raay a 
rich barveut Ibroogh the Iiberality of worshippers at thy 
shrice of Venus, 

Wwe Lave taken the trouble to tuako inquiries at eoveral 
of the slores where in former years a brisk Duslucsz 
was dene In yaleatines, and bayo been tnfornied that 
the falling ‘of ta the "demand is eomothing  won- 
derful. Perhaps not. oae-quarlor or one-sixth ‘part 
of the money realized last year by” valentlao mon. 
gers hax beep taken im this season, Whalover 
ay Do tho cae of this tale of aes, abopicoy- 
CFF, almost as a upit, altribate Il to the geatral dulneas 
in trade brought about by the uaappy coadition of the 
couutry. Ouly think what a boleette Fecesston It bis 
caured from the soft rule of St_ Valentino! Threo fourths 
Of bis subjecl# cast off (heir alleglance, and an equal 
number of fale flowers, we suppose, doomed to ploa away 
acd perish of neglect! What will magmas thiok of 
Usica breakers after that? Truly, the politicians have 
madea peelty pices of busines of It, and will Lave a 
deal more toanswer for tha may prove coavenieat 


Tenvace Inssew MoMLaxes died ea tbe morning o the 
Y6th ust, at tho Hespital of tho Sisters of Mercy, from 
hemjertak of the ls. “Me atu uative of Ferm 
xnagb, apilaged about Uity years, 

Court Calendar—This Day. 
Sevezax Oovet—Cireuit—Part L—Nos. 439, 129, 853 
£55, £57, S61, C62, Gi1, 573, 615, 619, S51, 657, 635, 65 
1589, C1, 695, 690K, 65 
‘Strraduw Gower—Purt 1.—Noa. O1, 391, 1179, 1181, 1135, 
01, 1205, 1219, 1217, 1229, IAL, ‘32, 1017, 1043," 1183, 
1253) 165.” Part! 2—Nos. 784, 142] 886, 203, 462, 820 026,’ 
934 £006, 028, 110, A> 
(Cduway Puss—Part Y—Nos. 4051557, 144, 418, 419, 
490, 421, 452, 459, 424, 435,420, 423, 400/452." Part 2— 
Nos. 308, 108, 243, 455, 404, 435, 436, 457, 438, 410, 241, 
6, 247, 246, 265. 

5 Bills Reduced a ° mt I 

jaa Regulator, mannfacitreaé and war. 

Wikoa Sewlag Machine Company. 

Way, wits caver tailing esccena elet is IMMEDIATE 

Batehelor's Hair Dye—Relable, Harm 
SN Lae ar 
gee eRe ato wid ee 

Newly Invented Wigs and Toupees: also 
faldavla Cream. for preser ullrying tbe Bar. 
Menclatiared by WaT BATCiIRLOR, 1g Bord aise 

s WI and Tou- 
crtge Sere Bote Dog, Sioa ane BE 
Bieta ite set 

Black or Rrown, 
drazyiaik wreus Olnt- 

TULL Hair Dye, 50 et) 

Trusses—Marsh & Co.’s Radical Care 
| Truss. No. 2 Vesey street (Astor House), oppaiiie Uke church 

' .—Gregory & Co., 45 Bond street, 
roprietora of While's ‘Patent Lever. Tras, 
Mersin or Bopiare. Gerd fora pampaise 

Take Phssical Exerclxo =t Wood's Gym- 
ceca, Pa asl Tegaly olga = Ona day at 

Drawings of the Del 
terigg W008, BDOr 4 CO., 
3 ntasoes 


Deri. Cease 
66, 12, 6h, 15, 73, 10, 46. 19. 30, 

Drawings of It. Prance & Co.'s Dela- 
ware Lolleres-— 
sotase 28 Fess 18 
63, 62, 53, 34, 33, 49, 25. 

‘Svasex Cocxrr- 
30,19, 70, 4, 17, 
Ommotmares Lorre —Ciass 15, Feb 13, L351. 
G6; 68, 40, 62, 69, 65, 57, 67, 61. 

4, 35, 26, 

Equally Adapted for the Aged, tho 
Bare already serared a Bh cha‘aciey as a safe and econ 

Ure. Bey, in fast, hava olher curative qGaulties which 
coullnue to relefe the Bicol of impariticn a9 long as a0y 


And an an Anti-Hllions Medicine Uiey are wilboat a rival, 
‘The sick, however aifected, ahold at oave procure Lals adm 
rable Medicine. 
Sold, Boh cosiedand palo, wilh angle direciions. at the 

McLaughlin's Improved French Yoke 
Suiets—-ieady mada all lina, ur mad to oucasnte, S(0Ce e 
‘er of Greenwich and Murray uireat 

pAt Holmes’ Gallery—22 Meantifal Card 
outa elrgant large alze, (or 91. or 
Fogeerphe, sod aire, ( 39% Broadway. 

nifigeklym Fact Katabiished Ton Years— 
ie toccenparabllity of WILLIAMSON'S hotograpst 
Catacoiypen “Fuligu streets oppoetia Catan xP AM 
Steinway & Son's Overstran, 
tod sadam Vlatovare now oitldersd Geteat eSaueraaea 
ae warraaied for five yeark. Wareroomn fd ant s¢ Walker 
Brown's New and Elegant French Re- 
saurant and Lancd Room, 13 Broadsalroe opposite tne Boot, 
ed Wargo, are bow opens 1 Nenbvronto ne 

Brows—Yeuorr—At Brooklyn, oa Tuesday, Novem: 
ber 13, by tho Rev. Franels Peck, Joux J. frows to 
Aus’ Loviss, daughter of Wan. Yeliott 
Conais—Leamexworn.—Oa Tusalay, Fobraary 12, 

by the Roy. Edward Anthon, ooxmicx W. Cawmnoy to 
Aven Fumi), daughter of N. Leavenworth, of thi city. 

Foonr—Huins.—0o ‘Tuesday evening, Fobruary 12, 
by tue Row. Mr. Tratgor, Mr. Wray Pooarrr to iiss 
Manx Hecwy, all of thin elty. 

Kruy—Buiows.—00 Tuesday, February 12, at the 
residence of the bride's father, by Rov. Dr. R McCarty, 
Gumus J, Kae, Bsq., to Mane af. Metows, daughter of 
Geo. F. Fellows, E:a., all of this city. 

Invios—timoxr—in Brooklyn, on Tucaday eveoing, 
February 12, at the hovso of tho brido’a brother, by Re: 
ILA. Blaneliard, Joax Lxwpox to Many Rusaanent Bese, 
bout of the abore eity 

‘Swri—Teivam.—00 Tuesday, Fobruary 12, 
Chorch of tho Holy Apostles, by Ror. George J. Geer, 
Joa MSs to Kare Sremiovsr, daughter of the tate 

@. ale. 


Thins —On Wednesday, Febroary 13, of scarlat fover, 
Quran: Katy, youngest davghter of George Hf. and 
Sarab M, Betts, oged 9 yeare and 27 days. 

The fuzeral will take placo from the rosldeaco of her 
parents, corner Myrtle avenue and Princo street, Brook 
yp, this (Thursday) afternoon, at tyro o'clock. 

Deixu.—At Greeneld Hill, Conn., Juve, wife of 
Urlah Dulisloy, and daughter of the Hoy. Janos Sayro, 
deceared, nged'T2 years, 9 montha nnd 20 aya, 

‘Tho fritnds of the familly aro invited toattead tho fano- 
ral, from the residenco of Rufus Niebols, this (Thursday) 
Afternoon, at one o'clock. 

Cinscas.—After a lodg and palafal illness, Paraice 
Caysoy, la the 60th year of his age. 

Frionds and relatives aro respectfully requested to at- 
fond thefuneral this Thursday) afternona, at to o'clock, 
from his late resfdence, No, 241 East Sovcntecnth street, 

Odnrevran.—Snddenly, ov Tuosday, February 12, JUuA 
‘Mar, eldest daughter of George and Julia Carpenter, aged 
Ua xéara, 4 momtby and 22 day. 

‘Tho relatives and friends of the family aro rospacttully 
Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of ber 
parents, No. 616 Sixth avenvo, this (Thursday) afleraooa, 
Lt one o'clock. 

Coxarey.—On Tuesday, Fobruary 12, Tuomas Cosarer, 
apativo of Ardee, county Louth, Irelana. 

Tho relatives and frlenda of the family aro respecttuily 
invited toattend tho funeral, from bls late resldeace, No. 
295, Altew street, this (Thursday) afternoon, “at. "on6 

Coox.—On Tuesday morniog, Febroary 12, Miss Marr 

‘Tho frlenda and acquaintances aro invited to altond tho 
funeral, from the residence of her late brother, Sr- Ed: 
ward Céok, No. 92 Weat Tooth strect, thin (Thursday) 
morpivg, at elovea o'clock. 

Cox.—In this city, on Tuesday, February 12, Tuowas 
ox, Sr. oged 67 years, 

The relatives ad frienls of the family are lavited to 
ater! the funeral, from bis lato resideacs, 47 Chris- 

at tho 

inesy (baretay 
7 Cibar 
Toke in Sat 

morning, Febery 
wrecce and Mery 

Fieger Wwely thy dorva,.) 
yur List 

tr oo 
W. J. F DAILRY 8 oo, 
tit Rena 

and bring with you. 


Teen MRO SHOR IRL Pala appl fey 
EE" TH eel adoatng: patrol’ Tannery Ba, LSI 
buiTits BHoUW ete Mapatastamect 
: SS WAwies Brit 
Valora who copy he abore, and venta 
‘Till reeetre by mal a patent “Relie™’ Tha, 


ADELA Gi SORE, sa papapeAE 

rama beautiful eut and Hataped on ass Poa Oe 

T $1 DOURLE. SOLR wavo! 
NUOW ES, 1Oasd Te Abu tint, ae sae, BOOT 


arelopes of the Lateat alylea; I0t Palisa auneoe 
‘New York; established 1813. eee, 

Fant and Lusch Rooms, 14 tread. stool, Ope 
Bonded Warehouses, are aow open, | Teh Ovpatle the 

ural withoat palm 

frw'in. payuicana aad toe 

eioseamaneae teats 
Eten er 

17 Cllaton piace, betwesn Phang Stgth ayeanse. 

ic lcal Eleeiticlana with past experioagy aa 
preseat arts Go West Thiricentiatreets ad 

curpot Hernia tho ofl partect Tras Tor tates Vase 
ied Abs Wen Thirteenth strc. ee 

Fae a Ci ay apie aed ge 
" ay dpe 

br Ait etc fue eas a ee 
Prana Mera to'oy das, 

Dopot 66 Corllandt street. Z Dieta 

8 GESTRAL Hartmann com 
amon ACRES 


aye niteaia nt |deemerpriaiag und lndattous patam at 
thecommualty directed to ther follawing Maiemanua ax 
Uera Inauermentvodered them by tba 
Wrnich, av they will pareve, ll enablo then, BY} 
er ‘will enable them, 
Thergy. peramrernnce’ and Indvntcy, 10 prorisa eoah(dreae 

permanent bomes for ibemscires aod families, wit 

a ecmaaen aie ee 
va tina la nent oF Gr ELS ars pt 
octnent te tne acorn tho State oF Uitasie. Theres 


lopher street, this (Thursday) morning, at tea! o'clock. 
ea Ae irae ed 
Fr Coonrrc, beg. aged BL yeara. 

‘Crank. y, Febroary 12, Crm Cr00x 
Cuank, aged 3 years, 1 mouth aot 1 da 

‘The relive and rina of the tantly aro rape 
ovited to attend tho fuberal, this (Thursday) afteraioa 
from tbe residence of bis parents, No. 2 
Hires, = . 
‘Gynt. —On Wednesday, February 19, Twoxtts Con- 
sn, aged 62 years and § months. { 

‘Ine faneral’ will take pace, from St. Tartholomeya 
churel, corner of Lafayotte plide aod Great Jones street 
cn Erlday aflerpoou, at twa: o'clock. The relatives an 
lea Jeo the family are Lavitedto attend without further 
Dv ion. : 

S months: 

dT year and Cate 

vss dba iricnila of the®fanill 

es aud ale tho 
igen tnd members of Company B, Twellth regiment. 

Yespeclfally Invited {6 attend the faneral, 
[bis (Thursday) afternoon, at two o'clock precisely, trout 
ber late rezigence, 68 Third avenue. ‘Toe remalas will bo 
taken ¢2 Boston, Mass., for loterment, 

Fanmiar.—On Wednceday, February 13, Buxver Fan- 
fev ooly ton of Berae€ and’ Aua Farréll, @ the Sib year 
of bli age. 

‘The relatives and frlends of tho family aro respectfully 
Iprited to attend Ls funeral, from hls fate residence, 170 
Thet Twenty-sccond stroot,’ corner of First avenus, ou 
Friday afternocn. at two o'clock. 

| Liizrarmiex—Om Tucaday evcriug, February 12, of tn- 
flanvmation of tho lungs, Jous Joear, eldest ton o¢ Job 
‘uit Margaret Fitzpatrick, aged 3 years and 10 day3. 

‘uo relatives and frioea Of tho familly ara respectful) 
forited to attend tho funeral, from tho residence of Lis 
parents, No. 608 Sccond avenue, this (Thursday) after- 
hoon, af two o’elock, without further invitation. 

Grams —On Tucklay ovening, Felryary 12, 
weldaw of the late David Graham, Sr. 

‘Tue funeral cexyices will bo perforied at Dr. Phillips’ 
cliurch, Fit avcaue, corner of Twelfth atrect, on $2 
turday afterucon, at four o'clock. precisely... The- friends 
of Ane fmt are respectfully reueted fo attend with: 
out forther fnyitation, 

Gnoc iN. —On Tucslay oreolag, February 12, Fura Jase, 
‘dafebter of James and ics Jane Grogan, aged 3 years 
and 1 ¢ay. 

‘Tho relatives and frlenda of the famlly are respectfully 
requested {0 atteod Lhe funeral, from tho reaidenes of bet 
pateals, No. 20 Goerck street, iis (Thursday) afvercoon, 
Bt two o'clock. 

Hisitva%—On Tuceday, Pebroary 12, of scarlet fervor, 
Cant, youvgest daualiter of Yoeodoro and Elizabeth 
Apu lilyer, aged 1 year, 10 racoths and 15 day: 

‘The friends of tho family are invited to attend the fo 
eral, {com the residence of her parents, 161 Rivingtot 
street, this (Thursday) afterncon, at two o'clock. 

anirisox.—On Tuesday orening, February 1, of scar 
lot fever, Poors, yoargest daughter of Thomas’ and Ann 
Harrison, aged 6 years, 2 months and f days. 

‘The relatives and fritada of tho family are invited to 
aautcnd the (uperal, this (Thursday) afteraooa, at balf- 
Fast one o'eloek, from No. 25 Dominick street 

Thssas.—on Wedseday, Febranry 1s, Ausce Poarse 
Hassan, oxed 6 years, 6 months and 10 days. 

cep OB, Zweet’AMlice, thou art frow from pala, 
Yspow thon dost with Jesus reign, 
Altuough thou srast 20 dear to 104, 
1 mould cconer thou with Christ sould be: 

‘The relatives aud friends of the fomnlly are earnestly 
requceted te attend ber fuceral, this (flarsday)_after- 
Eee, at three o’elcek, from te'residence of her parents, 
fo Nron street, Greeopolct ‘ 

Morsay —0n' Wednesday, February 13, at bis resi 
grea, No. 297 Madlenn street, of congeatiod of the bral, 
Vanace Mone. 

Tho fricads of tho family: aro rexpect{ully Invite to t= 
tend’ the fureral, this (Thuredsy) afternom, ab two 

MeGaranix.—Oa Wedrestay. February 13, Eozassm 
Meo suas, eaughter of Francls and Rowe Metiarabap, of 
Grrigallen, comty Letrim, Ireland, wily of Thos. Rew 
ney, and late wie of Bernard Shanty, aged #2 years 

ier peitives aod frieeda of the fecally are respectCalty 
invited to attend the fuceral, on Frvlay afterzova, al os 
0 slork, fram hez Sate residenos, No. 187-Treifth’ strech, 
Detweeh First andSecond aventce. 3 

‘Marrs —On Tweaday, February 12, :0 Now York, Px 
vasex Mbrarx, a pative of county oneal. 

ils fuera! wil take place this (Thrsredsy} , from bis lass 
realtence, No-stt West Thirty ninth street, oear Tent’. 
areune 2 

O'Nos—(ra Wedaestar, Febroary 13, Moe Moxr 
O’Nuna, native of the parish of Ciatoe. coealy Zyron, 
Ireland, oged 60 yearn. 

fer funeral will take place this (Thuradas) afternoon, 
at two o'clock, (ram ber Lite residsuos, No. 207 Serecs’s 

‘Gea —In this ity, on Wednesday, Februsey 15, tua 


aan riya the TOUS year of her ag’. 

‘The frletalpy of ber uncle, Georg: Portes, are te 
folly lavitePto attend her {aneral, this (VBurs4ay) ale 
Yermoca, at tree o'chick, from ber lite resbleuts, Na 10 

Garksoo street. 

Tce Monday, Feprary 10g Woms0s Fes 

D 0| 

contlguous We railroad eave 

These Jands 2 
miles in ‘eogth, whlen congccla idotter rots aa an 

o rivers, (hus afforaing aa onbrokea commun! 
Peirarieh eee rep bere 
rcs nero x 

‘ i 
See er 
Of ae mpaarg cst om 
fe eae 

‘ind, within the tase, 
5; and wo may come | 



"ean than Ja) 000,000 uel = 

vue pair's : 
crbipoted of a deep. rick toaks, the ferlity of watch is unwas 
panned by aay 50 Be gloves 

To adv 
oy bare old 

‘and ereiy, contract eontaing 
‘Tho roat Thaw ben 

cain aaa of faeigbe, tock i Saino 
Figs aod! ares ot dour, were forwuded over te 
fie last yeare 

Toe he topoort of aceste The 
eehureblana actooiboese, 

frora the valuation for cxv’, except the sxe 

dollars per acre, when Ue chas price wlll be ave dotare. 
Parpblers descriptive of Ube ‘ands, sail, climais, produ 
pak Prices wad Lerma ot payaurst, Ca3 bE bad oa Spline 
1 iste. 

For (5s peer of tbe toon, sills Sod eile maaan 
win (be ilinms Central Kaljraed, aoe pases 198, 99, 1D AP 
Pacca’e Halley Guise 

5) Greets wt ESTATE. eS las 
oe keting Hone, aa £3 Et aay ete 
liver Bok’ Oleebouns Stier use 

See ia Ko 

hea as 

FODARY FHNOK | oe ayo Ticeata. 

Tha a EAT nonl 

firy sata ra Wi 

Rascow At Hizabetb, X.J., on Monday, Febcasry 
4, Avia G. Tasso, ages'62 3 eara. 

Rapicas.—On dicedyy, February 1, Joaass4 Twas, 
seed sa ycoraaad 8 moutha, 

Hier ‘aod relatives, thore of bor hoxbamt, Tim> 
-fby Pedican. sod of ber father, Jokm Rares, are resect 

iy tuvited to atterd tho fancral, from her late reel- 

Gecce, No. 44 Cherry street, this (Ibcrday) mornicg, ak 
ten o'clock, to#t. James! ebureb, James siteet, waare 
Tequiem mass will be cilered. for ibe repose of ber 202, 
sed teace to Calvary Cemetery cat Gan & elk 31 

Tuqurzscs.. Ny, oa Teesday, Fotreary 15, 
Muxaurzr A, dsughter of the late Joba WW. Weichar-== 

Tho relatives apd friends of the fay. are respett 
fully: luyited to attand the foneral, oo Yricay mors! 
atten o'clock, from Per late residecee, 10k East 

Letnth street.” Her remains will a takes to Westclestes 

fox iotermens. = 
ra Sai8 

Sumse—Os Watoeaday Qroary 13, et 

5 scare. 
er en 

POSE Sas Fla ke Ci so mk omer DTS 

Vet Broadray, New 


man GomonrTivE® FRIEND. 

Sg Sea ee 
yiatis iia mosee tee Powaes Benes 
FAT Tos Soras Fes oc tases epi = 
Tere eae. Dr Carona, (be Fare 



- | :movses, R007) 4 ac. TO LET. | “| _novsEs, ROOMS. Kc. 

ig =, 
ee " 

SE. Serax | TpocteReRVeD-ssi@asiox ty a VOTEL PANYED. ~YyasteD—A SITVATION, BY_A~ REST 



Agta | A PARDMESTS 76, Ler: 

GND Gint, WANTS A EREBEED 201Cb tio“ Ts A UOTE Bk RTETATION, BY Ac REECCCAS II | A? tirve watrorvaa oot iaten st tip eangars taper ick Basse: wiih pret ara ae 35 EA YOUNG MAN J 
BEsrECTAnL 10080 Gin SST woe” A Ueto posce mee emerretoeee eat \V Ek ag ie eres a Gia tetany: | eam Sie pe ae Rian as tea | Geticaraneear et Maacied bate Nao a hada ees aepuaR Tema eater 
fox and Te trv aon ood pa.sbjecucn to 82,n ace charge of ha “rampnnea, ia very ledusidoay, aad Bax t84 | CoUsUS07 West Sita Loar SB ar, = Fea a atoan tans EAA Sapoiy a 0 Went | they lant ale Crm eva tun sired Sept by lta referese Atirem J. Sex (ry 
Tee Se at a! ep refervoon f iat a eae | cm Bis a! cash stat between ‘Sia tres | Mpls ; 
Buble and tnlees Us Viiyn; Matamoad a baommec | | ent of reevameruation. addres tedeesy, | q7asTED-A EITUAYION, AT A RESPROTABLE | — New Fork city. aiaeia ioe GENTLEMAN, AGED 3. WISHES A SITUATION 
ITUATIONS WANTAD—BY THO RESPECTARLE JoURE WeTAR axcBecibersaid ap) to amiat In dss | NICELY FORNISHED ROOM, WITT GAS AND A eote Getar tamed Ine eee eRe 
-43 KORTE, BT AN E ea pe iinorand int vate waster and | wasbineazdironite - Maethe best of cy celgrezces | CAD Sree ek withast rood to one ertrogenueme. Rent | (PO LET OR LEASE—THE SIX STORY BUILDING  ualnten Gan’ ta willing Lipo eta ery Coal rs 
Feith de prance, esi ies | nee iether sl encveraciaasd wales int eaall beter fur ro dayetta Gh ar, ovis Gam front rosek |) g7péreomnib. Alioa waa! Hoos at $8 per month Apply thet corner Fourds rence and Yourtecaiteucee iarj-aa baw uden ta periecthieasal ia 
ah oi ha eer at haere ae | ire pt eee Kenticuae Ghanaians Edttetnmatatoute tare Neg 
radiress Ware, | EAC" Qevace}ib und Bh ava, up slaira secud Gear, front ANTED_SY A FIRST CLAP S C008, A SITOATIO’ > * ing Bouse. Apply to J. CODDINGTON, 17, omen 
| rem oa rerate famby or Beabting howe: andcrvtanda ber | A’ TLEASANT SECOND STORY FROST. ROOM, (UX: | Wallstreet 
Yostcess ial Wranchen and cae peseare bsreeey Mewest | AL fursiabegy sith eovety to r aca 5 
 WaNTED—nY A YOUNG ah SITUATION WANTED BY A RESPROTABLE PRO. | tip rfereuie. Apply fortwo dare Moy Stat Tatbe cai: | Pmall pieae famlly. Terat for igasa tapes tae,“ 0 LET OR LEASETNE LARGE AND DESIRADLE Beer acne 
fax BON ancrertk 024 Pl PUATION WANTED BY A, REATTy ao pinta cok: llneryauere “A Rolo sdirared Goa, eiineashre eumber, | | ak Keptia the bert order. Convenient toeara he SE Py, Maas No. Wavertey path Seschmnan: Dis Dualneas {a every trapect. The 
teva yearn oad, fo ds light 1 We Broa ree ae ermaid and ts wily cree with allenUon. 4 J pply at 15929 old Na) Pi wreck. ie Wan! joare: Boars 23 feet {reat by 10 in dapia, wife ls 
Beg Call fer terre days at no SP Latbsee 2 ote wanes and hones: 9 Ee ey Toh Jo ass fect seep Heol S20 perasnam Apply 1 GUST: | pram cock, washer enGilione®, sane maML aD 
ee n= | ae washing 206 irae sear ae 1s Ha Feet ec oh Lae semaige tan be ena 
[Ac foie means er A AIERARUE | Sor ne ie HELP WANTED-PEMALES. eG RLS ar Sora SSSR Mr Mews a Fact. 
YORE POR BS DTI NTS On A CG | WASTRD-BY TWO RESPECTABLE 7 mare et = feo yeararorwilltetetfor any West basineen Manifrom | J 0K LEASE (EMIAES NO. ka PRINOR ten to ibe country. 
Sea eels eda eS ant tingg! | SUNEAMIONS AAG Rent abnietsetiamogemi: | ATG TUM AND, GOW SERVANES AR EGR | Faivtoon “Arry eva Bowerr| 7 TT Tieton feces ef May Sent apply to We: SCURTOATE ae ae WIGTES, 4 RITCATION FX 
feat ETA a, Dee zea. the other to do chamb=rwork, plain sewing 508 EMBOOIOT | ieee, wherg (hs best eerreyia are always read m6 | fl yNH NINEYY, SEP, ONLY al Spee re: 
roan ANTES, A mesearrani: | fatseain totaal AE | oi etip ae Wena acsTeate Gem | YE ASEM Neale us | (POOR ESE eam om aR Mauer gg | Sas See eee llak OT Et 
eo ja ‘oak, weaver Gad Lronar; ertofo | ‘errily place. eerenhog t bier saloom. Apply at 4s) story of new Ne way, commer OUNG QI 
sari riLes cook onk, waslmr ood Loner; a7 Lo z =- ~— | Breateay lager Ble Sach prberty ey MAY, SPRAKING FRRNOM AND ENG- 
A siete Seyauinaty, Belen | rreamoxe waRTRn=Be A PETEGTAREE PA |, ‘conrrrene reason wasraocas xangn azo | Stat reeatatiy “| Frahiam atta? pace wees | AA Witla tage tetta ae te pts 
Wt fimadion, , (on be Lestant young pith, a8 eramcieray: Badintee reammtren. Noze but those having Grit rate references 5 = FT, NO_S71, S1gm a) | 18qulreon the premises, nn, ore bead = Clon Ina fe 
ey ia tive rear per French a a oh nadia | eosd miders Mason, Box Lil Herald woscn Ce See ee tad ans diol tae Fiteg ing Bela esl referent 

Ree ery restsuanin yuang warriel seman, | 

itt for she last surea yrart: has handsans Gxtares 40: 
Tu iced ety retereses can | Bear foub ay , for 

LY, A GOO) {OE downs will be let ata tedaced rate (0,8 Rood LeBADL » AP 

a aon Ts TRASATHE EXTENSIVE MANUFACTURING | ST Collen er addrera Mr. Coorsds, 32 Roadway, 

(08 BANTED waste, DocEDLAT remises Noa 2 and 26 Wooster street, ear roadway YOUNG MAN, ACQUAINTED WITH THR BUSL 


Ms BOR AN TaD = WANTETS DIMEDATECY. 2 rate sea Gouctstreaty nu eet eeteven ta Daal ce Ra 
iesiuys ae WetzTibst,teineeaGibandit® | Crreariox wanteD—A¥AUTGNEE RESCRCTAEE | WeNtrwimeloist arpty nA Eat? ee | BE DORE | Her fchrgAUdrab aor Feemnont st Weowareien. | Bara 
“~ "es Or ™ ry ebam vermald; s v RE BN! =~ ~ 
- +] Siig rear. asa ars calreo tela sp re: | (PRLS WANTED —wanTen, nuuworatery, Teo | COUPEE REIESCE TE AT aeration | (PO LEASE TIE DREWARY AT 06 FARK STREET, 
aE TOUR ain Wants Z situs. | Ewlrmndhbr crmriss tien ean Sassen farteo diye | CH sole odabelondpatepmmediancs davai Ad | setlacte lands aca paead ty New Ne, Ponomr) | mew Yor, oi Qatar we Tomes cree Jee | A SITUATION, WANTRDRY A WEAPRGTARIR 
Gi said rhea evemene, | carat need Hor, ene | vr teas pes mig irc asts | Fektestode Api 0M PINCH, route Norwalk | SES, UERGGHNY a RNID Bast weet aod Aiton wnat MY caahnas or perkenr ander 
work an ait oom. - ee coe 

merit WaNTED=A_ EAUNDGES. BY A oat | YANTILLA TANpS wasreD—waspup, A we | (OTADETOTEL-NTI ONE, AChE OE OUOUSD, | iro TASHA yOUR STORY ARIOK nous, Cox, | Fototin Nit Wanting iiuaie Ve 

Xie ARITOATION as | GDUATION WANTED-AS LAUNDBESS. BNA COM’ | MUANIRE Nida iiners Avr sata Labia om | Coninpted nenn rece Marna, Wevetsier ovaaly, en LEASE A TOUR STORY gniiie MOUSE: CON; | Fost often Fon Waakingvon WANA Cork Iai oe 
A "iisntroldapdeansiranrtemusog indoany work | © 1s4Mesma"aS caja aig Wane ahs betwen a Me det bench alcaat cata a igG | Hradyays atin Go sir bc issn, 20 Suh Stendn. | GTIUATION WANTED-BYA HCHANTOAL DRAUGITTS 

Meek at Rev. Mr. Meary Wiltebead'a D, Dt 
})B Sarmanarile 

Bade ay, Up Maire 

Gepoucand iaciilng o€ tho Varlers ates! 

bampterana}dand seamatreas; fe wing 1n do any work A a SU at ———— aang ater go ONO. | Riredieedsy duscmene 3H Cath avenun “Good vuslaese io: | QieuaT ON wPANTeU-BEA MECHANICAL. DRA 
Beacon Worcbjesiod to ibe coats.” areiy al | Sted St eh, Steeeh ape ULE WANTED_OXE "ilo THOROUGNLY EX: HL LODLUM A Usp Abine ders acid Eat Do an ApEIy to A. SERGBANT, 19 Wall street bree Biren. Addnws Newark, Woe, 
foes we roy tee frtacdstnd sea Fer dalys who ay soe, i incheee 
TORTMAR GING, FLD RECOMIANOND, wines | WARTEPS tow gentlemen crfaraiiien at her Ora housoy | eereatE A Ta holtcen Pwenty ninth stad ivadny one dnonabato oriy wend mat For par T has tnnn yearn perens nthe Jub dpa: 
Gina (or donae works lnegeytaamersanitt | tfeqeasty een” Tamm eal at ig tearm pact owed | MO WILLINERS “WANTED, A FIRST OLAS TRIN- ‘Fsyfoards foe Bidpermoathy | ilculars apply to WILLIAM LALOK. 112 FINN treet, Host lithe bland heaviot hoes ia yt 
miske nervy georzals bsctub wavylz ah 2M Cart at BOOS | Gegraw ood Sackett six Seth Drookiya: Auneetas Sonne dy, capable of underaRing the Resdof an | All the midern \mproramente gaa Qetacps lhandry, de AP eon ahets entree Ered cepartananl of the trade wo, 
Wr ae ARTEOLINTA RSPEOTAULE AND uRaruiry | fit ale cat Geaigoing her own atylot iy 10. Lt. BTENITENBON, $67 Secor 7 TH AVENUE STORE TO LET OTHE LAROE Com. | deatran chamois ate Ce anes eareemmal to bath, 

(person wages will be no object, and a parmaneat situs vidious dry goods star, 1, 
y midious dry are, BN 

TOUNG WOMAN. IPARTE A BITHATION 08 Beane | qa reer an comvenisuc tar | Mania seae rose ee oan eos permanent sltaa- FUER, ROOMS TA, SUIT OG GoMmoRTaREY | Tre. nitinol 

te fair aalary Cor tho eves Addread Tar coo west, 
se Oma, BM isaed cts dresses and | ,VY,_poettarn if Lot the ones 

5 re Fra ca ener aca | Hem Tage Tao (nl fol ed iver We ey peR Bp, ROOMS TA, SUIT OF COMFORTABLY | Treniy-dr nitrtin io osot the be uae 

Suits ceitp anaes sipeuae occas | tchseb iter ie ee tee Aairastactoen doe 8 dere eereey ea aaa tage Rae aatnres peat ETL WanD—Astresoy, 5 Aguoumuam on 

Sore 2. rofereoce Gap be ern ; = See fem at? toeation dearabla; between, fread ane Si i ; 

JG 1 (top tears bask From for two days WANTED AL STTEATION BE, A ABWPRCTApnD | WTANTEDA PINST CLASS, GERMAN COOK; GUE | SuY'valeniy psc He etenbiae Ap mats. & SPORSISHED HOUSE IN DBOOKEYN TO | of angen cucecteuay an at coe ae Ae A: 

WAN, OP REAPROPADID(TY, Toune irik woman, tnd bo'ct whore sewed bo |W tuct speak Hoglsh, and batacity rofeceace, © Apply SEBO eat soak ordery pleased ieotecenrece | Sree nears 0} Desk fos gies at 

ERY GOOD WOMAN, OF Beare Ciilngioas | taught 19 co k:wages not ge ynuch an gbjest, Cait until | 91 262 Bast Broadway, belteen 9 and I A. M. and tends OR MBACANTILE OR -MANUPACTUING POR- | cot toall the ferre« Apply b» J, RIUMMARDSON, No. X23 = 

Fee ee tate oe ditt Cant protien tna bem ca Tee! || SVicaLAtsO.SaNtuR sts See. e RES rR oveaten grant iran ipo given in respvoaanag. | Atanii rest eek, WANTED SITUATION AK CONFIDENTIAL OLR, 

ii eatin a ening eteaU pc ar 09208007 | acre pmhy A RUSPEOFANLE WOMAN, A AITUA: || {\TANTED=A WET NUNEE, WiTTTA FRESH pneast | Werou tre Rowen and Nou block est of led Nortitceper, buriness agent or copytit by a eatiemas 

Fisk’ eodlalsolat at cahiry fortwo oye W tiainngrin van torkcetrougerarcces ha gai | WAatnty tikes youz ee et edits se ne Be HOUSES, ROOMS, SC. WANTED, | pf srrcriepcoand peal tuleess qualdcatls vie wilingr 

es == Se | erin stoes and'cands all Rods of cookiapin tho boat ot fa: | ArmesiSan preferred Adamas A So aaa ia See 9 devote bla whole jeation 9 the 7 

O00D OINt, WaNTa A AITUATION TODO GONE: || mig jrcuct andican 404i Nod \merican preterred: Adar ; TADY WOULD TAKE TO TIRE OF PARTIES, Wid | ttonorer. Deatteferecer given. “Addrers Ts box Rd 

A290 GURL WANT 4, SITUATION, Tap aire eez- | Ellon No day eb, Hrookgnn ee FUE TO PRE ONE OF FE FINE, BROWS | A Neenid Devtling io aka tha raat ia Hourdm own fan | Kove obice a 

or or 
fant dood rlerence siren. aly oda or 19 em TASIED-A_AIFTATION, MYA _RESPHCTAULE | 1 VTANTED—A GOOD COOK, WASUER AND dnonmn. | fA, steer tomes, Ne Te we Marat rat teins |r pari Fura 
{TBousiata th, Howth tiookly Wei ei coacinapricatalamiys ie agvod waster aed | VW Anny. inuwsea the oer of altoand two, clas ai | Hitaiier fuprevenraia, Wiha fel ehnap to's good 

: re, | treme nha isan cuedlont baker iititol ey revoreses: | a2 GroveNTasar ceetce Neos, mest eal wiihoat goed | SLine Magers IUnraser ge Wag pies ae 
og ron =A PATUATION WANTED: tS Lier pet ‘Con DS aren for two daya at 10 Keak st, room 2, reommendationa 
B SFOR OA AITUATION, WAM Te pent cine qritate 

ed anit preanvalir Tocated, ast atova Fars 
Hath alee with he potllege of Sab ‘a few select boarders; renee AEXDAZION' AS COACIIMAN, EITHER 
Fo objecica toeuiigren. stot rfercare given, Ad in the city or eountry,, ne ¥ 

Steen for two dasa Le F Merali olen. 68 SAS) |i Wont Wh nee ees 

Her prevent explore 

Erica or rors cooiaadieaiearted pau cuts Sat | WANs Mesttrihitis undentaniacumanloe aay | WS ahandiancetnanise cts: Appgsineaisie Ge EU rteady cores of Merastcey eg ae A Mitel ahi and Tecty tied Nett cay MUSICAL. 
SCS caer seen semine for” Mh | pee ree bing at woud taba of gromlog shrdsens ap |, "=a neers betreto snk jaricuinmansiy to eWintr & TONKANGE. a Howl | AE8dN Ayyly io'or addres Lovdoo Ae, 40 Fours | A tinea Meena? IANO, LOM, SALN OMT, Qh 
Lee sas as xo onsen. | Niaz Deaw ly ornr of Hora nf, Rrwkiye. WASTED-A cet as warrnnss xo on-wwaen. | Ing Green. area | sei at'm‘preat aacrldces ‘Aura A. ty bow 143 Tera 
Fa USeotaNe cobuitys Cal at S98 Ca ava betters | VyTANTED—A SITUATION, BY A XOUNO WOMAN, AS | Wages}. Call tetwecn Pacd SP. Wi'at #ue Wert Suet | FTOUSE TO LET OR LBASE—THE FOUR STOR | 4 GERTLUMAN AND WIFE WOULD LnKH A ranst | 9° 
Svat ob st WAS Gini Grecsieteh ae Gald tevereners required. | Udiceglels need to? april Er hepe Rae min sca te ats | AA, graced ris fer houteatngs uy ben | A ONEATE TMTADVRD aNGrOUTR, 


ITUATION, WAPTED—Gy A D.OUNG WOMAGL AY || WTANTED—A, SITUATION AN WET NURSE: GBR | WWrANTED—enVERAT, YOUNG Laprne, wo warn | FISTENEMG CA UAT CePP Mitel Ants on the | SSTt sae, 22 18 Adtancoir requred. “Adtiess bor | Sevutactoreraata mew sca'e af drertrung ba patent In 

‘Own Lag la four months old, Call at 319 East 241 at, Uponohialn Weecentog’ Apsiyatine'celctcn Con | FNDHG, Fovemion tn Aer IE renutrnd, Apply on the | 203 Hest oes, ‘ulated ruil rou (ramey grand and rquarg Haaofortes Ni. 

Seats Rey aap song” Appuy ee oa eat [| reps on ahwaye er ae ora : Scnnin : on Ee 
ee LY ieralye anaes sta 0 Hing ert ieee araag QERTERMAN AND Wine wo guULDREN Dpayan | Henne tow Eee 
JANTENAA SITUATION Ay OIDpUEMIATD ANP | 1745 ; : DART OF A ROADWAY StOR® 70 Lor—aweuine | A “eieaearermnithty rea a praia fam eon bee WT. HEYRN _OGTAVE ROSEWOOD 
:ASPECTANLE, WOMAN, WANES A aTUATION ren A ATUATION AR OE ASTED—\ pnorespanr on aenyan, amt 19 | PART OFA BRO reno wea rte mbulesscina far oft Saas bo 4 FATS 
1h RESRECTANIE wo Judi tine roming orto cont, aah ne Were reer en ORO eNe Sr Uretpe: | DP ataisiiendwa. Erauy furnished, wiv areommodaitvs farhouicecat (on tot | drach hehe sect tia ares fat agt ae te 

Sto Farally. Nawbjectlon t tuocouaiey. | itr refereone Gam bo sere for tno da 

Oceak retcrence 

SSH West Heth a Siete tons ‘Must bowell rearmmacoded. Apply efter 10.4 at PEST Scan 

TSE East 19ch at. TO LET, IN WILLIAMS. | <ludiog gan fre water, ke. Ioeation not below Foarthatreet | bass inlaid with and pear: keya, made 10 onder for tbo re 

weatleth strcet, Retereaces exchanged. Terms | gentowner hy city makers, {Uy muaraotord Tor ihren 

ITUATION WANTED—UY A RESPECTADLE OIL, a a ang, = ena ene ree acs OPA UE | tho ered $20 permonth,, Address mauollatey, Wallet | ‘een in are ba Oe sone ii wold 
sara’ STED=| SPECTADLE ATG GT 3 - Pee A tier bit noobie enlatnneeas wane | pelo cverd $20 per'mootb, ‘addres imacdiatly, bm uce bat age monteay coat anh il or 
Chetan gad waiieay te avnurc anion | Wdunthcany, allan toa Ian pee fami DA) EADY 70 TAKE MANGE OF TUR | Krablichen: mot sepermonth. Apply at tae Grand accel, | We box I.E Madison «aare Post ots. Tocluding Scat and Cover. ‘Alen ervat ‘Dining Rearn Salty 
ose swine to ake heranicg ocratly cectullérequlted | ers general anancouek for armel false has goad Sty re nfactysiog depasimneotof a ir pat | Miuamabe Soot Qu, for Gla Ingalee at Nox 70 Weat ‘fweotyain 

eacied ta tole cg ‘Core, at tarce cents pees the door. 

Haste chy erence fease Nernst, plese leaas Pall nih] (PeTBeOePaL woumTeU (ea pal ey aed OT ta eta ma opoacs a tla D, DYER, REAT, ESTATE AGENT, 10 NROAD- | Succt ocar Siathearen on 
Ba Wensthac Toon, front worm. Phemust gotzess rapericncnanduncxceplin ®\ots'0, 4% | Cong tO UBT AND. FIXTURES FOR SADE, IN | Ds, way, raulirs immediatly stetern fiat clase Monten : 
core i "i ee reas, Nit tfercese of art engagement walea, rit bs | STecrerTnitute baldlog, elewanuy ted upand front | fyrsished axduntvrnialee: two large tiuidiosy sultabla Cor |“, TrENTION, PIANOPORTE  PURAHAGHRA—NE- 
GoQD, MONEST, OIL, WARTS A. SITUATION AS || VETANTED-—Uy A BESPECTABLE Woman, a situa | ciagjcual irelg, S a * See eee reid aad Pout accuser oitmassacion | schools, acd four Stores ln vielalty ef this otlee, for applicants celver'a Sale, by onder Judge Leonanl, Rupreme Court, 
Cou wan acd Wenge orate tay Neato Nuns arse to ecan cure ok young clare oe a uty | SE CEVe taulieamebittely if required. Toquise on tke poe. | 80% oh reatter. fer ule bench ot lad creditors of ihe nn ator 
iy setrrnc given, “Apply for teu éayaat 23 Mudsonars. | ery i tininc ed deplaie aamioe Cue at SST DI aS a ; ses : oy rion Magnifcaut ronstcod‘Planofortes for B12 60d: 
See et ner ror tale oon: Se Sh ace aTti aie paseaed Leah bask rigens ANTEP=IN A BMALL = PORTED NOUN WANTED IMMEDIATELY my | gliS-orignal pees 270 0 @Aa ATHY a Hea 
Raat Ren Gs SELSEHOR TIN TATA ; me (ere sPAOU Ramm ro mas surmwion Ropes. | WO mrhaty ty, Leon fates dr and 8 | tin ACUONAD, Rel. 
Puiu OLAS } . TANIED_IY A RESPECEADLE WOMAN, AAitUA. | otJroncr us See eRe acne dre memhmiaan ake i Fourteen oriiein etree ; 
{cient fomlly nob feetan (ogo a ebgrtglonanco tn ths Wns iaa mall amily todo general Rousetork: Ua’ |/Sreuien 2 4 andi Ureeaa tices STIG categtiee dre pro youita | (Pott ral vox 1.160 Yon olen UICKERING & SON'S 
Zousity ‘or ie a rate Sounding bocke; go-d teterense.- C 44 qiain ecu srasher and: lst ond ely tetarenos 9 ebatdinze ara ieutsd on ail eden: heated: by steam, wl re : = 
AUT Westone, ESuebhcen tor twa saya at GI Hoyt st, corear or Holler, WW ANTHDAS ROPE, soOTGH On ORT ANNO, inodatt, ean fa tho roast eapiratmone’boek | F[OUSE WANTED—TITE ADVERTISER, WISHES 10 GRAND SQUARE AXD UPRIGHT PLANOS, 
Squib arooklye. NTED=; 18. 8 A RANG fa tiroadeay® Insuraaca ‘one pee Coa ren amall Yous In (No tot thactty- One = 
EITUATION WANTED—n¥ A RESCECTADLE Awe. | “2th OroeNy Toa, oF girl to do Uitwore of memall family. ust | fom Ciel Arce a Pee omadaloanateiontrenrase | faltabloin ail respects will be Gkea form term of yeare (04 Broadway, New York. 

come wel recommended” Apply nt it? Paclic ¢t., Brootlgn. 

ean women of riddle age as BoUusck: 

er) would bare | YyrANTeED—nY A HESPECTADUE WOMAN, A SITUA luyited to caltand eekat ihe rooms epging, &€. Apply toll, | Abawere to recur attentlon must stato full particulars as (0 

Bo objection to the Buicben work of a small tayaily: salsa ant tion 19 take care of chitdren’ aad dp plelaeawios or = a JE OWAPD, on the premues Fentrlocatina, alee, and whether with er withiut molera ime | TNGTRUCTION IN MUMO—A TOUNG LADY, BXPE. 
Exceifentiaundrevs: nocbjeetion tom #bort distacco to tho | eoamuerwore In o.nreall faynily. (loos reference. Can ANTEDCA SINGRR WHO USDUNSTANDS TUS a provementa, ‘ihe odvertioee Will taken hotsata tbe auvurta | T™ieuces in vactlog, will ace (ew migra. popils, (or tie 
gountry Aue beat elig reference. Ginoriwo diem? WeatSib au top toons AS Poinebant -Aypiy toMr. Aubert, 1s West 20th et at [Pov rutted in the city. Address box 619 Post olen, inns) ntreduocd prices AFould attend puplis at ihcirows, 

BAtSa ee) berm ent stand 20 

So'dorkt My Fraldences, eller la New York of Brooklyu,, Unexeeptloaal 

Fropee BANTEn a9, ayo men, arto gn | Facteur tod Nant fot 


~omng,reat ars a ciruaios anna, | Wanuaiois got wae aad votes aerate | WARE saea Medial, Od Ap ER ery raieta pn yess | sea 
invea ix Jeary ip ber ast place. Call a 10 Weat ZTuaat, be- | (Bi fertwads,eats@ 6ihaverroom Gp PY ALG Weat At, Detect Dont LE Ghlauepretcrred. Adirea Siow, Academy of Miaic, New | T USSONS IN MUSIC AND FRENCH GIVEN ON NOD! 

ANTED—A SITCATION, oy. A RESrecTABLE | VW Varin cin ot ciy trans aay cur? barry 

WA Star nteatasncered Soke undcestania a east | tad iar koed oy. nefcrantes aay a0 
roeat fins onl a uo a good bread and bia | /”"2ock ate mnOH COM arAE 
ima ap tod ns aesae 1eeratlog ned 

cormpiets, want bo bought. 
box Leu Pos otra, 

coat, waahirrand Ironer; 18 goal bakers the be 
reereboo con be given. Cau bo sede fortwo dagsat 7u)] caren! 



rubbery ot tao rear, Togif required. Mestof city reCereocn from, ber Lar place, ANTED-A® LAUNDBESS AND CHAMHEN MAIO’ | QTATRS ISLAND—NEW BRIGITON.—T0 RENT, TWO even octave, In plain and elegantly carved 
- = ee i eaters ns} of elt xateruoee| neem: bec latt place, Yeron fnlly competent te Gl Uat siaaion ike re | )'brckand slog bail buglieh bascmect Dwelling Houses prices (roth. Bla) to GidL. hires second 

WANTED-BY A _nesrecrapur | CAPSS 
youn girl 10 40 chant jerwork abd walt nnd fe ul pod zany 

caso cases, 
fereoceyequieed. Apply oto. (7 West W0ib aby from Oto | elt Hotamd, cold water Omus. speaking tubea able and | sn HOUSE, UNFURNISHED, WANTED— | Jind Planna io roactvued and ono inabogany), for $13), 609 
eee tite och bot 2 Wigabtetatts sal'tinerear- | (PPh tlacee ater hate bya tae soanctiog at a | oad Sit Taavenco A, corsa of Teath weal 

wat vase saan Sou Sera Rae | ovum hat, an ast By Cai GoORl ot FR vownatas, 
vfs tell poi es TIBO 3, SUATION FO 00K, WAL AND | ATANTEDA WRRNOM GIRL AS NORSE AND GHAM. | Soaltvayry are moat dulybifat ond aunt ho curpused ot | Fourth avcaue sad abe Youreents sree AGares waliog 

fingandiot a cbecrraidiep>. | ch aciS ifceawlcb ie eomsarot Exighn Lip Boon, fern | [Wy fmt: mus! Bea peat fewer nnd woderstaed tancaraot | the aiondy within a fen mutes watkof the ferry and ball | rent nod vibes particulary 8. Aufl, bux 4300 Fou o 
Hina” Es ce aseu for ten dayn aves rib ves, bakerc oat | Saat 472 : ohh iy Boon fortis | | cana hee prunvacinya aruet bn goedt mustaitoapesk | andeutof Geli Fueturbee parteutam apply woouas. | dam improvements at reduced pricey for mao at G8 Mt 
Eni tA wi, pecend oor, backs sibllsb, “Apply at 1 Bont 200 a for Grolduys PHAMILTON Rip 6 Banner soak Fost a Vang = Mo avesuty Brookiya,”"Wtagoa toe 

i door BOB, ‘Npply ats Bast a00y a. for Grud AE TAUILTOM, Ri 6 Hanuver scent, Port's al SORE, BRUREE IEROR AD HOUSE WAT y ipa, Haves to lee 

WN AMERICAN WOMAN DEsmtea a situation as | \WASZERA SITUATION, ny A YOUNG WOMAN, TO STEDGIN A PRIVATE TFivk Pen. | (PO LET-aWO SUITE OP OFFICES, XO. a WALL | S009 Niutb avcour, belwesn Twenlletd and Thirtelh | raxom sELODRONG, ALEXANDRE ORGANS—AT 
AN saiantons, woven panes a scuation, a: | WW Aerecarnwes ore sure or pameenay | /WVANTAD Is A PRIVATE vaouly, ov rim wen] IDO,LEF 20g aulte 0G, hasGnes Nrarilamaae | cee. Adires Fan AS brady, Uh west posable ria" cond hand Tacovatgreat 
Tato cf aciilld and dopisin sowing. tho beat ut ciuy never. | Calta! my | UCg aoe A ete For eenobe! bouleawere: Blees TeunE, nooks eo' Companys tho, other on arcana yyy, ocenpled by = lay, from as to #1. One saven celave, ascond. fant, 

Pe Nerens AP Se ee Carrol Liviogtra., inquire at the oficea, cr at No 7f Cedar | QTORE WANTED—FOR A RETAIL DRUG STORE, IN | front widod corners, fatcy Irae (retwork desk aod overs 
Pes SJ, DILLON. Abe coger part orthacy. Address, staltog Ioeaulon and | Fry'9\Fh Manos and Melaiavania rent and. reat allowed 

(ven If required; te w 


aces gloom. “Apply otsW Mulsoa at, uear Spring sc 

\Trassanc bt A naspatante omnes goers = | Sat Merete 
a \tn todo chamberwork cod walting, and ty esis, -ANTED—A GIRL, TO DO GENERAL NOUSEWORK; % terms, D. ler 

YOUNG WOMAN, HAVING A WEBK AGO LOST } jo jah nese ) Thetotstive a seed cpok woaber and ironer: kng br purchased. Monthly payments recelred for tho rains 
OURO, OMAN, TATING A, WEDX A00,t09T | re watlatund veneer tr ai nica tea keri | WV, Mncwan es hesarkenateracaeessaey tee | pro TEE-TUR TWO_STORY AND ATO UAIGK — : ‘ott ENR TERETE iy, 
Aver iigenag sigan, uan, Armuetes | ue eSieriva ddan ou ron hey a Sr a a "Taga a 2 vu | PO, LETHE, TY, STORY, AND, ATTIC. URION | Trsrunstsunun Rooaa WANTED.—A AINOUE_ ORY. ea i 

Fits sirooklye, Yeasod tow to egos tenant Apply nt d7 Water etreet, 

eRe ee na Ge er 
ra Si teeters | seranten ay A RERRACTARTE WORE Mathers ote nme snia eTenceeee D 

[A rbcrporanye exorysnucr Jom, waste a | WASEB GPE ARMRCTAMHE QUIS, ASITUAL | V7 sruprone Gqpp SALpAWONEN FOR Pa ss ca | Raa UE Aaa Siang grea: tre Mess Res, | SHO). ade Fie k Hout oly bo wl for Sk ae 
“rst 1 oo StS od ees eee ee oe eee ee a eee rere ea aa IM we waaloeee | Ode daasos Wag ete cee tencure cura Haroon | |PaMaAeINR oacnrzs ne spoczas pena, Reeany Neuen Parnes 

diy reference Can b ecb (ar two daynac te Weat Sibel, = i TOOTS | apply between 10 and 12 A. Sto Wes. Kinzoy, ZE5Sui uv.” | street, oF 62, TVaEd TD Washington taarkel Terme for ibe rooms wud attendance, i boar not i 

Telween 7tb nod Sib ava, eoeand floor, back root. ANTEDSA  S3TUATION 
Tse eT NIB, or ax eneralweamiresk Call or 

DE A RESPECTABLE exec gs) aris, a By lho lalroduction of machinery i 
(WAATRO—A Giet FoR Grxnman nousnwonn, | TO LET STOMm Im NAssAG TREE, WZTI, PIYE farlculera terms! Bey se bow to Pontotoc Deo Br ibe atraluctionof machinery io the mane. 

od its Board, $25 Addon with fab 8150. ‘bo uEEANOTOR TES. 

TRO AINE FOR ,ENERAL noUsR ons gianna pew | Pane : sno at anit, wary ow fal 
iaRtMGRRL UTES OR sar irae | aidateasaaestetyac aceon eas, | Wrantao my A xa Exocarp won wapy asp | iaeeratan resent aemianea 
: che 

2 Pettesea cree Sai oa Appr et so™ | |W Maueiten anaeturalabed: tout, forauet tein four. | (BE (Pepe | 
10% CENT 3 ‘ASTED—A FINST RATE WASNER AND IRONER; teenth street, near Broadway, where (be wholo or 8 pértion | of manufe We Invite all dealer 

A SITUATION WANTEDUBE A TTOTREVS EEG | WARTERS fant’ Gndoiiichta winar an netgear | Wane wnotau dartinnetlug:tmeidiive willisand | (mo LITTUL TAROR BOARDING HOUSE, No.1 | oytbe,rvermmd be taken tin board bs tbe menor’ Bert of | Gad ibe pubus to alland cea (he an inalatnetiy ef 

‘Gutre ach i rior twosye aeqthibe respacUiblo'tamally, Call ak 236 latave-yabore | 0bUging. /AMpIy ac 2d Woal Vind r ion vrvl, forse Fears: gent $53. Alwyojlagea | Yelerenee given. Aprly Wo Mri 8, alauen’ © Font odes Pyne 

—— : H “| ¢ crrourae ave largs Roowes fo 1a ae tran rela New Reh 

RESPECTABLE YOUNG Wostan WisitEsAstTUa. | WASTED—A NunSR AND cramanmatp; ous | Wap vcarehaihua ticct Joqutein bascmeat of 2 Eat UT THE 1ST OR LsTIt OF MARCH, 

ANESGapestamke vibe asd woaer Dest of ety mst undersuand pertecuy.tho exre cc euldren, te pa- | Brosaw: ‘tn unfurnished: Room and Bedroom, wlth permanent 

eens Charronse Rr coe han iaerh eater a careaa Sag Rue hee Ss ae INSTRUCTION. 

ete oa gens trtoe. poy ee ee (PORES NATL aMNEDIATE POSIESELON TEE fe gulet and pate eltoen | “AW AMERIGAN LADY, OP EDUOATION, EXPE 

AA. scube grits do oer Reasowoth ne pritete tame ANTED-A GURL TO/2O CESBRALUOUSERORK: | aia Gentwatreic It ms Wellesi-ied fortmestanet or | withyarculary flare Var; fot ot Four ete Bie” | fA dens custe ged, olen, desis a nial Io. 
8 goad coc (vrasber aad iniaer. Beat of he a Fan and hare | manufacturing purposes, VM. B eens! ¢, Pranches, 

His Seer a be sent far Neo deren US Beat jue TPDABY A RSSPEOTARLE PROTESTANT GInL, | rvedscforenera from beriaat pinenTaquitont sib Went 2th 4 FEST ila ree te'Adorean or call at a Vleet sl Iitecklypy near Pulao a 

benwevn 9 end 12. A. 

ear office, rat Hoot. WANTDS PART OF A HOUSE, PUANISiED, aurra. | Jer 2 ull Corloex FM. 

7 Ne for Bourskcoping, estaleng UF four or 8 
Ube LET—THE COTTAGE HOUSES NOS. 12, 14 AXD | ip ‘Brooklh a or Willian Font pot to exceed Bit T PAINE'® MERCANTIL! )LLEA WES 

eae 24 Sereats oreoue. very pleasanly ecated api dag ep | Terssoaihy Addrcan oe iiBl ont ofiees ieee AT sea'SS Paton nate veat yor atadetic ron aera 
ay manonppe 4 atoms eoncat Sod agsr bier | lib ere quaveulene™ “Apply at tue oles 240" Grwas Zountry partue suck branches cn (ey Wereca Sena 


© ‘store, If not engaged. | tuation to ‘wash aod trou. of to do 

talansrocery Sate; U DOLeneAgel 1s) = =| Lotuestath tburneatot pavtrecent oe gujeciioneiseesontiys 

A PROTESTANT WOMAN WANTS A BITUATION IN | Apply a( 44 Watts st, Cont room, sevod Sor, 
is Taaly Mapes eau nod iN By 


prival ‘baker; no Peaosal 
m1 irucing or oe STED— sr 7 loon! “Good weges Fold,” Call ot Lrvadwoy, tat tu 0 orm kn 
Torn ale Bengt 2918 Bean. | WT ALTE ce ane ealuregs mou be Segoe | Fest d ee peo WANTED 10 RENT, ACuanoR ouR om rive | Piegrctas capita thei cotcrprsshad ality will adel 
situation waxten—ny a,urottiy neseaata: | fheciy’ ‘Any onconenensgtile Zecaeiay marae: | WWANTEOKA COOK ax SUncE. miey waar we | TOtn Tlie’ waa’ fromthe dept aoe Heanor ite ents altuatabelweun Henyh aod Folie eters aad F, ue 
y Y 5 i) Bets Any oo a : : < una gar BE | Tico mou walk from the depot aed seamboat lan i ero LADY REALIANO TIlE OREAT NEBD OF A 
wl ‘Mab wouusn, as professed. cook in all iusbranches, | tween tbe hours of 10 aud & (his mormicg at 93 West Slat Protestants; the cook te nbstat io Washing and iroaing; | jg; house In very good repalr. A large Camlly, will Od t Serenth avenue Tenant anereptionabla Ad- BD OF A FRO. , 
Sinderetands desaeria cf aii Winds: weosid go aly dltanno IEsebthul restdcaoa Hastings te ove of tin move bealthtar |. rela Nov Carroll plare (Mieceker nut A free hehe iinn eats at pea anos 

hogar wba a ood aramatiaa: nick pretarred. Waxed 

ORLY WESPECTABLE wOUNG | wolsrer€S Arp acai st Mark's place preety Under tials years of 

tolet fora frat class board. 


about upening a Remltary for 

tolunury; bas gu referepen" Can be sven for twa dase | WW ANTFS UY A Mieteet and hited Soy 
ih si, near Houttoo, ‘ror, front Fir), a.situatlon #&, muse and ee. C0 SSS res taible parties uly need epply.. Furniun ANTED—A PRIVATE PAMILY, TO TAKE A. PInST fi] borascaey Der Leateedinne eines 
NGO IEALS secu Bree, Rae Boawe || Eo thas acter st ee eee ert Wak ELE TANEEDSTLL EE eee ate Ey orate en metage Ree | WAS tmtctis on Wan atem tii ciecr baceen Eig | ileum sdoclon wil bo ue ber Inmrdite rape. 
8 NORSEC WANTED, A” SITUATION, AS NDRAE, | lHrt, eincto i sud AD Ray te icra, HELP WANTEDIMALES.__| fhnlsyy 11 Sironday; Dingoe & Hatten, No.b np wore | and Nina iE al deat ete West mica fronds Be vcen rhe te areata 
and seamstreas by a very compet aon, who ee is; = aw q WANTRD—IN EV. 1N nM or coat 2 or guar place thelr ebilds sere 
iat ge an ura Ta sting Saba the cars| WYTANTEDA SITUATION BY AN AMERICAN LAD aE tpl cand) Doo crea || fio RET=A/TIOWsE” ASD TETORRATOGETURR ION | mmcentemeo on Mac tebe, secre weet advantages may sdrese tna” Waller, Union: 
lidren Tor mane years 8 (erence gives = 

fs Loomer per, or would take cara gf an fava 

Apply at Not? Gar, tn tho fancy store, wear ital, for | -drratands ber busines May be sseo at ‘both male and female, are auking from $3 lo $10 per day, bj 

io rate cn the east aide of Fulton Breaky, 
atb are, ibid | selling our cew Olit Jewelry Eavelipes In our price hn! ‘ona Dan foomang ii es 

coEiley and Sohasse: cao of a ben forint toe | WWANTED=IN) BROOKDY 

j, A SHORT Distance | “Are Pet obles.” 

two dasa 4 cor. tho quailty of our gooda we defy competilion, Wo ask bat ty, Storo over 70 {cet Gcep, all ited up for dry gsodeor frou aniyiot Wie fa reian te OF patoralsbeds for, A REFINED AND EDUCATI 
* = - oon Gal aac ue caer ee hatae eae ict, "Slore acer Z0 feet fer lagcausienn, wifaund cou to tr Guy Bettas Fate” Age CATED YOUNG, PRION, A 
SUTUATION, WANTER—OY A ¥OUKO) GIABRIED Weed SETUATION, BEA, REWEEDTABEE SRC ael ene nas ORES ESS, aot | feeertange, Anesth aabiireNe ie rutn | GSMA Ta abe an Ruy Rarete aE AS | A age of 
arg eh Gblislne.» Can bo ccen. J, here il c way, scctnd Boor. aontat 
ates Wert Jah st, between Tis and Sub arent so doss at carb at; between ven, Arad Be ] = (PORTA THREE STOR AND DAGEALENT HOUR, ANTBD ay A WWAL FAMILTHOR WOGRRGR | terete ie maka 
SITUATION. WANTRD UO A> RESPEOTABLE FD—A SITUATION, BY A REgPEOTAUGE PRO. | A CENTS WANTRD—TO REIL RLORARDIS MAIZE | 2 7H beclosronuss craon sad casi real QO) Por oa? Rartorn Moage, wiih todcra tiproremeata:in thew: | tenoebes ray sea le ach 
A SRSERT ONG RID Tegra HERO ABE [> WO atta UA UON Bea Mas Ree SG: iy Envelope: coutslaag mare 3 | tape cen peek eek Meron eTeENS Abt Spier | tnly dt livdaon and Worion tela, Heat (vom suinto ay | FP ah nice mee eal ar 
eee Rrember uit Mare Calta" BUCS, courts | wll fount wie Wanting andmnlog rented ous | GUeer greta eared. Ener WER NESS Nat | Seles etme wer Heremth menue A iafca mann acotbes ay Ung reeotonablo reteneaco wl, | Great favor eu Mls Miler talon fe FUied areoune Sew 
ey roe : Food Sanretensacen SB Fe Haid fe, baeement, be] Sass : ; Tan ; ; Wfavor 0 : ; 
YOUNG GERUAN Btah WANNA girvartow ys | 2 SEeeRE — Seas 6 ART STONE Me, MERCER AISEEESUITAMLE | UrraxrecMEATL evaniamen Rooms couriers TAY 
AL SSEM Grate tauilyety doocrt kuaueere. Ie. | \\rANTED—nE A NESELOTADLE OTHG A SITVA WANTED 14 70 (1G\YEARS OF LOB” WHO TS | in ataira- beat low bos food hagas 2 Ao Varbooscheeplog. far two tadien wiibgct euitareas mot Minbew a atuation tn i fanitipwmere teeteciae ies 
autre nt So Nobel, errcthor Brosere Wise w do gracral boueeort:taa pod pluisenae tat | 49,cxcllncvvalsted with tho took and eilsnery basicasa: | Uh tejow Four or abuts Siicrnitatrech and our Drasdvay. | Batibibracetes (aod musi Golred wi by cor hese 
t. : - pale werbcr aud Ironer. Good ety referencee. Call at 243 | Rpateiro weal < we Mon * | PAkETad BAIR DRESSING AND DATILXG BALOON, Fitfcrences rxchanged.. Address im Hately, wilh descrip. | on cquirateot for board. Byanish oF Prencl fa 
(A COMPETENT jrensox wants a siroatios ag | [sc iad ap wih bot andeoldwater, Apply ate iironas | tin tere permonth and location at. A: Hart, Godtreya | Unetcrutlatatiereferencen given Address 0. fs 
Sok crwesld detec bese aeh ot worn eanioS Gad SIBY A REIPEGTAUTE WOMEN A SIFT. |) PRESGOTE & CO, WAVING IxtnODUCED a New | treet vai, or the day 

Fetcreor; cla bo even for iwadaye ot Naa) Rivioxwa a! , Woe 

Dear Wonéry, in the Tear. * ok; in wuling yaveaates (a waaUlOr No Unt) ROM VIA] OF MAY, THB Pinar ouass'| ‘YWANTED—TO MIRE, A WEDTUM sizeo House, Ty | A cA 
nBostsy — | gait oping ad ly tefercnm gall for Tam days at (D' soeuibics Honea No ts Gaui trl cthetecey bene Beease food order, etd picasantly Wueated, between Fieve | Ay 
A XIOE ANBBICAN WOMAN WARTS A) situation | MUjrhidih ay belxera a ad 1s avon, at Boo, rear ‘Roriy to GUS & CO,, 6 Wall tree aod Thiriy fourth sirecis. for a emAll familly; respounible lea. | Hreckiyn—o 
ae aageeam fences mutes gana Soran | eee (O LET_PROMFINAT OF MAT NEXT, A FIRST OLASS | =o a 
Zeox anffauisaress er grocral worker? Heglth gars x2 ; 5 pT_PROM FING ; — 
fesmntiesay Itoh cooks &=> 7 yas reference from inst | Y\ANTEDOA FITUATION. BY A RESPECTANUE | 12 ier iy, engl bases gunn ig-aprominzate, | WANTED 10 RENT, IX UROOKLYN, u¥ wim Ist | A YOUNG. FEOION WiGURS To TEACH LADTEA 
Pace Also over Dotherexrelleat ecrennta, SITU are Sune woman, az eon Gi, Whabsr aa roger, Oro colfou ia treat Feurisoath cirect. Address Poyaiclan, Herald ‘Of May neat, Samal Y:oftage House, 10 food order and handwrilog) a8 she le rotoced In drcumstasces, she 
ae do kendrat hyGterrerk lak atsal peiratofklly: good ily ro: TENTED WANTED, WANTED=,000 AGENTS AND hborhond; rent not (o exceed 320) acd ae over ten min- | would akela weming or tad 'w store The Oret masters a 
“A VEEL SUEE AND, nsrncrantm ognugy | fouysieesbfetiom ike Sty Cathal Sas eee, EXTRD, WAMTED, WANTED 100 AGENTS AND a ee ‘rcs Folica (erry. Addrctm whit fall faricutars, | Lonéoa proncance ‘her ablo to writs the Gues’st ana per, 
ineods to wash aad rea in a roull orienta: t3ehiy" = = paylog busines wilh people ot from $1295 bare oe tear Tbietalh atfcet-euilabie fora ian aad Ris ae Coroer of ata npper tones a) arith 218 Eaat Sid at, 
Febcengiren, Gall at ha Ta Tilt et, between Hivingisa and || [\TABTEO—A SITUATION, TO DO GESERAL Houser. | Si cap junta, (rom O00 $2 per doy telling Barut crt come reipetaviecrnl Yomly, a4 nowe other aeed | WYARTED—A SMALL COTTAGE Hovse, wari gam | ° OCU AL TOO 
Beitr. : eer tabi na Rue nn cot Rae oa | SP ei Sil eebingwprloren licoalct ab Brink: | rns! vatrsnl noe a vara Vato ag iar cnerotent do tant bf arapoadsle | (JORVERSATION PARLODS—x aRCOND COURAE OF 
COMPETENT. DRESSMAKER WISHES TO Wok | from ber lau ple Call fortwo Gayw at lop Weat Give, | of cormer of Pulon etreet up etaire, room No.3 | : L P| Vfomentead, Werstd ovice, atating rent aed fall pacdcolaes, | Qermanand Eoplah will ve formed atthe Petje: hanllatcy 
aly the dersone FBocan Gite ctery ralliection ta | tar Ssh ay. se8 g a: 10 LET—FOR CARPENTERS, MANUFAOTORERY AND | forone werk. No. 6/4 Broadway, Dear Union ejusre, a4 toon a4 tbs applica” 
ea eee a EE JANTED-A SITUATION, BY “A RESPEOTANLE. See oe a scene he oieasn crestarei oe cataate tea) | Ruy ARTED-VOR alle TRS TRATED FERART Med of exch tancunpe by tative pretence SBieiosuiale 
W ‘Sreut womse, mu tanre had seamidzesis cau cit 40d Weprhne fala tebe talons | aafsetas beter was for eae tad each oso Breer eeo0SD PR ar tedy ee 

Nien a4 good plan cook, washer: 

hod Burvpe, #lewardaud euaimarders (or a sis Ts | bicterady plod Ol casplosment Apply 1oSOStAMSEX-26 | fora scien boys" chia Litters renee pais sodreal. | ked partentars apply at ibe insicauefrsedfauoas of 
gnrense snd two breaktnen. Appipat No.7 Chaths'a square | Uoevties Wp per, uw 76 | fare “A'jeate'preferred. Calla Mi Fourthaveaus. 7" | kind aliended to TPALMA Dt CBsSOLA 

NWANCH A SITUA. | hor Nould take sKargs of w bursery weber ibere are (0 
el Lrucer. “tiood city | Sr ifires ealldren to tostruet in thelr drat brances Call at 
ben be ecen for (iro dayamt Ne. 9 Lawrence place, | iy past leth ot, between Let av. and ay. A.” 


Batt i 

"eure Raa a Sopean arses causes | MV Aiken soebemrehenegranae cere | Aunt asapursied awe iota attire | Sateen cya tem hg at Me | all tink, Pe MD bine ieeencine pesake 
Repairman cartes anteu” atc ofennas | Gye Cemea ig, WS ga NSB Cr ee et | ‘ Han adouriva pangs. foguite atts Oracnwich street eae ee hese a Lathe Aa het statin | poperpeak Beat of retercuce: Adress Ac AC Ubon 187 Ser 

ld odie, New York 

WANTED TO, MIRE A SMALL stone, wirir pox | Ty iss) Beniy etqcatcd. ‘Tha best longue lauintin. coe 
ConD/FIOON WIE OFFTOH, OF BTORE | month. Fieuonddress. Ta, Ueraldouen "+ | gereavlonl® meninuume, ANB from one o'clock at 37 Mall 



freee SUE KaO ost ata CGO RUM Lexiegton ar, BY oct, WANTED SA RETAIL DEY Goops SALESMAN, AP. | Joo LET THE CHEK FAUT OF THE wouse 

= gers; 295 6th av. Good references willbe | PY prcadway. Inquire at 06 Nassan street, barement 
(A Staton wasten—or, a vooxo org, as | WASTEDDE, A. RESPEDTABLE | PROTESTANE g riley revelee ae 

t ae eee 
: eae ried woo, as vretursor hor £ 
cere ease tea mnese OTe AS | Wigner 5 eer: fetter ; RE OSA 
BREAN Sri he watbiog aad reste Tat ah Te) Oh | fortwo BTS LAWS GEN pee ee Ppt 
AEB Bey, i t Ni for tru days ab las West oie ee 
ae 3 


Mice near Broadway —id 1 


heme. Tower part of 6 lignan, sltautal between Bleeker and 

10 LET. 

: z * eT eee aa bc Hate ate aoe | Ney oe Race eaten, a eee 
YOUNG WOMAN, LATELY DAN] WANTS A wal atag; gvod cooks no objsciloa to gy It STRU-IMMEDIATELY, A BOY TO WAIT UPOS et eh Send 

witalpateagoseewerina tail ay, op eaam | aye menree ee eereORe Call as TM Hester ily aval | WW ‘mepllogeanatcr and take! binasicgeoaray wasteh | BS *P noite ReLSoc enim ncere Os | HeEAI9 Fen oee 

Sc ESE SCREEN Soest | econ teal na.  Anpiyata Coctio ain WANT A. NUMBER oF FIRST AND aEcOmD 

= —— = 0. LET—TNE BASEMENT, FoR A nestaunanr. | W "ets Wouen lo prot locuea’ For tue oe oil | pro THOSE. WIFHING INSTAUCTION IN ENOUISH, 

Se RS Wee era nung eer enCTOREK ma 
. 10 ‘ous Wh bas experienc: ‘ucbiien Bo 42 feck front on, Hrosd. 4 tamales, Mathematics or French wpokea), by 40 68s 
Proteiast girl os nurse Tearstreta and chambermald or to take care of bil Dog preducs establlstmént; one c= | yuuldieg with boda, 382 Bediately to LOCK & PITTMAN. 23 Bopd erect na dusts of Yale Ce Address yim, Moe 
dina wih Chanberwore. “Good Tetertuce Sten. ‘CailatSed Peni sts Brooklyn at oan eee eg OHS ® KELSO, e Wiis stor Peat picecher saree, of cal at or Boer PM 
wat eo STED-A SITUATION, YA, AESPHOTAGUE | ret bars rales, 2 | ppo-zencgmnee yoese 0 4 Peiyame pat THe TRADES. on nace oe 
nae 5 SAS arTEATION [pray Aens sEEOEAR CE) | rath ne ee - eee ER ouya fany, 4 50 
“AS parntcan rons rane WERE zo ATTEND | suucpeenieentn mila aeeacNG | Tasrnn—\ Tengos fo ANE gaae oF, a | desi anttattest mecha yy mamiacias | ARMELINRoAnbeNea waNteD-—astrore cn, | WyanrED=zr. 2 10 Ue tan" Le Wa 
GONE Seca SIT acy Baaniibhe OPENS ates AD Torte ‘abpeat act | WV tare ned taeda Ql | ee, aca ese ge gee tt oe | a PREA ya ara paren nee scary ot aren dp | Me. eri en 
RESPECTADLE YOUNO GIRU WISUES a SITUA “ANTED—A tae 1 i rediste occupation, TIL mery, j Bly betweea 9 and I o'clock nt ft Bonecy. EXCELLENCE, WITH ECONOMY. PATO 
A Sieereta erate atce anoaar | MU Satan TEOMA NOUS OMA | WV caro quuenigrane—a conrererr ans as | TS WET CUS EMMA PA MMDADT SESE | Ganpeerg—ranen, a sorption, ayAviner | S80 Tae qaut adams bgt Starts 
Saber thing Goodely rafereaen, 2 5 BUGERL ease atpieas Se neon ce | WoSiee Nicene ayentesmnue sae © | madlanls apryio W.wcort JaRNEA 2 cana | a 18 a ieeantae a sie Gate parted i ee Serchas 
YOUNG AMERICAN GURL WISTIES A SITUATION “ANTED—BY A REST - - 1 LET—A MOAT DESIRANLE OFFICE ONAPOHEIC | Wlted! Meat reference given. Apply for ona weak at ths | fore {sears pat ter aod colt berm come 
oe oe ee ade a eangs | WY Sens Rt MRESTOME owas A atte | yyraggen—a coeRE mL AN excuanme omen: | Tivetim tnlece lle eaacrRitny Gilde be orieawarerias en | SASS We cra cesee sae 
Late ereTanT Eaten a ene enat oe=| uegsasoe GAHTUR: | Wy ANZED-AL CEPR ELAN, Promanae,ourtags |<L iterapla Arradiae atten sae tet 
Rea ewe ree “cat aneaca eee eee eat oc ia fivcd Ig \ipbisclen pamker  ATay at tte Meraais | WH. PALMES, f Lafayette place and Four st. | Po, EROTOGTAPHERS AN _ATRpOTEISTS — = SO aERC RoE 
Sei eed PA a TmOTOGRAL x a = 
A MEESUNETOR PAIRS ASEM | \astep—oe a eesnaorameenogcca ama | S| aHERaroA Reve DMD RuRSRe ee crows | Meta x HtnllCe fo Sevloe | Sopwonrars paren canes 
SM intde iaewen ESR APPT AED | A tas Gertenae in aitisbrawhes “Garsucoig; | WyASTEDCIS A FIUST CLASS PAARL OROCERY | ed sGom ad sch toneceat. Cau been emt ook PRENCH ADVERTISEMENTS. + Xe a Broudmay. Kew York 
Coed RUSE aeaenest ftom br tat aes Ces Weta | ang eet gs caae eel tcymnecied arta; | Ana Wide ak Fs XC ees aes Ore ee bee teal re eee 
rer: undemigncy het Vanten fn all to brestsey | ediaiely tn the atoce 184 Courset, Between HATHA BSL) 7) ee peow 1st OF MAY. THE LARGE STORE” B Franca, cul patio Mviangar tua eaTABESS | weasendars and fatarlayy (a Nex York Meodays Sod 
Poplgailipeto whe wate Srahmall actirstasibs | YyTASTED_OY A RESHRCTAMEE ToOSG WON, « | U7": Poasrbetivgna cq Caoal treet apr wW.SCOTE Bem igstr au eafany Ge amare aot. tm GoteaSt em | Taendyyn fuesaye tna aey epee Te 
Eqcothuenine we et Ri chlcdisioattipeatze na tase, gag Sige it | WARE DON ahseateadapece se ew | BiSSSn gmk esteariia beers eee: 

faepa ct Soe Court eh, tend door from Wrekur | meee astoces TT EEE-THE STORE CuRYER OF LIBERTY 4D | 

Washingian streets. suftat!n a MATRIMONIAL. 

ASTED-A por. OF GOOD CHARSOTPR, TO AT. | store” Arriy to. SCOTT JARVIS, 2 Canal Sireetsncs Ge Ia pleotta, paneer 

<< or SSeS 

cans stre margné, sine qe FOURG GENTLEMAN, AOED 31, AND ESGAGED™ 
Bie sep metlns soa ence: sles entrees coies tans | WWTANTED_OY A YOUNG WOMAN AS BIRUATION’ As Pane pe te STs far Charen Al/red, eaccgnare des ruee Rlevardm | YOUN OT proteniee, desires 49 pan OTe 
‘Sarefullpand veatly. Gall for one week at sly Weat Sus ehapteruald sod seamstrens ia MPMeats farahiys bas |oinwel eM ey, CM Liseus No, b Coes ules allpy (rot eC Wecknall, ereakiya sqendcver, with a view by calrioony. ii a yozee My. 
Seiweee Ab and'nb aves soa Mire Caine gaiciymvence: Caulatis Wolsubar mea sea | Yenc LSS ES 122] Dioseitoon ta ition apiesueretnen iis Seer arog | Pasta obo prey cemmpinoe sot 
- . 2 mo a a EE 3 ied a 
FP ERE CAN Ontos caps pester g | WyaNten a cruamiog ova nesracrunterno. | Wramen-cx nincr Tass SaLEsves, Tose | Heyeyine,itenor rears set | UUPERIME 2Amsnreay DE BOimreuriniserge | Ses Ges chi, Ase ee 
situalle aa Bousekoeper: ls competent 8 cg lestant youns woman, to lake | of aa fron, or < Popnetlway irsdzealy | ct 
Baul erage Qa Oulea Wetreseaal Ne | tavunisd ado guisseines es ene) osegetciime| atta wooeeeyennteant uate Deas {Ferenc oe ra aC rs 
Ent responsability gives, adds Mr D,, G2 Went ain at, | Csurce ining csomury. Callsiett Huuonae, ub etisd "| Cai anf, Morais aod Eabiue ry pe css (0. LET—A_ DESIRABLE SECOND - FI00R- AND irodeay. 
Toneage SS SS nessa frobt fmmeal Inna) Ring wreck couileg tse SES Se oie 
= 5 ry GTRE UATION AS — = ——- roorna, wth gaa water; the premises GOW racact aire: ME DE BOX A GENTLE! o J 
FO SESEBYER—A NotNG EADY OF THE See Cinta ren aU EON; can take Chaves of) V)TANTED—A. FINSTRATB-OANVASSEI OF GOOD | at hing stsert: ES | tate RE os ra gb fers Bint 
Pe SPeetOly, well edecatrd, relined aad | ihe ever snd dining room: wags 27. Alo a dress and sddrer, (or a tenpeciatic comment eater iraire d= jeunes enfants Coes oA kandeccsely built, very Diack, Bair, 
aealatie dliposiico, woo Barihg teen larvwn apoa berown,| «urss; can éo alt Kiede ty ela Bele ln Ue city. “Kove bal eager, passlog mm SE9 LET_STORE AND DWELLING ON SIXTH AYE fone S edreut 
Ea peal queralr geeuary. "astra Tiere | mud spdueamumes: ease Sf to 8a Tay oe Font ahaa oes RENT EST, | and teeny waste Apps Wi SMI Sg Waslng. — Wether ca No Eile roe Manuela Se ates tains on eae 
Xo ina ao eps a) saan ee rc Se ce or fe earl Berecetocathes waney nied waren Asirens Hy 9-8 | nd Zen 8s LA et ate pie CS 



onry OF Wile 

ad C077 UaLisdsy), Ai tans, tire tas WA, North river, 

fears tiekota 

th wireet 

wu PeeGELER (ono & QURIEAC, 10 al str, 

ali, several tea al 
abe, for eaie cheap.” Apply at 2H) cares 




Worms, 16% bands high, Diood Bays, loog tails S yrars 

sets forwarded vo SELIOUT STOOKS FOR 8ALE— scapfacd toa. WLl bese? low. ED 
““petsmt aitsied baie Grieg Bias mara. | RAROR SS Heramee acre 

een te ft Hien Uh Miinankes, Wi Waterson (OW HALR—A YOUSG TROTTING STALLION, OF 

rea eat. 5 GO eter | | Waluteatn DO, Wilnnsahes , ¥. Ths celebrated bores Roya Gora, be ete hae wt 

va) Ell (orm ore oaior ts Bg gor parson. | y JOHN D. MURKAY, rooms of american Uailight Joaraal, | inch sigs, vets Gre year cld acd coe tee tery fait Por 

pipsviancrd margrone 
Ee ira vaca, ued’ have paieal 

For farther information apply In Tlverpost to 
ral agen Water sueels in Oise to, 

HUA AE reend eyacey gnats 
iat oltre Cor olencd Us ELVES BAC EN, 
froin sirettimlactrnJ Urs D2COUR,® bias 

Eruree! (2. + bibstalphia ty JOIN G, 
Hirmet, Ge at Ue ora 

‘areas walar 3 
pen bunacs Re MOoxET 70, JOAN—ON BOND AXD MORTGAGE. Ix | Hanilion, 

AM | Ges 



TUN. DAL Agra, 15 Broadway, N. Ye 

or, UN Stati Boone wl toretch 
Seiad tambipa ADLATIO, Cape Jd. Camo 

(Tol u gavordag, Apri. 
Weurt4co Batardny, Apel 
ADbIATIO, un Sava ay Bee 

frig tbe pee Cont Casal eyo 

vn ee Tonk nt Gaal 
otaraibg, user asso: 
"ADUTATIO, on tuesday, Aps ZL 
AAT Fase A 
ais Byathatepton thd 
oa the e 
gasmce Sppiy ACRE ol 
Wirt te one Ha Wall 

Ag fe eaneeeeee eer 
$200,000 ze. tere. o%,nan com, aca. | Hans Ea Roh caine St 

iesof Ge Gomzany, 
1._F. STRPHENS, Becrotary, 


ce an testis ORIN hater, 


ots, we, ck es fel, nd. 
cores tarety of voesrl aad paerngere 
‘Filey of pantageInenconl anny BfSand 800 
or brig btu gavage apy 
GRU. dacs aig, | Ageaty 
‘Tho neamer AKEAUO, wll wall Mare 

alued Siaies Mall Steanice 

7 Ror Wriver, fogs of Beach atreet, 

eeamer, unnuryased’ for aatety mad comfort, has 
9 raalizes Undine desk enehoved. by watertight eran 
Tn tn eros ol 
raieasiting, to krap {ko pavapatres ia work, a4 22 | toi 





From Naw Work (oe 

IELINors, Fe 
EAN aie 
Tdnanutey geri 

VANDEInILE, Laterre 
See ee yesisfght cost srt 

Certioeates of pasuage latued (rout Kurops to Araerfen, 

Tn saropean line United Stata maitateazasbips tn 
srltaletmeca Nese Mork: Snatamptos aad tatre 

etaraing froon 
Gruhamptow and | aravro and’ Sout 
faturday, April. 6] Wosn'tay, April 24 
erro, 2 May 4 Yelp MISCELLANEOUS. 

ey from new York, O1otcaan needrdleg to as 
Sonipohiuon 4a nod $20; stecragny found with e>ksd pro 
falony Het Werdosien lured or Prleatay oat 
Fever alive principal Urea of ‘Great Hriay ead 

yw rated For pasiazwapcly acs Hrosiway, Naw York, 
Terr low Taek FO RGEL S KEARUE, Genet AgeDu 


Wn} Bates mail steamship TLLINOIE, 

tugs yn 

fem and siete fer Bugland xd Wrance 
ro tnovmasrran, 

$13. Fleas eabia 

S) hint cabin 

Mapplted ity 

front teka. bulxbeady, absolutely. water 
riot encoue hes eogines and her 

i sent anne a heer ches 
Ps tai tea rh cae 


‘sail from pire 37 North river, foot of Bese! 

Way, February 19, wt 12 noon! This ate 

enpent "Hates ot 
ficerage, $5) incledlng ne 
{tres cbfuer of Routh Wilars. 

val ‘rom Voruaad nett Saturday, Peoraary 16 

Terry. wil rail from pler'No SNorth rivet, 
Macon Eatueday aprit& with tally, pase 

ro uATER, 

8 onocinate Hatnde Vesti 

real Hew 
em nid baw boon rotted Into most {horouh man 

{aod Ore 
nd or eal ety, comfort 
Nod speed, the ramkaa the drut class Of ocean steaniers 

wr ork. 

ar aE Tae PRLTHET 
ro oeahsor eaRacr ee 
Sifetiarte LORS ghh hacer 
sist water Ey 
Sees ah a eeu nena 
rene sea st passage: Toabln, $80; Intermodiats, 

last gepaty ot cooked 
Hoan Apply to PIARCIS MACDONALD & 00, S7 


icamahip, JOUN BELL, will sail Tuesday, 

‘Canal airee', corse’ of Elan. tire of Headley wad Armatrong. coracr of 

Third evens, fariem or of Goorgs Banh, 

H5OX BOND AND MoRTG ‘Canada Weal, where he canbe neon 
real extatn iy worth 

wk Address Martner, Hernia oie | JOR #ALESAT PANIO PRICHS ONE NEW GALE 

lavring Trejdog Wanva, very cheat. “Apyiy al hand 38 

eat Twealy seveath alrerl, a tsa Livery eatien ote pro 

iecyen Toasn old wound nad Rind in ail hari: [sa 
Ford fadle Loran.” Ihe willbe sola. cheap, asthe owner bas 

Bouseturbin Can beracen voll sold at George Mazeaya 
$135,000 73 2232.08 20RD Axo Mortaana | Hatien Ss Boirbittsadtatiete 
i won predate rea ata . 
oe or tacre years, {a sua of 85,00 a0 oprards. Apgly 10, 7 SALE—A FINE PAIR OP CARRIAGE HORSES, 
ance Corny co Wadfetrcel ne TeeMiew’ Fire IRED- | Segre Tenaags tighe aun: Gane Oud T youre ery 
zee Co treet tere Tohanie er aad 7 yeurtata, et 
ae ~ 7lah, wil bs vel separate ur togsiber: alto 3 valuable Yast 
Ternolg. eae 

‘soma to wut 
be te ARAN 

by 0 A BURORSS, o4 

| $3.000 seam wanran Dyn CARTE mm 
‘eceplly obtained. Adareaa 0. fh, box 10) ilerald omee 

pews it W., Herald otic. 

‘ea trot In 

tevrats aod In sama to aut appiicants, 02 1 
io Thiselly. Apply (08. 8 BROAD, 13 Wall aire : 

; toned and bind, Wut 7 yoar4 ota: weal 
LOAN OFFICES. = ing oe tere los ie bondy ih tn ta Verte 
[twa BROADWAY, conven-or ant stamey, | (steer teaser te welt 2 geod. wurker. all 
AT ame BM pare iegy edces temo | ea Gatcarhelpen ye ncaa arate Ay 
Any ve Blood Gade Seeara’ and | A Bartow able carer Grasd abd Merse wit te 
confidential BAUMGABTRN £ CO, 

further ape 


be" app 

over I6hanésbigh; ono Urows bobiall Tore, warrant 

ed totrot i threo minutes, soren Fears aid'13 hands aad 3 

fochea hi tbe best pony Vullt Horses athe city, 

Mewt, seven years old They are ail Warranted 1a o¢e 
Fespect “AIO bn seen at Shi Perry auzeel 4 

FIohsee., CABRIAGRS, nuacrBS, onooEns: Axp 

bem, m bay Mare, 15 hands high, 6 years 
od traveler: alto. &, DUREY, Harness tilavte 
Fattorbiackialiestop he'd Serentt arenas. 

Amounten Diamanda, Watch: 
Sera lca tet Sa Ara 

Hranuatled om eairday, 

‘Dusdpess Wagons of ell kiode; 

DYANCES MADE. ON DIAMONDS, WATOHES, | largy stork, selling aM Yoriy Mors 
Jewelry and Silverware, or bought. (oe caah at. thy 

upbeat prisct, "O14 Guid aad Milvee Wooghl. Apply at tha 

eld eatabllaued omcen of ‘Te JACOBS, of Wiillaun’ street; 
Uracch, 407 Broadway: 


PONIES, roNies, 

Tones just arrived 
TGS NASSAU STREET —A. HONIGMAN, DIAMOND |, igh, 9)l colors, for aulo cheap, In Fi 
or, makes liberal advances un Diamonds, Watehes, |! (\rceo FIL aod Sixth avens 
dowelry, Ae yor buyn them. at Cull, yaitie, at his prtrals || 
oftco, Ni. G Kaasau alzcet, room No 3 up atalra. Business Oar Wacons 
couddentiaL Wohare.og bat 4d, and are propared to receive onders for 
PIRET OLALS ROAD WAGONA, of all wolghia, made ur der 
‘chr supervision on ib premises, omd warranted’ to be equal 
UW any other wagon mado in this city. Wo hare slzo.00 band 
(8hd makiog to order PIRST CLASS CARMLAGES, sullable 
eal rex aniry, wich wre will sell at low-pricoa 

from Burops, frown & to Vthanda 
iiy.eecond @lreet, be. 

Geo. n HALL 

for exirmoewconc? denfors exled tha Bound Mague 

Aer, Qreomic Viseator and Tavisitie Velen Conductor, Teas 
Gi hear nae not tobe tn the lost perscplbiey the une 
Pleargoturwatlon eC siustag natura in iNo bead le coUrely te. 
Fpowed i aiforde lant eed \aara poten ad cable, 
them ta Lear diaunctiy at church, nud af pv sastablioe 
Tree Ge ver athe inde bramagouruinent Ateae 
ato fidnk, 9 Alsetnavio wrest Puoeadlly Wes 
Loodon, begland. = % 


EBTEVENA, 72 7h and 76 Walker atreot, 
Fiat door cast of rast. 

Pesgoe Willan, 24 year, oid, imported tn 139 trom 
Popland, valued at 45,0, will ba sild ata low pelos (pur. 

Phased timmealatlyt oven tly citys “andreld Petoce Wik 
itm, box 180 Herald a 


Creat aa when 
Ute rem the Geld, and warcant-d fo retala all ita orlzinal 
mwcetocan and Gavot for years is any cilmats “The abate ar. 
Uae how necro ahi ft abd grocers at iheloweyt mas. 
Ket price, by THOMI'SON £ TOTTEN, 19 Reade atrect, 

VM ERMBS (gegonate. 


feet Jong and 2) feet beam, not lo draw aver Bve- Cech, 

Addresa tho oubscriber, giving, particulars aod cash pries, 
Henry Ever & Co, No.l Broadivay 


carounii aie AURA NCE. AN ine ieamnlometoe the alias, detent 
CHOCOLATE ChHAM, DROES, Or discased, hould not marry, or adopt any treatment, Uil 
| ONOCOLATE. CATAWELS. Wey bare formed (hembelees of to truth aly found 1G Dr. 
‘AN the above Chosolates are mato from the beat material, | LARMUNT'S Pari, London snd New Vork Motical Advise 
ania warranted parr id Marriag Gulde. “Siailed for @Lby TL.’ G. LAWRENCE, 
For sule, wholevaio and retal.b ©. L Veeey street, Avior Mouse The Doctor cares all sue’ 
HENRY MALLUARD, pdecuons, rescat or long slanding, expeditiously and prtate- 
621 Broadway. Pactory WS aud 10) ereer atevel. “| yy ne for years part, at Ei7 Brosdivayy up etal, 

Peaaraspsimicemmdaenatt afcnesttet © | AA egadeer le ae 
weal sea tira caneicetiar sary 
HSS Sn Digg Zo ania, aT TRENT AE. 
PH eataicumeruenerrago rieriggrogn | A el es tree & 2s Beay Aay aUC 
rte gelatine eke Vaca aaa ts | COMPRES, TARY AB BRO ADEAL ERE Bag, 
ious Se neces Roederer panies ees ra 


‘YORK, U. J. Vou Sanico, commanéer, chrrying (be 
Tlted Salen aati, will au fram ples o0 Narth river. foo} oF 

Chambers sircet 0 
cs ‘Saturday, Feb. 16, ot 12 o'clock M.,, 



atthe following rates 
> rr stcabtn, i 
Fee fog ot ae 

BTR orang 

secon eabla, $60; eleeraas, 938. | 77 


secon eat 
Ios tails Febroary 18. Bor 
porta apply to 108 


And touts, 313. ship, LIVERCOO! 
‘stage 19 oF (rom (9 

), ROUULS, 83 South streat. 

for | 779 Broadway, end 1 

ASSAGE FROM OR TO LIVERPOOL DY THB OD | French: window sod picture Glass singleand doublo thick- 
Ps ‘nyok af trols, 

BNLGUE walls doth Rebruary: 
oard, pier a? Bast ricer, or to W 

ut oe beaten ie 
ip QU 
Nad Bulion nie 




Sa. dS LYRUU, Commiaton merchant, 
EAH, GROORATHS AND PROVISIONS, reodent usines’ Clairvoyant, haa temovh feo 10) 
Tint CuEAtEAR SPORE IN THE WORLD. Fae aietet ter 59" Divtelony MBs Eke cos be coasted 

SS rih GENT SAVE! | Mga ail ubjecw-as rusk? 


Sousa anda Semen 

isa eden 

Seiten emake a oink A 
patie Oats 

ceficr anit Provisions, x wea 

frown Tito) 
"Grecuwich strcot and 89 Marray atzcet, Now YOi 
Goods delivered free 1a the city. 

Xo, fa Duan sine fale 45 John atest Branch oftoes, 
36 Picreepoat etree, Besoklyne 

‘ManUfacturer.—About ops hundred boxes of the best 

se8 Of a certain claus in Whlcd he 
without an in 

nets, Corral with 40 far cent lacount oa Go laport prices, 
‘Gt $5 Cedar alrec!, up otairs, Ret 


asaya fm fr Liverpaol ar Lonaoa cat 

vallaing, Brcadway, corner of TwelGih vireet. Con= 
dubled on the European plan Now Curaiture'urowghout, 

Tabi ie compelosedgmyiageceny, Cae 

reas Uno P.M 
Trica’ ha, usual for Ingle Hooks at tuodersts pris | 

aio yuyabie 6p demands to way, partof Groat alata cf | °°) *h4 ‘In6le HOOBPON NESTA ery, peugeot. WATSON FT, : 

{roland cad be estalged by applying to cr addewalng. RE i tat eer ES 

. eo tS ‘na a ceriain form of diteaso to call nt bis rosidecce, 

TAYSOOTT & CO., 8 sould street, Now York | = COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES, ‘1 Hronne atroet, aecond block weat of Broadway, wham bs 


pA RWC ee Gi 
Fe Sage ecee Tried aie 

Se | guaran 
: Sidnye a any respec 
He geeel aad Fe ahs ty Calas de sa Gun on Nehng diceure Aesth Reareroae wee een 

idranea to. business or 
ork, Tho Causea and, 

Srfect cura without 
bet ‘Dr, Watson’ 


AL PAnINea wanTEO Si 

; A shone Leiter tng dete harsamor se: | WW AACR TAT HE 

A SEF Coxic prams, 
TN VIVE Acta, 
Weiltea exprosty for this Uueatee, replace with 

Nolet tevecr 

Br IsMenervon, 

To be eoliited 

PuraMysiie } i | Mist onrtyoeo 
Mittens ra ra, Rares 
Birldget Tongan peed 

Act IoRiteror of Me, Vlanberry's Mouse aad Gare, 

ct nll be shown bay a (riding: clrurastance may. 
Evierlorct Mr Plamberry’a Houan as beCore 
pniinsct Ube stown ‘bes dbo edects of aoe mistake 
Ar poniviy prdues two: thive teint 
VactS a ihetbecor Apartment It Twimty-atesd etfoot 
in thinset will be mown hat tere po lmprovempat 
tothe poaitis arid panies coytireedy Dut eaiter te 

pm opr la kara asi 
age TesE Ere RESP Aa atch ted 
actutaion hatCadog ateau neater eet 
Pek te megs and mi ain central Par 
itapd Naga end ie nea Sh 
aut hap ans Nes zr aa tac 
repel enen ie arar enema ane cet aae 
Geerrialine ses ra kha et 


open at 7; coxmence at 7h. 


G. Je For AJ, W. Lazant 

PEM UC 150 

Togomar... 2Me. G6, Woolas 
Porthenis, i woo Mire W. G.doase 
“ite prtlia drama of 

‘And the eomale farce of 


Monilay, February 1 aad erery Bl 
The farortte comedians fe thelr fang 
The popula veal quart in aav Hovey Chorus de 
TEED AND NORTON fo their latin lable Doabie 
qjbeorvopen ate Carain watt oleoek Tiekota 33 

Lieut avano patt. 

eropanmne ck Muse? 
Lott Guano Balls is. 
troduction, Milneito Maree ; 
P guudetietteavaia ee 
| Sitrc ram Lach a iain 
4 pet edaeyiaen aid amino 
March, selections from La’ Jaive. 
4 Les Lanclere, Sheroo oprings., 
Siaetereeatbaries ee 
Pay hier 
jae eit 
Gusti as 
Jarch, Quickste 
d iediwes, Trotadsie ; 
Mab eae roa sia ld 
7. Quatvtie, Veromat Cu ass 
| Sinich:tacedner trop anc iain 
ran ieaacing Sh dnedss eet 
Bory a ak Jaa 
eebotiih, Carie 
= Rare Serer ee Stark 
adits Genesee 
arch Quiesepe cart 
11 Felts iedova, Ou ula ia Masche 
niamuy Rebates 
1a. qendrie HhGlur 
see anes 
13 siedowd, Wit Daas 
A ih, eels Bia 
scien Sarstope 
arch tot our 

15'Dantsh Dance and 

ooesony ella, 




V sfusie {fall opea every day, from 10 A.M. (o 10 FAL, 
Monday and Friday evenings eiéepled. ‘Skating lauzui bj 
pigf. HUNT, 

Page's 'veNgn. 
This plture Yrs Peep Visited by waar 
: me 


(ces Jn Now York alone, 

pep usy and evening. ‘Admplasign 29 cents, 
Dedwortb's Mammoth banda. 

Tiexsts admit a gentema aad (ates 
THOBSDAY EVENING, Feb. 14,1601. 

Poorer, Iso presetueat dornidrs rrceenlatln, 

j ‘ls TarTAQue DE Ee MALLE 
bunday eaay ot departure wil'bs the Monday fol: | 2uabllaveds hecon deat (fom as th {2s wey and wovaak, | ft Fates, may be! bad or 8. E: LENT, Wo Broadway, putes y 
br Ol eae aay fol [asa te son Apyly Dh GAFESNT, Co Deositoy, wes | fia, tne best work for bo sou profeadonal meager: edi} Sipe Pasa eee Re ea tes 
For freight or passage apply of tbo. Saly ont No.1 West | ba X a ier T 
vineet camer of Warneo, D.DPALLEN, Agent — fect 


tape requlteds Toebe right parsanieo bein ope. |! 2) uted on all alecares of Sex 

‘cepertence {none epscailty castes hla te 

Dis eae 

Hee ee ici what far tbeatore teat oe Wedeeaee || AIX GOOD BUSINESS MAN, WaI0 FENDS Ir nepos. | MEL 
i sige eatin gh emesdenin ge] AU RAGS fo sty iy rag th renamed UreiCES aia GhOISY STREET 

ae SEoR eich oe can 
BOOK, aycurs aT Mfoad niet. 

apply, ta WA 


the stsamanip 

eon, ec 2OUNERCS 

sean ey 

Tore (ak igqunere 
LIVINGSTON. CRONMBAON & CO.,63 Murray atreat 

‘The sloamablp Dienvills salle 16t March! 
TBO atoamadip. 

Viited states stan stares 

RW shuredt, Csnelander 
rut tare for ike wae 

Sash fear par aw Noh citer. Foe tregbt oe 
Per © TARUGUS & CO, s0 0uih 

Ticeroeat trip will be Maes 1s 


rion Monday, February 35. at12 


rasa’ trou 1035 tt 
eirerted iE 
Sup slaira=Ulls Uarorisantes Frcod) $i, the untallag 
ralaeee, ; 

a8 from 6 ll Sundsye 

i to bertos futercated fh an eatublished me 
Duliners tu tuloelty, where tb Lreally Unknown nod pro 
BU arujls, can elect both ebjecta confdentially (eho ad: 
Green In geod faltb I, O.€., care of Dox TU) Post oiler, 
ow York, 

Ing eaperienes, and of good business qualdcationg who |]... , .. ASTROLOGY, ; 
coh ive tho best of referenses Ix dealrods of torzalag ‘a com aces Sri an 
opiaerahy wid some rable and ce yaaaitte tact ia Whe |W BONA FIDE ASTHOLOGIST IAT EVERY OXE 
Teil valale-ct general ageaey business; one estab can depend on, Is Madama WILSON, ybo Lull the Ob 
Ibbed preferred. Adstews Partner, Uorald oiler Jeqt Of your vidt is toon ns goa eater Nez room Sacaoss 

iegush gue et earonaaratnictarna, Matas 
OPAKAOERSIT —wnE_ UNpEnsioxmp wave | Ther eemeesseanpetat ina tartan Soon Se 

SAMAR <THE, ONBERSIONE,, AVE] pilunaka ronal pp aera a asd all 
QED By fee a coer ar thy a ot 

(UAC Ceey satlce every vag tbat cratulia tee Sotae tals 
abs Olsson a7 Seca rte cpa inet | ay mete la eae aah tn tt mt cin Foshan 
Vout Fe>3, 1G, GOULD H: THORE 

Uses nothing but what Is reasonabio to philorephers. All 
‘sipald convult "Ris most wouderful and mysterious lady. Aer 
‘Adtica Bas norer torn kaown to fall, and twenty thodsand 
dollarg Feward (9 any ono Who can. equal bor Ia tho abore 
Eclente, »Sfadarco Wilson Ivf. possession of tha ealebeated 
mfgiocharina which wre ever otal Jn thelr effec. Truly 
Bay so bocailod s wonder{al wWomad, 1:0. allen ktrost, b 

Tween Houstow and Stantoo, over the Vakery. Fee fur lath 

fort cuilog ance the arn ot Goliad Aten 
is nia day iamlved ty ual neat by he etiog at 
Rasevockiimids tading tec (teas Tebtaaty Tue a 
‘ett of relate rm wif be cntlaw by Hey Beane by 

trio alicthiaa sealant te ite rm of Uoldeait Eraser | snd geaticter, woot 

rom Shan GoLbawib. | = 

‘dauphtcr, bore witha caul aod et of Toresigb tells 

bore seactand ten yon will marry, nad tty cece ere 
Eihica lonpary qooustiee profeecth wba tense, | qourvery tbouular Fees cent ts Ludlow street, below 
Reger ahd irae Saving fein gi UD lossamrumaterns | Houses: cotiaca vt acute 

Eoaud, tanevullcoarpe St 8 trast bows tobe el 

pep oc eur es Gidea the business 19m TATRVOYAROE— MRS, SEYMOURS | MEDICAL 
HSseauh imadoe Trea ali | Clelingsat aban Mo nar EEA tat RIC 


Toe Meacwbips of the Amvrtesa Ath 

HONTICELUD Gare Gag Frag Heb 

tle Steam xhip 
Coaypany will leave pler LE Noriuriver oathe followtag days, 

“HUSTSGTEUR, Cant. ort Wednesday Feb. 18 

forty, Saturday, Feb, 10 
‘chockey, Tuesdays Feo 1 

Heccutlo and prodasie well ealabllshed, aod evadueted in 
UNSG ty a meponsibia and respactable party. Nose but | Fifetand cecond oreniea “Tho mod eritical modicat 
Such wil te bolas! or reatal with. -Address Braas, bax | ousloeas copsullatoaa day and ereulog, and parfect aauarac 
ton goarsoired always cr 50 Fay. 
weest mat be complied eeth Ia onier Wo ryceire any 

ith “Lralos North and Weal —Tralas 

ti e From Bitnry svasr eracer, 
Express Tang ASL, aod, 7-24 115) A sl. and $3, 
‘Seadoo. 7 

‘Vig5 ned Altany” Oelth oleep- L0sI5 P.M. (Buadays acta’ 
‘hues DSP. eae) Doran tas 
eopesnceesia ale; OAM, BA M, 12:30and 4:35 P.M 

‘Sod4 POM, 
PeeekN tala, OPM. 6:85 P.M. 

Sige S10 tral SB and 4:30 A aod dsr, Me 
Tateslowen {rala, 6:10 7. iy 

108 M. pe 
FESMITEL Superialenden!. 

Geoteat Ralioad, Norther id Both: 
Welty alan, watt fad, Coe baratogy Lut, 
ines Ogicaivurg aod 

Méniny, Dem: 

cand ¢30 8. Mey expres tran from Fryoa (ow, 
Pevalbioy: 104 Me abd te EM do. 2an 
A. doy dite Mth ak depot croton alle E- 
Rzs.aN.y do, di’e Set at depoe Croton Palle EL 
antares rants sala a dep 
ig 3 ae 

St ail wiatlons, from 
St fWeSonedny and Baturdny 
fiom 8 aiidepet Retaralag 
AcMeaal 20 Me Bast Albany, 03 

Mee Soda 1s PME, express train; Albaay, i0sis A. MEY ant 
Aigsng i Aa, expres ron) tran Croton Pally, PATAES 
Adprivgat aisles nerth of treconk, Waite Piston 5:10, 
FBvndioar.s. and 180 © 30 stopping at all staions 


Numnsbridsn, 9.90 A. Ml) and’ 1'P° MP etapplog tall eta: 
Tone willamstradss 10 e. “Cetneiday aad Saturday 
Set stogrinw at saa ‘Mexets sold “and Baggins 
a rations a8 2ith atrest eatloa oat. 
WURUMILC. Assiiomt Superibiendent, 

Tab icrla ene giving real eas sstdenns and retertose 
Belles waa lt willbe vated contdcniaby. None WRAY, 90 SEVENTH AVBRUR, NEAR 

‘Twenty-sarenth siteotmurpeiees wl who visit Her. Tho 

‘should test ber powers. Sho tellt 
‘gure basincag without esmpelltion, {0 tako ebargw of the 

, outed aod usta: 
sory tho Tallies, 25 cn; 

Jcut very thoughls locay oumbers Tosca. 

Thrulanersc/iifisewwadave anfurantwueaned | Siae-tskerepitior i ocr Dukiowatd Ses iavad | pa Sesule 
seitgneee cumtrt aafety ood wajhecean’. | tartoike Sbere'inteoney tande. "No" ageaus eel eed 

‘eR Sew Oieang $59 oe wobllg GU Mostewstey, | Mute box ts Herald on Be Nah SSO MES DETER ESET 
Sbainoecta $5r Albany f5; Gotumad sity Aue BH; | OANTAER WANTED=IN A BAPE AND B: x | ssndscte thie age euarrel los witeentiey cataesctret she 
iain ; famed gut; Aue NTED—IN A BAPE : Brey ety 0 
SERRE agit, €17 a0; carsanane Sik Nppipesis | P- ertaed Dy peeae | fable coasitent Sats “ieiis \ee'nasas or fotare 


Oe, 89 West tureet aba SATS vaderay. 

Hable vuouracturing bis 
‘The ariele ls of farce demand aed niferaity. Tota fo nex ber vielen. It yo wh (rath 

four, abure Twesty-Grat strcel, 


hearuey, will dasceed. 
‘New tort, 

ceeding goed chance to pet ln.a good macy makag Buenas 
: Sovribiicr © jouw, s Nasu uireck. 

Pilar tp Ua ahealy pooiag minteetains Beata 

rest te riuteeta 

Waulruat ood Droadway.” Ageaur ace bot naaees las 


had ceaorr pian Mac umn BY RON, froin Bary 
See uthe eye pondidali yh all se 
Mis of life, embracing lore, wwartstip. marca « slcsm=as, 
(ittaperunte: nitaUcua Ural: bulges Grateltog, a 
We thiesdn lost crstclcn puperiy: we hw has alsy ssaaret 
foumate yet teoret 0 Starker ical ander aan Dee 
Mberikocdloogeepe(cl. halten Shani cou aers 

ly acquaisianse 9d 

extn tuo cant buses, as bla fact 

Treealy-sereath tres 
trade, Address for tures dasa Will D, = 

Hesnen, £0 cont. 

peeue, Matis of 
annah. Ga, 
MoSila $055 Stan 


INGIuS the car boca prm 
4 cann2 ba exoailnd Can bs s0a- 
ery ac ail saira of tifa, c=nasco1ng 
loge: eaartealg, wiacriay 

Wiss oe ues 

tuais we tent of 2) 
Faiked: prrranaily or 

dyceiefaeoinmae'S anus Geaten ges 
=a ea 
Bee Meromra nso eREMUE 

pe DUR aS, DES OTE ce aE 

735) =): A: 
‘30; Auacts, + $1r sal matt 
Lins es itchy pamararety SPOR | HieuugiGe, Mevomuteensice nly wil tRinataeiton, | Bay at icoeed 
Fe Speers are her noted What ta consequence ANTED—A PARTNER WITH 83/00, IV PROPEL Bane 
of is psianad Capers ocurred Py ceeieaners eres Din ctab masulactaag Uaalstin well asia : 
SEifeghta bythe ate line wit Se ndeasond wih avenvae fauis am eceriy tye Adtran 9 | apy Se SS SS 
: = | REGS Reta See Heit eom es | $95.00 Ba EN we Se 
NORE CARQUN Nala sieuainlo PARKENSBI Se = Eee pe Airgas ate uation atti or Eo 
7 Banas sounihle TATRESE ORD. | [ANTED—A MaN WITTEN 10 TARE Hane re] Maeswhined ele linun'riuiyin tbewerd pan cin taly 
Shes 2 Panos wae eae Se Store | WW. terest an supereteaa a NSoaat indoor arp enue | Gieptetermatlcoe.orralogant ve of uaa ie. Sine 
TWh apa aoa Wass sh Whalacts STARS | ip va orate spehent aed wie | acaeaten suey 2 ees by Ae 
‘Goals, fed Uo all ports of North #54 South Carviisa | CUNY OSES BAK SS 
"Rae entmimenen «| WARE MARGE Oe tare AnD AONE HURICre EAR PSISS 
Tiaras es i rest a onow ore a inl sed arisen convaat a.nd CR <P ORUTION IAG DEEN 
zi So att street eas tees das so. Brest, AVausalee & Cade Bsr ae rea mice ofth 9 Fong sia 
Uh) NORTH CAROLINA will ruccoed, and! (Wziog syeary, betes Maad Sei aie paket 
aT FL E - DBs A PENTLEMA IN A WELL ES | 16a Sood aed Test oem, be lead ware eat a 
“ a ARRANO) for son. | S000. RASS eek PEN EADS Soccer rae a Beit 
Tar qeesggme ron mo, | SOU, ee ear eaesicetis eget Ge eee te Ree. 
tretigre i faenisle panes | SUF ESSENSE PARC i Sewairay, | Bearer Alden, Sey hk : 
ea rice nal Rn | eg emma maweno, 10 ANE Uy Ee Baeneaes wee 
ci ei aeae tse ADT niente fa be amons ees ae] Sum, OE ATL PIADY, # AEs 

Uerscuulp TORATOWS, Caglale Tariah every Satcriag, 


eS Pectectenceriy required. Por pau 
Bites 8 5 tetera ens TE TOR 

$2,000 FA a raBEE 
olsews We 

eh ea 
TP isermen wilt neem eh Capes Taare 
teeth alaciwoa mer en Sad ctneretls 
Eales bee = 

> yabenetnctty 

P ba Wert Indes: pratt iat ‘ng beard. a eee 
Fareed Sheer tote ne ae 


See eS 
Ee HANOR, THAN eran t saye Jon 
Anita Aart ab ume acee 

or U0 fare’ aud Jeprtry, ad ts 
said ete bombings by tala omersrn toc Dall po cam do 
inp teca's oote/to-8, Mota, 7 strtm avenue Foor Fou 

Peconeloced you wil Dadaalt with (ayonr satisfac, 
False punctual, attended to, by Mrs, Sto(a 79 Bia aye 
{tg telwesn Blghth street and Warerloy puise 


(Al autem nsvngeay alt of Clotige, Furatare or 
rin st se k 

Alu) areuue. ‘tzeded to by 

Bula nom 

A Gat ot Chitine, “Furalture, Corpe's, sewelry, d= 
Brim $110 $0 Tabd Girl Kecrcmeoy, Cenun $2 10-31 Jor Costa 

eidtevms tsa g6/@ cedic Aes by Dat pasa 
bis syeang, beige Af: 
Es an br itrs He 

cata P 

es pres 
so 5) seventh, 
les sitesdoa by Mex 

> i a 

ye Mere 
Pantera Wa ane tats 
Gea coronene none ee risteaeesgeeeee 
Spies coset reornn ce Gre vonee dicta 


James 3 Nea... 

Ehea agua sh mame | AARNNT SEMPRE RIMS 
anriiaxr serene SCH rine 
See SE AEE: ANNA nistoe” Sten ein atest eet 
FHORSDAY tate Fry 1, wa pe merece | THRASHER ATEN 
ction wn tea FaretiNe ier own. 
eity cut es eaeiéato tire = Combed ally abnovsees tat 
Card nacho petciul eaoran aad spapedid gusts Sear Ae EE aia we 
es. Wes any dr ae - 

a FRSA Feta Me 3 OME 

eer aire When ith ODE 1 SAC 1K ton oa 

i. Ay SCH Ba 

Setret ie ais oie 
ACRE Mate 


One kendid acd tweaty.tre Wbogsand poog's bare acca, 


RENEA “aiste 
SEVEN Brorwicy 

Ao0se8 ARsutent se Th Op 
A GEAND NALGET DivnuriceNuee 

sernise underneath ky INR 
Setee tir Dior ab sete sun ter HORE 
SEFES isthe, Teta supposed tha crowd mill stigad. “Tnereture i, 
SEVEN SISTERS, fectitate the eale of Urkets the follow! - 
SEVER sistens ten cabled were teks tte be 
EES HS 1 Reaiemy at Stone Fy 
BYES aicrnRS wie Ee arc. 
SEXES Gistt Heal ifreen Wana He 
SHVRN ‘Start! - MROORLYRacidetay 
meeeea: =] ASR Cale AER Gone alta anaes 
dots wil The 2 
com al cng, and will be oreral ay. oz. sr) i 

“Shbadlay, tlnd'night in Amnsiog of 
B FRIDAY, Keseoary 1a te 

sapast face a 
iatiay heh. 14 Osaka Gis” Saline Wl ine Rew Nore 
(ite Sanne t ee an 

Leases 811 Manner. A.W. Jacksna 
The management 3a pisaimrs ia annduscing (Nat oa (hia 

Nn EDwIK nor SPAN: FEO. 1, 
repeat rea go 
Ja WBlchybo ai ty reostyea wha OO fe 
by ine ru os PReouRDRD. NTUOBIARM 
Ter auatmbled ia New Fork theane nUiOomR Derby 

come aisixo. 



Tu WtintyeFOU! S 
oon oun stk Const NO Seara TU te TTAD AUTEM OU EAT 
i] IP CONSTITI iw st EARLY. D u 

THe eave AULTION, citoresedat aNtuEION, 
ae i eae Wigan OF rie Noun, 
ALUOUA'S DREAM Jn blr extrnontinatily suceea’ul naairiliaat botertalament, 
Eom EIS ruiseoTtREE nouns OW exoWANT MENT. 
d Wrrtalomeat wen aecale- of ereniee grand 
WARHIRITORTAND TO MOR, rhea produced at ie Water Gueten Init years nose MA 

‘The vusing nt tbe euniala 
SuELesgeE Ba Ductosing he dasateg epltndoeof tha 

ont axn Evesy Bresixg, 

| tH aye | cea SRC 
1 AT SCENE, ket on Raturdas erening & pet 
BIRTH OF THE BUTTERFLY Witt be marveliouscho/nsier of tha eatealameata 
* RowEn of FeRNe. FOROBE OF RosTat() DRLONT 
Seats may be eccared cus week Io advance withoutexte | Never beforo so enthusiastically expressed within tho walls of 

Nd Weary. 
Astonlshing easitlcn seated 

Personatlog the eeennd-righied BybUl of Delphi, 

Thealanes Eagay ERROR MME TO IOI, 
reer mt geht mt 
Ops as ine rls aera ea 
INTE dana Ba voo®, 
etd gt gy BAGO 
phase ada 

yO A Rat erate LCS 
Se a 

Elegantly Deenrated. 
Hancers, Canaries, a. 

JANTERBORY Ona Baris srry 
E Brcadvsy opposite Bood street 

cranes ene a 
rere, Bate re Saas e yee 
Ea hy 
. Dat peters tiae Map aa 
i Pe TN 

Essence of Oid Virginiy 
Dnneo, Tamborine, x 
aia. : 

{ Coan HArAMtiauhny oe OFTERE 

cyvoentrtied went, anda tb bs een far eco 

‘that ls osvally paid for either alone. ene 
Wookat ts datupaaay i Nhs ot eo: 
Gun avasiat CALUORNTS SEW CoemUR, 

Manjo Sola Loca). 
Cracorlenne Medicy- 

orb iertweL 

F. Wwambotd 
‘Ea Telite Toulse 
Silks Annette Komer 

Danse, Medley ecco. Miss Salle Crlatton 

Overture. ..,...00:fesfossie wooo OFEhESEA 

Bopp. zi “Aa Opten 

Dance Wenaybeooie di “Aunt Ohaster 

ong, PHM ‘slain Allen and. Boas, 

Double Sesrt Danse 


coptlgued Ltt afternoon andere alae, 
tn a popalar Satgnal patriots 2 

‘ieakea ‘chudeeg under tea 15 canta 

Varquet, 18 cepis etira; ehildren wader ten, 10 cools 

Dane, ara 

By Miles. Jeunts azd tulle Orininn and Cscps de all 
sf THE DaTinG TRApEE Tle Malet 


‘By Lewin 208 Cor 

BobE... ¢ 6 Vii FEY, 4, CAeRELUA soxernEns—xinrD 

By Milea Clara, Jenole, Cristi MeCN NOTIER GEEGE TROURAMMES Te 
uatacon asd 

Danco (panleh)..tee nesses a 

Heel and Too Olvgy. 
Overture sosescone 

aotation scene, “Old Uncle Bros 
Pacuieuise encore, 50 Weary 

ty pew BONE hela: Mutlen\uem ke Door ope a OM 
2 pew arlene 
oleh iwenmucoesat THC, Titketd 2 cents 

‘IOUT OVARY sanr. 
We iA Guana nat 
Laut Goard Mal, 
Light Gard Dall. 


I-Grand Gala ....-.. 
Scale: Sica 6, 6 
0 es 6; Cae 
$- Grong Fasde ase. lie. Clara and Mr, Volarda 

3—Grand Gymuastle Za ani onald- 
fo, Lavinad Ghrlsiyy and sil ihe Onps fo Dane 

OY ETEARL sts nrectos es 

sg gaatiaanree 

Ore Sa MORSE nany 
wail Maret ege oe 
PRLKs -" AND ret 
5 ae 

Kecond Par 

my i 
| OvMNASTIG RxeTAITIOX Au the wart, and 

“AND CONCERT, seit bis etre. niet 

Onatburrday aud Saturday eveuiozy Feb, 14a08 1 1831. To commeacs 

are an nln neg to, Mad 

' iltany snd Sirag.) 
©, B.Grafula.. Be a serereenbender 

ny rest a Aa i Fs fay eros 


Col Mareball tetrertay * Watter ta 
Ex-Col. A. Daryen, 

TER Pt ade 
Lieut Col. Win A: Pong, March Stare ented wh co,ueral wertan A 
Heiter ices Biri cebcied eg ia ie ater 

Asjulant J, H. Liebeceau, ts satlerwacds, Pista 
As HLlebereay Infermatiodsl Mot); atlerwards, Pitabarg theatre, 
vase Exbibitioa ead Concert will taka place’ 
ihe above named institute on the eresings of Thareday” a 
Saturday, February acd 16 Pail. Band of Bercath teat 

SE br (Realtor dl and anne tekatelimiied. eta 
e oes now ready at too Gytanastia 30 St. Mart 
We spare, place, Bigsth streets St cache sda Gra a 
Bes ara Jone Histon, AUNET BRADY, Proprietor. 
LU Kean t. Yoruba Ghas th Sends 

ry ay MUSIC: 
“Bickets Teh Dollars, 

L0. P. Bankhead, U. 8. N., 1 
ABNER 8. BRADY, Proprietor. 
‘Admitting a genUeman and Ladien. 

W. 7. C. GROWER, Tostructor. 

arrears vey By A Wateice Coxe, Fer. 
tiiy Pemo B. Vax Vircx! 654. 


ox tle 3 2 2 abp, 4 
Vaulting Horse, Teettoed and Peg Pot 1 Biillakeplscs ge TOAOAY EVEN 
Domb Belin Farge Dare Dovble Rings, m TRYING Had 
“Aerial Fights, Tudiag Clobs, Spool Hopes, Can be oben d es ee 

Fnrereetnag singe Bars La Perik Laden, 
coclag, Broadamord and cang eerie 
cence or ladder tack Sara. 

The Craterio wlll be prod: 
nee sie EO, P. BRISTOW, 

Double Trapeze, Postaring aod Tumbling, | #4 the parts austalned by a corpa af tha beat 
Aerobie Weal Balsuie tegpe, | matt chores obetiarmeni Rete 
Coocert Lo commenes at 7; Gymnastic excerciacs at 5 And Feet oncusre, 

dekets Ons Dollar—aAcills tro. 

BLO'S GARDES = AM “it baoapwar, 
EXTRA NOTICE. rts iia fas 
ha penily ae, repreatals ptted ital Yn eenseqnesot of Tye Oresen Poittalaseat fhe Worl 
er prcyaratioas fooler rt Oh a The oreater! Entertalameat ta the World: 
Whi appear for the LAST time ROVEUTY AND OWTOINALITY. 
ON FRIDAY SiGut PEHRUARY 35, 161, Iomraca Succean” hsmente Seecris 
Tabla sally pot are Timcoes pacers leraaes 8 
4 Sheridan’ exebrated (rag roa tha ermin of GuowDED Hoses 
Pisano, Second week of the larenie Comin 
Proteead tn a ayicct unefaallad mplend 
UionUs' oF Tulery wooALtsts, BILLY O.NEIE 
AMATESTED DRAMATIC COMPARE ‘Tob only otigioal Lush Comedisa ta Apiertes, who will appear 

Jaa varity of taxes Ode 

Box sheet open this moralng at 5 o'ciock for secaring sate 

cree ene EOS. a cligeee Witte 
| Euperb Decoratonn.- Ghriceaeiacies SHAEEEY wire: 

a Th a tive of the 
NEMA VOLES GARDEN. frie oaty uve mpecentatre soba dae 

aca living 

1; Orpoulte tho okt Rowers. 

monet Sets 

ce FAAORES su pen ee Re 
ose vectleces tion. orazs 
cash ernie cen meer 


oo PPS Gs RaRT MRE Ea 
Bors Ree erence 

“Big ©, Doaitantis 
Mea! are 

Ac perlcrmacss coccictes wit, 

iS rege a es ere see 
Tae = = 
Waiver GiHis = WARPED O1MLS | OU pete haters Lecareen ‘Hoan Bost 

Fagus oy 
def A kp {asey/epaiamnen.. Vou. Peddie,” at the Coypet Inplitate. this evening. Bess 
Sasiaarioe bexmuay reverb eas I EroIas a ae Re pe - ~ 

5 sack = * Sree TONIONT, AT MADE SAUVA: 
TL Jor OAR cay of Ma {GENS baxicg Caen, 1 Bemtway—a wre 
| TRURSDST EVENING, PAVE ten wr Sescarrsit al the iss to wept eatowny = 
| Diwoeah’s Banda Nore eg | Kracen, Dee Poikat —tasces is perfor aa 
DT og i er eres nfo 
righ ies yds cable ais sroedesial ka 



he Weathe 
Aetter—Colemel Prem 

Per—The fenate Committee Opposed to 

e ja DAM, Se, Ace 

tne Seven Year 118 DM 4 0 
enw ef tho weatber is egal oo AspTee, bot tale- 
wen egpenite cores from Jatt Wek. 14 waa raining 
srjent, aod the water in warbling down tho Albany 
ih ve terrenta this morning. Sboakl thoro be no change 
veers will boa geveral breaking wp in lean than forty-eight 
scare This will be a wonderful wheelabont from what 
we pave had thos far this wioter, There has been the 
Tart of vightog over ninco the Legislature conveucd. 
roving tho Laat two werks ike etreeta cai eidewalka have 
heen 00 aippery te to make it really dangerous to pades- 
Truuna, there sre forly cazea of fractured Jimbs reportod~ 
athin tb6 foal te days from falls receted whilst peram- 
Dolalleg tbe treet, A change from that wlippory and 
* Qangerovs condition 4 certainly agresable; but the rod-r 
“Gen whectabeot torain, tlosb and Soodel aireets is -too 


the Harbor 

Master—The Vote 

Agricultural Society, See 
Ausasr, Feb. 13, 1861, 
Mr. Kernan presented a petition this morning om be: 
a law to submit the Crittenden amendments to the peo 


Ieca! Willa were goneceesary.. 

anveb of a good thing. 

‘Pur preparatfons aro belog made to entertain the Pre- 
-tident elect oo bis arrival Bere. The rigultcant post 
feaript to his letter {9 np.moch ex (0 eay—I moppoe 
Qhal} shall Bave to bo inflicted with your ceremoxier; 
‘do xonko bem as short 2% porsible. Tho railzpUtter ovl 
Genity undersiande the falling of ‘hin party, which has 
“elected a Présient for tho first tio, and aro now deter 
med to make a-yreat fouriah over him. He evidently 
remembers Uho fate 6f Harrison qod Taslor, who 
wore kied by tho extracrdjnary fust mada over thew 
by their owa party, apd tho boriag of the bungry bands 
eretien occkera who were arcand {bear at all timc, lick 
ing their chopa over a emell of tho rich steaks in tho 
Ajteben, In yew of tho antimely death of thoes. two 
Presidents, It {not a wonder that Lincola wishes td 
eleer clear of tho causes that brought jt about. 10 ev)- 
ently coderetands tho failing of his ova arty, nnd bis 
‘pesteeript |g to remind them of that falling. Will they 
take tbe biot? 

Col. 3.0. Fremont bas engaged quarters at Cgngroaa 
Moll, aod is to bo here ia.a day or two, Ho is expected 
to rewaln until tbo arrival of the President clest. 

{A privato Jotter haw beeu received bere to-day from & 
reliable rourco, from a gentleman of undoubted integrity, 
sisting that large aipounts aro being mubscribed by the 
property holders In the vicinity of tho oat Ofico to earry 
be bill through. Ho states that coe parron bas to bia 
kcowledgo mubscribed $560 (or tbat parpore. Now, who 
Seto bove that money? Te it to go foto ths bands of a 
eet of buogry vallores that are always bapglog about the 
Legislature, ready to eogogo lo aby ‘scbemo for money, 
}¢Moattere not bow disrespectfal or evil tho measure? Or 
th iLto be pald directly to mombers for thelr voles? Tha 
Jource whlch this tofermution comes from Is such that 

fon ean longer voubt that money Is to bo 
eck fo Uo. passage of tho bill “Tho sueceay that 
The bby clalmn that tbey havo met witb, and. the mom: 
Dern who they wwert bare pledged thomeclres to favor 
The Lill, make It look ax though fale prowleos bad bean 
mendo. An it is a guttled fact that moaey bas been ralecd, 
hy vot bave an Invertigatiog cominiiteo to eclightea 
The poblic as to who is to bave tho beneOt of this moves? 
} Worcogh larestigation may be mado of some public 
Beneot, aod throw a litle Tight opos tho si) ha opora- 
Boon of thin Legislatare. 

Tho Governor's annual mesrage was tho tueclal oraer 
we tho Senate thls Wwornlng, aod Zenator Colvin gaye his 
Fromised attack pan Gor-” Marga, charging. bim as bo. 
Soy the athor of tho corruption last winter, etatiog Ike 
‘gro, thatof ai} the corrupt olliciats thal ever oecupked a 

Melon tn thie State, Morya wan one of the worat. Ho 
Feviewed his action wBIlét a member of tuo State Sonate, 
apd rbowed that when the excitomeot over Suarpe's 
Brosdway echeme. was vp, Gorcroor Morgan yo.ed 
syatusl a bill to. protect the citiz-us of the sity of 
New York ogaivst epcculatora of that slauyp, and was Lhe 
saiy Senate from tho city of New York tat Yotea agaist 
‘be dil to protect the citizens. Ho aleo roviewed Mor 
sFanvu record in regard to general ralroodIegialatina, in 
BUicb ho showed that Morgan's vole sas at all times cast 
So the Aide of monopolies ain! oyainst the iababltsaus of 
YWettate. » Senator Uolvin alco brought up tho Governor's 
Action njéa thokebencetady axl Troy Hallread, and ex- 
Eibited that oficial Io the Ube of maklag” hua: 
dreds of thowabils of dollars by hia voles 00 
ist cccasion, —mbich bia position am olflzer of 
the Hudeon Kiver Ruilread’ in” conueetion wit that 
‘of eator cnabled him to Jo at the expenco of tho 
Elty of Troy. Alo, tha IU was found by tho reesed Of 

tho Reiior bill. 
{0 tho Select Ooxnmittes toot dowa the eum to $50,000. 

This metion was at tbat time decited out of order, and 
there tbo matter rested (hia morning. - Einco the friends 
of thls measure havo deckded to reduco the amount 

ove-alf, there fa orery reason. to believe 
it will pass; In fact, the ono hundred 
appropriation would, baye passed wheo before th 
Assembly ~ last 

to sattely them! 

ven that there really waa cubering it 

(hen, avd belng convinced that thero Is real eutering | 

that’ yourg Stato, the Dill wilt andoubcedly pass. 

‘The Houre adjourned this morolog at twelve o'clock for 
the pursese of glving the State Agricultural Eoclety thi 
privilege of meeting In tho chamber. 

¥ided by law for removal of the Comptroller or Cor. 
Foratien Counrel of said elty, and not otberwise.”" 

this morning, but most 

relating to the city of Now York was ono reported by 
Mr- Hutchioge, providiog for tbe appotatment of janitors 
by the courte of New York; also one by Mr. Comstock to 
incorporate the Felectio Association. 

Tut litho wa dope in the Seoate this morning. Three 
Dilla were read the third time and The oaly Will 
rolating to New York clty was, an amendment to tbo 
Charter of the New York Life Insurance Company. Tho 
Harding commitices of that branch ot the Legis 
ture opeoed their gates apd let a ecore or wore local bills 
ror out, 

"Tbe Senate at tivelre o'elock want Into, executive ea: 
sion en the rexolution of Inquiry sn regard to the Harbor 
Masters of your citys ‘There was quite a furry 
‘over tho resolution, but it was finally agreed that 
the Goreruor #bould be called upon to report to the next 
Exceutive cession any and all malfearances In office by 
these ofelals. An efort was made to pasn a resolution 
calling upon bim to ropart to tbo Senate in open se=slon, 
bot co this the republican Benators raleed the ral ing 
party cry, and sutfeated it, They asmumed in the de 
Ccrélon what cao bs expressed in no other language 
than on vgly altitude. Like a mad bull pusbed 
Into the corner, they. blastered and toro about, bound 

kot to fubwit, {bo following Is tho voto! on ro 
questing the Governos (0 report to. the Senate ‘Iu 
open ecsskon. Yeas—Senators lod, Colvin, Coanelly, 

Gardiner, Grant, Lawrence, Saplerre, J. Ml. Marpby, Ro” 
verison, ‘Spinol and Truman. Naye—Sonators Abell, 
Eell, Fiero, Goss, Hilihouso, Lapham, McGraw, Sent 
mety, Monroo, Prosaor, Ramsey, Richmond, Hitch, War. 
reo, Wiliams,’ The motion was therefore lost, only the 
republicaos voting for it. 

‘AD effort was also mado to get the eccrosy removed 
from the Foto, but this fallod; DUE It makes but little dif- 
errnee—the abpre VOLO shows Who aro anxious to covor 
up the eins of Goveraor Morgan's appointees, 
‘ad well ax though the eecrezy was removed. 
"The couteated election of Henry Arcularlus aod Dennis 
Uecabe, for the Slatecath Assembly district of New 
York city, was brougbt toa bearing before tho comunit. 
teo yesterday afternoon. Mosara. J. W. Mattho, of Alba. 
by, M. Mott and A, Oakey Hal, of New York, wero tho 

It is Just 

Senate that after voting steadily for tuo bill to carry 
webemo, and dgalvst every proposition in counes: 

dy "tbat was calculated to do justice (0 the pro. 
at bi. “tho final vote, bot Wyo minutes Iater was 

Mon with 5. “aud voted ou the poxt vill. Senator 
vile, bo dodges, ho Wid this, and auswered hia 
ound |p hia eons ~ that “ho bad been guilty 

Kelvin eeked why "robbery," because be knew 

cauveel for McCabe, and Hoa. TC, Callicot, of Brookisn, 
for Arcularius. It Was alleged by MeCabe that ho re: 
relved 1,611 votes, which was a larger number (han were 
iegslly Cast for any otber person in sald district, and 
Unt the certilieate of election ax member was wrougtally 
Flpen to Arvnlarlos, who now occopied the keat. AKO, 
Tut in tue Fires lection diatelct of the Nioetcenth ward, 

question Uy atat, wks which fo Sixteenth Amsembly district, ouly 
Fee eee Ue ctatam °F AREMOR atupendous:| Neg hg Le SO Nintrict camcaszere who, had 
That Upiwas toe cbiot-cogincer SUL APOEM MS Lvcen “duly appointed anc WBHEL attended tne 
Erinling echemo thst had ura ua EBON) pon canvatrsed the voles and gn. (oes women! thera, 
Liguture, Why, theo, empuid hove, 19,032" | Seat aetabe ay preted heroes ot 
eo. rece” WO ESN Explain? Did dA He URN: | Covoty Canvassers agstist tho fecentleevona cnet We 
SEEAAY, Sele a that bis scibn 104 7h; | he statement and relurns eo made, contendioe tun 
peminty} cigye of tbat Leeehaiore wort ST ppt Med reid ands at Bhscgue frase 
107 tess no como aster im Cau Ann fam oe 1 ; a 
Noy of ta Pi aps foformed’” 2359 SUNY [elites aoe Seed Fl lectin atezist ta 
eee eee ahAt. he: was Yretent when “dr Mo the creat tqjary Qt MEY a 
wey cathe eal vete) abd eaye te, leave the eb Mr. QUixcot, la roply ana in behalf Of the sittlog mem: ¢ 
ber, baviog bold of the ator of oso) OF OMY ver, sopmlltca ani argued Yee following pointe: 
yaiirend geptkewtd who Kas We rking for the wl 2, The Tesult of the election baying boom Sater 
Bnd asoiber Senator sends mo a, tole abinss | safped and determined by the Hoard of Cauvasstra, and 
That ben tbo vote wan apunouced abl thar Yd | Wie cemitcate of elcetion given by Uhem to Neary Arcu- 
Dill was. paseed) Mr. Morgan was | Metsd’ to sys sy the texal pregutuption is that be 13 entitied ta" ils 

Dy! have, Wade one bendred thousand flollara “by ttat 
Aga Sonicabn of ty ind Whe he male by the Tensile 
tion of 2¢t3—that igilation whieh be planned! en 

Lined apd eogiucerod fo a successful Isvuc—8t Teast 
SH00.KEO. Abd this 1s the man wh, through tho 7 

Mie dazed to lmpugn the motive and beld up co 
Fubile tora the 1agelatare of Last wlater, chargick 
Mem wits corruption, wet arrogatiog to uimeelf tue 
Regheat degreo of Iulogelty. and ofUzial honesty? Tha 
Eitory of fegwlation furnishes, wotbiog approachiog or 

Hed with 1h 

vail wh We scastor Calva was marked with dest 
cd pantive charges of corruption std oGcial dishonesty 
a4 Pospant of un who now cecuples tho Exccutive chalt 
SF thuSiate. ‘Toews charpes wero nol mere aezerLions, 
Putaccompanied with proof, as far 29 tho pobtio record 
Er bin cen cculd bo Drowght up (o proof of ie charges, 
Shd were such as (9 convince any disictercsted pereoo, 
Jn ateruce of proof to (he contrary, that Gov. Moremi 
Fangs before tbo country a3 fully, and that heis not whe: 
qpore than {hat bis partisan (rend clairoed bim tobe dering 
The lat campaign, Surely if tho recgrd that Colvin bas 
‘Brought up against (he Governor be correct, be i the wrveg. 
Perncn {oeetbincell upasacampicof honcety oven agalaet 
The last remarkable and loog to be remembered Lestsla- 
fore. Tho mcesage was inade te epecial onder for 
TRoreeay pest, when the Senator prom(sea us another: do 

ib We rome exralo ar thie uloralug. This daveloperneut 
S cowewhst rich aud spicy, apd bas et}rred up a no emall 
Breese in political cinckes. Yet us wall acd eve if there it 
any Sevaler that will defend bis Excellency theGave-ner. 

"Fbe bill providing for Ube ecdoteement of United States 
vebie was Teal Whe third tme and. passed io Ube Seoate 
Abie toroleg.  Saveraletber bill: were considered fo the 
Tees llce of the Whole, Dut uene of any pablic jm: 

“Tee Arecmbly was engged all the torwiog opoo the 
Gcveral Appropriation bill The Dill was read pearly Balt 
uuscegh meen progress waa reported, apd It wasmade (he 
Specks crder to worrow. 

Tie Capita! Pupebreat bill was also debated et some 
DeLglt aba progress reported. 

The biltoald tu te coustrection of the Albany and 
Sctoceberca Railread has moved along with but ile 
scyrositica in the Senate,” This provites for a emall tax 
10 cersst In devewoping the resvurces of tbat esction of 
ike Fi:te, and will ipereaze the value Of Ube taxable pro- 
Tartp «ben completed, sod In abort time reture all that 
cis been expenced, by the ndditional tum that (by. will 
yoy into Gee Sale “Treasury. if oar lawmuuers with 
apprépriste metey, thes will be wiee In doing itis 3 way 

A. will dovelcpe and Improve diferent. poriioss ef Ie 


which Bad the. expenditere o 
dered Ucerand dellara for the are: 
Abe jartics urgicg the passage of 
we apporied pecreiazy to (at commission, 
dollars per cay, ard bas gicco been sppaiatel © 
Gevervor'e rtaf with a Like ealary, Boiding both poriticee, 
With w jolnt ralary of etx dollirs [per day,acd lttle er 
wothirg to ¢0. This og. Ley 
Boul h lswyer: i Ube board for tbe purpose of expending as 
moctrf tbe meney ax proaible, empbyel James W. Nye 
Xo caamilce the Le of the elte purchased In the city of 
New York (or the new aryeral; acd for that jou; whleb 

cL as fuch amcnuber, abd tbiA ‘presumptizn canzot be 

come lesa the cobtestant hows alMematively. aud 
Jusively Yat the certiveath is tale, The whole bur 
Then of proof fs upou bin. 

The petition of the ccnlostant should bo. diemictca, 
vegauee it does not allege oF pretend that the trrega 
Jarjtics complained of altered the result: It mast bo male 
1a kppear allrmatively that tho person whose election is 
centetted received a nuinber of ilegat votes, which, if ro- 
Jecled, Would Lave reduced.bim (o a mizority, or thd elec- 
Vion met ctand. + 

3 The duty of tho canvases e merely ministerial, and 
the failure of any: one to attend and perform bis duty’ ean 
hol defeat thu eiectlon. The etatotes prereribiog the ean- 
at of the vloction are directory to Wo oflcern, and thelr 
cegicet oF vioLaticu of therm catnot be permitted to die- 
fravebieo the ckelore or defeat thelr will fairly 
expressed, It ls well settled that when tbe law is 
merely ulvectory po pegléct or raistaks, or even improper 
Conduct of irregularity ob tbe part of the returning 
‘ollcore, will bo rntal, Jf there has been_in other respects 
Reubetnutlaland good election. Mr. Collicot hero elted 
Feveral cazca that have” been tried Im prool of his 

7. That part of the comtestact’s memorial which al- 
legos qecerally that pomerocs frauds were committed, 
copit to Le strloken out, oF the contestant boukl bo rev 
Gulred to mako Mt more deUnite and certatn by proper 
Apecltcatlon. Tt {san establiabed rule of proceeding tn 
‘sueb cases that the peliticn ebocld etate facta, with euch 
certainty oa to give ibe eitting member reasonable 
Tolice of the groopée upoo which bis right Is 
coptroverted, to cuablo the sreembly tojudge whether 
the facts alleged are verfted Vy tha proof, and Jf proved, 
to uetermize whetber they are euficient to require tbe 
election to be Sct axle; an the petition cua wot tobe 
permitted without the consent of the cther party to give 
Evidence of any fect not cobriantially eet forth 10 bis 

‘The Argument on tho eae {a tot set concluded, 
te Agricultural Society convened in the Amsem- 
uly chamber at (welye o'clock, ‘The afgual reparis were 
preschted, and other preliminary business transacted, 
eben a recess was takes to foor P.M. Tbere le a ei 

(Colenel Fremont ta here, and stoppieg at Congress Ball 
Hele quite a lien, 


Acaasr, Feb, 19, 1661, 

Mr. McGraw reported fayorabl7 Noe blll to Lecerporate 
the German Ecspital, New York. 

Tue Vill to amend (he charter of the Lcog dad Steam 
eat Company was reported favorably. 

Mr. Gancisen introduced « bill to authorize Lespectors 
ef election to administer oaths in regard to quallfcation 
of voters. 

Tre bil to repeal that part of the »ct establishing re- 
gulatices for the port of New York which relates to prl- 
vale plers was ested. 

The Dill to sreeed tho charter of We New York Life 
Insurance Cempary was leet, tod n motion to reconsider 
laid on the lable. 

Mr. Gows intredcool e bil to prevest bribery and cor- 
opti. The bil maken it calvefl for exsblesies for 
ueminatiots on their friends to bribe or induce by pre- 

renle or promices zy one 10 alter the primary 
caricuoses, Uxcer 8 peaalty ef not over $250, or teareisooe 

SeeUPMG coy Cayce Teo, Ce commsaslca pall Mr. 
Nye We wom of cue todiand dpbire ince the 
wame jartiea are interestcd ip this $500, (QQ echem?, 

Pagers anf rats 
Satie yaeipinichst eres ae ee core Pt 
ibe Sule Sill-pay Corameskee. Many exsert thar eal, 

canbe bought for twelve calure 

a thy Detael igre, or altlee dots Oteterdy 

e008, af ALSL Eure, will purchase try 
Ubeuand io hundred and Gilymoskeus. le there “any 
perete Ubst believes that we need-tbat amount <f war 

Abie? | Wiat citer ececlores cin 2 

‘hss that there is another Big Job la thu Ip 
ellie, tbe pablic wea like Foe light spon the 
‘$0 C0 srre=al fent—bow mcch bas been pad is ealarice 
and Fach ctber items ike tbe (ee toJames W. Nye, Beg. It 
“aay be Uist this fund Basabest ronoct, and ceriais parties 
bbe deprivetof their pablic pap. ‘unless a ew job is 
‘Sys ike ehilrman of the 3O)itary 

Cocomitéee ca DUvltary Aatre 
fo provide for tbs election of, 


Perse, Lx 
loa member of the Legislature to Influence bis rote, and 
Uke peulbment, wit expulsion from tre Hoare, e/ aay 
member taking A bribe oF sxy leducement for his 
Be Bember, vacant bo 
week to Ba eederstanding, @irect or indirect, 
tobave any aes 

Assembly. 2 

pect of the Karras Relief Society, and of the citizens of [> | 

“Aany, for Siate abt te Karras 

Abe Scncyy Law, and for the wzbmlsries of whe Crittenden 
[ Feedalkes (oe yolgof tbe people 

verBcr Morgan retcrned two bili, with bis vetoes, ope 
Jo the Gucudaga Penitentiary, on the ground tbat 

Dill Be Chey! Would be cbintDed aster the general Iw; and f Sa and 

‘The City Chamberlain In a New Shop— 
Executive Session of the Senate Over | were Cro! for en A.M. 

Denix McCabe Contested Election—State 

Dalf of the comralttes appointod by the late Demecratio 
Stale Cormitteo, praying that the Legialatere wil 229 | ry @ Merchant —Fultura in Preperation —A 

ple. Alco a copy of the resolutions adopted by the Con 

‘The Govercor reat In two vetoes thls morning that 
created no little feeling amongit @ portion of tho mem 
Lert. The bills were botb local, and the veto of bis Ex. 
cellency waa bared opon the ground that all saked for 1 
tho bills was already granted by geceral statute, and 

The Hove waa Scoded with memorials this morbing 
jo benaif of #uGering Kansas, praying for tbe pasrage of 
Mr. Plerce moved to recomit the bill 

week, bad tho members been ablo 

. Tue pource from which the news came was such 
ne to create a great deal of doabt 53 to ita tratbfulness 
‘Tee ecroptes of mest of them have been talistied sloce 

Mr. Webster bas 
vobce of the following bUl—"The Chamberlain of 
the city of New York shall bok bis office for tholike term 
for whlch {t js tow provided by law the Comp*rolier of raid 
lly Fhall be elected, and until his suceessor eball bo dely. 

appointed and qualified, and ehall be eubject to remoral 
from ollice only for malfeasance tbereln, Jn tho samo 
masurr sod Dy tho samo proceedings as’ aro now pro- 

‘Rivoral bills wero reported by tho Bando. committce 
(yor alcealuature. Tho caly two 

“A ncmber of petitions were presentad for ibe repeal of 

Lee mei Tbe ook Of we Say. Bele eleen 

“St. Peaee tepentet fanerabIy Abo bal o when Malo 

"EE eamenranter= oe 
The daly sessions of the Euet, MM tbe 14th inst, 

sents eo teport cs agesta te ta Fei, 
‘AUI2 o'elcek the Poure adjourcel. 


Onr Havana Correspondence: 
Havaxa, Feb. 8, 1861, 

cf Mere Cotes Commercial Affaire—The Cruscder— 

Stam Plugh—Anurnents, do. 

Op account of deracgement In besiness affairs, and to 
mortilleatien, Figen Dayego, 2f ccc of oar best and moss 
Infcestial families, a merchant, ebot bimeclf last 
night, at tbe moment.wben bis dificultics were in a falr 
way of adjostment. This act bas caused much affiction 
fo bis estimable wife and cther relatives axd coanec- 
tions, as well ae amcng a.large circle of friends, by 
whom be was much valted ea a generous and noble 
‘companion. : 

‘Tho houre of Norlega & Olmo, {+ {s sald, will close this 
week, with liabilities over §4,000,000—tke premenition 
@f teenies to follow among thcee who bave been e=teemed 
ts of oor meat reblo Bovees, Wa, aro n hiripon of 

Y will mako #24 work among 
ata ay elaes woe a fow will realize vast for- 

eo ee uunca delivered 720 coolfes the 281b alt.—In 
exteveion of Britieh phils Thep make 

faves, ave hirably, 
f, | and cap be recouiracted at tho expiration of their tarm 

io | Tho United States war Beamer Crusader, Maifit, arrived 
tp pert this marnog report all letot key West. Tue 
| Brooklyn bad left. for Pensaco! 

© | this evening, 

hho bas dono much good. 

Havasa, Feb, 8, 1801. 
Poor Prospect of the Sugar Orop—Rater of Discount on 
United States Money—Adcice 40 Traveltert—Printcs tn 

Harana, &¢. 

Letters from Cxrdenas, Colon, Cienfuegos and Sagva 
stato that the eect of the Jong continued drought Io 
thoso districts ls already coverely felt, and from yerbal 
aecounte It appears that tho samo {s tho cazo throughout 
tho island, For want of rain the cane that was planted 
does not grow, and largo portions of tho Golda preasnt a 
Poor appearance. In come regions the falling off of tho 
crop 18 expeoted to be from Afteen to twenty por 

cent esq than the cetlmates mado in tho 
carly part of December, amd should the dry 
weather continue much longer It is feared 

hat the agercgato falling off throughout the Ilana will 
‘xceed tbe higheat Ogare: A Teter from Cienfuegos, dated 
‘an. 30, alates tbat the yield oo the first claes estates will 
ent least one-fourth Jess than lst year. This is owing 
to the ecarcity of rain fu tho month of Getober, and thy 
Jovg continocd drought exparleneed over since. The 
normous auantity (oF eugar cad fn the rindlog houses 
is astoulsblag; but the emall quantity of syrup cxtracled, 
hows at opts that there ie Dut jitle bone (or any thing 
likes fair yleld of theecrop. Tho crisis la the Ul 
States is exciting univoreal attention bere, and \s ebowiog. 
ig eects upon the genoral basses of ho jana. Ex 
change on New York fs ruling from § {0 16 per cent; your 
correspondent actually’ paid 18 por cent for a ‘émall 
swount an boar previous to tho aalliog of tbolast steamer. 
Tis needless (o remark that this latter amoust was an 
exbriten, aud coming with bad grace, too, from the prin. 
ipal exprees company dolng business between bers and 
New York. However, Lau reminded that, as expresa 
Cinpantes grow rleh their cole grow’ small, aad 
Cram quite williog to admit tat bereaficr 
thelr pound ef prevention will prove to be tay ounce of 
cure. ‘Travellers to. this Island Wil) groatly add (o thelr 
Getifort snd prov by loading thelr portmanteaus with 
Gimes aod small change, oven a two dollar Spanish gold 
coln cannot be changed here for tesa than Uve per cent 
Slecount, while American bait dotlara pass for only forty 
canis. The sbepkceper prefers to keep his goods rather 
than change emall gold for eliver chango, umlets you al- 
Jow him to deduct tivo per cent. Another nollceabla fact, 
Lol of wall intorest to strangers, is the almost univercal 
practice among retallors of demanding double and often 
triple the market price. for tholr goods, and then gradu- 
ally Feeedlng, according to tho slew dncasot tha custo 
ner, votlla bargain 1s struck, For jnstanco, a Panaina hat 
Ripricea $10, abd Unoily cold at from soven to nice dol 
Jars; the pridter will chatgo you thirty dollara por thou 
ssnd for a.common busliess elreular and then Gually take 
416. "Tho ame work In New York will bs bettar dono at 
Ix-dollara Job printers have do here oven la 
“Srehard times.» Thore {8 u9 lick of iabor-eaving steam 
*sitkinds and sizes, Notwithstanding theso fa- 
vices for job work aro maiatalned. 

~- pgzrth 

presees, 01 — 
cilities, exorbitant 

Anniversary Celebration of tus = -— 

! Ward Missions 
‘Tho first anpisersary of this inatitation was Leld Inst 
exening at the Cooper Institate, and not oply was 2 
large ball of that boildiog Literally crammed ywith people, 
but tho olde windows of tho tame room were thrown 
‘open to allow thoso seated outalde to hear tbo epeskers, 
ke, Dodworth’e ecloct band bavlog been perforiolog some 
of tho mest popular and ploasing mazic for nearly an 
Hoar, tne-ciair wad taken, at baicpary oven tL DY 
Wilton G, Hunt, Bxq., and the programme wi - 
menced by a chant—'Tbe Lord is. my: shepherd’ —sung 
‘by the threo handred neatly attired children cated oa 
the platform. Afler a proser by tho Rév. Mr. Pendleton, 
anda song by tho enildren, the President (WV. G; Hunt) 
delivered rbort_ address,’ eothing forth tho objects oi 
the inetitaton. The wholé meotlog ooxt mung tbe nv 
tional bymp—"God bless our native land," after which 
Woes. W.c. Van Meter, in the absence of the Sscro- 
tary, read tho report, which ebowed that altboagh the 
Migzlon at rst only contemplated recellog aboot a, buu 
dred chiMren, over coven bundred had been recelyed da 
Jng the year; besides dlatributing over ten thousand gar- 
mente, pieces of bedding, and pairs of shocs and boots 
‘among the needy. 

‘The Rey. Dr. Lavunor, apative of South Carolina, next de- 
liseredaa strong Union afdrese, recommending the propsr 
lnstruction ef ehildren as a good metbod of making Union 
loving moo. When bls remarke were ended alittle boy 
stepped oo the platform waving the American fag, and 
the whole meoting saluted tho colors with Joud chcers, 
The band striking’ up the “Siar Spangied Bunter,” the 
ebiidren and the whole audieaco sang the goal silrring 

national £01 
‘Dr, Hogo, W. 0. Van Meter and Dr. Haguo 

‘Tho Rev 
haying delivered appropriate addresses, a collection was 
taken up for the M ssion. 

otween cach address the proceedings were enlivencd 
with musle by the band and elnging by the children, who 
Fero the'representatives of eixtoca different nations, in- 
Glading “Jew and Gontile."’ The mectlng cloved with 
the henedictlon. 

Personal Intelligence. 

Richard S Fay, Jr and ET. Browdltch, of Boston, 
and J. A. Donohue, of San Francisco, are stopping at the 
Brovoort House. 

Teinns de Riyne and son, of Havana, 
Chicago, and J. R Smith a2d wife, of 
pizg at the Byirott House. 

RN, Baldwin, of Kingston, N. ¥.; H. F. Darrows, of 
Maraachusctts; E Butler, of Hyde Park, and A. P. Har- 
{edicn of Leilovlle, Ky. ate stopping at tho Lafarge 


General Kibo and Dr. HI. Nichols, of California; ex- 
Governor Seymour and wife, of Utlea; EF. Jenkins and 
familly, of Baltimore, R. L. Dickineon ‘and wifo, of Vir- 

inta; 8. BL Ranto, of Aibsoy: BS, Rigg) of Bae 
tam, of Spriggs, and Colone) i 
Hecsyr ars stoppice st Go Se Sictolas Hotel. 

D. 1. Grovves, of 
New York, are atop- 

S Rogers and 
wilesct cote 
of Now Ham- 

Parker, J. Thin 

L. Stanford axd 


UTalted States Ctreult Court. 
Before Hon. Pudge Smalley, 

Tek MMB B. Fosteped cad others es. Homan J. Bet 
fad Oder eggcinet Sa and G. 0. Be-nsem, date Cole~ 
for—The following are the declalons of the Overt in 
there eases — 

‘Thee are ell actions of asrampalt fot wnoneys paid to 
Abe deferdaste for dalies at dierent perieda aa Oodec- 
tore-ef the port of New York under protest. They a) 
depend open the came qcestion, and wera by agreement 
trled together st the last April tarm, and rercited in 
‘verdicts fer the plaintif, subject to opinian of tbe Overt 
astothe sufficiency of tke protests pon c particular 


Teihe plainkify claim that thelr Invokeas show tbo fall 
‘and entire coat cr market value of the merchandise, and. 
all tbe actcal charges thereon imported from the Con. 
tinent of Europa, abd that eeltber « eeprate ‘ver 
‘expente was bad upos I. That to the tuyolces the de- 
Fendante baye added aa arbitrary ram for inland freight, 
dod charge over and above the sams actually pakL: the 

clause {po the protest relied opon as aj sbi 
branch of tho case reas as follows. — Pe Je 

‘Wo protost against the payment (of daty on the add} 
tiota made to the annexed entry for toland freight and 
charges, because sald goods aro’ invoiced fren oa ood. 

‘and tho price paid on the invoice inelade all charges and 
expenses to tbe porte of exportation, and wo pay bo s0- 
arate experse or charges co ald goals. 

Ste macct of tbo parties, tho testimony of Mr. Jeasc 
Phillips, an appraiser in ibe Ouslom House, wan re 
celved A evideDeo from which iC appeare that baba, 
for the information and under tho instructiona of tho 
‘Treasory Department, tovestigated and, as pear ax 
idle, ascertained what was tho average of inland fi 
nd charged. upon goods exported from the Cootineat-of 

idee to AEN wae 
Spoke bre Mary A Jones, from 


Europe, Bed bad made a report thereof to tho Secretar; 
of the dreaaury cwhilch riport was, by consent, provaoed 
Rad red in erin : 

nT a8 t this average, in some cases, vari 
from the plaintitt’ invoices, and the Melentackanae 
Jestea; “bul the protests aro therefore yatqe gad esa 
‘clent. Rota —_ SNS 

He sie ig, can this objection bo mistained? Tho 
porpeeo of seb. protedta Is to {aform tbe cobectar of the. 
revenue why the Importer insists that ho oaght cot to 
Psy tho additional datfes claimed. 

{lea commercial Inrestinenty and eoalt recsiro a 
Piveral interpretation. Neither the testimony or the 
repent of ir Philip pratesdot to sata what was raid 
for land frelghts and chargen In eltber of theeo eases of 
Inany particular cago, Uot coly what waa! tbe azerage 
of euch charges from {he yarlots ports of Burope, and 
{hat was for reagons eallefastory to. the parties; abd for 
he purpote of saving trouble and expenso, agreed to bo 
Fecalved as evidence. to compile damages, provided. the 
parties otberwizo mado ont their right to recover. In o 
fneo cited in Hammond, 416, the Gourtbeld that. tbe pro- 
{eet (seufcient if the Importer states. In lt datineliy and 
definitely the sourc ‘complaint concerning Ubeir te- 
regularities, and they a70, inthe opinion of tbe Goart,euf- 
felon io cabie to” pti to stan thea, tons 
Jodgment will (bercof bo entored upou tho verdict, and’ 
the question of damages be referred, to be collected in 
bo usual way, to be computed sccording to Mr. 

Phillips’ reports. 

Discovery oy Axonom New OrireR Two.—A couple of 
fiabermen al Keyport have recently discovered a pew 073: 
ter bed, wich bids fale to creato an excltoment some 
thing elmllar to that on Long Island Sound some tivo yeara 
rince. The bell resembles thote of the Old Sounds,” 
with a meat ike the Fast rivers and a flayor raid to bo 
cqnal to the famous Norwalk oysters. The (wo men who 
have discovered the bed of course keep tho looality a 60- 
czct, merely giving its locality on the, Jerany thora, Do- 
tween Coney Jeland and Sandy Hook. They ab for thom 
only during the wight, and take them by dragging ‘n over 
twenty feel of water. 


665] Moow urs 
534] man wars 

ews rises. 

eve 10 37 
‘eve 11 23 

Port of New York, February 13, 1861, 

Sigamh Kedar (Br), Mele, Queenstown and Liverpool— 
j Steaminbip Frida, rowed, Ssrannab—amoe! I, Mitel 
heswobip Bonteiil, Pest, Saranaab—H B Cromvall 
cohlgayshin Colambis, Derry, Charterton—Spotford, Ties: 

Sicainship, Nasbyite, Morray, Cha with mdse and 

yatsengers, (o Spotord, Neston & Ca, 1th Tost 9s PM, 29 

oi Fryi9e Von Shoals, wignallsed steamship Augusta, 

ch, Baltimore aod Norfolk, 
ot B Cromwell & Go. 
Sup Fai Nore tor Boston), Homans, Fogehow,, Oct 2 
panel Auiler Noe 1h Cape dod ito raat 
Eitstenie the’ Aina fe 28 rh (auc ts Gary 6 a. 
EA MACR yer manner 

Ship Slate Ring (oC Hoston), Ellery, Ma 1 
apjlerar ah eh imdoe to ofder 

ip James R Keeler, Delano, Londoo, 46 days, with mdse 

and 18 parscogere, to 1 E Mo 

hip ‘Wm Trothinghars, Suelsou, Marre Dec 3 with mace 
and Io posseugern to Hus Hineyro, aD io tao toe 

25; sa¥e kehip ay parently pbandoned--hore fo for tne 
of faving by 'beradrenderiog auy aaatance, but the next 
eke in; feould ‘ot see ber. end pT 

bie fodra (tuo) Lipyy Harte, 82 dye, in ballast, to Roger 
res. 2 * = 

(of Charleston), Démuls, Hordeanx, 48 dasa ith 
Teeary. Has Bad very beaty wealber? spl 

day wild 
lag tb 

Bhp a7 
ite, Ae. = 

ofp ngpoblick (Brem), Wencke, Breme -- 
ste, to a i yah Jat tones — 
suifelio Wepecben & Vauare. 18 fan at S03) om. = 

aes eat bad ine weatber, : 
mane Arab (Onay rah. Amoy, Yop ayy aged Be Helena 
Aes estmaye aloes a MarleaUe, |, 
Ne Theis tot Baston)," Faller, Sumatra, Oct 4, ee 
woe ed Bes nwits pepper, 19 order.) we. ast lat 

A ep ep Opel trom fob oF Harr, 

ESTE TNSETE bse, ac Jn, oa 
sae Parte arn ee suka 
Jn corspany with Br bar 66 for ‘New Yor®. 

a ter Oat ARE 
eiehcnte te arate censure Sura 
piiedaanss dia eind tenant 
Fer Gideon Suen ee wae 
Dipl ete aes 

BEE cP REEEN ators, Rin dunt 
ieee ene opel a 
A park Nicer Jae ge ), Haesloop, Rio Janeiro, 67 
eS hae cine 

SUS a ee an, 
to Bre Bon & Co. WU iowed to thla port by atcammtug 
rig Wingave (of Bocksport). W; cs Jap 3, with 
pada Rise eetma dy ata aes 
Ree acelin tte (ase 
cs ey Si henrteate eam 

es from BIW 
Pig, Abby Nation (ot Sedge, ate, Par Oshorlo, 
in wn pire iopace & Hunter 

Shei rishert Reed (or, of Be Jobo, ko), Wulingale, Anges) 
Ja. Jan 31, with salt, to PT Nevius & Son 

Tinie Ove Traveller (of Redgmick), Sargent, Cardenas, Feb 
a Rit sgh Reome & Hunle ee 
wilh bark RB Walker, 

<Pog Uap, for Boston. 

tachi) blitemore, Clearargss, 


ety i dao (of Bast 
a Feb a, with sogar, 

wit metata, to Simpson 
Brig Exopire (of Boston) 

fo master 
Brig Slacblan Bkopry, 

‘Trinidad, Jen 25, with eagar de, to 
‘Thompsoo & Hunter 24 lost, of Cape Florida, maw, on 
dep. trem Liverpool for, New Orleans; 0 date, lat 8225 lon, 
TrBY panies 2 laFes cn poor. 

7 Beg ears, Mioger New Ovlana 17 day, with suze, 
nll & CO. 

Walle! be Wiep (Be of Lapenbary), Hanter, Carsea, 
Ae gare wim aale, to Call & Frith. 

jiema Mayo, Mayo, Dry Harbor, Ja, via Newport 3 
days in calladt, to mater. 
hr Conse} 43) 

with molasses, 
sry westber 

Under wster 
"Scr Baliva, Eliott, Neorltas, Jan 29, with metado, to F 

Tn eraoe (of ewig Date, 5t Jou ayy wi mc 
‘Sctr berm (Br, of St Andrews, NB), Wilson, Trialiad, Jan 

adr Alles Lea, Cowan, 4 loaded with wood sared from 
(chet bark Cordelia and will sail wooa for York 

mae M W Pry, Meryhaty at this pert fo Chive 
atiapan, bes Gicharged Ber cargo aba ences cetn eee 
1k Thoracey Ustaty sadore ant let = 
(remenn el SRA Eapresea gee, 7 Ble mid cares to 

Bair Daxip Badws, before reported sbandanel al wea, was 
‘valued at $7, and Lt ineured io IBLa ety for SRAM Mer 
cargo la also Losared are for $2,000. 

‘Tes ateamaLip Vig, Copt MoGulcas, malls om Satantay next 
Ud o'clock for Liverpool, tating the Uslicd States mall 
The UR rtram revenue cntter Harriet Lane left ber moor 

fat Jersey City yeatentay and proceeded (a tbe ¥: 
at Brootlys. 

ue [OF THe Sra—The fellow lag wae eommun!. 
Sealer er the Soria Chica Uersfa Shipotag List, 
tahipLababoo, dated Wooranay Nor 2 

srteany fram Liverposk, BUD: 

360 miles Fein the moat ae Yan. 


Sy cant Hamil 
10 Woceab, was 
deen the fis 

peed bs 

ith sugay, (> toaster. 34 fost, a =508, Ton 7 25 #poke 
hr Omans, of Boston from Mauiotas for Portland. 

Sehr Samuel Oiman B Menton, 

8 Baker, 

‘Schr smith Tale, 

Sebr Maris 

Steamer W 

bark Prait 

‘The sekr reported in this morning's rion asthe Z Pains, 
sboeld Lave been the Z Snow. - 

Bark RW Welker, from — 
bio, three barks and one brig, uoko-= 

ve, Glsraltar, br 

els Mivantam: Giadad Boles allan, 
= Meteor, Ces 
“hiss seaisabipa Mloriaa, and Hun\svi'e, daranzah; Co 
Iombls, Charter, 

Herald Marine Corse: 

igi iy crag tom New Orem 

Fab bul dae make Goesaal wip) 
{iat uh i ie iat eal we are reoete (ea tbe Narib ca 
U's Sew goveranient u eatobubed. "We sie all who wish 
pee a Key West 19 send their ete 
0 be Srwarded wens 

ae he Stay ear ra 
_ = 

ee tele eat 

fae Eee tn te inser 

‘tbree mssied. chr Maria Pike, Craw’: froma 
for Boston. ran aground on Nor Cay Toa. 

5 the stb. 0) bbls of maldases were (icon over Ae 
‘was also taken from tse wrecker: oad the vessel Sot 

Tipe ieepiaite renters gay 
Se re a rea ie Pa Seek oe 

$29 On. r 
want Waterbury (ar oe Expeases 81251 
fpoveae Belly Browns aed Yor Live;pal emis at. 

Sekt Aey Earhart, alle, s04 Mater, Pliner, 
pr letiewt arp fra be patenaes wip Oocas Seay 

Unwed ul Ibe 2st Dartog” 
geen othe Seas and the Boreamer, an 
fang ying, alment daily, (or belong oder close reefed mul 

re male to ‘jane 
Tala Namieg beqry. so large teas Boom alice day} 
Greabed (0 a hurricane, veering moore. westward, i 

Bendous bad sa AL boon the vied was from Band Mew 
Wrlb lecreased Viclence UIl920 PM, went moderated derwa. 
Avg. wied was very ght, aod maaiber cleat enoagh for us 
tosea We non end ar Formosa, some 19 miles off. From, 

ates Whe a te tba ie hae 
Bcreamar bail arrived the evening beform, but tha Queen, of 
Ahe Seas, os fur aa Lean leara, bas wot pri been beard of. 
SeegNars Raat ey a a 
eats tuasves ues Us erst 
fier qnant aaa pee ty mate or 
Tented orn ure ia re at 
en }} Not By Irak pill Wscreaa’ng, making 13 tt per 
Pahl ond aaa thn i et 
ETAT Sad veteran fam Neve 
Sparsditio Sept tv aae men nea as 
EBANM waar cr oenaar” face a 
at rary ales from NW; hove the abip to cnder 
Jee thronghout the night and following days pervect 
i, the abip being an entire macs 
shite ert aa uk 
SU ceraelontot ng pean at 
SANG PU etcetera eat 
isheraan els eaetuoceinur tr 
ld sees pugs Rb ta Ne SE 
BelGuare sr hs eaten at oe 
5 Se oN Gy hth rama ase 
ed ber lo Capo Cod to comomunleata with tho city for steam, 
Sinee Soh Sintn amt fetea ty 
Sore macesront, Conde. at ate rom Tznton 
via. Plymouth, during» gale 08 the 7b Loa, Lat 40, lon G3 owt 

Sure Scpanone was sold at San Francisco Jan 19, by the US 
Marvba), for 140,00. 

Be Boge Mun I Dengng oi Lenn cau 
eed ie nt ea ae Moin weak aos 
Bogs Itand wile tying to make Portasd barber. 

Tage essay Mewes fom Mine or Wag 
ieee SO ale PRR ala Pl 
Saag SSMS Ft aS wit Soir, 

are oe React days from Korea ay, wi 
Steet oa rap RS 

ute Tyre, Lana Noxon rom Oaeaan oy be 
fort Jat 59.40, ken 65 10, bad a galo from BW, which ab 7 Pt 

Baaled to NW with snow and cevere cold; thé gala continued 
i tbe tb, and for 50 bours bad only the mizen atayaall ast; 
‘of Hatlerag with Nwinds «ib inst, Jos Fran: 

veatnan, wra om overboant. 
failed from Borlon 6th Lost for 

‘io ibe tb kad rent ot water 

«nig Moore Vensor, all at Balimoro from Rio Janie, 
rprang Mask and spi salle on tae penage. 

Bem Grice Cnovixe (ot New Iaven), Darrell, weal 
aberanight af rest on scutean arat ibe ears at 
BEND lelise "enea Bos cars wl bem wal for, crew 
Sed: bot freatiien, Tye 6 Camevost of the tay on 
‘petro Nt Hates, rom Fauasent, aod ten 
UE Tee Tetand thtewiod came down trom Ns haview np wi 
Bard Yad the wed oming age, roe back ANd aoehored 
ouse BontQeattelcd bod {AR Gt the tate fared wen 
tiselale arated ogee te land eal ote toe 

see hita oug ine Eun aking eo tnach Yon ways me 
tsbSreacd olled in about (wo Bours’ ‘Tho next moray sae 
Heer ree eet oek Seana by une cxpuins Baal frome 
Uieetad omen ot'Sen Haven) Thoceapiala tod ete 
Eootitdig of taith peruihe, weve lakes to Neuf IM iast 
icetdiner Nondanpies : 

Howell, from Nor(al for. New York, 

Velock ight of 7h last (before reported, ta tbe 

iaison,Ssedlahoal tiled jn aa bogerand-chpant 

NastBerwards, the mewart apt one of tho seamed were 

Protea teeathy ibe recanioder of be crow wera aten of at 

SEAT one tal very badly refi, acodng ap 

Scum Noma Srare sll remained asbore at Pol 

sy efterocen, at bien tice m portion ol 
@ drtzdsahorecs the bearb, nat the vesas 
Hitletpore tothe csntwnrdn‘order fo earn U 
thofomer bold amenattog to About 2 badex ft wil ba meen 
Eta Tal he betreeeh Seek tocuablo the men fo work. 
Eevon bales of cotton, belog (be balance stowed beiween 
sche, have been eaved and lakes to Newport: 

Bera Dorcss Textane—Capt FB Prench, of thiscity, 
ageat Yor the wnereriers.(eegraphs ream’ Woad'e ols 
hurr data of Feb i, ns Follons--bie Holmes, inveraae> 
ent ar Boras ad ices 
Seman's tad. “The eebeontr eames back tastntghty oo a 
Gructet theweather, “Cart Doggett reports that 14) bates 
ft (ke tock lost) tad teen eafey"fendea om the beach 
ot thinks ihe resse wil break, op ta day. T shal prosced 
tortue wreck aascen ea the weather will yermic 

‘Scuk isanet, Milburn, before reported apandoned and cre 
tater to ZAverpoot, bad sprang nea 

Seng Wrren Gots, shcharseel at layasa 7 to e- 

Fu baviog falco is ehh the tare Mlawos, Seemtowed a 
ite teen ony fread bond wanda 

cargo aby zl 0d st Thomas 
‘eahipped by schr Kothen, foademane t S.xhe noes 

‘Theateamsbip Roanoke, of {bo New York and ¥ 8 
une, bea Been Withdrawn or the present for ena as OO 

‘The abip. Wes Tapecot, oor om the. targe 
rile etepgedyrocguired and aowly coppared. Mt 42% 

Sag IRN iret sect nes tr TO 
‘30 miles NW of the North Saddle. 
Sect ‘Gate, Tatiana from Callao for Hampton 

tah Mariog, Slmanson, hengg for Liverpoa), Feb 1, lat 42, 

on chan, 

ee: z Si 

an re weces, frome Galreaton for Liverpool, Jan 29, 0m «-. 
Bare Tape), Baulres, from Cardia tor Galveston, Jan 2%, 
TAHark Migpessta, (Farge, (rom Rlo Jénelro for Pbiladelpb's, 

Git lat hk on oro : 
Pier Willis Wise” (America), for NOrleaos, Peb Gat 
(probably bark Kate 

ts, eo The 
He ‘was passed Jao 9), of 

fe "Rate Tastlogy. alerting N. 
Stamler, hence nce art at Mobile), 

Pe SE reauy wue opin Fo utr 

i Hannah, bence for Jacml, Jan 2h, int 27 10, Jou 632. 
Foreign Ports, = 

Axor, Dee 91 pate Moorer Totogom, fem 
arr fog Kone. "eid Dew’, abip Ka 
bhayBioider Ne (hs frig Jasaem Marsbal, Jente, 

Gani Jan So 

jin N¥ork; 3, brig. 

Teviaihas, tr ifenbed mclgeesa, Adi Hie 

fans; brig ene Hath Arthnc, Go; Goa Marana, Rogar, 

Witiiaas; su, Alaveia, Reed, iWcmlagi.o, NC; Pdoodton, 
Welln SY ork 




Gin) Bascom, Boxtda: Mod 
sehre Francis, Hal, 

fh ai 

Boccaor, Sor Sid tark Monta, Meas, Shangoe 


Havand, Jan 3—Acr brigs Askby (Bs Wridiey Philadelphia; 
s Cee 
*E Pires, Sasi Beat ee oe 



irae ie 
land; Jan Davia, Staptes, and. MeDozaid, 49; African. 
‘Lane. NYcrk; schr While Bea, Lit ‘Portand: 

Be sats fas woes uy tala tees card 
rip Netruaka, Toompes, Pentax Senyey 







USE wrod, and arrived to Un! Whe” 

Teatro, Brana P la: Phebe A Taos, 
Bai mehr jase Teacey, Hansen, NO 

Lewis, are 

¥ Bo ees AM Ne 
alee Nena te Wee 

ks, Wright, Jack son ville 2} 
Soe analy Sa ia Tighe Nira 
Watin sovietas ph 


fa, Panny Perm 

(Rea i iH 

Cid Feb aa id, bark 1, M Merit, Keng, Bacon 
Subs Dark Laan Went SV arse 

Eee Mn ae ak 

Khucuws, Sorin pore ‘ 
pifary, for Sangha bag Ha MY, re Natdaany Honoaly 

ae, Tee Xo 
Web, Aden (uu ld 

laryland, Dow, for Irovkieece vis 
See aT fe ee NaN a ar 
Vea rei Pee Braga vwkre 
Pave anf 

zaalsar, tonal went 


r ino, 
Vedtan Nelle) Tenney, Valmgoih: bce bo 
Hates Calta Haun Mamie fi 
Bealgay tripe Oem 


id Sub, bare 
Frances, Jones 
Orient (Br 

fa feter Grae 
Lihin\water, owtoas 

eet at ascorbate, ibn FT 

‘vases, Jan-S0=T0 port brie #4 Mask Wlotbester, for 

tere Nenana anny 
Cor Motile; Menrietta, Bs (hoy Kanda, 
i Lia 
Is aa 

sae a ee 
Maca aSRO arate ete ae cae 
uz ant sn pester 
AD ce Seng ieee, Qu aes cat 

from Landon 4th, brig O fl Jonah, Whldten, from Mec bias 
ii ate attr part of Desay ether ea a 
fon Headey bark Tntperador, Hubtard, Patladelphiay-brlp 
Ubattanong, Peeves Haltnsore 
Miaxcoae: Novse-Arr chr Melia. Birslien, Niagr vant 

HA ae ge cA ee ka 
Rosch ‘anes, Hale, Pocehow; bark Carrie Leland, bai, 


ward carga 
Tn port Jan SiaL ships Mary Russell, Crocker, from NYork 
OK Ran 

cee 4 
sre a ita i a tel 

Fepg; Lelie, Allen, condemredy barks Peniacket, La 
from NY¥or . fentie, fren 
Pictou for Provider Boreham from 
NVork arr 20h fer ame day; waa 
Trveketman, from do arr ih, ding, for tanta Martha, Vltex” 
‘beth, Thornkike, from Gren 

Ryder, aod Joalah Jar, M0 

Hauos, Jan Aer bark Geo Thomas, 1 7 
Bethe ti OP I ET, 

eh tee ert wg sian, rman New 
en Geniinltade tt Gatos Marra Net 

siya Ne 

York ites 


‘American Ports. 
ALEXANDMUA. Feb ll—Arrachrs Marletts Barr, Helford, 
and Falrfar, Molt, NYork. Passed up. schr silver Cloud, 
Witeen fret ortsmouth bond to Georges 
ROSTON, Feb 12—Arr steamer Kea! oto, Taker, Phila. 
delphi ips Ocean Hover, Briard, Calcalia; Motes Daven~ 
i, Con: “ymouth, Eng.’ barks Hophla, 
‘Trinlly, Crank, Gnlveauo 

ekeam. Buco, and 
sao, Orca 

Geiper, Wilmington, NOCH fart, 

2, EA. ignfan.' Pinion, Taneiert 

Wreavon, ro1edel pha! 
ence for Bavanesd (ven 

Warnur. Wan 
Htwong th 

pages Bt yaco dec 
‘Avirea, nluspaed 
a Br); Da 

VOREUHIVENs Feb 12-814 echr Thomas Wioann, Divi 

NOALYESTON, Jan2®—Arr brict Fatabalo, Amsbury, Car 

SA Pid teat cd eee 
BE a ake, aa 
Hebe iteniy Wale Maker doy ley bere West Wed, 
He Buran Waa idols nen tata 

Eaton, Marion, Havre; brig’ Bony ler, M¥ore; chee 
Fianie Heecmsh, BenoeletLlrerbaot, BH kéwoney el 

trig Mle 
3 m3 for Liverrord 


ls, Robe 

i te 
In port Feb, bark Ean Jacinto, Fratas, 
brta Fatabain, Amabury, wags sebre Bloabeth Bees, aed 
Basle Mos tor S¥Gi4; Mir, fer" Oren 04’ 
GRORGETOWN, BO, Jan 20—Arr Ls a le rep 
Pain etre Cid Paul ene A Cay, Harminaa, Wie 
WAWETON ROADS, Pet'S—-ure ably Daria Cracker, 
tio 19 rk Willagy (Pras), Waggoeer, Li 

oo : 
JACK ONVILLE, Jan Arr brig Resolate, HIN, Havens 
inti Sho tte) trdea Mr wa: Mr eae 
Bite tale i a ase eat 
rie th i a Ae 
49S sarin sletada kawyer, b 

ib, Hivira, Allen, Bi Thovaa; 3A 

ine, NYork; Uist, Bbeet Anckor, Williams, 

(oh belie als tes aut ican alle: Bawa Livergoay 3 
ot Natl "Aid fo ate be 
Soin Feo) malic, Lee? Tatacst eanespradeo, 

HORTLE, Fes Art, 0 Lm 
don: A a) pte 2 65, Marcin, 
Siena Von 
Bega Nie are Ht ita 
ee ORE Feb kre ies Mats Wace 
fecal lait nea 

ppb, Phy 

tape deg Ya (ovr Anger osu fog Dome, A 
Veire Fh oa fae Wigusns Lay 120%, 
Suszere Providtace for Stoalagiay, 

ea Be aeasarfon 
qhetsicors, Saasi=oli bee t0) aso, ‘Baste, Verw 
TIILADEL?: pen Betaberdte 
Tie pong dee Pera 
HES ole Se eae area Her ey, 
‘usr steamerr Boston, Crocker, NYork, echre Waite. 

cs ttn Mere Rives, Bare astern, (BO, Weer 

Mar Balam, 
ra Pare, 

aE fre Ong 

Sieh ae 
2 Ele 

Sree. There 
1 OVIDESCE, Sir eicamer Peeks, Baber, Now 

igh, hr feo RSet TRG TAR ortone LZ 
Wb (7 tceoarescee H Mestre Baron, Mertens Bie 

vind HES, esate Mae 
wan wads Fer Are : 
ad a Ee oe ta 
© Fae winisabpere Bo 

Peay okey ones I Ersiammacad, 
Tag th op ny alma 9 
FiaiiiMtO$, 86, Po mina beg Trans Mati 

‘Bab, oo; 
fog 7.08, 
eee ee oe