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WHOLE NO. 9849. 


TEMBER 4, 1863, 



Alarm at the Prospect of a Russo- 
American Alliance. 

The French About to SeiZe | We rao dowa until wo saw tho Yaokoo colors Ayling from 


Tho Alabama Spoken by tho British 
Ship-of-War Clio, 

Peace Circular from Pius the 

spoken Jaly 0, in latitude 9 N., longitude 22 W. 
Mresina, which 

by [From the London Te} 


Apostolic Letter to Archbishop Iughes Advis- 

ing a Conference with the Archbishop of 
New Orleans and Other Bishops, 

&e., &. &e. 

‘Tho mails of the Africa from Boston and the mails of 

‘tho Jora from Quobeo reached this city last night, Our 
Baropean Mes 
of August, and coptaln ome important detaila of the full 
telegraphic roport from Halifax published ia tbe BERaLp 
‘on Wednesday. ? 

0 dated in Londo and Paris on tho 220 

‘The Privateers: 
{From the London Teiegraph, August 20.) 
The Gobrontern,, trom Amsterdam to Ralavia, waa 
» by the 
arrived Jn tho Mersey an Tuesday, and ro~ 
ported Having been In company with tho Alabama on the 

provions day. 

ms rmUTE. 
(From tho London Times, Augnst 21.) 
Her Majesty's sbip Clo, on ber pissago home from Rio, 
about week ofo, camo acroes the Alabama. On the 
feventox of tho 24 of Jaly, at seven o'clock, a fire was re- 
Ported.on tho port bow £0 the ebip was, immediately 
opt away for Ik, and at hing o'clock a vossel was deseried 
‘windward comiog tawards us, and when within a mile 

anda half oif fired a blank gun, which wo nt once ro- 
{urced. Sho then “hauled ber wind” end bore away 1a 
Abo opposite direction, eo we thought we bad. dono 
with her. About ten P. M. wo camo abreast 
ef 9 Jorgo American vessel on fro, and almost 
Burnt to the water's olgo; and a bark Was also scen 
Ising to closo by her. Wo burnod along light, In caro 
any persons wore adrift or roquired assistance, and at 
twenty minutes past twelye midnight a vessel Was ro- 
ported coming after ua, under sail aud steam and furliog. 
mil in very quick time, under our stera, steamed up ou 
far weather quarter, going apparentiy doable our speed 
viz, fevon knots, with all her men mt quarters and 
clesred (or cotion, and coramenced hailing os as follows: 

‘This ig the Confederato war etcamer Alabama. Ship, 
aboy! What ship is thats?” On beloy aexed if they barned 
that ship thoy sald they did. The exeltement on board 
moog ofllcor# and men was vory great, all eager to catch 
‘A eizht of tho far-famed. vessel Alabama over tbo bal- 
warks, oF whorevor a good ylow could be obtatacd. 




‘Tho brief stay of the Confederate veasol-of-car, tho 
Frerida, at Meraada, afordca an opportunity-for tho eol- 
Tection ‘of gomo particulars respecting hor recent carcor. 
‘Those details bave jast arrived in this country, and oro 
allo moro Interestiog atthe present moment’ from tho 
{act of tho celebrated crulecr If belog now off the 
southern coast of Ireland. 

Op the 14th of Jane burnt the ship Red Ganntlet, from 
Deaton to Hong Kong. From ber wa also got. coals, but 

ti oa‘tbe 17th of Jupe, captured the seboooer V. H Fill 

. on condition that abe would 

down tho English colors (which wero flying at tho timo), 
fod showed to tholr ylew tho “stars and bars," and at 
tho samo timo gaye hor a broadside. Her mea ran from 
their after pivot and sought protection vebind the sbip’s 
Dolwarks. “But tho weather was In thelr favor, for just 
then tho fog camo down eo dense that the Ericsson could 
‘Bot be sce 60 all we oould do was to walt Il It clearod 

up. But ‘Judge our astoolshment, whou it did 
char up, to ece tho Yaokeo about fivo 
or nlx miles aboud of us, and trayelling for 

Saniy Hook. Now It was wo fell tho need of good coal, 
Oar brava Captain Madit offered ono thousand. five ban- 
dred dollars for fifteen pounds steam, but we conld uot 
get but elpht and ten pounds, although wo aeed pitch and 
Fosin. All hands were adxious WO catch her, for sbe bad 
been gent out to catch “rebel cralsers,” but #bo realy 
caught a Tartar this timo. However, wo bad tho pleasuro 
of Durning two vossols under Ter nose—tho brig N. B 
Nast, from New York, and the whaliog echooncr Rienzi, 
from Proviocotown; bit tho crew had loit when they. 
saw us buro tho brig. Wo showed tho, crow of tho Nash. 
the steamer Erlosson making tracks (or\New York. Witt, 
ead heart wo left the F., nnd stovred (or Bermuda, at 
which placo wo arrived on tho 26th instant, and as goon 
15 wo coal wo leave this place for acrulso, and you and 
your readers may bo assured that tbs Florida wilt eus- 
{ain ber ropotation, and do! all eho can to annoy rho 

1m tho Cork Herald, Augest 29.) 

‘Tho Florida Is a. sorow steamer Of extraordinary swift- 
nees, and ia disguised ia such a maator as to puzdle the 
Koeuoat observer. Her hull ia Jong and low; bor falls 
look old ond patched, and 0 oxternal trac [s visible of 
Ror roal gtrength and power. Threo bands bave bon, io 
‘ono jartanco, seen struggling aloft to take in a eaily to 
master which ellcleotly ten would bo mocassary, whilo a 
‘ist fo the deck wonld Alscloso (0 vlaw a body of at least 
two bundred men, ecattered about In groups. Tho. per- 
ona landed from tho Florida aro ollicers of tbo Coufedo 
Tato pavy (ono of them o pbralcian), who avowed their 
profession and tho sorvico oy belonged to, bot revesed 
{o toll the nomo of thelr ship. Their bosiness in Buropo, 
of course, can only be conjectured. 

Important from Mexleo. 
[Parls (Aoguat 19) correspondence of London Telegraph.) 

‘Tho repeal of General Forey’s Mexican Soquestration 
act bas been rocelved bero with great favor: indecd. it 
did seem rather a strong woasure of protection,” ovea 
wheo only adopted ‘temporarily.’ 1 bear sircog con. 
Oration of the trath of tho roperis which I bave already 
forwarded, of tho disturbed stato of that part of Mexico, 
Which is not entirely tn the hands of tho Fronch; we 
Meniteur de U'Arnee, (o fact, bipls at bavds of briganits 
‘and other disturbers of the public posce, who are spcedily 
to be put down. 

‘According to privath letter recelved by the Jast mai 
Tampico and Tuxpan wero about to bo cccuplod by. th 
French, ond jt was expectod that Malamorés scout! aloo 
ave ta te held on account of the imporiant com trade 
1ehich might there be carried cn. 

‘Comoufort was Yery ill at Sila, and, Nnaliy, the city of 
Moxico was about to give a ball to the French arwy, for 
which a large sum bad already been subscribed. 

(From tho London Times. August 21.) 

The crown of Mosicy bas becn offered to the Archduke 
Maximilian. of Auétria, and tbo proverbial forluae of tho 
Hapsburg family may ve illustrated. perhaps, by tbe union 
of two empires Io ono house. With the cstaplishmont of 
tho new Stalo wo bave only Guch concern ns necessarily 
altaches to tho abatement of political nutsarice and (bo 

abatitation of ap organized and responsible Power. With 
the motives of tho Freoch Jn this arrangoment wo have n0. 
desire to quarrel: With tbe {nLercsts of Austria It 1s not our 
Dusiness to medio, But tere Isa question ta tho transac 
tion which, though familiar enough already to alargo clare 
of readers, ‘shoold by. no meana tbo: Ieft_-withon 
‘ab this stage of aifuira. A ccrtal nau 
Pere ani gree So 
i¢, bas Deon ° 

cute tance 

‘been £0 far conquered tbat tho Invaders are in possession, 
of Its capital, and pra thero supsrintendiog the roconst)ta- 
tion of the country and the ereotion of tho government 
now under consideration, 164s not very murpriting that 
auch an expedition shouild te represented os an ctbsck upon 
the Iiteritet of a people and a eiclation of public Iai. That 
Iho nrmles of a great Europaan soverciga should cross tbo. 
‘Ailaatio, disembark co Ibo thores of the New World, de 
(hrone tho'rulers of nn fodependant Stato, chaago Its 
form of government, and or tho dominion to a stranger, 
ts cerlainly a proceeding requiring considerate justifestton 
in the pracnt cour), #8 ee 88 8 8 8 ee 

or anaticn. Neither omit to admonish and 

Gabor tho pele and Uelr supreme rulers, oven 

jn car namo, that, with conciliated minds, \bey 
woald embraco peace, and lore each. other with 
uolnterrapted charity; for wo are conikisat thas they 
woald comply with our patersalladmoo|tions and BaArxen 
{o ar woras tbo more willlogly, a8 ot Aemsalyse ey 
Mainly and clearly understand hat 
bo political reasons, no carthly congideratiens, (Dat ti- 
jpelled solely by patercal ebarity, to exhort théim to tran~ 
golllity and peace. And stody’ with your surpassing | ~ 
wisdom to perroade all that true proaperity, oven 10 this 
life, is eowebt for Jo vain out of the true religion of 
Ghrlst and ita ealotary doctrines. We Rave no Meatatien, 
cette coee tet ie nae 

Thvse ‘cur wuhes, and ty 
Fuch moment to a oj ewok you 
moreover, tobe informal /hat we write in 3 ‘stailar ORT 
Dite rame day to cur tencratle brother John Mary, ATCA- 
buhop of Naw Orleans, thal, counselling and conferring 
NoltA you, Re toould direct all hur Chougats and care mex 
earncsill (9 aecomplih (he exmve etject. May Gods ried 1D 
mercy, grant that theso our mat ardunt, deals, De ao, 
complished, and as 200 as posa)ble our heart may exalt 
in tho Lord ‘over peaco restored to tbat people. 1m One, 
tis mast pleasing to avail oareelves of hla opportunity 
to again testify the special favor in which we bold you. 
‘O¢ which, also, receiva.n most assured pledgo, tbo Apoa- 
tolle benediction, which ,comlng from tbo inmcal recomes 
of oor boart, we most Icviogly bestow oo yuu, yenerabio 
brothar, abd the flock committed to your cbarge. 
Dated 'Romd, St, Peter's, October 18, 1862, lk ho Bowens 
teenth year of our Pontiteate, POPE FIUS IX. 

The Coptared Ganboats Satelite and 

Reliance Sunk by Kilpatrick's Arthi= 
lery, &e- 

Wasmxcrox, Sopt 3, 1863. 
A roport bas deco brought to vhis city by Captain 
Bates, of Gendral Sickles? stafT, that loformation had been 
recolyed at tho headquarlore of the Third army corps te 
day, that yostorday General Kilpatrick ruccceded tn 
sinking tho reoontly captared gunboats Reliance and Ba- 
tolite, on tho Rappahannock, twelve miles below Fro- 
derickeborg. ‘This was dono by a field battery supported 
by cavalry. Tho robels evidently anticipated ab attack 
of this kind, as their cavalry wore reoonncltering ob (bo 
north sido of the Rappabancock. 

Tho expedition ecot op the Rappanannock to reenpture 
tbo gubcats Satellite and elisneo baa returned, belog 
unable, in consequence of ths low water, to got bigher up 
tban Tappabancock. Que of the seamen of tbo Satellite 
arrived hero to-day, Baving mado his escapo while on the 
wey to Ricbmond. Wo ropresonte that am expedition 
numbering between four hundred and five hundred rebels, 
consistiog jn fart of the same force whicb captured tho 
two boats, loft the veigbborbood of Fort Rogal on Tues- 
doy for tho Fotoroac, for tho purposo of capturing eome 
of our vessels. A party of cavalry are witb them, who 
ayo been ceen Jately about Matthias and otber points on 
the river. 

Mr. William Young's Despateh, 
Anuey OF THE PoToMAe, Sept, 2, 1863, 

One of my follow priconers, who was among tho cap- 
tored officers in tbe panils of tho rebels at tho timo it 
was my good fortuno to eséare from the prieonor’s camp, 
while wo wero baiting on tbe fatiguing march towards 
Richmond, writes an Iotercating letter, from which tbo 
followlog extracts are made, It would appear from bis 
Totter that the entire joarnoy to Richmond was perform- 
ed.on foot, apd that the oflicers did cot take tho care of 

Luray Prsox, Avgesl 28, 166%. 

‘Time begivs to bing héary on my bands, and thers is 

no apparont hopo of retesso, 

Tho negro most bo as good ojo while man, ood cor 

goverpmont will bot exchange. i 

Thero has beou.a mooting of the commisslonors, and 

Yor can imagioe wnat my ‘tale of oo 
tell you 
abit, abd thls I regularly waeb oneo a wook, 

Our rations (rom tho Confederates ato ona half poncd 
of broad, tore oF four onnces of fresh boot aod a very 
little rice. Ip fact wo snould be bupgry all the time 
uplees we bad things from tho outsKio. 


When Teco you egaio Ioan tell yoo of my sufferings 
on the, march’ from Goityrborg to Riebiwoud, shoo. 
Joss, marcbing twenty odd mile# a day on etony roade, 
rations one half pound of flour, threo or fdr olinces af 

Dutbnsiastic Reception of President 


The Candidates and Platform of tho 

Immense Union Masa Meeting at 

The New York Nepublicam State Con- 

fork 44 when 
magiog nad mY or aucercoines iGae Go 




8 Convention of Young Republi- 
cans at Syracuse. 

Lincoln's Lettor. 

Massachusetts Democraey, 

Springfield, U 

&y &e, 

Synaccan,N. ¥., Sept 9, 1869. 

Tho extreme radicals Wowod at a wonderfal rato dur: 
log tbo bight, Soma of tho mombors openly declared 
that tho othor rido had got tholr Stato ticket completo; 
Dot tbey bad yet their emancipation resolution, and they 
‘Would like to £00 tbo Soward rmen ologk Uholr tlekot on Hh 
This foolery finde favor with only a portion of tho radi 
ala It [Is confined to tho real oxtremo—tho rule and 
ruin faction, 

Opdyko teems to bave obtained tho disfavor of bis own 
sido, Even Greeley waa down oo Bim last night, Tho: 
radjeals accuse bim of selling out their side, Opdyko, on 
tho other sido, claims to have gained ona Important point, 
‘and that is proyentiog Governor Morgan belog elected 
ebairman of tho Convention. 

Tho radicals cams bero with tbo determination (0 pro- 
yoot Morgan’ elocticn, Tho latter, howover, did mot 
‘wish to be chairman, and £0 {oformed bis friends, urglog 
thom not to preea bis name; whilo, on the other band, 
tho radicals bad candidates for that position whom 
thoy considered it yitally important to havo elected; 
Dat In their eMforts to proveot Morgan being clect- 
ed thoy lost their own candidates, tho ticket and tho 
State Central Committee. Is thoy oan find any conrola- 
tion In tbat result, nobody will complain, and Governor 

Gexart Sur, on belog presented (o tho meeting, eald 
bo was oo impressed and delighted with tho Pros} 
deot's admirable and unanswerable letter (hat ho 
thoaght the Convention might well afford to ailjourn rine 
ia 9¢ is cooclution, No ppecches wero ngeesary. Tut 
fines it was tho pileature of the Convention bo woald may 
‘fa fow words. Ho responded to tho oall booauso it was to 
Tally (0 tho shia of tho country, He eon, ratulated thoso 
‘Prevent upon Having abandoned party. 9 country waa: 
‘Tmioro than the constitution, Ho would save Jt with that 
Gstrumeat if ho toald; Dat ho would evo | 
‘with of withoot that Inatramont, Sinco tho oom: 
Tencemant of tho war, parly bad clamored for 
Dumpromiso and posce, notwithstanding tho Soato 
bad apurced us. Thera could be no peaco cx- 
copt on tbo Basis of unoodditional submission oo tho 

Lof tho South, She mast jay down ber arma, alipy 
jating for nothing, bat or to our souge of Justico, 
Rengronity acd forgiveness, And he hopal that, sboald 
‘ho thos come under our power, wo would doal justly and 
Frosty ‘with her: for, although groat was hor crim, 

ier people wero nvill our brothrod, Now wa bavo no 
Tight to think of conditions—neliher of reanjon withoat 
taverye or ubloa with avery. Tho obly: question to 
consider la, how to put down the rebellion most efeota- 
ally and forever, He did not yoto for Lincoln, but ho 
Viked bis administration, beowuse It was good and able, 
‘Thera should bo no pas in time of war—nelther demo- 
ratio, republican nor olition, Forgettlog parky, all 
should unilo fn ond great effort to save our common coun. 
‘Ary, and tboro parties and men who do pot do this murt 
fo down, never to riso agalo. Snob im tho history 
‘Of partica UhAt 1b former Umes oppeted the goverament 
{in tino of war, abd uch wil be the caze now, Rebellion 
must go. down, andall who range themselves {n oppoaltion 
10 Ube governmont will slok with it. 

Genoral Cooper, robel Aijatant General, 
had defeated Goneral Avortil" 
{og and wounding ho did Know how many mon and claim. 
Ing a great victory, although acknowledging ho joa of 
about two hundred killed and wounded, ‘Tho drat Colon 
report, recolvod Uiroogh tho moagro private despytch 
from Colonel 0} 


Genoral Averill Victorious, In- 
stead of Defeated. 

The Rebel Sam. Jones’ Camp 

Entirely Destroyed. 

His False Official Report Re- 


ko, me 


Lal report to 
ted that ho 
foreoa { Greenbrier, kill: 

Tho rebel Genoral Sam. Jones, tn bis of 

yy, whowwed that Sam, Joaos bail ealned no 

Tho Paaursr read tho following dospateh'— 
Boxanasron, Sept & 186% 
To ©, F, Snxrann: Chairman:— 
ind ic Impoastblo 10 ‘con 
‘euoillent Ueketmona eutiti 

but T congratulate you op an 
tothe fallcanidence and WARS, 

‘victory, and a later Union staemont given below proven 
that Goneral Zam, Jones oflclally roportod what was oot 
truo, Gonornd Averill was victorious; drove ono forco 
out of Pocahontas and defoated anothior In Grooubrlor 

support ot every Union wan.  Unrrad for the eke, 
Hes Scat 1) 8 DICKINSON, 

rm Rosavell, o€ Now York; Jamos A. lelegn, of 
Deoilore Leawn, of Chautaugua, and Me. Gibbs, of 

‘Tooneraco, followed, addroselng tho Convention at Teogthy 
Adjourntsl sine die, 
The Massachussetts Democratic State 

Woncesrmn, Mass,, Soptember 9, 18632 

Tho Domocratle Stato Convention was large, entha- 
alantjo api Barmonious. Fifteom hundred and twenty 
dologates were present, * 

Rrarino 8, Srovroup, of Nowboryport, was choeen 
Vrealdent, ind mado an claborato and abla npeech on take 
{og tho chair. Ho urged a union of all. partion for the: 
tae of tu9, Union agalust the adimjalstration of Abraham 

‘While tho Committe on Pormanent Organiration waa 
out allering Bpecoben wore mado by Judgo Abbolt) of 
Boston: Dr- Pago, of Springtiold, and Wir. George B. Lorlo 
of Bales. The pit of, the Convention wan Boe 
Ehdedly oxproased againat tho apparent purpose of tha 
Administration In. codducting tha war for the wolo object 
Of negro oyoancipation, Initoad of tho prosorvation of tho 
Vnlon and tho restoration of tho coustitution. 

‘Tiomny W. Parner, of Cambridso, a candidate botoro the 

Morgan will no doubt contribute towards 9 fund to help 
Ahem celebrato thelr victory. 

‘Tho oxtremo radicals now gay thab tho emancipation 
rosolatloa wonld vot haya bea. presented if Lewis Robin- 
fon bad becn rogomloated, \ 

‘Thero a a rumor afost that Geroral Cochrano, Thoman 
W. Olcott and Vorter havo declined the nominations; bat 
Tom trace this to apy Fellablo eourco, aod Iti 
probably 0 boa: 

Thero was a largo altondance at tho Young Mco’s moot 

Convention for Governor, voiny onlted for, camo forward 
fand raid ho stoed for tho Urst time hofore a Democratlo 
Conyontion, Why was ho hero? Ho know that {he domo- 
Sratic party bad always matntalood tho national const. 
Vution, and had nlways been dovoted to tho presorvation 
of the Union, and had chorlsbed tho rights of the States. 
Te ad a rocord whlel bad pledged it to tho perpotaly of 
tho cenotitution and tho Union and tho rights of tho 
Stator, Ho wae with tho party. Where ols coald a 
Aisciplo of Danlol Wobator gor Thero was no other door 
open to tam than the demceratlo party ¢hrovgt whieh bo 
could pass without dishonor and disgrace. To spoke 

county, ‘Tho yery victory recordod by Bam, Jones (uros 
‘out to bo  datoat 

‘Tho following 18 tho account of tho alTalr from tho 
Whoollag Intelligencer of September 1 — 


Vrivato dospatehes rooolved to the lly last ovening. 
announco the return to Huntersville, Randolph county, of 
tho expedition undor Goveral Averill recontly yout out by 
Genoral Kelly, Gonoral Avorlll's roato extended through 
to tho counties of Hardy ,Pendloten, Hightani, Vocaontan 
‘and Groeabrier, Ho dentroyed tho saltpetro worke in 
Pondioton and drayo Jackson aot of Pocalioabay, purauivie 
him to Groenbrir, near tho White Sulphur Hprloge. At 
Tloeky Gap ha encountered the force of Genera) Jon 
‘and Colonol Patton, and had a rovore action, {a which bio 
Jost about one bupdrod men to kilicd and wounded, In 
eluding aovoral ofllcdre, General Averitt brought yi ulti 
number of prisoners, tocluding niany oficere Mle ae 
‘troyed Camp Northwest, witha Inygo amount of cong 
equipago, atoros) kes 

FP, 8.—A later doapateh atates that during tho late ao\lo 
botyroon Genoral Av foreos at Rocky Gay, Captalis 
Baroa Von Kooalg, Aido-do Camp ou General Averi))'x 
‘lah ead killed whilo Feadlog an attack on tho oon 0 
right, and Captatn Ewing, of Being’ battery, wd Yer 
MoNally, of tho Becond Virglola regiment, worw bull 
badly wounded. 

Loos of the Ship 1. I. Milam at Soom 
Her OMcors and Crow Sayed, 

Capt. Darton, of tho ablp 11, R. Milam, founilored nk pea, 

makes tho following Toport relativo to tho lors of ble 

{ng this morolog. Tho Prealdent’s Jotler was read by 
Russell Hicks, of Livingston, ond wos grooted with tro- 
tiendoas applinse throughout, Almoat every paragraph 
yras choorod, and o many instances (ho roading wa I: 
torrupted for boyeral minates. 
‘Too peculiar mannor of ‘oxprezsiin of tto letter 
carried the convention by storm, Novor war a public 
document rogolved wIKb much euthbusiasm. Ik wos od: 

mirably read, which added mach to star i 

$f Liottenant Govarnor Nobio, See 

i |Who roading of tho [ottor, was ab 

A rasjorlty of the Ccoyention of verter 
“{o tbe reaojatjon on. 
platform, om tho grognd that it was {ropolitic and uone- 
ceerary; bot the emancipation baby wan \otroduced into 
the body apd demanded somo notice. They could not 
lsown it or declare that they bad nothing to do wlip it 
‘Tho baby was (hero and something Lad to be dove with 
Ml. ‘Tho only way waa to dreaa bim up {o a military walt 
‘and admit bio es Ooo of tho farcily, Raymond found his 
equal {n the discusston lo Demera, of Troy, who brought 

“Tho Florida, Captain J, N. Mafft, destroyed no less than 
424,400,000 worth of federal property up to tho 11th of 
Tayi May, managing to clade thirtoon fedoral vessels of. 
‘war specially sent to cruise fo porsvlt of her. Tho list of 
Tho yeacela destrayod or roleased on bond by the Florida 
dcrlog tho last six months Includes tbe followlog 
pamea:—Estello, Corris Avolo, Slar of Pose, M. J. 
Cyleord, Cominonwealth, {Kato\ Dyer, Clareoes, South 

ove, J. B. Hoxie, Windward, Jacob Ball, Al- 
ran. ‘Lapwing, Onelda, Heurletta, Crown Foiut, 
Kod Gauntict, ehip Binriss, and ‘the — schooners 
‘YV. H. Hill, Witla B, Nasb aod Hell. Many of the above: 
wore largo and yaluaplo clipper abips engaged in tho 
Caijforals, Chiua and.Exet Iudia trades. The four veesels 
Inet namell wero taken within some tty or elxty rollos 
ot Nov York, and while In that nolghborhood Maint sent 
fn expedition loog the New England coast with a view 
‘of soeing 1 anythiny tn Bla Hoo was etsering ia that dirce- 
ton, ‘Toe oxpedijon was very successful, twegty zevca 
yeasvls, great and small, Incladiag a revenuo cutter, be- 
ing capiured aud destroyed. This brilliant. foat was per- 
formed wuder Licaicoant Reed. A torrible panic patu 
rally oxists along tho Yankoo shoro, Toe Sound steatacra 
to uo without an ccemt, Hshing vessels aro 

jn port, and some f(y men-of-war ato crulsing off 
igerent Nortborn ports looking after the Florida, 

In fact, so great apenic bas nover existed olf tho Now 
Eoglavl ceast, A large portion of tbe Yankeo mer- 
sols bas booa transferred to the English flag. 

‘Tho Nuw Yors Beato of tho bth Jost, also notices, as a 
deplorapla fact, that fedoral 2hips, in large bumbers, aro 
Detox pliced ueder the protection of tho Brazilian fag, 
rho uavnl resuurces of tho Washington overnment boing 
Fuad totally londequate to the protecticn of the morcan- 
Ulemarine. Thoro is much talk of ap.emburgo. 

When tho Florida arrived at Bermuda from Mobile, sbe 
showed Indicationg of hard.service; but her supplies wero 
of the most amplo aud yaried description, a” cash, Balls 
vrovisfone, &c., had been liberally contributed by the 
Yankee vessel’. Tho crew aro described ax bolng as 
sicrack"” a3 the Florléa horsel(—One weather-beaten fel- 
fows, much attached to thie ship. Tho followiog ia an nc- 
‘enint of the proceedinzs of tho Florida from tho dataor 
hor Cepartoro (rom Mobile to er arrival ip Bermoda— 
theeruizo last/ng aboct six months, The account Is in 
the form of a newepaper lolter from a Mr. Wilson, one of 
uo Florida's men, and te dated «St, Goorgss, Bermuda, 
dnly 2b— 

You and your readers are doubtless well aware that 
this steimér ran out of tbe harbor of sfoblle on tho 16th. 

Louey for toa gent poopla of Boston. 
hice 10 old Fatber Neptuge."* Sho was valved at $138,000. 
In Hayana wo recoiwed our eral, stores, fc. At daylight 
61 the morning of the 224 ef Janvary we catted our anchor 
ind ran a‘ong Iho eoast eastward, and at oloven A. M. 
Captured dud Luraed the Lermophradite brig Wiadward, 
frit Matay72=. ound to Portiacd; and Jost at sunset 
Sworent the hermophradl(o brig Cortis Annio, of Phlla- 
hin, on the came (Jecy) read. Sho was withla two 
hours’ eallor bor despnation, hitch was Cardenas. Wo. 
Jett the Cubao cass for tho Banke, aod on tho 26th 
dropped our anctir in the arbor of’ Nessau. Here we 
icv. tock in oar coal, aud cur hcl Teoking aby tblog 
Unt Chebtiardiko, we went “to Greea Keys w “paint 
a tho £3:h of January camo to ag ouchor, and 
or wires doy alt bends wero ns. busy as bees, 
ubbing the whitewash from, cur sides, avd on the 1st 
ary we sterted on n cruise, Bot d aail being re- 
fod, isd proving to bo:the Yankee gaoboat Sonoma, 
) A be ng of fesvicr metal tham us, wo showed our keels. 
rly cisBthours#ho chased ns, bul got notblog for 
rains, for ep the thirds momuing abe could haraly be 
Se irom the enagthead. Frém the.timo of cluding the 
sma till the 12th of Feoruary wo-saw no Yavkeo ves- 
-and all (be boys wore getting fapaticnt for a pi 
von neal, wbpn wo heard the masibead lookout sing 
ate seam Was raised and.our prepeller low= 
xv boarded bor, and food that 
st iodeod A [rao Her name ‘was tho Jacob 
Toll Som Finctoe, boucd to Now Yeak, with a valua- 
Diu cunze of tows, silke, ec. Wo burned’her, and then 
nit Barbadde. Our next prim was tho Star of 
oyyqrhich wo eeptured oa the 12 of March. She 
frog: Calcutta, Voatd te Beston, with saltpetro. The 
arab was thezext victim of iho ‘pirate! 

Yor fice days did wo look for anoiber, a 
ae aye ld te Wok, for anaiber, and ste 
auwine Was capLured oo tke 28th, and centa cruls 
+ Wanks, aud captored she ebip kate Dyer, and 
for (or forty thousand gollars: oma 
Seiren fell ia wlth the bark MC J. Oa\eard, from New York, 
Vosud co Cape Town, ond she was Burned. Gn tho lla 
So'met tho Oeste (Lapwing), coaled, aud then took a 
Eraica clang the Nae, aod ou’April 19. burned tho snip 
Chor museaith, {rom New York for xn Francisco. On 
{ussgd April. barned tho bark Henriotta, from Halt: 
Snore for Elo Jagefeo. Tho vext day (24) burned the 
phi Ooelda, from Shavghae for Now Work, with tea, 
Sc) 6, took herm {brig Cibrenco, pat ove sarelve page der 
jitter, twonty tmeb, and two olflcera oo board, aod 
geatheran cruise. WBst execatlon Liewteaant Heed 
dud [refer you to the papers about. ‘The 7n09.9y waa ona 
Of her prizca. 

(a the 1018 of May we were In Pernambuco; sailed on 
tho 12th. 

Next day, May 13, borat ghip Crown Polot, anotbor San 
Frnnoteco packet from New York. Wo thsn went to Sara, 
where wo again coaled uni started (or tha Northern cowst; 
soden the 6th of June barct hip 
Ban Frapelsco, bound wo New York, 

Tk was porfoctly plain when tho 'eliled equadrons galled 
for Vera Croz that ome Buch result as is now witocezed 
must bo tho cod of tho entorprize If tho entorpieo wns to 
have any practical ecd at all. We undorstocd this well 
‘cuough; Uut wo preferred to leave our objects uoaccn- 
pilsk'd’ rather than sccomplut them at tbe necessary 
Gest. Spais underetood it equally well, and was fully 
propareid to go through with the design’ as Froncs bas 
one, but withdrew when sho discovered that the work 
could ogls bo effected in partoersblp. Frauca, tberevore 
Was lett alone ia tue affsie, with nm mbucpoly of 
tho profit and loss tozetber.” Dad. she done as wo 
lil, the would pernaps have displaved more commercial 
wisdom; but Jo that caso tbo spectacle wovld have 
deen offored to the world of throo great Powers showing 
thole teeth against a small cclorit, after oatrageous pro- 
Nocatlon. but declining to bito when tho necessity ar- 
Fived. Nor should we oralt to aad that the estimate of 
Mozican deserters was precitely (he same io America a 
Jn Europe. The povernment of the United States never mad 
the leat sceret of ls opinions on this point, or off ite pelic 
cllher, Tie desiga was to let Mexico “drink tho cup of 
Anarchy to the vory drega,”” until ot last ths Stale should 
Recome an uller erick and leave ws great neighbor the Lencfit 
ag’. That tho Mexteans had completely acd hopet 
Teesty Yaifed in the attempt at sélf-goveroment, and tar 
tholr country ust fall Into the hnode of somo’ etrouges 
Power, were propositions accepted as beyord dispute. * * 
One Conclusion (rom all this must be clear—Moxico 
has no gelevaneo {n the eyes of Europe. By a long sories 
of outrages and by the dereliction of every public duty. 
sho exposed horacit to war, and se bas auccumbed to a 
‘eoqueror. Thit conqueror bas treated ber witb, 
Tole, a show of consideration and deferene 
bas ‘{ovited her notables to diepore of thomsclves, 
and, after thelr experienco of republican insti: 
tullons, 1 would certainly not. No surprising it 
thoy sioceroly desired a government -of another 
form. IC Franco finds hor accooat in the political 
Prospects which theso arrangements open, we can only 
say tbat ero bas been at the wbolo charge of tho pro- 
eceding, aud that the bargain does not appear to bo ex 

frosh beef, just kilicd, no salt, no'soda to make tho bread, 
no utovsilS to cook either witb. 
1 yas and am woll treated, 50 far as courtesy goes, but 
wo bave uot enough food. 
Bereattar nll moody gent us must bo Coafederate notes. 
Tho reasoa of this 1s, what yrecabacks wo had te sold for 
‘aod cix, aud Jately soven dollars Confederate notes 
for uzo greenback dollar, and they ara deterralned to top 
tbo 8p 
backs oot of th way. 

goon bo with you. 

Cadets of the United States Military 




Corps of Eugincora. 


8. Aza B. Holgate, Oblo, 

@ Joba R. SMeGulbers, 

10, George W. Meke 

Ti. Frank WH. Vbippa, Peonsyleania, aeaigned to Ord- 
nance Department, 

12. Jatnea W. Rolly, Fenneylvanla, assigned to Ord- 

, "rat largo," assigned to Ordnimce 

travagahlly In bor favor. if an Austrian Archduke 
chooses 10 undertake the mission of rogencrating Moxico, 
‘wo can only wish him success, It is not conceivable tbat 
Under aay government whstover tbe Moxicapa eboold 
fail of being better ruled than Defore; and, if Franco aud 
‘Austria can mako Mexico n State In which ilfe aud pro- 
Perly aro eccuro, and public obligations respected, thoy 
will certainly leave Europe and Moxico their debtor 

“Pho Russo-American Allfance. 

[From tho Vienna' Presse, Avgvst 19.) 
We noar that communtcatiors hate been received from 
an English soures, accordisg to which we must prepare 
ourtclees for the approaching ratification of an offensice und 
Gehensice alliance bekouen St. Peterrburg and Washinglon. 
‘This eventuality. should (his somowhat epecaiative Infor- 
mation be ccolrmod, would principally affuce Uw bearings 
of the Merican and Potuh ouections 

Pius tho Ninth on the American War. 




‘Youk.—Poms Pits 1X. 

Vexrmiuur Brovunx, Heatry asp Arostouc Besepeniox:— 

“\twong tho various and most oppressive cares wiach 
yoign ao us In thega turbulent and perkocs times, 
wo are greatly ailicted by the troly lamentable state 
io which tho Christian people of the United States of 
Amorica are placed by the destruetivo civil war 
droken oUt amang .tuem. For, venerable brother, 
wo cannot but be nverwhelmed with tha 
Moopest sorrow while we rocapltulats, with fraternal Sool. 
Joga, tbe loughter, rain, destruction, devastation, and 
other ispumerable god éver-ti-bo-deplored calamities by 
webicb the people themselves are most miserably harassed 
| and dilacerated. Hence, wnbase not ceased to ifer up, 

fo the bumllity of cor-beart, our most forvent prayers to 
God, that Ho ould deliver them from so many and go 
great evils; and we are fally assured that you aleo, veoer- 
Able brother, pray and implore, without ceasing, the Lord 
of Mercles 'to grant folld’ peace and prosperity 

To ovk 

4 Wat country. But Flaco. wo, dy virtue of 
xbo allico of “our apostolic mloistry, embrace 
With the deepest sectimedts of charny all the 

ations of the Christian world, and, though unworthy, 
administer bere oo earth tho vicegerent work of Him who 
1s the Author of Ponce and tbe Laver of Charity, we can- 
bot refrain 'from inculcatlog agaia and again on tbo minds 
of Gia Yqpple themselves, and thelr cet rolors, matual 
cbaritxftad peace. Wherefore wre werilo you this Ketter, 
In whith sreurge you, venerable brother, with all tha 
| force and carnestoers of our mind, 10 exhort with yoor 

‘eminent piety and episcopal zeal, Foor clerey and (altbful 
to over up their prayers, and also appiy all your atudy 
end exertion with tho people and their oblef ralers to re- 
adore forthwith tho desired tranquillity ard peaco by 
wwilich the happiness of both the Christian and the civil 
Tepablic is princ\paliy maintained. 

ineroforo, omit potbing you eap ondettake and ac. 

| complish by’ your wisdors, nathdrity and exertions, ax 

far ax cormpatibio with tho ‘aaturo of the boly ministry 
10 conelliate tha minds of the estabatants. pacity, reco 
eto and. bring back the desired tranquillity and prac 
| Byaall these means that are most coudaclya ta the beet in 
} lercals of the people.‘ Tako every pataw. besidea, to cre 
| tho people and their ehlef rulera rerlowsty to refoet-on 

the ‘crevioas evils with sbich thor are atlicted. and 

Souther (css. (rt | which are tho résult of efi) war, suo dixost, pict ua 
J stisctive and Gama of all tho dyits that piu'd. botals 


} This in aa error 

ance Department. 

13 Josiah H. ¥, Fhld, “at large,’’ aseigned to Ordnance 

14. Charles F, Rockwell, Vermont, assigned to Ordoanco 

15. William &. Beebo, ‘st large,’ sesigved to Urdnanco 

16. Thomas Ward, ‘‘at largo,’’ assigned to First regk 
ment artiliery. 

17. Jacob i. Counselman, 
regiment artitiery. 

18. George D. Kameay, Jr. 
reg imentartillery. 

19. Henry ©. Dodge, New York, assigned to Second r 
glmont artillery. 

‘29, Joba G. Buller, Pennsylvania, assigned to Fifth 
reghinens artillery. 

41. Robert Catlin, Wasbinglon Territory, azsigued to 
Fifth rogiaent artillery. 

22. Charles H, Lester, Connecticut, aesigued to Second 
regiment cavalry. 

‘23. -Kenolm Robbing, Massachusetts, assigned to Fifth 
regiment cavalry. 

424. James M Saano, Now Jorsey, assigzed to Seventh 
regiment jofanwry. 

‘06. James R. Held, New York, assigned to Tenth rog!- 
moni jnfamty. 

To conformity wHh a regulation for tbe govoroment of 
the United Statcs Military Academy, the names of the 
fio most distjogulebed cadets of cach class, marked with 
star fo the Cadot Register, are attsched to tho Annual 
Army Rogister. The followlog is the list-of theso diatin- 
guishod cadets for 1863:— 

ryland, assigned to Firet 

W Jarge,!? aseigned to First 

#1. Jobo R, Motes, * at Jargo.”” 7 
#2. Peler S. Michia, Obie. { 

. James D. Rabb, Kentocky. 

William J, Trolblog, Indiana. 

William R. Kmg, Now York. 

. Arthur if, Burnham, Maseachoesetts. 

| smmoa Stickney, Now York. 

|. Garrett J. ydecker, New York. 

Oswald H. Brost, Obio. 
Juines W. Cuyler, "at large.”” 
TIORD clase 

Gbarlos W. Raymoud, Now York. 
Alerunder Macomb Miller, “ at large.”” 
Thomas Ul. Raudbory, Poonsylvanis. 
Lewis C, Overman, ™ at large.!! . 
William . Chace, Ponosylvanis, 
y Over Lies. 
|. James Morcur, Pennsylvania. 

Benjumla D. Greene, Maise. 
George M. Whevlor, Coloredo. 
Charice EL. B, Davis, Counectlent, 
Beary M. Adams, Massachuesetts. 

The Philadelphia Christian Commission. 
Poaverrna, Sept. 8, 1543. 

of the ‘Potomac, 1a tbe 

Hernan of y t Mir#. Moore, arrceted a8 
rpg, was of the Christisa Commission of Philedelpbia. 
Vicago correct it, The Dajted States 
tla Gouuniétlon baviog its. contral offes fa Phila~ 
faiynla eznds mea only aa delesaten. fi 

Ge). H. STUART, Chairman. 

Arrivals and Sales of Coffee. 
Barrconx, Copt. 3, 1863. 
The sbip Gray Fagle, from Rio Jacclro, rings 3,007 
pigs onfiee, ana the Cricket 4127 2A00 bepe Rio 

\ weze 2014 to-day for New Yui al BiG. 

cnlation, and cao'do 0 only by keeping tho greon- 

God grant the Commissioners may hgroo, ad I chal 

Tho followiog {8 a let of the graduating class of 1563/— 
#1. Joun K. Meigs, ‘at large,”” assigned to Corps of 

"3. Poter 3. Michie, Oblo, asslgeed to Corps of Engl: 
*3. James D. Rabb, Kentucky, assigned to Corpa of 
i. William J. Troiniog, Indiana, assigned to Corps of 
"6, Wiliam B. King, Now York, arsigued to Corps of 
6. Willlara H. H. Benyaurd, Pennsylvania, assigted to 
7, Charles W. Lowell, Indians, azsigned to Corye of 

assigned to Corpaof Engineers. 
blo, aselgned 10 Ordnance De- 

Abe baby Jojo the body 

The leading dtemocrate in this soction declaro that 
Mozart will be admitted joto tho Albany Convention on 
po equal footing with Tammany Hall, If ¢0 a jolly old 
Use will follow. 

Tho President's totter, aa published by tbe papers tbls, 
morning, 1s Imperfect, Tho additions eet by tho Presi- 
dont are jeftout, It 1s minus ono whole paragraph. A 
corrected copy was forwarded (0 tho preas yosterday. 
Its publication has caveed a regular row. 

Conyontion of Loyal Young Men at 
SyRACUSR, Ne Y. , Sept, 3, 1869. 

‘The Mass Conyaation of Layal Young Meo mot at Woit- 
{ng Hail nt eleven oclock thls morning. 

‘Tuo body of the ball and tho gaitorles wero woll Aled. 

Tho Convention was called to order by Cuamurs AXURNWE, 
of Syracuse, on whozo motioo LVlot F, Bhopard, of 
Now York, waa chotod’ Presidout 

Mr, Smerano, oa takig the chair, roturned thanks for 
tho honor conferred, and laa brlst porch oxplalned tho 
‘objects of tbe Convention to be to unlto all the Joyal 
young men of tbe Stato fo 0 firm and vigorous rapport of 
{he national government, and fo opposition to a!) who aro 
disposed to embarrass {t {a the suppression of this wicked 
rebellion and in ma{atalning tho majesty of tho laws. 

On motiou of 3. Lasvixa, of Jefferson, tho foRowlog 
wore chosen Vico residents: — 

Hoory C. Parker, HP, Carter, Jobo C. Adame, Hawley 
D. Clapp, James Lefevro, George W. Bémnorg, A. Pand, 8. 
S.Crondell, A. A. Hall, J. 3}. Btobbing, Alosander M. 
Heknes, Gvorgo B. Pierson, ¥. 0. Mason, Charles 11. Thowa- 
non, Theodora Brown and Isaac flolloway, 

‘un motioa, the following Zecrotarles wore appolnted:— 

Wm. Drowmond, Cyrae B. Morin, Berlab Pisb, A. F. 
Yarke, Patrick Corblt, @. A. Jarvis, Wo. TH. Doty and TT. 
A. Braver. 

‘The tollowiag Committeo on Resoloioas was op- 
polnted-— zi 

Win. Porabolmer, camuet ©, Wood, George Wiliam 
cortls, J, Meredith Reol, avid Fall, "Charles Audr 
Charles G, Farman ard Walp, Ward. 

Win, Henderatott, tbo deumtner Boy, who crossed tho 
rizar tn tho first bost daring bo charge upon the bel guts 
Of Frederickaburg, was lotreduced, and beat to ‘long 

eliciting m:cls apy. 
ee ee eh ta real FveaiTeas Lincoln's feter, which 
was prostot with eatuusiasm, th delogates, at Ite cou 
Clasion, rislog to thelr fee: a3 cheesiog loudly, 

Tieatepant Geverosr Nor, of Wisconsin, was Jotro- 
duced tothe Couyentico, sud, spoke in warm commenda- 
tluof tu lever, alter mbich ho favo w revkw of the 
war and the acts of the sdaiulstatioa. 

Vir. Dorsnparen, o( the Committes on Resosations, re- 

rted tho followlog e¢ries 
PNET tho ‘resect war wos produced by an un 
proyoxed avlack open ibe natlon,and eannol bo honor. 
Ably closed except by uxcocditiznal sabuwlasion of the 
Los crgoute. 

Lane rnat the system of Soutbern slsvory sas tbo 
parent of this robellion, ard we shall rejoice If, as w cou. 
requecco cf lt, that aystem shail be destroyed, 

Thtrd—Thad the loiter of Presideot Lincoln ehall reeelro 
Our cordial support, and ieapire os with conldence ka tho 
‘sleadfastners and wisdors of jks author. 

Fourth—That ibe object of tho war is pot to redcee tho 
inhabitants of the Kouth toa state of vassaligo, Dor to 
bold them {a the condition of a conquered peopla, bat to 
preserve iho nation and enfores the laws, and secure 
fasting peaco; and thyt when these purposes are attained 
and the ingurgent Sykes manifest @ repeotant spirit, we 
will woleome thom Back as the fatber welcomed bis pro- 
digal von. 

Pif—That oor éoldiers and sailors havo given new 
sory to the repablic, exbipll(ag a patriotic devotion the 
Imcmary of which will be remembered 10 the Iaest geoe- 

‘Sizth—That tho slgoal ability with whlch the admin 
fration has mapaged the affairs of the goyerament com: 
mands our gratefol a/itniratioa. 

‘Serenth—That foreiga tateryention will be evergatically 
Tosisted by tbe peoplo. 

Eighh—That wa deeply regret the forts of tbe Gover. 
bor of the State of New York to impoce tbe enforcement 
pene Temes and shat nls” copddet bas) greatly: sncreased 

‘a burdens, and brougbt disgroco upon the 
earsater of our State, i eae 

Ninh—That we coudews tho ubuss of ths froedom of 
speech and of the presy, indulged in by the opponents of 

bo government. 

Tent—That wo approve of ths proceedings of tho Uoion 

Stale Convention, and promi: 
cen promise a Learty support to tbe 

Etarenh—That the heartfelt sympathy wd gratitose of 
ko poople of the North ara lao to tbe erols Union wen 

of thoFoat. 

Tho sesolotions wero adopted, when the Censentlon 

took a recess. 


Duteg @b@ ofvercona oll tap pats Io Be hall wera! 

emancipation belong engrafted on tho) 


corngally ogainet centralization and tho rapidity with 
Wich the genera government was absorbing ho pomera 
Gf the Stata, god e urged tbat ovary Iafuenca should bo 

Drought 10 Usar In resistance to this otal tendency. 
Heary W. oualy nominated for Gover: 
yf PiMadeld, for Lieatenant 

doclaro strongly for 
‘of tho war for pur: 
tho extension 

‘Thoy woolara 

te to tho 
oo: Ole 
of Sprivadold; 
i of Worceatar} 
1, Thowpeon, of 

Union Meeting at Springfield, 1 
‘Bravery, Lil., Sept. 8, 1849, 

‘Tho attendance was great at tho Union demonstration 
here to-day, and wae fally as largo aa was anticipated, 

Resolutions woro unanimously adopted that this unholy 
rebellion commenced without justiOablo causo,and bas 
‘Deco malntajoed by the violation of avory principle of 
justice avd humanity; and that it was tho daty of tho 
government towuppress it by tho uso of avory conatitu- 
Hional means In (ts power; that party questloas and pro- 
Judicos be laid asldo, and that .wa dovoto oursalves 
Uoreservedly (o sapport tho government until the 
rebellion {s flaally and forever crashod; that to the end 
‘that the Union spall ivo and tho goveromeut wurvive ta 
il MMe constitu(fonal integrity, and that tho nation bo 
presaryed lo torrjtorial unity, wo pledgo ovr lives, for- 
tones and sacred honor; that tho atrongth of oar goyera- 
mecot cousista in the respect of tho people for the laws 
‘uli constituted aatboritios, and whoovor opposes tho oxo- 
‘cation of the lawa, whether by open robailion or by accrot 
combinations, or teaches others to do so, Is an sane of 
Tepublican Iibarly ; Uoat tho coarse of that portion of tho 
democratic party, who have not forgotten the dying 
{ojunetion of igphen ‘A. Doaglia, and who have 
nobly rallied to tho country’s standard in this boar of 
her troublo, moots oar hoirty admiration; that In viow 
of the extractdinary difloaities and embarrassncots 
which havo enwroncd tho national aod Ele adnirs 
during tho preeent atrocious rebelilom, the eorts of tho 
constitaled aatboritics of the national acd State govera- 
ments commend thoweelves to oor highest rospect (or 
the zal, ability and ddlity oy whlch, they havo been 

sches wero made by Governor Yotes, Senators I)oo- 

Witte and Tramboll, Genorals McCleroand, Ogleaby and 
Lane, of Indiana, and othor distiogulehed gontlomen. 

Hon, Edward Everett to the Springfield 
Horton, fopt, 3, 1863. 
Hop. Edward Evorott wrote a letter te the mass con: 
vention bold ot Spriogdeld, IM. to day, roltorating tho 
patriotic septimeats ho bad always advocated, an elooing 
an followa— 

If all good men aod 
whether in of out of office, sacrificing when 


Htdle of tho pride of porsonal fooling and of party axzocis- | soar) with a force on tho Oth of &eptetn ber 

on, would cordially unito for the attainment of tho.ob: 
Jeotd whieh they atl api 

‘Year's day woold witness tho proatration of tho robellica 
‘and \\s Joadere, tho retura of peace, and the restorasioa 
ef the Union, 

City Politics. 


The Tammany Hall Gonoral Committee met lack evenlox 
at the O14 Wigworn for tho parpote of making arrange 
monts (0 olect delegates to tho Stato Convention, which 
Js to meot at Albany om tho 91h last. 

After tha traaaaction of rome preliminary basloees, (Lo 
committes came to tho determioation w bold primary 
Clectlona 10 all the warda Ibis evening (0 choceo del: 
filer (0 a county convention, which wil sesembio at 
Toon on Saturday for the parpote of naming seventeea 
delegates to tho Stato Convention. 


This body also mot last ovoolog, at Mozart Dall, and 
nrranged for electing delegates ty tbo Stave Convention, 
‘The delegates aro to be chosen {a each Aezombly distelct, 
and aro 10 soport at Mozart hill next Motday. Tho 
Sellowing rerolution was unaxlmowsly adopted — 

Resolved, That Jo viow of the exigencies of oar coun 
ty ei cccmmary that tho democracy af this county 
should be thoroughly anited to cccaro a retwrn_ of deme- 
Eratic supecmacy io ibs administrate of tbo Stato gov. 
Groment. It ia therefore recommended to tho dolega! 
From thes county to bs elected to tbe 
Under thiscai to aso all nesossary abd bonorable ,mesug 
to sscura such enjon by avoiding all contest at tb@ com. 
ing Stale Conyeotlon, 

News from San Franciscom@he Callfor= 
nia State Electlon—Probable Succes! 
of the Union Ticket. 

Sax Feascisco, Sopl. 2; 1863. 

Salled oblp Washingtoo, (or Boston, carryiag 11,000 | ¥a# all 
eacks copper ofe, 7,000 hides, 67,000 horps, 1,340 bales | ane waneral 

woo), 106 pipes wine, and othe 
‘valued at $219,000. 

‘No trade doing to day. 
eluted, tho ellizess 

California produces, all 

The stores and shops aro gend- 
WWattendiag the election. 

nearly two to obe. 

Victory of Kit Carson Over the Indians. 
EXwerr, Sept. 3, 1862. 

From Albuquerque (New 3{€x160) yopers of Aagust, 7o 

Jeera that on tho 24th of Joly Colovol it Cargo, with 

Mosjran regiment, sd a fighs with 

art oC theta Ney hovond Fore vapby. Tha Jodkuvy 
fie Navairo tee tin wast of thistaen killed Bod or 

| (requy woupded, axa i tay plisraers. 


part of the Firat Ne 

008 patriots in tbo reyal states, | Toru 

fovo—Wir, the Figorous proseca- | ka 
‘ion aud succogeta) termination of ho war,the next New | takeo on Miaoar! 

Slate Conveation | ho wilt ako 

Avgust 10, daring a heayy blow from tho enat, fund 
tho abip leaking; sounded pampe and found theen (ook of 
‘water In the hold; kept both pamps cantinually vines 
Boveo A, M, gounded agala; found atx forty It havo 

‘aid thos feat Inn hour, hovo deckloid wyortnard, 
Nino A. M, found nino foot of water in tho bold, ship 
“rolliug vory doop; hal no control of ber wilt (uo \rliovls 

hip. full 

At daylight noxt day calm; ahip atilt wetiling fast; we 
‘feot of water on deck. Latter part of tbo wigbt, eek 
‘broakiog up and the cargo coming (rough Wo starheace 
‘sido; 20a maklog a clonn broach ovor her, 

At daylight on tho 21nt aw a bark to the westward, 
ateorlog for us. At nine A. M. eho camo up, and provod 
to bo tho Tritish bark Thebes, from Jame{es, bound tr 
Jondon, tha captain ot whicls kindly took ut on beard. 
‘Avgust 22, In Iatitudo 43, longitude 49 10, upoko the 
Swedish bark Minona, from Gottenborg for Now York, 
‘and mynolf, toate and aleward wore tranrferred to bor, 
tho remainder of the crow going ta Loodon in tho Thaber 

‘Capt. Harton wiahes to return bia thanks to Capt, Wolit 
for tho kind treatment which himsolf, mato nnd 

tard recolyedy whillo on boaid bia vorsel, The l'{t, siilaan 
wan built at Portland, Conn., {n 1848, wha was four huunresk 
and povonty-two tong, aod wan owned by Mocs Jnylor 
and othora of this city, whero rho was timire?, Tho fot 
Jowlog waa hor cargo-—10 bbls, beef, 1,701 paltaoa petro 
Journ, 06 bbls. aleobiol;1 log black walnut, 6/443 foet whit 
wood, 6,000 Iba. bacon, 0,211 gailoon putd npirita 
120,840 mtavos, 

The Yacht Gipsy. 
New Yon, opt, 3, 1663 
In your roport of tho receat contest belween tho New 
York ynobt Gipsy and tho Britis yaot Alacun, yi 
ftato that Mr. Underwood, whu nailed tha Gicsey, ns 
tho namo persou that salled tho yacht America Iu her 
celobrated contest. This i not correct. Woatavor Mr 
Undeewood may hayo dono with tho Gipsy ruceuthy, ho 
certaluly bad nothing whatever to do with railing or 
handilug tho America jo 1851. That task was pertoemod 
By Captala Richard Brown, 000 of or Now Jorvoy dod 
Sandy Hook pilots, who went over la ber for that expre: 
purpose, IM. 

Exoltoment and Alarm on the Bordors 



(Prom tha St, Louis Uoioo, Sept. 1) 

Wo Joarn tint the utmost conxtarntion aud alarm pro 
‘vail [n tho border coautles of Mlsscurl 10 cour jnecro of 
the cruel orders of General Fwing, aud tho theeate oa tu 
vyaslon from Kansas. Goxoral Ewing's onior re icc all 
the lobabjaots in Jacisoo, Cass pod Tate rountlon to 
fabaadon Miele homes and assemblo At cortaln xycriOod 
a by tha Ob of Soplember, and directo that al hay 
©. thoee connties sboald' be burned, .1t tha mine 
Geaeral Lang’ wil tee slir= 

The alg bied 
fonibitants well Know what thls news. Thoy 
That Gory aud bloody veogeaura tx to ba 

Tor tuo massacro at Lassruacr; 

that” not tho bay ealy, but cyeryibing eld 
Atatroctibie is to Ba given Wo the dates. Jor Jotormanta 
fats that thoy are feviog in lid sloem from thelr ttn 
Lo teeape tho thremened fury. TBole copii jx nwoet 
Puabion They aro pearly aB poor, w)tbouk gens to re 

iio themselves away from thelr fico owes, and wit 
bat Doreed atid wagous to carry of thelr Noceshuld sul 

Nevertheless, they do not dire to rewain, anil uo Uivrn 

foro foeing oo foot—old men, wornen and cdiuren tiny 
the roada feadlog caitwardly, ina cavalcade of yrretet 
etpero (a a general conviction that Indopenile:c), tho 
moat Woportaol town Is Jackeor covaly, I Us be pian 

ered ad reduced to ashes Tha taimoy's of the bak ot 
that pics aye been removed to Wis cily (o- £a'ah7. 
‘Tho records of tbo threo counties —Jackeon, Vato sail 
Case—haye alzo boen Fomoved 10 prevent thelr deatrue 

Viste county, in which tho Weeton fcatincl wi 
mobbed—lylng Just across the river from Iéaronsnskn— 
although pot Ja tho distelet doomed tovigcastatiou by 
General Ewlag’s order, has been throateae d wii fire aoc 
ford by tbo organization known ag '*flol Veg! ia 
Kensas. "Ope of Iho delogaten ‘from thas county ta tno 
Jetieracn City radical convention called ¢n the authors 
Ues of thie elty yexerdey to ropreseat the visnrer sul 
alarm the Jababyanis were ia,and to snk hat trovps 
night be sent for their protection. 

‘General Sebodeld, with bis ata, left thie ty yesturday, 
for the border, to givo Dis persoual i entiou 10) al.4ra 
there, and (o ioaugurate cuergotic mesinrat fy rile 
thal region of the bricands wader Quantre!l\ Wo teat 

$00 tbat tbe poople of Mlisvari ara proceetot 
frea te alecrip\cata violence Urestezed 217 
DY the independent parties (x Kansas, %D0 318 5 
(u thelr responalbitty, to degota tbo border. 
Oe cog 

, 1863. 

Shwe {t 9 aupoa 

ce 8 
Ald for tho Lawrence Safer 

do\iars, bas bea contrityated by tho 

Threo thousand tod by 
ened of the Lawrence wut 
elianas of We ond trem be Union Le3zu0, wien 

wat immediately after the massacro. 5 

of George W. Collamore, of 

‘Lawrence, Kans! 
a angen tara 
a! of Georgo W. Collamore, Inte Mayor of Law’ 
‘Tao funeral of George 

‘ this afterocoa at tho Rev. Dre 
Gi nirch, Thera WAS alarge attecdanca, lncled- 

eaten Ganzett’a che ‘Andrew and other prominent citizens. The 

ro soletna aod linpressive. Dr, Gannett ealo- 
‘fe personal altribgtes of the deccased, spoke of bis 
babe integrity, and tts noble. plillanthropy he 
PoPebown In slleviating buman ‘#uffering. 10 ccudollog 
bath tho mouraers (oF thoir loas, bo Dado therm remember 
Thad died (or bis country, and that we sboa'd bold bis 
ho Pico as a dew exatnplo of patriotism for our emula- 
‘or Collamer’s remains wera deposited in Mount. 
ase Ceschiept of tbe Caleta actol 28. c200rt 
to the procession. 

ame Naw: =e 
iis Fey as 

aerial h 

41.2009 O85. 00594 

7 i P i to 1 cory 5 
Bi so Prisoners for Fort Lnfoy' tosell short, and tho pane was renewed, |) Satu. visemes We, B ' 
UNITED STA) ES MAPSMAL'S OFYICR, fell 4% moro, Contral 3, Illinois 2%, Pithburg re Ve is "OB 0 8 ‘ 
mrdsten oan or auxornee | Soathern old.6, Quicksilver 1, Fort Wasno 4. , a0 

Serr. The rolosiug priennsre, recently arrived, | gocmed for a time na though prices were poins Dine ae 


- re he =F ‘seat. 
wore trarsm\tiod by (ho Marabisl to Fort Lafayette: | yack to the old figures, and all the courage of EMOU 7 Ait FOKLICAN GRNECAL COMIT- P JOUN B BRADY, Judge, . 
Sticarcel aires . i ee Tee bis INO PARK, Hariford, Cona,, | Ta the wausrof aie pot BAD rag 
Harrall erlaod W.R Morel Coe" Are aes oiborm | bulla bad Alcappeared. At the openiog of es Tuaty' so Eset Fine eGR Demomralh fapadilian ene Tle Toeudy Wernaata ane hare ; Serca dana te mero OMAR EL OPRATE 
rte Tatil us (ake sto aah ot wilegiance, a2d.] aocond board tho markot showed rather MOF | yeu feo anday erfisessss scree el Comenicrecbeia Wl Mammnsee tials iae et dor eC ke feaneedsy ce 

Uember, 1003, \ho 101 on jng r-enintions ware aulopied.— This Tear’ exhib Loo p ountans to excel tn jnu-rest all ores 

Sid bray He wrlltea two Wasblogton ior inatruce i enll the attack waa re | Cor: smeal, Jeracy ond Jrandywind.sceee 8 4 & 4 oived. That-the dew veratie pepntiicameicctorwot te | vious cabibiuons of the kind. For particulars we, 

Moss as tomers ovion chal bemao of tue, stendiney, ut NEG shares, and prices | Cor meal, panchostm, wse,-cssvcc1s.. 31 @ & 230) | ely aod cwuniynt Ram ork Fendi lo meguar nomuloail os WILKES! OPEMIT OF THE TIMES. 
aa a ee en ee eee ram outhorn old fell 334 | —PRIeak wns activry wougnt ator akan advance O€ 2-8 | Warr city in whee Frayer Warde on th ih ny FIORSES, CARRIAGES, 60, 

Serr. Ar toacatidea tormmtwere dx | WF again lower. 2ecom primo fous carly {nhs day, Dot wie cubesqarotiy 18 | Kimbsr instant, bevwern the ours of Bred Tecate | HORSES: CATRIRCES, So 


er cont, making o total fall of 10 pot 
vent it ono day; Erle was dono at 100, ogainnt 110 
yesterday afternoon; Harlom foll © per cont moro, 

PM toes ram names deiepales Wie ward baw in s) L B TAKEN ON LIVERY LN 
Reemibery iN this dental Commitira, inrapresentise scremt | A MEN, sORSES WET ME FARIS fatwein tents 
nwannb'y dlatricls in Lie cay in acounty canreobon, to slect | ginuy ad Tourtieth wirects, apd the beat of feed and care 
rerenlégo clega'es an loiveutoed ailernala dclecales ts tho | Pivwd qnein; eadaio horses preverred, Uolcas ® EFoOT ACCOM 

less domand, and. a6 tho close waa que, a buyert wero 
Tolactapt \' pay arking prices, Tho supply of prime 
Seal was vory moderate, The day's rales comptived 

ba — 
wing #0 00r Kat Twill Doar Lene alles 

DAME of 

a anes 1 sod sustaly tho T0400) burlole, “ak 41 69 for now. whito Michican | Kuta ronrration, to sesgnitteln taecl ot Albeey-on wie AN ne ena 
~ Sopptitalan’ Tl mata tho | Tyaking a fall of 14 po cent in one day. Bo nor. | 412i for saw aber wlenignn gl JO © 2 for trot | Anan musa al ot Bie Denoctaus Wblinn | MWe ee a Ge oamnionen | lctand stad al hepa wACL AD Ei ware 
Sorocelpoly pti-ainvunt to.(hat of all State;gouns wea O14 wl earn, B for arm. | Bisa Ce i , PARK, PILA! TA copy. NATH, 
Ee eee eee pad i cant diucosrayoe ain: | mous w decline aa thls will of course be followed | er Werveny Bien 4 2 for rod doy winter, 41 10 |, Hemived. Anal ihe copvention peotaea for take for | A. tartan tueapsiednciy karin. perfect order, Som NATUANLAL JAIVIS, Si, Clerk, 
countesen 94nd Turover © 140 Fecesslol ebelgeyan by a sharp reaction, in which tho boars will loso agi ea for paar own, Piisccasin ped aoe tint ned aioe WADA INAL Une Hetaeaen esLcled. by | APPLY at tbe aiabic, No. 3 Thirty.aloth alreat Dp, Goo: “cute Palicy Gtosina Geanain. 
ialoleyra ofthe foveal Union: Wat F disctatm: ate yi yi a lor wankes club, sa)d convention ba eet vee it OF ou at | | ra boo.-—Tho resular, meollog of this As ociation will hi 
iatoregra’ ton of tbo fecoal ulon: dud Tee coe | somo of the proflathey have made on tho decline £1.64 for Chkeago apni, aro wa nei bigher and mas | Temmsny Halon onlay eeptesie geo aoe MIN MIEAUTIPOL PAU OF DARE, BROWN NOPSES | bia at Siar tai ald Wensnay Wht Geriay) creas 
feserabearn i plete iy. booor, may preperty and | 7¢ ta charnotoriatio of thls class of operators that | tn good reqoewt at the opeoivg of Dasinces. but tho mar | | Kesolved, That tho rlectlim be held In ihe several wardsat | Je forsee TUN ond, kad gon travellers oh sino'cocr, when action will bo ken on a resolution is 
Briicu: tn focal qwcurainee of tie ny 1alaM0 | the ower a atock folla the more thoy want to nell | Kot clowd tanaiy, wity' dowoward tancency, reecld, | We lice Ang nd Uy reli ne jaa ore toy Tieiusihevrmer has vo use (orton. Address A. P. Wosd- oe EAE NSOROMAO, Rec Sey 
ath of wlly\ouro 49 tbo Ryreroment ofthe United Sateg | ET” A, four P.M. oAll of the public | withdrawn trex tho marke. Tho. day’ roim reached | RiMIte sacluntreand nal eridcoss of ihe lection of the | ul, AS Warren sss Soa aa Psp Ua PAGES 
- ine board tho markot continuod to decline, Adond | only 106,000 bushola ot 760, a Tee., clwing OL Vie, for | Viner Wauo—l0 Oréenwich atrent. Insprctorn—Michact AN Get be SORREL MORGAN MARR FOR BALE— ‘Lens in KuropeThe ances having 
Chores oF Motiotug a Soldier to Denerte | PO a Nound. and 72}, a The. for unsoand Wostorn rmixed, | Ahern, Michael Mohan, James Harn on; Sound, Kind and, fast. warranted, also.s top Tugs, | resided In Borups for the past elcbt years, te chont revirne 
got was modo upon Erle, Bouthorn old and othor | had 766-4 16, for. Weateru whivs and yolew. Oals wetd | Becowp Wano—70 Olli street. Tatyaclors—Arthur Keat- | coftred mounted Harncak &= Can be Seon at Nead’s AcencpOl a paleny and Would’ (ale thn aceacy 

ERO ae aT COMMtA LON Gecltedly Mohor, witha better inquiry, pariicalaty for | tok: Thomas MeCauloy, Albert O, Wil fics, Hillou place, near De Kalb arenve, Brooklyn, 

loading stocks, and they wore forced down] s 2 

Bert. Str fn joer Sulwell tesued warrants for rime, Wo ‘Bale at ino Wi "| and speaking several languazes, fcels more competent to 
primo, now quote Canada nt He. n 60s Ww, 48 FOR SALB; en alae: ri 10 One WIibou 
tho aro of rs ayer, Movels Cobvert and teary | por cont more, Brio wan dono as Yow on 103 | 60 x csc nod Western eth wale of Hop Soha 4, Fino, Will cote Ano AMD \edoyiruiice Si0.and 2G] exputenea’ For etatiine partseiae Ra ree eae 
Pander, ou aber 0: proourlug aod enticing Chrivtopber, 1. | very cholon roporked an high 1 O50. Thore wis vet. Win. Raval Toei; “at 65 Chryatio street, address by lolter, lating (ho Gauro of thy bumines and 
Guna livegu ast ‘lie, iH jc vevt to kite Suates, ateneaaiSe AN ENS ELD TG wiry ie Orie eas, not auth 6,000 ‘bashola woro fold Pir Warne when an Jotorview ts dedred.» None but thee tbatintead 
fete, ou) fu ow bork ‘alice iad giviog bim | Pittsburg Wkewlse fell of 2 per cont, ‘The fol- | Ref, Tyo tranasctt-oa in rye and barley wero uolmpor- | renes, Win, Barras Cuartos I 7A EATS, OF EAGK Honeusisy Hanns UtOH, | Basic vend ann. ms ie sieemigce's Mae elimi. 
, , A 5 o fad and ood Foadstar, fo be mill eapurate: a Tin fit Oldoh edces 21 Lowery, 0 
emloyinent, weil ow netigin to Mave been a devette. | Jowing wore about tho oloxing, quotatlons:— the center On Tportnntaen. ‘To be aco al Wills Veleriaary eatabllas- || poulto Old Bowery theatre, ex" ‘GE 2 
Tow crue eau ny tbe Maral pvetacrn. | UB130 note. 1085,n 101 Reading 112 aR, retin {efoh corner Tal Se QPROMY, NOTICE ane SEINE OF SAINT 
Gitnr cvloners) ar Lehi each Yo ballin the pum ot vo, | DBE certifeaton 99% a O44 Mich Contral 127 a 176 Braue Wana) BARGAIN.—A LACK PRAIRIE PONY. | PLYE. Tiridget's Mutual Benes Beacvol-at Rolly 208 re 
bucdred de! BRON Te bebat§ Me White, Emmet M, Fayo, Tease Tobin:0n. ‘youre old, 15 Lacda high, warranted sound and kio8, «| quested to meet al Bt. Tide's Ohapsl Mall, to make 
be Missoor! Mich So guar,.192) a — Nowra Wann—Adrialo Perfect beanty, fino action, easy kooper, well broken to sad- | arrangementa for tho comlog Excursion, on Vriday evening, 
SI ntoligenoe. Tonnowoes.... 03 1) Central. Sisor wana’ willbe col} tories thaa' bie value. Inquire | September 4, a ¥o'clock,. A punctual alteadance of rocma> 
" . Paolo Mall..,220 mw 225 — Cloy le Witte, of P. ONEAITAN, No. § Roosovelt sircot, Dera ls requested. By ondée, = 
Hye, of the Army of the Potomao, | Noy Ceotrals 125% 0127 mm Waun—Grimith’s, Orchant treaty Tnapectore— = WILLIAM J, O'CONNOR, President, 
Y evcologson a. Bret vali, and ts] Bel Hs a dtiyy Tock iad 1084 0 1006 Often Mersin Henry tiowe PeeokWiaolt yo | AA RORPECTIN NAW TOR BUGOY. FINELY | _Jaxes Curios, Novonilag Serear 
t 1 pee rapper) As x OPER TIC WARO=ScHDOUITE A, 2 inspec: ramied, ve td at In at Livers Blable, 49 | <a —- — 
‘yooh strort, with his fexolly. Frio preterred.102\ alu2\, Fork Wayne lore—Wm. Vollmer, Jobn Paik neon Decker. Bayard atroot" Worth 6300. Price $225, no leas, 10 PANTIES INTERESTED IS THE CULTIVATION 
J. Hudson Riyerd4o 14a" Ve du Chien ,. Gaye 70 | Pow TeyUrTi Wasioetunen topo camer tspib wisest and | = ue Of Cowon. The ntueatinwat the Arsertas publ ola raed 

Farin, —Tho market was briskor to day, tbo main 

nt t unn'a Amortoat A 
Rien copsgomenta haylug beew for fleitiah ports.” To Liv: 

Marlow sc... @ 181 Torro Mauto |) — "a Od 

rat aAnvaton OCe 

cuoy 17 

Ryan nroe vat Tint arene. Lospecor—ares Hops, Joda Belmore, | (YOACUES WANTED—TWO SECOND HAND, CLOSE) in the propsial to wall, ov facile the 

; Jonas Ohaadicr, Maier hace conchea,-afust br ie food order and nearly | Jolntelizck company for theeurynse of wc anwelop: utot 
Cos Eee tiuhata'and | ‘The:doninos of the Bub-Treasury waa na follows | gyjonl there. "were chipped 3400 Unie: four ‘ieaean Wasim Tlleteyatsoets /Taypectore—tlasts|| | nget caine Willies Mackey, 16 Pulbsn avenue, Droskiyer ||| {ae tetas ecespresm etrausteooowoscree: oc Land lirtsa 
‘ani daugitors, kaward 1, M today:— au ia 1a | a ibe) wn Cr, mo 1) pense Tailly, James Mabon Daniel ¥. MetoUrre Oy aiegy qq. | Maine pees and where to be #5 Blaod of St owinee. The locally ts Kove as Cute 
Meloy habs IL Bia 5 090° boaboln |. 5.3 irene WantCe HAE Grant uela (Ruesian pont} aeunted about 80 tlle fevin the 
Bae ee ae aia ents || aokiplds eves fea 800.7100 ee eee stat tum 60k. by. wleamor’ GB ions | ayustoretmincy McGuinn roler Harrios Dana Duren.” | (YATINAORS AND HORSES SELLING OFF—ALARaR | seumrisal Pours ds Plats The evade team theelty of 
Fe ee eer oun y HalaetConiptsek caideien || Por custorans CUA ‘aaalann 00 | PS noha at ite Ga.,-by aablog vomol. T London 8,000 | | Wirrecera Wano—i2 Fash Houston aircet.. Iacpeclors— fol of tee sent_o0d (eo teat Hockaways, Bugaics, | Domiago nnd Teurts ge Tia tor this (lace are In Fool 
See pr darate, Mors fake raletece Wit | PAyOoBOL SUE 1osr ato 69 | pei Hour at ded, 420 04. 4,000 babela whoat at | James Gibson, William Ttoby, John Gumbictoa. Phactons, &, and twenty Horsea This stock’ has becn || order.and imobdtataly adjannt to staro commioulous bar- 
Bontoor de AW Edlyy he Tarai, Moy; be Xe Fate/ae Wit nsbentevedonrerts st ATL OID 00 yA ety taaticts | _Brereuwrn. Wtup-Uaipin’s corace Revenwenth siceet | daed in livery busincaa, nad Will now bo Kold very eheap, atl] bors perialniny,to-ehe property.” whe Tatkts ar’ covered with, 
Harsin, Viet dag gional Wilco, Thess Ne XG Me | Helander cess teseree seaesaseesee rss: 20AT4 0) 1}44.; 100 bhia. oll at 258. loneanter 10,000 bantiolé | gad Ninth arcoue, Snspectora—lelar Malpto, Win. White, | 10 Nevins atreot, Broakiy a. tho moat valueble Kinds. 02 wood ond uller the beataoll fur 
With W7Intows Dr ai duattoy. ataloo Janos | Tho traffe roports of tho railways continue to fala at Ox 9 ‘To Antworp 125 tous heavy gooda at Wi Merrion dant Fadhusteut ead | FUNGLAGHTRERS SOLANGE VAGUE RENEEGE tog, eultvation of & faperidy Qualls <f cuttod capecaly, 
eoinan, Calif rile C2 =arveot, Loreloator, Musa.: Co Ay 2 Ls 8 30a, AvewTionsti Wann—Ganteo's, corner Pout 708.—) S8ORTMEN while thoy con bo mad ‘abit ‘af coffer. ica 
\ Masts Govaun Hall, Soithomptan, Maas HG Vaio per largo buslnoss, ‘Tho following returns for vat ‘waa polling frosly at 00c. a $110 for North river arene A, Ynupeelore—Thowas Canned, Wo. Guatee, CG canlcnad Carriage “Huse ut, received (by UN & id Otb hie todlgrnea: 6 tropical 
Brricnv, NY; CF Vradloy, Peavidonce, lt. Wm | August have boon recetved:— alo, Cope y ener of Third : 3 5 je & A ond Astor | riinuues of iereaunok, connect a! horven, rene UO wc. 
Sana, M' Whitr, HG Whit, Jey NAROr, Fay Avowst 2802. August, 1009, Inereaxe |, Horm moro lafale request, ranging from 170, a 220, for anewenenng Manes tara eth seeeticry Mes | Hove ne timate beWcUphel ead eladad ingly eatubmate:» Preah 
ola 20d boo | leat your's crowth, ul Nell Peter rap, 5 5 Seater atomide nodsin fact nll. teure-ssry creme 
Toledo Tiina”. 1a. | IM wero lable and aleady at $1 5 0 $140 ror | MAR Basle Nel. Nee. wag sinh strctana | IPQREALH SA, OUNTLEMAR'S ROAD MOH AEE GAN | Zico aten? irgeug ayeatascs or the an 
Arrivals and Departures, hts b 0 0 Faylorn, Think ave Tospectorn—Thos, “Lauoy, Jouu ROrke, | gorret, tong tall. 16 banda hich, Bold Cor wantoC uss: Ap. |} cmplostmanl of eplial.” She-wropriitor luclis jartica b= 
LORE, 1 | Tho following Is an oMolal Hat of the national | taxm—tbore was moro Inquiry for Rockland at BLCor J Katee Wat en aise amath etcet | fr eye anUll TRUESDELt, corner of Mroad Loresied in ontaring 1646 ARY( ALAC snOnL t Fioly tee loam 
nipsoe ohn 1 fem enton—Mie Tuber | banks of tho Unitod States, catablishod undor tho | mito and gl 28 forhemp. | | anu tavnnth arent: inapecare—Juioen Conboy, Thomas | Reventh avenue. shin naling inapy cps. ine teaeraetoat 
nie i 3 Viowton Conitea Hovey | aot of Congress of Fobraary, 1863:— while 170 bola, changed Urndy, park at Oc, Market | CUNCDAU Loowenbere 6 coeace eecond On BALE A BET OF BECOND AND, DOUBLE | nat’ iuiang through "int ability mnt projectian ong 
ot Wy InINO, L bank, with capital of... $100,000 | miendy. Nir fourth street, Tarpoetors-—soha Newmal ree ieh peat 3 Shawieh oveenmuant, while the peop se bath invari 
Vinrviura) aiviand stags LC Manraéhunoturs.{!)) 1 doy do, 160,000 |” NAFAL Sroums woro hold Ormly, but wero quiet. ‘Teacoy, 0, We Haker, — BEST OT IE On Suton ss Noaver streets : 
BF) at Martine: d I helbelmer), Mex Maruinalorr, Dow Hamypebiro,... 1 doy 1 100/000 | OUR—Tho demand wan fair for potroloumn, which ewan } | Terie seco TRC eae AY ai OR BALE—TWO ROAD WAGONS: ONE 10 POUNDS @ SULLEDT & 00, oilce 38 Nexver btroat, 
Wiaoo anu threo davgblers aod bred Hutterields Of Now | Copnooticut sssessse 8 dO, {600,000 | Advanclig; but Hmited for otbor descriptions, at uanltors J Aireat And EH Moen aon weet dunbicaat goraec ot Brosdttaye tN” | TT NITED STATES INTEGNAL REVDNUE, 
eon d A Pwitda, of Lane. | Now York vo. 970,000 | od prices, Fee toe followtag cared perzoon baa com: | second strecl northeast corner of Brozdstay. MeO OS a eee ny YORK: 
irs Henry Norton’ and two | Now Joreoy.. ao 1) 125/000 | | Peovumosa—rork wan freoly offered and parchused to- 4 yattign of ona from Cuelr respective wacda (0 co-operate with | Too ary oxy ataxDSOME HAY MARI SOUND | Notice le herony fleen Toll Dérsong doncorned, that the 
hare Orécnwaid and cad | Tonneylvnuia. do. ) Voayaai{soo | day at lower price, Eales wora mado of 9200 Ubis.,at | tha Conny aa muUnis And Teller Committee, purwuanrin | FPO SALE ONE HANDSOME TAY MALI. SOUND | Hehe ining tha salialions abd churatrations male since 
Bok Me punta Army; Men | Diaiglod of Columbla. 1 do, da, |<, 't00}000 | $19.25 0 81 LO or new mess, B18 for do, delivorabls any the reeomineadation BF vp EAL ComDITI(460 i— floo ect Naraces, waking 8 fine turnout. Cea be'scon at | te tool May, 1563, within the abore named datricl comz a 
Goldie. of Nawsao Ainey, of Lon ‘on; Thomas | jiipols. % do. do 200,000 | fling {bia mopith, at tho option of tho voller: SILL n | Fiwr Wane—Joho For ¥ KS glable, 1.01 Broadway. blog the Boyeuth, Tenth, Thirteenth aad Fourteen Nard, 
Woodtrard abitvon,“ wuldee asd Thomas dnenson, at | (UROMrssrreseesss= gh dye ee O00 HRS Hsp to cotton of tho, aller: SUUBL m | eoowy Waso-—Patriek Medfahon. MotLU BS! siaple, t : 

Mopiand. Wile ore wt Wales Aatward Lawl renvenca uot 
Hven—tz " Vor jtaliac-! Spaiiding and Jotn Merrit of 
oatogs Me and Aira di rouwlan aed Mt 1 Lliet, of Hall 
fee Mewicthon. ce at tier, W Dita of Koglant 
abt Kena. of Neiish Navy}, rw Della Dura aut ava, 
Teaidence wot glrooia. Total 22 rave 
ee ee 


Tuco Waco—Jouo Marley, 

Foowrn Wanp—JoUn Ucaley, 

Fieri Wauo—John ¥. Savane, Jr, 
Stern Wae—Willlsm Nealle 

do, do, 4, ‘100,000 | anes. Cu Bers Wano—lateek My Keonam. 

21 do, do. {200,000 Tone Wako—Kalvh Bogert. 
= Mutter was in fale demand al 160.0 20, for Stato, and | | Xtwen Wavo—Osarlea F oipp. 
 W banks, with eapital of.£9,119,000 | Mo. a 18. for Ohio, Cheese waa ealeable at Bo. a 13.%c. 

Miohigam. 2.0 
Obs yers coe 

AL BLA a B16 for 
oxtrn and $10 60'a $13.60 for plalu meas. Lard. was tn 

vain See ert omnetng at Aa mee or Reg ee 
(OR GAUHANEW AND RuCOND WAND TOE AND | No as vensaag TOF THE EME cP ity dasa fon 8 
eR Doak Bae aeree Oo (Or a eaten Sale neregl Sud ator jhe gapleadon ol wait avieoa dase, 
rere 0 re eneset nated. pleadon ot esi reg tay 
fwelo'Foriieth and Fomor siesta ee Qatil the ane day of Replemibek Ugiyyeet the hours oF 10 Ay 
: Hi 4D, Of, rales Jeni Dea, Oy peti 
OR BALE—A PAM OF WELL MATCHED HORSES, | tons, of, coumerst fone ry the Assistant t 
ROR SALE (PAIL OF WECL MATOI AD MO rrigs | [iced Tat tie qucrtion, Tabs, detseminea Dy thy 

forysn an appcal res the waluation oF saumorate 
for on0 oF Lixo horses, wih adjastabl. beat for two or foule | SITH-0R ON ADDON! Reap the Catan Oe eal 

‘Texva Wann—Moves 0. Gale, 
RuresTe Wane, LAL 


Nica = bags ant Indi TC, Twecent Waun—Jorot Vr.oUR; Dearly now, aod W sel OF maichod Haraess custom i ee 
(erate arene Tho Atatomonta of the banka of tho throo princl- J gyn ure were 40 Pee emastra cra || Tanne UMa terest ha Lond Made: butiitie weed: wilt to ed-cheap, anulre at Ae- | whether (he Aluation complained of bo Gr he nolo a fuel 
al cities of the Union for the last weok compore Sioxps wore (In moro requeat, particalarly rough fa Bourreernit Warn—alamen Hagen. Govern’s stable, Love lang, Brooklyn. neat district, and whether thy enumeration be or. be not 

Tuonsvay, Sept, 3-0 P, M, py iu 14 

Pirecenrit Wano—Jatnes J, Guenbtoton 
Siarcenth Wano—Michael Maipia. 
Bavexrrexts Wagp—Joun yan, 
Teuineeerrn Wane—foba. Nesbit. 
Nimenaorr Wao— Terence Eartoy, 
Ty rserigru WAnD—Jomos Cates, 

Tu keee-rinst Wand —Jainen Mahone) 

: zat er aia bai lp Rpm eacctan 
JOR AanE<at AMES, Newantdyes eranbe oon. | Sg, Ania TGS Ais oc arian 

f Mor nod Market riroets avery bundsome, nx wi rt requeates 
aout agra i mace as AZ | Rater Mineramalng gma eomso le gue 
fico good tinder the eaddlo; welch abuut EU; alx pears old. | Sr cere enmuiained of. UEO.K. BELLOWS, ANso-80F, 


which yeaa quotod at 82 10 0 4 40, nccoraing to quality. 
Boodhs were tending upward, Willi a good Inquiry, and 
Jes, #INCo Our Joal, Of 1,700 Hihds, ALLT\(e, a 124, for 
Fuelo Moo aud 10}¢6. @ 1136 for Cuba. 
TaLLow.—Thore wero 150,000 Ibs, eoid al from 0740, for 
poor to 101%, for choles. 

Thin has boon a day of fovor, exoltemont nd | With tho previous ono and tho correspouding timo 

panic. The decline in tho wtook market aud. tho | Of 1862 an followa:— 

advance in gold oro almost uaexamplod even tn 2. 

i. Chern 
Tasers ia fatcons salen das Ors 

GUNN Site Ui 18h 

the prosont era of raplil fluctuations, Atono P.M. 

Wr ‘Twenty secon! ls M \. ‘eld. perfectly sound ‘Kiod fh elogte and double 4 
toway Mr. Cisco mot the prosidonta of tho axso- De I) | EAR oe La ese ame Aa Ce Cee rv econ Wane AW aL TWEUD, Obalrman. | tarusoc ands it vale waddle bora. Prices Auge | 0 MEDICAL 
clated banks and oxplatned to thom that the Be Kt oa ARR aoa Joax arene.” | Beeretartes ‘sel OF new FOI OAIKLES E, MILLS, St Cedar atree Grr wo We rom wale of ou columns wears eon 

Phd aes ; 5 into, Ir al 
Secrotary of tho Treasury required mohoy, and | MN yeare.:: wget Nae POMSON AM PPO AEE CTWO MOWSES, 17 WANDS HOTT SOUND Keaton” : : 

Tene rateny—Shecal uatsn A apsnal meet 
ae tprinsyitersutng: alWoteex « Dusloees of tuporiance 
tile teriday) even ‘ ees 

Ibn traraactaa. LUKE F, COFANS, President. 

‘sod klod fo all harocss. Also aCarvand Harices 1o- = 
guireatsi Mansla Bais “CORPORATION NOTICES, 


Sud her cauguter, Catherian Coane, ativorot the 
Sounty Leltram, freland, wil Ds Maaktuly received ‘by 

dosired to dispoxs of 35,000,000 of now legal’ The atatomont of the Boston banks for the last 
>) Under notes, ono year to ran, Woaring 6 por cont | "eek Compares with tho previous weok and the 
orreaponding wook of 1802 ay follows:— 

interest. Ho naked the banks to take thom, pay- 

hor daughter, Anu Ooanoly, 161 Prealdeat street, Urookiya, 
Janes 4. Canoun,, by W. 1, DISBROW (lato of tho Riding Acodomy).— 

{ing for thom in tho old Jogal tosden Iasue, in Ine up 21g, Aus 34 1, Sen toa, | Rew York Theaue Wo Aucun, | Seerctarien, Mr: D has opoed an ober ed vables comee oC Tt ete: | “GptAGt Notice—To. the Pob'lc—Tho undersigned, having 
bir 630 “Tar h 1 1,100,636 | T>norieR OLARENOR WY WAVE xoU NOT ute nnd Fortin street, for the purehaso mud ate of Horses, | met with cocpicte success la hla elorts ty supersede the a 
atalmonts, tho Orst instalmon} of 6 por cont boing sg Dfanas Tae $8.04 488 seat your BUdress home? | Carriages, Haruems, Saddies. ke Gentiomen wishing to | guilty of hah, boxes, wud ouuer vessels for tho reception oF 
jayablo at once, and, tho last before Novembor 102,0 1649/040 || Agnes witb married on Fucemay, Ty fh | eens | porotane Of well tholr establishmeata may havo tho advan: | aasen and housshold refuss matter by oxperiments made In 
‘< S 1 Oo at time, Aud E yray you do not | PRADOK.—Lost,, DADUE, NO. 16 OF | 488 Of Hl éxporicace and extensive acquaintance upoa rea | thodlaventty, Fourteenth and Elahtoenth wards, and It bay 
lnc temas bee boitie or Paton Nght Brier toon |. Tho Ander will pl janeable’Corma: {ng been demionsirated that by fly tan, the city eas ba rye 
= = | Hie Amie 21 Re Ca Oa Oe eT WAI EISON. OTT/& CO.. 32 FOURTH STREET, CORNEE MER. | cocumbrances, whilo wreapiag thelr pesilferoun odgra, kee 

COr-NArO oo hand ative avortineat” of Light sss Fa. | tute opportunity of calling tne aiteakion of The pubbeto the 
aus naeisn wuleeauerarsoterie a modertenees | vanities of ffl nica in courer ot sit 
“ahs sdshand Ceashes, fralts and Cousa Tease: | Lion wurvoghout Ue elty-aad asking a poneral co operation 
ene fos coreud a oe part of nissan eambiog the indore to 

ADDLE HORSH.—A BEAUTY. SUIT; vow]. Largemyae snelbeer ot Amiien Se beilerorees | ete 
Sipe Aaah ce, CT | ese ae tae 

Jpeniyeutotfepsin “ys OHA 

Switzerland Wil treet 

an fonibiet omeiblog very important {ory 

Grr bine SSaiferacnd te Capt Arronaaity at obo disk 
son'a, IT Vroadway, Now York. Amportaat from your father. 
Taye no (ine. 

was well on August 2 ADM 

G. ‘0 ©-OALL OR WRITE TO WW. O, 8 8. 
+ Great” Baniera, 

Rah pearad rapatice 

ioperiy and tateltaway.  JOUN F. KOULLN, 

Company 19. The finder ou loaylog Wat dl aveuuo A, 
. Carl, wil ba liberally rewarded. 

‘of Euzing Company No. 63." No. 16. The Onder will 
Tecetva Sl*resrard. Ug reluroine (bo samo to Hf, C. Searing, 
T2H1 atrost, between Secoad and Thinl aveoues. 

6 greou ere nd 
credit of tho Treas um 
Aland that similar conferences havo boen or 
will bo held at Boston and Phitadelphin, and 
that $15,000,000 moro of tho gamo olass of jnteront 
boating legal tendor notes will bo placed In those 
two cities, making tho: total Issuo 850,000,000, 
‘The notes will probably. bogin to bo dolivored to 
tho bapks by Ist proximo. IC yas this nogotlation 
which lod to the excitomont in gold and stocks to- 
dy. At Grst blush It would appear that tho 

£70,059 in clreulation, 

° Block Exchange, 
‘Tuwspay, Bopt. 9, 1863, 
#11000 USO" Ayr cer 2OL 1300 hu Nadng Tle 1164 
51000 do... .00W 99)5 250 Mich Cou RM. 30 19) 
TOC Tenn 00, 00... O° 1900 do, 0K 
0000 Missouri @'a..,. 6D BOO © | G0... 0 
2000 Loutsiana 6's, 64 — 600 MichS&NTod RK. 1006 
0000 AVLATH2mpre3 09 BOO - 100 
14000 AILETH og bids. 86 a 

y Juat from country Cau be soot at Mr’ WINI i «Clie Tnypector. 
Mable, Diudield street near fulton ayanue, Drooktyn. Ciny Bigrxcron's Dut means, 

merly 16)) Bast Tweoly:Jourth street; room for two | expenns la canted by collecting and romoring aakes nad gap~ 
orcs tra in fisen bales ot Nay, neil posiéion Immeiie | take arr the ame have bac (hrojen Or eaieeed pom th 
ately. Nout moderate Taquire of RODERT BONNER, oa | Firvets from (ke deposit or garbace bores and believing it to 
Sem Rorrtneaerr in aoe 
eae OR FOR SALE—A DLACK PONY, M ILANDS | (00d and cleanly coadition, prescats, (or your observance. 
Jiocbes bigh. that haa trotte| in 4 and oan trot now in | the folowing, 

5 y oro og 2 i A fey, wile ight Wagon, Iuroeas, Ke (orn lean. UE Coot unaoeari 
erraogement morely amounts, ia plain Koglish, to | 37000 do.sssss..; SOM 100 HOROR.TARE THR FULTON FERY, MYRTLE Working hotess. Lajulra corucr of Peat om BN |, Notice will be given of thompprasca of {ho as . 
000 PLE WACSA 8B 200 invouuocar, Wythe avenue, Peon strest.. Coxn anon OST-BY A LADY, ON WEDNESDAY, 20 INstANT, | Brootivac = UWE coraer of Feat and Tilacy alrcely, oo OSa ps the ringing ofa bel fvecn mines ta nivancs 

afurthor issu of fiity millions of irredoomable 

paper, and in this viow the gold operators would as 

Horges for want of use only. The hore: ts without | 19 frontof your premiccs of upon the sidewalk util aad 

16000 American gold. 12044 300 

of the carts, 
ELL ONE OP 1s | Bobo hia 

WASHINGTON. About 11% o'clock A.M, Io a Fourth avcuuo sage 

Nb. 13D), orifecty tofore: Medsre, Abbatt € ftathbun’'n, a 
NYORMATION WANTED—OF CATHERINE Mitts, | Hockedmoit containing srventy tive dollars fo bilisannd erie 

nd you arp respockfully notified and requested 
ny aslies, parbaze of reluce Tatter of any Elad 

28000 Wve scene 

240 ie 
100 MIS &N Indy stk 159 

uppear to have acted moro Intelligently than the | 2 y tbe wife of Joseph Mills, of 168 Rast Eleventh stroo! change, Tho Guder wl warded by leaving Hat | titeaats! oar 2k A n 

aise lora Int Rook ata Metnalam reser | ee ect Soraya 6k | theo aan MUR ot Aaah ore en, | (un gaante Ste ee Mea Tau | GOIN son als of Moret, enn, bar_ 4 han | UL ay wrvoe ge ects NG wan eres day 
B cl f mo to | 160 DelkTud CanaiGo 160" 300 : Hacevted ato oF itd ANY Information of er well bo | strech or at 18 Eaat Tueoly-r(our atrvel. Wouble; Isao execlicot waddle Lorse, aud will bs fully war, | SROGATS excepted. to collect and remove all ashes, garbage, 
egal tender for their face, od for somo timo to } 120 DelkUud covalco 340 So tankrully recetved by me eboveaddiar. danted' in writiog. Gan bo son at privat atablo Wi Yeast | Me: Crom thostrncts 

come tho etualler donospinations will evidently pass | f09 Camb Coat pre’. 28) 00 TMRORMATION wanTHD=oF pacuNpo LaTuronxo | T0s7 MART ANBYING, AUOUT TH, OOLOOK, UE a espa UR eR abave stunt ve raat te thoy Haspectors at ootien, Nox 
carront as money from haod to baud, thus ine | 4000 docs cB 200 8 dens BON | aa Ga'aivin of bins Wit Degudlyreesited ty Tess Miguel | a8 Zaddor Company No. 0, e Viry Bade (iadje Ne d7), | WW7ANTRDCA SZRLISH AND THOROUGHLY WEL | UtiouaaN. Cann, Supertatcadunt of Sasitary Tnyposiion 
creasing, not diminiabing, tho supply: of movoy | Yq °° dorrescsee G3 100) MO yseu WO 197 | Sanches det Aguila, on board ship Mercedes, pier North | fps ger witegofer a furor by Ieaving Tt at the Truck | if, made Couly whch hae nat een 

100 Woes Oh BBO doy 

available for purposes of speoulation ond com- (HIE OF THE STREET COMMISSIONEE, NO, 257 

WO). scene GM ye reteee 7 re VS 'OLICE SUIRLD NO 1780. THE FINDER "ANTED—A GOOD SECOND HAND SADDLE AND Hroadway, Now York. 
merce, Atlora timo, when a ootfain amount of | ° yinnsniaa'G> 90% 100 dostcciress dass | gJORNLENQNORR TURNER PRON LIVEN OOH ALN, | Ty uta renarucity having Ratiraoaincay sector | AM, Beier gecataman rida aye wise wit te | 70 CONFRACTONSEeppomleencloned 1.9 aca co, 
intorost has accrued, tho votes will not elreulate } Yoo Ducka Co Tacos 296 200) | do... 555 AB8N6 | Motel “3 Orceuw)3p Hee New Vork, fora letter fromtts | atthe Sixth ward station Route RSEAUALHOUR SS | ES ae ee NSU A oer A nC TC 

160 Pacito Mall s3 Oo 220 260 120° | fatber. WASTEO=TO, HUY. A, Goad Tivo, HORSE | ole until Saturday: Soptember 12,153. ot Ui o'lock 

frovly, but will bo honrded for the sake of tho inter | M0rage MoRSE Te 20 re ‘OST—SUPPOSED IN CHURCH, MURRAY OR RTBD RTOS BOX SAE Gonmr es i a 
q 4 HIREE ORPHAN CHILDREN TO ADOPT OUT—A Bookman street, a Uameo Seal of'a lady's bead, A Rectan Ct SERRA URS un 50 

rest they bear, unloss money rules ata high rato of | 1420 +10 0s Milibirveon vera arages.a boy rocem, oud apreuy | fveral reward wil bo: patd fort if roturaed Go C, Meas | EOMaY mtset Sone 

intereat, Ifmoncy becomes actlye, operators in | 20 ea 0+ 180}, 8 a, 118 La sete 

Dabe!threa month old, withdaHe hale and eges nquire of 

Se30.. 130" 96000 Hol SSLE... BA] oF address George Obdertonk, 23 East TI CLOTHING. 

Hstcenth street, | = 

‘morchandise or stocks Will Yo able to afford to dis: | $09. dovs.s-sh.u.3BOME 200. Jugs. b10 08 | near Fifin aren: QTRAYSD, OR STOLEN, SEPT. 21, FROM THE COR. | 4 ~GueAt narTLE Fou 
bre ats SEE Bone . = = | SMoeror serente eve atrect aud Second avenue, @ mute for curb, gutter nad ing an yliret vireet, 
rogurd tho accruod interest on (hess notes, and ro | 108 de Be CT Ie tore MUSIOATA Sea Horse lone La apovt 1d Sande bight tue properyy ot | Gh, faired —Ladica aod Gentlemen. It has been eltori poRDrgurd, gutter anditag and fence In Eighty-tret cireet, 
long as the activity Loita thoy will bo usedas | tog do: Ht Eee eee LETTS <-  | THOMAS CAREW. Firwdaiararewnrd itbe patito tse | Jpgwprunounesd, Wy t kreat wane: at BIN EZ or eur guier ati ay 1a Pifiy-elGUb etree, botmeen 
money for thelr fac. Nothing has transpired | 1008 Erie Rit. fy Ort ASA Oe kg. asec sh Uuog | == (ern, Gatton, eagle decry sc aad etimcant | "foreaty qier sod ina Forty serontb and ¥oriy-clgbth 
with regard to the tion ot which tho Seoretary | fp do: odo Clov AToliiteid 16. | {tere ost otic, givin ramerond aad, REWANDS, (ul RBar nel eceeoren knot a een ae eae ie a Ninth arena 
- meen, x ae ~ 7 lous at are offered some n 1 a} 
will call upon the banka for payments under the | 1000 30 GWsesatess WAM | A LADY OF CONSIDERARLE EXPPRIEAGR, AND A | 4 HANDSOME REWARD WILT, DE OIVEN TO any | eerie tints uit tha bodtandareat wap yaueanda te | PALM" NCCoe gna gas in Fifl-fousts eee, fom So 
now nogotiations; but, judging fromtho experience | hq 400 do, ative tages asst son ioe Fane aud Sinelng, wu | Hho was cgureyed om IF Weatncton surcet tant Eeiiay | ecivecaitstacuos, bo wat Corser ibe oid, wen Roswa deatcr, | Comaayenve to Bast river. Htintto fies 
of past loans ond the natural probabilities of tho | 600 100 Cb) ke RE the Preach lagquage, oF recelvs afew peltate poplie. Ad: | wight: she uad with Lee to large trioksand a Led; oe to | B. Mintr, aud tho number, Skt Siath acenug. pear BURC | aha urey kuuler and Lag in avenue A, from 1th to 12d 
! Hf 0 100 do 208, | dress inairactipanscaen of Me Lenk 897 Fulton sie, oppo. | aus une woes her om thelr premuues, dohtnna, 1 sau ] ecalbatreec Ladterautatoaby Atta Mints Hise aetna 20) leona oneal a 
case, we presumo that the calls will be for ton por or 00 ree TOT ‘ito tho Oity Hall, Brooklyn id waaay Jet me know whore xoune pT ar ye . OTHE M ER wRESTANETS NANT SI GIRTTTOATES | Tasingiom ayoaues jag in Forty-Afth street, from Fourth 
cent at a time, say $3,500,000, at tntervals of | 100 a do. + 107 N¥ ONFATAVINOLA SEVEN) OCTAVE BTEINWAY |) score ‘ane, iadles and pentanien van Tecrivo lip percent | gon ee) suse nad Has In Forty-elgheh strect, (rom Lax- 
cight to ten days each. Tho Sub-Treasury-ba- | 1 200 lano, but ttle used, for vale. can Mod a parcbaser by JEWARD.-THE CARMAN WHO WAS EMeLOYED | Mote tba elsewhere for thelr ciel off wearing apparel, at For curb, gutter and flog fa Serond aveaue, from Sixty- 
8 y y 000 Erlo UR pret. Addresing MM, Alexander, Herald office Pols, fUrniture. Jewelre, Ac, by ca'ling on oF nddreasing wy: 

— —.. | Lv to tate cise of Brine of Turpentice from our front, | Foie A, ROTHSTEIN, 400 Best avenue. batwreen Twenty: | MELLO BIphU-stzth wlseet. 

LADY WOULD LIKE A AITUATION AW onGaNter | OM Tuesday or Wednenlay, LU requentedtocuitou ue” | fousin aud Xwenty-Btuh enreeta Ladiey alleaued by Mem | 4 oy Cu Sulterwad Uae; Firat avenue, from LLB to Lesth 

Aufeptoqeach mutes adliess to Ns boy te Herat JON 5 Roihstelo. (For wegulating and grading. and curb, cuter ani) fag, 
Ritedme ay — | a9 sano, WA WEEK AGO, ASMAUL | |\ 9s OWERY IL, ROSENTITAL HAVING AGmman | VAN MUN freon Third aycavie to Wiguth avenue 

lance fs large, nud the Secretary stands in no 
pressiog need of Jarge sums of money. Our banks 
could afford to pay $3,500,000 every ten days with: 

400, do, i 
1000 dO... 2 LOO MIAPrdaCRRS 70 
200. GOs ceee WO dO... eeree 

100 Hod Rjy Ri a0 49 = 850 | dna Ta 
400. a 200 TWA Wabash RIL 35 


in ay, i wo do, 00 AWK Tr Maus RR C0 LADY TEAQHER ON THB PLANO DES {hile Foodin Dog: answers to the uate of Piakey. The desing to parchaso a larze quanuty of cast of Wearing | gonttentt corns 
out creating any disturbance in the monoy market, |) goi:"!! biogas AOD AM RTE M preted 80 Bee ee TO aREE TO) | Haar wilkresetze tbo above retard sod. ing thaobs of ts anarh Furaliurs Garpeis: Jewelry. ae, Dyrealling on or | ue dae oy atnecty from Tels arcane to Ilud 
especially as the oxperionco of past loans shows | eco qtarlen iit; ne No WOCMEN Wither a8 pian. can oiler tho ‘tat of refemonces tnnong citer, | swuer bs returniug to No SO iudwonstrectnearBrooare, | aldretstog hus lagien aad gcellceed can ‘otata (ho utmant | ieee ee : eee to dudesk, 
SEE TB aes = : ; oD 4 Town, Bey, Audrasa BL A., He ee ~ Fane forcach arilcle, Ladies attended to bp Nee Rosco: |" Yor regulating and crad(ng Beventteth etrest, from Broad 
it the money roturns to the banks almost as fast 108 ~— a —- TEWARD.—LOST, ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON, | {al Picaso romomber, and try $53 Bowers, opponite Great | way to. Thuweon eh : ~t road: 
Gs thoy pay it into the Sab-Treasury. If any eoar- Joo Chi & Alton Wut Joi eli KG) AUSECOND) TTA} 'D PIANO THEY, $5 a Notelooe worthtess To, the tinder, ther. im the ponesslcesey epee Relesraps. from Filtgeicat sitect bel tower to 
city of currency occurred, they could draw upon 100 Ud...eesnne Addreulng Hepry Eugene, Union equate See ar nae rhea anense ad Sencuty aceon veeeione [ASTENHION —WANTED, cagn OFF CLOTHING FoR Slate forme of proporala tteenibeelwty hecereeiteeliion 
tho 875,000,000 of ao} 5 WO do.....5-.- Broadway. i tha Western market, Tho bArhest prices willite given | and aureementa can be odtained at this ollloe, Dafod Sirect 
0 875,000,600 of temporary deposits in the Subs 100 Cat & Aliog pret. for Silk and Weollea Dresses, Coats, Pauls, oid Purulwara, | Dersrusent, Sew Yors, Aucust $5, 1204 : 

MAGNIFICENT 71 UCTAVE ROSEW fF REWARD.—STRATED OR STOLEN PROM THE | CorpetsandJeweirs. Callon'or aldre: rat 
PAGNIFIOENT, 74 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO | GF RENARD SRATRD OR STOLEN FROM ARE | Corpetena senceug.| Calon or address AL Abrehamne 2 
tieed but anven months and a complete Order-cest $OMn for | tC SONN BIOKSON, at ibo Wasbington Yard, will receive | Ladies attended to by Mr. or Mra, Avral: 
$F including Stool and Cover, Also Parlor Sul ‘cou, ne anorer 

Treasury, for the redemption of which tho Secre- CWAS G\VORNELL. Street Commissioner. 
tary holds $50,000,009 of old legal tendors, in addi- 

tion to the $10,009,000 now niloat. 

Board of Supervisora to exa-oluc claims made acalosk 

350 shs MichSo&NIRR 92 
2000 dO.y.eese OI 
450 5 

$000 Missoar! 6" 
‘1000 American go 


sotwithe one. do. $10) tacowey, Houkease, dir ¥ NO. 157 SISTH AVENUE —1 : | ibe county, for daonages allesed un lake tren woniaine 

Notwithstanding reports to the contrary, tho | £60 shs cumbcualpret 400 Bee ate tauren iid Went twenyeanina eee ] 0 BEARD STRAYED, ON IE =D oF Last A mato, 50 Sriais ree imentglustpics forse the derinvetin of ae isjury so ptings or ater real ge poe 

iS os 25 NY Cu ud Hath arene, monit, a large Newfoundland Dog, nine ini t off Clothloz, Carpets, Fur “.c., the best you rool properiy,'incoaseqnene of tho recent riot, will bo 
Rory ent ob INOSIERC ONS acute tees OUR EEN| 109 300 : — Sh. aouveringiotbe'bament Nero. Theabocoretard Wil | do lato call puor senda ume to Re suSratan Lean | Rmertiog Earatue of the Bosrd ak Supers iiors, roo: 
stringent to-day. Several loans were called in this | 400 3 BHO Woccccc.ic2 80 | |) FIRST. CLASS, SEVEN OOTATE nosewoop | fatallon avs oat Welt Tuiriyfousih etret be | arence Uso doors from seath suet “Ladin attendel ta by | SD A pee ped rey ak ee eae eS COPLEY 
morning, partly by bauks who desired to atrengthen | 200) dass « THO MU AePrgaCRnRR Th | eeaeeterirairune DARK sound cannery we: teetetiat |e Tou una bench oun be, dealt with to your mallefac- | Siarina R Biubbaiee-beu ieee ae 
themselt a 200 a OO ns DAD ND 100 eke es 3 si only a abort thao th Wes, Apply at I REWARD. —LOST, A PAOKAGE OF DRY GooDs, Sarah Jane 
wes in view of the government loan, ond NO 10T 380 TH Coot RK ecrlp. PF atl | DLO marked ss Bowers with lead penell, from 0) Warren FIENTIONI—AT 22 SEVENTH AVENUE Labies | Margaret Van Cleot 

rly by lenders who eo ‘ ‘ u see LOT B00 coe Hreet express otice, om the aldewetie In" the sircet er ‘aud genllsinen vill bs vastoutshed. to tea tho tenes. | llzabetd Miller. 
rents SUE to get higher rates | toric AR preticsss AGI 100 Sunder willressive. ive abore reward on feiuraing ibe | MARKS says forcast od Clothing: Carpess  denetoe ec | Marg Blackstone: 
for their money by increasing the disturbance in | 200 BICRRprefes+- ia! “bio 12 Pan seta a) Warren, BINKERNUPY. | Ladier' silt Drewes from $610 S85, Coath fram, So to sas, | Eltzbath Roberts. 

INT 10s" 100 
= 000 Clove & FINERK, LIS 

200 ‘ 
100 Gal & Chi RW b90 10515 
WO —do....-.,- 105 
100 Cleve & Toicdo Rt 123 
200 COINRETSRR.bIO 10635 

iron fran, patentoversirang hase round, corére, bellan 
tad gowerf tony Qeaulfal careless ter" Will ts |S) 5 
fala for att lareaiue. aatbo owner iaiesving cai. age |S 

Fig wt He Second wren, comer Seveuth sree. 

Gi vis x Cos —orand F 

no&, anid otbe Haston ane 

the market. Bot at the closo of bank hours 
many, ifnot most, of the leailng stock houses and 
many of the bankers had monoy over which thoy 
would have been glad to lend a7 por vent. ‘Tho 

>) sifting process which is going on in the wtock mar- 

for Pants from 82 1 87. Try, nnd ‘satiety yourrelte Tis 
do cot forget tbe uddreia oF cal oo Me MARES. 03 sazeath 

areaur, car Twenty-Usth street, Laden attended by Mra 



‘be country reel dence of the owner, 100th alreet and T_THB NEW STAND.—LEOr PMAN, 25 
Foe Grand ae heats | Aeveotb arco stant 1A sorcuth aveue, lees Treoecaath tad Taba 
ve dunk Flange: Nnnsor | — iis sunita puaraatees to tay to folowing 

se gan, Hermoninms audjlierce’s Meleceoos Pianos to let, JF REWARD.—LOST, LAST WEEK, SMA gies’ acd geolemen s cast of Ulothing:—Silk Droeses from 
ot is redacing the volume of the loans outitand- $00 deserve 108” | Kadai ranity yapaaie Good send bani Fan | B20. Mbt ad iua uk whoa kertivantyod gues | $0 Cogs io 10 fala ryt $9 to 310 Alun Te: 
fog. In a day ortwo the amount of stocks ‘ee 1Osereenes LOK | at $ith $99, £75, $85, $1 and $2 Mibd leg, ear cut. aud anawera tothe vame of Obip; wolsht | dics’ Weollea Dresses, Carpets, Furaltore and Jowelry. 
Vr ‘under i do... ...b30 106 T. & BERRY, £43 Broadyray. Sulbs. The store reward will be paid witb the thanks of Dy Silla Grmhareaatig Ag ubars 3 are gure to bs dealt | p. ft sree - od 
hypothecation will bo considerably reduced, 900 Pitts, SUFRCBIRR £0 a Vue owper on leariug her at 210 Bowery, JAOKSL ith to Your eatlefaction, Ladica attended by Mrs. La Jabs mee Berea ae 4 0 
Gold opened this morning at 12874, and rove 30 eh Te | Miran ae teu neers | SD x T TUB OROMAL CALIFORNIAN AND WESTERN | prjtriy deaiyrek We farsta ese it Gerasn, 
74s st Loprovement i ON MONDAY, AUGUS: ; ; 5 iN | property dea Moifaris ia relutian do lis desteusiiom, 
SEVERE sew? | SLO tba guar nee RAT, AUGUST st: | A Areneysiore ier Sarenihrencacaaieaasi-ccaue: | bod tie ealue of Gu troperty. 

steadily to 13234, at which polot it stood at two arerrh 

tea 0 roward By lei inen can dispose of tbelr caatot Wearing Apparel, Carpet, | ~The above named persous, with thelr witnesses, aro In- 

P.M. Inthe afternoon it sold at 191,13 a Sfrta'of principal elites Uo th Furalture, Jewelry. kes tnedity percent shore tan | vited to attend. 

152 and’ 1313G, and closed at fpo Peat ats eine the ieayyaee te ad hele perf) ti = met FMT Le Taga tama ot ay dere Calton at ELIUAII ©. PURDY, 

134 and 13174, and closed at fivy P.M. ati32, Waand uisieabiteneact Giberoe thelr class f¥ prirdia and pablle Uae. alta Melo- REWARO;-STOLEN, LAST THURSDAY, fuor ae A. HARWIS. Jeu Seventh aveade, becween Twenty: JAMES DAVIE mae 
Exchange was 141, 142, M4, 15, and 144% at the TALE TAGY THREE O'CLOCE Fee SE ere ee Tone Adio {ait aboatd o'clock, trots my vert pocke Grovand Twenty second atresia: Ladies atiended Vy Mra Sut BEY vee Cocatttce, 
close, The advance in gold is due in part to tho | fog MN f COORR.. 121, s00 ahs MSO NIRR §914 Minsoa Bromers: Punting sae OuIsON BLUNT, 

ATIESTION AT Tip NBM" STORE, HAAHIRD ANE: | Ronee b, Hereutncs, Secretary 

oni £0 TES udisiaed cualieaun wre guarantesd io, receive | New Youx, Seprember S 1Ss\ 

low price of breadstuffs, which foreshadows a Py a eee Ls mae aah queens 


on thi i ‘satorta ty poplleibst be will resame bls B soe best nites for each article of cast of Wearing Apparel, E 
Beery export of balloni itis (aly be zorre Sireaiy anon betine Ti leat Appikations sh oew punter eins a family well. | feaitune: carpeta Se, for the Southern and Westéra mar STBANNOATS 
to the prospect of farther fasaes of irrcdcemable ae Te i Cearica haven nest Greeswieh acest: 200 BBSARD—LOST, ON Coney Touanp, | Mc. TO. ABOANIT Sista aeonue, acar Fouriceat ees AT ee 
paper. There israther more speculation in gold | % IANO WANTED A PINST OLAS SHCOND ann | Clrzzncuer Waly Up ond dota ieee ale HOGURE | sage kasi alded tidy Me ML Estos noataat DANIEL, BRET Ree AN COM 
ment for which afalr eAad price will bo cea, | WCE A Co on dlat dod A. P.Wauib, Louds s Tah A | Goan 2 2 fo 
Man there was, Bat, in view of the probable fall | 09g miatnweayn reterred. Aderess Alphouse, Herd quer; “| teats No Zk The Buder wil receive tee wtovereaad | (QENTEEMENIS NEW, ASD LENT Cer Gh anewin | artteions, lavdla \ Yoouers, Cozsrant 
of Charleston and Chattanooga, the buyers for the | 29 eriepref do. NOrORTEIFOR GALE TA FINE PraWOTORTE. | eTess Taine eeureTnn st tom Hammonds | OL Bishesutb eracauaga pave Call at tho | Wet aint BBloeweck, rot 
pore be endowed with remarkable courage. | 149 da... 10a Aonianering as colebratcs ‘make i bes pean bs pal wines THOS D. CONROY, H Centro sircot (Coun and Hudson: arririog tite to tako Ue 
Panic in stocks to-day was the most severe | csseesb8 100% 100 20; mort bo disposed SUBERG PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICE FoR 
oO do. ~ Hao! ‘powerful tone, handsome #tyle Of case, large SPORTING. ASH ‘. oF Ciotbing. Partie 
(atmo fave tadifor years, Atthe Get board | od ucbeeNii wo 2h Ye | est sca ear tad es Ra ee aamncanng, | Uitte, alunite bCiaters egicare 

eth nireel, Hear Taira areuue. OGS, FOR, SALE, “ITALIAN | GREYHOUNDS. | walled WO, DY days Ladies waited upoa by Mra. FOR SRDORLON—paILY Liye Te TERME 

there'was a perfect rush to sell stocks, sé a Teen Scotch Terriers, Poodles. let r 2 
= , Seem- co! AND MELODEONS. NEW 5 re ra, Voodles: Mienkelm Spaniels. vlact nod BRIDGEPORT leaves pler 26 Bast river, daily. 

ingly. for account of parties whowo margins CITY COMMERCIAL REPORT. PANGS goctana cheap ate Waucgen Jewcy ee one | Anuisadsctiiee Teooisoa tibet eam DOE. Call 00. NORTE QF SKOTNING, WANTED @ close, nooa, arriving la Brlageport fn nro Wo fouged mis 
Tuc “Toole “Gcour of all kiads Dongil for ons y Tae i Miit"pay tho bigheat pries for Cast OW | tho Housatonic, Haguatuck, New Haveu aad Hartord Fatty 
were becoming exhausted, New York Cen-|  Ases coalioued tT, Sept, SOP. M, | Blotot tamara mph For.caab,, 8 DAVIS Wing. Carpeta Pursiiare, Call at or address to 349 | roads Alio thé Store Line’ to Saybrook and New Loudon 

tal Goldie occiput teens : coutianed in demand ‘at 7c. for pots and go. for |" 1. P. JONES, 52 Aun street, second Coor, G8 POX GALE ONE LanaH WaWFOUNDLAND | Seventh t'ge ee ReiNS™ eS stuucl by Mie Bee 
1, SHIN Biers pani eee | ee SPUagOrgRTR INeTAVCTLON—Pr FROF.raxonna. | a0, USLAes RingtDalseie cree dine | ete Se SES | Moe ge to, PRRs ae Tae, ATEN 
re hy , Bacdvercrrs—fbo rapid rloe in SP Xdura street, Broouive’ Terms tte 000 pu = — . fuithoak exccpitiaay at 
2%, Boatlra i804, guaranteed 2, Port Wayne | eases loaiy forty aEeies the wantal fp arn | HALLE Ata mae eee, Ae | Hegenemng ca une arin tae Wavenms, SEWEERY, 6. [Ra Hetty tonet Guana Vc 
inf Cent ‘most | Fioner Away, ratast | es, peewee , as 
GY Minnis Ceoteal 4, Pitebarg 6, Toledo 4, Rock | Kinde of produce. Vioar was active aad te noe higver, | hake H2vire Sraiiaeee, fe a be ad al the aang | Sect amc aee APY (2 YOUN GKAT, 1A Booecralt | (qasit PAID FON DEMONS cots Mur auvate | Sem 4 

Island 2, Chicago and Alton 7, Qoicksi 
cific Mai! 4) There wis do'chunge in goveraments, 
Missourin syinpsthized with the general market to, 

tho malo inquiry Baving bow for export, th 
tan yucca ore nes ace NEE 
Iative demand, chiefly fer tolerlor grades, of which there | 


z eral supply of i 
the extent of one percents TAt the close of tho | Ween Wem yuy 7 rae The day's receipts of fear | wears 
session there was ab rst soore-ateadiness; bat, ay | Liayeiand Wentera, 2,4 les Compraed 21,000 Uhix, | ——— 

vsially Happens in « falling market, Wetwern, she 

15, Pa 

Ep teres = ‘Viiaadousiperceat Olice hours only trom 9 | QUNDAY, SEPT, 6 18—TIB OSLY REGULAR BOAT. 
RATED FIAKOS OB J. 50, FISHERS | T)O0S, FANCY PIOEONS AND vowss—roun | \iifusea? mls Le =e! SUNDA SEF SoRANTOM, (or Glen Core New Rocset 
Trinbit pianos ide with trog frome tito. | L) acoall Black and Tan Dora from LoS [bas tne aunt { W. PLUMB, Diamond Broker, &2 Broadway. i Whvtesone, Bask eekbalne ai SteationperS 
shmrais ang coal, "Warerona ant frang. | #INe CU, ove wmall aian Greshonnd, fave moma oy | oe | tear ec lp atmo a at Bemewne etree at da 
ands) Went Twenty eights since | Ba aauuue Spe Dogs one tearl Cente si oR iatretat She Tweotyt¥th” sities ring 
aUycubis street, | KPa gaelet ci Pipers ata. Tones Fore, Poravte by U: | [JAMGHUTS ANRION, 72 Droasway, under we Nee | willeaco Glen Gore tai PBL, New Noche at34G, stops 
= JONRSON, 2 Wen Braivay, near Duane mrcee York ors, sou! Will receive. $0 per echt mosn haw Plog at ithe avers andtogs, 
— = re orca tbls ets (or Dianondn eld Goud’ saa 
A\RANCIS DUTLER, NO. 3 PEQRSLIP, UAS ALLA | Chnote blag compelled W tate olker cacisig exes 
Soeee buedttoe welevand Mose Auer varatinis | Ho yarsin cig tangablo, money Gar 

(abla sehen, ana 99 Be ASTROLOGY. 

GTRAMEO Macy length 125, feet.” cylinder 99 ines 


palin Garstin. Ineladed ia the wales of State and Wi 4 he crowded stale of our colunt e 

y a ont coluntas we ae feel rcrlrpar UR AAS WE SA pee SOs searee le GRE apace Tee aeracsie 

boards tie amall Fy of strectspecalators all ezam | were 000 VU, uissund, sDOW'y a frees gl sue at eo | fetdwceet oh eareruntente coping unter eabyy OB iaseaas ReE RWG: || RIB Ser acne ne apical ta Kew Toe eee ty | aba era SO LaLa 
+ beady Proadwor- 22, Sod West skeet 


rls want situations as cooks. issiaup- 
Gretsex odrees, girls for general Bouse work, Sirs 
LOWE'S German Institute, No. 17 Stanton treet near Whe 

Bist Duy, boat ISyears 0! ape. I aay cood qircan. 

dis tatnen? aka Glaselts peeeratly ose 
fae “Apply to aickeus Gan 

rer enn 





ior situabons fm cenit co's farellira retueniag Yeo 

Ge counter, sbouid apply immediaisl= ts Mr. MAN SING 

US Court street, Brookly, whoss epvace is oatroalied by all 
We Seat families; abundsinon of places feady. 

A sears cf aso, who baslort ber baby, wishea (a get seme 
Tespectable baby (o wet pares at her realsenk 
Tor two dass at 36 Jackson st, New York, wecoud coor, back 

nb & Co, AD and $22 Greenwich 

for whlch vacuri 

Tita Yamal © Go general Bousowork. Lagelre at No, 


fiven. Address J, TE, stauoa D, Bible House. 
een athe olin of Jove Oso & Cau No A Spruce st, Dewees 
Tani o'cioek AME" poate mee 

Sa ings deluedadgheroe tuatace oats 
me ee 
I re the Grsi references aa to character, && 

frat Boor, back room. 

dif tovernem: tn ecbool or familys. beat of references 
‘Address S. 0., sation G, New York, 

nia, would Ike a. aitcaon to wallop a lady or lake 
Giro orchiliren, For further particulars address KM. T., 
‘suulva D Post offce, 

A. to obtain» situstion f'n emall private family. Call for 
tio days at 12s West 30tb SL, belween 7th and 8th ava, rear 

“lands Ler business No objection to aaslat ia washing and 

‘tan, aa lirst class Engllah eook. who thoroughly under- 
Liouing, Tho Lest city reference. Apply for two daye at 37 


e0-agetunt to accompany an tovalld lady about vialt- | goeounts and tho general routine of counting house work, 8 per day commission rvailred. Apply at 12 
fog Tin. Land of to asaist in tha care of children. Call at No. 8 | 5; nb language, Address D.R., box 12) He- ITRST CLASS MILLINERS: MEDIATELY MANTILLA iD CLOAK MAKERS WANTED— alms. in De 7 we 
Sunes between Shad bik aoe Bogen Sean! : Pt Seaweleey ho Draee ee LOO siiirece ot naa G8O. CAREY | tou.” Wiveen teat ot 

and can 
Audress RP, Herald office. 

AM engage ar iStcernany travelley seri or wrarohouse- 
aul” address, prepaids th! Dax a) Heras 


@aitoatlon In a dry goods or ether wholesalo house; 
A, Satie Rees tear eae 
a ‘Bleecker 

Preoeh ywasted in sail prvatefanniy oy waren 


Bermald, wie Wy willing (0 aus rith waanine nod 
Arvning; ety Feferenes reyulned. Ay py at Bs Wet (3h ae 

Kier aad} Seamer arrange AV} 
fepsion Sa tdh aves nrar syn Tacs AVE 

to Mra 

@aaterea a dani nlinfulgaladetnieritaas | (W7ANTEDCA WOMAN TO TAKE A GANY TO WET 
Dees Gu her own resi 2 
ween Sim and Sin rirwein froce 8 tS R'R, Meat TAY BS 


Tein mt thoreaghiy undereand unele Uuefeas, Brat 
Sata reference reqainel frum retary 
Sher TWotcock at Prinos at NOT MAE employer, poly 

‘from 9 to 1 to-day, WSs 

jcoomtadh eriployment aod iiteral anes 
Betweom sth and dan ine Ao HPeral wases at 19Gb ares 

‘gratanenee ie Hace at Sota eg 
Trish, Amsrican and Protestaule: aad girla ately Buded. 

A ral bousewerk fo & crall private family. Nono bub 

WA REI in eharberwort wont Gr Sch ROMAN ZO 

Wages 4 per month Appy Wis morning ai 25) Fourth ar, 

china Gown iowa , 
work, “Apply AU SS Maken Tang. = 1 B° TEBE or Boaday 

TW. freterred: topo a aber dirtancs Ine ag DRED, 
Rossewsrk In a enall family. ‘Call at 49) Hesece 

avait tapi ivanegy prise and erog mosey” payaols 

fy thre months ‘Apply at the Naval Rendesvous, 13% 


tyson ascusiaied to prtallng. ae 

al at 

We reiac 

Atarucner, Sauseat te Centey ile Manion Tau, 
tube Centravile Mal 
Bergen Point plank Foals Dummy car froin Jersay Cy. 

‘abou c 
‘gRabool Ue grocery bosineas aa partoer. Callat rs 

WATE Una Ya 20 001 owDE 
‘one tlmekerper, two contuctora (wu brakemen, two cupress 
is Toon fora rieaintoat and. tare 

fit Bind and eed store. 

Wate Ae Ter oh 
Jroner, Apply ot SS Henry at, Bont Beka a 

snoensiuns elisa het 


WARE ra, 000, RERAMRAGRD anya 

engines ooagtvans alia Mae ae 

(on aL, corner of Baadooeat at CUAL ONES 

Eris wiling Wo werre a the warsbonse Ia. 829 
Peclly; ‘preset miary no object Address 8. M., 

BARiiccotry Bookkeeper Jerrea 9, atsallen; best of 

Fefereness furnished aa to character, Ae Ad 
Bort station G, Brooklyn. 

Bock Rear ER Sper aeaires,@ situation. Best ot rele- 
Feces Heoivel as io character, ao Address H. J. Bary, 
Histon G, Brooks 
(URRESIUE YARD thon Uorvagny-sevalated. wi 
deotkzeping by double ents, and practically versant with 

Delock Good rarcrence required") AY MOTH 

W 7 cnly those WhO. unde 
peed apply to Biiy Cacharie &'Co.4310 Bowery ee ees 

eae aaE Tone TE nS Ae 
u iy Souts Breokiya, 10 Suen 

Waar iat small family exe wha mene, HOUSES 
tron; musthave eny references Soquire a 2 Droome nee 


Jo genteel young ladied. to wall on the gcatlomAnly pas 
trons of the rafoon. to whom the, bigbestwagoa will be 
it | ADPIY between and 6 o'corx to G, 7, Bhafer, 

SLB, Seriticor gatemeninaienn neu oudet 
hil ostructiona and thateriainsent free by mall Vy enclos 
ing es easgren W. Barker & Oe, 17 Ann mreet, New York, 

‘us satearsan 

Portere Apply To Mes BEING NS T Chasis Sana. 
zt HOY 70 OPEN 

WAXSiiwwnta cnet pulp atin eiagy ONS WHO 

Givav.c after i o'cok AM oe 

mush bo able (0 drive a howe Callat the groosry 
store I 
tlore tn Myrile ave,, corner of Sebeack wh, Brookya, after 

undermands thy 
led. Apply at dit 


Weirirmiamaecre ain Tia Ath OPORTO UT 
Poa Aradetye ewes anton a A 
i Thavaiee,. Urgaaivel Ihsan “N89 NO 


deatera 10 
Teady well Kiowa aalos may be 

anit fancy Ron 
rats artie!a eld ale 


i ehyldren and wach them French and do 
Good refercace. Call for two days at £33 6th 
sth and 16h aus. 

familly to do general housework. Gan bo 
OF two daya at 175 West a at, third oor, front room. 

food cook; excellent wasber ‘nnd Lroner; good baker. 
Gooa "city references. Call for two dasa at Sid dh ave,, Do- 

Aween 2/et and 22d ais, 
ood plain cook, first rate. washer oud lronor, no ob: 
Jeciton to do housework fora small private family. Per- 
sonal reference can be given from her Last, place. Can bo 
‘seen for tw days at 68 Spring st, near Narion 

Woman, ba wet burse; haa o freeb breaat of milk, Ad- 
Gress 1 Willow place, Brooklyn. Can be 


mind children ino respectable family; willing ang 
ebliging and fond of cbildron: Jately landed, Call at 170 
Smiin rt., tho rear house, second sloor, between Wyckol! st. 
aud Warten av. 

‘gIrL a3 cook oF ceneral gcrvaut: Is au excellent washer 

mad ower: willing: capable and, trusty; be 

givou. Apply at Ui Alanile st, Brooklyn. 


todo chanberwork and walling; uo objection to do 
Rouro;ork In aswmall private family. ‘Call at 424 West oth 
at between 9B and 10th avs,,tecond Gor, front room, for 

for two'dayr, 

chambermatd ond waller, or as nurse. Can bo 
#3 24 place, Brooklyn. 


AA ‘ation. to do general housework In a small, respretable 
Gnmlly. gods washer and Ironor, abd. good baker; Good ro- 
Sorencs." Cam Loreen for two dayaat bh King st 

ZA, ed as plalp cook, washer and trove. Can bo xcea 
or Ovo days at 395 324 at, belwreon Otb and 10ih era. 

AL cook, laundreas and to uo housework. “Call at No, 3 
‘Tuoipeon ay, near Alb. 


(nitty inra private family or will do chamber won 
dant alvin the warbing aad oaince bas wa best at lly 
Felersnee trom her st placa Gall tor two. days at IS 
WertJicnts batween Gh sud 7b ara, rear, gocoud door. 



wr ke old 
werkt old 
Onin Ds 

sounigiel, 98 ebamapermald and waltrcss. Beat rote- 

“ccnicral housework; 8 a plain coo 

Awwhernnd loser; good elty refereacs cam be 
at Xo. 7 Soul Fit st, Williamaburz. ¢ 

ious. girl to do xeneral housework th @swiall private 
familly; good cify reference. Catat 160 Eaat Slsbat. 

(can woman. Address Nelly, Herald office, 

Widow indy, aged thirty, Iu the fomily of a widower or 
iscuilo:- of (born) dens oud refined uate An elderly gen 
touinu el, Address Mra L. B. L., Horateottce. 

healtey Foung woman, with a fresh breast of milk. 
Gant tor iva aya at 233 West th at, Between Bik aud UI 

Siok, Washer and Ironer! has no objec 
iris Seen for ines daa 19 Went 38%% bus betweka 8th 

Save fantve dat ae Went 61h wk Denweea 

ita class cook ahd laundress, the otber as chamber. 
fun'd aad walirers Have good elty-refereaces. Call at 19 
Wert 2:th-sin hetiveou 6h aod ib aves 


My women, wlelers; one le a Ursl rate cook nud on 

Taber and (roner; tbo otber to do chataberwork 

Nag or would assiat with the washlog aod Iroulng; 

tbe best of elly reverence. Can bn acon at Ii East 
cen 2d and $4 ava, second floor, fron! room, 

oman With m fresh breast’ of milic. 


Stealing young 
Chu foriws dove 



16 years of age and rexldlg with his parents, tn a whole 

cory store, oF any olber stare or odiea rovalring bis 

tary fio can give sallavactory Leatimonials for bonesty, 

trolbfulness. &, and be content veiih reasonablo compen: 
talon. Address J, P. N., box 125 Herald ofice. 



wad, as coschinan and groom: understands the caro 
Of horsos in every respect, Good reference, Call at No, 13 
Stowartet.. Brooklyn. 


man, assalesman or buyer (a an importfog or Jobbing 
Mousa of ‘dry goods, ribbons, malllinery goods, lace goods, 
Roslery. oF soul's (uraisbing goods; bas beoa fo this counlry, 
23 years, and been tho whol Umoongaced In tho Buslacey, 
baSa largo mcyualotance in the trade 1a this clly and sure 
Toondlog cities, aud throughout the Yolled Sater addresa 
A. 8., cate of 8. Blraus, corner of Attérucy and Houston sta, 
In tho sire. 

competent to tako the entice charge of ‘a farm; und 
#tand the managementof Lorses and cattle; aro willing ani 
ablo to work; good reference. Apply mt Or address O03 Gib 
Gr., between Sth ani 6th ota 

SS an assistant bookkeeper, eairy or ebipping clerk, or as 
Ught porter Ina store, or to rive a team; understands the 
care ond manacement of borses; hax brea foroman of a 
Hvory lable in tho West orer two Scare Address P. V. M., 
377 Bast loth ot. 


apothecary anu falcsman, wishes a aituation fa a retail 
Or wholesale drug store; the Laller preferred. Unexoeption- 
able clty references Address box No. 6 Greenpoint Fort 
oftee. * 

dealera, AG—A gentleman, siaylog a short tisco Io Aune~ 
Ties, batiog bad considerable cxpowenee as manager in sere. 
Tal Of the drat Enelieb drug bouees, and baving an establish- 
cd connection for several proprioiary articles which would 
sell freely here, ‘would be glad to enter lot) au. cogagement 
wh a New York house, Address G. G. W,, Herall oles. 


ety omirenaane nein: Ag susie bis. cas 
ASAE atl hace “Rhtte Ba 

Suallh’s gced atoro, 65 Liberty, sireot, 

man capable of taking care of horses, of driving in any 
capaclly: Woman as bousemald er nurse: upexcepllopable 
references, Address Colin, 10 Whlteball rt, 


Keoper in some mercantile house, by a young Ameri- 
can, 19 yeara; speaks German. ‘Address A., box 191 
Lerald office, 

the man uddorstanda' the care god management of 
horses and carriages; isa coachioan; will work ou a small 
farm or garten. ‘rhe wife can wash and make up clothes 
‘and do plain cooking and houxawork. Nol long in the coun- 
Uy; arc Protesinols. Apply atl? Greenwich st, 

‘of A No.1 mercantile experience, o eituation ax geue 
ral. bookkeeper and cashier ino frst class importing oF 
Taoufacturiog house. Ho Is tamilinr with foreign’ ex- 
changes. calculation of goods quick bd correct at deures; 
bas been for over ten sears in one of, tho largest importing 
‘and manufacturing bouses in thiselty, arid is tberefore able 
(a produce tha mort eailsfactory roferentes in regard to ca- 
Yacl(y, charactor apd ability. Only such merchants Who aro 
Ying lo pay 9 eral salary, will pleaso address T., box 
Hass Post ozs. 

‘than, a eltuation as groom; has good reference. Ad- 
rece 190 Winlinry ator 60 604 24 Ath a 

take, charge of borecs,'or to work In aslore ordn & 
farm. Address for three days J. 8, box 157 Heraid oflce. 


store. Tho olivortiser has tnd! cbarce of a Gret’class 
sloro fur eéveral years. aud ta fully coropotent to conduct the 
Doslncaa “No objectious to going out of the elty. Address 
0, 8, N,, Herald ofice. 

Ean a ee aes Sa 

Seb counter, baviug been 
Places lu Orst clase bouses mn. the city: boo 

@edjection i ite. 
Squaw; good city reference. Address Steward, Herald 

"a. situation as bartender, Bost ofdclty references’ 
Bown town place preferred. Can bo seen at (2 Prince #L, 
jo the store, 


Joung man, as porter; Bus had four years experience 

ina alorage warehouse; Good cliy rufercnce from Inst ea: 
Pigper. Address for two days Rt, station B Post ofice. 

$30 "wuipas the above amouut to any person who will 
procore bit employment as porter or packer Ina wholesale 

beally married wormag, with a fresh and sery fall 
breast of ilk. Apply ot 263 Ollaten et, Brootlya, No ob- 
Jeciton to go In the country, 

young Womad, us chatnbermald and waltreas or 
aturinald aud aratnstress. Good city revereace. Call at 

er and frog: 


dy cook ina heat rate baker, abd wiliog to assist 1a 

the waitiog and ironing: sho perfectly understands her 

unri2ls has the peatof referonses. Call Uatleogaged at 
Seman, a 


ig woman. to do chaniverwork and assiat {a Wi 
fog an lroaing., The best of refercuce (row ber last pl 

Weues | Brug ordry goodaatore or some simalar Work; can wile 
fa'ineuvora | good plala hand: Fe‘orenco aud cash. sccurl'y gen Te: 
font daorto Whe church, Brooklyn, Lei. | quires. Addreas J. Walrond, box 107 Herald oui 


A “Gmpetent tocut and ako ealire coarse of a cuviom 
tit dogurtmeat and in willing ig geo Hartford, Conn, 
may hear ofa good sltaation -by addrestiay Land’ D., box 
Bet) Vout cae. None but those exparieaced need apply. 
‘The vest of reference required. 

‘oft responsibie Persons 10 make flannel sbiris oud to 
ako the work home." Also ona WomAG 0 xsial {a CULUIBE. 
Apply at 233 Spring street. 

eral housework. Must bo a good cook, Washer and 
Ironer. and couse well Fecommonded. 

on Wheeler & Wilsoo’s mazhinow,,at 04 and 300 Canal 

AL The operators will forolsh thelr own machines 

and a good trimmer, Situation permanent. Apply, 
all the week al SIS 4th aL, wesl of and near Browiway. 
Three first class millicerd aud ono wale 

‘woman. Steady employment to the ral of JAQUATY: “AP 
Ply at 485 AtlanUs street, Brooklyn. 

x Ninety etnpoyient at ihe DAybest 
yeleas to cs fhowsanl sok eapertncad hana, wh 
isa tees ofuslory, env emuranen ey SPR Waa St tne 
HY: TAR LLBN & PAINB, S91 Broadway, 

Apply between eleve o 0 ow 
Chambers etree corner of Gmnasann CASE AU NO. a Ne 
‘employes $0 ean bi at i 
SY empiarer puoean have Grn clase alloation, “Aten 


Around thia city, each one of whom Iain want of oUF 
Colebrated Prite Stadoncry’ Packagos, conta\ning many of 
the coldior'a, wants. Incinding Finn’ Statidbery, Writing 
Materials rieh Jewelry, Yankes Notlons, Ac. Agents ary 
maxing from 610 to $4} porday. Bach agent presented with 
Plendid allver Watch, Bogilah movements correct, tImo- 
form Agena wanted all through ho country. Call o 
for now circulars, containing extra premiqim Inde 
© RIOKARDS & CO,, 102 Naseay sirvot, No 
Jargest aod oldest prizo package house im tbo 


AML mitiinera “Also 6 young Lidios to trim children’s bal, 
‘Apply Jor tivo daya to Madame Werner, 13 Division et. 

{romoilately Good racer and sxcady employment ga. 
yanteed. Apply (0 D. B. Babcock & Co., 111 Chambers el 

room and Concert Hall, O14 Broadway. Apply from 2 
Yo So'clock P.M 


whoare quick and neal eowors can have employment, 
ith geod wases, Uy calllug atonceon Alfred ¥, Reynolds, 
193 Broadway. ‘ 

Maes Crummer & Barronne’s Dow millinery rooms, 
876 Broadway. Balary no object. 


and Induatrioue habits. (0 act sa Bousekeeper ou & 

form io Towa: ono who understande farm work and who la 

ealtous oCeecuring’a ood home will ud (his. rare oppor. 
tunity. Apply at No.3 Tryon row, room 7, 

AY yap, Singert machines. Apply to D. B. Badcock & 

‘Obambers rireet. 
Iu a 00d cook, Washer and Jronor, fora ffinlly of 
threo persons, 
Apply at8.6 7th a,, corner 4 

None need arpl it those capable. 
mie weed, acnly except thosa capal 

Corner of Grand a Chrysler was Aste csca ene 
bands, operatora on Wheeler & Wilson's macbibe, with or 
Withoot waacbine; cloak hands, Ince aud crapo Workers; GlL0 
{hfauts’ cap makere 2 

‘956 WhO is a good Plalu sewer required: Apply ot No. 
7 East siet et, Wbird door from Sth aye. 

ployment for geod banda. Apply at the Empress Skiri 
factory, entrance SI Reade street 


Ava aftar m eewing machine, at Sire Moore's indies! 
and children's furnishing fore, Fulton ave, neat. 0: 
plac, Brooklyn; also a gentoel young girl 1a'the storc, 
Epwiek to good'hands: “Apply ae abote immediately. 


bs willing to make herself usefal: none but’ Pro- 
teatant nced apply on Friday, Sept 4, al BS Otb ay,, bolween 
Wand 12 A.M, 

Yarauy, “Unebeepllonable sity ro(erenos reiwreas 
of wages paid. Apply at 81 Bast 24th 

swall TomUy. 
andthe bighest 
at, from 900 11 A. 

Nvalting; snust Date good city referenée. Iuquire at 
139 Woat Stat, near Stn ay. 

tonend for our new circular, offering splendid prem: 
mia to all who act as agents for oir new and large Blation- 
ery Prize Vacketa Aggaty are now maklog Imienso pron 

0 Ante ity, e # 
x No, $6 Heokran sireot, N.Y. 

Avrens Nommiag trey seeded by every Reron 
Cail aud examine, OF 10 raviplen will be pant free by mall for 
QU cents that rotalls for 82, with torms to agents, by R. Ly 
WOLCOTT, 17) Chauam syuare, N, ¥, 


Tloyed la s suipping. business, aol thoronghiy woder- 
sianda ito bancting or grain. and geoeral: produca, can ob: 
{ain a permancotaftoalon none but (tome ‘alluded to need 
bu ¥iy deat roferencen aro requir. Adres box {S54 


r Scotchman. who thorooghly wnderstands the taking 
fare of cows, nod taunt coma well recommended; one lately 
Revived preferred; wages $10 per month. Callat the ofbes of 
this paper, ob Priday, September 4, between 12 anil 2 o'clock. 

ary koods Jobbing Bouse; pone but aR expatiepeed Per 
fou need apply. 


others need apply 
lewand of euch 

‘Bmpire Motel, corner 24th at. and 34 ar, 

i rorereucen required. Apply: to thy, 
Fo pre ey 



ean’ sola geod eivaiess iy Hosea och : 

way. can ol . tt 

Me earn bealthys tmanly babitsy. becom quick at Agures, 
Tapld basincan penmnen and good bookkepern 

(en lesson 
eeping and all alters porialolog to tha counting room, 

rate roomt for ladies and for” privaio. inate tion 
OETER B, GOLDSMITH, 706. Droadway, corner Bighth a1 

Practical Jastrucion in double entry Mook- 


street Indien an’ gentlemen reesien eoparata {ostrco 

flon to Aritbructie; Writing, Mookxcoping, rammar, Alges 

bra, Ao Ten writlog lessons $1, oF kwerty.tivo for 4, ata 

Mowery Included, Ynstruetion’uhorough, Open Way’ wud 

pe ED SEE 

Arithmetis, ac, 


Noelsseoa Thor Practical Inatruciion, with earnoxt 
bem day 0) Ning.” Teme mot 

earetol attention, 


Ino privato family, where insiruction In tbo French 

ihouage Sr union Gr fol, wuld taken aa comipeuns: 

Uoas_-Avtirven Keacher, box 160 lerald often. 

‘Address box'93 Now York Post office. 
is das, between 8 mu 

ts ietea 9 aSd' av ate at th ators 8 Divilon st 
A A Giarme «9 Houten sitoet camer Loe: 
toon “Reference readired. 


ant tou wel weommenbed: hose tier need a 

em olivea wil ule yaceata preserved App ab No. 

his wife as) cook; colored or German, Enghisb) Beoten, 
ee Wwallers for 

Irlab of Precch, form private fatbily; ala. 
Abotal in the city, Call at 149 Grand a 


‘Yoong inan of (he right cork good and permancat altua- 
Von will be given. Fo rave rouble none need apply without 
Daving written testimonials, Or alating whera Jast employed, 
Address Hope, Herald ofted. 

Jor 14 Yearu old; wages $1 per week, Apply at 203 Broad- 
‘way, F000 7. 



several beuirs dlsongagods lesson ago), 
unig and Drawing. Adiiress Stra J.. are of Mestre. Chris: 

tern, 763 Broadway, or Meagre, Roprecbt & Foretoer, J'osta’ 
Hullalnge f 

x will reopeh’ on 
guys, Bealthy 0d rate 
shadea, “Great atienon piven i i 
incotal brancben. Terme poly Als per tevoal Fear, 
Moderate. Clrvutars obialned of A Maten, J 
‘nix Fire Tnayranios Cowpany, No. 2 

‘Bast Twat 

(youn aiteet Bear Madison 
Revlomter #4 Ueuediog and) Day ehoa 
Prepared for Weil Polat, tho ary achool collogo and Lue 
Eat “Aerican pupi dilged 1 learn asd eimak Fone 
fvithout nuy talerdupion in WNelrathorsiudirn roagert 
Tye tad gontaining, tho ames of the puplie’ au thos of 

er parenlaTorwelast aight esr: Tunes vn, prisary 

department, Prof. 
Becond street, Now York, unter tha directign of tho 
others of the ChriaUan Schools. Mroxmsat in {ita 
‘ary Unatltulon, wich has bee incorparaiad ta croneetlon, 
pth Manhattan Gallege, prescats the Imvortany’ aavaniasca 
of eclentise, commercial aod moral elvcallon, The 
iden@eare divided’ Into eavoral classes, each winder the 
faro.of ono oF more profersore Buljeims’ avo aont every 
cond moni to tho parents or Euardiane o¢ tho audont 
easlon commences an the rst Monday tn xeptninbar, 


‘bad expartenea in city retail usiness and cap iniluenca 
aa; Wberal kalary to a person AbAWeriog des>riptlon; 
uooeother wanted. Addrees, with reforence, 4s, Dunham 
‘& Brokaw. 
Hotel, Bowery. 


Ea car ya pate VG 
ios wia'to be gentraly wefu Apply at tho Brog 

Blore, corner of 10th st, and Int av. 

'8) operators; conslant work aud good wngex. Chas. 1! 
Gia, 28 Broadway. Apply atthe rear entrauce,O7 Frank: 
in at. 

Dousswork; must bea good plalu co#k, Washer ond 
ironer; Prowstant prefered; wages $7. Apply alr Eat 
ainh'et, four doors cast of 2d ave, 

Ish, Scotch, German or American girl, with kood 
2 may Obtain a good situation ab 17 Irviog piace. 


ina small family; must bo 8 yood cook, an toxcellent 
washer and lrouor: to one well recommended from 
taco, food wages will ba glven., Apply at 24 Dean 

‘ebildren’a_norse, Voth Protestauts Apply at No, 
Carroll park, Brooklyn. 

tor. None otbers needappiy. For farther particulars 
apply to Mr, Keallog. at 12l Ofystie street 


‘also two competent men 
ly to Titfapy & Co., broaze 

Lup monk. Apray damed 

io putup won 

Separiaont, 8 Broadway. 

‘also soma young men (At have served some Use at 

‘bog fo learn tho emith 
12s 634 ot, near Broad 

rood work oF smith Work: lao a. 
Trae. "Apply to-day or to-morrow at 

FNanted  NEWRINK & KENNEDY, 169 Ceotre st 

ner of Kear et, 

Coilat2%2 Weal Joth ot, belweem 7th and Sth ava 
Youn gel, as cbambermald and wallress, or ebamnber- 

mah snl bi centot with the wasblog snd ironing; bas threo 
Tereuce from ber last eumployer. Can be seen at 79 

Vion io dochnoberwork and Waltlog, or_chamberwork 
oni wosalet ia Ibenureryy bas Kved three ears and & ba 
Tu her luit placa, baa no objection to goa auore dlstabee 13 
Teunin. Inquico at dvi Baat lath st, fourth floor. 


situ: on ax cook, washer and Iconer; ls a good bread 
anil biveulit uakers good city reference given. Cam bo ceca 
Tor (ro daya aL8) Weat 19% at, In the baszient, 

Jovaig_ worms, AA-cook, Washer and lronce; can give 

cterence front ber last omployer; wo objection to 
Call at SH East 16th et, front room, Devween Int 


Uoa.ayconk. washer apd ironer; can give Good refe- 
uidresa 6:0 Cth av. 

Wo Nfee=28 A RESRECTADLE ofan, A Si0a. 

(on a8 nurse nnd seamstress; Is capable of taking eo- 
eof nn Iu/nat; no objection to travel: best of city 
Call at No 16th 6t,, between Gth and 74h ave. 

iDistalsL ia tre waahing and from 

Jaajoundrest, Wey woot 
inst geass. Cats Uo scea far No dash ato Wen ToS 
Dalen ith aed oth ares Gnet Hoan Ca 


cook, Io a reapectablé private family’ ie 
or would go a4 lauadress; baa no eb jec 
‘sirree fncalty, or to Goa short distance tt 

tg. Gan escen for to daye at S10 Btantog. sce io th 
fii, between Lewiaend Goerek auc Good elly rocoimmane 
ota her Inst places. 


_ ee 
Won icake A SSrrepTana romea won 
Ty iin a ee oad peel erase 
Wee era TRC arr, 
SO ordaetae aca tes cena he aaa 
Petey alts 


Tpeodorlog the swuma. for wc accommodation of 
Reanddra and transem queria Literal edectlooy from 
eae eee GEO. SHIELDS. 

am sireet, othe Zarupeas vag. Laafes' Dinlog 
airs. Claas, airy Roots {or famllles oF ladles 
reatlemen, by the day or weak. pen all nigbt. 

_____ EXPRES#US. 
Wat Bleveutu nurert Uettepeu Posh and Blxik avoaven 
Fiano Minors 2 Gilaee Ware packed 
Bod shipped teal paris of the worid, Corerad wapne for 
froncring Suraljure 19 G20 from 186 eavnity, ‘Pasultars 


rookIyD, B.D. 
Berauda; wages $16 per mouth. A German and rar. 

Iomedistely, at Bralnerd & Gourlay’s, Keni av., cor- 


Fed man preferred, His wife could also bo employed at 87 


cook, for a first class boardiog honse; wages 825 for 
toro Who can give eallafactory refercuces; niso a stroug 
Gorman klicbealglel; wages ST Apply at 3) West 21b at, 
Between St and él ave, 

Rowewore Apply ni No, 196 Scbermerborn circot, 


aceite rea aaa eee aL 1A 

Apap ARAPLTARePa ae eldon ead CV Moek Fer 
ASTROSnmaes, 10 aan uaa, ag, | JRANWER, WARE tro AN, HO, EO 

tof farm horses, and who ls not afrald of work. A} 
tls of ©: be inion, No. 0 Walt ately at IA. Mt” 

iy at 21 Nesvaw #h, room 13. 

for Ave! United. Btalan Navy, to ablp Cor one year 
‘Throe montha pay adriheed. Apply teday, to D, L. PEARL, 
OT West strect, comer Rector. 
foulgiblc aanvassing omployment, by calllag upon Ar- 
randale'& Co,,19 Browdway, betweea ILA. M. aad 

all dry good sore. Apply immediately to M. & AL 
Ayers & Co,, 625 Broadway. 

may, 19 manage cloak and soantilia department for 
‘due of tho frat class houres Io m largo Westorm city, A very 
fine openiog for o.roan of ability, Address, with came aod 
refercace, box 1,(23 Post ollie. 

S*faurive esiailshieats be ‘baring mgood onuniey 
Sequalotagce will ealtwith lborally. Address 
A, ond D,, Lox 4,87 Post oftes, 

Te sera ieere cena 
eed Agply ualoss thocougbly eompeteat. Apply vs O. Pike, 


the ceneral Housework; aba mast to a good washer 

and jroner and plain ceok. Apply at Dr, Dupuy’s, 287 4th 
fve,, From 19 to. 


shed skirt houre {s In srant of traveling agents, Terma 
Iiberal. Address B. 6, Herald oftce, 

‘who aro well experienced aud know bow to Ox wJadows, 

Rousenork; must to a kod washer and Jronee, and | wil Onduisady employment wit M. Hamano, 17 Carmine, 

bave city reference Apply at Llu 6th ave,, pear 9b st. corner of Bleceker +t. 
band wanted for medallion caps, at 887 Canal at, ‘ara old,in an oll flore. One of Indistrious habits, 

per month, Apply to Middicton & Co,, 49 Exchange piace. 

Meaty Sate ot a ait house malting MO, basbels 
isalt'per year, Adureas W. H., Herald ofice. 


twonty years’ experience. The best af referoncca will bo 
given if required. fhe sitaauon must bé jo this cily. Ad. 
Gress H.i,, 407 Broome at. 

‘Gud @ Fulton et 
Newark, N.J- Tho very highest prices paid. Apply 
18 W. ©. Roweoblil, 17 Broadway. 
14.6 apprentices, necustoned to 
by Mepken H. Provost, 216 


ournermen Wnuers 

Banding Cools, wanted, 
Front st 


DerwOre and tase care of children; on8 who can come 
properly recowmonded, as is wllliog and’ of klad disposition 
hod oot afraid of work, may aoply, to Mra. Thomas, Besson 
#,, Bear Cathollo church, Hudson City, New Jersey. 

and wflllbg to ake bimsel generally usefo!, and cau come 
Woll recommended, can address box 3,002 New York Post 

Barracks, Flushing aveuue, 


Aiteonth of July. Tha annual eam: 
® publicexarination.oc il ho 
‘Goutlomen nro reniest 

eonvenionea during 

OTE, NO. 1 Wi 
i torm ot s 

jaautabs welll 

ath sree 

fe Dr. be peor of Mathew jos, Na 

my nize, Professar neh 

sa ale dee Mia 

er fe R Rana cat 
ipletuber |. z Dr, RUD, DULO! 

Miao. oat Mualeau eeu, wll renpen On 
eudayy Reptstabar iB Mies Dean will ba ht bowwe aCe 

Teh Spies Ra ASG et 
promptly answered 

5 ONS. 2) AND 223 M, FIBLD PLACE, 
Wien Pitypaiattot-Proncleant kone Hosta 

‘und Day School will reopen on Tucaday, Beplamber B. 

‘ship, Arithmelle. Boglish, Latin and Groek at tha 
Brooklyn’ Academy OF Lavguagen, No. 69 Woat Warron 
treet, by agradunte. 

‘on mnoderale tarme, by addreaslog Krlacipal, Koypork 
Academy, Keyport, N. J. 

'¥.—This inalitation 14 now Jo full oparation, and offe! 
‘uportor advantages for the (Uorough wudy of the Natu: 
Kelences, of Milltary Sclence, and of Civil, Mechanical aod 
To neering. ‘Tho fortieth’ annual session 
commences on Wedoesday, Bept. 16, 1903. Further to- 
formation, with the Annual Register, may be oblalued from 

the Pris 

renieh reat 

D. D., Auisiant Blahop of Connect 
aud ibe Hey. W. Mitchell, ocr, Stamford, 
particulars, As, apply to the Principal. 

teacher wantad for the Pubile Hehoal No. },. Weetirr- 
Ken Bchoot District, Hudeoa county, Ned. A slagle gentle. 
Than preferred, Apply ta tbe Board-of Travis. 
Uniou Hh, Hudson county, Ne'B- 


ant): American preferred; best of refecenca required. 
Inquire at 197 24 av, 

‘waublny and troolog and general hooseworx. Apply, 
with good recommendations, at 122 Lexington ai 


Bitl, todo the general Lousework of « xmall amily of 

adalies mast bo a good cook, washer and froner. Apply at 
12 West arth at, Re ¥. 

way, a Whoroaghly compelent mleswoman. 

er, \o work in a rst css retail bat store. -Sueady Cu 
ployment: “Apply at 4) Broadway, betweea 1d and 1 

‘a good. plush sever, at "12 ort atreet, up stairs, 
Steady work and highest wages given. 

‘Wet 21st at None but good mecbunies need apply. 


‘ quanfity of seiog machines, to take out to, make 
large lola of Bickory, check and Uapnel abirta, already cut. 
None oltera need apply but those who thoroughly under- 
land thelr business aod accustomed to work for wholesale 
ouses and be able (9 manufacture frou 10) to 40 doen per 
week. Apply to P, &H. Lewis, 494 Broadway, 

In the iropibe. Apply, if well recommended, at 12) 
Weat 481th at, between 10 and? o'clock. 

standing plate work Mall applicants will slate age, 
‘Bow long dentists, In what branch they excel and the waxes 
feauirods Apri at. Proterre Brothers 189 Bowery. MB 
There isa vacancy fora dental student, 
‘cuatomed tothe Broadway trado preferred. steady 

employment and the highest wz iven. 


Wants tadan Hy caren ope ontypeR 
AU SiaPiehine Gaia emasne sees 
Mee eae 

‘ness aod furoltare plating. Cell for two aaya at G0 

roagase a small farm, Dy a man of practical exverienco 
tho various details of” bis profemsion. Would mind a 
Borse und carriage If requiced, Oud ciherwise make himself 
Geoeraliy useful Can predice satlafeciory testimonials, 
Kddress Gsidener, 31 Proce at 

Wodq T. Chapman, 

‘cook, waah and iron; must Dave good city reference. 
Apply nt 199 West dlat st 

‘of achiM three soars of age and to do plain sewing: 
Apply at 70 Bast $51 ot 

Sa aa aa 
ralora Ua Waceler & Wilzon'a muchinen, wiih thelrown thee 
chines, Apply to 5. Heineman & Co., 263 Broadway. 

of Ghassan ay und Lellersaty Brookiya, ~7P7 “108 €Orner 

WMeraod tera hous rorh of rata ay 
pause clare eaes plea cress grt ba rea 

WREe Anas Aoke Nave a nop 
sis finest ate Taaey 

'ANTED—A GIRL, OP 12 70 1¢ ¥: 
WAN#D=A AIRE, OF 170 16 xraRS OLD. ca 
Wires tun bene 0 lei ar ony tae 
sEetratan an Tg ug neta Be 

“SOL West at. 
and Hadson ais, 

WA aratis of tet fancy temlag Garnet oO 

er vaed apply at 1-9 Weat Jb et, between Blocerer 
W ‘these, and steo's boy, aE, Maleh’n, 133 Bowery. 
eee ie manalaciay, wear psib se Faseat 
eas jrevknes ce c 

We nie sie Musca +t 

Call ats4rsg Vearl at 

See ee ye a ees Am 
Me weenie, sass obec te Wane who underaiana 


; Ox! Ti PRANEMA. 
seed bands ned 9 
Ted BLD. gy Mazdormal street, near King 

passers, Iacdemen aod green hands; also two colored 
meu fora steamer golng on the blockade, ablp for one yeary 
$12 Wa monih and $4 advanced. 
P. GALLAGHER, 174 Bouth street. 



logo tonea In alarce abip; be mnst have had some 
experleaco in hotels. Apply to the Captalp, on board ehip 
Pyramid, Fultoo (erry, Brooklyn. 


Janis) ono whojcan wrile a sood hand preferred, Ad- 
dresc AJ. Dittenboefer, 23 und 295 Brosdwaoy, in band- 
writing of applicant, statlog age, ke 

ladles, Preach only in several semidaries? German eid 
Jao fora ttlect tcb0dty maihemalin and ayy rl 
Fociieh branches ond organ. Several UueheO for pabus 
feo 'N-D—Trusveen of choels and priucipals af semi. 
Haries everywhere can hear of nullavle. tacherw at once. 
Aupir atthe Nallooal Teachers’ Toaiitale, 713. Wroadway. 
Soot cireutars wanted for parents an) gisediang. 


English fourieen weeks af Madson River Inatita 

Haverack, Columbia aunty, M, ¥. Slaten exgereeced 

Juntructors yn the Bogan, Normal Claseleal (a 

thattaow prepariog to eur Valen 168), Presel, Masleal 

Higese Pelotieg. Miltary and Commercial departioents 

(Golh seats). “Term openn dept 18. Write for % calalaga® 


way, roam 10. 




p lag the beak ity £0" 
from the aly; none Dat iboeg barlog the best Gf 

ferences need apoly oJ, B. & Co, 
iam aheeeaat gale 
Waren cnn orci But are 

ANTEDSA MAN; ONE App vir roa eA Me 

Wri otieal 

Ano wenictnabetalen; EATEN PARE ANTEC | 
veel Co. | 

EDIATEY (cea baoaa] amo 
er a tae Diora daw 

2 in isa a0 Oi CER, 17 

Ty ANTED mor 
WA nora he 
men farm Caer 

ath aueet, 

rie ase “Addresstox 508 Pon omer "| AQ HEMOVALA REMOVAL Beto i pezared 
Item aod peu cass obtala 
‘ANTED—A YOUNG MAN; 70 ATTEND IN A TEA | $43 Sl310 syeano pei ‘Weafioe apes es 
store; a persoa recently from the old country pro- | lam)ng sstcss for Aer 
forred. Apply ab 636 Columbia sk, Brooklyo. Fe rete alsa carpets. (0 
re ee alto a 
EDA SMART, INTELLIGENT LAD, weELL | Py post ranctaally 
We fecmmended for houesty and tndaatey, a'en on er. | 17 {00> SeteUp ree Au bualocus tran 
Fee re ibe BRIPDIOp. odlee 108 Malden lane, covnee J FAQUBION, DENTIST, 3 OLIN 
uth atyupatalr, rota 160 1d eetock, Rees ar oaitamty, Big erect, N.Y. 
W sis bouness: ly thane wh bate experienc a tha ~___ ALLILOAD: ST 
woe need apply. Address box 4,09 Post ofieg- -yUbsoN RIVER BAILKOAD—TRAINS POR AL 
‘ANTED-A MAN AND WIFE; THE MAN AS Oa aad SE Me, soon Bees 
eee nana paiteuer, ae, the wana as cook, | 17 te ee rei heels mae to 
vasherandifaen to gots Meriaain, Avply atti Bross | Gayest? 0 °cpllonees of WEsTCOTTS EAPRESS 

od baggage checked ay ths 

jafpsings oa tie road and to Saralogs Bpringe 

aU paints om (he ro: 



meno thelr 10aa 
Inst, at ning o'clock A.M. pnvctealy. aL VM 

and will 

8 BOOKKBEPER | served wit notion from ay. 

Ny NoMN i 
Scommerit ota 

Gro th aan 
ty A 
Sout EE 


Retember a 1s. 1%, 454 Vrooas airect, Yaw ¥ 





One Aa SR 
ey, a We 


‘ean procure 

White sure 


is borebs- 

‘on TlnrElsy, We Mt 

cantiaue to. ticar vase oft 



saosin t 00. 
Tenn DIS. 

ayes trated: who cannot leave (bol usineds Wit wish 
atiigitet aR. th 
Chaubers street, coruer of Centra, 




Ons Te STOW? 

Mfors ‘ maglatrate, tuado Out bp 



OF OANEC Fe NOK ILable, can put thile User 
ieee can on ¥. Av WAWRENOB Novsey FuDlle vad 
ommissionan, b8 Liberty street, room ky ¢ 3 



er On 


ren lo all persons drat} (a tho Fish 
je that a beard inrofeene Si ense 

tay af diaptaniae 
tea Hrasncartrre 
title erases 

JOUN DUFFY, Gaptata ead Preset are 
a Nitrite tes 
PLPAnguanrans Ranirane 
Corps Gk roadway Toowteal 
iment bow organtang for t ‘a poattee, 

Parilccla's am 10 Loh 


Me daily, By ond 

rf Niy 


i uartery. fowl dA MS 

Moniagay Mali’ Nrooklya.—Tao oWleersaf (hi Kine 
Cosioay Volunteers wiltrepnrt ak beaidquariers oy i reay 
morning the Hock WI aK NT thee bare 
ready to jon wk Teach nM © onttiur ta, 
thelr alifereat companion Will ecelvo m: SUPARTIY 
alvon ia bale SHOAL M 
‘Colonel Commaniliu: Kings Ua 

imeany, UNE A wor 

coonpiete ontnt tomprisiny 0s an 
paruly word Tall deewe agit ul nie Chapa, 
Pay, Sasti, Holtm, Revolver, role leather Trunks, Camp Bell 
Diankets, Untercotatug, mala OF AB ONSee Ln, 
(ne Dad}, all 10 good order, Wii bo sovl vazether or 1a fott 
Lo.rulk Hoqaiea Of %. vs LIAVENWONTHH, at ihn iroal 
way Hank, 




lly to, 



room 1. 


Iafition to 
5 qUArAn\ee 


trate Larma by al 

than aay 

Foro ongasipe any whcrn. ize 




Wsloa Corre todayy 


ry Mebeat pries pail Tor cond 

0 Sid tds 
SOPs Avesta carn 


trun £0 
tho 6 

yply te 

Nove8 Nanay sy uy ataleny 





SUpinivUTRA TIA 1 
SeAyTirteatnseat men tne ay vtetez put 
Penne Fearnyyy uuderomrur eaiiaovor vuaraola 
DIGHELATAN A C1), A0F iieontrny, uy ata c 

litutes © 



thle hay, 




Th noc 

any oh 








ipalat the Bewilnary, and for tnlervlews at Pecite | 9°." Mis pw 



Who want hele maciey (ox 
ay Auk Woatt atreet, 

oor. Bubaiitutos fiebuicied. 


ler U ila to inves 
Oru 1a. ip to Boreie 
tealon Ssinent ou that tetany, anid 
y payors aro proceed Sram WN (sland 
ial Thatwrynes plton wail re bleed. 


Jarot Went wired, N 

finns inaney, fur itisan duty at Portion Susi * 

Enomansing officar anit lin 

interview can 

roth Now 
relvatated for ihr follon to 

nig? bulog recommneated by otiar owes 

may arnt tot net gin, 
‘ahnoy mania pat ah rd a 
eee Gul J Malibo, 11th Realms N; Ye 8X. 
aecworntwon aA Se 

SAHOY, Atty ant Nany Agvony #3 Weatte 
‘biteel, Near broadway, d. Le 3 NPI 



NEY fo) WIT. 

urnued bounty fr 3H) more, maableg a YouHty ot 

Bubstiloto agio(s drut Funtioea wilt by pal @ ib pal cont. 
migsion for alr evoatlUtes firaleaedy 

No lh-Patties drattet itl ba Turls od dobstitote at fair 
ralew “Apply ol Draft Anwvrancs ofion, ¥¥) He aiwayy 


W by 


Pay BN" to ASSO for thom 

apd oto 


1 weante, 

We will pay the 
Rapythiats agency, 

Eh With 
NH Tiwnity for env cos) 


COP West at, corner: 

Met your ready cath 

Fe, an 

Thiarica ta niake'nle 
lth ean 


Yor futher ptieul 


1M) Wan hdee corsiorot latest walk 

neat pte 


the ni 

mt en 
Iporuiog Caria nvanaled ail do vat cn nyt siren, 




74 OGNat Niu; THIRD 
Tilgoent prices pald for 


Hany rouly. (or 

101 par eval 
Tayuire for tees UAyA AL 
‘Chatham nurgate ha tio dete ote Ds 

ro oUAt RAs yee Mba ef 
Joragnocy 10 the ely. HAL Uo. s FUN 0st 

An cha Dateenth arsillory, and eat 

nL WO Varo shee heared tien in 
‘oleera who wu 

eouenlida fear of Welt rondorod aupe) 
howe wink: Habla AEranqsmne(t Ns 
nent about balug asat o EO0e alarp, 
eqprei anc consetidstion teeginine, Adit 
NAT Post odice, whicts will be coofitontin: al 


Thera worklog Ik 
achie forwer 

Vo bellova Lieuiannnt 

exons: Vor bis 

mommuendiog. 6B er 
dome Ohler of netlinry cloared. bir 
in Mary Haid a fh 

dalton in bis rexuren thn One ius 

ta fate oF tha 






dares), ROLAY: 217 Moana, 


All ba 

nny, ant 

Tit pay $420, cuah down, tataro ley ary acca ta, 
Prof CHARLES DROWNE, Director. | Appig baba bedrest Abe noun o a AA a 
‘ANS SOUCI AEMINARY, DALLSTOM HEA, BARATO- | ascueg, cot C1 Vt Od Celacstny upttaita, aabstitatg 
‘coualy, N.¥., Rev. DW. BMITH, Principal —Thts In | en 
hitolion tortasien daitasted on the Ronalaarant Garatoga | rANTHZO—PINTY KUDATITOTES, APPLY AT ‘lik: 
Haliroad, weve miles from: Raraioga Sprioge “The moaual Bereniy Atak tepinent Anaury, Canira sacket. 
Seulonwwill‘commence “Wedeaiay, Seyinober Term ere 
ip pa chool yea for fast ang Fation iv Enea Voraly | —_ wears area : 
and Guitar Orean wud Harp Muale, Alia Painting anc ANTUD-VIVIEEN BUMGTITUTH®, Pom wittclt 
Drawlog, by the best professors and lescher. Frenoh’by & Mail pay #22 cash down. > each one belare they ure 
aura tehcher. Porcircularsand other aformation adAréax | guy jl Sa ares Hwa Ope eI reLay are 

‘Of B pomgan drafted. Apply frum iY to 1 o'eieek 0120 
Wall sires, back often, ap stalry. 




even good mnen for corporal 
J A MAORUDER comnts 
is, Captaln, 4700 

5 Milo dn oa report at cap by 1 
eopablcred desorters, sj eyaumand of, 

(a good ten for berg 


Lb TH 


Caplan Z. 

5 $20, por mon 
“BL NO vieket duty, 
ing. Appiy wo JULIUS 

12 END 


eee ecttut a tos 0rd Ninth,” a ow Feoraa 


Jock tite day will bo 


Mraloek ou Saturday WorBlag at 2 



Tots to scltpurehasers, 
resldenes, 113 Went Ivrent 

yanle. O76 000% da! 

Now Yor! 


paid to val 

jaxo iat 
pal come easly oy oi 

kevelea wil ayers 

Ceptala Kings Uo; 

0) Dy. 



‘sabscribor, relingolahiny: ca ekesp 

(rid will ba paid to eacd tan (alten 

batiintes, wis day. Apply at £8 W, 



HEY a 

for Courany Oot tlaveleran resents Mtorocd a 
Gnd bers Seley HOUMTE OAVEN. 
‘Oldces, 123 Droome piréet, 42135 Brondwey not 
LO. Beer eres fchanre Hout, go sonst) 


S200 sire man lane "7 


UiERHT. Coviala. 



third sires: wear Sit Ay ene 

Koveacgi Mame tne tdelo ic brag 
Peete heya reat est 

es ot cr, Bateanye athe mec Ta 
ara a ee 


Sli dlspoos of thelr Puroliary ab 
rides (or cash. 

Oraale A family, Kirig yo howsekeeplogy 
pllure forsale A faunily, gining, pu, noosekess ods 
for Bally covered ia rhea 
Pung to. Order sero mou the aga, coe 
fur B90, Marble top 



‘A. beantiful 

bite Blalns, Bed alt s iy 
parr cers ie Son alot i, 
eae chalet dices vend Towra 
a ee Sen be Tonsir? at US 
te Fata Went eat erect, fer 80006 eee 
ears c wate iats‘and | Ecards aso 35 Marimaedaty adn Wensna w 
f yee Bere | = 
Plina, 4 PA, stopping at White Piainsand watious gorkt: SEWING MACHINES, 
{a Dover. Returning leave Albany 9:10 A. M,,on preival of | | rent alee 
Wor.bern and Western trains, siopying at‘all’salincs (com | 7 qoVER & BAKERS 
Nera Ad Moura: abe boa wane tianstont |G ee 
‘Wilismabridge. Dover Piajns 945 A. M., stopping al NEW LOOK STITOM MACHINE, NO. 9, 
‘FiaUongnorth of aod at White Plalos: Crown Falla. 6 &. st 
epee gprs Aig «is eae (05 BROADWAY. 
He ee Ott an Os Bae Wille Paige man 
Willismsbridac trataw sing at ait si Sunday exci TIII6 18 THB BEST AND CHEAPEST MACHINE 
in sate ecoot Wopsetey for Wiliams Yor TAIONS' Uae EYER PRODUCED. 
PU auc Oli tai tanantid | ___oe ea eaves 
Se ete ee We al ace Mt” —acrieq w\cuINE FOR #ALE=ONR OV SINGRRE 
Ghats v0 A alah Sih Sivags TE SEWING ACHING Fors low piers pony Soe fad 
asked ani Aintsa rates Pa RAG SOCO ET A nie a ean 

aii al (iitanstet tees 

2yiM swnlvas aust 

SacUw ateaue 


* at Worces 








TERMS cash M ecvaneo Mouey Kent by mali will bo 
rile risk of tbo esoder, Nooe but bank bills currest 12 

Rew York wkea 
TBE DAILY HERALD Tuxez conte er oopy: 

NIBLO'S GAMDBN, Broadway —Ricmesint. 

LEAUUACE'S TIMEATRE, Broadway-—7REE 70. Tus 

WINTER OARDBN, Deodeay.—banr Aopier's BicnKt 


ie Teacr 

NEW LOWERY THEATBK Bowerr.—Courican Uno 

raea\—lieyy Dar— 

Tower Avorn Duar 

” 1X NUSEUM, roadway —Tnw 
BanKoM's Aue 8) atin Bocaws, Ao 

wi mayors carers. Wt0 
all bosre A Wrre—Onty a Paxxr—A 



Toxerr—Ouorr OF ALTENooRG— 
oJark Ronineon. 

fternoon ad Byeo 

5 MINSTRELS, Mechantes’ Wall, 472 tread. 
ras oxck DANces, WUULNEQUES, 2.— Wo 

ROOMS MINSTREL MAUL 61 Iroadwar,—=IermioRrAN 

foxcr, Daxizk Se — Tike 

Pimroware Bowreraues, Ao, 


es Ano LEGrvuer, from DA 


44 Broadway, —UaLnery, 



Now York, Briday, Sopto 


The only important nowe feo 

miber 4, 180i, 

om tho Potomao 

army is, that on Wednosday Gonoral Kilpatriok, 

with a Hold battery, mupported 

by cavalry, sunk 

the steamors Sntollite ond Rotlanee, which had 
Tepontly boen captured by tho robols at tho mouth 

of tho Rappabannock, at a pol 

Wnt on tho rlyer 

twolvo miles bolow Fredorioksburg. 

‘Tho recent afair in Greenbriar, Va., botwoon 
General Avoriil'a forces and the robel troops of 

Genoral Jones, whioh was origin 

the latter officer to the robel Adjutant Goueral 

Cooper as a groat victory, t 
quite tho reverse, It was 
who was victorious, 

troyed tho anltpotro works at Pon 
‘onemy's Camp Northwoat with its 

Page, taking sovoral prisonors, and loalng In tho 
whole oxpedition—which extended through fivo 

‘counties of Western Vitginla—onl 

men in killed and wounded, This puts a yory 

different face upon tho roport of Mh 
‘Thero fe nothing later from bar! 
Tho steamer Warrior, Captain 11 

captured sixty milea north of Tortugas. Sho was 

from Havana, bound to Apalachi 

Febel rtoamer, and run tho blockade from Mobile 

to Havana, loaded with cotton, 

board, whon captured, an amortoi cargo, valved 
atabout ono hundred and fifty thousand dollars. 
Sho ism aidowhool steamer, formorly of Mobile, 

Bho fa capablo of carrying two th 
dred bales of cotton. She had 

Passengers, in addition to her crow of thirty-nino 

‘Wo publish to-day the important intellljgence 
hat the Fronch army in Mexico has been ordered 
to ccoupy and hold Matamoros, “on account at the 

important cotton trade which mig! 
there."’ Should this stop bo tak 

tho issue between onr government and bis Ma. 
Josty may be brought to trial eoonor than ho atiti- 


Tho probability of the formation of on allinnco, 

offonsive and defensive, hotweon 
United States is cronting alarm {) 

Cabincts, Tho Vionna Presse saya ft will “affect 
the bearings of the Mexican and Pollah questions. 
A person on board tho privatoor Florida, off 

who drove 
oat of Pocahontas county, pursued thom Into 
Greenbriar, noar White Sulphor Springs, dees 

wally roported by 
Jurns out to bo 

Gonoral Ayorill 
tho robola 

ndloton, and tho 
stores and oqul- 
y ono hundred 
erobel genoral, 
oston to-day. 

loury Wolf, was 

cola. Sho is a 

» She had on 

ho diffrent wards, to eoleot representa 
a comiy conveno=tueconeton 
meot at Tammany Hall on Saturday, ob twolve 
o'clock noon, and eoloot revonteca delegates from 
tho city Assombly districts to the Dotnocratio 
‘Stato Convention, which isto be beld ot Albany 
‘on Wedneaday next. The members. wero unani- 
mous in their adoption of tho call prosented, and 
woro onthusiastlo in thelr dorire for harmony aod 
success, ‘Tho Mozart Wall committes nleo snot 
Joot evening Gnd made arrangements for tho elec 
tion of delegates to the Convention, 

A call for w Rpootnl meeting of the Hoard of 
Counciimen to-day wt twelve o'clock is new in 
courte of wignaturo, whon nome action will bo 
token upon tho " ordinance making ndditional pro- 
vision for the fomilion of persona who may 
volunteor of bo drafted ints tho snilitary eoryico of 
tho United Staton.” 

‘Tho St, Poul Pioneer, n loading organ of the 
domooracy of Minnesota, ropudiatos the Slate 
tlokot recently nominated, It aayn tlicro nro only 
two candidates on tho toot that oro Ot to bold 
any office, and they have boon brought into con: 
tompt by the misorable copperhead Vagabonda with 
whom thoy have associated. Gen, W. A. Gorman 
alzo ropudiatos the tlokol, and Hugo Potrold, the 
candidate for the office of Olork of tho faproma 
Court, dectinea tho nomination, beoauyo he cannot 
run on a oopperhoad platform, 

To recent foxta in Kentucky were too light to 
f orlal damage to the tobacco crop. 

Meat anvanead yesterday >, Cr 106. (rt 
ditngo, with barat ratoe reported, An activa businons 
‘wed Lranaicted Lo Coor, wheat aod oats, which wor 
Anuch higher. Cora opeoed brlakly at rislog prices, Dat 

Tux Metnoronm om Serremorn-—Sammer 
| haw folded her garments abont ber, and is gono. 
‘Wor Inat rose is in n floriat’s window some- 
where up Broadway, and may be had for six- 
pence, Hollows with Intellectual jaundico, to 
Whom tho summor Ja the only xeason of Ife, 
who love leafy silence and salad, preen peas 
find pootry at once, ray that ‘the melancholy 
days aro como;” but in Uo olly wo regard the 
departure of the eumuier differently, ‘The end 
of August {a the denth of death, and Septembor 
wakes us all ap, We Inve boon dull, very 
dull. Truc, wo Lave bnd tho draft—a tite 
yow fora day or two—nand then a eombre wtith- 
nous and stupid quick, Several times ourmono- 
tony haa beon brokon by great nowa; bat tat 
nonsition pames away rapidly, “Glory is like 
‘fn clrole in the water,” nid tho achlovoment ia 
forgotten a4 Wo Iaat ripplo dies out, o ts por- 
hips Jold away to bo bettor remombéred 
by aud by. Wo bave seen our neighbor's 
windows porsiatontly abut day after day and 
weok aflor week. We bave seen Lit doorplato 
oxidized and dull, eo that if wo had not 
iown hls namo wo could not bayo 
told it from that of “Song, ‘tho joinor. 
Largo spiders bave lived neroas bia koyhole. 
Up and down our businoss wtreots thero baa 
boon a lonely laziness, Sprinklers. haye 
sprinkled and syeopors awept thom in vain; 
and burly portors have done the sumo for the 
grout stores that run through from atreot to 
streot; butmo customors justified thoir industry, 

‘wns dull nt tho clowo, ‘Thera was moro dolog An tallow, 
potroloun end proyislons, Mor pork wes lowor. ILay 
wat bn good demand, Hope and eooiu wero paling more 
frooly, Plh attracted moro attoatica, ond tho tondoncy 
of prices wan upward, Thoro wat Joes eetivity fo whe 
pars, owlog partly {0 tho bigt claims of bold. 
ora, 1 Fico nod coffee were quic Molasses, candle, 
woo! aud molals wor in moderato demand, Dry gooda 
woro nolively soughtafter, and prices wero udvanclog, 
partioulirly for domentio cottons, (a view of tho rapid 
rio Io tho raw material. Tho frojght market was 
‘The President's Lotter and tho Syracuse 
Conventton—Defeat of the Radteat 
‘Tho proovodings of tho Syracuse Republican 
Convention to nominate candidates for tho on- 
sulog Stato oleotion, which we publishod yos- 
torday, aro full of {ntorost to the wholo 
country, Thoy mark a now chaptor Ju tho 
history of radtoal fanaticism, being symptomatic 
of ity npoody decline and fall. ‘Tho rovolu- 
tionary abolitionists woro dofeatod at all 
points—dofeatod in thoir mon, dofeated In thoir 
moasires and dofeatod In tho Peesident’s lotter. 
In tho vory organization of the Conyontlon it 
was ovidont (bat tho seoptro had departed from 
tho hnnds of tho radicale, They wore com- 
polled to accopt a compromlao man as 
fomporary obalrman, and for pormanont chatr- 
man on adhoront of tho consorvative soo- 
tion, In the ticket thore {4 atill atronger 
ovidonce of woakneas In (ho radloal backbone, 
Excopt Cochrane and Oloott, both conaorva- 
tives, all tho nominees wero formorly whiga and 
Soward mon. The fact of ‘tho republicans 
seoking to strongthen their tloket with tho 
namo of James 1. Brady, 0 democrat, for At- 
torooy Goneral, was signifloant onough; but 

jousand five bun- 
on board three 

it bo enrtlod on 
en by Nopoloon 

Tawi and tho 
in tho Enropoan 

Cork, has given an account of tho craiso of 

that vessel from tho time of her 

doparture from 

Mobile to ber arrival at Bermuda—o period of nlx 
months, Tho work performed by hor Is ols0 enu- 

merated. It appeara that on thi 

was within sixty miles of New York, ond chasod 
the steamship Ericsson (which had been gent out 

to catch her), in towards Sandy H 

The ship Kent, at Portsmouth, England, from 

Melbourne, spoke the privateer 

11th of August, in Intitudo 23 couth, longitudo 30 

west. Tho ship Messina, in the 

company with the Alabama on the 8th of July. 
Pope Pius tho Ninth has addressed an apostolic 

Tetter to Archbishop Hoghes on 

the rebellion and war In America, Ho advocates 
Peace, and calls on the Archbishop to ns his 
Most strenuous endeavors to bring obout that 
Tesult. The Popo edvises a conference with the 
associate bishops of the Archbishop, and an- 

Rounces that he had forwarded a 

to tho Archbishop of Now Orleans, 

him to confer with Archbishop 


Yesterday was a day of terrible panio in Woll 

details of a successful negotiati 
‘Treasury Department and 
Bue of $35,000,000 of interest bea: 
currency will be found In the mor 
following table exhibite the 

American gold. 
Harlem Railroad. 
Erie Railroad... 
New York Central 
Chicago and Rock Island. 
Ilinois Central scrip. 

$5,421,000 was in gold, and the b: 
and interest notes. 

The receipts at this port f 
month of August, for a few yea 

1859... 3. 
The Maseac! 

etts Democratic 

Paine, of Cambridge, for Gaver 
PF, Plonkett, of Disc 
Virong resolo:fons spsinst | 
Yae for subjuz3tion oremane 

The Democrat 
dnany Haul, at their meeting 1. 
ll lopa vrimary election. Whig 


‘Ot7 per cent. Tho 

the banks 

Prices of securitien 
yesterday and on Thursday of last week: 


Were $6,332,000, of which 

F yesterday nominated Honry 
nor, and ‘dnozas 

Gener Com 

¢ Sth of July ubo 

Goorgia on tho 

Mersoy, was in 

tho subject of 

similar circolar 
Hughes on tho 

2, and exchange 

lon between the 
for a now fa- 
ring legal tendér 
Cy article. The 

alance in demand 

for duties for the 
8 past, are given 

«+ $3,568,744 53 
+ 4,266,013 79 
+++ 4,515,613 50 
- 1,572,074 29 

State Convention 

sie}4, for Lieutenant Goveraor. 
ke prozseution of the 

ion were adopted. 
Mes of Tame 
st night, Issniod= 

is to be held (g- 

when ho emphatically declined, the olroam- 
Stanco of their then unanimously nominating: 
Genoval John Coobrave, another war domoorat, 
spoke volumes, Wo are also Informed that 
there Is. a complote revolution in tho material 
of tho State Committee, the ontl-radicals and 
Soward mon baving a largo majority, Mayor 
Opdyke could not bo elected y member of it, 
In the resolutions the radionla have beon oqual- 
Jy discomfied. ‘Tho emancipation proclamation, 
the Conflication not, the arbitrary arrests, th 

yar OT MPU TDA wf Me 
press iu tho loyal Slates of tho North, tbo. tne 

deinnity not and tho Copsoription act, have not 
been endorsed, Tho Emancipation act received 
only a quatided endorsement, such os almost 
covery man ts willing to give ft, and the other 
incasures were complotely ignored. All refo- 
reueo to the emanelpation proclamation wns also 
omitted in tho regular series of resolutions as 
reported by tho committes and adopted by the 
Convention. Dut,n radical having moved us an 
additional resolution a motion of endorsement 
of tho emancipation proclamation, the discus- 
sion of tho question was about (o lead to a tre- 
mendous row, when a mombor adroitly moved 
sn amendment which completoly took tho sting 
out of it, endorsing it only “aan war measure,” 
an amendment which tho radical minority were 
glad to accept, in order to save them from a 
more diroot and overwhelming defeat. As a 
War measure, saya tho amendwont, it is “thor 
oughly legal and justifable.” ‘That te just 
what we muintaived all along; and to make 
tho emancipation of tho slaves within the lines 
of ourarmy “legal aud justiable”’ it noodod 
no act of Congress, no proclamation of the Pre- 
sldent. This {s the political part of the pro- 
clamatlon—the only part that has ovor beon 
condemned; and this the Syracuse Convention 
have not ventured to approve. On the con- 
trary, by Mmitiug tholr approbation to the 
measuro in its military bearing, they tacitly 
condemn it in its political aspeot, in which it is 
only calculated to produce prolonged resist. 
ance to the national arms, whilo {tis unattended 
with any componsating advantage whatever. 
By passing over in sileuco tho other party 
measures which hayé been so disoussed fn the 
publio journals, in public meetings, in tho 
highways and in domestic circles, they virtually 
abandon the whole radical platform, But dhoy 
ought to have como out explicitly avd squarely 
aguinst it They ought also to have denounced 
the imbecile mismanagement of the war, both 
naval and military. 

These sentiments, both of tho Prosident and 
the Convention, indicato tho rapid and resist- 
less power of public opinion. The republicans 
not only throw overboard the radical platform 
lately in tho ascendant, but eschow even their 
own distinctive principles, changing the yery 
name of their party. What a comment on the 
‘Neakness of party and on the doings of the 
Tadicals in Congress and ia tho Cabinet for tho 
last no years! Now let us seo what the Con- 
Yentlon about to meet at Albany will do. 
Tne Daart—The dra(t on the three islande— 
Manhattan, Staten snd Long islands—i¢ now 
Concluded, and no show of rosiétance has 
so far been made, Tremains to'ho sech how 
many men tho gorérament will obtain’ By the 
draft, a8 until the boards of tf 
Bnighed their exaxal 

ig: however, has been 
proved, and that is that jn New York a draft 

onli be made. We bear from a milf 
. ita - 
son of great judgment ond experience iene 

conscripts will cost the gorers 
i) ment, [- 
taken into considera alll ox 

and five thousanl dollars apje: sing oe 
amolint of monay would ave procure 

tatcomn five times the nnmbér of menaud 
the acinistration would! bare aroused ny. {I1 


Dnt Septomber is hero, and the spoll ia over, 
Crowis of people pass us on every hand who 
enjoyed other cones a few days ago; people 
who aro sunburned, not with the nut brown or 
bronze that tolls of tho army, but with a famil- 
inr bu, oloquont of yaohts, of drives up and 
down the bandsome avonues whore tho fash- 
lonable world has boon, or of wilder rambles, 
rod in band, up whero tho ice cold streams 
dance through botwoon tho hills. Wo jostle the 
roluraed lt overywhero, and the country mor- 
chant eager for fall fashions, Hotel coaches 
go through the sireots with a Pelion on Oesa of 
baggage pllod up behind. Our noighbor’s win- 
dows aro open, his doorplato shines astoniah- 
ingly, and bia threo daughters coutribute their 
proportions to swell the throng on Broadway, 
All js gayoly and life onoo moro, aud tho city 
is 9 pleasant place to bo fn. 

Coniova Newararen Scuxso:—Our Brooklyn 
noighbors are evidently boat on acquiring for 
themselves a oliaractor for cccontricity. They 
want to bo “overything at onco and all by 
turns.” At one timo they becomo crazy on 
church building, at another on the orcotion of 
thontros, When thoy bavo put up more of 
Voth than thoy need thoy become tired of their 
toys and fly off at somo other tangent. Thoir 
present hobby is nowspapors. Ono would 
think, from the poverly-atrickoa aspect of those 
thoy possess, that thoy had sufficient for their 
intollectual requirements. But such is not tho 
cose, Brooklyn must shino as pre-ominently 
in tho journalistic as eho does in tho church 
and theatrical line. ‘The new local organ ad- 
vortisod to appear this mouth is to accomplish 
Wondorful things. Under its induenoo tho City 
‘of Churches is to becomo tho second hub of tho 
universe. Dut that is not the most remarkable 
foaturo of tho ontorprise, ‘Tho plan of manage- 
ment is somothing quito novel. No profes: 
sloval jourdalist is to have anything to do with 
it, tho board of editors boing composed of a 
couple of bank presidents, a shipowner, a car- 
pet and dry goods importor, a Yankeo notions 

dealor, n gentlomon from tl and a 
alr, 8 nilomen, from Ta 0 same: 

‘enterprising individnals who, as directors of 
the Brooklyn Academy of Muslo, 80 unsuccess- 
lly (vied tholr hands at managing singers and 
ballot girls. Wo wish them better luck with 
Their new exporimont than they bad with their 
lost. To frolicsome elderly gentlemen it may 
not bo as agreeablo, but it los at least the ad- 
vantage that it will breed no disturbances at 

Tim Preswest’s Tesriwowe x Favor of 
Grxrmat McCruttaN—We had occasion yes, 
torday to comment at some Tongth on the Presi- 
dont’s testimony in favor of the merits of Genes 
ral Grant, and bis acknowledgment of his own 
error and tho error of the War Department in 
roference to tho campaign of that gentleman 
while it was still pending. In Mr. Lincoln's 
letter, whio was read at the Syracuse Conven- 
tion, hte incidentally and indirectly hears. simi. 
lar testimony to the merits of General McClel- 
Jon. He observes:—“It is hard to say that any- 
thing bas bcen more bravely and betier dono 
than at Antietam, Murfreesboro, Gettya- 
burg, and on many fields of less note.” Here 
tho President places Antietam ot the head of 
the list of the great victories of the Union, while 
he ways nothing of the two afluira at Frederloks- 
burg. This is a most dectted eulogy on Gene. 
ral MoClellan. The radicals have always ran 
down the victory of Antictom as no victory at 
all, and placed it in the category of drawn bat. 
Hes, But, no matter what tho radicals may say 
or doy the President seems determined to do the 

genorals justice sooner er later. We hope ho 
will follow up these two brave steps in the 
right direotion, by sending General MeOlollan a 
similar letter to that with which he honorea 
Genoral Grant, and that he will recall, bim to 
the command of tho Army of the Potomac, 
Justige and consistonoy require it. 

Treatuent or THe Reeew Prisoxens—Every 
account that we get from the South agrees 
asto tle barbarous treatinent that our men 
taken prisoners have received at tho bands of 
"tho rebels, and we have been ablo to dwell 
with pride upon tho different sway in whlch our 
government bas treated the Southerners in its 
hands, It is a pity that our record should lack 
even ever 80 little (o make it perfeot in this 
respect. We are informed that the prisoners 
on David's Island suffer from the cold—not 
from any want of clothes, but simply through 
the imbecile arrangements for which the War 
Dopartment is responsible. Very fresh breezes 
blow from the Sound about these times, and 
early jn the day and toward night the said 
breozes will extort a shiver from tbe well clad 
traveller who goes up that way. Travellers on 
the Boston boats take overoonts. Yot the prie- 
oners, exposed to these breezes all day, are not 
permitted to wear even pantaloons, because 
the regulations of the Hospital Department 

trowsers, they are clad only in thin colton 
drawers, cotton abjrts and a light flannel tunic. 
Every one in charge can see the cruelty of 
thle; but, for all the authorities here, the rogu- 
Jations are insuperable. And this is another 
one of the wins of red tape, and another evi- 
donee of the incompetoncy of the War De- 
partment people, who neglect this jaat as thoy 

Tie Grvat Minrrany Sccoma or GnvcLey— 
Tuw Wonk Govs Bravyiy On—Some days 
| ince wo noticed tho fact that Mr. WH. Fry, 
, tho musical editor of the Trilme, bad been 
| drafted. We now see that a member of the 
| editorial staf of thie Independent is likew's 
| favored. Of tho nine bundred thonsand 
Whom Greeley is to march against tho traitors 
at tho South we now havo two persons dusig- 
natod. Thi is highly cacouraging, and there 
6un be no doubt, if (he war lasts long enough, 
and drafts enough are made, that zome thou- 
bunds of yours bonce Grocley may be exiumed 
And bia romaina careled in triumph at the bes 
of tho inyading ninc bundred thousand. 

DEI, — 

Cossonn's Ton Weupeen Por 
Somo tine ainco wo publiklied n letter nd- 
dressed by Beauregard to General Gillmoro, 
which Lotter waa considerable of an effort on 
the pat of a nian so knocked about as the 
Hiltle goceasion Muncbauson, The noswer of 
oneral Gillmoro utterly annihilates Beauro- 
yard. In fact, to clearly illustrat our menn- 
Ing, wo will slate that this woswer is a three 
hundred pound Parrott gun which bas exploded 
in (ho LtUlo rebel’s magazine, 

‘Tho vocalist, Me. Dompwtor, alwayn no great a favorito 
‘with (Uo Armstieaa public, baa retarned from Europe, and 
Will, we hoar,aiog ta, Hoston. Me, Dompator eins ballads 
‘and pathotlo songs with great olfect.and we aro pleated 
{0 Fonoudce that, after an absoaco of four years, he comoa 
back Lo un wita a Large collection of now songs for tho oa- 
(ortalamioot of his audioacen. 

‘Tuk Atmavaras Cixov,—Banager Nixon gives a matineo 
OYOFy Altornoon At two o'clock at this cctablishnont, 
opparito the Academy of Music. Tho colobrated Etou 
Stono and tho wonderlul Aral gymnasts aro tho etar por 

forbid it, In liew of comfortable jackets and | 

formora. ‘Tho oxbibition is conductod in (ho oldfashionod, 
popular plyto, 

* Chamber of Commerce. 

‘Tho Now Zork Chambor of Commoros hold ils ropular 
moothly mecting yestorday at its rooma ia William 
troat, near Pos. Io tho abscaco of Mr. A. A. Low, tho 
chairman, Me, W.E. Dodgo, one of tho Vico reaideats, 
‘oceapied tho ebalr. 

‘Tae minotos of Laa6 mocting having boon confirmed, 

‘Tho Hoard proceeded to elect tho following oaw mom 
‘bora:—Williamn HH. Io, Nathaniel Sand and Goorgo Diisa, 

‘Thess gontlemen wero unanimously elected, 

Tho commitica appoloted to confer with tho Rov. Mr. 
Flotchor, who recently leotured 03 Brazil bofore tho Boa. 
ton Chamber of Commerce, roportod that (noy bad eeea 

{hat geotloman; but, owing to tho prossuro of bib eagago- 
meols ood the completion of his proparations to retura, 
{oBrazII, thoy could not conclude any arrangement with, 
him, Tho revorcad pentioman, howavor, promised to 
wweito thorn a Jolter ow bin relura’ to Broxlt, whieh would 
form tbo principal part of the committeo's report. 

Sovoralamall bils ware ordared (o bo paid, 

Thureday noxt waa get aside as a day for a special 
meoting for tho election of Pilot Commlsiioaers in placo 
of those now io ofllcs, aod who bayo served olghtcen, 

yoara. PF \ aa 
‘Tho Ouamber thea adjourned, 1 

City Intelligence. 

Mrerota ov rin Mitxwicy.—The milk doaléra of the city 
mot yestortay at noon Ja’ tho Westchester Houso, 
Bowery. A considorablo number attoaded. An assoola- 
tion vena formed (or the iroloction of tho latorosts of tho 
milk doalora and a congtitatlon adoptod. Tho meotiog 
lasted four hours 

Tne Fist Reonoot of rue Stare Reeve Mri. 
Gojavel Georgo Hall, who hay beon commissioned by Gov- 
ernor Seymour to raise a brigado of reservo militia, mus- 
{ered for fospeotion tivo companics of tho est regimeot, 
which ho bas alroady organized, on Wednesday ovonio, 
Jn tho large rooms over Jetteraon ‘market Tnspector Gon 
ral Tlall was to havo attended for tho purpose of muster. 
Ing the rogimoot lato tho service of tho Stato; but, oot 
making bia appsaranco, Colonel Hall perrormod tho duty 
hluwelf. Tho mon sero mustered aa follows:— 

©. A—Daplala B. Smith, 46 tea. 

Co, H—Caplain Adamson, 43 men, 

Co. C—Captatn J. Fox, 46 men, 

Go, D—Coptain Chambers, 11 mea, 

Co, F—Captala Clarke, 39 moa, 

‘Thess mon will bo sont Lo camp immodiatoly for tho 
Dutpoto of being driled aud tralued ta all, tho dtles of 
Soldicr, Colonel Hall is an accomplished “oMleor who has 
een extensive gervice daring tho preseot war under 
Gonoral Sicklos and other commanders. 

Fine av tim Strvax3 Hovar, 25 BRoaoway—AnwEst OF 
THR Sorrosxn tkoeo1ny.—Fotween ton and eleven 

100 \eilnastnw —arnin nomsereed tae FooRn 
oa tha top oor of the Stow No, 25 Broadway. 
‘Tho Oro was extinguished by (bo inmates of the bouso 
wlibout tho alarm getting {ol0 tho street. Sospicion 
Festod on a gorvant irl namod Eliza Gilmartio, who had. 
oon dischargod that morning. Sho was Uo last person, 
foea coming from the top part of the hous, whero the. 
firo was foand buroing about balt an our after. Theso 
Clroumstauces, logetber with facts since elicitod by Fire 
Marahal Baker, tend to mako out a atroog cass of 
suspicion agalust \ this girl, Mr. Fist, propriee 
tor of tho house, appliod’ to Captain’ Warlow, 
of the Firat preclact, in tho matter. Tho Captain 
Airocted officer Cony t8 take tho woruan into custody. 
‘This was done, and {he accused was conveyod belors Jus: 
ice Lodge, on the chargs of folopiously setting fire to tbe 
above named promises. Tho Justion committed ber to 
Prison to awalt no oxsinloation. Tho fro desteoyod the: 
PATLS Of Lyro.or Lhroo bedsteaa that stood in this room, 
‘hod burat some part of the fath and surbaca of the zoon' 
also a portion of tha door. Tho damage amouats to about 
$25. Tho caso will be further Investigated by Firo Mar- 
bai Baker. 

Finu ix Tunrexytu StREET.—Abont too o'elock Ist 
ight a Oro occurrest fn an unoccupied frame dwelling, 
220 Fast Thittecndh street, owned by Winlfrod Shannon: 
bout ane-balfof the Vallding was destroyed; damage 
about $150; {asured for $300 In. the Now York Fire avd 
Marige fustrauco Company. Tho promises were set Oro 
toby boys, Olliocr Davis, of tho Sorenteanth procioet, 
arceated a boy uamed Deus Ward om suapicion of setitog 
tho hioase on 

Pollce Intelligence. 

Pxwtocs Srreation or « Cnity.—Go Wednorday oven 
Jog a oman uamed Catharine Boylen, residiug at No. 34 
Jackson street, became {oloxicated, and while in that 
condition attempted to Kill ber ebild by throwing it oot 
oC a third story window. Fortunately for the child, a 
boy about Ayo yours old, It managed to cling toa clothes 
line which extended frori tho window sill to the houso 
Sppsito until ove of the Leoants, named David Malone, 
Simo along and roscued it fromi Its perilous. situation 
Tha little (ellow aid not seem to be much frightened, and 
Aad at no timo probably did bo reallie the danger of the 
situation. The unfeeling mother was promptly arrested 
by officer Jobnson, of the Thirteeuth precinct, and com: 
mitted for examjnation, 

Coroners) Inques 

FarauMacuxeey “Acciors.—Corover Wildey beld an 
Jaquest upon the Lody of Karov Connolly, a laborer, who 
Was crushed to death by boing caught in the machinery 
OC the stoce cutting establishment at the foot of Nicety- 
Gratntreet, East river. Deceased resided jo avence A, 
Dear Ninetleth strozt, where he leaves a wife aud faunily: 
atirely wuprpwided (ur. 

Fuoxo Drowsen.—An unknown man, about thirty. elght 
Yearnold, was found drowned at tho foot of Itocserett 
(iteck yesterday. Deceased waa about five {oct clght 
Wwches fu beight aod had bern (a tbe water about two or 
Nbree gars.“ Corogcr Colifa held an aquest, 

A tnan vamed James Veriker was found drowned at tho 
foot oC Rivington etreot. Goroser Collia held ao laquest 

upon bis remains, when th red av 
MReeltentsr aoa, witen tbe Jury rendered a verdict of 

‘The Health of General Hanks’ Army. 

Bostos, Sept. 3, 1883, 

under dale of August 25, refutes tho repeated assertions 

Yalled bet (a tho army and In the city of Now Orleans. 
ane tay 
‘The Government Finances, 

Puttansurara, Sept. 3, 1863. 
ae heetbectiption agent reports tue. kale’ of $591 650 
fire tweallcato day. Small bonds are being dehveres te 
oly 27. One thousand dollar boads fo Augest s, 

‘0 Brookiyo and tbrough- 
nea < Yearn of bis eudden de- 
levee lu that city, on ‘Tuesday oveai 
last. Mr. Darey, for four successive years, cd 
‘ue of the Brooklyn Amembly districta in the: 
Totore, and at the seasica of 1862 
Jow mombers by being xolected. 
ate for \be speakerahip of thay 
gee aac bt 
a rillisot future bof: 
ready bad be made bis mat! 
a ma ears ear weet 

State Leste- 
Was hovored by bis (el. 
Ss tho démocratic candi. 

| Meat eraatct ana usagi ee 

©. Broason. 
Samaroo, Sopt. 3, 1803, 

Death of Hon. Greens 

Hon. Greeas 

0 oyorything clee that tuey should atteail to. 

Heonsoa died Nera about ino’ o'clock 

Auisaveniag. Uy Lag been gick guly a (ew diya, 

EM-KK 4 1863, 


Wasusorom, Bopt, 3, 1843. 

Mach sorpriso bas been cxasod bero by the wodden at. 
| vance fe the prize of gold at Now York to 132, aa thera ts 
10 In(ormation, elthor public OF Private, of dlasalers ty 
She Union cameo, which would warrant rveh edvaron, 11 
ls Undoratcod that wome reckless Epecalators liare tele. 
| frapbed (rom this city yosterday and to-day, for spect. 
| alive purpose, roporta of an advance of Leo's army to. 
| warda Wasbiogion, wich are entirely. without founda. 
Hoo; nbd tbls te tho explanation of the mater 
nccoptad hore, 


The premmataro publication of tho Praaidoot’a detta 
@esslons much earprisa, Ibid was dono certainly cot 
{Uivugh (he instramoatality of its sutaor. 


‘Tho Atatomont that Commtatloner Ould bas terminated 
(ho nexotlations for exchange of prisoners, by a positive 
eClaration that tho wblto odicors of cxtored regitocnts 
| Wil BoC bd released or exchanged , la premature. Tho nego- 
Uationy aro still ja progress, and no dadmite result has as 
YoU boon roschod. Mexntimo no exebange of oallsted men 
trax tacen placo, but both parties continua to release oa 
Porolo sual! numbers of thts elase of peisonore 

‘Tho principal diiteally In Whe way o€ a renryral of tho, 
cartel formerly oxwilng, or tho agecemest upon tho 
term of n wow one, Is tbe qucation as. to thy recozniton 
by tho robol sutborittes of tho #Latus of negro eoldlecs 
and (hole oficera na prisoacra of war, 


Partica Lavo recently boon hero from Toonexjeo, North 
Carolina, Louisiana, Toxaa and Arkansas, urging most 
earoeatly the acoption aod promulgatica by tho Proat- 
Geot of tho poilcy Ia réferenco to the Southern 
Staloa Indicated in the lettor of Soorolary Fo\vard 
to Lbo Frooch Minister of Fofelgn Adaire, They roto. 
sant that (ho massos of tho pooplo of tho2a States aro 
Feady and anxious to roturn to thole allegiance to tho 
fodoral gorerament as 00a as thoy ure assured of ita 
Protection agataat tho robol foroos, Tacy contond that 
tho requirement that nlayery shall bo abollahad aa a pro- 
roqulelto for tho readmisiloa ef those States Isto tho 
Uolon is totally uoncosseary, and will only dolay a con- 
summation dovoutly dosirod by tho whole people, Thoy || 
say tho States namod will, aftor tholr readmission, ndope 
emancipation laws aa surely a Mlstourl, and cito tho 
Political result ia the taller Blato as on cram 
plo of tho condition of allaies ia thea other 
Statea, Tho assortion of Seaator Rusk, of Texas, that if 
that State stould bo divided, as waa proposed, into four 
States, thero would be theco (reo and only 00> slayo, i 
plated (0 as aa evideaco of the ultlinate emagelpation of 
slavery thore. 

Thoso roprescatations havo had conaidorable Influonca’ 
{a Cabloot circles, and tho argument that the abolition or 
Slavery will suroly follow tbo roturn toto tho Union bas 
materially lessened tho fores of tho radical faction io io- 
sistiog upon tho previous abolition of slivery aaa rine 
qua nen of tho readinisa;¢0 of avy of tbe vagrant atars of 
tho constellation, : 

30 MMADE'S ARYY. ag ous4 

Thy Bret check to tho emop}h Battalions of tbo military 
allroad betWeen Wasbiogtin and tbo headquariors’ of 
tho Army of tho Potomac cecurroil yesterday acd thls 
morning. Yesterday atterooon tho brovkiag of a whol 
cecasloned datoation and tho obstruction of tho road la (ho 
Delghbortiood of Cattlet’s Station. Thia, howovor, was 
speedily romodied. This morning a brokon rail i the 
Belghborhood of Tull run bridgo throw soma of tha cars 
froma tho track, which was so00 cleared; aod sulyscquont- 
Jy an accident to somo portion of tho. machinory of a 
locomotive occasioned a temporary dolay, but through 
tha oxertions of tho officers of tho road, under tho supor 
Vision of Colonel Dovoroaux, Ja a for hours tho road was: 
again fo completo running ordsr, and all tho numerous 
trains upoo It wero on scheditlo time. No coo was in- 
Jurod by these accidents, nod it matter of surprise 
that so many trains Bayo beea run dally upoa such a 
road as (b{s without a singlo casualty. 


Quartormasicr General Meigs bas not set eomplored bis 
taspostion of tho Quartermaster’s Dopartment of tho Army 
of tho Potomac, He Js directed whon this bas bon doco to 
(rave! upoa a tour of Inspection through (ho armics 
Southwest, It Is probable tbat ho, as weil us 
the Adjajant Geocrat and Sorgcoa Gesoral, will bo 
continuoualy omployod In peripatetic field duties away 
from Washington. Jt bas not yot been decided what 
hall bo dono with the Chlof of Ordnance. As thers (5 
‘wo Ne|4 duly for bla to pstform, bo will probably be ro. 
mitted to (ho care of komo areenal, whore tle, Camoris@ 
Pint Iock muskets ara to bo taken caro of. 

While these chiefs of burcaua nro thus Eont abroxd to 
Perform qutiea uavally assigned to subordiuates, tho at- 
falrs of the Surgeon Geocral's oflice are conducted by Dr. 
Joseph R Smith, who, as assistant to Dz, Hammoud, is 
familiar with the detalts of tho oMco; and those of tho 
Quartermaster Geceral’s ofllcs ara maaged by Colonel 
Charles Tuomas, aa oflicfcut Asaistaut Quartormastor 

Liouteoant Colovel Charles G. Halpino, lately upon tho 
#laifof Major Genorat Hantor, and afterwards upon that 
of Gencral Hallock, has been temporarily ascigusd to 
aly on tho staff of Major Genoral Dix, 


It udorstooa that the ofico of Special Provoat 
Marshal of the War Departinent, coaferrod pon Coline! 
L. C. Baker, ts to be abollstied, and the Colonel seus into 
tho deld with bis battalion of mountes detectives. 


Medical oficare arriving bore from Goltysburg report 
{hat our wounded aro progressing admirably, ond tho 
hospitals rapidly discharging convalesconto. About Giteen 
houdred remain, six bundred of hom nro rotiet=. All of 
the robe! o@ecora, with (be exception of a few Hientonants, 
havo beeo removed. = 


Tho frigate Sabie left New Loudon ou Tucsday for tho 
coast of Now England, to cuablo fzhormen who have so 
Jong desired to enter tho aaval service (o do soon board 
that noble veescl 


Powhatlan B. Lecko, of Missanri, as been appointed 

Associate justice of Noyaaa Territory. 

By a provision of tho Patent law, passed at tho last 
Seasion of Congress, all patents on which the fees are not 
paid withto ofs months from the dato of tho grantiog of 
tho patent are declared null acd yold. All patoots 
granted provious to the $4 of March last, on which the 
fees remain unpaid on the 34 of September, aro yoid 
under this law, Abort four hundred patents, somo of 
whied aro sald to be valuable, aro nallited by «bis pro 
vision of tho act, the fece remaloing Unpaid. 


Colonel J.T. Dryer, lato United States Commissioner at 
tho Sandwich Islands, bas arrived boro to make b{s Dnal 
report to tbe Stato Department. 

| March 11. 1863, 

bead, of Pittsburg, Pa ; Dr. Jobn A. Marder, of Cicoionatl, 
and Willam M. Dailey, of Providence, Rhode Islacd, (he 
commisaion appointed by the Commiasiooer of Agricul. 
Aare to consider the subject, began thele session (his 


It ia underwood that by an arrangement wb the goy- 
rument ad the Almaden Wicing Compaay of California, 
the QuicksiIvor Mining Compasy look posscasion of Lhe 
mines on the Int of September. i 


Mer Capture by to Uulted States Dis 
trict Attorney of Now Jerscy—lter Firc- 
tory—The Vessels Destroyed and Cap- 
fared by Her—The Pirate Captain, Ko 
Vee noariy a year past tbo readers of ths Haein 

Dive beca apprised from timo to tims of tne morumnenta acd 
ings oF tbo rebol piravo echooaoe Reteilyatlow, while’ at 

ber crising ground in the Caribbosa Soa adil off uno West, 

Tadla Islands. Sho wont from potat to point, eapturing, 

Gestrpyi0g dod) Yonding our pesceablo and unarmed mor- 

chant vessel and laa short timp acquired a votorinty 

for bor deatructivo eapabilitiee. “Sévoral tims our navab 
eruisora wor on her track; bat ths skill of lise esta 
mandor alwayn kopt Bor out of harm's way. At ono 

(ima tho United States stoamer Alibamia faro hor a 

oplritod ctibes; Dut, datkuces and’ thick weather inte, 

Posing, ths pirato craft csesped. We have now w aa- 

poanca tho capluro, or rathor saltizo, of tho yosol iu 

(bis harbor, under poouliar clrcuinstancay, 

It appoars that sho arrivod at thie port a ycek cr toro 
049, uader tho uamo of tho Eita, from tho West Indios, 
Witt a toad of plneapptes.. Sbo digch ryod hor earyo at 
a0 of tha plera uoar Fultoa market. Hor pocullar or non. 
doserlptaypearanes attractod thy atteatloa of ajestators 
asabo was dizclarging, ond somo of them thought thoy 
ALervered in ber outline and bulld the yé=i0l formerly 
known fi this port ag tho etoamtoz Tucla Lov, fa n mote 
morphosed condition, ‘Thaes auaplotons wero comment 
cated to tho United States Marshal lo this olly, who took 
immodiato moazurcs to cstablih the truth oF falsity of 
the auspicioas, A United States ofllcor was 200t to took 
ft tho voscel; but whea be arrived ut the dick where abo 
bad discharged hor cargo of frult it waa Cound sue hai 
boon romoved. Tho fuck of hor «adden removal atreogtti- 
ened tho saspictoa of her contraband nataro, and a search 
WAS Immodlatoly mat slong tho decks ond piors of tho 
lly, also tho Atlantic dock, Gowanus Vay aad up tho 
Sound; but no (idiogs of ber woro to bo hid. Tho, eaarch 
was coatioued for a week, and It eas Goally supy#ot eho 
tua surroptitIously Jott the portand gong back to tho West 
Judles to revume her piratical career. Information of (ho 
cautraband aaturo of the Eula reachod tho oara ut Ualted 
Statos District Attornoy A. Q. Keaabes, of Nov 2orvoy,, 
who forthsyith ordored a gvarcis Lo be miada for hor nig 
watere of Row Jersey. Tho caso was pat into the haada 
of Unitod States Maralisi C. W. Baojamin, aud yesterday 
is olforis wero crowacd will pucuess by’ Lbo capture ot 
(io Ela, alias tho sirats Motrivacion, at i 
wharves in Jereoy City. Sho now Iles at’ thy dry doek at 
Aha plaons Procoodings bavo bon la-itated by Ditciak 
A\lorney Koaabey tor her prompt condemuatlon, 

Hox ALOE, = 

As provioualy elated, tho Uaclo Boa, allaa Rotribullon, 
atina Gita, was formerly a Now York propelir Wustost, 
Duk was gold to partics at Wiliulugton, N. C,, just to.ord 
tho tuanguration of the presont rubellion, ho was pur- 
ulin, Ube tots Taste Pathes ato 
Tailor city when “car “Llocxading Leah gppoarod 
om that Beit B28 

hier, tow 

t. ‘Tne rebels solids’ tox one 

ry to pincs It ia.o how guubsat, ana alterod 
Into Aforg and aft e-hoocér, and fits hor out 

teen, TEA adppases Sho yeas Tying in tho har- 
Dorof Wiiniagton for over ono year, walling ng oppor. 
tunity to run tho blockade. “Sho auctcetted in te fall oF 
1862, and mado oco trip to Nassnit, landod 9 carp 
en board a roturo coe, and gucccedod 1a orading ove 
blockade and gol safely back to hor original port. Bho 
Fou past tho Diockading tleot at Wilmington tho excand 
{mo bat eis timo ona hostile mission as m privateer. 
Sho Cook a curgo oC cotton aud turpentine to St. Thomaay 
W.L, whore sho arrived on the 18th oC Jonuary last’ 
Sho was allowed to load and toll at tbat plas. Tho 
suthoritiss would bot allow, oe ws Oy tha robel flag; but, 
thoy let her go to 693, rolwithstanding tho protest of Me. 
FAgo, tuo Uoited Stats Consul. 

Wihillo ab St. Thoms sho secrotly took agvoral utn on 
board, whieh ‘congtitutod ‘bor nemorent, nnd prococded. 
oo her piratical mistica. Her bigtory rs’ pleats ls con- 
tained 1a tho (q'lowing 

ACCOUNT OF mit Doras. 

InJaouary, 1869, the bric JB, Eilioott was onctared 
by, 00 of our’ cruisors oa tha: Southern coast, Ou supy O:l= 
(on of belue engagod In. the coatranand trida Loterren 
the West Indies aud tho South. A prizs craw wan puc aa 
board, aud tho vessel ordered'to a Northern port. Whils 
0 the voyage sho was overhauled by co ioirlbndoo, 
tho prize inaster put in irons, amt tho vossol reat to at! 
‘Thomas, Wwhera sho arcived on tho 19th of January. 

On tho 36th of Jauuiary’, 1863, Of tho enuth Fluo of St. 
Domluge, clogo by tho port of L' Auso d'Falnault, Bho. 
eaptured'tho whaling schocuer Hanover, Captain Caso, o€ 
Provincotown, Mass, Tho vessel was taken into ono! oC 
tho cayes near St. Thomas asd sold, 

Fobruary 19, 1563, off Caxtie (slsod, Pabamay, captured 
tuorbrig anily Biebir, Captain Staples, of Hxstport, Mo. 
from Qiatania for Bostou, bo veevo! ‘wad run ashore on 
Ackllu istand, and thirty-rix hogeheads of yazae worn 
taken fcom tho enrpo and Landed on the Jaland, The veazet. 

jt hon relewed ‘hy the captain o¢ the pirate oa bonds 
Tied ee Ee Tale. 


was seen cruising Ia latitudo SL 45, 

Tongitude 7% 09. 
April 9, 1855, tho frst Meutonnnt and goven ot tho 

ero of tho Rotrioutioa ware brought 

caped. 1 
dayo, evidently oxpeoting the Leoridns ty tomy oul. 

April, 1869, abe captured and borvet tho hark Mary 
Wright, of vortand, nod beig isrla, of Came, He sere 
tured aud” seat to a retal port the “brig Eliot. oe 
Tueksport, Me. Tho Retribution aubsoyvently corsage 
{ered a whaler Jn the Caribocan Soa. vehioh ebiveod Uh 
having a sin or two ou board, which che ‘Used ou tt 
Pirato, “illiog one of tho Jattor'veerel. Tao. Taateibutin 
Felurued tro, slaklog the whaler, with oll oa bowa. 

Jn May last eve was at Nascad, N, P. fier guns wero 
laken out and whe vessel rovalrod, | Sabseyieetiy 
cxrgo of exll, arms aud medicines wis placed oa Mncrd, 
aud she started ova voyage to Wilmington, N.C Wi 
npoar that port eho yaa chased by ouo of uur bloskavers, 
and, to Nghten ber, tha cargo was thrown overboard, ond 
boy this toeans eta escaped aud reliraed to Naspau.” Shs 
Bubsoqvonily ebanged hands by salo to private yarticay > 
Was taken Uo cu0 of tho “outor'* Wort Indla. Iatasda, Unie 
0 board a load of fruit, sad startod for New Yorks, wkero 
she arrived, as olsewhcra state 

miecrirnon 07 1 

Tho Retribation Js. ssuall Wack geliccnoe of nz han- 
@red and Oty tons burthen, was formerly a ncoae tops 
boat ju Neve York arbor, uuter thoeam of Uncle? 
Ler masta aro cok far apart, tho silts olf nod quits dark 
colored, straight ators, rather Wuclining {aboard ns fa. ho 
cxso with our tugboxts, ‘Tho yond Alilog up. tuo npoon 
Which the propaller formarly cevuplod eat easily ba dice 
corngd. Sho csrrlea a jib from tbe koizhtbssd 


Tuo ReteIbution in ber plraties! cxrcor was commanded 
by Captain Verdot 0. Tacke, bit called acder thn alse cf 
Parker. “Ho isa Nova Ecolian Uy oysth, Cormorly. a. resi 
oat of Stxsascesatta, havicg bo. iu tho ompliy of elups 
ownors of that port. ‘ALcye tims bo commanded a nett 
bark of Boston, which made. a vary mikzcsiful yovaye to 

the Cape of Good ope. Ile was o°co {ho prloa moter 00 
board tho privateer Jot Davis. S10 was alzo prize masior 
of tho fetconer Enchantress, of Newburyport, ie was 

hls explain of tho blockndd rueulny; steamer Cronstatt, 

recently captured by tho United States gunboat Rhode 

Tom CoE OF TUE nissry at TAB FO 

Tho! crow that bronght the youscl 10 this port wera 

Ignorant of her proviois edaracier, and. conscquently 

thera Ig no Just cause of procedure apatint them.” Thay 
left tho voasel shortly aftor hee nreivni here, not wiabing 
tomako another voyago to cds Iu hor. Tue'new coplala 
of ths veasel waa on board when sho waa eeized, Capiain 

Lccko, tho old eaptato, (s in tha West Jadics. 

Now Music. 


Tue deservealy popular plaoiat, Ne. J. N- Pattison, has. 


King’s old brigade of Wiscousin troops ina few days. 
Seorotary Seward is expected to bs proseat at tho cero. 

 Grloana correepoodeot of tne Boston Traveller, snugelag 44 still carried on to a conslaerablo ex. 

of tho rebel papers that uiany of the solalers of the army | m0 1h trausportiog contraband rood across the 

oC General Fanks were dying from yellow fover, On the | FINEr Bt Decp Holo farm, detwoen Occoquan and 

Sootrary, (ba correspondent states that good bealth pro- | Dumies, from whlch polot tho articles are hastily ro- 
amyed into the laterior and eold at most exorbitant rates. 

At Dumfries, the landing place of many of the carriers, | 

‘common salt {3 sold for twelve dollars per bushel 

alx hundred robel prisouers, principally privates. Many 
“1 or theso will tako tho oath of ailegtives and go North, 

overs, from which place they aro scut as rapidiy ax thoy 
accumulate to Polot Lockoat, Johnsoa’s Island, and other 

‘vost Marshal, oo Tucsday nicht, and diamood breast plas 
{o Measrs.S. 8. Elliotr and J. J, Stillman, bis privcipzi aa- 
siatants, was tho occasion of onc of the most spirited en- 
tortataments of the scas00, 

‘extremely clogavt und very creditable to {ts autbors. 


achloved ccasidcrable distiuctivn as partie, Tho above 
A magni(lceat stand of colors ts to bo presented (o Geo. 

work will, howaver, cause bin to runk amouc thoas most 
Promicent as favorlto composers. Yo2 “Funlatso” wo 
most beartly commend as evincing tate nnd skill {a the 
eholco ‘of themes, and belog a mest brilliant corpasition 
Abo / Foota}se" bas been great ecsfal at Sharon and 
Newport, where tho talented young comajarer played this 
new Work lo crowded and most suab\ousDle asdicuces. 
We take pleasure in recording the success of a pativa, 
artist, and: look forward to 3 Urilliaat carcor for 
Pattison, Judgiog from this early: peqpulse: 

suUa0zIXG OX THE roroyAc. . 
Notwithstanding the vigilance of the Potomac Botilis, 

‘A fintboat bas been cogaged for como 

at tho 

Miuray Sonsee Daxwctz—Camp Turcer, 
is yeales 1h9 <cx 
High Bridyo, Harem, was Laat eveolos 
slain sesaeal which was highly eajoyed by a 
iarge pamper_of friends of the Scventy.tirat raziawot, 
Jovited for the occasion. Two conieaulea al a tino do 
ard duty nlternately ia protecting the water worke at 
ts ‘Companies H and G are at preseot encamped 

‘There aro pow contined in (ho Old Capjtol prises about 

Toketame age aasry (wo hundred avlog Deen releasc in tbe lat two | there, andthe cession was raotege of by Ties. 
‘Tho friends of this gentleman X weeks. This jastitution {s used as a rendozvoes fer pri- | B. Appleby, pon 7 

tion from tbe rapka to the honor of dooning tho 
opauléttes. With=ths loteat cards of Incitation wero 
pumerously made out, end fo re=ponse thereto a largo 
fgalhering of the Lieulonant’s frieads dssembict om tho 
ground. The day was ory Lice, the camp tastetully do. 
| Carat, and mea ond olters, ta thelr Dest unltorm, 
f sere evidently 18 tho Bighsstepirs and. deteratoed to 
make thoir visitors at home. Tho baad of tho rogimouk 
se Ee aha 

Tho preseatation of a watch to Caplain Scheetz, Pro- 

Tho affair throughout waa 

parle of gcests dancing was cominenced with great 
spirit. A loog table atsod under tke shedo of tie trresy, 
botckevicg that proverifve: to Tassie and fatlgow 


‘Tho Toterlor Dopartment bas refused all bids for the 
anlo of tho Kansas trast lands, and ordered now bidas 


‘Toe lale Congrees having appropriatod $39.000 to Ue &¥. 


ax and bem as a substitute (9c gattog. Hoa. J 

veould be furtbeoming at the signal to * (ajt in torre 

j tious? 
which are to bo made oor before the 16th of October | NO Gotonel 

poaded tn Ustiog tho practieabiiity of thy katroductioa of | Tata extended t thom by 

Parly in the day ox elovel Martian apd the pres © 
ford caine upoo ths groysd and mera 
recelprd with cbeerine demccetratiina ef welcsme by 
The ttpope. Tha festlelticn srr grtcaged tte tho Mighty 
apdatabte bour the yort= broko ui, highly dolighted 
with theie cotertaomeng aod with the oour(esy and at- 
eat. Appleby, bis Ue 

ther officers aud comrades ecnerally. e 


Aquatic Ocledration on the Hud- 
son River, 


‘Yesterday 008 of tho most interesting aquatic celebra. 
tions that bas ever been hold on the Hadsoa river camo off 
“opposite Cornwall Landing, in Newbarg Bay. Until tbe last 
‘Swo years tho town of Newburg bas always been able to 
Dold a rozatta annually of Itsown, which was always ro- 
@irded by our prominent oarsmeo as one of tho leading 
aquatic ovenls of the easzon. Possoasing in Itself 
many of our most accomplished callers, to- 
sloding among others tho world renowned Amo 
Flen champloo, Joabaa Ward, who, although be 
Jowzing to Cornwall, a village on tho river sido, somo 
five miles below. bus always been rogarded as iden- 
{Med with Nowbare, If vas vatural to expect that aquatic 
‘8POrls woult there be Leld In bigh geveral estimAtion. 

Fortho past two toasoos, whether owlng to tho prcjd- 
diglal Influence of tho war upon outdoor sports genc- 

Tally or tomo olber lceil canso, Bo regalia has been 
fhad oa the Hudson st Nowbsre. "The comaticn of 

4 shuror of regret 19 many o€ the reslients of that 
ity, and the world-wide resown gained by tho 
chimpi'a of American oarsmen, Jorbua Ward, by 
1 recont victory over iis 'proviows conqueror, 
Hamill, somo portion of which bacame naturally attached 
{othe Ircalliy whore ho helonced, mado thom dosirous 
Ofprevivlog thes rorattas. Tho ‘oltizons of Nowburg 
{aelly dociiolng co (ako ths toitiatory steps fn tbls mat 
er, tbo resident ecoulermen and viallara arund tha vil 
Iago of Cornwall, where tho champlon resides, dotor- 
molbed to Lod a regatta of thoir umn, on the Tadson 
Fifer, at nat place. ‘Ths cecssary funda were speedily 
fabserived, and teo eat{re mansgoneat of tbo dotalis ef 

er Tororesliby mjvatlo contests has over since boca 

Abs atiule (laced in tho ninits of tho champion, Jostiin, 
Waid, hive! 

Under his direction two races, singlo 
nced—tke, fireba thres mite raco, opeu 
{a's competitors, and the gocord a milo anda Balt 
Fag, for youths ‘under eighteen years of aze—and 
Jevfécdny, tho Si lost eas Mal upon sa the time of 
hdr decision, 

oasant aalt op the noble Hudson by the morning 
caksne Un New bure: sod’ an equally delighttul drive Uf 
Ave mites al nz ita sido, brovalit us to Corowall lautiog, 
Ue loeallty Axod von tor tho rogatta. Hore we wero 
cordiiy nod courteously wolcome’ Uy tho charaplon, 
whose tims was iully engrossed by bid numerous duster 
Of saperitondiog tho nersugementx. A commodioua 
fchomer yecht was moor tn tho tlvor—the ap. 

Yolotet Jidges’ stake boat—aod fram this, through 
tho courtesy of the genticmea cccatituting tho 
commIrtow, wo Vero conbled to ylow the proccodings. 
It wag ovidsally rogarded es ugats day among the real 

dentape thy dstri-t. as Wey kent 
droga, noiil tho banks of tho river ware 
Dy oscited and interested Spectators 
commilteo, otlclats and Invited picst 
boro a, [efK0 freigt of buvitiful wa 
Indios, hioes presse bul attraction to. the 
Acoae.”/ Nie bad the ianisgers of this regatta forgotten 
tho clidrms of music ou the oocuien, a8 on excaltent 
band wan stationed on the boat, and the choicest rofresh- 
Micals, bible and bilbabic. were provided in (bo amplest 
Trofusiey. Tho Way was lovoly tn tho extreme, Wot m 
ripple disturbluy: Surface of tho bay, while tbo tom- 
poratars igutEally ecol nnd agreeable, Mr- b. 
Grogory, Jr., of Jorsey City, oficiated as nmpire. 

The fac reco ofa mile nud w halt was for dino noulle, 
open toyoiths uuder olghween years of age, the Ast prize 
boing $35 nnd tho szcoud G10. Te boats enterod woes the 
John Héncon, rowel by Anqusiils Mosher, of Newburg, 
aod ths hs Towel eae Ward,a brother ef the 
champlp. ore wen ie 9p no betting, althcugh $6 
{$20 Mis oitsed ou Warde crear 

Tar Tyo —Young Ward Lnd tho jnside, bat lot a little 
‘Slort on the siencl yun bolog fred, owing to tho superior 
qalekroar of losbés vn pln Oy ¢\ (0c strokes, hosr- 
ited \vard alongside him, aod a cleo add xpiriied 
Wontost ensued all tbo way down ts the further strkeboat, 
which Word turned Orat. From Unis. polnt, although 
Mostigr rowed pluckily, the Taco ‘rae over id doubt, 23 
ho could novor reach his opjorent, who son tho aco 
‘pasily ab least by gix boat lengths ta 17:07. Tho wins 
TOME Ely!o of rowlog. clicked general ‘admirotion, 
deing ielled ob that of hts brother, tbe champion. 
iets fog. ro 

velop im Uy hun 

tha judzes’ boat 
eleauntly atthed, 


iF tho first and the second prize. The 
jaro tho Dick Radon, rowed by Gilbect Ward, 
of Cérnwall (anothor of Joshua's *brother's) ; tho 
W. D. Word. rowed by Stercus. of Pougbkcepale; 
tbo WR. HM, rowed by John Harcou, of Pough 
Xeopsla, auil tho Ogdeu, rowed by Job Blglia, of New 
‘York.'All thase nra well known good oorsméa, wh 
Layo oftoH oirrivd! off tho palin at various regattas, 
Bloveus,owlng.t0 bis haying soveral times ruwed n good 
socoud tthe champion op different ocesslona, was sat 
own as the wiober oxd freely backed agalost the ‘eld. 
Thoro wes o good dos of place batting between the ntiors, 
Ward boing Daeked fof monoy to boat Biglin, Ttwas wot 
Known that GIL. Ward was suffering froin a pafatul folca 
00 bis right shure, which mado St difficult. roatter for 
him ( grasp bls ‘our firmly, and tis fact mado his 
{rloods aby of backing bim, ‘as they otherwise would 
have dona: 

‘Tim Rac: —Hancou had the insta, Stovens noxt, Ward 
and figila in tho ordor uamod. Haveon got olf ret, 
Biglia“ced Stereas fuulitg, aad both matually oc 
¢uslog” We otbor oF tho’ act, although wo be- 
Yoyo the latte waa to blime. Ward, although 
ho was impated ta coosoquones of this foulibe, quickly 
drow alongeide Hancan, and with a fow vigorous strokes 
porced bin and assumed tho Iead, whch he retained 

Movements of European Steamers, 
HLusvax, Sept. 3, 1889. 
‘Ths steamahjp Shannon sailed at eight o'clock thls 
morning, with 234 passeogera for New York. 
‘The steamship Pactolus, from Liverpool, has arrived: 

‘Tne Prorossp Anouaumaer or Stavanrex Hoozs—Tae 
Pansuax Anarroms!? To ux ScEsrToTED —Tho proposed 
plan for the abolishment of slagghter houses which City: 
Inspector Boolo coutomplates recommending to tho 
Common Council will consist in the establishment of 
abatioirs—a system which was first pat in force by Napo- 
oon I. ta Paris, and which has besa found to work most 
sucotssfully, Tho Parisian abaitoir—which literally 
means slaughter Rouse—consists of largo balldings 
erected on tho banks of tho river Seino, wore all the 
cattlo Killing, Douo)bailing, akin drying, kc.,of tho city aro. 
performod. "No other slaughter hauste aro tolerated 1 
tho cite of Paris, and tho abr'oirs are under the 
Surveillance of te police mathoritics, who enforce 
tho striclost rules rospecting the mannor of con- 
ducting business, Portfong of the obitsirs aro 
Jot ont to batebers, and a handsome roveouo is 
thus secured to tho goreroment,. Thora aro Ovo 
Of ‘theso buildings In. Paris. City Inapector Toole 
Proposes to establish four fa tbls molropolis, uorih of 
Fortloth sirest—two on tbo East river and two on tho 
North rivor—whore suitable plots of pround cau bo pur 
ehased. “Tha east of erecting these bulldings, will not 
‘exceed $200,000, which Is rezanted ax bot a very small 
Mem when the Loalth of tho pablie is toquestion. The 
Now York abztinirs will dlifor Ia sorao Important features 
from their Parisian prototypes, but the modifications, it 
1 understood, will covalat of very decidod (wprovements, 
Which tho natural advantages of tho position of our clty 
Fender casy and desirable. Tho dotails of fr. Brolo's 
plan will bo contatnod'to a teagthy document which bo is 
bone to transmit to the Common Counc; but we may 
angevince ti advance that eact of the abaldoirs will oongist 
Of two larce buildings, divided off into soveral dopart- 
monts for cattle, shecp, force, tallow proparing, ekin 
deying, ke. A coplous’ eupply, of water for keep. 
tog the buildings clean will bo eastky obtain. 
ed’ from our inexhaustible Croton, and ne dluiculty 
Will bo oxportonced In smreoping olf the roTuss and Dita 
Rich must patueally accumulate (n such catablishmeats. 
Thoro sro at precoot a tho city Aome two bandred and 
(bicty slaugntor Houses, mostly located, om tho cast wide 
of tho town. ‘Tho iueonvontence, fk. and unboalininess 
whlch ariso froma this largo numbor of slaughter pena ara 
to» well known to call for extended romarks at thts tira: 
‘bd tuo advantage of tho abazoirs over tho prosent ys! 
(om in coll orideot. AB ths Leadicg butchors of tho city 
4) not aopear to bo vory hostile to the measare, {tit vory, 
Uke}y tho Common Council wilt ament to Mr. Hoolo%s ro 
commendations, more espocally as Uhay. Involve, tho ox: 
penditure of a'bica little gem oF money, (oe which our 
muntelpal logteisiors aro well known to hace a strong, 
partiality. “Itia te bs hoped, thorefore, that the abit 
ire, wii bo "put through? without aay unnecsscary 
debate oF oppssition. 

Ax EAnTIQUARE IM St- Lavia.—Theoo distinct socks of 
an eirtbquake wero foll in St. Eauls carly op Friday night, 
2sth ute, tbo first shock cesurring at tea thinabe to 
eighto'cidck, Exel whoek Haste from mix to roven ea 
notes, aud an (otereal of abont ths same length of timo 
cocurred Wolwoen thom. The shocks were accompanied 
Uy a tow, rumbling ooo, Nike distant thuodor, and tho 
dnildings wore distlactly sbakea in ome localittea. Tho 

‘wan shining brightly at tue {iio and a slight breeze 


The Best and Chenpect Newspapee in 
tho World. 

Tho Wrexcx Henan, resdy tomorrow (Saturday) 

morning, will contain: — 

Tho latest despatohes from General Gillmoro’s Army 

near Lisorleston, & C., giving details of the Operations of 

the Unioa Forces, and the Correspondence between Boau- 

Ferard sod General Gillmoro coucecolog tho ‘Iohu- 

maaity'’ of ebolling Charleston, 

‘A diagram of Fort Sumtor as it appeared on Sunday al 

ternoo, Auguat 23. 

A diagram oF tho Torpodoes, with tbe explosive ar- 

rupgoment, placed in Charlestoa barbir, 

Lato and intrrestiog Intelligence from Arkaosas, giving 

accdunte of the Defeat of Marmaduko’s and Prico’s Rebel 


Jelf. Davia’ Cull for Five Huodrod Thousand Negro 


‘An luteresting account of Mosby's Gucrillas, with ro- 

ports of their operatious, and of the death of their ebiof- 


Tho latest Newa from Rosecrans’ Army, with details 

from our Special War Correspoudeuts of the March upon 

OMotal Di 
Ss rawlings or murray, Sddy & 
2, fr Heres Chass MS—Sepe XLT 
1, 60, 58, 4, 47, 2, 28, 17, 33, be 

Restvorr, Cus ss 
83, 28, 4, G4 10,14, 1, 0, 98, 20, 10, td, GL, he 

fecal fess of caarge,'oy adireming olthor oy 
Ls ¥, BDDY & 00. 
Coriagios, Ky.. of St Loala Ma 

OMetal Draw! 7 
LOMelal Drawings of the Shelby Colle 

iret Casa s05—sept 

40, 7, 26, 38, a7 eae, Thee, 61, a7. 

13, 6, 63, 37, 10, 20, 20, 54, 36, 68, Th, 45. 

Circa sent by ‘a 
Coriagton, Ry. 

ge of tho Lib: Ass 

re ery are 

18, 65, 12, 71, 21, 16, 44, 06,6, dl, 30, 68. 

‘Cian 22—Sept'3. 
39, 6, 2, 17, 27, 74, 26, 50, 73, 19, 21, 32, 34, 29, 
Circulars sent by adarecans 

FRANCE, BLLIS & CO., Managers Covington, Ky. 

ron rizes Cashed {nal Legalized Lottert 
formation given. 
JT. CLAYTON & CO, 10 Wall atrmot, room No. 6. 

Prizes Cashed in All Lezatized Lotteries 
Toformalion given. JOSEPH MATES, firntor. 
all brcet, room Nat, New York. 
H Girls anor) aia lxe Dyo, Proservative 
nit Wik depot. wholeaat “An 
‘The dyccapplied by axlitol ariata > NO @ANoe House 

OMolal Drawin: 
lation Company: 

Tarricd. . 
Banyait—Pinuum —On Weineiday, Soptembor 2, at 
tho realdeaco of tho bride's parcals, ‘by the Kev. 8. M 
 Naviiay Tlanxner (o Many, dadghter of P. 1, Phil: 
Hips, Fia., of this city. —e ae 

Callturafa papers plans espy. 

Beacit—Buewvr.—At Carist’a chureh, Day Ridge, oa 
Tuesday, September 1, by tho Rov. U. T. Trnoy, Maas 
W. Beacit, of Deooklyn, to Graravoa D., daughter o€ De. 
©. C.Boonet, of Fort Hamilton. No cards. 

ocrir—Pou.sno —Oa Thursday, Septombor 3, by tha 
Ror. Dr. Osgood, Wm. H. Booewr to Mya Th, secood 
sughtor of tho late Urtab A, Pollard, all o€ this cily. No 

Wenarx—Mo;zusoy.—On Thuraday, Soptembar 3, at tho 
North Meformed Dutch cburch, South Brooklyn, by Rev. 
N.P.Picree, Gani P. Burak to C. Loup Monueny, 
daughtor of John Morison, Exq., all of Brooklyn. 

CnawroRD—Ounoert.—Ob Tursday, Soptomber 1, by 
the Rev. Dr. Schramm, at St. Georgo's chapel, Captain 
AvolsTcs Ckawronp, of Now Jereoy, to Bre. Gnat 
Cuxstesz, of Hosse Ciro1, Germany. ' No cards kent. 

St. Louls papers pleaso copy. 

De Wow —Warscau,—On Wodnesday, September 2, at 
St, Fotor's church, Brooklyn, by Rev. Dt. Dingo, Oitaniass 
Acmure tn: Wow to Misa M1... daughter of fealan Wad- 
folgt, Eq 

Govnusy—Sormieeany.—In Brooklyn, on y Thursday, 
Soplembur 3, at tue reaklenco of the bride's fatuor, by 
Rov. L. S. Woed, Haner W. Gourexr, of Springbeld, III, 
to furs, only daughter of James Suthertand, Esq.’ NO 

Soringdold papers pleaso copy. 

Gracos—Ariros.—On Tuesday, Soptember By at tho 
Foaldence of the brido’s'fathor, by tho fev. H. W. Kaapp, 
Nrusow Gmiacs to Kami J., daulghtor o¢ Jobin. Allisod. Baq 

Gowssxn—War.—On Thursday, Augnat 27, ot Cai 
chapol, by the Rov. W. 1), Walkor, Quartermaster 
W. Howes, of Mthode Islind, to ‘Mies Janae S. War, of 
Fiatbuab, Long Ialand 

Paavnes—St, Jonw.—Oa Wedveaday, Soptomber 2, at 
tho residence of the bride's mother, by the Rov. Stophon 
H. Tyng,D. D., Liculeoant Konsmick Proms, United 
Stites Navy , to Miss CauoLixe Az, second daughter of tho 
Jate Chaunesy St. John, Eaq., of tbls city. 

Van Dusex—blovtac.—At ‘tho Claromoat Hotel, by the 
‘A. H. Quinby, Mitzono Vax Dowex, of Dansvillo; 
Wo Mliss Avni Mortan, of Fort Sondylbe. 

Couw.—In thls city, on Thursday, Soptomber 3, the 
wife of [aidor Cohn, hsq,, of 1 con. 


Armmmse,—Oo Thursday morning, Soptember 2 at two 
ofolock, alter am tong aud tedious tliness, Mawa, third 
daughter of tho lato John aod Frances Auteldgo, 

The frlcods of tho ferally are rospectfully invited to 
attoud tho funerul, this ({"tiday ) nftornoon, atitwa otctock, 
from the realdence of hee brother, Joba G, Atteidgo, 418 
Grasid streot, Witllamsbiirg. TT. 

Axvnzrs. On Thursday, Soptombor 3, AsoruA, rollet 
of Hoa. Philo Aadrows, of thin elty, tn tho 8th’ yoar of 
hhor ago. 

‘Tho relatives aud friends of tho family, nod of ber Bon 
fn'law, KoboreS, Lyon, aro roqucated to attond the funo- 
ral, froin bor lato realdeaco, No. 31 Fast Flaveath street, 
on kunday atern2en, at odo o'eloei, without further 1a! 

Paaat.—On Wodneaday cyosing, September 2, aft a. 

Pavore Logs, Rows Axx Pay, wile of James Corry, 
Qoebso, Lower Canada, aged 45 yearn, uf 
Quebos papers pleas: copy. 

Risoum—Snddealy, 00 Wednesday morn ‘em 
ber 3, Mis Mant-A. F. hasooum, coly. daugeuet ec Wee, 
BF. apd Laura F. Randolph, tn the Sad year of bee age. 
‘Tho relatives and friends of (ho Tatnlly are respecttully 
Nayited to attend the furor; from, tbo reeklaoce of hee 
mothor, Nov 207 Weat Twenty frst strect, 
SSuamurr—Ou Thurstay, Sen 
i Nomber 3, CHARLES J., 
co Jaroon aad Mary Te Rs kuyy gal’ { mascih ahd at 

Tha relatives and frleces aro Invited t 
user, from Ube rents o ha parent, Poth avectoy 
corucr ‘of Twsoty sscral strcet, 
coraee sacra atcoct, Soala "rocky, (Ne 
Govus Senex; 

‘Sune. —Oo Thursday, September 8, 
ta uo Gath year 0¢ Bl sh, 

Tho (uncral Rervices Will tak ples at his Mato real: 
denon, 27H Seventh Hireet, thik" riday)_ evening at 
oven’ oreloele. MU Friel abd adquniblanoen, ales Mos 
chanics! Lodge NO. 113, LO: of 0. Fv are reapastraily las 
ited to attood. I1is remains will bo taxca to Norwalk, 
Cong. on Saturday morpioyy, for Interment. 4 

Vax Wiores—O0 Thursiay. September 3 
Hill, NiJ., Rosees, 00 of If & and cS. Vi 

as Winky 

SUNDER yaaa | —__nemtcaneor 
Mofcuts Oy WER rece he would ante to) Rete 9 A DRAFTED MAK) 
ai dteretghe tin & vs unas oa rt raeaaddi Co 
" rah 
ibe Sntetayaeettaaey sere EW OCOPYRIONT WORK BY uns HENNY 
weawat' Ayano, NEW. Jam press invert a 933 
ine Se ae aang eee 
Po ncelows, on 8 cralen was poten ‘gut BTREVYNs It, 
Kon, Go. 
Sbip Neileaal Rage, Matthews, Crom Ban Franclieo for MiNemery Pate 
yeti Kael 
reverse Clie, GARE Crom Th 1 cut 
vin ite Soy rm Aus ttc ba Moton TSU Teor ARR . a Lier 
‘BAU Vitula i, Krom Cari for NYork, Avg MM, tak Mo's ele” The Tuna: 
Mion way Mac 2 
Foreign Porta. SQUIRE THAVEYNTS THREE Tk printot Crom (hs ay 


Anrwenr, Au ¢18—Arr Tsabella, Ketlon: Rabena, Soh axon, 
and Adele, Dug. Ma, NYork; 19th. Deamark, Pil, anit Pour 
Manlrans, Horekt 40} BR, Depress Unray and Bucm!, 

Areal Fivabing "Ob. Johanga, Demke RYork. 
Th-Are Oleagait. Neekin, N Fork. 

thor # manuserl 

rect from Mew, 

on Balurday 
pletion or 
Tela pablished 

‘Aniadvance prose aheals parchaved dl. 
ery Wood, and will be inivest Hore hy wa 
spvembar Th ax weeks Mm advance of te 
Heuetiog othe worx in Thutope, 

petga nablined campiate in two IanO octavo ofumes, W- 

ieteroc (PHI A Non 
Nitortasas Ang 1-8la Hdl Desbam NY ct fina, cloth, (or BU 3. Wa alsa pi 
RuewsanarancA wale-Aredohanne WAbetaiine, Prices | otth complete imons rolume paper caver. ‘ice Onn BOT 

nar, N¥ork tary 
Aeouwruntarey, 1s—Are Tenny, Ohlerieh, N¥orke 

{pnd eid toe Ttefrochi; aiebitanen Werkinelater, Helroet for 

89 ATT others will pleany eon 

Dookrell¢ns news azenta 

Cemetery eR 
ree toc eBe ee 
Larne ea at 1 aly are repeal 
‘Van Wicklo, at Bound Brook, N, J.y this (Friday) after: 

Wiitwens—On Wedaonday, Contembor 2, 
ne, aged aL years and 10 moottu, Snel 
Laer a aaa Nae Nene FD are respea li, 
two o'clock, from hia Late roshlonco, 0 Chryatle treet, 
‘Tho rommalus will bo takoa to tho Lutboran Soealery for 

Wrra.—On Wedeenday, Seotomter 2, Cranues 
Bro Wier, 600 of Louls and Dorette Wittpenn, god. 

Tho rolatives aod frlonds of the family are Invited to 
attond the fanoral, this (friday) Aflernoon, al enn o'clock, 
corner of Elm. nalos will be taken to tho Lathe 

Wres—At Nosne,Soon,, Mri. Ruxatorn Wena, for- 
merly of Vompton, N.vJ., 10 tho O7th yoar o€ Dor ages 
tho bologed wife of Wiliam Woe. Frame 

Dye notieo will bo given of tho funeral ia ‘Saturday's 

Yevnrsxct—Oa Thoreday, Ssptomber 3, Many, Yrvk: 



moon fants. 
LGN Waren. 

Bow mises. 

oro 10.90 
oro 112 

Port of Now Fork, Septoantor 3, 1863. 
Stonmahin Nortts Siar: Jones, Axpinwall—D B Alico. 
Dark Rilza, Wrazer (itr), Sarace, Montoyideo—W i Wor 
well k Oo. 
gdiatk Moindser, Welliogton, Marbsdox—ty Trowbrliga'n 
Melg Angosturs (Hte)i Puller, Gadiz—J G Da‘e. 
rig Amazon (Bf), Banco, 6tJobea, NP—Kt Dinwiddie & 

erie Abiteae (Br) Neleoo, 8t Joho, NO—ILJ &O A De- 

‘Schr Todus (12), Koller, Naweau—Sos Boa. 

Behr lover. irvaa, I 

Bete Panatne, Tella 

EENC Mary & Adellow “Allen, Cotaonteacde—A'O Tarene, 

Sehr ite, Nunaely Washington=iienuey, Emit & Oo. 

Seved th Guaningtain, Winrd, Washington. 
aaa Bard Blagoy Decker, Waahingtan—van Brunt & 

Bue P® IT Abo, Lamson, Wasblogton—Van Brunt & 

Schr Mars aod. Silring. Taltimore—Merrill & Abbott 

Behe Alviea, Branala, faite Nd 

Benr Franklin, Atlen, Pémbroke— J Fr79 & Co. 

Bene Saran, Canary, Itoskland—W 8 Hros 0 & Co, 

Behr Ackiain, Getehell, Hostan—O L Matey, 

Behr Granite isu Mallelt hoalo—H W Lawts & Co. 

Bebe I Caswoll, Albra. Drisiol—b Koay. 

Bieamor Mt siteveua, Chaveo, Waltlmoro 


Bark Meteor (Br, of Sundortand), Street, Card(Mt, July 27. 
with cont, to Kuntardt € Oo, Aug 13, tat 00, lon 4 45, spoke 
meamship Collimbas, borwid B. 

Hare Now Laiigr Latean (Meck), Dade, Cork, & days, 
with old iron, fo W' Barer Co, 

Tack Windsplel (Ian), Liebman, Hamburg, «2 daya 
vwittyindac and 1G) gaswengren Uo Blo ad Edge AUK 
Int, loa 3010, nignatisaid su Ain oteam tab ol-wae alrerio 
¥, ciowing Nos 151, 24 dists pendaut: 224, it 9.35, fon 
34, saw Reverallarse’leaborgn: 2100, Int AU Tow O4 43, bp 
Liix Marahfold, from L'cerpoa\, bolind W, 43 days out, 

CpxoL¥.—Saddeoly, on Wodnosday, Soptomber 2 Kian 
CoxoLr, anative nf Itoland, aged 29 years. 

‘Tho frldhds of tbo fainily, those OF his. fatbor-Jo-law, 
Donbls Sullivan, and thosd of bis alstera-in-layw, Marla 

Intorestlng dospatebes from the Vaton Army of Gencray 
Meado Ja Virginia, 

‘The Latest accounts of the Movements of (be rebol 
Gonoral Lee's Fores, 

Report of the Proceedings of the New York Republican 
State Coayention, with tho Importavt Lotter from Preal- 

down to tho lower siakeboat, amd ow tho retura. Stovous 
comiry heme sasied Hanooa, taking cecoua place, bat bis 
moet lotefapiied oiforis could nut canble him to reach 
Ward, sila tngolritod bys tho cheers ef the numerous 
spoclttors, Dut ou aspurt In tho last fifty yants, wud 

2 camo bomy Ssvinner vy three Ieoptna 1 19 ‘minutes 35 
socom 8 Tras four langtbs shoxd of Bixtte, Who 
Jodgee a pplest against tho furmer roselvivg tho moucy 
‘fo: analisged fou). Hancon was a loz way bebiod. 
‘The winnor recelyed quite ay ovation ou bis success, 
~ tbe désdvantags bo labered vnder with bis Injured band. 

Dolng patent to all, ond only the mest deterinined pluck 
£0) ecabled bim to boar up under (ho exquisite 
palo WWeudored, his tojurod thumb having burst duro 
tho rico, owing’ to bls exertions. Probably a rooro ac- 
cowplisted triv of oarsnien than the champion and his 
‘victorious bretoors wera novor bovore known. 

Nott yoar, wa loira, {t {s lotohded to hold another re- 
galt atthe samo placd, whoo unustal exertious will bo 
Tadeo reader It eLill more sticcessful than tho prosent. 

Rocky Mountain Sporting Incelligence. 
[From tho Virgiala (Novada Territory) Union, Aug. 11.) 

Noveral haudred peoplo nesembled on the Carson Course 
-Jast Eafanfay, fo wltzoes tho closing of tho week's races. 
‘The frstrsoe of tho day was a trotting one between Col 
bath’s Relcdeor and Buckskin. acd Smith's Soake and 
‘Avons, milolioatr, to agong, twa best ta. threo, fora 
yrireco’ $7. ‘Too first beat wens won by Colbath’s tea, 
‘the second by Saiith’s, nod the third by Calbatl’s: time, 
400, 3:57, 920. Tuor.followed closely contested ran: 
ics raze b ‘cou Rufus, Molly ely aud Kangaroo Gi, 
ralisheats, two bast in thros, Rufus won tho fesc baat 
{0137}, bulMolly Hig von tha two secoud heats fo 
Lita \; ard 1:89. Tho thied rac of tbe day was between 
Winoug ani Bay Ned, singto dash of ono mile, for a citl- 

‘wus! parce of $40, which Wicoaa won iu 1:58. 

Yeaterdey afternoon Thomas MoAlpine (known as 

‘Soap’!), n Sacramento nowsboy, and one Barney Harris, 
mat naw tho Divide, between tls placs and Gold Sill, la 
‘eeondabeo will 8 provioua arrangemons, for the purpose 
Of baying © prizo Heb for wie aum of twenty dollars, 
Sovou rounds! of about one minate's adoration cach yvero 
fooght=McAlplac drawing the drst “olsret,"” aiving bis 
soisgogst Wo first knock down, and winning cack 
Tousd. Ua the olghth round Harris picked vp his sbirt 
aud walkod oT. 

A F1omt 70 come OFF. 
Wo heard a rumor on the street yesterday, that pro- 
Yinyfnary arrnuigemaats bad boss id (or a prize Hzut 
frees Wo. Siosratb nnd Thomas Naly fer $2,000 a 
sllo—for oi monoy to bo put up and all orrangameuts 
fectél during this week. 

Diitucary Reviow tn Canada. 
BraxTvonn, C. Wa, Sept. ij 1868, 
A grand rovlow of volunteer and regular troope, col 
ected om all points Jn the Western Prevince, was held 
elaiay. An finmonso concourse of spectators was 
sept, and great enthusiasm was manifested. 

Mavino Disasters on the North Carolina 
Fours Moxror, Sept. 3, 1869, 
‘The guclont Shockokon, Just arrived from Newborn, 
reports (wo eteawers und’one brig ashore acar Cragon 
Tue gudboat 
Bdock ck Lett 

jsemond was at Newber when tho 

nutiled to hold sn 
alrout a body of Apgusta Lave, wo was accldeo- 
ually list by bor hnsband, Horman Law, under tbe 
y ight Mr, Law wos 
Desdllar> [ade pistol, and tn u playful manner present- 
edthe Gu=-o of tha Woapon towards bis wife, whea, 
wnOorwately, IC oxploted. ‘The contents of the pretol 
Prackeated (n> woinan’s breast, {oflicting such a sovere 
“svovd Wat sho died In a fow Bours aftorwards. Doctors 
Cog nud sillier wero Iq wttcndsnce upon the deceased 
sud didoll they could to gave hor life. ‘The huahand, wlio 
3s well bigh crazy In couscquence of the melancholy ca- 
ouilly, Belearly exouerated trom any crimloal iotent. 
‘Tho sLatement of his wifo, beforo death, as weil az tho ov!- 
dency of Others who were in the room, went to show that 
‘the shootiny was unintentional, and the jury rendered a 
Verdlet secordivgly- 

‘Thre Post rs IxptAva.—tThe froat on Saturday and Sun- 
day nigels was tho severest known fn this. part of tho 
country for many years, and the damage to crops is 
‘almost calculable. The’ frost of Satarday ight was 
‘what wat Lormest a white frost, whllo that of Sanday 1 
called by those who bavo suffered from its effects a black 
freat. Jobscco has suffered tmmensoly, while those of 
‘ur ferrsers who Were experimenting in the cultivation of 

- cotton Tayo Toot their ontire year’s work. We were 
‘sbown aa car of corm yesterday by quire Van, of Knight. 
{ownd|p, which was frozen and valued. He loformees 
phat ali through bis Delds spols are discernible where tha 
Cora israied,, Wo heard of ove lotct ifteen assets 

‘Keéntadky, ee Ned totally destroyed. The fodder is 

Some Of the gardens in the vicinity of our city 
‘have al gu(fored terribly, the vegetables boing rendors 
“entirely unfit for use. Thotsands of dollars have been loet 

1o the rmors by this premature appearance of winler'a 
Ay tesicnger.—Bvansetlle Journal, S 1 

Romar ov uz Wir or Srato Haativ.—The Troy 
Lpreeerafa;—On tho 13th of August last tho wife of United 
Buates Sqpator Harlan, of Iowa, was relloyed of her pocket- 
‘Pook, cottaloing $278 In bills and two Uhroagh raliroad 
Uckola fm Now York to Saratoga, while etoring we 
Sorstcga{rato at the Unloa depot. Ag abo was eotorlog 
Ube Gor € tho car some two' or three mao suddenly 
Jestlet aginst beg,and on resovePing hersef sho (ound 

dont Lincola regarding the Emancipation Proclamation. 
‘Tho latest Nowa from Louwisna, Tox:s, Havana, Moxt- 
0, Europo and all parts of the world, 

Poetry tthe Rope Dagcer!’—Crinoline and a Tura- 

“Tho vory Intsreating story of the “Bill Broker's Grand- 
Canghtor. b 

‘Sporting—Racing and Trotting—Aquatics—Yachting— 
‘Tho Prizo Ring, ke. 

Agricaltaral—Tho Field—The Lawn, Flower Garden and 
Greeohouse—Tho Kltehen Garden—Asceaslon of Soluble 
Matiors {a ths Soit—Oraamental Ferokgn Trees, Ke., &e. 

Facat)w, and a quaotity of miscellaneous reading mat 

It will contain 

aluablo and Important Reviows of 
tho Monoy, Dry Goods, Provision, Cattle, Horso and 
Family Marko! jorials ou Prominent venta of the 
Day, Sbip News, and roports of all other tntereatiag and 
important nows. 

Single coples Fire coats. 
One Copy. 
‘Three Copies. 
Five Copies... 
‘Ten Copies... 

“Any larget uumbor, addressed to namesof subscribers, 
$1 GO cach. Anextea copy will be seat to every club 
often, Twenty copies, to ono address, ono year, S25, 
and any largor number at samo price. An extra copy will 
bo sent to clubs of tweaty. hae rate mabe Cie WRERLY 
Henan th: cleanest publivalion {n the country. . 

Aprrnrerxesrs to a Mmitod mumbar, at Oty ceats 
per lino, will bo iusorted to tbe Wrxix Heato. 

Annual subscription price: — 
i a2 

Eyo Preservers and Spectacles to 
strengthen and improve the sight of old'and young, by day 
Or HighG Without pin or fatigue. Highly recominended by 
(uemaedleal freulte For sale by the inventor. 

SEMMONS’, Ocullste-Optlelan, 6945 Hroadway, 
‘Oppoalte Bond atreet. 

Powerfol Day and Night 

Brilliant o 

and Beldgot Stanton, aro reapectCully invited to ‘attood 
the faueral, from bis late resideoes, corner & Ninety. Drat 
troct aud nvonuo A. Tho remnins will be taken to Cal: 
vary Comotery (or Juterient at baif-past one o'clock. 

‘Curevxn At Savantah, Ga,, ou Tuesday, July 14, 
Winuax W, Conver, aged’ 40 yoars. 

‘Conkuy.—On Thursday evening, September 3, aftor a 
Hogering iliness, Mima, son of Elizabeth Cookin, ta tho 
26h year of bis ago. 

‘The relatives nbd (ricuds aro respect(ully Inyitod to at- 
toud the (uoeral, fm Dis Into rosideaco, 61 King 
Sircot, thia (Friday) afternoon, at balf-past soyen o'clock. 

Pugot Sound Horald pleasa eopy.. 

Daxcy.—At bia residenoo, No. 72 Prospect atecat, Brook: 
lyn, on Tucaday eveolog, Soptember 1, Jamia Dior, ja. 
be'd0th yaar of his ago. ~ 

Tis relatives, (rieuds ned acquaintances, and tho morn- 
bent of Holicallutlen Lodge of F. A. M., and the fraterutt) 
generally, aro reapecttully Invited ty attend ‘bia funoral,, 
big ate residence, Ula Friday, September 4, nt but: 

Paavin—iuoxoy Davis, wife of tho late George Davie, 
of consumption, aged 28'-Yoaru, a native of tho parish of 
Caragelliu, county Laltvim, Irelaud, 

‘Tho relatives aid frlends of the-family aro respecttully 
invited to attend tho funeral, from the rasidanco of bor 
brother-lo-lavr, Thomas Branigna, 97 and 99 Greeawich 
‘stroot, this (Friday) Aftornoon, at two o'clock. 

Borton papers plese copy. 

Euus.—In Pbitadelpbia,on Wednesday, Soptember 2, 

i wife’ of Natbaulol 'Ellia, Esq., of 

Fraxess Buz 
this elty, in the 45th your of bor age. 

The fuboral will take place, from her Jato residence, 71 
Weat Nluctocoth street, thla’ (Friday) aftorvdon, at one 
o'clock. Tho remains sili bo taken to Maseachurotia (oF 

‘GRUKING.—Un Wedaosday, Soptomber 2; Lnyay 0. 
Gnumxc, non of F. OC, and’ Franclska Gruning, aged 9 
months aod 10 days. 

Tho (rlends and rolatives of tho family ary respcct(ally 
inylted to attend the fusural, this (Friday) moraing, at 
loo o'clock, from No. 12 Front atrect, to St. Loollaclius’ 
church, corner of Willoughby and Bridge stroats, Brook- 
Iyn, whero a nase will bo hold for the fatally, aoa from 
thence Uy Calvary Cometery for Interact. 

Guise —At Fort Hamilton, ou Thureday eyeoing, S09 
tembor 3, at twenty minutes to soven o'clock, 1, Ih: 
Guwe, tho boloved yon of A. L. and Mary Guise,’ agod 1 
year, Smootbs aud 27 days, 

‘The relatives aod friends of fr. and 31r3. Gulse aro r 
spovttully lavited to attend tho funeral, oo Saturday al 
ternoon, at one o'clock. 

Gattoway.=At tho residence of bee brotber-Ia-law, In 
Hackeasack, on Thureday, Septomber 3, Miss Sanau E. 

Hor remalos wili to taken to Warmick, and the (usecat 
services will bo beld at the church at’ Hackecsack, on 
Saturday alternooo, at two o'clock. Tho relatives had 
friouds aro Invited to attoud. 

or tho, Gold, eca, opern aud 

toorlsia' ogc. Compact, portable and elliclent, “A aplendlt 

usaortimeot at SEMSIONS" 
‘Ocullste-Opliclan, G39! Brosdway, Lafarge House. 

Double Perspectite Glasses— 

“Ladics from the Country” wishing 
alter Bopia nad Shoes, of, all We various atyle, for thea: 
selsegand farlits PAMILLBR & CO., S37 Canal sirect 

Watches at Monaincturers’ Prices. —By 
sending $12 {00 ARRANDALE & CO.. 13 Broadway 
Willrecel’e per return mall n eplendid Gold Lever Wa 
Mediu .of small size, beauliCully engraved cases, fall Jew: 
lied, warranted Co keep good tise. 

Abraham Lincotn’a Photograph at 
HOLMES! Gallery, 203 Brodieay. Coples (reo to all Union 

Po Bottle Manarace 

We Inglto proposals for supplying us with Bottles of tho 
best quallty, made 1a our own monlds and well anuealed. 
Wanta supsly In September, and as fast aa they can bo de. 
Mivered afterwarde. “Pleago wate prico for plats andmyuarts, 
delivered at Saratoga; warranted (o bear tbe presrure of 
dotting and testing with Congress water. Terms, cash om 

pletion of contract CLARKE & WHITE, 
SReoest 1S, 1s Congress Bprics- 
necler & Wilson’s Highest Premtam 
cence, § Wann ee 
Gis Broadway. 
Iron Farniture.—iron Bedstends, gat 

OB Canal vest cast of Broadway. 


No More Gray Hair.—Forty-five Years’ 
constant atugy.on the Human Halr, by A. GRANDJEAN, 
No. 1 Astar place. 


For the Hatr Bar: 
‘The beat and cheapest article. 

autifal Complexion.—Laird’s Bloom 
jatb or Lik P Ing tbe 

ot to tagt 

by Druj 


‘Oraege county papera please copy. 
Horr—iiowas Horr, fn the 21st year of bia age 
Thefrieuds and acquelolances of tho family aro ro- 

Bpectfully lovited to attend the fanera), from the reat. 

dence of hia mother, 244 East Ninth strest, this (friday) 

afternoon, at 070 0'élock. 

Hexpeicksox —At Bay Ridge, on Weduezday, Septem- 
2, ApEty, youngest daughter of Garret H.and Ano 
Heodrickson, aged 9 years. 

fur rolaivesrand fcl/of tha family neo invited to at- 
teal tue funeral, (rom tho. realdenco of her parents, Bay 
Ridgo, LiI., without farther notice, this (Friday) aitor- 
‘noon, at three o'clock, 

Keasicay.—Oo Wednesday, September 2, Caantes, 
youngest ssn of tho late Dr. Kerrigan, of Souot Charles, 
county Donegal, Ireland. 

‘The relatives aod frleods of the family aro respectfully 
Invited to attend tho fanersl, this (Friday) afternoon, at 
balr-past two o’ahock, from the residence of hiw mother, 
123 Ludlow ete e 


Cee ears Tharsday, September 2, after a lingeriog 
wines. Jas Rexveoy, a uahive of Bellest, Ireland, aged 

St Mio friends and aoyualatances of to family are respoct- 
folly invlred to attend tha. funeral, om Saturday morning, 
ab nine o'clock, from St. Luke's HoaplGt, coreer of Fitty= 
foarth etreot and Piru aveace. His remalos will be 
i to Astoria. 
aE yg reeldenco of, la pareots, at Ovo 
o'clock, Wednesday morolog, September 2, after a sbort 
but severa illness, Tuxovors Faten, the beloved son of 
Acdrew and Mary Moiscke, aged'8 years, 10 months and 
(2 dag: 
Te eFe ativos and friende of tbe family are respsclfully 
invited to attend the funeral, at 6S Powera street, Brook: 
Tyo, this (Friday) aftornoon, at two o'elock. Hie remains 
Will be akon to the Evergreeas (or interment. 
Motronp.—At Elizabetb, New Jeras, ct Thareday, 
September 3, suddenly, RucsTuxrré B., wie of William P! 
, aged S7 years 
she celutives. of tho faclly are Snvited to attend the 
fonoral, frow ber lato residenco, No. 143 Water street, 

spera please copy. 

fon Saturday afteruoon, at four o'lock, withoat fartbar 
ego Carona please copy. 

Moncas 08 "August 25, Kutaxon, youngest 
daughtor of George W. and Eleanor Morgan, aged 6 
months and 13 days. 

3, Davip Saxo, 

McPrexsox—On Thureday , Septomber Sas 

id Pearl, for preserving and beautit 
Faeroe ga Pemn  Bodnays Sold eran 

ces, Halr Dye, Hair Dyoing 
in cram for peaalfgtog tho Bair, at W. A. 
To Hond street. 

Tan, Freckies, Sallowness. Eraptions, 
Spots Speckaand alNUn Blemlabes eured by GOUBAUD'S 
18ilaa Medicated Soaps (38 Brosdway- 

Gouraud’s Poudre Subtile Uproots Hair 

(rom upper ips low forebesds, or any part of tke body, 

= es 

Tragiey.—Marsh & Co., Radical Care 
Truss oh ‘Astor House Sille 


Kennedy's Medical Discovery. 
eclvaeeysll ober Szrotola Medicine have ali, tr ths oll 
dard a rer ever (ala fa curl 
Scrofuia, Bryaipelas, Salt fivcam, Ulcers, Babs, and erup: 
baa of erery sone and nature. 

Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Uri= 

(hat her pockothook hed been taken. Sho ncquninted 
8 er ductor of er losa and proceeded og ber jouruoy, 
MIbe rybbers haye siuce bea arrested. 

nary and Sexual Sratems.—New and reilable.treatrient—ia 
Etrclops fres af charge “atdewss Der Bkilla Hevestas, 
cure of eta ress De, v- Skiula Honghtao, 
Pons Sssw\iga, Fulladcipuiny eee 

son of James and Aun Mel’hereon, aged 3 years, 

end 21 days. 

tives and friends of the fasally are respectfully. 
fovlted to. attend tbe funeral, from tho resiceuce of Biz 
arocts, No. bed West Eigtesny street, «hs (Friday) 
afternoon, at te Wednesday moralog, September 2, 
after severe liness, Mavwicn, 0 Coxe, aged 60 7sar3, 
Miler iy of Mecnteoa, parish of Newmarket, county 

on ral 
‘and friends of tho family ara reapecttally. 

sono altend the faneral, this. (Friday) afteraoom, at 

Snvlietiock, from Bis late residence, No. G4 Grosawich 

stig ane Geer ia tsa ip year ot ba 

850. eionda of tho family afB respocttally !nvited to at- 
ips frend of tne ecureny aftr, a6 on o'clock, 
| from bis Inte residence, No. €9 eae Fifty-sscood street. 
| Cy eal Tnare Pe Sepamaber 3, Mant, danger 
ebasl and Mary O'Co020r, 
aes nah ives and frieads are falls 3 
S yead the (uneral, from tbo residenca of her parents, 20y 
tend Urmeaty-frat street, Delween First and Satond ‘aye, 
§ fogs, (his (eriby) orang, wh bire o'clock 

Bard Mingaa (Sere), Wallt, Goitenbairg. 6 dava, with Iron 
aod 27 peaseugers, to ihnster! Aue 22 Int43, ton 4910, wooo, 
Be bark /Theves, from Jamaten for London. aul took from 
hee tng éapuatn, wate nnd alowari of ship Ble Mila, which, 
Dad foonderod.s few anys provlously. 

Hicks Raia (Bere), Jacobson, La 1D dasa, with sal 
fo Punch, Meinoke & Wendt. "Aug 9. Int 4214, lon 4009, iad 
a hurricana from S88. to WAAW, whist Laatod 12 hours, 

Hele Thankrut (Br, of Sunderiani), Kelall, Seaneos, 6 
oye. with conl to eo ¥ Bulla. 

Fig Rover risa (Br, of Londonderre), Johnson, Nowport, 
S¥davq, with Iron, to ‘uiaater. Mod heave W weather most 
of the paassce; fa lat 4439, lon 41, naw two large Ice 

Urki Mux 1X (Peon), Luthko, Brodecland, OT daya, with 
conl, to Funeh. Meinoke & Wendt. 

Brig Oleander. (Gr), Ponisi, Rermada. 6 days. with cot- 
fon Ac to Middletoo Zo. Avie! 30, lat 57 17, on G40, camo 
in coisa withing vinknown sche woler full mall, carrying 
ray lier ford Jo0mRt( balled Wer, but Bol na a0 

Lingan, OB, 

Tele Loules (Be), Hala ‘sh daya, with coal, 
toil Keraines . 
Sete Eanes (ae), Campbell Olpag Hay. CB. 4 dara. 
srkiheani an Gro rants” Ris 2h haa aioe ele tro 
FWWs fa when oll, forall ana tare wal main tocealing 
True Ja 047 on 9, pave ie al Lin dane ot aay, 
12'daye from ‘lace Bay for Philadelphia, ity Tosa oC nal, 
boat fore tipgallantmast, te, In the palo of 

cig shomat“Aitert lie), rowel, alfas, 6 ayy with 
mia vt Dasa Brow 

vBrighdatea Volo (Be), Rabari Wallon. NB, 7 days, with 

ater. (0 Ease 
Miiiris Fairhaven (Ur), Masters, VFiodsor, NB, 10 days, with 
plasters in oclnr. 

iets Falrvaven (Br), Masterw, Wiodior, N3, 10 days, with 
plenier, on ante 
Miprig Alevecahah (of Door fal), Bray, St Andrews NB, 9 
date whit iumnteeesiad Feta & cos 

Title Wenry Lasrens, Johnson, Mech las, 7d 

with tam: 

mud sininen, 
Mone rtntfon, Parker, Linzan, OB, 12 aye with con 
BR tvninee 

Hage’ Cusabeas, Cole, Shoe, N3, 5 days, with apara, to 
ob Bnor 

Selle rj tune, Nattor, Eilzabethport for Roatan, 

Bote bd Laud, Land icateunpont for Homan: 

Schr leejamig, Burch, Nomar Cor embroke 

EERE Gorden Wve Byiventer, Wancoes {day 

‘Bebe Hndaon, Warren, Ham 
Schr Raliic, Horchidas, Hany 

re Tday 
10 dayic 
7 Gariiner, ¢ days. 
Bebe Rolling Parnion, Kantport, & days 
Bese Antres, Cassady. Eastport, 10 daye 

Bohr Jodgo Tengay, Nickerson, Adlixom, 10 days. 
Sehr Rupleala, Lavi, Ellowarth/9 dave 
Behr dP Sohneon, Proctor, calnis, Saye, 

Bebe Loulen, Muakell atals, 20 

Rshr Leader. Maro, Calls, 19 

Bee NH Wall Hes ton Cat 
i, Wo 

Bene Antelope, Wazdra, Rockland. 
EENe Careltnn Koufheo—=—= ata Obilda, who was oat of 

‘uller, Hadelken. Porslaws, 9 das. 
‘Genin. Colton, Boston far Bllzaboth 
Woxtan for Baiza 


Sehr J G Collyer, Crosby, Boston for Albany, 
Echt Hinve, Lavell, Bostrn for Alban} 
Sehr Hrrriet Ryan, —, Nowe 
Rohr LamerUna, Oral, Providenes 
Schr Sirah Jaue, Gardner, Newpork, 
Eebr ir mrietta, —— New Ul 
Schr G) arlomange, Caen, 
Behr Hpokane, Loper, Mraile 
n, Nickela, Blamfor) 

awley, Buckley, Greenport. 
tha, Tngraam, Wiles Folnt. 
7 Salus, Naw Waren, 
Eveamer Contord, Norman, Palladolpi we. 
Steamer New Yore. Tatu Palladeiobis 
Steamer I'ctrel, Baker, Previseace. 

Barx Anna, from Domarara, 

2é—Steamcra Golden City, NP Banks; ablps ope, Ellen 

Sears, Vira Chamberlain, Prince Imperial; barks Galora. 
Gilo, Agnes, Kounding Millow, Heaals, Albion; Uriza 
Caroline, Tra, Berths Relowori, Barak Fiage; 

achra B P'Weod, Qaxpia: 
Wind at consol 8; very light. 


Suir B RMitax—For ap account of hs loss of this vossal 
see news columos. 

Sresustir City of-Loxpoy, Cavt Petrie, of tho Tomaa 
Une, salle to-mortore at noon for Queessionn nad Liverpool, 
taking tho Unllod States roalla, This magniJornt steamer on 
her lato passage to this city proved berslf aa excelleat se 
boat, hating oxperieqeed somo ters heavy weather, 

De Srvastentr Cousicd is now on lance dock 
for tepatre BOE 

Dep cmreeaeeee 
Pointe eters 
bios msg, Cl wah ane ee Madras fl fr 
SR rp ee ai 
ae a cavand on Corsage yerPorne ny tueerapa on tbe 
Sarr Oniest fe pow on the [i 
afnvea reread ong paeiyumececonal deck. Wil be 
fir Bane Harvsx, frow Béaton £1 o 
nae PAR staat Cu, wosion for alt, was. tasore 
mene New Babli Zit it he yetila olde latter 
eaerertat eta 
Soni pn Paxzssd/ of eee Si gl a pee 

‘yer Istand in a recent pxleyand {ha crow 
Gee man. (Paulp Carey) an dtborana” FE che tact, 
rigging. And aboot everviblog on detk. and was aflerwards 

Uned'iato Beaver Martar. 

Sonn Mawraa (of Machlaspor), 
for Benya wth & carsa.of ves. wails Beatin Mencsee Bs 
Inland Narrows wissisyed, Weat ashore and bilged, ard will 

Bcuw AO SMALL CabooD, of Provincatcan, went achore 
fo fetand Veiday lastat 2 
om Secutn loan aay ‘FM, and will be a total loss, 
Sreiervg Oxonox Yamtats, bs7i aw from 
ibe Great Then coming voraoga Hell Gate Feser. 

ing: heavily apse 
catty opal tes 
Int, was very leaty und baa ber rudder 

Mey 25th ule by Mr Darl 
2p of 1235 tons, camed 
ll L Poompicy for bint 

Rates h 

At Eat Meshing, 2riale from se rar eS £00, 
t 2H aly fra is 5 
a forouad aft chr of sboat 170 tonx dalled ans, 

Brig Falcon, Holmes, eld at Balem Wish vit for Nori aod 

ah Auantie Orcas 
Sip ota iiomlane: ias'tcn from Pacite Creag, of and 
for Dew Bedlord, ald (oan Permamouro yuly 9), ; 

‘on (heir orders at once f 
edition of the abore bon 

Vabitsyed aod for ails at the ehe 
Dookselling catatAishment tn inte ca 

for weal (hey may want of elibor 

At aceber off faisum Un, IP Gabel, Vou! Haren, from 
Moura, Ang 16—-\rr Ovwan Binal, Siarr, Moulmeia, 

peak pabtishing an 
pet maining and 

cha at 

sit 1h Urls, Rea ran NDR DPHTRISON euINGH TRICE 
aweav, Daiy s3-Ape ox Uta Alstander, Monlmetn. hom all enters menechestaU teats ate) hin 
Hoktine Ate tk teat Ty whom alontera mint come Sitch, an ey et 
DOS AbqIS—Arr bark Maraval. Griving, NYork, | Fevive immediate eltenkion 
Li Hd Fea ahip Martbar York, Wrok ‘Coplos ecnt overs where froo Of postin owrece|pt of pring 
th werwn, NYork | — TE 
Wohi Aga Mat Meet ryiihs Jame, aca ami Honing of Iie Beate entirly Prahe 
ry. And Japrevn Binalalr, York; Bovinis, Lindstron, f Proves the Nair from fallloz oct ov taroloy 
i rama P USN nary eansen (ogre cise ami oni 
At AwedT—ArO CetnnclG paneer, NYork (and pros | ave ot falialionas Meee envinelmeDr, hlestings 
ihigutanans aS ra, ve la fos | Reet Hallie ae Gre 
YATE: ACEO tatrort Queenie, Coawry. OeMew | ANE OP IMTEAHON 
. : H irarervay 
A ELaeT Aue 10—Aer Vieniolg; Vom Bila, N¥orks sin, | NORM GuNIIENTE Mi DIE HL Te vie fee Nie 
nna, OD rlakendgen, fox NONE NUN 02 DIL 1 He SPR GM 
(eo Sith, C Morrison, Brower, Croom X¥ork. Patup ina tor evawining two bottin. Uricebl. Zak 
Ulduersrnne Rign foare Beads, Manelcte, Riores Bon, | Rik Saute DH Ute He ATHTLNG, sole prope 
onebat noreroure dar : GL Depot a Broaairay 


AU Lhe (eb Aaneurta,. Parstall, N York 
x Hammay farnity Ia Lele Wo Hoy roany lovors It has be 

August Are Loe me Readleton. V 
Cae We 

Aoicim foe Cala (and aAL Ty 0 Vearis taxing 
chard here) “kMh, Vmnnradd Yee, ttuqte, BY ork. y RG Tee IT 
yyraa nore) Ab, Kenora Tne unig BoC, gg | cette, Your neareat frend wiitn mneston ie ned YOM 

vaeet w eadheal ¢916 tae tie 
LORV TI wo dante 
a0 oankitien, tin ene 

Le Moyer Moller, Ban Pranctice. 
Arent Cusharen ish, Ganclicy, Tromett; Wm Withe 

A mormon. Te 

Fea ih nh eae Phere Arc 
HAtiree” AGE -Are lirue MA Ttorion Lewerion, NYors; | toring alt tan, plmpfes, 
siiittranttan Wor doe eal ROY OmE Rous | Amel: ie fea 


Bas hecor 


11 p09 

Gia Tous {itatweleateninaaa, NYorke= BMW J Ca hUrhiy verprelitie censaale Ceo wh were cori Net 
TROCMURTCN RT ca ee to the Nonea and this’ evtiete baa eotuvly wired. tecm 
Kat out loth, Gly of New Yor (4). Kernety. and Olfm. Agoot (64 Lowery. 

hy Northora MeOaWnor, NYork: Horwet. Mitehell, T OAUROA, AT MOM, VISITING CARDS: FAKNOT 
Cy Pidolta, Merling. dot Attia wto, Guttioy, dot (Westin Nota taper Beale Rivne Miatea In otngant sari 
Tanpow, Ang 2\—Arr Adler, Mapor, NVort) Tk, Concol« = 7 

aaa ANE Are a der seemnete | pram ion FT aN 

+ Deities, Cardi’ ond Qiteastar, ale bre ache tek 
<M Front etiwe!, 

wnniek. Avg i> Are Pagsitun, Grid 
A rAee Norn. Ou 

Hinvieh) nun! I 

nO. AU roti, 



Daitter ke Yorks TUN Nba can Koreosens . 

MADLAN Ju I<Arr ahio (Wanderinn dew. Mibert, Aden, | Q2;,J0¥0"4 aod all daca of the feet curnd without pain 
ia Tuk Are a i ew. Hebert or tnoanvordence tote the pomcnt Oy De MCTIATLL' Bue 

Wei ee Rete A unetats: Gousion Nowe Yorks MIL Hi Poon Chirapaduat: 70) roadway, Hafera to pUyAIclabA aad 

Wrorou, Avy = Ar 


ari JoHUAFlalhcon, Mavahend: Mew 

York: Wren Milo Pougern, doy ait OM Allen, Ovietin da. IRKGTION DANUER AND TAOS=AIa, RIMM 
Hi eet sede, toi soa: | T)"RIGEION, Lia AREA A 
Qurasnown AUTIR-Ace-DAN, Duster, and Roomer, | gilt, purehasira, at WUTOI Be MAUI) Ud Charters 
Posciennd Suara Nore, Tae Mn ao as SoS Si 
MGrdoun, Mie AupaLSAreahipchrrawre! One ATES? A. OABWELbs M1, 0) OOU LITT 
ole ata aarauepa Tara tp aan AES a Coe 

Younouits, Avg 2)—OlF, Albatross, Wisctnan, 
Amorloan Corts, 


Wicd and alt 
Catverht Cold) ekne 

Biles A Goctiran, 
Townsend (ir), 

and Amertear Union, mith. Palalialpnl inn aretha a 
rivchuaa CDnteh}. Wileee Suelanmg Our ration on the 
Geargetaerd, De) aabal itaud, Frerhaa Haltimory UIA and nallafMectory toanioe, BOKk wlth muneambesst wus’ 
tare. Cinek; Wilda Wacsou,Coront © Suave, Shaw, 1 | cosa Cly refereacos Curniabed: Odicw hours Troor 0 A. B 
Aichit, Kndleoty and Lacy A Oroatt, Drinkwalar, Thiiadel- } to 1. Mi 
pitas” Yankeo Wine, “Goointie. ara a iat Mellen 
Ulrnire, itlebertaon: J'O Farndon, NbAvy Hammonla, Treaty ILTORS 
And Fair Wiad, Simi, Kixabotbpoet: Minnie abu, Avert ae 
Tondont; Councetior, Whith ore, (ort wens JW, Pagiktian, |) DBOLUUGH OnsTENe 
And Maria Te Davis (ir), Doane, N¥Orks Vieglita, Thi —— 
fond, Glen Cove, Lt. Teleaeaphed bark ylphy trom West |) © liquid foram, 
See eeAPe Duce ai gene RCUT RE i toga ep 
anit wr Urige Ol ello Marovel, Ooonba.” Mar lo who oT 
feoyalr HO; he Lawis Ohenor. Norio, Mattimore, “Sut |) jai) 
steamship” Asta: wolls US bark Hihan Allens |) ImNew York, 

Wests Ship Pytog Waaln starts, ba 
Wiat WAW Ur NW and Rl. 

ard Valencia, Moroso, Nalin 
lt bia. 

UALTINORE, Rept2—Arr chro Willksy Btaplea, Arccibay: 

Feale! Alberto, Tooline, Homo: WE Aloxander (lr), Tuck: 

ec Rone Malovy fem spa Ooyan, from Braman! Ath. 

Me. 130 William treat» 

|! Abo for walo-byy 

na, from Kerk (eoppased| hark Chiltom Pennell, from CROSBY, MUTTNAVIRLD & MAVEN, 
Matus, Cubs. O14 brig Ria Gran‘o, drvémeat, Hath: exbee pds 
Kort, Lovghty; 0 B Promoit Mill and Mawatha, Dlanoy. ‘Wo, 22 Dey airoal, 
Hostinis 8A inv Cramor, New avons Y Danulk. Yorks Ni Yorks 
XW smith, asd. do; WA Elite, do, U0 ches LW Alaa —_—_—_—_ 
iden. Rall Mea rae ; 
MGANGOR, Aug I—Are, brig TE Aroy, Pendleton, Ture || [),ADIES' AKD OLITORAEN 
alin bent Langhe Taha, Sanu, NYork” O10 Se rt naire - 
nla, Saw Mabe A haveyor, lsothby, 40) Perrie 
i ra Hutter Vivtatelpiia. Tela A Sasesing. Freigcry rere 
NUGKSCONE, Aue9s~Are sche ACH Mahoney. Macomb fies eRe, pee 
gf, ining; Sth, ar Yon Nicolay Nichols, Now et b a 
ik : pee 
ATIT, Sept I—Are sche J Achoro, Hatch. Work. ah pues 
BAM NAOMTAN, tip Bd oar vary Lavon paseo teen, puny 
oben; NYork; Proato, Johuson, do; 29h, Carroll, Orock- e rents a 
trp io. aaa arm 
KDGARTOWN. Aug 3i—Arr schee Ano Oarlat, Poiladal: a : 
Si les Se eta span Naga sce) ROSETTES. CK, 
Wealer, CO3 do (Or LALO; Meolor, Northport | pranReKnER, EAOKKREEER Lob 
Tur lloaton 7 
HAGE GMEENWICIL Bopt 281d wehe Rilaabeih, Uamtop- eeruruncs at Pra te pile 7 
TALE vin, Rept tare me eriamy ewwrs neacein tH 7 eee 
MULOUONSTER, Ave M-Are brie Annandale, Jones, | EEEBEE Hite 
Nunoriot Hefertivos min oun dsr Koporta | Hi wy 
EE Muara aoa ond Apade estan ei | RemannnueR RUMEN 
oh nurs ftiand Yarday” Ania, Haetlac toe doz. Hee, | MREEELBEER  ERMUDECGH 
Het Puller, Portiaad for day Purest Nore (or Baler: ? 
Sisto, Hockland for Nxorks NI COMLARS a upp, 

; uit WHITE, 
Ue apneamnsn and comfort of lined. bare been 
Worn nglal foe in acute yearn, prevweepes Loar 
Biter enilar,nstbey srorouly eeaned one. minum 


IP Miliary Men ana Travallern thes ore lavnluahi 
enw wore Franc seoart te eR aco 
Adana. and Burt Shaw, Pulladel Papo Bh IS. GALE AND/RETALL 

Gamnaze, and Willan Survoo%, 
Hadeaphle for Gardiner: 

1B, for Nore. with foreaail 

Ace and 41d, wehra Dagasct 

NJ Tor Howton! Union, Rasshroox, Bastoort for N¥ork: 8 K 

Hart, Laurie. and Nero, Oatter, Manene for 89: Mora, Glad 

wlok. do for Newport. Ala ald Br rg Sea Hird; eee nats 

“"emala at 8 AM, wind “ie from NE, bark Oharies Ha: 
winy hrigs Atbosiook, Ewveline, Northern Glebe (ier, Lally 
Bais (mepyechra Aings Zdwacia, Muth. Toman. Vraneling, 
WW Mardy, Lore, Sulla A ile, Admiral ate, Mars Hl 
Carsaets Pejuonnore. Anna Garioer, Charles M Neal, e> 

Agata seated ln every towaln Wis Yolon, 
SP WWe ate Walt Solr Agent tor Uolind Halen 
fii Bromiway, Nove Fork 

vaexouirr asset, ovmnaninrs 
tin Largeat siortnent Maw York, 91 Th By 63 79-080; 
sitet ae yard Yong, 
loa dire reatby mall on recsptot thecal. Thaeat 
of vartte mush bp eationst—oa ceusa for each Bult. 
(dona tho nium of Your neck. 


ON SMe pat Regt end een tan eee ele dori Laan 98 
Paltatelpbia; 24, New Regulus, Browa, abd Alabanis, Inari UNDBRBUISTS (AND) DICAWEDS. 

“THWPORT, Sept 17 PM-—Arc scbra Aray Wooster, Woo vine Wilitt AUIRTS, 

5 rier 82, $3. cnn 
ter Povtagedphia forth Joho, NO; Thon Peaster, sttenalt, | Foret $4; $2.6 9s for 3 arn; Ear Ellateth, Reley. Biahtn: | Bem for Hele sea ate ie ON Ow. 

vort for do; Williany, Don) 

Dynex, NYork for Rougor. Lamariing, Grant. Rondoat for 
fusb|ia, Hakor, Yarmouth tor N¥ork; £t- 

y, Warsbam te do. 

24,1 AM—Namrrvais. 81d, wind Be ccbre P 8 Lindw 

Hmery, Saco (or NYork; Maine, Wiilldiaa, Haxh for Yor 

ea Taty ie dette Vaction ook for ther tai 

Feady. Hubscripiion ane year, aolaly, 83} epeclmen 

Teabifia Gurmer. Ube G Mrairns Td Pension, Raval BIL | copy A) cami ‘Addiass 8, 7, Yaylor, Imxporver, “Or Broad 
Pabeth, Eillentt, Margaret, lglia, Aimy Wooster; woop Te. | way, New Yorks 
ra ainitae 



rr bare Brilliant, 188 M, B. BILADDON, AUTHOR OF “LADY AUD. 

ILADRLPIIA, fant Ar ce iat evar Ysae BL AARON, 
dee tial Minera dla ad ant Bate, | Shaute ote shew rommace Frazer's ects! 
BecsTapion Gaiar enter! aN gd BAe ess | Tbmsare mene, ote esmacc un rentag or ae 
Bertani il nuts town Sear | 0 a pte ae teig tn Se 

axide shes been cnpaned Dy ‘proprietoraot the New 
ALA PRtitn, 1x ate 

ca Eine ARATE 2 ae 

Sate cle oe 

ys, and Barab, Beoron, W Morec, Bes 
ear Dixon Praasar Nampor glows rie 
(eer Taien id aalp Se Ba 

Key West; brign Sao Antonio, Jackson, Port Me 

i AaMAts SWihtacns 


tly Toaster, County “Bangor 
Agra getines Lauri Navn: 

fat fi Te Copgeabal. Filton, Portacwouths M'FaSlor, Bike 28. 
toa, M nicks Ball BW Pralt, Rlouerapny sa brea, ra rnb BRAXDEOF SOCLETY, 
miaynna, Boson; Clare, Honea. Lang W Pat commences 
avd: Dantersparts AS Wise, ony Hyanl: se iM ee NEW Youk ERCUILY 
aod WG Neen, oes er free, | for Setdomber 3. 
ita ae ee Ea ee fy a | Sm a at than ct 

‘wonderful nowel, “Aurore ¥ioy0,"" tn whlch she has choaen, 
Wiping nebo trims of bes Reroibe. Dead nt be told that whe 
LeeLee’ and reason prisoner, and 7 tha apalie of 

Brown, and Boston, Brower, Provideu: Thussoll, Care 
ro}, Hartord. s 

eee Gal: AugSI—At Breakiraler, barks Comercio, 
via nla infor Marsellios: Windward, wig orders; 

on Phila 

Grign tui and Marian tur Besiout utes l/ AMAY, Bata | hoe teiunaphant geaios compels un to admire the ‘calprit 

via (of Hostoa), B Minge. Jobo. Warren, Fiya wa) Turead. | whilo we loathe ibe offescs. ~Aurora Fiosd,'' to usa tl 

Hick Diamond, Mary Pree. B H Adams, BN Smith, O A | words of ona of the charesters of the ry. “is liko every- 

Bieuoa, Lamarioe. J Alsen, Bo Sidi, sella Newell, | thing that tx beaullfal and aUapge, aed Sicked. upd 
Rain Sarina Wind NE, womealyeana bewitching.” nein tno 


MOUTH, ave Aer ri Cadbadoe oes, Yee 
PROVIDENCE. Gop! 2—Arr sicamers Kioglaber, Nyt 

ratos of crea nore abaorbioy Isieroat “FDIS pro- 
ee Sil mare, an erect la romaces. Nothing Uke it, 
Goiblog elual to Ie has appeared In tba present eantueys 

ican, Wallen, Niork; sloop Orerou, Rhodes, do. | * Yo" {nook ta be compared with It, ond Mt throwir 
Ste Etteniceer Connon, Duh, Phitdeipilay- Chasn, wills, | (je text eifarte of Uuartoute Brunia tata ius abadn. 
Pobt Bweu; Caroliog Mt Wilkon. Harvey, do, GeoM South, | To NEW YORK MEROUEY, eootalaing the opening of 
Sills; Huw Halsey, Fencg,nd James k Ley, Obase, lew | wie OUTCASTS, will be, reaty at all oxws depots in tha 
York; aleop Warrest, Corwin, ao. ‘United Biates on Monday, Septzinber 
BAR PRANGIBCO. Eept I—Are ship Lisle Oxktord, a 
a ne | MORE OT a at, Sar ee 
) St New York, pursaant tos resakition of the Doart of 
DISEELLANEOUS- _____, | Supseslaaey ot tba county of Xow “eet ata a agPes foe 
NEW PERFUME Por THE WANDKERCHIES. femvicdan of te 0) oy murat wee 
A cha ie ‘i errant 
NIGHT BLOOMING CzREUS. cribs pf the Sudse 
‘ OMING CBLEUS, fered oa, bebalt 
peti oy nto the tiga ot tee diosa 
peat 2 
Evie ae STIR ICLE L MeArooo i the war wit of the ats and a clever fallen 
NIGHT BLOOMING CERBUE qugunireraliy evar. in sAdlloa Yo vila enteraltoel 
Nicate nad fragrant Perfume, dsilied tf TRE LEADER f 
A most exqulalle, daleats aad (races Aratan i take Ud focad overtowlng wis imereaiing matter. Boy It 
from the rare abd beat oo atg Bi Miholas Hosa, | Sag you wil be allaGed of (ls (ac 



sul a 


Earp ererres ‘RE STEALS A WILL, 


a Silver Piated Ware. Table Cutlery. Tea Trays, 
Brndfthions tatcsen Copting Vieuula, and every acscrp’ Y/pnpe GREAT, VRENOH FAMILY, EREVENTIVE AND 
Leeder aia AAA ORB Cee ar, | Dytkasaanen athe hee aad dljnten ing Breck 
szorkenens tata Bulldlag, In ASior place. Poa eta t= 24/° | Sint Cosas Diters. Sole agent for (hy Yulled Gielen 

Ay pay ots "STEIN BLD, 10 Nassau sirecig Ns Yq 

, , 1 1 yoo peARRR 7eR4 
66 tC HERALD, #RIDAY, SMe 1}3t 4, 7863. 
as BLA Die NG 
sUiigremmemiercreaperaioe tnt ecuanae Dy kouaniayst rc smu it tent Meet (ae gar SM Sil Mutton eMleae| is, cdi ste tpaetice near an tai ala esi at en] 2 az ne eee Soe 
ecto, jouRD, HOt An} water, eutionary wash: busines AU BLD A fies Alouaii fahon danfiioge Aare J atateaater | Woe ei oatenss rv eee | bat ‘faruli (en gerdtieg 
eRSpe tho barn and cuihoneex. Wollaricolars ty address (eel MonKGUIVEKy AM. Mergsn alien : eta eamitin tharh aaa niyiatin | Bass en ar antaratkea Sei Pr POABD, FORMIGRED | Maier ai os 
ing De Xt.c0r NOP Post otbee = Ka BIMIN DST NDRL TOMA COCWANING! Meee sitions Sinks arses sy Munfaralaned Sick Partor and atenston Roam: | “pier ener SREBF OL GEMLEMAN I 
730 FOURTH AVENUR ONY Woknony, pay & WV inrgerandanrtcng sete it) Tui. #08 e900 Wi ok AND VIX: fii. Ronis ac Mena ater emma ocnon st | Gd BMY ee Tee emer re 
Se OURTH AVENUE SHE MERTIOIY, DAY A se len noo S100 Wits Aon em wonni ov stock Ax Vix aie ci Weary ene noe ss | SOE, wuleanda tee yen ca are 
» Afrabe, polow Thirst are PSN sad wonky and tity aera Wael at 1107 810.10 H tersveh pres Cumin ot dew Bowery and Naw Chambery id 1g > POARMAC-—MuS. HOBRRTS, NO. co WaT rWHN. | boariers can te accoumodated. aa 
Srown sloue Mouss 2ea1.tul0" Vries St Birrany and Atty aerltrenarai tray, Oop vest ta esterase - i asvomimodite Yeo. lates al 

i ied 
sleet Tern Want | BPrulen hla and eed meiety Tie now ih tow 

| a aEIS = ra : ____ | Siilles for Saratoga Sprimgx Board for the ladies anise” G48 RRQADWAY.CHLANTERS: | moren rami. 
a chant Mia A Baie = 
in od ($200 Me oaea ravit bnlede $818) We yeny on he ae THO, of Weer SixTHe OT TELAT. DENWREM | TynoOKuYN—70 Ler. WIFH MOARD, O¥ IIR PAR. 

Mondret are. aetli iar riage gravenen ishing Benet 
JR ali es nal Nh beats se wh el ive pinon Me tak at chance (aresouneimen. “yl ac thes Pink end Eiith stein ccd ere ia vast Int. oer, feo wall farnlaned rove af jolaiee eet i Oa 
acca } Nostaulers answered i ioe mo mice ee hee ary 


Yar ere of busisees ea. 
a ie roodeun Linproveinentenarbly fieat boardera $160 per day, 
Monary (ube. rankry aud cus Otte Uaroagho 

exatolog the bu JDow, Lal Lalerty atreat, thi Tegom, WIM ga8 GOS FAM 10 2 | 4 a0) water, and suitable fortwo gentlemen, 
@27() r 7 ie 

(wo eratlemen, for $5 per weck exc, Loaner at BAM | man amt hie wife; iamily private, Apply at 177 

cus SRT SOS Re 
Ordrr= location ong UF tho hes Will ba sold cycan. | Avply 5() 10 ATLL EL TH MALY OR WHOLE | 896 0 SS es = SUMMER RESORTS. ‘= 
TSW. DIEHROW. a2 Boutm seventh aL, Broonlyn, ED.” | Jersay. Hara) cide | GOD) ut a phon Hrintog tecloaee omied Gee es Oe ar TREPER BLA TI = - eats 2 ~ CE 
cE, PLODRINp MILL. FINE aOWsR, axD | Triana “At nootot funn eiaunve erate met aan £25 gerne eye Te ies arene js tome| AT HOS eee VOUT Wikiwr Quenicis, | PY agamuarr te n aemtso PLEABANT ROOMS, | WrANsion HOURE LONG BRANGH, W.., WILL Mee 
LARGE HLOURINO Mla at Kegpus xillage, near tho | Alnort level pealtion aod aui/abie 6 Kovestmo | Wo. 884 Brouawas, one Ty, ih. privala halne allneset, bosidosety cat stato Monat | jew Voardors are taken. Apply al 218 Degraw strech Teg paala pean it Ostoher 34 Grand Hop of Lin eases 
Tingeon tin, appy We MARTIN, Haopoe, Vitor coun | Farmina tpal we know of tnueside of We! Wes renee Renilemon, to iet, with Hany, ose bat geile | minut walk from me Boitnand Waroilion avcnoeferriea | A8Y. September 8. LAIRD, Proprietor. 7 
WATER FRONT ON MUDSON RIVER AND 167TH Wixi aaiunge for Cy Hroperiyion ast, tre $600. rea Talon Kor smal aus an fea LAR) | ae er re | IR HubORLYN—TWO LAROE Rooms oN N’ Eipvopentior riers snl November’ : = 
A Elaine i ley anne tec Ang, | Un Pend Ona hatin ins em | pyc hneene avy ' @HOLIVAR'S G0, ciSazon | A tr fay rar in te cae ween eae Vib, eereton. 
‘a oodera House, venlen t x tren’ Tedrenin® hed Situ: PI 
aot od lay Auaaien Lares nnd wil in sold below | unl ali, aod, ¢ chiar sry an ba afm |S pee = Ere brgne oer attnrn Fhe romisd panic | Qatar a nea GePeat | (DUE, ONDEEGIONED, BHOS, TO, ANNOUNCE, TH 
ane. ni i Iefod vy wldrosainy box 009 Koat olfien, or by call m0) 1 a sired. of rofareases ive and requircd. Advress LOS | UT Ty treat. comUlnallon of 
Lee Dee raat natch HOUSES, UOMS, &C,, TO LUT. 427 Pout ova 1, i itd Baprisessol 4 

#B. CONVERS, Ago | “Ny Onn WISIINO TO IEE ON PORCIARE FoR Feot noom au | BOARD IN PROOKLTN “WANTED, Uy, A GENTLE. | cinceultemnter 

os 3 nlibe! of wofurpiahed Houses, Ia the city or cot rf FLEABANT SECOND VLOOK 2 ma, “ife te» eblidren and oures two or three | Upon Crewowich Polot. dreetly upon the Sound, and with 
: i’ WANTED, 70 TORCUARE A MRAT | COTTAQE | wai athedimeand tinniln ty makinedbelr wane Keown (> | faoarior anaemia Mee ot slat houss bas alt | Looms ics ically of Columbia Carrey nt Montague or | tweety minuten Hae ot tert ind ahh 
‘CONNER & DALTON, 17 Nasean iret, Tones, conventontiy Dil eee Ee ead: | GEOROM de CANNON, under the Bank of Commerce. eoGern linprerenenig oa polri al Wiaikzop, plaen, be. | Hernu strat on Brpatlyn Welghiss will furbjah ene room | abundagee of fralt x = 
— ee Insta meisbiorhoed of Hadson Glbsy A. Jo cond tween Ciinton and Wardrley praccm two Liveke wel of | OFallif preferred Adsress, stating location, A. B.S, box | able, and every attention given to comfort Terms m 
A UNH runt sizep nouse IN BROOKLAN, NEAR dress B. Woodruff, 2655 : Fi Hrealway. aE Rehonee thoalr andthe watne sit Gad tis sped 
Perea tiehaake for we ¢aene ase si - zi ca 
| Peecizients ind alto four city oly trea o¢eacumtranee; | WY ANTED-T0 TUROWASE dara Haris ta JA TRIVATE Pannioy cay AccomoDAT# a Osx. | TOARD IN BROORLT.—TWO OR THREE, SINODR | Plas o esome ferintintwiauatomsouarme | TT 
will giro coud trades, Trookljn or Jersey City iatance Trem ihe ferries pol over Urman sod wife aot ehreral sin.te Fenuemea TNh pen ead er ceaneDie com 

Eomerett — 

Hearamt furnlaied Kowna sod Tord aed) West Twe\rt 
Plearant Tarnlaiel Kowna Bod Toad COUNTY BOARD. 

Mreel, between Fifth and Siath avenues Raference ro: 

SOUTUWIOK & WOOD, 18 Tine wircet. ae 
: 4 Pine wire “| antes sajten; boues Ww arin . 
THAb ta | fer alah, pegferrens He rartienare and pri 10° As 

fear Houtu.and Wella 

A. tives attasmay bnit an acre nt ecole garden, tran, |) Wendt box fred Pout omen M. ¥. a RODSIAN MEreUTA NO, Mo COLUMAIA.STACET, | COUNTRY BOARD IN A VERY, DESIRABLE a. 
Sera i TALL VARMA POR RAIBAPRIOES FROM 930 Tiverals, merlanbg the Bay. A ge ality: ona tc ura rls from: the elty by the New Fone 
* Werther er , ALE TOES, Faanges tik LVANANT SUIT OP ROOMS 70 LET— oF Minc\s fenlleman rau obtain Boa, wt and Sow iiarsa,Railreal: boowe ‘six mingtes® walk 1G 
#, Werieneate ant 10 ity tren ara Oran neaeatoangsy ale | TL A ino eae Pas GONSTHE | Ena Twentieth atreeu near ladys Share trea! Wall trek and Tali Gepoe "Apply to J.J. MOORE, 3) Park pase, 
T TRYMONT, WEATONKSTER COUNTY—VOR BALE, | mireet, up elalre, ‘or 8, VAI 4 Plainpeld depot. A ae wit it ladison ayeour. Relerencoa ox: A = sn OUNTRY BOAKD WANTED-POR SIX WEERS OR 
nics Caunley heat, conalstiog of near au mero of | == — ——— SyIce =~ — 1 ROOKLYN WEIGITS.—A MANDSO2SCY FURNISH. longo: on asm =qvo! farm or Jn a boarding house, withe 
aroun hos eandjnn eth plsaky of fevit shade and OI BALE PLEASANT PURMINDED NROWN GToNE HOUSE | family. rendiog betwortt Mi Uerk Parivr on trai door to let, ac 30 Leury strat, | ip-anhour'a dstaicy of New, Yorks /AGdrees Cointert 
ss Seater Wo btae Vramel la peed Seder || ans terrae ee une aan ncnraras Haleh, Hv Weat Thiny-fooru Aree. (new aamber | EFL, on the west Goareatent to Yalion ant Wail stre\t fe-zes, with full or | Fost oaice elring yariicu'ere aud terma for adults and eae 
petites S2}05 WHT NG old lam anon eagy rive Appr TA BWA TOWN, IATAUANT, HAR AND,LONGT. | 3, OM (Now aamber | Anniedt. Howari, I faved, to smo. Gsntiamens ates frank "on dren, whieh uiunt be modernie, ru! 
to 0 a, 1, clepanly Otted wp and doln tt —-- ee : — cau Ourbizd vor. Umexcepttona sto roferen = 
SH GeAsreieeot | form leforenaron aewanber adeatt inike family. Fer Go00 MANDI FONVAUNONWINGTICODERE TO SMALL FAMILY WOULD DBR A PAnLog ANP } antriuire ROOOUNTHERO MID IO MINE ROSE RED EI 
— = | Pntther Informavion inquiro at 70 Morray a Jel, thm targe Houka on the north woul eornoe of wants, ledtooin. or alr n aly, on. thn frat or send ~ Term: house one hudr's ride by rall frown New York 6m 
AND HUBSTANTIAL MUCK COTTAGE, ‘onil street abd Bisth Benue, eonabting of from oiican to | Farwell furnished. towne oF two gantiecen, with peor, IWUL ROOME IN A FIRST CLASS THOUSR, | partem Eastruad. Ll) bie, Beat roo. aod piste 
Inornrment ee wal eos t8 | 4 GnOGTRY NUNIAEAR YOM WALD QR EXQUANOE | Shrvilenteoass pusctaon avovoe Joysiroatait Hroade | MoSif acd Nia ate weet new Sk anode Sr witb aE ard Boave ea aly 2 | App WAG) Dalasi Satie Pine sel So .2 gre 
* Vipip ig i VORB! au thn premieen Take Wootea era twaitencaensbed aod Looriehiog, thie | A! * ce Tera street moe SEE TIS MT 
teh jin vy Snd crows at ereaty fire aterek, cw ehanen eelioin tiered, also itou and two Lote for SPLENDID NOVAS TO LET—o r it OBNTLRMAN AND WIV) NVANT BOARD «INA = =a TED—BOARD IN THE COUNTRY, 1 
s a ; - Hen chance reldonn eer Alia it of OANA LUX: Tidiin Avo doorane PHU atanve AasCeomoed aed | Zh, comearabla, hella, ant abuia aveatranel wive-t | FRENCH oaRD—naNDsouE eowsto spire | WANTHOSROARD IN THe COUNTY, 
PREQUTIVUN: LOCATION FOR HALI—A PARM Ov 0 | TOW, "fallcsdn aveoun, Nor Bad, palowa trom Aiuben to. fontth Coor ietanioudhsiyin. tor | {eheren other baartorsaralesrn He wixaod org. wn: | ETP ltona taleu iy cmilesoe geeutn inn, th pelcat | ny rain ties tg 
See Mite oul sw fromm, Nowe Xnrvy siuiauetou the east | 3 Bee Mrkatalraly oniye “Ala m apkendid Huse, wf cr wane | AIClOgAt Haat wu Ko ue onde ball fogs will owe | tab Tait Twenuleth atieetattibeastcorace | Count eon arses if sulted 
aifear Seb per VIGIL AND OYETM MARKET FOR SALE-AT A | od Furuttucn for waar No-U. DIBMOL, 101 Wroninay, paces required. -Asdrom U, Ry HeraMdon Yourit avenus, “— asamp hod Tet of Maw n stating location, 
Miran streets dene Pence Wil Vo 918 cha Mar Yoakers Invueance Co TINE FRANKPORY HOLAL ONE DLODK ragr oF | wmnxon tuoKINCBOATD, IN Tue NEUaE Op | CAI wee 
JATAKEIY FOLAALITIN OME Or ceunicar deen | A GOOD ATARD YOK A ALUNRN TOLET OUBAR | 20nratiy troubod ati. aire Nenu Area tomienee |\daraitied Is'n aioe be erat Motes Tineke, | __KOUSSS, TOD. 
9 - ann ta thin elt) MI ata tore pica dom ’; "A. RLY, enraor of Fourts avenue aud Vorty- |. 20 af za : maby ving al mateca Winrary. Cet pea DES ee 
- JOU ST A OHNUEA OI MALE ON TINK DANK | JN gona Alea iiutinean tor saled Hoes a baal Fest stent eae maceaeed | aaaggbe: Vo ONE paKuay. $116 Si peeiwesk; Hoss o eh LSAT UC EL PINST CLASS FOLs: STORY HOUSE WANTED FO. 
Juris teu at Tareeqoweay several very preity Diacey | food budness Ala AMIE AAI oy wong: lao Ut | nesetestnsi : : ' ] § Pinsr chass Fou. stone HOUSE WANTED FO 
eoulniniie roge} ocr 49 Maeret. wlth grat ease Improve: | Pee Te ator, \ITOIWLE, 77 Cedar aL DOARDING NOUSE, NEAR HENRY STREET, TO GMALL VAMIEY, OWNING AND OCCUPYING A aay alse na vise only: no: al rte 
aevbuy ani oldteator gua Ae, agi avery uy | coe) Grveney Bite, _ WY a A Treen und forattur forsale. Houta, nied sith ord hous pleasantly jtustelon Stray ll wooid tere | RUBNISRED VARLOR AND BEDROQ Te | ee ee a ere ere er nes sat ee 
12 etiam, ane Ged Un: | verRW RALOON AND HAN, WITIL PRIVATE | fasion bourdtra: pranis eet yer mes Prien $100), 8°00 | Turninina Hanis o core with Weanistow gol de: | ee BY Aalnnie genlcman, celts wevakrast ealy ia rooin cree a 
of thn can bo bonght toweter, mil eae | AN OVETRIL RALOON  Aloraaiont a Varzain, tn Wooa. | tari balauen netred, ¥. D.MONARDSON & G0, 8 aad Revevenssj ranieat Apiiy ati Leaingioa avanue, | ieextion between Foarcesatb ant rents mluth alrects wear a 
st aMy eioe yetee | cb awe ararmeaten edema! seston Hala | Stina se 2 ea nine ty ehnieat OTN Ades x ts A oie Pcatienreh (errr NVnaT eos 
Le a price Baa APD be u JOTTAGH ATMARLEM TO LET—ON ONE HUNDRED PRIVATE PAMILY HAVE A NEATLY PUP.SISTED DOSE AVANT! erenltviiN saa" aAll wats anda kamen acighvorheac 
Nissan toot JOrradn AP NANLEM ONO} oREt IY ATEN PANTERA, mee witr-atrant aut a hoot ity ne and maser, ai ta goo nehborheed 
SF ATES = vivwenea | | (irra trent tonne etcct, soar Pith wrenuey ato ibe algo! Roars un r2s90d Voor frat and twa-eingy | Ay Ora MKC and rc ee aR eee ANE 
YARN 0 NAL CONTAIN Bia Boolean tie |) OLOGY GTORE YOR KALUPRIOE 830; GOOD | Farniiura forsale, -AUarces bos Ils Mare othes, dats forehi, witveut Loan. with gary Oxiby rook eat | pouus Tey. ben Rr Ue Ae ees eS LO ATCT ca 
Lone Feel! saiteontéeeatiniyatoatad nose staat cin | A higuon. foe a carson wu wiaall weanay reat of store | — oes fentinnen, “Loeatton of wouig very eatica ‘Cex ai St Brot | NAA Stow ts =a 
Reni Bese ila Prac aad OEM! | brs tMtanutgrande tne dreliag conpeetioa® woos wana | Y)LCOANTLY FUR TPAETURNTE co, | nest AEST ee tat Waters in 1 S00W ADE DISLRES 4 7aprae FoRNIR 
Nias ious 80 a0 Dey atreak, farihe buslaese "Apply 0". Ds MMCHARDSON & CO. | AY "wating uf wo arse Paros nad Horooms, wii bath, in LET=70 OnNT AA. Howie, faa tr tetany io ato. WH Board tue owndr HE 

fe, (a runt with suviemen, in the Get SSXT TO THE 

fend Bd Nasau areal 

Ls ileus houdeamele iaeaiued | eerecaito, Out would take ‘omy other boanices, to form a 

nour TWO. clase privat re: Flornth atrcot. Hare. “ins f02 G20. 

NARA Fol HANI, vA — are ago sintin Raoing: prveate fainily: nich is aint social circie.ctsvdiess Ae Bory atatton OL DTOnt 
[nie ie sighgeagian tuersnen teers. | doom CHANCE FON a, PERSON wATlt BMALI | fonsct ot to al nite requivens Pleo! Tce | ag Apaln Reine: uneais tanily: nuchilirons “Apyiy vt | » ES Hon Gy rOkagAR ry 
one Ges 10 8), one TiN aod 000 2.6 wcreR WADR—A Beat Grocery i RR WITIIOUTINOATOIIN = =t fa PURATSHED HOUSE WANTHD—FOR A FInsT CLise 

ate >, Ine ies "fuenivare, Worse, IRS 0 It — =—anes 5 SANT ji naeene caine Hat 
Ulan fama “good ater | dougat for Oa rago, Inelaving alaake Carnie, Worse, | JHURMISINY Roost TO 1 N Gur OM NIGEL FUANISUADIROONE TOILE NIAID ROOMS IN THE LOWE PART OP TIE T persis. Have not to, exceed 

i priv 

Wagaya Apply 10’ FD, RIOMARDSON & CO,, 62 and 


rai H Taaniy bere Wits Aro ho mer Doane 
Elli Herahl ogo, or 40: | Mi Nausdu street Front Reon, wits af 

be bel conth avd Thicy fourth, 

city, frvating on 

ee ibe assur, heaproreoicuss; westsas || AN. “Tom aeutruane sud wate te Uwe pals see tineas ras, Suna PAC pe Tioee aaa i ase te at 
Guiry 9. &igeibervoo, 421 Bigbih avenbe, Ne. ‘4 ue Beyenibavennoaud, Fourlecntt street, very rotors of & | otter Boome. Mousa had all tko improrcuneate icd conve loathe, frat for rahe sonoma, nd Wourah and iy Address, giving ar 
— JA TESTAURANT AND LODaIxG HOURE vir TOWN | Honermalebn teens very reanosble, AlureesOwpor, | Bient cary eal rag Syol! a 3 Maven exes bs ay at ad Lalit sure pia 

Olt EXCTANOR.—ONB OF 96 PAY" Powy oie, (ween. Ywelfth and” sitet 

for sale—An old establisbed eland, doing @ foot busi: | tox 

Aes oe at B alreots Tefereuces ex. 

7 I 

rot teen: tiles trom the ely) ono of 65 acres, no bart twelve rooms: seala ffty; reocipte $25.0 day, a Sy 1} sont rum ‘Drek we Pent an l~ 
nega, ghee ie New Deroy leo & | "Ub, HLCTOARUSON ACO awe eT Newco | FURNISHED AraRmuers ro LeT—von NoUsR. | “more aT Hoon Nitin teattnct ih tigre ant tntadane eeyonth aerate Aadreat B 
HT ee a RG RTINE, Tie: reat eamnoni acct, Hobanens ens tains | AL “a tandenmaty fur eu i = ee Stab Tetons, chine Howse 
IWALAND & BERTINE, No. 1 fryon row. DOWN TOWN DRINKING BALOON FON SALE | Noland colt wauer, tasrment if mauired; Muga mine | AL a aaden ely farnieay ~ = = 4pCd ni 
~— Sen eee eee a eae eeat pio ceid | cass walk frou tho Terry. Moderate erie honed ia rteot une: Dy 2. OTEE ACcosmonAxions, wirir aioDREAT! | Garqy, Sup [Ouse WANTED—IN BROOK: 
[OR Se -1S MEH AR ne cpnvor on | fata thtaaetar | ied ettiat Eean.*Zpniy soya. | SAE NS thats Apbu at araiy ecto Me 2b chareecal Duyoat Towa, tet Itaton nzret, opoto | GAUL LORNISHED, OUST WANTED IN BRO 
PLe EreRn ay ARATE TNT ene TNON Barat | MOM ARDBON,& CO, 61 and 9 Necaan ul 2 DP eatin n Pare COUCLE OF LADILG AND GENTHEMEN CAN ai | racveut’ Yoant $1 borday aad upyarie, Ake Foemante, oath ut ton agen ps Fer 
oN rm Orhgy ad i NAN fa VO STORY FOR WALE=AN OLD KSTATLISMRD | hoisrauashsvuilia of way ueri. “relenatd aut exten: | xX weeuiuiuotatsd wil nice Koved eng Lodgiigy Moard tor | mighty alta, fo ‘Bisady VoanJors suites lun, Heat ioiarate: ncoa lret ri 
7 ja\nine; Ut f ‘Apply to D. VINES, Tallende avenue, More, Golng & frat clata preseription and drug tnide. | sivo views Ver Curther Uformauon apply 10 HOMER | the ladies only, c1OS Wound street S| |S a a L 
Wergrn; Kon Tov. 3 i Wie acid or exuh oaly, Addrems «hs Barret, bor 38 | MOKUAN, Nad Pnowreet : ao 7, nerwer untvecsiry | TSR! AND IAG Slory runstsiten Roos | Wr ANTeOCAN USPURNISIIEO PLOOR OF ATLEAST 
WOR ENEMY MNQOROV, TURBT AND A TALE Liv : rowan, | TO BETTU, GHBLE Wrouy AND DARENENT ace nod fun aya taiit 4 salt of age on Mea pan — | aoa ninienne re, jibe cle for (wogenienren. Haat 
saltes fity Fulton ferry, ond Liook fran hora rally JE=LONO YATANLISIED, prick Homan ii Monroo atroaty atl ci odecn Inproye. | e004 Looe. Also. single Hhoeay; ti z AROL AND SotALT ROOMS, NICELY FI ore WH, Morald otk 
asad Beh Hh icy hun tardy tan ot, wablo. ko. EUs | JIM i SEGNE, Kale (intaeaas wil bessla ontentooy | inenter et inaierater ton you Wenaut, Hontroed Wak, | Gosiock.-tofercaves oat TO SANDE Qntg, NICELY. Pu , | from 98 wo 1K Adirces 1, Ward otlee, 

We forty eet fsnnty eotalon 

\erimelowerabeusmmer; Hoos other red apply, Ad- | MOOK, 


tod yp wits atl Hen todern bey 4 A > pecitan 2 DING NOURESS ANTUD-A SMAUE MOUSE, WITH ALL THE 
parental tts hak hous Pon fea rape Dies Sees Altair rnin vinden czivnatuae, andimetestat | YPPCEMECS: ROARDING HOUSE wo iysenc | WW *Niilin Sanentorcg anew, Panese feu 

OR SALE—AN, ENTERPRISING MAN, WITH $500, Rand, cool Sul a 

GOK Bo LSI PUT CLARY TEN RMENT NOUSES Yate house 122 /Stedivon arcane, mear ‘Thiri}-feat erect. A Fete AE 

tess, ata fC. Hall, Catloa D, Eighth esrects 

LE—SOTOONER EMMA, 0 TONS OAN DE a bo movero evbyenicnces, No, 183 Wayeri omtalog all tho Iaprecdinwntss comd toratiou Thos yn 
viuusamsnuno, an menor | MO AAMT OR Rated fa ROSSER ND GOR atoetg puede | Sect agos a eatcE be We ody tones 

iLaiireas Drie, Sich aah. iy faaeen al Mroter'a Jersey Clty, Lor terms apply 19 | LO chioyornirauoceot m vitstciave brteen stane, holes iid peteate seantlis, with prices vanyiag tevin Sito 
= AUDWELL MORREE 29 O18 Apply at Rost SV nlarashems fA adi eieytune ce un [ea 
amar Se iiliceeders' Ditesiory, 3 Aviae pl 

Tat intsreat 10 an ental itahet BusineaR, pay i 2 me How Tent ear Third avenue, 

No Kast Flot treet, betaaen fecond and Tiiedare | ioe sean Gow ca, SN Her Yea. Tho. Weopeceae tea Mhaay? “atranieag frog cleven il vour,abidsehintan | Reverse rewuison oo] SRI eh IN) = vor \ pocTows oF. 
Griteo wien halve ual ipe ryan Wamp tor As | AME LIOLBMMGTOGLUGA Qi waots 6 toAR, Capale hou | strenl,_Heforenenr renal. = = OPRTLENAN AND wipe, on a, panty, ov | PEANEAT nos waxeep avo SunnisbeD | Wien tnt tmualiacnscignsorhood Of Drosdway and 
DOLN, cour ot carote(n meet and Boca a\ena orl Oc oaiee Wau beer TARE 4 | tpoamr—rrow init oF stpriynen, Tie Tunes | A aiotic can te cocriinodaica Sith Moar 4a a ype | styy oni’ agate andra Dedrisane vy Hone | vtelaut? Unioa misary oF adSon wuate. AUdrees P. Hy 
ep tivo Prem sce, 309 oF 207 Mawk Thirtieth ANUS Bich efoop Howe, contataing abouts) | fully. The rons at fares ahd well foraltek: hones | Fourg pack: terros imiet De motrin. Tr 

liycof Ste vate 

: waza! SE | bora tert eat j 

TL ta modern suprarementy between Four! 

in 'ana Torty-eiguis ctzcetm not aide, Address 

Dust ome . 


OK ALN IN AWoreea HS, (C0,, BOE f 

Firaab, Wry SoU 
Grnail puree nt 
Since In penta 

flemmen wishing Rares, alter th anit ry aligte wiih 


Laid will bas a nee Ore Wo 


paced wieeok woul locatot and nisae eaca. Apply to ¥, DI TuoWnn Tonk, fr i : bY, RE. $0. 178 RAS: Anipmeotuenta, fuenishe ov uuturnll yltit 

RA SSar lendach well cs ms tae Mee ne ent I ee ee terse apa 

reokisn awed see adapted euboe for Petvaig reudcace aa (or rome. sulat and | eg, connreliags Lath cu pleuly of closet roo, Also one Cas BD eS 
TORY FRAME COTTAOH seasion glren, Adare bor 3700 Moat oer, bah Hoop gee Wirt ES peeeeeres 

SMALL Privat 


‘send saredandall | 7GR RALB=A NEW ATEAM JROPELDER: ONG | MO DRE—LOWEA AND LANGHST PORTION OF A HT MaRS RHESUS it, aS — and Sa ts-olxunctrostny and 
siiaatnuae | 14R, AUBGA, ME, AA Ontario etn a mtnecate ata | fa sevenane tela wal exh ooh aes | Ppdous HOR aan: cte_ on ramouncr ngemp | Min wnital oe iy der wien, wil 
Trantor atety do a and bated to’ be. een Tord rorusth acon ns MOM Mealrables ADRAY at’) apviy at 80,44 Went Blowenth sireeG near iresdrray. 7 | cresting Witte, SSK Greene Creal Nagas | 
JOON KaLHHAT A ORBAT BANOAIN, A Taint een Arpsklyaiirer anes mecky rons 661 WIDOW, HAVING A LARGER NOUSS ZILAN SU — ‘ 
rotraga sions Govss tour storie vaseuncurend aioe | Mvep oo bo mop |e obeantaatiedtad troniwapco tate terek pete cane | fe cranien oul 1 tart Cuinksned ich or without |. GQuivERAL | GuicrGBNE TAIN HOAID, We 
Seti, With at the anviera Tonprovomedia bark walust | TGR. GALB—AN EXOLLLENT OROCERY TOF | irant*oi Walcott tie ok MONDE OMB. | Hoans.t@srolonen or nd thle vetoes, wat all |S anesthe. 
reidece naman As, tatelenannas | WO Nvagsele got ranting itn ata at tnae | tinny mihi aetna ee | fe : ul 
Ewen Tied ae etiu = ‘Oh Gaui —ROUTHOOWN AND snovenine DOWN | pic ater, calatie tor nsvoalt farls,contenlenty Wate tange snd a1 Troe Inasvey mens | aters fe By Maral 

Sonoda elcome Gay an ab 
fear ther door: Dimur at 6As o'clock,’ Bod Wort Pwonts- ” 
third rire FSW, 

Dy tetwith bestaaes Morris 

aT : Mivrep for sale. “Kho calobravst oees of Me Loriliara, | stunted, beaten” ireaway-sud. cium arenoe, wijotnn 
GARUY ENRON WANTING A SHLD AND DE. | eonaistiggot a0 tn HO aneep, Ainpuriedaud airestiy deveyed: | Wasniationsarndy, Onna osrrnnihgan 6 a 
Uestelngtsop val winter, er wiversnement oF | ei!vroun ame, wi'ba told ai suitie wletlon an Wedneetas. | ThuunHatn pomevanu nang. Lavoure oo the printer 

5 froma. Mie 


BesisieD, 40 | oreyati 
desired. “8p. Je 
Wiek-est aise | yeasts 

iQaberD all atioce ty "| "3 
hang. 12 miles north of New York cily by Harior \. 10 LET-ON AMOOKLYN HRIGUTS, CORNER OF | oy 5 mg 
te pin Geesvoas hedsy be irwy yale 9 Wate chase | TPO CGETGOS aa eon nn Steaua rs a STLUMAN AND 

laren, : Stare 
commpolloue tires story Honus, Oa va used fae beumiere pucrave: Beers : “: pen Svea bh A RESKONSIBDE 6 
> 5 = Teronme Gant toe ween Troma (pS. Kea $70” Apply at OE TRY Noi, nean elt +Wieore clahiiensport th A lee aad el toate, 
vik nea TR NO HONK PORTE REGLARAaDEE arent wrongs a. | tienen take hs’ MMO ATH | taacatfons ou Aoi ox secon sigan | Me ots SPER Aa 
Br espamer ioaeanle eek ny tart te: | Rhy ataicten arene asexen, eae SAL tater ble fot states au tno, Bain eyo, SINODE Canis, OR AO TSAR 

“= |= | po usta LARGE, SPAOLOvS FLOOR, SUITABLE | 2a‘ 
FOR SMESTNo stcoND MAND Low ngssuaE TT. fo aay ligntammnatactunne veep orecncir tee a 
Husloe coryptwo Inrhen dlatueter of eplindre. tea feet | foga (inqntie at sav kisuin aveues, of the prota b 

raty sith eteeaie, Dilie $239 
10? (ONE. 

Woant f Js, Fant ANTED—\ HOUSE IN BROOKLYN; A TWO S108) 
Hola 1a poud repair; es aed watee thronzhnal} 


son eat} Pres cee ak he Wea Ur ih sveuts of te fi a ee a Se ereRTEnTG Seal FN aM re etrm Leone reer ¢ 
HU aIiATgk valet Enoki iso Nepiuso Iron Worky foot ef laws | PQ HET-A FINE THIRD FLOOR, co 2 orem ea fri Hist Aas U8 rah Per ain @ Oba 3 ocANk Ht 
Stems nine Bey A coal: Baws rE eA fosoua alta fan order: winveibbonty tar suit | Mieucneanuen aul Fitton aut Titre imi ser | OF S$ toe ne rigeit Woark’at 32 Brac" twencsounth, | ps avéteesing Me B Unslner, box 28 Naw Hori 
meray EAC Das LAN autre ally BB joutor any light. Duruess. “Tune a Ra Aa SS Cu are atcha ET SE rabbis Iremaeectie os Z 
. SHUI WOOD, 18 Pion vireo | [AOR BALESFWENTY STEAM ENOINES AND nO}L: furnish good tesaliou Tar An nyfek Saas {0 ac Ninna Appy a N0, S Asin | Sines Wat Ma’ Toot ae ae 
(OW AALI—A € HOURE 1 FINE VILAGE tug anit Walleye Susi fect Steam ps | NO LET Ok FOR SALE—AT ASTORLA. A HOUSE, | POAtD NAY DAVE TUBA Beaute eraicersal AUal beCOETAITE iu} bro Bedrouqs, Tarnished or untiralahed, ia 
Jr age Wen Mae auctor kn Nae | oP, Re STILLS, AE Water reek ae tom Me foe etantyainnrce, | BBM oi at Roya ron) date} ao ek qearatture nn Vealing, altnew. | iiicds'priale kauige seston soars Eigoth atezh Bes 
ae ay ao rating gm tba ltrs Delets @L * ee ear the landing iin cate and ebade trees Apply | ton ploc wear Filth aveau Wloderatu osion ! he re Ne ced Putt 2 sublo refes 
AAyoiy ALE) rely Now York in bya store. ROH BAUESe1OOK AND FINTORHS OF ALIQUOR | (0: MUULAG vn, Crate and, u Apply | ton place. Pav ETEK GxTPTTER ECE a 7 read uaroe, aati 
Wick TWESTYrHIRD srepeara | Ey slow gsttliet forthe last ulpe yeara 29° South a — = | oaRD if Surr OF ROOMS, 1 
mY aay : ae Ua Bre No 29 Nort Wiliam mreetropaine ihroued | ang Seesaw seesrste , " micaahoe STED—I0 Hi MADE | 
feite nthe Doh Wea twengetn JOR SALE—AN OLD ESTABLISHED SEGAL STORE, | ig oid Witliam sitet App we KeTOE # COs Goer | sad VO aye ceovmbvotslcn 14 on. eave to bad, |W Mvuia Getover | to Mur ium tatween potteea 

WARDS A TRO,.277 Weat Twenty: thing street 

my res tree ts and 
Goal SI) pee Thonth. 

Helllosaien. Apply at is Carauine treat eee MER a adurces boxe USS Ton Otte 

= = ean Mudhow nrenuea, eng 
7 —— = 0 LET OR LEASE—TUE MX STORY HoTaR NO. 19 | — oa 

Address B., box 5,038 

AND org. 


JOR BALK=A ANDSOMELY PURNIGUAD Putst | FOR SALE—A NOOKOASE AND DUSK ATTACHED, Voien eqnarr euilatio fora ceaniing Rouse. club or | QOARD. 8 DESIRO zo. taps oe 
Hei nantiiven outer ba bear suanrRe URL. Toten suluble fora lav oles or doctor, rice 820. “Apply at | foetauraaty eyeudid sion. Paraiture aod Asvicee for Pleatant homes ia a itetccans i musty Turn B 
lO Ree A Tiyuillapometsion, | 4 Nohaa etret, Dookie. Reh Anny Salpianreaiey Pretest Ugtuteand Feeice spate W ANzeoya cron iti J 
Tagullwor PAV © NK AUCH ¥as Krondiray, = aR = — Saray | ciara teat atreel, weac BENS PAS TIO svtiting to len yo9 Le 
JOM SALE CHYAL—A MODHAN TWO STORY INCE Net es couMtery tablen desky, nin aud second hand | L'canous toxas fork ansiory Hullting. sultaive vor | 2OARD.—TO DER IN A PLIST Cu\Ss MODE TIES HAVING MORE 1101 € 
He itccer aad Int in manly elehi stress, belweren Third | ebelvivg. oiler rulings, partitions, eash show casce, anit Mactory, salearonins, livery sLables or ator Louse. pleasant front Rooms. with ifianl, fur gentler (ivan war and wit ~ 
matty avout” Towa Leo, Deary" nnn. neatly | sis lovra and eke busters hosalts Apps oD the presalee jose and Bete wits 0:0 soos tlkn ty urosaneaont In & pete W 
(onlin; sobelar wader ine wb ud required. “Apriy ace aud Seventivaveartea and. 2 : Oe a. 
ea Biteren wails mew pate OM SALE—THh x - : Aiccets: na cline yecsud toor proferced.. a EPP SP Aa 
ss Jeol ihe furaluere for palo, Tera te Engilsh 0 LEASESFOR A TERM OF BIGHT YEARS, VIVE | POMRO=WITU FURNISIAD OR UNEUANISIED | Meraldotten Parties of fie respeculilliy ooly ries a 
suit Thyctroo! 2 MINOM, Bey, Md Newall sreot Loteof Groundun Hrvadway. between Treontyelghihand Nouns; fron: Room on aso ynd Lor uoturoishad. awery a 
= => = ~ Tweolyniaih stroaia ‘Tho ontice WOOLY PUL Up Uaprove: | cepk veivet earyet: clecatlucas an comTorL tap be ware 2 oe SU:KD HOUSE, FROM 
QM SALE Off EXCHANGE—TWWO PAWS IN TUAND. fomonternita rercoaniblopaiiy: “Root vney low. Ayn fo | also ception iow. apply at ite West Thiet thle a (O LETAA SUIT OF NANDSOMELY FouNtsHED ‘Niuth steset un fwenty: 
ford, Tampon county. Mfawachursite, VW alin from Grocery, und Ligsor Store, Rove Cong alood buituers, | A. Te STURTRVANT © CG,, Lo Bast Tweaiyacranih elmet | one block west ul Hrvaitr Apartuenta, with Breakfast if required, and Koeeoas ivavenue. Apply at Nos 3 ASoe 
Wih ‘besoldon | With hores, wagon ood barucss Satisfactory roacon for = - = 

Mo aod 1a acrer = a ———— | forcingle gentlemen’ only, and without base, ALNo. LL 
Yore. Bronk” | sillog oat’ Will bs sold at anacriGce. Apply Jo ihe store, | sO LEASE—POR A TRRM OF YEANS OR FOR SALH, OARD.—PURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED nooMs | Drwdway, ibird oar above Tirenly elath streci, conven! 
GROOT. 0 Weil Twenty furl street. Sd Store, Drolling and brick Stable: myood atand for w TOIL Apply at No, 20 Ninth strect, Detiveen Fitts asd | te Filth Aveaue: Hotel 

No. ide Fulton sites. | — pe liquor, feed OF apothecary store. Joqulra on tha | Sixth avenue 


unaber ard 

. wit tinsned/azs pease: sion. for 

ae SALE—A WELL ESTABLISHED BAKERY, IN- loca Jwortwext corner of Avanilo apd Brad stresis, | == ee = = 0 TET—WITA BOARD, A SUIT OP TWO LARGE | oli Uuildines uo objection. Andrcos, with {6A jarteu! 
POR SME On 0 Lars conuvora srnuep | HGuaibe ies ant veka matty gker Ais | Brooeiya t= : Br Wako.” | Poawn—a Por OF ADUITS oF A Fme siNcER | Teta arth eect Gane, itn altine modsfus ten | fare, eral Lote, wag im F 
Breaky o, a tone avery, cand basement Mover, 37: IT SI sb norloal e best etande It Le - milems 2 wecousts odated:w ith: an rorementa y 81.53 Kleveata at third door east 7 Si \—ON a tsi 
Tet trond S goad Foote, Maroweimasicee.| cy. (Olser besineaschaares aaa ae 0 RENTOTNE FIRST FLOOR AND BASEMENT OF | Private (amily. apply at a0 West Tuiry-secutd street Fitttlareuuo. PP ne srs | CVV ANEBD PORE ATT OOS Aamcrcr nite nee 
‘ov Famue furma‘n. Gat tand fae Osten fosendy mol PINBUAND & BERTINE, No.Utryon row. | TOnece tor Weat Twentieth alreets cake Crolon water, = Lan yond wok furdber north Uaah tye. Rene not to exceed 
8nd palo ail uver, Woruuchly Otied up for a Gret clase marble mantels, pautrics ani 0 

\iress wl ‘Uculara B. G Wait, 95 Fourth ave 
Led wiain veitis | Mcuonnand wits or sing) eplleaha: with gcod tarde ated | BSR ier z : 
stank es | prepimit ete an iu ae 

no ate ena ferences excu muy ED. RENT—A SNAUL SED MODERN 
BESS ape ei | tcessbe: Abia ie REARS RGEES YW ANSE Tw iarcceat gate rau 

so and board will be uverceptionable; Sret elacs fe: 
or use ]O_RENTOA LARGE. FIRST CLASS STORE, ON |! rouccs given and required. Address ben LGM Fost ullce tap WEE FORMIRHED Rooxs, Mreet: furbluved hours necterred. mnalBefamily; wo childs 

clostiay everything ia com: | 7QOARD IN WEST TWENTY-TINRD STRELT.—A PRT PSEURNISHED PTONT AND HAGK uooMg, worTr | gu9, 
erent $e) perrmonth. -AppWy at 30) Bigth avec | D3 yate familys bovine we borders wuld rot 3 
Wem. wits Hox and Holder, as gol annew: Gul ar | hur boliceen TWentyeoh and Twentpainth airecis, in ihe | ceeds Poor, Gath, wemcin, ken weet roa ina 

Cather, 28 Greanmesh ire oraer of Barciays | coat ode ferioc ob ive Foor (o.a arnt 
Farechance to secure a Gos instrament Sold for be 

Teinithnia i sheet AS GRAIG | ron axre=a, aUramion oLOnTHAN 5 : 
Ps ase aot alsrcationt | ow ava suemnon oolonguaroan ox | 
Preheat id Star ts eaten |e 

WIERSA, 42 Barclay treet, New York, 

: 7 ; = Ninth arcane. a tive ature. fora frovery of copfectione. | oun week é Mrcet: foralgned pub peclerre er aiauag vacation and 

POU.SUE Ol. TO LEARETRICE HHO OF GROUND | FOU BALE—A STBAMDOAT, BUILT IN ea OR | sy. PT RAEDWARDS € HRO., 277 Wea Eeeaiy-thind ats a wifi SEE, OLNTLEMEN, oe oral Pos onto 

oa) Newlown crete recsanuly occupied by ler passenger: longi 135 eet. ovlloder 34 incher r N EY OITY, FOR WITH OR WiiHOUe BOARD, 5 == STRITEDSHOUSH TENT 
Sane idhherhst naman otakiemaaths eau ned | ea Tek, Tat eat diubght rad) Yorimbedivetwe | TPO ROCEES.—TO LEASE, THE srORE AND HACK | BOdnuausiwer addr Weoss0, Jere Clo Peu ote No. Ay elas bode ‘70 RRNT—A PORNISITBD, HOUSE, IN 4 

i dealer fronp; net dene at a Ba cel : coma di] Tenth Breniic; O06 beat grosert 2 US nyY  VEACE. g location, fora) amall Family “Adzaie spat 
for Awol lertfoat ant dak aad cay of anes HENRY MALLAN, Sleambeat ofee, 32 West st | ibeTwenvein word, wit the enilre Fixtures Leaw of BoP WANTED—AHOUT, TH sr UP ocTOUER, ACE, ee i ae sh drear SDB, bos 192 Ne 

s 1 aa ts Lea a ureo'ar Hive Zeark Honk vers moderate, Appr ia the l- by agculeman sod his witc, witteot chidvens fortes ANTED—DY AN ENGLISH LADY, A OHJLD TO | bod an wel s 3 

a2 ROTHERS, (OR AALE IN RROORETH.—A'GOOD MILK ROUTE, | QUOF store 449 Tenth arena THOMAS ITEARN. | winters Uo Roo partly oralahed for which ged por | YY, Beard ornoise. WH fist a food Homo, nnd avery. peca oles OURENT_POR NINES MONTHS | ORTA 

DUKE A 7 FOU! lores a1 on choap for cash. ‘worner month wi ratlog above Four rect, FES AL lon ics health asta ‘all 3 f— FOR 

OTAE AND FURNITURE TOR GALE—VOUR STORY | of wasninaton AnATilary suteia | “Te ok Ube carne OAWIORFICES: Fourth aud Fihatenue, not atore ‘rent ‘arth atrect: | Address A. Nill Gevenly xeventh uincey Tour Rouse. bee | WARZu ty a farntip of fico beatin, stall neatiy’ Ton 

PRICES: | Reterencea given aod required. Adres J.B. ih avenges 

iz | (weew Thirdand Foarth nreoues. ntshod net aes House, botmeon Lulnd and 

‘ircet, in's farionable’ neighborhood, teimeen FU cot - ann Broce sinat Fe Cresta nici stoops pre 
Minus atenore; ine furnitaea later and reer kenewene (O SALE ONEAP IP ATPLIED FOR S0ON—SLOOP TINE OLD STAND, NO. 77 BLEECKER sTabET— | Broome : “ Eider and Nott forts wire i, Mah op prvi: 
Fane nok eater ea ra onanenen ia Otome ADA | ing at Conklin & Santa iember yard Newiswaccasees | Serene eee Pe eae ra ae POABO WANTEDON A PRIVATE FRENON FAM. W2SRne Tortie clalte teres tn Booeterant ED | 7884 ReneS hse thane wits pref and £0 jar tcua 
sareel, between Biahand deventearnase. Grecopoint WilltAmsburg. Inquire of Messra CONKLIN | or thocsains Went tenes Teed N BePaa Ay, by an Americau gontteman Addrers 0. U, 1, box | cation notatozo Twentieth strech. AdUress M.D. 0. Ha: | Advertiser, 257 Fourta, aveuvic.  Savsfactory rofercnoea Wi 

e use ___ | &'80N, at ihe ofice of tho yard. broxerat Uskeuy wanted, Yiwu Bayaoyey LOE Uckats or | 99 Veitotes vald omiea, be given. = ' 
Foro use teal velar foaicd eineee Rony | JJOTEL, POR, RALE—COMPLETELY PORMISHED; ‘Sit. Any enoat loving Usktu to seu woulda | JROARD WANTED-FINST CLASS KoAED, wr A | YWANTED—A NiOH HOOW, IN A raivace pawiLy,’ | YWANTED TO.RENT-A THREE STORY AXVD ATzI0 
ad Se ean rte load basicee Near ean aocomincdato scvenly-Lve persons with loicinca’ | well call before sling these eenebene mally Of 1bree adults, in A modern Bouse, Witte pit ARG Farllal Board, to Bduth Drooklya.. Address BOE | 9 hued nan aande th loaal) oelshboraood, Batscen Twen 

Sent splandhi. foraulo "e 
@., 321 Spring sree ee Sie Toguire of RicuanD: 
Waiee Power, Btorehou: rein gbos 
inlata ibe Pasaie river, Io Chithaan Ree Jeneg, | T ADIES' BOOT AND BI1OE STORE FOR SALE-ELE- 
twraty miles froma New York bese Ine depot af ihe store fant Fisturea, Show Cases Sofun Carpets, de and 
Soe es ud App one ee eet eG Marr, | Sioeteheape Good auand Yor eae ot ums opis Apps 

Business from $140 to $0) 

Yate family, where there aro posidvaly no olber boarders: | S17 Patt oils, 
NE OO., SENGA slreot A era 

‘one double and two singlo Honma pevutteds Mr wulued, we Pea Taiyuan aucets, Apply 10°C. D- A, 3 Wal 

be permanent occupants; location between Seventeenth and ANTED—FURNISNED"ROO} PRIVATE FA. | sircet 
SEE eer et cee enact | W) SuPSaeuamennoomg a rarata | 

Abiess We Key box 170 Herald vce. supe; sith ll Boards aha evartneea esta" aireaa 
box 2,097 Ne a 

AAP ont 215m Bleeeber pire Sr MENDY TIYANANE Sen Bo Ap WANT GO RNENIOF, bers by a elngle lady (ho private family; location be ANTED-BOARD AND ROOMS, WITH CLOSETS, 
—_ N s ao iwcen Houston aud Twentiets strcela;, wes al W entleman, wi 
LENDID CHANCE FOR INVRSTURNT, T4092 One A, Wane imp ur troupe | Ah Shara toe ahaa alt gee | Mohan ei nit SO UNINT | wotatabyeare cat egur eeion watveen Mul an 
i = tore for aalo cheap, Satlsfactory royeone for selling | War or wh a x 4 F singiod avenues and Fouricenth and. Thiricth strecta, FLvaceD OF IN) 
ze FOR SALE OB LEASH ON LOW TERMS, ill be given by apnistogad the stare, a¢ Mulberry street. Weg caytmaests wade 00 the same, and also on Pianos Bose WANTED SIN SHE COUNTRY)’ NRAR DALT! || Referenoea, eichanged. sj Address Lud, Ieyibani S46 Fest pen ae tures to emote ena po 
WOODRUFF OUBE OR INTERNATIONAL XE OF THE BEST DOUBLE APPLE AND POTATO = or two tpoulbs oF more; farmbesus. preferned. cet ~ Tively without pais, wil God {i vo Uieirloterest to call oo De 
: 5 HOTEL, SF RE A END OT A Ty GRSMONEY | LIBBRALLY ADVANCED | ON | plain fare. Address E., box 63) New Yore Port oly, BOARD, RESPECTABLE PRIVATE | BL. WAIT, 3 Forti avenuc, Teall Glied—slivor oF dau 
PF pifiBed om ine wast aide of Bycamore street between | materate taran Apply, on ike promises for furwerpard. Ale she. Diamonds Jewelry, Silver Wars, Suk. QuDs, ANTED-BOARD, IN A RESP 

sive zr ee) centat cold; $l. Teed bandssiaele tuveried, £0 

f i a . family, for a geatlestan nad ete, terme musts | tBe, Mitause oc untore sie a 

: Hels Brox tranty wo tea cept Masooed sree, | Summ SHe CUBA Fo. ena price Re BParubrokess poueht at nents, | BOARD WANTED—A YOUNG MAN DEGIRES HOanD | very medcrnle.“heteRoss exchanged” aire 8-H, He: | Gums perv fai nature, $40. Kuttacliog, 

The boas ina ie siory stage froat balldlng, Mill pay 80 pereeat wore than any In this clty for anda nicely furnished Room in New \urk Address, | rald otice. 
y The pean costae a HOTOGRAPH GALLERY FOR SALE—READY FOR | Tictetot Wathen Dims peer Ect | ataung terme uct to exceed $10 per week, Re Nenad | me ; 4 
Deete raient cue cicedts o ubneest | Pe Deebu cating, Mma ace Whee | arene ieuaanie writin Rn | 2 SST) WARDS AGTH gf RTIOEED | ATRIA aCe Pane eRe 
7 water through tbe: 3 . » VAD WaNTED—FOR GENTI Wt ages required: a | #ircet, Sote only $5, $10 nod $2), werrauted. Filling Tecty 
se a ae ro ra Toros fp. with a hall ton | HL#Dd 3 o'CoaR, ATL QUANR, STREET, TIVO DOORS WEST OF Bo tealldres teu ang foarase eat, WIPE AND Feivate ally referred or mebare, tore ary Co Opa | gulguseatacing “ieoth by "alta a witht pale 
“Buskot ton scrtaes eetg 3 tbe a TOOK, FIXTURES AND GOOD WILL OP A wruur. | GA, Pradway—Moncy adcabced on Watches Jeweler, | iwormall rooms, froutiog wulh, between eine aed | Pirate Ounlly preferred. OF UNG treaty aiceeu A ve premluras 
Dy ele featin ena 7 feet wide | QTOC bet cap at fancy goose tory for ssie—at nalftis | Hats Dry Gottvand Perwoal iy of every degerip | Thinieth streets. and Fourth aad Sixth aveauen Add dress, with particulars, 8. S., BOx2,053 Poss ogioe, 
ogens ata teat there are two strercomn, | faite. re aun cmemen huoe coatiabed fone ot tbeten | URE YA FAORSDN, Braet aod Commune Serchank | with rms aod rafercoen, box st Fou ods ea LTO! as ie sare : 
2 WEEtS Wy {VY feet in the ear TRatioae is we cil. Address Conscript, box 148 Hernia 7M, SETCBOARD, WITH A Z 
ee oy, Rae ‘ me. . ARD WANTEDSFKOM SE} NINTH STREET. io let: ‘No courszu Ix required 19 havo teeth ‘extracto) by the 
aeeisy are ta fay Tent yerie Parlor 10 froot exch | Tai BROADWAY.—LIBRRAL ADVANCES MADE | BGASS rumNase sits seats eee, I, BE | 48 So akond wo ro ee anaes nitrous oride, the pun (s.9 pleamot, barmiess, aud (ol: 
* © eRdpind pom kar pee tamer omic” Te*P* | GALOON AND BAR FOR GALE-NBAR BUBHOKBR | (ion tier ncitrer Dimsts Reese oa ake | Haine street for «siezlo Geoteman, a Room, with me | mentor otien Mune senniblly prbducedea perfec. Dr Calloa is ube only tas 
ua barre Sek. ; oe Dania, Wahia, Pl regina qo sities: | Rcturescanenlapges cae 
108 hanced wabartgeJS Frosh and elateen bed rete for R German, Test nly $15 per | Rev ac, athingriace rome Oticonune trem SAA ail | See R sere Terps and of ao Size required. Refereaces ¢ Ua iy serie cay 
sone ae 


oP Sa iaiasminsajionene ft t occurring. Inslrvellons elven to d 

SS eee Sal ee eA neo fia Deg Q COMMON, JONN ALLEN, WB. HURD ak 
OARD WANTED —A GENTLEMAN AND HIS wieg | fceDtaes cH SMR oe Band niroek: 

Wish fo obtain parmanont boards 

ry it A 
Seer eG etry caer Goats | BIGHLARDSON'E COU stand cf Saba tee spe mneeaas 

. 312 Broadway, roow 13 up elaine 
Morp has tweoly-o0e bedrooms and rooms for 1 WATOBMAKERS —POR SALE. IN JERSEY ITY, 

stalloa G, etaling locaton 5a Er TWENTY-THIRD, STREET—A PLEASANT | Searels alloy aul admiuiaterice this fas, without = 
beleot sock of Jewelry eat excullent Heruinwr and | A™ {6 NASSAU STREET, ROOM NO. 3, UP STAIRS 

The Hacomonl street front ts subdivided 

the bicheat priest are paid for Diat Watebesapd ren. ir ¢ MB roapUonable ra © GREENB STREET, NEAR SPRING STREET— NO. 253 GRAND STREET, NEW Y 
ie erent dth cet meauren eieee™® | gry cada dermy yn” SPUN | Selorgrey Ms rraemamat paacrans | puts rsa deems Mentode, Wik | OB | ARba iio Rome Tie eautaciaeran | Daca apc am gate Monee; 
sea reali eats! Pray ad SS Se aS Bish pas eau | AROSE CRITE ie Dig iarumaniy ecked Crema remeeabeTnalien | Mendes UO a yaa ee S| 
POO EU Hier salisnie. for Goss bullchag Wan | MAN AND WIPE. | Tuonttow- wan iver or Tuber, $4. paral eats (gold). per tools 

IDs Jocallon; below Fourterath, Tred, 4 
NDALE & ea A aly oie ~ ; . ae 5 = ‘ARATUS: 
‘panel ip per ad Pla Fr tte Oy JAMES | A PRANDALE 8 C0; 2, DUOADWAY, MAH ote | gilnit fox Go tay, herr ony forte eeewCE RG Shy tthe’ Bur A ANE | ara go Devries irr OTHE 
@uEWal ie fe ueeeant cork, Odin wana’ amodan ant an | Settee Wier Cf teats Malis eras aah | OO Htaan nes sup — A TET | Peseta ap shrireca ar atop ate 
fora leaproves of (he wiirons acid oF a3 

siber property; Diana  purvbetal at tueteestevale value, | SSeSeoee Se abe { rpestarstien oe acd or Is y 
ba Buin Wun tere BOs, WARTRD—FOR A EADY “AND” enimD: | 774) NAUDONGAL STRRAT) NEAN RLEEORED, IB | $4 the ure plate of ammaats for producing {he mame, are, 
— nae ‘Foul revulre 25 “oniurstabed oun aa panueseer | LLU) wo opelied a8 fot\ata famuy Liptel wor te recep, | SORMRIITE Kept OR Band 21 7 ¥ 
___... BILUAKDs. os | NG DRNY Pretec, Lee atton wow Tatrdetn aieeek || wou of Sete eres or as CAML Hiredfet wearing. |, BOM) are ‘ aes 
ITARDS—FOR BALE A RELENDID STOOK Op [momen ee = My Mallon Be U8, MalE |} Varlles Ceatrove of Sameesplag cast find urery.conrenien 37-4. OERTEFTOTES HATING HAD 0 |b TOOTH 
dew ana wecund bad: isles at resonate pres Or | FROARD WANTED-IN |A PRIVAT By | Mu SES 3 He NE SR Sle ae a anes 
| ders ty Teall utkended to We weteririn, B > bed Ron epee VA5 ESS TWELEA STREET SHCOND STOry | Moma sis oT cheerfully insert thle ne elreeyumesay 

crn Suns s»ntlemen: (wa Torotshed Room & guste ac. 
Tas Fultoo esroet. © Gravevirel.. Addrcay matinsigeuss J Nauk Revo re eid muaell enn rommunicallpg. soit. 

aan an eee 
agen Ife ao ue st acon Seay 
Se ett aecraunar Caggieetane | wha 
: Baahoat sale ames ears ape pce pert | 

Urcattes aba-phcor of amusement are neal sag | FIVE PATENT 

arctan Dave 
8d bros C net 
Teenie na unter ace maraaesent There we Tee Re 
re ears acoeeanaalal doug tbe oma 

eats) COUN Rade, Mating Theatre me Os ae = DOWCUOL Sem Yore Pon otieee es ABRSEAUOR ADS Oss OT conticatan AGL Hie Bt 93 G1 pee were tre | Muksapa olen 14S BrogUyays oc 57 ao = o 
grams 5023S y ri PLES TALE VOR SALE CHRAPCOG Wint. | —_____.| Fonfiemen at #2. Fahy privauee Relerwace miveu and |= SSS 
PAGE vib 700 SAT SAE Boron ty = | Rees romiease™ “™T™ Safe ang tne. AS | OREO, waNTED—tunstenTuDN aUOMR CNTR! feanled oe a : CONDE ey 

fas Yanic tem origiaa) ones age van 

Gren (wiles abd Loureron yearsut ase), ide rinene or ute: 
SOSFPT ALEXANDER te giredl ha a 

1 asontuch arsed: drerontka anu gsly 
scat Whe tally wi foun ern 
ARERR, HAN ult arnirwans bys Soy gets Ne 

ete RACK SWE CNMNAOCNN Str. | (hewn —g mC TON rom GLE BE 
Withatithercarent core (ortocsakeenmnecerny eis. tua | deLeveel ram yards: a0 Dotanery street, oorser of G 
Tne gue an le rovid steretaprte wo Tespertaule faatite or (aga Nuvih patie euo Firat alcects. 

pide gevulgwen: ~~ 

56 ERICK sae 

fa BOE dang ator a y = meen Cee 

iad 1 wi Le situ the purchaser to lo. L. as Co ber cnr) HILLIARD | 
Te OL gee | MMe write giecin tbe mueskar i lossoite cate Ly. Tatiss. seatrsnted wurarar as all shore” Freed ee 

By jersey. Ovex Avy Wa PM AIYYN. a yn) od ‘Serefal wood pAad Mein ioge a 

EL STEWAE Ue Era vaeat, ay tluzetgng™ Saal ese arn eee 



> peat ater one Meret cater mie earache AU Siieladten gs Wei un mavens ore eR | NLS OAR ; 
aro WERE EUBQANT HOUSEHOLD FuRNITORE, Comulsine 9} rossweod, walaut and mahogany Parlor Suite, PR OR sath MTD y. Fourth week or tio Sa Te RAW DED Heder ener 
NOH PLATE PIEK AND MANTEU MIRRORS, | covered ln reps brocatel and halreloth; rosewood, oak, tna: Glerx. Alm Seasons erin Mend aides GREAT SPECIAL TLLUSION. To consi \ 
SUPBEBLY CARVED ROSEWOOD PIANOFORTS, ry Myr without marole ipcmsae Me UNQUALLZIED SUCCESS ‘Conemienoe of the latenss cnthaalaam with which bo 
SILVER PLATE. &c-, & Swalnutand mabog-oy Library Bookeasea ma ogaoy Oe DROWS & CO., Koza ‘ofthe z in recalved. 
D. D. CAULKINS wid wil tals day 'Priday, Soplember 4, | Upbolaiares Coalrs nud Tickers. Soin sa Soa Baduigatn OER UROWE ACO. Ka tts oioee ENORMOUS ATIENCES, 
or abi. at 10s Quack at sail Ane superb and costly | goamelled Chamber Sulve curied balr Matitraees. PaNagns HousK. t AW OMOBT | or ate | ‘ON EAUIT BYBNIN 
-. PalnUugs Statuary on! Wores: ITO WOO) Ne. loz Room Chaira Gas ATES" ; r - 
rain Roca Sul een Kae Prcoftris Stary | Geasdeers brackets Folatingy ogravags aad Gita | 5 caged eid ots eave ta currency om 0 % efit — POWRRPUL IMVERAONATION 
jek Ax soaiaised in the resideccs is Four: | ware Reco See 
eau SP RT'S Aisi ticeras | ,Aenaneceecoamzmgrmereet Pasotla br | BS geass | ee Eanes oe rome Fe Sie Inelear' drama Aint nasi ay, 
‘all musde forthe presen! owner, and Is in -cot onder. \L private mle, the Stock and Fixtures of a Geosery Do. to Hawbare i = ES Oren inns ce . 
Bee este wil te perdaporly cot bolita raid miiboak ‘Aigood location. Beat cheap. Toqure ot the aaa | Paasengers are Teearica le Tatre, pe THERTION “PRIAE MONEY, PRUE MONTY “ANE re. exenzt a wlll repeat Diaroatern ei Menara 
& DRAWING ROOM FURSITURE Fares from’ Ulverpant or Queenstown —Fy Tooolre Mis PRIZE MONLY from the KAOLuat amd lice °. 9 Pans ac raied 
ata Of carved rossscon! Euigoca warble tops and Tuk J. HENDBE, AUCTIONEER—WILh SELL atrasee B=A Thon) who Wil bend he teee © Navy Ococer!s’ani o Sar, PH MOUNT TIME 
ee ecjeemned Tosmrcant Elrarn marble, toma and | Mittin dsr: stikeatoce aoe ee eae lectin can bar eked Renee thc ea eee 2 mend Cor tbete | MY Gana kes PROCURE PERSONS Ae NPT | anosTt aT Gros} | supported by ae PMVAY KYENING, Bet 6, 
Bit taotner or part? rose von Ceatre Table, satuniy mar- | Roum No. 25 Heath sitet couipriaing all We peocssary ari’ | ~ Por further (nformauon apmly ac the somnpany's office SONAR HOSS UN  areay ea Wavy Danke, THOUSANDS 7% aueR | 
tap Ca alts or Drawing Ronn Hurniarevcecan fete | Gok {0 carry on Whe Doatiing tunes auch ex Carga JOUN'G. DALEY Agent istimaudway See, | 3AM Taree Usk Navy, TL ronday, corace Chasers | during he past hen wti2 AS Toe par wate ein wil eee povalloateamtage of 
eatied rosewood frames, a1 red. | WFeRss, Wuills, Sbeots, Pillows, Bolstors, Obairs. Tables. 4c. Wa at eur SUGUELY TESTED: SPror ry anit Cotta oe 
Stn Dread of ema eapenalce des Fy | MeRreace = OVAR Soe WORT oe | THE BRITISH Seba NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL YOUNG MAN AHO .CAN OIVE TUN Hust op | SUPERIOR RXCULEENOK AND CERPECTION hr a Te sheet Soi seeDo Manprak 
Herat Ser Hiterateand | MOcitane iounboid rormiiam Wu (rian) anor | Betced Now York ant bine) al are | fonceee ache ssi ae any SENT SRE rae Geanent es eae 
Beg wit Trainsss acpor | qpopiatdocioesprecoly atihoetaaacredacas 19) Went | Andbeimcen osion apd Livemvol, Clg tiaitaeasa | kaveestttsiccel wash wiaose “Aiea a Ae gee | Aue RARKAREN, BUECTRAC, PERNOMRNOY, bac 
arian mareia Satusies of (be Sealoay. | sou marae "he Whole WAT Pea ERAT Catt nee || ARABIA, Moodie, lente Rattee Wed Hi sa a | Seebewiaeara to evuny acu Povuiereemnibament 11 
repressatlus Night and Morolae: ¢ whole ‘pore torily 2ol oF STA, . Heaven Boston. Wedneetay, 519. 
eBrpaiae ete ignt and. Horolng pln, olfering, eatranrdiaary inducmente ty vourehaain | CHINA: Andvewon. loaves New Yorn; Welnceiap Aug oe | TPUDSON, IVER RAIUROADSTNRARURERS SRSATERD ZALUMED, 
Sa nif ia Gla tnonia Gaarnaae | Min Awalast Exrenion 7M. i ilag thai matas | ANIA: Sian, lnves oun. Wedorang Siebert A otic Rept 1, WSS A Heculae cembouseal Witinny ever presented to GOLBNOB AND ART 
nih; Ot Paintings, waa, Toman, Month ‘able Cutie) rs tat Pe ‘Of four per cent will be pald-on the Lith tose Transte presented to Ue pa 
eer onaaialiee aH fates try, Sie ry ine, A ti senate ‘ Fe el eae eee ar eae” | wnave eee Me AMA KURT nmnya, | Cpe” AATORDAY BNIB Rit 
eafved esp and cx IagaIficont rosewood Ptanoforte, Stool and Cover; Wardle FROM NEW YORK TO LirRAtOOL, le vba THE Wo rut, mans.) 
Wii peatland saud Joarl kefny Muse Rack, taewood | LOM Pler and Centro Table Cornor and Hoos Sanda Turk. | Chlef abin Passage... oFIOH OF : *  WOBDRREUL AUPARITIONS. ABCOND AMPEATEANGK IN 
Hat See dtm Tea teal atest totes | Wh, Buty Chae uot gee" Bon Raga res Mealal | Sond Cable Panga reece co SH | Ce ROH OF TUR GENTHAL Av unicAN raanscy | (Me Watkiow conta ray ONAN wanctsae: be MNP AOE eanoon 
BRU Gianhien sce sorpeitcule Seek mntoos bed: | Parlor Oraaments Largs Mirrors: Velectand Heussls Gar: | Clee Cabin Pataage, seco, ro STEROL efeeton of nine directors of tbls, Compe MTR WATRINS. sssesscc/M4s cnn HONORA AUT | Septet! ald Geatnnn an aipporied by wh niralable ank 
tease, stzlo Lote (Kupeate and Commoades to inatca; | P&t% Chandelicra; Rug, Hall Siond, Chairs, Stair Carpets, | Second Cadin Pacaage, a Pa Op) || Seca, te Lt ar Or september Monday ngs Hep. 7 v 
Wardeebes’ Vrossing ind “Woline Tablon. Seasing. Bunda, | femOod and mshosany Wedatea ts, Darearia Wastatands, | Pagabie ta gold. oF edule Ye Walled Bistes euereacy. M., atthe oflice of ihe Company, No, 2) Bxchangy place. NEY, BOWERY trate KUWIS KORRES, 
Tonk Sunds h, Arm Gbalrs, Curtilaa, Buadea Com Bacon. aed Hate Maltremen Beds,’ Ulankols Holsters. Pil- endanies medrod ‘unlit pald for. eT aah er wruceenT aici eal thecene carer eee, Bola ras aes Beata cocuron a {Hi Rita appearanen) 
nites, Halr Maitrestee Welsand Bodaing. decorated Chiva ||!0%% Siogle at anges, Cu irror need anrreon o . . 7 ee a the dts Ou 
Foisy ts rics Winine on Purnureor eeers tind: | Zea Carpets Se, Salo patie, Aaah depael rauicet | , The erat of Wc Adige wil aot bo agcoantaato for | BAP ASS. MIAMILTON  Sseretary. ana THK DA IN ADVANCE 
Hea dau Sivas Wary, Avory, Tabla Cutlery, oak ;Dinlog. [1 SC mip yee te bear Is alenana 10 car BSCE Spree sbiox untetabiltro¢ Iading, Naviog We valuo OP ROR CEGAGG, ANB, NORTUWRSTORN RACE WHT cumux, Cartmen in attendance tocart, peck or | PHAWNOROKER'S SALE-THIS DAY AT CLNEW | *° (Felshtor passage anp's to ay Company, No, 8 Walt atren - ler the attection of bir, Muropheny Dla, 
oF pureassore AWNDRO SALE.— a FUWan = rr Yous, Aururt 21. 18K, Z ‘Tresmugers ft, We ada Riven 
sree ota cnc nena aan eee san EENine we enertnedone | natn te mentneaastos eae | Ore nae! TD Be ag are 
oS UTaNE HOUGEN OLD ETERS Dreaus: Brahe Wool Shami lable Clothe Shee Sprenta | GTEANSTOP GRRAT BASTBRY. Forpany ava mentiog Meld July 4 1 mre hereby noused IAEA DAMARICIED AS real THR ONT Alt Norris, 
HOw: DD FURNITURE, uilts. Blankets, Under Clothes, Shoes, Gaitara. aod.n var 4 (baton ani after Monday, Auguat thoy can.on surrender | ‘The famous drama of ‘Dreseal Who Nn arbleviel eum 
su Of & Fatally luz (0 Australia, Sibty OC olncr Lonte Las oars Dae Tae KEW YORE AND FIVERPOOr, Of tholr bonds ak Uia ollice. receive. certidcatea for 61.20) 1m TUL GORSIOAN BROTHERS, DUPATALLBL RD SUOCKSK, 
ria salient Resane Varior Sui thealteatiou of dary nad othern Dyonlerot BCOUEN, | aye ate TOWLAND & ASHINWALL, Agvuta | the preferred sovon pr coat nlock of this eartpanys hecaree with the Andldnt week of an eo rtraiy How Drauia. by 
nid gbhiaccnedlae Sheer We Inte Weearo G0, 1 Grand rent eseamih? near gastinN, Dy mirage Mtalcae, (or each of alt Bonds Maa) (bo Mose rare ad AND rn BItLANo CGnsdi ou Mian RHR UTA 
nvssents 7 RAZELL, AUCTIONEER. wrt tn domatentT Ost Fmd Commie, ¥ JAMES R_FOUNG, Seertary, | ererprofucsa it nnn ena REEBOTS een onenitah  AUDLIY'R" RA an 
AT LEASED Te Dee Es —— = ea Y vires we aoe Mire bs ty Nowra anh cut 
eeeayh ars ak Bota Whitrraucas « yUTHEEY AC soc ax avortow, | oa tORSray, weno COMA FORE, 17H MONEY YOR THE UNITRD staTHS NAYY,— | THB RRALUOSTo Te LY THR WoRnD, To wale NERY “Gn! AO mnR YA ad gee e 
Test, UsAr” Seernth ave ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMIBH de ACCT ON | fatervats theeeafter of about alt week" PCN. and at | OY | Onlerrs ond nen who hare teen dlsehanjea can ba paid tavelt tha peaiaaaiebadia 
a fal Sulit of Rosstool and aL gels ae ele acaronn, GELIbSey sree Bete trom se aaih cents wisiawel £2 2S yap OEE MLS DROWN & O0., No.2 Park place, N. ¥, and SUIRUP BOBNES) | (n the form of 
Fornitare {1 and French repo; A SILBLP cond cabin—atateroom 1, TGALS Curnished at Ae- = ——— y 
Feawood Centra std Pier Taltes wit aiaiiary, topes HARDWARE, rata tablonsserss e eueed a) Kura ne BSF =a03 = AGG THN TANDBAUX, now! aliracting 
Beech inettetta ME Ma | corcner, 40, | Petrie ieisitiies ik ais wna ’® | TMH OREN OF FUR ALONE, UNADIULA, AND | moment ty wa ER a aa magi 
aakaud Lacs Gorlatine “baer Chi 410 cult bu: ‘s sont. mi a 90-0 the prize. moncy due them by applying to Wal at the eamo th a 
aa Stub cian at [RIUM tea, pocamiancuniangicg faxtogors and elitr vader | Mifare Aad Voce mie Brook) Ge aie Walee ied | MER ADDI ees at vececavTtE Brovicene | TH mAMAKCERMNaG tl lou ANDi: Mate hae 
at Broazes th PLIGE TRONS" ifr et giortsd Fir frome Fun eater att ataeroo,paaeagnsfonnd eres Ce MARS tN Con rng CRM aida 
F eATy ee : bois belding, table ntenulle aud good substan. TO LOAN IN DIFeRRENT AMOUNTS, | Mee Parca. TRV ANUCO, BUT isis, 
|. CHAMBERS AN URSER he balance of a retallor’s at of ial for 5 i ire. josedisaseetaisc RSs, tee! formed, forthe fourth Hine in thie ci 
a Ree ABSA N ES oft a Mt singe Noemie | RRO tiation 88 | BO .000 Mee con area auearwstnes | am mao wcafaherass "Mem | mm eRe ite ara yo tw 
REDO Mee yee SUES) TSICHAND WALTERS, SUERTEPS AUGTONTES, | amprcrtet cals pascags from Liverpool at saiio raio as | Gro 'Attorney at haw, 22) Heoadwny, tot Nea? New VER: ae a HT Knuiet THe MV STEAY OW AOHEAE COURT, 
pals : taiio tea | AXCoat i iy day Ppuar), at Oy edoek we eats | Pelt a Lcraepascre from Liceroot aa lex WANTRESAR Tae trac OneTOT DHACK PRAGTION. And foundod upon ier sf, Hinhlon's ya ninruer sl of 
ct, osk eet ousekold Paralture of’ family color to Bu 2 st yayable tn gold er G r " HAY AUDEN Af 
Mare siees viomae | Nest Twenty paventh treet Cotsen ‘Bighth and Miatn | evereners) net usets Taunt un Unies sialon $10.000 avai eat cass producirn propesy near | PRRRYANTS: a AVHTTOTU LS AN TARE NDE MTGE) 
aay Fut at Rraniten consietng, of excellent Fatior. Hedroow, Diging | | Bact nasseugor allowed twenty cnbio feet of tursage, Aa | M0 city. value, SNOW: Alo S100, wanted on 10) acres Mechanie’s Wroad TADY AUDDBY,.ccccscseseseeesee MMB, D1. TOW) 
tiie yogontjaneaitt a Negefaollotta Sofas: Chala and any chat Gara | PSSST Aedeagal vanr | OOS NN EIS WOR RENMOUR La prosday._ |, TU RYAN SAREE Hakan Ryatata 
Wi) be fn attendance to cart, rack or snip conde for, purebac ‘hee Tabies. ono gupocioe walnut Extension Tavle, one Passage ollers25 Brosiws aT} i18 tho fottowtog brillinnt and varied prrogtammo s— th Cal OO 
[ p P poreb, Tuurule top’ Chamber Salk tue entendad wivtan ROWLAND ASPINWADL $37,000 20 FPAN=AN, 642 PRR OBNT, VOI OMALLENGE DANUM. MUACKRMRTICR JUMILEE, | Allok Autioy MAG IT Have 
a SS id Shades, Mirrors, Windaw Shadoa, iron and other Agenls, 64 South aireet. N, ¥, . torm of years, on first class improved real Mtollin Howard la hla great eoone NOTM AL Phobe Mat Mra ark Soni 
#00, auerio Neus eatends, Utair Matreanea, Fielugea, Bueesue Glass and estate (Uh eliy. Apply to W. 1. WOOD, 6s Wall street. | Fifoand Drum NOIRE ay AB A PORT? Mae Basence, Petts 
ENT HOUSEHOLD 20 Kelicheu Uteuslis nud Mterelgerai zg quantity creole ALWAY LINE. = Ee — 
ST HOUSEHOLD am Kitchen Uteuaila nud Retrigerator. Also will el at twelea lee..Nelso Sogtnour | Desf Hoy... Dan. Besant y 7 
Beep oan cone ative Domes | SIRO Strut catty Wage al panies | OMIA AGREE Suen nora wat orcas] EXGUMESTONS. | MaRbMate Natateraam DR. bes noel | ORM OUD VON TUFRTAD, yg 
line os ES DA GRAN BENt 4. 3 ADRIATION Low horse power, LO LOOR Of FOR THE CHOLERA BANKS—PISUERMEN, | Garant cewtiogs auton Mion tea eees Comnor PII A HVIINO, GIR 
ailibe eteenst meatdenay of 3H Thin Ee. No. 48 | VVTaL, WITTERS. AUCTIONEER, \WTGh WED, Tas | MINHONIA, Om bora power, 100} tone er PELABOARD: | CAMMUL Getting Malian, Ilton, Howat TH ONO-T OF ALTENIDUG, 
Sutisisnih ieee Sel veca Fan Sina avcauey le ay U2 oie at tok Canal alec gentceMfouse: | COLUMBIA, {0 horn powar 800 ton MAN, Gapiain Tooman tarshall will ake an exeursion to, Wilo'oaw wind Ua Kowt crit ORY UGH, 
NGeidicor woul call parculse attention of tle | titkunlea, dante Curtatan Pluss, Etercre rea neteace, | Tuo magalicont steantaniy SO) 8% Gay Wil leave foot or Ieckeon |_Boors open at 74 curtala rises at 8.” Tiokete 29 eeata. -AvOWL Tear ths Prlny nigh, wero 
anche pabileta thin sale. the extnloge cowpcislng | Thrce py and other Carpotx Olfclotha. ‘mahogany. DIsce TINERNTA, orelock ing > Tun aitost visi, 
Ha targen! ood risdest axcorunent of bow-chold corullure | walcntand rutewood Redriads, Hale Saltreuen, Feather Eaotain Latich, ple 4, North ee ind higes on boar OOD'S MINATREL: TUM QUOT Beli 
fered At auctioy (his reason. Sale peremptory. Teds, Beddiug. marble lop Dressing Boreaus, Washstanda, | Weal Crom Boston for Galway on Tuoaday. Aoptember A, | chargovot Thos Shadwick. ¥_-Philiips, Commodore, Wine uy MMLOADWAX, le TH OUOKT VOION), 
} DKAWING KOOM. Toilei China, Giasy, Silece Wars, Blores Wardrebes, Sorte, | lbs (ollowed by te ADRIATIC) trom Mow York, Hep. 2e | Philips. Stavara. Pare. for ho, oetreion Bie OMOST MATINEE, MOST MATINEE. TUB GuOSE WALK, 
te i i 5 4 . re Ds mm, $1: Tho wall Nea 
Brotdde an! Lace Custalay, roaze and Ormolu Chande- | Sofa Bedetends, Loungea, Cano Chairs, Rockiug Chairs, loa of passage payable to fold or It@ equivalcat ta | known pliot, Anderson Cholwell, accomparte Me, Wood reapectfully announces (hat for the accommota- Are nll fidsiresed by! 
Arm Osal Mocs Chates, | griher with alarge lot of ottcr goods Storage and cash | SUED pata ber oa tha ground, Non of OHOST 

B ONLY BOAT.—PISH i pon? | ho ard urate RNRLEe (eRe Te eu 
.—PISUING HANES, AMO — ehbe gegttan er yilsean 
txugh dally 9a tance BEATEN, MEANDERS Cape, "THe WONDERPEL OvTlOAt 


Which lives, Breathes, moves a Daa Ha being ta the pete 

; = = were (OFT 

Fes. Goneole Tables, Isbony Ohal ed wit MISCELLANEOUS. forwaried iss. to ‘Loudon, : wages ore THB GIOST, Albert ((ho PAIEUN):csessssccecrssqsesee! NF asloy. 

Ore Patio egaideaae Sata oer are nnmmnnnnnecm | Havne, Iemen, Roltentam, Autwerps Re, aU LON Bieveah sete hee Te | bo wil givo Merman (the Veteran} iscscissoetiessd, We thoo mon, 

: Lor tas prec aes ny Saetey faci Syopatted fro |’ 4 Va-VAV—SI—6. VP. 15)—OBNTLEMEN—IT 13 NO 8E- | | Parca from Liverpool or Galway (a New York Twenileth sireot, North rive Hom a\roel, 8351 plore Ny A GRAND MATINER. Leonora (Uso Davotoa) sss 2 Mai Te Boal, 

; ADE Minorvn. Choval Demario, Mareppa, Nanuet, Joan erst, Soud clamp for tho ciretilar, or call. No trouble | $25 $35, $7, S45, S105. 4, Worth river, 0A. M. lo Sand me ON BATORDAY APTERNOON, Hoptomber Seanatte (the Volatilo)... SOIT tHe Tb Obapaiam, 
Are Grasatta cr (ouniey Painiuge—surunce nad | (eRD!ALG, C. MAUKEY &CO.,81 Naan street, dpaalea | ” For pitase spot to fremments furnished onboard. N.-B—on cetirniug will | Commenclog at 2% o'clock, and overy Haturday uaMI Further | Woe seasiey O 

Vater. by Colo; figly Partly, Marios Vi. io. mater a For (caizht SABEL & SBARLE, 23 Broadway. Make the usual landings, oxcopt Tweatieth aircet, North | O0tco, {I lay, Overiare/se, «composed by A. Tyla, 

Hnes.on priicl—S-oues at the Court of Versailies and YOUNG LAWYER, WISHING OPPICE ROOM, USE Ae aie aay rormation apply to, river, INTRODUOINO THR anOsT, 
btembors Inieiaculas Concoytion, by Heajandent,. Aisa EA etotea fete Phere aH Pry LAWRENCE, GILES &CO,, It South Willlam strc}. To atiition to the usual Minstrol pmtartalaaioiit, now oy yarn 

—-gnataber of Cainot Patutinge on eopps 
Pabing King Hecaption Chaten, Cae 

Tosowood Centre | aiilod. 

had Chess Tablen, 

ambeata Utica aud Nerth Shore, ‘and fo which theonmedia 

‘0. K. Vor and If, Ghsproao appoan. 

al foi 


nod Mente! Mirrors, Brouse and) Orciold YOUNG MAN. WHO CAN ASSOME THE DRESS MATL STEAMSUIPS beck ad Lotlogtoa. Also, Conway's fTcasant Valley Wrote ON THEATRE To conelita with 
eka Spor) Mandolin ‘pod mapnors of A femafowlth ubiliy.can bede of an | TBUTONTA, Taube, leaves. Saturday, Sept. 5 } to ict Oldies $8 West etree, coraee of Harrow, NRW voRd TIRARRE, JACK ROWINNON AND ITS MONIRY. 
ROSEWOOD SEVEN OCYAVE PIANOFONTE, ieantageous pos , 9 GERMANTA (naw), Bola [Rat Bop 19 HENRY MALLEN, v b Fe ee, 
' ‘MMtaiuneigel acne rouna | Aieansgeave positon by addressing C. St'Glare, atation O, | GERMANEA (now), Bblerg, fave RALURUAY: Bet, 12 z et MALLEN, wld se te ara ant beatin Tony Dernlerin hie inlitabin hiarscter of the Monkey, 
‘arved lege nin ay inn : b DAN MU 
RAL FE all ssudem. imprureiientiy Cover, 1H ONSUMPTTON.—UINNESOTA—AN PXVENIENOED ee SCT CE pa Mio OPEN 1 cal retleee FE td 
‘ Too te eat r ede niated | CO paystciaa, whi cured pimselt of evosumption by vl [A PAWINER WANTED CONGAT INDUOBMENTS To} MONDAY BUTNING AEITHMIEN 7, 1th AB A Sua engaged akan gnormois expense 
a4—Osy Mu, Estonalon Fable, Gutters. | Chawnbors— | jog dingesotar wow resides there, And on Teele OF 33 © smart, eacrgctls man Who wlabies to gelato an ex OLARH THBATRR( SUOMI ANY OL THUG AND wren HtAGO 
Hood Hurcaie Bedstead. Wantraicn Wate Mattress, | geod wellten laforimation ta eaasumptives na to the surest Gensivo down’ (own business, with a mall capital aad no A BAT EG | NDIANG-AND AQUA Wi, 
fialox Also Basement soa Kicbea Forattore. "| PLARROL gaining sve Resuh, one t provided: AGGreAS | Giesrage, €57 Gimrayabl tn ga or lex eaten, ak haute Bisbee and pleseaaty teh jee a) bh VARY" DA Teom oes Qed a3 Shan ton 
semua 3 2 ior telght apply’ to FRUNMARDT « CO., 49 Bxchang | Peniv eGo, se souih seeaks up wate” APPLY de Ge Well Band from TUN Whe Psa wil 
VOTION NOTICE. PEREMPTORY MRONIG DIARRIMEA AND CHILDREN'S BOWEL | Plpy- Nariat Dances, aad other represoitations of tbs 

outlanitten of thate trib 

LY: OF HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, | (7 complaints rermaueatiy cure! by Dr. J. A. NAL, 3h | pray tarss? (Pry to O. B, RICHARD & BOAS., 18t (A RESPECTABLE AND OENTEBL PERSON WANTED, 
fh tho Fectiira Mont they Will also appear and lve merent 

MAGNIFCENT KOSEWOOD FLANOFORTE, Weal Fiftconth strost. Special attention to ehildcen. “Ad- s with a rtmall capital, to take an (oterest iu o light and. 


OUT GLASS CHINA AND SILVER WARK, | Yico (rec. Kemedy for sale at $l por box Warranted to 7 a Neasant Orat class busioess that will pay $20) weekly prod. 
fi pensdioty zante cUTLEtN cura. (PA ATT CE Tne rd iy Oe Ctr Fait Hnfurmation given at $3 Yhiety-Oheh Aree acne Eighth Marlely OF hele aRllena Cy ax BoNas, 
Wall take place (bis dav. JOTTON AND OEN2RAL COMMISSION NBROUANT, | Upltet Sloira mall, will eall (rom pter 30 North river, foot of BOAT DANOK, COUN DANUT, 
No, di Sinton ar Bu te) te ax, VIN ; lat min nsexpercneed pat sad ta take ihe plage ‘o's sitagsompanied hy nA apreobtAs rng 
. MBetioen Htthand staibarguves, DS DEENEOS WORLD RENOWNED ONGUENTIS | taxing paneagertune’ Cts SOUTEANTON, =. | mautriograrty tariogoiher business. Apnly at $53 Broad: | [183 KATE DENIN—ZTLE GREAT RENBATIONAL AO DEAUTIEU t ATH aly Vion 
Bato commencing at 1036 O'clock precsaly— warmuted to briug out a fall geawih of whiakereora | “Po<bon HAVRE, SOUTHAMETON AND DREMEN } Way, secoad Hoar, near Twrouty-tuind aren owes : pu arenyner ps Nbeniae haaurn stsoany | oT ERY c) Bh croak Ge ga nem 
H_ ROTH, Au-tioucer, Wonld call tho aftention Of partica | Gnomurtsehoin for'y day, abd ia pronounead by chemisa | atte roltowiearates, toyable ie olde ore Coteto Ta von a ro SCTE TONDA OR OOHAKE 
WADE OF Hirst class furniture to the wbore sale, which | who lnyalublo aun balrrediorative. One trial will prove | eurrengy 4B UNDBRSIGNED HAVE TLS DAY FORMED A vEKG TH MONETEI PYENON 
mprieer ihn nat ueamtiful Farias, Chamber aniDiaiag | fisedeary. “Sent by taxllon receipt of St for pelce and, | "ECR grat abla, $105; sccont cabin, 862 00; steerage, Copartversbir. waiter the. name and trm of guinley | GTEREOPTICON AT IRVING TALL ADK OAMARU GON Gene Ar 
mm Furniture offered at auction ihly ccascu—an' extraoe- | pastage. Address Dr. M_ Daiaco, box 30 Ponghkcepale Fost ‘2. Broa, for (Uo purchass Aud aAlo of Slocks, Bonds, Goveru- OHEAT AND CONTINUED SUcOna. AR ree CLL Eu SC da 
fioary vpportnolty for Lousakeupere—consiating of thras | alice, Poughkeepsie, N. ¥, Yor (relight or passage anply to. mocat’and State Securioa, and all other trausactions pore Third Week: of the, Wondarmis JsKulb\tion, Oe THE NORTH AMEIICAT CONTINENT, 
Deaatitut Parlor Sulls, covered in ricki French satin bromatal ‘ORURICHS & CO, 63 Broad street, | talulog to a.goneral Block Commisslon Dusinoas, a ian TUK AUMMEM DRAMATIC OONPARY, | 

‘and greet ll repay minrate op Tavios, ELigcrea, rica CbiUa SPRING'S, SUPERIOR DANDELION COPPER, 
(ud Parian Vases, hiruah Easy Chairs and Lounges, bronze » soll at wholesnio ty DOTY & GRAVES. 163 Obat 
Clook, Lace nnd’ drocatsl Curialuy Corocr aud Look | vers attest New York. Betalled by the pribclial grocers. 
Bland Pacior 0: b slaljod br a r7050R 

Be " No men of 
Wilt bogottome by the HANSA: Soptortar a” ecguisis, | SoENKs IN ANE OL ARNE “Wonen, 
fi No.1 Baoan Brauer, New Yon. Sept: fl THOUAL VIeWS AND EXQUISITE STATIAIY 
APSCOTT'S, OLD, ESTABLISHED TASSAGR AND | NO . scree Tickota dd cla Pamly een admin ae poraoas, 
pn z TTopssotta Tora Werpoot Pi BIBRINARY SURGHON—A PINST RATE CHANCE Doors open at F—ytmenr\ng at Bo'elock, 
SEOOL AND GOVE R ate, cull | HOR gE SE eee Tae mo other, For ale by DL. | yet aayge vo une, Of Tverpool Pacela wall vary Toran eryerisiced man of ths right stamp, who can | GRAND EXHIBITION ON SATURDAY AVTERNOON, 

Je Iyroutirays abd be all Fospeetable drugstete: ra ‘ Cee onthe amence at 0 
immproversents BARN Hanae pi coadway Vaan Gaia as ‘ELino for Londoa ealls orery ton day. sglvo uudoubiel proof that ho Ia wall aelfed fa the treat Bee apa ae a Raa oem akd Olgas 

under the direction of that poplar nnd talented wlae, 
composed of the rooattalonted artists {n the city, aa. 
Br MEBVIOK sire FP TUO, de, 
Who apbearia 
at ani o'cgek consatng oh 

Ne Tea Tat he cada: Bareousl Waehe For maine (otnd (com Landon ot Liverpool, ar drann | opt ot barses, who would Ika to go toto business in Welty . i 
MUSE Spring and tale Matenes ian Boer. | AWYERGT PROSECUTE OR DEFEND coop | oyaiavie inail partsof Huntand, HrouanayseotantaniWates | godtar tram New Yor. pire for oe week box G2 New | > Propo LMT AUER COMED a 
Ghairs, Hiapkets, Hedging, Bxtonston Table. Dipioy Ghairs, cases In Gny court, aud charge nolbioz it Ido nolauc- | Ai ite lowest rates, Apply to TAPECOTT BROTHERS & } York’ Fost olce. Mes bndapway. t_ BROADWAY, 509 ‘aod the 
Slegant French China Vaces ory Table Cutlery. eh Cut } oad. Huemptian papers prepared.  Alvica fr a ANTED—TO ENOAGE WITH A GENTLEMAN IN ADMISSION. FREE. LapOU ANE vAOE, 
FEE tre et ve a atantaces | XCD Ce ee | Roe ARO PRE Cor BETTE | ciate te een ee eee Loe rccron ramieTERE BYEMING | asso yuge, | DAKCE ONLY ATRNIY. aa OUTER 
R.B—A firolturo expressinan ylll bo Im attendance to 7 at STORE! TR nA PA aN TT Ue at od “know. where: ta oF 10 eol EE. ADMISSION FREE, | Makiog tlio boat dramaticentsrisinment io bs found In 
eatl, park or ehip goods for purchaters Fee a ee DS ee eaTERED | a) patter. pulp tala sauuriapy Sepiember at iy | St (Be West aut buow mpere to bly or 1 toute ADMISSIOBLOMON, SOLOMON, SOLOMGK, = | ciysaaaltorsssonte Obilaren under ts Ioovaua 
= Dr, Ricord (of Paris), after years of earnest vsaleitation, | Ocloce A. M.wnea, passangzre must b+ on buard, Second | lrade, L have $2.00) in cao Na cig ae near TEAVITE, LEAVITT, LEAVY 
Avorton NOTICE, hagat lengukvacceded Co the urgent request of the American | CabIa spasscogers taken at sleerago rales, “Apply immedi veltn sore gealeiaan ettabllahed In Re cliy OF naar sha ey MELB. minor, ‘OOD'S MINSTREL HALL, 
AUILIAM TEVINO. Auetloncee. fublle and appotated an agentin New York cor teoraie ot | Sly tasecure Bertha on board, or to. M. DEMAREST, | Addresa,for sis days, Leather, Herald oflcg-siatiny WherOAS | MIELE: ANDEESON, MULE ANDERSON, aut , 
1 Carriazea Wagonn Doztor's Gig, Ac. Bis valued aud highly prized Esenoy of Life. ‘This wonder. | 40 South street. Tawa practical leatber tanger baie ron. Bromay Musblon, Clark, sail: Fones Ass | Oppoaiie toe Ae Mioholaa = Wood proprietor. 
| CLINTON i. OSGOOD wit seit this day (Friday), Sept, } fulazent will restore manhood to the most mialtered coa- Li i fo Andrews, Miss Whilto, Miss Kats Halt, OVERFLOWING HOUSES, TED AUDIENCES, 
| 4; at the salcaroom 83 Cedar strc ut 12 ollock, stitutions, “whether ‘araing frou cxcetscs. ihe, effecia, of | FOR LIVERPOOL AND LONDON OLD BLAGK STAR ANTEO—A PARTNER, WITUA.OABILOAPITAL ow | ANd twenty olher gentiomen and ladles of musical billy | rourth wenk of | TUE OMONT, 
ali myilch fouraeat Fark Wagon. Eliwntar or ‘batural cavecx’ Tho timo required: to euro ine ve Liverpool. ry ; 7 moat glaring tfasion nee ; 
Gity Vote No top dhuagies " Mout inveterate. clue ir four weeks: aad if-vscd according | Bth of Sopioaiber: thn UNIVERSE. 09 cho — of September, from 649,00) t0 $4)000; In m contrast Ja, the. Br Also wantod twelve mars geoteal ladles (a servo refrosh see GUOBT, bs 

Hasils on tho 10th of September. For | West Indies. | Tho worl howe 

Fallow virect.” | eblch time a prodt of $24, 

meals fo the pairons of Ula eatablubuiest None bat 
OC gvotee! and IadyUike manners neod apply. 

Guy bullt Jngere Waco To the printed structions (which ace very-aimpfo}e failure | For'tandon, the Bl 

Thowonderofthoage, A meszelious apectoclo, 
Gity blll Coupe Nockawas, oy Lawrence. Is Inpossbic. Thia Ifo restoring remedy should be wken | pasge, apply to WILLIAMS & GUT 


Tu willing’to embark ina legitimate contract out of to coun- SE a DOM Le 

Shutitoy toy Hee EEE Ee ere mea paterameet ete t | eee a aes Ee anager, | Thats aipayos “parsted and delighted al) Buropo. and 
SE ea RE its acl baat matey paket Peaeet ae tise Ndintes Contes Werle sets PH aeseaanr en ee 
Extenaion ton Calash. fovcey ever made. Ite developlug powersare miraculous | YO! he 34, = IE WONDER OP WONDERS.—THE TEMPLE OP |” Mouday, August SI, and every oroniog during (ho Wook, 
Becond baud le Doctor's Gly. Success Io every caso fs ascertain as that science over: A Orat clase steamer will leave New York on the, 0). —RARE OHANOB.—PARTNER WANTED, Toreliness and.resort of fashion ts tho celobrated Oriontal Woop! MInSTREES. 
aBecond baud top Buggies, Doctor's le, Suseees to erery casa faa cretale ma that ctonce orcs | 28th, and aid ofeach month, except when hese daterfallod | OAL()(), cise axtern city, form creat remedial aeD: | eee en eae a ae eee ee eT eee A.J. Talbott, Cook 
Pony Chaise Noes efigietony Foe axe pe ES oe ouriyaeten | Raplay, whem the day or departure willSe onthe Monday] Pui qadecato Otis nuivalea, etait ote See font ara iP the. pty tea wile Oo iten 16 Wamtou, Loervon enn, Hehe 
a tind willbe aaot to nay pati eareta ‘i aly ote. No, ; = Hart raver eto rh il aater Won, ener Heniesitaslacn fa Lave 
ISblitlng Soup seat Park Wage we eg |e dn ee eee ee eee aNed AEROS RMTEAE |) jer Aelght er pasmsge) apply. at tisaaly ome: No; SBom 500 1 SRachARINHE WANTED. 70 JOIN 1 Pea de triad ateateatelhasiealshraaat, ie | CHAPEY UNOLE TOM, LORD LOVED. OPMULLO: = 
Double and single Harnces, Bridles, x ROLAND. 447 Broome street, ong door weat of Broadway, fon Oren: = ——— ‘an catablished Visiness paging a fair retauvera- | guining for tbe moment tbey are trapaported to fairyland, YOUR CROWS, ORUELTE TO JOUNNY. BMIGGY, Mae 
a and eiogiadlIarneen ei dlenae Rew xore s : J tlon, “eeer matefection will sateen.” Pull partionlary ou | Se vendutaltetbo sigue cnscmblas® Among tho noralties | GLURAT-WAILLOAD JXDLOSION, Tit GHOST: Aas 
UOTION SALE OF REAL ESTATH.—L. SELDNER, SRRTELS Ta RNSRSR EPC TOR ITN ERIE M. © ROBERTS EINE isco AND OREGON: application to IRELAND & BERTINE, No.1 Fryonrom, © | of thle week will be found the Lirlag Ghost en tugrove: | Doors opaa et 7: Commonca at Bocla'k, Tiokata2 cha 
' i gstonees, MEUDNEI DEVE wall gall ab wcclcns | Mf" dgvaa purshasn cheap nod well see at oon ee ccacsanipioeeaery S500 A SEEAPEE AN, PATER. XOUNO OR thnad rests) Boateng. MOPRANK BURNEY | Saturday eticrnvon, Hepl, 0, comigencioy ak 2% o'clock. 
A x * Liat FErSS Mantel Menutactoy ast Elghtecut he scams Tota, wantes i 7 re Te bt rave 
few Gaul aireet, uost Lokery, tie Lovend Buildings, | A-KUADEIIS Mautal Manufactory tec TLLBOTs Sa tone, SOOO. ois wanted vo, pugs ie anteredt of Ae ted, 33 1ady SPREE 

hear Thind avenue, New York. Gut this out, 

lust av the Soracr of Hachoa arenuo aid Marion atrces, 

rooklyn, Tho Jot ls Bx1G0 feet. with the Following eub: = ere | trade, will ve foot of Warran atrest 
LSND use? coon ios nae fuse fade, | aypanucesrastets stare sxowr waxes, gooe. | fay gilatter ster from te let 3 
ari Moeaey uaccrsTy mavctaots ines | IRGRRRUL AT aS maces ate Ceeteeee™ | [treo BARRIO exe) SY 0) PAREN ERAT aD ube PATE woseah thou 
ngs eva | )panone aUNTeES—ataReEE MANTuL. OF TUE | FOE, NEUROUEN, ,AUSTRAHATEANGARGO | oie Rba'budcas acon au parieetn ces, siete, 

‘The Sneat, (aateat nud ntrongest ateamolip In tho Califorain a i 
naa Apply 10.8, BOLIVAR & CO., G3 Nassait aireet, Up 10 
Oppoatia the eatery oF Mule, 
‘This olegant and spacious Moorish Pavillon, espsbta of 

an me 

fooms, a food cellar anda gare 
tructare,, iis37 and m table. 1x1 
orses aD ssyirate structures for 1h 
aye} aleo afins clétary, a well 46 

Sat duiehe arn oon cheaper ths Lice “Netiral veasel' Fit (0, ealt-—Tha elesani fast | gi 35 Browlway, roome ll abd Li. 

ay and (hrs toeke trons Atiantte cx from Yul. | AVL oneat patterns and best fol acnogead chvater wha | aatlag Al bark LANDWUMRDEN, Jlellmors, commander, | 2 422 Brosiway, rooms |} aud Woxv ek OP OPE SEEN. ONLY “aunt THREE THOUSAND PERSONS, 

Se ed Tee eae ica y | ata ea? eiied’ativet, Nove Yore, Callaad couvines | 14 Uoer loading antd'wil have prompt despatch’ for tho abors 5, Pt has been erected ata preat outlay, (or. tba Quryres of fotro- 
Private restlenes or foresloreor Sages hae ee coe OR. "bia vessrt flag a argo poop cabiannd supsota fo ROL OES: NEW YORK dgeing to the publicof Trew York tho greah aad Uneivalled 

anos ur fora x é Fomtmedations for firatandvccoad class paste mode: | ~~ : 15; Res US OP ANATOMY, omapaay of 
. "i =) MAMRING Hisraiee “Par teclunvor passare npily cn beard atplorid, | ]\SECUTIVE COMMITTEE OFFI0E, JULY w, 19m. muse . re 

IA. 3b suitn, averioxe MEG ESEon ane, noses aapme | pibmen te ahve, isms erma segment) | sah en Gaaie ee, Oc holelue ae Oia Herts crormey ek URDOUIE AAR a 

w+ Gay. Bt Nis dalek, y anit bundles; better than turpensing ane lamaphiacks at | Steet. Lond a Cie Commasion Morvaants, conslzooesat | Bales of Amorica. mele 3 
Pireot, ennt of the Bible Hot ‘ondtenth th Von emlaabyeTE A it | Melbourn ‘The Governor and Exccutiva Committe will receive pro~ NATURE UNVEILED, PARIS AND LONDON. 

black ruin to, rowsweood anf maorons Te Gora Mawaiacturing Stailovera, 7 and iz) Avilam street. i 2 rota ia the Sa Ovover neat fre pre wii Pei ee rhe marmed af a AND LONDON, ie arr. Men: 
tt Chait oekera, Brusesle, and. Tau 5 = y NS DIRECT THORS EGperact wilt them for tue conveyauca, tn Pieam veasstee 4 ‘i 

is OH Pa og uostaary vor Keates! | PARES WANTING A RECEIVING ancy Fon.) NPM OUKEAN, nt da doe. St the naw sidmwson | maathiy mall betveun ihe ify oF Slagsione tn hie ina MUSEUM OF ANATOMY, SouRMMOIL AKER RUAN MGM Mia DBM ase 
nakeon ne. ho ware, or feed or frelehe can got m barkolb OY" | Yatted Sates ‘all teamahip MORNING STAR, A/D. Par. J snd theclis of Nery York, {n tha United Buatéa of Amertons G19 Brosayray, | GODLY MOT ON and MEV EMIT Hea 

atkins on,toard,'at tba foot of Ham 

yro from pier 37 Ni nod vice verea, parsunut to the provisions of the acts of this 
AVID Q.EGAN, AUOTION#ER. PHOTOGRAPHERS | Wastlout ag abavo. From pice 37 North 

ir r rt wore nook 
tor passaxe apply to Vieior: cmata team comamunl| 4 N IMPORTANT LECTURE, ‘Tals wondrous band of Obi4re of tha Deva 

Klos, commander, will eal 
i {roi Algeria by Prince Napoleon, nnd firat appeared at (ho 

Fiver. foot of Beach street. Por frel 

a tuth Nonoeo the conleuta of eee PMeEy Tas ; : rok aifed Staton of Atuerle SEVERIN, AY 8 O'CLOOK, ‘veloc: Nepoledo, 
roadie an Batarayy Some 6 St Ihe Joes, "con QTRAM BNGHKE, 40 WANTED. ©. BECOND IAKD Se a eee ee nhl EVENING STAR. will eall for Now | Vict erit—an nebinvald of the alorcaald 2 Teoh GENTLEMEN ONLY, FE Ee UREATEST E EROITBMENT. 
HUer tain SLE ea tse aia | Oy amare Aug Pas tS | rion stecny, senenie 1 arate us ol ft a ih weooek BFE ote app satiate WS 
unverous olber areles Polovging com weil Curuished gol-!| aud lurgelron Feralog Lathy. Address box 20 Poat ollc = the contract Will bo taken. will ¥9 made known. on xppllea: . are 
pearst Laaie fer eae OR NEW ORLHANS DIRECT “THE UNITED STATE | thay Wenn THOMSON. HAREEY LC, Mocing lane, iis BROADWAY. BENT sopear snd BVENINO, ropparte 
= RAGE FOR NOUSEIOLD FURNITURE CAN DE | BH! Matatammnip CREOLE, Joba Thompson, command: | 12040, Sennutad LEAYCKAET, Het”) Wal samt, EDR ‘Tnay will appear AFTERNOON 

Soe ee en Tad Ameri 

mullaprest!® 6 pazabING ARRAY. 

z 01 
TENOH, AUCTIONEER. GTORAGE FOR HOUSENOLD FURNITURE CAN DE | or, nating sureriar accommodations for tasssagers, will | Xe™ Yoru ae st whisoifoe Tenders for thls servien ane 1B ri ‘Of 20 GOOD conic sixoERS; 
GHORGAN) OAR. | Sppoute Ebth strect. Apply np slates frou 9 to 1 rathet | leare pier 1X Rory peer, tor Nev orieane diese 8 SA" | po'addreased aud seat, to ing Secratary to the Exeeuiive eee oae ONppiy at ibe Be Cayton cas ert ay. 
fourw nt owe, 17 West Foriy-eereuth etreet, uear Six Bel at 12 o'look sel Gomnmittesor Janialea: Spavusb Ton ( aA 
Ae eis aa 107 Bresdmag, this | BOGTHAMt Bowe, MT West Forty-serovth street, near tata | TEVA Cie tia or bia of indiyeagaed on Cho day of | Committ AS TEASHI, Je 

of jock, calling. For Freight or Passage ROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTING A BRICE TUN. ND TWO OBNTLEMEN 9 
TOR HDAC MORGAN oARRIAGE | QinaWBEGRISS, BULBOUS FLOWERS, A0-—PRINCE LUDLAM, HEIN! Peon inter Lave iilealgsa, Uv. tulles long, for the ely Se EEE AD mart claus Wee aod canyon | CIRQUE NAPOLEON, PARIB. aon ang 
Sa hlgtn, splendidly matched, four and 0. tvsbing N.Y, alt cont thele four catalogues, | —————— of Chicace. Broadway. Mbefal.” Addroza Marry Lee, caro of Ls |The Brothers TALITENG, MEK MATIC! 
ig, Warranted “sound, Kind and genile, “Thos | Sr erult ded Oruamontai' Teun Grapon Strawberiiea aud Once or my Boano oy Portiewwoucs,} | Dubemnel, 2 Broad ra brated Courtiiesier aad greatrival of” 
Miaiareveny ar) Tae beauty siglo nue viutlee nso sent to Rs eh i _ Seated proposals wil bo eoulyed thin ote til Wredaoe. YEW DADIES AND OBNILEMEN OF UNDOUBT- his Meee ee ears oie as, extra. 
Loe sox oF CAREIAGR eta iO ere sale RANG AM guia te | A BAU Ate nega es | ati i 

fines, | Matrimong- its moral, soclatand pl.ysleal relatlons—a book | Beard will opsn tho sate, foc doing sll tha wark and faz. | 4-4, «nd,teabecsatialyy to Taine Maat ateriog ibe 

Kot Corriages, | on Siateu dua, aay sco the plauu-uud epscldentiousat | of inteura interest and likstrated ‘provicaly with ebasta | niabing all thewaterials reyoired for the cooetrnction of a | ratelaas dramalle aigcinilee, | Perione Asi ta im go Given exory afleragon ab. 

at private cale, B very largo 

ae, a Foum.t, No, 132 Brotraye erage aE wlton Malc iter, | rice lionel, ve. feet clear Wiaraeter, and. exvending tro Bodin i $2] aamlesion wiiltoss cence Childrea, 15 conte, 
aos ‘No. 132 Broottvay, He re eee ee eer erie aect hamplor works Of ID cliy, ip alles GOL under, eoseaial os muscoey/ will ad, this) amociahien pols eet oF =: 
‘ot alngte and dove ordinary. (DYFE METAL WANTHD—oASH WILE DR PAT FoR |" Wa EVEWETE € C0, 72 Susaustveh Nx. | tie bod of Make Mchlcane and Wirpgy dat numerous | KOREN ier 19a bavnees and ue dranae | raw BOWERY THEATER. 
= = ‘a few hundred welght of Type MeL J - borings favariably abow to bom ali’ blue clay wally tozether | Crersulne pertaining: lows. W, box aia ie- | NN PLIDAY EVENING, tpt. 4, 
DWARD VETTINGER, AUCTIONGER TWENTY | of tuia'omes, Peetu Apply athe desk {a ba. io accord. | AYb, Address, aypolatlag an tnlerriens) Goa Tie CHEAT GOs? EVENT. 
} Muted ion vale of Tuuelatiaied properts veil REAT ISTORY AND. ENGINE NTs] OS REBEL YE AIDEIO y eioni | Fald office. TWENTY OMOSTS AT TLE BANE TIME, 
eke plaes oa apts nt teh wisleck XMM ths | MBE GREA jencral Jo rough Kentucky, 10 : ot ead BAT 
$Central 02! F utreet, consisting of Jewelry, MERICAN Y, Oblo, by D. ¥, Marble, eq. Price 25 centa UIDIONTAL. BROTHERS, 
Ghasing, Cotte Sbreweaar i epee St ae ri (ta eard would ptofer tole toe entire wark to one cone | enna A RAO Te oa ac CORSIOAN BitovHE 
ss WW open n large ascortment of TEAR CT eotN, Ne, | | Trialof A. Lincoln by the great Statestien of the Repab- | «.Aunrcr company. bat will resolve, s=purats proyarals for YOUNG MAN, OP PREPORSESSING APPEAI eal eee 
Tye RVERY LARGE, SALE | (the last arrival’ from (Cina). | Hoge pesetactreas | yon council of Wie past. Price 10 cents, Weunael proper and taod shaft for tho pretecing crib, ‘ance, wiahes lo open, 8 COrrsPSAESS Ceeisbia: = 
| ile lisse Rabie Beostel and ines Custsiuss Parior | Paces AGS Ueval prog LO CENTS ABOVE COST— | piccines of Savory and Freedom, by John Ball Bosiayon. | “th4 board rserves lo Saiyan al bid, and | Yell eaucaiea nad pons weed foodie ivaeb ye. | Martins epaoa nt tho Hecucner tvatey Monday, pe 
Bults, s) Carpet, he, Ac, thls day) (Friday), Septémver 4, FIRST OF SEPTEMBER, 185), Bva., cloth, Price 81. {oraccept any 006 bid complying with the eondiUona of’ this | foauly. Money no objec. Address that! Ue gli xchrensl open at ee eae nee ‘ 
aly ate opposite ewe York Hotel. & pitssbleston despniem dasectod, martes from Metro- | Qareriterettny ory oar at ne =f eo een aon abip Laiand, Misa a i A 
x mil woll assorted atoue rich Furulture, Of Hecord, en €2, ond mut bo sceompanted wil 
Ree a kind and Gate ee EG Eonar Peet. | Deas — ‘Any of ihe above ent free on receipt of price. Liberal | pontot tie posal amann! of $30, blanks for-which wil me TAN, OF A PRBEOSMESSING APPHAR | BEOADWAY, THEATAD. Seas 
fore in ruoscod. mnahopang,, blsck walnut aod ebony; rich ONLY TWO CENTS PER POUND PROFIT. cieotint to the trades Company sberreciicatlonty goarasteelog tho execution of x | A\| XOUNG MAN, O94, Kavrerponieuce with a 70uDK Tewsoo and Manageress............ mma Rebertson 
Carpets of all deecriptlous; one very bug rosawood Plano- = — é PEEKS & BANOKER. contenct in accordance with tho bid, In caso tho bid fs ae ne wiAe  narimony, Mua fm moderala WW THEATRE, NEW. COMPANY. HW ECECES. 
Yor, richly carted aud 7} octaves one. Billiard. Table ONLY TWO CENTS FER POUND PROFIT. Booksellers and Newa Dealers, | copied. Ingy with’ view to, maurinooy SA deren agreeable, | NEW THEATRE. NEW COMPAXY, Hi 
Huiebed. Wicla'a wate, esinseia wlth tally cuca ae? phe 3 ai Annie New Yore._ | “Propoaa mua be disci ithe Board of rublteWerky, | Seat gala track ore nia Bien seasce P } 
feeling Site aude chan wa: Wat een a ec cene reece, | TP YoU Wann zo sx ‘iantan ecpu foie fain pervgmana of ine | 38 Sees EASupab topane Ay 
Hookeases, Sureaun Centre Tavica, clegant collage Fural- ONLY TWO CENTS PER POUND PROFIT. What to eat and driok, read work will be required of the parties whose bids may be ac RIN THE ABMY OF THE POTO- ‘Bach night adds to ita already bright repulsfion, by & coa~ 
, ture, In gold and Bronze Gl id Gotuic Bedsteads 10 : = MEDICAL COMMON SENSE, copied. 45,0; 01ND) YOUNG SOLDIER IN THE ABMY OF SLB FOTO. | daca vatronaes voparsiisied {a the annals of toe 
roretroot nod mahozany; Bede and Hale Mattresses, Exten- The ri S.Girlous book for curious people, and a good book for every ERED, LEED aac. whose Unie He rwlib» view 6 malrimony. Thia | A MAMMOTH PROGRAMME FOR THYS BYEN(SG, 
Glon Dioiag Tablca, &s., Aes topothor with w large quant REAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, ne. | Contenss tables Principal newspaper do- PC. SHERMAN, 4d wb ome ue Aare D_ . Rouse, Company Hy | abounding in all the original productions of Wee FOF 
Paar EAeE aT | o Sart graven, wew vone, | Sears amtar aa Mebane Mt tel vendor able | [eideaty anare Aaya bie wet a | MeutHIN REARING tls ov Hck OUESSION, 
J. cout, AUCTIONEER “WAGONS, CARTS, «0, 70 NOLO EERE Sears Veins How Kort Mamutideienin ars PHOROGAES FOR sloni00 BEWHHAGE BONDS OF | dryis, Rusia oP 0. SA Peoria ses Yer aan 
re Saturday, Septein 3 i : | ana ssowped, 
fret si Pullon tect ppasteme Gay Halt eerie | Teeuag el ENO Gants PER POUND PROFIT, MATEON® Mabe. Easy, wird INerAUOTIONS cH Car Cowrrno.cun's Oprices GENILEVAN WISHES TO CORRESPOND WATIL A Sar iianntdcrOy = ahem 
lant Wagons, Hugbies, Vuslntas and docior'a Wagoas;terme’ | yeilering this feature (obo attzaciva to be many wlio are } sig vex. A bonk-ot fateuen interedt to vols marriss sod | Gealed proposals wil be recelted at this sioaunii Tues | pL I%2%E 60]. Ot tar bat ube ratet,be good loos. modest | JOHNNY pr, | salics WwaeoLD, 
ae Berela(ore bee” PaO RMOUS PROFITS. Fetipt of Meena UUme 1B on | ant beyheutoer orate My when momame wiles | Fey Sy and ont over twenty. “Adds. mulaceriiy and | OQ EY COLLINE, Beakbya, "1. G. BIGGS, 
AUCTIONEER, —BY 5. £9, BOGART, 0. ABliciy ppaned, for the whole orady part of onetonared | ASSAM SOT TOE rics pox tod Herald olor 

To the diferent Acts, Seags Darfes, &e_ 

1o}s otclocks, at 

FE auctlor M, PREPARED BY CARRENO No. 24 Ne Millar alreet, N. W., ‘dollars ($100,000) of Sows 
Nbopauclen fame kool | (PNGEGRE, EUSOL SEARED, SBA Sten | N.B—Books, Cara, Main Bammuae asus Ex. | oem deer ie sel eaceat 
Fn a aN eeD enau gebewai | Waroynant, panting eS er many peas pat iasoge Meee Ba yt asaca Syatte a Gor Tor tote wid 

latches, Showcase, ree cases palent sealher ir (ao coustrioa. alwayewih | \yEW JUVENILE BOOKS. | eo ses (cir date, wit coupons far Inzrest aLbe | for kwo, wiabes to correspond. 
pans, ce of the Antulies and Soult! American con riot oiber alae OOKS. ty-tve years after 6, BOOS (or ree Ae Dares 

5 4 fo ‘Now ready, a large assortment of fare We of saven (7) per cen’ per apnum, rt ‘con hdential and, io 
FJ, LOGAN AUOTIONEER GENS, S, Houar— cea ae eees Ac tloue reaulliog from fally Blows or | 4 large discount to jobbers of new Juvenile Books, | Falvey Yorks X sinking fund Ua provided for heir Te | Gommunicatians atrisly coaddentlal aod eariey do viel 

estan 10, chs Pat the Revised Ci _ 
y ectoa, par CoO a a ars 
i a out surillng Novolles. 
Tn active peeparsion i) pier Wr, BUTLER, Manager. 

(iene es ap daa BP oe 
jurday. Sey 5, 3¢ 10M o'clocl, at 1b tusions, ulcers, burns, ‘T, W. STRO! Le E BI , SENTIMENTAL A¥D COMIC 
Face No'L Asi Vilas set BopmspPerate cu: | Ceatuadaeh cnet iler ageuen, Asofilay tsscate, a Miean ait now tor | ydiesrpniie a een! ret ee | Peo Myelin Sr bps tg wep epee A 
FES SO US Grete iat a | pmamitimcanaieuceean frat staan | ReaD, WARE OND PRAM TE, connenre, or | Ute. te tur che tagtnusiry meets | MU tannins ao gracing, | Sean. eannena recor aaa 
2 ia 9 a 24 Se 3 i4, Marriage Galce ried snd thas about 10 marry.. Sent 1 for AME VEINE AND LADY 
razon, with lealber flop; nearly new; one doctor's Wagon, | voted to'such occapati danger or re- | and Medical Adviser, by William Earl, M. 0.7 a5) Dad an ee PKOXBAU, AD. box Sesh nav vost KATE DENI AS MAD. 
order; a » * ce ig i a “ tba Kochester Weatro, Moa evening, 
Weipa eee ‘nde armen RepAS Alte, Counters, | Guireeuneot lanamoste wosrenils tpey may ve tac | Gaiiea-enerymanre im tealedavsiogs ow ‘nai Bet 0 Mins a ty oct ro, Moaday eve 
eal = wef 

Gola cacreary or ittapn Adios No, 3 Whit atrect 

To inihe eecviee of thelr country, wiih to open a corres 
pondeuce with thres young ladies with a view to marl. 
Trouy, Mast be (oteliizent and porseas a moderate share of 
Peanty. Address, witb coaSdence, James L feria. Wm. 

NE" 800 Eh Girt oF aie. B. EDDY. 

a é 
DanRvctaiieg (3 gunn. d7, cen; botteg costalolas | (Tye NATIONAL GUARD MANUAL. aif. B. EDDY. 

sale dealers. PRLOE 75 GENTS, 

‘Genérat Gayo: at WOK. E. SIRELUS, No.7 Nasuasu stresty ir Dally Timex 1h 
near Wall, New Yorx tf 0 lores gene" third Door. rawiord aod Georce Nixoo, UB, steamer Jobu F. Jack- | NS, 
rally, ae Sie need Pages oe = mn ere ton sulp Aster nd, Gull ‘Squadron, eT Ae TTTONtE 


ATOAOE eAaLE_niouAND Wanrens.anemrers | WM ct entrees GAGKTGaLo ata oe | Lu Navarre, (oly tramnned from 3 Ercclne sory or Qe | Sls Mou scettee cMarucareaet eowa (bla. aud | (WO YOUNG MEN, OF, EREEOSIPSGING ACT An 

Moneee, eit sell this day (Priday), See Ot | spply AUT. Be SMIC Lee ae a ee origuist work. Tots ts ha richest treat Uy be founaiig | sened. ands hcre ‘ne rte 
evens tui Weet Fieenah weet Wy vitacor neva: | SP URC Te Facach uoratore ust publi In ree) neal rolue ut | Ree eco ein gar wll be caasldered, The Como | indica of respeclaQlliy, wi mt J 

aiverreas ra wn de winite exchanged If agrecabl MA. 
eta inal. the riebt to reject any OF wll 16 hs Wagrecable., Germacs ereterred. | A4- 
en fpould require It dross Theodore Barase re se | 

ie Coe publi Laterasig anould ccgulng fF. Jackson, Ship Leland, Gult Ba 

njiaase. Orr Scam Enaine Haller ova, Pinner, oae | WANTED TO TURCHASE A DINING TABLE. FOUR | Bb races clin, ely wits (nelre picworal Wnatraious toe | ya) 
Mesias OUN a SWART, Atwaruey for Morugcte, | FERDU,43 Market aireey VS? SHOE ave WA | alah BYES SA Ncraen, Pubilaner, 39.Ana street - 4 



°o charged; Jno. Milderberger, allen, Alveharged; Garrett | Thomas Bowran, Hi. & 1.1, 7215 (Dryeiie mt. exempt. 

River & Taylor O'Shea Jno, 104 Taylor at Gago, noo reskdent, dlacharged; Pall ick =mith, over ogo, | Sepeph I. Lerley, Koginecr, 10) Vast Uroudway, active, LEYTER FROM Mn, 

jens th Gischiarged; Peter’ Kroger, alsablity, discbareed, Wan’ | Robert farrell, H. & L.. 17, 163tn wt. fe 10Uy ay., active. 
‘Aiseba/ged; Joba Vancket. dis. Motrkk \olnia, JA. XL 7. 155i at. & 1¢te 



P ML. Vermfiy’e, uncer a 
a Felersdery Jam Wallaboos Ferry Chas 20 Woiboay | stunts, ducharyed, Chas. lett, allen, divebargea: Chas. Gorrge Covper, Lagi 27, 1e8ih rk. fe 1 Wo have recelved the folowing eommcnlealion from 
= rool aul = Cohn, sien, ducharged; Rie. Bebrader allen: duckarged; | Uoorge Walters, Bsiow Sj cara - Wim. 1. Walker, United Staten contractor for cooked 
roo: im, 7. Mclean, Lieutenant Fourth New Yor! Mlery; | Wm. erry, Kngine 27, ft, noar meats, tn relation 
The Drawing “in 3 RuwalThes, a5 Wiison at — Releaued Gd Si Frvadeey | Joo. # sickean, over ago, duroarged; Newon Hopkum, | Jol F. heUrath, tox. 5. 24 2 yw. 2d ay present encamped (gait £004 ropplied to the troopa at 
Completed. Robin Win its broaiersy Richmond 0 8, 4 Koma eh var ago, dischargod; Thor. Varker, over sxe, discharged: | James archer; Eng 27, 1624 e:.,0 old road. active jeeent encamped in and aboct Whe city — ‘ 
omp 3 Meynulds Win Ii, 10 T'way | Rodlasn O¢a, Bedford ay Io. Richardson, disibliity, disebarped; Joreph Masters, | Joho K Short, Eng, 21, 148th et,,.0- 11tdav., activo 0 THE xprron oF sux meas, 
disabilily, diecbarged; Wm, Hamilton, con resident, die | Win, Depperman, Eng ‘27, 10ih ay,, D. 168th at . wcllye. New Youx, August 28, 1863. 
Se aeeaeanaeaty Bealey L.A, Worth ave ehary Neary Crombie, only non of widow, Iakfever; | Jobo Mintz, Hog 7, 144th at.,n. 10th ay., acti Talis Be Seer ote aca 
Billon Chas, Worth Me Tw disability, @iecharced: Frederiek Marriot, | Them. D. Baller, | ng. 27, 14h at, 10th av., exempt. Ny: ‘tbe rations supplied 
Ns rn, BENITO 10 fame bas no. tion | HOSTETTEWS 

Aiea bility, di oholan Accal), allen, discharged; | Wwd, Scallon, Peg. 27, 159th at,,n. 10u% 
‘Lewia ¥. Lt. Hoimen, dias bility, diecharged ; Thoman Deer’ | Bimen Moxter. Fog. 41! 1F4 Citpion ét.,nctive and Is therefore untrue. T would 
Lerrt, dicabllity, Alecharged; Jacob Zimmer, disability, | 1.0, Senith, Pre. 37, 160th vt. aa 10th ny., activo. Moat respectfully requeat that ono of your reperies 

“THE FOURTH AND LAST DAY, | fevtiltay,ienate 

Buribolt Wim, Kentare 

eee He ay dischirged; Wa, MoGloine,‘aiabiiy, aMchargod; C& | WLAN Mergwecn. Fog, 2, Hoh al. and10ih ay, aclive | clang examine tbe stock tbat tasaa tothe ri 
milla Hoatiago, over age, dlschargd. james Murray, Sicad C2), 4740 at. 0.4 180 AV. clty, New Dorp, Riker's Telnaa ‘ 
The Draft in the Fifteenth and Nine- | roster eer, negonter Tener gz archer ‘The Hoard sdjparned ‘at ball putt four F- M. uoti nino | Patriex Mefvenda, Hose £0, 130th rL.,b. 10d ay.,active. | harbor: alco the cooked Fatious werved oarai\ey Cork 
Paina. Keasor” — TavlorJnoywyibeay | a St today. Jono Aldetberdt, Hose £9, Lob ay. acd Lawrence, netive. | Barrscke. By dolog so T havo nodoubt it wihtaan 
teenth Wards, Faller Wing Beeferd ay Fasfor ent) ia ifenawuy rim mouTH viETWUCT. Vari Menon, Han 31,9. active. yon of tho injrtica done zo in the pabliablog et 
Tralee PW, bo Davie Taylor G, edtord av ‘Tho Board of Karatmons for tho Fight dirtrket met | 28mM¢8 Fills, Neae'31, 74 Monroe at, oxempt. paragray fe appeared in yoor paper. aga ir ‘ 
De era, v Meana Heany, Hosa 3i, 102 Houston, active. Very reapect{ully, your obedient organi, 1 
Vintee icbolan 2 Haan at yeatorday morning, at tho office of the Provost Marshal, Jean Moga, by Cee Teclire) Te connate Witnen, : ; 
i Trosdway, for of recetving epplications, England, Eny. 42,147 E. ésuh at , exempt. |. § Contractor lor Cooked Ri 
_ Proceedings Before the Mew Work | youve y,— x nt Yerigrt ae, 4 Crom ot pope ae Pabie rc Create et John Kennady, Vieso 0,174 Malberry, active Ta emapllasce “with tbo ators (Sapllation® (oun tr bar 
Honrelling Boards Yan Winkié Ha, 44th et Van Dever 0 (C51), MtADN ak p by ‘William Conway, Howe 6, 23 Gouveruaur, active. roporters yeatarday Jcokod io at the barracks, and BTOMACT 
c Watson Jno, Kentay Wike Jno, 172 Korn a caso necordlog Wo MMe merit, The Board coosiate of Cap- | Goorgo Tires, Pog. 21, Torn ny_ abd 1osiu, ative. rded an opportunity of examining the rations. Sie | STOMACH 
Rees Rey he yey leary, 34 Olyover eb Wels did nrandway tain Veniataio ¥. Manito, Proveek Marna, Spencer | Ther Maliad How 0,274 our, actve Ctrl etree ore thie Eaxhat 
\ WANtock Seo, Jerry Widslainer dna. Mashing ay | X'*PY, Commissioner, and Dr. George ¥. Woodward,ear- | seq, kechart, Yop. 30, 01 AYA, CxempE, Tevorlererecinent of the meta aot vezetabiea muppiied | SEOMACHE 
Tretorn a a, | Waucn tia, Broadway Watson Jno Ty i Nreatway’ | goon, AL tho front dcor of tho building aemall erewd | Jona Duran, Ii, and 1. 12, 14 Fait 130D. aelive. te tag peer 78 istod of fresh bect of a vary | STOMACH 
© Drawing in tho Pitteentn Ward, | avon Fa hit ie Willlamron David,5Wilson At | wean aesemnbled, who reemed to tako moeb interedt 1a the | Thoo. E Kemp, Hose 11, 310 Fast 6th, exempt. Sea Le a eran eases miven ta lbed (Tero MACE 
Atnivo o'clock yesterday inarning tbe draft was reeunwod v tbl) who teerned Uo tao moe 1nIet et ae | ee Walker eee tea Cubs oxemPl, |, | enidiors twico every day. In the vegetable lino thero.| STOMACH 
Yoong EK) Medford ay” Yetman Geo W, 3 Wilson et | Proceedinen ta co1Dg E were polalves, calaoe, green eora, cabbages, tomatoes | STUMACI 
tn the Third dUstelt Tho first ward drawn was tho | FCOnE My Naalerd oy “ : Wero preseol, abd avery thing wore a pesceablo axpect, | Chas, F. Roloinfclor, Fog, 43, 19194 et, & B'way, active. | and cocombarse. ‘The quality of all there arliciea as weil | STOMACH 
Tonlde the door nsantive waa posted, with in musket | iia Way, Fog. 43, Ureadway and 10:hav.,active. | Sp tho brands eoden and mile, was al that catid woe, | STOMACH s 

teenth, fo surpoao nino Boedred nod forty-nine ’ a 
Falkeenth, for waich tutpose wine booiewd and foriy nine | _ To batlot retaining In Uke wheel wero then ehuntod | ton bayonet placed diagonally acrees, to provrnt too 6a: | Phillis Baker, Fog. 43, Manhatianvilio, active: pected, and {f nach Is tho Kind really furnished to tho | BrOMAGH 

Rallows wero placed Ia the yhoo, of whlet two hondfed | got found to Lo correot, when I'rovork Marmhal Groory | tranca of onautborlaed pertons. At the head of tbe staira | Jobo. Biair, Eng. 6,219 Mooroo, exetapt. 
nt ith the view of | Jobo D. Wo'eh, # loso 36,13 Goillford placo, active. pcidiers| (bers coghl 1a bs a Kcamblisg on, eagaplalae ie? 

mid thirty-five were wo bo arawn, After tho umial yee | aunoucced that tbo draft for tho Third dlatrick waa con: | soother soldier wan. #lntlarly peetal. 
x fowe (urn were Kiy wl 1d tbo eveating the applicanta from crowding Inconveoleatly | James Rogero. Fog. 43, 1316 at, & 2th av., active, 
En tee Cos — Fito tho room whero the Hoard was sltioe., The appilea- | Abdrew Garrity, fng. 43, 125th nt. 24 wy, activo, Alleged Murder During the Late Riots, IEE 
commenced ox follow as— IME Di tions wero vory nomerons, and came from pertona | James Ra yy 2. 43, 1201 hn. near Eroadway. active. Daniel Saljivan,o tall, poworful young man, was ar- RITTBI 
|} io all” sorts ‘and conditions In io—tho very | Geo. W. thorn) son, 11, an ay. a8 acl by offer Van Ni . LITE 
Avatin Won Mt, that, “Avorn Rael, 9 flemazo at HE DRAFT IN NEW YORK. |] poor and thea who wero apreroatiy well to | Theo. TL. ¥iok, T&L. 7, 124b at and Tth ay. , eetiv peaied Yesletaay by, omeen, Yar! Semmecotd (Se Fash xe, Rieter 
Avivony Geo tcol'a), Mews Almorn Wen 3% Tiven ab do In tho world, the roan fy robast health aod bim apon | John Hanson. I. &. L. 7. 123th at. and Sd av, activo, cloct, charged with killing Jezeph Annan by abooting Bim BITTERS. 
piedeerra Wei, Aitaie Notifewtions and Icxemptionn, rnoin dlzoive bad fertened bis polenmed fancs, tho yous | Augustus Wilkins, H. tei. 7, 133tuand bth av., activo, | In Twenty.cccood stroct on tho 4th of July hat te tho ee 
Mracheuboit Pred. aM Grand Kore Hy ©, aie YOURTIE DisTROT. F seventeen nad tho cld mao of riety, allous and citizens | Jornph J Dean, H. tL. 7,124 at. and ath av., sctive,t | pot thera on that day. Fwnrd €, Baker, of 19 Elgbih. HITTERS 
1e9, HO Ueant we Tho Hatd of Farolinent for the Yourth Congressional | alike. Chas, F. Crook, H&L. 7, 159th nt. and 4th av., oxempt. - Wy sc JITTERS: 
agate ‘As may bo seen by tbo accomranylog Ile, the axomp. | Chas. W. Lamb, Hi. AT.’ 71224 at, noar Gd.av., activa. | Sect, appeared neforo Justico Connolly and peritively BITTERS 
let net again’ yesterday morping at tha headquarters | yoo wero quite Nomerous, a9 mvc an ibat Mt Is feared | Micb. schweypensecor, Hf. EL, 7, 190th at. near’ thay, | Mentihed tho yrisoner es one of tho rhoiers, and etated HITTERS, 
of Vroviat Maretiad and Caplata Joo! M, Erhardt, Tmo | this’ avirict will fall abort of Tus quota, The work of |! activo. that ha enw tho prieenor vellvaratoly alma fowler gan at¢ — Gon mnoagaioe la, 4 
att y NCLUSIVE PROPS OF 1PB urvioacy OF 
1saoectag tenes Fan ey | arval crowd ot anxions claimant for exemption thronged | amination ls Vory arduous. Tuo following 1s tho pro- | James ¥i, Rondel), H. 4 1.7, 124th at, and dthay.,actize. | Anoaw and dlecharge the samo, and that Anno then fell HOSTSTTERM STOMA ie 
Bavehaid trot Wavkwell tbh, 242 08 8 he gpach seat | EFA EO Bomvel Christy, UL 7, 32tty ate and 6th ay., active, | Abd Was tsken to uo hospital’ aud there died. On the HOSTECRERS SOMACH 
W deina'nt He xpclous Malle; abd notwittiaanding {he hours parsed | ah9 men aro admitted in eqoade. Pach then proeenia | Theo. C. Froarborn, Eoj. 49, 9d av. and 1224 #t., oxcmpt, | Coroner's Inquest a verdict of honichie way readored HOSTETTONCS STOMAUHT 
slowly, and Weir parlopeo was well lonted, they Pevers | His claim for oxemption. If tho elaim reste on otber | Jobn Kanokl, Fog.,49, 24 av. , near 1201h ot. oxempt, aralost somo person or prrsnon unkbown, nud thé assall- HOSTETTER S STOMACH 
Mholoos precirved the best of fecling and order during | 29 tho groval of physicol debility, bo Is required to | Jamoa Doran, Kog. 49, 110th gt, nnd 24 oy,, active, Ant escaped tho vieilance of the pollee until yesterday, LETHE 
i eshdc tal Frode housobolder witneaten to Ube fact. 1¢ bo falta to | John Coylo, Eng. 49, 110th st., near ai av. activo. when ho twas urrovted ant bronglit. before Jastica Con: 
Ho entiin day, Ko essna of apncial ioterost catno Botere  yeoduico Kbown biX cave lick Hor, aad be In Wold to callagaln, | James Coylo, Fog. 40, 110th FL , near 2d ay-,nctive. oly at tha Tomb and committed for oxamlaxt-cn 
Grandat ards Waring the nfteroee Peovent Marehel Geveral | with hin witoceicn, aod raoko aMidavit to the fact or facts | Wan, Glover, Howo 21, 122A et, "near dd nv, active. Tuo prisouer’s coinsel claimed wae Iker Is mistaken 
ENS ipo {honored Captain Krbaedt with a visit, and |e” which ho ciatine to bo eseupted, on eame day before | Kobert Carlock, Hose 21, 121at xt , near 2d hv., active. Jo hin Identity, oud demanded an esawtzatls, yehleth 1a 
Hlocy with ovident interest, Ho ox. | (bat homed in bis potter, If, however, bo ploads p James Forrest, Hosa 21,'115th at., near fi a7., activo. Mxod for nino o'elogk tounntrow morning, who the coun. 
acolacibou with tho arrangemonte of | ©) dvability, ho i takon jut an incor room, and thera | Geo. J. Stoughton, Toso 21, 24 ny. aud 1241h, active, Foballoge they will prove an alt). 

A bli outire 

foro, by tho eurgeon, who | Whilip Mitchell, Hee xt, 124th acd Sa ay 

Patenin Ina. tah Geaniat, | Abo, iice, Tho following tthe Txt, with tha disponiton | examined, Io a wale of watoro,. Fecan Ee eredeege ate ni eS 
Crea NE Pal os \erosipom Declares whotber ho is axompt or held to rer- | William Qatnn, Dg. 35, id 3a av, a 
Paes eB DE EACEE a | errEsee uv yon rmvesosu presnacrr Vico, uniesn indeed, to defect tayo palpable as to render | We. P- Yarkiosen, Eng. 64, 1¢2 14th, actly, NEWS FROM THE SOUTHWEST, 
Whines Saylor, Geargo Aerts, Wiilala IE. Myora, J. | #0 minuto Ad exarnMhiation vanecomary, io wokeh car ho | Wm. Orady, Hog. 39, 116th'and Ath av, active, pens an ares 3 
Drevks, lubn Aniernian, J. Keutelor, 3-24 Jobonton dos | Mexempted. at onc. Tir. Woodward éaya tbat he hin | Joho F. Fishor, Fog. 85, 170 11th, acti ieee = 
roph Titun, liobort Lynd, We lwteh, Jaren Conner, E | becomo 89 Becuntomed to thor examinations that he can | Thomas Sweanoy, ‘36, 110th and 2d ny., active. x Momphis Correspondcnoes 
fooltich, Job Muyser, Jbl) todd, Jonu Hosiman, Joa | Amat int a glaceo, by a man’s gcceral appearance, | Joseph W. Ta't, Eng. 35, Harlem, active, Mr Toun., Anznt 29, 186: 
VHemernes itel Gu. Fev a Tialey whotber bo ts phyaleally Mt for a boldice or nol. ‘Thetoas Moron, —, 120th aod fet ay. ,— Ratern ef Genet ear tee GUE 
ial Hide, Warriviger do, $3 Atupll ELEVT vont wipowxN wore, Too followlog a MSL oF tho opplicants aod o atato- | David Fitzgorald, ——, 122d and Lat av aie me 
yayve dor, cae Uajon ay Dr 4 eal tat Herman Lane, Vhilijy Lamon, GH Hinith, W. Ionan, | MA of Now thelr canen wore tovorally disposod of — Pat, Kennedy, Eng. 36, 110th and 4 av., activo, runt White Riter—From Helox—Holo 
coy shines st Dugan nd, Tashveiok veges ron nt Jan igaCuaMaD ON Account o7 DmumirTY, | | damica dohinatia, Ung 3, 117Kh-nciiee lees Raider, ey, 
eS ato | «David Wipaot, #21 tugrahorn, Heory JocobJa, Uenry | . John Zimosimay, Erost Mecaner, Jatica rem, Na- | John linzaa, Eng. 35, 110th ani 2d av-, activo Dilghiter: General sear a B H 
Heaney A Alostio | stouny, 0b. Vanccevsry,U, I Gitmero, JomeaRwAte” | than UW. rewor,. Thotaas Galway, HT. Morgan,J.4. | Toler Agnew, Eg. 35, 12*t and 4th ae., active. carer aeoarel able har) arsine oLered trent (08) 1/8 Tr rtyrersuas perateianes 
TERT 9 HON RISD RNC, Towhog,Etopben Vall, Romand Pysleter, John lerksielt, Ne ee Aaa Tt arcosy6: orth this morclng. Fto wi roman In thy ity unti to: | Intheedverd dh, calcins 
Loko Slater, Jou kalater, Alfred Fag, Wa, Wetmoro, | Patrick Torrill, Wy J, Schoonmaker, Jobn H. Larrenco, | Mich, Calo, Eng. 35, 1100h aud “id ay, uctivo, thorrow, when ha loves tor belorr. and ysilt rejoin his | 1224 ei 
IL Bouthto, A: D, Graves, C11, Reynolds, Wm Graham, Frank Melatyro, Louis Krane, Woaley Sto- | Jim. Donovan, Los’ 11, 104 62d, exempt. division rear arg. pene 
SURXImnEY bOreTTTUTW, pbenson, Kiehart C, Heom, Geo. W. Pauling, Moses OL 10s M. Potty, HH. and I. 21, 61 Attorney, activo. Ac pee anid Ue confeandad Sotho 
Charles Vieber, Joi T. Awadioy, M. Travis, Jokw Myorn, | Leger, 1i, C, Lotironk, Elbert Anderson, Geo. Hyde, Fred. Belfool, Fag. £2, 1161 and 2d ny...ectivo, fo Generat is canaidezably improved by hie vislt 10 x TUGMATOLE put into tua, 
Te Nathan, J, Von Houten, Pebabohns, WL Livbine, Stepben Lymaster, 1. Ieraols, | Jamex H, Sorles, Sng. 62, 118th at, and 3d ays, nettyo. tho North, and roturos jp good trim for tho cap: f ‘fnscrvpulous empties apt 
‘Groce Hauke AU MUte wt Guaxe gahase olUstou aval AIL TIUAISE HUNDRED OLIAR John W. Waller, Anthouy Axtmann, T.J. Ackerman, Saniora, Eng: £2, Harlem, activo. Did Rorping aittunta’ rovretl Voto, thor braah 
eo iW Teen | Charles Drooks, Meory Mook, Josaph Adama, Wnilip Fanadeld, J, F. Doge |W. ‘Ang. 62, 127yb at. and fd av. ,active. etait > 
titluest 8) ates KL YOR Dory por, Ferdinand Spavgeaberg, Joves Chiriitian, A. A. Bo. | Hy. C. Seatlog, Bog. 62, 12d #t. ald 2d hy., active. Tuo gucriltas of West Tenneszeo nnd Norttern Mb TOE 
ti Fb aad SEG anda 4 | Jone beers, Wan. avanbrett, Win, Caoabel;an, Van: } fr Jarves Mealy, John Johteton, Bdmeod staples Ghee 1, Tupper, Brg, 02; datatat anda A. rch, Biyp) Aro cacnmenoing ta grow word bold. A party, yadiieneies ; 
isan 2 ra mimpver Heavarilan, 348 H | deanan, OER AGr. Alfred A. Liscomb, Fog. 62, 127th at. avd SA av. activo. for Mitchell, altscked A ex aNton at Pagal inghe mot V3 bn bi 4 
: yree Win, 7 8 ab cn wert dues. famue) Yavin, Wichard ollios, Robert B. Murray, | Elijah Soinin, Hine. 62. 4th nv. wear dave we oseinpte | gn'the Menmtleand ceeck sine wade, gates | evel Wi ntsceiy a yah hada te commas 
ntelgars BIT (eel) MRAEE lace Aaiveves'a T. Holworawn, Johu Cavanagh, Wan. Fullerton, M.Sam | Walter 1. ‘Lecoards Thomas Welsh, able! Dowe, Gilbert | Wm, Crawford, Png. (2\127th st. anitaitay.,exempr, Sr ene jecnanhly a Mons of revens date, whitch 225 acts the attention of the 
lelgara 8 0 ‘mom, FVOHIPM. Jobin Mulonay, Jobn Aaron, J, Tousslapt, | M. Spear, William Kregot, Philip Zeiger, Timothy Galooy, | William Taylor, Hose 43), 12) staat 24 av, wxomph Exgoment boieoon ont forces end. the Teslonetn acta A ee 
Todnusa Geo W.Abvea Nuwber of eabex labd Over Loietood, Hllas 8. "iNigginn, Jobiy Joyco, Michael Mullen, Thomas | Jono N. Cromwell, Heso'§3, Yoed ab ad Nav, axnioph. | Ea en ein ta wae anther nolstely | Ti! ALAS ned ‘uscertala ibe ] 
ou, Its Exon al Wisc SINC? Eullisan, Lowis Frank, Jouo J, ficenuan, Philip Koarn, | Stephen R. Sul, Hoco a3, 1doth st, and dt av., exempt. | Frurtratel yo tose aioe ha ae eet OES ree. 
ete | pet Voillp Sewer, Cornoliun McAviif, Jamex Malone, Silas F. | Jas. J,. Howard, Hosa 41, 118ta at. and fl nv. activo. and wounded, nnd thas ot tho eooms Done mere. . 
LT A ovon at |, Cxpsaln Wulfy hin ls Moadquartera at No, 428 Broome | Eherwood, Cornelius Sheehan, Maurice Black,’ Franels | Lawrence Nana, Horo 43, 118th stud dd av. active. Se IO Rr Te ea anes (oy Now Yoox, March 2 1862. 
i 2°] gureot, a baltaiog which wan once ocaapied nw a dwelling, | Jevnings.'Vatrick Ttacco, N.D- Davis, Joba’ Marray, | Wen, Cartel, oso 4°, Agtat ae ands] av., aclive people oF tho eouniry to ann theevelees iu defies | obra bie iine of-n i 
' 5 Mathow Korleaa, James Quigley. F. ooylor, Jamea Gillen, | Wen @. Weod, Hose /3, 118th st, and Lal ay. active. inst tbe oporallons OF. WWese fuvvilla, Lande, wLieu:|,custered mack frag ven setae ere aed hariog 
Qa tho lower Oror sumo private parties Uratieact burlicss, | Andrew Bearee. Won. H. Raynor, Hose 43, 12uth «1. and 3d.ay., exempt. | promi nvout tho countrys alike severe wn friend ae (arn a teaving New Oisiniia te New Vora: ia Sune leet 
Eins Fes WPR ica oe brea aoe ess cee cae Iyer ny Hats tp ARNG ang gg ae oenempt | rs aia nrc alkoreeo frat nea, ope ear naan 
emo aha chides Hai Th Happs councr)pto—whio must walt tholrtorn—bre jammed | - J: Tl. Stollwell furnishou Georgo Anderton, Jr.; Josoph | Nor. J, Washurns.T & 1-79, 8thav.nnd scene active. | eo’ cute and A fe. there georiliea “ru. i ier Trade Wind wiltiont tho leaat meonveplenees 
Bort pow Cees PAs Lowaras {nto on almoet Jovofferablo masa oa two Digna of barrow | THmp een furoished Varwell Felgen, Sow May, H. nad'L 10, 85th Ft. and 24 ov. nctive. sulted inost nocjulvcrally ta favor of thocrtizcas. Tits | Suita bas eee Mie 
a Hxaxdead bY sDLGtON AxD RD 30" MEFORT aT Yanoce | Wo, Oancy, Mf, & 0.12, 353 2x. exempt ckamnplo may eupgost to other prosristy-o | feenily. ob our comenps 
fimtics ay Mopsou,sebn dortemvon ay | Mtaltwayr. Our reporter endeavored Wo force bik ‘way. mies. S.W. Geery/ FH) & 1D 10, 84/han? 2d av, active. f efmliar action. Jot this spirit oaca. take yn y Jawtern. After peti t 
anN, Fowcrannd Wones Peake, 297 ley pt Mhroughs, Hut wa cumpoltod (0 back oat altor ropeated | Wm. W. Wall, D, I. Keolor, Jr., Charles Howlett, Jas. | Wm. Meat, if. & £10, thay. and bya ek, actlve. tho Teal natives of thy ovunties, snd tho end of geri | Silt avout ten of toy fell 
: Weakius Jatin Jy Ave, lforin, rave to tha aenuseinent or the parties who wiahed | Miller, William lirant, Thomune Hayden, Jobm Landy Jae. | Francis AMuuolll, Boe. W824 a¥., oar $25, oxo] uperstioua ls not facdhtent, AE OT Besellte 1 On the arcu 
Joba Hea Calin ay Jonios Wen}, Valon wy to prekeot thelr oxcvKes. Tho boat aud mtooch arising | Hroves, John McGowan, Hoory D. Rico, Georgo Ws White, | John Doooven, Khu. 43, eStb, uear 4th aw. ‘ho .news trom Whito A gealoal approach | Ooty taking halen 
aa Bh Alballio w ~ frow Wt were no Jotolorable tbat koveral were oblyved 10 | James li, Lounsborry, Jr, Johu Mitchel}, Joho Whilo; | Joseph Lutz, Fue 45-874, naar 4th av., active. of ur forest ondee Dag} » erty Bia malranea | Cee oes colt 
Ease Yeayo nod Lko their chances atm tore farorablo time, | George Voss, Leajarnit Alien, Willlam Abb, Josoph KE | Patrick Doty, Fog, 35, Yorkville, nective. year Bayou Metalrio, ten Pe br athe Sorell ef 
Keamirnesh Tho man why, aftor Htandiag 1H mucho pince (or half a | Redmon, James SudH, Jawes'A.. Joacs, Wen. A. camp, | Jas, Kenny, Eng. 45, 024 and si pall, forcra Cl tho one:av.,counpucod of. tha eoustinod tevope oe. |. wise tite cn en 
Tantei day, can ntHl'bo pronounced found by tho doctor, must | Thomas W. Ht, Hughes’ Robert Wogueco,=(leorgo F. Cor: | Ibbh Lahoy’, Pig. 48, 4th ay, and Sad; actioo, Kirby Saitth, Dick ayior ani Fries, all under tue cape | 24 tUe 1 
Lavo a conatiiution of au extradrdinaty character, oro, Charioa Shaw, Thomas Davis, Michael Iheian, Jomes | Joa MeGvire, Eig. 45-0 lat and av. A nclive. aud of the Laltcr ulicor. ‘370 nunkiny seeat reparations | POOP) 

“ A.latgo vumiber of chica wore disptéed of. Nambere | Crowiy, Gouverasur Kemble, J.P" Hoyt, & Ll. Babcock, ot aaizennatt : 
Pept sai ets bet areael ls] AA Rae aaa tenn oaterm | Gran: Opa Kea H-LES Hayt 122 to eles adieonlture car arias the baa 
forever 23 tion o. lainouneet Wen aus tat at” | aud noon trough tbe ia.” Baveral woro beld for etry ee + yal couicrayos, Thea Gallan, Eng. 46, $14, near 24 a . ates calnaicuer Wat Nottlue Shalt aR Ae 
Ferner Win fuyarlse tai) stmt aod erouted ruhvgus of a fow da, Te wie to tretany | | aneedaro. ead, Wiblam W. Gandy, Willan Smit, fi. 16, v ReAttia neck 4s lobed Tee tne cee ee ee 
Fee ghee smelt outed’) Se inud atl’ tor war, TIA to bo Loped thal captain Dufty will wake | George Meyer, FF! Gupiber. ‘Ins. J. Gllimero, Howe 43, b2d, near May. © CIRO Te ats a eee Liou eto al ere 
See fajita aati fbuigafratgemente by wih tho seporters oo paronss | AVE Daal res Soa eke a tbo morning! Ut a SEs gaees, ead: pene aay Leann Wisin fo grow ju wportauens KA earrit Adeiloy aller 
Til Re Le 9 Vet thole dation Jato hour of the bight. Tho following 1s the summary of | Mich. Shatlor, Heao 48,6710), usar ad ay., active. Perl Hoczcrmanil clspetern tose co reo ee 2 Guvnly of sour Bitters before 
ihn) POMS Sairdodara es i ate eae Thotarbosnbvertiess i Ritecncar ade entice. | Rerep Moma elaseneradlocy tho riers, a woh sn trend ey me 
SUA T3608 Woche eau GBR tea ol This was a very busy day at tho wthco for the above } HADI sccse.-nsse+s 66 Mold for services...s... 44 | Hoary Veddlt, Hosp 4s, 8th, tear 2d ay.» ACV, adieog luo tropa) Stee See ee 
+ Naini teo, SaFoniualat Maui KE Leurand at | | Uoogreealonal disrict. Utlag tho day (bo shlewalk fo HQ Dicbarged for other | Jobn O-Donsalt, Hose 43. Sith. pear lta . Colenal Wiuslon’s fates, Duly of Loses will imine fain Dineen 
iiireivan GM anah Tot ote Seiber Hey soatave Pa H cauees. Michael Mallaren, Hose 48, 54k, coznee Hr GS eee a HEAD B.D. Ti. S. SOUTOWORTU'S LETTER, 
Savin Wis 1 Es Tie Atel Ueatim are | (footor the Louse ond tho rlaireases and passagée toads | Biraavtation- Kosai hantnn® atin tryecr Pree e iM a p peeeal a fore D.C. Sprit 2, 1869. 
aR RAIS SER at} abe t0 tse recut wore Mirengo9, Io Aho clerks? efon to } QTM sss secs Thocoomy ts geiting prety fired of tio evorinued visita | MOseueeseTTe ln wontal to 
Gots crush was dreadful, aod tho fuarda bad to be doublod at abs aes ee NOs pe aibeor ead eative St owe fameea. ralvere—Crienina  Tlatel, Wingone ani 9 eral ino. Se= 
a Month tet at INTHL DISTHICT. it 84.¥., DOSE ESM, 0 stot aroalley lighie. If anythibic will briay the people Wience con tuo. inate OF sonthera Heer 
wel Mrovz oath sts4 | quo door leading to tho roam where tbo Hoard tat to 13. Moaarue, Fg. 10, 24 av. near 79th. netise. aes Fee aioe le Peysllcadvn io Uistary wore 
Moep buck tbo pretsure of Ub erowds ‘Tale rode" pre, | .7HE ctolaatiou of elaloante for exemption to abe | es Gee eee nah cena a Fala WH cTlun poopie une dic uated condition, thera. | * bance yay-aersoun apatent An anocamiied ny best 
ay Meeks Dee veotedn ¥ery Nuatiog apposranco trom Yhe nurober of | NI2M: Cougressiat Atrtt commenced yepterdny ot the | Chas, i, Strcklhod. Eng. 10,d,nexr aUae.yuctire, | Saki rehctimpatgerys Nat MeN well dissted | (hat had ironies macro! eonepea sid M 
Rovian Aaa ifs Nesikeh at aasrnasiani Het Feroo0# continually artiviog—somo to bo examined by | MTOVAtMarebal’eoflico, corcer of Broadway aud Forty- | Pin Geoneell Dea a ANNO SEHNe LUNA ate fnont Ieit oeutne Sora ose 
Renioe Cintlonianest™™ tho urge, ohare Urioglug Va eubetituter, whilst nota | eeventh stroet. Tho work cotsmenced at nice alccck in | Amiel, Lemie bos a7, Shag EA Ge hse TEDAES, DetueaEar ones eee fant mainte my peas 8 
sfeacrantnt — “Dinu Jay 2 Rem of | BE mace Mere ueoreces, ll reap showing Wat | ho worug and gti voll (or otek i tater | debd 3 Heras, 4.37 ealh abd dv vactNes Now On0\sa, Augnet’20, labs." ¢ ae atgitces, Lpmmunts tate ng on eapertioenks Mt 
* Torxetvover. A poryoa; whivo Uno toust baye bean very | HON, when Operations ceased for tho dag. Captain | fds Tourer, Fog 37, 6th cod Lexiurton av. active, 1. Tu ordar (o eectra the regular Lea orolesion ot masts the rlzht combluntion of remedies, Rn whet feagteets 
Pilew P, 451°C" 08 Yalunlo, waning to path tho guard to tho, toner rooin. | Inking, tho district Provost Marshal, condacted tha | Patrice Welt: Big.a7, 201M abd Tecingtow'nv., active, | Araigranaacers ut all steambeats ply) | fied goconisr's Be See ee 
verve tant ls es Corimer | Go Delay proveated ho rallMT tay, who's boas hore’ | eXamloat'son in on adtolrablo manuor, alsplaying n pro | Pat rpriea, dogs dT, detuy ome cok setives we | GueL Fler, withlo tho simile of this dopa Toon the aieparans ei eu per te 
Denes Weta aaa Go} us tuo. Colone) bere with tho aboutder etraps—aosre- | TMF degtoo of courtesy ani cotslveration, for tbs goe- | Chan he eea tee Bug ae coy. ed eee ee oxompt eit carey Buthnelset military mail sae-neos forty cordial witiun nd crv. ast wilingtncwenoe te 
PigeM Goi), 28Volon wy | Yody wo con tek te," coacluding with. tho rearonablo | EStIpLe, hile at tho same time nover varylog trom tno | Mtn, G; Purdy, Fog, 30, oun IeUtb eo csc Giom subsistence nv Faveaiyeave esate roe Lehiar them autdngcleay but ro use al neerona; bite 
Hoyveat to fond him (ibe Cologel) loro tho crowd Co thom, | AFICt foo of bie daly as an olfeer of tbe government, | Truiis iaucr. tug 0, 01th & Broukane faction, Blin tena a atatercoar, wilh a Sit nnd dverentle cares Ceov, fecee down tn tocttigehen Tf 
TueDAOe nein crea 52 A youwg wosian (whteo Wusbabd was belng paczed |, Mr. John M Sanda, tho Commissioner, ably. assuated. | deve ctrann Ene ao Gade Pea acai icp Wuera a aebersons, wile 6 WhacT hava exe said vill fead uy doapepsic or mcreae foe 
Weger caw ious ty tha tard he i nubetliuto) apywarod 40 caution the |'Capinin Jeakinn tm tbo dischargo of bie’ dolicate duties. | Ariel. Shater, Pg, 98, 66th ne. TIM ae ;acttea. By command of mndinugeut'emenr sesrcettulle ues cone Sc Bee. Tre. 
pard that lie wos warriodand bad a family dspoodent | Doriog the day about forty cascs camo up for examina. | Chas. Hutey, Fog. 30, 6d & Brotdvway actives Rotianw B. Inwix, Assitoat adiutnet Gow - : EN. SGUNUWVORTIL 

fa hia. Some frends eadéavored to arrange tho matter | (iu, Oct of which Jo eleven cares tho deel: 

Es moro ad: | Conrail Cippet, Sng. 26, O8th & GIB av, Lotieo. = 

sty 10, 1863. 

roan eh eatisfectorily; but at tho tino tho Hoard uljouried te did | Yoré0 to tho clatmunte, Tho jrine\jal grouna ef exemp. | Sek eck eh ee eh fy. acty ; 
ake ene ot appear toto fcally arranged, At one toe Doth hus. | {Non wero alénago anid phyeKal dusty. We are x0 Rsnlover Raho, Bog/36, Hts or buh neater i Ree Meco Hoyrersrs RL ne a 
Mucern tno an 10K able togive the pames of the parties oxarined, Captain | And, Widuayer, np. 36, 63th & Broadvway, acve, PILL LOVER 2 13a oo chapnlottsetee here na aaeree ea 
x Mr. Smith, a fireman, appeared, but bi Janklos baying red T of last consigaue: ng Toft; ve nero an Increased | 
patoviaadaa 1a by tho Board wet no woold ba held for eryloo: Dur that | record cf euch rani(ers, 00. tNe ErOuNd DOU IE wes kee | hats ee eae 8, GTA A OUD aj act Tucso celebrated clube Nusuet theierobiru match vee rhe cele eT Sordpa naa Sees 
sb Ys Dalen a Wi, 1h Ne couid moke apolcaton othe Sipercieors, wow would | trary to his lastructonh, aswell ae to Rls onariaessee | Soo RReee POE: Ss Oat ur Ercdeny active leeaiy alteracon, on tho ground at to st. George Club, | SYNE Role gf Wty ace, unl wad Coosd by Ine ues 
Tey Ayre ty he Aza. the Bropee ale pict hia asemp ny propriety. Ctberelso Captain Jenkins was exceedingly | Luxe Realy, Eng 63, Sith ke 8th nv. pee at Hebokon. The Willows gcored 80 rons in the ret in- | 8 cough: ‘ded all (an physicians here. rept aisty miles fora 
fF Shitue So eran i eforepasare und lely cane were! heard dering sits jverteous and ready qa cusnln sey sateraslign et ote E45. Hebe 84217 WY, sth a. cet pings, of wbich Hammoud made 25, Torrence 13, and Med door, oa bogs ho would die "The ara 
fatten eAStratin are a i Sig service twelve ra | & ‘ der, Eng. 98,628 910 ay elie, Yearce end Lindsay 12 each, ibves, no Tit rtinnn & Hare, 
Heece eer pteee fee in, tater fearon Pu erate, cet | pce reson an yo Ee oan Dee aM? ae cea mae ata pee o | 
NulWell dV, MD oossveant Nyeater The A, 30, chargod for physical disabiity, eleven wore discharged | | Sntscriptions to the E : Henry J. Haneick, dys! G1, 4 tet avenue; active, Gibbes made the bandsome eoore of 37 in braly cood etyle, r ; 
Bwecticy Jy TO de crand st taauler Prody 18k Bi for allenago acd vix claitas for exemption for tbo samo: e a oe neater a pe He Ninight made £0 by ocd olay. Monford obtained 24, } 
a) arman Jno, Busbwiek ay | oscmptod for being ooly gone of widows, 00 esouietien Tene ® A nelly Wand 10. Th tho second tovingsof the Willow Hud- | for them. 
¥ Cigutven wore excepted fer belng Weer ne omet Need eee Henry Lindin, fog, 36, 66th and Broadwiy, active. rob and Draper (of Boston) succeeded in taking 50 avs | Much a ot 
3 otal Ube , 508 Unto & . er Etopben O'Brien, Eng. 12. 43 ue, active. 210 jiroportion howover, ru ne * 
Vero A saigdraaast * selene Soa vars 0 wsce eee a Janes Kerrigat, 30 W Wiley tarbar fur 12,1893 avenuo, activ Feta god senre of 10s: "the St ence asl woo 
w Courts 11 Telage 358 Bieeexor treet; Lav) HL, Sher- | JekaWs Mangels 258 James McVey, Hop. 1.299 Went 42d at. active 23 runs lo sin, whlch thoy obtained for tha. Joss of four o 
Nalehece Sep) 7 DEANAL WEHasyon Jon sa vtscaon | wood, Ted Uccamcb fet Wa, Woots, 483, Waste Terence Farloy..-.« Charles R.Searllt, Pog, 11,99 West d0ib st, activo, Wickets, Hammond aod Pearco,on nehalt of tho Wile | ahed 
$ison Wun i tnLoniaer! Weta tuo, 20 sua ton etreok; Wicbard Hudson, 387 Bléoeker street; Tira | 3f 7, antics **t ate LOU TBA at) low, boilea exccedingly well. If! Wright's stow onder: | Sill Ut Introdu 4 
Wilame'den 2 Ewen 1 Weoa Dau so ieemeen at — | Shojket, 10 Vatchen placa; Jeremiah Chapman, ces Green- |” * eae John Honlon, Eng. 1, 460 Went 424 et Pana” bowling was vory effective, nolwitbstandiog Wt | gpecttclly yore i 
Weiser Joie, werue a Watnioe Win eigivuet’ | Wlcbstrect,Georgo Verner, 127 Greenwich avenuo: Jota | gota), Geo. Wolfort, kng. th Tea srt eneel wbkct true [erieketora) xdanlce-a/The (0 yl fF 
mise arenas WWitez CLINT | Ateetr rune ayoolee es roe eRe eons | Peovlooniy et doh 1 cincarth, TS oy Nan Deriee eae 
Waser red, 2a Hiatal | Wiae Chan lariner Alexander Lewis, 23 aMipotia lane. A Parana iotat ct , ao | Sonat Packers bee T a1 Wee ee BRint Innings. Huns. Second nninge. urs. | steacra. Uareriun & Aoith, PHokans Poet) | 
Youngdio, NAVand Ewen s Won. borae, 185 Weal) event street; farvsbea orp reeresenssees 952080 | Gea Feiner ne Labs Waid acligen Pestinsacreertae alletioveer cantons ESS Seer uaauem BE | 
Se on otsent Gureey; are » fa inhi: Bxempeion(Commleteer at, Clark Bog. 2, SOA. tb, ati Ford, 0. Livdsay, b Hime a perfect uartgs to dserepsia in ator lus werrife formes, ke 
——Rintle Francia Wtberset place, furnished Tho comunittco of the Supervicora haviog Jn charge tho | Henry Connolly, Rog. 1,304 We 43th. nie Spi pattcccsccnracsrar1 8a imtas ts sluea eT enismacared heal CSA eee 
me Drawing In the Nineteenth Ward. Alsposal of tho exemption claims of remen and others } Thomas Murphy’, Fog. 1! 673 Sth av., active.” 3 Remaccorfing ie sourdncaione otek thee the dug nas | } 
__ The wesing for to Teath aub-duret, or Nivteonth Biel yesterdoy, and were itroaged with apriications, | Jae yullets Pee. 2, 462 W424, y ited by is drat vatles Wee aepoad res i 
aro. ecmmecnesd aberily after ten o'clock yesterday, far deca cerpuceey fepeldered Fifteen men Rave 6 | Sonn Galuca, foro 20,411 W.ATib, tive, Pegateeesrngeevectegs OD. Hammond. -.....ys4e 8 i 
feriog. Mecers.Zomptiny, Oakey aad Doane wore ee {AES Eunton Mebooald, Fedo 23,110 N b1tn, active SSaeciesud Serer Eb eae 1 | ¥ 
Dppolnted a commaittes to count the ballots, of whieh elx The Tamman: lehard Sharp, Hos 23, 12 Norfolk, active. G. Wright, b. Pear Ton ee grie { 
¥ Hall Exemption Commit | Wm. Hl. Kitch 1 ’ . Weight, B. Pearce... 9 
bundred end vioely-elgbt wero plsced in the wheel, aud P a Hose 36, 21 Ratger, active. Lang, 1. b:w., b. Ham: 
3, tee, ‘Wm. B. Nfebitt, Hoge 52, 420 W. 44uh, acti E eh it { 
the yoota to bo drawn wi » Hoes 52, vo. MOD, syescreeeeeseee 0 7 I. Lewoutd, 01 
Foe Jit tte tea acres apa unto sad slay, Jn accordance with tho reueet of tbo New York Coon: J ype, poder Meso s2, 778 sib av, exempt. Rendall, rao out.s.,/-2. A run out... Ser! mavnat HentG ins whien yourvuitters 6) 
. " George. Clap a West he aruane anus MeDooald; | ty Relief Committco, tbe Democratte Genoral Committee | Ben). @. arta, Hosa s2-aho Ws autor acca, Gorccuntol eamerrerisiao oprorhand am; wit rest nal 
‘anaes 300-1, Taylor, coroan, Wrthe ar perked eres ea reat 5 red. | of Tammany Wall, at thelr maceting last night, appointed | Georgo Hall, H.'A L. 8, 100 W. deth, active. Wides, 17; byes, 6; ). esp ect, Jour obeillen wera. S ss | z 
Browne Jaa %. 197% Druate Bradley Thon 179 Tastormy | BEDE Thomas Wateh; George T. tho following gentlemen to act in thelr respective wards, | Coun coaeey ay Sy, aug, Salt active, byes, 2; bo Bally 1... 26° Wides, 25 1, byes, Ioesee- 3 SON W. HRONAUGH, Chief Clore. { 
, eGR Wein 0 Brest dea nat * | ntsc, feriehed Patrick Dovoboa Jp.gouynetion with po tn each ward to be aprointed | John Heory, Th I. sow. 534; foxemnpi, Total... soeT@8 Total a ; 
Benvuben is IW brounway Meoene ti Lt Bretnay, Rodriave, uop.revident, discharged; Thon. | operate with tho genural coualy Feil and, substitute | Ande, Bassey, Hy 26,33 yoy ease eure winow ewok. : 4 
Biskop Wo, Nenn at resident, Ulscharged. Wma. Oliver, noo- | eomrmittea. Tho teeling of bo Il take | Riek. Dootan, Hose 1,751 SA Ave mele Firs Innings | Beene: Second Ienings,,  Rung.|| (omen Sieere Wy uliyon danse) he tarer, te forward by. or 
Bucy Fos S13 Liacota Tesideot, discharged; Hobert Graham, noo-realdeot, dis: | place this of the whole body will take | Rich, Doolan, Hee 61, 761 31 ave. active. Halobsidgo, b. HI. Wright. & c, Lang b. Gibbes, STH Erb eet nesta ghee py 
Becivs Wor Cyner a barged’ Job Wflinsos cues, Pes Wi chal | Hac AO ortega singer, at Ta aod 78 Doane | Josh A, Dairy, Hog 47 erp, Gordon bOlbbes 0. b. Gibbs... seceyssc2ad | urabinse oltre Sane eeSeNe TNT eCRA Tae ae 
un Avne bes ke ia rvico; Alvan P. Tuttle, | Ward. Ward. ‘Joseph Harrlsen, Heeo 61, 509 Wd Weilve <0 1b. w.,b.Gibbes. 21. 2 | ly tteanld’ te sok reaMlly. ay Ita kaon to be the Vest 
‘on Coa, 12 ent enly too of widow, discharged; Win. H, Cowel, disability, | 1—Joun Fos, 12—Jacob M. Long. Ferdinand Denicko, Hose 61,719 3d avo , exer Dane BUI. HL Wright... Rr Oe A at ees Sad EmoIa holo 
aan © Glscbarsed, ‘Jonn' Young, allem, laid’ over; Fiwis ft | 2—Patrick McMtaboo, --13—Jaepos Mabas Menry Murrby. Tl. asd L. 16, 134 1- 40H, actives SEs CARE UH EOE [mee atria ae tet : 
CREAR Cirmer Chea chan 10 vipa Vince, diseBarged} Joba Worden, allen; Alex. P. Tontoa, | S—Jobu Harley. 4—James Hayes. Toone Duly. i, and Le 1b, 44 Fads uch LS aS cite 8 | RroKina ram cornbsayt with, andced ine astiler svoura ha } 
Cee GENES Hart NM prengwag’ | sisablty, ducbaiged: Dante Ty Cakiey, alsabilay, di: | Joba Tey: 35—Jamex J. Gumbleton. | roter Ewald, Ii. and L. 16, 745 Sa avo. active Btrachan' boGiebescccc 2g DeGMbess eo -222 a | witout salud heb evar oy abut and hear it 
Saberi sereed,T Wise so Keay barged; | 6—Joho ¥. Savago, Jr. 1€—Miebacl Halpin ‘James Geary, IL. nod L. 16, New City Hall aciive. Pirachan) b. Gldbes...... 8 ¢. Hl Wright, b. Gibbee.. 2 | Ie not only a ftestorative. but Rreveailye for alt wens } 
varia ehyueest nares; George Kolghty | gills Neale, Heb Ryan! ‘Thomas Walling, H. and L.'16, 183 © toth’ exempt, Wardiow, cc Waller’ baeMObCU == 10 | Fete ee ndneefbe Eas alforded. no the else H ' 
3 Chinock Geo, G2 Rear a eliod, dleshargen’ Soy: fens . Keenan, oho Toes. Pendergast, Hosa 15, 111 E. 254, active. Gites! % ours has, abd T tenet Fou will Joe no uaa In aouding tho ‘ 
: ; Jona | S—Ralph Bogart, 9 —Ference Farley. ‘John J. Fagan, Noso 83, 110 84 aye. eravel ents + 1 6. Mopford, b. Gibbes.... 0 dered. Yours very rerpecttull i} 
H Bear, 29 Noron James P.Bell, | O—Charies J Chipp. age Jainee Cuaey TUM een as oa ara are peulrs, Draper, rot out, 4. Kendall, b. H. Wrigbt..33 Bits erbere MANUEL BOERS Torltalstemart. 
ricoh Leah ondar twice enrolled, dist | 10—Meses D. Galo. ‘7—Jnmes Mabong, Patk. McCullogt), Mose 63, 771 24 ave., activa, srressvarases B Byes, 051 byes, 2;wide,t-12 , 
cobra A Uy Taylor & Be auing ay diecharged; thos. | 11—Francis A. Boole. 22 Alexander Ward, Charlee Miler, Hose $3, 4¥st aad 34'avo.s aclive, = TSSerrER & Sunt eth tv} 
ms Dominik WW" Zibedterd ‘George John G, Dixon, Hoge 63, 128 FE. 40th, activa. soe 108, y EITER & 
i Dave WH, 3 Taster 0 BAIA Wilnoa at Phe Firemen and the Draft. Charles Heimman, H. and L9, 433 Ymplres— Messrs, Vinten and Wm. Croesly. Hotere & 
2) Reczunm Darid, 95 Baway 5 FOB CONSOKIFT YIMEMEN IN SHE Kiowrm axp | Wiliam P, Wilsop, bog. 7, 115, Scorers—Messrs, Groves aud Serivencr- HOSTRTTER & 
; Fiedicrircumere 8 Fuse Reet & Clymer DIBTIs] SoH T RERRLOSAN SEE EICTe see um i 1.110 gota, te HOSTETIER & : 
5 Fheo GeoW. 13 Bidway Poin get ar ‘Tho Committeo an the Conscription appototed on bel i , if ¢ Cro) ; e ‘ 
Feaiwab/ioie’s BESS MRE oc the New Tern Fite Departoent coatood wale labors | Leger Saree eae ha (lar ee ie HOserres & ext 
2 © Hantnge Thee, 59 Norton u1 Grimes Them. Wye ay Jas night at Firomen’s Hall, im. giving out certiscatas of | 3088 0, Gardxer, Bog. 7, 167. 26tb, exempt, saya Aaa eoeaen 3 Hostetter © Gut 
‘i der P es7atraan at y Gilera SWI oe membership to drafted firemen in tbe Fighth and Ninth re a 23M uetive, ‘Tuo oldest Ianabifant’ ax io=rocollesiom of gues HOSTRTTER & 
pew W Bibra esasees b'eway £ FSCS Congressional districts, o the number of two hundred | Geo. ScolneHor, Eng. 15, 440 01h sv. belive, Fen eteet eanae nieeer acon Tea HrruunG: 
% 4 BetusJooP.1 Taylor st Uicor, 9 Weal eld for service, | 804 forty-six. This nomber would have beea larger hea | Ws: Holmes, Bog. 16, 438 W. 25th, active. ee ie 
$ ont Anselmo, 2 Bosh st Coaries Towel) ony : tho commilteo used up all tho blapks Yokp McCormick, eng. 15, 301 W. Oth, active, pe ee 
4 Pept Acaelmo, Rash at reel rth sitect, held for’ | not the comm p thoy had, and | Fred. Gotuling, Hoge 42, 203 W. 324, acth oiled, Ineluding every teader ber: PITTSBURG, PAL 
e Hecattron ds hte Notched te iuscuargeds| usceo who failed to ave them last aight wil bo able uo | Robert MoUsday, Hoe 42-247 Weavih, woah ‘ i ge ey = 
eee peers Brea ay allen, dischs is them this evening at half-past seven o'clock, Pr 
Pekar one ed ;,alsehargesr Jono Gul. | # 3 ; The TAR UK: 
Hires Jas G, lia Bread eh, ‘Wiscbarged: William H. { folowing ts the list:— PITTSBURG, 
fies Beng) Mall Bi 7/Crocany HERP T ASU AES) Akcbarged; Jobu R. Grifiuhsy noo-rant; | Cris. Moineko, Eng. 28, 317 4th ay, active. dollars | PITTSBURG, 
ay dent, disshan hoo: Fee PROPRIETORS, PITTSBURG, 
7 - wv Wilam 6B. ‘aye Heory Davis, disability, discharged; | Francis G. Calrnes, Png. 28, 140 E. 40th, active, stand the' PROPRIETORS. PITTSBURG, Pa 
Segue Pav, = Broad! my” Jacobe ¥, 13 Breadway Helgi Layo Sent, aS, Slashed; Beal. W, Wess bas: 3 tore isn, rat ay ander tho roots, FROPRISTERS, PITTSBURG, FAC 
laguenons rey piace, i ice; William’ Marpby, | Thomas Tumpson, Hose 61, 7 Bt, ox - fen PM. —— 
Kowrtycnraimy  “gummo.rtoimnn — | Star, Janae” Mates! Danek, Tore age, ail | Walon dak, lwo, 1eGreamich av vacie, | Ecoeas Hl, erat dat dooms he aeeary Rev ReErOny 
Kocher E13 Lae ar Keuy Jobo, Taylors Thanry) A. BOTY, dlacturked Oo oe ea | eee eR ag Tyree Semen hen will have to Brag With Vannes trated. fire : NEW York OFFt0E, 
Eton, MAUS Ctr | HR Meet, CL “Sele, te | Haat Sean SEE un, | Sp a uncanny he ea TE 
ey HAS Broa reed; Thomas £ , undsr age, 2 486 K. Sub, active, ates a CS SEW YORK GFWICE, 
L Vodt. Watkins, conrec a2) Bearesident, di | John Higgins, Hose 37,159 W. 334, active. etry ect NEW YORK OFFICE, © 
Rodney st Laycratt FB, 2 Wileo Under age, dicharpede pany, Meebareed; Theo. F. Alien, | Michael O'NelJ, Hose 37, 248 7th av. activa ‘lads, potatoes NEW YORK OFFIOE, 
Fram ZC 12 Wonka Leper Drools 1e4tajiorat | chargens Pe ceased’; E Reel aged paresis, dig, | subn W. doned" Eng. 49) 413 W. 41th cxeurpy special Notice to Firemen. typ eloro tbe midald of October, a8 a 4 NEW Youte OFFIOE’ 
eaaeya Tavereueg J, > Meat ar Faeyr Ago, Bechara eared Thirieg | Tayia 0, Fowlog, bog. 40.153 W871 active, To vam Fremaes ov mre GHEY Hatt Sept 3, 1869. | ittoa corn to eave what ey en sae eee he NEW YORE OFFICE: 
a stroot, bel fc 7 ni 1, 34 Korrow | Jobo Hines, Eng. 46, G active. N ORK — S 
Bee a dicebarged; Chea Rieyoayy Hott Oly ou ofa wine, | Abram Odell, Eng. 46,307 W. 13th, exon Sqgill members of the Fire Department drafted, aetire | _ The drought continues ‘s  atmost, cloadioaa, | RinW Youn OFFICE, 
Las yz st Magers C, Broad a si Riely, cal non a Pl ‘and exe oll witboot ace of a change in thm 
eat ee do Tayler st Prone cs BTOMAwAY ard | wim, Kleooy, disabiliy’ aacearees SHOW d 2 | fh Willams, Pep 46, 8Su, sear Tih av. That Choe WAGs bee net ny ciety arb Hueraby nated |For are dropping from ho trees aad te lie peace NEM RRGADWAY. 
MarayG Bo Wiles a? Maral WB, 44 Bedrora | Over age, alseharyed: Wen. Venmincing ander Atitter, SES eR TVA NOL Dea meine ‘unable to pancuro a pubetitato, tuat foo coeumalitea on ba, | Fetuse to grow acd gre drying up oa the trees, koe leaves $5 phoapway, 
maser Jas elien ot MabweisJox Rognes at so ‘Aagisten T, Anderatn, BOR. 45, 70 W! 43tb, active, Fra abe derarument wil be in attendance at Firemen's | Of WSicR will son fall of 4B Reoabway 
+ Ui Bradway NUDE: Broad Tpawes Neknlght, Fugine is, 28 Sixth a : Tal dally, frow tao A. Mf to tan P.M, to fornia propor {3 neoxpieay, 
Manion eae Bratway © Wel DA teaeeyy Jheows Hugbe, bogtne 18-30 West Suh et testes and Procure their exemption. <3 nhoaDway, 
Korgan \in ir, 3 ae esa ab sy Van D Pad, Bag Hist te TENRY WILSON, Chatenian; petinsh Ad. ROADWAY. 
Ea Wapedia T ery es roytnay V diecbarged: George Einipecn, Woo Uueitiat, Pagina 1B, 100 West May slit TENE RySeS iil ®NOWING.~G0, to TiowAg Ss ce ABER. 
5 ; at MaLigau. Eogine 18, 141 Weat 41st ot, gctive. JOUN DECKER, (awed wtrect anit $9 Marray street : vay 
Roan ¥ ye trairey "33 006,19 Bigyinsy | Uetarged: rank 3h! | Yysm-telereneliece 12, 39 Weet Sub at nade ZOVMAR ALL, fae use Ie ney eae Near jrosbwar, 
aces ¥ Moore, aies, ais | Gemga Fug-b3, Engioe 16, 173 Woet Sth ct, exempt, Yonn ¥. Breas) Feeretet ee aire fer soit #3 Huon