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Nobel Prize 



Medicine and Physiology 

A Volume in The Life of Science Library 
Number 29 

Nobel Prize 







Lloyd G. Stevenson, 
M.D., Ph.D. 

Henry Schuman New York 

Copyright 1953 by Henry Schuman, Inc. 

Manufactured in the United States of America by H. Wolff 

Library of, Congress Catalog Card Number: 53-10370 



reflected in the awards of the Nobel Prize for Physiology and 
Medicine. One-fifth of the interest on Alfred Nobel's fortune is to 
be given annually "to the person who shall have made the most 
important discovery" in this domain. "Winners are selected by the 
Caroline Medico-Chirurgical Institute in Stockholm. Each Nobel 
laureate is judged to have made a personal contribution of first-rate 
importance. Behind and around him there is always a constellation 
of scientists who have taken part in the same work. Their pre- 
liminary researches have made it possible, or their subsequent 
eiforts have made it more fruitful. The winner of the Prize is 
therefore not only a discoverer in his own right, but a representa- 
tive by virtue of his outstanding contribution of those who have 
worked toward the same or a similar goal. The configuration of the 
heavens may be roughly indicated by mapping the principal stars, 
but the sky would be dim indeed without the rest, 

In the following pages each Prize Winner is represented, first, 
by a short biographical sketch; second, by a passage in which he 
describes the Prize discovery in his own words; and third, by a 
brief editorial explanation of the meaning and importance of the 
work. For the most part the quotation is an excerpt from the Nobel 
Lecture delivered in Stockholm at the time of the presentation of 
the Prize. 

These Lectures are given to general audiences and should there- 
fore be suitable for general readers, as many of them are. Unfortu- 
nately this is not always the case. When the Lecture has been very 
technical in form, some less complicated version of the same story 
has been sought for elsewhere in the author's works. Sought for, 
but not always found. Happily there are only a few cases Profes- 
sor Gullstrand's is one in which the very nature of the discovery 
requires that the reader should have extensive background knowl- 



edge before he can hope for a competent understanding. These few 
instances must be left to those who can grasp them. The majority of 
the discoveries are easy to comprehend in outline. No more than 
this is aimed at here. 

Occasionally, too, the Prize Winner has grown bored with his 
own discovery long before reaching Stockholm he may have de- 
scribed it already fifty times and has chosen to talk about some- 
thing else. Pavlov and Florey are examples: both of them preferred 
to speak of more recent work. Again, a modest laureate may devote 
most of his time to expounding the related discoveries of other 
scientists. In all such cases it is obvious that the Nobel Lecture 
would have been an unsuitable choice for the present purpose. 
Actually most of these Lectures are precisely what is needed. Some- 
times, too, the choice has been determined by the way in which the 
work of one Prize Winner can be linked with that of another: as 
they are here represented, Sherrington's physiological discovery 
leads on from an anatomical finding by Golgi; there are also other 

Except where otherwise shown, all translations have been pre- 
pared for their present use. I am grateful to my colleagues, Dr. 
R. J. Rossiter, Dr. J. A. F. Stevenson, Dr. George Stavraky, Dr. 
R. G. E. Murray, Dr. Murray L. Barr and Dr. T. H. Coffey for 
their help and advice. 

Lloyd G. Stevenson, M.D. 
October, 1952 



Preface v 

1901 Emil von Behring i-- 3 

1902 Ronald Ross / 10 

1903 Niels Ryberg Finsen 15 

1904 Ivan Petrovich Pavlov 20 

1905 Robert Koch >* 25 

1906 Camillo Golgi 32 
Santiago Ramon y Cajal 

1907 Charles L. A. Laveran 41 

1908 EHe Metchnikoff 

Paul Ehrlich 46 

1909 Emil Kocher 57 

1910 Albrecht Kossel 62 

1911 Allvar Gullstrand *-*' 68 

1912 Alexis Carrel ., 73 

1913 Charles Richet 7 8 

1914 Robert Barany 84 

1915 No Award 

1916 No Award 

1917 No Award 

1918 No Award 

1919 Jules Bordet 5 

1920 August Krogh 9^ 

1921 No Award 


1922 Archibald Vivian Hill * 02 
Otto Meyerhof 

1923 Frederick Grant Banting 109 
John J. R. Macleod 

1924 Willem Einthoven H5 

1925 No Award 

1926 Johannes Fibiger 120 

1927 Julius Wagner- Jauregg 125 

1928 Charles Nicolle 13 

1929 Christiaan Eijkman *34 
Frederick Gowland Hopkins 

1930 Karl Landsteiner 143 

1931 Otto Warburg 148 

1932 Charles Sherrington 154 
Edgar Douglas Adrian 

1933 Thomas Hunt Morgan 165 

1934 George Hoyt Whipple 171 
George Richards Minot 

William Parry Murphy 

1935 Hans Spemann 180 

1936 Henry Dale 186 
Otto Loewi 

1937 Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi 196 

1938 Corneille Heymans 204 

1939 Gerhard Domagk 209 

1940 No Award 

1941 No Award 

1942 No Award 

1943 HenrikDam^ 216 
Edward A. Doisy , 

1944 Joseph Erlanger 223 
Herbert Spencer Gasser 

1945 Alexander Fleming % 229 
Ernst Boris Chain 

Howard Walter Florey 


1946 Hermann Joseph Muller 238 

1947 Bernardo Albert Houssay 244 
Carl E Cori 

Gerty T. Cori 

1948 Paul Muller 255 

1949 Walter Rudolf Hess 260 
Egas Moniz 

1950 Edward Calvin Kendall 272 
Philip Showalter Hench 

Tadeus Reichstein 

Index 285 

Nobel Prize 



Medicine and Physiology 




ff For Ms work on serum therapy, especially its 
application against diphtheria, by which he has 
opened a new road in the domain of medical sci- 
ence and thereby placed in the hands of the physi- 
cian a victorious weapon against illness and death." 


Germany, in 1854 and studied in Berlin. He entered the Army 
Medical Corps and was lecturer in the Army Medical College, 
Berlin, in 1888. The following year he became assistant in Robert 
Koch's Institute of Hygiene. In 1891, when Koch became chief 
of the new Institute for Infectious Diseases, von Behring accom- 
panied him. Meantime (1890) he had published his important 
papers on serum therapy. The consequences in medical practice 
were sensational and von Behring was soon famous. In 1894 he 
accepted the chair of hygiene in Halle, but a year later transferred 
to a similar position in Marburg. He received many distinctions 
and several monetary prizes. In Marburg he established works for 
the manufacture of antitoxins and a remedy for the tuberculosis 
of cattle. He died in 1917. 



"As already proved by Loffler, then Roux and Yersin, there are 
animals naturally immune to diphtheria; I have confirmed by my 
own investigations that this is true of mice and rats, and that 
these animals tolerate, without appreciable damage to their health, 
inoculations with cultures which have a sure and deadly effect 
on much larger animals, such as the guinea pig, rabbit, and 
wether. . . . 

"Furthermore, one can make animals immune which were orig- 
inally very susceptible to diphtheria. . . . 

"i. One of the immunization methods, which I can show to be 
very reliable on the ground of my own research, has been described 
exactly by Prof. C Frankel [1861-1915; an assistant of Koch's 
who became professor of hygiene at Halle and did much original 
work in bacteriology and immunology]. ... It depends on the 
use of sterilized cultures, and with the help of this method one can 
make guinea pigs nonsusceptible in 10-14 days to inoculations 
that are certain death to normal guinea pigs. . . . 

"2. [Von Behring next describes a method of his own, using in 
place of the sterilized cultures of Frankel cultures weakened by the 
addition of iodine trichloride in small amounts. A feeble culture 
was succeeded by a more active one. Finally a fully virulent culture 
was tolerated.] 

"In both the methods just mentioned, immunity is brought about 
by the metabolic products bred by diphtheria bacilli in cultures. 

"3. But it is also possible to produce immunity through the 
same metabolic products engendered from diphtheria bacilli in 
the living animal organism. If one investigates animals dying of 
diphtheria, one finds an extremely abundant transudate in the 
pleural cavity. . . . 

"In more than 50 separate cases investigated, this transudate 
never contained diphtheria bacilli; but it possesses properties poi- 

* Translated from Emil von Behring, " Untersuchungen iiber das Zustandekom- 
men der Diphtherie-Immunitat bei Thieren," Deutsche medicinische Wochen- 
sckrift, Vol. 16 (December n, 1890), pp. 1145-1148. 


sonous for guinea pigs. The degree of toxicity is not always the 
same. . . . 

"Those [few} guinea pigs which survive an injection of [10 to 
15 c.c. of} transudate . . . are regularly sick for a long time; 
[here follows a description of their symptoms}. 

"Now when I awaited the complete recovery of those animals 
which displayed the symptoms just described to a pronounced de- 
gree, then ... I could establish that they endured without harm 
inoculations that would kill healthy animals in 3 to 4 days. . . . 

"4. An[other} immunization method, one not hitherto em- 
ployed, can also be traced to the operation of the metabolic prod- 
ucts of the diphtheria bacilli. 

"It consists in first infecting the animals and then doing away 
with the deleterious effect through therapeutic management. [This 
was exceedingly difficult. Of the many drugs tried, most were use- 
less. Mention is made, however, of certain compounds which 
appeared to have cured infected guinea pigs, notably iodine tri- 
chloride. Behring reported that treatment with this drug prior to 
infection did no good.} 

"5. [It was reported that prior treatment with hydrogen per- 
oxide seemed to confer some immunity. This alleged success had 
nothing to do with immune products resulting from the metabolism 
of bacilli.} 

"All five of the methods of immunization against diphtheria 
thus far described are in my opinion not practicable at least in 
the form I have given them for humans. 

"But from the scientific viewpoint, and ... for the under- 
standing of the occurrence of diphtheria immunity, they are capable 
of affording us worth-while service. 

"That is to say, immunity having somehow occurred and I do 
not exclude natural immunity all diphtheria-immune animals 
have certain characteristics in common which distinguish them 
from non-immune animals. 

"First of all, the living immune animals, as a whole, not only 
possess protection against infection with the living diphtheria 
bacilli but are also protected against the deleterious effect of the 
poisonous substances formed by the diphtheria bacilli in cultures 
and in the animal body. 


"I have undertaken the proof of this in various ways. First I 
tried it with the solution of an albuminous substance which I 
separated from old cultures with acidified alcohol; however, I was 
unable to remove the acid from the resulting preparation without 
impairing the poisonous effect; I also think it no easily soluble 
problem ... to separate other precipitating agents from the 
precipitate produced. But for the purpose in question I scarcely 
needed to go after the diphtheria poison, or, perhaps more cor- 
rectly, the diphtheria poisons; filtrates of old cultures afforded me 
all I wanted. 

"Using my cultures grown in alkaline bouillon, with 10 c.c. 
normal alkali per liter, I found that after 10 weeks they contained 
so much poisonous substance that, having been rendered germ-free 
by filtration, they already called forth characteristic symptoms of 
diphtheria poisoning with a dose of i c.c. in medium-sized guinea 
pigs; these symptoms did not entirely disappear for 3 to 4 weeks. 
Furthermore, 3 to 4 c.c. were enough to kill larger guinea pigs in 
3 to 8 days . . . 

"Now all guinea pigs with established diphtheria immunity 
endured 3 to 5 c.c. without any discernible disease symptoms 
or local reaction whatever; on the other hand, guinea pigs that had 
still not quite recovered from an infection proved to be only very 
little more poison-resistant than they normally would be. ... It 
is very noteworthy that the immunity can be lost again through 
the subcutaneous injection of considerable and repeated quantities; 
this happens with all the more certainty, the less the immunity has 
been 'established.' At all events, guinea pigs under the influence 
of the poisonous, germ-free diphtheria culture fare as before 
against diphtheria infection under unfavorable conditions. 

'The first thought to arise could be this, that the resistance to 
poison here described depends on 'habituation/ as in the case of 
alcoholics, morphine addicts, arsenic eaters. . , . 

"But such an interpretation is at once controverted by the fact 
that animals which have never had anything to do with diphtheria 
poison also possess diphtheria poison resistance. 

"If we start out again with the xo-week culture rendered germ- 
free, then, calculating on the basis of body weight, it is deadly for 
guinea pigs in the ratio of about i :ioo; but mice endure the poison 


without any harm when it is injected into them in the ratio of i :ao, 
and I have injected rats on several successive days with 4 c.c. at a 
time without the appearance of a reaction worth mentioning. 

"A further argument against accepting habituation to the poison 
{as the explanation] is the circumstance that I have never suc- 
ceeded, despite the most cautious increase in the dosage of poison 
from a quite harmless to a higher one, in protecting animals against 
the diphtheria poison, except insofar as they have later been able 
to endure a little more of it than they normally could. 

"These observations and considerations led me to approach 
closer to the question whether the origin of the poison resistance 
really does not depend at all on a characteristic of the living cellular 
parts of the organism, but rather on a peculiar property of the 
blood, freed of living cells. 

"In order to decide this question I withdrew blood from rats 3 
hours after they had had large amounts of diphtheria poison in- 
jected into their abdominal cavities, and injected it, or the serum 
obtained from it, into the abdominal cavities of guinea pigs; no 
trace of the symptoms of poisoning occurred, whereas the blood 
of diphtheria-susceptible animals which had received the diphtheria 
poison, when injected into the abdominal cavity in like amount 
(4 c.c.), did not, indeed, kill the guinea pigs, yet clearly made 
them sick. 

"For the future, then, I attach importance to the fact that the 
extravascular blood of diphtheria-immune guinea pigs also has 
the capacity of making the diphtheria poison harmless. To what 
extent this occurs, and to what extent therapeutic results can be 
obtained with the blood of immunized animals on these points I 
propose to contribute later. ..." 


In No. 49 (December 4, 1890) of the Deutscke medicimsche 
Wochenschrijt (German Medical Weekly), von Behring and his 
Japanese colleague, Shibasaburo Kitasato (1852-1931) announced 
the discovery of tetanus antitoxin. It was shown that "immunity 
to this disease . . . depends on the capacity of the blood to render 


harmless the poisonous substances produced by the tetanus bacilli/* 
"In that work/* wrote von Behring, "the same was also affirmed 
for diphtheria immunity, in just the same way as for tetanus, but 
without the communication of separate investigations, which had 
shown for diphtheria, too, the equivalent mechanism of the occur- 
rence of immunity." The work had already been done in part by 
von Behring, and one week later, in No. 50 (December n, 1890) 
of the same journal, there appeared the classic paper from which an 
excerpt is quoted above. It is interesting that a large part of this 
paper concerns preliminary investigations and relates the way in 
which von Behring reached the conclusion that the power of resist- 
ing the disease does not reside in the cellular constitution of the 
body but rather in the cell-free blood serum. (This contention was 
so amply proved a little later that Metchnikoff's discovery of the 
part played by white blood cells in combating infection was at first 
rather ill received. See below, pp. 49-50.) 

As suggested by the last sentence of the longer quotation, much 
remained to be done in studying this phenomenon. About a year 
after publication of the quoted paper the first human case was 
treated with diphtheria antitoxin. This was a child in Bergmann's 
clinic in Berlin, Geissler making the injection on Christmas night, 
1891. The method was soon widely used and its success was phe- 
nomenal. The death rate from diphtheria, as reported by one of the 
Berlin hospitals, fell from 48 percent to 13 percent, and even better 
results soon were achieved. Before the discovery of antitoxin the 
fatality rate in general was about 35 percent, and in laryngeal cases 
about 90 percent. Since this discovery, mortality has fallen to 
approximately 5 percent, and in laryngeal cases to 15 percent. 

Ability to measure dosage was largely the result of the brilliant 
work of Paul Ehrlich (see below, pp, 52-55). Further progress 
was made when the Health Department of New York City adopted 
the use of cultures for diagnosis and for control of the period of 
isolation; this was done in 1893 under the direction of Park. In 
1913 Schick described the intradermal toxin reaction (skin test) 
for the determination of individual immunity. In the same year 
von Behring introduced the use of injections of toxin-antitoxin 
mixtures in children for active immunization against diphtheria. 
This proved a most effective means of protection. In 1924, Ramon 


brought forward his formalized toxin or anatoxin, commonly 
known as toxoid, which has largely replaced toxin-antitoxin mix- 

Not only did von Behring make the most important contribu- 
tions to the conquest of diphtheria but his introduction of sero- 
therapy opened a whole new field to medicine. 


BULLOCH, WILLIAM. The History of Bacteriology (London and New 
York: Oxford University Press, 1938), and the literature cited there, 
especially E. Wernicke, "Die Immunitat bei Diphtheric," Handbuck 
der pathogenen Mikroorganismen von Kolle-Wassermann, 1913. 




"For his work on malaria, by which he has shown 

how it enters the organism and thereby has laid the 

foundation for successful research on this disease 

and how to combat it! 9 


family. He was born at Almora in the Kumaon hills, northwest 
Nepal, on May 13, 1857, the eldest of ten children. His father was 
General Sir Campbell Claye Ross. In 1874 Ronald Ross began the 
study of medicine at St. Bartholomew's Hospital Medical School. 
He obtained the M.R.CS. diploma in 1879 and for a time traveled 
between London and New York as a ship's surgeon. He then 
entered the Madras Medical Service and took part in the Burma 
War. On leave in 1888, he studied bacteriology in London under 
Klein, and took the D.P.H. Returning to India, he began, in 1892, 
to take especial interest in malaria; he had already studied mosqui- 
toes on his first tour of service. In 1894 Patrick Manson, the great 
pioneer of tropical medicine, showed him the malarial parasites 
discovered by Laveran in 1880. Returning to India in 1895 after 
his second home leave, Ross carried on an exhaustive study of the 
problem of the transmission of malaria, constantly advised and 
encouraged by Manson. A series of frustrations, due to the failure 
of the authorities to support his work and their maddening tend- 


1902: RONALD ROSS 11 

ency to transfer him at crucial moments in his research, dogged him 
for years. He nevertheless achieved the great success described be- 
low. Ross was later sent to Assam to investigate kala-azar. In 1899 
he was appointed lecturer in tropical medicine at the Liverpool 
School and retired from the Indian Medical Service; in 1902 he 
became professor. In 1912 he left Liverpool to act as physician for 
tropical diseases at King's College Hospital. He served in various 
capacities as a consultant during the First World War and after 
1918 he practiced in London. He traveled widely, chiefly to advise 
on antimalaria measures. In addition to his scientific writings and 
his Memoirs, he published books of verse and several romances. In 
1911 he became a Knight Commander of the Bath, and in 1918 
Knight Commander of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint 
George. The Ross Institute and Hospital for Tropical Diseases, 
founded in his honor, was opened at Putney in 1926. He died there 
in 1932. 


"Towards the middle of August [1897] I had exhaustively 
searched numerous grey mosquitoes and a few brindled mosquitoes. 
{Unable to obtain literature on mosquitoes, Ross made a working 
classification of his own and invented simple names. His grey 
mosquitoes belonged to the genus Culex, his brindled mosquitoes 
to the genus Stegomyia.*} The results were absolutely negative; the 
insects contained nothing whatever. . . . 

"I had remembered the small dappled-winged mosquitoes 
{genus Anopheles^ but as I could not succeed either in finding 
their larvae or in inducing the adult insects to bite patients, I 
could make no experiments with them. On the ijth August, how- 
ever, one of my assistants brought me a bottle of larvae, many of 
which hatched out next day. Among them I found several dappled- 
winged mosquitoes, evidently of the same genus as those found 
about the barracks, but much larger and stronger. Delighted with 
this capture I fed them (and they proved to be very voracious) on 

* From Ronald Ross, "Researches on Malaria," Les Prix Nobel en 1902. 


a case with crescents in the blood. Expecting to find more in the 
breeding bottle and wishing to watch the escape of the motile fila- 
ments in this new variety, I dissected four of them for this purpose 
immediately after feeding. This proved to be most unfortunate, as 
there were no more of these insects in the bottle, and the results 
as regards the motile filaments were negative. I had, however, four 
of the gorged dappled-winged mosquitoes left; but by bad luck two 
of the dissections were very imperfect and I found nothing. On 
the 2oth August I had two remaining insects both living. Both had 
been fed on the i6th instant. I had much work to do with other 
mosquitoes, and was not able to attend to these until late in the 
afternoon when my sight had become very fatigued. The seventh 
dappled-winged mosquito was then successfully dissected. Every 
cell was searched, and to my intense disappointment nothing what- 
ever was found, until I came to the insect's stomach. There, how- 
ever, just as I was about to abandon the examination, I saw a very 
delicate circular cell apparently lying among the ordinary cells of 
the organ, and scarcely distinguishable from them. Almost in- 
stinctively I felt that here was something new. On looking further, 
another and another similar object presented itself. I now focussed 
the lens carefully on one of these, and found that it contained a 
few minute granules of some black substance exactly like the pig- 
ment of the parasite of malaria. I counted altogether twelve of 
these cells in the insect, but was so tired with work and had been 
so often disappointed before that I did not at the moment recognize 
the value of the observation. After mounting the preparation I 
went home and slept for nearly an hour. On waking, my first 
thought was that the problem was solved; and so it was. 

"Next morning . . . the eighth and last dappled- winged mos- 
quito . . . was killed and dissected with much anxiety. Similar 
bodies were present in it. . . . The objects lay, not in the stomach 
cavity of the insects, but in the thickness of the stomach wall. . . . 

"These two observations solved the malaria problem. They did 
not complete the story, certainly; but they furnished the clue. At a 
stroke they gave both of the unknown quantities the kind of mos- 
quito implicated and the position and appearance of the parasites 
within it" 

1902: RONALD ROSS 13 


In July 1897 MacCallum discovered the sexual phase of the 
reproduction of the malarial parasite. Manson at once recognized 
that Ross's pigmented cells were the fertilized female cells, becom- 
ing motile after fertilization and burrowing into the insects* tissues 
for further development. In July 1898 Ross discovered the sporo- 
zoids of Proteosoma, a malarial parasite attacking birds, in the 
salivary glands of mosquitoes. The route of infection was thus re- 
vealed and the story was virtually complete. Grassi extended the 
discovery from bird malaria to human malaria, and Italian malari- 
ologists worked out most of what remained to be learned. Ross 
optimistically expected that his discoveries were "to save human 
life in the gross, perhaps to open continents to civilization/* a 
confidence widely shared. It was largely doomed to disappointment, 
for the problem has turned out to be an enormously difficult one. 
Economics, agriculture, and the social conditions of great masses 
of people have proved important, and often intractable, factors 
in the control of malaria. Furthermore, there appear to be epi- 
demiological considerations which are not well understood even 
today. For example, no entirely satisfactory explanation has yet 
been advanced for the almost complete disappearance of malaria 
in certain areas, such as parts of the United States and Canada, 
where Anopheles mosquitoes continue to thrive. Nevertheless the 
discovery made by Sir Ronald Ross has borne fruit in such measures 
as the drainage or oiling of swamps and in the "malaria discipline'* 
which, properly inculcated and enforced, has been shown capable 
of providing a large measure of protection to armies fighting in 
the tropics. This has been of great value to other groups and 
individuals exposed to the same danger; combined with the use of 
quinine, and more recently with other drugs, especially atabrine, it 
has reduced, although by no means abolished, the greatest hazard 
of the malaria-infested regions of the globe. The introduction of 
DDT (see below, pp. 255-259) and other insecticides has given 
the malariologist new weapons against the mosquito. In several 


malarial districts, notably in Cyprus, the most recent results have 
been very encouraging. 

One may be tempted to suggest that Ross's work inspired Walter 
Reed, Charles Nicolle, and later discoverers of insect vectors in 
disease; but it should be remembered that earlier workers, notably 
Theobald Smith and Manson, had already performed a similar 
service. It will not be forgotten that General W. C. Gorgas, by 
exterminating mosquitoes in the Panama region, was able to control 
both malaria and yellow fever. 


MEGROZ, R. I. Ronald Ross, Discoverer and Creator (London: Allen 

& Unwin, 1931). 
Ross, RONALD. Memoirs: With a Full Account of the Great Malaria 

Problem and Its Solution (London: J. Murray, 1923). 




ff ln recognition of Ms contribution to the treatment 
of diseases, especially lupus vulgaris, with concen- 
trated light rays, whereby he has opened a new 
avenue to medical science" 


Thorshavn, capital of the Faroe Islands, and received some of his 
early schooling at Reykjavik, Iceland. He studied at the University 
of Copenhagen for eight years and took his degree in medicine in 
1890. In the same year he was appointed professor of anatomy in 
the Surgical Academy. As an undergraduate he had already become 
interested in the influence of light upon living organisms. His work 
followed researches of Downes and Blunt on the influence of light 
upon bacteria, and those of Widmark on the power of the actinic 
rays to cause inflammation of the skin. In 1893 he published his 
first essay on the red-light treatment of smallpox. This was fol- 
lowed by other papers on the biological effects of light, including 
accounts of his work on the treatment of lupus vulgaris, a form of 
tuberculosis affecting the skin, especially that of the face. In 1895 
he established the first Light Institute, at Copenhagen, which re- 
ceived patients from many parts of the world. Originally built and 
supported by private philanthropy, this Institute was later assisted 
by the state. When awarded the Nobel Prize, Finsen placed half 



the prize money at interest for the benefit of his family and donated 
the other half to the Institute. He died at the age of forty-three, 
on September 24, 1904. 


"Thanks to the work of Downes and Blunt, of Duclaux, Arloing, 
Roux, Geissler, Buchner, etc., it is at present [1897] well estab- 
lished that light possesses an energetic bactericidal power. Thus 
everything argues, at least theoretically, in favor of the use of light 
in the treatment of superficial cutaneous diseases caused by bac- 
terial infection, and yet this therapeutic procedure has remained 
unused ... to this day. . . . {Finsen here reviews some refer- 
ences in the literature to earlier attempts to use light in this way in 
the treatment of lupus. In some cases this apparently had been con- 
ceived as nothing more than a form of heat treatment; in general, 
Finsen concludes, the light source had been too feeble, the treat- 
ments too short and too few.] 

"These isolated instances of the use of light for the treatment 
of lupus are thus of little value and can scarcely provide a basis for 
further researches. Consequently I have thought it my duty to re- 
undertake the study of this important question from top to bottom. 

"As light only exerts its bactericidal effects very slowly, it is 
necessary ... to concentrate it by means of mirrors or lenses, at 
the same time excluding the heat rays of the spectrum, the infra- 
red, red, orange, and yellow, because when concentrated they cause 
burning of tissues. This exclusion, moreover, curtails the bac- 
tericidal action of the light only a very little, for on examining the 
question more closely one finds that the majority of observers have 
asserted that the bactericidal qualities are due to the most refractive 
rays, a fact which my own experiments have confirmed. . . . [At 
this point Finsen describes the filters he used for this purpose, the 
means he employed for "straining" and concentrating sunlight, and 
the apparatus he devised for making use of artificial sources of 
light to produce "blue-violet" rays. His chief resource for filtering 

* Translated from Niels Ryberg Finsen, La. Phototherapie (Paris: G. Carre et 
C Naud, 1899), pp, 85-96. 


sunlight was a hollow planoconvex lens filled with an ammoniacal 
solution of copper sulfate; when he used an electric arc lamp, the 
rays were made parallel by two planoconvex lenses.} 

"Before having this apparatus constructed and perfected, I 
assured myself by a series of experiments that the bactericidal action 
of light is really augmented in the degree that its rays are concen- 
trated ... I made use of flat, rectangular vessels, coating their 
walls inside with peptone-gelatin or peptone-agar which I sowed 
with pure cultures [of bacteria]. On the outside of each flask I 
stuck a sheet of paper, white on one side and black on the other, the 
white surface being turned to the light in order to prevent the 
absorption of heat rays, and the black surface applied to the glass to 
prevent the light from influencing the culture. In addition I cut 
round holes in this paper across which I wrote on the glass of the 
vessel . . . figures indicating the time in minutes during which 
these parts were subjected to the action of light. 

"Two identical flasks prepared in this way were simultaneously 
exposed . . . one to direct sunlight, the other to concentrated sun- 
light. . . . [The cultures were allowed to grow in the dark for 
a day or two. It was then found that the concentrated light had had 
a greater inhibitory effect than direct sunlight. Finsen performed 
other experiments of a similar nature to test this point. He also 
found that his blue-violet rays, when passed through the pinna of 
the ear, had no effect on photographic paper; but that if the ear 
were compressed between plates of glass until partly exsanguinated 
i.e., deprived of blood the rays then seemed capable of pene- 
trating it. For this reason he devised glass discs to be bound firmly 
with tapes to the surfaces he wished to expose; these were supposed 
to prevent blood from absorbing too much of the radiation by 
forcing it out of the areas under treatment.} 

"I have employed the method of treatment by concentrated 
chemical rays in different infectious skin diseases, but above all in 
lupus vulgaris, an affection which presents particularly favorable 
conditions for putting this therapeutic procedure to work. It is 
known that lupus vulgaris is caused by the tubercle bacillus, that it 
is a local and quite superficial malady. On the other hand it is well 
established that light is capable of killing the tubercle bacillus. . . . 

"When a plaque of lupus has been subjected for a long enough 


time to the action of concentrated chemical rays, its margins^ pre- 
viously elevated, become smooth, the redness progressively dimin- 
ishes, the skin regains its normal color, and ulcerations, when they 
exist, are cicatrized/ 1 


Finsen's use of concentrated radiation from the sun or an arti- 
ficial light source, with the heat rays eliminated, made available the 
most refractive rays, the blue and especially the ultraviolet. Ultra- 
violet light continues to hold a place in the treatment of lupus vul- 
garis and a few other types of skin disease. The apparatus used 
and the details of treatment have changed, but the principle re- 
mains. X-ray treatment has been substituted in some cases of lupus, 
particularly in those with marked ulceration and hypertrophy, but 
the Finsen method, although time-consuming and costly, yields the 
least disfiguring scars. Sometimes both X rays and Finsen rays are 
used, and radium, too, has been employed. Local treatment with 
drugs and the surgical removal of severe localized lesions have 
been recommended, in combination with the systemic treatment of 
tuberculosis. Despite variations, a leading place is still reserved for 
ultraviolet irradiation. The approach to therapy has been altered, 
however, by the recent introduction of cortisone and ACTH. 

The therapeutic use of other forms of irradiation has probably 
been inspired in part by Finsen's success. Ultraviolet light is now 
used for a variety of other purposes, including the partial steriliza- 
tion of a limited, enclosed space; attempts have also been made to 
reduce the number of upper respiratory infections by ultraviolet 
irradiation of working places, but with limited and rather dubious 
success. (The importance of sunlight for health has been confirmed 
by the discovery that vitamin D 2 is produced by the ultraviolet ir- 
radiation of ergosterol, a substance derived from yeast and other 
plant sources, but also found in animal tissues, notably in the skin; 
hence the rarity of rickets in sunny climates. ) Meanwhile, Bernhard, 
Rollier, and a number of later workers have extended the use of 
phototherapy in surgical cases and in several different forms of 


Finsen had earlier (1893) described a method for the preven- 
tion of pitting in smallpox by keeping the patient in a red-lighted 
room, the chemical rays at the other end of the spectrum being 
excluded. This procedure is now seldom mentioned in the text- 




ff ln recognition of his work on the physiology of 

digestion, by which, in essential respects, he has 

transformed and enlarged our knowledge of this 



country priests, was born September 26, 1849, in the city of Riazan, 
in Russia. He began his education in the church school and con- 
tinued it in the theological seminary. Discovering an interest in 
the natural sciences, he left the seminary in 1870 and entered St. 
Petersburg University, where Mendeleev and Butlerov were among 
his teachers. Subsequently he entered the Medico-Chirurgical 
Academy and was graduated in 1879. The influence of Professor 
E. von Cyon and the fame of Sechenov are said to have determined 
his future career. After graduation he served as Professor S. P. 
Botkin's chef de laboratoire in the Clinic of Internal Medicine at 
the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy, where he continued 
to study physiology and carry on research. In 1884 ^ e went abroad 
to study, spending two years in further training, partly with Lud- 
wig at Leipzig, partly with Heidenhain in Breslau. He returned to 
the Military Medical Academy in 1886. In 1888 he discovered the 
secretory nerves to the pancreas; in 1889 he described his experi- 
ments in sham feeding (see below) . Not until 1890 did he obtain 



a chair, becoming professor of pharmacology. A year later he was 
also appointed director of the Department of Physiology of the 
Institute of Experimental Medicine. In 1895 ^ e g ave U P his chair 
of pharmacology for that of physiology in the Medico-Chirurgical 
Academy, which he retained until 1924. In 1902 Bayliss and 
Starling announced the discovery of secretin, the hormone which 
incites the pancreas to secrete its digestive juice. The discovery was 
confirmed in Pavlov's laboratories, but Pavlov himself had con- 
centrated on nervous correlations and the introduction of a humoral 
(blood-stream) factor seems to have cooled his interest in diges- 
tion. At any rate he now turned to his famous work on the condi- 
tioned reflex. For the next thirty years he devoted himself to the 
reflex activity of the cerebral hemispheres. His death occurred in 


"In the year 1852 Bidder and Schmidt had observed that, under 
certain circumstances, one needs only to excite a dog by the sight of 
food in order to call forth a secretion of gastric juice. ... In 
recent times the French physiologist Richet has had the opportu- 
nity of making observations on a patient on whom the operation 
of gastrotomy had been performed for an incurable stricture of the 
oesophagus [i.e., a permanent opening had been made from the 
stomach to the exterior to permit feeding]. Soon after the patient 
took anything sweet or acid into the mouth, Richet was able to per- 
ceive a secretion of pure gastric juice. . . . [These] observations 
prove . , . that the gastric glands are influenced through nerves 
by "distant effect/ since the phenomenon comes to pass without any 
immediate contact between the food and the gastric mucous mem- 
brane. It only remained to make the experiment constant and sim- 
ple; in other words, to facilitate its reproduction and seek out its 
proper interpretation. 

"As a matter of fact, I am now able to demonstrate experiments 
to you which yield absolutely constant and unequivocal results. We 

* From J. P. Pawlow, The Work of the Digestive Glands, translated by W. H. 
Thompson (London: C. G. Griffin, 1902), pp. 49'5* 54 7*- 


have here before us [this is a demonstration lecture] a dog . . . 
[which] possesses an ordinary gastric fistula with metallic cannula 
[tube], and has had its oesophagus divided as well, so that the 
mouth is cut off from all communication with the cavity of the 
stomach. Its stomach has been washed out . . . and . . . not a 
single drop of fluid escapes from the fistula. I give the dog food. 
The animal eats greedily, but the whole of the food swallowed 
comes out again at the oesophageal opening in the neck. After 
feeding in this way (. . . f sham feeding') for five minutes, per- 
fectly pure gastric juice makes its appearance at the fistula, the 
stream steadily becomes greater and greater, and now, five minutes 
after the commencement of secretion, we have already 20 c.c. of 
juice. We may continue to feed the dog as long as we wish, the 
secretion will flow at the same rate for one, two, or more hours. 
... It is obvious that the effect of the feeding is transmitted by 
nervous channels to the gastric glands. 

". . . We will [now] carry our experiment a step farther by 
dividing the vagi nerves. ... In the case of this dog, at the time 
of making the gastric fistula, the right vagus nerve was divided 
below its recurrent laryngeal and cardiac branches. In this way, 
only the pulmonary and abdominal branches on the side in ques- 
tion were thrown out of function, the laryngeal and cardiac fibres 
remained intact. About three hours before the present lecture, I 
prepared the left vagus free in the neck, passing a loop of thread 
round the nerve, but not dividing it. I now pull gently on the 
thread to draw the nerve outwards, and sever it with a sharp snip 
of the scissors. At present the pulmonary and abdominal vagi on 
both sides are paralysed, while on the right side the laryngeal and 
cardiac fibres are intact. . . . The dog . . . shows no indication 
whatever of a pathological or otherwise uncomfortable condition. 
. . . We again off er the dog food to eat, which it eats with increas- 
* ing greed . - . but in sharp contrast to the previous sham feed- 
ing, we do not see a single drop of juice flowing from the stomach. 
We may feed the dog as long as we wish, and repeat our experi- 
ment ... as often as we desire, but never again shall we see a 
secretion of gastric juice in this animal as the result of sham feed- 
ing. . . , 

"[In another dog in the same state] the peripheral end of the 


[left vagus nerve in the neck] had been prepared free, placed on 
a ligature, and for the time being preserved under the skin. After 
three to four days the stitches were carefully removed . . . when 
the nerve lay free before us. In this way we avoided appreciable 
discomfort to the animal before exciting the nerve. By such pre- 
cautions we invariably succeeded in obtaining a secretion of juice 
from the empty stomach when the nerve was subsequently excited 
by slow induction shocks at intervals of one to two seconds. . . . 
"[In still another case] we begin to get ready a meal of flesh 
and sausage before the animal [with gastric fistula and divided 
oesophagus] as if we meant to feed it. ... Precisely five minutes 
after we begin to tease the animal in this way the first drops of 
gastric juice appear in the fistula. The secretion grows ever stronger 
and stronger, till it flows in a considerable stream." 


Apart from his later work on the conditioned reflex (which he 
discussed in his Nobel lecture, although the Prize had not been 
awarded with this in mind), the experiments described in the 
quotation are probably the most famous of the many which Pavlov 
performed. His great surgical skill contributed to his success, and 
he is credited with the introduction of aseptic surgery and the 
"chronic" experiment into physiology. His new experimental pro- 
cedures included esophagotomy combined with gastric fistula, as 
well as a new type of stomach pouch designed to preserve blood 
and nerve supply; he also used new methods of faradization (ap- 
plication of an induced, or faradic, electric current) and was 
responsible for a number of other innovations or modifications in 
experimental techniques. His studies of the secretions of the salivary 
glands, the stomach, the pancreas, and the intestine indeed, of 
almost every aspect of digestive secretion are too far-ranging for 
brief summation; hence a portion of his work on gastric secretion 
has been selected as a specimen of his achievement. Professor Bab- 
kin summarizes the facts established under ten headings: **( I ) & 
was demonstrated beyond doubt that vagus was the secretory nerve 
of the gastric glands. (2) It was shown that 'psychic' gastric secre- 


tion was a fact of extreme importance. (3) A typical course of 
gastric secretion in response to different food substances meat, 
bread, milk was established. (4) For the first time it was demon- 
strated that the peptic power of the gastric juice varied with the 
nature of the food ingested and the phase of gastric secretion. 
(5) The constancy of the acidity of the gastric juice was demon- 
strated. (6) The stimulation of gastric secretion by food intro- 
duced directly into the stomach was shown to be due not to the 
mechanical but to the chemical stimulation of the gastric glands. 
(7) New secretagogue substances, e.g., water and meat extract, 
were discovered. (8) The ability of starch to stimulate a greater 
output of pepsin was shown. (9) The inhibitory effect of fat on 
gastric secretion was established. (10) The three phases of gastric 
secretion the nervous, the pyloric, and the intestinal were dis- 

This represents only a part of Pavlov's work on digestion; one 
therefore feels no surprise at Babkin's further statement that the 
sum of this work "is the foundation on which modern normal and 
pathological gastroenterology is based." 

Pavlov's discovery of the part played by the vagus nerve was 
an important contribution to general knowledge of the autonomic 
control of internal organs and directed further attention to this 
interesting question. The reflexes described above are uncondi- 
tioned reflexes. But it is already apparent, in the references to 
"psychic secretion/ 1 that Pavlov was feeling his way toward his 
concept of the conditioned reflex, initiated by a stimulus in- 
herently meaningless but rendered effective by association. This 
concept in turn has had widespread influence on physiology, psy- 
chology, psychiatry, and even education. 


BABKIN, B. P. Pavlov: A Biograpby (Chicago: University of Chicago 

Press, 1949). 
STAVRAKY, G. W. "Ivan Petrovitch Pavlov/' Archives of Neurology 

and Psychiatry, Vol. 33 (May 1935), pp. 1082-1087. 




ff For his investigations and discoveries in regard to 


Koch was the son of a mining official and the third of thirteen 
children. He attended the Gymnasium of his native town and at 
the age of nineteen began his medical studies at Gottingen. Here 
he was influenced by the teaching of Jacob Henle, who had pro- 
posed a theory of contagion in 1840. In 1866, at the age of 
twenty-three, Koch received the M.D. degree. He then interned 
at the Hamburg General Hospital and in 1869 commenced practice 
at Rakwitz, in Posen. The following year he volunteered for 
medical service in the Franco-Prussian War. He resumed civil 
practice in 1872 in the town of Bomst (pop. 4000), in Wollstein, 
Polish Prussia; soon he became district physician, assuming respon- 
sibility for a large territory. Despite the heavy pressure of his day- 
to-day work, he found time for microscopy and conducted original 
research. His first triumph was his demonstration, in 1876, of the 
complete life cycle and sporulation of the anthrax bacillus. This 
historic piece of work was the first demonstration of a specific 
microorganism as the cause of a definite disease. Koch's ingenious 
contributions to the technique of bacteriology isolating, mount- 
ing, staining, and photographing bacteria facilitated his own later 



studies. In 1880 he was made a member of the Imperial Board of 
,Health. This enabled him to give up his country practice and devote 
his time to research. The results, which were almost immediate, 
were of prime importance. In 1881 he introduced steam steriliza- 
tion. On March 24, 1882, at a meeting of the Berlin Physiological 
Society, he announced his discovery of the bacillus of tuberculosis. 
From 1885 to 1891, he was professor of hygiene at the University 
of Berlin, where much of his time was given up to teaching; in the 
latter year he became the first director of the Institute for Infec- 
tious Diseases, turning his full energies to research. In 1883, as 
head of the German Cholera Commission, he visited Egypt and 
India and discovered the cholera vibrio. Later travels in India, Java, 
Africa, and Italy were occasioned by his studies of trypanosomiasis, 
malaria, plague, and a variety of other diseases. He and his col- 
laborators were able to show that bubonic plague is transmitted to 
human beings by the rat-flea. He came back repeatedly to his labors 
on tuberculosis. Koch died at the age of sixty-seven, on May 27, 
1910. His body was cremated and the ashes placed in the Berlin 
Institute for Infectious Diseases. 


"{Jean Antoine] Villemin's discovery that tuberculosis is trans- 
missible to animals [1865} has found varied confirmation, as is 
well known, but also apparently well-founded opposition, so that, 
up to a few years ago, it remained undecided whether or not tuber- 
culosis is an infectious disease. [It was commonly blamed on nutri- 
tional disturbances.} Since then, however . . . inoculations into 
the anterior chamber of the eye ... and in addition, inhalation 
experiments . . . have proven the transmissibility of tuberculosis 
beyond a doubt. . . . 

"Attempts have been made repeatedly to investigate the nature 
of tuberculosis thoroughly, but up to now [1882] they have been 

* From Berliner klinische Wochenschrijt, Vol. 19 (1882), pp, 221-230; reprinted 
in Medical Classics (Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1938), Vol. n, pp. 821- 
852 (translation on pp. 853-880). The translation given here is modified slightly 
from that of Dr. W. de Rouville in Medical Classics. 

1905: ROBERT KOCH 27 

fruitless. The staining methods so frequently used with success for 
the demonstration of pathogenic microorganisms have left this 
disease in the lurch, and the attempts made to isolate and cultivate 
the virus of tuberculosis up to the present cannot be regarded as 
successful. . . . 

"In my investigations of tuberculosis, I at first followed the 
known methods without obtaining any explanation as to the true 
nature of the disease. However, several opportune observations 
caused me to abandon these methods and to adopt others which 
finally led me to positive results. . . . 

"The material to be examined is prepared in the usual manner 
for examining for pathogenic bacteria, and either spread on the 
cover slip, dried, and heated or cut into sections after fixation in 
alcohol. The cover slips or sections are placed in a staining solu- 
tion of the following constitution: 200 ex. of distilled water are 
mixed with i c.c. of a concentrated alcoholic solution of methylene 
blue, shaken up, and then 0.2 c.c. of a 10 percent solution of potas- 
sium hydroxide is added with repeated shaking. This mixture must 
show no precipitate after standing for several days. The materials 
to be stained remain in this solution for 20 to 24 hours. By heating 
the solution to 40 C in a water bath this time can be shortened to 
^ to i hour. Following this the cover slips are covered with a con- 
centrated aqueous solution of vesuvin, which is filtered each time 
before using, and after i to 2 minutes rinsed with distilled water. 
When the cover slips come from the methylene blue, the attached 
layer appears dark blue and is markedly overstained. During the 
treatment with vesuvin this blue color is lost and it appears stained 
a faint brown. Under the microscope all the constituents of animal 
tissue, that is, the cell nuclei and their products of disintegration, 
appear brown, while the tubercle bacilli, on the other hand, stain 
a beautiful blue. Moreover, all other bacteria which I have investi- 
gated to date, with the exception of the lepra bacilli [discovered 
by Hansen in 1875], take on a brown color with this staining 
method. The color contrast between the brown stained tissue and 
the blue tubercle bacilli is so striking that the latter, which are 
present often only in very small number, are nevertheless to be 
found and identified with the greatest certainty. ..." 

{Koch indicates the diseased tissue, both human and animal. 


examined by him in his search for the bacilli. He studied not only 
a large number of cases of spontaneous tuberculosis, but also many 
animals infected by inoculation.} 

"On the basis of my numerous observations I state it to be 
proved that the bacteria designated by me as the tubercle bacilli are 
present in all cases of tuberculous disease of man and animals, and 
that they may be differentiated from all other microorganisms by 
their characteristic properties. It does not necessarily follow from 
this coincidence of the tuberculous disease and the bacilli that the 
two phenomena have an original association. . . . 

Tfn order to prove that tuberculosis is a parasitic disease caused 
t>y the invasion of the bacilli . . . the bacilli had to be isolated 
from the body and cultivated in pure culture . . . and, finally, 
through transfer of the isolated bacilli to animals, the same clinical 
picture of tuberculosis as is obtained by the injection of naturally 
developed tuberculosis material had to be produced. 

"The solution of the problem} depends on the use of a solid, 
transparent culture medium which retains its firm consistency 
at incubator temperature [a method previously introduced by 
Koch}. . . . 

"Serum of cattle or sheep blood ... is poured into cotton- 
stoppered test tubes and daily, for six consecutive days, is heated 
to a temperature of 58 C for an hour at a time. By this means 
it is possible to sterilize the serum completely in most instances. 
. . . Then it is heated to 65 C for several hours. . . . 

"On this solidified blood serum, which forms a firm transparent 
culture medium at incubator temperature, the tuberculous material 
[excised from diseased organs with disinfected instruments} is 
placed ... by means of a just previously flamed platinum wire 
fused into a glass rod. Naturally the cotton plug is removed for 
only the shortest possible time. . . . 

"The test tubes . . . are placed in the incubator and must re- 
main there constantly at a temperature from 37 to 38 C . . . The 
cultures resulting from the growth of tubercle bacilli first appear 
to the naked eye in the second week after inoculation, usually not 
until after the tenth day, as very tiny points and dry scales. . . . 
The markedly slow growth which is attained only at incubator 
temperature, the peculiarly dry and scale-like condition of these 

1905: ROBERT KOCH 29 

bacillary colonies occur in no other known type of bacteria, so that 
confusion of the cultures of tubercle bacilli with those of other 
bacteria is impossible; and after only a small amount of practice 
nothing is easier to detect at once than accidental contamination of 
the cultures. ..." 

{The pure cultures thus obtained were used by Koch in a series 
of animal inoculations, described in detail. The nature of the ex- 
periments and the results attained are indicated briefly in Koch's 

"If one looks back over these experiments, it is apparent that 
a not inconsiderable number of experimental animals that had re- 
ceived the cultures of bacilli in various ways, that is, by simple 
inoculation into the subcutaneous tissue, through injection into the 
abdominal cavity, or into the anterior chamber of the eye or directly 
into the blood stream, had been rendered tuberculous without a 
single exception; and, indeed, had developed not only a solitary 
tubercle but an extraordinary number of tubercles proportionate 
to the large number of infectious germs introduced. In other ani- 
mals it was possible by the injection of a minimal number of bacilli 
into the anterior chamber of the eye to produce a tuberculous 
iritis. . ." 


Tuberculosis is a protean disease, which can affect a number of 
organs and show a number of different results. Nevertheless some 
clinicians, notably the great Laennec, inventor of the stethoscope, 
had been able to draw upon clinical observations to combine all 
tubercular processes into a single morbid unity. Later, however, 
under the influence of Rudolf Virchow, this unity was destroyed 
and a dualistic conception of tuberculosis grew up on the basis of 
pathological findings. On March 24, 1882, Koch informed the 
Berlin Physiological Society that he had discovered the tubercle 
bacillus. Laennec's views were thus confirmed and the work of 
Villemin and other experimenters verified; the dualistic doctrine 
vanished. Koch could demonstrate tubercle bacilli not only in the 
lungs but in other infected organs intestines, bones, kidneys, 


lymph glands, and skin. A variety of diseases were thus shown to 
be one and the same. Improvements in staining technique, intro- 
duced by Ehrlich and Ziehl, speeded up the detection of the organ- 
isms. Soon thousands of examinations were being made and the 
classification of these tubercular diseases became clear and certain. 
All were forms of tuberculosis. The clinical aspect of the disease, 
once complicated, was greatly simplified. "Chronic pneumonia/' 
"apex catarrh/' "apex pneumonia/' etc., disappeared from the 

In the tubercle bacillus doctors had a trustworthy diagnostic sign. 
Found in sputum or urine, it left no doubt of the diagnosis. Fur- 
thermore its presence or absence could be used to check on the 
effectiveness of treatment and on the patient's progress. 

Isolation of the exciting cause of tuberculosis made it possible 
to study the nature and reactions of the responsible organism. All 
new therapeutic agents must be tried on the bacillus itself, in vitro 
(i.e., in a test tube) first, then in vivo (i.e., in the living body) . At 
the present time a number of promising new agents are being in- 
vestigated and there appears to be a strong likelihood that effective 
chemotherapeutic remedies will in course of time be found. 

In 1890 Koch announced that he had found a substance that 
would check the growth of tubercle bacilli both in vitro and in vivo. 
This was tuberculin, a glycerine extract of a pure culture of tubercle 
bacilli; although it proved disappointing as a remedy, substances 
not unlike it have since been found of real value in diagnosis. It is 
also possible that the work on tuberculin, which attracted universal 
attention, may have served as a step toward the discovery of the 
antidiphtheria serum. 

As shown in the quotation above, the tubercle bacillus is difficult 
to stain and difficult to cultivate on artificial media. It was Koch's 
great technical ingenuity that enabled him to devise a staining tech- 
nique by which he could detect the bacillus and a culture technique 
by which he could grow it. Also worthy of note are the steps by 
which he proved it to be the causative factor in the disease. As a 
pioneer in staining, in the use of solid culture media, in steriliza- 
tion by steam, and in many lesser technical matters, Koch was the 
principal founder of modern laboratory bacteriology in all its 
means and methods. He also imposed upon the growing science 

1905: ROBERT KOCH 31 

certain rigid requirements, known as "Koch's postulates/* by 
which to establish proof of a causative relationship between mi- 
crobe and disease. Among his own discoveries of this kind, none 
was more important, or more productive of good results, than his 
discovery of the tubercle bacillus. 


HEYMANN, B. Robert Koch. Leipzig, 1932. 
KIRCHNER, M. Robert Koch. Vienna, 1924. 
LOBEL, J. Robert Koch: Gescbicbte ernes Glucklicben. Zurich, 1935. 






ff ln recognition of their work on the structure of 
the nervous system! 9 



1844, the son of a medical practitioner. He received his medical 
training at the University of Padua, where he was graduated in 
1865. During his postgraduate hospital course he was attracted to 
the Psychiatric Clinic of Cesare Lombroso, and his first publica- 
tions were in the field of psychiatry. It was at this time, however, 
that Virchow's Cellular Pathology (1858) was exerting a great 
influence on medical scientists. Golgi began to work in the Pavian 
laboratory of Giulio Bizzozero, the histologist, where he conducted 
his first studies on the lymphatics of the brain and on the nature 
of the neuroglia. In 1872 circumstances forced him to take a post 
in the small hospital for incurables at Abbiategrasso, but despite 
disheartening conditions he carried on his researches and developed 
his famous silver-impregnation method of staining nervous tissues 



(1873) . He applied this method to the central nervous system, dis- 
covering the "Golgi cells" and providing evidence for the neuron 
theory. Meanwhile he had also done useful work in neuropathol- 
ogy. In 1879 he was appointed professor of anatomy at the Uni- 
versity of Siena, but left the following year to return to Pavia as 
professor of histology and general pathology. He continued to 
conduct important studies in neuroanatomy, but much of his later 
work was in pathology. In a series of publications from 1886 to 
1893 he established the cycle of development of the parasites of 
quartan and tertian malaria. He received many honorary degrees as 
well as other awards and was probably the best-known Italian 
medical scientist of his time. He died in 1926. 


an isolated village in the Spanish Pyrenees, where his father was 
"surgeon of the second class." The elder Ramon later extended his 
studies and in time became professor of anatomy at Zaragoza. The 
son's unfortunate early schooling, under tyrannical teachers, failed 
to reveal his gifts. It was followed by apprenticeship, first to a 
barber, then to a shoemaker. His father then undertook to teach 
him, particularly in osteology, which revealed the boy's talent as a 
draftsman. Thereafter he studied medicine at Zaragoza and was 
graduated in 1873. Then came compulsory service in the Spanish 
army, chiefly in Cuba, until 1875; during this interval he suffered 
severely from malaria and dysentery. After taking a medical de- 
gree at Madrid, he became a demonstrator and then, in 1877, pro- 
fessor of anatomy at Zaragoza; but he was soon forced to interrupt 
his work because of pulmonary tuberculosis. He married in 1879 
and in 1884 was called to the chair of anatomy at Valencia. For a 
time he worked at bacteriology and serology, but turned to his 
proper field, histology, and in 1887 was given a chair in that subject 
at Barcelona. Learning of the Golgi silver stain from Luis Simarra, 
a neuropsychiatrist of Madrid, Ramon y Cajal developed an im- 
provement of his own which he began to use in the study of the 
nervous system. This was the first of his several important innova- 
tions in staining technique. In 1889 he demonstrated his work 


before the German Society of Anatomists, was praised by Kolliker, 
and was soon acclaimed by German histologists generally. In 1892 
he was appointed professor of normal histology and pathologic 
anatomy at Madrid. International honors now accumulated. There 
followed many years of intensive labor. By 1923 he had already 
published 237 scientific papers. He also wrote a large number of 
books, including not only comprehensive works on the nervous sys- 
tem but popular essays, a treatise on color photography, etc. He 
died on October 18, 1934, at the age of eighty-two. 




"I have found two quite different kinds of nerve-endings in the 

"(a) The one is represented by peculiar bodies which are quite 
characteristic in appearance, form, structure, and type of connection 
with the nerve fibrils, and are unlike any other in the known 
nervous end-apparatus of our organism; it is very probable, then, 
that their significance lies in correspondence with the function 
which muscles and tendons have to perform in common. Since 
they are at times associated with muscles, at times with tendons, 
one must, I think, confer on them the name of nervous musculo- 
tendinous end-organs. 

"(&) The other type is represented by bodies which likewise 
have a peculiar and striking appearance, but which, on the whole 
. . . find their counterparts in other known nervous end-organs 
of our bodies, which they resemble not only in anatomical struc- 
ture but probably in function also. I want to remark at once that 
I here refer to the so-called end-bulbs of the conjunctiva, the 
glands, etc. 

* Translated from Camillo Golgi, "Uber die Nerven der Sehnen des Menschen 
und anderer Wirbelthiere und liber ein neues nervoses musculo-tendinoses Endor- 
gan," Untersttchungen uber den feineren Bau des centralen und penphenschen 
Ffervensy stems . . . iibersetzt von Dr. R. Teuscher (Jena: G. Fischer, 1894), 
pp. 207-209. 


"Just as these two kinds of end-organs are distinguished one 
from another by form, structure and nerve-fibril connections, so, 
too, do they differ from one another in their location. The first are 
always found in deep layers of the tendon origins, at the transition 
point where muscle becomes tendon; always, too, in relation to 
the muscular fasciculi. The second, on the contrary, lie as a rule in 
the superficial layers of the tendons or in the tendinous extensions. 

". . . [The} principal anatomical characteristics [of the mus- 
culo-tendinous organs] may be summed up briefly as follows: 

"In general they are spindle-shaped, and one of their ends is 
always connected with the fasciculi of the muscle fibers, with the 
sarcolemma [or sheath} of which their stroma [framework} ap- 
pears to be in direct union; the other end, occasionally single but 
usually double, follows the course of the tendon fasciculi and 
gradually blends with them over a considerable distance. 

"Their size varies within fairly wide limits, from 70-80 \i In 
breadth \ji is short for micron, the millionth of a meter or thou- 
sandth of a millimeter} and 300-400 \JL in length to 100-120 p in 
breadth and over 800 /z in length; the latter, especially if stained 
with gold, can easily be distinguished and isolated with the help of 
a simple lens. 

"Their outline tends to be very distinct and even appears at times 
in the form of a slender, glittering border, along which one catches 
sight of nuclei. . . . 

"As far as the structure is concerned, if one disregards the medul- 
lated nerve fibers, which penetrate from without in varying num- 
ber, one must believe them to consist simply of fibrillary connective 
tissue with nuclei scattered through it. ... 

"The nature of the connection of the little bodies described here 
with the nerve fibrils is characteristic. 

"For the most part there is only one fibril allotted to each of 
these little bodies, but fairly often two, three, and even four 
medullated fibrils enter a single one. Entry can take place either at 
one end, regularly at that which blends with the tendon fasciculi, 
or also at the side, and indeed precisely at the thickest part of the 

"However large the number of fibrils entering, they proceed to 
separate, in that they advance to the middle of the body and eacb 


fibril of the second or third order, while retaining the character 
of a medullated fibril, diverges from the others and turns toward 
the periphery. . . . All this can be perceived with the simplest 
means of observation. . . . The further, ultimate conduct of the 
separate fibrils can only be made clear by the gold reaction. With 
this method one can now make the following observations. 

"After the medullated fibrils have changed to nonmedullated, 
these bifurcating branches diverge helter-skelter and pursue their 
further course to the periphery of the body. Having reached it, 
they form at short intervals, by means of still finer and more 
frequent divisions, numerous circumscribed, longish, reticular 
plexuses, which lie parallel with the surface. . . ." 


"From the sum of my researches springs a general concept which 
comprehends the following propositions: 

"The nerve cells are morphologic units, the neurons, to use the 
word sanctioned by the authority of Professor Waldeyer. This had 
already been demonstrated, as regards the dendritic or protoplasmic 
extensions of the nerve cells, by my illustrious colleague Professor 
Golgi; but when our researches began there were only conjectures 
more or less tenable regarding the way in which the ultimate divi- 
sions of the axons and nerve collaterals are arranged. Our observa- 
tions, with Golgi's method, which we applied first in the cerebel- 
lum, then in the spinal marrow, the brain, the olfactory bulb, the 
optic lobe, the retina, etc. of embryos and young animals, revealed, 
in my opinion, the terminal disposition of the nerve fibers. These, 
in their ramifications to several junctures, incline constantly toward 
the neuronal body and toward the protoplasmic expansions, around 
which arise plexuses, or nerve nests, very close-woven and very 
rich. The . . . morphologic dispositions, which vary in form ac- 
cording to the nerve centers one studies, attest that the nerve ele- 
ments have reciprocal relations of contiguity and not of continuity, 
and that communications, more or less intimate, are always estab- 
lished not only between the nervous arborizations but between the 

* Translated from Santiago Ramon y Cajal, "Structure et Connexions des Neu- 
rones," Les Prix Nobel en 1906. 


ramifications of one part and the body and protoplasmic extensions 
of another part. . . . 

'These facts, recognized in all the nerve centers with the aid of 
two very different methods (Golgi's and Ehrlich's) . . . involve 
three physiological postulates: 

"(i) Since nature, in order to assure and amplify contacts, has 
created complicated systems of ramifications around the cells (sys- 
tems which would become incomprehensible by the hypothesis of 
continuity), it is necessary to admit that the nervous currents are 
transmitted from one element to another by virtue of a sort of in- 
duction, or influence at a distance. 

"(2) It is also necessary to suppose that the cellular bodies and 
the dendritic prolongations, like the axis cylinders, are induction 
apparatus, since they represent intermediate links between the 
afferent nerve fibers and the axons mentioned. This is what Bethe, 
Simarro, Donaggio, we ourselves, etc., have confirmed quite re- 
cently, in demonstrating, with the aid of neurofibrillary methods, a 
perfect structural concordance between the dendrites and the axis- 
cylinder prolongation. 

"(3) Examination of the transmission of nerve impulses in the 
sense organs, such as the retina, the olfactory bulb, the sensory 
ganglions and the spinal marrow, etc., show not only that the pro- 
toplasmic expansions play a conducting role but also that the move- 
ment of the nerve impulse in these prolongations is toward the cell 
body, whereas in the axons it is away from the cell body. This prin- 
ciple, called the dynamic polarization of neurons, formulated a long 
time ago by van Gehuchten and us as an induction drawn from 
numerous morphological facts, is not contrary to the new researches 
on the constitution of nerve protoplasm. In fact we shall see that 
the framework of neurofibrils makes up a continuous reticulum 
from the dendrites and the cell body to the axon and its peripheral 


The investigations of Golgi and Ramon y Cajal were to a large 
extent complementary, although on many points they disagreed. 


(Golgi's Nobel lecture was largely a series of qualifications of the 
neuron theory as set forth above by his Spanish colleague.) Ramon 
y Cajal began his work on the nervous system using the Golgi stain. 
Between the two men, they worked out the finer details of the 
structure of nervous tissue in a thorough and comprehensive man- 

In 1873, using his new method, Golgi gave his description of 
the two main types of nerve cells, since known as Golgi cells type 
I and type II, the long and short axon nerve cells respectively. In 
1874 he described the large nerve cells of the granular layer of the 
cerebellum, which are also known by his name. He likewise de- 
scribed the structure of the olfactory bulb. His name is attached to 
the internal reticular apparatus of cells, the nature and function of 
which have not been fully determined even yet. In addition to this 
he discovered the muscle spindles which are described in the quota- 
tion above. This passage has been selected as a characteristic and 
important piece of work, and also because knowledge of the recep- 
tor organs in muscle was the starting point for a valuable contribu- 
tion to neurophysiology made by Sir Charles Sherrington (see 
below, pp. 156 ff; 162). 

The discoveries in normal histology mentioned here are only 
the best known among a large number. Golgi also contributed to 
the knowledge of nerve pathology. He was able to show, for ex- 
ample, that the disease called chorea is not due to a mere functional 
disturbance but is associated with definite lesions in the nervous 
system. It was Golgi, too, who pointed out the microscopic char- 
acteristics which distinguish sarcomas from gliomas, two kinds of 
brain tumor which previously were often confused; this was of 
practical importance, for gliomas, although "malignant" from 
their location, do not metastasize (i.e., establish cellular colonies 
in other parts) , as do the more dangerous sarcomas. Here again, it 
is possible only to single out one or two among Golgi' s major con- 
tributions to neuropathology. His work on the structure of the 
kidney and other organs and his important studies of malaria 
parasites fall outside the limits of the Nobel citation. 

The quotation from Ramon y Cajal has been selected as the 
latter's attempt at a general summation of an important part of his 
work. The neuron theory, here presented in a condensed form, was 


firmly established by his researches. Its importance to subsequent 
investigators can hardly be assessed in a few words. It underlies the 
exceedingly important work of Sir Charles Sherrington. It guided 
the thought of Egas Moniz, who introduced prefrontal leucotomy 
(see below, pp. 264-270) . It is one of the basic theories of modern 
biological science. 

Ramon y CajaFs contributions are also too numerous and too 
complex for summary treatment. As he himself said, "Unfortu- 
nately it is absolutely impossible to condense in a few pages 
morphological facts the description of which occupies a large num- 
ber of brochures with hundreds of drawings." It may be men- 
tioned, however, that another Nobel laureate, Robert Barany (see 
below, pp. 84-88), in attempting to connect the function of the 
labyrinth apparatus of the ear with cerebellar function, was initially 
dependent on the Spanish histologist's account of the nerve con- 
nections involved. It is safe to say that there is no neurologist or 
neuroanatomist of recent times who does not owe him a similar 

"Even more lasting than his wealth of recorded observations will 
be the improved methods of Cajal and his disciples. First, in 1888, 
he increased the applicability of the Golgi stain. In 1903 he de- 
veloped his own reduced silver nitrate stain. . . . In 1913 he in- 
troduced the gold sublimate stain. . . . His eminent pupils Achu- 
carro and Hortega [introduced] the silver carbonate stains. . . . 

"These methods in the hands of Cajal and his students have 
clarified much of the embryology of each cellular element in the 
nervous system. Furthermore, the finer details of gliomas revealed 
by these stains, with the accumulating light from embryology, have 
given the neurosurgeon useful correlations of structure and biologic 
characteristics of brain tumors." * 

* Wilbur Sprong, "Santiago Ramon y Cajal: 1852-1934," Archives of Neurology 
and Psychiatry, Vol. 33 (i935) PP* 156-162. 




CHOROBSKI, JERZY. "Camillo Golgi: 1843-1926," Archives of Neu- 
rology and Psychiatry, Vol. 33 (1935), pp. 163-170. 

DA FANO, C. "Camillo Golgi," Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, 
Vol. 29 (1926), pp. 500-514. 


CANNON, DOROTHY F. Explorer of the Human Brain: The Life of 

Santiago Ramon y Cajal (1852-1934) (New York: Schuman, 1949). 
RAMON Y CAJAL, SANTIAGO. Recollections of My Life, translated by E. 

Home Craigie and Juan Cano (Philadelphia: American Philosophical 

Society, 1937), 2 vols. 
SPRONG, WILBUR. "Santiago Ramon y Cajal: 1852-1934," Archives of 

Neurology and Psychiatry f Vol. 33 (1935), pp. 156-162. 




"In recognition of Ms work regarding the role 
played by protozoa in causing diseases" 


father, a military surgeon, was a professor at the school of Val-de- 
Grace. Having completed his preliminary education in Paris, 
Laveran matriculated as a medical student at Strasbourg, where he 
was graduated in 1867 with a thesis on regeneration of nerves. In 
1874 he, too, joined the staff of the Val-de-Grace School of Mili- 
tary Medicine. In 1878 he was sent to Algeria, where he remained, 
in the service of the French army, until 1883. During this period, 
while at Bone and at Constantine, he carried out his studies of 
malaria, which led to the discovery of the causative organism, the 
malarial parasite. In 1884 he was appointed professor of military 
hygiene and clinical medicine at Val-de-Grace, where he remained 
for ten years. For a short time he was engaged in administrative 
medical and sanitary work at Lille and at Nantes, but with a view to 
resuming his scientific studies he retired from his administrative 
position in 1897. He then entered the Pasteur Institute. Here he 
soon became a professor, and devoted the rest of his life to a con- 
tinuation of his work in tropical medicine and parasitology. The 



recipient of many scientific honors, he was one of the founders, and 
first president, of the Societe de Pathologic Exotique. His work was 
terminated only by his death, which took place in Paris on May 
18, 1922. 


"On arriving at Bona in 1878 I had the opportunity of making 
autopsies on subjects who had died from pernicious attacks, and 
I was struck with the fact that melanaemia [the presence of a black 
pigment in the blood, causing a brown coloration of certain organs} 
was a lesion peculiar to and very characteristic of paludism [i.e., 
malaria, or marsh fever, from the Latin palus, marsh}; my atten- 
tion was naturally directed to this lesion, which I had never met in 
any other disease. [Although often described in connection with 
malaria before this time, the color change here mentioned had not 
generally been considered either as constant, or as peculiar to the 

"Melanaemia is specially very pronounced in individuals who 
died from acute paludism (pernicious attacks); the colour which 
it gives to certain organs, particularly to the spleen, the liver, and 
the grey substance of the brain, is almost always sufficient to 
show from microscopic examination if death is the result of 
paludism. . . . 

"Some observers have been able to maintain that occasionally no 
single characteristic alteration was found in individuals who had 
died of pernicious fever, 

"This assertion does not stand a strict examination, and could 
only be put forward at a time when the importance of melanaemia 
was not known. It might be affirmed on the contrary, that in these 
cases there always remain lesions specially pronounced in the spleen 
and liver. The spleen increases in volume and weight, but the in- 
crease is not always considerable. . . . The shape of the organ is 
modified, the edges are rounded; the spleen tends to take a globular 
form, which is explained by the softening, the pulpiness of the 

* From Alphonse Laveran, Paludism, translated by J. "W. Martin (London: New 
Sydenham Society, 1893), pp. 5-9. 


splenic parenchyma [the specific substance of the spleen, supported 
and held together by fibrous elements}. It often happens that the 
mere act of grasping the spleen to pull it out from the abdomen 
causes rupture of the distended and thin capsule; the fingers sink 
into splenic pulp. 

"The colour is characteristic; instead of the normal red colour the 
spleen shows in the inner parts, as well as on the surface, a brown- 
ish tint which has been compared to chocolate and water. 

"If you examine a drop of splenic fluid with the microscope you 
will find in the midst of the blood, and the elements proper to the 
spleen which are separated, the existence of pigmented elements in 
great numbers, and free granules of pigment; the pigmented ele- 
ments are either leucocytes [white blood cells] loaded with pig- 
ment [i.e., "melaniferous," the term used hereafter}, or hyaline 
bodies of irregular shape: one finds in those preparations of the 
spleen pigmented granules much more numerous than in blood 
taken from the vessels of other organs. . . . 

"[Similar changes are then described as they are seen in liver, 
kidney, and brain tissue.] The other tissues have a normal tint, 
but by histological sections it is easy to see that the capillary vessels 
contain pigmented elements more or less numerous, and that 
melanaemia is really, as the etymology implies, a general alteration 
of the blood, which is only more pronounced in the spleen, in the 
medulla of bones, and the liver than in the other viscera, which 
is naturally all the more apparent as the tissues are more vascular. 

"When one examines a drop of blood taken from the dead body 
of a palustral subject in the ordinary conditions of autopsy that 
is to say, twenty-four hours after death one sees in the midst of 
the blood numerous pigmented bodies. Many of these elements are 
melaniferous leucocytes, the nuclei of which can be coloured and 
stained with carmine; but besides these leucocytes, hyaline pig- 
mented irregular bodies are seen, which can only be coloured 
slightly, or not at all, by carmine, and which do not contain any 
nuclei. These latter elements have great analogy in their dimen- 
sions, and often in their shape, with melaniferous leucocytes, and 
it can easily be understood that they may have been confused with 
them. If the blood is taken shortly after death the parasitic elements 
characteristic of paludism can be recognised. 


"In 1880, as I was trying to account for the mode of formation 
of the pigment in the palustral blood, I was led to see that besides 
melaniferous leucocytes, spherical hyaline corpuscles without 
nucleus could be seen, and also very characteristic crescent-shaped 

"I had proceeded thus far with my researches, and was still 
hesitating whether these elements were parasites, when on No- 
vember 6th, 1880, on examining the pigmented spherical bodies 
mentioned above, I observed, on the edge of several of these 
elements, moveable filaments or flagella [literally, "whips"}, whose 
extremely rapid and varied movements left no doubt as to their 

"I published in 1881 the observation of the patient in whose 
blood I saw the flagella for the first time. . . . 

"The very fact that I can quote the day on which I observed the 
flagella for the first time shows how characteristic these elements 
are. It was natural to suppose that these parasitic elements, for the 
most part pigmented, were the cause of palustral melanaemia, and 
also the cause of the phenomena of paludism. Numerous facts soon 
came to confirm this hypothesis/' 


The citation for the Nobel Prize in 1907 refers to the sum of 
Laveran's work "regarding the role played by protozoa in caus- 
ing diseases." (The protozoa include all the unicellular animal 
organisms. Literally the word means "first animals/') Since the 
terms which govern the award require that it be given for recent 
work, or for work recently seen to be of importance, it is probable 
that this phrasing was chosen to comply with the rule by including 
Laveran's later studies; nevertheless it was in fact the reward for 
his quarter-century-old discovery of the malarial parasite. It is, of 
course, quite true that this discovery, the first of the kind, stimu- 
lated interest in protozoal disease agents, and that although Laveran 
himself made no other such epochal discoveries he did open the 
field to other workers and he also made solid contributions of his 
own toward extending our knowledge of similar organisms. Dur- 


Ing his years at the Pasteur Institute he collaborated with Profes- 
sor Mesnil, and together they published an important work on 
trypanosomes and trypanosomiasis. (G. H. Evans and D. Bruce 
were chiefly responsible for showing that trypanosomes cause 
sleeping sickness.) Laveran likewise published the first treatise on 
leishmaniasis (leishmania are protozoans which cause kala-azar, 
oriental boil, etc. ) and investigated many of the flagellate parasites 
of man and animals. 

Laveran's discovery of the malarial parasite did not receive im- 
mediate recognition from all authorities, but his findings were soon 
confirmed and extended by others, and his own pathological, 
clinical, geographical, and therapeutic studies all tended to estab- 
lish the role of the organisms he had discovered, which later came 
to be known as plasmodia. Their presence in the blood of malaria 
patients, their disappearance after treatment with quinine, their 
absence in healthy persons, and their association with the character- 
istic malaria pigment made it highly probable that they were in- 
deed the long-sought causative organisms of malaria. This could 
not be readily demonstrated, as in bacterial diseases, according to 
"Koch's postulates" (see above, p. 28), because in contrast with 
bacteria the plasmodia could not be cultivated outside the living 
body. But further evidence, strongly supporting Laveran's view, 
was provided by another Nobel laureate, Camillo Golgi (see above, 
PP- 33> 3 8 )> wno showed that some plasmodia require forty- 
eight hours to develop to the stage when the red blood cells are 
broken down and the parasites are released, that others need 
seventy-two hours, and that these periods correspond exactly to the 
af ebrile intervals of tertian and quartan fever. The different types 
of plasmodia and the stages in the plasmodial life cycle were 
worked out by Italian, American, and English scientists. These 
workers, including the early Nobel laureate Sir Ronald Ross, built 
upon the foundations laid by Laveran. The practical significance of 
knowing what the causative organism is (Laveran) and how it 
spreads (Ross) has been briefly discussed in an earlier section (see 
above, pp. 13-14). 




ff ln recognition of his work on immunity" 

(The award for 1908 a/as shared with Paul Ehrtich, see 
below, pp. 51-55.) 


son of an officer of the Imperial Guard, was born in the province 
of Kharkov, Little Russia, on May 16, 1845. Privately tutored at 
first, he later entered the lycee at Kharkov, where his scientific in- 
terests, already formed, were stimulated in the direction of physi- 
ology and zoology. He found little to satisfy such interests at the 
University of Kharkov, but after graduation did independent and 
original work in Helgoland and at Giessen. He was then given a 
scholarship by the Russian Ministry of Public Instruction, which 
enabled him to travel and study abroad. He worked for a time at 
Naples, in association with the young Kovalevsky, then at Got- 
tingen, where he spent a short interlude with Kef erstein and Henle. 
At Munich his preceptor was von Siebold. In 1867 he returned to 
Russia to become docent at the new University of Odessa. He soon 
shifted to St. Petersburg as professor of zoology, but worked at 
intervals in Messina and elsewhere. In 1886 he became director of 
the Bacteriological Institute in Odessa, but left in 1887 and went 
to Paris, where he resided till the end of his life. He carried on his 
work at the Pasteur Institute, of which he became subdirector. His 



first paper on phagocytosis was read at a congress in Odessa in 
1883; the initial observations and experiments had been made at 
Messina earlier in the same year. 


"Occupied with the origin of the digestive organs in the animal 
world, we were struck by the fact that certain elements of the 
organism which do not take any part in the digestion of food are 
nevertheless capable of engrossing foreign bodies. To us it ap- 
peared that the reason for this was that these elements formerly 
participated in the digestive function. . . . 

"Certain lower animals, transparent enough to be observed in 
the living state, show clearly in their interior a host of little cells 
provided with mobile extensions. The least lesion of these animals 
brings an accumulation of these elements right to the spot which 
has been injured. In the little transparent larvae, one can easily 
ascertain that the mobile cellules, gathered at the point of injury, 
often contain the debris of foreign bodies. 

"Similar facts, on the one hand tending to confirm our supposi- 
tion of the origin of the migratory elements, on the other hand 
suggested the idea that their accumulation in the neighborhood of 
lesions constitutes a sort of natural defense of the organism. It was 
necessary to find some method of verifying this hypothesis. Finding 
myself at this time more than twenty-five years ago at Messina, 
I turned my attention to the floating larvae of starfish. . . . Large 
enough to undergo some operations, they are, however, sufficiently 
transparent and can be observed under the microscope in the living 

"Having introduced pointed splinters into the bodies of these 
[larvae}, I was able next day to see a mass of mobile cellules en- 
closing the foreign body, forming a thick layer. The analogy of this 
phenomenon with that which takes place when a man pricks him- 
self with a splinter, bringing on inflammation accompanied by 
suppuration, is astonishing. Only in the starfish larva, the accumu- 

*Elie Metchnikoflf, "Sur 1'etat actual de la question de rimmunite dans les 
maladies infectieuses," Les Prix Nobel en 


lation of mobile cellules around the foreign body takes place with- 
out the least concurrence of blood vessels or nervous system, for 
the simple reason that these animals possess neither the one nor 
the other. So it is thanks to a sort of spontaneous action that the 
cellules are gathered round the splinter. 

"The experiment which I have just presented to you shows the 
first step, so to speak, of an inflammation in the animal world. 
But ... in men and the higher animals, this phenomenon is 
almost always the result of the intervention of some pathogenic 
microbe. . . . 

"It was therefore necessary ... to find some higher animal 
sufficiently small and transparent to be observed alive by the 
microscope and ... to subject to some microbe disease. 

"After several attempts in this direction, it became possible to 
study the progress of an infection among the fresh-water animals 
commonly known as "water fleas/' These little crustaceans are very 
widespread in all sorts of stagnant waters and are subject to sev- 
eral diseases. One of these is occasioned by a little microbe which 
has the peculiarity of producing spores in the form of needles. 
Swallowed by the water flea . . . these spores easily wound the 
intestinal wall and penetrate into the body cavity. But once they 
have stolen into the organism, the spores provoke around them an 
accumulation of mobile cellules which correspond to human white 
blood corpuscles. A struggle occurs between the two kinds of ele- 
ments. Sometimes the spore succeeds in germinating. A generation 
of microbes is then produced which secrete a substance capable of 
dissolving the mobile cellules; but these instances are rather rare. 
Much more frequent, on the contrary, are the cases in which the 
mobile cellules kill and digest the infectious spores, thus assuring 
the immunity of the organism. . . . 

"Having established the basis of the theory of immunity, it was 
necessary to apply it to higher organisms and to man himself. The 
conditions here being incomparably more complicated than among 
the little transparent animals, all sorts of difficulties sprang up on 
every side. Because of the impossibility of submitting even the 
smallest vertebrate animal, such as a newborn mouse, to direct 
microscopic examination, it was necessary to proceed by a more 
complicated route, combining the results of researches on the blood 


and on organs removed from the organism, and linking them by 
thought. Now under these circumstances the door is wide open to 
all sorts of errors. 

'The study of several infectious diseases of man and the higher 
animals has shown from the first that the facts observed accord well 
with the theory based on the research on transparent lower animals. 
In all cases where the organism enjoys an immunity, the introduc- 
tion of infectious microbes is followed by an accumulation of 
mobile cellules, white blood corpuscles in particular, which incor- 
porate the microbes and destroy them. The white corpuscles and 
the other cellules capable of bringing about this result have been 
designated 'phagocytes' that is to say, voracious cellules [i.e., 
eating cells] and the sum of the function which assures immunity 
'phagocytosis/ " 


MetchnikofTs theory that bacteria are destroyed by "eating cells/' 
or phagocytes, at first met with strong opposition. The view was 
then current that resistance to bacterial infection depends upon 
chemical properties of the blood, and indeed antibodies had already 
been demonstrated in blood serum. A long controversy ensued, in 
which, as it now appears, both sides were partly right. In 1903 two 
British scientists, Almroth Wright and Stewart Douglas, found that 
the serum of immunized animals contains substances which appear 
to prepare bacteria for ingestion by the white blood cells; these 
substances were named "opsonins," from the Greek verb meaning 
"to prepare food/' The opinion then grew up that phagocytosis can 
take place only when the microbes have first been "buttered/* as it 
were, with specific antibodies. The phagocytes were thus restricted 
to a secondary role. 

In the last ten years, however, the Metchnikoff theory has been 
partly rehabilitated, and the functions of antibodies and phagocytes 
have been distinguished more clearly. Most bacteria that cause acute 
infections injure the human body only when they are outside of 
cells; the bacteria that cause chronic infections, on the other hand, 
do damage within the cells. The former are readily engulfed and 


digested, except when they have outer capsules which protect them 
from phagocytes; the latter, although readily ingested by phago- 
cytes, can go on living inside. Phagocytosis as a defense mechanism 
is therefore of much greater importance in acute than in chronic 
diseases. When the bacteria of the acute diseases are well protected 
by a capsule, this armor may be broken down by the appropriate 
antibody. But patients treated with "sulfa" drugs and other anti- 
biotics often recover several days before antibodies can be detected 
in the blood. The drug slows the multiplication of the bacteria, and 
phagocytes may then destroy them without the aid of antibodies, 
provided there is a suitable surface upon which to operate. In lung 
tissue, for example, the white cells pin the bacteria against the 
walls of the alveoli (air sacs) and then ingest them. The strands 
of fibrin, which are a common feature of the inflammatory reaction, 
also provide suitable surfaces for promoting phagocytosis; or the 
bacteria may sometimes be trapped against the walls of small blood 
vessels. The proportion of fluid to phagocytic cells during infection 
limits the efficacy of this process, for phagocytes diluted in fluid 
are unable to engulf fully encapsulated bacteria. In the peritoneal 
cavity of the abdomen, and in other "open" sites, phagocytosis is 
relatively inefficient, since the white cells do not have sufficient 
contact with one another and with tissue surfaces. 

In the intracellular infections, caused by viruses, some bacteria, 
and certain protozoa, phagocytosis is not of primary importance, 
because the parasites can survive and even multiply inside the white 
cells. But in a great many acute infections, caused by extracellular 
parasites, the invaders may be slowed down by drugs and destroyed 
by phagocytes before the relatively slow process of the manufacture 
of antibodies has taken place. Phagocytosis is thus the first line of 
defense in acute infections. 

This summarizes the current view of the importance of Metchni- 
koff 's phagocytes and of the way in which they operate. The activi- 
ties of the white cells continue to be investigated, however, for 
there is much which yet remains mysterious about the body's reac- 
tion to invading microorganisms. 



METCHNIKOFF, OLGA. The Life of Elie Metchnikof, 1845-1916 (Lon- 
don: Constable; Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1921). 

PETRIE, G. F. "The Scientific Work of Elie Metchnikoff," Nature 
(London), Vol. 149 (1942), p. 149. 

WOOD, W. BARRY, JR. "White Blood Cells v. Bacteria," Scientific 
American, Vol. 184 (Feb. 1951), pp. 48-52. 



"In recognition of his work on immunity." 

(The award for 1908 was shared with Elie Metchnikof; set 
above, pp. 46-51.) 


Silesia, in 1854. He received his early education in his native 
town and at the Gymnasium at Breslau. He also spent his first 
university semester at Breslau, studying scientific subjects, and then 
proceeded to Strasbourg, where he took up the study of medicine. 
While still an undergraduate he attracted the attention of Waldeyer 
by his application of aniline dyes in histology. After graduation he 
worked for a year in the Pathological Institute under Cohnheim 
and Heidenhain. In 1877 he was appointed chief assistant in 
Frerichs's clinic in Berlin. In 1886 he found that he had contracted 
tuberculosis, apparently as a result of accidental infection in the 
course of his researches, and was forced to give up his work for 


a year and a half, which he spent in traveling abroad. Returning 
to Berlin, he worked for a time in a small private laboratory, then 
obtained a post in the Institute for Infectious Diseases, which he 
held for several years. When the new Serum Institute at Steglitz 
was opened, in 1896, Ehrlich was appointed director. From 1899 
until his death in 1915 he was director of the Royal Institute for 
Experimental Therapy in Frankfurt am Main. He was raised to the 
dignity of Privy Councilor with the title "Excellent" in 1911. It is 
convenient to divide Ehrlich's work, as W. Bulloch does, into 
three parts: (i) the application of stains to the differentiation of 
cells and tissues for the purpose of revealing their function (1877- 
1890); (2) immunity studies (1890-1900); (3) chemothera- 
peutic discoveries (1907-1915). He was the founder of modern 
hematology, one of the chief early contributors to immunology, 
and, by virtue of the discovery of "606," the founder of chemo- 


"At the very beginning of my theoretical work on immunity I 
made it my first task to introduce measures and figures into investi- 
gations regarding the relations existing between toxine and anti- 
toxine. From the outset it was clear that the difficulties to be 
overcome were extremely great. The toxines, i.e., the poisonous 
products of bacteria, are unknown in a pure condition. So great is 
their potency, that we are obliged to assume that the strongest solid 
poisons which are obtained by precipitating toxic bouillon with 
ammonium sulphate, represent nothing more than indifferent 
materials, peptones and the like, to which the specific toxine at- 
taches itself in mere traces beyond the reach of weighing. . . . 

"Their presence is only betrayed by the proof of their specific 
toxicity on the organism. For the exact determination, e.g., of the 
amount of toxine contained in a culture fluid, the essential condi- 
tion was that the research animals used should exhibit the requisite 
uniformity in their susceptibility to the poison. Uniformity is not 

* From Paul Ehrlich, "On Immunity with Special Reference to Cell Life," Pro- 
ceedings of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 66 (1900), pp. 424-448. 


to be observed in the reaction of the animal body to all toxines. 
Fortunately in the case of one important body of this nature, viz., 
the diphtheria toxine, the conditions are such that the guinea-pig 
affords for investigations the degree of accuracy necessary in purely 
chemical work. For other toxines this accuracy in measuring the 
toxicity cannot be attained. It was necessary for me to try to 
eliminate, as far as possible, the varying factor of the animal body, 
and bring the investigations more nearly into line with the condi- 
tions necessary for experiments of a chemical nature. . . . The 
relations were simplest in the case of red blood corpuscles. On 
them, outside the body, the action of many blood poisons, and of 
their antitoxines, can be most accurately studied, e.g., the actions 
of ricin, eel-serum, snake-poison, tetanus toxine, etc. In an experi- 
ment of this kind, in which are employed a series of test-tubes con- 
taining definite quantities of suspended blood corpuscles, each 
test-tube represents as it were a research animal, uniform in any 
one series, and one that can be reproduced at will. By means of 
these test-tube experiments, particularly in the case of ricin, I was 
able, in the first place, to determine that they yielded an exact 
quantitative representation of the course of the processes in the 
living body. The demonstration of this fact formed the basis of a 
more extended application of experiments of this nature. It was 
shown that the action of toxine and antitoxine took place quantita- 
tively as in the animal body. Further, these experiments yielded a 
striking series of facts of importance for the theoretical valuation 
of the reaction between toxine and antitoxine. It was proved in the 
case of certain toxines notably tetanus toxine that the action of 
antitoxines is accentuated or diminished under the influence of the 
same factors which bring about similar modifications in chemical 
processes warmth accelerates, cold retards the reaction, and this 
proceeds more rapidly in concentrated than in dilute solutions. 
. . . Yet again insurmountable obstacles seemed to present them- 
selves. . . . 

"When, in the case of diphtheria toxines of different stocks, that 
quantity of toxine bouillon which is exactly neutralized by a certain 
definite quantity of diphtheria antitoxine (the official German im- 
munity unit . . . ) was determined, so that every trace of toxic 
action was abolished, the figures obtained were not in accord. Of 


one toxine bouillon 0.2 c.c., of another 2.5 c.c,, were so neutralised 
by one immunity unit. Such a relation need not have given rise to 
surprise, because it was well known that the diphtheria bacillus, 
according to outside circumstances, yields in the bouillon very 
different quantities of toxine. It was therefore allowable to infer 
that the different quantities of toxine bouillon, which were satu- 
rated by one immunity unit, were exact expressions of the toxicities 
of the various bouillons, or, to use other words, indifferently 
whether the bouillon was strongly or feebly toxic, the same multi- 
ple of the minimal lethal dose would be constantly neutralised by 
one immunity unit, so that in every case the law of equivalent pro- 
portions would hold good. 

"But when looked into more closely, the relations showed them- 
selves to be by no means so simple. In what manner could one 
obtain a satisfactory estimation of the strength of a toxine? As the 
constant factor in such an estimation, it was only possible to pro- 
ceed from a previously determined standard reaction in the case of 
a definite species of animal, and so we came to regard as the 'toxic 
unit' that quantity of toxic bouillon which exactly sufficed to kill, 
in the course of four days, a guinea-pig of 250 grammes weight. 

"When we employed this standard unit, or 'simple lethal dose/ 
to estimate the amount of toxic bouillon neutralised by one Im- 
munity unit/ the facts which presented themselves were far more 
surprising than it was possible to have foreseen at the outset. These 
results were, that of one toxine, perhaps 20, of a second, perhaps 
50, and of yet a third, it might be 130 simple lethal doses were 
saturated by one immunity unit. Since, however, we had previously 
assumed that the simple lethal dose alone afforded a standard on 
which reliance could be placed in determining the combining rela- 
tions of toxine and antitoxine, it appeared from these results that 
the neutralisation of toxines by antitoxines did not follow the law 
of equivalent proportions, and, notwithstanding all earlier work in 
agreement with such a conception of the action, we were obliged to 
conclude that between toxine and antitoxine a purely chemical 
affinity did not exist. The seemingly inexplicable contradiction be- 
tween the results just stated and previous work was very soon ex- 
plained. When the neutralisation point of toxine and antitoxine 
was investigated for one and the same sample of poison, the fol- 


lowing results were obtained. Immediately on its preparation, fresh 
from the incubator, it was found that one immunity unit neutralised 
a c.c. of toxic bouillon, and this quantity represented /? simple 
lethal doses. When the same toxic bouillon was examined after a 
considerable interval, the remarkable fact was discovered that 
exactly a c.c. of the toxic bouillon were again neutralised by one 
immunity unit; but that these a c.c. now represented only ft x 
simple lethal doses. It therefore followed that the toxic bouillon 
had retained exactly the same combining affinity but possessed 
feebler toxicity. From this it was evident that the toxic action on 
animals and the combining capacity with antitoxine represented 
two different functions of the toxine, and that the former of these 
had become weakened, while the latter had remained constant." 


This is not the place to discuss the importance of Ehrlich's 
studies on the staining of bacteria, nor his related studies of animal 
cells, especially blood cells, nor his work in. chemotherapy. Like 
these studies, his investigations in immunology, for which the Prize 
was awarded, were of basic importance. By the researches described 
above he established the principles of the standardization of bac- 
terial toxins and antitoxins. The practical methods still in use are 
essentially the same as his. The first disease to which this contribu- 
tion applied was diphtheria: an exact gradation of the efficacy of 
antidiphtheritic serum was achieved. In this regard the conception 
outlined in the last paragraph above is a fundamental one that 
the lethal action of a toxin and its antitoxin-combining power are 
two separate functions. In his work with the vegetable poison 
known as ricin, Ehrlich discovered that a latent period exists be- 
tween the injection of the stimulating "antigen" and the produc- 
tion, as a protective response, of the specific "antibody." He also 
studied the serum fluctuations in the course of the development of 
antibodies. Moreover, he investigated the transmission of im- 
munity, which is not truly hereditary, through the placenta and the 
milk. In the course of this study he was able to distinguish between 
active immunity, a more or less lasting condition due to the active 


manufacture of antibodies in response to antigens, and passive im- 
munity, a transient state due to the transmission of antibodies in 
the ways already mentioned or by the injection of a ready-made 
antitoxin. When Bordet's work on hemolysis appeared (see below, 
pp. 90-95 ) it was taken up, confirmed, and extended by Ehrlich 
and Morgenroth, who introduced the terms "complement" and 

This is no more than an indication of the main headings for an 
appreciation of Ehrlich 's work in immunology. 


BULLOCH, WILLIAM. The History of Bacteriology (London: Oxford 

University Press, 1938). 

MARQUARDT, MARTHA. Paul Ehrlich (New York: Schuman, 1951). 
MUIR, R. "Paul Ehrlich," Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, Vol. 

20 (1915-1916), pp. 350-360. 
Paul Ehrlich: Eine Darstellung Seines Wissenschaftlichen Wirkens 

(Jena: G. Fisher, 1914). Essays on Ehrlich's achievements in science 

by thirty-seven contributors. 




"For bis work on the physiology, pathology, and 
surgery of the thyroid gland" 


Switzerland. He was educated in his native city, and after his 
graduation there in 1865 he spent some time in Berlin, London, 
Paris, and Vienna. In Vienna he was a pupil of Theodor Billroth 
(1829-1894), the most famous surgeon of his time. Kocher be- 
came professor of clinical surgery at the University of Berne In 
1872 and for forty-five years was head of the University Surgical 
Clinic. The first of his contributions to surgery to attract attention 
was that In which he worked out the method now known by his 
name for the reduction of a dislocated shoulder. He afterward 
devised new methods, or modifications of older methods, for 
operations upon the lungs, the stomach, the gall bladder, the intes- 
tine, cranial nerves, hernia, and so on all this in addition to his 
famous work on the surgery of the thyroid gland, described below. 
He also invented many instruments and appliances. "Kocher's 
forceps" remain in general use. It is an Indication of his scientific 
objectivity that he was always ready to abandon any of his own 
techniques or gadgets in favor of improvements introduced by 
other surgeons. Thus it is said that in his later years he performed 
the Bassini operation for hernia In preference to his own. In his 



work on the thyroid, Kocher showed himself to be not only surgeon 
and anatomist but also physiologist and pathologist. He was diligent 
and original in research, expert in operating, and effective in 
teaching, although he left no surgical "school" behind him. His 
clinic was for many years a mecca for visiting surgeons from all 
parts of the world. "With the death of Kocher," wrote Sir Berkeley 
Moynihan in the British Medical Journal obituary in 1917, "the 
world loses its greatest surgeon." 


"It was due . . . [in part] to strict asepsis that one of the most 
difficult, before Lister [one of] the most dangerous, operations, 
the removal of the thyroid gland, so often appearing urgently neces- 
sary because of severe respiratory disturbances, could be performed 
without substantial danger. We ourselves have contributed a series 
of three hundred and more goiter operations without a death. Im- 
portant as this result has been for suffering humanity, it has been 
far surpassed by the knowledge of the vital physiological function 
of the thyroid, growing up afresh on practical and clinical grounds. 
... In the spring of 1883, at the Congress of the German Sur- 
gical Society [Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie], we announced that some 
thirty of our first one hundred thyroidectomies, which we could 
follow up and investigate, presented a quite definite, characteristic 
disease-picture, which we designated simply with the name cachexia 
strumipriva [literally, a bad condition due to removal of a struma, 
or goiter}. This appeared in its completely distinct form only in 
those patients from whom we had removed the whole thyroid 
gland; with no more than transitory signs, on the other hand, where 
all goiter tissue had supposedly been removed, but where in point 
of fact a piece had remained behind, which grew larger. 

"Isolated observations on the connection of cretinoid disturb- 
ances with changes in the thyroid gland had already been made by 
early investigators. . . . [Kocher here mentions the observations 
on sporadic cretinism of Felix Plater (1536-1614), but not those 

* Translated from Theodor Kocher, "Uber Krankheitserscheinungen bei Schild- 
drusenerkrankungea geringen Grades," Les Prix Nobel en 15)09. 


of Paracelsus, who linked cretinism and endemic goiter. Also men- 
tioned are T. B. Curling, who in 1850 suggested that cretinism 
was due to thyroid deficiency, Hilton Fagge, Sir William Gull, 
W. M. Ord, etc., and his own contemporaries, the Reverdins, who 
in 1882 published a short notice on the "bizarre" changes displayed 
by certain patients after thyroid operations. J. L. Reverdin (1842- 
1908), also a Swiss surgeon, was best known for his plastic opera- 
tions, particularly skin grafting.} 

"At the time (April 1883) when, in Berlin, I described cachexia 
strutnipriva as the constant result of total excision, on the ground 
of numerous observations, and warned against such excision be- 
cause it always leads to consequences displaying a well-marked 
cretinoid character, a brilliant discourse was delivered at the same 
congress by a first-rate surgeon on the advantages and technique of 
total excision. . . . 

"Further corroborative information on the nature and conduct 
of the new disease soon followed my contribution. On reviewing 
their operations the Reverdins recognized the relation of cachexia 
strumipriva to the myxedema of the English [Gull, Ord, etc.}. 
... At a famous meeting of the Clinical Society in London 
(November 23, 1883) Felix Semon . . . referred to my work and 
mentioned a confirmatory case, following total excision by Lister; 
and Ord read a letter I had written to him on the etiology of the 
disease and the connection of myxedema with cachexia thyreopriva. 

"The impulse was thereby given for the splendid investigations 
of the Clinical Society Committee, which came to the conclusion 
that myxedema and sporadic cretinism are identical, and probably 
cachexia strumipriva also, and that close connections exist with 
endemic cretinism. . . ." 


Myxedema, due to deficiency of thyroid secretion, had been 
given its name by W. M. Ord, who read Kocher's letter to the 
Clinical Society. Cretinism, a form of idiocy and dwarfism with the 
general symptoms of myxedema, is due to congenital atrophy or 
absence of the thyroid gland and is also called congenital myxe- 


dema. Cachexia strumipriva, following total excision of the thyroid, 
is operative myxedema. As indicated in the text above, it was 
Kocher's description of the latter condition, together with his per- 
ception of its cause and its relation to other forms of thyroid de- 
ficiency, which made possible the grouping of all these "entities" 
under a single head. This clarified not only the terminology of the 
subject but also the thinking and the therapy of both physicians and 
surgeons. Moreover, Kocher was able to point out that hypo- 
thyroidism can be traced not only to absence of the gland, whether 
congenital or due to an operation, but also to a goiter which has 
made the gland stop working. Incomplete and debatable evidence 
as to the function of the thyroid could now be reviewed and sup- 
plemented, and in. the years which followed Kocher's first pro- 
nouncement on the subject great advances were made. Murray, 
Gley, and Vassale administered thyroid in various forms to over- 
come deficiency. Attempts to produce the essential constituent, the 
hormone, in a pure state were long unsuccessful but resulted in 
showing that iodine plays an important part. In 1914 E. C Kendall 
finally isolated the hormone or the effective part of it called 
thyroxin, which was later synthesized by C. R. Harrington and 
G. Barger. Meanwhile the nature of hyperfunction or dysfunction 
of the gland, causing exophthalmic goiter, was elucidated by Victor 
Horsley and others, providing a sound basis for surgical interven- 
tion. Kocher did much to perfect the technique of the operation 
and performed more than two thousand thyroidectomies with less 
than 5 percent mortality; this represents the resultant of a reduction 
of mortality from 18 percent to less than -J percent, the ultimate 
rate in his clinic. He was also a pioneer in stressing the importance 
of blood-picture change and coagulation time as means of early 
diagnosis and prognosis both in hyperthyroidism and hypothy- 
roidism. Finally, he made extensive and careful studies of malig- 
nant tumors of the thyroid gland. 

In the days before anesthesia and antisepsis, thyroidectomy was 
so dangerous that it was performed only in cases with severe suf- 
focative symptoms. The control of bleeding remained a serious 
problem, and only from 1870, when the hemostatic forceps came 
into general use, was the operation a practical one. Understanding 
of thyroid physiology and pathology extended the range of surgical 


intervention. Kocher made important contributions to this under- 

The prophylactic value of small amounts of iodine in the 
prevention of goiter has been shown by D. Marine and others. 
Thiouracil and related compounds have been introduced for the 
medical treatment of thyrotoxicosis (poisoning by an excess of 
thyroid secretion) . Radioactive iodine has found a similar use. Yet, 
whatever the future holds in the prevention and treatment of the 
various forms of thyroid disease, surgery is still of predominant 
importance today. 




tf ln recognition of the contributions to the chem- 
istry of the cell made through his work on proteins > 
including the nucleic substances." 


consul, was born in Rostock on September 16, 1853. After attend- 
ing the Gymnasium there, he studied medicine at the University of 
Strasbourg, where he was much influenced by E. F. Hoppe-Seyler 
(1825-1895), one of the pioneers of modern physiological chemis- 
try; he also attended the University of Rostock. He passed his state 
examination for practice in 1877 and became doctor of medicine 
in the following year. After assisting Hoppe-Seyler for a time, he 
was summoned by E. Du Bois Reymond to the Physiological Insti- 
tute in Berlin. In 1895 he became professor of physiology and 
director of the Physiological Institute at Marburg, where he re- 
mained until 1901, when he took over the Heidelberg chair made 
famous by Willy Kiihne and Helmholtz. A physiologist by train- 
ing, Kossel devoted his researches almost entirely to chemical sub- 
jects. His early investigations were concerned with the nucleic acids; 
later he turned his attention to the protamines of fish roe (first 
investigated by Miescher), which are comparatively simple pro- 
teins, and made a special study of their six-carbon cleavage prod- 
ucts, containing nitrogen, called "hexone bases." He reached a 
position of pre-eminence by his substitution of the exact methods 
of organic chemistry for the less precise means employed by older 
physiologists. He had a number of distinguished pupils, including 
the Englishman H. D. Dakin. His son, Walther, became a well- 



known theoretical physicist. Professor Kossel died in his seventy- 
fourth year, after a brief illness, on July 5, 1927. At the time of 
his death he was emeritus professor of physiology at the University 
of Heidelberg and director of the Heidelberg Institute for Protein 
Investigation. For more than thirty years he had been editor of the 
Zeitscbrift -fur physzologische Chemie, in which most of his writ- 
ings appeared. 


"The first observations in this field [the chemistry of the cell 
nucleus] were undertaken on the nuclei of pus cells during the 
sixties of the last century in Hoppe-Seyler's laboratory. It fell to 
Miescher, a pupil of Hoppe-Seyler's, to isolate this nucleus, and he 
found in it a substance very rich in phosphorus, which he desig- 
nated 'nuclein/ [This substance is now known to have been nucleo- 
protein. Friedrich Miescher (1844-1895) is regarded as the 
founder of our knowledge of the chemistry of the cell nucleus.} 
A suitable object for the continuation of this work presented itself 
in a structure arising from the transformation of the nucleus and 
preserving its chemical nature, obviously a fundamental part of the 
physiological functions also namely, in the head of the sperma- 
tozoon. In the course of the next decades evidence accumulated to 
show that 'nuclein/ or 'nuclein substance/ is actually peculiar to 
the nucleus. [This view has had to be altered. See the commentary 
below.} Still other objects were found, which in some way lent 
themselves to the isolation of the nuclei, e.g., the red blood cor- 
puscles of birds, the cell body of which is soluble in water. Further- 
more, the nuclear substance isolated from them could be submitted 
to chemical investigation in sufficient quantity, and now the char- 
acteristics of the nuclear substance were further revealed. Micro- 
chemical work completed the demonstration. At the same time it 
showed that the nuclein substance appertained to a definite part of 
the substance of the nucleus, which separates itself in the trans- 

* Translated from Albrecht Kossel, "Uber die chemische Besdhaffenheit des 
Zellkerns," Les Prix Nobel en 1910. 


formation processes in a very characteristic way, the quantity of 
which varies in different nuclei, and which has obtained the name 
'chroinatin' because of its reaction to certain dyestuffs. [The ques- 
tion of the distribution of nuclear constituents is not yet settled, but 
-chromosomes are considered to be almost exclusively nucleopro- 
tein.] Only one difficulty presented itself at first for this doctrine. 
This was the finding of 'nuclein substance' in animal products 
which contained no nuclei, and indeed in the vitelline discs [yolk} 
of eggs and the casein of milk. Strange hypotheses had already been 
advanced in an attempt to make these facts intelligible, when exact 
chemical investigation brought enlightenment. 

'The chemical structure of these nuclein substances exhibits 
-some peculiarities, which are found in many of the organic con- 
stituents of protoplasm, especially in those which take a lively part 
in metabolic processes. It was observed that such combinations 
teadily break down into a definite number of complete atom groups, 
which have been compared to building blocks. Such building 
blocks/ in large number and variety and apparently combined ac- 
cording to a definite plan, build the molecule of albuminoid or 
protein material, also that of starch and glycogen. . . . 

"The nuclein substances also exhibit a combination of this kind. 
Chemical analysis showed first of all that the nuclein substances 
can in many cases be separated into two parts, one of which bears 
the character of a protein or albuminoid material. This possesses 
no other atom groups than the usual albuminoid substances. So 
characteristic is the structure of the other part that it has received 
the name nucleic acid. It fell to me to obtain from it a series of 
fragments, which may in part be detached from the molecule even 
ty gentle chemical procedures and which are characterized by a 
quite specific group of nitrogen atoms. There are here side by side 
four nitrogen-containing atom groups: cytosine, thymine, adenine, 
and guanine. 

"One of these four bodies, guanine, was already known earlier 
-and in different tissues of the animal organism; e.g., it had been 
discovered by Piccard in the spermatozoa of salmon. . . . The 
knowledge of their origin from nucleic acid, which was unexpected 
and was at first assailed by lively opposition, at once made intel- 
ligible separate phenomena which had been encountered without 


explanation; e.g., it had been observed that guanine and its kindred 
are found in large amounts in the blood in leukemia. Now this 
form of disease is distinguished by the fact that unnucleated red 
blood corpuscles [adult cells} are replaced by {young} nucleated 
forms. But these latter fall prey in large numbers to decomposition, 
and accordingly the body fluids are inundated with the disintegra- 
tion products of the nuclein substances. So, then, the bases named 
or their nearest conversion products are to be met with in large 
amounts in the body fluids. Also the contradiction previously men- 
tioned, which seemed to lie in the alleged presence of nuclein sub- 
stance in vitelline elements and in milk, was now solved. An exact 
chemical investigation proved that these elements, which because 
of their unusual behavior and their phosphorus content had been 
proffered earlier as nuclein substances, possessed another kind of 
chemical structure. The building blocks rich in nitrogen which I 
have just named are altogether absent from them. . . . [Nucieo- 
proteins are nevertheless present in eggs, and embryonic tissues are 
rich in nucleic acids.} 

"Now the more was known of the relation to the nucleus of the 
nitrogen-rich substances, the more also must the question arise of 
the arrangement of the nitrogen and carbon atoms in their mole- 
cule. Two of the four bodies named, adenine and guanine, belong 
to a group of chemical compounds which today are usually grouped 
together under the names of alloxur or purine derivatives. . . . 
Both thymine and cytosine showed a simple composition; analytical 
and synthetic research lead to the result . . . which the following 
schema express: 

[A number of workers, notably Emil Fischer, contributed to the 
establishment of these formulae; the mode of writing them has 
here been altered slightly to conform to recent usage.} 
NH 2 O NH 2 OH 

A 4 > n A H 

/Vn H-/V-CH, /VN<* / C-N/ 

A C-H A C-H b C-N^ 6 &-xS 

- - /\/ /\/ 

H N H 2 N N 


Cytosine Thymine Adenine Guanine 



The study of the biochemistry of the nucleic acids, in which 
Miescher, Altmann, and Kossel were among the pioneers, has 
assumed ever-increasing importance. Knowledge of the presence 
or absence of these compounds in certain organic substances has 
been much extended since Kossel's day, so that some of his asser- 
tions, quoted above, are now outdated; nudeoprotein is not peculiar 
to the cell nucleus, as was then supposed, but is also found in pro- 
toplasm. Pentosenucleic acids of the type found in yeast were once 
thought to be characteristic of plants, deoxypentosenucleic acids 
of the type found in the thymus gland to be characteristic of ani- 
mals; but both have been found in plants and animals alike and the 
distinction of source has been shown to be largely false. 

The metabolic activity of che nucleic acids is of great importance. 
The rate of renewal in different parts of the body varies with age, 
with X radiation, and with other factors. Questions of growth and 
of both the normal and pathological function of the organs are 
involved in the study of these substances. Formation of the body's 
proteins takes place through the mediation of the nucleic acids. 
Genes and chromosomes consist of nucleoproteins. A great deal of 
current research on cancer is also centered on the study of the 
nucleoproteins. Bacteria are particularly rich in nucleic acids, and 
nucleoproteins form the substance of plant and animal viruses and 
of the bacterial virus, bacteriophage. Indeed all self -reproducing or 
protein-synthesizing units in living organisms are believed to be of 
this chemical constitution. Studies in the biochemistry of nucleic 
acids are expected to yield valuable information, not only concern- 
ing the mode of action of bacteria and viruses but also concerning 
genetics, embryology, the normal physiology of the cells, and the 
pathological deviations from the normal, including cancer. 

This general field of biochemical research is of primary impor- 
tance for the basic knowledge which underlies medicine. Immediate 
practical applications may appear at any time or, on the other hand, 
may be long postponed. The fact that thymine, one of the 
pyrimidine bases discovered by Kossel, has proved clinically effec- 


tive in cases of pernicious anemia is probably less important for 
this immediate reason than because there is some possibility that 
the basic biochemical defect which results in the disease may be 
elucidated through the use of thymine. Cellular pathology, initiated 
by Rudolf Virchow nearly a century ago, gives promise of new and 
greater usefulness as the mystery of chemical events within the 
cell is gradually penetrated. 


B., G., "Prof. Albrecht Kossel." Nature (London), Vol. 120 (1927), 
p. 233. 

DAVIDSON, J. N. The Biochemistry of the Nucleic Acids (London: 
Methuen; New York: Wiley, 1950). 

EDLBACHER, S. "Albrecht Kossel zum Gedachtnis," Hoppe-Seyler's 
Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie, Vol. 177 (1928), pp. 1-14. 

GRAY, GEORGE W. "The Mother Molecules of Life," Harper's Maga- 
zine, April, 1952, pp. 51-61. 

RlESSER, OTTO. "Albrecht Kossel/* Deutsche medizinische Wochen- 
scbrift, Vol. 53 (1927), p. 1441. 



"For his work on the dioptrics of the eye." 


on June 5, 1862. He studied at the University of Uppsala, for one 
year at Vienna, and finally at Stockholm, where in 1888 he passed 
the examinations for the license to practice medicine. He sustained 
his thesis for the doctorate in 1890, and was named decent in 
ophthalmology in 1891. He was later called to the new chair of 
ophthalmology at Uppsala. In geometric and physiological optics 
he was self-taught. His thesis of 1890 ("A Contribution to the 
Theory of Astigmatism* ') already contained the foundations of 
his most notable work, elaborated in three subsequent publications 
(1900, 1906, and 1908). One of his most remarkable contribu- 
tions to ophthalmology was the discovery of intracapsular accom- 
modation, described below; he also invented a number of impor- 
tant instruments and made useful modifications in the design of 
others. He died in 1930. 


"It is ... necessary to remember that the lens fibers are at- 
tached both anteriorly and posteriorly, describing in their course 

* From Allvar Gullstrand, "Mechanism of Accommodation," an appendix to 
Helmholttfs Treatise on Physiological Optics, translated from the third German 
edition by James P. C Southall (Rochester, N. Y.: Optical Society of America), 
Vol. i, pp. 388-390. 



arcs which are convex toward the equator. When the points of 
attachment of the fibers are separated from one another by the 
increase of thickness of the lens, the arches must be spread, involv- 
ing the greatest amount of dislocation of particles in the parts of 
the fibers farthest from the points of attachment. If the lens were 
always symmetrical, a centripetal shifting would have to occur at 
the equator. If the point of maximum centripetal shifting on each 
lens fiber were determined, and a surface passed through all these 
points, this surface of maximum accommodative shifting would 
coincide with the equatorial plane. But since the passive lens is 
asymmetrical, and the change of shape is particularly marked on 
the anterior surface, the surface of maximum accommodative shift- 
ing must be concave toward the front. This conclusion, drawn 
entirely from the anatomical structure of the lens with respect to 
its asymmetrical accommodative change of shape, may also be de- 
duced directly from . . . mathematical analysis. The slight change 
of form of the posterior surface of the lens demonstrates that the 
points of attachment of the lens fibers adjacent to this surface 
must, on the average, be less separated from one another during 
accommodation than those of the fibers lying on the anterior sur- 
face. Since, on the whole, the fibers of the posterior surface have 
their points of attachment situated more toward the periphery on 
the anterior surface, and toward the center on the posterior surface, 
and as these conditions are reversed in the case of the fibers of the 
anterior surface, the distance of the posterior pole of the lens from 
the anterior point of attachment of the Zonula Zinnii must be rela- 
tively less changed during accommodation than the distance of the 
anterior pole from the posterior point of attachment. As a result, 
the shifting at the anterior point of attachment must occur in a 
direction approximately corresponding to a tangent to the surface. 
Consequently, it follows from the anatomical structure of the lens 
that the increase of curvature of the anterior surface of the lens 
during the accommodative change of form is accompanied by an 
axi petal shifting of the anterior point of attachment of the zonule. 
Mathematical investigation demonstrates the presence of a 
corresponding shifting in those parts of the largest closed iso- 
indicial surface that are nearest to the point of attachment. 

"As the surface of maximum accommodative shifting contains 


cross or slightly oblique sections of the lens fibers, the rapidity of 
the centripetal movement of these sections during accommodation 
must be greater at a point nearer the axis than in the vicinity of 
the equator. ... It is true, this mechanism might be impeded by 
the fact that the fibers lying nearer the axis would be cut obliquely 
by the surface of maximum shifting in the passive state and per- 
pendicularly during accommodation, provided the centripetal 
movement could occur to a sufficient extent. But in order to com- 
pensate the suggested difference of centripetal shifting, the oblique 
section must make an angle of 60 with the perpendicular section; 
and this is manifestly impossible. Another consequence, therefore, 
of the anatomical structure of the lens is that the equatorial diam- 
eters of the smaller iso-indicial surfaces must be proportionately 
more shortened in accommodation than those of the larger. But 
according to the mathematical investigation, this is an expression 
of an increase of the total index; and hence the increase in total 
index during accommodation, as proved by physiological-optical 
investigations, may be deduced directly from the anatomical struc- 
ture of the lens. The so-called S-shaped curvature of the lens fibers 
is inferred from the fact that the projection of such a fiber on the 
equatorial plane is not a straight line; and the reason why in this 
discussion of the anatomical structure of the lens the possibility of 
a change in this curvature has not been mentioned is that the only 
thing which could modify it would be radially directed elevations 
and depressions. This is a necessity due to the mode of attachment 
of the lens fibers in rows, so that any mutual shifting of the indi- 
vidual fibers at these points is impossible. On the other hand, it 
follows again from the anatomical arrangement of the lens fibers 
that during the accommodative change of form, such elevations and 
depressions must either originate in the iso-indicial surfaces or must 
be reversed there, if they are already present. Else they would 
undergo a reduction of superficial area during accommodation. This 
might perhaps be possible if the lens were composed of freely 
movable particles, but is actually impossible because the capability 
of movement is restricted by the arrangement of the fibers. How- 
ever, a necessary mathematical consequence of this accommodative 
change of the iso-indicial surfaces is the variation of the star-shaped 
appearance of a luminous point. 


"A slight increase of the index at any given point may result 
from the interpenetration of individual fibers between others, even 
though the physical indices of the individual fibers are not altered. 
This explains why the smaller iso-indicial surface ... is appar- 
ently a little nearer the anterior pole of the lens during accommoda- 
tion, because the superficial extent of that portion of it which is 
nearest the axis is augmented by the forward displacement, and 
this must involve an interpenetration of fibers from the central 

"Thus, the dioptric investigation of the lens in accommodation 
has resulted in finding out the accommodative variations that 
occur in the substance of the lens. At the same time, it appears that 
these changes, which for convenience may be grouped together 
under the name of the mtracapsular mechanism of accommodation, 
are not only in complete agreement with the anatomical structure of 
the lens, but also establish and explain the causal connection be- 
tween this structure and the variation of the total index of the lens 
as proved by the change of refraction that occurs when the lens is 
removed or during the process of accommodation." 


For a proper understanding of Gullstrand's contributions to 
ophthalmology, a thorough knowledge of the anatomy of the eye 
and of geometric and physiological optics is essential. Certain 
points, however, may be noted here as of primary importance. The 
heterogeneous structure of the lens, described in the quotation, had 
never before been explained on physiological grounds. According 
to the classical (Helmholtz) theory of accommodation, the action 
of the ciliary muscle increases the convexity of the lens, especially 
of the anterior surface, and no function is ascribed to the non- 
uniformity of the internal parts of the lens structure. Accommoda- 
tion, representing a gain in the refractive power of the lens, makes 
it possible to focus on the punctum proximum, or "near point/* 
which varies with the amount of accommodation possessed by the 
eye and is determined clinically by noting the shortest distance at 
which it is possible to read the smallest test type. Gullstrand was 


able to show that this gain in refractive power is only about two- 
thirds dependent on the increase in surface curvature of the lens; 
the remaining third is due to a rearrangement of internal elements, 
as set forth above. This means that approximately two thirds of 
accommodation is "extracapsular," one third "intracapsular." 

Gullstrand's investigation of optical reproduction, begun on the 
level of pure physics and extended to physiological optics, led him 
to modify, or supplement, the theory of co-linear reproduction, 
enabling him to give improved explanations of anisotropic coma 
and monochromatic aberration. In applying his findings to the 
human eye he contributed also to present knowledge of the struc- 
ture and function of the cornea. 

In practice, Gullstrand invented improved methods for estimat- 
ing astigmatism and corneal abnormalities and for locating para- 
lyzed muscles. He improved the design for corrective glasses after 
removal of the cataractous lens. He devised a reflex-free oph- 
thalmoscope. Perhaps the best known and most useful of his in- 
ventions is the slit-lamp. It supplies a brilliant light condensed 
into a beam, which traverses the parts to be examined, the re- 
mainder of the eye being in darkness; the illuminated area is then 
examined with the binocular microscope. The combination of slit- 
lamp and corneal microscope makes possible the minute examina- 
tion of changes in the anterior part of the eye. Exact localization 
in three planes or dimensions is obtainable with this instrument. 
Thus the examiner can locate the site of a foreign body or deter- 
mine the depth of an ulcer. Lens opacities can be located and their 
progress watched. The very earliest signs of serious inflammations 
may often be seen with the aid of Gullstrand's slit-lamp. Sometimes 
a differential diagnosis of great importance can be made when 
ordinary methods of examination leave doubt. The slit-lamp is 
now considered an indispensable part of the ophthalmologist's 




"In recognition of bis works on vascular suture and 
the transplantation of blood vessels and organs." 


1873. He became a bachelor of letters of the University of Lyons 
in 1889, bachelor of science in 1890, and doctor of medicine in 
1900. He interned in a Lyons hospital, then taught anatomy and 
operative surgery at the university as a prosector. He began his 
experimental work in surgery in 1902 in Lyons, whence he went to 
Chicago at the end of 1904. In 1906 he became attached to the 
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York, where he 
conducted most of the experiments for which the Nobel Prize was 
awarded him. This was the first Nobel Prize in medicine for the 
United States. He was made a fellow of the Institute in 1909, a 
member in 1912, and retired in 1939 as member emeritus. 

During the First World War, Carrel served as a major in the 
French army medical corps and helped to develop the well-known 
Carrel-Dakin antiseptic solution for sterilization of deep wounds. 
In 1935, with Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, he announced the de- 
velopment of a mechanical "heart," in which the heart, kidney, etc. 
of an animal could be kept alive for study in glass chambers sup- 
plied by circulation of artificial blood. 



When the Second World War broke out, Carrel joined a special 
mission for the French Ministry of Public Health (1939-1940). 
At the time of his death, which took place in Paris, on November 
5, 1944, he was director of the Vichy government's Carrel Founda- 
tion for the Study of Human Problems. 

His writings included the best-selling Man, the Unknown, and 
he was joint author with Georges Dehelly of Treatment of Infected 
Wounds and with Charles Lindbergh of The Culture of Organs. 


"The idea of replacing diseased organs by sound ones, of put- 
ting back an amputated limb or even of grafting a new limb on to 
a patient who has undergone an amputation, is far from being 
original. Many surgeons before me have had this idea, but they 
were prevented from applying it, owing to the lack of a method 
for re-establishing immediately a normal circulation through the 
transplanted structures. It was of fundamental importance to first 
discover a suitable method of uniting the blood vessels of the new 
organ to those of its host. In 1902, therefore, I began to investigate 
by what means a vascular anastomosis {union between blood ves- 
sels] might be effected without producing either stenosis [narrow- 
ing], or thrombosis [plugging by clot formation]. Many surgeons 
had previously to myself performed vascular anastomosis, but the 
results were far from satisfactory. I began by using Payr's and 
Murphy's methods, after which I proceeded to study the principles 
for a new technique on human cadavers. I next performed some 
vascular anastomoses on living dogs at the University of Lyons 
in the laboratory of Prof. Soulier and with the collaboration of 
Dr. Morel. This study was continued at the University of Chicago 
in Professor Stewart's laboratory and with the collaboration of 
Doctor Guthrie. Later, at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Re- 
search, the causes of all possible complications were analysed and 
greater perfection of methods was obtained. With this modified 
technique a great many experimental operations were performed 

* From Alexis Carrel, "Suture of Blood- Vessels and Transplantation of Organs/' 
Les Prix Nobel en 1*912. 


and their clinical and anatomical results were observed during a 
period of three and four years. . . . 

"In operations on blood vessels certain general rules must be 
followed. These rules have been adopted with the view of eliminat- 
ing the complications which are especially liable to occur after 
vascular sutures, namely, stenosis, haemhorrhage and thrombosis. 
A rigid asepsis is absolutely essential. Sutures of blood-vessels must 
never be performed in infected wounds. It seems that the degree of 
asepsis under which general surgical operations can safely be made 
may be insufficient for the success of a vascular operation. It is 
possible that a slight non-suppurative infection, which does not pre- 
vent the union of tissues 'per primam intentionem' ['by first in- 
tent'], may yet be sufficient to cause thrombosis. The obliteration 
of the vessel also follows injuries to its walls. The arteries and 
veins can be freely handled with the fingers without being injured, 
but it is often harmful to use forceps or other instruments. If a 
forceps be used, it must take between its jaws nothing but the 
external sheath. When temporary haernostasis [control of bleed- 
ing] is obtained by means of forceps or clamps, these instruments 
must be smooth-jawed and their pressure carefully regulated. The 
desiccation of the endothelium [lining membrane] may also lead 
to the formation of a thrombus. Therefore, during the operation 
the wall of the vessels must be humidified ... or be covered with 
vaseline. ... As perforating stitches are always used, the en- 
dothelial layer is necessarily wounded by the needle. These wounds, 
however, are rendered as harmless as possible by the use of very 
fine and sharp round needles. Extremely small wounds are made. 
The threads are sterilized in vaseline and kept heavily coated with 
it during the suture. . . . The operating-field is circumscribed by 
a black Japanese silk towel on which the fine threads can easily be 
seen. . . . 

""The termmo-termmal [end-to-end] anastomosis is effected by 
bringing the extremities of the vessels into contact, no traction 
being necessary. The ends are united by three retaining stitches 
located in three equidistant points of their circumference. By trac- 
tion on the threads the circumference of the artery can be trans- 
formed into a triangle, and the perimeter can be dilated at will. 
Then the edges of each side of the triangle are united by a con- 


tinuous suture whilst they are under tension. During the suture 
great care is taken to approximate exactly the surfaces of section of 
the wall. Before the last stitch is made, the remaining vaseline is 
removed by pressure from the lumen [cavity] of the vessel. In 
venous anastomoses the ends of the veins are also united by three 
retaining stitches. A venous suture, however, requires more stitches 
than an arterial suture, on account of the thinness of the walls. The 
union of the extremities is made by eversion of the edges, which 
are united not by their surface of section, but by their endothelial 
surfaces. An inversion of the edges would be very dangerous and 
would provoke the formation of a thrombus/' 


Aiming at successful replacement or transplantation of organs, 
Alexis Carrel perceived that the chief difficulty was the re-establish- 
ment of circulation without hemorrhage or thrombosis. He there- 
fore worked out the method described above; then he proceeded to 
apply it. Using his new techniques he was able to remove entire 
organs, such as the spleen or kidney, and replace them either in the 
original location or occasionally, in still more spectacular opera- 
tions, in different parts of the body, where they functioned fairly 
well. He was even able to replace an amputated limb. 

Before the introduction of citrate to prevent blood from clotting 
(see below, p. 146) , vascular suture was used in blood transfusions, 
a donor blood vessel being anastomosed to a recipient vessel. This 
method has since been abandoned, but it is repeatedly necessary, in 
the surgery of injuries and wounds, to restore the continuity of 
divided blood vessels. Here the Carrel technique finds application. 

Vascular surgery is now an important specialty. As a result of a 
congenital malformation, the greatest of the arteries, the aorta, may 
be so constricted at some point that the blood supply to the lower 
half of the body becomes inadequate. This condition is often over- 
looked, as the patient may be active for years and experience little 
or no difficulty; but the average duration of life is only about thirty- 
five years. In 1944 C Crafoord, and in 1945 R. E. Gross, per- 
formed the first operations for this condition, known as coarctation 


(narrowing) of the aorta. The local constriction is removed and 
the Carrel method makes it possible to join together the two ends 
and thus provide an aortic lumen of adequate size. 

Certain other kinds of congenital heart disease may now be 
remedied by somewhat similar techniques. The "blue baby" opera- 
tion, introduced in 1944 by A. Blalock and H. G. Taussig, involves 
a rerouting of congenitally misdirected blood flow, using a piece 
of vein to form a new link between two arteries. In this way it is 
possible to direct a larger proportion of the blood through the 
pulmonary circuit, originally by-passed in part, and so to assure 
sufficient oxidation of the blood as it circles through the lungs. 

The domain of vascular surgery is undergoing remarkable exten- 
sion. Among the surgical techniques which have made this possible, 
the suture method devised by Carrel Is of basic importance. Even 
with the full resources of present-day surgery the transplantation 
of organs has not yet become generally practicable. At the present 
time kidney transplants are being attempted, but the value of this 
procedure remains in doubt. It appears that tissues do not fare 
well for the most part when removed from one individual and 
implanted in another; corneal transplants, having nothing to do 
with vascular surgery, are the obvious exceptions. 



' f ln recognition of his work on anaphylaxis.' 


where his father, Alfred Richer, was professor of clinical surgery 
In the Faculty of Medicine. He was graduated in medicine in 1876, 
and then worked under Marey at the College de France. In 1887 he 
was appointed professor of physiology at the University of Paris. 
An industrious and versatile worker, he did not limit himself to 
the usual confines of physiology but also published papers on 
physiological chemistry, experimental pathology and pharmacology, 
and normal and pathological psychology. He did original work on 
gastric secretion. He also investigated the relation between respira- 
tion and the area of body surface, and carried out extensive research 
on animal heat. In addition he studied the effect of chloride dep- 
rivation on epilepsy, and of a diet of raw meat in the treatment of 
tuberculosis. Work begun in 1887 led Richet to the concept of im- 
mune serum, and in 1890 he performed the first serotherapeutic 
injection on a human subject. Richet's attempt to follow this clue in 
his work on tuberculosis was disappointing, but von Behring and 
Kitasato pursued it with greater success in studies of tetanus and 
diphtheria. In 1898, with his collaborator, Hericourt, Richet stud- 
ied the effect of eel serum on dogs, observing that a condition of 



hypersensltiveness could develop. This was followed by his work 
with P. Portier in 1902 and his own later independent studies of 
anaphylaxis, described in part below, for which he received the 
Nobel Prize. In his later years Richet's inclination toward the 
study of psychology increased. Side by side with this, he nurtured 
an interest in clairvoyance, telepathy, and materialization an 
interest that he did not find incompatible with rigid mechanistic 
determinism. He followed the development of aeronautics very 
closely and actually designed an airplane. He was the author of a 
number of novels and plays. He was also active in pacifist move- 
ments. Richet died of pneumonia on December 4, 1935. 


"Phylaxis, a word but little used, means, in Greek, protection. 
And the word anaphylaxis will then signify the contrary of pro- 
tection. Thus, through its Greek etymology, anaphylaxis means a 
state of the organism in which . . . , in place of being protected, 
[it] has become more sensitive. [Richet coined the word ana- 
phylaxis in 1902.} 

"To state the ideas precisely, we are going to examine what takes 
place In an Individual receiving a poison. 

"Let us suppose the dose a moderate one, and the individual 
restored, after some days, to his original state, at least to all appear- 
ance. If, then, the same dose of the same poison is injected anew, 
what is going to happen? 

"We can suppose three cases. 

"The first, the simplest, is that nothing has been changed in his 
organism, and that on receiving the same dose as a month ago, 
exactly the same phenomena will reappear under the same condi- 
tions. . . . 

"The second possibility is that the organism may have become 
less sensitive. In other words, a certain state of habituation, or 
insensibility, has been produced by the preceding intoxication; so 
that a stronger dose has become necessary, at the second injection, 

* Translated from Charles Richet, "Conference Nobel sur 1'anaphylaxie," Les 
Prix Nobel en 1913. 


to produce the same effect. It is the case of immunity (rela- 
tive). . . . 

* These two cases: unmodified sensitivity or stability, diminished 
sensitivity or habitation, had been known for a long time. But I 
have shown that very frequently, under certain conditions which 
I have been able to specify, a third modality is seen: it is increased 
sensitivity, of such a kind that the first injection, in place of pro- 
tecting the organism, makes it frailer, more susceptible, it is 

"Let me tell you under what circumstances I observed this 
phenomenon for the first time. I may be permitted to enter into 
some details on its origin. You will see, as a matter of fact, that it 
is not at all the result of deep thinking, but of a simple observation, 
almost accidental; so that I have had no other merit than that of 
not refusing to see the facts which presented themselves before me, 
completely evident. 

"In equatorial seas one comes across Coelenterates [a sub-king- 
dom of animals comprising the Actinozoa and Hydrozoa] called 
Physalia (Portuguese men-of-war). These animals are formed 
essentially of a sac full of air, which allows them to float like a 
leather bottle. Associated with this sac is a bucco-anal cavity, fur- 
nished with very long tentacles, which hang down in the water. 
These tentacular filaments, sometimes two or three meters in length, 
are armed with little "gadgets" which adhere like suckers to objects 
which they encounter. And in the interior of each of these in- 
numerable suckers there is a sharp little point, which penetrates 
the foreign body touched. At the same time this point imparts a 
subtle poison, very active, contained in the tentacles; so that the 
contact of the Physalia' s filament is equivalent to a multiple injec- 
tion of poison. The moment you touch a Physalia, you feel an in- 
tense pain, owing to the penetration of this venomous liquid. . . . 

M Now, in the course of a cruise made on the yacht of Prince 
Albert of Monaco, the Prince advised me, as well as our friends 
Georges Richard and Paul Portier, to study the poison of these 
Physaliae. We saw that it dissolves readily in glycerine, and that 
on injecting this glycerinated liquid one reproduces the symptoms 
of Physalian poisoning. 

1 'Having returned to France, and no longer being able to obtain 


Physaliae, I thought of studying comparatively the tentacles of 
Actiniae [sea anemones} . . . which can be obtained in abun- 
dance; for the Actiniae swarm on the rocks of all the European 

"Now the tentacles of the Actiniae, treated with glycerine, yield 
their poison to the glycerine, and the extract is toxic. Working with 
Portier, I then sought to determine the toxic dose. This was diffi- 
cult enough, because this poison acts slowly, and one must wait 
three or four days before knowing whether or not one has reached 
the fatal dose. With the solutions that I was using, a kilo of 
glycerine to a kilo of tentacles [a kilo, or kilogram, is a little more 
than two pounds}, it required, after filtration, about o.i of liquid 
per kilo of live weight to bring about death. 

"But certain dogs escaped, whether because they had received 
too weak a dose, or from some other cause. And at the end of two, 
three, or four weeks, as they seemed altogether restored to their 
normal state, I made use of them for a new experiment. 

"Then an unforeseen phenomenon presented itself, which to us 
appeared extraordinary. If the dog, injected beforehand, received 
an extremely weak dose, for example 0.005 per kilo, he imme- 
diately exhibited dreadful symptoms: vomiting, bloody diarrhea, 
syncope, loss of consciousness, asphyxia, and death. Repeating on 
different occasions this fundamental experiment, we were able to 
establish, in 1902, these three principal facts, which are the very 
foundation of the story of anaphylaxis: first, an animal injected 
beforehand is enormously more sensitive than a new animal; sec- 
ond, the symptoms which supervene on the second injection, char- 
acterized by a rapid and total depression of the nervous system, 
have no resemblance to the symptoms produced by the first injec- 
tion; third, this anaphylactic state requires an interval of three or 
four weeks to establish itself. It is what is called an incubation 

"After the initial facts of anaphylaxis had been solidly estab- 
lished, the domain was enormously enlarged at once, thanks to the 
beautiful experiments of clever investigators. 

"In 1903, Arthus, of Lausanne, showed that if a rabbit is given 
an intravenous injection of serum, this first injection of serum is 
anaphylactogenic that is to say that three weeks after the first 


injection the rabbit has become very sensitive to the second injec- 
tion. Thus the phenomenon of anaphylaxis was generalized; and 
in place of being particular to toxins and toxalbumin was extended 
to all albumins, whether toxic on first injection or not. [Albumin- 
protein. Arthus observed a local reaction since known as the 
""Arthus phenomenon/] 

"Two years later, two American physiologists, Rosenau and 
Anderson, established in a remarkable memoir that the anaphy lactic 
phenomenon is seen after every injection of serum, even when the 
quantity injected is minuscule, be it o.ooooi c.c, the tiniest quantity, 
but sufficient to give an animal anaphylactic sensitivity. They gave 
examples of anaphylaxis with all the organic liquids: milk, serum, 
egg, muscular extract. They indicated the specificity of this reaction, 
and finally they clearly established that of all animals the guinea 
pig appears to be the most sensitive to the anaphylactic reaction. 

"In 1907, I made an experiment which notably clarified the 
pathogenesis [the mode of origin] of anaphylaxis. In taking the 
blood of a sensitized animal, and injecting it into a normal animal, 
the anaphylactic state is developed. Thus the anaphylactogenic poi- 
son Is a chemical substance contained In the blood. 

"Such, as it seems, are the principal phases through which our 
knowledge has passed.'* 


Ricfaet was not the only investigator to report intensified results 
from a preliminary conditioning expected to create, if anything, a 
state of Immunity. Thus Edward Jenner had long ago noticed a 
similar occurrence In performing vaccinations, and von Behring 
had observed that a second injection of diphtheria toxin seemed at 
times to have a greater toxic effect than anticipated. But the regu- 
larity of the phenomenon was Richefs discovery; he not only ob- 
served and named it but clearly expounded as a general principle 
what had been noted from time to time in the past as an exceptional 
and bizarre occurrence. Furthermore, he showed that it was not a 
mere intensification of an ordinary toxic action but was a specific 
effect with characteristic signs and symptoms. 


The term "anaphylaxis" may refer to increased susceptibility to 
an injection under the conditions described above; more commonly 
It means the reaction to a foreign substance, usually a protein such 
as animal serum, following a previous introduction, by Injection 
or otherwise, of the same substance. The effect is the same regard- 
less of what substance is used to cause it, but the conditioning Is 
specific for each substance. Often the preliminary Introduction of 
the substance In question has taken place accidentally or obscurely, 
or the sensitivity may be inherited; in other cases there is a clear 
history of the previous introduction. Because spontaneous or hered- 
itary cases occur, and because the history and other indications are 
often unreliable, test doses are Introduced into the skin or the eye 
before serums are Injected. Anaphy lactic shock, which is sudden 
and often fatal, or the slower * 'serum sickness/* may be avoided by 
the use of a type of serum different from the one previously Intro- 
duced. The risks connected with serum treatment may also be over- 
come, as A. Besredka has shown, by desensitization that is, by 
beginning with extremely small doses and gradually Increasing 

Antigens causing reactions akin to those of anaphylaxis may gain 
entrance to the body by Ingestion, by inhalation, by injection, from 
a focus of infection, or from external contacts. Proteins are the com- 
monest, but not the only, antigens. The list includes the pollens, 
danders and many other air-borne substances of animal and vege- 
table origin, foods, drugs, therapeutic serums, and bacteria and 
their products. Diseases of allergy now form an important division 
of internal medicine. They Include not only asthma, hay fever, and 
serum sickness but also contact dermatitis in a wide variety of 
forms. This whole domain of medical science and practice finds its 
starting point in the investigations of Charles Richet. 




"For Ms work on the physiology and pathology of 
the vestibular apparatus." 


Vienna, on April 22, 1876. He was educated chiefly in the city of 
his birth, and was graduated in medicine in 1900. After two years 
spent at various German clinics in the study of internal medicine 
and psychiatry, he returned to Vienna, where he soon restricted his 
work to otology (the study of diseases of the ear) and related prob- 
lems as they affect certain parts of the brain. He became famous for 
his studies of the vestibular apparatus in the ear and of the cerebel- 
lum (the "little brain," or that part of the brain behind and be- 
neath the larger cerebrum; see below). In 1913-1914 he was 
awarded a number of international prizes, culminating in his selec- 
tion as Nobel laureate. The confusion which accompanied the out- 
break of the First World War caused postponement of the 1914 
award until 1915. At that time Barany was a Russian prisoner of 
war in Siberia. Through the intercession of the Swedish Red Cross, 
however, he was released, and the award presented to him through 
diplomatic channels. After 1917 his work was done at Uppsala 
University. He died in 1936, at the age of sixty. 




"As a young otologist I practiced in the clinic of Privy Councillor 
Professor Politzer in Vienna. Among my patients there were many 
whose ears I had to flush out. A number of these patients com- 
plained of dizziness after the flushing procedure. It naturally oc- 
curred to me to examine their eyes, and there I observed marked 
nystagmus [involuntary, spasmodic motion of the eyeballs, a jerky 
rolling of the eyes]. I made a note of this observation. After a 
while, when I had collected about twenty observations, I compared 
them and was surprised to find the same observations recorded 
every time. Then I recognized that a general law must underlie 
these observations. I did not yet know, however, the basis of the 
conformity to law. Chance came to my aid. One of the patients 
whom I syringed explained to me: 'Doctor, I only get dizzy when 
the water is not warm enough. When I flush out my ears for myself 
at home and use warm enough water, I don't get dizzy/ There- 
upon I called the attendant and instructed her to give me warmer 
water for the flushing process. She explained that the water was 
warm enough. I retorted that if the patient found the water too 
cold, we had to adjust ourselves to the patient. The next time she 
put very hot water in the bulb of the syringe. When I syringed the 
patient, he cried out: 'But Doctor, the water is much too hot; now 
I'm becoming dizzy again/ Hurriedly I observed the patient's eyes, 
and noticed that now the nystagmus was exactly opposite in direc- 
tion to that seen earlier when syringing with water that was too 
cold. Then in a flash it became clear to me that naturally the tem- 
perature of the water was responsible for the nystagmus. I drew 
some conclusions from this at once. If the temperature is to blame, 
then, to be sure, water of exactly body temperature must produce 
no nystagmus and no dizziness. Experiment confirmed this conclu- 
sion. I said further, if it is a matter of water temperature, then 
nystagmus must be producible by syringing in normal people, too, 

* Translated from ' "Nobel- Vortrag . . . von Dr. Robert Barany," Les Prix Nobel 
en 1914-18. 


and not merely in people with suppurations of the ear. This in- 
ference also proved to be right. 

"On the ground of my previous studies, I did not doubt for a 
moment that as regards this nystagmus it was a question of a reflex 
initiated in the semicircular canals. [The three semicircular canals, 
or ducts, which are membranous, are contained in corresponding 
bony canals in the internal ear within the skull; the canals lie in 
planes approximately at right angles to one another. Their func- 
tion, briefly stated, is to initiate the reflexes which cause us to right 
ourselves involuntarily by compensatory movements, in response to 
changes in velocity or direction of motion. These reflexes effect 
movements of eyes and limbs. There are also reflexes which influ- 
ence the tone, or steady, continuous action, of the muscles respon- 
sible, in their coordination, for posture.} Thence the further 
conclusion was also obvious that the semicircular canals being 
destroyed, this reflex must fail to appear. I now sought a case of 
this kind in the rich material of the Vienna ear clinic. I had soon 
found a case of severe suppuration of the middle ear, showing no 
nystagmus reaction on long-continued flushing with quite cold 
water. I diagnosed destruction of the labyrinth (with respect to the 
semicircular duct apparatus) ; in point of fact the operation showed 
the expected finding. This made clear the significance of the new 
reaction for the diagnosis of diseases of the inner ear. Yet a series 
of cases was required for corroboration. This was forthcoming. 
, . . I had already perceived the significance of the caloric reaction, 
and yet I did not know how to explain it. I thought it over in vain. 
Then one day an idea struck me. I remembered the water heater, 
and my astonishment, as a child, when I found the water just 
above the fire quite cold, but right at the top the bath-oven was so 
hot it burned the fingers. The labyrinth now represented in my 
mind the water heater i.e., a vessel filled with fluid. The tempera- 
ture of this fluid is naturally 37 C the body temperature. I squirt 
cold water at one side of the vessel. What must happen? What 
must naturally occur is that the water lying against this wall is 
cooled down; in this way it acquires a higher specific gravity than 
the surrounding water and sinks to the bottom of the vessel. On 
the other hand, water still at body temperature takes its place. If I 
syringe the ear with hot water, then the motion must be precisely 


contrary. But the motion of the fluid must be altered if I alter the 
position of the vessel. And it must be changed to the exact opposite 
if I turn the vessel through 180. The test which had to be the 
crucial experiment for this theory occurred to me at once. If syring- 
ing, be it with cold fluid or hot, succeeded in evoking nystagmus 
precisely opposite in direction for two positions of the head differ- 
ing by 180, then the theory must be the right one. I now went to 
the clinic and undertook the experiment. As it turned out, the 
anticipated result appeared with the greatest clearness. Two posi- 
tions of the head, encompassing between them 180, gave directly 
opposite nystagmus reactions. . . ." 


"Barany's caloric test/* the first result of his study of the vestib- 
ular apparatus, consists in irrigating the canal of the external ear 
with either hot or cold water. This normally causes stimulation of 
the vestibular apparatus resulting in nystagmus. In vestibular 
disease, the response fails relatively or entirely. This method for 
diagnosing disease of the semicircular canals is the most widely 
used of several "Barany tests" and has borne his name to clinics 
and hospitals the world over. But this was not the end of his investi- 
gations. Starting from the work of Ramon y Cajal (see above, pp. 
33-40), who traced the communications of the vestibular nerve, 
and from the studies of the Dutch comparative anatomist Louis 
Bolk, Barany concluded that influences on the musculature of the 
whole body which result in disturbances of equilibrium pass from 
the semicircular ducts by way of the cerebellum. The study of these 
disturbances, and the belief that there is definite localization in 
the cerebellum for movement, led him to devise certain tests for the 
integrity of the control centers, as reflected in movement of the 
extremities and even of particular joints. A normal subject with 
his eyes shut will "past point" to the right beyond the spot he 
attempts to touch, if the right vestibular apparatus has been stimu- 
lated with cold water. The direction of "past pointing" is always 
opposite to the direction of nystagmus. But Barany found that 
spontaneous "past pointing" sometimes occurred. If the patient 


"past pointed' ' to the right, stimulation of the vestibular apparatus 
to induce a swing to the left failed to work; it merely caused the 
patient to point correctly. Barany assumed that "there are in 
the cerebellum four centers . . . namely, a center directing to the 
right, one to the left, one up, and one down. ... At any time 
two of these centers work like two reins, between which the arm, 
for instance, moves. If both of these reins are stretched equally 
taut, then the arm moves without fail to each point desired. But 
now I can pull one rein harder than the other. This happens if I 
stimulate the semicircular duct apparatus." It is obvious that a lesion 
of some sort, a local sickness in one of these centers, will act like 
the cutting of a rein. Attempts to "pull" this rein will fail, as in 
the instance of spontaneous "past pointing" mentioned above. 
Hence it is possible to use Barany tests not only for diagnosing cer- 
tain ailments in the inner ear but also for investigating some of the 
activities of the cerebellum. 


No Award 



(1870- ) 
ff For bis discoveries in regard to immunity. 9 


bacteriologist and immunologist, was born on June 13, 1870, at 
Soignies, Belgium. He studied at the University of Brussels, where 
he was graduated as doctor of medicine in 1892. In 1894 he went 
to the Pasteur Institute, Paris, where he was attache or preparateur 
in MetchnikofPs laboratory until 1901, when he founded the 
Pasteur Institute in Brussels and became its director. In 1907 he 
was appointed professor of bacteriology at the University of Brus- 
sels. His numerous and important contributions to immunology 
made him widely known. He was elected a foreign member of the 
Royal Society in 1916. His colleague, Octave Gengou, co-author of 
the paper quoted below, was also a Belgian; he afterward (1902) 
extended the work on complement fixation which is described 
in the quotation. From the considerable range of Bordet's work in 
immunology this particular contribution has been selected as of 
outstanding importance to medicine. 


"The serum of numerous animals contains alexin {now gen- 
erally known as "complement/' the name given to it by Ehrlich}, 

* Translated from J. Bordet and O. Gengou, "Sur 1' existence de substances 
sensibillsatrices dans la plupart des serums antimicrobiens," Anncdes de I'lnstitut 
Pasteut, Vol. 15 (1901), pp. 289-302. 



that is to say, an ill-defined material, its chemical constitution still 
unknown, to the presence of which is attributed that property 
which serums in general possess of exercising a destructive influ- 
ence on diverse cellules and on certain microbes. The alexin loses 
its activity when the serum which contains it is heated to 55. This 
material is to be met with, in quite comparable amounts, in the 
serum of normal animals and in that of vaccinated animals: arti- 
ficial immunization does not modify it appreciably, either in 
quantity or in character. 

"When an animal is vaccinated against the cholera vibrio [bac- 
teria}, the organism elaborates a particular substance, the preven- 
tive or sensitizing material [amboceptor}, the presence of which 
can be detected in the serum and which resists quite elevated tem- 
peratures. By itself, it is not at all bactericidal for the vibrio. But 
it favors considerably, and in a specific way, the destructive action 
which the alexin can exercise on this microbe. One can also say 
that the specific vibrio-killing property of cholera serum, although 
due primarily to alexin . . . , results from the collaboration of 
two substances, on one hand the alexin, on the other the favoring 
(sensitizing) material with which only the serum of vaccinated 
individuals is endowed in large degree. . . . [These ideas were 
established by Bordet in 1895. He applied them, first, to cholera 
serum, secondly, to specific hemolytic serums. He supposed the 
phenomenon to occur more generally, but the method he had used 
for these instances was not generally applicable. In brief it was 
this. Cholera vibrios are destroyed (bacteriolysis) to a very marked 
degree by immune serum from a vaccinated animal, to a very slight 
degree by normal serum. The power of either serum may be 
abolished by 55 of heat. But adding to normal, feebly active serum 
a small amount of preheated immune serum, inactive in itself, 
results in a strongly bactericidal mixture. Hence, the conclusion, as 
above, that it contains a "sensitizer" (amboceptor) which adds to 
the otherwise slight power of the "alexin" (complement) in the 
normal serum. A similar method applied where hemolysis } rather 
than bacteriolysis, was the revealing change. But where neither of 
these changes took place another method was needed.} 

"As a preliminary, we must recall to the reader an experiment 


related a year ago in these Annales [Bordet, in May 1900}, and of 
which the following is the principle: 

"If one adds to a suitable quantity of the serum of a normal 
animal, such as the guinea pig (serum recently obtained, unheated, 
thus containing alexin), some red cells (of a rabbit for example) 
{which have been] strongly sensitized (that is to say, mixed with 
some hemolytic serum, active vis-a-vis these cells, and which has 
been heated to 55 ), one observes . . . the destruction of the 
corpuscles. At the end of a certain time some sensitized cholera 
vibrios (added to cholera serum preheated to 55) are added to 
the mixture, which is incubated at 37. One ascertains that the 
vibrio . . . retains its normal form. Consequently one can affirm 
that at the moment when the vibrios were introduced, the mixture 
no longer contained alexin. . . . [This could be reversed i.e., 
the "alexin" could be used up by "sensitized** vibrios and would 
then fail to hemolyze "sensitized" corpuscles.} 

"These experiments have established . . . two quite distinct 
ideas: (i ) Corpuscles or microbes, under the influence of sensitiza- 
tion } acquire the power of absorbing alexin avidly, and thus of 
making it disappear from the surrounding liquid. (2) In the same 
serum, the same alexin can provoke either hemolysis or bacterioly- 
sis. . . . {The authors assert as the aim of the present paper to 
show that} to denote the existence of a sensitizer in an antimicrobic 
serum one can use the property with which this substance is en- 
dowed of causing the absorption of the alexin by the microbe which 
it affects . . 

"[Serum from a horse vaccinated against bacillus pestis, the 
cause of plague} is heated to 56 for half an hour, at the same time 
as some serum from a normal horse; this heating renders the alexin 
inactive. A 24-hour culture of bacillus pestis on gelose [gelatinous 
part of agar-agar, a solidifying agent used in culture mediums} is 
diluted in quite a small amount of a physiological solution of 
NaCl; one thus obtains a very turbid emulsion, rich in microbes. 
Some serum is also prepared, well cleared of corpuscles by cen- 
trif ugatioa, from a normal guinea pig bled the day before. This is 
the alexic serum [i.e., serum containing alexin, or complement}. 
The following six mixtures are prepared in test tubes: (a} This 
tube contains: 2/10 c.c. alexic serum; 4/10 c.c. bacillus pestis emul- 

1919 : JULES BORDET 93 

sion; 12/10 c.c antiplague serum (preheated to 56). (b} [The 
same as a except that] it contains, in place of antiplague horse 
serum, 12/10 c.c. of normal horse serum (preheated to 56). 
(c) [The same as a but without bacillus pestis emulsion.] (d) 
[The same as b but without bacillus pestis. These four mixtures 
contain the same dose of alexin.] (e] Contains 4/10 c.c. plague 
emulsion; 12/10 c.c. antiplague serum. (/) Contains 4/10 c.c. 
plague emulsion; 12/10 c.c. normal horse serum. These last two 
tubes are the same, respectively, as a and b, except that they do not 
contain alexin. 

"One waits about five hours, while the mixtures remain at lab- 
oratory temperature (15-20). Then one introduces into the dif- 
ferent tubes, at the same moment, 2/10 c.c. of the following mix- 
ture: 2 c.c. of serum (previously heated for half an hour to 55) 
from a guinea pig treated in advance with three or four injections 
of 4-5 c.c. of defibrinated rabbit blood; 20 drops of defibrinated 
rabbit blood. In other words each tube receives two drops of very 
strongly sensitized blood. 

"Here is the result of the experiment: Hemolysis appears very 
quickly, with very similar rapidity, in the tubes b, c 3 d. After 5-10 
minutes these mixtures no longer contain intact corpuscles. In the 
tube a, which contains, besides alexic serum, the bacilli and the 
antiplague serum, hemolysis does not occur. The corpuscles remain 
intact for days at a time. They also remain intact ... in the tubes 
e and /, which do not contain alexin. Thus we see, first, that the 
bacillus pestis mixed with normal horse serum does not absorb 
alexin (or absorbs it only to an insignificant degree) ; second, that 
the same bacillus, in the presence of antiplague serum from a vac- 
cinated horse, fixes the alexin with great avidity, and makes it dis- 
appear from the surrounding liquid; third, the antiplague serum, 
without the addition of bacilli, leaves the alexin perfectly free. 

"Consequently it is necessary to conclude that the serum of a 
horse vaccinated against the bacillus pestis contains a sensitizer 
which confers on this microbe the power of fixing alexin [comple- 



Bordet and Gengou formed an effective team and worked to- 
gether for years. (The organism called Hemophilus pertussis, the 
cause of whooping cough, was originally known as the "Bordet- 
Gengou" bacillus, after its discoverers; it was first described by 
them in 1906-1907.) But the fundamental work which made pos- 
sible the discovery set forth in the above quotation had been car- 
ried out by Bordet some years earlier. His publication of 1895 had 
shown two different substances to be involved in the phenomenon 
of bacteriolysis. That the terminology has changed makes little dif- 
ference. It was Bordet who discovered that two factors, not a single 
antibody as previously supposed, are concerned in the lytic (de- 
structive) action. One of these substances is present both in normal 
and fresh immune serum and is thermolabile (subject to alteration 
or destruction by heat) 9 the other is peculiar to the immune serum 
and is thermostable (heat-resistant). He called these, respectively, 
"alexine" (from the Greek alexo, "I ward off") and "substance 
sensibilisatrice." These terms have been replaced by the names 
given to the substances by Ehrlich, "complement" and "ambocep- 
tor." It was found, chiefly as a result of Bordet's further experi- 
ments, that lytic action is not limited to bacteria. Red blood cells 
are destroyed by a similar mechanism, hemolysis. 

"The possibility of ... a practical test [using immune serum} 
was first made known by R. Pfeiffer (1894), who found that the 
bacteriolytic destruction of cholera vibrios in the peritoneum was 
so specific that this method could be employed for the differentia- 
tion of cholera vibrios from vibrios otherwise indistinguishable. 
Bordet (1895) utilized this principle and applied it in vitro [in 
the test tube] instead of in vivo [in the living animal}. . . . 

"Of particular medical importance is the so-called complement 
fixation test . . . Gengou (1902) showed . . . that 'sensitizers' 
(amboceptors) are developed in the blood-serum of animals which 
have been injected with milk, and that such sensitizers are also 
capable of fixing complement. . . . [I.e., Gengou further gen- 
eralized the discovery.} 


"These facts were extended by C Moreschi (1905), who 
showed that complement fixation occurs in the presence of normal 
serum mixed with the serum of an animal injected with normal 
serum, and he demonstrated that extraordinarily small quantities 
of serum (1/100,000 c.c.) can be detected by this method of 
diagnosis. M. Neisser and Sachs (1905) recommended the method 
for the diagnosis of blood in medico-legal work. In 1906 Wasser- 
mann, Neisser, and Bruck published their historic account in which 
they described the discovery of antibodies to syphilis antigen in 
the serum of syphilitic monkeys. In the same year Wassermann and 
Plaut (1906) , by demonstrating syphilitic antibodies in the cerebro- 
spinal fluids of general paralytics [see below, p. 126], proved this 
disease to be syphilis, and Wassermann, Neisser, Bruck and Schucht 
(1906) demonstrated similar antibodies in the blood-serum of 
syphilitics. Since that time the 'Wassermann reaction' has been prac- 
tised to an enormous extent in the diagnosis of syphilis and is re- 
garded as a test of deadly accuracy. The complement fixation test 
has been permanently accepted also in the case of the diagnosis of 
glanders." * 

* William Bulloch, The History of Bacteriology (London and New York: 
Oxford University Press, 1938), pp. 281-283. 




fe For Ms discovery of the regulation of the motor 
mechanism of capillaries." 


on November 15, 1874. He studied zoology at the University of 
Copenhagen, receiving the M.A. degree in 1899. Even before this, 
beginning in 1897, he had been carrying on research in the physi- 
ology laboratory under Christian Bohr, with whom he continued to 
work for some years. In 1902 he took part in an expedition to 
Greenland to study arctic animals. Krogh early turned his attention 
to studies in gaseous pressures, first in natural waters, afterward in 
animal physiology. His doctoral thesis (1903) dealt with the 
respiration of frogs. Much of his subsequent work on the pressures 
of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood was carried out in col- 
laboration with his wife, Dr. Marie Krogh. That the affinity of 
blood for oxygen depends upon carbon dioxide pressure was 
demonstrated in 1904 by Bohr, Hasselbalch, and Krogh. In 1908 
Krogh became associate in animal physiology at the University of 
Copenhagen, but had no laboratory until 1910 and did not become 
titular professor until 1916. His investigations, in some of which 
Lindhard was associated, were concerned chiefly with the physi- 
ology of respiration and blood circulation, but covered a wide 
range of interests. 





"The current view of the capillary circulation, at least until a few 
years ago, was . . . that blood is flowing continuously through 
all [capillaries] at rates which are determined by the state of con- 
traction or dilatation of the corresponding arterioles, and that the 
dilatation of an arteriole will cause a rise of pressure in the cor- 
responding capillaries, which will become passively expanded, to 
contract again by their own elasticity when the pressure is reduced. 
An increase in [arterial and arteriolar] current must always 
be accompanied by a corresponding increase in capillary pressure^ 
and when the requirements are small the quantity of blood in a 
large number of the capillaries would serve no useful purpose. A 
much more effective distribution would obviously be obtained if 
the capillaries themselves were contractile, if in a resting organ only 
a limited number of capillaries . . . were kept open. . . . This 
hypothetical conception was to me personally the starting point and 
guide in the experimental study of capillary contractility. . . . 

[Krogh here reviews earlier work on the subject, beginning with 
S. Strieker (1865) and extending to H. H. Dale and A. N. 
Richards (1918). Most of this work was based on direct micro- 
scopic observations of capillaries. Sources of error inherent in the 
method were not sufficiently guarded against. V. Ebbecke, however, 
and at the same time (1917) Cotton, Slade, and Lewis, had pub- 
lished evidence based on the local vasomotor reactions of the skin 
and internal organs, and Dale and Richards had compared the ac- 
tions of three "depressor" drugs, leading to the conclusion that 
two of them, histamine and adrenaline, must produce relaxation of 
the capillary wall.] 

"My own first contribution to the problem ... was published 
in Danish in 1918 ... and appeared in the British Journal of 
Physiology ( 1919) .... I found it possible to observe at least the 
superficial capillaries of muscles both in the frog and in mammals 
through a binocular microscope. . . . Resting muscles observed 

* From August Krogh, The Anatomy and Physiology of Capillaries (New Haven: 
Yale University Press, 1922), Silliman Memorial Lectures, Lecture II. 


in this way are usually quite pale, and the microscope reveals only 
a few capillaries at fairly regular intervals. These capillaries are so 
narrow that red corpuscles can pass through only at a slow rate 
and with a change of form from the ordinary flat discs to elongated 
sausages. When the muscle ... is stimulated to contractions a 
large number of capillaries become visible and dilated. . . . Since 
capillaries, even in a group fed by the same arteriole, do not all 
behave in the same way, the changes obviously cannot be due to 
arterial pressure changes. . . . 

" [Measurements showed the average distance between open 
capillaries in resting muscle to be much greater than in muscle 
which had just contracted.] The measurement of distances between 
open capillaries made upon living specimens could not, of course, 
be very accurate. ... I had, therefore, to try and devise a method 
by which the state of the vessels at any given moment could be 
studied after fixation. This I succeeded in doing by injecting an 
India ink solution . . , [made] isotonic with the blood and [freed 
from] toxic substances. . . . When a suitable quantity of India 
ink is introduced into the circulation of a living anaesthetized ani- 
mal it is evenly mixed with the blood, and if the animal is suddenly 
killed by stopping the circulation a few minutes later, and prepara- 
tions are made from the muscles and other organs, these show the 
capillaries which were open at the time. 

M 0n frogs I found by this method that there were large differ- 
ences between different organs in the number of open capillaries. 
The skin, liver and brain [organs which are constantly active} were 
always well injected, with all, or nearly all, capillaries open. The 
tongue was generally white and nearly bloodless, when not stimu- 
lated before being removed. The empty stomach and intestines 
had only a small number of open capillaries. The injection of mus- 
cles was variable, but in most of the resting muscles few capillaries 
only were open, while muscles which had been [stimulated} before 
stopping the circulation were almost black from the large number 
of injected capillaries/' 

1920: AUGUST KROGH 99 


It was stated above, in the biographical sketch, that a large part 
of Krogh's work was concerned with the physiology of respiration 
and circulation. His primary interest appears to have been respira- 
tion, and many of his studies of circulatory mechanisms were aimed 
at finding out how the circulation carries oxygen to the tissues. 
Some of his earlier studies had dealt with gas exchange in the 
lungs. When the organism is under stress, breathing quickens and 
deepens. In determinations of the amount of blood which the heart 
pumps around the blood-vessel circuit in one minute, Krogh had 
found that when muscular work is performed there is a marked 
increase in the blood flow. Thus the extra oxygen taken in is passed 
along to the tissues. But a problem remained. Under these condi- 
tions of stress the oxygen of each cubic centimeter of blood is used 
up more quickly than when the body is at rest, so that obviously the 
demand for extra oxygen is not being met solely by the greater 
cardiac output. In the experiments described in the quotation, 
Krogh found that there was a great variation in the number of 
capillaries which might be open at a given moment. The num- 
ber of patent vessels was directly related to the activity of the tissue 
at the time, being much larger in active than in resting muscle. 
Sometimes in resting muscle he could observe that a tiny vessel was 
so constricted that the oxygen-bearing red corpuscles could not enter 
it, the plasma alone being allowed to pass. (This he called "plasma 
skimming/') In active muscle, on the other hand, a larger number 
of vascular channels were opened, and they were opened more 
widely, so that as many red corpuscles as possible might carry their 
oxygen to the tissues. The extra blood supplied by the greater blood 
flow through the whole body was passed into as many as possible of 
the small channels where oxygen is given up in those parts of the 
body needing it; elsewhere the capillaries were constricted. Krogh 
considered that these changes play an important role in the mech- 
anism for the regulation of the oxygen supply to tissues. 

The physiology of the capillaries is a subject of great importance 
to medicine. Studies in normal and disordered blood pressure re- 


quire minute and accurate knowledge of the behavior of the 
smaller divisions of the arterial tree. Inflammatory symptoms and 
allergic reactions of certain kinds depend on capillary changes. The 
permeability of capillary walls is altered in some hemorrhagic 
diseases. Accumulations of fluids in dropsical maladies are also 
determined in this way, and changes in the state of the capillaries 
explain many of the symptoms of shock. August Krogh has made 
raluable contributions to this basic knowledge of the anatomy and 
physiology of the capillaries. 


REHBERG, BRANDT P. "August Krogh, November 15, i874-September 
13, 1949," Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, Vol. 24 (1951), 
pp. 83-102* 


No Award 



(1886- ) 

"For his discovery relating to the production of 
heat in the muscles" 



ff For Ms discovery of the fixed relationship between 

the consumption of oxygen and the metabolism of 

lactic acid in muscle' 9 



born in England in 1886 and was educated at BlundelFs School, 
Tiverton. He won scholarships to Trinity College, Cambridge, 
where he studied mathematics. One of his teachers was W. M. 
Fletcher, who was then associated with F. G. Hopkins in investi- 
gating the formation of lactic acid in muscle. Hill apparently turned 
to physiology on Fletcher's urging, and J. N. Langley suggested 
that he undertake the work for which he afterward received the 
Nobel Prize. In 1910-1911 he studied in Germany under Biirker 



and Paschen. He continued his work at Cambridge until the out- 
break of the First World War, in which he served from 1914 to 
1919. In 1920 he was appointed to the chair of physiology at 
Manchester, and from 1923 to 1925 he was Jodrell Professor of 
Physiology, University College, London. In 1926 came his ap- 
pointment as Foulerton Research Professor of the Royal Society. 
As an Independent Conservative he was M.P. for Cambridge Uni- 
versity from 1940 to 1945. He was also a member of the War 
Cabinet Scientific Advisory Committee, as well as of many other 
scientific and defense committees. 


chemistry, was born in Hanover on April 12, 1884. His family 
moved to Berlin and he attended the Wilhelms-Gymnasium there, 
then studied medicine in Freiburg, Berlin, Strasburg, and finally 
Heidelberg, where he was graduated in 1909, having written a dis- 
sertation in psychiatry. He then busied himself chiefly with psy- 
chology and philosophy, publishing a book entitled Contributions 
to a Psychological Theory of Menial Diseases and an essay called 
"Goethe's Methods in Natural Philosophy." Under the influence 
of Otto Warburg, he transferred his attention to physiology; while 
in Heidelberg he also worked at physical chemistry. In 1912 he 
went to Kiel. Lectures delivered in England and the United States 
appeared as a book, The Chemical Dynamics of Living Matter, 
which helped to make him widely known. Meyerhof occupied a 
variety of distinguished positions in German science before Ger- 
many's scientific and political decline. By 1929 he had become head 
of the Department of Physiology in the Institute for Medical Re- 
search in Heidelberg. Forced to leave Germany in 1938, he con- 
tinued his work at the Institut de Biologic Physico-Chimique in 
Paris. After the invasion of France, in 1940, he escaped with his 
wife to the United States, where he was appointed research profes- 
sor at the Department of Physiological Chemistry, University of 
Pennsylvania. Professor Meyerhof died in Philadelphia on October 
6, 1951. 





"In the study of thermal changes [in muscle] the most con- 
sistent and valuable results have been obtained by utilising the 
isometric contraction of the sartorius muscle of the frog. [The 
sartorius is a straplike thigh muscle. "Isometric contraction" refers 
to the fact that the two ends of the muscle are fixed, so that the 
effort of contraction does not actually shorten it.] ... The 
isometric contraction has the advantage, firstly, that energy is not 
liberated in it in any other form than heat . . . and secondly, that 
. . . movements of the instruments are prohibited. ... 

"The fundamental difficulty . . . is the smallness of the changes 
involved and their rapidity. In the muscle twitch of a frog's sar- 
torius at 20 the rise of temperature is not more than 0.003 C 
and the time occupied in the earlier phases (as distinguished from 
the recovery process) is only a few hundredths of a second. The 
first requisite therefore is a very sensitive thermometric apparatus 
and great freedom from temperature changes, the second is ex- 
treme rapidity and lightness in the recording instruments. . . . 
[Hill then discusses thermometric apparatus and concludes that a 
very light, delicate, and sensitive thermopile is the only possibility. 
A thermopile is a kind of battery, made of alternating pieces of two 
different metals; heat applied to the junctions, or couples, gives rise 
to an electric current, the strength of which is measured by a gal- 
vanometer; an indirect measure of the heat is thus provided, and 
very minute temperature changes are detectable. Because of the 
nature of the apparatus, these readings cannot be accepted at face 
value, but the factors which distort the results can be eliminated by 
a control experiment.] Fortunately it is possible to make a direct 
calibratioa of the instruments [i.e., to scale them in such a way that 
results may be read as degrees of temperature] by liberating in the 
same muscle, in the identical position on the thermopile at the close 

* From A. V. Hill, "The Mechanism of Muscular Contraction," Les Prix Nobel 
en 1923, 


of an experiment, a known amount of heat . . . [first killing the 

"One of my earliest observations on the subject was that the 
galvanometer deflection persists much longer in a live muscle than 
in a control experiment. . . . This phenomenon can be due only 
to a delayed production of heat, and I found that this Recovery* 
heat as we called it is appreciable only in oxygen, being abolished 
by keeping the muscle in nitrogen, or by previous exercise violent 
enough to use up the oxygen dissolved in the muscle. ... A 
rough estimate of the magnitude of the recovery heat production 
made it approximately equal to the total initial heat. [Hill's later 
work, with the help of W. Hartree, showed its magnitude to be 
1.5 times the total initial heat.} This estimate appeared to answer 
unequivocally a question long debated, on the fate of lactic acid in 
the recovery process. Fletcher and Hopkins had found [in 1907} 
that lactic acid is removed in the presence of oxygen, though the 
same muscle at the end of the recovery process can liberate during 
exercise or rigor the same amount of lactic acid as before. Was 
lactic acid removed by oxidation, or by restoration to the precursor 
from which it came? Previous experiments of my own had shown 
that the production of one gramme of lactic acid in rigor leads to 
the liberation of about 500 calories. . . . Peters had proved that 
the production of i gramme of lactic acid in exercise . , . leads 
to the liberation of about the same quantity of heat. Hence, if the 
recovery heat were equal to the initial heat, the oxidative removal 
of one gramme of lactic acid would lead to the production of 
about 500 calories, which is less than i/yth of the heat of oxidation 
of the acid. The conclusion . . . seemed to me to be inevitable 
that the lactic acid is not removed by oxidation. . . . 

"The most important point brought out by - . . analysis of the 
initial heat-production is that relating to the influence, or rather to 
the absence of influence, of oxygen. . . . No difference whatever 
can be detected between the curves obtained (a) from a muscle in 
pure oxygen and (b) from one which has been deprived of oxygen 
in the most rigorous manner for several hours. The conclusion is 
important and supplements the observations previously described 
on the recovery heat-production. Oxygen is not used in the primary 
break-down at all: it is used simply in the recovery process." 



"Let us first of all consider an excised frog's muscle, working 
in a maximal supply of oxygen; chemical analysis then reveals only 
this, that a definite amount of glycogen disappears from the muscle, 
while a quantity of oxygen is taken up and carbonic acid given off 
quite adequate for this oxidation. [Glycogen is a compound carbo- 
hydrate, 'animal starch/ found in most of the body tissues, espe- 
cially in the liver and muscles.] But we can analyze the connection 
of events more closely if we first let the muscle work under anaero- 
bic conditions [i.e., without oxygen] and then expose it to oxygen. 
During the anaerobic phase of work, lactic acid accumulates in the 
muscle, approximately in proportion to the work done. Simultane- 
ously a corresponding amount of glycogen disappears. ... In the 
second oxidative phase, on the other hand, the lactic acid which 
had been formed disappears, while a quite definite amount of extra 
oxygen is taken up, and actually the disappearance of lactic acid 
during this period bears an exact proportion to the increased con- 
sumption of oxygen. Meantime the oxygen suffices for the oxida- 
tion of no more than a fraction of the vanished lactic acid; the rest, 
in total fatigue about three quarters of the whole lactic acid, reverts 
quantitatively into glycogen. I may say ... that this ratio of 
oxidized lactic acid to the acid which has disappeared is not con- 
stant under all conditions." 


The complex of chemical events through which every physi- 
ological activity is carried on is a tangled skein to undo, and while 
a great deal is known about the body's chemistry, it is generally the 
case that each particular process is understood only up to a point; to 
push beyond this point is, of course, the object of research, and 
explanations which remain true in principle are constantly being 
revised in detail. This is what has happened in the case of Meyer- 

* Translated from Otto Meyerhof, "Die Energieumwandlungen im Muskel," 
Les Prix Nobel en 1923. 


hof 's discovery. A fundamental point of great importance in muscle 
physiology was revealed by the work for which he won the Nobel 
Prize; but the chemistry of muscle is rather more complicated than 
it appeared at the time, and the work of other chemists, with his 
own later work, has brought about some revision and extension in 
the explanations which were given then. Hence the brevity of the 
quotation above. 

Some fifteen years before Hill and Meyerhof delivered their 
Nobel lectures, W. M. Fletcher and F. G. Hopkins (the latter to 
become a Nobel laureate in 1929 for his work on vitamins) had 
shown that lactic acid is an essential part of the muscle machinery. 
It appears only gradually in a resting muscle, but rapidly during 
work. It accumulates more and more, until, when it reaches a con- 
centration of a few tenths of one percent, the muscle becomes in- 
capable of further contraction. This lactic acid disappears in the 
presence of oxygen; the fully recovered muscle is then able to work 
again and to produce as much lactic acid as before. 

These changes of accumulation or removal of the acid could be 
detected only after evoking a series of responses in the muscle. 
Each change actually represented a summation of many changes. 
To study the transformations taking place in a muscle fiber during 
and immediately after contraction, to study the instantaneous and 
contemporary events, seemed beyond the reach of chemistry. The 
only change recorded in this flash-of -lightning way was the con- 
traction itself; but this muscle twitch is merely the final result, the 
end product of activity. The mechanical record of a unit response 
told little; the chemical record was apparently not to be had. But 
the investigation of heat production seemed promising, for heat is 
associated with the chemical events which cause contraction. In the 
manner, and with the results, so clearly set forth above, A. V. Hill 
made use of this approach. It then appeared that the working phase 
of muscular activity, the actual contraction, is not dependent on 
oxygen, which is required, rather, for the recovery phase. The 
oxygen requirement for an exertion may even be met after the 
event; the body may assume an "oxygen debt," which explains the 
heavy breathing of an athlete when the race is over. Hill's thermal 
data had now to be fitted into the larger picture of chemical hap- 
penings in muscle. 


Meyerhof found that as lactic acid accumulates a corresponding 
amount of glycogen disappears, no oxygen being supplied. This 
disappearance of glycogen was also observed in the presence of 
oxygen, but without the accumulation of lactic acid. Carbon dioxide 
was given off and more oxygen was consumed; but the increased 
oxygen consumption was only enough to account for the oxidation 
of a small part of the lactic acid. What happened to the rest? At 
the time of its disappearance the glycogen content was found to 
have increased. Meyerhof concluded that glycogen breaks down 
to form lactic acid in a contracting muscle, that lactic acid plays 
the dominant part in the actual contraction, and that the small part 
of it which is then oxidized supplies energy for the reconversion of 
the remainder into glycogen. That this is not the whole story was 
soon revealed, and the biochemistry of muscle has commanded 
much attention ever since. A series of complicated enzymatic reac- 
tions has been discovered; furthermore, considerable differences 
have been found between the mechanism of these events in frog 
muscle and in mammalian muscle. Embden, Lundsgaard, and 
Szent-Gyorgyi have made important contributions to the increas- 
ingly complex development, and Meyerhof himself published 
further studies (1938) on glycogen resynthesis. Half of the Nobel 
Prize for 1947 was awarded to C. F. and G. T. Cori jointly "for 
their discovery of how glycogen is catalytically converted" (see 
below, pp. 248-253). 

Although Parnas and Wagner (1914) had shown that glycogen 
was the precursor of lactic acid, it was Meyerhof who demonstrated 
that the disappearance of the lactate could not be attributed to 
oxidation, and who first advanced the view that it undergoes re- 
synthesis to form glycogen. Despite later extensions of knowledge 
this has remained a basic contribution to the understanding not 
merely of muscular action but of carbohydrate metabolism gen- 
erally, (On further contributions of both Hill and Meyerhof, see 
below, pp. i93>2530 


H. [ILL], A. V. "Otto Fritz Meyerhof," The Lancet, Oct. 27, 1951, pp. 





"For their discovery of insulin." 



near Alliston, Ontario. He was educated In local schools and then 
attended the University of Toronto, where he registered as a stu- 
dent of divinity but soon transferred to medicine. He completed 
his medical studies in 1916 and served overseas as a medical officer 
from 1917 to 1919. In 1918 he was awarded the Military Cross for 
heroism under fire. Following a year of the study of orthopedic 
surgery in Toronto, he commenced practice in London, Ontario, 
but remained less than a year. Carrying out part-time teaching 
duties at the University of Western Ontario, he became interested 
in diabetes. In 1921 he returned to Toronto to undertake research 
on this problem in Professor Macleod's laboratory, where he was 
associated with C H. Best, J. B. Collip, and a number of others. 



His research and its successful issue are described below. Insulin 
was isolated in 1921 and the first patients were treated in 1922. 
In 1923 Banting became professor of medical research. The Bant- 
ing Institute was opened in 1930 and Banting was knighted in 
1934. In later years he was particularly interested in cancer re- 
search. In February 1941, while acting as liaison officer between 
British and North American medical scientists in the Second World 
War, he was killed in an aircraft disaster in Newfoundland. 


on September 6, 1876. He was educated at the Aberdeen Grammar 
School and the University of Aberdeen, studying medicine at 
Marischal College. He was graduated in 1898, was awarded the 
Anderson Research Travelling Fellowship, and studied biochem- 
istry in Leipzig under Siegfried and Burian. In 1900 he became 
attached to the London Hospital Medical College, as demonstrator 
in physiology under Leonard Hill. In 1903 he was appointed 
professor of physiology at the Western Reserve University, Cleve- 
land, Ohio, where he remained for fifteen years; during most of 
this time he carried on investigations in carbohydrate metabolism. 
In 1918 he accepted the position of professor of physiology at the 
University of Toronto, where the work on insulin was performed. 
In 1928 he returned to Scotland as professor of physiology at the 
University of Aberdeen. Here he continued his research both 
within the University and at the Rowett Research Institute. He also 
served on the Medical Research Council. In his later years Professor 
Macleod fell victim to a crippling arthritis. His health gradually 
became worse and he died on March 16, 1935. His scientific, 
literary, and educational work was very extensive. He was the 
author of several books* including a well-known text, Physiology 
and Biochemistry in Modern Medicine. He was very successful as 
a teacher, and some of the most distinguished medical scientists 
of the present day in the United States and Canada were trained 
in Macleod's laboratory. 





"On October 3oth, 1920, I was attracted by an article by Moses 
Baron, in which he pointed out the similarity between the degenera- 
tive changes in the acinus cells of the pancreas following experi- 
mental ligation of the duct, and the changes following blockage of 
the duct with gall-stones. [Acinus cells secrete a digestive juice and 
are distinct from hormone-producing cells.} Having read this arti- 
cle the idea presented itself that by ligating the duct and allowing 
time for the degeneration of the acinus cells, a means might be 
provided for obtaining an extract of the islet cells free from the 
destroying influence of trypsin and other pancreatic enzymes. [The 
islet cells secrete the hormone.} 

"On April 14111, 1921, I began working on this idea in the 
Physiological Laboratory of the University of Toronto. Professor 
Macleod allotted me Dr. Charles Best as an associate. Our first step 
was to tie the pancreatic ducts in a number of dogs. At the end of 
seven weeks these dogs were chloroformed. The pancreas of each 
dog was removed and all were found to be shrivelled, fibrotic, and 
about one-third the original size. Histologkal examination showed 
that there were no healthy acinus cells. This material was cut into 
small pieces, ground with sand, extracted with normal saline. This 
extract was tested on a dog rendered diabetic by the removal of the 
pancreas. Following the intravenous injection the blood sugars of 
the depancreatized dogs were reduced to a normal or subnormal 
level, and the urine became sugar free. There was a marked im- 
provement in the general clinical condition as evidenced by the fact 
that the animals became stronger and more lively, the broken down 
wounds healed more kindly, and the life of the animal was un- 
doubtedly prolonged. . . . 

"The second type of extract was made from the pancreas of 
dogs in which acinus cells had been exhausted of trypsin by the 
long continued injection of secretin. [See above, p. 21} 

* From F. G. Banting, "Diabetes and Insulin," Les Prix Nobel en 1924-2$. 


'The third type of extract used in this series of experiments was 
made from the pancreas of foetal calves of less than four months 
development. Laguesse had found that the pancreas of the new- 
born contained comparatively more islet cells than the pancreas of 
the adult. Since other glands of internal secretion are known to 
contain their active principle as soon as they are differentiated in 
their embryological development, it occurred to me that trypsin 
might not be present since it is not used till after the birth of the 
animal. Later I found that Ibrahim had shown that trypsin is not 
present till seven or eight months of intrauterine development. 
Foetal extracts could be prepared in a much more concentrated solu- 
tion than the former two varieties of extract. It produced marked 
lowering of blood sugar, urine became sugar free and there was 
marked clinical improvement. Its greatest value however was that 
the abundance in which it could be obtained enabled us to investi- 
gate its chemical extraction. 

"Up to this time saline had been used as an extractive. We now 
found that alcohol slightly acidified extracted the active principle, 
and by applying this method of extraction to the whole adult beef 
pancreas active extracts comparatively free from toxic properties 
were obtained. . . . 

"The extracts prepared in this way were tried on depancreatized 
dogs and in all cases the blood sugar was lowered. . . . Diabetic 
dogs seldom live more than 12 to 14 days. But with the daily 
administration of this whole gland extract we were able to keep a 
depancreatized dog alive and healthy for ten weeks. 

"The extract at this time was sufficiently purified to be tested on 
three cases of diabetes mellitus in the wards of the Toronto Gen- 
eral Hospital. There was a marked reduction in blood sugar and 
the urine was rendered sugar free. . . ." 

"The invariable lowering of the blood sugar which was ob- 
served to result from the administration of insulin in animals 
rendered diabetic by pancreatectomy, raised the question as to 

* From J. J. R. Macleod, "The Physiology of Insulin and Its Source in the 
Animal Body," Les Prix Nobel en 1924-25, 


whether such would also occur in those forms of hyperglycaemia 
which can be induced by other experimental procedures, such as 
the injection of epinephrin, piqure or asphyxia. As the first step 
in the investigation of this question, Collip injected insulin into 
normal rabbits and found the blood sugar to become lowered, thus 
furnishing a valuable method for testing the potency of various 
preparations and, therefore, for affording a basis for their physi- 
ological assay. At the same time it was found that neither piqure, 
nor epinephrin, nor asphyxia caused any hyperglycaemia in rabbits 
in which, as a result of injection with insulin, the blood sugar was 
at a low level to start with. 

"Peculiar symptoms (convulsions and coma) were observed in 
many of the injected animals, and it was soon possible to show that 
these were related to the lowering of the blood sugar and that 
they usually supervened when this was about 0.045 per cent. Some- 
times the animals recovered spontaneously from these symptoms, 
but more frequently the coma became so profound, with marked 
fall of body temperature, that death occurred. That the lowering of 
blood sugar is closely related to the occurrence of the symptoms, 
was proved by finding that the subcutaneous injection of a solu- 
tion of glucose was followed, almost immediately, by complete re- 
covery, even in cases in which death was imminent from deep 
coma. It has been found, in collaboration with Noble, that glucose 
is remarkably specific in this regard. . . /' 


Long before 1922 the dietary treatment of diabetes had been 
developed to a high degree of refinement. This treatment, although 
it helped to minimize symptoms and prolong life, was far from 
satisfactory, since only the milder cases could be kept under con- 
trol and even these very often grew worse. Diabetes was then a 
severe debilitating disease, ultimately fatal in a great majority of 
cases, usually rapidly fatal in children. Infections of various kinds 
were very likely to supervene, surgery was most hazardous, and 
childbearing was dangerous to both mother and child. After the 
introduction of insulin it became possible to control most cases, 


and all the incidental dangers were diminished or removed. Life 
was greatly prolonged and useful activity restored. Unfortunately 
the diagnosis of the disease and the use of the remedy have not 
been universal even in the Americas and Europe. Full realization 
of the benefit of the discovery has therefore never been attained. 
None the less the transformation in the therapy of diabetes has 
been as striking as any single advance in modern medicine. 

At the time when Banting, Best, Macleod, and Collip were 
carrying on their research in Toronto, other workers were pursu- 
ing the same end in several other centers. After the discovery was 
announced a further impetus was given to this research and valu- 
able results were achieved in the study of carbohydrate metabolism. 
On the practical side, H. C. Hagedorn and D. A. Scott were re- 
sponsible for the production of protamine-zinc insulin, which has 
a prolonged effect. On the side of "pure" research, B. A. Houssay, 
in the year after insulin was discovered, began his related studies 
of the function of the pituitary body (see below, p. 244) . These 
are only two examples of the work which followed the stimulus of 
the Toronto discovery. A "working cure" for diabetes, a therapy 
of replacement of the deficient hormone, had been introduced by 
the Toronto group, and the search for underlying factors in the 
genesis of the disease had been given not only a new stimulus but 
a new basis in added knowledge from which to proceed. 


HARRIS, SEALE. Bantings Aiiracle (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1946). 
STEVENSON, LLOYD. Sir Frederick Banting (Toronto: Ryerson Press; 

Springfield, 111.: Thomas, 2nd ed., 1947). 




"For Ms discovery of the mechanism of the electro- 


Dutch East Indies, where his father was a practicing physician. 
When Wiilem was ten years old his father died; his mother 
returned to Holland with her six children and settled in Utrecht. 
In 1878 Einthoven began the study of medicine at the University, 
where his teachers included the physicist Buys Ballot, the anatomist 
Koster, and the great physiologist and ophthalmologist F. C. 
Donders. He became doctor of medicine in 1885 and was called 
to Leyden in the same year to succeed Heynsius in the chair of 
physiology; until 1905 his department was also responsible for 
the teaching of histology. Einthoven approached physiology as a 
physicist, no doubt partly, at least, as a result of his training in 
Utrecht; but his knowledge of anatomy, histology, and optics 
was also of great value to him in his famous work of devising the 
modern electrocardiograph and interpreting the data obtained by 
its use. This naturally led him toward pathological physiology 
and clinical medicine. Einthoven died in 1927. 




"The string galvanometer consists of a delicate thread, conduct- 
ing electric current, stretched like a string in a magnetic field. As 
soon as the thread is electrified, it deviates from its equipoise in 
a direction at right angles to the direction of the magnetic lines of 
force. The magnitude of the deviation is proportional to the 
strength of the current flowing through the thread, so that this 
can be easily and exactly measured. . . . [This instrument, in- 
vented by Einthoven, is the essential part of the modern electro- 
cardiograph. The "string" of the latter is a fiber of finely spun 
silver-coated quartz glass, 0.002 mm. in diameter, or about -J of 
the diameter of a red blood cell; platinum has also been used in 
place of silvered quartz. A beam of light, directed through holes 
in the arms of the magnet, throws the shadow of the string on a 
photographic plate or film, or on sensitive paper, through a series 
of lenses which magnify the image. This photographic surface, in 
a camera of special design, moves at an appropriate speed to 
record the successive positions of the string in its lateral move- 
ments, or deflections. The sensitivity of the string is standardized so 
that a deflection of a certain magnitude represents a certain strength 
of current. The record is marked out in horizontal lines (to meas- 
ure the magnitude of deviation, and hence the strength of cur- 
rent) and vertical lines (to indicate the time intervals). Various 
technical refinements have from time to time been introduced.} 

'"Just as every muscle in its contraction generates an electric cur- 
rent, so also in the heart there is an evolution of electricity with 
every systole [contraction]. This was first described by Kolliker 
and Miiller. The English physiologist Augustus D. Waller then 
showed that differences in potential developed in the heart are con- 
ducted to different parts of the body, and that with a sensitive 
measuring instrument, the capillary electrometer, one is in a posi- 
tion to observe the variations in potential of the human heart. 
[The capillary electrometer consists of a capillary tube filled with 

* Translated from Willem Einthoven, "Das Saitengalvanometer und die Messung 
der Aktionsstrome des Herzeos," Les Prix Nobel en 1924-1925. 


weak acid; a globule of mercury, placed in the center, moves to- 
ward the negative pole when an electric current is passed through 
the tube, and the image of the mercury is projected for photo- 
graphic record.} One needs only to lead the current from the 
hands and feet to the measuring instrument in order to see the 
variations in electric current, which show the same rhythm as 
the heart action. 

"If one records the deviations of the measuring instrument one 
obtains a curve, which was called the electrocardiogram. But be- 
cause of the imperfections of the capillary electrometer the curve 
directly recorded does not portray in an exact manner the actual 
variations in potential that have occurred. To get an exact picture, 
one must construct a new curve based on the peculiarities of the 
instrument used and the data of the recorded curve, work requir- 
ing considerable time. This circumstance stood in the way of the 
practical application of electrocardiography to the investigation of 
cardiac patients, and general interest in the ECG first developed 
later, after the string galvanometer made it possible to register the 
required pattern directly, easily, and quickly, and with satisfactory 
accuracy. ..." 


Einthoven first constructed a string galvanometer in 1903. From 
1906 to 1921 he gradually improved it. It came into fairly general 
use in hospitals, and the modern electrocardiograph is based on the 
same principles. By 1906 Einthoven had observed that different 
types of heart disease show different, and distinctive, tracings on 
the electrocardiogram. Between 1908 and 1913 he worked on the 
interpretation of the normal tracing, so as to provide a secure 
basis for the understanding of deviations from the normal result. 
His interpretation of each wave and complex in the recorded curve 
was worked out during this period, and the Prize was actually 
awarded not for the invention of the string galvanometer, but "for 
his discovery of the mechanism of the electrocardiogram." 

Einthoven's work was confirmed and extended by a number of 
other scientists, particularly by Thomas Lewis. Analysis of the 


symptoms of heart disease as seen in the electrocardiogram was 
developed in detail by a generation of cardiologists who had been 
provided by Einthoven with a precise tool for their study. This 
method often makes for quicker and more reliable diagnosis. When 
recorded serially, electrocardiograms may provide decisive evidence 
in questionable cases of coronary thrombosis. They aid in localizing 
the site of the area affected by obstruction of a coronary vessel 
(the area of "infarction") . In this and other forms of heart disease 
they establish the nature of the disturbances of the heart's rhythm or 
mechanism. Often they are of great value in following the course 
of healing, and so help to determine the nature of treatment. 


No Award 



' f For Ms discovery of the Spiroptera carcinoma. 


Denmark, on April 23, 1867. He finished his medical studies in 
1890. From 1891 to 1894, after hospital work and some further 
study with Koch and Behring, he was assistant to C J. Salmonsen 
in the bacteriology laboratory of the University of Copenhagen. 
Then, until 1897, he was associated with the Hospital for Con- 
tagious Diseases in Copenhagen, meanwhile (1895) obtaining his 
doctoral degree with a thesis on the bacteriology of diphtheria. 
After 1897 he worked at the Institute of Pathological Anatomy of 
the University and in the army bacteriological laboratory. In 1900 
he was named professor of pathological anatomy and head of the 
Institute. He carried out a large number of official commissions and 
took part in the direction of numerous institutes and societies. He 
was co-editor, as well as one of the founders, of Acta Pathologica 
et Microbiologica Scandinavica; he was also co-editor of Zieglers 
Beitrage. Fibiger died on January 30, 1928, in Copenhagen, after 
a short illness. 




"The researches I am going to communicate started out from 
some observations I had occasion to make at the end of the year 
1907. At the autopsy of three wild rats . . . which originally had 
served for subcutaneous injections of tubercle bacilli, the stomach 
showed itself in the three animals to be the site of severe lesions. 
The stomach was greatly enlarged, heavy, and of firm consistency. 
The exterior surface was rough, especially at the fundus [the 
cardiac end of the stomach, where food is received] and divided 
by means of furrows into slightly elevated parts, gray-yellow in 
color. After opening it, one found only localized lesions in the 
fundus, while the pyloric region was normal. The wall of the 
stomach was greatly thickened at the fundus . . . the mucous 
membrane arching toward the stomach cavity in the form of folds 
and of stout, irregular ridges, prolonged in out-juttings, and of 
papillomatous polyps [see below], . . . 

"Microscope examination ascertained that the enormous thicken- 
ing of the walls was caused essentially by a very marked epithelial 
hyperplasia [excessive growth of the surface layer] and by a severe 
papillomatosis [overgrowth of tiny, nipplelike processes normally 
present at the surface] and also, but in a less pronounced manner, 
by acute and chronic inflammatory lesions. . . . 

"At the histologic examination one was struck to see that here 
and there, in a small number of sections, the superficial epithelium 
contained cavities of different shapes: circular, oval, or cylindrical. 
Continuing the researches, it was found that in other preparations 
these cavities were filled by peculiar bodies, not found in the parts 
of stomachs first examined. . . . 

"These bodies had very distinct contours and complicated struc- 
ture, making the supposition a probable one that this was a matter 
of the more highly organized animal parasites. . . . 

* Translated from Johannes Fibiger, "Recherches stir un nematode et sur sa 
faculte de provoquer des neoformations papillomateuses et carcinomateuses dans 
Testomac du. rat," Academie Royale des Sciences et des Lettres de Danemark: 
Extrait du Bulletin de I'Annee 1913, No. i. 


[In an effort to determine the frequency of this disease, which 
Incidentally had nothing to do with tuberculosis, and also to find 
new cases for further study, Fibiger examined 1144 rats, with nega- 
tive results. Back in 1878, M. Caleb had described a nematode, a 
threadlike worm, as parasitic in rats' stomachs. He had shown that 
this appeared to be the same nematode already described as early as 
1824 as a parasite In a common kind of cockroach, Periplaneta 
orientates. Feeding nematode-infested cockroaches to rats, Galeb 
was able to parasitize them. So Fibiger looked for rats and cock- 
roaches together, then examined the stomachs of the rats, but 
without success. He fed large numbers of cockroaches to rats. No 

"At last, informed that in a locality of the city [Copenhagen] 
(a great sugar refinery) rats and cockroaches were found en masse, 
I resolved to examine the rats of this district, too, although the 
cockroach in question was not the Periplaneta orientates spoken of 
by M. Galeb, but a different species, the P. americana. . . . 

"Contrary to all expectation, the result of the examination was 
positive. . . . [Thus Fibiger's studies could be continued. As it 
turned out, Galeb's nematode was not the same. Nor, on the other 
hand, was P. americana a necessary part of the story, as Fibiger 
naturally supposed at first, for the commoner P. orientates would 
likewise serve his purpose; so that when the sugar refinery burned 
down, his work was only temporarily interrupted. He had found 
the required nematode again, and he could show that only a part 
of Its life cycle takes place in the rat, rat-to-rat transmission never 
occurring. Eggs passed by rats were fed to cockroaches, and the 
cockroaches were fed to rats. There then appeared to be a propor- 
tional relation between the number of parasites and the duration 
of their life In the stomach, on the one hand, and the degree of 
anatomic change on the other.} 

"In general, the successive development of the anatomical altera- 
tions can be represented in the following manner: as the initial 
phenomenon, simple epithelial hyperplasia, ordinarily followed by 
acute inflammation. The inflammation ever increasing, the growth of 
the epithelium in depth, the formation of epithelial papillomata and 
heterotopia \beter os s other -f- topos, place: the presence of these 
cells in parts where they are normally absent] are added to these 


phenomena. As the terminal stage: severe papillomatosis, develop- 
ment of large epithelial crypts with the more or less extensive de- 
struction of the stomach wall. As deviations from this course of 
development: (i) some cases in which the inflammatory processes 
are little pronounced or totally absent ... (2) some cases in 
which the process becomes malignant in the proper sense of the 
word, by the development of a cancroid having the faculty of pro- 
ducing metastases [new growths in parts of the body remote from 
the original tumor}." 


Fibiger's discovery of Spzroptera carcinoma appeared to be a clear 
confirmation of the view of Rudolf Virchow, the great pioneer of 
cellular pathology, that cancerous growths are due to chronic irrita- 
tion. Here was a tiny worm, a nematode, apparently the source of 
both mechanical and chemical irritation, and it seemed that Fibi- 
ger's careful experiments, only partly indicated in the abstract 
above, had conclusively shown it to be the cause of a particular kind 
of cancer in rats. Some believed this was due to non-specific irrita- 
tion; Fibiger thought it due to specific toxins. There was, it is true, 
some question raised about the real nature of this disease. Parasites 
of other kinds were known to cause proliferative diseases, but 
these came to be regarded as noncancerous. The part originally 
diseased might set up colonies, so to speak, in remote parts of the 
body; but these were not true "metastases," resulting from the in- 
herent ability of morbidly overactive cells to establish new foci and 
multiply afresh, for in each of the new locations parasites were 
found. Like scattered abscesses, these areas represented the migra- 
tions of the causative organism. But the metastases seen in Fibiger's 
disease were true metastases, containing no parasites: the cells 
themselves had become malignant. There was likewise some dispute 
over the microscope evidence of the cells (the finer points of the 
histology have not been given above) . But in the course of time 
it was generally agreed that the tumor was a true malignant, or 
cancerous, growth. More recently doubts have been raised about 
the role of the nematodes. It has been suggested that a vitamin 


deficiency was responsible for Fibiger' s results, since A. Y. Fuji- 
makl was able to produce stomach tumors, some benign and some 
malignant, by feeding rats on a vitamin-deficient diet. A. Borrel, 
who anticipated Fibiger in suggesting that parasites might be con- 
cerned in causing cancer, continued to maintain his original view 
that such parasites could only be the carriers of a virus, the real causa- 
tive agent. 

In earlier studies of cancer it had sometimes been found possible 
to transplant malignant growths to other animals of the same 
species. But these studies did not show the origin of the tumors, 
and the earliest stages of their growth could not be followed. It 
therefore appeared of great importance to have a method at hand 
for producing a form, of cancer experimentally, although this had 
been done a short time before in the experiments of J. Clunet by 
X irradiation. Two years after the publication of Fibiger' s work, 
other scientists, perhaps encouraged by his success, were able to 
produce experimental cancer in rabbits by the use of coal tar. A 
number of carcinogenic (cancer-causing) substances have since 
been isolated from coal tar and have been shown to be related 
chemically to sex hormones, bile acids, and other substances of 
biological importance. 

Fibiger expressed the hope that some forms of human cancer 
might be shown to be caused by parasites. He did not believe that 
he had discovered a general principle of broad application, but only 
that some small part might be found for parasitology in the genesis 
of human cancer. Even this modest hope was doomed to disap- 
pointment. Bilharziasis, a tropical disease caused by a small worm, 
produces cancers of the bladder or rectum in about 5 per cent of 
cases; and cancer of the liver is known to follow another kind 
of infestation. These instances were recognized before the time of 
Fibiger's work. The vast majority of cancers cannot be explained 
in this way. 


OBERLING, CHARLES. The Riddle of Cancer. Translated by W. H. 
Woglom. Revised ed. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1952), 
pp. 65-74. 




"For his disco-very of the therapeutic value of 

malaria inoculation in the treatment of dementia 



tria, on March 7, 1857. (The hyphen in " Wagner- Jauregg" takes 
the place of 'Von/' the distinction of nobility discontinued by the 
socialist regime after the First World War.) He received the de- 
gree of doctor of medicine in 1880 from the University of Vienna, 
where he began his scientific career in the Department of Experi- 
mental Pathology and Internal Medicine. In 1883 he joined the 
star! of the psychiatric clinic. This was apparently a second choice, 
forced upon him by circumstances, but he soon became deeply inter- 
ested in psychiatry and was later renowned not only for his research 
but also for his activity as a teacher. In a publication of 1887 ^ e 
proposed to produce febrile diseases deliberately as a treatment 
for psychiatric patients, using malaria and erysipelas. His pre- 
liminary trials did not proceed far. From 1889 to 1893 he was 
professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University of Graz 
(Austria). In 1890 Koch introduced tuberculin, and Wagner- 
Jauregg tried it as a fever-producer on patients at Graz. These ex- 
periments were stopped because tuberculin had come to be con- 
sidered dangerous. At this time he was recalled to Vienna as head 



of the University Hospital for Nervous and Mental Diseases, and 
in 1894 he resumed his work with tuberculin. The first malaria 
inoculations for dementia paralytica were given on June 14, 1917. 
Wagner- Jauregg published many early contributions on physi- 
ology and pharmacology. Later he was interested in forensic psy- 
chiatry, in cretinism, myxedema, and the prevention of goiter. He 
retired from his professorship in 1928, and he died October i, 
19405 in his eighty-fourth year. 


"Progressive paralysis {also called paresis, general paralysis of 
the insane, dementia paralytica] has always been considered an 
incurable disease, leading in the course of a few years to dementia 
and death. 

"Nevertheless there was on record a series of cases of progressive 
paralysis which had been cured; cases in which all the symptoms 
had disappeared so completely as to permit those affected to be 
independently active for years, in life and employment. And even 
if such cases were quite extraordinarily rare, there was a compara- 
tively frequent occurrence of remissions of some duration, in which 
there was a retrogression, greater or less in degree, of symptoms 
already developed. Thus, in principle at least, progressive paralysis 
had to be a curable disease. . . . 

"The observation was now forthcoming that in the rare cases of 
healing and in the frequent remissions of progressive paralysis, a 
febrile infectious malady or a protracted suppuration often pre- 
ceded the improvement in the state of the disease. 

"Therein lay a hint. These cures following febrile infectious 
diseases, of which I myself had witnessed striking cases, induced 
me as early as the year 1887 to propose that this natural experiment 
be imitated by deliberately producing infectious diseases, and at 
that time I named malaria and erysipelas as suitable diseases. As a 
particular advantage of malaria, I stressed the fact that it is possible 
to interrupt the disease at will with quinine, and did not yet suspect 

* Translated from "Nobel- Vortrag von Julius Wagner- Jauregg," Les Prix Nobel 


at that time to what extent the expectation would be fulfilled 
through inoculation with malaria. 

"Apart from an unsuccessful experiment with erysipelas, I did 
not proceed as yet to the direct execution of this proposal, and 
furthermore I would scarcely have had the authority at that time 
to carry it through. 

"Instead, starting in 1890, I attempted to imitate the action of 
a febrile infectious disease by the use of tuberculin, just introduced 
by Koch, at first not only in progressive paralysis but also in other 
mental derangements, and as a matter of fact with favorable results 
in not a few cases. {This was to some extent a forerunner of the 
protein therapy which later attained great development.} 

"Since there were some cases of progressive paralysis among 
them, my interest soon concentrated on this disease, for a favorable 
result could not so easily be considered an accident here as in other 

"After ... it had been established that the paralytics treated 
with tuberculin . . . showed more, and more lasting, remissions 
than an equal number of untreated paralytics, this treatment was 
carried out systematically . . . and at the same time an energetic 
iodine-mercury cure, later combined with injections of salvarsan, 
was instituted. . . . 

"The remissions which were obtained by the mercury-tuberculin 
treatment did not differ qualitatively from those to be obtained by 
inoculation with malaria. . . . But the number of relapses was 
large; the lasting remissions were in the minority. 

"I tried to enhance the action of the nonspecific treatment by 
the use of different vaccines . . . without much effect on the fre- 
quency of the discouraging relapses. 

"In the course of this therapeutic research, I could repeatedly 
make the observation that particularly complete and lasting remis- 
sions took place in just those cases in which, concurrently with the 
treatment, some incidental infectious disease occurred, for instance 
pneumonia {or} an abscess. 

"Consequently, in 1917, 1 set about the execution of the proposal 
I had made in the year 1887, and inoculated nine cases of progres- 
sive paralysis with tertian malaria. 

"The result was gratifying beyond expectation: six of these nine 


cases obtained extensive remissions, and in three of these cases the 
remission proved lasting, so that this year [i9 2 7] I was able to 
present these cases ... as having carried on their occupations 
without interruption for ten years. After the outcome of this first 
experiment had been followed for two years, I undertook, in the 
autumn of 1919, to pursue this therapeutic research on a large 
scale. . . ." 


Wagner- Jauregg appears to have contemplated the use of malaria 
In treating paretic dementia for many years, and when, in 1917, a 
patient with tertian malaria appeared in one of his wards he con- 
sidered this as a sign of fate and proceeded to carry out his plan. 
The tertian variety of the disease is still preferred, although the 
quartan type has also had its advocates. 

Dementia paralytica, perhaps more commonly known as GPI 
(general paralysis of the insane), or simply general paresis, is a 
progressive disease of the brain and meninges (brain coverings) 
due to syphilis. In adults it is usually a late result of an untreated 
or inadequately treated antecedent syphilis; a juvenile form (juve- 
nile paresis) usually is due to congenital syphilis. The proper treat- 
ment of the early stages of syphilis is the only sure means of pre- 
vention. Fever therapy is indicated in all cases of GPI, as well as 
in paresis sine parese, meaning the same disease before paralytic 
signs have occurred but where the mental symptoms and laboratory 
indications point to neurosyphilis. 

Fever therapy since Wagner- Jauregg has taken various forms, 
ranging from sodoku (rat-bite fever), killed typhoid bacilli, 
preparations containing colloidal sulfur, and continuous hot-air 
and hot-water baths, to diathermy. A variety of nonspecific proteins 
have been employed. Although fever cabinets are widely used, 
some psychiatrists consider it doubtful that any other fever-produc- 
ing agent gives results as good as does the malaria treatment. The 
mortality from malaria is low and it is claimed that about 30 to 40 
percent of those so treated show permanent recovery (more than 
five years). It is especially during the earliest stage that the in- 


volvement of the central nervous system is amenable to treatment; 
no treatment of any kind is capable of restoring damaged brain 
tissue. Fever therapy, however, combined with an antisyphilitic 
drug (especially tryparsamide) tends to prolong life and arrest 
deterioration. The newer drugs for the treatment of syphilis may 
alter the picture somewhat; but as yet there is no likelihood of dis- 
pensing with fever treatment, as introduced nearly thirty-five years 
ago by Wagner- Jauregg. 



"For his work on typhus" 


where his father practiced medicine. He first attended the lycee in 
his native city, then studied medicine in Paris. In 1893, at the 
conclusion of his studies, he was named to the faculty of the Medi- 
cal School in Rouen and appointed physician to the Rouen hospitals. 
At the instigation of his brother, Maurice Nicolle, a microbiologist, 
he took the Pasteur Institute course in microbiology in 1892. In 
1902 he succeeded Adrien Loir as director of the Pasteur Institute 
in Tunis. Here he carried out the work on typhus described below, 
in which he demonstrated the role played by the louse, A later 
achievement of importance was the distinction he helped to draw, 
after a visit to Mexico, between classic, louse-borne epidemic typhus 
and the murine variety, which has its reservoir in rats and is trans- 
mitted sporadically to man by the rat flea. (The murine type, under 
the name of tabar ditto, has appeared epidemically in Mexico. 
Nicolle has been credited in France with distinguishing murine 
from classic typhus. It appears, however, that the most important 
contributions to the knowledge of murine typhus were made by 
Maxcy, Dyer, Rumreich, Badger, Mooser, Castaneda, and Zinsser. ) 
In 1932 Nicolle took the place of d'Arsonval in the chair once held 
by Claude Bernard, Magendie, and Laennec at the College de 



France. He carried out extensive work on a variety of infectious 
diseases. In addition to being known for his studies of typhus he 
was chiefly distinguished for a number of innovations in technique. 
He was the founder of the Archives de I'Institut Pasteur de Tunis. 
He wrote not only scientific but literary and philosophic works. He 
died February 28, 1936. 


"The center of my observations was the native hospital of Tunis. 
When I visited this hospital I often stepped over the bodies of 
typhus patients who had come to be admitted and had fallen down 
from exhaustion at the door. Now there was a singular event tak- 
ing place in this hospital, the significance of which no one had 
understood, and which impressed me. The typhus patients were 
lodged at this time in the common medical wards. As far as the 
doors of these rooms they scattered the contagion. Typhus devel- 
oped on contact with them in the families where they were received, 
and the doctors required to visit them became infected on contact. 
Moreover the contagion struck the personnel of the admitting 
offices of the hospital, the employees whose duty it was to collect 
the clothes and linen, and the laundresses who washed them. And 
for all this, a typhus patient once admitted to the common ward 
did not contaminate a single one of his ward neighbors, not an 
attendant, not a doctor. 

'This observation was my guide. I asked myself what happened 
between the hospital door and the sickroom. What happened was 
this: the typhus patient was relieved of his clothes and linen, and 
was shaved and washed. The agent of the contagion was therefore 
something attached to his skin, to his linen, and something of 
which soap and water rid him. This could only be the louse. . . 

"If it had not been possible to reproduce the malady in animals 
and consequently to verify the hypothesis, this simple determina- 
tion would have sufficed to make clear the mode of propagation of 

* Translated from "Conference Nobel par Charles Nicolle," Les Prix Nobel en 


typhus. Fortunately it was possible to bring experimental proof to 
bear upon it. 

"My first attempts to transmit typhus to laboratory animals, con- 
sisting of little monkeys, failed, like similar attempts of my prede- 
cessors, and for reasons which it is easy for me to explain to myself 

"I asked my mdttre, M. Roux, to procure a chimpanzee for me, 
thinking that an anthropoid might be more sensitive than animals 
of other kinds. The very day I received it, I inoculated it with the 
blood of a patient. . . . The chimpanzee showed a fever. With its 
blood, obtained during this fever, I inoculated a macaque (M. 
sinicus}, which also showed a fever. On this macaque I fed lice 
which I transferred to other macaques. These were infected and 
later showed themselves to be vaccinated against a trial inocula- 
tion. . . . {Monkeys are expensive animals for experiment and 
Nicolle discovered that guinea pigs, rats, and mice are also sus- 
ceptible to typhus; most of his later work was done on guinea pigs. 
He found that lice are incapable of spreading contagion until 
about a week after taking up blood; he also found that develop- 
ment occurs meanwhile in the digestive tract of the louse, and that 
the feces become virulent.} 

"Typhus is characterized in man by a symptomatic triad; fever, 
eruption, signs of nervous involvement. In animals, fever is the 
only sign of infection. ... 

"It sometimes happens, especially when one uses blood, that in a 
lot of guinea pigs, inoculated with the same dose of the same ma- 
terial, certain ones do not show any fever. At first I attributed this 
failure to a fault in technique, or else to a greater individual resist- 
ance. The repetition of negative results did not permit me to accept 
these too facile explanations for long. The animals for which the 
vims is pathogenic present a picture of variable sensitivity, which 
runs from the very severe, often fatal, typhus of the European 
adult to the merely theraiometric fever of the guinea pig, passing 
through all the intermediate degrees: typhus of the adult native, 
benign typhus of the children, still more benign in monkeys. I 
asked myself if there did not exist, below the already very feeble 
sensitivity of the guinea pig, a yet slighter degree in which the 
only sign of infection would be the virulent power of the blood 


during the period when the more sensitive animals show the char- 
acteristic fever. It was indeed so." 


Nicolle transformed the fight against typhus into a fight against 
the louse. For many years the methods of delousing were elaborate, 
laborious, time-consuming, and not altogether effective. To a large 
degree they worked; the difficulty was to apply such methods on a 
broad enough scale. Particularly in winter, when lice are favored by 
heavy clothing, crowding, and infrequent bathing, it proved im- 
possible to put a quick stop to outbreaks of typhus, at least among 
civilian populations. In the past ten years, however, such outbreaks 
have been effectually suppressed on several occasions by the liberal 
use of DDT (see below, p. 258) . 

Nicolle also gave a convincing demonstration of what he called 
"inapparent disease." He showed that there are instances in which 
no symptoms whatever appear, yet the blood is virulent on inocula- 
tion. This fact has been brought forward to explain the mystery of 
how the contagion survives between epidemics. 

It is interesting that Theobald Smith, Patrick Hanson, David 
Bruce, and the members of the Yellow Fever Commission demon- 
strators of insect vectors in disease were not rewarded with the 
Nobel Prize. Possibly the theoretical aspect of Nicolle' s work, to- 
gether with its importance in combating typhus during the First 
World War, influenced the decision to honor him with the Prize. 

Typhus has been known for centuries as one of the great epi- 
demic diseases. It has been associated with a massing of people in 
cities, armies, prisons, and ships. Its alternative names ship fever, 
jail fever, prison fever, camp fever, hospital fever are revealing. 
It has also been known as war fever, since fatal epidemics have 
attended most of the great wars. To an important degree typhus is 
a social disease, requiring a lousy population to feed upon. Present 
ability to cope with it in an emergency depends less upon prophy- 
lactic vaccination and modern treatment than upon powerful new 
insecticides. Nicolle convicted the louse; Paul Miiller, of DDT 
fame, discovered the means to kill it. 



"For Ms disco-very of the antineuritic vitamin* 



"For his discovery of the growth-stimulating 



on August ii, 1858, in Nijberk, a small town on the Zuyder Zee. 
He began his studies at the University of Amsterdam in 1875 and 
was for some years assistant to the professor of physiology there. 
In 1883 he |oined the colonial army in the Dutch East Indies but 
he was invalided home two years later and resumed his laboratory 
work, this time as a bacteriologist. In 1886 he returned to the 
Dutch East Indies as a member of the Pekelharing-Winkler Com- 
mission to study beri-beri This group vainly sought a bacterial 



cause for the disease. When his colleagues returned home, Eijkman 
remained in Batavia as director of a new laboratory for bacteriology 
and pathology, taking charge of the medical school for native doc- 
tors as well. It was during this period that he carried out the work 
on beri-beri described below. He later studied "tropical anemia/' 
denying it separate existence as a disease entity. He also challenged 
the assumption that metabolism varied greatly with climate. Among 
the more important investigations of his later years were his study 
of fermentation tests and the demonstration of the presence of the 
colon bacillus in water (Eijkman's test). Ill once again, Eijkman 
returned home in 1896 and became professor of hygiene at the Uni- 
versity of Utrecht; he held this post until 1928. In 1930 he died. 


Eastbourne, in Sussex, England, where he spent the first ten years 
of his life alone with his widowed mother, attending a dames* 
school from the age of six and playing with his father's microscope 
from the age of eight or nine. After 1871 they lived in Enfield 
with his mother's brother, James Gowland. For nearly four years 
Hopkins attended the City of London School, but despite a good 
record at first he had ultimately to withdraw because of truancy 
ft sheer boredom" was his own explanation. He then attended a 
private school. At seventeen he entered an insurance office, but re- 
mained for only six months; he then became an articled pupil to 
an analytical chemist. Later he attended the Royal School of Mines 
at South Kensington and worked for a few months as assistant in 
a private laboratory. A few courses at University College and suc- 
cess in examination for associateship of the Institute of Chemistry 
brought an invitation from Dr. (later Sir Thomas) Stevenson, 
Medical Jurist at Guy's Hospital and Home Office expert, to assist 
in his laboratory. While working there, Hopkins took a degree 
extramurally from the London University. In 1888 he began to 
study medicine at Guy's. In 1894 he qualified and obtained the 
London M.B. He then joined the school staff at Guy's but left in 
3:898, going to Cambridge at the invitation of Michael Foster to 
develop teaching and research in physiological chemistry. There he 


spent the rest of Ms life, at first with meager facilities, but after 
1925 in a well-endowed institute. He was everywhere recognized 
as facile princeps of English biochemistry, which he established 
almost singlehanded. His honors included knighthood, in 1925; 
the Copley Medal, in 1926; the Nobel Prize, in 1929; presidency 
of the Royal Society, in 1931; and the Order of Merit, in 1935. He 
retired in 1943 and died in 1947. In addition to his dietary studies, 
his work on glutathione and tissue oxidation, on muscle chemistry, 
and on uric acid are very well known. 



"An accident set me on the right road. 

"In the chicken-run of the laboratory in Batavia there suddenly 
broke out a disease which was in many ways strikingly similar to 
human beri-beri, and hence invited penetrating study. . . . [Eijk- 
man here gives a detailed account of the symptoms shown by the 
birds: unsteady gait, muscular weakness resulting in falls, collapse, 
progressive paralysis finally affecting the respiratory muscles, 
cyanosis, or blueness of comb and skin resulting from insufficient 
oxygen in the blood, stupor, subnormal temperature, and death.] 

"As may already be guessed from the symptoms and the course 
of the disease, and as microscopic study confirmed, it was a question 
of a polyneuritis [multiple neuritis affecting the nerves generally 
and not merely in the local area}. 

"As regards etiology, our original supposition that, considering 
the striking epizootic commencement of the disease [epizootic = 
animal epidemic], we had to do with an infection was not con- 
firmed. Search for infection, using material from side animals or 
those that had died of the disease, gave no clear result, while all 
the hens, including those kept separate as controls, were affected. 
JNfo specific microbe was found, nor any higher organized parasite. 

"Then all at once our opportunity for further researches dis- 

'* Translated from Chrlstlaan Eijkman, "Antmeuritisches Vitamin und Beri-beri/' 
Les Prix Nobel en 1929. 


appeared, as the disease came suddenly to a stop. The sick hens got 
better and no new cases appeared. Fortunately suspicion was then 
directed toward food, and indeed rightly, as it presently turned 

"The laboratory was still temporary, and very meagerly housed 
in the military hospital, although it was administered under the 
civil authority. The laboratory attendant, his motive economy, had 
now, as I first learned later, obtained cooking rice from the hos- 
pital kitchen to use as chickenfeed. Then, the cook having been 
transferred, his successor objected to military rice going to civilian 
hens. So it happened that the hens were fed with cooking rice only 
from the loth of June to the aoth of November. But the epizootic 
began on the i oth of July and ended in the last days of November. 

"Deliberate feeding experimentation was then undertaken, 
aimed at further proof of the presumable connection between food 
and sickness. This definitely showed that the polyneuritis had its 
origin in the cooking-rice feed. The hens were thereby subjected 
to the disease after 3-4 weeks, or not uncommonly somewhat later, 
while the controls fed with unhulled rice remained healthy. We 
also not seldom succeeded in restoring animals already sick by a 
suitable change in feeding. 

"This difference between rice that had been hulled, and likewise 
polished, and whole rice did not consist in a lessening in the quality 
of the former through storage, for cooking rice freshly prepared 
from whole grain could also call forth the disease. It turned out 
that rice half hulled i.e., freed only of the thick hull which 
spoils much more easily [and] is attacked by mites, molds, etc., 
proved harmless in feeding experiments. This rice, which is ob- 
tained through simple pounding, still has the inner hull, the so- 
called silver skin [Silberhautchen] (pericarp), and contains the 
germ, wholly or in large part. As could then be concluded from 
many different experiments, the effective antineuritic principle 
occurs particularly in these parts of rice and of cereal grains gen- 
erally. It can easily be extracted with water or strong alcohol and 
can be dialyzed [i.e., the crystalloid and colloid elements of the 
extraction can be separated by diffusion through a membrane}. I 
was able to establish further that it can be used as a remedy either 
by mouth or by injection." 


"Early in my career I became convinced that current teaching 
concerning nutrition was inadequate, and while still a student in 
hospital in the earlier eighteen nineties I made up my mind that 
the part played by nutritional errors in the causation of disease was 
underrated. The current treatment of scurvy and rickets seemed 
to me to ignore the significance of the old recorded observations. I 
had then a great ambition to study those diseases from a nutritional 
standpoint; but fate decreed that I was to lose contact with clinical 
material. I had to employ myself in the laboratory on more aca- 
demic lines. I realised, however, as did many others at the last cen- 
tury's close, that for a full understanding of nutrition, no less than 
for an understanding of so many other aspects of biochemistry, fur- 
ther knowledge of proteins was then a prerequisite; and when I was 
first called to the University of Cambridge I did my best to con- 
tribute to that knowledge. 

"As an ultimate outcome of my experiments dealing with the 
relative metabolic importance of individual amino acids from pro- 
tein my attention was inevitably turned, without, I think, knowl- 
edge, or at any rate without memory, of the earlier work, to the 
necessity for supplying other factors than the then recognised basal 
elements of diet if the growth and health of an animal were to be 
maintained. This indeed must at any time come home to every 
observer who employs in feeding experiments a synthetic dietary 
composed of adequately purified materials. ... A good many 
investigators using synthetic dietaries have, it is true, from time to 
time expressed doubts upon the point, but we now know that it 
was because the constituents they used were not pure and not free 
from adherent vitamins. In 1906-7 I convinced myself by experi- 
ments, carried out . . . upon mice, that those small animals at any 
rate could not survive upon a mixture of the basal foodstuffs alone. 
I was especially struck at this time, I remember, by striking differ- 
ences in the apparent nutritive value of different supplies of casein 
in my possession. One sample used as a protein supply in a syn- 

* From F. G. Hopkins, "The Earlier History of Vitamin Research/' Les Prix 
Nobel en 


thetic dietary might support moderate growth, while another failed 
even to maintain the animals. I found that a sample of the former 
sort, if thoroughly washed with water and alcohol, lost its power 
and also, if added to the samples originally inadequate, made them 
to some degree efficient in maintaining growth. I found further at 
that time (1906-7) that small amounts of a yeast extract were 
more efficient than the casein extracts. Similar experiences were en- 
countered when otherwise adequate mixtures of amino acids were 
used to replace intact proteins. By sheer good fortune, as it after- 
wards turned out, I used butter as a fat supply in these early experi- 
ments. Upon the evidence of these earlier results I made a public 
statement in 1907 which has been often quoted. I cannot, how- 
ever, justly base any claims for any sort of priority upon it, as my 
experimental evidence was not given on that occasion. It was indeed 
not till four years later that I published any experimental data. In 
explanation of this delay I would ask you to consider the circum- 
stances of the time. The early experiments of Lunin and others had 
been forgotten by most; the calorimetric studies held the field and 
tentative suggestions concerning their inadequacy were, I found, 
received with hesitation among my physiological acquaintances. It 
seemed that a somewhat rigid proof of the facts would be neces- 
sary before publication was desirable. Thus came the great tempta- 
tion to endeavour to isolate the active substance or substances before 
publication, and I can claim that throughout the year 1909 I was 
engaged upon such attempts, though without success. At this time 
I was using what is now the classic subject for vitamin studies, 
namely the rat. As I was concerned with the maintenance of growth 
in the animal, the tests applied to successive products of a frac- 
tionation took much longer than those which could be used in 
studying the cure of polyneuritis in birds by what we have learned 
to call Vitamin BI, so the work occupied much time. I may perhaps 
be allowed to mention what was for me a somewhat unfortunate 
happening in the beginning of 1910, as it is instructive. A commer- 
cial firm had prepared for me a special extract of a very large 
quantity of yeast made on lines that I had found effective on a 
small scale. With this I intended to repeat some fractionations 
which had appeared promising. I thought, however, upon trial 
that the whole product was inactive and it was thrown away. The 


real explanation, however, was that instead of using butter, as in 
earlier experiments, I at this moment determined to use lard, and 
my supply of this, as I learned to understand much later, was 
doubtless deficient in Vitamins A and D; I was now giving my 
animals in the main the B Group alone. If I had then had the 
acumen to suspect that any of the substances I was seeking might 
be associated with fat I should have progressed faster. Later in 
1910, if I may intrude so personal a matter, I suffered a severe 
breakdown in health and could do nothing further during the year. 
On my return to work I felt that the evidence I had by then ac- 
cumulated would be greatly strengthened by a study of the energy 
consumption of rats, on the one hand when failing on diets free 
from the accessory factors (as I had then come to call them) , and, 
on the other hand, when, as the result of the addition of minute 
quantities of milk, they were growing vigorously. These experi- 
ments took a long time, but they showed conclusively, as at that 
time It seemed necessary to show, that the failure in the former 
group of animals was not due primarily, or at the outset of the feed- 
ing, to any deficiency in the total uptake of food. 

"My 1912 paper . . . emphasizes on general lines the indis- 
pensable nature of food constituents which were then receiving no 
serious consideration as physiological necessities." 


Eijkman and Hopkins are among the half dozen pioneers in the 
study of vitamins. Eijkman, however, did not at once appreciate 
the full significance of his important discovery. He did not visualize 
beri-beri as a deficiency disease, but thought of it as a sort of poi- 
soning, due to a nutritional error, an excess of carbohydrate in a 
diet of rice; this he considered was counteracted by a protective 
element, or neutralizing substance, in the rice bran. In 1901, how- 
ever, G. Grijns put forward the view that the cortical substance in 
rice filled a universal need for the protection of health; this view 
was later adopted by Eijkman and the vital substance was eventu- 
ally identified as vitamin BI. Since beri-beri, which is characterized 
by multiple neuritis, edema, atrophy of muscles, and heart symp- 


toms, often co-exists with other nutritional deficiencies, there has 
been some debate as to whether or not one specific factor is the sole 
cause; there is no doubt, however, that persons with beri-beri are 
greatly benefited by vitamin BI therapy. It took a long time before 
the practical value of Eijkman's observations for combating beri- 
beri was appreciated, although on this point Eijkman himself had 
recognized the significance of his findings. The outlook for a case 
of beri-beri, if diagnosed early and adequately treated, is nowadays 
very good. Prevention, dependent on a well-balanced diet, is a 
more difficult matter, since it calls for the education of the ignorant 
masses of the people in the eastern countries, where the disease is 
most prevalent, and for the raising of their economic level two 
very large orders. It is asserted, however, that prevention of the 
overmilling of grain would go far to solve the problem. 

Although there are other claimants for the honor, it is now 
widely accepted that E G. Hopkins was the first to realize the full 
significance of the facts and to recognize the necessity for "acces- 
sory factors" in the diet. The important work which has since been 
carried out in vitamin research was initiated by his discoveries. 
Osborne and Mendel, and McCollum and his co-workers, distin- 
guished between "water-soluble" and "fat-soluble" vitamins. It 
was shown by McCollum and Davis (1913) that the growth-pro- 
moting effect of milk demonstrated by Hopkins depended on two 
factors: fat-soluble vitamin A and water-soluble vitamin B. Vita- 
min B was later shown by Goldberger to consist of a mixture of 
several vitamins. One of these, vitamin BI, protects against beri- 
beri; another is the pellagra-preventing vitamin. 

It is not possible to review the later history of vitamin research 
in a brief space. Rickets, and also scurvy, were added to the list of 
diseases proved to result from specific deficiencies; there were 
soon several others. Many contributions have been made by physi- 
ologists, pathologists, and chemists to the increasing knowledge 
of nutritional deficiencies. Attention has been given not only to the 
vitamins but to the need for small amounts of other substances, 
particularly minerals. Study of these various substances, and the 
vitamins most of all, has greatly increased our knowledge of physi- 
ology as well as our clinical knowledge of disease (for an example 
in physiology, see below, p. 197, in the article on Szent-Gyorgyl). 


Several Nobel Prizes, in medicine and chemistry, have been 
awarded for work on vitamins. (For Dam's discovery of vitamin 
K and the hemorrhagic states related to it, see below, p. 218.) 
Eijkman and Hopkins were among those who opened the gates of 
an important field in medicine. 



"For Ms discovery of the human blood groups* 


He entered the University of Vienna in 1885 and was graduated as 
doctor of medicine in 1891. He received his chemical training in 
the laboratories of Hantzsch in Zurich, Emil Fischer in Wiirzburg, 
and E. Barnberger in Munich. Thereupon he turned to bacteriology 
and pathology, but his approach to these subjects was derived from 
his thorough training in the fundamental sciences, especially chem- 
istry. In 1896 he became assistant under Dr. Max von Gruber in 
the Institute of Hygiene at the University of Vienna. From 1898 
to 1908 he was an assistant under Professor A. Weichselbaum at 
the Pathological Institute. In 1908 he was prosector at the Wil- 
helminspital, where he then served as pathologist from 1909 to 
1919, with the rank of professor. After the First World War he 
left Vienna and went to Holland, to be pathologist at the R. K. 
Ziekenhuis, the Hague, from 1919 to 1922. In 1922 he became 
a member of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, in 
New York, where he continued to work for more than twenty years. 
In 1939, having reached the mandatory age for retirement, he was 
made an emeritus member of the Institute, but continued his re- 
search with undiminished vigor. Stricken by heart disease while 
busy in his laboratory, he died two days later, on June 26, 1943, at 



the Rockefeller Institute Hospital. He had just completed the 
preparation of a new edition of his book The Specificity of 
Serologlcal Reactions, which was already a classic. Landsteiner pub- 
lished about 330 papers on his investigations In chemistry, in 
pathological anatomy, in experimental pathology (infectious dis- 
eases), and in serology and immunology. His studies of syphilis 
and poliomyelitis were particularly important. Probably his most 
far-reaching work was in immunochemistry, a branch of science 
which he did much to establish. 


'The difficulty of dealing with substances of large, complex 
molecules accounts for the fact that we are still far from the goal 
of characterizing and determining the constitution of proteins, 
which rank as the most important constituents of living beings. So 
it was not the usual methods of chemistry but the application of 
serologic tests which led to an important general result in protein 
chemistry, to the knowledge that the albuminous substances differ 
in the separate kinds of animals and plants and are characteristic 
for each kind. The diversity is increased still more in that the dif- 
ferent organs also contain particular proteins, and consequently 
special building materials seem to be necessary for each particular 
form and function of living organisms, in contrast to artificial 
machines, which can be produced for greatly varied performance 
from a limited number of materials. 

"The question which was raised by the discovery of the bio- 
chemical specificity of kinds, and which formed the basis of the 
investigations to be discussed, was thereupon formulated with the 
aim of seeing whether differentiation extends beyond the limits of 
species, and whether the separate individuals of one kind also ex- 
hibit similar, if at the same time slight, differences. In the absence 
of any observations pointing to a circumstance of this sort, I chose 
the simplest among the research arrangements which offered, and 
that material which at first glance lent itself to useful application. 

* Translated from Karl Landsteiner, "liber Individuelle unterschiede des mensch- 
lichen Blutes," Les Prix Nobel en 


Accordingly the research which I undertook consisted in letting the 
blood serum and red blood corpuscles of different people react on 
one another. 

"The result was only in part what was expected. In many tests 
there was no change to be observed, just as if the blood cells had 
been mixed with their own serum, but often a phenomenon called 
agglutination took place, the serum causing the cells of the stranger 
to form clumps. 

"The surprising thing was this, that the agglutination, when 
present at all, was just as pronounced as those reactions already 
known, which occur with the interaction of serum and cells from 
different kinds of animals, while in the other cases there seemed 
to be no difference in the blood of different people. So first of all 
there was still the consideration that the required individual physi- 
ological differences had not been found, and that the phenomena, 
when seen, too, in the blood of healthy people, could be caused by 
illnesses which had been overcome. But it soon became apparent 
that the reactions conform to a law which is valid for everyone's 
blood, and that the peculiarities found in separate individuals are 
just as characteristic as the serologic signs for an animal species. 
The main point, of course, is that there are four different kinds of 
human blood [Landsteiner first described three}, the so-called 
blood groups. The number of the groups is due to the fact that in 
the erythrocytes there exist substances (isoagglutinogens) with two 
different structures, of which both may be lacking or one or both 
may be present in a man's erythrocytes. That alone would still not 
explain the reactions; the effective substances of the sera, the 
isoagglutinins, must also occur in a definite distribution. This is 
actually the case, for each serum contains that agglutinin which 
acts on the agglutinogens that are not present in the cells, a note- 
worthy fact, the cause of which has not yet been established with 
certainty. From this arise definite relations among the blood 
groups. . . ." 



Serum from the blood of an animal was known to be capable of 
causing flocculation (hemoagglutination) and dissolution (hemoly- 
sis) of red blood corpuscles in the blood of another animal of 
different species. That this might also at times occur in mixing 
serum from one individual with red blood cells from another indi- 
vidual of the same animal species (isoagglutination) was observed 
in 1900 by Ehrlich and Morgenroth. In the same year (1900), 
Karl Landsteiner and Samuel Shattock, working independently, 
reported on the incompatibility of different types of human blood. 
By 1901 Landsteiner had enough data to distinguish three groups 
and was able to give a clear account of isoagglutination. In 1902, 
his associate, A. Sturli, working with A. von Decastello, described 
the fourth group. 

The discovery of the human blood groups had important results 
in (i) clinical medicine and surgery; (2) forensic (legal) medi- 
cine; and (3) anthropology. 

Isoagglutinogens of two different structures, A and B, occur in 
red blood corpuscles, either separately, or together ( AB) . Both may 
be absent (the O group) . An individual's serum cannot normally 
agglutinate his own blood corpuscles or those of others who belong 
to the same blood group. Serum from a member of the O group 
agglutinates the red cells in all the other groups, but the red cells 
of O group are not affected by any of the four kinds of serum 
(A, B, AB ? O) . Serum from a person belonging to A group agglu- 
tinates the cells of B-group blood, but not those of A or AB groups. 
Conversely, serum from B-group blood agglutinates cells of A 
group but not those of B or AB groups. This knowledge formed 
the foundation for the development of blood transfusion. Agote, 
Jeanbrau, and Lewisohn demonstrated the efficacy of adding sodium 
citrate to prevent coagulation of collected blood before injection 
into the recipient, a method which helped to make transfusion more 
generally available. Transfusions are now used for a wide variety 
of purposes. Lives are saved daily by this means following hemor- 
rhage from injury, operation, gastric ulcer, ruptured ectopic preg- 


nancy, bleeding after childbirth; in bleeding due to hemorrhagic 
diseases of the blood; and in cases of severe anemia, leukemia, etc. 
Carbon monoxide gas has a great affinity for the hemoglobin in 
the blood; an infusion of fresh blood provides unaltered hemo- 
globin. Transfusions have proved beneficial in some cases of 
chronic sepsis, and ''Immunotransfusions' 9 have been used against 
scarlet fever, typhoid, and septicemia. Whole blood transfusion is 
especially effective in cases of traumatic or postoperative shock due 
to loss of blood in an accident or during an operation. 

In 1910 E. von Dungern and L. Hirszfeld discovered that the 
groups are inherited according to Mendel's laws, A and B being 
strongly dominant. In cases of disputed paternity this fact may be 
of great value. Although a man cannot be proved to be the father 
of a child by means of his blood group, it is often possible to 
prove that he is not the father. The blood-group determination may 
also be of use when bloodstains are brought in evidence In criminal 

Since the blood groups are unevenly distributed In the various 
races, Landsteiner's discovery has been useful to anthropology. In 
experiments on primates he showed that the blood of anthropoids 
Is more closely related than that of lower monkeys to human blood 
and stated that his results tf seem to agree with the theory that man 
and apes are descendants of a common stock rather than that man 
evolved from one of the apes/* 

In 1927 Landsteiner discovered additional agglutinogens In 
human blood, two of which, M and N, have been of importance In 
forensic medicine. In 1940 Landsteiner and A. S. Wiener discov- 
ered the Rhesus, or RH, factor, which has since assumed great 
significance. Incompatibility in this respect in the blood of the 
parents is the cause of a fetal disease (Erythroblastosis foetalis) 
which may result in abortion, miscarriage, or a dangerous illness of 
the newborn child. 



(1883- ) 

ff For Ms discovery of the nature and mode of action 
of the respiratory enzyme." 


on October 8, 1883. His father was the physicist Emil Warburg 
(1846-1931). After studying chemistry under Emil Fischer, War- 
burg obtained his doctorate in 1906 with a dissertation on polypep- 
tides. In 1911 he became doctor of medicine as well, his thesis deal- 
ing with problems of oxidation. He has concerned himself chiefly 
with life processes, insofar as they can be investigated by the 
methods of physics and chemistry; by his own account he has striven 
to trace the events of life to the events of the inanimate world. He 
has never taught, except for imparting instruction to younger in- 
vestigators working with him, but has devoted his entire time to 
scientific research. For the past twenty years, apart from a brief 
sojourn in the United States, he has worked in Berlin-Dahlem in 
the Kaiser- Wiihelm Institute for Cell Physiology, erected in 1930 
by the Rockefeller Foundation. He is best known for extensive 
investigations on intracellular en2ymes and on the metabolism of 




"That iron occurs in all cells, that it is vital, and that it is [the 
oxygen-transporting part of] the oxidation catalyst of cellular 
respiration was first apprehended in recent times. It is the valence 
change of an iron compound the oxygen-transporting respiratory 
ferment on which catalytic oxidation in living substance de- 
pends. . . . 

"In the investigation of the chemical constitution of the oxygen- 
transporting ferment, analytical chemistry according to the usual 
methods has been abandoned, since in view of the almost infinitely 
small concentration . . . and the fragility of the ferment, they 
appear hopeless. . . . j[This opinion determined the adoption of 
other methods, but Warburg has since concluded that isolation of 
this substance is not impossible.] One looks for substances which 
specifically and reversibly stop the operation of the oxygen-trans- 
porting ferment that is to say, the oxidation in living substance. 
Now it cannot be otherwise than that a substance which inactivates 
the ferment reacts with [it] chemically, so that conclusions can be 
drawn about the ferment's chemical nature from the kind of re- 
tarding substances and from the circumstances to which the retarda- 
tion is subject. ... It is an advantage that by so doing one 
investigates the ferment under natural conditions, in the intact, 
breathing cells. . , . 

"The blocking of intracellular respiration by hydrocyanic acid 
. takes place through a reaction of the hydrocyanic acid with 
the iron of the oxygen-transporting ferment. . . . Hydrocyanic 
acid retards the reduction of the ferment iron. . . . [That carbon 
monoxide also inhibits intracellular respiration was discovered by 
Warburg in 1926.} In accordance with the carbon monoxide and 
oxygen pressures a greater or smaller part of the ferment iron is 
eliminated from catalysis by combination with carbon monoxide. 

* The first quotation is translated from Otto Warburg, "Das sauerstoffiibertragende 
Ferment der Atmung," Les Prtx Nobel en 1931. The second consists of excerpts 
from Otto Warburg, Heavy Metal Prosthetic Groups and Enzyme Action, trans- 
lated by Alexander Lawson (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1949)- 


. . . Carbon monoxide bars the oxidation of the ferment iron. 
... [It was well known that CO acts on hemoglobin by expelling 
the oxygen from its union with iron. The inference as to the iron 
content of the ferment is based on analogies of this kind, and on 
the evidence, mentioned below, of its absorption spectrum.] 

"If one adds carbon monoxide to the oxygen in which living 
cells are breathing, then . . . respiration ceases. If one exposes 
[this] to light . . . then respiration is resumed. By exposing liv- 
ing, breathing cells to light, and, alternately, darkening them, one 
can cause respiration to appear and disappear. In the dark, the iron 
of the oxygen-transporting ferment is bound to carbon monoxide; 
In the light, the carbon monoxide is split off from the iron, and 
the iron is thereby again free for oxygen-activation. This was dis- 
covered in 1926 [by Warburg] with Fritz Kubowitz." 

[Best known of the iron pigments In the body is hemoglobin, 
consisting of a protein, globin, to which is added an iron compound 
called a "heme," or "hematin." Such a chemical group or com- 
pound attached to a molecule is called a "prosthetic group.'* Al- 
though it was once thought that the body contains no iron apart 
from hemoglobin, MacMunn in 1885 asserted, on the basis of 
spectroscopic examination, that all animal cells contain heme 
compounds. Warburg's discovery of 1926 was an extension of 
discoveries made by earlier investigators in the 1890*5. The photo- 
chemical dissociation of certain iron compounds had been dis- 
covered in 1891 by Mond and Langer; a few years later J. S. 
Haldane and J. L. Smith had observed that light upsets the equilib- 
rium of hemoglobin, carbon monoxide, and oxygen, in favor of 
oxygen. Other biological iron pigments were later found to behave 
in this way too, and Warburg found the same result with the 
respiratory enzyme. This suggested that the enzyme contained a 
prosthetic group with the properties of a heme.} 

"Probably all carbon monoxide-iron compounds are light-sensi- 
tive. . . . On the other hand, up till now it has not been possible 
to decompose by light a carbon monoxide compound in which the 
carbon monoxide was joined to any metal other than iron. , . . 
{What follows Is an account of the action of light on the carbon 





























































193*- OTTO WARBURG 151 

monoxide inhibition of respiration in yeast cells.] A 75-watt metal 
filament lamp is placed under two conical manometric vessels {a 
manometer is an instrument for indicating the pressure of gases} 
which are shaken in a thermostat. Each vessel contains 2 c.c. of a 
dilute yeast suspension. The gas space contains nitrogen and oxygen 
or carbon monoxide and oxygen. The light is switched on and off 
for periods of 20 minutes. . . . The light in the nitrogen-oxygen 
mixture has no effect on the respiration. The respiration inhibited 
by carbon monoxide, however, increases with the light and de- 
creases in the dark. [The gas pressures in the manometer indicate 
the respiration taking place; see commentary below,} This means 
that the carbon monoxide compound of the oxygen-transporting 
enzyme is decomposed by light. ... In order to verify the influ- 
ence of wave-length on the reaction we selected four regions of 
the spectrum, made their intensities the same and irradiated yeast 
cells, the respiration of which had been inhibited by carbon mon- 
oxide. Thus with light of the same intensity but different wave- 
length, we found [in the blue part of the spectrum, strong action; 
in the green and yellow, weak action; in the red, no action}. This 
is the experiment which gave rise to the method for the determina- 
tion of the absorption spectrum of the oxygen-transporting en- 
zyme/' [The 'ferment bands* were compared with the bands 
shown by a variety of hemes, and the close coincidence of the 
values in certain instances confirmed Warburg's view as to the 
nature of the prosthetic group of the enzyme.} 


Lavoisier believed that oxidation takes place in the lungs. It has 
long been known, however, that the chemical events summed up 
in the word "respiration" actually occur in the cells, to which molec- 
ular oxygen Is transported by the hemoglobin of the red blood 
corpuscles. In the preface to Heavy Meted Prosthetic Groups and 
Enzyme Action, Warburg writes: "Ever since it has been known 
that cells respire, the chief problem connected with respiration has 
been to determine which part of the living matter is auto-oxidizable 
[i.e., which part undergoes spontaneous oxidation}. If the com- 


bustlble substances in the cell are not auto-oxidizable, and If the 
ceil material itself is not, with what then does the molecular oxygen, 
which is absorbed by the respiring cell, react? The answer to the 
problem lies In the auto-oxidizable ferrous iron complex which is 
oxidized to ferric iron by molecular oxygen and transformed again 
to ferrous Iron by the reducing action of the cell constituents." 
This Iron complex is the active part of Warburg's Atmungsjer- 
ment; the latter, according to him, is "the enzyme which has con- 
tributed more than any other to the explanation of life." 

In 1925, D. Keilln confirmed and extended the spectroscopic 
studies of MacMunn, mentioned above (p. 150). He attributed 
three of the MacMunn bands to three heme compounds, which he 
called cytochrome a s cytochrome b, and cytochrome c The word 
"cytochrome," which is sometimes used alone to comprehend all 
three variants, means simply cell pigment. Keilln at first identified 
cytochrome with Warburg's respiratory ferment, but in 1927 War- 
burg suggested that the oxygen-transporting ferment oxidizes the 
cytochrome, which thus forms another stage in the process, a view 
in which Keilin concurred. Disputes arose, however, first as to 
whether or not the enzyme is really In part a heme compound, and 
secondly as to the range of application of Warburg's theory. War- 
burg himself has discovered that in certain plants the oxygen is 
transported not by iron but by copper; other heavy metals may at 
times substitute for iron. He also discovered the first of the "yellow 
enzymes/* which do not contain iron, but he states that "In the 
aerobic cells . . . the yellow enzymes are intermediate members of 
the enzyme chain at the head of which stands oxygen-transporting 

Warburg has made very important contributions toward under- 
standing the complicated mechanism by which oxidation and reduc- 
tion, essential to all life, are brought about. The importance to 
biology and medicine of intracellular chemistry has already been 
discussed in another connection (see above, p. 66). It may be 
mentioned here that peculiarities of respiration have been observed 
in tumor cells and that Warburg's methods have been applied to 
the study of tumor metabolism. Warburg has designed a mano- 
metric apparatus which is now widely used by chemists and bio- 
chemists. His "inhibition technique," employing carbon monoxide, 


etc., has been used in other respiration studies; and he has demon- 
strated an ingenious method for determining the absorption spectra 
of unisolated substances which are present in cells in very small 
amounts. His "tissue slice" technique is well known to biochemists. 


WARBURG, O. Heavy Metal Prosthetic Groups and Enzyme Action, 
translated by Alexander Lawson (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1949). 

, ed. The Metabolism of Tumours, translated by F. Dickens 

(New York: R. R. Smith, 1931). 





(1889- ) 

ff For their discoveries regarding the function of 
the neurons! 9 



November 27, 1857. He was educated at Queen Elizabeth's School, 
Ipswich, matriculating in 1881 at Cambridge, where he was ad- 
mitted to Gonviile and Caius College. There he came under the 
tutelage of Sir Michael Foster and worked in association with Bal- 
f our, Gaskell, Langley, Newell Martin, and Sheridan Lea. He pub- 
lished his first paper on the nervous system in 1884, with Langley. 
After receiving his degree in medicine (M.B.) from Cambridge in 
1885, he went to Spain and Italy to study cholera. He continued his 
work in pathology at Berlin, first with Virchow but for a longei 
period with Koch. Returning to London, he was made lecturer in 
physiology at St. Thomas's Hospital, and in 1891 he was appointed 
Professor-Superintendent of the Brown Institute for Advanced 
Physiological and Pathological Research, where he succeeded Sir 



Victor Horsley. Between 1885 and 1895 Sherrington made several 
visits to Strasbourg to study under the physiologist Goltz, whose 
chief interest lay in the function of the central nervous system. In 
the latter year Sherrington accepted the chair of physiology in the 
University of Liverpool, where he remained for eighteen years, 
until he went to Oxford as Waynflete Professor of Physiology. In 
1893 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, of which he 
became president in 1920. He was knighted in 1922. In 1891 he 
married Ethel Mary Wright. They had one child, Carr E. R. Sher- 
rington, who became a distinguished railroad economist and author. 
In addition to his scientific papers, Sherrington wrote on more 
general topics, including public health and the history of medicine, 
and published a book of verse. His death occurred on March 4, 
1952, in his ninety-fifth year. 


30, 1889. He was educated at Westminster School and entered 
Trinity College, Cambridge, with a science scholarship, in 1908. 
He studied physiology for Part II of the Natural Sciences Tripos 
and was awarded a first class in 1911. His first research was done 
in collaboration with Keith Lucas. It was followed by an investiga- 
tion of the "all or none" principle in nerves, for which he was 
elected to a fellowship at Trinity College in 1913. Adrian became 
the ninth Fellow of Trinity to be awarded a Nobel Prize. He took 
a medical degree in 1915 and worked at clinical neurology, return- 
ing to Cambridge in 1919 to lecture on the nervous system. He was 
made a fellow of the Royal Society in 1923. Two years later he 
began investigating the sense organs by electrical methods. In 1929 
he was made Foulerton Professor of the Royal Society. Probably 
his best-known works are The Basis of Sensation (1927), The 
Mechanism of Nervous Action (1932), and The Physical Back- 
ground of Perception (1947). He has received many honors, in- 
cluding the rare distinction of the Order of Merit, which was also 
awarded to Sherrington. Succeeding G. M. Trevelyan, the his- 
torian, Adrian is now Master of Trinity. 





"The receptors played upon by the events of the external world 
supply their 'drive' to the muscles. In reflex action they do so far 
more simply and for far more simple purposes than when the trains 
of reaction they set going have to thread the mazes of the higher 
brain, and, so to say, obtaining mental sanction, issue in acts re- 
moter from the original stimulus. Yet in both cases the muscles lie 
at the behest of the receptors, as instruments of their hand. 

"We should go too far, however, did we infer that the muscles 
themselves are instruments entirely passive under drive of the 
receptors acting on them from without. That they are agents not 
purely passive is shown by their possession of receptors of their 
own. On their own behalf they send messages into the central ex- 
changes. This must mean they have some voice in their own con- 
ditions of service, perhaps ring themselves up and ring themselves 
off. Let us attempt to penetrate into the significance of this their 

"It is a receptivity differing obviously from that of other recep- 
tors, rightly more commonly chosen to exemplify receptive func- 
tion, such as retina, ear, tongue, tactile organs, and so on, for in 
the case of the receptors of muscle, instead of being stimulated 
directly by agents of the external world, they are stimulated by 
happenings in the microcosm of the body itself namely, events in 
the muscles themselves. In muscular receptivity we see the body 
itself acting as stimulus to its own receptors. The receptors of 
muscle have therefore been termed "proprioceptors/ [This term 
was coined by Sherrington.j 

"Following the functional scheme of all receptors, we may be 
sure that the central reactions provoked by the receptors of muscle 

* From C. S. Sherrington, "Problems of Muscular Receptivity," Linacre Lecture, 
Nature (London), June 21 and 28, 1924. Reprinted in D. Denny-Brown, ed., 
Selected Writings of Sir Charles Sherrington (New York: Paul B. Hoeber, 1940), 
PP- 385-390. 


will be divisible into, on the one hand, the purely reflex, and on 
the other hand, those which subserve mental experience. 

"Let us turn to the simpler of these divisions, the purely reflex. 
For that purpose, appeal can be had to what may with justification 
be regarded as a partially surviving animal an animal which, Its 
cerebral hemispheres having been removed, is a wholly inconscient 
and purely reflex automaton. From it no sight or sound evokes 
evidence of perception. There is total inability to evoke from it any 
sign of mentality, of emotion, let alone intelligence. It remains 
motionless hour after hour; yet if planted upon its feet in the up- 
right position it stands, and statuelike continues to stand. 

"Now, standing is a postural act, and one of course of high 
importance. In maintaining posture the muscles, though they per- 
form no external work, are active with an activity often technically 
termed 'tonus/ a postural contraction. In this maintenance of the 
erect posture by the decerebrate animal, we meet a co-ordinated 
posture involving many separate muscles harmoniously co-ordinated 
reflexly. For this reflex postural act of standing some stimulus must 
be at work evoking and maintaining it. We have to ask what that 
stimulus may be. 

"If the afferent nerves that pass from a limb to the spinal centres 
be severed, the standing posture in that limb is no longer fully 
executed or maintained. The stimulus exciting the posture in that 
limb must be something which is applied to the receptors of that 
limb itself. The skin surface of the limb is rich in receptors, one 
region especially rich being the sole of the foot. On the receptors of 
the skin of the sole of the foot the external world may evidently 
be acting as a stimulus in the form of pressure from the ground 
upon the skin. To test whether that is the source of the reflex 
posture, the skin of the foot can be deprived of all its receptors 
by severing their nerves. This is found to exert no obvious influence 
upon the posture. Nor does severence of all the receptive nerves 
from the skin of the whole limb, nor, indeed, from that of all the 
four limbs. The stimulus producing and maintaining the posture 
is therefore not pressure of the skin against the ground, nor indeed 
any cutaneous stimulus whatsoever. On the other hand, if, even 
without interference with the skin nerves, the receptive nerves of 
the limb-muscles the motor nerves, of course, remaining intact 


be severed, the reflex posture disappears at once from the limb. 
The stimulus which produces and maintains the posture is some- 
thing which is acting on and exciting the receptive nerves of the 
muscles of the limb. 

"What are the muscles which, by their contraction, execute this 
postural act? The posture keeps the head and neck from sinking, 
the trunk straightened and the spine supported, the tail from droop- 
ing, the limbs from yielding and folding under the superincumbent 
weight of the body. In a word, this habitual reflex posture counter- 
acts in the various parts of the body the effect of gravity on them in 
the erect attitude. Experimental analysis shows that throughout the 
muscular frame of the animal all those muscles, and only those, are 
In action, the activity of which counteracts gravity in the erect atti- 
tude for example, in the hind-limb the muscles which extend hip, 
knee, and ankle. The muscles which execute the reflex we may, in 
short, term 'antigravity' muscles. Even the jaw is included; the 
lower jaw, which, but for its postural tonus, would drop, is held 
lifted against the upper. 

"If in the limb the receptive nerve of one of these antigravity 
muscles be cut, that muscle no longer contributes to the reflex pos- 
ture. On the other hand, severance of the receptive nerves of all 
the other muscles does not destroy the postural reflex of the muscle 
the receptive nerve of which remains intact. The stimulus which 
is the source of this reflex standing is therefore one acting on the 
receptors of those limb-muscles which are themselves executants 
of the posture. 

"The excitability of a receptor is selective. That is, construction 
fits the receptor to respond to stimuli of one particular kind only, 
the so-called 'adequate' stimulus; thus, the retina to light, a taste 
papilla to "sweet/ and so on. Hence Pavlov's term 'analyser* for 
the receptors, because by them the various complex events which 
play upon the body and cause reactions of it through the nervous 
system are to some extent analysed. A wave breaking on the shore 
excites the retina by its reflected lights, the ear by sound vibrations, 
and, maybe, the skin by the spray dashed up. The wave as 'object* 
and stimulus from the external world is thus partially analysed by 
the receptors. 


"Seeing that the receptors of muscle are an appendage of an 
organ mechanical in function, a near supposition is that their ade- 
quate stimulus is of mechanical kind. What is the adequate stimulus 
at work in these antigravity muscles in their posture of standing? 

"A muscle representative of the whole antigravity group is the 
extensor of the knee. Suppose it isolated from the rest and its freed 
tendon attached to a stiff spring, and to the spring a light lever so 
fixed that movement of the lever-point is photographically re- 
corded. If then, by its bony attachments, the muscle be pulled 
against the spring, we can passively stretch the muscle and record 
the tensile strain developed in it by the stretch. Let us take the 
case of the muscle paralysed by severance of all nerves both afferent 
and efferent which connect it with the nerve-centres. The tension 
developed in the muscle as it is stretched yields a curve resembling 
that given by various fibrous and elastic tissues of the body, not 
unlike that given by a strip of indiarubber. Let us repeat the obser- 
vation, but with the difference that the muscle retains unimpaired 
its purely efferent motor nerve. The stretching produces the same 
tensile curve as before, a curve practically indistinguishable from 
that of the wholly paralytic muscle. Then let us make the observa- 
tion, with the further difference that the muscle this time retains 
not only its motor nerve but its receptive nerve as well. We find 
the muscle yields now a completely different curve of tensile strain. 
The tension developed by it is much greater, and its curve under 
equable progressive increase of the stretch runs, tensions being 
ordinates, convex instead of concave to the abscissa line. The mus- 
cle in response to the stretch now replies not merely by passive 
strain but also by active contraction of its muscle-fibres. In the 
muscle with its reflex arc intact, the passive pull provokes a reflex 
contraction of the muscle." 


"The sense organs respond to certain changes in their environ- 
ment by sending messages or signals to the central nervous system. 
The signals travel rapidly over the long threads of protoplasm 

* From E. D. Adrian, "The Activity of the Nerve Fibres/' Les Przx Nobel en 


which form the sensory nerve fibres, and fresh signals are sent 
out by the motor fibres to arouse contraction in the appropriate 
muscles. What kind of signals are these? . . . [This question] 
would have been answered correctly by most physiologists many 
years ago, but now it can be answered in much greater detail. It 
can be answered because of a recent improvement in electrical 
technique. The nerves do their work economically, without visible 
change and with the smallest expenditure of energy. The signals 
which they transmit can only be detected as changes of electrical 
potential, and these changes are very small and of very brief dura- 
tion, . , . 

"The revolution in technique has come about not from any in- 
crease in the sensitivity of galvanometers and electrometers but 
from the use of [amplifiers like those employed in radio] to am- 
plify potential changes. . . . Many workers have contributed to 
the introduction of this technique in physiology, notably Forbes 
of Harvard, Gasser of St. Louis [later of New York, winner of 
the Nobel Prize with Erlanger in 1944], who was the first to use 
very high amplification, and Mathews of Cambridge. . . . 

"Seven years ago [i.e., in 1925] it became clear to me that a 
combination of the capillary electrometer * with an amplifier would 
permit the recording of far smaller potential changes than had been 
dealt with previously, and might enable us to work on the units of 
the nerve trunk instead of on the aggregate. . . . The problem 
was then to limit the activity to only one or two nerve fibres. [The 
difficulty of interpreting the irregular effects from a whole nerve, 
due to the fact that impulses in the various nerve fibers do not 
come simultaneously and can therefore nullify or amplify one an- 
other, has been likened by Professor Liljestrand to an attempt to 
construct the separate conversations by listening to the various 
wires in a telephone cable simultaneously. It was necessary to try 
to obtain impulses corresponding to one single conversation or one 
sending station.] In this I was happy to have the co-operation of 
Dr. Zotterman of the Caroline Institute. We found that the sterno- 
cutaneous muscle of the frog could be divided progressively until it 
contained only one sense organ; this could be stimulated by stretch- 

* See above, pp. 116-117. 


Ing the muscle, and we could record the succession of impulses 
which passed up the single sensory nerve fibre. 

". . . [The signals] consist of nerve impulses repeated more 
or less rapidly. . . . The waves [recording potential changes} are 
of constant size and duration, but they begin at a frequency of 
about 10 a second, and as the extension increases, their frequency 
rises to 50 a second or more. The frequency depends on the extent 
and on the rapidity of the stretch; it depends, that is to say, on the 
intensity of excitation in the sense organ, and in this way the im- 
pulse message can signal far more than the mere fact that excitation 
has occurred. [There had previously been 'good reason to believe 
that the nerve impulse was a brief wave of activity depending in 
no way on the intensity of the stimulus which set it up/} 

tf ln all the sense organs which give a prolonged discharge under 
constant stimulation the message in the nerve fibre is composed 
of a rhythmic series of impulses of varying frequency. . . . With 
some kinds of sense organ there is a rapid adaptation to the stimu- 
lus and the nervous discharge is too brief to show a definite rhythm, 
though it consists as before of repeated impulses of unvarying size. 

"The nerve fibre is clearly a signalling mechanism of limited 
scope. It can only transmit a succession of brief explosive waves, 
and the message can only be varied by changes in the frequency 
and in the total number of these waves. Moreover the frequency 
depends on the rate of development of the stimulus as well as on 
its intensity; also the briefer the discharge the less opportunity 
will there be for signalling by change of frequency. But this limita- 
tion is really a small matter, for in the body the nervous units do 
not act in isolation as they do in our experiments. A sensory stimu- 
lus will usually affect a number of receptor organs, and its result 
will depend on the composite message in many nerve fibres. . . . 
[It has been shown in specific instances that} the impulses in each 
nerve fibre increase in frequency [when the stimulus increases} 
and more fibres come into action. Since rapid potential changes can 
be made audible as sound waves, a gramophone record, will illus- 
trate this, and you will be able to hear the two kinds of gradation, 
the changes in frequency in each unit and in the number of units 
in action." 



The contributions of Sir Charles Sherrington to neurophysiology, 
like the contributions of Ramon y Cajal to neuroanatomy, are so 
numerous and varied that they are difficult to summarize.* One of 
Sherrington's earlier achievements was to analyze the distribution 
of the ventral (motor) nerve roots, recording the muscles activated 
by each; similarly he mapped out sensory distribution for dorsal 
roots, with results which have formed the basis of all later work on 
sensory levels. 

Prior to 1894 it was generally assumed that all nerves going to 
muscle were motor nerves. In that year Sherrington published a 
paper in which he maintained that one third to one half of the 
nerve fibers in skeletal muscle nerves are sensory. It was not then 
established that Golgi's spindles (see above, pp. 34-36) were 
actually sensory. Sherrington cut ventral nerve roots so as to deprive 
a particular muscle of motor supply, and found that the spindles 
remained intact with their myelinated fibers; but interruption of 
dorsal (sensory) roots at a corresponding level caused these end 
organs to degenerate and disappear. He found that dorsal root sec- 
tion, unlike the severing of cutaneous nerves, caused an animal to 
lose awareness of the position of its limbs in space, to lose tendon 
reflexes (such as the knee jerk) and to become ataxic i.e., to 
lose the power of muscular coordination. These experiments laid 
the foundation of knowledge of the "proprioceptive" system, the 
mechanism for the sense of position and equilibrium, with the fine 
adjustment of muscular movements depending on stimuli originat- 
ing within the organism (Latin proprius, one's own) . The term is 
Sherrington* s and the whole concept is based largely on his work. 
These experiments incidentally served to explain ataxia in the 
clinical condition known as tabes dorsalis, in which sensory path- 
ways at dorsal root level are impaired. In a somewhat similar man- 
ner many another Sherrington experiment has explained the find- 

* These paragraphs about Sherrington are based in part on John F. Fulton, 
"Sherrington's Impact on Neurophysiology/* British Medical Journal, Vol. n 
(i947) PP- 807-810. 


ings and guided the thought of the clinical neurologist; his writ- 
ings have also proved source books for the general physiologist and 
the psychologist. 

Sherrington next studied the reflexes in the spinal and decerebrate 
state and the reciprocal innervation of antagonistic muscles i.e., 
the reflex mechanism which results in the coordinated action of 
muscles of opposing tendency, such as a flexor and an extensor of 
the same part. This reflex behavior of antagonistic muscles led to 
the concept of integration, a theme developed in the Silliman Lec- 
tures delivered at Yale in 1904, first published in 1906 under the 
title The Integrative Action of the Nervous System (latest edition, 
1947) . This is one of the classics of modern physiology, embracing 
a wide range of work on nervous integration. 

Another important contribution was the mapping of the motor 
areas of the cortex in a more exact manner than had ever been done 
before. His observations in this field at once accounted for the 
clinical picture of hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of the body) 
and for the manner in which recovery takes place. The rigidity 
(contracture) of hemiplegia was explained by Sherrington's studies 
of decerebrate rigidity, to be caused by the unantagonized activity 
of subcortical centers. He then turned to the study of special re- 
flexes, such as the swallowing reflex, and in 1924 discovered the 
"stretch reflex,** which accounts for the constant activity of the 
antigravity muscles. On the nature of cortical inhibition he pub- 
lished his principal paper in 1925; on the ultimate unit of reflex 
action, in 1930. 

This rapid listing of achievements has taken little account of 
many observations on the physiological anatomy of the tracts of 
the spinal cord, of investigations of binocular flicker and sensual 
fusion, of extensive work on general sensation, and of a host of 
other special contributions. Sherrington has given to medicine not 
only a multitude of exact and important observations, but new 
theoretical concepts of the greatest value and striking advances in 
laboratory technique, as well as in the teaching and practice of 
mammalian physiology in general. His work and his ideas have 
entered into the whole structure of the physiology of the nervous 

The work of E. D. Adrian built upon and extended Sherring- 


ton's researches and demonstrated their value. The latter had 
shown that stimuli from different points can weaken or reinforce 
a reflex; he had also determined the effect of repeated stimulations 
at the same point. A motor neuron receiving impulses from many 
directions discharges its impulse in one way only, through its axon; 
of several indications for action, "nociceptive," or pain, reflexes 
predominate, apparently as a protection for the organism. What is 
the nature of the nerve impulse in afferent and efferent limbs of a 
reflex? Adrian and his co-workers answered this question in the 
manner set forth above, working with the "stretch reflex" originat- 
ing in a single end organ. By repeated stimulations at the same 
point Sherrington had demonstrated temporal inhibition and sum- 
mation. Adrian showed that sense organs can adjust themselves so 
that a stimulus which produces a rapid succession of impulses when 
first applied has a weaker effect when sustained. Adrian and Zotter- 
man demonstrated the increase in frequency of the signals sent in 
to the central exchange as the stretching of a muscle becomes 
greater; with D. Bronk, Adrian showed that heightened activity in 
the motor limb of the reflex, or of motor nerves generally, is accom- 
panied by an increase in the number of impulses per second. This 
analysis of the nerve impulses served to explain earlier results, in- 
comprehensible because of their complexity, by the isolation of 
functional units; synthesis following analysis put the complex pat- 
tern together again. Adrian's work threw much light on the adjust- 
ment capacity of the nerve action and the sense organs. His work 
on the electrophysiology of nerve impulse has been complemented 
by that of two other Nobel laureates, Erlanger and Gasser (see 
below, pp. 223-228).* 

* For more recent developments see Harry Grundfest, "Potentialities and Limita- 
tions of Electrophysiology," a symposium, in D. Nadhmansohn, ed., Nerve 
Impulse: Transactions of the First Conference, March 2-3, 19^0 (New York: 
Josiati Macy Jr. Foundation, 1951). 




"For Ms discoveries concerning the junction of the 
chromosome in the transmission of heredity.*' 


Kentucky. He attended the University of Kentucky and was gradu- 
ated in 1886. He then entered the Johns Hopkins University, where 
he studied morphology with Professor W. K. Brooks and physi- 
ology with H. Newell Martin. In 1890 he received the Ph.D. de- 
gree and was Bruce Fellow for the following year. In 1891 he was 
appointed associate professor of biology at Bryn Mawr College, 
where he remained until 1904; in that year he was named professor 
of experimental zoology at Columbia University. In 1928 he be- 
came head of the KerckhofT Biological Laboratories of the Cali- 
fornia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. From 1909 
on, Morgan attracted to his laboratory a brilliant group of workers, 
including C B. Bridges and A. H. Sturtevant, with both of whom 
he shared the Nobel Prize money, and H. J. Muller, who was later 
awarded the Prize himself for his discovery of X-ray mutations 
(see below, pp. 238-243). The result of the combined efforts of 
Morgan's team was a great extension of the knowledge of genetics. 
Morgan's work and influence were acknowledged by the award of 
many honors, including foreign membership in the Royal Society. 
He died at the age of seventy-nine, on December 4, 1945. 




"Mendel's paper was recovered in 1900. [In 1866 J. G. Mendel 
published an account of his experiments with garden peas, setting 
forth "Mendel's laws" of heredity. According to the first of these, 
two different hereditary characters, after being combined in one 
generation, will again be segregated in the next i.e., in the new 
sex cells. The latter being fused with others, new and independent 
combinations can be formed; this is Mendel's second law, that of 
independent assortment. No notice was taken of his paper until 
1900.} Four years later Bateson and Punnett reported observations 
that did not give the numerical results expected for two independ- 
ent pairs of characters. For instance, when a sweet pea having 
purple flower-color and long pollen grains is crossed to one with 
red flowers and round pollen grains, the two types that go in to- 
gether come out together more frequently than expected for inde- 
pendent assortment of purple-red and round-long. They spoke of 
these results as due to repulsion between the combinations purple 
and long and red and round, that came from opposite parents. To- 
day these relations are called linkage. By linkage we mean that 
when certain characters enter a cross together, they tend to remain 
together in later generations, or, stated in a negative way, certain 
pairs of characters do not assort at random. 

"It would seem, then, so far as linkage holds, that there are 
limits to the subdivision of the germinal material. For example in 
the vinegar fly [also called fruit fly], Drosophila melanogaster, 
there are known about 400 new mutant types that fall into only 
four linkage groups. 

"One of these groups of characters of Drosophila is said to be 
sex-linked, because in inheritance the characters show certain rela- 
tions to sex. There are about 150 of these sex-linked mutant char- 
acters. Several of them are modifications of the color of the eye, 
others relate to its shape or its size, or to the regularity of the dis- 
tribution of its facets. Other characters involve the body color; 

* T. H. Morgan, The Theory of the Gene (New Haven: Yale University Press, 
rev. ed., 1928), Silliman Lectures, pp. 10-14, 19-20. 


others the shape of the wings, or the distribution of its veins; others 
the spines and hairs that cover the body. 

"A second group of about 120 linked characters includes changes 
in all parts of the body. None of the effects are identical with those 
of the first group. 

"A third group of about 130 characters also involves all parts of 
the body. None of these characters are the same as those of the 
other two groups. 

"There is a small fourth group of only three characters; one 
involves the size of the eyes, leading in extreme cases to their total 
absence; one involves the mode of carriage of the wings; and the 
third relates to the reduction in size of the hairs. 

"The method of inheritance of linked characters is given in the 
following example. A male Drosophila with four linked characters 
(belonging to the second group), black body color, purple eyes, 
vestigial wings, and a speck at the base of the wings, is crossed to 
a wild type female with the corresponding normal characters, that 
may be called gray body color, red eyes, long wings, and absence 
of speck. The offspring are wild type. If one of the sons is now 
crossed to a stock female having the four recessive characters 
(black, purple, vestigial, speck), the offspring are of two kinds 
only, half are like one grandparent with the four recessive char- 
acters, and the other half are wild type like the other grandparent. 

"Two sets of contrasted (or allelomorphic) linked genes went 
into this cross. When the germ-cells in the male hybrid matured, 
one of these sets of linked genes went into half of the sperm-cells 
and the corresponding allelomorphic set into the wild type half of 
the sperm-cells. This was revealed, as described above, by crossing 
the hybrid (Fx) {first generation} male to a female pure for the 
four recessive genes. All of her mature eggs contain one set of four 
recessive genes. Any egg fertilized by a sperm with one set of the 
dominant wild type genes should give a wild type fly. Any egg 
fertilized by a sperm with the four recessive genes (which are the 
same as those in the female here used) should give a black, purple, 
vestigial, speck fly. These are two kinds of individuals obtained. 

"The members of a linked group may not always be completely 
linked as in the case just given. In fact, in the FI female from the 
same cross, some of the recessive characters of one series may be 


Interchanged for wild type characters from the other series, but 
even then, since they remained united more often than they inter- 
change, they are still said to be linked together. This interchange 
is called crossing-over, which means that, between two correspond- 
ing linked series, there may take place an orderly interchange in- 
volving great numbers of genes. . . . 

"A study of crossing-over [in Drosophila] has shown that all 
possible percentages of crossing-over occur, up to nearly 50 per 
cent. If exactly 50 per cent of crossing-over took place, the nu- 
merical result would be the same as when free assortment occurs. 
That is, no linkage would be observed even though the characters 
involved are in the same linkage group. Their relation as members 
of the same group could, nevertheless, be shown by their common 
linkage to some third member of the series. If more than 50 per 
cent crossing-over should be found, a sort of inverted linkage would 
appear, since the cross-over combinations would then be more fre- 
quent than the grandparental types. 

'The fact that crossing-over in the female of Drosophila is 
always less than 50 per cent, is due to another correlated phenom- 
enon called double crossing-over. By double crossing-over is meant 
that interchange takes place twice between two pairs of genes in- 
volved in the cross. The result is to lower the observed cases of 
crossing-over, since a second crossing-over undoes the effect of a 
single crossing-over/' 


Professor Morgan began his career as a zoologist on strictly 
morphological lines i.e., as a student of form and structure. He 
became, however, a distinguished experimentalist, particularly in 
genetics. Deeply interested in evolution, on which he wrote exten- 
sively, he was distrustful of Darwin's theory of natural selection 
and preferred the mutations theory of De Vries as an explanation 
of the origin of species. That is to say, he was inclined to think new 
species the consequence of spontaneous, inheritable changes due 
to aberrations of the chromosomes, threadlike intracellular struc- 
tures which had been suggested as the carriers of hereditary char- 


acters (genes). This suggestion, made at the beginning of the 
century by W. Button and T. Bovery, seemed to fit the scheme of 
Mendelian heredity. Prior to cell division each chromosome splits 
longitudinally into two daughter chromosomes; when cell division 
actually takes place, one of these becomes part of the structure of 
each new cell, which is thus endowed with the same combination 
of chromosomes as the original cell. Maturation division, however, 
which occurs in mature sex cells, is of a different kind: here the 
number of chromosomes is reduced by one half. When male and 
female sex cells come together and fuse, the original chromosome 
number is again restored, but now one half of each pair is derived 
from the male, the other half from the female, sex cell. If chromo- 
somes were actually the carriers, as Sutton and Bovery suggested, of 
the hereditary elements, the genes, here was a mechanism to account 
for the Mendelian ratios in breeding experiments. But of this there 
was no proof. 

It was about this time that Morgan began to work with Droso- 
phila. The fruit fly of this name had already been shown by Lutz ? 
Payne, and others to be amenable to culture in the laboratory. It is 
particularly well suited for studies in genetics because it breeds very 
rapidly (ten days from egg to egg) and because its cell nucleus 
contains only four chromosomes. Morgan found that Drosophila 
did not give rise to new species, in accord with the theory of De 
Vries, but rather provided valuable material for the study of 
Mendelian segregation. 

As indicated in the quotation, Mendel's second law is subject to 
certain exceptions. These were accounted for by the doctrine of 
linkage. But linkage is not perfectly constant and factors are some- 
times separated which usually occur together. Morgan's explana- 
tion was that chromosomes belonging to the same pair may 
exchange genes immediately before the maturation division. One 
or more breaks occur in each chromosome and the parts are then 
reunited crosswise. This is the mechanism of the crossing-over al- 
ready described. The probability that a break will occur between 
genes when a chromosome is segmented in this way is increased by 
the distance separating the positions of two such genes; the more 
commonly such genes break off, the more commonly the factors 
they represent will be recombined in offspring. 


All this assumes that the genes are arranged in straight lines, 
and not, for example, in circles. If this assumption is made, there 
is an exact correlation to be expected between the rate of occurrence 
of these recombinations and the relative distance between the genes 
in question in a chromosome. Charts of chromosomes have been 
established in this way, showing the positions of the genes. (Com- 
pare H. J. Muller's explanation of X-ray mutations; see below, 
pp. 239-241.) 

Morgan's school of geneticists has been able to present con- 
vincing evidence that the chromosome is actually the carrier of the 
genes. This evidence is of several kinds. There are four chromo- 
somes in Drosophila; there are also four linkage groups. But per- 
haps the most conclusive evidence is that which comes from the 
loss or from the addition of one of the small fourth chromosomes 
of Drosophila. Genetic indications can in this case be verified 
directly by the microscope. 

The Morgan doctrines which are here sketched in outline were 
built up by the patient and comprehensive work of many years. 
They have been confirmed by other scientists in studies of both 
animals and plants. In the human being, too, it has been possible 
to identify linkage groups. It is now obvious that legal medicine 
owes a debt to genetic science. In the investigation of hereditary 
tendency to disease or physical defect it is likewise impossible to 
proceed without the aid of the bask contributions of laboratory 
geneticists. The study of mutations in genes and chromosomes is 
a promising part of current cancer research. Not only in medicine 
but also in agriculture and stock breeding the "theory of the genes," 
which owes so much to Morgan and his school, has shown itself to 
be a concept of great practical importance* 



(1878- ) 




(1892- ) 

"For their discoveries concerning liver therapy 
against anemias." 



shire, on August 28, 1878. He was educated at Andover Academy 
and Yale University (A.B., 1900) and received his M.D. degree 
from the Johns Hopkins University in 1905. With the exception of 
one year (1907-1908) as pathologist at the Ancon Hospital, 
Panama, Dr. Whipple was at the Johns Hopkins Medical School 
from 1905 to 1914, as assistant in pathology, instructor, associate, 
and associate professor. From 1914 to 1921 he was professor of 
research medicine at the University of California Medical School, 
and director of the Hooper Foundation for Medical Research, Uni- 



versity of California. During the year 1920-1921 he was dean of 
the University of California Medical School. In 1921 Dr. Whipple 
became professor of pathology and dean of the School of Medicine 
and Dentistry of the University of Rochester. Much of his research, 
from the time when he was a junior in the Johns Hopkins Depart- 
ment of Pathology under Dr. William H. Welch, has dealt with 
normal and pathological liver function. Dr. Whipple has conducted 
penetrating studies of the origin, function, and fate of bile pig- 
ments and other body pigments in health and disease. He has made 
contributions of basic importance to our knowledge of the anemias. 
He has also studied plasma protein regeneration and iron metab- 
olism. He became a Trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation in 1927, 
a member of the Board of Scientific Directors of the Rockefeller 
Institute in 1936, and a Trustee of the Institute in 1939. 


2, 1885. He attended Harvard University, receiving the A.B. in 
1908, theM.D. in 1912, and the honorary degree of S.D. in 1928. 
After serving as medical interne at the Massachusetts General Hos- 
pital 5 he worked at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Medical School 
under William S. Thayer and William H. Howell. In 1915 he re- 
turned to Boston, being appointed assistant in medicine at the 
Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. In 
1922 he became physician in chief of the Collis P. Huntington 
Memorial Hospital of Harvard University; later he was appointed 
also to the staff of the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital. In 1928 he 
was made professor of medicine at Harvard and director of the 
Thorndike Memorial Laboratory, as well as visiting physician at 
Boston City Hospital. Although he published papers on a wide 
variety of subjects, including cancer, arthritis, and dietary deficiency 
(e.g., the role of dietary factors in "alcoholic" polyneuritis), his 
chief interest lay in disorders of the blood and the function and 
dysfunction of bone marrow. He contributed to knowledge con- 
cerning coagulation of the blood, the blood platelets, various hemor- 
rhagic disorders, the blood picture in certain industrial poisonings, 


leukemia, disorders of the lymphatic tissue and polycythemia, as 
well as the anemias. His most significant contributions were his 
studies of the anemias, and especially pernicious anemia. 


sin, on February 6, 1892. His early education was received in the 
public schools of Wisconsin and Oregon. He received his A.B. 
from the University of Oregon in 1914 and then for two years 
taught physics and mathematics in Oregon high schools. After one 
year in the University of Oregon Medical School, Portland, and a 
summer session at the Rush Medical School, Chicago, he entered 
the Harvard Medical School and received the M.D. degree in 1922 
as of 1920. After two years as house officer at the Rhode Island 
Hospital, he became assistant resident physician at the Peter Bent 
Brigham Hospital under Prof. Henry A. Christian for eighteen 
months, then junior associate, and later associate in medicine at the 
same institution. He was assistant in medicine at Harvard from 
1923 to 1928, instructor from 1928 to 1935, and associate from 
1935 to 1948. Since 1948 he has been lecturer. Dr. Murphy has 
been an active practitioner of medicine since 1923. 



"At the University of California (1914), Dr. [C W.] Hooper 
and I took up a careful study of bile pigment metabolism by means 
of bile fistulas in dogs and investigated the effect of diet upon bile 
pigment output As these studies were continued ... it became 
apparent that we could not understand completely the story of bile 
pigment metabolism without more knowledge about the construc- 
tion of blood hemoglobin in the body. Blood hemoglobin is a most 
important precursor of bile pigment and it was necessary to under- 

* From G. H. Whipple, "Hemoglobin Regeneration as Influenced by Diet and 
Other Factors," Les Prix Nobel en 1934- 


stand what factors influenced the building of new hemoglobin in 
the dog. 

'Tor this reason we produced simple anemia in dogs by means 
of blood withdrawal and in short experiments followed the curve 
of hemoglobin regeneration back to normal. These experiments 
with Dr. Hooper were begun in 1917 and it was found at once 
that diet had a significant influence on this type of blood regenera- 
tion. Because of our interest in liver function and injury we soon 
began testing liver as one of the diet factors and could readily 
demonstrate that it had a powerful effect upon hemoglobin re- 
generation [1920]. These short anemia experiments were relatively 
crude and gave at best qualitative values for the various diet factors. 

"After the transfer of the anemia colony of dogs from San 
Francisco to Rochester, New York (1923), Dr. Frieda Robscheit- 
Robbins and the writer began to use a different type of anemia. 
Dogs were bled by aspiration from the jugular vein and gradually 
reduced from a normal hemoglobin level of 140-150 per cent to 
about 1/3 normal, or 40-50 per cent, and this anemia level was 
maintained a constant for indefinite periods by suitable removal of 
new-formed hemoglobin. The potency of the diet factor was then 
accurately measured in terms of the grams hemoglobin removed to 
preserve the constant anemia level. The stimulus presumably was 
maximal and uniform, and the reaction of a given dog to a diet 
factor was shown to be uniform when repeated time after time. 

"Much effort and time were spent in devising a basal ration ade- 
quate for health and maintenance during these long anemia periods 
lasting throughout the entire life of the dog (5-8 years). . . . 
[Such a diet] permits of minimal new hemoglobin regeneration 
and therefore gives a low base-line hemoglobin output from which 
to measure the increased output due to liver, kidney, gizzard or 
other favourable diet factor. . . . 

"{From the results] it is obvious that liver . . . stands out as 
the most potent diet factor. . . . Gradually various diet factors 
were standardized and this information was placed at the disposal 
of physicians who were concerned with the therapeutic treatment 
of human anemias. Iron was found to be the most potent inorganic 

"Pernicious anemia, examined from the point of view of the 


pathologist, was described in 1921 [publication 1922} as a disease 
in which all pigment factors were present in the body in large 
excess but with a scarcity of stroma-building material or an abnor- 
mality of stroma-building cells." [The "stroma" is the framework, 
or structural basis, of an organ, tissue, or cell. In pernicious anemia 
the factors needed to form blood pigment are present, but the red 
blood cells, the necessary vehicle, do not form properly.} 


"The idea that something in food might be of advantage to 
patients with pernicious anemia was in my mind in 1912, when I 
was a house officer at the Massachusetts General Hospital, as is 
noted in certain case records there. . . . 

"The study of the patients' diets was begun in 1915 in an at- 
tempt to determine if some sort of dietary deficiency could be 
found. The similarity of certain symptoms and signs of pernicious 
anemia to those in pellagra, sprue and beriberi was appreciated, as 
was the fact that certain sorts of anemia were occasionally associated 
with a faulty diet. Elders., among others, suggested in 1922 that 
such a state of affairs existed in pernicious anemia. Furthermore, 
the almost constant occurrence of achlorhydria [absence of hydro- 
chloric acid in the gastric juice} in pernicious anemia . . . led me 
to wonder if this disorder of the digestive system had something to 
do with the condition which might be in the nature of a dietary 
deficiency disease. Indeed, Fenwick, about 1880, suggested the 
primary role of the stomach, but it remained for Castle, in 1928, 
to demonstrate the part this organ plays in the causation of the 
disease. . . . [W. B. Castle showed that meat digested with 
normal gastric juice was almost as effective as liver, but found that 
meat by itself, or when digested with the aid of a synthetic gastric 
juice, failed to give any good effect. Normal gastric juice seems to 
contain an "intrinsic factor/' which together with an "extrinsic 
factor" in meat forms the active substance causing red blood cells 
to mature. This active substance, called "erythrocyte maturing fac- 
tor," or "EMF," is stored, among other places, in the liver. This 

* From G. R. Minot, "The Development of Liver Therapy in Pernicious Anemia," 
Les Prix Nobel en 1934- 


explanation was not forthcoming until Minot and Murphy had 
shown the value of liver therapy.] 

"Although Pepper in 1875 anc * Cohnheim in 1876 recognized 
that the bone marrow was abnormal, there was a prevailing opinion 
in the early part of this century that abnormal blood-destruction 
played an important or primary role in the production of the 
disease. Nevertheless it was believed by many physicians, as I was 
taught, that the production of blood by the bone marrow was also 
deeply implicated. . . . [This] led me to believe firmly that some- 
thing was needed to make the primitive red cells that crowd the 
bone marrow in relapse grow to normal cells. . . . In 1922 Whip- 
pie suggested that in pernicious anemia there might be a scarcity 
of material from which the stroma of the red blood cells was 
formed, or that there existed a disease of the stroma-f orming cells 
of the bone marrow. This concept fitted with the idea that there 
was a deficiency of something in the body, and that dysfunction of 
pigment metabolism was resultant. . . . 

"For centuries the concept that food bore a relationship to 
anemia had been vaguely expressed in the literature. It had been 
shown that liver and kidneys, rich in complete proteins, promoted 
the growth of animals, and that substances in liver could enhance 
cell-division. It was likewise recognized that liver-feeding could 
benefit patients with sprue (Manson 1883) and pellagra. These 
were among the reasons that led to the choice of liver as a substance 
likely to enhance blood-formation. Of invaluable importance was 
Whipple's fundamental and classical work on hemoglobin regen- 
eration by means of liver and other foods in anemia due to blood- 
loss in dogs. . . . 

"A few patients were fed relatively small amounts of liver dur- 
ing 1924 and early 1925. Although these patients did better than 
expected, the results permitted no more than speculations. Then 
Dr. Murphy joined in the work and we pursued the study of these 
and subsequent cases. Liver had been fed by Gibson and Howard 
and other individuals to pernicious anemia patients but without 
persistence or definite results. It seemed to us that to accomplish 
our object a large weighed amount of liver should be fed daily 
with regularity. Likewise to determine the effect it was considered 
essential that data should be obtained in a large number of cases 


to be appropriately compared with controls. By May, 1926, we had 
fed liver intensively and daily to 45 patients. In many of these 
patients symptomatic improvement was obvious within about a 
week. Soon they craved food and color appeared in their faces. 
Tongue and digestive symptoms rapidly lessened. Within about 60 
days the red blood cell counts had risen on the average from low 
levels to approximately normal. . . . An objective measure of the 
effects upon blood-production was the chief basis of our conclusions 
that by feeding liver significant Improvement had been obtained. 
I refer especially to counts of new adult and young blood cells 
(reticulocytes) appearing, as Peabody's studies demonstrated later, 
as a result of the maturation of the immature cells crowding the 
bone marrow. 

"The next step naturally was to attempt to determine the nature 
of the constituent in liver responsible for the effects and to learn 
if an extract for therapeutic use could be obtained. Dr. Edwin J. 
Cohn, ... of the Harvard Medical School, soon made a potent 
extract suitable for oral use. ... It remained for Gansslen in 
Germany to produce the first practical extract for parenteral [injec- 
tion} therapy." 

"Since the earliest use of liver in the treatment of pernicious 
anemia . . . new fields of observation have been made available 
both in the clinic and in the laboratory. We have been allowed the 
thrill of watching the patient through a few days of depression fol- 
lowing the institution of liver therapy until remission occurs with 
its often sudden and almost unbelievable sense of well-being simul- 
taneously with the maximum increase of the reticulocytes or new 
red blood cells. Then we have followed this remission through to 
completion, until the blood becomes normal. . . . Perhaps even 
more dramatic has been the Improvement in the disturbances of 
locomotion resulting from nerve damage. . . . 

"Observation of the patients at Intervals In the office or hospital 
blood clinic and attention to the Important details of treatment 
have made it possible for us to maintain our patients In a state of 

* From W. P. Murphy, "Pernicious Anemia," Les Prix Nobel en 1934. 


economic efficiency and with reasonably good health. Forty-two of 
the forty-five patients originally treated and discussed in our 
first paper {Minot and Murphy] in 1926 have been kept under 
observation. Of this number thirty-one, or approximately three 
fourths, are living and well [1934} after almost ten years of treat- 
ment. Eleven have died from various causes other than pernicious 


The practical results of liver therapy in the treatment of perni- 
cious anemia have already been indicated in quotations from the 
Nobel lectures of Dr. Minot and Dr. Murphy. Other agents have 
been introduced for the same purpose. "Ventriculin" is made from 
the stomach wall of the hog desiccated, defatted, and powdered. 
Its effect is similar to that of liver. Of more recent innovations, 
vitamin Bi 2 appears to be the most important. Folic acid, isolated 
from green leaves and from liver, and also synthesized, has a cer- 
tain curative value in that it brings about the production of mature 
red blood cells; it is not satisfactory in the treatment of pernicious 
anemia because it does not stop the changes in the nervous system 
which often accompany this disease. Although obtainable from 
liver, it is quite distinct from the hematinic principle in liver ex- 
tracts. Nothing has yet been introduced which has been capable of 
supplanting liver extracts in practice. In an insidious, chronic, 
debilitating disease, ultimately fatal before the introduction of liver 
therapy, it has become possible to suppress the symptoms and pro- 
long life. Liver is not a "cure" but rather a symptomatic remedy; 
its use must be indefinitely continued. The initial effects of treat- 
ment are remarkable. Within a few days the number of reticulocytes 
(immature blood corpuscles) goes up, showing that the bone mar- 
row, where the cells are formed, is increasingly active. The number 
of normal cells in the blood gradually increases, and the abnormal 
ones begin to disappear. Concurrently the patient feels better, looks 
better, and becomes stronger. Liver treatment is able to prevent the 
neurological symptoms which may otherwise appear, and can even 
cause a recession in established symptoms. 


The two great innovations in the treatment of noninfectious 
disease during the first quarter of the present century were insulin 
for diabetes and liver for pernicious anemia. Both discoveries stimu- 
lated further research. Knowledge of the effect of liver gave a new 
direction to the study of hematopoiesis (the formation of blood) 
under both normal and pathological conditions. (For another 
aspect of research on pernicious anemia, see above, pp. 66-67.) 




"For Ms discovery of the organizer effect in em- 
bryonic development" 


Germany, where he attended the humanistic Eberhard-Ludwig 
Gymnasium. After leaving school he spent a few years in his 
father's business and in the performance of his military service 
before beginning the study of medicine at the Universities of 
Heidelberg, Munich, and Wikzburg. At Heidelberg he worked 
with the anatomist Carl Gegenbaur; at Munich, with August Pauly. 
He was graduated in 1895 in zoology, botany, and physics, under 
Theodor Bovery, Julius Sachs, and Wilhelm Rontgen, respectively. 
The years 1894-1908 were spent in the Zoological Institute at 
Wurzburg. In the latter year he accepted the chair of zoology and 
comparative anatomy at Rostock. In 1914 he became director of 
the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biology in Berlin-Dahlem. Fi- 
nally, in 1919, he was called to the professorship at Freiburg-im- 
Breisgau, which he held until his retirement in 1935, the year in 
which he was awarded the Nobel Prize. He died at the end of 
1941, in his seventy-third year. 


1935 : HANS SPEMANN 1 


experiments] were all carried out on young amphibian 
embryos, mostly on those of the ordinary . . . Triton teaeniatus 
[species of newt}. In order to make the experiments understand- 
able to nonspecialists, too, it becomes necessary first of all to picture 
the highlights of the normal development of these eggs. 

"The development begins, in direct response to fertilization, 
with long-continued cell division . . . known as the segmentation 
process. Through the formation of a hollow space inside the seg- 
mentation cavity there arises the germinal vesicle or blastula. Its 
lower, vegetative half, the thick floor of the germinal vesicle, is 
composed of large, yolk-rich cells, whereas the upper, animal half, 
the thin roof, is composed of numerous small cells, poor in yolk 
substance. The junction between them is formed by the marginal 
zone, a ring of cells of medium size. 

"There now sets in a very complicated process, in many respects 
mysterious, the so-called gastrulation. Its final result is that the 
whole material of the marginal zone and the vegetative half of 
the embryo are doubled into the interior, and are thus covered by the 
animal material. It is along the line of invagination, at the primitive 
orifice or blastopore, that the outer germinal layer, the ectoderm, 
changes to the two layers brought into the interior, the mesoderai, 
(originating in the marginal zone) and the entoderm (correspond- 
ing to the yolk-rich vegetative half of the embryo). . . . 

"The anlage of the central nervous system [i.e., the primordial 
part in the embryo from which the adult structure is formed] arises 
in the ectoderm of the back ... as a thickened, shield-shaped 
plate, broader in its anterior than in its posterior half. It is the 
medullary plate, the edges of which are thrust up into ridges, the 
medullary ridges. By the drawing together of the ridges, the plate 
is closed to form a tube, the medullary tube. This detaches itself 
from the epidermis and sinks deeper. Its thick anterior end, arising 
from the broad anterior part of the medullary plate, becomes the 

* Translated from "Nobel- Vortrag von Hans Spemann," Les Prix Nobel en 


brain; its thin posterior half the spinal cord. [Spemann then de- 
scribes briefly the fate of the mesoderm, which forms the anlage of 
the vertebral column, etc., and the entoderm, which forms a 
groove, changing into the intestinal tube.] 

"All these events ... are essentially dependent not on a new 
formation of embryonic substance but on rearrangement of that 
already present. It is therefore to some extent possible ... to 
mark out a topography of the later anlages of the organs in the 
blastula or early gastrula. 

"In considering such a topographical map, the question recurs 
whether an actual difference in these parts corresponds to this pat- 
tern of presumptive anlages in the gastrula at the beginning; 
whether they are already more or less firmly ordained for their 
later fate, predestined \determmierf}, or whether they are still 
indifferent and their destiny is first stamped upon them later. 

"The first answer to this question was given by isolation experi- 
ments. That is to say, if one undertakes a division through the mid- 
die, not between the first two segmentation cells, but later, even in 
the stage of the blastula or the quite young gastrula, twins can 
still be produced by this means. This becomes especially clear if 
the division be made in such a way that the ventral half of the 
embryo is cut off from the dorsal. Then the latter also develops into 
an embryo of smaller size [but] of normal proportions. Here the 
new partition of materials is quite plain. The dorsal half, accord- 
ing to the topographical map, possesses almost all the material for 
the medullary plate, therefore much too much for a half -size em- 
bryo; on the other hand it lacks the whole presumptive epidermis. 
This latter must be made good from the material of the former. 

"But now if presumptive medullary plate and presumptive epi- 
dermis can substitute for each other, then also they must allow 
themselves to be interchanged, one for the other, without prejudice 
to further normal development. Embryonal transplantation must 
thus in this early stage have another result than in the later 
stages. , , . 

"The success of the new experiments rests on these ideas, and 
on the development of a method making it possible to manage the 
extraordinarily fragile young embryos and to operate on them. 

"The first experiment now consists in the interchange of a piece 

1935 : HANS SPEMANN 183 

of presumptive epidermis and medullary plate between two em- 
bryos of the same age, in the beginning of gastralation. Healing 
results so smoothly, and the further development goes on so nor- 
mally, that the margins disappear without a trace, if the implant is 
not kept visible for a time by natural pigmentation or artificial vital 
staining. In this case it appears, as expected, that the pieces can 
interchange mutually, so that presumptive epidermis can become 
medullary plate, presumptive medullary plate epidermis. 

"But from this follows not only the profound indifference of the 
cells in this early stage of development; rather, the result permits 
the much more important conclusion that in the new location in- 
fluences of some sort must govern, which coerce the foreign piece 
to its fate. . ." 


"In order [as Spemann wrote} to make the experiments under- 
standable to nonspecialists," he felt it necessary to devote a large 
part of his Nobel lecture "to picture the highlights of the normal 
development of these eggs." The quotation given above terminates 
with the first indication of the general principle which was 
Spemann's chief contribution. 

Spemann's most important forerunners were Roux and Driesch. 
W. Roux had obtained half-formations, etc. by destroying some 
of the cleavage cells in the frog's egg. His experiments led him to 
the view that up to a certain point something within each part of 
the embryo determines its fate; thereafter the general requirements 
of the organism and the need for certain cells determine their 
appearance and growth. 

To illustrate the inductive effect which one embryonal area can 
exert on another, Spemann performed experiments on the develop- 
ing eye. The retina grows out from the brain as a vesicle, later 
changed into a cuplike structure; the lens of the eye, on the other 
hand, is derived from the near-by epidermis. Spemann showed that 
the eyeball is able to bring about the formation of a lens from 
distant epidermis which does not normally develop in this way, in 
an area having nothing to do, under ordinary circumstances, with 


lens production. The covering epidermis then begins to clear, as 
in the formation of the transparent cornea, despite its "foreign/* 
noncorneal location. 

Then came the experiments in division of the embryo described 
in the quotation above, and the transplants of pieces of presumptive 
medullary plate, showing how rearranged cells develop according 
to their new local environment. Spemann was also able to show 
that if a piece of the dorsal blastopore lip is implanted in another 
embryo, in an area of presumptive skin, the development of a sec- 
ond embryo is thereby induced. This upper blastopore lip he later 
showed to be the source of influences which determine the fate 
and cause the structural and functional differentiation of various 
parts, the medullary plate in particular; he therefore called the 
upper blastopore lip an "organization center." Other, secondary 
organization centers were also demonstrated, of which the eyecup 
may be considered one. 

"[Spemann's] great achievement was to bring into fruitful co- 
ordination the two, in themselves inconclusive, lines of attack which 
had been opened up in the casual investigation of development. 
On one hand, the studies of Roux and Driesch on the develop- 
mental potentialities of the first-formed blastomeres of the egg, 
although they tackled the major problems of the formation of the 
animal as a whole, seemed to lead only to a sterile paradox. On 
the other hand, Roux's notion of dependent differentiation ap- 
peared to suggest a plausible causal mechanism for development, 
but the one known example of it, and that a somewhat doubtful 
one, was concerned with the development of a single organ, the 
lens of the eye. Spemann entered both these fields, with his famous 
constriction experiments on the early cleavage states of Triton, and 
his early grafting experiments on the optic rudiments of the same 
form. By 1918 he was able to bring forward his concept of the 
^organization-centre* and demonstrate that the morphogenesis of 
the embryo, in its main outlines as well as in its details, is the result 
of the interactions between different regions of tissue. For the next 
fourteen years, Spemann was the leader of a school, which rapidly 
filled in the outlines of what had come to be called 'embryonic in- 
duction/ ... In 1932 he participated in the next major step for- 

1935 : HANS SPEMANN 185 

ward, the beginning of the physico-chemical investigation of the 

"Although his work was one of the most important influences 
in the final discredit of vitalism, Spemann was never one of those 
who hoped that the discovery of the organizer would rapidly enable 
us to reduce the problem of biological form to a few simple chem- 
ical statements. His attitude was, in fact, much more a biological 
than a physico-chemical one. The extreme caution with which he 
formed his conclusions, joined with intense concentration on a 
narrow field favourable for an attack on fundamental problems, 
enabled him to lay a foundation on which the science of experi- 
mental morphogenesis can be securely based/* * 

* Quoted from the obituary by C. H. Waddington in Nature (London), Vol. 149 
(1942), p. 296. 



(1875- ) 


(1873- ) 

"For their discoveries relating to the chemical 
transmission of nerve impulses." 



1875. From Leys School, Cambridge, he proceeded to Trinity Col- 
lege, Cambridge, in 1894. This step in his education, like every 
subsequent stage, was marked by the winning of a scholarship. He 
was graduated through the Natural Science Tripos, Part II (Physi- 
ology and Zoology.) From 1898-1900 he worked in physiology at 
Cambridge under J. N. Langley. In the latter year he turned to 
clinical work at St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Cambridge granted 
him the B.Ch. in 1903 and the M.D. in 1909. For a time he worked 
in University College, London, with E. H. Starling; here he first 
met Otto Loewi. There followed four months with Paul Ehrlich 
at Frankfort on the Main. Dale then returned for a brief period to 
University College, but soon entered the Wellcome Physiological 
Research Laboratories as pharmacologist (1904). From 1906 to 
1914 he was director of the Laboratories. It was during this period 


1936: DALE AND LOEWI 187 

that he undertook the work on the pharmacology of ergot which 
led to his later studies on tyramine, hlstamine, and acetylcholine. In 
1914 he was elected Fellow of the Royal Society and in the same 
year was appointed director of the Department of Biochemistry 
and Physiology in the newly constituted National Institute for 
Medical Research. In 1928 he became director of the Institute. Dale 
has been the recipient of a very large number of honors and awards, 
has served on many official commissions, and has traveled widely. 
He is well known, also, through his graduate students in many 
parts of the world. 


3, 1873. He studied in the Gymnasium there until 1891, when he 
undertook the study of medicine at Strasbourg. Later he took a part 
of his course in Munich but returned to Strasbourg for the degree 
Dr. med., which was granted in 1896. In 1896-1897 he studied 
chemistry In Frankfort with Martin Freund, then physiological 
chemistry with Franz Hofmeister in Strasbourg. In 1897-1898 he 
was assistant to Karl von Noordens in the City Hospital In Frank- 
fort. He was then appointed assistant at the Pharmacological In- 
stitute in Marburg and became Prhatdozent in 1900. He worked 
for some months in 1901-1902 with E. H. Starling In London, 
but remained at Marburg until 1905, when he was named associate 
professor in Vienna. For nearly thirty years (1909-1938) he was 
professor of pharmacology In Graz. He then went to England and 
later to the United States. Since 1940 he has been research profes- 
sor at the College of Medicine of New York University. 




"My chemical collaborator [in 1914], Dr. Ewins, had isolated 
the substance responsible for a characteristic activity which I had 

* H. H. Dale, "Some Recent Extensions of the Chemical Transmission of the 
Effects of Nerve Impulses," Les Prix Nobel en 1936. 


detected in certain ergot extracts, and it had proved to be acetyl- 
choline, the very intense activity of which had been observed by 
Reid Hunt already in 1906. Since we had found this substance in 
nature, and it was no longer a synthetic curiosity, it seemed to me 
of interest to explore its activity in greater detail. I was thus able 
to describe it as having two apparently distinct types of action, 
Through what I termed its 'muscarine' action, it reproduced at the 
periphery all the effects of parasympathetic nerves, with a fidelity 
which, as I indicated, was comparable to that with which adrenaline 
had been shown, some ten years earlier, to reproduce those of true 
sympathetic nerves. All these peripheral muscarine actions, these 
parasympathomimetic effects of acetylcholine, were very readily 
abolished by atropine. When they were thus suppressed, another 
type of action was revealed, which I termed the 'nicotine* action, 
because it closely resembled the action of that alkaloid in its intense 
stimulant effect on all autonomic ganglion cells, and, as later ap- 
peared, on voluntary muscle fibres. . . . 

"Effects of acetylcholine, directly analogous to those which Loewi 
discovered in relation to the heart vagus, were covered by what I 
had termed the 'muscarine' action of acetylcholine, and were all 
very readily suppressed by atropine. But there remained, as yet 
without any corresponding physiological significance, the other type 
of action of acetylcholine, so similar in distribution to that of 
nicotine, which had come to my notice nearly twenty years 
earlier. . . . 

"Although from the time when it first became clear that Loewi's 
Vagusstoif [see below, p. 192] was acetylcholine, I had begun to 
consider the possible significance of its 'nicotine' actions, it was 
long before the possibility of its intervention as transmitter at 
ganglionic synapses, or at voluntary motor nerve endings, seemed 
to be accessible to investigation. Experiments on the ganglion came 
first in order. Chang and Gaddum had found, confirming an earlier 
observation by Witanowski, that sympathetic ganglia were rich in 
acetylcholine. Feldberg . . . had observed . . . that the effects 
of splanchnic [visceral] nerve stimulation are transmitted to the 
cells of the suprarenal medulla by the release of acetylcholine in 
that tissue. Now these medullary cells are morphological analogues 
of sympathetic ganglion cells, and Feldberg, continuing this study 

1936: DALE AND LOEWI 189 

in my laboratory, found that this stimulating action of acetylcholine 
on the suprarenal medulla belonged to the 'nicotine' side of its 
actions. Clearly we had to extend these observations to the ganglion; 
and a method of perfusing the superior cervical ganglion of the 
cat, then recently described by Kibjakow, made the experiment pos- 
sible. Feldberg and Gaddum . . . found that, when eserine [see 
below, p. 192] was added to the fluid perfusing the ganglion, 
stimulation of the preganglionic fibres regularly caused the appear- 
ance of acetylcholine in the venous effluent. It could be identified 
by its characteristic instability, and by the fact that its activity 
matched the same known concentration of acetylcholine in a series 
of different physiological tests, covering both 'muscarine' and 'nico- 
tine' actions. It appeared in the venous fluid in relatively high con- 
centrations, so strong indeed, that reinjection of the fluid into the 
arterial side of the perfusion caused, on occasion, a direct stimula- 
tion of the ganglion-cells. It was clear that, if the liberation took 
place actually at the synapses, the acetylcholine liberated by each 
preganglionic impulse, in small dose, indeed, but in much higher 
concentration than that in which it reached the venous effluent, 
must act as a stimulus to the corresponding ganglion cells. Feldberg 
and Vartiainen then showed that it was, in fact, only the arrival of 
preganglionic impulses at synapses which caused the acetylcholine 
to appear. They showed, further, that the ganglion cells might be 
paralysed by nicotine or curarine [the active principle of the arrow- 
poison, curare], so that they would no longer respond to pre- 
ganglionic stimulation or to the injection of acetylcholine, but 
that such treatment did not, in the least, diminish the output of 
acetylcholine caused by the arrival of preganglionic impulses at the 
synapses. There was, in this respect, a complete analogy with the 
paralysing effect of atropine on the action of the heart vagus, which, 
as Loewi and Navratil had shown many years before, stops the 
action of acetylcholine on the heart, but does not affect its liberation 
by the vagus impulses. 

"The difficulty facing us in the case of the voluntary muscle was 
largely a quantitative one. In a sympathetic ganglion, the synaptic 
junctions, at which the acetylcholine is released . - . , form a large 
part of the small amount of tissue perfused. In a voluntary muscle 
the bulk of tissue, supplied by a rich network of capillary blood 


vessels, is enormous in relation to the motor nerve endings, of 
which only one is present in each muscle fibre. The volume of per- 
fusion fluid necessary to maintain functional activity is, therefore, 
very large in relation to the amount of acetylcholine which the scat- 
tered motor nerve endings can be expected to yield when impulses 
reach them. With the skilled and patient cooperation of Dr. Feld- 
berg and Miss Vogt, however, it was possible to overcome these 
difficulties, and to demonstrate that, when only the voluntary motor 
fibres to a muscle are stimulated, to the complete exclusion of the 
autonomic and sensory components of the mixed nerve, acetyl- 
choline passes into the Locke's solution [chlorides of sodium, cal- 
cium, and potassium, with sodium bicarbonate, dextrose, and dis- 
tilled water], containing a small proportion of eserine, with which 
the muscle is perfused. If, by calculation, we estimate the amount 
of acetylcholine thus obtained from the effect of a single motor 
impulse arriving at a single nerve ending, the quantity is of the 
same order as that similarly estimated for a single preganglionic 
impulse and a single ganglion cell. . . . We found that, if the 
muscle was denervated . . . , direct stimulation, although evoking 
vigorous contractions, produced no trace of acetylcholine. If, on the 
other hand, the muscle was completely paralysed to the effects of 
nerve impulses by curarine, stimulation of its motor nerve fibres 
caused the usual output of acetylcholine, although the muscle re- 
mained completely passive. Again there is a complete analogy with 
Loewi's observations on the heart vagus and atropine. . . ." 


"Natural or artificial stimulation of nerves induces in them an 
occurrence known as progressive excitation, which leads to a re- 
sponse in the organ activated by the nerves concerned. 

"Up to the year 1921 it was unknown how excitation of a nerve 
influences its responsive organ to function in other words, in 
what way the impulse of the nerve is transferred from the nerve 
ending to the responsive organ. For the most part it was sup- 
posed that there was a direct encroachment of the wave of excita- 

* Translated from Otto Loewl, "Die chemisette Ubertragung der Nerven* 
wirkung," Les Prix Nobel en 1936. 

1936* DALE AND LOEWI 191 

tlon of the nerve fiber on the organ of response. But as a matter of 
fact, there were also those who had already formed the opinion that 
the transference takes place by chemical means, and had commu- 
nicated [the results of their] researches. Thus W. H. Howeli had 
formed the view on the ground of his own research that vagus 
stimulation liberates potassium in the heart, and that this occasions 
the result of stimulation. . . . {The vagus nerve has an inhibitory 
Influence on the heart. In 1908, Howeli, with W. W. Duke, re- 
ported an increase in the concentration of potassium in the fluid 
perfusing an isolated mammalian heart during vagal stimulation. 
Howell's work In this connection dates from 1906. Loewi also 
mentions the name of W. M. Bayliss, who had written in his 
famous textbook of physiology (ed. 1902, p. 344) that "the nerve 
may act by the production of the same chemical substance which 
excites directly, or the chemical excitant may act on the same 
terminal mechanism as the excitatory process in the nerve fibre 

"Although these data were known to me, I was first made aware 
a year after my discovery that earlier i.e., in 1904 {T. R.} 
Elliott, at the conclusion of a short note, had already intimated the 
possibility that stimulation of sympathetic nerves works through 
the liberation of adrenalin, and that {W. E.] DIxon had already 
[1907], in a place difficult of access, brought out researches aimed 
at elucidation of the question whether a substance Is set free on 
stimulating the vagus which Induces the result. [Emll Du Bois- 
Reymond (1818-1896) hinted a similar explanation. It appears 
that none of these suggestions was supported by satisfactory proof.} 

"In the year 1921 I succeeded for the first time In furnishing to 
this end the proof capable of only one interpretation, [by show- 
ing] that through stimulation of the nerves of a frog's heart [sus- 
pended in a glass vessel containing saline] substances are set free, 
part of which enter the perfusion fluid of the heart, and being 
transferred with this to [another] test heart, here work exactly like 
the stimulation of the corresponding nerves. It was thereby proved 
that the nerves do not act directly on the heart, but that the imme- 
diate result of nerve stimulation is the freeing of chemical sub- 
stances, and that these first act directly in bringing about the 


functional change in the heart which is characteristic of nerve 
action. . . . 

[The autonomic, or involuntary, nervous system, controlling 
those functions that are largely independent of the will and of 
direct outside influences, has two divisions, called the sympathetic 
and the parasympathetic The vagus nerve contains parasympathetic 
fibers; Loewi and his co-workers investigated the nature of the sub- 
stance, which he called "Vagusstoff," released by their stimula- 
tion.} "We were able to establish that its action is suspended by 
atropine, and [in any case] disappears very quickly. In the search 
for a substance sharing both these peculiarities, I found that out of 
the series of known vagomimetic substances [i.e., chemicals with 
the physiological effects of "Vagusstoff"}, muscarine, pilocarpine, 
choline, and acetykholine, this held true only for the latter. It 
could then be directly established further, that the rapid cessation 
of the action of Vagusstoff and acetykholine depends on the de- 
composition of these substances through the action of an esterase in 
the heart, already duly postulated by Dale. [An esterase is an en- 
zyme, or ferment, which acts specifically on a certain ester; acetyl- 
choline is numbered chemically among the esters.} I was able to 
show further that the action of this esterase is specifically retarded 
"by minimal concentrations of eserine. [Eserine is a vegetable sub- 
stance derived from the Calabar bean of western Africa; chemically 
it is an alkaloid and is known also as physostigmine. By showing 
that the breakdown of his "Vagusstoff" could be prevented in this 
way, Loewi made it relatively easy to enhance its eif ect and to 
detect its presence.} . . . 

tc Not only as regards its reaction with atropine and its de- 
structibility by esterase, but also in respect of all other attributes, 
Vagusstoff behaves identically with acetykholine. When, over and 
above this, acetykholine could be directly demonstrated in the 
organs by Dale and Dudley, no doubt remained that Vagusstoff 
is acetykholine. " 

1936- DALE AND LOEWI 193 


For well over a century the study of the electric changes during 
nerve activity was the sole path toward knowledge of the mecha- 
nism of nervous function. Sherrington and Adrian, Erlanger and 
Gasser all of them Nobel laureates were electrophysiologists. 
But all cells, including nerve cells, require energy for their activity; 
in a living cell, chemical reactions form the source of energy. Only 
in the last thirty years, however, has evidence accumulated respect- 
ing the chemical side of nerve activity. 

Loewi performed his perfusion experiments in 1921. In 1926 
A. V. Hill and his associates were able to measure the heat produc- 
tion of the resting nerve and the increased heat production follow- 
ing stimulation. As in the case of Hill's studies of heat production 
in muscle, this biophysical approach pointed to chemical change 
from which the thermal change resulted. Gerard and Meyerhof, 
and at the same time (1927) Fenn, could confirm this by measure- 
ment of the extra oxygen uptake. 

Loewf s work was limited to the autonomic nervous system. 
Dale and his associates, following the lead of Kibjakow, tried to 
extend this concept, suggesting that acetykholine might transmit 
impulses across ganglionic synapses and at neuromuscular junctions. 
(It may be noted that an important part of Nobel Prize scientific 
study has centered in the nerve-muscle relationship.) The evidence, 
of which only an early indication is given in the excerpt from 
Sir Henry Dale's lecture, was chiefly based on ( i ) liberation of 
acetykholine after stimulation of preganglionic fibers on motor 
nerves; (2) stimulation of the sympathetic ganglion and the 
striated muscle by injection of small amounts of acetykholine; and 
(3) "potentiation" of the effects of nerve stimulation by the use 
of eserine. Dale and his group worked out ingenious techniques 
and contributed very extensively to the piling up of the evidence. 

There were two principal difficulties. Neurons and striated mus- 
cle fibers act with lightning speed. Any chemical reaction involved 
must occur with the same speed. The question was whether or not 
the rate of acetylcholine metabolism was high enough to fit the 


timetable of nervous mechanism. The second difficulty was the 
question whether the modes of conduction along nerve fiber and 
across synapses are fundamentally different. There seems to be 
reason to think that no basic difference exists. 

In the last twenty-five years enzyme chemistry has assumed 
greater and greater importance. It seems probable that all "trace 
substances" compounds active in minute amounts are correlated 
to enzyme systems. Because of the high concentration of choline 
esterase it has been suggested that the rate of acetylcholine metab- 
olism is high enough to parallel electrical events during nerve 
activity. It has also been pointed out that the choline esterase is 
localized at the neuron surface and that a parallel exists between 
the voltage associated with nerve impulse and the concentration 
of the enzyme. These findings in connection with other known facts 
have suggested that the release of acetylcholine is not limited to the 
nerve endings but occurs everywhere at the neuron surface. Acetyl- 
choline appears to be an essential factor in generating the nerve 
action potential by its effect on the surface membrane of the nerve. 
Furthermore, although Loewi and Dale were once of the opinion 
that there is no acetylcholine present in sensory nerves, it has been 
detected more recently not only in the motor nerves but also in the 
sensory nerves, including the optic nerves. The range of action and 
the fundamental importance of the substance which began life, so 
to speak, as "Vagusstoff," have been shown to be vastly greater 
than was perceived some twenty to thirty years ago, when the 
pioneer experiments were performed. 

Discoveries of this kind are contributions to basic knowledge. 
One should hardly expect any immediate practical results. (Wil- 
liam Harvey's discovery of the circulation of the blood, announced 
in 1628, had little effect on practice for many years, yet this dis- 
covery is the foundation of all modern medicine.) In the case of 
Dale and Loewi, however, a sort of "premium" in the way of 
practical consequences was not long in appearing. The eserine 
which played so large a part in their experiments is also known as 
physostigmine. To put it briefly, this substance inhibits the esterase 
which inhibits acetylcholine, and therefore it "potentiates" the 
acetylcholine action. A disease called myasthenia gravis is known 
as a chronic and progressive muscular weakness, usually beginning 

1936: DALE AND LOEWI 195 

in the face and throat. On the assumption that physostigmine, 
exerting an inhibitory action on cholinesterase, might be of benefit 
in this disease, it was introduced as a new treatment by Mary 
Broadfoot Walker in 1934. Together with prostigmine, which is 
closely similar in action and which was introduced for the same 
purpose by L. Remen in 1932, physostigmine continues to hold a 
place in the management of myasthenia gravis. 


NACHMANSOHN, D. "The Role of Acetylcholine in the Mechanism of 
Nerve Activity," in R. S. Harris and K. V. Thimann, eds., Vitamins 
and Hormones, Vol. 3 (New York: Academic Press, 1945). 

. "Biochemical Approach," a symposium, in D. Nachmansohn, 

ed., Nerve Impulse: Transactions of the First Conference, March 2-3* 
(New York: Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1951). 



(1893- ) 

"For bis discoveries in connection with the biolog- 
ical combustion processes, with especial reference 
to vitamin C and the catalysis of fumaric acid." 


Saint Georgie} was bora in Budapest, on September 16, 1893. 
Receiving his preliminary education in Budapest, he also studied 
medicine there, beginning in 1911. The professor of anatomy was 
Szent-Gyorgyfs uncle, in whose laboratory he began to do research 
as a first-year student; thereafter he published a series of histologi- 
cal studies. His education was interrupted by the First World War, 
in which he served on the Russian and Italian fronts. Having been 
wounded, he returned to the university and completed his course 
in 1917 He then went to Pozsony as assistant to the pharmacolo- 
gist G. Mansfeld. Next he studied electrophysiology for a short 
time with A. von Tschermak in Prague. He also worked with L. 
Michaelis in Berlin. He spent two years in Hamburg in the study 
of physical chemistry, and two years in Leyden, Holland, as as- 
sistant in the Pharmacological Institute. After this he was assistant 
to H. J. Hamburger in the Physiological Institute of Groningen, 
Holland, where he discovered "hexuronic acid'* in the adrenal 
cortex. At this time he was teaching biochemistry as Privatdozent. 
In 1927 he went to Cambridge as a Rockefeller Fellow. The fol- 



lowing year he was in Rochester, Minnesota, at the Mayo Founda- 
tion, with E. C. Kendall. In 1929 he was back at Cambridge. Finally, 
in 1930, he returned to Hungary, as professor of medical chemistry 
at the University of Szeged. 

World War II brought further changes, leading to the establish- 
ment, under Szent-Gyorgyi' s direction, of the Institute for Muscle 
Research at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, financed by Armour and 
Company, the American Heart Association, the Association for the 
Aid of Crippled Children, and the Muscular Dystrophy Associa- 
tion. For approximately twelve years past, Szent-Gyorgyi has con- 
centrated his energies on the study of the biochemistry of muscle. 

A brilliant and original investigator, Szent-Gyorgyi is also an 
able writer, and the author of a number of books, some of which 
have appeared in English translation. 


"I was led into the field of oxidations ... by a false assump- 
tion. I was interested in the function of the adrenal cortex. If the 
function of this organ is suppressed, life, too, is suppressed ( Addi- 
son's disease). But before life is extinguished, there appears in 
man a brown pigmentation, similar to that of certain fruits: apples, 
pears, bananas, etc., which, in withering, likewise assume a brown 
color. Through the investigations of the great Russian botanist, 
Palladin, it was known that this brown coloring of plants is con- 
nected with the damaged oxidation mechanism. Since I myself was 
convinced (and am still convinced) that in the basic functions, as 
represented, too, by oxidation, there exist no differences in prin- 
ciple between animal and plant, I undertook the study of the 
oxidation system of potatoes, browning of the plants depending on 
its damage. I did this in the hope of finding through these studies 
the key to the understanding of adrenal function. 

"It was already known that those plants which turn brown as 
the result of damage about half of all plants contain a poly- 
phenol, . . . besides this a ferment, the polyphenoloxidase, which, 

* Translated from ''Nobel-Vortrag von Albert Szent-Gyorgyi; ' Les Prix Nobel 
en 1937. 


with the help of oxygen, oxidizes the polyphenol. There was a 
complicated interpretation of the working mechanism of this 
oxidase. It fell to me to show that it is simply a question of the 
oxidase, along with oxygen, oxidizing the polyphenol to quinone 
[compound which results when two opposite hydrogen atoms are 
replaced by oxygen]. In the intact plant the quinone is again 
reduced by the hydrogen mobilized from foodstuff. The phenol 
thus works as a hydrogen-transporter between oxygen and H- 
donator, and we are here confronted . . . with a system of succes- 
sive hydrogen combustion. ... In the damaged plant the reduc- 
tion of the quinone cannot keep pace with the mounting oxidation 
of the phenol, and the quinones remain unreduced and form pig- 

"But the system gave rne no information about adrenal func- 
tion. So I turned to the plants which do not assume a brown color 
on withering, and which therefore must contain an oxidation sys- 
tem differently organized. As regards these plants, this much was 
known, that they contain a very active peroxidase. This peroxidase 
has the power to activate peroxide. In the presence of this ferment, 
peroxide is able to oxidize various aromatic substances to colored 
pigments. Without peroxidase this reaction does not take place. If, 
for example, benzidine is added to a peroxide in the presence of 
peroxidase, a deep blue color appears at once, produced by the 
oxidation of the benzidine. Without peroxidase this reaction, which 
also serves as a test for the ferment, does not occur. 

"But when, in this reaction, I substituted for a purified per- 
oxidase simply the juice squeezed from these plants, and added 
benzidine and peroxide, then the blue pigment appeared, but only 
after a slight delay of about a second. The analysis of this retarda- 
tion showed that it was occasioned by the presence of a strong re- 
ducing substance, which again reduced the oxidized benzidine, 
until it was itself exhausted. 

"It was a moment of great excitement, when, in my little cellar 
room in Groningen, I found that the adrenal cortex contains an 
analogous reducing substance in relatively large amount. 

"My means and my chemical knowledge were both inadequate to 
investigate this substance more closely. But thanks to the invitation 


of F. G. Hopkins and the help of the Rockefeller Foundation I 
was able ten years ago [i.e., in 1927] to transfer my laboratory to 
Cambridge, where for the first time I could devote myself to chem- 
istry in earnest. Soon I was successful in isolating this fragile sub- 
stance from adrenal glands and various plants and showing that it 
corresponded to the formula C 6 H 8 O 6 and was related to the car- 
bohydrates. This latter circumstance induced me to turn to Prof. 
W. N. Haworth, who at once perceived the chemical interest of 
the substance and asked me for a larger amount for constitutional 
analysis. But unfortunately it turned out that adrenal glands were 
the only material suitable for large-scale preparation. AH my efforts 
to find suitable vegetable material for a starting point remained 
ineffectual, and adrenal glands in large quantity were not available 
in England. 

"Professor Krogh tried to help me by generously sending me 
adrenal glands by air from Copenhagen. But unfortunately the 
substance was spoiled in transit. The Mayo Foundation and Profes- 
sor Kendall now came to my aid in a magnificent way and made it 
possible for me, regardless of expense, to work on the material 
from the great American slaughterhouses. The result of a year's 
work was 25 g. of a crystalline substance which received the name 
'hexuronic acid.* This quantity of the substance I divided with 
Professor Haworth. He undertook to investigate the exact struc- 
tural formula. I used the other half of my preparation to obtain a 
closer insight into the function of the substance. [It} could not 
take the place of the adrenal glands, but it overcame the pigmenta- 
tion of Addison's disease to the point of disappearance. 

"Unfortunately the amount of the substance proved insufficient 
for ascertaining the chemical constitution. The preparation could 
not be repeated for lack of means, and no cheaper material was 
found permitting extraction of the acid in larger amount. 

"From the beginning I suspected the substance to be identical 
with vitamin C [discovered in 1907 by A. Hoist and T. FrSlich}. 
But my wandering life was unsuited for vitamin research, in which, 
also, I had no experience. In the year 1930, however, I gave up 
my nomad life, in that I settled down in my fatherland, at the 
University of Szeged. Also fortune soon sent me an excellent 
young American co-worker, J, L. Svirbely, who had experience 


with vitamin research. ... In the autumn of 1931 our first in- 
vestigations were concluded and showed clearly that hexuronic 
acid has an antiscorbutic effect [preventing and counteracting 
scurvy} and that the antiscorbutic activity of the juices of plants 
corresponds with their hexuronic acid content. . . . [Szent- 
Gyorgyi here mentions related work of Tillman, King, and 

"All at once the hexuronic acid that had been so long disre- 
garded pressed into the foreground, and there was urgent need of 
larger amounts of this substance, in order on the one hand to 
continue the analysis of its constitution, and on the other to make 
sure of its vitamin nature. But we used the last remnant of our 
substance in our vitamin researches; it was impossible for us to 
undertake its preparation from adrenal glands; and, as I men- 
tioned, every other material was inadequate for large-scale work. 
"My city, Szeged, is the center of the Hungarian paprika indus- 
try. As this fruit is not transportable in good condition, I had had 
no earlier opportunity to test it. One evening the sight of this 
wholesome fruit inspired me with a last hope, and the same night 
investigation showed that this fruit offers an incredibly rich source 
of hexuronic acid, which Haworth and I rechristened ascorbic 
acid. Taking advantage of the last of the paprika season, which 
was nearing its end, it was possible, through the support given on 
a generous scale by the American Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, to 
prepare more than half a kilogram, in the following year more 
than 3 kilograms, of crystalline ascorbic acid. I divided this sub- 
stance among all the investigators who wished to work on it. I also 
had the privilege of furnishing both my fellow laureates, P. Kar- 
rer and W. N. Haworth, with plentiful material, and making pos- 
sible their analysis of its constitution. I myself, together with Varga, 
prepared the mono-acetone derivative of ascorbic acid, forming 
splendid crystals, from which, after repeated recrystallizations, 
ascorbic acid, undiminished in activity, may again be split off. 
This was the first proof that ascorbic acid is identical with vitamin 
C and that the activity of the substance is not dependent on im- 
purities. . . . 

"To return to the oxidation processes, I now attempted further 


analysis of the respiratory system of plants in which ascorbic acid 
and peroxidase play important roles. I had already found out, 
while in Rochester, that the peroxidase plants contain a ferment 
which reversibly oxidizes ascorbic acid, with two valences, in the 
presence of oxygen. Further analysis showed that here there was 
a respiratory system in which hydrogen is oxidized step by step. I 
should like to sum up briefly the result of this research carried out 
with St. Huszak. 

"The ascorbic acid oxidase, with oxygen, reversibly oxidizes the 
acid to dehydroascorbic acid. The oxygen thereby combines with 
two labile H-atoms of the acid to form hydrogen peroxide. This 
peroxide reacts with peroxidase and oxidizes a second molecule 
of ascorbic acid. Both those molecules of dehydroascorbic acid, pos- 
sibly by the mediation of SH-groups, now take up hydrogen again 
from foodstuffs. 

"But the peroxidase does not oxidize the ascorbic acid directly. 
I succeeded in showing that between the two still another sub- 
stance is inserted, which belongs to the large group of yellow, 
vegetable, water-soluble phenol-benzol- y-pyran-dyestuffs (flavone, 
flavonole, flavanone). The peroxidase here oxidizes the phenol 
group to quinone, which then oxidizes the ascorbic acid directly by 
accepting both its H-atoms/* 


Many scientists have contributed to present knowledge of the 
chemical events which are known in sum as "respiration." The 
contributions of Warburg and Keilin have been discussed in part 
above (see pp. 149-152). Cytochrome, however, is not a very 
powerful oxidizing agent and It was realized that what Szent- 
Gyorgyi calls the WK system (Warburg-Keilin) "could not 
oxidize such stable formations as the foodstuff molecules'* without 
help. H. Wieland then showed that foodstuff is activated, and made 

* The brief quotations in this section are from Albert von Szeat-Gyorgyi, "Oxida- 
tion and Fermentation," in J. Needham and D. E. Green, cds., Perspectives in 
Biochemistry (Cambridge: The University Press, 1937), PP- 165-174. 


ready for oxidation, by catalysts called dehydrogenases. These make 
the molecule give up its hydrogen more readily. The WK system 
then takes over. 

This version of the story of respiration was further modified and 
supplemented by the work of Szent-Gyorgyi, who wrote: 

"The theory is this: the Q dicarboxylic acids are a link in the 
respiratory chain between foodstuff and the WK system. Their 
function is to transfer the hydrogen of the foodstuff to cytochrome 
and to reduce by this hydrogen its trivalent iron again to the 
divalent form. Speaking more precisely, the cytochrome oxidizes 
off two hydrogen atoms from the succinic acid molecule. By the 
loss of two hydrogen atoms, the succinic acid is converted to 
fumaric acid. These two lost H atoms are replaced again by H com- 
ing from the foodstuff. The foodstuff, however, does not give its 
H immediately to fumaric acid. It gives its two H atoms to oxalo- 
acetic acid, which is also a C 4 dicarboxylic acid. By taking up 2H, 
oxaloacetic turns into malic acid. Malic acid then gives its 2H to 
fumaric, and thus fumaric is converted to succinic acid. This can 
again be oxidized by cytochrome, while malic acid, after giving 
off its 2H, becomes oxaloacetic, which can take up H from the 
foodstuff again, and so the play goes on, H being transmitted all 
the time from the foodstuff via oxaloacetic-malic-fumaric-succinic 
to the WK system." 

A catalytic system was demonstrated between the Wieland de- 
hydrogenase system, on the one hand, and the WK system of 
ferrous enzymes, on the other. 

Szent-Gyorgyi also described a respiratory system in which the 
hydrogen is oxidized by degrees through the agency of ascorbic 
acid. This discovery is the subject of the principal quotation given 
above. Although ascorbic acid, or rather the antiscorbutic substance, 
vitamin C, had been identified in the first decade of the century by 
Hoist and Frolich, and had been shown to be the missing necessity 
in cases of scurvy and Barlow's disease (or infantile scurvy), it 
was through Szent-Gyorgyi and Svirbely that it could be proven 
identical with the highly reducing ascorbic acid obtained from 
adrenal glands and from certain vegetable materials. Thus the 
way was opened for clarifying the chemical composition of the 


substance. Within two years of the Szent-Gyorgyi-Svirbely work, 
it became possible to produce a synthetic vitamin C. This result may 
be considered a by-product of basic research which had as its chief, 
although not its most directly useful, consequence added under- 
standing of the mystery of respiration. 



(1892- ) 

"For his discovery of the role played by the sinus 
and aortic mechanisms in the regulation of respi- 
ration/ 9 


1 8, 1892. He is the son of Dr. J. F. Heymans, onetime professor 
of pharmacology and rector of the University of Gand, as well as 
founder of the J. F. Heymans Institute of Pharmacodynamics and 
Therapeutics at the same university. Heymans' father was his first 
and principal teacher and it was with him that the original experi- 
ments, leading to the award of the Nobel Prize, were begun. 
Corneille Heymans was educated at the local university, studied 
later in the laboratories of E. Gley in Paris, N. M. Arthus in 
Lausanne, H. H. Meyer in Vienna and E. H. Starling in London. 
In 1927-1928 he worked in the United States, chiefly in the labora- 
tory of C. F. Wiggers at Western Reserve University, Cleveland. 
In 1922 he began to teach the course in pharmacodynamics at 
Gand, and in 1930 he succeeded his father there. He has traveled 
and lectured extensively and has been awarded many prizes and 
honorary degrees. He is probably the best known of Belgian 
workers in the biological sciences. Professor Heymans is now asso- 
ciated with the University of Ghent. 




"It has long been known that . . . elevation of arterial pressure 
Inhibits respiration; sudden and severe hypertension can even pro- 
voke [cessation of breathing]. It is equally well known that hypo- 
tension [low blood pressure] leads to [abnormally deep and rapid 
breathing]. These interactions . . . have generally been attributed 
to a direct action ... on the activity of the respiratory center [the 
part of the brain which controls respiratory movements]. 

[Experiments to test this theory and to reveal the actual mecha- 
nism of these events were begun in 1924 by J. F. and C. Heymans, 
using crossed circulation in dogs. Two dogs, A and B, are anesthe- 
tized. The head of dog B is separated from its body, except for the 
vagus-aortic nerves, connecting with the respiratory center; these 
are left intact. Life is maintained in the body section by artificial 
respiration; circulation in the body continues. The isolated head is 
then linked to the body circulation of the other dog, A, by attach- 
ing from the latter the principal arteries for blood supply to the 
head, the two common carotids; these are anastomosed i.e., joined 
end to end with the corresponding parts of the nearly severed 
head of B. In the same way the external jugular veins of the two 
dogs are anastomosed. The severed head is thus completely isolated 
from its own body as regards circulation, but is connected by the 
aortic nerves. The effects which this head shows from whatever is 
done to its own body are mediated by the nerves; whatever is done 
to the body of the other dog can influence it only through the blood 
stream. Breathing movements due to the activity of the respiratory 
center may be seen in the head. A method is thus available for 
showing whether high and low pressure affect this center directly 
or by means of a nervous reflex.] 

"We observed right away that arterial hypotension limited solely 
to the body circulation of the dog B brings about a stimulation of 
the activity of the respiratory center of the perfused head of B; 

* Translated and paraphrased from Cornellle Heymans, "Sur le r6!e des presso 
et des chimio recepteurs vasculaires dans la regulation de la respiration," 
Les Prix Nobel en 1940-44. 


augmentation of the arterial pressure in the trunk B, on the con- 
trary, causes an inhibition of the activity of [this] respiratory 
center. . . . When one injects a hypertensive dose of adrenaline 
into the trunk B, one observes a total inhibition of the respiratory 
movements of the isolated and perfused head of B. . . ." 

[This showed (i) that the effects once thought due to direct 
action of the blood pressure on the respiratory center are really 
brought about by a nervous reflex; and (2) that the path of this 
reflex lies through the aortic nerves. But what sense organ responds 
to the changes in pressure and starts the reflex? The carotid sinus 
(a slight enlargement of the common carotid artery at the point 
where it divides into the external and internal carotids) had pre- 
viously been shown to play an important role in the regulation of 
heart rate and arterial blood pressure. Heymans was able to show 
that respiratory reflexes, as described in the quotation above, can 
also originate there. There exist in the wall of the sinus sensory 
organs which are called presso-receptors, because they are sensitive 
to pressure changes. Cross-circulation experiments of a rather dif- 
ferent kind from those detailed above helped to show how they 
work. The sinus of one dog, B, was isolated from the general cir- 
culation and perfused with the blood of another animal, A, while 
the nerve supply of the sinus was left intact. With sinus B isolated, 
the arterial pressure of dog A was raised, whereupon that of dog 
B fell. Conversely, a reduction in blood pressure of dog A caused a 
rise in the blood pressure of dog B. Obviously the effect of a 
change in blood pressure upon these presso-receptors is to initiate 
reflexes which tend to reverse the pressure change. The effects of 
pressure on respiration are also mediated through reflexes begin- 
ning in presso-receptors. 

[Close to the carotid sinus is a small structure looking like a gland, 
called the carotid body, or glomus caroticum. Heymans and his 
associates found this to be chemo-receptive, responding to changes 
in the chemical composition of the blood as the presso-receptors 
answer to changes in blood pressure. Variations in oxygen and car- 
bon dioxide affect breathing by this means, although the increased 
respiration caused by an accumulation of carbon dioxide is partly 
the result of direct stimulation of the respiratory center. The aortic 
body (glomus aorticttm) at the base of the aorta is also chemo- 


receptive. It was found that certain drugs which stimulate respira- 
tion act directly on the respiratory center, but that others work 
only through the carotid and aortic bodies; still others have both a 
direct and a reflex action. Most of this information was worked 
out over a period of many years, with the help of many co-workers; 
it was accomplished in large part by means of ingenious isolation 
and cross-circulation experiments such as those described above.} 


In an earlier section (see above, pp. 162-163) some account was 
given of the work of Sir Charles Sherrington on the integrative 
action of the nervous system. Sherrington revealed the role of the 
muscle spindle in initiating reflexes which have to do with posture. 
Other receptors were also studied by him as the initiators of special 
reflex action. It was the important contribution of Professor Hey- 
mans and his co-workers to show the part played by the sinus and 
aortic mechanisms in the regulation of respiration and blood pres- 
sure. The carotid sinus was demonstrated to be presso-receptive, 
the carotid and aortic bodies to be chemo-receptive. A later Nobel 
laureate, W. R. Hess (see below, pp. 260-264) has contributed to 
the proof that central control of blood pressure lies in groups of 
cells in the medulla and diencephalon; the peripheral mechanism 
is the set of reflexes described by Heymans. Hormonal factors, re- 
lating especially to the adrenal gland, are also involved. The heart, 
the kidneys, and the vascular system in general are primarily or 
secondarily concerned. Clinicians and laboratory scientists are there- 
fore advancing from many directions in their assault on the still 
unsolved problems of blood-pressure abnormality. It is obvious 
that the Heymans contribution forms an essential part of the bask 
knowledge required. 

There are, however, more immediate applications of this knowl- 
edge. The carotid sinus has nervous connections with the vagus. 
Among other effects which the latter nerve produces is inhibition 
of heart action. The sinus is also connected with the cervical sym- 
pathetic and the medulla. Now occasionally the sinus becomes 
hypersensitive and the consequence is a distinctive set of symptoms. 


Patients have been observed who suffer from spontaneous attacks 
of dizziness, weakness, and unconsciousness, with or without con- 
vulsions, in whom mechanical stimulation over the division of one 
or the other carotid artery i.e., pressure on the carotid sinus 
will at once induce an attack. Three forms of this disturbance ap- 
pear, corresponding to the threefold nervous communication men- 
tioned above. In some cases cardiac inhibition, due to a vagal 
reflex, is marked; this can be abolished by the use of atropine. In 
others, vasodilatation, with a consequent fall in arterial blood pres- 
sure, is observed; this lowering of pressure and the symptoms 
which attend it can be prevented by ephedrine. The third, or cere- 
bral variety, is associated with convulsions. Apparently it is best 
treated by denervation of the sinus i.e., by cutting the nerve con- 
nections involved. Patients with spontaneous epileptic seizures 
induced by slight pressure on an irritable sinus have been relieved 
by this operation. Stripping of the nerve plexus from the carotid 
artery at the bifurcation (division into two parts) may affect a cure, 
or may give only temporary relief; division of the carotid sinus 
nerve is considered to give the best results. 

It has long been known that pressure exerted on the carotid sinus 
area will often slow the heart and put a stop to attacks of the dis- 
turbance called "auricular paroxysmal tachycardia/' a very rapid 
heartbeat which occurs in sudden paroxysms. This is a dangerous 
procedure which may stop the heart altogether. It should be per- 
formed only by a physician familiar with the proper technique and 
equipped with the drugs to meet an emergency. The effect was 
formerly attributed to pressure on the vagus; it is now known to 
be due to carotid sinus pressure. 



(1895- ) 

ff For Ms discovery of the antibacterial effects of 


Brunswick, Germany. He had just entered the University of Kiel 
when the First "World War broke out, and in October 1914, he 
volunteered for the army, in which he served four years. At first 
he was in a grenadier regiment, but after being wounded in 1915 
he was transferred to the medical corps for the remainder of the 
war. Returning to Kiel, he was graduated in medicine in 1921. In 
1924 Domagk became Prhatdozent at the University of Grief s- 
wald. The following year he received an appointment in the 
Pathological Institute at Miinster, where in 1928 he became Ex- 
traordinary Professor of General Pathology and Pathological 
Anatomy. He then accepted a position with the I. G. Farbenindus- 
trie and became director of the Laboratory for Experimental 
Pathology and Bacteriology at Wuppertal-Elberfeld. In a precon- 
ceived and systematic program, combining a search for new dyes 
with a search for new drugs, the I. G. Farbenindustrie postulated 
the preparation of a substance later to be called "prontosiT as 
early as 1920, but apparently nothing further was done about it 
until 1932. The synthesis of azo compounds had been entrusted to 
Drs. Fritz Mietzsch and Joseph Klarer, and it was one of Domagk's 



duties to test the chemotherapeutic effects of the substances pro- 
duced. It was in this way that the extraordinary powers of the sul- 
fonamide drugs were first revealed in the trials of prontosil. 

When notified in October 1939 that he had won the Nobel 
Prize, Domagk sent a letter of thanks to the rector of the Caroline 
Institute, but toward the end of November a second letter reached 
Stockholm in which Domagk declined the prize in accordance with 
Nazi law. In the interval he had been arrested by the Gestapo. The 
second letter was prepared by the Ministry of Education and 
Domagk signed it under duress. The year of grace permitted by the 
Nobel regulations had long expired, and the prize money had 
reverted to Nobel Foundation funds, before Domagk was able to 
speak freely. In 1947 he visited Stockholm, delivered his Nobel 
lecture, and received the gold medal and diploma; but it was then 
too late for the award of the prize money. 


"Up to the present time 1935} it has been the general opinion 
that only protozoal infections were susceptible to chemotherapy. 
In the sphere of the protozoal infections we possess remedies which 
are operative against the cause e.g., against trypanosome infec- 
tions [sleeping sickness}, suramin; against kala-azar, neostibosan; 
against malaria, plasmochin and atabrin; against spirochete infec- 
tions, especially syphilis, salvarsan and its modifications. 

"Chemotherapeutic agents operative to any extent against infec- 
tions with cocci have been unknown up to the present. . . . [Cocci 
are bacteria of spherical shape, including the gonococci, which pro- 
duce gonorrhea, the meningococci, of a kind of meningitis, the 
pneumococci, of pneumonia, and the staphylococci and streptococci, 
which cause a wide variety of infections. Domagk next reviews 
earlier attempts to find effective drugs for such diseases. These 
efforts had centered chiefly on a number of compounds of the 

* Translated from Gerhard Domagk, "Ein Beltrag zur Chemotherapie der bak- 
teriellen Infektlonen," Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrijt, Vol. 61 (1935), 
pp. 250-253. 


metals, particularly gold. All had proved failures for one reason or 
another, many of the substances being too toxic for use.} 

"Because of the disadvantages described, we turned our particu- 
lar attention toward chemical compounds of other types, on a purely 
organic, metal-free basis, which in experiments with mice gave 
perceptible indication of being effective against streptococcal sepsis. 
Among azo and acridine compounds * we had become acquainted 
with a series of substances which showed a relatively good effect 
against streptococci in disinfection research in vitro [i.e., in the 
test tube} . But this effect, in part even an excellent one in vitro, was 
almost always completely lost on the injection of these substances 
into the animal body. . . . [Here follows an account of this re- 
search. One of the substances tested was an azo compound called 
chrysoidine. It was the addition to this compound (itself ineffective 
against streptococci) of a sulfonamide group (SO 2 NH 2 ) which 
produced prontosil.} 

"In the course of our investigations, however, we later hit upon 
a group of very innocuous azo compounds, which, to be sure, 
showed no substantial disinfective value against streptococci in 
vtiro, but now in experiments with mice gave a clear and per- 
ceptible effect. To this group belongs prontosil, synthesized in 1932 
by Mietzsch and Klarer. With prontosil we were able to establish 
the best chemotherapeutic effects observed at any time in streptococ- 
cal infections in animal research. It is the hydrochloride of 4'-sul- 
fonamide-2, 4-diaminoazobenzene. . . . 

"The harmlessness of the preparation is shown by the toxi- 
cological data. . . . [Large amounts, at least 500 mg. per kilo of 
body weight, were tolerated by mice and rabbits; larger doses were 
vomited. Similar data are given regarding subcutaneous and in- 
travenous injections. So far as these tests showed, the drag ap- 
peared to be nontoxic.} 

"Prontosil is ... an extraordinarily inert compound phar- 
macologically . . . [i.e., it appeared to have little or no effect on 
the various functions of the healthy animal body}. 

"Cbemotherapeutically, prontosil shows an elective effect in 

* Azo compound: a substance derived from a hydrocarbon by replacement of part 
of the hydrogen by nitrogen. Acridine compound: a substance obtained from coal 
tar; usually a yellow or brown dye. 


streptococcal sepsis in the mouse [i.e.. It appears to act specifically 
on streptococci, as if by choke]. ... All the animals alike were 
infected with 0.3 c.c. of a 24-hour streptococcal bouillon culture. 
Of the untreated control animals, none lived after 48 hours, so 
that no [further] comparisons could be made. . . . When the 
organs of untreated control animals are investigated, typical signs 
of severe general infection are found in the liver, spleen, kidneys, 
heart, and numerous other organs. . . . 

"In the animals successfully treated with prontosil all these 
pathological tissue changes are lacking, when treatment is started 
promptly with adequate doses. In other cases one hinders the fur- 
ther extension of tissue damage already existing. . . . 

"It is worth notice . . . that in research in vitro, [prontosil] 
shows no particular effect against either streptococci or staphylo- 
cocci. It works like a true chemotherapeutic agent only in the liv- 
ing organism. . . /* 


Accompanying this first report were three microphotographs of 
the blood of infected mice. The first, picturing blood from an un- 
treated animal, showed innumerable cocci; the second, taken 24 
hours after subcutaneous injection of prontosil, revealed active 
phagocytosis (the eating up of bacteria by white cells); and the 
third, taken 48 hours after the injection, displayed a later stage of 
the same healing process, with no free cocci whatever! These pic- 
tures demonstrated how prontosil "works like a true chemothera- 
peutic agent in the living organism," although not in the test tube. 

The original protocol on the value of prontosil in the control of 
experimental streptococcal infections in mice is dated December 
20, 1932. Experimental work on animals was continued. Mean- 
while Domagk's young daughter developed a serious streptococcal 
infection following a needle prick. Ordinary treatment failed to 
check the spread of the infection. Domagk treated her with large 
doses of prontosil. She recovered. 

Long before Domagk's original paper was published, reports 
appeared in the German medical literature. The drug was dis- 


tributed for clinical trial early in 1933, and on May 17 Foerster 
read the first report before the Diisseldorf Dermatalogical Society. 

Since chrysoidine was powerless to check streptococci, and since 
the only difference between chrysoidine and prontosil consisted in 
the sulfonamide group attached to the latter, it appeared that this 
group must be responsible for the chemotherapeutic effect. Assum- 
ing that prontosil is split up in the organism, releasing sulfanila- 
mide (para-amino-benzene-sulfonamide), Mr. and Mrs. J. Tre- 
fouel, J. Nitti, and D. Bovet introduced the latter, which was given 
its clinical trials by P. H. Long and L. Colebrook. In the next, few 
years a very large number of "sulfa drugs" appeared, with special 
advantages claimed for each, in reduced toxicity or in the type of 
organisms affected. Sulfapyridine, for example, introduced in 1937 
by L. Whitby, was particularly effective in cases of pneumonia. 

"In 1935," writes Professor Spink,* "there was no specific 
therapy for hemolytic streptococdc infections. Every clinician feared 
streptococcic bacteremia [the presence of living bacteria in the 
circulating blood}, with its mortality rate approximating 75 per 
cent. Only a rare patient recovered from streptococcic meningitis. 
In midwinter, hospital beds were occupied with cases of erysipelas 
and mastoiditis, all caused by hemolytic streptococci. Sulfanilamide 
took the sting out of these debilitating and fatal streptococcic 
diseases. {The operation for mastoiditis has almost become a thing 
of the past since the advent of sulfatherapy.} The mortality rate 
of untreated pneumococcic meningitis was 100 per cent, but patients 
recovered following the use of sulfapyridine. Chronic cases of 
gonorrhea clogged up the out-patient services of hospitals, and its 
devastating complication, gonococcal arthritis, was the frequent 
cause of prolonged hospitalization. The sulfonamides soon offered 
a more hopeful outlook for these individuals. The sulfonamides 
proved to be highly effective in meningococcic bacteremia and 
meningitis. A new chapter, and a dramatic one, had been written 
in the therapy of human disease/* 

There were certain drawbacks. The "sulfa drags" often pro- 
voked serious side effects, especially kidney failure. Many patients 
showed hypersensitivity to the drags after one or more courses of 

* Wesley W. Spink, "Present Status of Sulfonamide Therapy," The Merck 
Report, Apr. 1951, pp. i7-*9 


treatment, in the form of skin eruptions and fever. Secondly, strains 
of bacteria, notably gonococd, soon appeared which were resistant 
to the self onamides. Thirdly, the sulfonamides had a relatively nar- 
row range of activity; many of the causative agents of infectious 
disease were not susceptible to their action. The first of these diffi- 
culties, the toxicity of the "sulfas," was in part overcome by the 
development of newer and safer variants, such as sulf adiazine and 

Although antibiotics, such as penicillin, streptomycin, and aureo- 
mydn, now occupy a more prominent place in the treatment of 
infectious diseases, because they are generally more efficient and 
less toxic and have a wider range, the sulfonamides, especially sul- 
fadiazine and sulfamerazine, continue to be widely used. This is 
particularly true in parts of the world where the newer antibiotics 
are as yet unavailable. Ease of administration and low cost con- 
tribute to the enduring popularity of the sulfonamides. Moreover, 
they are undoubtedly effective, and in meningococcic infections 
they probably work as well as any of the antibiotics. There are like- 
wise a number of diseases in which they have been given simul- 
taneously with an antibiotic, although it is considered difficult to 
assess the merit of this practice. These drugs not only find a wide 
application in the treatment of disease but have also been used 
successfully in the prevention of such diseases as epidemic menin- 
gococcic meningitis. 

The sulfonamides revolutionized the management of a con- 
siderable number of important infectious diseases. The knowledge 
acquired through the study of these drugs in laboratory and clinic 
has been put to further use in more recent work on the antibiotics. 


LONG, PERRIN H. "Award of the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medi- 
cine to Dr. Gerhard Domagk," Scientific Monthly, Vol. 50 (1940), 
pp. 83-84. 


No Award 



(1895- ) 
"For bis discovery of vitamin K." 


(1893- ) 

ef For Ms discovery of the chemical nature of vitamin 



February 21, 1895. He wa s graduated in chemistry from the Poly- 
technic Institute there in 1920, and was awarded the degree Sc. Dr. 
in biochemistry by the University of Copenhagen in 1934. Mean- 
while he had studied microchemistry with F. Pregl in Graz, Austria, 
in 1925, and metabolism of sterols in Rudolph Schoenheimer's 
laboratory in Freiburg, Germany, as a Rockefeller Fellow, in 1932- 
1933. He also worked with P. Karrer, in Zurich, in 1935 and later. 
Dam was appointed instructor in chemistry at the School of Agri- 
culture and Veterinary Medicine in Copenhagen in 1920; instruc- 
tor in biochemistry at the Physiological Laboratory, University of 


1943 : DAM AND EOISY 217 

Copenhagen, in 1923; and assistant professor at the Institute of 
Biochemistry of the same institution in 1928. He served as asso- 
ciate professor at the University from 1929 to 1941, and lectured 
in the United States and Canada in 1940-1941. This tour was 
planned before Denmark was occupied by German troops (April 
1940). Dr. Dam carried out research in Woods Hole Marine 
Biological Laboratories in 1941; at the University of Rochester, 
New York, 1942-1945, as a senior research associate; and at the 
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 1945, as an associate 
member. Despite his absence from Denmark he had meanwhile 
been appointed professor of biochemistry at the Polytechnic Insti- 
tute, Copenhagen. His many papers, some published jointly and 
others alone, deal mainly with the biochemistry of sterols, fats, and 
the vitamins K and E. 


13, 1893. From the University of Illinois he received his A.B. in 
1914 and his M.S. in 1916; he was awarded a Harvard Ph.D. in 
1920 and has since been granted honorary degrees by several uni- 
versities, in addition to a large number of medals and prizes. He 
was assistant in biochemistry, Harvard Medical School, 1915-1917. 
From 1917 to 1919 he served in the U. S. Army. He then became, 
successively, instructor, associate, and associate professor in bio- 
chemistry, Washington University School of Medicine, 1919-1923; 
was appointed professor of biochemistry at the St. Louis University 
School of Medicine, in 1923; and was appointed director of the 
Department of Biochemistry, St. Mary's Hospital, in 1924. Dr. 
Doisy has been active in professional associations and has served 
on the League of Nations Committee on the Standardization of the 
Sex Hormones. His publications have dealt with various aspects of 
metabolism; insulin; blood buffers; isolation and chemical charac- 
terization of theilin, theelol, and dihydrotheelin; ovarian hormones 
and estrogenic substances; gonadotropic and thyrotropic principles, 
as well as various other aspects of endocrinology; isolation of vita- 
mins KI and K 2 ; determination of constitution and synthesis of 
vitamin K x ; and antibiotic compounds. 




BAM * 

"The discovery of vitamin K arose from some studies on the 
cholesterol metabolism of chicks carried out during the years 1928- 
30 in the biochemical institute of the University of Copenhagen. 
[Cholesterol, which chemists classify as an alcohol, is found in bile, 
brain, blood cells, egg yolk, etc., and in varying amounts in animal 
tissues. It belongs among the sterols, solid alcohols closely related 
to steroids; the latter include a number of important hormones. 
Another sterol is ergosterol, which, when irradiated, forms vitamin 
D 2 .} It was then already known that rats, mice and dogs can 
synthesize cholesterol but some experiments had been published 
which seemed to show that chicks could not thrive on a diet from 
which the sterols had been removed by extraction. When these 
experiments were published ... in 1914, the role of fat-soluble 
vitamins was not very well recognized, and I therefore found it 
interesting to repeat them using artificial, practically sterolfree 
diets to which vitamins A and D were added in the form of sterol- 
free concentrates made from cod-liver oil, or of small amounts of 
cod-liver oil of known cholesterol content. Chicks were reared on 
such diets for different lengths of time from the day of hatching 
and the amount of cholesterol in their excretions and their body 
was determined and compared with the cholesterol content in newly 
hatched chicks from the same litter. It was thereby found that a 
considerable part of the cholesterol which the newly hatched chick 
has taken over from the egg yolk disappears during the first 2 or 
3 weeks, whereafter cholesterol is formed in increasing amount as 
the body weight increases. Chicks therefore are able to synthesize 
cholesterol, just as well as are rats, mice and dogs, and they are also 
able to break it down. 

"More interesting than this finding was, however, an unexpected 
symptom which showed up in some of the chicks which were kept 

* From Henrik Dam, "The Discovery of Vitamin K, Its Biological Functions and 
Therapeutical Applications," Les Prix Nobel en 1946, pp. 205-220. 

1943 : DAM AND DOISY 219 

on the diet for more than 2 or 3 weeks. They got hemorrhages 
under the skin, in muscles or other organs, and blood occasionally 
taken out for examination showed delayed coagulation. 

"The lack or low content of cholesterol in the diet could not be 
the cause of the hemorrhages, since the experiments showed that 
chicks can synthesize cholesterol. Further, the hemorrhages also 
appeared in chicks which received a daily supplement of cholesterol. 

"The low amount of fat in the diet would, apparently, also be 
ruled out as a cause of the symptom since it was found that linseed 
oil and triolein could not prevent its appearance. . . . Other au- 
thors had already reported that chicks do not require vitamin C, 
and daily ingestion of lemon juice . . . also proved to be ineffec- 
tive. . . . [When] pure vitamin C became available ... I could 
easily show that . . . injections of ascorbic acid failed to prevent 
the disease. . . . 

"The salt mixture could be varied considerably without influence 
on the disease, and wheat germ oil was without protective effect, 
whereas a high content of cereals and seeds in the diet prevented 
the symptom. It was therefore safe to announce that the new experi- 
mental disease was due to the lack of a hitherto unrecognized factor 
in the diet. This was done in 1934. 

"Then a number of animal organs and plant material were ex- 
amined for their ability to protect against the disease and it was 
found that green leaves and hog liver were among the most potent 
sources. It was also found that the factor was fat-soluble, and in 
1935 it was characterized as a new fat-soluble vitamin and given 
the designation vitamin K. The letter K was the first one in the 
alphabet which had not, with more or less justification, been used 
to designate other vitamins, and it also happened to be the first 
letter in the word "koagulation" according to the Scandinavian and 
German spelling. . . . 

"The hemorrhages in vitamin K deficiency develop in this way, 
that minute vascular lesions caused by minor mechanical trauma 
are not closed by rapid clotting, as is the case in normal animals. 
This causes oozing of blood from the impaired region. 

"According to the accepted theory the process of blood coagula- 
tion may be separated into two stages. 


"(i) Protlirombin ~f- Thrombopiastin + Ca ~ Thrombin 

"(2) Fibrinogen -f- Thrombin -~ Fibrin . . . 

"It is easy to show that it is protbrombin and no other component 
which is lacking when vitamin K has been withdrawn from the 
diet. . . . 

"Vitamin K from green plants is called KI. Chemically it differs 
slightly from vitamin K formed by putrefaction, which is called K 2 
[discovered by Almquist and Stokstad, University of California}. 

. . The preparation of pure vitamin K from green leaves was 
first reported by Dam, Karrer and co-workers, 1939. . . . The 
elucidation of its composition was accomplished by Doisy and co- 
workers, and by Fieser and co-workers. Doisy and co-workers also 
prepared pure vitamin K 2 from putrefied fishmeal [and established 
its chemical difference from KI.} . . . 

"Andrus, Lord and Moore, 1939, excised the liver in normal 
dogs and studied the prothrombin level with and without ingestion 
of vitamin K and bile salts. They found that the blood prothrombin 
decreased in both instances, indicating that the liver is necessary for 
the action of vitamin K. Several other observations also show that 
the liver is the organ concerned with prothrombin formation.'* 


[Doisy and his co-workers in the St. Louis University School of 
Medicine isolated vitamin KI from alfalfa (Journal of Biological 
Chemistry, Vol. 130 [1939}, pp. 219-234). Partition among vari- 
ous solvents and crystallization from solvents proved unsuccessful, 
and the large amount of impurities in crude preparations made low- 
pressure distillations difficult and impractical; at the same time the 
inactivity of the vitamin toward many chemical reagents and its 
instability toward others eliminated chemical reactions as a means 
of isolation. After extraction, therefore, repeated adsorptions were 
used to obtain the vitamin. In a similar manner vitamin K 2 was 
isolated from purified fish meal (Journal of Biological Chemistry, 
Vol. 131 [1939}, pp* 327-344). The constitution of vitamin KI 
was worked out and its synthesis accomplished by the same group in 
St. Louis. Almost simultaneously three other groups, Almquist and 
Kiose, Fieser et aL, and Karrer et aL, reached the same goal. Doisy 

1943 : DAM AND DOISY 221 

and his co-workers summarized their findings on vitamin K* as 

"Vitamin KI was found to be a 2, 3-disubstituted a-naphtho- 
quinone having an unsaturated side chain. By oxidation of the vita- 
min with chromic acid phthalk acid was formed, which demon- 
strated that the benzenoid ring of the vitamin carries no side chain. 
A second acid isolated from the oxidation products was identified 
as 2-methyl-i, 4-naphthoquinone-3-acetic acid, which showed that 
the quinone nucleus has a methyl group at the 2 position and that 
the side chain in the 3 position has an ethylenic linkage between the 
and and 3rd carbon atoms from the quinone ring. These con- 
clusions were confirmed by the products obtained by degradation of 
the diacetyl dihydro derivative of the vitamin. Oxidation with 
chromic acid formed the diacetyl dihydro derivative of the quinone 
acid, and a ketone Ci 8 H 36 O. This ketone was also formed by 
ozonolysis of the diacetyl dihydro vitamin and was identified as 
2, 6, io-trimethylpentadecanone-i4 which proved the arrange- 
ment of the remaining carbon atoms of the unsaturated side chain. 

"The constitution of vitamin KI as 2-methyl-3-phytyl-i, 4-naph- 
thoquinone was confirmed by synthesis. Phytyl bromide was con- 
densed with the monosodium salt of 2-rnethyl-i, 4-naphthohydro- 
quinone, the vitamin being isolated in the pure condition as the 
diacetyl dihydro derivative. The synthetic compound was degraded 
by the same procedure as that used for the natural vitamin deriva- 
tive and shown to give the same degradation products." 


The first hemorrhagic disease in man to be recognized as due to a 
deficiency of vitamin K was the bleeding which accompanies ob- 
structive jaundice. Bile is important for the proper absorption of 
vitamin K from the intestine, f and when the bile duct is blocked 
by gallstones or tumor a bleeding tendency is one of the conse- 
quences. This formerly constituted a real danger in operations for 

* Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 131 (i939) P- 3^9- 

f Vitamin K is insoluble in water and its absorption and transportation depend 

on the presence of desoxycholic acid. 


the relief of obstruction. But in 1938 three different groups, Dam 
and a colleague among them, independently reported that the bleed- 
ing tendency is due to vitamin K deficiency. As Dam observes: 
"Since then, the practical utilization of vitamin K in surgery has 
been tried by a large number of surgeons and its value has been 
fully established. It is possible by suitable vitamin K treatment, to 
eliminate completely the risk of bleeding in such patients, provided 
of course, that the case is not complicated by severe damage of the 
liver so that vitamin K cannot act." 

Furthermore, "a bleeding tendency due to reduced absorption 
of vitamin K from the intestine can ... be observed in certain 
intestinal diseases, where profuse diarrhoea occurs and the intes- 
tinal mucosa is damaged. This has been found in cases of sprue, for 
instance, where the absorption of fat is greatly diminished, or in 
ulcerative colitis." Here again vitamin K is useful in treatment. 

Vitamin K deficiency is also seen in the newborn infant. The low 
prothrombin level which occurs in the first week after birth may 
be raised by treatment with vitamin K. Where bleeding actually is 
noted this is essential; the prothrombin may be raised to approxi- 
mately normal values in 24 hours. Bleeding almost certainly occurs, 
however, in many cases where it is not easily detectable, and the 
administration of vitamin K to parturient women before delivery 
has reduced the death rate among the newborn. 

Vitamin K is a napthoquinone compound having a phytyl side 
chain; vitamin K 2 contains a naphthoquinone ring with a much 
longer and more unsaturated side chain. It Is now known that a 
number of synthetic 2 -methyl- 1, 4-naphthoquktone compounds 
possess vitamin K activity, as do several water-soluble substances 
e.g., 4~amino-2-methyl-i-naphthol hydrochloride. 



(1874- ) 


(1888- ) 

"For their discoveries regarding the highly differ- 
entiated junctions of single nerve fibers." 


5, 1874. He received the B.S. degree in chemistry from the Univer- 
sity of California, and in 1899 tne M.D. degree from the Johns 
Hopkins University. After serving for one year as interne In the 
Johns Hopkins Hospital he was appointed assistant in the Depart- 
ment of Physiology at the Johns Hopkins University Medical School 
under Dr, William H. Howell, then served successively as instruc- 
tor, associate, and associate professor at that school. He then went 
to the University of Wisconsin as the first professor of physiology 
in the newly organized medical school there, where one of his 
pupils was Herbert S. Gasser. In 1910 he was appointed professor 
of physiology and head of the department in the reorganized medi- 
cal school of Washington University, St. Louis. Gasser later re- 
joined him there and their work together was carried out in St. 
Louis. Dr. Erlanger became emeritus professor In 1944. 




town in Wisconsin, on July 5, 1888. He was educated in the State 
Normal School there, and afterward in the State University. He 
records that "the preciinical years of the Medical School had just 
started and classes were so small that the faculty became not only 
teachers but friends." His first course in physiology was with Dr. 
Joseph Erlanger. The clinical years were completed at the Johns 
Hopkins Medical School in 1915. Next there followed a year in 
pharmacology at Wisconsin. He then rejoined Dr. Erlanger, who 
had meantime become professor of physiology at Washington Uni- 
versity, St Louis. In 1921 Dr. Gasser was made professor of 
pharmacology at Washington University. Two years later, at the 
instigation of Dr. Abraham Flexner, of the Rockefeller Founda- 
tion, Gasser was granted leave of absence for two years of study 
in Europe. After his return to the United States he remained at 
Washington University until 1931, when he left to become profes- 
sor of physiology at the Cornell Medical School in New York City. 
In 1935 he was appointed director of the Rockefeller Institute for 
Medical Research. 


{It has been mentioned earlier (p. 160) that Gasser was one of 
the pioneers in the use of amplifiers in physiology. Whereas Adrian 
combined the amplifier with the capillary electrometer, Erlanger 
and Gasser combined it with the cathode-ray oscillograph, invented 
by F. Braun in 1897. (Braun received the Nobel Prize in Physics 
in 1909.) A stream of electrons is given off from the negative 
electrode (cathode) in a Crookes tube; in Braun's cathode-ray tube, 
otherwise the same, these rays are narrowed into a threadlike beam 
which is subjected to the influence of external electric currents. It 

* Joseph Erlanger and Herbert S. Gasser, "The Compound Nature of the Action 
Current of Nerve as Disclosed by the Cathode Ray Oscillograph," American 
Journal of Physiology, Vol. 70 (1924), p. 624. 


is then focused on a screen so that the oscillations caused by these 
outside potentials may be recorded. Erlanger and Gasser, in their 
first publication on this subject (1922), pictured and discussed 
the changes which the action current in nerve was sometimes found 
to undergo in its course. The record of this potential close to its 
source was a triangular wave with a rounded peak. Later it ex- 
hibited one or more humps on the descending lirnb. In a subse- 
quent paper, quoted below, Erlanger and Gasser presented a partial 
explanation, afterward greatly elaborated, of the nature of these 

'Tight upon the fundamental nature of the waves which the 
cathode ray oscillograph has disclosed in the amplified action cur- 
rent was first obtained in experiments designed to ascertain whether 
altering the distance the action current is propagated along the 
nerve affects the relative positions of the waves. In these experi- 
ments the nerve is mounted in a moist chamber and kept at a con- 
stant temperature, . . . The stimulus is delivered through pairs of 
platinum electrodes of which several, 3 to 5, range along the nerve 
at measured distances from the proximal lead into the oscillograph. 
By means of ... switches situated outside the moist chamber any 
desired pair of electrodes can be connected with the inductorium. 
... At the longer conducting distances [in the sciatic nerve of 
the bullfrog} the action current is composed of three waves, though 
the third in some instances is not very distinct. These waves may be 
designated alpha, beta and gamma from before backwards in the 
action current. . . . [Figures derived from an analysis of the 
waves] give the very definite impression that the shift in the rela- 
tive positions of the waves that occurs with the change in the con- 
ducting distance, is due to differences in the rates with which the 
waves move along the nerve. . . . 

* 'Every observation we have made indicates that each wave repre- 
sents a discrete action current started by the one stimulus, but 
travelling in different groups of nerve fibers. Thus each wave, or 
better, perhaps, each group of fibers ... has its own conduction 
rate. . . . The positions of the starts of the slower waves can not 
be ascertained with even a reasonable degree of accuracy. We, 
therefore, have taken the times elapsing between the crests of 
alpha and of beta . . . [etc.] as the lags between these waves. This 


is justifiable because . . . these crests at fairly long conducting 
distances are not materially displaced by summation and because 
the times to maximum of all the waves are essentially alike. 
[Each wave, or each group of fibers, was concluded to have 
not only its own conduction rate but also} its own threshold of 
stimulation and its own refractory period. . . . ["Threshold of 
stimulation" refers to the strength of stimulation required to pro- 
duce an effect. It was found that different stimulation strengths 
produced different patterns; in one case, for instance, a completely 
developed action current appeared, while in another there was only 
an alpha wave, etc. Analysis of the patterns produced by graded 
action currents therefore contributed to the view that not one but 
several discrete action currents were being recorded. The "refrac- 
tory period" is the time that must elapse after delivering an effec- 
tive stimulus before another response to a second stimulus is 
obtainable from the same point. By applying stimulation at differ- 
ent intervals and studying the resultant wave patterns, the varying 
refractory periods of alpha, beta, etc. were revealed.} 

"Of even greater . . . interest, however, is the experimental 
dissociation of the action current into the several processes of which 
it is composed, that is made possible through the fact that the alpha 
and beta (and gamma) processes have different stimulation thresh- 
olds as well as different refractory phases. If by properly selecting 
the strength of stimulation, an action current consisting solely of 
a maximal alpha process is started in a nerve, and if while the nerve 
still is absolutely refractory to this alpha process it is stimulated a 
second time through the same electrodes with a strong shock, one 
that ordinarily would elicit all of the processes, the action current 
started by the second stimulus will be without an alpha process/' 


The work described above, developed in further detail, led to 
the establishment of a theory of differentiated function. The evi- 
dence presented in the last paragraph above was a strong indication 
that the alpha process resulted from a separate action current in a 
separate division of the nerve i.e., in a particular group of fibers. 


It was concluded as the result of later studies that the thickest, or 
A-fibers, have the highest conduction velocity; that those of Inter- 
mediate size, the B-fibers, have a lower rate; and that the lowest 
rate of all is in the slenderest, the Ofibers. Individual fibers, run- 
ning in the same nerve, were thought to serve different purposes; 
for example, the lowest rate of conduction was found In fibers 
carrying pain impulses. A part of the work, pursued chiefly by 
Gasser, was concerned with the changes of excitability that occur 
at a nerve cross section at which impulses arrive. The arrival of 
one or several impulses to such a region was found to be followed 
by slow changes of excitability associated with slow changes of 
electrical potential. These changes of excitability enhance or depress 
succeeding impulses. It was shown that such "after-potentials" be- 
haved in a different manner in the three main types of fiber, con- 
firming the concept of a high degree of differentiation of the nerve 
fibers for their various tasks. Gasser, however, In his Nobel lecture, 
delivered in December 1945, observed in regard to pain, touch, 
temperature, etc., that "attempts to identify modalities with definite 
segments of the velocity spectrum have not been very successful. 
We are left faced with evidence for conduction of single modalities 
at very different velocities, and inclusion of a number of modalities 
within a narrow band of fibers. What then is the significance of the 
wide velocity range? Is it timing? Reflection on this, the most ob- 
vious Interpretation of all, causes It to loom progressively larger. 
One need but consider the speed with which posture Is controlled 
in preparation for the reception of oncoming detailed Information 
and adjustment of fine movement; or again the mode of transmis- 
sion of excitation through any central ganglion. . . . Differential 
axonal velocities must play their part in the mechanism. Be this 
their only contribution to integration, it Is still a large one." 

Adrian and others had studied responses from a single nerve 
fiber after teasing a nerve until only one fiber remained Intact. In 
the work of Erlanger and Gasser, and especially in the later work 
of Erlanger and Blair, an intact nerve was selected, such as the 
frog's phalangeal nerve, likely to contain a fiber of particular ex- 
citability so that a threshold stimulus would excite that fiber only. 
Thus the investigation of a more nearly physiological condition be- 
came possible with the refined apparatus used. These studies have 


been pursued, as Erlanger stated in his Nobel lecture, delivered in 
1947, "because it is felt . . . that in the investigation of this com- 
paratively simple structure, the nerve fiber, lies the hope of finding 
clues to an understanding of the much more complicated mecha- 
nisms that determine the activities of peripheral and central nervous 



(1881- ) 


(1906- ) 


(1898- ) 

"For the discovery of penicillin and its therapeutic 
effect for the cure of different infectious maladies" 



field, in Ayrshire, Scotland. He obtained Ms general education at 
Loudoun Moor School, Darvel School, Kilmarnock Academy, and 
the London Polytechnic. Before beginning the study of medicine 
he worked for four years in a shipping office. He then began his 
medical education at St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, Univer- 
sity of London. He qualified in 1906 and immediately commenced 
work in Sir Almroth Wright's laboratory in St. Mary's Hospital. 
He has worked at St. Mary's ever since, latterly in the Wright- 
Fleming Institute. He has been professor of bacteriology since 



1929. Fleming has published many articles on immunology, gen- 
eral bacteriology, and chemotherapy. His most important papers 
have dealt with antiseptics, lysozyme (an antibacterial substance 
discovered in 1922), and penicillin. He has consistently made use 
of variations of Wright's technique of the teat and the capillary 
tube (see lecture below) in his studies of human blood. He has 
Been the recipient of many honorary degrees and prizes and was 
jmade Knight Bachelor in 1944. 


Ernst Boris Chain was born on June 19, 1906, in Berlin. Educated 
at the Luisengymnasium, Berlin, he early became interested In 
chemistry and In 1930 was graduated as a chemist from the Fried- 
rich- Wilhelm University. After several years of research work on 
enzymes at the Pathological Institute of the Charite Hospital in 
Berlin he emigrated to England; this was early in 1933, soon after 
the access to power of the Nazi regime in Germany. He spent two 
years In the Cambridge School of Biochemistry, the domain of Sir 
Frederick Gowland Hopkins, whom he greatly admired. In 1935 
he was invited to Oxford by H. W. Florey to develop a chemical 
section In the Department of Pathology. In 1938 he initiated jointly 
with Florey a systematic Investigation of antibacterial substances 
produced by microorganisms. This work led to the reinvestigation 
of penicillin, described nine years earlier by Fleming, and to the 
discovery of its chemotherapeutk action. 


at Adelaide, South Australia. After attending local schools and 
Adelaide University (1916-1921), he went to Magdalen College, 
Oxford, In 1922, as a Rhodes Scholar. He later studied at Cam- 
bridge and at the London Hospital, and was Rockefeller Travelling 
Fellow in the United States, 1925-1926. He became Huddersfield 
Lecturer in Special Pathology, Cambridge, 1927; professor of 
pathology, University of Sheffield, 1931; and professor of pathol- 


ogy, Oxford, 1935. In 1935 he Invited Chain to join him at Ox- 
ford. In 1941 he was elected Fellow of the Royal Society and in 
1944 was made Knight Bachelor. He has received many prizes and 
honorary degrees. In 1944 he was Nuffield Visiting Professor to 
Australia and New Zealand. The subjects of his research have In- 
cluded inflammation, capillary blood circulation, and the functions 
of the lymphocyte. His work on lysozyme led to a general study of 
antibiotics, in association with Chain; this in turn led to the dis- 
covery of the chemotherapeutlc value of penicillin. 




'The origin of penicillin was the contamination of a culture plate 
of staphylococci by a mould. [Staphylococci are among the com- 
mon pus-forming bacteria. A culture plate is a flat, shallow glass 
dish containing a gelatinous solid, commonly agar, on the surface 
of which the bacteria are grown.} It was noticed that for some 
distance around the mould colony the staphylococcal colonies had 
become translucent and evidently lysis [solvent action] was going 
on. This was an extraordinary appearance and seemed to demand 
investigation so the mould was isolated in pure culture and some 
of its properties were determined. 

"The mould was found to belong to the genus penlcllllum and 
it was eventually identified as penicillium notatum. . . . 

"Having got the mould in pure culture I planted It on another 
culture plate and after it had grown at room temperature for 4 or 
5 days I streaked different microbes radially across the plate. Some 
of them grew right up to the mould others were inhibited for a 
distance of several centimetres. This showed that the mould pro- 
duced an antibacterial substance which affected some microbes and 
not others. . . . 

"Then the mould was grown on fluid medium to see whether the 
antiseptic substance occurred in the fluid. After some days the 

* From Alexander Fleming, "Nobel Lecture on Penicillin/' Les Prix Nobel en 
> PP- 155-1^4. 


fluid on which the mould had grown was tested ... by placing 
it in a gutter in a culture plate and then streaking different microbes 
across the plate. The result [indicated] that the microbes which 
were most powerfully inhibited were some of those responsible for 
our most common infections. . . . 

"All the experiments I have cited showed that [penicillin] was 
bacteriostatic, that is, it inhibits the growth of microbes. But I 
showed also that it was bactericidal that it actually killed them. 
Then the very first observation . . . showed that it induced lytic 
changes in the bacteria. Thus it was bacteriostatic, bactericidal and 
bacteriolytic. . . . 

ft l had since the war of 1914/18 been interested in antiseptics 
and in 1924 I described what I think is probably the best experi- 
ment I ever did. This showed up in a dramatic fashion the relative 
activity of a chemical on bacteria and on human leucocytes [white 
blood cells]. 

"Normal human blood has a strong bactericidal power on the 
ordinary cocci ... but this power is completely lost if the leuco- 
cytes are removed from the blood. If defibrinated blood is infected 
with a small number of staphylococci . . . and incubated in a 
capillary space [e.g., a fine glass tube with a hairlike bore] the 
cocci which survive grow out into colonies which can easily be 
enumerated. But only about 5 per cent grow out. If however, phenol 
[carbolic acid] is added to a concentration of i in 600 all the cocci 
grow out freely. Here the phenol in a concentration which does 
not interfere with bacterial growth has destroyed the leucocytes 
which constitute one of our most powerful defenses against infec- 

"I had tested all the chemicals which were used as antibacterial 
agents and they all behaved in the same way in some concentra- 
tion they destroyed leucocytes and allowed bacteria to grow. When 
I tested penicillin in the same way on staphylococcus it was quite a 
different story. The crude penicillin would completely inhibit the 
growth of staphylococci in a dilution of up to i in 1000 when 
tested in human blood [phenol loses its inhibitory power when 
diluted more than 300 times] but it had no more toxic effect on the 
leucocytes than the original culture medium in which the mould 


had been grown. I also injected it into animals and it had appar- 
ently no toxicity. 

"A few tentative trials [on hospital patients] gave favourable 
results but nothing miraculous and I was convinced that ... it 
would have to be concentrated. . . . 

"We tried to concentrate penicillin but we discovered . . . that 
penicillin is easily destroyed . . . and our relatively simple pro- 
cedures were unavailing. . . . 

"In 1929 I published the results which I have briefly given/' 


"It was first established that penicillin was an acid . . . [which, 
extracted from the culture fluid with ether and shaken up with 
dilute aqueous alkali, formed stable salts]. In addition to ether, a 
number of organic solvents . . . could be used to extract the free 
acid form of penicillin. The salts of penicillin were much more 
soluble in water than in the organic solvents, and therefore penicil- 
lin was removed from the organic solvent by about 1/5 to i/io 
the volume of alkali solution. A concentration of penicillin was 
thereby achieved, and by repeating the extraction several times with 
different solvents and at a suitable pH, a considerable purification 
of penicillin and simultaneous reduction of the bulk of liquid was 
obtained. . . . [By drying at low temperature and pressure] a 
preparation of a salt of penicillin was obtained, in powder form, 
which kept its antibacterial activity unchanged for a long time. 

"Chemically, however, the preparation was far from pure, con- 
taining, as is now known, not more than a small percentage of pure 
penicillin. The isolation of penicillin in the pure state from this 
mixture proved a difficult problem because of its instability to- 
wards many reagents and the unfavourable solubilities of the free 
acid and its salts. . . . [By distribution between different solvents 
and water, by adsorption methods, and by a variety of other means, 
later much elaborated, it became possible] to produce penicillin 
preparations from which crystalline salts could be made. The purest 
material obtained at Oxford [1945] has an activity of about i ? ooo 

* From Ernst Chain and H. W. Florey, "The Discovery of the Chemotherapeutic 
Properties of Penicillin," Caribbean Medical Journal, Vol. 7 (i945>, PP- *5i-*55- 


Oxford units per mg., and is capable of inhibiting the growth of 
certain bacteria at a dilution of about 1:50,000,000. . . . [The 
Oxford unit, also called Florey unit, was an arbitrary amount de- 
termined by comparison with a standard preparation.] 

"For the first biological experiments very crude preparations 
were used. ... So great was the antibacterial power of even the 
crudest extracts that at that time not realizing the extraordinary 
potency of penicillin we believed them to be fairly pure. In actual 
fact we know now that they contained about i per cent of pure 
penicillin. . . . 

"It was shown that the extracts were remarkably non-toxic to 
mice. . . . Not only were the extracts relatively innocuous to the 
whole animal, but leucocytes and tissue cultures withstood many 
hundreds of times the concentration needed to inhibit such organ- 
isms as the streptococcus. In light of present knowledge of the gross 
impurity of the original extracts, one can only be thankful that the 
mass of impurities, as well as the penicillin, were so little toxic. 

"Penicillin was readily absorbed in animals after intramuscular 
or subcutaneous injection, and from the small intestine. It could not 
of course be given by mouth because the acid of the gastric juice 
destroyed it, nor by rectum as the bacteria there inactivated it. It 
was largely excreted, still in an active form, in the urine . . . and 
to a certain extent in the bile and saliva. . . . Though penicillin 
was readily soluble and diffusible, it did not pass in detectable 
quantities from the blood into the cerebro-spinal fluid. 

"In agreement with Fleming's observations it was found that the 
action of penicillin was bacteriostatic, in that it merely inhibited 
the growth of organisms and did not kill them quickly, as did 
poisonous antiseptics. . . . Most antibacterial substances such as 
ordinary antiseptics and the sulphonamides are . . . not active in 
the presence of pus, and hence their therapeutic efficacy is severely 
limited. It was therefore a particularly fortunate property of 
penicillin that pus, tissue autolysates [products of the self-digestion 
of cells, called autolysis}, blood and serum had no inhibitory effect 
on its activity. It was found too that the number of organisms 
present had little effect on its inhibitory power again a contrast 
with the sulphonamides. . . . 


"In terms of the labour involved It was ... a big step from 
experiments on mice to making observations on the human subject, 
for the mould produces very little of the active substance. Months 
elapsed before enough material could be accumulated to try the 
first injection on man. 

"Injection in the human subject disclosed that some substance 
was present in the crude penicillin preparations which caused a 
rigor and sharp rise of temperature. This had not been suspected 
from observations on animals. By good fortune the pyrogenic effect 
was not due to the penicillin but to an impurity which could be 

"Insufficient material had been accumulated for the first 2 cases 
treated, and although both patients, who were seriously ill, did 
well for a time, they relapsed and further treatment could not be 
carried out for lack of material. In the course of some months 
enough was accumulated ... to treat by parenteral injection a 
further 18 patients. . . . Toxic reactions, apart from pyrogen, 
were not observed and some striking recoveries of patients Infected 
with staphylococci were obtained. Suitable dosage was worked out 
and the principles of treatment were formulated. At the same time 
penicillin was shown to be valuable for local application in various 
septic conditions. . . /' 


Chain and his colleagues at Oxford began the long and difficult 
task of elucidating the structure of penicillin; this problem was sub- 
sequently taken up elsewhere, chiefly in the United States. Mean- 
while the job of producing penicillin In quantity from the mold 
was undertaken by a number of American pharmaceutical houses, 
at first independently, later under the aegis of the War Production 
Board. The manifold production problems were solved in a surpris- 
ingly short time. 

Penicillin could be used on many cases in which sulf onamldes 
would be ruled out, as on patients with kidney damage and those 
reacting allergically to the "sulf a" drags. Its effectiveness was at 
first hard to evaluate, for insufficient supplies and Insufficient ex- 


perience often resulted in inadequate dosage. It proved effective 
against pneumonia and other diseases due to staphylococci and 
largely beyond the reach of the "sulfas" or any other form of treat- 
ment. It showed itself a powerful weapon against streptococci and 
the bacilli of gas gangrene. It cured gonorrhea rapidly and without 
the sometimes unpleasant reactions due to "sulfa" therapy. It trans- 
formed the treatment of syphilis. It cured a large percentage of 
cases of bacterial endocarditis, a disease previously regarded as 
almost 100 per cent fatal. Although powerless against tuberculosis, 
typhoid fever, and such nonbacterial diseases as malaria and infan- 
tile paralysis, it was shown to have a wide * 'bacterial spectrum" 
and to be the most powerful microbe-killer yet discovered. 

Penicillin nevertheless has its limitations. It is primarily active 
against gram-positive organisms those which take a blue or deep 
violet stain when treated by Gram's differential staining method. 
It has little activity against the gram-negatives the red-staining 
organisms which cause cholera, typhoid, dysentery, and other dis- 
eases. Many of these have since proved susceptible to streptomycin 
and other new agents. Penicillin has acted as a spur to the search 
for these newer antibiotics, of which about half a dozen are now 
in fairly general use, most of them the products of soil bacteria. It 
is now quite common, although still expensive, to give penicillin 
orally, means having been found to prevent its destruction before 
it can act. It was at first supposed that penicillin was quite innocu- 
ous and that all bad effects would vanish as soon as a pure product 
had been obtained. Although it is true that penicillin is remarkably 
nontoxic for a drug of such potency, it is nevertheless not entirely 
free of noxious side effects; these are seldom so serious, however, 
as those which sometimes complicate the use of the sulfonamides. 
A not uncommon, and certainly highly unpleasant, allergic symp- 
tom is a severe urticaria (a reaction in the nature of hives) which 
may persist for days, or even for weeks, after the discontinuance of 
penicillin therapy. Bad reactions to penicillin are annoying, and 
sometimes dangerous, but they are neither frequent enough nor 
serious enough to constitute any considerable limitation on the use 
of the drug. As in the case of the sulfonamides, bacterial genera- 
tions may arise which are penicillin-resistant. 


Despite its various limitations and drawbacks, penicillin remains 
the most important of antibiotic drugs. 


RATCLIFF, J. D. Yellow Magic: The Story of Penicillin (New York: 
Random House, 1945). 



(1890- ) 

'For his discovery of the production of mutations 
by means of X-ray irradiation" 


December 21, 1890. He attended a public primary school in Har- 
lem and the Morris High School in the Bronx. In 1907 he won a 
scholarship for entry into Columbia College, where he became in- 
terested in biology. He attributes his particular interest in genetics 
to reading a book on this subject by R. H. Lock. In 1909 he 
founded a students* biology club, in which Altenburg, Bridges, and 
Sturtevant participated, all destined to be distinguished geneticists. 
After graduation he held first a scholarship, then a teaching fellow- 
ship, in physiology, the latter at Cornell Medical College; he then 
taught zoology at Columbia, 1912-1915. From 1910 on he was a 
member of Morgan's research group (see above, p. 165) and in 
1912 he began to do original research in genetics. From 1915 to 
1918 he was an instructor in the Rice Institute, Houston, under 
Julian Huxley. During this time and the two years following, when 
he instructed at Columbia, he elaborated methods for quantitative 
mutation study. In 1920 he went to the University of Texas as 
associate professor, becoming professor in 1925. His first evidence 
of mutations produced by X rays was obtained in 1926 and pub- 
lished in 1927. In 1932 he was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship 



for a year in Oscar Vogt's Institute in Berlin, in Timofeeff's De- 
partment of Genetics. He then spent more than three years as 
Senior Geneticist at the Institute of Genetics of the Academy of 
Sciences of the U.S.S.R., first in Leningrad, later in Moscow. Then 
followed work in the Institute of Animal Genetics, University of 
Edinburgh (1937-1940), Amherst College (1940-1945) and 
Indiana University, where he accepted a professorship in the 
Zoology Department in 1945. 


"If ... mutations were really non-teleological, with no rela- 
tion between type of environment and type of change, and above 
all no adaptive relation, and if they were of as numerous types as 
the theory of natural selection would demand, then the great 
majority of the changes should be harmful in their effects, just as 
any alterations made blindly in a complicated apparatus are usually 
detrimental to its proper functioning, and many of the larger 
changes should even be totally incompatible with the functioning 
of the whole, or, as we say, lethal. . . . 

"To get exact evidence . . . required the elaboration of special 
genetic methods, adapted to the recognition of mutations that ordi- 
narily escape detection (i) lethals, (2) changes with but small 
visible effects, and (3) changes without any externally visible 
effects but influencing the viability more or less unfavourably, * . 

"It was possible in the first mutation experiments, which [Ed- 
gar] Altenburg and the writer conducted, partly in collaboration, 
in 1918-19, to get definite evidence in Drosophila that the lethal 
mutations greatly outnumbered those with visible effects, and that 
among the latter the types having an obscure manifestation were 
more numerous than the definite conspicuous ones used in ordinary 
genetic work. Visible or not, the great majority had lowered via- 
bility. Tests of their genetic basis . . . showed them to be most 
varied in their locus in the chromosomes, and it could be calcu- 
lated . . . that there must be at least hundreds, and probably 

* From H. J. Muller, "The Production of Mutatioas," Les Prix Nobel en 1946, 
pp. 257-274. 


thousands, of different kinds arising in the course of spontaneous 
mutation. . . 

"Objectivity of recognition, combined with [their greater num- 
ber] . . . made it feasible for lethals to be used as an index of 
mutation frequency. ... In the earliest published work, we ... 
attempted not only to find a quantitative value for the 'normal' 
mutation frequency, but also to determine whether [temperature} 
. . . affected the mutation frequency. . . . The results ... in- 
dicated that a rise of temperature, within limits normal to the 
organism, produced an increase of mutation frequency of about the 
amount to be expected if mutations were, in essentials, orthodox 
chemical reactions. 

". . . Mutations, when taken collectively, should be subject to 
the statistical laws applying to mass reactions, but the individual 
mutation . . . should be subject to the vicissitudes of ultrami- 
croscopic or atomic events. . . . This is a principle which gives 
the clue to the fact . . . that differences in external conditions 
... do not appear to affect the occurrence of mutations, while on 
the other hand, even in a normal and sensibly constant environ- 
ment, mutations of varied kinds do occur. It is also in harmony 
with our finding, of about the same time, that when a mutation 
takes place in a given gene, the other gene of identical type present 
nearby in the same cell usually remains unaffected, though it must 
of course have been subjected to the same macroscopic physico- 
chemical conditions. On this conception, then, the mutations ordi- 
narily result from submicroscopic accidents, that is, from caprices 
of thermal agitation, that occur on a molecular and submolecular 
scale. . . . 

"Now this inference ... led naturally to the expectation that 
some of the 'point effects' brought about by high-energy radiation 
like X-rays would also work to produce alterations in the hereditary 
material. For if even the relatively mild events of thermal agita- 
tion can . . . have such consequences, surely the energetically far 
more potent point changes caused by powerful radiation should 
succeed. And, as a matter of fact, our trials of X-rays . . . proved 
that such radiation is extremely effective, and inordinately more so 
than a mere temperature rise, since by this method it was possible 
to obtain, by a half hour's treatment, over a hundred times as many 


mutations ... as would have occurred . . . spontaneously in 
the course of a whole generation. These mutations too were found 
ordinarily to occur pointwise and randomly, in one gene at a time, 
without affecting an identical gene that might be present nearby 
in a homologous chromosome. 

"In addition to the individual gene changes, radiation also pro- 
duced rearrangements of parts of chromosomes. As our later work 
... has shown, these latter were caused in the first place by 
breakages of the chromosomes, followed afterwards by attach- 
ments occurring between the adhesive broken ends, that joined 
them in a different order than before. The two or more breaks in- 
volved . . . may be far apart, caused by independent hits, and 
thus result in what we call gross structural change. ... By the 
rejoining, in a new order, of broken ends resulting from two . . . 
nearby breaks, a minute change of sequence of the genes is brought 


Possibly the most obvious lesson of Mullens important discovery 
is that "the great majority of mutations being undesirable . . . 
their further random production in ourselves should so far as pos- 
sible be rigorously avoided." It thus "becomes an obligation for 
radiologists ... to insist that the simple precautions are taken 
which are necessary for shielding the gonads. . . . And, with the 
coming increasing use of atomic energy, even for peacetime pur- 
poses, the problem will become very important of insuring that the 
human germ plasm ... is effectively protected from this addi- 
tional and potent source of permanent contamination." 

Other agents were soon found to produce mutations alpha rays, 
neutrons, ultraviolet and infrared light, mustard gas and related 
chemical compounds. The latter were investigated by J. M. Robson 
and C. Auerbach, because Robson had noticed a similarity between 
the effects of mustard gas on the body and those produced by X ray 
and radium. Muller had already inferred that "a large proportion 
... of the somatic effects of irradiation . . . arise secondarily as 
consequences of genetic effects produced in the somatic cells. The 


usefulness of this interpretation has been shown in recent studies 
dealing with improved methods of irradiation of mammalian 
carcinoma." Dr. Muller is also of the opinion that studies in this 
field are "helping to clear the way for an understanding of the 
mechanism by which radiation acts in inhibiting growth, in causing 
sterilization, in producing necrosis [local death of tissue} and 
burns, in causing recession of malignant tissue, and perhaps also, 
on occasion at least, in inducing the initiation of such tissue." 

The importance of the discovery in aiding scientists to under- 
stand the mechanism of evolution has been hinted in the principal 
quotation. Its importance for further studies in genetics is sug- 
gested by MuUer's assertion that "every natural mutation, when 
searched for long enough, is found to be producible also by radia- 
tion." The abundant, if random, production of mutations has 
enormously extended the materials of the geneticist's work. For 
instance, "position effect" (implying that the function of a gene 
is to a certain extent dependent upon what other genes are near 
by) had been observed previously, but it was not known to what 
extent the effect might be a special one until numerous rearrange- 
ments could be studied; this was made possible by irradiation, and 
there is now evidence that "position effect" is a general principle. 
This is one instance only of the way in which Muller's discovery 
has affected genetics. Analysis of the properties of the chromosomes 
and their parts has gained a great deal from studies in which parts 
have been removed, added, or rearranged. Mutations are produced 
at random, but they are so numerous that it is possible to pick out 
those best suited for successive steps in analysis, and the method 
has been applied not only to "pure" genetics but also to studies in 
the biochemical synthesis of amino acids, vitamins, purines, etc. 
By means of induced mutations it has been possible to develop 
strains of fungi which have lost the power to synthesize certain 
substances. Such studies promise to shed more light on synthetic 
processes in the organism and to improve our understanding of 
certain hereditary metabolic disturbances. Hereditary diseases in 
general are ultimately due to mutations. Mutations also determine 
the development of new properties in bacteria, such as resistance 
to particular drags. 


The possibility of applying any influence which will change in- 
dividual genes to order seems very remote, but there has been 
evidence that induced mutations may at times be used for selection 
in artificial breeding. 



(1887- ) 

ff For his discovery of the part played by the hor- 
mone of the anterior pituitary lobe in the metabo- 
lism of sugar" 

(The award for 1947 was shared with C, P. and G. T. Con; 
see below, pp. 248-254.} 


April 10, 1887. His early studies were in a private academy. In 
1901 he was admitted to the School of Pharmacy of the University 
of Buenos Aires, where he was graduated in 1904. He had already 
commenced his work at the medical school, from which he obtained 
his M.D. in 1911 for his thesis on the hypophysis, or pituitary 
body. Before he had completed his medical studies he was ap- 
pointed professor of physiology in the University of Buenos Aires 
School of Veterinary Medicine. In 1919 he resigned this position 
to occupy the chair of physiology in the medical school, as the first 
full-time professor in an Argentine university; he remained as 
professor and director of the Institute of Physiology until 1943. 
Since 1944 Professor Houssay has carried on his research at the 
Institute of Experimental Biology and Medicine, organized with 
the support of private funds. He has worked in almost every field 
of physiology, but has given particular attention to problems of 
endocrinology. From first to last he has never ceased to study the 
functions of the hypophysis. 




"The production and consumption of glucose and hence the 
blood sugar level are controlled by a functional endocrine equilib- 
rium. [The endocrine glands are ductless glands secreting hor- 
mones into the bloodstream.} This mechanism acts on the liver 
the organ which produces and stores glucose and on the tissues 
which are the consumers of glucose, by means of hormones which 
play a part in the chemical processes of carbohydrate metabolism. 

"The secretion of each endocrine organ is controlled by a physi- 
ological mechanism. For instance, the pancreas secretes insulin in 
adequate quantities so as to maintain a normal blood sugar level 
and the blood sugar level regulates the amount of insulin secreted. 
Thus hyperglycemia [high blood sugar} increases the secretion of 
insulin [which lowers the blood sugar}, and hypoglycemia [low 
blood sugar} diminishes or completely inhibits it. ... The ex- 
trinsic innervation of the pancreas is not necessary for the regula- 
tion of insulin secretion [i.e., cutting the nerves has little effect on 
the control of the endocrine part of the gland}. 

"Not only is the secretion of each gland regulated according to 
the organic needs of each moment, but there is also an equilibrium 
between the secretions of the different glands [e.g., those which 
raise blood sugar and those which lower it}. . . , 

"In 1907, when I was a medical student, I was attracted to the 
study of the hypophysis because the microscopic picture showed 
glandular activity and its lesions were accompanied by serious 
organic disturbances, such as acromegaly, dwarfism, etc. [The 
hypophysis, or pituitary body, is a small two-lobed body at the base 
of the brain. Both parts produce hormones. Those of the anterior 
lobe control the thyroid, the sex glands and cortex of the suprarenal 
glands, regulate the , formation of milk and the growth of the 
whole body; Houssay has shown that this anterior lobe also has a 
part in the conversion of sugar. Disordered function in the secre- 
tion of the growth hormone causes acromegaly, a disease described 

* B. A. Houssay, "The Role of the Hypophysis in Carbohydrate Metabolism and 
in Diabetes," Les Prix Nobel en 1947* PP- 129-136. 


by Pierre Marie in 1886, In which there is progressive enlarge- 
ment of the head and face, the hands, feet, and thorax.] 

"The frequency of glycosuria [sugar in the urine] or diabetes in 
acromegaly has been reported many times. . , . Moreover extracts 
of the posterior lobe of the hyphosis produce ... a transitory 
hyperglycemia. Therefore it was commonly accepted that if the 
hypophysis played a part in carbohydrate metabolism, it would 
be due to the activity of its posterior lobe. 

"One year after the discovery of insulin a systematic study of 
the influence of endocrine glands on its activity was organized in 
my laboratory. [When the hypophysis had been removed from 
dogs, a difficult surgical procedure, they were found to be exces- 
sively sensitive to the action of insulin; this was also found in a 
large kind of toad, plentiful in Argentina, which Houssay used in 
many of his experiments. Later he found that administration of 
extract of anterior lobe prevented or corrected this hypersensitive- 
ness to insulin.] The next step consisted in the removal of the 
pancreas in hypophysectomized dogs and toads, ... [A dog 
without a pancreas is diabetic; but removal of the hypophysis or its 
anterior lobe] produced a considerable attenuation of the severity 
of pancreatic diabetes. The injection or implantation of anterior 
hypophyseal lobe reestablished or even increased the usual severity 
of diabetes. , . . 

"Later the diabetogenic [diabetes-producing] effect was also 
demonstrated in dogs with a surgically reduced pancreas or [by 
other workers] with an intact pancreas. A permanent diabetes was 
produced by prolonged treatment with the extract of anterior lobe. 
. . . [This was shown to be due to the damage caused to the /J 
cells, or insulin-secreting cells, of the pancreas.] If after a few 
days the anterohypophyseal treatment is discontinued the diabetic 
condition disappears, the blood sugar returns to a normal level, 
and later the p cells regain their normal aspect. If daily injections 
. are continued for several weeks ... the animals remain 
permanently diabetic." 



The far-reaching importance in animal metabolism of the tiny 
hypophysis has been realized only in the present century. Its rela- 
tion to body growth was first clearly appreciated during the first 
decade of the century, but not until 1944 did H. M. Evans and 
C. H. Li produce the growth hormone in pure form. In the same 
way the influence of the pituitary body on sex functions, although 
perceived about fifty years ago, was not worked out in detail until 
much later. The effect of the hypophysis on the pancreas, although 
surmised, was little investigated or understood before the work 
of Houssay. Beginning in 1924, Houssay demonstrated that an 
animal deprived of its pituitary is abnormally sensitive to insulin; 
that a pituitary extract will offset this effect, showing an anti- 
insulin property; that this influence emanates from the anterior 
lobe of the pituitary; that diabetes caused by removal of the pan- 
creas is distinctly relieved by removal of the pituitary body too; 
and that the diabetogenic (diabetes-producing) capacity of the 
anterior lobe is so great that sufficient quantities of extract in- 
jected into a test animal will evoke the symptoms of diabetes. 

In 1930 P. E. Smith discovered that the anterior lobe of this 
vital organ also has an adrenocorticotropic function i.e., that it 
produces a hormone which stimulates the functional activity of the 
adrenal cortex. This hormone was later isolated and Is known as 
ACTH (see below, p. 282). One of its effects, and doubtless the 
principal one, is to cause the adrenal cortex to secrete cortisone. A 
number of workers investigating the latter substance have reported 
that it possesses a diabetogenic capacity. One might therefore sup- 
pose that the ability of a pituitary extract to influence carbohydrate 
metabolism is actually nothing more than its ability to enlist the 
force of the adrenal cortex. There seems to be evidence, however, 
that this is not the whole story; and among other points it is par- 
ticularly relevant to note here that C. F. and G. T. Cori, who 
received the other half of the 1947 Prize, could show a direct in- 
fluence of pituitary extract on an important step in the body chem- 
istry of carbohydrate an influence reinforced by an extract of the 


adrenal cortex and blocked by insulin. (See below, p. 254.) Hous- 
say had already shown that, whatever the mechanism concerned, 
the diabetes which results from pituitary injections is due to de- 
struction of the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. 

Carbohydrate metabolism is of such enormous importance to the 
body's economy that whatever serves to throw light upon it is a 
useful contribution. Hope of determining the basic cause of dia- 
betes must depend upon increasing knowledge of this exceedingly 
complex mechanism. Houssay has demonstrated a link in the cycle. 
He has also helped to attract further attention to the importance 
of the anterior pituitary, a subject of ever-increasing interest. 


(1896- ) 


(1896- ) 

*Tor their discovery of how glycogen is catalyti- 
cally converted" 

(The award for 1947 was shared with B. A. Houssay; see 
above, pp. 244-248.) 


Austria-Hungary, on December 5, 1896. His father was director 
of the Marine Biological Station in Trieste, and his maternal 


grandfather, Ferdinand Lippich, professor of theoretical physics 
at the German University of Prague, so that he was early subjected 
to influences deriving from both the physical and the biological 
sciences. He attended the Gymnasium at Trieste and studied medi- 
cine at Prague, where he was graduated in 1920. His wartime 
studies were interrupted by service as a lieutenant in the Sanitary 
Corps of the Austrian Army on the Italian front. His collaborative 
scientific work with Gerty Theresa Cori (nee Radnitz) began 
when they were classmates, with a publication on the complement 
of human serum. They were married in 1920. At the Universities 
of Vienna and Graz, Cori devoted the next two years chiefly to 
pharmacology. In 1922 he moved to the United States, becoming 
an American citizen in 1928. From 1922 to 1931 he served as 
biochemist at the State Institute for the Study of Malignant Dis- 
eases in Buffalo, New York. He then joined the faculty of Wash- 
ington University Medical School in St. Louis, first as professor of 
pharmacology and later as professor of biochemistry. His work has 
been centered on enzymes and hormones, particularly in relation 
to carbohydrate metabolism. 


on August 15, 1896. She was privately tutored until the age of ten, 
when she entered a school for girls. In 1914 she enrolled in the 
medical school of the German University of Prague, and in 1920 
she received her doctorate. In the same year she married her class- 
mate, Carl F. Cori, with whom she had already published an 
immunological study. After two years at the Carolinen Children's 
Hospital in Vienna she joined her husband at the State Institute 
for the Study of Malignant Diseases in Buffalo, New York; in 
1931 she accompanied him to the Washington University School 
of Medicine as research associate, and in 1947 she was appointed 
professor of biochemistry. Their joint work has dealt with the 
catalytic and hormonal metabolism of the carbohydrates. 



"The discovery of polysaccharide phosphorylase and glucose- 
i -phosphate [Cori ester] can be traced to systematic work on the 
formation of hexose-6-phosphate in muscle. Of particular impor- 
tance was the fact that the method used for the determination of 
hexose-6-phosphate consisted of two independent measurements, 
one based on the reducing power of the compound and the other 
on its phosphate content, and that there was generally good agree- 
ment between these two measurements. In this manner it was found 
that a number of procedures led to an increase In the hexose-6- 
phosphate content of muscle, among which may be listed anaerobio- 
sis, Injection of epinephrine in intact animals, incubation of 
isolated frog muscle in Ringer's solution containing epinephrine, 
and gastric stimulation of mammalian or frog muscle. 

"Balance experiments during aerobic recovery of previously 
stimulated and isolated frog muscle Indicated that the hexose-6- 
phosphate which disappeared was in large part reconverted to 
glycogen; hence it was made probable that the reaction, glyco- 
gen - glucose-6-phosphate, was reversible. The next step was the 
finding that the increase in hexose-6-phosphate in Isolated frog 
muscle incubated anaerobicaUy with epinephrine was accompa- 
nied by a corresponding decrease in inorganic phosphate. . . . 
Phosphocreatine and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) remained un- 
changed, suggesting that they were not involved In the formation 
of iiexose-6-phosphate, but since their regeneration through lactic 
acid formation was not excluded, the experiments were repeated 
with muscles poisoned with iodoacetate. The results were the same 
as with unpoisoned muscle and it was therefore concluded that 
hexose-6-phosphate was formed from glycogen by esterification 
with inorganic phosphate. . . . 

"The following experiments led to the detection and isolation 
of glucose- 1 -phosphate. Minced frog muscle was extracted 3 times 

* From Carl F. Cori and Gerty T. Cori, "Polysaccharide Phosphorylase," Les Prix 
Nobel en 1947, pp. 216-235. The first quotation is from Part I, by Carl F. Cori; 
the second is from Part II, by Gerty T. Cori. 


with 20 volumes of cold distilled water, a procedure which re- 
moved most of the acid-soluble phosphates normally present la 
muscle, but did not remove glycogen. When the washed residue 
was incubated anaerobically at 20 in isotonic phosphate buffer 
at pH 7.2, some hexosemonophosphate was formed. On addition 
of a catalytic amount of muscle adenylic acid, the formation of 
hexosemonophosphate was very markedly increased. When phos- 
phate was replaced by isotonic KC1, no ester formation occurred. 
The glucose part of the ester could have come only from glycogen, 
and the phosphate part only from the added inorganic phosphate, 
thus confirming the reaction postulated for intact muscle. 

"After short periods of incubation there was much more organic 
phosphate present in the hexosemonophosphate fraction than cor- 
responded to the reducing power of hexose-6-phosphate. Such a 
discrepancy had not been encountered before in analyses of the 
hexosemonophosphate fraction, and since the discrepancy became 
smaller or disappeared completely after longer periods of incuba- 
tion, the formation of a precursor of glucose-6-phosphate was sus- 
pected. Short hydrolysis in NH 2 SO 4 at 100 (conditions under 
which hexose-6-phosphate is not hydrolyzed) revealed the presence 
of a compound which yielded equivalent amounts of fermentable 
sugar and inorganic phosphate. . . . 

'The new phosphate ester was isolated as the crystalline bracine 
salt in a large-scale experiment . . . and identified as glucose- 1- 

"When glucose- 1 -phosphate was added to a cell-free frog or 
rabbit muscle extract, It was converted rapidly to glucose-6-phos- 
phate by an enzyme which was named phosphoglucomutase. It was 
due to the leaching out of the mutase that glucose- 1 -phosphate 
accumulated in minced frog muscle. Mutase is greatly enhanced 
in its activity by magnesium ions. In order to demonstrate the 
formation of glucose- 1 -phosphate from glycogen and inorganic 
phosphate in muscle extract, it was necessary to remove magnesium 
Ions by dialysis. . . . [The chemical properties of the isolated 
ester were determined and it was later synthesized.} 

"The first clue for a possible reversibility of the reaction, glyco- 
gen -f- phosphate -> glucose-i -phosphate, came from the observa- 
tion that addition of glucose- 1 -phosphate to a reaction mixture con- 


taining enzyme, glycogen and phosphate was strongly inhibitory, 
while glucose-6-phosphate had only a weak inhibitory effect on the 
formation of glucose- 1 -phosphate. Further investigation showed 
that conditions for reversibility were unfavourable because the con- 
centration of glucose- 1 -phosphate could not be maintained, owing 
to the activity of phosphoglucomutase. ... It became clear that 
a separation of the two enzymes was necessary in order to investi- 
gate reversibility. A partial separation was first achieved by adsorp- 
tion of phosphorylase on aluminium hydroxide, followed by elu- 
tion with disodium phosphate and dialysis to remove inorganic 
phosphate. When glucose- 1 -phosphate was added to this enzyme 
preparation, inorganic phosphate was set free and a polysaccharide 
was formed in equivalent amounts, showing the reversibility of the 
reaction. . . . Reversibility could also be demonstrated with phos- 
phorylase preparations of heart and brain [and liver}. . . ." 

'The protein fraction of a muscle extract, precipitated by less 
than 0.5 saturation with (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 , showed a marked rise in 
phosphorylase activity per unit of protein over the unfractionated 
starting material. This was however the case only when the enzyme 
was catalyzing the reaction toward the right: 

Glycogen -j- inorganic phosphate ^ glucose- 1 -phosphate 

"When enzyme activity was tested in the opposite direction a 
puzzling difficulty was encountered. Activity set in only after a lag 
period; refractionation of the enzyme increased this lag period from 
minutes to hours and in some preparations completely abolished 
the activity toward polysaccharide formation. . . . 

"Liver phosphorylase, upon salt fractionation, was found to re- 
tain activity toward polysaccharide synthesis. Such preparations 
always contained traces of glycogen, while the purified muscle 
enzyme was free of glycogen. This observation offered a clue. Addi- 
tion of glycogen to the reaction mixture in as low a concentration 
as 10 mg. per cent led to immediate activity of muscle phos- 
phorylase preparations, seemingly inactive when tested without 
glycogen addition. . . . From these observations it followed that 
glycogen was needed for the activity of the enzyme in both direc- 
tions. . . /' 



The chemical changes involved in the contraction and relaxa- 
tion of muscle have long been subjected to careful study (cf. the 
work of Meyerhof, pp. 106-108 above). It seemed probable that 
cyclical changes also occur during periods of rest, a conversion of 
energy taking place in the same way but with less intensity. Ever 
since the discovery of glycogen, or animal starch, by Claude Ber- 
nard, much effort has also been devoted to the study of carbohydrate 
metabolism. In the work of the Coris these two avenues of research, 
already merging, were brought together. The discoveries of these 
workers helped to elucidate specific details of what happens when 
glycogen is changed into sugar and vice versa. Tissues such as 
muscle and liver contain enzyme systems which bring about the 
phosphorylation of both glycogen and glucose. To an understand- 
ing of the phosphorylation of glucose, Meyerhof (1927) was the 
pioneer contributor with his discovery of "hexokinase," which 
later turned out to consist of two enzymes, both present in muscle. 
The phosphorylation of glycogen was explained by the Coris on the 
basis of a somewhat different mechanism. 

As indicated above, they were able to produce from muscle an 
ester of hexose-phosphoric acid in which the phosphoric acid was 
linked to the sugar near carbon atom i. In the presence of muscle 
extract this changed to the 6-ester, the process requiting the pres- 
ence of magnesium and of a special enzyme, phosphoglucomutase. 
When the latter had been destroyed in the presence of phosphor- 
ylase, which causes phosphoric acid to be split off, they were able 
to build up glycogen from Cori ester, thus reversing the process; 
but, as shown in the brief quotation from Gerty T. Cori's Nobel 
lecture, small quantities of glycogen had to be present in order to 
bring about the synthesis. The reaction between the Cori ester and 
the 6-ester was also shown to be reversible. Two of the Coris* 
associates succeeded in converting glucose into a glucose-6-phos- 
phoric acid. 

The Coris further showed that addition of pituitary gland extract 
retarded the synthesis of hexose-6-phospfaate ester, an action 


strengthened by an extract of the adrenal cortex but blocked by 
insulin. In this way they were able to throw light on the chemical 
mechanism by which the hormones concerned in carbohydrate 
metabolism do their work. 



(1899- ) 

f Tor Ms discovery of the high efficacy of DDT as a 
contact poison against several arthropods!' 


Switzerland 5 on January 12, 1899, but lived from the age of four 
or five in Basel. There he went to school and, during 1916-1917, 
worked in industrial chemical laboratories, an experience which he 
considers to have been of great practical value. In 1918 he re- 
turned to secondary school, completing the course in 1919. He 
then began the academic study of chemistry at the University, ob- 
taining his doctorate in 1925, with chemistry as major and physical 
chemistry and botany as minors. In the same year he accepted a 
position as managing chemist with the dye works of the J. R. Geigy 
Company of Basel. There he has worked not only on dyes and 
insecticides but also on disinfectants and tanning agents. DDT was 
synthesized and its effects discovered in the autumn of 1939, but 
the first commercial DDT insecticides did not appear until 1942. 
During the Second World War and since, such insecticides have 
found world-wide use for a broad range of agricultural and 
hygienic purposes. 




"The composition of important vitamins and hormones, as well 
as bacteriostatic substances such as penicillin, streptomycin, etc., 
... has been made clear, and some have since been synthesized. 
But despite all these successes, we are still far from knowing how 
to predict, with any degree of reliability, what physiological effect 
to anticipate from a given composition. . . . 

"The relationships are still more difficult in the field of artificial, 
and particularly synthetic, insecticides. . . . 

"When I began, about 1935, on behalf of my firm, the J. R. 
Geigy Company of Basel, to work in the field of insecticides and 
especially the insecticides important for agriculture, the situation 
looked hopeless. There already existed an immense literature in this 
field, and a flood of patents had been taken out. But of the many 
patent insecticides there were practically none on the market, and 
special experiments indicated that they were not equal in value to 
. . . arsenicals, pyrethrum [etc.]. 

"That gave me the courage to work on. But just the same the 
chances were very bad, for only an exceptionally cheap or unusually 
effective insecticide could have any prospect of finding applica- 
tion in agriculture, yet the demands which must be made on an 
insecticide for agriculture are especially severe. ... I reflected 
about what my ideal insecticide must be like and what character- 
istics it should have. I soon perceived that a contact insecticide 
would have a far better chance than a food poison. The character- 
istics of this ideal insecticide must be as follows: 

"i. Great toxiclty for insects, 

"2. Rapid commencement of toxic effect, 

"3. Little or no toxicity for warm-blooded animals and plants, 

"4. No irritant effect and no smell, or a faint and at any rate not 
unpleasant one, 

"5. The range of effectiveness should be the greatest possible, 
and extend to the largest possible number of arthropods [joint- 

* Translated from Paul Miiller, "Dichlordiphenyltrichlorathan. und neuere In- 
sektizide," Les Prix Nobel en 1948, pp. 122-132, 

I94 8: PAUL MULLER 257 

footed invertebrate animals, including crustaceans, insects, centi- 
pedes, and arachnoids spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks], 

"6. Long duration of effect i.e., great chemical stability, 

"7. Low price = economic use. . . . 

"To begin with, at all events, it was a question of finding a sub- 
stance with great effect as a contact insecticide. . . . My bio- 
logical tests were carried out in a large glass case . . . into which 
I shot a fine spray of the substance to be tested in a nonpoisonous 
solvent. . . . 

"After the fruitless testing of hundreds of different substances, 
I realized that it is not easy to find a good contact insecticide. In the 
field of science one attains something only through obstinacy and 
steadfast work. . . . 

"It was known to me from earlier research that compounds with 
the group CH 2 C1 . . . often show definite effectiveness. From 
work on moth repellents carried out in our firm at this time by 
Dr. H. Martin and his co-workers, in which I myself had no share, 
it was known to me that compounds with the general formula: 

Cl X Cl, X = SO 2 , SO, S, O, etc. 

often showed quite considerable effect as food poison for moths. 

"In studying the literature I came across an article by Chattaway 
and Muir ... in which the formation of diphenyltrichloroethane 
is described : 

/ \-CH~ 

CC1 3 

I recollected my old research with substances containing the 
CH 2 C1 group . . . and I was curious as to what possible influ- 
ence the =CC1 3 group would have on the contact-insecticide effect. 
"The substance was produced in September 1939 and the test 
gave a very considerable contact-insecticide effect on flies. I began 
to make derivatives of this basic formula, and, influenced I dare- 
say by the results of the work on moth repellents, I synthesized the 
pjp'-dichlor-compound : 

CC1 3 


"This compound, which had already been brought forward by an 
Austrian student in the course of his dissertation in 1873, had now 
such a strong contact-insecticide effect as I had never observed in 
any substance thus far. After a short time my fly chamber was so 
much poisoned that after it had apparently been carefully cleansed, 
new flies perished from contact with the walls without spraying of 
the substance. . . . [This effect persisted for about a month.] 

"Other insects were tested later. . . . The new compound was 
everywhere effective, although often death first occurred after some 
hours or even days. . . . [DDT was found to fulfill all but the 
second of Muller's seven desiderata of the ideal insecticide: its 
action, although very powerful, is not immediate, and it is therefore 
often combined with a "knockdown" such as pyrethrum.} 

"Finally the laboratory results were confirmed by field research 
. . . and it was found that the effect against Colorado beetles lasts 
four to six weeks. . . . 

"The DDT insecticides have now been introduced into all pos- 
sible spheres of insect control, for example in hygiene, in the safe- 
guarding of textiles and provisions, and in the protection of 


It is hardly necessary to expatiate on the significance of Dr. 
Muller's discovery. As shown above, the primary aim was to find a 
good agricultural insecticide; this aspect of the success attained is 
not without importance, from the nutritional point of view, for 
world health. Effectual control of flies has had a more direct bear- 
ing on medicine in the reduction of fly-borne diseases. Most dra- 
matic of the triumphs of DDT has been its success against typhus. 
In October 1943 a typhus epidemic broke out in Naples under 
conditions which made control seem impossible. In January 1944, 
when sixty new cases were appearing daily, use of DDT was begun 
on a large scale for delousing the population. In three weeks 
1,300,000 persons were deloused and the outbreak was stopped. 
Never before in history had it been possible to check a winter 
epidemic of typhus. This experience was repeated in Japan three 

1948: PAUL MULLER 259 

months after the occupation. Miiller thus provided a corollary of 
the greatest importance to the work of the 1928 Nobel laureate, 
Charles Nicolle, who discovered that typhus is conveyed by lice 
(see above, pp. 130-133). DDT has similarly proved of great 
value in preventing malaria and other diseases spread by arthro- 
pods. The discovery has also been a stimulus for further work in 
synthesizing chemical compounds to control plant and animal 
parasites and to destroy the vectors of disease. 


WEST, T. F., AND CAMPBELL, G. A. D.D.T. and Newer Persistent In- 
secticides (London, 2nd ed., 1950). 



(1881- ) 

ff For Ms discovery of the functional organization 

of the interbrain as a coordinator of the activities 

of the internal organs." 

{The award for 1949 was shared with Egas Moniz; see be- 
low, pp. 264-271.) 


Frauenfeld, a town in eastern Switzerland. He was fortunate in his 
early training, which combined expeditions into the woods and 
fields with elementary instruction in physical science by his father, 
who permitted him great freedom in the use of scientific apparatus. 
He matriculated in 1900 at the Gymnasium of his native town, 
thereupon beginning the study of medicine, which he pursued in 
Lausanne, Berne, Berlin, Kiel, and Zurich; his medical doctorate 
was granted by the latter university in 1906. Although attracted 
to physiology early in his medical course, he turned to ophthalmol- 
ogy on graduation and practiced his specialty until 1912. In that 
year, although already the father of a family, he gave up a success- 
ful practice to devote himself to the study of physiology, principally 
in Bonn. In 1917 he was appointed director of the Physiological 
Institute in Zurich. Further advanced study, postponed by the First 
World War, took him to England, where he came under the in- 
fluence of Langley, the great pioneer in the study of the autonomic 


1949 : HESS AND MONIZ 261 

nervous system, Sherrington, Starling, Hopkins, and Dale. His 
research was at first directed to hemodynamics (study of the blood 
pressure), then to the regulation of breathing, and finally to the 
central control of the internal organs in general through the vegeta- 
tive, or autonomic, nervous system. He worked out a technique for 
applying pin-point electrical stimulation to specific areas in the 
brain, using fine electrodes (0.2 mm. in diameter), insulated ex- 
cept at their very tips. He could thus produce strictly localized 
stimulation and also localized destruction of brain tissue. His in- 
vestigations in this field were rewarded by the discoveries for 
which he was given the Nobel Prize. In addition to the work under 
review, Hess made early contributions to the study of blood 
viscosity (1907-1920) and squint (Hess screen, 1911). 


"In contrast with the very extensive . . investigation of the 
vegetative [i.e., involuntary or autonomic] nervous system, there 
existed relatively limited knowledge of the central organization of 
the whole regulating apparatus. ... It had nevertheless become 
clear that ... the parts of the brain joined from above directly 
to the spinal marrow the medulla oblongata and the portion lying 
immediately under the cerebrum, the so-catted interbrain exert a 
decisive influence on the vegetative regulations. . . . [Something 
was known in this connection of the function of a group of nuclei 
at the base of the brain referred to collectively as the hypothala- 
mus.} But up to the time the special investigations were started, 
what still lay in the dark was the relation of particular functions 
to definite morphological substrata. ... To achieve clarity on 
this point, so far as possible, was the problem I duly set my- 
self. . . . 

"The autonomic nervous system is divided into two parts: the 
sympathetic, arising from cells in the thoracic and upper lumbar 
region of the spinal cord; and the parasympathetic, arising from 
cells in the midbrain, the medulla oblongata, and the lower, or 

* Translated from W. R. Hess, "Die zentrale Regulation der tatlgkelt innerer 
Organe," Les Prix Nobel en 1949* PP- 115-123. 


sacral, region of the spinal cord. There is also evidence that the 
sympathetic has a control center in the hypothalamus. The two 
divisions of the system have different, and usually opposite, effects 
on the organs and vessels they innervate.] Those functions which 
are mediated by the sympathetic division of the vegetative nervous 
system are related to a part, extending from posterior to middle 
... of the hypothalamus. This is therefore to be considered the 
central 'source/ so to speak, of the sympathetic. To give complete 
physiological meaning to this discovery calls for further explana- 
tion. . . . The question has ... arisen whether a circumscribed 
effect is associated with the classical sympathetic, denned primarily 
by the limitation of its root zone to the thoracic spinal marrow. 
.... Where the sympathetic takes effect, it sustains the efficiency 
of the body and helps the organism to better success through com- 
ing to terms with its environment. It is functional insofar as it 
comprises an ergotropic or dynamogenic [i.e., energizing or work- 
producing} system. But with this knowledge further experiences 
fit in, of particular interest to the psychiatrist, but also to anyone 
who is aware that behind the diversity of phenomena stands the 
unity of the organism. Stimulations in a circumscribed area of the 
ergotropic (dynamogenic) zone regularly induce a distinct change 
of mood. Thus a previously good-natured cat becomes angry; she 
begins to mew and spit, and on someone's approach she turns to 
a well-directed attack. While the pupils widen markedly, and at 
the same time the hair stands on end, a picture develops such as the 
cat shows when she is attacked by a dog and is unable to elude him. 
The widening of the pupils and bristling of the hair are quite com- 
prehensible as sympathetic effects; but the same does not hold good 
for the change in psychic attitude. . . . 

[Space does not permit listing all the various effects produced 
by the pin-point electrical stimulation of different centers. When 
the electrode is placed a little farther forward than in the experi- 
ment just described, a general relaxation of skeletal muscles ensues. 
Not far away is another center which when stimulated soon brings 
on what appears to be a perfectly natural sleep. From various 
sharply limited areas it is possible to influence blood circulation and 
breathing, salivation and heat regulation, etc.} 

"In each case collective symptoms appear. [Several activities are 

1949 : HESS AND MONIZ 263 

initiated at the same time, as in the case of the angry cat, to bring 
about a coordinated response.] Groups of organs are called into 
action, and in such a way that the separate effects are com- 
bined. . . ." 


Professor Hess is one of the group of modern investigators (stu- 
dents of the nervous system and the endocrine glands) who have 
contributed to present knowledge of the integrated action of the 
body of the way in which the organism mobilizes its force and 
reacts, as a whole, to routine demands made upon it, and especially 
to emergencies. The mechanism of the body's reactions, both nerv- 
ous and hormonal, to unusual stress is today one of the most actively 
cultivated and most promising fields of research. 

Since the internal organs, such as the blood vessels, heart, lungs, 
and digestive tract, are chiefly controlled by the autonomic nerv- 
ous system, it is obviously of prime importance to know as much 
about this system as possible. Dr. Hess has greatly extended the 
knowledge of the subject contributed by W. H. Gaskell, J. N. 
Langley, and others. It is such knowledge which underlies modern 
surgery in this field. Sympathectomies (eradications of parts of the 
system) have been used in the treatment of angina pectoris, essen- 
tial hypertension, certain forms of disease in the blood vessels of 
the extremities, and a variety of other conditions. The regulation 
of blood pressure to meet the varying demands of the body occa- 
sioned by changes in external and internal environment is depend- 
ent in large part on sympathetic regulation, and it is known that 
injuries, encephalitis, and tumors which damage the central control 
areas occasionally cause profound blood-pressure changes. Other 
sympathetic effects have also been attributed to such causes. 

Current teaching of the functions of the hypothalamus is based 
largely on American and British work. The distinctive feature of 
Hess's approach to the problem is his use of the intact, unnarcotized 
animal. His method is to place steel-needle electrodes in the brain 
tinder anesthesia, and to fasten them in place by fixing them to a 
frame, which in turn is attached to the skull itself. The actual ex- 


periments in stimulation of brain centers are performed later with- 
out anesthesia. In this way the effects both of anesthesia and of 
operative trauma are eliminated and the experiments approach 
more nearly the ideal physiological condition. 

It is likely that these experiments, constituting basic research in 
physiology, will assume greater significance as more is learned of 
further nerve communications, especially with the higher brain 
centers, and as the mechanism of integrated action and the response 
to stress are made clearer. Hess himself looks to electroencephalog- 
raphy (the study of "brain waves") and to biochemistry to answer 
the "where" and "how/' remarking that it is characteristic of 
work of this kind to raise new questions. 


MCDONALD, D. A. "W. R. Hess: The Control of the Autonomic 
Nervous System by the Hypothalamus," The Lancet, Mar. 17, 1951, 
pp. 627-629. 


(1874- ) 

"For Ms discovery of the therapeutic value of pre- 

frontal leucotomy in certain psychoses" 

(The award for 1949 -was shared with W. R. Hess; see 

above, pp. 260-264.) 


at Avanga, Portugal, on November 29, 1874. A student of the 
medical faculty of Coimbra, he continued his work there, becom- 


ing professor in 1902. In 1911 he became the first occupant of the 
new chair of neurology in Lisbon. For many years, partly in col- 
laboration with Almeida Lima, he devoted himself to angiography, 
the visualization of blood vessels, especially those of the brain, 
after the injection into an artery of a substance opaque to X rays. 
In this field he was a pioneer, for he obtained the first "arterio- 
graph" in man. In 1931 he published a large volume on the diag- 
nosis of cerebral tumors by this method. In 1936 appeared the 
first memoir on prefrontal leucotomy. He is also the author of 
several other volumes on various aspects of medicine, including 
clinical neurology, sexual physiology and pathology, and medical 
history, and has produced literary and political writings. Dr. Moniz 
has taken an active part in the political life of Portugal. He was 
deputy in several legislatures from 1903 to 1917, Portuguese Min- 
ister in Madrid in 1917, Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1917-1918, 
and president of the Portuguese delegation to the Paris Peace 
Conference, 1918. 


"It was no sudden inspiration which caused me to work out the 
surgical operation which I named 'prefrontal leucotomy.' I already 
laid stress on this fact in my first publication in 1936 and also 
in my first monograph, which I published in Turin in 1937. 

"As an adherent of the doctrine of Ramon y Cajal [see above, 
pp. 36-37] and on the basis of the theory regarding the con- 
nections of the nerve cells, I turned my attention to the origin of 
normal and pathological psychic activity and its dependence on 
the neurons. The impulses course along the fibrils through the 
neurons. Changes are brought about at the synapses which influ- 
ence many other cells. 

"I pondered, along with the activity of the brain in normal 
psychic life, the changes which are displayed in most psychoses and 
which heretofore still had no anatomico-pathological explanation. 
I was particularly struck by the fact that the psychic life in some 

* Translated from Egas Moniz, "Mela Weg zur Leukotomie," Deutsche medi- 
zmhche Wockenscbrift, Vol. 73 (*948), PP- 581-583. 


mental diseases here I thought especially of the compulsive psy- 
choses and melancholia is constricted to a very small circle of 
thoughts, which master all others, recurring again and again in the 
sick brain, and I sought to find an explanation for this. 

"JTA section on the general anatomy of the nervous system fol- 
lows.] Starting from [the] anatomical facts I came to the conclu- 
sion that synapses, which are found in millions of instances, are 
the organic foundations of thought. [A synapse is the close ap- 
proximation or contact of processes of different nerve cells; it is the 
point of functional linkage between one nerve cell and another.] 
"The normal psychic life depends on good synaptic function, 
and psychic disturbances arise as consequences of synaptic dis- 
turbances. . . . 

"If the fibrils become sick or the in-between substance suffers a 
change . . . the passage of the impulses is more difficult as a 
result of the more or less complete interruption of coherence. In 
other cases the [terminations] adhere to the cells with abnormal 
firmness and the impulses then always take their course along the 
same paths and always find their expression in the same psychic 
manifestations. I explain in this way the perseverance of the 
same morbid thoughts, which constantly reinvade the diseased 
psyche. ..." 

[The author next discusses the nature of the nerve impulse and 
the factors determining the course it takes. He gives a brief ac- 
count of Pavlov's work on the conditioned reflex to indicate that 
new association pathways may be set up. He also discusses the 
anatomy of the pref rontal lobe, defining it for his own purposes as 
the region lying in front of the motor area. He points out that its 
functions are not definitely localized, as are those of the motor 

"The pref rontal region is closely associated with the psychic 
phenomena and has a less autonomous function than the so-called 
brain centers. Its activity depends on the enormous number of 
synapses of innumerable neurons which are concerned in the forma- 
tion of the psychic phenomena. 

"The functions of the prefrontal lobe can be established in the 
higher mammals experimentally and in man through clinical find- 

1949 : HESS AND MONIZ 267 

"The classical experiments of Bechterew and Luzaro are worthy 
of mention. They found that after removal of the pref rontal lobe 
in dogs the dogs became aggressive, irritable, and impulsive. Their 
capacity for adaptation was diminished. These findings were con- 
firmed by the experiments of other authors. 

"Very valuable are the experiments of Fulton and Jacobsen with 
chimpanzees previously trained. They found that a unilateral exci- 
sion of the pref rontal areas produced no important change. Bilateral 
removal of this region, however, always produced an alteration 
in the behavior of the animal. After extensive destruction it be- 
came impossible to elicit from the animals the performances of 
their old training. . . . 

"These facts are in accord with what has been established in 
humans. Clinical experience has yielded valuable results for the 
solution of this important problem. . . . {Evidence is derived 
from injuries, tumors, and surgical removals.} 

"A whole frontal lobe, as is well known, can be removed with- 
out considerable consequences for the psychic life. This can at 
most bring about for the first few days a disorientation for space 
and time, which, however, gradually disappears again (Penfield). 

"Richard Brickner's case is extremely important. This author 
made a detailed psychiatric investigation in a patient from whom 
Dandy had to take out important parts of both anterior lobes in 
order to remove an extensive meningeoma [a tumor of the mem- 
branous envelope of the brain}. 

"At first there occurred a loss of knowledge earlier acquired. 
But the patient little by little adapted himself again to his environ- 
ment, despite clearly existing difficulties: character changes, dimin- 
ished intelligence, etc. According to Brickner the patient later 
recovered the same personality as before the operation and retained 
his 'personality type/ 

"Prefrontal leucotomy gave still more exact findings regarding 
the function of the frontal brain. But that is already history and I 
should like to speak now of the time before the operation which 
concerns us here was carried out. I should like, so to speak, stand- 
ing on this side of the bank, to give an account of the reasons 
which induced me to cross the river. 


"People who suffer from melancholia and are tormented by un- 
happy compulsive ideas, and for whom a medical treatment, a shock 
treatment or psychotherapy, is of no use, live in everlasting anguish 
on account of a thought, perpetually present, which overtops all 
the cares of daily life. 

". . . These morbid ideas are deeply rooted in the synaptic 
complex which regulates matters of knowledge in the conscious- 
ness, stirs these up, and keeps them in constant activity. 

"All these considerations led me to the following conclusion: 
It is necessary to alter the synaptic arrangements and thus the paths 
which are selected by the impulses in their continual course; there- 
by the corresponding thoughts are altered and forced into other 

"On these grounds, after two years' deliberation, I determined 
to sever the connecting fibers of the neurons in question. In the 
conviction that the prefrontal lobes are very important for the 
psychic life, I chose this region for my experiment. . . . Through 
complete alteration of the existing fiber arrangements, and organ- 
ization of other synaptic fiber groups, I believed that I could 
transform the synaptic reactions and thereby cure the patient, 

"Since my plan was to do away with a large number of associa- 
tions, I preferred to attack the cell-connecting fibers of the anterior 
parts of both lobes of the frontal brain *en masse/ in order to 
obtain positive results. At first alcohol injections were used for the 
destruction, later I performed incisions with the leucotome, a 
small apparatus designed for this purpose. The white matter of 
the brain has only a limited blood supply and the operation ought 
on that account to be free from danger. Everything was done with 
the greatest care in order to protect the patient's life. 

"Permit me to reproduce here a short paragraph from my book 
Tentatzves operatoires, which is a cornerstone of my work. 

" 'On the eve of my first experiment I had to begin with a justi- 
fied anxiety. But all fears were put aside by the hope of obtaining 
favorable results. If we were able to do away with certain psychic 
symptom-complexes through destruction of the cell-connecting 
groups, then we would demonstrate conclusively that the psychic 
functions and the regions of the brain which contribute to their 

I949 : HESS AND MONIZ 269 

manifestation are in close relation to one another. That would be 
a great step forward and a fundamental fact for building the 
investigation of the psychic functions on an organic basis/ 

"And this page concluded thus: 

" 'We are sure that this operation will produce a strong discus- 
sion in medical, psychiatric, philosophic, and other fields. We 
expect that, but at the same time we hope that this discussion will 
serve the progress of science, and above all that it will be of use to 
mentally ill patients/ 

"So we went to work with our outstanding co-worker, Almeida 
Lima, whom we are obliged to thank for a large part of the pioneer 
work. The first alcohol injection into the white matter of the pre- 
frontal lobe was made on November 12, 1935, and the first opera- 
tion with the leucotome was carried out on December 27 of the 
same year. We obtained cure and improvement, but no mischance 
which would have compelled us to give up our work." 


As the founder of modern psychosurgery, Egas Moniz opened 
a new chapter in the surgery of the brain. Sir Victor Horsley 
(1857-1916), famous for his work on cerebral localization, had 
devised an operation for resecting an area of brain cortex to relieve 
convulsive movements of the arm. There had been other operations 
of like nature, but concerned, as was Horsley's, with the motor part 
of the brain. Aside from these, the great brain surgeons, such as 
Harvey Gushing, had been chiefly occupied in operations to mini- 
mize the damage of brain injuries, or to remove brain tumors. 
Interference with the parts of the brain controlling psychic func- 
tions had never been attempted in a rational manner before 1935, 
except when these parts were affected by injury or tumor. 

Psychosurgery has since undergone great technical evolution. 
There are at least six types of operation on the frontal lobe cur- 
rently in use for the treatment of mental disorders. These are all, 
however, variations on the basic method of Egas Moniz, for the 
common feature in all such procedures is the interruption of frontal 
lobe fibers. 


Dr. Walter Freeman and Dr. James Watts, having performed 
a large number of these operations by the lateral approach through 
the temple, devised a somewhat simpler procedure, the transorbital 
lobotomy, so called because the instrument is inserted through the 
eye socket. "Open" operations have also been worked out, involv- 
ing greater exposure and aiming at better control through a direct 
view of the field; these require removal of a piece of the skull 
rather than the mere drilling of a hole. "Selective cortical under- 
cutting/* developed by Dr. William B. Scoville, of Yale, implies 
a selective local cut where the grey matter of the brain joins the 
major white fibers. This is supposed to work as well as the more 
radical division of the latter, but to cause fewer side effects. 

When psychosurgery is used in a long-standing and badly de- 
generated case of schizophrenia, the side effects may hardly be 
noticed. In less severe cases they are of great importance and con- 
stitute psychosurgery' s principal drawback. Compulsive worries, 
morbid thoughts, and terrible anxieties may be abolished or greatly 
weakened. It appears that the inevitable price for this relief, at 
least when the more radical measures are used, is a certain blunt- 
ing of personality. This effect, as Dr. Edward K. Wilk observes, 
"reveals itself in the higher realms of creative imagination, fore- 
sight, ambition and social sensitivity/* It is for this reason that 
psychosurgery remains a last resort in mental cases, to be employed 
only when all other treatments have failed. 

The results reported for the different operations vary consider- 
ably; results also vary in different examples of the same operation. 
Broadly speaking it may be said that about one third of psycho- 
surgery patients improve sufficiently to go home, one third are 
improved but have to be kept in a hospital, and one third show no 

1949 : HESS AND MONIZ 271 


FULTON, J. F. Frontal Lobotomy and Affective Behaviour, A Neuro- 
fbysiological Analysis (New York; Norton, 1951). 

- , "Surgery of Mental Disorder," McGill Medical Journal, Vol. 

17 (1948), pp. 1-13- 

GREENBLATT, M., R. ARNOT, AND H. C. SOLOMON, eds. Studies in 
Lobotomy (New York: Grune and Stratton, 1950). 

"Symposium: A Psychiatric Evaluation of Psychosurgery," Surgery, 
Gynecology and Obstetrics, Vol. 92 (1951), pp. 601-617. (A popu- 
lar abstract appeared in Time, May 28, 1951, pp. 38-40.) 



(1886- ) 


(1896- ) 


(1897- ) 

ff For their discoveries concerning the suprarenal 
cortex hormones, their structure and biological 




Connecticut, on March 8, 1886. His advanced education was pur- 
sued at Columbia University, where he received the B.S. degree 
in 1908 and the M.S. the following year. He was Goldschmidt 
Fellow in 1909-1910, and obtained his Ph.D. in chemistry in 
1910. For a short time (1910-1911) he was research chemist with 
Parke, Davis and Company in Detroit. From 1911 to 1914 he 
worked in St. Luke's Hospital, New York City. Since 1914 he has 
been professor of physiological chemistry and head of the Section 



of Biochemistry in the Graduate School at the Mayo Foundation, 
Rochester, Minnesota. 

In 1914 Kendall was able to isolate the active constituent of 
the thyroid hormone, a substance he called thyroxin. Its structure 
was determined partly by Kendall, partly by C. R. Harrington; 
Harrington and G. Barger were responsible for its definitive syn- 
thesis in 1926. Apart from his work in this field, Kendall has 
been occupied chiefly with studies of oxidation in the animal 
organism, glutathione,* and the isolation and synthesis of hor- 
mones of the adrenal cortex. 


February 28, 1896. He was graduated (A.B.) from Lafayette Col- 
lege in 1916 and took the M.D. in 1920. From 1921 to 1924 he 
was fellow at the University of Minnesota. He received the M.S. 
degree in 1931. In 1928-1929 he worked in Freiburg and in von 
Miiller's Clinic in Munich. At the Mayo Clinic he was first assist- 
ant in medicine from 1923 to 1925, associate from 1925 to 1926, 
consultant and head of the Section for Rheumatic Diseases from 
1926 on. At the Graduate School of the Mayo Foundation he was 
instructor in medicine from 1928 to 1932, assistant professor from 
1932 to 1935, and associate professor from 1935 to 1947. He has 
been professor since 1947. Dr. Hench has devoted the greater part 
of his career to the study of rheumatic diseases, 


wek, Poland. He passed most of his early childhood at Kiev, where 
his father worked as an engineer. In 1905 the family moved to 
Berlin and later to Zurich, where they settled permanently and 
acquired Swiss citizenship in 1914. After private tutoring, Reich- 
stein entered the Zurich Oberrealschule (technical school of 
junior college grade) and then the Eidgenossische Tedmischc 

* An important substance in oxidatioa-reduction, discovered by another Nobel 
laureate, F. G. Hopkins. See above, p. 136. 


Hochschule (state technical college), where he obtained his first 
degree, in chemical engineering, in 1920. After a year in industry 
he returned to E.T.H., receiving the doctor's degree in organic 
chemistry in 1922. He then worked for some years on an industrial 
project, a study of the aromatic substances of roasted coffee. In 
1930 he became a part-time instructor at E.T.H., and in 1931 was 
appointed Leopold Ruzicka's assistant. His later appointments in 
the Department of Organic Chemistry at E.T.H. assistant profes- 
sor, 1934, and associate professor, 1937 were followed by his 
selection in 1938 as head of the Department of Pharmacology and 
director of the Pharmaceutical Institute, University of Basel. Since 
1946 he has been head of the Organic Division in the same univer- 
sity and director of its organic laboratories. Independently of Sir 
Norman Haworth and his associates in Birmingham, Reichstein 
succeeded in synthesizing ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in 1933. This 
was his best-known work prior to his Nobel Prize investigations 
in the chemistry of adrenal cortical hormones. 




"Of the several ductless glands, the adrenal cortex is the last to 
yield its secrets to the investigator. The essential work on the pan- 
creas was done in a matter of months, and insulin was made avail- 
able to clinical medicine within less than a year. It required only 
a few years to complete the work on the parathyroid, adrenal 
medulla, and the male and female sex hormones, but eighteen years 
passed from the time the physiologic activity of the adrenal cortex 
was first demonstrated until cortisone was available for use in 
clinical medicine. This is a measure of the unprecedented difficul- 
ties which had to be surmounted. 

"Investigations of the adrenal cortex carried out during the 
decade 1930-1940 by Wintersteiner and Pfiffner, Reichstein and 

* E. C, Kendall, "Cortisone Its Historic Development and Certain Chemical 
and Biochemical Aspects," The Merck Report, Vol. 59, No. 4 (Oct. 1950), 
pp. 4-8. 


his associates, and in my laboratory, resulted in the isolation of no 
less than 28 crystalline compounds. Of these only four showed 
significant physiologic activity when tested in small animals. These 
compounds were designated in my laboratory by the letters A, B, 
E, and F. . . . 

"No sharp qualitative difference was found between the physi- 
ologic activity of these four compounds on adrenalectomized ani- 
mals [animals with the adrenal glands removed}, and it was 
assumed that any one of them could be used in substitution therapy 
for patients with Addison's disease {adrenal insufficiency, usually 
due to tuberculosis of the glands}. Unfortunately, the supply of 
these four hormones was so limited that it was impossible to carry 
out an investigation on the human being. For example, the amount 
of compound A which could be isolated from half a ton of adrenal 
glands of cattle was equivalent to only one small tablet. The supply 
of adrenal glands was necessarily limited to the number of cattle 
slaughtered, and the amounts of compounds A, B, E, and F which 
could be obtained in the laboratory were, therefore, insignificantly 

"The most significant physiologic properties of these compounds 
were their strong effect on the metabolism of carbohydrate and 
protein, and their rather mild influence on the metabolism of water 
and electrolytes. These two types of physiologic activity were clearly 
recognized, and were associated with the chemical structure of 
these hormones some time before 1940. 

"There was speculation that compounds A, B, E> and F would 
be of value for substitution or replacement therapy in Addison's 
disease, and there was hope that they would be useful in the treat- 
ment of shock, traumatic injuries, burns, and some types of infec- 
tion; but beyond this there was no projected place for any product 
of the adrenal cortex in clinical medicine. The prospect that the 
hormones of the adrenal cortex would have but limited application 
against disease offered no encouragement toward making these 
compounds available in quantity for study in clinical medicine. 

"However, World War II provided a great impetus to efforts to 
synthesize and produce these hormones on a krge scale. Shortly 
before the entry of the United States into World War II, it was 
thought that adrenal cortical hormones might be valuable in avia- 


tion medicine and in the treatment of shock and battle fatigue. 
There were rumors that Germany was buying the adrenal gland 
output of Argentine slaughterhouses, extracting these glands, and 
administering the extracts to Luftwaffe pilots. According to these 
rumors, the adrenal extracts enabled the pilots to fly and fight at 
altitudes of forty thousand feet without difficulty. Though untrue, 
the rumors persisted and provided a real stimulus to attempts to 
synthesize adrenal cortical hormones. 

"In 1941, the National Research Council placed three subjects 
at the top of its war agenda, in this order: (i) hormones of the 
adrenal cortex, (2) penicillin, and (3) antimalarial agents. And 
on December 20, 1941, the National Research Council called a 
conference in Washington, D. C, inviting scientific representatives 
of the Mayo Clinic, certain universities, and a few industrial organ- 
izations * . . to survey possible production of adrenal cortical 

"It was decided first to attempt to make compound A, n-dehy- 
drocorticosterone. This was accomplished in my laboratory in 1944, 
and in 1945 Merck & Co., Inc., prepared a large sample by our 

"In the first months of 1946 the synthesized product was tested 
on laboratory animals and was found to behave exactly as did com- 
pound A isolated from the adrenal cortex. It was found to be of 
value in protecting them against certain poisons and exposure to 
cold, but when given to patients who had Addison's disease it was 
found to be of little value. This was a great disappointment and 
interest in the hormones of the adrenal cortex sank to a very low 

"There was no conclusive evidence that compound E (which we 
later named corf is one to avoid confusion with vitamin E) would 
be qualitatively different from compound A, and there was, there- 
fore, no assurance that large-scale production of compound E, or 
cortisone, would be worth while. Nevertheless, Merck & Co., Inc., 
had in the meantime decided to go ahead in an attempt to syn- 
thesize this compound. This was ultimately accomplished by Dr. L. 
H. Sarett, who, working in the research laboratory of Merck & Co., 
Inc., succeeded in preparing a few milligrams of the compound. 


The yield was so small, however, that the method used by Dr. 
Sarett could not be applied to large-scale production. 

"During the following eighteen months important improve- 
ments of some of the steps in the preparation of compound A were 
devised in my laboratory, and Dr. Sarett discovered an entirely new 
procedure to convert a product closely related to compound A, to 
compound E, or cortisone. . . . The final yield of cortisone was 
thereby raised almost a hundredfold. Further important practical 
improvements were introduced, and several new, more productive 
steps were devised through the continuing work in my laboratory 
and by the staff of development chemists at Merck, under the 
leadership of Drs. Max Tishler and Jacob van de Kamp. . . . 
[But in April, 1948, when a group of clinicians met to consider the 
question} it was feared that compound E would take a place among 
discarded drugs, right beside compound A." 


"Since 1929 one of us (P. S. H.) has studied the beneficial 
effects of pregnancy and Jaundice on rheumatoid arthritis. Results 
of these and other studies led us to the following conclusions. Even 
though the pathologic anatomy of rheumatoid arthritis is more or 
less irreversible, the pathologic physiology of the disease is poten- 
tially reversible, sometimes dramatically so. Within every rheuma- 
toid patient corrective forces lie dormant, awaiting proper stimula- 
tion. Therefore, the disease is not necessarily a relentless condition 
for which no satisfactory method of control should be expected. 
The inherent reversibility of rheumatoid arthritis is activated more 
effectively by the intercurrence of jaundice or pregnancy than by 
any other condition or agent thus known. Regardless of the sup- 
posed Validity* of the microbic theory [i.e., the theory that arthritis 
is caused by microbes} rheumatoid arthritis can be profoundly in- 
fluenced by phenomena which are primarily biochemical. 

* Philip S. Hench, Edward C. Kendall, Charles H. Slocumb, and Howard F. 
Policy, "The Effect of a Hormone of the Adrenal Cortex (ly-hydroxy-n-dehydio- 
cortkosterone: compound E) and of Pituitary Adrenocorticotropic Hormone on 
Rheumatoid Arthritis," Proceedings of the Staff Meetings of the Mayo Clinic, 
Vol. 24 (1949), pp. 181-197. This is the original "preliminary report." 


"It became increasingly difficult to harmonize the microbic 
theory of the origin of rheumatoid arthritis with the phenomenon 
of relief of the disease by jaundice or pregnancy. It became easier, 
rather, to consider that rheumatoid arthritis may represent, not 
a microbic disease, but some basic biochemical disturbance which 
is transiently corrected by some incidental biologic change common 
to a number of apparently unrelated events. It seemed logical to 
suppose that what causes relief of rheumatoid arthritis in preg- 
nancy is closely related to, if not identical with, that which relieves 
the same disease in jaundice; if so, it could be neither hyperbili- 
rubinemia [the presence in the blood of an excessive amount of 
bilirubin, a reddish bile pigment found in large amount during 
jaundice] nor a unisexual (female) hormone since neither of these 
is common to both pregnancy and jaundice. It was believed that 
the discovery of some biochemical denominator common to vari- 
ous agents or states beneficial in rheumatoid arthritis, but common 
especially to jaundice and pregnancy, would provide us with an 
improved treatment or control of the disease. 

"Finally, it was conjectured that the hypothetic common de- 
nominator or "antirheumatic substance X* was not a disintegration 
product from a damaged liver, but probably was a biologic com- 
pound specific in nature and function, a compound which was 
normal to the human organism. But if this was true, we had no 
certain clue as to its chemical nature or the organ of its origin. 
. . . [There follows an account of the attempts to relieve arthritis 
with female hormones, biliary products associated with jaundice, 

"In time we conjectured that the antirheumatic substance X 
might be an adrenal hormone. This conjecture was strengthened 
by the knowledge that temporary remissions of rheumatoid arthritis 
are frequently induced by procedures which are now known to be 
capable of stimulating the adrenal cortices, such as general anesthe- 
sia or surgical operation. In 1938 we administered to several rheu- 
matoid volunteers lecithin [one of a group of compounds containing 
two fatty acid molecules and a molecule each of glycerophosphoric 
acid and choline} separated from the adrenal gland, not as an 
adrenal product per se, but in an attempt to induce hyperlipemia 
[an excessive degree of lipemia, or fat droplets in the blood} such 


as may occur in association with pregnancy and jaundice. In Janu- 
ary, 1941, we recorded our interest in adrenal cortical fractions 
in general and in Kendall* s compound E in particular, and we 
used briefly Kendall's cortical extract. But compound E was not 
available to us until September, 1948. . . . 

"Since the fall of 1948 [this report is dated April 13, 1949} 
we have given compound E more or less continuously to 5 rheuma- 
toid patients, and for periods of eight to sixty-one days to 9 other 
patients; a total of 14 patients. None had mild or moderate disease. 
All had 'moderately severe* or 'severe' chronic polyarticular rheu- 
matoid arthritis of four and a half months to five years' dura- 
tion. . . . 

"To provide adequate controls, the intragluteal injection of 
compound E [i.e., injection into the buttocks} was in some cases 
preceded, and in other cases replaced, by the injection of a fine 
aqueous suspension of cholesterol . . . indistinguishable in ap- 
pearance from compound E. The times when the control solution 
and the adrenal hormone were interchanged were unknown to the 
patients and were, for five weeks, unknown even to the three 
clinical authors who were evaluating the results. . . . {The dosage 
was more or less guesswork at first but fortunately turned out to 
be about right from the beginning. Progress was checked not only 
by appearance and symptoms but by the sedimentation rate of the 
red blood cells and other objective tests.] 

"In each of the 14 patients the initial results were as follows. 
Within a few days there was marked reduction of stiffness of 
muscles and joints, lessening of articular aching or pain on motion 
and tenderness, and significant improvement of articular and mus- 
cular function. . . . Articular swellings generally diminished, 
sometimes fairly rapidly and completely. . . . [Some flexion de- 
formities disappeared.} 

"Those who found the following maneuvers difficult or impos- 
sible often were able within a few days to do them much more 
easily or even 'normally*: getting in or out of bed unassisted, rising 
from chairs or toilets, shaving, washing the hair or back of the 
neck, opening doors with one hand, lifting a cup or book with one 
hand, and climbing stairs. 

"The appetite often was rapidly improved. Several patients 


gained weight on routine general diets. . . . Improved strength 
was frequently noted. Several patients stressed the loss of the 
'toxicity* of the disease and experienced a marked sense of well- 
being. . . . 

"[On discontinuance of injections} the arthritis returned slowly 
in most cases, and rapidly in two . . . and again improved strik- 
ingly after use of the hormone was resumed/' 


"Research on the hormones of the adrenal cortex is based on 
the following facts: 

"a. The adrenals are vital organs; in nearly all animals com- 
plete bilateral adrenalectomy leads to death in a few days. Numer- 
ous post-operational insufficiency symptoms have been observed, 
but there is as yet no agreement as to which constitutes the primary 
cause of death. 

"b. The vital function is connected with the adrenal cortex, and 
appears to operate principally by delivery into the blood of a mix- 
ture of substances, since by injection of suitable cortical extracts 
adrenalectomized animals can be kept alive and the numerous 
insufficiency symptoms prevented or cured. 

* V, Investigation of active cortical extracts shows that the activity 
can be concentrated in those fractions which contain principally a 
mixture of relatively heavily oxygen-substituted steroids. A con- 
siderable number (twenty-eight in all . . .) of such steroids have 
been isolated as pure crystalline compounds; the structure and con- 
figuration of most of these are known in detail, while some have 
been prepared by partial synthesis. Some six or seven compounds 
have been found to be more or less active according to various 
methods of assay, in that they either prolong life in adrenalec- 
tomized animals or are able to prevent or cure single insufficiency 
symptoms. . . . 

{Reichstein and Shoppee then discuss the evaluation of these 
methods of assay and the chemical methods of isolation of the com- 

* T, Reichstein and C. "W. Shoppee, "The Hormones of the Adrenal Cortex/' in 
R. S. Harris and K. V. Thimann, eds., Vitamins and Hormones, Vol. i (New 
York: Academic Press, 1943). 


pounds. There follows a list of the steroids isolated from the 
adrenal gland, with the structural formula and the physical, chem- 
ical, and biological properties of each, so far as then known. Of 
the twenty-eight substances mentioned, Reichstein, alone or with 
his associates in Basel, isolated twenty-six, and it was one of his 
colleagues who isolated the twenty-seventh. Many of these sub- 
stances were also isolated by other scientists working independently 
elsewhere, many of them by Kendall and his group. This is true of 
the eighth substance on this list, ly-hydroxy-dehydrocorticosterone, 
later to be called cortisone.] 

"Isolated and described as 'Compound F' by Wintersteiner and 
Pfiffner {1936}, isolated and called "Compound F by Kendall 
ct al. [1936], isolated and named Substance Fa' by Reichstein 
[1936], also isolated by Kuizenga and Cartland {1939}. [Then 
follows an account of the physical properties of cortisone, such as 
melting point, nature of the crystals, etc., and of the more impor- 
tant chemical characteristics. The constitution and configuration had 
by this time been worked out, chiefly by Reichstein himself.} The 
compound is little active in the test with dogs. ... It also pos- 
sesses only slight activity in the survival test in rats. . . . On the 
other hand it possesses high activity in those methods of assay 
which are related to carbohydrate metabolism. [Half a dozen 
workers} demonstrated its diabetogenic [diabetes-producing} ac- 
tivity ... in rats and Grattan and Jansen its anti-insulin effect in 
mice. Big doses produce glycosuria [sugar in the urine} even in 
normal rats. As shown by Thorn et aL, in normal dogs it increases 
the excretion of sodium and chloride. . . ." 


As stated by Kendall at the beginning of the first quotation 
above, the adrenal cortex long resisted all efforts to probe its 
secrets. "Addison's disease/* a chronic insufficiency resulting from 
any one of several adrenal lesions but chiefly from tuberculosis, 
was first described by Thomas Addison in 1849. Toward the end 
of the century and early in the present one, a series of investigations 
resulted in the isolation of adrenaline, product of the adrenal 


medulla; W. B. Cannon then demonstrated the "emergency func- 
tion" of this hormone. But no relevance to Addison's disease was 
shown and efforts to obtain active extracts from the cortex were at 
first unsuccessful. The work of Hartman, Swingle, and Pfiffner 
led to the production of "cortin," which was used in the treatment 
of Addison patients. This was only the beginning. The extensive 
work of Reichstein, Kendall, and many others had by 1943 reached 
the point described by the former in his lengthy review, a brief 
excerpt from which is given above. Meanwhile the clinical observa- 
tions and speculations of Hench had suggested that the cortical 
hormones might be of more than theoretical interest. The war- 
time speed-up carried the work forward, although progress was 
still relatively slow because of the complexity of the chemical prob- 
lems involved. 

In the preliminary report on the treatment of rheumatoid arthri- 
tis, Hench and his colleagues had already recorded their experience 
not only with cortisone but also with ACTH, or "adrenocortico- 
tropic hormone." This is a product of the anterior lobe of the 
so-called "master gland," the pituitary body or hypophysis, situated 
at the base of the brain. (This important organ was the chief object 
of study of the 1947 Nobel laureate in medicine, B.A. Houssay. 
See above, pp. 244-248.) ACTH was found to produce effects 
which are in general quite similar to those of cortisone. It acts on 
the adrenal cortex, stimulating it to action, and the consequences 
are therefore indirect. While Merck and Company were busy with 
the production of cortisone, chemists of Armour and Company 
were occupied in the extraction of ACTH, following the pioneer 
work of Smith, Collip, and others, and likewise stimulated by war- 
time pressure. 

It is not too much to say that a revolution in medicine was in 
preparation. As other scientists and clinicians took up the study of 
these compounds, it was found that both agents not only influenced 
a few relatively rare endocrine conditions, but might profoundly 
alter many diseases which appeared to be nonhormonal and to have 
no connection with the pituitary or adrenal gland. Both were shown 
to be antirheumatic, first in rheumatoid arthritis and then in acute 
rheumatic fever. Beyond this they possess marked anti-allergic 
activity and have limited influence on certain blood dyscrasias 


i.e., diseased states of the blood with abnormal cells. A variety of 
skin conditions, inflammatory diseases of the eye, intestinal dis- 
eases such as ulcerative colitis, and even respiratory infections are 
greatly improved by the use of these extraordinary drags. But al- 
though the symptoms of many diseases may be partly suppressed 
or temporarily abolished altogether, the diseases are not "aired." 
In pneumonia and tuberculosis, for example, the causative organ- 
isms persist. To describe what is known of the way in which the 
hormones work, Dr. Hench has borrowed the Churchillian expres- 
sion "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma." Hench has 
also remarked that these agents do not extinguish the fire, but they 
provide an asbestos suit in which the patient, like Shadrach, 
Meshach, and Abednego, walks unscathed in the furnace. If the 
protection is not discarded until the end of the natural duration of 
the "fire" the patient remains well. This may almost be taken 
literally, as well as figuratively, for a severely burned patient, be- 
yond the help of older methods, may sometimes by this means be 
kept alive and even reasonably comfortable until the worst danger 
is over. 

Another comparison which has been suggested in describing the 
effects of these hormones is that between disease and an iceberg, 
each seven-eighths submerged. Cortisone or ACTH melts away 
the visible portion, i.e., the characteristic symptoms of a given 
disease which represent a specialized response to a specific form 
of stress; the submerged seven-eighths is left unchanged. This con- 
cept of a basic pathologic process underlying disease in general 
a general response to stress as distinguished from more obvious 
special responses is an attempt to explain the wide-ranging action 
of these hormones and their function in the organism. It is a subject 
to encourage speculation. More important, it encourages further 
careful work in clinic and laboratory, and it is probable that corti- 
sone and ACTH will find their greatest long-term value as tools of 


Acetylcholine, 187194 
ACTH, 1 8, 247, 282-283 
Accommodation, extracapsular, 7172; 

intracapsular, 6872 
Acromegaly, 245246 
Addison, T., 281 
Addison's disease, 197, 199, 275, 276 

Adrenal cortex, 197-200, 202, 245, 

247-248, 254, 272-283. See also 


Adrenaline, 281-282 
Adrenocortkotropic hormone, see 

Adrian, E. D., 155, 159-161, 163164, 

193, 224, 227 
Agote, L., 146 
Almquist, H. J., 220 
Altenburg, ,,238 
Altmann, R., 66 
Anaphylaxis, 7883 
Anderson, J. F., 82 
Andrus, W. De W., 220 
Anemia, pernicious, see Pernicious ane- 

Angiography, 265 
Anopheles mosquitose, 11-13 
Anthrax, 25 

Antineuritic vitamin, see Vitamin Bi 
Antitoxin, 52-55. See also Diphtheria, 


Aortic body, 206-207 
d'Arsonval, J. A., 130 
Arteriography, 265 
Arthritis, 172, 277-280, 282 
Arthus, N. M., 81-82, 204 
Ascorbic acid, see Vitamin C 
Atomic energy, 241 
Auerbach, C., 241 
Auricular paroxysmal tachycardia, 208 

Babkin,B. P., 23 
Bacillus pestis, 92-93 
Balfour, F. M., 154 
Ballot, B., 115 

Bamberger, E., 143 

Banting, F. G., 109114 

Banting Institute, no 

Barany, R., 39, 84-87 

Barany tests, 87-88 

Barger, B., 60, 273 

Baron, M., 1 1 1 

Bassini, E., 57 

Bateson, W., 166 

Bayliss, W. M., 21, 191 

Bechterew, V. M.V., 267 

Behring, E, v., 3-9, 78, 82, 120 

Beri-beri, 134, 135, 136-137, 139, 140- 

141, 175 

Bernard, C., 130, 253 
Besredka, A., 83 
Best, C. H., 109, in, 114 
Bidder, F. H., 21 
Bilharziasis, 124 
Billroth, T., 57 
Bizzozero, G-, 32 
Blair, E. A., 227 
Blalock, A., 77 
Blood groups, 143-147 
Blood pressure, regulation of, 205 208, 

261, 263 

Blood transfusion, 76, 146147 
Blunt, T. P., 15, 1 6 
Bohr, C., 96 
Bolk, L., 87 
Bordet, J., 56,90-95 
Bordet-Gengou bacillus, 94 
Borrel, A. s 124 
Botkin, S. P., 20 
Bovery, T., 169, i So 
Bovet, D., 213 




Braun, F., 224 
Brickner, R., 267 
Bridges, C B., 165,238 
Bronk, D.W. 164 
Brooks, W.K., 165 
Bruce, D., 45, 133 
Bruck, C, 95 
BuIIoch, W., 52 
Burian, R., no 
Biirker, K., 102 

Cacexia stramipriva, 58-60 

Cancer, 38, 39, 60, 66, no, 120-124, 

152, 172, 242, 265, 269 
Cannon, W. B., 282 
Capillaries, anatomy and physiology, 

Capillary electrometer, 116-117, 160, 

Carbohydrate metabolism, 109-114, 

245-253, 275, 281 
Carcinoma, see Cancer, Spiroptera car- 

Carotid body, 206 
Carotid sinus, 206208 
Carrel, A., 73-77 
Carre! Foundation for the Study of 

Human Problems, 74 
Cartland, G. F., 281 
Castle, W.B., 175 
Cathode-ray oscillograph, 224-227 
Chain, E. B., 230, 233-235 
Chain, M., 230 
Chemotherapy, 52. See also Sulfona- 

mides, Prontosil, Penicillin 
Cholera, 154; transmission, 26; cholera 

vibrio, 91, 92 
Christian, H. A., 173 
Clunet, J.,. 124 

Coarctatlon, of the aorta, 76-77 
Cohn,E.J., 177 
Cohoheim, J. F., 51, 176 
Colebrook, L. r 213 
Collip, J. B., 109, 113, 114, 282 
Complement fixation, 90-95 
Compound E., see Cortisone 
Conditioned reflex, 21, 23, 24 
Cori, C. F., 1 08, 248254 
Cori, G. T., 1 08, 248-254 

Cori ester, 250-253 
Cortisone, 18, 247, 272-283 
Cotton, T. F., 97 
Crafoord, C., 76 
Cretinism, see Thyroid gland, 

Culex mosquitoes, n 
Curling, T. B., 59 
Gushing, H., 269 
Cyon, E. v., 20 
Cytochronie, 152, 201202 

Dakin,H,D., 62, 73 

Dale, H. H., 97, 186-190, 192, 193 
194, 261 

Dam, H., 142, 216-220, 222 

Dandy, W.E., 267 

Darwin, C., 168 

Davis, M., 141 

DDT, 13, 133, 255-259 

Decastello, A.v., 146 

Dehelly, G., 74 

Dementia paralytica, see General paral- 
ysis of the insane 

Diabetes, 109-114, 246-248, 281. See 
also Carbohydrate metabolism, In- 

Diencephalon, 207, 261-264 

Digestion physiology of, 20-24 

Diphtheria, 3-9, 55, 78, 120 

Dixon, W. E., 191 

Doisy, E. A., 217, 220-221 

Domagk, G., 209-214 

Donders, F. C,, 115 

Douglas, S., 49 

Downes, A. H., 15, 16 

Driesch, H., 183, 184 

Du Bois Reymond E., 62, 191 

Dudley, H.W., 192 

Duke, W. W., 191 

Dungern, E. v., 147 

Ebbecke, V., 97 

Ehriich, P,, 8, 30, 37, 51-56, 90, 94 

146, 186 
Eijkman C. s 134-137, 140-142 
Eijkman's test, 135 
Einthoven, W., 115-118 
Electrocardiography, 115-118 


Electrometer, capillary, see Capillary 

Elliott, T, R., 191 
Embden, G., 108 
Embryology, 180-185 
Epilepsy, 78 

Erlanger, J., 160, 164, 193, 223-227 
Erysipelas, 125, 127 
Erythroblostosis foetlis, 147 
Eserine, 189, 190, 192, 194-195 
Evans, G. H., 45 
Evans, H. M., 247 
Ewins, A. J., 187 

Fagge, H., 59 

Feeding, sham, see Sham feeding 

Feldberg, W., 188, 189, 190 

Fenn,W. O., 193 

Fenwick, S. } 175 

Fibiger, J., 120-124 

Fieser, L. F., 220 

Finsen, N. R., 15-19 

Fischer, E., 65, 143, 148 

Fleming, A., 229-230, 231-233, 234 

Fletcher, W. M., 102, 105, 107 

Flexner, A., 224 

Florey, H. W., 230-231, 233-235 

Foerster, O.H., 213 

Forbes, A., 160 

Foster, M., 135, 154 

Frankel, C, 4 

Freeman, W., 270 

Frerichs, F. T., 51 

Freund, M., 187 

Frolich, T. 199, 202 

Frontal Lobotomy, 264-271 

Fujimaki, A. Y., 124 

Fulton, J. F., 267 

Fumaric acid, 202 

Gaddum, J. H., 188, 189 
Galeb, M., 122 

Galvanometer, string, 116-117 
Gansslen, M., 177 
Gaskell, W. H., 154, 263 
Gasser, H. S., 160, 164, 193, 223-227 
Gegenbaur, C., 180 

General paralysis of the insane, 95, 


Genetics, 156-170, 238-243 
Gengou, O., 90-94 
Gerard, R.W., 193 
Gley, E., 60, 204 
G lorn us aortic urn, 206207 
Glomus caroticunij 206 
Giucose-I-phosphate, see Cori ester 
Glutathione, 136, 273 
Glycogen, 106, 108, 250-253 
Goiter, see Thyroid gland 
Goldberger, J., 141 
Golgi, C, 32-39, 45, 162 
Golgi apparatus, 38 
Golgi cells, 33 

Golgi stain, 32-33, 3<$ 37, 38, 39 
Goltz, F.L., 155 
Gorgas, W. C., 14 
GrassiG. B., 13 
Grijns, G., 140 
Gross, R. E., 76 

Growth hormone, 245; growth vita- 
mins, see Vitamins A and B 
Gruber, Max v., 143 
Gull, W., 59 
Gullstrand, A., 68-72 
Guthrie, C. C, 74 

Hagedorn, H. C, 114 

Haldane, J. S., 150 

Hamburger, H. J., 196 

Hansen, G. H. A., 27 

Harrington, C. R., 60, 273 

Hartman, F. A. s 282 

Hartree, W., 105 

Harvey, W,, 194 


Haworth s W. N,, 199-200, 274 

Heidenhain, R. P, H., 20, 51 

Helmholtz, H. L. F. v., 62, 71 

Hench, R S., 273, 277-279, 282 

Henle, J., 25, 46 

Hericourt, J., 78 

Hess, W. R., 207, 260-264 

Hexuronic acid, see Vitamin C 

Heymans, C., 204-207 

Heymans, J. F., 204, 205 

Heynsius, A. 115 

Hill, A. V., 102-105, 107-108, 193 

Hill, L., no 



Hirszfeld, L., 14? 

Hofmeister, K, 187 

Hoist, A., 199, 202 

Hooper, CW. 5 173, *74 

Hopkins, F. G., 102, 105, 107, 134- 
136, 138-142, 199, 230, 261 

Hoppe-Seyler E. F., 62, 63 

Horsley, V., 60, 154-155, 269 

Houssay, B. A., 114, 244-248 

Howell, W. H., 172, 191, 223 

Hunt, R., 188 

Huxley J., 238 

Hypertension, see Blood pressure, regu- 
lation of 

Hypophysis, see Pituitary body 

Hypotension, see Blood pressure, regu- 
lation of 

Hypothalamus, 261-264 

Hypothyroidism, 60. See also Myx- 

Insecticides, see DDT 
Insulin, 109-114, 245-248 
Interbrain, see Diencephalon 

Jacobsen, C. F., 267 
Jaundice, 221-222, 277-278 
Jeanbrau, E., 146 
Jenner, E., 82 

Kala-azar, n, 45, 210 

Kamp, J. v. d., 277 

Karrer, P., 200, 216,220 

Keilin,D., 152, 201 

Kendall E. C., 60, 197, 199, 272-282 

Kibjakow, A. W., 189, 193 

Kitasato, S., 7, 78 

Klarer, J., 209,211 

Klein, E., 10 

Klose, A. A., 220 

Koch, R,, 3, 25-31, 120, 125, 127, 154 

Koch's postulates, 28, 30-31, 45 

Kocher T., 57-61 

K6lliker,R. A. v., 34,116 

Kossel, A., 62-67 

Koster, W., 115 

Krogh, A., 96-100, 199 

Krogh, M., 96 

Kubowitz, F., 150 
Kiihne, W., 62 
Kuizenga, M. H., 281 

Lactic acid metabolism, 102, 105-108 

Laennec, R. T. H., 29, 130 

Laguesse, E., 112 

Landsteiner, K., 143-147 

Langley, J. N., 102, 154, 186, 260, 


Laveran, A., 10, 4 X ~45 
Lavoisier, A. L., 151 
Lea, S., 154 

Leishmaniasis, 45. See also Kala-azar 
Lepra bacillus, 27 
Leucotomy, (pre) frontal, 264-271 
Lewis, T., 97, 117 
Lewisohn, R., 146 
Li, C. H., 247 
Light Inistitute, 15 
Light treatment, see Phototherapy 
Liljestrand, G., 160 
Lima, A., 265, 269 
Lindbergh, C A., 73, 74 
Lindhard, J., 96 
Lippich, F., 249 
Lister, J., 58, 59 

Liver treatment, in anemias, 171-178 
Lobotomy, (pre) frontal, 264-271 
Lock,R.H.,2 3 8 
Loftier, F. A., 4 
Loewi, O., 186-194 
Loir, A., 130 
Lombroso, C., 32 
Long, P. H., 213 
Lord, J. W., Jr., 220 
Lucas, K., 155 
Ludwig, C. F., 20 
Lundsgaard, E., 108 
Lunin, N., 139 
Lupus vulgaris, 15-18 
Lysozyme, 230, 231 

MacCallum, W. G., 13 
McCollum, E. V., 141 
Macleod, J. J. R., 109-114 
MacMunn, C A., 150, 152 
Magendie, F., 130 


Malaria, 10-14, 26, 41-45, 210, 236; 
parasites, io s 33, 38, 41-45; thera- 
peutic inoculation 125-129 

Mansfeld, G., 196 

Manson, P.> 10, 13, 14, 13 3, 176 

Marie, P., 246 

Marine, D., 61 

Martin, H., 257 

Martin, H. N., 154, 165 

Maxcy, K. F., 130 

Mendel, J. G., 147, 166, 169 

Mendel, L. B., 141 

Mendeleev, D. I., 20 

Mesnil, F., 45 

MetchnikofF, E. 8, 46-50, 90 

Meyer, H. H., 204 

Meyerhof, O. F., 102-103, 106-108, 

Miescher, F., 62, 63 

Michaelis, L., 196 

Mietzsch, F., 209, 211 

Minot, G. R., 172-173, 175-177, 178 

Moni2, E., 264271 

Moore, R. A,, 220 

Moreschi, C, 95 

Morgan, T. H., 165-170, 238 

Morgenroth, J., 56, 146 

Mosquitoes, see Anopheles, Culex t 

Moynihan, B., 58 

Muller, F. v., 273 

Miiller, J., 116 

Miiller, P., 133, 255-259 

Muller, H. J., 165, 170, 238-243 

Murphy, J. B., 74 

Murphy, W. P., 173, 177-178 

Murray, G. R., 60 

Muscle, chemical changes in 106-108, 
197, 250-253 

Mutations, 1 68; X-ray, 238-243 

MyasthemY gravis, 1 94-1 9 5 

Myxedema, 59, 60, 126 

Navratil, E. s 189 

Neisser, A. L. S,, 95 

Neisser, M., 95 

Neuron theory, 33, 36-39, 265 

Nicolle, C, 14, 130-133, 259 

Nicolle, M. 3 130 


Nitti J., 213 
Noble, E.G., 113 
Noordens, K. v,, 187 
Nucleic acids, 62-67 
Nucleoproteins, 62-67 

Ophthalmology, 68-72 
Optics, 68-72 
Ord, W. M. t 59 
Organizer effect, 180185 
Oriental boil, 45 
Osborne, T, B., 141 

Oscillograph, cathode-ray, see Cathode- 
ray oscillograph 
Otology, 84-87 

Paludism, see Malaria 

Pancreas, 20, 21, 111-112 

Paracelsus, 59 

Paralysis, general, see General paralysis 

of the insane 
Paresis, see General paralysis of the 


Park, W. H,, 8 
Parnas, J., 108 

Paroxysmal tachycardia, auricular, 208 
Paschen, E., 103 
Pauly, A., 1 80 
Pavlov, L P., 20-24, 15^ 
Payr, E., 74 
Peabody, F. W., 177 
Pekelharing, C. A., 1 34 
Pellagra, 141, 175, 176 
Penfield, W., 267 
Penicillin, 229-237 
Pepper, W., 176 
Pernicious anemia, 67, 171-179 
Peters, R. A., 105 
Pfeiffer, R., 94 
Pfiffner, J. J., 274, 281 
Phagocytosis 9 47-50, 212 
Phototherapy, 15-19 
Physostigmine, see Eserine 
Pituitary body, 244-248, 282 
Plague, 26; serum, 93 
Plasma skimming, 99 
Plasmodium, see Malaria parasites 
Plater, F., 58 
Plaut, F., 95 



Policy, H. F., 277 
Polyneuritis, see Beri-beri 
Portier, P., 79, 80 
Prefronta! lobotomy, 264-271 
Pregl, F., 216 
Protosil, 209-213 
Proprioceptive system, 156, 162 
Proteosoma, 13 
Psychosurgery, 264-271 
Punnett, R. C., 166 

Ramon, G., 8 

Ram6n y Cajal, S., 32-34, 36-39, 87, 

Reed, "W., 14 

Reflex, re* Conditioned reflex, Stretch 

Reichstein, T., 273-274, 280-282 

Remen, L., 195 

Respiration, control of, 205-207 

Respiratory enzymes, 148152, 202 

Reverdin, J, L,, 59 

Rhesus factor, 147 

Rheumatic fever, 282 

Rheumatoid arthritis, see Arthritis 

Richard, G., 80 

Richards, A. N., 97 

Richet, A., 78 

Richet, C., 21, 78-83 

Rickets, 1 8 

Robscheit-Robbins, F., 174 

Robson, J., M., 241 

Rockefeller Institute for Medical Re- 
search, 73, 74, 143, i?2, 217, 224 

Rontgen, W., 180 

Rosenau, M. J., 82 

Ross, R., 10-14, 45 

Ross Institute and Hospital for Tropical 
Diseases, n 

Roux,E., 4, 132 

Roux,W., 183, 184 

Ruzicka, L., 274 

Sachs, H., 95 
Sachs, J., i So 
Salmonsen, C. J,, 120 
Sarett, L. H., 276-277 
Schick, B., 8; Schick test, 8 

Schmidt, C, 21 

Schoenheimer, R., 216 

Schucht, A., 95 

Scott, D. A., 114 

Scoville, W. B., 270 

Scurvy, 202 

Sechenov, I. M,, 20 

Secretin, 21 

Semon, F., 59 

Sham feeding, 20, 2223 

Shattock, S., 146 

Sherrington, C. S., 38, 154-159, 162- 

164, 193, 207, 261 
Shopee, C.W,, 280 
Siebold,CT.E.v., 4 6 
Siegfried, M., no 
Siade, J. G., 97 
Slit-lamp, Gullstrand's, 72 
Slocumb, C. H., 277 
Smallpox, 15, 19 
Smith, J. I., 1 50 
Smith, P. E., 247, 282 
Smith, T., 14, 133 
Soulier, H., 74 
Spemann, H., 180-185 
Spink, W.W., 213 
Spiroptera carcinoma, 120124 
Sprue, 175, 176, 222 
Starling, E. H., 21, 186, 187, 204, 261 
Stegomyia mosquitoes, n 
Stevenson, T,, 135 
Stewart, G. N., 74 
Stretch reflex, 157-159, 163 
Strieker, S., 97 

String galvanometer, 1 1 6-117 
Sturli,A., 146 
Sturtevant, A. H., 165, 238 
Sulfonamides, 50, 209-214 
Sutton, W., 169 
Svirbely, J. L, 3 199, 202, 203 
Swingle, W.W., 282 
Sympathetic nervous system, see Ca- 
rotid sinus, Hypothalamus 
Syphilis, 126-129, 210, 236 
Szent-Gyorgyi A. v., 108, 141, 196-203 

Taussig, H. G., 77 
Tetanus, 78; antitoxin, 78 
Thayer,W. S., 172 


Thiouracil, 61 

Thorn, G. W., 281 

Thyroid gland, 57-61, 245, 273 

Thyroidectomy, see Thyroid gland 

Thyrotoxicosis, 61 

Thyroxin, 60, 273 

Tishler, M., 277 

Transfusion, blood, see Blood trans* 


Trefouei, J., 213 
Trevelyan, G. M., 155 
Trypanosomiasis, 26, 45, 210 
Tschermak, A. v., 196 
Tubercle bacillus, 26-31, 121 
Tuberculin, 30, 125, 127 
Tuberculosis, 3, 25-31, 78, 236 
Typhus, 130-133, 258-259 

Ultraviolet light, see Phototherapy 

Vassale, G. s 60 

Villemin, J. A., 26, 29 

Virchow, R., 29, 32, 67, 123, 154 

Vitamins, 134-142; A and B, 138-140; 
Bi, 136-137* *39 140-141; Bis, 
178; C, 196-203, 274*, D, 140; 
D 2 , 18; K, 142, 216-222 

Vogt, O., 239 

Vres,, 168,169 


Wagner- Jauregg, J., 125-129 
Waldeyer, W. ? 36, 51 
Walker, M.B., 195 
Waller, A. D.,n6 
Warburg, E., 148 
Warburg, O., 103, 148-153, 201 
Wassermann, A. v., 95 
Wassermann reaction, 95 
Watts, J., 270 
Weichselbaum, A., 143 

Welch, W. H., 172 

Whipple, G. H., 171-172, 173~*75 

Whitby, L., 213 

Widmark, J., 15 

Wieland, H., 201-202 

Wiener, A. S., 147 

Wiggers, C F., 204 

Wilk, E. K., 270 

Winkler, C, 134 

Wintersteiner, O., 274, 281 

Wright, A., 49, 229-230 

Wright-Fleming Institute, 229 

X-rays, 124, 238-243, 265 
Yersin, A., 4 

Zinsser,H., 130 
Zotterman, Y., 160,164