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Full text of "Nominations of Mortimer L. Downey III to be Deputy Secretary; Stephen H. Kaplan to be General Counsel; and Michael P. Huerta to be Associate Deputy Secretary of the Department of Transportation : hearing before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, One Hundred Third Congress, first session, May 17, 1993"

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KoninatioDS  of  flortlner  L.  Douney  I.. 







MAY  17,  1993 

Printed  for  the  use  of  the  Committee  on  Commerce,  Science,  and  Transportation 

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inatloBS  of  Hortiner  L.  Douney  I... 







MAY  17,  1993 

Printed  for  the  use  of  the  Committee  on  Commerce,  Science,  and  Transportation 

OCT  1  3  1993 


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ISBN   0-16-041265-X 



DANIEL  K.  INOUYE.  Hawaii 

WENDELL  H.  FORD,  Kentucky 

J.  JAMES  EXON,  Nebraska 

JOHN  D.  ROCKEFELLER  IV,  West  Virginia 

JOHN  F.  KERRY,  Massachusetts 

JOHN  B.  BREAUX,  Louisiana 

RICHARD  H.  BRYAN,  Nevada 

CHARLES  S.  ROBB,  Virginia 

BYRON  L.  DORGAN,  North  Dakota 


South  Carolina,  Chairman 

JOHN  C.  DANFORTH,  Missouri 
LARRY  PRESSLER,  South  Dakota 
TED  STEVENS,  Alaska 
JOHN  MCCAIN,  Arizona 
CONRAD  BURNS,  Montana 
SLADE  GORTON,  Washington 
TRENT  LOTT,  Mississippi 
JUDD  GREGG,  New  Hampshire 

Kevin  G.  Curtin,  Chief  Counsel  and  Staff  Director 
Jonathan  Chambers,  Republican  Staff  Director 




Opening  statement  of  Senator  Hollings  1 

Prepared  statement  2 


Downey,  Mortimer  L.,  nominee  to  be  Deputy  Secretary  of  Transportation, 

Department  of  Transportation  3 

Prepared  statement,  biographical   data,   and  prehearing  questions  and 

answers  3 

Feinstein,  Hon.  Diane,  U.S.  Senator  from  California  28 

Huerta,  Michael  P.,  nominee  to  be  Associate  Deputy  Secretary  of  Transpor- 
tation, Department  of  Transportation  30 

Prepared  statement,  biographical  data,   and  prehearing  questions  and 

answers  31 

Kaplan,  Stephen  H.,  nominee  to  be  General  Counsel,  Department  of  Trans- 
portation          20 

Prepared  statement,  biographical   data,   and  prehearing  questions  and 

answers  21 

Moynihan,  Hon.  Daniel,  U.S.  Senator  from  New  York  1 

Schroeder,  Hon.  Patricia,  U.S.  Representative  from  Colorado  19 

Skaggs,  Hon.  David  E.,  U.S.  Representative  from  Colorado  19 



MONDAY,  MAY  17,  1993 

U.S.  Senate, 
Committee  on  Commerce,  Science,  and  Transportation, 

Washington,  D.. 

The  committee  met,  pursuant  to  notice,  at  2  p.m.,  in  room  SR- 
253  of  the  Russell  Senate  Office  Building,  Hon.  Ernest  F.  Rollings 
(chairman  of  the  committee)  presiding. 

Staff  members  assigned  to  this  hearing: 

Mr.  Downey:  Donald  M.  Itzkofif,  staff  counsel,  and  Rebecca  A. 
Kojm,  professional  staff  member;  and  Grerri  Lynn  Hall  minority 
senior  professional  staff  member,  and  Emily  J.  Gallop  and  Susan 
Adams,  minority  professional  staff  members. 

Mr.  Kaplan:  Claudia  A.  Simons,  staff  counsel,  and  Rebecca  A. 
Kojm,  professional  staff  member;  and  Grerri  Lynn  Hall  minority 
senior  professional  staff  member,  and  Emily  J.  Gallop  and  Susan 
Adams,  minority  professional  staff  members. 

Mr.  Huerta:  Randolph  H.M.  Pritchard  and  Rebecca  A.  Kojm,  pro- 
fessional staff  members;  and  Gerri  Lynn  Hall  minority  senior  pro- 
fessional staff  member,  and  Emily  J.  Gallop  and  Susan  Adams,  mi- 
nority professional  staff  members. 


The  Chairman.  Good  afternoon.  The  committee  will  please  come 
to  order.  We  have  three  important  appointments  for  the  Depart- 
ment of  Transportation.  And  we  would  be  delighted  to  hear  from 
our  chairman  of  the  Public  Works  and  Transportation  Committee, 
Senator  Moynihan. 

Please  come  forward  here,  Mortimer. 

If  we  keep  Mortimer  separated  from  Morton,  we  will  be  all  right. 


Senator  Moynihan.  Mr.  Chairman,  thank  you  for  your  courtesy 
in  hearing  us  today,  sir.  I  have  the  honor  to  introduce  to  you  and 
commend  to  you  the   Honorable   Mortimer  Downey,   who   is   the 


President's  nominee  to  be  Deputy  Secretary  of  Transportation.  This 
continues  a  career  in  public  administration  in  the  field  of  transpor- 
tation which  Mr.  Downey  has  pursued  now  for  some  years,  and  to 
genuine  distinction. 

He  was  able  to  take  over  the  Metropolitan  Transit  Authority  in 
the  New  York  region  in  1981,  and  left  almost  as  popular  as  he  ar- 
rived. [Laughter.] 

The  Chairman.  That  is  quite  a  feat. 

Senator  MOYNIHAN.  No  one  has  done  that  with  a  subway  system 
in  our  time,  sir.  And  it  ought  to  be  encouraged. 

He  is  a  transportation  expert;  that  is,  his  applied  experience  has 
been  in  this  field,  but  he  is  also,  and  perhaps  more  importantly, 
and  I  would  like  to  say  it,  he  is  one  of  those  who  has  devoted  him- 
self to  the  subject  of  public  administration,  as  a  calling,  as  a  honor- 
able and  indispensible  form  of  public  service.  He  has  brought  dis- 
tinction to  all  his  work. 

I  commend  him  to  you,  sir,  as  a  person  who  you  will  have  been 
proud  to  work  with,  and  I  know  it  will  be  a  rewarding  experience 
for  the  committee,  as  well  as  for  the  Cabinet. 

The  Chairman.  Very  good,  sir.  You  can  stay  with  the  nominee 
if  you  please,  sir,  or  if  you  have  other  engagements,  we  understand. 

Senator  Pressler,  do  you  have  a  question  for  Senator  Moynihan? 

Senator  Pressler.  No.  I  just  want  to  commend  him  for  present- 
ing this  witness.  I  have  some  questions  for  the  witness,  some  tough 
questions.  But  I  just  wanted  to  greet  my  colleague. 

Senator  Moynihan.  Thank  you,  sir. 

The  Chairman.  Mr.  Chairman,  we  thank  you  very  much  for  your 
appearance  today. 

Mr.  Downey,  you  have  experience  in  the  field  of  the  budget,  and 
we  worked  with  you  when  you  were  over  there  with  the  House 
Budget  Committee.  One  of  the  real  concerns  of  this  committee  is 
that  transportation  revenues  are  not  being  expended  for  transpor- 
tation. Specifically,  in  the  Federal  Highway  Administration,  you 
will  find  about  $19  billion  in  revenues,  and  only  $11  to  $12  billion, 
or  sometimes  less  is  spent  on  highways,  while  the  rest  is  spent  on 
the  deficit. 

For  the  Federal  Aviation  Administration,  similarly,  we  carry 
about  a  $7  to  $8  billion  overrun  there  to  help  us  with  the  deficit. 
And  then  we  have  to  face  up  to  that  fact  when  we  bring  a  so-called 
iobs  and  stimulus  bill  with  monevs  for  FAA  or  for  moneys  for  the 
highways,  which  we  have  not  paid  for.  The  very  crowd  that  is  howl- 
ing about  funds  for  jobs  and  the  stimulus  program  has  already 
spent  these  moneys  on  their  deficit. 

Please,  let  us  get  programs  promulgated  within  the  Department 
that  will,  in  a  judicious  fashion,  correct  this  situation.  We  have  a 
backup,  particularly  at  the  airport  and  airways  over  the  country. 
I  have  talked  to  Secretary  Peiia  on  this  score,  and  if  there  is  some 
comment  you  would  like  to  make,  I  would  appreciate  it.  Thank  you. 

At  this  point,  I  will  put  my  prepared  statement  in  the  record. 

[The  prepared  statement  of  Senator  Hollings  follows:] 

Prepared  Statement  of  Senator  Hollings 

This  afternoon  the  Commerce,  Science,  and  Transportation  Committee  is  holding 
a  hearing  on  the  President's  proposed  nominations  for  three  critical  positions  at  the 
Department  of  Transportation:  Mortimer  L.  Downey  of  New  York  to  oe  Deputy  Sec- 

retary;  Stephen  H.  Kaplan  of  Colorado  to  be  General  Counsel;  and  Michael  P. 
Huerta  of  California  to  be  Associate  Deputy  Secretary.  I  welcome  you  all  to  this 

In  January,  when  the  committee  considered  the  nomination  of  Secretary  Pena,  I 
outlined  a  number  of  the  major  transportation  issues  and  challenges  facing  the  De- 
partment. In  many  respects,  our  national  transportation  system  remains  the  finest 
m  the  world,  but  in  other  areas,  we  now  confront  a  troubling  legacy  of  neglect  by 
previous  adtninistrations.  Some  say  that  the  market  should  decide  the  fate  of  our 
transportation  industries,  but  the  fact  is  that,  unless  we  take  decisive  action,  the 
U.S.  merchant  marine,  for  example,  soon  may  cease  to  exist.  Our  largest  airlines 
may  drown  in  a  tide  of  red  ink  unless  a  workable  policy  framework  can  be  formu- 
lated and  implemented.  In  a  time  of  burdensome  fiscal  restraints,  our  surface  trans- 
portation infrastructure  must  keep  pace  and  even  be  improved  if  the  United  States 
is  to  remain  competitive  in  the  rapiolv  changing  global  marketplace. 

For  fiscal  year  1994,  the  President  has  proposed  more  than  $40  billion  in  taxpayer 
funds  for  DOT  programs.  If  confirmed,  each  of  the  nominees  will  be  entrusted  with 
assisting  the  Secretary  in  overseeing  the  appropriate  expenditure  of  these  fiinds, 
and  with  carrying  out,  under  the  Secretary's  guidance,  DOT's  mission  of  ensuring 
a  safe  and  efficient  national  transportation  system.  The  task  of  the  nominees  will 
be  a  daunting  one,  but  one  to  which  they  bring  much  knowledge  and  experience. 

Mr.  Downey,  as  the  nominee  for  Deputy  Secretary,  brings  a  wealth  of  transpor- 
tation, financial,  and  management  experience.  During  his  career,  he  has  served  with 
the  Port  Authority  of  New  York  and  r»Iew  Jersey,  the  House  Budget  Committee,  as 
a  Deputy  Under  Secretary  with  DOT  during  the  Carter  administration,  and  most 
recently,  as  chief  financial  officer  with  the  Metropolitan  Transportation  Authority 
of  New  York.  Given  the  traditional  principal  responsibility  of  the  Deputy  Secretary 
for  managing  the  more  than  100,000  civil  servants  and  military  personnel  who  serve 
in  DOT,  I  am  confident  that  his  experience  has  prepared  him  for  the  tremendous 
challenges  confronting  the  Department. 

Mr.  Kaplan,  if  confirmed  as  General  Counsel,  will  be  the  chief  legal  officer  for 
DOT.  The  nominee  brings  to  the  position  years  of  legal  experience  serving  as  attor- 
ney or  legislative  advisor  at  the  local.  State,  and  Federal  levels  of  government.  He 
is  currently  on  leave  from  the  law  firm  of  Davis,  Graham,  and  Stubbs  in  Denver, 
CO.  Prior  to  this  position,  he  served  as  city  attorney  for  the  city  of  Denver,  as  an 
associate  and  then  partner  at  the  law  firm  of  Kelly,  Haglund,  Garnsey,  and  Kahn, 
and  as  an  assistant  and  then  first  assistant  attorney  general  for  the  State  of  Colo- 
rado. In  his  position  as  Denver  City  Attorney,  Mr.  Kaplan  was  involved  in  matters 
relating  to  the  Denver  International  Airport. 

Mr.  Huerta,  if  confirmed  as  Associate  Deputy  Secretary  of  Transportation,  will 
serve  as  the  Director  of  DOT's  Office  of  Intermodalism,  recently  created  under  the 
Intermodal  Surface  Transportation  Act  of  199 1  to  promote  the  development  of  a  na- 
tional intermodal  transportation  system  in  the  United  States.  Mr.  Huerta  has  had 
significant  experience  with  intermodal  issues,  having  recently  served  as  the  execu- 
tive director  of  the  Port  of  San  Francisco  and  prior  to  that  as  the  commissioner  for 
the  Department  of  Ports,  International  Trade  and  Commerce  for  the  City  of  New 
York.  He  thus  should  understand  well  the  importance  of  intermodalism  and  the 
challenges  that  he  will  face. 

I  look  forward  to  hearing  from  the  nominees  today. 

The  Chairman.  Mr,  Downey. 


Mr.  Downey.  Well,  certainly,  Mr.  Chairman,  there  is  no  shortage 
of  needs  on  the  highway  side^  on  the  transit  side  and  on  the  avia- 
tion side,  and  we  will  do  our  best  to  make  our  case  that  those  funds 
that  have  been  collected  from  the  users,  earmarked  for  that  pur- 
pose, are  spent  appropriately  to  rebuild  our  capital  investment. 

[The  prepared  statement,  biographical  data,  and  prehearing 
questions  and  answers  of  Mr.  Downey  follow:] 

Prepared  Statement  of  Mortimer  L.  Downey 

Mr.  Chairman  and  members  of  the  Committee,  I  appreciate  your  timely  response 
in  scheduling  this  hearing  on  my  nomination  to  the  position  of*^  Deputy  Secretary  of 
Transportation.  I  see  this  position  as  an  enormous  cnallenge  but  at  the  same  time 

a  great  opportunity.  It  is  a  challenge  in  the  sense  that  the  safety  of  millions  of 
Americans  rests  on  the  shoulders  of  the  Department  of  Transportation,  as  does  the 
responsibility  for  the  movement  of  goods  and  people  that  makes  our  economy  strong. 
It  is  an  opportunity  because  I  expect,  if  confirmed,  to  be  part  of  a  team  that  wul 
work  with  the  Congress,  with  industry  and  with  State  and  local  governments  to  im- 
prove the  Department's  functioning  and  its  contribution  to  the  well  being  of  our 

Moving  into  the  Transportation  Department  at  this  time  is  a  very  exciting  pros- 

gect.  The  issues  it  faces  are  important  ones,  and  the  time  is  right  to  build  on  the 
lepartment's  strengths  and  make  changes  where  change  will  emiance  its  contribu- 
tions. The  President  has  given  the  general  directions  for  that  change  and  the  Sec- 
retary of  Transportation  has  set  forth  a  specific  agenda  that  will  reauire  all  of  our 
skills  and  attention.  As  it  must,  the  agenda  begins  with  safety  in  all  of  its  facets, 
from  the  regulation  of  the  automobile  to  the  effective  operation  of  the  air  traffic  sys- 
tem to  the  protection  of  the  public  from  such  concerns  as  hazardous  material  spills. 
Issues  of  economic  importance  such  as  the  health  and  competitiveness  of  our  airline 
industry  and  our  maritime  industries  are  high  priority  matters. 

We  recognize  the  significance  of  Transportation's  activities  and  programs  on  the 
nation's  economy  at  a  time  when  jobs  and  economic  growth  are  of  paramount  impor- 
tance. To  this  end,  I  expect  to  work  with  the  Department's  agencies  to  move  their 
work  quickly  and  effectively  to  contribute  towards  long  term  economic  growth.  The 
Department  s  activities  can  also  generate  real  opportunities  to  apply  the  capabiUties 
of  our  defense  industries  towards  civilian  needs.  Making  this  a  reality  will  take  new 
partnerships  and  innovative  thought  as  to  the  role  of  technology  in  such  areas  as 
high  speed  ground  transportation. 

At  tne  same  time,  we  must  be  sensitive  to  our  stewardship  of  natural  resources 
and  the  environment.  The  far  reaching  provisions  of  the  Intermodal  Surface  Trans- 
portation Efficiency  Act  and  the  Clean  Air  Act  Amendments  can  form  the  basis  of 
a  new  model  of  responsible  transportation  development  in  partnership  with  State 
and  local  government. 

Finally,  two  major  themes  of  this  Administration  will  affect  everything  we  hope 
to  do  at  Transportation.  The  clear  call  from  the  President  and  the  Vice  President 
to  "reinvent  government"  and  to  use  the  skills  and  knowledge  of  government's  em- 
ployees to  generate  the  ideas  behind  "reinvention"  creates  real  opportunities  to 
think  through  what  the  Department  does,  why  it  is  done  and  how  the  missions  can 
be  retooled  to  meet  the  expectations  of  those  we  serve.  Concurrently,  the  most  im- 
portant issue  for  all  of  us  has  to  be  people.  Everything  we  do  at  Transportation  re- 
lates to  people  and  their  needs.  We  must  be  sensitive  to  diversity,  both  in  our  work 
force  and  in  the  opportunities  our  activities  create,  and  we  must  be  always  aware 
that  the  real  purpose  of  all  these  activities  is  service  to  the  public,  not  in  an  aggre- 
gate sense  but  in  terms  of  individuals  who  must  accomplish  tneir  daily  tasks 

I  believe  that  my  background  and  my  education  have  prepared  me  well  for  ad- 
dressing these  challenges.  I  will  soon  complete  my  thirty-fiuh  year  in  transportation 
work,  with  most  of  those  years  spent  in  the  management  levels  of  complex  multi- 
modal transportation  agencies.  Most  of  my  experience  has  been  at  the  local  level  in 
agencies  that  deal  directly  with  the  travelling  public,  and  in  these  agencies  I  have 
had  the  challenge  of  dealing  with  federal  programs  and  regulations.  At  another  time 
in  my  career,  I  served  in  Washington,  first  on  Capitol  Hill  and  then  in  the  Executive 
Branch,  and  have  first  hand  knowledge  of  how  policies  are  developed  and  imple- 
mented at  the  national  level. 

I  look  forward  to  working  with  this  Committee  and  with  the  Congress  on  the  is- 
sues that  face  transportation  and  I  am  optimistic  that  we  can  make  progress  in 
these  important  areas  through  a  cooperative  effort.  I  would  be  glad  to  answer  any 
questions  that  the  Committee  has  at  this  time. 

Biographical  Data 

Name:  Downey,  Mortimer  Leo,  III;  address:  218  Dalmeny  Road,  Briarcliff  Manor, 
NY  10510;  business  address:  347  Madison  Avenue,  New  York,  NY  10017. 

Position  to  which  nominated:  Deputy  Secretary  of  the  Department  of  Transpor- 

Date  of  birth:  August  6,  1936;  place  of  birth:  Springfield,  MA. 

Marital  status:  Married;  full  name  of  spouse:  Dorothea  Joyce  Downey;  names  and 
ages  of  children:  Stephen  Michael,  28;  and  Christopher  Sean,  25. 

Education:  Phillips  Academy,  1951-54,  Diploma;  Yale  University,  1954-58,  B.A.; 
New  York  University,  1962-66,  M.P.A.;  and  Harvard  Business  School,  1988,  Ad- 
vance Management  Program  (certificate). 

Employment:  6/58-12/58,  Port  Authority  of  New  York  and  New  Jersey,  Manage- 
ment Trainee;  1/59-12/59,  U.S.  Coast  Guard,  Officer  Candidate  Ensign;  1/60-3/75, 
Port  Authority  of  New  York  and  New  Jersey,  Staff  Assistant  and  Planning  Adminis- 
tration Supervisor;  3/75-1/77,  U.S.  House  of  Representatives,  Committee  on  the 
Budget,  Budget  Analyst;  1/77-3/81,  Department  of  Transportation,  Deputy  Under 
Secretary  and  Assistant  Secretary  Counsel;  and  4/81-present,  Metropolitan  Trans- 
portation Authority. 

Government  experience:  In  addition  to  my  employment  noted  above,  I  have  served 
on  various  Department  of  Transportation  task  forces  (1971-75)  and  on  the  Infra- 
structure Subcouncil  of  the  Competitiveness  Policy  Council  (1992). 

Political  affiliations:  As  a  condition  of  my  employment  at  the  Metropolitan  Trans- 
portation Authority,  I  have  not  been  permitted  to  hold  political  party  offices  over 
the  last  10  years. 

Political  contributions:  New  York  Democratic  Party:  1984,  $50;  1986,  $15;  1987, 
$15;  1988,  $60;  1989,  $75;  1990,  $75;  1991,  $50;  and  1992,  $50.  Nita  Lowey  for  Con- 
gress: 1988,  $100;  1990  $135;  1991,  $50;  and  1992,  $100.  Democratic  National  Com- 
mittee: 1984,  $250;  1985,  $50;  1986,  $50;  1987,  $200;  1988,  $225;  1990,  $75;  1991, 
$300;  and  1992,  $100.  Clinton/Gore  Campaign:  1992,  $500.  Trudy  Mason  for  NYS 
Assembly:  1992,  $100;  Sandy  Galef  for  NYS  Assembly:  1992,  $100.  Joel  Schiavone 
for  Governor  (Connecticut):  1990,  $100.  Ossining  Democratic  Committee:  1984,  $40 
and  1988,  $50.  Moynihan  for  Senate:  1988,  $100.  Dukakis/Bentsen  Campaign:  1988, 
$500.  Bob  Edgar  for  Senate  (Pennsylvania):  1987,  $35  and  1986,  $50.  Sandy  Galef 
for  Westchester  Legislature:  1985,  $25  and  1989,  $35.  Richard  Ravitch  for  Mayor 
(New  York  City):  1989,  $350.  Brock  Adams  for  Senate  (Washington):  1986,  $500. 
Neil  Goldschmidt  for  (Jovemor  (Oregon):  1986,  $200.  Mondale/Ferraro  Campaign: 
1984,  $550.  Birch  Bayh  for  Senate  Debt  Retirement  (Indiana):  1985,  $50.  Goodman 
for  County  Executive  of  Westchester:  1985,$20 

Memberships:  American  Society  for  Public  Administration  (past  Pres.,  NY  Chap- 
ter); American  Public  Transit  Association;  New  York  Municipal  Forum  (Board  of 
Governors);  New  York  Building  Congress  (Board  of  Directors);  Transportation  Re- 
search Board  (former  member,  Executive  Committee);  Women's  Transportation  Sem- 
inar; Yale  Club  of  New  York  Citv;  National  Democratic  Club,  Washington  D.C.;  Yale 
Sailing  Association;  Briarclifr  Manor  Health  Club  (Club  Fit);  St.  Theresa's  Church, 
BriarclifT  Manor,  New  York;  Block  Island  Resident's  Association;  Public  Works 
Forum  (New  York  City);  Harvard  Business  School  Club  of  New  York;  National  Asso- 
ciation of  Rail  Passengers;  Andover-Abbott  Alumni  Association  of  New  York;  and 
New  York  University  Alumni  Council  (Chair,  Public  Affairs  and  Government  Rela- 
tions Committee). 

Honors  and  awards:  Yale  Club  of  New  Haven  Scholarship,  1954-58;  Magna  Cum 
Laude  Graduate,  Yale  University;  Member,  Pi  Sigma  Alpha,  National  Political 
Science  Honorary;  New  York  University,  Lepesguer  Award  for  Highest  Academic 
Standing,  MPA  Program;  U.S.  Coast  Guard  OCS-USCGA  Award  for  Highest  Aca- 
deniic  Standing;  and  Urban  Mass  Transportation  Administration  Fellowship  to  Car- 
nerie-Mellon  Professional  Program  in  Urban  Transportation. 

Published  writings:  Articles:  'Transit  Developments  in  Europe,"  published  in 
Transit  Journal  1974;  'Tactors  Affecting  Transportation  Productivity,"  Traf^Tic  Quar- 
terly April  1980;  "Public -Private  Financing  of  Transportation,"  Transportation  Quar- 
terly April  1984;  and  Contribution  to  Transportation  Chapter  of  "Cfhanging  Amer- 
ica," Citizens  Transition  Project,  1992. 

Questions  Asked  by  Senator  Hollings  and  Answers  Thereto  by  Mr.  Downey 


Question  1.  How  do  you  perceive  the  function  of  Deputy  Secretary  with  respect 
to  the  modal  administrations  in  the  Department  of  Transportation  (DOT)?  Have  you 
perceived  any  structural  or  institutional  changes  that  are  needed  in  this  regard 
since  you  last  served  at  DOT? 

Answer.  The  Deputy  Secretary  can,  in  my  view,  play  an  instrumental  role  on  be- 
half of  the  Secretary  in  assuring  that  the  modal  relationships  work  smoothly  and 
produce  sensible  policy  and  results  on  issues  that  affect  them.  Secretary  Peiia  has 
already  institutionalized  regular  meetings  of  the  Secretary's  Office  and  modal  senior 
officials  to  coordinate  policy  at  a  high  level.  I  would  expect  the  Deputy  to  play  an 
important  role  in  this  group,  also  helping  the  Administrators  obtain  needed  deci- 
sions, especially  at  the  Office  of  Management  and  Budget  and  National  Economic 
Council  when  routine  contacts  are  not  working.  The  Deputy  Secretary  can  often  be 
the  point  of  contact  or  of  influence  to  obtain  high-level  focus  on  issues  that  would 

otherwise  be  submerged,  such  as  expediting  major  procurements  that  often  are  criti- 
cal to  agency  success,  and  can  help  set  and  follow  up  on  a  policy  agenda. 

One  great  structural  improvement  that  has  been  put  in  place  since  I  was  last  at 
DOT  has  been  the  creation  of  a  high-level,  formalized  Office  of  Intermodalism,  head- 
ed by  the  Associate  Deputy  Secretary.  This  is  a  new  Office,  and  I  would  like  to  see 
it  in  action  for  a  period  of  time  before  suggesting  further  organizational  changes. 
This  Office  has  great  potential  as  a  forum  lor  cross-modal  issues  and  coordination 
of  major  initiatives. 

Question  2.  Please  described  the  most  significant  management  challenges  pres- 
ently facing  DOT,  and  how  you  intend  to  address  these  challenges,  if  confirmed. 

Answer.  We  are  fortunate  to  begin  with  a  Department  that  generally  gets  good 
marks-for  management,  although  lam  aware  that  the  Inspector  General  has  docu- 
mented cases  where  improvements  can  be  made.  The  management  area  is  of  height- 
ened importance  now,  because  of  the  President's  emphasis  on  providing  the  "cus- 
tomer" better  service,  combined  with  the  President's  commitment  to  doing  more 
with  fewer  administrative  resources.  His  goals  for  conducting  the  government  s  busi- 
ness more  efficiently,  and  with  less  staff,  is  one  of  the  most  important  challenges 
the  Department  faces. 

If  confirmed,  I  expect  to  make  this  area  one  of  my  high  priorities.  Specifically,  the 
task  is  to  think  through  what  the  Department  does,  why  it  is  done,  and  how  the 
missions  can  be  retooled  to  meet  the  expectations  of  those  we  serve.  The  Depart- 
ment's current  participation  in  the  Vice  President's  National  Performance  Review 
is  the  foundation  for  that  effort. 

Another  major  challenge  will  be  to  put  into  practical  use  the  fruits  of  new  tech- 
nology, where  the  President  has  placed  great  reliance  for  future  economic  growth. 
Secretary  Pena  has  already  transmittea  a  high-speed  rail  initiative  to  Congress, 
which  will  be  considered  by  this  Committee.  Turning  the  proposal  on  paper  into 
functioning  new  technology  on  the  ground  in  partnersnip  with  states,  localities,  and 
the  private  sector  will  be  a  management  challenge  of  the  highest  order,  one  the  De- 
partment is  eager  to  undertake. 

Other  significant  challenges  include  the  continued  focus  on  an  effective  procure- 
ment and  acquisition  effort  for  major  department  investments,  the  achievement  of 
diversity  goals  in  employment  and  procurement,  and  effective,  timely,  completion  of 
regulatory  initiatives.  Ine  Department  has  mechanisms  to  encourage  these  proc- 
esses and  I  will  participate  heavily  in  these  processes. 

Question  3.  What  are  the  key  management  and  financial  administration  insights 
you  have  gained  from  your  recent  experience  with  the  Metropolitan  Transit  Author- 
ity, and  how  will  that  experience  make  you  a  more  effective  Deputy  Secretary,  if 

Answer.  While  the  scale  of  the  two  organizations — MTA  and  USDOT — is  consid- 
erably different,  they  have  some  major  similarities  in  terms  of  management  and  fi- 
nancial issues.  MTA,  like  DOT,  is  a  an  aggregation  of  independently  organized  oper- 
ations. Each  of  its  various  subsidiaries  and  affiliates  has  an  independent  history, 
statutory  framework  and  separate  financial  identity.  The  MTA  Headquarters,  much 
like  the  DOT  Secretary's  office,  has  the  challenge  of  providing  leadership  and  direc- 
tion so  that  common  goals  are  achieved. 

Many  of  the  techniques  that  have  worked  in  MTA  are  applicable,  and  in  fact  are 
present  to  a  significant  degree  in  DOT.  The  key  factor  in  arriving  at  consistent 
progress  among  our  various  transportation  agencies  and  responsibilities  has  been  a 
shared  plan  for  long  term  improvement,  a  recognition  of  capital  needs  and  a  time- 
table for  meeting  them,  and  a  joint  and  agreed  upon  strategy  for  operational  fi- 
nances that  reflected  reality  in  terms  of  resource  availability  and  priorities.  Knitting 
all  of  these  together  was  a  recognition  that  accountability  for  results  lies  with  those 
directly  responsible  for  performance.  Our  operating  Presidents,  much  like  DOT's  Ad- 
ministrators, are  on  the  front  lines,  are  accountable  for  results  and  should  not  be 
"second  guessed"  or  "micro-managed"  so  long  as  the  agreed-upon  strategies  are 
being  carried  out  and  the  agreed-upon  goals,  including  interim  milestones,  are  being 

This  same  theory  of  accountability  applies  at  each  level  within  organizations. 
Functional  and  project  managers  must  be  given  the  latitude  to  carry  out  their  as- 
signed tasks,  but  only  after  adequate  time  has  been  built  in  at  the  front  end  of  ac- 
tivities and  projects  to  define  missions,  generate  realistic  schedules  and  resource  re- 
quirements, and  set  appropriate  reporting  systems  in  place.  Within  such  a  process, 
MTA  (and  I  am  sure  DOT)  can  find  it  possible  to  achieve  desired  results,  as  well 
as  making  real  savings  in  how  work  is  done  when  the  long  term  capital  investments 
and  the  operating  costs  are  taken  into  account. 

A  second  major  similarity  between  MTA  and  DOT  (including  those  aspects  of  the 
national  infrastructure  for  which  DOT  has  responsibility)  is  the  capital-intensive  na- 

ture  of  their  systems.  At  MTA,  we  have  been  successful  to  a  significant  degree  in 
renewing  our  capital  plant  through  two  basic  strategies.  First,  we  have  been  realis- 
tic in  assessing  our  needs  and  maJcing  those  assessments  credible  for  public  decision 
makers.  Second,  we  have  attempted  to  be  creative  in  ways  to  finance  those  needs, 
using  a  wide  variety  of  techniques  appropriate  to  various  types  of  assets,  useful 
lives,  and  types  of  potential  cost  recoveries.  I  believe  that  a  similar  set  of  strategies 
wiU  be  applicable  to  the  capital  intensive  systems  owned  or  financed  by  DOT. 

Finally,  I  think  there  is  similarity  in  the  need  to  set  priorities  and  goals,  directing 
one's  efforts  and  resources  in  way  that  directs  attention  primarily  to  those  actions 
that  offer  the  most  potential  for  meeting  the  major  goals  that  have  been  set. 

Question  4.  If  confirmed  as  Deputy  Secretary,  what  policy  areas  do  you  anticipate 
will  be  among  your  highest  priorities?  What  are  your  overall  goals  and  objectives? 

Answer.  If  confirmed,  my  role  will  be  one  that  fulfills  the  Secretary's  needs  and 
priorities  as  he  sees  them.  It  is  clear  that  the  highest  priority  at  the  Department 
is  the  continued  emphasis  on  day-to-day  safety  of  all  transportation  systems.  Im- 
provement of  our  major  procurements,  such  as  the  current  Advanced  Automation 
System  at  the  FAA,  would  be  a  major  objective  for  the  Deputy  Secretary.  With 
President  Clinton's  emphasis  on  improved  service  to  the  "customer"  across  govern- 
ment, I  also  believe  there  will  be  a  greater  need  for  anticipatory  and  close  inter- 
agency coordination,  such  as  the  Department  of  Transportation  coordinating  with 
the  Department  of  Energy  and  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency,  which  soon 
may  achieve  cabinet  status.  My  long  experience  in  the  "retail  delivery"  of  transpor- 
tation services  convinces  me  that  the  way  we  go  about  our  business  in  government 
contributes  as  much  to  ultimate  success  as  the  introduction  of  dramatic  new  initia- 
tives. I  would  see  my  role  in  this  regard  as  streamlining  our  methods  at  DOT. 

Question  5.  What  are  your  views  with  respect  to  the  appropriate  role  of  the  public 
sector  in  fostering  and  ensuring  the  safety  of  our  national  transportation  system? 
What  new  opportunities  do  you  envision  for  public/private  partnerships  in  transpor- 

Answer.  In  response  to  Question  5,  there  has  always  been  and  will  remain  an  ap- 
propriate role  for  the  public  sector  in  ensuring  the  safety  of  our  transportation  sys- 
tems for  their  customers.  While  some  may  argue  that  past  regulation  has  been  too 
prescriptive  or  otherwise  heavy  handed,  I  am  convinced  that  the  private  sector  can- 
not self-police  itself  entirely  because  of  the  pressures  of  competition.  At  the  same 
time,  Secretary  Pena  has  stressed  the  need  for  quicker  regulatory  decisions  and  sen- 
sitivity to  the  situation  of  regulated  parties.  I  agree  with  this  approach  to  safety  reg- 

I  believe  that  there  are  a  number  of  potential  approaches  to  the  public-private 
partnership,  and  that  many  of  them  have  real  potential  for  improving  service  to  our 
customers  and  to  the  American  economy.  In  a  broad  sense,  the  entire  range  of  trans- 
portation services  in  this  country  represents  a  very  real  partnership  between  the 
private  and  public  sectors,  and  a  workable  one.  Unlike  many  economies,  the  private 
sector  in  America  is  dominant  in  many  aspects  of  transportation.  We  do  not  have 
nationally  owned  railways  or  airlines,  and  even  where  we  do  have  ownership  of 
some  services  (such  as  Amtrak)  we  seek  to  have  the  service  operate  on  a  business- 
like fashion. 

At  the  same  time,  many  of  the  key  facilities,  such  as  roadways,  airports,  port  fa- 
cilities or  public  transportation  systems,  are  provided  by  public,  or  in  some  cases, 
quasi-public  entities.  Even  here,  the  vast  majority  of  funds  used  in  these  highly  cap- 
ital-intensive investments  are  ultimately  the  responsibility  of  the  users,  through 
trust  funds,  revenue  bonds,  or  other  similar  devices. 

Additionally,  there  are  obviously  a  variety  of  private  opportunities  generated  each 
time  public  investments  are  put  in  place.  More  often  than  not,  even  where  public 
operations  of  some  facility  or  service  make  sense,  it  is  supported  by  a  supply  sector 
that  operates  in  the  private  sector  to  undertake  construction,  build  equipment  and 
provide  a  variety  of  support  services.  These  arrangements,  too,  can  properly  be  de- 
scribed as  a  form  of  public-private  partnership. 

In  general,  it  is  my  view  that  the  current  mix  of  responsibilities  works  well,  and 
that  there  is  room  for  a  variety  of  successful  approaches  to  be  implemented  as  may 
make  sense  in  particular  situations.  I  do  not  see  a  need  for  the  Federal  government, 
in  particular,  to  be  directive  or  prescriptive  as  to  how  services  are  provided  or  what 
model  of  private  and  public  roles  make  sense.  Rather,  the  Federal  government  ought 
to  be  supportive  of  local  decision  making  and  the  tailoring  of  specific  outcomes  that 
make  sense. 



Question  6.  Please  provide  your  views  concerning  the  requirements  for  capital  in- 
vestment in  the  Nation's  surface  transportation  infrastructure.  How  can  DOT  en- 
sure that  its  public-sector  investment  decisions  are  made  wisely? 

Answer.  According  to  the  Department's  most  recent  report  on  the  conditions  and 
performance  of  the  Nation's  highways,  bridges,  and  transit  systems,  which  was  is- 
sued last  January,  the  total  annual  investment  to  maintain  overall  1991  highway 
and  bridge  conditions  and  performance  is  $51.6  billion  through  the  year  2011.  The 
cost  to  maintain  transit  condition  and  performance,  including  the  cost  to  meet  new 
statutory  obligations  to  serve  disabled  Americans  and  improve  vehicular  emissions 
and  continue  recent  growth,  is  estimated  at  $3.9  billion  annually  through  2011. 
More  transit  investment  will  be  needed  if  the  goal  is  to  re-balance  the  modal  split 
and  reflect  the  realities  of  constraints  in  highway  expansion. 

In  1991,  $36.1  billion  was  spent  for  highway  and  bridge  capital  improvements  and 
$4.3  billion  was  spent  for  capital  improvements  to  transit  Those  figures  represent 
investment  needs  and  expenditures  from  all  sources.  Such  estimates  need  to  consid- 
ered very  carefully,  and  the  DOT  staff  indicates  it  will  be  reviewing  the  methodolo- 
gies used  in  developing  these  estimates,  but  it's  clear  that  our  capital  investment 
in  surface  transportation  infrastructure  has  been  falling  below  the  levels  needed  to 
maintain  conditions  and  performance.  That  is  part  of  the  reason  why  President 
Clinton  proposed  his  program  to  Rebuild  America  and  the  reason  why  increases  in 
surface  transportation  investment  are  prominent  features  in  his  proposal.  Not  only 
must  we  ensure  that  investment  levels  increase,  but,  as  you  suggest,  we  must  invest 
wisely,  and  that  is  a  priority  for  this  Administration.  Tools  provided  in  the  1991 
ISTEA  will  help  state  and  local  governments  make  the  necessary  choices  in  their 
investments,  and  the  Department  will  work  with  them  to  facilitate  the  process. 

The  Department  recently  submitted  a  report  to  Congress  suggesting  allocation  of 
transit  new  starts  funds  based  on  the  factors  set  out  in  the  ETA  Act,  such  as  cost 
effectiveness,  environmental  considerations,  and  local  financial  commitment,  key 
factors  in  ensuring  wise  investment.  An  interagency  team  is  at  work  looking  at  prin- 
ciples for  ensuring  wise  investment  in  infrastructure  on  a  government-wide  basis. 

Question  7.  Please  describe  your  general  philosophy  with  respect  to  the  economic 
regulation  of  the  surface  transportation  modes.  Do  you  believe,  as  a  general  matter, 
that  DOT  should  intervene  before  the  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  on  matters 
of  policy  affecting  the  economic  regulation  of  the  rail,  intercity  bus,  and  trucking  in- 

Answer.  The  deregulation  movement  began  in  the  Carter  Administration,  but  was 
a  bipartisan  eflbrt,  including  passage  of  legislation  affecting  air,  truck,  and  rail  serv- 
ices. I  am  aware  of  the  significant  economic  gains  from  deregulation  claimed  by  its 
proponents  in  government,  industry,  and  academic  circles.  However,  I  am  also 
aware  that  these  gains  have  not  been  uniform  throughout  the  industry.  For  exam- 
ple, some  trucking  companies,  and  their  employees,  have  suffered  because  they 
could  not  adapt  quickly  to  a  deregulated  environment. 

I  am  also  familiar  with  claims  that  economic  productivity  will  be  enhanced  by  fur- 
ther deregulation  at  both  the  Federal  and  State  levels.  But  I  do  not  consider  myself 
an  expert,  and  before  deciding  on  a  plan  of  action  concerning  changes  to  economic 
regulation  of  the  surface  modes,  I  want  to  examine  all  the  issues  and  impacts  on 
shippers,  communities,  and  employees.  As  far  as  reregulation  is  concerned.  Sec- 
retary Peiia  said  in  his  confirmation  hearing  that  reregulation  is  not  on  his  radar 
screen;  it  is  not  on  mine  either. 

The  Staggers  Rail  Act  of  1980  appears  to  have  been  working  very  well,  and  I 
would  not  anticipate  any  major  proposals  for  change  in  the  rail  freight  sector.  With 
regard  to  participation  at  the  ICC,  I  believe  that  each  issue  needs  to  be  examined 
for  its  merits,  and  that  the  Department  should  participate  on  especially  important 

Question  8.  Increasing  attention  lately  has  been  focused  on  whether  antilock 
br^es  and  other  safety  improvements  should  be  mandated  for  the  trucking  indus- 
try. What  are  your  views  on  this  question,  and  how,  as  Deputy  Secretary,  will  you 
reconcile  the  overlapping  policy  interests  in  this  area  of  the  Federal  Highway  Ad- 
ministration (FHWA)  and  the  National  Highway  Traffic  Safety  Administration 

Answer.  With  any  new  technology,  the  concerns  must  include  whether  it  will  per- 
form adequately  in  the  environment  of  over-the-road  trucking  and  whether  the  safe- 
ty benefits  we  can  expect  from  it  will  justify  its  costs.  Our  attitude  should  be  one 
of  cautious  optimism  in  dealing  with  new  technology.  I  understand  that  the  new 
technology  has  overcome  past  problems,  that  NHTSA  is  winding  up  operational 

tests,  most  of  the  industry  has  been  involved,  and  the  agency  is  close  to  starting 

NHTSA  and  FHWA  have  been  working  together  to  enhance  trucking  safety;  the 
former  with  regard  to  the  design  and  performance  of  new  vehicles  and  the  latter 
with  regard  to  the  equipment  and  operation  of  existing  vehicles.  I  would  expect  to 
use  the  position  of  Deputy  Secretary  to  ensure  that  the  spirit  of  cooperation  contin- 
ues to  prevail. 

Question  9.  Greyhound  Lines  plans  soon  to  introduce  a  computerized  reservations 
system  for  its  intercity  bus  service.  What  critical  policy  issues,  if  any,  in  the  inter- 
city bus  industry  should  DOT  monitor  with  respect  to  this  development? 

Answer.  The  intercity  bus  industry  is  an  extremely  important  one,  especially  in 
rural  America.  We  must  be  particularly  concerned  about  tne  continuing  availability 
of  regular  route  intercity  bus  service  to  important  segments  of  the  population — the 
young,  the  elderly,  and  those  with  below  average  incomes — who  have  few  viable  al- 
ternative means  of  travel.  Along  with  Secretary  Pena,  I  believe  that  the  intercity 
bus  industry  has  a  vital  role  to  play,  and  it  is  important  that  we  maintain  and  en- 
courage a  safe,  efficient,  and  connected  national  intercity  bus  network.  Without 
thwarting  sound  business  practices,  we  want  do  what  we  can  to  promote  cooperation 
and  connectability  between  Greyhound  and  the  other  carriers,  and  avoid  the  sort  of 
competitive  problems  that  have  occurred  with  the  CRS  systems  in  the  airline  indus- 

Question  10.  What  are  your  views  concerning  the  shipper  hazardous  materials 
(Hazmat)  registration  program  instituted  by  the  Research  and  Special  Programs  Ad- 
ministration? Should  an  exemption  be  provided  for  foreign-based  hazmat  shippers? 

Answer.  I  understand  that  the  Research  and  Special  Programs  Administration 
has  implemented  the  Congressionally  mandated  hazmat  registration  program  in  a 
timely  manner.  Although  more  than  26,000  offerers/shippers  and  carriers  of  hazard- 
ous materials  have  registered,  RSPA  believes  that  there  are  thousands  more  who 
should  be  registered  but  have  not  done  so.  I  am  told  RSPA  plans  to  increase  out- 
reach efforts  and  also  will  be  relying  on  civil  penalty  authority  to  encourage  addi- 
tional registrations. 

Question  11.  Please  provide  your  views  as  to  what  steps  DOT  should  take  in 
order  to  foster  intermodal  synergies  between  and  among  the  various  modes. 

Answer.  Secretary  Pena  has  set  intermodal  synergy  as  a  priority  in  conducting 
the  Department's  business,  and  I  share  this  priority.  I  oelieve  that  this  goal  can  best 
be  accomplished  through  improved  communication  among  the  customers  and  provid- 
ers of  transportation  services,  largely  at  the  local  level  where  problems  can  best  be 
resolved.  Tne  provision  of  "seamless"  transportation,  whether  for  passengers  or 

foods,  boils  down  to  common  sense  and  consideration  for  what  the  customer  seeks, 
'he  Department  of  Transportation  can  best  facilitate  this  process  by  listening  to  its 
"customers,"  whether  they  are  users  of  the  services,  providers  of  service  or  recipi- 
ents of  grants,  and  providing  the  flexibility  in  Department  programs  to  meet  "cus- 
tomer" needs.  Much  of  this  communication  can  best  take  place  at  the  local  and  re- 
gional levels  in  the  context  of  real  world  problems  and  solutions.  If  confirmed,  I 
would  expect  to  participate  in  those  discussions  and  to  encourage  the  necessary 
flexibility  in  Departmental  thinking. 

Question  12.  In  the  area  of  grade-crossing  safety,  how  will  you  work  to  ensure 
that  the  overlapping  jurisdiction  of  the  Federal  Railroad  Administration  (FRA)  and 
FHWA  does  not  impede  continued  progress  and  attention  to  this  important  safety 

Answer.  If  confirmed  as  Deputy  Secretary,  I  would  expect  to  have  regular  contact 
with  both  the  Federal  Railroad  Administrator  and  the  Federal  Highway  Adminis- 
trator. I  would  make  it  my  business  to  see  that  their  agencies  work  together  to  re- 
duce the  number  of  casualties  from  rail-highway  grade  crossing  accidents. 

The  FRA  has  authority  over  measures  the  railroads  take  to  enhance  the  safety 
of  their  operations  at  grade  crossings,  while  the  FHWA  works  largely  through 
grants  to  states  and  localities  to  identify  and  implement  grade  crossing  safety  coun- 

FRA  has  recently  been  engaged  in  rulemakings  to  ensure  the  proper  operation  of 
railroad  safety  equipment  at  grade  crossings.  I  would  press  to  see  that  such  rules 
continue  to  receive  high  priority.  The  Department  could  also  use  the  statutory  pow- 
ers it  has  in  awarding  grants  to  ensure  that  grade  crossing  safety  remains  a  major 
consideration  with  states  and  localities.  I  would  also  expect  to  work  through  organi- 
zations like  Operation  Lifesaver  and  the  National  Safety  Council  to  remind  the  pub- 
lic of  the  need  for  caution  at  grade  crossings. 

Question  13.  What  do  you  see  as  the  appropriate  role  of  intercity  passenger  rail 
in  the  national  transportation  system?  What  mission  do  you  envision  for  Amtrak  in 
this  area  during  the  remainder  of  this  decade? 


Answer.  I  believe  intercity  rail  passenger  service  is  a  valuable,  environmentally 
sound,  integral  component  of  our  transportation  system.  The  Department  encour- 
ages its  growth  and  development  in  a  manner  consistent  with  available  budgetary 
resources.  I  support  Amtrak's  continued  progress  in  the  efficient  delivery  of  service 
and  its  efforts  to  meet  its  capital  needs.  If  those  efforts  are  successful,  Amtrak 
should  be  capable  of  recovering  a  larger  share  of  its  operating  cost  from  users. 

Secretary  Peiia  and  the  new  Administration  place  a  special  emphasis  on  rail  pas- 
senger service  improvements,  including  high  speed  rail  in  high  travel  density  inter- 
city corridors,  through  the  Administration's  high  speed  ground  transportation  initia- 

Question  14.  With  respect  to  the  magnetic  levitation  (maglev)  prototype  develop- 
ment program,  what  do  you  believe  are  the  key  institutional  issues  to  be  resolved 
in  order  to  ensure  success  of  the  program  as  authorized  by  the  Intermodal  Surface 
Transportation  Efficiency  Act  (ISTEA)? 

Answer.  Looking  beyond  the  immediate  time  horizon,  MAGLEV  offers  oppor- 
tunity for  technological  advance  in  the  provision  of  high-speed  ground  transpor- 
tation services  in  certain  markets.  Testing  its  potential  as  called  for  in  the  ISTEA 
will  require  continued  inter-agency  cooperation,  and  may  also  require  some  modi- 
fications to  assure  an  effective  test  of  this  new  technology. 


Question  15.  How  do  you  view  the  value  of  maintaining  a  U.S. -flag  shipping  fleet? 
Do  you  believe  that  we  need  a  maritime  policy  that  will  preserve  our  existing  U.S.- 
flag  shipping  fleet  and  spur  the  growth  of  the  fleet? 

Answer.  The  U.S. -flag  merchant  marine  is  an  important  contributor  to  our  na- 
tional defense  capability  as  well  as  overall  economic  security.  Given  the  benefits  of 
an  active  merchant  fleet,  a  maritime  policy  that  strives  to  preserve  our  existing 
U.S. -flag  fleet  is  desirable.  However,  to  the  extent  that  policy  is  built  upon  direct 
Federal  subsidies,  then  the  cost  of  those  subsidies  has  to  be  weighed  carefully 
against  the  benefits.  I  have  not  previously  been  involved  in  matters  involving  the 
merchant  marine  subsidy  program  and  will  make  if  a  high  priority  to  become  better 
informed  on  the  subject. 

Question  16.  Reform  of  the  U.S.  maritime  industry  has  become  the  most  signifi- 
cant issue  facing  that  industry.  The  largest  U.S.-flag  carriers  have  stated  they  will 
be  forced  to  register  their  vessels  in  foreign  countries  and  crew  them  with  foreign 
crews  if  reform  is  not  attained  this  year.  At  his  confirmation  hearing  before  this 
Committee,  Secretary  Peiia  stated  that  maritime  reform  was  one  of  his  top  two  pri- 
orities. What  actions  will  DOT  be  pursuing  in  this  area? 

Answer.  In  light  of  the  recognized  problems  of  the  maritime  industry  and  its  im- 
portance to  the  national  economy  and  defense,  it  is  disappointing  that  budgetary 
constraints  will  preclude  an  Administration  initiative  on  maritime  reform  this  year. 
The  Administration  clearly  recognizes  that  something  basic  is  needed  if  we  are  to 
prevent  the  U.S.-flag  merchant  fleet  from  disappearing.  The  decision,  based  on  par- 
ticularly trying  budget  circumstances  this  year,  does  not  mean  that  maritime  reform 
is  being  abandoned.  I'm  sure  Secretary  Pea  intends  to  keep  maritime  reform  high 
on  his  list  for  action.  He  believes  it  is  essential  that  U.S.  carriers  and  other  trans- 
portation modes  be  able  to  compete  globally. 

I  understand  that  DOT  staff  are  now  waiting  on  completion  of  two  studies,  the 
Shipyard  Study  in  October  and  the  DoD  Requirements  Analysis  in  August,  that  to- 
gether will  provide  the  basis  for  another  look  at  the  maritime  issues. 

Question  17.  The  Jones  Act  mandates  that  trade  between  two  U.S.  ports  be  on 
U.S.-flag,  U.S.-crewed,  and  U.S. -built  vessels.  What  is  your  view  of  this  law? 

Answer.  Insofar  as  I  understand  its  purposes,  I  support  the  Jones  Act  and  believe 
it  should  be  retained. 

Question  18.  The  U.S.  careo  preference  laws  require  that  all  military  cargo  and 
up  to  75  percent  of  other  U.S.  government-impelled  cargoes  be  carried  on  U.S.-flag 
ships.  There  was  concern  recently  that  the  Administration  would  seek  to  waive 
these  requirements  for  the  food  aid  that  is  being  shipped  to  Russia.  What  is  your 
view  of  the  importance  of  the  cargo  preference  requirements  generally,  and  as  they 
relate  to  the  food  aid  shipments  to  Russia? 

Answer.  Cargo  preference  is  important  for  the  strengthening  of  U.S.-flag  mer- 
chant shipping  and  the  interest  of  Doth  the  national  economy  and  national  defense. 
It  also  helps  protect  our  ocean  commerce  from  foreign  domination,  creates  jobs  for 
Americans  and  improves  our  balance  of  payments  position.  Shipments  to  Russia  are 
being  funded  by  U.S.  dollars  and  it  is  reasonable  to  expect  that  the  U.S.  merchant 
marine  industry  should  benefit  from  this  movement  of  cargo. 



Question  19.  The  Airport  Noise  and  Capacity  Act  of  1990  established  a  national 
phase-out  date  for  Stage  2  aircraft.  What  ao  you  believe  is  the  responsibility  of  DOT 
in  assuring  compliance  with  that  date?  How  would  you  describe  the  authority  of  air- 
ports to  control  the  noise  environment? 

Answer.  The  Airport  Noise  and  Capacity  Act  of  1990  (ANCA)  struck  an  important 
balance  between  noise  relief  and  aviation  activity.  It  is  the  responsibility  of  DOT 
to  maintain  that  balance  and  recognize  and  mediate  circumstances  that  could  inter- 
fere or  delay  ANCA  compliance. 

Noise  relief  afforded  by  ANCA  through  scheduled  phaseout  of  Stage  2  aircraft  will 
be  costly  to  the  air  carrier  industry,  but  will  ultimately  reduce  the  population  af- 
fected by  significant  levels  of  airjxjrt  noise  to  minimal  levels.  The  FAA  indicates 
that  the  air  carrier  industry  is  on  schedule  for  meeting  the  ANCA  requirements,  de- 
spite undergoing  a  period  of  financial  stress. 

The  authority  of  the  airports  to  control  the  noise  environment  is  as  defined  by 
ANCA.  Airports  wishing  to  pursue  local  noise  or  access  restrictions,  through  other 
than  voluntary  agreements,  must  comply  with  substantial  regulatory  requirements 
of  notice  and  analysis  for  Stage  2  restrictions.  Airports  seeking  Stage  3  restrictions 
must  also  meet  notice  and  analysis  requirements,  as  well  as  obtaining  DOT  ap- 
proval of  the  Stage  3  restriction.  All  restrictions  must  continue  to  comply  with  pre- 
existing law.  I  support  the  continued  effort  towards  voluntary  agreements  to  resolve 
these  issues  at  a  local  level. 

Question  20.  Secretary  Pefia  recently  announced  that  bilateral  aviation  issues 
would  be  considered  by  a  group  within  the  White  House,  which  will  include  rep- 
resentatives of  DOT.  How  will  this  approach  affect  negotiations? 

Answer.  We  expect  that  the  interagency  approach  to  consideration  of  aviation  is- 
sues will  have  a  positive  effect  on  negotiations.  As  the  U.S.  is  confronted  with  dif- 
ficult negotiating  issues  vis-a-vis  our  trading  partners  or  our  own  constituents,  the 
interagency  group  will  assure  that  all  interests  of  the  Administration  are  reflected 
and  balanced  in  the  Department's  important  decisions.  When  there  is  a  conflict  be- 
tween agencies,  it  will  be  resolved  so  that  the  U.S.  negotiators  can  speak  confidently 
with  one  voice  and  support  the  national  interests  in  negotiations. 

Question  21.  A  memoer  of  the  House  recently  suggested  an  "investment  criteria" 
for  a  range  of  transportation  projects,  including  airport  grants.  The  airport  grant 
program  has  a  series  of  set-asides  created  by  the  authorizing  committees.  Is  DOT 
concerned  that  the  investment  criteria  could  lead  to  earmarking  of  the  airport  grant 
program,  something  not  previously  done? 

Answer.  DOT  welcomes  the  interest  of  Congress  in  utilizing  formal  investment 
criteria  to  allocate  scare  infrastructure  investment  dollars,  but  believes  that  Federal 
agencies  and  airport  sponsors  should  retain  flexibility  in  deciding  what  capital  in- 
vestment projects  should  be  undertake.  Benefit/cost  analysis/and/or  formal  benefit^ 
cost-based  investment  criteria  have  been  used  in  evaluating  FAA's  major  Facilities 
and  Equipment  (F&E)  investments  for  the  last  two  decades.  Generally,  the  ear- 
marking of  discretionary  funding  interferes  with  the  best  use  of  scarce  resources 
and  should  not  be  employed.  Also,  the  Clinton  Administration  has  undertaken  a 
government-wide  analysis  of  how  federal  programs  should  make  infrastructure  in- 
vestments, an  analysis  that  we  should  all  have  available  as  we  address  this  issue. 

Question  22.  There  has  been  a  great  deal  of  emphasis  on  creating  new  transpor- 
tation systems,  like  high-speed  rail.  How  do  you  see  this  new  technology  affecting 
the  airline  industry? 

Answer.  In  specific  circumstances,  high-speed  rail  can  be  an  effective  substitute 
for  aviation  service,  particularly  in  corridors  up  to  600  miles  in  length  where  airport 
or  aviation  system  capacity  is  near  its  limits  and  additional  capacity  may  be  infeasi- 
ble.  One  instance  where  this  has  occurred  has  been  in  the  Washington-Boston  cor- 
ridor, where  a  significant  portion  of  the  intercity  trafiic  is  carried  by  rail.  The  Em- 
pire Corridor  from  New  York  to  Buffalo,  and  especially  its  New  York/Albany  seg- 
ment, has  seen  significant  growth  with  help  from  New  York  State.  As  I  see  it,  the 
choice  as  to  how  markets  are  served  should  generally  be  driven  by  market  and  efli- 
ciency  considerations,  including  the  consideration  of  costs  of  activities.  If  the  tech- 
nology and  potential  of  high-speed  rail  is  understood,  a  choice  can  be  fairly  and  ac- 
curately made. 

The  Administration's  high-speed  rail  proposal  specifically  addresses  the  potential 
for  service  in  specific  circumstances  for  this  reason.  I  understand  the  bill  (S.  839) 
is  now  pending  before  this  Committee  and  that  Secretary  Pefia  will  testify  on  it 
later  this  week. 

Question  23.  Will  you  exercise  oversight  over  the  Federal  Aviation  Administra- 
tion's Advanced  Automation  System  FVogram  to  ensure  that  it  proceeds  on  sched- 


ule?  What  steps  do  you  believe  are  needed  to  ensure  that  the  necessary  improve- 
ments are  maoe  to  the  air  traffic  control  system? 

Answer.  I  will,  if  confirmed,  exercise  oversight  over  the  AAS  program  both 
through  the  Transportation  Systems  Acquisition  Review  Council  (TSARC)  which  as 
Deputy  Secretary  I  will  chair  and  through  regular  briefings.  However,  OST  should 
not  be  involved  in  the  day-to-day  management  of  the  program.  Rather,  the  FAA 
must  maintain  contact  by  establishing  realistic  schedules,  managing  to  these  sched- 
ules, and  limiting  the  number  of  changes  that  are  made  during  implementation. 

I  am  advised  that  FAA  has  taken  steps  to  reform  this  process  by  establishing  de- 
tailed guidelines  for  management  of  major  acquisitions  which  should  result  in  more 
clearly  defined  requirements,  realistic  schedules,  and  better  cost  control.  I  will  over- 
see this  process  through  the  Department's  TSARC. 


Question  24.  As  you  know,  in  the  last  Congress,  authorization  legislation  for  Na- 
tional Highway  Traffic  Safety  Administration  (NHTSA)  was  incorporated  into 
ISTEA.  ITie  legislation  requires  DOT  to  carry  out  various  programs  and  rulemaking 
proceedings  involving  vehicular  safety.  Passage  of  this  legislation  represented  the 
first  time  that  NHTSA  had  been  authorized  since  1982.  (A)  Please  describe  your 
general  view  on  rulemakings  and  the  role  you  believe  the  Congress  should  have 
with  respect  to  DOT's  rulemaking  authority  and  activities.  (B)  How  do  you  beHeve 
NHTSA's  role  in  promoting  highway  safety  can  be  improved?  In  particular,  in  which 
specific  areas  do  you  envision  a  greater  involvement  from  NHTSA? 

Answer.  First,  I  would  like  to  say  that  I  am  comfortable  with  the  iinportance  of 
the  issues  for  which  NHTSA  has  begun  rulemakings  as  a  result  of  ISTEA.  These 
are  important  safety  issues  that  need  to  be  investigated.  As  for  the  role  of  Congress 
in  rulemakings,  I  find  it  unfortunate  that  the  Congress  felt  that  it  could  not  rely 
on  the  Department  to  initiate  or  complete  regulatory  action  on  its  own.  This  implies 
a  lack  of  confidence  in  the  Department's  judgments  and  its  priorities.  I  will  work 
to  improve  relations  between  the  Department  and  the  Congress,  so  that  we  move 
forward  efficiently. 

In  addition  to  its  important  work  in  vehicular  safety,  NHTSA  can  improve  on  its 
highway  safety  mission  by  focusing  on  those  activities  that  have  shown  the  greatest 
promise  to  reduce  death  and  injury.  For  example,  among  the  most  eflective  highway 
safety  efforts  would  be  to  promote  increases  in  the  number  of  vehicle  occupants  who 
regularly  wear  their  safety  belts  and  to  reduce  the  incidence  of  drunk  driving. 

Question  25.  Please  discuss  generally  your  views  regarding  regulation  of  the  auto 
industry.  (A)  What  are  your  views  regarding  the  role  of  NHTSA  in  the  development 
and  implementation  of  policies  and  regulations  concerning  safety  and  fuel  economy 
standards.  (B)  What  direction  do  you  believe  NHTSA  should  follow  with  regard  to 
formulating  an  approach  toward  fuel  economy  standards  in  the  future? 

Answer.  In  lignt  of  the  importance  of  energy  conservation  and  environmental  con- 
cerns, one  must  support  the  concept  of  improved  passenger  car  and  light  truck  fuel 
efficiency.  However,  there  are  a  number  of  studies,  including  studies  performed  by 
NHTSA,  that  raise  concerns  about  the  safety  implications  of  smaller  and  lighter  ve- 
hicles. I  believe  that  NHTSA's  role  in  the  safety  and  fuel  economy  debate  will  be 
to  contribute  its  technical  expertise  and  experience  in  this  area  so  that  we  can  find 
ways  to  increase  energy  efficiency  without  compromising  safety. 

Fuel  economy  standards  are  inevitably  tied  into  broader  policy  concerns  regarding 
energy  conservation  goals  for  the  country  as  a  whole,  reducing  America's  depend- 
ence on  foreign  sources  of  energy,  reducing  greenhouse-gas  emissions,  improving 
economic  and  jobs  growth,  and  enhancing  the  competitiveness  of  the  domestic  auto 
industry.  A  number  of  agencies  besides  NHTSA  will  be  involved  in  formulating  the 
Clinton  Administration's  approach  toward  future  fuel  economy  standards.  In  gen- 
eral, I  believe  we  need  to  look  at  cost-effective  ways  of  increasing  energy  conserva- 
tion, while  also  considering  environmental  factors  and  the  health  of  the  domestic 
auto  industry. 

Questions  Asked  by  Senator  Danforth  and  Answers  Thereto  by  Mr.  Downey 

AND  Mr.  Kaplan 

RENO  air 

Question  1.  Earlier  this  year,  Reno  Air,  a  new  airline  fiying  from  Reno  to  six  West 
Coast  cities,  announced  that  it  would  begin  Hying  a  Reno  to  Minneapolis  route.  This 
announcement  prompted  Northwest  Airlines,  which  is  based  in  Minneapolis,  to  de- 
clare that  it  would  dm  plicate  Reno  Air's  service  from  Minneapolis  to  Reno  and  from 


Reno  to  Los  Angeles,  Seattle  and  San  Diego  at  prices  below  those  of  Reno  Air. 
Northwest  had  abandoned  the  Reno-Minneapolis  route  in  1991  as  unprofitable.  Re- 
ports in  the  March  29  Wall  Street  Journal  and  the  April  5  New  York  Times  indicate 
that  Secretary  Pena  met  with  Northwest's  President,  John  Dasburg,  and  stated  his 
intention  to  begin  a  DOT  investigation  of  Northwest  Airlines  with  regard  to  Reno 
Air.  Northwest  subsequently  dropped  its  plans  to  fly  from  Reno  to  the  West  Coast. 
Were  you  involved  in  DOT's  analysis  of  Northwest  Airline's  actions?  Does  DOT  have 
guidelines  when  an  investigation  of  anti-competitive  action  in-the  airline  industry 
should  be  launched? 

Downey  Answer.  I  was  not  involved  in  the  Department's  actions  in  this  situation, 
although  I  was  aware  of  the  press  reports  and  that  personnel  of  the  Department 
were  mscussing  the  issue.  At  this  point  I  am  not  familiar  with  whether  the  Depart- 
ment has  investigatory  guidelines  for  these  types  of  investigations,  but  I  do  know 
that  there  is  a  legal  office,  called  the  Office  of  Aviation  and  Proceedings,  that  I  am 
told  focuses  on  just  these  sorts  of  issues.  As  a  general  matter,  I  believe  that  strict 
enforcement  of  anti-competitive  action  is  a  necessary  component  of  a  system  that 
relies  on  market  forces. 

Kaplan  Answer.  I  had  the  opportunity  to  sit  in  on  several  of  the  presentations 
and  discussions  regarding  this  issue.  It  is  important  to  note  that,  while  the  Depart- 
ment has  its  own  authority  in  this  area,  this  particular  matter  included  direct  in- 
volvement of  the  Justice  Department.  It  is  my  understanding  that  there  is  an  ongo- 
ing effort  to  consider  guidelines  in  this  area. 


Question  2.  I  have  introduced  S.  770,  the  Airline  Predatory  Pricing  Act  of  1993, 
which  would  provide  DOT  with  a  procedure  and  standards  to  handle  anti-competi- 
tive pricing  conduct  in  the  airline  industry.  Once  a  complaint  that  an  airline  has 
engaged  in  predatory  pricing  is  filed,  DOT  would  have  seven  days  to  determine 
whether  to  issue  a  preliminary  cease  and  desist  order.  DOT  would  have  90  days  to 
determine  whether  to  make  the  order  permanent.  The  legislation  also  provides  ob- 
jective standards  as  to  what  constitutes  predatory  or  destructive  pricing.  Would  an 
established  procedure  and  specific  standards,  such  as  those  provided  in  S.  770,  be 
helpful  to  DOT  to  settle  predatory  pricing  claims? 

Downey  Answer.  In  an  area  of  long-established  administrative  practice  such  as 
this,  where  the  financial  prospects  oi  various  air  carriers  can  be  substantially  af- 
fected by  new  standards  and  processes,  I  believe  that  the  committee  hearing  process 
could  be  particularly  beneficial  to  determine  the  efiect  of  these  proposed  statutory 
changes.  Under  this  approach,  the  Congress  and  Administration  would  have  the 
benefit  of  hearing-from  all  sides  as  they  developed  positions  on  the  legislation. 

Kaplan  Answer.  While  I  have  not  had  the  opportunity  to  review  the  existing  proc- 
ess in  detail,  I  am  advised  that  the  General  Counsel's  legal  staff  points  to  both  Sec- 
tion 411  of  the  Federal  Aviation  Act  of  1958  and  to  tne-Department  of  Justice's 
broad  authority  in  this  area  as  a  substantial  basis  of  existing  authority  to  combat 
predatory  pricing.  Clearly,  the  Department  seems  interested  in  fostering  healthy, 
lawful  competition. 


Question  3.  On  March  15,  Secretary  Pea  approved  a  $300  million  investment  by 
British  Air  in  USAir.  This  investment  gave  British  Air  19.9  percent  of  USAir's  vot- 
ing stock.  British  Air  has  indicated  that  it  would  like  to  increase  its  voting  stock 
stake  to  44  percent  within  five  years.  Under  existing  law,  foreign  entities  many  only 
own  up  to  25  percent  of  a  U.S.  airline's  voting  stock.  Secretary  Pea  has  announced 
his  intention  to  begin  negotiations  on  a  new  bilateral  aviation  agreement  between 
the  United  States  and  the  United  Kingdom.  The  British  have  stated  that  they  want 
the  new  bilateral  agreement  to  allow  British  citizens  to  acquire  a  higher  percentage 
of  voting  stock  in  U.S.  airlines.  The  major  objective  of  the  United  States  in  a  new 
bilateral  agreement  is  greater  access  to  Heathrow  Airport  for  U.S.  airlines.  I  have 
introduced  S.  771,  the  Airline  Investment  Act  of  1993,  which  would  allow  citizens 
of  a  country  to  acquire  up  to  49  percent  of  U..S.  airline's  voting  stock,  if  that  country 
negotiates  a  liberal  bilateral  agreement  with  the  United  States.  If  Secretary  Pena 
had  this  authority,  would  it  be  useful  in  his  negotiations  with  the  British  on  a  new 
bilateral  agreement? 

Downey  Answer.  As  Secretary  Pena  has  stated  publicly,  his  objective  is  to  win 
better  bi-lateral  agreements  with  other  countries,  and  that  the  objectives  of  so-called 
"open  skies"  and  our  valid  objectives  in  a  particular  case  can  be  complementary.  It 
appears  that  the  new  negotiations  with  the  British  are  beginning  well,  and  dearly 
this  issue  is  of  interest  to  the  British. 

68-087  -  93  -  2 


Kaplan  Answer.  The  negotiation  of  bilateral  and  multilateral  agreements  is 
known  to  be  a  highly  specialized  area,  oflen  requiring  the  long  view  to  reach  suc- 
cess. I  have  been  advised  that  issue  is  one  which  will  receive  attention  from  the  new 
AirUne  Study  Commission.  There  are  a  series  of  fundamental  policy  questions  that 
range  from  national  security  to  our  ability  to  compete  globally. 

Question  4.  On  May  11,  the  New  York  Times  reported  that  the  Clinton  Adminis- 
tration "has  decided  to  invite  air  trafiic  controllers  dismissed  in  their  1981  strike 
to  reapply  for  their  former  jobs  *  *  *"  Has  such  a  decision  been  made?  What  is  the 
rationale  for  this  change  in  our  long-standing  policy  on  rehiring  controllers  who 
struck  illegally? 

Downey  and  Kaplan  Answer.  As  far  as  we  are  aware,  a  decision  has  not  been 
reached  by  the  White  House.  Secretary  Peiia  did  coordinate  the  process  among  the 
cabinet  heads  of  presenting  the  various  options  for  a  decision,  but  we  are  not  pre- 
pared to  comment  further  at  this  time. 

While  we  are  not  privy  to  the  rationale  underlying  this  policy  process,  it  is  dear 
from  press  reports  that  the  President  has  indicated  that  the  passage  of  time  alone 
justifies  giving  the  issue  a  new  look. 


Question  5.  Senator  Exon  has  introduced  S.  412,  the  Undercharge  Equity  Act  of 
1992,  to  end  the  costly  litigation  involving  bankrupt  trucking  companies  and  ship- 
pers. By  some  estimates,  outstanding  undercharge  claims  may  cost  shippers  as 
much  as  $32  billion.  Nine  Commerce  Committee  Members  and  I  have  cosponsored 
Senator  Exon's  bill.  As  Deputy  Secretary  and  General  Counsel  of  the  Department 
of  Transportation,  will  you  review  S.  412  and  give  us  the  benefit  of  your  support 
for  this  needed  legislation  to  end  the  harm  these  undercharge  claims  are  causing, 
particularly  to  the  many  small  businesses  who  are  the  subject  of  these  suits? 

Downey  and  Kaplan  Answer.  We  recognize  that  the  shipper  undercharge  issue  is 
a  serious  problem,  one  which  is  taking  attention  away  from  the  day-to-day  oper- 
ations of  thousands  of  businesses,  large  and  small.  We  need  to  address  the  problem, 
which  will  entail  seeking  an  equitable  way  of  resolving  past  undercharge  claims  and 
preventing  new  ones. 

We  are  aware  that  the  Department  is  active  in  assessing  Senator  Exon's  bill  in 
the  103rd  Congress  as  the  follow-on  to  extensive  analysis  of  the  Senator's  and 
Chairman  Norman  Mineta's  efforts  in  this  area  in  the  102d  Congress.  We  under- 
stand that  Chairman  Mineta  just  recently  introduced  a  bill  as  well.  This  is  a  par- 
ticularly knotty  issue,  involving  the  Interstate  Commerce  Committee  and  the  courts 
as  well,  and  it  would  be  to  everyone's  interest  to  see  a  resolution.  Secretary  Pena 
is  aware  of  the  issue  and  the  legislation  and  wants  to  play  a  constructive  role  in 
resolution  of  the  dispute.  If  confirmed,  we  would  be  active  participants  in  the  devel- 
opment of  the  Department's  position  on  this  or  related  legislation.  It  is  our  sense 
that  the  Department  supports  an  effort,  involving  all  interested  parties,  to  get  this 
matter  resolved. 

The  Chairman.  We  have  no  proposed  plan  for  the  maritime  in- 
dustry. And  I  have  also  had  an  opportunity  to  discuss  this  with  the 
Secretary.  What  you  have,  in  essence,  is  the  presentation  of  a  mari- 
time plan  by  the  administration  in  the  closing  months  here  last 
year  with  no  money.  Perhaps  it  is  because  there  is  no  money  that 
there  is  no  plan.  But  you  cannot  stand  for  the  demise  of  the  Na- 
tion's maritime  industry  to  come  on  your  watch.  We  have  got  to 
have  some  kind  of  plan  up  here,  some  kind  of  money.  It  is  abso- 
lutely necessary. 

I  might  suggest  that — I  notice  in  defense,  the  050  function  as  you 
and  I  would  refer  to  it,  has  a  lot  of  money — today  the  buzz  word 
is  "competitiveness,"  so  they  have  a  $1  billion  line  item  in  there  to 
commercialize  technology.  Is  that  not  wonderful  that  the  Defense 
Department  now  is  going  to  get  into  the  commercialization  of  tech- 

If  they  can  find  $1  billion  for  that,  they  can  find  $1  billion  for 
American  flagships  that  are  so  necessary  to  get  us  to  a  Desert 
Storm  or  wherever.  And  that  is  very  important.  The  Coast  Guard 
has  to  go  to  the  Defense  Department  each  year,  as  you  well  know, 


in  order  to  carry  out  its  functions.  So,  if  you  can  address  those  mat- 
ters, with  your  experience  in  the  budget  workings,  it  would  be  a 
big  help  to  us. 

I  think  you  and  the  other  two  nominations  now  before  us  are  ex- 
cellent appointments. 

Let  me  yield  to  my  colleague,  Senator  Pressler. 

Senator  PtiESSLER.  Let  me  ask  just  one  line  of  questioning  here. 
And  that  is  the  relationship  between  the  Department  of  Transpor- 
tation, the  FAA,  and  the  National  Transportation  Safety  Board.  I 
know  we  have  a  lot  of  these  players  getting  involved.  We  had  a 
fatal  small  aircraft  accident  recently  that  claimed  the  lives  of  eight 
distinguished  South  Dakotans,  including  our  Governor,  George  S. 
Mikelsen,  and  it  turned  out  that  on  at  least  two  occasions,  the  FAA 
had  ignored  urgent  warnings  from  the  National  Transportation 
Safety  Board  regarding  the  safety  of  the  propeller  assembly  model 
that  happened  to  be  on  the  plane  carrying  Governor  Mikelsen  and 

And  just  last  March,  the  National  Transportation  Safety  Board 
Chairman,  Carl  Vogt,  warned  that  the  failure  of  the  propeller  as- 
sembly could  result  in  a  catastrophic  accident.  But  no  warning  was 
ever  issued  by  the  FAA. 

Now,  in  your  position  at  the  Department  of  Transportation,  what 
role  do  you  feel  the  DOT  should  play  in  its  relationship  with  the 
FAA  and  the  NTSB? 

Mr.  Downey.  Well,  first  of  all,  that  was  a  very  tragic  event,  and 
we  have  already  expressed  our  condolences  to  the  families  of  the 
people  who  were  lost.  In  terms  of  lessons  learned,  I  think  it  tells 
us:  one,  that  the  Congress  was  correct  years  ago  in  separating  the 
Safety  Board  from  the  Department,  so  that  it  would  make  inde- 
pendent scientific  recommendations  for  the  various  agencies  in 

In  my  role,  I  will  do  my  best  to  make  sure  that  those  agencies 
listen  to  the  Safety  Board,  that  the  Safety  Board  and  FAA  and  the 
other  agencies  of  DOT  communicate  and  reach  quick  decisions  on 
what  is  best  for  the  safety  of  the  transportation  system's  users. 

Senator  Pressler,  Now,  what  is  the  current  relationship  be- 
tween the  DOT  and  the  FAA? 

Mr.  Downey.  The  FAA  is  a  agency  within  the  DOT.  Its  adminis- 
trator reports  to  the  Secretary. 

Senator  Pressler.  So,  we  do  have  responsibility  fixed? 

Mr.  Downey.  Yes. 

Senator  Pressler.  Now,  do  you  feel  that  the  FAA,  like  the 
NTSB,  should  be  an  agency  independent  of  the  DOT? 

Mr.  Downey.  I  do  not  believe  so.  I  think  there  is  a  good  argu- 
ment for  FAA  being  inside  the  DOT  to  give  it  accountaoility  to  a 
Cabinet  Secretary  and  to  assure  that  its  transportation  invest- 
ments and  decisions  mesh  with  other  transportation  decisions  for 
the  other  modes. 

Senator  Pressler.  I  am  sure  that  the  FAA  maybe  had  reasons — 
it  did  have  a  similar  plane  crash  up  in  Utica,  and  it  did  have  two 
letters — it  seems  unusual,  the  NTSB  sent  two  letters  and  one 
warning  and  marked  them  urgent  or  some  level,  and  the  FAA  did 
not  act  on  them,  even  though  they  act  on  about  90  percent  of  the 
warnings  sent  by  the  NTSB.  Why  do  you  suppose  that  was? 


Mr.  Downey,  I  do  not  know  the  answer  specifically  to  that.  I  do 
know  that  they  are  responsive  in  the  vast  majority  of  cases,  and 
I  think  it  is  important  that  they  do  respond  to  urgent  safety  re- 
quirements of  the  Safety  Board. 

Senator  Pressler.  I  am  mainly  interested  in  learning  the  inter- 
relationship of  all  these  agencies,  and  whether  we  need  all  of  them, 
if  they  are  all  functioning,  and  if  the  public  interest  is  being  served. 
So,  we  have  the  DOT,  the  FAA — well,  of  course,  the  FAA  is  part 
of  the  DOT,  it  reports  to  the  Secretary. 

Mr.  Downey.  Yes,  it  reports  to  the  Secretary. 

Senator  Pressler.  So,  basically,  we  are  dealing  here  with  the 
Department  of  Transportation  and  the  National  Transportation 
Safety  Board.  What  about  that  relationship?  Of  course,  the  NTSB 
probably  sends  a  letter  on  everything  that  it  hears,  and  the  FAA 
cannot  act  on  everything,  but  is  the  NTSB  functioning  well,  do  you 

Mr,  Downey,  I  believe  it  is,  from  my  experience,  both  in  DOT  12 
years  ago,  as  well  as  experience  with  them  in  the  transit  field. 
They  do  a  good  job  of  investigating  accidents.  They  do  a  good  job 
of  recommendations.  And,  for  the  most  part,  the  things  they  rec- 
ommend are  appropriate  improvements  to  safety. 

Sometimes  there  are  resource  issues  involved.  Sometimes  there 
are  issues  of  balance.  But,  for  the  most  part,  the  things  they  rec- 
ommend are  of  high  importance. 

Senator  Pressler.  Yes.  Well,  I  am  not  one  to  point  fingers  of 
blame  at  people  when  something  goes  wrong,  without  digging  into 
it  a  little  bit.  And  that  is  what  we  are  trying  to  do.  But  the  stand- 
ard that  FAA  has  when  they  respond  to  NTSB  seems  to  be  a  very 
inconsistent  pattern.  And  you  will  be  overseeing  FAA,  basically, 
will  you  not? 

Mr,  Downey,  Yes,  Senator. 

Senator  Pressler.  I  mean,  the  head  of  FAA  will  be  reporting  to 
you  probably,  essentially. 

Mr.  Downey,  To  the  Secretary. 

Senator  Pressler,  Would  you  assure  me  that  you  will  look  into 
this,  and  maybe  you  can  submit  for  the  record  here  your  analysis 
of  what  happened  in  this  case,  and  whether  or  not  the  FAA  acted 
properly?  Could  you  do  that  for  this  committee? 

Mr,  Downey.  We  could  do  that,  yes. 

Senator  Pressler.  I  would  not  want  to  ask  you  to  do  it  now,  but 
what  is  the  timetable  on  this  nomination?  When  is  it  going  to  the 
floor?  Can  we  get  something  by  late  today? 

Mr,  Downey.  We  can  get  something. 

The  Chalrman,  Get  it  late  today.  We  want  to  put  it  out  this 

Senator  Pressler.  OK,  great,  I  just  want  to  look  at  it.  Or  you 
can  give  it  orally  right  now  if  you  want  to, 

Mr.  Downey,  I  would  prefer  to  provide  it  later  today,  if  we  could, 

[The  information  referred  to  follows:] 


Letter  From  Stephen  H.  Kaplan  and  Mortimer  L.  Downey 

May  19,  1993. 

The  Honorable  Larry  Pressler, 
U.S.  Senate. 
Washington,  DC    20510 

Dear  Senator  Pressler:  We  appreciate  the  opportunity  we  had  Monday  to  dis- 
cuss with  you  the  aviation  accident  April  19  that  took  eight  lives,  including  Gov- 
ernor Mickelson's,  and  the  steps  we  can  take  to  prevent  another  such  tragic  acci- 
dent. Small  aircraft  safety  is  and  should  be  a  priority  at  the  Federal  Aviation  Ad- 
ministration (FAA). 

You  expressed  particular  concern  that  the  interaction  between  the  FAA  and  the 
National  Transportation  Safety  Board  (NTSB)  may  have  involved  bureaucratic  fric- 
tion that  interfered  with  issuance  of  the  appropriate  airworthiness  directive  as  soon 
as  there  was  a  basis  for  one.  We  have  looked  into  the  chronology  in  this  case  and 
found  that  the  relationship  worked  as  it  was  intended  under  statute,  and  that  both 
agencies  appear  to  have  done  their  best  with  the  information  they  had  available. 
Triis  is  by  no  means  suggests  that  further  steps  would  not  improve  safety  for  the 

The  NTSB  was  created  by  Congress  to  investigate  transportation  accidents,  make 
determinations  of  probable  cause,  and  make  safety  recommendations  to  the  regulat- 
ing agency,  in  this  case  the  FAA.  Congress  separated  the  NTSB  from  the  Depart- 
ment in  1975  to  help  assure  the  independence  of  its  accident  findings  and  safety 
recommendations.  The  responsibility  for  issuing  safety  regulations  and  directives  is 
lodged  separately  with  the  FAA,  freeing  the  NTSB  from  any  of  the  balancing  of  is- 
sues implicit  in  the  regulatory  process,  but  the  FAA  has  a  statutory  duty  to  consider 
and  respond  to  all  NTSB  recommendations  on  air  safety.  The  record  shows  a  very 
high  level  of  positive  response  by  the  FAA  to  NTSB  recommendations,  with  more 
than  90  percent  of  its  urgent  recommendations,  and  more  than  80  percent  of  all  its 
recommendations,  adopted  by  the  FAA.  DOT's  Inspector  General  has  examined  the 
FAA's  record  of  response  and  found  that,  except  in  the  case  of  the  lowest  priority 
recommendations,  the  FAA  has,  on  average,  responded  to  the  NTSB  more  rapidly 
than  its  guidelines  specify  for  response. 

Without  making  any  ultimate  judgment  about  the  causes,  we  would  like  to  review 
the  facts  leading  up  to  the  April  19  crash.  The  first  evidence  FAA  had  of  a  problem 
with  the  propeller  in  question  was  the  loss  of  a  propeller  in  flight  from  an  MU-2B- 
60  aircraft  September  27,  1991,  followed  by  a  safe  landing.  The  specific  model  pro- 
peller had  been  in  service  for  20  years  with  millions  of  flight  hours  accumulated. 
The  NTSB'S  investigation  led  to  an  August  1992  recommendation  to  the  FAA  that 
it  join  with  the  propeller  manufacturer  in  developing  a  nondestructive  inspection 
technique  to  examine  the  inner  propeller  surfaces  for  the  fatigue  cracking  that  ap- 
peared to  be  the  cause  of  the  failure.  The  NTSB  recognized  that  disassembly  to  ex- 
amine the  inner  areas  could  lead  to  maintenance-induced  damage  that  be  more  seri- 
ous than  the  cracking  if  sought  to  locate.  NTSB  also  recommended  requiring  an  in- 
spection schedule  of  blades  in  service  over  3,000. 

The  FAA  responded  quickly  to  the  August  recommendation  by  advising  the  NTSB 
on  October  26  that  a  review  of  relevant  information  was  underway.  Although  not 
mentioned  in  the  October  26  letter,  the  FAA  had  begun  discussing  a  nondestructive 
inspection  technique,  as  recommended  by  the  NTSB,  with  the  manufacturer. 

On  January  4,  1993,  the  FAA  provided  its  full  response  to  the  NTSB.  The  agency 
had  examined  all  the  relevant  historical  data  on  the  propeller  type  and  similar  pro- 
pellers in  use  over  three  decades  and  found  no  comparable  case  of  cracking.  The 
manufacturer's  testing  showed  that  stress  levels  of  tne  propeller  area  in  question 
were  acceptable,  and  that  no  metallurgical  discrepancies  were  found  in  the  nub  ma- 
terial. FAA  reviewed  the  service  history  of  the  propeller  and  contacted  propeller 
overhaul  shops  to  gather  any  additional  anecdotal  information.  No  cracking  at  all 
had  been  reported  in  thousands  of  normal  maintenance  sessions.  Because  this  led 
the  FAA  to  conclude  the  1991  case  was  an  isolated  incident,  the  FAA  decided  not 
to  issue  a  mandatory  inspection  directive  at  the  time.  Significantly,  no  method  had 
been  (or  yet  has  been)  developed  to  permit  inspection  that  avoids  disassembly  and 
the  possibility  of  maintenance-induced  damage.  The  FAA  indicated  it  was  continu- 
ing to  monitor  the  service  performance  of  this  propeller.  On  March  4,  the  NTSB  re- 
sponded and  reiterated  its  view  that  a  nondestructive  inspection  methodology 
snould  be  developed  and  applied.  The  NTSB  also  noted  concern  that  the  FAA  had 
not  seen  a  need  to  review  the  design  and  fabrication  of  similar  propeller  types. 

The  FAA  and  the  manufacturer  have  continued  the  search  for  an  inspection  meth- 
od that  avoids  disassembly  and  the  risk  of  induced  damage.  Many  methods,  includ- 
ing x-ray,  eddy  current,  and  ultrasonic  techniques,  have  oeen  evaluated  and  found 


unsatisfactory.  The  manufacturer  has  concluded  that  current  technology  is  not  at 
a  stage  where  inspection  can  be  accomplished  without  disassembly. 

When  the  April  19  crash  occurred,  involving  an  identical  model  aircraft,  the  FAA 
responded  within  10  days  by  establishing  that  a  pattern  of  fatigue  cracking  existed, 
and  that  inspection  involving  disassembly  must  be  undertaken.  In  view  of  the  poten- 
tial for  damage  in  the  inspection,  the  FAA  has  required  that  the  inspection  only  be 
conducted  at  the  manufacturer's  factory  laboratory.  This  step  is  intended  to  maxi- 
mize speed  and  consistency  of  data  collection  as  well  as  minimize  the  possibility  of 
maintenance-induced  damage.  The  FAA  continues  to  work  closely  with  the  NTSB 
on  this  issue,  but  the  engineering  and  other  data  do  not  suggest  an  explanation  for 
the  cracking  and  fatigue. 

In  our  review  of  these  facts,  it  appears  that  the  two  agencies  performed  appro- 
priately. Nonetheless,  we  look  forward  to  working  with  Congress  specifically  on  how 
the  area  of  small  aircraft  safety  might  obtain  greater  emphasis.  The  accident  statis- 
tics demonstrate  that  the  safety  record  has  steadily  improved.  The  FAA  believes 
that  the  high  profile  it  gives  small  aircraft  safety,  such  as  its  small  airplane  air- 
worthiness reviews  and  its  positive  safety  outreach  program,  contributes  to  the  im- 
provement. However,  we  should  continue  to  pursue  further  improvement. 

We  share  Secretary  Peiia's  firm  belief  and  the  fundamental  premise  that  the  De- 
partment of  Transportation  is  committed  first  and  foremost  to  safety  in  the  day-to- 
day operations  of  all  modes  of  transportation.  He  strongly  supports  the  NTSB  in  its 
role  in  the  area  and  intends  to  monitor  the  response  of  all  DOT  agencies  to  the 
NTSB'S  recommendations. 

In  closing,  we  hope  to  have  the  opportunity  to  work  with  you  and  the  Aviation 
Subcommittee  on  the  continuing  issue  of  small  aircraft  safety. 

Stephen  H.  Kaplan. 
Mortimer  L.  Downey. 

Senator  Pressler.  OK.  Thank  you. 

The  Chairman.  One  final  point,  Mr.  Downey.  You  might  as  well 
get  the  Secretary's  input  on  the  National  Commission  for  a  Com- 
petitive Airline  Industry.  I  think  the  public  service,  the  origin  of 
airlines  and  airline  travel  should  not  be  disregarded  in  the  sense 
of  being  competitive. 

You  know,  that  was  the  idea  about  deregulation,  that  they  were 
going  to  be  so  competitive,  that  fares  would  be  down,  the  service 
would  be  increased — and  it  has  gone  in  the  other  direction.  I  get 
a  Government  rate,  but  for  my  wife,  it  takes  $636  to  travel  from 
here  to  Charleston,  SC.  And  you  can  look  in  the  morning  paper  and 
travel  to  Frankfurt,  Germany,  and  back,  fi^om  Dulles,  for  $279. 

You  begin  to  see  the  ludicrous  nature  of  what  has  happened. 
Then  you  have  the  entire  set  of  new  issues  when  the  regulated  air- 
lines begin  to  take  over  the  deregulated.  We  have  deregulated 
deregulators,  so  now  we  are  going  to  the  foreign-subsidized  regu- 
lated airlines  to  invest  in — and  I  do  not  say,  necessarily,  take  over, 
but  with  that  influence,  I  can  tell  you  now,  they  are  going  to  allo- 
cate to  the  foreign  lines  the  lucrative  routes  that  are  making  the 

We  are  so  oversmart  in  Congress  on  how  to  run  business  that  we 
are  running  it  out  of  business.  I  can  tell  you  that  now.  The  Depart- 
ment of  Transportation  will  want  to  have  its  input  in  there  when 
they  have  this  quick  study,  so  that  when  the  study  is  reported  they 
do  not  say,  oh,  wait  a  minute,  we  did  not  think  of  this  or  that. 

We  welcome  you,  and  we  appreciate  your  willingness  to  serve. 
We  will  keep  the  record  open  for  any  questions,  but  I  would  like 
to  close  it  out  and  report  it  to  the  floor  this  week  for  confirmation. 

Mr.  Downey.  Thank  you,  Mr.  Chairman. 


The  Chairman.  Thank  you  for  being  here  this  afternoon.  Now  we 
have  one  distinguished  Congresswoman  and  one  distinguished  Con- 
gressman, Pat  Schroeder  and  Mr.  Skaggs  to  introduce  Mr.  Kaplan. 

We  welcome  each  of  you  to  the  committee.  Congresswoman 
Schroeder,  we  would  be  delighted  to  hear  from  you. 


Ms.  Schroeder.  Well,  thank  you  very  much,  Mr.  Chairman  and 
Senator  Pressler.  It  is  indeed  an  honor  to  be  here,  although  I  must 
say  I  am  a  little  conflicted  by  this,  because  we  see  this  as  a  great 
brain  drain  from  our  great  city  and  State,  if  you  decide  to  sencThim 
forward.  But  we  think  it  is 

The  Chairman.  They  can  spare  him,  can't  they?  I  remember  Her- 
man Talmadge  said  it  would  increase  the  intelligence  levels  of  both 
areas.  [Laughter.] 

Ms.  Schroeder.  Well,  I  am  not  so  sure  in  ours  that  it  may  not 
lower  ours  in  Denver,  but  it  will  certainly  help  the  District.  And 
so  I  really  am  very  honored  to  be  here  to  tell  you  a  little  bit  about 
Steve  Kaplan. 

I  think  if  you  looked  at  his  resume,  all  you  have  to  do  is  look 
at  page  2  and  find  out  that  he  was  the  counsel  and  one  of  the  main 
people  involved  in  redistricting  in  our  State  in  1980.  And  I  think 
anyone  who  can  come  out  of  redistricting  and  everybody  thinks  is 
fair,  you  do  not  really  need  to  say  much  more,  because  it  is  one  of 
those  things  that  is  not  pleasant  anywhere.  And  yet  Steve  came  out 
and  everybody  felt  he  had  done  just  an  absolutely  terrific  job. 

As  you  can  see,  he  was  a  terrific  scholar  on  his  undergraduate 
work.  He  has  been  a  very  distinguished  lawyer.  He  has  had  great 
public  experience  in  Denver  working  for  the  mayor,  working  in  his 
cabinet,  and  working  on  transportation  problems  with  our  airport. 

So,  you  name  it  and  he  has  been  readily  involved.  And  as  I  say, 
we  really  hate  to  see  him  go,  because  he  has  been  such  a  terrific 
asset.  But  I  cannot  think  of  anybody  better  in  the  Department  of 
Transportation,  so  I  am  deeply  honored  to  be  here.  You  cannot  go 
wrong  with  Steve  Kaplan. 

And  I  thank  you  for  letting  me  appear. 

The  Chairman.  Well,  we  thank  you.  Congressman  Skaggs. 


Mr.  Skaggs.  Thank  you,  Mr.  Chairman,  Senator  Pressler.  I  am 
very  pleased  to  be  able  to  join  Pat  Schroeder  in  commending  to  the 
subcommittee  and  the  full  committee  Steve  Kaplan  as  general 
counsel  for  the  Department  of  Transportation. 

He  is  a  man  I  have  enioyed  working  with  and  learning  from.  He 
is  a  colleague  in  the  Colorado  bar  and  I  think  he  would  bring  a 
very  distinguished  repertoire  of  talents  and  experience  to  this  post. 

As  Pat  indicated,  he  not  only  has  an  exemplary  academic  and 
professional  record,  but  as  with  the  nominee  for  Deputy  Secretary, 
Steve  has  really  exemplified  a  commitment  to  public  service  at  all 
levels,  State,  local,  and  Federal,  with  some  experience  on  the  Hill 
which  will  stand  him  in  good  stead.  And  I  am  delighted  to  add  my 


voice  in  support  of  Steve  and  hope  that  you  will  act  favorably  on 
his  nomination. 

Thank  you  very  much. 

The  Chairman.  Very  good.  You  both  are  welcome  to  stay  with 
the  nominee.  Or  if  you  have  other  engagements,  we  understand. 

Ms.  ScHROEDER.  Thank  you  very  mucn. 

The  Chairman.  Thank  you  both  very,  very  much.  Mr.  Kaplan, 
you  have  heard  the  concerns  of  the  committee  with  respect  to  the 
previous  nominee  in  maritime  and  aviation  and  other  matters,  spe- 
cifically the  legal  concerns  between  the  National  Transportation 
Safety  Board  and  the  Federal  Aviation  Administration. 

Let  me  yield  to  Senator  Pressler. 

Senator  Pressler.  Yes.  Well,  I  guess  you  heard  my  earlier  ques- 
tion on  that  matter.  And  we  are  trying  to  find  out  the  relationship 
between  the  two.  Maybe  you  are  not  familiar  with  all  the  facts,  but 
there  were  three  letters  that  went  warning  about  a  certain  type  of 
propeller  hub  and  no  warning  was  ever  given  to  the  plane  owners. 

And  indeed,  the  NTSB  predicted  an  additional  catastrophic 
crash,  unless  something  was  done.  And  now  such  a  directive  has 
been  issued.  But  there  were  two,  at  least  two  crashes  that  we  know 
of  that  occurred. 

What  is  your — how  do  we  deal  with  that  problem? 


Mr.  Kaplan.  Senator,  during  the  transition  I  had  the  opportunity 
with  now  Secretary  Pena  to  spend  a  fair  amount  of  time  with  the 
NTSB  and  explore  the  relationship  between  that  board  and  the 
FAA  and  the  Department  of  Transportation. 

And  it  is  clear  that  there  is  a  good,  ongoing  relationship.  They 
have  different  roles,  different  responsibilities.  I  cannot  tell  you 
what  the  facts  are  in  this  specific  tragedy.  But  I  do  know,  as  you 
indicated,  that  a  vast  majority  of  the  recommendations  made  to  the 
FAA  by  the  NTSB  are  followed. 

Senator  Pressler.  Yes,  about  90  percent  of  them  are  followed. 
I  was  curious  as  to  why  this  one  was  not,  after  2  or  3  years. 

Mr.  Kaplan.  I  cannot  answer  that.  And  as  you  heard,  Mr.  Dow- 
ney indicated  that  is  being  reviewed. 

Senator  Pressler.  OK  I  guess  he  will  send  over  a  statement.  I 
would  ask  you  to  send — why  don't  you  join  in  his  statement  or  send 
your  own  over  later  today.  I  am  not  going  to  hold  anything  up  here, 
but  I  want  to  call  people's  attention  to  this  because  there  is  concern 
among  small  aircraft  owners  as  to  whether  there  are  other  letters 
that  NTSB  has  sent  that  are  not  acted  on.  Of  course,  they  cannot 
not  act  on  all  of  them. 

But  what  is  their  standard  over  there?  And  as  I  understand  it, 
that  office  appoints  directly,  reports  directly  to  the  Secretary,  so  we 
are  very  interested  in  seeing  an  answer. 

Mr.  Kaplan.  And  you  will  have  one.  And,  as  you  know,  being 
from  Colorado,  it  is  not  unlike  South  Dakota.  There  are  many 
small  planes  and  unfortunately,  in  our  mountains  there  are  all  too 
many  accidents.  So,  it  is  something  for  which  we  have  a  special 


Senator  Pressler.  That  is  all  I  have. 

The  Chairman.  Very  good.  I  see  where  you  heretofore  had  the 
Secretary  Pena  as  your  client.  You  have  got  him  this  far.  I  guess 
you  can  take  him  even  further. 

Mr.  Kaplan.  I  hope  so,  with  your  support,  Mr.  Chairman.  Thank 

The  Chairman.  I  think  he  will  be  lucky  to  have  you.  Thank  you 
very  much,  Mr.  Kaplan.  And  what  we  will  do  is  keep  the  record 
open  for  any  questions  by  our  colleagues  and  try  to  report  it  out 
this  week. 

Mr.  Kaplan.  I  will  be  pleased  to  respond.  Thank  you  very  much. 

[The  prepared  statement,  biographical  data,  and  prehearing 
questions  and  answers  of  Mr.  Kaplan  follow:] 

Prepared  Statement  of  Stephen  H.  Kaplan 

Mr.  Chairman,  Senator  Danforth  and  Members  of  the  Committee.  It  is  indeed  an 
honor  to  appear  before  you  as  you  consider  my  nomination  to  be  General  Counsel 
of  the  Department  of  Transportation.  It  is  a  privilege  to  have  been  nominated  by 
the  president,  and  I  am  truly  excited  about  the  opportunity  to  serve  again  with  Sec- 
retary Pena,  who  is  providing  dynamic,  effective  and  creative  leadership  at  the  De- 

Much  of  my  professional  life  has  been  dedicated  to  public  service,  having  served 
as  Legislative  Assistant  to  a  Member  of  Congress,  as  a  First  Assistant  Attorney 
General  for  the  State  of  Colorado,  and  as  Denver  City  Attorney.  I  have  seen  the  im- 
portance of  transportation  to  urban  families  trying  to  get  their  children  to  health 
care  clinics,  and  to  potato  farmers  trying  to  ship  their  crops  across  the  country.  I 
was  directly  involved  in  the  new  Denver  airport  project,  and  thus  understand  what 
can  happen  when  a  national  transportation  strategy  comes  together  with  a  strong 
community  consensus.  I  have  learned  that  transportation  decisions  can  and  must 
be  made  with  increasing  concern  for  our  environment.  I  understand  that  transpor- 
tation can  be  the  lifeblood  of  communities,  and  can  lead  to  economic  development 
and  job  creation. 

Of  paramount  importance,  however,  must  always  be  concern  for  safety — safety  of 
consumers,  communities  and  employees. 

It  is  transportation  which  fuels  our  hope  for  the  future — hope  for  an  improved 
quality  of  life,  and  for  a  safer,  more  efficient  transportation  system  that  will  enable 
us  to  compete  internationally,  with  strong  competition  at  home.  Putting  people  first 
is  the  foundation  for  successful  transportation  policy. 

The  General  Counsel's  Office  can  play  an  important  role  in  these  issues,  initially 
by  providing  the  highest  quality  legal  advice  and  representation.  We  can  offer  lead- 
ership to  see  that  Congressional  mandates  are  addressed  more  expeditiously,  and 
that  common  sense  is  a  part  of  the  regulatory  process.  We  can  be  creative  in  seeking 
solutions  to  complex  problems,  and  we  can  listen  thoughtfully  to  those  who  have 
ideas  and  concerns.  We  can  work  more  closely  with  the  Justice  Department  and 
other  agencies  such  as  EPA  to  craft  the  most  effective  Federal  position.  We  can  en- 
courage problem-solving  partnerships  with  the  private  sector  as  we  search  for  new 
approaches  and  directions.  We  can  take  steps  to  foster  competition  and  to  protect 
the  consumer,  just  as  we  can  take  steps  to  enhance  safety  in  transportation.  We  can 
be  even  more  sensitive  to  the  relationship  between  transportation  and  our  environ- 
ment. We  can  address  difficult  procurement  issues  and  contracting  problems.  And 
we  can  negotiate  effectively,  aggressively  and  creatively. 

The  issues  facing  the  transportation  industry,  as  well  as  consumers,  grow  increas- 
ingly complex.  It  is  only  by  working  with  the  industry,  and  with  industry  employees, 
that  we  can  understand  the  opportunities  of  the  future,  of  defense  conversion,  of  re- 
search and  high  technology,  and  of  competing  in  a  global  economy. 

I  look  forward  to  working  with  the  Committee  and  its  highly  professional  staff. 
If  there  are  any  questions,  I  would  be  pleased  to  respond. 

Biographical  Data 

Name:  Kaplan,  Stephen  Howard;  address:  818  Marion,  Denver,  CO  80218;  busi- 
ness address:  370  Seventeenth  Street,  47th  Floor,  Denver,  CO  80202. 


Position  to  which  nominated:  General  Counsel,  Department  of  Transportation; 
date  of  nomination:  April  22,  1993. 

Date  of  birth:  May  23,  1947;  place  of  birth:  Tulsa,  OK. 

Marital  status:  Married;  full  name  of  spouse:  Jeanne  L.  Slavin;  names  and  ages 
of  children:  Frances  Leslie  Kaplan,  13;  and  Michael  Ethan  Kaplan,  10. 

Education:  Harvard  College,  9/65-6/69,  A.B.  Cum  Laude;  and  Harvard  Law 
School,  9/70-6/73,  J.D. 

Employment:  1/90-present,  Davis,  Graham  &  Stubbs,  Denver,  CO,  Attorney  (of 
counsel),  (Note:  I  am  currently  on  leave  from  my  law  firm,  serving  as  an  intermit- 
tent consultant  to  the  Department  of  Transportation);  9/90-12/90,  Hensel  Phelps 
Construction  Co.,  Greeley,  CO,  Consultant;  8/83-8/90,  City/County  of  Denver,  Den- 
ver, CO,  City  Attorney;  8/81-8/83,  Kelly,  Haglund,  Gamsey  &  Kahn,  Denver,  CO, 
Associate,  Partner;  8/76-7/81,  Colorado  Attorney  General  Office,  Denver,  CO,  Assist- 
ant, First  Assistant  Attorney  General;  8/73-6/76,  Congressman  James  R.  Jones  (D- 
OK),  Washington,  DC,  Legislative  Assistant;  summer  1972,  Fried,  Frank,  Harris, 
Shriver  &  Jacobson,  New  York,  NY,  Summer  Law  Clerk;  summer  1971,  U.S.  De- 
partment of  Housing  and  Urban  Development,  Washington,  DC,  Intern/Assistant  to 
the  Under  Secretary;  and  summer  1969,  Metro  Taxi,  Cambridge,  MA,  Taxi  Driver. 

Government  experience:  Deputy,  Clinton-Gore  Transportation  Transition  Cluster, 
1992;  City  Attorney,  City  and  County  of  Denver,  CO,  1983-90;  Assistant  and  then 
First  Assistant  Attorney  General,  State  of  Colorado,  1976-81;  Legislative  Assistant, 
Congressman  James  R.  Jones  (D-OK),  1973-76;  Chairman,  City  and  County  of  Den- 
ver Ethics  Advisory  Board,  1983-90;  Member,  State  Board  on  Teacher  and  FVofes- 
sional  Services  Standards,  1992-93;  Member,  Denver  Housing  Trust  Council,  1986- 
90;  and  Member,  Denver  Community  Historic  Preservation  Task  Force,  1991-92. 

Political  affiliations:  1992:  Colorado  Democratic  Party  (Clinton-Gore),  $250;  Colo- 
rado Democratic  Party,  $50;  Campbell  for  Senate,  $150;  Lamm  for  Senate,  $100; 
Callihan  for  Congress,  $100;  DeHerrera  for  County  Commissioner,  $50;  Peggy 
Lamm  for  State  House,  $25;  Skaggs  for  Congress,  $50;  Committee  for  DeGette,  $35; 
and  Committee  for  Judge  Phillips,  $35.  1991:  Wirth  for  Senate,  $250;  Colorado 
Democratic  Party,  $200;  Early  for  Mayor,  $275;  Sandos  for  Council,  $100;  Reynolds 
Campaign  Committee,  $50;  Linkhart  Committee,  $50;  Crider  for  Auditor,  $100;  and 
Doerring  for  Council,  $50.  1990:  Peiia  for  Denver,  $21;  Friends  for  Carl  Levin,  $20; 
Gantt  for  Senate,  $25;  Colorado  Democratic  Party,  $20;  and  Woodward  for  Attorney 
General,  $100. 

1989:  None.  1988:  Pena  for  Denver,  $71;  Mares  for  State  House,  $25;  Pascoe  for 
State  Senate,  $25;  District  6  Democrats,  $10;  Ezzard  for  Congress,  $25;  and  Skaggs 
for  Congress,  $25.  1987:  Pena  for  Denver,  $521;  Colorado  Democratic  Party,  $70; 
Webb  for  Auditor,  $25;  and  Early  for  DA,  $30.  1986:  Colorado  Democratic  Party, 
$65;  Edens  for  State  Senate,  $25;  Committee  for  Wirth,  $100;  Committee  for  Romer 
for  Governor,  $50;  Jones  for  Senate,  $100;  and  Campbell  Campaign,  $15.  1985: 
None.  1984:  AFL-€IO  COPE,  $20;  Flahive  for  State  House,  $25;  Dick  for  U.S.  Sen- 
ate, $25;  and  Denver  Democratic  Party,  $25.  Note:  This  reflects  a  review  of  check 
registers,  which  may  be  incomplete  for  the  earlier  years.  It  also  does  not  include 
contributions  to  ballot  issue  committees  that  did  not  seem  requested. 

Memberships:  Colorado,  Denver,  and  Oklahoma  Bar  Associations;  Trustee,  Denver 
Zoological  Foundation;  Board  Member  and  Vice  President,  Denver  Children's  Mu- 
seum; Board  Member,  Safe  House  for  Battered  Women;  Colorado  Anti-Defamation 
League  (Board);  Colorado  American  Jewish  Committee  (Board);  Capitol  Hill  United 
Neighborhood  (Member);  Citizens  for  Quality  Schools  (Board);  Dora  Moore  Elemen- 
tary School  Collaborative  Decisionmaking  Team  (Business  Representative); 
Worldport  Partners,  Inc.  (Board);  Denver  Athletic  Club;  Denver  Museum  of  Natural 
History  (Member);  Denver  Art  Museum  (Member);  and  Denver  Bar  Association 
Committee  on  Minority  Firms — Pilot  Project. 

Honors  and  awards:  Harvard  University's  Henry  Russell  Shaw  Fellowship  (1969- 
70);  Harvard  College  National  Honorary  Scholarship  (1965);  and  Metro  City  Attor- 
neys' Award  for  Management  (1985)  and  for  Legal  Jurisprudence  (1987). 

Published  writings:  Generally  this  has  involved  continuing  legal  education  presen- 
tations, primarily  on  ethics  for  public  sector  attorneys.  These  outlines  are  made 
available  to  participants  but  are  not  published  in  the  traditional  sense.  In  the  fall 
of  1992,  I  wrote  an  article  for  the  Colorado  Real  Estate  Journal  on  due  diligence 
issues  in  purchasing  land  near  the  new  Denver  airport. 


QuEiyrioNS  Asked  by  Senator  Hollings  and  Answers  Thereto  by  Mr.  Kaplan 


Question  1.  Please  describe  your  goals  and  objectives  if  confirmed  as  General 
Counsel.  What  will  be  your  priorities  for  action  in  this  position? 

Answer.  My  first  objective,  if  confirmed  would  be  to  provide  the  highest  quality 
legal  counsel  to  the  Secretary  and  to  oversee  the  legal  activities  of  the  Department 
on  his  behalf.  I  believe  an  active  legal  stance  can  substantially  improve  agency  per- 
formance and  avoid  pitfalls  that  distract  from  the  primary  objectives  of  the  Depart- 
ment. The  General  Counsel  can  also  contribute  directly  to  achievement  of  the  Sec- 
retary's policy  objectives.  I  am  aware  that  the  General  Counsel  oversees  a  broad 
range  of  regulatory,  enforcement,  and  legislative  activity  that  has  a  substantial  ef- 
fect on  policy,  and  thereby  directly  affects  the  regulated  parties  and  the  public. 
Therefore,  I  would  work  especially  hard  to  see  that  the  President's  goal,  to  serve 
the  "customer"  better,  is  fulfilled  in  these  areas.  In  addition,  I  would  work  to  see 
that  common  sense  is  a  part  of  our  strong,  creative,  clear,  and  effective  legal  efforts. 

Question  2.  Given  the  size  of  the  staff  of  the  Office  of  General  Counsel  and  its 
many  important  re^onsibilities,  have  you  considered  the  adequacy  of  resources 
within  the  General  Counsel's  Oflice  and,  if  so,  have  you  identified  potential  meas- 
ures to  address  any  shortfalls? 

Answer.  I  have  been  advised  that  the  General  Counsel  staff  has  been  decreasing 
somewhat  over  the  past  several  fiscal  years,  despite  the  continuing  responsibilities 
placed  on  the  office.  The  President  has  asked  that  the  agencies  undertake  a  real 
effort  to  "work  smarter"  with  existing  resources,  and  I  take  that  as  the  challenge 
in  making  the  Greneral  Counsel's  Office  work  well.  I  would  seek  additional  resources 
through  the  budget  process  if  I  learn  that  this  is  justified,  but  I  understand  the 
budget  constraints,  and  the  goal  of  doing  more  with  less. 

Question  3.  When  do  you  foresee  DOT  issuing  final  drug  and  alcohol  regulations 
as  required  under  the  Omnibus  Transportation  Employee  Testing  Act  of  1991? 

Answer.  I  know  the  Secretary  has  been  briefed  on  this  rulemaking  and  has  di- 
rected that  the  staff  expedite  completion  of  final  rules.  While  I  am  not  in  a  position 
to  predict  the  Department's  schedule  for  the  rule,  I  would,  if  confirmed,  have  a 
major  responsibility  for  this  project.  I  would  strive  to  fulfill  the  statutory  mandate 
quickly,  because  I  know  the  Secretary  has  made  it  a  clear  priority  to  get  all  man- 
dated rules  completed  on  time.  This  is  a  highly  complex  matter,  involving  the  issu- 
ance of  a  group  of  18  proposed  rules  in  December,  for  close  to  seven  million  safety- 
sensitive  transportation  industry  employees.  This  rulemaking  would  receive  active 
attention  and  follow-through. 


Question  4.  Secretary  Pena  stated  at  his  confirmation  hearing  that  DOT  will  give 
a  high  priority  to  providing  Administration  leadership  to  end  the  truck  "under- 
charge" litigation  crisis.  If  confirmed,  what  specific  steps  will  you  take  as  General 
Counsel  to  develop  an  Administration  policy  and  provide  leadership  on  this  issue? 

Answer.  Several  Supreme  Court  decisions  during  the  past  three  years  have  made 
it  clear  that  a  legislative  solution  to  the  "undercharge"  crisis  is  needed.  I  look  for- 
ward to  consulting  with  all  the  interested  parties  to  this  issue,  as  well  as  carefully 
examining  the  several  bills — including  Senator  Exon's  bill  (S.  412) — that  address  the 
issue.  Secretary  Pena  is  seeking  a  solution  that  would  not  only  provide  an  equitable 
resolution  of  pending  undercharge  claims,  but  would  also  ensure  that  the  problem 
does  not  recur.  If  confirmed,  I  would  look  forward  to  working  with  you  and  the  other 
members  of  this  Committee  toward  an  equitable  resolution. 

Question  5.  The  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  (ICC)  is  currently  assessing  its 
administrative  implementation  of  the  filed  tariff  doctrine,  including  the  prospects 
for  electronic  tariff  filing.  What  role  do  you  envision  DOT  taking  with  regard  to  de- 
veloping a  policy  addressing  these  and  other  critical  issues  affecting  trucking  eco- 
nomic regulation? 

Answer.  I  would  assume  that  the  Department's  position  with  respect  to  electronic 
tariff  filing  at  the  ICC  will  flow  logically  from  its  position  on  the  broader  issue  of 
a  legislative  solution  to  the  shipper  undercharge  problem  and  on  further  deregula- 
tion of  trucking.  It  makes  no  sense  to  contemplate  spending  millions  for  a  new  elec- 
tronic tariff  filing  system  if  the  tariff  filing  requirement  itself  might  need  to  be  re- 
considered. Before  we  can  decide  what  the  tariff  filing  system  of  the  21st  century 
will  be,  we  need  to  ascertain  what  the  tariff  filing  requirement  of  the  future  should 


Question  6.  If  confirmed,  what  DOT  policy  or  regulatory  action,  by  DOT  will  you 
advocate,  if  any,  in  response  to  the  Supreme  Court's  recent  decision  in  CSXT  v. 

Answer.  CSXT  v.  Easterwood  involved  the  question  of  whether,  pursuant  to  the 
Federal  Rail  Safety  Act  of  1970,  regulations  promulgated  by  the  Federal  Highway 
Administration  and  the  Federal  Railroad  Administration  preempted  certain  state 
laws  relating  to  rail  crossing  safety  and  allowable  train  speed.  The  Supreme  Court 
held  that  DOT's  regulations  preempted  state  law  (1)  as  to  rail-highway  crossings 
only  where  the  crossings  have  been  improved  with  federal  funds,  and  (2)  as  to  train 
sp)eeds,  in  all  circumstances.  The  conclusions  reached  by  the  Court  were  the  same 
as  those  urged  by  the  United  States  in  its  filing  before  the  Court  The  significance 
of  this  decision  to  railroads  is  that  they  may  regain  liable  under  state  law  to  provide 
a  safe  crossing  in  circumstances  where  crossings  have  not  been  improved  pursuant 
to  the  federal  program. 

In  light  of  the  Court's  decision,  I  would  expect  that  DOT  will  encourage  increased 
participation  by  railroads  in  our  important  rail-highway  crossing  program  in  order 
to  improve  more  crossings,  thereby  enhancing  the  over-all  safety  of  rail-highway 
crossings  nationwide.  If  confirmed,  I  would  urge  FRA  and  FHWA  to  review  the  deci- 
sion and,  together  with  my  office,  to  determine  an  appropriate  regulatory  approach 
consistent  with  the  Court's  conclusions.  Given  the  Court's  holding  on  the  effect  of 
express  preemptive  action  by  the  Secretary,  I  anticipate  that  future  regulatory  ac- 
tions by  the  Department  under  the  Federal  Rail  Safety  Act,  will  be  taken  in  a  man- 
ner that  indicates  those  instances  in  which  the  Department  intends  its  regulations 
to  preempt  state  law. 

Question  7.  During  the  previous  Administration,  the  Federal  Railroad  Adminis- 
tration consistently  missed  deadlines  to  issue  rules  in  a  number  of  critical  safety 
areas  mandated  by  Congress.  If  confirmed  as  General  Counsel,  what  steps  will  you 
take  to  ensure  regulatory  compliance  by  all  DOT  agencies  with  the  statutory  man- 
dates of  Congress? 

Answer.  Tnis  is  a  top  priority  for  the  Secretary.  In  my  preliminary  meetings  with 
members  of  the  General  Counsel's  Office,  they  have  already  undertaken  a  review, 
with  recommendations,  as  to  how  the  Department  can  improve  m  this  area.  One  of 
my  goals  would  be  to  realized  demonstrated  improvement  in  this  area.  I  also  believe 
that  we  need  to  have  more  ongoing  dealing  with  the  appropriate  committee  should 
problems  arise  or  recommendations  be  appropriate. 

Question  8.  In  the  area  of  railroad  labor  relations,  will  you,  if  confirmed  as  Gen- 
eral Counsel,  advocate  that  DOT  take  an  active  role  in  any  reassessment  of  railroad 
labor  laws  now  on  the  books?  Do  you  believe  that  DOT  should  intervene  before  the 
ICC  in  proceedings  addressing  railroad  labor  protection  and  similar  issues  in  order 
to  represent  the  Administration's  views  in  this  area? 

Answer.  Any  reassessment  of  railroad  labor  laws  will  need  the  active  involvement 
of  rail  labor  and  management  I  believe  that  the  Secretary's  position  would  be  that 
the  Department  should  assist  the  parties  in  such  an  endeavor,  and  I  agree  that  that 
could  lead  to  the  most  constructive  outcome.  I  think  the  Department  should  closely 
monitor  all  proceedings  before  the  ICC  and  become  involved  in  cases  raising  major 
transportation  issues,  including  those  of  railroad  labor  protection. 

Question  9.  The  ICC  has  undertaken  a  comprehensive  review  of  the  intercity  bus 
industry,  focusing  on  the  nature  of  the  competitive  relationship  between  and  among 
Greyhound  Lines  and  the  independent  carriers.  In  order  to  preserve  and  enhance 
intercity  bus  service,  what  role  do  you,  if  confirmed  as  General  Counsel,  see  DOT 
taking  in  matters  which  may  be  before  the  ICC  and  the  courts? 

Answer.  I  am  fully  aware  of  the  importance  of  the  intercity  bus  industry.  Regular 
route  intercity  bus  service  is  essential  for  key  segments  of  the  population — the 
young,  the  elaerly,  and  those  with  below  average  incomes — who  cannot  avail  them- 
selves of  other  forms  of  transportation.  Along  with  Secretary  Pena,  I  believe  that 
the  intercity  bus  industry  is  a  critical  element  in  the  transportation  system,  and  it 
is  important  that  we  maintain  and  encourage  a  safe,  efilcient,  and  connected  na- 
tional intercity  bus  network. 

Each  matter  should  be  examined  on  its  merits,  giving  due  regard  for  the  need  to 
encourage  a  "seamless",  interconnected  transportation  service  without  intruding  on 
a  company's  right  to  make  reasonable  business  decisions.  We  have  already  offered 
the  ICC  our  cooperation  in  their  comprehensive  review  of  the  intercity  bus  industry, 
including  sharing  our  information  and  expertise.  We  should  participate  at  the  ICC 
in  significant  cases  with  national  importance. 

Question  10.  During  Secretary  Pena's  confirmation  hearing,  the  Committee  ex- 
pressed its  concern  that  many  of  the  key  safety  provisions  of  the  Hazardous  Mate- 
rials Uniform  Transportation  Safety  Act  of  1990  nave  not  been  implemented.  What 


will  you  do  to  fulfill  Secretary  Pena's  commitment  to  investigate  this  problem  and 
meet  the  statutory  deadlines  set  by  Congress? 

Answer.  Since  his  confirmation  hearings,  I  am  aware  that  Secretary  Pefia  has  ex- 
pressed to  the  Department's  top  managers  his  great  concern  about  meeting  statu- 
tory deadlines  for  rules,  and  has  directed  that  prompt  action  be  taken  to  complete 
all  actions  mandated  by,  among  others,  the  Hazaraous  Materials  Transportation 
Uniform  Safety  Act  of  1990  (HMTUSA).  I  am  told  DOT  has  already  implemented 
most  of  the  HMTUSA  requirements,  and  I  would,  if  confirmed,  work  with  the  agen- 
cies to  implement  the  Secretary's  mandate  to  expeditiously  meet  statutory  dead- 

Question  11.  If  confirmed  as  General  Counsel,  how  will  you  advise  Secretary  Pefia 
on  the  question  of  whether  federal  law  should  explicitly  provide  for  competition  to 
the  National  Railroad  Passenger  Corporation  (Amtrak)  with  respect  to  the  operation 
of  new  proposed  high-speed  rail  services? 

Answer.  While  I  have  not  considered  the  issue  in  depth,  which  it  deserves,  it 
would  appear  that  there  is  something  to  be  said  for  maintaining  a  coordinated  rail 

f)assenger  system,  including  the  high-speed  components,  under  one  carrier,  particu- 
arly  where  Amtrak  already  operates  multiple  trains  per  day.  On  the  other  hand, 
I  am  told  that  the  process  whereby  Amtrak  competes  ibr  operating  commuter  serv- 
ice has  been  healthy,  and  something  similar  may  be  appropriate  for  intercity  service 
when  a  State  provides  a  significant  share  of  operating  and  capital  expense,  particu- 
larly if  Amtrak  does  not  already  operate  frequent  service. 

I  understand  that  the  Administration's  high-speed  rail  bill  permits  the  State  or 
States  proposing  a  corridor  to  propose  who  the  operator  will  be. 

Question  12.  The  Intermoaal  Surface  Transportation  Efficiency  Act  of  1991 
(ISTEA)  mandated  that  DOT  take  a  number  of  specific  steps  to  initiate  a  magnetic 
levitation  (maglev)  prototype  development  program,  including  establishment  of  an 
interagency  maglev  prototype  ofiice,  among  other  requirements.  How  do  you  see  the 
role  of  DOT  General  Counsel  in  ensuring  DOT's  compliance  with  this  law  and  other 
laws,  given  that  DOT  to  date  has  not  complied  with  several  of  these  statutory  re- 

Answer.  As  I  understand  it,  Congress  prohibited  use  of  funds  provided  under 
dot's  FYI  1993  Appropriations  Act  for  compliance  with  those  ISTEA  requirements. 
However,  President  Chnton  has  proposed  in  his  FY  1994  Budget  that  the  Depart- 
ment begin  development  of  the  maglev  prototype  generally  in  line  with  the  approach 
outlined  in  ISTEA.  If  Congress  agrees  with  that  proposal  in  the  FY  1994  Appropria- 
tions Act,  DOT  will  begin  development  of  the  prototype,  including  establisnment  of 
the  maglev  office.  As  General  Counsel,  I  would  work  with  my  colleagues  to  ensure 
compliance  with  statutory  direction  in  this  and  all  other  areas  of  DOT  activity. 

Question  13.  Please  provide  your  view,  if  confirmed  as  General  Counsel,  of  DOT's 
position  and  policy  involvement  with  respect  to  assumption  of  liability  by  operators 
of  proposed  new  lugh-speed  rail  services? 

Answer.  I  am  not  particularly  familiar  with  this  issue,  but  I  understand  involves 
the  freight  railroads'  concerns  about  tort  liability  under  State  law.  Given  that  States 
will  be  the  Department's  partners  in  developing  high-speed  rail  corridors,  it  seems 
appropriate  for  the  States  that  develop  high-speed  rail  corridors  to  address  this 
issue  with  the  railroads  involved  in  their  corridors  before  the  Federal  Government 
considers  addressing  State  tort  law  in  this  area. 

Amtrak  currently  has  contracts  with  the  freight  railroads  over  which  it  operates 
that  specify  each  entity's  liability  in  the  event  oian  accident  If  Amtrak  is  the  opera- 
tor, I  would  assume  that,  should  a  different  arrangement  be  desired  for  high-speed 
operations,  the  parties  will  negotiate  it  The  Department  should  become  involved  in 
developing  policy  in  this  area  only  if  it  becomes  apparent  that  it  is  a  stumbling 
block  to  the  development  of  these  high-speed  systems. 


Question  14.  Reform  of  the  U.S.  maritime  industry  has  become  the  most  signifi- 
cant issue  facing  that  industry.  At  his  confirmation  hearing  before  this  Committee, 
Secretary  Pena  stated  that  maritime  reform  was  one  of  his  top  two  priorities.  If  con- 
firmed as  General  Counsel,  are  there  policies  and  programs  in  whose  implementa- 
tion you  would  be  involved  to  promote  the  U.S. -flag  fleet? 

Answer.  In  light  of  the  recognized  problems  of  the  maritime  industry  and  its  im- 
portance to  the  national  economy  and  defense,  it  is  disappointing  that  budgetary 
constraints  will  preclude  an  Administration  initiative  on  maritime  reform  this  year. 
The  Administration  clearly  recognizes  that  something  basic  is  needed  if  we  are  to 
prevent  the  U.S. -flag  merchant  fleet  from  disappearing.  The  decision,  based  on  par- 
ticularly trying  budget  circumstances  this  year,  does  not  mean  that  maritime  reform 


is  being  abandoned.  I'm  sure  Secretary  Peiia  intends  to  keep  maritime  reform  high 
on  his  list  for  action.  He  believes  it  is  essential  that  U.S.  carriers  and  other  trans- 
portation modes  be  able  to  compete  globally. 

I  understand  that  DOT  staff  are  now  waiting  on  completion  of  two  studies,  the 
Shipyard  Study  in  October  and  the  DoD  Requirements  Analysis  in  August,  that  to- 
gether will  provide  the  basis  for  new  work.  I  would  want  to  be  directly  involved  in 
this  important  area. 

Question  15.  The  U.S.  cargo  preference  laws  require  that  all  military  cargo  and 
up  to  75  percent  of  other  U.S.  government  impelled  cargoes  be  carried  on  U.S. -flag 
ships.  Are  there  ways  to  better  ensure  that  these  laws  are  enforced? 

Answer.  Enforcement  of  the  preference  laws  is  the  responsibility  of  the  various 

fovemment  agencies.  The  Maritime  Administration  (MARAD)  has  been  mandated 
y  the  ConCT-ess  to  monitor  and  report  on  compliance  achieved  by  the  government 
agencies.  Therefore,  it  is  incumbent  on  the  agencies  to  assure  tight  controls  on  com- 
pliance. The  real  problem  is  perceived  to  be  the  additional  costs  which  may  be  war- 
ranted but  which  the  agencies  do  not  want  to  bear,  and  their  support  for  this  pro- 
gram is  not  strong. 


Question  16.  The  Reagan  and  Bush  Administrations  all  too  often  cited  "difTicul- 
ties"  in  issuing  regulations.  What  steps  do  you  believe  are  needed  to  streamline  the 
rulemaking  process?  How  would  such  steps  impact  aviation  rules? 

Answer.  As  part  of  the  Department's  "Reinventing  Government"  review,  a  task 
force  is  looking  to  see  if  changes  in  the  structure  of  the  rulemaking  process  can  help 
improve  the  timeliness  of  rules.  The  most  important  step  we  can  take  is  for  manage- 
ment to  commit  to  meeting  rulemaking  deadlines  and  issuing  all  rules  in  a  timely 
manner.  The  Secretary  has  made  this  commitment  and  has  communicated  it  to  rule- 
making officials  throughout  the  Department. 

I  am  told  that  officials  of  the  Office  of  Management  and  Budget  have  said  that, 
in  the  Clinton  Administration,  the  0MB  rulemaking  review  function  will  not  be 
used  to  delay  or  frustrate  agency  implementation  of  statutory  mandates.  This  will 
be  a  great  gain  for  all  rulemaking,  not  just  aviation. 

The  Department's  major  task  in  aviation  rules  is  to  enhance  the  safety  of  the 
traveling  public.  Unnecessary  delay  in  improving  safety  is  unacceptable  to  the  De- 
partment, and  the  Federal  Aviation  Administration  is  working  hard  to  shorten  the 
time  between  the  initiation  of  a  rulemaking  project  and  its  transmission  to  the  Sec- 
retary for  approval. 

It  is  necessary  to  recognize  that,  in  rulemaking,  an  agency  must  study  complex 
technical  and  economic  issues  thoroughly,  seek  out  and  respond  fully  to  comments 
from  interested  members  of  the  public,  and  weigh  careilly  the  policy  consequences 
of  its  regulatory  actions.  The  agency  must  do  so  in  the  context  of  many  priorities 
chasing  finite  resources.  The  commitment  to  doing  the  job  in  a  timely  manner 
should  not  be  at  the  expense  of  doing  the  job  right 

Question  17.  The  Department  recently  took  action  to  prevent  Northwest  Airlines 
from  adversely  affecting  the  services  of  a  new  entrant  air  carrier.  Do  you  foresee 
that  DOT  will  continue  to  enforce  aggressively  its  existing  authority  under  section 
411  of  the  Federal  Aviation  Act? 

Answer.  I  am  advised  that  the  Department  worked  closely  with  the  Justice  De- 
partment on  this  matter.  However,  given  the  Department's  own,  independent  au- 
thority, and  the  need  to  assure  strong  competition  and  lower  the  barriers  to  new 
entrants,  all  with  a  paramount  concern  for  safety,  I  would  expect  the  Department 
to  scrutinize  these  matters  on  a  case-by-case  basis  as  they  arise  to  assure  compli- 
ance with  the  law. 

Question  18.  The  Acting  Administrator  of  the  Federal  Aviation  Administration 
(FAA)  recently  made  suggestions  for  change  in  the  passenger  facility  charge  pro- 
gram. Under  existing  law,  the  FAA  has  significant  authority  to  implement  this  pro- 
gram. Is  it  your  view  that  such  changes  are  consistent  with  existing  law? 

Answer.  1  understand  that  the  interpretation  of  the  1990  Passenger  Facility 
Charge  legislation  is  one  of  great  complexity,  and  has  already  been  the  subject  of 
many  lawyer  hours.  Rather  than  add  to  the  potential  for  confusion  by  voicing  views 
immediately,  I  believe  I  should  take  the  time  to  review  the  language  and  the  argu- 
ments in  detail  before  venturing  an  opinion.  This  is  especially  true  in  an  area  where 
bondholders  and  new  or  pending  bond  issues  can  sometimes  be  greatly  affected  by 
any  apparently  new  information.  Because  of  my  own  experience  in  Denver,  I  am 
particularly  sensitive  to  this  issue. 

Question  19.  Recent  press  reports  suggested  that  DOT  was  considering  changes 
to  the  current  buy-sell  rule  for  slots  and  to  the  route  sale  process.  Routes  and  slots 


are  now  treated  essentially  as  corporate  assets,  rather  than  government-granted 
rights  to  serve  the  public.  What  role  do  you  believe  is  appropriate  for  DOT  in  re- 
viewing sales  of  government  rights?  Are  you  considering  repeal  of  the  buy-sell  rule? 
Answer.  I  understand  that  several  members  of  Congress  have  asked  DOT  to  reex- 
amine the  way  slots  are  allocated.  Also,  Secretary  Pena  has  said  how  important  it 
is  that  we  make  sure  we  are  addressing  issues  in  the  best  possible  way.  DOT  and 
FAA  staff  are  therefore  looking  into  whether  it  would  be  feasible  to  conduct  a  study 
of  the  slot  issue.  Given  the  tentativeness  of  the  assignment  at  this  point,  it  would 
be  unwise  to  speculate  on  the  future  status  of  operating  rights  as  a  "government" 
or  "corporate"  asset  There  is  an  ongoing  review  in  the  specific  context  of  U.S.Air's 
routes  to  Heathrow,  which  it  had  to  divest  pursuant  to  tne  consent  order  from  the 
Justice  Department,  and  the  unique  characteristics  of  this  matter  overall  may  have 
generated  some  of  this  discussion. 


Question  20.  In  your  answers  to  the  Committee's  Questions,  you  mention  that  you 
understand  the  issues  pertaining  to  the  relationship  between  state  and  local  govern- 
ments and  the  Federal  Government  in  implementing  policies  and  programs.  With 
f)articular  respect  to  highway  traffic  safety  initiatives  what  difficulties  do  you  be- 
ieve  exists  for  states  implementing  these  types  of  programs?  How  can  the  federal 
government  better  assist  the  states  with  their  highway  and  vehicle  safety  programs? 

Answer.  When  the  federal  government  adopts  national  standards  or  deadlines,  it 
does  so  with  an  eye  toward  federalism.  The  dynamic  created  can  often  be  positive 
and  constructive.  But  the  federal  government  can  also  assist  by  making  its  regula- 
tions dear,  by  priority  grant  money  and  technical  assistance  to  states  and  local  enti- 
ties where  appropriate,  and  by  working  with  states  and  local  officials  to  fashion  con- 
structive approacnes  that  comply  with  the  letter  and  spirit  of  the  law. 

Question  21.  How  do  you  plan  to  ensure  that  the  National  Transportation  Traflic 
Safety  Administration  properly  carries  out  its  regulatory  responsibilities  and  meets 
the  deadlines  for  the  requirements  established  under  ISTEA? 

Answer.  Secretary  Pena  has  been  dear  in  his  instructions  to  top  managers  that 
fulfillment  of  statutory  mandates  in  the  regulatory  area  particularly  is  one  of  his 
top  priorities.  I  recognize  that  the  General  Counsel  has  a  great  responsibility  in  this 
area  to  follow  through.  If  confirmed,  I  expect  to  make  the  completion  of  mandated 
rulemakings  a  top  priority. 


Mr.  Chairman,  I  am  most  pleased  to  have  the  opportunity  to  recommend  to  the 
committee  my  good  friend,  Mr.  Stephen  Kaplan.  Mr.  Kaplan's  nomination  nearly 
completes  President  Clinton's  team  at  the  Department  of  Transportation.  I  am  ea- 
gerly looking  forward  to  working  with  what  can  only  be  described  as  a  remarkably 
talented  team. 

I  know  Mr.  Kaplan  best  from  his  work  with  former  Denver  mayor  and  current 
Transportation  Secretary,  Federico  Pena.  Mr.  Kaplan  served  as  a  member  of  Mayor 
Pena's  cabinet  and  was  instrumental  in  many  oi  the  Pena  team's  major  successes. 
The  soon-to-be-open  Denver  International  Airport,  Denver's  new  convention  center, 
and  the  attraction  of  the  National  League's  new  Colorado  Rockies  to  Denver  can  all 
be  credited  to  the  hard  work  performed  by  Federico  and  his  staff.  I  know  Mr. 
Kaplan's  work  with  the  Peiia  administration  was  essential  to  these  successes. 

One  of  the  most  impressive  accomplishments  of  the  Peiia  administration,  beyond 
the  extraordinary  improvements  in  the  Denver  and  Colorado  economies,  was  the  re- 
finement of  the  city's  ethics  guidelines.  With  Mr.  Kaplan's  guidance,  the  Mayor  de- 
veloped policies  limiting  the  outside  employment  practices  of  staff  attorneys;  as  a 
result,  the  professionalism  of  the  Mayor's  Cabinet,  and  the  public  trust  in  the  office, 
grew  dramatically.  The  quality  and  diversity  of  candidates  for  positions  within  the 
Mayor's  ofiice  also  grew  as  a  direct  result  of  these  policy  changes. 

Mr.  Kaplan,  who  received  both  his  undergraduate  and  law  degrees  from  Harvard 
University,  has  extensive  experience  both  within  and  outside  government.  As  a 
former  Capitol  Hill  staffer,  Mr.  Kaplan  understands,  I  am  sure,  how  this  institution 
works  and  will  be  receptive  to  policy  decisions  coming  from  this  committee. 

Thank  you  again,  Mr.  Chairman,  for  the  opportunity  to  address  the  committee. 
I  look  forward  to  Mr.  Kaplan's  speedy  confirmation  and  to  working  with  him  on  de- 
veloping and  refining  our  nation's  transportation  policies. 

The  Chairman.  Thank  you  very,  very  much.  By  the  way,  I  wel- 
come your  wife,  Jeanne.  She  is  in  the  audience  there.  We  are  de- 


lighted  to  see  her.  And  Senator  Campbell  also  vyanted  to  be  here 
and  he  has  a  letter  for  the  record,  which  we  will  include  at  this 

And  incidentally,  Senator  Brown  also  wants  a  letter  in  the 
record.  You  have  to  be  introduced  right.  You  have  got  something 
going  here. 

[The  information  referred  to  follows:] 

Letter  from  Senator  Hank  Brown 

May  14,  1993. 

The  Honorable  ERNEST  HOLLINGS, 
U.S.  Senate, 
Washington,  DC    20510 

The  Honorable  John  Danforth, 
U.S.  Senate, 
Washington,  DC    20510 

Dear  Friends  and  Colleagues:  Regrettably,  I  cannot  join  you  toady  to  introduce 
Stephen  Kaplan  as  General  Counsel-designate  of  the  U.S.  Department  of  Transpor- 
tation. While  you  will  have  the  opportunity  to  discuss  Steve's  qualifications  and 
plans  for  the  Department  of  Transportation,  I  would  like  to  share  with  you  some 
background  concerning  his  service  to  the  people  of  the  State  of  Colorado. 

Steve's  record  of  service  has  established  him  as  a  positive  force  in  the  lives  of  oth- 
ers. After  obtaining  a  law  degree  from  Harvard  and  completing  3  years  service  to 
Congressman  James  R.  Jones,  Steve  served  as  a  First  Attorney  General  in  Colorado. 

In  1983,  Steve  Kaplan  moved  to  Citv  Hall  where  he  joined  now  Secretary  of 
Transportation  Fedenco  Pena's  Mayoral  Cabinet  as  City  Attorney  of  Denver.  As 
City  Attorney,  Steve  managed  an  office  of  approximately  60  attorneys  and  35  sup- 

eort  staff.  His  office  represented  Denver  in  a  complex  and  diverse  range  of  issues. 
[e  was  responsible  for  the  legal  matters  related  to  the  new  Denver  International 
Airport,  construction  and  operation  of  the  Colorado  Convention  Center,  and  acquir- 
ing the  Colorado  Rockies,  Colorado's  first  Major  League  Baseball  Team. 

Additionally,  Steve  Kaplan  represented  Denver  on  city  contracts,  zoning  and  land 
use,  employment,  and  Minority  Business  Enterprise  and  Women's  Business  Enter- 

grise  programs.  During  his  tenure,  he  expanded  the  diversity  of  the  City  Attome/s 
iffice.  Moreover,  Steve  was  able  to  attract  attorneys  from  major  law  firms  through- 
out Colorado. 

As  Denver's  City  Attorney,  Steve  Kaplan  had  the  opportunity  to  learn  about  the 
importance  of  our  Nation's  transportation  infrastructure,  the  relationships  between 
Federal,  State,  and  local  governments  in  transportation  issues. 

After  retiring  as  City  Attorney  in  1990,  Steve  Kaplan,  his  wife  Jeanne,  and  their 
two  children  have  remained  in  Colorado.  Steve  also  served  as  "Of  Counsel"  to  a 
major  Denver  law  firm  where  he  worked  on  public  finance,  public-private  projects, 
public  policy,  State  and  local  government  law,  construction  and  other  public  con- 
tracts. Most  recently,  he  served  as  a  Deputy  on  President  Clinton's  Transition 
Transportation  Center. 

I  know  you  join  me  in  welcoming  Steve  Kaplan  in  Washington,  DC.  Thank  you 
for  giving  me  the  opportunity  to  introduce  him  to  you. 

Hank  Brown, 

U.S.  Senator. 

Mr.  Kaplan.  Thank  you  very  much.  I  look  forward  to  it. 

The  Chairman.  Thank  you  very  much. 

We  will  have  Senator  Feinstein,  if  she  can — I  thought  I  saw  her. 
There  we  go.  Mr.  Huerta  is  the  Associate  Deputy  Secretary  for 
Intermodal  Transportation. 

Senator  Feinstein. 



Senator  FEINSTEIN.  Thank  you  very  much,  Mr.  Chairman,  mem- 
bers of  the  committee.  I  am  very  pleased  to  be  able  to  appear  be- 


fore  you  today  to  introduce  Michael  Huerta.  He  is  a  fellow  native 
Califomian.  To  become  Associate  Deputy  Secretary  of  Transpor- 
tation and  Director  of  the  Office  of  Intermodalism.  I  guess  that  is 
a  new  word  for  the  1990's. 

As  I  understand  it,  the  goal  of  this  division  of  the  Department 
of  Transportation  is  to  focus  attention  of  how  to  coordinate  all 
forms  of  transportation,  to  move  people  and  goods  in  the  most  en- 
ergy-efficient and  cost-effective  manner  possible. 

I  believe  you  have  found  the  right  person  for  the  job.  Michael 
Huerta,  by  way  of  his  training  and  hands-on  experience,  is  well 
suited  to  this  assignment.  He  is  someone  who  looks  for  innovative, 
practical  solutions  to  improve  mobility  and  productivity  and  then 
moves  forward  with  specific  plans. 

In  San  Francisco  and  New  York,  Mr.  Huerta  has  worked  for  the 
last  7  years  on  the  specific  task  of  moving  goods  from  ships  from 
our  ports  to  grocery  stores  in  the  homes  of  our  communities. 

During  the  last  4  years,  as  executive  director  of  the  Port  of  San 
Francisco,  Mr.  Huerta  managed  an  agency  with  an  annual  operat- 
ing budget  of  $35  million  and  a  staff  of  more  than  240  people.  He 
completed  the  port's  first  strategic  plan  in  its  130-year  history  and 
he  undertook  a  staff  reorganization  to  emphasize  customer  service. 

Maybe  one  of  the  best  indications  of  his  innovative  and  practical 
problem-solving  skills  resulted  in  a  financially  prudent  trade  of 
public  lands  for  privately  held  property  in  San  Francisco.  This  was 
actually  something,  as  a  matter  of  fact,  that  I  began,  when  I  was 
mayor  of  San  Francisco. 

But  he  completed  the  negotiations  for  the  city  and  county  to 
transfer  lands  making  way  for  a  315-acre  residential  and  commer- 
cial development  known  as  Mission  Bay.  In  exchange,  the  port  re- 
ceived lands  necessary  for  expansion  of  its  container  facilities,  val- 
ued at  substantially  more  than  the  lands  being  transferred. 

Similar  achievements  have  marked  his  career  before  his  post  in 
San  Francisco.  From  1986  to  1989,  he  served  as  the  commis- 
sioner— that  is  the  department  head — ^for  New  York  City's  Depart- 
ment of  Ports.  In  New  York,  he  led  the  department  as  it  developed 
and  administered  marine,  air,  rail,  and  truck  facilities  throughout 
the  city. 

In  addition,  the  New  York  port  constructed,  operated,  and  regu- 
lated the  city's  public  markets. 

Mr.  Huerta  earned  a  master's  degree  from  the  Woodrow  Wilson 
School  of  Public  and  International  Affairs  at  Princeton  University. 
He  earned  his  undergraduate  degree  from  the  University  of  Califor- 
nia at  Riverside. 

I  am  very  pleased,  Mr.  Chairman,  to  bring  my  strong  endorse- 
ment to  Michael  Huerta's  nomination.  I  believe  he  will  bring  stra- 
tegic planning  and  innovative  problem  solving  to  the  Department 
of  Transportation.  And  I  think  that  those  who  have  worked  with 
him,  both  in  New  York  City  and  San  Francisco,  would  agree  that 
he  is  superbly  qualified. 

Thank  you  very  much. 

The  Chairman.  Well,  I  am  sure  that  he  is.  And  we  thank  you 
very,  very  much,  Senator  Feinstein.  You  can  stay  with  us  or  excuse 
yourself  if  you  have  other  appointments.  We  want  to  welcome  Mi- 


chael's  parents  who  are  in  the  audience,  Solomon,  Delia  Huerta.  Do 
I  pronounce  that  correctly? 

Mr.  Huerta.  Huerta,  that's  correct. 

The  Chairman.  Well,  we  are  glad  to  have  them.  Congressman 
Nancy  Pelosi  wanted  to  make  it.  She  could  not,  due  to  a  conflict 
in  schedule,  but  she  sent  a  letter  in  support. 

[The  information  referred  to  follows:] 

Letter  From  Congresswoman  Nancy  Pelosi 

May  15,  1993. 

Senator  Ernest  Holungs, 
U.S.  Senate. 
Washington,  DC    20510 

Dear  Mr.  Chairman:  I  am  writing  to  offer  my  strong  support  for  the  confirmation 
of  Michael  Huerta  as  Associate  Deputy  Secretary  of  Transportation  for 

As  the  Executive  Director  of  the  Port  of  San  Francisco,  a  self-supporting  agency 
responsible  for  fostering  commerce,  fisheries,  navigation  and  recreation  along  San 
Francisco's  waterfront,  Michael  Huerta  earned  a  well-deserved  reputation  for  inno- 
vative and  visionary  leadership. 

Under  his  leadership,  the  Port  completed  the  first  strategic  plan  in  its  130-year 
history;  developed  its  first  capital  plan  which  prioritized  critical  infrastructure  im- 
provements; reorganized  and  retrained  the  staff  for  the  transportation  market  of  the 
1990's  and  negotiated  plans  for  mixed-use  developments — while  at  the  same  time 
substantially  increased  the  Port's  container  volume  and  terminal  efficiency. 

Knowing  firsthand  of  Michael  Huerta's  energy,  vision,  intelligence,  and  strong 
background  in  transportation  issues,  I  strongly  urge  the  Committee  to  approve  his 


Nancy  Pelosi, 
Member  of  Congress. 

The  Chairman.  Thank  you.  Senator. 

Senator  Feinstein.  Thank  you  very  much,  Senator. 

The  Chairman.  Mr.  Huerta,  with  respect  to  intermodalism,  the 
big  emphasis  at  the  moment  of  course  is  maglev  and  high-speed 
rail.  And  I  think  we  are  going  to  have  to  get  high-speed  rail  trans- 
portation before  we  move  into  the  very  expensive  intermodal  sys- 
tem that  you  are  interested  in. 

But  in  the  financing,  since  you  know  all  of  these  tricks,  how 
much  would  you  say  we  need  high-speed  rail  between  New  York 
and  Miami?  How  would  you  expect  the  intervening  States  on  a 
matching  basis  to  want  to  pay  for  that?  In  other  words,  if  you  are 
Governor  of  Virginia,  of  North  Carolina,  of  South  Carolina,  and  of 
Georgia,  you  want  the  train  to  slow  down.  [Laughter.] 

Mr.  Huerta.  That  is  right. 

The  Chairman.  How  do  you  sell  that  to  the  taxpayers  of  South 
Carolina,  saying  what  we  really  need  is  a  train  to  go  faster  through 
our  State,  and  by  the  way,  we  want  you  to  pay  for  it?  Where  did 
that  idea  come  from? 


Mr.  Huerta.  Those  kinds  of  questions.  Senator,  Mr.  Chairman, 
are  certainly  indicative  of  the  sorts  of  tradeoffs  you  have  to  deal 
with  when  you  are  considering  intermodal  transportation  or  trans- 
portation generally. 


I  have  dealt  with  similar  issues,  in  how  do  you  move  the  freight 
train  out  of  the  port  of  San  Francisco  when  it  happens  to  run 
through  a  very  sensitive  neighborhood  in  our  citv  and  a  bunch  of 
other  neighborhoods  on  its  way  to  the  interior  of  the  country. 

One  of  the  things — I  do  not  have  a  clear  idea  at  this  pomt  as  to 
how  we  would  resolve  that  specific  problem,  but  I  have  some 
thoughts  as  to  how  we  would  structure  looking  at  that  kind  of  a 

The  Secretary  has  mentioned  in  the  past  the  need  to  have  key 
transportation  corridors.  And  perhaps  you  can  focus  on  what  are 
key  areas  that  are  deemed  to  be  in  the  national  interests,  to  pro- 
vide for  energy  efficient  and  cost  efficient  movement  of  passengers 
and  freight  from  one  point  to  the  other. 

Now  in  looking  at  that,  a  very  important  thing  to  consider  is  of 
course,  what  are  the  impacts  on  the  communities  that  are  along 
the  route  that  might  suffer  as  a  result  of  having  the  route  go 
through  there?  And  it  seems  to  me  that  if  you  are  going  to  be  look- 
ing at  the  benefits  of  having  high-speed  transportation,  you,  at  the 
same  time  have  to  consider  what  are  the  impacts  along  the  way 
and  weigh  them  one  against  the  other. 

And  so  it  is  a  careful  set  of  tradeoffs  that  you  need  to  look  at 
in  looking  at  these  sorts  of  problems.  And  that  is  something  that 
I  am  very  committed  to  in  consultation  with  all  the  affected  par- 

[The  prepared  statement,  biographical  data,  and  prehearing 
questions  and  answers  of  Mr.  Huerta  follow:] 

Prepared  Statement  of  Michael  P.  Huerta 

Mr.  Chairman,  Senator  Danforth,  members  of  the  connmittee,  I  am  honored  to 
come  before  you  today.  I  would  like  to  thank  you  for  the  opportunity  to  address  the 
committee  and  to  respond  to  your  questions  as  you  consioer  my  nomination  to  the 
position  of  Associate  Deputy  Secretary  of  Transportation  and  Director  of  the  Office 
of  Intermodalism.  I  am  quite  enthusiastic  about  the  opportunity  this  position  rep- 
resents. Should  the  Senate  confirm  my  nomination,  I  look  forward  to  working  with 
the  Coneress,  industry  and  the  users  of  the  transportation  system  to  work  toward 
the  development  of  a  truly  unified,  integrated  transportation  system. 

As  you  know  the  Office  of  Intermodalism  was  created  by  Title  V  of  the  Inter- 
modal  Surface  Transportation  Efficiency  Act  of  1991,  better  known  as  ISTEA.  The 
Office  was  given  the  responsibility  for  coordinating  Federal  policy  on  intermodal 
transportation  and  initiating  policies  to  promote  efficient  intermodal  transportation 
in  the  United  States. 

i  believe  that  my  experience  and  education  have  helped  me  to  develop  the  skills 
needed  to  carry  out  these  responsibilities.  Since  college,  I  have  been  interested  in 

gubhc  service.  I  have  a  Masters  degree  in  public  affairs  from  the  Woodrow  Wilson 
chool  of  Public  and  International  Affairs  at  Princeton  University.  I  received  my  BA 
in  political  science  from  the  University  of  California  at  Riverside. 

For  over  seven  years,  I  have  worked  in  transportation  related  agencies  at  the  local 
level.  From  1986  to  1989,  I  was  Commissioner  of  the  New  York  City  Department 
of  Ports,  International  Trade  &  Commerce.  Since  1989,  I  have  been  Executive  Direc- 
tor of  the  Port  of  San  Francisco.  The  Port  of  San  Francisco,  like  all  ports,  is  by  defi- 
nition an  intermodal  facility.  Every  day,  cargo  is  transferred  from  ships  to  trucks 
and  railroads  and  back  again  for  distribution  to  and  from  points  throughout  the 
United  States.  Intermodal  freight  transportation  has  proven  itself  to  be  a  winner 
and  has  greatly  enhanced  commerce  ana  trade.  As  Port  Director  in  San  Francisco, 
I  placed  heavy  emphasis  on  improving  rail  and  road  access  to  our  marine  terminals. 
I  firmly  believe  that  by  rebuilding  the  transportation  infrastructure  and  enhancing 
intermodal  connections,  you  enhance  our  competitiveness. 

Although  many  ports  focus  primarily  on  tne  movement  of  freight,  in  San  Fran- 
cisco, I  was  fortunate  to  become  involved  in  the  movement  of  people  as  well.  The 
San  Francisco  Bay  Area  is  home  to  one  of  the  nation's  best  d!eveloped  passenger 
ferry  systems.  Although  ferry  transportation  is  nothing  new,  the  Loma  Prieta  earth- 


quake  of  1989,  and  the  resulting  damage  to  our  roads  and  bridges,  caused  the  peo- 
ple in  our  region  to  place  greater  emphasis  on  ferries  as  a  clean  and  efficient  mode 
of  transportation.  In  recent  years,  we  have  placed  greater  emphasis  on  improving 
the  linkage  between  ferries  and  other  modes  of  transportation  to  provide  for  easier 
transfers  of  passengers  from  one  mode  to  the  next. 

Our  nation  has  much  to  be  proud  of  in  the  development  of  intermodal  transpor- 
tation. Innovations  such  as  the  containership  and  the  double  stack  train  began  here. 
Nevertheless,  there  is  much  more  to  be  done.  The  President  and  Vice  President  have 
talked  about  reinventing  government.  In  keeping  with  this,  I  hope  to  help  broaden 
our  thinking  about  transportation.  ISTEA  provided  a  clear  basis  for  thinking  about 
transportation  in  terms  of  overall  mobility  instead  of  limiting  our  thinking  to  build- 
ing, for  example,  the  best  highway  or  the  best  transit  system.  We  need  to  continue 
to  look  at  the  best  ways  to  move  through  the  entire  transportation  system  from  one 
mode  to  another,  not  just  how  well  a  single  segment  works.  As  we  build  and  rebuild 
the  nation's  transportation  infrastructure,  we  must  ensure  that  connections  and 
choices  between  transportation  modes  are  enhanced.  And  in  enhancing  these 
choices,  we  must  be  sensitive  to  issues  and  concerns  involved  in  moving  freight  as 
well  as  moving  people.  Finally,  we  must  take  care  to  make  transportation  decisions 
that  are  sensitive  to  our  natural  environment  while  enhancing  our  competitiveness 
in  the  world  economy. 

I  hope  to  focus  the  Office  of  Intermodalism  toward  finding  practical  solutions  for 
specific  intermodal  issues  and  problems,  mince  I  have  been  in  the  port  industry,  I 
have  direct  knowledge  and  experience  in  intermodal  operations  and  some  of  the 
problems  that  exist  out  in  the  field.  In  my  home  state  of  California,  rail  access  to 
the  port  system  can  be  enhanced  to  improve  transportation  efTiciency  and  air  qual- 
ity. More  recently,  I  heard  about  Atlanta's  proposal  to  develop  an  intermodal  pas- 
senger terminal  to  facilitate  the  movement  of  people  throughout  the  Atlanta  area 
for  the  1996  Olympic  Games.  Throughout  the  nation,  I  believe  there  are  ways  to 
improve  intermodal  linkages  between  automobiles,  our  most  common  mode  of  trans- 
portation for  people,  and  other  modes.  I  believe  the  Office  of  Intermodalism  can  play 
a  facilitating  and  coordinating  role  to  help  find  solutions  to  these  and  other  prob- 

If  confirmed  by  the  Senate,  I  look  forward  to  the  opportunity  to  work  with  you 
and  the  Congress  toward  resolving  the  transportation  issues  faced  by  our  nation. 

I  would  be  happy  to  answer  any  questions  that  you  might  have  at  this  time  or 
at  any  time  in  the  future.  Thank  you  again  for  the  opportunity  to  appear  before  you 

Biographical  Data 

Name:  Huerta,  Michael  Peter;  address:  1932  Leavenworth  Street,  San  Francisco, 
CA  94133;  business  address:  Port  of  San  Francisco,  Ferry  Bldg.,  San  Francisco,  CA 

Position  to  which  nominated:  Associate  Deputy  Secretary. 

Date  of  birth:  November  18,  1956;  place  of  oirth:  Riverside,  CA. 

Marital  status:  Single,  never  married. 

Education:  Woodrow  Wilson  School  of  Public  and  International  Affairs,  Princeton 
University,  1978-80,  MPA;  and  University  of  California  at  Riverside,  Riverside,  CA, 
1974-78,  BA. 

Employment  Record 


Name  of  Employer 

Type  of  Work 


Port  of  San  Francisco 

Management  of  a  Port  Authority. 

3/86-  1/89 

City  of  New  York 

Commissioner  (Agency  Head). 

1/85-  3/86 

Coopers  &  Lybrand  

Advisor  assigned  to  the  Government  of  St.  Kitts 

5/79-  9/79 

Coopers  &  Lybrand  

US.  Mission  to  NATO 

and  Nevis,  West  Indies.  Tech.  assistance  pro- 
gram funded  by  U.S.  A.I.D.  to  assist  certain 
Eastern  Caribbean  govts,  with  investment  pro- 
motion and  export  development. 

Supervising  Consultant  and  Consultant. 

Research  and  analysis  of  defense  planning  issues. 

Government  experience:  Executive  Director,  Port  of  San  Francisco,  California  (1/ 
89-Present);  Committee  Member,  California  Transportation  Directions:  Mobility  for 
2010,  California  Department  of  Transportation  (3/86-1189);  Intermittent  Consultant 


with  the  U.S.  Agency  for  International  Development  (1/83-3/86);  Consultant,  Gov- 
ernment of  the  District  of  Columbia,  Office  of  the  Deputy  Mayor  for  Economic  Devel- 
opment (1982);  Consultant,  State  of  Illinois,  Department  of  Commerce  and  Commu- 
nity Affairs  (1982);  Consultant,  U.S.  Department  of  Energy  (1981);  and  Consultant, 
U.S.  Selective  Service  System  (1980-1981). 

Political  affiliations:  Contributor,  Democratic  National  Committee,  1992  ($250); 
Contributor,  Jim  Gonzalez  for  Supervisor,  San  Francisco,  California,  1992  ($300); 
Contributor,  Feinstein  for  Senate,  California,  1992  ($550);  Contributor  and  Volun- 
teer, Art  Agnos  for  Mayor,  San  Francisco,  California,  1991  ($500);  and  Volunteer, 
Save  the  Waterfront:  No  on  proposition  H,  San  Francisco,  California,  1990. 

Memberships:  American  Association  of  Port  Authorities  (Chairman,  Commerce 
Committee);  California  Association  of  Port  authorities  (President);  Project  Open 
Hand  (Board  Member);  Galeria  de  la  Raza  (Board  Member);  University  of  CaliTor- 
nia,  Riverside  Alumni  Association  (Board  Member);  University  of  California,  San 
Francisco  Foundation  (Board  Member);  San  Francisco  Bay  Columbus  Quincentenary 
Committee  (Board  Member);  Friends  of  the  Port  of  San  Francisco  (Board  Member); 
California  Council  for  International  Trade  (Board  Member);  Bay  Dredging  Action 
Coalition  (Executive  Committee);  World  Trade  Club  (Honorary  Member);  St.  Francis 
Yacht  Club  (Honorary  Member);  City  Club  of  San  Francisco  (Member);  and  Com- 
monwealth Club  of  California  (Member). 

Honors  and  awards:  Achievement  Award,  Hispanic  Communitv  Fund  of  the  Bay 
Area,  San  Francisco,  CA,  1992;  Outstanding  Young  Graduate,  U(JR  Alumni  Associa- 
tion, University  of  California,  Riverside,  1986;  Princeton  Graduate  Fellowship;  and 
California  State  Scholarship. 

Published  writings:  Huerta,  Michael  P.,  "Executive  Director's  Report,"  Wharfside, 
published  quarterly  and  distributed  by  the  Port  of  San  Francisco,  California,  1989 
to  present;  Huerta,  Michael  P.,  "State  of  the  Ports,"  World  Wide  Shioping,  October- 
November  1992;  and  Cooper,  Richard  V.L.,  and  Huerta,  Michael  P.,  'Military  Train- 
ing and  Youth  Employment:  A  Descriptive  Survey,"  in  Job  Training  for  Youth, 
edited  by  Robert  E.  Taylor,  Howard  Rosen  and  Frank  C.  Pratzner,  Columbus,  Ohio: 
The  National  Center  for  Research  in  Vocational  Education,  The  Ohio  State  Univer- 
sity, 1982. 

Questions  Asked  by  Senator  Hollings  and  Answers  Thereto  by  Mr.  Huerta 

Question  1.  The  position  for  which  you  have  been  nominated  was  only  recently 
established.  In  your  opinion,  has  the  newly  created  office  been  successful  so  far? 

Answer.  In  my  opinion,  the  Office  of  Intermodalism  has  been  very  successful  in 
many  different  areas.  Since  its  establishment  in  July  1992  the  Office  has  promoted 
the  national  intermodal  policy  of  Congress  through  presentations  to  national  intei- 
est  groups,  site  visits  to  metropolitan  planning  organizations  (MPOs),  and  in  meet- 
ings with  State  DOT  representatives  and  with  transportation  providers  across  the 
country.  In  addition,  the  Office  has  published  a  Department-wide  survey  of  inter- 
modal activities  in  January  1993,  and  a  Preliminary  Intermodal  Data  Inventory  of 
USDOT  databases  in  March  1993.  The  Office  is  also  conducting  regional  Intermodal 
Coordination  workshops  on  cross-cutting  issues  to  improve  communications  and  co- 
ordination between  Federal  regional  offices. 

I  consider  this  to  be  only  a  beginning  for  the  Office  of  Intermodalism  and  look 
forward  to  building  substantially  on  these  activities.  I  believe  that  the  Office  can 
take  a  more  proactive  role  in  identifying  specific  intermodal  problems  and  taking 
actions  to  resolve  them. 

Question  2.  What  do  you  see  as  the  mission  of  the  Office  of  Intermodalism? 

Answer.  I  believe  that  the  mission  of  the  Office  of  Intermodalism  is  to  provide  the 
Departmental  leadership  and  coordination  in  developing  intermodal  transportation 
systems  to  move  people  and  goods  in  an  energy  efficient  manner,  provide  the  foun- 
dation for  improved  productivity  growth,  strengthen  the  Nation's  ability  to  compete 
in  the  global  economy,  and  obtain  the  optimum  yield  from  the  Nation's  transpor- 
tation resources. 

The  Office  serves  as  the  Department  of  Transportation's  principal  advocate  for 
intermodal  transportation  by  coordinating  and  initiating  transportation  policies  to 
promote  efficient  intermodal  movements.  Further,  under  my  leadership,  the  Office 
will  support  the  will  of  Congress,  Secretary  Pefla  and  the  Administration  by  pub- 
licizing and  promoting  intermodal  initiatives  and  programs  within  the  Federal, 
State  and  local  governments  and  in  partnership  with  industry. 

Question  3.  Tlie  intended  goal  of  the  Office  of  Intermodalism  is  to  obtain  the  opti- 
mum yield  from  the  transportation  resources  of  the  United  States.  In  order  to  real- 
ize this  goal,  what  do  you  believe  to  be  the  main  priorities  of  the  Office? 


Answer.  In  my  conversations  with  Secretary  Pena,  he  has  indicated  that  it  is  his 
objective  to  make  intermodal  movements  of  passengers  and  freight  as  seamless  as 
possible  between  their  points  of  origin  and  ultimate  destinations.  The  first  priority 
will  be  to  identify  the  bottlenecks  and  choke  points  that  frustrate  the  flows  of  people 
and  goods  and  to  work  to  eliminate  them. 

As  an  equal,  if  not  greater  priority,  the  Office  must  advocate  intermodal  solutions 
to  transportation  problems  by  focusing  on  the  movement  of  people  and  goods  from 
one  point  to  another  and  encouraging  the  various  modes  to  work  together. 

Question  4.  Intermodalism  is  receiving  increased  attention.  In  your  opinion,  how 
does  the  capability  of  the  U.S.  intermodal  network  compare  with  that  of  our  trading 

Answer.  I  feel  that  it  is  necessary  to  diflerentiate  between  passenger  and  freight 
transportation  systems  when  considering  the  eflectiveness  of  the  intermodal  trans- 
portation systems  of  the  United  States  and  its  overseas  trading  partners. 

As  regards  freight  transportation,  the  U.S.  compares  very  favorably  to  our  trading 
partners.  The  U.S. -flag  shipping  companies  were  the  pioneers  of  intermodal  con- 
tainer transportation,  the  development  of  containerships,  and  the  development  of  in- 
novations such  as  double  stack  trains  and  information  management  technologies  for 
tracking  cargoes.  In  addition,  the  geography  of  the  United  States  with  our  great  in- 
land spaces  makes  it  possible  to  utilize  the  efficiencies  of  long-distance  rail  freight 
movements.  By  comparison,  the  European  railroads  are  largely  dedicated  to  pas- 
senger movements  and  the  European  rail  system  is  not  structured  to  facilitate  ready 
movement  of  rail  freight  from  one  nation  to  another.  In  the  Far  East,  intermodal 
movements  are  largely  confined  to  truck  movements. 

With  regard  to  passenger  transportation,  the  intermodal  linkages  between  modes 
of  transportation  in  the  United  States  are  less  well  developed  than  in  some  Euro- 
pean nations  where  the  national  rail  systems  tie  directly  to  major  airports  and  in 
some  cases,  the  airlines  actually  operate  passenger  trains  to  feed  the  airports. 

Question  5.  President  Clinton  has  indicated  that  infrastructure  improvement  is 
one  of  his  high  economic  priorities.  Is  intermodalism  not  a  key  element  in  infra- 
structure improvement? 

Answer.  Secretary  Pena  clearly  recognizes  the  link  between  the  infrastructure 
and  intermodalism.  In  a  recent  speech,  he  said:  "Before  intermodal  connections  can 
be  truly  seamless,  we  must  build  and  strengthen  the  surface  transportation  infra- 
structure *  *  *"  The  Secretary  stated  further:  "*  *  *  how  much  we  spend  [on  infra- 
structure] is  as  important  is  making  sure  that  the  individual  facilities  we  build  work 
as  a  well  integrated  whole." 

I  fully  support  the  two  themes  embodied  in  these  statements:  building  the  infra- 
structure linkages  that  will  lead  to  seamless  transportation,  and  before  we  build, 
planning  to  make  sure  that  the  facilities  we  build  in  this  Nation  are  the  ones  we 
really  need  to  "obtain  the  optimum  yield  from  the  Nation's  transportation  re- 

Question  6.  As  you  know,  the  U.S.-flag  maritime  fleet  is  in  economic  decline. 
What  is  the  role  of  intermodalism  in  improving  the  economic  well-being  of  that  in- 

Answer.  It  is  my  opinion  that  one  of  the  reasons  that  the  U.S.  -flag  fleet  has  been 
able  to  hold  on  as  long  as  it  has  is  that  the  major  U.S.  players  have  been  at  the 
forefront  of  intermodafism  in  the  world  shipping  industry.  The  international  com- 
petitive problem  arises  from  the  world  industry  adopting  many  of  the  intermodal 
advances  first  developed  in  the  United  States.  As  a  result,  it  is  more  difficult  for 
the  U.S.  industry,  with  higher  operating  costs,  to  compete  solely  on  the  basis  of  its 
technological  advantage.  Although  future  developments  in  intermodal  technology 
will  certainly  benefit  the  U.S.  flag  merchant  fleet,  they  should  not  be  relied  upon 
as  the  only  remedy  to  help  the  industrv  compete  worldwide. 

Question  7.  A  major  problem  for  rail-truck  intermodal  service  in  the  eastern  Unit- 
ed States  is  the  length  of  the  haul.  What  do  you  envision  is  the  role  of  DOT  in  help- 
ing to  overcome  the  obstacles  of  serving  these  shorter  haul  markets? 

Answer.  The  time  and  labor  costs  associated  with  cargo  handling  for  short  dis- 
tance rail-truck  intermodal  service  may  make  these  shipments  less  efficient  than 
service  using  only  trucks.  Nevertheless,  air  quality  or  traflic  congestion  consider- 
ations might  warrant  development  of  intermodal  freight  routes  in  the  eastern  U.S. 
and  I  believe  this  is  an  important  area  for  future  study. 

The  Department  is  committed  to  improving  the  Nation's  entire  transportation  sys- 
tem throu^  more  effective  planning,  the  provision  of  better  access,  and  the  elimi- 
nation of  counterproductive  regulations.  These  activities  will  minimize  the  time  and 
handling  costs  for  all  rail-truck  movements,  regardless  of  the  total  transport  dis- 


Question  8.  What  is  your  view  regarding  whether  intermodal  freight  faciUties  are 
eUgible  for  federal  funoing  under  the  Intermodal  Surface  Transportation  Efficiency 
Act  if  such  a  facility  would  relieve  highway  congestion  and  deterioration,  and  help 
improve  safety  and  air  quality? 

Answer.  Regarding  intermodal  freight  project  eligibility  for  flexible  funding  under 
ISTEA,  the  Federal  Highway  Administration  has  produced  a  policy  interpretation 
of  eligible  rail-related  activities  on  February  9,  1993,  indicating  that  intermodal  rail- 
freight  projects  would  be  eligible  for  funding  if  studies  prove  that  the  traffic  diverted 
to  rail  could  significantly  contribute  to  the  attainment  of  ambient  air  quality  stand- 
ards in  a  nonattainment  area.  I  would  be  happy  to  provide  the  Committee  with  copy 
of  this  policy  interpretation  memorandum.  I  believe  that  the  Office  of  Intermodalism 
must  continue  to  work  with  the  modal  administrations  to  identify  additional  ISTEA 
program  opportunities  for  funding  intermodal  freight  projects. 


Subject:  Information:  Use  of  Federal-Aid  Highway  Funds  for  Improvements  to 
Rail  Facilities 

From:  Associate  Administrator  for  Program  Development 

To:  Regional  Federal  Highway  Administrators  Federal  Lands  Highway  Program 

The  purpose  of  this  memorandum  is  to  provide  guidance  on  the  extent  the  ISTEA 
has  impacted  eligibility  of  Federal-aid  hignway  funding  for  improvements  to  rail  fa- 

Section  2  of  the  ISTEA  discusses  the  importance  of  developing  a  unified,  inter- 
connected intermodal  transportation  system.  It  presents  broad  policy  statements  in 
support  of  this  goal.  However,  Section  2  in  itself  does  not  provide  the  authority  or 
establish  eligibility  criteria  for  using  Federal-aid  highway  funds  for  specific  activi- 
ties. Rather,  it  is  necessary  to  turn  to  Title  23  and  the  accompanying  highway  laws 
to  determine  the  manner  in  which  Federal-aid  highway  funds  can  support  inter- 
modal activities  such  as  rail  transportation. 

Under  Title  23,  Federal  highway  funds  have  long  been  able  to  participate  in  safe- 
ty improvements  at  railroad-highway  crossings.  Under  23  U.S.C.  130(a),  crossing 
safety  work  has  even  included  relocation  of  portion  of  a  rail  line  where  this  is  less 
costly  than  eliminating  existing  crossings  by  grade  separations  or  relocation  of  the 
highway.  These  types  of  crossing  safety  improvements  continue  to  be  eligible  for 
Federal  funding. 

Certain  types  of  Federal  funding  have  also  been  eligible  to  support  capital  im- 

firovements  to  rail  transit  systems.  Prior  to  the  ISTEA,  urban  funds  could  be  used 
or  this  purpose.  After  ISTEA  Surface  Transportation  Program  (STP)  funds,  includ- 
ing other  Federal  funding  sources  transferred  to  the  STP  category,  can  be  used  for 
capital  improvements  for  rail  transit  projects  eligible  for  funding  under  the  Federal 
Transit  Act.  Even  National  Highway  System  (NHS)  funds  can  be  used  for  rail  tran- 
sit projects  in  some  limited  circumstances  as  described  in  23  U.S.C.  103(i)(3). 

In  addition,  Congestion  Mitigation  and  Air  Quality  (CMAQ)  Improvement  Pro- 
gram funds  can  be  used  for  a  rail  improvement  where  it  meets  the  purposes  of  that 
program.  For  example,  since  23  U.S.C.  149(b)  uses  the  terms,  "a  transportation 
project  or  program,"  rail  projects  that  are  included  In  an  approved  State  Implemen- 
tation Plan  (SIP)  and  have  air  Quality  benefits  are  eligible.  Other  rail  projects  not 
included  in  an  approved  SEP  could  be  eligible  for  CMAQ  funds  if  it  is  demonstrated 
that  they  have  air  quality  benefits  for  the  pollutant(s)  for  which  the  area  is  in  non- 
attainment.  All  transportation  projects  funded  under  the  CMAQ  program  must  be 
located  in  a  nonattainment  area  and  must  have  demonstrated  air  quality  benefits 
for  the  pollutant(s)  for  which  the  area  is  classified  as  nonattainment. 

A  new  provision  to  Title  23  added  by  the  ISTEA  (23  U.S.C.  133(b)(1))  allows  STP 
funds  to  be  used  for  "*  *  *  construction  or  reconstruction  [highway  and  bridges] 
necessary  to  accommodate  other  transportation  modes  *  *  *"  This  same  general 
provision  is  also  incorporated  into  amended  23  U.S.C.  142(c)  which  extends  the  ap- 
plication of  this  "accommodation"  feature  to  NHS,  CMAQ  and  interstate  Mainte- 
nance funds.  We  view  this  new  feature  of  Title  23  as  allowing  use  of  the  designated 
Federal  funding  sources  to  pay  for  adjustments  to  highway  elements  to  accommo- 
date a  rail  line.  This  might  include  lengthening  or  increased  vertical  clearances  of 
bridges,  adjusting  drainage  facilities,  lighting,  signing  or  utilities,  or  making  minor 
adjustments  to  highway  alignments. 

The  "accommodation'  feature  does  not  allow  use  of  funds  to  purchase  right-of-way 
for  a  rail  line,  to  purchase  right-of-way  to  relocate  a  highway  so  that  a  rail  line  may 
occupy  existing  highway  right-of-way,  or  to  construct  the  rail  line  or  any  roadside 
features  whose  primary  function  is  related  to  an  adjacent  rail  line.  However,  where 


an  existing  highway  faciHty  directly  constrains  operations  of  an  existing  rail  line  (for 
example,  a  hidiway  structure  with  limited  vertical  clearance  over  a  rail  line  may 
not  allow  for  double-stack  rail  operations),  adjustments  to  the  rail  line  including  re- 
location of  the  line  and  purchase  of  right-of-way  would  be  an  allowable  use  of  Fed- 
eral funds  where  it  can  be  shown  to  be  more  cost-effective  than  eligible  adjustments 
to  the  existing  highway  facility. 

Another  new  provision  added  to  Title  23  (23  U.S.C.  133(b)(8)  and  a  new  definition 
in  23  U.S.C.  101(a))  allows  STP  funds  set-aside  for  transportation  enhancement  ac- 
tivities to  be  used  for  the  rehabilitation  and  operation  of  historic  railroad  facilities. 
A  historic  railroad  facility  should  be  so  designated  by  the  State  Historic  Preserva- 
tion Officer  or  other  governing  entity  with  appropriate  authority. 

Questions  regarding  the  overall  policy  presented  in  this  memorandum  may  be  di- 
rected to  Mr.  Jerry  L.  Poston,  Chief,  Federal-Aid  Program  Branch  (202-366-4652). 
Questions  concerning  specific  uses  of  CMAQ  funds  or  STP  transportation  enhance- 
ment funds  should  b«  directed  to  Mr.  James  M.  Shrouds,  Chief,  Noise  and  Air  Qual- 
ity Branch  (202-366-4836)  or  Mr.  Fred  Skaer,  Chief,  Environmental  Programs 
Branch  (202-366-2065),  respectively. 

Anthony  R.  Kane. 

Question  9.  What  do  you  believe  should  be  DOT's  role  in  fostering  the  growth  and 
development  of  intermodal  passenger  transportation  terminals? 

Answer.  During  this  Administration,  the  Department  will  support  the  growth  and 
development  of  intermodal  passenger  terminals  through  several  courses  of  action: 
examining  regulatory  opportunities,  streamlining  project  approval,  seeking  funding 
flexibility,  and  just  as  important,  promoting  good  ideas.  However,  the  actual  deci- 
sions for  funding  the  development  of  intermodal  passenger  terminals  lies  with  the 
Metropolitan  Planning  Organizations  and  State  agencies.  Intermodal  passenger 
transportation  terminals  will  be  an  integral  part  of  future  planning  and  construction 

The  Department  will  continue  to  employ  memorandums  of  agreement,  signed  by 
all  participating  agencies,  to  identify  lead  offices  and  contact  points  for  expediting 
the  processing  of  documents  and  construction  activities  associated  with  these  very 
complex  projects.  The  Department  also  will  continue  to  encourage  State  and  local 
decisionmakers  to  shift  and  pool  funds  from  several  sources  to  finance  projects  like 
intermodal  passenger  terminals  to  meet  the  needs  of  their  communities. 

Question  10.  How  do  you  evaluate  the  prospects  for  high-speed  ground  transpor- 
tation systems,  if  connected  to  airports  as  well  as  downtown  transportation  termi- 
nals, to  substitute  for  short-haul  aviation  segments  in  the  present  aviation  hub  and 
spoke  system? 

Answer.  Hub  and  spoke  systems  permit  greater  flight  frequencies  between  city 
pairs  which  do  not  have  the  large  volumes  of  point  to  point  traffic  required  to  sup- 
port frequent  service  on  large  aircraft.  High  speed  rail  systems  are  generally  consid- 
ered to  be  most  effective  in  areas  of  high  passenger  volume.  With  this  consideration 
in  mind,  I  believe  that  high-speed  rail  is  not  likely  to  be  an  alternative  to  short- 
haul  aviation  segments  because  the  smaller  communities  served  by  the  air  system 
do  not  -generate  sufficient  traffic  and  therefore,  in  the  foreseeable  future,  high-speed 
rail  will  be  limited  to  transportation  corridors  between  major  metropolitan  cities 
which  are  in  themselves  hubs. 

High-speed  rail,  however,  can  be  an  attractive  alternative  to  airline  travel  be- 
tween hubs  when  those  hubs  are  a  short  haul  from  each  other.  The  development 
of  additional  high-speed  rail  transportation  corridors  is  being  evaluated  by  the  Fed- 
eral Railroad  Administration  under  the  Administration's  High-Speed  Rail  initiative 
(see  attached). 


Transportation  Secretary  Federico  Peiia  today  joined  members  of  Congress  to 
unveil  a  comprehensive,  5-year,  $1.3  billion  high-speed  rail  initiative  that  represents 
a  major  step  toward  making  good  on  the  vast  economic,  environmental,  and  techno- 
logical promise  of  high-speed  ground  transportation. 

In  announcing  the  program,  Pena  said,  "A  strong,  technologically  advanced  rail 
system  to  transport  passengers  is  critical  to  our  economic  competitiveness.  We  want 
to  work  in  partnership  with  States  and  local  communities  to  build  high-speed  rail 
corridors  that  will  create  jobs  and  spur  growth,  and  with  the  private  companies  and 
research  institutions  that  are  working  hard  to  develop  the  next  generation  of  rail 

States  and  cities  from  coast  to  coast  have  expressed  interest  in  developing  inter- 
city high-speed  rail  corridors.  Nearly  $1  billion  in  funding  under  the  plan  announced 
toady  will  allow  projects  to  advance  on  a  number  of  these  corridors. 


"High-speed  rail  has  an  important  role  to  play  in  relieving  highway  and  airport 
congestion  in  intercity  corridors  around  the  country,"  Peiia  added.  "High-speed  rail 
can  help  cut  down  on  pollution,  ease  costly  travel  delays,  and  complement  air  travel 
routes  to  create  a  seamless,  intermodal  transportation  network.  And,  supporting 
these  new  technologies  also  has  the  potential  to  ease  the  transition  of  defense  com- 
panies and  workers  to  the  civilian  sector." 

The  Secretary  noted  that  the  initiative  also  makes  good  on  President  Clinton's 
commitment  during  his  campaign  to  support  development  of  high-speed  rail  service 
and  technology. 

Peiia  said  that  the  $1.3  billion  program  would  fund  investment  in  various  rail  cor- 
ridors, as  well  as  development  of  magnetic  levitation  (maglev)  prototype  technology. 
This  Federal  investment  is  expected  to  generate  a  total  of  $2  Dillion  m  investment 
in  high-speed  rail  infrastructure,  including  matching  State,  local,  and  private  funds. 
The  proposed  legislation  to  implement  the  high-speed  initiative  will  be  sent  to  Con- 
gress today. 

Peiia  said,  "State  and  local  ofllcials  from  San  Diego  and  Boston  have  told  me  they 
see  high-speed  rail  as  a  critical  part  of  their  area  transportation  networks.  We'll  be 
supporting  these  initiatives  as  well  as  development  of  the  new  technologies  that  will 
keep  the  United  States  competitive  in  the  glooal  marketplace." 

Over  the  next  5  years,  the  package  will  make  available  $982  million  to  State  and 
local  governments  to  finance  nigh-speed  rail  improvement  projects.  This  is  the  first 
separate  program  of  Federal  financial  support  for  implementation  of  hi^h-speed  rail 
corridors  outside  the  Northeast  Corridor  and  will  help  upgrade  existing  rail  cor- 
ridors that  could  ultimately  allow  speeds  of  up  to  150  mph  for  passenger  service. 
Funding,  to  be  administered  by  the  Federal  Railroad  Administration,  will  be  tar- 
geted to  projects  that  serve  two  or  more  major  metropolitan  areas  that  are  no  more 
than  600  miles  apart. 

Among  the  cities  that  are  eligible  to  seek  FRA  funding  under  this  program  are 
five  priority  high-speed  rail  corridors  designated  by  DOT  last  year.  The  are: 

•  Chicago  to  St.  Louis,  Detroit,  and  Milwaukee. 

•  Miami-Orlando-Tampa. 

•  San  Diego-Los  Angeles-Bay  Area  and  Sacramento  via  the  San  Joaquin  Valley. 

•  Eugene-Portland-Seattle-Vancouver,  B.C.  in  Canada. 

•  Washington,  DC-Richmond-Raleigh-Charlotte. 

The  existing  New  York  State  high-speed  corridor  (New  York  City-Albany-Buffalo) 
is  also  eligible.  Other  corridors,  proposed  by  the  States  and  meeting  criteria  set 
forth  in  the  bill,  can  also  apply  to  the  Secretary  for  inclusion  in  the  program.  North- 
east Corridor  improvements  from  Washington,  DC  to  Boston  will  continue  to  be 
funded  under  a  separate  program. 

Pena  said  that  like  other  DOT  grant  programs,  the  high-speed  rail  initiative 
would  be  a  partnership  with  State  and  local  governments  and  the  private  sector. 
Because  the  Government  seeks  a  true  partnership,  individual  improvements  may  re- 
ceive Federal  funding  of  up  to  80  percent,  but  the  Federal  share  irom  the  high-speed 
rail  program  for  a  total  group  of  improvements  on  a  corridor  cannot  exceed  50  per- 
cent of  tne  public  contribution. 

In  addition  to  the  corridor  grant  program,  the  initiative  announced  today  will 
make  available  nearly  $300  million  to  support  technology  development,  including 
work  on  a  maglev  prototype.  The  prototype  is  expected  to  be  superior  to  that  being 
developed  by  other  countries  and,  in  addition  to  the  benefits  of  keeping  the  U.S. 
transportation  system  technologically  competitive,  also  would  reduce  pollution  since 
it  does  not  have  to  rely  on  petroleum  fuel. 

The  administration's  program  also  includes  a  $25  million  applied  research  compo- 
nent. This  funding  is  intended  to  ensure  that  as  rail-related  scientific  advances 
occur  they  are  incorporated  into  high-speed  rail  development. 

The  Chairman.  Well,  watch  that  one  closely  for  us,  because  we 
want  to  and  we  will  cooperate.  We  are  in  a  situation  right  here 
with  Union  Station  trying  to  get  everything  to  move  together.  It 
took  us  years  to  do  it.  We  finally  had  to  accomplish  it  through  the 
Appropriations  Committee  and  because  we  could  not  get  things 
moving  through  the  committee  itself. 

We  can  get  things  moving  through  this  committee  if  you  make 
sound  suggestions.  But  when  they  come  out  in  the  initial  stage  and 
say,  "We  are  going  to  have  funding  on  a  matching  basis  here  for 
the  several  States  to  have  the  train  move  at  high  speed  without 
stopping  throughout  that  particular  State,  and  by  the  way,  that 


3  9999  05982  189  0 

State  is  going  to  pay  for  it."  I  want  you  to  come  down  to  Columbia, 
SC,  and  help  me  to  explain  that  to  them.  [Laughter.] 

Mr.  HUERTA.  I  would  be  delighted  to. 

The  Chairman.  Senator  Pressler. 

Senator  Pressler.  The  General  Accounting  Office  has  issued  a 
report  this  past  month  on  intermodal  freight  transportation.  The 
report  suggests  that  the  Department  of  Transportation's  office  of 
intermodalism,  which  you  will  head,  established  under  the  Inter- 
modal Surface  Transportation  Efficiency  Act,  should  work  with 
State  and  local  transportation  agencies  and  industries  to  provide 
funding  for  rail-truck  intermodal  freight  facilities. 

Now  the  GAO  report  encourages  the  Transportation  Secretary  to 
issue  a  determination  of  whether  rail-truck  facilities  should  qualify 
for  Federal  funding  under  ISTEA,  given  that  they  would  relieve 
highway  congestion  and  deterioration. 

So,  my  question  is  that  most  studies  demonstrate  that  motor  car- 
riers are  essentially  being  subsidized,  given  the  amount  of  damage 
heavy  trucks  do  to  our  highways.  In  light  of  this  fact,  what  is  your 
response  to  the  recommendation  by  GAO? 

Mr.  HuERTA.  As  a  former  director  of  the  New  York  City  Depart- 
ment of  Ports  and  currently  the  director  of  the  Port  of  San  Fran- 
cisco, I  have  a  great  interest  in  rail  and  truck  access  to  marine  ter- 
minal facilities  and  transportation  facilities  generally. 

And  it  is  my  view  that  it  was  the  intent  of  the  Congress,  through 
ISTEA,  to  ensure  that  rail  freight  projects  and  truck  access  projects 
would  qualify  for  funding  under  the  provisions  of  ISTEA. 

Recently,  in  February,  the  Federal  Highway  Administration  re- 
leased a  policy  interpretation  looking  at  precisely  this  issue.  And 
I  would  be  happy  to  provide  a  copy  of  it  for  you  and  the  committee. 

But  in  it,  the  salient  point  is  that  it  determined  that  these  sorts 
of  projects  would  be  eligible  for  funding  if  studies  proved  that  the 
traffic  diverted  to  rail,  for  example,  could  significantly  contribute  to 
the  attainment  of  ambient  air  quality  standards  in  a  nonattain- 
ment  area. 

Now  that  is  one  specific  area  that  could  be  looked  at.  And  I  think 
this  is  something  that  bears  some  further  looking  into  as  well. 

Senator  Pressler.  Thank  you  very  much. 

The  Chairman.  Thank  you  very,  very  much,  Mr.  Huerta.  We  will 
leave  the  record  open  for  any  questions  by  our  other  colleagues  who 
could  not  make  it  here  this  afternoon.  We  will  try  to  move  the  nom- 
ination out  to  the  floor  of  the  Senate  for  confirmation  later  this 

Senator  Pressler.  I  have  some  additional  questions  I  will  sub- 
mit for  the  record. 

The  Chairman.  Thank  you  very  much.  The  committee  will  be  in 
recess,  subject  to  the  call  of  the  Chair. 

[Whereupon,  at  2:30  p.m.,  the  hearing  was  adjourned.] 


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