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Full text of "Novo diccionario portatil das linguas portugueza e ingleza em duas partes, portugueza e ingleza-ingleza e portugueza, resumido do diccionario de Vieyra"

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,>  ,    ;/t  r  3r,  .Z>'i 






VOL.    I 


Printed  by  Pillet  &  Dumoultn, 
Paris,  rue  des  Grands-Âugustins,  3. 




''  DAS  línguas 



Portugaeza  e  Ingleza  —  Ingleza  e  Portugueza 


■  >y  ■      ■■  P. 

DO  DICCIONARIO  DE ^lEYRA  ,  r / r,    "'  " •, 


Revista  e  consideravelmente  augmentada 

VOL.  I 


V*  J.-P.   AILLAUD,    GUILLARD  E  C^ 


Rua  Saint*André-dea- ArtA,  V\ 





O  favor  com  que  o  publico  acolheu  a  primeira  tenta- 
tiva da  edição  portátil  de  um  Diccionario  Portuguez- 
Inglez  determinou  os  Editores  a  publicar  o  presente 
Diccionario,  que  mais  se  deve  considerar  como  obra  in- 
teiramente nova,  que  como  segunda  edição  da  prece- 
dânte,  vistas  as  mudanças  e  numerosos  melhoramentos 
que  lhe  dão  o  caracter  de  obra  completamente  refundida, 
ou  nova. 

Consideráveis  addições  no  numero  dos  vocábulos  se 
fez  à  primeira  parte,  e  muitas  incorrecções  nas  accep- 
ções  Inglezas  se  corrigirão.  A  segunda  parte  recebeu 
uma  face  inteiramente  nova :  na  primeira  edição  os  vo- 
cábulos inglezes,  em  muitos  casos,  erão  meramente  bx- 
plicados  em  portuguez;  mas  na  presente  os  termos 
inglezes  se  achão  vei*tidos  por  equivalentes  portuguezes, 
o  que  facilita  notavelmente  a  versão  do  inglez  em  por- 
tuguez ao  traductor,  que  tiver  de  consultar  um  Diccio- 

Sendo  este  o  plano  e  o  caracter  do  Diccionario  portátil 
Portuguez  e  Inglez  que  offerecemos  ao  publico,  supér- 
fluas serião  quaesquer  observações  sobre  a  sua  utilidade. 
Para  os  negociantes  e  viajantes  tem  sido,  e  conlvoLW^xk 
u   a  ser  absolutamente  necessário ;  e  pelo  acWaMoTm^aXfò^t^dj 


torna  summamente  commodo.  Se  nm  tal  Diccionario 
foi  jugaldo  necessário  na  data  da  publicação  da  prece- 
dente edição,  quanto  mais  não  será  procurado  hoje, 
quando,  alem  do  antigo  commercio  com  Portugal,  ac- 
cresce  o  do  Império  Brasílico,  para  cujas  transacções  o 
conhecimento  da  lingua  portugueza  se  torna  indispensá- 
vel em  um  gráo  muito  mais  extenso. 

Com  este  alvo,  e  afim  de  offerecerem  um  Diccionario 
portátil  Portuguez-Inglez  digno  da  aceitação  geral,  não 
poupáramos  Editores  trabalho  nem  despeza;  e  confiam 
na  liberalidade  e  indulgência  do  publico  para  obter 
desculpa  das  imperfeições  inevitáveis  em  obra  d'esta 
natureza,  e  das  quaes  elles  não  podem  lisongear-se  que 
esteja  inteiramente  izento  este  trabalho.  Persuadem-se 
todavia  que  o  publico  o  acolherá  como  o  mais  com- 
pleto doesta  natureza  que  até  ao  presente  se  tenha  publi- 

VvaJ.  P.  AiLLADD,  GdILLARD  E  0^*. 





hist.  nat. 

historia  natural 





















antigo,    antigui- 




































p.  extens. 

por  extensão. 
































participio  passa 

•        _            *            a 






p,  prés. 

participio      pre 


































verbo  activo. 

!    ffir. 



verbo  neutro. 








línguas  portdgueza  e  ingleza 




A,  sm.  the  first  letter  of  the  Por- 
tuguese  alphabet. 

A.  B.  artium  baccalaureus,  bacha- 
rel em  artes^  bachelor  of  arts.  — 
A.  D.  Anno  Domini,  no  anno  do 
Senhor y  in  the  year  of  our  Lord. 
—  A.  M.  artiam  magister,  mestre 
em  artesy  master  of  tfrts. 

A,  the  feminine  article  the  :  A 
mulher y  the  woman. 

A  is  also  a  pronoun  relattve  :  her ; 
vendo-a^  seeing  it,  or  vendo-a, 
seeing  her. 

A  is  a  preposition  denoting  the 
place  whither  one  is  going  as  : 
eu  vou  á  LondreSy  I  go  to  Lon- 
don.  Voltar  á  França^  to  return 
or  go  back  to  France. 

A%  a  and  ás  are  also  used  in  many 
different  senses.  A  que  horas  es- 
tareis vós  lá?  &%  what  hour  will 
you  be  there  ?  Andar  a  pé  ou  a 
cavallo^  to  go  on  foot  or  on  horse- 
back.  Viver  á  Inçleza,  to  live 
after  the  Englisb  fãshion. 

A  denotes  also  theprice  of  thinirs. 

"^jij^^y^^^*,  at  eight  sfiU- 

lings ;  a  denotas  also  the  weight: 
á  onçay  by  tJie  ounce.  It  denotes 
also  the  measure  :  m^dir  a  pai- 
mosy  to  span  or  measure  by  the 
hand  extended. 

A  is  also  put  before  the  infinitivos 
preceded  by  another  verb,  as : 
ensinar  a  cantar,  to  teach  sing- 
ing  :  Ir  a  dormir^  to  go  to  sleep. 

A,  betveen  two  nouns  of  number 
signifies  between  or  about :  Um 
homem  de  trinta  a  quarenta  an- 
nos,  a  man  between  thirty  and 

A  is  also  placed  between  two 
equal  nunibers,  to  denote  order 
as  :  Dois  a  dois,  two  by  two. 

A,  in  reckoning  games,  is  used, 
in  thia  manner  :  Cinco  a  cinco^ 

A'  and  A's,  are  used  with  a  noun 
adverbially,  as:  A'pressa^\i«sM\* 
ly ;  A's  cegas,  \))^aloW\  Aí » "oe- 
zes^  sometimes. 

A,  is  also  an.  màeftnWA  «cW^^»  «ft^ 
denotes  the  enô.  ot  \.«nsi  <^*  J^tJ 
action  of  the>íex\j,^\^«'^^«***^ 


—  2  — 


or  thing  it  tends  to,  as  likewise 
the  end  one  aims  at>  to.  Á  Deus^ 
to  God.  Emprestei  o  cavallo  a 
meu  irmão,  I  have  lent  the  horse 
to  my  brother. 

A  also  marks  the  dative  case  ei- 
ther  singular  or  plural.  A  minif 
to  me.  A  vós^  to  you,  etc. 

A  sometimes  is  with  :  Defende- 
ram-se  a  unhas  e  dentes,  they  de- 
fended  themselves  with  their 
nails  and  teeth. 

A  sometimes  is  in  or  accordlng 
to  :  Ajuízo  do  doutor,  according 
to  the  doctor's  opinion. 

A  is  sometimes  left  out  in  English 
as  Dize  a  João  etc,  tell  «John, 
etc.  Que  tstais  a  dizer?  What  do 
you  say  ? 

Aain,  sm.  measure  of  liquids 
among  the  Dutch  equal  to  228 
English  pints. 

Ab,  sm.  the  eleventh  month  of 
the  Jewish  civil  year. 

Aba,  sf.  edge,  brim.  Ckapéo  de 
abas  grandes,  a  broad-brimmed 
hat.  —  the  skirt  of  a  garment. 

—  ififf-)  protection, 
Ab-abrupto  ou  £x-abrupto,  adv. 

unawares,  unexpectedly,  sud- 

Abaçanado,  a,pp.  adj.  darkened, 

Abaçanar,  va.  {med.)  to  darken. 
Abacellar,  va.  {plants)  to  lay  the 

root  of  plants  under  ground  for 

Ábaco,  sm.  abacus^the  upper  part 

of  the  capital  of  a  column. 
Abactor,  sm.  a  stealer  of  cattle. 
Abada,  sf.  the  skirt  of  a  garment 

tucked  up,  and  full  of  any  thing. 

—  the  female  of  a  rhinoceros. 
Abadado,  pp.  Y.  Abbadado. 
Abade] o,  sm.  a  fish  called  Poor 

Jack.  —  Spanish  fiy  or  cantha- 

AbadengOt  sm.  {ane.)  abbotahip. 
Abademaa,  sf  pi.  hooks,  small 

Topes  to  make  fírm  the  Unes  of 

tie  sArouds. 
-^Betado,  a,  jjp.  adj,  that  seems 
baize,  well  corered  vitb  bcôze 

Abaetar-se,  vr,  to   be   dressed 

■with  bai£e  clothes.  V.  Enrou- 

Abaf adamente ,  adv.  secretly, 

under  hand. 
Abafadiço,  adj.  not  ventilated. 

Lugar  — ,  very  close  place. 
Abafado,  a,  adj.  smothered.  Ar 

— ,  a  sultry  and  stifling  air. 
Abafador,  sm.  name  given  to  the 

small  lappets  of    cíoth  "which 

serve  to  soften  the  tones  of  a 

Abafamento,    sm.  [sufbcation; 

oppression,  calamity. 
Abafar,  va.  to  choke,  to  overlay, 

—  um  negocio,  to  murder  a  bu- 

siness.  —  as  velas  (a  sea  term)^ 

to  lower  the  sails. 
Abafas,  sf.  pi.  terror,  fear. 
Abafo,  sm.  Casa  de  — ,   afroom 

adjoining  a  warm  bath. 
Abainbado,  a,  pp.  adj.   closed 

with  a  hem. 
Abainhar,  va.  to  hem. 
Abaionetado,  B.,pp.  adj.  charged 

•with  bayonets.  [bayonets. 

Abaionetar,  va.  to  charge  with 
Abairrado,  a,  pp.  adj.   divided 

into  districts.  [districts. 

Abairrar ,  va.  to  divide  in  wards  or 
Abaixada,  adj.  {keral.)  brought 

low  or  down.  A  águia  — ,  eagie 

represented     with    its    wings 

down  or  shut. 
Abaixado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lowered. 

brouffht  low. 



Abaixador,  sm.  {anat)  abductor, 
Abaixamento,  «m.  lowering,  fall-^ 

ing,  abatement :  depression. 
Abaixar,  va.  to  puU  down,  to 

humble.  Abaixar-se,  vr.  to  fali, 

to  sink,  to  decrease. 
Abaixo,  adv.  down. 
Abalado,  a,pp.  adj.  shaken.  (jig.) 

Estar -^y  to  be  nearly  resolved. 
Abalamento,  sm,  shock,  earth- 

<]uake.  {fig.)  the  act  of  depart- 

Abalançado,  a*  pP'  adj.  moved. 
Abalançar,  va.  to  move,  to  stlr 

any  tlôíDig.  Abaloaçaar-seN  ur,  to 



Abalar,  va.  to  shake,  to  touch, 

to  affect.  —  vn.  to  decamp,  to 

march  off.  [tered. 

Abalaustrado,  a,  pp.  a(2j[.l>aluB- 
Abalaustrar,  va.  to  furnish  ^geith 

Abalizadamente ,    adv.    excel- 

lently,  extremely,  in  the  ntmost 

Abalizado,  a,  pp.  adj.  surveved. 

—  renowed.  Autor  — ,  a  celebra- 

ted  author.  [lands. 

Abalizador,  sm.   a  survevor  of 
Abalizar,  va.  to   survej  lands. 

Abalizar  se,  vr.  to  acqmre  fame. 
Abalo,  sm.  shake,  jerk,  concern, 

decamping;  slight  íit  of  disease. 
Abaloíado  a,  pp.  adj.  swollen, 

puffed  up.  [puffed  up. 

Abalofar-se,  vr.  to  swell,  to  be 
Abalroa,  sf.  grapplings. 
Abalroação,  sf.  grappling. 
Abalroado,  a,  pp.adj.  {asea  term) 

boarded  with.  grapples. 
Abalroar,  vn.  to  soake  or  dash, 

to  contend.  •—  oa.  to  board  a 

ship.  Abalroar-se^  vr.  to  run  foul 

of  one  another  (fwo  ships). 
Abaluartado,  a,  pp.  adj.  forti- 

fied  with  bastions. 
Abaluartar,  va.  to  furnish  "with 

bastions  or  bulwarks. 
Abanado,  pp.  adj.  fanned,  sha- 

Abanador,  sm.  a  íir^-fan. 
Absoiadura,  sf.  the  act  of  fan- 

ning;  a  shake. 
Abanar,  va.  to   fan,   to   ahake. 

Abanar-se,  vr.  to  cool  one^s  self 

vith  a  fan.  [on  a  bench. 

Abancado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is  sat 
Abancar-se,  w.  to  sit  down  at 

table.  [dandy. 

Abandalbar-se,  vr.  to  plaj  the 
Abandejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  having 

the  form  of  a  tea-board. 
Abandoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  assem- 

bled  in  a  band  or  party. 
Abandoar,  va.  to  unite  m  bands. 

Abandoar-se,  vr.  to  join  in  bands. 
Abandonadamenti,  adv,  ia  a- 


^^w^^J?''^'.^'  JtJP'.^*.  aban- 

Doente  — >,  a  patient  desperate- 

ly  ill. 
Abandonar,  va.  to  abandon,  to 

forsake.    Abandonar-se  ^   vr.    to 

give  one's  self  up,  to  indulge  in. 
Abandono,  sm.  abandonment. 
Abanico,  sm.  a  wornan^s  fan. 
Abano,  sm.  a  fire-fan.  —  a  fiy 

Abaptista  or  Abaptiston  (surg.) 

abaptiston  (instrumeut  used  in 

trepanning).  [like. 

Abaquetado,  a,  adj.  drum-stick 
Abar,  va.  to  cock.  —  um  ckcqtéo, 

to  cock  up  a  hat. 
Abaratado  or  Abarateado,  a, 

pp.  adj.  abated,  diminished. 
Abaratar,  va.  to  abate,  to  beat 

down  the  price. 
Abarbado,  a,  adj.   quite  close; 

vexe  d,  provokea, 
Abarbar,  va.  and  n.  to  draw  nigh; 

to  vex,  to  puzzle. 
Abarbarizaao,  a,  pp.  adj.  barba- 

rous,  that  becomes  barbarian. 
Abarbarizar-se,  vr.  to  become 

Abarca,  sf.  shoes  worn  by  coun- 

try  people. 
Abarcado,  a,  pp.  adj.  monopo- 

lized.  [nopolizer. 

Abarcador,  sm.  forestalíer,  mo- 
Abarcamento,   sm.  the   act  of 

Abarcar,  va.  to  environ,  to  en- 

close;  to  forestal,  to  monopo- 
lize. —  com  pensamento,  to  com- 

prehend,  to  perceive,  to  seize. 
Abarracamento,  sm.  barracks. 
Abarracar,  va.   to  barrack»  to 

Abarrancado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

put  in  the  ravines. 
Abarrancar-se,  vr.  to  put  one's 

self  ín  the  ravines. 
Abarregado,  pp.  adj.  and  deri* 

vated.  Y.  Amancebado  and  deri- 

vated.  [with  walls. 

Abarr  eirado,  j>p.  adj.  sucroraifiÀnà^ 
Abarreixax ,  «a.  V>  «x«xo\vsà^NJ^ 


Abarretado.a,  pp.  o^,-  ^^^S^L 
AbarrlBOO,  im. —  de  pwce. 
of  asK  ^  ixÀv-  mdSaXâSi^ 


—  4  — 


Abarroado,  a,  adj.  obstinate.  V. 

Abarrotado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fllled  up, 


Abarrotar,  va.  to  fill  up. 
Abartioulação,  sf.  {anat.)  abarti- 

Abaa,  sf.  pi.  the  place  -where  is 

turníng  the  helm  of  a  ship. 
Abassor    or    Depressor,    sm. 

(anat.)  abductor,  depressor. 
Abasta,  v.  imp.  it  is  enough. 
Abastadamente ,    adv.     abun- 

Abastado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rich,  weal- 

Abastança,  sf.  abundance. 
Abastantemente,  adv,  largelj, 

Abastar,  vn.  to  suffice. 
Abastardado,  a,  pp.  adj,  dege- 

nerated  (animais  and  plants). 
Abastardar,  va.  to  debase,  to  cor- 

rupt,  to  spoil.  Abastardar-se^  vr. 

to  degenerate,  to  grow  worse. 
Abastecer,  va.  V.  Bastecer. 
Abastecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  Y.  Baste- 

eido  and  derivated. 
Abastecimento,  sm.  provision. 
Abasto,  sm.  provision,  victuals. 
Abastoso,  a,  adj.  abimdant. 
Abate,  sm.  abatement. 
Abater,  va.  to  -weaken,  to  abate. 

—  vn.  to   decrease.   Abater-se^ 

vr.  to  fali  or  shrink  down,   to 

Abatido,  a,  pp.   adj,  flatened, 

faint ,     debilitated ,     decayed , 

Abatimento,   sm.  decaj,  weak- 

ness,  submissiveness. 
Abatinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dressed 

with   a  cassock  (ecclesiastical 

Abatinar-se,  vr.  to  dress  one's 

self  with  a  cassock. 
Abaulado,  a,  pp.  adj.   arched, 

incurvated  or  convexed. 
Abaular,   va.    to   incurvate,  to 

swelí,  to  bulge. 
-AjfjfacJaJ,  adj.  abbatiaJ,  abbati- 
^  ^i^' J^^ionging  to  an  abbey. 
^^acfarfp,  sm.  ãbbey,  abbotship, 
elie  digmty  of  an  abíot.  ^ 

Abbadar,  va.   to  nominate   an. 

abbot.  [of  an  abbey. 

Abbade,  sm.  an  abbot,  the  ruler 
Abbadessa,  sf.  abbess,  snperior 

or  governegs  of  a  nunnery. 
Abbadessado,  sm.  abbotship. 
Abbadia,  sf.  an  abbey,  monastery 

of  either  sex. 
Abbadi&ho,  sm.  a  little  abbot. 
Abbarrada,  sf.  an  earthen  vessel 

for  drinking  :  a  flower-pot  of 

China  ware.  [cassock. 

Abbatina,  sf.   the  abbot  dress. 
Abbra  ou  Abra,   sf.  a  servant 

Abbulusão  or  Abilusão,  sf,   a 

weight  of  two  oboles  formerly 

used  in  pharmacy. 
Abe,   sm.   abe  tne  alphabet  or 

criss.  ifig.)  Elements   or  rudi- 

ments    of   mathematics.    Sstd 

ainda  no  a  6  c,  he  is   an  abe 

Abcedar,  vn.  {surg.)  to  form  an 

abscess,  to  imposthumate. 
Abcesso  or  Abscesso,5m.abscess. 
Abdalab  or  Abdallas,  sm.  {hist.) 

Abdals,  religious  enthusiasts  in 

the  East. 
Abdicação,  sf.  abdication. 
Al^dicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  abdicated. 
Andicar,  va.  to  abdicate,  to  leave, 

to  abandon,  to  renounce. 
Abdicavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may  be 

Abdómen,  s.   {anat.)   abdómen, 

the  lower  part  of  the  belly. 
Abdominal,  adj.  2  g.  abdominal, 

Abducção,  sf.  {anat.)  abduction. 
Abductor,  sm.  (anat.)  abductor. 

—  adj.  abducent. 
Abeatado,  a,  adj.  made  a  bigot. 
Abeatar-se,  va.  to  grow  a  bigot. 
Abeberado,  a,  pp.  adj.  drenched, 

dipped,  soaked. 
Abeberar,  va.  to  make  drink,  to 

drench,  to  soak.  Abeberar-se^  vn. 

to  suck  or  drink  in,  to  be  imbi' 

Abecedario,  sm.  a  primer.  Dis- 
posto pela  ordem  do  abcced<m,o, 




Abegoa,  sf.  the  wife  of  a  farmer^s 

Abegoaxia,  sf.  instniments  of  hus- 

bandry,  farming  implements. 
Abejaruco.  Y.  Abelheiro. 
A'beira,  adv.  loe.  on  the  brink, 

near  to  the  brínk. 
Abeirado,  a,  pp.  that  is  near  to 

the  brink. 
Abeirar,  va.  to  be  on  the  brink. 
Abelha,  sf.  a  bee,  or  honey  bee. 
Abelhãó,  sm.  a  wasp. 
Abelhar-se  or  Abemuar-se,  vr. 

tohurry  one's  s^lf  or  make  haste 

in  the  work. 
Abelhazinba,  sf.  a  little  bee. 
Abelheira,  sf.  a  swarm  of  bees. 
Abelheiro,  sm.  midvall,  bee-ea- 

Abelhinha,  sf.   a  little  bee.  — 

flor^  the  herb  dog^s  stones. 
Abelhudamente,  adv.  inconside- 

rately,  too  hastily. 
Abelhudo,  a,    aaj.  over-hasty, 

Abelidado,  a.  pp.  adj.  having  a 

pearl  or  web  in  the  eye. 
Abelidar-se,  vr.  to  catch  webs  in 

tiie  eyes. 
Abélonianos,  sm,  Abelonians  (a 

sect  in  Africa). 
A-bel-prazer,  ado.  loc.  at  ease. 
A  bem  or  A  bem  de  peito,  adv. 

loc.  favourably,   in   good  part, 

"with  favour. 
Abemolado,  a,  pp.  adj.  {pius.) 

soft,  harmonlous,  sweet. 
Abemolar,  va.  to  sweeten   the 

voice  singing  or  speaking.  — 

Ahemolar-s%^  vr.  to  grow  sveet, 

Abançoadeira,  sf.  a  woman  that 

gives  "blessings. 
Abençoadíssimo ,  adj.  sup.  of 

Abençoado,  the  most  blessed. 
Abençoado,  a,  adj.  blessed,  fa- 

vourable,  happy. 
Abençoador,  sm.  blesser,  he  -who 

gives  blessings. 
Abençoar,  va.  to  bless,  to  -wish 

well.  —  to  thank,  to  praise,  to 

give  blessings. 
ASeadiçoadOt  a,  pp,  blessed.  — 
«Ewr  áeDeosI  God  bless  you  1 

Abendiçoar,  va.   to  praise,  to 

Aberração,  sf.  aberration,  aber- 

rance ,    aberring ,    -wandering. 

{jLstr^  aberration,  a  small  appa- 

rent  inotion  of  the  íixed  stars. 
Aberrar,  vn.  to  -wander. 
Aberta,  sf.  aperture.  chap,  cre- 

vice,  crack;  {f.g.)  an  opening, 

an  opportunity* 
Abertamente,  adv,  openly,  pub* 

licly ,    evidently ,    manifestly , 

freely.  [spaces. 

Abertas,  s.  pL  blanks,  unwritten 
Aberto,  a,  pp.  adj.  opened ;  set 

open.  —  frank,  smcere.  Homem 

de  coração  aberto^  an  ope;i-heart- 

ed  man.  [of  the  hold. 

Aber  tona,  sf.{a  sea  term)  the  depth 
Abertura,  sf.  an  opening,  aper- 
ture, chínk,  gape. —  openness  of 

heart,   frankness.    —  opportu- 

nity,  conjunctore. 
Abesanum    or   Abesano,  sm. 

{med.)  a  kind  of  iron  oxid. 
Abesantado,  a,  adj.{heral.)  a  coat 

of  arms  adorned  with  besants. 
Abesantar  or  Abezantar,   va. 

(heral.)  to  adom  with  besants. 
Abespiííhadam^te,  adv.  -w&a- 

pishly,  with  acrimony,  sharp- 

ness.  [waspisn. 

Abespinhado,  a,  pp.  angry, 
Abespinhar-se,  vr,  to  be  angry 

as  a  wasp.  [wrong. 

Abesso,  sm.  {anc.)  injury  or 
Abestim  or  Abesto.  V.  Asbesto. 
Abestruz,  sm.  an  ostrich  or  os- 

tridge.  [turkev. 

Abetarda,  sf.  a  bustard,  a  wild 
Abete  or  Abeto,  sm.  a  fir-tree  or 

Ab-etemo,  adv.  loc.  everlasting, 

eternal ;  endless. 
Abetumado,  a,  pp.  besmeared 

with  bitumen  ;  (fig.)  heavy,  sad. 
Abetumar,  va.  to  besmear  with 

bitumen;  {fig.)  to  conceal,    to 

hide,  to  disguise. 
Abetum,  sm.  {anc.)  helç  ^  «.vi. 


—  6  - 


Abhoo  or  Abhao,  adú,  loe.  eon- 

fusedly,  at  random. 
Abib.  s.  abib  (the  first  month  of 

the  Jewish  ecclesiastical  year.] 
Abibe,  sm.  (om.)  Upmng  (a  bird 

of  passage). 
Abibliotbecado,  a,     vp»     adj. 

placed,  kept  in  a   book^caae, 

a  library,  [book-case. 

Ablbliothecar,  va,  to  place  in  a 
Abicado,  a,  pp.  adj,  touehed  -with 

a  beak. 
Abicar,  vn.  to  come  in  a  port,  to 

touch  the  shore.  Abicar,  va.  to 

bring  a  ship  to  the  ooast.  Abi- 

carse,  vn.  to  be  in  a  hurbonr 

with  the  prow  or  beak  touching 

on  the  shore. 
Abietato,  sm.   {chim.)    the  salt 

formed  by  combination  "wiih  the 

acid  of  the  resia  of  a  fir-tree. 
Abiótico,  sm.  (ehim.)  acid  of  the 

resin  of  a  fir^tree.  [fir-tree. 

Abietino,  a,  adj.  relatinff  to  the 
Abigeato,  sm.  a  robbery  of  flocks. 
Abildegar,  sm.  a  kind  of  Ameri- 
can rocket  fish. 
Abilhamento,  sm.  {anc.)   attire, 

AMlhar,  va.  to  aUire. 
Abllitação,  sf.  a  duty  of  15  per 

cent  on  prizes.  [etc. 

Abinba,  sf.  a  Uttle  skirt.  brim, 
Abtnicio,  adv.  loc.  from  the  be- 

Ablntestado  or  Abintestato, 

<uI;.abintestate.i7i^e{eiro— ,  heir 

of  one  that  dies  abintestate. 
Abloto,  sm.  {bot)  name  given  to 

the  hemlocK.  [fit. 

Ab  irato,  adv.  loc.  in  an  angry 
Abirquajave,  sm.  {bot.)  the  tree 

that  bears  incense. 
Abirritação,  sf.  (med.)  a  want  of 

irritation.  (a  biscuit. 

Abiscoitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made  as 
Abiscoitar,  va.  to  bake  or  make 

like  a  biscuit. 
Abismado,  a,  pp.  adj,  cast  into 

an  abyss,  ingulfed,  destroyed ; 

C^:^.)  astonisbed.  fdeep. 

^/smal,  adj.  2  ç.  ofahyaa,  very 

^A£smsr,  Pa.  to  eaat,  to   tbrow 

^to  an  abjrs»;  (/Sff  )  uy  aatonish. 

to  surprize,  to  amaze.  Abúrniar- 

«c,  vr.  to  fali  into  an  abyss ;  Ulg.) 

to  be  astonisbed^  surprizea^  ar 

Abismo,  sm.  an  abrss,  chasm,  an 

unmeasurable  g^lf. 
Abisso,  sm.  {poet.)  abyss,  hell. 
Abita,  s.  the  bits  that  ser\*e  to 

belay  the  cable  when  the  ship 

rides  at  anchor. 
Abitado,  a,  pp.  layed  to  the  bits. 
Abitar,  va.  [a  sea  term)  to  bit,  to 

belay  with  bits. 
Abltas,  s.  bits.  —   de  molinete, 

carnick  bites. 
Abjecção  or  AbjelçSo,  sf.  àb- 

jection,  abjectness,  vileness. 
Abjectamente,  adv.  abjectly. 
Abjectissimamente,  adv.    sup, 

very  abjectly.  [abject. 

Abjectisslmo,  adj.  sup.  the  most 
Abjecto,  a,  adj.  abject,  low,  con- 

Abjudicado,  a,  pp,  adj.  dispos- 

sessed  legally. 
Abjudicar,   va.  {law)  to  dispos- 

sess  legally. 
Abjuração,  sf.  abjuration,  re- 

Abjurado,  a,  pp.  abjured. 
Abjurar,  va.    to  abjure,  to  re- 

nounce  upon  oath,  to  abandon. 
Abjurgar,  va»  to  reprimand,  to 

Ablação,  sf.  the   act  of  taking 

from  the  body  "whatever  is  hurt- 

ful,  the  amputation  of  a  limb. 
Ablactação ,     sf.     ablactation , 

Ablactado,  a,  pp.  adj.  weaned. 
Ablactar,    va.  to  ablactate,   to 

Ablaqueação,  sf.  ablaqueation. 
Ablaquecer,  va.  to  abíaqueate, 

to  lay  the  roots  bare. 
Ablativo,  sm.  the  abl ative  case. 
Ablectos,  selected  Roman 

Ablegação,  sf    ablegation  (ba- 

Ablegado,    a,  pp.,   ablegated, 

banisbed-  \ViMi5ksSx. 

Ablegar,    «a.  to  a\Afe^^XA>  ^» 
[  Ableltado .  a,  adj.  ^ew^^^. 



Ablução,  êf.  ablotion. 
Abluent.  adi.  abluent(hayiiig  the 

pover  of  cleaning). 
Abluir,  va.  to  vasn. 
Abnegação,  sf.  abnegation,  self- 

denial;  {fig.)i  renunciation,  sa- 
Abnegado,  a,pp.  adj.  renouBced, 

that  is  forsaken. 
Abnegador,  sm.  abnegator.  '— 

adj.  that  forsakes,  reDounoes. 
Abnegar,   va.  to   abnegate,   to 

renouncOf  to  forsake. 
•Abnepto,  sm.    a    grand*child's 

grand-son.  [cerely,  truly. 

A'  boa  fé,  adv.  loc.  honestlj,  sin- 
A'  boa  mente,   adv.  loc.  easily, 

"with  a  good  "will. 
Aboar,  va.  to  divide,  to  part< 
Abobaúla,  sf.  a  vault,  an  arch«d 

vault,  A—palatina^  {anat.)  the 

roof  of  the  mouth. 
Abobadado,  a,  pp.  adj.  arched, 

Abobadar,  va.  to  coTer  with  a 

vanlt,  to  vanlt,  to  arch. 
Abobadllba,  sf.  plastered  ceiling. 
Abobado,  a,   pp.  adj,   arched, 

Abobar,  va.  to  iest.  Abolmr-98y 

vr.  to  make  one^s  self  a  jester. 
Abóbora    or   Abobara,   sf*  â 

gourd.  —  d^aguãj  pnmpkin. 
Aboborado,  a,  pp.  simmered. 
Aboboralir  sm,   a  place   where 

gourds  grow.  [gently. 

Aboborar,  vn.  to  simnier,  to  boil 
Aboboreira  or  Abobreira,  sf. 

cncttrbitaceons  plant,  goTxrd« 
Aboborinha,  sf.  a  small  gourds 
Abocado,  a,  pp.  adj.  {mil.)  that  is 

near  ef  the  mouth  of  a  cannoií. 
Abocadiira,  sf.  an  aperture  for 

pointing  a  cannon. 
Abocamento,  sm.  {anat.  arts)  the 

junction  of  tiie  orifice  of  two 

Tessels   or  tubes;  (Jig.)  inter- 

viev,  conference. 
Abocanhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bhten. 
Abocanhar,  vo.  to  bite,  to  moxith ; 

{fig^  te  censure,  to  carp. 
Abobar,  va.  to  take  to  the  momih, 

wk  (a  sea  têrm)  —  o  eslreito,  to 

•^í»  «o  aaa  thiei^  the  Btrait, 

—  as  peças,  to  pat  the  gans  in 
the  port  boles. 

Abooetado,   a.    adj.    circular, 

round,  oval,  oblon^. 
Abochomado,  a,  adj.  hot.  Tempo 

— ,  very  hot  weather. 
Abodega,  sf.  a  tavem,  a  cheap 

eating  house. 
A  bofe,  adv.  loc.  certainly,  truly. 
Abolado,  B.tpp.  adj.  âoated,  that 

is  floating. 
Abolar,  va.  to  cast  into  the  sea 

a  log  of  wood  or  barrei  to  show 

yhere  the  ancor  lies,  to  buli,  to 

float.  Aboiar-êêt  vn,  to  come  to 

the  surface  of  "Vrater ;  {fia.)  to  bo 

Aboiz,  sm.  springe,  nook  to  catch 

birds  irith. 
Abolado,  a,  pp,  broised,  crushed, 

abolished.  [to  crush. 

Abolar,  va.  to  bruise,  to  batter, 
Aboleimado,  a,  adj.  flat.  JRosto 

—  an  hollow  or  flat  facíi. 
Aboletado,    a,    pp.   adj.    Çmil.) 

quartered  (speakingof  soldiers). 
AJDOletamento,  sm.  {mil.)  quar- 

Aboletar,  va.  to  quarter  soldiers. 
Abolição )  sf.  abolishment,  abo* 

Abolido,  a,  pp.  adj.  abolished, 

annulled,  rescinded. 
AboUmento,    sm.   abolition   (én 

law)y  the  pardon  and  fuU  dis- 

charge  of  a  crime. 
A  bolma,  adv.  loc.  {a  sea  term)  to 

sail  close  to  the  vind 
AboliJMir,  vn.  to  go  with  a  side 

wind ;  to  sail  upon  a  boWline. 
Abolir,  va.  to  abolish,  to  annul, 

to  abrogate,  to  rescind. 
Abolorecldo,  a,  pp.  adj.  monlded, 

mouldy.  fhoary. 

Abolorecer,  vn.  to  grow  mouldy, 
Abolorio,  sm.   ancestry,  anees- 

tors,  forefatiiers. 
Abolsado,  a,  adj.  baving  foMs 

or  ^aits(a  garment). 
Abohunado,  a,  adj.  oveiyVi«á*A 

(a  aYi\çV 



—  8  — 


Abominação «  sf.  abomination , 

abominableness,  execration. 
Abominado,  a,  pp,  adj.  abomi- 

Abominador,  sm.  one  that  abo- 

minates,  or  abhors. 
Abominando,    a,    adj.    abomi- 

nable,  detestable. 
Abominar,    va.    to    abominate, 

to  abhor,  to  detest. 
Abominável,  adj.   2  g.    abomi- 

nable,  to  be  abhorred,  to  detest. 
Abominavelmente,  ddv.  abomi- 

nably,  odiously. 
Abominosamente,  adv.  abomi- 

nably,  jhatefully.  [hateful. 

Abominoso,  a,  adj.  abominable, 
Abonação,  sf.  the  act  of  being 

bound  for  a  bondsman.  Y.  Aho- 

nador.  —  esteem,  respect   for 

another  man,  or  bis  merit. 
Abonadamente,  adv.  with  war- 

ranty,  with  security. 
Abonado,    a,   pp.    adj.    bailed 

Homem — ,  a  nch  man,  a  man 

of  credit. 
Abonador,  sm.  guarantee,be'?rho 

is   bail   for    another;    he  who 

commends,  praises  another. 
Abonamento,  sm.  JSxcepção   de 

— ,  allegation    of   a  privileged 

condition  that  "was  exempted  by 

law  of  suffering  punishment. 
Abonança,  sf.  calm,  fair  veather 

at  sea.  [quiet. 

Abonançado,  a,  pp.  adj.  calm, 
Abonançar,  vn.  to  clear  up,  to 

grow  fair  weather,  to  calm. 
Abonar,  va.  to  be  bail  for  a  man 

that  is  already  bail  for  another ; 

to  show,  to  prove.  —  carta  ao 

jogo,  to  franchise  a  card.  Abo- 

nar-se,  vr.  to  commend,  praise, 

or  extol  one's  self. 
Abono,  sm.  approbation,  credit, 

Sraise,  advantage.  Fallar  em — 
e  alguemj  to  speak  to  one's 
advantage.  [tract. 

Aborbitar,  va.  to  break  a  con- 
Aborbulhar-se,  vr.  to  grow.  or 
to  be  pimpled.  [flow. 

Aborcar  or  Boroar,  vn.  to  over- 
Abordado,  a,  pp.  adj.  boarded, 
that  comes  near  the  shore. 

Abordador,    sm.    (a   sea   term) 

Abordagem  or  Abordada,   sf. 

the  boardin^  of  a  ship  by  force. 

—  the  runnmg  foul  of  snips. 
Abordar,  va.  to  board  a  ship ;  to 

accost  one.  [accostable. 

Abordável,  adj.  2  g.  accessible. 
Abordo,  adv.  loc.  V.  Bordo. 
Abordo,  sm.  on  board;  the  act  of 

boarding,  landing. 
Abordoar,  vn.  to  go  leaning  on  a 

staff.  Abordoar-sCf  to  be  leaned 

on  a  staff. 
Aborígenes,  sm.  pi.  aboríginals, 

the  original   inhabitants  of  a 

Aborletado,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  pencil- 

Aborrascado,  a,  pp.  stormy. 
Aborrasoar-se ,    vr.     to    gro^ 

Aborrecedor,   sm.   abhorrer,   a 

hater,  a  despiser. 
Aborrecer,  vn.  to  be  abhorred, 

detested,  abominated.  —  va.  to 

abhor,  to  detest,  to  hate. 
Aborrecer-se,  vr.  to  be  angry, 

peevish,  cross. 
Aborrecidamente,  adv.  odious- 
ly, abhorrently. 
Aborrecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  abhorred, 

hated,  detested. 
Aborrecimento,  sm.  repugnan- 

cy,  hatred,  aversion,  peevish- 

Aborrecivel,  adj.  2  g.  detestable, 

horrible,  dreadful.  [ly. 

Aborrecivelmente,  adv.  odious- 
Aborridamente,  adv.  sadly,  pee- 

Aborrido,  a,  pp,  adj.  sad,  pee- 
vish, cross,  morose. 
Aborrimento,  sm.  tediousness, 

Aborrir,  va.  to  abhor,  to  detest. 
Aborrivel,  adj.  detestable,  abo- 
minable, peevish. 
Aborso,  V.  Aborto.  [failed. 

Abortado,  a,  pp.  adj.  abortive, 
Abortamento ,     sm.    abortion , 

untimely  birth. 
Abortar,  va.  vn.  to  miscarry,  to 

be  brought  to  bed  before  the 


—  9  — 


time;  {fiff.)  to  fail,  to  prove  abor- 

Abortivo,  a,  adj.  abortivo, 
brought  forth  in  an  inunature 

Aborto,  sm.  albortion,  xniscar- 
riage  —  da  natureza,  a  stupen- 
dous  production. 

Abostelar,  vn.  to  raake  pimples. 

Abotinado,  a,  adj.  boot-Iike, 
boot-shaped.  i^^°Ç* 

AbotoaçSo,  sf.  the  act  of  bud- 

Abotoadeira,  sf.  a  voman  tbat 
makes  buttons. 

Abotoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  buttoned, 
budded ;  close.  Ter  os  olhos  — «, 
to  act  as  a  blind. 

Abotoador,  sm,  a  button-maker. 

Abotoadura,  $f.  a  set  of  buttons. 

Abotoar,  va.  to  button,  to  sew, 
to  stitch  buttons.  —  vn.  {agric.) 
to  bloora,  to  bud.  Abotoar'se, 
vr,  to  button  one's  self. 

Abotocado,  a,  pp.  stopped  -with 
a  bung.  [witn  a  bung. 

Abotooar,  va.  to  bung,  to  stop 

Ab-ovo,  adv.  loc,  from  tbe  be^n- 
ning.  [for  ships. 

Abra,  sf.  a  road,  bay,  or  creak 

Alnaçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  em- 
hrBces.  Abraçadores  {a  sea  term), 
spilling  Unes. 

Abraçamento,  sm.  an  embracing. 

Abraçar,  va.  to  embrace,  to  hug, 
to  clasp  or  take  about ;  to  en- 
compass,  to  encircle,  to  em- 
brace, to  comprebend,  to  con- 
tain,  to  include.  Abraçar-se^  vr. 
to  embrace  one  another,  each 

Abraço,  sm.  an  embracing,  em- 
brace, clipping.  —  accolckde. 

Abrandado,  a,  pp.  adj.  softened. 

Abrandamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

Abrandar,  va.  to  soften,  to  mol- 
lifj,  to  alleviate ;  to  appease,  to 
pacify,  to  calm.  A  chuva  abran- 
dou o  tempo,  the  weather  is 
grown  mild  after  the  rain.  — 
vn,  to  fali,  to  come  down.  O  vento 
abranda,  the  \nnd  falis.  Abran- 
dat^,  vr.  to  grow  sweet,  to  re- 
jent,  to  be  appeased. 

Abrandecer,  va.  to  soften,  to 
allay,  to  alleviate. 

Abranger,  va.  to  contain,  to 
comprehend,  to  include. 

Abrangido,  a,  np.  adj.  contained, 

Abrasão,  sm.  Çsurff.  and  med.)  an 
ulcer ;  an  irritaition  of  stomach. 

Abrazadamente>  adv.  ardentlj, 
-with  flame. 

Abrazado,  a,pp.  adj.  on  íire,  ali 
on  íire,  burnt. 

A]:n'azador,  a,  adj.  burning, 
scorching,  hot.  Fogo  — ,  the  bur- 
ning iire. 

Abrazamento,  sm.  great  íire, 
conflagration,  inflammation. 

Abrazar,  va.  to  consume,  to  in- 
flame, to  burn.  —  vn.  to  burn, 
to  be  extremely  hot.  —  Abrazar- 
se,  vr.  to  take  âre,  to  be  infla- 
med  (both  in  proper  or  figurate 
sense).  Trace),  burning. 

Abrazeado,  a>  adj.  red-hot  (the 

Abrazear^  va.  to  grov  red  as  a 
live-coal.  [horse). 

Abre-boca,  s.  a  sharp  bit  (for  a 

Abrego,  sm.  {anc.)  the-wind  south- 
west.  [se, 

Abrenbar-se,  vr.  V.  Embrenhar- 

AbrenunciaçSo,  sf  the  act  of 
rejecting  with  contempt. 

Abrenunciar,  va.  to  reject  vnih 

Abre-ilhozes,  sm.  (a  sea  term) 
an  iron  instrument  used  by 
sea-men  for  opening  eyelet- 
holes.  fdevil. 

Abrepticio,  sm.  possessed  by  the 

Abreviação  or  Abreviamento, 
sf.  an  abridgment ,  the  act  of 

Abreviadamente,  adv.  vith  ab- 
breviation,  compendiousl^. 

Abreviado,  a,  pp.  adj.  abndged, 

Abreviador ,  sm,  abbreviator , 

Abreviar  I  va.  to  abridge,  to 
shorten..  Para  — ,  loc.  adv^  ta  b^ 

Ahx«v\ata£^  Qt  lfctocçr?\»âM;ra.v 
sf.    a^i^iTÇiV\a^:vci^i^  tíwytv.  V^aa.^ 


*  1 


—  1»  — 


Abridor,  sm.  sa  eneraver. 

Abrigada,  sf.  sheíter,  refuge, 

Abrigado,  a»  pp.  adj.  sheltered, 
to  be  free  from  danger. 

Abrigador,  adj.  2  g.  sheitering, 
defending,  protecting.  —  *.  a 
protector,  patron,  onethat  gives 
a  shelter. 

Abrigar,  va.  to  shelter,  to  de  fend, 
to  protect.  —  (a  $ea  tarm)  to  be- 
calm,  to  lock.  Abrigar^e,  vr.  to 
get  shelter;  {fig.)eUê  abrigeu-se 
a  mim,  he  has  ned  to  me  for 
shelter.  [refuge. 

Abrigo,  sm.  a  shelter,  protection, 

Abril,  sm,  April.  [tened. 

Abrilliantado,  a.  pp.  adj,  brigh- 

Abrilbantar,  va.  to  brighten,  to 
cut  iRrith  facets  (speaking.  of 

Abrimento,  sm  an  opening. 

Abrir,  «a.  to  open,  to  lay,  to  set 
or  cut  o])en;  to  engrava,  to 
etch. —  lojOj  to  set  up  a  shop.— 
o  appetite,  to  excite  the  appe- 
tite.  —  o  eaminhOy  to  clear  up  the 
vray.  —  mão  de^  to  desist,  to 
leave  off.  —  agua,  to  spring  a 
leak.  —  vn.  to  open,  to  disclose 
itself.  Abrir-se,  vr.  Começa  a 
abrir-se  o  dia,  the  day  begins  to 
break.  —  dos  peitos  to  have  a 
shoulder  pight  (a  horse)  —  a 
boeca,  to  yawn.  —  a  flor^  to  open, 
to  blo-w.  [a  brocade. 

Abrocadado,  a,  odj.  that  is  like 

Abrochado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fastened 
with  a  dftsp. 

Abrochador,  sm.  a  button-hook ; 
an  instrument  for  clasping. 

Abrochadura,  sf.  clasping. 

Abrochar,  va.  to  clasp,  to  fasten 
Ttrith  a  clasp. 

Abrogação,  sf.  abrogation,  abo- 
lishment,  cassation 

Abrogado,  a,  pp.  adj,  abrogated, 
annulled.  [gates. 

Abrogador,  sm.  one  that  abro- 

Abrogar,  va  to  abrogate,  to  an- 
uul,  to  àbollàh. 
^x-ocratorio,   a,   adj.   thtX  re- 
^£f^/i  o^  abroe-ãte8. 
^^^olbado,  a,  pp.  adj\   bndded. 

Abrolhar,  tm.  to  bud,  to  tíossom, 

to  bloom. 
Abrolho,  sm.  caltrop  (A«rò) ;  eat 

trops,  crow^s  feet  to  anno;^  an 

enemy's    horse;  —    mariwmo , 

great  caltrop. 
Abrolhos,  sm    pi.   {a  sea  term) 

breakers,  shelves,  pointed  rocks 

In  the  sea. 
Abrolhoso,  a,  adj.  thorny,  ha> 

ving  caltrops. 
Abrozuseado,  a,  adj,  bronzed.  -~ 

pelo  sol,  sunburnt,  taaned  hv  Ú» 

sun.  [with  a  buckl«r. 

Abroqaelado,   a,    adj.  covered 
Abroqaelar,  va.  to  cover  "with  a 

buckler.   Abroquelar-se,   vr,  to 

defend  one'8  self,  to  beware 
Abrotal,  sm.  a  place  where  daíTo- 

dils  grow. 
Abrotano,  sm.  {bot.)  abrotiuitim, 

Abrotanoide,  sm    abrotanoides 

(sort  of  coral). 
Abrotar.  V.  Brotar. 
Abrotea.  sf.  dalfodil.  Flor  de  -* 

Abrotonite,  s.  (ckem.)  a  "wine 

impregnated  ^fith  abrotanum. 
Abrunheiro,  sm.  sloe  or  bullac** 

tree.  [plume. 

Abrunho,  sm.  sloe,  bullaoe,  *wild 
Abrupção,  sf.  {surg)  abruptioB, 

rupture,  fracture. 
Abrupto  or  Ab- Abrupto»  adv, 

loc.  suddenly,  bluntly,  abruptíy. 
Abruso,  sm.  (bot)  abrus,  glycine, 

Angola  seed. 
Abrutado,  a,  adj.  blunt,  coarse, 

brutish  man. 
Abruteoer.  V.  Embrutecer, 
Abruteoido.  V.  Embrutecido, 
Abrutela,  sf.  land  newly  bro- 

ken  up 
Abscesso  or  Abcesso,  sm,  abs< 

cess,  imposthume. 
Absoisa  or  Abscissa,  sf,  (geom.) 

absciss,  the  part  of  an  axis  cut 

oflf  by  an  ordmate. 
Absoisão  or  Abscisi^o,  sf.  [surg.) 

sbscission . 
AbBconçaa,  .s.  (astr ,]  Estrellas  — ^ 

the  atara  abscondeà.Va^^^SQXc' 

set  time. 


—  H  — 


.AbBconderp  va,  to  abscond».  to 

AbsooncUto,  a.  V.  Escondido. 
Absconsa  or  Absoonoia,  sf,  a 

WMt  of  lantern  used  in  tbe  dor- 

mitories  of  monks.  [stone. 

Abssctos,  sm.  a  sort  of  precioirs 
Absencia,   sf.  (anc.)  V.  Ausência 

{med.)^  aberration  of  mind. 
Absantar,  Abse&te.  Y.  Ausentar^ 

Abside,  8.    (ârcA.)    vault,  areh, 

nichd.  {astr.)  apsis. 
Absides,    sm.  pi,  shrínes,  reli- 

earies  in  which  the  relics  of 

saints  are  kept. 
Absinthado,  a,  adi.  absinthiated. 
Abslnthato,  sm.  (chem.)  salt  for- 

med  by  the  composition  of  the 

absintnian  acid. 
Absitijthico,  B.,  adj.  absinthian. 
Absintiiina,  sf.  {chem.)  the  bitter 

element  of  absinthíum. 
Absintlilte,  sf.  (chem.)   a  'wine 

impregnated  with  worm-wood. 
Absintnio,  sm.  absinthium,  worm- 

wood.  —  (Âg.)  grief,  sorrow  of 

heart.  V.  Losna. 
Absogro,  sm.  a  grand-father  of 

a  husband. 
Absolto,  a,  adj.  absolved,  dis- 

charged.  [ment. 

Absolação,  sf.  absolving,  acquit- 
Absolutamente,  adv.  absolatelj, 

imperiously,  peremptorily. 
Abftolotlavko,   sm.   an  absoluto 

Absoltit»,  a,  ttdj.  absoluto,  arbi- 

trary,  unlimited,  independent , 

imperious,  de^otical. 
Absolatovio,  a,  adj.  {in  law)  ab- 

solutory,  pertaining  to  a  dis- 

Absolver,  va.  to  absolve^  to  dis- 

ehaírge,  to  acquit;  to  dispense, 

to  exempt. 
Absolvição,  sf.  absolution,  dis- 

charge,  acquittal,  forgiveness. 
Absolvido,  a,  pp.  adj.  discharged , 

acquitted,  absolved. 
Absolvimento,   sm.  absolution, 

disicharge,    aéquittal,    forgive- 

Al)8onOt.Êt,  aèlJ,àb9oa<m9f  ábsurd  •, 

unmusical,  dissonant,  discor- 

Absorber,  va.  V.  Absorver^  etc. 

Absorp^ão,  sf.  absorption  (the 
act  of  irobi^bing  or  swallowing). 
—  {chem)  the  abaorptioa  of  a 
gaseous  nuid  into  a  liquid. 

Abaort»,  a,  pp.  adj.  absorbed, 
swallowod  up.  —  {/ig.)  deep  in 
thought,  ecstatic ,  raptured.  — 
êm  extasi»,  wrapt  in  ecstacy. 

Absortos,  sm.  {anc.)  ecstacy,  rap- 
tuFB,  ravishment^ 

Absorvsncia,  sf.  absorption. 

Ak>aoT79mt»f  adj.  i  g.  aosorbent; 
{chem,)  absorbent,  alkaline.  Re- 
media — ,  an  absorbent  medicine. 

Absorver,  va.  to  absorb,  to  sval- 
low  up,  to  drown,  to  irabibe.  Ah- 
sorver-se^  vr.  to  be  absorbed; 
to  be  in  an  ecstacy. 

Absorvido,  a,  pp.  adi.  absorbed, 
drowned,  deep  in  tnought. 

Absorviznento,  sm.  absorption; 
ecstacy,  rapture. 

Absteimo,  Bl,  adj.  abstemious,  a 
perso&  vrho  has  an  aversion  tò 

Abstençilo  or  Abstena&o,  9f. 
abstention.  —  de  herança,  the 
keeping  an  heir  from  his  inher- 

Abster,  va.  to  abstain,  to  keep 
from.  Abster-se^  v.  r.  to  abstain 
from,  to  refrain  from,  to  keep 
one's  self  from.  [mente. 

Absteramente,  adv.  V.  Anstera- 

Abstergente,  adj.  2  g.  abster- 
gentr  abstersive. 

Absterger,  va.  to  abslerge,  to 
cleanse  by  medicines. 

Abstersão,  sf.  abstersion. 

Abstersivo,  a,  adj  abstersive, 

Abstido,  a,  pp.  adi.  abstained. 

Abstinência,  sf.  aostinence,  tem- 
perance,  sobriety. 

Abstinente,  adj.  1  g.  abstiaent, 
sober,  temperate. 

Abstracção,  sf.  abstraction,  dis- 

"l.lJIIJ^L  .'-■,.     ^ 



—  12  — 


tracted,  absorbed,  sunk  in  me- 

ditation.  —  sm.  an  abstract,  an 

Abstrsuiido,  a,  pp  adj.  abstract- 

ed.  —  fictitious,  ideal. 
Abstrahir,  va.  to  abstract,  to  se- 

parate,  to  lay  aside  —  vn.  to 

omit,   to  neglect.  Abstrahirse^ 

vr.  to  abstracta  to  separate  one's 

Abstruso,  a,  adj,  abstruse,  obs- 

cure,  intrincate. 
Absurdamente,  adv,  absardly, 

senselesslj.  [surdeness. 

Absurdidade,  sf.  absurditj,  ab- 
Absurdo,  sm.  absurdity,  foolish- 

ness,  nonsense.  —  aaj,  absurd, 

foolish,  unreasonable. 
Abuhanes,  sm.  a  bird  of  Egypt 

reitembling  the  ibis. 
Abuis,  sf.  Y.  Abois. 
Abullado,  a,  pp.  adj.  (anc.)  sealed 

"wilh  lead  seal  or  a  bali. 
AbuUar-se,  vr.  {anc.)  to  obtain  a 

buli  01-  safeguard. 
Abuna,  sm.  tne  patriarch  of  the 

Abyssinians.   It    slgnifies    our 

Abundado,   a,   adj.    abounded, 

that  has  something   in  abun- 

dance.  [bonnding. 

Abundância,  sf.  abundance,  a- 
Abundante,  adj.  2  g.  abundant, 

plenteous,  fully,  copious. 
Abundantemente,    adv.   abun- 

Abundar,  va.  to  abound  in,  to 

have  in  great  plenty. 
Abundoso,  a,  adj.  Y.  Abundante. 
Abunhadio.  sm.  the  obligation  of 

an  Abunhado. 
Abunbado,   sm.  (in  Portugaese 

índia)  he  -who  is  obliged  to  till 

the  lands  of  the  manor  'vhere 

he  -was  bom. 
Aburacado,  a,  js|p.  adj.  pierced, 

with  a  hole.  [holes. 

Aburacar,  va.  to  pierce,  to  make 
Aburelado,  a,  aaj.  (speaking  of 

cloth)  coarse,  that  is  of  a  darkish 

.Aburrado,  a,   pp,  adj.   melan- 
-  cboJic,  peeviah,  sad. 
-^Murrar-se,  vr,  to  put  on  a  sour 

countenance,  to  make  one*s  self 

sad  or  melancholic. 
Abusado,  a,  pp.  adj.  abused.  — 

that  believes  m  superstitions. 
Abusão,  sm.  superstition.  (rAet.) 

Abusar,  va.  to  abuse,  to  misuse, 

to  deceive.  [improperly. 

Abusivamente,  adv.  aousively, 
Abusivo,  a,  adj.  abusiVe,  offen- 

sive,  iraproper. 
Abuso,  sm.  an  abuse,  misemploy' 

ment  :  grievance;  error,   mis- 

Abuta,  s.  box,  snuff-box.  V.  Abita. 
Abutamar,  va.  {anc.)  to  conceal, 

to  choke. 
Abutardado,  V.  Abetardado. 
Abutilon,   sm.    {bot.)    abutilon, 

Indian  mallow.  [P^ey. 

Abutre,  sm.  vulture,  a  bird  of 
Abutreiro,  sm.  the  hunterof  vul- 

tures.  [Butua. 

Abutua,  s.  {bot.)  wild-vine.  V. 
Abydeno,  a,  adj.  of  Abydos,  be- 

longing  to  Abydos. 
Abydo  or  Abydos,  built  upon 

an  abyss.  [Africa). 

Abyla,  s.  Abyla  (a  raountain  in 
Abyssinio,  a,  s.  and  adj.  Abys- 

sinian,  or  belonging  to  Abys- 

Abysso,  sm.  abysm,  hell. 
A.  C.  Anno  Christi. 
A  cá,  adv.  loc.  {anc»)  Para  cá^  de- 
notes the  time  in  which  a  thing 

had  happened. 
Acabaçado,  a,  adj.  having  the 

form  of  a  calabasn. 
Aoabadamente,  adv,  perfectly. 
Acabadiço,  a,  adj.  that  ânishes 

Acabado,  a,  pp.  adj.  finished,  per- 

fect,  excellent,  accomplished. 

—  irapaired,  feeble,  decayed. 
Acabador,  sm.  finisher,   impro- 

Acabamento,  sm.  the  act  of  â- 

nishing,  end,  extinction. 
Acabante,  adj.  2  g.  that  finishes 

or  perfects. 
Acabar,  va.  to  end.  to  terminate. 

Acabar-se,  w.  Xo  W  fixâ&\x^d.^  V> 

be  extVnct,  to  YkQ  o^et. 


AMbellado,  a,  adj.  of  a  safflroned 

blacki3ch  colour. 
A  cabo,  adv.  at  last,  at  end.  — 

de.  near  by.  [mar. 

Acabraxnado,  a,  pp.  of  Acabra- 
Acabraxnar,  va.  to  tie  an  ox's 

foot  to  his  horn. 
Acabramo,  sm.  the  rope  "which 

ties  the  ox.'s  foot  to  his  horn. 
Acabrunhadamente,   adv.   de- 

jectedly,  grievingly. 
Acabrunhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dejec- 

ted,  oppressed,  overwhelmed. 
Acabrunhar,  va.  to  afflict,  to 

Tex,  to  oppress,  to  overwhelra. 

Acabrwfiharse^  vr.  to  afflict,  to 

grieve,  or  disquiet  one  self. 
Acaburro,  s.  akind  of  millet. 
Acacalo,  sm.  {bot.)  acacalis,^wild 

Acaçapado,  a,  pp.  adj.  squatted, 

that  lies  close  to  the  ground. 
Acaçapar-se,   vr.  to    co-^rer,  to 

stoop  do-wn,  to  squat. 
Acachar,  v.  Y.  Agachar. 
Acachoar,  vn.  to  oubble. 
Acácia,  sf.  {bot.)  acácia,  a  sort  of 

Egyptian  tree ;  also  the  medici- 
nal juice  of  that  tree. 
Acacianos,  a  sect  deno- 

minated  from  their  leader  Aca- 

cius.  [a  chair. 

Acadeirar-se,  vr.  to  sit  down  in 
Academia,  sf.  academy.— {paint.) 

academy  figure,  drawing  done 

after  a  model.  [cally. 

Aoademiahnente,  adv.  academi- 
Academiar,  va.  to  vfnte   in  an 

academical  style.  [mically. 

Academicamente,  adv.  acade- 
Académico,  a,  adj.  academicid. 
Academista,  sm.  academian,  a 

student  in  an  academy. 
Acadimento,  sm.  increase,   ad- 

dition.  [happen. 

Acaecer,  vn.  or  —  m,  vr.  (anc.)  to 
Acaecimento,  sm.  {anc.)  success, 

event,  accident. 
Acaíelado,  a,  pp.  adj.   vhite- 

washed  with  lime,  plastered. 
Acafelador,  sm.  plasterer. 
Acafeladura,  sf.  plasteríng. 
JkGafelar,  va.  to  piaster,  to  "wasli 
witb  lime. 

—  13  -  ACA 

Acairelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  laced. 
Acairelar,  va.  to  lace  with  a  nar- 

row  ribbon.  [staff. 

Acajadar,  va.  to   bang  with  a 
Acaju,  sm.  {bot.)  acajou,  maho- 

gany.  [by  chance. 

Acajuso  or  Galuso,  adv.  (anc.) 
Acalcado,  Acalcar.  V.  Caícado, 

Acalcanhado,  a,  pp.  that    is 

trodden  down  at  the  heels. 
Acalcanhar,  va.  to  wrinkle  the 

hinder  part  of  the  shoe. 
Acalentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  luUed. 
Acalentar,  va.  to  luU,  to  make 

sleep ;  to  deceive  by  fair  words. 
Acalmado,  a,  pp.  adj.  appeased, 

soothed,  calm. 
Acalmar,  va.  and  vn.  to  appease, 

to  relent,  to  abate,  to  soften; 

to  grow  raild. 
Acamado,  a,  pp.  adj.  laid  (speak- 

ing  of  com)   that  is    brought 

Acamar,  va.  to  lay  (speaking  of 

com).  —  to  tame,  to  soften   a 

savage  humour.  Acamar-se,  vr. 

to  be  into  a  bed. 
Acamaradar-se,  vr.  to  take  a 

person  as  a  comrade. 
Açambarcar,  v.  V.  Abarcar. 
Acampado,  a,  pp.  adi,  encaroped. 
Acampainhado.  Y.  Campanutado. 
Acampamento ,    srrt.    encamp- 

ment,  encamping. 
Acampar,  va.  and  vn.  to  encamp, 

to    be    encaroped.  Acampar-se^ 

vr.  to  pitch  one's  camp. 
Acamuçado,  a.  V.  Acamurçado. 
Acamuçar,  va.  to  dress  chameis 

leather.  V.  Acamurçar. 
Acamurçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  of  the 

colour  of  chameis  leather. 
Acamurçar,  va.  to  prepare  the 

chameis  leather. 
Acanaceo,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  acana- 

ceous,  acanthaceous. 
Acanallado,  a,  adj.  channeled, 

fluted.  [fluting. 

Acanalladura,   sf.  channelín^ 
Acanallax ,  "oa.  VívTtb.  >^  \.ci  Oa»ssastów> 

to  fLxxXe,  .        5,    .  v\v 

t\ie>  povoX.»  q1  cMift%>  ot  ^«i«ft3^- 




.Acsmaviar,  va.  to  driv«  a  sbarp 

stick  or  reed,  between  the  naá& 

and  the  flesh,  a  kind  of  torture. 
Aoancellado,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  twis- 

(ed,  woven  as  a  trellis. 
Aoanea,  sf.  an  ambling  nag. 
Acanellado,  a,  adi.  of  a  cinnar 

mon  colour,  âutea  as  thepillars. 
■Acanellar,  va.  to  dje  with.  the 

Acanhadamente,  adv.  fearfiillj, 

cowardly,  timorously. 
Acanhado,  a,  adj.  bashful,  timid ; 

fearful;  stingy;  choked,  over- 

shadowed  (speaking  of  plants) ; 

too    narro w   (»   close    (shoes, 

Acanhador,  sm.  who  that  makes 

fearful,  afraid  or  timorous. 
Acanhamento,  sm,  bashfulness, 

cowardice,  backwardness. 
Acanhar,  va.  to  intimidate*  to 

inspire   fear,   difâdence.  Aea- 

nhar-sCy  vr.  to  grow  timorous. 
Acanhonar  and  Acanhonear. 

V.  Canhonear. 
Acanthico,  a,  adj.  pertalning  to 

the  acanthus. 
Acanthio,  sm.  {bot.)   acantha, 

spine  of  plants. 
Acantho,  sm.  {bot)  acanthus. 
Acantilado,   a,   adj.   steep «  of 

difâcult  ascent  ' 
Acantoado,  a 

Aocmtoamento,  sm.  a  place  for 

the  pasture  of  the  cattie. 
Acantoar,  va.  to  force  into  a 

comer,  (/ig.)  to  separate,  to  put 

asunder.  Acantoar-sey  vr,  to  put 

one's  self  into  a  comer. 
Acantonadas,  adj.  {heroL)  can- 

toned,  cantonized.  [toned. 

Acantonado,  a,  pp.  adj.    can- 
Acantonamento«  sm.  cantoning, 

cantonment.  [cantonea. 

Acantonar,  va.  to  canton,  to  be 
Acapellado,  sl,  pp.  adj.   over- 

whclmed,  oppressed. 
Acapellar,  va.   to   oppress^  to 

ovarwhehn.         [into  chapters. 
^oapJttaado,  a,  pp.  adL  díVided 
-AoapitMMlar,  va.   to  divido  iato 

mt  fmountains). 
L,  aàj.  forced  int 

—  14  --  ACA 

Aigyfty  s.  {nai.  kii.)  acaram  a 

zilian  fresh-water  fish. 
Acaraia,  sf.  {nat.  his  )  acar»-aya, 

a  Brazilian  íish. 
Aoarão,  adv.  {anc  )  near,  just^by, 

over  against.  [seli  a  cap. 

Acavapuçar-se,  vr.  to  set  one  s 
Acarapuco,  sm.  {nat.  his.)   aca- 

rapuco,  a  Brazilian  fish. 
Acardnmado,  a,  pp.  adj.  accu- 
'mulated,  that  is  joined  together 

in  shoals.  [accumulate. 

Acardiunar-se,  vr.  to  shoal,  to 
Acareação  or  AcareamentOr  sf. 

(tn  kno.)  confrontation,  the  con- 

fronting  of  witnesses. 
Acareado,  a,  pp.  adj.  confronted. 
Acarear,  va.  to  confront  witaes- 

Acaricaha    or   Acaricoha,  sf. 

{bot.)   acaricaba,    a    medicinal 

plant  of  the  Brazil. 
Acariciadamente,  adv.  iritli-  c»- 

resses.  [ilattered. 

Acariciado,  a,  pp.  adj.  caressed, 
Acariciador,  adj.  2  g.  caressing, 

endearing.  [dle,  to  caresa. 

Acariciar,  va.  to  flatter,  to  whee^ 
Acaridios,  sm.  pi.  mites,  ticks, 

acarus.  [fondled. 

Acarinhado,  a,pp.  adj.  caressed. 
Acarinhar-,  va.  to    caress,    to 

endear.  [caressiag. 

Acaritativo,  a,  adj    endearing. 
Acama, «.  (bot.)  a  sort  of  garden  s 

thistle  with  íarge  yellow  flow- 

Ácaro,  sm.  mite,  a  cheese  mite. 
Acaroado,  a,  adj.  {anc.)  near«  at 

Acarom,  s.  adverbial  y/nsufá  an- 

(^ently  used  in  the  Pbrtix^eae 

seçulchral  inscriptions  :  it  si- 

gniáes .  in  the  sight,  openJy, 

Acarrado,  a,  pp.  adj  overheated 

by  the  suo.  —  adj.  dead  drnnk. 
Acarrapatado ,  a,  adj.  like  a 

Acarrar,  vn.  to  be  overheated  by 

the  sun.  —  to  be  fast  asleep. 
Acarrear,  va.  to  bring  aUmfç 

'witli one  .  to  c«Ql^«,\a  QccaaÀsK&* 
Acarretado,  a,  pp.adj .  wovws^^. 

unto  a 


—  18  - 


.Aoarretador,  sm.  a  carrier,  a  war 

goner.  —  por  agua^  a  barg«man. 
Acarretar,  va.  to  convev  in  a 

cart.  —  to  carry,  to  conduct. 
Acarreto,  sm.  the  act  €ft  con- 

Acarvado,  a,  pp.  adj.  charg>ed, 

loaded,  oppressed. 
Acarvar,  va.  to  burj  in  the  mud. 

Acarvar-ge,  vr.  to  be  sunk  in 

mud,  sand,  water. 
Aoascarllhado,  a,  adJ.  a  term 

of  the  hombre,  a  sort  of  game 

at  cards.  [tune,  casual^. 

Acaso,  sm.  chance,  hazard,  for- 
Acastanhado,  a,  adj.  of  a  che»- 

nut  colour. 
Acastelhanado,  a,  adj.  resem- 

bling  to  the  CastUians. 
A.castellado,  a,pp.  adj.  defended, 

strengthened.      Elepkante    •<-> , 

elephant  bearing  a  castle. 
Aoaatellar,   va.   to  fortify,    to 

strengtben  with  castles. 
Acaaollado,  a,  adj  as  a  husk, 

hnsk-shaped.  [foUy. 

A.oatadainente ,    adn.    respect- 
Acatado,  a,  pp.  adj.  respected, 

Acatadura,  sf.  the  act  of  looking 

Acatalectioo,  a.  adj.  (poef.Vaca- 

tidectic,  acatalectic  verse. 
Acatalepsia,  sf.  acatalepsy. 
Acataleptioo,  a,  adj.  acataleptte. 
Acatamento,  «m.respect,  esteem, 

reverence,  veneration.  -^ 

Acatar,  va.  to  respect,  to  yene- 

rate,  to  esteem. 
Acatarrado   or  Acatarvoado, 

ےdj.  ill  with  a  coki. 
Acatasolado,  a,  adj.  of  a  chan- 

gin^  colour.  Seda  acatasolada^ 

a  kind  of  shining  silk  stuíf. 
Acathiflto,  sm.  a  ceremony  nsed 

forraerly  in  the  Greek  church. 
Acaudeladamente,  adv.  in  or- 

der,   in    good    order,  -with  a 

Acandelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

led  or  commanded. 
AoandtfJar.  va.(anc.)  to  comman^, 

UJ^a.  [aleader. 

^Aoaudilbar-Be,  vr.  to  be  led  by 

Acauteladamente,  adv.  prudeot- 

ly,  visely,  cautiously 
Acauteleido,  a,  pp.  aãj,  cautious, 

discreet,  wise,  prudent. 
Acautelamento,  sm.    cautious* 

Acautelar,  va.  to    caution,  to 

provide.  Aeautelar-se,  vr.  to  be 

cautions,  to  guard  against. 
AcaTallado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tnmed 

among  mares  (a  stallion) 
AcaTaUar,  va.  to  turn  a  stalHon 

among  mares. 
Aoavaíleiradas,  adj.  pi.  {bot.)  is 

said  of  the  leaves  when  they 

are  much  joined  together. 
Açacal,  sm.  {anc.)  a  -water-earrier. 

V.  Aguadeiro. 
Açacsladamente ,  adv.  neatly, 

Açacalado,  a,  pp.  adj.  polished, 

clear.  [rer. 

Açacalador,  sm.  a  hamess  scon- 
Açacaladura,  sf.  scouring,   fur- 

Açacaldr,  va.  to  furbish,  to  brigh- 

ten.  —  a  espingarda,  to  scour 

the  gun. 
Açacanhão,  sm.  he  that  traraples 

under  foot. 
Açacanliar,  va.  {anc.)  to  tread, 

to  stamp  upon. 
Aoadachao,  sm.  the  hi^h  cofista^ 

ble  of  the  kingdom  (m  the  In> 

dia).  [wardrobe. 

Açafata,  sf.  a  lady  of  the  qneen'8 
Açafate,  sm.  a  hand  basket. 
Açaírar,  vn.  to  grow  diadainfol, 

Açafrão,  sm.  saffron. 
Açafroa,  sf.  bastard  saffron. 
Açafroado,  a,  pp.  adj.  saflíroned, 

of  a  saffron  colour. 
Açafroai,  sm.  a  íieid  of  saíRroa. 
Açafroar,  ta.  to  dye  in  saffron 

colour.  [  (plant.). 

Açafroadeira,  sf.  (bot.)  saffron 
Açalmamento,  sm.  {anc.  fort.)  a 

defence,  any  work  of  entrani»- 

Açaimar  ^  -oa.  l^aT[ic>\  \.^  -Vv^^ssMhík.^Vi 


—  16  — 


Acamar,  va.  to  muzzle.  —  {fig.) 
to  overcome.  [monopolize. 

Açambarcar,  va.  to  forestait  to 

Acamo,  sm.  a  muzzle. 

Açarilhado,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  crossed 
(it  is  said  of  the  branches  of  a 
tree).  [rustic  instniment. 

Accaro,  sm.  (anc.  mus.)  a  kind  of 

Acção,  sf.  action,  deed,  work,  ope- 
ration;  act;  gesture;  fight,  en- 
gagement.  —  de  graças^  thanks- 
giving.  —  Share  in  the  public 
stocks.  [agreeing. 

■  Accedente,  adJ.  2  g.  acceding. 

Aoceder,  va.  (m  law)  to  accede, 
to  agree. 

Aocedido,  a,  pp.  acceded. 

Acoeitação,  Acceitado/Accei- 
tar.  V.  AceitaçãOy  etc. 

Aooeleração ,  sf.  acceleratlon, 
haste.  [in  haste. 

Aooeleradamente,  adv.  hastilj, 

Acoelerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  accele- 
rated,  hastened. 

Accelerador,  sm.  he  that  acce- 
lerates.  —  lanat.)  accelerator. 
-—  adj,  acceleratory,  accelera- 
ting.  [ting,  increasing. 

Accelerante,  adj.  2  g.  accelera- 

Accelerar,  va.  to  accelerate,  to 
hasten.  —  o  passo ^  to  mend  one's 
pace.  Acceterar-se^  vr.  to  fali 
out  into  a  passion,  to;be  angry. 

Acoeleratriz,  sf.  e  adj) Força  — -, 
accelerating  power. 

Acoendedor,  sm. .  \anc.)  kindler, 

Accender,  va.  to  light,  to  kindie, 
to  inflame.  —  «n  to  augment, 
to  increase  Accender-se,  vr.  to 
be  lighted,  inflamed. 

Accendido,  a,  pp.  adj.  lighted, 
kindled,  inflamed. 

Acoendimento,  sm.  the  act  of 
setting  in  flames.  {fig^)  burning, 

Accensão,  sf.  \rarmth  of  passion. 
—  {chim.)  accension. 

Aooenso,  sm.  {in  law)  a  sort  of 
lease . 

JÍooensos,  accensi,  infe- 

ríor  ofâcers  attending  the  Ro- 

man  magistrates. 
Aooento,  sm.  accent,  tone,  pro- 

nunciation,  modulation  of  the 

voice.  —  i£ramm.)  accent* 
Acoentuaçao,  sf.  accentuation, 

accent.  [accentuated. 

Accentnado,  a,  adj.   accented, 
Accentuar,   va.  to   accent,   to 

mark  with  an  accent. 
Accepção,  sf.  signifícation,  sense, 

acceptation,  meaning. 
Acoeptação,  Acoeptado,  etc.  Y. 

Aceitação,  Aceitado^  etc. 
Aceso,  a,  pp.  irr.  oí  Acender^  light- 
ed ;  vehement,  exasperated. 
Aocessão,  sf.  increase,  augmen- 

tation,  accession.  [nal. 

Acoessional,  adj.  2  g.  accessio- 
Accessit,  sm.  {coll.)  accessit,  the 

next  of  the  best. 
Accessivel,  adj.  2  g.  accessible, 

Accesso,  sm.  access,  admlttance ; 

fit  or  paroxysm  of  disease ;  pre- 

ferment,  advancement  in  rank 

or  dignity. 
AccesBoriamente,  adv.  accesso- 

rily,  in  an  accessory  manner. 
Accessorio,    sm.    an  accessory, 

addition,  appendix.  —  adi.  ac- 
cessory or  accessary,  aaditio- 

nal,  contributing. 
Acoidental,  adj.  2  g.  casual,  acci- 

dental,  fortuitous. 
Accidentalmente,  ado  acciden- 

tally,  casually. 
Accidentariamente,  adv.  by  a 

non-essential  circumstance. 
Aocidentario,  a,  adj.  accessory, 

Aocidente,  sm  accident,  casual- 

ty,  incident,  occurrence. 
Accioca,  s.  {bot  )a  Peruvian  herb- 
Accionado,  a,  pp.  adj.  accom- 

panied  vith  gestures  and  ac- 

Aocionador,  sm.  he  who  accom- 

panies  his  discourse  with  ac- 
Accionar,  va.  to  gesticulate,  to  ac- 

company  speech  with  gestures. 
Accionario  or  Accionista,  sm. 

actionary,  actionist. 
'Aocipiter,  sm.  (surg.)  a  sort  of 

bandageíor  \YiôNío\«Aaviv\Jafò 
I     nose . 


—  17  — 


Aoolamação,  sf.  acclamation. 
Acclamado,   a,  pp.   adj.   pro- 

Acclamador,  sm.  proclaimer,  ac- 

clamator,  one  -who  proclaims.  — 

adi.  that  proclaims. 
Acclamante,  adj.  2  g.  that  ac- 

claims.  [acclaim. 

Acclamar,  va.   to  proclaim,   to 
Acclixnação,  sf.  (med.)  modinca- 

tion  experimented  by  a  change 

of  climate.  [mated. 

Acclimado,  a,  pp.  adj,   accli- 
Acclixnar,  va.  to  inure  to  a  new 

climate.  Acclimar-se,  vr.  to  be- 

come  inured  to  a  new  climate. 
Aoolive,  adj.  2  g.  acclivous,  ac- 

clive.  [Acometter. 

Accommetter  and  derívated.  Y. 
Acooxnxnodação,  sf.  an  expla- 

nation,  conveniencjr,  accommo- 

dation;   reconciliation.  Accom" 

modações.,  conveniencies. 
Accomxnodadamente,  adv.  ac- 

commodately,  seasonably. 
Accoxninoâado,  a,  pp.  adj.  con- 

venient,  fit. 
Accomznodaxnento,  sm.  settle- 

ment,  place:  reconciliation. 
Accoxnxnodar,  va.  to  range,  to 

order,  to  accommodate;  to  fit, 

to  provido  for.  Accommodar-te , 

vr.  to  be  quiet ;  to  be  appeased ; 

to  comply,  to  conform;  to  lodge; 

to  be  placed  (sneaking  of  ser- 

vants).  [aliegorical  senso. 

Accommodaticio,  a,  adj.  {theol.) 
Aocomznodavel,  adj.  2  g.  that 

may  be  accommodated,  settled. 
Accoxnmodo,  a,  tidj.  {anc.)   ât, 

apt,  capable.  [Acompanhar. 

Accoxnpanhar,   and    deriv.   Y. 
Accorrer,  va.  to  help,  to  relieve, 

to  fly  to  one  in  order  to  assist 

him.  Accorrer-se^  vr.  to  fly  to 

Accorrido,  a,  pp.  adj.   helped, 

assisted,  favoured. 
Accorrixnento,  sm.  {anc.)  help, 

assistance,  protection. 
Aocrescentar,  Acorescentado. 

V.  Acrescentar^  etc. 

AeoumvOaç&o,  af.  accumulatiou, 

Accumuladaxnente ,     adv.     in 

heaps  or  piles. 
Accaxnulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  accu- 

mulated,  heaped  up.  [tion. 

Aoomnulaxnento,  sm.  accumula- 
Accuxnular,  va.  to  accumulate, 

to  heap  np,  to  amass.  Accvmu- 

lar-se,  vr.  to  be  accumulated, 

to  increase.  [mulatively. 

AooiuuulatlTamente,  adv.  accu- 
Accomulativo,  a,  adj.  accumu- 

lative,  additionaí,  increasing. 
Accuradamente ,    adv.     accu- 

rately,  exactly. 
Aoourado,  a,  adj.   accurate,  in 

exact  conformity  to  truth. 
Accnsação  sf.  and  Accusaxnen- 

to,  sm.  {anc.)  accusation ,  charge, 

indictment,  impeachment. 
Accusado,  a,  pp.  adj.  accused, 

informed  agamst. 
Accusador,  a,  «   an  accuser,  in- 

former.  —  adj.  accuser,  infor- 

Accusante,   adi.  2  g.  accuser, 

that  brings  a  cnarge  against. 
Accusar,  va.  to  accuse,to  charge, 

to  inform   against.  Acctuar-se, 

vr.  to  accuse  one's  self,  to  con> 

Accusativo,  sm.   (gramm.)    the 

accusative  case.  —  adj.  accusa- 

tive,  censuring,  accusing. 
Acousatoriamente,  adv.  {in  lawi) 

Accusatorlo,  a,  adj.  accusatory. 
Accusavel,  adi.  2  a.  accusable, 

chargeable,  blamaole. 
Acear,  va.  to  adorn,  to  set  off. 
Acedia,  sf.  indifferency  observed 

in  several  persons  after  some 

Aceiía,  sf.  Y.  Ceifa. 
Aceiíeiro,  sm.  Y.  Segador. 
Aceiradamente,  aav.  by  hirin^. 
Aceirado,  a,   pp.    adi.    hirea; 

steeled.  [steel,  to  steel. 

Aceirar,  va.  to  hire ;  to  temper 
Aceiro,  sm.  a  piece  of  land  grub- 

bed  up.  —  {anc.\  ate^l,  ^^  ^\a«íV. 
Ace\.ta<;f&o ,  st*  «^<i^«^^''»^<^^*'>  ^'^* 

Aceitado.  V  TO.  «Ai-  ,.^^«^^«^^^ 



—  i8  - 


Aceitador,  sm.  accepterj  recei- 

Aoeita&te^  adj*  2  g,    accepter, 

that  accepis.  —  «m.  {eomm?j  ac- 

▲oeitar,  va.  to  accept,  to  appro- 

ve,  to  receive.  —  uma  letra  de 

cambio^  to    accept   a    biU    of 

JLoeitavel,  adj.  2  g,  acceptáble. 
Aceite,  sm.  {comm.)  aceeptance. 
Aceito,  a,  pp,  adj,  accepted,  re- 

ceived,  approved. 
Aceitosamentet  oóm,  Y.  Insidio- 
samente, [beets. 
Acelgas,  sf.  pi.  (bot.)  be«t  or 
Acem,  sm.  v.  Assem. 
Acena,  s.  {bot.)  a  kind  of  rosa- 

ceous  plant  of  BraziL 
Acenado,  a,  pp.  nodded. 
Acenar,  vn.  to  nod,  to  beckon; 

i/ig.)  to  threaten.  [»pray. 

Acendalha,  sf.  a  dry  stick  or 
Acender,  va.  to  light,  to  kindle. 

Áecender-sey  vr.  to  catch  âre. 
Acendido,  a,  pp»  Y.  Aceso. 
Acendimento^  sm,  tiie  action  of 

setting  in  flames»  [purged. 

Acendrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cleansed, 
Acendrar,  va.  to  cleanse,  to  pu- 

rify,  to  refine.       ^  [nha. 

Acenha,  sf.  water-mill.  Y.  Axe- 
Acenheiro,  sm.  the  miller  of  a 

Aceno,  sm.  —  com  a  cabeça^  a  nod. 

—  com  os  olhos  ^  a  wink. 
Acephalia,  sf.  total  absenoe  of 

head.  [Acephalites. 

Acephalismo,   sm.  the  sect   of 
Acephalitas,  sm.  pi.  Acephalites, 

Acephalo,  a,  adj.  acephalous. 
Acephalocardia,  sf  {anat.)  state 

of  a  foetus  having  neither  head 

nor  heart. 
Aoephalochiria.  sf,  {anat.)  state 

ef  a  fostus  having  neither  head 

nor  hands. 
Aoephalomia ,  sf.  {anat.)  state 

of^a  fcetus  having  a  monstrous 

^cepIíalopocUa,  sf.  (anat,)  state 
fr  A  footua  witAout  head  and 

Acephalorachia.  sf.  (anat.)  state 

of  a  foetus  witnout  head  and 

vertebral  coluran. 
Acephalostomia,  sf.  {anat.)  state 

of  a  foetus  having  not  an  appa- 

rent  head  or  raouth. 
Acephalostralgia,  sf.  {anat.)  ab- 

sence  of  the  head,  thorax  and 

superior  part  of  the  venter. 
AoH>halot]ioraGhia,  sf.  {onaL) 

absence  of  the  head  and  bireast. 
Aoepilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  planed, 

made  smooth. 
Aoepilbador,  sm.  one  that  smoo- 

tbes,   planes   ^th    a   comice 

Aoepilhadura ,  sf.    the   act  of 

smoothing  or  polishing  "orith  the 

cómica  plane.  —  «,  sf,  pi,  sha- 

yings  of  wood.  [plane. 

Acepilhar,  va.    to    smootn,    to 
Acéquia,  sf.  a  sort  of  vali,  a  ca- 
nal to  convej  water  to  mills. 
Acerado,    a,    pp.    adj,   sUely, 

steeled ;  {fig.)  sharp,  smart. 
Acerar,  va.  to  steel,  to  temper 

Acerbamente ,    adv.     coughljr, 

sharply,  rigorously. 
Acerbo,  a,   adj.   acerb^   unripe, 

sharp ;  {fip,)  bitter,  painful* 
Acerca,  aS).  near,  about;  nearly, 

next  after ;  touching,  concern- 

ing.  [near. 

Acercado, a,  op.ac2/.  s^proached, 
Acercar,  va.  {anc.)  to  surround, 

to  enclose.  Acercar-sSy   wr,  to 

draw  near.  [lowred. 

Acerejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cheny-co- 
Acerejar,  va.  to  burnish,  to  give 

the  cherry  colour  to  any  thing. 
Acerrimamente,  adv,  pertioa- 

ciously,  obstinately. 
Acérrimo,  a,  adj.  sup.  very  sour, 

▼ery  tart,   (fig.)  violont,  obsti- 

nate.  [])rudently. 

Acertadamente,  adv.  right,  weU, 
Acertado,  a,  pp.  adj.  equitable, 

right,  proper,  vise. 
Acertador,  sm.  he  vho  does  a 

thing  ia  time. 
Acertiar,  va.  to  uícIl,  to  do  In 

time.  —  vn.  to  \ÚX  vi^Qí&^tA  ^^> 



—  i9  — 


^oerto  or   Acertamoito,  am. 

reason,  wisdotn ;  good  lack. 
Acervo,  sm.  a  heap. 
Acesamente,  acív.  notly,  flercdy, 

"with  fervour. 
Acescente ,  adj.  2  g.   acescent ; 

slightly  soar.  [hement. 

Aceso,  a,  adj.  lighted,  eskger,  ve- 
Aoesor,  sm.  Y.  Assessor. 
Aoesoado,  adi.  Y.  Sazonado. 
Ac6soar,  va.  V.  Sazonar. 
Acetabularios,    sm.    pi.    (hist.) 

name  used  by  thâ  Romans  for 

designing  jagglers. 
Acetsu>ulo,  sm.  {anat.)  a  large 

oavity  in  a  boné,  acetabuhixa. 
Acetado,  a,  adj.  (chim.)  acetated. 
Acetato,  sm.  acetate. 
Acético,  a,  adj.  (chim.)    acetic. 

Acido  — ,  acetic  acid. 
Acetificação,  sf.  acetlfícatioiL. 
Acetifisar,  va.  to  acetify,  to  con- 

vert  into  acid. 
Acetomel,  sm.  {pharm.)  oxjmel,  a 

kind  of  potion. 
Acetometro,  sm.  acetontéter. 
Acetoso,  a,  adj.  acetona,  sour. 
Acevadado^a,  nourished, 

satiated  with  barley. 
Aoevadar,  va.  to  make  fat;  to 

noarish  with  barley. 
Achacadlço,  a,  adj.  sickly.  ralè- 

tudinary.  [letudinarj. 

Achacado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sickly,  ya- 
Achacar,  va.  and  n.  to  ^ow  siek; 

(^.)  to  trouble,  to  distorb. 
Achacoso,  a,  adj.  sickly,  valetu- 

Achada,  sf.  the  act  of  catching 

one  in   the  fact;  the   act  of 

Achadego,  sm.  a  reward  for  flnd* 

ing  any  thing  lost. 
Acnadiço,  a,  adj.  obvious,  easy 

to  be  found. 
Achado,  a,  pp.  adj.  foiínd,  con* 

trived,  discoverèd. 
Achador,  s.  m.  a  finder. 
Achadora,   sf.    a  woman  vho 

finds  out  any  thing. 

Afdiadoiiro,  sm.  the  place  "vrhere 

sometbing  was  foand, 

^obamJboadamente,  adu.  roíuth- 
2jr,  ccurs&fy,  rodaljr.  ^ 

Achaxnboado,  a,  adj.  dali,  home- 

ly,  awkward. 
Acnsunboar  -  se ,  vr.    to    gtow 

rough,  coarse. 
Achamento,  «m,  a  finding. 
Aohanado,  a,  pp.  adj.  leyelled, 

íiatted;  (jig.)  easy.  [flat. 

AchanaT;  va.   to  levei ,  to  lay 
Achantado,  a,  pp.  nailed. 
Achantar,  va.  [anc.)  to  nail,  to 

fasten  with  nails. 
Achaparrado,  a,  adj.  stunted. 
Achaque,  sm.  indisposition,  iU- 

A(^ar,  sm.  any  sort   of  pickled 

roots,  herbs  or  fruits. 
Achar,  va.  to  ând,  to  meet  with, 

to  tíiink,  to  imagine.  Achar-se, 

vn.  to  find  one's  self.  —  mal,  to 

be  ill.  Ac?iou-se  ser  aquillo  ver- 
dade, that  was  found  to  be  txne. 

Achar-se  presente,  to  be  j)re8ent. 
Acharão,  sm.  (anc.)  Chma  var- 

Aoharoado,  a,  j?p.  japanned,  var- 

nished  like  japan  work. 
Aoharoar,  va.  to  japan,  to  vai- 

nish  like  a  japan  work. 
Achatado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ilattened, 

made  flat.  [tening. 

Achatadura,  sf.  the  act  of  flat- 
Achatar,  va,  to  flatten,  to  flat. 

Achatar-se,  vr.  to  be  flattened. 
Achavascado,  a,    adj.    roxight 

unpolished,  rude,  clownish. 
Ache,  sm.  a  childish  word  for  a 

little  scratch.  [help,  aid. 

Aohega,  sf.  addition,   increase; 
Achegadamente,  adv.  nearly. 
Achegado,  a,   pp.  adj.   near, 

Achegador,  sm.  {anc.)  collector. 
Achegaxueaato,  sm.  proximity. 
Acfaeganças,  sf.  pi.  appartenan- 

Achegar,  oo.  and  n.  Y.  Chegar, 
Achegar-se,  vr.  to  approach;  to 

seek  help,  assistance^  protec- 

Acheronte,  sm.  kc^^xoxi.. 
AchieTOiitiQO^  «k>  ad.j.  ^«tHaòasM^ 

to  A^cheton.  jy-^ 

AokieniSQL.sf.  kcYieTxi^v*.^  %.^í«2 


-  20  - 


AohiaT  sf.  the  confected  Indian 

cane.  [to  drv  up. 

Aohicar,  va.  {a  sea  term.)  to  drain, 
Achilleia,  sf.  Achillsea,  an  island 

in  the  Euxine. 
Actdlles,  sm.   Achilles.    Tendão 

de  —  {anat.)y  tendon  of  Achilles. 
Achixn,  sm.  a  kind  of  bettel,  ín- 
dia pepper.  [blind-nettle. 
Aohixnne,  s.  (bot.)  scrophularia, 
Achinado,  a,  tiaj.    resembling 

to  the  Chinese. 
Achincalhar,  va.    to  scoff,   to 

mock.  V.  Chacotear.  [pered. 
Aohinellado,  a,  pp.  adj.  slip- 
Achinellar,  va.  to  put  on  shoes 

down  at  the  heel  like  slippers. 
Achioti,  s.  {bot.)  achiolte ;  urucu, 

a  dnig  from  America. 
Achirologia,  sf.  -words  "wilhout 

Aohooalhado,  a,  adj.  (heral.)  in 

heraldry  is  said  of  an  animal 

having  a  bell  of  a  difierent  ena- 

mel.  [of  Egypt. 

Aohoava,  sf.  achoava,  camomile 
Aohores,  s.  pi.  achores  (running 

ulcer  on  the  face).  [tic. 

Aohroxnatico,  a,  tidj.  achroma- 
Achromatisar,  va.  {opt.)  to  desti- 

tute  of  colour.  [cally. 

Aohronicaxnente,  adv.  achroni- 
Aohronico,  a,  adj.  {astr.)  achro- 

nical.  [ofweights. 

Achtographia,  sf.  a  description 
Aohtographo,  sm.  one  that  de- 

scribes  weights. 
Achtoxnetro,  sm,   Achtometer; 

instrument   invented  to  know 

the  -weight  of  the  burdens  in 

carts,  etc.  [lour  of  lead. 

Achuxnbado,  a,  adj   of  the   co- 
Aoicate,  sm.  spurs  which  have  a 

long  broad  point  sticking  out 

instead  of  rowels. 
Aoioular,  adj.  2  g.  acicular. 
Aoiculiforme,  adj.  2  g.  in  the 

shape  of  a  needle.  [tion. 

Acidação,  sf.  {ekem.)  acidifica- 
Acidar,  va.  (chem.)  to  acidify. 
Acidez,  sf.  acidity,  acidness. 
Acídia,  Sf.  laziness,  idleness. 
Aoldifero,  a,  adj,  {chem,)  acidif»- 


Acidlficaçfto,  sf.  acidi/ication. 
Acidificado,  a,  adj.  {chem."!  acidi- 

iied.  [acidifying. 

Acidificante,    adj.  2  g.    {chem.) 
Acidificar,  va.  {chem.)  to  acidify, 

to  make  sour. 
Acidimetrla,  sf.  acidimetry. 
Acidlxnetro,  sm.  acidimeter. 
Acidioso,  a,  adj.  lazy,  indolent. 
Acido,  sm.  acid.  — ,  a,  adj»  acid, 

sour,  having  the  taste  of  vine- 

Acidrado,  a,  adj.  citron-colour. 
Acidulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  acidulated. 
Acidular ,   va.  to  acidulate ,  to 

make  acid.  [ral  'waters. 

Acidulas,  acidulse,  mine- 
Acidulo,  a,  aaj.  acidulous. 
Acie,  s.  sharpness,  acuteness. 
Aciesia,  sf.  {med.)  sterility. 
Acima,  €idv.  above,  over-head; 

{fig.)  beyond. 
Acimar,  va.  {anc.)  to  íinish,  to 

Aclnace,  sm.  {anc.)   acinaces,   a 

Persian  cimeter. 
Aclnaoifolio.  a,  adj.  {bot.)  having 

acinaciform  leaves. 
Aclnaria,  sf.  {bot.)  acinaria. 
Aciniíonne,  adj.  ig.  aciniform, 

having  the  form  of  grapes. 
Aolno,  sm.  acinus  (grape). 
Aoinoso,  a,  adj.  acinous  or  aci- 

Dose.  [adv.  purposoly. 

Acinte,  sm.  spite,  malice.  JPor  — , 
Aclntemente ,  adv.    purposely, 

Acintoso,  a.  adj.  spiteful,  male- 

volent,  maíicious. 
Aolntro,  sm.  wormwood.  Y.Losna^ 

Acipipe,  sm.  daint^,  delicacy. 
Acipipeiro,  a,  adj.  dainty,  nice, 

Acipreste,  sm.  V.  Cypreste. 
Aoirandar,  va.  Y.  Cirandar. 
Aoirologia,  sf.  acyrology,  an  im- 

propriety  oi  speech. 
Adtara,  sf.   {anc.)  a    carpet,  a 

curtain.  [tron-colour. 

Acitrinado,  a,  adi.  cider  or  ci- 
Adaração,  sf.   cfearing,   clear- 

Aolaradamonta,  adv,  clearly. 


—  11  — 


Aclarado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cleared, 

clear.  Ter  a  praça  aclaraday  to 

receive  a  soldier^s  pay. 
Adaramento ,  sm.  the  act   of 

Aclarar,  vn,  to  clear,  to  become 

clear.  Aclarar-se^  ur.  to  inq^uire 

into  a  business.  [priest. 

Aderizar  •  se ,  vr.  to  become 
Aclixnado,  a,  pp.  adj.  acclimated. 
Aclimar,  va.  to  inare  to  a  new 

Aolinico,  a,  adj.  a  name  given 

to  a  new  invented  opera  glass. 
Aco,  adv.  {anc.)  here,  in  this  place. 
AcoaUiar,  va.  V.  Coalhar. 
Aooar  and  derivated.  Y.  Coar. 
Acobardadamente,  grfp.coward* 

ly,  basely. 
Acobardado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dishear- 

tened,   discoura^ed,  shameful, 

fearfal.  [discouragement. 

Acobardamentb,  sm.  cowardice, 
Acobardar,  va.   to  discourage, 

to  dishearten.  Acobardar^e^  vr, 

to  despond,  to  be  afraid. 
Acobertado,  a,  pp.  adj.  harnes- 

sed,  accoutred.  [ness. 

Acobertar,  va.  to  cover,  to  har- 
Acoçar,  v.  and  derivated.  V.  Acos- 
sar, [squat. 
Acochado,  a,  pp.  adj.  croucned, 
Acoohar,  va.  to  press,  to  weigh 

do^m.  Acochar-se,  vr.  to  cower, 

to  lie  squat. 
Acocorado,  a,  pr.  adj.  crouched. 
Acocoramento,  sm.  squatting. 
Aoooorar-se,  vr.  to  cower,  to  sit 

squat.  [dir. 

Aoodlr,  V.  and  derivated.  Y.  Acu- 
Acolmado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mulcted, 

Aooiíiiador,    sm.   he  who  con- 

demns  to  pay  a  íine. 
Aooimamento,  sm.  flne,  mulct. 
Acoimar,  va.   to  mulct,  to  fine. 

Aarimar-se.  vr.  to  accuse  one*s 

Acoitar,  v.  Y.  Acoutar, 
Aoola,  adv.  there,  yonder. 
Aooldboado,  a,  adj.    wadded, 

qpiltod.  —  «.  a  quilted  cloth. 

dor,  sm.  one  that  qwlts, 
r,  va.  to  wad,  to  quilt    1 

Aooleijos,   sm.  phaselion,   herb 

Acoletado,  a,   adj.  having  the 

form  of  a  waistcoat. 
Acolbedor,  sm.  protector,  har- 

bourer,  welcomer. 
Acolheita,  sf.  a  retiring  place, 

asylum,  refute. 
Acolheito,  adj.  sheltered,  recei> 

ved,  welcomed.  [come. 

Acolbença,   sf.   reception,  wel- 
Acolher,  va.  to  receive.  to  enter- 

tain,  to  shelter.  Acolherse^  vr, 

to  fly  to  a  place  for  shelter. 
Acolhida,  sf.  shelter,  refuge. 
Acolhido,  sm.    a  refuge.   — ,  a, 

adj.  received,  sheltered. 
Acolhimento ,    sm.    reception  , 

welcome ;  refuge,  shelter. 
Acolytado,  sm.  one  of  the  lower 

orders  in  the  Roman  church. 
Acol3rto  or  Acolitado,  sm.  an 

acolythe,  an  acolothíst. 
Acomas,  s.  a  great  tree  of  Ame- 
rica, [gressor,  assailant. 
Acommettedor,  sm.  and  adj,  ag- 
Acommetter,  va.  to  attack. 
Aconunettido,  a,  adj.  attacked. 
Acommettimento,  sm.  aggrea- 

sioD,  attack. 
Acommettivel ,  adj.  2  g.    that 

may  be  attacked. 
Acommunar-se,  vr.  to  get  into 

partnership  with  one. 
Acompadrado,  a,   pp.  adj.  of 

one  mind,  familiarized. 
Acompadrar,  va.  to   familiarize 

Acompanhadeira,  sf.  a  woman 

that  accompanies. 
Acompsmhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ac- 

Acompanhador,  a,  s.  he  or  sho 

that  accompanies. 
Aconij^anhamento,  sm.  accom- 

Sanying;  train,  retinue,  atten- 
ance,  accompaniment. 
Acompanhante,  adj.  2  g.   that 

Acompanhar,  va.  to  accompany, 
to   foUow,   to    sort,   to  match. 
Acompanhar-se,  vr.  to  be  accom- 
panied,  to  accompany  oiiea  a^u. 
on  the  harp,  etc 



—  21  — 


Aoomplelçoado  or  Aoomplei- 

cionado,  adj.  endo-wed  with  a 

good  or  ill  complexion ;  consti- 

tuted.  Wong,  to  elongate. 

Aoomprldar-se ,  vr.  to  become 
Acondicionadaxnente,  adv.  ac- 

cording    to   the    condition    cr 

State,  kept  safely. 
Acondicionado,  pp.adj.  endowed 

"with  certain  conditions.  Fazenda 

bem  acondicionada,  a  marketable 

Acondicionar ,   va.    to    endow 

with  certain  conditions ;  to  pack 

goods.  [cionado. 

Acondiçoado.  a,  adJ.  V.  Acondir 
Aconfeitado,  a,  adj.  having  the 

form  of  confits. 
Aconíeitar,  va.  V.  Confeitar. 
Aoonhecer,  V7i.  [anc.)  to  know. 
Aconhecimento ,  sm.    Y.    Reco- 
Aconito,5r72.  -wolfs-bane,  xnonkV 

hood,  aconite. 
Aoonselhadamentef  adv.  advi- 

sedly,  purposely. 
Aconselhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ad-vi- 

sed ;  prudent,  wise. 
Aconselhador,  sm.  adviser. 
Aoonselhadora ,  sf.    a    woman 

that  advises. 
Aconselhar,  va.  to  advise,  to 

give  advke,  to  counsel. .  Aeon- 

selhar-se,  vr.  to  consult. 
Acontecedeiro,  a,  adj.  that  may 

happen  easily. 
Acontecer,  vn.  to  happen,  to  be- 

fall,  to  chance. 
Acontecido,    a,  pp.   aãj»    hap- 

pened.  —  sm.  event,  succegs. 
Acontecimento,  sm.  event,  is- 

sue,  success.  [vages. 

Acontiado ,  sm.  he  who   takes 
Acontiador,  sm.   he  yrho   rated 

the  income  of  every  one. 
Aoontiamento,   sm.  estimation, 

ratting  of  the  incomes  of  every 

one.  [incomes. 

Acontiar.  va.  (anc.)  to  rate  the 
Aoontioao,    adj.    that    may    be 
còarg-ed  with   the  duty  of  ha- 
yJng^  a  borse  and  arms. 
K0ope,  s,  precious  stone.    « —  a 
reiaedjr  a^ainat  lassitude. 

Acordaçâo,  sf.  Y.  Acoirdo. 
Acordadamente,  adv.  advisedly, 

with  jndgment.   {mus.)  harmo-^ 

Acordado,  a,  pp.  adj.  awaked. 
Acordamento,  sm.  awakening. 
Acórdão,  sm.  [in  law)  ludgment,       4 

decree  or  sentence  01  a  court.        m 
Acordar,  va.  to  awake  one  out 

of  his  sleep  :  to  determine,  to 

resolve.  Acordar-se,  vr.  to  re» 

member,   to   call,  to  mind,  to 

agree.  —  vn.  to  awake,  to  raise 

from  sleep;  to  resolve. 
Acorde,  adj.  2  g.  harmonious,  mu- 

sical.  [ly,  softly. 

Acordemente,  adv.  harmónicas- 
Acordo  j  sm.  resolution,  decree 

or  sentence  of  a  court  of  justi- 
ce; mind,  opinion;  sense,  wit; 
Eresence  of  mind;  agreement« 
armony  of  colours. 
Acordoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fumished 

"with  ropes. 
Acordoar,  va.  [a  sea  term)  to  fúr- 

nish  a  ship  with  ropes. 
Açore   or   Acero,  sm.  calamus 

aromaticus,  sweet-rush,  sweet- 

AcoreS)  s.  pi.  {a  sea  term.)  stan- 

chions,  props  for  a  ship. 
Aoorl,  sm.  name  given  to  the  bine 

coral.  ftite. 

Acoria,  sf.  (med.)  a  canine  appe- 
Acomado,  a,  âdj.  having    the 

form  of  a  hom. 
Aoomar,va.  to  pnnch  with  horns. 
Aooroçoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  hesort- 

ened,  animated. 
Aooroçoar,  va.  to  hearten,  to  en- 

Acorrentado,  a,  j3|p.  adj.  chained. 
Acorrentar,  va.  to  chain,  to  im- 

prison  with  a  chain.  «^ 

Acorrilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  put  or 

forced  into  a  comer. 
Acorrilhar,  va.  to  force  into  a 


to  a  ^Vu^cXek  oi  t^x^^l.  T«tt«áa 
— ,  a  tooi  '«NJiJsi.  icwx  iw:.»^. 





Acossado,  a,  pp.  adj.  persecu- 
ted ;  vexed.  [menter. 

AcoBsador,  sm.  provoker,  tor- 

Acossamento ,  sm.  the  act  of 
persecuting,  tormenting,  etc. 

Aoossar,  va.  to  pursue,  to  Tex,  to 
persecute.  Acossar-se^  w.  to 
trace  one ;  to  go  near  one. 

Acostadamente,  adv.  in  the  man- 
ner  of  leaning  upon. 

Acostado,  a,  pp.  adj.  protected, 
sheltered.  [support,  help. 

Acostamento ,   sm.   protection  , 

Acostar,  va.  to  lean  against,  to 
set  upon;  to  come  near  the 
coast.  AcostúT-se^  vr.  to  rest,  to 

Ífo  to  bed.  —  o  alguém ,  to  fol- 
ow  one's  advice. 
Aoostnxnadamente,  adv.  hábi- 

tuíjlly,  customarily. 
Acostizniado»  a,  pj?.  adj.  aecosto- 

med,  customary.  [use. 

Acostumar,  va.  to  accustom,  to 
Acote,  adv.  every  dav.  Trazer  um 

vestido  — ,  to  weax  tne  same  suit 

every  day. 
Acotiar,  va.  to  nse  daflj. 
Aooticado,  a,  adj.  [heral.)  ador- 

ned  "with  cotices. 
Acotonado,  a,  adj.  that  is  co- 

vered  with  cotton. 
Acotovelado,  a,j7p.  adj.  elbongf 

ed,  hnnched.  [bo\r. 

Acotovelar,  va.  to  hnnch,  to  el- 
Acotyledone,  sm.  {bot.)  acotyle- 

don.  ftyledonous. 

Acotyledoneo,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  aco- 
Aoouceado,  a,  pp.  adj,  bmised, 

kicked.  [ner. 

Acouceador,  sm.  kicker,  spur- 
Acoaceamento,  sm.^  the  act  of 

kicking.  rby  kicklng'. 

Acoaoear,  va.  to  kick,  to  bruiae 
Aoontado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sheltered. 
Acoutador,  sm.  shelterer. 
Acoutamento,  sm.  censure,  an- 

notation,  note. 
Acoutar,  va.  to  sèeJter,  to  pro- 

tect.  Aeoutar-se,  vr.  to  fly  to  a 
plãce  for  sbelter. 

^Tf^f'  ?*^'  ^J'  discour- 

Acovardar,  va.  to  disconrage, 

to  dishearten. 
Aço,  sm.  Steel.  Fivellas  de  acOf 

steel-lmckles.   De  aço^  tte^. 

Dar  aço  ao  ferro,  to  steel.  Ter 

eara  de  aço,  to  put  on  a  brazen 

Açodadamente,  adv.  hastily. 
Açodado,  a,  pp.  adj.  hurriea»  ra- 

pid,  rash.  [hurry. 

Açodamento,  sm.  over-hastiness, 
Açodar,  va.  to  hurry,  to  hasten. 

Acodar-se,  vr.   to    hurry  one*s 

Açoetro,  sm.  a  falconer. 
Açoíar,  sm.  brass. 
Açofeixa,  sf.  the  fruit  called  ja- 

Açofeifeira,  sf.  jujube-tree. 
Açomada,  sf.  irritation.  Y.  Asso- 
mada, [mado,  etc. 
Açomado,  a,  pp.  adj'  V.  Asso- 
Açor,  sm.  great  hawk,  falcon. 
Acerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  greedy,  an- 

Açorar,  va.  to  inspire  an  anxiotts 

desire.    Açorar-se,    vr.    to    be 

anxious  after  something. 
Açorda,  sf.  food  made  of  cmmba 

or  bread,  oil,  and  garlic  boiled 

Açorenha,  sf.  bird  of  prey,  of  the 

D&vfk  species. 
Açores,   sm.  pi.  the   Azores  or 

Azorian  islands. 
Açotea,  sf.  terrace.  V.  Sotea. 
Açougagem,  sf.  old  duty  paid  in 

the  market  for  sellin^  meat,  etc. 
Açougsuria,  sf.  bawhng,  noise; 

Açougue,  «m.  8hambles,butcher's 

shop,  market;  {fig.)  butchery, 

Açoutadlço,  a,  adi.  and  s.  one 

who  deserves  to  be  whipçed. 
Açoutado,  a,  pp.  adj.  -^x^v^^, 

l  AçoutadoT,8m.-«\v\^^^^.^?^gg^- 
I     tofiiap. 

ACR  —  14  — 

Açoute,  sm.  a  vhip-cord,  lash. 
Acqoirido,  pp.  adj.    acquired. 

V.  Adquirir^  etc. 
Acquirir,  va.  to  acquire,  to  pur- 

cnase.  [chase. 

Aoquisição,  sf.  acquisition,  pur- 
Acravado,  a,  adi.  nailed;  sunk, 

immersed.  V.  Cravado. 
Acnravar,  va.  to   nail,  to  stick 

into ;  to  immerse.  V.  Cravar. 
Acre,  adj.  2  g.  tart,  sour ;  sharp, 

Acreditado,  a,  pp,  adj.  credible, 

having  credit. 
Acreditador,  sm.  one  bound  for 

another.  V.  Abonador. 
Acreditar,  va.  to  give  authority, 

to  believe,  to  credit.  Acreditar- 

se,  vr.  to  get  into  credit. 
Acredor,  sm.  a  creditor.  —  adj. 

(fig.)  worthv,  desérving. 
Acredora,  sf.  a  female  creditor. 
Acremente,  adv.  acrimoniouslj'. 
Acremento,  sm.  [anc.)  increase, 

Acrescentadaxnente,  adv.  with 

increase,  augmentation. 
Acrescentado,  a,  pp.  adj.   in- 

creased,  augmented. 
Aorescentador,   sm.   increaser, 

Acrescentamento,  sm.  augmen- 
tation, increase. 
Acrescentar,  va.  to  increase,  to 

augment,  to  improve.  Acrescen- 

tar-sCj  vr.  to  be  increased,  im- 

Acrescer,  vn.  to  accrue,  to  grow 

out,  to  augment. 
Acrescido,  a,  pp.  adj.  augmented, 

increased.  As  acrescidas,  sf.  pi. 

the  additional  costs  at  law.  Os 

—Sy  sm.  pi.  alluvial  lands. 
Acréscimo,    sm.    addition,    in- 
Acretopoto,  adj.  that  drinks  a 

puré  wine. 
Acridez,    sf.    V.  Acrimoniaj  sf. 

acrimony,  sharpness. 

Jkarimonia,  sf.    Aoritude,    sf. 

acrimony.  fnious,  bitter. 

f^^onioBo,  a,    adj.    acrimo- 

ffT^^do,  a,  adj.  reâned. 

-^^isoiar,  va.  to  áne  or  refine 


metais ;  (fig.)  to  purify,  to  per- 

Acrítico,  a,  adi.  that  is  not  crltic. 
Acro,  adj.  m.  orittle  (iron),  that 

breaks  easilj. 
Acroatlco,  a,  adj.  acroatic. 
Acroaticos,  s.  pi.  m.  acroatics 

(Aristotle's  lectures  on  philoso- 

.  phy). 

Acrobata,   sm.  acrobate,  rope- 

dancer.  [hairy. 

Acrocomo,  a,  adj.  long-haired*, 
Acrolitho,  a,  adj.  Estatuas  —  o^, 

"wooden  statues  with  stony  ex- 

Acrologla,  sf.  acrology,  investi- 

gation  of  the  fírst  principies. 
Acrologlco,  a,  adj.  acrologic. 
Acromania,  sf.  incurable  mad- 

Acronlcamente  or    Acroâico. 

V.  Achronicamenfe,  etc. 
Acróstico,  sm.  acrostic. 
Acroterios,  «m.p/.  or  Acroterias, 

acroters,  pedestais   supporting 

statues  at  the  top  of  a  írontal. 
Acrotlsmo,  sm.  {med.)  total  de- 

ficiency  of  pulse.  [rolls. 

Actas,  journals,  records, 
Actinoozoario,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  a 

radiated  animal.  [quickíy. 

Activamente ,  adv.  actively , 
Activar,  va.  to  hasten,  to  press. 
Actividade,  sf  activity,  active- 

ness,  quickness. 
Activo,  a,  adv.  active. 
Acto,  sm.  deed,  operation,  act.  — 

(theatre)  act.   Actos,   a  pultlic 

examination  in  the  Úniversity. 
Actor,  sm.  actor,  player. 
Actriz,  sf.  actress. 
Actuação,  sf.  actuation ;  the  act  of 

coUecting  papers.  [in  action. 
Actuado,  a,  pp.  adj.  actuated,  put 
Actual,  adj.  2  g.  actual,  that  is 

actual,  or  in  act,  real. 
Actualidade,  sf.  actuality. 
Actualmente ,    adv.     actually , 

really,  in  fact  :  now. 
Actuar,  va.  to  actuate,  to  impei. 

V.  Autuar.  Actuar-sc,  tt.  t«  be 

actuated  or  \>to\ig\iX.\Tv\o  «^-cíCv^veu 
ActuosamenXe.   od».   ^ç.^iw^«^» 

with  acúon. 


—  25  — 


Actuosidade,  sf.  activity,  live- 

Actuoso,  a,  adj.  active,  busy. 
Acuado,  a,  pp.  adj.  driven  Into  a 

Acuar,  va.  to  compel,  to  drive 

into  a  comer. 
Acubertado.  pp.adj.  caparisoned. 
Acubertar,  va.  to  caparison. 
Aoubitorio,  sm.  [antiquity)  a  Ro- 

man  dining-room. 
Acudia,   sf.   {nat.  hist.)   acudia, 

Acudido,  a.   pv.  adj.   that  has 

aided,  assistea. 
Acudir,  vn.  and  a.  to  hasten,  to 

come  to  the  call  in  assistance 

or  help  :  to  aid,  to  help  :  to  flock 

to.  Acudir-se,  vr.  to  have  re- 

course  to.  [over-measure. 

Acuguladaxuente ,  adv.  with 
Acugulado,  9i,pp.  adj.  over-fiUed. 
Acugulador,  sm.  he  that  over- 


Acuguladura,  sf.  over-fllling. 
Acugular,  va.  to  over-âll. 
Acuxne,  s.  a  sharp  point;  {fig.) 

subtility.  [pointed. 

Acuminado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sharp- 
Acuminar,  va.  to  make  sharp; 

to  set  in  the  top. 
Acumular,  va.  Acumulado.  V.  Ac- 

cumular^  etc.  [nhar. 

Acunhar,  va.  Acunhado.  V.  Cu- 
Acupunctura.  sf.  acupuncture. 
Acuradamente,  adv.  Y.Accura- 

Acurralar,  va.  Y.  Encurralar. 
Acurrimento,  sm.{anc.)  recourse, 

Aourtado,  pp.  V.  Encurtado. 
Acurvado,  a,  pp.  adj.  incurvated, 

Acurvaxnento,  sm.  curvity ;  {fig.) 

Acurvar,  va.  to  bov,  to  crook.  — 

vn.  to  bend,  to  g;rov  crooked; 

to  base  one^s  self.  Âcuroar-se^ 

w.  to  gxow  crooked. 
(■peaking  of  a  horse). 

o  gro 
Aoorvtmado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bended 

AouTiUiar,  vn.  to  bend,  to  bov 
aown,  tá  kneel, 
Acaamêtro,  sm.  iiutmmeiít  for 

íràaTB  L 

measuring  the  extension  of  the 
hearing  sense. 

Acústica,  sf.  acoustícs. 

Acústico,  a,  adj.  acoustic. 

Acuta,  s.  pantometer,  holometer. 

Acutangular,  adj.  i  g.  {qeom.) 
acutangular,  acute-angled. 

Acutangulo,  adj.  igeom.)  acute- 
angled.  Triangulo  — ,  acute- 
angled  triangle. 

Acutenaculo,  sm.  {surg.)  the  han- 
dle  of  a  needle  K>r  sewing 

Acutioomio,  a,  adj.  {zool.)  ani- 
mais having  snarp  -  pointed 

AcuUlado,  a,  pp.  adj.  slashed. 

Acutilador,  sm.  he  that  slashes. 

Acutilar,  va.  to  slash,  to  cut,  to 
strike  vith  the  edge  of  a 
sword,  etc.  Acutilar-se^  vr.  to 
slash,  to  cut  from  one  sidc  to 

Acutipennado,  a,  adj.  {nat.  hist.) 
bird  that  has  a  tail  ending  in  a 
sharp  point. 

Açúcar  or  Assucar,  sm.  sugar. 
—  candi,  sugar  caudy. 

Açucarado  or  Assucarado,  a, 
pp.  adj.  sueared,  sweet;  (fig.) 
affable,  kinu.  Palavras  assuca- 
radas ^  sugar ed  words. 

Açucarar  or  Assucarar,  va.  to 
sugar,  to  sveeten  with  sugar. 

Açucareiro  or  Assucareiro,  sm. 
a  sugar-basin,  sugar-box. 

Açucate,  sm.  Y.  Acicate. 

Açucena  or  Assucena,  sf.  lily ; 
{poet.)  whiteness. 

Açude,  sm.  a  wall  with  a  scarp 
to  strenghten  a  mill-dam. 

Açulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  set  on 

Açulador ,  sm.  a  setter  on  of  dogs. 

Açulamento,  sm.  the  act  of  set- 
ting  dogs. 

Açular,  va.  to  halloo,  to  set 

Açumagre,  sm.  Y.  Sumagre. 

Açumar,  va.  Y.  Assumor. 

AdlSja!  sf.  d?.^^w,  «.iíaB^«^^'«^* 



—  26  — 


Adagiai,  adj.  2  g.  belonging  to 

adages,  proverbial. 
Adagio,  sm.  adage,  proverb.  — 

adv.  {mus.)  slowly. 
Adail,  sm.  lead  er,  guide.       [dale. 
Adala,  s .  {a  sea  term)  the  pump 
Adalor,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  term  used 

for  designing  the  west-wind  cr 

Adaxnado,    sm.   an  efTeminated 

man.  —  adj.   effeminated,   wo- 

Adamanes,   sm.  pi.   a  Moorish 

Adamantino,  a,  adj.   adaman- 

tine;  {fíg.)  adamantean.hard. 
Adamar-se,   vr.  to  be  beauish, 

foppish.  [masked. 

Adamascado,  a,  pp.  adj.  da- 
Adamascar.  va.  to  damask,  to 

Adamico,  adj.  concerningÂdam. 
Adamitasor  Adamianos,  sm.  pi. 

Adamites.  [tion. 

Adaptação,  sf.  adaptation,  adap- 
Adaptadamente ,    adv,    easiW, 

with  fitness.  [fft. 

Adaptado,  a,  pp.  adj.  adapted, 
Adaptar,  va.  to  adapt,  to  apply. 
Adaptável,  adj.  2  g.  adaptaole, 

Adar,  sm.  adar  (hebrew  month). 
Adarga,  sf.  a  short  square  tar^et. 
Adargado,  a,  adj.  armed  witti  a 

Adargar,  va.  to  cover  vith  a  tar- 
get; fig.)  to  protect. 
Adargueiro,  sm.  soldier  armed 

wíth  a  target.  [an  ounce. 

Adarme,  sm.  the  eighth  part  of 
Adarvado,    a,  pp.   adj.    {anc.) 

Adarvar,  va.  {anc.)  to  wall,  to  in- 

close  with  walls. 
Adarve,  sm.  the  flat  top  of  the 

"wall  of  a  fortress. 
Addeja  or  Andeja,  adj.  V.  An- 

dejo.  Jdensed. 

Addensado,  a,    pp.   adj.    con- 

Addensar,  va.  to  condense. 

JLddição,  sf.  addition. 

^adicionado,  a,  pp.  adj.  added. 

-^^^pionador,  sm.  ie  thatmakes 


Addicional,  adj.  2  g.  additional, 
Addioionar,  vá.  to  add,  to  make 

an  addition. 
Addioto,  a,  pp.  adi.  addicted, 
Addido,  a,  pp.  aaj.  joined.  —  â 

legação  ingteza,  attached  to  the 

British  legation. 
Addir,  va.  to  add,  to  join. 
Additámento,  sm.  addition,  aug- 

mentation,  increase. 
Additar,  va.  to  make  additions. 
Addito,  sm.  augmentation ;    an 

Adducção,  sf.  {anat.)  addaction. 
Adducido,    a,  pp.    of  Adducir, 

va.  V.  Adduzir. 
Adductivo,  a>  adj.  adductive. 
Adductor^  sm.  {anat.)  adductor. 
Adduzido,  a,  pp.  adj.  adduced, 
Adduzir^  va.  to  adduce,  to  bring 

Adeante,  adv.  Y.  Adiante. 
Adebaixo,  adv.  Y.  Debaixo. 
Adega,  sf.  cellar.  [ler. 

Adegueiro,  sm.  cellar-raan,  but- 
Adejar,  va.  toflutter  the  wings,  to 


Adela,  sf.  a  woman  'who  sells  or 

cries  old  clothes  for  sale. 
Adeleve,  adv.  loc.  lightly,  super- 

Adelgaçadamente,  adv.  slightlv. 
Adelgaçado,  a,  pp.  adj.   mude 

thin  or  small. 
Adelgaçador,  sm.  one^homakes 

things  sraall. 
Adelgaçamento,  sm.  lessening, 

Adelgaçar,   va.  to  make  thin» 

small,  slender. 
Adelo,  sm.  havker,  broker. 
Adem,  sf.  a  duck.   O  macho  da 

adem,  a  drake. 
AdemSes  or  Ademanes,  sm.  pi. 

motions,  gestures  of  the  hanas, 

head,    etc.,   to   express   senti- 

Adenalgia,  sf.  (med.)  adenalgy. 
Adenologia,  sf.  adenology. 
AdentAo,  a,  pp.   adj.  adenoid, 

Adensado^  a>  pp.  adj.  condeu- 



—  a7  - 


Aâentado,a,  pp.  adj.  {henUd.) 

toothed.  [teeth. 

Alentar,  va.  to  teeth ;  to  cat  the 
▲dentro,  adv.  within  doors,  at 

home.  [bye,  farewell. 

Adeos  or  Adeus,  adv.  adieti,  good- 
Adepto,  sm.  adeçt. 
Adepucha,  interj.  hey-day  l  ty ! 
Adequação,  ísf.  adequacy. 
Adequadamente,     adv,     ade- 

qaately,  positively. 
Adequado,  a,  pp.  adj.  adeqoate, 

categorical,  positive. 
Adequar,    va.   to   adeqnate,   to 

adapt.  [adomed. 

Adereçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dressed, 
Adereçamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

Adereçar,  va.  to  adorn,  to  set  off, 

to  trim  up ;    to  attire.  —  to  di- 

rect,  to  address. 
Adereço,  sm.  ornament,  dress, 

attire.  —  de  diamantes^  a  set  of 

diamonds.  —  address. 
Aderença,  sf.  Aderençado,  a, 

pp.  adj.  V.  Adherencia  and  deri- 

vated.  [ing  a  horse. 

Aderenço,  sm.  the  act  of  instruct- 
Aderlças,  (aseai«rm)geaT8^ 

haliards.  —  da  verga  grande^  the 

xnain  gear»  etc. 
Adernado,  a,pp.  adj.  Tety  small, 

little.  [down. 

Ademar,  vn.  to  lower,  to  pull 
Aderno,  sm.  a  small  stake  to  keep 

the  vines  from  breakiiig  nith 

the  weight  of  the  firait. 
Adieahoras   or   Adebora,    adv. 

beyond  the  hour,  very  late. 
Adestradamente,    aao.   dexte- 

rously,  with  dexterity. 
Adestrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mstructeá, 

trained  up.  Cavallo  — ,  an  har- 

nessed  horse.  [structs. 

Adestrador,    sm.   one  that  in- 
Adestramento,  sm.  the  act  and 

efiect  of  instructing. 
Adestrar,  va.  toinstruct,  toteach. 
Adestro,  adj.  dexterous.  CwouUo 

— ,  a  horse  that  is  led  nithoat  a 

rider.  {dWine. 

Adeusar  or  Adeosar,  oa.  to  make 
^^•▼inJia,   êf,   divlneress,  for- 


AdevinTiarflo,  tf.  divination. 
Adevinhaaor  or  Adevinho,  «m. 

conjuror,  forfone-teller. 
Adevinhar,  vn.  to  divine,  to  pro- 

gnosticate,  to  foretell,  to  gness 

right  :  to  have  foreknowledge, 

foresight  :  to  apprehend. 
Adextrar,  va.  V.  Adestrar. 
Adgenerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  gpt 

augmentatioD  by  nutrition. 
Adgenerar,  va.  to  generate. 
Adherencia,  sf.  adherency,  adhe- 

rence;  {fig.)  protection,  patro- 

Adherente,  sm.  a  partisàn,  fa- 

vourer  of  a  party.  —  adj.  2  g, 

adherent,  adhering;  stickinç^. 
Adberir,  vn.  to  adhere,  to  ratify ; 

to  stick  to.  [rency. 

Adliesão ,   sf.   adhesion ,    adhe- 
Adliesivo ,  a ,    adj.    adheslve  ; 

sticky,  tenacions. 
Adhortar,  va.  {anc.)  to  exhort,  to 

admonishi  [íixed,  settled. 

Adiado,  a,  pp.  adj.   appointed, 
Adiamantado,  a,  adj.  adaman- 

tean.  (jouroment. 

Adiamento,    sm.    citation,    ad- 
Adiantadamente ,     adv.     pre- 

yiously,  with  anticipation. 
Adiantado,  a,  adj.    advanced, 

Adiantamento,  sm.  aagmenta- 

tion,  improvement. 
Adiantar,  va.  to  hasten,  to  for- 

ward,  to  advance.  Adiantar 'se^ 

vr.  to  advance  one'8  self. 
Adiante,  ado.  before.  Mais  adUm- 

te,  farther. 
Adianto,  sm.  {bot.)  adiantum. 
Adiaphoro,  a,  adj.  adiaphorous, 

Adiar,  vn.  to  fix,  a  certain  day, 

to  summon,  to  adjourn.  Adiar-se, 

vr.  to  be  âxed  a  certain  day»  to 

Adibe,  sm.  jackal. 
Adição,  sf.  (m  law)  the  acceptanco 

of  an  inheritance.  T.  Adaiçíío. 
Adido,  a,  pp.  adj.  received^  aÂ- 

mitted.  \>  ^\jt\^N.  íiss*^ 

Adie\as  >  «a.  \»  V^«^  íi.  -çct^tío.  v* 
AAIlkbAVt«jaLO,«.^  oAi.  Tvtíti>  xaar. 


28  — 


Adiposo,  a,  adj.  adipons,  fat. 

Adipsia,  sf.  {med.)  vr&nt  of  açpe- 
tite  for  liquids.  [receive. 

Adir,  va,    {in  law)  to  accept,  to 

Aditado,  a,  pp.  adj.  prospered , 

Aditar,  va.  to  make  happy. 

Adito ,  sm.  adit,  entry.  V.  En- 
trada. [Adevinha,  etc. 

Adivinha,  sf.  and  derivated.  V. 

Adjacência,  sf.  adjacency. 

Adjacente,  adj.  2  g.  adjacent. 

Adjecção,  sf.  adjection,  addition. 

Adjectivado,  a,  adj.  employed 
as  an  adjective.  [ly. 

Adjectivaniente,ad!v.  adjective- 

Adjectivar,  va.  to  make  use  of 
a  substantive  instead  of  an 
adjective ;  to  conform  one's  self 
to  something. 

Adjectivo,  a,  adj.  adjective. 

Adjecto,  a;  adj.  adiected. 

Adjudicação,  sf.  adjudication. 

Adjudicadamente ,  adv.  vrith 
adjudication.  [cated. 

Adjudicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  adjudi- 

Adjudicar,  va.  to  adjudicate. 
Adjudicar-se,  vn.  and  r.  to  as- 
sume, to  arrogate. 

Adjudicatório,  a,  adj.  that  adju- 

Adjuncção,  sf.  adjunction. 

Adjuntar,  va.  and  derivated.  V. 

Adjunto,  a,  €uij.   adjunct,    ad- 

Í'oined.  — ,  sm.  companion,  fel- 
ow,  partner. 

Adjuração,  sf.  adjuration. 

Adjurado,  a,  pp.  adj.  adjured. 

Adjurar,  va.  to  adjure,  to  con- 

Adjutor,  sm.  adjutor,  helper. 

Adjutorio,  sm.  help;  a  priesVs 

Adjuvante,  adj.  2  g.  adjuvant. 

Adjuvar,  va.  to  help.  V.  Ajudar, 

Ad  libitum,  adv.  loc.  ad  libitum, 
as  you  will. 

Adminiculante,  adj.  2  g.  adju- 
torjr,  adminicular.  [cular. 

Adnunioular,  adi.  2  g.  admini- 

AdmJnJculo,  sm.  ielp,  aid. 
A-dmínJstração,  sf.  ad/ninistra- 

tiOD,  direction. 

Administrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  admi- 

Administrador,  sm.   an    admi- 

nistrator.  [nistratrix. 

Administradora,  sf.  an   admi- 
Administrante ,  adj.  2  g.  -who 

Administrar,  va.  to  administer, 

to  administrate. 
Administrativo,  a,  adj.  admi- 

nistrative.  [bleness. 

Admirabilidade ,    sf.     admira- 
Admiração,  sf.  admiration. 
Admirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  admired, 

Admirador,  sm.  admirer. 
Admiradora,  sf.  a  female  ad- 
Admirante,  adj.  2  g.  admiring. 
Admirar,   va.    to    surprise,    to 

astonish,  to  admire.  Aamirar-se^ 

vr.  to  wonder,  to  be  surprised. 
Admirativo,  a,  adj.  surprising, 

Admirável,  adj.  2  g.  admirable^ 

wonderful;  rare. 
Admiravelmente,    adv,    admi- 

rably,  vonderfully.  [nia. 

Admiromania,  «/l  admiring  ma- 
Admissão,  sf.  admission. 
Admissível,  adj.  2  g.  admissible, 

Admittido,  a,  pp.  adj.  admitted. 
Admlttir,  va.  to  admit. 
Admoestação,  sf,   admonition, 

advice.  [nisher. 

Admoestador,  sm.    an    admo- 
Admoestamento,  sm.  admonish- 

ment.  freprimand. 

Admoestar,  va.  to  admonish,  to 
Admonitor,  sm.  admonitor. 
Admonitório,  a,  adj.    admoni- 

Adnato,  adj.  {bot.)  adnate. 
Adnominação,  sf.  Y.  Parano- 

Adnotação,  sf.  annotation,  re- 

mark.  V.  Annotação. 
Adnotar,  va.  and  derivated.  V. 

Adoba,  sf.,  or  Adobe,  sm.  a  kind 

of  brick  hardened  in  the  sun. 
Adoçado,  a>  pp.  adj.  %^Q«VAii«âk> 
\     soUened. 


—  29  — 
act    of 


Adoçamento,  sm.    the 

Adoçante,  adj.  2  g.  sweetening. 
Adoçar,  va.  to  sweeten;  {Aq.) 

to  mitigate,  to   alliviate.  Àao- 

çar^se^  vr.  to  grow   sweet   cr 

Adocicado,  a,  jg)p. 0(2;.  sweetened. 
Adooicar,  va.  to  sTxreeten. 
Adoecer,  va.  to  make  sick.  — ,  vn. 

to  fali  sick. 
Adoecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  fallen  sick. 
Adoecimento,  sm.    the  act   of 

falling  sick. 
Adoentado,  a,  pp.  adj.   sick, 

Adoentar,  va.  to  make  sick. 
Adoestado,  a.  pp.  adj'.  repre- 

hended,  accused. 
Adoestar,  va.  to  accuse,  to  re- 

Adolescência,  sf.  adolescency. 
Adolescente ,  s.  and  adj.  2  g.  & 

young  man,  a  joung  woman. 
Adolescer,  vn.  to  grow,  to  be- 

come  an  adolescent. 
Adonai,5m.  Jehovah,  God  (among 

Arabs  and  Hebrews). 
Adonde,  adv.  V.  Aonde,  Onde. 
Adonico  or  Adonio,  adj.  adonic. 
Adonida,  sf.  {bot.)  a  kind  of  ra- 

Adónis,  sm.  Adónis ;    {fig.)   an 

effeminated  man.  —  {bot.)  aaonis 

or  eranthemum. 
Adoorado,  a,  adj.  {anc.)  fuU   of 

Adopção,  sf,  adoption ;  choice. 
Adoptação,  sf.  Y.  Adopção. 
Adoptado,  a,  pp.  adj.  adopted. 
Adoptante,  s.    and    adj.  2  g. 

adopter,  he  who  adopts. 
Adoptar,  va.  to  adopt. 
Adoptivo,  a,  adj.  adoptivo. 
Adoração,  sf.    adoration,    woiv 

Adorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  adored. 
Adorador,  sm.  and  adj.  adorer, 

that  adores. 
Adorando,  a,  adj.  adorable. 
Adorante,  adj.  2  g.  that  adores, 

Adorar,  va.  to  adore,  to  "worship, 
to  esteem  gre&tiy. 

Adorável,  adj.  2  g.  adorable. 
Adormecedcr,  sm.  and  adj.  that 

causes  sleep. 
Adormecer,  va.  to  luU  to  sleep ; 

to  amuse.  — ,  vn.  to  fali  asleep, 

to  slumber.  Adormecer-se,  vr.  to 

fali  asleep ;  {fig.)  to  neglect. 
Adormecido,  a,  pp.  ítcQ.  lulled 

asleep.  [drowsiness. 

Adormecimento,  sm.  sleepiness. 
Adormentado,  a,  adj.  benumbed. 

V.  Adormecido. 
Adormentador ,  sm,    he    who 

lulls  to  sleep. 
Adormentar,  va.  to  lull  asleep; 

to  enchant.  O  vinho  adormenta 

os  cuidados,  wine  drowns  care. 

Adormentar- se,    vr.     to    grow 

numb ;  to  neglect.  {eido. 

Adormido,  a,  adj.  Y.   Adorme- 
Adornadamente,  adv.  elegant- 

ly,  with  ornament. 
Adornado,  a,  pp.  adj.  adorned. 
Adornar,  va.  to  adorn,  to  grace, 

to  attire.  Adornar -se,   vr.    to 

adorn  one's  self. 
Adorno,  sm.  ornament,  attire. 
Adoudada,  sf.  a  rash  woman. 
Adoudado,  a,  pp.  adj.   foolish» 

fool.  — ,  sm.  a  rash  man. 
Adondar,  va.  and   n.    to  make 

fool;  to  grow  mad. 
Adoza,  sf.  [bot.)  a  kind  of  musky 

herb.  [quires. 

Adquirente,  adj.  2  g.  that  ac- 
Adquirição,  sf.  acquirement.  Y. 

Adquisição.  [gained. 

Adquirido,  a,  pp.  adj.  acquired, 
Adquiridor,  aãj.  that  acquires. 

— ,  sm.  an  acquirer. 
Adquirimento,  sm.  acquirement. 
Adquirir,  va,    to    acquire;    to 

Adquiritivo,  a,  adj.  having  the 

power  of  acquiring. 
Adquirivel,  adj.  2  g.  acc[airable. 
Adquisição,  sf.  acquisition. 
Adrachne,  sm.  adrachne  (kind  of 

Adrede,  adv.  purposely. 
Adregar,  va.  V.  Aderqar, 
Adriático^  sm.  mx^  aà.^  .Kíoíek  K^\»«» 

Adrif^a,  sf .  \iíkíÀa.T^. 



—  30  — 


Adriçar,  va.  {a  sea  term)  to  kang 

tip  the  Doat  of  a  ship. 
Adro,  sm,  a  church-;^ard. 
▲âscripticio,  a,  adj.  neyrly  ag^ 

Segated  into  any  society. 
cripto,  a,    adj.    newly    en- 

roUed  or  aggregated.^ 
Adspirar,  va.  and  derivated.  Y. 

Aspirar.  [ness  of  taste. 

AdfiiricçSo,  sf.  astríction,  sharp- 
Adstrictivo,  a,  adj.  astrictive, 

Adstricto,    a,     adj.     astricted 

hned.)  stopped,  shut  uç. 
Aostringencjla,  sf.  astmageticy. 
Adstringente,  adj.  2  g.  astrin- 

gent,  astrictive.  [up. 

Adstringir,  va.  to  bind,  to  shut 
Adstringttivo  or  Adstrlnglvo, 

V.  Adstringente. 
Ada,  adv.  -where,  whither. 
Adua,    sf.    {anc.)  people   Tnrhose 

duty  was  to  repair  the  valia, 

castles,  etc.  —  a  flox  of  oxen. 
Aduana,  sf.  the  custom-hotise.  Y. 

Aduanado,  a,  j?p.  adj.  that  pays 

the  custom-house  dnty. 
Aduanar,  va.  to  make  an  entry 

of  goods  in  the  custom-house. 
Aduaneiro,  sm.    custom-house 

ofíicer.  [village. 

Aduar,   sm.    Moorísh  camp    or 
Adubado,  a,  adj.  spiced. 
Adubador,  sm.  he  who  seasons 

tTith  spices. 
Adubar,  va.  to  season  meat.  — 

o  couro^  to  dress  leather.  —  as 

terras^  to  manure.  —  navios ^  to 

repair  ships. 
AdUbiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  repaired. 
Adubiar,  va.  to  repair,  to  mend. 
Adubio,  sm.  repairing,  mending. 

—  de  vinhas,  culture  of  vines. 
Adubo,   sm.  spices,   aromatical 

Aduanado,  a,  jpp.  adj.  {a  sea  term) 

coiled  (speaking  of  eables). 
Aduchar,  va.  {a  sea  term)  to  coil  a 

Aduchas,  sf.  pi.  (a  sea  ferm)  the 

turnÍDgs  of  a  csíble  when  it  is 

coUed.  fflexible. 

^aucido,  a,  ^,  adj.   malleable, 

Aducir,  va.   to  make  the    g^ld 

Aduelro,  sm.  a  herdsmaB. 
Aduela,  sf.  a  staff.  — 5,  staves  to 

make  casks,   pipea.  —   {flrch.) 

the  inward  face  of  the  stones 

of  the  arch  under  its  chapiter. 
Adula,  sf.  shutter,  a  lattice;  a 

Adufado,  a,  pp.  adj.  íuruished 

with  lattices,  etc.  [tabour. 

Adufe,  sm.  a   timbrei»    sort  of 
Adufeiro,  sm.  tabourer. 
Adulação,  sf.  adulation,  flattery. 
Adulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  âattered. 
Adulador,  a,  odj.  that  âatt«rs. 

— ,  s.  adulator.  natterer. 
Adular,  va.  to  Aatter. 
Adularia,  sf.  adularia  (mineral). 
Adulatoriamente ,    adv.     \ritii 

flattery  or  adulation. 
Adulatorio,  a,  adj.  adulatory» 
Adulteração,    sf.    aduHeration, 

Adultera,  sf.  an  adulteress. 
Adulter ad  amente,  adv.  adulte- 

ratively.  [adulterated. 

Adulterado,  a,  adj.    adultered, 
Adulterador,  adj.  and  sm.  ene 

who  adulterates. 
Adulterar,  va.  to  adulterate»  to 

adulter;  to  corrupt.  Adulterar- 

se,  vr.  (fig.)  to  corrupt,  to  decay. 
Adulterino,  a,  oc^.adulterine. 
Adultério,  sm.  adultery. 
Adulterioso,  a,  adj.  adulterioua; 

ifig.)  falsified. 
Adultero,  a,    adj.    adulteroua; 

(fig.)  counterfeited. 
Adulteroso,  a,  adj.  adolterous. 
Adulto,  a,  adj.  adult. 
Adumbrar,  va.  to  adumbrate,  to 

shadow  out. 
Adunado,  a,    pp.  adj.    united, 

Adunar,  va.  to  gather,  to  unite. 
Adunco,  a.  adj.  hooked,  crookod. 
Adunia,  adv.  on  every  side. 
Adur,  adv.  scarcely,  hardly. 
Adurente,  adj.  ig.  {med.)  biim- 

Adussia,  sf  the  place  below  the 

steeps  of  tVie  high  altar. 


—  31  — 


AdoBtivo,  a.  aãj,  that  bnrns.  V. 

Ádurente.  tburnt 

AdustO}  a,  adj.  adust,  adnsted ; 
Aduzir,  va.    and  derivated.  Y. 

Adduzir.  [strangfer. 

Advena,   sm.    a    foreigner,    a 
Adventiciaxnente,  adv.  adven- 

titiously.  accidentally. 
Adventício,  a,  adj.  aayentitious. 
Advento,  sm,  advent. 
Adverbiado,  a,  adj.    nsed  like 

an  adverb. 
Adverbial,  adj.  2  g.  (gtwn.)  be- 

longing  to  an  adverb. 
Adverbíalmente ,   adv.  adver- 

Adverbio,  sm.  adverb. 
Adversamente,    adv.    unfortu- 

nately.  [sition. 

Adversão,  sf.  adveneness,  oppo- 
Adversar,  va.    to   adverse,    to 

oppose.  fsary,  antagonist. 

Adversário,  adj.  and  s.  adver- 
Adversativo,  a,   adj.  adversa- 

Adversidade,  sf.  adversity. 
Adverso,  a,  adj.  adverse. 
Advertência,  sf.  an  advertise- 

ment,  a  vraming  :  attention. 
Advertidamente,  adv.  conside- 

rateljr.  [advised. 

Advertido,  a,  pp.  adj.  wamed, 
Advertimento,  sm.   Y.   Advet^ 

Advertir,  va.   to   advertise,  to 

wam.  Advertir^e^  vr.  to  mind, 

to  consider. 
Advocação,  sf.  invocation. 
Advocacia,  sf.  advocateship. 
Advocar  or  Avocar,  va,  to  call 

for,  to  send  for. 
Advocatnra,  sf.  shelter. 
Advogac^a,  sf.  advocateship.  Y. 

Advogada,  sf.  she  wbo   takes 

cara  of  the  interest  of  anotlier ; 

advocatess ;  a  mediatrix. 
Advogado,  5m.  advocate.       [te. 
Advogar,  va.  to  plead,  to  adroca- 
Advogarla,  sf.  {anc.)  advocation. 
AdTxutmla,  sf.  {meã.)  atony,  de- 

biHty.  [trescent,  patrid. 

Aãynamico.  a,  adj.  [mea,\  pu- 
'Aayto,sm.  aàytam. 

A  eito,  adv.  toe.  Y.  Eito. 
Aereamente,  adv.  with  aa  aeti&l 

Aéreo,  a,  adj.  aeríal ;  vain. 
Aerifero,  a,  adj.  that  bean  the 

air.  Conducto  — ,  {anat.)  trachea. 
Aerifioação,  sf.  aerifícation. 
Aeriíorm,  adj.  2  g.  aeritbrm. 
A^rizar,  va.  to  aerate,  to  aerify. 
Aerod3rnamica, «/.  [phys.)  aero- 

dynamy.  [graphy. 

Aerograpbia.  sf.    [phys.)   aero- 
Aerolitbe,  sm,  aeroíite. 
Aerologia,  sf.  [phys.  and  med.) 

Aeromanoia,  sf.  aeromancy. 
Aeromantico,  a,  adj.  belongisg 
.    to  the  art  of  aeromancy. 
Aerometria,  sf.    {phys.)    aero- 

metry.  [meter. 

Aerometro ,  sm.    [phys.)    aero* 
Aeronauta,  sm.  aeronaut. 
Aeronáutica,  sf.  [phys.)  aero- 

Acnroflcopia,  sf.  aeroscopy. 
Aerostação,  sf.  aerostation. 
Aerostatico,  a,  adj.  aerostatic. 
Aerostatica,  sf.  aerostation, 
Aerostato,  5m.  air-balloon. 
Aesmo,  adv.  Y.  Esmo. 
Aethetica,  sf  [phil.)  the  tiíeory 

of  sensations. 
Aetites   or  Etites,    sf.   aetites, 

Aíacugadamente,  adv,  with  ftr 

Afadlgado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fatigned, 

tired.  [tigoes. 

Afadlgador,   sm.    he    that    fa- 
Afadigar,  va.  to  tire,  to  fatigue ; 

{fig.)  to  affiict,  to  vex.  Afaài- 

gar-se,  vr.  to  -work  very  hard. 
Afadigoso,  a,  adj.  that   causes 

fatigue.  [flattered. 

Afagado,  a,  pp.  adj.    caresaed, 
Afagador,  sm.  he  vrho  caresses, 

Afagar,  va  to  caress,  to  flatter. 

—  um  cavallo^  to  stroke  a  horse. 
Afago  or  Afagamento,  sm.  car 

AlagvLQiixo ,  «L^  adj .  ^^\.\«tva.^. 

AFE  —  32 

Afaimar,  va.  to  starve. 
▲famadamente,  adv.  celebrious- 

ly.  [novrned. 

Afamado,  a,  pp.  adj.  famous,  re- 
Afaxnador,  am.  he  that  speaks 

in  praise  of  another. 
Afamar,  va.  to  exalt  the  good 

qualities  of  another. 
Afanado,  a,  pp.  adj.  weary,  tired. 
Afanar,  va.  to  earn,  to  search 

any  thing  vrith  g^eat  anxiety. 

— ,  vn.  to  grow  tired. 
Afanohonado,  a,  adj.  libidinous. 
Afano  or  Aísin,  sm.   {anc.)   toil, 

Afanoso,  a,  adj.  painful,  toilsome. 
Afastado,  a,  pp.  adj.  remote. 
Afastador,  sm.  he  that  removes. 
Afastar,  va.  to  remove,  to  drive 

away.  Afastar-se^  vr.  to  go  away, 

to  go  from. 
Afatiado,  adj.  cut  in  slices. 
Afassendado,  a,  adj.  rich,  weal- 

thy.  [wealthy. 

Afazendar-se ,   vr.    to    become 
A  fé,  adv.  loc.  truly,  indeed.  —  de 

quem  ftou,  upon  my  faith. 
Afecção,  Afectação,  Afectado, 

Afectar,  Afecto,  Afectuosa- 
mente, Afectuoso,  Afeição, 

Afeiçoado,  Afeiçoar  and  aeri- 

vatea.  Look    for    these    words 

under  Xff.  [ugly  manner. 

Afeiadamente ,    adv.    with    an 
Afeiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  disâgured, 

made  ugly. 
Afeiar,  va.  to  disfigure  :  to  disho- 

nour,  to  stain.  —  a  reputação 

de  alguém,  to  blemish  some  one's 

Afeiçoar,  va.  to  shape,  to  fashion. 
Afeitação,  sf.  Y.  Enfeite  and  de- 

rivated.  [and  derivated. 

Afeitado,  pp.  adj.  V.  Enfeitado 
Afelio  or  Apheíio,  adj.   {astr.) 

higher,  superior. 
Afelleado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tempered 

with  galí. 

Afellear,  va.  to  temper  wiih.  gall. 

Afeminação,  sf.  enemination. 

Af eminadamente ,  adv.  effemi- 

nateJjr,  [naXe,  womanlike. 

Cominado,  a,  pp.  adj.  eflfenii- 

-^^eminar,  va,   to  elfeminate,  to 


eraasculate.  Afeminar^se,  vr.  to 
xqake  one's  self  eífeminatc. 

Aferesis  or  Aferese,  sf.  {gram.) 
aphseresis;   {surg.)  amputation. 

Aferição,  sf.  the  marking  any 
measure  or  weight  by  the  stan- 

Aferido,  a,  pp.  adj.  stamped  -with 
a  public  mark. 

Aferidor,  sm.  an  offícer  whose 
business  is  to  adjust  the  mea- 
sures  and  -weights  by  the  king^s 
standard.  [mark. 

Aferir,  va.  to  stamp  ^ith  public 

Afermentar,  va.  and  derivated. 
V.  Fermentar. 

Afermoseado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made 
fíner,  handsome.  [adorn. 

Afermosear,  va.  to  embellish,  to 

Aferradamente ,  adv.  obsti- 

Aferrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  grappled; 
ifig.)  obstinate,  fixed. 

Aferramento,  sm.  the  act  of 

Aferrar,  va.  to  grapple  —  um 
naviOy  to  grapple  a  snip.  Afer- 
rar-se,  vr.  to  hold  or  stick  fast. 

Aferretoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stung  or 

J)ricked.  [or  stings. 

erretoador.  sm.  he  that  pricks 

Aferretoar,  va.  to  prick  or  sting. 

Aferro,  sm.  attachment ;  tenacity. 

Aferrolhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bolted, 
imprisoned.  [bolt. 

Aferrolhar,  va.  to  imprison,  to 

Aferventado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  fervent, 

Aferventar,  va.  to  parboil ;  ijig.) 
to  make  haste.  Aferventar-se,  vr. 
to  incite  one's  self.        ffervour. 

Afervoradamente ,    aao.    with 

Afervorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  hurried, 

Afervorar,  va.  to  excite,  to  sti- 
mulate.  Afervorar-se^  vr.  to  in- 
flame one's  self  with  fervour. 

Affahilidade,  sf  aífability. 

Affabilissimo,  a,  adj.  sup.  extre- 
mely  affable.  [courteous. 

Affavel,    adj.  2  g.  affable,  civil, 

Affavelmente ,    adv.     affably , 

1  Altec<}ao,  sf.  ft£^c\ioii. 


—  33  — 


Aífectação,  sf.  affectatlon. 
Aff  ectadaxuente,  adv.  aã'ectedly. 
Affeotado,  a,  pp.  adj.   affected, 

formal.  [aífects. 

Affectante,  adj.  2  g.  [anc.)  that 
Affectar,  va.  to  aifect,  to  make  a 

pretended  showof  soraethÍDg,to 

desire,  to  aspire  to,  to  please. 

AffectarsCy  vr.  to  be  affected. 
Aifeotivamente,  adv.  affection- 

Affeotlvo,  a,    adj,     affective; 

Oned.)  that  aíffects. 
Anecto,  sm.  affection. 
Afíectuoaamente,  adv.  affection- 

Aífectuoso,  a,  adj.  aífectionate, 

Affeiçoar,  va.  to  feel  affection  for 

one,  to  íove,  to  like,  to  move, 

to  aSect.  Affeiçoar-se^  vr.  to  ap- 

plv  one's  self  to  a  thing  :  to 

take  a  liking  to  a  person. 
Aifeitação,  sm.  {anc.)  ornament, 

Affeltadamente,   adv.  politely, 

vith  ornament. 
Affeitado,  a,   pp.  adj.    attired, 

adorned.  Y.  Enfeitado  and  deri- 

vated.  [ured. 

Aff  eito,  a,  adj.  accustomed,  in- 
Afferrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  Y.  Aferado 

and  derivated. 
Afficar,  va.  to  insist.  Y.  Affincar 

and  derivated.  [tion. 

Aífiliação,  af.  affíliatión,  adop- 
Af filiado,  a.  pp.  adj.  affiliated. 
Affiliar,  va.  to  affiliate,  to  adopt. 

Affiliar-sCy  vr.  to  get  affiliated. 
Affiin,  sm.  or  f.  a  kinsman  or  kins- 

woman  properly  by  marriage. 
Affinoadamente ,    adv.   opinia- 

tively,  earnestly. 
Affincado,  a,    jm.   adj.  nailed; 

vehement,  resoluta. 
Aifinoamento,   sm.  the  act  of 

nailing;  tenacity. 
Affinoar,  va.  to  nail,  to  insist,  to 

pursue  obstinately.  Affincar-se^ 

vr.  to  be  bent  on  a  pursuit,  the 

act  of  insisting. 
Aífinoo,  sm.  great  attachment, 

Afttnidade,  sf.  afânity. 

Affirzuação,  sf.  afârmation. 
Affirmadamente ,    adv.    reso- 

Af firmado,  a,  pp.  adj.  afiirmed. 
Affirxuador,  sm.  affirmer. 
Affirmamento.  sm.  afârmation. 
Affirmante,  sm.  (in  the  schools) 

he  who  maintains  the  afârma- 

Afflrmar,  va.  to  affírm,  to  assert 

positively.   Af/irmar-se,   vr.  to 

De  confirmed. 
Affirmativa,  sf  afíirmative. 
AffirmaUvamente ,    adv.  affir- 

Affirmativo,  a,  adj.  affírmative. 
AffiXRção,  sf.  fixation. 
Affixado,  a,  pp.  adj,  posted  up, 

Affixar»  va.  to  fix,  to  post  up  bills. 
Affixo,  a,  €ulj.  {gramm.)  arfix. 
Af fiado,  a,  adj.  blown,  puffed. 
Afflar,  va.  to  biow,  to  puff. 
Afflicção,  sf.  affliction,  trouble. 
AffUctivamente,     adv.    afflic- 

Afflictivo,  a,    adj.    afâictive, 

Amioto,  a,  pp.  adi.  afâict,  dis- 

tressed.— ,  s.  an  amicted  man  or 

woman.  [tingly. 

Affligidaxnente ,      adv.    afnic- 
Affligido,  a,  pp.  adj.  afâicted. 
Affligidor,    adj.    that    afâicts, 

grieves.  — ,  s.  he  or  she  that 

Affligixnento,  sm.  Y.  Afflicção. 
Affligir,  va.  to  afflict,  to  vex. 

Affugir-se^  vr.  to  grieve,  to  be 

Affluenoia,  sf.  afâuence,  abun- 

dance ;  fluency  of  words. 
Af  fluente,   adj.  i  g.    resorting 

with  others  to  the  same  place. 
Af  fluentemente,  adv.  with  great 

Affluido,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  runs ; 

Afflulr,  vn.  to  âow  into  the  same 

place ;  to  abound,  to  âock. 
Amuxo«  sm.  Vjn^^i^  ^^  ^^"^  ^"^ 

AiÍTQtax,  Dtt.  N .  Fretaf  *sví^  «ksecv- 


—  34  — 


Affrontado,  a,  vp.  adj.  affronted ; 

tired;  afflictea. 
Affrontador,  adj.  who  afíronts. 

— ,  s.  affronter. 
Affrontamento.  sm.  a  preterna- 

tural  heat  -with  redness  in  the 

Afírontar,  va.  toaífront,  to  abuse, 

to  attack.  —  to  outbid  at  an  auc- 

tion.  —  vn.  to  have  a  preter- 

natural  heat.  —  Affrontar-se^  vr. 

to  take  huff. 
Afírontosamente ,    adv.    spite- 

fully,  infaraously. 
Affrontoso,  a,  adj.   outrageous. 
Affusão,  sf.  {pharm.)  affusion. 
Afiação,  sf.  -wnettiiig,  sharpening. 
Afiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sharpened. 
Afiançado,  a,  pp.  adj.  oailed. 
Afiançador,  sm.  he  who  stands 

bail  for  another. 
Afiançar,  va.  to  be  bail  for  one ; 

to  promise,  to  insure  success. 
Afiar,   va.  to  grind  to  sharpen. 

Pedra  de  — ,   a  grind-stone,  a 

Aficar,    va.  to    urge  a  reason. 

V.  Afficar. 
Afidalgadamente,   adv.   noblj. 
Afidalgado,  a,  pp.  adj.  noble,  ex- 

cellent ;  {fig.)  who  falsely  pre- 

tends  to  gentility. 
Afidalgamento,  sm.  nobleness. 
Afidalgar,  va.  to  make  noble,  to 

nobilitate.    JífidaU/ar-se,   tr.  to 

affect  the  manners  of  noblemen. 
Afiguração,  sf.  imagination,  ap- 

Afiguradamente,  adv.  in  âgure. 
Afigurado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fígurated. 

Homem   bem  afigurado  y    a  fine 

Afigurar,  va.  to  figure,  to  repre- 

sent.  Afigurar-se,  vr.  to  fancy, 

to  believe,  to  imapiine. 
Afigurativo,  a,  adj.  figurative, 

Afilado,  a,  pp.  adj.  delieate,  vréll 

formed.  Ter  a  lingua  bem  ~  a,  to 

Jbave  a  nimble  tongue.  V.  Afe- 

^Ijftferfor,  sm.  V.  Aferidor. 
ftff^ento,  sm.  ir.  Aferição, 
-^*í^ax^y  va.  V.  Aferir. 

Afilhada,  sf.  a  god-daughter ;  a 

"woman  wno  is  protected. 
Afilhado,  sm.  a  god-son;  a  man 

who  is  protected. 
A  fim,  con].  in  order  to. 
Afinação,  sf.  the   act  of  giving 

the  íull  sound  to  every  musical 

note.  [tune. 

Afinadamente,    adv.    {mus.)   in 
Afinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  refined,  per- 

fected ;  tuned. 
Afinador,  sm.  tuner.  —  {metal.) 

refiner.  —  V.  Aferidor. 
Afinamento,  sm.  afina je,  refín- 

ing  of  metais. 
Afinar,  va.  to  tune  a  musical  in- 

strument;  to  refine^metals.  —  as 

pastas^  (among  boot-binders)  to 

square  the  paste-boaiçds.  —  avoz 

to  give  the   perfect    soand  to 

musical  notes.  —  vn.  tò  pout,  to 

look  vexed. 
Afincadamente,  adv.  earnestly. 
Afistulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  turned  to 

a  fistula. 
Afistular-se,  vr.  to  grow  into  a 

Afitadamente,  adv.  aiming  con- 

stantly  at  a  certain  thing.  V.  Af- 

Rcadamcnte.  [ribands. 

Afitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  adorned  with 
Afitar,  va.   to  cause  indigestion 

in  the  children. 
Aflto  or  Afitamento,  sm.  {m£d.) 

indigestion.  [emboldened. 

Afiusado,    pp.  adj.   bold,  rash, 
Afiusar,  va.  to  inspire  courage, 

to  embolden.  Afiusar-se^  vr.  to 

Afivelado,  sl,  pp.  adi.  buckled. 
Afivelar,  va.  to  bucMe. 
Aflamengado,  a,  adj.  fleming- 

Afiautado.  a, pj).  adj.  sweet,  soft. 

V.  Flautado.  [self, 

Afleimar-se,   vr.  to  affiict  one's 
Afleumar,  va.  to  cause,  to  make 

phlegm.  [forward. 

Afocinhadamente,    adv.   fallen 
Afocinhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  fell 

upon  one's  face.  sXtWfe V\\Xi  \.\!kft 
face.  —  vn.  \ç>  ^a^\  w^çou  wi^^ 
face  :  to  am^K.  ot  -çetvátk.. 


—  35  — 


Afofado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made  soft; 

Ífig.)  puffed  up.  [up. 

ofar,  va.  and  n.  to  pufT,  to  swell 

Áfogadaxnente,  aav  in  great 

Afogadiço,  a,  adj.  out  of  breath. 

Afogadilho,  sm.  haste,  speed, 

Afogado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stifled, 
stewed.  Ovos —  5,  poached  eggs. 

Afogador,  adj.  that  stifles  or  suf- 
focates.  —  sm.  a  necklace. 

Afogadura,  sf.  suíTocation. 

Afogamento,  sm.  suífocation. 

Afogar,  "iva.  to  stiile,  to  smother, 
to  suffocate.  —  os  cuidados  no  vi- 
nho, to  drown  one's  cares  in 
wine.  —  to  stew,  (speaking  of 
meat,  fish,  etc)  —  to  forbear. 
Afogar-s2j  vr.  to  strangle  one's 
sel^  to  sink,  to  be  on  the  point 
of  being  drovned.  —  U^ff-)  ^^  ^® 
overcome  by  excessof  business, 
to  be  in  too  great  a  hurry. 

Afogo,  sm.  torment,  afâiction; 
hurry,  pressure.  [âercely. 

Afogueadamente ,    adv.   hotly» 

Afogueado,  a,  pp.  adj.  burning, 
íiery,  glowing.  liatter  o  ferro  — , 
to  beat  the  iron  while  it  is  hot. 

Afoguear,  va.  to  inflame,  to  make 
fiery.  —  uma  peça,  to  load  a 
gun  "with  powder  only  and  fire 
U  off  to  clean  it. 

Afoitamente,  adv,  boldly,  cou- 

Afoitamente,  sm.  boldness. 

Afoitar,  va.  to  embolden,  to  make 

Afoiteza,  sf.  boldness. 

Afoito  or  Afouto,  adj,  bold,  cou- 

Afomadamente,  adv.  in  the  man- 
ner  of  dividin»^  arable  çrounds 
into  large  portions.         [fallow. 

Af olhado,  a,  adj.  laid  up,  laid 

Afolhar,  va.  to  divide  arable 
grounds.  —  uma  terraj  to  lay  up 
a  piece  of  ground. 

Afora,  adv.  (anc)  beyond;  except, 
but;  out,  "without.  [lease. 

Aforadamente,  adv,  with  along 

Aforado,  a,  pp.  adi.  that  givea 
or  makea  ovee  houaes  or  Unda 

to  be  passed  for  ever,  upon  c<mi- 

dition  that  a  small  yearly  rent 

shall  be  paid  to  the  proprietor. 
Aforadòr,    sm.  the  lord  of  the 

manor    who    gives    lands    or 

hòuses  upon   condition  that   a 

small  yearly  rent  shall  be  paid 

to  hira. 
Aforamento,  sm.  the  act  of  gi- 

ving  or  taking  lands  for  a  yearly 

Aforar,  va.  to  make  over  houses 

or  lands  to  be  posscssed  for  ever 

for   a    small    yearly    quitrent. 

Âforarse^  vr.  to  assume  nobi- 

lity.  [stuprate. 

Af  orçar,  va.  {anc.)  to  violate,  to 
Aforçurado,  A^pp.  adj.  hastened, 

Aforçurar,  va.  to  hasten,  to  press. 
Aforismo,  sm.  aphorism.  Y.Apho- 

rismo  and  derivated. 
Aformoseadamente,  adv.  beau- 

tifully,  bandsomely. 
Aformoseado,  a,  pn.  adj.  hand- 

some,  line;  made  uner. 
Aformosear,  va.  to  embellish,  to 

make  handsome. 
Aforquilhado,  a,  pp,  adj.  sup- 

ported,  bifurcated. 
Aforquilhar,  va.  to  support,  to 

Aforrado,    a,  pp.  adj.    enfrcax- 

chisedj  free;   that  carries  but 

a  light  burdcn.  or  provisions  for 

a  journey. 
Aforramento,  sm.  enfranchite- 

raent;  making  free. 
Aforrar,   va.  to  affranchise,   to 

make  free.  Aforrar-se,  vr.  to  rid 

one's  self  of. 
Aforro,  sm.  the  act  of  sparing. 
Afortalezado,  a,|)j).  adj.  fortmed 

with  walls. 
Afortalezamento,  «m.  defense, 

any  work  of  entrenchment. 
Afortaleiar,  va,  to  fortify  with 

Afortunadamente,  ado.  happily, 

Afortunado,  a>  pp.  <id.\,  \^a:%\i> 


-  36  — 


Aíontado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bold,  em- 

Afoutar-se,  vr.  to  dare. 
Aíouteza,  sf.  boldness. 
Afouto,  a,  adj.  bold,  daring. 
Afracado,  a,  pp.  adj.  weakened, 

Afracamento ,     sm.    slackness, 

Airaoar,  vn.  to  weaken,  to  fali ; 

to  lose  courage. 
Aframengado,  a,  adj.  that  has 

a  fair  complexion.  [íied. 

Airanoezado,  a,  pp.  adj.  frenchi- 
Afrancezar,  va.  to  frenchify. 
Airechado,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  that  is 

like  to  a  shaft. 
Aireguezado,  a,  pp.  adj.  accus- 

tomed,  that  has  customers. 
Afreguezar,  va.  to  get  or  procure 

customers.  Afreguezar-sey  vr.  to 

become  customer. 
Afreixnar,  va.  {anc.)  to  vex,  to 

fret.   Afreimar-se,    vr,    to  fret 

ODe*s  self. 
Aírescar,  va.  V.  Refrescar, 
A  fresco,  sm.  {paint.)  Pintar — » to 

paint  in  fresco. 
Afretamento,  sm.  V.  Fretamento. 
Afretar,  va.  V.  Fretar  and  deri- 

Africa,  sf.  Africa. 
Africanisxno,  sm.  barbarous  locu- 

tion,  a  manner  of  speaking  as 

the  African  people. 
Africano,  a,  adj.  African. 
Afro,  a,  adj.  and  s.  African. 
Afrodiseo ,    Afrodisiaco ,    adj. 

V.  Aphrodiseo  and  derivated. 
Afronltro,  sm.  the  flour  of  nitre. 
Afronta,  sf.  Y.  Affronta  and  deri- 
Afrouxado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unbent, 

slackened ;  {fig.)  -weakened. 
Afrouxamento,  sm.  slackness, 

looseness;  (fig.)  'weakness. 
Afrouxar,   va.  to    slacken.   A- 

frouxar-se^  vr.  to  fail. 
Axrouxelado,  a,   adj.  covered 

with  soít  feathers 
A±ronxo,  aiv.  onanimously. 
AAuitado,  a,  adj.  ihiitfaJ. 
AA20entado,  a,  pp^^a^j,  driven 

Afugentador,  sm.  he  who  puts 

to  flight. 
Afugentamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

putting  to  flight.  [to  flight. 

Afugentar,  va.  to  chase,  to  put 
Afumado,  pp.  adj.  smoky,  full  of 

sraoko.  {fig.)  darkened. 
Afumadura,  sf.  the  act  of  filling 

with  smoke.  [smoke. 

Afumar,    va.    to    trouble    with 
Afundado,  a,/>p.  adj.  siink  down, 

Afundar,  va.  to  sink.  — um  navio^ 

to  sink  a  ship.  —  to  cast  anchor; 

to  put  the  head  to  a  cask. 
Afundido,  a,  pp.  adj.  sunk  down, 

Afundir,  va.  to  sink,  to  drown. 
Af uniladamente ,     adv.    as     a 

funnel.  [formed. 

Afunilado,  a,  pp.  adj.    funnel- 
Afunilar,  va.   to  give  a  funnel 

form.  [a  ferret. 

Afuroado,  A^pp.  adj.  hunted  with 
Afuroar,  va.  to  let  the  ferret  into 

the  hole  to  drive  the  rabbits  out. 
Afusado,   a,    pp.    adj.  spindle- 

Afnsal,  sm.  two  pounds  of  flax 

made  up  into  a  small  bundle. 
Afusão,   sf.  the    act  of  mixing 

Afusar,   va.   to   give  something 

theshape  of  spindle,  making  it 

thinnest  at  one  end. 
Afusilar,  va.  and  n.  to  strike  flre 

out  of  a  flint,  to  sparkle. 
Afustar-ae,  vr.  (a  sea  term)  to  bo 

Aga,  tm.  a  colonel  of  janissaries. 
Acanhadamente ,  aJiv.  crouch- 

Agaohadò,  a,   pp.  adj.    Squat. 

V.  Acaçapado.  [squat. 

Agaohar-se,   vr.    to  cower,   to 
Agaoho,  sm.  the  act  of  sitting, 

squatting.  [with  violence. 

Agadanhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stolen 
Agadanhador,  sm.  he  that  steals 

with  violence. 
Agadanhar,  va.    to   claw,   to 

scratch,  to  lay  one'8  hand  uçon 

any  thing.  \dL«x«\Vs. 


—  37  - 


Agalaotia,    sf.    {meã.)    agalaxy 

(want  of  milk). 
Agalanado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made  gal- 

lant,  genteel. 
Agalanar,  va.  to  make  genteel 

ur  gallant.  Ágálanar-se.  vr.  to 

dress  one's  self  genteely. 
Agalardoado ,  a,  pp.  adj.    re- 

Agalardoador,  s.  and  adj.  that 

rewards.  [V.  Galardoar. 

Agalardoar,     va.    to     revrard. 
Agalato,   sm.    [min.)   gallate  (a 

neutral  salt). 
Agalgar,  va.  to  grind  with  the 

upper  mill  stone  in  a  mill  vhe- 

rein  oil  is  made. 
Agalhas,  {anat.)  the  tonsils 

of  the  neck. 
Agallegadaxuente,  adv.  in  a  Ga- 

lician  manner;  rougtily. 
Agallegado,  a,  adj.  as  a  Galician ; 

rough,  unpolished. 
Agaloado,  a,  jm.  adj.  laced. 
Agaloadura,  sf.  the  act  of  lacíng. 
Agaloar,  va.  to  lace,  to  bind  wiâi 

Agalopado, 'a,  pp.  adj.  galloped. 
Agalopar,  va.  to  gallop. 
Agapathos,  sm.  {òot.)  a  kind  of 

Bliaceous  plants. 
Agapas,  sf.  pi.  or  Ágapes,  sm. 

pi.   ag[ap8e,  love-feasts  among 

the  primitive  christians. 
Agapetas,  agapetae,  vir- 

gins  "who  associatea  tnemselves 

-with  ecclesiastics  out  of  a  mo- 
tive of  piety  and  charity. 
Agareno,  a,  adj.  Moorish. 
Agarico,    sm.   agaric,    a   sweet 

smelling  mushroom. 
Agamel,  sm.  V.  Granel. 
Agarradiço,  a,  adj.  that  is  cat- 

ched  or  holden  fast. 
Agarrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  taken  or 

laid  hold  of. 
Agarrador,  sm.  he  that  seizes. 
Agarrante,  adj.  2  g.  {heral.)  is 

saíd  of  birds  of  prey. 
Agarrar,  va.  to  seize,  to  lay  hold 

õt  Agqrrar-se,  vr.  to  stick  to. 

h  BL,pp.  a4í'  pricked 
»«.  to  gosíá  or  prick 

-with  small  darts  called  gordu- 
Agarrotado,  a,  pp.  adj.  strangled . 
Agarrotar,  va.  to  strang^le. 
Agarruchado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  bound, 

tied  with  cringles. 
Agarruohar,  va.  (a  sea  term)  to 

bind,  to  tie  with  cringles. 
Açrarrunohar,  va.  (a  sea  term)  to 

introduce  the  cringle  in  the  bolt 

rope  of  a  sail. 
Agasalhadeiro,  a,  adi.  an  enter- 

tainer,  one  that  shelters  stran- 

Agasalhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  received, 

sheltered,  lodged. 
Agasalhador,  sm,   and  adj.  he 

-who  receives  strangers ;  hospi- 

Agasalhar,   va.   to  shelter,    to 

lodge.  Agasalhar-se,  vr.  to  resort 

to  a  place,  to  lodge ;  to  cover 

one's  self  well  to  avoid  catching 

Agasalheiro,  a,  adj.  that  shelters 

Agasalho,   sm.   a  lodging;  the 

manner  of  receiving  a  guest; 

good  reception.  Elle  deu  me  máo 

— ,  he  received  me  unkindly. 
Agastadamente,  adv.  angrilv. 
Agastadiço,  a,    adj.    irascible, 

fretful,  peevish.  [hasty. 

Agastado,   a,   pp.  adj.    angry, 
Agastamento,  sm.  passion,  an- 

ger,  ill  humour.  Ter  — s  do  coror 

ção^  to  be  heart-sick. 
Agastar,  va.  toprovoke,  to  ang^er, 

to  vex.  Agastar-se,  vr.  to  fly  into 

a  passion.  Agasta-se  por  dá  cá 

a^uella  palha,   a  little   raatter 

rises  his  passion. 
Ágata  or  Agatha,  sf.  agate. 
Agatanhado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  scrat- 

ched,  clawed. 
Agataiohadura,  sf.  scratch. 
Agatanhar,    va.  to  scratch,  to 

Agaves,    s.  j>l.   (bot.)  liliaceous 

plants^  narcv&%\SL&. 

of  a  p\cV-\oc^.  ^__ 

V.  Amontoar.  ^  í 


—  88  ~ 


Ageltadamente,    adv,  commo- 

AgeltaoO,  a,  pp.  adj.  cottimodious, 

Ageitar,   va.  tõ  âl,  to  miig<e^  to 

dispose.  Ageitar-se^  w.  to  place 

one's  self  commodiottsly,  con- 

Ageitivar,  va.  &nd  its  âefivatòd. 

V.  Adjectivar. 
Agencia,  sf.  agency. 
Agenciado,  a,  pp.  údj\  nmtifiigòd, 

Agenciar,  va.  to  manage,  to  pro- 
cure, to  negociate  cr  transact, 

to  help  one  to  a  thing-.  Su  lhe 

acendei  aqueílepmto,  I  prootirdd 

him  thát  place.  Ageneiar-^èy  vr. 

—  uma  grande  reputação,  to  çain 

a  great  reputation.  [tive. 

Agencioso,  a,  adj.  diligent,  ac- 
Agenda,  s.    agenda,    a   certain 

church  book,  rilual. 
Agenesia,  sf.  sterility,  impotency. 
Agente,  adj.  2  g.  acting)  active. 

— ,  sm.  an  agent ;  a  factor,  a  de- 

puty  (m  laio),  aproouratot. 
Ageolhar,  va.  ana  its  derivated. 

V.  Ajoelhar^  etc. 
Ageometria  or  Ageometrosia, 

sf.  ignorance  of  geometry» 
Agerasia,  sf.  vigorous  <Aá  age, 
Agerato,    sm.  {bot.)    ageratum, 

maudlin.  [oiated. 

Agermanadd,  a,  pp,  údj,  a»fto^ 
Agermanar,  va.  to  make  eqoal ; 

to  associate. 
Agestado,  a,  adj.  Bfstn  ou  «kU  -^ 

vell  or  ill  looking. 
Agenstia,  sf.  {med.)  "«reakness, 

want  of  taste. 
Aggerar,  va.  (anc.)  to  aggerate. 
Aggingebrado,  a,  «<f;.  seaso&ed 

with  ginger.  [tion, 

Agglomeração,  sf.   agglomera- 
Agglomerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  agglo- 

Agglomerar,  va.  to  ag^lomerate. 
Agglutinação,  sf.  agglutination, 

AirsriutíBstâamente,  ãdv,  in  a& 
a^g-Iutínated  m&Dner» 

Aggiutinante,  adj.  2  ^.  a^luti- 

Agglutinar,   va.  to  agglutinate, 

to  glue  together.  [native. 

Aggltttinativo,  a,  adj.  ajggluti- 
Aggraduar,  va.  and  derivated. 

V.  Graduar. 
AggravaçSo,  sf.  aggravation* 
Aggravadamente,    adv.    offen- 

sively,  injuriously. 
Aggravadõ,  a,  pp.  adj.  injured, 

aggravated.  {v€U»s. 

Aggravador,   adj,  that  aggra- 
Aggravamento,   sm.   aggravat- 

Aggravante,    adj.  2  g.  aggra- 

vating.  —  sm.  an  appelant. 
Aggravar,  va.  to  aggravate,  to 

offend.  —  vn.  to  appeal  from  one 

judge  to  another.  Aggravar-S9j 

vr.  to  be  offended;  to  increase, 

to  grow  "worse. 
Aggravativo,  a,  adj.  aggravable. 
Aggravista,    sm.   tíie  name   of 

certain  members  of  the  supreme 

tribunais  of  Lisbon  and  Oporto. 
Aggravo,  sm.  offence :  appeal  to 

a  high  court  of  justice. 
Aggravoso,  a,   adj.  V.  (rravoso. 
Aggradir ,  va.  to  attack,  to  charge. 
Aggregação,  sf.  aggregatlon. 
Aggrvgado,  a,  adj.  aggregated, 

coUected.  —  sm,  a  supernume- 

rary  professor ;  an  aggregate. 
Aggregar»   va.  to  associate,  to 

aggregate.  —  Aggregar-se,  vr. 

to  oecome  associate. 
Aggregato,    sm,    an  aggregate 

body.  [ting. 

Aggregativo,  a,   adj.  aggrega- 
AggressãO)  sf.  aggression. 
AggressíTO,  a,  adj.  aggressive, 

Aggressor,  adj.  that  is  aggres- 
sive. — ,  sm.  an  aggressor» 
Aggriçar,  va.  {a  sea  term)  to  lay 

or  put  cordages. 
Aggriphado,  a,  adj.  catched  with 

claws  (as  a  grifnn  does). 
Agigantadamente,  adv.  giantly. 
Agigantado,  a,  adj.  gigantic. 
Agisa&.\aiix«ix\o^  «nu  «.  i^5c,-vgl\31i& 

statute  *,  mox«bL  «osi  ^-pàfin^L  Sxk> 



—  89  — 


Jjgigantar,  va.  to  gire  a^igmtíc 

AqU,  adj.  S  g.  agile. 
Agilidade,  sf.  agility.  [htj. 

Agilitadamente,  aãv.  -with  agi- 
▲gilltado,    a,    pp*    adj.    açile, 

nimble.  [^uick. 

▲glUtar,  -va.  to  render  nimble, 
AgUmeote,  adv.  nimbly,  qaickly. 
Aglo,  Ml.  (comm.)  ágio. 
Aglograpliia,  sf.  hagtographv. 
Agioçraplko,  adj.  hagiogra^hio, 

Agtologioo,  a,  adj,  agiological. 
Agiologio,  sm.  legend;  tbe lives 

of  the  saints.  [tjrrology. 

Agtooiaohia,  tf.  holy  -«rar ;  xnar- 
Agiota  OT  Agiotista,  sm.  a  gtock- 

jobber,  stock-l»>oker. 
Aglotador,  sm.  jobber,  broker. 
Agiotagem,  sf.  stock-jobbing. 
Affiotar,  vo.  to  deal  as  a  stock- 

Ag;ir,  va,  (júris.)  to  act,  to  prac- 

tÍM  as  an  agent.  {Vise. 

Agteado,  a,  adj.  (ane.)  prudent, 
Agita^U»,  sf.  agitation. 
Agttadamwnte,  adj,  with  agita- 


Agitado,  a,  pp.  adi,  agitated. 
Agitador,  sm.  ana  aaj,  he  who 

agitxtea;  agitator,  insnrgent. 
Agitar,  va,  to  a^itate,  to  shake ; 

to  troable.  Agttar-se^  vr,  to  be 

tonneiitad,  to  feel  agitation,  to 

AgitewL  adj,  i  g.  tfaatmay  be 

agitated,  xnoved. 
AglaotaçBo,  sf.  weaning. 
Agloaaia,  »f.  dumbnesa. 
AgloM»,»,  adi,  dumb. 
AglQtiçfto,    sf.   impoBsibility  <of 

AgiMuio,  «f.  agnation,  eonsan- 

Agnado,  a,  adj,  agnate,  rolated 

by  tfae  fathera  Bidé. 
Agnrtiirio,  sm,  he  that  ii  ia  the 

male  Une. 
AgnaMoo,  a,  adi.  Svecessa»  —  a, 

floccesBon  in  tne  male  line. 
AflMUBas.  V-  P^  (ok.)  «gnels 

(piaeea  oi  ama).  [sance. 

Agnlflo,  sf,  «gnUMD,  racogai- 

Agnisterio,  sm.  a  parification^s 

Agno,  sm.  lamb. 
Agnooasto,    sm.    a^nus-castus, 

the  chast  tree  or  vitex. 
Agnome,  sm.  the  last  suruama  of 

a  person. 
Agnominação,  sf  agnomination, 
Agnus  Dei,  sm.   agnus   Dei;  a 

piece  of  WBX  haviag  the  print 

of  a  lamb. 
Agoa,  sf.  and  deriv.ited.  V.  Agua. 
Agoiro,  sm,  and  derivated.  v.  A- 

gouro.  [staff. 

Agolo,   sm,    {anc.)    the   pastoral 
Agolpear,    va,    and    derivated. 

V.  Golpear, 
Agoxnado,  a,  pp.  adj.  budded. 
Agomar,  vn.  {agric.)  to  bogin  to 

Agomia  or  Agnmia,  sf.  a  kind 

of  moorish  poniard. 
AgomJxiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  budded. 
Agominar,  vn.  (anc.)  to  bud,  to 

put  forth  buds. 
Agonia,  sf.  agony.  [zingl}r. 

Agoniadsúnente^     adv.    agoni- 
Agomiado,   a,     adj,    aCflicted, 

vexed.  [trouble. 

Agoniar,  va.  to  teaze,  to  vex,  to 
AgoniBadamente ,  ado.   agoni- 

Agonisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  agonised. 
Agonisante,   adj.   2   g.   dying; 

ifig.)  agonizing.  . 

Agronisantes,  sm.  pi.  agonizants, 

certain  friars  who  assist  those 

'who  are  in  agonv. 
Agonisar,  «a.  to  be  in  agony. 
AgonistarQha,  sm.  agonistarch 
Agoniatica,    sf.    agonistic   (tho 

Science  of  combats  of  the  an- 

Agonistioo,  a,  adj.  agonistíc  or 

agonistic  aL 
Agonotheta,  sm.  agonotheta,  an 

overseer  of  authority. 
Agora,  adv.  now,  at  this  time. 
Agorentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cut  or 

pared  about.  V.  Aguarentar^  and 

Agorantador,  sm.  he  that  cuts 

■or  pares  about. 
Agarantar,  oa.  to  cxxt  oi  "^ax^ 


—  40  — 


about.  Afforentarse^  vr.  to  be 

cut  or  pared  about. 
Agosto.  $m.  August. 
Agouradamente,  adv.  with  o- 

men,  with  presage. 
Agourado,  a.,  pp.  adj.  presaged, 

Agourai,  adj.  2  g.  of  soothsajers 

or  diviners.  (jecture. 

Agourar,  va.  to  presage,  to  con- 
A^oureiro,  a,  adj.  that  believes 

m  omens.  — ,  sm.  a  soothsayer. 
Agourento,  a,  adj.  addicted  to 

Agouro,   sm,   divination  by  the 

nigbt,  or  singing  of  birds,  etc. 
Agraciado,  a,  pv.  adj.  endowed 

with  grace,  witn  beauty. 
Agraciar,    va.    to    endow  with 

grace ;  to  pardon,  to  forgive. 
Agraço,  sm.  unripe  grapes,  ver- 

juice.  [addicted. 

Agradado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pleased. 
Agradar,  va.  and  n.  to  piease,  to 

be  acceptable,  agreeable.  Agra- 

dar-sBy  vr.  to  be  pleased,  to  take 

Agradável,  adj.  2  g.  pleasing, 

agreeable,  pleasant. 
Agradavelmente,  adv.    pleas- 

antly,  agreeably,  CTacefuIly. 
Agradecer,  va.  to  tnank,  to  give 

Agradecidamente,  adv.  grate- 

fully,  thankfuUy. 
Agradecido,  a,  2>p.  adj.  grateful, 

thankful.  Fico-lne  muito  — ,  I  am 

very  much  obliged  to  you. 
Agradecimento ,    sm.   acknow- 

ledgment,  thankfulness. 
Agradecivel,   adj.  2  g.  grateful, 

Agradecivelmente,  adv.    in  a 

thank-worthy  manner. 
Agrado,   sm.  liking,  attractive, 

charm,  engaging  manners ;  kind- 

ness ;  consent,  approbation. 
Agraduar,    va.   and  derivated. 

V.  Graduar.  froughly. 

A.grainente,  adv.  sourly;   {fig.) 

^ffrapiai,  sm.  a  cl&sp. 

-Afrrarío,  a,  adj.  agranan,  beloncr- 

^22^  to  áelds.       ^  [ãictive. 

^»  adj.  2  ff,  sour,  bitter;  af- 

Agreste,  adi.  2g.  rural,  rustical; 

J/ig.)  rough. 
Agrião,  sm.  Agriões,  «m.^/.  water- 

cresses,  cress.  [greste. 

Agriastico,  a,  adj.  rural.  V.  A- 
Agricola,  adj.  2  g.  agricultura!. 

— ,  sm.  a  husbandman. 
Agricolar,  adj.  2  g.  agricultura!. 
Agricultar,  va.  to  cultivate. 
Agricultor,  sm.  a  husbandman, 

cultivator,  agricultor. 
Agricultura,  sf.  agriculture,  hus- 

bandry.  [and  sour. 

Agridoce,  adj.  2  g.  between  sweet 
Agrilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fettered. 
Agrilhar,  va.  to  fetter. 
Agrilhoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fettered, 

chained ;  [fig.)  subjugated. 
Agrilhoar,  va.  to  fetter,  to  chain. 
Agrimensão  or  Agrimensora, 

sf.  surveying  of  lands. 
Agrimensor,  sm.  a  land  surve^ror. 
Agrimensorlo,  a,  adj.  belonging 

to  measurement  or  surveying  oi 

lands.  [liver-wort. 

Agrimonia,  sf.  (bot.)  agrimony, 
Agriophago,  sm.  agriophagous. 
Agriote,  sm.  {bot.)  agriot. 
Agripalma,  sf  {hot?}  agripalma, 

Agripnia,  sf.  {med.)  agrypnia. 
Agrisalhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  greyish, 

that  is  grey. 
Agrisalhar,  va.  to  make  greyish. 

Agrisalhar-se^  vn.  to  grow  grey- 

Agro,  a,  adj.  sour,  rough.  AgrOy 

sm.  tilled  ground. 
Agrodoce  or  Agradece,  adj.  2  g. 

half  sweet,  half  sour. 
Agromancia,  sf.  divination  by 

the  ground. 
Agronomia,  sf  agriculturism. 
Agronómico,  a,    adj.    agricul- 

Agrónomo,  sm.  an  agriculturist. 
Agropila,  sm.  segragrophile,  be- 

zoar  of  goats.  [graphy. 

Agrostographia ,    sf.    agrosto- 
Agrumelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  clotted, 

grumous.  [grumous. 

Agriunelar^  va.  to  c\o\.,\oiaiN5.^ 
AgnxmetfiLC .  va.  U.  sea  ternC\  \.q 


~  41  — 


Agrupado,  a,  pp,  adj.  groaped. 
Agrupar,  va.  to  group.       rness. 
Agrura,  sf,  roughness,    snarp- 
Agua,  sf.  water.  —  da  chuva^  rain- 
"water;  —  de  poço^  weU  water; 

—  docCy  fresn  water;  —  viva^ 
nmning  water.  Aguas  vivas^ 
spring  tides;  —  mortas^  neep 
tides;  —  vertentes^  the  stream 
that  runs  down  a  hill,  the  de- 
clinity  of  a  hill  by  which  the 
rain  waters  fali.  Aguas  envoltas 
or  turvas,  (fig.)  times  of  trouble. 

—  furtadas^  the  garrets.  Agua^ 
transparency  of  pearls,  etc.  — 
fcrte^  nitrous  acid ;  —  regia^  ni- 
tro-muriatic  acid.  Agua-ras , 
spirit  of  turpentine;  a  flor  or 
a/>  lume  d' — ,  oetween  wind  and 
water.  Fazer  — ,  to  leak,  to 
spring  a  leak;  to  take  in  fresh 
water.  Agua  arriba  or  acima, 
against  tne  current.  Poeta  de 
agua  doce,  a  poet  witbout  ge- 
mus.  Colher  agua  em  cesto,  to 
work  to  no  purpose.  Levar  — 
ao  mar,  to  carry  coals  to  New- 
castle.  Fazer  vir  —  á  bocca,  to 
make  the  teeth  weater.  Trazer 
or  levar  aaua  no  bico,  to  conceal 
maliciously.  Dar  uma  sede  de  — , 
to  give  the  slightest  help.  Dar 
a  agua  pela  barba,  to  be  in  great 
danger.  Vir  —  d  bocca,  to  be 
very  desirous.  Trazer  —  ao  seu 
moinho,  to  bring  grist  into  the 
mill,  to  turn  things  to  one's  own 
advantage.  —  o  dá,  —  o  levaj 
lightly  come,  lightly  go.  Aguas 
de  namorado,  the  looks  of  one 
in  love ;  —  de  trabalhos,  amar- 
^ra«,  afflictions,  pains.  Coar — ,. 
to  run  in  small  drops.  —  vai! 
keep  oíf!  take  care!  notice 
given  that  water  is  thrown 
from  a  window  into  the  street. 
Sem  dizer  —  uai,  without  giving 
the  least  notice. 

Aguaçal,  sm.  a  puddle. 
Aguaoate,  sm,  aguacate  (tree  of 

S.  Domingo). 
Aguaceira,  sf.  a  great  deal  of 

Wãter  in  the  stomach. 
^mmoeiro,  sm.  a  violent  shower. 

Aguacento,  adj.  plashy,  niarshy. 
Aguada,  sf.    the   taking  fresh 

water  into  a  ship.  Faz&r  — ,  to 

take  in  fresh  water. 
Aguadeiras,    sf.  pi.    the  large 

feathers  of  birds. 
Aguadeiro,  a,  adj.  that  screens 

from  the  rain.  —  sm.  a  water 

carrier.  [âuid. 

Aguadilha,  sf.    limph,    wateryr 
Aguado,  a,    pp.  adj.    waterea, 

sprinkled  with  water.   Cavallo 

— ,  a  benumbed  horse. 
Aguador,  sm.  a  waterin^  pot. 
Aguagem,  sf.    the   rapidity   of 

currents  in  the  sea. 
Aguamento,  sm.  {veter.)  the  be- 

numbing  of  a  horse,  or  other 

Aguantado,  a,pp.adj.  supported. 
Aguantar,  va.    to    support,  to 

hold.  —  o  panno,  is  said  of  a 

ship  that   can   carry  ali    sails 

Agua-pô,  sf.  weak  wine. 
Aguara-ponda,  sf.  {bot.)  aguara 

ponda,  viola  martia. 
Aguar,  va.  to  water,  to  sprinkle 

with   water.  —  to    benumb    a 

horse.  [for,  expected. 

Aguardado,  a,    pp.  adj.    hoped 
Aguardadouro ,  a,  adj.  that  is 

worthy  of  being  kept  and  ob- 

servea  by  right. 
Aguardador,  sm.  keeper. 
Aguardamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

hoping  or  attending. 
Aguardante ,  adj.  2  g.  that  at- 

Aguardar,   va.  to  hope   for,  to 

expect,  to  wait.  —  to  suffer ;  to 

support.  V.  Esperar. 
Aguardentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mixed 

or  tempered  with  brandy. 
Aguardentar,  va.  to  mix,  to  tem- 

per  with  brandy. 
Aguardente,  sf.  brandy,  rum. 
Aguardenteiro ,    sm.    he    that 

makes  or  sells  brandv. 
Aparelha,  sf.  aquarelle^  a  ^aiQ.t- 

AiguareivXaAo.-a.,  v^>  o-^V  ^^^ 


—  42  — 


Agoaventar,  va.  to  cut  or  pare 

▲gaça,  s^f>  {anc.)  haste,  speed, 

lightness.  "V.  Pressa, 
▲guçadamente ,    adv^   lig^^tlj, 

Agaçadeira,  sf.  grind-stone.  -', 

adj.  that  grinds.  [grinded. 

Aguçado,  a,    pp.  adj.    pointed, 
Aguçador,  sm.  grinder. 
A^n^içadura,  sf.  the  act  of  grind- 

Aguçar,  va.  to  sharp,  to  point, 

to  whet.   Aguçar-se,  t»r,  to  be 

sbarp  at  the  end. 
Aguçosazuente,  adv.  âaSãgjmHj^ 

Aguçoso,  a,  adj.  diligent,  hasty. 
Agudamente  ,    adv.      sharply , 

shrevdly,.  acutely.  [uess. 

Agudeza,  sf.  sharj^neas,  acute- 
Agudo,  a,  adj.  pomted,   sharp, 

aeute.  [supported. 

Aguentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  endured, 
Aguentador,  sm.  ene  \7ho  holds 

the  weight. 
Aguentar,   va.  to    support,   to 

hold,  to  regist,  to  bear. 
Aguerreado,  a,  pp.  adj.  used  to 

war,  disciplined,  raartial. 
Açuerrear,  va.  to  discipline,  to 

mure  to  the  hardships  of  war. 
Aguerrido,  a,   pp.  adj.    accas- 

tomed  to  war. 
Aguerrilhado,  a,   pp.  adj,   be- 

longing  to  a  guemlha.  V.  Gí4er- 

rilha.  {lhas. 

Aguerrilhar,  va.  to  form  guerri- 
Aguerrir ,  va.   to    inure  to  the 

hardships  of  war;  (/Ç^.)  to  grow 

hard  to  dangers,  pains,  etc. 
Águia,  sf.  eagle.  —  imperial^  the 

imperial    eagle.   Olhos    de  — , 

piercíng  ejes.Pedra  de  — ,  eagle- 

Aguiamento,  sm.  a  leading,  di- 

Aguiarado,  a,  adj.  with  many 

holes,  ragged. 
Aguleiro,  sm.   a  cross  piece  of 

timber  to  hold  fast  large  bearas. 
Jkffuila^  sm.  aloés  wood;  páo  de 
— ,  &g-allochmm. 
-^entílhada,  sf.  a  goad. 

Aguilhão,  sm.  a  little  iron  sting 
nxed  at  the  end  of  a  goaá. 

Aguilhar,  «n.  to  watch. 

Aguillio,  sm.  a  kind  of  ornameat 
used  by  women. 

Aguilhoada,  sf.  the  -wouad  made 
by  the  goad. 

Aguilhoado,  a,  pp.adj.  pricked 
forward,  goaded  ;  {fig.)  spurred, 

Aguillooador,  sm.  he  ^ho  goads. 

AguiUioamento ,  «m.  the  act  of 
goading  or  inciting. 

Aguilhoar,  va.  to  goad,  to  prick 

Aguisadamente,  adv.  reasana^ 
bly,  in  good  manner. 

Aguisado,  a,  adj.  of  good  man- 
ner,  reasonable. 

Aguisalhado,  a,  adj.  {herald.) 
that  has  a  small  bell  of  diffe- 
rent  enamel  (a  hawk  or  falcon). 

Aguisar,  va.  to  order,  to  dispose. 

Agulha,  sf.  a  needle ;  an  obelisk. 
O  fundo  da  — ,  the  eye  of  a 
needle.  Enfiar  uma — ,  to  thread 
a  needle.  —  de  enfardar^  pack- 
in^-needle.  -^  de  fazer  meias^  a 
kmtting-needle.  —  de  carpin- 
teiro^ puncheon.  Buscar  —  em 
palheiro,  it*s  like  looking  for  a 
needle  in  a  bottle  of  hay.  Peixe 
— ,  needle-fiah. 

AguUiada,  sf.  a  needlefuL 

Agulhão,  sm.  a  great  needle  of 
the  sea  oompass. 

Agulhar,  va.  and  its  derivated. 
V.  Aguilhoar. 

Agulheira  ,^  sf.  the  herb  called 
shepherd^s  needle. 

Agulheiro,  sm.  a  needle-case.  — 
a  needle-maker ;  a  scafToLding 
hole,  an  air-hole. 

Agulheta,  sf.  the  tag  of  a  lace. 

Agulhetcdro,  sm.  one  who  makes 
tags,  or  points. 

Ah !  inter j.  of  interrogation  or  ad- 
miration;  ah!  oh!  hah!  Ahl 
sim/  is  it  so! 

Ahl,  adv.  there. 

Ahustado,  a,  j^.  adj.  hoisted. 

Ahustar,  va.  (a  sea  ierm)  to  hoist. 

AhuBt ,  sm^  [a.  sea  term\  \!axi\^\^vsÁ.. 

Al,  úilerj.  ot  gciôi  ox  ^^íí.\  "V^^ 


—  43  — 


alas !  o !  oh !  ^,  sigh.  Dar  aU^ 

to  siçh.  [bermaid. 

Aia,  sf.  nurse,  governesa«  chaB>- 
Aid  de  campo,  sm.  aid  de  camp. 
Ai  Jesa,  sm.  Ser  o  —  de  alguém^ 

to  be  ODe's  darling. 
Ainda,   adv.   yet»  stUI,.  as  yet, 

more,  again.  [tutor. 

Aio,  sm.  governor  of  young  mea^ 
Aipim,  sm.    machaxera  herb  ia 

the  Brazils,  whose  roots  sorve 

to  make  bread  and  wina. 
Aipo,  sm.  (bot.)  celery.  -'  InrQVO, 

lovage  (herb). 
Airado,  a,  adj.  angry,  ireful.  V. 

AirftOf   sm.    tbe   bird    heron;  a 

plume  or  a  buncb  of  its  íeathêdrs 

'woTe  as  a  bead-dress. 
Airar-ae,  vr.  {anc.)  to  be  aagry. 
Airella,  sf.  {bot.)  vitis  idaa»  vac- 

cinura.  [tree. 

Airi,   sm.  (bot.)   a   sort  of  coco 
Airosamente,  adv.  with  grace. 
Airo8idade>  sf.  grace  flilness. 
Airoso,  a,  adj.  graceful,  comely, 

Aulado,  a,  adj.  incompassed.  — 

isolated,  solitnry. 
Aivaca    or    Aiveca»    sf^     tèe 

piougb-board  tbat  tums    over 

the  earth.  [harnesaad. 

Alaezado,  a,  pp.  adj.  adomed; 
Ajaezar,  va.  to  adorn ;  to  harness 

a  horse.  [diuner. 

Ajantarado,  a,  adj.  tbat  is  as  a 
Ajardinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tbat  is 

like  a  garden. 
Ajardinar,  va.  to  make  a  çardea. 

AJoanetado,  a,  adj.  having  tbe 
deformed.  [bumbled. 

luLuckle-bone    of  tbe   thurabs 

Ajoelhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  kneeling, 
Ajoelhar,  vn.  to  kneei;  (âg^)  to 

humble  one^s  self.  AjQelkar-w^ 

vr.  to  kneel  down. 
Ajoroa,  s.  a  bracelet. 
AÍorcado,  a,  adj.  adomed  wítb 

bracelets ;  (vulg.)  Mal  — ,  avk- 

Ajomalado,  a,   pp.  a^j*   con« 

tracted  by  day^wages. 
A/omaiKr,  va.  to  contract  ty 

Ajomjad»,  a,  pp.  adj,  ooapled. 
— ,  {hirald^  two  dogs  coupled 

Ajoujar,  va.  to  couple,  to  match. 

Ajoujo,  «m.  a  couple. 

AjoTiado,  9^tpp.  adj.  astonUb^ed^ 

Ajoviar,  va.  to  astoaisb,  to  ad- 
mire. ->  vn.  to  be  astonisbed^ 

Ajuagas,  sf.  pi.  sores  ia  the 
horses.  Y.  Enxoadas. 

Ajuda,  sf.  help,  relief,  aid,  aaais- 
tance.  — ,  a  glyster.  Ajuda  de 
eusto^  a  gift  o  ver  and  above 
'«rages.  Lanear  —  s  ao  mwira, 
(a  sea  term]  to  strengtben  tlM 
mast  witb  wood  pieces. 

Ajudadeira,  sf.  an  old  tax.  or  a 

{(ift  tbat  was  given  to  tbe  land- 
ords  ^hen  taey    departed  to 

tbe  war.  [sisted. 

Ajudado,  a,  pp.  adj,  helped,  as- 
Ajudador,  sm.  and  a^.  that  as- 

sits,  helps ;  helper,  assistaat. 
Ajudante,  adj.  an  adjutant.  -^  de 

cozmheirOy  undercook>  a  shifter. 

—  de  carpinteiro  {a  sea  term),  the 

carpenter's  mate. 
Ajudar,   va.  to  aid.  to  belp,  to 

assiat,  to  favour.  Àjudar-se^  vn 

to  help  oDe*s  self. 
Ajudengado,  a,  adj.  jev-like. 
Ajudloar,  va.  and  its  derivated^ 

V.  Adjudicar.  ["wisely. 

Ajuizadamanta,  adv.  pradentl^« 
Ajuizado,  a,  pp.  adj.  judgeo» 

prudent,  wiae. 
A|uizar,  vn.  to  jud^,  to  fona  a 

judgment,  an  opinion,  to  appre- 

ciate,  to  estimate    —  de  mna 

cousay  to  judge  of  a  thing. 
Ajular,  va.  (a  sea  term)  to  drive 

to  the  leeward.  [togetber, 

Ajuntadamyente,    t^v.   ^ointhr,, 
Ajuntado,  a,   pp,  adj.   joinea, 

Ajuntador,  adj.  and  sm.  be  -vbo 

Í'oina  or  assembles ;  coUector. 
untadouro,  sm.  a  place  -where 
are  assembled  the  waters  of 

taLXv<5a>sf^w>iD^>MxçiC\Qií^^  ^ 

tvi-.vS^  *  lia.    \ô   *awsá^«^^  ^ 


A\u]i\AS  ,  "oa.    ^<k 



—  44  — 


match,  to  coUect,  to  join  tóge- 

ther.  —  to  treasure,  to  hoard. 
Ajuntavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  can  be 

assembled  or  joined. 
Ajuntavelinente,  adv,  sociably. 
Ajuraxnentadaxnente,  adv.  hav- 

ing  preceded  an  oath. 
Aloramentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 

ias  been  put  to  his  oath,  obliged 

by  oath. 
Ajuramentar ,  va.   to  give  an 

oath,  to  affirm  by  oath.  Ajura- 

mentar-se,  vr.  to  tie  one's  self 

by  an  oath.  [of  Brazil). 

Ajuratiba,  sf.  ajuratiba  (a  shrub 
Ajustada,  sf.  {herald.)  a  couched 

dart  or  spear. 
Ajustado,  a,  pp.  adj.  adjusted, 

stipulated ;  proper,  wise.   ffo- 

mem  — ,  a  sober  man. 
Ajustamento,  sm.  the  act  of  ad- 

justinç;  order,  disposition,  re- 

Ajustar,  va.  to  adjust,  to  íit  a 

thing  to  another.  —  as  contas^ 

to  settle  accounts.   Ajustar-se^ 

vr.  to  agree,  to  make  an  agree- 

ment.  —  aos  tempos,  to  conform 

to  the  times. 
Ajuste,  sm.  agreement,  contract. 

—  de   contai,   the   settling   of 

Al,  adv.  otherwise.  —  não  disse, 

he  said  no  more. 
Alá,  adv.  {anc.)  there,  yonder. 
Ala,  sf.  wing  of  an  army. 
Alabado,  a,  pp.  adj.  praised. 
Alabanclosamente,  adv.  brag- 

gingly,  boastingly. 
Alabanoioso,  a,  adj.  boasting  of. 
Alabão,  sm.   and  adj.  Gado  — , 

milky  ewes.  [mend. 

Alabar,  va.  to  praise,  to   com- 
Alabarar,  va.  and  its  derivated. 

V.  Alapardar-se. 
Alabarda,  sf.  a  halberd. 
Alabardada,    sf.  a   blow  of   a 

halberd.  [halbardier. 

Alabardeiro,  sm.  halberdeer  or 
Alabastrino,  a,  adj.   white  as 

alabaster.  [alabastrum. 

JÊJaJbastrJto,  a,  sm.  aiabastrites, 

-AlahBster,  sm.  alabaster;  (fio.) 

ereat  whíteness,  '   v/  y  / 

Alacil,  sm.  the  juice  of  granes 
and  olives.  [fat. 

Alacoado,  a,  adj.  rubicund  and 

Alacrae  or  Alacrão,  sm.  a  scor- 
pion.  [Lacrar. 

AÍacrar,  va.  and  its  derivated.  Y. 

Alacridade,  sf.  alacrity,  cheer- 
fulness.  [that  has  wings. 

Alado,  a,  adj.  win^ed,  aliferous, 

Aladroado,  a,  adj.  that  is  in- 
clined  for  stealing.  [ingly- 

Alagadamente,  adv.   overflow- 

Alagadeira ,  sf.  a  prodigal  wo- 
man,  a  spsndthrift. 

Alagadiceiro ,  adj.  that  grazes 
on  the  marshy  ground  (speak- 
ingofanox).  [moory. 

Alagadiço,  a,  adj.  marshy,  fenny, 

Alagado,  Aypp.  adj.  overflowed; 
{fig.)  filled  up. 

Alagador,  sm.  a  great  eater,  a 
spendthrift.  — ,  adj.  that  over- 
flows.  [tion,  overílow. 

Alagamento ,  sm.    an    inunda- 

Alagar,  va.  to  overflow,  to  inun- 
date,  to  sink.  Alagar-se,  vr.  to 
be  overflowed,  sunk,  submer- 
ged.  [Lagoa. 

Alagoa,  sf.  moor,  fen,  marsh.  V. 

Alagoso,  a,  adj.  sunk ;  that  over- 
flows  or  inundates. 

A  la  grande,  adv.  with  magnifí- 
cence.  Viver  —  to  live  sump- 
tuously.  [moor. 

Alaguna ,  sf.    lagoon ,  a    little 

Alam,  sm.  a  Dull-dog. 

Alamar,  sm.  a  silken,  gold,  or 
silver  loop  to  lace  clothes  with. 

Alambazadamente ,  adv.  with 

Alambazado,  a,  adj.  shapeless, 
ill  shaped ;  bulky.  [self. 

Alambazar-se,  vr.  to  eram  one's 

Alambel,  sm.  Y.  Lambei. 

Alambicadamente,  adv.  as  dls- 
tilled  by  alembic,  exquisitely, 
affectedly.  [refined. 

Alambicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  distillcd, 

Alambicar,  va.  to  distil,  to  re- 
fine ;  ifig.)  to  subtilize. 

Alambique,  sm.  alembic,  still. 

Alambor,  sm.  the  scarn  of  the 

1  Alamborado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ^\o^j^^. 


—  45  — 


Alamborar,  va.  to  build  a  "wall 

^ith.  scarps. 
Alazubra,  sf.  the  black  poplar. 
Alambre,  sm,  amber. 
Alazubreado,  a,  adj.  amber-co- 

Alameda,  sf.    a  poplar   grove; 

walk  planted  'witn  poplars. 
Alamedado,  a,  pp.  adQ.  planted 

with  poplars,  or  any  other  trees. 
Alamedsir,  va.  to  make  groves 

"with  regularity. 
Alaxuirô,  sm.  alamiré,  the  sixth 

note  in  the  scale  of  music. 
Alaxno,  sm.  poplar-tree.  —  alvar, 

the  beech-tree.  [pada. 

Alaxnpada,  sf.  lamp.  V.  Lam- 
Alampadario  or  Lampadário, 

sm.  lampadary. 
Alam.padeiro,  sm.  lamp-post ;  a 

bar  of  iron  for  supçorting  the 

lamp.  [with  a  lance. 

Alanceado,  a,  pp.  adj.  wounded 
Alanceam^ento,  sm.  the  act  of 

wounding  with  a  lance. 
Alancear,  va.  to  wound  with  a 

lance  or  spear.  [sháped. 

Alandeado,  a,  adj.  (bot.)  acorn- 
Alanhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  paunched. 
Alan  ti  ar,  va.  to  paunch,  to  pierce; 

to  rip  the  belly. 
Alanos,  sm.  pi.  Alains. 
Alantoides,    sf.    {anat.)    allan- 

toides,  one  of  the  coats  belong- 

ing  to  a  child  in  the  womb. 
Alão,  sm.  mastiff-dog,  bull-dog; 

a  large  hunting  dog. 
Alapardado,  a,  pp.aaj.  crouched, 

concealed.  [conceided. 

Alapardar-se,  vr.  to  lie  squat. 
Alar,  va.    to   hawl,  to  ascend. 

Alar-sCj  vr.  to   be   hawled,   to 

advance  one's  self  to. 
Alaranjado,  a,  adj.  orange-co- 

Alardeadeira    and     Alardoa- 

deira,   sf.    she   that    flatters, 

boaster.  [boasted. 

Alardeado,  a,  pp.adj.  mentioned, 
Alaxtleador,  sm.  flatterer,  boas- 
ter. [boasting,  ostentatlon. 
Alardeamento ,  sm,  the  act  oí 
Alardear,  va.  to  represent»  to 

boast,  to  mentiou. 

Alardo ,    sm.   a  muster ;    shew, 

parade.  [amply. 

Alargadamente,   adv.    largely, 
Alargado,  a,    pp.  adj.    dilated, 

Alargamento,    sm.    dilatation ; 

the  act  of  stretching, 
Alajc^ar,  va.   to  stretch,  to  en- 

large,  to  widen. 
Alarido,  sm.  cry,  clamour,  shout. 
Alarif e ,    sm.    {anc.)    architect, 

master  builder.  [Arma. 

Alarma,  adv.    {loc.)    alarm.   Y. 
Alarvaria,  sf.  brutality,   glut- 

Alsirve,  sm.  a  Moor,   an  Arab; 

a  rustical ,    stupid    fellow ;    a 

Alastradamente ,  adv.    in    the 

manner  as  ships  are  ballasted. 
Alastradeira,  adj.  f.  that  covers 

aU  over. 
Alastrador,  adj.  m.  that  covers 

ali  over. 
Alastrar,  va.  to  ballast  a  ship; 

to  strew,  to  cover  ali  over. 
Alatinadamente,  adv.  according 

to  the  latin  langua^e. 
Alatinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  latinized. 
Alatinar,  va.  to  latinize. 
Alaudado,  adj.  lute-shaped. 
Alaúde,  sm.  a  lute. 
Alavanca,  sf.  a  hand-spike,  a 

Alavão,  sm.  a  flock  of  female 

sheep  that  give  suck. 
Alavercado,  a,  pp.  adj.   squat; 

(/ígf.)  humbled,  abased. 
Alavercar,  vn.  to  humble  one's 

self,  to  squat. 
Alavoeiro,  sm.  the  shepherd  of 

the  flocks  called  alavões. 
Alazão,  ã,  adj.  a  sorrel  horse.  — 

tostado,  a  dark  sorrel  horse.  — 

clarOy  a  bright  sorrel  horse.  — 

aceso,  a  red  oay  horse. 
Albaoar,  sm.  a  *kind  of  tower  in 

the  old  fortiílcations. 
Albacor  or  Albacóra,  sf.  a  iish 

like  the  tunny.  [iish. 

Albafar  or  Alb^Q!c«.^  %V  "a^  vkx:%^ 
AlbansL,  sm.  %sà.  oAj»  t^^vi'^  •^^ 

A>\%ftTda.,  sf .  a.  ^íicaívs^^  «-^^^^^ 




—  46  — 


Albardado,  a,  pp.  adj.  saddled 
vith  a  pack-sadale.  JFatias  —  (zs, 
slices  of'bread  covered  with 
flour,  beaten  eggs,  etc.  and 

Albardadura,  sf.  or  Albarda- 
mento,  sm.  the  putting  a  pack- 
saddle  upon  a  beast. 

Albardão,  sm.  a  large  saddle. 

Albardar,  va.  to  put  a  pack- 
saddle  upon  a  beast. 

Albardeira,  adj.  Rosa  — »  piony, 
hill  ro3e. 

Albardeiro,  sm.  one  who  makes 

Eack-saddíes,  saddler;  ijig.)  a 
Albardilba,  sf.  a  kind  of  snare 
to  catch  hawks  with ;  a  little 

barra,  sf.  a  wild  onion.  Y.  Ce- 
Albarrada,  sf.  flower  pot  "with 

two  handles;  a   sort  of  water 

pot;  a  wall  of  stones  without 

Albarrado,  a,  adj.  that  has  any 

thing  that  serves  to  lean  upon, 

having     back     (speaking    of 

chairs,  etc). 
Albarrana,  sf.  sort  of  tower. 
Albatroz,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  alba- 

Albena,  sf.  a  kind  of  grane. 
Albergado,  a,  pp.  adj.  loaged. 
Albergador.  sm.  and  adj,  ne  that 

lodges  or  shelters. 
Albergagem,  sf.  the  right  that 

had  the  patron  of  a  monastery 

of  being  lodged  in  it. 
Albergaxuento,  sm.   the  act  of 

Albergar,  va.  to  lodge.  Alber^fcar- 

SBy  vr.  to  resort  to  a  place,  to 

Albergaria,  sf  lodging,  inn. 
Albergate,  s.    {ane.)   a    sort  of 

light  shoe. 
Albergue,  sm.  lodging,  inn. 
Albergueiro,  sm.  a  host,  land- 

lord ;  inn-keeper. 

Albemoz  or  AUiomoz,  sm.   a 

sort  ofupper  garment. 

-^ertinst.  sf.  (àoQ  a  «hrub  of 
BraziJ.  ' 

Albetoça,  sf.  a  little  ship  used  in 

índia.  [beard. 

Albibarba,  adj.  that  has  grey 
Albicante,  sm.  (j/ard.)  a  kind  of 

Albicaudia,  adj.  {nat.  hist.)  thajfc 

has  a  white  tail. 
Albicerata,  sf.  a  kind  of  ãg  tree. 
Albicome,  adi.  2  g.  {nat.  hist.) 

that    has    wnite    antennjae    or 

AlbificaçSo    or    AlbaçSo,    sf. 

{chem.)  dealbation,  whitening. 
Albiflore,  adj.  2  g.  {bot.)  that  has 

white  flowers. 
Albimaculado,  a,  adj.  {nat.  hist.) 

that  has  white  spots. 
Albinisxno,  sm.  {med.)  congemal 

anomaly;  partial  or  total  ab- 

sence  of  colour. 
Albino,  a,  s.  person  nnnatnrally 

white.  — ,  s.  AJbinos,  name  gíyen 

to  the  white  negrões  of  Airica. 
Albipedd,  adj.  2  g.  that  has  white 

Albizo,  5771.  fuUer^s  earth,  loam. 
Albor  or  Alvor,  sm.  the  break 

of  day.  fexchanged. 

Alborcado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bartered. 
Alborcar,  vn.  to  barter,  to  ex- 

Albores,  sm.  pi.  beginning. 
Alborotar,  va.  and  derivated.  Y. 

Alborqoe,  sm.  a  barter,  an  ex- 

Albricoque,  sm.  apricot. 
Albrico(iaeiro,  sm.  apricot-tree. 
Albufeira,  sf.  a  frith ;  a  meer  or 

marsh  full  of  sea  water;   the 

dregs  or  lees  of  oil. 
Albugem,  sf.  albugo;  pearl  in. 

the  eye. 
AlbugUiea,  sf.  albuginea,  con- 

junctiva;  one  of  the  coats   of 

the  eye. 
Albuglneo,  a,  adj.  albugixieoiis. 
Álbum,  sm.  album. 
Albuxnina,  sf.  albumen. 
Albomo,  sm.  {bot.)  alburn,  albtir- 

Alcaçar,  Alcácer  or  Alcazar, 

sm*  Mooriah.  palace;  fortress^ 



—  47  - 


AJoaçaria,  sf.  a  place  in  Lisbon 

where  the  tanners  live. 
▲Icacer^  sm.   green   barley»   or 

grass  cut  for  norses. 
Alcachofra,  sf.  artichoke. 
Alcachofrado,  a,  adj.  artichoke- 

like,  artichoke-shaped. 
AJcachofral,  sm.  the  place  ^çrhere 

artichokes  grow.  [or  castle. 
Alcáçova,  sf.  an  old  fortress 
Alcaçuz  or  Alcassus,  sm.  lico- 

rice  or  liquorice. 
Alcadefe>  sm.  a  sort  of  earthen 

pot  used  by  vintners. 
Alcaicl]AS,  sf.  pL  {a  sea  term)  the 

spaces  between  the  -wales.  V. 

Alcaidaria,  sf.    the    ofâce   and 

power  of  an  alcaid. 
Alcaide,  sm.   alcaid,    alcaid;    a 

sort  of  magistrate;  constable; 

bailif.  [of  censns. 

Alcaiz,  sm.    a  registar;  a  book 
Alcaldamente,  sm.  a  dutj  paid 

ín  the  custom  house  for  prohi- 

bited  goods.  [chant. 

Alcaldar,  va.  to  traffic  as  a  mer- 
Aloalescente,  adj.  2  g.  {chem.) 

Alcali,  sm.  alkali  or  alcali. 
Alcalico,  a,  adj.  {chem.)  that  has 

the  qualities  of  alkali. 
Alcamnetro,  sm.  alkalimeter. 
Alcalino,  a,  adj.  {chem.)  alkaline. 
Aloalisação,  sf.  {chem,)   álkali- 

Alcalisar,  va.  to  alkaiisate. 
Aloaxnunia  or  Alcomunia,  sf,  a 

mixture  of  honey  and  flonr. 
AloanoaraLro ,   sm.    a    sort  *  of 

Alcancasif     sm.     an     antidote 

against  fevers. 
Ali»nçadlço,  a,  adj,  fhat  xnay 

be  easily  obtained. 
Alcançado»  a,  pp,  adj,  obtained, 

ftNMshed.  [obtains. 

Aloiiliçador,  sm.  and  adj.  he  that 
Alcançadura,  sf.  a  blov,  hnrt, 

a  wound  -which  horses  receive 

by     mbbing    their    feet    one 

against  another. 

Aloanpmnanto,  sm.  the  acl  oí 


Alcançar,  va.  to  reach,  to  obtain, 
to  get;  to  understand.  Álcan- 
çar-se^  vr.  to  knock  and  rub  one 
heel  against  another  as  some 
horses  do. 

Alcance,  sm.  the  act  of  oyev- 
taking;  an  express. 

Alcandora  >  sf.  a  perch  for  a 

Alcandoradamente.  adv.  inhi^h 
flown  manner  or  style. 

Alcandorado,  a,  adj,  perched; 
{fig.)  exalted.  [self. 

Alcandorar  se,  vr.  to  exalt  one'8 

Alcaneve,  sm.  h^mp. 

Alcanfor  or  Alcamphor»  sm» 
caraphor  or  caniphire. 

Alcaníorado,  a,  pp.  adj.    cam- 

canforar,  va.  to  camphor. 
Alcaníoreiro ,   sm,  {bot.)  camt- 

Aloanna,  sf.  alcanna,  alkanet. 
Alcantil,  sm.  {anc.)  declivity. 
Alcantilada,  sf.  steep  heignt  of 

a  place,  slopeness. 
Alcantiladamente,  adv.  perpen- 

AlcantUado,  a,  pp.  adj.  steep,  of 

diflicult  ascent. 
Alcantilar,  va.  to  plough. 
Alcanzia,  sf.  a  thin  pot  full  of 

ashes  or  no^çrers,  and  formerly 

of  combustible  matters,  a  sort 

of  grenade. 
Alcaparra,  sf.  caper;  a  shmb 

bearing  capers. 
Alcaparrado«  a,  adj.  seasoned, 

dressed  with  capers. 
Alcaparral,  sm.  a  place  "where 

capers  grow. 
Alcaparreira,  sf.  caper-tree. 
Alcaparreiro,  sm.  he  that  sells 

Alçar,  sm.  a  sort  of  cistns. 
AlcaravSo,  sm.  bittern. 
Alcaravez  or  Alcaravlz,  sm.  the 

hoUow  iron  tube  through  Avhich 

the  wind  goes  into  the  forge. 
Alcarccva,  sf.  a  lake   of  rain 

water.  [\n  the  aand. 

AloaorVa,  sf .  «u  ^\w!i\.  \hs»x.  ^«^^ 

ALÇ  —  48  —  ALC 

birds  of  prey  before  clawing  1     ing  heavy  bodies;   a  pincer; 

"^'' a  gin,  a  snare. 

Alçapremado,  a,  pp.  adj.  raised 
with  the  lever.      ' 

their  prey. 
Alcatêa  or  Alcateia,  sf,  a  herd 

orskulk  of  wolves. 
Alcatifa,  sf.  a  carpet. 
Alcatifado,  a,  pp.  adj.  carpeted, 

spread  with  carpets. 
Alcatifar,  va.  to  carpet. 
Alcatifeiro,  sm.  a  carpet-maker. 
Alcatra,  sf.  a  rump  of  beef. 
Alcatrão,  sm.  pitcn  and  tar. 
Alcatrate,  sm.  gunnel,  part  of 

the  keel  of  a  ship. 
Alcatraz,  sm.  a  sea-fowl ;  a  bone- 

setter.  [rump. 

Alcatreiro,  sm.  that  has  a  large 
Alcatroado,  a,  pp.  adj.   tarred, 

daubed  with  pitch. 
Alcatroar,  va.  to  tar,  to  daub 

with  pitch. 
Alcatroeiro,  sm,  one  that  makes 

or  sells  tar. 
Alcatruz,  sm.  an  earthen  bucket 

fixed  to  the  wheel  of  a  nora  (a 

water  ensine).  [edlv. 

Alcatruzadaznente,  adv.  crook- 
Alcatruzado,  a,  pp.  adj.  crooked; 

furnished  with  ouckets. 
Alcatxuzar,  va.  to  crook.  Alca- 

truzar-se^  vr.   to  bend,  to  grow 

crooked.  [Sisa. 

Alcavala,  sf.  alcavala  (a  tax).  V. 
Alcavaleiro,  sm.  he  that  takes 

to  hire  the  excises  of  a  town. 
Alça,  sf.  a   piece  of  leather  to 

make  the  snoe  a  little  wider. 
Alçacuello,  sm.  a  veii  formerly 

used  to  cover  the  neck,  gorget. 

Alçada,  sf.  the  juridiction  and 

)ower  which   some  judges  in 

Portugal  have  upon  such  limits. 
Alçadeira,  sf.  braces,  that  which 

holds  up. 
Alçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  raised  higher. 
Alçador,   sm.  a   bankrupt;    he 

that  lifts  up  any  thing. 
Alçalâ,  sf.  an  earthern  cup. 
Alçaxnento,  sm.  the  act  of  rais- 

ing  higher. 
Alçapão,  sm.  a  trap,  trap-door. 
Alçapè,  sm.  a  gin  used  by  sports- 

men;  trip.  [hu| 

Alçapremar,  va.  to  raise  with 

the  lever. 
Alçar,   va.    to    raise,    to    raise 

higher.  Alçar-se^  vr.  to  raise  up 

one's  self.'  —  com   dividas  ^  to 

turn  bankrupt. 
Alce,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  alce  or  elk. 
Alcea,  sf.  {bot.)  alcea. 
Alcear,  va.    {a  sea  term).  —  um 

moitão^  to  strop  a  block. 
Alcedones,  sm.  pi.  V.  Alcyon. 
Alchazar,  sm.  the  place   where 

grows  the  barley   that  is  not 

Alchechenges  or  Alkekenges, 

sm.  winter  cherries,  alkakengy. 
Alchemilla,  sf.  [bot.)  alchimula 

Alcherivia,  sf.  V.  Cherivia. 
Alchixnia  or  Alquimia,  sf.  ai- 

chimy.  [terated,  falsified. 

Alchimiado,  a,  adj.  false,  adul- 
Alchimico,  a,    adj.    alchymic, 

Alchimista,  sm.  alchymist. 
Alcioneo,  adj.  alcyon,  halcyon; 

ifig.)  placid,  quiet. 
Alcoceifa,  sf.  a  brothel. 
Alcofa,  sf.  a  âag  basket ;  {fig.)  a 

Alcoforado,  a,  adj.  anointed  with 

antimony  or  alcohol. 
Alcoforar,  va.  {anc.)  topaint. 
Alcohol,  sm.  {chem.)  alcohol  or 

Alcoholato,  sm.  liquid  medica- 

ment  resulting  of  the  distilla- 

tion  of  alcohol. 
Alcoholico,  a.  adj.  alcoholic. 
Alcoholizado,  a,  pp.  adj.  alcoho- 

Alcoholizar,  va.  {chem.)  to  esti- 
lize, to  alcoholize,  to  rectinr. 
Alcoholometro ,    sm.    alcònolo- 

«Alcolêa,  s.  aliment  used  by  the 


me/j;  irip.  L^ug.    Alconado,  a,  ae^'.  fallow  colour. 

■AlçapemsL,  sf.  trip,  the  corniâi  \  AlcoT,  sm.  (astr!\  vv  \v\X\<íí  «Vax  Va. 
-^çaprema,  sf.  a  lever  for  mov-  \     the  \av\  ot  Ú10  ^xe^xXi^w:, 


—  49  — 


JJcorana,  sf.  alcoran  (slender 

and  high  turret  in  Turkey). 
Alcoranista,  sm.  alkoranist. 
AlooxSo,  sm.  alcoran  or  alkoran. 
Alcorça  or  Alcorce,  sf.  a  paste 

or  dough  made  of  fine  sugar; 

{fig)  a  very  nice  thing. 
Aloorcova,  sm.  a  hunch  in  the 

back  or  breast.  V.  Corcova. 
Alcorcovado,  a,  pp.adj.  hunched, 

Alcorcovar-se,  vr.  to  bow  down» 

to  grow  crooked. 
Alcomoque,  sm.  a  cork-tree. 
Alcorovia,  sf.  carawav-seed. 
Aloorque,  sm.  a  kina  of  clogs 

having  bark  soles. 
AlcoucOf  sm.  Casa  de  — ,  a  bro- 

Alcouceiro,  sm.  he  that  has  a 

bawdy-house,  a  brothel. 
Alcova,  sf.  an  alcove. 
Alcovetar,  va.  and  derivated.  V. 

Alcovitado,  a,  pp.  adi.  procured, 

ofTered,    disturbed   oy  a  pimp 

or  bawd.  [to  procure. 

Alcovitar,  va.  to  pimp,  to  bawd, 
iúoovitaria,  sf.  tne  act  of  pro- 

Alcoviteira,  sf.  a  bawd. 
Alcoviteiro,  sm.  a  procurer,   a 

pimp  or  pander. 
Alcoviterla,  sf.  pimping. 
Alcovitice,  sf.  procuring  or  pimp- 
ing ;  a  bawd's  trade. 
Alcunha,  sf.  surname,  nick-name. 
Alcunhado,  a,  adj.  by-named, 

Alcupetor,  sm.  a  kind  of  fish. 
Alcuscuz,  sm.  a  paste  or  dough 

of  flour  used  by  th^  Moors. 
Alçuz,  sm.  a  kind  of  camphor. 
Alcyon  or  Halcyon,  sm.  alcyon, 

Alcyoneo,  adj,  appertaining  to 

the  alcyon ;  quiet,  peaceable. 
Aldeã,  sf.  a  countrywoman. 
Aldeado,  a,  adj.  divided  into  vil- 

Aldeamente,  adv.  in  the  manner 

of  the  couDtrj  people. 
Aldeão  ar  AldeiaiOy  sm.  a  coun- 
trymanf  a  vUlager. 

Aldèa  or  Aldeia,  sf.  a  village. 
Aldear,  va.  to  dispose,  to  divido 

into  villages. 
Aldebaram  or  Aldebaran,  sm. 

(astron.)  aldebaran  (star). 
Aldrahão,  sm.  (in  a  coach)  tho 

piece  to  which  the  main  braces 

are  fastened.  [pink. 

Aldramão,  sm.  (bot.)  a  kind  of 
Aldrava  or  Aldraba,   sf.   the 

knocker  of  a  door. 
Aldravado,  a,    pp.  adi.    shut, 

closed  with  a  latcn.  Aidravada^ 

sf.  a  knock  or  rap  at  a  door. 
Aldravar,  va.  to  latch,  to  fasten, 

to  close. 
Aldrope,  sm.  V.  Gualdrope. 
Alô  {anc.)^  a  word  of  joy. 
Alea,  sf.  a  walk,  an  alley.  — ,  s.  an 

elephant  without  tusks. 
Alealdado,  a.pp.  adj.  manifested 

in  the  custom-house. 
Alealdamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

manifesting  goods  in  the  cus- 
tom-house. [custom-house. 
Alealdar,  va.  to  manifest  in  the 
Alear,  vn.  to  beat,  to  clap  the 

wings,  to  flutter. 
Aleatório,  a,  adj.  eventual,  ha- 

zardous.  Contracto  — ,  subject  to 

chances.  [mary. 

Alecrim,  sm.  {pot.)  garden  rose- 
Alecto,  sf.  {mythol.)  Alecto  one 

of  the  furies. 
Alectoria,  sf.  alectoria,  the  cock- 

stone  or  capon-stone. 
Alectoromancia,    sf.    alectoro- 

Alectridas,  sf.  pi.  {nat.  hist.)  gal- 

linaceous  fowls. 
Alectro,  sm.  {bot.)   a   kind  of 

monopetalous  plant. 
Alefriz  or  Alefrls,   sm.  {a  sea 

term)  a  rabbet ;  concavity  made 

in  building  ships  to  place  the 

side  planks.  [Altegação. 

Alegação,  sf.  and  derivated.  V. 
Alegrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rejoiced, 

Alegrador,  sm.  gladder. 
Alegramento^  «m.  (^auc.\  i^^  ^<^^ 

oi  Te\ovcm^. 
\  Alegrào,  sm.  í.  ^«ti&.\.  «?^!»»J^^ 




Alegrar,  va.  to  rejoice,  to  glad- 
den,  to  cheer.  Aiegrar-se^  vr.  to 
rcjoice,  to  be  glad  or  merry,  to 
enjoy  one's  self. 

Alegre,  adj.  2  g.  merry,  cheerftil. 
Tempo  — ,  clear  weather. 

Alegremente»  adv.  cheerfullj; 

Alegrete,  adj.  2  g.  somewbat 
merry.  —  sní.  a  case  of  vood, 
filled  with  earth  vherein  flov- 
ers  are  planted.  [falneas. 

Alegria,  sf.  joy,  gladness,  cheer- 

Alegro  or  Alegreto,  adj,  {mus.) 
allegro,  allegretto. 

Aleijado  ,  a ,  pp.  adj.  lamed , 
mairaed,  lame. 

Aleijão,  sm.  lameness. 

Aleijar,  va.  to  lame,  to  maim,  to 
cripple.  —  vn,  to  lose  the  usage 
of  a  member.  [milk. 

Aleitar,    va.    to    nourish    witb 

Aleive,  sm.  a  calunmy,  ^se  ac- 

Aleivosamente,  adv.  treacber- 
oualy,  calumniously. 

AleWoaia,  sf.  calumny,  treach- 
ery,  slander.  [treacherous. 

Aleivoso,  a,    adj.    calumnious, 

Aleixado,  a,  pp.  adj.  remoto»  se- 

AÍeixar,  va.  {anc.)  to  separate ;  to 
part.  Aleixar-se^  vr.  to  separate 
one's  self  from  another. 

Alè-larga,  s.  {a  sea  term).  Cabos 
de  — ,  cables  with  'which  is 
made  the  work.  of  a  sbip. 

Aleli,  sm.  V.  Goivo. 

Alem^prep.  beyond,  ou  the  further 
side.  —  de,  besides. 

Alemão,  sm.  Y.  Allemão. 

Alemeda,  sf.  V.  Alameda. 

Alem-mar,  sm.  across  the  sea, 
beyond  sea.  [Aíamo. 

Alemo,  sm.  the  poplar-tree.  V. 

Alentadamente ,  adv.  coara- 
geously,  stoutly. 

Alentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  atout,  cou- 
rageous,  valiant 

Alentar,  va.  to  animate,  to  nou- 
rish, to  feed  ;  to  incite. 

jUento,  sm.  breath,  respiration; 
vigourt  strengtb  of  body  a&d 


Alentos,  sm.  pi.  an  ornament  in 

both  sides  ot  the  veil  that  cov«efii 

the  bead  of  some  nuns. 
Aleo,  sm.  a  staff,  stick. 
Aleonado,  a,  adj.  ta\irny,  mnrrey^» 

of  a  yellowish  dark  colour. 
Alequeado,  a,  adi.  {bot.)  having 

the  leayes  as  a  fan. 
Alerta,   sf.    Estar  -^  to   stand 

upon  one's  guard.  —  adv.  care- 

Alertar,  va.  to  cry  ont,  to  tako 

care,  to  give  alarm.  Atertat-^ 

vr.  to  be  vigilant,  prepared. 
Alesnordeste,  adv.  loc  {at  «oo^ 

for  the  east-north-east. 
Alestado,  a,  j9p.  adj.  quicktready, 

Alestar,  va.  to  make  ready^,  to 

clear,  to  remove  incumbrance. 
Aleto  or  Aletho,  sm.  a  kinâ  of 

Aletria,  sf.  vermicelli. 
Aletriado,  a,  adj.  rermleelli  like. 
Aletrieiro,  sf.  vermicelli  manu- 

Alevadouro,  sm.  a  stick  to  set 

higher  or  lower  the  stone  in  an 

ass  or  horse  mill. 
Alevantadiço,  a,  adj.  tnrbulent; 

mutinous,  troublesome. 
Alevantado,  a,  pp.  adj.  revolted; 

lofty,  proud. 
Alevantamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

Alevantar,  va.  Y.  Levantar  and 

Alexandrino,  a,    adj.    alexaiíe- 

Alfa,  sm.  Y.  Alpha. 
Alfabaca  or  Alfavaca,  sf.  (bof.) 

a  kínd  of  broad  leaved  garden- 

basil.  —  de  cobra^  the  berb  pel- 

litory  of  the  virall. 
Alfabeto,  sm.  and  derivated.  Y. 

AUace,  sf.  {bot.)  lettuce.  — bmBUy 

a  sort  of  "vrild  lettuce.  Alfacinha^ 

a  small  lettuce.  —  a  nick-name 

^ven  to  the  natives  of  Lisbon. 
AUaços,  sm.  pi.  a  sort  of  mush- 

Alfagenxe^  «m.  b.e  frho  seta  off 



—  51  — 


Alfaias,  housebold  fúrni- 

tare.  [adomed. 

Alfaiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  furnished, 
Alfaiar,  va.  to  furnish,  to  adem. 

Alfaiar-^e^  vr.  to  furnish  one^s 

Alfaiate,  sm.  a  tailor. 
Alfama,  sf.    the    most    ancíent 

"ward  of  the  city  of  Lisboa. 
Alfambar,  sm.    a  covering    of 

coarse  red  wool. 
Alíanado,  a,  pp.  adj.    combed, 

dressed ;  {fig.)  neat. 
Alfanar,  va.  to  comb,  to  drets, 

to  attire. 
Alfandega,    sf.    custom-honse^ 

Direitos  de  — ,  custoras  or  duties. 
Alfandegado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 

has  paid  duties. 
Alfandegar,  va.  to  custom,   to 

pay  the    duty   at  the  custom- 

nouse.  [house  officer. 

Alfandegueiro ,  sm.  costom- 
Alfanecpie,  sm.  the  hawk  called 

a  lanner. 
Alfemge,  sm.  cutlass,  scimitar. 
Alfanfada,  sf.  a  blow  of  a  sci- 
mitar. [scimitar. 
Alfanjado,  a,   adj.  {bot.)  like  a 
Alfaque,  sm.  a  shelf  or  heap  of 

sand  in  the  sea. 
Alfaqnieqne,  am.  a  messenger. 
Alfaqui,  sm.  fakir  (a  sort  of  deiv 

vise).  [called  gold-âáh. 

Alfaquim,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  a  fish 
Alfaraz,  adj.  CavaUo  — ,  a  Ught 

Alfareme,  sm.  {anc.)  a  coif  or 

veil  amonç  the  Arabians. 
Alfario,  adj.  CavaUo  — ,  a  horse 

that   lifts   up  the  forefeet  too 

much  in  paciug. 
Alfarrábio,  sm.  any  old  book. 
Alfarrabista,  sm.  a  second  haad 

Alfarreca,  sf.  a  -wig.  [mau. 

Alfarricoque,  sm.  (vu^.)  a  little 
Alfarroba,  sf.  carob,  carob  bean. 
Alfarrobeira,    sf.    {bot.)    carob 

tree.  [path. 

Alfazar,  sm.  a  spacious  way  or 
AlfagflTna,  sf.  [bot.)  lavender. 
Alftiirainado,  ti^pp,  adj,  perfoxaed 
witb  JAvender, 


Alfazemar,  va.  to  perfume  -wltk 

Alfeça,  sf.  smith'8  anvil.  Y.  So^ 

fradeira.  [without  milk. 

Aifeire,  sm.    a    í!ock    of    ewes 
Alfeireiro,  sm.  a  herdsman. 
Alfeizar,  sm.  the  stick  laid  acroas 

in  a  saw  to  hold  it  fast. 
Alfeloa,  sf.  the  paste  of  melasses ; 

sweet-meat  made  of  sugar. 
Alfeloeiro,  sm.  he  that  makes  or 

sells  the  paste  of  melasses. 
Alfena  or  Alfeneiro,  sm.  privet 

or  prime-print. 
Alienado,  a,  pp,  adj.  that  is  of  a 

privetrcolour.  [privet. 

Auenar,  va.  to  dye  -veith  aust  of 
Alfenim,  sm.   a  paste  made  of 

sugar.  Hiniiiate. 

Alfeminado,  a,  adj.  sou,  effe- 
Alferce,  sm.  a  mattock,  or  plck' 

Alferena,  sf.  the  standard  that 

was  brought  by  the  ensign  in 

the  time  of  war. 
Alferes,  wi.  an  ensign ;  a  stand- 

ard-bearer.  uion,  tumnl^ 

Alfetena,  sf.  (anc.)  discord,  sedi- 
Alfixn,  cuív.  at  last,  at  the  end,  in 

fine.  [pin. 

Alfinetada,  sf.  a  prick  witb  a 
Alfinetado,  a,  adf.  {bot.)  Folha 

—  a,  a  leaf  like  a  needie  or  pin. 
Alfinete,  sm.  a  pin. 
Alfineteiro,  sm.  a  pin-maker. 
Alfitete,  sm.  a  sort  of  ragout. 
Alfitra,  sf.  a  duty  paid  by  the 

Moors  in  former  times  (in  Por* 

Altcwre  or  Alf orbe,  sm.  a  fnrrow 

for  llie  conveyance  of  the  watec 

in  a  garden. 
Alfombra,  sf.  a  carpet. 
Alfonsim,  sm.  sort  of  silver  coin ; 

a  íish  so  called. 
Alforfião,  «m.  euphorbiuro. 
Alforfilhar,  na.  to  sneak,  to  fly» 

to  ron  away. 
Alforge,  sm.  a  Tirallet. 
Alfor ja,  sf.  [bot.)  sengreen,  a  sort 



—  5Í 


Alforjar,  va.  to  âll  a  wallet  with 

Auorra,  sf.  mildew. 
▲If  orrado,  a,  pp.adj.  blast  (speak- 

ing  of  com).  [blast  (corn). 

Alforrar,  va.  to  blast,  —  vn.  to  be 
Alíorrecas ,    sf.   pi.   sea-weed , 

Alforria,  sf.  infranchisement. 
Alforriado,  a,  pp.   adj.  infran- 

chised.  [give  liberty. 

Alforriar,  va.  to  iniranchise,  to 
Alforvas  or  Alforfas,  sf.  pi.  the 

herb  fennugreek. 
Alfos  or  Alphos,  sm.  isurg.)  al- 

phus,  white  spots  on  tne  skm. 
AÍfostigo,   sm.  the  pistach  nnt. 
Alfoz,  sm.  [anc.)  distnct,  country. 
Alfridarla,  sf.  alfridary,  a  tempo- 

rary  power  which  astrologers 

imagine  that  the  planets  have 

over  the  life  of  any  person. 
Alfagera  or  Alfuja,  sf.  a  narrov 

lane  that  serves  as  a  common 

•^g^i  sf'  ^S^i  sea-grass. 
Algalia,  sf.  civet,  civet  cat;   a 

f)robe  or  catheter;  tent. 
gaUar-se,    vr.    it   is    said   of 

people  meeting  for  some  amU' 

sement,  pilgrimage,  etc. 
Alganaxne,   sm.  {anc.)  the  fírst 

Algar,  sm.  a  cave.  [flict. 

Algara,  sf.  military  faction,  con- 
Algaravia,  sf.  the  Arabic  tongue; 

gibberish,  j  árgon. 
Algaraviar,  va.  and  vn.  to  talk 

gibberish.  [metic. 

Algarismo,  sm.  algorism,  arith- 
Algarvio,  a,  adj.  and  «m.  native 

of,  or  belonging  to  Algarve. 
Algaz,  sm.  little  date. 
Algazarra,  sf.  the  war  shout  of 

W.Q  Moors. 
Algazn,  s.  {anc.)  a  picklock. 
Álgebra,  sf.  álgebra;  the  art  of 

bone-setting.  [gebraical. 

Algébrico,  a,  adj.  algeoraic,  al- 
Algebrista,    sm,    algebraist;  a 

bont-setter.  [to  álgebra. 

Alfrebrizado,  a,  pp.  adj.  relative 
■AJffebrizar,  vn.  to  study  aJg-ebra. 
—  ikz.  to  speak  upon  álgebra,     j 

Algedo,  sm.  {med.)  algedoJ 
Algela,  sf.  a  little  encampment 

with  few  soldiers. 
Algemado,  a,  pp.  adj.  manacled. 
Algemar,    va.    to    manacle,    to 
shackle.  [fetters 

Algemas,  sf.  pi.  manacles,  hand- 
Algente,  adj.  2  g.  {poet.)  that  is 

very  cold. 

Algeravia,  sf.  a  sort  of  morning 

gown.  [of  fishing  net. 

Algerife  or  Algerive,  sm.  a  sort 

Algerifeiro,  sm.  {anc.)   he   that 

fishes  with  a  very  long  net. 
Algeroth,  sm.  algarot  or  algarel. 
Alçferoz  or  Algiroz,  sm.  a  gutter- 

Algibe,  sm.  a  cistern. 
Algibebe,  sm.  a  tailor  who  sells 

clothes  ready  made. 
Algibeira,  sf.  a  pocket.  Dinheiro 

para  a  — ,  pocket-money. 
Algibeta,  sf.  a  kind  of  cassock 

worn  by  students. 
Algibetcuria,  sf.  the  street  or  place 
where  ready  made  clothes  are 
Algido,  a,  adj.  cold,  chiily,  algíd. 

Pebre  algida^  algid  fever. 
Algirão,  sm.  the  mouth  or  that 
part  of  the  net  through  which 
the  tunny  falis  into  it. 
Algo,  sm.  something,  anything; 

wealth,  riches,  fortune. 
Algodão,  sm.  cotton. 
Algodoal,   sm.    a  plantatlon   of 
cotton.  [cotton. 

Algodoaria,  sf.  a  plantation  of 
Algodoeiro,  sm.  the  cotton- tree. 
Algor,  sm.  {med.)  algor,  extreme 

Algorabão  or  Algourovão,  sm. 

{nai.  hist.)  a  large  crane. 
Algoso,  a,  adi.  algous,  pertainiug 

to  sea-weed. 

Algoz,  sm.  hangman,  the  public 

executioner;  Xfig.)   he  that   is 

cruel.  [man. 

Algozarla,  sf.  the  office  of  hang- 

Alqozil  or  Alguazil,  sm.  {anc.) 

alguazil.  [the  tily. 

Algaale,  «m.  {bot.)  a  plant  like  to 

Alguém.,  pron.  relat.  qji^  ind^f. 

somebody,  aome  one. 


—  53  — 


Algnergo^do,  a,  adj.  checkered. 

Alguergue,  «m.  a  sort  of  play 
like  draughts ;  a  large  stone  in 
an  oil-press. 

Alguidaur,  sm.  an  earthen  pan. 

Algum,  a,  adj.part.  some.  —  tan- 
to^ somewhat,  a  little. 

Algures,  adv.  somewhere,  in 
some  place. 

Alhada,  sf.  a  kind  of  dishsca- 
soned  with  garlick;  {fig.)  any  in- 
tricate  affair  [smootned. 

Alhanado,  a,  pp.  adj,  levelled, 

Alhanar,  va,  to  levei,  to  smooth. 
Alhanar-se,  vr.  to  humble  one*s 
self.  [snake. 

Alhanse,  adj.  t  g.  tortnous  as  a 

Alharoa,  sf.  a  meeting  of  Moors 
for  some  expedition. 

Alhas,  sf.  pi.  the  straw  of  gar- 
licks ;  ifig.)  a  thing  without 

Alheação,  sf.  alienation. 

Alheado,  a,  pp.  adj.  alienated, 
transfered.  —  de  seu  juiso,  dis- 
*'  Alheador,  sm.  he  that  alienates 
by  selling,  etc. 

Alheamente,  adv.  with  aliena- 
tion. V.  Estranhadamente. 

Alheanar,  va.  V.  Alhear. 

Alhear,  va.  to  alienate.  Alhear-se^ 
vr.  —  o  sentido  a  alguém^  to  grow 

Alheio,  a,  adj.  others ;  improper ; 
remote;  ignorant.  O  — ,  other 
people's  property. 

Alheiro,  sm.  ne  that  cultivaten  or 
sells  garlicks. 

Alheta,  sf.  a  sort  of  broad  hem. 
— Sj  sf.  pi.  the  buttocks  of  a  ship. 

Alho,  sm.  garlick  —  porro,  leek. 
Dentes  de  — ,  the  cloves  of  gar- 
lick. [place. 

Alhur,  adv.  elsewhere,  in  another 

Ali  or  AUi,  adv.  there,  in  that 
place ;  thence,  afterwards,  from 
that  time. 

Alias,  adv.  otherwise,  in  other 
things;  else. 

Aliazar,  sm.  (anc.)  a  piece  of  land 
énclosed  by  water. 

-àJIOtania,   sf,  a  sort  of  cotton 
cloth  of  tAefiast-Indiea 

Alihi,  s.  alibi  (a  terra  of  law). 
Alicaido  or  Alicahido,  a,  aJj. 

(poet.)  that  has  fallen  -wings. 
Alicantina,  sf.  a  subtle  trick. 
Alicantineiro    or    Alioantina- 

dor,  sm.  a  sharper,  he  who  plays 

subtle  tricks. 
Alicate,  sm.  pliers. 
Alicerce,    sm.    foundation,    the 

lowest  part  of  a  building;  (fig.) 

ground,  reason. 
Aucomio,  sm.  V.  Unicórnio. 
Alicota.  V.  Aliquota. 
Alidada  or  Alidade,  sf.  {matk.) 

Alienação,  sf.   alienation,  alie- 

nating;  deliriam,  insanity. 
Alienado,  a,  adj.  alienated. 
Alienador,  sm.  alienator. 
Alienamento ,    sm.    alienation , 

allenating.  V.  Alienação. 
Alienar,  va.  to  alienate,  to  alien, 

to  transfer ;  to  discord.  Alienar- 

se^  vr.  to  be  disordered  in  the 

Alienatario,  sm.  he  to  whom  is 

made    the   alienation    of   pro- 

Anenavel,  adj.  2  g.  alienable. 
Alienígena,    sm.   alien  or  for- 

Alinife,  sm.    a   distemper    that 

breaks  out  in  blisters   on  the 

joints  of  horses. 
Aliíorm,  adj.  2  g.  (6o/.)  aliform, 

like  wings. 
Aligeirado,  a,pp.  adj.  lightened. 
Aligeirar,  va.  to  lighten:  {fig.) 

to  ease,  to  relieve.  Aligeirar-se, 

vr.  to   relieve  one's  self  of  a 

Alígero,  a,ady.aliçerous,  winged. 
Alijado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lightened. 
Alijamento,  sm.  the  act  of  cast- 

ing  goods  over-board  for  the 

{>urpose    of  making   the    ship 
ighter.  [disburden. 

Alijar,  va.  to  castover  board,  to 
Alijo,  sm.  alleviation,  ease. 
Alimária,  sf.  {anc]  big  cattle\«. 

btMte. ' 
AlVm.exi\A.*qr^o,  sf-   vXvscv«cv\.\»!C\«^« 
AlimentAdio,  ^^   1>^«   o-^V  ^^^* 



-54  — 


Alimentar,  va.  to  nooxish,  to  feed, 

to  maintaui. 
Alimentaros,  sm.  pi.  {boQ  plan- 
tas -~,  alimentai  plantSt 
Alimentario,  a,  aãj..  alimentarj, 

Alimenteiro,  sm.  {ane.)  an  officer 

of  a  royal  honse. 
Allmentioio,  a,  adj.  alimentai, 

Alimento,    sm,    «liniexkt,    food, 

Alimentos,  sm^.  pi.  a  poxrtion  sot- 

tled  upon  childjren,'wives,  eto. 
Alimentoso,  a,  adj,   alimentai, 

Alimpa,  sf.  lopping,  pruning. 
Alinapadeiras,  sf.  pi,  tho  oees 

which  go  bafore  to  order,  lo 

dear  the  place  -wken  tbey  are 

Alimpado,  a,  pp,  adj,  made  dear. 
AUmpador,  sm.  one  that  clears. 

^^das  orelhas^  ear-plcker.  — «  de 

denteSy  tooth-picker» 
Alimpadura«  sf.  chs^.^^demlhOj 

the  bran  of  millet  or  any  com. 
Alimpamento,  sm.  cleanliness. 
Alimpar,  va.  to  dean,  to  deanse; 

to  dear.  —  vn.  to  justify ;  to  shed 

(speaking  of  trees)  Áiinmar-se, 

vr.  to  grow  dean;  to  justiíy  one's 

self.  [genteel. 

Alindado,  a,    pp.    adj.  gentle, 
Alindar,  va.  to  attlre,  to  make 

Alinevoso,  a,   adj.   (poet.)  that 

brings  snow  in  tne  wings. 
Alinguetado,  a,  adj,  {bot)  ton- 

Çue-shaped.  [trim. 

Alinhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trímmed, 
Alinhador,  sm.  he  that  forms  in 

Alinhamento,  sm.  aquaring,  l&j- 

ing  óut  a  line. 
Alinhar,  va.  to  form  in  line;  to 

trim,  to  attire. 
Alinhavado,  pp,  adj.  basted. 
Alinhavào,  sm.  a  long  stitch. 
Alinhavar,  va.  to  baste,  to  sew 

slighúy.  [by  basUng. 

Alinhavo,  sm.  the  sUtches  made 
Alinho,  sm.  trim,  dress^  ornament. 
AJionado,  adj.  V.  Leonada. 

Alipede^  adj.  2  g.  aUpede»  TiriAg- 

footed.  [per-irort. 

Alipivre»  sm.  the  herb  githi  pep- 
Alipotente,  adj.^  g.  {poeí.)  having 

strong  wings ;  {fig^  sublime. 
Aliqasinta,  adj.  and  sf.  allijoant. 

Parte  — ,  aliciuant  part. 
Alicjuebrado,  a,  adj.  that  hsus  a 

broken  wing. 
AUquota,  adj.  f.  (math.)  aliquot. 
Alisios,  adj.  m.  pi.  (a  sea  term) 

Ventos  — ,  trade-winds. 
Alistado,  a,  pp.  adj.  listed,  en- 

AlistaxnentQ,  sm.  enrolment* 
Alistsu*,  va.  to  enroll,  to  list. 
Allstrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  and  devi- 

vated.  V.  lÁstrado, 
Alistridente,  adj.  %  g.  {poet.\  that 

makes  noise  with  wings. 
AUturgico,  a,  adj.  {eccíes.)  Dias 

—  s,    is    said   in    the   catholic 

church  of  the  days  having  not 

particular  prayers  or  offices. 
Aíivadoira,  sf.  (ane.)  a  kind  of 

boat  for  unloading  ships^ 
Aliveloz,  adj.  S  g.  that  nies  -viihr 

rapidity.  [liviar. 

Aliviar,  va.  and  derivated.  Y,Al- 
Alizada,  sf,  {ane.)  a  sort  of  Moo- 

rish  cloth. 
Alizado,  a,  pp.  adj.  smoothed. 
Alizadura,     sf.     the     making 

Alizar,  va.  to  smooth. 
Alizares,  sm.  pi.  the  in-ward  posts 

of  a  window. 
Aljaroz,  sm.  V.  Algeroz, 
Aljava,  sf.  a  quiver. 
Aljazar,  sm.  a  piece  of  dralned 

ground    surrounded    by    sea- 

Aljôfar,  im-  seed-pearl. 
Alíofarado,  a,  or  Aljoírado,  a, 

pp.   adj.   adorned   víiib.    seed- 

AÍjofarar  or  Aljofrar,  va,   to 

adorn  with  seed-pearls« 
Aljuba,  sf.  a  Moorish  garment. 
Aljube,  sm.  a  prison  for  ecde- 

siastics.  [above  prison. 

Alliibetro^  sm.  the  ^aoler  of  tiie 
Allubeta,  sf.  a.  sat\.o^  ç\^\íílVsi- 


—  55  — 


Al]a33eteiro,  «a.  be  that  makes 

aljubetas.  [resia. 

Aljua  or  Allnz,  sm.  &  sort  of 
Allah,  «m.  Aifah,  God  (in  arabic). 
Allantoides,   sm,  {anat.)  aUan- 

toide.  [witiL  brass. 

Allatoado,  a,  pp.  aaj\  adornod 
jfljlatoaxnento ,    snu    ornamoAt 

wilh  brass. 
Allatoar,  va.  to  adom  witb  braas. 
▲llea,  sf.  an  alley,  a  row. 
Allegação,  sf.  an  allegation,  a 

Allegado,  a,  pp.  adj.  alleged.  — 

sm.  (ín  law)  allegatioiu 
Allegante,  adj.  2  g.  that  aUegea. 
Allegar,  va.  to  allege,  to  afoxia» 

to  declare ;  to  quote. 
Allegoria,  sf.  aliegory. 
Allegoricamente,  am,  alIegQri- 

AUegrorico,  a,  adj.  aUegoriCf  alie- 

Allegorista,  sm.  allegorist. 
AUegorizado,  a,  pp,  adj.  aJUego- 

Allegorizar,  va.  to  allegorize. 
JHegro,  sm.  allegro ;  a  tone  to 

be  played  briskly. 
AUell,  sm.  V.  Gotvo^ 
AUeluia,  sm.   allelujah   (praise 

the  Lord.) 
Allehiitioo,  a,  adj.  {ane^  belong^ 

ing  to  praise. 
Aliem  anda ,  sf.    allemande;    a 

brisk  kind  of  dance. 
Allemão,  ã,  adj.  and  s.  Gennan, 

of  Germany. 
Alli,  adv.  there. 
AUiaceo,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  alliaceotts, 

pertaining  to  garlick. 
ATIlada,  sf.  a  kinswomaiu 
Alllado,  sm.  an  ally. 
Alliado,  a,  pp.  adj.  allied,  unitad. 
Alliaga,  sf.  thori^broom. 
Alliagar,  sm.    a  place    "where 

thorn-brooms  grow. 
▲lliagem,  sf.  {chem.)   alloyage, 

alloy,  alloying. 
Alliança,  sf.  alliance. 
AUiançado,  a,  adj.  allied.  — » sm. 

ak  eonfeder&teSy  aJiies. 
•éMUmr,  va.  to  m&ke  an  alliance, 
»  maâch.  — ,  to  alloy,  to  mix. 

ÁlUarsey  vr.  to  enter  into  an 

alliance.  [alone. 

ATTiaria,  sf.  {bot.)  alliaria,  sance 
AJUciação»   sf.   seduction,  mis- 

leading.  [mialed. 

Allioiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sednced, 
Allffilador,  adj.  and  s.  seducer, 

Allloiante»   adj.  2  g.    allnríng 

with  caresses.  [rapt. 

Aniciar,  va.  to  seduce,  to  cor- 
AHigado,  a,  pp.  adj.  united,  tied. 
Alligar,  va,  to  tie,  to  bind. 
Alligator^  sm.  alliçator. 
AlliteraçSo,  sf.  alliteration. 
Alllviaçao,  sf.  the  act  and  effect 

of  relieving. 
AUiviadamentetadv.easnr;  yáúi 

ease,  comfort.  [iieved. 

Alliviado,  a,  pp.  adi.  eased,  re- 
Alliviador,  adj.  ana  s,  that  as- 

suages,  an  assuager. 
Allivuunento,  sm.  the  act  and 

effect  of  relieving. 
Alllviar,  va.  to  ease,  to  relíeve; 

to  soften»  to  mitigate.  —  vn.  to 

be  comforted,  assuaged.  AlH- 

viar-se^  vr.   to    comfort    one's 

self.  [mitigatea. 

Allivioso,  a,  adj.  that  assaages, 
Allóf  adv.  thither.  thitherward. 
AlloouQão»  sf.  allocution,  speech, 

Allodial,  adj.  2  a.  allodial. 
Allopathia,  sf  [med.)  a  ^stem 

of  healing  provoking  a  dinerent 

AllucinaçSo,  sf.   hallucination , 

blunder;  error. 
Allucinador,   adj.   and  s.  that 

blunders  or  mistakes. 
Allucinar,  va.  to  dazzle,  to  of- 

fuscate.  Allucinar-se,  vr.  to  be 

Alludido,  a,  pp.  adj.  alluded. 
Alludir,  va.  to  allude. 
AUtisão,  sf  allusion,  a  qnibble. 
AlluslTaxnezite,  adv.  allusively. 
Allusivo,  a,  adj.  allusive,  flgu- 

Allu-vi^o,  sf .  íí)\vjlsvíxí>  iiSM:rfvsfla^> 

moiLdaJLioTi^  ^o^^. 
Alma,  sf .  ao\vV.  ..     » 


-  56  — 


the  vater  that  falis  down  trom 

the  -water-wheel.  [boat. 

Almadia,  sf.  almade,  an  indian 
Almadraqae,  sm.  a  coarse  quilt, 

flock  or  straw  bed. 
Alxnadrava,   sf,  a    place   into 

whicb  the  flsbermen  drive  their 

Alxnadraveiro,  sm.  be  ihat  nsbes 

in  the  place  called  almadraoa. 
Almafega,  sf.  a  coarse  woollen 

Alxnafre,  sm.  an  helmet. 
Almagesto,  sm,  almagest. 
Almagra,  sf.  or  Almagre,  sm. 

red  ochre. 
Almagrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  marked 

"with  red  ochre. 
Almagral,  sm.  a  soil  abounding 

"with  red  ochre, 
Almagrar,  vo.  to  mark  with  red 

Almalnha,  sf.  a  valled  garden. 
Almalho,  sm.  a  young  frisking 

ox,  co-w,  or  sheep. 
Almanaoh  or  Almanak,  sm.  an 

abnanach.  [buncle. 

Almandlna,  sf.  almandina,  car- 
Almandra,   sf.    {anc.)    a    linen 

Almanjarra,  sf.  a  piece  of  wood 

to  which  a  horse  is  tied  in  order 

to  turn  round  the  mill-stone. 
AJUnargeado,  a,  pp,  adj.  turned 

into  a  field. 
Almargeal,  sm.  a  piece  of  un- 

tiiled  ground  by  the  banks  of 

a  river. 
Almargear,  va.  to  turn  (cattle) 

into  the  fields. 
Almargem,  sf.  a  piece  of  un- 

tilled  grouna. 
Almargio,  a,  adj.  Besta  —a,  a 

beast  that  is   turned  into  the 

Almarinho,   sm.    a  little   cup- 

board.  [board. 

Almario  or  Armário,  sm.  a  cup- 
Almarraxa,  sf.  a  small  earthen 

JUmartagsL,  sf.  Utbarge. 
-AJmatricha  or  Almatrica,  sf.  a 
kjnd  of  blanket. 
Almazem,  sm.  Y.  Armazém. 

Almea,  sf.  red  storax. 
Almeas,  sf.  almee  or  alma,  girls 

in  Egypt,  -whose  occuçation  is 

to    amuse    with    singing    and 

Almece,  sm.  ^whey,  posset. 
Almeoega,  sf.  gum-mastich. 
Almecegado,  a,  pp.  adj.  of  gum- 
mastich  colour.  [mastich. 
Almiecegar ,  va,   to    put    gum- 
Almeoegueiro ,  adj.  pertaining 

to  gum-mastich. 
Almeciga,  sf.  a  gum  of  an  In- 
dian tree. 
Almeirante,  sm.  V.  Almirante. 
Almeirão,  sm.  (6o^)  -wild  endive. 
Almejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  yearned, 

coveted.  [passionately. 

Almejar,  va.  to    covet  a  thing 
Almenaras,  lights  or  bon- 

fíres  upon  the  walls  of  a  fortress 

to  give  signals. 
Almete,  sm.  [ano.)  helmet. 
Almexia,  sf.  a  mark  worn  by  the 

Moors  in  their  garments. 
Alxnez,  sm.  (bot.)  a  kind  of  nettle- 

tree.  [mingle. 

Almezer,  va.  [anc.)   to   mix   or 
Almioantarath   or    Almucan- 

tarath,  sm.  {ástr.)  almacantars. 
Almice,  sm.  'whey. 
AlTTillha,  sf.  a  waistcoat. 
Almira,  sf.  {bot.)  a  kind  of  herb. 
Almiranta,  sf.    the     admiral's 

ship  of  a  áeet ;  ílag-ship. 
Abnirantado,  sm.   admiralship, 

Almirante,  sm.  an  admirai. 
Almirantear,  vn.    to  discharge 

the  duties  of  an  admirai. 
Almíscar,  sm.  mnsk. 
Almiscarado,  a,  pp.  adj.  musked, 

musky.  [musk. 

Almiscarar,  va.  to  perfume  with 
Almiscareira,^m.  (bot.)  the  herb 

Almisole,  sm.  Y.  Almíscar. 
Almo,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  cherishing, 

■vivifying.  [foot. 

Almocademi',  sm.  a  captain  of 
Almocafre  or  Almoçafre,  sm.  a 

kind  oí  rake  w^ftâ^.  va.  ^ox\lycv~ 

mines.  \ptixv\3\ft-ôÀ'si«í 

^  Almoçaria,  sf.  l^atic^  x\vô  oi^^ 


—  57  — 


Almocavar  or  Almocovar,  sm. 

the  place  in  Lisbon  wherein  the 

Moors  were  buried. 
Almoçado,  a,  pp.  adj.   break- 

fasted.  [fasts. 

Alxnoçador,  sm.  he  that  break- 
Alxuoçar,  va.  to  breakfast. 
Almoçarife,  sm.  the  receiver  of 

the  king's  duties. 
Alxnoço,   sm.    breakfast,    ârst 

meai ;  [fig.)  a  fácil  thíng^. 
Almocouvar,  sm.  a  shepnerd. 
AlmocreTar,  va.  to  practise  the 

trade  of  an  Almocreve. 
Almocrevaria,  sf.  the  occupa- 

tion  of  an  Almocreve. 
Almocreve,  sm.  a  mule-driver, 

a  carrier. 
Almooreverla,  sf.  a  tax  paid  by 

the  mule-driver. 
Almoeda,  sf.  a  public  sale. 
Almoedado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sold  by 

Almoedar,  va,  to  sell  by  auction. 
Almoíaça,  sf.  curry-comb. 
Almof açado,  a.  pp.  adj.  curried ; 

neat.  [curry-comb. 

Almofaçar,  va.  to  curry  with  a 
Almoíacilha,  sf.  a  bit  of  tow  for 

the  curb  of  a  bridle. 
Almofada,  sf.  a  pillow,  a  cushion. 

— ,  {carp.)  a  pannel,  a  square 

of  wainscot, —  de  estiva^  tun- 

nage.  [ioned. 

Almofadado,  a,  pp:'adj.  cash- 
Almofadar,  va.   to  cusnion,  to 

seat  on  cushion. 
Almof  alia,  «/.(anc.)  encampment. 
Almofariz,  sm.  mortar  of  metal. 
Almofate,  sm.  a  bit,  an  instru- 

ment  to  make  holes  in  leather. 
Almofia,    sf.    a  large    earthen 

AÍmofreixado,  a,  pp.  adj.  put  in 

an  Almofreixe. 
Almofreixar,  va.  to  bundle,  to 

put  in  an  Almofreixe. 
Almofreixe,  sm.  a  bag  made  like 

a  pillow ;  portmanteau. 
Almogama,  sf.  the  narrow  parts 

of  a  ship   towards  head  and 


mu^z^j  í^  i^'  **"•  P^*  ®1^  expe- 
rwAeed  Ught  troops. 

Almoçavaria,  sf.  inroad  or  ex- 

cursion  o^  the  Almogavares. 
AlmojaTenas,  sf.  pi.  a  sort  of 

dish.  [meat. 

Almôndega,  sf.  a  bali  of  forced 
Almonjava,  sf.  a  dish  made  of 

mutton,  etc. 
Almorreimas,  sf.  pL  the  piles ; 

Almotaçadamente,  adv.  at  the 

Almotaçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rated; 

that  has  a  price  set  on  it. 
Almotaçar,  va.  to  set  the  market- 

price  of  the  provisions. 
AJunotaçaria,  sf.  the  office  of  an 

Almotacel.  [market. 

Almotaoel,  sm.  a  clerk  of  the 
Almotolla,  sf.  an  oil  pot  made  of 

earth  to  pour  oil  in  a  lamp. 
Almoucavar  or  AlmonoaTar, 

sm.  (anc.)  herdsman. 
Almoxarifado,  sm.  the  ofâce  of 

a  receiver  of  customs. 
Almoxarife,  sm.  a   receiver  of 

customs.  [salt. 

Almoxatre,  sm.  {anc.)  ammoniac 
Almozarabe,   sm.    a    christian 

that  is  subject  to  the  Moors. 
Almudar,  va.  to  measure  by  al- 

Almude,  sm.  almude ;  an  almond, 

a  wine  measure  holding  12  ca- 
nadas.  A   pipe  of  Port-wine 

holds  26  almudes. 
Aló,  adv.  then,  in  that  time. 
Aloé  or  Aloés,  sm.lbot.)  aloés. 
Aloendro,  sm.  V.  È loendro. 
Aloesnordeste,  adv.  loc.  ia  sea 

term)  to  the  side  of  wina  that 

blows  between  east  and  north 

Aloessudueate,  adv.  loc.  (a  sea 

term)  to  that  part  of  wina  that 

blows  between  west  and  South- 
Aloeste,  adv.  loc.  (a  sea  term)  to 

the  east  side. 
Aloetico,  a,  adj,  aloetic,  aloe- 



—  58  - 


ters  of  an  ariay,  loflgmeiíít  in  a 

Alojar,  va.  to  lodge  laoldiers,  to 

àarbour.   —  vn.    to  reside,   to 

dwell.  tthe  salt. 

Aloxnancia,  sf.  divinatkm  by 
Aloxnbado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bent,  ar- 

ched ;  loin-shaped. 
Aloxnbaxnento,  sm.  the  "state  of 

having  one's  back  brokea. 
Aloxnbar ,   va.    to    break    one's 

back ;  to  set  the  back  of  %  book. 
Alonga,  adv.  loc.  {anc.)  far,  at  a 

AlongadeaBaente,  ímíd.  afar  x/S. 
Alongado,  a,  pp.  adj.  proleii|red, 

vcíry  <iistant.  fâiens. 

Alongador,  sm.  «ne  tbat  feng- 
AloagaxneHto,  sm.  lengthening. 
Alongar,  va.  to  prolanig,  to  elon- 

f^ate.    AAongarsej  tr.  io   grow 
Alopeoia,  sf.  {meã.'S  «lopecy. 
Aloucado,  a,  adj.  foelish. 
Alomsado,  a,  pp.  ndj.  siated. 
Alousar,  va.  to  slate. 
A]^NawHz,  sm.  the  %nin  -of  a 

mat.  {valcBces  «f  a  bed. 

AlporavaiieB,  sm.  pi.  the  lower 
Alparoa,  sf.  a  sundal. 
Alparqueiro,  sm.  sandal-maker. 
A^arvado,a,  adj.  silly,  doting. 
Alpe,  sm.  (fOnc.)  a  foolster  with  a 

^Uow.  — ,  s.  pi.  pastores  for 

AlpeB(ftraãa.  sf.  a  large  pordi. 
Alpendre,  sm.  a  porch. 
Alpevobo,    svi,    alberge   (-sinsdl 

A^ies,  t^  Alps. 
Alpaetra,  adj.  2  y.  -vrild,  mcran- 

Alpha,  sm.  Alpha,  "the  ftrrt  lettwr 

in  the  tSreek  «Iphabet. 
Alphabetado,  a,    ttâj.    alpha- 

beted.  [betically. 

JUpíhBlratteaineBte,  «d/,  alf^a- 
Alphabetico,  a,  adj.  alphabetic, 

Alpnabeto,  sm.  the  alphabet. 
-àJpiUtaaauxOa,  ^f.  -dJvkMtíoa 
by  the  bariey  jSoar. 
^JP^^  tír^Of.  (èaf.)  Aipine.  #%m- 

Aliihite,  erm.  or  Alpista,  «|^  al- 

pist,  alpia ;  the  herb  foxtau. 
Alpisteiro,  sm.  a  little   yessel, 

used  to  feed  chlldren. 
Alpisto,  sm.  the  juice  of  bard- 

pressed  meat. 
Alpondras ,    sf.  pi.    títsej^lng- 

stones.  V.  Passadeiras. 
Alporcado,  a,  adj.  scrofulous.  — 

{agric.)  covered  with  earth. 
Alporear,  va.  {agric.)  to  earth, 

to  cover  with  earth. 
Alporcas,  sf.  pi.  scrofúla,  klng^s 

Alporque,  sm.  a  branch  for  co' 

vering  with  earth. 
Alporquento,  a,  adj.  strumatic, 

scrofuloas.  [somewhat. 

Alqucmto,    adv.    {anc.)   a  Bttle, 
Alquebrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  crookedi 

opened,  bent. 
Alqaébrar,  vn.  to  bend,  to  yléld 

(a  ship)  by  the  weight   oi    the 

gnns,  the  violence  of  the  cur- 

rent,  etc. 
Alquebre  or  Alquébranaento, 

sm.  bending,  openin^. 
Alqueirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  measured 

by  an  alquier.  [alquier. 

Alqueiramesto,  sm.  measure  by 
Alqneirar,  va.  to  measure  by  an 

Alqueire,  sm.    alquier   (Portu- 

guese  measure  for  dry  âiin^). 
ASquelvado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fallowea, 

laid  up. 
Alqueivar,  va.  {agric.)  to  fallo^. 
Alqueive  or  Alqueve,  .sm.  {agròi.) 

rallow :  ^ound  ploughed  in  op- 

der  to  be  plougbed  again. 
Alque^enge,  sm.  {bot.)    alk»- 

kengi,  the  fruit  of  one  -of  the 

Alquermes,  sm.  alkermes. 
Alquice  or  Alcpiicer,  sm.  a  kind 

of  white  Moorish  mantle. 
Alquies,  sm.  .a  measure  xised  in 

■selling  tanned  hides. 
Alquilado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bired. 
Abiuilaâorj  sm.  hirer,  one  that 

Alquilar,  imi.  to\àie>,  \jo  \a\  ws, 

Alq>]dlè,  sm.  "Ôiç»  «cCl  ot  VvcVuís. 


—  59  — 


Alitoiífie,  MM.  ochimy,  alehymy ; 

a  mixed  base  metal. 
Alquimia,  tf.  and  derivated.  V. 

Alchimia^  etc»  [mantle. 

AlquimiUa,  sf.  the  fa^rb  ladies' 
Alquirivia,  sf.  V.  Cherivia. 
Alquitira,  êf.  gum  tragacaath. 
AlqttitraTA,   sf,   {arch.)   arch!- 

trave.  [brawled. 

▲Irotado,  a^  pp.  ndj.  mocked.  — 
Alrotador,   sm.    a   mockdr,    a 

ieerer;  a  brawler. 
Airotar,  vâ.  to  mock,  to  ridiculd. 

— •  to  brawl. 
Alrotaria,  sf.  mockery,  nullery; 

cry,  olamour. 
Urata,   gm.   (om.)   a  mid^irall, 

martlet.  V.  Abelheiro. 
Alsa,  sf.  (tt  «ea  ierm)  the  collar 

of  a  stay. 
Alsaclo,  a,  adj.  and  s.  concern- 

ing  AIsacia,  Alsacian. 
Alta,  sf»  reintegration  in  the  mi- 

Utary  servioe.  Dar  •— ,  to  pro- 
mete, [stroke. 
Altabalzo>    «m.    a    do^xmright 
Altaforma,  sf.  a  bird  of  prey,  a 

ki&d  of  keBtlreL 
AJlaanMa   or   Altamalo,  ndv. 

^tiiottt  «ele<}tion. 
Altamanhã,    adv.  iw.    In    the 

Altamente,  «ufo.  highly,  l<yndly. 
AHaiiUa,  tf.  a  sort  of  earthen  pot. , 
AltKmdo,  «i,  pp.  adj'    prond, 

haughty.  [nying  high. 

Altaneiro,  a,  ndj.    altivolant, 
Altanaria,  sf.  the  Bport  •tít  ha'«rk- 

ing ;  to  soar  high. 
Altar>  ism.  an  aMar,  shrine. 
Altareiro,  sm.  the  person  "who 

takes  care  «o  adorn  the  altar. 
Altar0Bar,«f.<'an(*.)  alterableness, 

Altarista,  -tm.  altaríst. 
Alteado,  a,  jpp.  adi.  raised,  «ie> 

Tated^  maoe  higne^. 
Altesãr,  va.  to  make  higher  or 

deeper.  Xn^ss. 

Alterabilidade ,    sf.    a1terabh»> 
Alteração,  êf.  alteration,  "pertur- 

batjofl.  [ration. 

AltermdOÊBawíXé,  ^v,  iriih  alte- 

Alterador,  adj.  that  altera  or 

Alterante,  adj.  2  g.  {med.)  alte- 

rant,  alterative.  — ,  s.  alterant. 

Memedios  —es,  alterative». 
Alterar,  va.  to  alter ;  to  change ; 

to  corrupt;  to  perturb.  Alterar- 

*e,  V».  to  alter ;  to  grow  angry, 

to  be  out  of  countenance. 
AlteratiTo,  a,  adj.  {med.)  alte- 
Alterável,  adj.  2  g.    alterable, 

subject  to  change. 
Alteraveliuente,  adv.  alterably. 
Altercaç&o,  sf.  altercation ,  dis- 
pute, [ventilated. 
Altercado,  a,  pp.  adj.  debated, 
Altercador,  sm.  disputant,  dis< 

puter ;  ^Trangler. 
Altercar,    va,   to   ventilate,  to 

discQss,  to   dispute.  —  vn.  to 

altercate,  to  contend. 
Alterca-ae,  v.  imp.  it  is  debated. 
Alter  ego,  lat,  loc.   another  as 

I  am. 
AltemaçSo,  sf.  altemation. 
AHemadamente ,    adv,     alter- 

Alternado,  a,  i)p.a£?y.  altemated, 

Alternante,  sm.  a  person  with 

the  right  of  alternating. 
Alternar,  va.  to  alternate,  to  do 

any  thing  by  turns.  Aliemar-se^ 

vr.  to  change,  to  alter. 
Alternativa,  sf.  altemateness. 
Alternativamente,  adv.   alter- 

natively.  [alternate. 

Alternativo,  a,  adj.  altemated, 
Altemifolio,  cúij.  (bot.)  that  has 

altemated  leaves. 
Alterno,  a,  adj.  altemated,  by 

Alterosamente,  adv,  in  an  ele- 

vated  manner. 
Alteroso,  a,   adj.   high,   lofty; 

'  _        '        altivolant. 
Alteza,"  «/*.  Joftiness ;  {(ig.)  subli- 

ifig-)  proud. 

Iteza,  sf,  Jottmess ;  \^fíg. 

xnity,  height.  —   hig^ne&s,  a. 

title  giveu  to  princett. 
ALtliea,  sf.  ^«t^  ^í^Sccsa^K  ^^"^^ 


—  60  — 


Altibordo,  sm.  {anc.  sea  temi)  a 

man  of  war. 
Alticolumnio,  adj.  {poet.)  hav- 

ing  high  columns. 
Altiloquencia,  sf.  altiloquence. 
AltUoquente,   adj.  2  g.  altilo- 

quent.  ,  ^ 

AltUoquo,  a,  adj,  (poet.)  lofty, 

Altimetria,  sf.  altimetry. 
Altímetro,  sm,  altimeter. 
AltlmuradOf  adj.  having  very 

high  walls. 
Altlsonante,  adj.  altisonant. 
Altisono,  a,     adj,    altisonous, 

noisy,  sublime. 
Altltonante,  adj,  {poet.)   high- 

Altlvago,  a,  adj.   {poet.)    that 

-wanders  on  the  air. 
AltlTamente,   adv.    haughtily, 

AÍtlvar,  va.  to  make  proud. 
Altl-vez  or  Altividade,  sf,  haugh- 

tiness.  [proud. 

Altivo,  a,  adj.  high,  elevated.  — 
Alto,  a,  adj.  high,  tall;   deep; 

lofty,  superior;   loud,   dear   in 

price;  noole,  illustrious;  hidden, 

mysterious.  Em  voz  alta^  "with  a 

loud  voice.  flouder. 

Alto,  adv.  loud,  loudly.  Âfais  — , 
Alto,  sm.  eminence,  tne  top  of  a 

hill ;  halt.  Fazer  — -,  to  halt.  De 

—  a  baixo f    from  top  to  toe. 

Passar  por  — ,  to  omit  or  forget. 

Tratar  alguém  de  — ,  to  use  one 

haughtily  and  contemptuously. 
Alto -sus,    interj,    or    adv.    loc. 

come  on. 
Altriz   or   Altroz,  adj.    {phys.) 

nourishing,  nutritivo. 
Altura,  sf.  height,  altitude ;  lati- 

tude. Vinte  pés  de  — ,  twenty 

feet  high;  (fig.)    pride,   subli- 

mity;  greatnese. 
Aluado,  a,  adj.   lunatic;   {fig.) 

headless.  [mouKey. 

Aluate,  sm,  (nat.  hist.)  a  kind  of 
Aluchi,  sm.  alouchi,  gum  of  the 

white  cinnamon-tree. 
-Alugado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bired  or  let 
to  nire. 
^AJuffador,  sm.  birer. 

Alugar,  va.  to  hire;  to  let,  to 
rent.  Quarto  para  — ,  room  to 
let.  —  um  cavallOt  to  hire  a 

Alugueiro,  sm.  {anc.)  hire.  —  sm. 

Aluguel,  sm.  hire,  hiring. 

Aluído,  a,  pp.  adj.  shaken, 

Aluir,  va.  to  shake,  to  "weaken. 

—  vn.  to  be  ruined. 
Alumador,  sm.  a  groom. 
Aluxnbrado,  a,  aâj.  illuminated ; 

inspired.  [cidation. 

Alumbramento,  sm.  {anc.)  elu- 
Alumen,  sm.  {chem.)  alum. 
Alumiadamente,  adv.  -withlight, 

Aluxnlado,  a,  pp.  adj,  lightened, 

illuminated ;  {fig.)  eminent,  skil- 

ful  man. 
Alumiador,  adj,  that  gives  light. 

—  sm.  eulightener,  the  person 
"who  guides  by  light.        [ment. 

Aluxniamento ,  sm.    enlighten- 
Alumiante,  adj.  2  g.   that  en- 

Alumiar,  va.  to  enlighten  or  en- 

light;  to  explain.  Alumiar-se,, 

vr.   to    clear;  to  light;  to  be 

enlightened.  [mina. 

Alumina,  sf.{chem.)áhimme^  alu- 
Aluminado,  a,  pp,  adj,  coloured. 

Pintura  —  a,  coloured  painting. 
Aluminar,  va.  {paint.)  to  colour; 

to  give  light. 
Aluminifero,  a,  pp.  adj.   that 

contains  alum. 
Alumínio,  sm.  {chem.)  aluminium. 
Aluminoso,  a,  adj.   aluminous; 

luminous.  [nous. 

Alumioso,  a,  adj.  {chem.)  alumi- 
Alumno,  sm.  a  foster-son;  pupil, 

scholar,  learner. 
Alutado,  a,  vp.  adj,  clad  in  mourn- 

ing.  V.  Enlutado  and  derivated. 
Aluziado,  a,  pp.  adj,  brightened, 

sleek.  [shine. 

Aluziar,  va.  to  brighten;  vn.  to 
Alva,  sf,  the  dawn  of  day ;  the 

alb  or  aube  (vestment*  used  by 

Alvaç^o,  sf.  'vVi\\.vb\x  co\o\a. 
Alvacento,  a,  adj.^wVvXÂsíti. 


—  61  — 


Alvadio,  a,  adj.  whitish,  of  aí 

whitish  colour.  1 

Alvado,  sm.  a  cavitj',  a  hoUow 

space.  —  dos  dentes^  alveolus. 
Alvaiadado,  a^pp.  adj.  cerused. 
Alvalade,  sm.  ceruse,  white  lead. 
Alvalá,  sm.  {anc.)  a  charter. 
AlvanelorJUvaneo,«m  abrick- 

layer,  a  rough  mason. 
Alvão,  sm.    a   bird   like    to    a 

Alvar,  adj.  2  g.  white ;  soft  and 

tender  (tree). 
Alvará,  sm.  a  charter ;  a  king^s 

letter  patent. 
Alvaraz,  Alvarazo  or  íAlvara- 

zes,  sm.  pi.  a  kind  of  morphew. 
Alvarenga,  sf.  a  sort  of  Brazi- 

lian  ship.  lalvartxz. 

Alvarizado,  a,  adj.  affected  -^th 
Alvarral,  adj.  2  g.  {anc.)  a  sort 

of  bolter  for  sifting  pollard. 
Alvasil  or  Alvazil,  sm.  alder- 

Alvearco,  sm.  a  bee-hive. 
Alveario,  sm,  alvear^,  bee-hive. 
Alveiro,  a,  adj,  whitish. 
Alveitar,  sm.  a  veteriuarian,  far- 

Alveitaria,  sf.  farriery. 
Alvejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  whitish. 
Alvejante,  aaj.i  g.  looking  white. 
Alvejar,  va.  to  whiten,  to  make 

white.  —  vn.  to  look  white. 
Alveloa,  sf.  {omit.)  the  wagtail. 
Alvenaria,  sf.  rugged  or  unhewn 

stones ;  masonry.  [ver. 

Alveo,  sm.  the  channel  of  a  ri- 
Alveolado,  a,  adj.  alveolate,  al- 

veolary.  [lar,  alveolary. 

Alveolar,  adj.  2  g.  {anat.)  alveo- 
Alveolo,  sm.  {nat,  hist.)  álveole, 

Alvéroa,  sf  a  marsh  or  fen. 
Alvergar,  va.  and  derivated    V. 

Alvião,  sm.  a  mattock 
Alvlçaras,  a  reward  given 

for  good  news, 
Alviçareiro,  adj.  and  «.  that  gives 

or  receives  a  reward  fot  a  good 


AlYííh9çao,    êf,    or   AlYldra- 

mento,  sm.  the  price  or  arbi- 
tration  set  by  an  appraiser. 

Alvidrado,  a,|}p.  adj  arbitrated, 

Alvidrador,  sm.  an  appraiser. 

Alvldrar,  va.  to  arbitrate,  to  re- 

f^ulate  wages,  rewards,  or  the 
Alvidrio,  sm.  arbitration ;  will. 
Alvidroso,  a,  adj.    {anc.)    arbí- 

Alviduco,  adj.  m.   {ined.).  Alvi- 

ducos  medicamentos^   loosening 

Alvineo,  a,  adi.  {med.)  alvine. 
Alvinho,  a,  aaj.  somewhat  white. 
Alvino,  a,  adu  alvme. 
Alvir,  va.  V.  Aluir  and  derivated. 
Alvitana,  sf.  a  kind  of  físhing- 

Alvitanado,  a,  adj.  that  part  of 

a  net  that  is  knit  with  smaller 

meshes.  [bitrate. 

Alvitrar,  va.  to  contrive,  to  ar- 
Alvltre,  sm.  an  expedient ,  way ; 

project.  [deviserofmeans. 

Alvltreiro,  sm.   a  contriver ,  a 
Alvitrlsta,  sm..  a  contriver. 
Alvo.  sm.  a  mark  to  shoot  at, 

(fig\  object,  end,  purpose.  O  — 

do  Olho,  the  white  of  the 
Alvo,  a,  adj.  white. 
Alvor,  sm.  the  dawn  of  day. 
Alvorada,  sf.  day-spring^  dawn. 

•—  aubade  or  morning  music. 

—  {mil.)  general.  —  {poet.)  the 
singing  of  birds. 

Alvorado,  a,    pp.   adj.    grown 

Alvorar,  vn.  to  grow  bright. 
Alvoriçar  or  Alvorlzar,  vn.  to 

fly  swarm  of  bees  (applied  to  a); 

{jlg.)  to  run  away.  fportedly. 
Alvoroçadamente,  aav.  trans- 
Alvoroçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trans- 

portea  or  ravished  at  the  pros- 

pect   of  any    thing    good    to 

come,  etc. 
Alvoroçador,  sm.  a  perturbator. 

—  adi.  he  that  traxk&^^^^tXSi  qx. 
troxibW.  .  - 

AlvoTooar  ^  va.  V>  ^iNetysfs^^ 

le  eye. 


çar-se,  w*.  Xo  ^^ 


—  «2  — 


elated,  overjoyed.;  to  irise ^  to 

Alvoroço,  «m.  aa  ovac^oj  or 
transport  caused  by  the  oros- 
pect  of  good  to  come  4  saraden 
emotion,  alacrity;  alana,  tumuH, 
sedition.  [turbator. 

Alvorotador,  sm.  and  adj.  a  per- 

Alvorotar,  va.  to  disturb^  to 
perturb,  to  disquiet.  Aloerútar- 
se,  vr,  to  raise  a  mutiny,  to  re- 
volt.  [jnult,  aeditloii. 

Alvoroto,  sm.  perturbatioA,  tu- 

Alvura,  sf.  whiteneas. 

Alysso,  sm.  [bot,)  alyssiija,  JBftaâ- 
wort.  [Antiod». 

Alytarcho,   «m.   the  pontiff  «f 

Ama,  sf.  nurse ;  foster-aame. 

Amabilidade,  sf.  amabilUT. 

Amaçagafado,  a,  pp.  acjf,  re- 
volvei, stirred.  [jstir. 

AwiaçRgaiar,  vu.  to  revolTQ,  to 

Amaçarocado,  a,  adj.  that  jshke 
an  ear  of  corn.  [softewMi. 

Amaciado,  a,  pp»  cdg.  smocthed, 

Amaoiax,  va,  to  smooth,  to  sof- 
ten.  [sweetheArt. 

Amada,  sf.  a  beloved  iroinan*  a 

Amadiígo,  sm.  a  sort  of  privile^ 
formerly  grajQted  in  Portugal  to 
a  farmer  -v^hose^wife  had  Aucsed 
a  nobIeman*s  child. 

Amadinsamante,  /ubi.  fseaoúj., 

Amadíoso,  a,  adj.  tender^earted. 

Amado,  a,  pp.  adj.  loved,  be- 
loved. £of  íove. 

AmadoirOt  a,  adj.  {ane.)  vorthy 

Amador,  adj.  loving,  that  loves. 
—  sm.  a  lover. 

Amadora,  sf.  sweethear^  «be 
that  loves,  a  lover.  fric. 

Amadomado,  a,  pp.  adi.  l«£luuv 

Amadomar,  va.  to  lull  Mleep; 
{/ig.)  to  mitigate. 

Amadorrado^  a,  4iãj.  kthargic. 

Amadouras,  sm.  pi.  {anc)  a  phil- 
ter,  a  love-potion. 

Amadurado,  a,  pp.  adj.  npea«d. 

Amadurar,  vn.  u>  ripen ;  to  bnng 
to  rJpeness. 
Amadurecer,  va.  to  moturate^  to 

^pe,  to  ripen.  —  vn.  to  «ro^ 

'^Pe;  to  «ifípurate. 

Amadvreoido ,  a,  pp,  mãj,  ri- 

pened,  raaturated. 
Amadureoimento,  sm.  rip«ne«8. 
Aanaestsrar,  va.  V.  Amestrar  and 

Amaga,  a/,  a  kind  of  'eft>en-tree 

of  tE«  Pnilippine  islands. 
Âmago,  «m.  <«pes^nng  of  Iterbs 

or  trees)   the  pith   or    h«art, 

the    snbstance ;    {fig.)   reality, 

essènce.  [craggy  gronnd- 

Amagotado,a,  adj.  Terra-- a,  a 
Amainado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  haa 

forled  sails ;  Qig.)  softened. 
Amainar,  va.  to  slrike  Bsdl.  —  vn. 

toreient,  to  yield. 
Amaldiçoado,  a,  pp.  adj  damned, 

caorsed,  aocursed. 
A nm1<y coador,  sm.  curaer. 
Amaldiçoar,   va.  to  curse,  te 

damn,  to  blaspheme. 
Amalgaaaa,  sf.  amalgam. 
Amalgamaçfto ,   sf.    amalgama^ 

tion ;  mixing.  [gamated. 

Amalgamaflto,  a,  pp.  -o^'.  annd- 
AwM^iqnTWf^r^  va.  to  amaígamate. 

Amalgamar-se .  vr.  to  araalga- 

Aiate  tx^ether.  pcondied. 

Amalhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lodged, 
Amalhar,  vo.  to  trackwildbeasts 

to  tfaeir  coverts. 
Amalboar,  va.  {tmc.)  to  boimd, 

to  set  boonds  to. 
Amaltliea,  ef.  Araalthea. 
Amnmpi,  adj.  Cavallo  — ,  « ticnrse 

'with  biack  aad  white  spots. 
Amamentado,  a,  Dp.<zt2;.  snclded. 
Amamentar,  va.  {anc.)  to  suckle, 

to  give  sock.  [Turks, 

Ansan,  sm.  4aily  ablution  of  the 
Ara  anca,  sf.  {ane.)  love,  ÍBclinar 

Amancebado,  a,  pp.  adj,  t>ne 

that  keeps  <a  mistrefss. 
Amanoebkmento ,  am.    eoacn- 

AmancebarHse ,  vr.  to  Iíto  hi  a 

stato  of -concublBage. 
Aiwanha,  adv.  loe.  V.  ManhêL 
Amamãmdo,  a,  pp.  <idj.  ^\f;^ 

tílled ;  jnended.  [to  «ir 

\AmaxihBS>  ^a.  Xo  ^\%\  tía  ♦•"»■ 


—  63  — 


ing  forth. 
AmanlieGaeF,  on.  ta  begia»  te-  af- 

pear  (day-lig&t)^ 
AwwmhfKado,  a,  pp,  adi   that  is 

day  already.  [aad  áicging. 

A.manho,  «m.  tbe  act  of  oulmg 

AmaninhadOra,  PP-  ot^Jh  ^Mren. 
Amaninbar,  víl  to   mak»  any 

tiúng  barren^ 
Amansado,  a,  pp  aijs.  faned, 

Amansador,  sm.  <me  -who  tames 
Amansadox^  sf.  tameness* 
Amansar,  v€u  t»  tsune  —  vn,.  to 

grow  tame.  [fokled 

Amantado,  a,  adj.  (/Sg;)  mToànred^ 
Amante,  od/.  i  g.   wfao  loves, 

loying.  — ,  s.  2  gr.  a  lover. 
Amanteigada,  a,    ad/.  ^tiltev- 

like ,  {fig.)  soft ;  kind. 
Amantelado,  a,  adt  {fèrt  yvn^nàr 

fortified.  [walls,  to  'waiL 

»Iar,  ««..  to  fortify  with 
ac^j.  a&r  a  nrvaur. 
AmamkiUiaff-,  vow  (««ea^erm}  to 

fbníish  tbe  yards  -^iritít  liâsu 
Amantillios,  sm.  pl^  (is  &  shrp) 

lifts,  ropea  pertaining  to  ma 

araisof  allyards 
Amanuense,'^  ^   amoiweiiBia; 

Amoor,  va.  to  lore,  to  be  Hyaàí  of. 

jlmar-<e,ei».  to  lo«ve  ona  axM* 

ther.  [swoot  marjotant 

Amaraco,  sm.  amaracus,  toe  berb 
Amavaonente,  aào .  YàUetly^  gxi»- 

Admrantioo,  adj^  amacantbka»» 
AmaraBto  or  Amavantlio>  sm. 

(fiot.)  araarantb,.the  cock'8  comb. 
Amarar,  va.  (a  sea  term)  to  sail 

fár  off  from  the  laad. 
AmareUado,  a,  adj.  yellowisii. 
AnoarellaGer,  va.  to  ycUow,  to 

render  yellow.  —  vn»  to  gro>w 

yellow.  [yenow. 

AxnareUejada,  a,  adj.  thàtigv&ws 
Amarellejar,  va.  to  grow  yellow, 

to  look  yellow.  [pale. 

Amareilento,  a,^  adj\  yellowieh, 
AmarttUiflaa^  sf.  (^c.)  yellowbbr 


Aaaanllidas,  sf.  yellow 
AmaraUo,  a,  adi.  yellow,. p«le.«^ 

de  CÊB»,  tixe  ydík  of  an  egi^  — -j^ 

sm.  tíie  jeVÍrw  «oloinr* 
Amasgaaamettto,  úix*  bittcriy^ 

with  sorrow. 
Aonargador,  a^  m.  oc^'.  tkatfada. 

<w  BcuSera  gncs  <w  sorrow. 
Amargamente,   «cí».    bitterly, 

with  grief. 
Adnargear,  vn.  to  taste  bittcr; 

(/^.)  to  caus»  grief.  — ^  a«.  to 

siuMT,  to  jpay  oear  for. 
Ajnar.9aritao,»ft.  Pdc  de— yanar- 

garite,  or  pearl  dust. 
Amargo,  a,  adj.  bitter  ;  {fig^  aad, 

grievous,  painfaL 
Ajanrgor,  sm,  bitterxuMs ;  {fi§^) 

griei,.  ftfflietion . 
iAmar9oaamente>  adv.  bitterly; 
!     grievously. 
Amargoso,  a,   adi.  bitter;,  {fi§^ 

sad,  grievous,  amicting. 
Amargura,  sf.  bittemeas ;.  {fig.) 

grief,  sorrow. 


rowfúlly,  with  angaish. 
Amsargi]xado,a,;;.  a£Sictsd^ 

troubled,  sad. 
Amargurar j  va.  to  make  bitter; 

{fig.)  to  afâict,  to  trouble.  Anutr^ 

gurar^se^  vr.  ta  diaquiet  eaa*a 

A2Baricado,  a,,  adj    eEenàxaie, 

Amaridâo,  sf.  {ane.)  bittenxeas» 
Amarlnhado,  a,    pp.  adj.   fbr- 

nished  wkh  sailors. 
Amarinlciar,  va.  {a  sea  term)  to 

man  a  ship.  Amarinhai^se^  vr..  to 

be  furnished  with  sailors. 
Amarinheirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fiir- 

nisheé  with  sailors. 
Amarinheirar,  va.  {a  sea  term) 

to  man-  a  ship. 
Amarttudiíies  sf.  bitterneML 
Amarlotado,  a,  pp.adj.  wriakled . 
Amarlotar,  va.  to  wrinUe^ 
Amaro,  a,  adj.  bitter,  acrid. 
Amarrai,  sf.  {a  sea  term)  a  eafela. 

Estar  sobre  a — ,\çi\i%«asítvçit«Ss."\ 

soore  — ^  \.o  'Sie^ooV^^ . 


—  64  — 


▲marrado,  a,  w*  o^;-  belayed, 

moored.  [belays,  ties. 

Amarrador,  jmu  •nd  oâA.  he  that 
AznarradoiifO.  m*  ancnorage. 
Amarradnra ,  ^^^  a  cabia  for 

Amarrar,  v€u{(í9Êa  term)  to  be- 

lace,  to  belajT»  to  cast  ancnor. 

—  vn.  to  be  tied. 
Amarrota,  af.  a  small  cable. 
AmarrillioB,  «m.  pi.  (a  tea  ttírm) 

threads  employed  for  securing 

some  objecta  of  little  value. 
Amarroquinado,  a,   adj,  mo- 

Amarrotado,  a,  pp.  adj.  filthy, 

wrinkled»  corrugated. 
Amorrotar,  vrinkle.  Amar- 

rotar-set  vr.  to  be  "vrinlded. 
Amarrota,  sm.   (a  sea  term)  a 

stream  cable. 
AmartaUado,  a,  pp.  adj.  {fig.) 

dogmatícal,  persuaded. 
Amartellar,  va.  to  hammer ;  {fig.) 

to  persuade ;  to  persecute. 
Am8urajado,a,pp  adj.  bitterish, 

V.  Amargado, 
Amarujar,  vn.  to  be  bitterish. 
Amarugento,a,  adj.  tbat  bitters. 
Amarufo  or  Amaruje,  sm.  a  bit- 

ter  taste,  bitterness. 
Amarulento,  a,  adj.  that  has  a 

bitter  taste. 
AmarylUdif orme ,   adj.     {bot.) 

Amaryllis,  sm.  {bot.)  amaryllis. 
Amas,  s.  amass,  heap. 
Amasia,  sf.  a  mislress,  a  kept 

wornaii.  [of  concubinage. 

Amasiar-se,  vr.  to  live  in  a  state 
AmasiUiado,   a,    adj    impure, 

Amasio,  sm.  a  lover,  a  man  who 

keeps  a  wornan. 
Amasonia,  sf.  {bot.)  amazony. 
Amassadeira,  sf.  abaker-woman. 
Amassado,  a,  pp.  adj.  kneaded. 
Amassador,  sm.  one  that  kneads 

Amassadouro  or  Amassadoiro, 

sm.  a  place  wbere  any  thing  is 

kneaded .  fbread. 

-Ajnaaaadvura .  sf.   Jmeadmg  of 

^Joaaaamento,  sm.  (a  sea  term) 

tumbling  home  of  the  top  tim< 

Amassar,  va.  to  knead.   —  as 
cartas,   to   shuffle    the    cards. 
AmoÃsar-se,  vr.  —  com  alguém  ^ 
to  agree  together. 
Amassaria,  sf.  a  place  where  is 

kneaded  the  bread. 
Amassilho,  sm.  kneading. 
▲  mata  oavallo,  adv.  loc.  with 

a  full  speed. 
Amatalotado,  a,  ppk  adj.  fur- 

nished  with  sailors. 
Amatalotar,  va.  {a  sea  term)  to 

divide  the  crew  of  a  ship. 
Amatar,  va.  {anc.)  to  kill 
Amatilhado,  a,    pp.  adj.    Cães 

— Sf  dogs  well  broken  for  hunt- 

ing.  [for  hunting. 

AmatiUiar,  va.    to  break  dogs 
Amativo,  a,  cuij.  that  loves. 
Amatoriamente ,   adv.    amato- 

rially.  [tory. 

Amatorio,  a,  adj.  amatorial,  ama- 
Amaurose    or   Amaurosis,  sf. 

{med.)  amaurosis,  ambíyopy. 
Amaurotioo,  a,  adj.  concerning 

the  amaurosis. 
Amável,  adj.  2  g.  lovely,  amia- 

ble,  agreeable,  famiably. 

Amavelmente,  adv.    lovingly, 
Amavios,  sm.  pi.  philters. 
Amaviosamente,  adv.  tender ly. 
Amavioso,  a,  adj.  tender,  gentle. 
AmazeUar-se,  vr.  to  pity  one's 

Amazilhado,  a,   adj     diseased. 

sick;  {fig.)  impure. 
Amazonas,  sf.  nl.  the  Amazons 

(certain  warlike   woraen).   Rio 

das  AmxisonaÃ,  sm.  the  Amazons 

(ri  ver).  [araazonian. 

Amazonloo  or  Amazonio,  a,  adj 
Ambâ, «.  ambe.  [labyrinth. 

Ambages,  ambages.  —  a 
Ambagioso,  a>  adj.  having  am- 
bages ;  {fig.)  ambiguous. 
Âmbar,  sm.  amber.  —gris.  am- 

Ambarlna ,  sf.    substance    es:- 

tracted  of  the  ambergris. 
AmbarinOf  adj .  ^etXAJavoi^XA  ^ 

Anibaro,  sm.  ^bot.^  axcíowçk  vjx^ 


—  65  — 


Axnbarval,  adj.  2  g.    belonging 

to  the  ambarvalia. 
Ajõibervales,  sm.  pi.  or  Axnber- 

valia,  sf.  ambarvalia.  Sacrifices 

in  honour  of  Ceres. 
Aznbi,  s.  {anat.)  ambe  or  ambi. 
Aznbia,  sf,  ambia. 
Ambição,  sf.  ambition. 
Ambicionado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ambi- 

tioned,  desired. 
Ambicionar,  va.  to  ambition. 
Ambiciosamente ,    adv      arabi- 

Ambicioso,  a,  adj.  arabitious. 
Ambidexteridaae,  sf.  ambidex- 

terity,  ambidextrousness. 
Ambidextro,  a,   adj,  ambidex- 

Ambiente,  adj.  2  g,  ambient. 
Ambiesquerdo ,    a,    adj.    that 

makes  ali  things  in  the  wrong 

Ambigeno,  a,  adj.   and  s.  bom 

of  two  different  kinds ;  a  he  or 

Ambigua,  sf.  ambigu.  [ly. 

Ambiguamente,aati.  ambiguous- 
Ambiguidade,  sf.  ambiguity. 
Ambiguo,  a,  adi.  ambiguous. 
Ambiparo,  a,  aJdj.  Botões  — «,  the 

buds  that  comprehend   at   the 

same    time    both   leaves   and 

Âmbito,  sm.  ambtt. 
Amblose,  s.  {med.)  abortion,  mis- 


AmbloUco,  a,  adj.  that  causes 

abortion.Áewedío* — s,amblotic8. 
Amblygono,  «m.  {geom.)  ambly- 

gon.  — ,  adj.  amblygonal. 
Amblyope,ac2/.having  amblyopy . 
Amblyopia,  sf,  amblyopy. 
Ambo,  sm.  ambe. 
Ambos,  as,  relat  pron.  and  adj. 

pi.  both,  the  one  and  the  other. 
Ambre,  sm.  Y.  Âmbar, 
Ambreada,  sf,  ambreada,  bas- 

tard  amber. 
Ambreado,  a,  j^.  adj.  ambered. 
Ambrear,  va.  to  amber. 
Ambre  ta,  sf.  a  flower  that  smells 

like  amber. 
Ambrósia^  sf.  ambrósia. 
AmbroaiBDO,  a,  adj.  ambrosiai. 

Ambrosiano,  a,  adj.  {eccles.)  am- 

brosian.  [ampulla. 

Amhiila,  sf.  a  small  vial  of  glass; 
Ambulação,  sf.  ambulation. 
Ambulância,  sf.  a  field  hospital. 

Cirurgião  de  — ,  a  field  surgeon. 
Ambulante,  adj.  2  g.  ambulant, 

walking.  [ambulatory, 

Ambulativo,  a,  adj.  ambulative, 
Ambulatório, a,  aí/V.  ambulatory; 

{in  law)  changeable. 
Ambulia,  sf.  {bot.)  a  very  aroma- 

tical  plant. 
Amea  or  Ameia,  sf.   a  niched 

battlement  in  a  wall. 
Ameaça,  sf.  threat,  menacot 
Ameaçadsímente,  adv.  threaten- 

Ameaçado,  a,  adj.  threatened. 
Ameaçador,   adj.    and    sm.    a 

Ameaçante,  adi.  2  g.  that  thrca- 

tens.  —  {herald.)  is  said  of  a  lion, 

etc,  in  a  menacing  posture. 
Ameaçar,  va.  to  threaten. 
Ameaço,  sm.  a  threat. — de  doença^ 

the  íit  of  a  disease. 
Amealhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  hoarded ; 

parsimonious.  [parson 

Amealliador,  sm.  a  parsimonious 
Amealhar,  va.  to  hoard  up  mo- 

ney.  —  vn.  to  haggle  in  buying, 

to  bargain.  [bean  verses. 

Amebeos  (versos),  sm.  pi.  amse- 
Amec.  sm.  V.  Diacolocynthidos. 
Amedrontado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ter- 

Amedrontador,  sm.  affrighter. 
Amedrontar,  va.  to  terrify,  to 

Amegado,  a,  pp.  adj.  squashed 
Amegar,  va.  to  squash. 
Ameia,  st  a  niched  battlement 

in  a  wall. 
Ameiado,  a,  pp.  adj,  furnished 

with  battlements. 
Ameiar,  va.  to  fumish  the  walls 

or  castles  with  battlemedts 
A  meia  rédea,  adv.  loc  indife- 

rently,  slenderly. 
Ameigado,  a^  pp  ad\  l<ycA\^^. 
AmeiQ^<âLOT,  %m  ioraâíkKi.»  —  oA-v 

Ame\Q«t » >3a  AQ  ^x?^^^  ^^  \Qtx^'!^« 


—  «6 


▲meija  or  Amêijoa,  sf.  a  cockla. 
Ameijoada,  sf.  pasturage ;  anif ht 

spent  at  a  gaming  house. 
Ameijoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 
passed  the  nightín  a  sheep  fold; 
Ifig).  that  has  passed  the  night 
at  the  game. 
Axneijoar,  va.  to  lead  cattle  to 
pastore ;  ifig.)  to  pats  the  xuight 
Ameixa,  sf.  piam.  —  s,  pastadas^ 

Ameixial,  sm.  an  orchardof  plum- 

Ameixieira,  sf*  a  plam-tree. 
Axnello   gm,  {bot.)  wild  lily. 
Ameloado,  a,  aaj.oí  the  shape 

and  âavour  oí  a  melon. 
Amelroado,  a,  adj.  Cavallo  ->,  a 

black  horse. 
Amen,  adv.  verily,  so  be  it 
Amencia,  sf*  foolisbness. 
Amêndoa,  sf.  an  almond. 
Amexidoada,  sf.  milk  of  sweet 

almonds  :  an  emulsion 
Amendoado,  a,  adj.  almond-like. 
Amendoal,  sm.  the  place  'where 

almond-trees  grow. 
Amendoeira,  sf  an  almond-tree 
Amendoim,  sm.  a  bulbous  plant 
of  Brazil.  Lvity. 

Amenidade,   sf.  amenity;   sua- 
Ameninado,  a,  adj  as  a  child 
Ameniaado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

made  agreeable,  pleasant. 
Amenisar,  va.  to  make  agreeable 

cr  pleasant 
Amenista,  sm.  he  that  says  al- 

ways  amen  to  another. 
Ameno,  a,  adj  pleasant,  delight- 

ful,  affable,  kind. 
Amenomania,  sf.  {med.)  oheerfol 

Amenorrea,  sf.  {med.)  the  sup- 
pression  of  the  menses  in  a  wo- 
man  that  is  still  young. 
Amenta,  sf,  {anc.)  a  prayer  for 
the  Bools  of  the  deceased  per- 
Amentado,  ai,pp.  adi.  enchanted. 
Amentador,    sm.  ne   that  en- 
Alentar,  va.  (among  Aerdsmen) 
to  enchoDt  woJvea;  to  mention ; 

to  exhort  to  pray  for  the  souls 

of  deceased. 
Amentas,  sf.  pi.  the  alms  given 

by  deceased  persons. 
Amente,  adj.  fooly  disordered  in 

the  mind. 
Amentilho,     sm.    {bot.)    julus, 

amentum,  flos  amentaceous. 
Amentilhoso,  a,  adj.  {bot.}  amen- 
Amentre,  adv.  {anc.)  while,  as 

long  as.  [op's  weed. 

Aoneos,  sm.  {bot.)  the  herb  bish- 
Amerade  or  Emir,  sm.  emir. 
Amerceador,  sm.  that  is  mercifol. 
Amerceamento,  sm.  compassion, 

pity;  {in  law)  amercement. 
Amercear-se,  vr  to  pity,  to  com' 

miserate.  V.  Compadecer-se. 
Amerger,   va.   to   sink,  to  imr 

merse ,  {fig.)  to  humble. 
Amergido,  a,    pp.    adj.    sunk, 

drowned ;  {fig  )  hurabled. 
Amergulhado,  A,pp.  adj.  Y.  Mer- 

gulhado  and  derivated. 
America,  sf.  America. 
Americano,  a,  adj  and  s.  Ame- 
rican, [of  lizard. 
Americina,  sf.  (nat  hist.)  a  kind 
Amerim,  adj.  Fera  — ,  a  sort  of 

Amerino,  a,  adj,  American. 
Amesquinhado ,    a,    pp.     adj. 

wretched,  miserable, 
Amesquinbar,  va  to  make  miser- 

able.  Amesquinhar-se^  vr.  to  call 

one's  self  poor. 
Amestrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  teached, 

instructed.  [teacher. 

Amestrador,  sm.  hethat  teaches, 
Amestrar,  va.  to  teach,  to   in- 

struct.  V.  Ensinar, 
Ametade,  sf.  half.  V.  Metade 
Ametallado,  a,  adj.  mixed  with 

metal.  {sm.  amethyst. 

Amethista,  sf.   or  Amethisto, 
Amethistea.  sf.  {bot.)  a  beautifol 

Slant  oí   the    order  of  labiate 
owers.  [irregularity. 

Ametria,  sf.  want  of  measure, 
Amezendado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unwil- 
ling  to  rise  from  bed  or  from  a 


—  67  — 


modtoua  seat.  Amezendar^se^vr. 

to  sit  áovm  npon  the  groand 

Amezinliar,  va.  to  prepace  hoia*- 

made  prescriptions, 
Amfiboiogia,  sf.  and  derÍTate(l. 

V  Avnpkibologia, 
AmfitlLeatro,  sm.  and  denratad. 

V  Amphitheatro. 

Axnial,  sm.  the  place  whcre  the 
plants,  small  'witfay  or  oaÍ9ra 
gTovr.  [thxui. 

Amiantho,  sm.  amianth,  amian- 

Amichellar,  va.  (a  sea  term)  Hò 
belay  the  cable  'With  the  nippers. 

Amicto,  sm.  an  amice. 

Amido,  sm.  starch. 

Amieira,  sf.  or  AmieirOr  gnu 
small  "withy,  or  osíer. 

Amiga,  sf.  a  female  friend;.  a 
concubine,  a  sweetheart. 

Amigado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  lires 
m  a  State  of  concubina^.  V.  A- 
mancebado.  [cably. 

Amigamente,  adv.  friendly^amí- 

Amigar,  va.  to  make  ãnonds.  And' 

ffttr-se,  vr.  to  be  íriends  —  to 
ive  in  a  state  of  concnbinage. 
Amiga^vel,  adj:   2  ff.  amicahia, 

Amigavelmente,  ado.  amios^ly. 
AmigdiBias,  Y.  Amyfpiala»» 
Amigo,  a,  aaj.  favorable,  kind, 

friendly.  Clima — ,  a  "wiiolesome 

dimate  —  sm.  fViend.  Intima — , 

fiaitiniate  friend.  [friend. 

Amiguinlio,  sm.  dim,.  a  dear 
Amimado,  «i.  pp.  adj,  fondled, 

dandled.  [sm.  fondler. 

ABiimador,  adj.  that  fbndles;  — 
Axuimar,  va.  to  fondle,  to  dandle. 
Amingoado/    a,    pp    adj.   de<- 

creased.  [diecreasing. 

Amingoamento,  sm.  the-  act  of 
Amingoar,  va.  to  deereasdw 
Amira,  adv.  loc.  in  sight,  looking 

AmirSo,  sm.  a  sort  of  tfaistle.. 
AmifSBibilidade,  sf.  {tíieoL)  amia- 

Amisai^el.  adj.  2  g.  amissiblei. 
Amistadoi »,  jfp.  adj.  recoiunled. 
Jtmiafyar,  va.  to  recoacUiSfe 
Amito,  sm.  T.  Ámiato, 

Amiadadamente,  ad»,.  cepeat- 

edly;  frequently. 
Amktdado,  a^pp^  adj.  repeatod, 

frequent,  done  often, 
AmiudAr,   va.  to  do  often  the 

same  thinç.  —  vn.   to  be  done 

often.  Ammdar-se^  vr.  to  follow 

in  rapid  succession. 
AmiiMj^  or  Amiúdo,  aàx.  ofiea 


«■in»>wUe,  sf.  friend shíp^  amíty. 
Ammooliryse,  s.  ammochryse. 

sm.    cornu    ammonil, 

snake-stone.  [or  ammon^ 

Ammonia,  sf.  {chem.)  ammonia 
AjQcuxu>niaco,  sm.  ammoniacgiun. 
Ammoniaco,  a,  tidj.  ammoniac. 

Sal — ,  volatile  alkali,  ammonia. 
Am  moitiacad  o,  a,    adj.  ammo- 
niac. [niacaL 
Ammoniacal,   adj.  2  a.  ammo- 
Amnesia,  sf.  {med )  the  depri- 

vation  of  memory. 
Amcáomancia,  sf.  thedivinatíoii 

from  the  amnios 
Aimiios  or  Amnion,  «m.  amniog. 
Amaistia,  sf.  amnesty. 
Amnistiado,  a^  pp.  adj.  included 

in  the  amnesty.  [nesty. 

Amnistiar,  va.  to  grant  an  am- 
Amo,  sm.  a  master ,  a  landlord. 

Formesly  a  governor  of  yoiuig 

Amobilidade,  sf.  revocaiblenesB. 
Amocegado,  a,  pp.  adj.  notched. 
Amocegar,  va.  to  notch,  to  jagg. 
Amodovradamente,  adv»  letliar- 

gically.  [gical 

Aaaodorrado,  a,  pp.  adi.  lethar- 
Amodorrar,  va.  to  lethargy,.to 

throw  into  &  lethargy. 
Amod3rta,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  a  kind  of 

snake;  {bot.)  plant  that  gro'«s 

in  the  sand. 
Amoedado,  a,  pp.  adj.  coined, 

stamped.   Que  não  está  — ,  un- 

coined.  [to  stamp  money 

Amoedar,  vo.  to  coin,  to  mint. 
Amofinação,  sf.  vexation,  imea- 

siness.  [grieyed. 

AJEnofisoadA,  «.,  pp.  aâ,'^.  ^«v«ã^> 
AsaoS^OiâxÁ.^  sm.    asv^  o.^^-  ^^ 



—  68  — 


to  grieve.   Amofinar-se^  »r.   to 

grow  angry,  to  oe  grieved. 
Amojado.  a,  pp.  adj.  milked. 
Aznojar,  va.  to  milk. 
Axnojo,  sm.  abundance  of  milk. 

Teta  com — ,  an  udder  iilled  -with 

Amolação,  sf.  grinding. 
Amolado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sharpened. 
Amolador ,  sm.  one  tnat  sharpens; 

a  -whetter.  [pening. 

Amoladura,  sf.  grinding,  shar- 
Amolar,  va.  to  grind,  to  snarpen. 
Amoldado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cast  m  a 

mould,  moulded. 
Amoldar,  va.  to  cast  m  a  mould , 

(fig.)  to  adapt. 
Amolgado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sq^uashed. 
Amolgadura,  sf.  squashing. 
Amolgamento,    sm.  squashing, 

Amolgar,  va,  to  squash,  to  crush , 

(fig.)  to  stagger. 
AzaoUecedor,  sm.   and  adj.  he 

that  softens. 
Amollecer,  va.  to  soften,  to  mol- 

lify.  —  vn.  to  grow  soft.  Anuil- 

lecer-se^  vr.  to  be  softened. 
AmoUecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  softened, 

AmoUecimento,  sm.  softening; 

i/ig.)  abateraent.  [tened. 

Amollentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sof- 
AmoUentar,  va.   to  soften.,   to 

Amomo,  sm   amomum. 
Amontado,  a,  pp.  adj.  and  Amon- 

tar.  V.  Importar  and  derivated. 
Amontoação,  sf.  the  act  of  heap- 

ing  up. 
Amontoadamente,    adv.    in   a 

heap,accumulatively.  [up. 

Amontoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  heaped 
Amontoador,  sm.  heaper. 
Amontoamento,  sm.  accumula- 

tion.  [to  conglomerate. 

Amontoar,  va.  to  heap  up .  —  vn. 
Amonturado,  a,  vp.  adj.  heaped 

up  in  a  dung-hill. 
Amonturar,  va.  to  heap.  Amon- 

íurar-se,  vr.  to  be  heaped. 
Jkinor,  sm  Jove,  affection,  friend- 
ship.  j>or  —  d^elle,  for  hís  sake, 
on  Hjs  accovnt.  Ter  amores,  to 

be  in  love.  Amores y  sm.  pi.  one*s 

love,  flame.   Os  seus  primeiros 

amores,  his  first  love. 
Amor  de  hortelão,  sm.  {{bot.)  the 

herb  called  burdock. 
Amor  perfeito,  sm  {bot.)  pansy, 

hearfs  ease.  [blackoerry . 

Amora,  sf.  a  mulberry.  —  de  silva^ 
Amorado,a,/)p.  adj.  ofmulberry- 

colour,  {fig.)  concealed. 
Amorar,  va.  (anc.)  to  conceal. 
Amoravel,  aaj  2  g.  that  inspires 

love,  loving. 
Amoravelmente,  adv.  lovingly. 
Amoreira,  sf.  mulberry-tree. 
Amoreiral,  sm.  the  place  where- 

in  mulberry-trees  grow. 
Amoricos,  sm.  pi.  love  tricks. 
Amorifero,  a,  adj.  that  has  or 

produces  love.  [of  pear. 

Amorim,  adj.  2  g.  Pêra  — ,  a  sort 
Amormado ,      adj.     glandened 

Amomado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lukewarm. 
Amomar,  va.  to  make  lukewarm. 
Amomecer,  vn.  to  become  luke- 
warm. [lovingly. 
Amorosamente,  adv.  amorously, 
Amoroso,  a,  adi.  loving,  gentle 
Amorpha,  sf.  {bot.)  amorpha. 
Amorpliia,  sf.  {bot.)  amorphv. 
Amorpho,    a,    adj.    {nat.    kist.) 

amorphous.  [shrouded. 

AmortaUiado ,  a,  jm.  adj. 
Amortalhador,    sm.    he    that 

shrouds  [into  a  shroud. 

Amortalhar,  va  to  shroud,  to  put 
Amortecer,  va.  todeadeu  — vn. 

and  r  to  swoon. 
Amortecido,  a,;.  deadened, 

swooned,  fainted  away. 
Amortificar,  va.  to  kill,  to  slake. 
Amortisação,    sf.  amortization, 

amortizement  [tized. 

Amortisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  amor- 
Amortisar,  va.  to  amortize,  to 

redeem  [able. 

Amortisavel.   adj.  2  ç.  redeem- 
Amossado,  a,  pp.  adj.  notched, 
jagged  [notches. 

Amossar,  va.  to  jagg,  to  make 
Amostra,  sf.  acatem,  a  specimen. 
Amiostraç^o,  sf .  t\ie  accX  ol  ^q"^- 

ing,  demoiiat.TaX\0Ti. 


—  69 


Amostrado,  pp.  adj.  Y.  Mostrado 

and  derivated.  [shows. 

Axnostrador,  sm.  {anc.)  he  that 
Axnota,  sf.  a  sort  of  sluice  for 

keeping  the  water  of  the  Tagus 

from  overflowing.  [earth. 

Ainotado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  covered  with 
Amotar,  va.  to  earth  up  (trees.) 
Amotinação,  sf.  mutiny,  aproar, 

insurrection.  [tuously. 

Amotinadamente ,  adv.  tumm- 
Amotinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  revolted. 

—  sm.  a  rautineer. 
Amotinador,  sm.  a  mutineer. 
Amotinar,    va.  to    mutiny,    to 

alarm.  Amotinar-se,  vr.  to  revolt. 
Amoacos,  sm.  pi.  a  sort  of  rash 

people  in  índia. 
Amouriscado,  a,  adj,  as  a  Moor, 

in  the  moorish  manner. 
Amover,  va.  [anc.)  to  remove. 
Amovibilidade ,     sf.     revoca  - 

bleness.  [removed. 

Amovido,  a,  pp.  adj.  amoved. 
Amovível,  adj.  2  g,  removable, 

Amoxamado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lean, 

dry  as  dried  fish  or  moxama. 
Amoxamar,  va.  to  dry  as  a  dried 

âsh  or  moxama. 
Ampaco,  sm.  a  sort  of  Indian  gum. 
Amparado,  a,  pp.  adj.  protected, 

Amparador,  ora,  adj,  that  pro- 

tects  or  defends. 
Amparar,  va.  to  protect,  to  shel- 

ter,  to  defend.  Amparar-sCt  vr. 

to  fly  to  a  place  for  shelter. 
Amparo,  sm.  protection,  support. 
Ampelita  or  Ampelitis,  sf.  am- 

pelite,  cannel-coal. 
Ampellia,  sf.  a  plant  that  grows 

near  the  vine. 
Ampelographia,  sf.  description 

of  vines. 
Ampeloprazo,  sm.  (bot.)  a  gar- 

lick  that  grows  in  the  vines. 
Ampelusa,  sf.    a   Greek  vrorá 

signifying  plenty  of  granes. 
Ampharistero,  a,  adj.  awkward, 

clumsy  of  both  hands. 
Amphiartlirose,  sm.  {anat )  am- 
phiartbroais . 
Amphibio,  a,  adj,  and  s.  [zool.) 

amphibious,  amphibial ;  pi.  am- 

phioia.  po^- 

Amphibiologia ,    sf.    amphibio- 
Amphlbolia,  sf.  amphiboly. 
Amphibologia,  sf.  amphibology. 
Ampbibologico,  a,  adj.  araphi- 

bological,  doubtfuí. 
Ampmbraco,  sm.  {poet.)  amphi- 

Amphicephalo,  sm.  a  bedstead 

with  two  heads.  [tyons. 

Amphictyões,  sm.  pi.   amphic- 
Ampliictyonia,  sf.  right  which 

the  principal  cities  of  Greece 

possessed  of  sending  a  deputy 

to  the  Amphictyonic  council. 
Amphictyonlco,  a,  adj.  amphic- 
tyonic. [fllce  of  the  uterus 
Amphideão,  sm.  {anat.)  the  ori- 
Amphignry,  sm.  ludicrous  põem 

or  speech. 
Amphimacro,  sm.  amphimacer. 
Amphionio,  a,    adj.  belonging 

to  Amphion.  [dragon. 

Amphiptera,  sf.  {herald.)  winged 
Amphisbena,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  am- 

phisbena  or  amphisben. 
Amphicios,  sm.  pi.  amphicians. 
Amphismello,  [sm.   {surg.)  am- 

phísmila.  [trai. 

Amphitheatral,  adj.  amphithea- 
Ampmtheatro  •      sm.     amphi  - 

Ampmtryão,  sm.  {myth.)  amphi- 

tryon,  host,  master  of  the  feast. 
Amphitrite,   sf.  Amphitrite  the 

daughter  of  Nereus ;  the  sea. 
Ampnora,  sf.  {anc.)  amphor,  am- 

phora.  [an  amphor. 

Amphoral,  adj.  2  g.  that  bears 
Amplamente,  adv.  amply,  fully. 
Amplastico,     adj.     {meã.)    em- 

Amplexo,  sm.  {poet.)  an  embra- 

cing.  V.  Abraço. 
Ampliação,  sf'.  ampliation,  am- 

phfication.  [pliation. 

Ampliadamente,  adv.  with  am- 
Ampliado,  a,  pp.  adj,  amplified, 

augmented .  [prover 

Ampliador ,  sm.  %xs\\V\^«t\«svvBsr 
AmplVdX^  "O a.  \o  ^\!K«è\\"^j  ^  vç>  -skkv.- 


AmpUdão,  tf,  MiipXeikeas,  large- 

Ampllíioaç&o,  af.  anipliftcatksL. 
Amplitioadattoate^   adw,   ytHk 

Aniplifíc&tion.  _ 

Amplif  ioadot  a>  H^*  <»i^'*  ni>9<^ 

fied,  increaMd. 
AmpUfioador^  cra^  «.  «m  ãdj. 

▲mplilioanta,  adj.  Ihãt  u^lt- 

fies,  aniplifying' 
Amplificar,   «o.  ío  aapUficate, 

to  amplify. 
AmpUfioav*!,  adj.  S  ^.  ibat  may 

be  ampliâed«  [extends. 

Amplifico,  a,   adj.   large,   tbat 
Am.plitude,    sf.   amplitude,  ex- 

tent  {asir)  «—  ortivay    eastern 

Amplo,  a,  adj.  ample,  large, 
Ampolhar,  va.  to  lav  eggs  Tit  is 

said  of  the  bees)<  V.  Empalhar. 
AmpoUa,  sf.  a  bubble  of  \rater 

wnen  it  rains.  [shaped. 

AmpoUaceo,  a,  adj.  (6o^)  vesiclo- 
Ampulheta,  sf.  an  hour-glass. 
AxnpuUa,    sf^   ampulla    ísacred 

vesset  nsed  at  tbe  altar.) 
Amputação^  sf.  amputation. 
Amputado,  a,  pp.  adj.  amputated. 
Amputar,  va.  {surg.)  to  amputate. 
Amuadamente,  ado.  angrily. 
Amuado,  a,  pp.  adj.   tbat  looks 

angry,  surly,  sulky. 
Amuar,  va.  to  make  one  angry 

—  vn.  to  take  a  pet,  to  pout. 
Amulatado,  a,    aaj.  like  a  mu- 

Amuletico,  a,  adj.  of  or  belon- 

ging  to  an  amulet. 
Amuleto,  sm.  amulet. 
Amumiado,  a,  adj.  mummiâed. 
Amuniciado,  a,    adj.  V.  Muni- 
Amuo,  sm.  sulkiness,  a  pet. 
Amura,  sf.  {a  sea  term)  tne  main 

tack.  [witbin  the  ship. 

Amuradas,  sf.  pi.  the  high  sides 
Amurado,  a,  pp.  adj  hauled  or 

broQght  aboard  the  tack  of  a 

Amurar,  va.  (a  sea  term)  to  baul 
or  bring  aboard  the  tack  of  a 

—  70  —  ANA. 

Amorolar,  va.  to  emlt  moistore. 
Amígdalas,  sf.  pi,  {onat.)  amig- 

dal»y  tonsils. 
Amygdalario,  a,  adj.  {geál.)  it 

ia  aaid  of  rock  having  fossils 

resembling  the  ahnond. 
Amygdaline,  adj.  2  g.  amygda- 

lAmygdalite,  sm.  {hot.)  amygda- 

Kte.  —  hned.)  quincy, 
Amygdaloide,  adj.  2  g.  that  is 

resembling  the  almond.  —  sm, 

[min.)  araygdaloides  lápis. 
Amylacer  or  Amylaceo,  a,  c^j. 

Amintyco,  a,  adj  {pharm.)  for- 

tifying,  strengthemng. 
Ana,  sf.  an  ell. 

Anã,  adj,  and  sf.  dwarf,  V.  Anão, 
Anabaptismo,  sm.  anabaptism. 
AnabapUstas,   sm.  pi.  anabap- 

Anablepse,  sm,  (med,)  the  reco- 

very  of  the  sight  after  having 

lost  it. 
Anabrochismo,    sm.   (surg.)  an 

operation  in  the  eye-hds. 
Anaca,  sf.  [hist.  ncU.)  a  paroqnet 

of  Brazil. 
Anacandaia,  sf.  {naf.  hist.)  ana- 

candaia,  bubalinus. 
Anacardina,  sf.  the  confection 

made  -with  anacardium. 
Anacardino,    adj     of   anacar- 
Anacardo,  sm.  anacardium,  the 

Anacathartico,  a,   s.  and  adj. 

(jned.)  anacathartic ,  a  medicine 

that  works  upwards. 
Anaçado,  a ,  pP'  adj.   agitated, 

Anaçar,  va.  to  beat  or  mix  things 

by  long  agitation. 
Anacepbaleose  or  Anacepha 

leosis,  sf  anacephaleosis. 
Anacbronismo ,     sm.    anachro- 

Anaclase,  s.  {surg.)  the  bending 

of  some  fractured  member. 
Anaclastica,    sf,    {optic.)    ana- 


Aiiac\eíUfiO>  Q^>  adi.  Canta  — ^^ 




_  «71  _ 


song  nsed  by  the  Greeks  yrhem. 

they  persecuted  their  encmies, 
Jinaoo,  sm.  a  kid  two  yenrs  old. 
Anacolutho,  sm.  iraram.)  anaco- 

luton,  a  sort  of  ellipse. 
Anacoreta,  sm.  anacfaoret,  anar 

chorite.  [tical. 

Anacoretico,  a,   adj.  anachore- 
Anaooreticaxnente,  adv.  as  an 

Anacoretismo,  sm.  tfae  life  of  an 

anachoret;  a  solitary  life. 
Anaçoado,  a,  adj.  of  a  natlon. 
Anacreontico,  a,  adj.  anacreon- 

Auaddir,  va.  {ane.)  to  add. 
Anadel  or  Anlxadel,  sm,  a  Moor- 

ish  captain. 
Anadema,    s.    {anc.)    anademe, 

crown  of  flowers.  [sis. 

AnadiploEds,  sf.  {rhet.)  anadipio- 
Anafa,  sf.  ibot.)  melilot. 
Anafado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sleek,  fat, 

that  has  a  smooth  coat  («peak- 

ing  of  borses,etc.). 
Anafaim,  sf.  tbe  :ôrsrt  «ilk  yam 

spun  by  tne  silk-'wonn. 
Anafar,  va.  to  aomb  a  horse. 
Anafega,  sf.  a  kiud  of  finxit  ealled 

Anafil,  sm,  alifoorish  trampei. 
AnaíUeiro,  sm.   he   that  tHajs 

Anafil.  [anapoora. 

Anáfora  or  Anaidiora,  sf.  (rhet.) 
AnagalliB,  sf.  {hot.\  anagaUis. 
Anaglyptaloo,  a,aâf .  anaglrpitic. 
Anaglsrplw,  «n,   \eseulp )  aaa- 

Aautgoa,  sf.  aákift,  «  -wmnaifs 

tmaer  garment  of  Mnen. 
Anagogia,  sf.  [tkeol.)  anagogj. 

Anagegloos,  speeches  or 

Sra^ers  that  «xaK  tbe  laúid  to 
ivine  contemplatioBB. 
Anagrannna,  «m.  anagram. 
Anagrasnmatisar,  va.  to  ana< 
grammatise.  [g^aamattsin. 

Anagrasunatiamo ,    sm.    ana- 
■ABaipTimmmtftrta,  <w.  apaiyaai- 

Anal  or  Annal,  acíj.  asai,  per- 

taining  to  the  anus. 
Analcimo,  «m,  {min.)  analcim. 
Analectos,  sm.  pi.  analects  :  se- 

lections  from  authors. 
Analemma,  sm.  {astr.)  analemme. 
Analepcia,  sf.  [med.)  analepsis. 
Analeptica,  sf.  [med.)  analeptic. 
Analeptlco,    a,    adj.   analeptic, 

comforting.  [mity. 

Analogia,  sf.  analogy;   confor- 
Analogicamente,  aam.  analogi- 

cally . 
Analógico,  a,  adj.  analo^cal. 
Analogismo,  sm.  analogism. 
Analogistico,  a,  adj.  analogical. 
Análogo,  a,  adj.  analogous. 
Analphabeto,  sm.   he    that    is 

Analysado,  a,  pp.  adj.  analyzed. 
Analysador,  «m.    analyzer.  — 

adj.  analyzer,  one  who  anaiyzçs. 
Anaiyaar,  va.  to  analyze.  [sis. 
Analyse  or  Aná^ynás,  sf.  analy- 
Analysta.«m.  analyst.  [cally. 
Analyticamente,  adv.  analyti- 
Analytico,  a,  adj.  analvtic,  ana- 

iytical.  [iniallibility. 

Azxamartesia,  sf.  impeccability, 
Anamnesia,  sf.  reminiscence. 
Anamnetieo,  sm.  anamnetic. 
Anamorphose,  sf.  anamorphosis. 
Ananaz,  sm.  ananás  or  pine-apple. 
Ananazeiro,  sm.  the  pine  apple- 

Ananicar,  va-  to  make  dvarf, 

ifi^.)  to  diminish. 
Anão,  sm.  and  adj.  m.  dwarf. 
AnapetBtico,  a,  aaj.  anapestic. 
Anapeoto,  sm.   [poet.)   anapest 

Verso    cem  — «,  an    anapestic 

AnaiArodisia ,  sf.    {med  )    the 

absence  of  Tenereal  appetite^ 
Anapfarodito,    a,    adj.    (msd) 

anaphroditical.  {plerotic. 

AnapWrotico,  a,  adj.  (stirg.)  ana- 
Aaapneiisis,  sf.  (med.)  breathing ; 

Anaseida,  tf.  «ci&c<^;:} . 

1     «ii8cr^\c8\. 

l  AnaxchtoUi,  «m.  Miy^Ms?^» 


—  72  — 


direction  of  the  blood  to  the 

Anasarca,  sf.  [meã.)  anasarca. 
Anasarco  or  Anasartico,  adj. 

anasarcous,  dropsical. 
Anassas,  sm.  anassas  (a  fruit  of 

Africa).  [health. 

Anastasis,  sf.    a   recovery    of 
Anastoxnatico,  a,    adj.  anasto- 

Anastomosar-se,  vr.  to  anasto- 

mose,  to  form  an  anastomosis. 
Anastomosis,  sf-  {med.)  anasto- 
Anastrophe,  sf.  (gram.)  anastro- 

phe,  anastropny. 
AnatadOf  a,  adj.  covered  -with 

Anathexna,  sm.  anathema;  {fig) 

a  victime,  a  sacriâce. 
Anathematisação,  sf.    anathe- 

matization.  fmatized. 

Anathexnatisado,  a,  adj.  anatfae- 
Anathexuatisar,  va.  to  anathe- 

matize,  to  excommunicate. 
Anathexnatisxuo,    sm.    anathe- 

Anatocismo «    sm.     anatocism  i 

usnrious  contract. 
Anatomia,    sf.  anatomy;    {fia.) 

anatomy  dissection.  [calíy. 
Anatomicamente,  adv.  anatomi- 
Anatomico,  a,  adj.  anatomical. 

—  sm.  one  who  dissects  bodies. 
Anatomisado,  a,  pp  adj.  anato- 

Anatomisar.  va.  to  anatomize, 

ifig.)  to  search,  to  examine. 
Anatomista,  sm.  anatomist 
Anatrope,  s .  {med.)  inappetency. 
Anaudia,  sf.  dumbness. 
Anavalhaao,    a,    adj.     razor- 

shaped  [ammoniac. 

AnaTar  or  Anaxatre,  sm    sal 
Anca,  sf.  the  hip  or  haunch. 
Ancado,  sm     (veter.)  a  horse^s 

sickness.  [haaghty. 

Ancho ,  a ,  adj.  broad ,  wide , 
Anohova,  sf.  anchovy.  [nity. 
Anchura,  sf  breadth;  (fig.)  va- 
Anoia,  sf.  anxiety.  pain»  anguish, 
grief.  As — sda  morte,  the  pan&:& 
ofdeath,  ^ 

•AnoiS,  sf.  aa  olá  woman. 


Anelado,  a,  pp.  adj  anguished, 

Ancianidade,  sf.  ancientry,  an- 

cientness,  seniority. 
Ancião,  sm.  a  venerable  old  man, 

an    elder    Os  anciões^  sm.  pi. 

the  elders  Ancião,  adj.  m.  an- 

cient,  old. 
Anoiar,  va.   to   cause    anj^sh, 

affliction ;  {fia.)  to  wish  for.  — 

vn.  to  pant.  Anciar-se,  vr.  to  be 

panged,  to  be  nauseated. 
AnoiUa,   sf    a   -woman-slave,   a 

Ancinho,  sm.  a  rake. 
Anciosamente,  adv.  anxiously. 
Ancioso,  a,  adj  anxious,  carefol, 

Anco,  sm.  elbow ;  any  flexure  or 

angle  in  general. 
Ancora,  sf.  an  anchor;  {fig.)  hope, 

safety.  E^a  nossa  — ,   a  nossa 

esperança,  it  is  our  sheet  anchor. 
Ancorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  anchored, 

that  rides  at  anchor. 
Ancoradouro,   sm.   anchorage, 

anchoring,  anchor-ground. 
Ancoragem,  sf.  anchorage,  an- 

choring.  [chor. 

Ancorar,  va.  {a  sea  term)  to  an<- 
Ancoreta,  sf.  stream  anchor. 
Ancoreto   or  Ancorote,  sm.  a 

kedger,  a  small  anchor. 
Anoylomelo,  sm.  {surg  )  a  curve 

probe.  [sis. 

Ancylotomo,  sm-  {nwg.)  ancvlo- 
Andía,tnícr;.  go,  go  away !  —  (oof,) 

anda,  Brazilian  tree. 
Andabatas,  sm.  pi.  andabatse  a 

sort  of  gladiators  who  fought 

Andaço,  sm.  contagious  disease 
Andadeiras      sf.    pi     leading- 

strings.  Carecer  de  — ,  {fig.)   to 

want  to  be  led  by  another- 
Andadeiro,  9L,adj.  a  great  walker. 
Andado,  a,  jTp.  adj.  walked.  Meio 

caminho  — ,  {fig.)  that  overcame 

a  great  part  of  a  difâculty. 
Ancuidor,  sm.  a  great  walker.  — 

adu  summoner. 
Amasidoria.,  sf .  ^e  o^^ç.%  ot  «ossa.- 


—  73  — 


Andaimada,  sf.  a  scaffolding. 

Andaime  or  Andaimo,  sm.  scaf- 
fold,  scaffolding  for  masons. 

Andaina,  sf.  a  row.  —  de  artilhe- 
ria,  a  battery.  [one  story. 

Andajem,  sf.  {anc.)  a  house  of 

Andamento,  sm.  march,  method 
of  proceeding.  [way. 

Andamo,  sm.  {anc.)  a  passage  or 

Andança,  sf.  the  adventures  of 
the  knights-errant. 

Andante,  aJj.  2  g  errant,  vaga- 
bond.  —  ,  s.  and  adj.  {music) 

Andantino,  sm.  a  less  slow  mo- 
tion  that  the  andante. 

Andar,  t;n.  to  go,  to  -walkytostep, 
to  move,  to  De  carried  or  con- 
veyed  from  one  place  to  anoth- 
er ;  to  run,  to  elapse  {time) ;  to  be 
spread ,  propagated  (diseases, 
news) ;  to  continue  in  a  certain 
State. — de  saúde,  to  enjoy  health. 
Construed  with  verbs  of  action 
or  motion  it  indieates  conti- 
nuance,  and  is  rendered  in  En- 
glish  by  to  be  about.  —  dizendo, 
espalhando^  to  go  about  saving, 
spread ing,  etc.  — para.,  to  oe  on 
tne  eve  of  doing  somothing.  — 
a  pé^  to  walk,  to  go  on  foot.  — 
a  cavallo,  em  carruagem,  to  ride. 
—  embarcado  or  a  vela,  to  sail. 
'•^pejada  {mulher),  to  be  with 
child.  —  a  passo,  to  pace.  —  a 
gallope,  to  gallop.  —  de  trote,  to 
trot.  Com  o  —  ao  tempo,  in  the 
course  of  timo.  —  triste,  to  look 
sad.  —  bom,  to  look  well.  — 
atraz  de  alguém,  to  be  looking 
for  somebody.  Ir  se  andando,  to 
sheer  off.  —  de  pé,  to  rise,  to  be 
no  longer  bedrid. 

Andar-se,  vr.  to  be  in  the  act  of 
doing.  Anda-se  em  busca  de,  they 
are  in  search  of. 

Andares,  s.  pi.  loc.  Tive  com  elle 
muitos  —  e  tomares,  I  had  many 
disputes  with  hira. 

Andarilho  or  Andarim,  sm.  a 
runnlng  footman. 

Andari-ire2o5,  sm.  pi.  (a  sea  term) 
MoahlBforhoistingajid  strikiiig 


Andas,  sf.  pi.  a  bier  to  carry  the 

dead  or  rather  the  two  polés 

belonging  to  it. 
Andavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  walks. 
Andejo,  a,   adj.  frisking,  çood 

walker.  ftains). 

Andes,  the  Andes  (monn- 
Andillxas,   sf.  pi.   a  saddle   for 

woraen  to  ride  on. 
Andiroba,   sf.  {bot.)    a   sort  of 

Braziiian  plant. 
Andor,  sm.  a  bier  to  carry  images 

in  a  procession. 
Andorlnlia,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  a  swal- 

low.  —  {bot.)  celandine. 
Andorinho,  sm.  swallow.— (a  sea 

term)  strop. — s.  pi.  small  foggels. 
Andrajos,  sm.  pi.  rags,  tatters. 
Andrajoso,  a,  adj.  ragged,  tat- 

Andrapodocapelo,  sm.  a  mer< 

chant  of  slaves,  or  eunuchs. 
Andreolitha,  s.  {miner.)  andreo- 

lite.  —  {bot.)  the  white  jacinth. 
Andrino,  a,   adj.  Cavalío  — >,  a 

damson-coloured  horse. 
Andrio,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  a  kind  of 

snake.  [cious  stono. 

Androdamas,  sm.  {miner.)  a  pre< 
Androgenia,  sf.  {med.)  the  suc- 

cession  of  male  to  male. 
Androgenesia,    sf.    {phil.)    tho 

physical  and  moral  scienco  or 

developraent  of  humanity. 
Androgyno,  a,  s.  and  adj.  an  her« 

raaphrodite,  androgynal. 
Androido,  sm.  android,  automo- 

Andromeda,  sf.  {astron.)  constel- 

lution  in  the  nortti  hemisphere. 
Androminas,  «/*. j9^.  cheats,  false- 

hoods.  [to  mankind. 

Androphobla,  sf.  {med.)  aversion 
Androphobo,   a,   adj.   he    that 

hatcs  ali  men. 
Androsace,  st?i.  {bot.)  androsace. 
Androtomia,  sf.  androtomy. 
Andurriaes,  sm.  pi.  unfrequented 

ways  or  passages. 
Anecdota,  sf.  auucd.<^\.^. 
Aneodotico,  «l,  adj.  ^tv^c^qM\«s^ 
An©odo\.\a\A,  sm  A^  ^íaax  ^^^V^t 


—  74  — 


Aziediar,  make  amooth  or  fat. 
Anegaça,  sf.  V.  Negaça. 
Anegado,    a,    pp.    adj.    sunk, 

Anegar,  va.  to  sink,  to   drown. 
Anegociado,  a,  adj.  {anc.)  busy 

with  aflairs. 
Anegrado,  a,  adj.  made  black. 
Anel,  sm.  a  ring.  V.  Antiel. 
Anelectrico,  a.  adj.  iphys. )  that 

cannot    bo     clectrined     by     a 

friction  but  by  the  communicar 

tion.  [year  old. 

Aiielho,5m.aslieep  or  ox,  etc,  a 
Anexnasis  or  Anemia,  sf.  aneiny. 
Anemobata,  sm.  a  rope-dancer. 
Anemocordio,    sm.    a   kind   of 

harpsichord.  [pl^y- 

Anemograpliia,    sf.  anemogra- 
Anemologia,  x/*.  anemology. 
Anemometographo,  sm.  anemo- 

meter  adapted  to  a  pendulum. 
Anemometria,  sf.  anemonietry. 
Anemómetro,  sm.  anemometer. 
Anemone,    sm.   anemone,   ane- 

Anemonina,  sf.  {chem.)  substance 

extracted  of  tne  anemone. 
Anemoscopio,  sm.  anemoscopo. 
Anepi^raplio,   a,   adj.  -without 

Anepitiiymia,  sf.  {med.)  a  defi- 

ciency  ofthe  sensitive  appetite. 
Anesthesia,  sf.  {med.)  a  sort  of 

palsy.  [an  anchor. 

Anete,  sm.  {asea  term.)  the  ring  of 
Aneurisma»    sm.  and  f.   {ined.) 

Aneurismal,  adj.  2  g.  aneurismaL 
Aneurismatico,  a,    adj.    aneu- 
Aneadm,  sm.  quibble. 
Anfião,  sm.  opium. 
Anfisibena,  sf.  a  sorpent  sup- 

poscd  to  have  two  heads. 
Anfractuosidade,  sf.  anfracluo- 


Anfractuoso,  a,  adj.  anfractuous. 
Angâ,  s.  a  fruit  ot  Brazil  that  is 
like  a  bean.  [seduced. 

Angariado,  SL.pp.  adj.  ailured. 
Angariar,  va.  to  allure,  to  seduce. 
Angel,  sm.  a  bird  as  a  partridge. 
AngeladOj  a,  adj.  angelic 

Angélica,    sf.    {bot.)    angélica, 

Angelical,  adj.  2  g.  angelic. 
Angelicamente,     ado.     angeli- 

cally.  [angels. 

Angelicida,  sm.  a  murderer  of 
Angélico,  a,  adj.  angelic,  ange- 
lical. Agua  —  fl,  {pharm. )  a  kmd 

of  purge. 
Angelim,  sm.  angelina  (tree). 
Angerato,  sm.  {bót.)  a  medicinal 

plant   resembling    corianders. 
Angina,  sf.  angina,  quincv. 
Anginosa,    a,    adj.    {meã.)    an- 

Angiographia,  sf.  angiography. 
Angiologia,  sf.  angiology. 
Angiorrliagia,  sf.  {rned.)  bloody 

flux  by  excess  of  lorce. 
Angioscopio,     sm.    {anat.)    an 

instrument  for  examining  the 

capillary  vessels.  [sperma. 

Angiosperma,  adj.  {bot.)  angio- 
Angiospermia,  sf.  {bot.)  angio> 

spermy.  [giospermous. 

Angiospermo,  a,  adj.  (bot.)  an- 
Angiotomia,   sf.   {anat.)   anglo- 

Anglicano,    a,    adj.    anglican, 

anglic,  Anglicanos,  sm.  pi,  an- 

Anglicism,  sm.  anglicism. 
Anglio,  adj.  anglic,  English. 
Anglo, sm.  English. 
Anglomania,  sf.  anglomania. 
Anglomaniaco ,   sm.    angloma- 

Angra,  sf.  a  creek  or  bay. 
Angu,  sm.  angu. 
Angriia,  sf.  V.  Enguia. 
Anguifero,  adj.  anguilliform. 
Anguipede,  adj.  2  g.  that  has 

feet  as  asnuke. 
Angulado,  a,  adj.  angulated. 
Angular,  adj.  2  g.  angular.  Pedra 

— ,  ifiO-)  síay  or  support. 
Anguiaridade,  sf.  aiigularity. 
Angulario,  sm.  an  instrument  for 

measuring  the  angles. 
Angularmante,  adv.  angulaily. 
Angulo,  sm.  an  angle,  a  comer. 

—  do  olhOj  the  lachrymaL —  (\k-itli 

printers)  caret  (A).  [guiar. 

Anguloso,  a,  adj.  angoloos,  an- 


—  75  — 


Angurria,  sf.  (merf.)  strangury. 
Angustia,  sf.   angustatlon ;  an- 

guish,  pain. 
Angustiadamente,    adv,    -with 

anguish,  pain. 
Angustiado,    a,    pp.   adj.    an- 

guished,  tortured. 
Angustiar,  va.  to  trouble.  to  vex ; 

to  anguish ;  to  niuko  narrov. 

Angustiar-se^  vr.  to  be  vexed. 
Angustioso,  a.  adj,  with  anguish, 

trouble.    Anhelito    — ,  a    short 

Angusto,  a,  adj.  narrow,  strait. 
Angustura,  sf.[bot.)  angustura; 

narrowuess  of  place. 
Anhalação,  sf.  {med.)  anhelation. 
Anhelado,  a,  pp,  adj.  greatly 

desired,  wished. 
Anhelante,  adj.  2  g.  that  desires 

Anhelar,  vn.  to  breath  short  — 

va.  to  desire  anxiously. 
Anhelito,  sm.  short  ness  of  breath. 
Anhelo,  sm.  an  earnest  desire.  — 

adj.  {anc.)  that  desires  earnestly. 
Anho,  sm.  a  lamb. 
Anhoto,  a,  oÂj.  {a  sea  term]  Navio 

— ,  a  ship  that  is    contmnally 

upon  a  voyage  to  and  fro,  a 

packet-boat.  [sweat. 

Anidrose,  sf.  the  diminution  of 
Anihilar,    va.    and    derivated. 

V.  Anif/uilar, 
Anil,  sm.  or  Anileira,  sf.  anil, 
;..  Índigo.  —  adj.  beionginç  to  old 

age.  [with  anil. 

Anilado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bluish,  dyed 
Anilar,  va.  to  dye  with  indigo. 
Anilhaçado,  a,  pp.  adj,  attached 

with  rings,  linked. 
Anilhaçar,  oa.  to  link,  to  attach 

with  riiijjs. 
Anilho,  sm.  ringlet.  —  {a sea  term) 

a  mooring-riu{j. 
Animação,  f  animation.  —(alch.) 

fernientation.  Ungly. 

Animadamente,    adv,    animat- 
Animado,  a,  pp.  adj.  animated, 

lively.  [animatcs. 

Animador,  sm.  anitnator,  one  that 
Ajaimadveraão,  sf.  aniIDadve^ 

aJÍ^°'^  fmadverted. 

^àaimadirerUdo,  a,  pp.  adj.  ani- 

Animadvertlr,t.'  a  D  ima  d  vert 
Animal,  sm.  an  animal. 
Animal,  adj.  2  g.  animal. 
Animalaço,  sm.  a  grcat  animal. 
Animalculo,  sm.  {nat.  kist.)  ani-   - 

malcule,  a  little  animal. 
Animalejo,  sm.  a  little  animal. 
Animalia,  sf.  {anc.)  a  beast,  a 

Animalidade  sf.  animality. 
Animalisação,  sf.  animalization. 
Animalisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  anima- 

lized.  [of  the  animal. 

Animalismo,  sm.  nature.  <iualíty 
Animalisar,  va.  to  aniinnlize.  Am- 

mnlisar-se,  vr.  to  bo  animalized. 
Animante,  adj.  2  g.  nnimating. 
Animar,  va.  to  animate,  to  make 

alive;    to    givo    11  fe;   {fig.)  to 

enconrage.  Animar^se.  vr.  to  be 

stimulated.  [animated 

Animavel,  adi.  2  g.  that  may  be 
Anime,  sf.  {pnami.)  anime,  gnm 

anime.  [ofthesonl. 

Animioida,  «m.(fA?o/.)  amurderer 
Animista,  sm.  he  that  attributes 

to  the  soul  ali  the  phenoraena 

of  animal  econom^. 
Animo,  5m.  soul,  spirit;  courage, 

valour.  Estar  de  —  .  to  piirposo. 
Animosamente,   aav.  courage- 

ously,  valiantly. 
Animosidade,     sf.     anímosity, 

valour,  courage.  [rageous. 

Animoso,    a.    adj.   brave,  cou- 
Anina,  sf.  an  iron  rinjílet. 
Aninado,  a,  pp.adj.  lulled. 
Aninar,  va.  to  luU. 
Aninhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  nestled. 
Aninhar,  va.  to  nestle.  Aninhar- 

se,  vr.  to  make  a  nest. 
Aninho,  sm.  a  young  lamb. 
Aniquilação,  sf.  annihilation. 
Aniquilado,  a,  pp.  adj.  annihllr 

Aniquilador,  sm.  and  adj.  that 

annihilates.  [tion. 

Aniquilamento,    sm.    annihila- 
Aniqnilar,  va.  to  annihilate,  to 

destroy.    Antq[uiíar-se,   xr.    Vi 

AxÚB  ot  Axk.\ao,  sm.  «cvv^«v. 

ANN  —  76  — 

Anisar,  va.  to  strew  over  with 

auise-seed  or  aniseed. 
Anlvelado,  a,  pp.  adi.  levelled. 
Anivelar,  va.  to  levei,  to  make 

Anjo,  sm.  angel. 
Axinaes,  sm.  pi.  annals. 
Azmal,  adj.  of  a  year.V.  Annual. 

—  de  missas^  an  annat. 
Annalista,  sm.  aonalist. 
Azmata,  sf.  annat  or  annate. 
Annatlsta,  sm.  an  offícer    em- 

ployed  about  the  annates. 
Anneiro,  adj.  precarious,  even- 
Annel,  sm.  a  ring.  V.  Anel. 
Annelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  curled  (the 

hair);    having   the   form  of  a 

ring.  [locks. 

Anneladura,  sf.  the  ringlets  or 
Annelar,  va.  to  curl,  to  turn  the 

hair  in  ringlets. 
Annexa,  sf.  dependency ;  a  small 

estate,  ecclesiastic  living  or  any  ■ 

rent  annexed  to  a  more  consi- 

Annexação,  sf.  annexation. 
Annexado,    a,    adj.   annexed, 

United . 
Annexar,  va.  to  annex. 
Annexidades,  sf.  pi.    annexes, 

annexed  things. 
Annexo,  a,  adj.  annexed,  joined. 

— ,  s.  a  thing  united  to  the  main 



AnniferO;  a,  adj.  (poet.)  that  pro- 

duces  fruit  ali  the  year. 
Anntquilar,  va.  V.  Aniquilar  and 

Anniversariainente ,  adv.   an- 

Anniversario,  a,  adj.  anniver- 

Anno ,  sm.  year.  Dia  de  —  bomy 

new-year's  day.  Dia  de  — «,  birth 

Annojal,  adj.  2  g.  Leite  — ,  milk 

of  cow  that  has  calved  lately. 
Annoxninação,  sf.  annomination. 
Annoso,  a,  adj.  old,  ancient.  Y. 

A.nnotsíçSío,    sf.   annotation,  re- 
^^^'  <^ommentaxY.  (in  law)  — 
«?  àe/is,  an  edict  by  which  the 

guilty  is  obliged  to  appear  be- 

fore  the  judge.  [tations. 

Annotadamente ,  adv.  with  anno- 
Annotado,  a,  pp.  adj.  remarked ; 

{in  law)  summoned. 
Annotador,  sm.  annotator. 
Annotar,  va.  to  annotate,  to  re- 

Annua,  sf.  a  letter  refering  the 

events  of  every  year. 
Annual,  adj.  2  g.  yearly,  annual. 
Annualidade,  sf.  quality  of  being 

annual.  [nually. 

Annualmente,  adv.  yearly,  an- 
Annuario,  sm.    a  sort  of  work 

published  every  year. 
Annuente,  adj.  2  g.  that  assents. 

— ,  sm.  he  that  grants  or  ap- 

Annuidade,  sf.  annuity. 
Annuido,  a,  pp.  adj.  assented. 
Annuir,  va.  to  nod,  to  assent,  to 

grant.  [nulary. 

Annular,  adj.  2  g.  annular,  an- 
Annullaçào, «/.  annulling,  annul- 

ment.  [abrogated. 

Annullado,  a,  pp.  aJj.  annulled, 
Annullador ,   sm.   and   adj.    he 

that  annuls.  [nuls. 

Annullante,  adj.  2  g.  that  an- 
Annullar,  va.   to  annul,  to  nul- 

lify,  to  abolish. 
Annullativo,  a,  atlj.  {in  law)  that 

annuls  or  nullifíes. 
Annullatorio,    a,  adj.  {in   law) 

that  has  the  power  of  annul- 

lating.  [repealable. 

Annullavel,  adj.  2  g.  abolishable, 
Annumerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  annu- 

Annumerar,  va.  lo  annumerate. 
Annunciação,  sf.  annunciatiou, 

Annunciador,  adj.  and  sm.   an- 

nouncer,  one  that  announces. 
Annunciante,  adj.  2  g.  that  an- 
Annunciar,  va.  to  announce,  to 

declare,  to  publish. 
Annunciativo,  a,  adj.  that  an- 
nounces, pubíishes. 
Annuncio ,  sm.  Tumowiicci\xvfiTLt., 

^ ^        I     pubUcaXion,  môssív.^<i. 

>y  which  tho  [  Axkirao,  8^  adj.  aTitixw^, -s^^tVj . 


—  T7  — 


Ano.  sm.  anus,  fundament. 
Anodynado,  a,  pp.  adj.  softened 

with  anodyne  medicines. 

Anodynar,  va.  to  assuage  with 

anodyne  medicines.  [lity. 

Anodynia,  sf.  {med.)   insensibi- 

Anodyno,  a,  adj.  anodyne,  pare- 

Anogueirado,  a,  adj.  having  the 

colour  of  the  walnut-tree. 
Anoitecer,  vn.  to  grow  night. 
Anoitecido,    a,  pp.  adj.  grown 

Anoj adiço,  adj.  irascible. 
Anojado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is   in 

mourning ;  {fig.)  tiresome. 
Anojador,  s.  and  adj.  he  that  is 

nauseous,  a  nauseous  thing. 
Anojamento,  sm.  {anc.)   anger. 

—  mourning. 

Anojar,  va.  to  tire,   to  weary. 

Anojar-se,  vr.  to'mourn,  to  be 

sorrowful.  [ness. 

Anojo,  sm.  displeasure,  peevish- 

Anojoso,  a,  aaj.  that  is  tedious, 

tiresome.  [lism. 

Anomalia,  sf.  anomaly,  anoma- 

Anomalistico,  a,  adj.   {ostron.) 

anomalistic,  anomalistical. 
Anómalo,  a,  adj.  anomalous,  ir- 
Anomia,  af.  anomia. 
Anomias,  anomise,   fóssil 

Anomocephalo,  sm.  with  a  de- 

formity  m  the  head. 
Anon3rmb,  a,  adj.  anonymous. 
Anordesteado,  a,  pp.  adj.    de- 

clined  to  the  north-west. 
Anordestear,  va.  (a  sea  term)  to 

decline  to  the  north-west. 
Anorexia,  sf.  {med.)  anorexy. 
Anormal,  adj.  2  g.  irregular. 
Anortear,  vn.   to   turn    to  the 
north-west.  [smell. 

Anosmia,  sf.  {med.)  deíiciency  of 
Anoveado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mulcted 
for  paying  nine  times  the  worth 
of  a  stolen  thing. 
Anovear,  va.  to  multiply  nine 

times  the  worth  of  a  thing. 
AnováUado,  a,  pp.  adj.  wound  •, 
í^-)  offglomerated. 
.Anovellar,  va.  to  agglomerate. 

Anq^iInhaB,  sf.  pi.  hoop,  farthin 

gale.  [rope. 

Anriqfue,  sm.   {a  sea  term)  buoy- 

Anseaticas^   adj.  pi.    {cidades) 

Anseres,  sm.  pL  {nat.  hist.)  the 
family  of  geese.  [poral. 

Anspeçada,  sf.  {milit.)  under  cor^ 
Anta,  sf.  anta,  tapir. 
Antacido,  a,  adj.  antiacid. 
Antado,  a,  adj.  tanned. 
Antagonismo,  sm.  (rned.)  anta- 

Antagonista,  sm.  antagonist. 
Antalgiai,    sf,    the    absence    of 

Antalgioo,  a,  adj.  antalgic. 
Antalo,  sm,  antalium,  antalus. 
Antanaclaase,  sm.  {rhet.)  anta- 
naclasis.  [goge. 

Antanagoge,  sm.  {rhet.)  antana- 
Antaphrodisiaco,  a,  adj.   anta- 
phrodisiac.  — ,  sm.   antaphrodi 
siac.  [ditic. 

Antaphroditico ,  sm.  antaphro- 
Antsxctico,  a,  adj.  {astron.)  an- 

Antasthmatico,  a,   adj.  {med.) 

Ante,  prep.  before.  Pé  —  pé^  foot 

by  foot. 
Anteado,  a,  sm.  and  sf.  son-in- 

law,  daughter-in-law. 
Ante-aurora,  sf.  the  break  of 

Ante-braço,  sm.  fore-arm. 
Ante-camara,  sf.  antichambcr. 
Antecedência,  sf.  antocedence, 

Antecedente,  adj-  2  g.  antece- 

dent,  preceding. 
Antecedentemente,  adv.  ante^ 

Anteceder,  va.  to  precede,  to  an- 
tecede; to  exceed. 
Antecessor,  sm.  an  antecessor. 
Anteoolumna,  sf.  {arch.)  a  sepa- 
rated  column  before  a  buildinç. 
Anteconhecimento ,   sm.    anti- 

cipated  knowledge. 
AntecoT,  sm.  qt    K3D^ACiCst^^^^ 

AntecÒTO,  sm.  ^^^^-^"^^^5^*    ^  ^si,^ 


—  78  — 


before  he  niarried  herhad  lived 
a  dissipated  life.  [vian. 

Antediluviano,  a,  adj.  antedilu- 
Antedito,  pp.  adj.  foretold. 
Antedizer,  va.  to  foretell. 
Anteferir,  va.  to  prefer. 
Antefirma,  sf.  the  words  of  civi- 
lity  preccdiug  the  siji^nature  of 
a  letter. 
Antefosso,  sm.  the  moats  which 
surround  the  esplanada  or  gla- 
Antegalha,  sf.  ia  sea  terni)  a  sort 
of  rope  for  fastening  the  sails 
to  the  yards. 
Anteguãrda,  sf.  V.  Vanguarda. 
Antehontem,  sm.  theday  before 


Antelaçãò,  sf.  preference. 

Anteloquio,  sm.   a  prologue,  a 

preface.  [day. 

Antelucano,    adi.   early  before 

Antemanliã ,    sf.    before    day- 

light.  [previoiísly. 

Antemão,  adu.  with  anticipation, 

Antemeridiano,  a,  adj.  anteme- 

ridian.  [previously. 

Antemover,  va.  to  move,  to  stir 

Antemurado,  a,    adj.    countcr- 

mure  d  ;  {/ig.)  defended. 
Antemural,  sjn.  a  countermuro, 

a  barbican  bolbre  a  castle. 
Antemuro,  sm.  counter-mure. 
Antenna,  sf.  the  yard  of  a  ship. 
Antewias,  sf.  pi.  {nat.  hist.)  an- 
tennse,  feelers. 
Antennado,  a,  adj.   {nat.  kist.) 
having  aiUeimíie.  [tros. 

Antennal.  sm.  a  sca  bird,  alba- 
Antenome,  soi.  a  title  before  the 
rame  of  )):i|)tisra.  [tial. 

Antenupcial,  adj.  2  g.  antenup- 
Anteoccupação,  sf  {rhet.)   a  li- 
gure  by  >vhich   is   foreseen   au 
objectiori  for  destroying  it. 
Anteoccupante,  adj.  2  g.  preoc- 

Antepaixão,  sf.  a   passion  pre- 
cedi ng  reason.  [tored. 
Anteparado,    a,   pp.  adi.    shel- 
Anteparar.    va.   to   sheltor,   to 
se  cure  fiom ;  {fig.)  to  repel,  to 
oppose.  — ,  vn.  to  stop. 
Anteparas,  sf  pi.  [a  sea  term) 

partitioDS  made  of  boards  to  di- 
vide deck  and  atore-rooms. 
Anteparo,  sm,  a  portal  before  a 

door.  [birth. 

Anteparto,  sm.  before  the  child- 
Antepassado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pa<t, 

past  o  ver.  [forefatners. 

Antepassados,  ancestors, 
Antepassar,  va.  to  precede,   to 

go  before. 
Antepasto,  sm.  suoh   dishes  as 

are  first  served  at  table. 
Antepenúltimo,  a.  adj.  antepe- 

nult,  thft  last  but  two. 
Antephialtico ,   a,   adj.    (med.) 

good  against  the  nightrinare. 
Antepilectico,  a,  adj.  {med.)  an- 

Antepoimento,    sm.    {ane.)  the 

act  of  anteponing. 
Antepopa,  sf.  {a  sea  term)    the 

fore  part  of  the  stern. 
Antepor,  va.  to  prefer,  to  antc- 

Anteporta,  sf.  a  folding-door. 
Anteportaria,  sf.  an  outer  room 

next    the  principal   door   of  a 

Anteposição,  sf.  the  act  and  ef- 

fect  of  prefcring. 
Anteposto,  Si,pp.  adj.  set  before, 

Antepotente,   adj.   2  g.   {poet.) 

more  powerful,  potent. 
Anteprimeiro,  a,   adj.  prelimi- 

nary.  [speedily. 

Antequanto.  adv.  {anc.)  (juickly, 
Anterior,  adj.  2  g.  anterior,  for- 

nior.  [precedency. 

Anterioridade,  sf.  anteriority, 
Anteriormente,  adv.  previously, 

Antes,  ado.  before;  rather,  sooner. 
Antesala,  sf.  anteroom. 
Antesignano,  sm.  {tnilit.)  an  en- 

sign.  [before  the  time. 

Antetempo.  adv.  loc.  untimely, 
Antever,  va.  to  foresee. 
Anteverter,  va.  to  go  before. 
Antevertido,  a,  pp.  adi.  pre- 

ceded.  [tne  eve. 

Antevéspera,  sf.  the  day  before 
Antevidenoia,  sf.  foresight,  pro- 


--  79  — 


Antevigilia,  sf.  fore-vigil. 
Antevisto,  a,  pp.  adj.   foreseen, 

presaged.  [mintic. 

Anthelmintico,  a,  adi.   anthel- 
Anthemis,  .^.  {bot.)  anthemis. 
Anthera,  5^.  ibot.')  anther^  apex. 
Anthese,  s.   [bot.)  this  name  is 

given   to  the  phenomena  pre- 

sented,  by  the  opcning  âo^srers. 
Anthologia,  sf.  anthology. 
Anthora,  sf.  (bot.)  anthora,  hel< 

met-flower.  [buncle. 

Anthrax,  sm.  (anc.)  anthrax,  car- 
Anthroceros,  sm.  {bot.)  a  plant 

of  genus  alga. 
Antnropoíilo,  sm.  afríendofthc 

Antliropoforxne,  adj.  2  g.  having 

the  human  forra. 
Anthropogenia .  sf.  knowledge 

of  the  human  generation. 
Anthropographia,  sf.  anthropo- 

Anthropographo ,  sm.  he  that 

■writes  upon  wie  human  race. 
Anthropolatria,  sf.  worship   of 

the  man. 
Anthropomagnetismo,  sm.  an- 

Anthropomorpliia,  sf.    anthro- 

Anthropoxnorphos,  sm.  pi.  an- 

thropomorpha,  [phagy. 

Anthropophagia,  sf.  anthropo- 
Anthropophago,  a,  adj.  anthro- 

pophagons  («.7)/.anthropophagi). 
Anthroposomatologia,    sf.     a 

descri ption  of  the  human  oody. 
AnthropoBophia,   sf.  anthropo- 

Antirroçotomia,  sf.  anatomical 

dissection  of  a  man. 
Anthyllião,  sm.  {bot.)  anthyllis. 
Anth3nioptico,  a.  adj.  and  s.  an- 

thynoptic.  [tihysteric. 

Antliysterico,  a,  adj.  and  s.  an- 
Antisúsortivo,  a.  adj.  {med.)  goocl 

against  the  aboi-tion. 
Antiácido,  a,  adj.  antiacid. 
Antiapoplectico,  a,  adj,  antapo- 

plectic.  [tarthritic. 

Antiarthritico,  a,  adj.  and  s.  an- 
Antlasmatico,  a,  adj.  antasth- 


AnUcachectloo,  a,  adj.  antica- 

Anticanceroso,  a,  adj.   (jned.) 

good  against  the  câncer. 
Anticeltico,  a,  adj.  (med.)  anti< 

Antichristôlo,  adj.  antichristian. 
Antichristianismo ,    sm.    auti- 

Antichristo,  sm.  antlchrist. 
AntichroniBmo,  sm.  mistake  in 

Anticipaçao,  sf.  anticipation. 
Anticipadamente ,  aav.   antiei- 

pately,  previously. 
Anticipado,  a.  adj,  anticipated. 
Anticipador,  .vn.  anticipator.  — , 

adj.  anticipating.  [patinf^. 

Anticipante,  adj.  2  q.  antici- 
Anticipar,  va.  to  anticipato.  Ati- 

ticípar-se,    vr.    to    precede,   to 

come  sooner ;  to  prevent,  to  be 

beforehand  with. 
Anticonstitncional,  adj.  i  g.  an- 

Anticonstitucionalznonte,  tvlo. 

unconstitutionally.  [metic. 

Anticosmetico,  a*  adj.  anticos- 
Antidata.  sf.  antedate. 
Antidatado,  a,  adj,  antedated. 
Antidatar,  va.  to  ant(>date. 
Antidemocrático,  a,  adj.  anti- 

Antidemoniaco,  a,  adj.  and  s. 

he  that  denies  the  oxistence  of 

demons.  [the  diabetes. 

Antidiabetico.  a,  adj.  destroying 
Antidiaphoretico,  "a,  adj.  good 

agí;iiist  oxce;  sivo  hwoats. 
Antidoron,  sm.  a  prcscnt. 
Antidotal,  adj.  2  g.  antidotal. 
Antidotar,  va.  to  antidote. 
Antidotario,  sm.  antidotary. 
Antidoto,  sm.  antídoto,  preven- 
tivo; (fig.)  preservativo. 
Antidropico,  a,  adj.  {med.)  anti- 

dropsical.  [dysenteric. 

Antidysenterico,  a,  adj.  anti- 
Antiemetico,  a.  adj.  antemetio. 
Antiface,  sm.  a  veil  for  covering 

the  ince.  [febrile. 

Antifebril,  adj.  2  g.  {med.)  anti- 
Antiflogistico,  a,    adj.   autiflo- 



—  80  — 


Antigamente,  adv.  anciently. 
Antigar,  va,  to  make  ancient. 
Antigo,  a,  adj.  ancient,  old. 
Antigotoso,  a,  adj.  good  against 
H  the  gout, 
Antigrapho,  sm.  a  mark  to  dis- 

tinguish    the  words  we   raake 

notes  upon,  from  the  explana- 

tion  of  them.  [old. 

Antiguado,  a,    adj.   antiquated, 
Antigualha,  sf.  &núc^mty. 
Antiguidade,  sf.  antiquitv. 
AntiEectico,  a,  adj.  {mea.)  anti- 

Antihemorroidal,  adj.  2  g.  and 

s.  antihemorrhoidal. 
Antiherpetico,  a,  adj.  is  said  of 

ali   the    remedies   against  the 

Antihydrophobico ,    a ,      adj. 

against  the  hydrophoby. 
Antihydropico,a,  adj.  antidrop- 

sical.  [tihypocondriac. 

Antihypocondriaco,  a,  adj.  an- 
Antilethargico,  a,   adj.  and  s. 

(med.)  couhteracting  lethargy. 
Antillias,  sf.  pi.  the  Antilles. 
Antilogarithmo ,  sm.   antiloga- 

Antilogia,  sf.  antiloçy. 
Antilope.  sjn.  {nat.  híst.)  antílope. 
Antiloquio,  sm.  exordiura. 
Antilutherano,  a,  adj.    and  s. 

Antinieph3rtico,  a,  adj.  and  s. 

good   against    the    mephitical 

Antiministerial,  adj.  2  g.  anti- 

Antimonarcliico,  a,   adj.   anti- 

monarchical,  antimonarchic. 
Antimoniado,  a,    adj.  {pharm.) 

antiraoniated.  [nial. 

Antimonial,  adi.  2  g.  antimo- 
Antimonio,  sm.  (ínín.)  antimony. 
Antimoral,  adj.  2  g.  opposed  to 

the  raorality.  [tional. 

Antinacional,  adj.  2  g,  antina- 
Antinomia,  £/*.  {inlaw)  antinomy. 
Antiodontalgioo,  a,  adj.  antio- 

.Antipapa,  sm.  antipope. 
'AntipapadOy  sm.    the   unlawful 
^li^nity  of  the  antipope. 

Antiparallela ,  sf.    antiparallel 

Antipathia,  sf.  antipathy. 
Antipathico,  a,  adj.    antipathe- 

Antiperistaltico,  a,  adj.  antipe- 

Antiperistasis,  sf.  antiperistasis. 
Antipestilencial,  adj.  2  g.  anti- 

Antiphen,  sm.  a  mark  to   show 

that  some  letters  or  words  that 

are  joined  together,  ought  to  be 

Antiphilanthropia ,    sf.     defi- 

ciency  of  philanthropy. 
Antipfailanthropico,  a,  adj.  an- 

Antiphilosophico,  a,  adi.  anti- 

philosophical.  [phlogistic. 

Antiphlogistico ,  a,  adj.   anti- 
Antiphona,  sf.   antiphony,  an- 

Antiphonario,  sm.  antiphonary. 
Antiphrasis  or  Antiphrase,  sf. 

Antipleuritico,  a,  adj.  against 

the  pleurisy,   antipleuritic. 
Antipodal,  adj.  2  g.  antipodal. 
Antipodas,  sm.  pi.  antípodes. 
Antipoliorcetica,   sf.  that  part 

of  military  art  which  treats  of 

the  defence  of  places. 
Antipolitica,  sf.  antipolicy. 
Antipologia ,    sf.     a      writing 

against  an  apology. 
Antipsorico,  a,  aaj.  (med.)  an- 

Antiptosis,  sf.  (gram.)  antiptosis. 
Antiputrido,  a,  adj.  anti-putrid. 
Antipyretico,  a,  adj.  antifebrile- 
Antiquado,  a.ypp. adj.  antiquated, 

Antiquar,  va.  to  antiqnate. 
Antiquário,  sm.  antiquary. 
Antireformista,  sm.  he  that  is 

contrary  to  the  reformations. 
Antirepublicano,  a,  adj.  antire- 

publican.  [tirevolutionary. 

Antir evolucionário,  a,  adj.  an- 
Antirheumatico,  a,  adi.    anti- 

rheumatic.  [dragon. 


lBl,  sf.  tV*^  ^\wA  «tva:^- 
k,  sm.  i-l.  ku.úsa\%aa>w 



—  81  — 


inhabitants  of  the  earth  living 
on  different  sides  of  the  equa- 
tor.  [butic. 

Antisoorbutlco,  a,  adj.  antiscor- 
Antiscrofuloso,  a,  aaj.  antiscro- 

phulous.  [septic. 

Antiseptico,  a,  adj.  and  8.  anti- 
Antisocial,  adi.  â  g.  antisocial. 
Antispasmodico,  a,  adj.  and  s. 

^{med.)  antispasmodic. 
Ajitistroph.e,  sf.  antistrophe. 
Antistruniatico,a,  adj.  antistru- 

matic.  [antis^philitic. 

AntiS3npl^itico,  a,  adj.  and  s. 
Antltetanico,    a,    adj.    against 

the  tetauus. 
Antithenar,  sm.  {anat.)  the  name 

^iven  to  the  two  muscles,  ono 

m  the  palm   of  the  hand,  the 

other  in  the  plant  of  the  foot. 
Antltliesis  or  Antitliese,  sf.  an- 

Antithetlco,  a,  adj.  antithetic. 
Antitypo,  sm.  antitype. 
Antivenereo,  a,  adj.  antivene- 

real.  [vermifuge. 

Antiverminoso,   a,   adj.   {med.) 
Antiverolico,  a,  adj.  {med.)  anti- 

Antojado,  a,  pç.  adj.  desired,  â- 

gured  to  the  sight. 
Antojar,  va.  to  íigure  to  the  sight, 

to  fency.  Antojar-se,  vr.  to  long 

for,  to  covet,  to  desire. 
Antojo,  5771.  imagination,  fancy. 

— ,   {in  pregnancu)   a    longing 

fancy.  [bled,  disguised. 

Antolnado,  a,  pp.  adj.   uissem- 
Antolhar,  va.   to    dissemble,   to 

conceal;  {fig.)  to  fansy.  Anto- 

Ikar-se,  vr.  to  fancy;  to  desire 

Antolhos,  sm.  pi.   cye-ílaps,    lu- 

nettes  to  placo  upon  the  eyes  of 

a  vicious  norse.  [raasy. 

Antonomásia,  sf.  {rhet.)  antono- 
Antonomasticamente,  ado.  an- 

tonomastically.  [mastic. 

Antonomastico,  a,  adj.  antono- 
Anfontem,  ado.  the  day  before 

yeaterday.  [tho  timo. 

Ânfora,  adv.   untimely,    before 
AJOtorcha^  sf.  a  torch. 

sf.  (bot.)  antoxantum. 

Antracite,  sf.  (mm.)  anthracite. 
Antraz,  sm.  a  carbuncle. 
Antrefeito,  adj.  {anc.)  a  contract, 

a  bargain  dune    botween   two 

Antrelinliar ,      Antremetter , 

Ante'esachar,  Antreter,  eto. 

V.  Entrelinhar^  Entremetter^  etc 

and  derivated. 
Antro,  sm.  antro,  cave,  den. 
Anuçar,  va.  V.  lieuunciar, 
Anuduva,  sf.  {anc.)  tho  walls  cr 

ditch  of  a  castle.  [Brazil. 

Anum,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  a  bird  of 
Anus,  sm.  {a7iai.)   anus,  funda- 

Anuviado,  aL,pp.  adj.  shado-wed, 

darkened  vi  th  cloiíils. 
Antiviador,  adj.  thiit  clouds  or 

darkens  vitli  clouds. 
Anuvlar-se,  vr.  to  bo   clouded, 

darkened  with  clouds  ;  (fig.)  to 

grow  sad.  Anuviar, va.  to  shadow, 

to  cloud.  [medal. 

Anverso,  sm.  the  rcverse   of  a 
Anxiedade,  sf  anxioty. 
Anzol,  sm.  a  hook ;  {/ig)  allure- 

ment.  [like. 

Anzolado,  a,  adj.  hooked,  hook- 
Anzoleiro,  sm.  ix  houk-maker. 
Anzolo,  sm.  a  hook. 
Ao,  a  word  composod  by  the  prfp. 

a  with  the  articlo  o  (it  is  em- 

ployed  with   tho  masculine  na- 

mes), pi.  aos, to  the,  at  tho.  Ir  ao 

palácio^  to  go  to  the  palace. 
Aodonto,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  asortof 
Aonde,  advy  whero,  whithcr.  — 

quer  aue^  wheresoover. 
Aoristico.  a,  adj.  aorisiic. 
Aorta,  sf  {anat.j  aorta. 
Aórtico,  a,  adj.  (anat.)  pertaining 

to  the  aorta.  [the  aorta. 

Aortite,  s.  {med.)  indanimation  of 
Apachorrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  slug- 

gish,  slow. 
Apachorrar-se,  vr.  to  be  wag- 

gish,  to  grow  sluggish. 
Apaclbilidade,  sf.  aífability. 
Apadezado,  a,  pp.  adL  covet*i<L 

or  armeò.  mVYv  ^  ^\Sà. 
Apadezax,  »a.  \ô  í)ccm^  \.q  q.^n«£x 

■í  •«. 


—  82  — 


Apadrinhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pro- 

Apadrlnhador,  sm.  protector. 
Apadrinhar,  va.  to  protect,  to 

Apagado,  a.  pp.  adj.  put  out, 

cxtinguished  ;   dull,  ílliterate  ; 

dis.ippointed,  obscuro. 
Apagaaamente ,    adu.    faintly , 

Apagador,  sm.  an  cxtingnisher. 

— ,  adj.  that  extinfruishes. 
Apt^raf anões,  sm.  pi.  (a  sea  temi) 

leech-lines.  [extinguishing. 
Apagamento,  .^m.  a  queuching', 
Apagar,  va.  to  put  out,  to  extin- 

guish ,  to  blot  out ;  to  quench,to 

appcase;  to  tarnish,  to  darken. 

Apagar-se,  vr.  to  be  extinguish- 

ed;  to  vanish. 
Apage,  interj.  away,  fie. 
Apagear.  va.  anc.  to  accorapany 

as  a  page  does.  [of  a  boné. 

Apagma,  ?.  (s^irg.)  the  dislocation 
Apagogia,  sf.  (log.)  apagogy. 
Apainelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  adomed 

with  pictures.  [pictures. 

Apainelar,    va.   to    adorn   "with 
Apaixonadamente,     adv.    pash 

Apaixonado,    a,  pp.   adj.   pas- 

sionate,    impassioned,    fond  ; 

Apaixonar,  va.  to  excite  a  pas- 

sion,  to  pnssionate.  Apaixonar- 

se,  vr.  to  becomo  passionate,to 

feel  a   violent  passion    for   a 

person.  [apeasant. 

Apaizanar-se,  vr.  to  become  as 
Apalancado,  Si,pp.  adj.  furnished 

with  pallisades,  barred. 
Apalancar,  va.  to  furnish  with 

pallisades,tobar;  (;Ç^.)toshutup. 
Apalanquetear,  va.  to  make  use 

of  a  bar  shot. 
Apalavrado,  a,  adj.  betrothed, 

afliancod.  [bespeak. 

Apalavrar,   vn.  to   betrotn,-  to 
Apaleado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cudgelled. 
Apaleador,  sm.  cudgellcr. 
Apaleamento,  sm   cudgelling. 
Apalear,  va.  to  cudçel. 
Apalestrado,  a,  adj.  {anc.)  pa- 

Isestrian,  palsestric. 

Apalhar,  va.  to  make  a  stravloft 

Apahnado,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  pal- 
mated.  [of  palius. 

Apalmar,  va.  to  palm,  to  make  use 

Apalpadellas,  sf.  pi.  groping. 
Andar  ás  — ,  to  grope  along. 

Apalpado,  a,  pp.  adj.  touched 
handled;  (fig.)  having  a  light 
touch.  —  ae  doença^  anected  by 
disease.  —  do  clima.,  having  eXí- 
perienced  the  iníiuence  of  the 

Apalpador,  sm.  he  that  handles. 

Apalpamento,  sm.  the  act  of 
feeUng  any  thing,  a  touch. 

Apalpar,  va.  to  feel,  to  touch,  to 
handle ;  [fig-)  to  try,  to  attempt. 
to  sound ;  to  hurt,  to  aifect. 

Apan,  sm.  a  shell. 

Apanágio,  sm.  appanage,  the 
portion  of  a  so verei gn  prince's 
younger  children ;  [in  lainSàorv&c. 

Apandilhado,  sl,  pp.  adj.  that 
makes  part  of  a  gang. 

Apandilhar-se,  vr.  to  be  assem- 
bled  in  a  gang.  [seized. 

Apanhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  gathered. 

Apanhador,  sm.  gatherer. 

Apanhadura,  sf.  gathering,  the 
reaping  of  the  corn.  [ing« 

Apanhamento,  sm.  {anc.)  gather- 

Apanhar,  va.  to  take,  to  grasp, 
to  pick  up,  to  ^ather,  to  reap, 
to  collect,  to  seize,  to  catch  or 
overtake.  —  chuva,  vento ^  pan- 
cadas, to  receive  or  to  be  ex- 
posed  to  the  rain,  vind,  blows. 

Apanho,  sm.  the  reaping,  gather- 

Apaniguado,  a,  adj.  and  s.  one 
that  depends  upon  another\s 

Apanthropia,  sf.  apanthroçy. 

Apantufado,  a,  adj.  as  a  slipper, 

Apapoilado  or  Apapoolado,  a, 
adj.  poppy-coloured. 

Apair,  adu.  near,  nigh,  just  by^ 
compared,  equal. 

Aparabolar-se,  vr.  {anc.)  to  speak 
uy  parables. 

Aparado,  a,/)/»,  «rf/.cut,  Icssened  ^ 
{fig.)  correct,  ele^ant. 

Aparador,  sm.  a  side-board  table* 



—  83  — 


Aparar,  va.  to  cut,  to  diminish, 

to  pare. 
Aparas,  shreds,  parings. 
Aparato,  xmY.  Apparato. 
Aparçado,  a,  pp.  adj,  associated, 

Aparçar.  vu.  to  makc  partnership. 
Aparcellado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fuU  of 

nidden  rocks. 
Aparcellaxnento,«77i.  a  place  full 

of  hidden  rocks. 
Aparcellar,  vfí.  to  divide  in  dif- 

fereiít  parcels.  [derivated. 

Aparecer,  vo.  V.  Appareeer  and 
Aparentado,  a,  pp.  adJ.  related, 

Aparentar,  va.  to  contract  kin- 

dred.  Aparpntar-ae.  vr.  to  match. 
Aparentellado,  a.  adj.  kindred, 

related.  [a  pen. 

Aparo,  sm.  —  de  penna,  the  cut  of 
Aparochiar-se ,  vr.  to  fix  one's 

residencc  in  a  parish. 
Aparrado.  a,  adj.  tortuons,  lovr 

la.  plant).  Homem  — ,  a  low  and 

big  man. 
Aparreirado,    a,  adj.   enclosed 

with  vine-arbours.  [ly. 

Apartadamente,  adv.  separate- 
Apartado,  a,;?/),  adj.  soparated, 

aparted.  [rates  or  parts. 

Apartador,  adj.  and  s.  that  .sepa- 
Apartamento.    fun.    .separation, 

departure :  divorce. 
Apsurtar,  va.  to  scparate,  to  part. 

Apartar-se,  vr.  t*^  part  vith  one, 

to    separate  ;  (fig.)  to    digrcss 

ftom  the  purpose. 
Aparte,  adv.  apart:  at  distance. 
Apascentado,  a,  pp   adj.  lod  to 

the  pastnre,  nourished. 
Apascentar,  va.  to  lead  to  the 

pastnre  (cattle) ;  to  nonrish ,  to 

reed  (men).  Apascentar-se,vr.  %o 

be  nourished.— o  gado,  to  graze ; 

{fig.)  to  indulge  in  pleasurable 

Apassamanado.  a,  p/).  adj.  laced. 
Apassamanar.  va.  to  lace. 
Apassionar,  va.  V.  Apaixonar. 
Apassivar,  vn.  {gramm.)  to  raake 

ApBBtorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

Jwpt  byashepherd. 

Apastorar,  va.  to  keop  sbeep. 
Apatetado,  a,  adj.  silly,  simplc. 
Apathia,  .tf.  apathy.  [leni. 

Apathico.  a,  adj.  apathic,  mdo- 
Apatlilsar,  va.  to  inako  apathic. 
Apatita,  sf.  {mincr.)  apatitc. 
A|)aulado,   a,   vp.  adj.  raarshy, 

fenny,  moorisn;   (fig.)  fnll  im- 

mersed.  [fenny. 

Apaular,  ra.  to  makc  marshy, 
Apavezado,  a,  adj.  nrmt^il  -with  a 

shield.  Navio  —  ,  a   ship  with 

•waste  cloths  orsights  to  binder 

men  from  beinp-  seen  in  fl^ht. 
Apavezar,  va.  to  guarnisb  a  síiip 

with  arniours. 
Apavonação,  sf.  the  act  of  ador- 

ning  with  shining  colours. 
Apavonado,  a,  pp.  adj.  adomed 

with    brillant    colours  ;     {fig.) 

proud,  presumptuoTis. 
Apavonar,   va.  to  adorn    vritb. 

shining    colonrs.  Apavonar-te  f 

vr.  to  be  full  of  vanity. 
Apavorado,  a^pp.  adj.  ãíTrighted, 

terrified.  [rify. 

Apavorar,  va.  to  affri^'ht,  to  ter- 
Apazignadamente,  adv.  quietly, 

calmTj'.  [quiet.uaciílcd. 

Apaziguado,  a,  pp.   adj.  calm. 
Apaziguador,  sm.  pacifier. 
Apaziguamento,    sm.    pacifica- 

tion.  fto  appease. 

Apaziguar,  va.  to  nuiet,  to  pacify. 
Apeado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  disroounted, 

Apeanhado,  a,  adj.  that  is  aet  on 

a  pedestal. 
Apear,  va.  to  di.'«mount,  to  aet  up 

a  coach,to  take  the  horses  otit 

of  it :  to  turn   or  cast  out;  to 

degrade ;  (fíg.)  to  domolish. 
Apechema,  sf.  {anat.)  a  fracture 

in  the  skull. 
Apeçonhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  poison- 

ous.  V.  Venenoso. 
Apeçonhamento,  sm.  the  act  and 

effect  of  poisoning. 
Apeçonhsur,  va.  to  poisou. 
Apeçonhentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  poi- 

soned.  [give  poison. 

Apeçonhentar,  va.  to  poison,  to 
Apodadas,  adj.  f,  pi.  {oot.)  pedi- 

cillate  (leaves). 


—  84-^ 


A|)edeata,   sm.    apsedeuta;    an 

illiterate  person. 
Apedeutismo,  sm,  deâciency  of 

Apedicellados,  adj.  m.  pi.  {bot. 

Apedrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  adomed 

with  precious  stones. 
Apedramento,  sm.  (anc.)  the  act 

of    adorning     with     precious 

stones.  [stone. 

Apedrar,  va.  to  besprinkle;  to 
Apedrejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stoned. 
Apedre  jador,  sm.  one  vrho  throws 

Apedrejar,  va.  to  stone. 
Apegação,  sf.  {in  law)  the  act  of 

taking  possession  ot  a  thing. 
Apegadamente,  adv.  with   vis- 

cousness  ;  with  attachmcnt. 
Apegadiço,  a.,adj.  sticky  ,viscous; 
{Hg.)  that  easilj^  talls  in  love. 
Apegador,  adj.  that  falis  at. 
Apegamento,    sm.   attachment, 

Apegar,  va.  to  lay  hold,  to  hand ; 

to  make  one  aífectionate.  Ape- 

gar-se^  vr.  to   adhere,  to  stick 

last.  Apegam-se-lhe  as  mãos,  he 

is  given  to  thievery. 
Apego,  sm.  attachment,  aífection. 
Apeia,  sf.  (Jbot.)  a  tree  of  Brazil. 
Apeirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  íit  to  be 

Apeiragem,  sf.  ali  the  harness 

Delonging  to  beasts   that  work 

in  the  country ;  ali  the  furniture. 
Apeirar,  va.  to  yoke,  to  put  oxen 

to  a  plough. 
Apeiro,  sm.  a  sort  of  strap  made 

of  a  buirs  hide. 
Apejado,  Si,pp.  adi,  ashamed. 
Apejar-se,  vr.  to  oe  ashamed. 
Apellar,  va.    Apellidar,  va.  and 

derivated.  V.  Appellar,  etc. 
Apellineo,  a,  adj.  pertaining  to 

the  painter  Apelles. 
Apello,  adv.  to  the  flowing  of 

nair ;  {fig.)  to  the  purpose.  Vir 

apello^  to  come  opportunely. 
Apenado,  a,  pp.  adj.   imposed 

with  a  penalt^. 
Apenar,  va.  to  impose  a  penalty, 

to  mulct. 

Apenas,  adv.  scarcely,  hardly. 
Apendoado,  a,  p.p  adj.  guar- 

nished  with  banners. 
Apendoar,  va,  to  furnish  with 

oanners.  [sulated. 

Apeninsulado,    a,  adj.    penin- 
Apenliorar,  va.  {anc.)  to  pledge, 

to  mortgage.  [nines. 

Apenninos,   sm.   pi.  the  Apen- 
Apenteado,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  comb- 

Apepinado,  a,  adj.  haying  the 

shape  of  a  cucumber. 
Apepsla,  sf.  (werf.)  apepsy. 
Aperca,  s.  {nat.  hist!)  quadruped 

of  Brazil.  [rupture. 

Aperção,  sf.  an  opening ;  \med.) 
Aperceber,   va.  to   prepare,  to 

coUect;  to  provido,  to  supply. 

Aperceber-se,  vr.  to  prepare  one  s 

self,  to  understano,  to  discover. 
Apercebido,  a,  ;)p.  adj.  prepared, 

provided.  [tion. 

Apercebimento ,    sm.    preparar 
Apercepção,  sf.  immediate  con- 

science,  interior. 
Aperea,  s.  {nat.  hist.)  aperea. 
Aperfeiçoadamente,   adv.  per- 

fectly,  exceedingly. 
Aperfeiçoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  per* 

fected,  improved. 
Aperfeiçoador,    sm.    improver, 

Aperfeiçoamento,  sm.  improve- 

ment,  perfectness. 
Aperfeiçoar,  va.  to  perfect,  to 

improve.  Aperfeiçoar-se,  vr.  to 

grow  or  become  perfect. 
Aperiente,  adj.  2  g.  {med.)  ape- 

Aperitivo,  a,  adj.  aperient. 
Apermanente,  sm.  {anc.)  coac- 

tion,  force. 
Aperolado,  a,  adj.  pearly. 
Aperolar,  va.  to  glve  the  shape 

or  colour  of  pearis. 
Aperreado,  a,  pp.   adj.  vexed, 

kept  in  svibjection.  [hardly. 
Aperreadamente,  adv.  cruelly, 
Aperreador,  adj.  and  s.  an  op- 

pressor,  one  who  keeps  others 

m  great  subjection. 
Aperreamento,  sm.  subjection, 



—  85  — 


Aperrear,  va.  to  vex  one,  to  use 
nim  like  a  dog. 

Apertada,  sf.  a  crowd;  {fig.) 
anxiety,  difnculty. 

Apertadamente,  adv.  closely. 
Pedir  — ,  to  crave. 

Apertado,  a,  pp.  adj  bound  fast, 
pressed,squeezed;  narrow,close, 
tight,  pressing,  urgent ;  forced, 
compelled.  Apertada  necessidade^ 
extreme  necessity.  [band. 

Apertadoiro,  sm.  a  band,  a  swath- 

Apertador,  sm,  he  that  binds  hard 
or  fast. 

Apertamento,  sm.  —  da  vida , 
austerity  in  a  relig^ious  house. 
—  de  coração,  anxiety. 

Apertão,  sm,  a  crowd,  a  throng. 

Apertar,  va.  to  bind,  to  clasp,  to 
nold  fast ;  to  straighten,  to  x>ress 
close,  to  clench,  to  wring ;  to 
shorten.  —  alguém,  to  urge,  to 
presa  hard.  —  a  mão,  to  shake 
one's  hand. — o  coração,  to  afílict, 
to  make  sad.  —  com  alguém,  to 
urge.  —  vn.  to  grow  severe 
Apertar-se ,  vr.  to  shorten  i  to 
stand  or  lie  closely. 

Aperto,  a,  adj,  clear,  manifest. 

Aperto,  sm.  a  crowd  ;  the  act  of 
tying  fast;  (fig.)  urgency, press ; 

Apertura,  sf.  tightness,  a  narrow 
place;  {fig.)  urgency,  anguish. 

Apesentar-se,  vr  to  grow  neavy 
"Wlth  old  age. 

Apesepello,  adv.  loc.  barefoot. 

Apessoado,  a,  adj  a  tall  man. 
^em  —  ,  that  has  a  fine  size. 

Apestado,  a  pp.  adj.  infected, 
corrupted.  V.  Empestado 

Apestanado,  a,  aaj.  having  eye- 

Apestar,  v.  a.  V  Empestar. 

Apetalo,  a,  adj.  {bot )  apetalous. 

Apetecer,  va.  V.  Appetecer  and 

Apezar,  adv.  in  spíte  of,  notwith- 

Apezarado,  a,  adj.  sorrowful, 

Aphacer,  sm.  (bot.)  a  tree  that 
orings  forth  two  fruits. 

Aptiagia  ,8f.  {philos. )  indecisíon. 

Aphelio  or  Aphelion,  sm.  {astr.) 

aphelion  or  aphelium. 
Apnellan,  sm.  {astr.)  the  more 

beautiful   star   in  the  sign  of 

Gemini.  [rese. 

Apherese,  sf.  aphaeresis  or  aphe- 
Aphereto,  sm.  (miner.)  phospnate 

of  copper. 
Aphesla  or  Aphesis,  sf.  {med.) 

slackness   in    the    muscles   of 

Aphidios,  a  kind  of  insects 

living  in  the  dung. 
Aphldivoro,  a,  adj.  aphidivorous. 
Aphilantropia,  sf.  \med.)  aphi- 

Aphlogistico,  a,  adj.  aphlogistic. 
Aphonia,  sf.  {med.)  aphony. 
Aphonico,  a,  adj.  aphonical. 
Aphorisxno,  sm.  aphorism. 
Aphorista,  sm.  aphorist. 
Aphoristico,  a,  adj.  aphoristic, 

Aphrodiseo  or  Aphrodislaco,  a, 

adj  aphrodisiac,  aphrodisiacal. 
Apliroaita,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  aphro- 

dita.  [petro. 

Aphronitro,«m.  aphronitre,  salt- 
Aphta,  sf.  {med.)  aphthse. 
Aphtoso,  a,  adj.  aphthous. 
Aphyllo,  a,  adj.  {bot.^j  aphyllons. 
Apiario,  a,  adj.  pertaining  to  the 

oees.  —  sm,  apiary. 
Apiastro,  sm.  [bot^  balm-gentle. 
Apicaçar,  va.  to  sting^  to  vex. 
Apical,  adj,  2  g,  that  is  ended  in 

a  point. 
Ápices,  sm.  pi.  —  da  lei,  the  subtle 

points  of  law. 
Apicholado,  a,    adj.    sprinkled 

with  raany  colours. 
Apioiadura,  sf.  the  union  of  two 

Soints  forming  the  shape  of  a 
Apiciforine,  adj  9  g.  having  the 

shape  of  apex  or  pomt 
Apicilar,  aaj.  2  ç.  {bot )  fixed  in 

the  summits  of  the  stamina. 
Apiculado,  a,  adj.  having  apex  or 

point,  [ted. 

Apiedado,  a,  pp.  adj.  commisera- 
Apledador,    sm.    commiserator, 

that  is  compassionate. 
Apiedar,  i;a.  to  move  oaQ'&  ^vt^> 


—  86  - 


to  commiserate,  Apiedar-se,  vr. 

to  take  pity  on  one,  to  pity. 
Apiforme,   arfj.  2  g.  {nat.  kist) 

Dee-shaperl.  [with  pepper. 

Apimentado,   a,  adj.  seasoned 
Apincelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  painted 

with   a    pencil  ;  (bot.)    pencil- 

shaped  [pencil. 

Apincelar,  va.  to  stroke  vith  a 
Apinel,  sm.  apinel. 
Apingentado,  a,  adj  bob-shaped. 
Apinhoado.    a,   or  Apinhado, 

pp.  adj.   clung',   sticking  close 

Apínhoar  or  Apinhar,  va.   to 

neap  up,  to  stick  close  together. 

Apinhoar-se,  vr.  to  be  crowded, 

to  croxvd. 
Apipado,  a,  adj.  pipe-shaped. 
A  pic[ue,  adv.  loc.  a  pealt,  per- 

pendicularly.  Estar  a  — ,  (fiff-)  to 

be  on  the  poiíit.  [led. 

Apisoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fulled,  mil- 
Apisoar,  va.  to  full,  to  mill. 
Apisteiro,    s?«.    a   cup   to   give 

broths  to  sick  pcrsons. 
Apisto,  sm.  siibstantial  broth. 
Apitar,  va.  to  whistle. 
Apito,  sm.  a  "whistle. 
AplacaçSo,  sf.  appeasemenf. 
Aplacado,  a,  pp.  adj.  appeased, 

Aplacador,.<;m.  appeaser,  pacifier. 
Aplacar,  va.  to  ap[)ease,  to  miti- 

gate,  to  pacif}'.  Áplacar-se,  vr.  to 

be  appeased,  softened. 
Aplacavel,  adj.  2  g.  appeasable. 
Aplaca velmente,  adv.  in  an  ap- 

peasable  niaiiuor. 
Aplainado,  a,  pp.  adj.  planed , 
{fig-)  smoothod,  made  easy. 
Aplainamento,  sm    the  act  of 

planting,  smoothing. 
Aplainar,  va.  to  plane,  to  make 

smooth.  [made  flat. 

Aplanado,  a,  pp.  adj.  levelled, 
Aplanar,  va.  to  levei. 
Aplaso,  adv.   loc.  {anc.)  at  case, 

byap-recinent.  [aerivated. 

Aplaudir,  va.  V.  Applaudir  and 
Aplebear-se,  vr.  {anc.)  to  become 

aplebian.  [concerning. 

Aples,  adv  Jane  )  very  nigh^  as  for, 
Aplestia,  *f.{med,)  insatiableness. 

Aplumado,  a^pp.  adj.  levelled. 
Aplumar,  va.  to  levei,  to  plomb. 
A  plumo.  adv.  loc.  {anc.^  perpen- 

diculary  Esta  linha  ca/ie — ,tMs 

line  falis  aplumb. 
Apnea,  sf.  {med.)  apna;a. 
Apocal3npse,  sm.  apocalj^se. 
Apocalyptico,  a,  adj.  apocalyp- 

tíc,  apocalyptical. 
Apocapnismo,  sm.  (med.)  famiga- 

tions  with  aroniatical  vapours. 
Apocathartico,  a,  adj.  is  said  of 

purgative  substanoes. 
Apocenosis,  sf.  {med.)  evacnation 

that  is  not  natural. 
Apocine,  s.  apocynum. 
Apocope,  sf.  {gramm.)   apocope. 
Apocriphamente,  adv.   apocry- 

Apocripho.  a,  adj.  apocryphal. 
Apocrisiario,  sm.  apocrisary. 
Apodacritico,  a,  aaj.  and  s.  false 

critic ;   ( med. )  a  sort  of  sharp 

Apodado,  ^iPP-  o-dj-  bantered, 

qnizzed,  scoffed. 
Apodador,  5w.  abanterer,  scoffer. 
Apodar,  va.  to  banter,  to  scoff ; 

{fig. )  to  affront  by  roaking  jocu- 

lar  comparisons.  [swailow. 

Apode,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  apode,  sea- 
Apoderado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  seized, 

invaded  ;  {anc.)  powerml. 
Apoderamento,  sm.  possession, 

a  taking. 
Apoderar-se.  vr.  to  invade,  to 

seize.  Apoderar,  va.  to  seize,  to 

take  possession,  to  give  posses- 

sion.  [feet. 

Apodia,   sf.   {anat.)    absence   of 
Apodíctico,  a,  adj.  {didact.)  apo- 

dict.  apodictical. 
Apodioxis,  sf.  {rhet.)   apodioxis. 
Apodixe,  sf.  (rhet.)  apodixis. 
Apodo,  sm.  bantenng,  jeer;  (/ífif.) 

a  j ocular  comparison. 
Apcdo,  a,  adj.  (nat.  hist.)  apodai. 
Apodrecer,  va.  to  make  rotten,to 

corrupt.  —  vn.  and  Apodrecer-ae^ 

vr.  to  grow  corrupt,  rotten,  to 

rot .  {fig.)  to  become  enervated. 
Apodrecido,  a,  pp.  adj   rotten, 

corruptftd.  [cormptlon. 

Apodrecimento,  sm.  rottenness, 


—  87  — 


Apogèo,  sm.  apoçee;  (fig.)   the 

nitíhest  poiíit. 
Apogeusia,  sf.  {med.)  disorder  in 

the  sonse  ol'  taste. 
Apo08tico,  a,  adj.  {aatron.)  re- 

lative  to  apoijoo.  [script. 

Apographo,  sm.  apogrnph,  tran- 
A^poiado, pp.  adj.  snpported,  prop- 

Apolar,  va.  to  support,  to  staj,  to 

nold   up;    {Jjg.)   to    favour,  to 

protect.  Ápoiuj'-se,  v.  r.  to  be  sup- 

ported, propjicd,  to  rest  npon,  to 

rely ;  {pff.)  t«>  be  grounded 
Apoio,  sm.  su])port,  prop,  basis; 

Xfiff')   protecliou,  help,  protec- 
Apojado,  a,  adj.  stretched  out, 

iilltid  up. 
Apojadura,  sf.  an  extraordlnaij 

abundance  uf  niilk  in  a  nurse  s 

Apojeotura,  sf.  (mus.)  aipipofrgia- 

tura.  [gaiters. 

Apolainado,  sm.  one  who   uses 
Apolainar,  va.  to  give  the  shajpe 

of  ffaiters.  [a  needle. 

Apolazado,  a, pp.ndj  plaíted with 
Apolazar,    va.   to  plait  with   a 

Apoldrado.  a,  pp.  adj,  a  maré 

"with  a  colt. 
Apoleado,  a,  pp.  adj.  strapped. 
Apolear,  va.  to  strap  or  punish 

"with  the  strappaílo. 
Apologado,  a,  pp.  aiJj.  handled, 

Apolegador,  sm.  one  'who  nips. 
Apolegadora.   sf.   nippin^,  the 

act  of  niakiufç  murks  with  the 

Apolegaxnento,  sm.  nipping. 
Apolegar,  vn.   to   make   marks 

"with  tho  thuiub,  to  uip. 
Apolentadeira,  sf.  she  that  nou- 

rishes  with  polanta. 
Apolentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  nourished 

with  pólen  ta. 
Apolentador,  sm.  he  who  uou- 

rishes  or  fecds  with  polenta. 
Apolentar,  va.  to  nourish,  to  feed 

with  polenta. 
Apolioe«  sf.  a  government  secu- 

Tàtjm'—  de  seguro,  a  policy  of 

insurance ;  anote  of  the  govern- 
Apollineo,  a,   adj.    concerniu^ 

Apollo,  sm.  {myth.)  Apollo. 
Apologação,  sf.  npolojj:ue. 
Apologeticamente,  ado.  apul«>- 

{r*»tioalIy.  [apul«)^etic. 

Apologético,  a,  adi.  apologeticalf 
Apologia,  sf.  apolojry. 
Apologioo,  a,   adj.  {fine.)  apoio* 

Apologista,  sm.  apolopist. 
Apologo,  xm.  apolo^ue,  fable. 
Apcltronado.  a.  pp.  adj.  l.»Hinír, 

leaning   buck  in  u  lar^t;  ann- 

Apoltronar-Be.  nr.  to  Inll,  to  lie 

idly  upon  a  lar^^e  ariii-chnir. 
Apolvilhante,  adj.  2  g.  that  pow- 

ders  the  hair. 
ApolTllhar,   vn.  and  derivated 

V.  Polvilhar. 
Apolysis  ur  Apolysia,  sf  (med.) 

uni>ending  ot  tht;  liandagcs. 
Apol3rtico,    57».    (lit.)  a   surt  of 

Apomathcsia.  sf.  (nifd.)  forget- 

1'ulness  (if  a  kiiowu  thiiiir. 
Apomecometria.  sf.  (phys.)  apo- 

Aponevrose,  sf.  (aiuit.i  aponeu- 

rosis.  jpxuctly. 

Apontadamente,  udr.  ili^tinctly. 
Apontado,  a,    ///>.  odj.  siitchecl 

wiih  u  nocillc;  ii«»iiited.  noted, 

marked.    Itdogio  — ,   ro^riilated 

Apontador,  xm.  an  íibs<*rver.  — 

di:  relógio,  th"!  hiiud  of  a  clock 

or  wati.'h. 
Apontamento,  a)/<.  n  thin^picked 

out;  annottttion.  —  the  flrst 

draughts  of  any  work,  notes. 
Apontar,  va.  to  point  at  a  tfaiag, 

to  liote,  ti>  in»rk    with  points. 

Apontar-sfí,   vr.  —  com  alguém, 

to  nppoint  a  útiy. 
Apontoado,  a.  pp.  adj.  propped. 

supported.  —  sm.  a  parcel   of 

thmgs  loosí'ly  stitched  tugethor. 
Apontoar,  va'.  to  prop,  to  shore 

up ;  to  Btitrh  locsely. 
ApophlegmatlMur,  na.  (Jnv»L^^» 


—  88  — 


salivate  with  the  help  of  certain 

Apophlegxnatisxno,    sm.  {med.) 

apophlegmatism.  [thegm. 

Apopntegina,  sm.  an  apoph- 
Apophyge,  sf.  {arch.)  apophyçe. 
Apophyse,  5/  {anat.)  apojphysis, 

the   prominent    parts   ot  some 

bonés  [apoplectical. 

Apopléctico,  a,  adj.  apoplectic, 
Apoplexia,  sf.  apoplexy. 
Apopnixia,  sf.  {meã.)  suffocation. 
Aporfiar,  vn.  V.  Porfiar. 
Aporismado,  a,  adj.  fuU  of  mat- 

ter  and  corruption. 
Aperrear,  va.  to  beat  with  a  club; 

Xfig.)  to  vex.  [arriving. 

Aportada,  sf.  arrival,  the  act  of 
Aportado,  a,  pp.  adj.   arrived, 

landed.  [rival. 

Aportamento,  sm.  arriving,  ar- 
Aportar,  vn.  to  come  into  port. 
Aportilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

Aportilhar,  va.  to  open  gates  or 

loop-holes  in  a  wall  or  snip. 
Aportinhar,  va.  to  open  loop- 
Aportuguezado,  a,  adj.  that  has 

the  Portuguese  manners. 
Aportuguezar,  va  to  make  Por- 
tuguese. [moreover. 
Após,  prep.   after  that,   behind. 
Aposentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lodged, 

Aposentador,  sm.  he  who  pro- 

vides  for  lodgiugs. 
Aposentadoria,  sf.  the  jurisdic- 

tion  of  an  harbinger. 
Aposentamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

lodging;  lodging,  chamber. 
Aposentar,  va.  to  provide  lod- 

fings;   to    harbour,  to    lodge. 
posentar-se^  vr.  to  lodge  at  one's 
house ;   to  retire  from  a  public 
Aposento,    sm.    an   inner    par- 

lour,  etc,  lodgings 
Apossa,  sf.  [med.)  apozem 
Aposimado,   a,  pp.  adj,   apoze- 
mical.  [zems. 

Aposimar,  vn.  [med.)  to  give  apo- 
Aposiopese  or  Apoaiopeaia,  sf, 
(rAeí)  aposiopeais. 

Aposis,  sf.  {med.)  diminution  of 

Apositico,  a,  adj.  {med.)  that  de- 

prives  of  appetite. 
Apospello,  adv.  loc.  against  the 

hsiir. Barbear  — ,  to  shave  against 

the  beard  ;  {fig.)  violently. 
Apossado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

taken  possession. 
Apossar,  va.  to  put  in  possession, 

to  possess.    Apossar-se,   vr,   to 

seize,  to  take  possession. 
Aposta,  sf.  wager,  bet. 
Apostadamente,   adv.   on  pur- 

pose,  resolutely,  obstinately. 
Apostado,  a,  pp.  adj.  betted,  wa- 

gered;  obstinate. 
Apostamente,  adv.{anc.]  bravcly. 
Apostamento,   sm.  {anc.)   orua- 

ment,  spruceness. 
Apostar,  va.  to  bet,  to  lay  a  bet 

or  wager ;  to  asseverate.  Após- 

tar-se,  vr.  {fig.)  to  vie  with  one. 
Apostasia,  sf.  apostasy. 
Apóstata,   sm.  and  f.   apostato, 

recreant.  —  adj.  2  g.  that  has 

apostatized.  [tized. 

Apostatado,  a,  pp.  adj.  aposta- 
Apostatar,  va.  to  apostatize;  to 

Apostaxis,  sf.  {med.)  the  bleeding 

at  the  nose. 
Apostema,  sf.  {surg.)  aposteme, 

emposthume,  abscess. 
Apostemação,  sf.  apostemation. 
Apostemado,  a,  pp.  adj.  aposte- 

mated ;  apostem atous. 
Apostemar,  vn.  or  Apostemar-se^ 

vr.  to  apostemate,  to  be  aposte- 

Apostematico,  a,   adj.  Remedia 

— ,  remedy  against  abscesses. 
Apostemeíro,    sm.   a  lancet  to 

open  emposthnmes. 
Apostilha,  sf.  {anc.)  a  calumny, 

Apostilla,  sf.  a  note,  an  addition 

to  a  writing,  a  postscript. 
Apostillado,  a,  pp.  adj.  postilled, 

explained.  [notator, 

Apostillador,  sm.  postiller,  an- 
Apostillar,  va.  to  postil,  to  ex- 

plain,  to  e\\ic\àa\.e. 
Apostola,  sf.  an  açoatoYvc^wiiasi. 


—  89  — 


Apostolado ,  sm.  apostleship , 
apostolate.  [gelize. 

Apostolar,  va.  to  preach,  to  evan- 

Apostolioal,  adj.  2  g.  {anc.)  apos- 
tolic.  [cally. 

ApostoUcamente,  ado.  apostoli- 

Apostolloidade,  sf.  apostolical- 
ness.  [apostolical. 

Apostólico,    a,    adj.    apostolic. 

Apostolo,  íím.  aposUe. 

Aposte'ophado,  a,  pp,  adj.  apo- 
strophized.  [phize. 

Apostrophar,    va.   to    apostro- 

Apostrophe,  sf.  {rhet.)  apos- 

Apostropho,  sm.  {gram.)  apo- 

Apostular,  va  and  derivated. 
V.  Postular, 

Apostura,  sf.  presence,  air. 

Apotaphlo,  a,  adj.  (anc.)  graye- 

Apothexna,  sf.  {math."^  a  perpen- 
dicular Uno  taken  ot  the  centre 
of  a  regular  polygon. 

Apotentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made 

Apotentar,  va. to  make  powerful. 

Apotheca,  sf.  warehouse. 

Apotheosar,  va.  to  make  an  apo- 

Apotheose  or  Apotheosis,  sf. 

Apotomo,  sm.  {math.)  apotonie. 

Apotropia,  sf.  apotropy, 
'  poucadamente,  adv. 


Apoucado,  a,  pp.   adj.  limitod, 

scanty,  pusillanimous. 
Apoucador,  sm.  that  decreases, 

Apoucaxnento,  sm.  meauness  of 

Apoucar,   va.   to    diminish,   to 

lessen  i  {fig.)  to  humble,  to  dis- 

grace.  Ápoucar-set  vr.  to  under- 

value  one's  self. 
Apouquentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  exte- 

nuated,  reduced. 
Apouquentar,  va.  to  reducc,  to 

extenuate ;  to  vex.  Apouqiientar- 

te;  vr.  to  torment  one's  self. 
Apoomntar,   va.  V.  Aposentar, 
ãnd  deriv&ted. 

Apoutado,  a,  pp  aâj.  come  to  a 
pouta.  V.  Apoutar. 

Apoutar,  va.  said  by  watermen 
when  thev  cast  stones  instead 
of  an  anchor. 

Apozema,  sm.  an  apozem. 

Apparado,  a,  pp.  adj.  prepared, 
adorned.  [adorn 

Apparar,    va.    to    prepare,   to 

Apparatado,  a,  pp.  adj.  guarn- 
ished,  adorned. 

Apparatar,  va.  to  adorn,  to  dcck. 

Apparato,  S7n.  preparation,  sump- 

Apparatosamente,  adu  sump- 
tuously,  splendidly. 

Apparatoso,  a,  adj.  sumptuous, 
splendid .  [pearing. 

Apparecença,  sf.  the  act  of  ap- 

Apparecente.  adj  2  g.  [anc.)  aj[)- 
parente,  visible. 

Apparecer,  vn  to  appear,  to  be- 
come  visible. 

Apparecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  appoared. 

Appareoixnento,  sm.  the  act  and 
eÔect  of  appearing 

Apparelhadamente,  adv.  pro- 

Apparemado,  a,  pp.  adj  pre- 
pared, fítted,  matched. 

Appareihador,  sm.  one  -who  pre- 
pares or  âts  up. 

Apparelhamento,  sm.  appara- 
tus,  preparations ;  tools,  equip- 

Apparelhar,  va.  to  prepare,  to 
get  or  make  ready,  to  match,  to 
nt,  to  dispose  —  uma  vela,  to  set 
a  sail.  Apparelhay^-se,  vr.  to  pre- 
pare one's  self;  (fig.)  to  be  dis- 

Apparelho,  sm.  apparatus,  prepa* 
rations;  tools,  equipment,  am- 
munition;  {surg.)  dressing  of 
wounds.  [side. 

Apparencia,  sf.  appearance,  out- 

Apparente,  adj.  2  g.  apparent, 
certain,  evident,   conspicuous. 

Apparentemente,  adv.  appa- 
rently,  likely,  evidewtVj. 

spectxe,  >í\avoTv.  ^         ^^^ 


—  90  - 


tingrs,  etc.  of  galleys  and  small 

Appellado,  a,  jyp  adj.  appealed. 

—  sm  he  that  is  appealed. 
Appellamento,  sm,  {a  sea  term) 

appealing,  the  set  of  oars,  net- 

tmgs,  etc. 
AppeUante.  adj.  2  g.  appealing, 

he  that  appeals.  —  sm.  appealer. 
Appellar,  vn    {in  lato)  to  appeal, 

to  bring  in  an  appeal.  Appellou 

o  enfermo,  is  saia  of  a  sick  man 

TTho,  being  given  over  by  physi- 

cians,  recovers. 
Appellatlvamente,  adv.  appel- 

Appellativo,  a,  adj.  appellative. 

Nome  — ,  common  name. 
Appellatorio,  a,  adj  {in  law)  ap- 

Appellavel,  adj  2  g.  {in  lato)  ap- 

Appellidado,    a,   jm    adj     sur- 

jiamed,  nick-named. 
Appellidador,  sm.  and  adj  that 

Appellidar,  va   to  snrname,  to 

cry  out;    to  alarm,  to  call  to 

arms.  Appcllidarse^  vr.  to  he 

called,  surnaraed- 
Appellido,  sm.  a  snrname,  cogno- 

men,  an  alarm. 
Appello,  sm.  V.  Appellação, 
Appendlce  or   Appendix,   sm. 

appendix,  addition. 
Appendlculo,  sm.  appendicle. 
Appensado,  a,  pp.  adj.  suspen- 

ded,  joined.  [ment. 

Appensão,  sf   addition,  supple- 
Appensar,  va.  to  hang,  to  sus- 

pend.  —  um  feito  a  outro,  {in  law) 

to  join  a  documentwith  another. 
Appenso,   a,    adj.    suspended, 

joined.  [ter. 

Appetecedor,  sm.  and  adj.  cove- 
Appetecer,  va  to  covet,  to  long 

for .  [desired. 

Appetecido,  a,  pp  adj.  coveted, 
Appeteoivel.  adj   2  g  desirable, 

appetiblft.  [tousness. 

Appetencia,  sf.  appetency,  cove- 
Appetente,  adj.  2  g.  {anc.)  that 

excites  the  appetite. 
Appetibilidade,  */.  appetibility. 

Appetltar,  va.  to  appetite,  to  ex- 
cite the  appetite. 
Appetite,  sm.  appetite,  desire,  — 

s,  sm.  pi.  any  passion  in  general. 
Appetitivel,  adj.  2  g.  that  excites 

appetite.  [tive- 

Appetitivo,  a,  adj.{phil )  appetí- 
Appetito,  sm.  V.  Appetite , 
Appetitosamente ,     adv,    vriUh 

great  appetite. 
Appetitoso,  a,    adj    relishing; 

(ng.)  tempting,  desirable,     he 

tnat  has  a  fancy  for  every  thing 

he  sees. 
Applaudente>   adj.  2  g.  he  that 

applauds.  —  sm.  applauder. 
Applaudido,  a,  pp .  adj.  api>lau- 

ded,  approved.  [praiser. 

Applaudidor ,     sm.    applauder, 
Applaudir,    va.   to  applaud,  to 

approve.  Applaudir-se^  vr  to  be 

clapped ;   (fig  )  to  praise   one's 

self  for. 
Applausivel,  adj.  2  g.  applausive, 
Applauso.  sm,  applause. 
Applicabilidade,  5/   applicábi- 

Applicação,  sf  application,  at- 

tention  ,     care ;     destination , 

Applicada,  sf.  {geom.)  applicate. 
Applicadaxnente,    ado.     appli- 

cably,  attentively. 
Applicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  applied, 

adapted;  attentive.   Um  homem 

— ,  a  man  of  close  study, 
Applicamento,  sm.  that  mnst  be 

Applicante,  ac^y .  2  p'.  thatapplies.. 
Applicar,  va  to  açply,  to  design , 

to  adapt,   to  suit    Applicar-se, 

vr.  to  be  united,  joined. 
Applicativo,  a,  adj    applicable. 
Appllcavel,  adj.l  g  applicable 
Appôr,  va.  to  set,  to  appose 
Apposição,   sf.   apposition,  set- 

tiug.  [able. 

Apposito,  a,  adj  apposite,  snit- 
Apostaxnento,  sm.  (anc.)-an  ao- 

cessory  thing.  [lating. 

Apposto,  a,  pp.  adj.  added,  re- 
Apprecativo,  a,  adj    that  sup- 

piicates.  [der. 

Apprehendedor,  sm.  apprehen* 


•-    91 


Apprehender,  va.  to  apprehend, 

to  arrest ;  (fig.)  to  conceivo,  to 

imderstand.  —  to  bo  apprehen- 

sive  of. 
Apprehendido,  a,  pp.  adj.  ap- 

prehended,  arrosted,  ifig.)  un- 

derstood ;  feared.  [fear. 

Appreheneâo.  sf.  apprehension, 
Apprehensibilidade,  sf.  appre- 

Apprehensiva ,  sf.  {phil.)  apprc- 

oension,  pcrception. 
Apprehensivamente,  adv    ap- 

prehensively.  [sible. 

Apprehensivel,  adj.  apprehen- 
Apprehensivo,  a,    adj.    appre- 

Apprehenso.  a,  V.  Apprehendido. 
Apprehensor,  s^m.  apprehender. 
Apprehensorio,  a,  adj.  (in  law) 

that  serves   for  apprehendin^ 

Appremado,  a,    pp.  adj,   tied, 

Appremador,  sm.  {anc.)  he  that 

Appremar,  va.  to  bind,  to  press, 

\fig.)  to  oppress. 
Appremiar,  va.  V.  Premiar, 
Apprensão,  sf  V.  Apprehemão. 
Appresâo,  sf.  or  Apresso,  sm. 

(«nc.)  oppression. 
Appresso,  a,  adj  (anc.)  leamed. 
Approbativo.  â,   adj    approba- 

tive,  approbatory. 
Approbatorio,  a,  adj.  approba- 

Appropinquaçào,  sf,  approach- 

ing,  appruximation. 
Appropinquado,  a,  pp.  adj  ap- 

Appropinquar-se,  vr.  to  appro- 

pinquate,  to  approach. 
Appropriar,  vn.  V  Apropriar. 
Approvação,  sf.  approbation. 
Approvadaxnente,  adv  vith  ap- 

Approvado,  a,pp  adj.  approved, 

praised.  Jiemedio  — ,  aa  experi- 

mented  remedy. 
Approvador,  sm    apçrover.  — 

ãaj.  approving,  praisin^. 
Approvar,   va.   to  approve,  to 

wtify,  to  justify . 

Approvativo,  a,  ndj.  approba- 

tive,  approviíitf. 
Approvavel,  adj.  2  g.  approvable. 
Approxiznar,  va.  V  Aproximar 
Appulso,  sm.  [astron.)  appulse. 
Aprasmar,   va.  {anc.)    to   vitn- 

Aprasxno,  ^i.  V.  Prnsmr. 
Aprazado,  a,  pp.  adj.  appointed, 

settlod.  L^r  íixes. 

Aprazador,  sm.  he  that  sctties 
Aprazamento,  sm.  assiguation, 

Aprazar,  m.  to  appoint,  to  íix  a 

day.  to  adjourn.  Apraxar-sej  vr. 

to  be  appointed.  [sant. 

Aprazedor,   sm.   plaaser,   pleor 
Aprazente,   a/Ij.  2  g.  pleasant, 

pleasinjj^.  [sare. 

A  preizer,  adv.  at  euse,  at  plen- 
Aprazer,    vn,  to    please,   to  be 

a^reeablfl.  [a^eeable. 

Aprazerado,  a,  adj.  {onc.)  merrj-, 
Aprazibilidade,  sf.  pleasantiiefis, 

affability . 
Aprazido,  a,  adj.  pleased. 
Aprazimento,  sm.  pleasure,  con- 

Aprazível,  of//.  2  g.  pleasant. 
Aprazivelinente ,    adv.    pleas- 

in<íly,  gcntly. 
Ai>re,    interj.   a  word    of  excla- 

mation,  hey-day !  [rated. 

Apreçado,    a,    pp   adj.  prized, 
Apreçador.  a.  sm.  and.  f.  he  or 

she  that   settlos  a  prico  upon 

«roods.  [prriising,  ratmg. 

Apreçamento,    S7n     {anc.)     ap- 
Apreçar,  va.  to  prize,  to  rate ,  to 

cheapen  ,  {fig.)  to  esteem. 
Apreciação,  sf.  apprcciation. 
Apreciado,  a,    pp.   adj.   appro- 

ciatod,  valued,  esteemed. 
Apreciador,  ora,  sm.  and  /  ea- 

teomer,  rnter. 
Apreciar,  va.  to  appreciate,  to 

esteem,  {/ir/.)  to  cheapen. 
Apreciativamente,    adv.  vnth 

Apreciativo.a.  adj  appreciatiníí. 
Apreciável,  adj.  2  g.  appreciable: 

valuablo  (preeiation. 

Apreciavelmente,  Qav.  with  aij- 


—  92  — 


Apregoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  published, 

Apregoador,  ora,  sm.  and  f.  a 
crier,  one  who  proclairas. 

Apregoar,  va.  to  proclaim,  to  cry, 
to  publish.  [self  laz^. 

Apreguiçar-se,  vr.  to  make  one's 

Aprexniar,  va.  V.  Premiar  and 

Aprender,  va.  to  learn.  —  de  cór, 
to  learn  cr  get  by  heart. 

Aprendido,  a,  pp.  adj.  learned 
or  learnt. 

Aprendiz,  adj.  2  g  that  learns. 
—  sm.  apprentice.  [ship 

Aprendizado,    sm.    apprentice- 

Aprensar,  va.  V.  Imprensar. 

Apresado,  a,  pp.  adj.  captured. 

Apresador,  adj.  and  s.  that  cap- 
tures a  ship  in  war ;  captor. 

Apresamento,  sm.  capture. 

Apresbyterar-se,  vr.  to  take 
orders  of  a  presbyter. 

Apresentação,  sf.  presentation. 

Apresentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  presen- 
ted.  —  sm.  [cânon  law)  the  clerk 
who  is  presented  by  the  patron. 

Apresentador,  sm.  presenter. 

Apresentar,  va.  to  present,  to 
tender;  to  oífer.  Apresentar-se, 
vr.  to  present  one's  self,  to  ap- 
pear.  [table. 

Apresentável,  adj.  2  g.  presen- 

Apresilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  looped, 

Apresilhar,  va.  to  triín,  to  bind 
•with  loops. 

Apreso,  a,  adj.  annexed,  close. 

Apressadamente,  adv.  hastily. 

Apressado,  a,  pp.  adj,  hastened, 
quick.  [hastens. 

Apressador,  sm.  and  adj.  he  that 

Apressar,  va.  to  press,  to  hasten. 
Apressar-se,  vr.  tobe  expeditious 
or  quick. 

Apresso,  sm.  {anc.)  urgency.  — 
adj.  learned.  [ly,  quickly. 

Apressuradamente,  adv.  hasti- 

Apressurado,  a,  pp.  adj.  haste- 
ned, hnrried.  [haste. 

Apressuramento,  sm.  celerity, 

Apressurar,    va.    to    press,    to 

Apreatação,   sf.  ali  thmgs  that 

are  of  utility  or  pleasure  to  a 

man.  [ready. 

Aprestado,  a,  pp.  adj.  prejpared, 
Aprestamado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 

enjoys  the  aprestamo . 
Aprestamar,  va.  {anc.)  to  presti- 

mony  to  one 
Aprestamento,  sm.  {anc.)  prepa- 

ration,  apparatus. 
Aprestamo,    sm.   {anc.)  presti- 

mony.  [ready. 

Aprestar,  va.  to  prepare,  to  make 
ApresUmo,5m.  (a/ic.)  prestiraony, 

church  living.  ^      [ratus. 

Apresto,  sm.  preparation,  appa- 
Aprico,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  sheltered. 
Aprimoradamente ,    adv.   per- 

fectly  well. 
Aprimorado,   a,  pp.  adj.  fine, 

skilful,  perfect. 
Aprimorar,  va.  to  make  nice. 
Aprincezada,  adj.  princely. 
A  priori,  ado.  loc.  a  priori,  with- 

out  investigation. 
Apriscado,  a,  pp.  adj.  housed  in 

a  sheep-fold.  [cattle. 

Aprlscar,  va.  to  stable,  to  house 
Aprisco,  sm.  a  sheep-fold;  {fig.)  a 

grot.  [made  prisoner. 

Aprisionado,  a,  pp.  adj  prisoned, 
Aprisionador,  sm.  captor,  that 

Aprisionar,    va.    to  prison,   to 

make  prisoner  of  war.,  Si,  pp. adj.  imprisoned. 
Aprisoar,  va.  to  imprison,  to  in- 

Aproado,  a,  pp.  adj.  steered. 
Aproar,  va.  {a  sea  term)  to  steer 

a  ship.  [to  explore. 

Aprofundar,  va.  to  deepen ;  {fig.) 
A  prol,  adv.  loc.  profit,  advan- 

A  prologo,  adj.  that  has  no  pro- 
logue, [long. 
Aprolongar,  va.   {anc.)   to  prcv- 
Apromptado,  a,  pp.  adj.   pre- 

pared,  disposed. 
Apromptar,  va.  to  prepare,  to 

make  ready. 
Aproplietar-se,ur.  {anc.)  to  make 

one's  self  a  çro^bet . 
Aproposltad.Míveii\.ô»  oAo .  x»  "Cci% 
1     purpose,  oT^T^oxtxxxiQX^ . 


—  93  — 


Apropositado,  a,  pp.  adj.  oppor- 

tune,  proper.  [to  fit. 

Apropositar,  va.   to  proçortion, 
Apropriação,  sf.  appropnation. 
Apropriadamente,    ado.    with 

propriety,  opportunely. 
Apropriado,  a,  pp.  aaj,  appro- 

priated,  suitable. 
Apropriar,  va.  to  appropriate; 

Xfig.)  to  adapt. 
Aproveitadamente,  va.    proíi- 

tably,  usefully. 
Aproveitado,  a,  pp^  adj.    im- 

proved ;  saving,  sparing. 
Aproveitador,  adj.  and  sm.  one 

that  spares. 
Aproveitamento,  sm.  proíicien- 

cy ,  utility,  proíit. 
Aproveitante,  adj.  i  g    saving, 

Aproveitar,  va  to  proíit.  to  put 

to  good  use.  —  vn.  to  be  use- 

ful,  to  improve.  Aproveita?'-se, 

vr.  to  improve,  to  proíit  by,  to 

turn  to  aavantage.  [ble. 

Aproveitável,  adj.  2  g.  proíita- 
Aprovisionado,  a,  pp.  aaj   pro- 

vided,  furnished.  [supply. 

Aprovisionar,  va.  to  provide,  to 
Aproxado,  a,  pp.  adj   approach- 

Aprozar,  va .  {mil )  to  approach 

in  a  siege. 
Aprozes,  sm  pi.  (fort.)  the  ap- 
proach in  a  sie^e;    ali  "Works 

made  by  the  besieger. 
Aproximação,  s/*.  approximation, 

approach,  [proximation. 

Aproximadamente,  ado  by  ap- 
Aproximado,  a,    pp.  adj.    ap- 

Aproximar,  va.  to  approach,  to 

come  near  to.  Aproxtmar-se,  vr. 

to  draw  near  [mative. 

Aproximativo,  a,  adj.  approxi- 
Aprumado,  a,  pp.  adj.  plumbed. 
Aprumar,  va    to  plamb,  to  set 

Apsides,  sm.  pi.  {astron.)  apsides. 
Aptamente,a(/v.  aptly,  properly. 
Aptar.  va.Y,  Adaptar. 
ApteroB,  m,pL  {nat.  Ust)   ap- 

'àpOdõOt  sf,  aptness,  aptitude 

Aptificado,  a,  pp,  adj.   habili* 

Aptifioar,  va  to  habilitate. 
Aptitude,  sf.  aptitude,  aptness 
Aptitudinsd,    adj.   2  g    put  in 

Apto,  a,  adj.  apt,  capable,  íit. 
Apuado,  a,  adj  nailed,  fastened 

with  iron  points. 
Apudacta,  adv.  loc.  {in  2au;)  joined 

to  the  process  [dust 

Apulverisar,  va   to  powder,  to 
Apunohar,  va.  {anc  )  to  stitch. 
Apunliado,  a,  pp.  adj.   ^asped 

in  a  íist.  moniarded. 

Apunhalado,  a,  pp  aaj.  stabbed, 
Apunhalar^  va.  to  stab,  to  po- 

Apunhar,  va.  to  grasp  in  a  ílst. 
Apupada,  sf.  hiss,  hoot,  hootinff 
Apupado,  a,   pp.  adj.    hootea, 

Apupar,  va.  to  hiss,  to  hoot 
Apupo ,  sm.  hiss ,  hoot  ,*    a    sea 

Apuração,  sf.  reíinement. 
Apuradamente,    adv.    exactly, 

Apurado,  a,  pp.  adj    puriíied, 

neati  perfect,  accomplished. 
Apurador,  sm.  one  that  reílnes ; 

improver  [improvement. 

Apuramento,    sm.    reíinement, 
Apurar,  va.  to  purify,  to  polish, 

to  reíine.  —  a  paciência,  to  put 

a  mau  out  of  patience.  Apurar- 

«e,  vr.  to  do  one's  best ;  to  grow 

polished.  [rative. 

Apurativo,  a,  adj.  {med.)  depu- 
Apuridar,  vn  to  whisper  Apurir 

dar-se,  vr.  to  be  whispered. 
Apuro,  sm.  reíinement,  improve- 
Apurpurado,  a,  adj  purpled. 
Apyra,  sf.  {mm.)  argil,  porcelain. 
Apyrexia,  sf  apirexy. 
Ap3rro,  adj .  apyrous,  incombusti- 

ble  [meration. 

Aquadrelamento,  sm.  list,  ena- 
Aquadrelar,  va.  to  asaecvVsl^. 
AqyiaâxVâiaâLO,  ^,  -p^.  ^V  J^^"* 


Aquaria.  • 

AqaartalHdo,  B,  adj.  Cavallo  • 

Aenutrtelado,  a,pp-  ailj.  billatoJ-, 
(AETflJ.]  djvided  in  quirterings. 

AquortelBiueiito .  ma.  (mil.) 
lodgnienl,  Larraclis. 

AiTBSTtelar,  ca.  ia  liillsL  aoldierr. 

AquartUbado,  a,  pp.  iàj.  tdíí 
Aquartilhador  sin.  a  retailBr. 
AquortlUiai;,    na    to  caUúl,    to 

aaU  bv  piala. 
Aquatíoo,  a.  a-tj.  squatic. 
Ai^atil,  ailj.  -1  g.  aquatUe,  aqua- 

Aqoeoido,   a,    pp   mlj.    grovn 

Aq^eolmenta.    sivi.    wannuaiia ; 

Aguaducto,  sm.  aquedunt. 
A  ijuebna  roupa,  Bitu.  toe,  dose 
to,  vorj  naiir.  [queicm: 

Aauelvar,  ua.   to  fallow    V.  Al- 
Aipiebcadaraente .    ais.    (onc ) 

A^Bixamento,  tm.  boate,  ipead; 

AõaaUe.  a.  (/«n.  ivon.  niuj  ãdi. 
lh.a  (ma.i  or  ihíig),  thM  ÍÍS- 
mUQ  or  that  IhiOft.  [otiior. 

Aqaell'oatro,  a,  Jem.  rron  that 

Aquém.  o'íc.  on  ihii  siíe. 

Aquautado.  a.  pp,  adi.  waimod, 
Diada  hot;  (/ij,)  ikvourad 

Aquentamento,  ma    u  hsating 

AtfueDtar,  m.  tu 

irm ;  Wí-Jto 

—  ■         AR.V 

Aaaentelanos,  mi.  pi.  people  on 

tliis  sido  of  lhe  ÍRguí, 
Aqaeo,  p,  údr.  aqtieou^ 
Aôni,  o.lo.  hero,   harpi;i    ff-  , 

Aquiescer,  \n'.  lo  bl-.juIpsc*.  ló 

Aquilatado,   a,  pp   'idj.    v'hni'i! 

etcj.  ""  ^[(™^"1<i  í°.). 
AqaliBtador,  Jtn.  (ajif.  psiinyor 
Aquilatar,  ca.  to  deivrmini!  lha 

AqniliieTOrd^/j.  H-i^uita-hearar 
AqnÍUTio,â,  oi^j-  aqnilíne. 
Aqulllo,  praii.  H.  that  thiiig.  that 
Aãollonar,  iii(f.  a  j.  uotthorly, 

AqullODlo,  a,  adi.  nurthcrly. 
•—'-'— -"o,  a.íp.Wj.  Bharwl, 

Aquosldad«,    if.    uquoousne 

Bqii..silv,  [*iit.v 

Aquoso,  a,  onj.  uqucnus,  afiitii 

j.E»no  ib  — .  ftlky  Couia  feita 
na  --.  a  Ihing  done  ai  randoin, 
íighlly.  Pele,arei,  (fs-)  brishW, 

Ara,'^^''^  dtar-sio,,,;  (asír.)  a 
southoin  cousOiWsiWw. 



—  95  — 


>,  a,  adj.  of  Arábia.  — *,  {paint.)  arabesque  or  arar 

Arabi,  sm.  a  title  ^íven  to   the 

ralibiu  that  ^'■■•veruAd  lho  Jows 

xehen  they  -«-hero  tolerated  in 

Arábia,' a/*.  Arubia. 
Arabioo,  a,  adj.  arabical,  arabic. 
Araoa,  nf.  arack,  arrak  or  rack 

Araça,  s(.  a  fniit  of  Brazil 
Araçazeiro,  sm.  Drazilian  trce. 
Aracari,  sm.  urucari. 
Arado,  sm.   a  plough.  Ferro  do 

— ,  pIough-shfir«í. 
Aradoiro,  sm.  {anc.)  the  plouf^h. 
Arador,  atij.  he  that  ploughs.  — , 

sm.  plougner. 
Aradura,  sf.  plou^rhing,  tilling. 
Aragem  or  Arage,  sf.  brecze. 

blast.  i^ing  to  Arragon. 

Aragonez,  a,  a<(/.  acd  s.  pertaín- 
Aral ,  sm.    {uf/nc.)    a    piece    of 

incult   ground   that  has    been 

Aralhá,  sf.  .1  two  years  calf ,  the 

stoiu  or  stalk  of  the  garlick. 
Arame,  sm.  brass. 
Arandela,  sf.  a  sort  of  funnel 

fastouod  to  the  thick  end  of  a 

Aranea,  sf.  arachnoid. 
Araneiforme,  «'//    2  g.  spider- 

Aranha,  sf.  spider ;  a  sort  of  crab 

lish.  'lâfi  d'  — ,  a  cobwed 
Aranhento,  a,  adj  that  has  spi- 

Aranhiço,  sm.  a  kind  of  spider. 
Aranhol.  sm.  a  K;)idor's  hole 
Aranhoso.  a,  adj.  spider-like. 
Aranzel,  sm.  roll,  register,  rule. 
Arão,  sm.  {bot.)  unim. 
Arar,  va.  to  plough,  to  till. 
Arara,  */.  arurauna,  macaw. 
Arate,  5   a  bird  of  America. 
Aratica.  sf.  aratica  (bird). 
Aratorio,  a,  adj.  aratory. 
Aratriíorme,  adj.  2  g,  ploagh- 

Arauto,  j»2.  iieraid 


Arável,  adj.  2  g  tillable. 
Aravia,  sr    arabic     languaf^e, 

{íig  )  gibberish.  [labe. 

Arbalestrilha,  sf.  Kmath.)  untro- 
Arbim,  sm.     a   sort   uf  coarde 

Arbitra,  sf.  an  arliiirtjss. 
Arbitração,  sf.  url)itration,  arbi- 
trem e  11 1.  [regulatcíl. 
Arbitrado,  a,  pp.  adj  arbitrated. 
Arbitrador,  sm.  arl.itrator;  ap- 

Arbitragem,  sf.  aiKitration. 
Arbitral,  adj.  'i  g.  uri li trai. 
Arbitramento,  sm.  ar)jitremt*nt, 

arbitration.  ;«"ide. 

Arbitrar,  va.  to  arbitrate,  u»  de- 
Arbitrariamente,  adc.  arbitra- 

rily,  despoticallj' 
Arbitrariedade ,   sf.    arbitraria 
Arbitrário,  a,  adj  arliitrary. 
Arbitrativo,  a, //^//   arbitra  ry. 

■will.determinatioií. /^/yrr — ,fr{*o 

■will  [trivor 

Arbitrista,  sm.  ar})iiratrir:  a  rt)n- 
Arbitro,  sm.  arbitruior,  arbiter. 
Arbor,  sm  {anr.)  V   Arvore. 
Arbóreo,  a,  adj.  arlioreons,  ar- 

borary.  [borescent. 

Arborescente,  adj.  -2,  g.  (hnt.)  ar- 
Arboribonzo,  sm.  au  orrant  boDze 

Arboricultura,  sf.  troe-ctiltiin». 
Arborisação,  sf  (min.)  arborisa- 

Arborisado,  a,  adj.  arijorized. 
Arborisar,  va.  to  arbori/e. 
Arborista,    sm    arborist,    iiatu- 

Arbuaculo,  sm.  arbiisclo,  shn.'). 
Arbusteo  ,   a ,  adj.    conceruinij 

the  shrubs.  [shapoií. 

Arbustiform,    adi.  2  g.    shriib- 
Arbustivo,  a,'aaj,    concerniu^ 

the  shrubs. 
Arbusto,  sm.  {bot.)  a  shrub. 
Arca.  sf.  a   chost;    ark,    coffcr. 

Veia  da  — ,    {anat.)  the   innor 

vein  of  tbô  wm.  — -jV^ca^i^  >\\fc 

AxoaboxM^o^  sm  \a.■^c^  ^^  ^'^^ 


—  96  — 


Aroabuzaço,  sm.  the  shot  of  an 
arquebuse,  arquebusade. 

Arcabuzada,  sf.  arquebusade. 

Arcabuzado,  a,  pp.  adj.  killed 
•yrith  the  shot  of  an  arquebuse. 

Arcabuzar,  va.  {tnil.)  to  shoot,  to 
kill  with  a  shot  of  arquebuse 

Arcabuzeiro ,    sm    arquebusier, 
^       gunsmith. 
'-"^     ATcabuzeria,  */"■  a  body  of  muske- 
teers  or  arquebusiers. 

Arcada,  sf  árcade,  arched  vault , 
piazza.  [stellation). 

Árcades,  5  {astr.)  Árcades  (con- 

Arcádia,  sf.  Arcádia. 

Arcado,  a,  pp.  adj.  arched,  bent. 

Arcadura,  sf  arching,  bent, 

Arcano,  a,  adj.  secret,  concealed . 
— ,  sm.  arcanum.  [saddle. 

Arção,   sm     the    pommel   of  a 

Arcanson,  5771,  colophonia. 

áircar,  va.  to  arch,  to  bow.  — pi- 
pas, to  hoop  casks.  —  com  al- 
guém, to  hug,  to  clasp  — ,  vji. 
to  breathe  short. 

Arcaria,  sf.  the  arches  -which 
support  auy  building. 

Arcaz,  sm.  a  great  chest 

Arcebispado,  sm.  archbishopric 

Arcebif^al,  adj.  2  g.  archiepi- 

Arceisispo,  sm  archbishop. 

Arcediacono.  sm  archdeacon, 

Arcediagado,  sm  archdeacon- 
ship.  [to  the  archdeacon. 

Arcediagal,  adj  2  g   belonging 

Arcediago,  sm.  {anc.)  archdea- 
con. [the  archers. 

Archa,  sf  a  kind  of  arm  used  by 

Archaico,  a,  adj.  {poet )  ancient, 

Archaisnao,  sm.  archaism. 

Archanjo,  .sm   archangel. 

Archeiro,  sm.  archer ;  one  of  the 
king  of  Portugal's  guard. 

Archelogia,  sf^  treatise  of  the 
first  elements  of  medicine. 

Archeo,  sm.  archeus .  — ,  {chem.) 
central  fire. 

Archeographia,  sf,  description 
of  old  moD  umen  ts. 
-^oheographOfSm  he  that  makes 

aeacriptiona  ofold  monuments. 

Archeologia,  sf.  archeology. 
Archeologico,  a,  adj  arcneolo- 

Archeologo,  sm.  archeologist. 
Archet3rpo,  sm.  archetype,  mo- 

del,  original.  — ,  adj.  archety- 

pal.  [lothist  or  acolate. 

Archiacolyto,  «m.  the  fírst  aco> 
Arobiapostata ,    sm.     archa{)o- 

state.  [principal  chair. 

Archicadeira,  sf   the  fírst,  the 
Arcbicaxnarista,  sm.  arch-cham- 

berlain.  [chancellor. 

Archicancellario,  sm.  the  lord 
Arcbicantor,  sm.  arch-chanter. 
Arcbiclavo,  sm    the  regent  or 

superior  in  a  church . 
Arcbiconfraria,  sf  the  principal 

brotherhood  [archducny. 

Arcbiducado,5m-  archdukedom; 
Archiducal,  adj.  2  g.  archducal. 
Arcbiduque,  sm.  archduke. 
Arcbiduqueza,  sf  archduchess. 
Archiepiscopado ,  sm.    archbi- 

shopric.  [piscopal. 

Archiepiscopal,  adj  2  g  archie- 
Arcbimandrita,  s7h    a  superior 

of  religious  men. 
Archimla,  sf  [chem.)  the  part  of 

chimistry  employed   for  trans- 

inuting  metais.  [minister. 

Arcbiministro,  sm.   the  prime 
Archimosteiro,  5m  the  fírst  mo- 

nastery  of  an  order . 
Archipadre,  sm.  a  bishop. 
Archipelago,  sm.  the  Archipe- 

lago.  [presbyterial. 

Arcbipresbyteral,  adj.  2^  arch- 
Archipropheta;5m  archprophet. 
Architecta,  sf.  architectress 
Arcbitectar,  va.  to  build,  to  raise ; 

{fig-)  to  exalt. 
Architecto,  sm  architect 
Architectonico,  a,   adj.  archi- 

tectonic ;  {mec  )  Machina  — a,  a 

machine  for  raising-weights^ 
Architectonographia,  «^  archi- 

tectonography  [chitect. 

Arobitector,  íffi.  architector,  ar- 
Architectoral,  adj    2  g    archi- 

Arobitectuxa^  sf.  archltecture. 
AròbithxoxiOx  sm.  \^<^  ^fv&sà;^ 




—  97  — 


Arohitrave,  sm.  architrave. 
Arohivado,  a,  pp.  adj.  kept,  col- 

lected  in  the  arcbives. 
Archivar,  va.  to  keep,  to  gather 

in  the  archives. 
Arcliivista,  sm.  archivist. 
Archivo,  sin.  archives;   a  place 

■where  records  are  kept. 
Archontado,  sm.  {aniiq.)  archon- 

Archonte,  sm.  archon. 
Archote,  sm.  a  flambeau. 
Arcipreste,  sm.  archpriest. 
Arco,  «m.  bow;  an  arch;  {geom.) 

are.  —  de  pipa^  a  hoop  or  circle. 

—  da  velha,  rainbow. 
Arcobotante,  sm.  arc-boutant,  a 

buttress.  [brass. 

Arcote,  sm.   {miner.)    dross   of 
Arctação,  sf.  arctation. 
Arctar,  va.   {anc.)  to  bind,  to 

Árctico,  a,  adj.  arctic. 
Arcturo,  sm.    {astr.)    Arcturus 

Arcaal.  adj.  2  g.  arcuate. 
Arcumferenciisi,   sf.    the   space 

that  is  taken  by  a  circle. 
Ardego,  a,  adj.  {anc-i  íiery,  ar- 

dent.  Cavallo  — ,  a  liery  horse. 
Ardência,  sf.  ardency,  ardour, 

fire;  spontaneous  incalescence 

or  blasting  of  fat  resinous  bo- 

Ardente,  adj.  2  g.  burning,  hot, 

blazing,  ardent.  Agua  — ,  brau- 

dy ;  [fiÇ')  pasaionate,  violent. 
Ardentemente ,    adv.    fiercely , 

Ardentia,  sf.  ignis  fatuus;  the 

phosphoric  light  of  the  sea. 
Ardentoso,  a,  adj.  that  stings  as 

a  nettle. 
Arder,  vn.  to  bum,  to  blaze,  to 

be  consumed  by  fire;  to  blast 

(com,    barley,   etc);  (fig.)  to 

rage,  to  be  inflamed ;  to  desire 

Ardidamente,  adv.  bravely. 
Ardideza,  sf.  bravery,  boldness. 
Ardido,  a,  pp.  adj.  bumt,  blazed, 

flamed.^ortnAa— a,  musty  flour. 
Ardiforo,  adj.   {poet)  that  has 

ardour;  hot,  aroont. 

Ardil,  sm.  a   stratagem,   contri- 

Ardileza,  sf.  ruse,  stratagem. 
Ardilosamente,   adv.    craftily, 

knavishly.  [cautious. 

Ardiloso,  a,  adj.  subtle,  crafty; 
Ardimento,  sm.  boldness. 
Ardor,  sm.  ardour,  ardor,  heat, 

eagerness.  [slnte-pencil. 

Ardosia,í/'.(m7n.)  slaXe.Lapis  de — , 
Ardosieira,  sf.  slate-quarry. 
Arduamente,  adv.  difíicultly. 
Arduidade,  sf.    arduity,    uifíi- 

culty.  [lofty. 

Árduo,  a,  adj.  difficult,  arduous, 
Arduosidade,  sf.  arduousness. 
Are,  sm.  are.  [stern. 

A  ré,  adv.  loc.  {mar.)  towai"ds  the 
Área,  sf.  {geom.)  área;  {meteor.) 

Areação,  sf.  {med.)  the  act  of  co- 

vering  a  sick  person  "with  hot 

Areado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ventilated ; 

astonished ;  seized  -with  a  palsy. 
Arear,  v  r.  to  ventilate ;   to  be 

astonished ;  to  be  seized  '^'ith  a 

palsy.  —  va.  to  cover  with  sand. 
Areoa,  sf.  an  Indian  fruit. 
A  redonda,  adv.  loc.  about,  rouud 

Aroeira,  sf.  sand-pit. 
Areeiro,  sm.  he  wno  digs  sand; 

a  sand-box. 
Argento,  a,  adj.  sandy. 
Arefacção,  sf.  {pharm.)  arefac- 

tion.  [humbled. 

Arefeçado,  adi.    {anc.)  abased, 
Aregon,  sm.   (pharm.)   unguent 

againt  the  palsy.  [gravei. 

Areia,  sf.  sand.  —  s,  sf.  pi.  (med.) 
Areiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sandeu. 
Areial,  sm.  a  sandy  place. 
Areiar,  vn.  to  sand,  to  cover  with 

sand.  [sand-like. 

Areiamento,  a,  adj.  that  airs ; 
Areioso,  a,  adj.  sandy. 
Areisco,  a,  adj.  sandy. 
Arejado,  a.,pp.  adj.  aired,blasted. 
Arejar,  va.  to  air,  to  ventilate. 
Arejo,  sm.  airing,  ventilation. 
Arelhana,  sf.  a  girdle. 
Arena,  sf.  arena. 
Arenação,  sf.  arenation. 


—  98  — 


Arenaoeo,  a,   adj.  arenaceous, 

Areziato,  a,  culj,  {nàner.)  staad- 

stone,  quartz. 
Arenga,  sf.  harangue,  speech. 
Arengado,  a,i3p.  adj.  harangued. 
Arengador,     sm,     haranguer, 

Arenicola,  sm.  a  sea  maw-worm. 
Arenlfero,  a,  adj.  that  carnes 

Areniforme,  adj.  2  g.  sand-like. 
Arenoso,  a,  a^j.  sandj,  gravellj. 
Arenque,  5m.  herring.  —  dafuma- 

dOy  a  red  herring.  —  comovas,  a 

har4-roed  herring. 
Areol,  sm.  {bot.)  a  plant  of  the 

family  of  long  roses. 
Areola,  sf.  areola;  (anat.)  areola; 

{gard.)  a  little  bed  or  quarter  in 

a  garden. 
Areometro,  tm.  areometer. 
Areopagita,  sm.  areopagite. 
Areópago,  sm.  areopsígus. 
AreoBo,  a,  adj.  sandy. 
Areostylo,  sm.  [arch.)  areostyle. 
Areotectonica,  sf.{arch,)  areotec- 
,  tonic. 

Areotico,  a,  adi.  areotic.  [tree. 
Arequeira,  5/1  {bot.)  cachoa,  arec- 
Aresta ,    sf.  awn  of  corn ;   the 

coarsest  sort   of  flax;   {earp,) 

Aresteiro,  sm.  a  lawyer  that  cites 

sentences  of  a  court. 
Arestins,  sm.  pi.  arresta,  a  disease 

in  a  horse's  pasterns. 
Aresto,  sm.  (in  law)  a  sentence 

given  upon  a  cause. 
Areatographo,  sm.  a  compiler  of 

sentences.  [or  angles. 

Arestoso,  a,  adj.  that  has  awns 
Aretologia,  sf  aretology. 
A  revezes,  adv.  loc.  altemately. 
Arfagem,  sf  (a  sea  term)  th«  act 

of  pitching. 
Arfar,  vn.  {a  sea  term)  to  pitch,  to 

plunge  sometimes  a-head  aad 

sometimea  a-stern  (ship). 
Ajrffaznaixáel,  sm.  babbler,  talker. 
-Argamaasa,  sf.  aldnd  ofpla&ter- 
ing,  mortãT. 
'^ganxsLSBSLão,  a,   tm.  tidj,  im- 
Pãated,  covered  -with  mortar. 

Argamaseador»  »m.  he  who  pren 

pares  clay  for  puddling. 
Argamassar,  ta.  to  cover  ^th  a 

kind  of  plastering. 
Arganaz,  sm.  a  dorraouse. 
Arganel,  sm.  {anc.)  ring. 
Arganeo,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  ring- 

bolt ;  rings  which  serve  to  push 

a  cannon  backwai*ds  and  for- 

Argranizea,  sm.  pi.  differaut  kixids 

of  wooUen  cloths. 
Argâo,  sm.  a  piece  of  reed  to 

draw  wire  ;  a  sort  of  gown. 
Argel,   sm.  Algiers.  — ,  a  great 

noise.  — ,  adj.  2  g.  Cavallo — ,  a 

horse  with  his  off  foot  vhite, 

and  no  other  white  spot. 
Argelino,  a,  adj.  and  «.  pertaining 

to  Algiers. 
Argema,  sf  {surg.)  ulcer  in  the 

globe  of  an  eye.  [silvered. 

Argentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  plated, 
Argentar,  va.  to  silver  over,  to 

plate.  [plate. 

Argentaria,   sf.   plate,    ailver- 
Argentario,  sm.  {ane.)  cupboard 

for  keeping  silver-plate. 
Argentear,  va.  V.  Argentar. 
Argênteo,  a,  adj.  of  or  made  of 

silver,     argent;     {fig.)     cienr, 

bright.  [roQS. 

Argentifero,  a,  adj.  argentife- 
Argentifico,  a,  adj.  that  changes 

into  silver. 
Argentina,  sf  {bot.)  argentina. 
Argentino,    a,    adj.    argentine, 

lijLe  silver.  [mercnry. 

Argento,  sm.  (poet.)  silver-  —  vivOy 
ArgiUa,  sf  argil.  çotter^s  clay. 
Argillaoeo,  a,  adi.  argillous. 
Argillifero,  a,  adj.  areiUiferous. 
Argilloso,  a,  adj.  ar^iUous. 
Argola,  sf.  an  iron  ring,  a  ring ;  a 

knocker.  [knocEer. 

Argolada,  sf.  a  blow  with  the 
Argolão,  sm.  a  great  mw  ssive  ring. 
Argolar,  va.  to  make  rings. 
Argolelro,   sm.    workinan    that 

makes  rings. 
Argonauta*  »m.  argonaut. 
AraQa,  sm.  (,aitr  .^  kc^o  (constella- 



—  99  — 


Argndar,  va.  to  trcat  -with  ar^- 
tie.  [tiee. 

Argaoiosamente,  adv. yrith  argu- 

Argucioso,  a,  adj.  that  uses  ar- 

Argaeireiro,  sm.  {anc.)  he  ^-ho 
stg.nds  upon  trifles. 

Argueiro,  sm.  a  straw,  a  mote,  a 
pin^s  point. 

Arguente,  s^n.  arguer,  disputant. 

Arguição,  sf.  blame,  reproach. 

Arguido,  a,  pp.  adj.  reprehended, 

Arguidor,  a.  adj.  and  s.  that 
reprehends  :  blamer,  disputer. 

Arguir,  va.  to  reprehend*  to  ac- 
cuse,  to  reprove. — tm.  to  dispute. 

Arguitivaznente,  adv.  (ane.)  ar- 
gumentatively.  [mcntation. 

Argumentação,  sf.  (loff.)  argn- 

Argumentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  argued, 
proved  by  arfruments. 

Argumentador,  sm.  arguer,  dis- 

Argumentante.  ndj.  2  g.  dispu- 
tant, the  opponent  in  ádisputa- 
tlon.  [to  argue. 

Argumentar,  va.  to  argument, 

Argumento,  «ni.  arírument. 

Argutamente,  ado.  smartly, 

Arguto,  a,  adj.  sharp,  loud  ;  (/ig.) 
subtil,  injreriuous. 

Argyrosis,  sf.  (min.)  a  kind  of  an 
argentiferous  mineral. 

Ária,  sf.  ária,  air,  song. 

Ariadna,  sf.  {astr.)  Ariadne  (star). 

Arianismo,  sm.  arianism. 

Arianos,  .«f?».  pi.  Arians. 

Aridez,  5^.  andity,  drynoss. 

Árido,  a,  cdj.  dry,  sterile. 

Aridura,  «A  aridit}',  dryness. 

Aries,  .sm.  [astr.)  Aries. 

Arieta,  sf.  an  ariotta. 

Ariete,  sm.  (viil.)  a  batteringram. 

Arietino,  adj.  (poeí.)  belonging  to 
a  ram. 

Arilhado,  a.  adj.  (bot.)  arillated. 

Arilho,  sm.  [hot.)  aril,  arilus. 

Arinque,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  the 

ArJoJo,  S9n.  diviner.  V.  Adevinho. 
-^^Pfr  vn.  to  exca vato  the  ground 

^or  takmg  up  seod-pearl£ 

Aripeiro,  tm,  a  nian  that  searches 

Aripo,  sm,  the  vork  of  searching 

seed-peariB.  [austere,  coy. 

Arisoo.  a,  ac(/.  taW.  of  sand ;  {fig.) 
Arissaro,  sm,  {bot.)  aruni. 
Aristado,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  furnished 

vith  aristas. 
.^istarcho,  sm.  aristarchus. 
Aristocracia,  sf.  aristocracy. 
Aristocrata,  sm.  aristocrat. 
Aristocraticamente,  ado.  aristo- 

Aristocrático,    a,  adj.     aristo- 

cratic,  aristocratical. 
Aristocratisar,  va.  to  give  an 

aristocratical  form  to  a  govem- 

Aristodcmocracia,  sf.  aristode- 

mocra  cy.  [  todemocratical. 

Aristodemocratico,  a,  adj.  aris- 
Aristolochia,     sf.     aristolochy, 

hart-vort.  fbeards 

Aristoso,  a,  adj.  that  has  many 
Aristotélico,  a,  adj.  aristotelic. 
Aristotelismo ,     sm.     aristote- 

Arithmancia,  sf.  arithmanoy. 
Arithmetica,  sf.  arithmetic. 
Aritlimeticamente,  adv.  arith- 

Arithmetico,  a,  adj.  arithmetical. 
Arithmographia,  sf.  the  art  of 

"writing  nuinbers. 
Arithmometria,  sf.  the  art  of 

making    logarithmic   divisions. 
Arlequim,  A-m.  harloquin. 
Arlequinado,  «f.  harlequinade. 
Arma,  sf.  arm,  \vea[>ou. —  de  fogo, 

a  lire-ami.  Armats  brancas.^  the 

sword,  the  pike,  the  bayonet. 

Armas,  sf.  pt.  Doixar  as  — ,  to 

Icavo  the  ariny.  ]*ruça  de  — ,  the 

exercisc   ground.  —    da  serra., 

{carp.)  that  part  of  a  saw  by 

"which  it  is  hold. 
Armação,  sf.  fumiture,  tapestry ; 

a  set  of  things  propor  to  flt  up 

apartments,    churcnes,    ships ; 

fishing  apçavftl. 
Armada,  sf .  ^  Ç^<í  c\.,t>.  xisc;  TÍ^-arroL-^ . 
ArmadVUda^  sf .  a  swvv^^a,"».  íp^^_^ 
Armaudílkio,  sm.  ^.uat.lxxat^  w^»»«- 


—  100  — 


Armado,  a,  pp.  adj,  armed ;  har- 

nessedjfortiíied;  (/!^.)  adomed. 
Armador,  sm.  he   vho    adorns 

churches,  honses. 
Armadouras,  (a  sea  term) 

laths  that  are  set  in  the  ship's 

sides  when  the  ship  is  building. 
Armadura,    sf.   arms,     armour, 

Armamento ,     sm.    armament , 

arming;  the  sails  and  tackling 

of  a  ship,  etc. 
Armar,  va.    to  arm,  to  furnish 

with. —  ci7acía5,to  lay  an  ambush. 

—  uma  bateria,  to  mount  a  batte- 

ry. — um  navio,  to  equiç  a  ship.  — ' 

vn.  to  make  preparations  tor  a 

war.  Armar-se,  vr.  to  arm  one's 

self,  to  take  arms. 
Armaria,  sf.    armory,  arms  or 

coats  of  arms. 
Armário,  sm.  a  cup-board. 
Armas,  sf.  pi.   arms,  weapons, 

armour;  {heral.)  field  or  snield 

of  an  escutcheon. 
Azmatoste,  sm.  a  rack  (to  bend  a 

ALrmazem,  sm.  ware-house,  ma- 
Aamazenagem,  sf.  the  act  of 

keeping  guods  in  a  magazine. 
Armazenar,  va.  to  keep  goods 

in  a  magazine. 
Armeiro,  sm.  a  maker  of  armours; 

a  gun-smith. 
Armella,  sf.  a  staple  for  a  lock. 
Armellina,  sf.  ermine. 
Armellino,  a,  aâj.  of  ermine. 
Arménio,  a,  adj.  and  s.  Armenian, 

belonging  to  Arménia. 
Armental,  adj.  2  g.  armental. 
Armento,  .sm.  {poet.)  a  herd  of 

black  cattle. 
Armentoso,  a,  adi.  rich  in  cattle. 
Armeo,  sm.  —  de  lã  ou  de  linho ^  a 

rack  full  of  yarn  or  flax. 
Armeria,  sf.  armory,  heraldry. 
Armigero,  a,  adj.  armigerous. 
ArmiUia,  sf.  a  bracelet. 
Armilheiro,  sm.  {carp.)  a  sort  of 

Armillar,    adj.   2  g.    armillary. 

Espkera  — ,  {flstnm.)  armillary 


Arminado,  a,  adj.  Cavallo  — ,  a 

horse  that  has  i^hite  spots  by 

a  hoof  of  a  black  colour  or  vice- 

Arminhado,  a,  adj.  {heral.)  the 

íield  of  an  escutcheon  when  it 

is   argent  and  the  powdering 

Arminho,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  ermine. 

— ,  adj.  (fig.)  soft,  gentle. 
Arxnino,  sm.  the  white  or  black 

spots  by  the  horse's  hoof. 
Armipotente ,  adj.  2  g.  armipo- 

tent,  pow^rful  in  arms. 
Armiscara,  sf.  a  sort  of  penalty. 
Armisono,  a,   adj.  armisonous, 

rustling  with  armour. 
Armista,  sm.  he  who  is  skilled 

in  heraldry. 
Armisticio,  sm.  armistice. 
Armo,  sm.  temper,  natural  incli- 

nation  of  the  mind. 
Armões,  sm.  pi.  [artil.)  the  fore- 

wheels    in   the   carriage    of  a 

Armoles,  sm.  pi.  golden  herb. 
Armomancia,  sf.  {antiq.)  a  sort 

of  divination. 
Armoraria,  sf.  {bot.)  cochlearia. 
Armoriai,  sm.  a  book  of  armory. 
Arneiro,  sm.  a  barren,  a  sandy- 

Aniella ,  sf.  the  root  of  a  broken 

tooth,  that  remains  in  the  gum. 
Arnez,  sm.  harness,  armour ;  {fig.) 

protection,  defense. 
Arnezado,  a,  adj.  furnished  with 

armour  or  harness. 
Arnica,  sf.  {bot.)  arnica. 
Aro,  sm.  an  iron  or  wooden  hoop. 
Aroeira,  sf.  lentisc.  V.  Lentisco. 
Aroma,  sm.   an   aromatic  drug; 

{fig.)  smell,  scent. 
Aromático,  a,  adj.  aromatic,  aro- 

Aromatita,  sf.  aromatite. 
Aromatização,  sf.  {pharm.)  aro- 

Aromatizado,  a,  pp.  adj.  aroma- 

AjTomatizar,  va.  to  aromatize. 
Arpa  or  Harpa,  sf.  harp.  V.  Har- 
pa and  derivated. 
Arpão,  sm.  harpoon,  hook. 


101  — 


Arpar ^  va.  to  grapple,  to  board  a 

Arpejado,a,;:»p.a(í;.  arpeggiated. 
Arpejar,  va.  to  arpeggiate. 
Arpejo,  sm.  {music.)  arpeggio. 
Arpente,  sm.  arpent. 
Arpeo ,    sm.     harpoon  y     hook ; 

grapnel.  [pling. 

Aipoação,  sf.  the   act  of  grap- 
Arpoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  grappled. 
Arpoador,  sm.  harpooner. 
Arpoar,  va.  to  grapple  cr  strike 

with  the  harpoon. 
Arpoeira,  sf.  narpoon,  hook. 
Arqueação,  sf.    gauging,    mea- 

surement  of  ships. 
Arqueado,  a,  pp.  adj.   arched, 

bent,  crooked.  Navio  — ,  a  ship 

measured  by  the  gauger. 
Arqueador,  sm.  gauger.        [ing. 
Arqueadura,  sf.  arching,  bend- 
Arqueamento,  sm.  the   act   of 

bending;    (a  sea  term)j  measu- 

rement  of  a  ship. 
Arquear,  va.  to  make  crooked,  to 

arch ;  (a  sea  term),  to  gauge  a 

ship.  —  as  sobrancelhas^  to  draw 

op  the  eye  brows  in  gazing  at 

any  thing  with  admiration. 
Arqueira,  sf.  a  .bow-woman. 
Arqueiro,  sm.  a  bownian. 
Arquejado,  a,  pp.   adj.    short- 

Arqueiante,    adj.  2  g.    out  of 

breath,  panting. 
Arquejar,  vn.  to  breathe  short,  to 

blow.    •  [ing. 

Arquejo,  sm.  short  breath,  pant- 
Arquelha,  sf.  a  mosquito-net. 
Arqueia,  sf.  a  small  chest. 
Arrajaalde,  sm.  suburb;  vicinity. 
Arrabil,  Rabil  or  Babel,  sm.  a 

musical  instrument. 
Arrabileiro,  sm.  a  player  of  ar- 

Arrabique,  sm.  V-  Arrebique. 
flLrrabujar-se,  ur  .(a/?c.)  to  grow 

covered  with  mange  (dbgs). 
.Arracixnado,  a,  pp.  adj.  covered 

with  bushes.  [chy. 

Arracixuar-se,  vr.  to  grow  bun- 
Arraçoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

ration.  [tion. 

Arraçoar,  va.  to   distribute  ra- 

Arraia,  sf.  {nat  hust.)  a  skate. 
Arraiado,  a,   pp.  adj.  enligh- 

tened.  V.  RaicMo. 
Arraial,  sm.  the  field  where  two 

armies  engage. 
Arraiamento,f  m.  tapestry,  hang- 

Arraiano,  sm.  and   adj.   a  bor- 

derer,  a  neighbnurer 
Arraiar,  vn.  to  shine.  V.  Raiar. 
Arraigado,  a,  pp.  adi.    rooted, 

old ;  ifig.)  inveterateu. 
Arraigar,  va.  to  produce  roots, 

to  take  roots.  —  {fíg-)^  vr.  to 

grow  incurable.  Arraigar-se^  vr. 

to  take  root,  to  stick  fast  in 
Arrair,  va.    (agric.)   to  dress  a 

vine.  [of  a  boat. 

Arrais  or  Arraes,  sm.  a  ma.stcr 
Arralba,  sf.  a  young  heifer  two 

years  old. 
Arramado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  brings 

forth  branches. 
Arraxnalhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 

is  in  the  uet. 
Arramalhar,  vn.  to  agítate  the 

branches  of  a  tree;  it  is  said 

also  of  the  fish  in  the  nct. 
Arrazoar,  va   {anc.)  to  be  scat- 

tered.  Arramar-se^  vr.  to  bring 

forth  leaves 
Arrancada,  sf.  sudden  impetno- 

sity  or    impulse;    a  jerk;    the 

drawing  of  swords;   a  sudden 

pull.  [tuously. 

Arrancadaxnente ,   adv.    impe- 
Arrancado,  a,    pp.  adj.  pulled 

away,  slipped  off. 
Arrancador,  sm    ho  that  pulls 

violently ,  extirpator. 
Arrancadura,  .sf.    the    act    of 

snatching  away. 
Arrancar,  va.  to  pull  violently, 

to  root  up.  —  vn.   to  start,  to 

rush.  Arrancar-se^  vr.  to  be  root- 

ed  up,  to  strive,  to  part  frora  a 

place,  thing  or  person.  Arrancar 

a  vida^  to  tear  out  one's  soul. 
Arranchado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lodged, 

Airanchar,  va.  to  lodge,  to  make 

a  messmate.  AtTanchar-se,  vr.  to 

become  a  messmale. 
Arranco,  sm,   violent  impulsa; 



—  102  — 


(fig.)  anguish.  Arremcos  da  morte^ 
agony.  [rous. 

Axranoorar-se,  vr.  to  be  ranco- 

Arrançoado,  a,  pp  adj.  ransom- 
ed.  [soner. 

Arrançoar,  va.  to  ransom  a  pri- 

Arranliado,  a,  pp  adj.  scratcned. 

Arranhador,  a,  adj.  that  scrat- 
ches. — ,  sm.  scratcher. 

Arranhadura,  sf.  scratch. 

Arranhar,  va.  to  scratch.  —  vn. 
and  AiTanhar-se^  vr.  to  scratch 
one's  self.  [plant. 

Arranhosa,  fif   (bot.)  a   tnomy 

Arranjado,  9L,pp.  atí;'.  arrangped, 
disposed.  [hient. 

Arranjamento ,    sm.     arrange- 

Arranjar,  va  to  arranco,  to  ac- 
commodate,  to  conciliate  Ar- 
ranjar-se,  vr.  to  settle  one's 

Arranjo,  sm.  arrangcment,  order, 

Arranque,  sm.  {agric.)  a  plucking 
away  of  herbs. 

Arrão,  .sm.  (bot.)  an  herb  socalled. 

Arrapazado,  a,  adj.  bojish,  boy- 

Arraposado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 
foigns  to  be  a  dead  body  as 
the  fox  does. 

Arraposar-se,  vr.  to  feign  to  bo 
a  dead  body. 

Arrarado,  a,  7)/).  €u1j.  rarefíed. 

Arrareur,  va.  to  rarefy. 

Arras,  a  wife's  poition, 
eariiest  money ,  the  adyantages 
given  to  tho  infenor  player  at 
the  tennis-play. 

Arrasado,  a,  pp.  adj.  demolished, 
destroyed.  Navio  — ,  (a  sea  temi) 
when  a  .ship  goes  right  before 
the  wind. 

Arrasador,  sm.  demolisher ;  a 

Arrasamento,  sm.  or  Arrasa- 
dura,  sf.  demolition. 

Arrasar,  va .  to  levei,  to  demolish, 
to  destroy.  Arrasar-se,  vr  to 
be  Itívelled ,  to  be  covered  ali 
over.  Arrasaram-se-lhe  os  olhos 
de  lagrimas,  the  eyes  overflow 
with  tears.  [bly. 

Arrastadamente,   adv.  miserar 

Arrastadelro,  a,  adj,  that  draga 

or  trails  along. 
Arrastado,  a,  j^.  adj»  dragged, 

trailed  along ;  (fig.)  fatigtiea. 
Arrastadura,  sf.  dragging. 
Airastamento ,  sm.    dragging, 

Arrastão,  sm.  effoct  of  dra^iag. 
Arrastar,  va.  to  draw,  to  drag,  to 

trail.  —  aza,  {fia.)  to  court.  — , 

vn.  to  trail  on  tho  ground. 
Arrasto,  sm.  dragging,  trailing. 
Arrátel,  sm.  a  pound  "waight. 
Arratelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  divided 

into  pounds. 
Arratelar,  va.  to  weigh,  to  sell 

a  thing  pound  by  pound, 
Arravesar,  va.  \.  Arrevessar. 
Arrazes,  5771.  pi.  arras-hangmgs. 
Arrazoadamente,  adv.  reason»- 

bly.  [considered,  debated. 

Arrazoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reasoned, 
Arrazoador,   sm.  reasoner,   ar- 

guer.  [rcason,  argument. 

Arrazoamento,  sm.   reasoning, 
Arrazoar,  vn.  to  reason,  to  con- 

sider,  to  debate. 
Arre,    inter j.    hey-day!     away! 

away  with. 
Arrear,  va.  to  dress,  to   adom. 

—  as  velas,  to  lower  the  sails. 

—  a  bandeira,  to  strike  the  flag 
Arrcar-se,  vr.  to  adorn  one's  self. 

Arreaz,  s^n.  a  sort  of  buckle. 
Arrebanhado,  a,  jTp.  a<2J  gather- 

ed  by  flocks. 
Arrebanhador,  sm.  he  ^vho  ga- 

thers  together ;  shepherd. 
Arrebanhar,  va.  to  gather  the 

âock.  Arrebankar-se,vr.  to  flock 

together.  [tately. 

Arrebatadamente,  adv.  precipi- 
Arrebatado.  a.  pp.  adj.  snatched, 

carried  away  by  force. 
Arrebatador,  a,  adj  and  s.  that 

carnes  oíf  by  violence. 
Arrebatadura ,    sf.    snatchinç ; 

hastiness;  {fig.)  rapture,  ravish- 

Arrebatamento,  «m  snatching; 

hastiness ;  {fig.)  rapture  ravish- 

Arrebatar,  va   to  snatch,  to  ppll 

violently,  to  carry  off  by  vio- 


—  103  — 


lence ;  {fig.)  to  charm,  to  pleose, 

to  transport. 
Arrebeçar,  ATrebesar  or  Re* 

beçár,  va.  V.  Vomiiar. 
Arrebentadiço ,    a.    euij     that 

bnrsts  or  cracks  \s'ith  a  great 

noise.  r])roken,  opeu. 

Arrebentado,  a.  pp.  aâj.  burst, 
Arrebentazuento ,    sm.    burst , 

Arrebentar,   r.a.    to   biirst,  to 

brcíik  suddenlj'.  —  cn.  to  break. 

to    open    nnd    spread    as    the 

flowers ;   imfíd.)   to  have  erup- 

tions  on  the  body. 
Arrebento,  sm.  (agric.)   sprout- 

ing.  —.9,  lhe  first   shoots  of  a 

Arrebicado,  vl.  pp.  atlj.  palnted , 

[fig.)  adorned,  ileckod. 
Arrebicar,  ra.  to  paint ,  to  put 

whito  or  rod  coh>nr  on  tho  face. 
Arrebique,  i^m.  jiaint,  varaishiag. 
Arrebitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  raised, 

lifted.    Ter  o   nariz   — ,    to  bo 

Arrebitar,  m.  to  raise,  to  lift. 
Arrebol ,   sm.    tíie    rcdness    of 

clouds.  fgloiring. 

Arrebolado.  a,  adj.  {poct.)  tíerj-, 
Arreburrinho,  sm.  a  sort  of  play 

nmon^-  bovs. 
Arrecadação,  sf.  exaction,  col- 

Ufctiiifr,  ^'atln*rinjr  of  money. 
Arrecadado,  a.  f>/}.a<//  rcceivod, 

k«.'pt,  lak<Mi.  [oollector. 

Arrecadador,  sm .  a  receiver,  a 
Arrecadamento,  sm.  exaction, 

Arrecadar,   va.   to  rcceive  ,  to 

«■■•ll«;ct.  to  gnther  taxft.s. 
Arrecadas,  sf  pi.    car-rings,  a 

peiídant.  (fig.)  ornanients. 
Arrecife  or  Recife,  sm.  a  ridge 

of  rock.s  alonfr  tho  soa  coast. 
Arreda,    sf.    {ann.)    disheriting, 

Arredado,  a.  pp.  adj  rcmoved, 

distant;    [in    law)    a    distant 

'witncs».  [inoving. 

Arredamento,  sm.  removal,  i*e- 
Arredar,  va.  to  remove,  to  (>anish, 

to  put  away.  Arredar-se,  vr.  to 

\íithdraw,  to  leave. 

Arredio,  a,  adj.  straycd  (heasts) ; 

retired,  lonosome  (penon). 
Arredo,  adc.  far.  —  vd  de  nus,  fai 

be  it  from  us. 
Arredondado,  a,  pp.  adj.  round- 

ed,  round. 
Arredondamento,  am.  roundiag, 

Arredondar,    va.   to   round,  tu 

make  u  ihing  ruiintl. 
Arredor,  adv.  arouiiil.  ahout. 
Arredores,  sm.  pi.  firecincts :  the 

adjncont  parts  of  a  town. 
Arredouçado.  a.   pp.  adj.   that 

âies  furwar.i.  and  iiuckward  on 

a  ro|»e. 
Axredouçar-se,  vr.  to  kwíh;?,  to 

fly  forward  and  backxrard  on  a 

rope..  [drivor. 

Arreeiro,  sm.  nmletccr,  a  mule- 
Arrefanbar,  va.  to  pull  or  tear 

away  violently. 
Arrefecer,  va.  to  cool.  —  vn.  t..» 

gro"NV  oool.    Ayfpfffcr-st;,  vr.  to 

get  cold ;  (fig.)  to  slacken. 
Arrefecido,  a,   yp.   adj.    cold, 

coolM;  (fig.)  slack,  iuditferent. 
Arrefecimento,    sm.    coulness, 

coldne.«ís.  [^cooled. 

Arrefentado.  a,  pp.   a/Ij.   cold, 
Arrefentar.  mi  to  cool,  to  make 

cold.  (tucked  ui>. 

Arregaçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  girdcd. 
Arregaçar,  ca.  ti>  tuck.  to  turn 

or  trathor  np.  Arregarar-se,  vr, 

to  tuck  oncs  irowu. 
Arregalado,  a.  pp.adj.  stared. 
Arregalar,  vu.   to   st  aro.   —  os 

ol/ios,  u>  lifi  lhe  eyc  I)niws  too 

much.  *        (snarled. 

Arreganhado.  Si^pp.  adj.  ^rrined, 
Arreganhar,  ca.  to  frrin,  to  anni. 

Arreganhar-so^  vr.  to  shew  one^s 

teeth  .<<iiiiling. 
Arreganho,  sm.  a  good  militar}' 

Arregimentar,  va.  to  bring  to  a 

military  body,  a  military  disci- 
Arregoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  furroved. 
Arrelado,  a,  vp.   adj.  arraycd, 

dccked  out;  harnessed, 
Arreiar,  va.  to  array,  to  dress^ 

to  harness. 


—  104  — 


Arreigada,  sf.  the  root  of  a 
tongue.  —  da  unha,  the  root  of 
a  nail. 
Arreigado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rooted, 
that  has  taken  root,  (fig.)  radi- 
cated,  inveterated. 
Arreigaxnento,  sm.  (ín  law)  cau- 

tion  to  an  estate  or  lands. 
Arreigar,  va.  to  produce  roots 

as  a  tree,  to  root. 
Arreio,  sm.  array,  dress ;  horse- 

Arreio,  adv.  continually. 
Arreia,  inter j.  (of  aversion)away] 
Arrelentar,  va.  to  dew. 
Arrelhada,  sf.    the    irou  in    a 

plou^h-staff.  [tened. 

Arremangado,  a,  {anc.)  threa- 
Arremangar,  va.  {anc.)  to  threa- 

ten,  to  menace.  V.  Ameaçar. 
Arrexnansar-se,  vr.  to  he  in  the 

calm  or  still  water  of  a  rivor. 
Arrematação,  sf.  auction,  out- 

Arrematado,  a.  pp.  adj,  that  is 

bought  in  auction. 
Arrematador,  a,  adj.  and  s    he 

that  bids  most. 
Arrematante,  adj.  2  g.  the  high- 

est  bidder  in  an  auction. 
Arrematar,  va.  toseU  bv  auction, 

to  bid  most ;  to  tie  fast  (hair). 

—  vn.  to  be  the  end . 
Arremedação,  sf.  the  act  of  mi- 

Arremedado,  a,  pp.  adj.  coun- 

terfeited,  imitatea. 
Arremedador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  mime 

ormimic;  imitator. 
Arremedar,  va.  to   counterfeit, 

to  mimic,  to  copy ;  to  imitate. 
Arremedo,  sm.  the  act  of  mimick- 

inç ,   imitation ,   pretence,  dis- 

guise.  [patches. 

Axremesquinlios,  sm.  pi.  paint, 
Arremessadamente,    adv.    in- 

Arremiessado,  a,  pp.  adi.  thrown 

away,  cast  forth;  bola,  rash. 
Arremessador,  a,  adj.  and  s  he 

orshe  that  íhrows  stones,  darts, 
'^^^'omesaamentOj  sm.  the  act  of 

Arremessar,  va.  to  throw,  to 
cast;  {fig.)  to  thrust  upon  one. 

—  o  cavatho,  to  turn  back  the 

Arremesso,  sm.  a  throw,  hurl  or 
cast.  De — ,  adv.  loc.  impetuously. 

—  5,  sm.  pi.  strokes. 
Arremiettedura,  sf.  {anc.)  the  act 

of  assailing. 
Arremettente,  adj.  2  g.  that  in- 
vades, assailing,  invading. 
Arremetter,  vn.  to  assail,  to  in- 
vade. —  va.  to  fali  upon. 
Arremettido,  a,  pp.  adj.  assailed, 

attacked,  invaued. 
Arremettidura,  sf.  {anc.)  the  act 

of  attacking. 
Arremettimento ,  sm.    aggres- 

sion,  an  impetuous  charge. 
Arremlnado,  a,  pp.  adj.  angry, 

ire  fui. 
Arreminar-se,  vr.  to  be  angry; 

to  assault,  to  run  against. 
Arrenda,  sf.  the  ploughing.  dig- 

ging  or  delving  of  ground. 
Arrendado,  a,  pp  adj.  hired  or 

rented ;  laced. 

Arrendador,  sm  tenant,  renter. 

Arrendamento,  sm.  and  Arren- 

dação,  sf.  rent ;  hiring,  renting. 

Arrendar,  va.  to  let,  to  hire,  to 

rent,  to  take  by  lease. 
Arrendatário,  adj.  and  s.  tenant, 

Arrenda vel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 

be  rented. 
Arrenegação,  sf.  abjuration  of 

the  faith,  apostasy. 
Arrenegada,  sf.  (a  game  at  cards) 

Arrenegado,  a,  pp.  adj.  aposta- 
ted;  (Jig.)  angry,  cross.  —  sm. 
Arrenegar,  va.andn.  to  apostate, 
to  detest,  to  abominate.  -In-e- 
negar-sCj  vr.  to  be  angry. 
Arrenego,  sm.  abjuring,  detesta- 
tion.  [ruin. 

Arrenhamento,  sm  {anc.)  loss, 
Arrepanharp  va    to  snatch,  to 
plunder.  [hair. 

ArrepeUaQSLo^  sf.  a  tu^  by  the 
ArrepeUado,  a,  pp.  ad^.  ^>3^%^ 

lug  by  tho  ha! 

Arrependido,   a,    pp.  o^j.    ra- 

An^eodimento ,    itn.    rapen- 

Airepeso,  údj.   (ojh.)  repenled ; 

Arrepiar,  aa.  V.  Xrrípíar. 
ArrepolhculQ,  a,  ailj.  iluu  ia  like 

AiTBBtado,  a,  pp.  nãj.  arregted, 

Arrestar,  ca.  la  nrrsst;  tin  faa) 

ArreyBiar.iin.ffluc.)  V  IlfBPsar. 
Arreioar    na.  V.  Arpasniv  and 

Arriado,  a,  pa.  ailj.  abatei,  re- 

Arrtata  or  Arreata,  af.  a  haller. 

pnck  anddle  uf  (iiat 
I.  V.  ííenl 



.e  IkIou^ds  t 

-,  strauge 
Arribada,  êf.  the  putting  iniu  a 
Arrlliado,  a.  pp.  orfj.  landcd,  piit 

Arrlhar,  m.  to  pnt  into  s  har- 

Airigado,  a.  nn,  n.íí.  liird.  )»und 

fssl  with  roíies. 
AiTlcer.  ra.  (anc.)  (a  sn  imn)  to 

Arrlfar   su.  (o  bti  uiiiuT''l9(mifl. 
Arrlmadlço,  a,  aij.  ihnt  is  iin- 

Arrlmado,  a.  pp.  ^j.  undarne^ 
propi.ed:    (/íj.5   favoutod.  —  u 

Arrimar,  do.  tn  prnu.  lo  nphnlil. 

lo  rcly.      '     ■  '  [fcEiel 

Arrimo,  nu.  prap.   snpporl:  do- 
-Arrtooar^BO,  cb.  V.  Amníoior-H 

Arrlnho,   im.  a  liay  vhi>re  aie 

llahad  ahads  and  Laiiiprcya. 
ArrloBCa.  >}  a  cheat.  shani. 

Arrlplado,  a,  PP    a^j-  toiriâed, 

frighlenfd.  . 

Arrlplamento.  sm.  a  shlTcrinB 


.   lo    «ndanger, 

•■*  j.  «■'.»%■■..■  »av.i*w<*«JBUK: VI 


—  106  — 


Arrobado,  a,  VV*  adj.  -weighed, 

Arrobaxnento,    «m.  the  act  of 

moasuring  I»y  arobes. 
Arrobar,    va.   to    "weigh    or  to 

measuro  by  arobe ;  to  cure  and 

preserve  small  wines  by  putting 

into  them  sodden  "wine. 
Arrobe,  sm.  sodden  "wine. 
Arrobustar-se,  vr,  to  grow  ro- 

bust,  strong. 
Arrochada,  sf.  a  blov  of  a  stick. 
Arrochado,  a,  ;)p.  adj.  packed 

or  tíed  -with  a  stick. 
Arrochador,  sm.  a  necklace  of 

pearls.  [with  a  stick. 

Arrochar,  va.  to  pack  up  close 
Arrochellado,  a,  adj.  incastel- 

Arrocho,  mm.  a  short  stick  with 

vhich  carriers  "wind   the  cord 

that  binds  their  pack. 
Arrodear   or    Arrodeiar,    va. 

V.  Rodear  and  derivated. 
Arrodellado,  a,  pp.  adj.  armed 

with  a  shield  or  búckler. 
Arrodellar,  va.  to  bucklor.  Arro- 

dellar-se,  vr.  to  be  bucklered, 
Arrodilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  kneeled 

or  knelt  down. 
Arrodilhar-se,  vr.  tokncel  down. 
Arro^ação,  sf.  lhe  act  of  arro- 

gating ;  (í/í  law)  affiliation. 
Arrogado,  a.  pp.  adj.  arrogated ; 

{i/l  laiv)  atíiliated,  adoptea. 
Arrogância,  sf.  arrogancy,  pride , 

Arrogante,  adj.  2  g.  arrogant, 

j)roud,  hauçhty;    (in  law)  that 

adopts  or  aííiliates. 
Arrogantemente,  adv.  proudly. 
Arrogar,  va.  to  adopt,  to  afíiliate ; 

ifigT)  to  arrogatc.  Arrogar-se^  vr. 

to  arrogate  to  one's  solf  a  righi 

or  title. 
Arroio,  sm.  a  little  stream ;  tho 

herh  white  nettlo.  [rashly. 

Arrojadamente,     adj.     boldly, 
Arroí adiço,  a,  adi,  missilo  that 

is  thrown  violently. 
AjTojado.  a,  pp.   adj.    thrown, 
ca8t;(/if/.)rnsh,  boJd,  audacious. 
^^ojadura,  sf.  a  píece  of  wood 
in  an  ass-milL 

Arrolamento,  sm.  boldness,  au- 

dacity;  impudence. 
Arrojar,  va.  to  cast,  to  throw. 

Arrojar-se,  vr.  to  cast  one's  self 

from  a  high  place, 
Arrojeitaij  va.  to  give  a  blow. 
Arrojo,  sm.  the  act  of  throwing 

with  violence;  {f^.)  boldness, 

audacity.  [enlisted. 

Arrolado,  a,  pp.  adj.   enroUed, 
Arrolador.  sm.  he  who  enrolls. 
Arrolamento,  sm.  listing,  enrol- 

Arrolar,  va.  to  list,  to  enroll; 

to  lay  or  lull  asleep  a  ])aby. 
Arrolhado,  a,  pp.  adi.  corked. 
Arrolhar,  va.  to  cork  (bottlos). 
Arrollo,  sm.  a  tone  or  singing  for 

lulling  a  baby. 
Arromba,  sf.  (culg.)  great,  won- 

áGTÍu\.  Jantar  de — ,  great  dinner. 
Arrombada,  sf.  a  pai't  broken  in 

a  building  or  wall.  [broken. 
Arrombado,  a,  pp.  adj.  opened, 
Arrombador,  sm.ahouse-break- 

er;burglar.  [o^en. 

Arrombamento,  sm.  a  breaking- 
Arrombar,  va.  to  force,  to  break 

open,  to  drive  down. 
Arroseira,  sf.  a  place  where  rice 

gr  o  ws. 
Arrosetado.  a,  adj.  {boU)  shaped 

as  a  rowel  of  a  spur. 
Arrostar,  va.  to  come  in  sight,  to 

defy,  to  bravo. 
Arrosto,  adv.  {anc.)  over-against. 
Arrotado,  a,  vp.   adj.  beiched ; 

that  h;is  beiched. 
Arrotador,  a,  sin.  or  f.  he  or  she 

thr.t  bolches.  [boastof. 

Arrotar,  vn.  to  belch.  —  va.  t(» 
Arrotea,  sf.  a  piece   of  ground 

I)loughed  for  tne  íirst  time. 
Arroteado,  a.  pp.  adj.  ploughed 

for  the  llrst  timo.  [er. 

Arroteador,.<:»2.  grubl>er,  plongh- 
Arrotear,  va.  to  grub  up  an  un- 

tilled  piece  of  ground. 
Arroto,  sm.  a  bolching. 
Arroubado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rarished, 

enraptured.        [ture,  transport. 
ArrovihaiiieTit.o^  mi.  i^nc.)  rap- 
Arro>ibax-sQ^  or.  Vi  wi  "E«NSásiSÈ^> 
'     eiixaT^lvaetà.. 



—  107  — 


Arroupado,  pp.  adj.  coveredwith 

a  jrood  cloth. 

Arroupar,  va.  to  cover  with  a 

frood  cloth. V.  Vestir. 
Arroz,  sm.  rice.  [grows. 

Arrozal,  sm.  the  place  where  rice 
Arruado,  a,  adj.  disposed  into 

Armador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  fanfaron, 

a  swaggerer. 
Armamento,  sm.  a  distribution 

or  division  into  streets. 
Armar,  va.  to  range  or  distribute 

into  streets.  Arruar-se^  vr.  to  be 

divided  into  streets. 
Arruda,  sf.  {bot.)  the  herb  rue. 
Armdão,  sm.  {bot.)  rue,  ruta. 
Arruella,  sf.    {heral.)   torteaux, 

besant  ;    {a  sea  term)    a  small 

iron  ring  in  ships. 
Arruellado,  a,  adj.  {heral,)  that 

has  besants. 
Arrufadamente,    adv.    angrily 

with  displeasure. 
Arrufadiço,  B.,adj.  peevish.that 

is  easily  offended.  [fended. 

Arrufado,  a,  pp.  adj.  angry,  of- 
Arrufar-se,  vr.  to  be  angry,  to 

Arrufianado,  a,  adj.  that  has  the 

countenance  or  air  of  a  rufian. 
Arrufo,  sm,  pique,  grief,  trouble, 

Arrugado,  a,pp.  adj.wrmVlcá. 
Arrugamento ,     sm.     wrinkle , 

Arrugar,  va.  to  -wrinklOfto  shri- 

vel.  Arrugas/^se,  w.  to  be  wrin- 

Arrugia,  sf.  {min.)  a  conduct  for 

running  out  waters. 
Arruido,  sm.  uproar,  bawling, 

Arruinado,  pp.  adj.  mined,  un» 

done.  —  em  costumes^  perverted. 
Arruinador,  sm.  and  adj.  des- 

troyer,  spender.  [ruin. 

Arrainamento,  sm.  destniction, 
Arruinar,  va.  to  ruin,  to  destroy, 

to  demolish;  (fia.)  to  undo,  to 

spoil.— »n.  to  fali,  to  go  to  ruin. 

Ãrruinar-se,  vr,  tiy  decay,  to  go 

^nojaítar,  va,  tocJeave,to  open 

ArrulTado,  a,  aàj.  reddishbrowa. 
ArmivaBcado,  a,  adj,  reddlah 

Arrulhar,  va.  to  coo  like  a  dove. 
ArrulliOi  sm.  cooing;  children*B 

Arrullar,  va.  to  lay  or  lull  to  sleep. 
Arrumação,  sf.    apnointing  in 

^eographical  chart;  {fig.)  setting 

in  order.  [lovers,  spitei. 

Arrumaços,  piques  among 
Arrumado,  a,  ji».  adj.  disposed, 

set  in  order. 
Arrumador,  sm.   stower;   {fig.) 

he  vrh.0  sets  in  order. 
Arrumar,  va.  to  set  in  order,  to 

dispose ;  to  mark  the  rhumba  or 

bearing^  on  the  chart. 
Arrumo,  sm.  setting  in  order. 
Armnliado,  a,  pp.  adi.  ruined ; 

pared  or  cut  (shoemaker). 
Arm-vidSo,  sf.  the  nist  of  iron. 
Arsão,  sm.  V.  Arção. 
Arsenal,  sm.  arsenal. 
Arseniado,  a,  adj.  arsenicated. 
Arseniatado,  a,  adj.  {chem.)  ar- 
Arseniato,  sm.  {chem.)  arseniate. 
Arsenical,  adj.  2  g.  arsenical. 
Arsénico,  sm.  {miner.)  arsenic, — 

amareUOf  orpiment. 
Arsenite,  sm.  {chem.)  arsenite. 
Arte,  sf.  art,  skill,  address,  craft, 

ability.  Boas  artes,  humanities. 

Arte,  manner,  means,  method, 

Artefacto,  sm.  workmanship. 
Arteficial,  sm.  artificer. 
Arteirice.  sf.  ruse,  artiflce,  art. 
Arteiro,  a,  adi.  cunninç,  sharp. 
Artelho,  sm.  tne  ankle-oone. 
Artemagioo,   sm.  magician.  V. 

Magico.  [mug-wort 

Artemisia.  sf.  {bot.)   artemisia, 
Artenna,  sf.  artenna. 
Artequlm,  sm.  fruit  of  índia. 
Artéria,  sf.  an  artery. 
Arteriaoo,  a,  adj.  belonging  to 

the  arteiy. 
Arterial,  adj.  2  q,  artftTxai.. 
Axtet\aaGcosxi\A>  aào.Va  «sl^sna- 


—  108  - 


Arteriologia,  sf.  arteriology. 
Arteriotomia,  sf.  arteriotomy. 
Arterite,  sm.  innammation  in  the 

Artesão,  sm.  artisan,  artiôcer. 
Artesiano,  a,  adj.  artesian. 
Artetica,  sf.  [med.)  gout. 
Artetico,  a,  adj.  belonging  to  the 

Arteza,  sf.  a  kneading-trough. 
Artezão,  sm.  sofíit,  vaulted  roof. 
Arfcezoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  worked  in 

soffíts.  [sofiits. 

Artezoar,  va.  (avch.)  to  work  in 
Arthanita,  sf.  the   horb  called 

Arthralgia,  sf  {surg.)  arthralgy. 
Arthrifugo,  a,  adj.  Çmed.)  is  said 

of  the  remedias  agamst  the  gout. 
Arthritico,    a,    adj.    arthritic, 

Arthrodynia,  sf.  {med.)  arthritis. 
Articulação,  sf.  {anat.)  articula- 

Articaladaxnente ,  ado.  articu- 

lately,  clearly. 
Articulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  articu- 

lated,  articuiate. 
Articulante,  adj.  2  g.  that  arti- 

Articular,  adj.  2  g.  articular. 
Articular,  va.   to  articuiate,  to 

{»ronounce    the  sounds  articu- 
ately  and  clearly.  Articular-se^ 

vr.  {anat.)  to  be  articulated  or 

Articulo,  sm.  (gram.)  V.  Artigo. 

— ,  [anat.)  articulation. 
Articuloso,  a,  adj.  (anc.)  artful. 
Artífice,  sm.  artincer,  mechanic. 
Artificiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  worked 

vith  art.  [artful. 

Artificial,    adj.    2    g.    artificial, 
Artificialmente,  adv.  artiâciaUy, 

with  skill. 
Artificiar,  va.  to  vork  vilh  art. 
Artificio,  sm.  artiíice,  art. 
Artificiosamente,    adv.    artiâ- 
ciaUy^ "with  artiâce;  cunningly, 

sagaciously,  craftily. 
Artiíioo,  a^,    adj.   [anc.)  artful, 

Artigo,  sm.  articJe,  clause,   ac- 
couQt,    trenty,    condition.  — , 

(gramm.)  article.  —  {anat.)  arti- 

culation,  joint. 
Artilhado,  a,  adj.  furnished  or 

mounted  "with  artillerv. 
Artilhar,  va.  to  furnish  with  ar- 

Artilheria,  sf.  artillery. 
Artilheiro,  sm.  an  artiliery-man ; 

gunner.  [cheat. 

Artimanha,  sf.  artífice,  fraud, 
Artimão,  sm.  {aseaterm)  mizzen. 
Artista,  sm.  artist. 
Artistamente  or  Artistica- 
mente, adv.  artfully,  skilfully. 
Artístico,  a,  adj.  artist,  skilful , 

belonging  to  the  arts. 
Artizar,  va.  to  work  with  art. 
Artolitho,  sm.  {min.)  kind  of  mi- 
Artomeli,  sm.   a   cataplasm    of 

bread  and  honey. 
Artophago,  S7n.  and  adi.  one  that 

feeds  oue's  self  with  oread. 
Artus.  sm.  pi.  {anat.)  the  joints ; 

the  limbs. 
Aruga,  sf.  a  small  canal  or  pipo 

for  the  conveyance  of  water  m 

the  mines.  [ceous. 

Arundinaceo,  a,  adj.  arundina- 
Arundinoso,  a,  adj.  arundiueous. 
Arúspice,  sm.  arúspice. 
Aruspicina.  sf.  aruspicy. 
Aruspicino,  a,  adj.  belonging  to 

Aruspicio,  a,  adj.  belonging  t<.> 

arúspices.  —  sm.  aruspicy. 
Arvaes,  sm.  pi.  arraies. 
Arval,  adj.  2  g.   {poet.)   rustic, 

Arvicola,   adj.    2  g.   that  is  a 

country-man  or  woman 
Arvlcultura,  sf.  the  science  of 

Arvoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  giddy,  dizzy. 
Arvoamento,  s/n  giddiness,  diz- 

ziness.  [giddy. 

Arvoar,   va.  to   stun,   to  make 
Arvorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  raised  up, 

lifted  up. 
Arvorar,  va.  to  set  upright,  to 

raise,  to  hold  up. 
Arvore,  sf.  Xte^. 
Arvoreoer ,  *on.  \o\iei<iotCkfò  ^  \xefò. 

Arvoredo,  sm. ».  çcw^  oWx^íí^íã. 


—  109  — 


Arvorejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  covered 
with  trees.  "  pwith  trees. 

Arvorejar-se,  vr.  to  oe  covered 
Arvorescente,  adj.  2  g.  V.  Arbo- 
rescente, [shaped. 
Arvoriforxne,  adj.  2  g.  tree- 
ArythOQoides,    sm.  pi.  arythse- 

Arsrtlmio,  sm.  {med.)  arythmus. 
Arzolla,  sf.  a  green  almond. 

the  article  of  the  plural  for 
nouns  of  the  feminine  gender, 
l,  sf.  V.  Aza.  [the. 

A  sabendas,  adv.  loc.  wisely. 
Asalveado,  a,  adj.  [bot.)  Corolla 
— a,  corolla  resembling  a  sal- 
var, [gris. 
Asamar,  sm.  green  grey,  verdi- 
Asambenitado ,    a,     ãdj..  that 

vrears  a  sarabenito. 
Asaphia,  sf.  {med.)  hoarseness. 
Asaptains,  sm.  pi.  {antiq.)  the  in- 

terpreters  of  dreams. 
Asar,  sm.  V.  Azar.      [spikenard. 
Asaro,  sm.  {bot.)  asarum  or  wild 
As  avessas,  adv.  loc.  the  wrong 

way;  (fig.)  preposterously. 
Asbestino,  a,  adj.  asbestme,  in- 
combustible.  [bestos. 

Asbesto,  sm.  {min.)  asbestus,  as- 
Asoa,  sf.  aversion,  repugnancy. 
Ascarento,  a,  adj.  íilthy. 
Ascendenoia,  sf.  genealogy,  an- 

Ascendente,  adj.  2  g.  ascending, 
ascendant.  —  sm.  ascendant  su- 
pfcriority;  ancestor. 
AsoenO/sntes,  sm.  pi.  ancestors, 

Ascender,  vn.  to  ascend,  to  move 

upwards.  —  va.  to  U<2^ht. 
Ascendimento,  sm.  ascent,  as- 

Ascensão,  sf.  ascent,  ascension. 
Ascensional,    adj.   2  g.  ascen- 
Ascensor,  sm.  he  who  ascends. 
Asceta,  sm.  ascetic,  hermit,  ana- 

Asceterio,  sm.  monastery. 
Ascético,    a,    adj.   ascetic.   — .9,  asceticSjDookson  devout 
exercises.  [inatic.  1 

AsGimar-se,»  r.  to  become  schiS'  / 

Ascios,  Ascii,  the  inhabi- 

tants  of  the  torrid  zone. 
Ascites,  sf.  {med.)  ascites. 
Ascitico,  a,  adj.  ascitic,  ascitical. 
Asclepias    or    Asdipias,    sm. 

{bot.)  asclepias. 
Asco,  sm.  loathing. 
Ascorosidade,  sf.  ôlthiness. 
Ascoroso,  a,  adj.  loathsome. 
Ascoso,  a,  loathsome. 
Ascripticio,   a,  adj.  obliged  to 

inhabit  and  cultivate  an  estate 

or  country. 
Ascriptivo,  a,   adj.  supernume- 

Ascripto,  a,  adj.  enrolled. 
Ascua,  sf.  a  burning  coal. 
Ascunha,  sf.  {anc.)  a  weapon. 
A  selha,  sf.  V.  Azelha. 
Asellos,  sm.  pi.  {astr.)  two  stars 

in  Câncer. 
Aserrilbado,   a,   adj.  that  has 

sei^ilha.  V.  Serrilha. 
Aserção,  sf.  V.  Asserção. 
Asestar,  va.  V.  Assestar. 
Asevia,  sf.  dab,  a  sort  of  âsh. 
Ásia,  sf.  Ásia. 
Asianio,  a,  adj.  Asian. 
Asiático,  a,  adj.   and  s.  Asian, 

Asiatic,  relatiug  to  Ásia. 
Asido,  a,  pp.  adj.  seized. 
Asilo,  sm.  V.  Asylo. 
Asinha,  adv.  quickly,  hastily. 
Asinino,  a,  aaj.  asinine. 
Asir,  va.  to  seize,  to  grasp. 

Asito,  a,  adj.  situated,  set. 
Asma    or   Asthma,    sf.   {med.) 

Asmático    or  Asthmatico,    a, 

adj.  asthmatic,  asthmatical. 
Asmo,  a,  adj.  unleavened ;  {fig.) 

Asraodeu,  sm.  Asmodeus;  {nat. 

hist.),  asmodai  (snake). 
Asna,  sf.  a  she  ass ;  {carp.)  a  eros  3 

p  ece  of  timber. 
Asnada,  sf.  a  drove  of  asses. 
Asnal,  adj.  2  g.  {anc.)  belonging 

to  an  ass ;  silly,  foolish. 
Asnalmente,  adv.  foolishly. 
Asnar,  adj.  'ia.  silly,  foolish. 
Asnaria,  sf.  Tecto  de  —,  a  roof 

supportea  wlth  raftcra. 
Asnas,  ^heral.")  Wu^s^Vív-x-íi, 



—  liO  — 


Asneira,  sf.  nonsense,  folly,  fool- 

Asneirão,  sm.  booby,  fool. 
Asneiro,  a,  adj.  belonging  to  an 

ass.  Cardo  — ,  kind  of  herb. 
Asnidade,  sf.    simplicity,    non- 

Asno,  sm,  ass.  —  montez,  a  "wild 

ass ;  ifig.)  a  clownish  feílov. 
Asnoga.  sf.  V.  Sijnagoga. 
Asoberbar,  va.  V.  Assoberbar. 
A  solas,  adv.  loc.  [anc.)  only,  man 

to  man. 
Aspa,  sf.  St.  AndreVs  cross. 
Aspalato,   sm.   {bot.)    aspalath, 

Aspar,  va.  to  tie,  to  nail  one  to 

St.  Andrew^s    cross;   {fig.)  to 

Aspargel,  adj.  2  g.  iintilled. 
Aspargo,  sm.  V.  Espargo, 
Aspas,  sf.  pi.  the  wings  or  anus 

ofa  wiud-mill. 
Aspectavel,  adj.  2  g.  visible. 
Aspecto,  ,çm.  aspect,  look,  appear- 

Aspeito,  sm.  f^anc.)  aspect;  ifig.) 

respect,  politeness. 
Asperamente,  adv.  harshly,  se- 

verely.  [ness. 

Aspereza,  sf.  roughness,  harsh- 
Asperijes,  sm.  Capa  de  — ,   the 

vestments  vhich  the  Roman  ca- 

tholic   priests  wear  in  the  so- 

lenin  festivities  of  the  church. 
Aspergido,  a,  pp.  adj.  sprinkled, 
Aspergimento,  sm.  aspersion. 
Aspergir,  va.    to    sprinkle,  to 

Aspergoute,  sm.  {bot.)  asperugo. 
Asper idade,  sf.  asperity. 
Aspermasia,   sf.    deíiciency  of 


Áspero,  a,    adj.    asperous,   un- 
even;   unpleasant,   rough.  —a 
artéria,  the  trachea. 
Aspors  -o,  sf.  aspersion. 
Asperso,  a,  pp.  adj.  sprinkled. 
Afirpersorio,  sm.   aspersory,  as- 
per^illum.  [tuminous. 

■Asphaltico,  SL,  adj.  asphaltic,  bi- 
^sphaltOy  sm.  asphalte,  asphal- 

-^smhodelo,  sm.  {bot.)  asphodel. 


Asph3rxia,  sf.  asphixy. 

Asphyziado,  a,  pp.  adj,  in  a 
State  of  asphixy. 

A8ph3rxiante,  àdj.  2  g.  that  oc- 
casions  asphixy. 

Asphyxiar,  va.  to  occasion  as- 
phixy, to  suffocate.  Aspkyxiar- 
se,  vr.  to  die  a  voluntary  death 
by  suflfocation. 

Asphyxico,  a,  adj.  concerning 
the  asphixy. 

Aspiciente,  adj.  2  g.  that  looks. 
Veias  — s,  temporal  veins. 

Áspide,  sm.  aspic. 

AspUota,  sf.  {miner.)  a  precious 

Aspiração,  sf.  aspiration. 

Aspirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  aspirated, 

Aj^iral,  adj.  V.  SpiraL 

Aspirante,  adj.  2  §/.  that  aspires 
after  God.  — ,  sm.  a  candidate, 
aspirant.  —  de  marinha^  a  mid- 

Aspirar,  va.  to  aspirate.  — ,  vn. 
to  favour,  to  assist,  to  aspire  to 
a  thing,  to  aim  at. 

Aspirativo,  a,  adj.  {gram.)  prO' 
nounced  with  full  breath. 

Asqueado,  a,  pp.  adj.  nauseated. 

Asquear,  va.  to  nauseate,  to  loath. 

Asquerosamente,  adv.  loathing- 
ly.  [dirtiness. 

Asquerosidade ,   sf.   nastiness. 

Asqueroso,  a,  jsp.  adj.  loathsome. 

Assa,  sf.  a  gum. 

Assa-fetida,  sf.  assa-fnetida. 

Assaborado,  a,  pp.  adj.  relisitíd. 

Assaborar,  va.  to  relis^í  {fig.) 

to  enjoy.  . 

^Assacado,  a,  w-  «».;•  imputed 
slandercuí^y-  [^«^r. 

Assaoador,  sm.  slanderer,  impu- 

Assacar,  va.  to  impute,  to  attri- 
bute,  to  accuse  falsely. 

Assacios,  sm.  pi.  {pharm.)  medi- 
cines prepared  by  roasting  them 
upon  a  hot  tile.  [ed. 

Assadeiro,  a,  adj.  fit  to  be  roast- 

Assado,  a,  pp.  adi.  roasted.  —  no 
(orno^  baked;  {fig.)  excoriated, 

e.aT\,\ieTi  ^ot  ^»  ToasX.  O&fò^^Q»^». 
Aaaa  dxíLcAa»  sf  .\>«>xvxQVtt« 


Assadura*  sf.  the  act  of  roasting; 

the  pluck  of  a  beast. 
Assafrâo,  sm.  Y.  Açafrão. 
Assalariado,  a,  pp.  adj.  salaríed. 
Assalariar,  r>a.  to  pay,  to  aUofW 

a  salary. 
Assalznonado,  a,  adj,  as  a  sal- 

_mon.  Truta  — a,  salmon-troat. 
Assaloiado,  a,  adj.  peasant-like, 

Assaltada,  sf.  an  assault. 
Assaltado,  a,  pp.  adj.  assaiúteâ. 

attacked.  [sailant. 

Assai tador,  sm.   assaulter,    as- 
Assaltante,  adj.  2  g.  assailant, 

assaulter.  [to  attack. 

Assaltar,  va.  to  assail,  to  assault, 
Assalto,  sm.  assault,  attack. 
Assalvajadamente,ac2v.  sava^e- 

ly.     *  [like,  rustic. 

Assalvajado,  a,  pp.  adj.  savage- 
Assalvajar-se,  vr.  to  grow  as  a 

savage,  brute. 
Assalveado,  a,  adj,  [bot.)  shaped 

as  a  salver.  [roasting. 

Assamento,   sm.  the    eifect   of 
Assanhadaxueute,  adv.  furious- 

ly,  madly.  [angry ;  soured. 

Assanhado,  a,  pp.  adi.  furious. 
Assanhamento,  sm.  the  act  and 

effect  of  souring. 
Assanhar,  va.  to  enrage,  to  pro- 

voke ;  to  sour. 
Assanho,  sm.  rage,  fury,  anger. 
Assar,  va.  to  roast.  •—  no  forno, 

to  bake ;  ijig.)  to  inflame ;  {sura.) 

Ví  cauterize  by  fire.  [  íherb). 
Assaxabacara,  sf.  assaraoacca. 
Assaria  \»va,  sf.  a  sort  of  grapes. 
A8sarilhaao,a,  adj.  {bot.)  reeled. 
Assas,  ado.  enougb,  sufficiently. 
Assassinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  assassi- 

Assassinar,  va.  to  assassinate. 
Assassinato,  sm.  assassination, 

Ass&S3inio,  sm.  assassination. 
Assassino,  sm.  assassin. 
Assassino,  a,  adj.  killing,  mur- 

dering.  [Sazonado. 

ABsazoado,a,  adj.   fit,  apt.  Y. 
fssazoar,  va.  V.  Sazonar, 

^^azoe,  8.  (boi)  eàiopianherl) 

—  lii  ^  ASS 

Assazonar,  «o.  V.  Sazonar, 
Aflseadamente ,    adv.    cleuly, 

Asseado,  a,  pp,  adj.  neat,  cl«ao. 
Assear  cr  Asseiar,  va.  to  oeat, 

to  clean ;  (/ígr.)  to  adorn,  to  deck. 
Assedadeira,  sf.  a  ilax-(lress«r. 
Assedado,  a,  pp.  adj.  hatcbellfrd. 
Assedador,  sm.  hatcheller,  âax- 

Assedar,  va.  to  hatchel.  to  comb. 
Assedenhado,  a,  adj.  {surg.)  tbat 

has  a  seton. 
Assediado,  a,  pp.  a/JJ.  besieget^ 
Assediador,  *m.  besieger. 
Assedio,  sm.  a  siege. 
Assegiindar,  va.  (anc.)  to  repeat 

twice.  [sarely. 

Assegoradamente,  adv.  surely, 
Assegurado,  a,  pp.  adj.  assured, 

iiisurred ;  {fig.)  quiet. 
Assegurador,  sm.  an  insurer,  he 

who  assures. 
Assegurar,  va.  to  assure,  to  in- 

sure ;  to  certify,  to  secure. 
Asseio,    sm.    cleanliness,   neat- 

ness.  [deceit,  fraud. 

Asseitamento,  sm.  {anc.)  snare, 
Asseitar,  va.  {anc.)  to  lay  suares, 

to  cheat. 
Asseitosamente,    adv.    treach- 

erously,  falsely. 
Assellado,  a,  pp.  adj.   sealed; 

ifig.)  approved,  ratiíied. 
Assãllador,  sm.  sealor. 
Assellar,  va.  to  seal,  to  set  a 

seal ;  {fig.)  to  approve,  to  ratify. 
Assem,  sm.  part  of  the  surloin  of 

heef.  [ing. 

Assemhléa,  sf.  assembly,  meet- 
Assemelhar,  va.  Y.  Asswúlhar 

and  derivated. 
Assenhoreado,  a,  pp.  adj.  do- 

miuated,  governed. 
Assenhoreante,  adj,  2  g.  domi- 

neering,  that  governs. 
Assenhorear,  va.  to  lord,  to  con- 

quer.  — ,  vn.  to  dominate.  Asse- 

nhorear-se .,  vr.   to  laaJÈA  wiá^ 

se\í  ma&Xex  ot. 
AsBono,  sm.  N .  A.ceuo. 
Asaenona,  «t-  VP^^^  ^^^^^-  . 
Aasenso,  «^- ^^^^VnS^t^^ ^ 


—  112  — 


inquiry  of  witnesses.  De  uma  — , 
ali  at  once.  [steadily. 

Assentadamente,  adv.   firmly, 

Assentado,  a,  pp.  adj,  seated, 
sitten ,  set ,  placed ;  settled, 

Assentamento,  sm.  the  act  of 
sitting  down ;  a  pension. 

Assentar,  va.  to  piace,  to  settle, 
to  set  down;  to  think,  to  be- 
lieve,  to  resolve,  to  decide  on. 
— ,  vn.  to  rest,  to  settle,  to  sub- 
side,  to  become  sober.  —  ôewi, 
to  íit,  to  suit.  Assentar-se^  vr.  to 
sit  down,  to  rest;  to  pitch  a 

Assente,  adj.  2  g.  setting,  quiet, 
firm.  Um  rapas  — ,  a  steadv 
young  man.  [agreed. 

Assentido,  a,  pp.  adj.  assented^ 

Assentimento,  sm.  assent,  agree- 
ment,  consent. 

Assentir,  vn.  to  assent,  to  agree, 
to  consent. 

Assentista,  sm.  one  that  keeps 
a  register ;  a  receiver ;  a  con- 
tractor,  a  victualler  of  the  army. 

Assento,  sm.  chair,  seat;  resolu- 
tion ;  statute ;  decree ;  support ; 
bottora;  abode;  a  note,  memo- 
randura,  record;  decision  of  a 
court  of  law;  the  clearing  of 
liquids  by  sediment;  serenity. 
Homem  ae  — ,  a  sober,  tempe- 
rate  man.  [venientiy. 

Asseosamente,  adv.  aptly,  con- 

Asseoso,  a,  adj.  apt,  ât. 

Asserção,  sf.  assertion,  affir- 

Asserenado,  a,  pp.  adj.  exposed 
ali  night  at  the  dew. 

Asserenar,  va.  to  exposa  ali 
night  at  the  dew;  to  calm,  to 
render  serene;  to  clear  up,  to 
grow  fair. 

Asserrilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  with 
points  or  teeth  as  a  saw. 

Asserrilhar,  va.  to  furnish  with 
points  or  teeth  as  a  saw. 

Assertivamente ,  adv.  asser- 
tively,  boldly.  [sitive. 

Assertivo,  a,  adj.  assertive,  po- 

Asserto,  a,  adj.    asserted,  af- 


Assertor,  sm.  an  assertor. 
Assertoriamente,  adv.  afârma- 

tively.  [sertory. 

Assertorio,  a,  adj.  (m  lavo)  as- 
Assessor,a,  sm.  or  f.  an  assessor. 
Assessoria,  sf.  the  ofíice,  the  ad- 

ministration  of  an  assessor. 
Assessorial,  adj.  2  g.  pertaining 

to  the  assessor. 
Assessorio,  a,  adj.  pertaining  to 

the  assessor. 
Assestado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mounted 

(a  cannon) ;  {fig.)  aimed. 
Assestar,  va.  to  mount  ot  plant 

artillery,   to    place   guns   in  a 

battery;  [fig.)  to  aim. 
Assesto,  sm.  {artil.)  mounting  of 

apiece;  {fig.)  aim.  [pressed. 
Assetinado,  a, pp.  adj  satin ;  hot- 
Assetinar,  va.  satin ;  to  hot-press. 
Assetteado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pierced 

with  arrows. 
Assetteador,  sm.  he  who  shoots 

with  a  bow-  [rows. 

Assettear,  va.  to  pierce  with  ar- 
Asseveração,  sf.  asseveration. 
Asseveradamente ,    adv.    affir- 

matively.  [verated. 

Asseverado,  a,  pp.  adj.  asse- 
Asseverador,  sm.  or  /.  he  who 

assevers.  [severs. 

Asseverante,  adj  2  g.  that  as- 
Asse^^erar,    va.   to  assever,  to 

affirm.  [tive. 

Asseverativo,  a,   adj    afhrma- 
Assi,  adv.  V,  Assim. 
Assiduamente,  adv.  assiduoiif  ly, 

continually.  ftaality. 

Assiduidade,  sf.  assidaíty,  pune- 
Assiduo,  a,  adj  «asiduous,  dili- 

gent.  [pointment. 

Assignação,  sf  assignation ;  ap- 
Assignado,  a,  pp.  adj.  signed, 

Assignador,  sm.  subscriber. 
Assignadura,  sf.  signnture. 
Assignaladamente,  adv.  reraar 

Assignalado,  a,  pp   adj.  agreed 

upon,  appointed,  noted;  illus- 

Assignalador,  sm.  he  who  marks. 
Assignalamento^  sm.  the  act  of 



—  113  — 


Assinalar,  va.  to  mark,  to  pre- 

scnbe.    Assignálar-se  ^    vr.    to 

sigDalize  one's  self,  to  become 

Aasignamento,  sm,  {anc)  signa- 

ture,  sign,  mark. 
Assignante,  sm.  subscriber. 
Assignar,  va.  to  sign,  to  assign; 

to  make  a  settlement ;  to  ap- 

point ;  to  subscr?be.  Assignarse^ 

vr.   to  subscnbe  or   set  one's 

Assignatura,  sf.  signature. 
Assignavel,  adj.  2  g.  assignable, 

that  may  be  assigned. 
Assixu.  ado.  so,  thus.  —  como^  as 

well  as.  —  como  assim,  after  ali. 

—  na  paz  como  na  guerra,  both 

in  jpeace  and  war.  Para  —  dizer, 

as  it  were. 
Assimilação,  sf  assimilation. 
Assimilado,  a,  pp.  adj.  assimi- 

lated,  compared. 
Assimilar,  va.  to  assimilate. 
Assimilhado,  pp.  adj.  compared. 
Assimilliar,  va.  to  compare,  to 

liken,  —  vti.  to  resemble,  to  be 

like,   to  imitate,  Assimilhar-se, 

vr.  to  be  like. 
Assimulação,    sf.  {rhet.)  assimu- 

lation.  V  Apparenaa. 
Assinte,  sm  Y.  Acinte. 
Assisadamente,  adv.  prudently, 

judiciously.  Jprudent. 

Assisado,  a,  adj.  made  judicious. 
Assisar,  va.  to  make  prudent. 
Assistência,   sf.  presence;  assi- 

duity,  assistance,  aid ;  {med.)  the 

woraen  courses. 
Assistente,  adj.  and  s.  that  as- 

sists,thatlxelps,assistant;  {eccl.) 

AssíÍErtido,  a,  pp.  adj.  assisted, 

aided.  Mulher  — a,  a  wornan  in 

her  courses. 
Assistir,  va.  to  assist,  to  help ;  to 

attend.  —  vn.  to  be  present,  to 

dwell  or  reside  in  a  place. 
Assoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  wiped. 

-A««MÍ2íwdor,  a,  «w.  or^?hèVhi 

Assoalhamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

publishing  any  thing. 
Assoalhar,  va.  to  dry  or  expose 

in  the  sun ;  {Carp.)  to  floor,  to 

plank ;  {/ig.)  to  publish,  to  di- 
vulgo, [nant. 
Assoante,  adj.  2  g.  {poet.)  asso- 
Assoar,  va.  to  wipe,  to  blow  the 

Assobarcar,   va    to   put   some- 

thing  under  one's  arm. 
Assoberbado,  a,  pp.   adj.  that 

was  treated  proudly. 
Assoberbador,  sm.  one  who  is 

proud,  haughty. 
Assoberbar,  va.  to  insult,  to  use 

proudly.  Assoberbar-se,  vr.  to  bo 

haughty,  proud. 
Assobiaoa,  sf.  hiss,  railing. 
Assobiadeira,  sf  {nat.  histT)  whis- 

tling-bird.  [hissed. 

Assobiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  whistled , 
Assobiador,  sm.  -whístler,  hisser. 
Assobiar,  va.  to  whistle,  to  hiss; 

to  whiz.  —  ás  botas,  to  run  away. 
Assobio,  sm.  a  -whistle ,  hissina* 

(of  serpents,  etc  ) ;  -whizzing  (of 

Assobradado,  a.,pp.  adj.  floored . 
Assobradar,  va.  to  âoor 
Assocegar,  va.  {anc.)  V>    Soce- 

gar.  [nership,  society. 

Associação,  sf.  association,  part- 
Associadamente,  adv,  in  part- 

nership,  in  society. 
Associado,  a,  pp.  adj.  associated. 

—  sm.  partner,  copartner. 
Associar,  va.  to  associate.  Asso- 

ciar-se,  vr.  and  —  vn.  to  asso- 
ciate, to  join,  to  go  in  corapany, 

to  get  into  partnershijp. 
Assognilhar,  va.  to  trim  -with  a 

lace  called  Soguilha. 
Assolação,  sf.  wasting,  devasta- 

tion,  destroying. 
Assolado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ravaged, 

destroyed,  wasted. 
Assolador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  one  that 

wastes,   destroys,  —  adj.  l\v«^. 

AasolamAXilo^  sm.  -^^'aMvsi^- 
Aasolax^  va.Xo  ^^"8X0%  ^^  x^-^^'?>'^> 
to  àestToy.  «Ta.gLfe^ 


—  !14  — 


Assoldadar,  va,  to  wage.  to  p«j. 

Assoldadar-se^  vr,  to  serve  for 

Assolhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  floored. 
Assolhar,  va.  to  floor  a  room. 
Assolver,  va.  V.  Absolver. 
Assomada,  sf.  an  high  hill  or 

"watch-tower.  [suddenly. 

Assoxnadamente,   adv.  iointly; 
Assomado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rasn,  head- 

Assomamento,  sm.  a  joining  or 

meeting  together. 
Assomar,  vn.  to  appear,  to  look 

out.  —  va.  to  sum,  to  gather,  to 

recapitulate.  Assomar-se^  vr.  to 

appear,  to  peep  out;  (anc.)  to 

be  angry.  [feariull. 

Assombradiço,  a,  adj.  that  is 
Assombrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  asto- 

nished,  frighted-  [ror. 

Assombramíento,  sm.  fear,  ter- 
Assomíbrar,  va.  to  fright,  to  as- 

tonish,   to    move    admiration ; 

[pai7it.)    to    shadow    a  picture. 

Assombrar-se^  be  aflfrighted. 
Assombrear,   va.  to  shadow  a 

picture.  [admiration. 

Assombro,  sm.  fright;  surprize, 
Assombrosamente,  adv.   -von- 

Assombroso,  a,  adj.  terriôc ;  ad- 

mirable,  vronderful 
Assomo,  sm.  the  act  of  coming 

in  sight  V.  Apparencia. 
Assonancia,  sf.  assonance^ 
Assonjo,  sm.  (anc.)  cataract  or 

great  fali  of  water. 
Assoprado,  a,  pp.   adj.  blown; 

ifig?)  mspired,  suggested. 
Assopradura,  sf.  breath. 
Assopramento,  sm.  blowing. 
Assoprar,  va.  toblow ;  to  breathe; 

ifig-)  to  puff  m>. 
Assopro,   sm.  breath;  blowing, 

puff,  blast.  [prey 

Assorenha,  sf,  a  kind  of  bird  of 
Ab  sós,  adv.  toe.  ali  alone,  only. 
Assocegar,  va.  V.  Socegar  and 

Assovelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  prickéd 
wítJi  a  cobler^s  awl. 

'^?7^/^"''   ^^-  to  prlck  with  a 
^bler'a  awJ;  Çfig,)  to  vex. 

Assovinado,  a,  j^p.  aãj.  pricked, 

stinged ;  (/í^.)  vexed. 
Assovinar,  va.  toprick,  to  sting, 

{fig.)  to  vex.  [uproar. 

Assuada,  sf.  a  mischievous  gang, 
Assuar,  va.  to  join  by  bands  in  a 

mischievous  gang. 
Assacar,  sm.  sugar.  [sT^eet. 

Assucarado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sugared, 
Assacarar,  va.  to  sugar;  (/fp.) 

to  mitigate. 
Assucareiro,  sm.  sugar-box. 
Assueto,  a,  adj.  {<mc )  accustom- 

ed.  V.  Acostumado. 
Assumacprado,  a,  pp    adj  min- 

gled  -with  sumach. 
Afisnmagrar,  va  to  minglewith 

Assumido,  a,  pp.  adj,  assumed. 
Assumir,  va.  to  assume,  to  tako  , 
Assumpção,  sf.  assumption 
Assumptivel,  adj.  2  g  assump- 

Assum|)tivo,  a,  adj.  {in  law)  as- 

sumptive,  extrinsicai. 
Assumpto,  a,  adj  assumed,  ar- 

Assumpto,  sm.  the  subject  of  a 

discourse,  of  a  comedy. 
Assunar-se,  vr.  to  be  joined  by 

bands  with  uproar, 
Assuperiorar-se ,   vr.  (anc.)  to 

make  one's  self  superior. 
Assustado,  a,  pp.  adj.  frightened, 

Assustador,  ora,    adj.  and    s. 

frightful,  fearful 
Assustar,  ua.  to  fright,  to  terrífy, 

to    alarm.  Assustar-se^   vr,   to 

grovr  timorous. 
Assutilar,  vn.  (aftc.)  to  discourse, 
Assyria,  sf.  Assyria,  Syria. 
Assyrrisno,  &,  adj.  ^and  s.  Assy- 

Assyrio,  a,  adj.  and  5.  Assyriai:, 

belonging  to  Assyria 
Asta,  sf.  V.  Jffasta,  Hastear,  etc. 
Astella,  sf.  (surg.)  splint,  bolste:-. 
Astereometro,  sm.  [astron.)  au 

instrument  for  calculating  the 

lismg  aud  settmg  of  the  stars. 
Astexia^  sf.  Vif^in.^i  a.9.\.^Y^«k- 
AsterVBOO^  sm.  ívs\.eT\^\s.. 

Astexismo^  sm,  í^cistron.'^  Ba\«t\sai. 



—  U5  — 


Astemal,  adj.  2  g.  that  is  sepa- 

rated  of  the  stemum. 
Asterite,  sf.  asterites. 
Asthenia,  sf.  {med.)  ^eakness. 
Asthenico,  a,  ac^j.asthenic,  weak. 
Astilha,  sf.  a  long  splint  or  chip 

of  wood. 
Astragalo,  sm.  {arch  )  aatragal. 
Astral,  adj.  ?  g.  {astron  )  astral. 
Astrança,  sf.  ipot.)  the  herh  mas- 

ter-wort.  [triferous. 

Astreo,  a,  odj.  (poet.)  starry,  as- 
Astres,   sm  pi.  gooa  luck;  for- 

Astrifero,  a,  adj.  astriferous. 
Astrifico,   a,   adj.    that    makes 

appear  stars. 
Astrioto,  sm,  a  precious  stone. 
Astro,    sm.   constellation ,  atar, 

planet.  [star. 

Astrocinos,  sm.  {astron.)  the  dog- 
Astrolábio,  sm  astrolabe. 
Astrologia,  sf.  astroloçy. 
Astrologicamentes  aav*  ostro- 

Astrológico,  a,  adj.  astrological. 
Astrólogo,  &m.  astrologer. 
Astronomia,  sf.  astronomy. 
Astronomicamente,  adv,  astro- 

Astronoxaico,  a,  adj.  astrono- 

mical,  astronomic. 
Astrónomo,  sm.  astronomer> 
Astrosia,  sf.  (ane. )  naughtiness 
Astroso,  a,  aaj.  unlucky,  unfor- 

Astúcia,  sf.  subtility,  craft. 
Astuciado,    a,     adj,    dodged, 

Astuciar,  vn.  to  shift,  to  double. 
Astuciosamente,     adv,     saga- 

ciously.  [pert. 

Astucioso,  a,  adj.  sagacious,  ex- 
Astur,  sm  avultur,abirdofprey. 
Asturiano,  a,  adj.  and  5.  Asturian, 

belonging  to  Astúrias 
Astutamente,   adv.   cunningly, 

diligcntly,  expertly 
Astuto,  a,  adj.  subUe,  cunning, 

Agylo,  sm.  an  asylanu 
^^yatptota,  sf.  and  adj,  asymp- 

^**'  fasymptotical. 

a^    adj.   {math.) 

AsyndetOB,  tm.  (oramm.)  asyn- 

deton.  [oured;  snufTy. 

Atabaoado,  a,  adj.  snuff-coi- 
Atabafado,  a,  adj.  tvcU  covered ; 

hushed  up,  concealed. 
Atabafador,   sm.  he   'who  sup- 

presses  any  ruiuour. 
Atabafar,  va.  to  cover ;  to  sup- 

press;  toput  a  stop  to  a  report. 
Atabale,   sm.  atabal;   a  kettle- 

Atabaleiro,  sm.  kettle-dnimmcr. 
Atabalboadamente,  adv.  disor- 

derly,  confusedly. 
Atabalhoado,  a,  pp.   adj.  con- 

fused;  (fig.)  rash,  temerarious. 
Atabalboar,    va    to   do   thÍD;.'.s 

Atabão,  sm.  V.  Taiulo. 
Atabacnie,  sm.  a  kind  of  Indlan 

Atabucado,  a,  pp    adj.    enter- 

tained,  amused. 
Atabucar,  va    to   cntertain,  to 

Ataca,  sf.  lace ;  ribbon ;  a  taggod 

Atacado,  a,  pp.   adj.  attacked; 

laced,   as  'womon's  stays,  fas- 

tened.  Vender  por  — ,  to  sell  by 

the  whole. 
Atacador,  sm.  lace ;  stay-laco. 
Atacar,  va.  to  attack,  to  invest , 

to  lace,  to  fasten. 
Atacoado,  a,//),  adj.  heel-pieced, 

Atado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tiod ;  (Jig)  per- 

plexed,  aiULward. 
Atador,  sm.  he  who  tios. 
Atadura,  sf.  a  tie,  a  band,  a  ban- 

Atsifal,  sm.  a  crupper. 
Atafera,  sf.    a   list  or   selvago 

made  of  mat-weed. 
Atafona,  sf.  an  ass  or  horso-mill. 
Atafoneiro,  a,  sm.  or  /.  a  millor 

of  a  horse  or  ass-inill. 
Atafulhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  crammed, 

Atafulhar,  va.  to  ç.t«KvTív  Ao»  %x>síS. . 
Atagu.enxãx^  wi.  «^^^  Ci«t\Ní>\.«i^- 
1     Y.  AtemonxaT.  ,        ^    ,^-   , 

lAtaSmado,  oi.    adj.  Ví^txj^>k  ^^"^ 


—  116  — 


Atalaia,  sf.  a  watch-tower,  sen- 

tinel ;  a  sort  of  boat. 
Atalaiado,  a,  jip.  adj..  watched, 

Atalaiador,  sm.  he  who  watchs. 
Atadaiar,  va.  to  stand  sentinel, 

upon  a  high  place,  to  observe . 

Atalaiar-se,  vr.  to  be  cautious. 
Atalliada,   sf.   a   plece  of  land 

which   has    been    ^rubbed   up 

round  a  grove  of  pme-trees. 
Atalhado,  SL.pp.  adj.  interrupted, 

Atalhador,  sm.  explorator ;  (Jig.) 

adj.  that  abridges. 
Ataihamento,   sm.   the   act   of 

shutting  up. 
Atalhar,  va.  to  shut  up,  to  stop 

the  passage,  to  interrupt.  Ata- 

Ikar-se,  vr.  to  be  perplexed,  ir- 

resolute.  [ment. 

Atalhe,  sm.  corapendium,  abridg- 
Atalho,  sm.  a  by-path. 
Atamado,  a,  adj.  by  the  -whole. 
Atamancado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mended, 

Atamancar,  mend,  to  patch. 
Atamarado,  a,  adj.  of  a  reddish 

Ataxnento,  sm.  {anc.)  the  act  of 

tying;  bandage;  {fig.]  timidity, 
Atanado,   a,    pp.  adj.   tanned. 

Couro  — ,  tanned  leather. 
Atanar,  va.  to  tan,  to  dress  with 

Atanario,  a,   adj.  that  has  not 

changed  its  feathers  the  prece- 

ding  year  íbird  of  prey). 
Atanasia,  sf".  {bot.)  the  herb  tansy. 
Atanazar,  va.  to  pinch.  Y.  Ate- 

nazar  and  derivated. 
Atangimento,  sm.  {anc.)  the  act 

of  touching. 
A  tanto,  adv.  loc.  so,  so  much. 
Ataque  ,     sm.   attack ,    assault ; 

{med.)  attack,  fit. 
Atar,  va.  to  tie,  to  bind,  to  fasten ; 

{fig.)  to  subdue,  to  compel. 
Atarantado,  a,   pp.    adj.  per- 

plexed,  confused. 
Atarantar,    va.  to  perplex,  to 

confuse.  Atarantarse^  vr.  to  be 
-Ataraxia,  sf.  (phiios,)  ataraiLy. 

Atarefado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tasked. 
Atarefar,  va.  to  task,  to  charge 

one  with  the  performance  of  a 

task.  [natural. 

Atar  cucado,  a,  adj  afifected,  nn- 
Atarracado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tied  or 

bound  fast. 
Atarracador,  sm,  he  who  binds 

Atarracar,  va.  to  tie  or  bind  fast ; 

{fig.)  to  afflict  one. 
Atarrachado,  a,  pp»  adj.  fast- 

ened  with  a  screw. 
Atarrachar,  va.  to  screw. 
Atarrafado,  a,  adj.  wrapped  up 

in  a  casting  net, 
Atascadeiro,  sm.  a  puddle,  a  dirty 

plash.  [in  the  dirt. 

Atascado,  a,  pp.adj.  mired,  put 
Atascar-se,  vr.  to  stick  iu  the 

mire.  [pieces. 

Atassalhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rent  in 
Atassalhador,  sm.  one  who  tears 

in  pieces. 
Atassalhadura,   sf.  the  act  of 

tearing  any  thing. 
Atassalhar,  va.  to  tear  or  rend 

in  pieces;  {poet.)  to  vex. 
Ataúde,  sm.  coffin. 
Atauxiado,  a,  adj.  damasked. 
Atauxiar,  va.  to  damask. 
Atavanado,  a,  adj.  Cavallo  — ,  a 

flea-bitten  horse.  [tavern. 

Atavemadamente,  adv.  as  in  a 
Atavemado,  a,  pp.-^adj.  sold  in  a 

Atavemar,  va.  to  sell  in  a  tavern . 
Ataviadamente,  adv.  with  ornar 

ments,  fineries.  [trinuned. 

Ataviado,  a,  pp.  adj.  adomed, 
Ataviador,  sm.  he  who  adorns  or 

attires.  [spruceness. 

Ataviamento,    sm    smugness. 
Ataviar,  va.  to  smug,  to  trim. 
Atavio,  sm.  smugness,   spruce- 
Atavonado,  a,  adj.  that  is  like 

the  gadfly. 
Até,prep.tiil,  even,  as  faras,from. 

—  onde?  how  far?  —  guando^ 

how  long,  till  when  ? — gue,  until. 
Ateado,  a.  çp.  a^j-  vaaasfta^^ 


—  ill  — 


Atear,  va.  to  kindle,  Atear-se,  vr. 
to  take  fire.  [tude. 

Atechnia,  sf.  incapacity,  inapti- 

Atediado,  a,  pp.  aaj,  tired,  wea- 

Atediar,  va.  to  tire,  toweary. 

Atégora,  adv.  till  nov,  hitherto. 

Ateigado,  a,  vp.  adj.  full  fed. 

Ateigar,  va.  (anc.)  to  measure  by 
a  teig^»  [obstinately. 

Ateimado,  a,  pp.  adj.  insisted 

Ateimar,  vn.  and  va.  to  maintain 
a  thing  obstinately,  to  insist. 

Atemorisadamente ,  adv.  af- 
frightedly.  [ed,  alarmed. 

Atem,orisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  affrigbt- 

Atemorisador,  sm.  and  adj.  be 
"who  frightens. 

Atemorisamento ,  sm.  fright, 
sudden  fear.  [alarm. 

Atemorisar,  va.  to  aíTii^^ht,  to 

Atempação,  sf.  (m  law)  the  time 
given  for  an  açpeal  to  the  supe- 
rior judge ;  adjournment. 

Atempadamente,  adv.  with  ad- 
journment for  a  prefixed  time. 

Atempar,  va.  {in  law)  to  give 
time  for  appeal  to  the  superior 
judge.  Atempar-se,  vr.  to  be  ap- 
pointed  for  a  prefixed  time. 

A  tempo,  adv.  loc.  opportunely, 
in  time. 

Atenazado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pinched 
with  red  hot  pinchers;  {fig.) 

Atenazar,  va.  to  pinch  with  red 
hot  pinchers;  to  torment. 

Atenças,  sf.  pi.  {anc.)  a  thing  in 
which  we  trust. 

Atequi,  adv.  hitherto. 

Aterecer,  vn.  {anc.)  to  grow  stiff 
with  cold. 

Atericiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  icterical. 

Atericiar,  va.  to  cause  the  yellow 

Atermado,  a,  pp.  adj.  {anc.)  ap- 
pointed.  —  aaj.  extreme  ;  con- 
tent.  [to  prefix. 

Atenuar,  va.  {anc.^j  to  appoint. 

Aterrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  terrined,  af- 

írighted ;  thrown  on  the  ground. 

Atemunento,  sm.  alarm,  sudden 

Atarrar,  va,  toterrífy,  to  fright; 

to  throw  down ;  (a  sea  term)  to 

take  land. 
Aterro,  sm.  the  act  of  fílling  up 

a  ditch,  pit,  etc,  with  ground. 
Ater-se,  vr.  to  keep,  to  stand,  to 

stick  to  a  thing. 
Atesado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bent,  stiff. 
Atesar,  va.  to  stretch ;  to  bend  (a 

Atestar,  va.  to  fill  up. 
Atheismo,  sm.  atheism. 
Atheista,  sm.  atheist. 
Atheisticamente,  adv.  atheisti- 

caUv.  [atheistic. 

Atheistico,  a,    adj.  atheistical, 
Athenas,  sf.  Athens. 
Atheneu,  sm.  Athenaeum. 
Atheniense,  adj.  ands.  Athenian, 

belonging  to  Athens. 
Atherino,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  atherine. 
Athermasia,  sf.  a  morbifícal  heat. 
Atheroma,  sf.  {med.)  atheroma. 
Athesourar,  va.  y .  Énthesourar. 
Atheu,  sm.  atheist. 
Athleta,  sm.  athlete,  wrestler. 
Athletioo,  a,  adj.  athletic,  vigor- 

ous.  [dijfferent. 

Atibiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cooled,  in- 
Atibiar,  va.  to  cool,  to  make  cool. 
Atiçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  poked,raked; 

snuffed  (the  candle);  (fig.)  in- 

Atiçador,  a,  adj.  that  pokes  or 

rakes ;  (fig.)  that  incites.  —  sm. 

poker;  snuffers. 
Atiçar,  va.  to  stir  the  fire,   to 

poke,  to  rake.  —  a  vela^  to  snuff 

the  candle ;  {fig.)  to  inflame  per- 

sons  in  a  quarrel. 
Atiçoado,  a,  pp.  adj  burnt  with 

a  firebrand.  [brands. 

Atiçoar,  va.  to  bum  with  fire- 
Atido,  a,  pp.  adj.  trusted  upon. 
Atigrado,  a,  adj.   spottea  as  a 

tiger's  skin.  [spiritually. 

Atiladamente,  adv.  perfectlv. 
Atilado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fine,  adornea ; 

{fig.)  witty,  acute. 
Atilamento,  sm.  the  act  of  per- 

Atilar,  «a.  Xo  ^«tlekC>:\atv»X^\  ^s^ 

I     adoTU. 


—  118  — 


Atlxuar,    va.  to   fiaish,  to  con- 

clude ;  to  undertake. 
Atinadamente,  adv.  right,  well. 
Atinado,   a,   pp.    adj.  guessed 

right;  witty,  subtile. 
Atinar,  va.  cr  wn.  to  guess  right ; 

to  ând ;  to  remember. 
Atino,  sm.  {anc.)  reason,  wisdora. 
Atirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cast,  shot, 

Atirador,  a,    adj.  that   draws, 

shoots   or   casts.  —   sm,   {mil.) 

rifleman,  sharp-shooter. 
Atirar,  va.  to  shoot,  to  cast,  to 

throw.  —  uma  cousa  á  cara  de 

alguém,  {fig  )  to  throw  a  thing 

in  one's    teeth.    Atirar-se^    vr. 

to  âap,  to  play  its  wings  with 

noise  (a  bira). 
Atitar,  va.  to  pip,  to  chirp. 
Atito,  sm.  the  piping  or  chirçing 

of  birds.  [a  title. 

Atitular,  va.  to  entitle,  to  give 
Atlante,  sm.  {arch.)  atlante^  statue 

employed  as  a  column ;  {fig.)  pro- 
tector, defender.  [çantic. 
Atlântico,  a,    adj.   atlantic,  gi- 
Atlantides,  sf.  pL  atlantides  or 

Atlas,  sm.  atlas;  {anat.)  atlas. 
Atmidiatrica,  sf.  {med.)  the  ap- 

plication  of  vapour  forhealing. 
Atmidometro,  sm.  {med.)  a  ves- 

sel  for  evaporating  the  water. 
Atmometro,  sm.  atmometer. 
Atmosphera,  sf.  atmospher«. 
Atmospherico,   a,    adj.    atmo- 

A  toa,  adv.  loc,  {a  sea  term)  in 

tow;  {fig.)  inconsiderately,  at 

Atoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  towed. 
Atoagem,  sf.  {at  sea)    towage, 

Atoalhado,  a,  adj.  that  is  fit  for 

Atoar,  va.  {a  sea  term)  to  tow,  to 

drag  a  ship.  Atoar-se,  vr.  to  be 

bina  with  a  tow-rope. 
Atoardas,  reports,rmnours. 
Atochado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fastened. 
Atochador,  sm.  fastener.      [fast. 
Atochar,  va.  to  fasten  or  máke 
jAtqohOt  *m.  &  -wedge. 

Atoladamente,  adn,  dirtily. 
Atolado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stuck  in  the 

mire,  bemired. 
Atolar-se,  vr.  to  stick  in  the  mire, 

to  get  dirty. 
Atoladiço,  a,  adj.  murrj,  miry. 
Atoleimado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

silly,  blockhead. 
Atoleimar-se,  vr.  to  grow  silly. 
Atoleiro,  sm:   a  marshy  place; 

{fig.)  an  obstruction. 
Atombado^  pp.  adj.  thrown. 
Atombar,  va.  to  throw  down. 
Atomismo,  sm.  atomism. 
Atomista,  sm.  atomist.      [mical. 
Atomistico,  a,  adj.  atomic,  ato- 
Atomo,  sm.  atom,  corpuscle. 
Atonia,  sf.  atonv,  debility. 
Atonico,  a,  adj.  (med.)  debilitated. 
Atontado,  a,   pp.   adj.  doting, 

stupid.  [stapia. 

Atontar,  va.  to  stupefjr,  to  make 
Atorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made  orcut 

in  pieces  of  wood. 
Atorar,  va.  to  cut  in  pieces  of 

wood.  [like. 

Atorçalado,  a,  pp.  adj.  twisted- 
Atorçalador,  sm.  {anc.)  he  who 

twists  silk. 
Atorçalar,  va,  to  twist  silk. 
Atorooado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is  not 

well  ground.  [fectly. 

Atorçoar,  va.  to  grind  imper- 
Atordoadamente,  adv.  inconsi- 
derately. [giddy. 
Atordoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stunned. 
Atordoamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

Atordoar,  va.  to  stun,  to  deafen, 

to  make  giddy. 
Atormentado,  a.  pp.  adj.  tor* 

mented,  tortured. 
Atormentador,  a,  adj.   and  s, 

torturer,  one  who  torments. 
Atormentar,  va,  to  torment,  to 

torture ;  ijig^  to  vex- 
Atormentativo,   a,    adj,    tor- 

A  torto,  adv.  loc.  {anc.)  wrong^ 

fully.  [having  a  coif, 

Atoncado,  a,  adj.  [anc.)  coif  like, 
I  AioxLClxúxaÂQ^a^adj.laxdaceoTis, 
\      fat.  \N .  En-oeneTWW. 


—  119  — 


Atrabalhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  full  of 

troubles.  [to  trouble. 

Atrabalhar,  va.  {anc.)  to  work, 
Atrabiliário,  a,  adj.  atrabilarian, 

Atrabilioso,  a,  adj.  atrabilarious, 

AtrablllB,    sf.    {med.)   atrabilis, 

black  choler. 
Atracação,  sf.  {a  sea  term)  an- 

choriug ;  the  act  of  grapplmg  a 

Atracador,  sm.   {a  sea  temi)  a 

cable    for   moormg;    he    \rho 

grapples.  [pling* 

Atracadura,  sf.  the  act  of  grap- 
Atracar,    va.    {a    sea    terrr^    to 

grapple.  [bustLing. 

Atrafegar-se,    vr.   to    be   in   a 
Atraiçoadamente,  adv.  treach- 

Atraiçoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  betrayedj 

treacherous,  unfaithful. 
Atraiçoar,   va.  to  betray,  to  be 

Alxaxuar,  va.  V.  Tramar. 
Atrancar,  va.  to  bar.  —  a  casa, 

to  encamber  a  house  with  fur- 

nitare;  {fort.)  to  cross  a  pali- 

sade.  [woven. 

Atraxnado,   a,   adj.   that  is  ill 
Atrapalhação,  sf.  disorder,  con- 

fusion,  bnngling. 
Atrapalhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bungled , 

Atrapalhador,  sm.  bungler. 
Atrapalhar,   va.   to  bungle,  to 

confound ;  to  dress  with  rags. 
Atrato,  a,  adj.  dressed  in  black 

Atravancado,  a,  j^.  adj.  incum- 

bered,  obstructed. 
Atravancar,  va.  to  iucumber,  to 

Atravessadiço,  a,  adj.  irksorae. 
Atravessado,  a,  pp.    adj.  iaid 

across,  crossed,  stuck  throngh. 
Atravessador ,  a,  adj.   and  s. 

Atravessadooro,  sm,    a  cross- 

▼ay,  a  by-road. 
Atravessamento,  sm,    the   act 

Bnd  effect  o/cpossing, 

'  va,  to  cross,  toroB 

through,  to  pass  over ;  {fig.)  to 

vex,  to  oppose.  —  as  velas,  to 

flat  in  the  sails.  [after. 

Atraz,  adv.    and  prep.   behind, 
Atrazado,  a,  pp.  adj.  retarded; 

that  is  behind  nand  cr  indebted ; 

slow,  backward.  Atrazados,  sm. 

pi.  arrears;  {gram.)  rules. 
Atrazador,  sm.  hinderer,  retar-    • 

der.  [hinderinç. 

Atrazamento,  sm.  retarding  ur 
Atrazar,  va.  to  retard,  to  hinder. 

Atrazar-se^  vr.  to  stay  behind, 

to  go  àíow.  (Iiardment, 

Atrazo,   sm.  backwardness,  re- 
A  trechos,  adv.  loc.  by  spaces, 

AtredLar,  va.  {anc.)  to  accustom, 

to  inure. 
Atreguado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is  in 

truce  with  the  eneiny. 
Atreguar,  va.  to  make  a  truce 

with  the  enemy. 
Atreiçoar,  va.  V.  Atraiçoar  and 

derivated.  *      [ject. 

Atreito,  a,  adj.  accustomed,  sub- 
Atrellado,   a,   pp.  adj.    carried 

awav  by  a  leash. 
Atrellar,  va.  to  carry  b^  a  leash. 
Atremar,  va.  to  ffuess  rií^ht. 
Atrenado,  a,  aJj.  {anc.)  three« 

Atrever-se,  vr.  to  dare,  to  ad- 

venture,  to  be  saucy. 
Atrevidaço,  a,  adj.  very  bold. 
Atrevidamente ,     adv.     boldly, 

Atrevido,  a,  pp.  adj.  bold,  daring, 

fearless;  inconsiderate,  impu- 

dent,  insolent. 
Atrevimento,  sm  boldness,  da> 

ingneas;  irapudence. 
Atribulação,  sf.  tribulation. 
Atribuladamente,    adv.  afilie- 

tively,  with  tribulation. 
Atribulado,  Oijpp.  adj.  afSicted, 

distressed.  [flicts. 

Atribulador,  a,   adj.    that  af- 
Atribular,  va.  to  trouble,  to  af- 

flict,  to    disquiet.  —  vn.  to  be 

troubleaoma.  \^ss»a. 

AtxlcVa,  sf .  V!n^ed^  ^^W^e^^v^^J. 


—  120  — 


Atrigar-se,  vr,  to  lofike  haste ;  to 

grow  pale. 
Átrio,  sm.  court-yard,  vestibtde. 
Atro,  a,  adj.  (poet.)  black,  dark; 

(fig.)  sad,  raourniul. 
Atroada,  sf.  a  great  noise. 
Atroado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stunned  with 

thunder  cr  noise. 
Atroador,  a,  svi.  or  /.  and  adj. 

fhnndering;  troubler;  the  person 

who  thunders. 
Atroamento,  sm.    disease  in  a 

horse's  hoof. 
Atroar,  vn.  to  thunder,  to  stun, 

to  make  a  great  noise. 
Atrocidade,    sf.     cruelty,   lier- 

ceness.  [shaped. 

Atrombetado,  a,   adj.  tnimpet- 
Atropar,  va.  {anc.)  to  assemble, 

to  levy  soldiers. 
Atropelladaxuente,   adv.     con- 

fusedly.  [fused. 

Atropellado,    a,   pp.   adj.   con- 
Atropellamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

treading  under  foot. 
Atropellar,  va.  to  tread  under 

foot ;  to  oppress. 
Atrophia,  sf.  (med.)  atrophy. 
Atrophiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  wasted, 

-.withered.  .  j 

Atrophiar,    va.    to    waste,    to 

wither,    to    occasion    atrophy. 

Atrophiar-se,  vr.  to  fali  into  a 

State  of  atrophy. 
Atrophico,  a,  adj.  {med.)  wasted, 

Atropos,   srn.  American  reptile ; 

(fig.)  death.  [cruel. 

Atroz,  adj.2g.  atrocious,heinous, 
Atrozmente ,   adv.    atrociously, 

Atrutado,    a,     adj.    speckled, 

spotted  like  a  trout. 
Attalico,   a,   adj.   {poet.)   sump- 

tuous,  excellent.  [gated. 

Attemperado,  a,  pp.  adj.   miti- 
Attemperante,    adj.   2  g.  miti- 

Attemperar,  va.  (med.)  to  miti- 


Attenção,  sf.  attention,  respect. 

A.ttencio30j   a,   adj.    attentive, 

kind  ;  polite.  [pectating. 

-Attenda,  sf.   expectation,    ex- 

Attender,  va.  to  consider,  to  at- 

Attendido,  a,  pp.  adj.  attended, 

Attentadaxnente,  adv.  carefully, 

Attentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cautious, 

"wise.  —  5771.  atterapt,  attack. 
Attentaxnente,  adv.  attentively. 
Attentar,  va.    to    consider,   to 

mind,  to  provido;   {in   law)  to 

innovate   any  thing  in  a  law 

Attentatorio,  a,    adj.   {in  law) 

unlawful,  outrageous. 
Attentivaxnente,  adv.  attentive- 
ly, carefully.  [fui. 
Attento,  a,  adj.  attentive,  care- 
Attenuação ,    sf.    attenuation , 

Attenuado,  a,  pp.  adj.  attenuat- 

ed,  wasted,  spent. 
Attenuante,  adj.  2  g.  attenuant, 

Attenuar^  va.  to  attenuate,  to 

make  thin,  to  weaken. 
Attestação,  sf.  attestation,  certi- 

acate.  [testiâed. 

Attestado,  a,  pp.  adj.   attested, 


a,  pp, 
,  adj. 

2  g.  and  s.  at- 

Atteettar,  va.  to  attest,  to  certify, 

to  testify. 
Atticlsxno,  sm.  atticism. 
Attico,  a,  adj.  attic ;  elegant. 
Attlcurgo,  a,  adj.  attic.  Atticurga 

ordem^  the  attic  order. 
Attlnente,  adj.  i  g.  concerning, 

Attingido,  a,  pp.  adj,  attained, 

toucned  lightly. 
Attlngir,  va.  to  attain,to  reach; 

(fig.)  to  obtain,  to  comprehend. 
Attingivel,  adj.  attamable ;  {fig.) 

Attitude,  sf.  attitude,  posture. 
Attonitamente,    adv.  astonish^ 

ingl;^.  [prized. 

Attonito,  a,  adj.  astonished,  sur- 
Attracção,  sf.  attraction,  attract- 

ing.  [tionist. 

Attr  accionar  lo  ^  a,  adj.  attrac- 
Attractiva^  sf.  (^anc.^  aXVcwáCvcsvi. 
AltractWo,  ai,  adj.  »«x«tóòN«u 


—  121  — 


Attracto,  a,  c^j.  shnink,  con- 

tracted.  —  sm.  attraction. 
Attrahente,  adj.  2.  g.  attractinf , 

attractive.  [allured. 

Attrahldo,  a,  pp.  adj.  attracted, 
Attrahir,  va.  to  attract ;  {fig.)  to 

allure,  to  invite. 
Attraotivo,  a,   adj.  attractive; 

alluring.  [tribute. 

Attj:'ibiiição,  sf.  attribution,  at- 
Attj:'ibaido,  a,  pp.  adj.  attributed, 

imputed.  [butes. 

Attribuidor,  sm.  he  -who  attri- 
Attribuir,   va.  to   attribate,   to 

impute.  Attribuir-sef  vr.  to  as- 
sume, [table. 
Attribuivel,   adj.  2  ^.   attribu- 
Attrlbutado,  a,pp.  adj.  subdued, 

made  tributary. 
Attributador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he 

who  charges  with  tributes. 
Attributar,    va.  to    subdue,   to 

charge  with  tributes. 
Attributivo,  a,  adj.  attributive. 
Attributo,  sm.  attribute. 
Attrlção,  sf.  attrition ;  a  rubbing. 
Attricionario,  sm.  and  adj.  that 

follows  the  system  of, attrition. 
Attrito,  a,    aaj.  attrite.  —  sm. 

Iphys.)  rubbing,  friction. 
Atuado,  a,    pp.  adj,    theed   or 

thou'd.  [thou. 

Atuar,  va.  to  thou,  te  thee  and 
Atulhado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  âlled  up  to 

the  top. 
Atolliair,  V.  a.  to  fíll  up  to  the  top. 
Atum,  sm.  {icht,)  tunnv.       [neer. 
Atumultuador,  sm.  {anc.)  muti- 
Atumultuar,  va.  (anc.)  tomutiny, 

to  cause  tumults. 
Aturadamente,  adv.  patiently, 

constantly.  [suffered. 

Aturado,  a,  pp.  adi,    endured, 
Aturador,  a,  adj.  that  endures 

or  suffers. 
Aturaxnento,   sm.   the    act    of 

suffering,  persevering. 
Aturar,  va.  to  sufTer,  to  bear,  to 

endure.  [amazed. 

Aturdido,  a,   pp.   adj.    stuned, 
Aturdimento  ,    sm.    stunning , 

glddiness.  [to  astonisQ.  \ 

Aturdir,  va.  to  stun,  to  amaze,  \ 
-Aodàote,  sf.  andãcity,  intrepidity .  \ 

Audacioso,  a,  adj.  audacious. 
Audaz,    aaj.    2    g.   audacious, 

daring.  [boldly. 

Audazmente,  adv.  audaciously, 
Audição,  sf.  audition,  audience. 
Audienoia,  «f.  audience,  hearing. 
Audiente,  aaj.  2  g.  that  hears. 
Audimetro,  sm.  an  instrument 

for  measuring  tho  reach  of  the 

hearing  [auditory . 

Auditivo,  a.  adj  {anat.)  auditive, 
Audito,  sm.  {anc )  audit,  the  act 

of  hearing. 
Auditor,  sm  auditor,  hearer. 
Auditoria,  sf.  court,  auditorship. 
Auditório,  a,  adj.  {anc.)  auditive. 

—  sm.   auditory,  audience;  {in 

law)  session  house. 
Audivel,  adj.  2  g.  audible. 
Auge,    5771.    {astr.)   top,   height, 

Augmentação,  sf.  augmentation. 
Augmentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  aug- 

mented,  increased. 
Augmentador,  a,  adj.  and  s. 

augmenter,  orne  who  augments. 
Augmental,  adj.  2  g.  {anc.)  aug- 

Augmentar,  va.  to  augment,  to 

improve,  to  increase.  Augmentar- 

se,  vr.  to  grow  larger. 
Augmentativo.  a,   adj.  {gram.) 

Augmento,   sm.   augmentation; 

augment,  increase. 
Augueiro,  sm.  a  furrow,  sluice. 
Augur,  sm.  augur.  V.  Agoureiro. 
Augurado,  a,  pp.  adj,  augured, 

Augurai,  adj.  2  g.  augurai. 
Augurar,  va.  to  foretell  future 

events.  to  vaticinate. 
Augúrio,  sm.  augury. 
Augustal,  adj.  2  g.  belonging  to 

Augustus.  [cally. 

Augustamente ,   adv.     majesti- 
Augustinho,  sm.  {printing  term) 

English,  a  sort  of  letter. 
Augustiniano .  a  ,  adj,   angus* 

Augusto,  a,    adj,    ■a.M^xiaX.,  ^kaí- 


—  122  - 


.Aolico,  a,  ãdi.  aulic. 
Aulido,  sm.  nowling. 
Aulista,  sm.  student  that  learns 

in  an  aula. 
Auna,  sf.  anln,  ell. 
Aunado,  a,  adj.  nnited,  made  by 

Aunar,  va.  to  unite. 
Aura,  sf.  gale,  breeze ;  {fig.)  ap- 

plause,  ftivour. 
Áureo,  a,    adj.    golden;    {fig.) 

Aureola,  sf.  aureola,  a  luminous 

Auricalco,  sm.  aurichalcum. 
Auricidia ,     sf.     covetousness , 

desiro  of  gola. 
Auricomado  or  Auricomo,  adj. 

(poet.)  that  has    golden  leaves 

or  golden  hair,  flaxen. 
Aurícula,  sf.  (ana^.)  auricle ;  (bot.) 

aurícula.  [culate. 

Auriculado,  a,  adj,  (bot.)  anri- 
Auricular,    adj.  2  g.  auricular. 

O  dedo  — ,  the  little  finger. 
Aurifactorio,  a,- adj.  that  makes 

Aurífero,  a,  adj.  auriferous,  gold- 

bearing.  [smith. 

Aurlfícla,  sf.  the  art  of  a  gold- 
Aurífico,  a,  adj.  changing  into 

Auriflanmia,  sf.  oriflamme,  (the 

standard  of  the  kings  of  France). 
Aurífrísio,  sm.  {naf.  hist.)  a  sea 

Aorífulgente,  adj»  2  g,  (poet.) 

shining  as  gold.  [ter. 

Auriga,  5m.  (as/r.)  auriga;  car- 
Aurígero,  a,  adj.  gold-bearin^. 
Auriphrigiato,  a,  adj.  embroid- 

ered  with  gold. 
Aurirosado,  a,   adj.   rose   and 

gold  coloured. 
Aurísto,  sm.  aorist  :  two  tenses 

of  the  Greek  verb. 
Auríto,  a,  adj.  that  hears  well. 
Aurora,  sf.  aurora,  dawn  of  day. 
Aurum-musívum ,    sm.    aurum 

mosaicura,  sulphuret  of  tin. 
Auscultação,  sf  auscultation. 
Jíasencia,  sf.  absence. 
AaaentadOf  a,  pp.  adj,  absent, 


Ausentar,  na.  to  absent.  Ausen" 

tar-Ky  vr.  to  absent  one^s  self. 
Ausente,  adj.  2  g.  absent.— ,«»». 

one  that  is  absent. 
Auso,  sm.  boldness.  Y.  OuÃCKÍia. 
Auspicar,  va.  to  auspicate,  to 

Auspícina,  sf.  {antiq.)  divinatioD 

by  the  omens. 
Auspício,  «m.  augury,  diyination. 
Auspicioso,  a,  adj.  auspicious; 

prosperous.  [tie. 

Auste,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  a  knot,  a 
Austeramente,  adv.  austerely, 

Austeridade,  sf.  austerity,  sever- 

ity.  [rigid. 

Austero,  a,  adj.  austere,  severe, 
Austral,  adj.  2  g.  austral,aastnne. 
Austríaco,  a,  s.   and  adj.  Ao- 

strian,  belon^ng  to  Áustria. 
Austrifero,  a 'adj.  rainy,  shov- 

ery.  [stral. 

Austrino,  a,  adj.  austrine,  au- 
Austro.  sm.  the  south-wind. 
Austromancía,  sf.  divination  by 

the  vinds. 
Auta,  sf.  paper  or  -writings  be- 

longing  to  a  law-suit. 
Autarcia,  sf.  [pathol.)  coutent  of 

one's  condition,  quietness. 
Authentica,  sf.  {eccles )  certifi- 

cate  for  testifying  the  identity 

of  reliques.  [autbentic. 

Authenticado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made 
Authenticamente,  adv.  authen- 

tically ;  authenticly. 
Authenticar,  va.  to  authenticate. 
Authentícidade,  sf.  authentical- 

ness,  authenticness. 
Authentico.  a,  adj.   autheutic, 

Author,  Auotor,  sm.  Y.  Autor. 
Auto,  sm,  action,  deed.  Autos  {in 

lato)  papersbelongingto  a  law- 

suit.  [pby. 

Autobiograpliia,  sf.  autobiogra- 
Autobiograplio,  sm.  autobiogra- 

Autoceplialo,  sm.  autocephalus. 
Autocracia,  sf.  autocracy. 
Antoorata,  sm.  autocrat,  auto- 

er&teT.  \\«. 

Antoocatciz,  sf.  a.  ^\iç»-^^>^wi<ix^ 




—  1Í3  — 


Autodldaoto,  a,  adj,  and  s.  that 

learns  without  teachers. 
Antodidaxia,    sf.    capacitj    of 

learning  wíthout  teachers. 
Autodinamico,  a,  adj.  that   is 

produced  by  the  strength  of  the 

same  object. 
Autognosia,  sf.  self-kno-vledge. 
Autographia,  sf.  autography. 
Autographo,  a,  adj.  autographi- 

cal,  autographic. 
Autographoinania,  sf,  the  ma- 
nia of  collectiug  autographies. 
Autozuatario,  sm.  he  -who  makes 

automatons.  [tically. 

Automaticamente,  sf.  automa- 
Automiatico,  a,  adj-  automatical, 

Automatismo,  sm.  antomatism. 
Autómato,  sm.  automaton ;  {ftg.) 

stupid,  blockhead. 
Autonomia,  sf.  autonomj. 
Autopsia,  sf.  autopsjr. 
Autor,  sm.  author,  inventor,  ma- 

ker;  (m  law)  the  plaintiff. 
Autora,  sf.  authoress ;  {in  law)  a 

wornan  that  impleadeth  another 

at  law. 
Autoria,  sf.  the  act  of  one  ■who 

demands  justice. 
Autoridade,  or   Authorldade, 

sf,  authority,  command,   legal 

poyrer,  rule.  —  s,  sm.  pi.  autno- 

rities.  [authorizing. 

AutorisaçSo,   sf.  authorisation, 
Autorisadamente,  adv.  authori- 

tatively.  [zed. 

Autorisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  anthori- 
Autorisador,  sm.  he  -who  autho- 

Autorisar,  va.  to  authorize,  to 

give     authority,     Autorisar-se , 

vr.  to  be  authorized. 
Autoritativò,  a,  adj.  anthorita- 

tive,  positive. 
Autuação,  sf  the  act  of  draving 

a  written  statement. 
Autuado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reduced  to 

the  form  of  a  written  statement. 
Autuar,  va.  to  raake  a  verbal  pro- 

cess,  an  inguest. 
Auttuíanal,  adj.  2  g,  autumnal. 

?^Í^\  ^*PP-  ^J'  "ded,  as- 
aisted^  helpecL 


Auxiliador,  a,  adj,  and  s.  alder, 

helper,  protecter. 
Auxuiante,  adj.  2  a.  helping. 
Auxiliar,  va.  to  aia,  to  assist,  to 

favour.  [liar,  helpfiõ. 

Auxiliar,  adj.  2  g.  auxiliary,  auxi- 
Auxiliariamente,  adv.  with  help, 
Auxiliario,   a,    adj.    auxiliary, 

Auxilio,  sm.  help,  succour,  aid. 
Auxometrico ,   a,  adj.    (phys.) 

auxometric.  [ter 

Auxometro,  sm.  {phys.)  auxome- 
Avalanoha,  sf.{phys. )  avalanche, 

a  snow-slip.  [tion. 

Avaliação,  sf.  valuation,estima- 
Avaliado,  a,  pp.  adj.  appraised, 

rated,  estimated. 
Avaliador,  sm.  appraiser,  valuer ; 

ifig.)  esteemer.  [mation. 

Avaliamento,  sm.valuation,  estv- 
Avaliar,  va.  to  appraise^  to  rate, 

to  estimate. 
Avanbraços,  sm.  pi.  bracelets  (a 

piece  of  an  armour).  [tempt. 
Avançada,  sf.  [mil.)  attack,  at« 
Avançado,  a,j9p.  aaj  advanced, 

Sentinella  — a,  forlorn  sentry. 
Avançamento,  sm.  the  jutting  in 

a  building;  projecture. 
Avançar,  va.  to    advance,    to 

hasten,  to  set  forward;   to  jut 

or  stand  out;  {fig)  to  exceed, 

to  surpass.  —  vn.  to  mar  eh  on. 

Avançarse,  vr.  to  throw  one's 

Avance,  sm.  (mi7.)assault,  attack. 
Avanço,  sm.   profit,   gain;    ad- 

vancement;  advance. 
Avania,  sf.  wrong,  injury. 
Avantajadamente,  adv.  advan- 

Avantajado,  a,  m>.  adj.  advanta- 

ged;  superior,  better. 
Avantaj amento,  sm.  advantage. 
Avantajar,  va.  to  advantage,  to 

proíit;  to  advance,  to  improve, 
Avantajoso,  a,  adj.  {anc.)  advan<^ 

tageous,  useful. 
Avantal,  sm.  V.  Avental. 
Avante  ^  aàt>,  "Xiçi^oit^  ^  iorss^sí^. 

Passar  — ,  \o  ^<i  lwV\v«t.  1^«^^ 
a  sua  —  ,to  m^v^x..  —  >».\cr^-  ^^ 


—  124 


Avaqueirado,  a,  adj.  rustic. 

Avaramente,  adv.  avariciously, 
covetously.  fthe  fríars. 

Avarcas,  sf.  pi.  sandals  used  by 

AvEirentaiuente ,  adv.  cove- 
tously . 

Avarento,  a,  sdj,  avaricíous, 

Avareza,  sf.  avarice,  covetous- 

Avaria,  sf.  average,  damage. 

Avariado,  a,  pp.  adj.  damage  d, 
that  has  average. 

Avariar,  va.  to  damage.  Avariar- 
se,  vr.  to  be  damaged. 

Avaricia,  5/*.  V.  Avareza. 

Avaro,  a,  adj.  and  s.  covetous, 
avaricious. Terra — a,  {fig-l  steril 
ground.  [subiected. 

Avassallado,  a,  pp.  adj.  subdued, 

Avassallador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  and 
€tdi.  subduer,  he  or  she  that 
subdues.  [sallage. 

Avassallamento,  sm,  (anc.)  vas- 

Avassallar,  va.  to  subdue,  to 
conquer,  to  subject. 

Ave,  sf  bird,  fowl.  Aves  de  arri- 
bação, migratory  birds.  —  inter j. 

Avêa  or  Aveia,  sf.  oats.  Farinha 

de  — ,  oatsmeal. 
Aveaco,  sm.  oats-bread,  jannock. 
Aveal,  sm.  an  oats-fíeld. 
Avedouro,  a,  adj.  {anc.)  that  is 

"Worthy  of  being  obtained. 
Aveiado,  a,  adj.  mad,  lunatic. 
Avejão ,  sm.  a  man  of  a  nlons- 

trous  size ,  a  ghost. 
Avela  or  Avel^,5/.  toasted  rice. 
Avelã,  sf.  hazel-nut,  filbert-nut. 
Avelado,  a,j3p.  ad/.withered,  dry. 
Avelanado,  a,  aaj  hazel-colour, 

hazel-nut  coloured. 
Aveleira,  sf.  hazel-tree.      [trees. 
Aveleiral,  sm.  a  grove  of  nazel- 
AveUiacado,a,j7p.  adi.  despised. 
Avelbacar ,  va,  to  aespise ,   to 

contemn.  [old. 

Avelhentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made 
Avelhentador,  sm.  that  causes  a 

prematuro  old  age. 
Avelhentar,  va.    to   make    old 
prematurely.  [glass. 

-Airelorios,  sm.pLsmáa.  beads  of 

Aveludado,  a,  pp.  adj.  velveted. 
Aveludar,  va.  to  velvet. 
Ave-Msiria,  sf.  Ave-Mary.  Ave- 
Afarias,  sf.  pi.  the  toUing  of  a 
bell,  at  the  dusk  of  the  evening; 
the  small  beads  of  a  chapiet^ 
Avena,  sf.  reed,  pipe. 
Avenca,  sf.  {bot.)  maiden-hair. 
Avencadura,    sf.  V.    Enxárcia 

Avença,  sf.  {anc.)  agreement,  con- 

tract,  convention. 
Avençado,   a,  pp.  adj.  agreed. 
Avencadura,  sf.  {a  sea  term)  the 

main  shroud. 
Avençai,  adj.  2  g.  that  has  made 

an  agreement;  ijig.)  humble. 
Avençao,  sm.  a  kind  of  herb  like 

Avençar,  va.  to  agree  upon  the 
yearly  rent  that  is  to  be  paid  in 
com,  "wine,  oil,  etc. 
Avendar,  va.  {anc.)  to  disinherit. 
AVendiçca,  adj.  adventicious. 
Avendo,  sm.  {anc.)  a  disinherit- 

Avenenar,va.  {anc.)  to  poison. 
Avenhir,  va.  {anc.)  to  agree ,  to 

Avenida,  sf.  avenue,  passage. 
Aventado,  a,j}p.  adi.  exposed  to 
the  air,  fanned ;  {fig.)  divulged. 
Avental,  «m.  an  apron. 
Aventar,  va.  to  ventilate,  to  fan. 
—  o  trigo  y  to  -winnow;  {fig.)  to 
discover,  to  smell. 
Aventiço,  a,  adj.  {anc.)  adventi- 
Aventura,  sf.  adventure,  event, 
accident.  [venturous. 

Aventurado,  a,  pp.  adj   lucky. 
Aventurar,  va.  to  venture,  to 

Aventureiro,  a,  sm.  and  f.  ad- 
venturer    or     adventuress;    a 
volunteer.  —  adj.  adventurous, 
venturesome.  [rina. 

Aventurina,  sf.  {min.)  avantu- 
Avânturosamente^  adv.  adven- 
turously.  [venturous. 

Aventuroso,  a,  ocí/.aaventurous, 
Aver,  TJtt.  V.  Haver, 
Averbado^  a^^.^^inrvVAXL  vcl 



—  125  — 


Averbar,  va.  (in  law)  to  write  in 

express  words. 
Averdugada,  sf.  petticoat. 
Averdugado,  a.  adj.  that  wears 

a  petticoat  called  verdugada. 
Avergar,  vn.  to  bend.  [ed. 

Avergoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  flagellat- 
Avergoar,  va.  to  flagellate. 
Avergonhar,  va.  {anc.)  to  shame. 
Averiguação,  sf.    examination, 

search.  [certainty. 

Averiguadamente,   adv.  for  a 
Averiguado,  a,;)p-  adj.  to  search 

diligently.  [miner. 

Averiguador,  sm.  inquirer,  exa- 
Averiguar,  va.  to  search  dili- 
gently, to  examine;  to  decide. 
AvermeUiado,  gi,pp.adj,  reddish 

Côr  —  a,  redaishness. 
Avermelhar,  va.  to  redden.  — 

vn.  to  blush. 
Avemo,  sm.  hell.  —  adj.  {poet. ) 

belonging  to  the  Avemus. 
Aversamente,  adv.  unwillingly. 
Aversamento,  sm.  {anc.)  contra- 

Aversão,  sf,  aversion,  opposition. 
Averso,  a,  adj.  averse,  opposite. 
Avessada,  sf.  {falcon.)  the  thong 

or  leather  to  tie  the  ikavk  to  the 

perch.  [contrary. 

Avessado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made  quite 
Avessamente,  (zdv.  the  wrong 

Avessar,  va^  to  overthrow,  .to 

turn  topsy-turvv. 
Avessas  (A's),  aao.  loc.  the  wrong 

"way.  Tomar  tudo  ás  — ,  to  mis- 

contrue  any  thing.  Virar  ás  — , 

to  turn  upside. 
Avesso,  sm.  the  "wrong  side. 
Avesso,   a,  adj.    cross-grained, 

cross,  iintow.ard. 
Avestruz,  «m.V.  Abestruz. 
Avezado,  a,  pp  adj.  accustomed, 

Avezar,  va.  to  accustom,  to  use. 
Aviado,  a,  pp.  adj,  despatched, 

made  ready. 
Aviamento,    sm,    preparation. 

Dar  —-,  to  make  ready. 
Aviar,  va.    to  make  ready,  to 
desp^tcb.  Aviarse^  vr.  to  prepare 
one  a  self,  to  m&ke  haste. 

Aviário,  sm,  aviary. 
Avioenia,  sf.  {bot.)  aviconnia. 
Avicennista,  sm.  a    physician 

foUower  of  Avicenna. 
Avioeptologia,  sf.  aviceptolo^y. 
Avictualhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  vic- 

Avictualhar,  va.  to  victual. 
Avidamente ,    adv.     greedily , 

hungrily ;  {fig.)  covetously. 
Avidez,  sf.  greediness,  avidity. 
Ávido,  a,  adj.  greedy,  hungry, 

{fig.)  covetous,  desirous. 
Avieirado,  a,  adj.  that  has  shell 

âshes.  [what  rustical, 

AviUanado,  a,  pp.  adj.  some- 
AviUanar-se,  vr.  to  grow  rustic. 
Avlltação,  sf.  abasement,  abjec- 

Aviltadamente,  adv.  with  abjec- 

tion,  in  a  base  manner. 
Aviltado,  a, i^^'.  abased,  de- 

graded.  [humiliating, 

Aviltador,  a,  adj.  thatabases. 
Aviltamento,    sm.    abasement, 

abjection.  [to  disgrace. 

Aviltar,  va,  to  abase,  to  debase, 
Avimento,  sm.  advent,  arrival. 
Avinagrado,a,|>  seasoned 

or  mixed  with  vinegar. 
Avinagrar,  va.  to  season  vith 

vinegar ;  {fig.)  to  anger.  Avina- 

grar-se,  vr.  to  be  angry. 
Avincular,  va.  {anc.)  to  entaii 

an  estate.  [ticious. 

Avindiço,  a,  adj.  {anc.)   adven- 
Avindimar,  va.  to  vindemiate. 
Avindo,  a,  adj.  unanimous,   of 

one  miná.Bcm  avindos,  agreeing. 

Mali  — ,  discordant. 
Avinhado,  a,  pp.  adj.   that  has 

the  savour  of  wine,  mixed  "with 

vintí  or  of  a  wine  colour. 
Avinhar,  va.  to  mix  or  season 

with  "wine.  Avinhar-se,  vr.  to  get 

Aviolado,  a,  adj.  violet-colour; 

shaped  as  a  guitar. 
Avir,  va.  to    agree  together,  to 

concord.  —  un.  \<i  \\a:ç^«w^Xç» 

AviBadam«n.\»>  oAii  -^N^^^^^;^^ 
Avlaado,  a,  pp.  oA^.^^^^^- 


—  126  — 


Avisador,  sm.  warner,  he  who 

Avisamento,  sm.  waming  notice, 

prudence . 
Avisar,  va.  to  warn,  to  advise. 

Avisar-se,  vr.  to  take  a  prece- 

dent  care. 
Aviso,  sm.  advice,  -waming,  mlnd, 

advertency.  Navio  de — ,  aiâiig's 

Avistado,  a,  pp.  adj,  perceived, 

seen  at  distance. 
Avistar,  va.  to  see  at  a  distance 

before,  to  perceive. 
Avititado,  a,  adj.  {anc.)  Prazo 

— ,  life-time,  that  is  not  perpe- 
tuai, [of  ancestors. 
Avito,  a,  adj.  ancient,  that  comes 
Aviva,   sf.   vives   (a  distemper 

among  horses).  [lively. 

Avivadaxuente,     adv.   briskly, 
Avivado,  a,    pp.  adj.    excited, 

quickened.  [nisher. 

Avivador,  sm,   çolisher,    bur- 
Avivar,  va.  to  excite,  to  quicken, 

to  encourage,   to  promote;  to 

enliven,  to  invigorate ;  to  make 

brisk.  Avivar-se^  vr.   to  be  ex- 

Aviventadeiro,  sm,  he  vrho  vi- 

vifies  or  animates. 
Aviventado,  a,  pp.  adj.  viviâed ; 

{fig.)  animated.  [fies. 

Aviventador,  sm  he  who  vivi- 
Aviventar,  va.  to  vivify,  to  ex- 
Avizinhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  neigh- 

boured,  adjacent,  next. 
Avizinhar,  va,  to  ueighbour,  to 

adjoin  to.  —  vn,  to  be  a  neigh- 

bour  Avizinhar^sej  vr.  to  be  ad- 

joined  to. 
Avô,  sm.  a  grand-father. 
Avó,  sf.  a  grand-mother. 
Avós,^  m.  or  f.  the  plural  of 

Avó  and  Avó. 
Avo  or  Avos,  sm.  {arithm )  a  sort 

of  fraction. 
Avoaçar,  vru  to  flap  the  win^. 
Avocação,  sf.  {in  lav>)  avocation; 

the  taking  ãwav  of  a  law-suit 
irom  anotber'8  jurisdiction. 

1^     o-v^oked,  csãleáfor. 

Avocar,  va.  {jxi  law)  to  evoke,  to 

call  for. 
Avocatorio,  a,  adj.   (inlaw)  a 

summons  to  appear  D«fore  an- 

other  higher  court. 
Avooatura,  sf.  the  act  of  evoking. 
Avocavel,  aaj.  2  g,  {in  law)  that 

may  be  evoked.  [wings. 

Avoejar,  vn.  {anc.)  to   clap  the 
Avoengo,  a,  adj.  belonging  to 

ancestors.  [ancestors. 

Avoengos,  sm.  pi.  forefathers, 
Avoengueiro,  a,  adj.  that  comes 

from  ancestors. 
Avogar,  va.  (anc.)  V.  Advogar 

and  derivated.  [crodked. 

Avolto,  a,  adj.    wrapped    up, 
Avolumado,  a,  pp.  adj.  over- 

loaded ;  voluminous. 
Avolumar,  va.  to  over-load.  — 

vn.  to  make  a  great  volume. 
Avolver-se,  vr.  to  be  transported 

or  ravished. 
Avolvimento,  S7n.   {anc.)  over» 

joy,  return. 
Avondo,  adv.  plentifully. 
Avozeado,  a,  pp  adj.  proclaimed 

with  loud  voices. 
Avozear,  va.  to  proclaim  'with 

loud  Yoices. 
Avulí^o,  sf.  {med.)  avulsion. 
Avulso,  a,  adj.  separate,  uncon- 

nected ;  different. 
Avultado,  a,  pp.  adj.  corpnlent; 

ifig.)  considerable. 
Avultar,  va.  to  increase,  to  aug- 

ment.  —  vn.    to  look  big,  to 

grow;  {fig.)  to  be  considerable. 
Avultoso,  a,  adj.  bulky,  of  a 

great  volume. 
Axar,  sm.  dish  used  in  Ásia. 
Aze,  sm.  (phys.)  axis,  axle-tree. 
Axl,  sm.  Guinea-pepner. 
Axifugo,  a,  adj.  {phys.)   centri* 

fugal.  [axil  or  axilla. 

Axilla,  sf.  {anat.)  axilla,  {bot.) 
Axillar,  adj.  3  g.  axillar,  axiUary. 
Axioma,  sm.  {philos.)  axiom. 
Aziometro,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  tell- 

Azipeto,  a,  adj   {phys.)  that   is 

apçToachm^  ot  me  «a\%. 
AziB,  «nu  ^nat,  HsX>i  vú&  «k^\A 
of  staig. 



-i27  — 


Azorar,  va.  (a  sea  term)  to  drive, 

to  expel,  to  oeat  off. 
Azorcas,  sf.  pi.  metal  bracelets 

or  rings  used  by  Moors. 
Az,  sm.  ace. 
Aza,  sf.  wing.  A  —  de  um  v<iso,  de 

uma  bilha,  the  handle  «>f  a  ves- 

sel,  of  an  earthen  pot. 
Azabomba,  interi.  hey-day ! 
Azado,  a,  pp.  adj.    ât,    proper ; 

having  handles.  — ,  sm.  a  fcind 

of  vessel  with  two  handles. 
Azador,  sm.  he  who  gives  occa- 

sion  or  motive. 
Azáfama,  sf.  haste,  uproar,  noise. 
Azafamado,  a,  pp.  adj.  hurried, 

over-hasty.  —  sm.  a  medler. 
Azafamar,  va.  to  hasten,  to  make 

haste.  [spear. 

Azagaia,  sf.  zagaye,  a  kind  of 
Azagaiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  struck 

with  a  zagaye. 
Azagaiar,  va.    to    strike    "wilh 

a  zagaye. 
Azamboado,  a,  adj.  hard,  rough. 
Azambujal,  sm.  a  placo  where 

wild  olive-trees  grow. 
Azambujo,  sm.  {anc.)  wild  olive- 

Azaqrol,  sm.  a  kind  of  tithe  paid 

to  wie  kings  or  Portugal  in  for- 

mer  times  by  the  Moors. 
Azar,  sm.  (bot.)  a  kind  of  anemo- 

nv,  a  cast  at  dice  losing  ali; 

111  luck.  [pose. 

Azar,  va .  to  give  occasion,  to  dis- 
Azarcão,  sm.  minium,  red  lead. 
Azareiro,  sm.  {bot.)  laurel- cherry. 
Azaria,  sf.  an  excursion,  a  íight, 

a  battle. 
Azarve,  sm.  {anc.)  a  trunk  or  pipe 

for  the  conveyance  of  water. 
Azebro,   sm.  {nat.  hist.)  a  wild 

horse  of  Ethiopia.  [sour. 

Azedado,  a,  pp.  adj.  soared,  made 
Azedador,  a,  adj   that  irritates 

or  provokes. 
Azedamente,  adv  sourly,  sharp- 

ly,  bitterly.  [sharpness. 

Azedaiueiito ,     sm.     soumess , 
Azedar,  va.  to  mákv  sour    or 

***^/  0^-)  to  irritate,  to  ppo- 

-  ^^«-      ,  [sorrel. 

^àzadaa,  s/.  pi.  (àot,)  the  herb 

Azederaqae,  sm.  {bot.)   azede» 

Azedia,  sf.  sottrness,  acidity. 
Azedo,  a,  adj.  sour,  sharp,  acid. 
Azedume,  sm.  soumess,  sharp- 
ness, roughness ;  acidity. 
Azeitado,  a,  jstp.  adj.  oiled,  oily. 
Azeitar,  va.  to  oil,  to  season  vrith 

oil.  [oiL 

Azeite,  sm.  oil,  olive  oil,  salad 
Azeiteira,  sf.  an  oil-pot  made  of 

earth  or  tin. 
Azeitelro,  a,  adj.  belonging  to 

the  oil.  — ,  sm.  an  oilman. 
Azeitona,  sf.  an  olive.  — s  em 

conserva,  pickled  olivas. 
Azeitonado,  a,    adj.    olive-co- 

Azeitoneira,  sf.  olives-seller 
Azelba,  sf.  ring-handle. 
Azemel,  sm.  muleteer. 
Azemela  or  Azemala,  sf.  a  ba^ 

gage  or  sumpter  mule ,  a  stupid 

Azemelelro,  sm.  the  superinten- 

dant  of  baggage-mules. 
Azenha,  sf.  a  water-mill. 
Azerar,  va.  to  give  steel  colour. 
Azeredo,  sm.  a  grove  of  lauréis. 
Azereiro,  sm.  Q>ot.)  a  tree  like 

the  laurel.  [mediar. 

Az^rola,  sf.  azarola,   Neapolitan 
Azeroleiro,  sm.  {bot.)  azarolus, 

Neapolitan  medlar-tree. 
Azervada,  sf.  a  palisade. 
Azerves,  sm.  pt.    {agric.)  large 

stones  fixed  upright  round  tne 

threshing  floor. 
Azeviohado*  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

the  colour  of  jet.  Met. 

Azevichar,  va.  to  make  black  as 
Azeviche,  sm.  jet.  Negro  como  o 

— ,  as  black  as  jet. 
Azevieiro,  sm.  a  wencher. 
Azevinho,  sm.  holly,  petty-whin. 
Azevre,  sm.  aloés. 
Azia,  sf.  the  longing  of  women 

with  child;  heart-burn. 
Aziago,  a.  adj.   unlucky,    un- 

Aziar ,  sm.  «L'\5«civ«Ltív^ . 

A»ma,  8f.  a»it\  wv  >^^^^^^í^^  ^ 



—  128  — 


Azimbro,  sm.  {bot.)  juniper,   a 

sort  of  shrub. 
Azimiith,  sm.  {astron.)  azimuth, 

an  arch  of  the  horizon. 
Azimuthal,  adj.  2  g.  azimuthal, 

azimuth.  [passage. 

Azinhaga,  sf.  a  narrow  path  or 
Azinlial,  sm.  a  grove  of  holm- 

Azinhavre,  sm.  verdigrise. 
Azinheira,  sf.  scarlet-oak. 
Azinheiro,  sm.  scarlet-oak. 
Azinhoso,  a,  adj.  full  of  scarlet- 

Azo,  sm.  motive,  occasion. 
Azoado,   a,  pp.  adj.    giddy   or 

Azoar,  va.  to  dizzy. 
Azoinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stunned; 

dizzy  [to  make  dizzy. 

A2oinar,  va.  to  stun,  to  deafen, 
Azoreiras,  sf.  pi.  wood,  forest, 

thicket.  [whip. 

Azorragada,  sf.  a  hlovr  with  a 
Azorragado,  gL,pp.adj.  scours^ed, 

whipped.  [wnip. 

Azorragar,  va.  to  scourgc»,  to 
Azorrague,  sm.  a  scourge. 
Azotado,  a,  adj.  containing  azote. 
Azote,  sm.  {chem.)  azote.  [cury. 
Azoth,  sm.  (chem.)  azoth,  mer- 
Azotico,  a,  aaj.{chem.)  azotic,  per- 

tainmg  to  azote. 
Azougadamente,  adv.  tr(>uble- 

somely,  rashly. 
Azougado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trouble- 

some ;  a  restless  person. 
Azougar,  va.  to  tin,  to  give  mer- 

cury;  {fig.)  to  excite,  to  make 

one  unsteady.  [cury. 

Azougue,  sm.  quicksilver,  mer- 
Azul,  adj.  2  g.  blue.  —  sm»  blue. 

—  escuro,  dark  blue.  —  celesto, 

skv  colour,  —  ferrete,  dark  blue. 
Azulado,  a,  adj.  bluish. 
Azulador,  sm.    he    vrho    blues 

swords.  [blue. 

Azular,  va.  to  blue,   to   colour 
Azulejado,  a,  pp.  adi.  adorned 

"with  azulejos  or  dutcn  tiles. 

Azulejador,  sm.  he  wlio  makes 

oradorns  with  dutch  tiJes. 

Adejar,  va.  to  adom  with  dutch 

Azulejo,  sm.  Dutch  tile  glazed 

usually  of  a  blue  colour. 
Azulino,  sm.  a  bird  of  Cayenne. 
Azumbrado,  a,  adj.  someyrhat 

bunched  or  crooked. 
Azurracha,  sf.  a  large  barge  in 

the  river  Douro. 
Azurrar,  vn.  {anc.)  to  bray. 
Azymitas,  sm.  pi.  Azymites. 
Azymo,  a,  adj.  unleavened,  azy- 

mous. — fSm.  unleavened  bread. 

B,  sm.  is  pronounced  as  in  Enr 

glish.  —  {music.)  be-fa-si. 
Baalita    or    Bsialista,    sm.    a 

"worshipper  of  Baal. 
Baba,  5/*.  foam,  siabbering,  drivel, 

salivation.   —  da  serpente,  the 

slime  of  a  serpent. 
Babado,  a,  pp.  adj.   slabbered, 

slavered.  [bib. 

Babadoiro,  sm.  bib,  siabbering 
Babão,  adj.  m.  Babona,  adj.  f. 

one  that  slabbers ;  {fig.)  dotara. 
Babão,  interj.  to  rali  at  one. 
Babar,  va.  to  slabber,  to  foam,  to 

drivel.  Babar-se,  vr.  to  falter. 
Babareo,  sm.  babbling,  scoâBlng. 
Babeira,  sf.  that  part    of  the 

helmet  that  covers  the  chin. 
Bablar,  sm.  the  bark  of  an  Arábio 

acácia.  [simple. 

Babooa,  adj.  2  g.  foolish,  silly, 
Babordo,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  the  lar- 

board  of  a  ship. 
Babosa,  sf.  the  herb  of  yrhich 

aloés  is  made. 
Baboso,  a,    adj.   that  slabbers. 

— ,  s.  he  or  she  who  slabbers; 

(fig.),  a  stammerer. 
Babugem,  sf.  siabbering,  drivel. 
Babuino,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  baboon. 
Babujado,  a,  i^.  adj.  slammered, 

slavered.  [to  befoul. 

Babu^ar,  na.  to  s\wM!ftsc\  VjP-aN 
1  Babylonia,  sf .  BábN\ou. 
IBabyloidco,  a,  adj.^aXiiViTsÀft, 


—  129  — 


Babirloniense,  adj,  2  g*  Baby- 

Babylonio,  a,  ad^»  anà  s.  Baby  • 

lonian  or  pertainmg  to  Babylon. 
BacaUiào,  sm.  cod,  codíish. 
Bacalhoada,  sf.   a  blow  with  a 

Bacalhoeiro,  sm.  a  ship  for  the 

fishlng  of  codíish. 
Bacamarte,  sm.  akind  of  ^^n. 
Bacaro,  sm.  {hot.)  baccbaris. 
Baccalar,  sm.  farm  house. 
Baccalaureato ,   sm.    baccalau- 

reat.  [taining  to  Bacchus. 

Baccalaoreo,  a,  aaj.  {poet.)  per- 
Bacchanaes,  sf.  pi.  the  baccha- 

nalian,  bacchanals. 
Bacohanal,  sm.  bacchanal. 
Bacchante,  sf.  bacchant. 
Baccliico,  a,  adi.  bacchic. 
Bacdiista,  sm.  oacchanalian. 
Baccb.0,  sm.  {myth.)  Bacchus. 
Bacciano,a,  (laj.  {bot.)  berries- 

like.  [rous. 

Bacoifero,a,  adJ,  (ôoí.)  baccife- 
Baceira,  sf.  a  kind  of  disease  in 

oxen.  [vineyard. 

Bacellada,  sf.    a   new  planted 
Bacellar,  va.    to    plant    voung 

vmes.  — ,  sm,   a  new  planted 

vineyard.  [young  vines. 

Bacelleiro,  sm.  he  who  plants 
Bacello,  sm.  a  layer,  a  shoot  of 

the  vine. 
Baclia,  sm.  bashaw. 
Bachalia,  sf.  territory  governed 

by  a  bashaw. 
Bacharel,  sm.  a  bachelor  of  arts ; 

a  prattling  fellow. 
Bacharela,  sf.  a  tattling  woman. 
Bacharelado,  sm.  bacnelorship. 
Bacharelar,  va.  to  prattle. 
Bacharelice,  sf.  prattling 
Bacia,  sf.  bason,    basin.  —  the 

púlpitos  pavement. 
Badada,  sf.  the  liquid  contained 

in  a  bason.  [helmet. 

Bacinete,  sm.  (anc.)   a  kind    of 
Bacinica,  sf.  a  little  bason. 
Bacio ,    sm.    a    chamber-pot ;    a 

close-stool  pan. 
Baço,  sm.  the  spleen ,  the  milt ; 

one  of  the  viscera. 
Baço,  a,  adj»  blackish,  dull. 

Bácoro,  sm.  a  little  pig. 
Bacular,  adj,  2  g.  belonging  to 

a  staff. 
Bacular,  va.  to  flatter. 
Báculo,  «m.  staff,  orosier;   (Jig.) 

Baculoxnetria,  sf.  baculometry. 
Badal,  sm.  [surg.)  forked  instru- 

ment  to  keep  the  mouth  open 

and  depress  the  tongue. 

Badalada,  sf,   the  stroke   of  a 

a   foolish    ex- 

Badalado,  a,    jpp.  adj.    striken 

(speaking  of  a  bell). 
Badalar,  va.  to  tint  a  bell. 
Badaleira,  sf.   a  ring   for   the 

clapper  of  a  bell. 
Badalejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

trembled  with  cold. 
Badale j  ar,  vn.  to  shake  or  trem- 

ble  with  cold.  —  to  strike  the 

clapper  of  a  bell. 
Badaxue,  sm.  a  kind  of  chisel. 
Badameco,  sm.  port-folio,  {fig.) 

a  prig,  a  puppy.  V.  Pasta. 
Badana,  sf.  an  old  female  sheep. 
Badejo,  sm.  a  kind  of  íish. 
Badernas,  sf.  pi.  (a  sea  term)  rat 

Badiana,  sf.  [bot.)  badiana. 
Badinguiz,  sm.  Persian   saffron. 
Badulaque,  sm.  bullock's  lights 

hashed  with  a  thick  gravy. 
Baeta,  sf.  baize. 
Baetal,  adj.  2  g.  that  is  made  of 

Baetão,  sm.  coating  or  beaver. 
Bafagem,  sf.  a  gentle    gale  of 

Bafar,  va.  to  pufl,  to  breathe  in. 
Bafari,  sm.  a  oird  of  prey,  hawk. 
Bafejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  breathed; 

(fig.)  favoured. 
Baiejador,  a,  adj.  that  breathes 

in ;  ifig.)  that  assists. 
Bafejar,  va.   to  breathe    in    or 

upon;  ifig.),  to  favour. 
Bafejo,  sm.  oreath ;  breezo  ;  (fig,) 

Bafio,  sm   sraell  from  mustiness> 
Baforada,  sf  a  strong  sraell  of 

the  breath  \  whiff. 
Bafordar,  sm,  a  kind  ot  ^ome. 


—  180  — 


Bafordo,  sm.  a  short  spear. 

Baforeira,  sf.  a  wild  fig^rsee. 

Baforeiro,  a,  adj  pertaining  to 
the  wild  fig-tree. 

Baga,  sf.  bernr. 

Bag[aceira,  sf.  a  place  where  are 
laid  up  the  husks  of  grapes. 

Bagaceiro,  sm.  he  vho  lâys  the 
husks  of  grapes  in  a  recep- 
tacle  made  of  vicker. 

Bagaço,  sm.  murk,  husks  of  oli- 
vas, grapes  or  other  fruits. 

Bagageiro,  sm.  baggage-dríver, 

Bagagem,  sf.  baggage,  carrlage. 
Baganha,  sf.X' 
the  linseed. 



Bagatella,  sf.  a  trifie. 
Bagatelleiro,  a,  adj,  thaA  only 

is  busied  with  trifles, 
Bagaxa,  sm.  and  adj.  «alamite. 
Bago,  sm.    the   grain  of  corn; 

Bagoada,  a,  adj.  bernr-like. 
Ba^e,  sm.  {nai.  hisC)  bagre,  a 

kmd  of  long  fish 
Bagulho,  sm.  a  grape-stone. 
Bagulhoso,  a  or  Bagulhado,  a, 

adj.  that  has  keruel,  íish. 
BahEir,  sm.    a   -weight  of  three 

hundred  and  eighty-six  ponnds 

in  the  East-Indies. 
Bahia,    sf.  bay,  gul£. ;  a  large 

cit^  of  Brazil. 
Bahiense,  s.  and  adj,  2  ^.  a  na- 

tive  of  Bahia. 
Bahú,  sm.  trunk. 
Bahuleiro,  sm.  trunk'-maker. 
Baia,  sf.  a  partition-bar. 
Bailadeira,  sf.  a  dancing  girl. 
Bailador,  a,  sm.  or  sf,  dancer. 
Bailar,  va.  and  vn.  to  dance. 
Bailarino,  sm.  a  dancer. 
Baile,  sm.  bali. 
Baileo,  sm,   scaffold;    an    open 

gallery.  [quick. 

Bailheiro,  a,    adj,    {anc.)   light, 
Bailio,  sm.  the   name  given  to 

the  knights   of  Malta  that  ob- 

tain  that  benefice ,  bailiflf,  ma- 

Bainha,  sf.  sbeath,  scabbard. 
-oainheiro,  sm,  she&tht  «cambará 
or  case-msLker, 

Baino^    «771.  (anc.)    publication, 

bans  of  marriage. 
Baio,  a,  adj.  bay,  red  or  reddish. 

Cavallo — ,  bayard,  horse. 
Baioco,  «m.  baioco,  coin  used  at 

Baioneta,  sf.  bayonet. 
Baionetada,  sf,  a  blo^  -with  a 

Bairão,  sm.  'bairam. 
Bain^bsta,  sm.  an  inhabitant  of  a 

ward  i  neighbour 
Bairro,  sm.  -vard,  district. 
Baiuoa,  sf.  taveni,  chcap  eating- 

house.  [an  eating-house. 

Baiuqu^ro,  sm.  the  keeper  of 
Baixa,  sf.  cÚminution,  decrease, 

abatement;      lessening      fali ; 

lowering  in  price  or  value.  Dar 

— ,  {miL)  to  cashier,  to  dismiss 

from  the  service.  — ,  a  plain  ; 

quick    sands    or    fords    under 

"water  (a  sea  term).  [dovn. 

Baixado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lowered,  let 
Baixamar,  sm.  low-water 
Baixamente,  adv.  basely,  lowly. 
Baixfio,  sm.  bassoon. 
Baixar,  va.  to  let  down,  to  lower ; 

(/í^.),  to  decrease,  to  diminish. 

—  vn.  or  ur.  to  bow  down,  to 

grow  crooked,  to  issue. 
Baixel,  sm.  ship. 
Baixella,  sf.  the   plato  for  the 

service  of  the  table. 
Baixete,  sm.  a  curved  form  upon 

which  casks  are  placed. 
Baixeza,  sf.  lowness,  meanness, 

baseness,  vileness ;  a  vile,  base 

Baixia,  sf.  or  Baixio,  sm.  shoal, 

sands  in  tiie  sea. 
Baixinho,  a,  adj.  of  a  small  size, 

low,  short.  — ,  arfu.  softly. 
Baixios,  sm.-pl.  shoaJs,  shallows, 

sands  in  the  sea. 
Baixo,  sm.  low  place  or  ground, 

shoal  shelf,  sand  bank  in  the 

sea.  A  — ,  oAv.    below,   under. 

De  — ,  jpor  — ,  under,  underneath, 

Ficar  de — ,  to  be  "worsted. — 

de  i3iola,\ias.a"^\ol.-r-,sm.  (rniwtc."^ 

Baixo ^  a.,  adi.  Vy»,  ^ot^.^  «ia»íX\ 
de©ç',  «►Ww3f7i\  Taawi,  "toaiM^^. 


—  131   — 


Preço   — ,  low    prioe,   cheap. 
Estylo  — ,  vulgar  style. 

Baixote,  adj.  is  saia  of  a  man 
that  has  a  little  but  strong 

Baixara,  sf.  lowness. 

Bajear,  va  to  shoot  husks, 

Baje,  8.  V.  Vagem. 

Bajoujice,  sf.  silliness,  stupidtty. 

Bajoujo,  a,  adj.  sill^,  stnpiâ. 

Baju,  sm.  kind  of  shift  nsed  by 
the  IiwJian  ladies. 

Bajulação,  sf.  âattery. 

Bajulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  flattered. 

Bajulador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  fiatterer, 

Bajular,  va.  to  flatter. 

Bala,  sf.  ballet,  shot,  bali.  Canhão 
que  leva  —  de  vinte  arráteis^  a 
gun  of  twenty  poiínds  shot.  — 
de  impressor,  a  prmtcr's  bali.  — 
de  papel,  a  bale  of  paper. 

Balaohe,  sm.  balass. 

Balaço,  sm.  the  hole  or  stroke 
maae  by  a  gun-shot. 

Balador,  sm.  anacardium. 

Balaes,  sm.  pi.  instraments  for 
cleaning  horses.  [basket. 

Balaio,  sm.    hamper,    a    small 

Balança,  sf.  balance,  a  pair  of 
scales.  Por  em — ,  [fig.)  to  weigb. 

Balançado,  a,  pp.  adj.  balanced, 
s"wung,  poised. 

Balançar,  va.  to  balance,  to 
swing,  to  poise.  —  uma  conta, 
to  regulate  an  account. 

Balance,  sm.  balance  (dancing). 

Balanceado,  a,  pp.  adj.  swang. 

Balanceamento,  sm,  swinging, 

Balancear  or  Balancear-se,  vr. 
to  swing,  to  wave,  to  be  a^- 
tated  i  ifig.)  to  hesitate,  to  ba- 
Balancete ,    sm.     (comm.)     the 
abridgraent   of  a   general  ac- 
count. [lance. 
Balanoim,  sm.  pendulum,    ba- 
Balanço, sm.  (6o^) darnel,  cockle. 
Balanço,  sm.  swinging,  rocking; 
[eomm.)  the  balance  of  an  ac- 
count.  £star  em  — ,   to  be  in 

SaJaadra,  sf.  biJandep  (ship). 

Balandrão,  sm,  a  great  cloak. 
Balão,  sm.   balloon  ;   a  kind  of 

ship  in  índia.  [sheep. 

Balar,  vn.  to  bleat,  to  cry  as  a 
Balata,  sf.  ballad. 
Balato,  sm.  bleat.  [cissns, 

Balauso,  sm.  (bot.)  a  kind  of  nar^ 
Balaustias,   sf.   pi.    the    driod 

blossoms  of  pomegrenate. 
Balaustrada,  sf.  balustrade ;  the 

rails  of  a  stair-case.  [tered. 
Balaustrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  Dalus- 
Balaustre,  sm.  baluster.  — 5,  sm. 

pi.  the  feet  of  a  bed. 
Balax,  sm.  balass,  kind  of  ruby. 
Balazio,  sm.  the  shock  of  a  can- 

non-ball ;  shot. 
Balbo,  a,  adj.  stamraering.  Ser 

— ,  to  stammer,  to  lisp. 
Balbuciação,  sf.  the  act  of  stam- 

Balbuciado,  a,  pp   adj.    stam- 

mered,  stuttered. 
Balbuciante,  adj'  2  g.  stammer- 


Balbuciar,  va.  and  vn.  to  stam- 
mer, to  lisp,  to  balbutiate. 

Balbuciencia ,  sf.  stammering, 

Balbudente,  adj.  2  g.  stammer- 
ing,  stuttering.  [sion. 

Balbúrdia,  s/".  disorder,  confu- 

Balcão,  sm.  balcony;  counter. 

Balda,  sf.  defect,  imperfection,  a 
foible;  the  suit  wanting  in  a 
player's  hand.  [in  vain. 

Baldadamente,  adv.   uselessly. 

Baldado,  a,  pp.  adj.  useless, 
frustrated ;  disappointed. 

Baldão,  sm.  a  reproachful  word; 

Baldaquino,  sm.  baldachin* 

Baldar,  va.  to  frustrate,  to  disap- 
point.  Baldar-se,  vr.  (ín  a  game) 
to  lay  out  an  useless  card. 

Balde,  sm.  a  bucket.  De  — ,  adv, 
in  vain. 

Baldeação,  sf.  the  act  of  wash- 
ing  or  pouring  ths  deck  of  a 
shiç.  \xwvx<^^- 

i  Baldeado, av  pp    a-dj.   -«^^«5^^ 

\  Baldear,  13a.  wi^  w .  \q  T^J^^^Sa 



—  132  — 


Baldio,  a,    adj.    uucultivated ; 

conamon,  open. 
Baldo,  a,  adj.  unprovided. 
Baldoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  insulted. 
Baldoar,  va.  to  insult,  to  affiront. 
Baldrejado,  a,    adj,    handled, 

Baldreu,  sm.  small  pieces  of  old 

gloves  to  make  glue-. 
sâdroca,  sf.  truck,bartering.V. 

Troca.  [ter. 

Baldrocar,  va.  to  truck,  to  bar- 
Balea,  sf.  V.  Baleia. 
Baleato,  sm.  a  young  whale. 
Baleeiro,  sm.  a  whaler,  a  whale- 

ship.  [or  boots. 

Balegões,  sm.  pi.  a  sort  of  shoes 
Baleia,  sf.  -whale.  Barbai  de  — , 

barbs  of  a  whale. 
Balela,  sf.  repute,  noise,  ramour. 
Baleiuas,  sf.  pi.  ropes,  cables. 
Balesteiros,  sm.  pi.   barbicans, 

Balestilha,  sf.  the  cross-staff  for 

taking  the  sun's  altitude. 
Balestro,  sm.  {anc.)  an  engine  to 

cast  great  stones   against  th& 

Bailia,  sf.  enumeration,  mention. 

Trazer  íí  — ,  to  publish,  to  make 

known,  to  quote. 
Balhestear,  va.  to  bunt  with  a 

Balhesteira,  sf.  loop-hole. 
Bailado,  sm.  a  benefíce  among 

the  knighta  of  Malta. 
Balista,  sf.  {anc.)  balista. 
Ballstario,   sm.  {anc.)    he    who 

made  use  of  the  balista. 
Balística,  sf.  balistics ;  the  art  of 

throwing  bombs,  etc. 
Baliza,  sf.  a  land-mark,  or  light- 

bouse.  [limited. 

Balizado,  a,    pp    adj.    buoyed, 
Balizador j  sm.  (a  sea  term)  water- 

Balizar,  va.  {a  sea  term)  to  buoy  to 

Bet  a  land  mark. 
Ballestar,  vn.  {anc.)  to  cast  with 

a  cross-bow  [hoarhound. 

JBallota,  sf.  (bot.)  horehound  or 
Balnear,  va.  to  bathe,  to  take  a 
-,  ^^í-&-  £for  bathing. 

-Baineavel,  adj.  2g,  convenient 

Balneographla,  sf.  a  treatise  on 

baths.  [neum  Mariae. 

Balneo  Maria,  sm.  {chem.)  bal- 
Balo,  sm.  {anc.)  the  bleating  of  a 

sheep.  [ttabby. 

Balofo,  a,  adj.  puffed  up,  swollen, 
Baiona,  sf.  a  sort   of  band  for 

Balonas,     sf.  pi.    a     kind     of 

breeches  form«rly  used. 
Balordo,  sm.  a  numskull,  a  dolt ; 

idle.  [swung. 

Balouçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  balanced, 
Balouçador,   aaj.     C avalio    — . 

trotting  horse.  [nel. 

Balroa,  sf.  grappling  hook,  grap- 
Balsa,  sf.  hedge,  bush  of  thorns, 

briars ;  a  float,  a  raft ;  a  case 

made  of  straw,  to  put   round 

glass  vessels. 
Balsâmico,  a,    adj.    balsamic 

Balsaxnina,  sf.  {bot.)  balsamine. 
Balsamineas,  sf.  pi.  {bot.)  a  far 

mily  of  plants  havmg  the  type 

of  a  balsamine. 
Balsaminlio,  sm.  {bot.)  a  balsam- 

Baísaxuita,  sf.  {bot.)  tenacetum. 
Bálsamo,  sm.  balsam,  balm. 
Balsana,  sf.  a  sort  of  lace, 
Balsão,  sm.  {anc.)  the  standard 

used  by  the  Templars. 
Balaeiro,  a,  adj.    wild,    bushy. 

Uva  — a,    the    fruit,    of     the 

briony.  [sword-belt. 

Balteo ,  sm.   {anc )   a    girdle ,  &. 
Báltico,  sm.  and  adj.  Baltic,  per- 

taining  to  the  Baltic. 
Baluarte,  sm.  bulkwark,  citadel , 

{fig.)  defence,  guard. 
Bambaleado,  B.,pp  adj>  waved, 

swung.  [waving 

Bambaleadura,    sf.    swinging, 
Bambaleante,    adj^    2   g.  that 

Bambalear,   va.    to    shake ,   to 

wave,  to  widdle  wnddle. 
Bambalhão,  ona,  adf/.very  slack. 

A  bambalhona,  adv.  slackly. 
BaXívbinQlla.a,  sf.  pL   oviiameuts 

Baxábo^a,  adj.  a\"a.aV^\oo^'ò,>Mv* 



*-  133  — 


Bambcx^ata^^/l  {paint)  scene  of 

low-life ;  {fig.)  amusement. 
Baxnbolina,  sf.  the  upper  part 

of  the  scenery.  [flounce. 

Bambolins,    sf,  pi.     furbelow, 
Bambu,  sm.  {bot.)  bamboo. 
Baxubual,  sm.   the  place  where 

bamboos  gro"w.  [bamboo. 

Bambucada,  sf.  a  blow  with  a 
Bambueira;  sf.  bamboo. 
Bamburral,  sm.  pasture,  pasture- 

Banal,  adi.  2  g.  common,  trivial. 
Banalidade,  sf.  triviality,  tri- 

vialness.  [coward. 

Banana,  sf.  banana;  sm.  {fia.)  a 
Bananal,  sm.  the  píace    wnere 

banana-trees  grow. 
Bananeira,  sf.  banana-tree. 
Banca,  sf.    desk,  table,    board. 

Jogo  da  — ,  pharo,  basset. 
Bancada,  sf.  seats  for  the  musi- 

cians  in  the  church. 
Bancai,  sm.  a  carpet  to  cover  a 

Bancaria,  sf  agency ;  bank. 
Bancário,  adj.  pertaining  to  the 

bank  or  stock  of  money. 
Bancarrota,  sf.  bankruptcy,  fail- 

Banco,  sm.  bench,  seat.  —    da 

igreja ,   pew.  Bank    of   sand  ; 

stock  of  money,  bank.  Nota  do 

— ,  bank-note. 
Banda,  sf.  side.  Pôr  de  — ,  to  lay 

aside.    Scarf;   faction,  party. 

—  de  musica^  regimental  oand. 

Fillet,  border ;  (jherald.)  a  piece 

representing  a  shoulder-belt  in 

the   escutcheon.  —  de  artilhe- 

ria,  broadside.  —  dafarda^  fa- 

Bandado,  a,   j>p.  adj.  banded  ; 

(herald.)    ornamented    with    a 

Bandalbice,  sf.  foppery. 
Bandalho,  sm.  a  coxcomb. 
Bandar,  va.  {herald.)  to  face  the 

garments ;  to  adorn  \fith  bands 

an  escutcheon. 
BandarUhar,  va.  to    &ght    the 

buUs  on  foot. 

^darmeíro,  sm.  hQ  who  fights 
tne  bulia  on  foot, 
P.irtTE  I 

Bandarra,  sm.  a  coxcomb. 
Bandarrear,  vn.  to  ramble ;  to  bo 

like  a  coxcomb. 
Bandarrice,  sf.  foppery. 
Bandeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  was 

brought   to  a  party ;    confede- 

Bandear,  va.  to  draw  into  a  party. 

Bandear-sey  vr,  to  be  united  to  a 

party.  [standard. 

Band!eira,  sf.  an  ensign,  banner, 
Bandeiro,  a,  adj.  flexible,  easy 

to  be  bent ;  {fig.)  inconstant. 
Bandeirola,  sf.  a  little  ílag. 
Bandido,  PZ),  proscribed.  — ,  sm. 

outlawed  banished ;  banditto. 
Bandir,  va.  {anc.)  to  banish,  to 

Bando,  sm.  ban,  public  proclama- 

tion.  —  company,  band,   ganir. 

—  de  pássaros,  a  flight  of  birdb-. 
Bandó,  sm.  headband ;  diadem. 
Bandeias,  sf.  pi.  a  shoulder-belt. 
Bandoleira,  sf.  bandoleer,  shoul- 
Bandoleiro,  sm.  a  vagabond,  a 

Bandolim,  sm.  mandolino. 
Bandoria, «/".  disorder,  confusion. 
Bandulho,  sm  the  belly. 
Bandurra,  sf.  mandore,  a  musical 

stringed  instrument. 
Bandurrilha,  sf.  small  mandore. 
Bango,  sm.  (bot.)  bangue. 
Banha,  sf.  hog'8  fat,  the  fat  of 

animais ;  pommatum. 
Banhado,    a,    pp.  adj.    bathed, 

wet;  {fig.)  vr ater eá. 
Banhar,  va.  to  bathe;  to  \^ash. 

— ,  vn.  to  bathe,  to  wash.  Ba- 

nhar-se,  vr.  to  bathe;  {fig.)  to 

be  delighted. 
Banheira,  sf.  a  bathing  tub. 
Banheiro,  a,  sm.  or  f.  bather. 
Banho,  sm.  bath,  batning.  —  Ma^ 

ria.  V.  Balnean  Maria,   {chem.) 

balneum.  — s,  bans  or  publica- 

tion  of  marriage.  — ,  an  order  of 

knighthood  in  Englaivd. 
Banianes^  sm.  pi.  Ti^m^\i^. 
Banido,  a,   pp.  adj.   \i^xí:\^e^^, 

ouUaweà.  w^^-o- 

i      {Jíg  .^  lo  eLtWô  a.^M  ^  ^^  e^^wx 


"  134  — 


Banivel ,  adj.  2  g.  that  may  be 

Banqueiro,  sm.  banker. 
Banqueta,   sf.    a   little    table; 

ifort,)  banquette. 
Banquete,  sm.  banquet. 
Banqueteado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ban- 

queted,  regaled. 
Banqueteador,   sm.  baDqueter, 

Banquetear,  va.  to  banqnet.  Bcm- 

quetear-se,  vr.  to  regale  oue*s 

Banquinho,  sm.  foot-stool. 
Bantim,  sm.  a  kind  of  Indian  ship. 
Banza,  sf.  a  small  guitar. 
Banzado,  a,    pp.  adj,  stupefied, 

Banzar,  vn.  to  be  stupefíed,  to 

be  in  a  violent  passion. 
Banzear,  va.  {anc.)  to  be  swing- 

Banzeiro,  a,  adj.  Mar  — ,  the  sea 

when    it   is  neither  calm   nor 

Banzo,  sm.  melancholy,  sadness. 
Baobab,  sm.  (bot )  bahobab. 
Baoneza,  sf.  Maçã  — ,  a  kind  of 

Baptisado,  a,  pp.  adi,  baptized. 

— ,  sm.  christening,baptisin. 
Baptisamento,  sm.  baptizing. 
Baptisando,  a,  adj.  ne  vho  is 

to  be  baptized. 
Baptisante,  adj.  2  g.  and  *.  bap- 
tizing. — ,  sm.  baptizer. 
Baptisar,  va.  to  baptize. 
Baptismal,  adj.  2  g.  baptismal. 
Baptismo,  sm.  baptism.  Nome  de 

— ,  the  christian  name.  O  —  de 

um  sino,  the  baptizing  of  a  bell. 
Baptista,  sm.  St  John  the  Baptist. 
Baptistério,  sm.  baptistery. 
Baque,  sm.  a  fali ;  the  stroke  a 

man  gives  on  the  ground  when 

he  falis ;  a  sudden  disaster. 
Baqueado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fallen,  that 

has  decayed. 
Baquear,  vn.    to   falL  —  va,  to 
coavince.    Baquear-se^    vr.    to 
stretch  on  the  ground. 
jaqueta,  sf.  drum-stick. 
-Bar,  sm,  (de  ouro)  tho  vátae  of 
*»500  pounds* 

Baraça,  sf.  the  string  to  tie  the 

flax  or  hemp  to  the  distaff. 
Baraceio,  sm  a  sort  of  matweed 

to  make  mats,  etc . 
Baraço,  sm,  a  rope  or  cord;  a 

bond,  a  tie. 
Barafunda,  sf.  tumult,  disorder; 

a    sort    of    needle-"work   that 

looks  like  lace. 
Barafustado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

Barafustar,  vn.  to  stniggle,  to 

toss  up  and  down. 
Baralha,  sf.  the  stock  at  cards; 

ifig.)  tumult,  disorder. 
BaraÚiadamente,  atZu.orderless» 

Baralhado,   a,    pp.    adj.    con- 

founded,  shufâea. 
Baralhador,  sm^  he  who  shufSes 

the  cards;  (^^.) a troubler. 
Beiralhar,  va.  to  confound,  to 

disturb.  —  as  cartas,  to  shuffle 

the  cards. 
Baralho,  sm.  —  de  cartas j  a  pack 

of  cards. 
Barão,  sm.  baron. 
Barata,  sf.  beetle ,  moth. 
Baratamente,  adv.  cheaply 
Baratado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is  sold 

with  detriment. 
Baratar,  va.  to  make  cheap.  Ba- 

ratar-se,  vr.  to  grow  too  cheap . 
Barateado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fallen  m 

price,  cheap. 
Baratear,  va.  to  cheapen. 
Barateiro,   sm.    he    -who    sells 

cheap;  (yí^.Y liberal. 
Barateria,  sf.  exchange  of  goods , 

Barateza,  sf.  cheapness 
Barato,  a,  adj  cheap.  Haver  por 

—  alguma  cousa ,    to    thinK  a 

thing  to  be  better.  —  sm.  com- 

Báratro,  sm.  gulph,  pit. 
Baraza,  sf.  fathom,  cord,  rope. 
Barba,  sf.  beard.  Fazer  a  —  a  si, 

to  shave  one's  self.  Dar  a  agua 
pela  — ,  to  be  in  a  great  dançer. 

Barbas,  age,  years.  Dizer 

alguma  cou&a  nas  —  Ae  o.lg•ttJem^ 

to  Sôi^  aoTfitóttàw^  VoL^ícvek  l-aRfò  ^1 
oue.  Ter  —  çoíra  faser  «Xtjwno. 


—  135  — 


cousa^  to  dare.  Fazer  a  — ,  to 

BarbacS,  sf.  bcurbacan. 
Barbaçote,  sm,  kind  of  barbacan. 
Barbaçudo,  a,  adr.  bearded. 
Barbada,  sf,  the  lo-wer  jaw  of  a 

horse.  [does. 

Barbadas,  sf.  pi.  (geog.)  Barba- 
Barbado,  a,  pp.ací;  bearded.  Co- 

meta  — a,  a  eomet  vith  a  ílappet. 
Barbalbos,  sm.  pi.  beards,  the 

small  fibres  of  a  root 
Barbalboste,  sm  he  ^ho  is  good 

for  nothing. 
Barbante,  sm.  packing-thread. 
Barbar,  vn.  to  begin  to  have  a 

Barbara,  sf. Santa  — ,  {a  sea  term) 

Barbaramente,  adv.  barbarons- 

ly,  cruelly. 
Barbaresco ,  a  or  Barbarlsco , 

a,  adj.  belogging  to  Barbary. 
Barbaria  or  Barberia ,  sf.  Bar- 

bery  or  Barbary. 
Barbarice,  sf.  barbarity. 
Barbarlco,  a,  adj.  barbárie. 
Barbaridade ,      sf.     barbarity, 

Barbarismo,  sm.  barbarism. 
Barbarisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

made  barbarous, 
Barbarisar,  va  to  make  barba- 
rous ,  to  corrupt  the  language. 
Barbaídso,'  sm  .humming. 
Bárbaro,  a,  ac2;. barbarous,  cruel, 

ferocious ,    (fig.)    uncivilized , 

BarbarrSo,  sm.  a  long  beard. 
Barbasco,  sm.  {bot )  eow*B  lung- 

Barbata,  sf.  Y.  Bravata, 
Barbatado,  sm.  (heral.)  is  súd 

of  a  âsh  with  nns  of  dijferent 

Barbatana,  sf.  the  fin  of  a  físh. 
Barbatear.  V.  Bravatear, 
Barbato,  sm.  lay-brother. 
Barbeado,  a,  pp.  adi.  shaved. 
Barbeadura,  sf.  a  shavin^. 
Barbear,  va.  to  shave,  tobarber. 
Barbearia,  sf.  a  barber*s  shop. 
Sarbeohado,  a,pp,  adj.  fallowed 
BarboGhar,   va,   to   fallov,    to 

piougb  a  piece  of  ground  un- 

tillea  for  some  years.  [ing. 

Barbeoho,  sm.  the  ârst  plough- 
Barbeiro,  sm.  barber. 
Barbella,  sf,  a  curb  of  a  bridle. 
BarbelISes,  sm.  pi.  barfoles,   a 

horse  disease. 
Barbeta,  sf.  (/brí.)  barbe,  barbet. 
Barbicacho,  sm.  a  halter. 
Barblforme,    adj.  2  g.    beard- 

Barbilhão,  sm.  inat.  hist )  a  kind 

of  beard  that  hungs  under  the 

beak  of  some  birds. 
Barbilbo,  sm.  a  muzzle 
Barbilimpo,  adj.  beardless 
Barbilouro,  sm.  ipoet.)  he  that 

has  a  fair  beard. 
Barbinegro,    adj.  that    has    a 

black  beard. 
Barbipoente,  adj.  2  g.  he  that 

begins  to  have  a  beard. 
Barbiruiva,  sf  a  bird  called  red- 

Barblruivo,  a,  adj.  red-bearded. 
Beirbiteso,  a,  adj  that  has  a  stiff 

beard ;  (fig.)  a  rough  man. 
Barbo,  sm.  a  barbei. 
Barboneo,  adj    and  s    a  capu- 

chine  friar. 
Barbote,  sm.  the   part  of  the 

hehnet  that  covers  the  chin. 
Barbuda,  5/!.  an  ancient  coin. 
Barbado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bearded.  — 

sm.  {nat.  hist )  a  kmd  of  bird. 
Barbusano,  sm.  a  kind  of  tree. 
Barca,  sf.  bark,  great  boat,  craft 
Barca,  sf.  a  wattled    cover  for 

envelopping  some  glassy  ves- 

Barcada,  sf.  a  boat-load. 
Barcagem,  sf.  the  fare  paid  to 

the  waterman. 
Barcarolla,  sf  barcarolle. 
Barco,  sm.  boat. 
Bar  colas,  {a  sea  term)  —  das 

escotilhas,    coamings    of    the 

Barda,  sm,  fence  or  hedgOo  Em 

— ,  adv.  a  great  deal 
Bardado^  a,  pp   adj.  ctvcJvQ^».^ 

\  Bardar,  ua,  \o  ftii<i\<i^^  ^^^^^  *• 


^      —  i36  — 


thorn  edge,  to  make  a  sheep- 

fold.  [apoet. 

Bardo,  sjn.  a  fence,  an  edge,  oard, 
Bareja,  sf.  V.  Vareja. 
Bareta,  sf.  (anc.)  a  cap,  a  bonnet. 
Barga,  sf.  a  tatched  nouse. 
Bargadas ,  sf.  pi.  the  upper  and 

inner  part   oi  the  thign  of  a 

Barganha,  sf.  barter,  bargain. 
Barganhar,  va.  to  barter,  to  bar- 
gain, to  chop.  [bond. 
Bargante,  sm.  a  knave,  a  y2i.s9L- 
Barganteado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  nas 

had  a  dissolute  life. 
Bargantear,  vn.  to   ramble,  to 

have  a  dissolute  life. 
Bargan teria,  sf.  knavery. 
Bargueiro,  sm.  he  who  makes 

Barilha,  sf.  {bot.)  barilla. 
Barinel,  sm.  small  ship  used  iu 

the  Mediterranean  sea. 
Barjoleta,  sf.  a  leatherpurse. 
Barlaventeado ,    a,     pp,    adj. 

worked  to  the  windward. 
Barlaventeador,   a,    adj.  that 

plies  to  the  windward. 
Barlaventear,  vn.  (a  sea  term)  to 

ply  to  the  windward. 
Barlaventejar,  vn.  (a  sea  term)  to 

abandon  a  ship  to  the  mercy 

of  the  wind. 
Barlavento,  sm.  (a  sea  term)  the 

Bamabitas,  Barnabites. 
Barometrioamente,  adv.  baro- 

metrically.  [rometrical. 

Barometrico,  a,  adj.  {phys.)  ba- 
Barometro,  sm.  barometer. 
Barometrographia,  sf.  a  des- 

cription  of  barometers. 
Barometrographo,  sm.  barome- 
ter adapted  to  a  pendulum. 
Baronete,  sm.  baronet. 
Baroneza,  sf.  baroness. 
Baronia,  sf.  barony,  baronage. 
Baroscopio,  sm.  baroscope. 
Barqueiro,  sm.  a  water-man  or 

boat-man.  fin  a  boat. 

Barguejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  carried 
Barquejar,  vn.  to  govern  a  boat, 
to  go  in  a  boat. 
sarra,  sf.  a.  bar  at  the  entrance 

of  a  harbour.  —  de  prata^  a  bar 

of  silver ;  {herald )  bar. 
Barraca,  sf.  barrack,  tent. 
Baxrachel,  sm.  an  offícer  to  carry 

fuilty    soldiers  and   deserters 
efore  the  provost-marshal. 
Barrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  clayed.  — 

{heral.)  barry. 
Barrai,  sm  clay-pit. 
Barramaque,  sm.  a  rich  stnff 

used  by  the  bishops. 
Barranceira,  sf.  the  bank  of  a 

Barranco,  sm.  ravine,  slough, 

precipice ,  {fiÇ')  an  obstacle, 
Barrancoso,  a,   adj.  hollowed, 

full  of  ravinesi  {fig.)  hard. 
Barranhão,  sm.  a  small  earthen 

vessel  for  diflferent  uses. 
Barrarios,  the  inhabitants 

of  the  same  ward. 
Barrar,  va.  to  clay,  to  cover  with 

clay,   to   make   into  bars ,  to 

trim,  to  put  a  tape  or  hem  in 

a  woman  s  gown. 
Barregã,    sf.    a    concubine;  a 

strong  woman. 
Barregana,  sf.  barracan. 
Bsirregão ,   sm.  a.  large  man ,  a 

man  who  keeps  a  concubine. 
Barregar,  vn.  to  bawl  as  a  child. 
Barreguice,  sf.  concubinage. 
Barreira,  sf.  oarrier,  rail  field- 

gate  í  {fig.)  limits,   bar,    obsta- 
cle. [with  barriers. 
Barreirado,  a,  pi>.  adj.  furnished 
Barreirar,  va.  to   furnish  with 

barriers.  íif^ff-)  ^  deceit. 

Barreia,   sf.    lye-washing,   lie , 
Barreletro,  sm.  lie-ashes  dried 

up.  [clayish. 

Barrento,  a,  adj.  full  of  clay, 
Barretada,  sf.  capping,  cringing. 

Fazer  — ,  to  flatter. 
Barrete,  sm.  cap,  bonnet.  —  de 

dormir.,  a  night-cap. 
Barreteiro,  sm.  a  cap-maker. 
Barretina,  sf.  a  sort  of  military 

Barrica,  sf.  cask,  barrei. 
Bfurricada,  sf  {fort.)  barricado. 
Barricadado^  a^  pp.  adj.  barri- 

Ba3CTioaâaX)  wa.  \íí  \iwn^<5»aa• 


—  137  — 


Barricadar-se^  vr.  to  barricade 

one's  self,  to  stop  the  passage. 
Barriga,  sf.  belly,  paunch ;  prer- 

nancy.  —   da  perna,  the   calf 

of  the  leg.  Estar  com  a  —  para 

o  ar,  to  look  on  the  sky. 
Barrigada,  sf.  belly-full. 
Barrigudo,  a,  adj.  big-bellied. 
Barril,  sm.  barrei,   cask.  O  que 

fajs  barris,  cooper. 
Barrilada,  sf.  a  naughty  trick ; 

Barrilete,  sm.    a  joiner^s  hold- 

fast;   the  barrei   of  a  watch; 

(a  sea  term)  a  hold-fast. 
Barrilha,  sf.  barilla,  potash. 
Barro,  sm,  clay,  potter's  earth. 
Barroca,  sf.  a  gutter  made  by  a 

■water-flood.  [ravines. 

Barrocal,  sm.   a  place    full    of 
Barroco,  sm.  arough  or  Scotch 

Barroso,  a,  adi.  clayey,  marly. 
Barrotar,  va.  [carp.)  to  settle  the 

Barrote,  sm.  a  rafter,  a  beam. 
Barruntar,  va.  to  guess   at  a 

thing,  to  foresee. 
Barrunto,  sm.  {anc.)  suspicion, 

conjecture.  [partrldge. 

Bartavella,  sf.  {nat.  htst)  the  red 
Bartldoiro,  sm.   {a  sea  term)  a 

boafs  skeet. 
Barulhado ,  a ,    pp.  adj.    con- 

founded,  embroiled. 
Barulhar,  va.  to  confound,  to 

embroil.  [marplot. 

Barulheiro,  sm.  a  bnsy-body,  a 
Barulho,  sm.  noise,  uproar,  ta- 

Baryta,  sf.  baryte. 
Barytono,  sm.  {music.)  barytoue. 
Basal,  sm.  {bot.)  basaal. 
Basáltico,  a,  adj.  basaltic. 
Basalto,  sm.  basalt. 
Basanite,  sm.  basanite. 
Basbaque,  sm.  a  stupid  fellow. 
Basbaquice,  sf.  simpliclty,  non- 

Basòolejar,    va.    V.    Yascolejar 

and  derivated. 
Baaoulhador,  sm.  eira,  sf.  he  or 

^^tít&t  sweeps. 

r,  va,  to  sweep. 

Basculho,  sm.  a  broom  to  sweep 

the  dust. 
Base,  sf.  base,  foundation  ;  [arch.) 

base,   pedestal;   {mathem.)  the 

bottom  of  any  íigure. 
Basear,  va.  to  found,  to  útl  or 

set.  Éasear-se,  vr,  to  be  âxed 

or  set.  [base. 

Basifixo,   a,  adj.  âxed  by   the 
Basilar,  adj.  pertaining  to  the 

Basílica,  sf.  basilic,  cathedral; 

(anaí.Jthe  inner  vein  of  the  arm. 
Basillcao,  sm.  basilicon. 
Basilicario,  sm.  an  ecclesiastic 

that  assists  the  pope  when  he 

says  mass.  [tutions. 

Basílicas,  sf.  pi.  basilic  consti- 
Basilisco,  sm.  \nat.  hist.)  a  basi- 

lisk.  [hautboy. 

Bassanello,  sm.  kind  of  Venetian 
Bassoura,  sf.  V.  Vassoura. 
Basta,  sf.  quilting  of  a  mattress. 
Bastaznente,   adv.  Y,  Bastante- 

Bastança,  sf.  V.  Abundância. 
Bastante,  aaj.  sufficient,  enough. 
Bastantemente,  adv.  suMcient- 

ly,  abundantly. 
Bastão,  sm.  stick,  staff,  cane. 
Bastar,  vn.  and  vr.  to  sufâce,  to 

be  sufficient.  [nerated. 

Bastardeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dege- 
Bastardear,  vn.  to  degenerate. 
Bastardia,  af.  bastardy. 
Bastardo,  a,  adj.  bastard,  ille- 

Bastardo,  sm.  a  bastard.  Yinho 

— ,  a  kind  of  sweet  wine.  —  (a 

sea  term)  the  largest  sail  of  a 

Basteado,  a,  pp.  adj.  quilted. 
Bastear,  va.  to  quilt  a  mattress. 
Bastecedor,  sm.  purveyor;  one 

who  proTides.  [tual. 

Bastecer,  va.  to  provido,  to  vic- 
Bastecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  provided 

"with  victuals. 
Bastecimento,  sm,  the   act   of 

Bastião^  sm.  \^9t.'aM\o\v. 
BasUda,  sf.  "^llç^ç^âL  ot  \Msísi«t  ^aRk^ 

BaBítiâiãiO,  sf.  ^ôTAvVj- 



-.  138 


Bastido,  a,  adj.  clungorattickisg 

close  together. 
Bastidor,  sm.   an  embroiderer^s 

frame.  —  a  straining  frame  for 

a  picture.  Bastidores  de  tkeatro, 

sm.  pi.  the  wing  of  a  scene  in  a 

Bastilha,  sf.  bastile. 
Bastimento ,   sm.    ali   sorts   of 

warlike  provisions. 
Basto,  a,  adj.  thick,  close  (Jlg.) 

copious  numerous. 
Bastonada,  sf.  bastinade. 
Bastonário,  sm.  (anc.)  staffman, 

Bastura,  sf.  thickness,  densíty. 
Batalha,  sf.  a  battle,  fig-ht.  —  na- 
val — ,  a  sea  fight.  Cavallo  de — , 

a  war-horse. 
Batalhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fighted, 

Batalhador,  sm.  a  great  comba- 

Batalhante,  adj.  2  g.   {herald.) 

said  of  beasts  represented  in  a 

fighting  posture. 
Batalhão,  sm.  battalion. 
Batalhar,  va.  to  battle,  to  fight ; 

ifig.)  to  dispute. 
Batata,  sf.  potatoe. 
Batatada,  sf.  sweetmeat  made  of 

potatoes.  [potatoes. 

Batateira,  sf.  the  plant  tnat  bears 
Batateiral,  sm.  a  plaee  where  po- 
tatoes grow. 
Batavo,  a,  adj.  and  s.  pertaining 

to   Batavia.    — ,  s.    Hollander. 

Batea,   sf.    {rniner.)   a  vessel  to 

wash  gold  m. 
Bateada,  sf.  the  portion  of  gold 

contained  in  a  batea. 
Bateado,  a,  pn.  adj.  washed  in 

the  vessel  called  batea. 
Batear,  va.  to  -wash  gold  in  a 

Batecú,  sm.  the   stroke  a  man 

gives  on  the  grotmd  when  he 

falis  on  the  breech. 
Batedoiro,  sm.  a  place  for  beat- 

jng-  any  thiDg. 
Batedor,  sm.    beater,   one  that 

afjSxed  to  the  door. 

Batedora,   sf.    beating;  pnlsa- 

tion ;  a  knock. 
Batefolha,  sf  a  gold-beater. 
Bátega,  sf.  —  éTagua^  a  snâden 

shower.  —  do  campo,  a  scout.  — 

do  trigo  na  eira,  a  thresher. 
Bateira,  sf.  a  boat ;  a  bark. 
Batel,  sm.  a  Itttle  boat. 
Batelada,  sf.  the  load  of  a  boat. 
Bateleiro,  sm.  waterman,  boat- 

Batente,  sm.  the  side  çosts  of  a 

door.    Porta  com    dois  — *,   a 

Bater,  va.  to  beat,  to  strike,  to 

hammer.  —  com  o  pé,  to  stanç 

with  one*s   foot.  —  moeda,  to 

coin  money.  —  com  as  mãos,  to 

applaud.  Bater-se,  vr^  to  fight, 

to  combat. 
Bateria,  sf.  battery,  beating  as- 

sault.  Plantar  uma  — ,  ifortif.)  to 

raise  a  batterv.  —  de  cozinha, 

kitchen  ntensils. 
Batibarba,  sf.  gentle  blow  under 

the  chin. 
Batida,   sf.   beating,  venery;  a 

carrier  of  a  horse. 
Batido  a,  pp.  adj.  beaten,  beat. 

Navio  — ^elo  vento,  a  ship  tossed 

by  the  wind. 
Batimento,  sm.  the  act  of  beat- 
ing against  a  thing. 
Bato,  sm.  a,  kind  of  game. 
Batoca,  sf.  a  great  rammer. 
Batocado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stopped 

vith  a  bung.  [chain-bolts. 

Batocadnras,  sf.  pi.  {a  sea  term) 
Batocar,  va.  to  bnng,  to  stop  with 

a  bung. 
Batocfue,  sm.  the  hole  in  a  pipe 

wherein  the  stopple  is  put ;  tne 

stopple  or  bung. 
Batorelha,  sm.  a  foolishman. 
Batraca,  sf.  [med.)  batrachus. 
Battologla,  sf.  {gramm.)  batto- 

logy;  babbling. 
Batucar,  vn.  tol)eat  often. 
Batuque,  sm.  a  kind  of  Afirican 

Baunilhas,  sf.  {bot.)  vanilla. 
Baatlzax,  va.  and  derivated.  V. 

Baptisar.  VV?^^^^V 

;  Baozeax^  "on.  ^a  sea  teni\\^^V^^^ 


—  139  — 


Baviera,  sf.  {geog.)  Bavaria. 
Bavaro,  a>  aaj.  and  s.  Bavarian, 

native  of  Bavaria. 
Baxào,  sm.  bassoon. 
Baxete,    sm.  a  bench   for  the 

casks  and  pipes.  [ravine. 

Ba3rancay  sf.  a  break  in  land, 
Bayoneta,  sf.  V.  Baioneta. 
Bazar,  sm.  bazar,  market. 
Bazamco,  sm.   Indian   com    of 

small  value.  [laris. 

Bazilar,  sm.  (anat.)  artéria  basi- 
Bazofia,    sf.     boast,     boastins^, 

bragging.  [bragged. 

Bazofiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  boasted, 
Bazofiar,  vn.  toboast,  to  brag. 
Bazofio,  sm.  braggart,  boaster. 

—  adj.  boas  tf ul. 
Bazze,  sm.  a  coin  of  Germany. 
Bdellio,  sm.  bdellium. 
Beata,  sf.  religious  woman;  fe- 

male  bigot.  [beatifically. 

Beatamente ,     adv.     bigotedly, 
Beateira,  sf.  a  woman  that  likes 

the  conversation  of  the  bigots. 
Beateiro,  sm.  he  who  likes  the 

Beatice,  sf.  bigotry,  big^otism. 
Beatifico,  a,  adj.  beatifícal,  besr 

Beatificação,  sf.  beatiíicatíon. 
Beatificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  beatified, 

blessed.  [fies,  beatifier. 

Beatlficador,  sm.  he  who  beati- 
Beatificamente ,    adv.    beatifi- 
Beatificar,  na.  to  beatify.  Beatt- 

ficar-se,  vr.  to  be  beatined. 
Beatificavel,   edj.  2  g.  {theol.) 

that  may  be  beatified. 
Beatilha,  sf.  linen  to  make  white 

veils  for  "women. 
Beatltude,  sf.   beatitnde,   bles- 

Beato,  a,   adj.    blessed,  happy. 

Falso — ,  a  bigot,  bypocrite. 
Bebedice ,      sf.      drunkenness , 

Bêbedo,  a,  adj.  drunk^  drunken. 
BebedoirO)  sm.  cnp  for  birds  to 

drink  in ;    a  watefing>-place,  a 

Bàbedaty  aiy  sm.  or  f.  drinker. 

Beber,  sm.  Beberes,  drink, 

Beber,  va.  to  drink,  to  imbibe,  to 

qpaff.  —  de  mais,  to  out-drink. 

Èeber  azeite^  to  be  very  sly. 
Bebera,  sf.  a  black  long  fig  so 

called.  [draught,  drmk. 

Beberagezn ,      sf.      beverage . 
Bebereira,  sf.  the  fig-tree  that 

bears  beberas.  [drink. 

Beberete,  sm.  small  dran^ht  or 
Beberrão,  ona,  adj.  and  s.  btbber, 

drunkard,  toper. 
Beberraz,  sm.  bibber,  drunkard. 
Beberrica,  sm.  drtmkard. 
Beberricado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sipped, 

Beberricador,  sm.  drunkard. 
Beberricar,  va.  to  tipple,  to  sip. 
Beberronia*  sf.  a  drinKing  gree- 

dily ;  a  company  of  drinkers. 
Beberrote,  sm.  árunkard,  toper. 
Bebida,  sf.  drink,  drinking.  Loja 

de  bebidasj  coffee-house. 

Bebido,  a,  pp.  adj.  drunk 


o,  a,  wp.  c 

,  sf.  [anc. 

)  a  short  spear  or 

Beca,  sf.  a  magistrate'  s  gown  ; 
a  welt  or  scari  worn  by  fellows 
of  coUeges. 

Becabunga,  sf.  {liot.)  becabun^a. 

Bechico,  adj.  ano  s.inied.)  Medtctp- 
mento — ,  becchic  medicine. 

Beco,  sm.  alley,  lane.  —  com  sa- 
hida,  a  thorough-fare.  —  sem  sa- 
hida,  a  blind  alley.  [chiseL 

Bedame,  sm.  {carp.)  a  kind  of 

Bedegar,  sm.  bedeguar. 

Bedel,  sm.  beadle. 

Bedelbo,  sm.  meddler. 

Bedelia,  sf.  beadleship. 

Bedem,  sm.  Moorish  cloak  for 
rainy  weather. 

Beduinos,  «m.  pi.  Bedouins. 

Beguina,  sf.  beguin,  nun. 

Begninaria,  sf.  a  recluso  life. 

Beguinos,  sm.  pi.  friars,  monks. 

Bemiquella,  sf.  {bot.)  a  medicinal 

Bebexnotb,  sm.  hippopotamns. 

Befaen,  sm.  (jEkot.N^içJtv^i^y^t^k^vk.- 
ing  to  \ta^\i,  tw^e»  ix^Tti\à?a^^ 




—  140  — 


its  lord  whom  it  pleases.  —  {fig.) 

Beiça,  sf.  a  blobber-lip ;  çout. 
Beiçada,  sf.  thick  and  nanging 

Beiço,  sm.  lip.  —  rachado^  hare- 

lip.   Dar  a  alguém  com  o   mel 

pelos — s,  to  amuse  one  with  fair 

Beiçudo,  a,   adj.  blobber-lipped. 
Beijado,  a,  pp.  adj.  kissed. 
Beijador,  a,  adj.  and  s.  kisser. 
Beijamão,  sm.  the  kissing  of  a 

sovereign's  hand,  levee. 
Beijar,  va.  to  kiss.  Beijar-se,  w, 

to  kiss  each  other. 
Beijo,  sm.  kiss;  salute. 
Beijoca,  sf.  a  loud  kiss. 
Beijocar,  va.  tobe  always kissing. 
Beijoim,  sm.  benjamin  cr  benzoin. 
Beijoinico,  a,  adj.  benzoic. 
Beijú,  sm.  kind  of  paste  made  of 

the  flower  of  the  root  of  man- 
Beira,    sf.   bank,   shore;  brink, 

Beiraxnar  (a),  adv.  on  the  sea- 

coast.  —  s,  and  adj.  the   sea- 

coast.  [cloth. 

Beirame,  sm.  a  sort  of  cotton 
Belbate,  sm.  cotton  velvet. 
Beldade,    sf.  {anc.)    beauty,    a 

beautiful  woman. 
Beldroega,    sf,    {hot.)  the  herb 

Beleguim  ,5  m.  a  bailifiTs  foUower. 
Belexnnita,  sf.  belemnites. 
Belfo,  a,  adj.  blobber-lipped,  ha- 

ving  a  hanging  under-lip. 
Belga,  adj.  and  s.  2  g.  Belg^an, 

pertaining  to  Belgium. 
Bélgica,  sf.  [geog.)  Belgium. 
Belgico,  a,  adj.  Belgic,  Belgian. 
Bellião,  sm.  {anc.)  a  sort  of  coin. 
Belho,  sm.  the  shooter  of  a  lock. 
Belhó,  sm.  a  dough  made  of  eggs, 

butter,  etc,  a  mtter. 
Beliche,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  any  small 

cabin  in  a  ship. 
Belida,  sf.  a  white  spot  in  the  eye. 
Belis  or  Beliz,  adi.  2  g.  subtUe, 

ãcute  of  mina ;  [fia.)  rascai. 
Belladona,  sf.  (bot.)  belladona  or 
deãdljr  night-shsáe. 

Bellagarça,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  a  bird 

of  Ásia.  [fulljr. 

Bellaxnente,  adv,  fairly,  beauti- 
Belleza,  sf.  l3eauty. 
Bellicamente,  aav,  bravely,  va- 

liantly.  [martial. 

Bellico,  a,  adj.  (poet.)  bellicose, 
Bellicosazuente,    adv.    with    a 

martial  spirit.  [tial. 

Bellicoso,  a,  adj.  warlike,  mar- 
Belligerante,   adj.  2  g.  bellige- 

Belligero,  a,  adj.  warlike,  mar- 
tial, belonging  to  war. 
Bellipotente,  adj.  2  ^.bellipotent, 

powerful  in  arms.  [nipped. 

Belliscado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pincned, 
Belliscadura ,     sf.     pinching ; 

Belliscão,  sm.  pinch,  nip. 
Belliscar,  va.  to  pinch,  to  nip. 
Bellisono,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  that  has 

a  warlike  sound. 
Bello,  a,    adj.  fair,    beautiful, 

handsome,  ime,   ^aceful.  Uma 

— a  morte^  a  glorious  death. 
Bellona,  sf.  {myth.)  Bellona. 
Belluino,  a,  adu  beíluine,  beastly. 
Belluoso,  a,  aaj.  {poet.)  abounding 

with  beasts. 
Belluta,  sf.  {hot.)  belluta. 
Belxnaz,  sm.  a  nail  with  a  golden 

head ;  an  escutcheon  knob. 
Belomancla,  sf.  belomancy. 
Belsazuão,  sm.  (6o^)  aname  given 

to  the  balsam  of  Gilead. 
Beluca,  s.  (nat.  hist.)  a  kind  of 

white  dolpnin.  [(fish). 

Belugas,   s.   {nat.   hist.)   beluga 
Belveder,  sm,  belvidere,  cheno- 

Bem,  sm.   good,  beneiit,  adyan- 

tage,  happiness,    satisfaction  ; 

{fam.)  sweet-heart.   Homem  de 

— ,  an  honest  man. 
Bem.  adv.  well,  right,  just,  much, 

very,  exactly.  A  — •  dizer j  as  it 

were.  Fatiar  — ,  to  speak  a  good 

language.  [accomplished. 

Bem-acabado,  a,   adj.  perfect, 
Bem-acondioionado,  a,  adj,  in 

good  condition. 
Bem-aooBtaxQQcdo ,  a^  ojí^  ^^c^^m^^ 

-with.  good  m.8iiiii«x^. 



—  141  — 



Bem  -  afortunadamente , 

happily,  prosperously. 
Bem-afortonado,  a,  adi.  fortu- 

nate,  lucky.  faarling. 

Bem-amado,  a,    adj.   beloved; 
Bem  -  aventoradamente ,   adv. 

Bem-aventurado,    a,  pp.   adj. 

blessed,  fortunate,  happy. 
Bem-aventurança,    sf.  happi- 

ness,  good-luck. 
Bem-aventurar,   va.   to  make 

happy,  lucky. 
Bembel,  sm.  {alch.)  mercury. 
Bemcriado,  a,  adj.  well  man- 

nered,  courteous. 
Bemdado,  a,  adj.  —  com  todos^ 

kind,  loved  hy  ali  persons. 
Bemdito,  a,    pp.   adj.   blessed, 

praised;  prosperous.  [nate. 
Bemditoso,  a,  adj.  happy,  fortu- 
Bemdizente,  adj.  2  g.  toat  speaks 

well  of  one,  discreet;  eloauent. 
Bemdizer,  va.  to  praise,  to  bless. 
Bem-estar,    sm.  well-being,  ac- 

Bem-estreado,  a,  adj.  well-look- 

ing.  [spoken. 

Bem-fallante,    adj.   2    g.  well 
Bemfazejo,  a,   adj.   beneâcent, 

kind;  propitious. 
Bemfazente,  adj.  2  g.  benefícent, 

kind;  propitious. 
Bemfazer,    va.    to   do  good  to 

another.  —  sm,  beneât,  good  Of- 
Bemfelto,  a,  adi.  well  performed, 

well  favourea.  —  sm.  benefít, 

Bemfeitor,  sm.  benefactor. 
Bemfeitora,  sf.  benefactress. 
Bemfeitoria,   sf.    an   improve- 

ment.  [proved,  bettered. 

Bemfeitorisado,  a,  pjp.  adj.  im- 
Bemfeitorisar,  va.  to  improvei 

to  better. 
Bem-intencionado,  a,  adj.  well- 

aflfected,  well-minded. 
Bem-me-queres,  sm.  {bot.)  raari- 

gold.  [aescended. 

Benmado,  a,  adj.  -well-born,  well- 
Bemnascido,  a,  adj.  well-born, 

weJl-descended.  \      dei 

«w.  (mus.)  bemol,  flat.       |     to 

Bemolado,  a,  adj.  that  has  the 

Bemparecido ,    a,    adj.    well- 

favoured,  well-lookinff. 
Bemposto,  a,   adj.  well-looking, 

elegant.  [thougn. 

Bemque,  conj.  though  or  tho\  al- 
Bemquerença,  sf.  kindness,  be- 

Bemquerente,  adj.  2  g.  aífec- 

tionate,  benevolent. 
Bemquerer,  va.  to  love,  to  wish 

one  well.  —  sm.  affection. 
Bemquerias,  sf,  pi,  {anc.)  lover 

V.  Amores. 
Bemquistado,  a,  pp.  adj.  well- 

beloved;  conciliated. 
Bemquistar,  va.  to  conciliate,  to 

Bemquisto,  a,  adj.  well-beloved. 
Bemsabido,  a,    adj.    notorious, 

kno-wn,  manifest;  wise. 
Bemsoante,  adj.  2  g.  that  sounds 

well;  melodious. 
Bemtere,  sm.  a  bird  of  Brazil. 
Bemtevl,  sm.  {nat,  hist.)  a  bird  of 

Bemvinda,  sf.  welcome. 
Bemvindo,  a,  adi.  welcome. 
Bemvlsto,  a,  aaj.  well-beloved. 
Benção,  sf.  benediction,  blessing, 

Benedicite,  sm.  grace. 
Benedicta,  sf.  {pharm.)  a  benedit 

Benedictmo,  a,  adi.  benedictine. 
Beneficência,  sf.  oeneficence. 
Beneficente,  ao;'.  2^.  beneâcent, 

Beneficiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bene- 

fíced.  —  sm.   he  who  holds  a 

Beneficiador,  a,  adj.  beneficiai, 

kind,  beneficent. 
Beneficiai,  adj.  2  g.  beneficiai, 

respecting  benéficos. 
Beneficiar,  va.   to  do  good  to 

another;  to    cultivate,   to  im- 

prove;  to   confer    a  benefice. 

jBeneficiar-sey  vr.  to  get  a  bené- 
BeneUoiaxVo,  Qi>  ad,j .  Vju\owSMlw- 
deiro  — ,  \í€í  ^\ío  Vwí  ^  -fgtvi^í^síf^ 


—  U2  — 


Benefldov   sm.  benefit»    advan- 

tage,   profit.  —  ecclesiastieOy   a 

benefice,  aliving. — simples^  si- 

necure.  [kind,  liberal. 

Beneficioso,  a,  adj.  b«neficent, 
Beneíicivel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 

be  improved. 
Benéfico,  a,  adj.  beneficiai»  bene- 

ficent,  liberal. 
Benemerência,  sf.  desert,  merít. 
Benemérito,  a,  culj.  -well-deserv- 

ing,  very  worthy. 
Beneplácito,  sm.  leave,  permis- 

sion,  consent.  [the  altar. 

Benesse,  sm.  altarage,  profíts  of 
Benevolamente,  adv.  benevo- 

lently,  kindly.  [kindness. 

Benevolência,  sf.  benevolence, 
Benévolo,    a,   adj.   benevolent, 

gentia,  kind. 
Bengala,  sf.  cane  or  stick. 
Bengalada,  sf.  a  blow  or  stroke 

•with  a  cane. 
Bengaleira,  sf.  canna,  rattan. 
Bengaleiro,  sm.  he  who  makes 

or  sells  canes. 
Bengali,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  ben^alee. 
Benignamente,    adv.  benignly, 

kindly.  [goodiaess. 

Benignidade,     sf.     benignity, 
Benigno,  a,  adj.  bonntiful,  cour- 

teous,  kind. 
Benjamim,  sm.  darling. 
Benjoeiro,  sm.  a  tree  from  which 

by  incision  is  distilled  the  ben- 

Bens,    sm.  pi.   estate,  chatteis, 

riches.  —  moveis,  moveables.  — 

de  raix,  landed  property. 
Benta,  sf.  {bot.)  herb-bennet. 
Bentixiho,  sm.  a  sort  of  scapulars. 
Bento,  a,  adj.  consecrated,  holy. 
Benzedeiro,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  kind 

of  conjurer;  impostor. 
Benzedura,  sf.  the  act  of  conse- 

crating.  [bless. 

Benzer,    va.    to   consecrate,   to 
Benzido,  Si^pp.adj.  consecrated, 

blessed.  [sing. 

Benzimento,  5771.  the  act  of  bles- 
Benzoico,  sl,  adj.  benzoic. 
Betjuadro,  sm.   (micsie.)  mnsieai 
si^n  for  putting  a  note  again  in 
Hs  natural  tone. 

Beque,  tm.  {a  sea  term)  the  beak, 

the  head  of  a  ship. 
Berbeqiiim,  sm.  a  thrill,  drUI. 
Berçada,  sf.  a  shot  of  an  ancient 

sbort-cannon  called  berço. 
Berço,   sm.    cr  adie ;  an  ancient 

cannon ;  a  sort  of  vault. 
Bergamota,  sf.  bergamot-pear ; 

a  sort  of  lemoD. 
Bergantim,  sm.  (a  sea  term)  bri- 

gantine,  brig.  [plant. 

Bergia,     sf.    a    caryophiUeated 
BerUlo,  sm.  beryl. 
Beringela,  sf.  mad-apple. 
Berlina,  sf.  berlin,  a  sort  of  tra- 

velling  chariot. 
Berma,  sf.  (fort.)  berm  or  space 

of  gronnd  let  at  the  foot  of  a 

rampart.  [sense. 

Bemardice,  s.  simplicity,  non- 
Bemeca  or  Bernaca,  sf.   bar- 

nacle,  a  soland  goose. 
Bemeo  or  Berne,  sm.  âne  red 

Beroes,  sm.  pi.  {nat.  hist.)  beroes 

(marine  animal). 
Berra,  sf.  the  rut  of  deer. 
Berrado,  a,  pp.   adj.  bellowed, 

Berrar,  vn.  to  bellow  as  a  kine; 

to  blare  as  a  cow.  [do. 

Berregar,  va.  to  cry  as  children 
Berreiro,  sm.  bawling,  the  loud 

cries  of  a  child. 
Berro,    sm.    the    bellowing    or 

lowing  of  kine,  etc.  [rinha. 

Beryllo,  sm.  beryl.  V.  Agua  mar 
Besantado,  a,  adj.  {herald.)  fuU 

of  bezants. 
Besante,  sm.  bezante  (coin.)  — 

{herald.)  a  round  piece  of  gold 

or  silver. 
Besbelho,  sm.  the  arse. 
Besbelhoteira,  sf.  a  vile  voman. 
Besbelhoteiro,  sm.  a  base  man. 
Besoartico,  sm.  bezoardic. 
Besoiro,  sm.  the  great  hom  beetie 

or  butterfly. 
Bespa,  sf.  wasp. 
Besta,  sf.  beast,  brute.  —  domeS' 

tica,  a  tarae  beast ;  {ftg.)  an  ill- 

breÁ  f eWo^ ,  «l  ^.vVl^ ,  brutish  man. 
Bèatdi,  sf.  cTo^s-\io^.  \5N^i% 

BeStscavsDXA,  ad-o.  loo\\ái^^ .,  ?!Ga- 


—  J43  — 


Besteira,   sf.   {bot.)  wild  black 

Besteiro^  sm.  a  cross-bow  man ; 

a  sort  of  fluttering  ínsect. 
Bésteria,  sf.  soldiers  armed  with 

Bestiães,  sm.  pi.  works  with  em- 

bossed  figures  of  animais. 
BesUagem,  sf.  beasts,  horses^ 

Bestial,  adj.  bestial,  beastl^. 
Bestialidade ,    sf.    beastliness , 

Bestialmente ,    adv.    bestially , 

Bestião,  sm.  apiece  of  \70rkwith 

embossed  figures  of  beasts. 
Bestiarios,  sm  pi.  {anc.)  bestiarii. 
Bestidade,  sf.  beastliness,  bestiar 

Bestilha,  sf.  a  fleam. 
Bestunto,  sm.  a  duU  understand- 

ing,  a  narrow  mind. 
Besuntado,  a,  pp.  adj.  anointed. 
Besuntar,  va.  to  anomt  ali  over, 

to  besmear. 
Beta,  sf.  a  vein  of  metal  or  \p^ood. 
Betado,  a,  pp.  adj.  striped. 
Betar,  va.  to  stripe  with  coloors. 
Betei, sm. betei.  v. Bethel.    Troot. 
Beterraba,  sf.  {bot.)  beet,  oeet- 
Betesga,  sf.  V.  Bitesga. 
Bethel,  sm.  {bot)  betei.        [band. 
Betilho,  sm.  a  muzzle,   a  Aose 
Betonioa,  sf.  {bot.)  betonj. 
Betral,  sm,  the  place  where  beteis 

Betulaceas,  [bot)  family 

of  plants  of  wnich  the  birch  is 

the  type. 
BetuUa,  sf  {bot.)  birch. 
Betumado,  a,  ;3p.  adj.  besmeared, 

Betumar,  va.  to  bituminate,  to 

besmear  with  bitumen. 
Betume,  sm.  bitumen. 
Betuminoso,  a,  adj.  bituminons. 
Bexano*  sm  a  cat;  {fig,)  a  mean 

Bexiga,  sf  bladder,  —  do  fel,  gall- 

bladder.  Bexigas,  {dise<i8é) 

smaU-pox.  Signaes  das  —,  pock 

hojes.  [of  the  small-pox. 

Bexigoso,  a,  aá(jf.  tliat  has  macks 

Bexiguento,  a,  adj.  and  s.  that 

has  marks  of  the  smíall-pox. 
Bey,  sm.  a  Turkish  govemor  of  a 

Bezerra,  sf.  an  heifer. 
Bezerro,  sm.  a  bullock,  calf. 
Bezoar,  sm.  bezoar, 
Bezoartico,  a,  adj.  bezoardic.  — 

s.  a  medicine  compounded  with 

Bialado,  a,  adj.  that  has  two 

Biangulado,  a,  aâj.  biangulous, 

Biangular,  adj.  2  g.  biangulate. 
Biaristado,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  having 

two  beards. 
BibUa,  sf.  the  Bible. 
Biblico,  a,  adj.  biblical. 
Bibliographia,  sf.  bibliography. 
Bibliographicamente,  ach.  ac- 

cording  to  the  bibliography. 
Bibliographioo,  a,  aaj.  biblio- 

Bibliographo,  sm.  bibliographer. 
Bibliolatha,  s.  and  adj.  that  has 

many    books    without    under- 

standing  them. 
Bibliomancia,  sf.  bibliomancy. 
Bibliomania,  sf.  bibliomania. 
Bibliomaniaco,  «m.bibliomaniac. 
Bibliophilo,  sm.  bibliophilus. 
Bibliopola,  sni.  bibliopolist,  book- 

Bibliotheca,  sf.  library      [cary. 
Bibliotliecario ,    sm.    bibhothe- 
Biblista,  sm.  biblist. 
Bibo,  sm.  anacardium. 
Bibulo,  a,  adj.  bibulous,  spungy. 
Bica,  sf.  the  end  of  a  spout. 
Bicàcaro,  sm  an  arrogant,  proud 

Bicada,  sf.  pecking ;  beak-fall.  — 

de   uma  serra,  tne  point  of  a 

Bicado,  a,  adj.  {herald.)  it  is  said 

of  a  bird  having  a  bili  of  diffe- 

rent   enamel  from   that  of  its 

Bical,   adj.  2  g.  sourish^  beaked. 
Blcaliáiio..  sm.  «.^tAc^í^^nk^^^"^- 

\Bloapkd\ai.  ad^,  ^  q.VJí^^A'^^ 


—  144  — 


Bicha,  sf,  leech ;  serpent,  snake. 

ff  erva  — ,  (ôoí.)  hartwort. 
Bichancros,  sm.  pi.  gestures  of 

lovers.  [low. 

Bichano,  sm,  a  cat ;  a  mean  fel- 
Bicharia,  sf.  ali  sorts  of  worms 

and  hurtfiu  animais. 
Biciharoco,    sm.  any   loathsome 

Bicheiro,  sm.  a  long  polé  to  sbôve 

forth  a  vessel  into  a  deep ;  gaff. 

—  adj.  givinç  too  much  attention 

to  trifles ;  mmutious. 
Bicho,  sm.  worm,  grub,  animal. 

Planta  que  mata  os  bichos,  worm- 

grass.  Pós  contra  os  — «,  worm- 

seed.  —  da  cozinha f  a  scollion. 
Bichoca,  sf.  a  boil  or  blotch. 
Bichoso,  a,  adj.  -wormy. 
Bicipite,  adj.  2  a.  two-headed. 
Bico,  sm.  beak,  bill,  neb.  —  dos 

peitos,  the  nipple  of  the  breast. 

Cala  o  — ,  be  silent.  [beak. 

Bicogrossudo,  sm.  {ornith.)  gross- 
Bicoloreo,  a,    adj.  having  two 

Bicorne,  adj.  2  g.  or  Bicomeo, 

a,  adi.  (poet.)  bicorn,  bicornous. 
Bicubital,  adj.  2  g.  having  two 

Bicudo,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  a  sort  of 

fish.  —  adj.  beaked. 
Bicuiba,  sf.  bicuiba. 
Bicuiheira,  sf.  the  tree  that  bears 

bicuibas.  [in  the  top. 

Bicúspide,  adj.  2  g.  slipt,  cloven 
Bidenteado,  a,  or  Bidentado, 

a,  adj.  having  two  teeth. 
Bidete,  sm.  poney,  galloway. 
Biduo,    sm.  the   espace  of  two 

Biennal,  adj.  biennial. 
Biennio,   sm.  the  space  of  two 

Bifar,  va.  to  steal,  to  steal  away. 
Bife,  sm.  beaf-steak. 
Bifendido,  a,  adj.  cleft,  split  in 

two  parts. 
Bifero,  a,  adi.  {^poetry)  biferous, 

that  bears  fruit  twice  a  year. 
Bífido,  a,  adj.  biâdy  bifidate. 
Binoro,  a,  adj.  biflorous. 
Sf^rme,  adj.  2  g,  biform. 
^iíronte,  aãj.  2  ff,  double-: 

Biíurado,  a,  adj.  having  two 

Bifurcação,  sf.  bifurcation. 

Bifurcado,  a,j3p.  adj.  bifurcated. 

Bifurcar-se,  vr.  to  be  bifurcated. 

Bigamia,  sf.  bigamy. 

Bigamo,  a,  adj.  bigamist. 

Bigemeo,  sm.  bigeminate,  twin 
forked.  [twice. 

Bigenito,  a,  adj.   having  bom 

Bigle,  sm.  beagle. 

Bigodes,  sm.pí.  mustachio,  mus- 
taches.  Bigode^  sm.  the  name  of 
a  game.  [mocked. 

Bigodeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  scoffed  at, 

Bigodear,  va.  to  scoíf,  to  mock. 

Bigodéira,  sf.  a  tie  to  keep  mus- 
taches  in. 

Bigorna,  sf.  a  smith's  anvil. 

Bigorrilha,  sm.  a  good  for  no- 
thing  fellow.  [eyes. 

Bigotas,  sf.  pi.  {a  sea  term)  dead- 

Bigoto,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  a  dead- 

Biguairim,  sm.  a  porter  in  Ásia. 

Bijugadas,  adj.  f.  pi.  {bot.)  biju- 
gous ;  having  two  pairs  of 
leaflets.  [biate. 

Bilabiado,  a,  adj.  {nat.  hist.)  bila- 

Bilaminado,  a,  adj.  bilaminated. 

Bilbode,  sm.  hurly-burly.  Fogo  de 
— ,  a  bonfire. 

Bile,  sm.  V.  Bilis.  [pot. 

Bilha,  sf.   pitcher,  an  eorthen 

Bilhafre,  sm.  V.  Milhafre. 

Bilhão,  sm.  biUon,  brass-money. 

Bilhar,  sm.  biUiards. 

Bilharda,  sf.  a  game  called  cat ; 
tip-cat;  a  little  stick  to  play 

Bilhardeiro,  sm.  he  who  plays 
at  cat  or  tip-cat. 

Bilhardar,  va.  to  strike  a  baJl 

Bilhete,  sm.  billet,  note,  letter. 
—  de  camarote,  a  box-ticket.  — 
de  loteria,  a  lottery-ticket.  —  de 
enterro,  a  funeral  letter.  —  {he- 
rald.) billet,  a  long  square. 

Blliario,  a,  adj.  {meá)  biliary. 

Bilingue,  adi.  t  g    oilinguous; 


faced.  \  BlUa,  sf .  \>t1ô,  da.o\«c. 


—  145  — 


BUI,  sm.  bill ;  a  \a.w  presented  to 
the  parliament  of  England. 

Billião,  sm.  {arith.)  biluon. 

Bilrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  woven  with  a 
bobbin.  [bins. 

Bilrar,  va.  to  weave  with   bob- 

Bilro,  sm.  bobbin. 

Biltre,  S7n.  rascai,  scoundrel. 

Bilustra,  adj.  {poet.)  having  two 

Bixnane,  adj.  2  g.  bimanous. 

Bímar,  adj.  {poet.)  that  is  among 
two  seas.  [margins. 

Biinarginado,a,  adj.  havinç  two 

Bimbalhada ,  sf.  a  continuai 
ringing  of  bells 

Bixnbarra,  sf.  a  sort  of  lever 
made  of  wood. 

Bimembre,  adj.  2  g.  composed 
of  two  parts  or  limbs. 

Bimetro,  a,  adj.  {poetry)  that 
has  two  sorts  of  metres 

Bimo,  a,  adj.  that  is  two  vears 

Binar,  va,  to  dig  again. 

Binário,  a,  adj.  binary. 

Binascido,  a,  adj.  that  was  bom 

Binocular,  adj.  2  g.  binocular. 

Binóculo,  sm.  binocle. 

Binomino,  a,  adj.  binominous. 

Binómio,  adj.  and  s.  {alg.)  bino- 

Bioco,  sm.  a  veil  or  mantle  under 
which  women  conceal  part  of 
the  face. 

Blographia,  sf.  bio^açhy. 

Biographico,  a,  adj.  biographic, 

Biographo,  sm.  biographer. 

Biologia,  sf.  that  part  of  physio- 
logy  treating  of  the  life  in  ge- 
neral .  [tapestry. 

Biombo.  5m.  scrcen;  hangings, 

Bipartição,  sf.  bipartition. 

Bipartido,  a,  adj.  bipartite. 

Bipartivel,  adj  2  g.  bipartible. 

Bipatente,  ac(;.  2  g.  that  is  patent. 

Bipedante,  adj.  2  g.  {poet.)  hav- 
ing  two  feet .  [rooted. 

Bipedal)  adi.  2  ff,   bipedal,  two- 

Bhfedm,  adj.  2  g.  bipedal,    two- 

^<>oted.  ftwoedges. 

*f  «w.  a  poie-axe   vith 
Pártu  L 

Bipinnulado,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  bipen- 

nated.  [nated. 

Biplume,  adj.  2  g.  {poet.)  bipen- 
Biproa,  s.  a   ship  having  two 

Buiuadrado,  a,  adj.  that  is  twice 

square.  —  sm.  {malhem.)  biqua- 

drate.  [quadratic. 

Biquadratico,  a,  adj.  {alg.)  bi- 
Biquejar,  vn.  to  stumble,  to  trip 

in  walking.  [beaks. 

Biqueira,  sf  gutter.  —  «,  f.  nl. 
Biquintil,  sm.  [astr.)  biquintille. 
Birbante,  sm.  a  vagabond,  a  vile 

Bireme,  sm.  {anc.)  biremis. 
Biribi.  sm.  biribi  (game). 
Birimbao,  sm.  a  jew's  harp ,  {fíg.) 

a  mean  fellow. 
Blrostrado,  a,  adj.  birostrated. 
Birra,  sf.  obstinacy,  pertinacy. 
Bilrar,  vn.  to  be  stubborn.  V. 

Birrentamente,  ado.  with  stub- 

borness,  purposely. 
Birrento,  a,  adj.  stubborn,  opi- 

.niative.  [the  head. 

Birro,  sm.  biretum,  a  covering  for 
Birro01ha,   sf.   {a  sea   term)  a 

kind  of  stitch. 
Bisagra,  sf  hinore. 
Bisalho,  sm.  a  bundle  of  rougli 

Bisannual,  adj.  2  a.  biennial 
Bisannuo,  a,  adj.  biennial. 
Bisarma,  sf.  a  kmd  of  large  two- 

edged  hatchet.  [ther. 

Bisavó ,  sm.  a  great-grand-fa- 
Bisavó,  sf.  a  great-grand-mother, 
Bisbilhoteira,«/'.  atell-tale,  ahus- 

sy,  a  slut.  [a  Nisy-body. 

Bisbilhoteiro,  sm.  an  intriguer , 
Bisbórria,  sm.  a  ridiculous  man. 
Bisca,  sf.  game  at  cards. 
Biscato,  sm.  the  food  that  birda 

put  in  the  mouth  of  their  young 

ones.  [a  biscuit. 

Biscoitado,  a,  pp.  adi.  baked  as 
Biscoitar,  va.  to  bake  as  a  bU- 

cuit.  \^í?^«^. 

Biscolt©teo^sm.^i\^c^J^vav^i^íw^^  <2ft 
Biscoito,  sm.  Vvscmt.. 
BÍBdona,sf.  «^'^^^-«^^^^^^SoSi 


—  146  — 


Bisegre,  «m.  shoemaker's  tool. 
Bisel ,  sm.   basil  (in  a  printing 

Bisexual,  adj.  2  g.  bisexous. 
Bisiphite,  adJ.  2  {/•  haviníç  two 

siphons.  [inuth. 

Bismutho  or  Bismuth,  sjn.  bis- 
Bisnaga,  sf.  visnaga,   a  sort  of 

wiW  fenuel.  [ter. 

Bisneta,  sf.  a  great-grand-daugh- 
Bisneto.  S7n.  a  great-grand-son. 
Bisonharia ,    sf.    inexperience , 

iguorance;  awkwardness  of  a 

Bisonlio,  a,    adj.   raw,    inexpe- 

rienceíi.  Soldado  — ,  a  new-rai- 

sed  soldier. 
Bispado,  sm   a  bishopric. 
Bispai,  adj.  V.  Episcopal. 
Bispar,  va.  to  discover.  —  tm,  to 

outain  a  bishopric. 
Bispo,  sm.  bishop. 
Bispote,  sm.  a  cnamber-pot. 
Bispo  teira,  sf.  a  maid  servant 

that  pours  out  the  piss-pots. 
Bissecção,  sf.  [geom?)  bisection. 
Bissextil,  adj.  2  g.  bissextile. 
Bissexto,  a,  adi.  bissextile.  —  sm. 

the  additional  day  to  the  leap- 

Bissulcado,  a,  adj.  havisg  two 

furrows.  —  sm.  cloven-footed. 
Bistorta,  sf.  {bot.)  bistort,  snake- 

Blstre,  sm.  bistre. 
Bisturi,  sm.  bistouri. 
BisyllalDO ,  a ,   adj.  having  two 

Bitacola,  sf.  {a  sea  term)  bittacle. 
Bitafe,  sm  defect.  V.  Defeito. 
Bitesga,  sf.  a  lane.  Metter  o  rocio 

na  — ,  to  do  an  impossible  thing. 
Bithynia,  sf.  {geog.)  Bithynia 
Bithynioo,  a,  adj.  and  s.  belong- 

ing  to  Bithynia.  [rule. 

Bitola,   sf.    standard   measure; 
Bivac,  sm.  bivouac. 
Bivaoar,  vn.  to  bivouac,  to  en- 

camp  without  tents. 
Bivalve,  adj.  [nat.  hist.)  bivalve. 
SJvalvTilado,  a,   adj,  bivalvxir 

Jous,  bivalve. 
-B/raro,   sm.  (nat  hist.)   a    qn*- 

Biviario,  a,  adj.  bivious. 
Bivio,  sm.  a  place  termining  two 

ways  parting  of  a  road. 
Biza,  Sf.  a  straw-mattress. 
Bizarramente,  ado.  fairly,  íine- 

ly ;  generously. 
Bizarreado,  a.  pp.  adj.  that  is 

brave  or  gallant. 
Bizarrear,  va.  to  play  the  gal- 
lant; to  be  fine  and  gay. 
Bizarria,  sf.  personal  bravery, 

comeliness,  [comely. 

Bizarro, a,  adj.  brave;  gallant« 
Blandícias ,    sf.  pi.     blandish- 

ments,  caresses.  V.  Afago. 
Blandicioso,  a,  adj.  that  makes 

caresses,  gentle. 
Blandifluo,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  that 

flows  softly,  gently. 
Blandiloco,  a,  adj.  that  speaks 

Bláo,  adj.  {herald.)  bine. 
Blasão,  sm.  (anc.)  Iilazon. 
Blasmo,  sm.  {anc.)  blame,  repre- 

hension.  [boasted. 

Blasonado,  9.,    adj.    blazoned; 
Blasonador,  adj  and  s.  aboaster ; 

Blasonar,  va  to  blazon  a  coat  of 

arms.  —  vn.  to  boast  of. 
Blasphemado,  a,  pp .  adj.  blas- 

phemed.  [phemer. 

Blasphemador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  blas- 
Blasphemamente,  adv.  blasphe- 

mously.  [phemmg. 

Blasphemante,  adj.  2  g.  blas- 
Blasphemar,  va.  to  blaspheme, 

to  revile  God 
Blasphematorio,  a,   adj.   blas- 

isphemia,  sf.  blaspheroy. 

Blasptiemo,  a,  adj.  blasphemons. 

Blataria,  sf.  (bot )  yellow  moth- 

Blende,  sm.  blende-ore, 

Bleneophtalmia,  sf.  {med)jai  ge- 
neral denomination  of  dinerent 

Bleao,  a,  ad^'.  {anc )  stuttering.  Y. 
Gago.  íof  silk  lace. 

BloAda^  sf.  {comm.)  biond,  a  kind 

dmped  and  amphibious  aainuiLVBlQqiasvc.,  txu  Vi  ^Aaoís.  ^,  v» 


—  147  — 

BOF     * 

Bloqueio,*  sm.  blockade,  block- 
ing  up.  [f.  V.  Bom. 

Boa,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  boa.  —  adj. 

Boal,  adj.  2  ff.  Uoa  — ,  a  sort  of 
grapes.  [fully. 

Boamente,  adv.   willingly,  Joy- 

Boanova,  sf.  a  -vhite  butterfly. 

Boas-noites,  sf.  pi.  (bot.)  mira- 
bilis.  [fame,  report. 

Boato ,   sm.    rumour,    common- 

Boavinda,  sf.  welcome ;  kind  re- 

Boaz,  sm.  hantboy.  V.  Oboé. 

Bobage  or  Bobagem,  sf.  buffoon- 
ery,  jesting. 

Bobamente,  adv.  buffoonly. 

Bobear,  vn.  to  buffoon,  to  behave 
like  a  buffoon.  J®''^* 

Bobice,  sf.  bilífoonism,  baffooB» 

Bobo,  sm.  buffoon,  j éster. 

Boca,  sf.  mouth,  entrance,  open- 
in^;  passage,  aperture.  —  da 
nmtey  night  fali,  dusk  of  the 
evening.  Bocas^  sf.  pL  notches, 
jags  (in  cutting   Instruments). 

—  rfe  fogo^  pieces  of  cannon. 
A'  boca  cheia,  loudly.  Andar  na 

—  de  todosy  to  be  the  subject  of 
talk.  Fazer  a  —  doce^  to  allure 

—  aberta,  gaping ;  (/ífl' )  a  booby. 
Pela  —  pequena,  slily.  Abrir  a 
— ,  to  gape,  to  yawn,  to  gaze. 

Bocado,  sm.  a  mouthftd ;  bit. 
Bocadura,    sf.    the    mouth    or 

muzzle  of  a  cannon. 
Bocal,  sm.  bocal ;  the  mouth  of  a 

flask ,  the  brim  of  a  well ;  herb- 

stone.  [mouth. 

Bocal,  adj.  2  g.  belonging  to  the 
Boçal,  adj.  2g.   ignorant,  rude, 

Boçar.  va.   {a  sea  term)  to   stow 

the  anchor  upon  the  boxr. 
Bocaste,  sm.  an  engine  to  break 

Bocaxim,  sm.  buckram. 
Bocejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  yawned, 

Booejador,  sm..  gaper,  yavmer. 
Bocejar,  vn.  to  yawn,  to  gape. 
^ooejo,  sm.  jrawning,  gaping. 
MooelorBooeliniw,  sm.  (archit.) 

— *-*'ó7/?  ^"^^  ^^^^  ^^ 

Bocelado,  a,  pp.  adj    embossed ; 

Booelar,  va.  {arck.)  to  emboss; 

to  chase. 
Boceta,  sf.  box.  Ter  alguém  n'unia 

— ,  to  take  special  care  of  one. 
Bochecha,  sf  chcek;  the  hollo^ 

part  of  the  choek. 
Bochechada,  sf.  a  mouth  fui. 
Bochechado,  a./jp.  adj.  that  was 

taken  in  the  cheeks. 
Bochechão,  sm   a  stroke  on  tho 

Bochechar,  va.  to  take  somo  li- 

quid  in  the  cheeks. 
Bochechado,    a,     adj.     blub- 

cheeked,  chub-faced. 
Bochornal,    adj.  2  g.    burning, 

Bochomo,  sm.  a  warm  Tyind. 
Bócio,  sm.    a  swelling    in   the 

Bodalha,  sf.  [anc.)  a  littlo  sow. 
Bodas,  sf.  pi.  -wedding,  bridai. 
Bode,  sm.  a  buck-goat. 
Bodega,  sf.  a  low  eating-house, 

a  public  house. 
Bodeguelro,   sm^    a    man    '^'ho 

keeps  a  bodega. 
Bodiao,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  a  sea-ilsh 

like  a  tench. 
Bodo,  sm.  a  holy-day  feast. 
Bodoque,  sm.  a  pellet  of  clay 
Bodumi,  sm.  lho  rank  smeU  of 

the  buck-goat.  [ing  star. 

Boeira, adj.  Estrella  —.the  motn- 
Boeiro,  sm.  a  -vater-pipe 
Bofa,  sf.  a  ree.  [boasted. 

Bofado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lunged ,  {fig.) 
Bofar,  va.  to  cast,  to  throw  out 

of  the  lungs ;  {fig.)  to  boast. 
Bofe,  sm.  {anat.)  the  lungs.  Bofes- 

ifig.)  courage,  heart.  Deitar  os 

— s  pela  boca,  to  be  excessively 

fatigued.  Homem  de  mãos  — í,  a 

mischievous  man. 
Bofe  or  Bofelha,  adv.  faith,  trtúy. 
Bofetái,  sm.  fine  cotton  cloth. 
Bofetada,  sf.  «í.\Aonr  cít  ^«^  ^t^ 

the  cheék-,  \S^^^  a^i  vavarj. 

BotetSLo,  sm.  a  sXtotx^  ^\«ç.^ ^ 

Boiete     sm.  \>xvfi^x.  ^^O^ 
coviiitor.  .«J-^^^«ft- 


—  148  — 


Bogueira,  sf.  a  hole  whero  takes 

sEelter  the  íish  called  boga 
Bohemia,  sf.  {geog  )  Bohemia. 
Bohemiano,  a,  adj.  and  s.  Bohe- 

mian  [Bohemia. 

Boheinioo,  a,  adi.  belonging  to 
Bohexnio,  a,  adj.  Bohemian.  — 

sm   a  short  cloak. 
Boi,  sm    an  ox.   Carne  de  —  or 

vacca,  beef.  Ser  pé  de  — ,  to  be 

a  prudent  man. 
Bóia,  sf.  a  buoy . 
Boiada,  sf  a  herd  of  oxen. 
Boiadeiro,   sm.  herdsman,  ox- 

Boiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  floated. 
Boiante,  aaj.2g.  floating.  Navio 

— ,  a  ship  that  is  light  laden; 

(/íflr.)  liappy.  [two  handles. 

Boiao,  sm.  an  earthen  vessel  with 
Boiar,  vn.  to  íloat. 
Bolardo,  .swí.  boyar.  [ninga. 

Boicininga,  sf.  («aí.  hist.)  boici- 
Boieiro,  sm.  a  herdsman. 
Bojado,  B.,  pp.  adj.  jutted. 
Bojador,  a,  adj.  that  juts. 
Bo jante,  adj.  i  ^.  jutting. 
Bojar,  vn.  to  jut  or  stand  out. 
Bojarda,  adj.  f.  Pêra  — ,  a  sort 

of  pear.  [slanding  jib. 

Bojarrona ,  sf.  (a  sea  term)  the 
Bojo,  sm.  the  belly  of  a  bottle ; 

projecture,  prominence. 
Bojado,  a,  adj.  round  and  promi- 

nent.  [a  bowling-green. 

Bola,  sf.  bowl,  bali.  Jogo  da  — , 
Bolactaía,  sf.  sea  biscuit. 
Bolada,  sf.  a  stroke  of  a  bowl. 
Bolado,  a,  pp.  adj.  overthrown 

with  a  bo-wl. 
Bolandas,  Andar  em  — ,  in 

great  haste,  hurried. 
Bolandeira,  sf.  a  wheel  of  the 

sugar-engine.  [bolary. 

Bolar,  va.  to  tip  pins.  —  adj.  2  g. 
Bolarxuenico,  sm.   bolus,  arme- 

nian  bole.  [ferous. 

Bolbifero,  a,  adj.   {bot.).)  bulbi- 
Bolbiforme,  adj.  2  g.  {oot.)  bul- 

Bolho,  sm.  bulb.  [ceons. 

Solboao,  a,  adj.   bulbous,  bulbar 
Bolpado,  a,  pp,  adj.  that  has  vo- 
mited  tàe  milk  (ciúldren). 

Bolçar,  vn.  to  vomit  th6  milk. 
Boldrié,  sm.  a  belt  or  baldrick. 
Bolôa,  s.  splinter-bar.  Cavallo  da 

— ,  the  near  horse. 
Boleado,  a,    pp.  adj.    rounded, 

made  round 
Bolear,  va.  to  make  round.  —  vn. 

to  mount  the  near-horse. 
Boleeiro,  sm.    coachman,  pos- 

Boleima,  sf.  a  coarse  cake. 
Boleo  or  Boleio,  sm.  the  act  of 

rounding.  —  the  flight  of  a  bali. 

Dar  Mwi  — ,  to  get  a  fali. 
Boletim,  sm.  bulletin. 
Boleto,  sm.  a  soldier's  billet 
Bolha,  sf.  blister.  V.  Empola. 
Bolliante,  adj.  2  g.  bubbíing. 
Bolhelho,  sm.  dirt  from  the  rub- 

bing  of  the  hands. 
Bolhoso,  a,  adj.  bubbly. 
Boliçoso,  a,  aaj.  restless,  turbu- 

lent.  [stone. 

Bólides,  sm.  {phys.)  a  meteoric 
Bolina,  sf.  {a  sea  term)  bowline . 
Bolinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  sails 

upon  the  bowline. 
Bolinar,  va.  to  sail  upon  the  bow- 
Bolineiro,  a,  adj.  that  goes  with 

a  side  wind.  [capstan. 

Bolinete,   sm.    {a  sea  term)    a 
Bolla,  sf.  {anc.)  a  leaden  bali  or 

seal  with    wnich   were  sealed 

diplomas  or  charters. 
Bolo,   sm.    cake.    — s,    sm»  pi. 

strokes  with  a  ferula. 
Bolonio,  a,  adj.   stupid,  foolish 

sm.  a  simpleton. 
Bolor,  sm.  mouldiness. 
Bolorecer,  vn.  to  mould,  to  cover 

with  mould. 
Bolorento,  a,  adj.  raouldy. 
Bolota,  sf.  the  fruit  of  the  holin- 

tree ;    a  sort  of  instrument  to 

punish  malefactors 
Bolotada,  sf.  a  stroke  with  the 

instrument  called  bolota. 
Bolotado,a,  adj.  fattened  with 

acorn.  [grow. 

Bolotal,  sm.  aplace  where  acorns 
Bolsa,  sf.  çMXÃ^,  ^wílOb. , ^a^V"» 

môeXVa,  A-s  bolsos, ^^  ^ew^saau 


—  149  — 


Bolsaria,  sf.  the  purse  of  a  com- 

Bolseado,  a,  pp.  adj.  puckered, 
gathered  up  (clothes). 

Bolsear,  vn.  to  pucker,  to  gather 
up  (said  of  clothes  that  do  not 
sit  well). 

Bolseiro,  sm.  purse-maker.  — 
purser,  treasurer. 

Bolso,  sm.  a  pocket. 

Bom,  adv.  -well,  right,  well  done. 

Bom,  adJ.  m.,  Boa  adj.  f.  good 
(in  ali  its  sensos).  —  homem  cr 
homem  de  bem^  a  good  man.  Um 
homem  —  para  tudo,  a  man  flt 
for  every  thing.  Boa  comida^ 
"wholesome  food.  Elle  tem  bom  pé, 
—  olho,  he  is  brisk  and  vigorous. 
Armo  — ,  new  year.  A  —  tempo,  in 
time.  —  tempo,  diversion,  plea- 
sure.  —  tempo,  fine  veather. 
De  boa  vontaae,  'willingly.  Andar 
bom,  to  be  in  health.  Esta  é boa, 
{iron.),  this  is  a  fine  thing  in- 
aeed.  Escapar  de  — ,  to  be  out 
of  the  scrape.  Pregar-la  boa  a 
alguemy  to  play  one  a  slippery 
trick.  [boom. 

Boma,  sf.  (a  sea  term)  the  main 

Bomba,  sf.  {artil.)  bomb,  shell ; 
pump ,  engine.  —  de  vapor, 
steam-engine.  —  para  os  incên- 
dios, fire-engine. 

Bombachas ,  sf.  pi.  {anc.)  a  sort 
of  wide  silk  breeches. 

Bombarda,  sf.  bombard ;  a  great 
gun,  a  mortar.  [bomb. 

Bombardada,  sf.  the  stroke  of  a 

Bombardeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bom- 
barded.  [ment. 

Bombardeamento,  sm.  bombard- 

Bombardear,  va.  to  bombard,  to 
attack  with  bombs. 

Bombardeira,  sf.  bomb-ketch. 
V.  Canhoneira. 

Bombardeiro,   sm.  bombardier. 

Bombaria,  sf.  a  great  deal  of 

Bombazina,  sf.  bombazin;  corded 
velveteen,  thickset. 

Bombeado,  a,  pp.  adj,  bom- 

BonábesuPi  ^O'  to  bombard. 
Bombeiro,  sm.  bombardier. 


Bombicia,  sf.  (&oí.)akind  of  cane 

or  reed. 
Bombloo,  a,  adj.  (chem.)  bombic. 
Bombix,  sm.  a  silkworm. 
Bona,  adj.  f.  good  or  immoveable 

possessions.  [man. 

Bonachão ,     sm .    good  -  natured 
Bonaoho,  sm.  good-natured  man. 
Bonança,  sf.  calm,  prosperity. 
Bonançado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

calm,  quiet,  fair. 
Bonançar,  vn.  (a  sea  term)  to  be 

calm,  fair. 
Bonançoso,  a,  adj.  calm,  quiet, 

fair;  (fig.)  happy. 
Bondade,    sf.    goodness,   exccl- 

lence.  —  de   uma  terra,   fruit- 

fulness  of  a  country. 
Bonduque,  sm.  {bot.)  nickar-tree. 
Boneca,  sf.  doll,  babv ;  puppet. 
Boneco,  sm.  doll;  (Jig.)B,  puppy, 

a  fop. 
Bonet.  sm.  bonuet,  cap. 
Bonicos,  sm.  pi.  the  dung  of  a 

horse.  [improvement. 

Bonificação ,    sf.    amelioration , 
Bonificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  improved, 

Bonificar,  va.  to  improve,  to  ame- 

liorate.   Bonificar-se,  vr.   to  be 

improved  or  ameliorated. 
Bonifrate,  sm.  a  puppet. 
Bonina,  sf.  daisv.        [nas  grow. 
Boninal,  sm.  a  place  where  Aomí- 
Bonitamente,  adv.  íinely,  beauti- 

fuUy,  prettily. 
Boniteza,  sf.  prettiness,  fineness. 
Bonito,    a,     adj.    pretty,    fine, 

geuteel.  —  adv.  prettily.  —  sm. 

a  kind  of  tunny-nsh. 
Bonneta,  sf.  (fortif.)  bonnet  (a 

kind  of  revelin.) 
Bonomia,  sf.  good-nature. 
Bonzo,  sm.  a  bonze. 
Bootes,   sm.  {a^tr.)  Bootes,   tho 

evening  star. 
Boqueirão,  sm.  a  gulph,  a  whirl- 

Boqaeiras,  sf.  pi.  little  -wounds 

in  the  cometa  Cií  V\v^  tsirtoSícv. 
Boquo\ado^  a,   i»p.  a,<V\.  %^^«&5^> 

mo\it\iea,   \i=A\.et»^\   Ví>.g>i    ^^- 
&v\r  ôà  "^ 

Boqu.e\aà.\uca,  sf .  %^\N^^^ 


—  150  — 


Boquejar,  vn.  to  gape,  to  matter, 

to  open  the  mouth. 
Boquelho,  sm.  a  little  hole  near 

the  mouth  of  an  oven. 
Boquiaberto,  a,  adj.  gaping. 
Boquiardente,  adj.  2  g.  that  is 

very     sensible    of  the    mouth 

Boquicheio,  a,  adj.  Fallar—^  to 

pronounce  distinctly. 
Boçniiduro.  a,  adj.  hard-mouthed. 
Boquifranzido,  a,  adj,  that  con- 

tracts  the  mouth. 
Boquim,  sm.  the  mouth-piece  of 

a  wind-instrument. 
Boquimolle,   adj.  2   g.   tender- 

mouthed  (horses).  [mouthed. 
Boquinegro,  a,  eidj.  black- 
Boqroirasgado,  a,  adj.  th&t  has 

a  large  mouth. 
Boquirbto,    a,    adj.   prattling, 

great  tulker. 
Boquiseco,  a,  adj.  Ficar — ,  to  be 

at  a  stand.  ímouthed. 

Boquisuxuido ,    a,     aaj.    sunk- 
Boquitorto,  a,  orf/.wry-mouthed. 
Boracico,  a,  adj.  boracic. 
Borate,  «m.  {chem.)  borate. 
Bórax,  sm.  {chem.)  bórax.  V.  Tin- 

Borboleta,  sf.  a  butterfly. 
Borborinbo,  sm.  a  shouting. 
Borborismo   or    Borborigxno , 

sm.  (med.)  borboryçm. 
Borbotão,  sm.  bubblmg  up,  gush- 

ing   out.    Borbotões,   sm.  pi. 

violent  gushing  of  water  out  of 

a  pipe,  etc. 
Borbulba,  sf.  piraple ;  bud. 
Borbulhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pimplod, 

Borbulhante,    adj.  [poet.)  bub- 

bling.  murmuring. 
Borbulhar,  va.  to  gush  violently, 

to  bubhle  up. 
Borbulho,  sm.  foam,  bubble. 
Borbulhoso,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  that 

bubl)les  up.  [rinded  figs. 

Boroej  otes,  adj.  pi.  Figos  — ,  hard- 

Borceio,  sm.  {anc.)  a  part  broken 

froin  a  wh  (de. 

■Barco,  sm.  Ihi  —-,  with  the  face 

^^oeá  to  the  ^^Tound. 

''      sf.  edge,  aide.  —  do  rio. 

the  bank  of  a  river.  —  do  mor, 

the  sea  shore. 
Bordada,  sf.  tack.  [derer. 

Bordadeira,  sf.  a  feraale  embroi- 
Bordado,  pp.  adj.  embroidered. 

—  sm.  emDroidery.  [derer. 
Bordador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  an  erabroi- 
Bordadura,  sf.  edge,  border. 
Bordage,  s.  {a  sea  term)  the  ship- 

board.  [ian. 

Bordalengo,  a,  adi.  stupid,  fool- 
Bordalo,  sm.  a  fisn  Uke  a  stur- 

Bordamento,  sm.  embroidery. 
Bordão,    sm.  a  stick;   the  base 

string  of  an  instrument ;  {fig.) 

Bordar,  va.  to  embroider. 
Bordegão,  sm.  a  clown,  a  rustic. 
Bordejado,  a,  np.  adi.  that  has 

tacked  forwaras  and  backwards 

at  sea. 
Bordejar,  vn.  totackaboutat  sea. 
Bordel,  sm.  a  brothel. 
Bordo,  sm.  shipboard ;  tack.  Jr  a 

— ,  to  go  aboard  a  ship.  Narrio  de 

alto  — ,  H  ship  of  the  line. 
Bordoada,  sf.  blow,  stroke  vith 

a  stick. 
Bordoado,  a.  aidj.  {herald.\  Crus 

—  a,  o.  cross  vith  a    piígrim- 

Boreal,  adj.  9  g.  northern.  Aurora 

— ,  aurora  borealis. 
Boreas,  sm.  {myth.)  Boreaa,  the 

Borgonhão,  sm.  Burgundian. 
Borjaca.  sf.  a  brazier's  bag. 
Borjaçotes,    sm.  pi.    and    otf/. 

Figos  — ,  hard-rinded  fig.«í. 
Borla,  sf.  a  tassel. 
Borlantim,    sm.   a  tumbler;    a 

Bomeado,  a,  pp.    adj.   {artiU.) 

pointed,  levelled. 
Bomear,  va.  {artill.  —  uma  peçOy 

to  levei  a  cannon. 
Borneio,  sm.  the  end  of  a  lance. 
Bomeira,  sf.  a  millstone. 
Borneiro,  a,   adj.    Trigo  — ,  the 

com  ground  by  the  black  mill- 

stono  cctWeò.  BomexTa.  Vkít. 

BomVr,  «o.  a.Ti<iíifcTVNa.\ft^.^ .  Bi«r- 
Boroa,  sf .  \ .  Bro€u 


—  151  — 


Borra,  sf.  dregs,  lees. 
Borraçai,  sm.  a  marsh,  bog,  fen. 
Borracha,  sf.  borrachio  or  leather 

bottle ;  Indian  rubber. 
Borrachão,  sm.  a  drnnkard. 
Borracheira,  sf.  drunkness,  e- 

briety.   Cozer  a  bm^raeheira^  to 

sleep  one's  self  sober. 
Borracheiro,  sm.  he  -who  makes 

leather  bottles. 
Borrachia,  sf.  a  little  vessel  used 

by  goldsmiths. 
Borrachice,  sf.  drunkncss. 
Borrachico,  sm.  a  drusken  man. 
Borracho,  sm,  ayoungpigeon. — 

adj.  and  s.  drunk.  Éomem  bor- 
racho, a  drunken  man. 
Borrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  blotted  out. 
Borrador,    sm.   minute   or  first 

draught    of    any     writing;    a 

day-book ;   a  dauber.  Pcepel  — , 

blotting  paper. 
Borradora,  sf.  blotting,  blot. 
Borragem,  sf.  [bot.)  borrage. 
Borrainas,  tne  stufíing  of 

the  panneis  of  a  saddle. 
Borralheiro,  a,  adj.  Gato  — ,  a 

cat  that  lies  in  the  ashes. 
Borralho,  sm.  embers. 
Borrão,  sm.  a  blot ;  a  spot  of  ink. 
Borrar,  va.  to  blot,  to  olur. 
Borrasca,   sf.    a   squall.  storm, 

Borrascoso,  a,  adj.  stormy,  tem- 

pestuous;  {fig.)  violent. 
Borrasseiro,  sm.  the  fali  of  the 

Borreco,  sm.  a  leading  ram. 
Borregada,  sf.  a  ilock  of  lambs. 
Borrego,  a,  sm.  orf.  sheep,lamb: 

{fig.)  good-natured. 
Borregaeiro,  sm.  a  shepherd. 
BorreUio,  sm.  a  coot,  a  moor  hen. 
Borrento,  a,  adj.  having  dregs, 

Borreteado,  a,  pp.  adj.  blotted 

Borretear,  va.  to  blot. 
Borricar,  vn.  to  shower ;  to  fali  a 

small  rain. 
Borrifado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sprinklcd. 
BwgjMT,  va.  to  aprÍDkle. 
JBorrííOf  sm.  tòe  acc  of  sprinkling. 
-Storrtooadii,  sf.  (anc.)  a  stonn. 

BoRisco,  sm.  stidden  and  heavy 

Borro,  sm.  a  lamb.  rmaker. 

BorsBeguieiro ,    sm.     a    buskin- 
Borzegtdm,  sm.  bnskin. 
BoBcagetn,  sf.  a  wood ;  grove. 
Boeeado,  a.  pp.   adj.    spoken, 

carried  by  the  voice  of  a  nerds- 

Bosear,  va.  {anc.)  to  speak   to 

animais  (to  carry  them  to  some 

Bosel,  sm.  {arch.)  tore,  torus. 
Bosphoro,  sm.  (geog.)  Bosphorus; 

channel,  strait. 
Bosque,  sm.  wood,  forest. 
Bosquejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sketched ; 

Bosquejar,    va.    to    sketch;   to 

Bosquelo,  sm.  sketch;  the  first 

draugnt.  [protnberance. 

Bossa,  sf.  (pathol.)  nunch,  homp ; 
Bosta,  sf.  dung. 
Bostado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dirtied  vriih 

dung  of  cow. 
Bostal,  sm.  {anc.)  an  ox-horel. 
Bestar,  va.  to  soil,  to  dirt^  "with 

dung.  [teral  mseci. 

Besteiro,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  coleop- 
Bostella,  sf.  a  pimple,  a  blister. 
Bostellento,  a,   aaj.  pustulous, 

fuU  of  pimples. 
Bostello,    sm.    grove;  territory. 
Bostelloso,  a,  adj.  pustulous. 
Boston,  sm.  boston  (game). 
Bota,  sf.  boot.  Correias  das  botas, 

boot  straps.  —  5  grandes,  jack- 

boots.  Calçar  as  botas,  to  drav 

on  boots.  —  sella,  {mil.)  signal  to 

Botado,  a,  pp.  adj.  blunted,  thick. 
Botafogo,  sm.  (artil.)  a  long  stick 

with  a   match-rope  to  fírc   off 

cannon;  {fiff.)  incendiary. 
Botafora,  sf.  the  departure  of  a 

Botalõs,  sm.  pi.  (a  sea  term)  stnd- 

ding  sail-booms. 
Botânica,  sf.  botaiv^. 
Botânico,  a,  odi .  \io\afi\t,  \ícív».- 

nical.  ^'''^^'S^^ 

BotanograpkâaL.  st-  «^^^^*^^^- 
Botaikogr«s»kúco^  ^,  .aà:|.  '»™' 


—  152  — 


cerning   botany    and    vegetal 

Botanographo ,    sm.     he    -who 

makes  the  description  of  plants. 
Botanologia,  sf.  botanology. 
Botanologo,  sm.  he  who  writes 

upon  plants.  Hmancy. 

Botanoxnancia ,      sf.      ootano- 
Botanophilo,  sm.  he  who  is  fond 

of  botany. 
Botão,    sm.  button;  bud,    gem. 

Casa  do  — ,  a  button  hole.  — 

{gunsmith)     knot,    sight.  —   de 

fogo^  (jsurg.)  cautery  raade  by 

fire.  —  de  prata ,  {bot.)  sneeze- 

Botar,  va.  to  cast,  to  throw,  to 

pour  out.  —  a  perder^  to  spoil. 

—  o  juizo  ifig.)  to  dull  or  biunt 

the  brain  or  wit. 
Botareo,  sm.  [arch.)  an  arch  or 

prop  to  hold  up  a  wall. 
Bote,  sm.  i)ass,  trush;  {fig.)  force, 

impetuosity ;  a  long  boat  of  a 

Botelha,  sf.  bottle. 
Botelharia,  sf.  butlership. 
Botelheiro,  sm.  butler,  an  upper 

servant  in  great  houses. 
Botelho,  sm.  a  sort  of  measure. 
Botica,  sf.  pharmacy. 
Boticão,    stn.    pineers   to    draw 

Boticária,  sf.  a  nun  that  takes 

care  of  the  pharmacy  of  her 

Boticário,  sm.  apothecary ;  phar- 

Botija,  sf.  an  earthen  vessel  with 

a  great  belly. 
Botilhão,  sm.  seed  weed.  V.  Alga. 
Botim,   s.  half-boot. 
Botinas,  sfpl.  half-boots. 
Botiqueiro,  5w.(anc.)  shopkeeper. 
Botiquim,  sm.  {anc.)  coffee-house; 

shop.  [lampreys. 

Botirão,  sm.  a  leap  for  catching 
Boto,  a,  adj.  blunt,  dull,  set  on 

edge  (speaking  of  the  teeth.  — 

sm.  kind  of  fish. 
Botoeira,  sf.  a  button  hole;   a 
woman  that  makes  buttons. 
Botoeiro,  sm.  button-maker. 
•Botcqae,  sm.  stopple,  bung. 

Bottos,  sm.  pi.  priests  of  the  East 
Indies.  [buboes. 

Boubas,  «/Ip^.  venerealpustules; 

Boubento,  a,  adj.  having  babões. 
V.  Gallicado. 

Bouceira,  sf.  tow.  [oxen. 

Bovicida,  sm.  he  who  slaughters 

Bovicidio,  sm.  the  slaughter  or 
sacrifice  of  an  ox.         [to  oxen. 

Bovino,  a,  adj.  bovine,  belonging 

Brabante,  sm.  V.  Barbante. 

Brabantez,  a,  adj.  and  s.  belong- 
ing to  Brabant. 

Braça,  sf.  fathom.  [thom. 

Braçada,  sf.    an  armful  or    fa- 

Braçadeira,  5/.  brace.  —  da  ro- 
della^  the  handle  of  the  target. 
—  s  de  coche j  the  main  braces 
of  a  coach.  [fasciculiis. 

Braçado,  sm.   an    armful;  {bot.) 

Braçal,  adj.  2  g.  concerning  the 
arms.  —  sm.  bracelet ;  bracer. 

Braçalmente,  adv.  wiúi  the  arms. 

Braçalotes,  sm.  pi.  (a  sea  term) 
brace  pendants. 

Braoamarte,  sm.  cutlass,  a  short 
and  broad  sword. 

Braçaria,  sf.  the  act  of  throwing 
the  bar.  [braced. 

Braceado,  a,  pp.  adj.  [a  sea  term) 

Braceagem,  sf.  coinage. 

Braoear,  va.  (a  sea  term)  to  brace. 

Braceiro,  a,  adj.  {anc.)  concern- 
inff  the  arms. — ,  sm.  a  lady'8 

Bracejar,  va.  to  exercise  the 
arms,  to  move.  [the  arms. 

Bracejo,  .sm.  the  act  of  moving 

Bracelete,  sm.  bracelet. 

Brachial,  adj.  2  g.  brachial. 

Brachiologia,  sf.  brachiology. 

Brachypnea,  sf.  {med.)  brachy- 

Braço,  sm.  brack,  setting  dog. 

Braço,  sm.  arm;  ijig.)  power, 
strength.  —  de  terra^  a  neck  of 
land.  —  the  neck  of  a  fiddle,  etc. 
A  força  de  braços^  with  maia 
strength.  —  ecclesiastico,  the 
clergy.  —  secular,  the  laity 
power.  —  5,  sm.  pi.  {a  sea  term) 
ntaces.  —  do  cavmllo,  \Vl^  fore- 
legs  oÇ  «."ViotEe.  Cabirem  0%  —  a 
alguém^  to  íl^s^oxiA.. 


—  153  — 


Braçolas,  sf.  pi.  (a  sea  term)  the 

coamings  of  the  hatches. 
Braçado,  a,  adj.  sinewy,  brawny, 

strong.  [claimed. 

Bradado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cried,  pro- 
Bradador,  sm.  he  ^ho  cries  or 

Bradar,  vn.  to  cry  out. 
Brado,  sm.  cry;  shout,  clamour. 
Brafoneiras,  sf.  pi.  armours  for 

the  arms. 
Bragadas,  sf.  pi.  the  upper  and 

inner  part  or  the   thigh  of  a 

horse.  [rent  colours. 

Bragado,  a,  adj  spotted  of  diffe- 
Bragadura,  sf.  the  inner  part  of 

the  thighs  oi  horses,  etc. 
Bragal,  sm.  {ojic.)  coarse  cloth; 

an  iron  ring  fixed  on  the  slavc's 

Bragas,  a  sort  of  hreeches. 
Bragueiro,  sm.  a  truss  for  rup- 

tures,'  (a  sea  term)  the  rudder's 

Brahxua,  sm.  Brahma. 
Brahmanes,  sm.  pi.  Bramins. 
Brahmanismo,  sm.  Braniinism. 
Brama,  sf.  the  rut  of  deer. 
Bramadeiro,  sm.  a  place  where 

deer  are  joinod  together. 
Bramado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

roared.  [roars. 

Bramador,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  that 
Bramente,  adj.  [poet.)  roaring, 

Bramar,  un.  to  roar,  to  boUow, 

ifig.)  to  demand  earnestly. 
Bramido,  sm.  roaring. 
Bramidor,  a,  adj.  and  s.  a  roarer. 
Bramines,  V,  Brahmanes. 
Bramir,  vn.  to  roar. 
Branca,  sf.  [anc.)  a  place  full  of 

bushes.  [ursine. 

Branoa-ursina,  sf.  {bot.)  branc- 
Brancaoento,  a,  adj.  whitish. 
Brancagem,  sf.  a  tax  upon  the 

bread.  [pale. 

Brancal,  adj.  2g.  (anc.)  whitish, 
Brancas,  sf.  pi.  grey  hairs. 
Brancliial,  adj.  2  g.  [nat.  hist.) 

that  pertains  to  the  gills  of  a 

IBranoo,  a,  adj    white.  Que  tem. 

caàeUos  àrancos^   grej-haired; 


\g.)    pale,    afraid.    Dar   carta 
tranca  a  alguém,  to  give  one 

full  power  to  do  what  he  pleases. 

De  ponto    em   branco,  adv.  en- 

tireíy.    Armado  de  ponto  em  — , 

arraed  from  top  to  toe.  Cabo — , 

(a  sea  term)  an  untarred  rope. 
Brancura,  sf.  whiteness. 
Brandaes,    sf.  pi.   {a  sea  tenn) 

back-stays.  [ly. 

Brandamente,  adv.  softly,  geut- 
Brandão,  sm.  a  torch. 
Brandido,  a,  pp.  adj.  brandished. 
Brandiloco,  a,  adj.  (poet.)  that 

is  expressed  with  tenderness. 
Brandimento,  sm.  brandish. 
Brandir,  va.  to  brandish. 
Brando,  a,  adj.  soft,  charmíng, 

kind.  [tleness. 

Brandura ,  sf.  softness ,  gen- 
Branqueado,  a,  pp.  adj.  whited. 
Branqueador,  sm.  he  who  makes 

white ;  bleacher. 
Branqueadura.  sf  -whitenin^'. 
Branqueamento,  sm.  whitening. 
Branquear,   va.   to   -whitcn;   to 

Branquearia,  sf.  a  bleach-yard. 
Branquejar,    on.   to,whiten,   to 

grow  white. 
Branqueta,  sf.  (prmting)  blanket; 

{sugar  refining)  blanket. 
Branquidao,  sf.  whiteness. 
Branquidor,  sm.  he  who  blanches 

the  piocGS  to  bo  coined. 
Branquimento,     sm.    act    and 

effect  of  whiteniog;  the  wasli- 

ing  to  whiten  silver. 
Branquir,  va.  to  wash  silver. 
Bravamente ,     adv.      flercely , 

Bravata,  sf,  bravado,  brag. 
Bravateado,  a,  pp  adj  bragged, 

boasted ,  [bravados. 

Bravatear,  vn.  to  brag,  to  say 
Bravateiro,  sm.  a  fanfaron. 
Bravejar,  vn.  V.  Esbravejar, 
Braveza,  sf  fierceness ;  bravery.     . 
Bravio,    sm.   {anc.)    a   price   or 

reward . 
Bravio,  a,  adj.  untilled ;  untamad^ 

•wild,  fetocioxis. 
Bravo,  a,  adj .  íJti^  s  .-'«^^^'aa.-í  ^^«^N 



—  154  — 


Bravosidade ,    sf,    arrogaace , 

Bravura,  af,  l)ravery,  courage. 
Braza,  sf.  live-coal.  í^erro  em  — , 

red  hot  iron.  [mory. 

Brazão,  wi.  blason,  heraldry,  ar- 
Brazeiro,  sm.  a  fine-pan;  foot- 

warnier;  chaffing^disn. 
Brazido,  sm.  many  burning  coals. 
Brazil.  sm.  [(jeng\)  Brazil. 
Brazileiro,  ã,  aaj.  and  s.  Bra- 

zilian,  portainiDfr  to  Brazil. 
Brazilete,  sm.  Brazil  vfooà.  for 

Brazilico,  a,  adj.  or  Braziliense, 

adj.  2  ff.  Brazilian. 
Brazonár,  va.  to  blazon,  to  drav 

a  coat  (if  nrms.  f  tarred. 

Breado .    a ,   pp.    adj.    intched , 
Breadura,  sf.  thc  act  of  pitching. 
Brear,  va.  to  pitch.  to  tar. 
Breca,  sf.  sort  of  disease  in  goats; 

cramp  ;  [fíQ.)  weariness,   fury. 

Estar  lenado  da  — ,  to  be  reduced 

to  extreniities. 
Brecha,    sf.  breach;  {fig.)  gap, 

Brechil,  sm.  a  spear. 
Bredoega,  sf.  a  great  deal  of 

blites.  [beet. 

Bredos,  sm  pi.  blites,  a  kind  of 
Bregado,  a,  adj.  ]*ão  — ,  a  very 

baked  brcad. 
Bregma  or  Bregmate,  sm.  {anai. ) 

bregma;  sagittal  suture. 
Brejeiro,   sm.    a   blackguard,  a 

Brejo,  sm.  the  sweet  broom. 
Brejoso,  a,    adj,   oozy,    fenny, 

Brelho,*.<fm.  a  small  stone. 
Breloque ,  sm.    bagatelle ,   toy  ; 

Brema,  sf  bream  (fisli). 
Brenha,  sf.  a  i>lace  fuU  of  bushes. 
Brenhoso,  a.  adi.  bushy,  woody. 
Bretanha,  sf.  [geog.)    Britanny 

(France).  Grã  — ,    Great-Bn- 

Bretão,   ndj.   and  5.  Briton,  na- 

tive  of  Britanny  (France). 
Brete.  sm.  gin  or  snare  for  birds. 
Breu,  sm.  ship  pitch  and  tar. 
Breve,  sm.  a  orief  cr  pope'8  let- 

ter.  Breves,  sm.  pi.   ábbrevift- 

tions.  Breve  (nume),  breve. 
Breve,  adj.  i  g.  short,  brief,  sae- 

cinct.  Py. 

Brevemente,  adv.  brieiiyt  short- 
Brevia,  sf.  vacations,  holydays 

(in  ecclesiastical  orders). 
Breviário,  m.  breviary  i  orevier 

BrevidadQ,  sf.  brevity,  speed. 
Breviloco,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  concisa, 

Brevilocruencia.  sf.  laconic  and 

sententious  style.  [viped. 

Brevipede ,  adj.  2  g.  [geol.)  bre- 
Brial,  sm.   a    garuient  formerlv 

worn  in  Spain.  [sei. 

BrihigãOs  sm.  a  íish  like  a  mua- 
Brlca,  sf.  {herald.)  the  chief  point 

of  thft  field  ,  in  which  the  crés- 

cent  is  placed. 
Briche,   sm.    a   coarse   kind    of 

vooUen  cloth.  [úiS* 

Brida,  sf.  tho  bridle  used  for  rid- 
Bridado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bridled. 
Bridar,  va.  to  bridle  ;  {fig.)  to 

Briga,  sf  strife. 
Brigada,  sf.  brigade ;  body,  band 

of  soldiers. 
Brigadeiro,  sm.  brigadier;  one 

who  conimands  a  brigada. 
Brigador,  sm.  quarreller,  sqnab- 

bler.  [ancient  armoor. 

Brigandina,  sf.  brígandina;  an 
Brigão,  «772.  quareller,  -w^arlike. 
Brigar,  vn.  U>  íight,  ti>  combat. 
Brigoso,  a,  adj.  ^'arUke,  quarrel- 

Brigue,  sm.  brig. 
Briguento,  a,  adj.  warlifce. 
Brilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

shone;  glistened. 
Brilhador,  a,  adj.  [poet^  that 

shines  or  glitters. 
Brilhante,    adj.  2  g.   briUiant, 

shining,  bright. —  sm.  brilliancy, 

splendour ;  a  diamond. 
Brilhantemenie,  adv.  brilliant- 

ly.  [splendour. 

Brilhantismo,    sm.   toilliancy, 
Brilhar,  vn.  to  shine,  to  glitter, 

to  sparkle. 
Brilho,  «m.brilliancy,  bri^tness. 


—  J55  — 


Brim,  sm.  a  sort  oí  canvass. 
Brinca,  sf.  {bot.)  hog-fennel. 
Brincadeira  t   sf.    plaj,    sport; 

jest.  [embellished. 

Brincado,  a,  j^.  adj.    adoraed, 
Brincador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  sporter, 

a  j  éster.  [-waggish. 

BrincSo,  adj.  jocular,    playful. 
Brincar,  va.  to  play,  to  sport,  to 

to^.  —  vn.  to  tnfle,  to    sport 

"Wlth  ODB. 

Brinco,  sm.  sport,  play,  jest;  a 
plaything  for  a  chila.  Èrincos^ 
sm.  pi.  ear-rings.  Estar  um  — , 
to  he  elegantly  dressed. 

Brindado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 
been  invited  to  drink  a  toast. 

Brindar,  vn.  to  drink  to,  to  toast. 
Drindar-se^  vr.  to  drink  to  ene 
another.  [sent,  gift. 

Brinde,  sm.  toast,  health ;  çre- 

Brinie,  sm.  meat  and  rice  boiled 

Brinquedo,  sm.  plaything,  toy. 

Brinquinharia,  sf.  the  toy-trade. 

Brinquinheiro,  sm.  toyman,  one 
who  keeps  a  toys-shop. 

Brinza,  sf.  {hot.)  peucedannni. 

Brio,  sm.  honour,  pride;  mettlo, 
garb;  A-alour,  bravery;  liveli- 
ness.  Abater  os  brios,  to  humblc 
one.  [lines. 

BriÕes,  sm.  pi.  {a  sca  term)  bunt- 

Briosamente,  adv.  bravely,  no- 
bly.  [noble,  generous. 

Brioso,  a,    adj.    brave,    proud. 

Britado,  a,  pp.  adj.  broken. 

Britador,  sm.  {anc.)  breaker; 
{fig.)  an  infringer. 

Britamento.  sm.  (m  law)  break, 
breaking  out. 

Britannico,  a,  adj.  British  or 
Britannic ,  belonging  to  Great- 
Britain.  {Britannic. 

Britanno,  a,  adj.  and  s.  British, 

Brita-ossos,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  the 
osprey  (eagle). 

Britar,  va.  [anc.)  to  break. 

Brisa,  sf.  breeze,  fresh  gale  of 
"wind.  [of  millet. 

Broa  or  Boroa,  sf.  bread  made 

Broca,  sf.  an  anger,  a  -«nrimble. 

Brooadillio,  sm,  an  inferior  sort 
of  brocaáe. 

Brocado,  a,  pp.  adi.  bored  with 

a  wimbíe.  —  sm.  orocade. 
Brocal,  sm.  {blaz.)  fillet  or  Iist«l 

of  metal. 
Brocão,  sm.  {bot.)  the  tree  that 

bears  the  bdellium. 
Brocar,  va.  to  bore.  [cal. 

Brocardico,  a,  adj.  problemati^ 
Brocatel,  sm.  brocatel;   linsey- 

wolsey.  [ble). 

Brocatello,  sm   brocatello  (mar- 
Brocha,  sf.  a  clasp ;  tack,  peg. 
Brochado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stitched. 
Brocliar,  va.  to  stitch-  —  um  li- 
vro, to  stitch  or  scw  a  book. 
Broche,  sm.  brooch,  breast-pin; 

Brochara,  sf.  a  stitched  book; 

a  pamphlet. 
Brócolos,  broccoli. 
Bródio,  sm.   pottago   given    to 

bcggars.  [feasts. 

Brodista,  sm.  he  who  makes 
Broma,   sf.   {nat.  hist.)   a   little 

worm ;  {fig.)  a  stupid  fellov. 
Bromado,  a,  pp.  adj.    gna\red 

(the  wood) ;  burnt  (the  sugar). 
Bromar,  va.  to  bum ;  to  gnaw. 
Bronchial,  adj,  2  g.  {anat.)  bron- 

chial,  bronchic. 
Bronchio,  a,  adj.  {anat.)  bronchic, 

bronchial.  [chise. 

Bronchios,  sm.  pi.  (anat.)  bron- 
Bronchitis   or  Bronchite,    sf. 

Bronchocele,    sm.   {med.)  bron- 

chocele ;  tumour  in  the  broncbite. 
Bronchotomia,  sf.  {surg.)  bron- 

Bronco,  a,  adj.  rude,  coarse ;  {fig.) 

rough,  awkward. 
Brontologia,  sf.  brontology. 
Brontometro,  sm.  (phys.)  an  in- 

strument  for  verin'ing  the  in- 

tensity  of  the  atmospheric  elec- 

tricity.  fcopper. 

Bronze,  sm.  bronze,  brass,  cast 
Bronzeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bronzed. 
Bronzear,  va.  to  bronze ;  to  gíve 

the  colour  of  brass. 
Brônzeo,  a,  adj.  made  of  bronze 

or  brass. 
Broqae,  sm  the  conduitpipe  of 

the  bellows  in  a  fonndery. 





—  156  — 


Broqneado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bored, 

drille^.  [to  drill. 

Broq[ueãr,  va.  to  bore,  to  pierce, 
Broquel,  sm.  a  round  target. 
Broquelado,  a,  i7p.  adj.  covered 

•with  a  taryet.  [se. 

Broquelar-se,  vr.  V.  Ahroquelar- 
Broqueleiro,  sm.  [anc.)  a  tar^et- 

maker.  [fistulas. 

Broquento,  a,  adj.  full  of  cracks, 
Brotado,  a,  J9p.  adj.  budded,  ger- 

Brotamento,  sm.  {bot.)  the  act 

of  budding,  geriuination. 
Brotar,  va.  to  produce,  to  bring 

forth.  —  vn.  to  bud,  to  shoot. 
Brotoeja,  sf.  a  kind  of  breaking 

out  like  the  itch.  [ground. 

Braços  (de),  adv.  loc.fí&X  on  the 
BruÚio,  sm.  murk ;  husks  of  olives 

after  the  juice  has  been  pressed 

Brulote,  sm.  a  fire-ship. 
Bruma,  sf.   foggy  weather;  the 

Bruxual,  adj.  2  g.  winterly. 
Brumário,  sm,  the  secoud  month 

of  the  French  republican  calen- 

Brumo,  sm.  matter  of  a  putrifíed 

Brumoso,  a,  adj.  foggv,  hazy. 
Brunal,   adj.  2  g.   dark,   dusky, 

sad,  unhappy. 
Brunduslo,   a,   adi.    sad,  sour- 

looked,  melancholy. 
Brunido,  a,  pp.  adj.  burnishcd, 

Brunidor,  sm.  burnisher. 
Brunidura,   */.    buruishing,  po- 

Brunir,  ca.  to  burnish,  to  polish. 
Bruno,  a,  adj.  brown,  dai-k. 
Brusca,  sf.  (bot.)  kuee-holly. 
Bruscamente,     ado.    roughly, 

blountly,  coarselv. 
Brusco,  a,  adj.   olount,   rough, 

over  hasty,  rude. 
Brutal,  adj.  2  g.  brutish,  brutal, 

beastly.  [tishness. 

Brutalidade,  sf  brutality,  hru- 
Brutalisar,  va.  or  vn.  to  brutalize, 

to  make  brutal.  [tishly. 

Brutalmente,  ado,  brutally,  bru- 

Brutamente,  adv.  beastly,  bru- 
tally. Ipôiisheâ. 
Brutesco,  a,  adj.  rough,  ua- 
Bruteza,  sf.  roughness,  brutality. 
Bruto,  a,  adj.  rough,  unpolished, 

coarse.  —  sm.  *  orute,  bestial- 

Bruxa,  sf.  (anc.)  witch,  gipsy;  a 

Bruxaria,  sf.  witchery,  sorcery. 
Bruxeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  uewitched. 
Bruxear,  va.  to  bewitch,  to  throw 

a  spell  over  one. 
Bruxo,  sm.  sorcor,  wizard. 
Bruxolear,  va.  to  unfold  a  cart 

by  degrees,  (/?5'.)    to  guess,  to 

Bryonia,  sf.  bryony. 
Buama,  sf.  a  kind  of  sea  íish. 
Bubalo,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  bubalus, 

Bubão,  sm.  {surg  )  bubo. 
Bubonis  or  Bubonia,  sf  {bot)  a 

kind  of  medicinal  plant. 
Buboncele,  sm.  {surg.)  bubono- 

Buçardas,    sf.  pi.   (a  sea   term) 

breast  hooks. 
Bucentauro,  sm.  Buccntaurus. 
Bucephalo,  sm.  Bucephalus. 
Bucha,    sf.  wadding    for   guns. 

Aturar  a  —  adv.  loc.  to  swallow 

the  pill.  [monda. 

Buchela,  sf.  pincers  to  hold  dift- 
Bucho,  sm.  the  craw  or  maw  of 

birds ;  the  stomach  or  paunch.  of 

Buço,  sm.  the  hottern  of  a  ship. 
Buoolica,  sf.  l>ucohc. 
Bucólico,  a,  adj.  bucolic,  buço- 

Buço,  sm.  down,  soft  hair. 
Bucre,  sm.  ^anc.)  curl,  ringlet. 
Buddhismo,  sm.  buddhism. 
Budget,  sm.  budget. 
Bueiro,  sm.  a  water-pipe  or  con- 

duit.  V.  Carteiro. 
Buena  dioha,  sf.  Dizer  a  — ,  to 

tell  peopie's  fortune. 
Bueta>  sf.  {anc.)  a  box  a  chest,  a 

Bufa,  sf.  foist,  fizzle.  —  de  lobo, 

{bot.)  a  puff-ball. 
Bufado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fixzled. 


—  157  — 


Bnfalino,  a,  adi.  belonging  to  a 

buffle  or  buffalo.  [buffle. 

Búfalo,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  bufTalo, 
Baião,  sm.  abuffoon,  a  low  jester. 
Bufar,  vn.  to  puff,  to  blow  (as  a 

horse  or  ox).  [n?ieiro. 

Bof arinheiro ,  sm»  V.  Bofari- 
Bofete,   sm.     buffet,    cupboard, 

coimter  desk. 
Bufo,  sm.  (nat.  hist.)  an  owl.  Ser 

— ,  {fam.  loc.)  to  be  greedy. 
Bufonear,  va.  to  play  the  bimoon. 
Bufoneria,  sf.  buífoonery. 
Bugalho,  sm.  the  gall-nut. 
Bugia,  sf.  wax  candle;  [nat.  hist.) 

an  ape. 
Bugiado,   a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

gesticulated  like  an  ape. 
Bugiar ,  vn.    to   ape,  to  mimic. 

Vai  — ,  go  about  yoar  business. 
Bugiarias,  sf.  pi .  triiles . 
Bugiganga,  sf.  a  sort  of  ridi- 

calous  dance.  [little  boy. 

Bu£^nico,    sm.   a    lively,   brisk 
"Bngio^sm.lnat.hist.)  an  ape,  bugee. 
Buglosa,  sf.  {òot.)  bugloss. 
Bugula,  sf  {bot.)  Duegle. 
Buido,  a,  pp,adj.  polished,  olear, 

Buixmo,  sm.  a  rush. 
Buir,  va.  to  polish,  to  briffhten. 
Buitra,  sf  tne  shelf  or  tiil  of  a 

printing  press. 
Bujamè,  57)1.  the  child  of  a  black 

and  a  mulatto  woinan. 
Bujarrona,  sf.  {a  sea   term)  the 

standing  jib. 
Bujões,  {a  sea  term)  spiles. 
Bulbo,  sm.  (oo^}  bulb. 
Bulboso,  a,  adi.  bulbous. 
Bulcão,  sm.  a  black  cloud. 
Bule,  sm.  a  tea-pot. 
Bulei)ule,  sm.  a  sort  of  herb ;'  a 

restless  fellow. 
Bulha,  sf.  quarrel,  noise. 
Bulhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  quarrelled. 
BulhafrOf  *w»  V.  Bilhafre. 
Bulhão,  sm.   {anc.)  a  spring,   a 

Bulhar,  vn.  to  quarrel,  to  wrangle; 

to  bubble. 
Bulhento,  a,  adj,  quarrelsome. 
Bulicio  or  Buliço,  sm,  tumult, 


Buliçoso,  a,  adj.  restless,  turbu- 

Bulido,  a,  pp.  adj.  moved,  stirred. 
Bulir,  va.  to  move,  to  stir.  BuUr- 

se,  vr.  to  be  disquieted. 
Bulia,  sf.  a  buli  or  lettor  patent 

from  tne  pope.  [form. 

Bullado,  a,  adj.  authentic,  in  due 
Bullar,   va.   {anc.)   to   seal   with 

buli  or  leaden  seal.  [of  bulis. 
BuUarla,  sf.  bullary;  collection 
Bulleiro,  sm.  he  who  roceives  the 

alms  produced  by  the  cruzade- 

Buirão,  sm.  a  fraudulent  inan. 
Bulroso,  a,  adj.  fraudulent,  de- 

Bumba,   sf.   a  bang.  —  iníerj.  to 

express  tne  fali  ofa  heavy  body. 
Bunda,  sf.  big  buttocks. 
Bupreste,    sm.   {nat.  hist.)   bu- 

Buracar,  va.  V.  Esburacar, 
Buraco,    sm.  hole  or  s^ap.  —  da 

amura,  {a  sea  term)  the   eyelet 

hole  of  the  mairi  tack. 
Burato,  sm,  &  ílne  silk  stuff. 
Burel,  sm .  a  coarse  dark  colour 

Burgalez,  sm.  a  sort  of  old  coin. 
Burgalhão,     sm.    small     shells 

mixed  with  pehbles. 
Burgandina,  sf.  burgandine. 
Burgo ,    sm.    burg ;    a    kind    of 

Burgomestre,  sm.  burgo-master. 
Burguez,  sm.  burgess,  a  citisen. 
Buril,  sm.  burin,  gravor;  (a  sea 

term)  a  toggel.  [the  burin. 

Burilada,  sf.  a  touch  mado  -with 
Burilar,  va.  to  engrave. 
Burla,  sf.  a  jest,  dcrisiou;  atrick. 
Burlado,    a,    pp.    adj.    duped, 

cheated.  [^erson, 

Burlador,  sm  a  scoffíng,  jeering 
Burlão,  S7n.  a  chcating  ][)erson. 
Burlar,  va.  to  jesl,  to  trick. 
Burlaria,  sf  dupery,  trickery. 
Burlescamente,  adv.  comically. 
Burlescaria,  sf.  burlesque  lan- 

Burlesco,  a,  adj.  burlesque,  00* 

mical.  [lesqued. 

Burlescnieado,  a,  pp,  ckZj.Asqs^ 


—  158  — 


Barlesqaear>  va.  to  trarlesqne, 

to  turn  into  ridicule. 
Barra.  sf.  a  she-ass,  an  iron  chest 

to  keep  money ,  {a  aea  temi)  a 

mizen  rope. 
Burrada,  sf.  a  drove  of  asses. 
Bnrrão,  .çm.pouting;  angry  look 
Barricada,  sf.  a  drove  of  asses , 

{fig.)  senselessness. 
Barricai,  adj.  2  g.  pertaining  to 

asses ;  {fíg.)  beastly. 
Barriqueiro.  sm,  ass-driver. 
Borro,  sm.  ass,  he-ass;  jackass. 

—  montez,  a  wild  ass ;  [fig.)  a 

blockhcad,  an  ignorant. 
Bursal.  adj.  2  g.  pecuniary,  fiscal. 
Burundangas ,    sf.  pi.    trifles , 

things  of  small  value. 
Bosardo,  sin.  {nat.  hist.)  boziard. 
Busca,  sf  search,  quest. 
Buscacaixas,  sm.  a  custom-house 

ofíicor.  [quested. 

Buscado,  a,  pp.  adj.   searched, 
Buscador,    sm.    a   searcher,   a 

seeker.  [airy  girl. 

Busoamante,    sf.  a  coqnette,  an 
Buscante,  sm.  hewhowas  search- 

ing,  a  king's  officer. 
Buscapé,  sm.  a  sort  of  squib. 
Buscar,  va.  to  scck,  to  search,  to 

look  for.  —  a  vida,  to  seek  one's 

Buscavida,  sf.  [artil.)  an  instrn- 

ment  foropeningthc  tonch-hole 

of  a  cannon.  [the  difficulty. 
Busllis,  sm.  the  difíicult  point, 
Bossola,  sf.  a  sea-compass ;  (fig.) 

guide,  direction. 
Btusto,  sm  .  bust.  [busts. 

Bustuario,  sm.  he  who   makes 
Bustuarios,    sm.    pi.    Bustuarii 

Batido,  Si,  pp.  adj,  hit,  aimed. 
Butim,   sm.  booty,  pillage,  cap- 
Bútio ,   sm.   {nat.    hist.)   bittem, 

bittour,  ifig.)  a  stupid  man. 
Butir,  va.  to  hit  the  mark. 
Butua,  sf.   vrUá  vine ,  medicinal 

root.  [rous. 

Butyroso,  a,  adj.  buttery,  buty- 
Boxa,  sf.  stopple,  —  de  espingarda, 

the  wad  of  a  gun.  ftrees. 

Bozal,  sm.  a  place  set  with  box- 

Bazo,  sm.  {bot.^  box-tre«,  Imkk.  — 

de  sé^ateiro,  tne  mollet  used  by 

Buz,    interj.    hush,    hokl    yoor 

Buzarate,  adj.2g.  fatuons,  stupid. 
Buzeno  or  Búzio,  sm.  a  diver. 
Buzina,  sf.  cornet,  horn,  trumpet; 

(a  sea  tertn)  speaking  trumpet. 
Buzinar,  va.  to  blow,  'wind  or 

sound  a  horn.  [darkish. 

Búzio,    a,    adj.   brown,    dusky. 
Byss3,  sm.  byssus. 
Byzantino,  a,  adj.  byzantine. 

G,  sm.  the  third  letter  of  tbo  Por- 

tuguesf»  alphabet. 
Cá,  adv.  b^re,  hither.  A  dois  amum 

para  — ,  two  years  ago.  —  {anc.) 

Cãs  or  Gans,  grey  haira. 

Com  — ,  hoary. 
Cabaça,  sf.  gourd.  pnmpion. 
CaJsaceira,  sf.  calabft.^h-tree. 
Cabaço,  sm.  a  dry  hollow  goinrd. 
Cabaia,  sf.  a  sort  of  silk  of  China. 
Cabal,  adj.  1  g.,  just,  complete, 

Cabala,  sf.  cabal  or  cabala. 
Cabalar,  va.  to  cabal. 
Cabalista,  sm.  cabalist,  plotter. 
Cabalístico,   a,   adj.  cabalistic, 

Caballino,  a,  adj.  [poet.)  that 

pertains  to  tho  horse. 
Cabalmente,  odv.  exactly,  com- 

Cabana,  sf.  cottage,  hut. 
Cabaneira,  sf.  a  low  prostitute. 
Cabaneiro,  a.  sm.  or  f.  a  man  cr 

wonian  that  livcs  in  a  cottage. 
Cabano,  a,  adj.  that  has  the  horas 

or  the  ears  placed  horiíoiitally 

(bulis,  horses,  etc). 
Cabaz,  sm.  a   basket  of  tTrigs, 

pannier,  etc. 
Cabe.  sm.  V.  Palheta. 
Cabeça,   sf.  the    head;    mind, 

thought:  source,  origin,  top.— 

do  dedOf  tip  of  a  finger.  Queorar 


—  159  — 


a  — ,  ifiç-)  to  weary ,  to  tire. 
Faser —  o  navio  j  to  go  a  head.  — 
Chief  town,  capital.  ífeWer  na — , 
to  make  one  oelieve.  Ter  mar- 
tello  na  — ,  (1^9-)  to  be  sorely  tor- 
mented.  EUe  não  sabe  onde  ha  de 
dar  com  a  — ,  he  does  not  know 
which  way  to  turn  himself.  Da 
—  até  os  pés,  from  top  to  toe. 
Um  homem  sem  — ,  a  man  o£  no 

Gaúbeça,  sm.  chief,  head,  mover. 

G8Ji>eçada,  sf.  a  blow  -with  the 
head,  a  nod  when  one  is  asleep; 
head  stall  of  a  horse. 

Cabeçal,  sm.  compress,  bolster. 
Cabeçaes^  sm  pi.  four  pieces  of 
wood  used  instead  of  springs  to 
a  coach.  [cart. 

Cabeçalho,  sm.  the  beam  of  a 

Cabeção,  5m.  the  cap  of  a  cloak, 
a  printer's  border. 

Cabeceado,  a,  pp.  adj.  beckoned. 

Cabecear,  v».  to  beckon,  to  nod. 

Cabeceira,  sf.  the  bcginning,  the 
top ;  chief,  nead.  —  da  cama,  the 
bed'8  head.  —  de  um  livro^  the 
head-band  of  a  book. 

Cabeço,  sm .  the  top  of  a  hill. 

Cabeçudo,  a,  adj.  headstrong; 
{fig )  obstinate,  stubborn. 

Csubedal,  sm.  capital,  stock,  for- 

Cabedelo,  sm.  a  heap  of  sand. 

Cabeiro,  a,  adj.  one  that  makes 
hafts .  [hairs. 

Cabelladura,    s(.    the    natural 

Cabelleira,s/1  hair,  head  of  hair ; 
wig,  peruke. 

Cabelleireiro ,  sm.  hair-dresser, 

Cabello.  sm.  hair.  Ferro  para  en- 
crespar o  — ,  a  crispinç-iron. 

Gabelludo,  a,  adj.  hairj,  long- 

Caber,  vn.  to  contain,  to  comprise; 
to  become,  to  be  proper.  Não 
—  em  si  de  alegria^  not  to  be 
ablo  to  contain  one's  self  for  joy. 

Cabide,  sm  rack,  to  set  or  hang 
things  on.  [favour. 

Cabido,  a,  adj.  gracious,  in  great 

Cabidoal,  sm.  iane.)  principal, 

Cabidola.  adj.2  g.  Letras  — «,  capi- 
tal letters. 
Cabilda,  sf.  tribe,  pack ;  a  number 

of  Arabian  famifies  living  in  the 

same  place. 
Cabimento,  sm.  access,  favour. 
Cabisalva,  sf.  a  bird  of  prey. 
Cabisbedxo,  a,  adj.  hanging  aovm 

the  head,  sorrowful.  [bled. 

Cabiscaido,  a,  adj.  heavy ;  num- 
Cabistorto.  sm.  hypocrite. 
Cabo,  sm.  the  extreme  part,  tho 

end;  cape;   handle;   haft.  Dar 

cabo.  to  destroy.  Levar  ao  — ,  to 

conclude.  Ir  ás  do  — ,  to  come  to 

extremities.   —  de  esquadra^  a 

Caboclo,  a,  adi.  copper-coloured 

indian  (Brazil). 
Cabo-lamar,  sm.  (a  sea  ierm)  cap 

into  thtí  sea.  [the  acti<m. 

Caboral,.nn.  the  head  that  directa 
Cabotagem,  sf.  coasting. 
Cabouqueiro,. wi.V.  Cavouqueiro. 
Caboz,  sm.  a  kiud  of  ílsh. 
Cabra,  sf.  a  she-goat.  —  de  agua^ 

a  water  spider.  —  cega  (a  sort  ot 

play)  blind-raan's  buíT. 
Cabida,  sf.  a  flock  of  goats. 
Cabramio.  sm.  a  sinall  rope  by 

'Vhhich  the  foot  is  tied  to   the 

horn  of  an  ox. 
Cabrão,  sm.  he-goat.  V.  Bode. 
Cábrea,  sf.  crab,  gin ;  a  hulk. 
Cabreiro,  sm.  goátherd;  Uig.)  a 

rustic  man.  [stern. 

Cabrestante,  sm.  capstan,  cap- 
Cabresteiro,   sm.  haltfír-maker. 
Gabrestilbo,  sm.  a  little  halter. 
Cabresto,  sm.  halter;  [a  sea  term) 

ropes,  cables  belongmg  to  the 

Cabril,  sm.  sheepfold;  stable  for 

Gabrilha,  sf.  crane,  crab,  gin. 
Cabriola,  sf.  caper,  skip. 
Cabriolado,  a,  pp.  adj.  capered, 

Cabriolar,  vn.  to  caper. 
Cabriole,  sm.  cabriolet  (a  kind 

of  coach). 
Cabrita,  sf.  ancient  machine  of 

\rar.  Levar  ás  cabritas^  to  cany 

upon  the  shonlders. 

CtAucUO,  im 
a  siigHivloitf 
Caca,  if.  caca. 
Cava,  !/■,  hunt,  ehasa    lawkiuB 

Caoabomtda.  '[■  evacuation ;  a 

Cagada,  sf.  a  Jinntine-mBtoh. 
Caçado,  A.íP  adj.  huated. 
Cafador.ST>i.a)iuiitar,  sportaman, 

fúvier.  Caçadores, tm  jjf.aliarp' 

ahooters,  llght-troopa 
Caçadora,  s^a  hunlreis. 
Caçanta,acij'.í  ff.  (/lecnW.)  thal  is 

reareaenlea  as  jjreying  upon. 
Caçào.JtH.  sea-Umproy 
Caõapo.  (nt.  a  vuunK  rabbit. 
Catar.  ta.  tohnnl,  to  ehase.  tu 
j.  /fíW  nfl.ío  caai 


■»,)    íl.« 

«,  jlace  planlãd  wi 

Caçoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  drii 
Caoeta,  af.  a  cDlan^er  oi 

asortof  tnilig,ndoth. 
Cachaça,  s/:  rum. 
Oaoliaço,  sm.  nape.  [clothed. 
Cachado,  a,  pp.  adj.  coiend, 
CetJiagenB,  (anal.)  the  pia- 
SHÊ-es  ivf  [fienDSti-ils. 

Caòfaaado,   s 

pp.   orfj.   haiÍDg 

b'low.  flai-  dB  . 
owi  verj  quLok. 
,  a,  aifj-  cã<:iiòti( 
t;-.  eadiEiy. 

CaohlmliEicliSB,  si    , 
Cachimbado,  a.^p.oilj, 


CachlQjhar.  uu. 

amoke;  ^/í^,) 

Caohoplce,  f/.  childishnes*. 
Cachopo,  »n.  aud  ilerivatãd.  V. 

Cachopos.  Jm.  uí.  reefa,  rocks. 
Cacliorra,  s/.  V.  CmíeWo—,  a  aort 

Dl'  fish. 
Cachorrada,  i/".  a  pnck  of  don; 

ft  brai^ket;  (A^.)  mgb.  labble. 
Cachorrado,  a,  niíj.    supported 

Caoliorreím,  sf.  »  band  oaed  by 

CaiiiorTO.  £Tii.  a  íiW»  io%. 


—  161  — 


Ga<dxaoho,  sm.  a  awt  of  sea- 

bream.  [tree. 

Ca<^uxnbo,  sm.  a  sort  of  cocoa- 
Gacia,  sf.  or  Cachia.V.  Acácia. 
Gaoifeiro,  sm.  a  dignity  in  the 

cathedral  of  Coimbra. 
Cacifo,  sm.  coffer,  box  for  money. 
Cacimba,  sf.  pit  made  on  the  sea- 

shore;  dew. 
Cacique,  sm.  cazic  or  cazique. 
Gaciz,  sm.  a  Moorish  priest. 
Caco,   sm.    a   piece    of   broken 

earthen-ware.  —  s,  sm.  pi.  baub- 

bles,  lumber. 
Caço,  sm.  a  fryinff-pan. 
Caçoada,  sf.  mockerj^,  raillery. 
Caçoado,  a,  pp  .adj.  jested. 
CaçoEur,  va.  and  vn.  to  jest,  to 

Cacochylia,  sf.  (med.)  cacochylia. 
Cacochymia,  sf.  {med.)  cacocby- 

Cacoch3nno,  a,  adj.  cacochyroic. 
Caoodoxo,  a,  adj.  a  bad  man  or 

Cacoete,  sm.  tick,  mania,  vice. 
Cacoetico.  a,  adj.  Y.  Cachetico. 
Caoographia,  sf.  cacography. 
Caoographo,  sm.  he  who  writes 

with  a  bad  orthography.  [pot. 
Caçoila,  sf.  a  perfuming  pan  or 
Caçoleta,  sf.  bammer  (in  a  fusil) ; 

a  coppel.  [qaail. 

Cacolim,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  Mexican 
Cacologia,  sf.  cacology. 
Cacophonia,  sf.  caoopnony. 
Cacophonico,  a,  adj.  cacopbonic. 
Cacophragia,  sf.  {med.)  deprava- 

tion  of  the  entrails. 
Caoophyxia,  sf  {med.)  irregular- 

ity  of  the  pulse.  [throphy. 

Cacotrophia,    sf.  {med.)    caco- 
Caçouro,  sm.  a  round  piece  of 

Cada,  pron.  and  adj.  every,  each. 

—  vez  giiCy  whensoever. 
Cadaço,  sm.  a  ribbon  of  silk. 
Cadafalso,  sm.  scaffold,  stage ; 

Cadaque,  adv.  whensoever. 
Cadarço,  sm.  cappadine,  ferret. 
CaáaatB,sm.  tbe  stern-post  of  a 
-,  ^P'  [of  lands. 

caaoBtro,  sm.  terrier  or  register 

Cada  um,  a,  pron.  adj.  Y.  Cada. 
Cadáver,  sm.  corpse,  dead  body. 
Cadavereo,  a,  aãi.  cadaverous. 
Cadavérico,  a,  aaj.  cadaverous. 
Cadaveroso,  a,  adj.  cadaverous. 
Cada  vez,  adv.  every  time,  as  of- 

ten  as.  pock. 

Cadeado  or  Cadeiado,  sm.  a  pad- 
Cadeia,  sf.  chain,  gaol,  shacKle. 

—  de  montanhas,  {fia.)  atractoí 

Cadeieiro,  sm.  ^aoler,  jailer. 
Cadeira,  sf.  chair,  seat. 
Cadeixo,  sm.  an  old-worm-eaten 

Gadella,  sf.  a  bitch. 
Cadello,  «m.  a  piece  of  a  mill. 
Cadencia,  sf.   cadencc,  quiver- 

ing,  trill.  [harmonious. 

Cadenciado,  a,  adj.  cadeuced. 
Cadenciar,  va.   to  give   a  ca- 

Cadencioso,  a,  adj.  numerous, 

Cadenetas,  sf  pi.  a  sort  of  an- 

cieat  ncedle-work  like  lace. 
Cadente,  adj.  dropping ;  harmo- 
Cadernal,  sm.  {a  sca  term)  a  large 

block    with     more    than     one 

Caderno,  sm.  quire ;  loose  sheet 

of  a  book;   a   small    stitched 

book.  [in  the  army. 

Cadete,  sm.  cadet  or  volunteer 
Cadexo,  sm,   a  portion   of  silk 

that  is  fit  to  be  weaved. 
Cadi,  sm.  cadi. 
Cadilhos,  the  shagged  end 

of  any  thing  that  is  woven. 
Cadimes,  sm.  pi.  certain  pieces 

of  a  ship. 
Cadimo,  a,  adj.  expert,   dexter- 

ous.  Ladrão  — ,  a  notable  thief. 
Cadinho,  sm.  a  crucible,  melting- 

pot.  Passar  pelo  — ,  {fig.)  to  re- 

Cadmia,  sf.  calamine,  calamite. 
Cádmio,  sm.  cadmium. 
Cado,  sm.  a  great  versei  \v&çí^V\r> 

keeç  mne. 
Gadoz,  sm.  a.  \io\fe%  -^^ávx^v  ^'^" 


—  168  — 


Caducado,  a,  pp.  adj\  doated. 
Gaducamente ,     aav.     ireakly , 

feebly.  [wavering. 

Gaducante,    adj.  S  p.   reeling. 
Caducar,  vn.  to  be  decrepit,  to 

Caducario,  a,  adj.  Lei  — ,  a  law 

that  iiiakes  to  escheat  an  inhe- 

Gaduceador,  sm.  cadnceator. 
Caduceu,   sm.  caduceus,  cadu- 

cenni.  [ness,  decrepitude. 

Caducidade,  sf.  caducity.  cra2i- 
Caducifero,  a,  adj.  that  nas  a  ca- 
Caduco,  a,  nãj.   doating ;  weak, 

decrepit.    Caducas    esperanças^ 

vain  uopes.  O  mal  — ,  epilepsy. 
Cães,  sm.  Trharf,  the   key  of  a 

river.  [in  the  Holy  land. 

Cafarreiro,  sm.  a  receiver  of  tax 
Café.  um.  cortee. 

Cafeeiral.  sm.  cofTee-plantation. 
Cafeeiro,  sm.  coflfee-tree. 
Cafeteira,  sf.  a  coffee-pot. 
Cafezal,  sm.  a  coffee-plantation. 
Gaíila,  sf.  caravan,  convoy,  fleet 

of  tradincr  merchants. 
Catralmente,  adv.  in  the  man- 

ner  of  Cafres. 
Cafraria.  sf  [geog.)  Cafraria. 
Cafre,  Cafra.  sm.  ot  f.  and  adj. 

Cafre,  pertaining  to  Cafraria. 
Cafrice,  sf.  an  action  of  Cafre; 

{Jig.)  brutality. 
Caftan,  sm.  caftan. 
Cafurna,  sf.  a  cavem,  a  dark  and 

loathsome  place. 
Cagada,  sf.  evacuation. 
Cagado,  sm.  a  tortoise. 
Cagado,  a,  pp.  adj.  beshit. 
Cagalhão,  sm.  turd. 
Gagaluxne,  sm.  glow-worra. 
Caganeira,  sf.  fhix  of  the  belly. 
Caganitas,  sf  pi.  dung. 
Cagão,    onai,   sm.  or   f.    shiter; 

{fig.)  a  co^rard.  [to  stool. 

Cagar,  ra.  •»  shit,  to  cack,  to  go 
Cagarola,  sm.  coward,  chicken- 

Ca£ratorio^  sm.  water-closet. 
Càhimana,  sf.  (óot.)  medicinal 
pJant  ofBrsuil. 
CaJiique,  s?n.  cãic,  kotcb. 


Cahiz,  sm.  a  sort  of  measare. 
Caiadeira,  sf.  a  white-washer. 
Caiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  whitened. 
Caiador,    sm.  white-washer,   he 

that  whitens  with  lime. 
Caiadura,  sf.  whitening. 
Caiar,  va.  to  vhiten,  to  "white- 

Jirae.  —  o  rosto,  to  paint  one's 

Caibros,  sm.  pi.  the  four  pieces 

of  tiraber  at  the  top  of  the  fonr 

corners  of  ahouse. 
Caiçalha,  sf.  a  pnck  of  dogs. 
Caida,  sf.  fali;  ruin,  mismrtnne. 
Gaidlço,  a,  adj.  apt  to  fali;  fVail, 

Caldo,  a,  pp.  adj.  fallen,  tombled ; 

ifig.)  humbled. 
Caídos,  sm.  pi.  arrears. 
Caimacão,  sm.  caimacan. 
Caimal.  .sm.  the  title  of  the  prin- 

ces  of  Malabar. 
Gaimão,  sm.  [nat.  hist.)  caiman. 
Caimha,  sf.  felley. 
Caimbra,  sf.  cramp. 
Gaimento,  ;?m.  fali,  min,  decay; 

{fig.)  loss,  hurt. 
Calnçada,  sf.  the  noise  of  the 

dojrs  yelping. 
Cainçalha,  sf.  a  pack  of  dogs. 
Cainho,  a,  adj.  stingy. 
Caipora,  sf.  phosphoric  light  into 

the  woods  of  Brazil. 
Cair,  vn.  to   fali,  to  tumble,   to 

fali  down.  Como  caio  eUenHsso? 

how  carne  he  to  do  that?  —  na 

opinião  de  alguém^  to  be  of  one^s 

Cairel,  sm.  lace,  galloon. 
Cairelado,   a,    pp.  adj.    laced , 

Cairelar,  va.  to  lace,  to  edge,  to 

Cairo,  sm.  the  outwai^d  shell  of 

the  nut  of  the  cocoa-tree. 
Caixa,   sf.    box,    casket,   chest, 

case;  drum.  — ,   sm.    cashier, 

Caixão,  sm.  great-box. 
Caixaria,  sf.  a  great  qnantity  of 

boxes.   Contas  dt  — ,    commer^ 

ciai  aT\\YvTne>Àc. 
Caixeiro^  sm.  cX^tV*,  Q.«:^-^^«^wt, 
caabieT  •,  >50"X.-m»58.«t. 


—  163  — 


Caixetim,  sm.  printer's  box  for 

one  sort  of  letter. 
Gaixillio,  sm.  frame,   -window- 

sash.  —  de  uma  porta,  a  door- 

case.  —  de  uma  janella,  a  frame 

for  a  window. 
Caixote,  sm.  a  sort  of  long  box. 
Gaja,  sm.  a  fruit  of  Brazil. 
Cajadada,  sf.  a  blow  with  asheep- 

hook.  [(/í//.)  protection. 

Cajado,  sm.  sheep-hook,  crook; 
Cajante,  adj.  2  g.  {anc.)  V.  Cam- 
Cajão,  sm.  V.  Desgraça. 
Cajazeira,  sf.    [hot.)'  a  íree   of 

Brazil.  [a  misfortune. 

Gajoar,  vn.  {anc.)  to  experience 
GajCi,  sm.  the  cashew-nut. 
Cajueiro,  sm.  cashew-nut-tree. 
Gajuri,  sm.    a  tree   resembling 

the  palm-tree. 
Cal,  sf.  lime.  —  viva.  quick-lime. 

Derreter  a  — ,  to  kill  lime.  Pe- 
dra de  — ,  lime-stone. 
Gala,  sf.  opeuing.  V.  Calha, 
Galabaça,  sf.  V.  Cabaça. 
Calabouço,  sm.  a  dungeon;  pri- 

Calabre,  sm.  a  cable. 
Galabriada,  sf.  a  mixtnre  of  dif- 

ferent  wines  ;  {fig.)  cheat. 
Galabriado,  a,  adj.  mixed. 
Galabriadura,  .s/l  a  mixture  of 

diífereiit  wines;  [fig.)  falsifica- 

Galabriar,  va.  to  mix  wines. 
Calabrioo,  a,  adj.  pertaining  to 

Calaçaria,  sf.  idleness,  truantism. 
Calaceado,  a,  pp.  adj.  he  who 

playa  the  truant. 
Calacear,  vn.  to  truant,  to  plaj 

the  tniant. 
Calaceiro,  a.  adj.   and  s.  lazy, 

idle.  V,  Vadio. 
Calada,  5/!.  silence,  stillness.A — , 

insensibly.  [citly. 

Caladamente,  adv.  silently,  ta- 
Galado,  a,  pp.  adj.  silent,  quiet, 

Calafate,  sm.  calkor. 
OBOafefaK^o,  s^.  caUÚDg,  coakmn. 
;g»tofcjado,  a,  pp.  adi.  calked. 

Calafetagem,  sf.  calking,  coak- 

Calafetamento,  sm.,  calking. 
Calaíetar,  va.  to  calk  or  cauik. 
Calaim,  sm.  indian  tin. 
Galaluz,  sm.  a  large  Indian  ves- 

sol  with  oars. 
Calambâ  or  Calambaco,  «m.  a 

valuable  sort  of  wood. 
Calamburo,  sm.  calamba  or  ca- 

lanibac  (wood).  [mint. 

Calamentha,    sf.    (bot.)     cala* 
Calamidade,   sf.    calamity,  mi- 

sery.  ístone. 

Calamina,    sf.    the     calamine 
Calaminar,  adj.  2  g.  calaminar. 
Calamintba,  sf.  [bot.)  calamint. 
Galamistrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  curled, 

crisped.  [crísp. 

Calamistrar ,   va.    to    curl,   to 
Calamita,  sf.  a  load-stone. 
Calamitosamente,  adv.  unhi^H 

pily,  unfortunatcly. 
Calamitoso,  a,  adj.  calamitous, 

Calamo,  sm.  straw,  stalk  of  com; 

reed,  pipo. 
Calamocada,  sf.  a  blow  in  the 

—  head  ;  (Jig.)  loss. 
Calamocadò.  a,  jip.  adj.  wounded 

in  the  hea'].  [head. 

Calamocar,  va.  to  strike  m  tiie 
Calandar,  sin.  calender. 
Calandra,  sf.  calender;  press. 
Calandrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  calen- 

dered,  mangled. 
Calandragem,  sf.  calendering, 

Calandrar,  va.   to  calender,  to 

Calandreiro,  .9m.  calenderer. 
Calão,  sjH.    an  Indian    eai'then 

Calar,  va.   to  conceal,  to  keep 

secret;  to  suppress.  —  a  baio- 

neta,  to  fix  the  bayonet  in  the 

musket;  to  pierce  throiigh.  — 

o  melão,  to  cut  out  a  piece  of 

melon  to  taste  it.  —  vn.  to  be 

quiet,    silent.    CaZar-sc,  lar.  \.<i 

hold  oiie'&  \oli^'fe^  \.o  Ya«^  «v- 

lence.  .,. 

Calatrava,  sf.  C&\«axb.^«^\  ^\a.^v- 
tary  orOLer  va.  Ã^«2utt.» 


—  164  — 


Caloa,  sf.  the  act  of  pressing- 

down  or  treading. 
Calcado,  a,    pp.  adj.    pressed, 

weiy:hed  down;  {fia.)  despised. 
Galcador,  s)n.  {artiL)  stopper,  an 

instrument  servlng  as  a  ram- 

Calçador,  sm.  a  shoe-horn. 
Calcadouro,  sm.  the  threshing- 

floor.  [ing- 

Calcadura,  sf.  the  act  of  tread- 
Galçadura,  sf.  that  part  of  a  spur 

that  surrounds  the  heel. 
Calcamares,  sm.    calcamar    or 

Calcanliar,  sm.  the  heel.  Mostrar 

os  —  es  a  alguém^  {ãg)  to  betake 

one's  self  to  one's  neels. 
Galcaneo,  sm.  {anat.)  calcaneum. 
Calção,  sm.  breeches. 
Calcar,  va,  to  tread  upon. 
Calçar,  va.  to  shoe,   to  put  on 

shoes.  Sahio  com  utn  pé  calçado 

e  outro  nú,  {fig.)  he  scampered 

away   in  haste.  —  arvores,   to 

earth  up.  —  uma  rua,  to  pave  a 

Calças,  breeches,  trowsers. 
Calce,  sm.  a  wedge,  a  prop. 
Calcedonia,  sf.  chalceaony. 
Calcedonio,  a,  adj.  chalcedonic. 
Calceta,  sf.  a  fetter,   chain   for 

Calcetaria,  sf.  a  street  or  qaarter 

of  paviours. 
Calceteiro,  sm.  paviour.  —  {anc.) 

breeche  s-m  aker. 
Caloez,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  step  in  a 

ship.  [cining. 

Calcinação,  sf.  calcination,  cslI- 
Calcinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  calcined, 

calcinated.  [calcine. 

Calcinar,  va.   to    calcinate,  to 
Calcinatorio,  a,    adj.   that  cal- 
Calcinavel,  adj.  2  g.  calcinable. 
Cálcio,  sm.  calcium. 
Calcites.  sm.  chalcite. 
Calcitrapa,  sf.  {bot.)  calcitrapa, 

Calções,  .sm.  pi.  breeches. 
Calcorrear,  vn.  to  run  very  fast 
on  foot. 
Calços,  sm,p!,  sioes. 

Calçota,  sm.  or   Calçote,  sf.  a 

kind  ot  breeches. 
Calonlação,  sf.  calculation,  com- 

Calculado,  a,  pp.  adj.  calculated, 

computed ;  {fig.)  fit,  proper. 
Calculador,  sm.  ealculator. 
Calculeur,  oa.   to    calculate,  to 

compute,  to  reckon. 
Caloulavel,  adj.  2  g.  calcalable, 

Calculista,  sm.  ealculator. 
Calculo,  sm.  calculation,  compn- 

tation ;  —  (med.)  calculus. 
Calculoso,   a,    adj.    calculous, 

gravelly.  [joumey. 

Calcurrlada,   sf.    a    (^uickened 
Calcurriado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trotted. 
Calcurriar,  vn.  to  trott,  to  run. 
Calçudo,  a,  adj.  with  hairy  feets 

Calda,  sf.   the  juice    of    fmita 

seasoned  with  vine^ar. 
Caldeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made  hot 

(iron).  [melt  iron. 

Caldear,  va.  to  make  iron  hot,  to 
Caldeira,  sf.  kettle. 
Caldeirada,  -tf.  a  kettle  full. 
Caldeirão,  sm.  a  Inrge  kettle; 

{music.)  cadencc. 
Caldeiraria ,    sf.    coppersmith^s 

ware,  copper  ware. 
Caldeireiro,  sm.  brazier,    cop- 

Caldeiro,  sm.  boiler,  kettle. 
Caldo,  sm.  broth. 
Caldo,  a,  adj.  hot,  burning. 
Caldoso,  a,  adj.  having  plenty  of 

broth.  [-wheelea  chaiso. 

Caleça,  sf.    a    travelling    two- 
Caleceiro,  sm.  chpise-driver. 
Calef acção,  sf.  calefaction. 
Calefaciente,  adj.  and  s.  cale- 

facient,  heatin^. 
Calefrios  or  Calafrios,   sm.  pL 

shivering,  cold  rits ;  {fig.)  horror. 
Caleiro,  sm.  lime-maker. 
Caleja,  sf.  a  little  street. 
Calejar,  va.  V.  Callejar  and  de- 

rivated.  [nak. 

Calendário,  sm.  calendar,  alma- 
C8lendati<a\.Qk.,  sm.  >[i«  ^2Ei»X\sa&(j«A 

Cáiendas,  sf.  pi.  eííieii^^. 


«65  — 


Calentura,  sf.  calenture. 
Caldpino.  «n.  vocabulary,  note- 

book.  [Ásia. 

Galeu,   sm.   a    wild   animal    of 
Galexe  or  Caleche,  sm.  calash, 

chariot.  [millscuttle. 

Calha,  sf.  trench,  drain,  gutter; 
Calhadoiro,  sm.  a  place  at  nine- 

plns.  [linen-cloth. 

Calhamaço,  sm.  a  sort  of  coarse 
Calhamhõla,  s.  a  fugitive  slave 

in  the  BraziL 
Calhandra,  sf.  lark. 
Calhandreira,  sf.  a  woman  that 

cleans  the  close-stool  pan. 
Calhandro,  sm.  the  male  of  the 

lark;  close-stool  pan. 
Calhar,  vn.  to  open  a  road  or 

passage ;  {fis-)  to  succeed. 
Calhau,  sm.  nint  stone,  pebble. 
Calhe,  sm.  a  garden  waik. 
Calheta,  sf.  a  small  creek. 
Calibrado,  a,    pp.  adj.    sized 

(bullet).  [size  a  buUet. 

Calibrador,    sm.   instrument  to 
Calibrar,  va.  to  size  a  bullet. 
Calibre,  sm.  caliber ;  "w^eight  of  a 

bullet;  (fiÇ')  sort,  auality. 
Caliça,  Sf.  ruoble,  ruobish. 
Cálice,  sm.  V.  Caliz. 
Calioiado,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  that  has 

a  cálix  (flower). 
Calicinal,  adj.  i  g.  {bot.)  belong- 

ing  to  the  cálix.  [ing. 

Cálido,  a,  adj.  hot ;  warm,  burn- 
Callduoto,  sm.  caliduct. 
Califa  or  Calife,  sm.  caliph  or 

Califado,  sm.  caliphate. 
Calificar,  va.  and  derivated.  Y. 

Caliga,  sf.  a  kind  of  shoes. 
Caligem,    sf.    {med.)    dimness, 

darkening  of  the  sight.      [dim. 
Caliginoso,  a,  adj.  aark,  misty, 
Calim,  sm.  calin. 
Calippico,  a,  adj.  {anc.)  a  period 

of  76  years. 
Callelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  hardened, 

made  callous. 
Gallejar,  va.  to  make  callosity. 

CàUejar^e,  vr.   to  wax  hard; 
^■Jáí'J  ^  Aarden. 
Camdwie,  9f.  orafi,  cunning. 

Callido,  a,  adj.  sagacious,  cun- 
Calligraphia,  sf.  cali^aphy. 
Calligraphico,  a,  ú»//.    caligra- 

Calligrapho,  sm.  caligrapher. 
Calliope,  sf.  Calliope.  the  muse 

of  eloquence;  {fig.)  eloquencjr. 
Callo,  sm.  callus,  com.  Ter  feito 

— s  na  paciência,  to  be  inured, 

to  suffer.  Ter  feito  — s  no  viciOt 

to  be  hardened  in  vice. 
Gallosidade,  sf.  callosity. 
Calloso,  a,   adj.   callous,    har- 

dened.  [ness- 

Calma,  sf.  hot,  heat,  -warm,  hot. 
Calmado,  a,  pp.  adj.  appeased, 

calm,  quiet. 
Calmante,  adj.  2  g.  and  s.  calm- 

ing,  anodyne. 
Calmar,  va.  to  calm,  to  quiet,  to 

appease ;  to  strike,  to  beat.  — , 

vn.  V.  Acalmar.  Calmar-se,  vr.  to 

to  become  calm. 
Calmaria,  sf.  calm.  — podre^  a 

flat  calm. 
Calmo,  a,  adj.  calm,  quiet. 
Calmorreado,  a,  pp.  adi.  strikedf 

beated ;  {fig.)  deceived. 
Calmorrear,   va.    to    beat,    to 

strike ;  {fig.)  to  deceivo. 
Calmoso,  a,  adj.  warm,  very  hot, 

bum  ing. 
Caloiro,  sm.    a  student   newly 

come  to  the  univcrsity. 
Calomelanos,  sm.  ealomcl. 
Calor,  sm.  heat,  warmth.  Com  — , 

fervently.  [citjr. 

Calorioidade,  sf.  {chem.)  calori- 
Calorico,  sm.  caloric. 
Calor ificação,  sf.  caloriíication. 
Calorífico,  a,  adi.  caloriâc. 
Calorimetria,  sf.  calorimetry. 
Galorimetro,  sm.  calorimeter. 
Calorosamente,  adu.    -warmly, 

hotly,  eagerly,  [fervid. 

Caloroso,  a,   adj.    hot,    warm, 
Calote,  sm.  trick.  Pregar  um  — , 

to  put  a  trick  upon  one. 
Caloteado,  a,  pp.  adu  ttvcke^. 
Calotear,  "oa.  \o  XtVâfc..,  \s>  tíasax. 
\  Caloteiro,^,  «m.  ot  \.  ^>^2; 


—  166  — 


Caluda,  interj.  silence!  hush! 
muin ! 

Galuxnnia,  sf.  calumny,  slander. 

Galuxuniado,  a,  j^.  aaj.  calum- 

Calumniador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  ca- 
lumniator,  slanderer,  a  slande- 
rous  man  or  woman. 

Calumniar,  va.  to  calunmiate,  to 

Galumniosaxnente,  adv.  calum- 
niously,  slanderously. 

Galumnioso,  a,  adj.  calumnious, 

Calva,  sf.  baldncss. 

Calvar,  va,  to  make  bald. 

Calvário,  sm.  Calvary. 

Galvejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made  bold. 

Calvejar,  cn.  to  grow  bald.       * 

Calvete,  sm.  a  poiuted  stake  to 
impale  people. 

Calvinismo,  sm.  calvinism. 

Calvinista,  sm.  calvinist. 

Calvo,  a,  adj.  bald,  bald-patcd. 

Cama,  sf.  bed ;  ali  that  is  laid  on 
a  bod  ;  litter  of  horsos. 

Camada,  sf.  laycr,  stratum,  row. 
—  de  sarna^  (med.)  tbe  itcli,  an 
eruption,  otc. 

Camafeu,  sm.  cameo,  camaieu 
(precious  stone);  {paint.)  ca- 
maieu. [beads. 

Camaldulas,  sf.  pi.  a  chaplet  of 

Camaldulense,  adj.  2  g.  camai- 
doli,  a  religious  order. 

Camaleão,  sm.  cameleon. 

Camalhão,  sm.  a  ridge  of  land 
betweoii  two  furrows. 

Camanho,  a.,adj.{anc.)  how  ^eat. 

Camão,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  a  bird  so 

Camará,  sf.  chamber,  room,  bed- 
chamber.  apartment.  Moço  da 
— ,  a  valet  de  chambre ;  to"wn- 
house,  public  council.  —  do 
comm^rcio,  the  chamber  of  com- 
merce.  A —  altay  the  upper  house. 
A  —  dos  deputados,  tho  house  of 
commons;  {a  sea  term)  cabin. 
Camarás,  sf.  pL  evacuation, 
diarrhura.  [girdle. 

Camarabando,   sm.    a  sort   of 

Camarada,  sm.  companioni  com- 

Camaradagem,  sf.   companion- 

ship,  iutimacy. 
Camarão,    sm.  shrimp,    pra-vrn; 

a  sort  of  grapes. 
Camarária,  sf.  the  charge  or  of- 

fice  of  a  valet  de  chambre. 
Camarata,  sf.  a  dormitory  in  a 

Csmaarção,  sm.  a  little  copse. 
Camarço,  sm.  capot.  Uar  — ,  to 

get  ali  the  tricks. 
Camareira,  sf.  a  lady  of  the  bed 

chamber  to  the  queeií. 
Camareiro,  5m. valet  de  chambre, 

Camarento,  a,  adj.  lax  of  bocly. 
Camarilha,  sf.  a  sort  of  powerful 

faction  at  the  court. 
Camarim,  sm.  a  jewel-house,  an 

elegant  closet.  cabinet;  cabin. 
Camarina,  sf.  Mooer  a  — ,  to  do  a 

hard  thing.  [so  called. 

Camarinlias,  sf.  pi.  a  wild  froit 
Csimarista,  sm.  a  lord  of  the  bed- 

chamber,  chamberlain. 
Camarlengado,  sm.   office  and 

dignity  of  a  camerlingo. 
Camarlengo,  sm.  camerlingo. 
Camaroeiro,  sm.  a  surt  of  net  to 

take.  shrimps. 
Camarote,  sm.  a  box  in  a  play- 

house;  cabin  in  a  ship. 
Camaroteiro.  sm.  he  that  sells 

the  box-ticktíts. 
Camartellada,  af.  a  ])1u-\a'  with  a 

quarr3'-man's  hammer. 
Camartello ,    sm.    quarry-man*s 

hammer.  [pope. 

Camauro,  sm.  a  cap  used  by  the 
Cambada,  sf.  things   threaded, 

that  hang  together. 
Cambado,  a,  pp.  adj.  straddled; 

changed.  [knock-kneed, 

GamJiaio,  a,  adj.  or*.  bow-legged, 
GamJial,  sm.  a  wood  pieco  about 

a  inill-stone.  [change ;  fraud. 
Cambalacho,  sm.  truck,  ex- 
Cambaleado,    a,  pp.adj.    stag- 

gered,  reeled. 
Cambalear, vn.  to  stagger,  to  real. 
Cambaleio,  sm  staggering,  reelr 

Cambalhota,  sf.   caper,   skip, 

tumbling;  summeraet. 


—  167  — 


Gamito,  sm.  a  piece  of  timber 

in  a  cart.  [heels. 

Gan)l>apè,  sm.  a  trip  up  of  the 
Cambar,  vn.  to  straddle. 
Cambarcado,  a,pp.  adj.  barred, 

Gaxnbarcar,  va.  to  bar,  to  chain. 
Gambaz,  sf.  pi.  fellies  or  felloes. 
Caxnbetas,  sf.  pi.  staggerings. 
Caxnbetear,  vn.   to  sta^ger,  to 

reel.  [excnanged. 

Cambiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  chaDg;ed, 
Cambiador,  sm.  a  mpney-cban- 

ger,  a  banker.  [exchange. 

Cambial  ^adj.  2  g.  belonging  to  tne 
Cambiante,  adj.  2  g.  shot-colour- 

ed.  [Furíacores. 

Cambiantes,  sm.  pi.  {paint. ).  V. 
Cambiar,  va.  to  chauge,  to  ex- 

change;    to   give   bills    of  ex- 

chan^e  for  money ;  (a  sea  term) 

to  shift. 
Cambio,  sm.  exchange,  cbange, 

trucking;  (bot.)  the  nutritious 

juice  of  vegetables. 
Cambista,  sm.  cambist,  money- 

Cambo,  sm.  hook,  fork. 
Gamboas,  sf.  pi.  a  físh-garth. 
Cambolim,  sm.  a  cloak. 
Cambota,  s.  a  crooked  piece  of 

Cambra  or  Caimbra,  sf.  cramp. 
Cambraia,  sf.  canibric. 
Gambraieta,  sf.  canibric  of  an 

inferior  quadity.  fwav-thorn. 
Cambrões,  sm.  pi.  buck-tborn,, crooked. 
Gambxilhada.sAa  bunch  of  things 

of  the  same  kind. 
Gamedrios,  {bot.)  anherb 

called  water-gerraander. 
Camela,  sf.  a  sne-camel. 
Camelão,  sm.  camlet. 
Cameleiro,  sm.  camel-driver. 
Gamelete,  sm^  a  sniall  cannon. 
Gamelina,  sf.    {bot.)    camelina, 

myagrum.  [the  camel. 

Gamelino,  a,  adj.  belonging  to 
Camélia,  5/1  camélia. 
Gamelo,  sm.  camel ;  {/ig.)  a  booby, 

a  fool;  [ttrtil.)  an  ancient  can- 


Camelopardal,  sm,  cameleopard. 

GamenaB,  ( poet.)  the  Mvsea. 
Gamerariamente,  aav.  in  a  pri- 

vate  council. 
Gamerario,  sm.aji  ancient  dignity 

in  the  episcopal  churches. 
Camilha,  sf.  a  couch. 
Caminhada,  sf.  long  -walk,  vay, 

Caminhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  walked. 
Gaminhador,  a,  sm.   or  f.  foot- 

passenger,  walker. 
Caminhante,  <f7/{.traveller,a  Vf&y- 

faring  man. 
Caminhar,  vn.  to  walk,  to  travei, 

to  go,  to  step ;   (a  sea  term)  to 

Caminheiro,  sm.  an  express,  a 

courrier  on  foot. 
Caminho,  sm.  way,  road,  space, 

track.   Um  dia  "iie  — ,  a   day's 

journey.  A  meio  — ,  half-way.  — 

de  S.  Ttàago  (astr.)^  via  lacten. 
Camisa,  sf.   shirt,    shift. — de 

homem.,  shirt.  —  de  mulher^  shift ; 

ifort.)  the  chemise  of  a  bastion ; 

a  plaster  or  plastering. 
Caznisola,  sf.  under-waistcoat ;  a 

smock  frock. 
Gamisote,  sm.  a  fine  shirt  -with 

Gamoez,  a,  sm.  or  /.  pippin,  cal- 

CamomiUa,  sf.  Y.  Macella. 
Gamóte,  sm.  a  sort  of  ofíicer  in 

the  Portuguese  índia. 
Gamouço.jsm.  a  hoap,  a  pile.  Pt/r 

em  — ,  to  heap  up. 
Campa,  sf.  a  grave-.stone. 
Campado,  a,  j)j7.  adj.  encampnd. 
Campainha,  sf.  a  bell,  a  littlu 

Gampainheiro,  sm.  he  vho  car- 

ries  funeral  bills.  • 

Campal,  adj.ig.Y.  Rural.  Batalha 

— ,  a  pitched  battle. 
Campanado,   a,   adj.  campani- 

form,  shaped  like  a  bell. 
Campanário,   sm.   a  steeple,  a 

beliry.  [expedition. 

Campanha,  sf,  camçai^iv^  i&ftS& 
GaxnpanbiviVA,  sm.  c«>xu^«^\sca^% 

an  o\d  soVdvôT.  iutax 

[  GampaxiiioTme^  adj.  ^  Q-  v!«**^ 


—  168  — 


Gampanil.ím.  copper,  metal  used 

to  make  bells. 
GaxnpaniUia,  sf.  {hot.)  bell-flower. 
Gampanudo,  a,  adj.  fine,  excel- 

lent.  Palaoras  campanudas^  big 

Campânula,  sf.  {bot.)  campânula. 
Campanulado,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  cam- 

pauulate.  [colours. 

Gaxnpão,  sm.  a  marble  or  several 
Gampar.  vn.  to  encamp ;  to  shine, 

to  dash.  [shined. 

Campeado,  aL,pp.  adj.  encamped ; 
Gamipeador,  sm.  Y.  Campeão. 
Gamipeão,  sm.  champion,  chief- 

tain,  combatant. 
Cstmpear ,  vn.    to    encamp ;  to 

command ;  to  shine. 
Campeche,  sm.  and  /.  a  city  in 

America ;  campeachy--wood. 
Campesino,  a,  adj.  rural,  rustic, 

silvan.  [pestral,  rural. 

Campestre,  adi.  2  g.  rustic,  cam- 
Gamphora,   sf.   camphor,    cam- 

phire.  [phorata. 

Gamphorada,   sf.    Ibot.)   cam- 
Gamphorado,  a,  adj.  campho- 

rate.  [rated  salt. 

Gamphorato.  sm.(cAem.)  campho- 
Gamphoreira,  sf.  {bot.)  campnor- 

tree.  [phorated. 

Gamphorico,  a,  adj.  {chem.)  cam- 
Campina,  sf.  plain ;  campaign. 
Gampinho,     sm.    countrj^-man ; 

herdsman.  [in  a  picture. 

Campir,  va.  to  put  the  sky  parts 
Campo,  sm.  íield  camp,  pieco  of 

ground,  country./rjjara  o  cam- 
po^ to  go  into  the  country.  As 

armas  são  tim  leão  de  oiro  em  — 

azul  {herald.),  the  arms  are  a 

lion  on  a  field  azure.  Ter  o  — 

livre,  to  have  a  clear  stage. 
Gamponez,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  country- 

man,  a  country -woman. 
Gamponez,  a,  adj.  rural,  rustical; 

{fig.)  siuiple. 
Gamponio,  a,  sm.  or  f.  acountry- 

man,  a  country-woman. 
Camurça,  sf.  chameis,  wild-goat. 
Camz2rpado,  a,  adj.  of  the  colour 

Cana,  sf.  Y.  Canna.  [berry. 

C^oaberge,    sm,  (jbot.)  vhortt© 

Canabil,  sm.  canabil,  a  medicinal 

Ganabraz,fm.  {bot.)  cow-parsnip. 
Canada,  sf.  a  measure  or  iiquids 

in  Portugal. 
Canafistula,  sf.  purging  cássia. 
Canafreclia,  sf.  lennel-giant. 
Canal,  sm.  pipe,  conduit ;  channel; 

canal  strait. O—  da  uretra^  {anat.) 

the  urinary  conduit. 
Canalha,  s/l  the  rubble,  the  mob. 

Vil  — ,  misei^able  scum. 
Cansilicio,  a,  a4j.  in  a  manner  of 

Canallcula,  sf.  {bot.)  canalicula. 
Canaliculado,  a,  adj.  canalicu- 

late,  channelled. 
Canalisação,  sf.  canalisation. 
Canalisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  openod 

into  channels. 
Canameiro,  sm.  a  piece  of  ground 

where  hemp  grows. 
Canamo,  sm.  V.  Cânhamo. 
Canapé,  sm.  sopha,  couch. 
Canarim,sm.  a  sort  of  low  Indian 

Canário,  sm.  canary-bird. 
Canastra,   sf.   a   great   basket, 

dorsel,  dorser. 
Canastreiro,  sm.  a  basket-maker. 
Canave,  sm.  or  adj.  Linho  — .  V. 

Cancaborrada ,  sf.  V.  Parvoíce. 
Cançacento,  sm.  a  very  tired 

Cançaço,.vm.  weariness.     [ness. 
Cançadamente,  adv.  with  veari- 
Cançado,  a,  pp.  adj  tired,  fati- 

Canção,  sf.  a  song. 
Cançar,  va.  to  tire,  to  fatigue,  to 

weary.    Tudo    o   cança^    {f^Q-) 

every  thing  annoys  him. 
Cançativo,  a,  adj.  that  tires. 
Canoeira,  sf.  weariness. 
Cancella,  sf.  an  iron  or  wooden 

barred  gate;  herse. 
Cemcellado,  a,pp.  adj.  cancelled. 
Cancelladura,  sf.  stroke,  dash. 
Cancellamento,  sm.  rescission^ 




—  169  — 


Ganoellavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 

be  cancelled. 
Gancello,  am.  V.  Cornélia. 
Câncer,    sm.    câncer,    canker; 

{astrmi.)  Câncer. 
Ganoerado,  OL.pp.  adj.  cancerons. 
Canoerar,  va.  to  cancerate,  to 

have  a  câncer. 
Canceroso,  a,  adj.  cancerons. 
Cancioneiro,  sm.  a  book  of  songs, 

Cancionista,5m.  a  ballad-makcr. 
Cançoneta,    sf.    canzonetta,    a 

little  song. 
Cancrescente,    adj.    2  g.   that 

tends  to  cancerate. 
Cancro,  sm.  câncer. 
Cancroso,  a,  adj.  cancerons. 
Candar,  adj.  2  g.  iron-colour. 
Candearia,  sf.  ali  the  lights  used 

in  a  house. 
Candeeiro,  sm.  lamp. 
Candeia,  sf.  lamp.  Estar  de—s  ás 

avessas  com  alguém^  to  be   at 

Candelabro,  sm.  a  candle-stick ; 

Candelária,  sf.  candlemas ;  {bot.) 

Candeliça,«/'.(a5ea  term)  a  singie 

tackle  block. 
Candenoia,    sf.    (phys.)    incan- 

Candente,   adj.  2   g.    candent, 

Candl,  adj.  2  g.  candy. 
Candial,  adj.  2  g.  Trigo  — ,  the 

best  wheat. 
Candidamente,  adv.  sincerely, 

Candidato,  sm.  candidate. 
Candidez,   sf.    whiteness,    can- 

dour.  [sincere. 

Cândido,  a,  adj.  white;  candid, 
Candieiro,  sm.  V.  Candeeiro. 
Candil,  adj.  2  g.  candy.  Trigo  — , 

the  best  wheat. 
Candisação,  sf.  candying. 
Cando  or  Candado,  sm.  cornet 

(of  a  liorse).  [plaisance. 

Candonga,  af.  a  pretended  com- 
Candaogueiroj  sm,  âãtterer,  — , 

a,  mff.  âAttexíng, 

Candor,  sm.  whiteness;  sincerity, 

candour.  [whiteness. 

Candura,  sf.  candonr,  sinceríty; 
Caneca,  sf.  mug,  can. 
Caneco,  sm.  a  large  jug. 
Canejo,  a,  adj.  resemoling  to  a 

dog.  [shin. 

Canela,  sf.  cinnamon.  —  dapema. 
Canelada,  sf.  a  blow  on  the  shin. 
Canelado,  a,  adj.  dyed  with  the 

Canelão,  sm.  a  sort  of  parsley. 
Caneleira,  sf.  the  cinnamon-tree. 
Canelo,  sm.  a  piece  of  a  horse- 

shoe.  [íits. 

Canelões,  sm.  pi.  great  long  com* 
Ganemo,  sm.  hemp. 
Canequim,   sm.    a  thin  sort  of 

cloth  or  muslin. 
Ganga,  sf.  a  yoke  for  oxen ;  por- 

ters  polés. 
Gangações  or  Gangaçães,  sf.  pi, 

old  furniture  for  a  slavo  in  the 

Cangado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cheated. 
Cangalhas,   sf.  pi.    frames   to 

carry  great  pitcners. 
Cangalheiro,  a,  adj.  belonging 

to  cangalhas. 
Cangalho,    sm.    a  little  branch 

with  three,  four  or  more  pears, 

apples,  etc,  on  it. 
Cangalhos,  sm.  pi.  two  pieces  of 

wood  on  both  sides  of  the  ox's 

neck,  to  keep  it  fast  under  tho 

Cangar,  va.  —  os  bois,  to  pnt  the 

oxen  under  the  yoke;  {fig.)  tu 

Cangarilhada,  sf.  V.  Trapaça. 
Gangioa,  sf.  a  sort  of  meat  mado 

of  flour  of  millet. 
Gangirão,  sm.  a  iug  for  winc. 
Congoèra,  sf.  a  kind  of  ílutc. 
Gangosta,  sf.  a  steep  lane. 
Cangue,  sm.  a  heavy    wonden 

cofiar  worn  by  convicts  in  Ásia. 
Canguru,  sm.   {nat.  hist.)  kan- 

guroo.  [cloth. 

Canhamaço^  sm  &  eotI  c^t  c(^^^%« 
Canhaxneira  ot  C^xiQciaxívcXx».^ 

GanhaxneVxaX^  «m.  «c-çVa.Ci^^^^^ 
hemp  gro^a. 


—  170  — 


Ganhamiça,   sf.    the  straw   of 

Cânhamo,  sm.  hemp.  Panno  de 

— ,  hempen  cloth. 
Ganhão,  sm.  a  cannon,  gan.  — 

de  vinte  e  quatro ^  a  twenty-four 

pounder.   A   tiro   de  —  within 

common  shot.  Culatra  do — ,  the 

breech  of  a  cannon.   Canhões^  —  de  bota^  boot-tops.  — '  da 

farda,  do  vestido^  coffs.  Canhão 

do  freio,  the  cannon  of  a  bit. 
Ganhas  (ás),  adv.  the  wronç  way. 
Ganhenho,  .sm.  book  kept  for  re- 

Ganho,  a,  adj.  left-handed. 
Ganhonaço,   sm,  the  shot  of  a 

cannon.  [cannonade. 

Ganhonada ,    sf.    cannonading, 
Ganhoneado,  a,  f^.  adj.  cannon- 

Ganhonear,  va.  to  cannonade. 
Ganhoneira,    sf.  {fort.)  embra- 

znre ;  {s/tip)  port-hole. 
Ganhoneiro ,      sm.     caunonier , 

Ganhoto,  a,  adj.  left-handed. 
Ganibal,  sm.  cannibal. 
Ganlçalha,  sf.  a  number  of  dogs 

together;  the  rabble. 
Ganica,  sf.  ^ild  cinnamon. 
Ganicie,  sf  grey-headedness. 
Ganicula,  sf.  the  dog-star;  the 

dog-days;  canicule. 
Ganioular,  adj.  2  g.  canicular. 

Lias  —  es,  the  dog-dnys. 
Ganiforme,  adj.  2  g.  having  the 

form  of  a  dog. 
Canlfraz,  adj.  2  g.a,  person  lean 

liko  a  skeleton. 
Ganilha,  sf  a  weaver^s  quill. 
Ganinamentef  ado.  in  a  manner 

of  dog,  dogly. 
Ganino,  a,  aàj.  cnnine. 
Ganipreto,  a.  adj.  Cavallo  — ,  a 

horse  with  his  black  tibias. 
Ganistrel,  sm.  a  basket  made  of 

Ganlvete,  sm.  a  penknife. 
Ganja,    sf.    rice   that   is  oyer- 

Ganjado,  a,  pp.  adj.  advanced. 
Ganjar,  vn.  to  advance,  to  get  oo, 

to  saií. 

Ganjaro,  sm.  crid,  a  Itfalay  po- 

Ganna,  sf.  a  cane,  reed  —  de  aS" 
sucar,  the  sagar  cane —  do  trigo^ 
milho,  etc,  stalk — de  pescar,  a 
fishing  «od.  —  da  pema^  the 
shin.  [canes  grow. 

Gannaveal,  sm.  a  place  where 

Ganneta,  sf.  pencil-case. 

Ganniçado,  a,  adj.  fuU  of  reeds. 

Ganniçal,  sm.  a  place  planted 
vrith  canes  or  reeds. 

Ganniço,  sm.  thin  reeds. 

Ganniçoso,  a,  adj.  full  of  reeds. 

Gano,  sm.  water-pipe,  conduit, 
tube,  funnel.  —  da  chaminé,  the 
shaft  of  a  chimney.  —  da  Um- 
peza,  common  sewer,  gutter.  — 
de  espingarda,  the  barrei  of  a 
gun.  —  da  penna,  the  stalk  of  a 
quill.—  da  bota,  the  leg  of  a  boot. 
—  da  columna,  the  snaft  of  a 
pillar.  Canos  do  órgão,  the  pipes 
of  the  organ;  {fig.)  chanuel, 
means,  way. 

Gano,  a,  adj.  white. 

Ganoa,  sm.  canoe ;  boat. 

Ganon,  sm.  the  cânon  of  the 

Ganonarcha,  sm.  an  ecdesiasti- 
cal  ofíicer  in  Constantinople. 

Ganonical,  adj.  2  g.  canonicaL 

Ganonicalmente,  adv.  Y.  Cano- 
nicamente, [call^. 

Ganonicamente ,    adv.    canom- 

Ganonicato,  sm.  canonry,  ca- 
nonship.  [nesi. 

Canonicidade ,    sm.   canonical- 

Ganonico,  a,  adi.  canonical. 
Direito  — ,  cânon  íaw. 

Ganonlsação,  sf.  canonization. 

Ganonisado,  a,  adj.  canonized; 
{/ig.)  approved. 

Ganonisador,  sm.  canonizer,  he 
that  canonizes. 

Ganonisar,  va.  to  canonize. 

Ganonisavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 
be  canonized. 

Ganonista,  sm.  canoniirt. 

Ganonisa,  sf.  a  canoness. 

Ganopea  or  Ganopo,  sm,  {astron.) 
Canoput  (itir.). 

Ganoro,  a,  «i^.  oanorons,  time- 
able;  melodkwM. 



—  171  — 


Ganotillio,   sm.  pnrl,    gold  or 

silver  purl. 
CaDonra,  sf.  {dosmoinhos)  hopper, 

Cans,  sf.  pi.  white  hairs. 
Cansar,  va.  Y.  Cançar  and  deii- 

Cantablle,  sm.  {music.)  cantabile. 
Cantadeira .    sf.    'woman    "«'ho 

sings  for  hire. 
Cantadora,  pp.  adj.  sung,  cele- 

brated.  Missa — a,  grana  mass. 
Cantador,  sm.  sínger. 
Cantante,  adj.  2  §.  singing,  thnt 

CantíLo,     am.    canton,    district; 

{herald.)  canton,  square,  portion 

of  «scutcheon. 
Cantar,  va.  to  sing ;  to  chant,  to 

celebrate   in  ver«e.  —   tm.   to 

chirp,  to  crow  (birds).  —  sempre 

a  mesma  cantiga^  to  8aj  still  the 

same  thing  over  and  over.  Hei 

de  fazel-o  — ,  111  bring  hlm  on 

his   marrow-bones.    O  —    the 

Cantara,  sf.  V.  Cântaro. 
Cantareira,  sf.  a  placo  to  set 

pots  on. 
Cantarejo.  sm.  song,  chant. 
Cantares,   sm.  pi.  tne  canticles 

in  Scripture. 
Cantaria,  sf.  masonry. 
Cantarlna,  sf.  songstress,  female 

Cântaro,  sm.  a  \rater-pot. 
Cantsurola,  sf.  a  song  sung  by 

many  yoices   in    a    disaonant 

Cantarolar,  vn.  to  trill,  to  hum. 
Cantata,  sf.  cantata,  little  põem. 
Cantatriz,  sf.  chantress,  fexnale 

singer.  [be  set  to  mnsic. 

Cantavel,  adj.  tunable,  easy  to 
Canteira,  sf.  a  comer  stone. 
Canteiro,  sm.  a  hewer  of  stone ; 

the  stand  to  pnt  barreis  upon. 

—  de  flores^  a  bed  in  a  garden. 
Cantharida ,    sf.     cantíiarides , 

Spanish  ilies. 
Oantica;  sf.  a  satirícal  song. 
Cântico,  sm.  canticle,  song.' 
Cantiga,  tf.  eong,  ballad.  Eis  uma 

outra — ,  that  is  another  story. 

Cantil,  sm.  a  sort  of  plane  nsed 

by  carpenters. 
Cantilena,  sf.  a  song,  a  tune. 
Cantimplora,  sf.  a  vessel  mado 

of  copper  to  cool  wiuo. 
Cantina,  af.  cantão  n. 
Cantfneiro,  sm.  canteon  keeper. 
Canto,  sm.  singing.  song,  vocal 

music.  —  chtio,  a  plain  singing 

l)y  notes. 
Canto,  sm.  cornor,  nngle.  nook. 

coin.  —  do  olho  oanthus  or  cor- 

ner  of  the  eve.  JíUe  vice  em  \nn 

veoueno  — ,  íie  lives  in   a  sranl! 

hole.iV//*  a  um  — ,  (/fgr.)  todespise. 

Fazer  sir/nal  com  o  —  do  olho,  to 

tip  ono  tho  -wink.  [hook. 

Cantoeira,  sf.  cramp-iron,  cramp- 
CantOes,  sm.  pi.  Os  treze  —  aa 

Suissn,  tbe  thirteen  cantons  of 

Cantonado.  a.  adj.  {herald.)  can- 

toned,  cautonized. 
Cantonal,  adj.  2  f/.  cantonal. 
Cantoneira,  sf  a  street-walker ; 

a  triangular  cupboard. 
Cantor,  sm.  singer. 
Cantora,    sf.  a  female   singer, 

chantress.  fdulation. 

Cantoria,  sf.  singing,  music.  mo- 
Cantolia,  sf.  a  tribute  that  v^clh 

paid  in  Goa. 
Canudo,  sm.  tube,  pipe.  —  dos 

foles,  a  bellows-nozzle. 
Cânula,  sf.  {surg.)  cânula,  canivle. 
Canzis,  sm.  pi.  V.  Cangalhos. 
Canzoada,  sf  a  great  niunber  ot 

Canzoal,  adj.  2  p.  belonging  to 

the   dogs.   Matilha—.,  (fiff-)  tl^o 

meaner  sort  of  people. 
Cão,  sm.  dog.  —  de  gado,  u  shep- 

herd's   dog.  —  de  fila,   a  buli 

dog.  — de  mostra,  a  setting  dog. 

—  fraldeiro,  a  lap  dog.  —  de  caca, 

a  hound  or  beagle.  —  de  agua',  n 

shock-dog.  Vivfír  vida  de — ,  (fiff.) 

to  live  a  miserable   life.  —  de 

espingarda,  the  cock  of  a  mus- 

ket.  [tica. 

Caoutchone,  sm.  V.  (romTna  elas- 
Capa,  »f.  cloak.  cope.  —  de  Uvro, 

the  binding  of  a  book.  —  <le  unw. 

fardo,  tbft  Nít«íç^«  ^  ».\«iS».  — 


—  172  — 


de  cartãy  the  cover  of  a  letter. 
Pôrse  á  — ,  {a  sea  term)  to  lie  by, 
to  back  the  sails.  Jffomem  de  — 
€  espada,  fit  to  bear  arras ;  [fig.) 
appearance,  mask. 

Capacete,  sni.  helmet,  head- 

Capacho,  sm.  mat. 

Capachos,  sm.  pi.  a  religious 
order  tbunded  oy  St.  John  of 

Capacidade,  sf.  capacity;  ex- 
teusion,  capauiousness.  Homem 
de  grande — ,  a  very  able  man. 

Capacitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  con- 

Capacitar,  va.  to  convince,  to 
persuade;  to  enable. 

Capada,  sf.  capade  (certain  quan- 
tity  of  wool).  [ing. 

Capadeira,  sf.  a  knife  for  geld- 

Gapadeiro,  srn.  {anc.)  a  gelder. 

Capado,  a,  pp.  adj.  gelded ;  that 
has  a  cloak.  —  sm.  a  kid ;  a 

Capador,  sm.  gelder. 

Capadura,  sf.  gelding,  castration; 
(hot.)  the  cutting  olf  of  the  an- 

Capão,  sm,  a  capon. 

Capapelle,  sf.  a  furred  garment 
foriuerly  iised. 

Capar,  va.  to  geld,  to  castrate ; 
{boi.)  to  cut  on  the  eyes  of  luxu- 
riai! c  plants.  [hood. 

Caparão,    sm.    [fale.)   a  hawk's 

Caparazão,  sm.  a  caparisou  for 
a  horse. 

Capar oeiro,  a,  adi.  Falcão — ,  a 
liax^-k  that  has  a  hood. 

Caparrosa,  sf.  copperas. 

Capataço,  sm.  a  blow  in  the 
horso's  hoof. 

CapatãQ,  sm.  a  fish  so  called. 

Capataz,  sm.  a  warden  of  a  Cor- 
poration of  mechanics. 

Capaz,  adj.  2  g.  capable,  capa- 
cious ;  able,  íit,  sufncient.  Fazer 
— ,  to  make  known.  Homem  — , 
an  honest  nian.  [capacity. 

Capazmente,  adv.  skiliuUy,mt,bL 
Capciosamente,  adv.  captio\is\y, 

insidiously.  [dious. 

Capcioso,  a,  adj.  captious,  msV 

Capeadamente ,   adv.  secretlr, 

without  noiso.  Fez   isto  — ,  £• 

did  that  underhand. 
Capeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  diagoised, 

Capeador,  sm.  cloak-stealer. , 
Capear,  va.  to  make  a  sign  wiíb. 

a    handkerchief;  {/ig.)   to   dis* 

guise,  to  palliate,  to  conceal; 

to  steal  cloaks. 
Capeba,  sf.  {bot.)  bitter  root  of  a 

plant  of  Brazil. 
Capeiro,  sm.  he  who  brings  the 

cope  in  some  procession. 
Capelhar,  sm.  a  sort  of  garment. 
Gapella,    sf.  chapei ;    meetiag- 

house.  —  de  flores,  a  goiano, 

crown.  [church  beneflce. 

Capellania,  sf   chaplainship,  a 
Gapellão,  sm.  chaplam. 
Gapelleio,  srn.  an  old  head-dress. 
Gapelliço,  snu  {anc.)  great  coat 

'\^ith  a  hood.  [met. 

Gapellina,  sf.  a  sort  of  iron-hel* 
Capellista,   sm.  haberdasher  of 

small  wares;  milliner. 
Capello,  sm.  cawl,  hood>  capuche. 

—  de  cardeal,  a  cardinal^  lut. 
Capelludo,  a,    adj.     capuched, 

hooded.  [a  vagrant 

Cap'eincõllo,  sm.  a  vagafjond, 
Gapendúa,   sf.   {bot.)  the   ahort 

shank  apple.  [of  diah.^ 

Gaperotada,  sf.  a  capilotade  (sort 
Gapibara,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  capibar. 
Gapi-catinga,  sf.  {bot.)  a  plant  of 

Brazil.  [university. 

Capigorrão,  sm.  a  servitor  in  tiSe 
Gapiguará,    sm.  {tmt.   hist.)  an 

animal  of  Brazil. 
Capilé,  sm.  capillaire. 
Gapilhas,   sf.  pi.   {printmg)  the 

exemplars  given  to  the  authon 

and  printers.  [pillaceons. 

Capillaceo,  a,  adj.  capillarv,  oa- 
Gapillar,    adj.    2    g.    capiílary. 

Artérias  —  es,  (anat.)  caçillary 

arteries.  [being  capillajrj. 

Gapillaridade,  sf.  the  quality  of 
Gapillato,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  capillary. 

N.  Cahelludo.  Cperiwig. 


—  178  — 


Capinado,  a,  pp.  adj.    clear  of 

S^pinar,  ua.  to  mow  the  capim. 
apineiro,    sm.  he   that   reaps 

capim.  [small  cloák. 

Gapinlia,  sm.  a  bull-fíghter;  a 
Capirote,  sm.  a  hood,  capuchine. 
Gapisaio,  sm.  a  kiDd  ot  ancient 

CSapiscol,  sm.  capiscolus,  dean  of 

certain  chapters. 
Gapistèiro,  sm.  V.  Crivo. 
Capitação,  sf.  capitation. 
Capital,  adi.  2  g.  capital,  chief, 

leading.    Inimigo  — ,    a   mortal 

Capitai ,    sm.    capital ,    money , 

stock,  principal.  —  sf.  chief  city; 

[impr.)  capital  letter.  Capitães^ 

sm.  pi.  funds,  cash. 
Capitalisação,    sf.    the   act   of 

realizing  capital. 
Capitalisar,  va.  to  realize  capital. 
Capitalista,  sm.  capitalist. 
Capitalmente,  adv.  capitally. 
Capitanea,  sf.  capitana,  the  ad- 

Capitaneado,  a,  pp.  adj.  com- 

Capitanear,  va.  to  command  in 

chief.  [taincy. 

Capitania,  sf.  captainship;  cap- 
Capitão,  «m.  captam,  commander, 

chief.  —  experimentado,  an  ex- 

perienced    officer;   [fig.)    fore- 

Capitel,  sm.  {arch.)  chapiter,  ca- 
pital ;  head,  top ;  pillar. 
Capitiluvio,   sm.  a  bath  to  the 

Capitoa ,     sf.  a  she  -  captain  ;  a 

wroman  that   is  the  head  of  a 

sedition,  etc. 
Capitolino,  a,  adj.  capitoline. 
Capitólio,  sm.  Capitol. 
Capitula,  sf.  a  portion  of  scrip- 

Capitulação,  sf.  capitulation. 
Capitulada,  sf.  the  articlcs  of  an 

Capitulado,  a,  pp.  adj.   capitu- 

lated;  (anc.)  aboreviated. 
Csmitvilador,  sm.  he  who  signs 

tbeãrtícJes  of  an  accusation. 

Capitulante,  adj.  2  g.  and  s.  ca- 


Capitular,  va.  to  capitulato ;  {Jig.) 
to  compound.  —  os  erros  de  al- 
guém, to  accuse  articles  of  ao- 
cusation  against  oiie. 

Capitular,  adj.  2  g.  belonging  to 
a  chapter.  —  sm.  the  person 
who  has  a  vote  in  any  commu- 

Capitulares,  sm.  pi.  capitulars. 

Capitulario,  sm.  a  book  contain- 
iníç  the  capitulum.  [larly. 

Capitularmente ,    adv.    capitu- 

Capituleiro,  sm.  a  book  contain' 
ing  the  capitulum. 

Capitulo,  sm.  chapter  (of  a  book) ; 
chapter  (of  achurch).  Casa  do  — , 
the  chapter  house ;  {fia.)  siibj^ct, 
matter  of  discourse ;  nead.  Plis- 
semos sobre  este — ,let  us  waivo 
that  subject;  urticle.  conventiou. 

Capnomancia,  sf.  captiomancy. 

Capnomantico.  a,  adj.  belonging 
to  capnoiíiancy. 

Capo  (da)  stul  [mus.)  term  In 
music  which  means  that  the 
ârst  part  of  the  tune  should  be 

Capoeira,  sf.  cafre,  coop;  (fort.) 

Capoeirão,  sm.  an  oM  man. 

Capoeiro,  sm.  a  thief  that  stcals 
heus  from  the  coop. 

Caporal,  sm.  V.  Cabo  de  esquadra. 

Capote,  sm.  a  lar<^e  great  coat, 
a  capote.  J9ar — ,  {game)  x*)  capot 
one.  [druped. 

Cappa,  s.  {nat.  hist.)  a  wild  qua- 

Capribarbudo,  a,  adj,  having 
beards  as  a  buck. 

Caprichado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 
made  a  point  of  honour  to,  etc. 

Caprichar,  vn.  to  pride  one'8 
self,  to  make  a  point  of  honoiu: 
to,  etc. 

Capricho,  sm.  fancy,  caprice, 
whim,  humour.  Fazer  —  de  al- 
guma cousa,  to  boast  of  a  tMng, 
to  glory;  {music.),  capricio. 

Caprichosamente,  adv,  ca^rv- 
ciously,  ía.ivXa^\\çió3^^ . 

Csmrlchoao,  a,  ad3.  t-o.-çrcvwsv», 



—  174  — 


Capricórnio,  sm.  Capricom ;  {nat. 

hist.)  cerambix. 
Gaprificação,  sf.  capriâcation. 
Gaprigeno,  a,  cuíj.  born  of  a  she- 

goat.  [oroatorbuck-goat 

Caprino,  a.   adj.  belonging  to  a 
Capripede.  adj.  2  q.  capriped. 
Gaprisaltante .    adj.   S   g.   tbat 

leaps  us  a  jjfoat. 
Capro.  sm.  a  buck-goat.  V.  Bode. 
Capsula,  f>f.  {hot.)  capsule,  pod; 

(chem.)  capsula.  Capsulas ^(anat.) 

Capsular,  adj.  2^.  {bot.  and  a/iat.) 

capsular,  oapsulary. 
Capsulifero,  a,  adj.  {bot)  that 

has  capsules. 
Captação,  sf.  captation. 
Captado,  a,  pp.  adj.  inveigled. 
Captador,  sm.  au  inveigler. 
Captar,  va.  to  inveigle,  to  capti- 

Captivar.    va.  to   captivate,    to 

captive.    Capiioar-se   cr.  to  be 

churnied.  subdued.  [dage. 

Captiveiro.  sm.  oaptivity,  bon- 
Captivo.  a.  adj.  captivc. 
Captura,  sf.  capture ;  arrest. 
Capturado.,  a,  pp.  adj.  captured. 
Capturar,  ra.  to  capture,  to  ap- 

prohond.  to  arrest. 
Capucaia.  sf  [bot.)  a  fruit  aud 

tree  ot'  Brazil. 
Capucha,  f>m.  he  who  uses  a  hood. 

A'  — ,  \^adc.  lot'.)  -\i'ithout  osten- 

tation.  [friars. 

Capudiinhos,  sm.  pi.  capuchinc 
Capuchos,     sm.  pi.     franciscan 

Capulho,  sm.  —  da  rosa^  i'ose-bud. 
Capuz.  sm.  a  hood. 
Caqueirada.   t-f.  a  blow  \«-itIi  a 

picce  oi"  au  earthen  vessel. 
Gaqueiro,  sm.  a  pieco  of  an  ear- 

then  vessel. 
Cara.  sfíre :  appearaiioe. 

couutenance.  —  He  aço,  a  brazeu 

face.  Humem  de  duas  —  jí,  a  de- 

ceitful  lello-w.  Xuo  ter  —  para 

fazer  uma  eou.ui,  to  be  ashained. 

Jíostrar  mà  — .  to  look  upon  one 

pourlv.  Fazer — ,  to  face.  Fazrr 

caras,   to  luake    moutlis;   \Jíg.) 

appearance,  outside. 

Cará,  sm.  cara;  a  kind  of  íjihaiBe 

of  Brazil.  [ber. 

Carabe,  sm.  karabe,  yellow  am- 
Carahico.  a,  adj.  Acido  ^^  Uie 

acid  of  karabe. 
Carabina,  sf.  carbine,  rifle. 
Carabineiro,  sm.  carabineer,  ri- 

Caraça,  sf.  an  ugly  face ;  a  mask. 
Caracal,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  caracaL 
Caracol,  sm.  snail.  Escada  de  — , 

(arc/i.)    a  winding    stair  case; 

(anat.)  cocblea;  a  curl  of  hair. 
Caracolado,  Si,pp.  adj.  caracded. 
Caracolar,  vn.  to  caracol. 
Caracoleiro,    sm.     {bot.)    anail 

Caracter,  sm.  character;  amark 

luade    by    cutting,    chiselUng, 

writing;    lettcr,    type ,   print; 

dignity.   Bom  —  de   homem,    a 

good-natnred  man.  Sahio  do  seu 

— ,  hc  lost    his   teinper;   {fig.) 

mark,  token.  stamp. 
Caracterisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cha- 

Caracterisar,  va.  to  characterize. 

Caracterisar-se^  vr.  to  characte- 

rizft  one's  self.  [ristic. 

Caracteristica .     sf.     characte- 
Caracteristicamente,  adv.  cha- 

Caracter isticõ,  a,  adj.  chiirac- 

Garáfo.  sm.  an  usurer. 
Caramanchão     or    Caraman- 

chel.   sm.    a   bo\v'er:   an   arch 

niado  o  í' polés. 
Carambano,  .vm.  a  piece  of  ice.  — 

df  neve.  a  bali  of  snow. 
Carambola,  sf.  a  cheat,  a  fraud, 

a  trick :  oarambol. 
Carambolado,  a,  pp.  adj.  caram- 

boled :  caunonod. 
Carambolar,  vn.  lat  billitirds)  to 

caraml>t»l:  to  canhou. 
Caramboleiro,  sm.  be  that  ca- 

rambols :  \fig.)  a  chicaner,  hypo- 

Caramelo.-^  a  kInd  of  sw^eet- 

nieat  made  of  porous  sugar. 
Caramente,  adv.  dearly. 
Caramilho.  sm.  V.  Enredo. 
Caraminhóla,  sf.  the  top  of  tho 






—  175  - 


hair  woand  ^th  a  purple  lace 

on  the  croirn  of  the  head. 
Carampão ,   am.    a   piece  of  a 

printing  presa. 
CSaramnJo,  sm,  {nat.  hist.)  a  shell- 

ílsh  like  a  periwinkle. 
CaramanhaB,  sf.  pi.   children^s 

Garamura,  sm.  akind  of  sea-fish 

of  Brazil.  [gaff. 

Carangueja,  sf.  {a  sea  term)  a 
Caranguejado,  a,  pp.  adj.^&Weá 

very  slow. 
Garangnejeiro,  sm.  he  that  takes 

and  sells  crabes. 
Garangnejo,  sm.  crab. 
Caranguejola,  sf.  a  large  crab ; 

a  8ort  of  balustrade. 
Garanha,  sf.  an  aromatic  resin 

of  China.  [face. 

Garantonha,  sf.  a  vizard,  an  ugly 
Garantulas,  sf.  pi.  magic  cna- 

Carão,  sm.  complexion. 
Carapão  or  Carapau,  sm.  (nat. 

hist.)  stickle-back  (íiah^. 
Carapeta,  sf.  the  fruit  ot  the  leda 

"which  when  dried  serves  as  a 

top  for  children  to  play  "with ; 

an  idle  tale. 
GarapetSo,  sm.  a  great  lie. 
Carapeteiro,  sw.  a  v,''úá  pear- 

tree ;  one  \sho  tells  tales. 
Carapeto.  sm.  a  thom  found  in 

the  oranches  of  the  carapeteiro. 
Garapina,    sm.   a  carpentor  (in 

Brazil).  [of  the  blacks. 

Carapinha,   sf.  the  wooUy  hair 
Caraplnhada,  sf.  a  sort  of  sher- 

bet  or  ice. 
Carapó  eléctrico  do  Par&,  sm. 

{nat.  higt.)  an  electric  eeL 
Carapuça,  sf.  a  cap. 
GarapuçSo,  sm.  a  Moorish  cap. 
Carapuceiro,  sm.  a  cap-maker. 
Carapulo,    sm.    {nat.  hist.)    the 

flower  cup. 
Cararú,  sm.  (bot.)  a  plant. 
Caratules,  typographical 

Caravana,  sf.  caravan,  convoy. 
Caravanas,  sf.  pi.  cruise,  cruises; 

a  sea  expedition  of  the  new 

knigktt  of  Malta. 

Caravaneiro,  sm.  caravanier. 
Caravanista,  sm.  caravanist. 
Caravançará,  sm.  caravansarj-. 
Caravela,  sf.  caravcl  or  carvel. 
Caraveleiro,  sm.  a  sea-man  of  a 

Caravelha,  sf.  the  wooden  pin 

or  peg  of  any  instruxneot. 
Caravo  or  Crevo,  sm.  a  little 

caravel  used  in  the  Mediterra- 

nean  sea. 
Caravonada.  sf.  a  carbonado. 
Carbaso,  .sm.  (poet.)  lincn  for  sails. 
Carbonado,  a,  adj.  carbonated. 
Carbonairio,  sm.  carbonaro. 
Carbonarismo,  sm.  carbonarism. 
Carbonato,  sm.irhnn.)  carl>onate. 
Carbone,  sm.  {chem.)  car))on. 
Carbónico,  a.  adj.  carbonic. 
Carbonisação,  s/.  carbonisation. 
Carbonisado,   a,   pp.  adj.   car- 

Carbonisar.  va.  to  car]>onize. 
Carbuncleo,  a,  adj.  bright,  shin- 

Carbúnculo ,     sm.     cnrbnnele : 

hnfd.)  carbuncle,  a  plagne-sorc. 
Càrbunculoso,  a.  adj.  {med.)  cax^ 

buncled,  postilential. 
Carbureto    or    Carburo ,    sm. 

(c/tem.)  carburet. 
Càrcajão,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  carcajo. 
Garção,  S7n.  inatrix  nr  niatrice  ni 

gold  in  u  gold-niine. 
Carcassa,  sf.  caroaas. 
Carcassão,  sm.  {ginnwry)  carcass, 

iron  case,  etc,  lilled  wilh  gre- 

nadoes.  [defense. 

Carcava.  sf.  (fortif.)  atrench  for 
Carcavado,  a,  pp.  adj.  excavatcd. 
Carcavar,    ta.    to   excavate,  to 

ditch  about.  I^bomb. 

Carcaz.  .^tm.  quiver;  a  kind  nf 
Carceragem,  sf.  carcella^e,  pri- 

son  fees.  [derivated. 

Carcerar,  va.  V.  Encarcerar  and 
Cárcere,  sm.  prison,  gaol,  iail. 
Carcereira,  sf.  jailor  s  wife. 
Carcereiro,  sm.  jailor,  gaoler. 
Carcinomatoso,  a,  adj.  carclno- 

matous,  cancorous. 
Garcoa,  sf.  a  sort  of  indian  ship. 
Carcoma,  sf.  the  TA'orm  in  wooav 

ifig.)  remone. 


—  176 


Garcozner-se,   vr.  to  be  worin- 

Carcomido,  a,  pp.  adj.  worm- 

Caroóva,  a/,  (fort.)  a  covered  way. 
Carcunda,  sf.  hunch,  hump. 
Garcundo,     a,    adj.    hunched, 

hunch-backed.  V.   Corcovado. 
Carda,  sf.  card,  au  instrument  to 

comb  wool. 
Cardada,  sf.  a  card  full. 
Cardadeira,   sf  a  -vroman  that 

cards  wool. 
Cardado,  a,  pp.  adj.  carded. 
Cardador,  sm.  a  carder  or  "«^'ool- 

Cardadura,  sf  carding. 
Cardai,  sm.  a  place  "^'here  tliistles 

Cardamina,  sf.  {bot.)  cardamine, 

Cardazno  or  Cardaznozno,  sm. 

tho  seed  cardamonmm. 
Cardão,  sm.  (6oí.^  inangrove-tree. 
Cardar,  va.  to  card,  to  comb. 
Cardeal,  sin.  caráinsLl ;  [nat.  hist.) 

cardinal  (bird.) 
Cardeal,  adj.  2  g.  cardinal. 
Cardealado,  sm.  V.  Card  inalado. 
Cardealina,    sf.  {bot.)  cardinal- 

Cardeiro,   sm.   he    Mcbo   makes 

cards  to  card  wool. 
Cardenilho,  sm.  V.  Verdete. 
Cardeo  or  Gardeno,  a,  adj.  pale 

and  -«'an. 
Cárdia,   sf.  {anat.)  the  superior 

oriíice  or  the  stomacli. 
Cardíaco,  a,  adj.  (anat.)  cardiac, 

Cardialgia,  sf.  {med.)  cardialgy. 
Cardialgico.  a,  adj.  belonging  to 

the  cardialjJTV.  L^^^Çy* 

Cardialogia,  \s/.   (anat.)  cardia- 
Cardice,  sm.  a  stone  repres^ntiug 

a  heart. 
Cardinal,     adj.   2  g.    cardinal, 

ohi(?t',  principal. 
Gardinalado,  sm.    cardinalship, 

Cardinalício,  a,  adj.  cardinal. 
Cardinalista,  sm.  a  sorvaut  of  a 

Clardo,  sm.  a  thistle.  —  bravo. 

sow  thistle.  —  manso,  the  arti- 
choke.— santo,  the  holy  thistle. 

—  morto,  grounaeL  —  corredor^ 
sea-holm,  sea-holly  or  sea-hid- 
ver.  — penteador,  fuller^s  thistle. 

—  leiteiro,  the  white  milkj 
thistle.  —  matacão,  comb-wool 
or  white  caraelon  thistle. 

Carduça,  sf.  cardass ;  a  thistle  to 

card  cloth  with. 
Garduçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  carded 

with  a  cardass. 
Carduçador,  a,  sm.  or  /.  he  or 

she  that  combs  or  cards  with  a 

Garduçar,  va.  to  card  yrool  "with 

a  tliistle. 
Cardume,    sm.  —   de  peixes ,  a 

shoal  of  íish ;  {fig.)  a  great  mui- 

titude.  [tion. 

Careação,  sf.  (m  law)  confronta- 
Gareado,  a.  pp.  adj.  (in  lau>)  con^ 

ironted ;  allured. 
Gareador,  sm.  allurer,  seducar. 
Garear,  va.  {in  law)  to  confront, 

to  allure. 
Careca,  sm.  a  bald  man. 
Garecente,   adj.  2  g.  wantinA 

deprived.  [príved. 

Carecer,  vn.  to  want,  to  be  de> 
Carecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  wanted,  de- 
prived. [sity*  ne«d. 
Carecimento,  sm.  want,  necea- 
Gareio,  sm.  allurement. 
Gareiro,  a,  adj.  he  or  she  who 

sells  at  a  dear  price. 
Carência,    sf.  want,  necessi^ 

need.  [dnm. 

Carepa,  sf.  dandrilf,  scurf,  dan* 
Garepento,  a,  or  Careposo,  a, 

adj.  full  of  dandriff. 
Carestia,  sf.  dearness,  high  price, 

Carestioso,  a,  adj.  dear,  costly. 
Careta,  sf.  grimace,  grin. 
Gareza,  sf.  dearness.  high  price. 
Carga,  sf.  load.  burden,  freigh^ 

Itcsta  de — ,a  beast  of  burden.  A 

— ,  heavy,  ineoinmodious.  Nea/io 

de  — ,  a  loadintr  ship.  —  de  arma 

de  fogo.  the  charge  of  a  gun; 

{milit.)  charge. 
Cargo,  sm.  post,  charge,  oíAca^ 

place,  employmeat.  2«*  a  «01c — ^ 



—  177  — 


to  take  charge  of ;  accnsation, 

Cargueiro,  a,  adj,  that  carries  a 

"burthen.  — ,  s,  a  mule-driver. 
Carguejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

carried  in  the  mules. 
CSarguejar,  va.  to  carry  in  the 

Cariado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rotten. 
Cariar,  vn.  to  make  carious,  to 

rot.  [tides. 

Gariatides,  sf.  pi.  {arch.)  carya- 
Garicatura,  sf.  caricature. 
Cariciar,  va.  to  caress. 
Caricias,   sf,  pi.    caresses,  de- 

moDstrations  pt  kindness. 
Garicioso,  a,  àdj.  V.  Carinhoso. 
Caridade,   sf.    charity,   love   of 

God ;   alms.    Casa   ae  — ,  alms- 

Caridoso,  a,  adj.  charitable. 
Carie  or  Caries,  sf.  caries,   ca- 

riosity.  [shrunk  face. 

Carifranzido,  a,  adj.  that  has  a 
Caril,  sm.  the  juice  of  tamarinds. 
Carizná,  sm.  mandioca  or  manioc 

prepare  d  in  cakes. 
Carimbar,  va.  to  seal. 
Carimbo,  sm.  seal.  flove. 

Carinho,  sm.  kindness,  aífectton, 
Carinhosamente,  adv.  aífection- 

ately,  fondly.  [kind. 

Carinhoso,  a,  adj.  affectionate, 
Carioso,  a,  adj.  carious,  rotten. 
Cariredondo,  a,  adj.  that  has  a 

round  face. 
Carisma,  sf  (íAeoZ.Ygrace,  favour- 

able  influence  of  God. 
Caritativamente ,    adv.    chari- 

tably,  kindiy.  [merciful. 

Caritativo,  a,  adj.  charitable, 
Caritel,  sm.  (anc.)  a  cry  of  sor- 

row  or  distress.  [heaven. 

Cariz,  sm.  —  do  céo,  the  cope  of 
Carlequim,  sm.  a  jack,  a  hand- 

screvr.  [(a  silver  coin). 

Garlim  or  Garlimino,  sm.  carlin 
Carlinga,  sf.  carlin í^,  the  step  of 

the  mast.  —  s,  carliugs,  timbers 

Carlino,  sm.  carlme. 
Carme.  sm.  a  põem. 
Carmeadeira,  sf,  awoman  that 
combs  -wooL 

Garmeado,  a,  pp.   atlj,  disen^ 

tangled,  combed. 
Carmeador,  sm.    a    man    that 

combs  wool. 
Carmear,  va.  to  disentangle  the 

wool  to  be  carded.  [wool. 

Carmelina,  sf.  superfine  vigonia 
Carmelita,  adj.  2  g.  carmelita. 
Garmelitano,  a,  adj.  carmelitc, 

belonging  to  carmelites. 
Carmelitas,  sf.  pi.   Carmolit«?8; 

an  order  of  friars. 
Carmesim,    adj.  -2  g.   crimson, 

grain  colour.  [colour. 

Carmim,  sm.  carmine,  a  linr*  red 
Õarmina,  sf.  carmine. 
Carminativo,  a,  a^^.  {med  )  oaV- 

Carmo,  sm.  a  religious  order. 
Gamadura,  sf.  complexion,  ilesh, 

skin.  [cama^^e. 

Gamagem,  sf.  siaughter,  slain, 
Carnal,  adj.  2g.  carnal,  sensual, 

libidinous.  — ,   sm.    flesh-days, 

flesh-time  •  [cupiscence. 

Gamalidade,  sf.  sensual ity,  con- 
Camalisar,  va.  to  carnify. 
Carnalmente,  adv.  carnally,  sen- 

sually.  [BraziL 

Carnaúba,  sf.  {bnt.)  a  tree  of 
Carnaval,  «m.  caruival,  carnaval. 
Carnavalesco,  a,  adj.  belonging 

to  carnaval.  [leather. 

Gamaz,  sm.  the  Heshy  side  of 
Game,  sf.  flesh,  meat.  —  de  vacea, 

beef.  —  de  carneiro,  m\itton.  -- 

de  vitella^  veal.   Cortar  até  á  — 

viva,  to  cut  to  the  qiiick.  Dia  de 

— ,  a  ílesh-day.   Sifr   unha  c  — 

com  alguém,  to  be  a  very  grcat 

friend  to  one;   —   the  puTp  of 

fruits;  —  man.  O  Verho  se  fes--, 

the  Word  bccame  man. 
Gamecoita.  sf.  a  sort  of  plum. 
Gamefioação,  sf.  the  carnifíca- 

tion  of  bonés  into  ílosh. 
Carneira,  sf.  sheep-skiu  to  bind 

Gameirada,  sf.  a  large  ílock  of 

sheep;  a  very   dangerous  dis- 

ease  in  Africa.  [herd. 

Gameireiro,  sm.  herdsman,  shep- 
Gameiro,  sm.  mutton,  sheeç.  — 

castrado,  a  ^eítíMit  -,  «^  tíosotkA. 


^  178  ^ 


house;  (astr.)  tho  first  siçn  of 

the  zodiac ;  a  great  hornea  sea- 

Cárneo,  a,  adj.  fleshy. 
Carnerino,  a,  aclj.  nesh-colour. 
Carniça,  sf.  a  great  quantity  of 

meat,  carna^e. 
Camiçal,  adj.  2g.  carnivorous, 

Camicão.  or  Gamegão,  sm.  the 

thick  malter  oí*  a  tumour. 
Camiceiramente,  adv.  cruelly, 

Carniceiro,  a,  adj.  carnivorous, 

voracious ;  (Jig.)  inhuman,  cruel, 

brutish;   flesh-eater.  — ,  sm.   a 

Camiceria,  sf.  butchery,  slaugh- 

ter-house,  market. 
Camificação,  sf.  {surg.)  carniii- 

Carnificado.  a,  pp.  adj.  carniíied. 
Carnificar-se,  vr.  to  camify. 
Camifice,  adj.2g.  that  torments 

as  tho  haug-man. 
Carnificina,  sf.  murder,  alaugh- 

ter,  carnape. 
Camivoro,  a,  adj.  carnivorous. 
Carnosidade,  sf.  carnosity. 
Carnoso,  a,  adj.  fleshy,  carneous. 
Carnudo,  a,  adj.  íieshy,  plump. 
Caro,  a,  adj.  dear,  costly;  dear, 

beloved  ,    grateful ,    esteemed. 

Tmmar  — ,  to  endear. 
Caro,  adv.  dear,  at  a  hi^h  price. 
Caroatá,  sf.  a  sort  of  thistle. 
Caroavel.  adj.  2  g.  friendly.  Ser 

—  de   alguma  cousa,  to  like  a 

Carocha,  sf.  a  painted  pasteboard 

cap,  set  on  the  head  of  a  bawd. 
Caroço,  sm.  nuclcus  or  stone  in 

Carola,  sm.  a  bigot  or  hypocrite. 
Carolice,  sf.  bigotry,  hypocrisy. 
Carolim,  sm.  a  sort  of  gold  coin. 
Carolo,   sm.  the  dashing  of  t\ro 

bowls  together ;  a  blow  with  the 

knuckles;    a   spike    of   maize 

stf  ipped  of  its  grains. 
Caronada,  sf.  [artil.)  caronade. 
Carótidas,  sf.  pi.  the  carotid  ar- 

Caroucha,  sf.  a  chafer,  a  beetle. 

Carpa,  sf.  a  carp. 
Carpe,  sm.  {botT)  hom-beam. 
Carpear,  va.  V.  Carmear. 
Garpentaria,  sf.  carpentry. 
Carpenteiro  or  Carpinteiro,  tm. 

carpenter.  [carpenter. 

Garpentejar,  vn.  to  work  aa  a 
Carpideira,  sf.  mourner,  a  wo- 

man  hired  to  mourn  at  a  faneraL 
Carpido,  a,  pp.  adj.  cryed. 
Carpidor,  sm.  weeper. 
Carpidos,  sm.  pi.  tears,  moum- 

Carpimento,  sm.  Y.  Pranto. 
Carpir,  va.  to  weep,  to  tear  avay 

or  off ;  to  mourn ,  to  lament.  Car- 

pir-se,  vr.  to  scratch  one'8  face. 
Carpo,  «m.  {anat.)   carpus,    the 

\rrist.  [balsamtun. 

Carpobalsamo,  sm.  {bot.)  carpo- 
Cai^oUtJios,  carpolite  pe- 

tníied  fruits. 
Carpologia.  sf.  carpology. 
Carpophago,  a.  adi.  frugivoroos. 
Carqueja,  sf,  the  lesser  groundr 

Carraca,  sf.  a  carrack. 
Carraça,  sf.  a  crab-louse,  mite. 
Carraçaria,  sf.  a  great  quantity 

of  mittís. 
Carrada,  sf.  cart-load. 
Carranca,  sf.   frown,   grimace, 

wrinkled  look,  look  of  displefr* 

sure ;  rough,  ugly  countenance ; 

horríd  appearance ;  spirit  in  the 

shapc  01  Dcasts. 
Carrancada,  sf.  a  great  number 

of  carrancas.  [bed,  surlv. 

Carrancudo,  a,  adj.  rude,  crab- 
Carrapata,  sf.  a  k)ug  and  gravo 

Carrapateiro,  sm.  {hot.)  ricimis, 

palma  christi.  Óleo  de — ,  ricinine 

Carrapato,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  a  tike. 
Carrapitos,  small  Duuches 

of  hair  tied  with  a  string  on  the 

top  of  the  head.  [trees. 

Carrascal,  sm.  a  ^rove  of  holm- 
Carrascão,  adj.  vinho  — ,  rough, 

biting  wine. 
Carrasco,  sm.  hangman.  execn- 

tioner ;  {fig.)  a  cruel  ma.M ;  a  kind 

of  hobn-tree, 




—  179  — 


Carraspana,  sf.  Tomar  a — ,  to  get 

Garrasqueiral,  sm.  a  place  where 
oaks  or  holm-trees  grow. 

Carraaqueiro ,  sm.  a  kind  of 

Carrasquenho,  a,  adj.  belonging 
to  the  oak;  hard.- 

Garrasqueria,  sf.  a  grove  of  oaks. 

Carreado,  a,  pp.  adj.  carried  in 
a  cart.  [in  a  cart. 

Carrear,  va.  to  carry  any  thing 

Carrega,  sf.  V.  Carga. 

Carregabesta,  sf.  a  sort  of  grapes. 

Carregação,  sf.  cargo,  loading, 
freight.  06ra  de—,aa\e  work. 
Fazenda  de  — ,  coarse  goods. 

Garregadamente ,  adv.  gmd- 
gingly.  [cards. 

Carregadas,    sf.  pi.   a  game  at 

Carregadeiras,  {aseaterm) 
the  ropes  that  serve  to  clap  on 
the  sails. 

Carregado,  a,  pp.  adj.  loaded, 
charged,  oppressed,  heavy.  — 
de  somno,  síeepy.  Rosto  —  sour- 
looked.—  de  anitos^  full  ofyears ; 
(herald.)  any  piece  that  has  ano- 
ther  over  it.  [loads  ships. 

Carregador,  sm.  a  merchant  that 

Carregamento,  sm.  cargo,  load- 

Carregar,  va.  to  load,  to  burden, 
to  freight;  to  charge  (afire-arm), 
to  charge  the  enemy.  —  as  vekis, 
{a  sea  term)  to  clap  on  the  sails. 
—  o  estômago^  to  clog  the  sto- 
mach.  —  a  mão,  to  punish  one 
severely.  —  em  alguma  cousa,  vn. 
to  press  upon.  Carregar-se,  w.  to 
grow  cloudy. 

Carrego,  sm.  V.  Cargo. 

Carregoso,  a,  adj.  {anc.)  V.  Pe- 

Carregume,  sm.  weight. 

Carreira,  sf.  career,  race,  mn- 
ning,  runt  —  do  cavallo,  a  heat. 
Ir  de — ,  to  go  with  ali  speed.  A  — 
do  sol,  lua,  etc,  course  or  race 
of  the  sun  or  moon.  —  d'um  na- 
vio, course,  track.  Este  cocheiro 
»6  fêz^dua»  —  s  dvrante  o  dia, 
this  coachman  has  ohly  had  two 
farei  n  the  course  ofuie  day. 

Carreiro,  sm.  a  narrow  -way;  a 

Carreirola,  sf.  [nat.  hist.)  a  kind 
of lark. 

Carrejar,  va.  V.  Carrear. 

Carreta,  sf.  cart,  carriage. 

Carretada,  sf.  cart-load. 

Carretagem,  sf.  carriage,  car- 

Carretão,  sm.  V.  Carreteiro. 

Carretar,  va.  V.  Acarretar. 

Carrete,  sm.  small  cart,  \k'aggon; 
a  piece  of  a  mill. 

Carreteira,  sf.  a  lighter. 

Carreteiro,  sm.  carman,  cárter. 

Carretel,  sm.  a  turn-stile,  a  turn« 

Carretilha,  sf.  jngging-iron. 

Carreto,  sm.  carriage,  portago. 

Carriado  or  Carreado,  a,  adj. 
carriod,  brought  in  a  cart. 

Carriagem,  sf.  carriage. 

Carrião,  sm.  an  axle  with  two 
wheels  used  by  the  fullers. 

Carriça,  sf.  a  hedge-sparrow. 

Carriçal,  sm.  a  place  whcro 
sword-grass  grows. 

Carriço,  sm.  {oot.)  sedge,  sword- 

Carril,  sm.  the  track  or  rut  of  a 
chariot  wheel.  —  de  ferro,  rail; 
a  highway. 

Carrilhão,  sm.  chlme,  peai;  caril- 
lon,  musical  bells. 

Carrilho,  sm.  cheek,  jaw. 

Carritel,  sm.  a  pullev. 

Carro,  sm.  cart,  chariot,  car, 
waggon .  —  para  acarretar  ma- 
deira, a  tug  ;  {astron.)  Charles^s 

Carroça,  sf.  coach,  cart,  waggon. 

—  de  aluguel f  a  hackney  coach. 
Carroçada,  sf.  a  cart-load. 
Carroçar,  va.  to  biing  or  convey 

in  a  coach. 

Carroceiro,  sm.  carman,  cárter, 
waggoner ;  coach-maker. 

Carromato,  sm.  i*emoving  car- 

Carruagem,  sf.  a  cart,  a  coach 
or  chariot.  —  de  aluguel,  a  hack- 

CarbBu  sf.  letter,  eçlstil&^TcvVtxCva^. 

—  de  metreor,  «^  ôft»*  tít^sxNH.— 


—  180  — 


—  regiãy  an  order  or  ordinance. 

—  citatoria,  summons.  Cartas  de 
jogar,  playing  cards.  Ter  boas — , 
to  have  a  good  hand  at  cards. 
Perder  por  —  de  mais  ou  de 
menos,  to  be  over  or  under. 

Gartabuxa,  sf.  a  copper  brush 

used  by  goldsmiths. 
GartaJbuxado,  a^p.  adj.  cleaned 

with  a  brush.  [brush. 

GartaLbuxar,  va.  to  clean  with  a 
Cartada,  sf.  a  sort  of  t\s'o  cards 

in  the  basset.  [thage. 

Gartago  or  Carthago,  sm.  Car- 
Gartaxuo,  sm.  wild  saffron. 
Gartão,  sm.  cartoon;  a  sort  of 

Cartapacio.  sm.  a  stitched  book. 
Gartasana,  sf.  cartisane.  Jlenda 

de  — ,  vellum-lace. 
Gartaz,  sm.  bill,  placart ;  posting- 

bill,  play-bill. 
Garteado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sailed  ac- 

cording  to  the  comuass. 
Gartear,  va.  to  sail  oy  the  com- 

pass.  Cartear-se,  vr.  to  corres- 

pond  by  letters. 
Garteira,  sf.  pocket-book,  port- 

folio;  letter-case. 
Garteiro.5m.  the  postman. 
Garteirola,  sf.  V.  Cartucheira. 
Cartel,  sm.  a  wi'itten  challenge, 

cartel.  [philosophy. 

Gartesianisxno,    sm.   Cartesian 
Cartesiano,  a,  adj.  Cartesian. 
Garteta.  sf.  a  game  at  cards. 
Cartilagem,  sf.  cartilagá. 
Gartilagineo.    a,    adj.   cartila- 

ginous.  [ginous. 

Cartilaginoso,  a,  adj.  cartila- 
Cartilha,  sf.  alphabet.catechism, 

prhner.  (account  book. 

CartimpólOf  sm.  a  countryman's 
Cartomancia,  sf,  the  divination 

by  the  cards.  [records. 

Cartorário,  sm.  keeper  of  the 
Cartório,  sm.  V.  Archivo. 
Garturario  or  Cartureiro,  «m. 

archivist.  [cartridges. 

Cartuchame,  sm,  a  provision  of 
Cartucheira,  sf.  cartridge-box.; 

a  cornet  of  paper  used  by  gra- 


Cartulario,  sm.  archivist. 
Cartuxa,  sf.  a  convent  of  Car- 

Cartuxos,  sm.  pi.  Carthusians. 
Caruncho,  sm.  rottcnness. 
Carunchoso,  a,  acZ/.^orm-eateQ, 

Caruncula,  sf.  {anat.)  caruncl». 
Caruru,  sm.  an  herb  of  Brazil. 
Carvalhal,  sm.  a  grove  of  oaks. 
Carvalheira,  sf.  the  she-oak. 
Carvalho,  sm.  oak. 
Carvão,  sm.  coal.  —  de  pedra,  pit- 

coal. —  de  lenha,  charcoal.  Negro 

como  um  — ,  coal-black. 
Carviz,  sm.  fisherman  (in  índia). 
Carvoaria,  sf.  the  place  where 

charcoal  is  made. 
Carvoeira,  sf.  a  coal-house,  coal 

pit;  a  coal-woman. 
Carvoeiro,  sm.  a  coal-man. 
Carvoejado,a,  pp.  adj.  converted 

into  coal.  [coal. 

Carvoejar,  va.  to  convert  into 
Garyophilata,  sf.  avens  or  herb 

Caryophilo,   sm.   Y.    Cravo   da 

Casa.,  sf.   house,  homo,   habita- 

tion  ;  family,  extraction.  —  de 

esgrima,  fencing  school.  —  da 

moeda,  the  mint.  Pâr  — ,  to  set 

up  house-keeplng.  —  do  botão, 

a  Dutton-hole. 
Casaca,  sf.  coat.  Sobre  — ,  great 

coat.  Voltar  a  — ,  to  be  a  turn- 

coat.  —  amargosa,   {bot.)   plant 

in  Brazil. 
GasacSo,  sm.  a  great-coat. 
Casaco,  sm.  upper-coat,  surtout. 
Casadeiro,  a,  adj.  marriageable, 

Casado,  a,  pp.  adj.  married. 
CasadoirO}  a,  adj.  marriageablo. 
Casal,  sm.  a  farm-house;  a  cou> 

pie  male  and  femalc. 
Casaleiro,  sm,  he  that  lives  in  a 

Casamata,  sf.  casemate. 
Casamatado,    a,    adj.    having 

Casamenteiro,  a,  sm.  or  /.  matob- 

Casamento,  sm.  marriage,  w€»d- 


—  181  — 


ding,   ^edlock,    match,  matri- 

Casantes,  sm.  pi.  the  bridegroom, 

the  bride. 
Gasapo,  sm.  a  cannon  (in  índia). 
Casar,  5m.  hamlet. 
Casar,  va.  and  n.  to  marry;  to 

become,  to  suit  with ;  {fig-)  to 

conciliate,  to  unite.   Casarse  ^ 

vr.  to  marry. 
Casaria,  sf.  a  row  of  houses. 
Casatorio,  sm.  marriage. 
Casca,  sf.  bark,  rind  (tree^ ;  husk 

or  hose  of  wheat,  etc.  Por  —  s 

de  alhos^  for  trifles.  Julgar  da 

madeira  pela  — ,  to  judge  of  the 

inside  by  the  outside. 
Cascabumo,  5m.  the  peei,  or  skin 

wherewith  seeds  are  covered. 
Cascado,  a,  pp.  adj.  struck. 
Cascalheira,  sf.  place    full    of 

stones  or  graveis. 
Cascalho,  sm.  pebbles;  shard  of 

marble,  gravei. 
Cascalhoso,a,ac(/.  full  of  pebbles. 
Cascalhudo,  a,  adj.  full  of  gravei. 
Cascalvo,  a,  adj.  that  has  one  or 

more  white  coffins  (a  horse). 
Cascar,  va.  to  strike.      [or  rind. 
Cascaroso,  a,  adj.  having  a  bark 
Cascarra,  s/l  a  sortof 
Cascarrão,  adj.  Vinho  — ,  a  sort 

of  heady  wine, 
Cascarrilha,  sf.  {hot.)  cascarilla. 
Cascata,  sf,  cascade,  -water-fall. 
Cascavel,  sm.  varvels  about  the 

leg  of  a  hawk.  Cobra  de  — ,  a 

rattle-snake.  A — surdido^   si- 

Casco,  sm.  the  skull ;  the  hoof ; 

the  keel  or  bottom  of  a  ship; 

helmet,  casque.    Os  cascos^  sm. 

pi.  the  brains ;  {a  sea  term)  casks 

on  board  a  shiç.  [rind. 

Cascudo,  a,  adj.  having  a  thick 
Gasculho,  sm.  {anc.)  rind,  peei. 
Caseação,  «/*.  tne  formation  of  the 

cheese  by  the  decomposition  of 

the  milk. 
Gaseadeira,  sf.  button-maker. 
Caseado,  a,  pp.  adj.  having  but- 

to&4ioles.  [holes. 

Casear,  va.  and  n.  to  make  button- 
Casebre,  «m.  a  small  house« 
Partb  I. 

Caseira,  sf.  a  farmer's  wife. 
Caseiro,  sm.  a  farmer. 
Caseiro,  a,  adj.  domestic.  homely. 

private.  Pão — ^^ousehold  bread. 

Ave  — ,  a  tame  fowl. 
Gaseo,  sm.  the   residue    of  the 

curdle-milk.  [cheese. 

Gaseoso,    a,    adj.  caseoas,  like 
Caserna,  «/*.  barracks. 
Gaserneiro,  fm.  he  thatkeeps  the 

barracks.  [cinnamon. 

Gasia    or    Cássia,  sf.  aromatic 
Casimira,  sf.  casimir. 
Caso,  sm.  accident,  event,  case, 

chance,   fortune. ;    fact,    deed, 

matter,  crime.  Fazer  grande  — 

de    alguém f    to    have    a  g^eat 

esteem  for  one.  Fazer  pouco  — 

dCy  to  make  light  of. 
Casório,  sm.  a  country  house. 
Caspa,  sf.  scurf,  dandruíf. 
Gaspear-se,  vr.  to  âU  on's  self  of 

Gasposo,  a,  adj.  scurfy. 
Casqueiro,  sm.  a   place    where 

wood  is  assamblea  to  be  rough- 

Gasquejado,  a-pp.  adj.  cicatrized. 
Gasquejar,  va.  to  cicatrize. 
Gasquento,  a,   adj.  that  has  a 

great  bark  or  rind. 
Casquete,  sm.  a  calot,  leather  or 

paper  to  cover  the  skull. 
Casquicheio,  a,  adj.  that  has  the 

casco  full  (horse). 
Gasquicopado,  a,  adj.  that  has 

the  casco  cut  (horse). 
Gasquiderraxnado,  a,  adj.  that 

has  the  casco  verylarge  (horse). 
Casquilhar,  va.  to  dress  Hke  a 

beau.  [ness. 

Casquilharia,  sf.  fashionable- 
Gasquilhioe,  sf.  fashionableness. 
Casquilho,  sm.   a  cox-comb,  a 

beau,  a  fop.  IS^Yt  merry. 

Gasquilucio,  a,  adj.  sprightly, 
Casquinha,  sf.   a  thin  rind  or 

little  bark. 
Cassa,  sf.  muslin. 
Cassação,  sf.  cassation,   annnl- 

ment,  quashing.  [quashed. 

Cassado,  a,  jm.  adj,  annulled» 
Cassar,  va.  to  break»  V)  «^çoiâív^v» 




182  — 


Cassarola,  sf,  saucepan ;  a  copper 

stewing  pan. 
Cássia,  sf.  V.  Cana  fistula. 
Cassida,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  cassida. 
Cassidea,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  helmet- 

Cassldonia,  sf.  {miner.)  cassidony. 
Gassim,  sm.  a  small  metal  pan. 
Cassina,  sf.  (bot.)  cassine,  cas- 

siaberry  Dusn.  [cards. 

Cassino,  sm.  cassino,  game  at 
Cassinoide,    sm.    {math.)     cas- 

Cassiopea,  sf.  {astron.)  cassiopea. 
Gassiotico,  a,  adj.  Nó  — ,  a  knot 

hard  to  be  untied. 
Cassis,  sm.  V.  Caciz. 
Cassoila  or  Caçoula,  sf.  a  per- 

fuming  pan.  [trucks. 

Cassoilos,  sm.  pi.  [a  sea  term)j 
Cassoleta,  sf.  hammer. 
CsiStSi,sf.  race,  family,  generation, 

stock,  kind,  line,  [destly. 

Castamente,  adv.  chastely,  mo- 
Castanha,  sf.chestnvit.CastanhaSt 

.<?/".  pf.  {a  sea  term)  cleats. 
Castanhal,  sm.  aplot  of  chestnut- 

trees.  [tree. 

Castanheira,  sf.  a  wild  chestnut- 
Castanheiro,  sm.  a  chcstnut<tree. 
Castanhetas,  sf.  pi.   castanets, 

snappers,  the  snapping  of  the 

Castanheteado,  Si^pp.adj.  played 

with  castanets.  [nets. 

Gastanhetear,  vn.  to  play  casta- 
Castanho,  a,  adj.chestnutcolour. 

—  claro,  auburn.  —  escuro^  dark 

chesnut  colour. 
Gastanhol,  sm.  straw  of  rye. 
Castanholas,  sf.  pi.  (nat.  hist.) 

spondylus.  [nut-trees. 

Gastanhoso,  a,  adj.  fuUof  ches- 
Castanita,  sf  an  argillous  stone 

resembling  a  chestnut. 
Gastão,  sm.  the  head  of  a  cane. 
Castellania,  sf.  castellany. 
Castellão,5m.  castellain,captain ; 

Gastellar,  va.  V.  Acastellar. 
Gastellas,  an  ancient  coin 

of  king  Jolm  I. 
Gastellatico,  sm»   {anc.)   a  sort 
ofold  tribute. 

Gastelleiro,  sm.  castellain. 
Castello,  sm.  castle,  fort,  citadel, 

fortress.  —  da  popa,  {a  sea  term) 

hind-castle.  —  de  proa^  the  fore- 

Casteval,  sm.  V.  Castellão. 
Gastiçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bred. 
Castiçar,  va.  to  breed,  to  engen- 

der.  [good  breed. 

Castiço,  a,  adj.  of  good  birth,  of 
Castidade,  sf.  chastity,  chaste- 

ness,  continence.  Arvore  da  — , 

Agnus  castus.  [chaste. 

CastiJEicado,   a,  pp.  adj.   made 
Castificar,  va.  to  make  chaste. 
Castigação ,     sf.      correction , 

amendment  in  oooks. 
Gastigadamente,  adv.  correctly, 

Castigado,  a,  pp.  adj.  chastised, 

Castigador,  sm.  chastiser. 
Castigar,    va.    to    chastise,  to 

punish,  to  correct.  —  um  livro^ 

to  correct  or  amend  a  book. 
Castigavel,  adj.  2  g.  chastisable, 

punishable.  [tisement. 

Castigo,  sm.  punishment,  chas- 
Gastinçal,  sm.  a  grove  of -wild 

chestnut-trees.  [tree. 

Castinceira,  sf.  a  -wild  chestnut- 
Gasto,  a,  adj.  chaste,  continent, 

honest,  puré. 
Castões  or  Gostões,  sm.  pi.  sol- 

diers  whose  duty  was  to  guará 

the  sea-cost. 
Castor,  sm.  castor,  beaver 
Gastoreo,  sm.  castoreum. 
Castração,  sf.  castration,  gelâ- 

ing,  emasculation ;  the  cutting 

off  of  the  anthers. 
Castrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  castrated, 

gelded.  —  sm.  castrato. 
Castrador,  sm.  gelder. 
Gastradura,  sf.  castration ;  a  scar 

left  by  the  castration. 
Gastrametação.  sf.  castrameta- 

Gastrametado ,     a,    adj.    sur* 

rounded  with  intrenchments. 
Castrar,  va.  to  castrate,  to  geld. 

V.  Capar. 
Castrense,  adj,  2  g.  of  or  pertain- 

ing  to  a  camp. 


—  183  — 


Gatsaal,  adj.  S  g.  casual,  acci- 

dentaí,  precarious. 
Casualidade ,  sf.  casualty, chance. 
Casualmente,  adv.  aocidaoitally, 

by  chance. 
Casulsta,  sm.  casuist. 
Casuístico,  a,   adj.  casuistical, 

Casula,  sf.  a  chasuble. 
Casulo,  sm.  the  huU  or  .peei  en- 

closinff  the  seeds  of  grain;  — 

cod  of  a  silk-worm.  [halls. 

Casuloso,   a,  adj.  that  has  the 
Cata,  sf.  a  view,  a  search.  Ir  em 

— ,  to  fetch.  [tists. 

Catabaptistas,  sm.  pi.  catabap- 
Catachrese,     sf.    {rhet.)    cata- 

chresis  [enundation. 

Gataclysmo ,     sm.     cataclysm ; 
Catacumbas,  sf.  pi.  catacombs. 
Gatacustica,  sf.  cataooustics. 
Catadioptrica ,  sf.  (phys.)  cata- 

Catado,  a,  pp.    adi.    searched. 
Catadromo,  sm.  a  dancing  rope. 
Catadupa,  sf.  catadupe,  cataract, 

Catadura,  sf.  countenance,  as- 

pect,   disposition.   Bôa,  má  — , 

good,  bad  look. 
Catafalco,  sm.  catafalco,  a  fune- 
ral decoration. 
Catalectico,  a,  adj-  catalectic. 
Catalectos,  .sm.  pi.  collection. 
Catalepsia,  sf.  catalepsy. 
Cataléptico,  a,   adi.  cataleptic. 
Catalogo,  sm.  catalogue. 
Catalotico,  a,  adj.  catalotic 
Catalufa,  sf.  a  sort  of  wool  cloth. 
Catana,  sf.  large  broad-^svord, 

cutlass.  [cutlass  or  sword. 

Catanada,    sf.  a  stroke  with  a 
Catanear,  va.  V.  Acutilar. 
Gatapasmo,  sm.  {med.)  catapasm. 
Catapereiro,  sm.  a  sort  oi  wáà 

pear-tree.  fphract. 

Catapbracta,  sf.  {milit.  'Wt)  cata- 
Gataplaracto,  sm.  cataphract;  a 

horseman  in  complete  armour. 
CataplwBnía,  sf.  cataplasm,  pla- 


Gatapteamado,  a,  ada.   full  x)f 
cataplasms;  Uig.)  siekly. 

Cataporas,  sf.  pi.  the  small-pox 

Catapulta,  sf.  a  catapult. 
Gatar,  va.  to  seek,  to  look  for,  to 

search ;  to  louse.  Caiar-se,  vr.  to 

louse  one's  self.  fali. 

Cataracta,   sf.  cataract,  water- 
Catarata,   sf.    {med.)    cataract. 

Tirar  as  cataratas^  (jig.)  to  disa- 

Catarateiro,  sm.  {med.)  he  who 

cures  cataracts. 
Catarina,  sf.  Boda  — ,  a  wheel 

so  called  among  watch-^nakers. 
Catarral,  adj.  2  g.  cotar rhal. 
Catarreira,  sf.  agreat  catarrh. 
Catarrento,  a,  actj.  catarrhous. 
Catarro,  sm.  catarrh,  cold. 
Catarroso,  a,  adj.  catarrhous. 
Catascopio,   sm.  a  sort  of  light 

ship.  [stuff. 

Gatasol,  sm.  a  superfíne  woollen 
Cs^sta,  sf.  a  stall  wherein  they 

set  slaves  to  sale ,  a  strapado. 
Gatastaltico,  a,  adj.  {med.)  as- 

Catostase,  sf.  catastasis. 
Catastrophe,  sf.  catastrophe. 
Catatau,  sm.  rapier,  sword  with 

•a  large  blade. 
Catatua,  sf.  cockatos,  a  bird  of 

Catavento,  sm.  weather  cock.  — 

de  tiavio,  weather  Jflag ;  a  wheel 

with  holes  to  air  houses. 
Catechese,  sf.  oatechism. 
Gatediisação,  sf.  caAechising. 
Catechisado,  a,  pp.  adj.   cate- 

Catecliisante,  sm.  Y.  Catechista. 
Catechisar,    oa.    to    catechise; 

ifig.)  to  reason  with. 
GatechiHmo,  sm.  catechlsm. 
Catecdiista,  sm.  catechist. 
CatectUstico,  a,  adj.  catechistic, 

Cateoliumenado,  sm.  the  statc 

of  a  catechumen. 
Catechumenia ,    sf.  {anc.)  that 

part  of  church   appointed  for 

the  instruction. 
Catechuxneno,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  ca- 
Catela,  «f .  *  eoe^  «1  «aiiàffBX  ^asN- 


—  184  — 


Gatenifonne,  adj.  2  ^.  in  a  form 
of  a  chain. 

Caterva,  sf.  a  crew,  a  shoal,  troop. 
Yir  em — ,  to  throng  to^ether. 

Gatharista,  sm.  V.  Expiador, 

Catharma,  sf.  the  expiatory 

Gatliarsia,  sf.  {med.)  natural  or 
artificial  evacuatioji. 

Cathartico,  a,  adi.  {med.)  ca- 
thartic,  cathartical. 

Gatharticos,  sm.  pi.  {med.)  ca- 
thartics  or  purging  medicines. 

GaUiedra,  sf.  catnedra 

Gathedradego,  sm.  [anc.)  cathe- 

Gathedral,  sf.  cathedral. 

Gathedrante ,  sm.  cathedrated 
doctor,  professor. 

Gathedratico,  sm.  professor  in 
an  university. 

Cathegoria,  sf.  category,  class. 

Gathegoricamente ,  aao.  cate- 

Gathegorico,  a,  adj.  categorical. 

Catherese,  5/.  {med)  extenuation. 

Catheretico,  sm,  {med.)  cathere- 
tic,  caustic.  [probe. 

Catheter,   sm.    {surg.)  catneter, 

Gatheterismo,  sm.  {surg.)  cathe- 

Gatheto,  sm.  {arch.)  cathetus,  a 
perpendicular  Une. 

Gatholicaxnente,  adv.  catholicly. 

Gatholicão,  sm.  catholicon;  a 
purging  electuarv. 

Gatholicidade,  sf.  catholicness. 

Gatholicismo,  sm.  catholicism. 

Gatholico,  a,  adj.  catholic ;  uni- 
versal. Isso  não  é  — ,  that  is  aot 
orthodox.  Forno  — ,  {chem.)  a 
little  furnace.  — ,  sm.  he  who 
professes  the  catholic  religion. 

Gâitilinaria ,  sf.  the  three  dis- 
courses  of  Cicero  against  Cati- 
lina, [índia. 

Catimàron,  sm.  a  sort  of  ship  of 

Catimbâo,  sm.  a  ridiculous  man. 

Gatinga,  sf.  rank  smell  of  the 
blacks.  [livated. 

Cativar,  va.  V.  Capticar  and  de- 

Gato,  sm,  catchu,  cashou. 

Catohlepa,  sf.  a  beast  near  the 
rise  orthe  Nile. 

Gatodonte,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  cato- 

Gatoptrlca,  sf.  catoptrics. 
Gatoptrico,  a,  adj,  catoptrical. 

Quadrante—,  a  renecting  dial. 
Gatoptromancia,   sf.    catoptro- 

Catorchite,  sm.  wine  of  figs;  a 

sort  of  vinegar. 
Catraio,  sm.  a  sort  of  boat  to 

carry  fish  in. 
Catrapós,  sm.  the  noise  a  horse 

makes  when  running. 
Catre,  sm.  a  little  bed. 
Catropeo,  sm.  a  horse. 
Gatual,  sm.  a  governor  in  índia. 
Catulo,  sm.  {poet.)  the  yoong  of 

ali  beasts. 
Gatur,  sm.  a  small  ship  of  war 

with  oars,  in  índia. 
Gatur  eiró,  sm.  he  who  commandft 

a  catur. 
Caturra,  sm.  a  buffoon,  jester. 
Caturrar,  va.  to  jest,  to  be  jo- 

Caturrice,  sf.  bu|foonery,  jesting. 
Caução,  sf.  caution,  suretjr,  bau 
Caucaseo,  a,  adj.  Caucasian  or 

Caucionado,  a,   pp.  adj,   caa- 

tioned,  warned. 
Caucionar,  va.    to   caution,   to 

bail  one.    Caucionar-se,    vr.  to 

nrovide,  to  be  cautious ;  to  be 

Cauda,  sf.  tail,  train ;  stalk,  atem; 

end,  extremity.  A  —  de  um  pa- 
vão, a  peacock's  train. 
Caudal,  adj.  2  g.  plentiful. 
GaudaJosaniente,  adv.  copious- 

ly,  plentifully. 
Caudaloso,  a,  adj.  plentiful,  co- 

pious.  Rio  — ,  a  might^  river. 
Caudatário,  sm.  a  train-bearer. 
Caudato,  a,  adj,  caudate,  having 

a  tail. 
Gaudif ero,  adj.  that  bears  a  túL 
Gaudilhado,  a,  pp,   adj,   com- 

Gaudilhamento,  sm.  the  action 

of  commanding. 
Gaudilhar,    va.   to    conunand» 

V.  Capitanear. 
\  CQNLiddUio,  sm.  a  captain,  a  leadea 


—  185  — 


Caudino,  a,  adj.  made  of  a  truuk. 
Caule,  sm.  stalk,  blade,  stem. 
Caulicolo,  sm.  {arch.)  caulicole. 
Caulino,  a,    adj.  [bot.)    caulife- 

Caurtm,   sm.  cauris,  porcelain- 

sheel;  (/Ç^.)  a  trick.  [dler. 

Caurineiro,  sm.  sharper,  swin- 
Causa,   sf.  cause,  principie,  oc- 

casion ;  plea,  process.  Um  advo- 
gado sem  — ,  a  counsellor  without 

a  client  Party,   side,  interest. 

Por —  rfe,  for  the  sake  of.  Por 

que  —  ?  why  ?  [casioned. 

Causado,  a,  pp.  adi.  caused,  oc- 
Causador,  a,  adj.  tnat  causes  or 

occasions.  —  sm.  author. 
Causal,  sm.   reason,  motive.  — 

adj.  2  g.  causal,  causative. 
Causalidade,  sf.  causalit^. 
Causante,  adj.  2  g.  causing. 
Causar,  va.  to  cause,  to  occasion, 

to  give.  Causar-sey  vr.  to  bring 

upon  one's  self.  —  a  si  mesmo 

enfado ,   to    create     one's   self 

Causativo,  a,  adj.  causative. 
Causidico,  sm.  Y.  Advogado. 
CausUcado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

been  burnt  by  caustics;  {fig.) 

Causticante,  adj.  2  g.  burning ; 

ifig.)  importune. 
Causticar,  va.  to  apply  caustics , 

ifig.)  to  importune. 
Causticidade ,    sf.     causticity , 

caustic  humour. 
Cáustico,  a,  adj.  caustic,  burn- 

ing;  (fig.)  caustic,  bitinç. 
Cáustico,  sm.  {med.)  caustic ;  {fig.) 

Cauta,  sf.  a  kind  of  herb. 
Cautamente,   adv.  warily,  with 

caution.  [precaution. 

Cautela,    sf.    caution,  wariness. 
Cautelar,  va.   V.  Acautelar  and 

Cautelosamente,  adv.  cautious- 

ly,  prudently. 
Cauteloso,  a,  adj.  crafty,  cun- 

ning,  sly,  prudent. 
Cauteretico,  a,  adj.  caustic. 
Cautério,  sm,  cautery. 
Gautcoriaè^U).  sf.  cautemation.  j 

Cauterisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cauter- 

ized,  burnt.  [izes. 

Cauterisador,  sm.  he  who  cauter- 
Cauterlsar,  va.  to  cauterize,  to 

sear,  to  bum,  to  apply  a  cau- 
tery. [prudent. 
Cauto,  a,   adj.  wary,   cautious. 
Cava,   sf.  a  turrow;  digging  or 

delving.  Veia  — ,  {anat.)  the  bol- 

low  vein.  CavaSy  sf.  pi.  {arch.) 

Cavaca,  sf.  a  sort  of  sweet  cake. 
Cavacado,  a,  pp.  adj.  chiped. 
Cavacar,  va.  to  chip. 
Cavaco,  sm.  chip.  [mattock. 

Cavadella,  sf.    a  blow   with  a 
Cavadiço,  a,  adj.  that  "which  is 

or  raay  be  dug  out  of  the  earth. 
Cavado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made  hoUow; 

dug  or  pulled  out. 
Cavado,  sm.  a  hole.  —  One  of  the 

principal  rivers  in  Portugal. 
Cavador,  sm.  delver,  ploughman. 
Cavadura,  sf.  a  furrow. 
Cavalão,  sm.  a  sort  of  fish,  of  the 

tunny  kind. 
Cavalgada,  sf.  cavalcade. 
Cavalgado,  a,  pp.  adj.  horsed, 

Cavalgador,5m.  horseman,  rider. 
Cavalgadura,  sf.  any  beast  for 

the  saddle. 
Cavalgar,  va.  to  ride  on  horse- 

back,  to  horse. 
Cavalhada,  sf.  cavalcade. 
Cavalhariça,  sf.  stable.    Moço 

de  — ,  hostler. 
Cavalheiro,  sm.  knight. 
Cavalheiro,    a,     adj.     noble, 

distinguished.  [gentleman. 

Cavalherice,    sf.   an  action  of 
Cavalla.  sf.  mackerel. 
Cavallada,    sf.    {pop.)   a   great 

rudeness,  foliy. 
Cavallagem,  sf.  the  act  of  cover- 

ing  (speaking  of  a  stallion). 
Cavallar,  adj.  2  g.  of  the  race  of 

Cavallaria,  sf.  cavalry ;  knight- 

hood,  chivalry.  [horse. 

Cavallariço,  sm.  master  of  the 
Cavalleira,  sf.  a  horsevom^xi. 
CavalieLranieiite,    ad-o.     «&    ^ 

knight  or  gen^Vem^xu 


—  186  — 


Gavalleirar,  va.  {atic.)  to  escort 
on  horseback.  [to  a  knight. 

Cavalleirato,  sm.  pension  paid 

Cavalleiro,  a,  adj.  (anc.)  horsed. 

Cavalleiro,  sm.  horseman,  rider ; 

Cavalleirosainente,  adv.  nobly, 
generously,  bravely. 

Cavalleiroso,  a,  adj.  noble,  ge- 
nerons,  chivalrous. 

Cavallete,  sm.  an  instrument  of 
torture  made  like  a  horse;  the 
bridge  of  a  musical  instrument ; 
easel ;  (print.)  the  gallows  of  a 
printing  press. 

Gavallinha,  sf.  {bot.)  the  herb 
called  horse-tail. 

Gavallo,  sm.  horse.  —  de  batalha, 
charger.  A  arte  de  montar  a — , 
horsemanship.  —  anão,  a  nag. 
Buscar  alguém  apée  a — ,  to  look 
for  one  liigh  and  low.  Trocar  o 
seu  —  torto  por  um  cego,  ififf-)  to 
chance  for  the  worse.  —  capado, 
a  gelding.  —não capado,  a  stoiie- 
horse.  Estar  a  — ,  {fig.)  to  be  su- 
perior. The   knave  (at  cards). 

Cavanejo,  sm.  a  hand-basket. 

Cavão,  sm.   di^ger,  ploughman. 

Cavar,  va.  to  dig,  to  excavate, 
to  hollow.     • 

Cavatina,  sf.  [music.)  cavatina. 

Cavatura,  sf.  hollowness. 

Cavedal,  sm.  an  instrument  used 
by  the  gun-smiths. 

Caveira,  sf.  a  skuU. 

Caveiroso,  a,  adj.  cadaverous. 

Caverna,  sf.  cavem,  cave. 

Cavernas,  sf.  pi.  \a  sea  temi) 

Cavernoso,  a,  adj.  fuU  of  holes, 
cavernous;  {anat.)  spongy. 

Cavia,  s.  (nat.  hist.)  guinea-pig. 

Cavial  cr  Caviar,  sm.  caviare. 

Cavidade,  sf.  cavity. 

Gavidar-se,  vr.  V.  Acautelar-se 
and  derivated. 

Cavilha,  sf.  a  wooden  nail ;  an 
iron  pin ;  peg. 

Cavilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pegged, 
pinned.  Tem  a  alma  cavilhada  no 
corpo,  he  has  as  iMany  Jives  as 

^aviihador,  sm.  he  who   makes 

Cavilhar,  va.  to  peg,  to  pin. 
Cavilhas  {de  ferro),  sf.  pi.  {a  sea 

term)  boits.  [mooter. 

Cavilheiro,  sm.  (a  sea  term)  a 
Cavillação,  sf.  cavillation,  cavil- 

Cavillado,  a,  pp.  adi.  deceived. 
Cavillador,  sm.  caviller,  sophist. 
Cavillar,  va.  to  deceive,  to  cavil, 

to  mock.  [fallacious. 

CavUlatorio,  à,  adj.  sophistical, 
Cavillosamente,  adv.  captiously, 

CaviUtoso,  a,  adj.  captions. 
Cavo,  a,  adj.  hollow,  cavernous. 
Cavoucado,  a,  pp.  adj.  digged, 

excavated.  [a  quarry. 

Cavouco,  sm.  the  hollow  made  in 
Cavouqueiro,  sm.  a   digger  of 

Caxa,  sf.  V.  Caixa,  Caixeiro,  etc, 
Cayra,  sf.  [anc.)  a  sort  of  measure 

in  Portugal.  [wary. 

Cazoar,   sm.  {nat.  hist.)   cassio- 
Cazol,   sm.  a  sort  of  black  wa- 

ter  used  by  women  of  Ásia  for 

painting  the  eye-lids. 
Cazona.  sf.  a  great  rice  field. 
Çahujo,  sm.  V.  Sabujo. 

N.  B.  Look  under  the  letter  5, 
for  the  words    ihat  you  find 
written  with  Ç. 
Ceado,  a,  pp.  adj.  supped. 
Gear,  va.  to  sup.  Deitar-se  sem  — 

to  go  to  bed  supperless. 
Cebar,  sm.  {bot.)  a  sort  of  aloés, 

Cebola,  sf.  an  onion.  —  cessem, 

Cebolada,   sf.    a   meat    dressed 

with  onions. 
Cebolal,  sm.  a  bed  of  onions. 
Cebolinho,  sm.   cibol,   ciboulet. 
Ceceado,    a,  pp.  adj.  lisped   or 

Gecear,  va.  to  lisp. 
Cecega,  sf.  and  adj.  tree  pertain- 

ing  to    a  person,  that  is  in  a 

íield  pertaining  to  another.  ^ 
Geceio,  sm.  lisp,  the  act  of  lisp- 

Cecém.,  sf.  "N".  Açuceua. 
Geceosameiite,  ad-»! .  Yy^^viv^^s  . 
GeceoBO,  a,  adj.  Wwçm^. 




—  187  — 


Ceoiar,  va.  V.  Cecear. 
Geco^aphia,  sf.  a  method  of 

writing  particular  to  the  blínd. 
Cedente,  ppr.  adj.  yielding. 
Ceder,  va.  to  give  up,  to  yield, 

to  truckle,  to  abandon,  to  relin- 

quish.  —  vn.  to  condescend,  to 

yield,  to  give  way. 
Cedido,  a,  pp.  adj.  yielded. 
CediUia,  sf.  a  corama  under  the 

letter  C  thus  (Ç). 
Gedixaento,  sm.  V.  Cessão. 
Cedivel,  adj.  2  g.  cessible. 
Cedo,  adv.  soon,  early.  Mais  —  , 

Cedria,  sf.  {pharm.)  cedria,  ce- 

drium.  [cedar-tree. 

Gedrino,  a,  adj.  belonging  to  the 
Cedro,  sm.  cedar,  cedar-tree. 
Cédula,  sf.  schedule,  bill,  note, 

Cega,  sf.  a  sort  of  snake. 
Cegado,  a,  pp.  adi.  blinded. 
Cegamente,  adv.  blindly,  rashlj. 
Cegamente,  sm.  (anc.)  blindness, 

cecity  ;   (fig.)  illusion. 
Cegar,  va.  to  blind  ;  to  dazzle,  to 

cToud,  to  obscure.  —  a  arttlhe- 

ria,  to  silence  the  batteries,  to 

dismount  the  gnns.  —  vn.  to  be- 

come  blind.  Cegarse,  vr.  to  be 

hallucinated,  to  act  rashly. 
Cega-rega,  sf.  grasshopper. 
Cego,  a,  adj.  blind,  si^ntless.  A's 

cegfo*,  blindly.  Intestino — ^{anat.) 

the  blind  gut.  Terra  cega^  woody 

land.  —  sm.  or  f  a  blind  man, 

a  blmd  woman. 
Cegonha,  sf.  a  stork ;  an  engine 

to  draw  up  water ;  swip. 
Cégude,  sf.  hemlock,  cicuta. 
Cegueira,   sf.  blindness,  cecity. 
Ceguidade    or    CeguidSo,    sf. 

V.  Cegueira. 
Ceia,  sf.  supper. 
Ceifa,  sf.  harvest.  [ped. 

Ceifado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reaped,  crop- 
Ceifão,  sm.  V.  Ceifeiro. 
Ceifar,  va.  to  reap,  to  cut  com, 

to  crop,  to  mow. 
Ceifeiro,    sm,    reaper,   harvest- 

laan,  gaúxerer. 
Céin,  ir,  ã  baaket  used  by  por- 
tors;  asdl. 

Ceita,  sf.  {anc.)  an  old  tribute  in 

Portugal.  [coin. 

Ceitil,  sm.  a  sort  of  very  small 
Ceivado,  a,  adj.  unyoked  (speak- 

ing  of  oxen.)  [oxen. 

Ceivar,  va.  —  os  bois,  to  unyoke 
Celadá,  sf.  helmet,  basinet,  salad. 
Gelçimim,  sm.  V.  Selamim. 
Celebração ,     sf.     celebration ; 

praise,  applause. 
Celebrado,  a,j5p.  adj.  celebrated, 

Celebrador,  sm.  a  praiser. 
Celebradora,.'?/'.  she  that  praises. 
Celebrante,  sm.  the  priest  that 

says  the  high  mass  in  a  solem- 

nity.  [solemnize. 

Celebrar,  va.  to  celebrate,  to 
Celebraveli  adj.  2  g.  praisewor- 

thy.  [raous. 

Celebre,  adj.  2  g.  celebrious,  fa- 
Celebremente,  adu.celebriously. 
Celebridade,  sf.  celebrity,  fame , 

Celebrisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made 

renowned.that  has  got  celebrity. 
Celebrisar-se,  vr.  to  acquire  cele- 
brity. [damente. 
Celeradamente,  adv.X.  Accelera- 
Celere,   adj.  2  g.   light,    swift, 

nimble.  [ness,  rapidity. 

Celeridade,  sf   celerity,   swift- 
Celerimetro,  sm  celerimeter. 
Celeripede,  adj.  2  g.  that  has  a 

light  foot.  [heavenly. 

Celeste ,    adj.    2    g.    celestial , 
Celestial,  adj.  2  g.  celestial. 
Celestialmente,  adv.  celestially. 
Celestina,  sf.  [min.)  celestine. 
Celestino,  a,  adj.  celestial,  of  a 

blue  colour. 
Celestinos,  sm.  pi.  Celestines .  an 

order  of  monks.  [ho-up ! 

Celeuma,  sf.  (a  sea  term)  the  cry  : 
Celeumear,  vn.  to  cry  ho-up. 
Celga,  sf.  V.  Acelga.  [in. 

Celna,  sf.  a  basket  to  pull  the  nsh 
Celbeado,  a,  adj.  that  has  celhas. 
Celhas,  sf.  pi.  the  eye-lashes. 
Celibatário,   sm,  and  ad.\.  V»^- 

cheloT.  ^.^  . 

Celibato,  «m.  a^\\W^i  v^^^^^^x^- 

l     to  ceUbacy. 




Célico,  a,  adi.  celestial. 
Gelicolas,  sf.  pi.  {poet.)  the  inha- 

bitants  of  heaven. 
Celidonia,  sf.  {bot.)  chelidonía. 
Gelifluo,  a,  adj.  that  flows  from 

heaven.  fa  celestial  oriçin. 

Geligeno,  a,  aa;j.  {poet. )  havmg 
Celipotente,a(í;.  2  g.  that  reigns 

in  heaven. 
Gella,  sf.  cell ;  retreat ;  the  cells 

of  bees  (in  a  honeycorab). 
Celleireiro,  sm.  cellarist,cellarer. 
Gelleiro,    sm.    cellar,    granary, 

Gellula,  sf.  a  little  cell. 
Gellular,  adj.  2g.  cellular,   full 

of    cavities.    Tecido  — ,  (bot.) 

Gelluloso,  a,    adj.  cellular. 
Gelostomia,  sf.  a  sorf  of  defect 

in  the  voice.  [height 

Gelsitude,  sf.  celsitude,  highness, 
Celso,   a,   adj.  high,   excellent, 

Céltico,  a,  adj.  celtic. 
Cem,  adj.  ahundred.         [tation. 
Cexnentação,  sf.  (chem.)  cemen- 
Cezuentade,  a,  aaj.  cemented. 
Gexnentar,  va.  {chem.)  to  purify 

gold.  [tory. 

Cexnentatorio,  a,  adj.  cementa- 
Gemento,  sm.  ceraent. 
Gexuiterial,  adj  2  g.  concerning 

a  cemetery.  [cemetery. 

Cemitério,     sm.     church-yard, 
Cenáculo,    sm.    a   dining-room, 

upper-room.  [to  the  supper. 
Cenatorio,  a,  adj.  of  or  belonging 
Cendal,  sm.  a  fine  linen  or  silk. 
Cendrado,    a,     adj.    cleansed, 

Cenho,   sm.  a  stately  look,  —  a 

disorder  under  the  hoof  of  a 

horse.  [look. 

Genlioso,a,  adj.  that  has  a  stately 
Ceno,  sm.  V.  Lodo. 
GenoÍ)ialmente,  adv.  in  a  ceno- 

bitical  manner. 
Genobiarcha,    sm.   {anc.)    the 

superior  in  a  convent. 
Cenobita,  sm.  a  cenobite. 
Cenobitico,   a,  adj.  cenobitical. 
Genoira  or  Cenoura,  sf.  carrot. 
Cenosidade,  sf.  puddle,  sludge 

Cenoso,  a,  adj.    miry,   muddy, 

Cenotaphio,  sm.  cenotaph. 
Cenotario,  a,  adj.  and  s.  of  or 

belonging  to  the  art  of  making 

tents  to  encamp.  (datory. 

Censatorio,    sm.    (in    lato)    feu- 
Censionario,  sm.  feudatory. 
Censo,  sm.  charge,  tribute  cense ; 

census.  Pa^ar  o  censo  á  morte, 

{fig.)  to  die. 
Censor,  sm.  censor ;  critic. 
Censório  ,    a ,  adj.     censorial , 

Censual,  adj.  2  g.  censual,  relat- 

ing  to  a  census  or  tribute. 
Censualista,  sm.  {in  law)  he  vho 

receives  charges.  [manner. 
Censualmente,  adv.  in  a  feudaJ 
Censuario ,  sm.  former ,   copy- 

Censura,    sf.    censure,    blame, 

censorship ;  criticisra. 
Censurado,  a,  j9p.  adj.  censured. 
Censurador,a,577i  or  f.  censurer, 

censor;  critic- 
Censurar,   va,   to   censure,   to 

blame,  to  condemn. 
Centaíolho,  sm.  acalfs  or  lambas 

pluck  or  gather. 
Censurável,  ad;.  2  g.  censurable. 
Centão,  sm.  {fort.)  a  sort  of  man- 

telets  ;  {poet. )  cento. 
Centáurea,  sf.  {bot.)  centaury,  a 

vulnerary  plant. 
Centauro,  sm.  a  centaur;  fi^.) 

a  whimsical  man. 
Centeal,  sm.  a  field  of  rye. 
Centeio,  sm.  rye.  —  branco ,  amel- 

corn.  [to  r^e. 

Centeio,  a,  adj.  of  or  belonging 
Centelha,  s/*.  spark,  flash  offire. 
Centelhar,  vn.  to  sparkle,  to  flash. 
Centena,  sf.  the  place  of  hun- 

dreds  m  numeration. 
Centenar,  sm.  centenary. 
Centenário,  a,  adj.  centenarious, 

centenary.  [hundrçdth. 

Centésimo,  a,  adj.  centesimal, 
Centifolio,  a,  adj.   {bot.)    centi- 

Centígrado,  a,  adj.  consisting  of 

a  hundred  degrees.  Thermometro 

— ,  a  centigrade  thermometer. 


—  189 


Gentigramma.j/'.  centiçram. 
Centillar,  va.  V.  Scintiliar. 
Gentilitro,  sm.  centiliter. 
Centimano,  a,   adj.  that  has  a 

hundred  hands. 
Gentimetro,  sm.  the  hundredth 

part  of  a  meter. 
Cêntimo,  sm.  centime. 
Gentipede,   adj.  2  g.  that  has  a 

hundred  feet.  [sure. 

Gentisterlo,  sm.  a  French  mea- 
Gento, «m.  hundred;  cent. 
Gentoculo,  adj.  that  has  a  hun- 
dred eyes. 
Gentões,  sm.  pi  {poet.)  centos. 
Centola,  sf.  a  sort  of  large  crab. 
Gentos,  sm.  pi.  Jogo  dos — ,  picquet 

Gentral,  adj.  2  g.  central. 
Gentralmente,  adv.  cent  rally. 
GentraliEratção,  sf.  centralisation, 

Gentralisado,  a^  adj.  centralised. 
Gentralisar,  va.  to  centralise. 
Gentriíugo,  a,  adj.  centrifu^al 
Gentrina,  sf.  (nat.  hist.)  centrme, 

sea-fish.  [the  centre. 

Gentripetencia,  sf.  tendencj  to 
Centrípeto,  a,  adj.  centripetal. 
Centro,  «m.  centre,  center;  mart. 

Estar  no  seu — ,  to  be  at  pleasure 
Gentumviro,  sm.  centumvir. 
Gentumviral,  adj.  2  g.  centum- 

virai.  [virate. 

Centamvirato ,  sm.  centum- 
Gentuplioadaniente ,     adv.     a 

hundred  times  double. 
Centuplicado,  a,  adj.  multiplied 

a  hundred- fold. 
Centuplicar,  va.  to  augment  a 

hundred-fold.  [dred-fold. 

Cêntuplo,  SJH.   centuple,  a  hun- 
Genturia,  sf.  century,  a  hundred. 
Centuriador,  sm.  centuriator. 
Genturial,  adj.  3  g.  of  or  belong- 

ing  to  a  century. 
Centurião,  sm.  a  centurion. 
Centurionado,  sm.  the  dignity  of 

a  centurion. 
Côo,   sm.  heaven,  the   skv,  the 

fírmament;  paradise.  Un  bom — , 

a  fine  climate.  O  —  da  boca^  the 

palate  of  the  mouth.  —  da  cama, 

the  tester  of  a  bed. 

Ceomancia,  sf.  the  divination  by 

the  inspection  of  heaven. 
Cepa,  sf.  vine-plant,  the  body  of 

tne  vine ;  the  roots  that  reraain 

in  the  g^ound  aíter  the  tree  is 

Cepeira,  sf.  V.  Videira. 
Cephalographia,  5/.  {anat.)ana- 

tomical  description  of  the  nead. 
Cephalalgia,   sf.  {med.)    cepha- 

lalgy.  [logy. 

Cephalalogia,  sf.  {anat.)  cephala- 
Cephalatomia,  «f.  {a?iat.)  cepha- 

Cephalea,  sf.  {med.)  cenhalea. 
Cephalico,  a,  adi.  {med!)  cephalic, 

belonging  to  the  head. 
Ceplialitis,  sf.  Imed.)  an  inâam- 

mation  of  the  urain. 
Cephalometro,  sm.    {surg.)   ce- 

Cephalopodes,  sm.  pi.  {nat.  hist.) 

a  sort  of  mollusca.  [ache. 

Cephaloponia,  sf,  {med.)  head- 
Cepheo,  «m.  {astr.)  Cepheus. 
Cepilhaduras,  «/"./jí.  chips,  shav- 

Cepilhar,  va.  V.  Acepilhar. 
Cepilho,  sm.  a  plane. 
Cepo,  5771.  a  stump,  stock,  block, 

a  springe ;   a  crooked  plane  ; 

{figTj  a  stupid  creature. 
Cera,  sf.  wax.  Da  —  orelha^  ear- 

wax.  —   amarella,  virgin-wax. 

Fazer  — ,  to  be  idle. 
Geraceo,  a,  adj.  cereous,  waxen, 

like  wax. 
Gerame,  sm.  a  house  standing 

upon  four  stumps  (Malabar). 
Gerapes,  sm.  V.  Ceroto. 
Cerasta,  sf.  cerastes  *  a  serpent 

having  four  pairs  of  horns 
Ceratoglosso,  sm.  {anat.)  ccrato- 

glossum.  [stone. 

Ceraunia,  sf.  ceraunias,  thunder- 
Cerbero,  wi.  Cerberus.  —  (chem.) 

cerberus  chimicus.  [about. 

Cerca,  adv.  near,  nigh,  close  by , 
Cerca,  sf.  hedg^e,  enclosure ;  any 

farden  or  wme-yard.  —  de  ma- 
eira,  a  palisade. 
Cercado,  a,  pp.  adj.  enclosed. 
Cercador,  sm.  besieger. 
Cercadura^  «f.  b.  eottvç%a^X^"w«»- 


—  190  - 


ronnd  soroething;  eâge^  frame.- 
Gercamento,  sm.  V.  Colgaduras. 
Cercanias,  */.  pi.  the  adjacent 

parts  of  a  town,  etc. 
Cercantes,  sm.  pi.  the  besiegers 

or  blockers.  [next. 

Cercão,  adj.  {anc)  neighbouring, 
Cercar,  va.  to  besiege,  to  enclose, 

to  surround ;  to  encompass ;  to 

wall,  to  hedge. 
Cerce,  adv.  even  "with  the  root, 

close  to  the  bottom. 
Cerceado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lessened. 
Cerceador,  sm.  one  who  clips  or 

cuts  round. 
Gerceadura,  sf.  clippinç. 
Cerceamento,  sm.  clipping. 
Cercear,  va.  to  clip,  to  lessen. 
Cerceio,  sm.  clipping. 
Gerceo  or  Cercio,  a,  adj.  a  cnt- 

ting  short,  clipping. 
Cerceta,  sf.  a  teal. 
Cercilhado,  a,  adj.  that  has  a 

tonsure  or  crown  (monk). 
Cercilliar,  va.  to  shave  a  monk's 

crown  ,  to  run  often  hither  and 

CerciUio,  sm.  a  monk's  crown. 
Cerco,  sm.  a  &iege  or  blockade  ; 

a  circle  about  the  sun,  moon,  etc. 
Cerdas,  sf.  pi.  horse-hair ;  wild 

boar's  bristles. 
Cerdoso,  a,  adj.  bristly- 
Cereaes    or   Cereales,  sm.  pi. 
.  com  grain ;  ali  sorts  of  com, 

grain,  etc. 
Cereal,    adj.  2  g.  cereal,  per- 

taining  to  com;  belonging  to 

Ceres.  [cerebel. 

Gerebello,    sm.    cerebellum    or 
Gerebelloso,  a,  0(2;.  of  or  belong- 
ing to  the  cerebellum. 
Cerebral,    adj.    2    g.   cerebral, 

Gerebriforme.  acU.  2  g.  that  has 

the  form  of  the  brain.  [brine. 
Gerebrino,  a-,  adj.  cerebral,  cere- 
Cerebro,  sm.  brain ;  {fig  )  mind. 

—  débil,  a  weak  mind.  —  aca- 
nhado^ a  narrow  mind. 
Gerebro-espinbal,  adj.  2  g.  of  or 

belonging  to  the  brain  and  the 

spinal  marrow.  [chervil. 

Cerefólio     or    Cere£olliOi    smj 

CerejíBt^  sf.  cherry.  --  brava,  the 

cornel-tree.         [ry-trees  grow. 
Cerejal,  sm.  the  place  where  cher- 
Gerejeira.  sf.  a  cherry-tree. 
Ceremonia,  sf.   ceremony,  rite. 

Por  — ,  coldly,    out  of  compli- 

Ceremoniado,  a,  j5/>.   adj.  witJi 

ceremony.  [tual  fonn. 

Ceremonial,  sm,  ceremonial,  ri- 
Ceremonial,  adj.  2  g.  ceremonial. 
Ceremoniar,  va.   to  treat  one 

ceremoniously.     Ceremoniar-sej 

vr.  to  be  treated  with  ceremony . 
Ceremoniaticamente,  adv.   ce- 
Ceremoniatico,  a,  adj.  ceremo- 

nious,  formal.  [moniously. 

Ceremoniosamente,  adv.  cere- 
Ceremonioso,  a,    adj.    ceremo- 

nious,  formal. 
Cereo,  a,  adj.  of  wax,  wax  colour. 
Ceres,  5/*.  [myth.)  Ceres. 
Cergideiras,  sf.  pi.  {a  sea  term) 

leech-lines.  —  de  mezena ,  the 

mizen  brails  [America. 

CerieJra-,    sf.  a    tree   of  North 
Cerieiro,  sm.  wax-chandler. 
Cerifero,  a,  adj.  that  produces 

wax  (tree).  [wax-pictures. 

CexiUoo^SL^adj.  belonging  to  the 
Cerintha, sf.  v.  Chupamel. 
Cerites,  sm.  cerite ;  silicious  oxid 

of  cerium. 
Cerio  or  Cerium,  sm.  cerium. 
Gemado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cut  to  the 

heart  (speaíéing  of  a  tree). 
Gemar,  va.  to  cut  a  tree  to  the 

heart.  [ring,  circle. 

Geme,  sm.  the  heart  of  a  tree; 
Gerneiro.  a,  aâj.  that  has  cerne. 
Cernelha,  sf.  the  end  of  the  ridge- 

bone   of  a  beast  towards  the 

Gemido,  a,  pp.  adi.  bolted. 
Cemilbeira,  sf.  V.  Cacheira. 
Cernir,  va.  to  bolt. 
Ceroeoma,  s.{nat  hist.)  cerocoma. 
Ceroferario,  sm.  a  torch-bearer. 
Geroilas,  sf.  pi.   drawers,  trow- 

Gerol,  sm.  shoemaker's  wax. 
Gercma,  sf.  {anc.)  a  mixture  of 

oil  and  wax  used  by  the  athlets. 


—  191  -^ 


Geromandap  sf.  ceromancy. 

Geromel,  sm.  an  ungnent  com- 
posed  of  "wax  and  honey. 

Geroplastlca,  sf.  the  act  of  monld- 
ing  in  wax.  [sear-cloth. 

Geroto,  sm.  cerate ;  a  plaster  ;^  a 

Cerqueiro,  a,  sm.  or  f.  the  friar 
or  nun  that  takes  care  of  the 
garden  [cerca). 

Cerração,  sf.  a  thick  fog,  haze. 
—  do  tempo  y  close  glooray  wea- 
ther.  —  do  peito^  shortness  of 
breast.  [muladamente. 

Cerradamente,  acít;.  (anc.).V.  Si- 

Cerradella,  sf.  {bot.)  a  sort  of 

Cerrado,  a,  ptt>  adi.  shnt,  close, 
locked;  dark,  gloomy;  thick. 
Fallar  — ,  to  speak  a  broken 
language.  Cavallo  — ,  is  said 
when  a  beast's  age  cannot  be 
known  by  the  teeth.  Bosque  — , 
a  dark  wood. 

Cerrado,  sm.  an  enclosure. 

Cerradoiros,  sm.  pi.  the  strings 
of  a  purse. 

Cerradura,  sf.  V.  Cerca. 

Cerraes,  sm.  pi.  the  strings  of  a 

Cerrar,  va.  to  shnt,  to  lock ;  to 
thicken.  —  a  conta,  to  close  an 
account.  —  a  boca  a  alguém^  to 
stop  one's  mouth.  —  os  olhos, 
{fiÇ-)  to  take  off  one's  eyes  of  a 
tmng.  —  vn.  —  o  cavallo,  to  mark 
no  long  by  the  teeth.  Cerrar-se, 
vr.  to  close  one's  self.  —  á  banda, 
to  set  up  a  resolution  not  to 
Ustento-what  people  aretalking 
of.  —  a  n(^te,  to  gro-w  dark. 

Cerro,  sm.  a  hillock. 

Certame  or  Certamen,  sm.  con- 
troversy,  dispute. 

Certamente,  adv.  certainly. 

Certão,  sm.  V.  Sertão. 

Certar,  va.  to  fight. 

Certeiro,  a,  adj.  that  is  right. 

Certeza,  sf.  certainty,  surety. 

Certhia,  sf.  (omith.)  woodpecker. 

Certidão,  sf.  certincate,  attesta- 
tion.  [certifying. 

Certillcação,    sf.    certiâcation, 

Gertifloado,  SL^pp»  adj,  certLSed. 

Gertifioador,  sm.  certlôer. 

Certiflcante,  sm.  certifier. 
Certiíioar,  va.  to  certify.  to  ds- 

sure,   to   testify.    Ceriifiear-se. 

vr.  to  be  certifled  of  a  thing. 
Certlficatorlo,  a,  adj.  serving  1 1 

Certeza,  a^j.  certain,  sure,  true. 

right.  Lia  — ,  a  fixed   day.   Itf 

certo,  por  — ,  certainly.  Ao  — . 

exactly.  Mão    certa,    a    stea<iy 

hand.   O  negocio  é  de  certa  im- 

poría«cía,  it  is  a  matter  of  som*» 

Certo,  aàv.  certainly,  suroly. 
Cerada,  sf.  V.  Celiaonia. 
Cemleo,  a,  adj.  cerulean,    c»- 

Cernlicrlnito,a,  adj.  {poet. )  that 

has  blue  hairs.  [ons. 

Cemlo,  a,  adj.  cerulean,  cerulo- 
Ceramen,  sm.  cerumen,  ear-wax. 
Cerusa,  sf.  cenise. 
Cerra,  sf.  a  hind,  a  deer. 
Cerval,  adj.  2  g.  belongin^  to  a 

deer.  Lobo  — ,  a  lynx. 
Cervato,  sm.  brocicot,  spittcr  (a 

deer  two  years  old). 
Cenreiro,  a,  adj.  fierce.  Cão  — . 

V.  Cerbero. 
Cerveja,  sf.  beer,  alo.  fam  onde 

se  vende  — ,  an  ale-!iouse. 
Cervejeira  or  Cervejaria,  sf. 

brewerv,  brewhouse. 
Cervejeiro,  sm.  a  brower. 
Cervlcabra,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  a  roe. 
Cervical,  adj.  2  g.  (anat.)  cervi- 
cal, belonging  to  the  neck. 
Cervillias,  sf.  pi.  a  sort  of  shoes , 

dancing  shoes. 
Cervllbelra,  sf.  an  old  defensivo 

armoor  for  the  head. 
Cervino,  a,  adj.  of  or  belongin;^ 

to  the  deer. 
Cerviola,  sf.  (a  sea  term)  a  da\'ít. 
Cerviz,  sf  neck,  (/í^.)  obstinacy, 

Cervo,  sm.  a  stag. 
Cerzir,  va.  V.  Cirxir. 
César,  sm.  Caesar,  the  name  of  the 

Roman  emperors. 
Cesáreo,   a,  adj.  belonging   to 

Csesar  or  to  the  emperor. 
Cesariano,  a.  adj.  belonging  tê 

Caesar  or  to  the  em^^xox. 


—  192  — 


Céspede,  sm.  a  clod  or  lump  of 

Gespitoso,   a,  adj.  cespititious, 

covered  with  turf. 
Cessação,  sf.  cessation,  suspen- 

sion.  —  de  armas ^  armistice. 
Cessado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ceased,  dis- 

Cessante,  ac(/.2  g.{m  law)  ceasing. 
Cessão,  sf.  cession,  concession, 

Cessar,  vn.  to  cease,  to  give  over, 

to  leave  oíf  t  to  end. 
Cessionário,  a,  adj.  cessionary. 

— ,  sm,  grantee. 
Cessivel,  adi.  2  g.{in  law)  cessible. 
Gesso,  sm.  V.  Sesso. 
Cesta,  sf.  basket,inauiid;  pannier. 
Cestada,  sf.  a  basket-full. 
Cestaria,  sf.  a  sort  of  tribute  paid 

at  Lisbon  for  the  íish-baskets. 
Cesteiro,  sm.  basket-maker. 
Cesto,  sm.  basket,  hamper,  pan- 
nier. E'  um  —  roto^  {prov.)  he  is 

a  leaky  vessel;  (a  sea  term)  a  top 
Cesto,  stn.  cestus,  a  kind  of  club 

or  whirlbat. 
Cestões,  sm.  pi.  V.  Capoeiras. 
Cestuato,  a,  adi.  made  in  the 

shape  of  a  basKet.  [sion. 

Cesura,  sf.  cesura;  (surg)  inci- 
Cetaceo,  a,  adj.  cetaceous. 
Cetáceos,  sm.  pi.  the  cetaceous 

animais.  [miltwort. 

Cetereque,    sm.    {bot.)   ceterac, 
Ceto,  sm.  a  "whale. 
Cetologia,  sf.  cetology. 
Cetra,  sf.  a  short  square  target. 
Cetraria,  sf.  falconry.       [coner. 
Cetreiro,  sm.   faulconer  or  fal- 
Cetrino,  a,  adj.  {anc.)  red. 
Ceva,  sf.  meat  wherewith  a  beast 

is  fattened.  A  —  das  aves^  the 

crararaing  of  fowls. 
Cevada,    sf.   barley.   Cevadinha, 

yc&rl  or  small  barlev. 

Cevadal,  sm.  the   place  where 

barley  grows.  [spritsail. 

Cevadeira,  sf.  (a  sea  term)  the 

Cevadeiro,   sm.   he   who   takes 

care  of  the  barley  for  the  king's 
Cevadiço,  a,  adj.  fattened. 
Cevado,  a,pp.  adj.  fattened. 

Cevador,  sm.  a  poulterer. 
Cevadoiro,  sm.  a  place  wherein 

creatures  are  fattened. 
Cevadura,  sf.  the  remains  of  a 

partridge,  çoose,  etc  ,    ^here- 

with  any  bird  of  prey  is  eram 

Cevandija,  sf.  any  nasty  insect. 
Cevão,  sm.  a  pig  that  as  been 

Cevar,  va.  to  niake  fat,  to  feed, 

to  fatten.  Pedra  de  — .  V.  Iman. 

Cevar-se,  vr.,  {prop.  and  fig.)  to 

be  glutted. 
Ceveira,  sf.  com  grain. 
Cevo,  sm.  bait  to  catch  íishes ; 

(fig.)  bait,  attraction. 
Chá,  sm.  tea. — pérola,  gun-powder 

tea.  Estou  convidado  para  um — , 

I  am  invited  to  a  tea-party. 
Chaãda,  sf  V.  Planície. 
Chabuco,  sm.  a  -whíp, 
Chaça,  sf.  (at  tennis)  chase. 
Chacal  or  Jacal,  sm.  {nat.  hist.) 

jackall,  golden  wolf. 
Chaçar,  vn.  to  make   chase   (at 

tennis).  [(in  Brazil). 

Chácara,  sf.  a  field-house,  a  farm 
Chacina,  sf  salt  meat. 
Chacinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  minced, 

cut  in  pieces.  [pieces. 

Chacinar,  va.  to  mince  or  cut  in 
Chacinador,  sm.  pork-butcher. 
Chaco,  sm.   a    driver    (cooper's 

Chacota,    sf.    merry    making  • 

foolery.  Fazer  —  ífe  alguém^  to 

make  a  jest  o  fone.        [mocked. 
Chacoteado,  a,  pp.  adj.  jested, 
Chacoteador,  sm.  a  jester." 
Chacotear,  vn.  to  jest,  to  mock, 

to  scoíf. 
Chacoteiro,  sm.  a  jester. 
Chaíalhão,  sm.  a  jovial  man. 
Chafariz,  sm.  a  public  fountain. 
Chafarruz,  sm.  a  sort  of  game. 
Chafurdado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dabbled, 

wallowed.  [wallow. 

Chafurdar,  vn.  to  dabble.  to 
Chafurdeiro,  a,  sm,  or  f.  sludge, 

Cbaga,  sf.  ulcer,  wound,  sore- 
Chagado,  a,  pp,  adj.  wounded. 


—  193  — 


Chagar,  va.  to  wound,  to  hurt,  to 

CSiagueira,  sf.  {bot.)  cardemine 

ofPerú.  [galled. 

Chagaento,  a,  adj.  wounded, 
Ghagueres,  sm.  pi.    a   sort    of 

Chalaça,  sf.  a  jest,  a  mocking. 
Chalaceado,  a,  pp.  adj.  jested. 
Ghalaceador,  sm.  Jester. 
Chalacear,  va.  to  jest,  to  mock. 

V.  Zombar. 
Ghalavegão,  sm.  a  sort  of  ves- 
sel with  oars  (in  índia). 
Chalcedonia,  sf.  chalcedonv. 
Ghalces,  sm.  a  sort  of  thistle. 
Chalco,  S)n.  {min.)  chalk. 
Chalcographia ,     sf.      chalco- 

Chalcographico,  a,  adj.  of  or 

belonging  to  chalcography. 
Ghalcographo .  sm.    chalcogra- 

Chaldaico,  a,  adj.    Cbaldaic  or 

btílonging  to  tho  Chaldeaiis 
Chaldeo,  a,  adj.  Chaldaic,  Chal- 

Chalé,  sm.  shawl. 
Chaleira,  sf.  a  boiler,  a  kettlo  to 

boil  water  iri. 
Chalupa,  sf.  a  sloop ,  boat. 
Chalybeado,  a,    adj.    {pharm) 

chaly  beata. 
Chamada,  sf.  chamade,  parley; 

mark,  sign  (book). 
Chamado,  a,  pp.  adj.  called. 
Chamador,  sm.  one  who  calls. 
Chamadora,  sf.  call. 
Chamalote,  sm.  camblet. 
Chamamento ,  sm.  call,  warn- 

Chamar,  va    to  call,  to  call  for, 

to  name,  to  denomiuate    Man- 
dar — ,  to  send  for.  Chamar-se^ 

vr.  to  be  called. 
Chamariz,  sm.  [nat.  hist.)  a  wit- 

wal,  loriot,  {fig.)  allureraent,  at- 

traction.  [sheep  skins. 

Chamarra .  sf.    a    garment    of 
Chamba,  sf.  [anc.)  leg,  thigh. 
Chambaçal,  sm.Y.  Girasoí. 
Chambão,  sm,.  a  picked  boné  j  he 

that  MTxáertàkea  to  do  a  thing 

he  kaowB  notbing  of. 

Chambarll,  sm.  a  gammon  of 
bacon.  [íyric  verse. 

Chamberga,  sf.  (poet )  a  sort  of 

Chamboado,  a,  pp.  adj.  Y.  Gros- 

Chamboice,  sjf.  V.  Grosseria. 

Chambre,  sf.  morning-gown, 

Chambrié.^m .  whip- cord  ,scourgr; 

for  horse-colt. 
Chameira,  sf.    a    -vi-oiíian    thnt 

carries  the  bread  to  the  ovou. 
Chãmente,  adv.  sincerely,  plniii- 

ly.  [of  mat-weoil. 

Chamiça,  sf.  a  smull  rope  niai!-:; 
Chamiceiro,  sm.  he  who  carrie  > 

chamiças.  [coal. 

Chamlço,  sm.  small  sticks,  char- 
Chaminé,  sf.  a  chlmney;  tube, 

nipplc  (gun). 
Chamma,  sf.  ilame.  blaze.  Lan- 
çar fogo  e  — ,  {fig.)  to  fret  and 

fume  ;  (fig.)  love,  passion. 
Chammejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  blazed. 
Chammejante,  arij.  2^.  buruing, 

Chammejar,  va.aná  n.  to  blaze. 

to  âame,  to  tiash. 
Chamorro,  a,  adj.  shorn. 
Champa,  sf.  the  Hat  side  of  tho 

Champanha ,    sf.     Champaigii , 

French  province.  — ,  sm.  cbam 

paign  wmc. 
Champão,  sm.  or  Champana, 

sf.  a  large  boat  in  Índia. 
Champil,  sm.  a  gin,  a  snare. 
Champortar,  va   {anc.)  V.  Mis- 
turar, [strong  plankii. 
Champrões,  sm.  pi.    thick  and 
Chamusca,  sf.  singeing. 
Chamuscado,  a,  pp.  adj.  singed. 
Chamuscadura,  sf.  singeing. 
Chamuscar,  va.  to  singe. 
Chamusco,  sm.  the  smell  of  any 

thmg  singed. 
Chanca,  sf.  a  long^  foot. 
Chança,    sf.    a    jest    or    \rittv 

saying;  sarcasm.  [callea. 

Chancarona,  sf.  a  sea-fish  so 
Chanceado,  a^  pp.  adj.  tsloOia^. 
Ghanoear,  vn.  Xo  mociW,  x<>  ''*** 

jocoae,  ^^«^"l: 

Chanoeiro,  sm.  moc\iftt,>o^>a<^^'» 


—  194  — 


Chancella,  sf.  a  slip  of  paper  to 

enclose  letters ;  a  seal. 
Ghancellado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sealed. 
Chancellar,  va.  to  close  letters, 

to  seal  up.  [chancery. 

Chancellaria,  sf.  chancellorship, 
Ghanceller,  sm.    chancellór.  — 

mór,  the  lord  chancellór. 
Chançoneta,  sf.  a  little  song. 
Chaneza,  sf.  the   smooth,  levei 

surface  of  a  lield,  glass,   etc; 

[fig.)  mgenuity,  frankness,  sin- 

cerity.  [hashed. 

Chanfana,  sf.  bullock's  lights 
Ghanfaneiro,  a,   sm.   or  /.    he 

or  she  •whoselis  chanfana;  alow 

eating-house  keeper. 
Chanfrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sloped. 
Chanfrador,  sm.  a  tool  for  slop- 

ing.  [ting. 

Ghanfradura ,  sf.  sloping,  cut- 
Chanfrar,  va.  to  slope,  to  hollow. 
Chanfretas,  sf  pi.  trifles,  toys , 

idle  stones. 
Chanfro,  sm.  slop,  cut;  the  cut- 

tin"^  of  the  comer  of  a  board 

witn  a  plane. 
Chanqueta,  sf.  an  old  shoe.  An- 
dar com   os  sapatos   de  — ,  to 

walk  slip-shoed. 
Chantadoria,  sf.   {anc.)   polés, 

the  act  of  planting  stalks. 
Chantados,  sm.  pi,  polés. 
Chantar,  va.  and  derivated.  Y. 

Chantel.  sm.  the  last  piece.of 

the  bottom  of  a  vessel. 
Chantoeira,  sf.  nursery;  plot  of 

ground  forraisingyoung  trees. 
Chantrado,  sm,   the    chanter's 

Chantre,  sm.  Chanter. 
CSbão,  adj.  m.  Chãa,  f.  smooth, 

âat,  piam. 
Chão,  sm.  ground,  soil.  Canto  — , 

plain  singing  by  notes. 
Cnaos,  sm.  chãos;   {fig.)  confn- 

sion.  [metal. 

Chapa,  sf.  plate,  thin-piece  of 
Chapada,  sf.  levei  ground. 
Chapado,  a,    pp    adj,    perfect, 

Chaparia,  sf.  plates,  thin-pieces 

of  small  metais. 

Chaparreiro  or  Chaparro,  «m* 

a  young  cork-tree. 
Chapas,  sf.  pi.  {a  sea  term)  iron 

Chapeado,    a,  pp.  adj.   plated, 

covered  with  plates. 
Chapear,  va.  to  plate,  to  cover 

•with  plates. 
Chapeirão,  sm.  a  broad  brimmed 

hat;  a  cloak  with  a  cowl. 
Chapeleria,  sf.  a  hatter's  manu- 
Chapeleira,  sf.  the  hatter's  wife ; 

hat-case  or  hat-box . 
Chapeleiro,  sm.    a    hat-maker, 

Chapeleta,  sf.    a  leap,   a  hop , 

a  little  hat  or  cap.  Fazer  cha- 

peletas^  ducks  and   drakes;  (a 

sea  term)  the   lower  box  of  a 

Chapelete,  sm.  a  little  hat 
Chapèo,  sm.  hat.  —  de  sol  ou  de 

chuva,  umbrella. 
Chapiín,  sm.  a  sort  of  high-soled 

clogs  made  of  cork. 
Chapineiro,  sm.  he  who  sells  or 

makes  buskins. 
Chapinhar,  vn.  to  bath  or  vret 

with  the  hands. 
Chapins,  sm  pi.  pattens,  buskins. 
Chapitel  or  Chapiteo,  sm.  ca- 
pital, chapiter,  head. 
Chapotado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pruned. 
Chapotar,  va.  to  prune. 
Chapuz,  sm.  {carp.)    cheeks    of 

side  beams;  {a  sea  term)  fishes 

(masts) ;  a  word  to  express  the 

noise  of  any  thing  when  it  falis 

Charachina,  sf.   in    a  Chinese 

Character,  sm.  V.  Caracter. 
Charada,  sf.  charade,  a  sort  of 

riddle.  [charades. 

Charadista,  sm.  he  who  makes 
Charamela,  sf.  a  bag-oipe. 
Gharameleiro,  sm.  a  bag-piper. 
Charana,  sf.  a  hollow  vessel  (in 

Ásia).  [China- 

Charão,  sm.  a  varnish  used  in 
Gfaaraviscal  or  Chavascal,  sm. 

a  thicket  of  bushes. 
Charco,  sm.  a  puddle. 


195  — 


CQiarel,  sm.  a  honsing  or  horse- 

Chareo,  sm,  a  fish  of  Brazil. 
Chareta,  sf.  the  wood  of  a  cocoa- 

tree.  [words. 

Cliarete,  sm.   fine  but  deceitftil 
Charisma,  sf.  V.  Carisma. 
Charla,  sf.  gabble  ;  babblinff. 
Charlador,  sm.  babbler,  gaobler. 
Charlar,  vn  to  babble,  to  gabble. 
Charlataneaâo,  s^.pp»  adj.  boast- 

ed,  prated.  [prate. 

Gharlatanear,  va  to  quack,  to 
Charlataneria ,    sf.    qaackery , 

Gharlatanesco,  a,  adj.  quackish. 
Charlatanismo,  sm.    quackery, 

Gharla'tôlo,  sm.  qaack,  charlatan. 
Charneca,  sf.  a  hcath,  a  sandy 

and  barren  land. 
Charneira,  sf.  hinge,  joint. 
Charoado.  a,  pp.  adj.  japanned, 

varnished  like  japan  work. 
Charola,  sf.  V.  Andor, 
Charpa,  5/'.  scarf 
Char^nieiro;,  a,     adj.     fenn;y, 

marshy.  [rustic. 

Charro,  a,  adj.  low,  vile,  rude. 
Charrua,  sf.    large    plongh;    a 

lugger,  merchant-ship. 
Chartophylax,  sm   a  dignity  in 

the  Greek  church.  [leaves. 

Charuto,  sm,  cigar,  tobacco 
Charybde    or    Carybdes,  sm. 

{myth)  Charybdes. 
Chasco,   sm.   a    hedge-sparrow ; 

a  trick. 
Chasona,  sf.  Homem  de  má  — ,  a 

man  that  flnds  fault  with  every 

thing.  [deceivea. 

Chasqueado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dnçed, 
Chasquear,  va.  to  dupe,  to  tnck. 
Chassos,  sm.  pi*  (a    sea    term) 

Chatim,  sm.  a  great  merchant. 
Chatinado;  a,  pp.adj.  trafflcked. 
Ghatínar,  vn.  to  trade,  to  traf- 

fic;     to     merchandize      small 

Chato,  a,  adj.  fiat. 
Chavão,  sm.  a  sort  of  stamp  to 

mark  paste. 
Ghavascal,  sm.  abad  groiind. 

Chavascar,  va.    nnd  derivated. 

V.  Atamancar. 
Chavasquice,  sf.  V.  Grosseria. 
Chave,  sf.   key.    Palheta  da  — , 

kev-bit;  {fig.)  authority,  power, 

innaence.   —  da  abobada,    the 

key-stoue  of  a  vault.   Ter  a  — 

de  alguma  cousa,    [fig.)   to    be 

master  of  a  thing. 
Chaveco,  sm.  xebec  (ship). 
Chaveira,  */.  jiortress,  <a  fpni:»Ie 

door-keeper   in  a    monastfry , 

{med.)  the  rot.  [l>ars 

Chaveix^o,  sm.    i/t^-ral.)  bends. 
Chaveiro,  sm.  door-kepper,  por- 

ter,  turnkey.  [has  lhe  rot. 

Chaveiroso,  a,  adj.  {med.)  that 
Chavelha,  sf.  a  peg  or  pin  to 

fasten  the  drauírnt  of  horses. 
Chavelho,  sm.  horn. 
Chávena,  sf.  cup,  drinking-cup. 
Chaveta,  sf.  the  linchpin   of   a 

•wheel ;  {a  sea  term),  a  piece  ol 

iron  to  secure  the  pins  of  a  ship 
Chavetado,  a,  pp.  adj  shut  with 

a  key  or  linchpin. 
Chavetar,  va.  to  secure  with  a 

Chedas,  af.  pi.    or  Chazeiros,  the  sides  or  lateral  part» 

of  a  cart  where   ore  fixea  the 

stakes   that    sustain   the  cart- 

Chefe,  sm.  chief,  hoad;  [heral.) 

chief  of  the  escutcheon. 
Chefia,^/*,  the  diijnity  of  a  chief 
Chega,  sf.  a  citation. 
Chegada,  sf.    arrival,    coming, 

Chegadiço,  a,  adj.    come  from 

abroad,  adventitious . 
Chegado,  a,  j^p.  adj.  landed,  ar- 

rived.  [near,  at  hand. 

Chegado ,    sm.      neighbouring , 
Ghegador,  sm.  V.  Cobrador. 
Chegamento,  sm.  growing  near- 

er  or  closer.  [or  closer. 

Ghegança,  sf.    grovinç  nearer 
Chegar,  va.  to  move  or  oring  to, 

to  approach;  to    come  at,   to 

overtake,  to  bring  near,  to  in- 

duce  or  force. 
Chegar,  vn.  to  land,  to  coida^  to 

approach ,  to  axt\Nfe ,  \ft  «x«« 


Chalpa  !x 

Chorimolla    /    6t 
Cherlnola    /  n   ■ 

Cberab  oo  b 
Chnnib  m  n 
Ousmlnss  t 


Chiador  a  aài   tluíi  cmiUis 
Ohladura,   5/  the  chira  ag>  of 
^í-l' [«""^rP 

Clilba,  »/■,  B  little  si 

Chlbante,  u./;. 
Chlbante,  sm 

Clllbaiitlce ,     if.     svsi^gsring , 

boas  tine. 
Chlbantúimo.  tni.    swaggariaa. 

Chibo,™.  oliitlSbudk 
Chloaua,  sf.  chii^anit.  irhicaoer^ 

Cliioara,f^.  a  tea-ciip.  a  Jriõkiau 
cup.  [iaebiiUed 

CtlloaTsdo,   a,  sp.   adj.    drunk 
Chloharo.  itn.  chiuldings. 
Chlobai-ro.  sn,  ú.  lish  h>  collsd 
CailobaloB.  im.  pi.  olil  shoas. 


noa.  (mQMy. 

ChlDo,  jni,  the  nsme  of  n  g«Id 
Chioorsa.  s/.  (ía(,|  endive. 
ChlQoreaaeo.fl,  adj.  Gailive-Uke, 

Ohlooto,  iiB.  whip.scourgB,  lu) 
Chitarou,  iffl.  «:utlts3,  haag' 


--  197  — 


Chifre,  sm.  horn. 

Chilacalota,  sf.  a  kind  of  pump- 

CliUido,    sm.    the    chirping    of 

sparrows.  [&t  cards. 

Chilindrão,  sm.  an  ancient  play 
Chillogono,    sm.    a    geometric 

Ghilo,  sm.  V.  Chylo. 
Chilrada,  sf.  the  chirpingof  birds. 
ChihrSo,  sm.  a  sort  of  net. 
Chilrar,  vn.  to  chirp. 
Ghilreador;  a,  sm.  or  f.  squaller, 

Chilreiro,  a,  adj.  squaller. 
Chilreta,  sf.  a  kind  of  little  duck. 
Chilro,  sm.  chirping,  warbling. 
Chilro,  a,  adj.  ilt-seasoned ;  plain, 

mere,  unmixed. 
Chimera,  sf.  chimera,  idle  fancy. 
Chimericaxnente,  adv.  chimerí- 

Chimerico,  a,  adj.    chimerical, 

fancíful,  imaginarj. 
Chlmerisar ,  vn.    to    invent    a 

chimera.  [meras. 

Chimerista,  sm.  that  loves  chi- 
Chiznica, «/.  chemistry. 
Chimicamente,  adu.  chemically. 
Chimlco,  a,  ací/.  chemical. 
Chimpado,  a,  pp.  adJ.  striked. 
Chimpar,  va.  to  stnke;  to  blab. 
China,  sf.  {geog.)  China. 
Chincado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tasted. 
Chincar,  va  to  taste. 
Chincha,  sf.  a  sort  of  fishing  boat. 
Chinchavarella,    adj.   stirring, 

Chinchavarello,  sm.  a  liule  bird 

80  called. 
Chinche,  sm.  V.  Persovejo. 
Chinchilla,   sf.   {nat.   hist.)    a 

quadruped  or  Peru.  (net. 

Cmnchono,    sm.   large    âsning 
Chinohoso,  a,  adi.  fullof  bugs. 
Chineiro,  a,  adj.  rich,  fuU  of 

money.  [heeis;  slipper. 

Chinela,  sf.  a  lady's  shoe  without 
Chinelada,   sf.   a  blow  wlth  a 

slipper.  [slippers. 

Chlneleiro,  a,  adj.   that    uses 
Chineleiro,  sm.  he  who  makes 

Chinelo,  tm,  an  old  shoe. 

Chinez,  a,  adj.  and  s.  Chinese  or 

belonging  to  China. 
Chinfrao,  sm.  an  ancient  coin. 
Chino,  sm.  wig,  periwig.  Pdr  um 

— ,  to  periwig. 
Chinque,  sm.  a  sort  of  net. 
Chio,  «m. chirping  of  bird ;  squeak. 
Chipante,  sm.  an  ancient  sort  oí 

Chipo,  sm.  the  place  where  the 

aljôfar  is  to  be  found. 
Chi(^eiro,  sm.  —  de  porcos^  a 

swine  cote. 
Chiqael,  sm.  V.  Odre. 
Chiragra,  sf.  {med.)  the  gout  in 

the  hands ;  chiragra. 
Chirinola,  sf.  any  puzzling  con- 

Chiripos,  sm.  pi.  Y.  Tamancos. 
Chirographario,  sm.  a  creditor 

in  virtue  of  a  note  of  hand. 
Chirographia,  sf.  chirography. 
Chirographo,  sm.  chirograpn. 
Chirologia,  sf.  chirology. 
Chiromancia,  sf.  chiromancy. 
Chiromante,  sm.    chiromancer. 
Chlromantico,  a,   adj.  of    or 

belonging  to  chiromancy. 
Chironomla,  sf.  chironomy. 
Chironomista,  sm.  a  professor  of 

Chirotonia,  sf.  chirotony. 
Chirriar,  vn.  to  cry,  to  squeak, 

to  whoop. 
Chirurgia,  sf.  V.  Cirurgia. 
Chisme,  sm.  V.  Persenoio. 
Chispa,  sf.  a  spark,  a  flake  of  âre. 
Chispar,  vn.  to  sparkle  as  íire. 
Chispo,   sm.  Y.  Pesujiho.  Á  sort 

of  fíne  shoes. 
Chiste,  sm.  a  jest,  a  Tvitticism. 
Chistira,  sf.  a  sort  of  straw  mat 

of  China.  [witty. 

Chistoso,  a,  adj.  full  of  jests, 
Chita,  sf.  chintz,  printed  càilico. 
Chite,  interj.  hoíd  your  tonguet 
Chiton,  interj.  hush !  silenceT 
Chlamyde,  sf.  chlamys,  cloak; 

a  soldier's  coat. 
Chloro,  sm.  chlorine. 
Chloroforme,  sm.  chioroform. 
Chlorosis,  sf.  {med.)  chloroaia. 
Chlorotioo^  a.,  ouli .  c\x\<;^to<\(^. 
ChloraretO)  «m.  (cKcm."^  cJdXotmx^^ 


—  198  - 


Chó,  interi.  ho ! 

Choca,  sf.  a  sort  of  play  among 

boys ,  a  bali. 
Choça,  sf.  a  cottage ;  hut. 
Chocado,  a,  pp.  adj.  beated. 
Chocalejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

made  noise  "with  little  bells. 

Chocalejar,  vn.    to  make  noise 

■with  little  bells.  [bells. 

Chocalhada,  sf.  a  noise  of  little 

Chocalhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

made  a  noise  with  little  bells. 
Chocalhar,  va.  to  make  a  noise 

with  little  bells. 
Chocalheira,  sf.  a  blab. 
Chocalheirada,  sf.  tittle-tattle, 

Chocalheiro,  sm.  a  blab.  — ,  a, 

adj.  chattering,  chirping. 
Chocalhlce,  sf.  blabbin^. 
Chocalho,  sm.  a  little  bell.Camei- 

ro  com  — ,  bell-weather. 

Chocar,  va.  to  hatch,  to  brood. 

Chocar,  vn.  to  beat,  to  knock  or 

bruise    together   :   to    engage 

speaking  of  two  armies.  —  [in 

the  play  choca)  is  for  the  bowls 

to  be   struck  one  against  the 


Chocarreado,  a,  pp.  adj.  jested. 

Chocarrear,  vn.  to  jest,  to  play 

the  buffbon. 

Chocarreiramente,    adv.   with 

buffoonery.  [comical. 

Chocarreiro,  a,  adj.  facetious, 

Chocarreiro,  sm.  a  jester,  a  buf- 

Chocarrice,  sf.  jestíng,  scofflng. 
— 5,    sf.  pi.  scurrilous   sayings. 
Chocas,  sf.  pi.  splashes  of  dirt. 
Ghochim,  sm.  a  dwarf,  a  ridicu- 

lous  man. 
Chocho,  a,  adj.  unripe,  wrinkled. 
Chochorrobo,  sm.  v.  Bicudo. 
Choco,  a,  adj.  hatched ;  damaged. 
Choco,  sm.  a  brooding ;  hatching 

of  eggs. 
Chocolate,  sm.  chocolate 
Chocolateira,  sf.  a  chocolate-pot. 
Chocolateiro ,    sm,     chocolate- 
maker.  [wine  often. 

^ocorreta,  sf.  one  who  drinks 
CbocoB,  a  little  cuttlefish. 
Caotrada,  sf,  a  sudden  shot. 


Chofrado,  a,pp.  adj.  deceived. 
Chofrar,  va.  to  deceivO)  to  disap- 

Chofre,  sm.  a  sudden  shot.  Dar 

de  — ,  to  hit  a  thing  fuU. 
Chofiriairo,  sm.  one  who  hits-  in 

the  flight,who  succeeds  with  one 

ChofrudOf    a,    adi.  and  s.  one 

that  pouts  or  looks  graff. 
Chola,  sf.  head,  occiput. 
Cholagogo,  sm-{^ed?)  cholalogue. 
Choledooo,  adj.   or  «m.    {anat.) 

choledocus.  [dography. 

Choledographia,  sf.  {med?^  chole- 
GholedbiDgla,  sf.  {med.)   chole- 

dology.  [lera. 

Cholera,  sm.  bile,  choler.  V.  Co- 
Chondrilla,  sf.  {bot.)  chondrille, 

Choque,    sm.    shock,    dashing, 

clashing;  fight,  conflict. 
Choqnieiro,  sm.  a  hen-roost. 
Choquento,  a,  adj.  splashed,  full 

of  dirt. 
Choradeira,  sf.  a  weeping  wo- 

man,  that  has  tears  at  command; 

complaint,  weeping,  lamenta;- 

Chorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  weept. 
Chorador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  weeping* 

fellow,  a  weeper. 
Choramigador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  one 

that  whimpers,  a  sniveller. 
Choramigar,   vn.  to  snivel,  to 

Ghoraxuigas,  sm.  a  sniveller. 
Chorão,  ona,  sm.   or  f.  a  child 

that  is  always  crjring. 
Chorar,  vn.  to  cry,  to  weep,  to 

lament ;  to  squall.  Chorarse^  vr. 

to  lament  one's  self. 
Caiorea  orChoreia,  sf.  {poet.)  a 

Chorebispo,  sm.  chorepisoopus. 
Choreoer,  v.  V.  Florecer, 
ChoifegOf  sm.  choragus. 
Choregraphla,  sf.  choregraphj. 
Choregraphico ,  a,  adj.  chore- 

CHoregrapho^  sm.  choreers^h. 
CSioreu^  sm.  títioxe^  ot  ttochee. 
GhoTiaxsibo^  sm.  \^oct>^  ç)DMnasx&»« 
GhorVna^  sf .  «^  'mç. 


—  199  — 


Ghorion,  sm.  {anat.)  chorion. 
Chorlo,  sm.  basalt. 
Choro,  sm.  weeping,  tears. 
Chorões,  sm.  pi.  {bot.)  a  sorti  o f 

Chorographia,  sf.  chorography. 
Chorographico,  a,   adj.  choro- 

Chorographo,  sm.  chorographer. 
Choroide,  sm.  {anat.)  choroiae. 
Choroso,  a,  adj.  weeping  ,*  mourn- 

Chorrilhar,  va.  V.  Tagarelar. 
Chorrilho,    sm.   flowing,    conti- 

nuation  of  things,  a  crowd. 

Chorro,  sm.  a  spout,  a   water- 

spout.  [fleshy. 

Chorudo,  a,  adj.  succulent,  jnicy. 

Chorume,  sm.  juice  of  fat  meat, 

gravy ;  {fig.)  wealth. 
Cnoruxnento,  a,  adj.  juicy,  full 

of  juice. 
Choupa,   sf.  a  kind  of  sea-fish ; 

the  olade  of  a  boar-spear. 
Choupana  ,     sf.   cottage  ,    hut , 

thatched  house. 
Choupaneiro,  sm.  he  who  dwells 

in  a  hut. 
Choupo,  sm.  a  sort  of  poplar-tree. 
Chouriça,  sf.  V.  Chouriço. 
Chouriçado,  sm.  a  great  deal  of 

Chouriceiro,  sm.  pork-butcher. 
Chouriço,  sm.  a  kind  of  sausage ; 

a  sand  bag. 
Chousa,  sf  or   Chouso,  sm.  a 
small  hedged  piece  of  g^ound. 
Choutador,  adj.  a  hard-trotting 
horse .  [tin  g  horse. 

Choutão,  ona,  adj.  a  hard-trot- 
Choutar,  vn.  to  shake,  to  trot. 
Chouteiro,  a,    adj.  a  hard-trot- 
ting horse. 
Chouto,  sm.  the  hard-trotting  of 

a  horse. 
Chouvir,  va.  V.  Fechar. 
Chover,  vn.  imp.  to  rain ;  to  pour 
down.  —  miudOf  to  dizzle ;  [ftg.) 
to  abound.  Chove ^  it  rains. 
Chovido,  a,  pp.  adj.  rained. 
Ghoz,  sm.  Si  snare  for  partrídges. 
Chríama,  sm.  unction. 

reoeired  the  conârmation. 

Chrismar,  va.  to  adminfster  the 

sacrament  of  conârmation . 
ChristSmente ,     adv.  christian- 

Christandade ,  sf   christianity, 

ChristSo,  a,  adj.  christian. 
Christão,  sm.  a  christian. 
Christengo,  a,  adj  belongingto 

christians ;  (fig,)  good,  pare. 
Christianicida,  sm.  a  murder  of 

Christianlsado ,    a ,    pp.    adj. 

Christianisar,  va.  to  christianise, 

to  make  christian.  Christianisar- 

se,  vr.  to  make  one's  self  chris- 
Christianisino,  sm.  christianity. 
Christicida,    sm.    murder er    of 

Christ.  [ling  the  Christ. 

Christioidio,  sm.  the  act  of  kil- 
Christioolo,  sm.  christian.  — ,  a, 

adj.  christian. 
Christiíero,  a,  adj.  that  carries 

an  image  of  Jesus-Christ. 
Christlpara,  sf  the  mother  of 

Christ,  the  Holy  Virgin. 
Chrlsto,  sm.  Christ,  Messiah. 
Chroxnaticaxnente,  adv.  {mus.) 

chromatically.  [matic. 

Chroxnatioo,  a,  adv.  (mu*.)  chro- 
Chromo,  sm.  {chem.)  chrome. 
Chronhyoxnetro,  sm.  a  sort  of 

meteorological    instrument   for 

csdculating  the  quantity  of  rain 

that  has  fallen. 
Chronica,  sf.  chronicle,  history. 
Chronico,  a,  adj.  chronic,  chro- 

nical,  inveterate.   Doença  — a, 

chronical  distemper. 
Chronista,  sm.  a  chronicler. 
Chronograxnma,  sf.  chronogram. 
Chronographia,  sf.  chronogra- 

Chrono^aphico,  a,   adj.  of  or 
belongiug  to  the  chronography. 

Chronographo,  sm.  chronogra- 

Chronologisi^  sf .  cXv^ot^^q^'*^» 

Cbrono\og\.08ciaiexi\«^  oA^.  <3k$<v- 
nologVcíSw.  ,.  "^^Sí:^ 

CbronoloQ^StOL,  sm.  çítoxoTvo\o«^ 


—  200  — 


Ghronologo,  sm.  chronologist. 
Chronometro,  sm.  chronometer. 
Chrysalida,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  chry- 

salis,  aurelia. 
Chrysantemo,  sm.  {bot.)  chrys- 

CShryseu,  sm.  (poet.)  the  sun 
Ghrysoberillo,  sm.  (min.)  chryso- 

IjeriL  [gold. 

Ghrysogono,    a,    adj.   bom   of 
Chrysograpliia,    sf.  chrysogra- 

Ghrysol,  sm.  a  crucible. 
Ghrysolitha   or    Ghrysolitho, 

sm.  {miner.)  chrysolite. 
Chrysologo,  a,   adj.   very   elo- 

quent.  [somela. 

Glurysoinela,  s.  [nat.  hist.)  chry 
Ghrysopêa,  sf.  (aZcA. )  chrysopeia. 
Chrysopeio,  a,  adj.  auriferous. 
Cbrysopraso,  S7n.  chrysoprasus. 
Ghrysostomo,  sm.  golaen  mouth. 
Chuçada,  sf.  a  blow  with  a  pike. 
Chuçar,  va.  to  strike  with  a  pike. 
Chuceiro,  sui.  soldier  armed  vrith 

a  pike, 
Chuchamel,  sm.  V.  Chupamel. 
Chuchar,  vn,  to  suck,  to  draw. 

V.  Chupar. 
Chuchurreado,  a,  |7p.  adj.  siped. 
Chuchurrear,  va.  to  sip,  to  tipple. 
Chuço,  sm.  a  great  half-pike. 
Chué,   adj.  2  g.   shabby,  poor, 

mean.  [banter. 

Chufa ,    sf.    an   offensive  jest ; 
Chufado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bantered. 
Ghufador,  sm.  V.  Chocarreiro. 
Chufar,  va.  to  banter,  to  scoff. 
Chula,    sf.  burlesque   dance   or 

Chularia  or  Chulice,  s/".  jocosity. 
Chulista,  sm.  one  who  is  always 

Chiilo,  a,  adj.  jesting,  jocose. 
Chumaceiras,  sf  pi.  the  pieces 

of  a  coach,    of  a  plough  or  a 

Chuinacete,  sm.  pledget. 
Chumaço,  sm.  compress ;  bolster, 

Chumbada,  sf.  shot;  pieces  of 

lead  in  a  fishing  net. 
Chumbado,  a,  pp.  adj,  leaded, 

BÓlàereà  with  lead. 

Chumbar,  va.  to  solder  with  lead, 

to  lead. 
Chumbeira,  sf.  a  casting  net. 
Chumbeiro,    sm.     plumber    or 

Chumblm,  sm.  a  magistrate  in 

Chumbo,  sm.  lead ,  plumb,  plum- 

met  j  shot.  Cousa  de  — ,  leaden. 

Semelhante  a — ,  leadish.  Tem  — 

na  cabeça^  (fig.)  he  is  a  deliberate 

cool  mân. 
Chumeas,  sf.  pi.  {a  sea  term)  a 

sort  of  cheeks  to  strengthen  a 

mast.  [suction. 

Chupadella,   sf.  sucking,  suck, 
Chupado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sucked. 
Chupador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  sucker. 
Chupadura,  sf.  sucking. 
Chupamel,    sm.    {bot.)    honey- 

Chupamento,  sm.  sucking. 
Chupão,  sm.  black  and  blue  mark 

on  the  skin  by  sucking  it. 
Chupar,  va.  to  suck,  to  draw ,  to 

imbibe  or  soke  in. 
Chupeta,  sf.  a  sort  of  little  tube. 
Chupista,  sm.  a  tippler. 
Chupistar,  vn.  to  tipple. 
Churdo,  sm.  V.  Lã. 
Chumia,  sf.  V.  Chusma. 
Churrião,  sm.  a  waggon. 
Churro,  a,  adj.  coarse. 
Churuxae,  sm.  V.  Chorume. 
Chusma,  sf.  crew,  crowd ;  multi- 

Chusmado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

the  whole  crew  of  slaves  in  a 

galley.  [a  galley. 

Chusmar,  va. — uma  gallé,  to  man 
Chuva,  sf.  rain.  —  grande,  shower. 

Tempo  de  — ,  rainv  weather. 
Chuvediço,  a,  aaj.  of  or  per- 

taining  to  rain. 
Chuveiro,  sm.  a  shower. 
Chuviscar,  vn.  to  mizzle. 
Chuvisco,    sm.  little  rain,  miz- 

zling  rain. 
Chuvoso,  a,  adj.  rainy,  showery. 
Chuz,  adv.  Não  dizer  —  nem  buz^ 

to  be  silent. 
Chylifero,  a,  adj.  {anat.)  chyli- 

Chylificação,  sf.  chylifícation. 


—  201  — 


Ghylificado,  a,  pp.  adj,  turned 

into  cbyle. 
diylificar,  va.  to  tom  in  chyle. 
Ghylo,  sm.  chyle.  [ceous, 

Ghyloso,  a,  adj.  chylous,  chyla- 
Ghyxno,  sm.  chyme. 
Ghymose,  sf.  {meã.)  chymosis. 
Ciado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tnat  has  been 

kept  from  Dyjealousy. 
CSiar,  va.  to  be  jealous  of.  Ciarse, 

vr.  to  be  jealous. 
Ciar,  vn.  (a  sea  term)  to  fali  astem, 

to  row  backward.  [vated. 

Ciática,  sf.  V.  Sciatica  and  deri- 
Ciavoga,  sf.  {a  sea  term)  the  act 

of  rowing  backward. 
Cibalho,  sm.  -worms  or  insects 

that  birds  feed  upon. 
Cibando,  sm.  {nat.  nist.)  a  kind  of 

bird  of  prey. 
Gibario,  a,  adj.  cibarious,  rela- 

tingto  food. 
Cibato,  sm.  the  food  of  birds. 
Cibo,  sm.  aliment,  food. 
Cibório,  sm.  cyborium. 
Cioata,  sm.  niggard,  miser. 
Cicatear,  vn.  to  be  stingy 
Cioateria,  sf.  niggardlmess,  stin- 

Cicatrisação,  sf  cicatrization. 
Cicatrisado,a,ȍ  ac^;.  cicatrized. 
Cioatrisante,  adj.  2  g.  cicatrizive, 

Cioatrisar,  vn.  and  a.  to  cicatrize, 

to  heal  up.  Cicatrisar-se,  vr,  to 

be  cicatrized,  to  skin  over. 
Cicatriz,    sf,    cicatrice,     scar; 

Cicero,  sm.  Cicero,  famous  orator; 

Xprint.)  pica  (type). 
diceroniano,  a,  adj.  ciceronian. 
Ciciar,  vn.  to  lisp. 
Cicio,  sm.  lisp. 
Cicioso,  a.  adj.  one  that  lisps. 
Cicuta,  sf.  {bot.)  cicuta,  water- 

Cicutaria,  sf.  cicuta,  cicutaria. 
Cid  or  Cide,  sm.  lord  or   com- 

mander.  [mau. 

Cidadão,  ã,  sm.  orf.  citizen,  free- 
Cidade,  sf.  a  cit^r.  [castle. 

Gidadella,  sf,  citadel,  fortress, 
CIdadia,  sf.  a  female  citizen. 
Gtâa4So,«in.  acitízen* 

Cidra,  sf.  citron,  cyder,  cedrat. 

Cidrada,  s(.  a  sweet-meat  of  ^e 
juice  of  citron  [treea. 

Cidral,  sm.  a  garden  of  citron- 

Cidrão,  sm.  a  sweet-meat  of  ci- 
tron ;  a  disease  in  oxen. 

Cidreira,  sf.  citron-tree,  cedrat. 
Iferva  — ,  balm  gentle. 

Cieiro,  sm.  roughness  in  the  skin 
caused  by  cold ;  chopped  lips. 

Cifa,  sf.  sand  of  goldsmiths; 
(a  sea  term)  an  anointing  for 
paying  ship's  bottom. 

Ciíado,  a,  pp.  adj.  anointed  with 

Cifar,  va.  (a  sea  term)  to  get 
ready  ;  to  grease  a  ship. 

Cifra,  sf.  cipner,  number,  figure; 
flourish  at  the  end  of  the  name 
to  prevent  counterfeiting^ ;  the 
key  or  explanation  of  a  wntting 
in  ciphers.  Cifras,  sf.  pi.  {heral^ 
device,  emblera,  coat  of  arms. 

Cifrado,  a,  €idj.  ciphered. 

Cifrão,  sm.  a  mark  used  in  ao- 
counts  to  divide  the  thousands. 

Cifrar,  va.  to  cipher.  — ,  to  re- 
sume, to  abridge. 

Cigalho,  sm.  a  small  portion.    * 

Cigana,  */•  »  gypsy. 

Ciganaria,  sf.  the  life  of  gyp- 
sies;  a  cheating-tríck. 

Ciganas,  a  sort  of  ear- 

Ciganice,  */•  ^-  Ciganaria, 

Cigano,  sm.  gypsy-man. 

Cigarra  or  Cegarrega,  sf.  balm- 
cricket,  cicaoa,  grasshopper. 

Cigarrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  smoked 

Cigarrar,  va.  to  smoke  a  cigar. 

Cigarrilha,  «/ cigarrete.        .    ,^ 

Cigarro,  sm.  ci^ar. 

Clgude,  sf.  V.  Cicuta. 

Cigurelha,  sf.  (bot.)  savoury.  -• 
brava,  flea-bane. 

Cilada,  sf.  snare. 

Cilercoa,  sf  V.  Tortulho. 

Cilba,  sf  band,  girth,  strap. 

Cilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  girthed. 

Cilbar,  va.  to  girth. 

Ciliar,  adj.  2  g.  {ancU.)  ciliazy* 

Cilicio,  sm,  hair-clota. 

dUndro,  sm.N .  C)|lmdro. 


—  202  ~ 


Cima,  sm.  the  top  of  a  mountam. 
Por  — ,  above.  J)e  — ,  from 
above.  Para  — ,  upvards.  A  — , 
above.  Voltar  de  —para  beàxOy 
to  turu  upside  down.  Estar  aci- 
ma, to  excel.  Ficar  de  — ,  to 
overoome,  to  get  the  better. 

Cixnacio,  sm.  V.  Cimalha. 

GilBaalha,  sf.   {arch.)   cymatíttm 
ogee,  wave. 

Cbnarrão.  sm.  maroon ;  a  fugi- 
tive  black. 

Cimbre,  sf.  (arch.)  the  arch  of  a 
■Tault  [piece,  apex. 

Cimeira,  sf.  the  crest  of  a  head- 

Gimeiro,  a,  adj.  that  is  in  the 

Cimentado,  a,  pp,  adj.  ceineated. 

Gtedentar,  va.  to  cemént,  to 
•imite ;  (fig.)  to  cement,  to  oon- 
firm.  [mortar,  foundation. 

Cimento,  sm.  cement,  a  sort  of 

Cimeterio,  sm.  V»  Cemitério. 

Cimitarra,  sf.  a  scimitar  or  oi- 
meter.  {hill,  peak. 

Cimo,  sm.  the  toç  of  a  mountain, 

Cinabrio,  sm.  cinnabar,  vejrmi- 

Cinamomo,  sm.  {bot,)  cixmamon. 

Cinara,  sf.  V.  Cardo  hortense. 

Gincar,  vn.  to  miss,  to  mistake. 

Cincas,  sf  pi  Dar  — ,  to  mistake, 
to  misunderstand. 

Glnoeiro,  sm.  a  willow  or  sal- 

Cinchar,  va.  to  put  the  cheese 
in  a  cheese-vat. 

Cincdio,  sm.  a  cheeae-^at  to  make 
cheese  in. 

Cinco,  adj.  num.  five. 

Cinooenta,  adj.  num.  fiftj. 

Cincoentavo,  sm.  âftieth. 

Cincoentena,  sf.  the  number  of 

Cinctorio,  sm.  V.  Cingulo. 

Cineração,  sf.  cineration. 

Cinerario,  a,  adj.  cinerary. 

Cinereo,  a,  adj,  cinereous,  lik© 
ashes.  [reous. 

Cinericio,  a,  adj.    ashy,    cine- 

Cinethmica,  sf.  the  scieuce  of 

Cingideiras,  sf.  pi.  the  middJle- 

^  iDoat  davs  oi  birds  of  prey. 

Cingido,  a,  pp.  adj.  girded.  sur- 

rounded,  [band. 

Cingidoiro,  sm.  a  girdle,  binding- 
Cingir,  va.  to  gird,  to  bind,  to 

enclose,  to  tie  about. 
Cingulo,  sm.  a  girdle. 
Ciniplie,  sm.  a  kind  of  fly. 
Cinquinlio,  sm.  an  ancient  coin. 
Cinta,  sf.    a  girdle,   band;   the 

'waisrt.  —  da  gula^    {arch.)  an 

ogive . 
Cintar,  va.  to  bind  up,  to  girdle. 
Cinta»,  sf.  pi.  (a  sea  term)  wales. 
G^taraço,  sm.  a  blo-w  with  a 

girdle.  [girdled. 

Cinteado,  a,  adj  {hot.)  bound  up, 
Ginteiro,  sm.  he  who  makes  or 

sells  girdles. 
Cintel,    sm.    circle ;   a    sort   of 

great  compasses. 
Cintemente,  adv.  purposely. 
Cintilar,  va.  and  denvated.  V. 

Cintilho,  sm.    a    hat-band;   ihe 

cestus  of  Vénus. 
Cinto,  a,  pp.  adj.  girded. 
Cintura,  sf.  the  waist. 
Cinturão,    sm.     a    broad-belt, 

Cinza,  sf.  ashes.  Quarta  feira  de 

Cinzas,  Ash-Wednesday. 
Cinzeiro,  sm.  ash-pan. 
Cinzel,  sm.  punch,  gravei,   gra- 

Cinzelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  chased. 
Cinzelador,  sm.  chaserc 
Cinzelar,  va.  to  chase,  to  carve, 

to  engrave. 
Cinzento,  a ,  adj.   ashy,    of  an 

ashy  colour. 
Cio,  sm.  rut ;  desire  of  copuLation 

among  animais. 
Cioado,  sm.  a  herd  of  swine. 
Ciosamente,  adv.  jealously. 
Cioso,  a,  adi.  jealous. 
Cipó,  sm.  a  kind  of  shrub ;  a  sort 

of  ipecacuanha. 
CiposU,  sm,  a  place  "wliere  Cipós 

grow.  [marble. 

G^olino,    sm.    cipolin,    cipolixk- 
Gjbppo,  sm.  a  grave-stone. 
ÇUra,  sf.  a  place  full  of  bushes. 
CiTflLnaa,  s^.  a  .screen  or  jskreen; 

a  sieve  with  large  Wos. 


—  203  — 


Cirandagexn,    sf,    the    coarser 

part  of  the  lime. 
Cirandar,  va.  to  screen,  to  eift 

the  corn. 
Girata,  «/.  the  ed^e  of  a  saddle. 
Circea,  sf.  \hot.)  circ«ea,  enchan- 

ter's  nightshade. 
Circense,  aã.^.  2  g.  circensian. 
Giroeo,  a,  adj.    deceitful,  frau- 

dulent . 
Circinal,  ad^.  2  g.  (òo^)  circinal. 
Circo,  sm.  circus. 
Circuição,  sf.  circultion. 
Gircoir,  va.  to  circuit,  to  move 

Circuito,   sm.  circuit,  compass, 

Circulação,  sf.  circulation,  pas- 

sage.  Pár  um  livro  em  — ,  to 

circulate  a  book. 
Circulado,  ei,pp.adj.  circulated. 
Circulante,  adj.  2  ç.  ckculating. 
Circular,  adj.  2g.  circular,  round. 
Circular,  va.  or  n.  to  circulate, 

to  move   round,    to   give   cur- 

rency  to ;  {chem.)  to  raise  and 

fali  to  and  fro. 
Circularmente,  adv.  ciroularly. 
Circulatório,  a,  adi.  circulatory. 
Circulo,  sm.    circle,    circumfe- 
rence. Um  quarto  de  — ,  a  qua- 

drant.   Buscar  a  quadratura  do 

— t  {^9')  to  search  after  the  qu»- 

drature  of  the  circle.  — ,  circle, 

company ;  {geog.)  circle. 
Gircumambiente,  adi.  2  g.  cir- 

cumambient.  [cumcised. 

Circumcidado,  a,    pp.  adj.   cir- 
Circuxncidar,  va.  to  circumcise. 
Circumcisão,  sf.  circumcision. 
Circumciso,  a,  pp.  adj.  circum- 

cised.  — ,  sm.  one  that  is  cir- 

Circumdado,  a,  pp.  adj.   com- 

passed  round.  [circle. 

Circumdamento ,    sm.    circuit, 
Circumdante,    adj    2   g.    com- 

passing.  [round. 

CJrcumdar,     va.     to     compass 
Gircumductar,  va.  to  nullify. 
Gircomferencia,    sf    circumfe- 

renoe,  -c<Hnpass,  circle. 
Cirn—lumute,  adj.  ig.  cirouu- 


Giroumflexão,  sf.  cLrcuinfer«ace« 

circuit,  circle. 
Gircumflexo,  a,  adj.  circumflex. 
Circumfluencia,     sf.     circum- 

Circumfluente,  adj.  ig  circum- 

fluent,  circumfluous. 
Cirovunfluir,  va.  to  flow  about 

any  thmg.  [foraneous. 

CUronmíoraneo.  a,  adj.  circom- 
Cironnifuso,  a,  a(/;.  circumfluous 

or  circumfluent. 
CiroumQnrrado,  a,  adj.  circum- 

Ciroumgyrar,    va.    to   circuro- 

gyrate.  [jacent. 

Giroum jacente,  adi.  2fi.  circmn- 
Cãrcamlocuç&o,  »f.  circuuilocu- 

tion.  [tion. 

Circuniloq[UÍo ,  sm.   circumlocu- 
Ciroununurado,  a,  adj.  circum- 

CirounmavegaçSo,  sf.  circum- 

navigation.  fnavi-.r.ntor. 

Ciroumnavegador,  sm.  circum- 
Clrcumpollar,  adj.  2  g.  rin-um- 

polar.  [scribe,  to  eucirclc. 

Circumscrever,  va.  to  circum- 
CircuniBcripçfto,     sf,     circum- 

scription.  Iscriptive 

CircumscriptiTO, a,  ao;,  circum- 
CircuniBcripto,  a,  pp.  adj.  cir- 

cumscri'bed.  [cession 

Gircumsessfio,  sf  {theol.)  circtim- 
Circumsoante,  aaj.    2   g.   that 

sounds  a])out  [spection. 

CircumspecçSo ,     sf      circum- 
Circum^peotamente,  adv.  cir- 

cumspectly.  [«pect. 

CircuxQspecto,  a,  adj.   circum- 
Circumstancia ,      sf.      circura* 

stance.  [d«taiL 

Circumstanciadamente,  adv.  m 
Circumstanoiado,    a,  jfp.  adj, 

Circumstanciador,  sm.  he  wbo 

describes  a  thing  circwimrtaTH 

Ciroumstancial,  adj.  2  g.  {grarn.) 

circumstancial,  accidental. 
Circmnstanciar,  va.  to  circion- 

stantiate,  to  relate. 
GirciiiiiBtaiicloTkaLd.o,  a^  ¥P*  ^* 



—  204  — 


Gircamstancionarf   va.  to  cir- 

Circumstante,    adj.  2  g.    that 

stands  about. 
Circumstantes,  sm.  pi.  the  spec- 

tators,  beholders,  standers. 
Circumstar,  va.  to  surround,  to 

stand  about.  [va^grant. 

Circumvagante,  adj.  2  í^.circum- 
Circuxnvagar,    vn.    to   wander 

about.  [about. 

Circumvago,  a,a{2;.  that  wanders 
Gircumvallação,  sf.  {fort.)  cir- 

cumvallation.  [cumvalíated. 
Gircumvalladj,  a,  pp.  adj.  cir- 
Cirouxnvallar,    va.     to    trench 

about.  [cuit  of  a  place. 

Gircumvizinliança,  sf.  the  cir- 
Circuxnvizinlio,  a,  adj.  círcum- 

jacent,  neighbouring. 
Clrouxnvolução,  sf.  circumvolu- 

Cirial,5m.  chandelier,  taper. 
Girieiro,  sm.  a  -wax-chandler. 
Girio,  sm.  wax-taper;  torch.  — 

A  procession  in  which   a  torch 

is  carried  and  offered  to  a  cha- 
pei or  church. 
Girurgia,  sf.  surgery. 
Girurgial  or  Cirurgical,  adj.  2  g . 

surgical,  chirurgical. 
Girurgião,  sm.  surgeon,  chirur- 

geon.  [gical. 

Girurgioo,  a,  adj.  surgical,  chirur- 
Girzir,  va.Y.  Serzirsknà  derivated. 
Gisalpino,  a,  adj.  or  of  belong- 

ing  to  this  side  of  the  Alps. 
Giscalliagexu,  sf.  sweepings. 
Giscar,  va  to  run  away  privately. 
Gisco,  sm.  fílth,  sweepings,  char- 

GiBterna,  sf.  cistern. 
Gisto,  sm.  {bot.)  V.  Esteva. 
Gita,  sf  citation,  quoting. 
Gitação,  sf  citation. 
GitadeUa,  sf  V.  Cidadella. 
Gitadino,  a,  sm-  or  /.  townsman 

or  woman. 
Gitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cited,  quoted. 
Citador,  sm.  quoter 
Gitamente,  adv.  {anc.)  quickly, 

Gitante,  adj.  2  g.  {in  lavo)  he  who 

cites  or  sununons. 

Gitar,  va.  to  cite,  to  quote,  to 

name,  to  summon. 
Gitatorio,  a,  adj.  citatory.  Carta 

— a,  a  citation 
Giterior,  adj.  2  g.  citerior,  belong- 

ing  to  this  side. 
Cithara,  sf.  a  cithara. 
Githaredico,  a,  adj.  of  or  belong- 

ing  to  a  cithara.  [a  cithara. 

Gitliaredo,sm  one  who  plays  upon 
Githarisar,  va  to  play  on  a  ^thara 

or  harp.  [on  a  cithara. 

Githarista,  sm.  one  that  plays 
Githaristioo,  a,  adj.  citharistic. 
Gitocacio,  sm.  {hot.)  cainelme. 
Gitola,    sf    the    inill-clack    or 

Gitraria,  sf.  hawking. 
Gitrato,  s^n.  citrato. 
Gitreiro,  sm.  a  falconer. 
Gitreo,  a,  adj.  belonging  to  the 

Gitrico,  a,  adj.  citric. 
Gitrina,  sf  {min.)  citrine. 
Gitrino,  a,  adj.  citrine,  of  a  dark 

Gitro,  sm.  a  plant  of  Africa. 
Gitronella,  sf.  balm-mint,  garden- 

mint.  [envy, 

Giuxue,    sm.    jealousy;    hatred, 
Giuxuento,  a,  adj,  that  has  jeal- 
Glvel,  adj.  2  g.  civil,  not  crimi- 
nal ;    {anc.)  rustic,  clownish. 
Givelmente,  adv.  according  to  a 

civil  law. 
Giveta,  sf.  V.  Gato  de  algalia. 
Givico,  a,  adj.  civic. 
Givil,    adj.    2   g.    civil,    gentle, 

affable,  courteou*. 
Givilidade,  sf.   civility,    polite- 

ness,  courtesy. 
Glvilisação,  sf.  civilization. 
Givilisado,  a,  pp   adj.  civilizcd. 
Givilisador,  a,  adj.  civilizing. 
Givilisar,  va.  to  civilize. 
Givilisavel,  adj.  2  g    civilizable 
Givilmente,  aav.  civilly,  politely. 
Civismo,  sm.   civismo,  love    of 

Glzirão,  sm.  a  kind  of  pulse. 
Glade,  sf.  ijftoet.)  a  slaughter. 
Clama,   s/T   {anc.)    recíamation, 



—  205  — 


damado,  a,  pp.  adj,  cried. 
Glamador,   sm.   he    -who   cries, 

bawler,  squaller. 
Glamante,  adj.  2  g.  crying. 
Clamar,  vn.  to  cry  out,  to  cry,  to 

halloo,  to  bawl.  —  vingança,  to 

deserve  punishment. 
Clamor,  sm.  clamour,  crying  out, 

vociferation.  fously. 

Clamorosamente,  adv.  clamor- 
Clamoroso,   a,  adj.   clamorous, 

Clandestinamente,  adv.    clan- 

destinely,  secretly. 
Clandestinidade,  sf.    privacy, 

clandestineness.  [private. 

Clandestino,  a,  adj.  clandestine, 
Clangor,  sm.  clang,  a  sound  of  a 

'Clangoroso,  a,  adj.  clangorous. 
Clara,  sf.  —  de  ovo,  the  white  of 

an  egg. 
Clarabóia,  sf.  sky-light. 
Claraboiar,  v.  V.  Luzir. 
Claramente,  adv.  clearly,  evi- 

Clarão,  sm.  gleam  of  light. 
Clarea,  sf.  a  liquor  made  with 

white  wine  and  honey. 
Clarear,  vn.  to  grow  clear. 
Clareira,  sf.   glade;  a  law^n   or 

opening  in  a  wood. 
Clarete,    sm.    and    adj.   claret. 

Vinho  — ,  claret. 
Clareza,  sf.  ciearness,  plainness, 

Claridade,  sf.  ciearness,   light , 

fame,  renown.  [clarifying. 

Clarificação ,    sf.    clarifícatiou. 
Clarificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  clariáed, 

Clarificar,  va.  to  clarify,  to  pu- 

rify ;  to  ennoble  or  raake  faraous. 
Clarificativo ,  a,   adj.    that   is 

fit  to  clarify.  [ning. 

Clarifico,  a,  adj.  shining,  light- 
Clarim,  sm.    a    shrill    sort    of 

Clarineta,  sf.  clarinet. 
Claristas,    sf  pi.  the  nuns   of 

ClaraMttfed;.  bright,  clear,  trans- 

pai4M|p.11gfal8ome ;  fair,  puré, 

serene;   plàin,  oiUBv,   perspi- 
Pastb  j 

cuous,  evident ;  illustrious,  re- 

nowned,  famous.  Começa  a  fa- 
zer — ,  it  begins  to  be  day-lignt. 

— ,  sm.  a  bíank,   a  void,  unoc- 

cupied  space. 
Claro,    adv.   clearlv,    evidently, 

plainly ;    {mil.)    the  space    be- 

tween  two  regiments. 
Claro-escuro,  sm.  clare-obscure. 
Classe,   af.   class,   order,    rank, 

faraily;  school-room. 
Clássico,  a,  adj.  classic,  dassical. 

— ,  sm.  a  classic. 
ClassiffcaçSo,  sf.  classifícation. 
Classificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  classed, 

classifíed.  [sify. 

Classificar,  va.  to  class,  to  clas- 
Claudicação,    sf.    ciaudication ; 

lameness.  fdicated. 

Claudicado,  a,    pp.    aaj.  clau- 
Claudicante,  adj.  2  g.  claudicant; 

uníit  for  use. 
Claudicar,  vn.  to  claudicate,  to  be 

like  to  fali,  to  be  wavering. 
Claustra,  sf.  V.  Claustro. 
Glaustral,   adj.   2  g.   claustral, 

Claustr alidade,    sf.    (anc.)  the 

relaxation   of  manners  in   the 

religious  orders. 
Claustro,  sm.  cloister,  convent, 

Clausula,    sf.    clause,    article, 

condition  ;  (mus.)  cadence. 
Clausulado,  a,  pp.  adj.j^ut  into 

clauses.  [Encerrar. 

Clausular,  va.  to  put  in  clauses.V. 
Clausura,     sf.    an    enclosure  ; 

cloister.  [tered. 

Clausurado,  a,  pp.  adj.   clois- 
Clausurar,    va.    to  cloister,   to 

encloister.   Clausurar-se,  vr.  to 

enter  into  a  cloister. 
Clava,  sf.  club,  mace. 
Cia  varia,  sf.  the  conveniencies 

that  are  necessary  in  a  convent 

as  a  cellar,  a  pantry,  etc. 
Clavario,  sm  {anc.)  a  key-keeper 

of  a  cloister. 
Clave,  sf.  {music.)  key  or  cliff. 
Claveiro,5m,  he  -who  has  the  keys. 
Clavelina,  sf.  a  musk  gill  v-flower. 
ClaverIngO)  sm.  9,  sotx  oitq^q&v^^ 



—  206  — 


Clavioordio,     sm.     clavichord, 

GlaTicula,   sf.   {anat.)    clavicle, 

collar-bone.  [clavicle. 

Claviculado,   a,  adj.  that  has  a 
Clavicular,  adj.  2  g.  of  or  belong- 

ing  to  the  clavicle. 
Glaviculario,  sm.  one  who  keeps 

the  keys  of  a  coffer. 
Clavi-cylindro,   sm.    a   sort  of 

musical  instrument. 
CSlaviforxne,  adj.  2  g.  having  the 

form  of  a  club. 
Clavigero,  a,  adj.  that  bears  a 

club  or  mace. 
Clavija,  sf.  bolt,  peg. 
Clavina,  sf.  carbine. 
Clavinaço,  sm.  a  carabine^shot. 
Clavioboè,  sm.  a  sort  of  musical 

Claviorgão,  .9772.  a  sort  of  musical 

Clavisignatos,5m.;9Z.  namegiven 

to  the  soldiers  of  the  Pope. 
Clavo-l3rra,  sf.  a  sort  of  jbarpsi- 

Clexnatite,  sf.  {bot.)  clematis. 
Clemência,  sf.  clemency,  mercy. 
Clemente,   adj.   2   g.   clement, 

meek.  mild,  merciful. 
Clementemente,  adv.  clemently, 

Cleonia.  sf.  (bot.)  cleonia. 
Clepsamimidio,  sm.  clepsammia. 
Clepsydra,    sf.    clepsydra     or 

water-hour  glass. 
Clerezia,  sf.  clergy.  V.  Clero. 
Clerical,  adj.  '2  g.  clerical. 
Clericalmente,  adv.  clergyman- 

like.  [clergyman. 

Clericato,  sm.   the    office   of  a 
Clérigo,  sm.  a  clergyman. 
Clero,  sm.  clergy. 
Cliente,  sm.  client. 
Clientela.  «/'.clientele,clientBhip ; 

Clima,  sm.  climate,  clime. 
Climatérico,  a.  adj.  climacteric, 

Climax,  sm.  clímax. 
Clinica,  sf.   clinicai    medicine, 
clinicai  surgery.  —'5,  &m.  pi.  a 
sect  of  ancient  christians. 
Clinico,  a,  adj,  cIíhíq,  cliwfiaL 

Glinopodio,  sm.   {pot.)  cUnopo- 

Clitóris,  5/.  {anat.)  clitóris. 
Clivlo,  sm.  clifif,  the  side  of  a  hill. 
Clivoso,  a,  adj.  bending,  àown- 

Cloaca,  sf.  common  sewer ;  sink. 
Cloacario   or  Cloaquelro,   sm. 

he  who  cleans  sinks. 
Club,  sm.  club. 
Clubista,  sm.  clubbist. 
Clypeiforme,  adj.  2  g.  in  the 

form  of  a  shield. 
Cl3rster  or  Clystel,  sm.  clyster. 
Co,  Coa  instead  of  com  o,  com 

a,  with  the.  [pulsion. 

Coacção,  5/".  coaction,  force,  com- 
Coaccusado,  a,  adj.  compÚce. 
Coacervado,  a,  pp.  adj.  coacer- 

vated.  [coacervate. 

Coacervar,  va.  to  heap  np,  to 
Coactivo,  a,  adj,  coactive,  coer- 

cive,  compulsory. 
Coacto,  a,  adj.  coacted,  forced. 
Coada,  sf.  broth  straineà  out  of 

boiled  peas. 
Coadeira,  sf.  V.  Coador. 
Coadjutor,   sm.   coadjutor,    as- 

Coadjutora,  sf.  coadjutrix. 
Coadjutoria,   sf.  coadjutorslúp. 
Coadjuvado,  a,  pp.  adj.  aid^, 

seconded,  supported. 
Coadjuvante,  sm.  helper,  sup- 

Coadjuvar,   va.  to  help,  to  se- 

cond,  to  support 
Coadministração,  sf.  collective 

Coadministrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ad- 

ministrated.  [ministrátor. 

Coadministrador,  sm.  joint  ad- 
Coadministrar,  va.  to  adminis- 

trate  collectively. 
Coado,  a,  pp.  adi.  strained;  that 

looks  pale  for  lear. 
Coador,  sm.  colander,  stralner. 
Coadunação,    sf.    coadunation, 

assemblage,  .meeting. 
Coadunado,  a,  pp.  cudj.  assem- 

bled  together. 
CoadnTiaT^  \ííi.  tA  ^«ih«r«  to  join 


—  Í07  — 


CSoagmentado,  a,  pp.  adj,  co- 

Coagxuentar,  va.  to  coa^ent, 
to  congregate. 

Coagmento,  am.  coagmentation. 

Coagulação,  sf.  coagulation. 

Cioagulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  coagu- 

Goagulador,  sm.  coaguiator. 

Coagulante,  adj.  2  g.  that  coa- 

Coagular,  va.  to  coaguiate,  to 
congeal,  to  curdle.  [union. 

Coalescência,    sf.  coftl«scence ; 

Coalhada,  sf.  curdle-milk,  curd. 

Coalhado,  a,  pp  .adj.  curdled. 

Coalhadura,  sf.  curdling. 

Coalhar,  va.  to  curdle.  —  com  frio, 
to  be  froaenwith  cold.  Coalhar- 
se,  vr.  to  be  curdled,  to  thicken. 

Coalho,  sm.  coagulum,  curd. 

Coalição,  sf.  coalition,  union. 

Coalisar,  va.  to  coalesce,  to  join. 

Coapia,  sf.  {bot.)  h^pericon. 

Coapostolo,  sm.  a  fellow  in  the 

Coar,  va.  to  strain,  to  percolate. 
—  vn.  to  slight,  to  slip  away, 
to  escape ;  to  be  pale  and  -wan ; 
it  is  also  said  of  people  that  re- 
tire frora  business. 

Coarctação,  sf.  V.  Restricção. 

Coarctada,  sf.  {in  law)  justilSca- 
tion,  defence ;  it  is  said  of  one 
that  purges  himself  of  a  crime. 

Coarctado,  a,  pp.  adj.  restrained. 

Coarctar,  va.  to  restrain. 

Coarrendador,  sm.  he  who  is  a 
tenant  "W^ith  another. 

Coatl,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  coali. 

Goaxação,  sf.  croaking,  the  cry 
of  a  frog. 

Coaxado,  a,  pp.  adj.  croaked. 

Cobales  or  Cobedos,  sm.  pi.  co- 
bales;  satyrs. 

Cobalto,  sm.  {min.)  cobalt. 

Cobarde,  sm.  V.  Covarde  and 

Coberta,  sf.  cover,  covering, 
service,  course.  Jantur  de  cinco 
—»,  dinner  consifrtisg-  of  five 
coarsea.  [mente. 

Ctfmrtmamité,  adv.  V.  âceulta- 
GoDerto,  a,  jfp.  adj.  corered. 

Cobertor,  sm  blanket,  connter- 

Cobertura,  sf.  cover,  coverinç. 
Cobiça,   sf.  covetousness,  cupi- 

Cobiçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  of  Cobiçar. 

V.  Cubicar  and  derivated. 
Cobra,  sf.  snake,  adder.  jfferva  de 

—  s,  {bot.)  a  sort  of  herb  in  the 

Brazils  called  caiatia. 
Cobrada,  sf.  a  pair,  a  couple. 
Cobrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  received, 

Cobrador,  sm.  receiver. 
Cobramento,  sm.  receiving. 
Cobrança,  sf.  receiving,  coilect- 

Cobrar,  va.  to  receive,  to  acquire, 

to  get,   to  recover.  Cobrar-se^ 

vr.  to  recover  one's  self. 
Cobravel,  adj.  2  g.  recoverable. 
Cobre,  sm.  copper;  a  small  copper 

Cobreio,  sm.  herpes  miliaris. 
Cobrição,  sf.  or  Cobrimento, 

sm.  covering,  copulatiou. 
Cobrir,  va.  to  cover,  to  coat,  to 

envelope.  —  uma  casa,  to  tile  a 

house.  —  com  folhas  de  ouro^  to 

plate.  To  protect;  to  copulate; 

to  conceal.  Cobrir-se,  vr.  to  put 

on  one's  hat.  O  tempo  cobre-se^ 

the  weather  is  overcast. 
Cobro,  sm.  Pôr — ,  to  remedy.  Por 

alguma  cousa  em  — ,  to  lay  up  a 

thing  safe. 
Coca,  sf.  {bot.)  coculus  indicus. 

Dar  —  a  alquem^  {fig.)  to  allure. 
Coça,  sf.  a  Deating.  Dar  uma  — 

a  alguém^  to  trim  one's  jacket. 
Coçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  scratched. 
Coçadura,  sf.  scratching. 
Cocar,  sm.  a  plume  or  feather  for 

the  hat. 
Coçar,  va.  to  scratch,  to  scrub, 

to  rub.  —  alguém,  {fig.)  to  beat 

one.  [de  — ,  to  squat. 

Cocaras,  sf.  pi.  squatting.  Estar 
Cocção,  sf.  coction,  coacoctÂssvi.^ 

digestlon.  \5isí^ 

GoocinéUia,  sf.  Inat.  hlst.^  cíoc«p 
Coccineo,  a,  adj.  N .  Purpúreo. 
CSoccyx,  m.  l,anat.^  ^^^^Xw^«^«^ 


—  208  — 


Cócegas,  sf.pL  tíckling.  Fazer—, 

to  tickle. 
Coceguento,    a,  adj.   ticklish, 

Coceira,  sf.  an  ítching. 
Cocharra,  sf.  {artil.)  charger. 
Cocharrada,  sf.  the  powder  that 

may  be  contained  in  a  cocharra. 
Coche,  sm.  coach.  —  de  aluguel, 

a  hackney-coach. 
Cochecha,  sf.  the  cheeks  of  a  fish. 
Cochedura,  sf.  roughness. 
Cocheira,  sf.  a  coach-house. 
Cocheiro,  sm.  a  coachman.  ^5- 

sento  de  — ,  coach-box. 
Cochichado,  a,  pp.  adj.  muttered. 
Cochichar,    vn.  to   mutter,   to 

Cochicho,  sm .  {fiat.  hist.)  a  sort 

of  lark. 
Cochíchola,  sf.  or  Cochicholo, 

sm.  a  narrow  house. 
Cochino,  sm.  V.  Porco.—,  a  kind 

of  game. 
Cochins,  sm.  pi.  (a  sea  term)  mats. 
Cochlea,  sf.  {anat.)  acavity  in  the 

Cochleado,     a,    adj.     Escadas 

cockleadas,  winding  stairs. 
Cochlearia,  sf.  {bot^  cochlearia, 

Cocho,  sm.  hod. 
Cochonilha,  sf.  cochiaeal,wood- 

Cochonilheira,  sf.  [bot )  cochi- 

Coco,    sm.   cocoa-nut,   cocos.  A 

carne  do  — ,  the  pulp  of  the  cocoa. 
Coco  or  Cooa,  sm.  or  f.  -words 
^,  used  to  fright  children.  Fazer 

— ,  to  play  at  bo-peep. 
CocÕes,  sm.  pi.  two  pieces  of  wood 

wherein  the  axle-tree  of  a  Por- 

tuguese  cart  moves. 
Cocorim,  sm.  a  hen. 
Cocuruto,  sm.  top,  smnmit  of  any 

Cocyto,  sm.  (poet.)  river  of  Cam- 

pania  feigned  by  the  poets  to  be 

the  nver  of  heíí. 
Coda,  sf.  V.  Cauda. 
Codão,  sm.  a  piece  of  ice. 

{fig.)  the  superficial  knowledge 

of  any  thing. 
Godeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  V.  Comido. 
Codear,  va.  comer. 
Codeceira,  sf.  a  ground  where 

cytisus  grows. 
Codeço,  sm.  {bot.)  cytisus. 
Códice,    sm.  register;    ancient 

copies  of  books  with  manuscript 

notes.  [to  a  codicil. 

Codioillar,   adj.  2  g.  pertaining^ 
Codicillo,  sm.  codicil. 
Código,  sm.  code. 
Codilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

lost  a  codille. 
Codilhar,  va.  to  ^ive  a  codille. 
Codilho,  sm.  codille;  a  term  at 

ombre  (game).  [of  spade. 

Codilim  or  Codelim,  sm.  a  sort 
Codo,  sm.  V.  Geada. 
Codonatario,  a,  adj.  {in  law)  co- 

Codorniz,  sf.  a  quail. 
Codorno,  sm.  a  warden ;  a  çreat 

pear.  [cient. 

Coefficiente,    sm.   {alg.)  coefâ- 
Coeiros,  sm.  pi.  V.  Cueiros 
Coelha,  sf.  a  doe-rabbit. 
Coelheira,  sf.  a  clapper  of  co- 

nies.  [rabbits. 

Coelheiro,  a,    adj.   that   bunts 
Coelho,  sm.  a  raboit. 
Coentrada,  sf.  a  sauce  with  co- 

Coentro,  sm.  {bot.)  coriander. 
Coepiscopo,  sm.  cobishop. 
Coerção,  sf.  coertion,  restraining. 
Coercivel,  adj.  2  g.  coercible. 
Coercivo,  a,  adj.  coercive. 
Coessencia,  sf.  coessentiality. 
Coessencial,  adj.  lg.  coessentiaL 
Coessencialmente ,   adv.  coes- 

CoeBSO,  sm.  a  sort  of  fish. 
Coetâneo,  a,  adj.  contemporary, 

Coetemo,  a,  adj.  coeternal. 
Coevo,  a,  adj.  coeval,  contempo- 

Coexistência,  sf.  co-existence. 
Coexistente,  adj.  2  g.  co-existent. 
.  Coexistir,  vn.  to  co-e^X^x. 

^^ea ,    sf.   crvLSt ;  scab,   scupf .  l  Co-liador ,  sm .  \íô  ^\vo \a  «^  «oa^Vl 
y^rar  a—  do  pão^  to  chip  bread ;  \     -with  anotUet. 


—  209  — 


Cofinho,  sm.  a  little  basket. 
Cofre,  sm,  coffer,  chest. 
Cogitabundo,  a,  adj.  pensive, 

thoughtful;  sad. 
Cogitação,  sf.  cogitation,  medi- 

tation,  thought. 
Cogitado,  a,  pp.   adj.  cogitated, 

meditated.  [tate. 

Cogitar,  vn.  to  cogitate,  to  medi- 
Cogitativo,  a,  euij.  cogitative, 

Cognação,  «/.co^nation,  kindred. 
Cognado,  sm.  kindred,  kinsman. 
Cognatioo,  a,  adj.  pertainÍDg  to 

Cognato,  a,  adj.  cognate. 
Gognito,  a,  adj.  known. 
Cognome,   sm.  cognomen,   sur- 

name.  [Alcunha. 

Cognomento,  sm.  nickname.  V. 
Cognominação ,    sf.    cognomi- 

Cognominado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sur- 

Cognominar,    va.   to   surname. 

Cognominar-se,   vr.  to   be   sur- 

Go^oscitivo,  a,  adj.  cognosci- 

tive,  intelligent.  [cible. 

Cognosoivel,  adj.  2  g.  cognos- 
Cogombro,  sm.  v.  Pepino. 
Cogote,  sm.  the  hinder  part  of  the 

Coguba,  sf.  cowl,  hood. 
Cogulado,  a,jp/>.  adj.  heaped  up. 
Cogular,  va.  to  heap  up. 
Cogulo,  sm.  the  o  ver  measure  of 

Cogumelo,  sm.  a  mushroom.  — 

grande^  toad-stool,  jews-ear,  etc. 
Cohabitação,  sf.  cohabitation. 
Cohabitado,   a,  pp.  adj.  coha- 

bited.  [bitant. 

Cohabitador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  coha- 
Gohabitar,    vn.  to    cohabit,   to 

dwell  together. 
Coherdeira,  sf.  coheiress. 
Coherdeiro,  sm.  coheir. 
Coherencia,  sf.  coherence,  cobe- 

rency.  [connected. 

Coherente,  adj.  2  g.  coherent, 
Coherentemente ,    adv.    cohe- 

CoãUÊmOf  sf.  coliâsioii,  coherence. 

CohesiTO,  a,  adj.  cohesive. 
GohibiçSo,  sf.  the  act  of  cohi< 

Cohibido,  a,  pp.  adj.  cohibited. 
Cohibir,  va.  to  cohibit,  to  res- 

CohobaçSo,  sf.  cobobation. 
Cohobado,  a,pp.  adj.  cohobated. 
Cobobar,  va.  (cAem.)  to  cohobate. 
Gohonestação,  sf.  the  act  of  co- 

louring  or  palliating. 
Cohonestado,   a.   •^.  adj.  co- 

loured,  palliated. 
Gohonestar,   va.  to  colour,  to 

palliate,  to  excuse. 
Cohorte,  sf.  cohort. 
Coice,  sm.  kick,  spurn,  wince. 
Coioeador,  sm.  and  adj.  a  kick> 

er,  he  who  kicks. 
Coioeira,  sf.  the  socket  on  which 

a  door  turns ;  hinga. 
Coifa,   sf.  a  cawl   for  women^B 

Co-igual,  adj.  2  g.  coequal. 
Co-igualdade,  sf.  coequality. 
Coima,  sf.  a  pecuniary  mulct. 
Coimado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mulcted. 
Coimar,  va.  to  mulct,  to  fine. 
Goimavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may  be 

Coimeiro,  a,  adj.  defensive. 
Coinobar,  va.  to  grunt. 
Coincidência,  sf.  coincidence. 
Coincidente,  adj.ig.  coincident, 

Coincidido,  9.,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

felt  upon  the  same  point. 
Coincidir,  vn.  to  fali  in  ^ith,  to 

coincide.  [cation. 

Coindicação,  sf.   {med.^  coindi- 
Coindicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mdicated 

with  another. 
Coindicante,  adj.  2  g.  coindica* 

Coindicar,  va.  to  indicate  with 

Coinquinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  coln- 

Coinquinar,  va.  to  coinquinateu. 
Coira,  sf.  {anc.)  a  leather  jeckSa* 
Goiraça^  sf.  cw\x^'&%. 
GoixaoeVco^  sm.  «c  cv5Àt«a»v«t  — 

a,  adj.  \Yia\.\v«L^  «.  cxxvt^asu 



Coirmão,  OalxmX,  odj.  Primo 

Coiro,  sni.  hids,  'aHin,  leathor.  — 
uen^,  raw  hidi  —  fífl  ttoíca, 
neafB  Uather.  —  ãe  boi,  bntts. 
Tem  -i«™,  ifig.)  he  is  in- 


CoíBEi,  af.  ihing.  V.  Couto, 

GÕitadamcotB,  adv;  witli'  sÚIíCt 

Coito,  sm 
Cola,  s/'. 

ÍIO  - 

Úaloba,  af.  c 

Colchete,  sr, 
Colohioo,  JT 



Colora,  i/.  oholer,  bile,  onger, 
CaleFa-merbo,  sm.  cbolera.  cho- 
lera.morbua.  [1'urioualj. 
CBloTicamenta,  adv.  whh  ohalsr. 
COIorioo. a,  a '-■  -■—'--- 

Colhadeira.   i/.  a  stiuk  wWa 
VTth.  paimars  acrape  nn  thslj 

ColhodoToe,  (a  iwíínn) 
the  Unes  af  tbe  ahnnda. 

collection'  [V.  Co/ílfdo. 

CcOhslto,  a,  pp.  adj.  áe  Colher. 
Calhér.jf.fYcan.-   de  pedreiro. 

trowel.  V.  Trolha. 
■Colher,  t-fl.  10  gather,  to  crop,  to 

cull,  to  -niii\,  to  pliwit.  — a* 

cabOt   (n   «ea   temt)  lo  qnoil  & 
CollMradH,  sf.  n  spoonful.  fiai-> 

n.nd  Tonin. 

CoUildo,  a 

Collrloa.  tf.  A 
Co^Ua^,/.  ^lo«, 

Coliãea,  if.  toater-aislsr. 
CollBçao,  sf.  coUation. 
Collaola,  lA  foster-Bhip. 
CoUacionax,    na.    to  toUate.  tf 

CollBça,  sm.  fuste r-hroâBT. 
Collaâa.  »■?  ihroai,  gorgs,  fruilst 
Collado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pLusd; 
Collador,  sfu.  c<illa('jr.  advow^eo 
Oollapflo,  ini.  (raerí.)  fcllspsion 
CoUar,  1       ■  ■■-■-- 





—  211  — 


Gblleoç9o>  sf,  coUaction,  compi- 

GoUecta,  «/l  a  gatherinff  of  char 

rities ;  levy  of  tax ;  collect. 
Gollectado,  a,  pp.  adi.  collected. 
Gollectaneas,  sf.  pi.  coUection 

of  analogous  thine^s. 
Gollectaneo,  a,  aaj.  Y.  Stauax. 
Cíollectar,  gather,  to  colltect. 
CoUecticio,  a,  adj.  gathered  up 

of  ali  sorts.  [tively. 

Gollectivamente ,    adv.    coUec- 
Gollectivo,  a,  adi.  coUective. 
Gollector,  sm.  collector. 
Gollectoria,  sf.  V.  Recebedoria. 
Gollega,  sm.  colleague. 
Gollegiado ,     sf.     a    collegiate 

church.  [coUeçfial. 

Golleglal,   adj.  2  g.    collegiate, 
Gollegialinente,  adv,  scholasti- 

cally.  [coliege. 

Còllegiatnra,  sf.  a  place  in  a 
Collegio,    sm.   college,    school, 

Golleira,  sf.  coUar,  a  dog^s  collar. 
Golleirado,  a,   adj.   having   a 

GoUetado,  a,  adj.  (herald.)  that 

has  a  collar  of  dinerent  enamel 

from  that  of  the  escutcheon. 
GoUete,   sm,  waistcoat  without 

sleeves.  [against. 

Gollidir,  va.  to  collid,  to  strike 
GOlligação,  $/*.  colligation,  con- 

federation,  leagne. 
GoUtgado,  a,  pp.  adj,  confede- 

rate,  allied. 
Golligancia;  sf.  {anat.)  iinion,  tie. 
GoUigar,  va.  to  colligate,  to  tie. 

CoUigar-sCy  vr.  to  leagne. 
Golligido,  a,   or   Gollector,   a, 

pp.  adj.  gathered. 
GoUigir,  va.  to  gather,  to  collect. 

Colligir-se,  vr,  to  be  gathered. 
GonifuaçSo,  sf.    collímation   or 

collineation.  Linha  de  — ,  {astr.) 

the  optical  axís  of  the  telescope. 
Gollimado,  a,  j^.  adi.  aimed. 
GòlUmar,  va.  to  collimate,  to 

aim  [confining. 

GoUixnitado,  a,  adj.  bordered  up, 
Oomna^  sf.  Mil,  hillock.  G^kar 

a  — ,  to  scamper  awaj. 
GomnoBo,  a,  adj.  hill/. 

Golliqnação,  sf.  (med.)  coD^tta- 

tion,  dangerous  flux. 
Golliq|tzativo,a,  adj.  colliquatly«. 
Gollisão,  sf.  coUision. 
Gollitlgado,  a,  pp.  adj.  litigated. 
Gollitiganté,   adj.   2  g.  and  s, 

contender,  contending. 
Gollitigar,  vn,  to  litigate  '^th 

Gollo,«m.  lap,  neck.  Ter  o  menino 

no  — ,  to  hold  a  child  upon  one's 

lap.  Tomai  o  menino  ao  — ,  take 

the  child  in  your  arms.  —  da 

mãOf  the  "wrist.  C(q)a  em  — ,  a 

GoUooação,  sf.  collocation. 
Gollocado,  a,  pp.  adj.  collocsted, 

GòUocar ,  va.  to  set  in  place ,  to 

collocate,  to  place. 
GoUonho,  a,  adj.  (anc.)  that  is 

carried  in  the  shoulders,  in  the 

head.  [satioa. 

Golloquio,  sm.  colloquy,  conver- 
Golludente,  adj.  2  g.  that  has 

part  in  a  coUusion. 
Golludir,  vn.  (m  law)  to  coUnde. 
ColltiB9o,    sf.    collusion,   under- 

CollusÍTo,  a,  adj.  collusive. 
CollUBoriamente,  adv.  collusive- 

ly.  [lusire. 

Collusorto^  a,  adj.  coUuaory,  col- 
GoUuTião,  sf.  inundation. 
Goll3rrio,  sm.collyrium,  eye-salve 
Collytico,  a,  adj.  agglutinativo. 
Gòlxnado,  a,  pp.  adj.  thatched. 
Gòlmar;  va.  to  thatch;  to  heap, 

to  fill  npi 
Colmeal,  sm.  a   stock  of  bees,  a 

quantity  of  bee-hives.        RJees. 
Gobneeiro,  sm.   he  that   keeps 
Gobnela,  sf  a  bee-hive. 
GoUneiro,  a,  adj.  that  is  like 

thatch.  — ,  sm.  a  thatchcr. 
Golmillios,  sm.  pi.  tusks  of  an 

Golmilhoso,  a  or  Golmilbado, 

a,  adj.  tusky 
Golmo,  sm.  stem,  stalk  or  straw 

of  com.    Casa  coberta  de  — ,  a 

house  covered  with  thatch. 



—  212  — 


Golobrete,  sm.  an  old  machine  of 

Golocasia,  sf.  the  Egyptian  bean. 
Golocynthida,  sf.  coloquintid. 
Colombaoeo,  a,  adj.  or  or  per- 

taining  to  a  pigeon. 
Golomim  or   Gurumim,  sm.  a 

boy  (in  Brazil). 
Golon,    sm.    {anat.)    cólon;   — 

{oram.)  cólon,  two  çoints  ( : ). 
Golondro,    sm.   a  kind  of  long 

Golonia,  sf.  colony,  plantation. 
CSolonial,  adj.  t  g.  colonial. 
Golonisação,  sf.  colonization. 
Golonisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  colonized. 
Golono,  sm.   a   colonist,   a  hus- 

bandman  or  farmer  :  planter. 
Golophonia,      sf.     colophonia ; 

pitch,  rosin. 
Goloquintida,   sf.    coloquintida, 

Golor,  sm.  a  gold   coin  of  Ásia  ; 

{anc.)  V.  Pretexto. 
Golor  adamente,  adv.  speciously. 
Golorado,  a,  pp.  adj.   coloured, 

Golorante,  adj.  2  g.  colouring. 
Golorar,  va.  to  colour,  to   dye; 

ifig.)  to  palliate.  V.  Corar. 
Goloreado,   a,  adj.  coloured. 
Golorear,  va.  to  colour,  to  dye. 
Golorido,  a,  pp.  adj.  coloured. 
Golorido,  sm.  {paint.)  colouring, 

Golorifico,  a,  adj.  coloriâc. 
Golorir,  va.  to  colour.       [ration. 
Golorisação»5/lcolorisation,  colo- 
Golorista,  sm.  colourist.  Bom  — , 

a  painter  skilled  in  the  right 

use  of  colours.  [colossal. 

Golossal,    adj.   2  g.    colossean, 
Golosso,  sm.  colossus,  colosse. 
Golostro,  sm.   {jned.)   colostrum, 

Golubrina,  sf.  a  culverin. 
Golumbino,  a,  adj.  of  or  belong- 

ing  to  pigeons. 
Golumbrino,  a,  adj.  of  orbelong- 

ing  to  a  snake. 
Golumella,    sf.    columella,    an 

inflammation  of  the  uvula. 
Golumellado,  a,  adj.  that  has  a 


Golumna,  sf.  column,pillar ;  ijig.) 
pillar,  supporter.  [columns. 

Golumnar,  adj.  2  g.  formed  in 

Goluxnnario,  a,  adj,  that  has 

Goluxnnata,  sf  colonnade. 

Golurno,  sm.  a  dwarf-hazel. 

Coluro,  sm.  {astr.)  colure. 

Golutea,  sf.  colutea,  the  bastard 

Golza,  s.  colewort.  Azeite  de  — , 
coleseed  oil. 

Gom,  prep.  with.  -r  prudência^ 
prudentfjr.  —  facilidade,  easily. 
—  tudo  wío,  not-withstanding, 

Goma,  sf.  the  mane  of  a  horse  or 
lion.  A  —  de  um  capacete^  the 
horse-tail  of  a  helmet.  —  {orthJ) 
little-pause. —  {music.)  thenintn 
part  of  a  tone.  —  {med.)  a  sort 
of  lethargy.  —  {astr.)  Berenice^s 

Gomado,  a,  atfj.  that  has  a  mane. 

Gomadre,  sf.  godmother,  gossip ; 
a  midwife. 

Gomante,  adj.  Y.  Cornado. 

Comarca,  sf.  distríct,  hundred  or 
part  of  a  shire.  [upon. 

Comarcante,  adj.  2  f/.  bordering^ 

Comarcão,  ã.  adj.  circumjacent, 
neighbouring,  bordering  upon. 

Comarcar,  va.  V.  Confinar. 

Gomari,  adj.  Pimenta  — ,  little 
p»pper  of  Brsizil. 

Gomato,  a,  adj,  -with  a  large  wig 
or  long  hair. 

Comatoso,  a,  adj.  {med.)  coma- 
tose,  lethargic.        [sick,  sickly. 

Combalido,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

ComJsalir,  va.  to  impair,  to  wea- 
ken,to  fali  sick.  [or  feeble. 

Combalir-se,  vr.  to  grow  weak 

Combate,  sm.  combat,  flght, 
battle,  action.  Estar  fora  do  — , 
to  be  disabled.  Strife,  struggle; 

Combatedor,  sm.  combatant. 

Combatente,  sm.  combatant, 
contending,  antagonist,  Cham- 

Combater,  va.  or  vn.  to  iight,  to 
combat.  —  corpo  a  corpo^  to  âffht 
man  to  man.  —  as  suaspaiwSeSf 


—  213  — 


{fig.)  to  oppose,  to  strive  against 

one's  own  passions.  Comôaíer-w, 

vr. —  com  alguém^  to  fight  a  duel. 
Combatido,  a,  pp.  adj.  combated. 
Gombativel,  adj,  2  g.  that  may 

be  fought. 
Combinação,    sf.    combiuation, 

association,  league. 
Combinado,  a,pp.  adi.  combined. 
Combinador,  sm.  skilled  in  com- 

bination.  [together. 

Combinar,  ua.  to  combine,  to  joín 
Combinatório,  a,  adi.    combi- 

nable.  Arte  — ,  [musS)  doctrine 

of  combination. 
Combinavel,   adj.  2   g.   combi- 

nable,  tbat  may  be  combined. 
Comborça,  sf.  a  mistress  kept 

by  a  married  man. 
Comborço,  sm.  a  man  that  has  a 

married  woman  for  concubine. 
Comboyado,  9L,pp.  adj. convoy  ed. 
Comboyar,    va.   to   convoy,    to 

escort.  [convoy. 

Comboyeiro,  sm.  the  chief  of  a 
Comboyo,  sm.  convoy. 
Combreto,  sm.  a  kindofshrub. 
Comburente,  adj.  2  g.  that  has 

the  property  of  burnin^. 
Combustão,  sf.  combustion,  con- 

flagration,burning ;  (/¥^.)áame, 

Combustivel,   adj.    2    g.   com- 

Combustibilidade,  sf.  combusti- 

Combosto,  a,  adj.  {astr.)  it  is  said 

of  a  planet  that  is  not  above 

eight    degrees    thirty  minutes 

distant  from  the  sun. 
Comcausa,    sf.    a   concomitant 

Começado,  a,  pp.  adj.  begun. 
Começador,  sm.  he  who  begins. 
Começar,  va.  or  vn.  to  begin,  to 

commence.  —  por  onde  se  deve 

acabar,  to  fly  an  eel  at  the  tail. 

Começar-se,  vr.  to  take  rise. 
Começo,  sm.  beginning. 
Comedeiro,  a,  adi.  that  eats. 
Comedia,  sf.  Y.  Alimento. 
Comedia,  sf.  comedy,  play ;  thea- 

tro.  Quereis  vir  á— ?  wiíl  you  go 

to  the  theatre? 

Comediante,  sm.  or  f.  player, 

actor  or  actress,  comedian. 
Comedidamente,  adv.  modestly, 

moderately.  [derate. 

Comedido,  a,  adj.  modest,  mo- 
Comedimento,  sm.  modesty,  mo- 

deration.  ["writes  coraedies. 

Comediographo,    sm.  he    vfho 
Comedir,    va.    to   measure,    to 

compute.     Comedir-se ,    vr.    to 

behave  modestly. 
Comedoiro,  sm.  the  drawer  of  a 

bird  cage.  [eater. 

Comedor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  great 

Comedorias,    sf.  pi.   meat   and 

drink   allowed   to    one  of   the 

king's  offíce.  [mean  time. 

Comenos,  sm.  N'esíe  — ,  in  the 
Comer,  va.  to  eat,  to  meat,  to 

feed ;  to  spend,  to  waste.  ScUa 

de  — ,  a  dming-room.  —  com  os 

olhos,  {fig.)  to   covet,  to  look 

^eedijy  on  a  thing.  — ,  vn.  to 

itch.  Comer-se,  vr.  to  be  eaten. 
Comer,  sm.  food,  eating.victuals. 

Comeres,  sm.  pi.  the  meais,  re- 

pasts,  dishes. 
Comestivel,  adi.  2  g.  eatable. — , 

sm.  victuals,  íood. 
Cometa,  sf.  comet,  blazing  star. 

—  de  cauda  comprida,  a  tailed 

comet.  [to  a  comet. 

Cometario,a,  ad/.of  orpertaining 
Comezana,  sf.  a  great  banquet 

or  feast.  [to  comprehend. 

Comezinho,  a,  aaj.  eatable ;  easy 
Comicamente,    adv,    comically, 

Comichão,  sf.  itching. 
Comicboso,   a,   adj.   humoroos, 

peevish,  morose. 
Comicial,  adj.  2  g.  comitial. 
Comicios,  sm.  pi.  comitia. 
Cómico,  a,  adj.  comical,  comic. 

— ,  sm.  or  f.  a  comedian. 
Comida,  sf.  eating,  meai,  repast. 
Comido,  a,  pp.  adj.  eaten. 
Comigo.  V.  Commigo.      [glutton. 
Comilão,  sm.   a  great  eater,   a 
Comilona    or    Comiloa,   sf   a 

gluttonous  woman. 
Comlnge,  sm,  a  m.Qi:^<ox  <a»l\^  V2»x  V^ 


—  214  — 


Cominlifliro,  a,  snt^  or  /.  a  man 

or  a  ^oman  that  sells  cummin- 

Cominhos,  cummm-seed. 
Comitiva,  sf.  train  of  attendants, 

attendance,  retinne. 
Comitre,  «m.  boatswain. 
Comina,  sm.   {mits.)  comma,  the 

smallest  of  ali  the  seasibú-  in- 

tervals  of  tone.  [manded. 

Commandado,  a,  ppK  adj.  com- 
Coroman damento ,  sm,  the  act 

of  coramanding. 
Commandante,    sm.    comman- 

dant,  commander. 
Commandar,  va.  to  command, 

to  order,  to  govern.  [pany. 

Comnutiidita,  sf.  a  stock  com- 
Gommando,  sm.  command. 
Goaotmiemoração,  sf.  comraemo- 

ration.  [memorated. 

Gommemoradov  a,  pp.  adj.  com- 
Commemorar,  va.  to  commemo- 

rate.  [memorative. 

OcanTraemorativo,  a,  adj.  com- 
GomznemoravcA,  adj.  2  g.  com- 

Commenda,  sf.  commander j 
Commendação,  sf.   V.  Becom- 

mendação.  [dery. 

Commendadeivaf,  sf.   commau- 
Commendador,  sm.  cQmmander; 

Commendadoria^  sf.   comman- 

dery,  the  office  of  commenda- 

tory.  [commendatory. 

Commendatarla,  sf.  liie  ofâoe  of 
Commendatario,  sm.  commen^ 

darory.  Abbade  — ,  an  abbot  in 

Commendatoria,  adj.  Cartw  — , 

a  letter  of  commendation. 
Commensal,     sm.     commensal, 

messmate,  boarder.  [sality. 

CommensaUdade,  sf.  commen- 
CommensurabiMdade ,  sf. 

(geom.)  commensurability;  com- 

Commensura^^ão,     sf.     {geom.) 

commensuration ;  proportion. 
CoxnmeiMarado,a,  pp.  adj.  com- 

Commenaorar,  va.  to  commen- 

surate,  to  proportion. 

Gomaaiensiiravel ,  adj.  i  g. 
(geom.)  commensurablo-. 

Commeatado:,  a,  pp.  cuij.  ex- 
pounded.  commented.  [tor. 

Commentador,  sm.   commenta- 

Commentante,  adj.  2  g.  that 
commenta.  [comment. 

Commentar,  va.  to  expound,  to 

Commentario,  sm.  commentary. 

Commeiatício,  a,  adj.  Y.  Fingido. 

Commento,  sm.  comment,  ex- 

Commerciado,  Si,pp.  adj.  tnuded. 

Commerctal,  adj.  2  ^.'commer- 
cial.  [trader. 

Commerciante,  sm.  a  merohaat, 

Commerciar,  vn.  to  trade,  to 
traffic,  to  commerce.      [tiabl«. 

Commerciavel,  adj.  2  g.  nego- 

Commercio-v^m.  commei>ce, trade, 
traífic ;  correspondence  ;  ao- 
quaintance.  Ter  —  com  ttma 
mulher,  to  have  an  intrigue  with 
a  woman.  [emçloyer. 

Comxnettente,  srn.  constitneQt, 

Commetter,  va.  to  commit,  to 
perpetrate ;  to  appoint,  to  dele- 
gate,  to  constitute;  to  endea- 
vour,  to  enterprise.  Commetter- 
se,  vr.  to  be  committed. 

Commettido,  a,  pp.  adj.  com- 
mitted, perpetrated.         [crime. 

Coxnmettimento,      sm.      fault, 

Commigo,  adv.  with  me. 

Comminação,  sf  commination, 
thrcatening.  [ened. 

Comminado,  a,  pp  adj.  threat- 

Comxninadòr,  a,  adj.  {in  la.w) 
comminatory. »— ,  sm.  a  threat- 
ener.  [menace. 

Comxalnar.  'va.  to  threaten,   to 

Comminativo,  a,  adj  menacing, 
that  threatens. 

Comminatovio,  a,  adj.  {in  law) 
comminatory.  [to  ^rind. 

Comminxxir;  va.  to  commmute, 

Conu3adsc>ração>  sf.  coromisera- 
tion ,  pity .  [serated. 

Commisei^ado,  SL,pp .  adj.  commi- 

Commiserador,  sm.  commiser»- 
tor.  [sivo. 

ComxoiBerante',  sm.  V.  Compor 

Comnxiserar-se,  vr.  to  comsaíse- 
rate,  to  pity. 


—  2i5  — 


Ctommissão ,    sf.     commission  ; 

mandate;  "warrant;  committee. 

Vencer  por— ^  to  sell  for  another. 
Goixuniasairaria,^^  commisfiary- 

Conumssarisido  or  Conrnriftsa- 

sariato,  sm.  commissariat. 
Ckxauuissario,  sm.  a-commissioií- 

er,    commissary.  —  de  guerra^ 

musteivmaster.  —  de  artílhericu, 

commissary  of  artillery.  —  geral 

de     oavalUiria,    mnster-master 


missioner,  one  who  has  :a  com- 
Gommisso,  sm.  forfeit  or  ifine. 
GoDxmissorio,  a,  adj.  {in  law) 

binding  clause.  [sure. 

Gommissura.  sf.  {anat.)  oommis- 
ConuBsistão,  sf.  commixtion. 
Gomsnistiirado,    a,    adj.    com- 

mixed.  [tente. 

Gaxomittente,   sm.  Y.   Commet- 
Coxnmoção ,      sf.      commotion , 

trouble.  [commode. 

Gominoda,  sf.  a  set  of  drawers, 
Gommodamente,  adv.   commo- 

diously,  easily.  [dato 

CUmimodiante,   sm.  Y.   Commo- 
Gommodatario,  a,  sm,  or  /.  he 

or  she  who  has  borrowed   so- 

mething  tbat  is  to  be  retumed 

in  kind. 
Gominodato,    sm.    {in    law)  the 

thing  that  is  lent  or  borrowed 

to  be  retumed  iniand. 
Goxnmodidade,  sf.  opportnnity, 

convenience,     accommodation. 
Comxttodo,  a,  adj.  commodious, 

eonvenient;     rich^   afpreeable, 

Goxnixiodo,  sm.  leisnre;  advan- 

tage,  gain,  beneiit. 
Gcmunoriente,  ad^.  1  g.  oommo- 

rient,  dying  at  the  same  time. 
Gonunover,  va.  to  mova,  to  oom- 

move,  to  affect ,  to  cause  trouble, 

to  agitate.  Commover^e^  vr.  to 

be  commoved. 
QoBQumovido,  a,  pp.  aáj.  mored, 

^omBOLua,  sf.  water-closetj^irivy. 

general ;  «suai,  frequent ;  plen- 
tiful; rife; vulgar, ordinary,  tri- 
vial. O  — .  the  generality,  the 
gveatest  part. 

Goxnmuininente,  adv.  commonly , 
generally.  [universal. 

Canmcraaal,  adj.  2  g.  common, 

Comxnunalznente ,  adv.  com- 

Gomxnuneiro,  sm.  commoner. 

Coxmnungado,  a,  pp.  adj.  com- 

Goxnmungante,  adj.  2  g.  that 
communicates.  — ,sm.  or /.  he  or 
she  that  receives  tbe  blessed 

Goxxuxiungar,  va.  to  administer 
the  communion.  — .  vn.  to  com- 

Coxnmungatorio,  sm.  the  com- 
munion-table.        [municability. 

GommunicaibiUdflde,  sf.    com- 

GomzaunicaçSo,  s/l^communica- 
tion ,  intercourse  ;  fellowship  , 
uiúon  in  faith.  [municated, 

Conunnnioado,  a,  j^.  adj.  com- 

Gozaxnunicador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he 
or  she  who  communicates. 

Communicar,  va.  to  communi- 
cate,  to  impart,  to  ahare;  to 
show,  to  reveal ;  to  converse. 
— .un.tokeep  a  correspondence 
with.  Communicar-se,  vr.  to  be 
communicative,  affable. 

CommunicAtivo,  a,  adj  commu- 
nicative. [nicable. 

Comxnunicavi^  adj.  2  g.  commu- 

.Gommnnidade,  sf.  community, 
commonalty;  oorporation. 

Gomanunismo,  sm.  eommunism. 

Qonununista,  am.  communist. 

Comxnutação,  sf.  commutation, 

Gonunutada,  a,  pp-  adj  com- 
muted,  exchangeâ.  [mutes. 

ComooLatadm*,  «m.  h«  who  com- 

Xtomãsuatar,  va.  iõ  commute  or 
change.  [tative. 

Goaaaaautativo,  a,  adj.   commu- 

Gomniutav»!,  adj,  3,  g.  commu- 

.GtanOi  adv,  as,  Uke,  when ;  while, 
After  vtúmofit.  Como  isêo.,  so  ao. 

íonipm-loii,  joilino»-  howhehas 
itiflEO. — tl>iiv-  gue  í^a.iiovevcr 

tem  publjort,  03  hfl  afaajsloTed 

Compaoldada,  3f.  deniily,  (iom- 

CompactD.  a.  ndj.  cnmpnc^t. 
Compadecedar.  a,  adj.  Ibat  has 

Comc^deosr,  «n.  lo  admit  of.  to 

Compadecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  • 

.  pompBtornity. 

Compadre,  i 


Work  toffether;  ccpmpany.aailo, 
Gompanhar,  va.  V-  Ãcompanfiar 

panhelro,  iin,  a  compai 
"inhla,  xf.  oompany,  fe 

'oaipnny  y   [mil,) 

esUlillsh  a  compsny  QípftMiiar- 

ahip,  (tuoe  corroIslLre. 

Compar.a-íj.ííT.  (mi  )  Tom—,í 

Comparação ,    sf,    qorapnrLson , 

Comparada.  a,^p.  ailj. coiiipiíTeã, 

Comparador,  um,  (pAjt. )  a  boM 

□r    instrunient   for    camparing 

Comparar,  no.   iq   compare,    to 

Comparável,  aaj 

OompareoentSi  si 

Comparecido,   a,  p 
Compareolmento,  1 

/.  lÍK  imo) 
adj.    ap. 

CompBBaado,   a, 
CÕmpassagelro.  s 

-Compasairel.  adj.   < 

meuiure  wlth 

"ooipaoy.    í-ta-mar  um. 

.    compaa- 

Tiavio   de 


—  217  — 


Compatibilidade,  s/'.  compatibil- 

Gompativel,  adj.lg.  compatible. 
Compatriota,    «m.    or   f.    com- 

patriot,  countryman. 
Compeçar,  va.  V.  Começar. 
CompeUido,   a,  pp.  adj.  com> 

pelled,  forced. 
CompeÚir,  "a. to  compel,  to  force. 
Compendiado,  a,  pp.  adj,  abrid- 

ged,  epitomized. 
Compendiador,  sm.  abbreviator, 

Compendiar,    va.   to   compen- 

diate,  to  abridge,  to  abbreviate. 
Compendlario ,    a,    adj.    con- 

tracted.  [abridgment. 

Compendio ,   sm.   compendium , 
Compendiosamente,  adv,  brief- 

ly,  compendiously. 
Compendioso,  a,  adj.  compen- 

dious,  brief,  abridged. 
Compensação,  sf.  compensatioo, 

equivalent,  reparation. 
Compensado,  a,  pp.  adj.  com- 

Compensador,    sm.    and    adj. 

compensator,  one  who  compen- 

sates;  compensative. 
Compensar,  va.  to  compensate. 
Compensativo,  a,  adj.  compen- 
sative, compensatory. 
Compensável,  adj.  2  g.  com- 

Competência,   sf.  competition, 

emulation,    contest;   (in   lato) 

Competente,  adj.ig.  competent, 

sufíicient;  suitable. 
Competentemente,   adv.  com- 

petently,  properly. 
Competição ,    sf.     competition, 

Competido,  a,  jDp.  adj.  contested. 
Competidor,  a,  sm.  or  /.  com- 

petitor,  rival. 
Competimento,  sm.  competition. 
Competir,    vn.   to    contest,    to 

strive,  to  emulate;  to  belong. 
Compilação,  sf.  compilation. 
Compilado,  a,  ji^.  at^'.  compiled. 
CompUBdor^  sm.  a  compiler, 
CompOar,  va,   to   oompile,   to 

Complacência,  sf.  complaisance, 

Complacente,  adj.   2  g.  com- 

plaisant,  affable,  obliging. 
Gomplectamente,  adv.  v.  Jurt- 

Complectoria,  sf.  completory. 
Compleição ,    sf.    constitution ; 

complexion,  disposition. 
Gompleicionado.  a,  adj.  consti- 

tuted,  constitutioned. 
Compleioional,  adj.  2  g.  of  of 

belonging  to  the  complexion. 
Complementar,  adj.  2  g.  belong- 
ing to  the  complement. 
Complementario,  a,  adj.  com- 

Complemento,  sm.  complement, 

accomplishment ;  (/brí.)  {geog.) 

{gram.)  complement. 
Completado,  a,  pp.  adj.  com- 

pleted,  íinished.  [ly. 

Completamente,  adv.  complete- 
Completar,  va.  to  complete,  to 

ânish,  to  accomplish. 
Completas,  sf.  pi.  oompline. 
Completivo,  a,  adi.  completivo. 
Completo,    a,    adj.    complete, 

finished,  perfect. 
Gomplezioade,  sf.  complexity, 

Complexo,  a,  adj.  complex,  com- 

posite.  —  sm.  space,  capacity ; 

Complicação,  sf.  complication. 
Complicadamente,  adv.  com- 

plicately,  confusedly. 
Complicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  compli- 

cated,  confused. 
Complicar,  va.  to  complicate,  to 

confuse,  to  mix.  Complicca^-se^ 

vr.  to  become  complicated. 
Complico,  adj.  ana  s.  2  g.  com- 
plico, accomplice;  instrumental. 
Compliciado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made 

Compliciar,  va.  to  make  accom« 

plice.   Compliciar-se,  vr.   to  be 

complice  or  accomnUc«i. 
Gomplioidade,  «f .  ^^  ^iç^Tl%  «»». 

GompoedoT,  «m.  N.  Ccmposxtwp- 
Comi^iiedoc,  sm.  VF^nU^  ^  «««^ 

posing-Btic^  .^ 


218  — 


Gompon^ate,  adj,  %  g,  compo- 

nent,  that  composes. 
Compor,  va.  to  corapose,  towrite; 

to  complicate,  to  entángle,  to 

set  to  music;  {prini.)  to  com- 

pose ;  to  set  in  order.  —  wn.  to 

corapound,  to  adjust.  Compâryae^ 

vr.  —  com  seus  inimigos^  to  be 

reconciled  with  one's  enemies. 
.   —  com  os  credores,  to  compound 

with  one's  creditors. 
Clomporta,  sf.  a  flood-^te,  a 

Comportado,  a,  pp  adj,  suffered. 
Comportamento,  sm.  conduct, 

Comportar,  va.Xo  bear,  to  suffer^ 

to  permit,  to  allov.  Comportar- 

se,  vr.  to  behave  one's  self.  — 

mal,  to  misbehave. 
Comportável,  adJ.  2  ar.  tolerable, 

that  cau  be  suf^red. 
Composição ,    sf.   composition , 

arran^ement,  ag^eement;  con- 

struction;  (print]  composition. 

Entrar  em  — ,  to  compound. 
Compósita,  adj.  f.  (areh.)  Ordem 

— ,  the  coraposite  order. 
Compositor,  sm.  composer,  wri- 

ter,  author ;  (print.)  oompesitor. 
Compostamente,  ado.   compo- 

sedly,  modestly. 
Composto,  a,  pp.  adj.  coraposed, 

compósita,  written.  Homem — ,  a 

sober  and  modest  man. 
Composto,  sm.  compoaition,  com- 
pound, mixture. 
Compostura,  sf.   deoenc^,  mo- 

desty;  {mus.)  counter-pomt. 
Compota,  sf,  stewed-fruit. 
Compoteira,  sf,  a  8tewed-<frmt 

Compra,  sf.  purchase,  bayin^, 

Compradiço,  a,  ai.j.  that  may 

be  bought;  venal,  mercenary. 
Comprado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bought, 

Comprador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  buyer, 

purchaser ;  caterer  or  purveyor. 
Comprar,   va.  to  buy,  to  pur- 

chase.  —  cartas,  (gome)  to  take 

cards;  (/Sa,)  to  pj^y  âear  for  a 

Compravel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may  be 

Gomprazedor,  a,    sm.  or  f,  a 

complaisant  man  or  woman. 
Comprazer,   va.   to   please,    to 

comply  with,  to  humour.  Com- 

prazer-se,  vr.  to  delight. 
Comprazido,  a,  pp.  adj.  pleased 

with.  [sance. 

Comprazimento,  sm.  complai- 
Compreliender,  va.  to  compre- 

hend,  to  understand;  to  include, 

to  comprise,  to  contain.   Com- 

prekenaer-sey  vr,  to  be  compre- 

Gomprehendido ,    a,    pp.   adj, 

comprehended ;  understood. 
Compreensão,  sf.  comprehen 

sion,  nnderstanding. 
Gomprehensibilidade,  sf.  com- 

prehensibility,  comprehensible- 

ness.  [hension. 

Comprehensiva,    sf.    compre- 
Compreliensivamente ,      adv. 

Comprehensiveí.  adj.  2  g.  com- 

prehensible,  intelligible. 
Gomprehensivo,  a,    adj.  com- 

prenensive ;  compendious. 
Comprc^ensor ,  a,    adj,    that 

Comprehenaores ,  sm.  pi.   the 

blessed  in  heaven. 
Gompreição,  sf.  V.  Compleição, 
Compressa,  sf.  {surg.)  compress, 

Compressão ,   sf.   compression , 

compressure,  condensation. 
Compressibilidade,    sf.    com- 

Compressível,   adj.   2  g.  com- 

Compressivo,  a,  adj.  compres- 

Compresso,  a,  pp.  adj.  preased. 
Compressor,   sm.  a  person   or 

thing  that  compressos. 
Gompridamente,  adv.  lengthily. 
Gompridão,  sf.  length. 
Comprido,  a,  adj.  long,  lengthy; 

Compridciro,  a,  adj.  neoessarv. 
Gomprimentada,   a,  pp,    aJ^- 
\     com'g^xcDAí]Lt.ed. 


—  2i9  — 


Gomprimentar,  va.  to  eempli- 

ment,  to  coagraiulitteu 
Comprimeoite ,  adj.   2  g.   that 

presses.  [pliiisenter. 

Comprixnaiti^bro,  a,  adj.  com- 
Gomprimento,  sm.  lenjgtk. 
Goxnprixnido,  a,  pp.  adj.  pressed, 

thrast  close. 
Comprimir,    va.    to   presa,  to 

compreas ,  to  thrust ;  (fig.)  to  ap- 

pease,  to  repress,  to  ke^  under. 
Gomprir,   va.   V.   Cumprir  and 

Gomprometter,  va.  to  coanpro- 

mit,  to  compromiae,  to  axpose. 

Cwnprometter-se^  vr.  to  expose 

oae^s  self,  to  c(»nproinifie. 
Gomproa&ettido ,   a,   pp.    adj. 

Gonqaromfifcfcimento,  sm.  the  aet 

of  compromising  one*8  self. 
Gompromissario,  a,  adj.  and  s. 

compromitsorUJ,  arbitrator. 
GorapromiiHio.  sm.  compromise ; 

GcNDiíromisaorio,  a,   adj.  Hiat 

contains  a  compromise. 
Oomporotector,   sm.   joánt  pro- 
Gomwova^U),  sf^  confirmatioo. 

V.  Prooa. 
GomproTado,  a^pp.  adj.  proved, 

GomproTador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he 

-Úiat  conânns  or  proves. 
Gomprorante,    adj.  2  g.   that 

ComprofttT,  «a.    to   prove,  to 

confim.  Comprooar-se  t  vr.  to 

Tecei ve  confirroation. 
Gomprovindal  or  Gomprovin- 

olaíiio,  a,  adj.  comprovinciaL 
Gomptabilidade,    sf.  accounts. 

Esariptorio    de  — -,    counting- 

house.  [mined. 

Gompulaado,   a,  pp.  adj.  eza- 
Gompiílflnrtor,  a,  sm.otf.  he  or 

«he  'tiaà  eKamines. 
Gomiraílifio,  sf  compulsion,  oom- 

Gompraar,  va.  to  examine,  to 

eoaipcl  A  Tegister ;  toexaoBáne. 
«/«a  subpona^  a 

Gompulsorio,  a,  adj.  oon^ul- 
sory.  Carta  —a,  a  subpcena. 

Gompunção ,  sf.  compunction , 
repentance,  contrition. 

GomLpungido,a,  or  Gomponcto, 
a,  pp.  adj.  penitent,  repented. 

GompuBgixnento,  sm.  compunc- 
tion. [âuence ;  to  move. 

Gompungir,  va.  to  affect,  to  in- 

GompungitiTO,  a,  adj.  compunc- 

Gompvrjjar,  va.  to  justify  anj 
man's  innooence  by  the  testi- 
moiBy  of  another. 

Gompu tacão,  sf.  computation, 
calculation.  [puted. 

Computado,  a,  pp.  adj.   com- 

ComiHitador,  sm.  compuler. 

Computar,  va.  to  compute,  to 
calculate.  [culator. 

Computistaf  sm.  computer,  cal- 

Computo,  sm.  computation,  cal- 
culation. [beit. 

G<»nquanto,  eonj.  although,  al- 

Comaigo,  adv.  with  himself. 

Comtigo^  adv.  witíi  thee. 

Comum,  adj.  V.  Commum  and 

ComvQBOO,  adv.  wiih  you. 

Gonato,  sm.  endeavour,  tenta- 

Coiusa,  sf.  quoit ;  a  kind  of  game 
vitíi  a  stone  or  piece  of  brick 
which  is  thrown  at  mark. 

GonoaftenaçdiO,  sf.  concatena- 

Concateiiado,  a,  adj.  concate- 
nated.  [to  bind. 

Concatenar,  va.  to  concatenate, 

Conoansa*  sf.  a  thing  that  con- 
curs  or  runs  together  with 

GonoaTar,  va.  tQ  dig  together 
-with  another.  [caveness. 

Concavidade,  sf.  concavity,  eon- 

Goncavo,  a,  adj.  concave,  hollow. 
—  metaly  {poet.)  a  cannon. 

ConcaTO-conoavo,  a,  adj.  con- 

GoDcavc^ooBTexo,  a,  adj.  con- 

Conceber,  va.  and  n.  to  conceive^ 
to  breed,  (Jl0.\  \o  xja^vníwsÀ., 
to  peTcew©,\o  tfeucevq*  .,Vi«v- 


-  220  — 


press.  —  esperanças,  to  enter- 

tain  hopes. 
Conoehiao.a, pp. adj.  conceived; 

imagined,  perceived. 
Concebixnento,  sm.  conception. 
Concedente,  adj.lg.  that  aílows. 
Conceder,  va.  to  grant,  to  allow, 

to  permit.  [cession. 

Concedidamente,  adv.  hy  con- 
Concedido,  a,  pp.  adj.  granted, 

Concedimento,  sm.  concession. 
Concedivel,  adj.  V.  Concessivel. 
Conceição,  sf.  conception,  breed- 


Conceiteado,  a,  pp.  adj.    ex- 
pressed  elegantly. 

Conceitear,  vn.  to  express  ele- 

Conceito,  sm.  conceit,  opinion, 
thought;  fame,  credit. 

Conceituado,  a,  pp.  adj.  judged, 

Conceituar,  va.  to  express  ele- 
gantly, to  judge,  to  esteem. 

Conceituosamente,  adv.  inge> 
niously,  wittily. 

Conceituoso,  a,  adj.  ingenious, 
witty.  [concelebring. 

Concelebração,    sf.  the  act  of 

Concelebrado,  a,  pp,  adi.  ceie- 
brated  jointly.  Mointly. 

Concelebrar,  va.  to  concelebrate 

Concelheiro,  a,  adj.  of  or  be- 
longing  to  the  municipality. 

Concelho,  sm.  municipality.  Pa- 
ços do  — ,  a  town-house. 

Concento,  sm.  consonance,  har- 
mony.  [tion. 

Concentração,    sf.   concentra- 

Concentrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  con- 
centred,  concentrated. 

Concentrar,  va.  to  concentre  or 
concentrate ;  {fig.)  to  fix.  Con- 
centrar-se,  vr.  to  concentre. 

Concêntrico,  a,  adj.  concentric, 

Concepção,  sf.  conception. 

Concepcionario,  sm.  a  defender 
of  the  immaculate  conception. 

Conceptivel,  adj.  2  g.  concep- 

tible,  conceivable. 
Concernente,    adj.   2  g,   con- 

ceraiDg,  touching. 

Concernir,  vn.  to  concern. 

Concertadamente,  adv.  conve* 
niently,  with  prudence. 

Concertado,  a,  j^p.  adj.  disposed, 
ordered,  put  in  order. 

Concertador ,  sm.  mender , 

Concertante,  adj.  2  g.  {mus.) 
Symphonia  — ,  a  8;^mphony  in 
Vhich  two  or  more  instrumenta 
perform  the  principal  parta. 

Concertante,  sm.  a  striver  with 
a  rival ;  performer  in  a  concert. 

Concertar,  va.  to  dispose,  to 
order ;  to  repair,  mend,  adjust. 
Concertar-se,  vr.  —  com  a  parie^ 
to  compound  with  the  plaintiff. 
—  no  preço,  to  agree  in  the 

Concerto,  sm.  disposition,  order, 
discipline;  {mus.)  concert,  a 
concerto.  Repair;  agreement, 
composition ;  mending.  De  cofi- 
certo,  adv.  by  mutucu  consent. 

Concessão,  sf.  concession. 

Concessionário,  sm.  concesdon- 
ary,  grantee. 

Concessivel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 
be  granted  (privilege,  etc). 

Concesso,  a,  adj.  concession. 

Concessor,  a,  s.  Y.  Outorgante, 

Concha,  sf.  shell.  —  de  atafona, 
the  lower  mill-stone  of  a  horse- 
mill.  Metter-se  nas  —  «,  {fíg.)  to 
be  silent ;  {print.)  a  wrong  let- 
ter)  Conchas  do  gurupés,  {a  sea 
term)  the  saddle  of  bowsprit. 

Conchacil  or  Conchaois,  sm.  a 
criminal  jadge  (in  China). 

Conchado,  a,  adj.  shelled,  shelly. 

Concharia,  sf.  snells. 

Conchavado,  a,  pp.  adj.  united, 

Conchavar,  va.  to  put  things  of 

the  same  form  and  shape  and  of 

differênt    size  one  within  ano- 

ther  luch  as  weights;  to  con- 

elude,  to  adjost,  to  unite  any 

matter.  [nivance. 

Conchavo,  sm.  agreement,  con- 

Gonòheado,  a,  adj.  shelly. 

Conchear,   va.    to  cover  with 

shells.  [comfortable. 


^  221  — 


Conchegar,  va,  to  bring  or  put 

nearer;  to  make  comiortaole. 

Cottckegar-sey  vr.  to  close,  to 

coalesce,  to  lean,  to  rest  again, 

to  come  close. 
Conchego,  sm.  protector ;  conve- 

nience,    advantage ;    comfort , 

a  snog,  a  comfortable  place ;  a 

CoRchellos»  sm.  pL   {bot,)  the 

herb  pennj^-wort,  penny-grass» 

Venus-navel  or  ship-wort. 
Concho,  a,  adj.  conndent;  vain. 
Conchudo,  a,  adj.  covered  with 

shells.  [shells. 

Gonchyliario,  sm.  a  coUection  of 
Gonohyliíero,  a,  adj,  conchi- 

Conohylio,  sm.  a  sheU-âsh. 
Gonchyliologia ,  sf.  conchylio- 

logv,  conchology. 
Conohyliologico,  a,  adj.  concho- 

logical.  [logist. 

Gonchyliologista,  sm.  concho- 
Conch3rte8,    sm.  pi.  {nat.  hist.) 

concnites.  [citizen. 

Concidadão,  S,  «m.  or  /.  fellow- 
Conciliábulo,  sm.  conventkle; 

ConoiliapSo,  sf.  conciliation. 
Conciliado,  a,  pp.  adj.  conci- 

liated,  accordea. 
Conciliador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  conci- 

liator,  reconciler. 
Conolliante,  adj.  2  g.  concilia- 

ting,  reconciling. 
Conciliar,  va.  to  reconcile,  to 

conciliate,  to  accord;  {/ig.)  to 

gain,  to  procure. 
Concilisur,  adj.  2  g.  of  or  belong- 

ing  to  a  council. 
Gonclliario,  a,  adj.  {theol.)  of  or 

belonging  to  a  council. 
Conciliannente,  adv.  in  coun- 
cil. [conciliatory. 
Conciliativo,  a,  aeí/.conciliating, 
Conciliatório,  a,  adj.  concilia- 

ting,  conciliatory.  [lable. 

Conciliável,  adj.  2  g.  reconci- 
Conoilio,  sm.  council,  assembly. 
Gonoionador,  sm.   concionator, 

Conotonal,  adj.   %  g.  belonging 

to  the  assembly  of  the  people. 

Conoionar,  vn.  to  harangue,  to 

make  a  public  speech. 
Conoisamente,  adv.  concisely, 

Concisão,  sf.  concision,  brevity. 
Conciso,  a,  adj.  concise,  short, 

Concitação,  sf.  concitatlon,  a^- 

tation,  tumult. 
Concitadamente,  a^u  .excitedly. 
G<mcitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  excited. 
Conoitador,  a,  sm.  or  f  exciter, 

agitator.  [to  provoke. 

Concitar,  va.  to  excite,  to  stir  up, 
Conoitativo,  a,  adj.  that  excites. 
Conolamação,  sf.  conclamation. 
Conclave,  sm.  conclave. 
CondLavista,  sm.  conclavist. 
Con^udente,  adj.  2  g.  conclud- 

ing,  conclusive. 
Conclndoitemente,   adv.  con- 

clusively,  decisiveljjr. 
Concluído,  a,  pp.  adj.  concluded, 

Concluinte  or  Concluente,  adj. 

V.  Concludente. 
Concluir,   va.   to   conclude,  to 

ânisb ;  to  infer.  Concluir-se,  vr. 

to  decline,  to  decay. 
Conclusão,  sf.  conclusion,  deter- 

mination,  end.  Em — ,  in  short. 
Conclusionista,  sm.  a  respon- 

dent.  [final. 

Conclusivo,  a,"  adj.  conclusive, 
CSonclusivamente ,    adv.    con- 

clusively,  decisively. 
Concluso,  a,   adj.    concluded, 
(&' flnished,  settled. 
Conol\isÕÍes,  a  disputation, 

thesis.  Defender — ,  to  be  a  res- 

pondent.  [^estion. 

Concocção,   sf.  concoction,  di- 
Concootivo,  a,  adj.  concoctive, 

Concomitância ,  l  sf.    concomi- 

tance,  concomitancy. 
Concomitante,  adj.  2  g.  conco- 

mitant.  [corded,  agreed. 

Concordado,  a,  pp.  adj.   con- 
Concordância,  sf.  concordance, 

agreement.  [dant. 

Concordante,  adj.  2  g.  concor- 
Conoordar,  va  to  reconcvlô^  \s» 

conform,tA>  agc^^*—  à.»^»\^<x^^^^ 


—  M2  — 


adjust.  —  V7Í.  to  agres  to^benr, 

to  concord. 
Concordata,  sf.  and    Conoor- 

dato,  S7n.  concordate,  treaty. 
Concordavel,  adj.  2  g.  concord- 

able,  roconcileable. 
Concorde,  adj.  2  g.  concordant, 

Concordemente,  adv.  concord- 

antly,  un.inimously. 
Concórdia,  sf.  peace,  concord. 
Concorrência,  sf.  concurreaee, 

competition ;  concourse. 
Concorrente,  adj.  2  g.  cóncur- 

rent.  — sm,  competitor,  ríyal. 
Concreação,  sf.  creation  at  tiie 

same  time. 
Concreado,  SL,pp.adJ.  ereated  at 

the  same  time.  [create. 

Concrear,  va.  to  concreate,  to 
Concreção,  sf.  concratioii,  eoa- 

lition.  [cible. 

Concrescivel,  adj.  2  g.  concres- 
Concreto,    a,     adj.    concreto; 

{chem.)  concreto,  a  compoond. 
Concubina,  sf.  concubine. 
Concubinario ,    sm.    one    that 

keeps  a  concubine. 
Concubinato,  sm.  concnbinage. 
Concubino,  sm.  one  tíiat  is  in 

concubinage.  [lation. 

Concnbito ,   sm.   coition,  eopu> 
Conculcado,  a,  p/).  adj.  trampled 

under  foot. 
Couculcador.  sm.  he  that  tram- 
j)les  under  foot ;  {fig.)  despiser. 
Conculcar,  va.  to  trample  under 

foot;  to  contemn. 
Concunhado,  a^  sm.  or  f.  the 

brother  of  a  brother-in-lâir 
Concupiscência,    sf.  concupis- 

cence,  lust 
Concupiscente,  adj.  2  g.  concu- 

piscent,  libidinous.  [piscible. 
Concupiscivel,  adj.  2  g.  concu- 
Concurrencia ,  sf.  V.  Concor- 
rência and  derlvated. 
Goncturso,  sm.  concurrence,  com- 
petition, concourse,  confluenee. 
Concussão ,      sf.     concussion , 

shake;  extortion,  peculation. 
Concussionario .  sm.  extortion- 

er,  depredutor.  [predator. 

Gonoussor,  sm.  extortioner,  de- 

Condftdo,  sm.  county,  eartâom. 
Condal,  adj.  2  g.  of  or  beloi^ing 

to  a  count. 
Condão,  sm.  prerogatire^  privi- 

lege.  Varinha  <ie  — ,  a  magicai 

Conde,  sm.  count,  earL 
Gondeçft,  sf.    a  small   covered 

"wicRer  basket  round  or  oTal. 
Condeeender,  vn.   V.    Ccndei- 

Condecoração,  sf.  badc^. 
Condecorada,  a,  pp.  adj.  graced. 
Condecorar,   va.  to  grace,.  to 

honour;  to  decorate. 
GoDdemnaçSo  or  Condenação, 

êf.    condemnation ,   judgment ; 

penalty,  mulct. 
Condemnado,  a,  pp.  adj.  con- 

demned,  sentenced ;    nnílcted, 

Condemnador,  sm,  conãeinaer. 
Ccmdeninamento,  sm.  condem- 
Gondemnar,  va.  to  condemn,  to 

cast ,    to  pronounce  judg^ent 

against  one,  to  damn;  to  âne; 

{fíg.)  to  blame.  — um  naoio^  {a 

sea  term)  to  condemn  a  ship  as 

unseaworthy.  CondemiMr-se^  9t, 

to  condemn  one's  self. 
Condeninatorio,  a,   adj»   eon- 

Gondemnavel,  adi.  2  g.  condem- 

nable,  blamable,  blam»-'worthy. 
Condensabilldade,   sf.  {phys.) 

Condensação,  sf.  condenaation, 

Condensado,  a,  j^.  adj.    coit- 

densated,  condensed. 
Condensador,  sm.  condenser. 
Condensante,  adj.  2  g.  that  con- 
Condensar,  va.  to  condensate; 

to  condense.    Condensar-se^  er. 

to  condensate.  [sative. 

Gondensativo,  a,  adj.  conden- 
Gondensavel,  adj.  2  g.  oonâen- 

Gondensor,  sm.  {mech.)  conden- 
ser; condensing  machine. 
Gondescendencra ,  sf.   condes- 
c6nBi(»i,-  condescendence. 


-^»3  — 


GondescendeBte,  aàj.  i  g.  con- 
descendi ng,  compiying. 

Gondesoender,  vn.  to  coodes- 
cend.  [descended. 

Condescendido,  ft,  pp.  adj.  con- 

Condescendimento,  sm.  com- 

Condessa,  sf.  a  countess. 

Condessillio,  sm.  Y.  Depostío. 

Gondestable,  sm.  V.  Condestavel. 

Condestavel,  sm.  constable.  ~- 
de  navio,  the  chief  giumer 
aboard  a  ship. 

Condição,  sf.  condition,  estate ; 
circumstances;  inclination;  qna- 
lity,  rank.  ff  ornem  íte— ,  a  man  of 
quaíity.  Clause ;  term.  Boa  — , 
good  offer. 

Condicional,  adj,  i  g.  condi- 
tional.  [tionallv. 

Condicionalmente,  adv.  condi- 

Condicionar,  va.  y  .Acondicionar. 

Condiçoar,  va.  V.  Convencionar. 

Condignamente,  adv,  condign- 
ly,  deservedly. 

Condignidadd,  sf.  condignity ; 
merit.  [thy. 

Condigno,  a,  adj.  condign,  wor- 

Condimento ,  sm.  condiment. 
V.  Adubo. 

Gondimentoso,  a,  adj.  that  sea- 
sons  meat. 

Condir,  va.  (pharm.)  to  tie  a  re- 
medy  in  a  piece  of  doth  in  order 
to  boil  it. 

Condiscipulado,  sm.  fellowship. 

Condiscípulo ,  a ,  «m.  cr  f.  a 
school-fello-w.  [svers. 

Condizente,  adj.    2  g.  that  an- 

Gondizer ,  vn.  to  answer,  to  agree. 

Condoer-se,  vr.  to  condole,  to 
pity.  O  que  se  condoe,  condoler. 

Condoído,  a,  pp.  adj.  V.  Compa- 
Condoimento,  sm.  compassion, 

condolence,  pity. 
Condolência ,    sf.    condolence , 

Gondoma,  s.  {nat.  hist.)  a  sort  of 
antelope.  [giveness. 

G<mdonaçSo,    sf.    pardon,   for- 
Gondonado,  a,  2^).  adj.  pardoned, 
forgiven.  [give. 

Gonaoonr,  va.  to  pardon,  to  for- 

Condonatajrio,  a,  «m.  or  f.  a 

Condor,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  condor. 
Gonduoção,  sf.  conduction,  oob- 

dnctÍBg,  carria^e. 
Conducente,  adj.ig,  condnciTe, 

Conducta,  sf.    conduct,   beha- 

Tiour;  the  act  of  eondnoting, 

guide,  direction ;   conduit»  ca- 
nal. —  de  soldados,  lery  of  sol- 

Conductario,  sm.  he  wfao  resds 

lectores  in  a  chair  of  inferior 

Gonductibilidade,  sf.  the  pro- 

perty  of  conducting  (heat  and 

Gonduetivo,  a,  adj.  condacivê, 

having  the  power  of  condncing. 
Conducto,  sm.  conduit,  canal  for 

the  conveyance  of  water. 
Gondaotor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  leader, 

gaide,     conductor;    {phys.)    or 

{surg.)  conductor. 
Condnplicado,    a,     adj.    (bot.) 

conduplicate.  [tion. 

Conduplicação,  sf.  conduplica- 
Conduto,  sm  any  thing  that  is 

eaten  with  bread.  [carried. 
Conduzido,  a,  pp.  adj.  condacted, 
Conduzir,    va.   to    conduct,  to 

carry,  to  guide,  to  lead,  to  carry 

along;  to  govem,  to  direct.  — 

vn.  to  conauce,  to  contribute, 

to  avail.  Conduzir-se^  vr.  to  be- 

Gondylo,  sm.  {anat.)  condylus. 
Condyloide,  adj.  1  g.  condyloid. 
Condyloma,  s.  (med.)  condyKMba. 
Cone,  sm.  cone.  —  truncado^  tnm- 

cated  cone. 
Conega,  sf.  a  canoness. 
Cónego,  sm.  a  cânon. 
Conesia,  sf.  canonry,  canonsMp. 
Confabulado,  a,  pp.  adj,  confa- 

Confabular,  vn.  to  confaboUnte. 
Confecção,  sf.  {pharm. )  confec- 

tion,    electoary;   execation   of 

anv  thing.  [of  dmgps. 

Conleccionado,  a,  pp.  adj.  nade 
Confeccionar,    va.   {pharm.)  to 
inaka  -with  dru%^  \  V>  Txv'B2ft&^ 


•-  224 


Gonfecto,  a,  adj.  spent,  wasted. 

Confederação,  sf.  confederation, 
confederacy.  [derated. 

Confederado,  a,  pp.  adj,  confe- 

Confederador,  sm.  confederator. 

Confederar,  oa.  to  confederate. 
Confederar-sey  vr,  to  confede- 
rate. [rative. 

Confederatlvo,  a,  adj,  confede- 

Gonfeição,  sf.  confection,  com- 
position.  [mixed, 

Gonfeiçoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made; 

Gonfeiçoar,  va.  to  make  a  con- 
fection;  to  mix. 

Confeitado,  a,  pp.  adj,  confected. 

Confeitar,  va.  to  confect,  to  cora- 
fit.  [shop,  confectionary. 

Confeitaria,  sf.    confectioner's 

Confeiteiro,  sm.  a  confectioner. 

Confeito,  a,  adj.  composed,  un- 

Confeitos,  sm.  pi.  comflts. 

Conferencia ,  sf.  conference ; 
meeting;  comparing,  coUation 
(books).  [fered,  compared. 

Conferenciado,  a,  pp.  adj.  con- 

Conferenciar,  va.  to  confer,  to 
compare ;  to  hold  a  conference. 

Conferente,  adj.  i  g.  that  con- 
fers.  [compared. 

Conferido,  a,  pp.  adj.  confered. 

Conferir,  va.  to  confer,  to  com- 
pare, to  confront.  —  vn.  to  dis- 
course,  to  consult,  to  confer. 

Conferva,  sf.  {bot.)  conferva; 

Confessado,  a,  pp.  adj  con- 
fessed,  acknowledged,  avowed. 
—  sm.  a  person  wno  confesses 
his  sins  to  a  priest ;  penitent. 

Confessador,  a,  sm,  or  f.  he  or 
she  that  confesses  any  thing. 

Confessar,  va.  to  confess,  to 
acknowledge,  to  avow;  to  hear 
the  confession  of  a  penitent. 
Confessarse  j    vr,    to    confess 

one  s  sins. 

Confessional,  sm.  one'whomakes 

a  confession  of  faith. 
Confessionário,  sm.  confession- 

ãry,  penitentiary. 

ConfeaaioniatSL ,     sm,     confes- 

Conieaao,  a,   adj  {in  law)  that 


confesses  anv  thing.  —  sm.  ono 

that  has  confessed. 
Confessor,  sm,  confessor;  {fig,) 

a  martyr. 
Confiadamente,  adv.  boldbr. 
Confiado,  a,  pp,  adj,  connded ; 

bold,  coniident;  impudent,  inso- 

Confiança,   sf.  courage,   confi- 

dence,  reliance,  security;  inti- 

macy,    familiarity ;    boidness, 

impudence,  presumption,  assu- 

rance.  Ter  —  com  alguém^  to  be 

familiar  ^th  one. 
Confiar,  va.  to  entrust,  to  con- 

flde,  to  commit  to.  —  vn.  to  con- 

íide.  Confiar-se^  vr.  to  confíde, 

to  trust  upon. 
Conficionar,   va.  Y.  Confeiçoar 

and  derivated. 
Confidencia,  sf.  confidence,  inti- 

macy,  secret. 
Confidencial,    adj.  2  g.   conâ- 

dential,  private. 
Confidencialmente,  adv.  conâ- 

Confidente,  adj.  2  g.  that  con- 

fides.  —  sm.  a  confídent. 
Configuração,  sf.  configuration, 

figure.  [gured. 

Comigurado,  a,  j^.  adj.  confi- 
Configurar,  va.  to  conngurate> 

to  configure. 
Confim,   sm.    frontier,   border, 

limit,    landmark.   —  adj,  2  g, 

confining.  [upon. 

Confinante,  adj.  2  g.  bordering 
Confinar,  vn.  to  confine,  to  bor- 
der upon.  [gido. 
Confingido,  a,  pp.  adj.  V.  Fin- 
Confingir,  va.  V.  Fingir. 
Confinidade,  sf.  confinity,  near- 

Confins,  sm.  pi.  confines,  com- 

mon  boundary,  limits,  borders. 
Confirmação,  sf.  confirmation ; 

ratification.  [certainly. 

Confirmadamente,  adv.  surely. 
Confirmado,   a,  pp.   adj.  con- 

firmed,  ratified.  [firmer. 

Confirmador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  con« 
Goniirmante,  adj.  2  g.  that  con- 


—  225  — 


tify ;  to  settle,  to  consolidate , 

{theol.)  to  coniirm.  Confirmar-sey 

vr.  to  confíriu  one^s  self. 
Confirmativo,  a,  adj.  conârma- 

tonr,  confirmative. 
Gonunnatorio,   a,  adj.   conflr- 

Confiscação,  sf,  conâscation. 
Confiscado,  a,  pp.  adj.  confis- 

cated,  forfeited. 
Confiscar,  va.  to  conâscate. 
Confiscavel,  conâscable. 
Confisco,  sm.  conâscation. 
Confissão,  sf.  confession,  ack- 

nowledgraent,  avowal. 
ConUta,  sf.  A  certa— ^  that  comes 

in  the  nick  of  time. 
Gonfitente,  adj.  2  g.  V.  Confesso. 
Conflagração,  sf.  conflagration. 
Conflloto,  sm.  conflict,  collision ; 

dispute,  altercation. 
Confluência,  sf.  confluence. 
Confluente,  aaj.  2  g.  ccnfluent. 

Bexigas  —  s  [med.)  a  conâuent 

Confluir,  va.  to  meet,  to  join. 
Gonformação,  sf.  conformation. 
Conformado,  a,  pp.  adj.  con- 

formed,  adupted,  suited. 
Conformar,  va.  to  conform,  to 

adapt,  to  suit.  Conformar-se^  vr. 

to  agree  with,  to  complj  with. 
Conforme,   adj.  2  g.   conform, 

conformable.  —  adv.  according, 

as.  [ably,  agreeably. 

Conformemente,  adv.  conform- 
Conformidade,  sf.  conformity. 
C<mformiBta,  sm.  conformist. 
Confortação,  sf.  or  Conforta- 

mento,  sm.  strengthening. 
Confortado,  a,  pp.  adj.  com- 

forted,  corroborated. 
Confortador,  a,   sm.  or  f.  one 

who  gives  comfort. 
Confortar,  va.   to   comfort,   to 

Confortativo,  a,  adj.  that  com- 

forts,  comforting.  —  sm.  a  cor- 
dial. —  s.  sm.  pT.  corroborants. 
Conforto ,    sm.     strengthening, 

comforting ;  ease ;  (/S^.J  comfort, 

consolation^  support. 
OoníortOBO,  a,  adj.  comforting. 
Ckmir»oíorio,  sm.  a  pr&yer  that 

is  said  after  dividing  the  host 

at  mass. 
Confrade,    sm,  a  brother  of  a 

brotherhood.  [rough. 

Confragoso,  a,    adj.    rugged, 
Confranger,  va,  to  oppress,  to 

vex,  to  constrain. 
Confrangido,  a,  pp.  adj,   con« 

strained,  uneasy. 
Confranglmento ,     sm,      con- 

straint,  uneasiness. 
Confraria,  sf.  fraternity,  brother- 
hood, society. 
Confratemicuide,  sf.  confrater- 

nitv,  brotherhood. 
Confraternisado ,    a,  pp,   adj. 

that  has  acted  as  a  brother. 
Gonfratemisar,  vn.  to  live  in  a 

brotherly  manner.  [frade, 

Confreire,  sm.  a  confrier.  Y.  Con- 
Confricação,  sf.  confrication. 
Confrioar,  va.  to  rub  against  any 

thing.  [confronting. 

Confrontação,  sf.  confrontation. 
Confrontado,  a,  pp.  adj.  con- 

fronted.  [fronts. 

Gonfrontador,  sm,  one  who  con- 
Gonfrontar,  va.  to  confront,  to 

compare,  to  collate. 
Confundidamente,  adv.  confus- 

Confundido,  a,    pp.  adj.  con- 

founded,  mixed ;  puzzled. 
Gonfundidor,  a,  adj.  and  s.  that 

confounds.  [disorder. 

Gonfundimento,  sm.  confusion, 
Confundir,  va.  to  confound,  to 

mix   together,   to   mingle;   to 

puzzle.   Confundir-sey  vr.  to  be 

confounded,  puzzled. 
Confusamente,  adv.  confusedly. 
Gonfutôo,  sf.  confusion,  medley, 

tumult,  disorder. 
Confuso,  a,  adj.  confused,  mixed 

together;  ashamed. 
Coniutação,  5/*.  confutation,  re- 

Gonfutado,  a,  pp.  adj.  confuted. 
Confutador,  sm.  confuter. 
Gonfutar,  va.  to  confute,  to  rua 

down  an.  at^vKa^xiX..  —  -w.  xr» 

coníute  oTueTa  séVí. 
GontutaveV,  adj .  ^  g .  cotvW^'^ 


—  2*6  — 


Congelação,  sf.  congelatio»,  con- 

gealÍDg,  freezing. 
Congelado,  a,  pp  €tdj.  cosgealed. 
Congelador,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  that 

Congelar,  va.     to    congeal,   to 

freeze.    Congelar- se ^  vr^  to  loe 

conf^ealed  or  frozen. 
Congelativo,  a,  adj.  haTinr  the 

power  of  congealing.  [able. 
Gongelavel ,  adj.  2  g.  conge&l- 
Gongeminação,  sf.  congemiiMu- 

Congénere,   adj.  2  g.  eongene- 

rous.  Músculos  — «,  {anat.)  mns- 

culi  congéneres. 
Congenial,  adj.  2  g,  congenUtl. 
Gongenialidade,  sf.  congenial- 

Congénito,  a,  adj.  congenite. 
Gongerie,  s.  congeries. 
Congestão,  sf.  {med.)  congutioiLr 
Gongeeto,  a,  adj.  congested. 
Congiario,  sm.  congiary. 
Gongio,  sm.  (ant.)  congitts. 
Gonglaciação,  sf.  congladatioií. 
Conglobação,  sf.  congíobation. 
Conglobado,  a,  pp.  adj.  coBglo- 

Conglobar,  va.  to  conglobate. 

Conglobar-se,  vr.  to  be  gathered 

in  a  roQnd  mass. 
Gonglomeração,   sf,  conglome- 

ration,  mixtnre^ 
Gongtomerado,  a,  jpp.  adj.  con- 

glomerated.  ['ftte. 

Conglomerar,  va.  to  congíame- 
COnglntinaçSk) ,  sf,  coagmtina- 

tion,  conglutinating. 
Gonglutinado,  a,  pp,  adj,  con- 

Conglntinante,  adj.  2  g.  oonghi- 

tinant,  conglutinating. 
Conglútinar,   va.    to  conghiti- 

natè.  Conglntinar-sej  vr.  to  be 

conglatinated.  [tinatíve. 

Gonglutinativo,  a.  adj.  coikglu- 
Conglutinoso,  a,  adj.  glutínoas, 

Congonha,  sf.    infasicMi  of  aa 

herb  so  caUed. 
Congossa,  sf.  (bot.)  the  hecb  pe- 

Goagoxa,  sf.  anguish,  pain» 

Gongoxadamente,    ac&i.     vritíi 

Gongoxar,  va.  Y.  Angustiar. 
Gongoxoso,  a,  adj.  fuU  of  an» 

guish  or  pain.  [ciled. 

engraçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  recoiK- 
Gongraçador,  a,  adj.  tnat  recon- 

Gongraçar,   va.     to    recencile. 

Congraçar-sCj  vr.  to   be  recon- 

ciled.  [tion. 

Congratulação,  sf.  congratular 
Congratulado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  con- 

gratulated,  felicitated. 
Gongratulante ,   sm.    congratu- 

Congratular,  va.  to   congratu- 

late,  to  felicitate.  Congratular^ 

se^  vr.   to   congratulate    one^s 

aelf.  [gratulatory. 

Gongratulatorio,  a,   adj.  con- 
Gongregação.  sf.  congregation, 

meeting;  brotherhood. 
Goaigregado,  a,  pp.  adj.  con^e- 

gated.  [congregation. 

Gongregaixfce,  sm.  member  of  a 
Congregar,  va.  to  congregate, 

to  gather.  Congregar-se,  vr.  to 

assemble,  to  gather  or  meet  to- 

Congressional,  adj.  2  g.    con* 

gressional.  [ing. 

GGngrcwso>  sm.  congress,  zneet- 
Congro,  sm.  conger  (tísh). 
Côngrua,  sf.    ecclesiastical  re- 

Ténue.  leongrua, 

Gongruado,  a,  adj.  that  receives 
Gongruamente,  aáv.  aptly^  fitlj, 

Congruario,  sm.   a,  viçar   who 

only  receives  a  congruoua  por- 

tion  of  his  beneíice. 
Congruenoia,  sf.  agreeableness, 

conformity.  [nient,  prq[>er. 

Congruente^  adj.  2  g.  conve- 
Gongruentemente  f  adv.  aptly, 

fitly,  congruously. 
Gongrnidade,  sf.  {tkeol.)   con- 

graity.  [gruism. 

Gongruismo,  sm,  {theoí^  con- 
Gongrulsta,  sf  {tkeol.)  congruist. 
Côngruo,,  a»  adj.  congruous,  pre- 
cise, [of  a  tree. 
Gozdka»  sf.  a  bianch  on  the  root 


—  217  — 


GòDlieoedor,  a,  sm.  w  f.  con- 
noisseur,  judge. 

Gonheceiíça ,  sf.  acknowled^ 
ment;  equitable  or  arbitrary 

Gonheoente ,  adj.  S  g,  and  «. 
one  that  knows. 

Conhecer^  va.  to  kno-w,  to  per- 
ceive,  to  Tinderstand.  Não  co- 
nhece nem  Deus  nem  diabo,  ififf/) 
he  fears  neither  God  nor  devil. 
— ,  ta  be  acquainted  with  one. 
—  de  uma  causa  oa  delicio,  to 
hear  a  cause  pleaded  as  judge ; 
to  make  a  judicial  inqnest  abnSut 
a  crime  committed. 

CSonhecidaznente,  adv.  plainlj, 

Gonlieciao,  a,  pp.  adj.  knoitm. 

Ckmhecimento,  sm.  knovledge, 
notion ;  acquaintance ;  learn- 
ing,  Qnderstanding;  (m  Iam) 
cognizance ;  {comm.)  bui  of  lad- 
fng.  [be  knoTfn. 

CSoimecivel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 

Conho,  sm.  a  rock  in  the  midst 
of  a  river. 

Cónico,  a,  adj.  conic,  conical. 

Gonifero,  a,  adj.  (bot.)  conife- 

Gonlmbricence ,  adj.  2  g.  be- 
longing  to  Coimbra. 

Gonjeotura,  sf.  a  conjecture,  a 
gaess.  (jecturally. 

Gonjecturadaxnente,  adv.  eon- 

Conjecturado,  a,  pp.  adj.  con- 
jectured.  [guesser. 

Conject orador,  sm.  eo^jecturer, 

Conjectural,  adj.  2  g.  conjecta- 
raf.  [tundly. 



ecturalmente,  adv.  conjee- 
ecturar,  va.  to  conjecture, 
^ess.  [turabl«. 

Confeotnravel,  adj.  2  g.  conjec- 
Coníngação,  sf.  conjugation. 
Conjugado,  a,  pp.  adj.  con^- 
gated.  [matrimonia}. 

Conjugal,  adj.  2    g.    conjugal, 
Conjugalmente ,    adv.     conju- 

Gonjngar,  va.  to  conjugate.  Con- 

juçcnr-se,  vr.  to  be  conjugated. 
C»ii}agftT6l,  adj.  2  g.  conjuga- 


Cônjuge,  sm.  oe  f.  the  hniliaiid 

or  -wife. 
Gonjuie,  sm.   a  judge  \rith  aa- 

other,  colleague. 
Conjunção  or  GonjuncçSo,  êf, 

conjunction ,     union ;     (gram.) 

conjnnction ;    conjuncture,   ef" 

portunity;  (astr.)  conjunction. 
Conjunctado,  a,  pp.  aai.  joined. 
Gonjunctamente ,     adv.     con- 

Gonjunctar  or  Conjuntar,  va. 

to  join,  to  conjoin. 
Conjunotivo,    a,  adj,    {gr€tm,) 

Gonjunoto,  a,  adj.  joined,  close, 

Gonjunctura,   sf,    c(mjuncture ; 

criticai  time. 
Conjuração,  sf.  conspiracy,  plot; 

conjuration,  exorcism. 
Conjurado,  a,^p.  adj.  conspired. 

— ,  «wi.  conspirator. 
Conjurador,   sm.    conspirator, 

plotter;  conjurer. 
Conjurante,  adj.  2  g,  tbat  con- 
Conjurar,  va.  and  n.  to  conspire, 

to   plot;   to   conjure,  to  exor- 

cise ;  to  appease. 
Conjuratorlo,  a,  adj.  that  con- 
tai ns  conjuration. 
Conjuro,  sm.  conjuration. 
Gonluiadamente,  adv.  by  coUu- 

Conluiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  colluded. 
Conluiar,  va.  to  coUude.  Conluiar- 

se,  vr.  to  coUude,  to  plot. 
Conluio ,  sm.   collusion  ,    under- 

standing.  [aively. 

Gonluioscunente ,   adv.      coUu- 
Gonluioso,  a,  adj.  collusory,  col- 

Gonnato,  a,  adj.  connate. 
Gonnatural,   adj.   2   g.    conna- 

Gonnaturalidade,  sf.   connatu- 

rality,  connaturalness. 
Gonnatur alisado,    a,    pp.   adj. 

made  connatural.  [lize. 

Gonnaturalisar,  va.  to  natura- 
Connaturalmente,  adv,  conna- 

turally.  [nity. 

ConncKfto,  sf.  c«ni%A«>âfirsi>  «^^ 


—  228  — 


Connezidade,  sf,  connexity,  re- 

Gonnexivo,  a,  adj.  connecting. 

Gonnexo,  a,  adj.  connected. 

Gonnivencia ,  sf,  connivance, 

Gonnivente,  adj.  2  g,  connivent. 

Connotação,  sf.  connotation. 

Gonnotativo,  a,  adj.  that  de- 
notes relative  dependency. 

Connubial,  adj.  2  g.  V.  Matri- 

Gonnubio,  sm.  V.  Matrimonio. 

Gonnumerar,  va.  to  reckon,  to 
put  in  the  number  of. 

Gonoidal,  adj.  2  g.  conoidal,  co- 

Gonoide,  sm.  conoid. 

Gonquassivo,  a,  adj.  that  tor- 

Gonqueiro,  sm.  wooden-porrin- 

Conquista,  sf.  conquest,  con- 
quering,  victory;  subjection. 

Gonquistação,  sf.  conquest. 

Gonquistado,  a,  pp.  adj,  con- 

Conquistador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  con- 
queror,  subduer,  victor. 

Conquistar,  va.  to  conquer,  to 
subdue,  to  surmount;  Xfig.)  to 
"win  one's  heart.  [rabie. 

Conquistavel,  adj.  2  g.  conque- 

Gonreario,  sm.  a  regular  cânon 
that  is  charged  of  ali  things 
pertaining  to  the  other  ca- 

Gonresponder ,  va.  and  deri- 
vated.  V.  Corresponder. 

Gonsabedor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  that 
knows  any  thing  -with  another. 

Consacerdote ,  sm.  a  fellow- 

Consagração,  sf.  consecration. 

Gonsagradamente ,  adv.  with 
consecration.  [crated. 

Consagrado,  a,  pp.  adj.   conse- 

Consagrador,  sm.  consecrator, 
he  who  consecrates. 

Gonsagramento,  sm.  consecra- 

Coasagrante,  adj.  2  g.  conse- 
crating.  —,  sm.  consecrator. 
Consagrar,  va.  io  consecrate,  to 


dedicate,  to  devote;  to  sane- 

tify ;  to  sanction. 
Gonsanguineo,  a,  adj.  consan- 

g^ineou.  Çguineous. 

Consanguinho,  a,  adi.  consan- 
Consanguinidade,  sf.    consan- 

Consarcinado,  a,  adj.  patched 

or  packed  together. 
Consciência ,    sf.     conscience , 

perception.  Pôr  a  mão  sobre  a 

— ,  to  iay  one's  hand  upon  one's 

heart.  Exame  de  — ,    selí-exa- 

Conscienciosamente,  adv.  con- 

Consciencioso,  a,  adj.  conscien- 

Cônscio,  a,  adj.  conscious. 
Conscripção ,   sf.    conscription , 

enrolling.  [script. 

Conscripto,  adj.  and  sm.    con- 
Consecção,  sf.  the  act  of  cut- 

ting.  [secrates. 

Gonsecrante,  adj.  m.  that  con- 
Consecrativo,  a,  adj.  that  has 

the  power  of  consecrating. 
Consecratorio,   a,  adj.    conse- 
crator v.  [ing* 
Consecução,  sf.  the  act  of  obtain- 
Consecutivamente,  adv.  conse- 

Consecutivo,  a,    adj.    consecu- 

tive;  following.  [gained. 

Conseguido,  a,  pp.  adj.  obtained, 
Conseguidor,  a,  sm.  or  /.  he  or 

she  -who  obtains. 
Gonseguimento,  sm.  the  act  of 

obtaining.  [sequente. 

Conseguinte,  adj.  2  g.  V.  Con- 
Conseguintemente,  adv.  conse- 

Conseguir,  va.  to  obtain,  to  gain, 

to  get.   Conseguir-se,  vr.  to  be 

obtained.  [be  obtained. 

Conseguivel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 
Gonselha,  sf.  fable,  tale,  story. 
Conselheiramente ,  adv.    skil- 

fuUy,  purposely. 
Gonselneiro,  sm.  adviser;  coun- 

Goiuralho,  sm.  counsel,  advice; 

couTicW.. —  d«  aucrra^cawxt.  xsaajt- 

tiaX.  —  do  almvraatod.o  ^  <^\xs\. 


—  229  « 


of  admiralty.  —  resolution,  de- 
Gonselos,,  V.  Conchellos. 
CiOnsenhor,  sm,  a  joint-proprie- 

tor.  [consent. 

Gonsensialt^ací/.  2  g,  made  with 
Gonsensiente,  adj.  2  g,  consent- 

Consenso,  sm.  consent,  assent; 

Gonsentaneamente ,  adv,   con- 

sentaneously,  consistently. 
Consentâneo,  a,  adj,  consenta- 

neous,  suitable.  [ed. 

Consentido,  a,  pp,  adj,  consent- 
Gonsentidor,  a,  sm,  or  f.  he  or 

she  that  consents. 
Consentimento ,    sm,     consent, 

assent,  agreement. 
Consentir,  va.  and  n.  to  consent, 

to  agree,  to  acquiesce ;  to  suffer, 

to  permit,  to  bear. 
Consequência,  sf,  consequence, 

conclusion.    Em  — ,    aav,    loc, 

accordingly.      Por  — ,    conse- 

Consequente,  adj.  2  g,   conse- 

quent,   consistent,   just,  cohe- 

rent.  — ,  sm.  {log.)  consequent. 
Consequentemente,   adv.   con- 

Conserva,  sf.  preserve,  conserve 

ia  sort  of  comfits).  Andar  de  — , 

(asea  term)  to  saií  under  a  con- 

voy.    Ter  de  —  alguma  cousa^ 

{fig.)  to  keep  a  thin^  withoat 

making  any  use  of  it.  Conser- 

vaSf  pickles. 
Conservação,  sf,  preservation ; 

Conservado,   a,    pp.  adj,    pre- 

served,  kept. 
Conservador,  a,  sm.  or  f  pre- 

server,  conservator ;  keeper.  — , 

adj,    conservatory ,    conserva- 

Conservar,  va,  to  conserve,  to 

maintain,  to  keep,  to  preserve. 

Conservar  -  se  ^   vr,   to  preserve 

one's  self. 
Conservativo,  a,  adj,    conser- 

vative,  preservativo. 
Conservatoriaf  sf,  a  grant   to 
preserve  privúeges. 

Conservatório,  a,  adj.  conser- 
vatory. [tory ;  a  school. 
Conservatório,  sm.  a  conserva- 
Gonservavel,  adj.  2  g.  conser- 

vable.  [fectioner. 

Conserveira,  sf,  a  woraan  con- 
Gonserveiro,  sm.  a  confectioner. 
Conservo,  sm,  a  fellow-servant. 
Consideração,  sf.  consideration, 

forecast,  circumsçection,   pru- 

dence ;  reason,  motive ;  account, 

regard,  sake;     note,    regard, 

Gonsideradamente,  adv.  consi- 

derately,  prudently. 
Considerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  consi- 

derate,  discreet. 
Gonsiderador,  a,  adj.  that  con- 

siders,  considering. 
Considerar,  va.  to  consider,  to 

ponder,  to  examine,  to  value; 

to  deliberate,  to  weigh. 
Considerável,  adj.  2  g.  conside- 

rable,  notable,  remarkable. 
Consideravelmente,  adv.  con- 

Consignação,   sf.  consignation, 

consignment,  granting. 
Consignado,  a,    pp.  adj.    con* 

signed,  deposited. 
Consigiiador,  sm.  consigner. 
Consignante,  sm.  he  that  con- 

Consignar,  va.  to    consign,   to 

give  a  grant ;  to  deposit ;  \,fig,) 

to  record,  to  state.  Consignar-se^ 

vr.  V.  Persinar-se. 
Consignatário ,   sm,    consigna- 

tary,  consignee,  depositary. 
Gonsignavel.  adj,  2  g,  that  may 

be  consigned. 
Gonsignificado.  a,  jyp.  adj.   sig- 

niâed  conjointly. 
Gonsignificar,    va.    to    si^nifv 

conjointly.  [be  obtained. 

Gonsiguicloiro,  a,  adj.  that  may 
Gonsiliario,  sm.  V.  Conselheiro. 
Consistência,  sf.    consistence, 

consistency ;  stability,  firmness. 
Consistente,  adj,  2  g.  consistent, 

consisting  of. 
Consistido,  a^pp.  adj.  c.c5nisvs.\.^^ 
GonsUStir,  du.  Xo  eoTi^iv^X,  Vi  ^'^'=^' 

siat,  Xo  \iô  coTOço^^^ 


—  230  — 


Gonsistorial,  adj.  2  g.  cooerâto^ 
rial,  belonoing  to  a  consistory. 

Gonsistorialmente ,  adv.  in  a 
consistorial  form. 

Consistório,  sm.  consistorj. 

Gonsoada,  sf.  a  light  aupper. 

Consoado,  a,  pp.  adj,  tnat  kas 
taken  a  light  supper. 

Consoante ,  adj.  consonaat ; 
(poet.)  rhyme. 

Cònsoantemente,  adv,  vnih  con 
sonance,  according-. 

Consoar,  va.  and  n.  to  take  a 
light  supper.  [eiadé. 

Consociado,  a,  pp.  adi,  Y.  Asso  ■ 

Consociar-se,  vr.  V.  Ãsfociar-âe, 

Consócio,  sm.  companion,  fellorw, 

Consogro,  a,  sm.  or  f.  when  two 
fathera  or  mothers  marry  their 
children  together  they  are,  eon- 
sogros  or  consagras,  that  is  joint 
fathers  or  mothers-in-law. 

Consolação ,  sf.  consolation  , 
comfort.  [solation. 

Consoladamente  adv.  with  eon- 

Consolado,  a,  pp.  adj.  consoled, 
coraforted.  [comforter. 

Consolador,  a,  sm.  orf.  ccnsoler, 

Consolante,  adj.  2  g.  consoling, 
comforting,  consolatory. 

Consolar,  va  to  console,  to  com- 
fort, to  ease  one's  grief, 

Consolatório,  a,  adj»  coBsola- 
tory.  [ble. 

Consolavel,    adj.  2  g.   consola- 

Consolavehnente ,  adv.  vrith. 

Consolda,  sf.  {bot.)  the  herb 
comfrev,  consound. 

Consolidação,  sf.  consolidation ; 
healing  (of  a  woand.) 

Consolidado,  a,  pp.  adj  Conso- 
lidated, [solidating. 

Cònsolidante,    adj.  and  s.  con- 

Gonsolidar,  va.  to  consolidate, 
to  renew,  to  confirm ;  to  close 
up.  Consolidar-se,  vr.  to  conso- 
lidate  ;  to  close  (a  voiind). 

Consolidativo,  a,  adj.  consoli- 

Consolo,  sm.  consolation. 

Gonsonado,  sl,  pp.  adj.  ftgreed, 
in  consonance. 

Consonância,  sf.  (mtir.)  conso 

nance,  harmony,  cencord;  {fig.) 

Gonsonante,    adj   2  g.    c<mBe>- 

nant,  agreeable  to  the  ear. 
Consonantementé ,   adv.    vnih. 

Gonsonar,  vn.   to  agree,  to  be 

suitable  to.  [phonious. 

Consono,  a,  adj.  consonous,  sym- 
QOBSorciado,   a,  pp.  adj.    cor- 

sorted.  [Casar. 

GOBSorciar,  va.  to  consort.  V. 
Consorcio ,  sm.  fellowship ,  ^  in- 

tercourse,   partnership,   tiníon, 

Consorte,    sm.    bnsband,   i^rife, 

consort ;  partner,  sharer. 
Conspicuidade,  sf.  conspicuity, 

bri^ting ;    (Jtg.)    conspictrous- 

Conspícuo,  a,  adj.  conspicuoos^ 

visible ;   (fig  )    excellent ,    enri- 

nent.  [conspiracy. 

Conspiração,   sf.    conspiration^ 
Conspirado ,   a ,   pp.  aãj.    con- 

spired.  [conspirer. 

Conspirador  ,  sm.  conspirator , 
Conapirante,  adj.  2  g.  conspir- 

Conspirar,  va.  to    conspire,  to 

piot;  to  concur,  to  comoine. 
ConspnrcaçSo ,    sf.     filthiness> 

Conspurcado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deíQeâ. 
Conspurcar,   va.    to  deôle,   to 

befonl.  [^peawd. 

Constado,  a,pp.  adj.  manifested. 
Constância,  sf.  consrtancj. 
Constante,   adj.  2  g.   constant, 

regular,  unshaken,  steadfast. 

Isso  é  — ,  that  is  unqnestion- 

able,  certain.  [ly. 

Constantemente,  adv.  constant- 
Gonstar,  vn.  to  manifest,  to  ap- 

pear,  to  consist,  to  be  clear. 
Constellação,  sf.  constellaticm. 
CDn8tellado,a,  adj.  constellated. 
Consternação,  sf.  consternation, 

surprise,  amazement;  firight. 
Consternado,  a,  pp»  ódj.  strack 

with  consteraatioB. 
Con8tem8tdor,a,  adj.  that  strikes 

-with  constentation. 


—  231  — 


Consternar,  va.  to  strike  \brith 

consternation,  to  affright,  to  dis- 

xnaY,  to  appal.  Constemar-^e^  vr. 

to  oe  discoaraged. 
Ck>n8tipação,  sf.  cold;  constipa- 

Constipado,  a,  pp.  adi.  he  who 

has    catched    a    cola;    coDSti- 

Constipar,  va.  to  cause  consti- 

pation,  to  constipate.  Constipar^ 

se ,  vr.  to  get  a  cold ;  to  become 

constipated  or  bound. 
Constipativo ,  a,  adj>   causiug 

cold  or  constipation. 
Constituclonado ,  a,   pp.   adj. 

constituted.  [tutioasil. 

Constitucional,  adj.  1  g.  consti- 
Gonstituclonalidade,  sf.  coasti- 

tutionality.  [stitutioxu^Uy. 

Gonstitaoionalmente,  adv.  con- 
Constttncionar ,  va,  to  consti- 

Constituente,  adj.  2  g.  consti- 

tuent.  — ,  sm.  a  constituent. 
Constituição ,    sf.   constitution , 

composition ;  law,  rule,  precept ; 

temperament,  complexion  of  the 

Constituido,  a,  pp    adj.  cou&ti- 

Constituidor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  that 

Constituinte,  sm.  constituent. 
Constituir,  va.  to  constitute,  to 

give  formal  existence ;  to  place, 

to   consist.  Constituir-^e,  vr.  to 

constitute  one's  self. 
Constitutivamente ,  adv.  iu  a 

constitutiva  manner.  [tive. 

Constitutivo,   a,  adi.  conttit»- 
Gonsto,  sm.  V.  Certidão. 
Constrangedor,  a,  sm,  or  f.  con- 

Constranger,  va.  to  compel,  to 

force,  to   constrain.   Constran- 

ger-se,   vr.   to   constrain  one^s 

self.  [strainedly. 

Constrangidamente,  adv.  eon- 
Constrangido ,  sl<,  pp.  adj.   con- 

stratned,  compelled,  forced. 
Constrangimento ,     sm.     con- 

straint,  coeroion.  Com  — >  res* 


ConstrioçSo,  sf.  {med.)  congftric* 
tion,  contraction. 

Constriotivo^  a,  adj.  {med.)  coo- 

Constrictor»  adj.  and  ».  (jonat.) 
constrictor.  Os  músculos  con- 
strictoreSj  the  constrictora. 

Constringente,  adj.  2  g.  con- 
stringent.  [make  narrow. 

Constringir,  va.  to  shrink,  to 

Construção,  sf.  construction, 
building,  structure ;  {gramm.) 
construction ;  (a  sea  term)  ship- 
building.  [tive. 

ConstructiTO,  a,  adj.  construo- 

Constructor ,  sm.  constructer, 
builder.  —  de  navios,  ship-wright 
or  ship-builder. 

Constructura,  sf.  structure,  eoa- 
struction.  [built. 

Construido,pp.  adj.  constructed» 

Construir,  va.  to  construct,  to 
build ,  to  erect ;  (gramm.)  to 
construe.  [stantiation. 

Consubstanciação,  sf  consub- 

Consubstancial,  adj.  2  g.  con- 

Consubstancialidade,  sf.  {theol, 

Consubstancialmeate,  adv.cott* 
substantially.  [dinariQ. 

Consuetudixiario,  a,  adj.  V.  Or- 

Cônsul,  sm.  cônsul. 

Consulado,  sm.  consulshlp,  con- 

Consular,  adj.  2  g.  consular,  of 
or  belonging  to  the  cônsul. 

Consularmente,  adv.  in  a  coi>- 
sular  manner. 

Consulente,  sm.  he  that  consults. 

Consulta,  sf.  consultation,  deli- 
beration,  advice;  the  opinion 
given  by  a  tribunal.  —  de  médi- 
cos ^  a  consultation  of  physi- 

Consultação,  af.  consultation. 

Consultado,  a,  pp.  adj.  consolted, 
,     appointed. 

Consultador,  a,  sm.  or  f,  ccn- 
sulter,  he  that  consults. 

Consultar,  va.  or  n.  to  coosult» 
to  advise  vrith,  to  take  advice 
of,  to  take  counsel  together. 

I  ConBiiltivo,  a»  ad^,  conviiVstòx^. 


—  23a  — 


Cknumltor ,  sm,  '  conosellor , 

CkmsamiçSo,  tf.  vexation,  dis- 
tress,  tribulation,  afiftiction. 

Consumido,  a,  pp.adj.  consttined, 

Ck>ii8aiuidor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  consu- 
mer;  he  who  afflicts.  —  adj. 
vexing,  distressin^,  teasing ; 
coDsumptive,  wasting. 

CSonsuxnir^  va.  to  consume,  to 
eat  up,  to  spend ;  to  destroy:  to 
waste ;  to  vex,  to  d i stress.  Con- 
mmir-se^  vr.  to  decay,  to  fret, 
to  undermine  one'8  nealth. 

Consumivel,  adj.  1  g.  consu- 
mable.  [tion. 

Consununação ,  sf.  consamma- 

Gonsuminadamente,  adv.  per- 

Ctonsummado,  a,  ^p.  adj,  con- 
summate,  accomplished. 

Cíonsunixnador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  con- 
summer,  íinisber,  perfecter. 

Gonsuminar,  va.  to  consummate, 
to  complete,  to  fioish.  Con- 
summar-se^  vr.  to  be  consum- 
mated.  [sale. 

CSonsuxno,  sm.  use,  consumption ; 

Gonsumpção,  sf.  consumption. 

Gonsumptivo,  a,  adj,  consump- 
tive,  consuming. 

Conta,  sf.  account,  reckoning 
bill,  calculation,  scpre,  quês- 
tion,  report,  pront.  A  — ,  on  ac- 
count. Fazer  uma  — ,  to  cast  up 
an  account.  Trabalhar  por  sua 
— ,  to  set  up  for  one'8  self.  Isso 
corre  por  minha — ,  I  will  answer 
forit  Por  sua—t  on  bis  account. 
Dar  —  áe,  to  be  answerable  for. 
Esta  cousa  faz  — ,  this  thing 
tums  to  account.  Dar  boa  —  de 
ti,  to  behave  cleverly.  Fazia — 
de  partir,  bis  intention  was  to 
set.  —  redonda f  an  even  account 
of  money.  Livro  de — an  account- 
book.  Por  saldo  de  contas^  in 
full  of  ali  demands.  Vender  em 
— ,  to  sell  cheap.  Ter — ,  to  mind, 
to  attend  to.  Ter-se  em  grande 
— ,  to  set  too  mucb  value  on  one's 

Contabilidade,  sf.  accounts. 

Contacto,  tm.  contact. 

Contado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reckoned, 
reported.  Dinheiro  de  — ,  rcady 
money.  [accountant. 

Contador,  a,  sm,  oi*  f.  reckoner. 

Contadoria,  sf.  accountanVs  of- 
fice;  counting-house. 

Contagem,  sf.  tbe  wages  of  a 

Contagiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  infected 

Contagião,  sf.  contagiou,  infec- 
tion;  plague. 

Contagiar,  va.  to  infect,  to  ^ive 
tbe  pestilence.  [tion. 

Contagio,  sm.  contagion,  infec- 

Gontagioso,  a,  adj.  contagious, 
infectious,  pestiferous. 

Contaminação,  sf.  contamina- 
tion.  [minated. 

Contaminado,  a,j)j9.  adj.  conta- 

Contaminador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he 
or  she  that  contaminates. 

Contaminar,  va.  to  contaminatc, 
to  defile,  to  pollute. 

Contaminavel,  adj.  2  g.  tbat 
may  be  contamined. 

Contente,  sm.  ready  money. 

Contar,  va.  to  count,  to  reckon, 
to  calculate,  to  number;  to  re- 
late, to  tell,  to  story ;  to  charge, 
to  put  in  a  bill.  —  vn.  to  intend. 
to  think,  to  purpose,  to  expect. 
—  sobre  ou  com,  to  depend  upon, 
to  count  upon.  Contaram-se  per- 
didos, they  thought  themseíves 

Contas,  sf.  pi.  —  de  rezar,  a  pair 
of  beads.  Rezar  as  — ,  to  s^ 
over  one'8  beads.  Homem  ae 
boas — ,  an  honest  man. 

Conteira,  sf.  a  piece  of  iron  fixed 
at  tbe  end  of  a  spear,  in  a  game 
called  argolinha.  [beads. 

Gonteiro,    sm.   he   ^ho   makes 

Contemplação,  sf.  contempla- 
tion,  meditation.  Em  —  de,  in 
consideration  of.  Por  —  para 
commigo,  for  my  sake. 

Contemplado,  a,  pp.  adj.  con- 

Contemplador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  con- 

Gontemi>lante,  adj.  2  g,  con« 
templating,  contemplator. 


—  233  ^ 


Contemplar,  va.  to  contemplate, 

to  meditate,  to  consider. 
Contemplativa,  sf.  (jthilos.)  the 

power  of  contemplating.* 
Gontem|>lativamente,  adv.  con- 
.  templativelv. 

Contemplativo,  a,  adj.  contem- 
Contemporaneamente,  adv,  in 

the  same  time. 
Contemporaneidade,   sf,    con- 

Contemporâneo,  a,  adj.  contem- 

poraneoas,  contemporary. 
Contemporisação ,     sf,     com- 

pliance,  condescension. 
Contemporisado ,  a,   pp.  adj. 

conformed  to  the  times. 
Contemporisador,  a,  sm.  or  f. 

one  wno  conforms  himself  to 

the  times. 
Contemporisar,  va.  to  conform 

one's  self  to  the  times. 
Contemptivel ,  adj.   2  g,   con- 

Contenção,  sf.  contention. 
Contenciosamente,   adv.    con- 

Contencioso,  a,  adj.  contentious, 


Contenda,  sf,  contention,  con- 

Contendente,  adj,  2  g.  and  s. 
contending,  contender. 

Contender,  vn.  to  contend,  to 
dispute,  to  contest. 

Contendido,  a,  pp,  adj,  con- 
tested,  contendeu. 

Contendor,  sm.  competitor,  con- 
tender, antagonist. 

Contenencia,  sf.  Y.  Continência, 

Contensão,  sf.  contention,  eager- 

Contentado,  a,  pp.  adj,  con- 

Contentcunento,  sm,  content- 
ment ,  satisfaction ,  comfort , 

Contentar,  va.  to  content,  to 
satisfy,  to  please.  Contentar- 
se^  vr,  to  be  contented  or  satis- 

Contente,  adj.l  g,  content,  con- 
tented, pleased,  satisâed. 

Contentemente,  adv,  contented- 

Contento,  sm.  contentment,  sa- 
tisfaction, liking;  approbation. 

Conter,  va,  to  contam,  to  hold, 
to  inclade,  to  comprehend. 
Conter-se^  vr.  to  refram,  to  be 
restrained ;  to  contain  one^s 
self.  [nigh,  near. 

Gontermlno,  a,  adj.  bordering, 

Conterminos,  sm.  pi.  confines, 
limits.  [same  country. 

Conterrâneo,  a,  acl/.  born  in  the 

Contestação ,  sf.  contestation, 
contest,  dispute. 

Contestado,  a,j9p.  adj.  contested, 
-witnessed.  [consent. 

Gontestamente,  adv,  -inth  one 

Contestante,  adj,  2  g.  contesting, 

Contestar,  va.  to  contest,  to 
ar^ue  against ;  to  make  out  any 
thing  by  witness. 

Contestável,  adj.  2  g,  contes- 
table,  controvertible. 

Conteste,  adj.  2  g.  concurring 
(witness).  [tively. 

Gontestemente ,   adv.   afíirma- 

Contendo,  sm.  contents. 

Contexto,  sm.  contexture,  con- 

Contextuar,  va.  to  context. 

Contextura,  sf.  contexture,  con- 
text. [included. 

Contido,  a,  pp.  adj.  contained, 

Contiguaxnente ,  adv.  conti- 
guously.  [contiguousnéss. 

Contiguidade ,    sf.    contiguíty, 

Contiguo,  a,  adj.  contiguous, 

Continência ,  sf.  continence, 
chastity,  continency ;  {milit.) 
ceremonials,  a  sort  of  bows  used 
in  some  public  rejoicings. 

Continental,  adj.  2  g.  continen- 

Continente,  ae(/.  2  ^.  continente, 
chaste.  Em — ,  adv.  incontinent- 


Continente^  sm.  {geog.)  conti- 
nent,  a  great  extent  of  lands 

Continentemente,  adv.  conti- 
nently.  [adv.  immediately. 

Contlnenti.    Em    continenti^ 


—  234  — 


Contingência,  sf.  continçence, 

contingency.  Pôr  em  — ,  to  ex- 
pose  to  danger. 
Ck>ntingente,    adj.  2  g.  contin- 

gent,  casual. 
Contingentemente,  ado.  contin- 

gently,  casually. 
Contino,  a,  adi.  V.  Continuo.* 
Continua,  sf.  tne  principal  whim 

of  a  mad-man. 
Continuado,  sf.    contintiance, 

Continuadamente,  adv,  conti- 

Continuado,  a,  pp.  adj.  conti- 

nued.  [nnator. 

Continuador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  conti' 
Continuamente,  adv,  eontiimal- 

ly,  continuedly. 
Continuar,  va.  to  continae,  to 

fraffment,  to  persevere,  to  pro- 

ceed.  —    vn.    to  be   extenaed. 

Continuar-se,  vr.  to  be  cootinued 

or  carried  on.  [tire. 

Continuativo,  a,  €tdj.  contmua- 
Gontinuidade,    sf.    contiiraitj ; 

Continuo,  a,  adj.  continnal,  in- 

cessant.  De — ,  contimtaily,  in- 

Continuo,    sm.    a   messenger; 

serjeant,  beadle. 
Conto,  sm.  a  million ;  storj,  tale, 

fable.  —  de  lança,  a jpieco  of  iron 

flxed  at  the  end  or  a  spear  or 

lance.  Casa  dos  —  »,  the  exche- 

qner.  Sem  — ,  numberless. 
Contoada,  sf  a  stroke  with  a 

spear  {conto). 
Contomeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  V.  jTor- 

neado.  Tornear. 
Contorno,  sm.  circuit,  círcam- 

ference;  outline. 
Contorsão,  sf  contortion. 
Contra,  prep.   against,  contrary 

to;    by,    near,    close.  —  adv. 

counter.  —  s.  (the  opposite  of 

pro.)  V.  Contradiecão. 
Contraabertura ,  '  sf     ( surg. ) 

Contra-abltas,  sf  pi.  [a  sea  term) 

standards  siippórting  the  cábte- 

bjfs.  [mirai. 

*^otttra-almirsLnte,  sm.  rear-ad 

Contra-axntira ,  sf.  («  sea  lerm) 

Contra-arminhos,  sm.  pt.  {he- 
rald.) is  said  of  a  saole  field 
with  white  spots. 

Contra-ataques ,  sf.  pi.  ifort.) 

Contrabaixo,  sm.  [music.)  base. 

Contrabalançado,  a,  pp.  adj. 

Contrabalançar,  va.  to  counter- 
balance,  to  counterrail. 

Contrabsildado ,  a ,  pp.  adj, 
V.  Baldado. 

Contrabaldar.  vn.  V.  Baldar. 

Contrabahiarte ,  sm.  counter- 

Contrabanda,  sf.  Uterald.)  a 
piece  opposite  to  a  bend  in  the 
escntcheon.  [band, 

Contrabandeeu:',  vn.  to  contra- 

Gontrabandista ,  sm.  contra- 
bandrst,  smnggler. 

Contrabando,  sm.  contraband 
goods,  smuggling.  Homem  de — , 
Xfig-)  *n  obnoxious  fellow. 

Contrabaratear,  vn.  term  used 
at  the  game  of  tables. 

Contrabateria ,  sf.  counter- 

Gontrabraço,  sm.  {a  sea  term) 

Gontracadaste,  sm.  {a  sea  term) 
—  interior^  inner-post.  —  exte- 
rior, back  of  the  stern-^KWt. 

Contracambiar,  va.  V  Compen- 

Gontracambio,  sm.  V.  Recambio. 

Gontracava,  sf.  a  connter^trench 

Contracção ,  sf.  contraction , 
shrinking.  [cipher. 

Gontracifra,  sf   the  key  of  a 

Gontracosta,  sf.  coast  opposed 
to  another. 

Gontractil,  adj.  2  g.  contractile. 

Gontractilidade,  sf  c<Hitractil- 
ity.  [tile. 

Gontractivel,  adj.  2  g.  contrac- 

Contractivo,  a,  oo;.  contractive, 
contracting.  rtracted. 

Contracto  ^  9l^    pp.    adj.    con- 

Contradan.<}a,  sf  country-dance. 

GoiitTadaii<}«c ,  w\»    ^a   ^wwi^ 



—  335  — 


GontiradanoiBta ,  sm.  he    that 

loves  the  country-dances. 
Gontradiametro ,    sm,    {ffeom,) 

ContradicçSo,  sf.  contradictton, 
Gontradique,  sm.  counter-sluice. 
GontradiBtincção,  sf.  coantec- 

Gontradtotingtiido,  a,  pp.  adj. 

contradistÍD  guished. 
Contradiatingoir,  va,to  contra- 

Contradita,  sf.  reply,  contradic- 

tioD.  — Sy  sf.  pi.  (law  term.)  a  re- 

futation  of  'v^itnesses. 
Contraditado,  a,  pp^  adj.  con- 

Contraditar,  va.  to  contradict. 
Contradito,  a,  pp.  adj.  contra- 

dicted.        [tradictor,  adversay. 
CoDtraditor,  a,  sm.  or  f.    con- 

tradictor,  adversary. 
Contraditória,  sf.  a  contradic- 

tory  judgment  or  proposition. 
Contraditoriamente,  ado.  con- 

Contraditório,  a,  adj.  contrar 

dictory,  contradictious. 
Contradizer,  va,  to  contradict. 

Contradizer-se,  vr.  to  contradict 

one'8  self. 
Contra-embuscada,  sf.  an  em- 

biíscade  opposite  to  anotber. 
Contra-escarpa,  «/l  (/brt.)  cmin- 

Contra-esoota ,  sf.    (sea  term.) 

countor-sheet  of  a  sail. 
Contra-escriptura,  sf.  counter- 

scripture.  [stay. 

Gontra-estai,  sm.  a  preventer- 
ContraíaçSo,  sf.  counterfeiting. 
Contrafactor,  sm.  counterfaiter. 

V.  Falsificador.  [fesse. 

Contrai aixa,  sf.  [keral.)  connter- 
Contraíaixado,  Si,pp.  adj  coun- 

Contrafazer,  va.  to  counterfeit, 

to  imitate;  to  disguise.  Contra- 

fazer-se^  «r.  to   leign,   to   dis- 

gníse  one's  self.  [charm. 

Contrafeitiço ,  sm.  counter- 
Contraíeito,  a,  pp.  adj.  counter- 

feiteà,  imitãtea.  íaDother. 

Contraíaeira,  sf.  a  rank  against 

Contraforte,  sm.  {fori,)  c«miter- 

fort,  prop.  [fugne. 

Contraxagat  sf.  [mus.)  count«r^ 
Gontrage,  sf.  the    spoke   of  a 

wheel  of  a  sugar-mill. 
Gontraguarda,  sf.  {fortif.)  coun- 

Contraguia,  sf.  counter-guide. 
GontraJáente,  adj.  2  g.  contract- 

ing. — ,  sm.  orf.  &  bride-groom, 

a  oríde. 
Gontrah«rYa«    sf  {bot.)    con- 

trayerva,   a    plant   uaed  as  a 

conater-poison.  [ed. 

Contrahiáo,  a,  pp.  adj.  contract- 
Gontrahir»  va.  to    contracta  to 

engage.  [tra-indication. 

Contra-indioação,  sf.  (med.)  con- 
Gontra-indicado,  ei,pp.a4ucon- 

tra-indicated.  [indicate. 

Contra-indicar^  va.  to  contra- 
Contrallga,  sf.  counter^alliance. 
Contralto,  sm.   {mits.)    counter- 

Ccxitraluz,  sm.  covinter-light. 
Contramalba ,  sf.  doublemesfa. 
Gontramalhado,    a,    pp.    adi. 

doub]emesbed.  [mesn. 

Contramalhar,  va.  to  double- 
ContnunandadOf  a,   pp.    adi. 

countermanded.  [mana. 

Gontramandar,  va.  to  counter- 
Contramarca,  sf.  coTmtermark:. 
Contramarcado,    a,    pp.   adi. 

countermarked.  [mark. 

Contramarcar,  va.  to  counter- 
Gontramaroha ,     sf.     connter- 

mar  eh.  [termarch. 

Contramarchar,    vn.  to  coun- 
Contrameatre,  sm.  boatswain. 
Gontramezena,  sf.   (a  sea  term) 

Gontramina,  sf.  countermine; 
Gontraminado,  a,  j^.  adj.  conn- 

termined.  [miner. 

Contraminador,  sm.  counteiv 
Contraminar,  va.  to  coun ter- 
mine, [termured. 
Gontramtirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  coun- 
Contramuralhá ,    sf .    c^íwxsí^t- 

mure,  co\iT\teT-'VÍ3i\.  \tanLxe- 

Contraxnnrax,   "co-.  ^^    <iov«s\«c- 
Contranatoxal,  adj.  lg-  ««'^' 



-i.  236  — 


Gontranaturalidade,  sf.  coun- 

GontranitentOf  adj.   2  g.  that 

Gontraordexn,  if,  coanter-order, 

Contraordenar,  va.  to  counter- 
Contrapor  ente,  sm.  <yt  f,  a  kins- 

man   or    kinswoman   oy   mar- 

riage.  [terpart. 

Contraparte,  sf.  (mt».}  coun- 
ContrapasBO,  sm.  counter-pass. 
Contrapeçonha,  sf.  counter-poi- 

son,  antidote. 
Contrapello,  sm.  what  is  against 

the  hair.  Tomar  um  negocio  a  ^, 

{fig.)  to  take  a  thinginawrong 

sen  se.  [terbalanced. 

Contrapesado,  a,  pp.  adj.  coun- 
Gontrapesar,  va.  to  counterba- 

lance,  to  counterpoise. 
Contrapeso,  sm.  counterbalance, 

counterpoise.  [pilaster. 

Contrapuastra,  sf.  a  counter- 
Gontraponteado,  a,  pp.  adj.  set 

in  counterpoint. 
Gontrapontear,  va.   to   set   in 

Gontrapontista ,  sm.  {mus.)  he 

who  knows  the  counterpoint. 
Contraponto,  sm.  counterpoint. 
Contrapor,    va.    to    put     over 

against,  to  compare;  to  place 

opposite.  [tion. 

Contraposição,  sf.  contraposi- 
Contraposto,  a,p^.  adj.  that  is 

put  over  against,  compared. 
Gontraproches,  sm.  pi.    {fort ) 

Contraprova,  sf.  counter-proof. 
Contraprovado,  a,  pp.  adj.  coun- 

Contraprovar,   va.  to  counter- 

prove,  to  take  a  counter-proof. 
Contrapunho,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  a 

tack-tackles.  [kelson. 

Contraquilha,  sf.  {a  sea  term) 
Contrarancho,  sm.  the  contrary 

crew  or  party.  [swer,  reply. 

Contrareplica,  sf.  counter-an- 
Gontrarevolução,    sf.  counter- 

Gontrarevolucionado,    a,    pp. 

adj.  that  has  effected  a  counter- 

Contrarevolnoionar,  va.  to  ef- 
fect  a  counter-revolution. 

Contrariado,  a,  pp.  adj.  contra- 

Contrariador,  a,  adj.  contra- 
dictious,  full  of  contradiction. 

Contrariamente,  adv.contrarily. 

Gontrariante,  adj.  1  g.  contra- 
riant,  contradictious. 

Contrariar,  va.  to  contradict,  to 
oppose,  to  impugn. 

Contrariedade,  sf.  contrariety, 

Contrario,  a,  adj.  contrary,  op- 
posite, adverse;  bad.  Remédio 
—  ao  peito^  a  medicine  hurtfui 
to  the  chest.  — ,  sm.  an  adver- 
sary,  enemy.  Pelo  — ,  adv.  on 
the  contrary,  contrary-wise. 

Gontrarotura,  sf  a  double  hér- 
nia; aplaster  for  ruptures. 

Gontrasedula,  sf.  a  schedule 
given  in  countermand  of  an- 

Gontrasellado,  a,pp.  adj.  sealed 
with  another,  countersealed. 

Contrasellar,  va.  to  counterseal, 

Contrasello,  sm.  counterseal. 

Contrasenha,  sf.  a  countersign, 
token.  [trasted. 

Contrastado,  a,  pp.  adj.  con> 

Contrastar,  va.  to  contrast,  to 
resist,  to  quarrel ;   to  compare. 

Contraste,  sm.  resistance,  oppo- 
sition,  obstacle  ;  ill-luck,  rever- 
sos of  fortune,  adversity;  con- 
tradiction; a  weigher,  pnser,  as- 
sayer  of  gold,  silver;  censor, 
appreciator  of  the  merit  of  lite- 
rary  productions ;  control  or 
mark  on  plate,etc. ;  touch,trial. 

Contrastear  or  Contrastar,  va. 
to  assay  metais;  to  value,  to 
appreciate  the  merit  of  works 
01  literature. 
Contrata,  sf.  contract,  deed. 
Contratação,  sf.  contract. 
Contratado,   a,  jq>.  adj,    con» 

Contratador,  sm.  contractor. 
Contratante,  sm.  or   adj,  2  g, 


—  «7  — 


Contratar,  va.  to  contract,  to 

bargain,  to  trade. 
Contratempo ,    sm.    unseason- 

ableness,  accident,  disappoint- 
Contrato,  sm.  contract  ,covenant, 

agreement,  bargain,  deed.  Minu- 
ta de  um  — ,  rough  draught  of  a 

deed.  —  de  doação^  a  deed  of 

gift.  [lation. 

Gontravallação,  sf.   contraval- 
Contr avaliado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fur- 

nished  with  contravallations. 
Contravallar,  vn.  to  erect  con- 
Contravenção,    sf.    contraven- 

tion,  infraction. 
Contraveneno,     sm.     counter- 

poison,  antidote. 
Gontravenlente,  adi.  1  g.  and  s. 

contravening ,    infringing ;    a 

transgressor,   contravener,  of- 

Contravento,  5m.  contrarywind. 

— ,  adv.  against  the  wind. 
Contraversão,  sf.  contraversion. 
Contraverter,  va.  to  tum  in  an 

opposite  direction. 
Contravidraça,    sf.    a    double- 

Contravir,  vn.  to  contravene,  to 

break  a  law,  custom,  etc. 
Contribuição,  &f.  contribution. 
Contribuído,  a,  pp.  adj.  contri- 

Contribuidor,  a,  sm.  or  f,  con- 

Contribuinte,    adj,  2  g.     that 

contributos ;  tax-payinç. 
Contribuir,  va.  to  contribute,  to 

conduce,  to  help,  to  tend. 
Contributario,  sm.  a  tax-pa^er. 
Contributivo,  a,  aãj.  contribu- 
tivo, [punction. 
Contrição,  sf.  contrition,  com- 
Contristado,  a,  pp.  adj.  grieved, 

Contristador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  or 

she  that  grieves. 
Contristar,  va.  to  grieve,  to  vex. 
Contritamente,  adv,  contritely, 

Contrito,  a,  adj.  contrita,  truly 

penitent,  torry,  sorrowful. 

Controvemla,  sf.   controversy, 

debate,  discussion.  [tist. 

Controversista,  sf.  a  controver- 
Controverso,  a,  pp,  adj.  contro- 

verted,  disputed. 
Controverter,  va.  to  controvert, 

to  dispute,  to  debate. 
Controvertido,  a,  pp.  adj.  con- 

troverted,  disputed. 
Controvertivél,  adj.  2  g.   con- 

Contumácia,  sf.  contumacy,  obs- 

tinacy ;  non-appearance.   Con- 

demnar  por  — ,  to   outlaw   by 

default.  Por  or   com  — ,  stub- 

Contumaz,  adj.  2  g.  {in  law)  stub- 

born,  contumacious.  — ,  sm,  a 

contumaciouB  person. 
Contumazmente,  adv,   {in  law) 

contumaciously.  [abuse. 

Contumelia,  sf.  a   contumely; 
Contumeliosamente,  adv.  con- 

tumeliously,  injuriously. 
Contumelioso,  a,  adj.  contume- 

Contundente,  adj.  2  g.  blunt, 

producing  contusions. 
Contundido,   a,  pp.   adj.   con- 

tused,  squashed. 
Contundir,  va.   to   contuse,  to 

crush,  to  squash. 
Conturbação ,    sf.    uneasiness , 

inquietude.  [ed,  troubled. 

Conturbado,  a,  pp.  adj.  disturb- 
Conturbar,  va.  to   disturbe,  to 

Contusão,  sf.  contusion,  bruise. 
Contuso,  a,  pp.  adj.   contused, 

Contutor,  sm.  one  that  is  guar- 

dian  with  another. 
Convalescença ,   sf.    convales- 

cence,  recovery. 
Convalescente,  adj.  2  g.  con- 

valescent.  [health. 

Convalescer,  vn.     to    recover 
Convalescido,  a,  pp.  adj.   that 

has  recovered  hesilth. 
Convalidação,  sf.  V.  Confirma- 
ção, [vnth  hills. 
Convalle,  sm.  a  valley  enclosed 
Convém,  v.  imp.  it  is  fit  or  con- 



—  2^8  — 


CSonvenção ,     sf.     cMiYention , 

agreement,  treaty. 
Convencer,  va.  to  conTince ;  to 

conTict.  Conoencer-sCj   vr.    to 

convince  one's  self.  [ced. 

Convencido,  a,  pp.  adj.  côavin- 
Gonvencionado ,  a,     pp.   adj. 

agreed,  stipulatéd. 
Gonvencioxml,  adj^  2  g,  conven- 

tional.  [ventionally. 

Convencionalmente,  adv.  oou- 
Gonvencionar,  va.  to  agree,  to 

stipulate,  to  contract. 
Convencivel,  adj.  2  g.  convin- 

Conveniência,  sf.  fitnesa,  agree- 

ment,  accord ;  convenience. 
Conveniente,  €uij.  t  g.  conye- 

nient,  suitable,  proper,  reason- 

able;  fit,  adequate. 
Convenientemente,  adv.  oonve- 

niently,  decently.  (venant. 

Convénio,  tm.  conv^itton,  oo- 
Conventicular,  adj.  2  a.  oí  or 

belonging  to  conyenticles. 
Gonventiculo,  sm.  conventicle. 
Convento,  sm.  convent,  monas- 

tery,    cloister.  —  de   homens, 

friary.  [tual,  moaastic 

Conventual,  adt.  i  a.  conven- 
Conventualidade,  s/\  the  á-wel" 

ling  in  a  convent.  [tutdly. 

Conventualmente,  ado.  coaven- 
Gonvergenoia,  sf.  convergency. 
Convergente,  adj.  2  g,  cosver- 

gent,  converging. 
Convergir  or   Gonverger,  vn. 

igeom.)  to  converge.  [ged. 

Convergido,  a,  pp.  adj.  conver- 
Gonversa,  sf.  a  discourse. 
Conversação,  ef,  coavenâiáoiL. 
Conversado,  a,  pp.  adj.  coa- 

Conversador,  a,  sm.  or  /.  talker. 
Conversante,  ac^.  2  g,  tíiat  con- 
verses cr  talks.  [ation. 
Conversão,  sf.  conversion,  alter^ 
Conversar,  vn.  to  ccd&veirae,  to 

talk.  [sable. 

Convsrsavel,  adj.  2  g.  c<mver- 
Converâivel,  adj.  2  g.  conver- 

Convenrivo,  a,  adj,  convertible. 
Converso,  a,  adj,  converted.  — , 

sm.  or  f.  Irmão  — ,  a  lay-brother. 
Freira  conversa^  a  lay-sister. 

Gonvertedor,  a,  sm.  or  f,  con- 
verter, one  who  converts. 

Converter,  va.  to  convert,  to 
transmute,  to  change.  Conoer^ 
ter-se^  vr.  to  be  converted. 

Convertido,  a,  pp,  adj,  convert- 
ed, changed.  [sion. 

Convertimento,    sm.      conver- 

Convercivel,  adj.  2  g.  conver- 

Convexidade,  sf.  convexity. 

Convexo,  a,  adj.  convex. 

Convexo-Concavo,  adj.  con- 

Convexo-Convexo,  adj.  con- 

Gonvez,  sm.  deck  of  a  ship. 

Convicção,  sf.  {in  law)  convic- 
tion,  fuU  proof. 

Convioio,  sm.  V.  Injuria. 

Convicto,  a,  adj.  convicted; 
coBvict.  — ,  pp.  trr.  de  Corwen- 
cer,  coBvinced. 

Convidado,  a,  pp.  adj.  invited. 
— ,  sm.  a  guest. 

Convidador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  one 
"wlio  is  very  fond  of  inviting. 

Convidante.  adj.  2  g.  inviting. 

Convidar,  va.  to  invite ;  to  incite, 
to  allure.  Convidar-se^  vr.  to  in- 
vite odiie'8  self. 

Convincente,  adj.  2  g.  convin- 
cing,  convictive. 

Convindo,  a,  pp.  adj.  agreed. 

Convinhavel,  adj.  2  g.  V.  Con- 

Convinkavelxnente,  adv.  V.  Ha- 

Convir,  vn.  to  agree,  to  become, 
to  assent ;  to  «^pertain ;  to  suit. 
Co.Mir-se^  vr.  to  suit  each 
otílier,  to  agree. 

Convite,  «m.  drinking-money. 

Conviva,  sm.  guest. 

Convival,  adj.  2  g.  convivial, 

Convivência,  sf.  conviviality. 

Convivente,  ãdj.  2  g.  convivial. 
Conviver,  va.  to  be  sociable. 
Convocação,  sf.  convocation. 
Convocado,  a,  np.  adj.   coavo- 
cated,  assembleo. 


—  239  — 


€k>nvocador,  sm.  one  who  con- 
vokes  or  assemt^es. 

Convocar,  va.  to  convóke^  to 
call  together.  [rokes. 

Gonvocatorio,  a,  adj.  that  cod- 

Qonvulsaxnente ,  aav.  convul- 
8ively.  [spafim. 

Ctonvulsão,  sf.    convulsion,  ât, 

Convulsar,  vn.  to  convulse,  to 
produce  convulsions. 

Gonvulsionario  or  Convuloio- 
nista,  sm.  or  /.  sabject  to  con- 
vulsions. — s,  certain  fanatios. 

GonvulEdvo,  a,  adj.  convulsive. 

Convulso,  a,  adj.  convulsed. 

Coobrigado,  sm.  a  joint  bond- 

Cooperação,  sf.  co-operaíion. 

Cooperado,  a,  pp.  adj.  oo-ope- 

Cooperador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  -co-ope- 
rator,  feUow-workraaii« 

Cooperante,  adj.  2  g.  co-ope- 
rating.  [work  together. 

Cooperar,  vn.  to  co-operate,  to 

Cooperario,  a,  adj.  co-operator. 

Cooperativo,  a,  adj.  co-opera- 
tive.  [tien. 

Coc^tação,  sf.  co-optatioQ,  adop- 

Coordenaçâo,  sf.  co-ordination, 
ordering ;  disposal. 

Coordenadamente,  adv.  co-or- 

Coordenado,  a,  pp.  adj.  set  in 
order,  disposed. 

Coordenar,  va.  to  set  in  order. 

Copa.  sf.  a  set  of  plate  for  the  use 
of  the  tahle ;  a  cup-bau4  or  «ide- 
board;  a  cup  or  goblet.  —  do 
chapéo,  the  crown  of  a  hat.  — 
da  arvore,  the  tuft  of  a  tree.  — 
do  escudo,  (herald.)  the  boss  of  a 
Bhield.  ^« 

Copada,  sf.  a  full  cup  or  glass. 

Ccmado,  9i,pp.adj.  tufted,  oushy, 
thick.  — ,  (among  farriers) 

Copador,  sm.  hair-dreaser. 

Copaiba,  s.  copaiva  (tree). 

Copal,  sm.  copal,  gum-copal. 

Copar,  va.  to  cut  oíf  the  tc^.  — , 
vn.  and  Copar-se^  vr.  to  becorae 
tufted.  [haarta. 

Copas,  sf,  pL    (suit  at   cards) 

Copegar,  vn.  to  be  lame. 
Copeiro,  sm.  a  cup-bearer,  butler. 
Copejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  harpooned. 
Copejador,  sm.  harpooner. 
Copiar,  vn.  to  harpoon. 
Copeíla,  sf.   cupeL,   copei;   crn- 

cible.  [tion. 

Copellação,  sf.  {chem.)    cupeUa- 
Gopellado,  a,  pp.  adj.  assayed 

by  cupellation. 
Copellstr,   va.   to   assay   or   try 

gold  bv  cupellation. 
Co^mhÍoo,   sm.  {astr.)     Coper- 

Copia,  sf.  copy,  duplicate,  tran- 

script ;  abnndance,  copiousness. 
Ciciado,  a,  pp.  adj.  copied. 
Copiador,  sm.    copier,  transcri- 

ber;   {eomm.)   a  Dook   to  copy 

letters  in. 
Copiar,  va.  to  copy,  to  transcribe; 

to  imitate. 
Copiosamente,  adv.  copiously, 

Copiosidade,  sf.  a  great  abun- 

Copioso,  a,  adj.  copious,  abun- 

dant.  [ber. 

Copista,    sm.  copier,    transcri- 
Copla,  sf.  a  couplet,  a  song. 
Coplista,  sm.  a  son^-maker. 
Copo,   sm.    cup,    drinking-glass, 

goblet,   wine-glaes.    —  grande 

com  péy  a  tumbler.  —  de  dados., 

dice-Dox.  Copos  da  espada,  the 

shell  of  a  8\Ford  hilt.  —  da  brida, 

the  branches  of  a  bridle.  —  da 

balança.  Y.  Balança.  — ,  distai 

full  of  flax,  cotton,  etc. 
Copra,  sf.  the  pulp  or  kernel  of 

the  cocoa  when  dry. 
Coprc^ncletario,  sm.  a  joint-pro- 

Copto,  sm.   copt,    coptic    (lan- 

guage  of  the  Copts). 
Copula,  sf.  copulation,  coupling. 
Copulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  copuiateã. 
Copular,  vn.  to  copulate. 
Copulativo,  a,  adj.  (gram.)  co- 

Coque,  sm.  a  back-hand  siap. 
Coqueada,  sf.  the  noise  made  b^ 

monkeys ;  the  cry  made  by  sai- 

lors  wnea  they  «ç^S  ^»»^^» 


—  540  — 


Goquear,  vn.  to  bewail. 

Coqueirsil,  sm.  a  wood  of  cocoa- 

Coqueiro,  sm.  a  cocoa-tree. 

Coqueluche,  sf.  [med.)  hooping- 
cough,  chiucougb. 

Goquillio ,  sm.  a  little  cocoa- 

Côr,  sf.  colour,  hue,  dye,  tint ; 
complexion,  colour.  mudar  de 
cór,  to  change  colour,  to  blush. 
Cobrar  a  — ,  to  resume  the  co- 
lour. Càres  pallidas^  {med.)  green 
sickness.  O  negocio  começa  a 
tomar  boa  — ,  the  thing  is  be- 
ginning  to  look  well.  —  a  pre- 
text  or  pretence.  [mory. 

C6r  (de),  adv.  by  heart,  by  me- 

Goração,  sm.  heart,  spirit,  cou- 
rage ;  mind,  soul.  Ter  o  —  ao  pé 
da  bocca,  to  speak  sincerely<  O 
—  do  madeiro  j  the  pitch  of  a 
tree.  Diz-me  o  — ,  I  imagine. 
Cahir  o  —  aos  pés ,  to  disma^r. 

Coracoide,  sm.  {anat.)  coracoid. 

Coracôra,  sf.  a  long  vessel  -with 
oars  (índia). 

Coraçudo,  a,  adj.  br  ave,  coura- 
geous.  V.  Animoso. 

Goradaxnente,  adv.  with  colour. 

Gorado,  a,  adj.  coloured :  (fia.) 

Gorador,  sm.  that  colours. 

Coragem,  sf.  courage,  bravery, 
valour,  resolution.  Perder  a  — , 
to  be  discouraged;  iinterj.) 
bravo  !  cheer  up !  come  f 

Corajosamente ,  adv.  coara- 
geously,  bravely. 

Corajoso,  a,  adj.  courageous, 
valiant,  brave,  oold. 

Coral,  sm.  coral ;  the  roe  or  eggs 
of  the  crab  -  fish  ;  wattles  or 
red  puggered  flesh  that  hangs 
under  the  neck  of  a  turkey 
or  a  cock,  jaws-laps;  the  red 
caruDcles  that  ducks  have  in 
the  eyes.  Fino  como  um  ■—,  a 
very  cunning  raan.  — ,  adj.  2  g. 
chorai,  belonging  to  tJie  choir 
of  a  church. 

Coralleiro,  sm.  coral-fisher. 

Coralleiforme,  adj.  2  g.  corrali- 

Corallina,  sf.  coralline. 

Gorallino,  a,  adj.  coralline. 

CorallitaB,  sf.  pi.  corallites. 

Coralloideo,  a,  adj.  coralloid, 

Gorar,  va.  to  colour,  to  dye,  to 
tinge,  to  paint ;  (/So.)  to  disguise. 

Corar,  vn.  to  blush,  to  recover 
the  colour,  to  bleach.  Corar-se, 
vr.  to  blush. 

Corbelha,  sf.  a  fruit  basket. 

Corça,  sf.  a  doe,  a  she-deer. 

Coroei,  sm.  charger,  steed. 

Corchete,  sm.  Y.  Colchete. 

Corço,  sm.  a  wild  deer. 

Corooma,  sf,  V.  Carcoma  and 

Goroova,  sf.  a  hump-back. 

CorooTado,  a,  pp.  adj.  and  s. 

Corcovar,  va.  to  bend,  to  crook. 

Corcovear,  vn.  to  caper  (horse). 

Corcovo,  sm.  crupade,  the  boun- 
cing  of  a  horse. 

Gorcoz,  sm.  hunch-backed  man. 

Corculiíer,  sm.  a  lark. 

Corda.  sf.  cord,  rope.  twist, 
string.  —  de  viola  or  de  tripa^ 
cat-gut.  —  de  instrumentos  mu- 
sicos^  strings,  chords.  Pâr  — , 
to  string.  Cordas  do  navio,  ship- 
cordage.  Dar  —  ao  relógio,  to 
wind  up  a  clock.  É  homem  de 
—  e  sacco^  he  is  a  rogue. 

Cordacismo,  sm.  cordacisme. 

Cordame  and  Cordagem,  sf. 
cordage,  rigging. 

Cordamente,  adv.  wisely. 

Cordão,  sm.  twist,  string;  stay- 
lace,  twist-braid,  band,  girdle; 
a  friar'8  knotted  cord;  cordon 
of  troops;  umbilical;  {anat.) 
navel-string.  —  de  campainha^ 
a  bell-puU ;  ríband ;  {arch.)  (fort.) 
cordon,  edge  of  stone.  —  de 
uma  peça  de  moeda,  the  edge  or 
miUing  of  a  piece  of  money. 

Cordato,  a,  adj.  wise,  prudent. 

CordeaoSo,  sf  the  measuring  of 
VTOoá  by  the  cord. 

Cordeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  measured 
by  the  cord. 

Cordear,  va.  to  measure  by  the 



—  241  — 


Cordeira,  sf.  a  ewe  lamb. 
CSordeiro,  «m.  a  lamb. 
Ck>rdel,  sm,  a  small  cord,  a  string. 
Cordelejo,  sm.  a  sharp  reprimand. 
Cíordiaca  or  Gordioia,  if.  cor- 

diaca,  a  disease  in  the  heart  of 

a  horse. 
Cordial,  adj.  2  g,  cordial,  sincere, 

hearty.  —  sm.  a  cordial  or  drink 

to  comfort  the  heart. 
Cordialidade,  sf.  cordialitv. 
Cordialmente,   adv.  cordially, 

heartily.  [diform. 

Cordiforme,  adj.  2  g,  {hot.)  cor- 
Cordilha,  sf.  cordyla,  tunny-fish. 
Cordilheira,  sf.  a  long  chain  of 

hills.  —  «,  Cordilleras  ÍChili). 
Cordoada,  sf.  a  blow  witn  a  rope. 
Cordoalha,  sf.  cordage. 
Cordoaria,  sf.  a  rope-yard. 
Cordoeiro,  sm.  a  rope-maker. 
Cordovanelro,  sm,  cord-ixraiiier, 

Cordovão,  sm.  cordovan  leather. 
Cordovèias,   /.  pi.   [anat.)  the 

jugulars.  [wisdom. 

Cordura,  sf.  gravity,  discretion, 
Corea,  sf.  a  dance,  a  bali. 
Coreiro,  sm.  chorister,  singer. 
Co-religionario,  a,  sm.  or  f,  co^ 

religionist.  [gious. 

Co-reugioso,  a,  sm.  or  f,  co-reli- 
Co-redemptor,  sm.  the  person 

who,  with  another,  helpsathird. 
Co-reo,  sm.  cúmplice. 
Coreto,  sm.  a  gallery  for  musi- 

Coriaceo,  a,  adj.  coriaceous. 
Coriambo,  sm.  choriamb. 
Gorica,  sf.  a  sort  of  parrot. 
Corinthas,  sf.  pi.  currants. 
Corinthio,  a,  adj.  and  s.  Corin- 

Coriscada,  sf.  a  great  number  of 

lightning ;  \fig.)  a  crowd. 
Coriscado,  a,  pp.  adi.  flashed. 
Coriscar,  va.  to  flash  like  light- 
ning, to  glitter.  [bolt. 
Corisco,  sm.  lightning,  thunder- 
Corista,  sm*  one  who  attends  or 
,    sings  in  the  choir,  chorister ;  a 

yoang  friar  before  he  has  re- 

ceiYed  holy  orders. 
Goristado,   tm*  the   timo  thitt 


passes  a  young  friar  having 

passed  his  noviceship,  but  under 

age  to  receive  holy  orders. 
Coxja,  sf.  the    number   twenty 

(índia];  {fig.)  multitude,  rabble. 
Corna,  sf.  head  or  horns   of  a 

deer.  [driver. 

Gomaoa,  sm.  cornac,  elephant- 
Comada,  sf.  a  push  with  a  horn. 
Comadora,  sf.  the  horns  of  any 

Comamusa,  sf.  cornemuse. 
Gomas,  sf.^  or  Hornaveques, 

sm.  pi.  ifort.)  horn-work. 
Gomea,  sf.  {anat.)  córnea  of  the 

Gomeira,  sf.  a  strap  to  tie  the 

horns  of  the  oxen  to  the  yoke. 
Gomeite^  sm.  {med.)  an  inflam- 

mation  m  the  córnea. 
Comejar,  vn.  to  extend  the  horns 

(is  said  of  a  snail). 
Gomelina,    sf.    the   cornelian- 

Gomeo,  a,  adj.  horney. 
Cometa,  sf.  cornet,  horn;  hun- 

ter's  horn ;  cornet,  a  -woman^s 

Gomicabra,  sf.  and  adj.  a  sort 

of  shrub,  mastick  tree.  Pêra  — , 

a  pear  so  called. 
Cornicola,  sf.  a  sheep's  horn. 
Gomifero,  a,  adj.  cornigerous. 
Gomifomie,  adj.  2  g.  corniform, 

Gomigero,  a,  adj.  cornigerous. 
Gomlfa,  */.  {arch.)  cornice. 
Gomiolo,  sm.  (bot.)  hawthorn. 
Comipede,   aaj.  2  g.  hornfoot, 

hoofed.  [lace-tree. 

Gomiso,  sm.  {bot.)  a  sort  of  bul- 
Cornitromba,  sf.  [music.)  a  kind 

of  trumpet. 
Gomo,  sm.  horn ;  the  wing  of  an 

army  ;  a  cuckold.  Mostrar   os 

cornos^  to  show  one^s  teeth. 
Comozollo,  sm.  a  sort  of  horse- 

shoe.  [horn  of  çlenty. 

Comucopia,  sf.  cornucopia,  the 
Cornodagem,  sf.  cuckoldom. 
Gomado,  a,  adj.  horned.  —  sm. 

a  cuckold. 
Comuto,  a,  adj.  hoctiA^ 
Coro,  Ml.  ÀoVc,c^qíraA\\A3À« 


^~  2iS  •"" 


Coroa,  9f,  crovn,  çarland,  dia- 
dem ;  coronet ;  (jji^.)  sovereifçn- 
ty,  raonarchy,  kingdom;  {fort.) 
cro'vmed-work.  —  de  rei^  (bot.) 
the  herb  melilot.  —  do  monte, 
the  top  of  a  mountain  —  de  JV. 
Senhora,  a  chaplet. 

Coroação,  sf.  coronation. 

Coroado,  a,  pp.  and  adj.  crovned, 

Coroador,  sm.  he  that  cro-wns. 

Coroamento,  sm.  coronation. 

Coroar,  va.  to  crovn ;  to  reward; 
to  complete,  to  ânish. 

Coroca,  sf.  a  sort  of  cloak  jnade 
of  bulrushes. 

Corographia,   sf.  chorographj. 

Gorographicainente,  aav.  cho- 

Corographioo,  a,  adj.  choro- 

Corographo,  sm.  chorogn^her. 

CoroUa,  sf.  {bot.)  corolU. 

CoroUario,  sm.  coroUarv. 

Corollifero,  a,  adj.  {bat.)  is  taid 
of  the  chalice  that  is  imme- 
diately  near  to  the  coroUa. 

Corollino,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  of  or  be- 
longing  to  corollk. 

Corollitica,  s.  and  adj.  f.  (ordk.) 

Coronal,  adj.  2  g.  coronaL  Ouo 
— ,  {ancU.)  the  cor(mal  bona. 

Coronário,  a,  adi.  coronary. 

Coronel,  sm.  a  coloneL 

Coronha,  sf.  ooloneldtxp. 

Coronha,  tf.  V.  Cronha. 

Coronida,  sf.  the  oornioe;  {fig.) 
the  end  of  any  thing:. 

Goronilorme,  adj.  2  g.  coroni- 
forme.  [the  iead. 

Coronilha,  sf.  a  sort  of  «anl  for 

Cerpo,  sm.  body,  society,  eompa- 
ny,  Corporation ;  strength,  oooa- 
sistence,  thickness  of  solids  and 
liquida ;  coUection  reoopilation. 
—  de  armas^  a  breaat  plate.  — - 
da  guarda,  corps  de  guard.  Fazer 
— ,  to  joint,  unlte,  assemUe  ia 
a  body.  Tomar  — ,  to  thickm,  to 
increase.  •—  a  corpo,  mantonuou 
Em  — ,  without  the  upper  ceat. 
Meio  — ,  a  bust.  —  de  direii» 
cha,  the  body  of  tbe  cítU 

Espirito  de  — ,  party  q^irit.  Um 

—  de  infanteria,  a  bifdy  of  foot. 
O—  de  vm  navio,  the  hull  of  a 
ship.  —  de  deUcto,  {in  law)  the 
coroner's  inqnest. 

Corpo-f erário,  sm.  one  that  car- 
ries  a  body  to  the  grave. 

Corporação,  sf.  corporation. 

Corporal,  adj.  2  g.  oodily,  mate- 
rial, carnal. 

Corporalmente,  adv.  corporally. 

Corporalisar,  va.  {chem.)  to  car- 

Corporatura,  sf.  corporatare. 

Corporeidade,  sf.  corporeity. 

Corpóreo,  a,  adj.  corporeal. 

Corporilicação,  sf.  corporifica- 

Corporificar,  va.  to  corporify. 
Corporificm^se,  vr.  to  be  corpo- 
riâed.  [corpulence. 

Corimlenoia ,    sf.    corpulency , 

Corpulento,  a,  adi.  corpulent, 
bulky.  [cular,  atomlcal. 

Corpusealar,  adj.  2  g.  corpns- 

Cmrpusculita,  sm.  atomist,  cor- 
puscularian.  [culo,  atom. 

Corpusoulo,  sm.  {phys.)  corpo»* 

Corra,  sf.  the  rope  that  rtuts 
round  with  an  engine  called 

Corrêa,  sf.  V.  Correia. 

Correada,  sf.  lash,  a  blow  wtth 
a  thong. 

Correagem,  sf.  a  great  deal  of 
thongs.  [soldier. 

Correame,  sm.  the  thongs  of  a 

Correão,  sm.  a  broad  tnong  of 
leather,  a  shoolder-beH. 

Correarta^  sf.  tíie  place  where 
they  maJce  pursea,  scrips,  etc. 

Gonreoção,  <f.  correction,  cor- 
rectness ;  amendment ;  castiga- 
tàon ;  reprimand  —  dá»  pnmasj 
Çprint)  tne  correcting  or  read- 
ing  of  the  proofs.  {tkmal. 

Gorracolona]:,  adj.  2  g.  eorreo- 

C(»rectamente,  adv.  correctlyf 

Gorreottvo,  a,  aé^.  «orrecti-ve. 

—  em.  eocxecuTe.  [exact. 
Cogreoio»  a,  pp.  adj.  conrect, 
Corrector,  em.  corrector,  emen* 

dalor^  ameadar.  V«  iteoÍMf^ 


-    t43  — 


Gorreotora,  sf.  she  tfaat  correcta. 
Gorrectoria,  8f.  the  ch«rg^  of  a 

Ck>rrectoriOf  sm.  a  penitencial 

1[>ook,  formalary. 
Corredeiras,  sf.  pi.  is  said  of  a 

table  to  dry  sugar. 
CSoxredela,  tf.  a  little   conrse. 

y.  Corrida. 
Corrediças,  gf.  pi.   a    sort    of 

aÉLUtters  or  frames. 
Corrediço,  a,  adj.  that  moves  on 

or  upon  corrediças. 
Corredio,  a,  adi',  flo-wing'.  Nó  — , 

a  8li{>  knot.  Caoello  — ,  lank  hair. 

Caminho  -~,  a  slipping  way. 
Corredor,  a,   adj.  runniug.  — 

sm.  or  f.  he  or  she  that  runs. 
Corredor,  sm.  corridor,  passage, 

spy;  (fort.)  a  covered  way.  — 

sm.  pi.  the  name  of  two  cur- 

rents  in  the  bay  of  Lisbon, 
Corredoiro,  sm.  a  race,  course; 

Corrednra,  sf.  course,  race. 
Correeiro,  sm.  a  currier,  a  sad- 

dler.  [er,  tough. 

Correento,  a,  adj.  hard  as  leath-  or  Correferir-«e, 

or.  to  have  a  mutual  relatâon. 
Corregedoiro,  a,  adj.  -worthy  of 

Corregedor,     sm.      corregidor 

(chief  magistrate  In  Portugal). 
Corregedoria,  »/.  lhe  ofÉce  of 

corregidor.  [derivated. 

Correger,  va.  V.   Corrigir  and 
Corregixnento,  sm.  the  stopping 

a  leak. 
Córrego,  sm.  canal,  cbannel. 
Correia,  sf.  strap,  thong.  Alongar 

a  — ,  Ifig.)  to  overstain  oive^s 

Correição,  sf.  the  going  out  of 

a     corregidor     to     administer 

justice  in  bis  circuit. 
Correio,  sm.  courrier,  express; 

post-office,  post.  —  de  gabinete ^ 

a  state-messenger.  —  de  pé^  a 

footrDost.  [of  the  choir. 

Correiro,  sm.  he  "vrno  takes  care 
Gorrejola,  sf  V.  Corrijola. 
CSeurrelação,  sf.  correíation^  cor- 

relatiTeness,  mutual  relation. 

Correlatado,  a,  pp.  adj.  set  in  a 

mutual  relation. 
Correlatar,  va.  to  correlate. 
Gorrelativainente,  adv.   corre- 

Correlativo,  a,  adj.  correlativa. 
Corrença,  sf.  Y.  Diarrhea, 
CorrentSo ,  ona,  adj.  prompt , 

quick.  Homem — ,  a  man  of  gen- 

teel  appearance  and  agreeable 

Corrente,  adj.  2  g.  current,  run- 

ning,  common,  easy  to  be  done. 

Homem  — ,  easy  to  be  pleased. 

Estar — com  alguemy  to  agree  to- 

gether;  free.  O  mez  — ,  the  pre- 

sent  month.  Titulo  — ,  {jnnnt. ) 

head  line  of  a  book. 
Corrente,  sf.   current,    stream, 

tide.  — ,  sm.  current.  A  carta  é 

de  dez  do  ~-,  the  letter  is  dated 

tenth  instant ;  conrse,  progress. 

Correntes^  sf.  pi.  a  sort  of  small 

tax.  [easily. 

Corrente ,    adv.    expeditiously, 
Correntemente,  adv.  currently, 

Correnteza,  sf.  current  of  water. 
Correntio,  a,  adj.  current,  that 

Correr,  vn,  to  ron,  to  flow,tofly, 

to  slip,  to  pass  away,  to  elapse 

Ítime) ;  to  circulate  (a  report,  a 
>ook),  to  be  in  circulation ;  to 
run  across,  to  reach  from  eme 
side  to  another  as  a  vali ;  to  be 
in  vigour  (a  law).  —  com  um  ne- 
gocio, com  obra^  to  attend  to,  to 
carry  ©n,  to  direct.  Corre  por 
minha  conta,  I  vnW  be  an- 
swerable  for  it,  I  will  take 
due  care.  Correr  com  alguém,  to 
treat,  to  have  intercourse  with. 
Corre  vento ,  the  wind  blows. 
Esta  moeda  corre,  this  monev 
is  current.  Corre  voz,  it  is  said, 
reported.  Correame  a  obrigação, 
it  IS  my  dnty. 

Correr-se,  vr.  to  blush,  to  be 
ashamed.  —  com  alguém,  to  have 
intercourse  with.  Correm-se  hoje 
touros,  there  will  be  to-day  a 

Correr,  t>a.  v>  "wn  «.t^Ax  ^v>\M^t«afc^ 




to  hunt ;  to  go  through ;  to  ma 
through ,  to  thrust.  —  uma 
estocada ,  to  run  throagh.  — 
touros,  to  buli  bait. — a  cortina, 
to  draw  the  curtain.  —  a  posta, 
to  ride  post.  —  risco,  to  be  ex- 
posed.  —  o  mundo  f  to  travei 
about.  —  os  mares,  to  rove  on 
the  sea. — de  cáede  lá,  to  ramble 
about.  A  —  or  correndo,  hastily. 

Correria,  sf.  an  incursion,  an 

Correspondência,  sf.  correspon- 
dence,  intercourse,  correspon- 
dency ;  conforraity  ;  sympathy, 

Correspondente,  adi.  i  g.  cor- 
respondent,  suitable,  answer- 
able,  corresponding,  agreeable. 
— ,  sm.  a  correspondent. 

Correspondentemente ,  adv. 
corresponde ntly,  answerably. 

Corresponder,  vn.  to  correspond, 
to  answer  or  agree  witn,  to 
máke  a  return  lor  a  kindness 
or  favour  received.  Correspon- 
der-se,  vr.  to  hold  a  correspon- 
dence  one  with  another. 

Corretagem,  sf.  brokerage,  com- 

Corretor,5m.  broker,commission- 
agent. —  de  lettras,  an  exchange- 
broker.  —  de  navios,  a  ship-bro- 
ker.  —  de  fundos  públicos,  stock- 
broker.  —  de  seguros,  insurance- 
broker. — da  alfandega,  a  custom- 
house  broker.  —  de  amores,  a 

Corricão  (a),  ( old.  loe. ).  Caçar- 
perdizes  a—,  that  iSjWitnsetting- 

Corricoche,  sm.  V.  Sege. 

Corrida,  5/'.course,  race,  running. 
De  — ,  hastily. 

Corrido,  a,  pp.  adj.Y.  Correr  and 
also  Envergonhado. 

Corrigir,  va.  to  correct,  to  recti- 
fy ;  to  soften ;  to  reprove,  to  re- 
prehend,  to  castigate.  Corrigir- 
se,  vr.  to  correct  one'8  self. 

Corrigivel,  adi.  2  g.  corrigible. 

Corriqola,  sf  (6oí.)  theherb  knot- 

Corrilhelro,  sm.  vagabond. 

Corrilho,  sm.  little  meeting. 
Corrimaça,  sf.  hubbub,  clatter, 

noise,  hooting.  Y.  Vaia. 
Corrimão,  sm.  flight  of  a  stair- 

case,  balustrade,  hand-rail. 
Corrimento,  sm.  {med.)  a  flowing 

of  humours ;  fjig.)  shame,  blush- 

ing.  [a  sort  of  play. 

Corriola,  sf.  (bot.)    bind-weed; 
Corripio,  sm.  a  whirling. 
Corriqueiro,  a,  adj.  vulgar,  com- 

nion,  trivial.  [área,  circus. 

Corro,  sm.  a  place  to  bait  bulis, 
Corroboração,  sf.  corroboration. 
Corroborado,  a,  pp.  adj.  corro- 

borated,  strengthened. 
Corroborante,  adj.  2  g.  corrobo- 

rative,  corroborant. 
Corroborar,  va.  to  corroborate, 

to  strengthen.  [rative. 

Corroborativo,  Atodi.  corrobo- 
Corroer,  va.  to  corroa,  to  eat  up. 
Corrompedor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  cor- 
ruptor, seducer,  perverter. 
Corromper,  va.  to  corrupt,   to 

adulterate,  to  pervert ;  to  taint. 
Corrompido,  a,  pp.  adj.  corrupt- 

ed,  admterated. 
Corromi>imento,  «m.corrupting, 

corruption,  depravation,  seduc- 

Corrosão,  sf.  corrosion. 
Corrosivel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 

be  corroded.  [ness. 

Corrosividade ,  sf,  corrosive- 
Corrosivo,    a,    adj,   corrosive, 

Corruda,  sf.  wild  aspargus. 
Comime,  sm.  a  bore,  a  hole  ; 

{Ag.)  the  regular  course  of  a 

Corrupção,  sf.  corruption,  putre- 

faction;   depravation,   perver- 

sity.  Juiz  suspeito  de  — ,  a  judge 

suspected  of  bribery. 
Corrupio,  sm.  Andar  n'um  — ,  to 

be  in  a  continuai  motion. 
Corruptamente,    adv.    corrup- 

tibly.  [pravation. 

Corruptela,  sf.  corruption,  de- 
Corruptibilidade,  sf.  corrupti- 

bUity,  corruptibleness.  [ible. 
Corruptível,  adj.  2  g,  corrupt- 
Corruptlvo,  a,  adj.  corruptive. 


—  245  — 


Corrupto,  a,  pp.  adj,  corrupted. 

Corruptor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  corrupter, 
seducer.  [vateer. 

Corsário,  sm.  corsair,  pirate,  pri- 

Corsear,  vn.  to  tarn  coruair. 

Corseiro,  a,  adj.  errant,wander- 

Corso,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  a  cruíse. 
Andar  a  — ,  to  cruise  ;  —  turf, 
race-ground. —  One  of  the  most 
freqnented  streets  in  Rome. 

Corsolete,  sm.corslet,  habergeon. 

Cortabolsas ,  sm.  pickpocket , 
cutpurse.  [blade. 

Cortadeira,  sf.  a  broad  sword 

Cortadella,  sf.  cut,  inclsion. 

Cortado,  a,  óp.  adj.  cut,  spent, 
worn  out.  Êm  quanto  foi  — ? 
(speaking  of  a  captive),  how 
much  is  to  be  paid  for  his  ran- 
som?  —  de  temor ^  frightened, 

Cortador,  sm.  sharp,  cntting. 

Cortadura,  sf.  cut,  inclsion,  jag. 

Cortamão,  sm.  a  carpenter's  ruie 
or  square. 

Cortamento,  sm.  cut. 

Cortante,  adj.  i  g.  that  cuts, 

Cortapào,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  a  bird 
of  Brazil ,  a  kind  of  wood-pec- 

Cortar,  va.  to  cut,  to  cut  open, 
through  or  out;  to  hew;  to 
deave,  to  fell,  to  lop,  to  prune, 
to  carve;  to  clip  or  pare;  to 
trump  a  card ;  to  intercept,  to 
interrupt,  to  traverse,  to  stop, 
to  cut  off  or  frustrate ;  to  cross 
or  run  across.  —  uma  arvore, 
to  fell  a  [tree.  —  a  cabeça,  to 
behead.  —  as  unhas ,  to  pare 
the  nails.  —  herua,  to  mo-w  tíie 
grass.  —  a  palavra  a  alguém , 
to  interrupt.  —  o  coração,  to 
grieve.  —  de  vestir  a  alguém,  to 
slander,  to  backbite.  — por  si, 
to  refrain,  to  give  up,  to  desist 
in  order  to  a^oid  a  strife;  to 
forbear.  Cortar-se,  vr.  to  cut 
one'8  self;  {fig.)  to  fali  into  con- 

Corte,  sf,  court  of  a  prince;  a 
court  of  justice,  tribunal ;  the 

residence  of  the  king,  his  fami- 
ly  and  household.  Homjem  <Í0— , 
a  courtier. 
Corte,  sm.  the  edge;  cut,  incl- 
sion ;  cutting,  felling,  cleaving. 
— médium,  expedient.  De — j-with 
the  edge.  Dar  de  — ,  to  slash. 

—  de  panno,  the  quantity  suffi- 
cient  to  make  a  sult  of  clothes, 
a  coat,  a  gown,  etc.  —  de  bois, 
an  ox-stall.  —  de  ovelhas,  a  sheep- 
fold.  —  de  porcos,  a    hog-sty. 

—  de  cabras,  a  house  for  goats. 

—  de  aves,  inner-yard  for 
poultry.  [saluted. 

Cortejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  courted, 

Cortejador,  sm.  courtier,  gallant. 

Cortejar,  va.  to  court,  to  ílatter; 
to  salute,  to  bow.  —  as  senhoras, 
to  court  the  ladies.  Cortejar-se, 
vr.  to  salute  one  another. 

Cortejo,  sm.  attendance,  suite, 
train,   retinue;   salutation,  sa- 

.  lute,  bow,  courtesy. 

Cortelho,  sm.—de  porcos,  hog-sty. 

Cortes,  the  assembly  of  the 
three  estates  of  a  kingdom. 

Cortez,  adj.  2  g.  courteous,  civil, 
polite.  [civilly,  politely. 

Cortezaxnente,  adv.  courteously, 

Cortezania,  sf,  civility,  courtli- 
ness,  courtesy.  [tesy. 

Cortezaxiioe,£f.  courtliness,  cour- 

Gortezão,  sm.  courtier,  follower 
of  the  court ;  çallant. 

Cortezia,  sf,  civility,  courtesy, 
courteousness ;  bów,  reverence, 
salutation.  Ir  preso  d  —,  to  be 
conducted  to  prison  without 
being  bound. — rasgada,  a  clown- 
ish  DOW.  Fazer  mal  uma  — ,  to 
scrape  a  leg. 

Cortezmente,  adv.  courteously. 

Cortiça,  sf^  rind,  bark;  cork, 
pieces  of  cork.  [of  hives. 

Cortiçada,  sf.  a  great  quantity 

Cortiçado,  a,  adj.  covered  with 
cork,  bark. 

Cortical,  adj.  2  g.  of  or  belonging 
to  bark.  .  [bark. 

Corticento,  a,  adj.  resembling 

Corticeo,  a,  adj.  of  bark. 

Cortiço,  sm.  a  sort  of  partridge. 

Cortíço,  sm,  hive^  b«^^ti2c<«c^. 



—  ti6~ 


CSortiçoso,  a,  adj,  that  has  the 

nature  of  bark. 
Gortido,    a,   pp.    adj.    soaked, 

tanned.  V.  Curtido. 
Cíortim,  sm.  tan,  bark  used  in 

tanning  hides.  [curtain. 

Cortina,  sf.  a  curtain;  {fort.) 
Cortinado,  sm.  a  set  of  curtains. 
Cortinhal,  sm.  apiece  of  ground. 
Cortir,  va.  to  soak,  to  taxL.V.  Cur- 
tir and  derivated. 
Gortume,  sm.  a  tan-yard. 
Corucheo,   sm.   saminit;  {<m:h.) 

the  chapiter  of  a  c<^umn. 
Coruja,  sf.  owl. 
Coruscação ,     sf.    corascatíon , 

flash.  [cated. 

Coruscado,  a,  0>.  adj,  coros- 
Coruscante,  adj.  2  g.  coruscant, 

flashing.  [to  shine. 

Coruscar,  va.  and  n.  to  corascate, 
Coruto,  sm.  the  top  of  any  herb 

where  the  seed  lies ;  suxnmit. 
Corva,  sf.  a  hen  cro-vr;   l/ig.)  a 

brawler.  [roats. 

Gorveiro,  sm.  sheepfold  for 
Corvejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stickled. 
Gorvejão,  sm.  the  ham  of  a  horse. 
Gorvejar,  vn.  to  stickle,  to  ap- 

ply  one's  self  eamestly ;  to  caw 

as  a  crow;  to  croak.  [war. 

Corveta,    sf.   corvet,  a  sloop  of 
Corvina,  sf.  a  sort  of  saa-fish. 
Corvo,  sm.  crow,  raven.  —  mo' 

rinho,  a  cormorant. 
Gorymbantes,  sm.  pi.  coryban- 

tes,  Cybele's  priests. 
Gorypheu,  sm.  corypheus ;  chief, 

leader;  worthiest. 
Goryza,  s.  {med.)  coryaa;  a  cold 

in  the  head. 
Cós,  sm.  —  dos  calções^  the  "waist- 

band  of  the  breeches. 
CoB,  abbreviation  from  com  os, 

with  the,  c^os  olhos,  with  the 

Coscojas,  littleiron  tubs,a 

piece  of  a  saddle. 
Gosoorão,  sm.  a  fritter  or  pan- 

Goscoro,  sm.  it  is  said  of  linen, 

cloth,  etc,  that  is  ^çrinkled  and 

stiiTened  after  being  washed. 
GosGorrão,  S7n^  a  box  on  úie  ear. 

CoBOOTTinho  >  sm.  money-box, 
savings,  spare  money;  the  ex- 
clusive property  of  a  son  or 

GoscoB,  sm.  pi.  money.  [ed. 

Coscozeiro,  a,  adj.  conic,  point- 

Cosecante,  sm.  (geom.)  cosecant. 

Cosedor,  sm.  a  sort  of  fcame 
used  for  sticking  books. 

Cosednra,  sf.  the  act  of  sewing. 

Coseno,  sm.  (geom.)  cosine. 

Coser,  va.  to  sew,  to  stitch; 
ifig.)  to  tack.  —  ás  punhaladas ^ 
to  stab  with  a  dagger.  —  um 
moutão,  (a  sea  term.)  to  seize  a 
block.  Coser-se^  vr.  to  draw 
near,  to  approach.  —  com  a 
terra^  to  lie  nat,  to  coast. 

Cosido,  a,  jyp.  adj.  sewed ;  {fig.) 

Cosmético,  a,  adj.  cosmetic.  — s, 
sm.  pi.  cosmetic  preparations. 

Cosmloo,  a,  adj.  {astr.)  cosmical, 
rising  or  setting  of  a  star  with 
the  sun. 

Gosmimetria,  sf.  the  measure 
or  measuring  or  the  globe. 

Cosmo,  sm.  a  great  preflx  signi- 
fying  the  "veoríd. 

Gosmocracia,  sf.  cosmocracy. 

Gosmocrata,  sm.  cosmocrat. 

Cosmogonia,  sf.  cosmogony. 

C(»mogonico,  a,  adj.  pertaming 
to  cosmogony. 

Cosmogonista,  sm.  cosmogonist. 

Cosmographia,  sf.  cosmography. 

Cosmo^apliioo,  a,  adj  cosmo- 
graphical.  [pher. 

Gosmograplio,  sm.  a  cosmogra- 

Cosmolabio .  wt .  cosmolabe  ; 

Cosmologia,  sf.  cosmology. 

Co8mologico>  a,  adj.  cosmolo- 

Gosmologo,  sm.  cosmologist. 

Cosmometria,  sf.  cosmometry. 

Gosmopeia,  sf.  the  formation  of 
the  universe. 

Cosmopolita,  sm.  or  f»  and  adj. 
cosmopolitan,  cosmopolite. 

Cosmopolitico,  a,  adj.  that  turns 
round  about  the  world. 

Cosmorama,  sm.  cosmorama. 

Go8quear,oat4o  s-witch,  to  cadgeL 


—  147  — 


Ck>SBario,  sm»  corsair.  V.  Cor- 

Gossolete,  srti.  a  corselet. 

GoBSOuros,  sm.  pi.  {a  sea  term.) 
trucks.  —  da  espora.  V.  Roseta. 

Gosta,  sf.  coast;  side;rib. — da 
mão,  the  back  of  the  hand.  — do 
outeiro,  the  ridge  of  an  biU.  — 
de  biscoito,  a  piece  of  biscnit. 
Commercio  de  —  a — ,  coasting 
trade.  Dar  d  — ,  to  ran  a  gronnd. 

CostS,  sf.  cliíf,  coast,  the  side  of 
a  hill.  [vards,  steepness. 

Costa-acima,  sf.  a  bendin^  up- 

Goatsdas,  sf,  pi.  sinuosities, 

Gostado,  sm.  side ;  Une  of  con- 
sanguinity.— ÉÍe  sotavento,  (a  sea 
term)  the  lee  side.  —  de  barlor 
vento,  the  vreather  side.  — s  do 
navio,  tbe  planks  that  are  laid 
upon  a  ship's  sides  after  she  is 

Gostai,  adj.  2  ff.  that  belongs  to 
the  ribs.  — ,  sni.  a  sack,  half  of 
the  load  of  a  horse. 

Gostaneira  or  Gostaleira,  sf. 
waste  paper ;  the  flank  of  an 

Gostaneiro,  sm.  and  adj.  paper 
of  refase,  the  ont-side  quires  of 
a  ream  of  paper.  [hill. 

Gostão,  adj .  that  is  in  a  coast  or 

Gostas,  sf.  pi.  the  back.  Chtardar 
— ,  to  back  a  man.  Dar  as  — , 
to  run  awaj.  Costas  eom  — , 
back  to  back.  —  do  navio,  ribs, 
side,  timbers  of  a  ship;  [fig.) 
protection  ,  support.  Ás  — , 
upon  the  back.  De  — ,  on  the 
back,  up"ward.  Nas  — ,  enelose 
pursuit.  Que  está  de  — ,  lying 
along  on  his  back. 

Costeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  coasted. 

Gostear,  va.  and  n.  to  coast  along, 
to  sail  alon^  the  coast.  Costear- 
se,  vr.  to  cling,  to  keep  close  to 
one^s  dictates. 

Gosteira,  sf.  a  great  extension 
of  sea  coast. 

Costeiro,  sm.  the  brow  of  a  hill. 

Costeiro,  a,  adj'  coasting,  of  or 
belonging  to  the  coast. 

Gostetta,  sf,  a  nb.  Faiaas 

(anat.)  short  ribes.  Costellas  do 

navio,  (a  sea  term.)  the  timbers. 
Gosto,  sm.  a  kind  or  shrub. 
Gosto-sJ>doniinal,    adj.    {anat.) 

that  belongs  to  the  ribs  and 

Gosto-clavicular,     adj.    {anat.) 

that  belongs  to  the   ribs  and 

Gostra,  sf.  crust,  scurf,  scab. 
Gostrada,  sf.  a  çreat  crust. 
Gostrado,  a,  adj.  crusty. 
Gostroso,  a,  a<Q'.  crusty,  scabby. 
Gostinxiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  accus- 

tomed,  usual.  [la^vr. 

Gostuznagem,  sf.  the    common 
GoBttunar,  va.  and  n.  to  have  a 

custora.  V.  Acostumar. 
Gostuzuario,  a,  adj.  customary, 

common.    Direito  — ,  the  com- 
mon law.  [custom. 
Gostuma-se,   v.  vnp.   it  is    the 
Costume,   sm.    custom,    usage, 

use,  habit.  Ter  — de  fazer,  to 

be  wont  or  used.  — *,  sm.  pí. 

morais,  manners. 
Gostara,  sf.  seam,  sewinç;  linen 

cut  ready  to  be  sewed,  task. 

Sem  — ,  seamless.   Tem  a  cara 

cheia  de  costuras,  his  face  is  co- 

vered  vith  scars. 
Costureira,  sf.  seamstress. 
Gota,  sf.    annotation,   remark; 

a  coat  of  mail.  —  de  faca,  the 

back  of  a  knife ,  —  a  petticoat ; 

— ,  a  large  sea-flsh. 
Cotado,  a,  pp.  adj.  coted. 
Cotador,  sm.  annotator. 
Gotamento,  sm.  annotation,  re^ 

Cotanllho,   sm.  {bêt.)  a  kind   óf 

down,  soft  wool    or   fur  upon 

the  buds  of  certain  trees. 
Cotão,  sm.   cotton,  down,  mossi- 

ness.  [notes  on. 

Cotar,  va.  to  annotate,  to  make 
Cote,  sm.  a  hone,  a  whet-stone; 

a  thing  used  daily. 
Cotelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  compared, 

CeteJador,9m.  he-who  compares, 

collates.  [late. 

Cotejao*,  va.  to  compare,  to  col- 
Gotejo,  sm,  coUation.^  com^^x>&^:íQ^ 


~  248  — 


Goteto.  a,  adj.  and  s.  very  little, 
dwarf.  [buskins. 

Cothumado,  a,  adj.  that  brings 

Cothumo,  sm.  buskin  or  co- 
thurns ;  {fig.)  tragedy. 

Cotia,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  aguti. 

Cotiar,  va  to  use  daily. 

Gótica,  sf.  {herald.)  cotice. 

Coticado,  a,  adj. {herald.)  coilceà. 

Goticula,  sf.  touch-stone. 

Gotilhão,  sm.  cotillon  (dance). 

Gotio,  a,  adj.  that  is  easily  boiled 
or  baked. 

Goto,  sm.  end,  stump.  —  de  vela, 
snuff.  —  de  aza^  tne  part  of  a 
"wing  from  the  joint  towards  the 
body  of  a  bird;  the  stump  of  a 
limb  that  has  been  cut  oflF. 

Goto,  sm.  a  small  sword. 

Gotonias,  sf.  pi.  dimity. 

Gotovelada,  sf.  hunch. 

Gotovelar,  va.  to  elbow;  V.  Aco' 
tovelar.  [bend,angle. 

Gotovelo,  sm.  the  elbow,  comer  ; 

Cotovia,  sf.  a  lark. 

Gotutor,  sm.  joint-guardian. 

Gotyledo,  sm.  (ôoí.)  cotyledon. 

Cotyloide,  adj.  2  g.  {anat.)  Cavi- 
dade — ,  cotyla. 

Couce,  sm.  kick,  spurn.  "veince; 
the  butt  end  of  a  musket;  the 
recoiling  of  a  fire-arra.  —  da 
porta,  the  socket  on  which  a 
door  turns.  —  da  procissão,  the 
latter  end  of  a  procession.  Um 
tira  — s,  a  rogue. 

Gouceador,  a,  adi.  kicking,  that 
kicks.  — ,  sm.  a  KÍcker. 

Goucear,  va.  and  n.  to  kick,  to 

wince,  to  jerk. 
Gouceira,  sf  the  socket  o"  nhich 

a  door  turns,  hinge ;  a  |  la  tk. 
Coucellos,  sm.  pi.  V.  Coi.c  tellos. 
Gouçoeira,  sf.  a  little  cup,  gob- 

let ;  a  thick  board. 
Goudel,  sm.  captain,  chief,  com- 

mander  of  a  troop. 
Goudelaria,    sf.    the    offlce    of 

taking  care  of  stone-horses. 
Goudra,  sf.  mattress. 
Goupon,  sm.  coupon,  dividend. 
Coura    or    Coira,   sf.     leather 
jerkin.  [and  derivated. 

Couraça,»/',  cuirass.  Y.  Coiraça 

Courão,  sm.  harlot,  prostituto. 
Coureiro ,  sm.   currier  leather- 

Gourella,  sf,  a  long  and  narrow 

piece  of  ground. 
Couro  or  Coiro,  sm,  hide,  skin, 

leather.  V.  Coiro. 
Cousa,  sf.  a  thing ;  matter,  busi- 
ness,  affair;  case,  deed.  Algu- 
ma — ,  something.  O  nome  es- 
panta mais  do  que  a  — ,  the  name 
frightens  more  than  the  reality. 
—  de  duas  léguas,  about  two 
Couseiro,  sm.  a  note-book  use  d 

in  the  inquisition. 
Cousixnento,  sm.  V.  Escolha. 
Coutada,  sf.  a  park. 
Coutado,  a,  pp.  adj.  forbidden. 
Coutaiuento,  sm.  prohibition  or 

defence  of  hunting. 
Coutar,  va.  to  seize  for  transgres- 
sion  of  the  game  laws ;  to  en- 
close  parks  for  chase ;  to  forbid, 
to  prohihit ;  to  fine ;  to  shelter. 
Couteiro,  sm.  a  park-keeper. 
Couto,  sm,  shelter;  park;  privi- 

leged  manor. 
Couve,  sf.  cabbage,  colewort.  — 
ftoTt   colliflower.   —  repolhuda, 
white  cabbage.  Para  voltarmos 
ás  nossas  —s,  to  return  to  the 
Cova,  sf.  hole,  pit,  ditch ;  crave. 
Govado,  sm.  cubit,  a  flemisn  ell. 
Coval,  sm,  a  part  of  a  church- 
yard.  [grave. 

Covão,  sm,   a  deep  ditch,  den; 
Covarde,  adj.  2  g.  coward,  chick- 

Covardemente,  adv.  cowardly, 

Covardia  or  Cobardia,  sf.  co- 

wardice,  cowardliness. 
Covardice,  sf.  cowardice. 
Covato,  sm.  {agr.)  a  little  ditch 
or  furrow.  —  a  piece  of  ground 
for  burying  the  dead. 
Covedo,  sm.  the  elbow  or  knee 
of  an  anim^.  [maker. 

Coveiro,  sm.  a  grave-digger  or 
Covello,  sm.  a  small  ditch. 
Covil,  sm.  a  den ;  hole. 
Covilhete,  sm.  a  pattypan. 


—  Í49  — 


CSo^lnlia,  %f.  a  little  hoie  or  pit ; 
a  dimple  m  the  cheek.  Jogo  da 
— ,  chuck-farthing. 

Covo,  a,  adj.  hollow,  deep,  ca- 

Ck>vo  or  Covos,  sm.  pi.  —  de 
gallinhas ,  a  pyramidal  basket 
of  osiers^  bulrush ;  coop. 

Govocõ,  sm.  a  passage  for  water 
in  a  sugar-mill. 

Coxa,  sf.  the  thigh.  Parte  de  den- 
tro da  —  do  cavallo,  gascoins. 

Coxeado,  a,  pp.  adj,  limped, 
hobbled.  [bling. 

Goxeadura,  sf.  lameness,  hob- 

Coxesir,  vn.  to  limp,  to  hobble,  to 
go  lama. 

Coxia,  sf.  {in  a  galley)  the  cour- 
sey.  Correr  a  — ,  to  ramble.  Pe- 
ça de  —y  (a  sea  term)  the  great 
gun  on  the  prow. 

Coxim,  sm.  a  cushion. 

Coxo,  a,  adj.  lame,  crípple,  halt. 

Coxote,  sm.  defensivo  armour  for 
the  thigh  s ;  cuish. 

Coz,  sm.  V.  Cós. 

Ccaedura,  sf.  backing,  burning. 

Cozer,  va.  to  cook,  to  boil,  to 
dress ;  to  ripen ;  to  digest.  —  no 

Í'omo,  to     Dake.  —  tijolo^   to 
lurn  bricks.  —  a  borracheira  ^ 

to  sleep  the  fumes  of  the  wine 

away.  —  demasiado,  to  over-do. 

Cozer-sej  vr.  to  be  boiled,  baked, 

dressed.  [dressed. 

Cozido,  a,  pp.  adj.  boiled,  baked, 
Cozimento,  sm.  boiling,  baking, 

Cozinlia,  sf.  kitchen.  Arte  da  — , 

cookery .  Bicho  de  — ,  a  scullion. 

Moça  da  — ,  a  kitchen-wench. 
Cozinhada,  sf,  a  dish ;  something 

Cozinhar,  va.  to  cook,  to  dress 

meat  or  victuals. 
Cozinheiro,  a,   sm.  or  f.  cook, 

man-cook  or  cook-raaid.  — a,  {a 

sea  term)  the  main  stay  sail. 
Crabro,  sm.  a  kind  of  insect. 
Craca,  sf.    a  channel,    furrow. 

fluting  of  pillars;    a  sort   or 

Crachá ,  sm.    grand-cross ,    the 

ttar  of  a  military  order. 

Craneo,  sm,  the  brainpan,  skull, 
cranium.  [p^y* 

Craneographia,  sf.    craniogra- 

Craneolar,  adj.  2  g.  resembling 
the  cranium. 

Craneologia,  sf.  craniology. 

Craneologioo,  a,  adj.  craniolo- 

Craneologo,  sm,  craniologist. 

Craneomancia,«/'.  craniomancy. 

Graneometro,  sm.  craniometer. 

Graneosoopia,  sf.  cranioscopy. 

Crápula,  sf,  surfeit,  crapulence. 

Crapulosamente ,  adv.  crapu- 

Crapuloso,  a,  adj.  crapulous. 

Cras,  adv.  {anc.)  to-morrow; 
cawing.  [lingly. 

Crassamente,  adv.  rudelv,  bung- 

Crassidade,  sf.  crassitude. 

Crassidão,  sf.  crassitude,  thick- 
ness.  [coarse. 

Crasso,  a,    adi.    thick,    gross, 

Grasta,  sf.  {anc.)  V.  Claustro. 

Grastino,  a,  adj.  of  to-morrow. 

Cratera,  sf.  cup,  chalice ;  {phys.) 
crater  mouth  of  a  volcan. 

Gravação,  sf.  studded  nails ;  the 
setting  of  stones.  [in  gold. 

Gravado,  a,  pp.  adj,  nailed ;  set 

Gravador,  sm.  one  who  sets 
gems,  a  jeweller ;  he  that  nails. 
—  de  sapateiro,  a  punch. 

Gravadura,  sf.  naiung. 

Cravagem,  sf.  a  disease  in  plants 
as  the  rye,  etc. 

Cravar,  va  to  nail,  to  fix,  to 
stick  into.  —  o  punhal  no  peito, 
to  stick  the  dagger  into  the 
breast.  —  o  pensamento  em  al- 
guma cousa  y  to  mind  a  thing 
and  apply  earnestly  to  it.  —  o 
ouro  sobre  a  pedra,  to  set  a 
stone  in  gold. 

Gravata,  sf.  cravat,  neck-cloth. 

Craveira,  sf.  the  holes  in  a  horse- 
shoe;  a  shoemaker's  size;  a 
stan  d  ard-me  asure. 

Craveiro,  sm.  a  pot  to  keep 
pinks  in ,  the  plant  that  bears 
pinks .  the  clove-tree.  —  a,  adj. 
according  to  the  standard  mea- 
sure.  Palmo  — ,  a,  standard 


^850  — 


Cravelado,  a,  pp,  adj.  fáirtened 

with  nails. 
Gracejador»  sm,   a  blackamith 

who  makes    nails    fòr  h(»««- 

Cravejar,  va.  to  stad  wHh  nails. 
Gravelina,  sf»  a  small  kind  of 

pÍDks.  [buickle. 

Gravete,  sm.    the  tongne   o£  a 
Cravlja,  sf.  pe^,  pin. 
Gravina,  */.  V.  CUnina, 
Cravinoso,  a,  adi.  (bot.)  o£  or 

belonging     to    the   íjunily    of 

Craviorgão,  sm.  V.  Clatiorgão. 
Gravlsta,    sm.    a     haipúâiorâ 

Gravo,  sm.  a  small  nail;  apink. 

—  da  índia,  deve.  —  a  vart ;  a 

Cré,  sm.  cassarilla ;  fuller'8  earth. 
Greação,  sf.  creation,  creating; 

invention.  [ducea. 

Greado,  a,  pp.  adj.  created,  pro- 
Greador,  sm.  creator;  inyentor, 

Greança,  sf.  a  child. 
Grear,  va.  to  create,  to  cause,  to 

produce ;  to  invent ;    to   occa- 

sion,  to  ând.  [pendant. 

Greatura,  sf.  creature  ;{fig.)  de- 
Crebro,  a,  adj.  repeated. 
Gredeiro,  a,  adi.  credent. 
Gredencia,  sf.  the  table  which  is 

covered  by  the  altar. 
Gredencial,  adj.  i  g.  of  credence, 

Gredendario ,  sm.  he  that  has 

charge  of  the  credencia. 
Credente,  adj.  2  q.  believer. 
Gredibilidade,  sf.  credibility. 
Greditar  ,va.  to  make  a  creator. 

Creditar-se^  w.  to  make   one's 

self  creditor. 
Gredito,  sm.  credence,  credit; 

reputation,  name. 
Gredo,  sm.  the  creed. 
Gredor,  a,  m.  or  f.  creditor.  ^ 

importuno^   a  don.  —  kypothe- 

cario,  mortgagee.  [lously. 

Gredulaxnente ,     ado.     credu- 
Gredulldade,  sf.  credolity,  cre- 
Crédulo,  a,  adj.  credvãou/u 

Greivd,  adj.  2  g.  V.  Crvoei. 
Creme,   tm.    cream.  Leite  — ,  a 

Cremeaixn»  aeí/.  V.  Carmesim. 
Gremor,  sm.  cream.  —  de  cevada^ 

the  thick  juice  of  barley. 
Grena,  sf.  eareening. 
Grenar,  va.  to  careen. 
Crença,  sf.  belief,  faith,  religien. 
Crencbas.  sf.  pi.  partition  of  the 

hair  on  the  forefaead. 
Crente,  adj.  2  g.  and  s.  believer ; 

Grenulado,  a,  adi.  {hot.)  crenate. 
Greoflote,  sm.  {chem.)  a  sort  of 

Crepe,  sm.  crape. 
Crepita<;ãQ  >     sf.      crepitation , 

crackling.  [tanets. 

Crepitaciiúoe,  am.  pi.  {ane.)  cas- 
Crepitante,  adj.  2  g.  crepitating, 

crackling.  [crackle. 

Crepitar,  vn.   to   crepitate,   to 
Crepito,  a,  adj.    noisy,    clamo- 

rous.  Frous. 

Crepitoso,  a,  adj.  noisy,  clamo- 
Crepudina  or  Crapodiíia,  sf. 

toadstone,  bufonita. 
CrepundiOB ,  sm.  pi.    a    child's 

Crepuaciilar,  adj.  2  g.    crepus- 

cular,  crepusculoua. 
CrepoBCular,  vn.  to  dark,  to  dim, 

to  cloud. 
Creposcolo,     sm.     crepuscule, 

Crer,  va.    to  believe,   to  credit 

upon  the  authorit^r  of  another, 

to  trust  to;  to  think.   Crer-sey 

vr.  to  think   or   believe  one's 

self.  [overplus. 

Creaoença,  sf.  growth,  increase ; 
Crescendo,    aav.    {mus.)    cres- 
Crescente,  adj.  2  g.    crescent, 

growing,  increasinç. 
Crescente,  sf.  swelling  of  a  ri- 

ver»  tide ;  rising,  height,  high- 

est  pítch,  heat,  ardour.  — »  sm. 

a  crescent. 
Crescer,  vn.  to  grov,  to  rise,  to 

sprÍDg,  to  increase;  to  become 

more    violent    or    intense;  to 



—  »1  — 


CSrescido,  a,  pp.  adj.  growii,  &eig- 

mented,  grwing;  large,  exten- 

ded,  tall,  wide. 
Gresoimento ,  am.  groirth,  in- 

crease ;  a  fit  of  fever,  paroxysm. 
Grespão,  sm.  a  sort  of  cnsped 

fine  -«roollen  stuff. 
GreapidSo,  sf.  roughii«ss. 
Crespina,  sf,  a  sort  of  coif. 
Crespo,  a,  adj.  crisped,  carled. 
Gzssta,  sf.  the  takinf  the  honejr 

from  the  bee-fatves ;  olast  blight. 

Dar  uma  — ,   ifig.)  to  rob,  to 

Cresta -colmeias,  sm.  he  who 

takes  the  honey  away  £rom  the 

hives.  [bumt. 

Crestado,  a,  pp,  adj.  somevhat 
Grestadeira,  sf.  an  iron's  inatra- 

ment  for  taking  the  honey  from 

the  hives. 
Grestador,  «m.    and   adj.   tiiat 

takes  away  the  iioney  from  the 

Crestadnra,  sf.  a  small  boming. 
Grestamento,   mu  the  *ct  of 

buming.  [buck. 

Grestão,  sm.  a  gelded  he-goat,  a 
Crestar,  va.  to  Dum  a  Uttle ;  to 

rob,  to  pluxider.  [fannel. 

Greta,  af,  {bat.)  a  sort  of  sea- 
Cretaoeo,   a,  adj.  cretaceoos, 

mariy.  [chalk. 

Greve,  sm.  he  who  soores  with 
Cria,  sf.  &  colt  or  fbaL 
CriaçSo,  sf  edueation,  reaxiog, 

bringing  up,  breedlng;  covey, 

-stnd,  the   yoang  of  atiniala; 

food  breediag;  ue  having  heen 
red  up  together. 
Criada,  sf.  woman,  maid-^ervant. 
Gráadfiira,  sf   a  good   lemaLe 

feeder,  a  nurae. 
Criado,  a 4  pp.  odA.  «hicsted, 

reared,  breid.  Mal-^^  ill-brsd. 

Bem  ~,  well  fleshed,  £Rt;  -veUr 

Criado,  sm,  servant,  domestie. 
Criadoíiio,  jm.  nursery;  jeed- 

Criador,  a,  odj,  and  «.  fertile, 

that  nonrishes ;  a  hreeder. 
CWfcmeiíto»  Ml.  •dnmtiaii,  nar^ 

IDg..     . 

Criança,  tf.  child.  Y.  Creoa^ 

Criar,  va.  to  nurse ;  to  breed ;  to 
bringh  forth.  —  ao  peito,  to 
sackie;  to  get,  to  beget,  to  cause; 
to  nourish,  to  promote ;  to  raise, 
to  let  grow.  —  raízes  j  to  shed  or 
put  fortii  roots.  —  matéria  a 
chaga,  to  suppurate.  —  boler, 
to  gro-vr  momdy.  —  forças,  to 
ac^uire  strength.  O  ócio  cria 
viciosy  idleness  begets  vice. 
Criar-se,  vr.  to  grow,  to  growap, 
to  swarm  (speaking  of  worms). 

Criatura,  sf  creature.  V.  Cr0«- 
tura.  [dormouse. 

Criceto,  âm.  {nat.  bist.)  a  sort  oí 

Crido,  a,  pp.  adj.  believed. 

Crime,  sm.  <;rime,  sin,  gailft, 
guiltiness.  >-  de  lesa  magestade, 
high  treasoD.  Juiz  do  -^^  a 
judge  in  criminal  causes.  — 
adj.  i  ff.  criminal. 

Crimemente,  adv.  criminally. 

Grixneza,  sf.  severity,  rigour. 

CrlminaçSo,  sf  crimínation. 

Criminado,  a,  pp.  adj.  incrimi- 
nated,  accusated. 

Criminador,  a,  sm.  or  f  he  ihtí 

Criminal,  adj.  f  a.  críminal, 
goilty;  severe,  craobed. 

Criminalidade,  sf.  criminality. 

Criminalista,  sm,  a  writer  ou 
criminal  lair- 

CrlBiinar,  va.  to  criminate,  to 

incxiaiinate.  Criminar-se,  or.  to 

ikooue  oiie*8  self  of  a  crime. 
Crimtaavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 

be  criminal;  «ondemnable. 
Griminosamente,    ado.  crimi- 

nously.  [goilty,  wickad. 

Criminoso,   a,    adj.   criminal; 
Crina  or<3lttt«,  sf.  mane.  Crina» 

do  cometo, tile  iMams  of  a  comet. 
Crina,  s.  mane,  horee-hair. 
Grlnifioo,    a,    adj.    producing 

CrlBisparso,  a,  adjs   that  has 

dishevelled  luurs. 
Grinitoi,  a,  adj.  ihat  has  a  mane; 

dinite,  aúry. 

rino, ««.  {bot.)  akind  of  qIabAíí 


—  252  — 


Crioulo,  a,  sm.  or  f,  creole,  a 

native  descended  of  Kuropean 

parents ;  a  home-born  slave. 
Grique,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  a  sort  of 

CSriS;  adj.  m.  Sol  — ,  Lua  — ,  an 

eclipse  of  the  sun  or  moon. 
Gris,  sm.  a  malay  dagger. 
Grisada,  sf.  a  stroke  with  the 

Crise  or  Criais,  sf.  crisis.  Dia 

de  —  criticai  day;   a  sort  of 

woollen  cloth. 
Crismar,  coníirm.  V.  Chris- 

mar  and  derivated. 
Crispação,  sf.  crispation,  wrin- 

kling;  shivering,  rigor. 
Crispado,  a,  ad/,  Y *  Encrespado. 
Crispatura,  sf.  crispation,  shri- 

Crista,  sf.  the  comb  of  a  cock  or 

hen,  crest.  Joaar  as  cristas ^  to 

íight.  —  de  gaílo^  {bot.)  a  sort  of 

tree;  herd,  crista-galli. 
Cristado,  a,  adj.  crested,  tufted. 
Cristal,  sm.  crystal.  V.  Crystal 

and  derivatea. 
Cristel,  sm  a  clyster. 
Critério,  sm.  criterion. 
Critica,  sf.   criticism,    censure, 

critique.  [censured. 

Criticado,  a,  pp.  adj.  criticized, 
Criticador,  a,  sm.  or  f,  critic, 

censurer,  examiner. 
Criticar,  va.  to  criticize,  to  cen- 
sure, [criticized. 
Criticável,  adi.  2  g.  that  may  be 
Critico,  a,  aaj.  criticai,  censo- 

rious.  Dia  — ,  day  of  crisis.  — 

sm.  a  critic,  censu:  r. 
Crivação,  sf.  {pharm.\  siftiBg. 
Crivado,  SL,jit,adj.  sifted. 
Crivar,  va.  to  sift,  to  riddle. 
Crivei,  adj.  2  g.  credible. 
Crivelmente,  adv,  credibly. 
Criviforme,  adj.  2  g,  of  or  be- 

longing  to  crivo. 
Crivo,  sm.  sieve,  riddle. 
Grivoso,  adj.  lanat)  so  is  called 

the  ethmoidai  boné. 
Gró,  sm.  the  cackline^  of  hens. 
Groca,  sf.  a  piece  of  timber  of  a 

plough.  [a  cherry. 

CrffOíu,  sm,  a  jsrecipus  atone  li&e 

Grooe,  sm,  {bot.)  a  sort  of  herb. 
Groceo,  a,  adj.  croceous,  sailron 

Crocitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  croaked. 
Crocitar,    vn.  to   croak  Uke  a 

Croco,  sm.  saffron.  V.  Acafr&o. 
Crocodiliano ,  a,  or  Crocodi- 

lino,  a,  adj.  crocodiline. 
Crocodilo,  sm.  crocodile. 
Crocota   or  Crocuta,    sf.  {nat, 

hist.)  name  given  anciently  to 

the  nyaena. 
Cronha,   sf.    the    stock    of    a 

gun,  etc. 
Cronheiro,  sm.  a  man  that  makes 

stocks  of  guns. 
Crónica,  Cronologia  and  deri- 
vated.   V.    Chronica,   ChronO' 

Croque,  sm  hook,  grapple,  polé, 

Croquinhas,  sf.  pi.  Sentar-se  de 

— ,  to  squat. 
Crosta,  sf.  scab. 
Crotalo,    sm.    {ant.)    crotalum; 

castanets  of  the  priests  of  Cy- 

Cru,  a,  adj.  raw ;  indigested ,  un- 

cooked.   Seda  crua,  raw  silk. 

Humor  — ,  a  crude  humour. 
Cruamente,  adv.  rudely,  cruelly. 
Cruoesignato,  a,   adj.  marked 

with  a  cross. 
Crucial,  adj,  ig,  crucial. 
Grucianella,   sf.  {bot,)   crucia- 

Cruciar,  va.  to  cruciate,  to  tor- 
ture. V.  Martyrisar, 
Cruciíerario,  sm.  he  that  carries 

the  cross. 
Crucifero,  a,  adj.  craciferous, 

that  has  a  cross. 
Crucificação,  sf.  crucifixion. 
Crucificado,  SL^pp.  adj,  crucifled. 
Crucificador,  sm,  he  that  inflicts 

the  punishment  of  nailing  to  a 

Gruoifioamento,  sm,  crucifixion. 
Crucificar,  va.  to  crucify. 
Crncdfiacão,  sf.  crucifixion. 
Gmoifixo,  sm,  a  crucifix. 
GmolfQnne,  adj,  2  g,  crucifomi. 
Groioimt  sf»  a  sort  of  maaioo. 


—  253  — 


CSrael,  adj.  2  g.  cruel,  merciless ; 
sanguinary,  inhoman ;  âerce. 

Craeldade,  sf.  cruelty,  inhiiman- 
ity,  barbarity. 

Gruelmente,  adv,  cruelly,  inhu- 

GmentaçSo,  sf.  bloodshed. 

Gmentamente,  adv,  in  a  bloody 

Graentar,  va.  Y.  Ensanguentar. 

Cruento,  a,  adj.  bloodj,  sangui- 

Crueza,  sf.  crudity ;  cruelty. 

Gruor,  sm.  cruor,  the  red  part  of 
the  blood. 

Crural,  adj.  2  g.  {anat.)  crural, 
pertaining  to  the  \eg. 

Crusta,  sf.  crast,  scab. 

Crustáceo,  a,  adj.  {nat.  hist.) 

Crustoso,  a,  adj.  crusty. 

Gruta,  sf.  sea-bream  (âsh). 

Cruz,  sf.  cross;  rood;  (fig.)  af- 
fliction,  trouble.  Em  — ,  cross- 
"wise.  —  nos  cabos  (a  sea  term.) 
cross  in  the  hawse.  Pâr  as  ver- 
gas em  — ,  (a  sea  term)  to  square 
the  yards. 

Cruzada,  sf.  crusade,  holy  war. 

Cruzado,  a,  pp.  adj.  crossed; 
folded.  [(Portuçuese  coin). 

Cruzado,  sm.  crasade,  crusado 

Cruzador,  sm.  cruiser. 

Cruzados,  sm.  pi.  crasaders. 

Cruzamento,  sm.  crossing. 

Cruzar,  va.  to  cross,  to  lay 
across,  to  draw  cross  lines.  — 
vn.  to  come  across ;  (a  sea  term) 
to  cruise.  Cruzar-se^  vr,  to  cross 
or  cut  one  another. 

Cruzeiro,  sm.  a  lar^e  cross; 
the  great  nave  or  Dody  of  a 
church;  ^astr.)  the  Crosiers, 
constellation ;  (a  sea  term)  a 
cruise.  [cross. 

Cruzeiro,  a,    adj.    that  has  a 

Cruzeta,  sf.  a  little  cross. 

Crsrpta,  sf.  {arch.)  crypt. 

Cryptogama,  *.  {bot.)  crypto- 

Cr3rptogamia,  sf.  cryptogamy. 

Grsrptogamo,  a,  adj.  cryptoga- 
mian.  [P^J* 

Gryptographia,  sf,  cryptogra- 
Pártb  I. 

Crsrptographicaniente ,     ado, 

.  cryptographically. 
Cryptopraphico,  a,  adj.  crypto- 

graphical.  [pner. 

Cryptographo,   sm.  crjrptogra- 
Cryptologia,  sf.  cryptology. 
Cryptonimo,    sm.    and    adj.   is 

said  of  an  author   concealin^ 

his  name  by  a  transposition  of 

its  letters. 
Grystal,  sm.  crystal. 
Crystallino,  a,  adj.  cristalline. 

Jaumor  — ,  {med.)  icy  humour. 
CryBtallisação,  sf.    crystallisa- 

tion.  [lized. 

Crsrstallisado,  a,pp.  adj.  crystal- 
Crystallisar,  va.  to  crystallize. 
Crystallographia,  sf.  crystallo- 

Crystallographo,   sm.    crystal- 

Crystallomancia,  sf.  crystallo- 

mancy  (divination  by  the  crys- 

CryBtel,  sm.  clyster. 
Cu,  sm.  breech,  arse,  fundament, 

Guada,  sf.  a  fali  on  the  backside. 
Cuba,  sf.  a  wine  vat. 
Cubelsas,  sf.  pi.  cubebs. 
Cubeiro,   a,  adj.  that  has  been 

into  a  tub.  [and  derivated. 

Cuberta,  sf.  a  cover.  V.  Coberta 
Cubica,  sf.  covetousness,  cupid- 

Cubicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  coveted. 
Cubiçante,  ajdj.  2  g.  that  covets, 

desirous.  [after. 

Cubicar,  va.  to  covet,   to   lust 
Cubico,  a,  aéí'  cubic,  cubicai. 
Cubiçoso,  a,  adj.  covetous. 
Cubiçoseunente,  adv.  with  cove- 
Cubiculario,  sm.  a  gentleman  of 

the  bed-chamber. 
Cubiculo,  sm.  cell.  V.  Cella. 
Cubital,  adj.  2  g.  cubital,  belong^ 

ing  to  the  elbow. 
Cubito,  sm.  cubit,  cubitus. 
Cubo,  sm.  cube  tub ;  bucket,  pail. 
Cubo-oubo,  sm.  {arith.)  cubo- 

Gubrlr,  va,  V.  Cobrir. 



—  »4  — 


Mastro   de  -  ,    lofky    greased 

pole    (capped  vnih  prizes   for 

the  clirabers). 
Gucame,  sm.  cockal. 
Cnchialiár,  vn.  to  whii^cr.  A 

acção  de  — ,  whis|>eiing« 
Giiohicho,  sm.  whispexiitg,whi3- 

per.  [cuckoo. 

Cuco,  sm.  ( nat,   kist. )  cuckow, 
Cucufa,  sf.  a  sort  oi  coif  with 

cephaiic  medicines. 
Gttcula,  sf.  amonk^s  cowl  or  hood ; 

{nat.  hist.)  cacuUus.      [hooded. 
Gnonlar,    adj.   2    o.  ctumUate, 
Cnoumelo,  sm.  V.  Cogumelo. 
Cncnrbita,  sf.  cucurbite. 
Cncarbitino,    a,   adj.  cscurbi- 

taceons.  [af  ji  vanlt. 

Gucurecheo,  sm.  the  key-«tone 
Cacuruoú,  sm.  a  word  to  imiftste 

Gaoamto.  sm.  V.  Caramanchão. 
Cuecas,  sf.  pi.  trowsers,  dravers. 
Cueiros,  sm.  pi.   clouts,  «wad- 

dling  clothes. 
Cuia,  sf.  a  cuç  made  of  a  goard 

cut  by  the  middle  and  dried  or 

made  of  a  large  nut. 
Cuidação.  sf.  cogitation. 
Culdadaxnente,  adv.  carefnlfy, 

Cuidado,    sm.    care,   diligence, 

study ,  attention ;  anxiety,  solici- 
tude,  tronble,    affliction.  JVSo 

vos  dê  isso  — ,  never  mind. 
Cuidadosamente.  acív.carefoUy. 
Cuidadoso,  a,  adj.  carefol,  oi- 

ligent,  mindful. 
Cuidar,    mu  to   take    care,  to 

reliect;  to  think,  to  believe,  to 

mind.  — .  vn.  to  be  anxioas. 
Cuido,  sm.  care,  imagiuatkm. 
Cuidoso,  a,  adj.  careiul,  diligent. 
Guita.  sf.  pain,  grief, -aiOietian. 

Cujo,   a,  pron.    rei.    -whoae,   of 

which,  oi  vhom ;  whereof. 
Culatra,  sf.  the  butt  end  of  a 

Culebrina.  sf.  culverin. 
Cull.  S7n.  cullis,  the  strained  jnioe 

of  boiled  meat. 
Culinário,  a,  adj.  culinary. 
Culmifero,  a,  adj.  cuUqIíbkhu. 

Colmiitação,  sf.  culmination. 
Culminado,  a,  jop.  adj.  culmina- 

ted.  [^?* 

Culminante,  adj.  2  g.  culmina- 
Colminar,  vn.{astr.)  fo  cobninate. 
Culpa,  sf.  fault,  sin,ofrence,  error. 

Ter  a  — ,  to  be  the  <^use. 
Culpabilidade,  sf.    culpability, 

Gulpadamente,  adv.  colpahly. 
Culpado,  a,  pp.  adj.  guilty,  ac- 

cused,  incriminated,  sinfoL  — , 

sm.  ciúprit. 
Culpar,  va.  to  aocuse,  to  incri- 

minate.  Culpar-se,  vr.  to  aocuse 

one'8  self.  [sinful,  guilty. 

Culpável,  adj.  2   a.   culpable, 
Culpavebnente,  adv.  guiltilj. 
Cultamente,  adv.  elegantly. 
CultiTação,  sf.  cultupe,  cultiva- 

Cultivado,  eL.pp.  adj.  cultivated. 
Cultivador,  a,  sm.  or/.cultivator, 

husbandman,  agriculturist. 
Cultivar,  va,  to  cultivate,  to  till. 

Cultivar-se^  vr.  to  be  cultivated. 
Cultivável,  adj.  2  g.  cultivable, 

capable  to  be  tilled. 
Cultivo,  sm.  culture. 
Culto,    a,    adj.    correct,    puré. 

lÁngua  — a,  refíned  langoage. 
Culta,  sm,  worship,  honour,  re- 

spect.  [lover,  observer. 

Cultor,  «m.  -«rorshipper ;  {fig.) 
Cultura,    sf.    culture,    tillage, 

Cum,  adv.  for   Com  um^  with  a 

or  an,  with  one. 
Cumbado,  a,  adj.  crooked. 
Cume,   sm.  the  top,  the  hei^ht; 

the  highest  pitch  of  any  thiug. 
Ciiminda,  sf.  top,  ridge. 
Cumieira,   sf.  the  height;    the 

oovering    of   a    honse;  ridge 

lead,  gutter  tile. 
Cumplioe,  adj.  2  g.  aceomplice. 
Cumplimentario,  sm.  a  respon- 

sible  partner. 
Gaasprklo,  A^jpp.  adj^  acoom- 

plished,  performed. 
Gumcuridc»*,  a,  adj.  that  accom- 

j)lÍM)e8  or  perfonos. 
Cumprimento,  sm.    execution, 





Cimmrir,  va,  to  accomplish,  to 

falnl,  to  perform.  Cumpre^  vn. 

imp.  it  is  ât,  suitable.  Cuwyprir' 

se,  vr.  to  be  accomplÍBhed. 
Gnznpto  or  Compito,  sm.  sim, 

GasuuaçSo,  sf.  cumulatíoA. 
Cumulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  acctunu- 

lated,  íilled  up.  [he«{>  up. 

CumuUur,  va.  to  accumuLate,  to 
GomuUrtivamente,  adv.  {inlaw) 

m  an  accnmulative  manner. 
Cumulativo,  a,  adj.  {law  term) 

Cumulo,     sm.      aocumulation ; 

height,  top,  pitch ;  pile,  lieap ; 

the  LeÍEiping:  of  a  measure. 
Cuna,  sf.  a  cradle. 
Guneiíonne,  adj.  2  g.  cimeiform. 
Cuneo,  sm.  {antiq.)  a  battalion 

dra^VB  up  in  form  of  a  wedge. 
Guneta,  sf.  {fort.)  cunette. 
Cunha,  sf.  a   wedge,    a   coió. 

Cunhas -de  miro,  V.  Palmeta. 
Canhada,  sf.  sister-in-law. 
Cunhadio,     sm.     tbe     affínity 

amongst  brothers-in-law. 
Cunhado,  sm.  brother-in-law- 
Cuiohado,  a,  j^p.  adj.  coíned. 
Gunhador,  sm.  coiner  of  money. 
Gunhaes,  coins  or  quoins ; 

the  corners  of  walls;  QpL)  of 

Cunhal,  sm.  an  angle  or  oorner. 
Cunhar,  va.  to  coin  monej. 
Cunhete,  sm.  a  Uttle  v^ssel  to 

put  dry  figs  in. 
Cunho,    sm.   a    stamp  to    coin 

money  vith. 
Cunicmo,  sm.  V.  Subterrâneo. 
Cupaiba,  sf.Y.  Copaiba. 
CvqpSio,  sm.  conpon,  dividend. 
Cupidineo,  a,  adj.  belougiag  to 

Cupido.  [greedy. 

Cupido,  a,  adj.  cupid,  covetons, 
Cupido,  «7».  Cupid,  love. 
Cupim,  sm.  insect  of  BraziL 
Cupulo   or  Cupola,  sf.  cupola, 

Cupreo,  a,  adj.cupreous,coppery, 
CTi«|Btada,  sf.  the  noise  maae  by 

tbe  monkeys. 
Cura,  «an.  carate,  rector ;  it  -core, 

saBatían ;  aaee^  tcoubk. 

Gurabilidade,  sf.  curableaess. 
GaraçSo,  sf.  cure,  sanation. 
Curadia,  sf.  the    charge  of  a 

curator.  [iúl. 

Curado,  a,pjB.  adj.  cured,  heiutíi- 
Curador, «,  sm.  or  f.  gíiardian, 

tutor,  curator. 
Curadoria,  sf.  guardianship. 
Curandeiro  or  Curadeiva,  tm, 

an  empiric,  a  quack. 
Curar,  va.  to  cure,  to  heal,  to 

take   oare.  —   uma  ferida  i,  to 

dress   a   woond.   —  linho.,    to 

Ueach  yarn.  —  carne,  peixe,  to 

dry,  smoke  or  preserve  meat, 

fish,  etc.  — ,  vn.  to  regard.  Cti- 

rar^e,  w.  to  be  cured. 
Curathro,  a,  adj.  medicinal,  phy- 

sicaL  — 4  sm.  treatment,  curmg, 

Curato,  sm.  parsonage. 
Goravel,  adj.  2  g.  curaUe. 
Curcuma,  sf.  {bot)  turmeric. 
Cúria,  sf.  «  court  of  justice,  tri- 
buna], [court  of  Justice. 
Curiaes,  sm.  pi.  members  of  the 
Curial,  adj.  i  g.  belonging  to  the 

cúria.  [manner. 

Curlalmonte,  adv.  in   a  curial 
Cnrlão,  sm.  (hist.)  the  chief  priest 

in  each  cúria. 
CnrioBamente,  adv.  curiously. 
Curiosidade,  sf.  curiosity,  ra- 

Curioso,  a,   adj.  curious,  inqui- 

sitive ;  nice,  neat,  rare.  — ,  sm. 

or  f.  a  curious  man  or  woraan. 
Curral,  sm.  an  enclosure  to  house 

cattle;     «ow-house,     ox-stidl; 

hog's  sty.  —  de  ovelhas,  a  sheep- 

fold.  [age. 

Gurralagem,  sf.  stabling,  stall- 
Gurraleiro,  a.  adj.  Gado  — ,  that 

sleepB  in  stable. 
Curricar,  vn.  to  run  to  and  fro. 
Cursado,  a,  pp.  adj.  V.  Cursar 

and  Versíido. 
Cursante,  adj.  2  g.  blo\ríng  con< 

tinually  (wind). 
Cursar,  va.  to  ease  one's   self; 

to    frequent    the    schools ;    to 

{)rofes8  or  exercise  a  particu- 
ar  calling.  — .,  tm.  t»  V>\cr«  <yQro=' 
tiauál^Y  ^-wm^.  Cw%am  -ttcoX^^* 


—  256  — 


norteSf  the  north  "winds  prevail. 
— ,  to  carry  (speaking  of  guns, 

Cursavel,  adj.  1  g.  current. 

Corsios,  sm.  pi.  a  sort  of  hares 

which  nin  very  fast. 
Cursista,  sm.   student,  he  who 

frequents  the  schools. 
Cursivo,  a,  adj.    cursive,   run- 

ning.  Letra  —a,  cursive   hand. 

—  {print.)  Italic  lelter. 
Curso,  sm.  career,  course,  race. 

—  de  liçõeSy  a  course  of  lectares. 
RunniDg ,  stream  ,  direction  ; 
treatise.  —  do  corpo  ^  going  to 

Cursor,  sm.  carrier,  courser,  mes- 

senger.  [of  the  belly. 

Cursos,  sm.  pi,    looseness,   flux 
Curta,  sf.  Pôr  alguém  d  — ,  to 

speak  ill  of  one. 
Curtamente ,  adv.    timorously , 

Curteza,  sf.  shortness. 
Curtido,  a,    pp.  adj.    dressed, 

tanned.  [tans. 

Gurtidor,  sm.  tanner,    he  that 
Curtidura,  sf.  tanninç. 
Curtimento,  sm.  tanning. 
Curtir,  va.  to  tan,  to  soak;  ifig.) 

to  exercise,  to  inure. 
Curto,  a,  adj.  short,  brief ;  weak, 

heavy,  tardy.  Ter  a  intelligencia 

curta,  to  be  shortwitted. 
Curucheo,  sm.  V.  Corucheo. 
Curuja,  sf.  V.  Coruja. 
Curul,  aàj.  2  g.  curule. 
Curuta  or  Cruta,  sf  sea-fish. 
Curva,  sf.   curve,   the   ham  .  of 

oDe's  leg. 
Curvaça,  sf.  jardes  (In  a  horse}. 
Curvado,  a,  pp.  adj.   curvatea, 

curve,  bent. 
Curvadura,  sf.  curvature,  crook- 

Curvai,  adj.  1  g.  pertaining  to 

the  ham  of  one^s  leg. 
Curvamente ,    ado.     curvedly, 

Curvar,  va.  to  bow,  to  bend,  to 

curve.    Curvar-se,   vr.   to  bow 

down,  to  grow  crooked. 
Curvas,  (a  sea  term)  knees. 

-^áía  aòartona^  lodging  knees. 

—  da  coberta,  deck  transom 
knees,  etc. 

Curvatura,  sf.  curve,  curvature. 

Curveta,  sf.  curvet,  curvetting. 

Curvetettur,  t^n.  to  corvet. 

Curvidade,  sf.  crookedness. 

Curviferreo,  a,  adj.  of  crooked 

Curvilíneo,  a,  adj.  igeom.)  cur- 
vilinear, curvilineal. 

Curvo,  a,  adj.  arched,  corved, 
bent,  crooked.  [dodder. 

Cuscuta,    sf.    ibot.)    the    herb 

Cuscuz,  sm.  a  kind  of  eatable 
made  of  the  finest  flour. 

Cuscuzeiro,  sm.  a  kind  of  earthen 
vessel  to  boil  the  cuscuz  in. 

Cuspe,  sm.  very  small  fishes. 

Cuspidato,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  cus- 

Cúspide,  sm.  {bot.)  cusp. 

Cuspldeira,  sf.  a  spitting-box. 

CuiB^ido,  a,  pp.  adj.  spit. 

Cuspidor,  sm.  spítter;  a  spit- 
ting-box. [ting. 

Cuspidura,  sf.  the  act  of  spit- 

Cuspinhador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  tnat 
spíttes  often. 

Cuspinhadura,  sf.  the  act  of 
spitting  often.  [salivate. 

Cuspinhar,  vn.  to  spit  often,  to 

Cuspir  or  Cospir,  vn.  to  spit,  to 

Cuspo,  sm.  spit,  spittle. 

Custa,  sf.  cost,  charge,  expenso. 

Custado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cost,  that  is 

Custagem,  sf.  cost,  expensa. 

Custar,  vn.  to  cost,  to  be  expen- 
sive, dear  or  painful. 

Custeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  disbursed. 

Custeamento,  sm.  disbursement. 

Custear,  va.  to  disburse,  to  de- 

Custo,  sm.  cost,  expense,  loss. 

Custode,  adj.  2  g.  Anjo  — ,  tute- 
lary  angel. 

Custodia,  sf.  costody. 

Custodiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  kept, 

Custodiar,  va.  to  take  hold,  to 

CustòdlOi  sm.  a  warden. 

Gostosamente,  adv.  costly. 


—  257  — 


Custoso,  a,  adj.  costly,   surap- 

tuous;  troublesome,  painful. 
Cutâneo,  a,  adj.  cutaneous. 
Cutela,  sf.  a  large  knife. 
Cutelaria,  sf.  cutlery. 
Cutelelro,  sm.  a  cntler. 
Cutelo,  sm.  cutlass,  han^er.  — s, 

(falconry)  the  scarcel  teathers. 

—  (a  sea  term)  studdin^-sails. 
Cutícula,  sf.  {anat.)  cuticle. 
Cutilada,  sf.  cut. 
Cutileiro,  sm.  a  cutler. 
Cútis,  sf.  {anat.)  skin. 
Cutter,  sm.  a  cutter. 
Guvilheira,  sf  V.  Cubilheira. 
Cyano,  sm.  {bot.)  cyanus. 
Cyanogeneo,  sm.  (chem.)  cyano- 

Cyanometro,  sm.  cyanometer. 
Cydaminis   or   Cyclame,   sf. 

{òot.)  sow-bread,  cyclaraen. 
Cyclico,  a,  adj.  cyclical.  Poema 

— ,  fugitive  põem. 
Cyclo,  sm.  cycle. 
Cycloide,  adj.  2  g.   cvcloidical. 

— ,  sm.  {geom.)  cycloide. 
Cyclometria,  sf  cyclometry. 
Cyclopes,  {myth.)  the  cy- 

clops.  [instruraent. 

Cyclotomo,  sm.  {med.)  a  surçical 
Cyllndrico,  a,  adj.   cylindrical, 

Cylindro,  sm.  cylinder. 
Cyllndroide,    adj.  2  g.    cylin- 

Csrxnbalo,  sm.  cymbal. 
Cynegetico,  a,  adj.  cynegetic. 
Cynico,  a,  adj.  cynic,  cynical. 
Csrnismo,  sm.  impudence,  cynic 

habita ;    the    doctriue    of    the 

cynics.  [snap-dragon. 

Cynocephalos ,  sm.   {naU  hist.) 
Cynoglossa,  sf   {bot.)    hDund'8 

Cynosura,  sf.  {astron.)  cynosure. 
Cypreste,  sm.  cypress. 
Cysne,  sm.  swan . 
Cystico,  a,  adj.  {anat.)  cystic. 
Cystiphlogia,  sf  {med.)  a  ner- 

vous  pain  in  the  bladder. 
Cysto  or  Cyste,  sm.  a  bag  con- 

taining  some  morbid  matter. 
Gystopíexia,   sf.   (med.)   cysto- 


Csrstotomia,  sf.    {surg.)   cysto- 

Cjrtherea,  sf.  Vénus. 
Cythereo,  a,  adj.  of  or  belonging 

to  Cythera  or  Vénus. 
Cytiso,  sm.  V.  Codesso. 
Czar,  sm.  czar. 
Czarina,  sf.  czarina. 
CzaroiTvltz,  sm.  czarowitz. 

D  sm.  fourth  letter  of  the  alpha- 

bet;   in   Portuguese   before    a 

proper  name  signiâes  Dom. 
D%  art.  and  prep.  V.  Da  and  Do. 
Da,  art.  and  prep.  (contraction  of 

de,  and  a)  of,  from  the. 
Dação,  sf.  {in   law)  the   act  ot 

giving  a  thing  as  a  payment  ot 

Da  Capo,  sm.  {mus.)  da  capo. 
Dactylico,  a,  adj.  dactylic. 
Dactyliographia,   sf.    dactylio- 

Dactyliologia,  sf.  dactyliology. 
Dactylo,  sm.  dactyl. 
Dactylologia,  sf  dactylology. 
Dada,  sf.  donation.  [sent. 

Dadiva,  sf  donation,  gift,  pre- 
Dadival,  adj.  2  g.  that  may  be 

given  as  a  gift. 
Dadivar,  va.  to  do  a  gift. 
Dadivosaxnente,  adv.  generous- 

ly,  liberally.  [rous. 

Dadivoso,  a,  adi.  liberal,  gene- 
Dado,  a,  pp.  adj.  given;  civil, 

gentle.  —  que,  conj.  although. 
Dado,  sm.  die,  dice  (to  play  with). 
Dador,    sm.   giver,   donor,   bes- 

tower.  [type* 

Daguerrot3rpar,  va.  to  daguerro- 
Daguerrotypo,    sm.    daguerro- 

D'a£LÍ,  adv.  from  thence. 
Dala,  sf.  water-pipe,  water-con- 

duct;  pump-dale. 
Dalaça,  sf.  a  kind  of  ship. 
D'alli,  adv.  from  thence. 
Dalmatioa,  sf.  dalmatic. 
Dama,  sf.  lady ;  <yaA«VL  <>\.  ^^Jtí^,. 


—  158  — 


at  chess ),  a  man  (at  draughtsj. 
Jogo  das  — s,  draughts.  —  de 
konray  a  maid  of  honour.  MuUier 
— ,  a  kept  mistress,  sweetrheart, 
Fazer  — ,  to  king  a  man  at 
draughts.  [ked. 

Daxnascado,  a,  pp.  adj.  damas- 

Damasco,  sm.  damask  ;  apricot. 

Damasqueiro,  sm.  an  apricot- 

DamasquiUio,  sm.  damask. 

Daxnasquino,  a,  adj.  damasked. 

Damice  or  Damaria,  $/.  delicacy , 

Daninação ,  sf.  condemnation , 

Damnado,  a,  pp.  adj.  enraged, 
mad,  furious.  [damage. 

Daxnnador,  sm.  he  that  makes 

Damnamento,  sm.  detriment, 
loss,  prejudice. 

Daxnnar,  va.  to  damn,  to  offend, 
to  damnify,  to  spoii.  Damnar-se, 
vr.  to  be  corrupted;  to  grow 
mal  (dog.)  (loss. 

Daranificação  ,   sf.    detriment , 

Damnificado,  a,  j^.  adj.  damni- 
fied,  hurt. 

Damnificador ,  sm.  one  that 
damnifies.  [hurt. 

Damnificar,  va.  to  damnify,  to 

Damnifico,  a,  adj.  that  damni- 
fies. [chievous. 

Damninho,  a,  adj.  hurtfal,  mis- 

Damno,  sm.  detnment,  loss,  da- 
mage, hurt. 

DamnosaxneAte,  adv.  hrurtfully. 

Damnoso,  a,  adj.  mischievous» 

Daxno,  57n.  niffian,  bnlly. 

I>ança,  sf.  dance. 

Dançadeira,  sf.  a  woman  dancfr. 

Dançador,  a.  svi.  or  /'.  dancer. 

Deuaçante,  òm.  or  /.  dancer,  — 
em  corda,  rope-dancer. 

Dançar,  va.  to  dance.  Fazer  — 
alguém,  {fig.)  to  lead  one  a 
(lancp.^  [in  a  theatre. 

Dançarino,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  dancer 

D'anten.ão ,  adv.  beforehand , 
aforehand.  Pensar  — ,  to  pre- 
meditate.  [cedently. 

D  antes.  adv.  before,  first,  pre- 

D'aquem,  adv.  on  this  side. 

D'aqai,  adv.  hence,  from  this 

Dar,  va.  and  n.  to  give,  to  bestow» 
to  give  up,  to  cause.  —  em  al- 
guém, to  beat,  to  strike.  —  hortu 
(o  relógio),  to  strike.  —  a vela^  to 
sail. — em  secco,  to  run  a  grotmd. 
Dar  prefixed  to  substantives 
denotes  an  action,  and  is  rend- 
ered  in  English  by  the  verb 
formed  of  the  noun.  —  leite^  to 
suckle.  —  parte,  to  impart.  — 
fé,  credito,  to  credit.  —  vozes^ 
to  cry  out.  —  com  alguém^  to 
light  upon,  to  find  out  one.  — 
de  mão  em  mão,  to  hand.  JSsta 
arvore  dá  bom  fructo,  this  tree 
bears  fine  fruit.  Quem  me  dera 
estar  em  ca^a!  how  fain  would 
I  be  at  home !  Que  idade  dais  a 
este  homem?  how  old  do  you. 
take  that  man  to  be?  Dar-se, 
vr.  —  a,  to  give  one's  self  to,  to 
devote  one^  self.  —  por^  to  ao- 
knowledge ;  to  set  up  for.  —  bem 
na  terra  (speaking  of  men  and 
plants)  is  for  the  climate,  to 
agree  with.  Não  se  me  dá  d^isso, 
I  don't  mind,  I  take  no  concern 
in  it.  Pouco  se  me  dá,  I  little 
care  for  that.  [garment 

Darandela,  sf.  a  sort  of  anclent 

Dardada.  sf.  a  blow  T^ith  a  dart. 

Dardanario,  sm.  engrosser,  mo- 

Dardejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  darted. 

Dardejante,  adj.  2  g.  darting. 

Dardejar,  va.  to  dart. 

Dardo,  sm.  a  dart,  javelin. 

Dares,  sm.  pi.  —  e  tomares^  chi- 
ding,  contention,  debate. 

Darta,  sf.  tetter. 

Dartoa,  sm.  {anat.)  dartos. 

Dartoso,  a,  adj.  impetiginous, 

Dasymetro,  sm.  dasymeter. 

Data,  sf.  date.  Pôr  a  — ,  to  date. 

Datado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dated. 

Datar,  va.  to  date,  to  mark  the 
date.  [Rome. 

Dataria,    sf.   the   chancery   of 

Datario,  sm.  datary. 

Datilado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has  the 
colour  of  a  date. 


-  *i!59  — 


Datile,  sm.  date. 
Datileira,  sf.  date-tree. 
Datismo,  sm.  datism. 
Dativo,  sm.  (gram.)  the  datire 

D^avante  (a  sea  term)  before. 
De,  jwcp.firom,  by,  of,  for. — aqui, 

hence.  —  todo,  entirely.  —  porta 

em  porta,  from  door  to  door.  — 

noite  e  —  dia  by  night  and  day. 

Perma —  escrever,  a  pen  to  -write 

Dèa,  s/l^  goddeas,  dnrinityv 
Deadto,  sm.  deanship. 
DeaUtaçSc,  sf.  dealDatíon. 
Dealbar,  va.  Y.  Branquear  and 

Deambulação,  sf.  deambnlation. 
Deambiilar-ae ,    vr..   {med.)   to 

spread  itself.  [btdatory. 

Deambulatório,  a,  aaj^  deam- 
DeSo,  «m.  dean. 
Dearrezoar,  vn.  to  diapute. 
Deartícalação,   sf.   dearticnla- 

tion.  [nounced  dearly. 

Dearticulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pro- 
Dearticular,  va.  to  articulate. 
Debaixo,  ado.  and  prep..  nnder, 

from   undez^  beneath,^  Inloiir^ 

Debalde,  adv.  in  vain,  for  no- 

thing,  uselessly. 
Debandada,  5/.  (mil.)  confnsion. 

Em  — ,  helter-skelter. 
Debandado,   a,  pp.    adj..  dia- 

banded.  [in  confasioB. 

Debandar,,  va.  to  disband,  to  pnt 
Debate,    sm.    quarrel,  dii^ate, 

Debater,,  va.  to  contend,  to  strive, 

to    debate.   Debater-se-,  vr.  to 

struggle,  to  strive. 
Debatidiço,  a,  adj.  that  claps 

the  wings  very  much. 
Debatido,  a,  pp.  adj,  agitated, 

Debatidura,   sf.  the  aetion  of 

clapping  the  wings. 
Debellaçao,  sf.  a  vanquiskmg, 

Debellado,  a,  adj.  vanquished. 
DebaUador,  a,   sm.  or  /.  van- 

qnisher,  conqueror. 
DebeUax,  wu  ta  vanquialk. 

Deb^Iatorio,  a,  adj.  victoriotis, 

Debicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tasted. 
Debicar,  vn.  to  taste,  to  touch 

Débil,   adj.   2  g.  weak,  feeble, 

weakly.  Débeis,  m.  or  f.  pi. 
Delrilidade,  sf.  debility,  \reak- 

Debilitação,    sf.     debilitation , 

weakness.  [ed. 

Debilitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  -weaken- 
Debilitador,  a,  adj.  debilitating. 
Debilitante,  adj.  2  g.  debilitatin^. 
Debilitar,  va.  to  debilitate,  to 

enfeeble.    Debilitar-se ,    vr.    ta 

grow  debilitated. 
Debilmente,  adv.  feebly,  veakly. 
Debitar,  va.  to  debit  as  debtor» 
Debito,    sm.   debt;    the   mutnal 

obligation    in    marriage ;    the 

debtor  side  in  book-keepin^. 
De  boa  mente,  euiv,  loc.  -willing- 

ly,  gladly. 
Debelado,  a,  pp.  adi.  V.  Debolar. 
Debelar,  va.  (med^  to  take  oS. 

the  crttst  or  scab. 
Debreado,  a,  pp.  adj.  whipped 

Debrear,  va.  to  whip  cruelly. 
Debruado,  a,  pp.  adj.  hemmcd, 

bordered.  [to  bind. 

Debruar,  va.  to  hem,  to  border, 

'Debruçado,    a,    pp.    adj.   bent 

Debruçar,  ^a.  to  put  one  flat  ou 

the  ground.  Debruçar-se,  vr.  to 

stoop,  to  bend  downwards. 
Deluniçoe,  adv.  ílat  on  the  gronnd. 
Debrum,  sm.  hem,  selvage,  bor- 
.  der.  [ing  com. 

Debulha,  sf.  the  time  of  uirash- 
Debulhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  thrashed. 
Debulhador,  sm.  thrasher. 
Debulhar,  va.  to  thrash,  to  beat 

com.  [com. 

Debulho,  sm.  the  thrashiiâg  of 
Debuxado,  a,pp.  adj.  drawn. 
Debuzador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  one  that 

draws  in  black  and  "white. 
Debuxante,  adj.  2  g.  drawing  in 

black  and  white. 
Debuxar,  va.  to  drav  in  black 

and  white;  to  deUn.«8.t«. 


—  260  — 


Debuxo,  sm.  the  art  of  drawing 

in  black  and  white,  sketch.  Não 

te  mettes  em  —  5,  meddle  not 

with  what   does  not   concem 

Decaoordo,  sm.  decachordon. 
Década,  sf.  decade. 
Decadência,  sf.  decay,  decline, 

wane,  decadence* 
Decadente,   adj.  %  g.  decaving. 
Deoadi,  sm.  decadi.  [gon. 

Decagono,  a,  adj,  {jgeom.)  deca- 
Decagramxno,  sm.  decagram. 
Decaimento,  sm.  decay. 
Decair,  vn.  to  decline. 
Decalitro,  sm.  decaliter. 
Decálogo,  sm.  decalogue. 
Decalvado,  a,  pp.  adi.  pericra- 

niura  cut  round  the  nead. 
Deoedvar,  va.  to  cut  the  peri- 

Deoameron,  sm.  decameron. 
Decametro,  sm.  decameter. 
Deoampaxnento,  sm.  {mil.)  de- 

campment,  decamping. 
Decampar,  vn.  {mil.)  to  decanip. 
Decangular,  aãj.  2  g.  decagon, 

de  can  guiar. 
Decania,  sf.  presidentship. 
Decano,  sm.  aean,  the  sénior  in 

any  order. 
Decantação,  sf.  decanting. 
Decantado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sung; 

Decantar,  va.  to  sing  cut,  to 

Decapitação ,   sf.    decapitation, 

Decapitado .  a,pp.  adi.  beheaded. 
Decapitar,  va.  to  benead,  to  de- 

Decasterio,  sm.  a  sort  of  measure 

of  the  Oreeks. 
Decastylo,   sm.   {arehit.)   deca- 

Decasyllabo,  adj.  dissilabic. 
Deceinado,  a,    pp.   adj.  {fale.) 

tamed  again. 
Deceinar,  va.  {fale.)  to  tame  the 

hawk  again. 
Decemvlral,  adj.  2  g.  decemvi- 

Decemvirato,  sm.  decemvirate. 
Deoemviro,  sm.  decemvir. 

Decência,  sf.  decency,   comeli- 
ness,  seemliness. 

Decennal,  adj.  2  g.  decennial. 

Decennario,  a,  adj.  that  is  divi- 
ded  in  ten.  [years. 

Decennlo,  sm.  the  space  of  ten 

Decente,  adj.  2  g.    aecent,   be- 
coming,  beseeming. 

Decentemente,  adv.  decently. 

Decepado,  a,  pp.  adj.  maimed, 
mangled.  [or  cuts. 

Decepador,  a,  adj.  that  maimes 

Deoepamento,  sm.  maiming. 

Decepar,  va.  to  maim,  to  mangle. 

Deceptorio,  a,  adj.    deceptory, 
deceitfol.  [stow. 

Decemir,  va.  to  decree,  to   be- 

Decertar,  vn.  V.  Pelejar. 

Decididamente,  adv.  decidedly, 
resolutely.  [solved. 

Decidido,  a,j7p.  adj.  decided,  re- 

Decidir,  va.  to  decide,  to  resolve. 

Decifração,  sf.  deciphering. 

Decifrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deci- 

Deoifrador,  sm.  decipherer. 

Decifrar,  va.  to  decipher. 

Deoigranmio,  sm.  decigram. 

DeciUtro,  sm.  deciliter. 

Decima,  sf.  a  tithe;  the  tenth 
part  of  any  thing. 

Deoimação,  sf.  decimation. 

Decimado,  a,  pp.  adj.  decimated. 

Decimar,  va.  to  decimate. 

Deoimavel,  adj.  2  g.  tithable. 

Deoimetro,  sm.  decimeter. 

Decimo,  a,  adj.  the  tenth.  —  ter- 
ceiro y  the  thirteenth.  —  quarto^ 
the  fourteenth.  —  quinto,  the 
fifteenth.  — sexto,  the  sixteenth. 
—  sétimo,  the  seventeenth.  — 
oitavo,  the  eighteenth.  —  nono^ 
the  nineteenth. 

Decisão,  sf.  decision. 

Decisivamente,  adv.  decisively, 

Decisivo,  a,  adj.  decisivo,  con- 

Deoisorlo,  adj.  m.  {in  law)  deci 
sory.  [a  stere. 

Decisterio,  sm,  the  tenth  part  of 

Declamação,  sf.  declamation, 

Declamado,  a,  pp.  adj.  recited. 


—  261  — 


Declamador ,    sm.      declaimer , 

orator.  [to  recite. 

Declamar,  va.  and  n.  to  declalm, 

Deolaxnatoriamente,  adv.  in  a 

declaraatory  style.  [tory. 

Declamatório,  a,  adj.  declama- 

Declaração,  sf.  declaration,  ma- 

nifestation,  explanation.  Fazer 

—  dos  bens,  to  give  an  account 
of  lands,  to  be  registered. 

Declaradamente,  adv.   openly, 

Declarado,  a,  pp.  adj.  declared. 

Inimigo  — ,  open  enemy. 
Declarador,  sm.   and    adj.    de- 
clarer.  [ciares  any  thing. 

Declarante,  sm.   one    that   de- 
Declarar,  va.  to  declare,  to  ma- 
nifest,  to  make  known.  Decla- 
rar-se^vr.  to  declare,  to  speak 
one's  mind.  [declaratory. 

Declarativo,  a.  adj.  declarative. 
Declaratório,  a,  adj.  declara- 
tory. [cross-staíf. 
Declina,  sf.  (astron.)  transom  or 
DeclinalailidLade,  sf.   declinabil- 

Declinação,  sf.  (gramm.)  declen- 
sion ;  [astron.)  aeclination.  —  da 
idade t  declining  age.  O  dia  está 
na  sua  — ,  it  grows  late. 

Declinado,  a,  pp.  adi.  declined. 

Declinador,  sm.  declinator. 

Declinante,  adj.  2  g.  declining. 

Declinar,  va.  and  n.  to  decline, 
to  decay,  to  abate,  to  decrease. 

—  a  jurisdicção,   {law  temi)  to 
decline  a  jurisdiction. 

Declinatorio,  a.  adj.  {in  law) 
Excepções  declinatoriaSy  an  ex- 
ception  taken  against  a  judge. 

Deciinavel,  adj.  2  g.  {gram.)  de- 
clinable.  [decay. 

Declínio,  sm.  decline,  declination; 

Declivado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 
bending  downwards. 

Declivar,  vn.  to  decline,  to  be 
declivous.  [sm.  declivity. 

Declive,  adj.  2  g.  declivous.  — , 

Declividade,  sf.  declivity. 

Declivoso,  a,  adj.  declivous. 

Decoada,  sf.  ley-ashes,  lie-wash- 

DeoooQão,  if.  decoction. 

Decoctivel,  adj.  2  g.  decoctible. 
Decocto,  a,  adj.  made  of  a  de- 
Decompor,    va.   to    decompose, 

to  decompound.  [tion. 

Decomposição,  sf.    decomposi- 
Decomposto,  a,  pp.  adj.  decom* 

Decoração,  sf.   decoration,  em- 

bellishraent;   scenery;    the  art 

of  learning  by  heart. 
Decorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  decorated, 

adorned;  learnt  by  heart. 
Decorador,  sm.  decorator.  Pintor 

— ,  scene-painter. 
Decorar,    va.    to    decorate,    to 

adorn ;  to  learn  by  heart. 
Decoro,  sm.  suitableness  of  the 

character   to   the   person ;  de- 

cency,  decorum.  Com  — ,  comely. 

Contra  o  — ,  unbecoming,  inde- 

corous.  [modestly. 

Decorosamente,  adv.  decently. 
Decoroso,  a,  adj.  decorous,  de- 

cent,  comely. 
Decorrer,  vn.  to  run,  to  pass. 
Decorrido,  a.  pp.  adj.  past. 
Decorticar,  va.  (pharm.)  to  de- 

Decostrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  having 

the  scab  taken  off  (wound). 
Decostrar,  va.   to  take  on  the 

scab  of  a  wound. 
Decotado,  a,  pp.   adj.   pruned. 

Ave  — ,  a  bird  that  has  the  feath- 

ers  rent.  —  That  has  the  neck 

and  breast  uncovered. 
Decotador,  sm.  pruner. 
Decotar,  va.   to    lop,  to  prune. 

Decotar- se^  vr.  to  uncover  one's 

Decote,  sm.  pruning,  thining. 
Decremento,  sm.  decreasin^,  de- 
crease. [crepitude. 
Decrepidez,  sf.  decrepitness,  de- 
Decrepitação,  sf.  decrepitation. 
Decrepitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  decre- 

pitated.  [to  crackle. 

Decrepitar,  va.  to  decrepitate, 
Decrépito,  a,  adj.  decrepit,  very 

Decrepitude,  sf.  decrepitude. 
Decrescente,  adj.  2  g.    decrear 



—  262  — 


Decrescer,  vn.  to   decrease,  to 

diminish.  [diminishing. 

Decrescimento,    sm.    decrease, 

Decretação,  sf.  the  act  of  de- 
creeing.  [resolved. 

Decretado,  a,  pp.  adj.  decreed, 

Decretaes,  sf.  pi.  decretais. 

Decretai,  sm.  decretai. 

Decretalista,  sm.  decretist. 

Decretalznente,  adv.  decisÍTely, 
in  a  decretai  manner. 

Decretar,  va.  to  decree,.  to  re- 
solve, to  determine. 

Decretista,  sm.  decretist. 

Decreto,  sm.  decree,  edict,  law. 

Decretoriamente ,  adv.  deci- 

Decretorio,  a,  adj.  decretory; 
criticai.  Dia  — ,  (nied.)  the  day 
when  the  disease  may  be 
jndged  of.  [the  ground. 

IDecrua,  sf.  the  first  tillage  in 

Deoruar,  va.  to  make  the  first 
pioiíghing  in  a  field. 

Decúbito,  sm.  {med.)  the  lying 
of  a  sick  man  in  a  bed. 

Decumano,  a,  adj.  the  tenth; 
.huge,  of  a  large  size. 

Decumbente,  adj.  2  gr.  {bot.)  de- 

Decuplado,  a,  pp.  adj.  decnpled, 
increased  tenfold. 

Decuplar,  va.  to  increase  ten- 
fold, to  decuple. 

Decuplo,  a,  aaj.  decuple,  ten- 
fold. — ,  sm.  decnple. 

Decuria,  sf.  decury. 

Decurião,  sm.  decurion. 

Decurrente,  adj.  2  g.  {bot.)  de- 
current.  [sive. 

Decursivo,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  decur- 

Decurso,  a,  adj.  due,  passed. 
Foros  —■  5,  ground  rents  that 
are  due.  [of  time. 

Decurso,  5m.  course,  succession. 

Dedada,  sf.  as  mnch  as  a  finger 
can  hold. 

Dedal,  sm.  a  thimble. 

Dedáleo,  a,  adj.  dedalian. 

Dedeira,  sf.  a  finger  or  thomb- 
stall.  [cration. 

Dedicação,  sf.  dedication ;  conse- 

Dedicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dedicated. 

Dedicador,  sm.  dedicator. 

Dedicar,  va.  to  dedicate,  to  con- 
sacrate.  JDedicar-se,  vr.  to  dedi- 
cate  one's  self.  [dication. 

Dedicatória,  sf  dedicatory ;  de- 

Dedignação,  sf.  disdain,  scorn- 
fulness.  [ed. 

Dedignado,  a,  pp.  adj.   diadain- 

Dedignar-se,  vr.  to  disdain. 

DediUiado,  a.  pp.  adj.  that  is 
touched  lightly,  speaking  of  the 
strings  in  a  musical  instrument. 

Dedilhar,  va.  and  n.  to  finger,  to 
touch  lightly. 

Dedo,  sm.  finger.  O  —  mostrador^ 
the  fore  finger.  —  do  meio^  the 
middle  finger.  —  mínimo^  the 
little  finger.  —  do  pé,  a  toe. 
Juntas  enós  dos  dedos ^  the  joints 
and  knuckles  of  the  fingers. 
Fazer  tocar  alguma  cousa  com  os 
dedoa^  {fig-)  to  demonstrate  a 
thing  clearly.  Um  —  dte  vinho,  a 
little  wine.  São  como  dois  dedos 
da  mão^  they  are  hand  and  glove, 
one  with  another.  — ,  {astron.) 
digit.  [cing. 

Deducção,  sf.   deduction,  dedu- 

Dedoccional,  adj.  2  g.  deductive. 

Deduzido,  a,  pp.  adj.  deduced. 

Deduzir,  va.  to  deduce,  to  de- 
duct.  [Diffamar. 

Delamar,  va.  and  derivated.  V. 

Defecação,  sf.  defecation. 

Defecado,  a,  pp.  adj.  defeeated. 

Defecar,  vn.  to  defecate. 

Defecatorio,  a,  adj.  that  defe- 
cates.  [apostacy. 

Defecção,  sf.  defection;  revolt; 

Defectibilidade,  sf.  defectibility, 
faintness,  lassitude. 

Defectível,  adj.  2  g.  defectible. 

Defectivo,  a,  adj.  defective,  im- 
perfect.  [fault,  mistake. 

Defeito,  sm.  defect,  imperfection, 

Defeituar-se,  vr.  to  become  de- 
fective.  [fectly. 

Defeituosamente,  adv.   imper- 

Defeituoso,  a,  adj.  defective,  im- 
perfect  [fendant. 

Defendente,  sm.  reroondent,  de- 

Defender,  va.  to  deiend,  to  pro- 
tect;  to  maintain,  to  assert,  to 
forbid.  Defender-se,vr.  to  defend 
one's  self. 


—  f63  — 


Defendido,  a,  jsp.  adi.  defended. 
Defendimento,  sm.  defence. 
DeÊenasti  sf.  defence,  proteclion. 

— ,  {fori.)  fortiâoation.  Sem  — , 

defenceless.  Prohibition,  inter» 

Defensarei,  adj.  2  g.  defensible. 
Def ensavelmente ,  adv.  defen- 

Defensivo,  a,  adj,  â»fensive. 
Defensor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  defen- 
der, [tection. 
Defensorio,  sm.   defence,  pro- 
Deferencia,  «/^deference,  regard, 

Deferente,  adj.  2  g.  deferent.  — , 

{astr.)  sm.  deferent. 
Deferido ,  a ,  jpp.  adj.  allowed  , 

Deferir,  vn.  to  answer  or  sub- 

scribe  a  petition;  to  grant,  to 

permtt,  to  allow.  Deferir-se^  vr. 

to  refer-,  to  relate,  to  agree. 
Deferivel,  adj.  2  g.  grantable. 
Defesa,  sf.  {in  lato)  a  reply  or  de- 
Defeso,  a,  pp.  irreg.  of  Defender 

and  adj.  defended. 
Defioiencia,  sf.   deflciency,   im- 

Deficiente,  adj.  2  g.    defective, 

Deficit,  sm.  deficit;  vant. 
Defidente,    adj.   2  g.  diffident, 

Definhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  consumed. 
Definhamento,  sm.  wasting. 
Definhar,   vn.    to    consume,   to 

emaciate.    Definkarse,    vr.    to 

"waste,    to    be    consmned,    to 

Definição,  sf.  defínition. 
Definido,  a,    pp.   adj.    defined, 

explained.  [defines. 

Definidor,  sm.  definer,  one  who 
Definir,  va.  to  define,  to  explain. 
Definitivamente ,  ado.    defini- 

Definitivo,  a,  adj.  definitive. 
Definito,  a,  adj.  circumscribed, 

Definitorio,  sm.  chapter  held  bj 

certain  monks  for  the  regula- 

tion  of  their  order. 

Definivel,  adj.  2  g.  definable. 
Defirlr,  va.  v .  Desferir. 
Deflafgpração,  sf.   {ehem.)    defla- 

gration.  [set  fire  to. 

Deflagrado,  a,  pp.  adi.  that  was 
Deflagrar,  va.  to  denagrate,  to 

set  fire  to.  [mate. 

Deflegmar,  va.  (chem.)  to  defleg- 
DeflexSo,  sf.  iphvs.)  deliectíon* 
Defloco,  a,  aai.  denected. 
Defloração,  sf.  defloration. 
Deflorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deflonred. 
Deflorador,  sm.  defiourer,   T9r 

DefUnrar,  va.  to  deílover,  to  de- 

flour;  to  call,  to  choose. 
Defluir,  vn.  to  deflow,   to  itair 

down.  [hair. 

Deflúvio,  sm.  a  falling   of  the 
Defluxão,  sf.  defluxion,  cold. 
Defluxo,  sm.  cold,  deliuxion. 
Deforado,  a,  pp.  adj.  profaned. 
Deforar,  va.  to  profane. 
Deformação,  sf.  deformation,  de- 

Deformado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deformed. 
Deformar,  va.  to    disfígure,  to 

deform.  [forma. 

Deformatorio,  a,  adj.  tbat  de- 
Deforme,    adj.  2  g.   deformed, 

ugly,  disfigared.  edly, 

Deformemente ,    adv.    deform- 
Deformidade,  sf.  deformily,  de- 

formedness.  [firaTid. 

Defrau^ção,  sf.    defrandment. 
Defraudado,    a,    pp.  adj,    de- 

Defraudador,  a,  sm.  or  /.    de- 

Defraudamento ,  sm.    defrand- 
Defraudar,  va.  to  defraud,   to 

cheat-  Defraudar-se,  vr.  to  de- 

prive  one's  self.  [ceiving. 

Defraudo,   sm.  defraudmg,    de- 
Defrontar,  vn.  to  facr. 
Defronte,  adv.  facing,  opposita 

to,  before,  in  front. 
Defrutar,  va.  V.  Desfrutar. 
Defumado,  a,  pp.  adj.  smoked, 

smoke-dried.  [a  cbimney. 

Defomadoiro,  sm.  tbe  tunnel  of 
Defomadura,  sf.  V.  Perfume, 
Defixmar,  va.  to  smoke. 


—  264  — 


Defundo,  adv.  V.  Debaixo. 
Defunto,  a,  sm.  or  f.  defunt;  the 

dead  body  of  a  man  or  woraan, 

a  corpse.  O  dia  da  commemora- 

cão  dos  — s,  AU-souls-day ;  adj. 

defunct,  deceased. 
De  gatinhas,  loc.  adv.  creeping 

on  ali  four  like  a  cat. 
Degelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  thawed. 
Degelar,  va.  and  n.  to  thaw,  to 

unfreeze.    Degelar -se^    vr.    to 

Degelo,  sm.  thaw. 
Degeneração,  sf.  degeneration, 

degeneracy.  [rated. 

Degenerado,  a,  jap.  adj.  degene- 



,  aãj. 

2g.  that  de- 

Degenerar,  vn.  to  degenerate,  to 
grow  worse. 

Deglutição,  sf.  deglutition. 

Deglutir,  va.  to  swallow. 

Degollação,  sf.  decollation,  be- 
heading.  [decollated. 

Degollado,  a,  pp.  adj.  beheaded, 

Degollador ,  sm.  one  who  beheads. 

Degolladoiro ,  sm.  butchery, 
slaughter-house ;  the  fore  part 
of  the  neck. 

Degolladura,  sf.  beheadlng. 

Degollar,  va.  to  behead,  to  cut 
one's  throat.  [grading. 

Degradação,  sf.  degradation,  de- 

Degradado,  a,pp.  adi.  degraded. 

Degradamento,  sm.  Danishment. 
V.  Degredo. 

Degradante,  adj.  2  g.  degrading. 

Degradar,  va.  to  banish;  to  de- 
grade, to  deprive  of  an  offlce. 

De  grado,  adv.  willingly,  readily. 

Degraduado,  a,  pp.  adj.  de- 
grade d. 

Degraduar,  va.  to  degrade,  to 
deprive  of  an  office. 

Degranar,  va.  to  take  or  shake 
out  the  grain. 

Degrâo,  sm.  step,  stairs,  stair- 
case ;  degree.  De  —  em  — ,  gra- 
dually,  from  step  to  step ;  {fig.) 
an  occasion,  entr^. 

Degredado,  a,  adj.  banished. 

Degredo,  sm.  banishment,  exile, 
transportation.  Uuadir. 

Dehortar,  va.  to  dehort.  V.  Dis- 

Deioida,  sm.  deicide. 

Deicidio,  sm.  deicide. 

Deicola,  adi  and  s.  l  g.  one  vho 

worships  but  an  only  God. 
Deidade,  sf.  deity,  goddess. 
Deifioação,  sf.  deifícation. 
Deificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deiâed. 
Deificador,  sm.  he  who  deifíes. 
Deifico,  a,  adi.  deiíic,  divine. 
Deiforme,  adi.  2  g.  deiforra. 
Deipara,  sf.  the  mother  of  God. 

Deísmo,  sm.  deism. 

Deista,  sm.  deist;  díeistical. 

Deitado,  a,j7p.  adj.  lying  down. 
V.  Deitar. 

Deitar,  va.  to  lay,  to  cast,  to 
fling,  to  throw.  —  sangue^  to 
bleed.  —  fora,  to  thrust  or  drive 
out.  —  a  perder^  to  spoil,  to  cor- 
rupt.  —  ancora^  to  cast  anchor. 

—  a  culpa^  to  lay  the  fault  on. 

—  em  rosto,  to  throw  a  thing 
in  one's  dish.  —  um  bandOy  to 
make  a  proclamation.  —  aconta^ 
to  make  the  account.  /r-se  — , 
to  go  to  bed.  —  azeite  no  fogo^ 
to  make  bad  worse.  — ,  vn.  to 
come,  to  araount.  A  quanto  deita 
tudo?  what  does  the  whole 
amount  to?  Deitar-se,  vr.  to  go 
to  bed,  to  lie  down.  —  vestiaOy 
to  lie  rough. 

Deixa,  sf.  Y.  Legado. 

Deixação,  sf.  a  giving,  a  renoun* 

Deixado,  a,  pp.  adj.  left. 

Deixar,  va.  to  leave,  to  forsake, 
to  quit;  to  iet,  to  abandon;  to 
permit,  to  allow.  —  de,  to  leave 
off.  —  ver,  to  show.  —  no  tin- 
teiro, to  omit,  to  leave  out. 
Nunca  deixarei  de  amar-vos, 
I  shall  always  love  you.  Deixai 
de  cuidar  n^isso,  trouble  not 
yourself  about  it.  Deixar  a  pelle, 
to  die.  Deixemos  de  zombar,  jest- 
ing  aside.  Deixar-se,  vr.  —  con- 
duzir, arrastar^  etc,  to  suâer 
one's  self  to  be  led,  hurried,  etc. 
Deixou-se  morrer,  he  is  died. 
Deixa-te  d'isso,  Iet  that  alone. 
Deixar-se  ir  pela  agua  abaixo^ 
{fig.)  to  commit  one's  self  to 


—  365  — 


Dejarretar,   va.    to    hamstring 

(speaking  of  a  horse). 
Dejecção,  sf.  {med.)  dejection. 
Delação,  5/1.  delation,  accusation. 
Delaidar,  va.  to  deform,  to  disfí- 

Delamber-se,  vr.    to   lau^h   in 

one's  sleeve;  to   be  quamt  or 

aífected.  [affected. 

Delambido,  a,  pp.  adj.  quaint. 
Delatado,  a,  jpp.  adj.    delated, 

Delatar,  va.  to  delate,  to  accuse. 
Delatavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may  or 

must  be  delated. 
Delator,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  delator,  a 

denunciator.  [a  delator. 

Delatorio,  a,  adj.  pertaining  to 
Delecto.  sm.  choice,  selection. 
Delegação,  sf.  delegation. 
Delegado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  delegated. 
Delegante,  aaj.  2  g.  he  tnat  de- 

legates.  [point. 

Delegar,  va.  to  delegate,  to  ap- 
Delegatorio,  a,  adj.  delegatory. 
Deleitação,  sf.  delight,  pleasure. 
Deleitado,  a,  pp.  adi.  delighted. 
Deleitar,  va.  to  delight,  to  píease. 
Deleitavel,  adj.  2  g.  delectable, 

pleasant,  delightful.  [fully. 
Deleitavelxnente,  adv.  delight- 
Deleite  or  Deleito,  sm.  pleasure, 

delight.  [fully. 

Deleitosamente,    adv.   delight- 
Deleitoso,  a,  adj.  delightful. 
Deleixação,  sf.  carelessness. 
Deleixado,  a,  pp.  adj.  careless. 
Deleixadamente,  ado.  careless- 

Deleixamento,  sm.  carelessness. 
Deleixar,  va.  to  occasion  lazi- 

ness,  negligence.  [ness. 

Deleixo,  sm.  carelessness,  lazi- 
Deleterio,    a,    adj.   deleterious, 

Deletrear,  va.  V.  Soletrar. 
Delevel,   adj.  2  g.  that  may  be 

eífaced.  [licately. 

Delgadamente,  adv.  thmly,  de- 
Delgadeza,  sf.  thinness,  teuuity. 
Delgado,  a,  pp.  adj.  thin,  defl- 

cate.  [Diana. 

Delia,  sf.  one  of  the  naines  of 
DelibadOf  a,  adj.  tasted. 

Delibamento ,    sm.    delibation , 

Delibar,  va.  to  delibate,  to  taste. 
Deliberação,  sf.  deliberation. 
Deliberadamente,  adv.  delibe- 

Deliberado,  a^  pp.  adj.  delile- 

rated,  resolved;  bold,  resolute. 
Deliberante,  adj.  1  g.  delibera- 

Deliberar,  va.  and  n.  to  delibe- 

rate,  to  consider.  Deliberar-se^ 

vr.  to  be  deliberated. 
Deliberativo,  a,  adj.   delibera- 

Delicadamente,  adv.  delicately. 
Delicadeza,   sf.  delicacy,  nice- 

ness,  softness,  elegance. 
Delicado,  a,  adj.  delicate,  nice, 

fine ;    dainty.    Estômago  — ,  a 

squeamish  stomach.  Ter  a  vista 

—  a,  to  have  weak  eyes.  Ter  o 

gosto  muito  — ,   to   love  good 

things.  [comíbrt. 

Delicia,    sf.  pleasure,    delight, 
Deliciar-se,  vr.  V.  Deleitar-se. 
Deliciosamente,  adv.  delicious- 

ly.  pightful. 

Delicioso,  a,  adj.  delicious,  de- 
Delicto,  sm.  crime,  delinquency. 
Delido,  a,  pp.  adj.  liquefied,  dis- 

solved.  [sketch. 

Delineação ,  sf.  dellneation , 
Delineado,  a,  pp.  adj.  delineated, 

Delineador,  sm.  delineator. 
Delineamento,  sm.  delineation. 
Delinear,    va.    to   delineate,   to 

sketch,  to  trace;  to  plane,  to 

scheme,  to  project,  to  devise. 
Delineativo,  a,  adj.  that  can  de- 
Delinquente,    adj.   2  g.    delin- 

quent.  —  sm.  a  delinquent. 
Delinq[uido,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

committed  a  crime. 
Delinquir,  vn,  to  transgress,  to 

Deliquado,  a,   pp,  adj.  {chem.) 

Deliquar,  va.  {chem.)  to  deliquate, 

to  dissolve,  to  liquefy. 
Deliquescencia,  sf.  {chem.)  deli- 





Deliquescente,  adj.  2  g,  {ehem.) 

Delíquio,   sm.   fainting;  {chem.) 

deliquium,  swoon. 
Delir,  va.  to  liquefy,  to  dissolve. 
Delirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  raved. 
Deliramento,  sm.  deliriam. 
Delirante,  adj.  2  g.  raving,  deli- 

Delirar,  vn.  to  rave. 
Delírio,    sm.  deliriam,  doating; 

frenzy.  [headed. 

Deliroso,  a,  adj.  delirious,  light- 
Delitescencia,  sf.  {med.)  delites- 

cence,  reíiux. 
Delito,  sm.  a  crime.  V.  Delicio. 
Delívração,  sf.  deliverance,  de- 

Delivrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  delivered. 
Delivramento,  sm.  deliverance. 
Delivrar,  va.  to  deliver.  Delivrar- 

se,  vr.  to  be  delivered. 
D'ella,  D'elle,  the    genitive  of 

the     relativo    pronouns    Ellaj 

Delonga,  sf.  delay. 
Delongado,  a,  pp.  adj.  delayed. 
Delongador,  sm.  a  delayer. 
Delongamento,  sm.  delay. 
Delongar,  va.  to  prolong,  to  de- 
lay, to  retard. 
Delta,   s.    delta,    letter,   of  the 

Greek  alphabet. 
Deltiforme,  adj.  2  a.  deltoid. 
Deltóide,  sm^  {anat?)  deltoid. 
Deltoton,  sm.  [asiron.)  Deltoton 

Delubro,  sm.    charch,   chapei, 

Delato,  sm.  an  infusion. 
Demagogia,  sf.  demagogr. 
Demagógico,  a,  (uij.    demago- 

gical,  factious. 
Demagogo,  sm.  a  demagogae. 
Demais,  adv.  besides,  moreover, 

otherwise.    Por  — ,  nselessly, 

Demanda,  sf  suit,  claim,  decla- 

ration ;  plea.  Autos  de  uma  — , 

papers  belonging  to  a  law-snit. 

Vencer  a  — ,  to  carry  the  caas». 

Andar  em  — ,   to  have  a  law- 

sait.  Ir  em  —  de  algum  htggr^ 

to  look  for  a  place. 

Demandado,  a,  pp.  adj.   re- 

Demandador ,  sm.   demandant, 

Demandante,  sm.  demandant. 
Demandar,  va.  to  sue  at  Ia'w;  to 

seek  for  a  place,  to  repair  to  it, 

to  acquire ;  to  demand. 
Demandista,  sm.  litigant. 
Dimmrcação,  sf.  demarcation,  a 

Demareadamente ,    adv.    with 

demarcation,  'vdth  liraits. 
Demarcado,  a,  pp.  adj.  boanded« 

Demarcador,  sm.  designator;  a 

surveyor  oflandsto  setboonds. 
Demarcar,  va.  to  boand,  to  limit, 

to  survey. 
Demasia,  sf.  superâuity,  the  rest, 

overjplus,  abundance.  Em — >  too 

Demasiadamente,  adv.   exces- 

Demasiado,  a,  adj.  excessive, 

Donasiar,  va.  to  give,  to  spend 

ezcessively.  Demasiar-se^  vr.  to 

gro-w  extravagant. 
Demeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  divideâ  by 

Demear,  va.  to  divide  by  halves. 
Demência,  sf^  madncss,  demen- 

cy,  silliness.  [tated. 

Dementado,  a,  pp.  adj.  oemen- 
Dementar,  va.  to  dementate,  to 

make  mad. 
Demente,  adj.  2g.  mad,  insane. 
Dementre,  adv.  (anc.)  whilst. 
Demergente,  aaj.  i  g.  inclioed. 
Demerger-se,  vr.  to  addiet  one*s 

Demérito  or  Demerecimento, 

sm.  demerit,  want  of  merit. 
Demigolla,  sf  (fort.)  demigorge. 
Deminuição,  sf.  Y.  Diminuição. 
Demissão,    sf.   demission,  dis- 

DemlSBionario,  a,  «m.  or  f.  one 

"wiio  has  resigned  an  office. 
Demisso,  a,  adj.  downcast. 
X>emittente,  cuii.  2  g.  that  has 

resigned  an  ofnce. 
Demittido,  a,  pp.  adj.  dismissed» 


—  267  — 


D^tnittir,  va.  to  dismiss,  to  leave 

off,  to  send  away. 
Demo,  .tm.  V.  Demonioí 
Democracia,  sf.  democracy. 
Democrata,  sm.  democrat. 
Democraticamente,    adv.    de- 

Democrático ,  a,  adj.  democratic, 

Democratismo,  sm.  democracv. 
DemocratiBado,a,pj7.  adj.  made 

democrat.  [mocrat. 

Democratisar,  va.  to  make  de- 
Demolhar,  va.  to  water,  to  soak 

in  water. 
Demolição,   sf.   demoUtion,   de- 

Dexuolido,  a,  j^p.  adj.  demolished. 
Demolidor,  sm.  demolisher. 
Demolir,  va.  to  demolish. 
Demolitorio,  a,  adi.  containing 

an  order  for  demolishing. 
Demonaroha,  tm.  the  main  de- 

Demonetisação,   sf.  cancelling 

or  annulling  anj  coinage. 
Demonetisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  can- 

celled  or  annalled. 
Demonetisar,  va.  to  cancel  or 

annul  coinage. 
Demoníaco,  a,  adj.  demoniac, 

Demoniado,  a,  adj.  fiendful. 
Demónio,    sm.    demon,    devil, 

fiend.  [cracy. 

Demonocrada ,  sf.  demono- 
Demonimlsta,  sm.  demonimist. 
Dentonograplio ,    sm.    demono* 

Demondatria,  sf.  demonolatry. 
Demonolatro,  sm.  one  that  wor- 

ships  the  devil. 
Demonologia,   sf.  demonology. 
Demonomania,      sf.     demono- 

mania.  [strabiUty. 

Demonstrabilidade,  sf.  demon- 
Demonstraçâo,    sf.  deznoastra- 

tion;  proof. 
Demonstrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  de- 

Demonstrador,  a,  adj.  demons- 

JPemmiwtrar,  va.  to  demonstrote, 

to  PEOV8  evidently. 

Demonstrativamente,  ado.  de- 

monstratively.  [strative. 

Demonstrativo,  a,  adj.  demon- 
Demonstravel,  adj.  2  g.  demon- 

Demora,  sf.  delay,  retardment. 
Demorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  delayed. 
Demorar,  va.  to  delay,  to  retard, 

to  defer.  —  vn.  to  be  situated. 
Demoroso,  a,  adj.  delaved. 
Demosthenico,   a,   adi.   of  or 

pertaining  to  style  of  Demos- 

Demostrar  or  Denionstrar,  va. 

to  demoDstrate. 
Demover,  va.  to  displace.  Demo- 

ver-se,  vr.  to  remove. 
Demovido,  a,  pp.  adj.  displaced. 
Demndado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  hM 

changed  countenance. 
Demudamento,  sm.  change,  al- 

Denuidar,  vn.  to  alter ;  to  cfaange. 

Demudar-se,  vr.  to  turn  pale. 
Denario,  a,  adj.  denary.  —  sm. 

Roman  denier. 
D'ende,  adv.  hence,  from. 
Dendrolibano,  sm.  the  tree  that 

bears  the  incense. 
Dendrologia,  sf.  dendrology. 
Dendrometro,  sm.  dendrometer. 
Denegação,  sf.  denegation,  re- 

Denegado,  a,  pp.  adj.  denied. 
Denegar,  va.  to  deny.  to  refuse. 
Denegrecer,  va.  to  blacken,  to 

Dmigoso,    a,    adj.    fasUdious, 

Dengue,  adi.ig.  delicate,  pretty. 

—  sm.  a  dariíng,  minion. 
Dengoice,  sf.  delicacy;  aifecta- 

tion,  fopjpishness. 
Denigraçao,  sf.  denigration. 
Denigrado,  a,  pp.  adj.   dispa- 

raged.  [difame. 

Dezugrar,  va.  to  disparage,  to 
Denigrativo.  a,  adj.xYiBX  difames. 
Deni^do,   a,  pp.   adj.   made 

black;  denigrated. 
Denlgrir,  va.  to  blacken,  to  de- 

nig^te.  Denigrir-se,  vr.  to  turn 

black.  [courageonsly. 

Denodiadanieipte ,  ad».  T^^t^'<í> 


—  268  — 


Denodado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bold,  re> 
solute,  brave. 

Denodamento,  sm.  courage. 

Denodo,  sm.  courage,  boldness. 

Denominação,  sf.  denomination, 
designation.  [minated. 

Denominado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deno- 

Denominador,  sm.  denominator. 

Denominar,  va.  to  denominate, 
to  name. 

Denominativo,  a,  adj.  denoml- 
native.  [natíon. 

Denotação,  sf.  denotation,  desig- 

Denotado,  Si,  pp.  adj.  denoted. 

Denotador,  a,  adj.  and  s.  that 
denotes  or  marks. 

Denotar,  va.  to  denote,  to  signlfy, 
to  express. 

Denotativo,  a,  adj.  denotative. 

Densamente,  adv.  thickly. 

Densidade,  sf.  density ,  thick- 

Denso,  a,  adj.  dense,  compact. 

Dentada,  sf.  a  bite. 

Dentado,  a,  adj.  toothed,  having 
teeth ;  dented,  indented;  notch- 
ed,  jagged,  denticulated. 

Dentadura,  sf.  a  set  of  teeth. 

Dentaes,  sm.  pi.  so  are  called 
two  pieces  of  a  plough. 

Dental,  adj.  2  g.  aentai,  belong- 
ing  to  the  teeth. 

Dentão,  sm.  [nat.  hist.)  a  kind  of 
fish  with  sharp  teeth. 

Dentário,  a,  adj.  belonging  to 
the  teeth. 

Dente,  sm.  a  tooth.  Dentes  incisi- 
vos, the  fore  teeth.  —  caninos, 
eye-teeth.  —  molares  or  queixaes, 
the  grinders.  —  do  siso,  the  two 
farthest  teeth.  —  colmilhos,  (in 
a  horse)  the  tusks.  —  colmilhos 
do  queixo  superior,  wolf  s  teeth. 
—  dianteiros  do  cavallo,  gathe- 
rers.  —  de  leite,  mílk  teeth.  — 
enfr estados,  gap-teeth.  —  caval- 
gados, snagged  teeth.  --  posti- 
ços, set  teeth.  O  nascer  cU>s  — , 
breeding  of  the  teeth.  Covas  dos 
— ,  the  sockets.  Dôr  de  — ,  the 
tooth-ache.  Foliar  por  entre  os 
— ,  to  mutter,  to  mumble,  to 
growl.  Tomar  alguém  entre  — ,  to 
take  a  spite  to  one.  Mostrar  os 

— ,  {fíg.)  to  resist  one.  Ter  alqu- 
ma  cousa  dente  de  coelho,  (/am.j  to 
be  very  difficult,  intricate.  Dar 
com  a  língua  nos  dentes,  {fig.)  to 
blab.  Mudar  os  — ,  to  shed 
teeth.  Batem  os  —  com  frio^  the 
teeth  chatter  with  cola.  Dente 
de  cão,  {bot.)  dog's  grass.  —  de 
leão,  (bot.)  aandelion.  —  do  ara- 
do, the  coulter.  —  de  roda,  a 
cog.  —  da  serra,  do  pente,  the 
tooth  of  a  saw,  of  a  comb  ; 
[agric.)  a  young  shooting  root; 
toothing,  a  comer  stone.  —  da 
anchora,  flook  of  an  anchor. 

Denteado,  a,  pp.  adj.  {bot.)  in- 

Dentear,  va.  to  make  teeth. 

Dentição,  sf.  dentition. 

Denticulado,  a,  adj.  denticu- 

Denticular,  adj.  2  q.  {blas.  and 
6o/.)  denticulated,  indented. 

Denticulo,  sm.  (arch.)  denticle. 

Dentiforme,  aaj.  2  g.  dentiform. 

Dentifrício,  sm.  dentifrice,  tooth- 
powder.  [work. 

HentUhõea,  {arch.)  dented 

Dentista,  sm.  dentist,  tooth- 

Tientr o,  prep.  and  ado.  within,  in, 
through.  I^or  — ,  inside.  Para 
— ,  inwards. 

Dentuça,  sf.  projection  of  the 
teeth ;  the  upper  jaw. 

Dentudo,  a,  adj.  that  has  great 
teeth.  [tion. 

Denudação,  sf.  {anat.)   denuda* 

Denudado,  a,  pp.  adj.  denuded. 

Denudar,  va.  to  denude  or  denu- 

Denuncia,  sf.  denunciation. 

Denunciação,  sf.  denunciation ; 
publication.  [ced. 

Denunciado,  SL,pp.  adj.  denoun- 

Denunciador,  sm,  denunciator, 

Denunciante,  sm.  denunciator. 

Denunciar,  va.  to  denounce,  to 
inform  against.  Denundar-se, 
vr.  to  denounce  one^s  self. 

Denunciativo,  a,  adj.  denoun- 
cing.  [nounces. 

Denonciatorlo,  a,  adj,  that  de- 


—  269 


Denunciavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 

be  denounced. 
Deos,  sm,  God.  Y.  Deus. 
Deotado,  a,  adj.  expuised. 
Deparado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  was 

met  with  by  cnance ;  offered. 
D^arador,  a,  adj.  that  offers. 
Deparar,  va.  to  oner,  to  furnish. 

—  com,  to  meet  by  chance.  De- 

parar-sCj  vr.  to  be  presented. 
Departamental,  aaj.  2  g.  depart- 

Departamento,  sm.  department. 
Departição,  sf.  conversation. 
Departidamente ,    adv.     sepa- 

rately.  [divided. 

Departido.  a,  pp.  adj.  separated, 
Departidor,  sm.  divider. 
DeparUmento ,    sm.     division ; 

distance.  [vide. 

Departlr,  va.  to  separate,  to  di- 
Depascente,  adj.  2  g.  depascent. 
Dependência,  sf.  dependence. 
Dependente,    adj.  2  g.    depen- 

dent,  depending.  [dently. 

Dependentemente,  adv.  depen- 
Depender,  vn.  to  depend  on  or 

upon,  to  be  subject  to.  Isso  de- 
pende de  mim^  that  is  at  my  op- 

Dependido,  a,  pp.  adj,  that   is 

subject  to.  Ter  — ,  to  nave  been 

a  dependent. 
Dependurado,  a,i)p.  adj.  hanged 

up, suspended. 
Dependurar,  va.  to  hang,  to  sus- 

pend.  V.  Pendurar. 
Depennado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deplu- 

med,  unfeathered. 
Depennador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  or 

she  that  strips  oíf  the  feathers. 
Depennar,  va.  to  peck,  to  strip, 

to  deplume. 
Depennicar,  va.  to  pluck  off  by 

little  and  little. 
Deperdito,    a,    adj.    perverso, 

untoward.  [from  phlegra. 

Dephlegmar,  va.  {chem.)  to  clear 
Depilação,  sf.  depilation. 
Depilativo,  a,  aaj.  depilatory. 
Depllatorio,  sm.  depilatory. 
Deploração,  sf.  deploration. 
Deplorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deplored, 

lãmented,  hopeless. 

Deplorador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  lamen- 

ter,  one  that  deplores. 
Deplorar,  va.  to  deplore,  to  la- 

Deploratorio,  a,    adj.    that    is 

Deplorável,  adj.  2  g.  deplorable, 

miserable.  [rably. 

Deploravelmente ,   adv.    mise- 
Depoente,  adj.  2  g.  and  s.  depo- 

nent ;  (m  lato)  a  witness. 
Depoimento,  sm.  testimony,  de- 

Depois,  adv."*  and   prep.    after, 

from.  Logo  — ,  immediately.  — 

que^  since.  [lish. 

Depolir,  va.  to  take  off  the  po- 
Deponente,  adj.  Y.  Depoente. 
Depopulação,  sf.  depopulating, 

depopulation.  [lated. 

Depopulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  depopii- 
Depopular,  va.    to  depopulate, 

to  unpeople. 
Depopolarisado ,    a,    pp.  adj, 

made  unpopular. 
Depopolarisar,  va.  to  make  one 

unpopular.  Depopularisar-se^  vr, 

to  become  unpopular. 
Depor,  va.  to  depose,   to  tum 

out,  to  resign,  to  \&y  aside  or 

down ;  {fig.)  to  deposit.  Isso  de- 

põe  a  seu  favor,  that  speaks  or 

proves  for  you. 
Deportação ,    sf.     deportation , 

Deportedo,  a,  pj).  adj.  banished, 

transported,  exiled. 
Deportar,  va,   to    transport,  to 

banish.  [ment. 

Deporte,  sm.  diversion,  amuse- 
Deposição,  sf.  deposing,  deposi- 

tion ;  degrading. 
Depositado,  a.,pp.  adj.  deposited, 

intrusted.  [sites. 

Depositador,  sm.  he  vrho  depo* 
Depositante,  sm.  he  who  depo* 

Depositar,  va.  to  deposit,  to  in- 

trust  one  with  a  thing. 
Depositário,  sm.  depositary. 
Deposito,  sm.  deposit,    deposi- 

tmg;  (mil.)    depot;    {med.)   an 

impostnume ,   an  abscess ;   se- 

diment.  settlin^. 


—  t70  — 


Deposto,  a,  pp.  of   Depâr   and 

adj.  deposea. 
Depraça,  adv.  publicly,  openly. 
Depravação ,    sf.    deprayation , 

depravitv,  corniption. 
Depravadamente,  adv,   àeçra- 

vedly,  corruptly. 
D^ravado,  a,  pp.  adj,  depraved, 

corrupted.  [mpter. 

Depravador,  sm,  depraver,  coiv 
Depravar,  va.  to  deprave,   to 

spoii,  to  corrupt.  D^pravar-ee, 

vr.  to  corrupt,  or  to  become  de- 
praved. [cation. 
Deprecação,  sf.   prayer,  depre- 
Deprecado,  a,   pj).  adj.    depre- 

cated.  [cating,  snppliant. 

Deprecante,    adj,   2   g,    depre- 
Deprecar,  va.  to  deprecate.  to 

beg  oíf. 
Deprecativameste,  adv.    ia  a 

deprecative  manner. 
Deprecativo,  a,  adj.  depreeative. 
Deprecatorio,  a,  ae^'.   depreca- 

tory,  deprecative. 
Depreciação,  sf.  depreciatloii. 
Depreciado,  a,  j^p.  adj.  depre- 

Depreciador,  a,  adj.  and  s,  he 

or  she  that  depreciates. 
Depreciar,  va.  to  depreciate,  to 

Depreciavel,  adj,  ^  ff.  tikat  may 

be  depreciated. 
Depredação ,   sf.     depredation ; 

plunder.  [dated. 

Depredado,  a,  pp.  adj.    depre- 
Depredador,  sm.  depredator. 
Depredar,  va.  to  depredate,  to 

lay  waste,  to  rob.  [tory. 

Depredatorio,  a,  adj.  depreda- 
Deprehensão,  sf.  deprehension. 
Deprehenso,  a,  adj.  deprehend- 

ed.  [diseover. 

Deprender,  va.  to  deprehend,  to 
Depressa,  adv.  quicklv,  hastily. 
Depressão,    sf,     depression, 

Depressor,  sm.  be  who  depresses; 

(anat.)  depressor. 
Deprimido,  a,pp.  adj.  depressed. 
Deprimir,  va.    to    depress,    to 

press  do\ra,  to  debase. 
ração,  sf.  depuration. 

Dourado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deporated, 

depured.  [rates. 

Depurador,  a,  adj,  that  depa- 
Depurar,  va.  to  deparate,  to  de- 
pure, [ratory. 
Depurativo,  a,  adj.  and  s,  depu- 
Deporatorio,  a,  aaj.  depuratery; 
D^utação,  sf.   deputation,  de- 

puting.  [subaltern. 

Deputado,  sm.  deputy,  member; 
Deputado,  a,  pp.  adj,  deputei. 
Deputar,  va.  to  depute,  to  constU 

tute,  to  delegate. 
DequitaçSo,  sf.  deliveiy  of   a 

"voman  vrith  a  child. 
Derelicção,  sf.  dereliction,  for- 

saking.  [saken. 

Derelioto,  a,  adj.  derelict,  fòr- 
De  repente,  adv.  suddenly. 
Derlsão,  sf.  derision,  mocsery. 
Deriscado,  a,  pp.  adj.  effaced. 
Deriacar,  va,  to  efface. 
Derisorlamente,  adv.  derisively. 
Derisorio,  a,  tuíj.  derisery,  de- 

risive.  [tion,  ori^in. 

Derivação,  sf.  {gramm.)  denva- 
Derivado,  a,  pp.  adj.  derived. 
Derivante,  adj,  2  g.  derlving. 
Derivar,  va.  to  derive,  to  proceed 

from;  (med.)   to  draw  the  hu- 

mour.  —  {a  sea  term)  to  be  drf- 

ven.  [vative. 

Derivativo,  a,  adj.  {meã.)  deri- 
Derlvatorio,  a,  adj.  {med.)    di- 

Derme,  sm.  {anat.)  derma,  skixL 
Dermographia,  sf.  {med.)  dermo- 

graphy.  pogj' 

Dermologia,  sf.   {med.)  dermo- 
Dermologico,  a,  adj.  dermolo- 

gic.  [gating. 

Derogação,  sf.  deroçatíon,  dero- 
Derogado,  a,  pp.  adj.  derogated. 
Derogador,  sm.  derogater. 
Derogamento,  sm.  a  degrading 

action.  [derogatory. 

Derogante,  adj.  2  g.  derogatiag, 
Derogar,   va.    to    deregate,    to 

abolish.  Berogar-sey  vr.  to  cen^ 

deacend,  to  resign. 
Derogativo,  a,  adi.  derogative^ 
Derogatoria,  a,  aaj.  derogotovy. 
De  rojo,  adv.  loc.  in  a  draggliõjg 

or  hapging  manner. 


—  27i  — 


Berrabado,  a,  pg.  adj.  docked. 
Derrabadora ,  sf.    tbe    wonnd 

made  in  docking  the  tail  of  an 

Derrabar,  va.  to  dock  or  cnt  oif. 
Derradeiramente,  adv.    lately, 

lastiy,  newly. 
Derradeiro,  a,  adj.  last.  O —  doa 

homens,  the  worst  of  men. 
Derrama,  sf.  impost,  tax. 
Derramação,  sf.  effusion,  scat- 

Derramadamente ,    adv.    scat- 

teredly,  profusely. 
Derramado,  a,   pp.   adj.    scat- 

tered.  Cão  — ,  a  mad  do^. 
Derramador,  sm.  one  that  spills. 
Derramamento ,   sm.    effasion ; 

Derramar,  va.  to  scatter,  to  spill, 

to  waste ;  {fia.)  to   dÍTolge,  to 

diffuse,  to  publish.  Derramar-se, 

vr.  to  be  poured   out  or  to  be 

scattered.  [ved,  spoiled. 

Derrancado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deçra- 
Derranc^unento,  sm.  cormption. 
Derrancar,  va.  to  deprave,  to 

spoil,  to  mar.  Derranear-se,  vr. 

to  putrify,  to  grow  rancid. 
Derranco,  sm.  cormption;  min. 
Derreado,  a,  pp.  adj.    broken- 

backed.  (one's  back. 

Derreador,  sm.  one  that  breaks 
Derreamento,  «m.  the   having 

one's  back  broken. 
Derrear,  va.  to  break  the  back. 
Derredor,  sm.  circumference.  Ao 

— ,  adv.  around.  V.  Redor. 
Derregado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ploughed 

the  second  time  (land). 
Derregar,  va.  to  plougn  land  the 

second  time.  [luxate. 

Derrengar,  va.  to  disjoint,  to 
Derretedura,  sf.  the  act  of  melt- 

Derreter,  va.  to  melt,  to  liquefy ; 
ifiÇ-)  to  weary,  to  be  tíresome. 
Derreter-se,  vr.  to  melt,  to  li- 
quefy; to  employ  amorous  ex- 

Derretido,  a,  pp.  adj.  liqneflèd, 
dissolved,  melted. 

Derretimento,  sm.  mehing,  di»- 
solntion ;  {ftg.)  -wearíneas. 

Derribado,  a,  pp.  adj.  destrojed, 

Derribadoiro,  sm.  a  preciple*. 
Derribador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  d«no- 

Derribomento,  sm.  demolxtio% 

Derribar,  va^  to  throttr  d&wiL,.  to 

demolish ;  to  weaken. 
Derriçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stretehed 

out  "with  the  teeth. 
Derriçador,  sm.  he  who  strefr 

ches  out  withthe  teoth. 
Derriçar,  va.  to  stretch  out  ynth 

the  teeth,  to    tear    with    tha 

teeth.  —  em  alguém,  to  scoff,  to 

mock.  [lisheá. 

Derrocado,  a,  pp.  adj.  demo- 
Derrocador,  am.  destroywr. 
Derrocar,  va.  to   demolish,  to 

thro-w  down. 
Derrota,  sf.  road,  way;  tack; 

rout,  defeat.  [feated. 

Derrotado,  a,  pp.  adj.  routed,  da- 
Derrotador,  a,  sm.  or  /.  €■• 

that  defeats. 
Derrotar,  va.  to  rout.  to  defsAV 

to   destroy.   Derrotai^-se^  vr.  to 

lose  one's  course  (a  ship.) 
Derrubado,  a, pp.  adj.  destroyed, 

Derrubar,  va.  to  throw  down,  to 

destroy,  to  ruin;  to  shake  down. 
Derruído,  a,  pp.  adj.  destroyed. 
Derruir,  va.  to  destroy. 
Derviche,  sm.  dervis. 
Des,  a  negativo  or  privative  in- 

separable  particle  that  answers 

to  un  in  the  English  language. 
Desabado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cast  down. 
Desabafadamente,  adv.  openfy. 
Desabafado,  a,  pp.  adj.   unco- 

vered,  open.  [lief. 

Desabaf amento ,  sm.   ease,  re- 
Desabafar,  vn.    to    take    some 

fresh  air,  to  vent,  to  wreak;  to 

tell.  to  relate,  to  ease. 
Desabafo,  sm.  ease,  relief,  com- 

fort.  [surably. 

Desabaladamente,  adv.  unmea- 
Desabalado,  a,  adj.   enormous, 

huge.  [se. 

Desabalroar,  va.  V.  DesatroAo^ 
Desabax,  un.  to  leí^  ôlctjrxi. 

1-^    ■*.!- 


—  272  — 


Desabe,  «m.  the  part  of  a  wall 

that  has  fallen  down. 

Desabonado,  a,  pp.  adi.  discre- 

dited.  [discredits. 

Desabonador,  a,  s.  and  adi.  that 

Desabonar,  va.  to  discreait,  to 

dimínish  a  man's  reputation. 
Desabono,  sm.  prejuaice,  harm. 
Desabordado,  a,  pp.  adj.  disen- 

Desabordar,  va.  to  disen^a^e. 
Desaborido ,  a ,    adj.     insipid  , 

tasteless.  [buttoned. 

Desabotoado,  a,    pp.  adj.    un- 
Desabotoadura,  sf.  the  act    of 

Desabotoamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

Desabotoar,  va.  to  unbutton.  De- 

sabotoar-sCt  vr.  to  unbutton  one's 

self.  —  com  os  seus  amigos^  to 

unbosom    one's   self    to    one's 

friends.  [tached. 

Desabraçado,  a,   pp.  adj.    de- 
Desabraçar,  va.  to   detach,  to 

abandou  a  cause. 
Desabridamente,  adv.  rudely, 

Desabrido,  a,    adj.    sharp,  un- 

pleasant,  hard,  harsh. 
Desabrigadaxuente ,  adv.  shel- 

Desabrigado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unshel- 

tered,  open ;  that  wants  repair. 
Desabrigar,  va.    to  leave   one 

without  shelter. 
Desabrigo,  sm.  want  of  shelter; 

Desabrimento,  sm.  sharpness  of 

the  weather  or  of  temper,  rough- 

ness  of  manner. 
Desabrir,  va.  to  vex,  to  torment. 

—  mãOy  to  desist. 
Desabrochado,  a,  pp.  adi.   un- 

clasped.  (bloom. 

Desabrochar,  va.  to  unclasp,  to 
Desabusadamente,  adv.  freely, 

decisively.  [bused. 

Desabusado,  a,    pp.  adj.    disa- 
Desabusar,  va.  to  disabuse,  to 

undeceive.  Desahusar-se^  vr.  to 

undeceive  one's  self. 
Desaoanhado,  a,  adj.  free,  quick, 

Desacanhar,  va.  to  encourage. 
Desacatadamente,  adv.  disres- 

Desacatamento,  sm.  disrespect. 
Desacatar,  va.  to  disrespect. 
Desacato,  sm.    disrespect,    un- 

Desacaudelado,  a,  adj.  without 

captain  or  leader. 
Desacauteladamente ,  adv.  in- 

Desacautelado,  a,  adj.   impru- 

dent,  inconsiderate. 

Desacautelar-se,  vr.  to  be  im- 

prudent.  [of  an  accident. 

Desaccidentar-se,  vr.  to  get  out 

Desacommodadamente ,    adv, 

Desacommodaao ,  a,   pp.  adj. 

unprovided  of  conveniencies. 

Desacommodar ,  va.  to  incom- 

mode,  to  disaccommodate.  De- 

sacommodar-set  vr.  to  lose  one*s 

place.  [neatness. 

Desaceiado,    a,    adj.    without 

Desaceio.  sm.  want  of  neatness. 

Desacerbar,  va.  to  dulcorate,  to 

mitigate.  [siderately. 

Desacertadamente,  adv.  incon- 

Desacertado,  a,  pp.  adj.  faulty, 

erroneous.  [take. 

Desacertar,  va.  to  err,  to  mis- 

Desacerto,  sm.  fault,  error,  mis- 

take.  [couraged. 

Desacobardado,  a,  pp.  adj.  en- 

Desacobardamento ,   sm.    cou« 

Desacobardar,  va.  to  encourage. 
Desacoimado,  a,  pp.  adj.  absol- 

ved  of  a  pecuniary  muict. 
Desacoimar,  va.  to  absolve  of  a 

pecuniary  mulct. 
Desacompanhadamente ,    aãv. 

without  company. 
Desacompanhado,  a,  pp.  adj. 
unaccompanied.  [alone. 

Desacompanhar,  va.   to  leave 
Desaconselhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 
suaded.  [to  discounsel. 

Desaconselhar,  va.  to  dissuade, 
Desacoraçoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 

Dc»acoraçoar,  va.  to  dishearten. 
Deaaçorado,  a,  pp,  adj,  tamed. 


—  273  — 


Desaçorar,  va,  to  tame. 
Desaoorçoamento,  sm.  want  of 
courage.  [siderately. 

Desaoordadamente,  adv.  incon- 
Desacordado,  a,  pp.  adj.   disa- 

freed;  inconsiderate,  mindless, 
eedless ;  raving,  bereaved  of 

sense.  [dant,  dissonant. 

Desacordante,  adj.  2  g.  discor- 
iDesacordar,  va.  to  set  at  va- 

riance,  to  perplex ;  to  discord. 

—  vn.  to  disagree,  to  rave,  to 

lose  one's  senses.  Desacordar- 

se^  vr.  to  forget,  to  be  mindless, 

heedless,  careless.  [dant. 

Desacordativo,  a,   adj.   discor- 
Desacordo,  sm.  the  loss  of  one's 

vits,  absence,  raving,  distrac- 

tion ;    imprudence ,    rashness  ; 

disagreement.  [aid. 

Desacorrido,  a^  adj.    witnout 
Desacosttunadaxaente ,      adv. 

Desacostumado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

accustomed,  unusual. 
Desacostumar,  va.  to  disaccus- 

tom ;  to  break  off  a  castom.  — , 

vr.  to  disuse. 
Desacotoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  loosed. 
Desacotoar,  va.  to  loose  a  coat 

of  mail. 
Desaoovardar,  va.  and  derivated. 

"V.  Desacobardar. 
Desacravado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

got  out  of  the  mire. 
Desararavar,  va.  to  take  or  draw 

out  of  the  mire. 
Desacreditado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 

credited.  [he  that  decries. 

Desacredltador,  a,  adj.  and  s. 
Desacreditar,  va.  to  discredit. 

Desacreditar-se^  vr.  to  lose  one's 

reputation.  [sion. 

Desadoração,  sf.  hatred,    aver- 
Desadorado,  a,   pp.   adj.    not 

Desadorar,  va.  to  hate;  to  be 

impatient;  to  chafe. 
Desadormecer,  va.  to  wake. 
Desadormecido ,    a,    pp.   adj, 

vaked,  roused  from  sleep. 
Desadormentado,  a,  pp.  adj. 


Desadormentar,  va,  to  wake. 

Desadomado,  a,   pp.  adj.  on* 

Desadomar,  va.  to  disadom. 
Desadomo,  sm.  want  of  orna- 

ments.  [rated. 

Desadunado,  a,  adj.  {bot.\  sepa- 
Desadvertidamente ,   adv.   in- 

Desadvertido,  a,  pp.  adj.  incon- 
siderate, imprudent. 
Desadvertir,  va.  to  act  inconsi- 

Desafalxnar,  va.  to  discredit. 
Desatazer,  va.  to  disaccustom% 
Desafeito,  a.  pp.  adj.  disaccas- 

tomed.  [moored. 

Desaferrado,  a,  pp.  adj.   un- 
Desaferrar,  va.    to   force    out 

from,  to  snatch,  to  wrest,  to 

unmoor.    Desaferrar-se  ^  vr.  to 

desist.  [bolted. 

Desaferrolhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 
Desaf errolhar ,  va.   to   unbolt. 

Desaferrolhar-se,  vr.  to  be  un- 

bolted.  [gligent. 

Desafervorar,  vn.  to  grow  ne- 
Desaífabilidade,    sf.  want   of 

Desaíf ectação ,   sf.  unaffected- 

ness ;  a  natural  way  of  speak- 

ing,  "writing,  etc. 
Desaffectadamente,  adv.  with- 

out  affectation. 
Desaíf ectado,  a,  adj.  unaffected. 
Desaffecto,  sm.  disaffection. 
Desaffeição,  sf.  disaffection,  an- 

tipathy.  [affected. 

Desaffeiçoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 
Desaífeiçoar,    va.   to  disaffect. 

Desaffeiçoar-se^   vr.   to  lose  the 

Desaffronta,  sf.  revenge. 
Desaffrontado,  a,  pp.  adj.  re> 

Desaffrontador,  a,  adj.  oue  that 

Desaffrontar,  va.  to  revenge,  to 

Desafiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cballenged. 
Desafiador,  sm.  challenger. 
Desafiante,  adj.  2  g.  that  deães. 
Desafiar,  va.  to  challenge;  to 




274  — 


Desafinadamente,  adv.  disoord- 

Desafinado,  a,  jç^.  adf.  untaned. 
Desaflnamento ,    sm,  want  of 

Desafinar,  va.  and  n.  to  tuitune. 

Desafinar-se^  tm.  to  be  cmt  -of 

Desafio,  sm.  challenge,  dneL 
Desafogadamente,  a<2v.  easily, 

Desafogado,  a,  pp.  aâ^.  eleared, 

open,  airy ;  easy,  free  from  oare. 
Desafogar,  va.  to  clear,  io  â««, 

to  ease,  to  deliver.  Besafogar- 

«e,  vr.  to  unbosom. 
Desafogo,  sm.  ease,  comfoit,  ala- 

Desaforadamente,   adv.   frow- 

ardly,  impudently. 
Desaforado,  a,  pp.  adj.  froward, 

insolent;    (m    kao)    iree   Ircon 

ground  rent. 
Desaforamento,  sm.  (m  knv)  the 

act  of  renouncing ;  impudence, 

Desaforar,  va.  to  exentpt  &obi 

ground   rent.  Desaforar-ae^  vr. 

to  gro-vir  unruly ;  to  dejpnve  ette^s 

self  of  the  favour  ef  iaw. 
Desaforo,  sm.  saucinetus,  outrage. 
Desafoartnnadamemte,  não.  vn.- 

happily.  [anlucky. 

Desafortnnado,  a,  -adj.  unhappy, 
Desafregnezado,  a,  pp.  adj,  tkat 

has  lost  some  customers. 
Desafreguezar,  va.  to  deprive 

of  customers.  Deaafregutíiar^^e^ 

vr.  to  cease  to  be  a  customer. 
Desafumado,  a,  jf^.  adj.  olear 

from  smoke.  [smoke. 

Desafomar,   va.  to  elear  from 
Desafosoar,  va.  to  clear  from 

Desagasalhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tum- 

ed  out  of  doors. 
Desagasalhador,  a,   adj.  that 

turns  one  out  of  doors,  inhospi- 

table.  [out  of  doors. 

Desagasalfaar,  va.  to  tnm  one 
Dessttf ftsaUio ,    tm.   rouglmcAs; 

c<^or  bad  reception. 
Desagasalhoso,  a,  adj.  that  be- 

feaves  one  of  shelter.  | 

Desagastado,  a,  pip,  -adj,  ap» 

peased,  pac^ed. 
Desagastamento,  sm.  calmness. 
Desagastar,  va.  to  sopease,  to 

pacify.  [vea^ea,  righted. 

Desaggravado,  a,  pp.  adj^  re- 
DesaggraTador,  a,  «m.  or  f.  he 

or  fine  who  redresses  wrongs. 
Desaggravar,    va.    to    redreiss 

wrongs,  to  give  satísfactkm. 
Desaggravo,    sm.    righting  of 

wrongs,  satisfaction  given. 
Desaggregação,  sf.  disaggrega- 

tioB.  [aggre^ated. 

Desaggregado,  a,  jpp.  ad}.  dia- 
Desaggregante,  aíj.  2  g.  disag- 

Desaagregar,  va.  to  disaggre- 

gate,  to  sepaxate. 
Desagradado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 

Desagradar,  va.  to  displease,  to 

disapprove.  Desagradar-se^  vr. 

to  have  a  dislike,  to  disliko. 
Desagradável,     adj.   dlsagree- 

able,  unpleasant. 
Desagradavelmente,  adv.  dis- 

agreeably,  unpleasantly- 
Desagradeoer ,   va.  to   be  un- 

gratefttl.  [thankfally. 

Desagradeoidamente,  adv.  un- 
Desagradeoido,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

thankful,  ungratefol. 
Desagradecimento ,     sm.    nn- 

thankfulness.  [ness. 

Desagrado ,  sm.  disagreeable- 
Desaguadeiro,  sm.  ditch,  gutter, 

drain.  [emptied. 

Desaguado,  a,  pp.  adj.  drained, 
Desaguador,  a,  sm.  wf.  drainec 
Dasagnamento,  «m.  drúnage, 

Desaguar,  va.  to  discharge,  to 

empty ;    to  drain.  — ,  «n,  —  no 

mar.,  to  disembogue  itself. 
Desaguisadamente ,    adv.   un- 

Desaguisado,  a,  adj.  iU^minded. 
Desainado,  a,    j^   adj,  xnade 

Desainadura,  sf.  {among  farriers') 

humour  in  a  horse^s  hõof. 
Desainar,  va.  to  make  lean ;  (/Sgr.) 

to  halloo. 


—  275  — 


Desairado,  a,  pp.  oeí;.  d«pT»^«â ; 

Desairar,    va.   to    depvsTe;  to 

disgrace.  [ticm. 

Desaire  or  Desar,  sm.  deprava- 
Oesairosaxoente,  adx.  a^wxwasrd- 

ly.  [graceful. 

Desairoso,  a,  adj.  aixrkwapd,  un- 
Desajou^,  va.  to  unccniplé. 
Desajudado,  a,  pp.  adg\  nalielp- 

ed,  unasslsted.  {}^S' 

Desajudar,  va.  to  forbear  assist- 
DesajnJradD,  a,   adj.    vnwilfty, 

foolish.  [separate. 

Desajuntar,  va.  to  dispoin,  to 
Desajustado,  a,  pp.  adj.  nmad- 

Desajustar,  va.  to  disorder^  to 

confound.  Desajustarse^  w.  to 

break  a  contract.  [dry. 

Desalagado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dnôned, 
Desalagar,  va.  to  dry,  to  exsic- 

cate.  [of  a  bnrden. 

Desalastrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  eased 
Desalastrar,  va.  to  ease  of  a 

ballast  or  load. 
Desalbardado,  a,  pp.  adi.  un 

pannelled.  H^ast. 

Desalbardar,  va.  to  unpaBnel  a 
Desalentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  discon- 

raged,  dejected. 
Desalentar,  va.  to  disconragef 

to  deject.  Lesalentar-se,  vr.  to 

be  dioieartened. 
Desalento,   sm.  dejection,    dis- 

Desalfoiiado,«,  pp.  adj.  -without 

a  -wallet  or  bag. 
Desalíorjar,  va.  to  take  a  thing 

out  of  a  wallet.  [alieMa. 

Desalhar,  va.  to  aliesate,  to 
Desalijar,  va.   {a  sea   term)  to 

lighten,  to  unload. 
Desallnhadamante ,    oâM).    un- 

handsomely.  [not  "neat. 

Desalinhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  shittish, 
Desalinhar,  va.  to  take  away  l&e 

omament.  [slovenliness. 

Desalinho,  sm.  tmbandsomeness, 
Desalistar,  va.  to  take  away  of 

a  list.  [eased. 

Desaliviado,  a,  pp.  adj,  nolonger 
Desaliviar,  va.  to  eases  to  reliere. 
Desaliyio,  tm,  ease,  reiief. 

Desiiliança,  sf.  'ú»  hmtSk.  or 

Tuptuve  of  an  áHiance. 
Desâailar,  va.  te  bresk  an  al- 

Dessimadameixte,  adv..  irapious- 

ly,  cruelly. 
desalmado,  a,  pp.  adj.  wicked, 

Descdmar,  va.  to  murder;  {fíg.) 

to  deprive  of  life,  of  expression. 
Desalmsur^fie,    vr.    to     becoiiie 

wicked,  perverse. 
Desalojado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dislodged. 
Desalojar,  va.  to  dislodge. 
Desalterado,  a,   pp.  adj.    ap- 

peased,  mitigated. 
Dvsaltevar,  -va.  {svrg.)  to  çut 

again  m  the  same  state ;  toiniti- 

gate.  IJoved. 

Desamado,  a,pp.  adj.  no  longer 
Desamanhadaniente,  adv.  dis- 

orderly,  unhandsomefy. 
Pesam anhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 

ordered,  distnrbed. 
Desamanhar,  va.  to  difiorder, 

to  disturb.  [of  way. 

Desamão,  adv.  at  a  distance,  out 
Desamar,  va.  to  love  no  more. 
Dasamaxinhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  de- 

prived  of  the  crew. 
Desamarinhar,  va.  {a  sea  term.) 

to  take  away  the  crew  of  a  ship. 
Desamarrado,  a,pp.  adj.  untied, 

unbound.  [unbind. 

Desamarrar,   va.  te   untie,   to 
Desamava,  adj.  2  g.  nnlovely, 

unpleasant.  [tion. 

DesaanbiçSo,  sf.  "wai\t  of  ambi- 
Desamigar-se,  vr.  to  break  off 

with  a  ft>iend. 
DesameestaçSo,  sf.  dissnasion, 

Desamor,  «m.?  disaffection ;  ba- 

tred,  aversion;  a  declining  in 

Desamorado,  a,  adj.  and  «.  he 

who  does  not  love  as  he  did  be- 

DesamoraTSl,  adj.  2  g.  that  is 

not  amorous,  nnlovely. 
DesamoravelmeiKte,  adv.  with 

hatred  or  aversion,  onkindly. 
DesamoFOBOf  a,  aãj,  imlovely, 



—  276  — 


Desamortalhar ,  va.  to  unshroud. 
Desamotinado,  pp.  adj.  quieted. 
Desaxnotinar,  va.  to  quiet,  to 

appease.  [saken. 

Desamparado,  a,  pp.  aàj.  for- 
Desamparar,  va.  to  forsake,  to 

quit.  [forsaking. 

Desamparo ,  sm.  abandoning, 
Desamuado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pacifíed, 

appeased.  [pease. 

Desamuar,  va.  to  pacify,  to  ap- 
Desancado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pommel- 

led.  [gel. 

Desancar,  va.  to  pommel,  to  cud- 
Desancorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

moored.  [to  unmoor. 

Desancorar,  va.  to  weighanchor. 
Desandado,  a,pp.a(2;.  goneback. 
Desandador,  sm.  a  sort  of  screw. 
Desandar,   va.  to  go  the  same 

"way  o  ver  again. 
Desangrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bled. 
Desangrar,  va.  to  drain  ali  the 

blood  out;  to  weaken. 
Desanimadamente,  adv.  deject- 

Desanimado,  a,    pp.  adj.  dis- 

heartened,  disanimate. 
Desanimar,  va.  to  discourage, 

to  dishearten.  Desanimaar-se,  vr. 

to  be  discouraged.  [ness. 

Desanimo,  sm.  dejection,  -weak- 
Desaninliado,  a,  pp.  adj.  turned 

out  of  the  nest. 
Desaninhar,  va.  to  turn  out  of 

the  nest,  to  dislodge. 
Desannexação,  sf.  division,  se- 

paratioD.  [rated,  divided. 

Desannexado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sepa- 
Desannexar,  va.  to  separate,  to 

divide  things  that  were  incor- 

porated.  (parated. 

Desannexo,  a,  adj.  divided,  se- 
Desanojado,  a,  pp.  adj.  eased  of 

mourning.  (mourning. 

Desanojar,  va.  to  ease  one  of  his 
Desapaixonadamente,  adv.  un- 

passionately,  without  passion. 
Desapaixonado,   a,    adj.    im- 

partial,  unpassionated. 
Desapaixonar,  va.  to  calm,  to 

quiet,   to    free    from   passion. 

Desapaixonar-se  ^   vr.   to   come 

from  passion  to  calmness. 

Desaparentado,  a,  adj.  without 

relations.  [part. 

Desapartar,  va.  to  separate,  to 
Desapeçonhentar,  va.  to  coun- 

teract  poison. 
Desapegadamente,  adv.  -with- 
out attachment. 
Desapegado, a,»/),  adj.  unglued, 

detached.  [rence,  disdain. 

Desapegamento ,    sm.    indifife- 
Desapegar,  va.  to  detach;  {fig.) 

to  free  from  affection. 
Desapego,  sm.  desaffection,  in- 

Desaperceber,  va.  to  lay  up  one 

thing,  to  take  way. 
Desapercebidamente,  adv.  un- 

expectedly,  suddenly. 
Desapercebido,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

provided,  unwary. 
Desapercebimento,  sm.  want  of 

Desapertadamente,  adv.  loose- 

ly,  íreely.  [untied. 

Desapertado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unbent, 
Desapertar,   va.  to  unbend,  to 

loosen.  Desapertar-se^  vr.  to  be 

Desaperto,  sm.  wideness,  ease. 
Desapiedadamente,  adv.  cruel- 

ly,  inhumanly. 
Desapiedado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unmer- 

ciful,  fierce. 
Desapiedar,  va.  to  make  cruel 

or  inhuman. 
Desaplumado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unle- 

velfed;  {fig.)  humoled. 
Desaplumar,   va.  to  unplumb; 

{fig?)  to  despond.  [nation. 

Desaplumo,  sm.  declivity,  incli- 
Desapoderadamente,  adv.  ex- 

Desapoderado,  a,  pp.  adj.  spoil- 

ed,  put  out  of  power. 
Desapoderar,  va.  to  put  out  of 

power.  [of  supçort. 

Desapoiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deprived 
Desapoiar,  va.  to  deprive  of  sup- 

port  or  protection. 
Desapoio,  sm.  want  of  support. 
DesapolvlUiado ,    a,    pp.   adj. 

without  powder. 
DesapolviUiar,  va.  to  take  the 

powder  of  the  hair. 


—  277  — 


Desapontado,  a,  pp.  adj.  with- 

outpointing ;  (yÇ^.)  disappointed. 
Desapontar,  va.  to  make  lose 

the  pointing  of  an  arm;  {fig.) 

to  disappoint. 
Desaposentado,  a,  pp.  adj,  ex- 

pulsed  from  a  chamoer. 
Desaposentar ,  va.   to   expulse 

from  a  chamber. 
Desapossado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dispos- 

Desapossar,  va.  to  dispossess. 
Desapparecer,  vn.  to  disappear. 

Desapparecer-se^  vr.  to  abscond 

one's  self;  to  pass  away. 
Desapparecimento,  sm.  the  act 

of  disappearing. 
Desapparelhado ,   a,   pp.    adi. 

wilhout  preparation ;  undeckea. 
Desapparelhar,  va.  {a  sea  term) 

to  unrig,  to  unmast.  — ,  um  ca- 

vallOy  to  unpannel  a  horse.  — 

a  mestty  to  clear  the  table. 
Desapparelho,  sm.    the   act   of 

nnmasting.  [ance. 

Desapparição ,  sf.  disappear- 
Desapplicação,  sf.  inapplication. 
Desapplicadamente,  ado.  care- 

lessly,  negligently. 
Desapplicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  care- 

less,  negligent. 
Desapplicar,  va.  to  neglect. 
Desappr ovação,  sf.  disapproba- 

tion,  censure.  [approved. 

Desapprovado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 
Desapprovador,   a,    sm.  or  f. 

blamer,  he  or  she  who  disap- 

Desapprovar,  va.  to  disapprove. 
Desapprovativo,  a,  adj.  disap- 

probatory.  [offend. 

Desaprazer,  vn.  to  displease ;  to 
Desaprazivel,  adj.  2  g.  displea- 

sant,  unpleasant. 
Desapreciar,  va.  to  depreciate. 
Desaprender,  va.  to  unlearn. 
Desaprendido,  a,  pp.  adj.  uu- 

learned.  [vered,  free. 

Desapressado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deli- 
Desapressar,  va.  to  deliver,  to 

free.  [ments. 

Desapresto,  sm.  want  of  instru- 
Desaprimorado,  a,  adj,  inac- 


Desapropositado,  a,  adj.  im- 

pertínent,  nonsensícal. 
Desapropriação,   sf.    disappro- 

Desapropriado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 

possessed,  disappropriate. 
Desapropriar,  va.  to  dispossess, 

to  depnve.  [vishly. 

Desaproveitadamente,  adv.  Ia- 
Desaproveitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  la- 

visned,  frusiarated. 
Desaproveitamento,  sm.  lavish- 

ness.  [to  prejudice. 

Desaproveitar,   va.   to  lavish, 
Desaproveitoso ,  a,  adj.   mis- 

chievous,  offensive. 
Desaqainíxoado,  a,  pp.  adj,  un- 

Desaqulnhoar,  va.  to  deprive 

of  one*s  share. 
Desar,  sm.  faultiness,  disgrace. 
Desarado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fallen  (the 

hoof  of  a  horse). 
Desaranhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made 

clean  of  cobwebs.  [webs. 

Desaranhar,  va.  to  clean  of  cob- 
Desarar,  va.  {among  farriers)  to 

fali  off  (the  hoof  of  a  horse). 
Desarcado,  B.,pp.  adj.  ill  shap ed, 

Desarcar,  va.  to  drive  out  hoops. 
Desareado,  a,  pp.    adj.    made 

clean  of  sand. 
Desarear,  va.  to  clear  of  sand. 
Desarilhar,  va.  to  rid  of ;  to  dis- 

Desarmado,  a,  pp.  adj.  disarmed. 
Desarmador,  sm.  disarmer. 
Desarmadura,  sf.  disarming. 
Desarmar,    va.    to    disarm,    to 

unarm.  —  um  arco,  to  unbend  a 

Desarraigado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

rooted,  extirpated. 
Desarraigamento,  sm.  extirpa- 

tion,  rooting  out. 
Desarraigar,  va.  to  unroot,  to 

deracinate,  to  extirpate. 
Desarrancar,  va.  to  puU  away 

violently,  to  root  up. 
Desarranchar ,   va.   and   n.    to 

undo  a  partnership. 
Desarranjado^  a,  pp.  o^i-^^C 


—  278  — 


Desarranjador,  a,   adj,  Bcat* 

Desarranjar,  va.  t^  disorder,  to 

confound,  to  derange. 
Desarranjo,  sm.  confusion,  de- 

rangement;  disorder. 
Desarrazoadamente,  adv.  nn- 

reasonably.  [reasonable. 

Desarrazoado,  a,  pp,  adj.  un- 
Desarrazoamento ,     sm.      urt- 

Desarrazoar,  vn.  to  shew  the 

unreasonableness  of  any  tbing : 

to  talk  nonsense,  to  rave. 
Desarregaçado,  a,  j^.  adj.  un- 

tucked,  ungirt 
Desarregaçar,  va.  to  untuck. 
Desarreiado,   a,  pp.  adj.   de- 

prived  of  harness;  iindressed 

Desarreiar,*  va.  to  take  away  the 

harness,  to  undress  the  hooBA. 
Desarrimado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unpro- 

tected.  [sapport. 

Desarrimar,  va.  to  take  away  a 
Desarrimo,  sm.  want  of  support. 
Desarrufado,  a,  pp.  adj.  taat  is 

not  pouted. 
Desarrufar,  va.  to'put  an  end  to 

any  quarrel  among  lovers. 
Desarrufo,  sm.  the  act  of  finlfihr 

ing  a  pouting  among  lovers. 

Desarmgado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made 

smooth,  unwrinkled.  [iÚLg* 

Desamigamento,  sm.  unwrink- 
Desarrugar,  va.  to  unwrinkle. 
Desarrumação,  sf.  derangement, 

Desamimadamentef  adv.  dis- 

orderly,  confusedly.  [ordered. 
Desarrumado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 
Desarrumar,  va.  to  put  in  con- 

fusion,  to  disorder- 
Desartioulado,  a,  adj.  {boi.)  de- 

prived  of  articulation. 
Desarvorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  {a  sea 

term)     dismasted ,     unuutsted ; 

{fiff.)  forsaken. 
Desarvorar,  va.  to  dismast,  to 

pull  down. 
Desasado,a,  adj.  blunt,  carelest. 
Desasido,  a,  pp.  adj.  puUed  away, 


VeaoBir,  va.  to  let  go,  to  loose. 

Desatir^e^  vr.  to  disseize  one^s 

jBelf  of  a  thing. 
Desasisadaxneizte,  adv.  foolish- 

ly,  madly.  [siUv. 

Desasisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  foolisn, 
Desasisar,    va.    to   deprive   of 

iudgment;  to  trouble.  —  vn.  to 

De  mad,  to  be  out  of  his  wits. 
Desasnado,  a,  pp.  adj.  taught, 

made  witty. 
Desasnador,  sm.  hewho  teaches. 
Desasnamento,  sm.  instruction. 
Desaanar,  va.  to  teach  wit. 
Desassanhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

soored,  paciâed. 
Desassaímar,  va.  to  pacify,  to 

quiet.  Desassanhar-se^  vr.  to  be 

appeased;  to  be  imsoured. 
Desassazoado,   a,    adj.  unsea- 

soned.  [nasty. 

Desasseado,   a,   adj,   unclean, 
Desaaseio,  sm.  nastiness. 
Desassellado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

Desasstilar,  va.  to  unseal. 
Desasaimilliado,  a.,!^.  adj.  dis- 

similar,  unlike. 
Desassixnllhar,  va.  to  make  un- 
like, to  differ.  Desassimilhar-se, 

vr.  to  be  unlike. 
Desasslnado,  SL^pp-  adj.  deprived 

of  a  pension  (friar  or  monk). 
Desasainar,  va.  to  deprive  of  a 

pension.  [imprudently. 

Desasslsadamente,  adv.  madly, 
Desasaisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unwise. 
Desassisar,   va.   to  deprive  of 

Desassocegadamente ,       adv. 

anxiously,  unquietly. 
Desassocegado,  a,  m>^  adj.  un- 

quiet,  restleas,  troublesome. 
Desa880cegador,a,  adj.  disquiet- 

er,  disturbcr.  (trouble. 

Desassooegar,  va.  to  dis^uiet,  to 
Desassocego,  «m.   unquietness, 

Desasaolvado ,  a,  pp.  adj.  {ar- 

til.)  unloaded,  diacharged. 
DesasBoIvar,  va.   to   unload  a 

cannon ;  to  discharge. 
Desassombradamente ,      adv. 

boldly,  eaaily. 
Desassonilirado ,  a,  pp,   adj. 



—  279  — 


vnshado^ed,  sanny;  free  from 

fear  or  trouble.  [easiness. 

BeEÕOTomlNraxnento,  sm.  ease, 
]>e8afMK>mbTar,  va.  to  free  from 

care.  Desassombrar-se^  vr.  to  re- 

coverfrom  fear,  surprLse,  etc. 
Desassombro,  sm.  boldness,  as- 

I>e8assu8tadaznente,  adv.  f>oId- 

ly,  -vithout  fear.  [less. 

Desassustado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fear- 
Besassustar,  va.  to  dríye  a^ay 

fear  •  to  hearten.  [pity* 

Desastradamente,  adv,  tmnap- 
Desastrado,  a,  adj.  imhappy, 

unfortunate.  [ness. 

Desastrar,  va.  to  canse  unhappi- 
Desastre,  sm.  disaster. 
Desastrosamente,  ai:v.  unhap- 

pily.  [fortunate. 

Desastroso,  a,  adj.  unhappv,  un- 
Desatacado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unlaced, 

loosened.  [loosen. 

Desatacar,   va.    to    tinlace,    to 
Desatadamente,   adv.    loosely, 

Desatado,    a,  pp.    adj.    untied, 

unboand.  Rir  ctmi  rtso  — ,  to 

burst  out  with  laughing. 
Desatadura,  sf.  the  act  of  loos- 

ing.  [breaking  loose. 

Desatamento,  sm.    the   act    of 
Desatar ,  va.   to   untie ;   to   re- 
solve,  to  dissolve.    Desafar-se^ 

vr.  is  for  a  knot  to  be  undone. 
Deaatascar ,  va.  to  take,  get  or 

draw  out  of  the  mire. 
Desataudado,  a,  pp.  adj.  taken 

away  of  a  coffin.  [of'^a  coffin. 
Desataudar,  va.  to  take  away 
Desataviadamente ,    adv.    nn- 

handsomely,  without  neatnesa. 
Desataviado,  a,    pp.  adj.    un- 

adorned,  undecked. 
Desataviar,  va.  to  undeek,  to 

strip  or  take  off  the  ornament. 
Desatavio ,  sm.   want  of  onm- 

ments.  [frighted. 

Desatemorisado,  Sí^pp.adj.  uaaf- 
Desatemorisar,  va.    to  recover 

from  fear.  [unwitty. 

Desatilado,  a,  adj.  uningenioiís, 
Desatinadamente,  adv,  madly, 



Desatinado,  a,  j^.  adj.  stunxieâ, 

amazed;  mad,  rash. 
Desatinar,  va.  to  trouble,  to  im- 
portune, to  stuii.  — ,  vr.   to  be 

mad;  to  mistake;  to  fret,  to  long. 
Desatino,  sm.  madness,  folly. 
Desatolado,  a,  pp.  adj.  taken  or 

drawn  out  of  tne  mind. 
Desatolar-se,  vr.  to  be   dravn 

out  of  the  mind,  [grappled. 

Desatracado,  a,   pp.  adj.    un- 
Desatracar,  va.  and  n.  to  un- 
rapple.   Desatracar-sey   vr.    to 
e  ungrappled. 
Desatravessado,  a,  pp.  adj.  re- 

moved  from  lying  across. 
Desatravessar ,   va.  to  remove 

from  lying   across.  Desatraoes- 

sar-se^  vr.  to  be  removed  from 

lying  across.  [tion. 

Desattenção,  sf.  want  of  atten- 
Desattenciosamente,  adv.  dis- 

Desattencioso,  a,  adj.    disres^ 

pectful;  irreverent. 
Desattender,  va.  to  neglect,  to 

Desattendido,  a,  pp.  adj.  unat- 

tentive,  nèglected. 
Desattendivel ,   adj.  2  g.    that 

deserves  but  a  little  attention. 
Desattentadamente ,    adv.    ín- 

considerately,  unadvisedly. 
Desattentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mcon- 

siderate.  [pectfttlly. 

Desattentamente,  adv.  disres- 
Desattentar,  V7i.  to  be  nnatten- 

tive,  to  neglect. 
Desattento,  a,  adj.  unattentive, 

Desauoiado,  a,  adj.  out  of  ali 

hc^es  (sick  person). 
Desantoração,  sf.  the  act  and 

effect  of  degrading. 
Desantorado,   a,  pp.  adi.    de- 

graded,  deprived  or  an  onice. 
Desantorar,  va.  to  degrade,  to 

deprive  of  an  office. 
Desantoridade ,    sf.    unTVorthi- 

ness,  indignity.  rising. 

Desautorisação,    sf.     disautho- 
Desautorisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dia- 



—  280  — 


rise,  to  put  out  of   anthoríty. 

Desautorisar-sej  vr.  to  lose  tne 

authority.  [debate. 

Desavença,  sf.  discord,    strife, 
Desaventuradamente,  (tdv.  nn- 

happily,  unluckily. 
DeBaventorado,  a,  pp,  adi.  xm- 

happy,  unlucky.  [turar. 

Desaventurar.  va,   V.    Desven- 
Desavergonhadamente ,     adv. 

impudently,  saucily. 
Desavergonhado,  a,  adj.  shame- 

less,  impudent. 
Desavergonhamento,  sm.   im- 

pudence,  shamelessness. 
Desavergonhar,  va.  to  make  one 

shameless   or    impudent.  Desa- 

vergonhar-se,  vr.  to  grow  impu- 
Desavezado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unac- 

Desavezar,  va.  to  disaccustom. 
Desavezo,  sm.  the  breakin^  of  a 

custem.  [nished. 

Desaviado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unfurn- 
Desaviar,  va.  to  put  out  of  the 

way;  to  frustrate. 
Desavindo,  a,  adj.  involved  in 

troubles  by  dissension. 
Desavir,  va.  to  involve  in  trou- 
bles by  dissension.  Desavir-se, 

vr.  to  dissent,  to  disagree. 
Desavisadamente,  adv.   unad- 

Dc»avisado,  a,  pp,  adj.  unware, 

Desavisamento,  sm.  unadvised- 

ness,  imprudence. 
Desavisar,  va.  to  retract  advice, 

to  counterraand.  Desavisar  -  se  ^ 

vr.  to  forget  a  thing. 
Desaviso ,  sm.    countermand  a 

contrary  advice.  [a  thing. 

Desavistar,  va.  to  lose  sight  of 
Desazadamente,  adv.  clumsily, 

Desazado,  a,  pp.  adj.  i^ngless ; 

{fig.)  awkward,  clumsv. 
Desazar,  va.  to  cut  or  break  the 

wings;  {fig.)  to  hinder. 
Desazo,  sm.   blockishness^  duU- 

Desazonar,  va.  to  take  avay  of 

A  season ;  to  make  insipid. 

Desbabado,  a,  pp.  adj,  irnsia- 

Desbabar,  vn.  to  unslavei^  Des- 

babar-se^  vr,  {fig.)   to  lose  the 

love.  [bunch  of  grapes. 

Desbagoar,  va.    to  pick   out  a 
Desbagnlhar,  va.   to   pick  out 

the  kernel.  [a  land-mark. 

Desbalisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  vithout 
Desbalisar,  va.  to  break  or  take 

away  the  land-marks.  fup. 

Desbalsado,  a,  pp.  adj.  grubbed 
Desbalsar,  va,  to  grub  up. 
Desbancado,  a,  pp.  adj  excelled, 

DesbaBúicar,  va.  to  beat,  to  sur- 

pass ;  to  win  ali  the  money  of 

the  banker  at  basset. 
Desbaptisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 

has  changed  one's  religion  or 

Desbaptisar,  va.  to  change  the 

name  or  religion  of  one;  to  make 

Desbaratado,  a,  pp.  adj.  put  to 

the  rout,  beaten,  defeated,  rui- 

ned ;  dissolute. 
Desbaratador,  sm.  he  who  de- 

feats;  a  lavisher;  a  prodigal. 
Desbaratamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

defeating  or  routing. 
DetSbaratar,  va.   to    waste,  to 

spend,  to  consume ;  to  defeat, 

to  rout,  to  overcome.  Desbara- 

tar-se^  vr.  to  be  ruined. 
Desbarate,  sm.  rout,  slaughter; 

ruin;  havock. 
Desbarato,  sm.  wasting,  spend- 

ing;  havock. 
Desbarbado,  adj.  m.  beardless, 

without  a  beard. 
Desbarbar,  va.  to  shave. 
Desbarrado,  a,    pp.  adj.    unco- 

Desbarrar,  va.  to  uncover. 
Desbarretado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bare- 

headed,  uncapped. 
Desbarretar,  va.  —  alguém^  to 

take  away  another's  cap. 
Desbarrlgado ,  a,  adj.  withoat 

Desbastado,  a,   pp.  adj,  made 

thin,  slender;  softened. 
Desbastador,  a,  sm.ovf.  he  or 


—  281  — 


she  who  rough-hews ;  (fig,)  one 

that  civilizes. 
Desbastamento,  sm.  the  act  and 

effect  of  rouffh-hewing ;   (fig.) 

the  act  of  civilizing . 
Desbastar,  va.  to  rough-hew,  to 

remove;  to  thin;  (yS^.)  to  civi- 
lize, [timated. 
Desbastardado,  a,  pp.  adj.  legi- 
Desbastardar,  va.  (anc.)  to  legi- 

timate.  [of  cutting  ofi*. 

Desbaste,  sm.  the  act  and  work 
Desbeiçado,  a,  pp,  adj.  without 

Desbeiçar,  vn.  to  cut  the  lips. 
Desboccadaxnente,  adv.  without 

a  bit ;  {fig.)  immoderately. 
Desboccado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

not  obedient  to  bit.  Cavallo  — , 

a  hard-mouthed  horse. 
Desboccar,  va.  to   harden   the 

mouth  of  a  horse.  Deshoccarse^ 

vr.  to  run  away  (a  horse). 
Desbolado,  a,  adj.  {anc.)  heed- 

Desboroar,  va.  to  powder   any 

thing.  [clear  from  dregs. 

Desborrado,  a,   pp.  adj.    rnside 
Desborrar,  va.    to  make  clear 

from  dregs.  [loured. 

Desbotado,   a,  pp.  adj.    disco- 
Desbotadura,  sf.  discolouring. 
Desbotamento ,  sm.    discolour- 
ing, discoloration,  paleness. 
Desbotar,  va.  to  discolour.  Des- 

botar-se^  vr.  to  be  discoloured. 
Desbragado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unchain- 

ed ;  {fig.)  turbulent. 
Desbragar,  va.  and  n.  to  grow 

mild,  to  be  tamed.  [fury. 

Desbravar,  vn.    to  vent   one^s 
Desbrio,  sm.  {poet.)  want  of  ho- 

nour.  [clasped. 

Desbrochado,  a,  pp.   adj.    un- 
Desbrochar,  va.  to  unclasp ;  {fig.) 

to  speak  ill  of  one. 
Desbuobar,  vn.  to  clear  the  maw, 

to  disgorge  (birds).  [ed. 

Descabeçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  behead- 
Descabeçamento,  sm.   behead- 

ing,  decapitation. 
Descabeçar,  va.  to  bebead,  to 

take  the  head  off.  —  {agric.)  to 

bare  the  root. 

Descabellado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dishe- 

Descabellar,    va.    to    dishevel. 

Descahellar-se^  vr,  to  tug  one^s 

own  hair. 
Descachar,  va.  to  free  from  the 

coarse  scum  the    spirit  drawn 

from  the  sugar  cane. 
Descadeirar,  vn.  to  break  one'8 

back.    Descadeirar  -  se  y    vr,     to 

Descaída,  sf.  decay,  fali,  misfor- 

tune ;  a  pleasantry. 
Descaimento,  sm.  decay,  misfor- 

Descair,  vn.  to  decay,  to  sink. 
Descalçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bare- 

footed,  unshod. 
Descalçar,  va.  to  puU   off  the 

Descalcez,  sf.  the  ttate  of  one 

whose  profession  is    to   walk 

always  bare-footed. 
Descalço,   a,   adj.  barexfooted; 

{fig.)  unpreparea. 
Descalvado,  a,  pp.  adj.  without 

trees,  etc. 
Descalvar,  va.   to  strip  or  de- 

prive  a  mountain  of  trees. 
Descaxnbação,  sf.  droUery. 
Descambado,  a,  adj.  permuted; 

Descambar,  vn.  to  permute,  to 

exchange,  to  slide. 
Descambio,  sm.  exchange,  per- 

Descaminhado,  a,  pp.  adj.   in- 

vious,  impassabie. 
Descaiuinhador,  sm.  a  smugler. 
Descaminhar,  va.  to  pnt  out  of 

the  way;  to  pervert;  to  steal 

the  custom-house  duties. 
Descaminho,  sm.  disorder,  trou- 

ble;  embezzlement ;   corruption 

of  morais. 
Descamisado,  a,  adj.   wanting 

shirts ;  {fig.)  beggar. 
Descamisar,  va.   to    open    the 

leaves  of  the  maize  (índia). 
Descampado,  sm.  a  desert,  a 

Descançadamente,  adv.  easily. 
Descançado.  a,  pp,  adj.  easy, 

undisturbed.  _ 


—  2S2  — 


Descançadeiro,  sm.  a  place  fit 

for  restin^'. 
Descançar,  va.  to  help,  to  lie,  to 

rest,  to  repose.  — ,  vn.  to  rest, 

to  take  some  rest;  to  discon- 

tinne,  to  desist. 
Descanço,  sm.  rest,  easc,  qniet- 

ness.  Em  — ,  calmly.  Sem  — ,  in- 

termptedlj.  [cert. 

Descantar,  vn.  to    give   a  con- 
Descante,  .^m.   a  concert,  sere- 

nade.  [dentíy. 

Descaradamexite ,   adv.     iropu- 
Descarado.  a,  adj.   impudent, 

Descaramento,    sm.    sanciness, 

Descarapuçado,  a,  adj.  he  who 

is  bare-faced.  [one*8  cap. 

Descarapuçar-se ,  vr.   to  take 
Descarar,  va.  to  make  orre   im- 

pudent.  Descarar-se,  vr.  to  be- 

come  impudent. 
Descarga,   sf.  nnloading".  —  de 

humores,  purginfí:  off  the   hu- 

moars.    — ,    {artil.)    discharg-e. 

— ,  payment ;  acquittal. 
Descargo,  sm.   clearinp:   or   ex- 

CUSe.  [11688. 

Descaridade,  sf.    uncharitable- 
Descaridosaiuente,  adv.  ancha- 

ritably.  [ble. 

Desosuridoso,  a,  adj.  uncharita- 
Descarinhoso,  a,  adj.  Ti^naffec- 

Descamado,  a,    pp.  adj.  lean, 

meagre,  thin ;  ifCg.)  anrooted. 
Descamador,  sm.  {surg.)  a  lan- 
cei, [off. 
Descamar,  va.  to  pick  tte  fleah 
Descaro,  sm.  impudeuce,  shame- 

Descaroçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  witiiotit 

BtoDB  or  kerneí  (rhiit). 
Descaroçador,  a,   sm.  or  f.  he 

wh  o  takes  away  stones  or  ker- 

Descaroçar,  va.   to  take  aiway 

stones,  kemels  (fruit  or  cotton) 

or  seeds. 
Descarregado,  a,  np.  adj.   un- 

loaded ;  dischargea,  absdlved. 
Descarregadoiro,  sm.  the  place 

"where  the  ship  is  disbordened. 

Descarregar,  va.  to  imtoad,  to 

discharge.  —  um  goipe^  to  strike 

a  blow.  — ,  1*7?.   to  get  rid  o£. 

Descarreffar-se.  vr.    to  be  dis- 

charged,  to  drive  ont. 
DescarreirsKio,  a,  adj.  put  oat 

of  the  way.  [the  "way. 

Descarreirar.  va.  to  put  oat  of 
Descarriado.  a,  adj.   that  has 

lost  bis  "way. 
Descartado,  a,  pp.  adj.  discard- 

ed;  deprived;  rejected. 
Descartar,  va.  (cards)  to  discard. 

— «c,  vr. — de  alguém^  to  rid  one's 

self  of  a  person.  —  de  crieídos, 

to  dismiss  the  servants. 
Descarte,  sm.  the  discarding  of 

cards;  dismissing.  [ed. 

Descasada,  a,  pp.  adj.  tmmatch- 
Descasamento,  sm.  divorce. 
Descasar,  va.  unmarry,  tor  nn> 

Descascado,  a,  pp.  adj.  peeled. 
Descascador,  sm.  he  -who  peeis. 
Descascadura,  sf.  peeling. 
Descascamento,  sm.  peeling'. 
Descascar,  va.  to  peei,  to  decor- 

tícate^  to  stripe  of  the  bark. 
Descatirar  or  Descaptirar,  trar. 

to  free    from    slavery,  to   do- 

lirer.  [lessneas. 

Deacautela,  sf.  negligenc»,  csre<> 
Desca^ralgado,  a,  j9p  adj,  dis- 

Descavalgar,  va.  to  dismomit; 

to  alight,  to   get  ofT  the  baek 

of  a  horse.  [a  wan  look. 

Descaveirado,  a,  adj.  that  has 
Descendência,  sf.  race,  lineag». 
Descendente,  aaj.  2  g.  descend- 

ing,  oífspring,  descendant. 
Descender,  vn.  to  descend,    to 

draw  bis  origin  from. 
Descendido,  a,  pp.  adj.  deseem^ 

ed,  that  has  gone  doini. 
Descendimento,  sm.  the  aclion 

of  taking  a  thing  down. 
Descensão ,      sf.      descension.; 

{mus.)  {{astr.)  descension 
Descenso,  sm.  (phys.)  desc^it, 

declensioD.  ^bb. 

Desconte,  s.  —  da  maré^  rohix; 
Descer,  va.  to  descend,  to  come 

down. — do  cavallo^  to  dismoont. 


—  f83  — 


—  da  carruagem,  to  get  out  of 
a  carriage.  — ,  vn.  to  decline,  to 
decay,  to  bring  down,to  lower. 

—  03  escadas,  to  go  do\m  stairs. 
Descer-se^  vr.  to  step  do"WB.  — 
da  sua  opinião,  to  change  one^s 
opinion,  to  desist,  to  give  np. 

Descercado,  a,   j^.  adj.    free 

from  a  siege. 
Descercador,  sm.  he  who  malces 

the  besiegers  raise  a  siege. 
Descercar,  va.  to  make  the  be- 
siegers raise  the  siege. 
Descerco,  sm.  the  act  of  xnaking 

raise  a  siege. 
Descerrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  opened, 

without  walls.  [Tmvall. 

Descerrar,  va.  to    set  open,  to 
Deschancellado,  a,  pp.  adf.  un- 

Deschancellar,  va.  to  unseal. 
Descida,  f/*.  a  descent;  declivity. 
Descido,  a,  pp.  adj.  come  dewn, 

descended;  decayed. 
Descimentado,  a,  pp.  adj.    de- 

prived  of  foundation. 
Descimentar,  va.  to  deprire  of 

foundation.  [descent. 

Descimento ,    ^n.    descension  , 
Descingido,  a,  pp.  adj.  ungirt, 

Descingir,  va.  to  nngird,  to  loose 

the  girdle.  Descingir-se,  vr.  to 

be  ungirt. 
Descoagulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  melted, 

Descoagular,  va.  to  me}t,  to  dis- 
Descoalhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  melted, 

Descoalhar,  va.  to  melt,  to  dis- 
solve. Descoalhar-se,  vr,  to  grow 

Descoberta,  sf.   discovery,   ia- 

vention,  findmg.   A's  — *,  pu- 

Descobertamente,  adv.  openly. 
Descoberto,  a,  j^.  adj.    disco- 

vered,  uncovered ;  declared.  A' 

cara  descoberta,  <M»enly. 
Descobertura,  sf.   the  act  of 

Deaoobridor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  disco- 

▼erer,  inventor ;  scoat. 

Descobrimento,  sm.  discovefj, 

detection,  invention. 
Descobrir,  va.  to   discover,  to 

nncover,  to  disclose,  to  reveal, 

to  open.  Descobrir-se,  vr.  to  un- 

cover  one's  self,  to  puU  off  one^s 

hat.   Isto  ha  de  — ,    time  will 

bring  it  to  light.  [boldly. 

Descocadamente ,    adu.    over- 
Descocado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bold,  im- 

pudent,  brazen-faced. 
Descocar-se,  vr.  to  grow  impu- 

dent  or  insolent.  [lency. 

Descoco,  sm.   impadence,  inso- 
Desoodeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ^rithout 

the  crust.  Pão — ,  chipped  bread. 
Descodear,  va.  to  take  ont  the 

crust.  —  o  pão,  to  chip  bread. 
Descomedidamente,  adv,  immo- 

Descomedido,  a,  pp.  adj.  rude, 

immodest,  rough. 
Descomedimento,  sm.  -want  of 

moderation,  incivility. 
Descomedir-se ,  vr.  to  behave 

without  moderation,  to  be  rash. 
Descomer,  va.   to  evacuate  bv 

stool.  [coaíed. 

Desconiido,    a,    pp.  adj.    era- 
Desconuuercio ,  sm.    want     of 

Descommodidade ,   sf.    distor- 

bance.  Com — ,  incommodiously. 
Descommodo,  sm.  incommodity, 

Descomonunal,  adj.  2  g.    disor- 

dered,  unruiy.  [orderly. 

Descommnnalmente,  adv.  dia- 
Descompadrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 

agreed  -with  ene. 
Descompadrar,  va.  to  separate 

a  friend  of  another.  — ,  vn.  to 

vary,  to  desagree. 
Descompassadamente,  ad».  ex- 

ceedingly.  [of  mea^nre. 

Descompassado,  a,  pp.  adj.  out 
Descompassar,  va.  to  do  a  thing 

without  proportion  or  modera- 
tion. Descompassar-se,  vr.  to  be 

out  of  measure. 
Descompasso,  sm.  want  of  mear 

sure,  confosion. 
Descompensação  t  sf.    wiihoiii 



—  284  — 


Descompensar,  va.   to  meet  a 

debt  with  a  credit. 
Descompor,  va.  to  discompose. 

to  disorder ;  to  affront,  to  abuse 

with  ill  lanffuage.  Descompár- 

se^  vr.  to  pull  off  one's  proper 

cloths ;  to  be  disturbed  or  put 

out  of  countenance. 
Descomposição,  sf,  abusive  or 

insulting  language;    disorder- 

Descompostamente,    adv.   dis- 

Descomposto,  a,  pp.  adj.  disor- 

dered,      affronted,     immodest. 

Gritos  —s,  confused  cries.  J/u- 

Iher     descomposta^     a     "woman 

clothed  with  indecency. 
Descompostura,  sf,  immodesty, 

indecency.  [to  offend. 

Descomprazer,  va.  to  displease, 
Descomprazido,  a,  pp.  aaj.  un- 

pleased,  displeased. 
Descommungar,  va.  to  free  or 

release   from  the  excommuni- 

Desconcertadamente,  adv.  dis- 

orderly,  immoderately. 
Desconcertado,  a,  pp.  adj.  disor- 

dered,   irregular.  Homem  — ,  a 

man  that  is  not  in   a   gentle 

Desconcertador ,  sm.    he   who 

puts  something  out  of  order. 
Desconcertar,  va.  to  disorder,  to 

put  out  of  order.  Desconcertar- 

«e,  vr.  —  com  alguém^  to  break 

a  bargain. 
Desconcerto,  sm.  disorder,  con- 

fusion.  —  nos  costumes^  liber- 

Desconchavado,   a,    adj.    dis- 

sented,  disagreed;  harsh. 
Desconchavar-se ,  vr.    to    dis- 

agree,  to  dissent.  [foolery. 

Desconchavos,  sm,  pi.  nonsense, 
Desconcordado,  a,  pp.  adj,  dis- 
agreed, dissented ;  untunable. 
Desconcordancla,  sf.  variance, 

disagreeing ;  difference. 
Desconcordante,  ac^.  2  g.   dia- 

ag^reed,  incoherent. 
Desconcordar,  va.  to  yary,  to 

dissent,  to  disagree. 

Desooncorde,  adj.  2  g.  dissented, 

that  disagrees  in  opinion. 
Desconcordia,  sf.  want  of  peace 

or  harraony.  [dently. 

Desconfiadamente,  ado.  difn- 
Desconfiado,  a,  ^p.  adj.  suspi^ 

cious,  jealous,  distrustful. 
Desconfiança,  sf.  distrust,   dif- 

fidence,  suspicion. 
Desconfiar,  vn.    to  distrust,  to 

suspect.  —  com  alguém^  to  fali 

out  with  one. 
Desconformado,  a,  pp.  adj.  not 

resig^ed,  disagreed. 
Desoonformar,  vn.  to  disagree, 

to  dissent. 
Desconforme,    adj.  2  g.     dis- 
agreeing, unconform. 
Desconf ormemente ,  ado.    dis- 

Desconformidade ,   sf.    uncon^ 

formity,  dissent. 
Desconfortado,  a,  j^.  adj.  dia- 

comforted,  disheartened. 
Desconfortar,  va.  to  discomfort, 

to  dishearten. 
Desconforto,    sm.     discourage- 

ment,  disheartening. 
Descongelado,  a,    pp.  adj.   an- 

Descongelar,  va.  to  uncongeal. 
Desconhecedor,  a,  sm.  or  /.  un- 

Desconhecer,  va.  to  unknow,  to 

mistake   one   for   another;    to 

disown.  Desconhecer-se  ^  vr.  to 

be  unknown. 
Desconliecidamente ,   adv.  un- 

thankfolly,  ungratefully. 
Desconhecido,  a,  pp,  aaj.    un- 
known, ungrateful. 
Desconhecimento,  sm.  ungrate* 

Desconjunção,  sf.  dislocation; 

(surg.)  luxation. 
Desconjuntado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 

located,  put  out  of  joint. 
Desconjuntamento,  sm.  dislo- 
Desconjuntar,  va.  to  dislocate, 

to  put  out  of  joint. 
Desconjunto,   a,  pp,   irreg.  of 

Desoonjuntura,  sf.  dislocation. 


—  285  — 


Desconsagrar,  va.  to  profane, to 

Desconsentido,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 
sented,  not  consented. 

Desconsentixnento,  sm.  dis- 
agreement.  [disagree. 

Desconsentir.  vn.  to  dissent,  to 

Disconsiderado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ne- 
glected,  disrespected. 

Desconsolação,  sf.  disconsola- 
tion.  [consolately. 

Desconsoladamente,  adv.  dis- 

Desconsolado,  a,  pp.  adj  discon- 
solate,  afflicted.  [forting. 

Desconsolador,  a,  adj.  discom- 

Desconsolar,  vn.  to  discorafort. 
Desconsolar-se,  vr.  to  grow  sad. 

Desconsolativo,  a,  adj.  dis< 
pleasing,  discomforting. 

Descontado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 
counted,  deducted. 

Descontamento,  sm.  discount, 
deduction ;  compensation. 

Descontar,  va.  to  discount;  to 
compensate.  Descontar-se^  vr.  to 
be  discounted  or  deducted. 

Descontentadlço,  a,  adj.  peev- 
ish,  discontented.  [tented. 

Descontentado,  a,pp.a(2;.discon- 

Desoontentamento,  sm.  discon- 
tent,  uneasiness. 

Descontentar,  va.  to  discontent, 
to  displease. 

Descontentativo,  a,  adj.  dis- 
pleasing,  discontenting. 

Descontente,  adj.  2  g.  discon- 
tented, discontent. 

Descontento ,  sm.  discontent, 
uneasiness.  [nency. 

Descontinencia,     sf.     inconti- 

Descontlnuação,  sf.  disconti- 
nuation,  discontinuance. 

Desoontinuadamente,  adv.  in- 

Descontinuado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 
continued.  [discontinuer. 

Descontinnador,  a,  adj.  and  s. 

Descontinuar,  discontinue. 

D^conto,  sm.  discount,  deduc- 
tion; compensation.  —  em  cer- 
tas fazendas  para  compensar  o 
peso  das  saccas,  etc,  draft,tret, 
doff.  Descontos^  sm.  pi.  V.  Dis^ 

Desconvenlencia,  sf.  disagree- 

Desconveniente ,  adj.  2  g.  dis- 

agreeing,  disconvenient. 
Desconversação,  sf.  unsociable- 

ness.  [frequented. 

Desconversado,  a,  pp.  adi.  un- 
Desconversar ,   va.  to  cnange 

the  subject  of  a  discourse. 
Desconversavel,  adj.  2  g.  unso- 

ciable,  not  conversable. 
Desoonversavelmente,  adv.  un- 

Desoonverter,  va.  to  turn  to  a 

wrong  sense;  to  pervert. 
Desconvertido,  a,  pp.  adj.  j>er- 

verted,  corrupted.  [vited. 

Desoonvldado,  a,  pp.  adj.  desin- 
Desconvidar,  va.  to  desinvite. 
Desconvindo,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 

sented,  disagreed. 
Desconvir,  vn.  to  vary,  to  dis- 
sent, to  disagree. 
Descorado,    a,  pp.  adi.    disco- 

loured  :pale,'wan.  [wanness. 
Desooramento,  sm.  paleness. 
Descorar,  vn.  to  fade,  to  faint,  to 

decay.  [strip. 

Descorchar,  va.  to    clear;    to 
Descorçoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  discou- 

raged.  [ragement. 

Descorçoamento ,    sm.   discou- 
Descorçoar,  va.  to  discourage, 

to  dishearten. 
Descomado,  a,  pp.  adj.  nunched 

or  gored  with  a  norn ;  deprived 

of  horns. 
Descomar,  va.  to  punch  or  gore 

with  the  horns;  to  deprive  of 

horns.  [ed. 

Descoroado,  a, pjj.  adj.  uncrown- 
Descoroar,  va.  to  uncrown. 
Descorreger-se,  vr.  to  disorder, 

to  throw  one's  self  into  confu- 

sion.  [fronted,  reviled. 

Descortejado,   a,  pp.   adj.   af- 
Descortejar,  va.  to  disrespect,  to 

abuse.  [unkind,  unpolite. 

Descortez,  adj.  m.  discourteous. 
Descortezia,  sf.  incivility,   dis- 

courtesy.  [unkindly. 

Descortezmente,  adv.  uncivilly* 
Descortiçado,   a,  pp.  adj.  ^la-- 



—  2S6  — 


Descortiçar,  va.  to  take  off  the 

bark  of  trees. 
Descortinado,  a.,pp.  adj.  opened, 

without  curtain. 
Descortinar,  va.  [fort.)  to   pull 

down  the  curtain ;  to  see,  to 

discover;  to  lav  open.  Descorti- 

nar-se^  vr.  {fig.)  to  declare  one's 

self.  [discovering. 

Descortino,  sm.  (cmc.)  the  act  of 
Descosedura,    sf.    ripping,   un- 

Descoser,  va.  to  rip,  to  unstitch 

or  unse-w.  Descoser-se,  vr.  to  be 

unsewed ;  fig.)  to  reveal  one's 

Descosido,  a,  pp.  adj.  unsewed, 

rijpt,  unstitchea ;  {fig.)  desultory. 

Éstylo  — ,  desultory  style. 
Desoostumado,  a,  j7p.  adj.  unac- 

customed,  disused. 
DeaooBtamar,  va.  to  break  off^  to 

wean  from  a  custom.  Descostu^ 

mar-se,  vt\  to  disuse,  to  leave 

off.  [sage. 

Descostume,  sm.  disnse,  disu- 
Desootoado,    a,    adj.    without 

cotton;  (fig.)  shameless,  impu- 

dent.  Élle  é  de  todo  o  ponto  — , 

he  has  lost  ali  shame. 
Desootrtado,  a,  pp.  adj.  conspi- 

cuous;  bereaved  of  the  privi- 

lege  of  being  an  asjlum. 
Descontar,  va.  to  bereave  a  place 

of  the  privilege  of  being  an  asy- 

Descravado,  a,p/).  ad/.unnailed 
Descravar,  va.  to   unnail ;   to 

take  a  stone  out  of  a  ring. 
Descrédito,  sm.  discredit. 
Descrença,  sf.  disbelief,  incredu- 

lity.  [and  Discrepar. 

Descrepancia,    v.   Discrepância 
Descrer,  va.  to  disbelieve. 
Descrever,  va.  to  describe  ;  to 

Descrido,  a,  pp.  adj.  disbelieved. 
Descriminado,  a,  pp.  adj.  clear 

or    discharged   from    iraputed 
^ilt.  [to  justify. 

Deaciiminar,  va.  to  discliaTge, 
Descripç^o^  sf.  descriptioií. 
i>esoriptivo,  a,  adj.  descriçlWe, 

DesoriptO;  a,  pp.  adj.  described, 

Descriptor,  sm.  describer. 
Descrucificar,  va\  to  take  awav 

of  a  crucinx  or  cross.  [ea. 

Descruzado,  a,  i?p.  adj.  nncross- 
Descrazar,  va.  to  uncross. 
Descubrir,  va.  V.  Descobrir  and 

Descuidadamente,    adv.    care- 

lessly,  negligently. 
Descuidado,  a,i7p.  adj.  carelesa, 

Descuidar,    va.  to  make  negli- 

gent,  to  overlook  Descuidar-se^ 

vr.  to  neglect,  to  be  careless. 
Descuido,  sm.  negligence,  care^ 

lessness.  [careless. 

Descuidoso,  a,  adj.  negligente 
Desculpa,    sf.  excuse,    evasion. 

Peço  lhe  — ,  I  be^  your  pardon. 

— ,  {in  law)  essoin,  excuse. 
Desculpação,  sf.  excuse. 
Desculpado,  a,  pp.  acf/.excused, 

exculpated.  [ser. 

Desculpador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  excu- 
Desculpar,  va.  to  excuse,  to  ex- 

culpate,  to  pardon.  Desculpar^ 

se,  vr.  to  decline,  to  plead,.  to 

exculpate.  to  justify. 
Desculpável,  ad/.  2  g.  excusable, 

pardonable.  [sably. 

Desculpavelmente,  adv.  excu- 
Descuriosamente,  adv.  without 

curiosity,  negligentlj. 
Descuriosidade,  sf.  incuriosity, 

incuriousness,  carelessness. 
Descurioso,  a.  adj.    incurions, 

careless,  negligent. 
Descurvar,  va.  to  unbend. 
Desdado,  a,  pp.  adj.  untied,  re- 

Desdar,  va.  to  untwist  a  rope. 

—  um  nó,  to  untie  a  knot. 
Desde,  prep.   from,  since,  after, 

as  soon  as.  —  aqui,  from  thi» 

place.     —   quando?  how  long 

since  or  ago?  —  pouco,  lately. 
Desdém,  sm.  disdain,  scorn,  con- 

tempt.  Tratar  com  — ,  to  over- 
look. [dained. 
DeBâL«cihaÀc^>  ^^  w«   <^^-   <^>a^ 
De«dAT^QL<dcOT>  'O.,  sm.  QTt  1^  «a» 


—  287  — 


l>esdeii]iar,  va.  to  diadam,   to 

sconi.  Deadenhar-se  (de),  vr.  not 

to  deign. 
Desdeauxativo,     a,     adj.     that 

disdains.  [be  disdained. 

Deadanhavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 
DesdeiLho,  sm.  disdain. 
Desdenhosasnente ,    adn.    dis- 

dainfully,  contemptuously. 
Desdenhoso,  a,  adj.  disdainful, 

Rcornful ;  haughty,  demura. 
Desdentado,  A^pp.  adj.  toothiess. 
Desdentar,  va.  to  raake  toothiess. 

jDesdentar-se,  vr.  to  lose  one'8 

Desdita,  sf.  misfortune,  calaimty. 
Desditado,  a,  adj.  unfcurtunate. 
Desdito,  a,  pp.  irr.  of  Desdizer. 
Desditosaaaente,  cdv.  nnforta- 

nately.  [unha4>p3'. 

Desditoso,  a,  adj.  unfortunate, 
Desdizer,  va.  and  n.  to  contra- 

dict,  to  misbecome,  to  difiagree, 

to  differ.  Lesdizer-se,  vr.  to  un- 

aay,  to  retract,  to  recant. 
Desdizimento.  sm.  the  act  of 

unsaying,  retractation. 
Desdobrado,  a,,pp.  adj.vsifolàeá. 
Desdobrar,    va.    to   unfold,   te 

o^en.Desdobrar-se  ,vr.  to  expand, 

to  be  unfolded.  [or  ungilt. 

Desdoirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ongilded 
Desdoirar  or  Desdoiurar,  va.  to 

ungild,  to  take  oíf  the  gilding; 

to  darken.  Desdoirar^e,  vr.  to 

lose  the  gilding. 
Desdoiro  or  Desdouro,  sm.  spot, 

bleraish ;  diahonour. 
Deseccação,  sf.  desiccation,  ex- 

Deseccado,  SL.pp.  adj.  desiccated. 
Deseccamento,  sm.  desiccation. 
Deseocante,  adj.  2  g.  desiccative, 

drjing  up. 
Deseccar,  va~  to  dry,  to  drjr  ap, 

to  desiccate.  Deseccar-se,  vr.  to 

^\y  «Pi  to  be  drained ;  (fíg.S  to 

with«r.  [açttoory. 

Deseecativo,  a,  adj.  desiccative, 
Desedipsado,  a,í)p.  adj.  uneclip- 

sed,  unclouded. 
DeseoUpaar,  va.  to  unelouú.  De- 

sec^sarse,  vr.  to  he  uneclipsed 
ar  iree  frota  ohuéa. 

Desedificação,  sf,  scandaL,  bad 
example.  [Ii2ed,unedified. 

Desedificado,  a,  pp,  adj.  scanda- 

Desediíicador,  a,  sm.  or  /.  ono 
that  scandaii2ea. 

Desedificar,  va.  to  scandalize. 

DeaedifioatiTO,   a,  adj.  unedi- 

Desegurar,  va.  to  take  away  the 

vire,  to  make  unsure. 
Desejado,  a,  pp,  adj.  4esired, 

"wished.  [-wisher. 

De8e}ador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  desirer. 
Desejar,  va.  to  desire^to  wish,  to 

long  for.  Esta  obra  não  deixa 

nada  a  — ,  this  "work  is  very  sa- 

tisfactorv.  [eligible. 

Desejável,  adj,  2  g.   desirahle. 
Desejo,  5771.  wísh,  desire,  mind. 
Deseíosameaite,  adv^  desirously, 

wishfully.  [ou*. 

Desejoso,  a,  adj.  -vishful,  deair- 
Deseínalbear,    va.    to  recovar 

alieuated  thinga.  [trunk. 

Desembabular,  va.  to  empty  a 
Desembainhado,  a,  j>p.a<2;.  an- 

Desembainhadura,  sf.  the  act 

of  unsheathing  a  sword. 
Desembainhar,  va.  to  unsheath, 

to  drav.  [packed. 

Desembalado ,  a ,  pp.  adj.    un- 
Desembsdar,  va.  to  unpack. 
Desembaadeirado,  a,  pp.  adj. 

without  flag  or  ensign.  [flag. 
Desembandeirar,  va.  to  take  a 
Desembaraçadamente ,      adv. 

speedily,  without  hinderance. 
Desembaraçado,    a,   pp,    adj, 

prompt,  disembarrassed,  quiciL 
Desembaraçar,  va.  to  disembax^ 

rass,  to  clear,  to  disentangle. 

JDesembaraçar-se,  to  diaeiítangle, 

to  get  clear  oK, 
Desembaraço,  «m.diseatangling, 

Desembaralhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  se- 

parated,  disentangied. 
Desembaralhar,    vn.  to  disen- 
tangle, to  seçaxaAA.. 
Desemboscaj^^ ,     »^-     íívvsvBr 



—  288  — 


Desembaroadoiro,  sm.  landing- 

Desembarcar,  va.  or  n.  to  disem- 

bark,  to  land,  to  set  on  shore. 

Desembarcar-se,  vr.  to  land  one's 

Desexnbargadamente,a(2v.  free- 

ly,  without  restraint. 
Desembargado,  a,  pp.  adj.  set 

at  liberty. 
Desembargador,   sm.    a    chief 

judge,  chief  magistrate. 
Desembargamento,  sm,  deliver- 

ance,  despatch. 
Desexxíbargar,  va.  to  despatch ; 

to  take  on  an  embargo ;  to  set 

at  liberty. 
Desembargo,  sm.  taking  off  an 

embargo ;  despatch.  flanding. 
Desembarque  ,57n.  disembarking, 
Desembebedado,  a,  pp.  adj.  so- 

bered,  recovered  from  drunkèa- 

ness.  [from  drunkenness. 

Desembebedar,  va.  to  recover 
Desembestado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

bridled;  unruly. 
Desembestar,  va.  to  discharge, 

to  grow  unruly.  [sionated. 

Dasembirrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unpas- 
Desembirrar,  va.  to  put  out  of 

conceit  with.  V.  Desagastar. 
Desemboccado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 

Desemboccadura,  sf.  the  mouth 

of  a  river. 
Desemboccar,    vn.    to    disem- 

bogue,  to  fali  into. 
Desembolsado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 

bursed.  [to  expend. 

Desembolsar,  va.  to  disburse, 
Desembolso,  sm.  disbursement, 

Desemborrachado,  a,  pp.  adj. 

sobered,    {among    siloer-smiths) 

made  white. 
Desemborrachar,  va.  to  sober, 

{among  silver-smiths)  to  blanch. 
Desemboscado,   a,  pp.  adj.  to 

driven  out  of  ambush. 
i7asemboscar,  va.  to  rush  out 
from  an  ambuscade  cr  ambusb.. 
2>e0embraçado ,    a,    pp.    adj. 
(à^ald.)  ia    said   of  a    shieU 
t&kea  awajr  of  an  arm. 

Desembraçar,  va.  Uierald,)  to 

take  a-way  the  shiela  of  an  arm. 
Desembravecer,  va.   to   tame, 

to   mitigate,    to    domesticate. 

Desemhravecer-se^  vr.  to  be  ap- 

peased.  [tamed,  appeasea. 

Desembravecido ,  a,  pp.  adj. 
Desembsaveclmento ,    sm.  ta- 

ming.  [out  of  the  bushes. 

Desembrenbado,  a,  pp.  adj.  put 
Desembrenhar ,    va.    to    draw 

forth  any  thing  from  a  place 

full  of  brambles. 
Desembriagado ,  a,    pp.    adj, 

mside  sober.  [sober. 

Desembriagar ,    va.    to    make 
Desembrulhadamente ,      adv, 

clearly,  freely. 
Desembrulhado,  a,    pp.   adj. 

opened,  unfolded. 
Desembrulbador^  a,  sm.   or  f. 

one  that  opens  oriínfolds. 
Desembrulhar,  va.  to  open,  to 

Desembrulho,  sm.  unraveling. 
Desembuçadamente,  adv.  open- 

ly,  publicly.  [muftted. 

Desembuçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 
Desembuçar,  va.    to  unmuffle. 

Desembuçar-se^  vr.  to  unmuffle 

one's  self.  [vealed. 

Desembuchado,  a,  pp.  adj.  re- 
Desembuchar,    va.    to    reveal 

secrets ;  to  purge,  to  clear. 
Desemburrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made 

Desemburrar,  va.  to  polish  or 

civilize.  V.  Desasnar. 
Desemmalado,  a,  pp.  adj.  taken 

away  of  a  portmanteau. 
Desemmalar,  va.  to  unpack  a 

Desemmaranhado,  a,  pp.  adj. 

Desenunaranhar,  va.  to  disen- 

tangle,  to  unravel. 
Desemmiassado,  a,  pp.  adi.  un- 

packed,  undone.  fundo. 

Desemjnassar,  va.  to  unpack,  to 
Desemjnolnhado,  a,  pp.   adj. 



—  289  — 


person's  tongue.  — ,  vn.  to  break 

Desempachadaznente ,      adv. 

without  hinderance. 
Desempachado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 

embarrassed,  disentangled. 
Deseinpachar,  va.  tó  take  awav 

loathing,  to  bring  the  stomach 

to  an  appetite ;  to  clear,  to  dis- 

embarrass.  Desempachar-se,  vr. 

to  discharge  one's  stomach. 
Desexnpacho,  sm.  forwardness. 
Desempado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unprop- 

Desempanar,  va,    to   clean    a 

glass  or  any  thing  tarnished. 
Desexupapar,  va.  V.  Alisar ^  and 

Desempapelado,  SL,pp.  adj.  un- 

folded  of  a  paper. 
Desexnpapelar ,    va.   to   unfold 

any  thing  covered  with  paper. 
Desexnpar,  'va.  to  take  away  the 

props  from  under  the  vines. 
Desemparado,  a,  pp.  adj.  aban- 
donei, forsaken. 
Desemparar,  va.  to  abandon,  to 

forsake.  [unmatched. 

Desemparelhado ,   &,  pp.   adj. 
Desemparelhar,  unmatch, 

to  dispair.  Desemparelhar-se^  vr. 

to  be  disparaged. 
Desemparo ,    sm    abandoning , 

I>e8einpatado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made 

unequal ;  frec  from  any  hinder- 

Desexripatar,  va.  %o  make  une- 

ã^^l»  (/*S'  )  to  remove  any  hih- 
erance.  [casting  vote. 

Desempate,  sm.  the  aotion   of 

Pesempavezado,  a,  pp.  adj.  (a 
sea  term)  without  fight. 

Desempavezar,  va.  to  take  away 
the  waste  cloths  that  shelter 
the  men  from  the  enemy  in  a 
fight.  [speedilv. 

Desempeçadamente,  aav. 

Desempeçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 
embarrassed.  [rass. 

I>eBeinpeçar,  va.  to  dísembar- 

Desempecar,  va.  to  cJear,  to  dis- 

eacaiDÔer.  fbarrassed. 

^^^^mp9oido,  a,  pp.  adj,  disem- 

Partb  I. 

Desempeço,  sm.  riddance. 
Desempedemido,   a,  pp.  adj, 

unpaved;  {fig.)  softened. 
Desempedernir,  va.  to  unpave ; 

ifig.)  to  soften.  [paved. 

Desempedrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 
Desempedrar,  va.  to  unpave. 
Desempegado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 

is  taken  away  of  an  abyss. 
Desempegar,  va.  to  take  awa3' 

of  an  abyss. 
Desempenado ,    a ,     pp.     adj. 

squared,  made  even. 
Desempenar,     va.    {carp.)     to 

square,  to  set  even  a  board  that 

has  been  warped. 
Desempenhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 

engaged,  redeemed. 
Desempenhador ,  a,  sm.  or  f. 

one  that  redeems  or  disengages. 
Desempenhamento,  sm.  disen- 

gagement.  redeeming. 
Desempenhar,   va.  to  redeem, 

to.  disengage,  to   acquit.  —   a 

palavra,  to  perform  one's  vord. 

Desempenhar-se,  vr.  to  pay  one^s 

debts,  to  redeem  one's  self. 
Desempenho,  sm.  redeemin  g  of  a 

pledge ;  disengagement ;  the  act 

of  discharging  one's  self  from 

an  obligation. 
Desempeno,  sm.  the  action  of 

making    straight    or    even    a 

Desemperrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 

becomes  pliant. 
Desemperrar,    vn,  to   becomo 

pliant,  to  yield.  [ing. 

Desemperro,  sm.  the  act  of  yield- 
Desempestado,  a,  pp.  adj.  des- 

infected,  purified. 
Desempestar,  va.  to  desinfect, 

to  purify.  [from  dust. 

Desempoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cleaned 
Desempoar,  va.  to  clean  from 

dust.  [poverty. 

Desempobrecer,  va.  to  free  from 
Desempoçado,   a,  pp.  adj.  re- 

moved  from  a  well. 
Desemnocax ,  -oa.  Xo  tcvslos  ç>  ^tcí\^ 

a  iíre\\.  \^^^- 

DeBempo\eaâ.o,QL,  -pp.  <^^i;/^^^^- 
BeaQmpo\eacmAia^>  ^«^Jr J. 


Z3S^~  J":..WIi  ■  J^  ■!■■!. 


290  — 


Desexnpolear,  va.  to  deslnfect, 

to  p  uri  fy. 
Desempolgado,  a,  pp.  adj.  free 

from  the   claws  of  a    bird  of 

Desempolgar,  va.  to  loose    off 

one's  claws.  [obstacle. 

Desempôr,  va.  to  take  away  an 
Desempossado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 

Desempossar,  va.  to  dispossess. 
Desemposto,  a,  pp.  adj.  without 

any  thing  placed  between. 
Desemprastar,  va.  to  take  oíF  a 

plaster.  [ployed. 

Desempregado,  a,pp.  adj.  unem- 
Desempregar,  va.  to  dismiss,  to 

discard  from  office,  etc. 
Desemprenhar,   vn.   to  lie   in. 

V.  Parir ;  {fig.)  to  communicate 

a  secrct  reliictantly. 
Desempulliado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 

has  returned  raillery  for  rail- 

Desempulhar-se,  vr.  to  return 

raillery  for  raillery. 
Desempunliado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

Desempunhar,  va.  to  unhaft. 
Desencabeçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 

suaded.  [to  undeceive. 

Desencabeçar,  va.  to  dissuade, 
Desencabrestadamente ,    adv. 

full  speed;  rashly. 
Desencabrestado,  a,   pp.    adj. 

unhaltered.  —  sm.  a  rake. 
Desencabrestar,  va.  tounhalter. 

Desencabrestar'se,  vr.  to  be  un- 
haltered.       [engaged,  opened. 
Desencachado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 
DesencacbsLr,  va.  to  disen^age, 

to  open.  [chained. 

Desencadeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 
Desencadear,    va.  to  unchain; 

[fig.)  to  desunite. 
Desencademado,   a,    pp.   adj. 

unbound;  disjointed. 
Desencadernar,    va.  to  unbind 

papers;  to  disjoin. 
Desencaixado,  a,  pp.  adj.  à\%- 
jointed.  \>^6- 

•Z^OBencaizamento,  sm.  diB^omtr 
I>eseiicaijEar,  va,  to  dia^oVn.t,  to 

Desencaixe,  sm.  disjointing. 
Desencaixotado ,    a,    pp.   adj, 

that  is  taken  out  of  a  box. 
Desencaixotar,  va.  to  take  out 

of  a  box. 
Desencalhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  {a  sea 

term)  that  is  set  aíioat. 
Desencalhar,  va.  (a  sea  temi) 

to  set  afloat.  —  um  navio^  to  get 

off    a   vessel    that    "was    run 

aground.  —  vn.  to  come  off  from 

a  sand. 
Desencalhe,  sm.    the    act  and 

effect  of  setting  afloat. 
Desencalmadamente,  adv.  cool- 

ly,  coldly.  [freshed,  cool. 

Desencalmado,  a,  pp.  adj.  re- 
Desencalmar,  vn.  to  cool,  to  re- 

fresh.  Desencalmar-se,  vr.  to  be 

refreshed,   to  be   appeased  or 

Desencaminhadamente ,    adv. 

in  the  bad  way,  out  of  the  "way. 
Desencaminhado,  a,  pp.  adj. 

that  is  out   of   the  way;   pei> 

Desenoaminhador,   a,    sm.   or 

f.   he  or  she  who  puts  out  of 

the  "way. 

Ing,  deviation. 
Desencaminhar,  va.  to  put  out 

of  the  "way,  to  pervert,  to  mis- 

guide.  Desencaminhar-se^  vr.  to 

go  astray ;  to  be  perverted. 
Desencamisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

hooded  (the  hawk). 
Desencamisar,    va,   to  u»iiooa 

the  hawk. 
Desencampado,  «,  pp*  adj.  re- 
turned or  sent  back. 
Desencampar,  va.  to  return  a 

thing  sold  as  good,  notbeing  so. 
Desencanalhado,  a,  pp  adj.  that 

is  taken  away  of  the  rabble. 
Desencanalhar,  ua.  to  take  away 

of  the  rabble.  [ment. 

Desencantação,  sf.  disenchant* 
Desencantado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 

DeaenoAXitador.  a«  sm.  or  f,  he 

'DQBSXicaxiXAxa<«íx\A  ^  &m.  ^iÀasw&.« 

Desencantar,  ca.  ta  decbinn,  ta 

Seaanoanto,    sm.    decharming, 
Desenoantoada      a.  pp-    adj- 

DBBenoapBllado,  a.  pp.  i"lj-  uo- 
sUar,  ™.  (D  ™  Um) 

™«1T  (=p 

flEg  o 

Qesaacarcaradõ,  a,  pp.  adj.  ua- 

DsBencBToerar.  na.  ta  free  tnm 
De^eDOarregado ,    a ,    pp.    oAj. 

diachargçd;  IVec. 
BeaenCBrreaBDieDto.  m.  dia- 


DeaanCHHquetar .    do.    to    dis- 

enrDj(rueíar-je,  ur,  to  be  nnde- 

^eaencastellado,  a ,    pp-    adj. 

bBflt  or  (Irivpp  oiit  of  a  castle. 

Seasncaatellar,  tu,  lo  drive  aul 

lastoado,  a,   pp.  adj.  t 

a.  ta  unhaa 
I.  V.  Desencaixar. 
3.  pp.  adj.  dis- 

olosB,  to  eipoae.  Deieicerrar^e, 

Deaenoolfado,  a,  pp.  adj.  uaco- 

DeoenixilfBr,  oo.  to  take  out  tho 

Deaeuoolado.    a.  pp.  adj.    un- 

DeaencolerlBado . 

appeased,  .lali.ird 

DasenoolGrLsar,  i 

Qseenooihar.  va. 
DeaenEolbJdo,  b,/-. 

,  .iQglue 



.  PP-  aaj. 


nd.    flcssfl- 



diísire  lu  b 

pp.    'adj. 




DasenconoUar,  th 

tKke  oat 




0  fronl  a 


ontrado.  a 


.«*-.  «a- 




S«,  dis- 






Mntro,   nn 





Desenoostalado,  a,  pp.  uif).  i 


—  «92  — 


Desencorar,  va.  to  dig  oat,  to 

ferret.  [or  slender. 

Desencrassar,  va.  to  make  sm&ll 

Desencravado,  a,  pp.  adj,  un- 

Desencravar.  vn.  (artil.)  to  un- 

nail ;  to  unspíke  a  cannon ;  to 

rid  from  the  mire.  [curled. 

Desencrespado,  a,  pp.  adj.  im- 
Desencrespar,  va.  to  uncurl. 
Desexiciirralado ,    a,    pp.    adj, 

without  a  stable. 
Desencurralar,  va.  to  take  out 

of  a  stable. 
Desendeusado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 

is   undeceived   of  the  preten- 

tion  or  vanity  of  being  above 

Desendensar,  va.  to  nndeceive 

one  of  the  jpretention  of  being 

above  mankind. 
Desendividado,  a,  pp.  adj.  free 

from  debts. 
Desendividar ,  va.  to  pay  the 

debts   of   one.  Desendiviãar-se, 

vr.  to  pay  one's  debts. 
Desenfadadamente,  adv.  pleas- 

antly.  [amusing. 

Deseníadadiço,  a.  adj.  pleasant, 
Desenfadado,  a.,pp.aaj.  pleasant, 

merry.  [tranquillity. 

DesenfadamentOi^m.  diversion. 
Desenfadar ,  va.   to   please,  to 

ease  of  vexation.  [quillity. 

Desenfado,  .vm.  diy*rsion,  tran- 
Desenfaixado,  a,  pp.  adj.    un- 

rollcd,  unbound.  [bind. 

Desenfaixar,  va.  to  unroll,  to  un- 
Desenfardado ,  b.,  pp.  adj.  un- 

packed.  [open  a  pack. 

Desenfardar,  va.  to  unpacK,  to 
Desenfardelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

Desenfardelar,  va.  to  unpack. 
Desenfastiadamente,  adv.  pret- 

tily,  smartly;  with  good  appe- 

Desenfastiadiço ,  a,  adj.   that 

excites  the  appetlte. 
Doseníastíado,  a,  pp,  adj.  le- 

stored  to  appetitc. 

Deseníeitar,  va.  to  take  &wbj 

the  omament  or  attire.  Desen- 

feitar-êe.  vr.  to  be  unadomed. 
Deseníeitiçado,  Si.  pp.  adj.  dis- 

enchanted,  unbe'«itched. 
Desenfeitiçar,  ca.  to  disenchant, 

to  unbewitch. 
Desenfeixado,  a,  pp.  adj.    un- 

tied,  imdone. 
Desenfeixar,   va.    to    nntie    a 

bundle,  to  nndo  a  fagot. 
Desenferrajado ,    a,    pp.    adj. 

cieared  from  rust.  [rost. 

Desenferrujar ,  va.  to  get  out 
Desenfezado,  a,  pp.  adj.  porged 

from  dregs,  refined. 
Desenfezar,  va.  to  purge  from. 

dregs,  to  refine.  [threaded. 

Desenfiado,  a,    pp.  adj.     un- 
Desenfiar,  va.  to  unthread.  De- 

sen/iar-se,  vr.  to  be  unthreaded. 
Desenforcar,  va.  to  unhang. 
Desenfomar,  va.  to  take  out  of 

an  oven.  [derly. 

Desenfreadamente,  adv.  disor- 
Desenfreado,   a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

bridled,  unnily.  fness. 

Desenfreamento ,    sm.    unruli-; 
Desenfrear,  va,  to  unbridle.  I>e- 

senfrear-se,  vr.  is  for  a  horse 

to  pull  off  the  bridle ;   {fig.)  to 

grow  unruly  in  talk  or  actions. 
Desenfreio,  sm.  unruliness. 
Desenfronhado,  a,  pp.adj.  taken 

off  from  the  pillow-case. 
Desenfronliar ,  va.  to  take  off 

the  pillow  from  the  pillo-vr-caf»*. 
Desenfureoer ,  va.  to  csàm^  to 

Desenfurecido,  a,  pp»  adj.  calm- 

ed,  appeased. 
Desengaçadamente ,   adv.    ex~ 

ceedingly,  excessively. 
Desengaçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  is  said 

of  the  stalks  deprived  from  the 

Desengaçar,  va.  to  poli  the  grapes 

from  the  stalks. 
Desengaiolado,  a,  pp.  adj,  voor 

c&ged^  free  from  a  prison. 

I^esenf aBtiar,  va,  to  restote  to  ao-  \    itee  ixwa. «.  ç-íkí^^^ .         ,     ,  . 
petite.  raàorikeAAl>«B»TV5iWi%ô»xa!BiÇft,a^^ 


—  293  — 


BesenganaaOf  a,  pp.  adj.  unde- 

ceived,  plain,  downright. 
Desenganador,  a,  sm.  or  f.   he 

or  she  vrho  undeceives. 
Desenganar,  va.  to  undeceive, 

to  disabuse.  Desenganarse^  vr. 

to  undeceive  one's  self. 
Desengano,  sm.  the   discovery 

of  a  deceit,  undeceiving. 
Desengarrafado ,   a,    pp.  adj. 

taken  out  of  a  bottle. 
Desengarrafar,  va.  to  take  out 

of  a  bottle. 
Desengastado,  a,  pp.  adj,  taken 

out  of  a  ring  (stone). 
Desengastar,  va.  to  take  a  stone 

out  of  a  ring. 
Desengolf ado ,  a ,  pp.  adj.  that 

is  out  of  a  gulph.  [a  gulph. 
Desengolfar,  va.  to  take  out  of 
Desengenhoso ,  a,  adj.    silly, 

destitute  of  capacity. 
Desengommado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

Desengonunar,  va.  to  unstarch. 

— ,  vn.  to  dissolve  the  gum. 
Desengonçadamente,  adv.  in  a 

tottering  manner. 
Desençonçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  put 

out  oí  joint. 
Desengonçar,  va,  to  loosen,  to 

put  out  of  joint. 
Desengonço,  sm.  tbe  act  of  put- 

ting  out  of  a  joint. 
Desengordado,  ai  pp.  adj.  ema- 

ciated,  lean.  [to  make  lean. 
Desengordar ,  va.  to  uiffatteu , 
Desengordurar,  va.  to  scour.  — 

«m  caldo  ^  to  skim  the  fat  of 


Desengraçadamente ,  adv.  un- 

handsomely,  ungracefully. 
Desengraçado ,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

graceful,  unpleasant. 
Desengraçar,  va.  to  make  unsa- 

voury,  insipid.  ^ 

Desengrazado,  a,  pp.  adj,  un- 

strung,  unthreaded. 
Desengrazar ,  va.    to   unstring 

beads.  Desengrazar-se,  vr.  to  be 

unstrung.  [small,  thin. 

Desengrossado,  a,  pp.  adj,  made 
I>eBeagrosBar ,    va,     to    make 

sJender,  tbin. 

Desengoiçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  free, 

that  has  changed  the  ill  luck. 
Desenguiçar,  va.  to  free  from 

ill  luck. 
Desenhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dra^n, 

sketched ;  delineated. 
Desenhador,     sm.     drawer, 

draiightsraan.  [to  design. 

Desenhar,  va.  to  draw,  to  sketch, 
Desenho,  sm.  drawing,  sketch; 

design,  purpose,  enterprise. 
Desenlaçado,   a,  pp.  adi.    un- 

laced,  loosed.  [unlacing. 

Desenlaçamento,  sm.  the  act  of 
Desenlaçar ,  va.   to  unlace ,  to 

untie.  [lacing. 

Desenlace,  sm.  the  act   of  un- 
Desenlameado,  a,  pp.  adj.  with* 

out  mud  or  mire. 
Desenlamear,  va.  to  rub  of  the 

dirt,  to  clean.  [untied. 

Desenleado,  a,  pp.  adj,  loosened. 
Desenlear,  va.  to  untie,  to  loose, 

to  unravel,  to  disentangle. 
Desenleio,  sm.    the  act  of  un- 

Desenlodado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cleaned 

of  mire,  free  from  dirt. 
Desenlodar,  va.  to  cleaa  of  mire 

or  mud. 
Desenluctar,  va.  to  put  an  end 

to  the  mourning.  Desenluctar- 

se,  vr.   to  cease   of   being  in 

mourning.  [one*s  tongue. 

Desenmudecer,    va.    to    untie 
Desennastrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  vnthr 

out  bondage,  unplaited. 
Desennastrar,  va.  to  loose,  to 

untie,  to  unmat. 
Desennevoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  with- 

out  fog  or  mist. 
Desennevoar.  va.  to  scatter,  to 

dispel  a  fog  or  mist. 
Desennovellado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

rolled,  untwisted. 
Desennovellar,  va.  to  unroll,  to 

untwine;  to  undo  a  bottom  of 

thread.  [locked. 

Desenraiado,  a,    pp.  adj.    un< 
Desenraiar,  va.  to  unlock. 
Desenredado,  ^i^  PP .  adj.  ^cva^xs.- 

DeaenredaieLOT,  ql^  %Tr»x.  ox  t-  ^ 



—  294  — 


Desenredar,  va.  to  extricate,  or 

to  disentangle. 
Desenredo,  sm.   disentangling ; 

Desenregelar,  va.  to  dissolve  or 

make  liqiiid.  Desenregelar-se,  vr. 

to  grow  liquid,  to  thaw. 
Desenrizar,  va.  {a  sea  ierm)   to 

take  thft  sail  of  the  reefts. 
Desenrolado,   a,  pp.  adj.     un- 

rolled,  clear,  plain.  • 

Desenrolar,  va.    to  unroU;    to 

examiDc.  to  oxpound. 
Desenroscado,  a,  pp.  adj.    un- 

Desenroscar,  va.  to  untwine. 
Desenrugado,  a,  pp,  adj.    un- 

Desenrugar,  va.   to  un-wrinkle. 

Desenrttgar-se ,    vr,    to  be   un- 

Desensaccado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 

is  takcn  out  of  a  sack. 
Desensaccar,  va.  to  take  out  of 

a  sack  or  bag. 
Desenseiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unbo- 

somed,  unbayed. 
Desenseiar,  va.  to  tinbosom,  to 

take  out  of  bosom.  [rantly. 

Desensinadamente,  adv.  igno- 
Desensinado ,  a ,  pp,  adj,    an- 

taught,  ignorant 
Desensinador,  a,  adj.  that  un- 

teaches  or  makes  forget. 
Desensinar,  va.  to  unteach,  to 

Desensino,  sm.  unteaching. 
Desensobcrbecer-se,  vr,  to  grov 

humble  or  niodcst. 
Desensoberbecido,  a,  pp.  adj. 

that  has  become  modest. 
Desensolvado,  a,   pp.  adj,    un- 

stopped,  opened. 
Desensolvar,  va.  to  unstop;  {art.) 

to  unload  a  caiinon. 
Desentabolar,  va.  to  give  a  free 

passage,  to  dissolve. 
Desentalar,  va.  to  put  one  out 

his  shift. 
Desentaloado,  a,  np.  adj.  with- 

out  calkfírs  or  calkins. 
Deaentaloar,  va.  to   break   or 
take  o  ff  the  calkers. 
DesentSio,  adv,  and  prep,  Insteaà 

of  Desde  então ^  since  then,  since 

that  time.  [ignorance. 

Desentender,  va.    to    pretend 
Desentendido,  a,  pp.  aoj.  that 

wants  understandmg.  Fazer-se 

— ,  to  feign  ignorance. 
Desentendimento,  sm.  want  of 

Desenterrado,  &,  pp.  adj.    un- 

buried,  disintered;  {fig.)  disco- 

vered.  [who  disinters. 

Desenterrador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he 
Desenterramento ,     sm.      un> 

Desenterrar,  va.  to  unburj,  to 

disinter ;  {fig.)  to  discover.  Í)m- 

enterrar-se^  vr.  [fig.)  to  separata 

one's  self. 
Desentesar ,  va.   to  loosen ,  to 

unbend,  to  slaken. 
Desenthesoirador,  a,  sm.  or  f. 

he  or  she  that  takes  out  of  a 

Desenthesoirar,  va.  to  take  out 

of  a  treasure. 
Desenthronisado,  a,    pp.  adj. 

Desenthronisar ,  va.  to  unthrone. 
Desentoação,  sf.  untuning,   ill- 

Desentbadamente,  adv.  discor- 

dantly,  out  of  tune. 
Desentoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unhar- 

monious,  ill-soundíng. 
Desentoamento,  sm.  untuning. 
Desentoar,  vn.  to  be  out  of  tune ; 

to  jar;  to  be  rudely  loud;  to 

utter  a  thing  unexpected. 
Desentolher,  va.  to  restore  the 

use  of  the  limbs.  Desento2àeTr-se^ 

vr.  to  recover  th©  ase  of  the 

limbs.  [pride. 

Desentonado,  a,  pp.  adj.  without 
Desentonar,  va.  to  puU  or  bring- 

down  one's  pride. 
Desentorpecer,  va.    to  remove 

stiffness.    Desentorpecer-se ,   vr, 

to  get  rid  of  a  torpor. 
Desentorpecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  qxiiç* 

kened,  revived. 
Desentrançado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un« 

^\a\tftd^  un-woven. 



—  i95  — 


Desentranliado,    a,   pp.     adj. 

embowelled ,  {fig.)  examined. 
Desentranhador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he 

or    she  who  embowels ;  {fig.) 

Desentranhar,  va.  to  embowel ; 

(fig.)  to  sift ;  to  examine. 
Desentresolhado,   a,  jm.    adj. 

broken,  penetrated    (tne  first 

Desentresolhar,  vr.  to  break  the 

surface  of  a  thing. 
Desentristecer,  va.  to  cheer  up, 

to  enliven.  — ,  vn.  to  become 

Desentristecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 

is  rejoiced. 
Desentrouxado,  a,  vp.  adj.  un- 

packed,  taken  of  a  Dundle. 
Desentrouxar,  va.  to  unpack, 

to  open  a  truss. 
Desentulhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  emp- 

tied,  cleansed. 
Desentulhador,    sm.     emptier, 

Desentulhar,  va.  to  empty,  to 

clear  from  rubbish,  to  cleanse. 
Desentulho,  sm.  rubl3ish,  Bhards, 

clearing  away.  [ped. 

Desentupido,  a,  pp.  adj.  nnstop- 
Desentuplr,  va.    to   unstop,  to 

free  from  stop  or  rubbish.  De- 

tentupirse,  vr.  to  be  free  from 

Desenvasado,  a,  pp.  adj.  taken 

out  from  the  stocks,  launched. 
Desenvasar,  va.  {a  sea  term)  to 

take  out  from  the  stocks. 
Desenvencilhado,  a,    pp.  adj. 

free  or  delivered  from  a  trouble. 
Desenvencilhar,  va.  to  free  or 

eave  one  from  a  trouble. 
Desenvenenado,  a,pp.  adj.  pre- 

served  of  a  poison. 
Desenvenenar,  va.  to  counter- 

act  poison. 
Desenvergado,  a,  pp.  adj.  (a  »ea 

term)  unbent   or   untied  from 

the  yards. 
Desenvergar,  va.  {a  sea  term)  to 

unbend  the  sails  from  the  yards. 
Desenvlolar,  va.  to  reconsecrate. 
l^Monvoltamente,  adv.  readily, 


Desenvolto,  a,  pj>.  irreg.  of  /)f- 

senvolver  and  adj.  nimble,  light ; 

licentious.  Rapaz — ,  an  unruly 

Desenvoltura,    sf.  nimbleness^ 

agility,  freedom ;  indecency,  li- 

centiousness ;  eflrontery. 
Desenvolução,  sf.  development, 

Desenvolver,  va.  to  develop,  to 

clear,    to   unravel,  to  unfold. 

Desenvolver-se,  vr.  to  develop, 

unfold  or  display  one's  self. 
Desenvolvido,  a,  pp.  adj.  deve- 

loped,  unfolded. 
Desenvolvimento,  sm.  develop- 
ment, unfolding. 
Desenvolvivel,  adj.  2  g.  explain- 

able,  explicable. 
Desenxabidamente,  adv.  insi- 

pidly,  foolishly. 
Desenacabido,   a^   adj.   insipid, 

Desenxarciado,  a.,pp.  adj.  with- 

out  shrouds  (a  ship). 
Desenxarciar,  va.  to  unrig. 
Deserção,  sf.  desertion. 
Desertação,  sf.  {in  law)  the  giving 

over  an  appeal ;  the  act  of  with- 

drawing  one's  appeal. 
Desertado,  a,  j^.  adj.  deserted, 

Desertar,  va.  to  desert ;  to  for- 

sake ;  (tn  law)  to  forsake  a  law- 

Deserto,  a,  adj.  desert,  solitary. 
Deserto,  sm.  a  desert,  a  wilder- 

Desertor,  sm.  deserter. 
Desesoureoer,    va.    and    n.    to 

clear,  to  become  clear. 
Desesoureoido,     a,     pp,    adj. 

Desespantado,  a,  pp.  adj.  nn- 

Desespantar,  va.  not  scare.  De- 

sespantar-se,  vr.  to  cease  from 

Desespanto,  «m.without  afright, 

wonder  or  surprise. 
De8espQnraL(;f^o^  sf-  í^«i«^«^^^^^'^ 

peraXioTk.  .       *^-. 

DeBe8petQLdAm«o^^A>  ad».  ^«^ 


^  296  — 


Desesperado,  a,  pp.  adj,  des- 

perate,  hopeless. 
Desesperança,  sf.  loss  of  hope, 

Desesperançado,  Sitpp.adj.  ho- 
peless, despaired. 
Desesperançar,  va.  to  put  out 

of  ali  hopes. 
Desesperar,  vn.  to  despair  of,  to 

despond.    — ,  va.    to   drive  to 

despair,    to  torment.    Desespe- 

rar-se,  va.  to  be  despaired. 
Desespero,  sm.  despair,  loss  of 

hope.  [quipped,  unrigged. 

Desesquipado,  a,  pp.  adj.  une- 
Desesquipar,  va.  to  unrig  a  ship. 
Desesteirar,  va.  to  unmat. 
Desestima,  sf.áisesteem,  neglect. 
Desestimação ,    sf.    disesteem, 

slight,  disrespect.  [pectly. 

Desestimadamente,  adv.  disres- 
Desestimado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dises- 

teemed,  contemned. 
Desestimador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  or 

she  who  dísesteems. 
Desestimar,  va.  to  disesteem,  to 

Desexcommungado,  a,pz>.  adj. 

to  free  or  release  from  tne  ex- 

Desexcommungar,  va.  to  free 

or  release  from  the  excommu- 

ni-cation.  [destroyed. 

Desfabricado,  a,|)p.  adj.  unbuilt, 
Desfabricar,  va.  to  unbuild,  to 

destroy.  Desfabricar-se^  vr.  and 

n.  to  sell  a  manufacture  work- 

house.  [brazen-faced. 

Desfaçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  impudent, 
Desfaçamento,  sm.  impudence, 

sbamelessness.  [pudent. 

Desfaçar-se,   vr.    to    erow  im- 

.  Desfalcado,    a,  pn.  aaj.   defal- 

cated,  diminishea. 
Desfalcamento,  sm.  diminution, 

defalcation.  [subtract. 

Desfalcar,   va.  to   defalcate,  to 
Desfallecente,  adj.  2  g.  faint, 

fainting.         [to  loose  courage. 
Desfallecer,  vn.  to  faint,  to  decay; 
Hosfaliecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  fainted, 
decayed.  _ 

•DasfaíZeoimento,  sm,  faintiL6B«,\"DeBítet^i,  W.  \â  *ea  icn«í\—  <» 
díscoura^ement.  \     «c^ ^  ^^  \ití\.\xt\  x^íô  «».\\%. 

Desfalque,  sm.  defalcation,  di- 
minution. [fanatism. 

Desfanatisado,  aL.pp. adi. ^ixhoxxX 

Desfanatisar,  va.  to  iree  from 
fanatism.  [humour. 

Desfastio,   sm.    appetite ;   good 

Desfavor,  sm.  distavour,  denial, 
hurt,  harm. 

Desfavorável,  adj.  2  g.  unfa- 
vourable,  contrary.  [er. 

Desfavorecedor,  sm.  disfavour- 

Desfavorecer,  va.  to  disserve,  to 
treat  with  disfavour. 

Desfavorecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 
graced,  disserved,  refused. 

Desfazedor,  sm.  he  or  she  who 
dissolves,  or  undoes. 

DcMsfazer,  va.  to  undo,  to  dissolve, 
to  scatter  or  disperse.  —  um  iid, 
to  untie  a  knot.  —  uma  muralha^ 
to  pull  down  a  wall.  —  cousa 
tecida,  to  unweave.  —  objecções, 
to  remove  objections.  vn.  —  em 
alguém,  to  find  fault  with  one. 
Desfazer-se  ^  vr.  —  de  alguma 
cousa,  to  part  with  a  thing.  — 
em  lagrimas,  to  melt  into  tears. 

Desfaasimento,  sm.  the  act  of 

Desfechado,  a^  pp.  adj.  opened, 
unlocked.  —a  mentira^  an  im- 
pudent lie. 

Desfechar,  va.  to  open,  to  unlock. 
—  uma  arma,  to  shoot,  to  fire. 
— ,  vn.  to  break  out. 

Desfecho,  sm.  solution,  unravel- 
ling  of  the  plot  of  a  play» 

Desfeiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  desngured, 

Desfeiar,  va.  to  desfigure,  to 
make  ugly. 

Desfeita,  sf.  excuse;  affiront, 
insult.  [insulted. 

Desfeiteado,a,pp.  adj.  affronted, 

Desfeitear,  va.  to  insult,  to 

Desfeito,  a,  pp.  irreg.  of  Desfa- 
zer and  adj.  undone,dissolved; 
dismissed;  very  lean. 

Desfeito,  sm.  a  sort  of  hasb  of 

DeBÍQit\dn^  ^^  pp.  adj.  loosened. 



—  297  — 


Desferrado,  a,  pp  adj.  unshod, 

having  no  shoes. 
Dealerrar,t;a.  to  unshoe  a  horse. 

—  as  velaSy  to  loosen  the  sails. 

Desferrar-^Cy    vr.  to    lose    the 

shoes  (a  horse).  [bolted. 

Desferrolhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 
Desferrolhar,   va.  to  unbolt,  to 

Desfervoroso,    a,  adj.  without 

fervour,  negligent. 
Desfiado,  a.  pp.  adj.  untwisted ; 

unravelled.  — ,  sm.  a  sort  of 

linen-cloth.  [ravelling. 

Desfiadura,  sf.  the   act  of  un- 
Destiar,  va.  and  Desfiar-se^  vr. 

to  unravel,  to  unweave. 
Desfiguração,  sf.  disâguration, 

Desfigurado,  a,  pp.  a(2;  disfígur- 

ed,  deformed.  [deform. 

Desfigurar,  va.  to  disíigure,  to 
Desfilada,  sf.  fíle,  row,  continua- 

tion.  A' — ,  fuU  speed. 
Desfiladeiro,  sm.  deíile,  deâlee. 
Desfilado,  a,pp.  adj  âled  off. 
Desfilar,  vn.  {mil.)  to  deôle,   to 

file  off. 
Desfilliado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deprived 

of  son.  —  (bot.)  arvore  des filhada, 

an  open  tree. 
Desfimar,  va.   {hot.)  to  clear  a 

tree ;  to  deprive  a  father  of  a 

son.  Desfilhar-se^  vr.  to  be  un- 

peopled.  [kled. 

Desfivelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unbuc- 
Desfivelar,  va.  to  unbuckle. 
Desfleimar,  vn.  to  expectorate. 
Desfloração,  sf.  defloration,  de- 

flowering.  [ed. 

Desflorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deflower- 
Desflorador.  sm.  deílourer. 
Desfloramento,  sm.  defloration. 
Desflorar,  va.  to  deflower,  to 

deflour.  [flowers  (trees). 

Desfloreoer,    vn.    to    shed    its 
Desflorecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

shed  its  flowers. 
Desflorecixnento,  sm.  the  act  of 

aheding  blossoms.  [flowers. 
Desflorido,  a,  adj>  without 
Desfogonado,  a,  pp.  adj.  is  said 

wben  tbe  tonche-hole  of  a  eun 
is  aptHled.  ® 

Desfogonar-se,  vr.  is  said  \7hen 

the    touche-hole   of   a  gon  is 

spoiled.  [Teaves. 

Desfolha,  sf.  (bot.)  the  fali  of  the 
Desfolhado,  a,  pp  adj.  leafless. 
Desfolhador,  sm.  one  who  pulls 

ofFthe  leaves. 
Desfolhadura,   sf.  stripping  of 

leaves.  [leaves. 

Desfolhar,  va.  to  puU  olf  the 
Desfolho,  «m.  thework  of  puUing 

off  the  leaves  of  a  tree. 
Desforçado,   a,  pp.   adj.  roin- 

Desforçador,  sm.  redresser 
Desforçar,  va.    to   reinvest,  to 

redress  wrongs.  [desfigure. 
Desformar,  va.  to  deform,  to 
Desforra,  sf.  the  winning  of  one'3 

money  back  again. 
Desforrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unlimed. 
Desforrar,  va.  to  unline,  to  take 

out  the  lining.  Besforrar-se,  vr    . 

to  win  one'8  money  back  again . 
Desfradado,  a,  pp.  adj.  turned 

out  of  a  monkish  order. 
Desf radar,  va.  to  unfrock,  to  tom 

a  friar  out  of  his  order. 
Desfraldado,  a,  »p.  adj.  loosened. 

Velas    desfraldadas ,    unfurled 

sails.  [width  of  a  coat. 

Desfraldar,  va.  to  lessen  the 
Desfranzido,  a,pp.  adj.  uuwrink* 

Desfranzir,  va.  to  unwrinkle. 
Desfrechar,  va.  to  shoot  arroiirs. 
Desfreiado,  a,  adj.  unbridled. 
Desfrunchar,  va.  {surg. )  to  draw, 

to  drivs  out  the  pus. 
Desfrutador,  sm.  or  f.  gatherer, 

Desfrutar,  va.  to  gather,  to  enjoy . 
Desfrutecer-se,  vr.  or  n.  to  ue 

spent  uselessly. 
Desfruto,  sm  joy,  usufruit. 
Desfundado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unbot- 

tomed.  [or  pipe. 

Desfundar,  va.  to  stave  a  cask 
Desgahado,  a,  pp.  adj.  blamed. 
Desgabador,  a,  sm  or  f.  dúic^^^BaB- 

metidec,  XAmivoí. 
Desgábac ,  tia .  vo  >a\«safò,  ;..  ^^-j. 
Deagábo.    sm.  \i\«av^.   ecv^^oxs^ 




—  298  — 


Desgadelhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dishe- 

velleò . 
Desgadelhar,  va.  to  dishevel. 
Desgalante.  adj.  2  g.  unhand- 

some.  unsrracetul. 
Desgalgado,  a,  pp.   adj.   cast 

down.  preoipitated. 
Desgalgar,  va.  to  precipitate. 
Desgalhar.  va.  to  lop  a  tree. 
Desgarrada,  sf.  a  popular  song. 
Desgarradamente,  adv.  immo- 

Desgarrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

misse  d  Jiis  way. 
Desgarrão,  sm" &  hard  gale. 
Desgarrar,  r^ .  to  miss  oiie's  way. 
Desgarro,  sm.  quickness,  brav- 

ery,  bravado.  [wasted. 

Desgastado,  a,  pp.  adj.  used, 
Desgastamento,    sm.  wasteful- 

ness.  [sume. 

Desgastar,  va.  to  wear,  to  con- 
Desgelado.  Si,pp.  adj.  unfreezed. 
Desgelar.  va.  to  unfreeze. 
Desgelo.  sm.  thaw. 
Desgorjado,  a.    adj.  with    the 

neck  uncovered. 
Desgostado,    a,  pp.    adj.    dis- 

gusted,  olfended.  [offend. 

Déísgostar,    va.   to    disgfust,   to 
Desgosto,  ^m.    disgust,  displea- 

sure ;  troublc,  grief,  sorrow. 
Desgostosamente,  adv.  disgust- 

Desgostoso,  a.  adj.  troublesome, 

nnpleasnnt,  disgusted. 
Desgovernadamente,  adv.  care- 

Desgovernado,  a,  pp.  adj.  care- 

less,  mindless,  misgovemed. 
Desgovernar,  va.  to  trouble,  to 

misgovern.  —  {among  farriers) 

to  drench  a  horse.  Desgovemar- 

«e,   V7\  to  grow  unruly,  disor- 

dered.  —  o  doente,  not  to  keep 

the  proper  diet.  [ment. 

Desgoverno ,    sm.     misgovern - 
Desgraça,  sf.   misfortune,  dis- 

Desgraçadamente,  adv.  unfor- 

tunateíy,  nnhappily. 
I^a^graçâdo,  a,  adj.  unliappy, 
untbrtunate.  [happy. 

-Desgraçar,    va.  to  render  un- 

Desçramar,  vn.  to  root  up  the 

quick    grass    or    any  noxious 

herb.  [dest. 

Desgravisar,  vn.  to  grow  immo- 
Desgregar,  va.  to  scatter,  to  se- 

parate  oíT  a  flock  or  company. 
Desgrenhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dishe- 

Desgrenhar,   va.    to    dishevel. 

JDesgrenhar-se,  vr.  to  be  dishe- 

velled.  [fetters. 

Desgrilhoado ,  a,  cuij.  without 
Desgrudado,  a, pji.  adj.  unglued, 

Desgrudar,  va.  to  unglue,  to  dis- 

joint.  Desgrudar-se,  vr.  to  un- 
glue. [tious,  not  "wary. 
Desguardado ,  a ,   adj.    uncaa- 
Desguardar,  vn.   to  be  uncau- 

tious,  not  to  be  wary. 
Desguarnecer,  va.  to  depríve  of 

ornaments.  Desguamecer-se^  vr. 

to  be  undecked. 
Desguarnecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

Deshabilitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unfít, 

Deshabilitar,  va.  to  incapacitate, 

to  render  unfit. 
Deshabitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  uninha- 

Deshabitar,  va.  to  render  unin- 

habitable,  to  forsake  a  place. 
Deshabituado,  a,  jstp.  adj.  unac- 

Deshabituar,  va.  to  disaccustom. 

DesUabituar-se,  vr.  to  disuse. 
Desharmonia,  sf.  disharmony. 
Desharmonisar,  va.  to  discord, 

to  disagree. 
Desherdação,  sf.  disinheriting*, 

disheritauce.  [rited. 

Desherdado,  a,  pp.  adj.  disinhe- 
Desherdar.  va.  to  disinherit,  to 

deprive  of  an  inheritance. 
Deshonestado,  a,  pp.  adj.   im- 

modest,  indecent. 
Deshonestamente,  adv.  immo- 

destly,  indecently. 
Deshonestar,  va.  to  divest  of 

l>eBh»neiBUdade..«f'.  dishonesty. 

D^kiQinSB^A^  Qk>    Oâ.^.   \SD3£kSA«^.» 


—  299 


Deshonor,  sm.  baseness,  disho- 

Deshonra,  sf.    dishonour,   dis- 

grace.  [nestly. 

Deshonradamente,  adv.  disho- 
Deshonrado,  a,  pp.  adi.  disho- 

noured.  [nourer. 

Beshonrador,  a,  sm.  or  ^.  disho- 
Deshonrar,  va.  to  dishonour,  to 

disffrace.  Deshonrca^ae^  vr.xo  be 

Deshonroso,  a^  adj.  dishonour- 

able,  sbameful.  [ably. 

Deshoras,  adv.  A  — ,  unseason- 
Deshuxnanado ,  a,  pp.  adj.  di- 

vested  of  humanity. 
DewhTinfianaTnente  1  adv.  inhu- 

manly,  cruel  ly. 
Deshumanar,  va.  to  divest,  of 

humanity.  [ity. 

Deshumcmldade,  sf.  inbuman- 
Deshumano,  a,  adj'  inhuman, 

Desição,  sf.  end,  extinction 
Desídia,  sf.  idleness. 
Desidiosamente,  adv.  slothfully. 
Desidioso,  a,  adj.  slothfall. 
Designação,  sf.  designation. 
Designadamente,  mv.  design- 

edly.  [ated,  market  out. 

Designado,  a,  pp  adj    design- 
Designador,  a,  adj.  and  sm.  ot  f. 

designator.  [design. 

Designar,  va.  to  designate,  to 
Designativo,   a,  adj.    designa- 
Desígnio,  sm.  design,  purpose. 
Desigual,  adj.  2  g.  unequal,  un- 

like.  [velled. 

Desigualado,  a,  pp.  adj.    unle- 
Desigualar  or  Desegualar,  va. 

to  make  uneven  or  unequal. 
Desigualdade    or     Desegual- 

dade,  sf.  unequality,  uneven- 

Desigualmente   or  Desegual- 

mente,  adv.  unequally. 
Desimagínado,  a,  pp.  adj,  unim- 

Desimaginar,  va.  to  blot  a  thing 

out  of  another's  imagination 
Desimpedido,  a,  pp.  adj»  disem- 

•í^atónipedínieiíto,  gm,  leisure. 

Desimpedir,  va.  to  disembarass, 
to  ria  of.  —  o  caminhOf  to  clear 

the  way. 
Desimprensar,  va.  to  take  avr&y 

the  gioss  of  a  cloth. 
Desimpressionado,  a,  jpp.  adj. 

"without  impression. 
Desimpressionar,  va.   to  ando 

an  impression.  [pated. 

Desinçado,  a,    pp.  adj.    extir- 
Desinçar,  va.  to  extirpate. 
Desinchação,  sf.  unswelling. 
Desinchado,  a,    pp.  adj.     un- 

Desinchar,  va.  to  unsvoll. 
Desinclínado,  a,  adj.  disinclin- 

Desinclinar,  va.  to  disincline. 
Desincorporação,  sf.  disincor- 

poration,  disunion. 
Desinoorporado,  a,  j)p.  adj.  dis- 

incorporated.  [jporate, 

Desincorporar,  va.  to  disincor- 
Desinência,  sf  tcrmination,  end- 

ing.  [undeceive. 

Desinf atuar,  va  to  desabuse,  to 
Desinfecção,  sf.  disinfection. 
Desinfectado,  a,  pp.  adj.  disin- 

fected.  [fects. 

Desinfectador ,  sm.  that  disin- 
Desinfectante,   adj.  2  g.    disin- 

Desinfectar,  va.  to  disinfect,  to 

purify.  Desinfectar-se,  vr.  to  be 

disinfected.  [noyed. 

Desinfestado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unan- 
Desinf estar,  va.   to   free    from 

enemies  or  robbers. 
Desinf icionado,  a,  pp.  adj.  with- 
out infection. 
Desinficionar,  va.  to  take  axrar 

the  infection.  [inflammea. 

Desinflammado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 
Desinfl ammar ,  va.  (med.)  to  re- 
move an  inâammation. 
Desinjuriar,  va.  to  revenge. 
Desinq[uietação,  sf.  uneasiness. 
Desinquietado,  a.  pp.  adj.   dis- 

quieted,  disturbed. 
Desínguietador.  a,  sm.  or  (.  ^^- 

quietet,  à\SV.\tt\i«t.  , 

Detónq^^\«c ,  t^a.  v.  ^^^,;. 


—  300  — 


Desintelligenoia,    sf.    discord, 

variance.  [self  ignorant. 

Deslntender,  vn.  to  feign  one's 
Desintendido,  a,   pp.  adj.   that 

wants  understanding. 
Desinteressadamente,  culv.  dis- 

Desinteressado,  a,    adj.  disin- 

teressed,   disinterested,  impar- 

Desinteressar,  va.  to  disinterest. 

Desintaressar-se^  «r.  to  give  over 

any  part  or  interest  in  a  thing. 
Desinteresse,  sm.  disinterested- 

ness.  [íish. 

Desinteresseiro,  a,  adj,  unsel- 
Desintiuneoer,  va.  to  dissolve  a 

s"welling  — ,  vn.  to  unswell. 
Desintumecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

Desinvernar,  vn.  to  leave   the 

Desinvestido,  a,    pp.  adj.    de- 

prived  of  the  possession  of  an 

estate.  [investituro. 

Desinvestir,  va    to  deprive  of 
Desirmanadamente,  aav.  une- 

qually.  [matched. 

Desirmanado,  a,  pp.  adj.   un- 
Desirmanar,  va.  to  uninatch. 
Desiscado,  a,  pp.  adj.  without  a 

bait.  [a  bait. 

Desiscar,  va.  to  cat  or  take  away 
Desistência,  sf.  desistance,  ces- 

Desistente,  p.  a.  and  adj.  {in  law) 

he  who  does  desistance. 
Desistido,  a,  pp.  adj.  desisted. 
Desistir,  va.  to  desist,  to  cease 

tVoíu.  [medicine, 

Desistivo.  .^m.  (med.)  a  purging 
Desjarretar,  va,{anc.)  to  hough, 

to  hanible. 
Deajejuado,  a.  pp.  adj  that  has 

broken  one's  fast-  [fast. 

Desjejuar-se.  vr.  to  break  one'8 
Desjuisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deprived 

of  roason.  [reason. 

Desjuizar,   va     to    deprive    of 
Desjungido,  a,  pp.  adj,  un^-oked; 

l/Sç.)  free  from  yoke, 
•Das/ungir ,   ra. '  to  unyoke,  \o 

frfe  írvm  yoke, 

9Lnpp  a<(;.  onlaced 

Deslaçar,  va.  to  unlace. 
Desladrilhado,  a,  pp.  adj,  un- 

bricked.  [the  bricks. 

Desladrilhar,  va.  to  take  away 
Deslageado,    a,    pp.  adj.      un- 

Deslagear,  va.  to  unpave. 
Deslastrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unbal- 

Deslastrar,  va.  {a  sea  term\  to  re- 
move the  ballast  of  a  ship. 
Deslavado,  a,   pp.  ad^.    disco- 

loured.  [impudence. 

Deslavamento ,  sm.   sauciness, 
Deslavar,  va.  to  discolour. 
Deslavrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  it  is  said 

of  ground  that  has  receivcd  a 

second  tilth. 
Deslavrar,  va.  to  give  ground 

the  second  tilth. 
Desleal,  adj.  2  g.  disloyal,  false« 
Deslealdade,  sf.  disloyalty. 
Deslealmente,  adv.  disloyally. 
Desleitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  milked. 
Desleitsu:,  va.  to  milk. 
Desleixo,  sm.  V.  Deleixo  and  de> 

rivated.  [or  forgotten. 

Deslembrado,  a,  pp.  adi.  foi^ot 
Deslembrança ,    sf.     f orgetiol- 

Deslembrar,  vn.  to  forget. 
Deslendear,  va.  to  extirpate,  to 

Desliar,  va.  to  untie. 
Desligado,  a,  jpp.  adj.    imtied, 

unbound.  [untying. 

Dealigadura ,     sf.     unbindin^. 
Desligamento,  sm.    the  act   of 

Desligar,  va.  to  untie,  to  loosen. 

Desligarsc  vr.  to  get  loose. 
DesUndação,  sf.  the  act  of  dear- 

ing  any  business.  [rated. 

Deslindado,  a,   pp,  adj.     sepa- 
Deslindador,  a,  sm.  or  f.    m- 

quirer,  examiner.  [ness. 

Dcâslindar,  va.  to  clear  any  bnsi- 
Deslingoado,  a,  adj.  slanderer, 

satirícal.  [place. 

Dealisadeiro,  sm.    a    slippeij 
,  vn.  to  sLip,  to  slide. 
X  sm.  \X)Lfe  ^cX  ^1  ^jtaasAi^ 


—  301  — 


Deslocação,  sf.  [surg,)^  disloca- 

tion.  [disiointed. 

Deslocado,  a,  pp.  adi.  dislocated, 
Deslocar,  va.  to  disíocate.  Deslo- 

car-se^  vr.  to  be  dislocated. 
Deslodar,  va.  to  draw  out  of  the 

mire.  [backed. 

Deslombado,  a,  pp.  adj.  broken- 
Desloxnbar,  va.   to  break    the 

back.  [praised. 

Deslouvado,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 
Deslouvar,  va.  to  Dlame,  to  dis- 

commend.  [tion,  blame. 

Deslouvor,  sm.  discommenda- 
Deslumbradamente,  adv.  daz- 

zlingly.  [zled. 

Deslumbrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  daz- 
Desluxnbrador,  a,  adj.  dazzling. 
Deslumbramento,  sm.  dazzling; 

Deslumbrante,  adj,   2  g.   daz- 
zling, bright. 
Deslumbrar,  va.  to  dazzlo.  — , 

vn.  or  Deslumbrar-se,  vr.  to  be 

overçowered  by  lignt;  ifig.)  to 

be  mistakvn. 
Deslumbroso,  a,  adj.  dazzling. 
Deslustrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unlus- 

trous.  [lessens  tne  lustre. 

Deslustrador,  a,  adj.  and  s.  that 
Deslustrar,  va.  to  take  away  the 

lustre.  [lustre. 

Deslustre ,  sm.  deprivation  of 
Deslustroso,  a,  adj.  deprived  of 

lustre,  tarnished. 
Desluzidamente ,    adv.    darkly, 

obscurely.  [of  lustre. 

Desluzido,  a,  pp.  adj.  deprived 
Desluzidor,  a,  adj  that  deprives 

of  lustre.  [lustre. 

Desluzimento ,  sm.  want  of 
Desluzir,  va.  to  take  away  the 

beauty  of  a  thing. 
Desmaiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fainted, 

Desmaiar,  va.  to  dismay,  to  af- 

fright.  — ,  vn.  to  faint,  to  swoon ; 

to  decay.  Desmaiar-se^  vr.  to  be 

fainted,  to  be  discouraged. 
Desmaio,  sm.  swoon,  fainting  flt. 
Desmalhado,  a,   pp.  adj.    un- 

rin^ed.  [unstitch. 

Dfmmnlhar,  va.  to  unring,  to 
Desmamado,  a^pp.  adj,  weaued. 

Desmamar,  va.  to  -wean  from  the 

Desmanohadamente,  adv.  con- 

fusedly,  disorderly. 
Desmanchadão,  ona,  adj.  care- 

less,  negligent. 
Desmanc^-prazeres,  sm.  ov  f. 

a  troublesome  guest. 
Desmanchar,  va.  to  take  to  pie- 

ees,  to  damage,  to  disord. 
Dasmancho,  sm.  confusion,  ex- 

cess.  [derately. 

Desmandadamente,  adv.  iinmo- 
Desmandado,  a,  pp.  adj.  disobe- 

dient,  unruly. 
Desmandar-se,  vr.  to  pass  due 

bounds.  — ,  va.  to  countermand. 
Desmando,  sin.  contrary  order; 

Desmantelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dia- 

mantled.   Navio  — ,   unmasted 

ship.  [mantling. 

Desmantelamento ,    sm.     dis- 
Desmantelar,  va.  to  dismantle. 
Desmarcadamente,  adv.  immo- 

derately.  [rale. 

Desmarcado,  a,  pp.  adj.  out  of 
Desmarcar,  va.  to  unmark. 
Desmarcado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ungo- 

Desmarcar  se,  vr.  {a  sea  term) 

not  to  ster  well  (a  ship). 
Desmascarado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 

Desmascarar,  va.  to  dismask, 

to  unmask.  [masted. 

Desmastreado,  a,  pp.  adj.    un- 
Desmastreamento,  sm.  dismast- 

Desmastrear,  va.  {a  sea  term)  to 

dismast,    to   unmast.    Desmas- 

trear-se,  vr.  to  be  dismasted. 
Desmazeladamente,  adv.  care- 

1/sssly,  negligently. 
Desmazelado,  a,  adj.  careless. 
Desmazelo,  sm.  negligence,  care- 

lessness.  [inglj. 

Desmedidamente,  adv.  exceed- 
Desmedido,  a,  pp.  adj.  unmea- 

sured,  immense. 
De&medic-BQ.«  "OT.  Vi  ^'^  \.o^  vax, 
toA)eTíts\i.  ,.     xvTt 

BoBroelancoUsado,  a,  pp.  aáj. 

Deamelaiicalisar.  tu.  U  Tnake 
Dierry.  Deimt!arKolUar-ie,  rr. 
IO  ilivon  oqe*a  self. 

DeBmelliorHd.o,  a,  pp.  eáj.  moda 

to  bc  fnrmlful.  Zieime- 
se,  Tl',  toloiathe  rocol- 

Desmentido  «, 

Xeamentidor  â 

Seamoderado,  a,  adj.  immnje- 
DBSmoderar-se.i"-.  to  baiminad- 

>f.    (fflIOÍ.J    djM- 

verter.  [corropt, 

SeamoreUiac  «a.  to  pervart,  M 

Doanutronadiço.  a,  adJ.moald- 

,,  47dj.  moold- 

Besmoiu^do.  a,  pj)-  adj.  da- 

DeamoutBT.  va.  xo  cie»,  to  arâi 
Sesmurado.  a,  pp.  ««w.  onwailod. 

Oeanarlgor.  va.  !■■ 

Deanasoiílo,  a.  pji.  i. 

Desnatar.  Tjii   miak 

of  i!i«  milk. 

Desnatarado,  a,  p, 
Seanatural.  i<'>j-  is 
IJesiiBtiiralieação , 


iDeanaturallGado , 

,  a,  pp.  adi.  -willimit, 

PO,  to  pnU  «nl  tti>\l>eBii»»í<ã»ni«!n>n, ' 


—  303  — 


Desnaturar,  va.  to  unnataralize. 
Desnavegavel,  adj.ig.  unnavi- 

Desnecessariamente,  adv.  an- 

Desnecessário,  a,  adj.  unneces- 

Desnecessidade,    sf.  unneces- 

sariness.  [nerves. 

Desnervar,  va.  to  cut  off  the 
Desnevar,  va.  to  thaw  the  snow. 
Desnevoar,  va.  to  make  olear  of 

a  fog  or  mist.  [snow. 

Desnevoso,  a,    adj.  free    from 
Desnivelado,  a,  aaj.  unlevelled. 
Desnobrecer,  va.  to  degrade. 
Desnobrecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  de- 

graded.  [untied. 

Desnodar-se,  vr.  to  untie,  to  be 
Desnodoso,  a,  adj  {bot.)  depri- 

ved  from  knobs. 
Desnoivar,    va.  to   divorce,  to 

unmarry.  [oftheway. 

Desnorteado,  a,  pp.  adj.  put  out 
Desnortear,  va.  to  lead  astray. 

—  V.  n.  to  mistake. 
Desnotar,  va.  to  disblame. 
Desnucar  or  Desnocar,  va.  to 

break  the  nape  of  the  neck. 
Desnudar,  va.  to  strip. 
Desnudez,  sf.  nudity. 
De-sob,    adv.   loc.    undemeath, 

Desobedecer,    vn.   to    disobey. 
Desobedecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  diso- 

Desobediência,  sf.  disobedience. 
Desobediente,  adj,  2  a.  disobe- 

dient.  [obediently. 

Desobedientemente,  adv,  dis- 
Desobriga,  sf.  receipt. 
Desobrigação,  «/lexcuse,  exemp- 

tion  of  a  duty. 
Desobrigado,  a,  pp.  adj.  exempt- 

ed,  exempt. 
Desobrigar,  va.  to  exempt  from 

duty,  to  disoblige.  Desobrigar" 

«e,  vr.  to  do  oiie's  duty. 
Desobrigatorio,  a,  aaj.  disobli- 

Desobstrucçào,  sf.  deoppilation. 
Desobstruotivo,  a,  adj,  desob< 

atraent.  [ing. 

^^oaobstmencia,   sf.  deoppilat- 


Desobstruente,  adj.  2  g.  desob- 

Desobstruído,  a,  deoppilated. 
Desobstruir,  va.  to  deoppilate. 
Desoccasionado,  a,  adj.  out  of 

occasion.  [leisurely. 

Desoccupadamente,  adv.  idly, 
Desoccai>ado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unoc- 

cupied,  idle. 
Desoocupar,  va.  to  quit,  to  unoc- 

cupy.  Desoccupar'Se^   vr.  to  re- 
tire from  business. 
Desoffusoar,  va.  to  scatter,  to 

Deseje,  adv.  {anc.)  from  this  day. 
Desolação,  sf.  desolation,  des- 

Desolado,  a,  pp.  adj.  desolated. 
Desolador,  a,  adj.  desolater. 
Desolar,  va.  to  desolate. 
Desolbeirado,  a,  adj.  that  hás 

deep  streaks  under  the  eye. 
Desonerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  exoner* 

ated.  [exempt. 

Desonerar,  va.  to  exonerate,  to 
Desopilação,  sf.  deoppilation. 
Desopilado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deop- 
Desopilar,  va.  to  deoppilate. 
Desopilativo,  a,  adj.  deoppila- 

tive.  [fort. 

Desoppressão,  sf.  relief,  com- 
Desoppressor,  a,  adj.  and  sm. 

or  f.  he  or  she  "who  relleves. 
Desopprimido,  a,  pp.  adj,  re- 

lieved,  comforted. 
Desopprimir,    va.  to   ease,  to  ' 

comfort;  to  free  from  oppres- 

Desordem,  sf.  disorder. 
Desordenadamente,  cdv.  disor- 

derly.  [dered. 

Desordenado,  a,  pp.  adj.  disor- 
Desordenador,  a,  sm,  or  f,  he 

or  she  who  disorders. 
Desordenar,   va.    to    disorder. 

Desordenar-sCy  vr.  to  be  disor- 

dered.  fears. 

Desorelhar,  va.  to  cut  on  the 
Desorganisação ,  sf.  disor^&tvv- 

zation.  \5st%w»3*^. 

DesoTgaxL\sado^ «.,  «pp.  o.d.v  ^^^~ 
Be8orQ«n\B%ânT^  «^n   ««^-  ^^  ^' 


—  304  — 


Desorganisar,  va.  to  disorganize. 

Desorganisar-se,  vr.  to  be  disor- 

ganized.  [the  way. 

Desorientadamente,  aav.  out  of 
Desorientado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 

Desorientar,  va.  to  lead  astray. 
Desomar,  va.  to  disadorn. 
Desossado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unboned. 
Desossar,  va.  to  unbone,  to  take 

the  boné  from  the  íiesh. 
Desova,  sf.  spawning-time. 
Desovamento,  sm.  spawn. 
Desovar,  vn.  to  spawn. 
Despachadamente,  adv.  speed- 

ily.  [patched,  sent. 

Despachado,   a,  pp.   adj.   dcs- 
Despachador,  «m.  amanof  qaick 

despatch.  [broker. 

Despachante,  sm.  castom-house 
Despachar,  va.  to  despatch,  to 

expedite ;  to  clear  goods  at  the 

custom-house.  Despachar-se^  vr. 

to  con elude  one*s  aflfairs. 
Despacho,  sm.  despatch. 
Despahnar,  va.  to  pare  a  horse's 

Despapado,  a,  pp.  adj.  (in  horse- 

manship)  that  lifts  tne  head  too 

Despapar,  vn.  to  liftup  the  head 

toomuch(ahorse).  [charge. 

Desparrar,  va.  to  shoot,  to  dis- 
Despartido,  a,    pp.   adj.   sepa- 

rated,  disunited. 
Despartir,  va.  to  separate. 
'  Despastar,  va.  to  destroy. 
Despavorido,   a,    adj,    without 

dread,  fearless. 
Despeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  foundered, 

Despear,  va.  to  unfetter,  to  un- 

lock  a  horse. 
Despedaçado,   a,  pp.  adj.  tom 

in  pieces. 
Despedaçar,  va.  to  tear  to  pieces. 
Despedida,  sf.  farewell,  dismis- 

sing,  taking  leave. 
Despedido,  a,  pp.  adj.  he  who 

took  leave ;  dismissed. 
Despedimento,  sm.  the  act  of 

taking  Jeave. 

an  end.  Despedir-se^  vr.  to  take 

leave.  [affection. 

Despegadamente,  adv.  -without 
Despegado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unglaed ; 

Despegar,  va.  to  unglue.  —  vn. 

—  da  obra^  to  leave's  one  work. 

Despegar- se ^  vr.   to   part,    to 

leave,  to  get  rid. 
Despego  or  Desapego,  sm.  dis- 

affection.  [contemned. 

Despeitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  despised, 
Despeitador,  sm.  despiser,  con- 

temner.  [ness. 

Despeitamento,  sm.    despised- 
Despeitar,  va.  to  despite,  to  vex; 

to  despise.  [tempt,  spite. 

Despeito,  sm.  ill  humour;  con- 
Despeitorado,  a,  pp.  adj.    un- 

bosomed,  eased. 
Despeitorar,   va.  to  unbosom ; 

{med.)  to   expectorate.  Despei- 

torar-se^  vr.  to  open  or  discover 

oDe's  breast.  [malicious. 

Despeitoso,  a.   adj.  despiteful, 
Despejadaniente,  adv.  quickly, 

expeditiously.  [impudent. 

Despejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cleared; 
Despejar,  va.  to  clear  or  void  a 

place;   to   depart.  Despejar-se, 

vr.  to  grow  impudent. 
Despejo,  sm.  immodesty,    inde- 

Despejos,  sm.  pi.  the  accommo- 

dations  of  a  house. 
Despenar,  va.  to  exonerate  from 

cares.  [waster. 

Despendedor,  a,    sm.  or   f.    a 
Despender,    va.    to    spendf.  — 

razões^  to  produce  reasons. 
Despendurar,  va.  to  unhang. 
Despenhadamente,  adv.  preci- 

Despenhadeiro,  sm,  precipice. 
Despenhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  preci- 

Despenhar,  va.  to  throw  or  cast 

down  head  long.  Despenhar-se, 

vr.  to  fali  headlong. 
Despenho,  sm.  a  falling  from  a 

high  place. 
Despensa.^  sf .  ViwUet-^  ^  ^axitry. 

JDespediry  va.  to  dismiss,  to  aendXDewpenaeívro^^,  sm.  «t  t->svjíítfit 
aw&y.  —  vn,  to  cease,  to  be  at  \     »XfirsH«^. 



—  305  — 


Despentear «  oa.  to  dishevel,  to 

undress  the  hair.  Despentear-se, 

vr.  to  undress  one^s  bair. 
Desperança,  sf.  despair,  despon- 

dency.  [pond. 

Desperar,  vn.  to  despair,  to  des- 
Desperceber,  va.  to  unprovide. 
Despercebido,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

provided,  unexpected. 
Desperdiçadaxnente,  adv.  pro- 

Desperdiçado,  a, p».  adj.  lavish- 

ed,  spent  prodigally. 
Desperdiçador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  pro- 

digal,  spendthrift. 
Desperdiçar,  va.  to  lavish,  to 

Desperdicio,  sm.  lavishness. 
Desperecer,  vn.  {anc.)  to  perish. 
Desperecimentp ,    sm.    perish- 

Desperf  ilar,  va.  to  derange  a  line 

(of  troops,  etc.) ,  {paint.)  tomake 

round  the  lines  of  a  picture. 
Despersuadir,   va.  to  dissuade. 
Despersuasão,  sf.  dissuasion. 
Despertado,  a,  jap.  adj.  waked, 

Despertador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  tbat 

wakes     others ;     exciter ;    an 

alarm-bell.   —   de  relógio^   an 

Despertar,  va.  to  wake,  to  rouse 

from  sleep.  —  vn.  to  wake. 
Desperto,  a,  adj.  -waked,  awaked. 
Despeza,    sf.   charge,    expense, 

Despicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  revenged. 
Despicador,  sm.  revenger. 
Despicar,  va.  to  revenge.  Despi- 

car-se,  vr.  to  be  revenged. 
Despido,  a,  pp.  adj.  stripped  of, 

made  naked.  [manly, 

Despiedadamente,    adv.   inhu- 
Despiedade,  sf.  inhumanity. 
Despiedado,  a,  adj.  cruel,  mhu- 

man.  [cifully. 

Despiedosamente,  adv.  unmer- 
Despiedoso,  a,  adj.  unmerciful, 

Despixnento,  sm.  divestíng. 
Despintar,  va.  to  misrepresent, 

to  fãlsify.  [venge  taken. 

iJeapique,  sm,  satisfaction,  re- 

Despir,  va.  to  divest,  to  strip. 

Despir-se^  vr.  to  pulí  ofiF  one  s 

clothes;  {fig.)  to  leave,  to  for- 

sake.  [planted. 

Desplantado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trans- 
Desplantar,  va.  to  transplant. 
Desplumar,  va.  to  deplume,  to 

plume.  [spoiled. 

Despojado,  a,  pp.  adj.    stript, 
Despojador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  spoiler, 

Despojar,  va.  to  strip,  to  spoil. 

Despojar-se^  vr.  to  deprive  one's 

self,  to  be  spoiled. 
Despojo,  sm.  robbing,   spoiling, 

spoil,  booty. 
Despontar,  va.  to  blunt.  —  vn. 

to  depart  from  a  practice.  Ao 

—  do  sol^  at  the  risin^  of  the 

sun.  [hoof  of  a  horse. 

Desportilhar,  va.  to  shape  the 
Desposada,  sf.  a  bride. 
Desposado ,  a ,     pp.  adj.    affí- 

anced,    betrothea.    — ,    sm.    a 

bride-grooin . 
Desposar,  va.  to  afâance,  to  be- 

troth.  Desposar-sey  vr.  to  be  be- 

trothed."  [betrothing. 

Desposorios,  sm.  pi.  espousals, 
Despossuir,  va  to  dispossess  of. 
Déspota,  sm.  despot. 
Despoticamente,  adv.   despoti- 

cally.  [potical. 

Despótico,  a,  adj.  despotic,  des- 
Despotisar,  va.  to  rule,  to  com- 

mand  despoticallv. 
Despotismo,  sm.  despotism. 
Despovoação,  sf.  depopulatlon. 
Despovoado,  sm.  a  desert  place. 
Despovoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  depopu- 

lated,  unpeopled. 
Despovoador,  sm.  depopulator. 
Despovoar,  va.   to  oepopulate, 

to  unpeopíe. 
Despratear,  va.  to  rub  out  the 

silver  of  any  thing. 
Desprazer,  sm.  displeasure,  dis- 

gust,  grief. 
Desprazivel,  adj.  2  g.  disagree- 

able,  unpieasing.  [slight. 

Despreçax^  -oa.  Vi  t.cixv\fòxKv^>>'» 
Despreoo^  sm.  ^ecwj  ç>1^^cví^  '^''^^^^ 
Despregado,  a.,  pp  -  adi .  ^;^^^^' 


ao6  — 


Despregar,  va.  to  annail ;  to  un- 
plait,  —  os  olhos ^  to  open  the 
eyes.  Despregar-se  ^  vr,  to  be 

Despregulçar,  vn.  or  Despre- 
guiçar-se,  vr.  to  stretch  one^s 
self  after  sleep.  [plished. 

Desprendado,  a,  adj.  unaccom- 

Desprender,  va.  to  untie,  to 
unbiiid,  to  let  go.  Desprender-se, 
vr.  to  break  loose.  —  dos  olhos 
de  alguém,  to  disappear. 

Desprendido,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 
chained.  [sing. 

Despreoccupação ,  sf.    disabu- 

Despreoccupar,  va,  to  disabuse, 
to  iindeceive. 

Desprevenção,  sf.  unwaríness. 

Desprevenidamente,  adv.  un- 
"W^arily,  carelessly. 

Desprevenido,  a,  adj.  uncau- 

Desprezadamente,  adv.  despis- 
ingly;  soornfully. 

Desprezado,  a,  pp.  adj.  despised. 
Desprezador,  a, 

piser,  contomner 



Desprezar,    va,    to   despise,   to 

Bcorn.  Desprezar-se^  vr.  to  dis- 

dain,  to  scorn. 
Desprezável,  adj.  2  g.  despica- 

ble.  contemptibíe. 
Desprezível,  adj.  2  g.  despicable, 

contemptibíe.  [cabl}^. 

Desprezivelmente,  c^v,  despi- 
Desprezo,  sm.  contempt,  scorn. 
Desprimor,  sm.   tault,  xrant   of 

skill;  defect.  [íinished. 

Desprimorado,  a,  pp.  adj,  un- 
Desprimorar,  va.  to  take  a^ay 

the  lustre  ;  to  riiisrepresent. 
Desprimorosamente,  adv.  nn- 

skilfully,  inaccurately. 
Desprimoroso,  a,  adj.  unskilful, 


Desprivança,  sf.  disgrace. 
Desprivar,  va.  to  disgrace,  to 

turn  out  of  favour. 
Despronunciar,  va.  (m  law)  to 

acquit,  to  discharge. 
Desproporção,  sf.  disproportion. 
Desproporoionadamente,  tidv. 

disproportionately ,    dispropor- 


Desproporcionado,  a,  pp.  adj- 

Desproporoionar,  va.  to  dispro- 
Despropositadamente ,       adv. 

Despropositado,  a,  adj.  imper- 

tinent,  foolish. 
Despropositar,  va.  to  talk  idly. 
Despropósito,  sm.  nonsense,  im- 

pertinence.  [deprive  of. 

Desprover,  va.  to  mnprovide,  to 
Desprovidamente,  adv.   unex- 

Desprovido,  a,  pp.  adj.  unpro- 

vided,  deprived. 
Desprovimento,  sm.    -want    of 

provision,  deprivatiou. 
Desqualificar,  va.  to  unqualify. 

Desqualificar-se,  vr.    to  be  dis- 

Des  <iuè.  adv.  {anc.)  as  soon  as. 

V.  Desde  que. 
Desqueixado,  a,  pp.  adj.   that 

has  one's  jaws  broken  oíf. 
Desqueixar,  va  to  tear  the  ja-ws. 
Desquerer,  va.    to    dislike,   to 

cease  loving. 
Desquerido,  a,  pp.  adj  disliked, 

loved  no  more.  [anxiety. 

Desquietação,  sf.    unquietness, 
Desquietar,  va.  to   disquiet,  to 

make  uneasy.  Desquietar-se^  vr, 

to  disquiet  one's  self. 
Desquieto,  a,  adj.  disqniet,  un- 
Desquitar,  va.  to  divorce.  Des- 

quitar-se^  vr.  to  divorce. 
Desq[uite,  sm.  divorce,    separa- 

tion;  a  recovering  what  was 

lost.  [plant. 

Desramar,  va.  to  thin  a  tree  or 
Desrebuçado,  a,   adj.     uncon- 

cealed,  uncovered.  [derly. 

Desregradamente,  adv.  disor- 
Desregrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unruled, 

disordered  [confusion. 

Desregramento,  sm.    disorder, 
Desregrar  t  va.  to  disorder.  Des- 

regrar-se,  tr.  to  exceed  in  eating 

or  drinking.  [ness. 

Desregulamento ,    sm.    unruli- 
Deeremediado,  a,  pp.  adj.  irre- 



—  307  — 


Desrevestir-se,  vr.  to  pull  ott 

again  the  vestments. 
Deaeaborar,  va.  to  displease,  to 

Dessaborido,  a,  adi.  insipid. 
Dessaboroso,  a,  aaj.  that  has  a 

bad  taste. 
Dessagrar,   va.    to    degrade  a 

priest  from  holy  orders. 
Dessalgar,  va.  to  unsalt. 
Dessazonar,  va.  to  take  out  the 

proper  time ;  to  turn  insipid. 
Dessedentar,    va.    to    quench 

one's  thirst.  [not  certain. 

Dessegurado,  a,   adj.  unsure, 
Dessellado,  a,  pp.  cuij,  unsad- 

dled;  unsealed.  [unseal. 

Dessellar,   va.  to  unsaddle;  to 
Desseznelhar ,   va.    Desrímilhar 

and  derivated.  [of. 

Dessentir,  va.  not  to  be  sensiole 
Dessepulto,  a,  adj.  unbnried. 
Dessequioso,  a,    adj.    undried, 

not  thirsted. 
Desser  or  Dessert,  sm.  dessert. 

V.  Sobremesa.  [harm. 

Desserviço ,     sm.     disservice , 
Desservido,  a,    pp.  adj.     dis- 

served.  [hurt. 

Desservir,    va.   to  disserve,  to 
Dessicação ,  sf.    (bot.)    desicca- 

tion,  drving.  [dissimilitude. 

Dessixniihança,  sf.  unlikeness, 
Dessimilhante,  adj.  2  g.  unlike, 

Dessimilhar ,  va.  to  make   un- 
like, to  desfigure.  Dessimilhar- 

.56,  vr.  to  be  unlike. 
Dessoocorrer,  va.  to  forsake. 
Dessoccorrido,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

relieved,  fcrsaken. 
Dessocegado,  a,   adj.  restless, 

Dessoldar,  va.  to  unsolder. 
Dessorar-se,  vr.  to  be  turneci, 
Dessoterrar,  va.  to  disinter,  to 

unbur}'.  [separated. 

Destacado,  a,  pp.  adj.  detached. 
Destacamento,  sm.  {milit.)  de- 

taohment.  [parate. 

Destacar,  m.  to  detach,  to  se- 
Destaznpado,  a,  pja.  adj.  that 

talks  ignorantly;  siUy;  intem- 


Destampar,  va.  to  talk  ignoraat* 
ly.  —  vn.  —  com,  alguém^  to  fali 
out  with  one. 

Destampatório,  sm.  nonsense. 

Destapado,  a,pp.  adj.  unstopped, 

Destapar,  va.  to  unstop,  to  open. 

Destecedura,  sf.  unweaving. 

Destecer,  va.  to  unweave,  to  un- 

Destecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  unwoven, 

Destelhado,  a,  pp.  adi.  untiled. 

Destelhar,  va.  to  untile. 

Destemer,  va.  to  have  no  fear. 

Destemi  dam  ente ,  adv.  boldly, 
fearlessly.  [pidity. 

Destemldez,  sf.  boldness,  intre- 

Destemido,  a,  adj.  bold,  fear- 
less.  [pidity. 

Destemor,    sm.  boldness,  intre- 

Destempera,  sf.  strife,  brawling. 

Destemperadamente,  adv.  in- 

Destemperado,  a,  adj,  out  of 
tune;  diluted. 

Destemperamento,  sm.  weak- 
ness,  íooseness.  [rance. 

Destemperança ,   sf.    intempe- 

Destemperar,  va.  to  distemper, 
to  put  out  of  temper;  to  put  out 
of  tune ;  to  dilute.  Destemperar- 
«e,  vr.  to  be  out  of  tune. 

Destempero,  sm.  foolery. 

Desterrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  banished. 

Desterrar,  va.  to  banish,  to  drive 
away.  Dcsterrar-se^  vr.  to  banish 
one's  self.  [sert. 

Desterro,   sm.  banishment;  de- 

Destetar,  va.  to  wean.  V.  Des- 

Destinação,  sf.  destinv. 

Destinado,  a^i^*  adj.  aestinated, 

Destinar,  va.  to  destine,  to  de- 
termine, to  purpose. 

Destingidq,  a,  pp.  adj.  discolour- 

Destingir,  va.  to  discolour.  Des- 
tingir-se^  vr.  to  lose  its  colour. 

Destino,  sm.  destiny,  fate,  doom. 

Destituição,  sf.  destitution,  want. 

Destituído,  a,pp.  adj.  destituted, 



~  308  — 


Destituir,  va.  to  dismiss;  to  leave 

one  destitute. 
Destocar,  va.  to  pull  away  the 

stumps  of  a  fíeld. 
Destoldar,  va.  to  take  away  an 

Destorcer,  va.  to  untwist. 
Desterroar,  va.  to  harrow. 
Destoucado,a,pp.  adj.  uncoifed. 
Destoucar,    va.  to  undress  the 

head,  to  uncoif. 
Destra,  sf.  the   right  hand.  Y. 

Destramar,  va.  to  unweave. 
Destramente,  adv.  sharply,  a- 

Destrancar,  va.  to  unhar. 
Destravar,  va.  to  unfetter. 
Destrepar-se,  vr.  V.  Deslizar-se. 
Destreza,  sf.  dexterity,  handi- 

ness.  [clear. 

Destrinçar,  va.  to  unravel,  to 
Destripado,  a,  adj.   gutted. 
Destripar,  va.  to  gut. 
Destripular,  va.  (a  sea  term)  to 

Destro,  a,  adj.  dexterous,  clever. 
Destroçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  defeated. 
Destroçador,  a,  adj.  and  s.  that 

destroys  or  puts  to  the  rout. 
Destroçar,  va.  to  make  havock, 

to  defeat,  to  destroy. 
Destrocar,  va.  to  change  again 

•what  was  changed  before. 
Destroço,  sm.  havock,  destruc- 

tion,  spoil. 
Destronado,    a,    pp.    adj.    de- 

Destronar,  va.  to  dethrone. 
Destroncar,  va.  to  truncate. 
Destronizar,  va.  V.  Desentroni- 

zar.  rtibility. 

Destructibilidade,  sf.  destruc- 
Destructivamente,    adv.    des- 

Destructivel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 

be  destroyed. 
Destructivo,  a,  adj.  destructive. 
Destruição,  sf.  destmction,  ruin. 
Destruido,  a,  pp.  adj.  ruinod, 

wasted,  destroyed. 
Destruidor,  a,  sm.   or  f.  dea- 

jyeBÚruir,  va.  to  destroy,  to  de 

molish,  to  subvert.  Destruir^e, 

vr.  to  come  to  ruin. 
Destrunfar,  va.  to  play  a  trump. 
Desubstanciar,  va.  to  enervate, 

to  deprive  of  substance. 
Desudação,   sf.   {med.)  desuda- 

tion.  [elude. 

Desumir,  va.  to  desume,  to  con- 
Desunhar,  va.  to  take  away  the 

nails.  Desunhar-se,  vr.  ifio-)  to 

labour  with  tooth  and  naii. 
Desunião,  sf.   disjunction,   dis» 

union.  [ly. 

Desunidamente,  adv.  separate- 
Desunido,  a,  pp.  adj.  disunited, 

separated.  [parate. 

Desunir,  va.  to  disunite,  to  se- 
Desusadamente,  aíZv  unusually. 
Desusado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unusual, 

Desusar,  va.  to  disuse,  to  disac- 

custom.   Desusar-sCy  vr.  to  be- 

come  disused. 
Desuso,  sm.  disuse. 
Desvairado,  a,  pp.  adj,  discor- 

dant,  unharmonious. 
Desvsdrar,  vn.  to  rave,  to  de- 

lirate.  [another. 

Desvaire,  sm.  a  way  opposed  to 
Desvaler,  vn.  to  be  out  or  favour. 
Desvalido,  a,   adj.   abandoned. 

—  sm.he  who  is  out  of  favour. 
Desvalimento,  sm.  disgrace,  loss 

of  favour.  [dity. 

Desvalor,  sm.  cowardice,  timi- 
Desvanado,  a,  adj.  that  makes 

Desvanecedor.  a,  adj.  that  dis- 

appoints,  or  frustrates. 
Desvanecer,  va.  to  puíf  up  with 

pride;  to  frustrate,  to  deceive. 

Desvanecer-se.  vr.  to  growproud; 

to  vanish. 
Desvanecidamente,  adv.  proud- 

ly,  arrogantly. 
Desvanecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  dissi- 

pated,  frustrated.  [ceit. 

Desvanecimento,  sm.  pride,  con- 
Desvantagem,  sf.  disadvantage, 

Desvantajosamente,  adv.  dis- 





Desvão,  sm.  garret,  little  closet. 
Desvariadamente,  adv.  foolish- 

ly,  inconsiderately. 
Desvariado,  a,  pp.  adj.  doted, 

raved,  manv  and  various.  —  do 

juízo,  light-headed. 
Desvariar,  vn.  to  rave,  to  deli- 

rate.  —  va.  to  alter. 
Desvarioado,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  diva- 

ricate.  [raving. 

Desvario,  sm.  alienation  of  mina, 
Desveladaxnente,   adv.  watch- 

fully,  carefully. 
Desvelado,  a,  adj.  withoat  sleep, 

waking;  {fig.)  careful. 
Desvelar,   va.    to   hinder  from 

sleeping ;  ifig.)  to  make  careful. 
Desvelo,    sm.  -watching,    care, 

zeal,  diligence,  watchfulness. 
Desvendai,    va.   to  take  off  a 

bandage.   Desvendar-se,  vr.  to 

be  unmasked. 
Desvenerar,  va.  V.  Desacatar. 
Desventura,  sf.  misfortune,  un- 

happiness.  [fortunately. 

Desventuradamente,  adv.  un- 
Desventurado,  a,  j^.  adj.  un- 

fortunate,  unhappy. 
Desventurar,  va.  to  make  unfor- 

tunate,  unhappy. 
Desventuroso,  a,  adj.  unhappy. 
Desvergonlia ,    sf.    shameless- 

ness,  impudence. 
Desvergonliado,  a,  adj.  impu- 
dente shameless. 
Desvestido,  a,  ^.  adj.  undress- 

ed,  divested.  [vest. 

Desvestir,  va.  to  undress,  to  di- 
Desviado,  a,  pp.  adj.  removed, 

turned  away. 
Desviar,  va.  to  put  out  of  the 

"way,   to    turn   away;   to    dis- 
suade ;  to  interrupt ;  to  parry  a 

blow.  —  os  humores y  to  revulse. 

Desviar-se,  vr.  to  turn  away.  — 

do  caminho y  to  deviate  ;  digress ; 

to  miss  one's  wa^.  [ment. 

Desvio,    sm.   deviation,   retire- 
Desvirtuar,  va.  to  pall,  to  make 

insipid,    to    take    the    virtue. 

Desvirúiar-se,  vr,   to   lose  the 

neavirtude,  sf.  want  of  virtue. 
l>oavivBr,  vn.  to  die. 

Detalhar,  va.  {mil.)  to  distribute, 

to  divide.  [division. 

Detalhe,  sm.  {mil.)  distribution, 
Detença,  sf.  delay,  detention. 
Detenção,  sf.  detention. 
Detenóoso,a,  adj.  slow,  protract- 

ing,  aelaying ;  craggy,  arduous. 
Detensor,  sm.  detainer. 
Detentor,  sm.  (in  law)  holder. 
Deter,  va.  to  detain,  to  stop;  to 

retard;  to  oppose.  Deter-se^  vr. 

to  stay.  [tergent. 

Detergente,  adj.  2  g.  {medT)  de- 
Detergido,  a,  pp.  adj.  deterged. 
Detergir,    va.    to   deterge,    to 

Deterioração,  sf.  deterioration. 
Deteriorado,  a,  pp.  adj.   dete- 

riorated.  *     ■> 

Deteriorar,  va.  to  deteriorate, 

to   grow  "worse.   Deteriorar-se, 

vr.  to  be  deteriorated. 
Deterioridade,  sf.  deterioration, 

detriment.  [tion. 

Determinação ,  sf.  determina- 
Determinadamente ,    adv.   de- 

Determinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deter- 

mined.  [termines. 

Determinador,  sm.  one  who  de- 
Determinante,  adj.  2  g.  deter- 

minative,  decisive. 
Determinar,  va.  to   determine, 

to  decide,  to  fix.  Deter minar-se, 

vr.  to  resolve  one's  self. 
Determinativo,  a,  adj.  determi- 

n  ative.  [gi°&- 

Detersão,  sf.  the  act  of  deter- 
Detersivo,  a,    adj.    detersive, 

abstergent.  [mination. 

Detestação,  sf.  detestation,  abo- 
Detestado,  a,  pp.  adj.  detested, 

Detestando,  a,  adj.  detestable. 
Detestar,  va.  to  detest,  to  abo- 

minate.  [hateful. 

Detestável,  adj.  2  g.  detestable, 
Detestavelmente,   adv.  detest- 

ably.  fstopped. 

Detido,  a,   pp.  adj.  VvsAsstvÃ^^ 


—  310  — 


Detorado,  a,  pp,  adj.  praned, 

Detorar,  va.  to  priine,  to  lop. 
Detracção,  sf.  aetraction,  slan- 

Detraotivo,  a,  adj.  detractive. 
Detractor,  a,  sm.  cr  f,  detracter, 

Detrahido,  a,  2^  adj.  detracted, 

Detrahir,    va.    to    detract,   to 

Detraz,  adv.  after,  behind. 
Detrimento,  sm.  detriment,  da- 

Detrito,  sm.  detritus. 
Detumecencia,  sf.  (med.)  remo- 

vai  of  a  sweUing. 
Deturpar,  va.  to  poUute,  to  de- 

Deudo,  sm.  parent,  relative. 
Deus,  sm.  God.  O  corpo  de  — , 

Corous-Christi-day.  —  o  queira/ 

God  g^rant  it !  Graças  a  — ,  thank 

God.  —    vo-lo  pague/   God—a- 

mercy ! 
Deusa,  sf.  goddess. 
Deutero  >  canónico ,     a ,    adj. 

{theol.)  deutero-canonical. 
Deuteronomio,    sm.     deutero - 

nomy.  [leisurely. 

Devagar,   adv.   slowly,   softly, 
Devaneado,  a,  pp.'  adj.  raved, 

delirious,  imagined. 
Devanear,  va.  to  rave,  to  fancy, 

to  imagine.  [tion. 

Devaneio,  sm.    doating,  delira- 
Devassa,  sf.  the  act  of  examin- 

ing    witnesses;    inquest,  judi- 
cial inquiry. 
Devassação,  sf,  break,  inôraction 

of  a  custom. 
Devassado,  a,  pp.  adj.  conspi- 

cuous,  in  view. 
Devassador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  publi- 

sher,  divulgar. 
Devassamente,  adv.  "without  de- 

fence ;  licenliously. 
Devassamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

examinÍDg  witnesses. 
Devassante,  sm.  he  that  exam- 
ines vitnesses. 
Devassar,  va.  {in  law)  to  examine 

mtneBses;  to  take  a  view  of. 

Denassar^se  ^  vr.    {a  mulher)  to 

become  licentious,  debauched. 
Devassidão,  sf.  licentiousness. 
Devasso,  a,  adj.  that  does  not 

shut  close;  licentious.  Mulher 

devassa^  a  prostituta. 
Devastação,  sf.  devastation. 
Devastado,   a,  pp.  adj.   devas- 

tated,  desolated. 
Devastador,  a,  ndj.  that  deso- 

lates.  — ,  sm.  desolater. 
Devastar,   va.  to  devastate,  to 

Devedor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  debtor. 
Deventre,    sm.  the  entrails  or 

Dever,  sm.  duty. 
Dever,  va.  to  owe,  to  be  indeb- 

ted;  to  be  obliged.  Qu£  devemos 

fazer ^  what  must  we  do!  Elle 

deve  vir  hoje^  he  is  to  come  to- 

day.  [earnest. 

Deveras,  adv.  truly,  indeed,  in 
Deve -se,  v.  imp.  vfe  must,  or 

Devessa,    sf.    pasture     ground; 

ground  píanted  with   chesnut- 

trees,  oaKS. 
Deviação,  sf.  deviation. 
Deviar,  va.  to  deviate. 
Devidaimente,  adv.    duly,  in  a 

due  manner. 
Devido^  BifPp.  adj.  o-wed,  obliged  ; 

just,  reasonable. 
Devio ,  a ,  adj.  put  out  of  the 

way,  inaccessibie. 
Devusa,  sf.  division,  separation. 
Devlsadsímente ,  adv.    with  li- 

mits  or  bounds. 
Devisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  discerned, 

distinguished.  [mit. 

Devisão,  sf.  bound,  border,  li- 
Devisar,  va.  to  discern,  to  see, 

to  discover. 
Devoção,  sf.  devotion. 
Devocionario,    sm.    a    prayer- 

book.  [vate  devotions. 

Devoções,  sf.  pi.    prayers,  pri-j 
Devolução,  sf.  devolution.  ^L 

Devolutario,  sm.  {in   lato)    hei 

that  has  a  benefíce  fallen  into  X 

lapse  or  claims  oiie. 
Devolutivo,  a»  adj,  belonging  to 



—  311  — 


Devoluto ,  a ,  adj,  devolved , 

Devolver,  va.  to  leave,  to  refer 
a  thing  to  one.  Devolver-se^  vr. 
(m  teto)  to  be  devolved. 

Devolvido,  SL,jm,adj.  devolved. 

Devoração,  sf.  devoration. 

Devorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  devoured. 

Devorador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  devou- 

Devorante,  adj.  1  g.  devouiing. 

Devorar,  va.  to  devour,  to  eat 
up  ravenously.  [devoted. 

Devotado,  a,  adj.  consecrated. 

Devotamente ,  adv,  devoutly , 

Devoto,  a,  adj.  devout,  pious. 

Dexteridade,  sf.  dexterity;  ac- 
tivity,  skill. 

Dextra,  sf.  the  right  hand. 

Dextro,  a,  adj.  dexter,  right; 

Dextrocherio,  sm.  {herald.)  the 
right  arm,  dextrochere. 

Dey,  sm.  Dey. 

Dez,  s.  and  adj.  num.  ten. 

Dezavo,  sm.  tne  tenth  part. 

Dezembro,  sm.  December. 

Dezena,  sf.  the  place  of  tens  in 

Dezeno,  a,  adj.  tenth. 

Dezenove,  s.  and  adj.  nineteen. 

Dezesels,  s.  and  adj.  sixteen. 

Dezeseistavado,  a,  adj,  having 
sixteen  sides  or  faces. 

Dezesete,  s.  and  adj.  seventeen. 

Dezoito,  8.  and  adj.  ei^hteen. 

Dia,  sm.  the  day.  —  de  entrudo, 
Shrove-Tuesday.  —  do  Nataly 
Christmas  -  day.  —  de  Páscoa^ 
Easter-day.  —  de  anno  6om, 
New-year's  day.  —  de  BeiSj 
Twelrth-day.  —  santo,  a  holy 
day.  —  claro,  broad  day  Cada 
— ,  day  by  day.  De  dois  em  dois 
dias ,  every  second  day.  De  três 
em  três  diaSj  every  third  day. 
ffa  oito  — ,  a  "week  ago.  Dê 
hoje  a  oito  — ,  this  day  sen- 
night.  Quinze  — ,  a  fortnight. 
De  dia,  in  the  day  time.  Sons 
dias,  gooà  morrow,  good  morn- 
Lag.  Pardia,  a  day.  De  noite  e  de 
—,  day  and  night. 

Diabéllia,  sf.  {bot.)  back's  hom. 
V.  Guia  Bella. 

Diabetes,  sm.  {med.)  diabetes. 

Diabético,  a,  a4j.  diabetic,  dia* 

Diabo,  sm.  the  de  vil. 

Diabolicamente ,  adv.  diaboli- 
cally,  devilishly. 

DiaboÚco,  a,  aaj.  devilish,  dia- 

Diabrete,  sm.  a  small  de  vil. 

Diabrosis,  sf.  erosion,  corrosion. 

Diabrotioo,  a,  adj.  that  produ- 
ces  erosion. 

Diabníra,  sf.  devilishness,  de- 
vilish trick,  witchcraft. 

Diacarthamo ,  sm.  a  medicine 
chiefly  made  of  seeds  of  car- 
thamum.  [tholican. 

Diacatholicão,  sm.  (med.)  diaca- 

Diachylão,  sm.  {pnarm.)  dia- 
chylon.  [poppies. 

Diacodio,  sm.   syrup    of  white 

Diaconal,  adj.  2  g.  diaconal. 

Diaconato,  sm.  deaconship,  dea- 
conry.  [conship. 

Diaoonia,    sf.     deaconry ,    dea- 

Diaconioo,  sm.  diaconicon. 

Diaconisa,  sf.  deaconess,  diaco- 

Diácono,  sm.  deacon. 

Diadema,  sm.  diadem. 

Diademado,  a,  adj.  {blas.)  dia- 
demed,  crowned.  [oeryl. 

Diadooos,  sm.  {min.)   a  sort   of 

Diaía,  sf.  a  re-wara  ^ven  to 
husbandmen  above  their  due. 

Diafora,  sf.  {bot.)  a  gramineous 

Diaforesis,  sf.  {med.)  V.  Dietpho- 
resis  and  derivated. 

Diagnosis,  sf.  {med.)  diagnostic. 

Diagnostica,  sf.  {med.)  diagnos- 
tic. [cate. 

DiagnoeticaTi  va.  to  diagnosti- 

Diagnostico,  a,  adj.  {med.)  dia- 

Diagonal,  adi.  2  g.  {geom.)  dia- 
gonal. — ,  sf.  diagonal. 

Diagonalmente^  ad».  ^va^^^- 
naíly.  \St«a^- 

Diagremxaa^  sm.  Va^w^A    ^'^*'" 

\  Bial,  odj .  1  g .  ^wX^.     .       ^cn^c. 


—  312  — 


Dlalecticaxnente,  adv,  diaiecti- 

Dialéctico,  a,  adj.  dialectical.  — , 

8771.  a  dialectician,  a  logician. 
Dialecto,  sm.  dialect. 
Dialogado,  a,  pp.  adj.   having 

the  form  of  a  dialogue. 
Dialogai,  adj.  2  g.  dialogistic. 
Dialogalmente,  adv.  dialogisti- 

cally.  [dialogue. 

Dialogar,  va.   to  dialogize,  to 
Dialogia,  sf.  {rhet.)  diaphora. 
Dialogico,  a,  adj.  dialogistic. 
Dialogisar,  vn.  to  dialogize. 
Dialogismo,  sm.  dialo^ism. 
Dialogista,  sm.  dialogist. 
Dialogistico,  a,  adj.  dialogistic. 
Disdogo,  sm.  dialogue. 
Dialthea,  sf.  {pharm.)  ointment 

of  marsh-mallows. 
Diaxuantado ,  a,  adj.  cut   and 

polished  like  a  diamond. 
Diaxnantar,  va.  to  cut  or  polish 

like  a  diamond. 
Disunante,  sm.  diamond. 
Diamantino,  a,    adj.    adaman- 
tino, [lapidary. 
Diamantista,  5772.diamond-cutter, 
Diametral,  adj.  2  g.  diametral, 

diametrical.  [trically. 

Diametralmente ,  adv.  diame- 
Diâmetro,  sm.  diameter. 
Diamoro,  sm.   {pharm.)  confec- 

tion   or   syrup  made   of  mul- 

berries  [solver. 

Diana,  sf.  {mytk.)  Diana ;  {chem.) 
Diante,  prep.  before,  in  front  of. 

Ao  — ,   afterwards.   D' aqui  em 

— ,  hereafter,  henceforward. 
Dianteira,  sf.  front,  a  running 

Dianteiro,   a,  adj.   that  is  or 

goes  before  another. 
Diapasão,  sm.  diapason. 
Dlapedesis,  sf.  {med.)  diapedesis. 
Diapente,  sm.  {mus.)  diapenti,  a 

perfect  fifth;  {pharm.)  a  com- 

Í)ound  of  five  different  drugs. 
aphaneidade,  sf.  diaphaneity. 
Diaphano,  a,   adj    diaphanous, 
diaphanic.  [resis. 

Diapnoresis,  sf.  {med.)  diapho- 
DiaixhoretioOf  a,   adj.   diapho- 

Diaphragma,  sm.  diaphragm. 
Diaphragmatico,  a,  adj.  {med) 

Diapnraspnitis,  sf.  (med.)  an  in- 

flammation  of  the  diaphragm. 
Diaporesis,  sf.  {rhet.)  aiaporesis. 
Diariamente,  adv.  daily. 
Diário,  a,  adj.  daily. 
Diário,  sm.  a  diary,  a  journal. 
Diarista,  sm.  diarist,  journalist. 
Diarrhea,  sf.  diarrhsea. 
Diaspro,  sm.  {miner.)  a  kind  of 

Diástole,    sf.    {med.)    diástole; 

k/ram.)  the  extension  of  a  syl- 

Diastylo,  sm.  {arch.)  diastyle. 
Diatessarão,  sm.  diatessaron. 
Diatonicamente ,   adv.     {mus.) 

Diatónico,  a,  adj.  diatonic. 
Diatribe,  sm.  diatribe. 
Dição,  sf.  dominion,  power. 
Dicaz,  adj.  2  g.  satyrical. 
Dicção,  sf.  diction,  style. 
Diccionario,  sm.  dictionary. 
Dicclonarista,   sm.     a     lexico- 

Dichote,  sm.  scoff,  jest. 
Dicordio,  sm.  dichord. 
Dicotomo,  a,  adj  dichotomous. 
Dictado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dictated. 
Dictador,  sm.  dictator. 
Dictadura,  sf.  dictatorship,  dic- 

Dictame,  sm.  dictate. 
Dictamo,   sm.    {bot.)    dittander, 

Dictar,  va.  to  dictate. 
Diotatorio,  a,  adj.  dictatorial. 
Dicterio,  sm.  jest,  scoff. 
Didáctica,  sf  didactics. 
Didacticamente ,    adv.     didac- 

Didáctico,  a  adi.  didáctica]. 
Didactilo,  a,  didactylous. 
Dieresis,  sf.  {med.)  dioeresis. 
Dieretico,  a,  adj.  and  s.  {med.)  a 

corrosivo  medicine. 
Diesis,   sf.    {mus.)  sharp,   semi- 

Dieta,  sf.  diet,  food. 
Dietético  f  a,   adj.  {med,)   die- 


iJietetuiiB.  sai,  âi«lsr 
JJUfaoiaoão,  tf.  defamation 
BiHamado,  a,  jip.  odj.  deli 
Slflamador,  a    am.  m  f. 

-  313  — 



ffl-    DlgeB 

'(ttod  (MJ;.  diges°t 

a,  nd^,  defami 


a,  pp.  adj.  diff< 

.  ifiâ'area" 

DlllBrenoial,  ady. 
DlHerenciar,  cu.  I 
Dlllsrenta.   adj.  i 

Dltlereutemeute.  úàe.  ditTerent- 
DUísrldo.  a,  pp.  adi.  delsyed, 

put  off. 
DQferlr.D».  todiffer.  lo  be  dblia- 

guished  from;  to  costend.  — . 

na.  lo  dofer.  to  delBr. 
DllUcU.  adj.  3  g.  dimcult. 
DlUicUinente,  adn.  difficulily. 
DUUouIdade.  !f.  d^racuKy. 
rUUcultado,    a,  pp.   adj.  âifH- 

DilllouKoaámentB.    udti.   Jiffi- 

DilflcuítOBo.    a.  àdj.    dUHcuit 
Dillldencia.  ■/■,  J.Ciidencc. 

Digito,  «n.  dígit. 
Digladiar,  en  to  ãeglsdÍBte. 
Dignação,  i[.  msnt,  dsieri ;  aSSi 

Dignado,  a,  pp  adj.  àiAaaai. 
DlgnamentSt  aJu.  wan&Lly, 
Dignar, uD.  lo  snãítB  northj. 
Dignidade,  if.  dlgDínr. 
Dignificar,  na,,  lo  dignlfy. 
Dignitário,  sm.  dignitary 

DlgroBBionar,  en.  to  digrB! 
Dlgressivo,  a,  adj,  á\gte: 
IHgresBo,  im.  dejmrt,  depat 

nilação,  jf  íiliili(in,dplnv. 
Dilaceração,  -.f.  dilncprniio 
DUaooraclo.    a,    pp.    mlj. 

DUaoerador,  a,  tii.  or  f. 

.  adj.  t  g. 




Dltlundir.    va.    to    diOuse,    to 

niHusamente,  odi:   ilitTUuTaly. 
DUhiaão.  ,f.  dilTusion. 
DlHusi-vo,  a,  iidj  diffusive. 
DlBuHo,  a,  PP   im'j.  of  Litfuaiir 

Jlgorldo,  -  ' 

Digerir,  cl, 

"' ¥■  V«Ioi,? 

•w.  (o  diffeat 


DUatadamante,  ndu-villi 
Dilatado,  a.pp.  adj.  dila 
Dilatador,  s<a    deiayec,  • 

DllMa-yal,  odj.  5,S;.*^"'*™^^ 


—  314  — 


Dilecto,  a,  adj  loved. 

Dilexnxna,  sm.  {log.)  dilemma. 

Dilemmatioo,  a,  adj.  of  a  di- 
lemma. [duity. 

Diligencia,  sf.    diligence,  assi- 

Diligenciador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  soli- 
citor.  [diligent. 

Diligenciar,  va .  to  solicit,  to  be 

Diligente ,  adj.  2  g,  diligent , 

Diligentemente,  adv.  diligently. 

Dilimento,  sm.  dilution. 

DiUr,  va.  to  dilute. 

Dilucidação,  sf.  dilucidation. 

Dilucidado,  a,  pp.  adj.  diluci- 

Dilucidar,  va.  to  dilucidate. 

Diluente,  adj.  2  g^  dilutinf:. 

Diluição,  sf.  dilution. 

Diluido,  a,  pp.  adj.  diluted. 

Diluir,  va.  to  dilute. 

Diluto,  a,  pp.  irreg.  of  Diluir  and 
adj.  diluted.  [luvian. 

Diluviai,  adj.  2  g.  diluviai,  di- 

Diluviano,  a,  adj.  diluvian. 

Diluvio,  sm.  deluge.  [sleety. 

Diluvioso,  a,  adj.  {poet»)  rainj, 

'  Dimanação,  sf.  stream,  stream- 

ing.  [originated. 

Dimanado,  a,  »p.  adj.  streamed, 

Dimanante,  adj,  2  g.  streaminç. 

Dimanar,  vn.  ^to  stream,  to  origi- 
nate-  [sion. 

Dimensão,  5/.  dimension,  exten- 

Dimensional,  adj.  2  q.  dimen- 
sional, [of  dunension. 

Dimensivel,  adj.  2  g.   capable 

Dimensorio,  a,  adj.  dimensive. 

Dimidlação,  sf.  dimidiatiou. 

Dimidiar,  va.  to  dimidiate. 

Dimidiato,  a,  adj.  divided. 

Diminuição,  sf.  diminution,  di- 
minishing.  [nished. 

Diminuído,    a,  pp.  adj.    dimi- 

Diminuir,  va.  or  n  to  diminish, 
to  make  less.  Diminuir-se^  vr.  to 
grow  less.  [fectly. 

Diminutamente ,    adv.    imper- 

Diminutivamente,  adv  dimi- 
nutively.  fa,  adj.  little. 

Diminutivo,  sm.  diminutive.— , 
•Diminuto,  a,  adj.  impexíect^  àe- 

Dimiaaorioj  a,  adj,  dimÍMoxy. 

Dimittir,  va.  V.  Demittir. 
Dinamarquez,   a,    adj.    and  «. 

Dane,  Danish. 
Dinheirada  or  Dinheiraiiia,  sf. 

a  great  heap  of  money. 
Dinheiro,  sm.  money. 
Dinheiroso,  a,  adj.  rich,  fali  of 

money  [sm.  diocesan. 

Diocesano,  a,  adj.  diocesan.  — , 
Dioptra,  sf.  {astr.)  dioptra»  the 

índex  of  an  astroíabe. 
Dioptrico,  a,  adj.  dioptrical. 
Diorama,  sm.  diorama. 
Dlploa  or  Diploe,  sf.  i^anat.)  di- 

ploma,  sm.  diploma. 

Diplomacia,  sf.  diplomacy. 

Diplomata,  sm.  diplomatist. 

Diplomática,  sf  diplomatics. 

Diplomaticamente,  adv.  diplo> 

Diplomático,  a,  adj,  diplomatic. 

Dipticos,  sm  jpl.  diptychs. 

Dique,  sm.  sluice,  dike. 

Dirás,  sf.  pi.  curses. 

Direcção,  x/*.  direction. 

Directamente,  adv.  directly. 

Directivo,  a,  adi.  directive. 

Directo,  a,  adj.  direct. 

Director,  sm.  director.  —  a^  sf. 
governess.  [torsbip. 

Directoria,  sf*  directory,  direc- 

Directório,  sm.  directory. 

Directriz,  adj,  and  sf.  female- 
director,  governess;   directrix. 

Direita,  5/.  the  right  hand  or  side. 

Direitamente,  adv.  directly. 

Direiteza,  sf.  straightuess,  di- 

Direito,  a,  adj.  right,  straight; 
upright,  just,  reasonable.  — , 
adv.  directly.  Ir  —  a  alguém,  to 
go  directly  to  one. 

Direito ,  bm.  r»ght ;  jastioe ; 
claim ;  law.  —  divino  e  humano, 
divine  and  humane  law  Doutor 
em  — ,  doctor  in  law.  —  s  da 
alfandega ,  customs  for  goods 
imported ;  tax,  duty,  excise. 

Direitura,  sf.  righteousneu, 
^Mstvce.  Em — ^adv.  straightway. 

'DVriQVâLO  ^  Q^^  "PP .  oAj .  ^vt^^x^^. 



—  315 


to  order.  Dirigir-se^vr.  to direct, 

to  regard. 
Dirimente,  adj.  2  g.  {in  law)  Im- 

pedimento  — ,  an  absolute  impe- 

Dirimido,  a.  adj.  disunited. 
Dirimir,  va.  to  disunite,tobreak 

Diro,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  dire,  cruel. 
Disbarate,  sm.  nonsense. 
Disoeptação,    sf.    disceptation, 

Discemente,  adj.  2  g.  disceming. 
Discernido,  a^pp.  adj.  discemed. 
Discernir,  va.  to  discern,  to  dis- 

cover,  to  judge. 
Disciplina,  sf.  discii>line,  order, 

regulation ;  correction. 
Disciplinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  disci- 

plined.  [rian. 

Disciplinador,    sm.    disciplina- 
Disciplinantes,   sm.   pi.    disci- 

£linants,  flagellists. 
(ciplinar,  ^:  to  discipline,  to 
instruct.   Disciphnar-se,   vr.   to 
whip  one's  selr- 

Disoiplinar,  adj.  2^.  disciplinar^. 


aj.  ig. 
,  adj. 

2  g,    disci- 

DÍscipula,  sf.  a  she-scholar. 

DiscipuladOf  sm.  discipleship. 

Discipular,  adj.  2  g.  Scholastic, 
scholastical.  [foUower. 

Disoipolo,  sm.  disciple,  scholar. 

Disco,  sm.  quoit,  disk. 

Díscolo,  a,  adj.  depraved  V.  De- 

Disconforme,  adj   2  g,  discor- 
dant,  not  conformable. 

Disconvenienoia,  sf.  di^conve- 
niency,  variance 

Discordado,  a,    pp.  adj.    disa- 
greed,  dissented.' 

Discordância,  sf.    discordance, 

Discordante,  adj.  2  g,   discor- 
dant,  discording.  [dantly. 

Discordantemente,  adv.  discor- 

Discordar,  vn,  to  disagree,  to 
vary.  [harsh. 

Discorde,   adj.  2  g.  discordant, 

VJaoordemente,  adv.  in   a  dis- 
córdia^ iiiaiiner. 

Discórdia,    sf.  discord,    opposi- 

Discorrer,  va.  to  reason,  to  dis- 

course.  —  os  meios ,   to  think 

about  an  expedient. 
Discorrido,  a,  pp.  adj.  reasoned, 

discoursed.  [tionary. 

Discrecionario,  a,  adj.   discre- 
Discrepado,  a,  pp.  adi.  dissented, 

disagreed.  [aiscrepance. 

Discrepância,  sf.  disagreement, 
Discrepante,   adj.  2  g.   discre- 

pant,  different.  [dissent. 

Discrepar ,  vn.  to  disagree ,  to 
Discretamente,  adv.  discreetly, 

prudently.  [ly. 

Discretear,  va.  to  speak  discrect- 
Discreto,  a,  adj.  oiscreet,  pru- 

dent,  wise. 
Discretorio,  sm.  council  room  of 

some  religious  orders. 
Discricionário,   a,  adj.   discre- 

tionary.  [sity. 

Discrime,  sm.  diíference,  diver- 
Discriminação,  sf.   discrimina- 

tion.  [ed,  discriminated. 

Discriminado,  a,  pp.  adj.  divid- 
Disoriminal,  adj.  2  g.  belonging 

to  discrimination. 
Discriminar,  va.  to  discriroinate, 

to  divide.  [ed. 

Discursado,  a,  pp.  adj.  discours- 
Discursar,  vn.  to   discourse,  to 

Discursivo,  a,  adj.  discoursive. 
Discurso,  sm.  discourse,  reason- 

ing,  space.  [bate. 

Discussão  ,  sf.    discussion  ,    de- 
Disoutido,  a,  pp.  adj.  discussed, 

examined.  [mine. 

Discutir,  va.  to  discuss,  to  exa- 
Discutivel,  adj.  2g,  that  may  be 

Diserto,  a,  adj.  copious,  fluent. 
Disfarçadamente,  adv.  disguis- 

Disfarçado,  a,  pp.  adj  disguised. 
Disfarçar,  va.  to  disguise.  Dis- 

farçar-se^  vr.  to  disguise  one's 

self.  (jxvôxvt.. 

Disfarce ^  sm.  ô\%^\v\^Çk,  $!íva.^vvNSft«- 
Dlatormacc,  -oa.  \o  ^^^^«^^v_^^« 
Dislorme.  adj.  'i  Q.  «u««orí^», 



—  316  — 


Disformemente,  adv.  defonned- 

Disformidade,  sf.  deformity. 
Disgregação,  sf.    disgregation, 

separation.  [ed.  dispersed. 

Disgregado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  separat- 
Disgregar,  va.  to  disgregate,  to 

separate.  —  a  vista ^  to  separate 

the  visual  rays. 
Disgresrativo,  a,  adj.   disjunc- 

tive  of  the  visual  rays. 
Disjuncção,  sf.  disjunction,  se- 
paration. [tively. 
Disjunctivam.ente,  adv.  disjunc- 
Disjunctivo,  a,  adj.  disjunctive. 
Disjuncto,  a,  adj.  scparated. 
Disjungir,  va.  to  unyoke  (oxen). 
Dislate,  sm.  nonsensc. 
Dispar,  adj.  2  g.  unequal,   diffe- 

rent.  [trigger  of  a  gun. 

Disparador,  sm.  a  shooter ;  the 
Disparar,  va.  to  shoot,  to  dart, 

to    fling,    to    discharge,   to  Ict 

off,  to  utter.  —  affrontas  contra 

alguém^  to  affront  one. 
Disparatadamente,  a^u.absurd- 

ly.  [extravagant. 

Disparatado,  a,  pp.  adj.  absurd. 
Disparatar,  va.  to  talk  foolishly, 

absurd  ly.  [action. 

Disparate,  sm.  nonsense,  foolish 
Disparidade,  sf.  disparity,  ine- 

Dispartir,  vn.  to  divide. 
Dispêndio,  sm.  expense. 
Dispendiosamente,  adv.  expen- 

sively.  [costly. 

Dispendioso,  a,  adj.  expensive. 
Dispensa ,      sf.      dispensation , 

exemptioD.  [dispense. 

Dispensação,   sf.  dispensation. 
Dispensado,  a,  pp.  adj.   dispcn- 

sed,  free.  [disposer. 

Dispensador ,    sm.     dispenser , 
Dispensar,  va.  to  dispense  with, 

to   exerapt.  DUpcnsar-se ,  vr.  to 

decline,  to  avoid.  [sative, 

Dispensativo,    a,    adj.    dispen- 
Dispensatorio ,    sm.    dispensa- 

tory.  fsable. 

Dispensável,  adj.  2  g.  dispen- 
Diaperaado,  a,  p/K  adj.  disperãed. 
I>iaperaão,  sf.  dispersion,  separ 

Dispersar,  va.  to  disperse. 
Disperso,  a,  adj.  dispersed,  se- 

Í)arated.  fsorrow. 

splicencia,    sf.     displeaaare. 
Displicente,  adj.  lg.  unpleBsant, 

unpleasing.  [poses. 

Disponente,  adj.  2  g.  that  dis- 
Disponível,  adj.  ±  g.  disposable. 
Dispor,  va.  to  dispose,  to  order, 

to  regulate.  — ,  vn.  to   dispose 

of.  ÍJispôr-se^  vr.  to  get  ready, 

to  prepare.  [lution. 

Disposição,  sf.  disposition,  reso- 
Dispositivamente,  adv.  disposi- 

tively,  preparatorily. 
Dispositivo,  a,  adj.  dispositivo 
Dispositor,  sm.  a  disposer. 
Disposto,  a,  pp.  adj.   disposed, 

Disputa,  sf.  dispute,  debate. 
Disputado,  a,  pp.  adj,  disputed, 

contested.  [patant, 

Disputador,  sm.  disputer,  dis- 
Disputante,  adj.  2  g.  disputing. 
Disputar,  vn.  to  dispute,  to  con- 

Disputavel.  adj.  2  g.  disputable. 
Dissabor,  sm.  insipidity;  displea- 

Dissaborear,  va.  to  moke  insipid, 

to  cause    displeasure.  Dissabo- 

rear-se,  vr.  to  grow  dispieased 

or  disgustcd.  [tasteíess. 

Dissaboroso ,  a,  adj.    insipid. 
Dissecado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dissected. 
Dissecar,  va.  to  dissect,  to  ana- 

Dissecção,  sf.  dissection. 
Dissector,  sm.    dissector«  ana- 

tomist.  [and  derivated. 

Disseinelhar,  va.  V.  Desstmilhar 
Disseminação,    sf.     dissemina- 

tion.  [minated. 

Disseminado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  disse- 
Disseniinar,  va.  to  disseminate. 
Dissensão,  sf.  discord,    dissen- 

sion.  [ed. 

Dissentido,  a,  pp.  adj.  dissent- 
Dissentimento,     sm.      dissent, 

Dissentir,  va.  to  dissent. 


-  317  — 


Dissertador,  sm.  dissertator. 
Dissertar,  va.  to  dissert,  to  dis- 

course.  [scission. 

Dissidência,     sf.     dissidenee. 
Dissidente,  adj.  íí  g.  dissident. 
Disaimilar,  aaj,  2  g.  dissimilar, 

Dissixnilitude,  sf.  dissimilítude. 
Dissimulação,  sf.  dissimulation. 
Dissimuladaxnente,  adv,  dissem- 

Dissimulado,  a,  pp.  adj.    dis- 

sembled,  dissembling. 
Dissimulador,  a,  sm.  or  f.   dis- 

Dissimular,  va.  to  dissemble,  to 

conceal.  Dissimular-se ,  vr.  to  be 

Dissimulavel ,   adj.  \2   g.     tbat 

may  be  dissembled. 
Dissimulo,  sm.  dissimulation. 
Dissipação,  sf.  dissipation,  -wast- 

ing.  [pation. 

Dissipadamente,  ado.  with  dissi- 
Dissipado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dissipated. 
Dissipador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  dissipa- 

ter,  prodigal.  [disperse. 

Dissipar,  va.  to  dissipate,  to 
Dissipavel,  adj,  2  g.  tnat  may 

be  dissipated. 
Dissociação,  sf.  separation. 
Dissociai ,  adj.  2  g.  unsociable, 

separated.  [parate. 

Dissociar,  va.  to  disjoin,  to  se- 
Dissociavel,  adj.  2  g.  unsociable. 
Dissolução,  sf.    dissolution,   so- 

lution,  dissoiuteness.  [ly. 

Dissolutamente,  adv.  dissolutc- 
Dlssolutivo,  a,  adj.  dissolvent, 

dissoluble.  [centious. 

Dissoluto,  a,  adj.    dissolute,  11- 
Dissoluvel,  adj.  2  g.  dissoluble. 
Dissolvente,  adj.  2  g.  dissolvent. 
Dissolver,  va.  to  dissolve,  to  se- 

parate.   Dissolver ~se^  vr.  to   be 

Dissolvido,  a,  pp.  adj,  dissolved. 
Dissonância,   sf.    {miis.)    disso- 

nanco.  [unharmonious. 

Dissonante, aí//  2.ç'.disagreeing, 
Dissonar,  vn.  to  disagree. 
Dissonoro,a,  adj.  unharmonious. 
Dissuadido,  a,  pp,  adj.  dissuad- 

Dissuadidor,  sm.  ene  who  dis- 

Dissuadir,  va.  to  dissuade. 

Dissuasão,  sf.  dissuasion. 

Dissuasivo,  a,  adj.  dissuasive. 

Dissuasório,  a,  aaj.  dehortatory. 

Dissyllabo,  a,  adj.  and  s.  dissyl- 

Distancia,  sf.  distance,  interval. 

Distanciado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sepa- 
rated, distanced.  [ced. 

Distanciar-se,  vr.  to  be  distan- 

Distante,  adj.  2  g,  distant,  re- 

Distar,  vn.  to  be  distant,  reraote. 

Distensão,  sf.  {med.)  distension. 

Distenso,  a,  adj.  {med.)  distensed. 

Dístico,  sm.  distich. 

Distillação,  sf.  distillation,  dis- 

Distillado,  a,  pp.  adj.  distilled. 

Dlstillador,  sm.  distiller. 

Distillar,  va.  to  distil.  Distillar- 
se,  vr.  to  be  distilled.  [ry. 

Distillatorio,  a,  adj.   dlstillato- 

Distlncção,  sf.  distinction.  diífe- 
rence.  [clearly. 

Dlstinctamente,  adv.  distinctly, 

Bistinc  ti  vãmente,  ado.  distinc- 

DistinctivOj  a,  adj.  distinctive. 
— ,  sm.  a  distinctive  mark. 

Distincto,  a,  pp.  irreq.  of  Dis- 
tinguir and  aaj.  distinguished, 
distinct.  Nascimento  — ,  high 

Distinguido  ,  a ,  pp.  adj.  dis- 
tinguished,  eminent. 

Distbiguidor.  sm.  distinguisher. 

Distingir,  va.  and  n.  to  dis- 
tinguish,  to  discern.  Distinguir- 
se,  vr.  to  make  one's  self  emi- 

Distinguivel,  adj.  2  g.  distin- 

Distorsão,  sf.  {med,)  distortion. 

Distracção,  sf.  dislraction,  dis- 
turbance ;  recreation,  diversion . 

Distractivo,  a,  adj  distractive, 

DistrahiaazneTXtid>    oAxi.   ^^«i^^- 
\ess\y ,  maXXfeuWv  «ít^ . 

DiatraMdo.   bl  ,  w-    «-^i*     ^^^' 




318  — 


Distrahimento,  sm.  distraction, 

Distrahir,  va.  to  distract,  to  di- 

vert   frora;    to    subtract.    Dis- 

trahir-se,  vr.    to  divert  one's 

self.  [cancel. 

Distratar ,   va,   to   abolish ,    to 
Distrato,  sm.  cancelling  of  an 

agreement ;  dissolution. 
Distribuição ,    5^.    distribution  ; 

{impr.)  distriljuting. 
Distribuido,  a,  pp.  adj.   distri- 

Distribuidor,  sm.  distributer 
Distribuir,  va.  to  distribute 
Distributivo,  a,  adj.  distributive. 
Didtricto,  sm.  district,  territory. 
Disturbado,  Si,pp.  adj.  disturbed. 
Disturbar,    va.   to    disturb,   to 

confound.  [sion. 

Distúrbio,  sm.  disorder,  confu- 
Dita.  sf.  good  luck. 
Ditheismo,  sm.  system  admitting 

a  good  and  a  bad  principie. 
Ditnyrambico,  a,  adj.  ditnyram- 

Dithyrambo,  sm.  dithyramb. 
Dito,  sm.  a  saying.  — "^  pp,  irreg. 

de  Dizer  and  adj.  said.  —  e  feito^ 

adv.  loc.  immediately. 
Ditongado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made  as 

a  diphthong. 
Ditongal,  adj.  2  g   diphthongal. 
Ditongar,ua.  to  make  diphthongs. 
Ditongo,  sm.  diphthong. 
Ditono,  sm.  {music.)  ditone. 
Ditosamente,  ado.  luckily,  hap- 

Ditoso,  a,  adj.  fortunate,  happy. 
Diurese,  sf.  {med.)  diuresis. 
Diurético,  a,  adj.  diuretic. 
Dlurnal,  adj.  2  g.  diurnal,  dayly. 
Diurno,  a.  adj.  diurnal,  daily. 
Diuturnidade,  sf.  diutarnity. 
Diuturno,    a,    adj.     diuturnal, 

Diva,  sf.  (p<Mf.)  a  goddess. 
Divagação,  sf.  divagation,  wand- 

Divagante,  adj.  2  g.  -vrandering. 
Divagar,  vh  to  wander. 
Divan,  sm.  divan. 
Divergência,  sf.  divergeney. 
Divergente,  adj.  2  g.  divergent. 

Divergir,  vn.  (geom.)  to  diverçe. 
Diversamente,  adv.  differentíy. 
Diversão,  sf.  diversion. 
Dtrersar,  va.  to  discern,  to  dis- 

tinguish.  [ference. 

Diversidade,  sf.  diversity,   dif- 
Diversificado ,  a ,  pp,  adj.   áí- 

versified,  varied. 
Dlversificante,  adj.  2  g.  diversi- 

Diversificar,  va.  to  diversify. 
Diversificavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 

be  diversiíied. 
Diverso,  a.  ac//.  diverso,  different. 
Diversorio,  sm.  an  inn,  a  public 

Divertidamente,  adw.carelessly. 
Divertido,  a,  pp.  adj.  diverted  ; 

jocund,  pleasant. 
Divertimento,   sm.    recreation, 

diversion ;  heedlessness. 
Divertir,  va.  to  divert,  to  amuse, 

to  entertain ;    to   turn    away. 

Divertir^se^  vr.  to  divert  one*B 

self.  [quezas. 

Divicias,  sf  pi.  wealth.  v.  Hi- 
Divida,  sf  debt. 
Dividendo,  sm.  {arith  )  dividend ; 

share,  portion. 
Dividido,  a,  pp.  adj.  divided. 
Divididor,  sm.  divider. 
Dividir,  va.  to  divide,  to  part,  to 

share.  [Parentesco.. 

Divido,  sm.  kindred,  afflnity.  V. 
Dividual,  adj.  2  g   dividual,  di- 
Divinação,  sf.  divination. 
Divinador,  sm.  diviner. 
Divinal,  adj.  2  g.   divine. 
Divinalmente,  adv.  divinely. 
Divinamente,  adv.  divinely. 
Divinatorio,  a,  adj.  divinatory. 
Divindade,  sf  divinity,  deity 
Divinisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deified. 
Divinisante,  adj.  2  g.  deifying. 
Divinisar,  im.  to  deify.  Divinisar- 

se,  vr.  to  require  honour  as  a  god. 
Divino,  a,  adj.  divine. 
Divisa,  sf.  device,  embleme. 
Divisação,^/'.  boundary. 
Divisadamente,     adv.     distin- 

Divisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  discemed» 
Divlsamente,  adv.  dividedly 


—  319  — 


Divisão,    sf.    division;  discord, 

Divisar,  va.  to  discern,to  judge. 
Divisibilidade,  sf.  divisibility. 
Divisional,  adj.  2  g.  divisional. 
Divisível,  adj.  2  g.  divisible. 
Divisivo,  a,  adj.  divisive,  distri- 

Divisor,  sm.  divisor,  divisioner. 
Diviso,  a,  adj.  divided,  parted. 
Divisório,  a,  adj.  divisionary. 
Divo,  a,  adj.  divine. — ,  sm,  or  f. 

deity,  divinity. 
Divorciado.  a.,pp.  adj.  divorced. 
Divorciar,  va.  to  divorce. 
Divorcio,  sm.  divorce. 
Divos   or  Deuses,  sm.  pi.  thc 

Gods,  the  heathen  gods. 
Divulgação,  sf.  divulging,  divul- 

Divulgado,  a,  pp.  adj.  divulged. 
Divulgador,  a,  «m.  or  /l  divulgar. 
Divulgar,  va.  to  divulge. 
Divolsão,  sf.  {med.)  divulsion. 
Dixes,  sm.  pi  baubles. 
Dlzedor.  a,  sm,  or  f.  great  talker. 

V.  Fallador, 
Dizer,  va.  to  tell,  to  say,  to  speak, 

to  tsíik,  to  bid.  Diz-se,  it  is  said. 

Quer  dizer,  that  is  to  say.  Dizer- 

se,  vr.  to   call,  to  profess,  to 

entitle  one^s  self.  Dtzer,  vn.  to 

be  suitable. 
Dizer,  sm.  O  —  das  Ustimunhas, 

the  witneísses'  depositions.  O— 

6em,  fine  speech.  Dizeres^ 

detraction,  scandal 
Dizidor,  sm.  a  great  talker 
Dizima,  sf.  decimal. 
Dizimação,  sf.  decimatioQ. 
Dizimado,  a^pp.  adj.  decimated. 
Dizimador,  sm.  decimator,tither. 
Dizimai,  adj.  2  g   decimal. 
Dizimar,  va.  to  decimate.  Dizi- 

mar-se,  vr.  to  pay  the  tithe. 
Dizimaria,  sf.  a  place  where  the 

tithe  is  paia. 
Dizimo,  sm.  tithe.  [said. 

Dizivel,  adj.  2  g.  that  can  be 
Do,  a,  contractiòn  of  de  and  of 

the  article  sing.  mas.  o,  of  the 
D6,  sm.  mourning,  compassion. 
Doa,  sf.  donation,  grant. 
Doa^o,   sf.  donation,  gift;  (m 

law)  the  contract  transferring 

the  gift. 
Doado,  a,pp.  adj.  given.granted. 
Doador,  5m.  ^iver,  donor. 
Doar,  va.  to  give,  to  bestow. 
Dobadeira,  sf.  a  -woman  that 

winds  skains. 
Dobadoira,  sf.  a  wirdle. 
Dobar,  va.  to  wind  into  a  skain. 
Dobra,  sf.   fold,  plait;    ancient 

coin  in  Portugal. 
Dobrada,  sf.  tripé. 
Dobradamente,  adv,  doably. 
Dobradeira,  sf.  a  folding-stick. 
Dobradiça,  sf.  hinge. 
Dobradiço,  a,  adj.  pliant,  pliable. 
Dobrado,   a,   pp.   adj.   folded, 

Dobradura,  sf.  folding ,  bending. 
Dobrai,  sm.  purse,  pouch. 
Dobrão,  sm.  doubloon. 
Dobrar,  va.  to  fold,  to  bow,  to 

bend  ;  to  double. —  vn. —  de  reso- 

luçãOj  to  change   one^s  mind. 

Dôbrar-se,  vr.  —  ao  partido  de 

alguém,  to  take  one's  part;  to 

be  moved  or  aflfected. 
Dobre,  adi.  2  g.  double;  deceit- 

ful,  fraudulent. 
Dobrez,  sf.  donble-dealing. 
Dobreza,  sf.  duplicity,  hypocrisy. 
Dobro,  sm.  double.  Dar  o  — ,  to 

give  double  the  price. 
Doce,  adj.  2  g.  sweet.  Agua  — , 

fresh   water.  Vinho  — ,  unfer- 

mented  wine. 
Doce-amarga,  sf.  bitter-sweet. 
Docel,  sm.  a  canopy. 
Docemente,  adv.  sweetly 
Dócil,  adj.  2  g.  docile,  teachable. 
Docilidade,  sf.  docility. 
Docilisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made  do- 
Docilisar,  va.  to  make  docile. 
Docilmente,  adv.  vrith  docility. 
Documentar,  va.  to  prove  with 

Documento,  sm.  document. 
Doçura,  sf.  s^t^eetness. 
Dodecagono,  sm.  dodecagon. 
Dodecatemorio,  sm.   dodecate- 

Doença,    sf.   sickness,  disea&«> 



—  3Í0  — 


Doenoia,  af.  unwholesomeness  of 

a  climate. 
Doencio,  a,  adj.  {anc  )  unwhole- 

some,  sickly. 
Doente,  adj.  2  ç.  sick,  ill. 
Doentio,  a,  adj.  sickly. 
Doer,  vn.  to  ache,  to  feel  pain. 

Doer-se,  vr,  to  pity,  to  coraplain. 
Doestadoiro,  a,  adj.  despicable, 

Doestador,    a,    adj.    injurious, 

Doestar,  va.  to  injure,  to  wrong. 
Doesto,  sm.  injure,  "wroíg. 
Doge,  sm.  doge. 
Dogma.  sm.  dogma,  doctrine. 
Dogmaticamente,  adv.  dogma- 

Dogmático,   a,  adj.    dogmatic, 

dogmatical.  [tized. 

Dogmatisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  do^ma- 
Dogmatisador,  sm,  dogmatizer. 
Dogmatisante,   sm.   dogmatist. 
Dogmatisar,  va.  to  dogmatize. 
Dogmatismo,  sm.  dogmatism 
Dogmatista,  sf.  dogmatist. 
Dogo,  sm.  a  bull-dog. 
Dogue,  sm.  a  bull-dog. 
Doidamente,  aJv.  foolishly. 
Doidice,  sf.  madness,  foolisnness. 
Doido,  a,  sm.  or  f.  and  adj.  mad, 

foolish,  siUy,  insane;  wild,  ex- 

Doirada,  sf.  dorado. 
Doirado,  a,  pp.  adi.  giit,  gilded. 
Doirador,  sm.  gilder. 
Doiradura,  sf.  gilding. 
Doirar,   va.  to  gild.  -^  apillula^ 

ifig.)  to  gild  the  pill  ;  to  colour, 

to  palliate,  to  disgui»e. 
Dois,  adj.  num.  pi.  two. 
Dolanqnim,  sm.  a  sort  of  black 

Dollar,  sm.  dollar,  silver  coin. 
Dolo,  sm.  fraud,  deceit.  Com  — , 

Dolor,  sm,  grief,  pain. 
Dolorido,  a,  pp.  adj.  delicate. 
Dolorifico,  a,  adj.  pain  fui,  that 

pains.  [fully,  grievously. 

Dolorosamente ,    ado.    sorrow- 
Doloroso,  a,   adj.  pain  fui,  sor- 

rowful.  [deceitfully. 

Dolosamente,  adv.  fraudulently, 

Doloso,  a,  adj.  deceitful,  frauda- 

lent.  [of  honoar. 

Dom,  sm.  gift  or  present ;  a  title 
Doma  or  Domãa,  sf.  hebdomad. 
Domado,  a,  pp.   adj.  subduer, 

Domador,  sm.  tamer,  subdued. 
Domadora,  sf.  she  that  tames  or 

Domar.  va.  to  tame,  to  subdue. 
Domavel,  adj.  2  g.  easy  to   be 

subdued.  [ii^g* 

Domesticação,  sf.  taming,  break- 
Domesticamente,  adv.  domesti- 

Domesticar,  va.  to  domesticate. 

Lomesticar-se,  vr.  to  çrow  fami- 
liar, [be  tamed. 
Domesticavel,  adj.  2  g.  easjr  to 
Domesticidade,  sf.  domesticity. 
Domestico,  a,  adj.  domestic«  do- 
Domestiqueza,  sf.  familiarit^r. 
Domiciliado,  a,  pp.  adj.  domici- 

Domiciliar,  va.  to  domiciliate,  to 

domicile.   Domiciliar-se^    vr,   to 

settle,  to  dwell  in  a  place. 
Domiciliário,  a,  adj.  oomiciliarv. 
Domicilio,  sm.  dwelling,  domi- 

Dominação,  sf.  domination,  com- 

mand,  power. 
Dominador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  and  adj, 

dominator,  ruler. 
Dominante,  adj.  'i  g.  dominant, 

predominant.  Paixão  — ,  ruling 

Dominar,  va.  to  lord,  to  com- 

mand,  to  domineer  over,  to  go- 

Dominativo,  a,  adj.  dominativc, 

having  power. 
Domingo,  sm.  or  Dominga,  sf. 

Sunday,  the  Lord's  day. 
Domingueiro,  a,  adj.  belonging 

to  the  Sunday. 
Dominical,  aaj.  2  a.  dominical. 
Dominicano,  a,  adj.  dominican. 
Dominicanos,  S7n.  pi.  Domini- 

cans.  [power. 

Dominio,    sm.  dominion,   role, 
DominlcMso,  a,  or  Dominoso,  a, 

adj.  proud,  scomfuL 


—  321 


Dominó,  sm.  domino. 

Domo,  sm.  the  calhedral  church 

of  a  city. 
Dona,  Donna  or  Domina,  sf. 

title  given  to  ladies  of  quality. 
Donadlo,  sm.  donation. 
Donado,  sm.  a  lay-brother  that 

has  made  his  profession. 
Donaire,  sm.  grace,  good  beha- 

viour.  [scoffed. 

Donsdreado,  a,  pp.  adj.  jeered, 
Donairear,  va.  to  jeer,  to  scoíf. 
Donairoso,  a,  adj.  comely,  grace- 

Donatária,  sf.  dignity,  rank  of 

the  donee. 
Donatário,  sm.  donee. 
Donativo,  sm.  donative,  gift. 
Donato,  sm.  a  lay-brother  who 

has  not  made  his  profession. 
D'onde,  adv  where,  from  whence. 
Dondo,  a,  adj.  spent,  -woni. 
Donear,  va.  to  suit,  to  court,  to 

allure  a  maid . 
Doninha,  sf  a  weasel. 
Dono,  sm.  master,  owner,  pro- 

Donosamente,  adv.  pleasantly, 

Donoso,  a,  adj   pleasant,  witty. 
Donzel,  s;n    a  young  gentieman 

before  being  made  a  knight .  — 

adj.  m.  gentle,  docile.  Vinho  — , 

sweet  wine. 
Donzella,  sf.  maid,  virgin ;  young 

lady,    young    miss ;     a    dumb 

Donzellaria  or  Donzellice,  sf 

Dôr,  sm.  grief,  pain,  ache,  sorrow. 
Dorico,  a,  adi.  doric,  dorian. 
Dorido,  a,  aaj.  doleful,  sore,  de- 

licate,  weak. 
Dormente,  adj.  2  g.  benumbed, 

stiff,  sleeping,  dormant;  stag- 

nant  (water)  — s,  sm.  pi.  timbers 

of  the  deck  of  a  ship ;  pieces  of 

wood  in  a  mill. 
Dormida,  sf.  the  tree  where  a 

bird  rests  every  night. 
Dormideiras,  sf,  pi.  {bot.)  pop- 

pies.  ped. 

Dormido,  a,  pp.  adj.  asleep,  lul- 
Dormidoiro,  sm.  a  dormitory. 

Dormidor,  a,  sm  or  f.  he  or  sho 

who  sleeps  soundly. 
Dormilão,  ona,  sm.  or/.  and  adj. 

sluggard.  [sluggard, 

Donninhoco,   a,    adj.   síeeper, 
Dormir,  v7i.  to  sleep.  —  a  sesta^ 

to  take  a  nap.  Ter  vontade  de  — , 

to  be  sleepy. 
Dormitado,  a,  pp   adj.  nodded, 

Dormitar,  va.  to  slumber,  to  nod . 
Dormitivo,  a,  adj.  and  «.  sopo- 

rific,  soporiferous. 
Dormitório,  sm.  dormitory. 
Doma,  sf.  »  vat  for  wine,  oil,  etc. 
Dorneira,   sf.  the  hopper  of  a 

Dorsal,  adj.  2  g.  {anat.)  dorsal. 
Dorsel,  sm.  {anc.)  a  canopy. 
Dorso,  sm   the  back. 
Dos,  contract  of  de  and  os,  of  the. 

—  corpos,  of  the  bodies . 
Dose  or  Dosis,  sf.  dose. 
Dotação,  sf.  dotation,  foundation, 

endowment.  [dued. 

Dotado,  a,  pp.  adj.  endowed,  en- 
Dotador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  endower. 
Dotal,  adj.  2  g.  dotal,  pertaining 

to  a  dower. 
Dotalicio,  sm,  jointure,  dower, 

Dotar,  va.  to  endow,  to  give  a 

dowry  or  portion.  [ture. 

Dote,   sm.  portion,  dowry,  join- 
Dotes,  sm.  pi.  endowments. 
Douche,  sf.  shower-bath.  l^omar 

banho  de  — ,  to  be  pumped. 
Doudo,  a,   s.  and  adj.  V.  Doido 

and  derivated.  .  [vated. 

Dourar,  va.  V.  Doirar  and  deri- 
Douro,   sm.   Douro,    a  river  of 

Dous,  adj.  numer.  V.  Dois. 
Doutamente,  adv.  learnedly.^ 
D'outiva.  ado.  loc.  Fallar   a^ou- 

tiva^  to  talk  at  random. 
Douto,  a,  adj.  learned. 
Doutor,  sm.  doctor. 
Doutora,  sf.  a  woman  that  makcs 

shew  of  learning.  [atetl. 

Doutorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  doctor- 
Doutoral,  adj.  doctoral. 
Doutoramento,  sm.  the  act  o£ 

giving  the  de^te,ei  ol  ^<ic\»it. 


—  322  — 


Doutorando,  sm    he  who  is  to 

take  the  degree  of  a  docíor. 
Doutorar,   vn.  to  doctorate,  to 

make  a  doctor.  Doutorar-se,  vr. 

to  take  the  degree  of  a  doctor. 
Doutrina,  sf.  doctrine. 
Doutrinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  taught, 

Doutrinador,  sm.  teacher. 
Doutrinal,  aJj.  2  g.  doctrinal 
Doutrinalmente ,    adv.    doctri- 

Doutrinante,  sm.  a  priest  •who 

teaches  or  instructs. 
Doutrinário,  sm,  doctrinist,  doc- 

Doutrinavel,  adj.  2  g.  docile, 

apt  to  be  instructed. 
Dozavo.  sm  a  twelfth  part. 
Doze,  adj.  numer  card.  twelve. 
Dozeno,  a,  adj.  twelfth. 
Drachma,  sf.  drachm. 
Draga,  sf.  drag. 
Dragão,  sm.dragon;  [mil.)  dra- 


Dragoeira,    sf.  or  Dragoeiro, 

sm.  the  dragon-trec. 
Dragomano,  sm.  drogman. 
Dragona,  sf,  epaulet,  shoulder- 

Btiap.  [rius. 

Dragonario,  sm.  {ant)  dracona- 
Dragontea,  sf.  V.  Serpentina. 
Dragontino,  a,  adj.  belonging  to 

the  dragon. 
Drama,  sm.  drama.  [tically. 

Dramaticamente,  adv.   drama- 
Dramatico,  a,  adj,  dramatical, 

Dramaturgo,  sm.  dramatist. 
Drástico,    a,   adj.  and  s.  (tned.) 

drastic  [liards. 

Driças,   sf.  pi.  [a  sea  term)  hal- 
Droga,  sf.  drug.  Isto  é  — ,  this  is 

not  worth  a  pin. 
Drogaria,  sf  or  Drogas,  sf,  pi. 

drugs.  grocery-ware. 
Droguete,  sm.  drugget. 
Droguista,  sm  druggist. 
Dromedário,  sm.  dromedary. 
Druidas    or    Druides,    sm.  pi. 

Druidico,  a,  adj.  druidic. 
Druidismo,  sm.  drnidism. 
Druidiza,  sf.  druidess. 

Dryadas  or  Dryades,  sf.    pi, 

Dusd,  adj.  dual. 

Dualidade,  sf.  duality ;  division. 
Dualismo,  sjh.  dualism. 
Dualistico,  a,  adj.  dualistic. 
Duas,  adj.  num.  f.  two. 
Dubiamente,  adv.  dubiously. 
Dubiedade,  sf.  donbtfulness. 
Dúbio,  a,  adj.  doubtful,  dubious» 
DubitaçSo,  sf.  dubitation. 
Dubitativamente ,     adv,      da- 

Dubitativo,  a,  adj.  dubitativa- 
Dubitavel,  adj.  2  g.  doubtful. 
Ducado,  sm.   dukedom,   duchy  j 

ducat  (coin). 
Ducal,  adj.  2  g.  ducal. 
Ducatão,  sm.  ducatooD. 
Dúctil,  adj.  2  g.  ductile,  flexible. 
Ductilidade,  sf.  ductileness. 
Dueto,  sm.  duct,  tube,  canal. 
Ductor,  5m.  {surg.)  ductor,  con- 

Duellista,  sm.  duellist,  dueller. 
Duello,  sm.  duel.  liater-se  em  — , 

to  fight  a  duel.  ffairy. 

Duendes,  5>'2.  pi.  goblins,  gnosts, 
Duetto,  sm.  {mus.)  duet. 
Duidade,    sf.    {anc.)    companj, 

society  of  two.  [ra. 

Duloamara,  sf.  (bot.)  dnlcis-ama- 
Dulcificação,  sf  {cnem.)  dulclfi- 

Dulcificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dulcified. 
Dulciíicante,  adj.  2  g.  dulcifying. 
Dulcificar,  va.  (chem.)  to  dulcify. 
Dulcisono,  a,  adj.  sonorous,  me- 

Dulçor,  sm.  (aiic.)  sweetness. 
Dunas  orDunes,  dcwns  or 

sandy  hills. 
Duo,  sm.  duet,  duotto. 
Duodecagono,  adj.  dodecagon. 
Duodécimo,  a,  acÇ.  the  twelfth. 
Duodecuplo,  a,  adj.  duodecuple. 
Duodenal,  adj.  2  g.  duodenal. 
Duodenario,  a,  adj.  daodenary. 
Duodeno,  sm.  {anat.)  duodenum. 
Duplex,  adj.  2  g,  {hturg.)  double. 
Duplicação,  sf  duplication. 
Duplicadamente,    adv.  doubly. 
Duplicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  doubled^ 



—  323  — 


Daplioar,   va.  to  duplicate,  to 

Dnplicata,  sf.  duplicate. 
Buplice,  adj.  2  g.  double. 
Duplloidade,  sf.  duplicity. 
Duplo,  a,  adj.  and  s.  double,  twice . 
IHique.  sm.  duke. 
Duqueza,  sf.  duchess. 
IKira,  sf.  durability,  lastingness. 
Durabilidade,  sf.  durability. 
Duração,  sf.  duration.  [ing. 

Duradoiro,  a,  adj.  durable,  last- 
Dura-mater,   sf.    {anat.)    dura- 

mater.  [ly. 

Duramente,  adv,  hardly,  sharp- 
Duraque,  sm.  lastin^s. 
Durante,  prep,  during.  — ,  sm. 

durant  or  tammy. 
Durar^  vn.   to  dure,   to  last,  to 

Durável,  adj.  2  g.  durable. 
Durazio,    a,    cidj.    hard,    stiíF 

Mulher  —  a,  a  woman   who   is 

no  more  a  young  woman. 
Dureiro,  a,  adj.  2  g.  costive. 
Dureza,  sf.  hardness,  solidity. 
Duro,  sm.  dollar,  Spanish  money. 
Duro,  a,  adj.  hard,  cruel,  niggard- 

ly  ;    harsh ;    arduous  ,    cruel , 

inhuman.  Cabeça  —  a,  a  block- 

Duumviral,  adj.  2  g.  duumviral. 
Duumvirato,  sm.  duumvirate 
Duvida,  sf.  doubt,  irresolution. 

Pôr  em  — ,  to  question.  Ter —  s 

com  alguém^  to  dispute. 
Duvidado,  a,  pp.  adj   doubted. 
Duvidar,  va.  to  doubt,  to  f ear»  to 

suspect.  — ,  vn.  to  be  in  uncer- 

tainty.  [fully 

Duvidosamente ,    adv.     doubt- 
Duvidoso,    a,    adj.    donbtful, 

dubious.  [hundred. 

Duzentos,  as,  adj  num.  pi.  tvfo 
Dúzia,  sf.  dozen. 
D3rnamica,  sf.  dynamics. 
Dsmamometro,  sm  (pAyí.)dynar 

Dynasta,  sm.  prince,  ruler. 
Dynastia,  sf.  dynasty. 
Dysenteria,  sf.  (med.)  dysentery. 
Dysenterico,  a,  adj.  dysenteric. 
Dyspepsia,  if.  {med.)  dyspepsy. 
Dyspeptioo,  a,  adj.  dyspeptic. 

Dyspnea,  sf.  {med.)  dyspnaea. 
Dysuria,  sf.  {med.)  dysury. 


E,  the  flfth  letter  of  the  Portu- 

guese  alphabet,  and  the  second 

of  the  vowels. 
E,  coni.  and. 
Ebanisado,  a,  pp.    adj.   made 

black  or  tawny. 
Ebanisar,  va.  to  ebonize. 
Ebanista,  sm.  ebonist. 
Ébano,  sm.  ebony,  ebon. 
Ebriativo,  a,   adj.  that   causes 

ebriety.  [ness. 

Ebriedade,  sf.  ebriety,  drunken- 
Ebrifestivo,  a,  adi.  cheerful. 
Ébrio,  a,  adj.  drunk,  intoxicated. 
Ebrioso,  a,  adj,  drunken,  tipsy. 
Ebullição,  sf.  ebuUition. 
Ebulo,  sm,  ifiot.)  ebulus.  V.  En- 

Ebúrneo,  a,  adj.  made  of  ivory. 
Eça,  sf.  a  cenotaph. 
Ecchymose,    sf.   {med)   ecchy- 

mosis.  [siastes. 

Ecclesiafltes,  mi.  {theol.)  eccle- 
EcclesiastloanMnte,  adv.  eccle- 

siastically.  [tical. 

Ecclesiaauoo,  a.  adi  ecclesias- 
Ecco,  sm.  echo ;  (myth.)  Echo. 
Eccoioo,  a,  adj.    pertaining   to 

the  verses  in  which  the  last 

word  is  repeated. 
Ecetera,  sm.  et  csetera. 
Ecbadiço,  a,  adj    false,  spread 

Echalotas,  «/l  p^  shallots. 
Echo,  sm.  V.  Èceo. 
Eclampsia,  sf.  {med.\  eclampsj. 
Eclectioo,  a,  adj.  eclectic 
Eclectismo,  sm.  eclectism. 
Eclipsado,  a,  pp.  adj,  echpsed ; 

(^^.)  darkened.  [darken. 

Eclipsar,  va.  to  eclipse ;  {Jíg.)  to 
Eclipsavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may  be 

Eclipse,  sm,  eclipse. 
EolipUca^  sf.  Qâ!vç>i<^. 
EcUptioo,  a,  adj.  ôC^:Ye.^:vi- 


—  324  — 


Écloga,  sf.  ecloçue. 
Eclusa,  sf.  V.  Dique 
Economia,  sf.  economy,  dispen- 

sation,  regulation. 
Económica,  sf.  economics,  eco- 
nomy. [mically. 
Economicamente,  adv.  econo- 
Economico,  a,  adj.  economical, 

economic.  [economized. 

Economisado.  a.  pp.  adj.  spared, 
Economisador,  a,  sm.  or  /.  he 

or  she  who  economizes. 
Economisar,  va  to  economize, 

to  save. 
Economista,  sm.  economist. 
Ecónomo,    sm.     house-keeper. 

steward.  [torture. 

Ecúleo,    sm.    an   instrument  of 
Ecumenicamente.    adv,   in   an 

ecumenical  nianncr. 
Ecumenicidade,  sf.  the  quality 

of  heiníáp  ecumcnic. 
Ecuménico,  a,  adj.  ecumenical, 

Edade,  sf.  age. 
Edaz.  adj.  -1  g.  (poeí.)  voracious. 

Edema,  sm  oedema. 
Edematoso,  a,  adj,  {surg.)  ccuc- 

Éden,  sm.  Éden. 
Edição,  sf.  edition. 
Edificação,  sf.  edifícation. 
Edificado,   a,    pp,  adj,    built, 

Edificador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  builder. 
Edificamento,  sm.  buiidinç. 
Edificante,  adj.   2  g.  ediíying, 

Edificar,  ia.  to  build,  to  erect ; 

to  edify,  to  improve. 
Edificativo,  a,  adj.  edifying. 
Edifício,  sm.  an  ediíice. 
Edil.  sm.  an  edile. 
Edilidade,  sf.  edileship. 
Edital,   sm.   the  paper  wherein 

an    edict    or    proclamation    is 

Edito,  sm.   edict,  proclamation. 
Editor,  a,   sm.  or  f.  editor,  pu- 

blisher.  [struction. 

Educação,   sf.     education,    in- 
Educado,  a,  pp.  adj.  educated, 


I  Educador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  edacator. 
Educanda,  sf.  a  she-scholar  or 

Educando,  sm.  pupil,  scholar. 
Educar,  va.  to  educate ,  to  breed. 
Educçâo,  sf.  eduction. 
Edulcoração,   sf.   {chem.)   edul- 

coration.  [ated. 

Edulcorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  edulcor- 
Edulcorar,  va.  to  edulcorate. 
Eduzir,  va.  to  educe. 
Effectivamente,  ado.  effectually. 
Effectivel,    adj,  :>  g.  effectible, 

Effectivo.  a,  adj.  effective. 
Effectuação  ,  sf.    elfectuation  , 

eíFecting.  [performed, 

Effectuado,  a,  pp.  adj.  effected, 
Effectuar,  va.  to  elfect,  to  per- 

forni,  to  effectuate. 
Effectuoso,  a,  adj.  eíTective. 
Effeito,  sm.  elfect,  deed,  resultv 

Com  — ,  really. 
Effeituação,  sf.  Effeituar,  va. 

and  derivated.  V«  Effectuar. 

Effeminação,  sf»  eflfeminacy. 

Effeminadamente,  ado.  eíiemi- 

!      nately.  [nated. 

j  Z:ífeminado,  a,  pp.  adj.  effemi- 

Effeminar,    va.    to   eífeminate. 

Effeminar-se,  vr.  to  grow  eflfe- 

Efferado,  a,  adj.  efferous. 
Effervescencia ,     sf.    efferves- 

Effervescer,  vn.  to  eífervesce. 
Efficacia,  sf.  efficacy. 
Efficaz,  adj.2g.  efíicacious. 
Efficazmente,  Wu.  efâcaciousl^-. 
Efficiencia,  sf.   efficience,   efii- 

Efficiente,  adj.2g.  efâcient. 
Efficientemente,  adv.  efâcient* 

Effigiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  efíi^iated. 
Effigiar,  va.  to  effigiate,  to  image. 
Effigie,  sf.  efíigy.  [cence. 

Efflorescencia.  sf.  {bot.)  efflores- 
Etflorescente,  adj.  2  g.  efdores- 

cent.  [resce. 

Efflorescer,  vn.  {chem.)  to  efflo- 
Effluencla,  sf.  (phys.)  eflfluence. 
Effluvios,  emuvia ;  odour, 




—  325  — 


Effugio,  sm.  sabterfuse,  evasion. 
Eff andir,  va.  to  shed,  to  effund. 
Effasão,  sf.  eífusion. 
Egagropilas,  sf.  pi.  hair-balls. 
Égide,    sf.  (mytn.)  aegis,    {fig.) 

shield,  buckler. 
Egoa,  sf.  maré.  V.  Égua. 
Egoisxnar,  vn.  to  egotize^  to  be 

egoist.  [ness. 

Egoísmo  t   sm.  egotism,   selfísh- 
Egoistef   sm.  egotist,   a  selíish 

person.  [\y. 

Egregiaxnente,  adv.  egregious- 
Egregio,  a,  adj.  egregious,  noble, 

Egreja,  sf.  church. 
Egressão,  sf.  egression. 
EgrOf  a,   adj.  sick,  ill;   sharp, 

hard.  [tian. 

Egypciaco,  a,  adj.  and  s.  Eçyp- 
Egypcio,  a,  adj.  and  s.  Egyptian 
Eia  I  interj.  come  on !  cheer  up ! 
Ei-la  and  Ei-las,  adv.  Y.  Eis. 
Ei-lo  and  Ei-los,  adv.  V.  Eis, 
Eira,  sf.  a  threshing-iloor. 
Eirado,  sm.  the  leaos  of  a  house, 

a  terrace. 
Eis,  a£Ív.  demonst.  behold,  here  is, 

this  is,  here  are,  these  are.  Ei- 

lOj  there  he   is.  Ei-los^  there 

they  are.   Ei-la  ^  there  she  is 

EiríaSy  there  they  are. 
Eito,  sm.  A  —y  continually. 
Eiva,  sf.  defect,  crack ;  (Jig.)  fault, 

spot.  [flawed 

Eivado,   a,  pp.    adj.    cracked, 
Eivar-se,  vr.  to  crack,  to  chap, 

to  get  a  flaw. 
Eixo,   sm.  axle,    axle  tree   oí  a 

•wheel,  axis. 
Ejaculação,  sf.  ejaculation. 
Ejaculado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ejaculated. 
Ejaculador,  a,  adj.  and  s.  eja- 

Ejacular,  va.  to  ejaculate. 
EJaculatorio,  a,  adj,  (anat.)  eja- 

EjecçSo,  sf.  ejection. 
Zu,  this  Spanish  article  is  used 

only  beiore   the  word  reiy  in- 

stead  of  the  Portag'uese  article 

a,  tbe.  V.  El-rei. 
JgíAawifâo,  sf.  elaboration. 
•EWwao^a.;^.  adj,  elaborated. 

Elaborar,  va.  to  elaborate. 
Elasterio,  sm.  elasticity 
Elasticidade,  sf.  elasticity. 
Elástico,  a,  adj.  elastic,  eiastical. 
Elaterio,  sm.  elatery.  elasticity. 
Elche,  sm.  V.  Beneoado. 
Eleboraster,  sm,  the  black  hel- 

Electivamente,  adv.  electively. 
Electivo,  a,  adj.  electivo. 
Electo,  a,  adj  elected. 
Electricaxuente,     adv.    electri- 

Electricidade,  sf.  electricity 
Electricismo,  sm.  the  system  of 

Eléctrico,  a,  adi.  electrical. 
Electrisação,  sf.  electrization. 
Electrisado,  a,  adj.  electrifled. 
Electrisavel,  adj.  2  g.  electri- 

Electrisar.  va.  to  electrify. 
Electriz,  sf.  an  eleetoress. 
Electro,    sm.  electron,   yellow 

amber.  [trometer. 

Electrometro,  sm.  (pnys.)  elec- 
Electuario,   sm.  {pharm.)   elec* 

Elegância,  sf.  elegancy. 
Elegante,  aaj.  i  g.  elegant. 
Elegantemente,  adv.  elegantly. 
Eleger,  va.  to  elect,  to  choose. 
Elegia,  sf.  elegy. 
Elegíaco,  a.  aaj.  ele^iac 
Elegibilidade,  sf.  eligibility. 
Elegível,  adj.  2  g.  eligible. 
Eleição,  sf.  election,  choice 
Eleito,  a,  pp.  irreg.   of  Eleger 

and  adj.  elected,  elect. 
Eleitor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  elector,  elee- 
Eleitorado,  sm.  electorship. 
Eleitoral,  adj.  2  g.  electoral. 
Elemental,  adj,  2  g.  elemental, 

Elementar,  adj.  2  a,  elementary. 
Elementario,  a,  adj.  elementary. 
Elemento,  sm.  element. 
Elenco,  «m  index,  a  soçhú^^AL 

argumenX.  Njlvasà». 

ElepliaiiO\a,  sf.  Vjncd.^  ^\e.^V«a.- 
ElephaxioVaLCo ,  «l%  adj .  \i^<ywps^^ 

Ito  e\ep\iaiiXÀa»v»- 

Elepliaiitico.   a.    adj.  eiephiui- 

,   a.    adj.  elepluji- 
,  a.  mi;.    eUpliaii- 


Elevação,    i/.    elevatíon,    rúe, 

Elevadamento,    adv.   vUh   «n 

elaTsWò  majinef. 
Elevadlço.  &,  aJj.  tbst  lOBy  be 

a,  pp.  adj.  eUvaCad, 

t  £ííaí, 
it.  EUes. 

mie.  proFi.  «.  he, 
ESleborlnlia,  if.  n 

ElUpBodlco,  a,  adj.  [irialh.)  «lljp 

EUipsoide.  *.  ellipsoid. 
EUlptioJdade,  i/'.  ellipticslneas 
EUllbtioa.  a,  adj.  {geom.)  elliptie 

t!Uo,  tm.  ic.  V.  iíU«  and  /i». 

Elmo.  Jin.  helmel 

Slo,  mi  (4aí.)  lha  tandril  of  I 

■viae  ling  oí  a  ch«ÍQ. 
EloonoÍD,  i/l  elacalian. 
Eloecidro,   sm.   [bot.)  roBa-tree 

Elogiado,  a,  fia,  ui/j.  eoloaizad. 

pry,v'.l,  iKyriBi,  BuiogiM, 

tíoBjador,  a,    .™.   or  f-    pPo-e- 

Biogiar.   ea.  to  pmiBe,  io  eulo-    - 

gixe.  \ 

JRogio,  <m.  stJogy,  praUe.  VI 

"oSga^tSo,  if.  (otcr.)  ^*B*tt«k  \ 

Eloquente.  U'íj.  i  9-  elo' 

Eluoubração.    (/.   "Incubcation. 
Eludir.  »a.  xo  íI.^J^.  lo  waíve. 
ElyseoB   Ar   £lrBias.   «n.  vf. 
^^^ylh.)  lin.vaium.  Klysiiui  fieldã. 
£□3.  pref,  iii.M;  lo,  iulo — ehua, 

do*D.*  &  moií  —  Biflíí.  nraro 
Bnd  more.  —  qamUo.  tUJc. 

emancipado,  a.  > 
Emanoipar.  tu.  tu 


,  (aflric.)toplant 
:p.  adj.  deodened; 

Embaido.  a,  j^.    adj.   coaxsd, 
Embaldõr,  a,  im.  oi  /.  deceiTer. 

,  a.  ;ip.ai6'.  sheídb. 


—  827  — 


Embaixador,  sm.  axnbassador ; 

ififf'  fani.)  mesBenger. 
Embaixatriz     and    Embaixa- 
dora, sf.  ambassadress. 
Embalado,  a,  pp.  adi.  rocked, 

lulled;   ifig.)  amused;    packed 

Embalador,  a,  sm.  or  /.  rocker. 
Embalançado ,     a ,     pp.    adj. 

weighed  with  a  balance. 
Em  balançar,  va.  to  swing,  to 

shake  to  and  fro.  EmJbalançar- 

se,  m:  to  swing. 
Embalar,  va.  tu  lull  asleep,  to 

rock.  —  um  menino.,  to  rock  a 

Embalde,  <idv.  loe.  in  vain. 
Embalo,  sm.  the  act  of  rocking. 
Embalfiamado,  a,  pp.  udj.  em- 

Embalsamador,  sm.  eonbalmer. 
Embalsamar,  va.  to  embalia. 
Embalsamento,  sm.  embalmlnçr. 
Embandeirado,    a,    pp,    adj. 

adorned  with  flags. 
Embandeirar,  va.  to  adorn  with 

flags.  [catÀk}'. 

Embaraçadamente,  adv.  intri- 
Embaraçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  embar- 

rassed,  encumbered. 
Embaraçador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  or 

she  who  embarrasses. 
Embaraçar,   va.   to  embanrass, 

to  encumber. 
Embaraço,  sm.  embarrassment, 

Embaraçoso,   a,    adj.   trouble- 

Embaralbado,  a,  pp.  adj,  min- 

gled,  confounded. 
Embaralbar,  va.  —  as  caries., 

to  shufíle  cards ;  {fig.)  to  xoingle, 

to  confound. 
Emharbascar,  vn.  to  stiek  in  the 

ground,  to  stumble  or  trip. 
Embarcação,   sf.    embarkation. 
Embarcadiço,  a,  adj.  and  s.  sea 

man,  that  is  accustomed  to  em- 

bark.  [barked. 

Embarcado,  a,  pp.  culj.  em- 
Embaroadoiro,  sm.  small  port 
^or  hight  on  the  sea-coast. 

glPigMBioaniffnto,    aiiu  ambarka- 


E^nbarcar,   va.  to  embark,  to 

ship.   EvÃarcttr-ae^  vr.    to   go 

aboard  ship.   —  sem   biscoutOy 

to  undertake  a  thing  rashly. 
Embargado,  a,  pp.  adi.  that  has 

an  «nbargo,  arrested. 
Embargador,  sm,  he  who  lays 

an  embargo. 
Embargante,    adj.  2  g.  and  si. 

one  who  brings  an  èxception 

at  law,  he  who  stops  progress. 
Embargar,  va.  to  lay  au  embargo, 

to  arrest. 
Embargavel,  adj.  i  g.  that  may 

have  an  embargo. 
Embargo,   sm.  embargo,  objec- 

tion.  Sem  — ,  nevertheless,  not- 

withstanding.  Embargos., 

an  exception  at  law. 
Embarque,  sm.  embarking,  em- 
Embarrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  daubed 

with  clay. 
Embarrancado,  a,  pp.  adj.  em- 

Embarrancar,  vn.  to  hesitato, 

to  doubt,  to  be  embarrassed. 
Embarrar,  va.  to  daub  with  claj. 
Embarrelado,   a,  pp.   adj.  lie- 

Embarrelar,  va.  to  wash  in  lie. 
Embarrioado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

put  in  a  cask. 
Embarricar,  va.  to  put  in  a  cask. 
Embarrilado,  a,  pp.  adj,  bar- 

Embarrilar,  va.  to  barrei. 
Embasbacado,  a.,pp.  adj.  astou- 

Embasbacar,  vn.  to  gaze  like  a 

fool,  to  be  astonishea. 
Embastar,  va.  to  quilt. 
Embastecer,  va.  to  thickea,  to 

make  thick. 
Embasteoido,  a,  í^.  adj.  thick- 

Embate,  sm.  knocking,  beating 

against  a  thing,  shock. 
Embaucador,  sfn.  deceiver^  kid- 
I      napper,  \Osijetó.- 

\Eiiibaacar,  -oa.  t.^  ^^Y?^"*^- 


—  3Í8  - 


fuddled,  to  inebriate.  Embebe- 

dar-se^  vr.  to  get  drunk. 
Exnbeber,  va,  to  imbibe^  to  soak. 
Exnbeberado,  a,  pp.aJj.  v^atered, 

drunk ;  {fig  )  consuiued. 
Embeberar-se,  vr.  to  imbibe  bj 

Embebido,  a,  pp.  adj.  imbibed, 

soaked ;  {fig.)  ravished. 
Exnbelecar,  va.  to  cheat,  to  de- 

ceive,  to  illude. 
Exubeleco,  sm.  fraud,  deceit,  im- 

position.  [beautify. 

Embellecer,  va.  to  embellish,  to 
Embellecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  embel- 

lished,  adorned. 
Exnbellezado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ravi- 
shed, charmed. 
Embellezaxnento,  sm.  rapture, 

Embellezar,   va.  to  charm,  to 

adorn,  to  attract.  Embellezar-se^ 

vr.  to  be  wrapt  up  in  admira- 

tion.  [port. 

Exnbellezo,  sm.   rapture,  trans- 
ExnbespinbLar  -  se ,    vr.    to    be 

Embéstado,  a,  adj.  prepared  for 

Enòbetesgar,  va.  to  drive  one 

into  a  narrovr  lane. 
Embevecer,  va.    to  charm,  to 

ravish.  [ii^g* 

Embezerrado,  a,  pp.  adi.  frown- 
Embezerrar-se,  vr.  to  rrown. 
Embicar,  vn.  to  stumble.  —  va. 

—  o  chapéo^  to  cock  the  hat. 
Embigo,  sm.  navel. 
Embiooar-se,    vr.   to   hide  the 

Embirrado,  a, /ip.  adj.  obstinate. 
Embirrante,  s.  and  adj,  1  g,  -an 

obstinate  person. 
Embirrar,  va.  and  n.  to  be  oba> 

Embiscar,   vn.   to  make   signa 

with  the  eyes. 
Emblema,  sf.  emblem. 
Emblemar,  va.  to  emblem. 
Emblematicamente,   adv.  em- 

blematically.  fticai. 

EmblemAUco^  a,  adj.  emblema- 
EwboooaduraL^  sf.  the  mouth  ot 
psuaage  into  a  place. 

Emboccar,  va.  to  get  into  the 

mouth  of  a  passagc. 
Emboçar,  va.  to  iay  on  the  íirst 

plaster  on  a  wall. 
Emboço,  sm.  the  lirst  plaster  or 

Embolar,  va.  to  put  balis  on  the 

horns  of  oxen. 
Emboldrear-se,  vr.  to  foul  one*s 

self.  V.  Siiiar-se. 
E  ubolifonal,  adj.  2  g.  embolis- 

itiul,  embolismic. 
Embolismo,  sm.  embolism. 
Embolsado,  a,  pp    adj.  pursed 

up,  reimbursed. 
Exnbolsar,   va.   to   put   into   a 

purse,  to  reimburse,  to  pa^. 
EsEibolso,  sm.  the  putting  or  mo- 

ney  in  a  purse,  reimbursement, 

recovery  of  a  debt. 
Embonado,  a,  pp.  adj.  doubled. 
Embonar,  va.    (a  sea  term)    to 

double,  to  add  some  planks  to 

the  bilge  of  a  ship. 
Embonecado,  a,  ph.  adj.  adorned 

'with  too  much  anectedness. 
Embonecar,    va.   to  adorn  too 
much.  Emòonecar-se,  vr.  to  trick 

one's  self  out  (as  women). 
Embono,  sm.  doublmg,  adding 

some  planks  to  a  ship. 
Emboque,  sm.  plaving  the  bali 

at  biUiards  into  the  port. 
Embora,  adv.  be  it  so,  let  it  be 

80.  Vai-te  — ,  go  away.  — ,  seja 

como  queres^  let  it  be  as  you 

will;    prosperously ,    in    good 

Emborcação,   sf.    embrocation. 
Emborcado,  a,  pp.  adj.  whelmed. 
Emborcar,  va  to  whelm. 
Embomal,  sm.  a  kind  of  bag  for 

the  horse  eating  barley. 
Embomaes,  sm.  pi.  (a  sea  term) 

the  scupper  holes  in  a  ship. 
Emborrachado,  a,  pp.  adj,  fud- 
Emborrachar,    va.    to   fuddle. 

Emborrachar-se^    vr.   to   fiiddle 

one's  self. 
Emborralhado,  a,  pp.  adj,  co» 

Eacn!borrQ3l!kkax%  ^Oi«  \a  civ<««t  '^iSíúdl 


—  329  — 


Emborrar,  va  to  give  the  íirst 

carding  to  the  wool. 
Emboscada,  sf.  ambuscade,  am- 

bush.  [caded. 

Emboscado,  a,  pp»  adj.  ambus- 
Emboscar,   va.   to   ambuscade. 

Emboscar-se,  vr.  to  lay  in  am- 

Embostado,  a,  pp,  adj.  daubed 

with  cow  dung. 
Embostar,  va.  to  daub,  to  soil 

with  cow  dung. 
Embostellar,  va.  to  fill,  to  cover 

with  pushes,  bhsters. 
Embotadeiras ,    sf,  pi.     knee- 

pieces.  [dull. 

Embotado,  a,  pp.  adj.  blunted, 
Embotadura ,  sf.  or  Embota- 

xaento,  sm.  blunting,  dulluess. 

—  do  entendimento ^  stupidity. 
Embotar,  va.  to  dull,  to  olunt. 
Embotelbar,  va.  to  bottle 
Embraçadeira,  sf.  the  hold  of  a 

shield.  [the  arm. 

Embraçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fixed  to 
Embraçar,  va.  —  o  escudo,  to  fix 

the  buckler  to  the  arm. 
Embrandecer,  va.  to  softeu,  to 

loosen.  — ,  vn.  to  grow  soft. 
Embrandecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  made 

soft;  {fig.)  softened. 
Embranquecer,  va .  to  whiten,  to 

make  white.   — ,  »».  to    grow 

Embravecer,  va.  to  enrage. 
Embravecido,  b.^  pp.  etaj.   en- 

raged.  [rage. 

Embravecimento ,    sm.     fury, 
Embreado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pitched, 

Embrear,  va.  to  pitch,  to  tar. 
Embrechado.  a,  pp.adj.  adorn- 

ed  with  rock-work    Émbrecha- 

dos,    little  stones  for  a 

Embrechar,  va    to  adorn  with 

IJttIc  stones 
Embrenhado,  a,  pp,  adj.  hidden 

mto  the  rocks- 
Embrenhar,  va  to  hide  into  the 

briars  or  rocks.  Embrenhar-se, 

vr.  to  bidé  one'8  self  into  the 

rocks.  fenthusiam. 

£mlulagadamexita,   adv.   vriih 

Embriagado,  a,  pp.  adj.  drank; 

i/ig.)  intoxicatea. 
Einbriagante,  adj.  %g.  that  fud- 

dles,  intoxicating. 
Embriagar,  va.  to  make  drunk; 

to  intoxicate,  to  transport. 
Embriaguez,  sf.  drunkenness. 
Embridado.  a,  pp.  adj.  bridled ; 

{fia )  proud. 
Exnbridar,  va.  to  bridle.  — ,  vn. 

and  Embridar-se,  vr    to  lift  up 

the  head  (horse) ;  {fig.)  to  grow 

haughty.  [fusion. 

Embrulhada,  sf,  mixture;  con- 
Embrulhado,  a,    pp.   adj.    in- 

volved,  wrapped  up. 
Embrulhador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  cheat- 

er,  disturber 
Embrulhamento,  sm.  náusea. 
Embrulhar,  va.  to  wrap  up ;  to 

intricate,  to   perplex.    Embru- 

Ihar-sey  vr.  to  be  perplexed.  —  o 

estômago,  to  feel  náusea,  to  be 

ready  to  vomit. 
Embrulho,  sm.   packet,  parcel, 

bundle.  [ed. 

Embruscado,  a,  pp.  adj.  darken- 
Embruscar,  vn.  or  Embruscar- 

se,  vr.  to  grow  dark,  cloudy; 

{fig»)  to  be  sad. 
Exnbrutecer,  va.  to  make   one 

brutish.    Embrutecer-  «e,  vr.  to 

become  stupid. 
Embrutecido,  a,  pp  adj.  bruti- 

âed,  stupilled.  [ness. 

Embrutecimento,  sm.  brutish- 
Embruxado,  a,    pp.    adj.    be- 

Embruxar,  va .  to  bewitch. 
Embryão,  sm.  embryo. 
Embriographia ,     sf.     embryo- 

Embriologia,  sf.  embryolo^y. 
Embuçadamente,  adv.  dissem- 

blingly.  kip. 

Embuçado,  a,  pp.  adj    mumed 
Embuçar,  va.  to  cover  the  face 

with  a  cloak;  {fig.)  to  conceal. 
Embuchado,  a,  pp  adj.  full  fed ; 

(/Ç.<y.)  tired.  ■  VVfs^  "^^  '^^'^ 

£mbuc\iax^  »a.  \ç>  ^\\^v>  ^^^v\>n»  > 

,  £mbu<}0.  sm.  «w  mw^^^i.  ^^^ 

\        CTOOkôà. 


—  336  — 


Embarrar,  >:n.  to  be  obutínate. 
Exnbarrícar.  t;«r.  to  make  an  &£■& 

cf  orjA. 

Emigrante,  s.  &L'Í  c?'/-  ^  ff- 

Exnigrar.  ra.  to  'r.iisraTe. 
Eminência,  v^.   en.::.encv.  (/E^.) 

disTíncTios:    T':le    ezcinenee. 
Eminente,  'i^*.  =  c-  eminent. 
Eminentemente.  í7r'r.  emineat- 


Emir.  oTi.  emir. 

Embuste,  tm     artiâce.    ch^a:. 

Mraia;r*rrfi ,    trick,    an    impo«!- 

tíon.    ^  'ceireã. 

Embosteado.  a.  ;>p.  a<f;.  d»- 
EmbusLear.  »■</.   to   decíive,  to 

Embusteiro,  a.  «m.or/l  a  Ijín?    Emissão,  a/",  emission. 

pratint.'  p^í.-so.T  :  an  hypocrite.        Emissário.  í/:-!.  eniissary. 
Embutideira .  j/.   'çôOhmttkj   a    Emissário,  a.  <7'/;.  ^xpu'.sed. 

piec^i  of  rn';tal  for  makin^  ira-  ;  Emittido.  a.  pp.  alj.  emit:»-!. 

Víss^id  hntto.ns.  i  Emittir.  va.  to  emit. 

Embutideira,  </l  the  act  of  in-  ;  Emmadeiramento.  xm    the  act 

laviníf.  \nlfíy 
Embutido,  a,  7>p.  adf.   inlaid, 

Embntidor,  Tm.  inlayer. 
Embutir,  va.  to  inlay  wood  or 

stoní».  '  [tíoD. 

Emenda,  ^f.  amondment,  correc- 
Emendadamente.  adv.  correct- 

\y.  ícorrected. 

Emendado,  a.  pp.  adj.  correct, 
Emendador.  a.   *m.  or  f.   cor- 

rflctor;  aincndor.  [rect. 

Emendsir,  va.  to  amend,  to  cor- 
Emendavel,  adj.  aincndablo. 
Ementa,  xf.  a  sort   jf  memoran- 

duni-book.  [ed. 

Ementado,  a,  pp.  adj  mention- 
Emontar,    va.   to   rnention,   to 

note.  [book. 

Ementário ,    -vm.    memorandum- 
Emergência,  sf.  emor^ence. 
Emergente,  adj.  2  g.  cmert^ent. 
Emorger.  vn   to  happeD. 
Jilmergido,  a,  pp.  anj.  emerçed. 
Emergir,  na.  fo  emerge. 
Emérito,  a.  adj.  omcnted,  worthy 

of  eslftem. 
Emersão,  sf.  emernion. 

i'u  t:mber 

tr.   IO  piank,   tn 

ot  coverinj-  v 
Enmaadeirar , 

Emmadeízado.  a.  pp.  adj.  made 

in  sk<íins  of  thread. 
Emntadeizar.  ra  to  make  skeim 

of  thread. 
Emmagrecer.  ra.  to  emaciate. 

— .  vn.   and  Emmafjrccer^e,  vr. 

to  írrow  thin. 
Enmíagrecido.  a,  pp.  adj.  made 

lean.  emaciared.  [tion. 

Emmagrecimento.  sm*  emacia- 
Emmalhar,   va.    to  weave,    to 

make  nets ;  to  cover  with  mail 

or  armour. 
Emmalhetar.  va.  to  enchase. 
Emmanquecer,   vn.     to     groT? 

lame.  [with  us). 

Emmanuel,  sm.  Emmanuel  (God 
Emmarado,    a.  pp.  adj.   {a  aea 

temi)  that  goes  far  oflf  from  the 

land.  [tangled. 

Emmaranhado,  a.  pp.  adj.  en- 
Emmaranhamento,  sm.  entan- 

glement.  [to  embarrass. 

Emmaranliar,  rn.'  to   entan^le, 
Emmarar,  vn.  and  Emmarar- 

Emetico,  a,  adj.  and  s.  emetie;  |     se,  vr.  to  be  entangled. 

Emetina.  nf.  emctin. 
Emetlsado,   a,   pp.  adf.   mixed 

with  an  einetic.  [emetie. 

Emetlsar,    va.  to  mix   -with   an 
Emfim,  adn.  in   íine,  íinallj,  at 

len^bt.  at  last. 
Emigração,  xf.  emlCTation. 
-Eoiigrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  emitçrated, 
emitam  ni.. 

Emmareado,  a,  pp.  adj.  oormpt 
at  sea.  [yellow. 

Emmarellecer ,    vn.    to     nt)w 

Emmaatreado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ntted 
with  masts. 

Enunastrear,  va.  {a  sea  term)  to 
fit  a  ship  with  masts. 

EmxB!,  ^^  pp.  ad^.  y^clíí. 

COTtV\Iit.O  •cVciNsÃ. 



—  331  — 


Smmelar,  va,  to  sweeten  with 

Enuneninecer ,  vn.  to    become 

Emmentes,  ado  whilst. 
Emmentres,  ado.  in  the  mean 

Eminoldurar,  va.  to  frame. 
Emmordaçar,  f;a.  togag;  {fig.) 

to  make  silent. 
Exmnoetado,   a,  pp.   adj.   vret, 

moist  with  must. 
Exumostar,  va.  to  sweeten  with 

must.  [ — ,  va.  to  deaf 

Ezmnouqaocer,  vn.  to  grow  deaf. 
Emxnudecer,  vti.  to   be    silent 

— ,  va.  to  silence. 
Emóandeoido,  a,  pp.  adj.  silent, 

that  is  silent. 
Exnintirchecer,  va.  to  wither.  — 

vn.  and  vr.  to  fade. 
Emnottar,  vn.  and  vr.  to  darken 

or  grow  dark. 
Emoção,  sf.  emoTion. 
EmoUeoldo,  a,   pp.  adj.   inollí- 

ExnolllçSo,  sf.  emoUition. 
Emollienta,  adj.  2  ff.  emollient. 
Emollir,  va.  {med.)  to  moUify. 
Emolumento,  sm.  emolument. 
Empa,  sf.  the  proppinç  of  vines. 
Empachado,  a,  pp.  adj.  obstruct- 

ed  i  overloaded,  encumbered. 
Smpachamento ,  sm.  overload, 

encumbrance.   —  do  estômago, 

surfeit,  crop-sick. 
Emiiaotaíar,  va.  to  overload,  to 

encamber.    —  o   estômago,   to 

Empacho ,    sm.     encumbrance , 

curaber,  embarrassment. 
Empachoso,  a,    adj.    that    ob- 

Empacotamento,  sm.  packing. 
Empacotar,  va.  to  pack,  Uy  pack 

Empada,  sf.  pie  of  meat  or  íish. 
Empadesar,  va.  to  arm  with  a 

shield.  [propped. 

Empado,    a,  pp.   adj.    that   is 
Empadroar,  va.  to  register,  to 

^apalação,  sf.  empaloment. 
■>awp«rfado>  a>  pp,  adj.  empaled. 

Empalamado,  a,  adj     covered 

with  sores. 
Empalar,  va.  to  cmpale. 
Empalhação,  sf.  delay ;  stufAng. 
Empalhar,  va.  to  pack  any  thin^ 

with  straw ;  to  defer. 
Empalheirar,   va.    to  put  tho 

straw  into  the  barn. 
Empallidecer,  vn.  to  ^ow  pale. 
Empalmado,  a,  2>p.  adj.  palmed, 

concealed   in  tne  palm  of  tho 

Empalmar,  va.  to  palm,  to  con- 

ceal  in  the  palm  of  the  hand. 
Empampanar-se,  vr.  to  be  co- 
vered with  vine-leaves. 
Empanada ,     sf.     sash-window 

made  of  iinen  or  paper. 
Empanadilha,  sf.  a  little  pie. 
Empanamento,  sm.  tarniMhinp:, 

dimness.  [dim. 

Empanar,  va.    to   tarnish,    to 
£mpandeirar-se,  vr.  to  swcll. 
Empandilhar,  va.  to  cheat,  lo 

steal  one  in  a  plot. 
Empandinado,  a,  adj.  let  loosc, 

Empannar ,  va.    to  cover ,   to 

wrap  into  a  cloth. 
Empantanado,  a,pp  af//.bo^íçy, 

swarapy.  [self  into  a  bof^. 

Empantanar-se,  vr.  to  put  one*s 
£mpantufar-se,  vr.  to  to  put  on 

one's  slippers. 
Empanturrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stut- 

fed,  crammed  with  meat. 
Empanturrar-se,    vr.     to    cat 

one'8  bftlly  full. 
Empanzinado,  a,  pp.  aAj.  hav- 

injç  the  belly  full. 
Empanzinar,  va.  to    eram,  to 

stuff  with  meat.  [soalced. 

Empapado,  a,  pp.  adj.  imbibed. 
Empapar,  va.  to  soak 
Empapelado,  a,pp.  adj.  wrapped 

in  a  paper.  [per- 

Empap^ar,  va.  to  wrap  in  par 
Empar,  7)0.  to  prop  a  vine. 
Emparaisar,  va.  to  imparadize. 
Emparedado,  a,  pp  adj.  that  is 
shut  uç  bôV«ftei^  -^«J^s. 

sure.  ^^TT^^fS4 

~  ipedrado. 

•  m.  a  paVor 

"  Stífi.i'"'* 
.  Empegado.  a.  pp.  adj.  ploníed 

Empelorado,  i 

dnpaiorar.  ua 

sílf  w:r 

Empellamar.  o 

Empslllcado,  a.  ;i;,  a(íj'  «aclosed 

1,    CLt    PP'    <1^J-     pot 


r    Blov^ 

Empena,  .!.  \.  Empeno. 
Empenado,   a>  n*-  <>'('•    Ixut, 

EmpenaTt  irn.  to  mrp,  to  bend. 
Empenba,  ai,  a  vamp,  lhe  npur 
IsathecofiahoB.  [ortly. 

Empenhado,  a,  np.  siJr-  pavned. 

pJsdged  -.  rull  uf  dubu. 
Empen  bamanto,  ini.  paTolag. 
Empenhar,  na.  lo  pswn,  to  lay; 

to  plifd^e;  to  poraunde.  to   en- 

Em  pedem  Boor,  vo.  (/í;fc,)  lg  pe-        íbç,  moriíragiiig. 

Inf,  Empenhorar.  «a.  to  çawn,  to 

EmpedBraido.»,pp  adi  mme4\     monsoge.  ^fft- 

ifMBtnne,  (/íff.jiaamMít.        \Emperm»An.»,íií.  «*l-«*aMn> 


—  333  — 


Empennar,  va.  to  feather.  — ,  vn. 

and  vr.  to  be  iiedg^d, 
Empeno,  sm.    curvityf    bend, 

warping.  [stiff. 

Exnpepinado,  a,  adj.  strong, 
Empequetado,  a,  adi.  chequered. 
Emperador,  sm.    V.    Imperador 

and  derivated. 
Exnperlado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pearled. 
Exnperlar,  va.  to  pearl. 
Exnperradamente ,  adv.    obsti- 

nately,  stubborniy. 
Emperrado,  a,  pp.  adj.   that  is 

hard  for  opening  (adoor);  {fig.) 

stubborn.  [stubbornness. 

Emperramento,  sm.  obstinacy. 
Emperrar,  va.  to  inake  hard  for 

opening  and  shutting  (a  door). 

Èmperrar-se,  vr.  to  grow  obs- 

tinate.  [necked. 

Empertigado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stifiT- 
Empertigar,  va.  to  stiffen.  Em- 

pertigar-se,  vr.  to  grow  stiff. 
Empesgadura,  sf.  the  act  of 

Empesgar,  va.  to  pitch. 
Empestado,  a,  pp.  adj.  infected. 
Empestar,  va.  to  infect. 
Empezado,  a,  pp.  adj.  covered 

"with  pitch. 
Empezar,   va.    to    cover    with 

pitch  j  to  preserve  from  corrup- 

Empezinhado,  a,  adj.  pitched. 
Emphase   or   EmphaGds,     sm. 

emphasis.  [tically. 

Emphaticaxnente,  adv.  empha- 
Emphatioo,  a,   adj,  emphatic, 

Empnyteusis,    sm.    a  long   or 

perpetuai  lease  for  a  modical 

Emph3rteata.  sm.  or  f.  one  -who 

rents  land  from  another,  on  a 

long  or  perpetuai  lease. 
Em.pn3rteuticado ,  a,    pp.  adj, 

given  by  long  lease. 
Emph3rteuticar,  va.  to  give  land 

on  a  long  or  perpetuai  lease. 
Emphyteutico,  a,  adj.  emphy- 

Empiootar,  va.  to  plllory. 
Bmidgem,  sf.  ring-worm,  tetter. 


Empilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  piled  up, 

heaped  up. 
Empilhamento,  sm.  piling  up. 
Empilhar,  va.  to  pile,  to  heap  up. 
Empinado,  a,  pp.    adj.  raised, 

Empinar,  va.  to  rai3e,  to  lift  up. 

Empinar-se,  vr,  to  prance. 
Empino,  sm.  the  act  of  lifting 

or  raising  up.  [call^. 

Empiricamente ,   adv,    empiri- 
Empirico,  a,  adj.  empiric^  em- 

Empirismo,  sm.  empiricism. 
Empiscar,  va.  to  wink. 
Emplastação,  sf.  {pharm.)  pias- 

tering.  [viscous. 

Emplastioo,  a,  adj.    emplastic, 
Emplastrado,  a,  j^.  adj.  plas- 

Emplastrar,  va.  to  plaster. 
Emplastro  or  Emplasto,  sm.  a 

plaster.  [ed. 

Emplumado,  a,  pp.  adj  feather- 
Emplumar,  va.  to  feather. 
Empoado,  a,  j^.  adj.    fuU   of 

dust,  dusty. 
Empoamento,  stn.  powderíng. 
Empoar,  va.  to  dust,  to  power. 
Empobrecer,  va.  to  impoverish. 
Empobrecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  impo- 

verished.  [rishment. 

Empobrecimento,  sm    impove- 
Empocado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sunk  in 

a  well,  bemirea,  stuck  in  the 

Empoçar,  va.  to  put  or  sink  in  a 

well,  to  bemire.  — ,  vn.  and  Em- 

poçar-se,  vr.  to  form  plashas  or 

puddles  of  water. 
Empoderar,  va.  to  empower. 
Empoeirado,  a,  pp,  adj.  dusted. 
Empoeirar,  va.  to  dust . 
Empola,  sf.  blister ,  bubble. 
Empolado,  a,  pp  adi,  s-wollen, 

Euffed,  blistered.  Éstylo  — ,  a 
igh-âown  style. 
Empolar,  vn.  to  bubble,  to  rise  in 

bhsters,  {fig  )  to  make  proud. 
Empoleirado,  a,  pp,adj.  per  eh- 

on  «>.  Toost.  E'nvpolcvraT-&en  w .  "vj 


—  3Si  — 


{■-'.  lut  iHncs  m 

£jDat|>^£.{iers(7    ir.  xiu  '.usurpe,  iv  ; 

Emf^^    ••     ■' .  JfyM.  '  \ 

F.r*-f^j!'^-«  'Tiiei      ■'..    '.:    íouL    '.-.  ' 

ív  .    /;/!  y.—'.u.'<Âtr-í.t.  vr.  vj  ÍvJu 

EBQI^reUoo  a.  í^J.  «ssuyomí*::, 

j^vrv.  .".4  ■-., 

;.•,'.  .:.    ;.  ..-í «ri: t. ■..'.. 

Empo«ta.  tf.  if/.fK/kt:  uiv  tlÚB^ír 

Empot/ado.  a,  />^.  «tfjf.  }^rá*m-  \ 
Empotrar.  '.a.  t^^  )rr»>«  bstrá. 
BmpnmUu .   vn.   'w    líty   on    a 

Bmi^raxamiOnto.  »m.  •iimrri//a« ; 

t>iíí  U/fj'J  by  'i/hi':lt  ]íiii«J»  ar<:  l^jt 

Empraxar:  vi.    t/#  hUDumon .  vi 

aii%i}(ri.  --« /v/f/sr,  t<>  J>*!fi,t  buciíiís, 
Ui  h<iM-o'iii<l  Ui^í  i/arri<; 
Bmpr^guáo,  a,    jr»/>.    cu/;,    em- 
jfloy <'.'!.       ,  «m.  OU4  who  íimm  tin 

EmprcHiar  =  va.    Ut   ainploy ,  Uj 
Emprayo,  «m.  iín<4  ;  «inpi'>ynieiitf 


Emprahondndor,   a,  um,   or  /. 


Einj[ii'«lianflar ,    vn.    to    «nter- 

|ll'Í4i',  III  lllnlrtrl.Mkf^ 

EmprMhandldo,  a,  pii.tnlj,  mi- 

ilHriiikiMi,  HiiLfrjirínHtU 
EitiprHituda,  t>f.  joh,  work. 
XUnuraltMlro.  mn,  joiíljfir,  iinilor- 

tiihnr  iii'  wnrk,  i 

Jímprandtít,  na.  Ut  iinilurUikfi.     \ 

te.  '-^ 

i*;^    ;if*    :.  .'-.■.-.jI-í    :-í    sonii 

rr.   V.-  "líTvw  .  Emprciuidar    í"  ■  1*1.-^*!?- 
vjiuiuiis.v!..  =  £lzx:p!r«e;iar.  ::  '. .  .-r^i..  'w 

£'»£;'' i;ei-:tt<-i-<.    !*.  '—■  Ii«l^    ase 

c.  ■•".  £"...•-.•. 
o  a_;.;   -  .  .  i  itc  íern- 
Ui*;:  '.cri  •.  ^^ V  pr .-»  i-rya.-g4.T  10 

Imprcar.  :  ..      r-.-rí—T.  to: 

Empwnhario.  a.  »■  csfi^'.  ^' 
EmpanL&dura.  :\  ':,'!€ 
Empucbar  et:.  :v  fraLSp.        [tj. 

Emparraçào.  c-;.  irour^>. 
Empurrado .  a,  / ;. .  adj.  thmstad. 

Eaapurrfto.  <»>».  t:ir:s:inff. 
Empurrar,  va.  v*  i..rijst.  to  pvah. 
Empuxado,  a.  /</>.  ^/^J.  repuUed. 
Empuxador.  a.  .«m  or  /.  he  or  she 

tfaat  thnists. 
Empuxão,  if.  tlinisting. 
Empuxar,  ta  to  thrust,to  pash. 
Empuxo,  «m.  arch.  buttresa. 
Empyema.  «nt.  ompjezna. 
Empvematico,  a,  adj.  aílactad 

witFi  «iinpyenia. 
Empyreo,  xm.  the  empyrean 
Emulação,  »f.  einulation. 
Emulado,  a,  pp-  adj.  emulated. 
Emulador,  »m.  einulator,  com- 

Emular,  va.  to  emnlata. 
Emulganta,  adj.  2  a.  emulgent. 
Emulo,  a,  adj  cmalous.  — ,  sm, 

Emulsão,  gf.  cmnlAinn. 
EmulaiTO,  a,  adj.  (>mul.sivo. 
EnmncCtocVoa  ^  %m.    pU  V.^mai,\ 


—  338  — 


EjnundaçjBlo^f/lcleaniaflB,  purity, 

Emvolta,  sf.  -wrapper. 
Enadir,  va.  to  add. 
EnagenaçSo,  sf.  V.  Alienação. 
Enaxnorar^se,  vr.  to  fali  in  love. 

V.  Namorar. 
Enantiopathia,  sf.  {med.)  system 

of  medicine  opposed  to  sdiopatiiy 

and  homceopathy. 
XUiarthrose,  sf.  enarthrosis. 
EnoalMur,  va.  to  helve,  to  set  a 

haft.  [chief. 

Encabeçado,  a,  pp.   adj.  made 
Encabeçamento,  sm,  a  register- 

ing  or  recording-. 
Encabeçar,  va.  to  register. 
Encabellado,   a,  pp.   adj.  that 

has  hair.  Mal — ,  that  has  an  ill 

tetnper.  [hair. 

Encabellar,  va.  to  cover  vnth 
Encabrestaduxa,  sf.  {farriers) 

cut,  cutting.  [of  haltering 

Encabrestamento,  sm.  the  act 
Encabrestar,   va.   to  halter   a 

beast.  [self. 

Encabritar-se,  vr.  to  raise  one's 
Encabruado,    a,    adj.    pertina- 

cious.  [with  the  Èncacho. 

Encacbado,  a,  pp.  adj.  covered 
Encacbar-se,  vr.  to  cover  ooe^s 

self  with  encacho. 
Encacho,  sm.  piece  of  cloth  used 

in  Ásia  for  covering  the  prlvy 

parts.  [concatenation. 

Encadeação,  sf.   chain.    union, 
Encadeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  chained, 

linked,  {fig.)  coherent. 
Encadeamento,  sm  union,  con- 

Encadear,  va.  to  chain,  to  link; 

to  connect.  Encadear-se^  vr.  to 

be  linked,  to  be  connected. 
Encadeirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  placed 

in  a  chair.  [chair. 

Encadeirar,  va.    to  put    in    a 
Encadernação^  sf.  a  binding  of 

Encadernador,  5772.  book-binder. 
Encadernar,  va.  to  bind  books. 
Encafuado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is  in 

a  dark  place. 
£ncafuar-se,  vr.  to  be  in  a  dark 

and  Joatbsome  place. 

Enoafumado,  a,  adj.  shut  up  in 

a  cave.  [a  cave. 

Encafumar,  va,  to  shut  up  in 
Enoaibrar,  va.  to  nlace  the  fonr 

pieces  of  the  timoer  at  the  top 

of  the  four  corners  of  a  house. 
Encaixado,  Si,pp.adj.  chested. 
Enoaixar,  va.  to  chest.  Encaixar' 

sCy  vr,  to  intrude  one's  self.  , 

Encaixe,  sm  the  actof  chesting; 

knuckle,  mortise. 
Encaixilhado,  a,  j3p.  adj.  framed. 
Encaixilhar,  va.  to  frame,  to  put 

in  a  frame. 
Encaixotado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

put  in  a  chest. 
Encaixotar,  va.  to  put  in  a  chest. 
Encalamoucar,  va.  to  cheat. 
Encalçado,  a,  ;7p.  adi*.  foUowed. 
Encalçar,  ta.  to  foUow,  to  go 

after  one.  [follo-wing. 

Encalço,    sm,    pursuit,    track, 
Encaldeirar,  va.  {agric.)  to  dig 

round  the  roots  of  trees. 
Encalhado,   a,  pp.  adj.  run  a 

ground,  strandod. 
Encalhar,  va    to  run  a  ship  a 

ground.  — ,  vn.  to  run  a  ground, 

to  stick.  [obstada. 

Encalhe,  sm.    stranding ;  {fig.) 
Encalho,  sm.  the  plnce  where  a 

ship  runs  a  ground  ;  stranding. 
Encallecer,  vn .  to  be  callous. 
Encallecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

Encalmadiço ,  a ,  adj.   that   is 

easily  st.ifled  with  hoat. 
Encalmado,  a,  pp  adj.  that  i&  in 

a  great  heat. 
Enoahnar,  va.  to  warra.  — ,  vn. 

to  be  in  a  great  hcat. 
Encamarado,  a«  adj.  {gunnery) 

that  has  a  small  brcoch.  — ,  sm. 

V.  Pedreiro, 
Enoambar,  va.  to  thread  small 

âshes  in  a  thin  rod. 
Encambolhado,  a,  pp,  adj.  cn- 

Encambulhar,  va,  to  entan^le 

Eneambulhar-se^  vr.  to  hold  last 

on  another. 
Encarne,  sni.  \JcLib\«À-c  çj^I  •o.N^wta. 
Encamex^Ldo,    ^^    <^Ai-     ««^a^~ 

breec\ieà.^.  Encarnava»»» 


[,«/■.  (miJOcttiniaaaa, 
surpnsiiiK  ao  encinjí  hy  night, 
EncamiBado,  a.íp.  odj.  cQvered 

to  he  covered 



»,  pp.   ailj.    res- 

a,  im  or  f.  be  who 


1.  a,  ail}.{giaaiery) 

t.   to   resoiod,   to 

XnoanoBrado  a.;iji.  n'fí.  afaictcil 

vi  Ih  lhe  íankep. 
Encsnoerar-se  ur.tobe  aíSlcted 

Uar-se,  vi-,  lo  candy. 
— ,  vB    to  efow   erey- 

:ldo,  a,  pp.  flrfj.  çrey- 

lado.  8,  PP  aij.  that  bãs 

Enoangalhado.  a,  pp.  adj.  tíei, 
Encangalhar-sa,  vr.  to  hí  liijd. 
Encangar,  «n,  lo  joke 
Encanlia,  ini.  hiailerance,  imp«- 

Encauigar   ^ 
EQoantação. . 


.,  '■4 

.    enchaut- 


UFOD  tbe  stands 
Enoaoto,  sm,  voo 

1  B&rden. 

derful,  , 

Snoantoado,  Sí.pp.  aàj.  drive 

offka'  fMsakén. 
■Enoantoar,  «a.  to  put  -or  thrnt 
iola  a  corner.  Eiicaiíoar-si,  vt 

£ncanuáado,  a.pp.aãj.pitiat 

tuba  or  pipa. 

aã}.  likB  I 


H>  proiect.  [  (aBa), 

Ecoapellado.  a,  pp.  adj.  awollsn 
£noapellar,  on.  to  awell.  — ,  ea, 

lo  ny  a.  shiii.  Encopellar-ie,  bt. 

to  prow  roagh  ojid  sloroiy. 
Enoapoeirar-Be .    ur.    to    ke™ 

oue^B  aelf  iiji  tlosn  io  placa  ol 

Encapotado,  Bt, pp.  a<Ij-  ooTored 
Encapotar-ao.  w.  toilo«kone'a 


—  337  — 


Encarado,  a,  pp.   adj.   looked 

upon.  Beni  — ,  good-looking. 
Encaraxnelado,  a,  pp.  adi.  fro- 

zen.  [treeze. 

Encaraxnelar.  va.  to  con^eal  or 
Encaramonado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  me- 

lancolic,  sad. 
Encaraznonar-se,  vr.  to   sheir 

one*s  self  sad.  [larse, 

Enoarapellar-se,  vr.  V.  Encapei- 
Encarapinhado,    a,    pp.    adj. 

crisped  ,    wool-pated ,    crispy ; 

congealed  like  ice-cream. 
Encarapinhar,  va.  to  crisp,  to 

frizzle.  [ed  on  the  top. 

Encarapitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  percn- 
Encarapitar-ae,  vr.  to  perch  on 

the  top  of  a  tree. 
Encarapuçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  co- 

vered  with  a  cap.  [a  cap. 

Encarapuçar,  va.  to  cover  vriih 
Encarar,  va.  to  face,  to  defy.  — , 

vn.  to  look  one's  face. 
Encarcerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  incar- 

cerated.  [cerating. 

Encarceramento,  sm.  incar- 
Encarcerar,  va.  to  incarcerate. 
Encardir,   va.   to   stain,  to  foul 

the  linen  so  as  to  make  painful 

to  wash  it. 
Encarecedor,  a,  sm.  or  /.  am- 

plifíer,  exaggerator. 
Encarecer,  va.  to   exaggerate. 

— ,  vn.  to  grow  dear.  [tiy. 

Encarecidaunente,  adv.  earnes- 
Encarecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  exag^er- 

ated.  [ation. 

Enceurecimento,  sm.  exagger- 
Encarentar,  va.  {anc]  to  make 

Encaretado,  a,  pp.  adj.  masked. 
Encaretar-se,  vr.  to  put  on  a 

Encargo,  sm.  charge,  care,  duty. 
Encarnação,  sf.  incarnation. 
Encarnado,  a,pp.  adj.  incarnat- 

ed;   flesh-coloured ,   rosy,  red. 
Encarnar,  vn.  to  incarnate ;  {fig.) 

to  penetrate. 
Encarnas,  notch,  nick ;  the 

setting  of  stones. 
Encamativo,  a,  adj.  (surg.)  that 

causes  tbeÉesb  to  grow  healing. 
rUioame,  sm,  carnage. 


Encarniçado,  a,  j^.  adj.  raging, 

Encarniçamento,  sm.  fury,  rage. 
Encarniçar,  va.  to  give  carnage 

to   the   hounds.  Èncamiçar-sey 

vr.  to  grow  cruel.  '  [cha. 

Encarocdiar,  va.  to  put  the  caro- 
Encarouchar,  va.  to  bewitch. 
Encarquilhado,    a,    pp.    adj. 

Encarquilhar,   va.   to  wrinkle. 

Encaro utlhar-se^  vr.  to  becomo 

Encarra8cado,a,;7p.a(2;.  fuddled 

or  dnink. 
Encarrascar-se,  vr.  to  get  fud< 

dled  ordrunk. 
Encarregadamente,  adv.  earn- 

estly.  [trusted. 

Encarregado,  Si.pp.  adj. chav^eá. 
Encarregar,  va.  to  charge,  to 

command.  Encarregar-se,  vr.  to 

undertake  the  care  of  a  thing, 

to  take  charge. 
Encarrego,  sm.  charge,  burden. 
Encarretado,  a,  pp.  adj.  put  in 

a  cart ;  mounted  (cannon). 
Encarretar,   va.    to    mount   a 

cannon.  [the  track. 

EncarriUiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  put  in 
Encarrilhar,  va.  to  lay  in  the 

track  of  a  chariot :  to  forward. 
Encartação,  sf.  registerin^. 
Encartado,  a,  pp.  adj.  banished, 

Encartar,  va.  to    proclaim  an 

outlaw,  to    banish,   to  put  in 

possession  of  an  ofíice. 
Encarte,  sm.  the  act  of  taking 

Encartuchar,  va.  to  put  or  lay 

into  a  cartridge. 
Encarvoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  black- 

ened  -with  coal.  [coal. 

Encarvoar,  va.  to  blacken  with 
Encarvoiçar-se,  vr.  to  blacken 

one's  self  with  coal. 
Encasado,  a,  pp.  adj.  enchased. 
Encasar,  va.  to  enchase ;  to  set  a 

boné  that  has  been  dislocated*. 
Encascax,  «a.  \.oTa>\^-c^^v..  — -. 


—  338  — 


EnoaBqastado,  a,  pp,  adj.  per- 

Zlncasquetar,  va.  to  convince,  to 

persuade.  Encasquetar-se^  vr.  to 

Encasquilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  en- 

chased  with  a  plated  metal. 
Encasquilhar,    va.  to  enchase 

^iih  a  plated  metal. 
Encastellado,   a,  pp.   adj.    in- 

castellated ;  incastled. 
Encastelladura,  sf.  (farriers)  the 

State  of  being  hoof-bound. 
Encastellamento,  sm.  the   act 

and  eífect  of  being  castellated. 
Encastellar-se,  vr.   to   fortify 

one'self  into  a  castle ;  {farriers) 

to  become  hoof-bound  or  nar- 

Encastoado,  SL,pp.  adj.  enchased. 
Encastoar,  va.  to  enchase. 
Enoatarroado,  a,  pp.  adj.  catar- 

rhed,  heavy-headed.  [cold. 

Encatarroar-se,  vr.  to  catch  a 
Encaustioo,  a,  adj.  {paint.)  en- 

caustic.     • 
Encavado,  a,  pp.  adj,  hafted. 
Encavalgado.  a,p;>.  adj.  horsed. 
Encavalgadura,  sf.   any  beast 

for  the  saddle.  [back. 

Encavalgar.  va.  to  ride  a  horse- 
Encavar,  va.  to  haft ;  to  helve. 
Encaxar,  va.  Y.  Encaixar  and 

derivated.  [into  a  basket. 

Enoeirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is  put 
Enceirar,  va.  to  put  a  thing  into 

a  basket.  [a  cell. 

Encellado,  a,  pp.  adj.  shut  ap  in 
Enoellar,  va.  to  shut  up  in  a  cell. 
Enoelleirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  laid  up 

into  a  barn. 
Enoelleirar,  va.  to  lay  up;  {fig.) 
^      to  heap,  up  riches. 

Encender,   va.  V.  Acender  and 

derivated.  [purged. 

Encendrado,  a,pp.  ací/.cleansed, 

"^noendrar,  va.  to  cleanse,   to 

purify.  [cense. 

Encensoriar,    va.  to    establish 
^Encontrar,  va.  to  put  in  the 
centre  of  any  thing. 
Enoepado,  a,  pp.  adj.  put  or  laid 
OD  a  block. 
-EncephalicOy  a,  adj.  encepbaVic. 

Encephalite  or  Encephalitla, 

s^.  {med.)  inflammation  in  the 

pia  mater.  [lon. 

Encephalo,  sm.  (anat.)  encephi^ 
Encerado,  a,  pp.    adj.  waxed, 

covered  with  wax.  — ,  sm.  oil- 

Encerar,  va.  to  wax  any  thing. 
Encercar,  va.  to  walk  round,  to 

enclose.  [locked  up. 

Encerrado,  a,  pp.    adi.    shut, 
Encerrador.  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  or  she 

'who  shuts.  [tingrnp. 

Encerradura,  «Z".  the  actofshafe- 
Encerramento,  sm.  the  act  of 

shutting  up. 
Encerrar,  va.  to  shut  or  lock  up, 

to  enclose.  [or  closing  up. 

Encerro,  sm  the  act  of  shutting 
Encetado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cnt  on  the 

first  time ;  {fig.)  begun. 
Encetadura,  sf.  the  first  cut ;  the 

Encetar,  va.  to  cut,  to  broach,to 

try;  ifig.)  to  begin. 
Enchacotar,  va.  to  kilndry. 
Enchamel,  sm.  {carp.)  a  timber- 

Enohapinado,  a,  adj.  {farriers) 

hoof-bound  or  narrow-heeled. 
Encharcado,  a,  pp.  adj.  thrown 

into  a  puddle  of  standing  water. 
Encharcar,  va.  to  throw  into  a 

puddle  of  standing  water. 
EnchemSo,  adv.  loc.  ffomem  de — , 

a  man  of  great  repute. 
Enchente,  adj.  2  g.  {a  sea  term) 

flood ;  overflowine. 
Encher,    va.  to  nll,  to  fhlflU. 

Enche  a  maré^  the  ti  de  goes  up. 
Enchido,  a,  pp.  adj.  fíUed,  fau. 
Enchimento,  sm.  act  and  eífbct 

of  fiUing ;  shear-wool,  hair  used 

in  stuffíng  cushions ;  burden  of 

the  stomach.  [a  wattle. 

Enchlqueirar,  be  taken  in 
Enchoçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sheltered, 

received  in  a  cottage. 
Enchoçar-se,  vr.  to  be  sheltered 

in  a  cottage. 
Enchooriçar-se,  vr.  to  be  bristled 
as  some  animais ;  {fig.)  to  grow 

Encima.^    odo.   nsl^qt^,    «ti^   ^«^ 


—  339^  — 


Encimado,  a,  pp.  adj,  raiaed 

Encdmor,  va.  to  raise  hiçher. 
Encintado,  a,  pp.  adj,  girded. 
Encintar,  va,  to  gird. 
Enclanstrada,  a,  pp.  adj.  clois> 

Endanatrar,  na.  to  cloister. 
Endavinhar,  va.  to   twist   to 

interlace  ^e  ângers. 
Endlticas,  sf.  pi.  enclitics. 
Enclltlco,  a,  adj.  enclitic. 
Encoberta,  sf.  hiding-place ;  (Jig.) 

a  shelter. 
Encobertado,  a,  m.  adj.  de  En- 
cobertar. V.  Acobertar, 
Encoberto,  a,  pp.  adj.  bádden, 

conceailed.  [oonceals. 

Enoobrldeira,  sf.  a  -woman  tíiat 
Encobridliço,  a^  adj^  (one.)  that 

may  be  concealed. 
Encolnridor,  a,  sm.  or /*.  receiver, 

concealer  of  stolen  tninga. 
Encobrimento,  sm.  the  act  of 

Encobrir,  va.  to  conceaL 
EncodeadD,  a,  pp.  adj.  cmisted, 

Enoodéamento,  sm.  a  crasting. 
Eaoodear,  va.  to  set  a  crust.  — , 

w».  to  crust. 
Eacoifar,  va.  to-  set  a  coif ;  {art.) 

to  cover  the  mouth  of  a  canDon. 
Encoimado,  a,  pp.  adj.    fined, 

Eneoiraçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  armed 

•mXh  a  cuirasB. 
Encolraçar,  va.  to  arm  vriúi  a 

Enooirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  leathered. 
Encoirar,  va.  to  leather. 
Encolar,  va.  to  cover  with  glue. 
Encolerisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pro- 

voked;  angry,  hasty. 
Encolerisar,  va.  to  provoke. 
Encolhedella,  sf.  shrinking. 
Encolher,  uo.  to  shrink.  —  os 

hombros^  to  shrug  up  the  shoul- 

ders.  Encolher-se,  vr.  to  shrink, 

to  ^ow  less. 

Encomidam  ente,  adv.  fearfiiUy. 

Encolhido,  a,  ppí  á^'.coiitracted, 

ahrunk.  [baslifúliiess. 

JBnooJhímenta,  sm.  shnnking, 

Encollado,  a,  pp.  adj.    glued, 

covered.  [glazin^, 

EnoollamentO',    sm.    gnisming, 
Encollar,  va.  to  glue,  to  ^ura% 
Encomiar,    va.    to    praise,    to 

commend.  |]miastic. 

Encomiástico,  a,  adj.  enco- 
Encomio,  sm.  encomiuiii,  praise. 
EncoBimenda,  sf.  a  thing  recom- 

mended   to  one's  care  ;   com- 

miseion,  order  for  goods. 
Encommendação,    sf.  coimnis- 

sion,  charge. 
Enoommendado,  a,  pp.  adj.  re- 

Enconmiendainento,    sm.    re- 

commending,  command. 
EneoBunendar,    va.  to  recom- 

mend,  to  bespeak. 
Encommendeiro,  sm.  an  agent. 
EnconMHCoçar-se,  vr.  to  be  pot 

on  the  top  of  the  higheat  pitch 

of  any  thing. 
Encommunhar,  va.  {in  lau»)  to 

let  a  house  for  a  yearly  rent. 
Enoonchado,  SL.pp.  adj.  covered 

with  shells. 
Enconchar,  vo.  fumiràed  with 

Enconchouaado,  a,  adj.  scaly, 

that  ia  close  in  a  shelL 
EnGontrada,^/'.  the  act  of  rusbing 

against  one. 
Encontradiço,  a,  adj.  Faser-se 

—  com  alguém^  to  go  to  meet  one 

on  purpose. 
Encontrado,    a,    pp.    adj.   en- 

countered;  contcary. 
Encontrão,  «m.encouater,  shove. 
Encontrar,  va.  to  encounter,  to 

meet ;  to  oppose.  Encontrarse^ 

vr.  to  meet  each  other. 
Encontro,  sm.  meeting. 
Enoopado,    a,  pp.   adj.  tafted, 

awelled.  [swell. 

Enoopar,  va.  to  top;   {ftff.).  to 
Encoqoinado,  a,  ao/,  that    is 

always  in  the  kitchen. 
Encordio,  sm.  a  bubo,  a  swelling 

in  the  groin. 
Encordoaq3A^  sf .  A3^fe  ^\vc^«i  ^^ 

the  strmga  oi  tx-tv  vcv^-oMtve^ 
Encordoado,  «l,  pp.  oAj .  «fccexsx^- 

ed,  Btxmgedi. 


—  340  — 


Enoordoaxnento,  sm.  the  string- 
ed  musical  Instruments. 

Encordoar,  va.  to  string  a  musi- 
cal instrument  or  a  dow;  to 
stiffen.  — ,  vn.  to  grow  stiff,  hard, 
to  be  sulky,  cross. 

Encornelhado ,  a,  adj.  {anc.) 
gored  with  a  horn. 

Encoroçado,  a,  arij.  Beneficio  — , 
a  beneíice  annexed  to  a  bishop- 
ric.  [body  or  thickness. 

Encorpado,  a.,  pp.  adi.  that  has 

Encorpadura,  sf.  thickness. 

Encorpamento,  sm.   thickness. 

Encorpar,  ra.  to  thicken.  — ,  vn. 
to  grow  fat. 

Encorporação,5/'.  in  Corporation. 

Encorporar,  va.  to  incorporate. 

Enoorreado,  a,pj7.  adj.  wnnkled, 

Encorreadura,  sf.  arming  of 
leather.  —  das  esporas^  spur- 

Encorrear,  vn.  to  wrinkle. 

Enoorrer,  vu.  V.  Incorrer  and 

Encorrilliar,  va.  to  involve. 

Encortiçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rough 
like  bark  or  cork. 

Encortiçar,  va.  to  put  into  a 
bee-hive;  to  bark;  to  cover 
"Wíth  cork.  — ,  vn .  and  Encortiçar- 
tCj  vr.  to  acQuire  rind,  to  grow 
rough  as  cork. 

Encospas,  sf.  pi.  a  boot-last. 

Encosta,  sf.  aeclivity,  slope,  little 

Encostado,  a,  pp.  adj.  leaned, 
inclined ;  {fig.)  favoured. 

Encostamento,  sm.  leaning, 

Encosteur,  va.  to  prop.  — ,  vr.  to 
lean,  to  rest;  to  lie  down,to  go 
to  bed.  —  a  alguém,  to  rely  upon 
a  man's  protection.  —  a  uma 
optntâo,  to  embrace  an  opinion. 

Encostes,  sm.  pi.  the  piers  of  a 

Encosto,  sm.  prop,  stay. 

Encostrado,  a,  adj.  scabbed, 
covered  with  scabs. 

Encouchado,  a,  />p.  adj.  shnmk, 
basbful,  shnvelled. 
^Qcouchar,   va,   to  Bhrlák,  to 

shorten.  Encouchar-te^  w,    to 

cower,  to  squat. 
Encoutar,  va.  to  seize  a  thing 

prohibited  by  a  law. 
Encouto,  sm.  a  pecuuiarj  mulct. 
Encovado,  a,  j>p.  adj.  sunk; 

deep  seated;  retired. 
Encovar,  va.  to  shut  up  in  a  cave. 
Encravação,  sf.  enclosure ;  false 

report,  idle  story. 
Encravado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cheated. 
Encravadura,  sf.  a  prick  in  a 

horse's  foot. 
Encravar,  va.  to  nail.  —  um  ea- 

vallOy  to  prick  a  horse  in  the 

shoeing ;  to  cheat. —  a  artilheriaj 

to  nail  the  pieces.  Encravarse 

no  lodOy  to  stick  in  the  mud. 

Encravar-se,  {fig.)  topronounce 

one*8  own  condemnation. 
Encrenque,  .sm.  unbeliever. 
Encreo,  a.  adj.  increduious. 
Encrescimento,  sm.  augmentar 

tion.  [rrizzled 

Encrespado,  a,  pp.  adj.  curled, 
Encrespador,  sm.  curung-iron. 
Encrespadura,  sf.  curling,  crisp- 

ing.  [to  frissle. 

Encrespar,  va.  to  curl,  to  crisp, 
Encristado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tuftea, 

crested.  [crest. 

Encristar-se,  vr.  to  raise  the 
Encruamento,  sm.  crudity,  hard- 

ness;  cruelty. 
Encruar,  va.  to  harden,  to  make 

tough ;  to  make  cruel ;  to  exas- 

Serate,  to  irritate ;  (speaking  of 
iseases)  to  exaccrbate. 

Encruar-se  and  Encruecer-se, 
vr.  to  become  hard,  tough,  indi- 
gestible ;  to  ^row  cruel,  hard- 
ened, unmerciful,  exasperated. 

Encruecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  made 
cruel,  hard. 

Encruelecer-se ,  vr.  to  grow 
cruel,  to  rage. 

Encruzado,  a,  ;>p.  adj.  crossed. 

Encruzar,  va.  to  cross,  to  set 

EnoruziUiada,  sf.  a  cross-wav. 

EnoruziUiadD,  a,  pp.  adj.  de 
Enieruxilhar^  V.  Encruzar. 




—  341  — 


Enoabar,  va.  to  put  into  a  tub 

or  vat. 
Enoubrir.  V.  Encobrir  and  deri- 

Encumear,  va.  to  put  in  the  top 

or  highest  pitch  of  any  thing. 
Encurralado, jpp.  adj.  stabled. 
Encurralar ,   va.  to   stable,   to 

house    cattie   in   a  stable ;    to 

Encurtado,  a.ppadj.  retrenched, 

Encurtador,  sm.  he  -who  dimin- 

Encurtamento,    sm.   retrench- 

Encurtar,   va.  to   retrench.    to 

shorten.  [bowed. 

Encurvado,  a,  pp.  adj.  crooked, 
Encurvadura,  sf.  bovring,  bend- 

ing,  incurvation.  [bend. 

Encurvar,  va.  to  crook.  — ,  vn.  to 
Enoyclico,    a,  adj.    encyclical, 

Encyclopedia,  sf.  enciclopédia. 
Encyclopedicc,  a,  adj.  encyclo- 

pedic.  [pedist. 

Encyclopedlsta,   sm.    encyclo- 
Endecagcno,  sm.  {geom.)  ende- 

Endecha,  sf.  complaint,  lament. 
Endechador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  or 

she  that  sings  laments. 
Endechar,  va.  to  sing  a  dirge  or 

Endechas,  sf.  pi.  dirges. 
Endémico,  a,  adj.  (med.)  ende- 

mial,  endemic. 
Endemoninhado,    a,  pp.   adj. 

devilish,  demoniac. 
Endemoninhar,  va.  to  put  the 

devil  into  one. 
Endentação,  sf.  indentation. 
Endentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  indented. 
Endentar.  va.  to  indent. 
Endentecer,  vn.  to  bring  forth 

Endeosado,  a,   pp.    adj.   made 

God,  deilied ;  (fig.)  proud. 
Endeosamento,  sm.  deiâcation. 
Endeosar,  va.  to  deify.  Endeosar- 

«e,  w.  to  arrofi'ate  the  attributes 

^adereçado,  a,pp.  adj.  directed. 

Endereçamento,  am.  directioiu 
Endereçar,  va.  to  direct.  Ende- 

reçar-se,  vr.  to  direct  one's  self. 
Endereço,  sm.  direction,  address. 
Endez,  sm.  a  nest-egg. 
Endiabradamente,  adv.  diabo- 

Endiabrado,  a,  adj.  diabolical, 

Endiaço,  sm.  wild  dill.  V.  Endro. 
Endinheirado,  a,  adj.  rich,  full 

of  money. 
Endireitado,  a,  mp.  adj.  made 

straight,  rectiíiea. 
Endireitar,  va.  to  make  straight, 

to  reform,  to  set  right  or  to  set 

to  rights.  Endireitar-se^  vr.  to 

stand  up,  to  raise. 
Endivia,  sf.  (ôoí.)  endive. 
Endividado,  a,  pp.  adj.  indebted. 
Endividar,  va.  to  contract  debts, 

to  run  into  debts. 
Endivilha,  sf.  a  particular  way 

of  staking  vines. 
Endoenças,  sf.  pi.  pains,  afflic- 

tions.  Qmnta-feira  de — ,  Maundy- 

Endoidecer,  va.  to  make  mad.  — 

vn.  tobecome  mad,  insano. 
Endoidecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  mad- 

Endossado,  a,  pp.  adj.  endorsed. 
Endossador,  sm.  endorser. 
Endossamento ,    sm.    endorse- 

Endossante,  sm.  he  "who  endor- 

ses  a  bill  of  exchange. 
Endossar,  va.  to  endorse. 
Endossatario,  sm.  the  bearer  of 

a  draft,  endorsee. 
Endosso,  sm.  endorsement. 
Endro,  sm.  (bot.)  the  herb  dill. — 

bravo^  wila  dill. 
Enduramento ,    sm.   hardness , 

Endurar,  and  Endurecer,  va. 

to  harden.  Endurecer-se,  vr.  to 

grow  hard. 
Endurecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  hard- 


Eneaoim,  s.  s\s^^  ot  v^^'^^'^ 

"V.  Tosquia. 
Energia,  sf.  ^tieTSJ. 


—  34£  — 


Snergicamanta,  adv,  energeti- 

Energloo,  a,  adj.  energetic. 
Energisar,  va.  to  energize. 
Energúmeno,   sm,  energuraen; 

one  possessed  by  the  devil,  a 

demoniac.  [minacv. 

Enervação,  sf.  enervation,  efi^- 
Enervado,  a,  pp.  adj.  enervated. 
Enervar,  ca.  to  enervate. 
Enfadadiço,    a,    adj.    peevish, 

Enfadado,  a,  pp.  adj.  irritated, 

Enfadamento,   sm.  uneasiness. 
Enfadar,  va.  to  put  out  of  hu- 

raour,  to  disgust. 
Enfado,  sm.  -wcariness,  distaste. 
Enfadonho,  a,  adj.  troublesome, 

uneasy.  [risome. 

Enfadoso,  a,  adj.  tiresome,  vrea- 
Enfaixado,  a,  pp.  adj  swaddled. 
Enfaixar,  va.  to  swaddle. 
Enfarar,    va.    to  see  food  'vith 

dislike.  fup. 

Enfardado,  a,  pp.  adj.   paciced 
Enfardador,  sm.  packer. 
Enfardamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

Enfardar,  va.  to  pack  up. 
Enfardelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  packed 

Enfardelar,  va.  to  pack  up;  to 

make  up  into  a  bundle. 
Enfarelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  full  of 

bran.  [bran. 

Enfarelar,    na.   to    cover   with 
Enf arinhadamente ,    adv.   dis- 

semblingly.  [led. 

Enfarinhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sprink- 
Enfarinhamento,  sm.  tincture, 

smattering.  [meai. 

Enfarinhar,  va.  to  po^grder  with 
Enfaro,  stn.  loathing. 
Enfarrapado,  a,  adj.  ragged. 
Enfarruscar,  va.  to  blacken. 
Enfastiadamente,  adv.  vith  te- 

Enfastiado,  ai,pp.  adj.  thatloaths 

■Enfastiar,  va.  to  cause  loathing, 

to  loath,  to  tire,  to  weary,  to 
disgust.  —  Enfastiar  se,  vr.  to 
be  tired. 

Enf eirar,  va.  to  buy  in  a  fair. 
Enfeitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trimmed, 

Enfeitador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  or 

she  who  attires. 
Enfeitar,  va.  to  trim,  to  attire; 

to  colour,  to  palliate,  to  exouse. 

Enfeitar-se^   vr.  to    trim   one^s 

Enfeite,  sm.  dress,  ornaments. 
Enfeitiçado,  a,  pp.    adj.    h^ 

-witched.  [charm. 

Enfeitiçar,    va.  to    b9Witch  or 
Enfeixado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bundled 

Enieixar,  va.  to  bundle. 
Enfelujar,  va.  to  singe,  to  black. 
Enfermado,   a,  pp.  adj.  fallen 

Enfermar,  va.  to  make  one  sick. 
Enfermaria,  sf.  inârmary,  hos- 
Enfermeiro,  a,  sm.  or  /.  he  or 

she  who  waits  upon  the  sick. 

Enfermiço,  a,  adj.  sickly. 

ness,  disease. 

,  adi.  SI 
,   sf.  si 

ckness,  ill* 


Enfermo,  a,  adj.  inflrm,  sickly. 
Enferno,  sm.  \.  Inferno  and  d»> 

Enferrujado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rasty. 
Enferrujar,    va.  to  make  ms^. 
Enfesta,  sf.  a  high  hill,  a  high 

Enfestado,  a,  adj.  folded  in  the 

middle  of  its  widencss. 
Enfesto,  sm.  a  rising  gronnd. 
Enfeudação,  sf.  infe<^ation. 
Enfeudado,  a,  pp.  adj.  infeoffed. 
Enfeudar,  va.  to  infeoff. 
Enfezado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dreggy, 

full  of  dregs,  corrupt,  spoued, 

Enfezar,  va.  to  ÚW  with  dregs ;  to 

prevent  the  groxrth. 
EnfiaçãOr  sf.  the  act  of  thread- 

Enfiada,  sf.  enâlade. 
Enfiado,  a,  adj.  threaded;  that 

has  changed  coioor    for  fear, 

anger,  etc. 
Enflstdara,  sf.  a  needle-full. 
'&BÍ\scDCi«n\A  >    sm.   AiXic^    «kRX    cA 



—  343  — 


Enfiar,  va.  to  thread,  to  stríng; 

to  ço  cr  rnn  through ;  to  dart 

in  right  Use;  to  be  within  the 

range  of  a  battery ;  to  range  in 

a  file;  to  link  or  connect;  to 

strike    fear.   Enfiar^    vn.    and 

Enfícar-se,  vr.  to  change  colour. 
Enfíielrado,  a,  pp.  aèj.  ranked. 
Zbifileirar,  va.  to  range  in  a  âle. 
Enfim,  adv.  ônally.  v.  Emfim. 
Enfistolar-se,  vr.  to  gro^w  iztto 

a  íistnla. 
Enfitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ribboned, 

Enfitar,  va.  to  ribbon,  to  deck 

■with  ribbons. 
SiDfivelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bnckled. 
Enfi velamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

Enfivelar,  va.  to  buckle. 
Enflorecer,  vn.  to  blossom,  to 

Enílorecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  flonrísh- 

ed,  blossomed. 
Enfogado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bnming 

hot.  Bailas  enfogadaSf  red-hot 

balis.  [lets). 

Eníogar,  va.  to  make  red-hot  (bnl- 
Eníolhar-se,  vr.  to  grow  covered 

"with  leaves. 
Enforcado,  a,  pp.  aéff.  hange»d, 

hung. —  sm.  he  -who  dies  hanged. 
Enforcar,  va.  to  hang.  Enforcar- 

sCy  vr.  to  hang  one^s  self. 
Enfonoar,    va.  to   pat  into   a 

form.  [oven. 

Enfomar,  va.  to   set  into  the 
Enfraquecer,  va.  to  enfeeble.  — 

vn.  to  grovr  wcek.  Enfraquecer- 

se,  vr.  to  gro^  weak. 
Enfraquecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  en- 

feebled,  weakened. 
Enfraquecimento ,    sm.    weak- 

ning,  enfeebling.  [cer. 

Enfraquentar,  va.  Y.  Enfraque- 
Enf rascado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

put  in  a  bottle. 
Enfrascar,  va.  to  bottle,  to  en- 

close  in  bottles. 
Enfreado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bridled. 
Enfrear,  va.  to  briole. 
JBxkireGbadEira,  */.  (a  sea  term)  a 


h  a,    ãdj.   that    haa 

cracks.  Pentes  enfrestados,  teeth 

that  do  not  join  dose. 
Enfriado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made  coléL 
Enfriar,  va.  to  make  cold. 
Enfronhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  wrapt 

up.  —  em  alguma  materiaj  that 

has  a  smattering. 
Enfronhar,  va.  to  put  the  pillow 

into  the  píllow-bear. 
Enfueiraaa,  sf.  a  fuU  carfr-loatf. 
Enfueirar,  va.  to  put  sticks  fns- 

tencd  in  the  sides  of  a  cart. 
Enfunado,    a,  pp.  adj.   fali   of 

wind,  poífed  up    Velas  enfuna- 
das, sails  full  stretched;  {flg.) 

haughty,  proud. 
Enfunar,  va.  to  fíll,  to  s\7ell,  to 

puff  of;  {flg.)  to  make  prond. 

Enfunar-se,  vr.  to  gnrw  proud. 
Enfiínilado,  a,  pp.  adj.  like  a 

Enfnnilar,   va.   to   pour  liqaor 

through  a  funnel. 
Enfurecer,  va.  to  enrago.  Enr 

furecer-sfít  vr.  to  be  enraged. 
Enfurecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  enraged. 
Enfnriar,  va.  to  enrage. 
Engaçado,  a,  pp.  a^j.  narro-w^d. 
Engaçar,  va.  {agric")  to  harrov. 
Engaço,  sm.  a  rape. 
Engafecer,  va.  to  make  leproBS. 

—  vn.  to  grovr  leprous. 
Engafecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  infccted 

with  leprosy.  [cage. 

Engaiolado,  a,  pp.  adj.  put  in  a 
Engaiolar,  vn.  to  put  m  a  cage. 
Engalfinhar-se,  vr.  to  hold  fast 

one  another.  [wsJl. 

Engalgar,  va.  {anc.)  to  raise  a 
Engalhar,  va.  to  deceive. 
Engalla,  sf.  a  sort  of  vn\à  boar. 
Engallar,  va.  to  set  up  the  neck 

as  a  cock  (horse). 
Enganadtço,  a,  adj.  that  is  easi- 

ly  deceived. 
Enganado,  a,  pp.  adj.  deceived, 

Enganador,  a,   adj,  deceitf^ 

delusive.  —  sm.  or  /.  deceiTer, 

impostor.  ^^?sfc. 

Enganos,  -o a.  to  ^'fcc«^v^Çi^^'5>^«^ 
EnganchBLdo^Qi,  PP.  adj.Vo^^'^'^ 

BNG  —3 

Enganldo,  a.  m>.  aáj.    grown 
ítiffwiUcolii.  J'^"'*'- 

Buganlr,  m.  to  çrow  MifTwilh 
Engano,  im.  <l<>ci^ii,  mísiskc. 
Enganosamente,    a'^^■.    ileceií- 



Engararoponar,  na.  (anc.)  to  do- 

EngaranhBdo,  a.  pp.  V.  £ntAa- 

Engaravitado.  a,    adi.   groirn 

siiff  with  oolH- 

u  Iher 

GQgarrolBdo.B.;);).  orff.  bottled. 
Eagarralar,  cit.  co  botlle. 

'-       ..   pp.   flrfj.   suffij- 

gar-m,  ar.  to  be  suffoeatsd. 
EõgutBilo.B.pp.aií;  enchiued. 
Engastailor.  m.    stone  Battar, 

EugatiQbar,  v 
Engabelar,  ia 


Engendrado,  a,  pp    adj.  eugei 

angeodei,  l 

Engenharia , 

Engenheiro,  s 
Engenho,  im. 

adn.  iDgenl- 

EngBBBadura,  sf.  pargeti 

Englobado,  b.  pp.  adj.  i 

Englobar,  fu.  to  uniie,  ta 

EngCKlada,  a,  pp.  arij.  allured, 
«^eedled.  lalturer. 

Engodador,  a,    aili.    wtaaedler, 

Engodar,  m.  lo  wfiiiedle. 

EogodatiTo,  a,  údj.  wheedling. 

Engolado,  a.  adj.  ilL-fed. 

EngollBdo,  a.pp.adj.  engulplied; 
{ha.)  plung^d. 

Engoilsr.  mo.  to  gct  into  narto» 

aadura.  i/,   ttie   act  t 



^ngords. ,  _ 

EnaotAm.  i^i 


.  345  -* 


Engorgitamento,  sm.  stoppage ; 

(me(2.)  obstruction. 
Engorgitar,  va.  to  obstruct. 
Engorlador,  a,  sm,  or  f.  he  or 

sne  who  parboils. 
Engorlar,  va.  to  parboil. 
Engorovixiliar,  va.  to  wrinkle. 
X!ngos,  sm.  {bot.)  danewort,  dwarf- 

Engra,  sf.  angle.  V.  Angulo. 
Engraçadaxnente,  adv.  prettily. 
Engraçado,  a,  adj.  pretty,  plea- 

sant,  witty. 
Engraçar,  vn.  to  make  gracious. 

Engraçar- se ^    vr.    to    become 

pleased  with. 
Engradar,  va.  {artill.)  to  mount 

a  gun  carriage. 
Engradeoer,  vn.  to  seed,  to  ron 

to  seed. 
Engradecido,  a,  pp,  adj.  that 

runs  to  seed. 
Engramponar-se^  vr.  to  grow 

Engrandecer,  va.  to  augment; 

to  magnify,  to  aggrandize. 
Engrandecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  mag- 

Engrandecimento ,    sm.    aug- 

líientatioD,  rise,  growth. 
Engravescer,   vn.    to    become 

worse  (sickness). 
Engravesoido,  a,  pp.  adj.  ipade 

Engravitar-se,  vr.  —  em  ramo^ 

is  for  a  branch  to  turn  itself 

Engraxado,  a,  pp.  adj.  blacked. 
Engraxamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

blacking  shoes. 
Engraxar,  va.  to  black  boots  or 

Engraxado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

strung  on  vire. 
Engrazador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  who 

strings  beads  on  a  wire. 
Engraisar,  va.  to  string  beads  on 

wire.  [ripe. 

Engrecer,    vn.  {agric.)  to  grov 
Engrenbado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tied  up 

(hair).  [hair. 

Engrenhar,  va.   to  tie  up  the 
JBs^rOadOf  a,  pp.   adj.   angry, 

sauey.  *' 

Engrilar-se,  vr.  to  be  saucy  or 

Engrimanço,  sm.  tedious   sto- 

ries ;  mysterious  sayings ;  aifeo- 

Emgrimpar-se,  vr.  to  come  up 

on  the  top  of  a  mountain. 
Engrinaldar,  va.  to  garland. 
Engrossado,  a,  pp.  adj.  enlar' 

ged,  increased. 
Engrossar,  va.  to  enlarge.  En- 

grossar-se^  vr.  to  grow  bigger. 
Engrotar,   vn.  to  stop,  to  ob- 
Engrovinliado,  a,  pp.  adj.  and 

Engrovinhar,  vn.  V.  Embicar. 
Enguia,  sf.  eel. 
Engulçador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  who 

ominates  sadly. 
Enguiçar,  va.  to  ominate  sadly. 
Engulhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  heaved. 
Engulhamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

being  heaved. 
Engulhar,  vn.  to  heave,  to  keck. 
Engulho,  sm.  heave,  náusea. 
Engulido,  a,  pp.  adj.  swallowed. 
Engrulidor,  a,  s,  and  adj,  swal- 

Engulipar,  va.  to  swallow. 
Engulir,  va.  to  swallow,  to  ab~ 

Engurria,  sf.  V.  Angurria. 
Engurunhido,   a,    adj.  —  com 

fno,  shrunk  with  coid. 
Enharmonico,  a,  adj.  inharmo- 

Enhastado,  a,  adj.  that  is  tied 

to  the  point  of  a  polé,  hoisted. 
Enho,  sm.  a  fawn.  [drus. 

Enhydro,  sm.  {nat.  hisi.)  enhy- 
Enigma,  sm.  enigma. 
Enigmaticamente,   adv.   euig- 

Enigmático,  a,  adj.  enigmatical. 
Enigmatista,  sm.  enigmatist. 
Enjaezado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trapped. 
Enjaezar,  va.  to  trap. 
Enjangado.  a,  adj.  joined  toge- 

ther  as  a  float. 
Enjaular,  va.  to  encane. 
Enjoado^  a,    pp.  odj.   «SSàsn»^ 

with  xiavi&^Qki. 
£n)oam.exiXo,  tta.Tk»?a&«»*>«í»»^* 
\     \.  Enjoo. 


—  346  — 


Enjoar,  vn.  to  make  nanee».  — 

no  mar,  to  be  sea  sick ;  [fig.)  to 

Enjoativo,  a,  adj.  nauseons. 
Enjojo,  sm.  V.  Gacho. 
Enjoo,  sm,  náusea,  qualm. 
Enkistado ,  a ,   adj.  (med.)  en- 

cvsted.  [soiled. 

Eniabueado,  a,  pp.  aéj.  fouled, 
Enlabusador,  sm.  he  who  soils 

or  fouls. 
Enlabusar,  va.  to  foul,  to  soíl. 
Enlaçado,  a,/>p.  adj.  snared,  en- 

Enlaçadura,  sf.  entangling. 
Enlaçar,    va.    to  entaDgle,    to 

snare,   to    bind,    to   captivftt«. 

Enlaçar-se^  vr.  to  form  an  al- 

liance,  to  bind  or  conncct  one'8 

self.  [of  ÍBterest. 

Enlaoe,  sm.  union,  conjunction 
Enlaivar,  va.  to  foul  or  stain. 
Enlameado,  a,  pp.  adj.   mired, 

splashed.  covered  -with  mud. 
Enlameadura ,   sf.    the   act  of 

being-  mired  or  soiled. 
Enlamear,  va.  to  mire,  to  splash, 

to  dirt,  to  cover  with  mud. 
Enlaminado,  a,  pp.  adj.  plated. 
Enlaminar,    va.    to    line   ^ith 

plates,  to  plate. 
Enlapado,  a,  pp.  adj.  retired, 

hidden  in  a  den  or  cave. 
EnlaparHM,    vr.  to  shut   one^s 

self,  to   retire  to  the   hol©  or 

Enlatado,  a,  adj.  that  is  put  as 

an  arbour. 
Enleado,  a,  pp.  adj.  perplexed, 

Enlear,  va.  to  entangle,  to  in- 

volve,  to  embarrass;  to  charm; 

to  allure,  to  ensnare.  Enlear-se^ 

vr.  —  em  um  negocio,  to  entangle 

one's  self  in  a  business. 
Enleio,  sm.  hesitation,  doubting, 

Enleios  de  amor,  intrigues. 
Enlevaçfio,  sf.  admiratlon,  rap- 

ture,  ecstasy. 
Enlevado,  a,  pp.  adj.  affeoted 

ifith  delight;  charmed. 
£ai0vaniezztO;  sm.  ravishment, 

•Biievar,  va.  to  charm,  to  ravish 

Enlevo,  sm.  transport,  ecstasy, 

Enlheado,  a,  pp.  €Ldj.  aliesatod. 
Enlheamento,  sm.  aliesation. 
Enlhear,  va.  to  alien,  to  alienate. 
Enliçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  "wovea. 
Enliçador,  sm.  he  ^ho  'weavae. 
Enliçar,  va.  to  weave. 
Enlodado,  a,  j^p.  adj.  bedaggled, 

bemired.  [mire. 

Enlodar,  va.  to  bedaggie,  to  b»- 
Enloirar  or  Enlourar,  viu  to 

crown  with  lauréis. 
Enloirecer',  vn.  to  grow  fair. 
Enloirecido,  a,  pp.  adj,   made 

fair  or  light. 
Enloncpiecer,  va.  to  make  mad. 

— ,  vn.  to  grow  mad. 
Enloozado,  a,  pp.  adj.  covered 

with  a  grave-stone. 
Enlouzar,  va,  to  cover  with  a 

Enlatado,  a,  pp.  adj.   dad  in 

Enlutar,  va.  to  sadden  to  dotíi 

in  mourning. 
Enmanquecer ,  va.  to  make  lame. 

— ,  vn.  to  grow  lame. 
Enmentres,  adv.  {ane.)  in  tiM» 

Ennastrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  plaited. 
Ennastrar,  va.  to  plait  the  hair ; 

to  "weave  the  hair  and  a  TÍbbon 

Ennatar,  va.  to  cover  with  mud. 

— ,  vn.  to  be  covered  with  mud 

or  sllme  left  by  the  overflowing 

of  rivers. 
Enneagono,  sm.  {geom.)  ennea- 

gon,  a  figure  of  nine  an^es. 
Ennegrecer,  va.  to  black ;  {fig.) 

to  denigrate.  Ennegrecer-se,  vr* 

to  grow  black.  [ed. 

Ennegrecido,  a,  pp.adj.  blacken- 
Ennervar,  va.  to  strengthen. 
Ennesgar,  va.  to  give  the  form 

of  a  nesga  (gore). 
Ennevoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cloudy, 

Ennevoar,   va.   to  darken,  to 

cover  with  clouds. 
'EnxLobreiQQd.oT^^k^  adj.  Ke  or  tSm 


—  347  — 


vn,    and  Ennobreeer-se^  vr.  to 

gro-w  noble.^  [nobled. 

Ennobrecidó,  a,  pp.  adj.  en- 
Ezmobreciíuento,  sm,  ennoble- 

ment,  ennobling. 
Ennodado,  a,  pp.  adj.  knotted. 
ZSnnodar,  va.  to  make  a  knot. 
Ennodoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stained, 

maculated.  [late. 

Ennodoar,  va.  to  stain,  to  maxju» 
Ennoitar,t}a.  to  sfaade,todariLen. 
Ennolteoer^   va.  to  shade,    to 

Ezmovelado,  a,  pp»  adj.  tfaat  is 

formed  in  a  bali. 
EnnoTelar,  va.  to  form  in  a  bali, 

to  wind    silk   into  bottoms  or 

clevB.  Ennovelar-ae  ^  vr.  to  be 

thronged  together. 
EnniilMÍBr,  va.  to  cloud. 
Ennuvear,  va.  to  eloud. 
Enojado,  a,  pp.  adj.  displeaaed, 

angry.  [tiresome. 

Enojador,  a,  adj.  troubletsome, 
Enojamento,  sm.  trouble,  grief. 
Enojar  va.  to  anger,  to  weary; 

to  make  sick. 
Enojo,    sm.   dulnese,    vexation, 

aorrov,  Kreariness.  [nesa. 

Enojosamente,  adv.  with  T^eari- 
Enojoao,  a,  adv,  tedious,  troU' 

EntAogia,  sf.  «enology. 
Enorme,    adj.  2   g.    enormons, 

heinous,  gne vous.  [ly. 

Enormemente,  adv,   enormouS' 
Enormidade,  sf.  enormity. 
Enonriçar,  va.  to  make  rongh. 

Ewmriçar-se^  w.  to  harden,  to 

shiver.  [a  pack. 

Enpaootar,  va.  to  pack,  to  make 
Enqueijado,  a,  adj.  that  ia  like 

a  cheese. 
Enquilhar,  va.   (a  sea  term)   to 

build  a  keel. 
Enralar,  va.  to  pnt  tfae  spokea 

to  a  wheel ;  to  trig  a  wheel. 
Enraivecer,  va.  to  enrage. 
Enraivecido,   a,    pp.  adj.    en- 

raged.  [inveterate. 

Enraizado,  a,  pp.  adj.   rooted, 

Bnndmar,  wa.   to  t&ke  root,  to 

__f^<>í-  fwith  boughs. 

«nromada,  #/.  cottage  covered 

Enramado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ocnrered 

with  bonghs. 
Enramam  ento ,    sm.    eovering 

^ith  boughs.  [boughs. 

Enramar,  v«.  to  cover  with 
Enrançar-se,  vr.  to  ^row  rancid. 
Enredado,  a,  pp.  adj.  entangled. 
Emredador,  a,  sm.  or  f.   an  izv- 

Enredar,  va.  to  entangle. 
ZZnredo,  sm.   -vrrapping,    entan- 

Í^ling;  intricac^;    an   intricate 
ie  or  story ;  intrigue,    cabal, 

plot,  sly  dealings ;  the  plot  of  a 

play.  [tanglea. 

Enredoeo,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  en- 
Enredouçar,  va.  to  swing. 
Enregelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  frosenf 

Enregelamento,  sm,     congela- 

tion,  freecing. 
Enregelar,  va.  to  freese,  to  con- 

Enresinado,  a»  jf>p.  adj,  reú- 

nous,  sraeared  witn  resin. 
Enresinar,  va.  to  resin. 
Enreetar,  va.  to  put  in  a  rope 

(onions,  etc.). 
Enrevezado,  a,  adj.  contrary,  in 

the  "wroDg  "way. 
Enricar,  va.  to  grow  rich. 
Enrijado ,    a ,    jsp.   €idj,    made 

Enrijar,  va.  to  make  stroog.  — , 

vn.  to  grow  strong. 
Enrilhar,  va.  to  constipate. 
Enriquecer,  va.  to  enrich.  — ,  mu 

to  grow  rich,  to  thrivo. 
Enriquecido,    a,    pp.  adj.    en- 

Enristado,  a,  pp.  adj.  coacàed 

upon  the  rest  Tspear). 
Enristar,  va.  (cnevalry)  to  oooch 

the  spear  upon  the  rest. 
Enriste,  sm.  the  act  of  coaching 

the  spear  upon  the  rest. 
Enrizamento ,  sm.  th^  act   of 

putting  in  the  reefs. 
Enrizar  va.  toreef. 
Enrocado,  a,  pp.  «wl^.  -^V-NAftA- 
EnTOoar^  «a.  to  ^\«à\.. 

Bnrola/âamenXA.  aàx».  V^J^T^ 


—  348  — 


winded.  — ,  sm,  sort  of  woollen 

Enrolar,  va.  to  roU,  to  tie  round ; 

{fig.)  to  conceal.  Ènrolar-se,  vr, 

to  move  as  waves,  to  roll. 
Enroscado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tvined. 

— ,  sm.  the  folds  of  a  snake. 
Enroscadura,  sf,  winding  about, 

Enroscar,  va.  to  wrap.  Enroscar' 

56,  vr.  to  wind   like  a  snake; 

to  wriggle. 
Enroupado,  a,pp.  adj,  fumished 

with  clothes.  [self. 

Enroupar-se,  vr.  to  clothe  one's 
Enrouquecer,     va.     to     make 

hoarse.  — ,  vn.  to  grow  hoarse. 
Enrouquecido,  a,  ppMdj.  hoarse. 
Enrouqueoimento,  stn.  hoarse- 

Ennibeoer,  vn.  to  redden. 
Enrugado,  a,  pp.  adj.  wrinkled. 
Enrugar,  va.  to  wrinkle. 
Enrutado,  a,  adj.  proud,  haugh- 


Ensaboado,  a,  pp.  adi.  soaped. 

— «,  linen  whicn  has  oeen 

washed  with  soap. 
Ensaboamento ,    sm.     washing 

"wilh  soap. 
Ensaboar,  va.  to  soap. 
Ensaburrar-se,  vr.  to  be  soiled 

vith  humours  (ton^e). 
Ensacar,  va.  to  put  in  a  sack  or 

bag.  [tried. 

Ensaiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  essayed, 
Ensaiador,  sm.  essayer. 
Ensaiar,  va.   to  essay;  to  re- 

hearse,  to  try. 
Ensaio,  sm.  essay,  rehearsal. 
Enssdmar,  va.  to  attempt  to  cure 

by  saying  superstitious  prayers. 
Enaalmo,   sm.  magic,   supersti- 
tious charms ;  prayer. 
Ensaknoirar,    va.    to    season 

with  brine. 
Ensambenitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 

has  a  badge  put  on. 
Ensanchar,  va.  to  wideQ  a  gar- 

ment  "with  'wideniDg  pieces. 
Ensanchas,  sf.  pi.  a  widening 

piece.  Bar  — ,  to  prolong. 
SuBandalsTy  va.  to  rub  the  body 
"^th  aandal'0'± 

Ensandecer,  va.  to  make  mad. 
Ensanguentado ,    a ,    jm.   adj, 

blooded,  bloody.  [ploody. 

Ensanguentar,   va.    to    make 
Ensapreamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

putting  into  a  bag. 
Ensaque,  sm.  the  act  of  putting 

into  a  bag. 
Ensartar,  va.  to  string  beads. 
Enseada,  sf.  a  bay  in  the  sea. 
Ensebar,  va.  to  grease. 
Enseccar,  va.  to  d r^,  to  exhaust. 
Ensejar,  va.  to  await  a  good  op- 

portunity.  [sion. 

Ensejo,   sm.  opportunity,   cocar 
Ensombra,  aao.  {^anc.)   jointly, 

together.  {Ápoaerat^e.^ 

Ensenhorear-se,  vr.  to  seize.  Y. 
Ensevar,  va.  to  tallow. 
Ensifero,  a,  adj.  ensiferous,  that 

carries  a  sword. 
Ensinado,  a,  pp.   adj.    taught, 

Ensinador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  teacher. 
Ensinamento,  sm.   instruction, 

learning.  [stmct. 

Ensinar ,  va.  to  teach ,  to   in- 
Ensinho,  sm.  (agric.)  a  rake. 
Ensino,  sm.  instruction,  teach- 

Ensipo,  sm.  {pharm.)  sesypns. 
Ensoado,  a,  pp.  adj.    growing 

weak  on  account  of  the  heat, 

Ensoar-se,  vr.  to  be  spoiled  by 

too  long  exposure  to  the  snn ; 

to  grow  languid. 
Ensoberbecer,    va.     to     make 

proud.    Etisoberbecer^se^  vr.   to 

grow  proud.  [proud. 

Ensoberbecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  made 
Ensobradado,  a,  adj.  enclosed 

in  the  floor. 
Ensofregado,  a,  pp.  adj,   made 

greedy,  gluttonous. 
Ensofregar,  va.  to  make  greedy, 

Ensolvado,  a.  adj.  {artil.)  cannon 

that  cannot  be  shot  off  on  ac- 
count of  the  powder  being  wet. 
Ensolvar,  va.   to  prevent    the 

,  lia.  Xíi  fíMAcrw» 






—  349  — 


Ensojpado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sopped, 

Ensopar,  va.  to  sop,  to  soak. 
Ensossar,  oa.    to    make   unsa- 

vourjr.  [insulse. 

Ensosso,  a,  adj.  unsavoury ;  (Jig.) 
Ensomagrar,  va.  to  curry  leath- 

er  with  sumach. 
Ensurdeoer»  va.  to  make  deaf, 

to  deaf«ii.  — ,  vn.  to  grow  deaf. 

Ensurdecer-se^  vr.  to  çrow  deaf. 
Ensurdecido,  a,  pp.  aaj.  deafen- 

ed,  deaf. 
Ensurdecimento,  sm.  deafness. 
Entaboado,  a,  pp.  adj.  boarded, 

made  stiff. 
Entaboar,  va.   to  board.  Enta- 

hoarse^  vr.  to  become  stiff  and 

Entabolar,  va.  to  dispose  tables. 

—  um  negocio^  to  dispose  busi- 

ness  into  method.  Entabolar-se^ 

vr.  to  thrust  one's  self  into  a 

station  in  life;  to  get  or  ac- 

qulre  credit,  authority,  rank. 
Entaipar,  va.  to  -wall,  to  shut 

up.  [cy;  collision. 

Entalação,  sf.  pressure,  urgen- 
EntaladBuuente ,     adv.      intri- 

Entalado,  a,  pp.  adj.   squeezed 

between  two  bodies. 
Entaladura,  sf.  squeezing. 
Entalar,  va.  to  squeeze ;  0^^.)  to 

Entaleigar,  va.  to  put  in  sacks. 
Entalha,  sf.  notch,  nick. 
Entalhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  carved, 

engraved.  [graver. 

Entalhador ,   sm.    carver,    en- 
Entalhadura,  sf.  carving,  en- 

gravlng.  [çraving. 

Entalhamento,  sm.  carving,  em- 
Entalhar,  va.  to  carve,  to  en- 

grave.  [ing- 

Entalho,  sm.   carving,    engrav- 
Entaliscado,  a,  pp.  adj.  incum- 

bered.  [bered. 

Entaliscar-se,  vr.  to  be  incum- 

Entanguecer,  vn.  to  be  chilled. 

Entanguecido  or  Entangoido, 

JSD<  ^J.  henumbed,   atiff  with 

Eatão,  ado.  then,  m  tbiit  time. 
PÁRTa  l 

Áté—f  till  then.  Desde  — ,  since. 

De  —  or  dés  — .  thenceforth.  — , 

interj.  how  so?  what? 
Entapizado,  a,  pp.  adj.  covered 

witn  tapestry.  [çestry. 

Entapizar,  va.  to  húng  with  ta- 
Ente,  sm.  being. 
Enteada ,   sf.    daughter-in-law ; 

step-daughter.  [son. 

Enteado,  sm.   son-in-law;  step- 
Enteiar,  va.  to  weave. 
Entejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  loathed. 
Entejar,  va.  {anc.)  to  loath. 
Entençar,  va.  to  sue  at  law. 
Entendedor,  sm.  one  that  under- 

stands,  a  connoisseur,  critic. 
Entendente,  adj.  2  g.  intelligent. 

— ,  sm.  V.  Intend&ite. 
Entender,  va.  to  understand,  to 

conceive ;  to  apprehend,  to  have 

a  knowledge  of ;   to  mean,   to 

intend.  — ,vn.  to  be  acquainted, 

versed  or  skilled  in  any  matter. 

—  com,  to  meddle  with ;  to  trou- 

ble,  to  vex.  Dar  a  — ,  to  insi- 

nuate.  Entender-se  ^  vr,  —  com 

alguém,  to  agree  with  one. 
Entender,  sm.  meaning,  concep- 

tion.  [ingly- 

Entendidamente ,  ado.    know- 
Entendido,   a,  pp.  adj.  under- 

Entendimento,  ^m.  understand- 

ing,mind;  conception;  meaning, 

Entenebrecer,  va.  to  darken. 
Entenebrecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  dar- 

kened,  clouded. 
Entenrecer,  va.  to  soften. 
Entenrecido,  a,  pp.  adj,  soften» 

ed.  [the  intestines. 

Enteralgia,  sf.  {med.)  a  pain  in 
Enterite  or  Enteritis.  sf.  {med.) 

intestinal  infiammation. 
Enternecer,  va.  to  make  tender; 

to  move  to  compassion ;  {/ig.) 

to  soften.  Entemecer-se,  vr.  to 

be  compassionate.  [ly. 

Enternecidamente,  adv.  tender- 
Entemeoido,  a,  pp.  adj.\sv.Q.N^^^ 

affected.  \«:\q.\í.,^^!«3- 

Entemec\xn«nXo,  wt.   «-««^^J^r 
Enterrado,  a,  PP.  oAà-^^vss^*^"» 

buriod.  ^^ 


—  350  — 


Enterrador,  sm.  burler. 

Enterramento,  sm.  burlai. 

Enterrar,  va.  to  bury,  to  inter. 

Enterreirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  {agric.) 
that  has  been  cut  as  herbs, 

Enterreirar,  va.  to  levei  and 
clear  the  ground  round  the  trees 
of  herbs,  etc. 

Enterro,  sm.  burial,  funeral. 

Enterturbado,  a,  pp.  adj.  distur- 
bed.  [to  disturb. 

Enterturbar,  va.{ayic.)  to  trouble, 

Entesado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stretched; 

Entesadura,  5/*.  stiffening. 

Entesar,  va.  to  stretch,  to  stiifen. 
Entesar-se^  vr.  to  become  stiíf, 
to  jçrow  strong,violent  (wind, 
etc.  I.  Entesar-se,  vr.  —  com  al- 
guém, to  withstand,  to  oppose 
one.  [conâned. 

Entestado.  a,pp.  a</;.  bordered, 

Entestar,  va.  to  put  a  cover.  — , 
vn.  to  stand  opposite,  to  border 
upon.  [sured,  hoarded. 

Enthesoirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trea- 

Enthesoirador.  sm.  treasurer. 

Enthesoirar,  va.  to  treasure,  to 
hoard,  to  Iny  up  money. 

Enthronisação,  sf.  enthroning. 

Enthronisado,  a,/;p.  adj.  enthro- 
nized.  [tnronizer. 

Enthronisador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  en- 

Enthronisar,  va.  to  enthrone. 

Enthusiasniado,  a,pf>.  adj.  pnt 
in  rapture-  [rapture. 

Enthusiasmar ,  va,   to    put   in 

Enthusiasmo,    sm.  enthusiasm. 

Enthusiasta,  sm.  or  f.  enthusiast. 

Enthusiastico,  a,    adj.    entfau- 

sia.stic.  [meme. 

Entiiymema,  sm.   (loa.)   enthv- 

Entibiado,  sl,  pp,  adj.  cooled ; 

ifig.)  slack. 
Entibiamento,  sm.  coldness. 
Entibiar,  vn.  to  cool.  Entibiar-se, 

vr.  to  grow  cool. 

Entidade,  sf.  entity,  yalue,  esti- 

tnation.  [like. 

Entijolar,    va.    to  mako   brick- 

Entíkicado.  a,  pp.  adj.  that  ia 

grown  consumptive. 
EntiBioar,  va.  to  cause  eoBiamv 

tion.  — ,  vn.  to  grow  consump- 
Entitular,  va.  orn.  to  entitle. 
Entoação,  sf.  intonation,  tunlng, 

Entoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tuned. 
Entoar,  va.  to  tune,  to  raise  the 

voice,  to  lead  the  chant. 
Entojar,   va.  Entolhar,  va.  Y. 

Antojar^  Antolhar  and  derivated. 
Entomologia,  sf.  {nat.  kist.)  eato- 

mology.  [insects. 

Entomophago,  sm.  he  -who  eats 
Entonado,    a,    pp.    adj.   made 

proud,  proud. 
Entonar-se,  vr.  to  be  prond. 
Entono,  S7n.  pride,  haughtiness. 
Entontecer,  va.  to  make  dull,  to 

stupify.  — ,  vn.  to  dote. 
Entontecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  stupid, 

doted.  rpn,  shed. 

Entornado,  a,  pp.  adj.  poured 
Entornar,  va.  to  pour  on,  to  shed. 
Entorpecer,  va.  to  benumb,  to 

numb.  Entorpecer-se,  vr.  to  grow 

torpid.  [heavy. 

Entorpecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  torpid. 
Entorpecimento,  sm.  numbness, 

torpor.  [crooked. 

Entortado,  a,  pp.  aàj.  made 
Entortadura,  sf.  bending,  effect 

of  being  crooked. 
Entortar,  va.  to  crook,  to  wrv. 
Entoutiçar-se,  't.  to  be  sweUed. 
Entoxicar,  va.  to  intoxicate,  to 

poison.  [favoor. 

Entrada,  sf.   entrance,  entry, 
Entrado,  a,  pp.  adj,  entered. 
Entralbado,  a,  pp.  adi.  woven 

in  knots  made  in  the  tnreads  of 

a  net. 
EntrsJhar,  va.  to  make  knots  In 

the  threads  of  a  net  between 

the  meshes;  to  squeeze. 
Entr'ambos,  as,  pron.  (a  con- 

traction  of  entre  ambos)  both, 

amongst  them. 
Entramento,  sm.  {anc.)  the  act 

of  entering,  entrance. 
Entrançado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bndded, 
tressed.  [braidt. 

Entc«auia.dQV^  sm.  one  who 
'EnXxaiuiQânx^  ^  st-  ^^  ^^^  ^"^ 




-.  351  — 


\  braidf  to  inter- 
lace,  tb  núke  into  tresses. 

EntracDOia,  sf.  entrance,  begin- 
ning.  Lugar  de  primeira  — ,  the 
lo-west  in  the  order  of  magistra- 
cy  in  Portugal.  [ly. 

Entranhadamente,  adv.  inwara- 

Entranliado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  pe- 

Entranliar,  va.  to  pierce,  to  pene- 
trate,  to  drive  in.  Entranhar-se^ 
vr.  to  get  into,  the  thickest  of  a 
"wood ;  to  search  deeply ;  to  have 
a  rooted,  deep  sentiment. 

ZSatranhas,  sf.  pi.  entrails, 

Entranliavel,  adj.  2  §f.  hearty, 
sincere;  deadly,  jpiteful. 

Entranhavelmente ,  adv.  sin> 
cerely.  [trenched. 

Entranqueirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  in- 

Entranqueirar,  va.  to  intrench. 

Entrapado,  a,  jpp.  adj.  wrapped 
up  in  clouts. 

Entrapar,  va.  to  wrap  in  elonts. 

Entrar,  va.  to  enter,  to  go  or 
come  in.  — ,  vn.  to  go  into,  to 
come,  step  or  get  in ;  to  pierce, 
to  run  into,  to  take  one'8  turn 
(at  play).  —  em  si,  to  reflect,  to 
consider  within  one's  self.  Fa- 
zer — ,  to  drive  in.  Esta  droga 
entra  na  composição  do  remédio^ 
l^at  drug  is  part  of  that  com^ 

Entravar,  va.  to  interweave. 

Entre, jjrep.  among,between,  bet- 

Entreacto,  sm.  interact. 

Entrebranco,    a,   adj.  whitish. 

Entrecambado ,  a ,  <mj.  entan- 

Entrecasca,  sm.  or  Entrecasco, 
sm.  the  thin  skin  that  is  between 
the  bark  and  wood  of  a  tree. 

Entrecho,  sm.  intrigue,  plot  of  a 

Entrechocar-se,  vr.  to  knock,  to 

clash  one  against.another. 
Entrecolvunnio,   sm.  {arch.)  in- 

J^treconJbeGer,  va.  to  know  im- 
perfectly.  [versed,  crossed. 

Entrecortados  st,  pp,  adj,  tra- 

Entreoortar,  va.  to  traverse,  to 

Entreeostado,  sm.  {a  sea  term") 

■work  for  strengthening  a  ship. 
Entrecosto,  sm.  a  sparcrib. 
Entredentes  {fam.  Zoe).   Tomar 

alguém  — ,  to  find  fault  with  one. 
Entredla,  adv.    by  day,  in  the 

Entredizer,  va.  to  interdict. 
Entrefino,  a,  adj.Panno — ,  cloth 

of  a  middling  quality. 
Entreforro,  sm.  a  false  roof. 
Entrega,  sf.  delivery. 
Entregadamente ,    adv,     com- 

pletely,  faithfully. 
Entregado,  a,  pp.  adj.  delivered, 

Entregador,    sm.   betrayer;   he 

•who  dclivers  \ip. 
Entregar,  va.  to  deliver,  to  en- 

trust ;  to  betray.  Entregar-se^vr. 

to  give  one's  self  up.  to  abandon 

one's  self,  to  surrender. 
Entregue,  adj.  2  g.  and  pp.  irreg. 

of  Entregar^  deíivered  np.  Fico 

—  da  carta,    I   rccoivcd  this 

letter.  jlaced. 

Entrelaçado,   a,  pp.  ndj.  intep- 
Entrelaçamento,  sm.  weaving. 
Entrelaçar,  va.  to  interlace. 
Entrelinha,  sm.  interline. 
Entrelinhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  inter 

Entrelinhar,  va.  to  interline. 
Entrelopo,  a,  adj.  interloping, 

Entreluzir,  va.  to  ^limmer. 
Entremedio,  a,  adj.  that  is  pnt 

Entremeiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  inter- 

Entremeiar,  va.  to  interming^le. 
Entremeio,  sm.  interlacing;  in- 

terraedium;  spacc  between  two 

things.  ITeste  — ,  mean  whilo. 
Entrementes,  adv.  (anc.)  in  the 

mean-time.  V.  Entretanto. 
Entremesa,  adv.  during  the  time 

of  eating. 
Entremetteir,  ua.  \o  K^XAT^è^^" 

iSntremetter-se,  tr.  vo   \^\.t^'5^«» 

one's  seU.  ,.   v-v\.«t 


—  35£  — 


posed,  intermeddled.  Homem— ^ 

abusy-body.  [sition. 

Entremettiinento,  sm.  interpo- 
Entrexnez,  sm.  a  farce,  an  after- 

Entremontano,  a,   adj.  placed 

among  mountains. 
Entrepanno,  sm.  speaking  of  a 

shelf  for  books,  tne  board  that 

separates  the  shelves. 
Entrepaasa ,     sf.     intermedial 

pause,  stop  or  rest. 
Entrepôr,  va.  to  put  bet-veen,  to 

Entreportas,  adv.  loc.  between 

two  doors.  Tomaram-no  — ,  he 

could  not  escape.  [posed. 

Entreposto,  a,    pp.  adj.  inter- 
Entreposto ,      sm.      interposit , 

mart.  [der. 

Entreprender,  va.  V.  Empren- 
Entrepreza,  sf.  {mil.)   surprise. 

Tomar  por  — ,  to  take  by  sur- 
Entresachar,  va.  to  put  between, 

to  intertwine. 
Entr escolher ,    va.    to    choose 

among  different  objects. 
Entreseio,  sm.  cavity. 
Entresexuear,  va.    to  sow   be- 

tween ;  to  intersperse. 
Entresola,  sf.  a  piece  between 

the  foot  and  sole  of  a  shoe. 
Entresolho,  sm.  entre-sole. 
EntretaUiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  carved, 

cut.  [in. 

Entretalliar,  va.  to  cut  or  cnop 
Entretalho,  sm,  the  act  of  cut- 

ting  papar,  skin,  etc. 
Entretanto,  adu.  in  the  mean- 

"while  or  time. 
Entretecedor,  sm.  a  T^eaver. 
Entretecer,  va.  to  interweave. 
Entretecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  inter- 

Entretela,  5/.   buckram  put  be- 
tween the  íining  and  the  cloth. 
Entretelar,  va.  to  put  buckram 

between   the    Íining    and    the 

cloth.  [subterfuge. 

Entretenida,  sf.  tergiversation, 
Entretenido^  a,  adj.  diverting-, 
occupied^  busy. 
entretenimento,  sm.  dWersloxi 

Entreter,  va.  to  divert,  to  unuse, 

to  stop.  Entreter-se,  «r.  to  pass 

the  time  pleasantly,  to  lojoum ; 

to  converse. 
Entretido,  a,  pp.  adj.  amosed. 
Entretimento,  sm.  diversion. 
Èntretinho,  sm.  food  for  Mrds. 
Entrevado,   a,  pp.  adj.  imj^o- 

tent,  benumbed;  covered  with 

Entrevar,  vn.  to  be  impotent; 

to  cover  with  darkness. 
Entrever,   va.    to   have    but  a 

glimpse  of.  [vai. 

Entrevinda ,  sf.  a  sudden  arri- 
Entrevisto,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

a  glimpse  of;  acute  of  mind. 
Entrincneirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  in- 

trenched.  [trenchment. 

Entrinoheiramento ,    sm.     in- 
Entrincheirar,  va.  to  intrench. 

Entrincheirar-sey  vr.  to  intrench, 

to  fortify   one'8   self  with  in- 

Entristecer,  va.    to  make   sad. 

Entristecer-se,  vr.  to  grow  sad. 
Entxita,  sf.  panada,  caudle. 
Entroncamento,  sm.  the  act  of 

proceeding  of  the  same  stock. 
Entroncar,  va.  to  spring  from 

the  same  stock. 
Entronchar.  vn.  to  grow  with 

a  great  stalk  (cabbage). 
Entronquecido,  a,  ao;,  that  has 

a  trunk  stalk  (plant). 
Enlxopeçar,  va.  to  stumble. 
Entrosa,  sf.   a  dented  wheel  in 

a  press.  finto  another. 

Entrosar,  va.  to  indent  a  wheel 
Entr'ouvir,  va.  to  overhear. 
Entrouxado,  a,  pp.  adj.  packed 

Entrouxar,  va.  to  pack  up. 
Entrudar,  va.  to  play  tricks,  to 

make  merry  in  the  carnival. 
Entrudo,   sm.  shrove-tide,  car- 
Entufar,  va.  to  swell. 
Entulhado,  a,    pp.  adj.    filled, 

heaped  up. 
Entulhar,  va.  to  heap  up,  to  íill 

'E«Xlti\3Xh,o )  sm.  Tvi^:»W\^. 


—  353  ^ 


Entuna,  «f.  a  huntine-match. 
Eatupido,  a,  pp,  aaj,  stopped, 

Entupimento  f  sm.   the  act  of 

stopping,  shutting. 
Entupir,  va.   to   stop,  to  shat. 

Entupir-se^  vr.  to  be  stopped. 
Enturbado,  a,  pp-  adi.  troubled. 
Enturbar,  va.  to  trouble. 
Enudeação,  sf.  enucleation. 
Enula  campana,  sf.  {bot.)  eli- 

Enumeração,  sf.  enumeration. 
EnumeracUimente,  adv,  bv  enu- 
meration. [rated. 
Enumerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  enume- 
Enumereur,  va.  to  enumerate. 
Enunciação,  sf,  enunciation. 
Enunciado,  a,  pp.  adj.    enun- 

Enunciador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  or 

sfae  that  enunciates. 
Enunciar,  va.  to  enunciate,  to 

express.  [preposition. 

Enunciativa,  sf.  an  enunciative 
Enunciativo ,  a ,  adj.  enuncia- 
tive. [ed. 
Envallado,  a,  pp.  adj.  intrench- 
Envallar,  va.  to  intrench. 
Envasado,  a,  pp.  adj,  put  into 

Envasadura,    sf.    (with    ship- 

wrights)  the   stocks.  Largar  a 

— ,  to  be  launched  (sbip). 
Envasamento,  sm.  the  foot  or 

base  of  a  pillar.  [seis. 

Envasar,  va.  to  pour  into  ves- 
Envasilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  put  into 

a  vessel.  [vessels. 

Envasilliar,  va.  to  put  into 
Envelhaoar,  va.  to  make  one  a 

knave.  [ura.  to  grow  old. 

Envelhecer,  va.  to  make  old.  — , 
Envelhecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  made 

old.  [old. 

Envelhentado,  a,  pp,  adj.  made 
Envelhentar,  va.  to  make  old. 
Envencilhar,  va.  to  embarass. 
Envenenado,  a,  pp.  adj.  poison- 

ed.  [Sioner. 

Envenenador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  poi- 
Envenenamento,  sm.  poisoning. 
Enironenar,   va.   to  poison,   to 


Enverdecer,  va,  to  make  green 

or  flourishing.  — ,  vn.  to  grow 

green.  [green. 

Enverdecido,  a,  pp,  adj.  made 
Envergado,  a,  pp.  adj,  (a  sea 

term)  tied  to  the  yard. 
Envergadura,  sf.  the  bending  of 

the    sails;  {ncú.    kist.)   spread 

of  wings. 
Envergamento,  sm.  the  bending 

of  the  sails. 
Envergar,  va.  to  bov  or  bend.  — 

as  velas,  {a  sea  term)  to  tie  the 

sails  to  the  yards. 
Envergonhado,     a,    pp.    adj. 

Envergonhar,  va.  to  ashamc. 
Envergues,  sf.  pi.  (a  sea  term) 

earings,  head-lines. 
Envermelhar,  va.  to  make  red, 

to  redden.  [colour. 

Envermelhecer,  vn.  to  blush,  to 
Envermelhecido ,  a ,  pp.   adj. 

blushed,  reddened.  [ed. 

Envernizado,  a,  pp.  adj.  varnish- 
Envemizar,  va.  to  varnish. 
Enverrugado,     a,     pp.    adj. 

Enverrugar,  va.  to  wrinkle.  En- 

verrugar-se,  vr.  to  be  \írrinkled. 
Envesgado,  a,  pp.  adj.  squinted. 
Envesgar,  va.  to  squint. 
Envessadamente ,  adv.  in  the 

vrrong  side. 
Envessar,  va.  to  fold>  to  put  in 

the  wrong  side. 
Envestida,  sf.  V.  Investida. 
Envestido,  a,  pp.  adj.  folded  in, 

Envestidoiro ,  sm.    a    suit    of 

Envestir,  va.  to  cloth. 
Envez,  sm.  the  vron^  side. 
Envezado,  a,  pp.  adj.  put  out  of 

the  way. 
Envezar,  va.  to  put  out  of  the 

way,  to  trouble. 
Enviado,  sm.  an  envoy. 
Enviado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sent. 
Enviamento,  sm.  sending. 
Enviar ,  va.  to  ^es,Tv^ ,  \o  «vsi>x. 

£nmar-se ,  w.  \o  iímq^   «t^a^ 

self.  .       ^J^ 

\Bnviatuxa,  sf.  \ô%«x^«>^  ^^  ÍT 


—  354  — 


EuTldador,  a,  adj.  or  «.  he  or 

she  tfaat  viés  at  ciords. 
Envidar,  va.  to  vie  at  cards. 
Envidilhar,  va.  {agric.)  t»  bend 

the  young  shoots  of  a  vine. 
Envidraçado,  a,  j^p.  adj.  glaaed, 

Envidraçar,  va.  to  glaze. 
Enviezadamente ,     adv.     slop- 

ingly,  obliquely. 
Enviesado,  a,  pp.  adj.  t^at  is 

cut  obliquely. 
Enviezar ,  va.    to  cut  or  place 

obliquely. — ,  vn,  to  go  sianting. 
EInvilecer,  va.  to  abase,  to  vilify. 

— ,  vn.  and  Envilecer-sey  vr.  to 

fTOVf   vile,  to  undervalQ».  to 
egrade,  to  disgrace  or  vilify 

ODe's  self.  [vile. 

Envilecido,  a,   pp.  adj.  gro^gim 
Envilecimento,  sm.  abasement. 
Envinagrar,  va.  to  vinegar. 
EnvioladOf  a,  pp.  adj.  violated. 
Enviolar,  va.  to  violate. 
Enviperar-se,  vr.  to  grow  angry. 
Enviscado,  a,  pp.  adj.  limed. 
Envlscar,  va.  to  lime,  to  invis- 

cate.   Enviscar  -  se  ^  vr.    to    be 

caugbt  Tv^ith  bird-lime. 
Envltis,  .9771.  vying  (at  cards). 
Enviuvado,  a,  pp.  adi.  -widowed. 
Enviuvar,    vn.   to  be    made  a 

"widow  or  widower. 
Envolta,  sf.  confusion.    De  — , 

Envolto,  a,  pp.  adi.  wrapped  np, 

involved,  entangied.  Affua — a, 

muddy  vrater. 
Envoltório,     sm.    cover    of   a 

bundle  or  parcel.  [band. 

Envolvedoiro,  sm.  a  s^vathing- 
Envolvedar,  snu   an  intriguer; 

Envolver,  oo.  to  wrap,  to  involve. 

Envolver-se^  vr.  to  intmde  one^s 

Envolvido,  a,  pp.  adj.  involved, 

wrapped  up. 
Envolvimento,  sm.  involving, 

Bnzabido,  a,  adj.  unsavonry. 


to,  sm.  insipidity. 
?  sf.  one  side  of  a  great 

Enxaoeeo,  a,  adj.  one  thatsfPi 

a  broken  language.  [boe^ 

Enxada,   sf.    {agric.)    nonciwek, 
Enxadada,  sf.   a  stroke  -vhll  a 

Enzadrez,  sm.  V.  Xadrez, 
Enzadressado,  a,  pp.  adj.  chec- 

Enxadrezar,  va.  to  checquer. 
Enxaguado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fali  «f 

•waterish  matter,  rinsed. 
Enxaguadura,  sf.  rinsing. 
Enxaguar,  va.  to  rinse. 
Enxaírnar,  va.  to  put  enmátmm 

(V.  that  word.). 
Enxalmos,  sm.  pi.  —  dm,  bêãtm, 

the  pannels  of  a  pack^sadákb 
Enxamlirado,  a,  pp.  adj,  Iiaff 

Enxambrar,  va.  to  half-dry  lisen 

to  be  ironed  afterwards. 
Enxame,  sm. — de  abelhas^  uwMm 

of  bees.  —  de  peixes^  a  àboei  of 

Enxameado.  a,pp.  adj.  swarmed^ 
Enxamear,  va.  and  71.  to  swam 

as  bees  do. 
Enxaqueca,  sf.  megrim. 
Enxaravia,  sf.  -woman^ir  heai^ 

dress ;  wooden  shoe. 
Enxárcia,   sf.  {a  sea  term)  the 

shrouds  of  a  ship. 
Enxarciar,  va.  to  ri^  a  ship. 
Enxaropar,  va.  to  give  a  s;]^ 

Enxaropar-sCy  vr.  XfiO')  ^  «trínl 

a  great  quantity  01  Uquor. 
Enxarroco,  am.  frog-fish. 
Enxeoo,  sm.  prejudice,  dami^oi 
Enxequetado,  a,  adj,  {heraSL) 

Enxeroar,  va.  to  dry  fi-eflb>-me«t 

in  the  sun. 
Enxerga,  sf.  a  sort  of  stra^vr-bed 

to  put  upon  a  pack-saddle. 
Enxergadamente,  adv.  clearly. 
Enxergado,  a,  pp.  adj.   diseo^ 

Enxerf^to,  5771.  a  stravr-bed. 
Enxergar,  va.  to  discover,    to 

Enxernr,  va.  to  insert. 
Bnxertadeira  ^    sf.    (^agrie.)    s 


—  355  — 


SiBzortadOFt  stft,  gnufter. 
Enxertar,  va,  to  grafe 
Enzertarlo,    sm,    (a  «ea   ^«rm) 

£zizertia,«/l  tbe  act  of  grafttng: 

trees  engrafted. 
Enxerto,  «m.  a  grafted  tree. 
Enxido,  sm.  a  little  £arm. 
Enxirir,  va.  to  insert. 
XaDx6,  «/*.  addice. 
Enxofrado,  a,pp.  cuíj.  sulphured. 
Enxofrar,  va,  to  snlphw,  to  dren 

with  brimstone. 
Enxofre,  sm.  brimstone,  salphur. 
Enxofrento,  a,  adj.  sulphnreoosv 
EnxotacSes,  sm.   beadle  whose 

bnsiness    is    to    prevent   dogs 

from  coming  into  a  church. 
Enxotado,  a»  ]^.  adj.  scared, 

Enarotador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  or 

sfae  who  soares  away. 
Enxotar,  va.  to  scare,  to  expel. 
Enxova,  sf.  anchovy. 
Enxoval,   sm.    the    ne^  linen 

clothes  of  the  bride. 
Enxovalhado,  a,  pp.   adj,^  de- 

âled,  stained. 
Enxovalhamento,  sm.  the  act 

of  befouling  or  staining. 
EnxoraUiar,  va.  to  befoul,  to 

stain.  [imury. 

Enxovalho,  sm.  insult,  am?ont, 
Enxovia,  sf.  a  dungeon. 
Enxugado»  a,  pp.  adj^  dried,  dry. 
Enxtigador,  sm.  dryer;  a  boord 

to  dry  things  upon.  [gan. 

Enxugar ,  va.  to  dry ,  to  air ,  to 
Enxugo,  sm.  the  act  of  drying. 

Tomar  — ,  to  grow  dry. 
Enxúndia,  sf.  axunge,  fat,  soet ; 

the  fat  in  a  fowFs  belly. 
Enxurdar-se,  vr.  to-  waJiovr. 
Enxnrdeiro,  sm.  mire. 
Enxurrada,  sf.  torrent;  heayy 

shower  of  ram. 
Enxurrar,  vn.  to  flow  as  a  tor- 
rent; ifig.)  to  inundate. 
Enxurro,  sm.  a  torrent  or  sndden 

stream.  [adi.  dry,  dried. 

Enxuto,  a,  pp.  of  Enxugar  aaà 

i,  sf.  hãtreàf.  bate. 
EteEfaftaira,  s/.  bolm,  scarlet  oak. 
fiB/nif  sm  y.  Anzol, 

EoIlpsFla,  sf.  solipyle. 
Eoo,  adj.  m.  {poetry)  eastem. 
X^pacta,  sf.  epact. 
Epanaphora,  sf.  {rhet.)  relation, 

an  acconnt  of  any  thing. 
Epatica,  sf.  {bot.)  liver-jsrort. 
Ephebo,  sm.  a  youth,  a  lad. 
Ephelldes,  s.  {med.)    ephelis, 

sunbum.  [rides. 

]^hemerides,  sf  pi.    epneme- 
Ephemero,   a,   adj.   ephemeral. 

Febre  —a,  ephemeral   fever,  a 

day's  ague. 
Epmalta,  sf.  (med.)  ephialteit 
Ephidrosis,  sf.  (med.)  a  morbiflc 

Ephod,  sm.  ephod. 
EplMrai,  «m.  ephoras. 
X^ptela,  adj.  Febre  — ,  contianal 

fever.  [manaer. 

Epicamente,   adu.  in   asa.    «pie 
Epicedlo,  sm.  epicedium. 
Epicheia,  sf.  {in  law)  a  mitígation 

of  law  according  to  equitj. 
Eplce,  a,  adj.  epic. 
Eplcnreo,  a,  aaj.  epictirean. 
Epicurienno,  sm.  epicurism. 
Eplcyclo,  sm.  {astron.)  epicycle. 
Epi^doide,  sf.  {geom.)  epidj»- 

Epidemia,  sf.  epidemy. 
Eptdemico,  a,  adj.  epidemicaL 
Epiderme,  sm.  opidermis. 
Epidermieo,  a,  adj.  epidernde. 
Epidictleo,  a,  adj.  demonetrar 

tive.  [gastrie. 

Epigastrieo,  a,  adj.  (anat.)  «g^ 
Epigastrio  ,    sm.    (  anat. )    «ji- 

Epigramma,  £m.  an  epigram. 
Epigranunatico,  a,  oo/.epigramr 

matáo.  [matfist. 

Epigram matista,  sm.  epigraa»» 
Epigrapha,  sf.  epigraph. 
Eplgvapliieos  a,  adj.  belongíag 

to  an  epigraph. 
Epilepsia,  sf.  epilepsy. 
Epiléptico,  a,  adj.  epileptic,  epí- 

EpiJbgOBT,  va.  to  epllo^asa». 
Efilogo,  sm.  «^\\o^«. 
Eplpliania^  sf .  'E»v^\i^»-'«^1  • 



—  356  — 


Episcopado  ,  sm.  episcopacy , 

EpiscopaeSi^m.p^  episcopalians. 

Episcopal,  adj.  2  g.  episcopal. 

Episodiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  episo- 

Episodiador,  sm.  an  author  that 
mtroduces  many  episodes. 

Episodiar,  va.  to  episodize. 

Episódico,  a,  adj.  episodio,  epi- 

Episodio,  sm.  episode. 

Epistola,  sf.  epistle,  letter. 

Epistolar,  adj.  2  g.  epistolary. 

Epistoleiro,  sm.  epistler. 

Epistolico,  a.  adj.  epistolic. 

Epitaphio,  sm.  epitaph. 

I^ithalaniico,  a,  adj.  epithala- 
mic.  [mium. 

Epithalaxuio,  sm.  an  epithala- 

E^itheto,  sm.  epithet. 

Z^itoznar,  va.  to  epitomise. 

i^itome,  sm.  epitome,  compen- 

Epizootia,  sf.  epizooty. 

Z^izootico,  a,  adj.  epizootic. 

Época,  sf.  epoch. 

ZJK>do,  sm.  epode. 

Z^opèa,  sf.  epopee.  [salts. 

Epsoxn  {sal  de)y  sf.  {chem.)  epsom- 

Eptacordo,  sm.  heptachord. 

JEí»tagono,  sm.  {geom.  and  fort.) 

Epulida,  sf.  {med.)  epulis. 

Equabilidade,  sf.  equability. 

Equação,  sf.  equation. 

Equador,  sm.  equator. 

Equanimidade,  sf.  equanimity. 

Equatorial,  adj.  2  g.  {astr.)  equa- 
torial. — ,  sm.  instrument  to 
follow  the  diurnal  motions  of 
the  stars.  [uniform. 

Equavel,    adj.    2    g.     equable. 

Equestre,  adj.  2  g.  equestrian. 

Equevo,  a,  adj.  contemporary. 

Equlangulo,  a,  adj.  {geom.) 

Equidade,  sf.  equity,  justice. 

Equidilatado,  a,  adj.  equidilated. 

Equidistanoia,  sf.  equidistance. 

Eqçddistante,  adj.  2  g,  equi- 

JSqnilateral,  adi.  2  g.  equilátera!, 
JSqaUsíterOt  adj,  2  g,  equilateral 

EquilibraçSo,  sf.  equilibration. 
Equilibrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  equili- 

Equilibrar,  va.  to  equilibrate. 
Equilíbrio,  «m.  equihbrium,  equi- 

Equilibrista,  sm.  equilibrist. 
Equino,  a,  adj.  equine,  belong- 

iDg  to  a  horse. 
Equinocoial  or  Equinoxial,  adj. 

2  g.  equiDoctial.  [equinox. 

Equinocoio  or  Equinoxio,  am. 
Equipagem,  sf.  equipare. 
Equiparação,  sf.  equahzation. 
Equiparado,  a,  pp.  adj.  eqoar 

lized.  [make  equaL 

Equiparar,  va.  to    compare,  to 
Equipendencia,  sf.  equiponde- 

raDce,  equipendency. 
Equipollencia,  sf.  equipollence. 
EquipoUente,  aaj.  2  g.  equipol- 

fent.  [rance. 

Equiponderancia,  «/'.equiponde' 
Equiponderante,  adj.  2  g.  eqiú- 

Equiponderar,  vn.  to  equpon- 

Equitação,  sf.  eauitation. 
Equitativo,  a,  aaj.  equitable. 
Equivalência,  sf.  equivalency. 
Equivalente,  aaj.  2  g.  equiva- 

leDt.  [valentl^. 

Equivalentemente,  (m.v.    equi- 
Equivaler,  vn.  to  be  equaL 
Equivocação,  sf.  equivocation. 
Equivocado,  a,  pp.  adj.  equivo- 

cated.  [cally. 

Equivooamente,  adv.    equivo- 
Equivooar,   va.    to    equivocate. 

Equivocar-se^  vr.  to  equivocate, 

to  mistake. 
Equivoco,  sm.   equivocai,  equi- 
voque, ambiguit^. 
Equivoco,  a,  adj.  equivocai. 
Equoreo,  a,  adj.  (poet.)  equorean. 
Equuleo,  sm.  an  instrument  of 

tortura  made  like  a  horse. 
Era,  sf.  era. 

Erário,  sm.  the  exchequer. 
Erebo,  sm.  {myth.)  Erebus. 
Erecção,  sf.  erection. 
Erecto,  a,  pp.   adi.   ^®  Erigir» 




—  357  — 


Eregir,  va.  V.  Erigir. 
Erexnita,  sm.  hermit. 
Erexnitagem,  sf.  hermitage. 
Eremitério,  sm.  hermitage. 
Eremitíoo,  a,  adj.  eremetical. 
Éreo,  a,   adj.  bronzed,  made  of 

copper  or  brass. 
Erethlsmo,  sm.{med.)  erethismus. 
Ergástulo,  sm.  a  prison. 
Erguer,  va.  to  raise  up. 
ErguidOf  a,  adj.  raised. 
Erigido ,  a ,   pp.  adj.  erected , 

Erigir,  va.  to  erect,  to  raise. 
Ermado,  SL,pp.  adj.  depopulated. 
Ermar,  va.  to  depopulate. 
Ermida,  sf.  hermitage. 
Ermitão,  sm.  hermit. 
Ermitoa,  sf.  hermitess. 
Ermo,  a,  adj.  solitary,  gloomj. 
Erogado,  a,  j^.  adj.  distributed, 

divided.  fbute. 

Erogar,  va.  to  erogate,  to  distri- 
Erosão,  sf.  erosion. 
Erotioo,  a,  adj.  erotíc. 
Erotomania,  sf.  {med.)  eroto- 
Errada,  sf.  error,  mistake. 
Erradamente,  ado.  erroneouslj. 
Erradicação,  sf.  the  act  of  root- 

ing  out. 
Erradioante,    adj.  {med.)    that 

roots  out. 
Erradicar,  va.  to  root  out. 
Erradioativamente,  ado.  radi- 

Erradicativo,  a,  ael/.eradicative. 
Erradio,  a,  adj.  errant,  wander- 

Errado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mistaken. 
Errante,  adj.  2  g.  erring,  wander- 

Errar,  va.  to  miss,  to  mis'ake. — , 

vn.  to  err,  to  mistake,  to  wander. 

Errar-se,  vr.  to  dissent. 
Erratas,  the  errata  of  a 

Errático,  a,  adj.  erratic. 
Errhino,  a.  adj.  errhine. 
Erriçar,  va.  to  make  the  hair  rise 

on  end.  Erriçar-se^  vr.  to  stand 

on  end,  to  st&re. 
JSrro,  sm.  error. 
Srronea  or  Erronia,  sf.  an  error. 

Erroneamente,  adv.  erroneoaa- 

Erróneo,  a,  adj.  erroneous,  false. 
Error,  sm.  sin,  fault;  -vildness. 
Eructação,  sf.  eructation. 
Erudição,  sf.  erudition. 
Eruditamente,  adv.   leamedly. 
Erudito,  a,  adj.  learned. 
Eruginoso,  a,  adj.  rusty;  eru- 

Erupção,  sf.  eruption. 
Erva,  sf.  herb.  V.   Merva   and 

Er3rBipela,  sf.  {med.)  erysipelas. 
Erysipelar-se,  vr.  to  s^row  ery- 

sipefatous.  (pelatous. 

Erysipelatoso,   a,    aq;.    eryai- 
Erysipeloso,   a,   adj.  that  nas 

erysipelas.  tion,  redness. 

Erythema,  s.  {med.)  inflamma- 
Esbaforido,  a,  adj.  busy,  hastv, 

panting.  [breath. 

Esbaf orimento ,   sm.    want   of 
Esbaf  orir-se,  vr.  to  be  put  out  of 

Esbagoar,  va.  V.  Desbagoar. 
Esbagulhar,  va.  to  take  out  the 

grape-stones  or  kernels. 
Esbandalhado,  a,pj>.  adj.  pulled 

in  pieces. 
Esbandalhar,  va.  to  break  or 

pull  in  pieces.  [dissipated. 

Eâ>anjado,  a,  pp.  adj.  wasted. 
Esbanjador,  sm.  a  prodigal. 
Esbanjar,  va.  to  waste,  to  con- 
sume, [entangle. 
Esbaralhar,  va.  to  confound,  to 
Esbarrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  thrown 

against  any  thmg. 
Esbarrar,  va.  to  dash,  to  throw 

any  thing  against  another. 
Esbarrooar-se,  vr.  to  throw  one*8 

self  head-long.  [place. 

Esbarrondadeiro,  «m.  aslippery 
Esbarrondado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cast 

Esbarrondamento,  sm.  the  act 

of  casting  down. 
Esbarrondar,    vn.  to  fali  in  a 

precipice,  to  null  do^ww. 
Esbelto,  a,  adj.  XíX^  ^^^  ^v\v\ 

l  Esbirro,  sm.  «^"^^^^^^^^^S^^^ 
\  E8bo<}aAo,  a,  pp.  oAj.  %N^^^*^^ 


—  358  — 


Esboçar,  na.  to  sketcií. 
Esboço,  stn.  sketch. 
Eflbofado,  a,    pp.   adj.    short- 

Esbofeteado,  a,  pP'  ^^j-  slapped. 

Esbofetear,  vn.  toslap,  tobnffet. 
Esbombardeado ,   a,  pp.    adj. 

batt«r*id.  bombarded. 
E&d30inbardear,   va.  to   batter, 

to  boiTibard.  [comers. 

Esborcinar,    va.    to  break  the 
Esboroado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made  into 

a  powdpr. 
Esboroamento,  am.  the  act  of 

brin;rinpç  a  ihing  to  powder. 
Esboroar ,    va.    to    reduce ,    to 

powd«r.    Estornar  -  se  y    pr.    to 

crumble  into  powder. 
Esborrachado,  a,  pp.  adj.  biirst, 

Esborrachar,   vn.  to  bnrst,   to 

cnish,  to  sfninsh.  Esborrachar- 

se,  rr.  Io  biirst.  [embers. 

Esborralhar,  va.  to  scatter  the 
Esborrar,  va.  to  or  pat  oat 

the  dreírs  or  grounds. 
Esbraguilhado,  a,  adj.  that  has 

thfi  smull  clothcs  unbiittoned. 
Esbranquiçado,  a,  adj.  whitish. 
Esbravejar,  vn.  to  rage. 
Esbraseado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mode 

into  a  livft  coai. 
Esbrazear,  va.  to  make  into  a 

live  coal. 
Esbugalhado,  a.   pp.  adj.  pro- 

minent.  Ol/ms  — 5,  full  oyes. 
Esbugalhar,  va.  —  as  oíhoSy  to 

put  the  eyí'S  out  of  the  sockets. 
Esbulhado,  a,  pp.  adj,  spoiled, 

Eabulhador,  sm.  Rpoiler. 
Esbulhar,  va.  to  dispossess. 
Esbulho,  sm.  uaurpution ;  booty. 
Esburacado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bored. 
Esburacar,  va.  to  bore. 
Esburgado,  a,  pp.  adj.  shelled. 
Esburgar,  va.  to  shofl,  to  skin. 
Escabeche,  sm.  sauce  for  flsh ; 

(f!f/.)  artitice.  [velled. 

Esoabellado,  a.  pp.  adj.  dishe- 
BacaLbellar,  va.  to  dishevel. 
^^abellOy  sm.  a  joint-stool. 
*"         "      i,  sf.  (òôt.)  scabious. 

Escabioso.  a.  adj.  scabby,  itcbj. 
Escabrosamente,   adv.   hardly, 

Escabrosidade .    sf.  harahnesr. 

roujrhness.  crncr^-edness. 
Escabroso,  a,  adj.  sharp.  riijreed; 

crajríry;   untractable,  ehurlish. 
Escalsujar.  vn.  to  stmsrgle. 
Escachapemas,  adv.  for.  Andar 

a  cavallo  de  — ,  to   ride  strad- 

dlinpr.  [asunder. 

Escachar,  va.  to  cleave,  to  part 
Escada,    .'if.    laddi^r.    staircase. 

stairs.  —  <//»  rar.7!^ol ,  'vrindin^ 

stairs.—  de  m'to.  a  hand-ladder. 
Escadaria,  sf.  a  preat  staircase-. 
Escadeado.  a.  adj.  ladderwise. 
Escadelecer,    vn.    to    nod,    to 

sluniber.  [cretly. 

Escafeder-se.  rr.  to  slip  out  s»- 
Escalmbo    or    Escambo,     sm. 

V.  Troca. 
Escair,  vn.  to  expire,  to  lapse. 
Escala,    sf.  scale;    (a  sea  term) 

Escsdada,   sf.    a    scaling  \eit& 

Escalado,  a.  pp.  adj.  scaled. 
Escalador,  í:7n.  one  who  attacks 

by  open  force,  ho  who   scales. 
Escalafavaes.  .s.  V.  Maroto. 
Escalaxnento,  sm.   the    act    of 

EscalamoOar,  va.  V.  Escakarrar. 
Escalão,  stn.  round,  step;  (mil.) 

echelon ;  (fig.)  step. 
Escalar,  va.  to  scale:  to  cleave, 

to  part;  to  embo-wel;  (fig.)   to 

defanie,  to  taunt. 
Escalavrado,  a,/>/).  adj.  slightlj 

Escalavradura ,     sf.    a    sli^ht 

Escalavrar,  va.  to  make  a  slight 

Escaldado,  a,  pp.  adj.  scalded. 
Escaldador,  sm.  a  warming-pan. 
Escaldadura,  sf.  soalding. 
Escaldar,  va.  to  scald,  to  bum. 
Escaleno,  adj.  scalcnc;   {êoiat.} 

sm.  scaleniiR. 



—  8S9  — 


warmed.    Ovos    — í,     poached 

Escalfador,  sm.  boiler ;  a  vessel 

used  to  warm  water  in. 
Escalfar,  va.  to  poach,  to  boil 

Bscalho.  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  shad-fish. 
Escalpello,  sm.  scalpel. 
EBoalvado,   a,  pp.    adj.    made 

Escalvar,  va.  to  make  bald ;  to 

make  barren  (íields). 
Escama,  sf.  scaJe,  small  shell  or 

crust.  [scales  the  fish. 

Escaznadeira,   sf.  woma.ii    that 
Eaoamado,  A,pp.  adj.  scaled. 
Escamador,  sm.  he  -who  scales. 
Escamadvira^  sf.  the  act  of  sca- 

ling.  [make  ridges. 

Escamalhoar .    va.   (agric.)    to 
Escamar,  va.  to  scale  nsh. 
Escameado,  a,  adj.  scaly,  co- 

vered  with  scales. 
Escamei,   sm.   the    frame  of  a 

Escamento,  a,  adj.  scaly. 
Escameo,  a,  adj.  scaly. 
Escamiforme,  adj.  2  g.  having 

the  form  of  scales. 
Escamigero,  a.  adj.  scaly. 
Escamonea,  sf.  (bot.)  scaiumony. 
Escamonear-se ,    vr.    to    grow 

angry.  [mous. 

Escamoso,  a,  adj.  scaly,  squa- 
Escampar,   vn.   to  cease    from 

Escampo,  a,  pp.  irreg.  of  JSs- 

campar  ;  clear  of  clouds. 
Escançado,  a,  pp.  adi.  lucky. 
Escanção,  sm.  a  cup-Dearer. 
Escançar,  vn.  to  serva  wine  at 

table.  [open. 

Escancarado,  a,  pp.   adj.  vide 
Escancarar,  va.  to  open  wi4elv. 

—  a  porta^  to  set  a  door  wide 

open.  [openly. 

Escancaras,   adv.   loc.  Ás    — , 
Escançaria,  sf.  the  king's  wine- 

Escancear,  va.  to  fill  or  pour  oat 

wine  in  the  cups.  [dled. 

Escanofimio,  a,  pp.  adj.  strad- 

BÊoanchar,  va.  to  stracídle.   Es- 

caacÃar-M,  w.  to  set  a  a^raddk. 

Escandalisado,  a,^.  adJL  scaa- 

dali2ed.  [scandalizes. 

Escandalisador,    sm.    he  wfao 
Escandalisar,  va.  to  seandalize. 

Escandahsar  -  se  f    vr.    to   take 

Escândalo,  sm.  scandal. 
Escandalosamente,  adv.  scaa- 

EscsuidâlOBO,  a,  adj.  scandaloiis. 
Escandea  or  Escandia,  sf.  sort 

of  large  vheat. 
Escandecencia,    sf.     heating^; 

Escandecente,  adj. lg.  heatin^. 
Escandeoer,  vn.  to  grow  warm. 

—  de  ira,  to  be  very  angry. 
Escandecido,  a,  pp.  ad;.  oaming 

hot.  (order,  broken. 

Escangalhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  out  of 
Escangalhar,  va.  to  break,  to 

put  out  of  order;  Escangalhar- 

se,  vr.  to  be  taken  to  pieces.  — 

com  ri50,  to  split  with  iaaglúa^. 
Escanganhar,  va.  to  take  oíf 

the  grapes  from  the  bunch. 
Escanganho,    sm.   the    act  ef 

taking  off  the  grapes  from  the 

bunch.  [close. 

Escanhoar,   va.  to  shave  very 
Escaniírado,  a,  adj.  very  thin 

or  lean.  [tion. 

Escaninho,  sm.  a  small  parti- 
Escano,  sm.  small  bench  or  form. 
Escapada,  »f.  escape,  flight. 
Escapadalla,  sf.  escape,  evasion. 
Escapado,  a,  pp.  adj.  escaped. 
Escapar,  vn.  to  escape,  to  fly. 

Deixar  —  uma  occasião^  to  slip 

an  occasion.   Escapou-lhe  uma 

palavra^  he  dropped  a  word. 
Escaparate,  sm.  a  show  glass. 
Escapatório,  sm.  shift,  evaaimn. 
Escapola,  sm.  a  tenter-hook;  a 

Escapula,  sf.  subterfugc,  shift. 
Escapulário,  sm.  scapulaiy. 
Escapulir,  va.  to  sneak,  to  creep 

Escaúciaes^    sm.    pi.    VJa»  \\\3ô^"^ 

EsoarcL,   sf.  acaJa,    crasX  ^^  «°^ 

ulcer.  ,  ^^ 

I  Eaoaraboo«  m.  a^sax»»^'*- 


—  360  — 


Esoarafanohado ,  a^   pp.  adj. 

scratched.  picked. 
Escarafunchador,  sm.  he  vho 

scratches.  [to  pick. 

Esoaraíanchar,  va.  to  scratch, 
Esoarainuça,  sf.  skirmisb. 
EBoaraxnuçador,  sm.  skirmisher. 
Esoaramuçar,  vn.  to  skirmish. 
Esoarapela,  sf.  a  fray  among: 

women,  and  low  people. 
Escarapelado,  a,pp.  adj.  tugged 

by  tbe  haír.  [to  quarrel. 

Escarapelar,  va.  to  make  a  fray, 
Escaravalhado ,  a,   adj.  {art.) 

honey-combed.  comb. 

Escaravalho,  sm.  {art.)  honey- 
Escaravelho,    sm.    {nat.   hist.) 

beetle,  scarabeous.  l^^g' 

Escarcalhada,  sf.  a  loud  laugn- 
Ztecarçar,  va.  to  take  tbe  honey 

from  tbe  hives.  Escarçar-se,  vr. 

to  be  ripped.  [leatber, 

Escaroelia,  sf.  a  large  purse  of 
Esoarcéo,  sm.  a  great  wave  or 

billow.  Fazer  — »,    to  make   a 

great  noise,  bustle. 
Escarchar,  va.  to  make  rou^b. 
Escarço,  sm.  tbe  act  of  taking 

tbe  boney  away  from  tbe  bives. 
Escardeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cleared 

oí  tbistles. 
Escardear,  va.  to  clear  of  tbistles. 
Escardilhar,  va.  to  clear  witb 

tbe  weeding-hook. 
Escardilho,  sm.  veed-hook. 
Escarduçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  carded 

Escarduçador,  a,  sm,  or  f.  car- 

der,  wool-comber. 
Escarduçar,  va.  to  card  (wool). 
Esoareador,  sm.  turD-screw. 
Z&scarias,  sf.  pi.  V.  Iguarias. 
Escarificação,  sf.  scarification. 
Escarificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  scari- 

fied.  [fier. 

Escarificador,  sm.  {surg.)  scari- 
Escarificar,  va.  to  scarify. 
Escarioso,  a,  adj.  scarious. 
Escarlate,  €uij.  2  g.  scarlet. 
Escarlatina,  sf.  {med.)  scarlatina. 
Escarmentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pu- 

nisbed,  warned.  \l 

BBoarmentar,  vn.  to  take  -wor-  \ 
aiag  by  experience.  —  ro.  V>  \ 

paaisb,  to  reprehend  harshly. 
Escarmento,  sm.   punishment; 

warniug  by  experience. 
Esoamação,  sf.  tbe  act  of  strip- 

ping  olt  tbe  nesb. 
Escarnado,  a.  pp.  adj.  that  has 

stripped  off  tbe  ílesn. 
Escarnador,    sm.    a     dentistas 

instrument  to  cut  tbe  g^m  -with. 
Escamar,  va.  {surg.)  to  part  the 

fum    from  tbe   teeth;    to    laj 
are  tbe  root  of  trees. 
Escamecedor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  jester, 

Escarnecer,  va.  to  scoff,  to  nd|p 
Escarnecido,  si,pp.adj.  seoffed, 

Escamecimento,  sm.  mockery; 

coDtempt;  reproach. 
Escamecivel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 

be  scoifed. 
Escameo,  sm.  mockery ,  raillerj. 
Escarnicadeira,  sf.    a    wonuui 

wbo  scoífs. 
Escamlcar,  va.  to  scoff. 
Escarola,  sf.  endive. 
Escarotico,  a,  adj.  caustíc,  es- 

Escarpa,  sf.  ifort.)  tbe  scarp  (in 

Escarpado,  a,  pp.  adj.    sloped, 

craggy,  steep. 
Escarpamento,  sm.  scarpment. 
Escarpar,  va.   to  slope.   —  icm 

fosso^  to  make  a  ditch  with  a 

slope.  [bread. 

Escarpeada,  sf.  a  sort  of  brown 
Escarpes,  sm.  pi.  iron-shoes. 
Escarpim,  sm.  a  lioen  or  woollen 

Escarradeira,  sf.  a  spitting-box. 
Escarrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  expecto- 

Escarrador,  sm.  spitting^box. 
Escarradura,  sf.  spitting,  expeo- 

toration.  iP^^* 

Escarramão,  sm.  a  small  mutton 
Escarranchado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 

is  set  astradle.  [astradle. 

Escarranchar -se,   vr.    to    set 
Escarrapiçar,  va.  to  unraTol. 
EBoarcax^-oa.  \ck  %>^\\.^  \r»  ««^««ap 





—  361 


Escarra,  sf.  [carp.)  the  joioing 

of  wooden  pieces. 
Escarvado,   a,    pp.  adj.    made 

hollow.  [who  makes  hollow. 
Escarvador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  or  she 
Escarvar,  va.  to  sap,  to   make 

Escascar,  va.  to  peei. 
Escassamente,  adv.  straitly. 
Escasseado,  sl,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

given  stingily.  [slacken. 

Escassear,  vn.   to  dimÍDish,  to 
Escassez    or    Escasseza,     sf. 

niggardliness,  covetousness. 
Escasso,  a,  adj.  stingy. , 
Esoatel,  sm.  {a  sea  term)'  a  little 

hole  in  the  points  of  the  bolts. 
Escatimar,  va.  to  diminish. 
Escava,  sf.  the  laying  open  of 

Escavação,  sf.  e&cavation. 
Escavacar,  va.  to  chip  ^ood. 
Escavado,  a,  pp.  adj.  excavated. 
Escavador,  sm.  excavator. 
Escavadora,  sf  furrow  or  trench 

for  a  drain. 
Escavar,  va.   to  lay  open  the 

roots  of  trees. 
Escavelrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 

has  a  wan  look. 
Escaveirar,  va.  to  make  a  face 

as  a  skuU. 
Esclarecer,  va.    to    clear,    to 

bri^hteD,   to   make   bright,  to 

enlighteD ,  to  illustrate.  Èsclare- 

cer-se^  vr.  to  become  illustrious, 

to  acquire  reputation. 
Esclarecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  grown 

bright.  [tion,  elucidation. 

Esclarecimento,   sm.   explana- 
Esclavagem,  sf.  collar,  sort  of 

ornaraent  for  the  neck. 
Esclavina,  sf.  a  sort  of  mantle; 
Escoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  strained. 
Escoadoiro,  sm.  a  water-pipe. 
Escoadura,  sf.  draining,  nowing. 
Escoamento,  sm.  draining,  drop- 

Escoar,  vn.  to  pour  out,  to  slip 
away.  — ,  va.  to  pour,  to  sepa- 
rate  a  liguor  from  its  sediment. 
Bseoar-aet  vr.  to  drop. 
EtKsoaB,,  {a  sea  term)  —  áa 
âoraa,  rung^heida. 
Pamtm  L 

Esoooez,  a,  adf/.  or  «.  Scotch, 

belonging  to  Scotland. 
Escócia,  ir.  Scotland. 
Escoda,  sf.  a  mason's  chisel. 
Escodado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sraoothed. 
Escodar,  va.  to  turn  a  skin  and 

smooth  the   outside  ;    to    hew 

stones.  [cut  off  the  crust. 

Escodeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 
Esoodear,  va.  to  chip  bread ;  to 

peei.  [Coima.  V.  Coima. 

Esooimado,  a,  pp.  adj.  free  from 
Escoimar,  va.  to  declare  one 

free  from  Coima. 
Escola,  sf.  school. 
Esoolar,  adj.  2  g.  belonging  to 

school.  [lastically. 

Escolasticamente,   adv.    scho' 
Escolástico,  a,  adj.  Scholastic. 
Escolha,  sf.  choice,  selection. 
Escolhedor,  sm.  he  who  chooses. 
Escolher,  va.  to  choose. 
Escolhidamente,  adv.  choicely. 
Escolhido,  a,  pp.  adj.  chosen, 

selected.  [underwater. 

Escolho,  sm.    a   cliff  or   rock 
Escoliar,  va.  to  schol^. 
Escoliaste,  sm.  scholiast. 
Escólio,  sm.  annotation. 
Escolmar,  va.  to  cut  stubble. 
Sscolopendra,  sf.  scolopendra. 
Escolta,  sf.  escort,  gnard. 
Escoltado,  a,  PP .  adj.  guarded. 
Escoltar,  va.  to  escort,  to  guard. 
Escondedolro,   sm.   a  lucking- 

Escondedor,  sm.  a  concealer. 
Esoondedora,  sf.  the  act  of  con^ 

cealing.  [ceai- 

Esconder,  va.  to  hide,  to   con- 
Escondidamente,  adv.  secretly. 
Esoondido,  a,  pp.  adj.  concealed. 
Escondrijo,  sm.  a  hiding-place. 
Esconjuração,  sf.  adjuration. 
Esconjurado,  a,  pp.  adj.  a^ju- 

Esconjurador,  sm.  adjurer. 
Esconjuro,  sm.  adjuration. 
Esconso,  a,    adj.  th&t  Vt^-cA^^ 

steep.  . 

Escopeta,  sf .  a  %otV  ol^^^xxo^v^. 
EaoopetadflL ,  sf .  t. ,  ^^^^^^$^^5L 

petroneV.  ^^x^S^JSTr- 

Esoopetoria.  «f  -  ^^^^^«^^'^ 


—  oí  2  — 


r.  ra.  to  shoot  ▼ith  a  ' 

peií'  U«rJ. 
Esoopetelro.  fm.  a  soldier  an&eã 

Eboc^m.  tm.  scope,  alm. 
£socpro.  «r/t.  a  &ort  cf  chiseL 
Escora.  í^.  prop.  stav. 
Escorado,  a.  /^f».  íjí'/  propped. 
Escorar,  ra.  to  )>ear  up.  to  prop.  ■ 
Esoorbutico.  a.  anj.  scorbutical.  ■ 
Escorbuto.  *m.  scunv. 
Escorçar,  ra.  'pciHt.j'to  shorten.  ; 

lo  fore-iihírí*;!), 
Escorchamento.  sm.  the  act  cf  - 


Escorchár.  ra.  to  Bkin.^o  flaj;  , 

to  takfí  out  "«'bat  was  coucealed.  j 
Escorcioneira .    j^/I    Ibot.)    the  . 

berb  víp«r'í»  ffrass. 
Escorço.  AIR.  (paint.)  the  fore- 

fabortenin^  of  tbe  bodj.  Escor- 
ços^  fiares  smáUer  than 

tbe  natural  ooes. 
Escoria.  «/*.  scoria,  drots  of  any 

in«t&l,  íicum. 
Escoriação,  sf.  excoríation. 
Escoriar-se,  cr.  V.  Esfolar^ie. 
Escorificar,   oa.  to    reduce  to 

Escorjamento,  sm.  a  svoon,  a 

fainting  ílt. 
Escor  jar,  va.  to  wrest,  to  wrench. 
Escomadamente ,  adv,  acom- 

Esoomado,  a,  pp,  adj.  pnnched 

witb  a  horu. 
Escomar,  va.  to  punch,  to  gore 

with  the  horns;  (fig,)  to  des- 

Esoomeador,a,a(/;.that  punches 

witb  tbe  horns. 
Esoornichar,  va.  to  punch  -with 

the  horns. 
EsoorpiSo,  gm.  scorpion. 
Esoorralhas,  sf.jjl.  dregs,  settle- 

ments  ol'  any  Iiquor. 
Esoorredora,  sf.  the  sediment  of 


EscorregadiQo,  a,  adj.  «Uppepy. 
Escorregado,  a,  pp.  adj.  slipped. 
EBCorregadolro,   sm,    sUppetj 

•Oscorragadara,  sf.  ihe  ftct  oi 


Bscoirsyar.  ii.  :d  sljp.  to  slide. 
Escorreito,  a.  anj.  and  sp.  irreg. 

:«í  £"*;crrer.-&c-i::id;  heálthj. 
Escorrer,  ta.  to  dr:p.  to  drain 

in  a  T«s£€;I :     a  iea  tem)  to  go 

levei.  d. 
Escorrido,  a.  pj.  côj.  dropped. 
EECorrimento.'  c  m .  árc  pping. 
Escorropichado.  a.  pp'.  adj.  that 

^Kbs  drur:k  :o  ;he  last  dmugbt. 
Escorropichar.  va.  to  drink  the 

last  crauçbt. 
Escortinado.  a.  jp.  adj.  ifort.) 

curtained.  [tain. 

Escortinar.  ra.  \fort.i    to   cor- 
Esoorva.  tf.  the  pan  of  a  gna; 

Escorvado,  a.  pp.  adj.  primed. 
Escorvador.  sm.  an  instrameat 

to  prime  cannons. 
Escorvar,  va.  to  prime. 
Escoser.  ra.  to  vound. 
Esoosido.  a.  pp.  adj.  -voonded. 
Escosimento.   sm.    damsge    bj 

Escota,  sf.   {a  sea  term)  sheet. 
Escote,   sm.   club,    share    of  a 

Escoteiro,  a,  adj.  free,  that  car- 

ries  no  bagage. 
Escotilha,  sf.  {a  sea  term)  hatch- 

way ;  scuttles. 
Escotilhão,  sm.  a  room  bj  tbe 

Esootomia,  sf.  (med.)  scotomy. 
Escoucinhar,  va.  to  kick. 
Esconvens,  sf.  pi.  (a  sea  term) 

the  hawses. 
Escova,  sf.  a  bmsh. 
Esoovadella,  sf.  brushing. 
Esoovado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bnuhed. 
Escovar,  va.  to  brush. 
Esoovllha,  sf.  the  place  viíerel 

the  goldsmitb^s  sweepings  are 

Escovinha,  sf.  {bot.)  ilower  called 

blue  bottle ;  a  little  bmsh. 
Escozar,  va.  V.  Alimpar. 
Escrava,  sf.  a  woman  slave. 
Escravaria,   sf   a  number    of 

EacxavQXraaraL>  &t-  ^«.n%  \x«âA\«. 


—  363  — 


Sscravlsado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made 

slave.  [slave. 

Escravisar,  va.    te   make   one 

Escravo,  sm.  a  slave. 

Escrevedor,  sm.  a  bad  'writer. 

Escrevente,  sm.  a  clerk. 

Escrever,  va.  to  write,  to  com- 

pose,  to  pen.  Escreverdes  vr.  to 

write  one  another. 

Escrevinliador,  sm.  scrawler. 

Escrevinhar,  va.  to   write,   to 

scrawl ;  to  write  inelegantly. 

Escriba,  sm.  a  scribe. 

Escrinio,  sm.  bureau,  desk. 

Esoripta,  sf.  writin^. 

Escripto,  a,  pp.  aáj.  written. 

Escripto,  sm.  a  writing,   a  biU 

for  lodgings.  —  de  amor^  a  love 


Escriptor,  sm.  writer,  author. 

Escrip tório, sm.  a  writing  desk; 

oMce,    counting-house.  —  de 

lettrado^  a  lawyer's  office. 

EsGxiçtura,    sf.   writiog,  bond, 

writing  of  obligation.  ^pt^lica^ 

record  or  instrument  made  be- 

fore  a  notary.  [ing. 

Escriptoração,  sf.  book-keep- 

Escriptnrado,  a,  pp.  adj.   kept 

in  tne  book  of  accounts. 

Eacriptarar,  va.  to  keep  a  mer- 

chant's    books.   Escripturar-ee, 

vr.  to  engage  one's  self. 

Escripturario,  sm,  book-keeper. 

Escrivania;  sf.  the  business  o|  a 


Eacrivaninha,  sf.  a  standish. 

Escrivão,  sm.  scrivener.  —  de 

notas,  a  pubUc  notary. 

Escrofularia,  sm.  {boi.)  scrofo- 

laria,  fig-wort. 

Escrófulas,  sf.   pi.     scrofala, 

king*s  evil. 

Escrofuloso,  a,  adj.  acrofuloua. 

Escropuk),  sm.  scruple. 

Escroto,  sm.  [anat.)  the  serotmt. 

Escrotecele,  sm.  {surg.)  scroto- 

cele.  [scruple. 

Esorupulear,  vn.    to  make   a 

Escrupolizado,    a,     pp,     adj. 

scrupled.  {liesitate. 

EBcamjpnWfwr,  vtt.  to  aeruple,  to 

&orapu2o,  sm,  acruple,  scrupu- 
Josjty,  ^ 

Escrapulosametite,  adv.  scni 

Escrupvuosidade ,   sf.    8crapu> 

lousness.  [lons. 

Escrupuloso,  a,    adj.    scrupu- 
Escrutado,  a,  pp.  adj.  inquired, 

Escrutador,  sm.  an  examinar. 
Escrutar,  va.  to  scrutinize. 
Escrutínio,  sm.  scrutiny. 
Escudada,     sf.     defence     with 

shields  or  bucklers. 
Escudar,  va.  to  shield. 
Escudeirado,  a,  mf.  adj.  that 

serves  as  an  escudeiro. 
Escudeirar,  va,  to  serve  as  an 

Escudeiratico,    a,    adj,     that 

belongs  to  aa  escudeiro. 
Escudeiro,  am.    an   usher,    an 

esquire;  a  valet. 
Escudella,  sf.  a  porflnger. 
Escudellar,  va.  to  take  out  pot- 

tage  in  porringers. 
Escttdete,   sm,    a   small  escat* 

cheon.  [coin. 

Escudo,  sm.  shield,  bucKler; 
EscuU^iio,  sm.  (pões.)  jSscula- 

pius,  a  physician. 
Esculento,  a,  adj.  esculent. 
Esculpido,  a,  jap.  adj.  sculptured, 

carved.  [carve* 

Esculpir,  va.  to  sculpture,  to 
Esculptor,  sm.    a    scnlptor,    a 

carver.  [ing. 

Escu^ptura,  sf.  sculpture ;  carv- 
Escuma,  sf.  scum,  froth,  foam. 
Escumadeixa,  sf.  skimmer. 
Escumado,  a,  jTp.  adj.  skimmed. 
Escumador,  a,  adj.  that  makes 

foam.  [metal. 

Escumalho,  sm.  dross  of  any 
Escumar,  va.  to  skim,  to  scnm. 
Escumilha,  sf.  a  small   shot; 

crape.  (frotby. 

Escumoso,   a,    adj.     foaming, 
Escuna,  sf.  {a  sea  term)  schooner. 
Escuramente,  adv.  darkljr. 
Escaras  (A's),  adx.  loc.  ia  tJb>^ 

dark.  \adj.  àaxWwjàsi^. 

Eacureoedor,  ai,  sm.  ox  t-  as^^ 
EBCoreoer,  xa.  v>  ^^>^^Va-^--A, 
Eaoureoldo,  «t,  1»P- f^t  ^SSwT 
Eacucentar,  va.V.  E»otf^s«*- 


—  364  — 


Esciweza,  sf.   darkness,  obscu- 

Escuridade,  sf.  darkness. 
Escuricfôo,  sf.  darkness,  obscu- 

Escuro,  sm.  darkness. 
X!scuro,  a,  aâj.  dark,  obscure. 
EscurrUidade,  sf.  jesting,  play- 

Escusa,  sf.  excuse.  [tion. 

Escusação,  sf.  excuse;  exemp- 

Escusadamente,  adj.  vainly. 
Escusado,  a.  pp. 
repulsed ;  main. 

aai.  • 

excused ; 

Escusador,  sm.  (in  law)  excuser. 

Escusamente,  adv.  secretly. 

Escusar,  va.  to  excuse.  —  algu- 
ma cousa,  to  make  shift  with  a 
thing ;  to  spare,  to  save. 

Escusável ,  adj.  2  g.  excusable. 

Escuso,  a,  adj.  free;  solitary, 
reraote,  superfluous. 

Escuta,  sf.  a  nuu  that  stands  by 
to  hear  ali  that  is  said;  spy 
íistener;  sentinel;  the  act  of 
listening.  — ,  sm.  Íistener. 

Escutado,  a,  pp.  adj.  listened. 

Escutador,  a,  sm.  orf.  a  Íistener. 

Escutar,  va.  to  listen,  to  hearken . 
Escutar-se,  vr.  to  have  a  formal 
slow  -way  of  speaking. 

Esdruxularia,  sf.  singularity, 

Esdrúxulo,  a,  adj.  singular, 
whimsical.  Verso  — ,  that  has 
twelve  syllables  instead  of 

Esfaimado,  a,  pp.  adj.  starved. 

Esfaimar,  va.  to  starve,  to  fa- 

Esfaldado,  a,  pp.  adj.  quite 
wearied  or  out  of  breath. 

Esfalfamento,  sm.  weariness;  a 
disease  from  exhaustion. 

Esfalfar,  va.  to  weary,  to  over- 
tire,  to  put  out  of  breath. 

Esfarelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reduced 
into  bran.  finto  Isran. 

Esfarelar-se,  vr.  to  be  reduced 

Esfarrapado,  a,  pp.  adj.   tom, 

Esfolado,  a,   pp.   adj.     fiajed, 

Esfolador,  sm.  a  flayer. 
Esfoladura,  sf.  flaying;    exco- 

Esfolagato,  sm.  reprimand. 
Esfolamento,  sm.  âayin^. 
Esfolar,  va.  to  ú&y,  to  skin.  Ei- 

folar-se,    vr.  to  tear   oflf   one*s 

Esfolegar,  vn.  to  breathe. 
Esfolhada,  sf.  the  act  of  strip- 

ping  off  millet.  [leaves. 

Esfolnado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stript  of 
EsfoUiador,  sm.    he  \^ho  strips 

off  the  shell  of  the  millet. 
Esf olhar,  va.  to  strip  from  husks 

or  from  leaves. 
EsfolinkAdo,  a,  pp.  adj.  sweeped 

of  the  dust. 
Esfolinhador.  a,  sm.  or  f.   and 

adj.  he  or  she  that  sweeps  the 

dust.  [dust. 

Esfolinhar,  va.  to  sweep  awaj 
Esfomeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  hunger* 

Esfomear,  va.  to  starve. 
Esforçadamente,  adv.    valiant- 

ly.  [ed,  vigorou». 

Esforçado,  a,;.  strengthen- 
Esforçador,  sm.  he  who  streng^ 

Esforçar,  va.  to  strengthen,  to 

encourage.  Esforçar-se^  vr.    to 

grow  strong. 
Esforço,  sm.  endeavour,  struggle. 
Esfrangalhado,     a,     pp.    adj. 

puiled  in  pieces.  [pieces. 

Esfrangalhar ,  va.    to   pull   in 
Esfrega,  sf.  reprimand;  punish- 

Esfregação,  sf.  rubbing. 
Esfregado,  a,  pp.  adj.  nibbed. 
Esfregador,  sm.  rubber. 
Esfregadura,  sf.  rub,  friction. 
Esfregalho   or    Esfregão,  sm. 

Esfregamento,  sm.  friction. 
Esfregar,  va.  to  rub. 
Esfriado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cooled. 

ragged.  [to  pVeces.  xEaSxiAdor,  a^  adj.  that  cools. 

EafarrapaTf  va.  to  rend,  to  p\ía.\'Etíi\3MDn«o&o ,  »m.    T«lY^fl^iv&.^^ 
JESB/atíar,  va,  to  slice.  \  _^2^^*-      ^^  ,^  vcv  ,\\i« 


—  365  — 


Esfnxnação,  sf.  the  act  of  shad- 

ing  with  the  stomp. 
Esfumado,  sm.  {paint.)   shaded 

Tvith  the  stomp.  [stomp. 

Esfumar,  va.  to  shade  with  the 
Esfuminlio,  sm.  stomp. 
Esfuracado,  a,j7p.  aaj.  bored. 
Esfuracar,  va.  to  bore. 
Esfusiada,  sf.  {artil.)  a  voUey  of 

cannon-shot.  [non-shot. 

Esfusiar,  vn.  to  hiss  as  a  can- 
Esfusilar,  vn.  to  lighten. 
Esfusiote,  sm.  Dar  um  —  a  al- 
guém^ to  make  one  run  away. 
Esgaivotado,  a,  adj.  lean. 
Esgalgado,  a,  adj.   laDk   as   a 

grey-hound.  [shoots. 

Esgalhado,  a,  pp.  adj.    full  of 
Esgalhar-se ,  vr.   to  oe  fali  of 

Esgalho,  sm.  shoot. 
Esgalracho,  sm.  {bot.)  a  sort  of 

weed  or  noxioas  plant. 
Esganado,  a,  pp.  adj.  strangled. 
Esgeaiadura,  sf.    the    act    of 

Esganar,  va.  to  strangle. 
Esganiçar-se,  vr.  to  howl,   to 

screak,   to    grow  hoarse  with 

crying  out. 
Esgarabulhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 

does  not  spin  steadily  ( a  top  ). 
Esgarabulhar,  vn.  not  to  spin 

Esgaravatado,  a,  pp.  adj.  raked. 
Esgaravatador,  sm.  a  picker. 
Esgaravatar,  va.  to  rake. 
Esgaravatil,  sm.  á  joiner*s  tool 

or  instruraent. 
Esgaravunhar,  vn.  to  scrawl. 
Esgarçado,    a,    pp.  adj,   tom, 

Esgarçar,  va.  to  break,  to  chap. 

Ésgarçar-sef  vr.  to  be  chapped. 
Esgares,  sm.  pi.  V.  Visagem. 
Esgarrão,  sm.  Tempo  — ,  (a  sea 

term)  contrary  winds. 
Esgarrar,  va.  (a  sea  term)  to  part 

company  in  a  storm. 
Esgorjar,  vn.  to  desire  very  earn- 

estly.  [the  last  drop. 

Esgotado,  a,  jDp.  adj.  drained  to 
Sagotador,  a,  adj,  that  draias 

to  the  last  drop. 

Esgotadora,  sf.  the  act  of  drain*- 

Esgotamento,  sm.  draining. 
Esgotar,  va.  to  drain  to  the  last 

Esgoto,  sm.  draining. 
Esgraíiar,  va.  {paint.)  to  paint 

in  fresco. 
Esgrhna,  sf.  fencing. 
Esgrimldor,  sm.  a  fencer. 
Esgrimir,  va.  to  fence,  to  tilt; 

(fig.)  to  shake,  to  brandish. 
Esgronviado,  a,    adj.  tall  and 

thin.  [garded. 

Esguardado,    a,   pp.  adj.    re< 
Esguardador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  re- 

Esguardar,  va.  to  regard. 
Esguardo,  sm.  regard. 
Esguasar,  va.  to  ford. 
Esgueirar,  va.  to  steal  artfuUy. 
Esguelha,  sf.  obliquity.  [ly. 

Esguelhadamente,  adv.  oblique* 
Esguelhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  oblique. 
Esguelhar,  va.  to  go  obliqaely. 
Esguião,  sm.  íine  linen. 
Esguichado,  a,  pp.  adj.  gushed 

out;  spurted. 
Esguichar,  va.  to  çush  out.  •— 

vn.  to  spirt,  to  squirt. 
Esguicho,  sm.  a  squirt. 
Esguio,  a,  adj.  tall  and  thin  or 

slender.  [shovel. 

Esguncho,  sm.  a  hollow  wooden 
Eslabão,  sm.  a  tumour  in  the  In- 

side  of  a  horse'3  knee. 
Esladroar,  va.  {agric.)  to  cut  oft 

the  useless  suckers  of  a  tree. 
Eslagartador,  «m.  he  who  rids 

trees  of  caterpillars. 
Eslagartar.  va.  —  a  vinha,  to  poli 

out  the  leaves  of  a  vine  infected 

with  a  vine-fretter. 
Esmadrigado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sepa- 

rated  of  a  flock. 
Esmadrlgar,  ia.  to  separate  of 

a  flock.  one's  self. 

Esmaecer,  vn.  to  retire  within 
Esmagado,  a,  pp.  adj.  squashed, 

EsmagadoT^  ^,    aàj.  \vft  ssaax 

EsxiLaQaâ.\uraLx  st-  «l\íx\3:\%<í^^^^^^ 





366  " 


Esmalhar ,    va.    to  break   the 

rings  of  a  coat  of  mail. 
Esmaltado,  a,  pp.  adj,  enamel- 

Esxnaltador .  sm.  enameller. 
Esmaltar,  va.  to  enamel. 
Esmalte,  sm.  enamel. 
Esmaniar,  vn.  to  rave. 
Esmar,  va.  to  guess  bj  sight. 
Esmarellido,  a,  adj.  jellowish. 
Esmarrido  a,  ndj.  dry. 
Esmechada,  sf.  a  -^ound  in  the 

Esmechado,  a,  pp.  adj.  wounded 

in  the  head. 
Esmechar,    va.  to   wound  the 

head  with  a  stick  cr  stone. 
Esmeradamente ,     adv,     very 

Esmerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  performed 

with  cara;  neat,  spruce. 
Esmeralda,  sf.  emerald. 
Esmeraldino,  a,  adi.  of  the  co- 

lour  of  the  emerald. 
Esmerar,  va.  to  perfeot,  to  per- 

Esmeril,  sm.  emery. 
Esmerilhação ,    sf.  the  act  of 

smoothiug  -with  emerv. 
Esmerilhado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  smooth- 

ed  with  emery. 
Esmerilhador ,   sm    indagator, 

Esmerilhão,  sm.  (zoo/.)  a  merlin. 
Esmerilhar,  va.  to  smooth  with 

the  emery;  to  seek  diUgently. 
Esmero,  sm.  care,  diligence. 
£,  a,  pp.  adj.  crum- 

Esmigalhar,  va  to  cmmble. 
Esmiolado,  a,  pp.  adj.  th«>t  hss 

no  crumb. 
Esmiolar,  va    to  take  ont  the 

cnimb  [minutely. 

Esmiuçadamente,  adv.  stríctly. 
Esmiuçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  poundetl 

to  dust.  Iqnirer. 

Esmiuçador,  sm.  a  minute  íb- 
Esmiuçamento ,   sm.   scrutinj, 

Esmiuçar,  va.  to  pound  to  dust. 
£smo,  sm.  conjecture.  A—, ode. 

bjr  sigbt;  rashly,  at  random. 
Eemoer,  va.  to  digest. 

Esmoído,  a,  pp.  adj.  di^sted» 

Esmola,  sf.  alms,  charit^. 
Esmolado,  a,  pp.  adj.  given  bj 

alms.  [cuaritable. 

Esmolador,  sm.  or  f.  and  adj. 
Esmolar,  vn.  to  give  alms. 
Esmolaria,  sf.  the  almoner^s  Of- 
fice ;  an  alms-house. 
Esmoleira,  sf.  alms-box. 
Esmoleiro,  sm.  a  begging  fHar. 
Esmoler,   sm.    an    alms«giver; 

almoner.  [tabls. 

Esmoler,   adj.  2  g.  very  chaii- 
Esmoncar,  va.  to  take  awaj  tlie 

anot  of  the  nose. 
Esmondado,  a,  pp.  adj.  weeded. 
Eamondar,  va.  to  weed. 
Esmorecer,  va.  to   disconrage. 

—  vn.  to  dismay,  to  faint,  to 

despond.  Esmorecer-se^  vr.  to  be 

disheartened.  [dismay. 

Esmorecidamente ,    adv.    with 
Esmorecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  beaxt- 

Esmorecimento,  sm.  dismay. 
Esmoutar,  va.  to  cut  bramliies. 
Esmurraçar,  va.  to   ssofiP  tbe 

Esmurrar ,    va.    to    sauff    the 

candle.  V.  Esphitar, 
Eanocar,  va.  to  break,  to  cut  off 

a  shoot. 
Esophago,  sm.  {anat.)  oesopbagris. 
Espaçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  delayad. 
E^mçamento,  sm.  prorogation. 
Espaçar,  va.  to  delay,  to  pio- 

Espaço,  sm.  space.  []y. 

Eapaçosamooita,  adv.  spacioua- 
E^MLçoBO,  a,  adj.  spacious. 
Espada,  sf.  sword.  Copo  da  — , 

the  shell  of  a  sword,  hilt.  Mapa 

da  — ,  the  pommel  of  a  8\rord. 

Espadas  (at  cards)  spades. 
Espadachim,  sm.  a  bolly. 
Espadado,  a.  adj.  beaten. 
Espadador,  sm.  a  sort  of  leaning» 

Espadana,  sf.  (6o/.)  the  common 

nags    that    grow     in    watery 

•Eftipai<\%T^ft^Q  >  %.» w  «Sã^^^ucvv^i. 



—  367  — 


Espadanai,  sm.  the  place  vhere 

corn-flags  grow.  [flaçs. 

Espadanar,   va.  to  strevr  with 
Espadaneo,  a,  adj.  tbat  is  like 

Espadar,  va.  —  o  linho,  to  peei 

hemp  or  flax.  [nsh. 

Espadarte,  sm.  a  kind  of  whale- 
Espadaúdo,  a,  adj.  broad-shoul- 

Espadeiro,  sm.  a  sword-cutler. 
lEfSpadeBa,  sf.  the  brake  for  flax. 

or  hemp;  a  sort  of  heavy  oar. 
EspadeUar,  va.  to  brake. 
Espadilha,  sf.  the  ace  of  spades. 
Espadim,  sm.  a  dress-s\rord. 
Espadoa,  sf.  {anat.)  blade-bone. 
Espadoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tkat  is 

put  out  of  a  shoulder-blade. 
Espadoar,  va.  to  put  out  of  a 

Espagiria,  sf.  spagirj. 
Espairecer,  vn.  to  amuse  one's 

Espairecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

amused  in  a  'walk,  etc. 
Espalda,  sf.  shoulder. 
Espaldar,   sm.   the  back  of  a 

cnair;  a  shoulder-píece. 
Eroaldeado,  a,jpp.  adj.  tbat  is 

drawn  back. 
Espaldear,  va.  to  draw  b»ck. 
Espaldeira,  sf.  cloth  that  corers 

the  back  of  a  chair.  —  do  cor- 

soletCy  an  armour  for  the  back. 
Espaldeirada,  sf  a  blow  with 

the  flat  part  of  the  sword. 
Espaldeta,  sf.  Faser  — ,  to  dis- 

tort  the  shoulders  in  riding. 
Espalhadamente,  adv,  dispers- 

edly.  [disperaed. 

Espsdhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  scattered, 
Espalhador,  a,    sm.   or  f.  dis- 

Espalhafato,  sm.  a  sort  of  can- 

non.  Fazer  — ,  to  make  a  great 

Espalhagar,  va.  to  separate  the 

straw  from  the  com. 
Espalhamento,  sm.   dissemina- 

Espalhar,  va.  to  scatter.  Espa- 

íkar-se,  vr.  to  he  apread. 
EapsOmaido,  a,  pp.  adj,t^sX. 

Espalmar,  va.  to  lay  flat. 
Espalto,  sm.  spalt. 
Espanação,  sf.  the  act  of  clean- 

ing  from  dust. 
Espanado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cleaned 

from  the  dust. 
Espanador,  sm.  a  feather-broom. 
Espanar,  va.  to  clean  from  dnst. 
Espancado,  a,  pp.  adi.  cudgelled. 
Espancar,  va.  to  cudgel,  to  beat. 
Espsuiejar,  va.  to  dust  off. 
Eie^antadiço,  a,  adj.  subject  to 

be  frighted. 
Espantado,  a,  pp.  adj.  frighted. 
Esnpantador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  viho 

Espantalho,  sm.  a  scareHsrow. 
Espanta-lobcs,  sm.  {bot.)  blad- 

Espantar,  va.  to  fright,  to  cause 

admiration ,   to    astonish.    Es- 

pantar-se^  wr.  to  be  frighted,  aor- 

Espantavel,  adj.  2  g.  horrid. 
Espanto,  #m.  fnght,  admiration, 

Espantosamente,  adv.    fright- 

fully,  strangely. 
Espantoso,    a,     adj.     horrid, 

strange,  marvellous. 
Esparavão,  sm.  spavin. 
Esparavel,  sm.  a  sort  of  barrack. 
Esparcel,  sm.  a  ford,  a  shelf. 
EÔ>arcelado,  a,  adj.  that  has 

manv  parceís.  Terra  — a,  very 

levei  groand. 
Esparecer,  vn.  to  walk. 
Espargido,  a,  pp.  adj.  spílled, 

scattered.  [efirusion. 

Eqpargimento,  sm.  scattering, 
Espargir,  va.  to  scatter,  to  dif- 

mse,  to  spread. 
Espargo,  sm,  asparagua. 
Esparragão,  sm.  a  sort  of  silk 

Esparregado,  pp.  adj.  boiled  and 

seasoned  with  vinegar,  oil,  etc. 

E^arregar,   va.  to     boil    and 

season  pot-herba  with  oil  and 

EsparrasL,  sf.  «ii«.t«v^  tís^e^x.  ^<^^\^ 

a  nooia. 


—  368  — 


Esparrinhar,    va.   to   sprinkle 

water  about. 
Esparsa,  sf.  the  less  roundelay. 
Esparso,  a,  adj.  scattered,  dis- 

Espartano,  a,  s.  and  adj.  Spar- 

tan,  belonging  to  Sparta. 
Espartaria,  sf,  a  manufactory  of 

mats  made  of  spartium. 
Esparteiro,  sm.  one  tbat  makes 

mats  of  mat-weed. 
Espartenhas ,    sf.   pi.    sort   of 

sandals  made  of  mat-weed. 
Espartilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tight 

with  a  stays.  [on  stays. 

Espartilhar,  va.  to  dress,  to  put 
Espartilheiro,  a,   sm.   or  f.  & 

Espartilho,  sm.  stays,  corsec. 
Espartlr,  va*  to  separate. 
Esparto,  sm.  spartium,  matrweed. 
Esparzido,  a,  pp.  adj.  scattered, 

Esparzir^  va.  to  scatter,  to  spread. 
Espasmado,    a,  pp,   adj.    tbat 

suffers  spasms. 
Espasmar,  va.  to  cause  spasms. 
Espasmo,    sm.    {med.)    spasm, 

Espasmódico,    a,    adj.   {med.) 

Espatifar,  va.  to  break  to  pieces. 
Espate,  sm.  spar,  spalt. 
Espato,  sm.  tbe  colour  of  mirrh 

that  serves  to  paint  dead  bodies. 
Espátula,  sf.  spatula,  slice. 
Espaventar,  va.  to  terrify,  to 

Espavento,  sm.  frigbt,  surpríze. 
Espavorido,  a,  pp.  adj.  fri^ht- 

ened,  terrifled.  [terrify. 

Espavorir,  va.   to  frighten,  to 
Especado,  a,  pp.  adj.  propped. 
Especar,  va.  to  prop. 
Espeoia,  sf.  spice. 
Especial,  adj.  2  g.  special. 
Especialidade,  sf.  speciality. 
Espeoialisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  spe- 

Especialisar,  va.  to  specialize. 

Especialisar-se^  vr.  to  be   spe- 

cialized.  fparticularly. 

Espeoialixíente,  adv.  speciai\y, 
Especiaria.^  sm,  spicery. 


Espécie,  sf  species,  sort,  kind. 

Espécies^    s.    pi.     circulating 

Especieiro,  sm.  a  grocer,  spicer. 
Especificação,  sf.  specification. 
Especificadamente,  adv.  parti- 

cularlv.  [ficated. 

Especificado,  a,  pp.  adj^  speci- 
Especificamente,    adv.   speciíi- 

Especificar,  va.  to  specificate. 
EspecificativO;  a,  adj.  specifi- 

Especificidade,  sf.  a  quality  that 

speciticates.  [speciílc. 

Especifico,  a,  adj.  specifical, 
Especifico,  sm.  speciâc,  remedy. 
Especillo,  sm.  {surg.)  prohe,  tent. 
Especiosamente,  aau.  specioua- 

Especiosidade,  sf.  speciousness. 
Especioso,  a,  adj.  specious. 
Espectáculo,  sm.  spectacle. 
Espectador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  specta* 

Espectativa,  sf.  expectation. 
Espectavel,  aaj.ig.  remarkable. 
Espectro,  sm.  spectre. 
Especulação,  sf.  speculation. 
Especulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  speou- 

Especulador,  sm.  speculator. 
Especular,  ia.  to  specolate. 
Especularia,    sf.    that    part   of 

optics  that  treats  of  vision  bj 

Especulativa,  sf.  speculation. 
Especulativamente,  ado.  spe- 

culatively.  [tive. 

Especulativo,  a,  adj.  specula- 
Especulo,  sm.  {surg.)  speculom. 
Espedaçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  daahed 

in  pieces.  [tearing^. 

Espedaçamento,  sm.  the  act  of 
Espedaçar,  va.  to  tear  or  dash 

in  pieces.  Espedaçar-se,  vr.  to 

be  dashed  in  pieces. 
Espedido,  a,  pp.  adj.  dismiased, 

Espedimento,  sm.  farewell. 
Espedir   or  Despedir,   va.    to 

dismiss,  to  despatch. 


—  369  — 


Espelhado,  S(fPi).  adj.  smoothed, 

polished  as  a  íooking-glass. 
E^eUiar,  va.  to  smooto,  to  make 

polished  as  a  looking-glass. 
Espelhim,  «m.  gypse,  çarget. 
Eqpelho,    sm.    a  looking-glass, 

mirror,  specolum;  {fig.)  patern, 

Espelta,  sf.  {bot.)  spelt. 
Espelunca,  sf.  aen,  cavem. 
Ecj>e<iae,  sm.  prop,  stay;  hand- 

Espera,  sf.  stay,  waiting,  delay ; 

pause ;  (m  law)  demurrer. 
Esperadamente,  adv.  with  hope. 
Esperado,  a,  pp.  adj,  expected, 

hoped  for. 
Esperador,  a,  adj.  that  hopes, 

tnat  waits. 
Esperança,  sf.  hope. 
Esperançado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 

has  given  hopes. 
Esperançar,  va.  to  give  hopes. 
Esperançoso,  a,  adj.  hopefm. 
Esperar,  va.  to  hope ;  to  wait,  to 

expect ;  to  watch  for  a  thing  or 

person.  —  vn.  to  hope,  to  ex- 

pect.  Esperar-sCj  vr.  to  be  ex- 
Esperável,  adj.  2  g.  expectable. 
Esperdiçadamente,  aav.  lavish- 

ly.  [vished. 

Esperdiçado,    a,  pp-   adj.    la- 
Esperdiçador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  spend- 

Esperdiçamento ,   sm.    lavish- 

Esperdlçar,  va.  to  lavish. 
Esperdicio,  sm.  lavishness. 
Espergula,  sf.  spurry. 
Esper jurar,  vn.  to  forswear,  to 

commit  perjury. 
Esperma,  sm.  sperm. 
Espermacete  or  Espermaoeti, 

sm.  spermaceti. 
Espermatioo,  a,  adj.  spermatic. 
Espernear,  va.  to  shake  the  legs. 
Espemegar,  va.  to  part  the  legs 

asunder  by  violence. 
Espertador,  sm.  he  that  wakes 

others;  exciter. 
Esçertadura,  sf.  separation,  di- 

visioD.— ^  cabello.  the  partins 

oftíÈ^bair.  ^        ^ 

Espertamente,    adv.    bnskly, 

courageously.  [waking. 

Espertamente,  sm.  the  act  of 
Espertar,  va.  to  wake,  to  excite. 

Êspertar-se,  vr.  to  inflame  one's 

Esperteza,  sf.  aleu:ritv,  courage. 
Esperto,  a.  adj.  sprightly,  quick, 

brisk,  active. 
Epescoçar,  va.  (agric.)  to  opea 

a  tree  at  the  root. 
Espesinhado,  a,  pp,  adj.  tram* 

pled  under  foot.  [foot.. 

Espesinhar,  va.  to  trample  under 
Espessado,  a.  pp.  adj.  thickened. 
Espessamente,  adv.  thickly. 
Espessar,  va.  to  thicken. 
Espessidão  or  Espessura,  sf. 

thickness,  density.  , 

Espetada,  sf.  a  spit-fnll.  —  de 

came^  great  quantity  of  meat  çut 

on  the  spit.  [spít ;  {fig.)  stiff. 

Espetado,  a,  pp.  adj.  put  on  the 
Espetão,   sm.  an  iron  spit  used 

by  the  founders. 
Espetar,  va.  to  spit,  to  put  on 

the  spit.  Espetar 'Se ,  vr.  to  run 

upon  one's  adversary's  sword. 
Espeto,  sm.  spit,  a  long  prong. 
Espezinhar,    va.    to  foul   witn 

Esphacelo,  sm.  gangrene. 
Esphera,  sf.  sphere. 
Esphericamente ,   adv.  spheri- 

cally.  [ness. 

Esphericidade ,    sf.    spherical- 
Espherico,  a,  adj.  spherical. 
Espheristerio,  sm.  \anc.)  sphsB- 

risterium ;  tennis-court. 
Espheristico,  a,  adj.  pertaining 

to  the  sphseristerium. 
Espheroidal,  adj.  2  g.  spheroidal. 
Espheroide,  sm.    (geom.)  sphe- 

Espheroideo,  a,  adj.  spheroidic. 
Esphincter,  sm.  {anat.)  sphinc- 

Esphinge,  sm.  sphinx. 
Espia,  sm.  or  f.  a  spy. 
Espiado,  a,  pp.  adj,   watched, 

Esplador,  sm.  a^^^. 

\  Espiar-  -oa.  Xo  ^^^ ,  ^.^  ^v^x^o.- 




—  370  — 


Z&q»icaçado,  &,  pp.  adj.  peckeâ. 
Espicaçar,  va.  to  peck. 
Espicha,  sf.  the  threading  (of  a 

Espichado,  a,  pp  adj.  threaded. 
Espichar,  va.   to  run  throug>li: 

to  pierce,  to  tap,  to  broach.. 
Espicho,  sm.  a  spigot. 
Espiga,  sf.  ear  of  cora,  spike  ; 

a  tfinon. 
Espigado,  a,  pp.  adj.e&veáf  grcwn 

to  an  ear,  grown  up. 
Espigame,  sm.  gleaning. 
Espigar,  vn.  to  grow  to  an  ear,  to 

run  to  seed  ;  to  grow  up. 
Espigas,  -wniskers. 
Espiguilha,  sf.  a  sort  of  bobbift- 

I  Espiguilhar,  va.  to  trim  with  a 

narrow  lace  or  galloon. 
Espixn    or   Espinlio,  sm.   por- 

Espina.  sf.  (bot.)  way-thom* 
Espinafre,  sm.  spinach. 
Espinça,  sf.  pincers. 
Espinçar,  va.  to  clear;  to  root 

up  the  herbs  from  the  salt  pits. 
Espinella,  sf.  a  kind  of  pale  red 

ruby ;  spinet. 
Espineta,  sf.  a  spinet. 
Espingarda,  sf.  a  niusket. 
Espingardada,   sf.  a    musket- 

shot.  [mosket. 

Espingardão,    sm.    a    sort    of 
Espingardaria,  sf.  musketeers; 

a  voUey  of  musket-shot. 
Espingardeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  shot 

vith  a  musket.  [a  musket. 

Espingardear,  va.  to  shoot  with 
Eroingardeira,  ^.  a  loop-hole 

for  shooting  with  guns,  etc. 
Espingardeiro,  sm.   gtmsxnith.; 

Espinha,    sf.    fish-bone;    {fig.) 

obstacle,  trouble.  —  carnal,  a 

sort  of  pimple.  [back-bona. 

Espinhaço,    sm.    the    spine    or 
Espinhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pricked 

with  a  thorn. 
Esqoinhal,  adj.  2  g.  {anat.)  spinal. 
Espinhal,  sm.  a  thorn-bush. 
Espinhar,  va,  to  prick ;  to  sting, 

to  irritate.  Vtro*. 

•GspXztheiro,  sm.  {bot.)  &  ^iotu 


Espiahela,  af.  {anat.)  the  lovor 

extremity  of  the  stermunk. 
Espinho,,  «m.  thorn.;  (/fi^.)  diffi- 

cuhy,  obstaele. 
EspiBboeo,  a.  adj.  thomj. 
EnpinicadOv  a,  pp-  adi.  super- 

nuously  exact ;  peevisn. 
Espinicar.    va.   to   perfect    too 

Espinula,  sf.  pin.  V.  Alfiuete. 
Espiolhar,  va.  to  clean  from  Uee. 
Espique,   sm.  (bot.)   the  ear  of 

spikenard,  [Une. 

Espira,  sf.  {asíron.)  spire,  a  curve- 
Espiracalo,  sm^  spiracle. 
Espiral,  adj.  2  g.  spiraL 
Espiralmente,  adv.  spiraUj. 
Espárante,  adj.  2  g.  breathio^. 
Espirar,  va.  to  take  breaithf  to 

Espiritado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sjpiriteá. 
Espiritar,  va.  to  spirit ;  to  inspire. 
Espirito,  sm.  spirit,  gkost. 
Espiritoso,  a,  ac(/.  spiritnous. 
Espiritual,  adj.  t  g  s^ituaL 
EspiritualidaAe,  sf.  spurituali^. 
Espiritualisaçâoi»    sm.     {chem.) 

Espiritualisado,  a,jpp.  odQ.  spi- 

ntualized.  [Uxer 

Espiritualisar,  vo.  to  spiatoft- 
Espiritualismo,  sm.  spiritualism. 
Espiritualista,  sm.  spiribuallirtL 
Espáritualmente,  adv.  spiritoal- 

Espirituosamente,  odv.  wlttilj. 
Espirituoso,  a,  adj.  spirituous. 
Espiriacanivetes,  am.,  am    ili- 

tentpered  man. 
Espirradeira,  sf.  {bot.)  yarrow. 
Espirrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  saaose^. 
Espirrador,  a,  «m.  or  f.  be  or  she 

who  sneeaes. 
Espirrar,  vn.  to  snee^e. 
Espirro,  sm.  sneeze. 
Eq^Titatdamente ,    adv..    Mwey 

Eí^ivitadatra,  sf.  snuffers, 
Espivitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  snuffed. 
£spá;vitador,  sm.  snuners. 
Espivitar,  va.  ^  a  vela^  to  snofT 

the  candle. 
'BRkVHoaK^  -oa.  X..  £cp{<mar  and 

1       QL<ò\ÍVNftXfò^« 


—  871 


Esplandeoente^  adj.  2  g.  illustrí- 

Esplendecencla,  sf.  shinicgr. 
Xk^endidaxnente,  ado,  splen- 

Esqolaindides,  sf.    niaeniíic«nee. 
EG^endido,  a,  adi.  splendid. 
Esplendor,  «m.  spíenaour,  lo&tre. 
Esplénico,  a,  adj.  {anat.)  splene- 

tic,  splenic. 
Espoar,  va.  to  sift  again. 
Espodio,  sm.  spodium. 
Espojado,  a,  pp.  adj.  wallowed. 
Espojadura,  sf.  the  act  of  -vral- 

Espojar,  va.  to  wallow.  Espojar^ 

se,  vr.  is  said  for  a  beaçt  to  roll 

in  the  du6t.  [of  a  cannon. 

Espoleta,  sf.  {artil.)  qnicknuatcli 
Espoliação,  sf.  spoliation. 
Espoliado,  a«  pp.  adj.  spoUated. 
Espollador,  a,  «nz.  or  f.  spoliator. 
Espoliar,    va.    to    spoliate,  to 

strip,  to  rob.  [spoliation. 

Espoliativamente ,    adv.    -yrith 
Espollativo,  a,  adj.  {in  law)  that 

Espolio,  sn%.  booty,  spoil. 
Espondalco,  a,  adj.  {poet. )  spon- 

Espondeo,  sm.  spondee. 
Espondyl    or    Espondila,    sf. 

spondyl,  a  vértebra. 
Espon^^oso,  a,  adj.  spongioos. 
ESponja,  sf.  sponge. 
EÕ>onjeira,  sf.  {bot.)  acacia-tree. 
Ei^KmJoso,  a,  adj.  spoxtgioaa. 
Esponeaes,  sm.  pi.  sponsals. 
Ec^Kmsal,  adj.  2  g.  sponsal. 
Eqponsalicio,  a,  adj.  sponsal 
Espontaneamente,  adv.   spon- 

taneously.  [neoosness. 

Espontaneidade ,    sf.     spootar 
Espontâneo,  a,  adj.  spontaneoua. 
Espontão,  sm.  half-pike. 
Espontar,  va.  to  cut,  to  take 

away  the  points. 
Esponte,  adv.  spontaneously. 
Espora,  sf.  spur. 
Esporada,  sf.  a  stroke  with  a  spur. 
Eqxirão,  sm.  spur.  —  do  navio,  the 

beak  or  beak-head.  Esporões  de 

^fOfjptãia,  etc,  faJse  spurSf  íox 

ághtmg  cocka ;  graMea. 


Esporeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  aparred. 
Esporear,  va.  to  spur. 
Esportola,  sf.  sportula. 
Eqportolar,  va.  to  give  money  as 

a  sportula. 
Esposa,  sf.  bride,  spouse. 
Esposado,  a,  pp.  adj.  married. 
Esposar,  va.  to  niarry. 
Esposo,  sm.  husband,  spouse, 

Esposorio,  sm.  sponsals. 
Espostejar,  va.  to  slice. 
Espraiado,  a,  pp.  adj.overfÍGweá, 

tbrown  by  the  sea. 
Espraiamento,  sm.  overflowing. 
Espraiar,  vn.  to    oyerflow;    to 

throw  to  the  shore.  [bed. 

Espreg uiçador ,  «m.  sofá,  âay- 
Espreguiçamento,  sm,  the  act 

of  stretehing. 
Espreguiçar,  va.  to  stretch  the 

iiiembers.    — ,   vn.  to   liye   in 

idleness.  Espreguiçar-se,  vr.  to 

stretch  one^s  self.' 
EieqNreguioeiro,  sm.  day-bed. 
Espreita  or  Espreitadella,  sf. 

a  peep,  a  sly  look. 
Espreitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  spied. 
Espreitador,  sm.  observer,  lis- 

tener.  \}^Si  listening. 

Espreitança,  sf.  the  act  of  peep- 
Espreitante,  adj.  2  g.  {herald,) 

beasts  represented  as  peepiog. 
Espreitar,  va.  to  listen,  to  spy. 
Espremedor,  sm.  he  who  w^em- 

zes.  rsqueezing. 

Espremedura,  sf.   the   act    of 
Espremer,  vo.   to  squeeze,  to 

press  ;  {fig.)  to  vex. 
Espremido,  a,  pp.  adj.  squeezed. 
Ei^premidara,  sf.  pressing,  pres- 

sure.  \mer. 

HBpreamo,  a,  pp.  irreg.  of  Éspre- 
Espolgar,  va.  to  take  away  the 

peas ;  to  rummage.  Espidgar-sey 

vr.  to  âea  one^s  self. 
Ei^nma,  sf.  sciím,  íroth,  foam. 
Espumante,  adj.  2  g.  frothy. 
Espumar,  va.  V.  Escumar. 
Elspumeo,  a,  or  Espomoso,  a, 

adj.  foamy,  frotky. 

Esi^Vo,  a,  adj.  «çsoNsj»» 

Ecputaç&o.  '/l  [nitd.)  iputntíoi 
Esputo,  sm^  fmfd,)  spiL 
Esquadra,    tf.    a.    sijuadroa  ; 

Esquadrar,  bb.  to  sqoare ,  to  ■« 

Xaquadrinliador.  i. 

Eaquadrlniiar.  i 

«Bometriciilly;    (^.j   lo  spci 

íiiUv  B^uares  in  lhe  mimner  oí 

a  chesM  hoard.  (tered. 

EeiIuarteJadOt  a,  pp.  aiíj.  quor- 

Eaquarte]  ELT.  na.  to  quirter. 

£aqaartelado,  a.  pp-  adj.  quar- 

Esquartelar,  "u.  t»  qimrter. 
Euuecediço,  a.  adj.   íur^eiluL. 

Ea^ecBdDr  a,  adj.  iliB.t  ui^iia 

vr.  lo  forgei.  lo  loae  raemopj! 

lo  gTOw  proud.  [forgelful, 

EHqnooido,  a.  pp.  adj.  fotgot; 
Esqueoimeata,    im.    forgetful- 

Eaqueleto,  mi.  skelaton. 
Esquentatao,  sm.  besting,  o  ver 

XBquentada,  tf.  lha  hour  af  the 
^resdír  hml.  Píía  — ,  odu,  loc 

u  Aute. 

Esquerdo,  a,  tiJ;.  lefi.  ths  cnn- 

Esquifado,  a.  odj.  íkllf-shaped. 
BKpllls.  am.  3kil^  [boné. 

EsqaUla,  V-  <lin  rrKgmvnt  of  a 

a,  arf;.  conured. 
,    if.   the   quiasej, 

«i^uiuHUL^  (rad-aparroT. 

Eaquinfan  ur  Eaquinião,  jjn.  a 
Eaquípaçao,  sf.  lhe  prew   ol'  a 

Ehip;  laíhitia,  foriu,  aquipnieot. 
Esquipado,  a,  pp.  adj.  eqnipod. 


,  pp.  "ilj.  rcpellsd. 

nvujtie.i.  ícoylj. 

EaqulTOmonte.  rblr.  icornfullj-. 
Esquivança,   sf,    disdiun,     cod- 

lerapl,  smrti.  IlQ  dodgo. 

Esquivar. ca,  to avoid, lo  diadauí. 
Esquivo,  a.  sifj.  co;,  d^gdainfol; 


—  373  — 


Estabelecido,  a,  pp,  adi.  esta- 

blished.  [ment,  setUement. 

Estabelecimento,  sm.  establish- 
Estabil,  adj.  V.  Estável. 
Estabilidade,  sf.  stability. 
Estabulo,     sm.     inn,    lodging, 

Estaca,  sf.  stake,  palisade. 
Estacada,  sf.,  or  Estacado,  sm. 

a  place  palisaded. 
Estacado,  a,  pp.  adj.   stopped. 
EstaçSo,  sf.  station  ;  catecnism. 

Fazer  a  — ,  to  catechize. 
Estacar,  vn.  to  stop. 
Estacionário,  a,  adj.  stationary. 
Estada,  sf.  abode,  stay. 
Estadeador,  sm.  boaster;    one 

fond  of  show. 
Estadear-se,   vr.  to  show  one's 

self  with  ostentation. 
Estadela,  sf.  a  chaise  of  state. 
Estádio,  sm.  stadium. 
Estadista,  sm.  statesman. 
Estado,  sm.  estate,  general  in- 

terest;  state,  condition  of  life, 

Estadulbo,  sm.  club  (of  a  cart}* 
Estaes,  sf.  pi.  the  stays  of  a 

Estafa,  sf.  fatigue,  labour.  Dar 

uma  —  a  aJguem,  to  beat,   to 

cudgel ;  to  tire  one ;  to  cheat, 

to  swindle. 
Estafado,  a,  pp.  adi.  tired. 
Estafador,  sm.  shiiter,  cozener. 
Estafamento ,    sm.    weariness, 

Estarar,  va.  to  tire,  to  harass 

with  toil ;  to  cheat. 
Estafeiro,  sm.  footman. 
Estafermo,  sm,  a  wooden  statue 

to  run  a  tilt;  {fig.)  a  stupified 

Estafeta  or  Estafete,  sm.  cou- 

rier,  express. 
Estafim,  sm.  whip,  scourge. 
Estagnação,  sf.  stagnation. 
Estagnado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stagnat- 

ed,  stagnant. 
Estagnar,  va.  to  stagnate.  Es- 

tagnar^se,  vr.  to  be  stagnant. 
Estagno,  sm.  lake,  tanlc,  large 

JESttaUtotíta,  tf.  stalactite. 

Estalada,  sf.    the  sound   of  a 

broken  thíng.  [cracked. 

Estalado,   a,    jpp.  adj.    broken, 
Estalagem,  sf,  inn,  hotel. 
Estalajadeira,    sf.     innkeeper, 

hostess.  [keeper. 

Estalajadeiro ,   sm.   host,  inn- 
Estalão,  5m.  rule,  standard. 
Estalar,  vn.    to  crack,  to  split, 

to  burst.  [building. 

Estaleiro,  sm.  stocks  for  ship- 
Estalido,  sm.  noise,  cracking.  V. 

Estalla,  sf.  V.  Estrebaria. 
Estalo,  sm.  noise,  crack.  Dar  — 

com  08  dedos,  to  snap  the  &n- 

Estambrar,   va.    to  twist    the 

wool    for   reducing   it    to    be 

thread  for  warping. 
Estambre,  sm.  the  thread  for 

warping  of  wool  or  silk. 
Estamenha,  sf.  stamin;  {a  sea 

term)  buntine.  [raens. 

Estamos,  sm.  pi.   stamina,  sta- 
Estaminaceo,  a,   adj.   having 

stamina.  ímineous* 

Estaminoso,  a,  adj.  (bot.)  sta- 
Estampa,  sf.  stamp,  impression, 

print.  [impressed. 

Estampado,  a,  pp  adj.  stamped, 
Estampador,  sm.  he   who  im- 
pressos or  priuts  with  copper- 

plates.  [print,  to  stamp. 

Estampar,    va.   to  irapress,   to 
Estamparia,  sf.  printing  or  im- 

pressing  manufacture. 
Estampeiro,  sm.  a  print-seller, 

he  who  prints.  [explosion. 

Estampiao,  sm.    noise,    crash. 
Estanca,    sf.    abode,   stay.    V. 

Estancação,  xf.  stanching. 
Estancadeira,  sf.  sea-thirst. 
Estancado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stanched, 

Estancar,  va.  to  stanch,  to  stop. 

— ,  vn.  to  be  over-tired,  to  be 

stanc|ied,  to  stop. 
Estanceiro,  sm.  a  wood  and  coal 

EstancVa,  sf.  vi  íi-^^^XN^viv^  ^^^% 



—  374  — 


Estanciar,  vn.    to    stop    in   « 

joiímey .  Èstanciar-se^  vr.  to  take 

Estandarte,  sm.  standard. 
Estanhado,  a,  pp-  adj.  tinned ; 

ifig.)  calm. 
Estanhador,  sm.  tinroan. 
Estenhadura,  </:  tinninç. 
Estauahar,  va.  to  tin,  to  tin  over. 
Estanho,  sm.  tin,  pewter.  —  li- 

quidOy  (fig.)  the  sea. 
Estanque,    sm.  an    authorixecl, 

monopoly.  — ,  adj.  2  g.  sound. 
Estancfaeiro ,  a ,    sm.   or    f.   a 

licensed  and  privileged  shop- 

keeper  or  seller  of  comraodities 

belonging  to  a  monopoly. 
Estante,  sf.  shelf,  desk. 
Estante,  adj.  2  g.  V.  Estavd. 
Estaphisagria,  sf.  Y.  Piolheira. 
Estar,  vn.   to  be,  to  stand;  to 

live,  to  dwell.  Como  está?  how 

do  you  do?  Aonde  estais  dê  easa? 

•where  do  you  live?  Está  empé^ 

he   is  up.   Estou  para  tr,  I  am 

ready  to  go. 
Estaroão,  sm.  arms  or  blazon  of 

princes,  etc.  [stimips. 

.  Estardiota,  sf.  saddle  with  long 

Estama,  sf.  a  sort  of  small  par- 

tridge.  .  [be  stiU. 

Estar-se,  vr.  to  stand,  to  st<^,  to 
XSstatelado,  a,  adj.  nnmoveable. 
Estática,  sf.  statics. 
Estatística,  sf.  statistics. 
Estatístico,  a,  adj.  statistic. 
Estatua,  sf.  statue. 
Estatuado,  a,  adj.  set,  placed. 
Estatuária,  sf.  statuary. 
Estatuário,  sm.  statnary. 
Estatuário,  a,  adj.  statuary. 
Estatuído,  SL^pp.  adj.  determined, 

resolved.  [resolye. 

Estatuir,  va.   ta  determine,  to 
Estatura,  sf.  stature. 
Estatuta,  sf.  V.  Instituía. 
Estatuto,  sm.  statute,  law. 
Estável,  adj.  2  g.  stable,  firm. 
Estay  or  Estai,  sm.  {a  sea  term) 

Estazado,  a,  pp.  adj.  over-tired. 
Estazador ,  sm.  he  -who  ovet- 


JESitazamento,  sm.  'wearinefta. 

Estazar,  va.  to  over-tir». 

Este.  pron.  m.  this. 

Este,  sm.  east. 

Esteiado,   a,    pp.  adj.    stayed» 

Estelar,  va.  to  stay,  to  prop. 
Esteio,  sm.  prop,  sbore. 
Esteira,  sf.  mat,  hassock. 
Esteirado,  a,  pp,  adj.  matted. 
Esteirão,  sm.  a  coarae  mat. 
Estoirar,  va.  to  mat.  — ,  vn.  to 

navigate  by  some  rhumB. 
Esteireiro,  sm.  mat-maker. 
Esteiro ,   sm.    a  salt   marsb ,   a 

creek.  [with  stan. 

Estellante,   adj.   2   g.    studdad 
EstelliSo,  sm.  stellion. 
Estellifero,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  stelli- 

Estellionario,  sm.    {in  law)  he 

vrho  is  gnilty  of  stellionate. 
Estellionato,  sm.   (m  law)  stel- 

lionate;  deceitful  selling-  of  a 

Estemma,  sf.  race,  lineage. 
Estendal,  sm.  a  placa  in  which 

they  shear  sheep. 
Estendalhos ,    sm.   pi.     plaees 

where  ali  sorts  of  grain  are  pnt 

for  being  sold. 
Estendedor,  a,  adj.  that  spreads. 
Estendedoiro,  sm.  place  irhere 

they  dry  linen. 
Estendedura,     sf.     extensioB, 

Estender,  va.  to  spread,  to  ex* 

tend,  to  stretch.  Estendeir-»e,  vr. 

to   stretch  one's    self;   to   en- 

Estenderete,  sm.  plav  at  cards. 
Estendidamente,    aão.    exten- 

Estendido,  a,  pp.  adj.    spread. 

stretched,  extended. 
Estenographia,  sf.  stenography. 
Estenographicamente ,       om. 

Esteno^aphioo,  a,  adj.  steno- 

graphic,  stenographicaJly. 
Estenographo ,      sm.       steno- 

grapher.  [derivated. 

EatenaSo^  sf.  V.   ExtentSo  and 



—  375  — 


Estéril,  adj.  i  g.  sterile. 
EBterilecer,  va.  to  make  barren. 
Esterilidade,  «/.sterjlity,  barren- 

ness.  [lizeâ. 

Esterilisado,  a,  pp  adj.  steri- 
Esterilisador,  a,  adj.  that  causes 

Esterilisar,  va.  to  make  barren. 
Esterilmente,  adv.  unfruitfullj. 
Esterlina,  adj.  f.  sterling. 
Estemutação,  sf.  sternutation. 
Estemutatorio,  a,  adj.  sternu- 

Esterqueira,  sf.  a  dunghill. 
Esterquilinio,    sm.    V.    Ester- 
Estertor,  sm.  snore,  caused  by 

shortness  of  breath. 
Esteva,  sf.  the  ploughtail ;  (60^.) 

cistus  ledon. 
Esteval,  sm.  the  place   where 

the  cistus  grows. 
Esthesia    or    Esthetica,     sf. 

Science  of  sensations. 
Estiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cleared  up 

Estiar,  vn.  to  clear  up  (veather). 
Estibio,  sm.  V.  Stihio. 
Estibordo,  sm.  starboard. 
Estigma ,    sm.    stigma ;     {bot.) 

stigma,    the    summit    of    the 

pistil.  [matized. 

Estigmatisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stig- 
Estigxaatisar,  va.  to  stigxnatixe. 
Estilar^se,  vr.  {in  law)  to  be  the 

practice  of  the  court. 
Estlleta,  sm.  {sm^.)  stylet. 
Estillia,    sf.     fragment;      chip, 

Estilhaço,  sm.  splinter. 
Estilbeira,  sf.  piece   of  vood 

used  by  goldsmiths. 
Estillaçiio,    sf.    distilling,    dis- 

tillation.  {sm.  the  fineat. 

Estillado,  a,  adj.  distilled.  O  --, 
Eatillador,  sm.  a  distiller. 
Estillar,  va.  to  distil. 
Estillicidio,  sm.  distillation. 
Estilo,  sm.  style.  V.  Estyla, 
Estima,  sf,  esteem,  value. 
Estimação,   sf.  esteem,    Talue, 

Fsttmndnmente,      adv,      ^th 

eBt0%m  or  value. 


Estimado,  a,  pp,  adj.  esteemed» 

Estimador,  sm.  esteemer. 
Estimar^  va.  to  esteem,  to  value, 

to  prize.  Estimar-se,  vr.  to  prise 

one's  self. 
Estimativa,    sf.  tive  power  or 

faculty  of  judging. 
Estimativo,  a,  aaj.  estimatiTe. 
Estimável,  adj.  i  g.  estimable. 
Estimo,  sm.  e&timation,  calcula- 

EstimxilaçSo,  sf.  stimulation. 
Estimoladamente ,    adv.    wltb 

Estimulado,  a,  pp.adj.  stimu- 

lated,  excited.  [ing- 

Estimulador,  a,  adj.  stimulat- 
Estimulante,  adj.  2  g.  atimulat- 

Estimular,  va.  to  stimulate. 
Estimulo,  sm.  stimulation;  {med.) 

Estingar  ^  va.  {a  sea  term )   to 

reef,  to  haul  up. 
Estingues,  snupL  ropes  to  coil 

the  sails. 
Estlnhar,  va.  to  take  the  honej 

a  second  time  from  the  hives. 
Estio,  sm.  summer. 
Estiomenar,  va.  to  gnav  and 

Estiomene,  sm.   {med.)    inflam- 

mation ;  gangrene. 
Estiomeno,  a,    adj,    corroded» 

corrosivo.  fin  pay. 

Estipendiado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  xept 
Estipendiar,  va.  to  pav  vages. 
Estipendiario,  sm.  and  adj.  tíi" 

Estipencuo,  sm.  a  stipeod. 
Estipulação,  sf.  stipulation. 
Estipulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stipula- 

ted.  [stipttlating. 

Estipulaste,  adj.  and  s.  S  g, 
Estipulador,  a,  sm,  or  /.  stipu- 

Estipular,  va.  to  stipulate.  Es- 

tij)ular-se<^  vr.  to  be  stipulated. 
Estirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stretched, 

extended.  . 

EBt\r«m«odtA>  «m.  ^"^^^^^-V^St 




—  ft76  — 


Estirão,  sm.  journey,  long  way, 
Estirar,  va.  to  stretcti,  to  extend. 
Estirpação,   sf,  V.  Extirpação 

and  derivated. 
Estirpe,  5/1  stock,  race. 
Estitico,  a,  adj.  {med.)  styptic, 

Estiva,    sf.    {a  sea  term)    the 

triraming  of  a  ship. 
Estivado,  a,  pp.  adj.  {a  sea  term) 

stowed,  trimmed.  [man. 

Estivador,  «m.  a  ballast  lighter- 
Estivagem,  sf.  the  act  of  trim- 

ming  a  ship. 
Estival,  adj.  2  g.  estival. 
Estivar,  va.  (a  sea  term)  to  trim 

a  ship.  [summer. 

Estivo,  a,  adj.  pertaining  to  the 
Esto,  sm.    overíiowing.  V,  En- 
Estocada,  sf.  thrust,  pass. 
Estofa,  sf.  stuff;  {fig.)  quality, 

Estofado,   a,    pp.  adj.    quilted, 

stuífed.  — ,  sm.  a  stewed  dish. 
Estofador,  sm.  he  who  qailts. 
Estofar,  va.  to  quilt,  to  stuff. 
Estofo ,  sm.   any  cloth  made  of 

wool,  silk,  etc.  —  de  Lille^  bora- 

Estofo,  a,  adj.  calm,  emooth. 
Estóica,  sf.  philosophy  of  the 

Estoicamente,  adv.  stoically. 
Estoicismo,  sm.  stoicism. 
Estóico,  a,  adj.  stoical,  stoíc. 
Estojo,  sm.  case,  box,  tweezer- 

Estola,  sm.  stole,  robe. 
Estolidamente,  adv.  foolishly. 
Estolidez,  sf.  stolidity,  stupidity. 
Estólido,  a,  adj.  foolish,  stupid. 
Estomacal,  adj.  2  g.  stomacnic. 
Estomaohico,  a,  adj.  stomachic. 
Estomagado,  a,  pp.  adj.  angry. 
Estomagar-se,  vr.   to  be  angry 

Estômago,  sm.  stomãcb.  Isto  não 

me  faz  bom  •—,  I   do  not   like 

Estomatlco,  a,  adj.  stomachic. 
Estomatite  or  Estomatitls,  sf. 

{med.)  inflainmation  in  the  mu- 

cous  membrane. 

Estonar,  va.  to  skin,  to  flay. 
Estonteado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stunned. 

giddy.  [giddy. 

Estontear,  va.  to  stun,  to  ma£e 
Estopa,  sf.  tow. 
Estopada,  sf.  a  tow  dipped    in 

some  liquid. 
Estopar,   adj.  2  g.  Prego  — ,  a 

sort  of  scupper-nail. 
Estopento,  a,  adj.  âbrous,  like 

Estopilha,  sf.  Silesia  lawn. 
Estoque,  sm.  long  sword,  rapier. 

Bengala  de  — ,  a  sword-stick. 
Estoqueado,  SL,pp.  adj.  wounded 

with  an  estoque. 
Estoqueadura,  sf.  thrust  with  a 

Estoquear,   va.    to    thrust,    to 

wound  with  the  sword  or  esto- 

Estoraque,  sm.  storax. 
Estorcer,  va.  to  twist. 
Estorço,  sm.   {^paint.)   a    forced 

posture  or  attitude. 
Estornar,  va.  {comm.)  to  transfer 

an  article  from  an  account  to 

another.  [Hng. 

Estorninho,  sm.  {ornith.)  a  star- 
Estorno,  sm.  the  act  of  transfer- 

ing  an  article  from  an  account 

to  another.  [clods. 

Estorroar,   va.    to    break    the 
Estortegada ,  sf.  nip  with  the 

fingers.  [with  tne  ângers. 

Estortegado,  a,  pp.  adj.  wnthed 
Estortegar,  va.  to  writhe  with 

the  íiDgers. 
Estorva,  sf.  hinderance. 
Estorvado,  a,  pp.  adj.  hindered. 
Estorvador,  a,  adj.  and  s,  hin- 

derer.  [turb. 

Estorvar,  va.  to  hinder»  to  dis- 
Estorvillio,  sm.  a  little  hinde- 
rance. [tion. 
Estorvo,  sm.  hinderance,  obstruo- 
Estourada,  sf.  creaking,  burst- 

Estourado,  a,  pp.  adj.  burst. 
Estourar,  vn.  to  burst  with  great 

noise.  [noise. 

Estouraz,  adj.  2  g.  bursting  with 
Estouro,  sm.  burst  or  bursting, 
Esfoutro,  a,  adj,  this  other. 


—  377  — 


Estouvado,   a,    adj,    heedless, 

rash,  blunderer,  giddy. 
Estrada,  sf.  high  way ;  {fia.)  rule, 

method.  Èater  a  — ,  to  oeat  up 

the  country. 
Estradado,  a,  pp,  adj.  covered 

with  carpets.  [pets ;  to  floor. 
Estradar,  va.  to  cover  with  car- 
Estrado,   sm.   estrade;    a  place 

raised  a  step  higher  than  the 

floor.  [ously. 

Estragadamente,  adv.   hcenti- 
Estragado,  a,  pp.  adj.  spoiled, 

wasted,  squandered ;  licentious, 

profligate;  impaired  in  health. 

— ,  sm.  a  spendthrift. 
Estragador,  a,  adj.  squanderer ; 

Estragamento,  sm.  devastation. 
Estragão,  sm.  tarragon. 
Estragar,  va.  to  waste,  to  rend, 

to  spoil,   to    squander.   Estra- 

gar-se,  vr.  to  g^^ow  corrupt  and 

Estrago,  sm.  devastation. 
Estralada,  sf.  noise«  rumour. 
Estralo,  sm.  V.  Estalo. 
Estramboticaznente,    adv.   ex- 

Estrambótico ,  a ,  adj.  extrava- 

gant,  strange. 
Estrame,  sm.  litter,  straw. 
Estramonia,  sf.  ( bot. )  stramo- 

nium ,  thorn-apple.  [guage . 

Estrangeirismo,  sm.  vice  of  lan- 
Estrangeiro,    a,  adj.    strange, 

foreign.  — ,  sm.  or  f.a,  stranger, 

a  foreigner.  [tion. 

Estrangulação,    sf.    strangula- 
Estrangular,  va.  to  strangle. 
Estranhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  blamed, 

Estranhamente,  adv.  strangely. 
Estranhamento,  sm.  blame,  the 

act  of  censuring. 
Estranhão,  ona,  adj.  m.  or  /. 

coy,  shy ;  savage  (child). 
Estranhar,  va.  and  n.  to  wonder, 

to  blarae.  [sible,  blamable. 

Estranhavel,  aaj.  2  g.  reprehen- 
Estranheza,  sf.  admiration,  sur- 

prize,  disdain. 
Sstranhò,  a,  adj.  contrary,  in- 

conaifttent ;  strange,  queer. 

Estranho,    sm.    a    stranger,    a 

Estratagema,  sm.  strata^em. 
Estratagcnnatico,  a,  adj.  trick- 

Estratégia,  sf.  strategy. 
Estrateg[ico,  a,  adj.    strategic, 

Estratificação,  sf.  stratifícation. 
Estratificar,  va.  to  stratify. 
Estratocracia,  sf.  stratocracy. 
Estratographia,   sf.   stratogra- 

phy.  [horses,  etc). 

Estravada,    sf.    looseness    ( of 
Estravar,  va.  to  dung,  to  have 

looseness  (horses). 
Estravo,  sm.  dung.  [gift. 

Estrea,  sf.  handsel ;  new  year's 
Estreado,  a,  adj.  handselled.  Bem 

— ,  handsome,  well-favoured. 
Estrear,  va.  to  handsel ;  to  put  on 

or  to  make  use  of  for  the  first 

time.  —  um  vestido ^  to  put  on  a 

new  gown.  —  uma  carruagem^  to 

display  a  new  coach. 
Estrebaria,  sf.  stables. 
Estreboxado,  a,  pp.  adj.  strug- 

Estrebuxamento,  sm.  struggle. 
Estrebuzar,  vn.  to  struçgle. 
Estrecer-se,  vr.  to  diminish,  to 

decrease.  [against  a  thing. 

Estregar-se,  vr.  to  rub  one's  self 
Estreita,  sf.  straitness. 
Estreitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  straitened. 
Estreitador,  sm.  he  that  strait- 

ens.  [closely. 

Estreitamente,  adv.  narrowly, 
Estreitar,  va.  to  straiten,  to  pro- 

secute.  [poverty. 

Estreiteza ,     sf.     narrowness  ; 
Estreito,  a,  adj.  narrow,  strait, 

close  ;  strict ;  inferior. 
Estreito,  sm.  streight  or  strait. 
Estreitura,  sf.  narrowness. 
Estrella,  sf.  star. 
Estrellada,  sf.  ( bot. )  liver-wort. 
Estrellado,a,  jjp.  adj.  starry. 
Estrellamim,  sm.V.Aristolochia, 
Estrellante,  adj.  2  g.  that  shines 

as  a  star. 
Estrellar,  va.  to  star ;  to  make  a 

thing  that  is  frying  look  brown. 
Estrelleiro ,  a,  adj .  ^:^^.\tf^^  >>:^ 



—  378 


the    head    as    if   star-ffasing 

(horse).  [cable. 

Estrem,  sm.  (a  sea  term)  an  anchor 
Estrema,  sf.  landmark. 
Estremadamente,  adv.  distinct- 

ly.  [distinguished. 

Estremado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bounded, 
Estremadura,  sf.  bound,  limit. 
Estremiança,  sf.  dlvision,  bound- 

Estremar,  v<z.  to  bouiid,to  limit. 
Estreme,  adj.  2  g.  puré,  unmixeâ. 
Estremecer,va.  and  n.  to  tremble, 

to  shake,  to  quake. 
Estremecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  sbaken, 

trembled;  amorous. 
Estremecimento,     sm.     start, 

sbake ;  ardency  of  love. 
Estremenlio,  a,  adj.  bordering 

Estremo,  sm.  limit,  bound. 
Estremosamente,  adv.  eamest- 

\y.  [was  waked  suddenly. 

Estremunhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 
Estremunhar,  va.  to  awake  or 

wake  suddenly.  [braye. 

Estrénuo,  a,  adj.  strenuous, 
Estrepada,  sf.  a  wound  made 

with  a  caltrop. 
Estrepado,  a,  pp.  adj.  wounded 

vnth  a  caltrop. 
Estrepar,  va.  to  put  caltrops. 
Estrepes,  sm.  pi.  caltrops,  point- 

ed  stakes. 
Estrepitado,  a,   pp.  adj,   that 

sounds  with  noise. 
Estrepitante, adj.2g.  noisy. 
]Qstrepitar,  va.  to  roake  noise. 
Estrépito,  sm.  noise,  sound. 
Estrepitoso,  a,  adj.  noisy,  cia- 

Estrepolia,  sf.  noise,  tnmult. 
Estrezir,  va.  {paint. )  to  pounce  a 

print,  to  rub  with  pumice  stone. 
Estria,  sf.  {arch.)  the  channels  in 

the  shells  of  cockles,  colnmns. 
Estriado,  a,  pp.  adj.  striated. 
Estriar,  va.  to  form  in  strin. 
Estribado,  a,  pp.  adj.  firmed  in 

the  stirrup;  {fig.)  propped,  con- 

Estribamento,  sm.  prop,  stay. 
Estribar,  va.  to  put  or  fim  & 
foot  in  ihe  stirrup. 

Estribeira, «/.  a  stirrup  to  a  sad- 

Estribeiro,  sm.  a  master  of  the 

Estribilha,  sf.  a  sewing-preas. 
Estribilho,  sm.  the  burthen  of 

a  song,  strain. 
Estribo,  sm.  a  stirrup  to  a  saddle. 

Fazer  perder  os  — s  a  tdguemy 

{fig.)  to  confound  one. 
Estricote,  sm.  Ao  — ,  ocZ».  loe. 

confusedly.  [rigorous. 

Estricto,   a,  adj.  strict,  ezaet, 


,    adj. 

2    ff.    nwsy. 

Estridor,  sm.  noise,  biuz,  din  of 

people,    ^nashing,    creakin^^ ; 

clang,    piercing,  sharp,   shnll 

voice  or  sound.  [^^* 

Estridulo,  a,  adj.  roaring,  shru- 
Estriga,  sf  distaff  fuU.-^  Imk», 

a  strike  of  flax. 
Estrigado,  a,   adj.  made  as  a 

strike  of  flax. 
Estrige,  sf.  V.  Strige. 
Estrinca,  sf.   {a   sea  term)   the 

hatchway  of  a  ship. 
Estrincado,  a,  fíi>.  adj.  -wrestad. 
Estrincar,  va.  to  wrest. 
Estrinque,  sm.  rope,  cable. 
Estrinqueiro,  sm.  a  ropennaker. 
Estripação,  sf.  the  act  of  qb- 

bowelling.  [led. 

Estripado,  a,  pp.  adj.  unboirel- 
Estripar,    va.    to    unbovel,  to 

Estro,  sm.  rapture,  inspired  fory. 
Estrompar,  va.  to  -waste. 
Estrondado,  a,  pp.  adi.  made 

noisy.  [bluster. 

Estrondar,    vn.    to    8t<»in,    to 
Estrondo,  sm.  noise,  bu2;s,creak- 

inç,  clash,  clatter,  thuóéering 

noise,  loud  applause,  fame,  r«- 

nown;  ostentation,  pomp,great 

Estrondosamente,  adv.  noisilj. 
Estrondoso,  a,  adj.  noisy,  famed, 

costly.  [a  dirty  rag. 

Estropajo  or  Estropalbo,  tm. 
Estropeada,  sf.  stampiag  of  the 




—  a7»  — 


Estroiilie,  8f.  strophe. 
Estropo,  «m.  (a  »ea  term)  strop. 
Estroso,  a,  adj.  foolish,  stupid. 
Estrotegar,  rm.  to  trot,  to  run. 
EstroTar ,     va.    to    make   bad 

rhymes.  [somno^  half  asleep. 
Estrovinhado,  a.  adj.  rash.~w 
Estrovo,  sm.  the  piece  of  rope 

that  fastens    the  oars  to   the 

tholes  -when  they  row. 
Estmctara,  sf.  structure. 
Estrogimento,  sm.  stuiming. 
Estrugir,  va.  to  stun. 
Estruxnação,  sf.  the  act  of  litter- 

ing  the  ground  with  dung. 
Estrumado,  a,  pp.  adj.  littered, 

dunged.  [to  dung. 

Estruinar,i)a.  to  litter,  to  manure; 
Estrume,  sm.  litter,  straw,  ma- 
Estmmeira,  sf.  muck-hilL 
Estrumoso,  a,  adj.  scrofulous. 
Estrupada,  sf.  puff ;  force,  vio- 

Estrupido,  sm.  noise,  oatcrv. 
Estrupo,  sm.  the  noise  made  bj 

many  horses  running  to^ther. 
Estuação,  sf.  {ined.)  estuation. 
Estuante,  adj.  2  g.  burning-hot. 
EstUEúT,  vn.  to  burn,  to  estuate. 
Estucado,  a,  pp.  adj.  overlaid 

with  a  ílne  plaster. 
Estucador,  sm.  a  plasterer. 
Estucar,  va.  to  plaster. 
EstudadJamente,aeíi;.  studlously. 
Estudado,  a,  pp.  adi.  studied. 
Estudante,  sm.  stuaent. 
Estudar,  va.  to  study.  [ly. 

Estudiosamente,  aoo.  studions- 
Estudiosidade,  sf.  studioosness. 
Estudioso,  a,  adi.  studious. 
Estudo,  sm.  study. 
Estufa,  sf.  stove,  hot-house;  a 

sort  of  coach.  [ing  meat. 

Estufadeira,  sf.  a  vessel  for  8te'vr- 
Estufado,  sm.  stewed  meat. 
Estufado,  a,  pp.  adj.  steved. 
Estufar,  va.  to  stew,  to  dry  into 

a  stove ;  to  put  in  a  hot-nouse. 
Eatufeiro,  sm.  he   who    makes 

Estugar,  va.  V.  Apressar. 
Epctaitamente,  adm.  foolishly. 
£rtaitíoiA,  */.  fooiishness. 

Estultlloquio,  sm.  simplicitiea. 
Estulto,  a,  adj.  foolish,  unwise. 
EstuoBO,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  tempea^ 

Estupefacção,  sf.  stupefaction. 
Estupefaciente,  adj.  2  g.  stupe- 

factive.  [tive. 

Estupefaotivo,  a,  adj.  stupefao- 
Estupefacto,  a,  adj.   stupefied, 

astonished.  [ously. 

Estupendamente,  adv.  stupend- 
Estupendo,  a.  adj.  stupendons. 
Estupidamente,  adv.  stupidly. 
Estupidez,  sf.  stupiditj. 
Estúpido,  a,  adj.  stupid. 
Estupor,   sm.  stupor;   an   apo- 

plexy,  a  fit  of  apoplexy. 
Estuporado,  a,  ad^.  seized  with 

apoplexy,  paralytic. 
Estuporar,  vn.   to  benumb,  to 

produce  apoplexy. 
Estuprado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ravished^ 

vioíated.  [a  "woman. 

Estuprador,5m.he  who  ravishes 
Estuprar,  va.  to  ravÍ8h,to  yiolate. 
Estupro,  sm.  ravishing. 
Estuque,  sm.  stucco. 
Estúrdia,  sf.  frolic,  giddiness. 
Esturdiar,  vn.  to  frolic. 
Estúrdio,  a,  adj.  heedless,  giddj. 
Esturjão,  sm.  ( nat.  hitt. )  stur- 

Esturrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  roasted. 

Cabeça  —  a,  {fig-)  a  not-headed 

Esturrar,  va.  or  n.  to  roast  meat, 

etc,  so  as  to  make  it  smell  of 

burning.    Esturrar-se,    vr.    to 

burn  up. 
Esturro,   sm.  the    buming    of 

meat ;  half  burnt  tobacco. 
Estyge,  sm.  {mythol.)  Stix. 
Estylo,  sm.  style ;  manner. 
Esula,  sm.  {bot.)  esula,  spurge. 
Esurino,  a»  adj.  esorine. 
Esvaecer,  va.  to  annihilate.  J?5- 

vaecer-se,   vr.  to  disappear,   to 

decay ;  to  gro\r  proud. 
Esvaecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  dissipated ; 

proud,  vaia. 
Esvaeclmen&A^  «m.çvN«^w"ôíiA.wi» 

Eavaid.Q,a,i^.  ad-j.  «swè^x^^^^- 



—  380  — 


Esvair,    vn.    to    evaporate,    to 

cause  giddiness. 
Esvalteiros,  sm.  pi.  {a  sea  term) 

timbera  wnere   the  tacks  are 

Esvanecer,  va.  to  make  a  person 

faint  away.  faway. 

Esvanecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  lainted 
Esvelto,  a,  adj.  light,  easy. 
Es  ventar,    va.   {artil.)   to  bum 

powder  into  a  cannon  for  clean- 

ing  it. 
Esverdados,    sm.  pi.  the   pot- 

herbs   and   fruits  on  'whicn  a 

kind  of  duty  Txras  paid. 
Esverdeado,  Si,pp.  adi.  greenish. 
Esvergonçado,  a,  aaj.  contemp- 

Esvidigado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

gathered  of  the  vine  branches 

after  dressing. 
Esvidigador,«m.  he  who  gathers 

the  vine  branches  after  dress- 
Esvidigar,  va.  to  gather  the  vine 

branches  after  dressing. 
Esviscerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  evisce- 

Esviscerar,  va.  to  eviscerate. 
Esvoaçar,  va.  to  flutter. 
Esvurmar,  va.  to  squeeze  pus. 
Etapa,  sf.  {7nil.)  rations,  allow- 

ance ;  halting-place.  [etc. 

Etcetera,  sm.  and  so  on  or  forth  ; 
Etego,  adj.  V.  Ethico. 
Eternamente,  adv.  eternally. 
Etemar,  va.  [poet.)  to  eternize. 
Eternidade,  sf.  eternity. 
Eternizado,  a  ypp.  adj.  eternized. 
Eternizar,  va.  to  eternize.  Éter- 

nizar-se,  vr.  to  be  everlasting. 
Eterno,  a,  adj.  eternal. 
Ether,  sm.  ether. 
Ethereo,  a,  adj.  ethereal. 
Etherificação,  sf.  {chem.)  etheri- 

Etherificar,  va.  to  etberize. 
Ethica,  sf.  ethics,  moral. 
Ethico,  a,  adj.  ethic,  ethical. 
Ethiope,  sm.  or  f.  Ethiopian,  per- 

taining  to  Ethiopia. 
Ethiopia,  sf.  (^eo^.)  Ethiopia. 
Ethiopico,  a,  adj.  Ethiopian. 
Etbmoide,  sm.  the  ethmoid. 

Ethmoideo,  a,  adj.  ethmoidal. 
Ethnarcha,  sm.  ethnarch. 
Ethnarchia,  sf.  ethnarchy. 
Ethniceimente,    adv.    heathen- 

Ethnicismo,  sm.  ethnicism. 
Ethnico,  a,  adj.  ethnic. 
Ethnogenia,  sf.  ethnogeny. 
Ethnographia,  sf.  ethnography. 
Ethnographico,  a,  adj.  etnno- 

Ethnographo,  sm.  ethnographer. 
Ethocracia,  sf.  ethocracy. 
Ethologia,  sf.  ethologv. 
Ethologicamente,  ado.  etholo- 

Emologico,  a,  adj.  ethological. 
Ethologo,  sm.  ethologist. 
Etiguidade,  sf.  consumptiveness. 
Etiologia,  5/.  etiology. 
Etiológico,  a,  adj.  etiologicaJ. 
Etiqueta,  sf.  etiquette. 
Etites,  sm.  aetites,  eagle  stone. 
Etna,  sm.  ^tna. 
Et3rmologia,  sf.  etymology. 
Et3rniologicamente,   adv.    ety- 

mologically.  [caL 

Et3rniologico,  a,  adj.  etyraologi- 
Etjrxnologista,  sm.  or  f.  etymo- 

Eu,  pron.  I.  —  mesmo,  myself.  —  1 

interj.  ■wo  !  alas  ! 
Eucbaristia,  sf.  Eucharist. 
Eucharistico,  a,  adj.  eucharisti- 

Euoharisticon,sm.  an  eucbaristi- 

cal  discourse. 
Euchologio ,     sm.      euchology, 

Euchologo,  sm.  euchology. 
Eucrasia,  sf.  {med.)  eucrasv. 
Eucratico,   a,   adj.   that  has   a 

good  temperament.  [trio. 

Eudiometrico,  a,  adj.  eudiome- 
Eudiometro,  sm.  eudiometer. 
Eulogia,  sf.  Eucharist. 
Eumenides,  sf.  pi.  {myth.)  eume- 

Eunucho,  sm.  eunucb. 
Eupatorio,  sm.  agrimony,  sweet 

Eupepsia,  sf.  {med.)  eupepsy. 
Euphemismo,  sm.  euphemism. 
Ettphonla,  sf.  euphony. 


—  381  — 


Eaphonioo,  a,  adj.  eaphonical, 
euphonic.  [bium. 

Eupnorbio,  sm    (bot.)   euphor- 
£aphra8ia,  sf.  {bot.)  euphrajsy. 
Eapnea,  sf.  (med.)  eupnea. 
Euro,  sm.  eurus,  the  east  wind. 
Europa,  sf.  Europe. 
Eoropeo,  a,  adj.  ands.  European, 

of  Europe.  [of  Europe. 

Eoropense, adj. anãs.  European, 
Eutrapelia,  sf.  harmless  jesting. 
Eutrophia,  sf.  (med.)  obeseness, 

Evacuação,  sf.  evacuation. 
Evacuado,  a,  pp.  adj.  evacuated. 
Evacuante,  adj.  2  g.  evacuant. 
Evacuar,  va.  to  evacuate,  to  void. 
Evacuativo,  a,  cr  Evacuatório, 

a,  adj.  evacuant.  [escaped. 

Evadido ,  sl,  pp.  adj.  evaaed , 
Evadir,  va.  to  evade,  to  elude. 
Evangelho,  sm.  the  Gospel. 
Evangélico,  a,  adj.  evangelical. 
Evangelijsador ,    sm.    one  who 

Evangelisante,  sm.  and  adj.  one 

who  preaches  the  Gospel. 
Evangelisar,  va.  to  evan^^elixe. 
Evangelista,  sm.  evangelic. 
Evano,  sm.  V.  Ébano. 
Evaporação,  sf.  evaporation. 
Evaporado,  a,  pp.  adj.  evapo- 

Evaporar,  va.  to  evaporate.  Eva- 

porar-se,   vr.   to  evaporate,  to 

fly  away.  [ing. 

Evaporatlvo,  a,  adj.  evaporat- 
Evaporatorio,  a,    adj.    evapo- 

rating.  — ,  sm.  evaporating  ap- 

Evaporavel,  adj.  2  g.  evaporable. 
Evaporisar,  va.  V.  Evaporar. 
Evasão,  sf.  evasion. 
Evasivo,  a,  adj.  evasive. 
Evento,  sm.  event,  success. 
Eventual,  adj.  2  g.  eventual. 
Eventualidade,  sf.  state  of  what 

is  eventual. 
Eversão,  sf.  eversion. 
Eversivo,  a,  adj.  subversive. 
Eversor,  sm.  destroyer. 
Evicção,  sf.  (ín  law)  eviction. 
Evidencia,    sf,    evidenoe,    de- 


Evidenciado,  a,  pp.    adj.  evi- 

Evidenciar,  va.  to  evidence.^m- 
denciar-se^  vr.  to  be  evidenced. 
Evidente,  adj.  2  g.  evident,  ma- 

Evidentemente,  adv.  evidently. 
Evitação,  sf.  avoidance. 
Evitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  avoided. 
Evitar,  va.  to  avoid,  to  shun. 
Evitável,  adi.  2  g.  avoidable. 
Evitemidaae,  sf  eternity. 
Evitemo,  a,  adj.  eternal. 
Evo,  sm.  an  age  or  century ;  {poet.) 

Evocação,  sf  evocation. 
Evocado,  a,  pp.  adj.  evoked. 
Evocar,  va.  to  evoke. 
Evocatorio,  a,  adj.  that  has  the 

power  of  evoking. 
Evolar-se,  vr.  to  evaporate. 
Evolução,  sf.  evolution. 
Evoluta,  sf.  {geom.)  evolute. 
Evolvente,  adj.  2  g.  and  s.  evol- 

Evulsão,  sf.  evulsion. 
Ez-abrupto,  adv.  loc.  abruptly. 
Exabundancia,  sf.  superabun- 
dance.  [ness. 

Ezacção,    sf.    exaction ;   exact- 
Ezacerbação,  sf.  exacerbation. 
Exacerbado,  a,pp.  adj.  exacer^ 
bated.  [bates. 

Exacerbador,  a,  adj.  that  exacer- 
Exacerbar,  va.  to  exacerbate. 
Exactamente,  adv.  exactly. 
Exactidão,  sf.  exactness,  accu- 

Exacto,  a,  adj.  exact,  accurate. 
Exaotor,  sm.  exactor. 
Exaggeração,  sf.  exaggeration. 
Exaggerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  exagge- 
rated.  [pliíier. 

Exagerador,  a,   sm.  or  f.  am- 
Exaggerar,  va.  to  exaggerate. 
Exaggerativamente,  adv.  in  an 

exaggeratory  manner. 
Exaggerativo,  a,  adj.  exagger- 
atorv.  [tated. 

Exagitar-se,  vr.  to  be  over-agi- 
Exafçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  exalted. 
Exalóador,    a,   adj.    one    who 

].  easBV,  prasf. 
Qlnacao,  jjji.  i 

Exoellenta,  adj.  t  g.  aiocUaot. 

do.   huu^tilj, 

EiMiaítade,  sf.  eminenev. 


loftj.  ,, 

Eioentrioidade ,  if.  e  icéntriei». 
£ioentiico,  a,  adj.  eccentriou. 

Êiamlnador    a   .iw.   or7'  e"- 

Excepção,  if.cICBptiOD. 

lional.                              [except. 

EjcazainaTt  na^  to  eiutnme. 

Exoepoionar.    t».    {<n    la»)    to 

ExMpUTo.  a,  «í;.  eicaptÍT*. 

Ezo^^,  aJD.  except. 

Exceptua daroonte,  udc.  exMp- 

Eícoptiiado.a.í-p.aJj  excRHed. 
Exceptaador    a.  Jot.  or  f.  «x- 

thematoBo,  a.  "i^.  («<«!.)  aiu- 

capioT.                           [aiclude. 

il,«„».ic.                        (gimi-d. 

Ezoeptnar.    ra.    to   -Mcopt.    to 

Esarado,   i.,pp.aiij.   ensraveri, 

Excerptoa,  írn.  pi.  sittscti. 

Exarar,  ca.  to  encrave,  lo  grava. 

ExcMBiTBioenta.    oii.     eicat- 

tivelj.                            [ceeding. 

EioesslTO.  a,  n^lj.  eioaaaiTe,  ox- 

E^^ho'^'  -"J,  eiiir^h. 

EXOMM,  «m-  esoes». 

Exoldlo,  na.  ruin,  deslractioa. 

ExaBperado,  a,  71;!.  adj.  eiuper- 

Exolplonto,  «n.   (pia™ )  eici- 

Exainierador,    a,    adj.   «nd  s. 

ExoltaJbUidade.  af.  i'ifimbility. 

Exasperar,  mi.  to  fiaspírale. 

Eíoltaçao,  s/.  ei,:iiauun. 

Excitado,  a ,  fij:  ifij.  ejcited. 

Exautorado,  a.  pp.  ai)].  «loacliH 

Excltador.  a.  ™,  or  r  «XGiler. 


Excitante,  nrfj.  "i  g.  eii:itiii{;.sti- 

ni,.ltíír.valrd.  u  Eiciíe.loanitnaie. 

ExcaroBrar,'1.tósBt  at  llberty. 

BxoltatiTa,    a,    adj.    excitias, 

ExoarnllIoHçao,  .>/.  eiearniflca- 


EKOitatorio,  a.  adj  aicituorj. 

Ex<M^açao,  j/.  eicuTiLlion. 

Escavado,    a,  pp.    «(>.    aio.- 

vat«d.                           [kollow. 

ed.                                  (claimer. 

Eicavar,   m.    to   excavate.  to 

Excedente,  .i-íj.  i  ?.  oiwdmt, 

Exalajuatorlo,  e 
Excluído,  a.  fp 


—  383  — 


Exolusiva,  sf»  exclnsion. 
ExclusiTamente,    adv.    exclu- 

Exclusivo,  adv.  exclusively. 
ZlKolusivo,  a,  adj.  exclusive. 
Exoluso,  a,  adj.  excluded. 
Exoogitação,    sf.   excogitatíon, 

inquiry.  [ches. 

Excogitador,  sm.  one  who  se&r- 
Excogitcir,  va.  to  excogitate,  to 

invent.  [be  excog^tated. 

Excogitavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 
Excomxnungado,  a,  pp.  adj,  an 

excommunicated  person. 
Exconunungar,  va,  to   excom- 

municate.  [cation. 

ExooEamuxilião,  sf,  exoommuair 
Excoxiação,  sf.  excoriation. 
Exooriado,  a,  pp.  cuí/.excoriated. 
Excoriar,  va.  to  excoriate. 
Excreção,  sf.  excretion. 
Excrexnenticio,  a,  adj.  excre- 

mental,  excrementitious. 
Excremento,  sm.  excrement. 
Excrexnentoso,   a,   adj.  excre- 

mental.  [cencjr. 

Excrescência,  sf.  {med.)  excres- 
Excrescente,  adj,  2  g.  excres- 

Excrescer,  vn.  to  make  an  ex- 

Excretar,  va.  to  excrete. 
Excreto,  a,  adj.  excreted. — ,«m. 

the   matter  toat    is   separated 

from  the  animal  substance. 
Exoretorio,  a,  adj.  excretory. 
Excursão,  sf.  excursion,  walk. 
Excurso,  sm.  digression. 
Excutir,  va.  {in  law)  to  excusa. 
Execração,  sf.  execration. 
Execrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  execrated. 
Execrando,  a,  adj.  execrable. 
Execrante,  adj.  2  g.  execrating. 
Execrar,  va.  to  execrate. 
Execratorio,  a,  adj.  execratory. 

Juramento  — ,  execration. 
Execravel,  adj.  2  g.  execrable. 
Execravelmente ,  adv,  execra- 

Execução,  sf.  execution. 
Executado,  a,  pp.  adj.  executed. 
Elxecatador,  sm,  V.  JSxecutijr, 
Exeootante,  ttn.  or  f,  performer. 
Ezeoutar,  va.  to  execute. 

Ezaoutivainente,    adv,   in    an 

executive  manner. 
Executivo,    a,  adj,    executive, 

Executor,   sm.   Executora,  sf, 

he  or  she  who  executes ;  execu- 

Executor,  a,  adj.  that  executes. 
Executório,  a,  adj.  (m  law)  exe- 

Exedra,  sf.  a  by-place  for  study. 
Exegetico,  a,  aaj.  exegetical. 
Exempção,  sf.  exeinption. 
Exemplado,  a,pp.  a(/;.exampled. 
Exemplador,  sm.  one  who  exam- 

Exemplar,  sm.  exemplar;  copy. 
Exemplar,  adj.  2  g.  exemplajy. 
Exemplaridade,    sf.    exempla- 

riness.  [exemplars. 

Exemplario,  sm.  collection    of 
Exemplarmente,  adv.  exemplar- 

ily.  [âcation. 

Exemplificação ,    sf.    exeropli- 
Exemplificado,     a,     pp,     adj. 

ExemplifíGar,  va.  to  exemplify. 
Exemplificativo,  a,  adj.  exem- 

plifymg.  [model. 

Exemplo,  sm,  example,  pattem, 
Exemptamente ,      adv,      with 

Esramptar,     va.      to     exeropt. 

Exemptar-se^  vr.  to  be  exempted. 
Exempto,  a,  adj.  exempt. 
Exéquias,  sf.  pi.  exequies,  fune- 
ral obsequies.  [executed. 
Exequível,  adj.  2  g.  that  may  be 
Exercer,  va.  to  exercise. 
Exercício,  sm.  exercice. 
Exercido,  a,  pp.  adj.  exercised. 
Exercitação,  sf.  exercitation. 
Exercitado  ,a,pp.  adj.  exercised. 
Exercitador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  exerci- 

Exercitante,  adj.  2  g.  exercising. 
Exercitar,  va.  to  exercise. 
Exttroito,  sm.  army ;  {fig.)  multi- 

Exerese,  sm.  {swg.)  exeresis. 
Exergo,  sm.  exergue. 
Exfoliação,  sf.{surg.)  exfoliation. 
Exfoliado,  a,  fíp.  adj.  exfoUated« 
ExfoUar*»^  w,  \o  «xÂi^^NA- 

o  eihíjo,  -B  alma 

Enlianrlr,  m.  w  osEiust. 
EzliBastaoSo,  if.  estaiistion. 
EzhHOBto.  a.  PP  adi.  exbaaslsá 
ExheTãaç&o,sf.  exheredstiOB, 
£xberdãj,  va.  ta  exherad&tfl,  te 

Exhllilção.'  if.  ejliibition. 
ElxblbidQf  a^  pp.  adi.  exlubitflâ 
Enhlblr,  ro.  to  exbibit. 
EnhibítorlQ,  a.fli/j.  Bihilitory. 
EEhartaçao,  4.  esLorlallou, 
Exhortado,  a,  pp.aJj.extiottei 

ExhoTtatlvo.  3.  adj 
Exhortatorto.  a,  c 

J>    fiihocla 

Ezldo,  tm.  a  canunoa  piace  of 

Bzlg^ola,  lA  eiigence. 
Ez^nto,  adj.  i  g.  eiigeDI.  ne- 

Exlgldo,  a,  pp.  adj.  exacied. 
SKlgir,  ta.  10  eiaci,  to  requirs. 
Exigível,  adj.  í  g.  eiiçíble. 

Exíguo,  a,  àdj.  eniguous,  small, 

Exilar,  ca.  to  eiile. 

Exílio,  im.  axUe,  baQÍahmoiit. 

Eximido,  a,Bp.  aáj.  eiampt. 

eihaust  £a:i,D. 
■  one's  slraoelb. 

la,  ,/.  existoDcí 

Exlto,  dl.  iasue,  depurtt 

Exõdo,  int.  exodas.  < 

by  ofiioB. 
Ei-Dlltolo,  fldtJ,  ioc.  I 
Eioneraçáo,  sf. 
Exonerado.  ' 


„  pp.  adj.  . 
disburden,  to  discharga.  Sxcmâ- 

Exoravel,  arfj,  ig.  oioTable. 

Exorbitante,  adj.  ig.  exorbitaot. 
Exorbitantemente,  adu.  exorbi- 

l  „         0B«      b' 

E:iordio,  ^m.  pxorilium 
ExomaçSo,  sf.  an  adjrniag. 
Exornado,  a,  pp.  adj.  adorned. 
Exomar,  ua,  Io  ailorn.  to  deck. 
ExomatlTo,  a,  a^'.  Admiciiug  ali 

Expandir,  m.  to  expand. 
EspanaSo.  sf.  eijiDiisian, 
Expanaibilidade.  if.  expansifail- 

Expanao,  a.adj.  espanded. 
Eipatriaçao,  sf.  eipatrjatioa. 
Expatriado,  a,  pp.   adj.    ox|ia* 


—  385  — 


Expectativa,  sf.  expectativa. 
Ezpectatorio,  a,  adj.  expecta- 
tiva. Acto  — ,  a  soleinn  disputa- 

tion  in  the  universities. 
ExLpectavel,  a(f;.  2  g.  expectable. 
Expectoração,  sf.  expectoration. 
Expectorante,  adj.  2  g.  expec- 

Expeotorar,  va.  to  expectorate. 
Expedição,  sf.  expedition. 
Exjpedicionario,  a,  adj.  expedi- 

Expedido,  a,  j!p.  adj.  despatched. 
Expediencia,  sf.  expedition. 
Expediente,  adj.  2  g.  expedient. 

— ,  sm.  the  royal  and   supreme 

council ;  au  expedient. 
Expediznento,  sm.  taking  leave. 
Expedir,  va.  to  expedite.  Expe- 

air-se^  vr.  to  get  nd  of. 
Expeditamente,  adv.expeditely. 
Expedito ,    a ,    adj.    expedite , 

Expellido,  a,  j^.  adj.  expelled. 
Expellir,  va.  to  expel. 
Expender,  va.  to  weigh,  to  con- 

sider.  [expended. 

Expendido,  a,  pp.  a(2;..examined, 
Expensão,  sf.  the  act  of  exa- 

Expensas,  sf.  pi.  the  expenses. 
Experiência ,    sf,   expenence. 

Falta  de  — ,  inexperience. 
Experiente,    adj.  2  g.   expert, 

Experimentado,  a.  vp.  adj.  ex- 

perienced.  [e.iperiences. 

Experimentador,  a,  adj.  that 
Experimental,  adj.  2  g.  experi- 
mental, [perimentally. 
Experimentalmente,  adv.  ex- 
Experimentar ,    va.    to    expe- 

Experto,  a,  adj.  experienced. 
Expiação,  sf.  expiãtion. 
Expiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  expiated. 
Expiar,  va.  to  expiate. 
Expiatoriamente ,   adv.   in  an 

expiatory  manner. 
Expiatório,  a,  adj.  expiatory. 
ExpiladOt  a,  pp.  adj.  plundered, 

robbed.  [to  rob. 

Expilar,  va,  {in  law)  to  plunder, 


sf.  expiration. 

Expirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  expired. 
Expirar,  vu.  and  va.  to  expire,  to 

breath  out. 
Explanação,  sf.  explanation. 
Explanada  cr  Esplanada,  sf. 

Explanado,  a,  pp.  adj,  explained. 
Explanador,  sm.  explainer. 
Explanar,  va,  to  explain. 
Expletivo,  a,  adj.  expletive. 
Explicação,  sf,  explication. 
Explicado,  a,pp.  aaj.  explicated. 
Explicador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  expoun- 

der,  explainer.  [plain. 

Explicar,  va.  to  explicate,  to  ex- 
Explicativo,  a,  adj.  explicativo. 
Explicável,  adj.  2  g,  explicable. 
Explicitamente,  cmv,  explicitly. 
Explicito,  a,  adj.  expUcit. 
Exploração,  sf.  exploration. 
Explorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  explored. 
Explorador,  sm.  explorer. 
Explorar,  va.  to  explore. 
Explosão,  sf.  explosion. 
Explosivo,  a,  aâj.  explosive. 
Expoente,  sm.  [in  law)  petitioner. 
Ea^>oer,  va.  to  expose. 
Exponencial,  adj.  2  g.  {mcUh.) 

exponential.  [nent. 

Exponente,  sm.  {arithm.)  expo- 
Esroôr,  va.  to  expose,  to  exhibit. 

Éxpâr-se,  vr.  to  be  exposed,  to 

Exportação,  sf,  exportation. 
Exportar,  va,  to  export. 
Exportável,  adj,  2  g.  exportable. 
Exposição,  sf.  exposition. 
Expositivo,  a,  adj.  expositive. 
Expositor,    sm,   expositor,    ex-> 

Exposto,  a,  pp.  adj.  exposed. 
Expressado,  a,    pp.   adj.   ex- 

Expressamente,  adv.  expressly. 
Expressão,  sf.  expression. 
Expressar,  va.  to  express. 
Expressiva,  sf,  expression. 
Expressivo,  a,  adj,  expressivo. 
Expresso,  a,  adj.  express. 
Exprimir,  va.  to  express. 
Exprobração,  sf.  exprobration. 
Exprobrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  expro- 

brated.  (probrates. 

Exprobrador^  «k^  ad.^.  ^i^cy»^»  w- 
»  1^ 


—  386  — 


Ez|XFObranto,  adj.  2  ^  ex|>ro- 

Exprobrar,  va.  to  exprobrate. 
Exprobratorio,  a,   adj.  expro- 

brative.  [compktely. 

Ex-professo,  adv.  as  a  professor, 
Expropriação,  sf.  «xpropiiation. 
Expropriar,  va.  to  expreptiate. 
'  Expugnação,  sf.  expugivation. 
Expugnado,  a^pp.oo/.  exptig^ed. 
ExpugnadtMT,  sm.  expagner. 
Expagnar,  va.  to  expugn. 
Expugnavel,  adj,  2  f.  «xpug^ 

nable.  [expeiled. 

Expulsado,  a>  pp^  adj.  expulsed, 
Expulsão,  sf.  expulsion. 
Expulsar,  oa.  to  expulse,  %o  ex- 

Expulsivo,  a,  adj.  expulsive» 
Expulso,  a,  PP*  adj.  expelled. 
Expulsoria,  sf.  expulsion* 
Expulsorio,  a,  aâj.  contaisdag 

an  order  for  expulsing. 
Expultriz,  adj.  f,  expuisive. 
Expurgação,   sf.   expurgatíon; 

Expurgador,  «m.  expnrgator. 
Expurgar,  va.  {med.)  to  purge. 
Ejqnirgatorio,  a,  adj.  expurga- 

tory.  —  sm.  an  expurgatorj. 
Exquisitaxnente,    adv.    exqui- 

Exquisito,  a,  adj.  exquiaite. 
Exsangu«,  adj.  t  g.  bloodless. 
Exsiccação,  sf.  exsiccation. 
Exsicoante,  p.  a.  and  adj.  ex- 

Exsiccar,  va.  to  exsiocate. 
Exsicoativo,  a,  adj.  exsicoatíve. 
Exsudação,  sf.  exudation ;  (meei.) 

Extasiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  extasied. 
Extasiar,  va.  to  ecstasy.  Exta- 

siar-se,  vr.  to  be  in  raptares. 
Extasia  or  Extasi,   «m.  an  ec- 
Extatioamente,  adv,  ia  an  ec- 

statical  manner. 
Extatioo,  a,  adj.  ecstatlo. 
Extemporaneamente,  adv.  ex* 

temporarily.  [poriness. 

Extemporaneidade,  sf.  exteai- 
Extemporaneo,  a,  adj,  extem- 


Extender,  va.  to  exte&d. 
Sxtendido,  a,  pp.  adi,  «Xlended. 
Esteasamente ,    aã»,    largely, 

amply,  extensively. 
ExtensSx^  sf  extension* 
Exten^lxUidade,    sf.    «xtensi» 

bility.  [sively. 

Extexisivamente.    adv.    exten- 
Sztensiv«l,  adj.  2  g.  extensible. 
Extensivo,  a,  adj.  extensíTe. 
Extenso,  a,  adj.  extent,  extend- 

ed.  Por — ,  adv.  loc.  at  length,  at 

large.  [ext^asor. 

ExtensM*,  sm.  and  adj.  {<mat,^ 
Extenuação,    sf.    extenuatimi; 

leanness.  [extenuation. 

Extenuadamente ,    adv.    with 
Extenuado,  a,  pp.  adj.  exte^ 

nuated.  [nuating. 

Extenuador,  sm.   or  adj.  exte- 
Extenuante,  adj.  1  g.  extenua* 

Extenuar,  va.  to  extenuate. 
Extenuativo,  a,  adi.  that  èxte* 

nuates.  [by  rubbing. 

Extergente,  adj.  3  g.  that  cleans 
Exterior,  adj.  2  g.  exterior ;  ex- 
Exterior,  sm.  the  outside. 
Exterioridade,   sf.  outward  ap- 

Exteriormente,  adv.  exteriorly. 
Exterminação ,   sf.   extermina» 

Exterminado,  a,  pp.  adj.  exter- 

Exterminador,  a,  adj.  that  ex- 

terminates.  —  sm.  an  extertni- 

Exterminar,  va.  to  exterminate. 
Extermínio,  sm.  extermination ; 

Externamente,  adv.  externally. 
Externo,  a,   adj.  externai,  ex- 

Exterreoer,  va.  to  fri^hten. 
Extinoção,  sf.  extinction. 
Extincto,  a,  pp.  adj.  extinct. 
Extinguido,  a,  pp.  adj.  extin- 

Extinguir,  va.  to  extingaish ;  to 

suppress,  to  destroy. 

Ktinguivel,    adj.  t  g.  extin- 



—  a»7  — 


Extirpa^ofio,  sf.  eztirpation. 
ZSxtirpwios  a,  pp.  adj,  e^tirpated. 
Extirpador,  sm.  extirpator. 
ExtixjpMr,   vu.    to  extirpate,  to 

Extorqaido,  a,  pp.  adj.  ezt(Mrted. 
Extorcpiir,  va.  to  extort. 
Extorsão,  sf.  extortion. 
ExtorsionATio,  a,  adJ.  tbat  pcftc- 

tises  extortion. 
Extracção,  sf.  extractioo. 
ExtracroBoente,  adj.  2  g.  {bot.) 

growing  outvardly. 
Extractado,  a,^.  extracted. 
Extractar,  va.  to  extract. 
Extractivo,  a,  adj.  extract^ye. 
Extracto,  sm.  {chem.)  extiact^ 
Extractor,  sm.  extractor. 
ExtrahidQ,  a,  pp.  adj.  extracted. 
Extrahir,  va.  to  extract. 
Extrahivel,   adj.  %  g.  tJiat  may 

be  extracted. 
ExtrafoUaoeo,    a,    adj.    extrar 

foliaceous.  [judi^L 

Extrajudicial,  adj.  2  g.  extra- 
Extrajudicialíaente^oav.  extcihr 

judie  ially.. 
Extramundano,  a,  adj.  extra- 

Extramural,  adj.  2  g..  títadb  is 

without  the  waíis, 
Extramuroa,  adv.  loe,.  witbout 

the  walls. 
Extranatural,  adj.  2  g,  contrary 

to  nature.. 
Extraneo,  a,  adj.  extraneous. 
Extranuosfliral,  adj.  2  g.  auper- 

Extranomerario^  a,  adj.  bejrond 

the  fixed.  number. 
Extraordinariasxaifeo,  otíti^ec»- 

Extraordinário,  a,  ac^'.  extra- 

Extravagância ,    sf.     extrava- 

Extravaganciav,  vn.  to  extrar 

vagate,  to  live  extravagantíy. 
Extravagante,  adj.  2  g.  extra- 

Extravagante,  sm.  or  f.  an  extrar 

vagant;  a  prodigal. 
Extravagantemente,  adv.  ex- 


ExtravasaçSo,  sf.  extravasatioiu 
Extravasado,  a,  pp.  adj.  extra- 

Extravasamento,  sm.  (med.)  the 

act  of  forcing  out  of  tne  proper 

Extravasar^  va.  to  extravasate. 

Extravaaar-se^  vr.  to  be  extr»- 

vasated.  [nate. 

Extravenado,  a,  adj.  extrave- 
Extraviadamenifl ,    adv.   with 

embezslewent.  [zled. 

Extraviado,  »,  pp.  adj.  embez- 
ExtraivJLar ,  va.  to^iabeozle ;  to  put 

out  of  the  "vray»  to  leed  astray. 
Extravio,    sm.    embesdement, 

straying.  [treznely. 

Extremadamienta!,  adv.  ex- 
ExtrenoAdo,  a;  pp.  adj.  extceme» 
Extremamente,  adv.  extremely. 
Eztremor-se,  tm.  to  become  ta- 

mous.  [unction. 

Extretta-UQCçâo ,   sf.    extreme 
Extremidade,  sf.  extremity. 
ExtPOBSto,  sm.  the  extreme;  ex- 

cess.  Por  — ,  intemperately. 
Extremo»  a,  adj.  extreme,  ut- 

most,  last.  [sively. 

Extremosamente,  adv.  «xcee* 
Extremoso,  a,  adj.  excessive. 
Extrinseoo.  a,  adj.  extrinsic. 
ExtumeacencJa,  sf.  {swg.)  ex- 

Eziíitfoeranoiflb,  sf.  exuberance. 
Exuberante,  adj.  lg.  exuberant. 
Exuberantemente,    adv.  exu- 

Exuberar,.  vn.  to  exuberate. 
Exular,  vn.  to  be  banisbed. 
Exuloeração,  sf.  exulceration. 
Sxulcejrado,  a,  pp.   adj..  êxul- 

EXuIcerante,  adj.  2  g.  exulcer- 

Exulúevar,  va.  to  exulcerate. 
ExulcerativG^  a,,  adj.  exulccr- 

Exultação,  sf.  exultation. 
Exujytado,  a,  pp.  adj.  exulted. 
Exaltante,  aaj.  2  g.  exultant. 
Exaltar,  vn.  to  exulL 
Exvoto,  sm.  ex-voto-. 
SyohSo,  sm.  Y.  Uchão^  Despen- 


F,  sm.  is  the  sixth  letter  of  the 
Portuguese  alphabet. 

Fa,*w.  {mtisic.)  fa,  a  musical  note. 

Fabordão,  sm.  a  kind  of  grave 

Fabrica,  sf.  fabric,  manufacture ; 
■workhouse;  structure,  organi- 
sation.  —  de  egreja,  fabric  lands, 
the  revenue  destined  for  repairs 
and  maintenance  of  a  church. 
—  cie  louçãy  pottery.  —  de  papel, 
paper-miU.  —  de  fiação  de  algo- 
dão, seda,  silk,  cotton  mills. 

Fabricação,  sf.  fabrication,  ma- 

Fabricado,  a,  pp.  adi.  fabricated. 

Fabricador,  sm.  maker,  builder. 

Fabricante,   sm.  manufacturer. 

Fabricar,  va.  to  fabricate,  to 
build,  to  manufacture ;  to  frame, 
to  cultivate. 

Fabrico,  sm.  tillage ;  fabrícating. 

Fabril,  adj.  2  g.  mechanic. 

Fabriqueiro,  «m.  church-warden. 

Fabula,  sf.  fable,  íiction. 

Fabulação,  sf,  fiction. 

Fabulado,  a,  pp.  adi.  feigned. 

Fabulador,  sm.  fabulator. 

Fabular,  va.  to  fable,  to  feign. 

Fabulisar,  va.  to  fabulize,  to  in- 

Fabulista,  sm.  fabulist. 

Fabulosamente,  adv.  fabulously. 

Fabuloso,  a,  adj.  fabulous. 

Faca,  sf.  knife.  —  de  mato,  a 
hanger.  —  de  trinchar,  a  car- 
ving  knife ;  —  a  young  maré ;  a 
nap'.  [stab. 

Facada,  sf.  a  thrust  with  a  knife ; 

Facalhão,  sm.  a  greaA  knife. 

Facanèa,  sf.  a  hackney. 

Façanha,  sf.  exploit,  feat,  great 

Façanhadeiro,  a,  adj.  vain,  glo- 
rious.  [ron. 

Façanheiro,  sm.  boaster,  fanfa- 

Façanhosamente ,  a^o.  heroi- 
cally,  bravely.  [enormous. 

Paçaiciboso,   a,    adj,    famous, 

—  388  —  FAC 

Facção,  sf.  faction,  cabal,  party. 
Faccionario,  sm.  faotionazy,  a 

Faccioso,  a,  adj.  faetioiu;,  :tedi- 

Face ,  sf.    face ,    cheek  ;     sight, 

view.  A  — ,  in  the  sight  of.  J^azer 

— ,  to  oppose. 
Faceado,  a,  adj.  faced. 
Facécia,  sf.  facetiousness. 
Faceira,  sf.  the  flesh  that  covers 

the  cheek   boné  of  an    ox;  a 

fop.  a  ruined  coxcomb. 
Faceiro,    a,    adj.    ridiculoosly 

Facejar,  na.  to  face. 
Faceta,  sf.  a  small  surface ;  super* 

fícies  cut  into  several  angles. 
Facetado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cut  -witb 

Facetamente,  adv.  facetiously. 
Facetar,  va.  to  cut  with  facets. 
Facetear,  vn.  to  play,  to  jest. 
Faceto,  a,  adj.  facetious,  cheer- 

Facha,  sf.  torch. 
Fachada,  sf.  front,  frontispiece, 

portal;  a   blov  with  a  battle- 

Facheiro,  sm.  torch-bearer. 
Fachina,  sf.  fascine. 
Fachinar,  va.  to  make  fascines. 
Fachineiro,   sm.  he  who  raakes 

Facho,  sm.  faggot  kindled  upon 

a  high  place  as  a  signal  to  take 

arms ;  a  torch,  watcn-light. 
Facial,  adj.  {anat.)  facial. 
Fácil,  adj.  2  g.  easy,  facile. 
Facilidade,  sf.  facility,  ease. 
Facilitado,  s.,pp.  adj.  facilitated. 
Facilitador,  sm.  or  adj.  he  who 

Facilitar,  va.  to  facilitate.  ^act- 

litar-sey  vr.  to  grow  easy  of  ac- 

Facilmente,  adv.  easily. 
Facínora,  sm.  a  criminal. 
Facinoroso,  a,  adj.  facinorous, 

Faoistol,  sm.  a  reading  desk. 
Factício,  a,  adj.  factitious. 
Factível,  adj.  2  g.  practicable.    . 
Facto,  sm.  fact,  success,  event. 


—  389  — 


Factor,  sm.  {ainthm.)  factor. 
Factura  f   sf.   factare,   invoice, 

Façudo,  a,  adj.  broad-faced. 
Faculdade,   sf.  faculty,  leave; 

pover,  quality. 
Facultativo,    a,   adj.    optional, 

technical.  —  sm.  a  physician. 
Facultoso,  a,  adj.  magnificent, 

rich.  [quence. 

Facúndia,    sf.    facundity,   elo- 
Facundo,  a,  adj^  eloquent. 
Fada,  sf.  fairy,  elf ;  enchautress. 
Fadado,  a,  pp.  adi.  fated. 
Fadar,  va.  to  tell  fortunes. 
Fadário,  sm.  fatality ;  bad  habit. 
Fadiga,  sf.  care,  trouble,  fatigue. 
Fadigador,  sm.  one  -who  fatigues 

or  tires. 
Fadigar,  va.  V.  Fatigar. 
Fadigoso,  a,  adj.  fatiguing,  tire- 

Fado,  sm.  fate,  destiny. 
Fagote,  sm.  a  bassoon. 
Fagueiro,  a,  adj.  fa^i^ning. 
Fagulha,  sf.  a  spark  of  lire. 
Faia,  sf.  the  beech-tree. 
Faial,  sm.  a  wood  or  plantation 

of  beech-tree. 
Faiança,  sf.  delft  ware. 
Faim,  s.  the  point  of  a  spear.^ 
Faina.  sf.  the  shout  of  sailors: 

ho-up ! 
Faisão,  sm.  pheasant. 
Faisca,  sf.  a  spark  of  flre. 
Faiscar,  vn.  to  spark. 
Faisqueira,  sf.  a  place  where 

gola  sand  is  found. 
Faiscpieiro,  sm.  he  Avho  searches 

the  gold  sand. 
Falaca,  sf.  bastinado. 
Falacha,  sf.  a  sort  of  cake  made 

of  chestnuts.  [flounce. 

Falbalas,    sm.    a    furbelow,    a 
Falca,  sf.  square  piece  of  timber 

íit  to  be  sawed. 
Falcão,   sm.    hawk,    falcon;    a 

piece  of  ordnance. 
Falcato,  a,  adj.  falcated. 
Falcatrua,  sf.  cheat,  trick. 
Falcatruar,  va.  to  cheat. 
Falciíorme,  adi.  2  a.  falciform. 
Falcoada,  sf.  tne  shooting  of  a 

piece  called  falcão. 

Falcoaria,  sf.  falconry. 
Falcoeiro,  sm.  falconer. 
Falconete,  sm.  falcon;  a  great 

Falda,  sf.  V.  Fralda. 
Faldistorio,    sm.    faldstool    (a 

bishop's  seat). 
Falecer,  vn.  V.  Fallecer  and  do- 

Falemo,  sm.  muscadine  (wine). 
Falha,  sf.  crack,  flaw ;  delay  in  a 

journey.        ,  [cracked. 

Falhado,    a,     pp.  adj.     failed, 
Falhar,  vn.  to  crack;  to  mistake, 

to  fail ;  to  be  disappointed. 
Falija,  sf.  weapon  formerly  used 

in  war. 
Falia,  sf.  speech,  talk. 
Fallacia,  sf.  deceit,  falsehood, 

fallacy.  [silly  woman. 

FaUadeira,  tf.  babbler,  a  prating 
Fallado,  A^pp.adj.  spoken. 
Fallador,  sm.  talker ;  a  talkative 

Falladora,  sf.  a  tattling  woman. 
Fallante,   adj.   2  g.    that    can 

Fallar,  va.  to  speak,  to  talk,  to 

tell.  Fallar-se,  vr.  to  converse; 

to  consult  with  one.  Fallorse^  it 

is  said,  they  say. 
Fallar.  sm.  speech. 
Fallatorio,  sm.  babbling. 
Fallaz,  adj.  2  g.  fallacious. 
Fallecer,  vn.  to  die ;  to  be  deíi- 

cient;  to  want.  [ÍQg> 

Fallecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  died;  want- 
Fallecimento,  sm.  death  ;  want, 

Fallencia,  sf.  fault,  error ;  failure. 
Fallido,  a,  pp.  adj.  failed.  Nego- 
ciante — ,   a  bankrupt.  — ,  am. 

a  bankrupt. 
Fallimento,  sm.  the  act  of  fail- 

ing;  omission;  death. 
Fallir,  va.  to  break,  to  fail. 
Fallivel,  adj.  2  g.  fallible. 
Falqueado,  a,  pp.  adj.  squared, 

Falqueador,      sm.      one     who 

squares  or  chips. 
Falquear,  va.  and  n.  to  rough- 

hew,  to  chip. 
Falquejadura,  sf.  squaren.e%a. 

;  PNJfuiM 


—  390  — 


Falcpieta,  sf.  a  term  of  the  play 

of  billiards. 
Falripas,  sf.  pi.  thin  hair 
Falsa,  sf.  (mus.)  dissonance,  dis- 

cord.  [brey. 

Falsa-braga,    sf.    (fort.)    false 
Falsado,  a,  pp.  adj[.  falsined. 
Falsador,  sm.  falsifier. 
Falsamente,  adv.  falsely. 
FalsaçosiçSo,  sf.  the  rule  of  false 

Falsar,  va.  to  falsify. 
Falsario,  sm.  falsary,  fial&ifier, 

Falsear ,   va.   to  bend.  — ,  vn. 

{mus.)  to  be  discordant. 
Falsete,  sm,  a  false  treble,  fal- 

Falsetear,  t;^.  to  singinfalsetto. 
Falsia,  sf.  falsit^, 
Falsidade,  sf:  falsity. 
Falsidico,  a,  adi.   that  lies   or 

tells  a  falsehooa.  [forgery. 

Falsificação ,    sf.    falsifícation , 
Falsificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  falsiâed. 

Falsificador,  sm.  falsifler,  forger. 
Falsificar,    va.    to    falsify,    to 

counterfeit,   to  adulterate,   to 

forge.  [feits. 

Falsuico,  a,  adj.  that  counter- 
Falso,  a,   adj.   false,    deoeitf&l. 

Porta  — a,  a  Dackdoor,  a  postem 

Falsura,  sf.  falsity. 
Falta ,  sf.  want,   need.   Sem  — , 

■without  fail.  [failed. 

Faltado,  a,   pp.  adj.    wanted, 
Faltar,  va.  and  «.    to  "want;  to 

need;  to  oralt,  to  be  wanting. 
Falto,  a.  adj.  deficient,  -vanting. 
Falua.  sf.  barge. 
Falucho,  sm.  lelucca. 
Falueiro,  sm.  bargeinan. 
Fama,  sf.  fame,    renown,   cele- 

brity,  report,  ne-ws. 
Famélico,  a,  adj.  hungry. 
Famigerado,  a,  adj.  renowned. 
Famigerador.  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  or 

she  who  spreads  the  fame. 
Familia,  sf  family.  Pae  de.  famí- 
lias, a  housekeeper.   Fxlm  — , 
Familiar,  sm.  domestic,  servant. 

I  Familiar,  adj.  2  g,  familiar,  áor 
j     mestic,  intimate. 
Familiaridade,  sf.  familiarity. 
Familiarisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fam^ 

Familiarisar,  va.  to  familiarke. 

Familiarisar  -  se  y    vr.    to    fami- 
liarize one's  self. 
Familiarmente,  ac^i?..  familiariy. 
Familiatura,    sf.    the    ofâee  of 

the  familiars  of  the  inquisitíoih 
Faminto,  a,  adj.  hungry;  cor^ 

Famosamente,  â£Zv.  faroonsly^ 
Famoso,  a,  adj.  famou&,  renowi^ 

ed.  [attendanoek 

Famulado ,      sm.      serviceafato 
Famulenta,  a,  adj.  hungry. 
Fâmulo,  £m.  domestic^  servant; 

in  coUeges,  a  poor  student,   a 

bishop^s  attendant.  [ciiL 

Fanado,  a,  pp.  adj.  circumoised. 
Fanal,  sm.  a  ship's  lantern,  lijgfalft 

Fanar,  va.   to    ciccumoiae;    to 

cheat  one  of  his  money. 
Fanático,  a,  adj.  fanatic. 
Fanatisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made  ãL?> 

Fanatisar,  va.   to  fanatícize,  to 

tnake  fanatic. 
Fanatismo,  sm^  fanaticism. 
Fancaria,  sf  ready  made  dothes. 

Obra  de  — ,  badly  made  vork. 
Fanchonioe,  sf.  unnatnral  plea»- 

sures  ,    lust ,     concupiscenoe  , 

Fanchono,  a,  adj.    lewd,   given 

to  nn  natural  pleasures. 
Fandango,  sm.  fandango. 
Faneca,  sf.  a  sort  of  sea-fish. 
Fanfarrão,  sm.  bully,  fanfaron; 

a  fop.  [glory. 

Fanfarrear,  vn.  to  boast  of,  to 
Fanf  arrice ,     sf.     swaggerin^ , 

ostentation,  foppery. 
Fanfurrla,  sf.  swaggering. 
Fanga,  sf.  a.  com  raeasure. 
Fanhoso,  a,  adj.  nasal.  — ,  sm.  a 

Fanico,  sm.  small  pieces  or  bits. 
Faniqueiro.  a,  adj.  that  make» 

a  sitvíiXV  %««v. 


—  391  — 


Fanqueiro,  sm.  a  seller  of  linen 

or  cotton  stuflis. 
Fantasia,  sf.  tanttisr.  V.  Phan^ 

tasia  and  denvatea. 
Fantasma,  sf:  phantom.  Y.  Pkan- 

iasma  and'  derivated'. 
Fantástico,  a,  adj.  fantastic.  V. 

Phantastico  and  derirated. 
Faqaeiro,  sm.  a  knife-case. 
Faracóla,  sf.  the  weight  of  sbout 

i  8  Portuguese  pounds. 
Farandula,  sf.  a  trifle. 
Faraute,  sm.Y.  Arauto. 
Farça,  sf.  farce,  mockery. 
Farçante,  sm.  a  player. 
Farçantear,  vn.  to  act  farces. 
Farcisrt^a,  sm.  a  player. 
Farçola,  sm.  a  jester. 
Farda,  sf.  soldier^s  dress,  nni- 

form;  livery  of  servants. 
Fardado,  a,  pp.adj.  clothed  as  a 

soldier.  [dress. 

Fardamento,    sm.    a    soldier's 
Fardar,  va.  to    clothe  the  sol- 

Fardel,  sm.  truss,  pack. 
Fardelagem,  sf.  bagga^e< 
Fardeta,  sf.  a  soldier^  jacket. 
Fardo,  sm.  bale,  pack;  42  Poi> 

tuguese  pounds. 
Farejar,  va.  to  smell,  to  scent. 
Farelaceo,  a,  adj.  that  pertains 

to  the  bran.  [of  bran. 

Farelagem,    sf.  great  quEuitity 
Farelento,  a,  adj.  full  of  bran. 
Farelo,  sm.  bran. 
Farelorio,  sm.    sweet-meats;   a 

Faretrado,  a,  adj.  quivered. 
Faretrar,  va.  to  quiver. 
Farfalha,  sf.  the  vhispering  of 

trees  shaken  by  the  wind. 
Farfalhada,  sf.  rustling  of  trees. 
Farfalhador,  sm.  a  stammerer. 
Farfalhar,  vn.    to   stammer    or 

stutter.  [words. 

Farfalharias ,    sf.   pi.     foolish 
Farfante  ,  ^dj.  2  g.    boastful , 

Farináceo,  a,  adj.  farinaceous. 
Farinha,  sf.  flour,  meai. 
Farinheiro,  sm.  mealman. 
Farinhento,  a,  adj.  farinaceous. 
Fariaoeo',  va.  to  smélí,  to  scent. 


Farmácia,  sf.  Y.  Pharmacieb  «ird 

Farmento,  sm.   a  sort  of  bl&ck 

grapes  so  called.  [dogs. 

Farot  sm.  the  smelling  ornoss:  of 
Farol,   sm.    watch^light,    light»* 

Farpa,  sf.  rag  or  rent.  —  dasetíãy 

anzol,  etc.,  barb  of  an   amni;^ 

âshing-hook,  etc. 
Farpado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ragged,  cnl 

like  streamers ;  barbed. 
Farpante,  adj.  2  g.  that  tires  in 

pieces.  [arrow- 

FarpSo,    sm»  a   grappling-iron ; 
Farpar,  va.  to  cut like  streamers. 

—  o  ansoly  to  barb  a   ílsfatng>- 

Farpeado,  a,    pp.   adj.    struck 

•with  a  dart  or  arrow. 
Farpear,  va.  to  ^onnd  with  & 

dart  orarrow. 
Farragem,  sf.  farrago. 
Farrapão,  sm,.  a  ragged  fellow. 
Farraparia,  sf.  quantity  of  rags. 
Farrapo,  sm.  rag. 
FarregonlO^  sm.  V.  Ferragoulo, 
Farricoco,  tm.  undertaker^s  man : 

a  penltrtkt  dressed  with  a  kind 

of  domino.  [husktaken  off. 

Farro.,  sm.  barley  that  has  tiia 
Farroma«  sf.  swaggering. 
Farroupilha,    sm.     a     ragged 

Farroupo,  sm.  a  hog,  a  vear  old. 
FarruscD,  as  adj  sooted ,  black» 

Fartatção,  sf.  satiety. 
Fartadella,  sf  a  belly-full. 
Fartado,  a,  pp.  adj.  filled,  sa* 

Fartalejo,  sm»  a  sort  of  cake. 
Fartar,  va.  to  Ali,  to  satiate,  to 

glut.  Fartar-se,  vr.  to  eat  one's 
elly  fliU.  [satiated. 

Fartava,  adj.  2  g.  that  may  be 
Fartavelhaco ,  sm.   a  plum    so 
called.  cake. 

Fartem  or  Farte^  sm.   a  littie 
Farto,  a,  pp.  irreg.  of  FartaT . 
FartvttCL,  sf .  ã^Mx^Xn  ,  •síciw\!L?«>s!k<s.'&. 

of   COTIi. 


T.adj.ig.  (iol.)  fftsoL- 

Fasclcúlo  I    iffl'   (íol.)     bnndle , 

Faacinaçao.  •/.  fiíi^iDimon. 
Fasoinado,  a.j>/).  mJJ.  fasdoaieí. 

raaquta,'i/'-  á  litth.  [latfis. 

Faatidlosàmante ,    ado.     laiti- 

FaotidloBO.  a,  ailj.  rutidioas. 
FaatlsDto.   a,    adi.    (Amiiioia, 

Fastifllo,  iiii.  suminii,  lop. 
Tantlo,  im,  a  loalhme,  rf  jus  í™ 

Fasto.  I 
Paato.  H 


;""t'.  %■„„;, 

Fatadloo,  a,  adj.  dependiug  of 

Fatal.  «-/;.  !  j.  falBl, -neoessary. 
Fatalidada,  tf.  falaliiy,  miafor- 

Fatallsmo,  im.  latuliaui. 
Fatalista,  -m.  fatal  int. 
Fatalmeata.  ado.  faially. 
FateUa.  tf.  ^raunel. 
FatBoaim.  im.  V.  Emphytítish. 
Fatia,  ■-[.  a  fllire.  [oallj. 

Fatídioamente.  aie.  proguoBU- 
Fatidlco.  a.  mij-  fatidical. 
Fatuero.   a,  mlj.  (pofl.)   fsti- 


Faiilba.  tf-  tbe  liehteit  asâ  thiit 

nest  part  of  tho  flour ;  a  trifliog. 

FBiiUieBto,a.  ndj.  thathasdiuti 

Fauno,  sm.  [mylhd.)  faan. 

Pautorlã.  i(.  ihe  aoi  of  fáTour- 

Fantorlsar.  ca.  lo  favonr. 

Fautriz.  i/.  fauireas. 

Fava,  .(■.  teau. 

Pa-ral.  »«.  a  Ilsld  of  bean». 

Favaira.  tf.  a  plaat  that  baan 

omb;    (mal.) 
Ta.-vo^À^  l'a.  10  fayour.  _ 

FaTor.  ini.  favour.  Coría  ãe  — , 
IstMr  of  TscomnieadalioB.  Á 
raea-,  In  mV  batulf. 

Favorável,  :i!j.  1  o.  tavoarable. 

FavorovelnísntB.  ad<i.  lavoíir- 

Favoímsador,  a,  im.  or  /'.  a  (■- 

Fovoraoer,  ea.  lo  favoui,  to  hajp, 

Favoreoldo.e,  sp.  aij.  favonred. 
Pavorlt»,  «/■.  a  favoíiHta 

the  tu 

i  ths.c  fixes  tho 





a-lj.  favoured 








j.   sw-ithed. 


Fayal,  in.  ihi.-  place  wbere  beach 

FaiadolrOi  a.  oil/.  ísaiible. 


—  393  — 


Z^oedor,  a,  sm,  or  f.  maker,  doer,  i 

Fazedura,  sf.  a  thing  that  is 
made  at  once. 

Fazenda,  sf.  an  estate,  fartn, 
land ;  fortone,  wealth,  goods.  — 
real,  king's  revenue.  Conselho 
da  — ,  exchequer-court.  Entrar 
na  — ,  to  íigbt. 

Fazendeiro,  sm.  a  cultivator. 

Fazente,  p.  a.  of  Fazer ^  making, 

Fazer,  va.  to   do,  to  make,  to 

create,  to  cause.  (Prefixed  to  a 

noun,  substantive  or  adjective, 

takes  its   signiâcation   in  En- 

glish.)  —  ca^o^  to  miud.  — pausa^ 

to  stop,  to  pause.  —  tenção^  to 

intend.  —  ujda,  to  live,  to  co- 

habit.  —  feio,  to  disíigure.  — 

meia^  to  knit.  —  festa,  to  endear, 

to  fondle.  —/(í,  to  attest,  testify. 

—  lenha^  to   fell  wood.  —  doà 

suas.  to  play  one's  usual  tricks, 

to  play  the  fool.  Faz  frio,  it  is 

cold,  the  weather    is   cold.  — 

calma,  the  weather  is  very  hot. 

Fazer    de    bobOy    to    play   the 

bufifoon.   Tomar  a — ,  to  make 

again.  Ter  que  —  com  alguém, 

to  deal  with  one.  —  doà  tripas 

coração,  to  make  the  guts  heart. 

Faxer-se,  vr.  to  become,  to  grow, 

to  turn,  to  be  made  or  done.  — 

ver,  tò  show  one's  self.  —  roqar, 

to  be  very  hard,  to  be  prevailed 

apon,  to  require  many  suppli- 

cations.  —  de  novoÃ,  to  play  the 

ignorant,   to  affect  ignorance. 

>-  na  volta,  to  tack  about  (a  sea 

term);  (atcards)to  playagainst 

the   others  after  having  fixed 

the  suit.  —  só,  to  play  without 

taking  any  cards. 

Faziuiento,  sm.  doing  or  making 
an  ãct. 

Fé,  sf.  faith,  belief;  trust,  reliance, 
conôdenee ,  credit ;  opinion , 
idea ,  conception  ;  certiAcate, 
testimony,proof;fldelity;  vera- 
city,  word,  promise.  Boa  fe\ 
■honesty;  sincerity,  plain  deal- 
ing,  good  faith.  Májé,  dishon- 
osty,  knavery,  perndiousness. 

A  falsa  —  or  com  má  fé,  treach-    \^ 
erously.   Homem  diono  de  — ,  a    ' 
credible  man.  Guardar  — ,  to  be 
faithful.  Estar  na  — ,  to  believe. 
Em  —   de  y   in   testiraony    of. 
Portar  por  — ,  to  attest  or  cer- 
tify.  Dar  — ,  to  give  credit.  — 
Dar  —  de,  to  take  notice,  to 
perceive,  to  discover.  Ter  —  em 
alguém,  to  trust,  to  rely.  De  boa 
— ,  honestly. 
Fealdade,    sf.  deformity,   enor- 


Feanchão,  sm.  or  adj.  a  very 

ugly  man.  fwoman. 

Feanohona,  sf.  or  adj.  an  ugly 

Febra,  sf.  the  fleshy  part  of  toe 

Febre.  sf.  fever,  ague. 
Febricitante,  adj.  2  g.  feverish. 
Febrioitar,  vr.  to  febricitate. 
Febrifugo.  a,  adj.  febrífugo. 
Febril,  adj.  2  g.  rebrile,  feverish. 
Febrilogia,  sf.  a  treatise  on  the 

Febrão,  a,  adj.  infernal. 
Fecal,  adi.  2  g.  fecal. 
Feoba,  sf.  conclusion  of  a  letter. 
Fechado,  a,  j^.  adj.  shut,  close, 

Fechadura,  sf.  lock. 
Fechar,  va.  to  shut,  to  close,  to 
stop  the  way  to.  Fechar-se,  vr.  to 
be  shut.  —  a  chave,  to  lock  one's 
self  in. 
Fecho,  sm.  the  bolt  of  a  lock.  — 
da  abobada,  key  of  a  vault.  — 
de  assucar,  a  small  case  of  sugar. 
— s   da  espingarda  or    pistola^ 
the  lock  or  a  musquet,  of  a  pistol. 
—  da  campainha,  belt  bolts.  — 
de  tranqueta,  cupboard  tums; 
(fig.)  issue,  conclusion.  JTomem 
duro  dos  fechos^  an    inflexible 
Fecial,  sm.  a  herald  at  arms 
Fécula,  sf.  fécula. 
Feculencia,  sf.  feculence. 
Feculento,  a,  adj.  feculent. 
Fecundação,  sf.  fecundation. 
Fecundado,  a,  j^.  adj.  fecundU 

Fecundador,  «m,  «sl^  ad-i-  ^«»- 


396  — 


hold,  to  seize  with  the  nails.  — 
as  velas,  o  panno  [a  sea  term) 
to  furl  the  sails.  Ferrar,  vn.  to 
cast  anchor. 

Ferraria,  sf.  a  smith's  shop. 

Ferregial,  sni.  a  íield  sowed  with 
barley  for  pasture. 

Ferreiro,  sm.  a  black-smith. 

Ferra jar,  vti.  to  forage. 

Ferrenho,  a,  adj.  hard  as  iron. 

Férreo,  a.  adj.  oí  iron;  ijig,) 

Ferrete,  stn.  brand  mark  of  in- 
faniy;  (fig.)  sharae.  — adi.  2  g. 
oí'  a  dark  colour.  Azul  feyrete, 
deep  blue. 

Ferretear,  va.  to  brand. 

Ferretoada,  sf.  a  puncture,  small 
prick.  Jfar  uma  — ,  to  sting. 

Ferretoar,  va.  to  sting. 

Ferricoque,  sm.  a  litue  man. 

Ferro,  sm.  iron;  sword,  dagger, 
spear.  —  do  arado,  a  coulter.  — 
de  engommnr,  smoothing  iron, 
goos<i.  Malhar  em  —  frio,  to 
la)jour  in  vain.  A  —  e  fogo,  lire 
and  sword. 

Ferrolhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bolted. 

Ferrolhar,  vn.  to  bolt. 

Ferrolho,  sm.  a  bolt. 

Ferropear,  va.  to  fetter. 

Ferros,  sm.  pi.  fetters,  chains. 

Ferrugem,  sf.  rust. 

Ferrugento,  a,  adj.  msty. 

Ferrugineo,  a,  adi.  ferruginous. 

Ferruginoso,  a,  aaj.  ferruginous. 

Ferrumpea,  sf.  V.  Farrusca. 

Fértil,  adj.  -1  g.  fruitful,  fértil. 

Fertilidade,  sf  fertility. 

Fertilisação,  sf.  fertilizinç. 

Fertilisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fertilized. 

Fertilisador,  a,  adj.  that  ferti- 
lizes, [lizes. 

Fertilisante,  adj.  2  g.  that  ferti- 

Fertilisar,  va.  to  fertilize. 

Ferula,  sf.  ferula;  {bot.)  ferula, 
fennel  giant. 

Fervedoiro,  sm.  swarm ;  philter. 

Fervencia,  sf.  fervency. 

Fervente,  adj.  2  g.  fervent,  hot. 

Ferventemente,  adv.  fervently. 

Ferver,  vn.  and  a.  to  \joV\,  to 
awarm,  to  crowd.  Feroer-i^^  w. 
to  be  boiled. 

Fervesoente,  adj.  i  g.  fervent. 
Fervido,  a,  pp.  adj.  boiled. 
Fervido,  a,   adj.   fervid,   vehe- 

ment,  eager,  restless. 
Fervor,  sm.    fervour,   vivacity, 

Fervorosamente,  adv.  earnest- 

ly,  eagerly,  zealously. 
Fervoroso,    a,    adj.     eamest, 

eager,  fervorous. 
Fervura,  sf.  seething,  bubbling. 

Levantar  — ,  to  boiU  to  bubble. 
Fescenino.  a,  adi.  wanton. 
Festa,  sf.  feast,  /estival.  A  —  do 

Natal,    Christmas-day.    Festa, 

caresses.  Fazer  — ,  to  caress,  to 

coax,  to  fondle ;  to  fawn,  to  vraf 

the  tail  (speaking  of  dogs,  etc.}. 
Festal,  adj.  2  g.  restai. 
Festança,  sf  revel,  noisy  feast. 
Festão,  sm.  festoon. 
Festeiro,  sm.  he  who  prepares  a 

Festejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  feasted. 
Festejador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  and  adj, 

Festejar,  va.  to  feast,  to  wel- 

come;  to  fawn,  to  cringe. 
Festejo,  sm.  an  entertainment. 
Festim,  sm.  feast,  entertainment, 

Festinar,  vn.  to  be  hurry. 
Festinosamente,  adv.  festinate- 

ly.  [joyoas. 

Festival,    adj.    2    g.    festiva], 
Festivalmente,  adv.  handsome- 

ly.  [manner. 

Festivamente,  adv.  in  a  f estive 
Festividade,  sf.  feast. 
Festivo,  a,  adi.  festive,  joyous. 
Festo,  sm.  the  oorder  or  ed^  of 

wooílen  cloth ;  top  ridge,  height. 
Fetal,  sm.  a  fern  íield. 
Fetal,  adj.  2  g.  portaining  to  a 

Fetão,  sm.  fern. 
Fetichlsmo,  sm.  fetichisin. 
Fétido,  a,  adj.  fetid. 
Feto,  sm.  foctus. 
Feudal,  adi.  2  g.  feudal. 
Feudalidade,  sf.  feudality. 





—  397  — 


Feadista,  sm.  feudist. 

Feudo,  sm.  feud,  fief,  fee. 

Fevera,  sf.  a  small  sprout  at  the 
roots  of  herbs,  íilament;  the 
pulp,  fleshy  part  of  brawn  or 
meat.  JBÍomem  de  — ,  a  stout  and 
brave  man. 

Fevereiro,  sm.  February. 

Feveroao,  a,  adj.  fibrous. 

Fez,  sm.  Fezes,  dregs,  lees, 
sediment,  <" 
of  societv. 

sediment,  dross ;  {fig.)  the  scum 


Fiação*,  sf.  spinning. 
Fiada,  sf.  row,  rank,  file. 
Fiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trusted,  trust- 

in^  in ;  spon. 
Fiado,  sm.  thread. 
Fiador,  svi.  surety,  bail. 
Fiadoria,   sf.  the  act  of  being 

Fiambre,  sm.  cold  meat. 
Fiança,  sf.  security  of  bailing. 
Fiandeiro,  a,  sm.  or  f.  spinster. 
Fiar,  va.  to  trust,  to  confíde,  to 

commit  to  the  care  of ;  to  spin. 

—  vn.  to  trust.  —  muito  de  «2,  to 

be   self-conceited.  Fiar-se^   vr. 

to  trust,  to  confíde  in. 
Fiável,  adj.  2  g.  that  may  be 

Fibra,  sf.  (anat.)  flbre. 
Fibrina,  sf.  {chem.)  fibrine. 
Filxrino,  a,   adj.    pertaining  to 

Fibrinoso,  a,  adj.  pertaining  to 

Fibroso,  a,  adj.  âbrous. 
Fibula,  sf.  fíbula,  buckle. 
Ficada,  sf.  an  abiding. 
Ficado,  a,  pp.  adj.  remained. 
Ficar,  vu.  to  remain,  to  stay,  to 

rest,  to  abide.  —  por  alguém^  to 

bail  one.  —  de  or  em,  to  agree, 

to  resolve,  to  acquiesce.  —  com 

alguma  cousa,  to  keep,  to  retain. 

Ficarse,  vr.  to  keep  to  himself. 

Adeus,   fique-se   embora^    adieu 

farewell.  —  com  alguma  cousa, 

to  purloin. 
Ficção,  .tf.  fiction. 
Fichú,  sm.  a  neck  handkerchief. 
noado,  a,  adj.  flctitious. 
^^<^Jí*PP-  irreg.  ot  Fingir  aad 
aaj.  feigned. 
Paiíts  L 

Fidalga,  sf.  a  gentlewoman,  a 
lady  of  quality.  [nobly. 

Fidaigamente ,    adv.    genteely, 

Fidalgo,  sm.  a  noble-man. 

Fidalgote,  sm.  a  nobleman  of 
inferior  degree. 

Fidalguia,  sf.  nobility,  gentry. 

Fidedigno,  a,  adj.  credible. 

Fldeicommisso ,  sm.  {in  law) 

Fideioonunissorio ,  a,  adj.  {in 
law)  trusted  in  fideicommissnm. 

Fideijussorio,  a,  adj.  (in  law) 
belonging  to  fíde^ussion. 

Fidelidade,  sf.  hdelity,  faith- 

Fideos,  sm.  pi.  vermicelli. 

Fido,  a,  adj.  faithful. 

Fiducia,  sf.  boldness,  conceit. 

Fiducial,  adj.  2  g.  fíducial. 

Fiduciário,  a,  adj.  {in  law)  iidu- 

Fiego,  a,  adj.  faithful,  loyal. 

Fieira,  sf.  a  wine  drawing  Iron ; 
a  draw-plate.  Tomar  contas  pela 
— ,  to  tstke  an  exact  account. 

Fiel,  adj.  2  g.  faithful,  loyal.  — 
sm.  a  christian,  a  new  vine- 
sprig;  a  clerk,  assistant,  a 
keeper,  warden.  —  da  balança^ 
the  tongue  or  needle  of  a  ba- 
lance ;  —  an  offícer  who  has  the 
inspection  over  the  weights  and 
measures.  Fieis  de  Deus,  a  heap 
of  stones  in  a  desert  place 
wherein  some  body  has  oeen 

Fieldade,  sf.  fidelity,  loyalty. 

Fielmente,  adv.  faithfully. 

Figa,  sf.  fíco.  [mate. 

Figadal,  adj.  2  g.  hearty,  inti- 

Figadalmente ,  adv,  heartily, 

Figadela,  sf.  a  sort  of  disease  in 
the  animais. 

Fígado,  sm.  liver. 

Figo,  sm.  a  íig.  —  (among  farriers) 
sort  of  disease  in  horses. 

Figueira,  sf.    the  ft(g-tx<ii^.  — 
oouda  OT  do  Em|'P^Q"«  -s^j^i^»^^^^* 
-  do  inferno,  í5^otx^-^^\a. 


—  398  — 


cminenco ;    (at    cards)    coutt- 

card.  Fazer  — ,  to  personate. 
Figurabilidade,  sf.  íieurability. 
Figuração,  sf.  iastr.)  ngaration. 
Figuradamente ,    adv.    figura- 

Fi^rado,  a^  pp.   aâj.  figured; 

hgurative.  allusive. 
Figurai,  atlj.  2  g.  figurai,  sym- 

Figurante,  sm.  figurant.  —  p.a. 

of  Figurar^  figiiring. 
Figurar,  va.  to  figure. 
Figurarias,  sf.  pi.  grimaces  or 

mummeries  lor  amusing  chil- 

Figuratiiramente ,    adv.    typi- 

cally,  íi«riiratively. 
Figurativo,  a,  adj.  íigurative. 
Figurilha,  sf.  a  riaicmous  fi^re. 
Figurino,  sm.  a  picture  "vilb  a 

litUe  figure  of  man  or  voman 

for     Bhowing     a     foshionable 

Figurista,  sm.  íigurist. 
Fiir,  va.  to  flnish,  to  end. 
Fila,  sf.  tile,  rov.  Cão  de  —,  a 

mastiff-dog.  [thread. 

Filaça,   sf.    any   thick    uneven 
Filado,  a,  pp.  adj.  caught. 
Fllame,  s.  {a  sea  term.)  that  part 

of  a  cable  that  is  between  a 

ring  and  the  cross-piece  of  the 

Filamento,  sm.  {annt.)  íilament. 
Filamentoso,  a,  adj.  fllaccous. 
Filandras,  .sf.  jil.  lilanders. 
Filandroso,  a,  adj.  stringy. 
Filar,  vn.  to  catcn,  to  lay  hold 

(spoaking  of  a  dog).  va.  —  o  cão 

a  alguém ,  to  set  a  dog  at  one. 
Fllastica,  sf.  {a  sea  term)  rope- 

yarn.  [— ,  fílatory. 

Filatorio,  sm.  spining.  Machitia 
Fileira,  sf.  row,  rank. 
Filele,  sf.  a  thin  stuíf  made  in 

FUerete,  sm.  a  plane;  the  net- 

tings  of  a  ship. 
Piiete,  sm.  the  inner  part  of  a 
picture  framo ;  listei,  fíWet,  eà- 

JFuhay  sf.  daughter. 
filhado,  a,  pp.  adj,  buàded. 

Filhador,  sm.  taker. 
Filhamento,  sm.  the  honoor  of 

being  made  a  nobleman;  the 

act  of  adopting. 
Filhar,  ta.  to  adopt,  to  bud.  — 

alguém^  to  make  one  a  coble- 

Filho,  sm.  son ;  the  young  of  ali 

beasts  or  birds,  a  foal ;  a  yoang 

sprout  or  shoot  of  a  tree ;  {fig^ 

offapring,  effect.  [fritter. 

Filho ,    sm.    omelet ,    pancake. 
Filhote,  syn.  a  native. 
Filiação,  sf.  filial  descent;  filia- 

Filial,  adj.  2  g.  filial. 
Filiforme,  adj.  2  g.  fíliform. 
Filigrana,  sf.  filigrana,  fiUigree. 

— s,  quirks,  subtilities. 
Filistria,  sf.  trick,  prank. 
Filó,  sm.  lace,  sort  of  ailk  neV 

Filtração,  sf.  filtration. 
Filtrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  filtered. 
Filtrar,  va.  to  fílter,  to  strain. 
Filtreira,  sf.  filter,  drainer. 
Filtro,  sm.  a  filter. 
Fim,   sm.   end,   intention,   con- 

clusion,  term.   Ter  — ,  to  end. 

Em  — ,  in  fine,  at  last.  Sem  — , 

endless,  everlasting. 
Fimhria,  sf.  fringe. 
Finado,  a,  pp.    adi.    decayed, 

dead.  —  sm.  a  deaa  hody. 
Final.  adj.  2  g.  final. 
Finalisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  finished, 

Finalisar,  va.  to  finish,  to  end. 
Finalmente,  ado.  finally. 
Finamente,  adv.  artfuUy ;  ingeni- 

Finança,  sf.  finance. 
Financeiro,  sm.  financier. 
Finar-se,  w.  to  consume,  to  de- 

cay,  to  pine  away ;  to  expire. 
Finca,  sf.  stay,  prop.  [in. 

Fincado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fixed,  driven 
Fincapé,  sm.  a   thing   to  rest 

against.  ^in. 

Fincar,  va.  to  thrust  in,  to  dnv» 
'F\xida.òo,  «L^   igrp.  odj.  finished, 

TVnòaÀnCs  adi.  m.  \^M>X%ri>iaMH> 



—  399  — 


Findar,  va.  to  fínish,  to  end. 

Findo,  a,  pp.  irreg.  of  Findar 
and  adj.  nnished,  ended. 

Fineza,  sf.  cariousness,  ílneness; 
o])liging  act.  Render  fineza»,  to 
play  the  gallant. 

Fmgldamente,  adv,  feignedly. 

Fingido,  a,  pp.  adj.  feigned, 

Fingidor,  «rw.  deceiver,  feigper. 

Fingimento ,  sm.  dissemoiing, 

Fingir,  va.  to  leign,  to  invent. 

Finldade,  sf.  âniteness,  finitude. 

Finito,  a,  adj.  íiiiite,  limited. 

Fino,  a,  adj.  flne,  thin ;  curious, 
sly,  sharp,  subtle. 

Finta,  sf.  tax,  impost. 

Fintado,  a,  pp.  adj.  imposed  with 
a  tax. 

Fintar,  va.  to  impose,  to  tax.  —  leaven,to  ferment.  iHíníar- 
se,  vr.  to  club,  to  contribate,  to 
a  common  expenso. 

Finto,  a.  pp.  adj.  leavened,  fer- 

Fio,  sm.  thread,  string,  wire; 
sharp  edge ;  small  stream.  —  de 
algodão  y  cotton  twist.  —  do 
lombOy  do  espinhaço,  the  ridge 
silong  the  back-bone  or  spine. 
A  '— ,  adv.  uninterruptedly. 
Correr  em—,  to  rill  or  run  in  a 
small  stream.  Estar  por  um  — , 
to  be  wlthin  an  hair's  breadth. 
Passar  ao  —  da  espada,  to  put 
to  the  sword.  Ouro  e  — ,  an  equal 
number.  Fios,  pi,  filaments, 
lint.  Dar  os^^  ã  teia,  to  ânish  a 

Firma,  sf.  signature,  ârm,  a  man*s 
hand  to  a  -writing. 

Firmação,  sf.  firmness. 

Firmado,  a,|?p.  adj.  firmed,  âxed. 

Firmador,  sm.  he  who  firms. 

Firmai,  s^n.  a  sort  of  clasp. 

Firmamento,  sm.  ârmament. 

Firmar,  va.  to  iirm,  to  settle,  to 
make  steady;  to  sign.  Firmar^ 
se,  vr.  to  be  âxed.  [fast. 

Firme,   adj.   S  g.  ftrm,   steady, 
Firmemente,  adv,  ârmly,  strong- 

Firmeza,  sf.  linnness,  certainty. 

FirmidSo,  sf.  stability,  flrmness 

FlBoal,  adj.  2  g.  âscaf,  belonging 
to  the  âsc. 

Fiscal,  sm.  fiscal  the  king's  soli- 
citor;  censurar. 

Fiscallsação,  sf.  the  act  of  \ratch- 
ing  matters  oelonging  to  the 
íisc.  [oDserved. 

FisoallBado,  a,  pp.  adj.  watched, 

Fisoalisar,  va.  to  vatch,  to  de- 
bate matters  belonging  to  the 
fisc.  —  vn.  to  superintend  the 
accounts;  to  censure. 

Flsoo,  «7».  fisc,  the  exchequer. 

Fisga,  sf.  a  kind  of  harpoou. 

Fisgado,  a,  j^p.  adj.  struck  with 
a  harpoon. 

Fisgador,  sm.  harpooner. 

Fisgar,  va.  to  harpoon. 

Fissipede,  adj.  2  g.  {zool.)  cloven- 

Fiscrora,  sf,  fissura,  cleft. 

Fistico,  sm.  {bot.)  fistinut,  pis- 

Fistula,  sf,  fistula.  [fistula. 

Fistulado,  a,  adj.  that  has  a 

FistuloBO,  a,  adj.  fistulous. 

Fita,  sf.  ríbbon,  riband ;  bandage. 

Fitado,  a,  pp,  adj.  fixed. 

Fitankente,  adv.  fixedly,  firmly. 

Fitar,  va.  to  fix,  to  direct  without 

Fiteiro,  sm.  or  Fiteira,  sf,  a  rib- 
bon  weaver. 

Fito,  a,  adj.  fixed. 

Fito,  sm.  aim,  purpose,  view. 
Dar  no  — ,  to  hit  the  mark. 
Tirar  a  dois  —  s,  to  have  two 
strings  to  a  bow.  Pôr  a  sua  no 
— ,  to  compass  one'8  ends. 

Fivela,  sf.  ouckle.  Prender  com 
— ,  to  buckle. 

Fivelado,  a,  pp,  adj.  buckled. 

Fivelar,  va,  to  buckle. 

Fixa,  sf.  {de  macha  fêmea)  tenon. 

Fixação,  sf.  fixation,  posting  up 
a  bill. 

Fixado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fixed. 

Fixamente,  adv.  sXtexstx^^^ 

FixantA,  adj.  ^  g.  V^orV^  íwMitcvv-ç, 

Fixar,  »o.  V>  to^,  ^»  ^^^^^  ^^^• 
Ptto,  a,  adi.  toft^,  «^^^  *" 

Bsublished ;    len» 

Flabellãdo,  a,  wlj. 
riaocideí.  sf.  liaccid 
Flaocido,  a,  aJj.  ãí, 
FlagoUasao.  'f.  Unet 
FlEigBllado,  B.  pp.  aiij.  scuutged. 
FlagBUar,  i 

FlagellaUTO ,   B , 

Flagol^órmo,  aJ 

Flagallo,  r^.  scourj 
Flagício,  sm.  a  baae 
FtagícioBo,  a,  ai/j. 
FlBorante,  nilj.  iy 

Flamengo,  a,  tm.  or  A 
Klemish,  iimive  of  F\» 
rianUiieB.  s"i.  p).  tboilt 
Flamma,    '  " 

»,   >f.  flaniE 


^  spleo 

Flammaute.  ni/j.  : 

riandras,  a.  (ffíofl.)  FlBní-rn. 
f^ODdriaoo.  a.  am.  or  f.  and  aFÍj, 

of  or  pertainíng  to  Klaodera. 
Flanella,  rf.  flaoBel. 
Flanqueado,  a.  pp.  adj.  Unnked, 
Flanoasador,   a,  ailj.  bs  vlio 

Flanqoeante,  adj.  i  g,  duikiag. 

[iatulonto.  a,  a 
FlotnlOBO,  a,  nif 
J^aota.  if.  flule. 

1  swellii^    vlth 

Fleumatloameiíte , 

FlaumatCco,  a,  m 
FlsmnoBO.  a.  adj. 
FlszibUidade,  sf- 
Floxll,  adj.  i  «.  de 
Flexlpsde ,    adj, 

FlarlíBl,  adj.  'i  g 
Flezivelinante,  a: 

Flegma,  tf,  pUegm. 
imente,   adii,  pbleg- 



ij.    ti-    anã    s.    (onof-) 
_    __     a,  Bií/,  fleunou». 
Flexura,  sf.  lana/.l  flexníe. 
FI0D080,  a,  uaj.  Hakv. 
Flor,  sf.  dowet,  bloom,  blosson. 
—  de  lit,  {Aei-alá.jãovtr  vt  lues. 

da    úfua.    batwixl    wind    airi 
rlorada, a 

.-. :o  gro-B  ftB«ii, 

Flt-ro,  a,   adj.  flaxau,  ~  '-' 

Florestai,  iií;'.  s  ç.  foresi,  sjrlvatL. 
Florete,  mt.  a  a^-ord  for  faneeri. 
TlotMaadQ.     a.    aiíj.     (Aei-aU.) 




—  401  — 


Florido,  a,  adj.  florid,  covered 

■with  flowers. 
Florifero,  a,  adj.  floriferous. 
Florigero,  a,  adj.  that   beam 

Floiim,  sm.  a  florin. 
Floiiparo,  adj.  m.  {bot.)  is  said  of 

buds     ■whicn      produce      only 

Floris^,  sm.  florist.  [lous. 

Flosomoso,  a,  adj.  ibot.)  floscu- 
Flotilha,  sf.  flotilla. 
Fluato,  sm,  (chem.)  fluate. 
Fluotuação,  sf.  fluctuation. 
Fluctuado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  fluc- 

tuates.  [âoating. 

Flactuante,  adj.  2  g.  fluctuating ; 
Fluctuar',  vn.  to  fluctuate,  to  float. 
Fluctuoso,  a,  adj.  fluctuous. 
Fluência,  sf.  fluency. 
Fluente,  aaj.  2  g.  fluent,  flowing. 
Fluidez,  sf.  fluidity. 
Fluido,    a,   adj.  fluid;    washy; 

weak.  — ,  sm.  a  fluid. 
Fluir,  vn.  to  flow,  to  stream. 
Fluminense ,  adj.  2  g.  of  or  per- 

taining  to  a  river. 
Fluor,  sm.  (chem.)  flúor. 
Fluorico,  a,  adj.  fluoric. 
Fluvial,  adj.  2  g.  fluvial,  belong- 

ing  to  a  river. 
Fluviatil,  adj.  2  g.  fluviatic. 
Flux,  sm.  flusn,  cards  ali  of  a  sort. 
Fluxão,  sf.  {med.)   fluxion,  de- 

Fhixibilidade,  sf.  fluxibility. 
Fluxivel,  adj.  2  g.  fluxible,  flu- 

xive.  [bloody  flux. 

Fluxo,  sm.  flux.  —  de  sangue^ 
Foçador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  or  she 

who  roots  up.  [swine  do). 

Foçar,   va.  to   root;   to  rout  (as 
Fooile,  sm.  {anat.)  focil. 
Focinhada,  sf.  a  dashing  with 

the  face ;  a  blow  with  the  snout. 
Focinheira,  sf.  snout ;  a  horse- 

Focinho,  sm.  miizxle,  snout. 
Focinhudo,  a,  adj.  that  has  a 

mozzle  or  snout. 
Foco,  sm.  focus. 
Fofa,  s/i  a  sort  of  tune  played  on 

th9  yioUn. 
Foíioe,  sf.  the  guality  of  a  thing 


that   is  soft    and  pufly ;   vain 

Fofo,  a,  adj.  soft  and  puífy. 

Fogaça,  sf.  a  cake. 

Fogagem,  sf.  inflamed  pimples. 

Fogal,  «m,  hearth-money,  hearth- 
penny.  [of  a  gun. 

Fogão,  sm.  stove ;  the  touch  hole 

Fogareiro,  sm.  a  chaflng-dish. 

Fogir,  va.  V.  Fugir. 

Fogo,  sm.  fire  :  flame;  passion, 
anger;  brightness.  Queimar  um 
homem  a  —  lento ^  {fig»)  ^o  kiJl  a 
man  by  inches. 

Fogosamente,  adv.  passionately. 

Fogosidade,  sf.  passion,  flame. 

Fogoso,  a,  adj.  fiery,  vehement 

Fogueira,  sf.  bonfire. 

Foguete,  sm.  rocket:  (fig.)  a 
Sharp  repriniand.  [maker. 

Fogueteiro,     sm.    a    flrework- 

Fojo,  sm.  a  pitfall. 

Folar,  sm.  Éaster's  gift,  present. 

Fôlego,  sm.  breath;  repose,  lei- 

Folga,  sf.  intermission.  IS  st  ar  de 
— ,  to  be  at  leisure.  Dia  de  — ,  a 

Folgadamente,  adv.  easily. 

Folgado,  a,  adj.  free  from  busi- 
ness,  toil  or  cares. 

Folgador,  a,  adj.  m.  or  f.  playful. 

Folgança,  sf.  rest,  ease;  joy. 

Folgar,  va.  to  rejoice.  — ,  vn.  to 
spend  the  time  at  one's  own 
pleasure.  [playful ;  jovial. 

Folgazão,  ona,  aaj.  m.  or  f.  idle. 

Folguedo,  sm.  entertainment. 

Folha,  sf.  leaf;  lamina;  blade. — 
de  papel f  a  sheet  of  paper;  a 
thin  Doard ;  a  piece  of  ground 
that  is  sowed,  or  flt  to  be  sowed. 
Em  — ,  spick  and  span;  fallow 
ground,  land  laid  up.—  de  arado, 
ploughshare.  —  de  Flandres^  tin 
loil.  [leaves. 

Folhada,   sf.  a  £;reat    deal    of 

Folhado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  leafv. 

Folhagem,  sf.  foliage,  leaves. 

Folhão,  ona^  adj.  CaoaWo  — ,  ^ws. 


FoUuu-lB,    'f.    a   gTBat 

Folhoaoao,  a.  a'íj-  folia 

Folhaatura,  i/-  l*"í-)  foliation. 
Folbeoa,  tf.  afluke  of  anow. 
FolbalbOiíni.  hiish,  sball:liiâin^ 

Folheta,  m 
Folhmlia,  J 

Folho,  ™.t 


Q  lhe  /■„ 



Pollíonn»,  "Aj.  !  o.  lAoí.)  that 
iin=.\.B  foriBof  a teaf. 

flíj.  (íoí.)   foUforous. 

■.  a,'™,  orf  haorshe 
in.   to  dance  aa  In  the 

Polío.  - 

,í.)  folbl». 

VcflMd.    . 

noitlB  of  thfl  tellows. 
Follalm.  im.  iie  vba  mskes  bel- 

l™s.  [ducing  follioles. 

FoUicnlar.  adj.  3  g.  Jbol.)  pro- 
Follioalario.  im.  pumphleteer. 


havlnc  lhe  lom 
Folllculo,  im.  fnl 
Foloaa,  ./.  A  sorf 


intBT,  VI,  lo'roniebt ;  (^.j 
tntallTO,  a,  aáj,  ibat  to- 

Fonte,  sf.  fountain,  spriog, 
fiource.  A»  fonres  da  caúeça,  tfaB 

P6ra,  'h'.  uai  prrp.  out,  wlthoni; 
cbroaJ.  aioípt.  O  A  — ,  the  out- 
side,    Daiar  <!e—.  to  exctodc. 

pfl^ô^'° 'flumardly    rodat  « 

«í;n«-,  Bi  saiUup 
Fira,  isicrj.  hej-íby   off. 
Foragam,  V-  minuto  tither 
Foraalilo,  a,  orfj.  fugitíTi 

Foral,  im.  a  register. 
Forama.  sm.  furamen. 
ForamiaoBO.  a,  aJj.  ronun 
Foraneo,    a,  odj.  foreigc 

Fóroado,  a.  pp.  uilj.  farked. 
Forçado.  íiit,  n  géúey  ala-™. 
Forçado,  a,  jip.  nJj-  íoroed. 
ForçBdor,  1711  raíisher. 
Forçadiira,   >[■  tne  «paca  t 
tweeu  tbe  two  points  oTa  pit« 

ForçamtmtD,  -ini   violence. 
Forçante,  ail/.  2  ff.  ttat  forci 
Forcar,  TIO.  m  fork,  lo  laj  doi 

1.   lhe  acl  ot'  «Emg- 
t.  (lurf.)  fonwpi. 




—  403  — 


Torçosaxxiente, -áclv.  forcibijr. 

Forçoso,  a,  adj.  necessary,  ine- 
vitable ;  urgent,  strong. 

Forçura,  *f.  a  box  in  tho  first 
row  in  a  theatre. 

Forçureiro,  a,  sm.  or  /.,  one  who 
sells  pluck. 

Foreca,  sf.  agenda. 

Foreiro,  a,  adj.  tributary,  that 
pays  quitrent.  Prazo  — ,  lands 
paying  quitrent.  Um  — ,  a 
tenant  wno  pays  quitrent. 

Forense,  adj.  t  g.  forensic. 

Forja,  sf.  forge.  Anda  o  negocio 
na  — ,  i/ig.)  the  business  is  in 
agitation.  [invented. 

Forjado,  a,  pp.  adj.  forged ;  (fig.) 

Forjador,  sm.  smith,  forger. 

Forjadura,  sf.  forging ;  forgery. 

Forjar,  va.  to  forge  or  frame;  to 
contrive,  to  imagine. 

Forma,  sf.  form,  manner,  way, 
formalitjr,  fashion  ;  a  printers 
form;  {mil.)  rank,line;  externai 
appearance,  mould.  —  de  sapa- 
teiro^ a  last.  — d£  chapéo,  a  block 
for  a  hat.  —  de  assuear^  a  loaf 
of  sugar. 

Formação,  sf.  formation. 

Formado,  a,  pp.  adj.  formed. 

Formador,  sm.  former,  one  that 
forms.  [express. 

Formal,  adj,  2  g.  formal,  plain, 

Formalidade,  sf.  formality, 
form,  ceremony.  [lized. 

Formaliseulo,  a,  pp.  ndj.  forma- 

Formalisar,  oa.  to  ^rmalize. 
Formalisar-se^  vr.  to  take  of- 
fence  at  any  thing. 

Formalista,  sm.  formalist. 

Formão,  sm.  a  chisel. 

Formar,  va.  to  form. 

Formativo,  a,  adj.  formativo. 

Formato,  sm.  form  or  size. 

Formatura,  sf.  form,  shape ;  the 
act  of  taking  a  university  de- 
gree ;  array  or  order. 

Formeiro,  sm.  a  last-maker. 

Formidando,  a,  adj.  formidable. 

Formidável,  adj.  2  g.  formidable. 

Formldoloso,  a,  adj.  formidable. 

Formiga,  sf.  ant.  A  formiga,  by 
Uttle  and  little. 

Formigado,  a,  j)p.  adj.  that  hat  | 

felt  a  pricking  like  the  stinging 

of  ants. 
Formigão,  sm.  Muro  de  —,  a  wall 

made  of  very  sraall  stoncs. 
Formigar,  vn.  to  prick  as  the 

blood  does,  like  the  «itlnging  of 

ants ;  to  s\rarm,  to  crowa. 
Formigueiro,  sm.  ant-hill.  —  de 

gente ,  a  swarm .  a  crowd  ;  —  a 

disease   that  arastes  a  horse's 

Formosa,  sf.    [a  sea  term)  the 

main-top  stay-  sail. 
Formosamente.acfu.  beautifully. 
Formosear,  va.  to  beautify. 
Formosentar,  va.  to  make  bean- 

tif\iL  [some. 

Formoso,  a,  adj.  beautiful,  haud- 
Formosura,  sf.  beauty. 
Formula,    sf.    form,    manner  ; 

[med.)  formula. 
Formulação,  sf.  formule. 
Formulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  written  or 

made  in  due  form. 
Formular,  va.  to  write  a  pres- 

cription  in  form. 
Formulário,  sm.  formulary. 
Formulistc^  sm.  formalist. 
Fornaça,  sf.  the  furnace  of  a 

mint.  [the  mint. 

Fomaceiro ,  sm.   an   ofâcer  of 
Fornada,  «^.  one  baking,  abatch. 
Fornalha,  sf.  a  furnace. 
Fomalheiro,  sm.  furnace-maker. 
Fomear,  vn.  to  put  bread  in  the 

oven.  [her. 

Fornecedor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  fornis- 
Fornecer,    va.    to    fnrnish,    to 

provido.  [provided. 

Fornecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  turnished, 
Fornecimento,  sm.  furnishing, 

storing.  [tender. 

Fomeiro,  sm.  oven-keeper,  oven- 
Fomicação,  sf.  fornication. 
Fornicador,  sm.  fornicator. 
Fornicadora,  sf.  fornicatress. 
Fornicar,  va.  to  fornicate. 
Fomicario,  a,  adj.  m.  or  /.  and 

s.  fornicator,  lewd. 
Fomice,  sf.  ar  eh,  vault. 
Fornido,  a,  pp.  adj.  fumished. 

—  depennaSy  feathered. 
Fomimento,  sm.  timber  for  the 

building  of  shiça. 


—  404  — 


Fornir,  va,  to  furnish,  to  pro- 
vi de. 
Forno.  sm.   oven.  —  de  caly    a 

lime-kiln.  — para  vidros^  a  glass- 

house.  [quitrent. 

Foro,  sm.  court  of  justice ;  Fórum; 
Forqueado,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  forky, 

Forquilha,  sf.  a  pitch-fork. 
Forra,  sf.  (a  sea  term)  puddening 

of  tbe  anchor. 
Forrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lined. 
Forrador,.fm.  he  -whomanumits 

a  slave. 
Forrageado,  a.  pp.  adj.  foraged. 
Forrageador,  sm.  forager. 
Forrageal,  sm.  a  place  having 

Forragear,  va.  to  forage. 
Forrageiro,  sm.  forager. 
Forragem,  sf.  forage. 
Forramento ,   sm.    infranchise- 

Forrar,  va.  to  line,  to  overlay. 

Forrar-se^  vr.  to  win  one'8  mo- 

ney  back  again. 
Forrejar,  va.  to  waste,  to  ruin. 
Forreta,  sm.  a  stingy  fellow,  a 

Forriel.  sm.  a  quarter-master. 
Forro,  sm.  lining. 
Forro,  a,  adj.  free.  Escravo  — , 

a  slave  made  free;  free  from 

Fortalecedor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  and 

adj.  he  or  she  who  fortines. 
Fortalecer,   va.   to   fortify,  to 

Fortalecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  stren^h- 

ened,  fortified.  [tion. 

Fortalecimento,  sm.   fortiíica- 
Fortaleza,    sf.    fortress;    (fig.) 

strength,  fortitude. 
Fortalezar,  va,  to  fortify. 
Forte,    sm.    fort;     coin    rather 

above  weight. 
Forte,  adj.    2  g.  strong,   stout, 

vigorous;  able. 
Fortemente ,     adv.     strongly, 

JPortídão,  sf.  thickness,  firmneíw, 

sourness.  \l 

FmrUUoaçSiO,  sf,  foptificatiou.     \' 
jy****^*^'*""  a,  pp,  adj,  íon\&ed.  \ 

Fortificador,  sm.  fortifier. 
Fortificamento,    sm.    fortifica- 

Fortificante,  adj.  and  s.  2  g.  for- 

tifj-ine,  corrobative. 
Fortificar,   va.    to    fortify;   to 

strengthen ;  to  encourage. 
Fortificativo,  a,  adj.  fortifying. 
Fortim,  sm.  a  little  fort,  fortin. 
Fortuitamente,  adv.  fortuitooa- 

ly,  casually.  [casual. 

Fortuito,    ã,    adj.    fortuitoos, 
Fortum,  sm.  a  strong  smell. 
Fortuna,  sf.  fortune,  fate,  des- 

tiny,  chance.  Boa  ou  má  —  no 

jogo,  good  or  ill  run  at  pli^. 

Ter  — ,  to  prosper.  Por  — ,  oSk 

loc.  by  chance. 
Fortunado,  a,  adj.  fortunate. 
Fortunoso,  a,    adj.    fortunate, 

Fosca,  sf.  threat,  menace,   false 

show,  illusioB.    Fazer    — *,    to 

Fosquinhas,  sf.  pi.  Fazer  — ,  to 

provoke,  to  anger. 
Fossa.  sf.  hole,  pit ;  ditch,  trench. 
Fossado,  a.  adj.  deep  like  a  ditch. 
Fossete,    sm.  a  little  ditch    or 

Fóssil,  adj.  2  g.  fóssil. —  sm.  Sal 

— ,  rock-salt. 
Fosso,  sm.  ditch,  trench. 
Fouçada,  sf.  a  bIo\r  vith  a  scythe. 
Fouce.  sf.  scythe. 
Fouteza,  sf.  Doldness. 
Fouveiro,  a,  adi.  2  g.  fallow,  of 

the  colour  of  tne  bustard. 
Fovente,  adj.  2  g.  favouring. 
Foz.  sf.  the  mouth  of  a  river. 
Fracalhão,  ona,  sm.  or  f.  and 

adj.  he  or  she  that  is  most  weak. 
Fracamente,  adv.  \reaklj,  cow- 

ardly.  [min. 

Fracassar,   va.   to    destroy,    to 
Fracasso,  sm.  great  noise,  rat- 

tling  of  arms ;  unexpected  mis- 

Fracção,  sf.  fraction. 
Fraccionado,  a,  pp.  adj.  divided 

into  fractions.  ífractions. 

TTaíQtíisnax,  t^a.  \jck  ^wvd«  into 



—  405  — 


significant;  poer,  flaccid.    In- 

genho  — ,  a  heavy  wit.   O  —  de 

uma  pessoa^  the  weak  or  blind 

Fractura,  sf.  {surg.)  fracture. 
Fracturado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fractured. 
Fracturar,  va.  (surg.)  to  fracture. 
Fradaria,  sf.  a  quantity  of  friars 

assembled  together. 
Frade,  sm.  friar,  monk ;  a  stone- 

post  sdt  at  the  corners  of  streets. 

— -  leigo,  a  lay-brother. 
Fradeiro,  a,  adj.  that  loves  the 

Fradejar,  vn.   to  behave   one's 

self  with  the  cunning  of  some 

Fradesco,  a,  adj.  belonging  to  a 

friar,  friar-like. 
Fraga,  sf.  crag. 
Fragallieiro,  a,  adj.  ragged. 
Fragalho,  sm.  rag. 
Fragante,   adj.    2  g.    fla^rant. 
Fragaria,  sf.  a  straw-berry  bush. 
Fragata,  sf.  frigate ;  a  littie  boat ; 

{omith.)  hirundo. 
Fragateiro,  sm.  a  'waterman  that 

rows  in  a  frigate. 
Frágil,  adi.  2  g.  frágil,  ^w^eak. 
Fragilidade,  sf.  fra^ility. 
Fragilxnente,  adv.  -with  fragility. 
Fragmento,  sm.  fragment,  scrap. 
Frago,    sm.   dung   of  a  rabbit, 

wolf,  etc.  [passion. 

Fragoa,  sf.   forge;   {fig.)  ílame, 
Fragoar,  va.  to  neat  the  iron  in 

the  forge  to  work  afterwards  ; 

to  flame. 
Fragor,  sm.  noise,  crash,  crack. 
Fragosidade ,     sf.    cragginess , 

Fragoso,  a,  adj.  craggy,  rugged. 
Fragrância,  sf.  fragrance. 
Fragrante,  adj.  2  g.  fragrant. 
Fragua,  sf.  crag. 
Fragueiro,   a,    adj.   that  lives 

upon  cragged  and  steep  places. 

Fragneira  companhia,  the  Muses. 
Fragura,  sf.  cragginess. 
Fralda,  sf.  the  skirt ;  train.  Mulher 

em  —de  camisa^  a  woman  in her 

-Fraldado,  à,  pp.  ad^,  that  has  a 
gr9at  many  folds. 


Fraldar,  va.  to  sew  on  a  ilap  or 

Fraldeiro,  a,  adj.  Cão  — ,  a  lap- 

Fraldejar,  vn.  to  skirt,  to  walk 

along  the  skirt  of  a  mountain. 
Fraldelim,  sm.  V.  Guardapé. 
Fraldldo,  a,  adj.  having  a  wide 

Fraldilha,  sf.  a  littie  skirt. 
Fraldisqueiro,  sm.  a  lap-dog. 
Fraldoso,  a,  adj.  that  has  a  vory 

long  skirt. 
Framea,  sf.  framea. 
França,  sf.  [geog.)  Franca. 
Francalete,  sm.  a  holster-cap. 
Francamente,  adv.  frankly. 
Franças,  sf.  pi.  the  tops  of  trees. 
Francear,  va.  to  prune  the  tops 

of  trees.  [row  haWk. 

Franoelho,  tm.  {nat.  hist)  a  spar- 
Francez,  a,  sm.   or  /.  and  adj. 

I<Yenchraan,  of  or  relative  to 

Francezia,  sf.  an  affectation  of 

French  manners. 
Franoezismo,  sm.  language  and 

fashion  of  Frenchmen. 
Franohado,  a,  adj.  {herald.}  Es' 

cudo  — ,  an  escutcheon  dirided 

into  two. 
Franciscano,  a,  adj.  franciscan. 
Franco,  sm.  frank,  a  French  sil- 

ver  coin. 
Franco,  a,  adj.  free,  frank,  sin- 
cero ;  free  from  duties  or  taxes. 
Francolim,   sm.   heath  cock  or 

Frandulage,  sf.  triâes. 
Franduleiro,  a,    adj.  strange, 

Franga,  sf.  a  pullet. 
Frangrão,  Frango,  sm.  a  cockrel, 

a  chicken. 
Franger,  va.  to  break,  to  violate. 
Frangido,  a,  m).  adj.  broken. 
Fran^pana,  sf.  a  sweet-scented 

contection.  Luvas — 5,  perfuraed 

Frangir-se,  vr.  to  hei  cvyovca^tívb^. 
FrQOQLQWekl,  adj.  'l.  q.  U-s^xv^è^^^ 

FranqcaVaL,  sf .  ot  Tx^m^n^'^ 
(,botO\A«LCiV  «Xii«ix.  ^ 



—  406  -- 


Pranja,  sf,  fringe. 
Franjado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fringed. 
Franjar,  va.  to  fringe. 
Franqueado,  a,  pp.  adj.  opened, 

free,  franked. 
Fran(íaear,  va.  to  clear ;  to  faci- 

litate;  to  free  from  taxes;  to 

frarik.  [frankness. 

Francpieza,  sf.  freedom,  liberty, 
Franquia,  sf.  liberty. 
Franzido,  a,  pv.  adj,  gathered 

into  plaits;  shrunk.   Olhos  — , 

twinkling  eyes.  —  plaits, 

Franzimento,  sm.  gather. 
Franzino,  a,  adj.  thin,  slender. 
Franzir,  va.  to  gather  into  plaits, 

to  wrinkle.  —  <m  sobrancelhas  ^ 

to  frown. 
Fraque,  sm.  a  cioso  coat. 
Fraqtiear,  vn.  to  fail,  to  fsdnt, 

to  yield. 
Franqueiro,  a,  adj.  light,  weak. 

Terra— a ^  unfruitful  land. 
Fraqueza,  sf.  weakness :  frailty. 
Frasca,   sf.  dishes,  plates,  etc; 

Frascagem,  sf.  baggage. 
Frasearia,  sf.  fornication,  lewd- 

ness.  [tious. 

Frascari(>,  a,  adj.  lewd,  licen- 
Frasco,  sm.  flaggon,  ilask,  po-w- 

der-horn.  [vated. 

Frase,   sf.  V.  Phrase  and  deri- 
Frasqueira,  sf.  li(}tior-case. 
Frasqueta,  sf.  (prmt.)  frisket. 
Fraterna,  sf.  rebake,  reprimand. 

Fazer  uma  — ,  to  reprove. 
Fraternal,  adj.  2  g.  fraternal. 
Fratemabnenbe,    adv.    frater- 

Fraternidade,  sf.  fraternity. 
Fraterno,  a,  adj.  fraternal. 
Fratricida,  sm.  or  /.  a  fratricide. 
Fratricidio,  sm.  fratricide,  the 

murder  of  a  brotber. 
Fraudado,  a,  pp.  adj.  defranded. 
Fraudador,  a,  sm.  or  /.  and  adj. 

IVandar,  va.  to  defraud. 
Praudavel,  adj.  lg.  that  ma.\  \ie 
defrauded.  \.gv\i\g. 

Fraude,  sf.  fraud,  cheat;  «mtig- 
^Vaudulencia,    <f.  frauduienoQ 

Fraudulentamente,   aav.  frau- 

Fraudulento,  a,  adj.  fraudulent. 
Frauduloso,    a,    adj.    fraudfúl, 

fraudulent.  [german  flute. 

Frauta,  sf.  flute.  —  travena^   a 
Frautado,  Si^pp.  adj.  shriU,  high : 

soft  and  sweet. 
Frautar,  va.  to  produce  a  soft 

sweet  sound  or  voice.  —  o  órgão, 

to  pull  out  the  flute  stop  oi  an 

Frauteiro,  sm.  a  flute-player. 
Frautista,  S7n.  flute-|)layer. 
Fraxineo,  a,  adj.  asnen. 
Freama,  s.  {ane^  a  ham. 
Frecha,  sf.  an  arrow.  De  — ,  di- 

rectly.  [arrow. 

Frechada,  sf.  the  wound  of  an 
Frechado,  a,  pp.  aAj.  shot  by  aa 

Frechai,  sm.  a  boam   upon   the 

walls  of  a  building. 
Frechar,  va.  to  shoot  an  arrow. 
Frecharia,   sf.   a  multitude    of 

arrows.  [man. 

Frecheiro,  sm.  an  archer,  bow- 
Freguez,  sm.  or  f.  parishioner; 

Freguezia,  sf.  parish,  parochial 

church;  custom. 
Frei,  sm.  brotber  (a  tltle  ^ivea 

to  friars). 
Freielro,    sm.   one    who   makes 

horse-bits,  bridle-maker. 
Freima,  sm.  V.  Fleima. 
Freio,  sm.  bit,  bridle.  Tomar  o  — 

na  bocca,  {fig.)  to  resist. 
Freira,  sf.  a  nun. 
Freirar-se,  vr.  to  make  one^s  self 

a  nun  or  friar. 
Freiratico,    sm.  one  given  toe 

mnch  to  the  love  of  nuns. 
Freire,  sm.   a  brotber  of  some 

order  of  knighthood. 
Freiria,  sf.  nunnery. 
Freirice,   sf.  an  habitual  inter- 

course  with    nuns ;    fancy   of 

Freixal,  sm.  an  ash-grove. 
FxoisLO^  sm.  an  ash-tree;  {fig.)  a 


—  407  — 


Trexnir,  vn.  to  tremble,  to  shud- 

Frémito,  sm.  a  great  noise. 
Frenesi,  af.  frenzy. 
Frenesiado,  a,  pp.  adi.  freii2ied. 
Frenesiar,  un.  to  be  frenzied.  ^ 
Frenetioamente,  ado.    frantic- 

Frenético,  a,  adj.  frantic. 
Frente,  sf.  front,  fore-part,  face. 

—  do  exercito^  the  front  of  an 

Freo8o,a,  adj.  furious,  angry. 
Frequência,  sf.  frequency,  fre- 

Frequentação,  sf.  frequentin^. 
Frequentadaznente,    ado.    fre- 

quently.  fquented. 

Frequentado,  a,  pp.  adj.   fre- 
Frequentador,  a,  4m.  or  f.  fre- 

Frequentar,  va.  to  frequent. 
Freqçuentativo,  a,  adj.  frequen- 

tative.  [familiar. 

Frequente,    adj.  2  y.    frequent, 
Frequentemmte,  ado.  frequent- 


Fresca,  sf.  coolness,  cool. 

Frescal,  adj.  2  g.  fresh,  new. 

Frescamente,  adv.  lately,  newly. 

Fresco,  a,  adj.  fresh,  coòl,  sweet ; 
new.  —  sm.  cool,  coolnfiss. 

Frescura,  sf.  coolnoss. 

Fresquidão,  sf.  freshnoss,  cool- 

FresBura,  sf.  plack,  lights. 

Fressureiro,  a,  sm.  or  f.  one  vho 
sells  pluck. 

Fresta,  sf.  a  little  -window. 

Frestado,  a,  adj.  having  little 
•Windows;  {herald.)  fretty. 

Fretado,  a,  pp.  adj.  freignted. 

Fretador,   sm.  freighter. 

Fretage,  sf.   agency  of  freií^ht- 
ing.  [ship. 

Fretamento,  sm.  freighting  of  a 

Fretar,  va.  to  freight. 

Frete,  sm.  freight. 

Frete jador,  sm.  freighter. 

Fretejar,  va.  to  freight. 

Freto,  sm.  a  strait. 

Friacho,  a,  adj.  indifferent,  cold. 

Friagem,  sf.  ooJd,  frigidity. 
Trialdade,  sf.  coldness,  frigidity. 

Friamente,  adv.  coldlv. 
Friável,  adj.  2  g.  ftriaole. 
Fricassé,  sm.  fncassee. 
Fricção,  sf.  friction. 
Frieira,  sf.  chilblain. 
Frieirão.  ona,  adj.  insipid,  dnll. 
Friesa,  sf.  coldness,  ncgligence, 

Frigideira,  sf,  a  frying-çan.  — 

de  apanhar  o  pingo,  a  dnpping- 

Frigido,  a,  adj.  frigid,  cold. 
Frigido,  a,  pp.  adj.  fryed. 
Frigir,  va.  to  fry.  [cold. 

Frigoriíero,    a,  adj.   producing 
Frigorifico,  a,  adi.  frigorific. 
Frio,  sm.  cold,  coldness,  chill. 
Frio,  a,   adj.  cold:  (fíg.)  uncon- 

cerned,  slack,  indinerent;  life- 

Frioleira,  sf.  a  nonsensioal  ex- 

pression;  irivolity. 
Friorento,  a,  adj.  chilly. 
Frisa,  sf.  frize.  —  do  panno,  the 

nap   of   cloth.   Cavailos  de  — , 

Frisada,  sf.  frlze. 
Frisado,   a,    pp.    adj.     curled, 

Frisante,  adj.  2  g.  that  lits  well. 
Frisar,  va.  to  nap  cloth ;  to  curl. 

—  vn.  to  agree,  to  cousent. 
Friso.  sm.  (arch.)  frieze  or  frlze. 
Fritada,  sf.  fritter,  fry. 
Frito,  a,  pp.  irreg.  of  Frigir  and 

adj.  fryed. 
Fritura,  sf.  frying. 
Friúra,  sf.  coldness. 
Frivolamente,  ado.  frivolously. 
Frivolidade,  */.  frivolity. 
Frívolo,  a,  adj.  frivolous. 
Frocadura,  sf.  a  sort  of  label 

hanging  down  in  garments. 
Froco,  sm.   filock.  —  de  neve,  a 

íiake  of  snow.  [plaited. 

Froncil,    adj.    2    q.    gathered, 
Frondear,  vn.  to  bc  full  of  leaves. 
Frondente,  adi.  2  g.  leafy. 
Frondes,  s.  pL  (bòt.)  the  leafy 

branches  of  a  tree. 
I  Frondifero,  a,  adj.  ftoxvd\SfcTwsa« 

\  TronYia.,  sf .  a.  y^^^-^"^"^^* 

Fronfaberto,  «.  adj.  Cacatlo  — ,  1  Fmitlvo,  a,  <"IJ-  iridtire, 
.  ou  the  foretaeftd. 

Frontal,  ndj.  i  g.  fronttl. 
FroDtar.  ni.    tj   denouncs;    lo 

Frontaria,  ff.  Iront.  fore  front. 

Fronte,-/,  fri.ot.forehead.bro*. 

li-       oviT-a^^Lnat.  oppoíile. 
Fronteiro,  a,  adj    aver-Hgnmsi. 

Fronva.  if.  inut.  !.iil.)  hird  like  ■ 

Traaiéí.sm  dawB,  soflfeBlban. 

oidír  doí-n. 
Fronxalado,  a.  b'1j.  do«ned. 

Frouxo,  t^'>.  hji.  jcFnce. 

Fmotesoancia,  i/'.  [tnr.''  Fruvias- 
J^ocUlaro  a.  d^;.  fruíilferous. 
TmatiítcBção,  if.  itul.)  froctill- 
Cíiion,  'Bed. 

rmctUtcado.  «l  íp.  n'í/.  frucii- 

rnimeolaceo,  a.  odj.  frument»- 
Frumentc,  sm.  ibs  he^t  -whBst. 
FrumeotoBO,  a,  lij    abundam 
viih  «heat.  [falaa.  bila. 

Fnincha    or    Furaãonla.    m. 
Froatradamante,  i/ír.   ia  vaio. 

Frustrado, a. pji-mí/.frustrated, 

riisaiiUi.inTed.  ;tr»t«s. 

Fruatrador,  im    one  ■who  fiiu- 

Fnistrsneamente  cdu   ín  túd, 

FruBtranao,  a,  ai!/,  vaia .  uselaai. 
FroBtrar.  ci-  to  fmstrate 
FTaatTatona.&,  atíj- frastratorj. 
Fruta  or  rrocta,  êf.  frnitage. 
Fmtar  or  Fruots^.  va.  to  esth^ 
fruiu.  M-  «o  fniit  af  fractiiy. 
iteÍTO,  a,  sm  or  f.  fniitarer: 

1.  írol 


B.  V.  Fulai 

Fugacidade,  if.  fngacíty 

FnsalaoB.  if.  lime.  leiíiu 

— .  lo  líl  a  rope  ran  oui 

Fructnosamenls.  adr    comnid- 
diouslv.  (frocluoui. 

FmotDoso.  a.    adj.    profliable, 

Frugal,  Wj.  2  g.  frugal. 

Trugalidada.  tf,  frnnliiv. 

Frugalmente,  m/c.  írurallj-. 

Rmgitero-  a.  adj-  fnigilerous. 

Feaglvaro.  a,  Mj.  frugiTorous. 
Fruição,  sf.  frjirion. 
'^Hlr,  ra.  and  u.  to  «njoy. 

Fnglda.  if.  líight. 
I^igidiço,  a,  adj  taiiávt. 
Fugidio,  a,  a4/-  fognire 
f*nglão.  9.  pp.aSj  ran  airar. 
Pnglr  rn,  lo  fly  «r  fli-e :  to  ahna 

or   Toídiado  aiiTihui?.  ZMmi- 
d  octapão,  lo  alip  lAe  occa- 

sion.  FHBÍr-te.   tf.  to  fly  from 
I      onp-s  seff. 
FojiltlTO.  a.  o-íj.  fhgiiiv». 
Fuinbo.  ^ri.  a  vooj-pe^^k^r. 
I^ião.  «I,  fojri^To  i.slave  . 
Fula.  i(.  Y.  EjHpola.  Fula  fula. 

hurn'.  greai  b31tí. 
Fulano,  a.  m.  or  /.  sach  a  ooe. 
Fulcro,   n.  ía'.orjm.  falira. 
Fulgenta.  cfj,  io.  falgYnt. 
Fuliõida.  a..  i'íj.  liilirid.  fiil^ant. 


—  409  — 


Fulgurado ,  Si^pp.  adj.  that  has 

flashed  as  a  ligntniu^. 
Fulgurante,  adj.  2  g.  fulgurant. 
Fulgurar,  va.  to    lulgurate,   to 

dazzle,  to  sparkle. 
Fulguroso,  a,  adj.  shining. 
Fulheira,  sf.  cheating  at  play. 
Fulheiro,  sm.  a  sharper  at  play. 
Fuligem,  s/.  fuliginosity. 
Fuligbiosidade,  sf.  fuh^noslty. 
Fuliginoso,  a,  adj.  fulig-inous. 
Fulminação,  sf.  lulmination. 
Fulminado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fulmina- 

Fulminador,  sm.  fulmínator. 
Fulminante,  adj.  2  g.  fulmina- 

Fulminar,  va.   and  n.  to  fulmi- 

Date,  to  blast;  to  plot,  to  con- 

Fulmineo,  a,  adj.  fulminating. 
Fulminoso,  a,  adj.  fulminating, 

fulmiuatory.  [black ;  a  moor. 
Fulo,  a,  adj.  tawny  :  a  sort  of 
Fulvo,  a,  adj.  of  a  sallow  colour. 
Fumaça,  sf.  smoke;  smoke  that 

rises  from  powder  as  a  signal. 

—  s  do  vinho,  ifig.)  fumes. 
Fumada,  sf.  a  nre  to  give  a  sig- 
nal. ' 
Fumado,  a,  pp.  adj.  smoked. 
Fumagem,  sf.  tax  or  tribute  paid 

by  tbe  vassals  to  the  lord  of 

tne  manor. 
Fumante,  adj.  2  g.  smoking. 
Fumar,  vn.  to  smoke. 
Fumarada,  sf.  smoke.  V.  Orgulho. 
Fumaria,  sf.  (òoí.),  fumatory,  fu- 

miter.  ^ 

Fumegar,  vr.  to  fume,  to  smoke. 
Fumeiro,   sm.   tbe   tunnel   of  a 

chiumev,  the  place  where  they 

smoke  oacon,  etc. 
Fumifero,  a,  adj.  fumous. 
Fumifico,  a,  sf.  fumy. 
Fumigação,  sf.  fumigation. 
Fumigar,  vn.  to  fumigate. 
Fumigatorio,  a,  adj.  that  serves 

to  fumigate. 
Fumo,  sm.  smoke,  vapour :  "^'ind, 

vain  hope.  —  do  chapeo,  a  mour- 

ning  hat-band.  Aretigue  de  — ,  a 

redherring.         [pride,  vanity. 
ramoaidadey  sf,   the   fumes  of 

Fumoso,  a,  adj.  smokj-;  vapo- 

rous.  [rope-dancer. 

Funambulo ,  sm.    funambulist , 
Funoção,  sf.  function;  occupa- 

tion;  feast,  entertainment. 
Funccionalismo,  sm.  the  act  of 

performing  one's  functiuns. 
Funocionar,  va.  to  act,  to  go,  to 

Funccionario,  sm.  functionary. 
Funce,  sm.  an  Indian  ship. 
Funchal,  stn.  a  place  set  'with 

Funcho,  sm.  {bot.)  fennel. 
Funda,   sf.  sling;    a  truss   for 

Fundação,  sf.  foundation.       [iv. 
Fundadamente,  adv.  grounded- 
Fundado,  a,  pp.  adj.  grounded, 

Fundador,  sm.  founder,  builder- 
Fundadora,  sf.  foundress. 
Fundagem,  sf.  dregs,  settlement 

of  any  liquor.  [mental. 

Fundamental,  adj.  2  g.  funda- 
Fundamentalmente,  adv.  fun- 

damentally.  [to  ground. 

Fundamentar,  va.  to  establish, 
Fundamente,  adv.  profoundly. 
Fundamento,    sm.    foundation; 

ifig.)  ground,  cause,  reason. 
Fundar,   va.  to  fouud,  to  lay  a 

foundation,  to  ground,  to  insti- 
tuto, to  endow'  Fundar-se^  vr, 

to  rely. 
Fundeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dived. 
Fundear,  vn.  to  dive,  to  anchor. 
Fundeiro,    sm.    he   who  makes 

trusses.  [solvent. 

Fundente,  adj.  2  g.  (med.)  dis- 
Fundibulario,  sm.  a  slinger. 
Fundibulo,  sm.  a  sling. 
Fundição,  sf.  founding,  melting 

fouudry,  casting-house. 
Fundido,  a,  pp.  adj.  melted,  cast. 
Fundidor,  sm.  founder. 
Fundilho,  sm.  a  gore  to  -widen 

breeches.  [dinç,  casting, 

Fundimento,  sm.  raelting,  foun- 
Fundir,  va.  to  melt,  to  cast;  to 

dissolve.    FunàvT-&e,  \ít.   \»\s«k- 


—  410  — 


Fundo.  sm.  hottoni,  the  further 

eud,  the  ground,   the  heart  or 

centre;  dregs,  sediment;  fuud, 

stock.  —   da   agulha^  the    eya 

of  a  ncedle.    Llle  possue  esta 

snicncia  a  — ,  he  is  thoroug-hly 

niasier  of  that  science. 
Fundo,  a,  adj.  2  g.  deep,  profound. 
Fundura,  sf.  deepness,  profirn- 

Fúnebre,  adj.  2  g.  funeral. 
Funeral,  adj.    2    g.   funeral.  — , 

í7n.  funeral,  buriàl.        [funeral. 
Funéreo,  a,  adj.  belonging  to  a 
Funero,  a,  adj.  funeral. 
Funestação,  sf.  the  act  of  sad- 

deninir.  [lute. 

Funestar,  va.  to  sadden,  to  pol- 
Funesto,  a,  adj.  fatal,  unlucky. 
Fungão.  .v/y? .  a  sort  of  mushroora. 
Fungar,  vn.   to   snuíF  up    one*s 

Fungo,  sm.  (nat.  hUt.)  mushroora; 

{surg.)  fungus,  fungosity. 
Fungcso,  ai,adj,  fungous,  spon- 

Funicular,  oflj.  2  g.  funicular. 
Funil,  sm.  funncl.  [tininan. 

Funileiro ,  sm.  funnel  -  maker , 
Furacão,  «m.  whirl-wind,   hurri- 

cane.  [ced. 

Furado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bored,  pier- 
Furador.  sm.  borer. 
Furão,  sm.  [nnt.  hist.)  ferret;  {fig.) 

ferreter,  curi<»us. 
Furar,  mi.  to  bore,  to  pierce. 
Fúrcula,  sf.   upper  part  of  the 

breast-bone.  [nctic. 

Furente,  adj.  2  g.  furious,  fre- 
Furfuraceo,  a,  cuíj.  scurfy,  fur- 

furaceous.  [druff. 

Furfuracio,  sm,  furfures,  dan- 
Furia.    sf.    fury,   rashness.  — *, 

{mytho.)  Furies. 
Furial,  adj.  belonging  to  furies. 
Furibundo,  a,  aitj.  cnraged. 
Furiosamente,  adv.  furiously. 
Furiosidade,  sf.  furiousness. 
Furioso,  a,  adj.  furious. 
Furna,  sf.  cavem.  den. 
Furnimento,  sm.  the  tiniber  of  a 

sort  of  norlhern  oak  likft  a  ftr- 

tree,      [to  a  head  ( impostbume') .  \  TTaJtWisai ,  vin'.  \.q  \.^  W-íòíCv»». 
Furo,  sm,  bore.  Vira—^  to  drarw  \'E\ivaxn»tA»^  a4w.^vctilti!eí&cs 

Furor,  sf.  fnry,  frenzy. 
Furtacor,   sm.  and    aâj.     chav- 

geable.  Seda  — ,  shot-coloared 

Furtadamente,  adv,  by  stealih. 
Furtadelas,  loc.  adv..A«— . 

by  stealth.  [bed. 

Furtado,  a,  pp,  adj.  stolen,  roh- 
Furtafogo,  sm.  Lanterna  de  ~. 

adark  lantern. 
Furtapasso,  sm.  amlde.   Caoalht 

que  anda  de  — ,  a  horse  that 

goos  very  easy.  a  pacer. 
Pcúrtar,  va.  to  thieve,  to  steal.  to 

rob.  Furtar-se,  vr.  to  subtraet 

one's  self.  to  get  shelter. 
Furtivamente .  adv.  \n    secret, 

privily,  by  stealth. 
Furtivo,  a,  adj.  private,  secret, 
Furto,  sm.  theít.  [quaver. 

Fusa,  sf.  {mus.)  a  demi  semi- 
Fusada,5/1  aspindleful  ofthread. 
Fusão,  sf.  fusion.  [dusky. 

Fusco,   a,    adj.    brown»  "tavny. 
Fuseiro,  sm.  a  spindle-maker. 
Fusellos,    sm.  pi.    spaves    of  a 

Fusil,  sm.  mnsket.  ^n. 
Fusilado,  Giypp.  adj.  -wounded  by 

Fusilante,  pp.  adj.   that  ahooti. 
Fusilar,  ca.  to  shoot. 
Fusileiro,  sm.  fusileer. 
Fusivel,  adj.  2  g.  fusiblc. 
Fuso,  «m.  spindle. 
Fusorio,  a,  adj.  belonging  to  Af 

sibility.  Obra   — a  de  ferro^  cast 

Fusta,  sf.  foist,  pinnace» 
Fustalha,  sf.  a  number  of  pin- 

nnces  or  foists. 
Fustão,  sm.  fustian.  —  branco  de 

riscas,    dimity.  —    acolchoado, 

Fuste,  sm.  stick.  club. 
Fustete,  sm.  fustet. 
Fustigação,  sf  fustigation. 
Fustigado^  a,  pp.  adj.  Ãistigar 

Fustigar,  va.  to  fustigate. 
Fútil,  adj.  2  g.  futile,  frivolous. 
Futilidade,  sf.  fútility. 


411  — 


Futnxidade,  sf.  fntiiríty. 
Futuro,  sm.  future.  Para  o  — , 

heuceforth,  in  future. 
Futuro,  a,  adj.  future,  coming. 

Sua  —a    esposa,  his   intended 

Fuzaro,  sm.  bastard  safiron. 
Fuzil,  sm.  a  steel  to  strike  âre 

with.  [musket,  etc. 

Fuzilação,  sf.  the  light  of  a  steel, 
Fuzilada,   sf.   lightning;    voley 

of  musketry. 
Fuzilado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lightened ; 

flashed  with  a  lightning. 
Fuzilante,  adj.  2  g.  that  lightens. 
Fuzilar,  vn.  to  lighten,  to  shine  ; 

— ,  va.  to  inflict  death  by  shoot- 

^Fyzica,Y.  Phyaiea  and  derivated. 


O,  sm.  the  seventh  letter  of  the 

Portuguese  alphabet. 
Ctaançar,  va.  to  vin  at  play. 
Gabado,  a,  pp.  adj.  praised. 
Gabador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  praiser. 
Gabaxnento,    sm.   compliments. 
Gabão,  sm.    gabardine,  smock- 

frock;  praiser. 
Gabar,  va.  to  praise,  to  commend. 

Gahar^sey  vr.  to  boast,  to  glory. 
Gabarra,    sf.    a    flat-bottomed 

Gabazola,  sm.  boaster,  bragger. 
Gabella,  sf.  money  deposited  by 

appellants  in  the  court  of  chan- 

cery ;  excise  duty  on  salt. 
Ctabiao,  sm.  {fort!)  gabion. 
Gabinardo,  sm.  gabardine. 
Gabinete,  sm.  cabinet  the  king'8 

cabinet  council;  closet. 
Gabio,  sm.  a  hat. 
Gabionada,  sf.  gabionade. 
Gabionar,  va.  to  make  intrench- 

ments  with  ^abions. 
Gabo,  sm.  praise,  encomium. 
Crabolas,  sm.  or  f.  a  boaster. 
Gabrlto,  sm.  a  sort  of  net. 
^faoho,  sm,  the  nape  of  a  bulTs 


Gadanho,  sm.  a  crooked  claw. 
Gado,  sm.  cattle  of  any  sort. 
Gafa,  sf.  the  bender  of  a  cross- 

bow;  gaff,  ho(»k. 
Gafado,  a,  pp.  adj.  snatched  awa^' 

with  a  gaff. 
Gafanhão,  sm.  a  sort  of  locust. 
Gafanhoto,    sm.    locust,   grass- 

Gafar,  va.  to  snatch  orhook  a.w&y. 

Gafar-se,  vr.  to  be  infected  with 

the  itch  or  leijrosy ;  to  rot. 
Gafaria,  sf.  an  hospital  for  lepers. 
Gafeira,  sf.  a  sort  of  leprosy  that 

attacksman  andbeast;  mange, 

scab,  scurf,  rot. 
Gafeirento,  a,  adj.  itchy,  scaby. 
Gafento,  a,  axlj.  sick  with  a  sort 

of  leprosy. 
Gafidade,  sf.  sort  of  leprosy. 
Gafo,  a,  adj.  infected  with  le- 
prosy, mange,  rot.  [dice. 
Gagão,  sm.  a  sort  of  game  "with 
Gagata,  sf.  bnin.)  gagates. 
Gage,  sf.   pledgé,    token.    — s, 

wages,  pay. 
Gageiro,  sm.  a  seaman  that  keeps 

watch  in  the  round-top.  Vinho 

— ,  heady  wine. 
Gago,  a,  adj.  starameringr. 
Gagosa,  sf.  A—, adv. loc.  without 

risk  or  pain. 
Gagueira,  sf.  stammering. 
Gaguejado,  a,  pp.   adj.  stam- 

Gaguejar,  va.  to  atammer. 
Gaguez,  sf.  stammering. 
CrSiiato,  sm.  a  naughty  lad  or  boy. 
Gaichete,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  quilt- 

Gaifonas,  sf.  pi.  grimaces. 

Gaio,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  jay. 

Gaio,  a,  adj.  gay,  merry,  bright. 
Verde  — ,  lignt  green. 

Gaiola,  sf.  cage. 

Gaioleiro,  sm.  cage-maker. 

Gaita,  sf.  pipe.  —  tie  folies^  a 
bagpipe.  Gaitas,  pi.  toe  most 
dainty  part  of  a  laraprey.  Sabe 
como  — ,  it  is  very  savour^, 
dainty  me«A.. 

Gaitada,  sf .  a.Yv\.\\^  \.o\xtíçv  xs^j^^v  ^ 


—  412  — 


Gaiteiro,  a.  adj.  ot  gaudy  colour. 

pleasant,   merry.   —  sm.   bag-- 

pipe r ;  a  gallant. 
Gaiva.    sf.    'a  sea   ieiin)  notch, 

Gaivão.  sjn.  {nat.  hist.)  martinet. 
Gaivota,  sf.  a  sea-ir.ew. 
Gajaderopq.  sf.  a  kinJ  of  shell 

Gajas,  sf.  pi.  perquisites. 

Gala.  a/,  crnament,  splendid 
dres">.  fcasting:  gracetulnes.s. 
Fazer  — .  to  pride  one*s  solf. 
Dia  de  — .  court-Jav. 

Ckdactologia.  sf.  gafactologj-. 

Galactophago.  sm.  that  is  only 
nourishríJ  ^vith  milk. 

Galactorrea.  sf  (med.)  the  super- 
aljouiidiíic'-  tlowing  of  blood  iu 
a  -v^-oinan  that  suckles  a  child. 

Galactose.  s.  {med.)  the  act  of 
chaniTÍng  lhe  chyle  into  milk. 

Galan.  sm.  the  actor  who  acts 
the  part  of  a  voung  lover. 

Ctelanga,  sf.  {bot.)  galangal. 

Galanice.  i>f.  lineness,  elegance. 

Galsuite.  cij.  i  g.  gallant,  hand- 
somo ;  polite. 

Galanteado,  a,  ftp.  adj.  courted, 

Oalanteador,  sm.  gallant,  joker. 

Gtalantear,  ia.  to  court,  to  gal- 
lant. [ship. 

Cralanteio.  sm.  gallantry,  court- 

Galantexnente ,  ado.  gallantly, 

Galanteria,  sf.  gallantry,  cour- 
teous  behaviour.  — s.  'curious 
vorks,  toys. 

Galantina',  sf.  {bot.)  plaot  re- 
sembling  a  narcissus. 

GcJão,  sm.  galloon ;  bound,  start; 

Galapo,  sm.  pillion,  pad. 

Galardão,  sm.  reward,  recom- 
pense, [ed. 

Galardoado,  a.  pp.  adj.  reward- 

Galardoador,  sm.  rewarder. 

€kdardoar,  va.  to  reward,  to  re- 

Gaiarim,  sm.  a  multlpUo.aivoíi  of 

Oalafida,  sf.  fraud,  decevl. 
Italatico,  adj.  lactic. 

Galáxia,  sf.  galaxy;  {astr.)  th» 

milky  way. 
Galbaheo,  a,  adj.  pertainiDg  to 

Galé,  sf.  galley. 
Galea,  sf.  a  Teather  head-pieca 

or  helmet. 
Galeaça.  sf.  galeas. 
Galeado,  a,  adj.  galeated. 
Galeão,  sm.  galleon 
Galear,  vn,   to  be  dressed  fine 

and  gay. 
Galeato,  a.  adj.  galeated. 
Galeiforme.  adj.  i  g.   galeated, 

having  the  forra  of  a  Eelmet. 
Galeirão,  sm.  a  kind  of -water- 

Galena,  sf.  galena. 
G^enismo,  sm.  galenism. 
Galenista,  sm.  {med.)  galenist. 
Galeota,  sf.  galiot. 
Galeote,  sm.  a  galley-slave. 
Galeoto,  sm.  çaliot.' 
Galera,  sf.  gadlev,  row-galley;  a 

three  masted  ship. 
Galeria,  sf.  gallery. 
Galerno,  sm.  the  northeast  ^nd. 
Galerno,  a,  adj.  belonging  to  the 

north-east  wmd. 
Galero,  sm.  a  sort  of  helmet. 
Galfarro,    sm.    a  nroud     stout 

fellow ;  a  baillifs  luUower. 
Galga,  sf.  a  grey-hound    bitch; 

upper  mill  stone. 
Galgado,  a,  pp.  adj.  raised,  lifted. 
Galgar,  va.  to  raise,  to  lift.  — 

uma  parede,  to  build  a  wall  to  a 

certain  height  and  to  levei  its 

top.  [hound. 

Galgaz.  adj.  2  g.  lean  a.s  a  grey- 
Galgo,  sm.  a  grey hound,  a  har- 

rier.  [ditch. 

Galgueira,  sf.  a  long  and  narrow 
Galha,  sf.  gall,  gallnut. 
Galhada,  sf.  shoots  of  a   stag*s 

Galharda,  sf.  galhard  (dance). 
Galhardamente,   adv.    brav^j, 

Galhardete,  sm.  {a  sea  temi)  flag 

of  the  foremast. 




—  413  — 


Gfdhela,  sf.  cruet,  phial. 
Galheteiro,  sm.  cruet-stand. 
Gkilliioo,  sm.  gall-nut  acid. 
Galho,  sm.  shoot,  set. 
Galhofa,  sf.  mirth,  good  cheer. 
Galhofear,  vn.  to  jest,  to  frolick. 
Galhofeiro,  a,  aaj.  frolicksome, 

Galhudo,  a,  adj.  that  has  shoots 

or  branches.  —  sm.   a  fish  of 

whose  skin  water^lue  is  made. 
Gália,  sf.  {bot.)  gallium. 
Galilé,  sf.  V.  Alpendre. 
Galipo,    sm.    a    white    resinous 

juice  flowing.  [fled. 

Gallado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trod,  fecundi- 
Galladura,  sf.  the  cock's  tread, 

tho  sperm  of  an  egg. 
Gallar,  va.  to  tread  as  a  cock. 
Gallegada,  sf.  a  great  many  of 

galicians ;  {bot.)  galega. 
Gallego,  a,  s.  and  adj.  Galician; 

a  porter. 
Galíicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  poxed. 
Gallicano,  a,  adj.  gallican. 
Gtallicanto,  sm.  cock-crowing. 
Gallicar,  va.  to  pox,  to  infect  with 

venereal  disease. 
C^allicismo,  sm.  gallicism. 
Gallioo,   sm.  venereal    disease, 

pox.  [litic. 

Gallico,  a,  adj.  venereal,  syphi- 
Gkillinaceo,  a,  adj.  gallinaceous. 
Gallinha,  sf.  hen. 
Gallinhaça,  sf  hen's  dung. 
Gallinhelro,    sm.    poulterer;    a 

keeper  of  poultry ;  hen-roost. 
Gallinhola,  sf.  a  wood-cock. 
Gallitrico  or  Gallitrioum,  sm. 

the  herb  clary. 
Galliziano,  a,  s.  or  adi.  Gallician. 
Gallo,  sm.  cock;  gold-fish;  con- 

tusion,  bile. 
Gallo,  a.  adj.  gallic,  French. 
Gallocrista,  sf.  {bot.)  louse-wort. 
Galochas,  sf.  pi.  wooden  shoes ; 

Galonado,  a,  adj.  laced. 
Gedopada,  sf.  galloping,  gallop. 
Galopador,  a,   adj.  and  s.  gai 

loper,  that  gallops. 
Ctelopar,  V».  and  a.  lo  gallop. 
Galope,  sm.    gallop.  A  — ,   odt). 

^.  bastíljr. 

Galopear,  vn.  to  gallop. 
Ckilradelra,  sf.  the  tongue. 
Galrador,  sm.  a  prattler. 
Galrar,  va.  to  talk.  to  prattle. 
Galrejar,  va.  to  prattle. 
Galrito,  sm.  a  sweep-net. 
Galuòho,  sm.  a  ne-w  roised  sol^ 

Galvanico,  a,  adj.  galvanic. 
Galvanisar,  va.  to  galvanize. 
Galvanisxuo,  sm.  gaivanism. 
Galvanoxnetro ,    sm.    galvano- 

Galveta,  sf.  a  sort  of  Indian  ship. 
Gama,  sf.  doe,  fallow-deer. 
Gamão,  sm.  backgammon ;  {bot.) 

asphodel.  [of  leather. 

Gamarra,  sf.  martingal,  a  thong 
Gamberria,  sf.  trick,  cheat. 
Gambias,  sf.  pi.  legs.  Dar  ás-^y 

to  ây  at  full  speed. 
Gamboa,    sf.    a   sort   of  sweet 

quince.  [tree. 

Gamboeira,  sf.  a  s^eet  quince- 
Gambota,  sf.  centre. 
Gamella,  sf.    trough;  a    large 

wooden  bowl. 
Gamellada,  sf.  ali  things  con- 

tained  in  a  gamella. 
Gamenho,  a,  adj.  and  s.  foppish, 

gallant,  woer. 
Gamma,  sf.  gamut. 
Gamo,  sm.  fallow-deer. 
Gamonitos,  {bot.)  aspho- 
del. [bowl. 
Gamote,  sm.  {a  sea  f^rm)  a  wooden 
Gana,  sf.  hunger,  spite. 
Granancia,  sf.  proiit.  gain. 
Ganancioso,  a,   adj.  profitable. 
Ganapão,  sm.  one  who  lives  of 

wages  and  labour. 
Ganaperde,  sm.  a  game  at  cards. 
Gançar,  va.  to  pront. 
Gancheado,  a,  pp.  adj.  hooked, 

shaped  like  a  nook. 
Gtancho,  sm.  any  sort  of  hook. 
Ganchorra,  sf.  a  claw ;  the  hand; 

a  polé  with  a  hook. 
Ganchoso,  a,  adj.  crooked  like 

a  hook. 
Gancho,  sm.  ^vCwv^wo^x.. 

l  Gandaiwr,  >5a.  \^  %^  ^^^^  ^^ 



ni"  i^r-íif  ■•"^•-^ 

•'•    •—• 


—  414  — 


Gandaieiro,  sm.  a  rag-picker. 
Gandara,  5.  sandy  or  gravelly 

Ganga,  sf.  a  water-fo-wl. 
GangSo   (de),    adv.    loc.   Levar 

algunm  ae  — ,  to  carry  one  too 

fast.  [bold. 

Gangento,  a,  aâj,  quarrelsome, 
GangliSo  or  Ganglio,  sm,  gan- 

Gangoso,  a,  adj.  snuffler. 
Gangrena,  sf.  gangrene;  morti- 

Gangrenado,  a,   pp.  adj.  gan- 

grericd,  corrnpted. 
Gangrenar- se.  vr.  to  gangrene. 
Gangrenoso,  a,  adj.  gangrenous. 
Ganhadeiro,  a,  adj.  -vv-inning. 
Ganhadinheiro ,  sm.   labourer, 

labonring  man. 
Ganhado,  a,  pp.    adj,   gained, 

Ganhador,  sm.  Vmner,  gaicer. 
Ganhão,  sm.  a  herdsman. 
Ganhar,  va.  to  gain,  to  get,  to 

conquer,  to  obtain,  to  win.  —  o 

barlavento j  {a  sea  term)  to  gain 

the  wind. 
Ganhavel,  adj.  2  g.  gainable. 
Ganho,  sm.  gain,  lucre,  profit. 
Ganhoso,  a,  adj.  gainfm,  lucra- 
Ganiços,  sm.  pi.  the  dice. 
Ganido,  sm.  tne  cry  of  a  dog  or 

Ganir,  cn.  to  howl  asa  dog. 
Ganiz,  sm.  a  small  boné  used  bv 

boys  when  they  play  at  cockal. 
Ganso,  sm.  drake. 
Ganta,  sf.  sort  of  measure. 
Ganzepe,  sm.  .earp.)  Furo  de  — , 

a  hole   niade  in  one   piece  of 

wood  to  receive  the  teuon. 
Garabolha,  sf.  scrawl,  disorder, 

quarrel.  [uneven. 

Garahulhento ,  a,    adj,  rough, 
Garanhão,  sm.  stallion. 
Garanjão,  sm.  a  very  tall  man. 
Garante,  sm.    guaranty,    gua 

Garantia,  sf.  warrant,  guaranty. 
Garantido,  a,  np.  adj.  guLacaiix- 

tíedf  warrantea. 
Garantir,  va.  to  guarantee. 

Garatuja,  sf.  scravl,  dash  -with 

a  pen ;  a  giin. 
Garatnza,  sf.  game  at  carda. 
Garavsmço,  sm.  {agric.)  a  sort  of 

rake.  [apavin. 

Garavansuelo ,   sm.   a    sort  of 
Garavato,  sm.  hook.  — s,  «m.  pi. 

—  seccoSy    dry    brushwood   to 

kindie  tiie  fire. 
Garayo,  sm.  -water-fovL 
Garbo,  sm.  garb,   countenance, 

denieanour,  elegance  of  man- 

ners ;  gallantrv,  bravery. 
Garboso,  a,  a<fj.  graceful. 
Garça,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  a  heron. 
Gharção,  sm.  a  bov. 
Garceiro,  adj.  m.  Falcão  — ,  ha^vk 

that  preys  upon  herons. 
Garço,  a,  adj.  blue. 
Garçoa,  sf.  a  girl. 
Garçotas,  sf.  pi.  plumes  of  he- 

ron's  feathers. 
Garela,  sf.  a  sort  of  partridge. 
Garfada,  sf.  a  fork-full. 
Garfila,  sf.  the  edging  of  a  coin. 
Garfo,  sm.  fork.  graft. 
Gargalhada,  sf.  loud-lauglúntf. 
Gargalhar,  vn.  to  laugh  aloucL 
Gargalheira,  sf.  the  cntdn  used 

for  binding  tne  slaves  by  the 

Gargalho,  sm.  tough  phleKxn. 
Gargalo,  sm.  the  neck  of  a  ootúe; 

superior  part  of  the  throat. 
Garganta,  sf.  the  throat ;  a  wo> 

man^s  breast. 
Gargantão ,    sm.    a    voracioiu 

beast,  a  glutton. 
Garganteádo,  a,  pp.  adj,  qua- 

Gargantear,  r;?.  to  quaver,  to 

Garganteo,  sm.  warbling,  qua- 

Gargantilha,  sf.  necklace. 
Gargarejar,  va.  to   gargle,  to 

gargarizc.  [riam. 

Gargarejo,  sm.   gargie,   garga- 
Gariteiro,  5?».  a  ganiing-house 

Grarito,  sm.  gaming-house. 
Qax^iXLdeo^  !^m.  Va  seaterm^blocki 
xaoot'  ^  \ifeíÀ. . 






—  415  — 


Ckumacha,  sf,  the  gown  xforn  by 

judges.  [leather. 

Gamear,  va. —  o  couro,  to  smooth 
Ctarotice,  sf.  a  blackguard  boy's 

Garoto,  sm.  a  blackguard  boy. 
Garra.  sf.  claw,  fang,  talon. 
Garrafa,  sf.  bottle. 
Garrafal,   adj.  2  a.  having  the 

shape  of  a  bottle.  Ginja  — ,  a 

large  sort  of  cherry.  Letra  — , 

round  letter. 
Garraio,  sm.  a  little  ox.  —  adj. 

m.  novice.  Pregador  — ,  a  no- 
viço in  preaching. 
Garrana,  sf.  a  yoiinç  maré. 
Garrancho,  sm,  a  disease  in  a 

hor8e's  hoof. 
Garrar,  va.  (a  sea  term)  to  drive ; 

to  drag  the  anchor. 
Garrida,  sf  a  little  bell. 
Garridice,    sf.   elegance,   ^al- 

lantrv.  [nice. 

Garrido,  a,  adj.  amoroas,  jocose, 
Garrir,  vn.  to  play  the  fop,  to 

Garrocha,  sf.  dart;  goad. 
Garrochão,  sm,  the  spear  used 

in  bull-feasts. 
Garrochar,  va,  to  strike  with  a 

Garrotar,  va.  to  strangle. 
Garrote,  sm.  strangling. 
Garrotéa,  sf.  garter. 
Garrotilho,  sm.  a  very  violent 

quinsy.  [criminais. 

Garrucha,  sf.  puUey  to  torture 
Garraio,  a,  adj.  garrulous,  chat- 

tering.  [horse. 

Garapa,   sf.  the  buttocks  of  a 
Gasalhado,  sm.  shelter. 
Gasalhos,    sm.  pi,   {bot.)  mnsh- 

rooms.  [kind. 

Gasalhoso,  a,  adj.  hospitable, 
Gasoão,  adj.  and  s.  Gascon,  of 

Gascony ;  ífig.)  a  bragger. 
Gasnada,  sf.  clacking ;  any  loud 

and  shrill  noise  of  birds. 
Gasnar,  vn.  to  cackle. 
Gasnaté,  sm.  the  larvnx. 
Gaspa,  s/.  a  piece  of  leather. 
OaapeaTt   va.  to  put  an  upper- 
V«»Éiíier  on  a  bcot. 
**^8tado,  a,  pp,  adj.  spent,  worn. 


Gastador,  a,  s^rt.  or  f.  spend- 

thrift,  waster;  a  pioneer. 
Gastador,  a,  aàj.  expensive. 
Gastão,  sm,  the  head  of  a  cane. 
Gastar,  va.  to  expend,  to  spend, 

to  wear,  to  waste.  —  Gastar-se^ 

vr.  to  be  spent.  [spent. 

Gastavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may  be 
Gasto,  a,  adj.  spent,  wom;  old, 

Gasto,  sm.  expenso,  cost,  charge. 
Gastralgia,  sf.  [med.)  ^stralgy. 
Gástrico,  a,  adj.  gastnc. 
Gastrltis,  sf.  gastritis. 
Gastro-enterites,  sf.  (med.)  in- 

flammation  in  the  stomach  and 

Gastro-hepatico,  a,  adj,  belong- 

ing  to  the  stomach  and  liver. 
Gastro-hepatite,   sf.  inflamma- 

tion  in  the  stomacn  and  liver. 
Gastrologia,  sf.  eastrology. 
Gastrologo,  sm.  ne  who  speaks 

on  a  good  cheer. 
Gastronomia,  sf.  gastronomy. 
Gastronómico,  a,  adj.   gastro- 

Gastronomo,  sm.  he  who  writes 

on  gastronomy. 
Gata,  sf.  a  she-cat.  [cheat. 

Gatazio,      sm.    a     scratching; 
Gatear,  va.  to  scratch ;  to  cramp, 

to  fasten  "\RÍth  a  cranip-iron.  — 

vn.  to  creep  like  a  cat. 
Gateira,  sf.  a  hole  for  a  cat. 
Gateiro,  a,  adj.  he  or  she  ^ho 

takes  care  of  a  cat. 
Gatilho,  sm.  trigger,  tumbler. 
Gatimanhos,  sm.  pi.  grimaces, 

dumb  motions. 
Gato,  sm.  cat;  cramp-iron.  Olho 

de  — ,  cat's  eye  (precious  stone). 
Gatanar,  va.  to  cheat,  to  defraud 

at  play;  to  pick  pockets. 
Gatanice,  sf.  cheating  at  play, 

Gatano,  sm.  a  thief. 
Gaada,  «/■.  weld.      [se's  pastem. 
Gavarro,  ^m.  a  s-welUtvcvtva.Vssst- 
Gávea,  sf .  I^a  sea  lemí^xíttfò  xwq»s^- 

top.  „      _^ 

Gavela,  sf .  a.  s^^^^  ^^  '^''^<v«:«N 

Gaveta,  8f.  a.  ^^?=ltlt\t».«^«^ 
Gavião^  sm.Víicut.tu*^-^^   ^ 


,     "pUys 

he  rogue,  insiead  uf  going  lo   to  pUy  «he  rogue. 
'GaESiUaTsl.  adj.  i  ^.thitt  nay 

Oazelfícar.  i 

,sf.  glácift.       ^vrinklu. 

Gelbaa    .>,''■  of    viibercd  corni 

Gélido,  a.  aaj.  frozen. 

Gelo.  Jm  froal. 


Oolva.  if.  >  sort  n   sm»!!  boM. 

Oflina,  .i/.  lhe  Tolk  of  an  egg. 
ada.  'f.  lhe  jílk  of  an  en 
LI  up  vith  varm  vater  aõa 

lea.f/.    feinaleta-in  i»>(i--*e<* 
j'siudof ■bane).  !□  praiiee. 

i,  o^ij.  moarafU. 

iríj.  S  ff.  groaning,  U- 

.     old-fnsbi^ine 
Geíra,  j/'.  an  aciíe  of  ground. 


OelBT,  ta.  lo  rrKGz.-.  t'>  conireal: 
-,iiM,  10  froeze,  15  bu  frnien.  Ge- 
liiM*,  pi-.tob8friiir,n. 

Ofelatlú,  if.  gelatÍD,  geUj. 

Geminado,  a.  a^j.  geminated. 
Gemlni.  iFn.  ;i^  laifron.)  GeminL 

GBmma.  'f,  gem.  preciol— 

Geminado,  a.pp.  ailj.    „    .  

l'à.  (brífiht. 

GemmBJlte.   daj.    ^    ^.  gemiqj, 

.mar,  ta.  to  ««rmV 



íenealogico,  a.  ailj.  gfãealogf- 

ienealogínta,  "n.  penenlogirt. 
kenebra.  if.  gin. 
lenaral.  sm.  general. 
íenerBla.  if.  lhe  jieneral. 
íeneralsdo  or  Oeueralato.  ix. 
Keneral5hlp,the    ignitynf  a  gg. 

teneralidade,  tf.  feneralitr. 




—  417  — 


Grenerioamente  ,  adv,    generi- 

Generioo,  a,  adj.  generical. 
€tonero,  sm,  genus,  gender. 
Géneros,  sm.  pi.  provisions,  mer- 

chandises.  [ly. 

Generosamente,  a<2t;.  generous- 
Generosidade,  sf.  generosity. 
Generoso,  a,  adj.  generous,  no- 

Ctonesis,  sm.  génesis. 
GenethUaoo,  a,  adj.  çenethliac. 
Gtenglbre,  sm.  {bot.)  ginger. 
Gengiva,  sf.  gum. 
Genial,  adj.  2  g.  genial. 
Gtonioulado,  a,  adj.    {bot.)   ge- 

Génio,  sm.  genius,  facultv,  talent. 
Genital,  adj.  2  g.  genital. 
Genitivo, «}».  genitive. 
Genlto,  a,  adj.  oe^otten. 
Genitor,  sm.  genitor,  father. 
Genitoria  or  Genltura,  sf.  pro- 

Genovez,  a,  s.  and  adj.  Genoese 

or  pertaining  to  Genoa. 
Genro,  sm.  son-in-law. 
Gentalha,  sf.  mob,  low  people. 
Gente,  sf.  people,  men.  —  <te  ca- 

valloy  tne  cavalry.  Ser  — ,  to  be 

a  man  above  the  vulgar. 
Gentil,  adj.  2  g.  genteel,  pretty, 

Gentileza,  sf.  genteelness,  beau- 

ty.  —Sypl.  greatactions,  curious 


GentlUiomem,  sm.  a  nobleman, 
a  gentleman.  [ishly. 

Gentilioamente ,  ado.  heathen- 

Gentílico,  a,  adj.  gentile. 

Gentilidade,  s/l  gentility. 

Gentillsar,  va.  to  gentihze. 

Gentilismo,  sm.  gentilism,  hea- 
thenism.  [prettily. 

Gentilmente ,    adv.    genteelly, 

Gentio,  a,  od/.  gentile,  heathen. 

Genufleotir,  vn.  to  kneel. 

Genuflexão,  sf.  genuíiexion. 

Genuflexório ,  sm.  a  stool  to 
kneel  upon.  [plainly. 

Genuinamente,  adv.  p;enuinely, 

Genuíno,  a,  adj.  genuine. 

Geooentrioo,  a,  adj.  geocentric. 

OeodABla,  sf,  geodsBsia. 

Geodésico,   a,   adj.  geodetical, 

Geognosia,  sf.  geosnosy. 
Geognostico,  a,  aaj.  geognostic. 
Geogenia.  sf.  geogeny. 
Geographia,  sf  geography. 
Geographicamente,    ado.   geo- 

Geographico,  a,  adj.  geographic. 
Geographo,  sm.  geograpner. 
Geologia,  sf.  geology. 
Geológico,  a,  adi.  geological. 
Geólogo,  sm.  geologist. 
Oeomancia,  sf.  geomancy. 
Geomantico,  a,  adj.  geomantic. 
Geometra,  sm.  geometrician. 
Geometria,  sf.  geometry. 
Geometricamente,  adv.  geome- 

trically.  [geometrical. 

Geométrico,  a,   adj.  geometric, 
Georama,  sm.  georama. 
Georgiano,  a,  s.  and  ailj.  Geor- 

gian,  belonging  to  Geórgia. 

Geoscopia,^*  geoscopv. 

Geoso,  a,  adj.  snowy,  irozen. 

Geração,  sf.  generation. 

Gerado,  a,j9p.  adj.  generated, 

Gerador,  a«  s.  and  adj.  genera- 
.  tor,  generative. 

Geral,  sm.  general  of  a  religiuus 

Geral,  adj.  2  g.  general,  univer- 
sal. Geraes  or  ventos  de  monção ^ 

Geralmente,  adv.  generally. 

Gerânio,  sm.  {bot.)  geraniuin. 

Gerar,  va.  to  engender,  to  gene- 

Gerebita,  sf.  an  extract  from  the 
dregs  of  sugar-canes. 

Gerência,  sf.  administration. 

Gergelim,  sm.  (bot.)  sesame. 

Gerifalte,  sm.  \nat.  hist.)  gerfal- 

Geringonça,  sf.  gibberish. 

Grermanar-se,  vr.  V.  Unir-se. 

Gtormanla,  sf  {geog.)  Germany. 

Germânico,  a,  adj.  of  or  belong- 
ing to  Germany ;  German. 

Germano,  a,  adj.  German;  re- 
lated,  german ;  proper,  true. 

Germe  or  Gérmen,  sm.  germ. 

Germlna<iSo^  &t>  %«t:vsÀsA^\^^< 

pra^  J>Vi 


—  418  — 


Germinado,  SL^pp.  adj.  germina- 

Crerminal,  adj.  2  g.  germinal. 
Genuinante,    adj.  í  g.   germi- 
Germinar,  rn.  to  germinate. 
GerminatlTO,  a,  adj.  that  has 

the  power  of  germinating. 
Geroglifico,  a,  adj.  V.  Éierogli- 

Geropiga,  sf.  liquor  made  iiríth 

must  and  brandy. 
Gerúndio,  sm.  íçram.)  gerand. 
Gessai,  sm.  chalk-pit. 
Gessar,  va.  to  parget,  to  plaster. 
Gesso,    sm.   parget,  plaster    of 

Gestação,  sf.  gestation. 
Gestão,  sf.  admiuistration ,  ma- 

Gestatorio,  a,  adj.  gestatory. 
Gesticulação,  sf.  gesticulation. 
Gesticulador,  sm.  gesticulator. 
Gesticular,  vn.  to  gesti enlate. 
Gesto,  sm.  gesture.      (rant  man. 
Geta,  sm.  a  "^'ild,  cruel  or  igno- 
Giba,  sf.  bunch,  hmup. 
Gibão.  sm.  doublet  — de  açoutes, 

a  whipping. 
Gibosidade,  sf.  gibositj. 
Giboso,  a,  adj.  gibous,  i)rotube- 

rant.  [snake. 

Giboya,  sf  jiboya,  largo  vater 
Giesta,  sf  [bot.)  oroom. 
Giga,  sf  a  jig. 
Gigajoja,  sf.  a  game  at  cards. 
Giganta,  sf.  giautess. 
Gigante,  .wi.  giant. 
Giganteo,  a,  adj.  gigantic. 
Gigantescamente,  adv.  giantly. 
Gigantesco,  a,  adj.  gigantic. 
Gigote,    sm.   a  dish  of  minced 

meat.  [broom. 

Gilbarbeira,  s/l  (fcoí.)  butcber's 
Gilboa,  sf  a  nioor  fen  or  marsh. 
Gilla,  sf.  {chem.)  emetic  vitriol. 
Gilvaz,  sm.  a  great  cut  over  the 

Gineta,  sf  {bot.)  genet. 
Ginetarlo,  sm.  one  skilled  in  ri- 

ding  short. 
Ginete,  sm.  jennet  (horse). 
Gingão,  sm.  gingham. 
Ginja,  sf,  agriot,  cherry. 

Ginjal,  am.  a  place  ^here  cheriT- 

trees  grow. 
Ginjeira,  sf.  cherry-tree. 
Ginsão,  sm.  {bot.)  çinseng. 
Gira  or  Giria,  sf.  gibberísh,  csnt 
Giraçal  adj.  m.  Arrox — ,  the  best 

Indiau  rice. 
Girafa,  sf.  (nat.  hist.)  giraffe. 
Giralva,  sf.  a  flower  so  called» 
Girammonte,  sm.  giraumont. 
Girandola,  sf  alheei  AiUoffire 

Girante,  adj.  2  g.  turning  round. 
Girão,  sm.  a  tape  of  different  cxh 

luur  for  a  voman^s  go-wn. 
Girar,  va.  to  tum  round. 
Girasol,  sm.  {bot.)  heliotrope. 
Gíria,  sf.  tarn  or  act  of  malice; 

Girigote,  sm.  a  knave. 
Giro,  sm.  a  circular  motion,  tnni. 
Giropa,  sf.  broth. 
Girovagos,  sm,  pi.  a  sort  of  an- 

cient  wandering  monks. 
Gis,  S7n.  a  sort  oi'  chalk. 
Gisar.  va.  to  chalk  cloth. 
Gitano,  sm.  Y.  Cigano, 
Gito,  sm.  a  pipe  throngli  "wliicii 

the  melted  metal  runs. 
Glacial,  adj.  2  g.  glacial,  fWkien. 
Glaciz,  sm.  {fort.)  glacis. 
Gladiado,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  gladi«to. 
Gladiador,  sm.  gladiator. 
Gladiar,  vn.  to   ílght  with  Ae 

sword.  [Rword  playara. 

Gladiatorio,  a,  adj.  belonging  to 
Gladio,  sm.   sword.  —  /ençiorai, 

the  laity  or  temporal  pover.  — 

espiritual.,   the    clergj'.    A  aort 

of  geometrical.^lstrument. 

Glandifero,  a,  adj.  glandiferouL 
-landi  - 




2  ff.  glandi- 

Glandnla,  sf.  agland. 

Glandulação,  sf.  glandulation. 

Glandular,  adj.  2  g.  {anat.)  glan- 

Glandulifero,  a,  adj.  (bot.)  glaiH 
duliferous.  [dmcÃai. 

Glanduliíorme,  adj.  2  g.  glan- 

Glanduloso.  a,  adj.  glaadiuoai. 

Glasto,  sm.  {bot.)  -woaa. 

Glauco,  a.  adj.  glaucoua;  —  «■• 
a  sort  of  fiah. 





—  419  — 


Gleba,  sf.  glebe ;  a  clod  of  earth. 
Globiíero,  a,  adj.  that  bears  a 

Globo,  sm.  globe,  sphere,  bali. 
Globosidade,  sf.  globosity. 
Globoso,  a,  adj.  globous. 
Glóbulo,  5771.  globule. 
Globuloso,  a,  adj.  globulous. 
Glomerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  glomera- 

Glomerar,  va.  to  glomerate. 
Gloria,  sf.  glorj'. 
Gloriar,  va.  to  make  glorious. — 

vn.  and  — se^  vr.  to  glory  in,    to 

Glorificação,  sf.  glorification. 
Glorificado,  a,  j>p.  adj.  glorified, 

praised.  [rifles. 

GÍorificador,  SL,pp.  adi.  that  glo- 
Glorificar,  va.  to  glonfy. 
Glorioso,  a,  adj.  glorious. 
Glosa  or  Glossa,  sf.  gloss,  expo- 

sition  ,     comment;    a   sort   of 

Ííoetical  composition. 
bssalgia,  sf.  sore  in  the  tongue. 
Glossário,  sm.  glossary. 
Glossographia,  sf.  glossography. 
Glotão,  sm.  glutton. 
Glote,  sf  glottis. 
Glotona,  sf.  a  gluttonous  voman. 
Glotonaria,  sf.  gluttony. 
Glotonioo,  a,  aaj.  gluttonous. 
Gluma,  sf.  {bot.)  glume. 
Glnten,  sm.  {chem.)  glúten. 
Glutinação,  sf.  glutination. 
Glutinar,  va.  to  glutinate,  to  ce- 

Glutinativo,  a,  adj.  glutinative. 
Glutinoso,  a,  a^j.  glutinous. 
Glycerina,  sf.  {chem.)  a  saccha- 

rine  matter. 
Glycizia,   sf.  (chem.)  sweet  and 

cristallized  matter  of  the  cocoa- 

Glypho,  sm.  glyph. 
Glyptica,  sf.  glyptic. 
Gnomon,  sm.  gnomon.  [ling* 

Gn(»nonioa,  sf.  gnomonics,  diai- 
Gnoxnonico,   a,  adj.  gnonionic, 

GnataoB,  sm.  pi.  gnomes. 
GnoBtieiemo,  sm.  gnosticism. 
Gnóstico,  a,  adj.  gnostic. 

Gnósticos,  sm.  pi.  gnóstica. 

Godos,  sm.  Gotns. 

Godrim  or  Godorim,  sm.  sort  of 
blanquet  or  quilt. 

Gogo,  sm.  the  pip. 

Goiaba,  sf.  a  fruit  in  the  Brazil. 

Goiabeira,  sf.  a  sort  of  tree  in  the 

Goiar,  vn.  togroan. 

Goiva,  sf.  gouge,  chisel. 

Goivo,  sm.  a  clove-gilly-flover. 

Gola,  sf.  gorget,  neck  piece  of  an 
armour;  {fort.)  entrance  of  a 
bastion.  —  da  casaca,  the  collar 
of  the  coat. 

Gole.  sm.  draught.    [cesophagns. 

Golelba,  sf.  much  babbling;  the 

Golelhar,  vn.  to  prate. 

Goles,  sm.  pi.  (herald.)  g\úes  ;  the 
red  or  vermilion  colour. 

Goleta,  sf.  a  sort  of  ship. 

Golfada,  sf.  spout  ;^'ater  falling 
in  a  body.  Correr  as  gol  fadas , 
to  spout.  [phar. 

Golfão,  «m.  (6of.)water-lily,  nenu- 

Golfar,  va.  to  spout. 

Golfim,  sm.  a  sort  of  play. 

Golfinho,  sm.  dolphin. 

Golfo,  sm.  gulf,  bay. 

Golhelheiro,  a,  sm.  or /.  and  adj. 
a  prattler.  [drunkaru. 

Goliardo,   a,  adj.   an    eater    or 

Golilha,  sf.  a  little  band  woru 
under  the  chin  like  a  rulT;  an 
iron-collar ;  a  punishment  much 
like  the  pillory.  [bits. 

Crolodioe,  sf.  sweet-meats  daintj' 

Goloso,  a,  adj.  V.  Guloso  and  de- 

Golpada,  sf.  quantity. 

Golpe,  sm.  blow,  stroke,  cut, 
gash;  throw;  sudden  event.  — 
de  gente,  a  strong  and  sudden 
reinforcement  of  pcople.  —  de 
agua^  a  spout  of  "water.  —  de 
vinho,  a  small  quantity  ofwine. 
De  — ,  suddenly. 

Golpeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  struck. 

Golpear,  va.  to  strike  or  cut. 

Golpelha,  sf.  a  flag-basket* 

Gomar,  vu.  {agric.)  to  bud,  to 
bloom.  [or  scion. 

Gomeleiras,  sf.  pi.  (agrifi.\^^^^y^'^ 

■Vi    M! 

Gomil.  jflt.  jar.  j'-;^. 

Gomma.   ;/.  eUin.  —  úe  <."í;o.  i- 

niur.  \'i,Ti::i:  — í/'^ta.  fraiabo.:.-';. 

—  </•:  ff-r-jLt.  ihii.-'iít3»-  —graxa. 

friitti  sHii  iaracií.  —  retinoia.  r*- 

hinous  _'ii:n.  starch. 

Grommacío.  a.  <7'/;.  stlifene'!  with 
Gominão.  -em.  a  kliici  oi'  sLa^. 
Gommiíero.  a,  a*JJ.  iLat  pr^auo^â 

Gkúumoso.  a.  <2<//.  i^ummy. 
Gomo.  }'/<.  í^ud.  jreiín:  the  inter- 

iial    'iivl^iou   ut'  «^ranges ,    utc. 

Lanço r  goiíios,  lo  bud. 
Gonagra,  */•  ■"t'?'^?-/  íjonagra. 
(Sondola.  sf.  íroudoia. 
Gondoleiro,  -«//(.  j^ondolíer. 
Gonete.  -vm.  carp.j  a  tool  of  car- 

Goníalão,  f^/n.  ;foniulon. 
Gonfaloneiro,  x//i.    (fonfalouier. 
Gcniometria,  vf.  {math.)  j^onio- 

in*:lry.  rha-a. 

Gonorrhea,  */"•  'med.)  j^ouor- 
Gonorrhoico. a.  «'(/.  -medi}  per- 

tainiii^  to  íToiiorrií^oa. 
Gonzo,  «m.  hiup^e. 
Gorar,    t/i. ,  or    Gorar-se,    iv. 

í.speakiri^    of   e^g»j    t'>     ;riow 

addled  ;    ^fig.)  to  miscarryj^  not 

to  succíeu. 
Goraz,  huí.  [nat.  hist.)  a  roach. 
Gordãa,  «/*.  (speakin^  uf  stags). 

Kxtar  na  — ,  to  be  íat. 
Gordal.  atij.  i  g.  Uoa  —,  a  sort  of 

frrapes.  [big  or  fat. 

Gordalhudo,  a,  adj.  exceedingly 
Gordanchudo,  a,  adj.  somewnat 

fut.  [knot. 

Gordiano,  adj.  m.  M — ,  gordiano 
Gordião,  sm.  (hot.)  euphorbium. 
Gordo,  a,  adj.  fat,  lleshy.  Terra 

—  ",  fruitful  ^round.  Domingo 

—  ,    .Shrovo-sunday.   Vinho  — , 
wiiKi  wben  it  í<row»  thick. 

Gordura,  sf.  fat,  fainess. 

Gordurento,  a,  adj.  ffcea.ay. 

Gorduroso,  a,  adj.  ^reasy. 

Gorgear,  w;*.  to  warble,  to  «^uaver. 

Gorgeiador,  a,  s^n.  or  /".  wurbler. 

Gorgeio,  sm.  warbling. 

Gorgeta,  sf.  gratification,  vails, 
money  given  to  servaiits,  tu 
ehiiae  aad  coach  dhvei». 


j  Gorgolão.  s.:.  a.  vater-spout. 
Gorgolejar.  ..i.  V.  Garyarejarm 
Gorgoleca:  if.  a  narro w-monilMd 

Gorgomilo,  5.-W.    ihe   narrovett 
pu::  -jz'  tiie  i2«ou:]i  ot  a  leadusr 
oo:!le.  —  j,  lhe  eairance  of  lha 
Gorgôna.  »/.  Gorgon. 
Gorgorão,  òUt.  ^ro^nram,  Indiaa 
&UK  íítud'.  ,'of  stoflL 

Gorgueira.  $/*•  neok-lace;  a  lort 
Gorita*  ..•/.   ;  ti  *e(i    terni }   hin^ 

casiie :  a  sentry-box  ;  turrei. 
Gorja.  sf.  ihroat :  the  narrovett 

part  oi  a  ship. 
Gorjal,  SM.  ^"jrgct. 
Goro,  a.  a-Jj.  aduied,  oúrruuted. 
Gorra,  «/l  a  cap.  a  sort  or  sxuãll 

bai  -wiih  &  narrow  bnm. 
GorriãOf  s/n.   aat.  hiót.)  the  name 

uf  a  bird. 
Gorvião.  sm.  euphorbium. 
Gós.  «>/i.    an   itiuerary   uieasaro 

cuuiainiuj;  -j,uOu  leet. 
Gosma,  a/,  a  disease  in  horse  j"»^ 

hawii.s;  thick  phie^in. 
Gosmar,  cn.  to  thruw  oS  thick 


Gosmento.  a.  adj.  troubled  vith 

thick  phiejrm.  [reUshed. 

Ctostado,   a,    pp.    adj.    tasuni. 

Gostador,  a,  adj.  relishinop,  thai 

Grostar,  oa.  to  taste.  to  be  pleased 
with,  to  choose.  — ,  vn.   to  be 
pleased  with,  to  choose. 
Gostavel,   adj.   -2  g.  relishable, 

Gosto,  sm.  taste ;  savour,  relith. 
De   bom  — ,   ele^ant,    penteei. 
Viver  a  — ,  to  live  at  ease. 
Gostosamente,  ado.  pleasing-ly, 

to  one*8  likin^. 
Ctostoso,  a,  adj.  relishing',  plea- 

sant,  welcome. 
Gota,.s/.  yout  (disease).  —  serena, 

drop  serene  ;  a  drop,  a  g^out. 
Gotado,  a,  adj.  [herald.)  spotted 

>vith  drops. 
Groteira,  sf.  gutter-tile. 
Gotejar  or  Gotear,  vn,  to  drop. 
Gothico,  a,  adj.  gothic ;  ancient. 





—  421  — 


Ck>to,  sm.  wind-pipe. 
Ootoso,  a,  adi.  gouty. 
Goulão,  sm.  y.  Glotão. 
ÕoQvete,  sm.  a  mouldlng  plane. 
Ctovemação,  sf.  government. 
GoTornadeira,  sf.  a  house-wife. 
OoTomado,  a,i)p.  adj.  governed, 
'  ruled. 
Governador,  sm.  governor. 
OoTemadora,  sf.  the  governor^s 

Gtovernança,  sf.  government. 
OoTernante,  sf.  governess. 
Governar,  va.  to  govern,  to  rale. 

Govemar-se^  vr.  to  govern  one'8 

self.  [vem. 

Govematriz,  adj.  f.  flt  to  go- 
Ctovemo,  sm.  government. 
Gozado,  a,  pp.  adj.  enjoyed,  ob- 

tained.  [to  gladden. 

Gozar,  va.  to  enjoy,  to  please, 
Gozaria,  sf.  currishness. 
Gozo,  sm.  joy,  enjoying. 

full    of 



Gozoso,    a, 

Grã,  adj.  i  g.  { abreviation  of 
Grande)  íçreat,  grand.  V.  Gran. 

Grã,  sf.  grain  for  dyeing ;  kermes, 
scarlet  dye. 

Graça,  sf.  grace,  favour.  De  — , 
grátis.  Ter  — ,  to  have  a  good 
air  or  carriage,  to  be  pleasant, 
witty.  Com — ,pleasantly.  Md — , 
taillery;  awkwardness,  ^ridí- 
cula, poor  jest.  Graças^  thanks. 
As  — s,  the  graces.  Graças  pesa- 
das,  offensive  jests.  Como  é  a 
sua  —  ?  what  is  your  nigne  ? 
Que  não  tem  — ,  unpleasant. 

Gracejador,  sm.  jester. 

Gracejar,  vn.  to  jest,  to  joke. 

Gracejo,  sm,  jokmg,  jest. 
Graciadei,  sf.  ibot.)  storKDiu; 

a  plaster  so  called. 
Gracil,  adj.  2  g.  gracile,  small. 
Gracilidade,  sf.  gracility. 
Graciosamente,  adv.  graciously, 

Graciosidade,  sf.  graciousness. 
Gracioso,  a,  adj.  gracious. 
Gracioso,  sm,   bunoon,    jester; 

Graçola, «/.  an  insipid  saylng. 
Gradação,  sf,  gradation. 

Paiítjs  L 

Gradado,  a,  pp.  adj.  iiarrowed  \ 

{herald.)  ytitn  a  herse. 
Gradador,  sm.  harrower. 
Gradar,  va.  to  harrow.  — ,  vn.  to 

grow  to  perfect  maturity. 
Gradaria,  sf,  railing,  a  quantity 

of  ralis. 
Grade,  sf.  harrow ;  grate  or  par- 

tition  made  with  bars ;  an  easel, 

a  rack.  [zado. 

Gradeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cauteri* 
Gradear,  va.  {farriers)  to  cau- 
terize a  horse. 
Gradeoer,  vn.  to  grow  to  perfect 

Gradeira,  sf.  so  is  called  the  nun 

that  comes  to  talk  at  the  grate. 
Gradelhas,  sf.  pi.  a  piece  of  an- 

cient  armour.  [balusters. 

Gradinata,  sf.  [arch.)  a  series  of 
Gradivo,  adj.  a  name  of  Mars. 
Grado,  sm.  will,  agreement.  Máo 

— ,  cldv.  in  spite   of.  De — ,  in 

food  will.  Grados^  grants  mado 
y  the  Cortes  to  the  king.  — ,  a, 

adj.  well  kerned,  matured. 
Graduação,  sf.  graduation. 
Graduadaniente,acíu.  gradually. 
Graduado,  a,  j7p.  adj.  graduated. 
Gradual,  adj.  t  g.  gradual.  — ,  sm. 

a  part  of  the  mass. 
Gradualmente,  adv.  gradually. 
Graduar,    va.   to    graduate,   to 

temper;  to  fínd  out  the  longi- 
tude or  latitude  of  a  place. 
Greifilado,  a,  adj.  engraved. 
Grafilha,  sf.  engraving,  filigrano 

work.  [comlits. 

Grageia,    sf.    a    sort    of    little 
GraLUia,  sf.  kernel. 
Gral,  sm.  a  wooden  mortar.  Mão 

do  — ,  a  wooden  pestle. 
Gralha,    sf.    {nat.   hist.)    crow, 

rook.  [crows. 

Gralhada,  sf.  the  chattering  of 
Gralhador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  and  adj. 

one  who  gaggles ;  babbler. 
Gralhar,  vn.  to  gaggle ;  to  cackle; 

to  talk  idly. 
Gralho,  sm.  a  jackdaw. 
Grama,  sf.  {bot.)  quick-grass. 
Gramadeira,  sf.  a  brake  Coe  ^«s. 

or  hemo.  X?'^^'*»^?^: 



Gtmuv.  ia.  t.. 

bíM  fisx  vi-.h 

eramatR.  >'.  ,.'. 

r/  kali. 

Onunlnho,  >-.. 

Õranunaticada .    a . 


Orammatical.    eàj. 

GrandUoco.   »~   a^j- 

Orandiloqnencla .    rf. 
GnndiosBiiKuate,     ads, 


Gracdloeo.   s.  od/.  snuid,  is- 

p.isiiig.  iiwgaificetit.  [4w. 

Orsxdura,  i/*-  greuneaB,  (b>- 

Onínel,  ira.  giaBary.  Triftm-'. 

Gisiigea.  r'f.  sntill  c 
'  -OrKngeado,  a.  ^^  odj.  c 

,<:í1.-Í:  £ta::>  I  OrBsqcar.  rj.  -Ui   cuitivaM:  I 

I      p*r.  f  bnnp  ou  ooí 
'.:   r^~i     aç  [  Onsgaorla.  '^  buti 

<  Giisii^-' 


—  423  — 


QrSo,  «m.  grain. 

Grapá,  «A    arrests,    mangy    (a 

hone*k  oiEsease). 
Grailhia,  if.  graphy.  [call}r. 

GrapMoamente,    adv.    graphi- 
Graphico,  a,  adj.  graphic,  gra- 

Graphita,  sf.  {miner.)  graphite. 
Graphoxnetro,  sm.  graphometer. 
Grasnada,  sf.  a   crying  ont  of 

sevcral  birds. 
Grasnado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cried  out. 
Grasnador,  a,  adj.  that  cries  out. 
Grasnar,  vn.  to  crjlike  an  eagle 

br  such  birds  :  to  croak. 
Grasnido,  sm.  Y.  Grasnada. 
Grassento,  a,  adj.  thick  gross. 
Gratamente,  adv.  gratefuUy. 
Gratidão,  sf.  gratitude. 
Gratificação,    sf.    gratifícation, 

reward;  thanks-giviíig. 
Gratificado,  a,  pp.adj.  gratified. 
Gratif icador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  and  adj. 

Gratificar,  va.   to   gratify,    to 

remunerate,  to  revard. 
Gratificlo,  sm.  gratifícation. 
Grátis,  adv.  grátis. 
Grato,  a,  adj.  grateful. 
Gratuidade,  sf.  gratuity. 
Gratuitamente ,     adv.    gratui- 

Gratuito,  a,  adj.  gratuitous. 
Chratulação,  sf.  gratulation. 
Gratular,   va.   to   gratulate,  to 

reward.  Gratular-se,  vr.  to  con- 

Gratulatorio,  a,  adi.  gratulatorr. 

— ,  sm.  a  congnilatory  speech. 
Chraudo,  a,  adj.  grainy,  matured ; 

fuU  of  grains. 
Graulho,  sm.  kemel. 
Gravação,  sf.  grievance,  wrong. 
Gravado,  a,  adj.  troubled,  op- 

pressed;  engraved. 
GvKrador.  sm.  engraver. 
Chravadura,  sf.  engraving. 
Chravame,  sm.  grievance. 
Gravar,  va.  to  engrave. 
Gravata,  sf.  cravat. 
Gravatilho,  sm.  {artil.)  a  sort  of 

Chravato,  sm.  a  sznall  dry  faggot. 
Grave,  a^j.  i  g,  seríous,  grave. 

Doença  — ,  a  dangerous  sickness. 

Os  corpos  — 5,  Beavy  bodies. 
Gravella,  sf.  {med.)  gravei. 
Gravemente,  adv.  gravely,  se- 

Graveolencia,   sf.    strong-scent 

or  bad  smell. 
Chraivetar  or  Garavetar,  va.  to 

make  small  sticks  to  kindle  the 

Gravetos,  small  sticks.  ^ 
GravezaiS/lgrievousness,  heavi- 

Gravidação,  sf.  pregnancv. 
Gravidade  ,5/*.  gravity ;  antuority. 

Gravidar,  va.  to  get  with  child. 
Gravidez,  sf.  nregnancy. 
Gravido,  a,  adj.  pregnant. 
Gravitação,   sf.  {pnys)   gravl- 

Gravitante,  adj.  2  g.  çravitating. 
Gravitar,  vn.  to  gravitate. 
Gravoso,  a,  adj.  oppres8Íve,vexa- 

cioas.  [pi'ÍQt< 

Gravura,   sf.   engraving;    cnt; 
Graxa,  sf.  olacking  for   shoes; 

grease  in   the    axle-tree  of  a 

Graxo,  a,  adj.  Óleo  — ,  the  oil  that 

is  made  thick  after  being  sun- 

ned.  Gomma  —  a,  sandarac. 
Greoismo,  sm.  grecism. 
Greda,  sf.  fuller's  earth,  loam. 
Gredoso,  a,  adj.  pertaining  to 

fuller's  earth. 
Gregal,  adj.  2  g.  gregal. 
Grege,  sf.  flock,  herd.  V.  Gm. 
Grego,    a,  s.  and  adj.  Greek,  * 

Grecian,  belonging  to  Greece^ 
Gregorian,  adj.  2  q.  Rregorian. 
Gregotil,  sm.  a  httle  dash,  the 

lastthing  in  the  Greek  alphabet. 
Gregotins,    sm.   pi.   scrawling^ 

inelegant  writing. 
Greguejar,  va.  to  give  a  Greek 

form  to  a  word. 
Grei,  sf.  flock,  herd. 
Grelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sprouted. 
Grelar,  va.  to  sprout. 
Grelliar,  va.  to  grill. 
Grelhas,  sf.  pi  a  griditow.* 
Grelo.,  sm. «.  ^^qtqkxX.. 
Grémio,  sm.  \a^  %  «.\itA^ ,  ^«^^ 

-  .'■■ 


-  c 

r.- .: 

9^t\pyé\t,  %  o/ff  kvju.ií^A  %■/ 
féftifff^.  if  '•\.At':f„f,itA  '.**.;iL.*?J'. . 

^hif'v    «ri>h  1.1.1/  k 

firllM.  «/  'tyimf,  on%,  Hhnf.kihif,. 
OflliM'1ii  «/  htiy  fjiu ftmml  tiomi. 
flf  lt.N«l«iírfi.  «/  »  ImwlwiK  woirinn. 
Or II.H<lffr.  «r/l.  »i  tiMwliiiK  í<iHow. 
f4rl|iN«|firfi.  «^  f>  IfiiwliiiK  womiiri. 
flrliiif ,  )  /f     i(>  <  17,   Iji   IiawI,   to 

Itrillmi,   III    Wlill 

CIf-lLiiilN,  if  t  ryifiK  mil,  ImwliiiK. 
ClilLn,  fiM    i-ry,  nhniii.,  wiiiliiiK^ 
MliK.  1   II  liiiiil  lif  liir. 
OllMnlii.  «/   tl>"  i'ii|i|ii>r  wini  ihnt 

NriiiiiuiiMI',  »"t-  n  Inw  liiiw. 
i4t'tihUit,  «<"    n  Hiirl  »f  uvvW  «t 

fliiwplltnlm.  */".  ouirrivul  uw». 

J.-:;,J — ■.     —       1:17        !*;u£       lfMV9 


,  j 


ai  % 

--..%.rr'."¥-ír. ■.''."■»■:  p-^r^:  "uie  «30»- 

y    i  i  •  -rx-r" 

Grulad-o  a.  p.-.  :i;.  ãi»<i. 

OrudadcT.  í  »..  íiíer. ' 

Orodadora.  i.*'.  '2:i-in.-»aL 

Omáait,  TC.  '.j  e.i*. 

Grude.  t/'.  <l-i4' 

Orado.   adj.  ia.  —  e  miulb.  pn> 

mi»'-,  i6i'.iy.  'of  hawk. 

Gmalro,  a.  o-i;'.  Fatcuo' — .  a  sorc 
Oruin.  t'»».  the  snout  of  a  hog. 
Gralha,  «m.   and   a<!l;.  talkràve 

fftllow.  ring. 

Grulhada,   «/.  bavling*.    halloo- 
Grulhar,  va.  apd  n.  to   cry  as 

crow.4.  [ged  into  eromes. 

Grumado,  a,  pp.  and  adj.  chan- 
Grumar,  vn.  to  be  changed  into 

n  ^'rum.  [coag^lation. 

Grumeoencia,  if.  grumouBness, 
Grumeloso,  a,  adj.  grumous. 
Grumete,  «m.  the  xneanest  sort 

ot'  Hailor.  [olot. 

Grumo,  ttm.  grume,  coagulation, 
Grumoao,  a,  adj.  grumous. 
Grunhido,  sm.  grunt,  grunting. 
Grunhidor,  a,  adj.  grunter. 


—  425  — 


Ompo,  sm.  group ;  crowd,  huddle. 

Grata,  sf.  grotto,  den,  cave. 

Gratesoo,  a,  adj.  grotesque. 

Oryphioo,  a,  adj.  belonging  to 

Grjrpho,  sm.  gryphus,  griphy.— , 
a,  adj.  lettra  — a,  italic  letter. 

Guadameoixn,  sm.  a  sort  of  gilt 
leather  for  banging  or  such  use. 

Guadanha,  sf.  a  scythe. 

Gaai,  inter j.  —  de  ti!  woe  to  you ! 

Guala,  sf.  moan. 

Guaiaoo,  sm.  guaiacum. 

Guaiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lamented. 

Goaiar,  va.  and  n.  to  lament,  to 

Guaiva,  sf.  moats,  ditcbes. 

Gualde,  oídj.  2  ^.  a  sort  of  yellow 

Gnaldido,  a,  adj.  eaten. 

Gualdrapa,  sf.  a  covering,  a 
bousÍDg  clotb.  [to  rob. 

Gualdripar  or  Gualdipar,  va. 

Gualteira,  sf.  a  sort  of  cap. 
V.  Carapuça. 

Gualtespa, '  5/*.  a  sort  of  belmet. 

Guano,  sm.  guano. 

Goantés,  sm.  pi.  gloves ;  iron- 
gloves,  a  part  of  armour. 

Guapice,  sf.  valour ;  foppery. 

Guapo,  a,  adj.  brave;  foppish. 
Moço  — ,  a  beau. 

Guarda ,  sm.  guard  ,  keeper , 
varden,  watcbman.  — 5,  custom- 
house  waiters,  offícers  to  re- 
ceive  toU. 

Guarda,  sf.  custody,  charge; 
guard;  {agric.)  a  young  branch 
•with  which  a  plant  may  be  re- 
paired.  Dar  de  —  alguma  cousa., 
to  assure  or  affírm  a  thing,  to 
assert.  —  da  espada.,  sword^ilt. 
Anjo  da  —,  &  guardian  angel. 
Guardas  da  ponte,  rails.  Dia  de 
— ,  a  kept  holyday.  Um  bom  cão 
de  — ,  a  good  house-dog.  Guar- 
das da  fechadura^  the  wards  of 
a  lock. 

Guarda,  interj.  no,  no,  I  will  not 
do  it ;  take  care  ! 

Guardabarreira,  sm.  tbe  keeper 
of  a  toll-gate. 

Oaardaoha-vea,  sm.  a  turnkey. 
auardaahuva,  s.  an  nmbreíla. 

Guardacosta,    sm.    guard-ship, 

cruiser.  [usher. 

Guardadamas,  sm.  a  gentleman- 
Guardadaxnente ,  aav.    guard- 

edly.  [er. 

Guardadeira,  s/.  guarder,  keep- 
Guardado,  a,  pp.  adj.  guarded; 

Guardador,  sm.  keeper. 
Guardafechos,  a  spanner- 

keeper.  [screen,  fender. 

Guardaíogo ,  sm.  fire-keeper , 
Guarda-iiãaiite,  sm.  fartbingale. 
Guardajoias,  sm.  the  master  of 

the  jewel-house   in  the  king^s 

family.  [dant. 

Guardaleme,  sm.  a  rudder  pen- 
Guardalivros ,   sm.   a  cashier; 

Guardaloiça,  sm.  a  cupboard. 
Guardamaior,  sm.   the  elderly 

lady,    superintendant    of    the 

ladies  of  honour  to  the  queen. 
Guardamanoebos,  sm.  pi.  ia  sea 

term)  two  ropes  on  'which  the 

sailors  lay  their  hands. 
Guardamão,  sm.  the  bow  of  & 

sword-hilt.  [man. 

Guardaxnarinha,  sm.  a  midship- 
Guardamõr,  «m.  the  chief  es- 

quire  of  the  king'8  body. 
Guardanapo,  sm.  napkin. 
Guardapé,  sm.  an  under  petti« 

Guardapô,  sm.  any  cloth  that  is 

spread  to  keep  on  tbe  dust. 
Guardaporta,  sm.  adoor-curtain. 
Guardaportão ,    sm.     a    door- 

Guardapuxa,  interj.  indeed. 
Guardaquedas,  sm.  a  parachute. 
Gusurdar,  va.  to  keep  or  preserve, 

to  watch,  to  guard  or  defend ;  to 

lay  by  or  up.   Guarde  Deus  a 

V.  M. !  God  bless  you !  Guardar- 

se^  vr.  to  keep  from,  to  avoid  or 

forbear.  [ductor. 

Guardaraio,  sm.  electric  con- 
Guardareposte,  sm.  he  that  looks 

af ter  the  carpets ,  con  ct^ax»  s  «?«.. 
Guaxdacoxvpai,  sm.>i:ti«i>sA«V«^^^ 

ceUoT.  «* 

;  Guerrear.  -«.  lu  war,   to  vaga 
Guerralro,  a.  aij.  «-arlike m. 

OuaTdonho.  ^.    .  __ 

ad].  «vinç,  traeii. 

OnarscBilDr, B.  «Cf-l 

Ooarltelra,  m.  nna  tbni  kee[i>  i 
—      -  B  BuniOB-hmíiB. 


OtianiíçSo,   nf.   garoiíh.  onu 

Oiiamioloneiro.  tm.  (jarnishci 

Ouamido.  a,  pp.  aáj.  \ísnã*Y\i-{\ 
'Oiiamlmentoa,  m.  pi.  Kirnisli 

Onamlr.  vi.  tn  gHrnisK  to  pro 

I.  im.  ■  lock  i.f  n 

rf*  — ,  a  nicltiiamB. 
OaetTeada.a.  pp.^ndj,  tQuftlit. 
Oasireador,  a,  ib*/.  "uil  •■  i"» 

(anionelhí  ie-wi). 
Oola.  ff.  íuidei  leedar,  dire«|c 
—  da  dama,   lhe    leadAf  a(  a 
Jnnce.   Torta   rfe  *  P*^* 

aiiy  iliintç.    Cnninra    &  ~7b 
tiífi-VHther:  a  fVama  vhenoB 

Otilabella.  tf.  ifivl.  •  l>uck'a  hora. 
Oulado.  a.  pp.  a4j.  tfuidud,  cos- 

Guiador,  i 



Gwlhote.   .  __ 

ii-.L-^.fníhinir.biit  npUhBrí^l; 

GnUtiotlna,  sf.  !^a,\h,ua. ' 
GnilhotiiiBr    m.  i>.  i.'ii;i|r>thi. 
Guinada.  i>l  ia  .kh  í-^n.,)  lie  nw- 

arfj.  ciÍbiL 

minanioulata  cry; 
flnlnda.  jf.  the  rape  uf  a  craDi'. 


\  Qmtnea .    im. 

i.  %\T.ieiiKiii-,  o.  V\^ 



—  427  — 


of  coarse  silk;  the  excrement 

of  the  silk-worm. 
Otdrlanda,  êf.  V.  Grinalda. 
Guimalda,  sf.  {a  sea  term)  a  sort 

of  net.  —  pítra  as  balas,  shot- 

Cmisa,  sf.  guis«,  qualitj. 
Gniaado,  pp.  adj.  dressed,  armed. 
Ckiisado,  sm.  meat  dressed.  Um 

mau  — ,  a  crime,  a  fault. 
Guisamento,  sm,  accoutrement. 
Gnisar,  va.  to  dress  or  season 

zneat.  O  modo  de  — ,  seasoning 

Oniso,  sm.  a  small  bell. 
Guisso,  sm.  a  chip  or  little  piece 

of  wood. 
Gaita,  sf.  packthread. 
Guitarra,  sf.  gaitar. 
Gula,  sf.  gluttonv ;  throat. 
Guloso,  a,  adj.  gluttonons. 
Gume,  sm.  the  sharp  edge  of  a 

sword,  knife,  etc. 
Gumena,  sf.  a  cable. 
Quncho,  sm.  a  sort  of  aqnatic 

fowl.  [called. 

Gune,    sm.   a    coarse   cloth    so 
Gurgulhar,  vn.  to  gush  ont,  to 

boii  fast,  to  bubble. 
Gurgulhão,  sm.  bubbling. 
Gurgulho,  sm.  mite  orweevil. 
Gxirgulhoso,  a,  adi.  mity. 
Gurguxnelas,  sf.  pi.  the  entrance 

or  upper  part  of  the  oesophagos. 
Gurgutuõ,   interj.  it  cannot  be 

Gurupés,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  bow- 

Gusa,  sf.  a  long  piece  of  iron  or 

long  beam. 
GussmiUio,  sm.  a  small  worm. 
Gussmo,  sm.  a  worm. 
Gustação,  sf.  gustation. 
Gustativo,  a,  adj.  gustatorious. 
Gutta,  sf.  gatta,  gamboge. 
Guttural,  adj.  2  g.  gattaral. 
Gutturalmente,  adv.  guttorally. 
Gymnasiarca,  sm.  gymnasiarch. 
Gymnasio,  sm.  gymnasium. 
Gymnastlca,  sf.  gymnastics. 
Gymnastioamente,  adv.  gym- 
_  nastíoalljr. 

^ymnaadíoo,  a,  adj.  gynmastio. 
^ynnioa,  8f.  gymnicB. 

Gyxnnico/a,  adj.  gymnic,  gym- 

Gjnnnosophia,  sf.  gymnosophy. 
Gynarohia,  sf.  gynarchy. 
Gsrnecographia ,    sf.    gynteco- 

Gynologia,  sf.  gynology. 
Gypseo,  a,  adj.  gypseous. 
Gypso,  sm.  gvpsum. 
Oyrão,  sm.  (neraZrf.)  gyron. 
Gyrar,  va.  to  gjrre. 
Gjrro,  sm.  gyration,  gyre. 
Gyrofe,  sm.  clove. 
Gyrofeiro,  sm.  clove-tree. 
Gyromancia,  sf.  gyromancy. 


H,  sm.  the  eighth  letter  of  the 

Portuguese  aJphabet. 
Hábil,  adj.^ig.  able,  capable,  íit; 

dexterous,  active. 
Habilidade,  sf.  ability,  capacity, 

Habilidoaunente ,    adv.    ably. 

skilfully,  artfully. 
Habilidoso,  a,   adj.  ingenious, 

clever,  inveutive. 
Habilitação,  sf.  habilitation,  ou»- 

liíication.  [qualined. 

Habilitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  eoabled. 
Habilitando,  a,  adj.  (m  law)  that 

must  be  habilitated. 
Habilitante,  sm.  (in  law)  he  who 

Habilitar,  va.  or  n.  to  make  able, 

to  capacitate.^aòi^tYoT^-se, 

enabfe  one's  self.  [ly. 

Habilmente,  aeíu.cleverly,  quick- 
Habitação,  sf.  habitation. 
Habitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  inhabited. 
Habitador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  an  inha- 

bitant,  dweller. 
Habitante,  adj.  2  g.  and  sm.  or  f. 

Habitar,  va.  to  inhabit. 
Habitável,  adj.  1  g  \v^\\a&ív»- 
Habito,  sm.  \3l;íCí\\.,  cvsaXBr»^. 

HalAtaal,  adj.  ^  O-^^^S^Sw 


—  428  — 


Habituar,  vn.  to  habltuatc.  Ila- 

bituar-se,  vi,  to  use,  to  accustom 

one\s  s«lf. 
Habitude,  si.  custom. 
Haoanea,  xf.  an  aiublin^  nag, 
Halieto,  sm.  a  kind  of  eagle. 
Balito.  sul.  brcath,  vapour. 
Halituoso,  a,  adj.  halituous,  va- 
pore ms. 
Hallabarda,  sf  halberd. 
Hallabardeiro,  sm.  halberdeer. 
Halluoinar,    vn.    to  allucinate. 

V.  Alluv.mar  ainl  derivated. 
Haque.   sm.   a  weight  used   in 

Africa  ;  16  haques  to  the  ouuce. 
Harda,  sf.  a  squirrel. 
Hardimento ,     sm.    hardiness , 

fiarem,  sm  harém. 
HarexKiue,  sm   herring. 
Harxnale,  sf.  [hot.)  wild  ruo. 
Harmonia,  sf.  harmony. 
Harmonicamente,  acto.  harmo- 

Harmónico,  a,  ntíj.  harmonious. 
Harmoniosamente «   ado.   har- 

Harmonioso,  a,  adj,  harmonious, 

Harmonisar,  va,  to  harmouize. 
Harmonista,  sm.  harmonist. 
Harpa.  sf.  harp. 
Harpão,  sm.  a  grapnel. 
Harpar,  va.  to  narp,  to  play  on 

tho  harp. 
Harpeo,  sm.  a  grappling-iron. 
Harpia,  sf.  harpy. 
Harpista.  sm.  huVper,  harpist. 
Harpoado.  a,;)/>.  atlj.  harpooned. 
Barpoador,  sm.  harpooner. 
Harpoar,  va.  to  har[)oou. 
Harpoeira,  sf,  tho  strin^  fastoned 

to  tht»  handlo  of  tho  harpooií. 
Harto,  <it/i'.  onough.  too. 
Hasta,  .«/*.  spear,  pike. 
Hastato.  ím.  soldior  tíghting-^-ith 

spear;  ,^liot.\  spear-shaped. 
Haste  or  Hastea.  »/.  the  staff  of 

a  spear ;  a  stnndanl. 
Hastear,  rd.  to  raise  ap  the  staff 
of  a  standard. 

Hausto,  sm.  a  draught  of  anjr 

Haver,  va.  andaiu;.tohave.  Wtíh 
the  particle  de^  it  is  often  ren- 
dered  into  English  by  the  verb  to 
be  and  must.  be  eu  houver  de  tr, 
ií  I  shall  be  obliged  to  ^.  Tu 
has  de  ir^  you  must  go.  Liorotde 
deve  e  ha  de  — ,  journals,  books 
of  debtor  and  creditor.  When 
impersonal,  it  is  rendered  into 
English  bv  the  verb  to  be  pre- 
ceded  by  there;  as  Ha^  tbere  ia, 
or  there  are.  Ha  homens  tíio  mal- 
vados ^  there  are  men  so  wicked. 
Ha  um  anno,  a  year  ago. 

Haver-se,  vr.  to  carry  or  behave 
one's  self.  Elle  sabe  como  se  ha 
de  —j  he  knows  how  to  bebave 
himself  or  how  to  act. 

Haveres,  sm.  pi.  wealtb,  aab- 
stance,  riches. 

Havido,  a,pp.  adj.  had,  reputed. 
Tem  —  homens,  there  have  beea 

Hebdomada,  sf.  a  week. 

Hebdomadario,a,  adj.  hebdoma- 
dary.  —  sm.  the  priest  'whopie- 
sides  at  divine  service  for  the 

Hebdomatico,  a.  aJj.  hebdoma* 

Hebetar,  va.  tonumb.  tohebetata. 

Hebetismo,  sm.  dullncss,  blont- 

Hebraico,  a,  adj.  hebraic.  —  tm. 
the  llebre'w  language. 

Hebraismo,  «m.  nebraiara. 

Hebraista.  sm.  hebraist. 

Hebraisante.  sm.  hebrician ;  one 
that  follows  the  Jewish  text. 

Hebreu,  a,  sm.  or  f.  and  adj. 
Hebrew  or  Jew. 

Hecatombe,  sf.  hecatomb. 

Hectar.  sm.  hectare. 

Hectica,  sf.  hectic  fever. 

Hectico,  a.  adj.  hectic.  hecticaL 

Hectogranmia.  sf.  hectogram. 

Hectolitro,  sm.  hectoliter. 

Hectometro.  sm.  hectometer. 

H,edjStQiBO,  ql«  adj.  hederaceous. 

\  3 .         .       

JEbstim,  .«.*;i.  a  laiid  measuie;  &\HAâiQixid«z.,  &t>^'^^^^'(^'^<^«&. 
Haurir,  va.  xo  draw  out.  \    íit«»^t«^^- 




—  420  — 


Hégira,  sf.  {chron.)  hégira. 
Heliaco,  a,  adj.  {astrTj  heliacal. 
Hélice,  sf.  {astron.)  helix ;  {anat.) 
the  "whole  circuit  of  the  anricle ; 
the  Great  Bear,  constellation. 
Heliocêntrico,    a,   adj.   helio- 

Helioscopo,  sm.  helioscope. 
Heliotropia,  sf.  a  precious  stone 

so  called. 
Heliotropo,  sm,  (bot.)  heliotrope. 
Helleboro,   sm.  (bot.)  hellebore. 
Hellenico,  a,  adj.  heílenian,  hel- 

Hellenismo,  sm.  hellenism. 
Hellenista,  sm.  hellenist. 
Helleno,  a,  adj.  and  s.  hellenian. 
Helmlnthioo,  a,  adj.  {med.)  bel- 

Helininthplogista,  sm.  helmin- 

Heraatitis   or   Hematites,    sf. 

Hematologia,  sf.  {med.)  a  trea- 

tise  upon  the  blood. " 
Hematose,  s.  (med.)  hematosis. 
Hematúria,    sf.    evacuation  of 

blood  by  the  urinary  passage 
Hemerologio,  sm.  calendar. 
Hemiciclo,  sm.  hemicycle,  a  half- 

Hemicrania,  sf.   hemicrany. 
Hemicylindro ,   sm.  hemicylin- 
der.  [of  nine  ounces. 

Hemina,  sf.  hemina;  a  measure 
Hemiplegia,    sf.   {med.)    hemi- 

Hemispherioo,    a,    adj.   henii* 

spheric,  hemispherical. 
Hemispherio,   sm.   hemisphere. 
Hemispheroidal,  adj.  2  g.  {geom.) 

Hemistichic,  sm.  hemistich. 
Hemitriteo,  sm.  {med.)  a  semi 

tertian  fevor. 
Hemitropo,    adj.   and  s.   hemi- 
trope.  [hemoptysis. 

Hemoptico,  a,  adj.  suífering  of 
Hemoptysiis,  sf.  {med.)  hemop- 
Remorrluigia,  sf.  heraorrhagy. 
BémorrhagiAOo,  a,  adj.  belong- 
ing  to  bomorrbagy, 
MãmorrhooB,  s/i  bJood-snake. 

Hemorrholdal,  adj.  2  g.  hemor- 

Hemorrhoidas,   sf.  pi.  hemor* 

rhoids ;  the  piles. 
Hemorrhoidoso,  a,  aâj.  hemor- 

Hendecagono,  sm.  (geom.)  hen- 

Hepática,  sf.  {bot.)  liver-wort. 
Hepático,  a,  adj.  hepática! . 
Hepatitis  or  Hepatite,  sf  {med.) 

inflammation  of  the  liver. 
Heptachordo,   sm.  heptachord. 
Heptagono,  sm.   {geom.)  hepta- 

Heptagynio,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  hepta> 

Heptandro,  sm.  {bot.)   a  plant 

having  seven  stamens. 
Heptarchia,  sf.  heptarchy. 
Hera,  sf.  ivy. 

Heráldico,  a,  adj.  heraldic. 
Heraldo,  sm.  herald. 
Herança,  sf.  inheritance,  patri' 

mony,  estate. 
Herbáceo,  a,  adj.  herbaceous. 
Herbario,  sm.  berbarium. 
Herbatico,  a,  adj.  herbal. 
Herbifero,  a,  adj.  herbiferous. 
Herbívoro,  a,  adj.  herbivorous. 
Herbolaria,  sf.  a  woman  skilled 

in  herbs. 
Herbolario,  sm  an  herbalist ;  a 

man  skilled  in  herbs. 
Herboreo,  a,  adj.  herbous. 
Herborisação,  sf.  herborization. 
Herbcrisar,  va.  to  herborize. 
Herboso,  a,  adj.  herby. 
Hercules,  sm.  {mythol.)  Hercules. 
Herdade,  sf.  inheritance,  estate; 

great  farm  or  field. 
Herdado,  a,  pp.  adj.  inherited. 
Herdamento,  sm.  inheritance. 
Herdar,  va.  to  inherit. 
Herdeiro,  a,  sm.  or  f.  heir,  in- 
heritor ;  heiress.  [tarily. 

Hereditariamente,  adv.  heredi- 
Hereditário,  a,  adj.  hereditary. 
Herege,  sm.  hereivc. 
Heremita^  sm,  \v«t\svv\..  ^  .  ^J"^*" 

Hereo,  sm.  a\fòiiMv\.  ^hVo  t««w. 
Heresia,  «f- ^f  ^^  *  ^^«ttíQ. 


ltj|l1MllUllIÚ*.  IM. 

--nta.  arfs^  ilw 
».  aJj.  hierogljr- 

;f    iiier<.;fni;.hj. 
f.  i  íi.  lejoiciog. 

ifll,     IlippCHlTMi'. 

..  lhe  hnh 
I.  a  kind  of  píú- 


"'■"ia -!/i:iLii. '^  ^.'j:: 


—  431  — 


Hirundinaria,  sf.  [hot.)  swallo^'- 

Hirundlno,  a,  aâj.  pcrtaining  to 
a  swallow. 

Hispânico,  a.  aâj.  Spanisli. 

Historia,  sf.  histnry ;  tale 

EUstoriado,  a.  pp.  adj.  historied. 

Historiador,  f^m.  historian. 

Historial,  adj.  2  g.  historical. 

Historiar,  va.  tohistorif)',  to  re- 
late, to  composp  or  "write  histo- 
ries ;  to  paint  historical  pieces. 

Historicamente,  adv.  ni^tori- 
cally.  [toric. 

EUstorico,  a,  adj.  historical,  his- 

Historiographia.  sf.  hist<3rio<n'a- 
phy.  [pher. 

Historiographo.  sm.  historio^a- 

Historiologia.    sf.   historiology. 

Histrião,  sm.  player,  actor,  ImV- 

Hodierno,  a,  adj.  hodiernal. 

Hodometro,  sm.  hodometer. 

Hoje,  adv.  to-dav.  this  day ;  —  cm 
dia  or  no  dia  de  — ,  now-a-days, 
in  our  days.  Até  o  dia  de  — ,  to 
this  day.  Faz  —  oito  dias^  this 
day  sennig-ht  (or  a  -week  ago). 
De  —  a  oito  dioSy  this  day 
sennight  Jor  a  week  hence). 

Holá,  interj.  ho  I  ho  there  ! 

Hollanda,  sf.  {geog.)  Ilolland. 

Hollandez,^a,  s.  ánd  adj.  Hollan- 
der,  belonging  to  Ilolland. 

Holocanatar,  va.  to  offer  in  sa- 

Holocausto,  sm.  holocaust. 

Holographo,  a,  adj  \law)  holo- 

Homisrear,  vn.  to  compare  ene'» 
self:  —  va.  to shoulder. 

Hombreiras,  sf.  pi.  shoulder- 
straps.  [courage, 

Hombridade  ,     $f.    manliness , 

Hombro,  sm.  shoulder.  Olhar  so- 
bre o  —  para  alguém^  to  look 
down  on  one  with  contempt.  —  — ,  shoulder  by  shoulder. 

Homem,  sm.  man ;  —  de  bem^  — 

honrado^  an  honest  man,  a  gen- 

tleman.   Chegará  idade  de  — , 

to  come  to  man  s  estate. 

Bomemxarrio,  sm.  a  big  man. 

Homezazinho,  sm.  a  little  man. 


Homenagem,  sf.  homap;e. 
Homeopathia,  sf.  liomeopathy. 
Homeopathicamente,  aao.  ho- 

meopathically.  [pathical. 

Homeopathico,  a,  adj,  liomeo- 
Homeopathista,  sm.   iiomeopa- 

Homérico,  a,  adj.  homcric. 
Homicida,  «m.  nomicidc,  man- 

Homicídio  ,  sm.  murder  ,  mnn- 

slaugter.  [or  kllls. 

Homicido,  a.  adj.  that  murders 
Homilia,  sf.  homily.         [milies. 
Homiliar,  va.  to  pronounce  ho- 
Homiliasta,  sf.  homilist. 
Homiziado,  a,  pp.  adj.  refugod, 

Homiziado,  sm.  a  rcfugee. 
Homiziai,  sm.  a  refugee. 
Homiziar ,  va.   to   conceal ,    to 

shelter.  Homiziar-se^  vr.  to  fly 

to  a  placo  for  shelter. 
Homizio,  sm.  a  ílying  for  shelter, 

the  State  of  being  sheltered  ; 

homicide.  [trical. 

Homocentrico,  a,  adj.  homocen- 
Homogeneidade,    sf.    homoge- 

nealness.  [geneous. 

Homogeneisar,  va.  to  do  homo- 
Homogéneo,  a,  adj.  homogenenl. 
Homologação,  sf.  homologation. 
Homologar,  va.  (in  law)  to  ho- 

mologate,  to  ratify   by  publio 

authority.  [logous. 

Homologo,  a,  adj.  {geom^  honio- 
Homonymiamente,  adv.  homo- 

Homonymia,  sf.  homonymy. 
Homonymo,   a,   adj.    homony- 

Homophago,    a,    adj.    homo- 

phagous.  [a  d'warf. 

Homunculo,  sm.  a  little  man, 
Honestador,  sm.  he  who  colours 

or  palliates,  an  excuser. 
Honestamente,    adv.  honestly. 
Honestar,  va.  to  honour,  to  pol- 

liate,  to  cloak. 
HoneatVdsÀe,  st-'^^^'^^'^^  -  '^'^^" 

Honesto,  «i,  od^ .  Voxiwx ,  ^;S*í^ 







ãf  ^ 







4V  V 


:cv    .-x 

••          ...     '.^ 

Hr.^rJt  Âa 

/.'  ■,  •   .•      •«     >/     t  • 

}t',."A.  .'Jk. 

.  .  /     .  .     ;  • .;-.  •  ; 


•    ."•..    .•    : ». 

i  .  i  • .  -  ■. 

•*  •- /  .      .*y. 

íí/^«*  '  sL.V'JtUÍ  •^\  —  LifUStCU 

.    -  ,     p*-"^*  ^  -^f  *. 
■     - .  r^  :  -_-::r. 

l|//# '. ,     '   ■  ,   .      •  « • '  H v%4r..iJi     ■  "í".     ^ :  >■»-  -  -  m 

<!'</•;»<,/»    ■ //■    ■/ "/     <    /  ■. .    ■. '  Hwp^ô»    i'    j..::ts5     '  v-7  -'«.-1 

'■        .0    :.-'/.  '.-  HvKrp«á  a.:-    .  :_ .  1  ;•:£•«.* 

$Vti .fH,*  ti   'W,    / //   :  ■.:  f  .'.\i.  Hcirfe.peda.dor.      ..    :!*   -wi-  re- 
li'/* •/'//•♦/# »  //(i./#  Vr    "'/'.    :. . .'  / •/.'.  •         '.•:.■.*  :  .'. '.  -. p  l*-a . . y . 

'••    /  Hvfjpedagftin.  ='  í,»z.:t*1:;t. 

$f'ttif'>n**,  'in   i.-.t.f.;  Hottp«dai.     'j.  -  y.  Lospitable. 

i$'tt00t$tti't    -.1     iltituiitií^t.    t/f.  Hospedar    .'-.  Ij  ciitertain  bs  a 

If<i«#"«yi.«|ii««.  «//<   '/////  ,  ;i  i,>,ru'    Hcmpedaria.  »/.  nospital,  aplaoe 

''■"•■  I      to  *ííii'írfjiii  .straa;^ers. 

ii*0t>ihnihtl    iiif\   111    liiii«i\'iv'\.\     Ví»»\-j. 

U'0i>0tH9êiníi    •/  i...M.i...-.i.ivl        \^*^'^*^T'\''''^-^;;JÍ:.Si'S^!S!f^ 


—  433  — 


be    igaorant.    Fazer-se  — ,  to 

affect  ignorance. 
Hospedeiro,  sm.  host,  the  land- 

lord  of  an  inn. 
Hospício ,  sm.  hospital ;  a  little 

house  of  any  religious  order. 
Hospita,  sf.  V.  Hospeda. 
Hospital,  sm.  hospital. 
Hospitalarios,  sm.  pi.  hospital- 

Hospitaleiro,  sm.  one  who  has 

the  care  of  an  hospital. 
Hospitaleiro,  a,  aaj.  hospitable. 
Hospitalidade,  sf.  hospitalitj. 
Hospodar,  sm.  hospodar. 
Hoste,  sf.  {poet. )  an  host,  army. 
Hóstia,   sf.  host;   the    sacrifice 

Hostil,  adj,  2  g.  hostile. 
Hostilidade,  sf.  hostility. 
Hostilisado,  a,j9p.  adj.  hostilized. 
Hostilisar,  va.  to  hostilize. 
Hostilmente,  adv.  in  an  hostile 

Houri,  sf.  houri. 
Hu,  adv.  where. 
Huguenote,  sm.  huguenote,  cal- 

Hoi !  interj.  ho !  alas  ! 
Huivador,  a,  adj.  that  howls  like 

a  "wolf. 
Huivar,  va.  to  howl. 
Huivo,  sm.  howl. 
Hum  !  interi.  oh !  alas  1 
Hum,  a,  aaj.  num.  one.V.  Um. 
Humanado,  a,  pp.  adj.  humani- 

Humanai,  adj.  2  g.  human. 
Humanamente,  adu.  humanly, 

Humanar,  va.  to  humanize.  J7u- 

manar-se^  vr.  to  humble   one's 

Humanidade,     sf.     humanity ; 

benevolence,  kindness. 
Humanidades,  sf.  pi.  humani- 

ties;  philology. 
Humanisar,  va.  to  humanize. 
Humanista,  sm.  huraanist. 
Humano,  a,  adj.  human,  kind ; 

civil,  courteous,  humane. 
Hume  or  Pedra  iiume,  sf.  alum- 
Btone,  alum. 

HuaÊ9ot9çdo,  sf,  liujaectation. 
Pamtíí  L 

Humeotado,  a,  pp.  adj.  humect- 

ed.  [ing. 

Humeotante,  adj.  2  g.  humect- 
Humectar,  va.  to  humect. 
Humectativo,  a,  adj.  humective. 
Humedeoente,  adj.  2  g.  having 

the  power  to  moisten. 
Humedecido,  Si^  pp.  adj.  humect- 

ed.  [tates. 

Humente,  adj.  2  g.  that  huraec- 
Humeral,a(í;.  2  g.  {anat.)  hume< 

Humero,  sm.  {anat.)  humerus. 
Humidade,  sf.  humidity. 
Húmido,  a,  adi.  humid,  wet. 
Humildade,  sf.  humilitv. 
Humildado,  a,  j)p.  adj.  humbled. 
Humildar,  va.  to  humiliate,  to 

humble.  [dest,  poor. 

Humilde,  adj.  2  g.  humble.  mo- 
Humildemente,  adv.  humbly.  ■ 
Humildoso,  a,  adj.  humble. 
Humilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  humbled. 
Humilliante,   aaj.   2  g.  humi- 

Humilhar,  va.  to  humiliate.  Hu- 

milhar-se,  vr.  to  humble  one*s 

self.  [humility. 

Humiliaçâo,     sf.     humiliation, 
Humilmente,  aav.  humbl^. 
Humor,  sm.  humour,  moisture. 

Bello  — ,  good  nature.  Mau  — ,  ill 

Humoral,  adj.  2  g.  humoral. 
Húmus,  sm.  mould,  earth,  soil. 
Hussard  or  Hussar,  sm.  hussar. 
Huy  or  Hui,  interj.  oh !  alas ! 
HyacintJio,  sm.  Çbot.)  hyacinth. 
Hyalurgia,  sf.  hialurgy. 
Hyhrido,  a,  adj.  hybndous.  — , 

sm.  hybrid.  [tros. 

Hydarthrose,  sf.  {med.)  hydar- 
Hydra,  sf.  hydra. 
Hydraciao,«m.  (cA^m.)  hydracid. 
Hydrargyro,  sm.  hydrargyrum ; 

quick-silver.  [dratic. 

Hydratado,  a,  adj.  {chem.)  hy- 
Hydrato,  sm.  (chem.)  hydrate. 
Hydraulica,  sf.  hvdrauUca. 
Hydraulico,  a,  aa3.\i.:j^T>i.vKv5.^> 

nydrawWc.  .«^jv 

Hydreleo,  sm.  ^meá.^-w^\.^^  xcvví.^'»^ 

-with  oW.  . 

Hydriodato.  tm.  (cAfn.)  Ii](di 

. «1 _  HYP 

IO-    Hyemal.  aifj.  i 

Hydroottlerieo.  a.  adj,  {'■kcm.) 

LyJrochlDrit.  [drocionote. 

HydrocyaDSto,  ini.  [rApm.l  hj- 

Hydxooyanico,  a.  ailj.^  (chsm.] 

HydrodynamloB,  'f-   fiydrodj- 
Hydrogensdo,  a,  oHj.  (r  Ann.)  Ly- 
drogeiuUBd,  [drogoo. 

HydxoseneD,  m.  (ciem.)  hj- 
HydrDÕTBphioa,  a.  nií;,  hydru- 


.    hjdrogrs 

Hydiomanala.  s/'.  h}-drnni. 

Hydroroal.  im,  'bvároDiel. 
BydJ-omatria,  if,  hydromatrj. 
HydromeWIoo,   a,   arfj.  hydn 

Hydroplaia,  ,f-  (o,íá.)  dmpsy. 
HydrophQbUi,  sf.  imid.)  hydro- 

ph.iliy,  ihydrophobic. 

Hydropboblco ,   a,  oif/.   (nfa.) 
Hydrophobo,  sm.  [mfd-í  hydro- 

Hydroplitaliola,   if.  (med.)  hy- 

Bydroplca,  a,  adj.  saã  t.  (nml.) 

bydrcpic.  drapsicol. 
HydToaoopo,  tm.  hyrirosf  ane. 
Bydroatatioa,  nf.  Iinalh.)  li^ro- 


byenul.  iri» 

:f   (.et    /.út.)    i.jln<M 

„,„ tf-  !■»«(.)  brpiBM. 

Hyglenioo.  a.  adj.  hjguaue. 

,  iin.  by^Toisater. 

□idet.  . 

Hypant,  j/,  bypEuiia;  the  porifi- 

Hyperlaato,  jm.  (prinn.)  bTp» 
HypBTbcde,  sf  (''Afft.)  hiperM» 
HyperbolioamenM.  adn.  hjja- 

Byperbõlico,  a.  a^íj.  hyperboBe. 
ByperboliBta.  iii.  hypeibolíA 
Hyperboreo,  sm,  ond  a%'.  hjp» 

Hy^BTOrlBO,  sf.  (-med.)  Ijyn- 
ByperorltiDO,  im.  hyperetiBt 
Hyperioa   or   HyperlcSo,  tm- 

{bal.)  SuinlJohii's  ttort. 
HypertTophia,  sf.  >,»ud.)  kjfN> 

Hyphen.  im.  [i/ram.)  hTphaB- 
Hypooondrla.  sf.    (mãí)    hn» 
qhnpdriíi.  {choDdrab 

Hypooondifaoo.  a,  adi,  bypo- 
HypocondrioB,    «ui.    pi.    hjp»- 

Hypoorlay,  nf.  hypocrisj. 
Hypocrlta.  if.  hypocrilB, 
HypODrltameiíte.  adp,  bypoeii- 

HypogaBtrico,    a. ,     adj.  {mtii 

HypogaBtro,  ™i.    (med.)    hjpo- 

Bypogloltia,    rf.    (oroí.)    hypo- 

HypoBtBse  or 

Hydrostatlco,  a.  lurj.  hydroHU- 
■Imsiiluhiiie.  \JiE.  \-ayçDi.'t«mBSB„  «t-  >fleomIí  V-ní» 


—  435  — 


Hyi>othetioameiite,  adv.  hypo- 
thetically.  [tical. 

Hypothenoo,  a,  adj,  h^rpcthe- 

Hyson,  sm.  hvson. 

Hjrsopada,  sf.  sprinkliiig. 

Hyaopar,  va.  to  sprinkle. 

Hysope,  sm.  an  instrument  to 
sprinkle  "with  holv-water. 

HjnMopo,  sm.  {bot.)  hyssop. 

Hsrsteralgia,  sf.  {meã.)  hysteral- 

Hirsteria,  sf.  {med.)  hysterics. 
Hystariooi  a,  adj.  hysteric,  hysr 
terical.  [disorderrs. 

HystMrtsmo,  sm,  [med.)  hirtteric 
Hysterologia,  tf.  hysteroiogy. 

I,  sm,  is  the  ninth  letter  of  the 

Portug^ese   alphabet   and  the 

third  of  the  vowels. 
latraleptioa,  sf.  {med,)  the  me- 

thod  of  curinç  by  frictiont. 
Iberioo,  a,  adj,  cr  s.  pertaimng 

to  Ibéria. 
Ibis,  sm.  (nat.  hist.)  ibis. 
Iça,  interj.  a  term  uaed  by  lea- 

men  when  hauling  a  rope. 
Içar,  va.  (a  sea  term)  to  hoiít. 
Ichão,    «m.    itinerary  maasare 

used  in  China. 
Ichneumon,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  ich- 

Ichnographla,  af.  ichnography. 
Ichnographico ,  a,  adj.  ienno- 

I(&6       ~ 

lõ  or  Ichoz,  sm.  trap  or  snare 

to  catch  rabbits. 
Ichor,  sm.  a  thin  humour. 
lohthyologia,  sf,  ichthyolog^. 
Ichthyomanoia ,  &f.  (antiq,)  ich- 

thyomancy.  [gy. 

lohtfairophagia,  sf.  ichthyopha- 
Iclit]i3ropliago,  a,  adj.  ichtnyo- 

phagoas.  [image. 

loonioo,  a,  adj.  belonging  to  an 
looncxdaata,  sm,  iconoclast. 

Joonoolagtioo,  a,  adj.  ieonodãa- 


loonognphiÊL,  sf.  ioouogniifay.  | 

loonographico,  a,  adj.  belonging 

to  icoDography. 
lòonograplio,  sm.  iconographer* 
looQolatiÂa,  sf.  iconolatry. 
Iconologia,  sf.  iconology. 
loonologico,  a,  adj,  reiating  to 

loonoznaoo,  sm.  Y.  Iconoclasta. 
Icterícia,  sf.  the    yellow  jaui- 

dice.  [jaandice. 

Icterioiar,  va.  to  afílict  with  tlie 
Ictérico,  a,  adj.  icteric,  icterical. 
Ida,  sf.  departure.  Idas  e  vmdtu^ 

going  backward  and  forward. 
Idade,  sf.  age :  time ;  (genealogy) 

the  space  of  thirty-four  yeajrs. 
Idéa  or  Idaia,  sf.  idea,  image;  a 

Ideado,  a,  pp.  adj.  imagined* 
Ideal,  adj.  2  g.  ideal,  imagiaary. 
Idealisar,  va.  to  idealize. 
Idealismo,  sm.  idealiam. 
Idealista,  sm.  idealist. 
Idealmente,  adv.  ideally. 
Idear,  ta.  to  form  ideas. 
Identicamente,  adv.  identically. 
Idêntico,  a,  adj.  identical,  iden- 

Identidade,  sf.  identicalness. 
Identiíioao&o,  sf.  identification. 
Identlfioado,  a,  pp.  adj,  identi- 

Identiiioar,    va.     to    identify. 

Identificardes  va.  to  become  the 

Ideographia,  sf.  ideograpby. 
Ideologia,  sf.  ideology. 
Ideologioo,  a,  adj.  ideologic. 
Ideólogo,  sm.  ideologist. 
Idioma,  sm.  idiom. 
Idiopathia,  sf.  {med.)  idiopathy. 
Idiopathioo,  a,  adj.  {med.)  idio- 

loioteu  sm.  idiot. 
Idiotice,  a,  adj.  idiotic. 
Idiotismo,  sm.  idiotlsm. 
Ido,  a,  pp,  of  the  verb  Ir  ;  that  is 

Idolatra,  em.  idoloAjec. 
IdolatxaAaúDDBQÍkA  ^   oâ».  NteíAr 

IdolaAxaâo,  9^^V^\^^ 
Idolatras.  t>a.  v>  v^o\a^e 
IdolataclaL,  «f .  \4o\»xt^  . 


tt|M.VII.,    ,/    .-j;.,.-»..  TM. 

ilfnuvu.  u.  a^j,  rili,  lunt-biui' 

f(|fl*ll    a,    (Uff.    ll^TJ,    JKIKH'»!!' 

IVnluAd,  i/.  'tkrut.,  ii^ailina. 
lãainni,   »,    Wj.    iKaifarbiiH. 

llpUlnUiiiUi.  ii4- 1 V'  iKiipottot, 

c  -^v-  '«'■'•'«"■ 

l(|ul«iir  Ha,  «r.  I»  iKnlM.  tii 

lunnbll,  oiíi    í  (f.  iitinililn. 

tu llliluOs,  tf.  litiic.liliinrKF 

Iiniiiblliiinnla.  "iJii. 
Junuinlnla  if,  ÍKii">i<iiiy' 

lUIlOlUlnlH  1"'-     I"     ■"'Hl    ' 

,  jui.  ailj.  iiDk.iii<«i 

ionuruiMmMiM.  'k'".  i);ii»rniit- 

IgwKl, ■>.(.>  ■,'  niul.K 

lawiil.»(.>  -.' 

,f.  hn:-^  da  na - 

Ilhar.  t_      .  , 

lUiarga,  tf.  the  flank, 
Bide-Iong.  UteraUj- 


/lA*a.  i^.  iglander 
nhâ,  iin.  sa  eyelat-hole. 
Uiaoa,  a,  adj.  ilUc.  —  t.  (oait) 

lUagao,  (/-. (ío^ii;.]  illatioa;! 

Illaoerado,  a.  ai},  that  la  no.  _ 
IllBoBravel.  adj.  %  g.  illsewaU*. 
Illapae.  i.  ilJepse,  influx. 
IIIaiiusaQãD,  í{.  illHqueaciDO. 
Illaquear,    va.  lo    illaqueua. 

«n.  Cd  insnare  one-a  aelf. 
motlTamsDts,  adD.  ilUtJTal;. 
IIlatlTO,  a,  aã},  illntive. 
lUagol.  oij.  iff.  lllegal. 
Ulogalldade.  sf.  iUsKalitv. 
tUegalmeiíte,  adv.  iUagallT. 
nisgltlniBiiieDte.  adu.  ille)^ 

niaglUmo,  a,  adj.  illsi^al,  iU 

lUiborta.  adf.  i  g.  ilUtwral. 
lUibualldscle,  sf.  ilUbcnJitj. 



u»k.?  «,vi»l,V*\'D»«4».»"**í-^'™»' 



—  437  — 


Illidixno,  a,  adi.  unlawful. 
niidir,  va.  to  aestroy  any  argu- 

ment  by  refuting  it. 
niixnitaao.  a,  adj.  illimited. 
niiznitavel,  adj.  i  g.  illimitable. 
niixnitavehnente,  adv.  illirait- 

ably.  [mense. 

niocavel,  adj.  2  g.  {tkeol.)  im- 
niogicamente,  adv.  illogically. 
Illogiqo,  a,  adj.  illogical. 
niudente,  adj.  2  g,  that  illudes 

or  deceives. 
niudido,  a,  pp.  adj.  illuded. 
niudir,  va.  to  illude,  to  mock. 
niuxninação,  sf.  illumination. 
niuminado,  a,  pp.  adj.  illumin- 

ated ;  colourea  or  set  off  wilh 

leaf  or  shell-gold  or  silver. 
niuminador  ,    sm.   illuminator ; 

one  thatadorns  prints  with  leaf 

or  shell-gold  or  silver. 
niuminar,  va.  to  illuminate,  to 

adorn  prints.  [tive. 

niuminativo,    a,  adj.  illumina- 
niuxninisxno,  sm.  illuminism. 
niuminura,  sf.  illumination,  il- 
Illusao,  sf.  illusion. 
niosivo,  a,  adj.  illusive. 
niuso,  a,  adj.  deceived,  deluded. 
niusor,  sm.  one  who  deceives. 
niusoriaznente,  adv.  illusively. 
lUusorio,  a,  adj.  illusor^. 
Hlostração,  sf.  illustration. 
Ulustradaxnente,  ado.  illustri- 

Illustrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  illustrated. 
niastrador,  sm.  illustrator. 
Blustrante,  adj.  lg.  illustrative. 
niustrar,  va.  to  illustrate.  Illus- 

trar-se,  vr.  to  become  illustrious. 
niustre,  adj.  i  g.  illustrious. 
niustrexnente,  adv.  illustriously. 
notas,  sm.  pi.  helotes. 
Imagem,  sf.  image;  idea. 
Imaginação ,    sf.   imagination , 

fancy;  image,  thought. 
Imaginado,  a,  pp.  adj.  imagined. 
Imaginador,  sm.  imaginer. 
finaginar,    va.  to  imagine,  to 

Imaginaria,  s/'.  imagery, 
Imaginariamentej    ado.   in  an 
Jmaginative  manner. 

Imaginário,  a,  adj.  ima^inary, 

fancied.— sm.a  carver^  an  image- 

raaker.  [power. 

Imaginativa,  sf.  the  imaginativo 
Imaginativo,  a,   adj.   imagina* 

tive,  fanciful.  —  sm.  one  that 

is  troubled  with  strange  fancies. 
Imaginável,  adj.  lg.  imaginable. 
Iman,     sm.     iman    (musulman 

priest);  the  load-stone. 
Imbecil,  adj.  2  g.  imbecile. 
Imbecilidade,  sf.  imbecility. 
Imbecilitado,  a,  adj.  weakened. 
Imbelle,  adj.  2  g.  imbellic,  not 

Imberbe,  adj.  2  g.  beardless. 
Imbibição,  sf.  imbibition. 
Imbriíero,  a,  adj.  rainy. 
Imbuido,  a,  pp.  adj.  imbued. 
Imbuir,  va.  to  imbue,  to  soák. 
Imigavelmente ,   adv»    enemy- 

like.  ['WíO'0. 

Imigo,  a>  adj.  e  s.  enemy.  v.  /ní- 
Imitação,  sf.  imitation. 
Imitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  imitated. 
Imitador,  a,  sm.  or  /.  an  imitator. 
Imitante,   adj.  2  g.   imitating, 

that  imitates. 
Imitar,  va.  to  imitate. 
Imitativo,  a,  adj.  imitativo. 
Imitavel,  adj.  2  g.  imitable. 
Imizade,  sf.  V.  Inimizade. 
Immaculadamente,  adv.  imma- 

culately.  [late. 

Immacmado,  a,    adj.   immacu- 
Immaculidade,  sf.  immaculate* 

ness,  purity.  [leable. 

Inmialeavel,  adj.   2  g.   immal- 
Immanente,  adj.  2  g.  immanent. 
Immanidade,  sf.  immanity. 
Immano,  a,  adj.  inhuman,  cruel. 
Immarcessivel,  adj.  2  g.  immar- 

cessible.  [rial. 

Inmiaterial,  adi.  2  g.  immate- 
Immaterialidaae,   sf.   immate- 

riality.  [rialism. 

Immaterialismo ,   sm.  immate- 
Inmiaterialista,  sm.  immateria- 

list.  [terially. 

Immaterialmente^  ada.  vros»».- 
InunatoxraicjSLO  ^  sf  .\TKCft»xx««^^'*»'^  • 
IxnxoatvixacmAXKXA ,    o-dL-o.  'vsscsxvar- 


—  438  — 


ImmediaçSo,  sf.  immedlacy. 
Immedlataznente,   adv.  imme- 

diately.  —  depois,  next  after. 
Iznxnediato,  a,   adj.  immediate. 
Immedlcavel,  adj.  2  g.  immedi- 

cable,  incuraole. 
Imznexnoravel,  adj.  2  g.  imme- 

morable.  [rial. 

Imxnemorial,  adj.  2  ff.  immemo- 
Immensaxaente,  adv.  immense- 

1}'.  [immensity. 

Ixnmensidade,  sf.  immenseness, 
Ixnznenso,  a,  adj.  iromense. 
Imxnensuravel,  adj.  2  g.  immen- 

Ixninerger,  ia.  to  immerçe. 
Imineritazuente,  adv.  undeserv- 

Imxnerito,  a,  adj.  immerited. 
Imxuersão,  sf.  imraersion. 
Imxnersivamente,  adv.  by  im- 

Inunerso.  a.  adj.  immersed. 
Ixnmersor.  sm.  a  baptizer. 
Imminencia,  sf.  ininúnence. 
Iznininente.  adj.  2  g.  imminent. 
Ixnxnisericordloso,  a,  adj.  xxn- 

Ixnmobilidade.  sf.  immobUity. 
Ixnmoderação,  sf.  immoderation. 
Inunoderadamente,    adv.    im- 

moderattíly.  [ate. 

Imznoderado.  a<  adj.  immoder- 
Inunodestamente,   adv.  immo- 

Imxnodestia,  sf.  inimodesty. 
Immodesto.  a.  adj.  immodest. 
Ixnxnodico.  a,  adj.  snperíluous. 
Ixnmolação,  sf.  immolation. 
Immolado,  a,  pp.  adj.  immolated. 
Ixmnolador,  sm.  immolator. 
Ixnmolar,  va.  to  immolate. 
Ixnxnoral.  adj.  2  g.  immoral. 
IzumoralidaoLe ,   sf.  iinmorality. 
ImxQoralxnente,      adu.     immo- 

Iminortal.  niJj.  2  g.  inimortal. 
Immortalidade,  '.s/.  immortality. 
Ixnxnortalisação,  sf  iinmortali- 

zation.  [iiiortalized. 

Imznortalisado.  a.  pp.  adj.  im- 
Immortalisar.   rc.  to   immorta- 

Jize.  IiíníforlfiHíiar-se,  it.  to  \ie- 

come  imuioríal. 

Immortalmente,  adv.  imxnortil- 

IxnmortiíioaçSo,  sf.  immortificft- 

Imxnortifioado,  a,  txdj,  unmor 

tiíled,  immoderate. 
Iznmoveis,  adj.  and  s.  pi.  inuno- 

Imxuovel,  adj.  2  g.  izmnovábla. 
Imxnovelznente ,     adv.     imxno- 

Imxnovilidade,  sf.  immoTabiUty. 
Imxnudavel,  adj.lg.  immoTábM. 
Imxnundicia,  if.  dirt,  íilth. 
Immundo,  a,    adj.    filthy,    vn- 

Imxnane,  adj.  2  q.  exempt,  free. 
Imxnunidade,  sf.  immunily. 
Immutabilidade,  sf.  immntaliil- 

Ixnxnutar,  va.  to  immuta. 
Immutavel,  adj.  2  g,  iamnit»- 

ble.  [t»Uy. 

Ixuxnutavelxnente,   adv.   muna- 
Imo,  a.  adj.  lo-west,  meanest. 
Impação,  sf.  dropsy  (speakmg  ol 

Impaciência,  sf.  impatience. 
Impacientar,  va.  to  maj^e  im- 

patient.    Impacientar-sey    «r.  to 

De  impatient. 
Impaciente,  adj.  2  g.  impatient 
Impacientemente,    aJo.   impar 

Impacto,  a,  adj.  impacted. 
Impagável,  adj.  2  g.  unpavable. 
Impaipabilidade,  sf.  impaipaUl- 

Impalpável,  adj.  ^g.  iznpalpabla. 
Impar,  adj.  2  g.  odd,  uneven. 
Impar,  va.  and  n.  to  hickup,  to 

Imparcial,  adj.  2  g.  impartial. 
Imparcialidade,  sf.  impartialilj. 
Imparcialmente,    adv.    impar- 

Impartivel,  adj.  2  g.  impartible. 
Impassibilidade,  sf.  impaasibi- 

Impassível,  adj.  2  g.  impassibla. 
Impassivelmente,  adv.  impas- 







—  439  — 


Impavidamente,  adv.  nndaunt- 

Impavidez,  sf.  boldness. 
Impávido,  a,  adj.  undaanted. 
Impeocabilidade,  sf.  impecca- 

bility.  fcable. 

Impecoavel,  adj.  2  g.  impec- 
Impeccavelmente,   adv.  in  an 

impeccable  manner. 
Impedemecer,  va.  to  harden. 
Impedemir,  va.  to  harden. 
Impedição,    sf.   hindering;   (in 

divinity])    the    act  of  keeping 

from  evil. 
Impedido,  a,  pp.  adj.  Ikindered. 
Impedidor,  sm.  he  who  hinders. 
Impediente,  adj.  2  g.  hindering. 
Impedimento,  sm.  impediment. 
Impedir,  va.  to  impede,  to hinder. 
Impeditivo,  a,  adj.  impeditive. 
Impellente,  adj.  2  g.  impellent. 
Impellido,  a,  pp.  adj.  irapelled. 
Impellir,  va.  to  impei,  to  force  on. 
Impendente,  aaj.  2  g.  irapen- 

dent,  hanging  over. 
Impender,    vn.   to   impend,   to 

hang  over.  [trability. 

Impenetrabilidade,  sf.  impene- 
Impenetravel,   adj.  2  g.  unpe- 

netrable.  [netrably. 

Impenetravelmente,  adv.  impe- 
Impenitencia,  sf.  impenitenc^. 
Impenitente,  adíj.  2  g.  impeni- 

tent.  [nitentlj. 

Impenitentemente,  ado.  impe- 
Impenaadamente ,   adv,  unex- 

Impensado,  a,  adj.  onexpected. 
Imperado,  a,  pp.  adj.  conunand- 

Cmperador,  sm.  imperator. 
Imperante,   adj.  2  g.    roling, 

reigning.  [reign. 

Imperar,  va.  to  command,  to 
Imperativamente,  adv.  impera- 

Imperativo,  a,  adj.  imperative. 
Imperatoria,  sf.  {bot.)  master- 

Imperatorio,  a,  adj.  imperative. 
Imperatriz,  sf.  em^rcss. 
Imperceptível,  adj.  2  g.  imper- 

ceptible.  fperceptioly. 

Xaiperoeptdvehnentef  adv.  im- 

Imperdoável,  adj^  S  g.  unpaf' 

dooable.  '[fectibleness. 

Imp«rfectibilidade,  sf.  imper- 
Imperfeição,  sf.  imperfection. 
Imperfeitamente,   adv.  imper- 

Imperfeito,  a,   adj.  imperfeot, 

defective.  O  moao   ~,  (ô'wwi.) 

the  imperfeot  tense. 
Imperforavel,  adj.  2  g.  imper- 

Imperial,  adj.  t  g.  imperial. 
Imperialismo,  sm.  imperialiam. 
Imperialista,  sm.  imperialist. 
Imperialmente,  adv.  imperially. 
Imperícia,  sf.  nnskilfolneas. 
Império,  sm.  empire ;  imperiou- 

ness.  Com  — ,  imperioualy. 
Imperiosamente ,    adv.    impe- 

riously.  [neis. 

Imperiosidade ,    sf.   imperions- 
Imperioso,  a,  adj.  imperious. 
Imperitanxente ,    adv.    unsldl- 

Imperito,  a.  adi.  unskilfuL 
Impermanenoia,  sf.  imperms- 

nence.  [maneut. 

Impermanente,  adj.  2  g.  iinpar- 
Impermanentemante,  adv.  in- 

Impermeabilidade,  sf.  impor- 

meability.  [meable. 

Impermeável,  adj.  2  g.  imper- 
Impermixto,  a,  adj.  not  mixcd. 
Impertinenoia,  sf.  impertinence, 

troublesomeness ;    morosenesa, 

superfluous  delicacy. 
Impertinente,  adj.  2  g.  mnrose, 

testy ;  troublesome,  superflaoua- 

ly  exact.  —  sm.  or  f.  a  siily 

Impertinentemente,   adv.   im- 

pertínently,  morosely. 
Imperturbabilidade,  sf.  iraper- 

turbability,    steadiness,     coa- 

stancy,  serenity. 
Imperturbado,  a,    adj.   imper- 

turbed.  [turbed. 

Imperturbável,  adj.  2  g.  undis- 
Imi>erturbavelmeutA,  adra.Ssair 

.Impervio,  «.,   adj.  Vbv^«^nv«^^-. 

Impetiglnoso,  a.  adj. 
Impetlgo,  im.  [nied.)  impi 
ímpeto,  am.  forca,  furj.  i 


tdv.  impiously. 
Impiedade,  sf.  impieU. 
ImpledoBamente,  ailv.  cnisll}'. 
bnrbnn)aslj.  [baroua. 

Implgem,  af.  impe  ligo,  telter, 
Iinpiglnoso,a,m!j.  impeli  gioous, 
.bnpmar,  va.  V,  Empiiioj-^ 
Impingir,  ua.  tothnistnpnnonQ, 

ímpio,  a,  adj,  impiouB. 
Implacabilidade .   af.    implnca- 

Implaca-TBl,  ailj.  Sg.ii 


Implantada,  a,  pp.  adj.  iniplant 

Implantar,   ea.  to   implsnt.   tu 

Implemento,  m.  Implemect. 
Implexo,  a.  adj.  imptei.   cnin- 
plicatod,  lirariiction. 

Implloagao,  !f.  implicatíon,  con- 
Implicado,  a,  pp.  alj.  im|>licatad, 

Impllcador,  sm,  he  wbo  impli- 

Implloanola,  tf.  implication. 
Implicauta,  mlj.  1  g.  Ls  (ha.t  im- 

Impllcar,    \a.    id    implicats,    to 
MHOngla,  to  iavolve m.  to 

inply  coDtradiet 
It.  nr.  lo  bfl  contradictory. 
ImpUoatiTO,  a,  adj.  he  tbat  int- 

Implicitamente,  aái).  implleitl;. 
Implloito.  a.  adj,   implicit,  ia- 

Implora^o.  i/f  implonuion. 
Implorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  udçHomA. 

Implorar,  va.  to  iiaplor 
Imploravel,   adj.  t  g 

-ed.  [featbm. 

to,  a,  pp.  adi.  haviu 

Implume.  .lAj.  i  g.  « 
Impolldo.  a.  aúj.  im 
Impolitioa.  sf.  impo 

tivilitj  ;  irapolicv. 
ImpoUtloo,  a,  adj.  ii 


Impopularidade,  sf.   iiap&pula- 


,ny  country  from  abro^ 

ImportaTel.arfj.iy.  imporublc 
Importa,  sai.  cuai,  expenae,  «^ 
■  '"'-^  ,  ItíOohl». 

Importunação,  */.  Importaniç, 


—  441  — 


Importunado,  a,  pp.  adj.  im- 

Importonador,  a,  adj.  or  s.  an 

importunate  person. 
Importunamente,  adv.  impor- 

Importunar,  va.  to  importune. 
Importunidade,  sf.  importunitj. 
Importuno,  a,  adj.  importune, 

troublesome,  vexatious. 
ImposiçSo,  sf.  imposition. 
Impossibilidade,  sf.  impossibii- 

Impossibilitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dis- 

abled,  made  impossible. 
Impossibilitar,  va.  to  disable, 

to  render  impossible. 
Impossível,  adj.  2  g.  impossible. 
Impossivelxnente,  adv.  impos- 

Impostas,  {arch.)  imposts. 
Imposto,  a,  pp.  adj.  imposed.  — 

sm.  a  tax,  a  toU. 
Impostor,  sm.  an  impostor. 
Impostura,  sf.  imposture. 
Impotenc^,  sf.  impotency. 
Impotente,  adj.  i  g.  impotent. 
Impotentemente ,    adv.    impo- 
tently.  [cability. 

Impraticabilidade,  sf.  impracti- 
Impraticado,  a,  adj.  unusual. 
Impraticavelmente ,  adv.   im- 

Imprecação,  sf.  imprecation. 
Imprecado,  a,  pp.  adj.  impre- 

Imprecar,  va.  to  imprecate. 
Imprecatlvo,  a,   adj.   imprecar 
tory.  [mable. 

Impreciavel,  adi.  2  g.  inesti- 
Impregnação,  sf.  imprecation. 
Impregnado,  a,  pp.  adj.  impre§f- 

Impregnar,  va.  to  impregnate. 
Impremeditado,  a,  adj.  unpre- 

Imprender,  va.  to  take,  to  adhere. 

V.  Pegar. 
Imprensa,  sf.  press.  Livro  que 
está  na  — ,  a  book  in  the  press. 
Imprensado,   a,  pp.   adj.    im- 

Imprensador,  sm.  presser.  |       . 

Imprensadura,  sf.  impression.  j     proportional. 

Imprensar,  va.  to  press,  to  im- 

press.  [prescriptibility. 

Imprescrlptibilidade ,   sf.   im- 

Imprescriptivel,  adj.  i  g.  im- 

prescriptible.  [ing. 

Impressão,  sf.  impression ;  print- 
Impresslonado,  a,  pp.  adj.  im- 

Impressionar,   va.  to  impress, 

to  affect.  Impressionar-se,  vr.  ^ 

move  one's  self. 
Impressionavel,  adj.  2  g.  im- 

pressive.  [sible. 

Impressivel,  adj.  2  g.  impres- 
Impressivo,  a,  adj.  impressive. 
Impresso,  a,  pp.   adj.  printed; 

stamped;  impressed,  noted. 
Impressor,  sm.  a  printer. 
Impretendente,  adj.  2  g.  disin- 

Impreterível,  adj.  2  g.   indis- 

Impreterivelmente,  adv.  abso- 

Imprevisão,    sf.    improvidence. 
Imprevistamente,  cuiv.  unex> 

Imprevisto,  a,  adj.  unforeseen. 
Imprimadura,   sf.  (paint.)   the 

ârst  sketch  of  painters. 
Imprimar,  va.   to  put  the  can- 

vass  in  order  for  paiuting. 
Imprimido,  a,  pp.  adj.  printed, 

stamped.  [to  press. 

Imprimir,  va.  to  print,  to  stamp, 
Improbabilidade,  sf.  Ímproba- 

Improbidade,  sf.  improbity. 
ímprobo,  a,  adj.  bad. 
Improcedência,    sf.    {in   law) 

Mmen  the  act  cannot  proceed 

in  juridical  process. 
Improcedente,  adj.  2  g.  that  is 

not  proceeding. 
Improcedentemente,  adv.  vith- 

out  a  result  or  issue. 
Improperar,  va.  to  reproach,  to 

Impropério,  sm.  reproach. 
Improporção,  sf.  disproportion. 
Improporcionado,  a,  adj.  dis- 

Improporolonal,  adj.  2  g.  dis- 


—  442  — 


Improporcionar,    va.  to  make 

Improporcionavel,  adj.  2  g,  xm- 

Impropriação,  sf.  (iit  can.  law) 

Ixnproprladar,  sm.  impropriatoT. 
Impropriamente ,   aav.   irapro- 

perly.  [impropnate. 

Itapropriar,  va.  {in  can.  law)  to 
Impropriedade,  »f.  impropriety. 
Impróprio,   a,    adj.    impr<^er, 

Improrogavel ,  adj.  2   ff.  that 

connot  he  prorogued. 
Improspero,  a,  adj.  anprospe- 

Improvação,  sf.  disapprobation. 
Improvado,  a,  adj,  disallowed. 
Improvar.  va.  to  disallow. 
Improvável,  adj.  2   ff»  impro- 

bahle.  [dently. 

Improvidamente,  ado.  improvi- 
Improvidencia ,     sf.    improvi- 

Improvidente,  adj.  2  o.  iinpro- 

vident.  [unwary. 

Iminrovido.  a,  adj.  improvident, 
Improvisação.  5/*.  improvisation. 
Improvisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sud- 

denly  done. 
Improvisador .    sm.    improvisa- 

tore,  oneTKho  makes  improxnp- 

Improvisamente ,    adv,  unex- 

Improvisar,    va.  to  improvise, 

to  muke  impromptus. 
Improviso,  a.   va.  unexpected, 

Budden,  unforeseen.  —  jm.  an 

Imprudência,  sf.  imprudence. 
Im,prudente.  adj.  i  g.  imprudent. 

Imprudentemente,  adv.  iznpru- 

Impuberdade,     */    impuberty, 

Impúbere,   adj.   2  g.  impubes- 

cent,  adolescent. 
Impubescencia,  sf.  impuberty. 
Impudência,  sf.  impudence. 
Impudente,  aãj.  2  g.  impudent. 
Impudentemente,    ado,  impu- 

dently.  | 

Impudicamente,  adv.  unchaste* 

ly,  obscenely. 
Impudicicia,  sf.  impudicity. 
Impudico,  a,  adj.  obscene,  nn- 

chaste.  [cenc]f. 

Impudor,  sm.  immodesty,  inde- 
ImpngnaçSo,  sf.  opposition. 
Impugnado,  a,  pp.  adj.  impagp- 

Impugnador,  sm.  impagner. 
Impugnsur,  va.  to  impugn,  to  at- 

tack;  to  oppose. 
Impulsão,  sf.  impulse. 
Impulsar,  va.  to  impeJ,  to  fioroe 

on.  [siveij. 

Impulsivamente,   adv.  impol- 
Impulsivo,  a,  adj.  iropulsive. 
Impulso,  sm.  an  impviJse. 
Impulsor,  sm.  a  pusher  on. 
Impune,  adj.  2  g.  unpunished. 
Impunemente,  adv.  impunely. 
Impunidade,  sf.  impunity. 
Impunido,  a,  adj.  unpunished. 
Impunivel,  adj.  2  g.  unpaniali- 

Impuramente,  adv.  impurely. 
Impureza,  sf.  impurity. 
Impuridade,  sf.  impuritv,  iiii> 

pureness.  [deflle. 

Impurificar,  va.  to  impure,  to 
Impuro,  a,  adj.  impure. 
Imputabilidade,  sf.  impotable- 

Imputação,  sf.  imputation. 
Imputado,  a,  pp.  adj.  impotod. 
Imputador,  sm.  imputer. 
Imputar,  va.  to  impute,  to  chai^ 

Imputativo,  a,  adj.  impntatíve. 
Imputável,  adj.  2  g.  imputabls. 
Imputrescivel,  adj.  2  g.  (pharm), 

In,  prep.  (noting  the  place  vliere 

any  thing  is  prcsent). 
Inabalável,  aaj.  2  g.  immovable. 
Inabdicavel,  adj.  2  ff.  that  can- 

not  be  abdicated.  [sible. 

Inabordável,  adj.  2  ff.  inacces- 
Inacabavel,  adj.  2  g.  uat  canxiot 

be  finished,  endiess. 
Inacção,  sf.  inaction. 
Inaccessivel,  adj.  2  g.  inacce»* 

sible.  [cesaibly. 

InaooeMivelmente,  mv.  ina»- 


—  443  — 


InactiTamente,  adv.  inactively. 
Inactividade,  sf.  inactivity. 
Inactivo,  a,  adj.  inactivo. 
Inadherente,  adj.  2  g.  unpro- 
tected.  [sible. 

Inadmissível,  adj.  i  g.  inadmis- 
Inadvertencia ,    sf.     inadver  - 

Inadvertidamente,  adv.  incon- 

siderately,  inadvertently. 
Inadvertido,  a.  pp.  adj.  inad- 

rertent,  inconsiderate. 
Inadvertlr,  vn.  not  to  wam. 
Inalado,  a,  adj.  unwinged. 
Inalienabilidade,    sf.    inalien- 

Inalienável,  adj.  2  g.  inalienable. 
Inalienavelmente,  adv.  inalien- 

ably.  [cannot  be  mixed. 

Inaluavel,  adj.  2  g.  {chem.)  that 
Inalteradamente,  adv.  iinalter- 

Inalterado,  a,  adj.  unchanged. 
Inalterável,  adj.  2  g.  iualterable. 
Inamovibilidade,  sf.  irrevoca- 

Inamovível,  adj. 2  g.  irrevocable. 
Inane,  adj.  and  s.  2  g.  inane, 

Inanição,  sf.  inanition. 
Inanimado,  a,  adj.  inanimated. 
Inanir,  va.  to  spend,  to  waste. 
Inappetencia,  sf.  inappetoncy. 
Inapplicação,  sf.  inapplication. 
Inapplícavel,  adj.  2  g.  not  appll- 

cable.  [ciable. 

Inapreciável,  adj.  2  g.  inappre- 
Inaptidão,  sf.  inaptitude. 
Inarticuladamente,  adv.  inarti- 

culately.  [late. 

Inarticnlado,  a,  adj.  inarticu- 
Inassímilavel,  adj.  2  g.  unas8i> 

milated.  [ble. 

Inatacável,  adj.  2  g.  inexpugna- 
Inattendivel,  adj.  i  g.  that  is  not 

worthy  of  attention. 
Inattingivel,  adj.  2  g.  that  can- 
not be  obtained. 
Inatoravel,  adj.  2  g.  insuíferable. 
Inaudito,   a,   adj.    unheard  of, 

Inaxiferivel,  adj.  ^g.  that  cannot 

he  tãken  awajr. 
XkumgiirBpão,  s/.  inaagiirati<»i. 

Inaugurado,  a,  pp.  adj.  inauga- 

rated.  [gurates. 

Inaugurador,  sm.  one  -who  inaa 
Inaugural,  adj.  2  g.  inaugural. 
Inaugurar,  va.  to  inau^^ate. 
Inauguratorio,  a,  adj.  inaugura- 

Inaveriguavel,   adj.   2  g.  that 

cannot  be  examined. 
Inca,  sm.  inca  (the  title  of  the 

kings  of  Peru). 
Inçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  crowded. 
Incalculável,  adj.  2  g.  incalco- 

lable.  [culably. 

Incalculavelmente,  adv.  incal- 
Incançavel,  adj.  2  g.  indefati- 

gable.  [gabl;^. 

Incançavelmente,  adv.  indefati* 
Incandescência,   sf.    incandes- 

cence.  [desce  nt. 

Incandescente^  adj.  2  g.  incan- 
Incantavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  cannot 

be  sung. 
Incapacidade,  sf.  incapacity. 
Incapacitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  inca- 

Incapacitar,  va.  to  incapacitate, 

to  disable. 
Incapacitavel ,  adj.  2  g.   that 

cannot  be  persuaded. 
Incapaz,   aaj.    2  g.   incapnble, 

unable.  [bald. 

Incapillato,  a,  adj.  withouthair. 
Inçar,  va.  (speaking  of  insects) 

to  crowd  or  âll  with  multitudes. 
Incasto,  a,  adj.  lewd.  \}y. 

Incautamente,  adv.  incautiousH 
Incauto,  a,  adj.  incautious. 
Incendiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  burnt. 
Incendiar,  va.  to  ourn ;  to  inflame. 

Jncendiar-sey  vr,  to  catch  fíre. 
Incendiário,  sm.  incendiary. 
Incendimento,    sm.   conflagra- 

tion,  fire ;  (Jig.)  fury. 
Incêndio,  sm.  confla^ation,  âre. 
Incensado,  a,  pp.  adj.  perfumed; 

{fig»)  praised,  nattered. 
Incensador,  sm.  incensor. 
Incensar,  va.  to  incense,  to  per- 
fume ;  {fig.)  to  flatter,  to  praisA. 
Incenso,  sm.  \tt^«lis^•i^  «A«^"«íàsya.. 
Incensovio ,  «m.  iJn^  cetiaet . 
Ino«nBiKrav«L.  odà-  ^    5|.  \Xk«^ 

caDixot^>«  c«u«va^^* 

1IMII      ■^™^l''—*Wf% 


—  444  — 


Incentivo,  vn.  incentive.  — ,  adj. 

Inceração.  8f.  inceration. 
Inoertamente,  adv.  uncertainly. 
Incerteza,  if.  uncertitude. 
Incerto,  a,  adj.  uncertain. 
Incessante,  adj.  2  g.  incessant, 

Incessantemente,    adn.   inces- 

santly.  [be  resigned. 

Incessivel,  adj.  i  g.  that  cannot 
Incestar,  va.  to  commit  incest. 
Incesto,  sm.  incest. 
Incestuosamente,    adv.    inces- 

Incestuoso,  a,  adj.  incestuous. 
Incha.  sf.  ili-will. 
Inchação,  sf.  swelling;  tumour; 

ifig.)  pride. 
Inchacto,  a,  pp.   adj.   swelled ; 

ifig-)  prond,  elate;   arrived  at 

full  ^owth  but  not  ripe. 
Inchar,  oa.  to  sweil.  Inchar-se„ 

vr.  tú  swell ;  to  be  inflated  with 

pride.  rbegun. 

Inchoado,  a,  adj.  inchoated, 
Inchoativo,  a,  adj.  inchoative. 
Incidência,  sf.  incidence,  acci- 

dent.  [casual. 

Incidental,  adj.  2  g.  incidental. 
Incidente,    aaj.  2  g.    incident, 

casual.  — ,  sm.  incident.        [ly. 
Incidentemente,ac{u.  incidental- 
Incidir,  oa.  to  incide. 
Incineração,  sf.  {chem.)  incine- 

ration.  [rated. 

Incinerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  incine- 
Incinerar,  va.  {chem.)  to  inc\ne- 

rate.  [Çinning. 

Incipiente,  adj.  2  g.  incipient,  be< 
Inoircumciso,  a,  adj.  uncircum- 

cized.  [uncircumscribed. 

Incircumscripto,  a,  adj.  that  is 
Incisão,  sf.  incision,  cut. 
Incisivo,  a,  adj.  incisive. 
Inciso,  a,  adj.  incised,  cut. 
Incisor,  sm.  incisor,  cutter. 
Incisorio,  a,  adj.  incisory. 
Incisura,  sf.  incisure. 
Incitabiiidade,  sf.  incitability. 
Incitação,  sf.  incitation. 
itaoitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  inciteA. 
Incitador,  a,  adj.  inciting.  — ,sm. 

Incitamento,  sm.  incitement. 
Incitar,  ta.  to  incite. 
Incitativamente,  adv.  in  an  ixH 

citati%'e  manner. 
Incitativo.  a,  aij.  inciting. 
Incivil,  adj.  2  g.  incivil  or  nncl- 

Incivilidade.  sf.  incivilitv. 
Incivilmente,  adv.  inciviUy. 
Incivismo,  sm.  incivism. 
Inclemência,  sf.  inclemency. 
Inclemente,  aaj.  2  g.  inclement. 
Inclementemente,  odo.    in  an 

unmerciful  manner. 
Inclinação,  sf.  inclination,  ton- 
dency.  [nation. 

Inclinadamente,  ado.  vnth  indi- 
Inclinado.  a,  pp.  adj.  incUned. 
Inclinar,  va.  and  n.  to  incline,  to 
tend.  Inclinar-sey  vr,  to  incline, 
to  have  a  propension. 
Inclitamente,  adv.  renownedly. 
Indito.  a,  adj.  renowned,  famonii, 

Incluído,  a.  pp.  adj.  included. 
Incluir,  va.  to  include,  to  com- 

Inclusa,  sf.  a  lattice. 
Inclusão,  sf.  inclusion.  [Ij. 

Inclusivamente,  adv.  inclasiro- 
Inclusivo,  a,  adj.  inclusive. 
Incluso,  a,   adj.    included,   in- 
cluding,  enclosed.  [raUe. 

Incobravel,  adi.  2  g.  unrecove- 
Incogitante,  aaj.  ia.  incogitant. 
Incógnita,  «Z.  {math.)  a  quantity 
whose  unknown  -worth  is  sear- 
Incógnito,  adv.  incógnito. 
Incógnito,  a,  adj.  unknown.  — , 
sm.  incógnito.  [nisable. 

Incognoscível,  adj.  2  o.  incog- 
Incoherencia,  sf.   inconerence. 
Incoherente,  adj.  2  g.    incohe- 
rent.  frently. 

Incoherentemente,  odo.  incolíe- 
Incola,  sm.  inhabitant,  dweUar. 
Incolor,  adj.  2  g.  incolour. 
Incólume,  adj.  2  g.  safe,  unhort. 
Incolumidade,  sf.  incolumity. 
Incombustibilidade,  sf.  incom- 
W'a\:\\i\\Sx^ .  Cbustible. 

\nnQim!lDivxak\rv^c\^  aiâLK."^  \t>\:&«RSHe 


—  445  — 


Inoommensararel,    adu   2  g. 

{geom.)  incommensnrable. 
Incoxnznensuravelxuente,  adv. 

Incoxmnodado,  a,  pp.  adj.  in- 

commoded.  [some  fellow. 

Ihconunodador,  sm.   a  trouble- 
Aioonunodamente,  adv.  incom- 

modiously,  inconveniently. 
Incominodar,  va.  to  incomrao- 

date,  to  incommode,  to  hurt, 

to  damage. 
Inoommodidade,   sf,   incony«- 

niency,  trouble. 
Inooxnmodo,   a,  adj.  incommo- 

dious,  troublesome. 
Incommunicabilidade,  sf.  in- 

Inoomnnin icavel,  adj.  2  g.  in- 

Incommunicavelmente ,    adv. 

Ihcommutabilidade,  sf,  íncom 

IncoxnprelienBlbilidade,  sf.  in- 

Incoxnprehensivel,  adj,  2  g.  in< 

Incoix^sressibilidade ,    sf.    in- 

Incompressível,  adj,   2   g.  in- 

compressíble.  [vable. 

Inooncebivel,  adj.  2  g.  inconcei- 
Inooncesso,  a,  adj.  prohibited, 

forbidden.  ívariance. 

Inoonoiliabilidadej  sf.  discord, 
InoonciliaTel,    adj.  2  g.    irre- 

Inconoordavel,  adj.  2  g.  incom- 

patible.  [unshaken. 

Inconcusso,  a,  adj.  unmoved, 
Inoonfesso,  a,  adj.  not  confessed. 
Inconfidência ,    sf.    treachery, 

Inconfidente,  sm.  a  traitor. 
Incongruamente ,   adv.    incon- 


mutability.  [mutable.  1  Incongruência,  sf.  incon^ruity. 

Inconunutavel,  adj.  2  g.  incom-    Incongruente,  adj.  2  g.  mcon- 

Incomparabilldade,  sf.  incom 

parableness.  [parable. 

Aicomparavel,  adj.  2  g.  incom- 
Inoomparavelínente,  adv.  in- 

Incompassível,  adj.  2  g.  incom- 

passionate.  [sionate. 

Incompassivo,  a,  adj.  incorapas- 
Ihcompatibilidade,  sf.   incom- 

patibiiity.  [patible. 

Incompatível,  adj.  2  g.  incom- 
Incompativelmente ,    adv.  in- 

Incompetência ,    sf.    incompe- 

tence,  incompetency. 
Incompetente,  adj.  2  g.  incom- 

Incompetentemente,   adv.  in- 

competently.  [pletely. 

Incompletamente,  adv.  incom- 
Incompleto,  a,  adi.  incompleto. 
Incomplexo,  a,  adj.  incomplex. 
Incomportável,  adj.  2  g.  into- 

lerable.  [possible  together. 
Inoompossivel,  adj.  2  g.  not 
Incomposto,    a,    adj.    uncom- 

poanded,  mcomposeá. 
ImmtprabendidOy  a,  adj,  un- 

Incongruidade,  sf.  incongruity. 
Incongruo,  a,  adj.  incongraous. 
Inconnexão,  sf.  want  of  connec- 

Inconnexo,  a,  adj.  unconnected. 
Inoono[tiistado,  a,  adj.  uncon- 

quered.  [querable. 

Inconquistavel,  adj.  2  g.  uncon- 
Inconsecpzencia ,    sf,    inconse- 

Inconsequente,  adj.  2  g.  incon- 

Inconsequentemente,  adv.  in- 

consequently.  [ateness. 

Incohsuieração,  sf.  inconsider« 
Inconsideradamente,  adv.  in- 

considerately.  [derate. 

Inconsiderado,  a,  adj.  inconsi- 
Inoonsideravel ,    adj.    inconsi- 

Inconsistência ,    sf,     inconsis- 

tence,  inconsistency. 
Inconsistente,  adj.  2  g.  incon- 

sistent.  Qlabla. 

InconiBolado,  a>  ad^.  'vaR-^^»»^ 
InooiíBolaN^V,  ttAj.  'í.  g.  "^7^*^'?SS^ 

^-  ^' "«:-.  3-ss-i.-:; 

Inconsonanoia ,    sf.     inconso- 

nancy.  [sonant. 

Inoonsonante,  adj.  i  ff.  incon- 
Incoiistancia,«/[.  incoDstancy. 
Inconstante,  adj.  3  g.  inconstant. 
Inconstitucional,    adj.  2  g.  un- 

Inconstitucionalidade,  êf.  un- 

Inconstitucionalmente,     ado. 

Inconsulto.  a,  ad.  uncoanselled, 

Inoonsumptivel;  adj.  2  ff.  in- 

Inoonsutil,  adj.  2  g.  that  is  made 

"Without  seam.  [luted. 

Incontaminado,  a.  adj.  unpol- 
Incontestavel,  adj.  2  ff.  incon- 

testable.  [contestably. 

Incontestavelmente,    adv,   ín- 
Incontinencia,  mf.  iucontinence, 

incontinency.  [nent. 

Incontinente,  adj.  2  ff.  inconti- 
Incontrastavel,  adj.  i  g.  iirm, 

stable.  [table. 

Incontroverso,  a,  adi.  indispu- 
Incontrovertivel,  adj.  2  g.  in- 

controvertible.  [discord. 

Inconveniência ,    .v/".   variance, 
Inconveniente,  adj.  i  g.  incon- 

venient.  —  sm.  inconyenience. 
Inconvenientemente,  adv.  in- 

Inconvertível,  adj.  i  g.  incon- 

Incordio,  sm.  bubo. 
Incorporação,  sf.  incorporation. 
Incorporado,  a,  pp.  adj.  incor- 

Incorporar,  va.  to  incorporate. 

Incorporar-se,  vr.  to  incorporate. 
Xncorporeidade,  sf.  incorporeity. 
Incorpóreo,  a,  adj.  incorporeal. 
Incorrecção,  sf.  incorrectness. 
Incorrecto,  a,  adj.  incorrect. 
fiicorrer,  vn.  to  incur. 
Incorrido,  a,  pp.  adj.  incurred. 
Inoorrigibilldade,  sf.  incorrigi- 

bleness.  [gible. 

Incorrigível,  adj.  2  g.  incorri- 
Inoorrígivelniente,  adv.  incot- 

—  U6  —  INC 

Inoormptaniente»   adv.  incov- 

ruptibly.  [mptible. 

Incorruptível,  adj.  2  g.  mcor- 
Incorrupto,  a,  adj.  incorrapt. 
Incrassado,  a,  pp.  adj.  incraa- 

sated.  [tion. 

Incrassamento ,    sm.    incrasa»* 
Incrassante,  adj.   and  s.  (metf.) 

Incrassar,  va.  and  n.  to  incras- 

sato,  to  make  thick. 
Increado,  a,  adj.  increated. 
Incredibilidade,  sf.   incredibil« 

Incredível,  adj.  i  g.  incredible. 
Incredulidade,   sf.  incrednlity. 
Incrédulo,  a,  adj.  incredulons. 
Incremento,     sm.    increment; 

(gramin.)  augmentation. 
Increpaçao,  sf.  increpation. 
Increpado,   a,  j^p.    cufj.  incre- 

Increpar,  va.  to  increpate. 
Incrível,  adj.  2  g.  incredible. 
Incrivelmente,  adv.  incrediblj. 
Incruentamente,  adv.  unbloocQ- 

Incruento,  a,  adj.  not  bloodj. 
Incrustação,  sf.  incrustalion. 
Incrustado,  a,  pp.  adj.  incmst- 

IncruBtante,  p.  a.  incmstmg. 
Incrustar,  va.  to  incrust. 
Incubação,  sf.  incubation. 
Incubador,  a,  adj.  that  hatches 

eggs.  [hatch  egga. 

Incubar,  va.    to   mcubate,    to 
Incubo,  sm.  incubus.  Diabo  — ;,  a 

devil  -who  takes  the  form  of  a 

Incude,  sf.  a  smith's  anril. 
Inculca,  sf.  inculcatios. 
Inculcado,  a, jsp.  adj.  inculcated. 
Inculcador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  one  who 

recommends  an^  thing. 
Inculcar,  va.  to  inculcate.  JTntul- 

car-sej  vr.  to  make  one*8  self 

kno-wn;  to  boast.  fnesflb 

Inculpabilidade,  sf.  incnlpable- 
Inculpado,   a,    adj.   blameleta, 


Doorrígivelmente,  adv.  \iicoT-\lncQl^vrc\,  ad.j.<igAxi<saInabIe. 
loorrapção,   */.   incorrap^ion^  \    ^«i^vj. 


—  447  — 


Inculto,  a,  adj.  incalt,  untUled ; 

undressed,  undecked;  lawless, 

Incultura,  sf.  inctilture ;  \rant  of 

Incumbência,  sf,  charge,  duty. 
Incumbido,  a,  pp.  adj.  charged, 

Incumbir,  va.   to  ch&rgevith, 

to  trust  with.  — ,  vn.  to    be- 

long;   to  be  one^s  daty  to   do 

Inourabilidade,  sf.  incarability. 
Incurável,  adj.  2  g.  incurable. 
Incuravelmente,  adv  incurably. 
Incúria,  sf.  negligence. 
Incurial,  adj.  2  a.  irregular. 
Incurioso,  a,  ad^.  negligent,  in- 

Incursão,  sf.  incursion. 
Incurso,  a,  adj.  and  p.  irreg.  of 

Iticorrer,  incurred. 
Incutir,  va.  to  shake. 
Inda,   adv,   or   conj.  yet,    still. 

V.  Ainda. 
Indagação,  sf.  inda^ation. 
Indagado,  a,  pp.  adj.  indagated. 
Indagador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  indagator, 

inquirer.  [search. 

Indagar,    va,    to    indagate,  to 
Indébito,  a,  adj.  undue. 
Indecencia,  sf.  indecencjr. 
Indecente,  adj.  2  g.  indecent. 
Indecentemente ,    adv.    inde  - 

centlj.  [pherable. 

Indeciíravel,  adj,  i  g.  undeci- 
Indecisamente ,    adv,     indeci- 

sively,  irresolutely. 
IndeciísSo,  sf.  indecision. 
Indeciso,  a,  €uij.  indecisÍTe,  un- 

decided.  [rabie. 

Indeclaravel,  adj.  2  g.  unutte- 
Indecllnavel,  adj.  2  g.  indecli- 

nable.  [clinably. 

Indeclinavelmente,  aiàv.  inde- 
Indecomponivelp  adj,  2  g,  xm- 

Indeoomposto,  a,  adj.  that  is 

Indecorado,  a,  adj.  disparaged, 

Indeooro,  sm,  indocorum.  —  a, 

adj,  indecent.  [corously. 

XDdeoorosam^iite ,    ad9.    ináe- 

Indeooroso,  a,  adj.  indecorous, 

indecent.  [bility. 

Indefectibilidade,  sf.  indefeoti- 
Indefectivel,  adj.  2  g,  indefec- 

Indefectivo,  a,  adj.  indefective. 
Indefensável,  actj,  3   g.   inde- 

fensible.  [indefensive. 

Indeíenso,  a,  adj.  undefended. 
Indeferido,  a,  adj.  undeferred. 
Indeferir,  va.  to  neglect,  to  re> 

Indeferivel,  adj,  2  g.  that  cannot 

be  attended. 
Indefesso,  a,  adj,  indefatigable. 
Indeficiente,  aaj,  2  g,  everlast* 

ing,  indefectible.  [nitelr. 

Indefinidamente,  adv.  inden- 
Indefinido,  a,  adj.  indeílnite.  — 

Tempo — ,  {gram^  undeâned. 
Indefinito,  a,  adj.  indeflnite. 
Indefinível,  adj.  2  g.  that  cannot 

be  deâned. 
Indelével,  adj.  2  g,  indelible. 
Indelevelmente,  adv.  indelibly. 
Indeliberação,  sf,  inadvertency, 

inadvertence.  [rate. 

Indeliberado,  a,  adj.  indelibe- 
Indeminuto,  a,  adj.  undiminisbr 

ed.  ^iable  to  loss. 

Indemne,  €idj.  f  g.  that  is  not 
Indemnidade,  sf.  indemnity. 
Indemnisação,  sf.  indenmincar 

tion.  Ijnified. 

Indemnisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  indem- 
Indemnisador,  sm.  one  -vrho  8»- 

cures  a  thing. 
Indenmisar,  va,  to  indemnify. 
Indemnisavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 

be  indemniâed.  fcy. 

Independência,  sf.  indepcaMeA- 
Independente,  adj.  2  g.  inde* 

pendent.  [pendently. 

Independentemente,  adv.  inoe- 
Indesatavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  can- 
not be  untied  or  loosed. 
Indesculpável,  adj.  2  g.  inex- 

cusable,  void  of  excuse. 
Indestruotibilidade,  sf.  inde»- 

tructibility.  [tructiWe- 

IndestmctWcl^  oA^.^  ^-^s^^*»^ 

lndAt«T^Q:knA!qi^^  »t  '«^^^'^^Si 



íge,  oà». 


—  448  — 


Indeterminado,  a,  adj.  indeter- 

minate,  irresolute. 
Indeterminavel,  aâj.  ^  g.  inde- 

Indevidamente,  adv.  unduly. 
Indevido,  a,  adj.  undue. 
Indevoção,  sf.  indevotion. 
Indevotamente,  adv.  indevout- 

Indevoto,  a,  adj.  indevout. 
Index,  sm.  the  fore-ânger ;  index 

of  a  book. 
Indiano,  a,  s.  or  adj.  Indian  or 

belongingto  índia. 
Indiatico,  a,  adj.  Indian. 
Indicação,  sf.  indication. 
Indicado,  SL,pp.  adj.  indicated. 
Indicador,  sm.  (anat.)  indicator. 
Indicante,  adj.  2  g.  indicant 
Indicativo,  a,  adj.  indicative.  — 

sm.  {gram.)  indicative. 
Indicatorio,  a,  adj.  indicatory. 
Indicção,  sf.  indiction. 
Imdice,  sm.  index  of  a  book ;  the 

needle  of  a  dial. 
Indiciador,  sm.  one  'who  gives 

tokens  or  signs. 
Indiciar,  va.  to  give  a  token. 
Indicio,  sm.  token,  circumstan- 

tial  proof. 
Indico,  a,  adj.  Indian. 
Indifferença,  sf.  indifferency. 
Indiff  erente,  adj.  2  g.  indifferent. 
Indifferentemente,  adv.  indiffe- 

rently.  [rence. 

Indif ferentismo ,    sm.    indiffe- 
Indifferentista,  sm.  one  who  is 

indifferent  to  every  thing. 
Indígena,  sm.  indi^ene. 
Indigência,  sf.  indigence.  . 
Indigeno,  a,  adj.  indigenous. 
fiidigente,  adj.  2  g.  indigent. 
Indigentemente,  adv.  -with  in- 

Indigestão,  sf.  indigestion. 
Indigesto,  a,  adj.  indigested; 

confused,  out  of  order. 
Indigete,  sm.  demi-god,  hero. 
Indigitação,  sf.  indigitation. 
Indigitar,  va.  to  indigitate. 
Indignação,  sf.  indi^nation. 
Indicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  çro-voked.-, 

Indignamente,  adu»  inàigiAy. 

Indignar,   va.    to   provoke,  to 

offend.    Indignar-se,  or.    to  bo 

exasperated  or  provoked. 
Indignidade,  sf.  indignity,  vio- 

lation    of  rignt    accompanied 

with  insult. 
Indigno,  a,  adj.  unwortfay ,  mean. 
índigo,  sm.  [bot.)  indico. 
Indiligencia,  sf.  indiligence. 
Indiligente.  adtj.  2  g.  indiligent. 
Indiminuto,  a,  adj.  undiminisb* 

ed.  [ofmoney. 

Indinheirado,  a,  adj.  rich,  Aul 
índio,  a,  s.  or  adj.  Indian. 
Indirectamente,  ado.  indirectly. 
Indirecto,  a,  adj.  indirect. 
Indiscemivel,  adj.   2  g.   indis- 

cernible.  '     [pline. 

Indisciplina,  sf.  want  of  disci- 
Indisciplinadamente,    adv.  ir- 

regularly.  [plined. 

Indisciplinado,  a,  adj.  undisci- 
Indisciplinavel,  adj.   2  g.  that 

cannot  be  disciplined,  nnmlj. 
Indisciplinar,  va.  to  break  the 

discipline.  [creetly. 

Indiscretamente,     adv.     indis- 
Indiscreto,  a,  adj.  indiscreet. 
Indiscrição,  sf.  indiscretion. 
Indispensabilidade,    sf.    indis- 

pensableness.  [pensable. 

Indispensável,  adj.  2  g.   íDdis- 
Indlspensavelmente,    adv.  in- 

Indisperso,' a,  adj.  indispersed. 
Indispor,  va.  to  indispose. 
Indisposição,  sf.   indisposition, 

Indisposto,  a,  adj.   indisposed. 
Indisputado,  a,  adj.  indispated. 
Indisputável,  adj.  2  g.  indispii- 

table.  rputawy. 

Indisputavelmente,  adv.  india- 
Indlssolubilídade,    sf.  indisso- 

lubility.  publc. 

Indissolúvel,  adj.  2  g.  indisso- 
Indissoluvelmente,  adv.  índia- 

Indlstincção,  sf.  indistinctness 
Indistinctamente ,   adv.    indis- 

Indifitincto^a,  a<ff.  indistinet. 



—  449  — 


Individuação,  sf.  individuation, 

individuality,  detail. 
Individual,  oúf;.  2  g.  individual. 
Individualidade,  sf.  individual- 

Individualismo,  sm.  individuity. 

Individualisação,  sf.  individua- 
lisation.  riize. 

Individualisar,  va.  to  individua- 

Indlvidualmente,  adu.  indivi- 

Individuar,  va.  to  individuate, 
to  treat  of  any  thing  in  parti- 

Individuo,  sm.  individual ;  indi- 
viduura  {Ingic). 

Indivisamente,  adv.  indivisibly. 

Indivisibilidade,  sf.  indivislbíl- 

Indiviaivel,  adjJ  2  g.  indivisible. 

Indivisivelmente,  adv.  indivisi- 

Indiviso,  a,  adj.  undivided. 

Indizível,  adj.  2  g.  unutterable. 

Indócil,  adj.  t  g.  indocible,  in- 

IndociUdade,  sf  indocility. 

Indocilisar,  va.  to  make  indo- 
cible.  [cility. 

Indooilmente,   adv.  with  indo- 

índole,  sf.  disposition. 

Indolência,  sf.  indolence. 

Indolente,  adj,  2  g.  indolent; 
lazy.  [ly. 

Indolentemente,  adv.  indolent- 

Indomado,  a,  c^j.  untamed. 

Indomável,  adj.  lg.  untameable. 

Indomavelmente,  adv.  wildly, 

Indomesticavel,  adj.  2  g.  un- 

Indomestioo,  a,  adj.  untamed. 

Indómito,  a,  a^^'.untamed,  âerce. 

Indouto,  a,  adj.  unlearned. 

Indubitável,  adj.  2  g.  indubi- 
table.  [bitably. 

Indubitavelmente,  ado.  indu- 

Inducção,  sf.  induction,  persua- 
sion ;  reference. 

Inducias,  sf  pi.  {in  law)  the  res- 
pite  given  to  debtors. 

Inductil,  adj.  2  g.  inductile. 
^duotíUdade,  sf.  inductility. 
Itiãnctivo,  a,  itctj.  inductíve.  ■ 

Inductor,  a,  sm.  or  f  inducer, 

Indulgência ,    sf.    indulgence ; 

remission,  moderation;  remia- 

sion  of  sins.  [favour. 

Indulgenciar,  va.  to  indulge,  to 
Indulgente,  adj.  2  g.  indulgent. 
Indulgentemente,  adv.   indul- 

gently,  without  severity  or  cen- 
sure, [or  exemption. 
Indultar,  va.  to  grant  an  indult 
Indultario,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  or  she 

that  has  got  an  exemption. 
Indulto,  sm.  exemption,  privi« 

InduraçSo,  sf.  induration. 
Indurecer,  va.  and  n.  to  indurate. 

V.  Endurecer. 
Industria,  sf.  industry. 
Industriado,     a,   pp.  adj.  in- 

structed.  [structs. 

Industriador,  sm.  one  that  in- 
Industrial,  adj.  2  g.  industrious. 
Industriar,  va.  to  instruct,  to 

teach.  [triously. 

Industriosamente,  adv.  indus- 
Industrioso,  a,  adj.  industrious. 
Induvidado,  a,  aJdj.  undoubted. 
Induzido,  a,  pp.  adj.  induced. 
Induzidor,  a,  sm.  or  adj.  insti- 

Induzimento,   sm.  inducement. 
Induzir,  va.  to  induce. 
Inebriado,  a,  pp.  adj.  inebriated. 
Inebriante,  adj.  2  g.  inebriant. 
Inebriar,  va.   to  inebriate.  íne- 

briar-se,  vr.  to  get  drunk. 
Inedia,  sf  hunger. 
Inédito,  a,  adj.  inedited. 
Inef fabilidade ,  sf  ineffability. 
Ineífavel,  adj.  2  g.  ineffable. 
Ineffavelmente,  adv.  ineffably. 
Inefficacia,  sf.  inefâcacy. 
Inefficaz,  adj.  2  g.  inefâcacious. 
Inelegivel,  adj.  2  g.  ineligible. 
Ineloquente,  adj.  2  g.  ineloquent. 
Ineluctavel,  adj.  2g.  irresistible, 

unavoidable.  [rabie. 

Inenarrável,  adj.   2  a.  inenar^ 
Inencetavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  catavcyt. 

be  begMTv.  \5Mía^<£íivM- 

Inépcia,  sf  .\mÇ^\.Tvçl^^^'voo\^^^«^'*'^ 
i  Ixieptam«a\A ,  adx5 .  \si«n^^^1* 


—  450  — 


Inepto,  a,  adj.  inept,  unfít,  un- 

Inércia,  sf.  sloth. 
Inerme,  adj.  2  g.  unarmed. 
Inerrante,    adj.   2  g.  inerratic, 

Inerte,  adj.  2  g.  inert. 
Inescrutável,  adj.  2  g.  inscm- 
table.  [sable. 

Inescusável,  adj.  2  q.  incxcu- 
Inesgotavel,  adj.  2  g.  inexhaust- 

ible.  rpectedly. 

Inesperadamente,  adv.  unex- 
Inesperado,  a,  adj.  nnexpected. 
Inestimável,    adj.  2  g.    inesti- 

mable.  [mabl]^. 

Inestimavelmente,  adv.  inesti- 
Inevidencia,  sf.  inevidence. 
Inevidente,  adj.  2  g.  inevident, 

Inevitável,  adj.  2  g.  inevitable. 
Inevitavelmente,   adv.    inevi- 

Inexactidão,  sf.  inexactitude. 
Inexacto,  a.  adj.  inexact. 
Inexgotavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  can- 

iiot  be  exhausted. 
Inexhaurivel,  adj.ig.  inexhans- 

Inexhausto,  a,  adj.  inexhansted. 
Inexigível,  adj.  2  g.  insoluble, 

Inexistente,  adj.  g.  inexistent. 
Inexorabilidade,  sf  inexorabil- 

Inexorável,  adj.  2  g.  inexorable. 
Inexoravelmente,  adv.   inexo- 

Inexperiência,  sf.  inexperience. 
Inexperiente,  adj.  2  g.  inexpe- 
rience d. 
Inexperto,  a,  adj.  inexpert. 
Inexpiado,  a,  adj.  not  expiated. 
Inexpiavel,  adj.  4  g.  inexpiable. 
Inexplicável,  adj.  2  g.  inexpli- 

cable.  [plicably. 

Inexplicavelmente,  adv.  inex- 
Inexplivel,  adj.  2  g.  insatiable. 
Inexnloravel,  adj.  2  g.  inexplo- 

ral>Ie.  [pressible. 

Inexprimível,   adj.    2   g.  inex- 
Jnezpressivo,  a,  ad'^.  mex.TpTea- 
síve.  [p\igiiab\e- 

XDazpugnavel,  adj,  t  g*  m*»^- 

Inezteiistvvl,  adi.  2  g.  that  cas- 

not  be  extended. 
Inextenso,  a,  adj.  inextended. 
Inextinguível,    adj.  2  g.  inex- 

tinguishable,  not  extinct. 
Ineztirpavel,  adj.  2  g.  iBextíi^ 
pahie.  [cable. 

Inextricável,  adj.  2  g.  ineztri- 
Infallibilidade,  sf.  infaUibiiitj. 
Infallivel,  adj.  2  g.  infallible. 
Infallivelmente,  adv.  infalliUy. 
Infamação,  sf.  defamation. 
Infamado,  a,  pp.  adj.  infamed, 

Infaznador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  defamer, 

Infamante,  pa.  of  Infamar  aad 

adj.  infamin^. 

Infamar,  va.  to  infame.  Infametr- 

se^  vr.  to  lose  one'8  reputatioB. 

Infamatorio,  a,  adj.  defainatoiy. 

Infame,     adj.    2  g.     infamou, 

shameful,  dishonourable. 
Infamemente,  adv.  infamovaly. 
Infâmia,  sf.  infamy.  [pagM. 

Infanção,  sm.  one  of  the  xing^ 
Infância,  sf.  infancv. 
Intançoas,  sf.  pi.  ladies  of  the 

highest  quality. 
Infançono,  a,  adj.  belongisg'  to 
the  king^s  paçea.         [daoffhtev. 
Infanta,    sf.   infanta,    a   xia||^ 
Infantado,  sm.  the    eatatebe- 
longing  to  the   king^s    second 
Infante,  sm.  a  ioot  aoldier;  an 
infant  or  babe ;  th  o  title  of  ail 
the  king^s  sona  except  the  ei- 
Infanteria,  sf.  infantry. 
Infanticida,  sm.  the  murderar 

of  an  infant. 
Infanticídio,  sm.  infanticida. 
Infantil,  adj.  2  ^.  infantile. 
Infartar,  va.  to  infarce,  to  Ktuff. 
Infartar-se,  vr.  to  eat  one^a  belly 
fuil.  [nUa. 

Infatigável,  adj.  2  g.  indeftti- 
Infatuação,  sf.  infatuation. 
Infatuado,  a,  aff;..infatuat6d. 
Infatuar,  va.  to  infatuate. 
lntesasftaciii<etAi&^  a.d-o .  >íx&&a3|k^y. 


481  — 


, ),  sf,  infection. 

Iníeoto,  a,  adj.  infected,  isfec- 

Inteotooso,  a,  adj.  infectious. 
Infeoondidade,  sf.  infecunditj. 
Tnfeonndo,  a,  adj.  unfrmtfuL 
Infelicidade,  sf.  infelicity. 
Infelicitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mftde 
unhappy.  [piness. 

Infelicitar,  va.  to  cause  unhap- 
Tnfellg  or  Infelice,  adj.  2  g,  un- 

happy,  unfortunate. 
Infelismente,  adv.  unhappilj. 
Infenso,  a,  adj.  hostile,  averse, 

Inferência,  sf.  inference. 
Inferido,  a,  pp.  adj.  infered. 
Inferior,  adj  2  g.  inferior,  lower. 
Inferioridade,  sf.  inferiority. 
Inferiormente,  ad\j.  in  a  Icwer 

Inferir,  va.  to  infer,  to  deduce. 
Inf ermidade,  sf.  inârmity.  V.  En- 

fermidade  and  derivated. 
Infernal,  adj.  2  g.  InfernaL. 
Infemalidade ,  sf.  a  storm  of 

Infernalmente,  ocíu.  infenutUy. 
Infernar,  va.  to  condemn,  to  cast 
into  hell.  Infemar^e^  vr,  to  be 
enormously  \rickcd. 
Inferno,  sm.  hell ;  in  a  water-mill 
the    bole    -whcrein    the   "wlieel 
Infero,  a,  adj.  inferior. 
Infértil,  adj.  2  g.  infertile. 
Infertilidade,  sf  infertileaess. 
Infestado,  sf.  infestation. 
Infestado,  a,  np.  adj.  infested. 
Infestante,  aàj.  2  g.  infestinflr. 
Infestar,  va.  to  infest;  to  trotusle. 
Infestivo,  a,  adj.  infestive. 
Infesto,  sm.  a  troubler,  olfender. 
Infesto,  a,  adj.  iufestous,  oífen- 
sive.  [tion. 

InfibulaçSo,  sf.  {anfiq.)  innbala- 
Inficionador,  a,  adj.  and  s.  in- 

Inficionar,  va.  to  infect. 
Infidelidade,  sf.  infidelity. 
Infiel,  adj.  2  g.  faitliless,  unfaith- 
ftd.  —  sm.  or  f.  a  faJse,  unfaith- 
m  m«o  or  woman ;  an  inâdeL 
wiffaiwto,  éulv,   unfaiíhfuUy. 

Infiltração,  sf.  infiltration. 
Infiltrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  instilled, 

Infiltrar,  va.  to  inflitrate.  Infl- 
trar-sey  vr.  to  penetrate  by  in^ 
ínfimo,  a,  adj.  lo^rest,  meanest. 
Infindo,  a,  adj.  endiess. 
Infinidade,  sf.  inAnity. 
Infinitamente,  adv.  iníinitely. 
Infiniteeima,  s.  and  adj.  infini- 

InfinitiTO,  a,  adj.  inânitive.  — 

sm.  infinitive. 
Infinito,  a,  adj.  and  s.  infinite, 

Infinto,  a,  adj.  feigned.  faUe. 
Infirmado,  a,  pp.  adj.  infirmed. 
Infirmar,  va.  to  weaken,  toles»- 
en.  [into  a  fistula. 

Infistolar,  va.  {mea.)  to  convart 
Inflação,  sf.  innation. 
Inflado,  a,  adj.  inflated;  {/ig.) 

Inflar,  va.  to  inílate. 
Inflaminabilidade ,  sf,  inflam- 

TTifimnTnaç?k>,  sf.  inâammation. 
Inflanunado,  a,  pp.adj.  inflamed. 
Inflanmiador,  a,  adj.  inflamar. 
Inflammar,  va.  to  inflame. 
InflammatlTO,  a,  adj.  inflam' 
mative.  [matory. 

Inflammatorio,  a,  adj.  inflam- 
Inflammavel,  adj.  2  g.  inflam- 
mable.  [with  -wind. 

Inflatorio,  a,  adj.  that  swells 
Inflexão,  sf.  inflection. 
Inflexibilidade,  sf.  inflexibility. 
Inflexível,  adj.  i  a.  inflexible. 
Inflexo,  a,  adj.  innexed. 
Inflicção,  sf.  infliction. 
Inflictivo,  a,  adj.  inflictive. 
InfUcto,  a,  pp.  adj.  inflicted 
Infligir,  va.  to  inflict. 
Inflorescencia,  sf.  (bot.)  inflore»- 

Inflnenoia,  sf.  inflaence. 
Influente,  adj.  2  g.  influential. 
Influído,  a,  pp.  adj.  influAwcAÀ. 
InflxiLdoT,  at,  adj .  \ifò  Vsvq  >»»»►  «a. 

\  Influxo,  am.  \»fl»«ftft^.  ^o^« 

InformaçfiOf  if~  infornution,  nc^ 

lolormado.a,  pp.  odj-  informsd. 
Inlormador  ,■"■.  infomier. 

f,  rn.  lu  Iníortn,  Itt  giíe 

Intraotor.  a.  <i<íj,  iolractor,  -vlg- 

Inbiiacrlpto.  a,  adj.  -undervrli- 
tnlrene,  adi.  i  tj,  nnhridied. 
Infrequenola,  t/:  inrrequundy. 


InlmiditH,  s 

Infiindldo,  s 

o  inftiflgs. 

'  "^  "MS 

ir  mitred 



Intueibllidade,  if.  infuíibility. 
Infualvel,  ndj.  i  g.  ínfusible. 
Infuso,  B,  aã],  infuaed,  inapir^d 
IntastamonCo.  sm,  bad  sinsl]  ir 

Ingerido,  a,  pp-  odj.  intronútted, 

Ingerir,  na.  ta  intromit.  Ingerir- 

Ingíatèrra,  là  Içeog.]  Enrfani 
InglBi,  a,  adj.   and  j.  BngUih, 

bílonging  10  EngUad.       _ 
Ingloriosamente,   odo.     inglo- 

IngratitadB,  af.  ingrmtitwlo,  on- 

Ingrato,  a.  adj.  or  <.  QngraUhll 

an  ingralp. 
Ingrediente,  j'".  logrediant. 
íngreme,  adj.  í  J-  «teop,  of  dií- 

Ingromidado,  sf.  stoepnen. 

Injput,  if.  abubo  in  lhe  groin. 
Ingalnal,  adj,  £  g.  (.tuí-^.)  inani- 
nal.  [paBle. 

Inhabll.  adi.  i  #..  unsvt,  incâ- 
InhabUidade,  'f.  mabiruy, 
Inhabintado,  a,   pp.   adj.    diu- 

Inhabllltar,  d 
Inbabitado,  c 

■"'  "[tiul 

Inhalar,  i'a.  iq  inoala,  io  inspira. 
Inharmonloo ,    a ,     adi.    iiahar- 
monlu.  [V.  T^nito. 

Intienho ,    a ,    aríj.     docnpU. 
Inheranola,  ]/.  inbe rance. 
Inheronte,  adj.lç.  iaharent. 

adu    diali 

i.-u-    w 



—  453  — 


Inhumanamente,  ado.  inhuman- 

Inhumanidade,  sf.  inhumanity. 

Inhuxnano,  a,  adj.  inhuman, 

Iniciação,  sf.  initiation, 

Iniciado,  a,  pp.  adj.  initiated. 

Inicial,  adj.  t  g.  initial. 

Inicisir,  va.  to  initiate. 

Iniciativa,  sf.  initiative. 

Inimicicia,  sf.  enmity. 

Inimigamente,  adv.  inimically. 

Inimigo,  a,  adj.  inimical,  hostile. 

Inimigo,  a,  sm.  or  f.  an  enemy. 

Inimistado,  a,pp.  adj.  that  is  at 
enmity  with  another. 

biimistar,  va.  to  cause  enmity. 

Inimitável,  adj.  2  g.  inimitable. 

Inimitavelmente,  adv,  inimi- 

Inimusade,  sf.  enmity. 

Inimizar-se,  vr.  to  attract  en- 
mity. [gihle. 

Inintelligivel,  adj.  2  g.  unintelli- 

Inlntelligivelmente,  adv.  unin- 
telligibly.  [vestigable. 

Ininvestigavel,  adj,  2  g.  unin- 

Iniquamente,  adv.  wickedly. 

Iniqniidade,  sf.  iniquity. 

Iniqao,  a,  adj.  wicked,  iniquitous. 

Injecção,  sf.  injection. 

Injectado,  a,  pp.  adj,  injected. 

Injectar,  va.  to  inject. 

Injuria,  sf.  injury. 

Injuriado,  a,  pp.  adj.  injured. 

Injuriador,  am.  injurer. 

Injuriante,  adj.  2  g.  that  in- 

Injuriar,  va.  to  injure. 

Injuriosamente,  adv,  injurious- 

Injurioso,  a,  adj.  injurious. 
Injustado,  a,  adj.  treated  with 

Injustamente,  ado.  unjustly. 
Injustiça,  sf.  injustice. 
Injusto,  a,  adj.  unjust. 
Inlegivel,  adjf.  2  g.  illegible. 
Innascivei,  adj.  2  g.  {theol.)  that 

cannot  be  bom. 
Innato,  a,  adj.  innate. 
XnnayegaveJ,  adj.  2  g,  innavi- 


^^onegarél,  adj.  2  g.  undeniable. 


Innervar,  va,  to  put  a  atring  to 

a  bow. 
Innocencia,  sf.  innocency,  inno- 

Innocente,  adj.  2  g.  innocent. 
Innocente,  sm.  or  /.  innocent; 

a  child,  a  babe. 
Innocentemente ,    ado.    inno- 

cently.  [volved. 

Innodado,  a,  adj.  plunged,  in- 
Innodar,  va.  to  iuvolve ;  to  knot. 
Innominado,  a,  adj.  innominate. 
Innovação,  sf.  innovation. 
Innovado,  a,  pp,  adj.  innovated. 
Innovador,  sm.  innovator. 
Innovar,  va.  to  innovate. 
Innozio,  a,  adj.  innoxious. 
Innumerabilidade,  sf.  innume- 

rability.  [rabie. 

Innumeravel,  adj.  2  g.  innume- 
Innumeravelmente,  adv.  innu- 

Innumero,  a,  adj.  innumerons. 
Innumeroso,  a,  adj.  innumerous. 
Innupto,  a,  aaj.  unmarried. 
Inobediencia,  sf.  inobedience. 
Inobediente,   adj.   2  g.  inobe- 

Inobservadca,  a(2;.unobserved. 
Inobservância ,    sf,      inobser- 

vance.  [servant. 

Inobservante,  adj.  2    g.  inob- 
Inoculação,  sf,  (nwd.)  inocula- 

Inoculado,  a,  pp.  adj.  inoculated. 
Inoculador,  sm.  inoculator. 
Inoculista,    sm.    a   partisan  of 

Inodoro,  a,  adj.  inodorous. 
Inoffensivo,   a,     adj.    inoffen- 

Inoffensivamente,  adv.  inoffen- 

sively.  [teously, 

Inofficiosamente,  adv.  uncour- 
Inofficiosidade,  sf,  inofíicious- 

Inofficioso,  a,  adj.  inoffícious. 
Inópia,  sf.  vant,  poverty. 
Inopinaoamente ,    adv.    unex- 

InopVnaáo ,  sl,  adj .  \afifç^*>f6^ • 
IXM^VnacvoV  oAj.^í.  «.  ^2a»s.  ««»^ 



«454  — 


Xnopportmio,  a,  aij.  innoppor- 

biorganico,  a,  adi.  inorganlc. 
Inqvudificavel,  aaj.  2  g.  unqua- 

lifiable.  [uuestionaole. 

Inquestionável,  aaj.  2  a,  nn- 
Inqoietação,  sf.  inquietude,  nn- 

easiness.  [quiets. 

biquietador,  sm.  he  wno  dis- 
bicpiietaniente,  adv.  un^uietlj. 
Inquietar,   va.    to   disquiet,   to 

molest.  [anxiouB. 

Inquieto ,     a ,     adj.     unquiet , 
Incfuilino,  sm.  a  tenant. 
Inquinar,  va.  to  inquinatej  to 

pollute,  to  corrupt. 
Inquirição,  sf.  inquirj,  inqnest. 
Inquirições,  sf.  pi.  papers  be- 

iongin^  to  a  judicial  inqniry. 
Inquirideira,  sf.  a  rope  to  tie  a 

Inquirido,  a,  pp.  adj.  inquired. 
Incfuiridor,  sm.  inquirer. 
Inqulridoria,  sf.  the  office  of  an 

Inquirir,  va.  to  inquire ;  to  equi- 

librate  a  burthen  on  the  back 

of  a  mule.  Corda  de  — ,  a  rope 

to  tie  a  burthen  after  it  has 

been  balanced. 
fiiquisição,  sf.  the  Inquisition. 
fiiquiaidor,  sm.  an  inquisitor. 
fiiquisltorial,  adj.  inqnisitorial. 
Insaoiabilidade,  sf.  unsatiable- 

nesg.  [satiated. 

Insaoiado,  a,  adj.  insatiate,  not 
InsaoiaTel,  adj.  2  g.  ínsatiable. 
Insaciavelmente,  adv.  insatia- 

bly.  [insalubrious. 

Insalubre,  adj.  2  g.  un-wholesome. 
Insalubridade,  sf.  insalubrity. 
Inaalutifero,  a,  adji.  insalntary. 
Insanabilidade,  sf.  the  quality 

of  beíng  insanable. 
Insanamente,  adv.  insanely. 
Insanável,  adj.  2  g.  insanable. 
Insânia,  sf.  madness,  insanitj. 
Insano,  a,  adj.  insano,  mad. 
Insolência,  sf.  ignorance. 
Insciente,  aaj.  2  g.  ignorant. 
Insoio,  a,  adj.  ignorant. 
Inaorever,  va.  to  inscribe. 
ÍJMCrtpçao,  sf.  inscription;  enter- 

Inscripto,  a,  pp.  adj.  engnved. 
Inscrutavel,  aaj.  lg.  inscmtsble. 
Insculpido,  a,ii!p.  adj.  insculped, 

Insculpir,  va.  to  insculp ;  to  en- 

Insculptor,  sm.  he  who  insculpi. 
Insculptura,  sf.  insculpture. 
Inseccavel,  aaj.  2  ç.  insecaUe. 
Insectivoro,  a,  aàj,  ínsectiTor- 

Insecto,  sm.  insect. 
Insectologia,  sf.  entomdocy. 
Inseotologista,  sm,  entomoI^iSlt. 
Insensatez,  sf.  madness. 
Insensato,  a,  adj.  insensate. 
Insensibilidade,  sf.  insensibilitj: 
Insensível,  adj.  2  g.  insensible. 
Insensivelmente,    adv.    insen- 

Insensivo,  a,  adi.  insensible. 
Inseparabilidade,  sf.  inseptta- 

Inseparável,  adj.  S  g.  insepar 

rabie.  [parablj. 

Inseparavelmente,    adv.    inae- 
Insepulto,  a,  <^j.  unburied. 
Inserção,  sf.  insertion. 
Inserido,  a,  pp.  adj.  inserted. 
Inserir,  va.  to  insert. 
Inserto,  a ,  pp.  irreg.  of  hugrir 

and  adj.  inserted. 
Insidia,  sf.  insidiousness.  ▼.  Ci- 
Insidiador,  sm.  insidiator. 
Insidiar,  va.  to  lay  snares,  to  in- 

sidiate.  [ly. 

Insidiosamente,  adv.  insid&oiu- 
Insidioso,  a,  adj.  insidious. 
Insigne,  adj.  S  g.  notable,  fiunoas. 
Insignemente,  adv.  in   a  nolo- 

rious  manner. 
Insígnia,  sf.  sign,  token,  irbere- 

by  any  thing  is  known;  ccats 

01  arms,  crovns,  sceptres,  stc 
Insigniar,  va.  to  decorate. 
Insignificanoia ,    sf.    insigntf- 

cance.  rUeanfe. 

Insigniíioante,  adj.  la.  insignl- 
Insigniíicativo,  a,  aaj.  insigni- 

Insinuação,  sf.  insinuatioB,  iatl- 
mation ;  (ín  fato)  a  re^steriw. 
Inslnuado^a..  pp.  adj,  imliraaEM. 

INS  —  4!»  - 

Tniitimador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  iuriwwi 

Insinuante,  adj.  lg.  insinuatíng. 
Insinuar,  va.   to   insinuate,  to 

instil,  to  register.  Insitmarset 

vr.  to  insinuate  one'8  self. 
Insinuativa,  sf.  insinuative. 
Insipidamente,  adv.  in«ipidly. 
Insipidez,  sf.  insipidity. 
bisipido,  a,  adJ.  insipid. 
Insipiência,  sf.  insipience,  want 

of  understanding. 
Insipiente,  adj  2  g.  witless,  fool- 

ish.  [ing. 

Insistência,  sf.  the  act  of  ineist- 
Ittsistente,  cuij.  2  g.  nersiatent. 
Insistido,  a,  pp.  adj.  iniisted, 

Insistir,  va.  to  inaist. 
Insofariedade,  sf.  insobriety. 
Insobrio,  a,  adj.  t}iat  is  not  sober. 
Insooiabilidade,  sf,  iABociable- 

Insooial,  adj.  2  g.  insociable. 
Insociável,  adj.  2  g.  insociable. 
InsoifrldaBEoente,  adv.  unpatient- 

ly.^^  [sionate. 

Inaoffrido,  a,  adj.  stormy,  pas- 
Insoífrivel,  adj.  2  g.  insuffeníble. 
Insoffilvelmeixte,  adv.  insuffer- 

InBoiaçSo,  sf.  iaBolatíon;  diges- 

tion  by  exposing  to  «un  beams. 
Insolar,  va.  to  insolate. 
Insolência,  sf.  insolence,  inso- 

lency.  [unnsnal. 

Insolente,   adj.    2   g.  insolent; 
Insolentemente,  aáo.  meolently. 
Insólito,  a,  adj.  unusual. 
Insolubilidade,  sf.  insolability. 
Insoluvdl,  adj.  2  g.  insoluble. 
Insolvência    or     lasolvabili- 

dade,  «f.  insolvency. 
Insolvente,  adj.  i  g.  insolvent. 
Insomnia,  sf.  -want  of  aleep. 
Insomnolencia ,    sf.    wstching, 

lying  awake. 
Insondado,  a,  adj.  unsounded; 

not  tried  by  the  plummet. 
Insondarv^,  adj,  i  g.  nnfathom- 

Iggpeoçao,  sf.  inspection. 
InapeooiQnado,  a,  pp.  ndj,  ins- 



Inspeooionar,  va.  to  inspect. 
Inspectado,  a,  pp.  adj.  inspeeted. 
Inspeotar,  va.  to  inspect. 
Inqsector,  sm.  inspector. 
Inspiração,  sf.  inspiration. 
Inspirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  inspired. 
Inspirador,  sm.  inspirer. 
Inspirar,  va.  to  inspire. 
Inspiratório,  a,  wj.  inapiring, 

Inspiravèl,  adj.  2  g.  inspirable. 
Inspissar,  va.  to  inspissate. 
Instabilidade,  sf.  instabilit^. 
Instado,  a,  pp.    adj.   insisted, 

pressed,  urged. 
Installado,  a,  pp.  adj.  installed. 
Installar,  va.  to  install. 
Instancia,  sf.  instanoe;  eam««t- 

ness,  urging ;  process  of  a  suit. 
Instantaneamente,  adv.  instan- 

Instantâneo,  a,  adj.   instanta- 

Instante,  sm.  instant,  moment. 
Instante,  adj.  2  g.  urgent,  uz^ng, 

Instantemente,  adn.  instantly. 
Instar,  va.  to  insist,  to  urge.  — 

vn.  to  be  imminent. 
Instauração,   sf.    instauration, 

renewing,  repairing. 
Instaurado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reneved, 

Instaurador ,    sm,   instaurator , 

one  who  renews.  [pair. 

Instaurar,  va.  to  renew,  to  re- 
Instavel,  adj.  2  g.  unstable. 
Instigação,  sf.  mstigation,  sug- 

Instigado,  a,  pp.  adj.  instigated. 
Instigador,  sm.  instigator. 
Instigar,  va.  to  insti^ate. 
Instillação,  sf.  intstillation, 
Instillar,  va.  to  instil  drop  by 

drop ;  to  insinuate  any  thinç. 
Instincttvo,  a,  adj.  instinctive. 
Instincto,  sm.  instinct. 
Instituição,  sf.  institution,   in- 

struction.  [establisiied. 

Instituído,  a,  pp.  adj.  instituted, 
Instituidor,  sm.  ínstitutor,  estar 

Instituidora»  «A  inatru.cXT«Mu 
InstStnlc.,  va.  Ia  vi^e^àftsQftA. 


—  456  — 


Instituto,  sm,  institute;  order; 

Instrucção,  sf.  instruction. 
Instructivo,  a,  adj.  instructive. 
Instruoto,  a,  adj.  mstructed. 
Instructor,  sm.  instructor,  tea- 

Instructura,  sf.  structure. 
Instruído,  a,  pp.  adj.  instructed, 

Instruidor,  sm.  instructor. 
Instruir,  va.  to  instruct. 
Instrumentação,  sf.  (mus.)  in- 

strumentation.  [mental. 

Instrumental,  adj.  2  g.  iustru- 
Xnstrumentista,  sm.  instrumen- 
tal performer. 
Instrumento,   sm.  instrument; 

tool ;  (ira  law)  instrument. 
Insua,  sf.  a  small  island  in  the 

middle  of  a  river. 
Insuave,  adj.  2  g.  unpleasing, 

offensive.  [agreableness. 

Insuavidade,  sf.  insuavity,  dis- 
Insubordinação,  sf  insubordi- 

Insubordinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  in- 

subordinate,  mutinous. 
Insubordinar,  va.  to  cause  in- 

subordination.    Insubordinar-se^ 

vr.  to  be  insubordinate. 
Insubomavel,   ádj.  1  g.  that 

cannot  be  suborned. 
Insubsistência,  sf.  vanity. 
Insubsistente,  adj.  2  g.  that  is 

not  subsistent. 
Insuccessivel ,    adj.   2  g.  that 

cannot  succeed. 
Insueto,  a,  adj.  unusual. 
Insufficlencia,  sf.  insufâcience, 

insuffíciency.  [cient. 

Insuíficiente,   adj.  2  g.  insuffi- 
Insulficientemente,  adv.  insuf- 

Insufflação,  sf.  [med.)  insuffla- 

tion ;  the  act  of  breathing  upon. 
Insufflar,    va.  {med.)  to  breath 

Insula,  sf.  island. 
Insulado,  a,  adj.  insulate. 
Insulano,  a,  s.  or  adj.  islander, 

Insular,  adj.  2  g.  insular. 
Insulsamente,  adv,  inaipidly. 

Intralso,  a,  adj.  insulse,  insipid. 
Insultado,  a,  pp.  adj.  insultea. 
Insultante,  adj.  2  g.  insulting. 
Insultar,  va.  to  insmt. 
Insulto,  sm.  insult,  affront. 
Insultuoso,  a,  adj.  ready  to  in> 

sult.  [able. 

Insuperável,  adj.  2  g.  insuper- 
Insupportavel,  adj.  2  g.  insup- 

Insupprivel,  adj.  2  g.  that  can- 
not be  supplied. 
Insurdecencia,  sf.  deafness. 
Insurgente,  adj.  2  g,  and  s.  in- 

surgent.  [rection. 

Insurgir,  va.  to  rouse  to  insar- 
InsurreiçSo,  sf.  insurrection. 
Insuspeito,  a,  adj.  unsuspect. 
Insustentável,  adj.  2  g.    that 

cannot  be  maintained,   insns- 

Intacto,  a,  adi.  intact,  untouched. 
Integra,  sf.  tne  textual  words. 
Integração,  sf.  {math.)  integra- 

Integral,  adj.  2  g.  integral. 
Integralmente,  adv.  integrally. 
Integrante,  adj.  2  g.  integrant, 

Integrar,  va.   to  integrate;  to 

fina  the  integral. 
Integrável,  adj.  2  g.  {math.)  the 

integral  ofwhich  can  befound. 
Integridade,  sf.  integrity;  en- 

Inteirado,  a,   pp.  adj.  that   is 

perfectíy  informed. 
Inteiramente,     adv.    entiralj;' 

Inteirar,    va.   to   entegrate,  to 

make  whole.  to  renew ;  to  in- 

form  perfectíy. 
Inteireza,  sf.  entireness. 
Inteiriçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  grown 

stiíf  with  cold.  [cold. 

Inteiriçar,  va.  to  stiffen    with 
Inteiriço,  a,   adj.  whole,  com- 

Inteiro,  a,  adj.  entire,  complete. 
Intellecção,  sf.  intellection. 
Intellectivamente ,    adv.  with 

Intellectivo,  a,  adj.  intellective. 
Intelleoto,  sm.  intellect. 



[^^■■iMi  m 


—  457  — 


Ihtellectaal,  adj.  2  g.  intellec- 

tuàl.  [tuality. 

Intellectoalidade,  sf.  intellec- 
Intelleotaalxnenté,   adv,  intel- 

Intelligenoia,  sf.  intelligence. 
Intelligente, adj.ig.  intellig^ent. 
Intelligivel,  adj.2g.  intelligihle. 
Intelligivelmente,  adv.  intelli- 

Intemerato,  a,  adj.  intemerato. 
Intemperado,  a,  adj.  intemper- 

ate,  diseased. 
Intexnperamento,  sm.  intempe- 

ratura.  [rance. 

Intemperança ,     sf.     intempe- 
Intemperante,  adj.  2  g.  intem- 

Intempérie,  sf.  intemperature. 
Intempestivamente,    adv.  un- 

seasonablv.  [less. 

IntempestiTidade,  sf.  untime- 
Intempestiyo,  a,  adj.  intempes- 

Intenção,  sf.  intention,  intent. 
Intencionado,    a,    cúlj.  inten- 

tioned,  affected. 
Intencional,  adj  2  g.  intentional. 
Intendência,  sf.  intendancy. 
Intendente,  sm.  intendant. 
Intender,  va.  to  intend;  to  give 

intensity,  to  increase. 
Intensamente,    adv.  intensely. 
IntencAo,  sf.    intensity,    inten- 

siveness.  A  maior  — ,  the  high- 

est  degree. 
Intensidade,   sf.  intensity,  in- 

Intensivamente)  adv.  intensive- 

ly.  [excessive. 

Intenso,  a,  adj.  intense,  ardent. 
Intentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  attempted. 
Intentar,  va.  to  attempt,  to  in- 
tend. [diligent. 
Intento,  a,  adj.  intent,  anxious, 
Intento,  sm.  design,  intention. 
Intercadencia,  sf.  the  intermis- 

8Íon  or  uneaual  beatin^  of  the 

pulse.  —  no  discurso  t  an  interrup- 

tion  in  the  middle  of  a  discourse. 
Interoadente,  adj.  2  g.  interce- 

dent    Pulso  — ,    intermitting 

mtmwiaçfy,  #/  intopcftlation. 

Intercalado,  a,  pp.  adj.  inter- 

Intercalar,  va.  to  intercalate,  to 

insert.  [intercalary. 

Intercalar,  adj.  i  g.  intercalar, 
Interceder,  va.  to  intercede. 
Intercedido,  a,  pp.  adj.  inter- 

Intercepção,  sf.  interception. 
Intercentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  inter- 

Interceptar,  va.  to  intercept. 
Intercepto,    a,     adj.   intercep- 

ted.  ' 

Interceptorio,  sm.  interception. 
Intercessor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  inter- 
cessor, [pieces. 
Interciso,  sm.  one  that  is  cut  into 
Intercolumnar,   adj.  2  g.  per- 

taining  to   the  intercolumnia- 

tion.  [niation. 

Intercolonuiio,  sm.  intercolom- 
Interoorrente,  adj.  2  g.  inter- 

ourrent.  [tercostal. 

Intercostal,  adj.  2  g.  [anat.)  iu- 
Intercutaneo,  a,  adj.  intercu- 

Interdicção,  sf.   {in  law)  inter- 

diction  or  prohibition  of  trado. 
Interdicto,  a,  adj.  interdicted. 
Interdicto,  sm.  mterdict,  inter- 

Interdizer,  va.  to  interdict. 
Interessado,  a,  pp.  adj.  interest- 

ed.  [interested. 

Interessai,  adj.  2  g.  selfish,  self- 
Interessante,  adj.  2  g.  interest- 

ing.  Livro  — ,  a  valuable  book. 
Interessar,   va.  to  interest,  to 

concern.  —  vn.  to  gain  a  part 

or  interest  in  a  thing.  Que  inte- 

ressais  vós  n^isso?  What  beneflt 

do  you  reap  thence? 
Interesse,  sm.  interest,  concern. 
Interesseiro,  a,  adj.  covetous, 

Interfemineo,  sm.  the  perinseum. 
Interferência,  sf.  interference. 
ínterim,  sm.  Ínterim. 
Interinar^  ua.  \.o  ^críctxw  Vsv  ^í^^ 

Ínterim.  ^ 

Interino,  a>  adi .  ^^^^^Ví^  vc.v«c- 


iQterjaoflnte ,    adj.   i   g.   i 

Intarjelflo,  if.  interjeclioa. 
InterUnsal.  adj.  í  g.  inUilineu, 

InterloonçSo,  </.  iatsrlocalioD, 

Intóí locutor,  8.  am.  or /.  Inte»- 

Tnterlocutoria,  sf.  inlerlocotíoii. 

to  inMnBinglB 

IXLtermeer,  i 

latenuittido.  a 

Internado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tliat  ia  pni 
Inteniamenta,  odu.  intenully. 

Interno,  a,  adj.  inctruÁÍ. 
Intemonoio,  jjb.  inierDn 
InterpeUaçSo,  •/'.  (in  luie 

:   ndj. 

lnterpeUant« , 

laterpellar.  na.  la   BunitnoD,  Io 

Interpolação,  sf.  iaiErpolmtinn. 

Tnterpotaclo,  a,  pp.   aÃj,  inUr- 

btarpolndor,  jm.  isierpolaior. 
Intarpolar,  no.  ta  iutecçoUte: 

Interpreto,  st, 
Interregno,  f 
InterrogaçSe,    ,       ....     ^ 
Interrogado,  a.  pp.   adj.  IMa- 

Interrogatiío,  a, 
InCerrogatoIiO;  a. 

Intersecção.  í^f- 
Interattoio,  sm. 
Intertroplcel,  i 

Intervaliado,  b.  pp,   odj.  4ri 

Int«rrol]aT.  ca.  to  pat  tiHtPMI 
Intamllo,    m.   totarrid,  Hê- 



—  459  — 


JAterrenienta,  adj.  i  g.  inter- 

Interventor,  a,  tm.  or  /.  iottfr- 

poser.;  vnpire. 
Intarviíido,  a,  pp.  adj.  of  /n^A^ 

vtr,  iotorvenea. 
Intervir,  vn.  to  interreiw,  {in 

Ioid)  to  interpose. 
Intestado,  a,  adj.  Un  laio)  iates- 

tate.  [make  a  will. 

latastavel,  adj.  2  ^.  that  cumot 
Intestinal,  adj.  2  ^.  intestinal. 
Intestino,  a.  adj.  mtestine,  in- 

irard;    deadlv,   spitefolr    long 

borne  in  mino. 
Intestino,  sm.  inteitine,  bowel. 
Intibiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  relented, 

Intiblamento,  mi.  \rant  of  fer- 

vonr  or  eamestness. 
Intlbiar,  va.  to  caose  to  be  re- 
mias, cold,  to  relent,  to  lessen. 

íntiòiar-sey  vr,  to  grow  remiss, 

cold.  [flcation. 

IntimaçSo,  *f.  intimation,  noti- 
Intimado,  a,  pp.  adj.  notified, 

Intimador,  tm.  summoner. 
Intimamente,   adv.   intiniately, 

affectionately,  from  tiie  heart. 
Intimar,  va.  and  n.  to  notify,  to 

Intimativo,  a,  adj.  that  has  the 

power  to  notify. 
Intimidação,  sf.  intimidation. 
Intimidade,  sf.  intimacy. 
Intimidado,  a,  pp.  adj.  intimi- 

dated.  [intimidates. 

Intimldador,  a,  adj,  and  ».  that 
Intimidar,  va.  to  intimidate,  to 

frighten.  [tionate. 

Intimo,  a,  adj.  intimate,  affec- 
Intimorado,   a,  adj.   Y.  Deate- 

mido.  [tion. 

IntitulaçSo,  sf.  title,  entitala- 
Intitulado,  a,  j>p.  adj.  entitled. 
Intitular,  va.  to  entitle. 
Intolerância,  sf.  intolerancj. 
Intolerante,  aaj.  2  g.  intolerant. 
Intolerável,  adj.  2  g.  intolerable. 
Intoleravelmente,  adv.  intole- 


Intoatãio,  a,  adi.  unshaven. 
Intomao,  sf.  (bot.)  intorsion. 

Intradnztvel,  adj.  2  g.  nntran»- 

Intrancia,  sf.  entrance. 
Intransitável,  adj.  2  g.  impracti» 

Intransitivo,  a,  adj.  intransitive. 
Intransmiwsivel,  adj.  2  g.  in- 

Intratado,  a,  adj.  deprived  of 

Intratável,  adj.  2  g,  intractable, 

stnbbom ;  roagh,  difâcolt  to  be 

Intrecho  or  Entreoho,  «t».'th& 

plot  of  a  dramatic  piece. 
Intremnlo,  a,  adj.  aottenless, 

steadv.  [ly. 

Intrepidamente,  adv.  iatrepid- 
Intrepidez,  sf.  intrepidft^. 
Intrépido,  a,  adj.  intrepid. 
Intricado,  a,  pp.  adj.  v.  Intrin- 
Intricar,  va.  to  intricate. 
Intrloavel,  adj.  2  g.  intrieable. 
Intriga,  sf.  intrigue,  scrape,  e»> 

bal.  [perplezed. 

Intrigado,  a,  pp.  adj.  intrigned, 
Intrigante,  aaj.  2  g.  and  s.  in- 

Intrigar,  va.  and  n.  to  intrigue, 

to  plot ;  to  embroil. 
Intrincadamente ,    adv.    intri- 

cately.  [entangled. 

Intrincado,  a,  pp.  adj.  intricate, 
Intrincar,  va.  to  intricate,   to 

entangle.  [caUj^. 

Intrinsecamente,  adv.  intrinsi- 
Intrínseco,  a,  adj.  intrinsical. 
IntroducçSo,  sf.  introduction. 
Introductor,  sm.  introductor. 
Introduzido,  a,  pp.  adj.  intrv- 

Introduzir,  va.  to  introdnce. 
Intróito,  sm.  introit ;  beginning 

of  the  mass. 
Intrometter,    va.   to   intromit. 

Jntrometter-se,  vr,  to  creep  in; 

to  meddie ;  to  interpose ;  to  be- 

come  to  be  made. 
Intromettldo,  a,  pp.  adj.  inter- 

meddled  with;  bold. 
Intromissão,  sf.  intromission. 
IntroversBo,  af.  introveralatL. 
IntrucAo,  «f .  voXtv>&vyix. 


—  460  — 


Intruso,  a,  adj.  intruded,  intra- 

Intuição,  sf.  intuitíon. 
Intuitivo,  a,  adj.  intuitive. 
Intuito,  sm,  intuition,  immddiate 

Intumecencia,  sf.  intumescence. 
Intumecer,  va.  to  intumesce,  to 

tumify,  to   puíf  up.  —  »n.    to 

grow  proud.  Intumecer-se^  vr.  to 

Intumecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  tumeíied. 
Inturvar,  va.  to  trouble,  to  make 

Inulto,  a,  adj.  unrevenged. 
Inundação,  sf.  inundation. 
Inundado,  a,  pp.  adj.  overflowed. 
Inundante,  aaj.  2  g.  inundant, 

overflowing.  [overflow. 

Inundar,  va.  to  inundate,  to 
InurbanOp  a,  adj.  uncourteous, 

Inusitado,  a,  adj.  inusitate,  not 

used.  [unuseful. 

Inútil,  adj.  2  g.  inutile,  useless, 
Inutilidade,  sf.  inutility. 
Inutilisado,   a,  pp.   adj.  made 

Inutilisar,  va.  to  render  useless. 
Inutilmente,  adv.  uselessly. 
Invadeavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  can- 

not  be  vaded.  [attacked. 

Invadido,  a,  jsp.  adj.  invaded. 
Invadir,  va.  to  invade,  to  attack. 
Invalescer,     va,      to     acquire 

Invalidação,  sf.  invalidness. 
Invalidade,  sf.  invalidity. 
Invalidado,  a,  pp.  adj.  invalid- 

ated.  [force. 

Invalidamente ,    adv.    without 
Invalidar,  va.  to  invalidate. 
Invalido,  a,  adj.  invalid.  —  sm. 

an  invalid.  [ness. 

Invariabilidade,  sf  invariable- 
Invariavel,  adj.  2  g.  invariable. 
Invariavelmente,    adv.    inva- 

Invasão,  sf.  invasion. 
Invasivo,  a,  adj.  invasive. 
Invasor,  sm.  invader. 
Invectiva,  sf.  invective. 
Invectivado,  a,   pp.    adj. 

Invectivador,  sm.  inveigher. 
Invectivar,  va.  to  inveig^h.     ■ 
Inveja,  sf.  envy. 
Invejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  envied. 
Invejar,  va.  to  envy. 
Invejável,  adj.  2  g»  enviaUe. 
Invejoso,  a,  adj.  envioma,  invi- 

Invenção,  sf.  invention,  disco- 

very ;     tEde,    âction ;    artífice, 

cunninç.  Invenções^  affectatioo, 

squeamishness.  [ness. 

Invencibilidade,  sf.  invincibla- 
Invencionar,  va.  to  adom  irith 

Invencioneiro,  a,  adj.  affected. 

squeamish;  cunning. 
Invencioneiro,  sm.  an  affected 

person ;  a  cunning  fellow. 
Invencivel,  adj.  2  g.  invincibie. 
Invencivelmente,    adv,   inriB- 

cibly.  [not  be  soM. 

Invendavel,  adj,  2  g,  that  can- 
Inventado,  a,  pp.  adj.  invented. 
Inventar,  va.  to  invent,  to  dis> 

cover,  to  devise. 
Inventariação,   sf.  the    act  of 

making  an  inventory. 
Inventariado,   a,   pp.    adj.   io- 

Inventariar,  va.  to  inventoxy. 
Inventario,  sm.  inventory. 
Inventativo,  a,  adj.  that  invents 

or  discovers. 
Inventiva,  sf.  the  inventiva  art, 

Inventivo,  a,  adj.  inventive. 
Invento,  sm.  an  invention. 
Inventor,  sm.  an  inventer. 
Inventora,  sf.  inventress. 
Invernada,  sf.  the  winter  season; 

boisterous  weather. 
Invernal,  adj.  2  g.  veinterly. 
Invernar,  u/i.  to  winter. 
Inverno,  sm.  >yinter.  —  cAudom, 

a  wet  winter. 
Invernoso,  a,  adj.  winterj^y^  ^ 
Inverosímil,   adj.   t  g,  nnUIm 

Inverosimilhança,   sf.    unlilEe- 

11^%%^  vcKÇTCs.V»JU\.lity. 


—  461  — 


Inverter,  va.  to  mvert. 
Invertido,  a,  ^.  adj,  inverted. 
Investida,  sf.  investing;  an  as- 

sault  in  battle ;  in  the  univer- 

sities  of  Portugal,  a  sporting 

Investido,  a,  pp.  adj.  invested. 
Investidura,  sf,  investiture. 
Investigação,  sf.  investi^ation. 
Investigado,  a,  pp.  adj.  inves- 

Investigador,  sm.  investi  gator. 
Investigar,  va.  to  investigate. 
Investigavel,  adj.  2  g.  investi- 

gable.  [to  ridicule. 

Investir,  va.  to  invest,  to  attack ; 
Inveterado,  a,    pp.   adj,  inve- 

terate,  inveterated. 
Inveterar-se,  vr.  to  grow  invo- 

terate.  Inveterar.,  va.  to  inve- 

terate.  [vanquished. 

Invicto,  a,  adj.  invincible,  un- 
Inviotoso,  a,  adj.  invincible 
Invigilancla,  sf.  want  of  vigi- 

Invigilante,  adj.  2  g.  careless, 

inattentive.  [untrodden. 

ínvio,  a,  culj.  invious,  impassable. 
Inviolabilidade,  sf.  inviolable- 

ness,  inviolability. 
Inviolado,  a,  adj.  inviolate. 
Inviolável,  adj.  2  g.  inviolable. 
Inviolavelmente ,    adv.    invio- 

lably.  [trained. 

Inviolentado,   a,   adj.    uncons- 
Inyiperar-se»  vr.  to  grow  furious 

like  a  viper. 
Inviscado,    a,    adj.    intangled 

with  bird-lime ;  that  sticks  like 

bird-lime.  [lime. 

Inviscar ,    va.  to   inviscate ,  to 
Invisibilidade,    sf.  invisibility. 
Invisível,  adj.  2  g.  invisible. 
Invisivelmente,  adv.  invisibly. 
Invitar.  va.  to  invite.     luntary. 
Invito,  a,  adj.  unwilling,  invo- 
Invocação,  sf.  invocation. 
Invocado,  a,  pp.  adj.  invocated. 
Invocador.  sm.  invocator. 
Invocar,  va.  to  invocate,  to  in- 

voke.  [vocation. 

Invocativamente,  adv.  by  in-. 
Invooativo,  a;  or  Invooatorio, 

B,  aé^,  thãt  invocatea. 

InvDcavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may  be 

Involto,  a.  adj.  involved. 

Involontariauiente.  adv.  invo- 
luntarily,  unwillingly. 

Involuntário,  a.  adj.  involun- 
tary.  [volver. 

Involver,  va.  to  involve.  V.  Eth- 

Invulnerável,  adj.  2  g.  inviil- 

Inxidro,  sm.  a  little  orchard. 

Ipeoaouanha,  s.  ipecacuanha. 

Ir.  vn.  and  irreg.  to  go,  to  )^ 
going,  to  vralk,  to  march,  to 
depart  from  a  place ;  to  grow ; 
to  proceed  to  any  place  or  state 
graduaUy ;  to  draw  near,  to  ap- 
proach.  —  por  diante,  to  go  on. 
—  ao  encontro,  to  go  to  meet  — 
aa  fundo,  to  sink.  —  atras  de,  to 
pursue.  —  ter,  to  lead ;  to  go 
mto.  —  ter  com  alguém,  to  apply 
to  one.  —  buscar,  to  go  for.  O 
vento,  o  tempo  vae  abrandando^ 
the  wind ,  the  weather  grows 
mild.  O  doente  vae  apeior,  the 
disease  grows  worse.  Vae  para 
ires  annos,  it  is  near  or  almost 
three  years  since.  Vamos,  come, 
come  un ;  let  us  make  an  end. 
Não  faço  mais  que  ir  e  voltar,  I 
shall  be  back  a^ain  preseutly. 
Isso  já  lá  vae,  it  is  a  tning  past. 
Como  vae?  how  are  you  going 
on?  Ir,  foUowed  by  a  gerund, 
implies  continuance  of  action. 
Vae  fazendo  frio,  it  grows  cold. 

Ir-se.  vr.  —  embora,  to  go  away. 
de  uma  carta  (at  play),  to  throw 
away  a  card.  —  acabando,  to 
draw  to  a  conclusion.  Ir-se,  to 
leak,  to  run,  to  boil  over  (a  pot). 
Vaese  fazendo  tarde,  it  grows 
late.  Vae-se  chegando  a  noite, 
the  night  is  fast  approaching. 
Ir-se  escapulindo,  to  sneak 

Ira,  sf.  anger,  ire.  [per. 

Iracundia,  sf.  hastiness  of  tem- 

Iracundo.  a,  adj.  ireful,  pettish. 

Irado,  a,   pp.  aud  ad^.   íccvvgt^js 
trou\Aed.  ^  „^  ,_ 

Irar,  wa.  to  maVe  ^«vç.^^-  1to»-*«> 

I     w.  to\iô  wci^T-s-  ^^ 


—  462  — 


IraBcibllldade,  sf.  irascibility. 
Irascivel,  adi.  2  g.  irascible. 
Iriar,  va.  to  nave  the  colours  of 

a  rainbow.  —  vn,  to  shine  as  a 

íris,  ftf.  the  rainbov. 
Irmã,  sf.  sister ;  a  nun.  As  nove 

— s.  the  nine  Musea. 
Irmãmente,  adv.  sisterly  cr  bro- 

Irmanado,  a,  pp.  adj.  matched. 
Irmanar,  va.  to  match,  to  pair. 
Irmandade,  sf.  brotherhood,  so- 

ciety;  sisternood;  fraternity. 
Irmão,  sm.  brother.  Âleio  — ,  a 

brother  b^r  the  father's  or  the 

inother's  side.  —  gémeo ^  a  twin 

brother.    —    adj.    matchable , 

exactly  like,  similar. 
Ironia,  sf.  irony. 
Ironicamente,  adv.  ironically. 
Irónico,  a.  adj.  ironical. 
Irosamente,  adv.  irefally. 
Iroso,  a,  adj.  ire  fui,  angry. 
Irra,  interj.  avay !  fy ! 
Irracionabilidade,  «/..Vinreason- 

Irracional,  adj.  2  g.  irrational. 
Irracionalidade,  sf.  irrational- 

Irracionavel,  adj.  2  g.  irrational. 
Irradiação,  sf.  irradiation. 
Irradiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  irradiated. 
Irradiar,  va.  and  n.  to  irradiate. 
Irradioso,  a,   adj.   deprived  of 

sensihle  beams. 
Irrealisavel.  adj.  2  g.  that  can- 

not  ])e  realized. 
Irreolamavel,  adj.  2  g.  irreclaim- 

ablo.  [tion. 

Irreconciliação,  sf.  irreconcilia- 
Irreconciliado,  a,  adj.  irrecon- 

Irreconciliável,  adj.  2  g.  irrc- 

Irreoonciliavelmente,  adv.  ir- 

reconcilably.  [verable. 

Irrecuperável,  adj.  2  g.  irreco- 
Irreousavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  can- 

not  be  refused.  [mable. 

Irredimivel.  adj.  2  g.  unredee- 
Xrreduzivel,  adj.  2  ^(.'iTTeàMcWAft. 
JrreflexivG,  a,  odj.  unte^^TÀv* 
Xrreflexo,  a,  adj,  unt^ftexvve. 

Irreformavely   adj.  2  g.   unre- 

formable.  [gabls. 

Irrefragavel,   adj.  2  g.  irrefic*- 
Irrefutavel,  adj.  2  g.  irrefutáUe. 
Irregular,  adj.  2  g.  irregular. 
Irregularidade,  sf.  irregularity. 
Irregularmente ,    adv,    irrego» 

Irreligião,  sf.  irreligpion. 
Irreligiosamente,    adv.    irrdi- 

Irreligioso,  a.  adj.  irreligious. 
Irremeavel.  culj.  2  g.  irremeáUs. 
Irremediável,  adj.  2  g.  irrenw- 

Irremediavelmente,   adv.  izre* 

mediably.  [siblo. 

Irremissível,  adj.  2  g.    irrenúa- 
Irremlssivelmente,    adv.   írre- 

Irremivel,  adj.  2  g.  that  cannot 

be  ransomed  or  redeemed  otf 

of  pa\('n. 
Irreparado,  a,  adj.  unrepairsd. 
Irreparável,   adj.   2    g.   irrep»* 

rabie.  [rabi/. 

Irreparavelmente,  adv.  irrep»- 
Irreprehensibilidade,   sf.  im- 

Irreprehensivel,  adj.  2  g.  \m- 

Irreprehensivehnenta,  adv.  i^ 

Irresistente,  adj.  2  g.  that  can- 
not resist. 
Irresistível,  adj.  2  g.  irresistible. 
Irresistivelmente ,     adv.    irre* 

Irresolução,  sf.  irresolution. 
Irresolutamente,    adv.    irreso- 

Irresoluto,  a,  adj.  irreaolute. 
Irresoluvel,  adj.  2  g.  irres<duble. 
Irrestricto,  a,  adj.  unreatraiiied. 
Irrestringivel,    adj.   2  g.   thtf 

cannot  be  restrained. 
Irreverência,    sf.    irreverwMt» 

Com  — ,  irreverently. 
Irreverenciar,  va.  to  disrespaett 

to  treat  with  irreverence. 
Irreverente,  adj.  2  g.  irrevennt. 
Irr^vQteakAxxMnta^  adv..  irrarift- 
tecL^^.  Via&Jla. 



—  463  — 


Irrevooabilidade,  tf*  irrevoca- 

bility.  [cable. 

Irrevocável,  adi.  2  g.  irrevo- 
Irrevogavel,  aaj,  %  g.  irrevo- 

cable.  [cably. 

Irrevogavelmente,  adv.  irrevo- 
Irrigação,  sf.  irrigation. 
Irrigado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  irrigated. 
Irrigar,  va,  to  irrigate. 
Irrisão,  sf.  irrision. 
IrriBor,  am.  a  scoffíng  person,  a 

Irrisoriaxnente,  adv.    by  moc- 

kery,  by  derision. 
Irrisório,  a,   adj.  jesting,  in  a 

sportive  manner. 
IrxitabiUdade,  sf.  irritability. 
Irritação,  sf.  irritation. 
Irritado,  a,  pp.  adj.  irritated. 
Irritador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  and  adj. 

that  irritates  or  provokes. 
Irritamento,  sm.  irritatioD. 
Irritante,  adi.  and  s.  2  g.  {med.) 

irritant,  imtating. 
Irritar,  va.  to  irritate. 
Irritativo,  a,  adj.  irritative. 
Irritável,  adj.  2  g.  irritable. 
Irrito,  a,  adj.  annulled.  V.  Nullo. 
Irrogação,  sf.  a  setting  or  impo- 

sing  of. 
Irrogar,  va.  to  impose,  to  set 

upon,  to  cause. 
Irrupção,  sf.  irruption,  inroad» 
Irruptivo,  a,  adj.  irruptive. 
Isabel,  odí.  and  s.  2  g.  isabel  or 

isabella  (colour). 
Isagoge,  sf.  isagoge,  an  intro- 

Isca,  sf,  a  bait  to  catcb  fishes 

with;  {fig.)  enticement.   —  de 

ferir  fogo^  tínder. 
Iscado»  a,  adj.  baited,  tainted. 
Iscar,  va.  to  bait.  —  o  anzol,  to 

bait  a  hook ;  to  infect. 
Ischiadico,  a,  or  xschiatico,  a, 

adj.  {anat.)  ischiadic,  sciatic. 
Isonion,  sm.  \flnat.)  the  ischium 

or  huckle-bone. 
Isoburia,  sf.  {med.)  ischury. 
Isenção,  sf.  exemption;  reser- 

vedness.  [free  from. 

nentado,   a,  pp.  adj.   exempt, 
Ifwmtar,  va.  to  exempt,  lo  dls- 

ctai^,  to  prívilege. 

Isentamente,  udv.  independent- 

ly.  [fui,  scornful' 

Isento,  a,  adj.  exemçt ;  diadain 
Islamismo,  sm.  islamism. 
Islenho,  a,  adj.  and  s.  islander. 
Isochronismo,  sm.  isochronism. 
Isocbrono,  a,  adj.  isochronooi, 

Isogono,  sm.  {geom.)  an  equian- 

gular  figure. 
Isoladamente,  adv.  alone,  cnly. 
Isolado,  a,  pp.  adj.  isolated. 
Isolamento,  sm.  retirement;  se- 

Isolar,  va.  to  isolate. 
Isoperimetro,    a,   adj.  isoperl- 

Isoplenro,  sm.  {geom.)  an  eqvi' 

lateral  triangle. 
Isosoeles,  s.  {geom.)  isosceles.  Um 

triangulo  — ,  an  isosceles. 
Isotbermal,  adj.  2  g.  isothennsL 
Israelita,  s.  or  adj.  2  g.  Israelite, 

Isso,    pron.  neut.   that.   Por  — , 

therefore,  for  that  cause. 
Isthmo,  sm.  isthmus. 
Isto,  pron.  dem.  this  (a  variatioii 

of  Este).  Itriãó. 

Istrião,  sm.  stage-player.  V.  Bvh 
Itália,  sf.  {geogTj  Italy. 
Italiano,  a,  s.  and  adj.  Italian, 

belonging  to  Italy. 
Itálico,  a,  adj.  italic. 
Item,  adv.  also,  item.  — 5,  a  neyr 

Iterar,  va.  to  iterate,  to  repeat. 
Itinerário,  sm.  itinerary ;  prayen 

for  traveÚers.  — ,  a,  adj.  itinera- 
Iva,  sf.  {bot.y  herb-ivy. 
Izentar,  va.  %o  exempt.  Y .  Isentar. 

J,  sm.  the    tenth  letter  of  the 

Portuguese  alphabet. 
Já,    adv.    alreaay.   —    /ia  «caxt*^ 

tempo  ^  a^XoTi^^^fe  ^%^-  —  "í*^ 


Jabõtloaba.  !^.  jabotlcaba  ttef). 

Jaca,  "A  s  iree  in  Indim. 

Jaca.   •/.  BDv  spoi  in   jirecioui 

Jacal/rn.  naí.Aúíj  a  jackall. 
Jacara,  lí  »  wrt  of  lone. 
Jaoaraniiá.  iw.jacirandilairee 

íd  «razil 
Jacait  'T  Jaoareo,  >"■-  xUi^tor 

Jaoaro.  a.  aiJj.  beloniíiiiK  to  lhe 
Jaoente,  <fij.  i  g.  jaceai,  lyipg 

Jaoaiiiu  ícoU).  o-ÍJi  A,a  comi  of 
JaointhiDD,  a,  adi  jacimhine. 
' ..jiiji.   òo[.)j«cinth. 

Jactância,  if.  b 

Jaotanclxiao,    „,-_,.    . 
Jactar-u,  rr.    to    boaat  o 

if.  ejaculatory,  aja- 
a,  atij.  fiJBtulalim-. 

1,  Jf.  jagra:  th« 

Jagonca.  tf.  ji  prenoua  itone. 
JaoDar.  im.  (nof,  Aiií.)  jaguar. 
Jalepa,  '/.  jala|). 
Jalde.  ad;.  í  g.  bright  jaIIow. 


Jalolo.  a,  ifij.  ignorant.  V.  IIh. 

Jamais,  atíii.  nçvcr,  .tt  do  tijD 

Jambeiro,  sui.  Ihn  trne  jojiilju. 
AmblDO.  a,  ailj.  iMnliic. 
Jambo,  an.  janiljo. 

i  gaUag   at  tlw 
t :  dilata  for  coi- 

Jantado,  a.  ,  o.    adj.   that  ha> 


I.  dLnner.  /fora  do  —. 

Jairnsta,   tf. 
Jarda.  j/'.  yài 

leira,  m.  a  tree  ia  BnaU. 
!.  a,  í.  or  o-i/.  JapaD«ie. 

ing  W  Japan. 
,   (/.  jBcVet,   a   Hirt  of 

■l.)  lhe  herb  vakc 
to  take  out   ofteii 

to  hoUKh,  to  hain- 

,  ham,  hough  {«ti 
fure  leg  beCwOD 
and  the     shoaldar; 



—  465  — 


Jasmineiro,  sm.  jessamine. 

Jaspe,  sm.  jasper. 

Jaspeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  speckled, 

coloured  like  jasper. 
Jaspear,    va.    to    speckle    like 

jasper;  to  sprinkle  with  green 

and  vermilion. 
Jataiba,  sf.  fustick. 
Jaula,  sf.  cage  for  wild  beasts. 
Javali,  sm.  a  wild  boar. 
Javaneira,  sf.  an  impudent  wo- 

Javrar,  va.  to  notch. 
Javre,  sf.  the  uppermost  hoop  of 

a  cask. 
Jazeda,  ^.  a  bay,  a  creek. 
Jazedor,  a,  ».  or  adj.  one  that 

Jazer,  vn.  to  lie,  to  be  extended. 
Jazida,  sf.  a  den  where  beasts 

Jazigo,  sm.  a  place  where  one 

lies.  —  de  mortos^   a  grave,  a 

sepulchre.  —  de  caça,    a  den 

wnere  beasts  lie. 
Jehova,  sm.  Jehovah. 
Jejuador   or  Jejuadeiro,    sm. 

one  who  fasts  much. 
Jejuar,  vn.  to  fast;  to  be  igno- 

Jejum,  sm.  a  fast. 
Jejuno,  sm.  (anat.)  jejunum. 
Jerarchia,  sf.  hierarchy. 
Jerarchico,  a,  adj.  hierarchical. 
Jerepexnonga,  sf.  a  sort  of  sea- 

snake.  [phical. 

Jeroglyphioo,  a,  adj.  hierogly- 
Jeropiga,  sf.  hiera-picra;  prepa- 

ration  of  aloés;  any  medicinal 

Jesuita,  sm.  jesuit. 
Jesuitico,  a,  adj.  jesuitic,  jesai- 

Jesuitismo,  sm.  jesuitism. 
Jesus,  sm.  Jesus. 
Joalheiro,  sm.  jeweller. 
Joanete,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  the  top- 

gallant  mast ;  the  knuckle  boné 

of  the  great  toes  when  it  sticks 

out  more  than  ordinary. 
Joanga,  sf.  a  ship  of  Ásia. 
Jocosamente,  adv.  jocosely. 
Joooaerio,  a,  adj.  jocosa. 
Joooaidada,  sf.  jocoseness. 

Jocoso,  a,  ael;.  iocose,  facetious. 
Jocundo,  a,  oÁj.  jocund. 
Joeira,  sf.  a  fan,  an  instrument 

for  -winnowing  com. 
Joeiradeira,  sf.  a  woman  -who 

Joeirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  winnoved. 
Joeirador,  sm.  winnower. 
Joeirar,  va.  to  winnow. 
Joeireiro,  sm.  a  vinnower. 
Joelheira,  sf.  a  pulley  piece; 

the  upper  part  of  a  boot  -which 

covers  the  knee ;  knee-piece. 
Joelheiro,  a,  adj.  that  comes  to 

the  knee. 
Joelho,  sm.  the   knee.  De  —s, 

upon  the  knees,  kneeling. 
Joelhudo,  a,  sm.  or  f.  that  has 

big  knees. 
Jogado,  pp.  adj.  played. 
Jogador,  a,   sm.   or  f.  piayer, 

gamester.  —  de  armas,  fencer. 
Jogar,  va.  and  n.  to  play  any 

game,  to  c^ame.  —  o  soco,  to  box. 

—  a  espaaa,  to  fence.  —  de  fora, 

to  keep  clear  of. 
Jogo,  sm.  play,  game,  sport;  the 

place    in   which  people  play; 

conflict,  combat ;  a  suit  of  thing^ 

suited  to  each  other.  Ca^a  de — ; 

a  gaming  house.  Ter  bom  — ,  tQ 

have  good  cards.  Ter  mau  — ,  to 

have   Dad   cards.    —  de  sege, 

coche,   train.  —    dianteiro,   the 

fore  wheels.  Jogos  de  palavra, 

jests,  puns,  quibbles. 
Jogral,  adj.  V.  Chocarreiro. 
Jogralidade,  sf.  jocoseness. 
Joguete,  sm,  a  child's  play  thing 

jest,  sport. 
Joguetear,  «a.  to  play,  to  jest. 
Jóia,  sf.  jewel;  the  muzzle  ring 

of  a  cannon. 
JoiaUieiro,  sm.  jeweller.  V.  Joor 

Joina,  sf.  {bot.)  gold-flower. 
Joio,  sm.  cockle,  darnel. 
Jomo,  sm.  an  itinerary  measure 

in  Pérsia. 
Jónico,  a,  -adj.  ionic. 
Jorna,  s .  \ô\svjxô  .  N  .  N  ago* . 

Jornada,    sf.  ^«^^^^^X^^^^^-^i 




—  466  — 


Jornal,  sm.  journal,  day  wages, 

day-1>ook.  [a  journeyman. 

Jornaleiro,  sm.  a  day-labourer. 
Jorra,  sf.  a  sort  of  pitch.  —  de 

ferreiro,  the  dross  of  iron. 
Jorrado,  a,  nilj.  pitched. 
Jorrão,  sm.  sled  nr  sled^. 
Jorrar,  va.  to  pitch,  to  do  over 

with  pitch.  —  vn.  to  belly  out, 

to  batter.  [bnlgres. 

Jorro,  sm.  the  side  of  a  wall  that 
Jota,  sm.  iota,  jot,  point. 
Jotaoismo,  sm.  iotacism,  a  ran- 

ninfi^  much  upon  the  letter  iota 

or  I.  [V.  Moço. 

Joven,   «,  or  adj.  2  g.  yoang. 
Jovial,  adj,  2  g.  jovial,  merry. 
Jovialidade,  sf.  jovialneas,  jo- 

Jovlalisar,  vn.  to  be  jovial.  — 

va.  to  treat  jovially. 
Jal>a.  sf.  a  lionês  mane. 
Jobado.  a,  adj.  maned. 
Jobetaria,  sf.  the  street  or  place 

■where    live     those    who    sell 

clof  hes  ready  made. 
Jobeteiro,  sm.  a  person  -who  sells 

clothes  ready  made. 
Jnbilação,  sf.  jubilation ;  the  act 

of  exem^ting  one  from  the  du- 

ties  of  his  profession. 
Jubilado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pleased, 

Jubilar ,  va.  to  exempt  from  the 

duties  of  a  profession.  —  vn. 

to    rejoice,     to  be   exempted 

from  the  duties  of  a  profession 

on  account  of  long  services. 
Jubileu,  sm.  a  jubilee.    [faction. 
Jubilo,  sm.  joy,  content,  satis- 
Jubiteria,  sf.  the  streets  where 

the  doublct-makers  live. 
Jucundidade,  sf.  waggery,  mer- 

riroent.  [sant 

Jucundo,  a,   adj.  jocund,  plea- 
Judaioo,  a,  adj.  jewish,  judaical. 
Judaisar,  un.  to  judaize. 
Judaísmo,  sm.  judaism. 
Juderego,  a,  adj.  of  Jew,  per- 

taining  to  Jews. 
Judeu,  sm.  a  Jew. 
Judia,  sf.  Jewess. 
Judiado,   a,  pp.  adj.  judaixed: 

ijig.)  «coffed.  ^       '    '' 

Judiar,  vn.  to  jndaixe ;   {fig.)  to 

Judiaria,  sf.  jevry ;  the  qnutar 

of  a  to\«rn  where  the  Jewa  lired 

ancientlyin  Portugal ;  mockeij, 

Judicativo,  a,  adj.  judicative. 
Judicatorio,  a,  adj.  judicatocy. 
Judicatura,  sf.  jaaicature. 
Judicial,  adj.  2  g.,  judicial. 
Judicialmente,  adv.  judicially. 
Judiciar,  vn.  to  jud^e  judiciaUy. 
Judiciário,  a,  adj.  judiciar^. 
Judiciosamente,  aav.  judicuNO- 

ly-  [pradent 

Judicioso,  a,  a«f;.  judicious,  wíaa, 
Jugada,  sf.  a  sort  of  tax  on  a& 

acre   of   ground;    an  acre  of 

ground.  Por  jugadas,  acre  by 

acre.  [con. 

Jugadar,    va.    to    measnre  the 
Jugadeiro,  a,  adj.  that  is  loaded 

with  the  impost  called  jmgaãiBu 
Jugal,  adj.  2  g.  belonging  to  the 

yoke.  [Gordian  koot 

Jugo,  sm.  yoke.  —  Gordianio^  the 
Jugulado,  prp.  adj.  jugalated. 
Jugular,  adj.  i  g.  jugular.  Veia 

— ,  the  jugular  vein. 
Jugular,  va.  to  jugulate,  to  cot 

the  throat. 
Juiz,  sm.  iudge.  [a  jodgs.     j 

Juizado,  sm.  the  juriaoietioB  of     | 
Juízo,  sm.  judgment,  reaaon,  opl-     i 

nion ;  tribunal,  court  of  jottica. 
Jula  or  Júlia,  sf.  cuttle-mih. 
Julepo,  sm.  julap  or  julep. 
Julaado,  a,  pp.  adj.  judíged,  da- 

cided.  [judgiMnt 

Julgado,  sm.  a  village :  senteice. 
Julgador,  sm.  judçe.  V.  /atf. 
Julgamento,  sm.  judgmeiít,  de- 

Julgar,  va.  to  judpre,  to  Xtj.  — 

vn.  to  form  an  opinion,  to  toisk. 

to  believe.  to  suppose. 
Julho,  sm.  July. 
Juliano,  a,  aaj.  Julian. 
Júlio,  sm.  italian  coin,  vala^si^' 

pence.  [ — ,  a8a'8  milk. 

Jumenta,  sf.  a  «he-ass.  i^^íí»» 
Jumento,  sm.  an  asa ;  {fig.)  ttav* 

Junca,  sf.  a  sort  of  bolnuh. 



^467  — 


Juncada,  9f.  herbs  or  branches 

8trew«d.  [covered. 

Jnnoado,  a,  pp.  adi.  strewed. 
Juncal,  sm.  a  pliiee  vhere  rushes 

Junção,  sf.  jnnction. 
Juncar,  va.  to  strew  with  nishes. 
Junco,  «m.  msh ;  a  sort  of  Indian 

Junco,  sm.  (in  a  ship)  the  jank. 
JnncoBO,  a,  adj.  juncout,  ftJl  of 

Jungido,  a,  pp.  adj.  yoked. 
Jungir,  va.  to  yoke. 
Junho,  sm.  Jane. 
Junqueira,  sf.  marshy  gronnd 

flill  of  rushes. 
Junquilho,  sm.  {bot.)  jonquiL 
Junta,   sf.  assembly,   congress; 

a  joint  or  juncture.  [ted. 

Juntado,  a,  pp.  adj.  joined,  uni- 
Juntomente,  odv.  jointly,  toge- 


Juntar,  va.  to  join,  to  assemble. 

—  Juntar^e.vr.  to  meet  together. 
Junto,  a,  adj.  joined. 
Juntura,  sf.  joint,  mnctare. 
Júpiter,  sm.  \myth.)  Júpiter. 
Jura.  sf.  V.  Juramento. 
Jurado,  a,  pp.  adj.  8\rom. 
Jurado,  sm.  a  swom  magistrate, 

a  juror,  a  juryman. 
Jurador,  sm.  swearer. 
Juramentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sworn, 

that  has  been  put  to  his  oath. 
Juramentar,  va.  to  swear  in. 
Juramento,  *m.  an  oath,  protes- 

Jurar,   va.  to  svear,  to  make 

oath.  —  vn,  to  take  an  oath. 
Juridicamente,  adv.  jurídically, 

Jurídico,  a,  adj.  legal,  jnridieal. 
Jurisconsulto,  sm.  ala-wyer. 
Jurisdicção,  sf.  jurisdiction. 
Jurisdiccional,  adj,  2  g.  juris- 

Jurianerito,  sm.  one  skilful  in 

the  law :  jurist.  [dence. 

Jurisprudenofa ,    sf.    jurispru- 
Jtirisprudente,  adj.  2  g.  that  is 

yersed  in  juriaprudenoe. 
Jurista,  «m.  jnrtst,  lawyer. 
Juro,  «m.   right,   interest  use- 

money  paid  for  loan;  justíce. 

A  —  or  a  razão  de  — ,  at  inter- 

est.  Dar  dinheiro  a  — ,  to  put 

out  money  at  interest. 
Jurubaco,   sm.    interpreter   (in 

Jumpanga,  sf-  Indian  ship 
Jury,  sm.  jury. 
Jus,  sm.  jus,  law.  right. 
Jusano  or  Jusão,  adj.   under, 

from  under. 
Jusante,  sm.  V.  YasaMte, 
Juso,  adv.  y.  Debaixo. 
Justa,  sf.  joust,  just,  tilt ;  tilting. 
Justador,  sm.  a  tilter. 
Justamente,  adv.  justly,  right- 

Justar,  va.  and  n.  to  tilt,  to  just. 
Justeza,  sf.  exaetness,  accuracy. 
Justiça,  sf.  justice,  right  eqniCr. 
Justiçado,  a,  vp.  adj.  ezecutea, 

put  to  death  by  authority. 
Justiçador,  a,  adj.  severe. 
Justiçar,  va.  to  execute,  to  put 

to  death  by  authority. 
Justiceiro,  a,  adj.  severe,  that 

executes.  [nishment, 

Justiçoso,  a,  adj.  severe  in  pn- 
Justificaçfto,  sf.  justiíicatíon. 
Justificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  justified, 

Justificador,  sm.  justificator. 
Justificante,  adj.  2  g.  justifying. 
Justificar,  va.  to  justify,  to  clear 

from  imputed  guilt.  [tory* 

Justificativo,  a,  adj.  justiflca- 
Justif  icavel,  adj.  2  g.  iustifiable. 
Justlllio.  sm.  a  small  short  waist- 

coat  without  sleeves. 
Justo,  a,    adj.  just,  righteous, 

equitable ,     upright ;    sinless ; 

right,  proper,  fit,  reasonable; 

tight,  close,  exact.  Sapatos  — «, 

tight  shoes.  E'  --,  it  is  right. 

O  —  e    o  injusto  y    right  and 

wrong.  —  sm.  ttm  — ,  a  righteous 

Juvenca,  sf.  a  young  heifer. 
JuTenil,  adj.  2  g.  youthful,  juve- 

nile.  [youth. 

Juvenilidade  ,    sf.    juvenilitv , 
Juvenilmente,  adv.  yonthítdly. 
Juventude,  sf.  jvr^iwsArj . 
JuxlapoBl<}^o,  sf.  ysaíWíV***»^^ 


—  468  — 



K,  s.  is  not  properly  a  ietter  of 

the  Portuguese  alphabet  and  is 

only  ustíd  in    a   lew    foreign 

Kaatif-sherif ,  sm.  hati-sheriff. 
Kaju,    sm.  {nat.  hist.)   kajou  (a 

Elalendas,   sf.  pi.  .V.  Calendas, 

Calendário^  etc. 
Kali,  sm.  {bot.)  kali,  saltwort. 
Kan  or  Klian,  sm.  khan,  tartar 

EZaolim.  sm.  kaolin. 
Keratotoxno,  sm.  so  are  called 

several  surgical  instruments. 
Kilo,  sm.  kilu. 
Kilogramxua,  sf.  kilogram. 
Kilolitro,  sm.  kilolitre. 
Kilometro,  sm.  kilometer. 
Kiosco,  sin.  kiusk.  [dy. 

KIrsch,  sm.  kirsch,  cherry  braii- 
Knout,  sm.  kuout. 
Kystico,  a,  adj.  cystic. 
Kysto,  sm.  cyst  or  kyst. 

L,  sm.  a  consonant  and  the  twelfth 
Ietter  of  the  Portuguese  alpha- 

La,  s.  the  sixth  musical  note. 

laa,  vron.  rei.  fem.  contraction  of 
Elta,  her,  it.  Eil-a  aqui,  here 
she  is,  htire  it  is. 

Lâ,  adv.  there,  vonder.  Para  — , 
thither.  —  onae,  -«'here.  —  em 
cima,  up  there.  JJe  — ,  thence. 
Por  — ,  tliat  way.  —  vai  tudo, 
ali  is  lost  or  ruined. 

Lãf  sf.  -wool.  —  churda  or  churra, 
coarse  wool.  Fazendas  de  — , 
wof)llen  stulfs. 

I«abaça,  sf,  n)onk's  rhubarb. 

Iiabareda,  sf.  flame,  blaze ;  Yehe- 
mency,  ardour. 

Itabaro,  sm.  labanim;  the  stan- 
dard on  which  Constantine  e» 
broidered  the  croas  and  naiM 
of  Christ;  any  standard. 

Labe,  s.  a  spot  or  blemish. 

Labefactado,  a,  adj.  V.  Corri^ 

Labeo,  sm.  shame,  blot,  blemiah. 

Lábia,  sf.  handiness.  Homem  qnt 
tem  muita  — ,  a  cunning  Ptair 
tler.  [Tabiata 

Labiado,  a,  adj.  {bot.^  labiated, 

Labial,  adj.  2  g.  labial. 

Lábio,  sm.  llp. 

Laboração,  sf.  labour,  pain. 

Laborar,  vn.  to  labour,  to  toíL 

Laboratório,  sm.  laboratory. 

Laboriosamente,  odo.  labonoot' 


Laborioso,  a,  eutj.  laboiioiu. 
Labrego,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  countiT- 

mau  ur  wornan. 
Labresto,  sm.  wild  cole-wort. 
Labrusco,  a,  adj.  \7ild. 
Laburno,  sm.  laburnum,  treÍMl. 
Labutação,  sf,  the  action  of  It- 

Labutar,  vn.  to  labour,  to  UhL 
Labyrintho,  sm.  labyrinth ;  {fi§'] 

intricate  business. 
Laca,  sf.  Gomma  — ,  ^m  lack. 
Laçada,  sf.  a  slip-knot. 
Lacaia,  sf.  woman-servant. 
Lacaiada,   sf.    low    words  uà 

Lacaio,  sm.  a  footman,  lackej' 
Laçaria,  sf.  flourish,  any  onub- 

ment    made     by     intersectiaf 

Unes  curiously  drawn. 
Laceração,  sf.  laceration. 
Lacerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lacentsd, 

destroyed.  [ratai. 

Lacerante,  adj.  2  g.  that  laee* 
Lacerar,  va.  to  lacerate. 
Laço,  sm.  a  snare,  trick;  devies, 

cockade.  QT' 

Laconioamente,  adv.  laconicâ- 
Laconico,  a,  adj.  laconic. 
Laconisar,  v/i.  to  be  laconi«> 
Laconismo,  sm.  laconUm* 
Lacrado,  a,  pp,  adj.  sealed  with 

Lacráo,  sm.  a  scorpion. 
Lacrar,  va.  to  seal  irith  sealioc- 



—  469  — 


Iiacre,  sm.  sealing-wax.  Um  pau 

de  — ,  a  stick  of  sealing-wax. 
Lacreado,  a,  adj.  adorned  with 

Lacrimante,  adj.  i  g.  veeping. 
Lacrimatorio,  a,  adj.    lachry- 

I<acrimaTel,  adj.  2  a.  weeping. 
Lacrimoso,  a,  adj.  lachryinose. 
Ijactação,  sf.  lactation. 
Ijactante,  adj.  2  g.  lactant. 
Ijactar,  va.  to  nurse,  to  brinç  up. 
Iiacteo,  a,  adj.  lacteous,  milky. 
Ijactescente,  adj.  2  g.  lactescent, 

Ijactioinios ,    sm.  pi.   any  food 

made  of  milk. 
liaotometro,  sm.  lactometer. 
Ijacuna,     sf,    hiatus,   interrup- 

jLacunoso,  a,  adj.  having  hiatus 

or  interruptions. 
Ladaixilia,  sf.  litany,  supplica- 

tion ;  long  narration. 
Ladano,  sm.    gum  cistus,  lab- 

danum  or  ladanum. 
Ijadeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  side  bjr  side. 
Kiadear,  va.  to  go  side  by  side. 
JLadeira,  sf.  decíivity,  the  side  of 

a  hill.  —  a  baixo,  the   descent 

of  a  hill.  —  a  cima^  the  ascent 

of  a  hill.  [steep. 

Ladeirento,   a,    adj.    bending, 
Ijadilha,  sf.  a  crab-louse. 
I<adizilio,  a,  adj.  legitimate,  legal. 
Ijadino,  a,  adj.  cunning,  sly. 
JLAdo,  sm.  side. 
I*ado,a,  adj.  —  do  pé,  splay-foot- 

ed.  V.  Largo. 
Ladra,  sf  a  woman  thief ;  a  polé 

with  a  hook  to  gather  fruit. 
Ladrado,  sm,  the  barking  of  a 

Ladrador,  sm,  barker;   a   dog 

that  barks  much. 
Ladrante,  adj.  2  g.  latrant,  that 

Ladrão,  sm.  thief,  robber,  rogue. 

—  de  estrada,  a  highway-man, 

a  foot-pad ;  a  vessel  to  save  oií 

or  wine  thay  may  run  from  the 

Ladrar,  r>a.  and  n.  to  bark;  to 

vociferate,  to  threaten. 
Parte  I 

Ladravaz,  sm.  a  great  thief;  a 

large  pear.  [dog. 

Ladrido,  sm.  the  barking  of  a 
Ladrilhador,  sm.  a  bricklayer. 
Ladrilliar,  va,  to  brick,  to  pave 

with  bricks. 
LadriLheiro,  sm.  a  brick-maker. 
Ladrilho,  sm.  brick.  Pedaço  de  — , 

Ladro,  sm,  the  barking  of  a  dog. 
Ladro,  a,  adj.  thievish ;  leprous. 

Piolho  — ,  a  crab-louse. 
Ladroeira,  sf.  theft. 
Ladroice,  sf.  thievery. 
Lagão,  sm.  a  sortof  Indian  galley. 
Lageir,  sm.  a  press.  —  de  vinho, 

wine-press,  the  press-room. — 

de  azeite,  an  oil-press. 
Lagaragem,  sf.  the  ofâce  of  a 

Lagareiro,  sm,  presser,  press- 
Lagariça,  sf.  the  place  that  re- 

ceives  líie  -wine  as  it  runs  out 

of  the  press. 
Lagarta,  sf.  palmer-worm. 
Lagarteiro,  a,  adj.  fraadnlent; 

cunning.  [lizard. 

Lagartixa,  sf.  eft,  newt;  small 
Lagarto,  sm.  a  lizard. 
Lage,  sf.  slab,  flag,  free-stone ;  a 

broad  stone  for  pavements. 
Lageado,  a,  pp.  adj.  paved  with 

Lageador,  sm.  a  paver. 
Lageaznento,  sm.  pavement. 
Lagear,  va,  to  pave  with  free- 
stones.  [stones. 
Lagedo,  sm.  pavement  of  free- 
Lago,  sm.  lake.  [marsh. 
Lagoa,   sf.  lagoon,    moor,   fen , 
Lagoeiro,  sm.  a  great  quantity 

of  standing  water. 
Lagophtalmla,  sf.  the  hare'8  eye. 
Lagosta,  sf.  lobster. 
Lagostizn,  sm.  a  small  sea-lobster. 
Lagria,  sf.  sugar  produced  by  the 

Lagrima,  sf.  tear. 
Lagrimai,  adi.  2  g.  lachrymal.  — 

sm.  {anat.)  tne  lachrymal  point. 
Lagriínejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  weeged^ 



—  470  — 


JjBqrlxaoao^  a,  adj.  fali  of  tears ; 

Laia,  8f.  kind,  sort.  Laia  -^,  so, 

80.  not  quite  good. 
Laical,  aaj.  2  g.  laic,  laicaL 
Laidado,  a,  pp.  adj.  disflgured. 
Laidar,  va.  to  disâgnre. 
Ladvo,  sm.  fílthiness,  slnttíshness, 

a  spot  of  dirt.  — s,  spoíB,  stains, 

stnpes.  Ter  — ,  to  nave  a  smat- 

Laiz,  sm.  the  yard-arms  in  a  ship. 
Lama,  sf.  mud,  mire;  a  Bort  of 

tmwrought  silk. 
liama,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  lama. 
Lamaçal,  sm.  a  puddie,  a  slough. 
Lamação  or  Lamaoeiro,   sm. 

puddie,  slough. 
Lamacento,  a,  adj.  maddy,  mirj. 
Lambada,  sf.  a  blow,  a  stroke. 
Lambão,  sm.  Lambona,  sf.  a 

glutton.  [shaped  fellow. 

Lambas,  sm.   a  glutton;  an  ill 
Iiambdacismo,    sm.  a   fault  in 

pronouncing  the  letter  /. 
Lambear,  va.  to  eat,  to  devour. 
iMrahedor,  sm.  a  syrup. 
Lambedura,  sf.  licking. 
Lfitmbel,   sm.   a  sort  of  coarse 

wooUen  cloth. 
Lamber,  va.  to  lick  up,  to  spend 

rlotously  in  eating  and  drink- 

ing ;  to  now  gentl  v  by. 
Lambida,  sf.  a  licking. 
Lambido,  a,  pp.  adj.  lickad. 
Lambique,  sm.  alembic*. 
LamblBcado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tasted, 

touched  lightly. 
Xaambisoar,  va.  to  taste  dainties. 
Lambisco,  sm.  a  littie  portion 

of  a  thing. 
LambiBqiieiro,  sm.  a  giutton ;  a 

dainty  feeder. 
Lambraqoim,     sm.      {herald.) 

Lambaçada,  sf.  a  belly  taU, 
Lambngeiro,  sm.  a  glutton. 
Lambugem,  sf.  dainties;  a  bait 

to  catch  íish. 
Lambajar,  va.  to  glutton. 
LambuEaT)  va.  to  b.axi\LeT  qIi&t 

Lameda,  sf.  a  popltux  gto^e 

LaoMira,  sf.  or  Tiameir 

moor,  a  fen. 
LamaUado,   a,    adj.    la 

LamaUar,  adj.  2  g.  diq 

tJiin  plates  or  scales. 
Lamelliforme>  adj.  2  g. 

Lamentação,  sf.  lamen< 
Lamentado,  a,  adj.  2  g, 

Lamentador ,  a,  ^m.  or  f. 
Xiamentar,  va.  to  lamen 

Lamentável,   adj.    2  g. 
Lamentavelmente,  «mb 

Lamento,  sm.  lament,  laii 
Lamentoso,  a,  adj.    lan 

Lamia,  sf.  witch. 
Lamina,  sf.  lamina,  laa 

picture     painted     on 

plate;   an   ancient    soz 

Laminação,  sf.  laminatú 
Laminado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lac 
Laminador,  sm.  an  ina 

to  laminate. 
Laminar,  va.  to  laminat 
Laminar,  adj.  2  g.  lamin 
Laminoso,  a,  aaj.  lamin 
Lami>ada,  sf.  lamp. 
Lampadário,  sm,  a  ^rei 

ched  candlestick. 
Lampadeiro,  sm.  a  lamp 
Lampão  or  Lampo,  sm.  i 

Lamparina,  sf.  a  littie  Jt 
Lampas,  adv<intag4 

as  — ,  to  sunnount. 
Lampeáo,  sm.  a  lamp. 
Lampedejar.  vn.  to  appe 

denly  as  a  flash.  [i 

Lampeiro,  a,  adj.  hasty, 
Lampeiar,  vn.  to  shine.  io 
Lampinbo,  a,    adj.  boi 

Lamprea,  sf.  lamprey. 
Lamprear,  va.  (at  the  | 

xCvn^-^^vckS^  -Va  ^Ka  out  til 

íasi^taíirxi^  ~  «a»^\^«-^  ^-^.v»»-»-. 



—  471  — 


lAnça,  af.  lance,  long  ipear;  a 
frame-wfaereoB  rines  are  joined. 

Lançada,  sf.  a bknrwith a  lance. 

IiaBçadeira,  »f.  a  -weaver^s 
shuttle.  [cherous. 

Lançadiço,  a,  adj.   fuse,  ^rea- 

Lançado,  a,  pp.  adj.  thrown, 

Iduoçador,  sm.  a  bidder. 

IiançadHra,  sf.  a  shot  or  reach. 

Ijançahiz,  sm.  a  glow-wona. 

Lançamento,  sm.  extent  firora 
one  side  to  the  other ;  local  po- 
sition;  tax.  Cavallo  efe  — ,  a 
Btallion.  [casts. 

Lançante,  adj.  i  g.  that  throws, 

Lançar,  va.  to  throw,  to  cast,  to 
hnrl,  (speaking  of  planta  and 
trees)  to  shoot;  to  oid  (at  an 
aoctton). — por  escripto,  to  vríte. 

—  eoHtãf  to  cast  an  accotint.  — 
em  emita,  to  reekon.  —  fõrat  to 
cast  out,  to  tUTH  away.  —  um 
navio  ao  mar^  to  launch  a  ship. 

—  por  itrra^  to  throv  down. 
Lançar-sCy  vr.  to  cast  one*s  self, 
to  riísh  on;  to  stretch. 

Luioe,  sm.  action,  erent,  occa- 

sion,   oonjuncture.  —  forçooo^ 

an  unavoidable  accident. 
Lancear,  va.  to  vound  irith  a 

lance.  [lay  spears  on. 

Lanceiro,  sm.  lancer;  a  rack  to 
LanoeoUtdo,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  lan- 

Lanoeta,  af.  a  lancet. 
Lancetada,  sf.  a  prick  ^rith  a 

I*a»cetfc«io,  a,  pp.  adj.  lanoed. 
Lancetar,  va.  to  open  irith  a 

Lanoetelra.  af.  a  sort  of  file. 
TjBOàbsip  sf.   the  pinniice   of  a 

Landtiada,  af.  a  load  xrith  which 

a  pinnace  is  burdened. 
Lanchara,  af.  a  sort  of  In^cui 


Lancho,  sm.  a  stone. 

Lanço,  am.  throw,  huri,  cast :  a 

cast  of  cKces.— ^^  rede,  a  cast 

ofa  n«t;  a  iraU  erected  inthe 

mde  ofan  edmoe;  tract,  space  ; 

an  ouvbidding;  the  price  Ud- 
den ;  trick,  practico,  manner  of 
doing  any  tning.  —  de  amiMode 
a  courtesy,  a  serviço.  —  de 
politieay  a  great  stroke  of  po- 
licy.  —  de  urbamdadej  a  great 
piece  of  civUHy.  Cousa  de  bom 
— ,  a  thing  which  may  be  easily 

Lançol,  sm.  Y.  Lençol. 

Lande  or  Landea,  sf.  an  acom. 

Landeira,  sf.  a  -wood  of  acorns, 

Landel,  sm.  a  qnilted  garment. 

Landgrare,  sm.  landgrave. 

LandgraTiato,  sm.  landgraviate 
the  digni^  of  a  landgrave. 

Languidamente,  adv.  lanuaid- 

Languidez,  sf.  languidness. 
Languido,  a,  a<2;.  languid. 
Languir,  va.  ana  n.  to  languish, 

to  grow  feeble,  to  grow  dali. 
Langaor,  am.  ^reakness. 
Lanha,  sf.  the  fruit  of  tho  cocoa- 

tree   vken  it  is    tender    and 

Lanhada  or  Lanada,   sf.    the 

spunge  for  scowering  the  can- 

non  after  firing,  rammer. 
Laniíero,  a,    adj.  -woolly,   clo- 

thed  with  wool. 
Lanifício,  am.  working  of  wool, 

spunning,      carding,     making 

cloth ;  woollen  raanufactnro. 
Lanígero,  a,  adj.  lanigerous. 
Lanoso,  a,  adj.  woelly. 
Laneqoenete,  sm.  Qame)  lans- 

quenet ;  a  German  foot-soldier. 
Lanterna,  sf.  lantem.  [ker. 
Lantemebro,  sm.  a  lantemniia- 
Lantor,   sm,  a  sort    of   cocoa- 

Lsmudo,  a,  adj.  w^oolly. 
Lanugem,  sf.  the  soft  wool  npon 

fruits;  the  dewn   feathera  in 

Lapa,  •/.  a  small  cave,  grot  or 

den  .  a  kind  of  shell-^^&Vv 
Lapaxo,  sm.  a.\«v«tft\..         . 
Lapes,  sm.  pi.  v:\ti  K«i«.^  «•  ^^"^^^L 

oí     lime,    ^««^-^^'^-^  tS*^ 
s\àe«t\i  s.Nitòe  -.  ^t^^^. 

IM  ■»    •    r-u     Ml»' 

l"- — mtvl: 

"■      -     -"    ■]    -  ■,-  ♦   ,M 



—  472  — 


Lapida,     sf*   sepulchral    stone, 

flat    stone    on  which   inscrip- 

tions  are  written. 
Lapidação,  sf.  lapidation. 
Lapidado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lapidated. 
Lapidar,  va.  to  lapidate. 
Lapidar   or  Lapidario,    $m.  a 

Lapidaria,  sf.  the  art  of  cutting 

precious  stones. 
Lapideo,     a,    adj,     lapideous, 

LapicUficar,  va.  {chem.)  to  lapi- 

dificate.    Lapidificar-se,    vr.  to 

be  formed  into  stones. 
Lapidoso,  a ,  adj.  belonging  to 

stones ;  hard  as  a  stone. ' 
Lapie,  sm.  black  lead  used  for 

drawing.   Penna   de  — ,    black 

lead  pencil. 
Lapiseiro,  sm.  a  port  crayon. 
Lapso.  sm.   lapse,   course,  pro- 

cess,  tract. 
Lapuz,   sm.    a   down,  a  churl; 

Laqueação,  sf,   {surg.)  ligature 

of  arteries. 
Laquear,  va.  to  tie  the  arteries 

in  surgical  operations. 
Laqueca    or    Alaqueca,   sf.   a 

shining    stone  wnich   has  the 

virtue  of  stopping  the  blood. 
liar,  sm.   the  earth.    Ao  pé  do 

— ,  by  the  fire-side. 
Larada,  sf.  a  maltitude.  V.  Mul- 
Laral,  sm.  a  cross-beam. 
Laranja,  sf.  an  orange.  Casca  da 

— ,  orange-peel. 
Laranjada ,    sf.    orangeade  :  a 

beverage  madfe  of  orange-juice, 

sugar  and  water.  [lour. 

Laranjado,   a,  adj.    orange-co- 
Laranjal,  sm.   a   plantation    of 

Laranjeira,  sf.  an  orange-tree. 
Lardeadeira,  */.  a  lardíng-pin. 
Lardeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  larded. 
Lardear,  vn.  to  lard. 
Lardo,  sm.  lard. 
Lareira,  sf.  a  fire-place  where 

there  is  no  chimney. 
Z0areaf  s.  pi.  Jares,  nouBe-gods; 

Larga,   sf.  {a    sea    term)   Ir   o 

navio  uma  — ,  is  for  a  ship  to 

large;  liberty. 
Lcurgado,  a,  pp.  adj.  loosed,  for- 

Largamente,  adv.  largely,  am- 

Largar,  va.  to  let  go,  to  loose ; 

to  forsake,  to  leave.  —  o  panno 

or  as  velas,  to  set  sail.  —  um 

officiOy  to  leave   an  ofãce  :  to 

yield  up. 
Largas,  sf.  pi.   liberty,   liberti- 

nism.  Dar  —  a  alguém^  to  give 

too  much  liberty  to  any  one. 
Larghetto,  sm.  {mus.)  somewhat 

Largo,  sm.  a  little    square.  V. 

Largo,  adv.  Ao  — ,  at  large.  Pór- 

se  ao  — ,  to  get  more  room. 
Largo,  a,  aaj.  broad,  larffe   in 

breadth;  liberal,  undeânea,  un- 

Largueado,  a,  pp.  adj.  given  li- 

Largueador,  sm.  a  liberal  giver. 
Larguear,  va.  to  give  liberally. 
Largueza,  sf   largess,  bounty, 

liberality ;  present. 
Largura,  5/7  breadth,  -wideness. 
Lari  or  Larim,  sm.  a  Persian 

coin  (about  six-pence). 
Larioo,  sm.  the  larch  tree. 
Larva,  sf.  larva,  larve. 
Larvado ,    a ,    adj.    disguised. 

Larvas,  sf.  pi.  the  souls  of  ^*^^ 

wicked  (among  the  toathen); 

Larsrnge,  sf  (anat.)  larynx. 
Laryngeo,  a,  adj.  laryngean. 
Laryngologia,  sf  laryngology. 
Lasca,  sf.  fragment,  scrap,  slice, 

splinter.  —  de  lenha^  a  chip  of 

wood.  .  [split. 

Lascado,  a,  />p.  adj.  splinted  or 
Lascar,    vn.    to     splinter;    to 

sneak,  to  alink.  [ly. 

Lascivamente,  adv.  lascivious- 
Lascivla,  sf.  lasciviousness. 
Lascivo,     a,    adj,    lascivious, 

loose  :  sportive.  [ness. 

VljWMÃiflftft,  sf.  VAS^itnde,  -wcari- 


—  478  — 


1.0880,  a,    adj.  weary  :   loose, 

Ija8tar,  vn.  to  be  oppressed.  — 

va.  to  ballast  a  ship,  to  strew. 
Lastixna.  sf.  compassion,  pity. 
Lastimadamente ,     adv.    piti- 

Lastúnado,   a,    adj.    Ser  — ,  to 

move  to  compassion. 
Lastiniar,  va.  to  hurt,  tu  vooiíd; 

to  deplore.  Lastimar-sa,  vr.  to 

pity  one,  to  mourn,  to   be   la- 

I*a8tixnavel,  adj.   2   g.  pitifal, 

LasUmavelmente ,    ado.    piti- 

I«astixno8axnente,  adu.  pitifully. 
Ija8tixno8o,  a,  adj.  pitiful,  mo- 

viag  compassion. 
Lasto,  sm.  oallast  for  a  ship. 
JLastração,   sf.  ballasting,   las- 

Lastrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

ballast  enougn  on  board. 
LastradoT,   sm.   a  ballast-ligh- 

Laatrar,  va.  to  ballast  a  vessel. 
Ijastro.  sm.  ballast. 
I<ata,  sf.  thin  plate  of  hammered 

brass    or  latten.    Pôr   s,   to 

I<atada,  sf.  a  bover,  arbour. 
Latagão,  sm.  a  stout  and  rough 

man.  [ply. 

Latamente,    ado.   largely,   ara- 
Latão,  sm.  brass. 
Late ,   «m.  a   machine  to   draw 

waior  out  ofapond. 
Látego,    *m.    scourgo,  punish- 

ment;  vindictive  amiction. 
Latejado,  a,  pp  adj.  throbbed. 
Latejar,  vn.  to  throb,  to  palpi- 

tate,  to  beat. 
Latejo,  sm.  throbbing. 
Latente ,   adj.  2  g.  latent,  hid> 

I<ater,  vn.  to  lie  hid,  to  lurk. 
Lateral,  adj.  i  g.  lateral. 
Lateralmente,  adv.  laterally. 
Latlbolo,  sm.  den,  cave. 
Latidao»  sf.  latitude,  breadth. 
Latido,  sm,  the  barking  or  yelp- 

ing  of  hounds. 

Latidor,  a,    sm.  or   /.  barker; 

{nat.  hist.)  a  sort  of  wood-cock. 
Latim,  sm.  Latin. 
Latinado,  a,  pp.   adj.  latinized. 
Latinamente,  ado.  accordinjj^  to 

the  Latin  tongne.  [latinize. 

Latinar  or  Latinlsar,  va.   to 
Latinidade,  sf  latinity. 
Latinismo,  sm.  latinism. 
Latinista,  sm.  latinist. 
Latino,  a,  adj.  Latin. 
Latinório,  sm.  hná  Latin. 
Latir,  vn.  to  bark,  to  yelp. 
Latitude,  sf.  latitude. 
Lato,  a,  adj.  large  in  breadth, 

wide,  broad. 
Latoeiro,  sm.  brazier. 
Latria,  sf.  latría,    the    highest 

kind  of  worship. 
Latrina,  sf.  a  uecessary  house; 

Latrooinio,  sm.  theft,  robbery. 
Lauda,  sf  a  page. 
I<audano,  sm.  laudanum. 
Landaticio  or  Laudatorio,  adj, 

laudatory ;  commendatory. 
Laudativo,  a,  adj.  laudatory. 
Laudatorio.  a.  adj.  laudatory. 
Laude  or  Alaúde,  sm.  lute.  V. 

Laudes,  sf.  pi.  the  lauds. 
Laule,  sm.  akiud  ofAsiatic  ship. 
Laurea,  sf.  the  laurel. 
Laureado,  a,  pp.  adj.  laurcate  : 

that  has  taken  the  degrees  In 

the  university. 
Laurear,  va.  to  laureate. 
Laureo,  a,  adj.  laurelled. 
Laureola.  sf.  the  degree  of  glorj 

of  the  suints  in  heaven  ;   {bot.) 

spurge-laurel.  [ferous. 

Laurifero,  a,  adj.  (poet.)  lauri- 
Laurigero,  a,  adj,  (poet.)  crown- 

ed  with  laurel. 
Lauro,  sm.  laurel. 
Lautamente,  adv.  splendidlj^. 
Lauto,  a,  adj.  splendid,  plentiful. 
Lava,  sf.  lava. 

Lavacro,  sm.  font  or  baptisterv. 
Lavadeira,  sf.  laundress,  wasn- 

Lavadeiro,  sm.  washer-maa* 
LavadéUa,  Lac^roâxxni  ot  ^ 

gem,  sf.  ^wa&YÀc^^. 


—  47*  — 


Lavadente,  sm.  a  reprimand. 

LaTado,  a,  pp.  adj.  vrasheá. 

Lavadoiro ,  sm.  a  washing* 

Lavamento,  xm.WBsiáng, 

Lavanca,  sf.  hand-spike. 

Iiavanco ,  sm.  a  kmd  of  -wfld 

Lavanda,  sf.  lavender. 

Lavandeira,  sf.  lanndress. 

Lavanderia,  sf.  w^ash-macfaine. 

Lava-pès,  sm.  the  washing  of 
the  íeet. 

Lavar,  va.  to  vash,  to   cleanse. 

Lavareda,  sf.  V.  Labareda. 

Lavatico,  sm.  clyster ;  laxativa. 

Lavatório,  sm,  awashing. 

Lavego  or  Lamego,  sm.  a  great 

Lavoira,  sf.  tillage,  husbasndry. 

Lavor,  sm.  work,  -workmanship 
as  sewing,  embroidering.  —  off 
buril,  engraving.  [lava. 

Lavoso,  a,  adj.  contaiBing  the 

Lavra,  sf.  tillage,  husben^y. 

Lavradio,  a,  adj.  arable. 

Lavrado,  a,  pp.  aãj.  tined, 
furrowed,  plonghed. 

Lavrador,  sm.  hnsbandman, 

Lavradora ,  sf.  husbaRdmaD^s 

Lavrage  or  Lavragem,  sf.  til- 
lage, husbandry. 

Lavramento,  sm.  vorking,  en- 
graving, embroidering. 

Lavrante,  sm.  a  silver-ei^ra- 
ver;  a  stone-mason. 

Lavrar,  va.  to  plotigh,  to  tiB,  te 
«ow,  to  build ;  to  "Work  at  any 
trade.  —  vr.  to  spread  ttself,  to 
increase  by  little  and  little. 

Laxado,  a,  pp.  adj.  loosened. 

Laxamente,  adv.  íooeelj. 

Laxante,  adj.  2 g  {med.) laxative. 

Laxar,  va.  {med.)  to  looeen,  to 
<>Pe«-  [sening. 

Laxativo,  a,  adj.  laxative,  loe- 

Laxidão,  sf.  laxation. 
iMKOt  a,  aaj.  loose. 
Laya,  sf.  worsted. 
ftOzaiÈha,  sf.  riband  vermkéní. 
f^^^^Tor,  va.  to  beg,  to  ««k  áhns. 
^*azarejito,  sl,  adj.  leprofi». 

Lazareto,  sm.  lazaret. 
Lazaro,  sm.   or    adj.   lazar. 
Lazeira,  sf.  poverty,  misery. 
Lazeirado,  a,  adj.  poor,  miser- 

able.  [zar. 

Lazeirento,  a,  adj.  leprons,  la- 
Lazer,  sm.  leisure.  V.  Vagar, 
Lazuli,  sm.  lapis-lazuli. 
Lé,  sm.  used  m  this  phrase.  — 

com  — ,  cré  com  créy  like  vith 

like.  [fair. 

Leal ,    adj.  2  g.   faithful,  loyal, 
Lealdação,  sf.  a  sort  of  oath. 
Lealdade,  sf.  loyalty,  ôdelity, 
Lealdado,  a,  pp.  adj.  manifested 

in  the  custom-honse.  Ássucar — , 

refined  sugar. 
Lealdamento,  sm.  manifegting 

in  the  cnstom-hoase. 
Lealdar,  va.     to    nianifest,   to 

swear  to   goods  in  the  costom 

house ;  to  pnrify  sugar.  Lealdar- 

se,  vr.  to  become  a  citizen  of 

Lisbon.  [true, 

Lealdoso,  a,  adj,  ipoet.)  faithfnl, 
Lealmente,  adv.  loyally,    faith- 

LeSo,  sm.  \\on;{astr.)  leo. 
Leborada,  sf.  a  particular  -wiiy 

of  stewing  a  hare.  [rier» 

Leboreiro,  a,  adi.   Cão  — ,  har- 
Lebracho,  sm.  a  leveret. 
Lebrada,  sf.  a  particular  \my  of 

stewing  a  hare. 
Lebre,  sf.  hare.  Covil  da  — ,  the 

bed  of  a  hare.  [ter. 

Lebreiro,  a,  adj.  a  hare's  hnn- 
Lebrel,  sm.  a  l&rge  Irish  gr»y- 

hound.  [teari  one. 

Lecolonar,  t>n.     to   wsson,    to 
Leccionario,  5»».  lectionary. 
Leccionista,  sm.  he  '«grho  lessons, 

Lectivo,  a,  adj.    dias   — «,  the 

days     on    "which    a   professor 

teaches.  [dúp. 

Lectorato,  sm.  {theol.)  leetare- 
Ledamente ,     adv     cheerfiBlIy, 

Ledice,  sf.  gladness,  joj. 
Ledo,  a^   adj.  cheerful. 
LedoT,a.>  «m.  ot  \.  "cqaà&t. 

t\on»  Tti\«s\oti^  ««íto»»K3» 


Legado.  »,pp-  odj-  bequeaihe 
Ilegal,  adi.  ig.  !i?g»l. 
Xegalidada.  V-  lãi^aliiy- 
LegnllBacao,  sf-  legal  líation, 

IjegaliBado,  a,  pp.  "ilj.  lagalíj 
IieaBllBar.  co.  lo  Ispalije. 
XiSgaliaBiite.  oiíc.  leirsIW,  " 

legar,  na.  toheqiieath. 
l,egat«rlo,    m.    a    legues, 

legale.  '— ■ 

l-ooatura,  ff.  »  sor 
legenda.  V'  legEoil 
Xegendarta.  a,  aií 

I.egUk>.  >^.  legion.  t*""?' 

Legionário,  a.  nil;'.  od^  r.  legio- 
Leglelaçãa.  .'/■  |e ---'-•--- 
Legislado,  a,  pp. 
Legislador,  i"i.  1< 
LeõlBladora,  sf- 1 
Leglalar,  r».  lo  \ii 
Leglfllatnra.  .^. 
LeglalB,  jn:.  l^çint. 
Legitima,  -it.  (he  sq 
lhe  inlieriti.o.-R  r>f 



,  1^.  leghlnULtíon. 

XaglUmador.  in,  nm  vhõ  lagi- 
Legltlntamente       adc.     legiti- 

Legltlmar.  m.  ta  leeitimue. 
Legitimidade,   > 
Legiuinista,  i. 

Legitimo,  a,  aâj. 

rnd   atfj.    í'í. 
legltimate ,  ge- 

to  opeD  lho 
-t  of  pulsa. 

li,  tf.  l»w.  -VoCTÍa  de  — ,  n 
Mínea  atconlinK  to  Ihfl 
dsrd  of  lhe  noleage. 

L.6lgal.  oJj.  E  tf.  liftlíinginp  toa 

I^lgar-wr»"-.  ie  «úâ  of  a  <i»t- 
KjmoJi  wbo  becomaí  t  UJ^l»»ll. 

Leigo,  ■,  ncíj.  úad  i.  lay,  mgu- 
lur,  lempnral.   Irmão  — ,«l»y 

Lelguice,  i/.  i^toorsncs. 
Leirao,  im.  surtion. 

Leitar,  biu  Io  pòiir  u 

Leiteira,  tf.  a  mllk-vnmnD. 

Lelt«Íro,  a.  adj.  iniUy  ;  tiM 
violdsamilkj  JQice.  i/"7-oa  — « 
jCsl,)  milk    veoJ,  liUiynul  oi 

lIF^TO,)».  amilkmso. 

Leito.  jn.-Lbedsiead.  «munta 
a  luraishedbad;  (ilf .)  nuiriac* 

Leitor,  tnt.  reuler,  lectnrer 
Leitorado,  tni.  lectan«bip, 
Leftoria,  if.  s  Iscturer'!  ( 
Leltuado,  a.  adi.  milky. 
Leitara.  if.  lectnra.  ile  i 
teading ;  Ijrriíifi  tyçe»  o* 

Lelvft,   «f.  \ia\li,  TviftB 



476  — 


Leixar,  va.  V.  Deixar, 

Lema,  sf.  lemraa. 

Lembrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  remem- 

bered,  mindful.  [berer. 

Lembrador,  s.  and  adj.  remem- 
Lembrança,  sf.  remembrance. 
Lembrar,  va.  and  n.  to  remind, 

to   remeraber.    Lembrar-se,    vr. 

to  remember,   to  have   in  the 

mind.  [mand. 

Lembrete,  sm.  a  'warning,  repri- 
Leme,  sm.  helm ;  rudder ;  hinge. 
Lemiste,  sm.  a  sort  of  supernne 

black  cloth.  [ghosts. 

Lemures,     sm.  pi.    hobgoblins, 
Lençaria,  sf.  linen. 
Lenço,  sm.  handkerchief.  —  do 

pescoço,  neckcloth. 
Lençol,  sm.  a  sheet  for  a  bed. 
Lenda,  sf.  legend. 
Lêndea,  sf.  a  nit.  [grown. 

Lendeaço,    sm.   a    nit    already 
Lendeoso,  a,  adj.  nitty. 
Lenha,  sf.  -vrood,  fire-wood.  Cor- 

tar  — ,  to  fell  wood. 
Lenbador,  sm.  wood-cutter. 
Lenhar,  va.  to  purvey  and  get 

Lenheiro,  sm.  vood-cutter. 
Lenho,  sm.  a  block,  the  trunk 

of  a  tree.  [chy. 

Lenhoso,  a,  adj.  ligneous,  bran- 
Lenidade,  sf.  lenity. 
Leniente,  adj.  2  g.  lenitive. 
Lenimento,  sm.  leniment,  leni- 
Lenir,  va.  to  lenifv. 
Lenitivo ;  a,  adj.  lenitive.  •—  sm. 

ease,  comfort;  a  disburthening 

of  grief  or  trouble. 
Lenocicio,  sm.  pandering;   en- 

ticement,  inveiglement. 
Lentamente,  orft».  slowly. 
Lentar,  va.  to  humect,  to  wet.  — 

vn.  to  grow  moist. 
Lente,  sm.  professor,  lecturer. 
Lenteiro,  sm.  a  marsh.  [ed. 

Lentejado,  9i,pp.  adj.  wet,  moist- 
Lentejar,    va.     to    humect;  — 

o  trigo,  to  wet  the  corn  before 

sending  it  to  the  mill. 
Lentejoilas,  sf.  pi.  spangles. 
Lenteza,  sf.  slowness. 
Lentícvãar,  adj.  2  g.  lentlcxúat. 

Lentidão,  sf.  slowness. 
Lentilha,  sf.  lentil.  —  or  lente 

de  óculo.  lens.  [lentisks. 

Lentiscal,  sm.  land  planted  with 
Lentisco,  sm.  mastich-tree,  len- 

tisk.  [lazy;  moist,  wet. 

Lento,  a,  adj.  slow,  backward, 
Lentor,  sm.  slowness. 
Lentura,  sf.  moistore,  dampness. 
Leoa,  */■.  a  lioness.  [rey. 

Leonado,  a,  adj.  tawny  or  mur- 
Leoneira,  sf.  a  lionês  den. 
Leoneza,  sf.  a  lioness. 
Leonino,  a,  adj.  leonine. 
Leopardo,  sm.  leopard. 
Lepidice,  sf.  lepidity. 
Lépido,    a,  adi.    pleasant,    gal- 

lant,  agreeable,  elegant. 
Lepra,  sf.  {med.)  leprosy. 
Leproso,  a,  adj.  a  leper. 
Leque,  sm.  fan. 
Ler,  va.  to  read.  Continuar  a  — , 

to  read  on.  Reler,  to  read  over 

Lerdo,  a,  adj.  slow,  lazy,  dull. 
Leria,  sf.  a  foolish  jest,  a  jest 

without  any  wit.  [judiced. 

Lesado,  ai,pp.adj.  damaged,pre- 
Lesão,  sf.  damage,  hurt ;  {in  law) 

wrong.  [to  wTong. 

Lesar,  va.  to  damage,  to  hurt ; 
Lesma,  sf.  a  slug. 
Lesnordeste,5m.  east-north-east. 
Leso,  a,  adj.  hurt,  wounded. 
Lessueste,  sm.  east-south-east. 
Leste,  sm.  east. 
Lesto,  a,  adj.  ready  prepared. 
Lestras  or  Lestres,  s(.  pi.  a  sort 

ofrush  usedinthatchinghoDses. 
Lethal,  adj.  2  g.  lethal,  mortal. 
Lethargia,  sf.  leth&rgv. 
Lethargicamente,  adv.  lethar- 

Lethargico,  a,  adj.  lethargic.  — 

sm.  one  that  has  a  lethargy. 
Lethargo,  sm.  lethargy. 
Letheo,  a,  adj.  (poet.)  of  or  be- 

longing  to  Lethe. 
Lethes,  sm.  {myth.)  Lethe. 
Lethifero,  a,  aaj.  (poet.)  lethife- 

Lettra,  sf.   letter,   type.    — -  de 

cambio^  a  bill  of  excnange  ;  the 

motto  of  a  device.  — s,  learning» 



—  477  — 


literature.  —  divineUf  the  holy 
scriptures.  Bellas  — »  belles-let- 
tres.  Protestar  uma —  de  cambio^ 
to  protest  a  bill  of  exchange. 
Apontar  uma  —  de  cambio^  to 
note  a  bill  of  exchange.  Tomar 
alguma  cousa  a  péda  — ,  to  take 
athing  literally. 

Xiettradamente,  adv.  learnedly. 

Lettradice,  sf.  {anc.)  erudition. 

I<ettrado,  sm.  la-wycr ;  a  leamed 
man.  [ture. 

Lettradura,  sf.  learning,  litera- 

Liettreiro,  sm.  an  inscription. 

lâOtiria, «/*.  vermicelli.  V.  Aletria. 

Leva,  sf.  the  act  of  weighinç  an- 
chor.  Peça  de  — ,  the   sailing 

fun.  —  da  gentey  a  levy  of  sol- 

Levação,  sf.  a  tumonr. 

Levada,  sf,  water  convoyed 
through  a  trench  or  furrov 
into  the  íields,  inills,  etc.  —  de 
cabeça,  a  rebuke. 

Levadente,  sm.  a  reprimand. 

Levadla,  sf.  {a  sea  term).  Andar 
o  mar  de  — ,  is  for  the  sea  to 
break  so  boisterously  as  to 
oblige  to  weigh  anchor. 

Levadiça,  sf.  a  draw-bridge. 

Leyadiço,  a,  adi.  that  may  be 
lifted  up,  ponaole. 

Levado,  a,  pp.  adj.  carried  away 
from    one    place    to   another ; 

Íirompted,  incited,  instigated; 
eavened,  puíTed  up.  [boat. 

Levadoira,  sf.  a  bark  or  great 

Levador,  sm.  a  ravisher. 

Levadora,  sf.  leaven  or  ferment. 

Leyamento,  sm,  robinff,  thie- 
ving.  [rebellious. 

Levantadiço,  a,  adj.  revolted, 

Levantado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lifted, 
rused,  high ;  rebellious. 

Levantador,  sm.  levator,  leva- 
tory.  [lifting. 

Levantadora,    sf.   the   act    of 

Levantamento,  sm.  the  act  of 
raising  or  lifting;  insurrection. 

Levantar,  va.  to  raise,  to  lift,  to 
heave ;  to  built,  to  erect.  — 
um  monumento^  to  raise  a  mo- 
nnment.  •—  as  cartas^  to  cut  the 
carda ;  to  taka  «wãj.  —  ferroj 

to  weigh  anchor —  grande  riso* 
to  laugh  aloud.  —  o  pooo,  to 
stir  np  the  people.  —  os  espiri- 
tos,  to  raise,  to  cheer  up.  — 
rei,  to  procluim  a  king. —  teste^ 
munhosy  to  sUtnder,  to  calum- 
niate.  —  gente^  to  levy  men.  — 
uma  lebre,  to  start  a  hare.  — 
uma  perdiz,  to  spring  a  par- 
tridge.  —  a  cabeça,  to  retrieVe 
one's  fortune.  —  o  preço,  to  in- 
crease  the  price.  —  cerco,  to 
raise  the  sioge.  —  mão,  to  cease, 
to  leave  off.  —  vn.  to  be^in  to 
settle,  to  grow  fair;  to  nse,  to 
increasG  in  price.  Leoantar-se^ 
vr.  to  ri  se,  to  get  up.  —  de  uma 
doença,  to  reco  ver  out  of  a  di- 

Levante,  adj.  2  g.  rising.  Estar 
de  — ,  to  be  unsettled. 

Levante,  sm.  the  levant,  east, 
the  east  wind. 

Levantino,  a,  adj.  levantine. 

Levantisoo,  a,  adj.  levantine. 

Levar,  va.  to  carry,  to  bear,  to 
remove  from  a  place,  to  snatch 
away.  —  pela  mão,  to  lead  one 
by  tne  hand ;  to  expel,  to  carry 
off.  —  a  mal,  to  take  offence.  — 
'  em  conta  alguma  quantia,  to  set 
a  sum  down,  as  laid  out  or  re- 
ceived.  —  em  conta,  to  disconnt, 
to  abate.  —  de  vencida,  to  over- 
come ;  to  tontain.  —  panca- 
das, to  be  cudgolled.  —  mão 
de,  to  cease,  to  leave  off.  — 
açoutes,  to  be  whipped,  ílogged. 
A  bala  me  levou  um  braço,  the 
bali  carried  away  my  arm*  Levar 
comsigo,  to  bring  along  with 
one.  —  vantagem,  to  exceed. 
Levar-se,  vr.  to  be  prevailed 
upon,  to  givo  way  to. 

Leve,  adj.  2  g.  light,  nimble ; 
quick,  small,  trifíiDg,  slight; 
innocent,  free  from  care. 

Levedado,  a,  pn.  adj.  leavened. 

Levedar,  va.  to  leaven  the  dou^h. 
—  vn.  to  heave,  to  swell  or  nse 
as  dough  does. 

Levedo,  a,  adj.  leavened. 

Levemente,  adv.  lightly,  suçer- 


—  4T«  — 


lêitnreBf  «m.  pL   the  H^bt»   o£  a 

Iteveza,  s/".  lightnesa,  levity. 
Leviandade,  sf.  li^tneas,  fool- 

Iievlaxio,  a,  adj.  foolish. 
liOviathan,  sm,  leviathan. 
Levidade,  sf.   lightness,  svift- 

ness,  nimbleness. 
lâevidão,  sf.  lightness,  brcvity. 
I«evigado,  a,  pp.  adf.  levigated. 
Levigar,  ua.  to  levigate,  to  po- 

lish.  [footed. 

Levipede,  adj,  2  g.  (p(Mi^  light- 
X«evita,  sm.  levite. 
Levitico,  sm.  leTÍticus. 
Ifezico  cr  Lexicon,  «m.  lexicon, 

Lexicographia,    sf.    lexicogra- 

phy.  [gn4>hic. 

jLexicograpbioo,  a»  a^.  lexico- 
Lexicographo,    sm.    ItaLkwgEar 

Lezicològia,  sf,  lexicology. 
Ilha  (lhe  a),  ^j^ron.  to  her,  to  l»»i, 

of  it.  Eu  dex-lka,  I  gave  it  to  him 

or  to  her.  [cwrely. 

Ukanameate,  adv.  plainly,  ún- 
Uianeza,  sf.  plainneas,  sincerity. 
Lhano,  a,  adj.  plain,  sincere. 
Lhanara,  sf.  a  plain,  flat  grovmd. 
Lbe,  pron.  conj^  to  lusa,  or  hún, 

to  her  or  her,  toit.  Eu  lhe  direi^ 

1  will  tell  iam  or  her.  Lke^  is 

aometimes  rendei«d  in  Baçlish 

by  you.  Que  lhe  parece  aqtaUo? 

what  do  you  think  of  that  ? 
Lbo  (lhe  o),  pron,  to  him  or  to 

her,  of  it. 
I<ia,  sf.  mother  of  wine,  lees, 

dregs.  Criar  — ,  is  for  ttaí*  wixie 

to  caat  up  a  mother. 
Liaça,  sf.  a  bundle. 
Llação,  sf.  the  riba  of  a  ship. 
Liado,  a,  ftp.  adj,  tied,  uaited, 

Liadoiro,  sm.  (maasonry)  one  of 

these   long  stones  tlíat  sfeaad 

ont  farther  thaa  the  reet. 
Uage,  sf.  coarse  Unea  to  wrap 

up  a  pack  of  merchandÍAe. 
Liame,  sm.  the  rifas  of  a  akip. 
LlaBça,  sf.  oniMà,  tie»  li^i^re. 

Fazer  ~ ,  to  match. 

Liar,  oo.   to   Itínd,  te  aUigflte. 

lÀar-sê,   vr.   to  maJce  er  «ater 

into  an  alliance. 
Libação,  sf.  libation. 
Libado,  a,  pp.  adj.  offered. 
Libanato  or  LUBtfíiaotA»  sm,  {bot.) 

Libar,  va.  to  sacriâce,  to  offer ; 

to  touch  lightly  ;  to  taste  or  aip. 
Libellista,  sm.  libeller,  diffamer. 
Libello,  sm.  a  libei.  —  diffamato^ 

rio  or  infamatorio^  a  lampoon, 

libellous  pamphlet. 
Libera^ko,  sf.  ac<|aita»oe,  libe* 

ratioo.  [genereaa. 

Liberal,  adj.  2  a.  liberal,  íree ; 
Liberalidade,  sf.  liberality- 
Liberalisado,  a,  pp.  oeíj.  libera- 

Liberalisar,  va.  to  lib^rallDe,  to 

give  liberally. 
Liberalmente,    adv.    Ikberaily ; 

LiberaUvo,  a,  adj.  liberstíBg. 
Liberdade,  sf.  liberty,  freeàofu. 

Demasiada    — ,    licentioasneas. 

Tsmar  — s,  to  take  libertue. 
Libertaç&o,  sf.  liberation. 
Libertado,  a,  pp.  adj.  liberated, 

Libertador,  a,  sm.  ar  f.  deliverer. 
Libertar,  va.  to  enfranchiae. 
XibertinageuL,    sf.  libertútiaim, 

lieentiousBess.  [tiomiy. 

Libertinamente,     adv.     licen- 
Libertino,  a,  adj.  libertixw. 
Liberto,  a,  s.  and  adj.  a  fineed- 

LibidiBosaanente,  adv.  VoMbStAy, 
Libidinoso,  a,  adj.  Inatfixl,  Ivau- 

Libttlna,  sf.  {myth.)  àeaàk. 
Libra,  sf.  apound  weight;  a  sort 

of  ancient  ooin  in  Portugal.  — 

de  Françcty  a   French  tirre.  — 

esterlina^  a  pound  sterling* 
Xibração,  sf.  libratioa. 
Librado,  a,  pp.  aé^,  swaag  or 

Librar^  va.  -^  a  eorpo^  to  borer, 

to  ground    as  upon   canse  or 

priíKsiple.      Librar-sey    vr.     to 

B^Rsg  to  aad  fro ;  to  vibrafte ; 

te  depend  on ;  te  hover. 


l. -L.   ^i  - 



—  479  — 


lilbrè,  sf.  liver j ;  particular  dresa 

as  a  token  ofoifíce. 
Ubreo,  sm.  a  laree  greyhoand. 
Uça  or  Liçada,  sf.  list ;  enclosed 

gronnd  ia  'whicn  tílts  are  run 

and  combata  fonght. 
Idção,  sf.  reading,  lesson. 
Iiioença,  sf.  liceDce,  permission, 

liberty,  leave ;  excess  of  liberty ; 

licentiousness ;    a    licentiate^s 

degree.  [ed,  licensed. 

Ucenceado,  a,  pp.  adj.  disband- 
Ucenceado,  sm.  licentiate. 
Ijicenceamento,  sm.  tbe  act  of 

disbanding  ;  the  taking  a  lioon- 

ciate's  degree.  [eentiate. 

Ijicenoear,  va.  to  disband,  to  li- 
Ijicencear-se,  vr.  to  take  great 

Uoenceatora,  sf.  the  act  of  con- 

fering  a  degree  in  university. 
IjiosnckMamente,    adv,    licen- 

tíonsly.  [ness. 

Licenciosidade,   sf.  Ircentioos- 
LicendOBO,  a,   aaj.   licentioos, 

proíligate.  [irort. 

Lichen,  sm.  {dot.)   lichen,    liver- 
IiichlnaçSo,  sf.  (surg.)  Curaruma 

ferida  por  — ,  to  cure  a  vound 

Dy  putting  lichino  into  it. 
Iilámio,  sm.  ftne  linen  scraped 

to  threads  to   be  ptrt  into    a 

Iiicitação,  sf.  a  public  auction. 
Lioitamezite,  acto.  larwfully,  le- 

Licitar,  va.  to  bid. 
liioito,  a,  adj.  lawful,  legaL 
Licor,  sm.  liquor. 
LIoranço,  sm.  a  sloe^worm   or 

Lictor,  sm.  a  lictor. 
Lida,  sf.  fatigue,  toil,  trouble. 
Lidado,  a,  pp.  adj.  laboured. 
Lidador,  a,  «.  or  adj.  fighting, 

flt  for  battle ;  laborious. 
Lidar,   vn.   to  labour,    to    take 

pains.  —  com  a  morte,  to  strug- 

gie  witb  or  against  death. 
Lide,  sf.  fight,  battle. 
LMimar,  va.  to  legitimate. 
Lidjbno,  a,  adj.  lawful,  legitimate. 
Lido,  a,  pp.  adj.  read.   Homem 

wMoío  — ,  a  very  emdite  man. 

Lidroso,  a,  adi.  greasy. 

Uga,  sf,    garter;   allianoe;    a» 

allying  of  metais ;   a   sling,  % 

banging  bandage  for  tbe  arm 

wben  hurt. 
Ligação,  sf.  binding,  fastening; 

union,    friendship,   familiarity. 
Ligado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tied,  bound, 

Ligadura,  sm.  bandage,  ligatore. 
Ligagamba,  sf.  {prmt.)  tne  co- 

pulation  of  two  or  more  words 

Dy  a  hyphen. 
Ligamen,  sf.  {in  law)  a  matrimo- 
nial impediment. 
Ligamento,  sm.  ligament. 
Ligamentoso,  a,  adj.  ligamen- 

tal,  ligamentous. 
Ligar,  va.  to  tie,  to  bind,  to  fas- 

ten.  —  metaes,  to  allay  metais ; 

{/tg.)  to  charm  please  or  delight. 
Ligeiramente,  adv.  lightly. 
Ligeireza,  sf.   lightness,   svift- 

ness.    — s   de  mãos,    slight  of 

bands,  juggle. 
Ligeiro,  a,  adi.  light,  swift. 
Ligeira  {Â.).aav.  lightly. 
Liglo,  a,  adj.  Eomem  — ,  a  maA 

that  has  professed  full  homage 

to  bis  superior  lord. 
Ligneo,  a,  adj.  ligneous. 
Lignificação,  sf.  lignification. 
Lignificar-se,  vr.  to  lignify. 
Llgnoso,  a,  adj.  lignous,  wooden. 
Ligurite,  s,  {min.)  ligurite. 
Lila,  sf.  a  fineblack  woollenstufT. 
Lilaz,  sm.  {hot.'\  lilach,  lilac. 
Liliaceo,  a,  adj.  Ibot.)  liliaceous. 
Lima,  sf.&fííe;  {pg.)  the  correet 

ing  01  a  book ;  a  citron. 
Limadamente,  adv.  in  a  correet, 

polished  manner. 
Limado,  a,  pp.  adj.  íiled ;  cor- 

rected ;  polisned. 
Limador,  sm.  a  fller. 
Linuidora,  sf.  fíle-dust,  filings. 
Llmallia,  sf.  íile-dust. 
Limão,  sm.  lemon. 
Limar,  va.  to  file ;  (fig.)  to  cor- 
reet, to  polish. 
LlmatSo,  sm.  a  kind  of  large  file. 
Lbnbo,  sm.  limbo ;  utmost  edge 

of  the  disc  of  the  sun  or  mooo. 
Limeira,  sf,  citron  tree. 

LL-.M  j.L. 


—  480  — 


Limiar,  «m.  threshold,  door-step. 

XJminar,  adj.   2  g.  prelimÍDary. 

Iiixnitação,  sf.  limitation,  res- 
triction.  [ively. 

Limitadamente,    adv.  restrict- 

Limitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  limited. 

Limitar,  va.  to  limit,  to  appoint. 
Limitar-se,  vr.  to  be  restrained. 

Limitativo,  a,  adj.  that  sets 

Limite,  sm.  limite,  bound,  border. 

Limitrophe,  adj.  2  g,  frontier, 
bordering  upon. 

Limo,  sm.  herb  or  weed  growing 
in  pools. 

Limoada  or  Limonada,  sf.  le- 
monade.  [lemon-trees. 

Limoal,   sm.   a   place  set  with 

Limoeiro,  sm.  a  lemon-tree. 

Limonadeiro,  sm.  one  who 
makes  and  sells  lemonade. 

Limoso,  a,  adj,  fuU  of  weed, 

Limpado,  pp.  Y.  Alimpado. 

Limpamente»  adv.  cleanly, 

Limpar,  va.   to  clean.        [ness. 

Limpeza,  sf.  cleanliness,  neat- 

Limpidão,  sf.  cleanliness. 

Límpido,  a,  adj.  olear,  bright, 

Limpo,  a,  adj.  clean,  neat ;  clear ; 
fair,  not  fraudulent.  Pôr  em  or 
a  — ,  to  write  fair,  to  transcribe 
from  a  fírst  draught.  Consciên- 
cia — a,  a  clear  conscience. 
Costa  — a,  a  clear  coast. 

Linaria,  sf.  {bot.)  toad-flax. 

Lince  or  L3nice,  sm.  a  lynx. 

Linceo  or  L3niceo,  a,  my.  ^^ck- 

Linda,  sf.  bound,  boundarv,  limit. 

Lindado,  a,  pp.  adj.  connned. 

Lindamente,  adv.  finely,  fairiy. 

Lindar,  vn.  to  confine,  to  bor- 
der on.  [confine. 

Lindeiro,  a,  adj.  bordering  upon, 

Lindeza,  sf.  fíneness,  beauty,  cu- 
riousness.         [pretty ;  curious. 

Lindo,   a,    adj.    fine,  beautiful, 

lalneal,  adj.  2  g.  lineal.  Desenhos 
lineaes  — ,  lineal  designs. 

Lineamentos,  lineaments. 

Linear,  adj.  2  g.  linear. 

Lineo,  a,  adj.  linen,  made  of  linen. 
Lingar,  va.  (a  sea  term)  to  sling. 
Língua,   sf.   tongue  ;   language. 

—  de  serpente y  an  ill  tongue,  Pâr 
a  —  em  alguém ,  to  suspect  one 
of  a  crime,  to  talk  of  him  mis-> 
trustfuUy.  —de  terra^  a  cape.  — 
de  agua  or  das  ondas ^  the  edge 
of  the  sea.  —  de  fogo.  V.  Laba- 
reda. —  da  balança.  V.  Fiel,  S7n. 

—  dj  sapato.  V.  Calçador.  — 
cercina,  iieart's  tongiie.  —  de 
vacca,  {bot.)  bugloss.  —  de  trapos, 
a  stammerer.  Má  — ,  a  back- 
biter,  a  slanderer. 

Língua,  sm.  an  interpreter. 

Linguado,  sm.  the  nsh  called  a 

Linguagem,  sf.  language.  Lin- 
guagens^ the  conjugations  of  the 
verbs.  —  commum,  a  saying. 

Linguajar,  va.  to  express  in  vul- 
gar tongue. 

Lingual,  adj.  2  g.  lingual, 

Llnguaraz,  adj.  and  s.  blab,  pra- 
ting  fellow,  babbler. 

Linguareiro,  a,  adj.  and  sm.  or 
/.  a  prattling  man  or  woman. 

Linguaz,  adj.  2  g.  talkative. 

Lingueií^o,  sm.  a  great  talker. 

Lingueta,  sf.  a  piece  of  wood  to 
stop  the  capstan  of  a  ship. 

Linguiça,  sf.  a  sausa^e 

Linguista,  sm.  linguist. 

Linguistica,  sf.  science  of  lan- 

Lmguistico,  a,  adj.  belonging 
to  the  study  of  languages. 

Linha,  sf.  thread  lor  sewing ; 
line,  the  posture  of  an  armv 
drawn  up  for  battle ;  a  trench 
or  rampart.  Nau  de  — ,  line  of 
battle  snip.  —  de  circumvallaçSo, 
line  of  circumvallation.  Lançar 
as  — í,  to  intrench,  to  plan.  um 
tiro  de  canhão  á  —  aagua,  a 
shot  between  wind  and  water. 

—  cerrada,  close  line.  —  esten- 
dida,   straggling    line.    —   da 

{Vente ^  line  aoreast.  —  do  vento^ 
ee    line,    race ;    the   Equator. 
Pescar  d  — ,  to  angle.  Pôr  em  — , 
to  lay  out  by  a  line. 
LiDliaça,  sf.  linseed. 

IJ.IHH.H^^    j_m{ 


—  481  — 


Linhagem,    sf.    race,    lineage, 

Unhagista,  sm.  Y.  Genealogista. 
Linhajudo,  a,  sm.  or  f.  genealo- 

TjJTihal  or  Linliar,  sm.  a  nax  pot. 
Ijinheiro,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  flax-man 

or  dealer. 
Linho,  sm.  flax.  Panno  de  — ,  li- 

nen.  —  galego,  the   íinest  sort 

of  flax.   —  canamo,  hemp.   — 

mourisco,  a  middling  sort  or  flax. 
Linho,  sm.  the  blackthread  which 

shoemakers  use.  [linen. 

Linigero,   a,  adj.  that  beareth 
Linimento,  sm.    (pharm.)    lini- 

ment,  ointment. 
Lio,  sm.  a  bundle. 
Liobato,  sm.  a  sort  of  ray  \?ith 

a  smooth  back. 
Lioneira,  sf.  a  lionês  den  or  cace. 
Lioz,  sf.   a  sort  of  very   white 

sand-stone  or  marble. 
Lipes,  s.  or  Pedra  — ,  blue  vitriol. 
LiquefaçSo,  sf.  liquefaction. 
Liquefeizer-se,  vr.  to  liquefy. 
Lkpiescer,  vn.  to  dissolve. 
Liquida,  s.  {gram.)  a  liquid  letter 

as  L,  M,  R. 
Liquidação,  sf.  liquidation. 
Liquidado,  a,  jap.  adj.  liauidated. 
Liquidador,  sm.  one  vnio  liqui- 

dates  accounts. 
Liquidambar,  sm.  liqnid-amber. 
Liquidamente,  adv.  plainly,  cie- 

Liquidar,  va.  to  liquidate. 
Liquidatário,  s.  and  adj.  liqui- 

Liquidez,  sf.  li^uidit^,  fluency. 
Liquido,  a,  adj.  liquid. 
Lira,  sm.  Vinho  que  tem — ,  dreggy 

Lírio,  sm.  {bot.)  lily.  —  azul.  lily- 

hyacinth.  —  do  campo,  lily  of 

the  valley.  [de  luce. 

Lis  or  Liz,  sm.  {herald.)  flower 
LI  sãmente ,    adv.     do-wnright , 

plainly.  [bon. 

Lisboeta,  s.  the  natural  of  Lis- 
Lisboense  or  Lisbonense,  adj. 

2  g.  of  or  belonging  to  Lisbon. 
Tiisbonlna,  sf.  a  piece  oí  6   jQ» 

400  reis. 

Lisim,  sm.  a  cleft,  a  crack  in  a 

Liso,  a,  adj.  smooth,  lank,  not 

curled;  pluin.  [lozenge. 

Lisonja,  sf.  flattery;  (heraUl.) 
Lisonjaria,  sf.  the  act  or  flatter- 

Lisonjeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  flattered. 
Lisonjeador,  sm.  a  flatterer. 
Lisonjear,  va.  to  flatter,  to  praise 

falsely,  to  cajole.  Lisonjearse. 

vr.  to  flatter  one's  self  'with  a 

Lisonjeiro,  a,  adj.  and  sm.  or  f. 

a  flatterer. 
Lista,  sf.  list  of  names,  roU,  cata- 
logue ;  the  "wake  of  a  ship. 
Listão,  sm.  a  broad  ribband. 
Listar,  va.  to  enroU,  to  list. 
Listra,  sf.  a  stripe  or  streak  in 

silk  or  cloth. 
Listrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  striped. 
Listrar,  va.  to  stripe. 
Lisura,  sf  smoothness ;  {fig.)  sin- 

Lite,  sf.  a  suit  of  lav,  litigation. 
Liteira,  sf.  a  little  litter. 
Liteireiro,   sm.   he  vrho   takes 

care  of  a  litter.  [cloth. 

Liteiro,  sm.  a  sort  of  coarse 
Lithargyrio,  sm.  {min.)  litharge. 
Lithiase  or  Lithiasis,  s.  {med.) 


Lithico,  a,  adj.  lithic. 


,  sf. 

lithocoUa  (stone 


Lithogenesia,  sf  {nat.  hist.)  li- 
Lithographado,  a,  pp.  adj.  htho- 

Lithographar,  va.  to  lithograph. 
Lithographia,  sf.  lithography. 
Lithographioamente,   adv.  li- 

Lithographico,   a,    adi.    litho- 

graphic,  lithographical. 
Lithographo,  sm.  lithographar. 
Lithologico,  a,  adj.  lithologic, 

Lithologista,  sm.  lithologist. 
Lithologo,  sm.  lithologist. 
Lithomancia,  sf.  lithomancy. 
Lithophago,  a,    adj.  lithopha- 

gous.  [coral. 

Lithopbite,  «m,  ^ittsLO^\i:^^.'ik^^'«s^ 




—  MS 


liithotomia,  <f.  tithotomy. 

Iiitigado,  a,  pp.  adj.  litigãted. 

I<itlgante,  «m.  litiçant. 

Utigar,  va.  to  litigate,  to  con- 

XJtigio,  xm.  litigation. 

liltigiosaxnente,  adv.  litigiously. 

littlgioso,  a,  adj.  litigioos. 

Iiitoral,  adj.  2  g.  littoraL 

Utro,  sm.  liter. 

Litteral.  adj.  2  g.  literal. 

Utteralixkente,  adv.  literally. 

liitterariamente,  adv.  in  a  uter- 
ary  poiDt  of  view. 

Litterario,  a,  adj.  literary. 

Utterato,  sm.  a  learned  mau. 

Utteratura,  sf.  literatore. 

Liturgia,  sf.  liturgy. 

Iiiturgicamenta,  adv.  scccaràing 
to  the  rules  of  liturgy. 

Utorgico,  a,  adj.  liturgical. 

jLitargiata,  sm.  litorgist. 

Iiivel,  sm.  a  leTol. 

UTeláçãa,  sf.  levellinR. 

Ijivelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  leveUed. 

I«tv-elar,  va.  to  levei,  to  aake 

LJkwULÔt,  sf.  lividity. 

Xftlvido,  a,  adj.  livid. 

lairor,  sm.  {svrg.)  livor. 

XJirrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  delivered. 

Uvraxnento,  sm.  delivraace.  re- 
lease.  [ment. 

Livrança,  sm.  an  order  for  pay- 

liivrar,  va.  to  deliver,  to  reserre. 
idvrar-se^  vr.  to  get  rid. 

lâivraria,  sf.  librarv. 

Urre,  adj.  â  g.  nree;  y<âd  of; 
bold,  licentious. 

Itirreiro,  sm.  bodkaellev;  book- 

Xávremente,  «i«.  Areely,  boldly. 

liivro,  sm.  book.  —  de  emUas,  a 
book  of  accountfl.  —  mestre  or 
grande,  ledger.  —  diário,  day- 
book.  —  «2a  caixa^  «aab-book.  — 
de  facturas,  invoic«>book.  Pas- 
sar do  —  or  iormal  ao  Uvro 
mestre,  to  post  irom  the  joBnud 
to  the  ledger.  —  de  razão,  led- 
ger. —  de  tettrasy  bifl-book,  — 
00  lembranças^  zaemocaadam- 
Xtvnunulft,  sf.  quantity  cf  bovks. 

IJza,  sf.  a  sea-calf.  Pelle  de  — , 

Lixar,  va.  to  polish. 
LixiTia,  sf.  lixivitun,  lie. 
Llxivia^o,  sf.  lixiviation. 
Lixiviado,  a,  fíp.  adj.  lixiviated. 
Lixiviar,  va.  to  lixiviate. 
Lixivioso,  a,  adj.  lixivial,  llxi- 

Lixo,  sm.  filth,  dirth. 
Lixoso,  a,  adj.  anclean,  âlthy. 
Lis,  sm.  (6o^)  líl^. 
Lo,  relai.  pron.  him  or  it.  Eu  fi-lo, 

I  zBade    it.  Para  vê-lo,  to  see 

him  or  it. 
L6,  sm.  (in  a  ship)  loof.  Metter  de 

— ,  to  loof. 
Loa,  sf.  a  prologue. 
Loba,  sf.  a  she-volf ;  a  harlot,  a 

ba-wd;  wide  caasock. 
Lobado,  a,  adj.  lobed. 
Lobagaúte,  sm.  a  kind  of  lobster 

or  sea-orab. 
Lobas,  ssru  a  large  wolf. 
LobinÀo,  ««n.  little  wolf;  a  ^w^n, 

sort  of  hard  swelling. 
Lobisbomem,  sf.  -werevolf ;  o^ 
Lobo,  sm.  wolf.  Entre  —  e  cão,  at 

twilight,     betwixt   hawk   and 

buzzard.  Foliai  no  —  ver-lhC' 

heis  a  pelle,  talk  ot  the  deva 

and  he  will  appear;  {med.)  a 

malignant  ulcer  in  the  legs; 

{smat.)  a  lobe  or  division,  a  ais- 

tinct  part. 
Lobrego,  a,  adj.  dark,  disznaL 
Lobrigado,  a,  pp.    adj.    disco- 

Lobrigador,  sm.  explorator. 
Lobrigar,  va.  to  desciy,  to  see 

at  a  distaace. 
Lóbulo,  sm.  {bot.)  Iob& 
Locação,  sf.  the  act  of  hiring; 

(surg.)  the  act  of  setting  a  boné. 
Locador,  stn.  hirer. 
Local,  adj.  2  g.  locaL 
Localidade,  sf.  locali^. 
Locatanaute,  adv.  locailj. 
Loção,  sf.  washing,  ablution. 
Locar,  va.  {surg.)  to  set  a  boné. 
LocatadOt  sm.  íodger^  tenant. 
Locblos*  snu  pL  {mea.)  mon-Úily 

LocomoçSo,  sf.  locomotion* 


—  483  — 


LooomotiTO,  a,  adj.  loeomotrve. 
Machina  —a,  a  steam  en^ne. 

Iiocomotor,  sm,  or  Zjoeomotrte, 
sf.  a  locomotive  engine. 

Iiocotenente,  sm.  a  deputy. 

Iiooação,  sf.  locatioD. 

Ijocapletar,  va,  to  make  rich. 

Locuata,  sf.  locust. 

I«ocatorlo,  sm.  locatory. 

ItOdaçal,  sm.  a  paddle. 

IiOdo,  sm.  clay,  loanif  dirt,  mire, 

IiOdoso,  a,  adj.  mirj,  muddj. 

Iioendro,  sm.  rosebaj. 

Loessadaeste,  sm,  -west-south- 

IiOçar,  sm.  place  or  space;  a 
village ;  qnotation ;  opportunit^; 
leismire;  wny  ocession.  Ásnm 
não  haverá — p€tra  queixas ;  tirai 
there  "^U  be  no  room  leÁ  for 
complaints ;  place  or  employ- 
ment.  Em  togar  de,  instead. 
Sm  todo  o  — ,  every  wlierre.  Em 
nenhvtm  — ,  no  irhere.  Em  qual- 

r^  —  que  seja,  -wheresocrver 

LogrorllSuttioo,  a,  aij,  legaritli- 

ILogartenente,  sm.  ene  ^xriío  is 
in  place  of  another. 

Itogrârttluno,  sm.  loganâMn. 

Ziogiea,  sf.  logic. 

laogicamente,  adv.  logicaDy. 

Iiogfeal,  adj.  f  a.  logical. 

liOgtoo,  a,  «d;,  logical. 

I<ogioo,  sm.  a  logician. 

Ztogo,  adv.  presently,  by  and  by. 
Aqui  — ,  hard  by.  —  desde,  ever 
since.  Desde  — ,  liie  ▼•ry  in- 
«tant.  Logo  — ,  forthwith,  byand 
by,  immediately.  —  que  or  — 
depois  que,  as  soon  as.  —  no 
pnndpio,  íirat  ef  ali,  in  the  firat 

laOgo,  conj.  therefore,  then. 

IfOgogripno,  sm.  logogriph. 

I«ograç»>,  sf.  banter,  cheat, 

IfOgradeira,  sf.  a  female  cheater. 

liogradella,  sf.  a  eheat,  a  trrck. 

lAgrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  chested. 

Zrfmradoiro,  sm,  a  common  pas- 
tore groand. 

Ijogrador,  sm.  a  cheater. 
Lognmaento,  sm.  enjoyinff. 
Lograr,  va.  to  enjoy,  to  ootahi, 

to  rally,  to  jeer;  to  cheat,  to 

trick.  —  vn.  to  succeed,  to  fali 

out  according  to  wish.  Lograr- 

se,  tr.  —  da  occasião,  to  em- 

brace  the  occasion. 
LogratiTO,  a,  adj.  that  cheats 

or  jeers. 
Lo£[ro,   sm.    enjoyraent;   cheat, 

ZjOIo,  a,  adj,  of  bine  colonr. 
Loirar,  va.  to  make  yellow.  — 

vn.  to  groir  yellow. 
Loireoer,  va.  to  make  yellaw. 
Lolreira,  sf.  a  co(|[nette,  a  flirt. 
Loireiro,  a,    adj.  troubletome, 

liOirejar,  va,  to  make  yellow.  — 

vn.  to  grow  yellow. 
Loiro,   a,   adj.    bright,  jéúarw. 

Cahello  — ,  fair  hair. 
Loisa,  sf.  flat-stone ;  grave-stone; 

pit-falí,  bird  trap. 
Loisado,  a,  adj,  made  of  ftii- 

Loja,  sf.  shop.  Pâr  — .  to  aet  np 

a  shop.  Ter  — ,  to  keep  shop. 
Lojista,  em.  a  shop-keeper. 
LomlMi,  sf.  levei  ground  npon  a 

Lombada,  sf.  a  continuatíMi  of 

a  plain  in  the  top  of  a  hill ;  the 

back  of  a  book. 
Lombar,  adj.  i  g.  {anat.)  lombar, 

Loanbeiro,  a,  adj.  {anat.)  Inmbar. 
Lombo,  sm.  loin,  loins  or  reina; 

any  protuberance.  —  de  livro, 

the  back  of  a  book. 
Lombrloal,  adj.  2  g.  {anat.)  haxa- 

Lonabrlga,  sf.  a  maw-worm. 
Lombrigueira,  sf.  abrotannm. 
Lombndo,  adj.  in.  having  a  large 

loin  or  back. 
Lona,  iff.  aail-cloth. 
Londrino,  a,  adj,  of  or  pertain- 

ing  to  London. 
Longa,  sf.  (mus.)  a  long  note. 
Longal,  adj.  t  g.  Castanheiro  — , 

a  sort  of  chestnut-tree. 
Longamonte,  od».  \ou% 



—  484 


Ijongaxuira,   sf.  Óculo  de  — ,  a 

perspective  glass.  [mity. 

Longanimidade ,    sf.    longani- 
liongarella,  sf,  a  very  tall  per- 

Longe,  adv.  far,  far  off.  De  — , 

from  far.  Mais  — ,  farther.  — 

da  vista,  longe  do  coração,  out 

of  sight,  out  of  mínd*.   Longe 

d^aquil  away!   Longes, 

the    deepenings  of  a  picture; 

hints.   Dar    uns  —   de  alguma 

cousa,  to  hint,  to  give  a  short 

notice  of  any  thing. 
Longevidade,  sf.  longevity. 
Longevo,  a,  adj.  longevous. 
Longimano,  a,acÍ7.  long-handed. 
Longimetria,  sf.  longimetry. 
Longínquo,  a,  adj.  remote,  far 

Longipede,  adj.  ig.  long-footed. 
Longitude,  sf.  longitude,  length. 
Longo,  a,   adj.  long.  De  — ,  or 

ao  — ,  along,  ali  along. 
Longor,  sm.  length. 
Longura,  sf.  length. 
Lontra,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  an  otter. 
Looch,  S7n.  loch. 
Loquacidade,  sf.  loquacity. 
Loquaz,  adj.  2  g.  loquacious. 
Loquela,  sf.  speech,  discourse, 

Loquete,  sm.  padlock. 
Lord,  sm.  lord,  nobleman. 
Loro,  sm.  the  stirrup  leather. 
Losna,  sf.  wormwood. 
laOta,  sf.  the   place  where  they 

carry  the  fish  for  ratingtbe  tax. 
Lotação,  sf.  calculation  of  the 

number  of  people  or  things.  — 

de  um  navio,  tonnage. 
Lotado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fixed    with 

regard  to  quantity. 
Lotador,  sm.  one  who  fixes  the 

Lotar,  va.  to  fix  the  quantity. 
Lote,   sm.   rate,    quantity;    any 

number  assignable ;  a  prize  in  a 

lotery.  De  — ,  worth  or  equal  in 

value  to ;  sort,  kind. 
I«oteria,  sf.  lottery. 
Loto,  sm.  {bot.)  nettle  tree;  loto, 

a  game. 
Louça    CP    Loiça,    sf.    dishes, 

plates,  pots.  —  de  barro,  earthen 
ware.  —  de  barro  e  vidrada,  gla- 
zed  earthen  ware.  —  de  estanho, 
pewter.  —  da  índia,  China-ware. 

—  da  cozinha,  saucepans,  drip- 
ping-pans,  kitchen  furniture. 

Louçaâiha,  sf.  íinery,  gaiety. 
Loucamente,  adv.  foolishly. 
Louçania,  sf.  the  beauty  of  plants. 
Loução,  ádj.  m.  gay,  fine,  beau- 

tiful,  showjr. 
Louceira,  sf.  a  voraan  who  sells 

earthen  ware. 
Louceiro,  sm.  potter.         [vised. 
Louco,  a,  adj.  mad,  rash ;  unad- 
Loucura,   sf.   madness,   foolish- 

ness.  [extravagate. 

Louquejar,  va.  to  talk  idly,  to 
Louquice,  sf.  foolish,  nonsense. 
Loura,  s.  a  simpleton.  [tree. 

Loureiro,  sm.  (bot.)  laurel :  bay- 
Loureola,  s.  {bot.)  laureola. 
Louro,  sm.  (bot.)  laurel. 
Louvadamente,  adv.  withpraise. 
Louvadeus,  sm.  a  sort  oi  small 

fish,  a  sort  ofworm;  grasshop- 

Louvado,  a,  pp.  adj.  praised  — , 

sm.  an  umpire.  Juis  — ,  an  ar- 

Louvador,  sm.  praiser. 
Louvamento,  sm.  arbitration. 
Louvamlnha,  sf.  a  coaxing,  flat- 

tery,  fair  vords. 
Louvaminhar,  va.  to  flatter, 
Louvaminheiro,  a,  adj.  flatter- 

er,  coaxer. 
Louvar,  va.  to  praise.  Louvar 'Se, 

vr.  to  praise  one's  self. 
Louvável,  adj.  2  g.  praisable. 
Louvavelmente,  adv.  laudably. 
Louvor,  sm.  praise,  commenda- 

Lovana,  sf.  a  sortof  sveet  meats. 
Loxa,  sf.  {pharm.)  metheglin  or 

Loxodromia,  sf.  loxodromy. 
Loxodromioo,  a,adj.  loxodromlc. 
Lua,  sf.  the  moon.  —  nova,  new 

moon.  —  cheia,  full  moon.  — 

crescente^  the  moon  in  crescent. 

—  mingoante,  the  moon  in  her 
wain.  •—  crise.,  the  moon  in  har 
eclipse.   Meia  — ,  {fort.)   half- 


—  485  — 


xnoon.  A  —  de  meU  the  honey- 

moon ;  {chem.)  silver. 
Iiuar,  sm.  moonlight. 
Iiubricado,  b,  pp.  adj.  let  loose. 
IiUbrioar,  va.  to  loosen,  to  lubri- 

Lúbrico,  a,  adj.  lubricous,  slip- 

pery ;  loose,  lax  of  bod^. 
Lução,  sm.  a  sort  of  físhing  net. 
Lucas,  sm.  a  green  frog. 
Lucerna,  sf.   a  âsh  called   the 

lanthorn  of  the  sea.  [cidly. 

Lucidamente,  adv.  openlj,  lu- 
Lucidez,  sf.  lucidity,  perspicuity. 
Lúcido,  a^adj.  lucid,  clear,  bright. 
Lúcifer,   sm.    {astron.)   luciíer; 

(fig.)  Lúcifer,  the  devil. 
Lucdferino,  a,  adj.  of  or  pertai- 

ning  to  Lúcifer. 
Lucifero,  a,  adi.  luciferous. 
Luciíugo,  a,  aaj.  light-shunning. 
Luco,  sm.  wood,  forest. 
Lucrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  obtained. 
Lucrar,  va.  to  obtain,  to  gain,  to 

get.  [âtable. 

Lucnrativo,  a,  adj.  lucrativo,  pro- 
Luoro,  sm.  gain,  proíit. 
Luctifico,  a,  adj.  mournful,  cau- 

sing  sorrow. 
LuotUero,  a,  adj.  mournful. 
Lucto,  sm.  mourning ,  a  suit  of 

xnoúming  clothes.  —  alliviado, 

second  mourning.  —  pesado  or 

rigoroso,  deep  mourning. 
Luctuoso,     a,      adj.    luctuous, 

mournful,  sorrowful. 
Lucubração,  sf.  lucubration. 
Ludibriar,  va.  to  mock,  to  deride. 
Ludibrio,  sm.  mockery,  scorn. 
Ludibrioso,  a,  adj.  that  mocks 

or  derides. 
Ludrico,  a,  adi.  ludicrous. 
Ludroso,  a,  aaj.  nasty,  greasy, 

Lufada,  sf.  gust,  violent  blast. 
Lufa-lufa,  sf.  great  haste. 
Lugar,  sm.  place;  space.  V.  Logar. 
Lúgubre,  adj.  2  g.  mournful,  la- 

mentable.  [cuttle  âsh. 

Lula,  sf.  a  sort  of  físh  like  the 
Lumbago,  sm.  lumbago. 
Lume,  sm.  íire,  flame ;  [fig.)  light, 

knowledge;  inspiration.  —  do 

espelho,  ti&e  surface  of  a  looking- 

glass.  Ao  —  d^agua  — ,  between 

wind  and  water. 
Lumiar,  sm.  the  lintel  of  a  door. 
Lumieira,   sf.    great    branched 

Luminar,    sm.   luminary ;    {fig.) 

one  who  instructs  mankind  ;  any 

illustrious  man. 
Luminária,  sf.  smalllamp ;  candle 

or  any  light.  — «,  an  illumination. 
Luminosamente,     adv.     lumi- 

Luminoso,  a,  adj.  luminous. 
Luna,  sf.    {mythol.)  the    moon. 

Lunação,  sf.  lunation. 
Lunar,  adj.  2  g.  lunar  or  lunary. 
Lunar,  sm.  a  mole  on  the  skin. 
Lunaria,  sf.  moon-ixrort. 
Lunario,  sm.  an  almanack  that 

shews  the  changes  of  the  moon. 
Lunático,  a,  adj.  lunatic,  moon- 

struck.  —  sm.  lunatic,  mad. 
Lundu,  sm.  dance  used  by  the 

Luneta,  sf.  spy-glass ;   a  small 

round  or  half  round  windov ;  a 

glass  to  help  the  sight. 
Lupanar,  sm.  a  brothel. 
Luparo   or  Lúpulo,    sm.  {bot.) 

hop  or  hops  for  beer. 
Lupia,  sf.  (surg.)  lupia ;  ganglion. 
Lupino,  a,  aaj.  pertaining  to  a 

Lusbel,  sm.  Lúcifer. 
Lusco,  sm.  Entre  —  e  fusco,  at 

twilight,    between    hawk    and 

buzzard.  Ir  entre  o  —  e  fusco,  to 

speak  confusedly. 
Lusíadas,  sm.  pi.  the  title  of  the 

famous  põem  written    by  Ca- 

moens.  [Portugal. 

Lusitânia,  sf.  (geog.)  Lusitânia, 
Lusitano,  a,  aaj.  pertaining  to 

Portugal.  [Lusitânia. 

Luso,  a,  adj.  of  or  belonging  to 
Lusorio,  a,  adj.  lusorious. 
Lustração,  sf.  lustration. 
Lustrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pnriâed, 

made  clear. 
Lustrador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  person 

or  thing  that  lustrates. 
Lustral,  adj.  %  g.\\i^\T«N.. 


lV"''''"*^'"^"^^^'  *■  '    "'  '-^ 




—  486  — 


to  set  a  gloss  upon.  —  vn.  to  be 

notable,  eminent,  renowned ;  to 

shine.  [pomp,  honour. 

X«U8tre,  57n.  lustre,  ^losa;  glitter, 
Ijustrillio,  sm.  lustring. 
Iiustrim,  sm.  lustring 
Líostrino,   a,   adj.  glossy,   lus- 

Lustro,  sm.  lastre,  the  i^ace  of 

five  years  among  the  ancients. 
Lustrosamente,  ado,   brightly, 

Lustroso,  a,  adj.  lustrous,  glossy, 

bright ;  illustrious,  glorious. 
Luta,  sf.  a  wrestling. 
Lutador,  sm.  wrestler. 
Lutar,  va.  to  -wrestle,  to  contend ; 

to  struggle,  to  strive ;  {chan.) 

to  lute.  to  cover  or  stop  vessels 

vith  cheinist's  clay. 
Lntheranismo ,  sm.  lutheraniam. 
Lutherano,  a,  adj.  and  s.  luthe- 

Luto,  sm.  mourning;  a  suit  of 

mourning  clothes.  V.  Lucto. 
Lutoso,  a,  adj,  luted,  in  moar- 

nÍDg.  [diness. 

Lutulencia,  sf.  Intolence,  mud- 
Lutulento,    a,     adj,     latulent, 

Luva,  sf.  glove.  SSo  tuiidos  como 

a  —  e  a  mão,  they  are  hand  and 

Luveiro,  sm.  a  glover. 
Luxar,  va.  to  dislocate. 
Luxo,  sm.  luxury ;  excess,  extra- 

vagance.  [civioasness. 

Luxuria,  sf.  luxurioasness,  las- 
Luxuriar,  vn.  to  excite  lust ;  to 

luxuriate.  [riously. 

Luxuriosamente,     adv.     luxa- 
Luzurioso,    a,    adj,    luxurioos, 

Instful,  wanton. 
Luz,    sf.    light,     brightness;    a 

candle.  Dar  um  livro  a  — ,  to  pn- 

blUh  a  book ;  (in  paimting)  ligM, 

point  of  view,  situalion. 
Luzeira,  sf,  lamf». 
Luzeiro,  sm.  luminary. 
Luzente,  adj.  2  g.  bri^t,  shining. 
Luzerna,  sf.  lucern-seed ;  a  sort 

of  glow  worm  without  vmgs. 
Luzidamente,  oiZ».  bnghtiy,glo- 

Luzidio,  a,    adj.   that   is   very 

smooth  and  somewhat  shining. 
Luzido,  a,  adj,  sumptuous  v  no* 

ble ;   splendid  ;  glittering,  spe- 

Luzimento,  sm.    magniâcence ; 

sumptuousness ;  dexterity. 
Luzir,  vn.  to  give  light,  to  shine ; 

to  become  famous ;  to  avail,  to 

be  serviceable. 
Ly,  sm.  a  Chinese  furlong. 
Lycen,  sm.  Lyceum,  school. 
Lycio,  sm.  {poet.)  the  sun. 
Lympba,  sf.  lymph.  [ted. 

Lymphado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lympha- 
Lympfaar,    va.    to   wa^   with 

water.  [phalác. 

Lymphatioo,  a,  adj.  {anat.)  lym- 
L3rnce,  sm.  a  lynx. 
Lyra,  sf.  lyre,  harp. 
Lyrico,  a,  adj.  lync. 
Lyrista,  sm.  fyrist. 
Lysimaohla,  sf.  {bot.)  loosa-stinfo, 

Lsraaa,  sf.  (med.)  lyssa,  the  mad- 

ness  of  the  dog. 
Lyterio,  a,  adi.  {med.)  lytenaa. 
Lythrum,  «m.  (bot.)  lythrnm,  sa- 



BS,  sm.  a  consonant  and  the  thir- 

teenth  letter  of  the  Portuguese 

M'a,  contract  (a  jpronouii  mixed 

meajmeof  it,  or  it,  or  Ler  teme. 

Mandai-nCa^  send  it  or  lier  to 

me.  DizeirnCa,  tell  me  of  it. 
Má,  adj.  f.  V.  Maau 
Maca,  sf.  a  hammock. 
Maça,  sf.  mace,  club^  bat.  —  dB 

calceteirOj  a  rammer,  a  heetle. 
MaçS,  sf.  an  apple.  —  do  resto, 

the  bali  of  the  cheek. 
Macaca,  sf.  a  female  monkey. 

Morte  — ,  accidental  death. 
Macaoo,  sm.  mon>iiey;  comman- 

dar,  maehine  to  drive  stakea. 
MMMiooa,  sf.  a  slight  attack  of 

JUwaae,  a  textdeacy  tA  siokaew. 


—  487  — 


Maoaçote,  sm.  glass-^^ort,  barilla. 
Maçada,  sf.  a  dIow  -witb  a  club  ; 

importunity.  [portune. 

Maçador,  sm.   one  that  U   im- 
Maçadura,  sf.  bruise  or  contu- 

Maçame,  sm.  {sea  term)  the  ng- 

ging  of  a  ship ;  a  kindof  plaster. 
Maçaznorda,  sf.  crumbs  of  bit- 

Maçaneta,  sf.  a  knob. 
Mação,  sm.  a  large  mallet. 
Maçapão,  sm.  marcbpane. 
Maçapè,  sm.  laser-wort. 
Maçar,  va.  to  beat,  te  strike,  to 

tbump  ;  to  tire,  to  importune. 
Macareo,  sm.  flux  ana  reflux  of 

Maçarico,  sm.  a  sort  of  rabbit;  a 

kÍDg's  fisher  :  a  hlovr  pipe. 
Maçaroca,  sf.  a  spindle-fuU ;  the 

vhole  fruit  of  tbe  vaaXze  plant. 
Macaquear,  va.  to  ape. 
Macaquices,  sm.  pi.  apisb  tricks. 
Macanrão,  sm.  macaroni. 
Macarronico,  a,  adj.  macaronic. 

Latim  — ,  borlesque  latiu. 
Macayo,  sm.  a  sort  of  stuff  made 

of  wool  or  silk. 
Maceira,  sf.  an  apple-tree. 
MaoeirOf  sm.  a  mace-bearer. 
M^K^elIa,  sf.  camomile. 
Maoenaria,  sf.  V.  Marcenaria, 
Maceração,  sf.  maceratioa. 
Macerado,  a,  adj.  macerated. 
Maceramento,  sm.  maceration. 
Macerar,   va.    to   macerate»  to 

mollify,  to  soften;  to  mortify, 

to  harass  with  corporal  seven- 

Maceta,  sf.  a  sort  of  iron  mallet ; 

a  billiard  stick  longer  than  the 

Macete,  sm^  a  wooden  mallet. 
MachacaZj^m.abulky,  ill-ahaped 

Machacetas,  sf.  pi.  scoffs,  jesta. 

V.  Dichote. 
Machada,  sf.  an  axe. 
Machadada,  sf.  a  cut  -with  aa  «xe. 
Machado,  sm.  axe. 
Manhafemea,  sf.  the  hinges  of  a 

gate  or  door. 
MàòhBo,  tm.  a  virago,  an  heroina. 

Maoheiro,  sm.  a  young  oork-tree 

in  its  second  growth. 
Machete,  sm.  a  peasanfs  knife ; 

short  sword ;  a  little-guitar. 
Machiar,  vn.  {agric.)  to  become 

barren.  [velian. 

Machiav^co,  a,  adj.  machi»- 
Machiavellsmo,  sm.  machiave- 

lism.  [lian. 

Maohiavelista,    sm.  machiave- 
Maoideira,  sf  a  young  cork-tree. 
Maohina,  sf.  machine,  en^ne. 
Machlnaçfto,  sf.  machination. 
Maohinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  contri- 

ved,  plotted. 
Machinador,  tm.  machinator. 
Machinal,  tidj.  2  g.  mechanical^ 
Maohlnar,  va.  to   contrive,  to 

Mádilniamo,  sm.  machinery. 
Maohinista,  sm.  machinist. 
Machira,  sf.  a  sort  of  cloak. 
Macho,  a,  adj.  male;  stout,  vi- 

gorous.  Vinho  — ,  strong  iriae. 

Incenso  — ,  tbe  best  sort  of  frank 

iikcense.  Feto  — ,  male  foetus* 
Macho,  sm.  the  male  of  any  crea- 

ture.   Machos  e  fêmeas^  hooka 

and  eyes,  mortises  and  tenons, 

gpigots  and  faucets.  —  do  leme, 

hooks   by    which    the    rudder 

hangs  to  the  stern  post.  Macho 

das  encospiaSy  the  wedge  of  a 

Macfaoa,  sf.  a  masculina  woaaa 

tom-boy,  romp. 
Machoca,  sf.  —  de  trigo,  an  eariy 

threshing  of  com. 
Maàhorra,  sf.  a  barren  ewe. 
Maòhucaçfto,  sf.  bruise,  bruitinç. 
Machucado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bmiteo, 

Machucador,  a,  adj.  and  sm.  or 

f.  he  or  she  who  bruises. 
Machucar,    oa.    to    bruise,    to 

squash,  to  crush :  to  pound  'vith 

a  pestle. 
Machuoho,    a,    adj.    virtooua, 

rich  ;  poverful ;    steady,    con- 

stant.  [calcined. 

Macicote,  sm.  massieot,  cerase 
Macilento,  a,   adj.   leaa,   thin, 

aSaciOt  a,   adj.   «Kiotí<Jfc.>  i^wS»^» 



—  4*i  — 


4ny/r\o   i,  c'Xyf-Jki.ocí«'. 
M»coau!íni.  tf.  it.  v^rx,  of  paLD- 

MatçoiuirJa,  e/.  in*»>nnr. 
ICticone  4/^ft.  ft  fi*b  liK«  »  Iam- 

tm.     a     DÍMhapeD 
Kacrocosmo.    «m.    macroconn, 
tL<;  'i.h'*.H  uiií verse  or  vUíble 

Ifacaaria.  «/.  &  fiiber-totm. 

'  L,  af.  íipot,  •t«ÍD,  t&iijit  of 


liado,  a-  ;)jE>.  adj.  suúned. 
Macular,  va,  to  kuúh.  [ted. 

Maculofio.  a,  «</;'.  nuúned,  ipot- 
Macuma, «/.  a  womao  «lave. 
Madama,  «A  ma^J&in ;  Uulv. 
Madeira,  «/.  timler^  wooa,  —  (2e 

ctmHtrurçôo,  tíiíjl>er.  —  for/a,  a 

liorn  oTtins  beaiit;  iffeog.)  Ma- 
deira íhlanO. 
Madairado,  a,  ;>7>.  o^J.  timbered. 
Madalramento,  «m.  the  act  of 

&fVf,r\itíe  wíth  tirnber ;  the  tiin- 

t>er  of  th';  t^^p  of  a  houMe. 
Madelrar,  ivi.  Uf  tiinber,  to  plank. 
Madeiro,  «m.  thc  trunk  of  a  treo : 

a  block,  a  ioi/;. 
Madeixa,  uf.  a  «keÍD  of  tfaroad, 

aiik,  ttUi.  —  fie  cabellott  a  lock 

of  lialrH. 
Mádido,  a,  adj.  wot. 
Madona,  uf.  madona.  [ship. 

Madraçaria,  «/*.  ídlonesB,  truant- 
Madraoeadort  a,  «m.  or  /.  and 

adj.  ho  or  lihíj  wlio  idle«,  or  loU 

U\rH  libou t. 
Madracear,  vn.  to  truant,  to  loi- 

tor  III  11  dÍHtanfío  from  duty. 
Madraço,  a,  «m.   or  /.  an  idle 

raHiral,  a  trtiaiit,  a  loitoror. 
Madraata,  ãf.    a    iitop-inother  ; 

niothftr-iii  ln>v. 
Madre,  sf.  i/iotlj«r;  thH  "womb, 
utnruH,    matrix.    —  d'um  rio, 
tihttrmnlofu  rivor.  Sahir  do—, 
JM  for  a  rivor  to  overflow.  Aíol 
^  — /  tba  byHioric  passion. 

*/.     colher 



tf.   'naJt.  ííiit.    na- 

Madreailra,   tf.   vx^bise.  h> 

ler-sackle.  ^s^ra. 

"MaAria^  t.  Mar  d*  — .  a  s^iZ-:::. 
Madrigal,  sm.  madrigal. 
MBdríqaz.  tm.  marríleni.  le&B. 
Madrígnefraa.    tf.    burr:>-r    or 

itfaHyiiifia    4/1   g<>:.ii:c>tber:  the 

-wornao  Tho  provects  aijjr  child. 

—  da  boda,  bríde-maíd. 
Madrngaila.  $f.  dajspring,  da^vm. 

De  — ,  at  break  of  day.  Muito 

de  — ,  vcry  early  in  thc  mor- 

níng.  [nser. 

Madrogador,  a,  adj.  an  'earlj 
Madrugar,   vn.    to   ríse    early. 

Madruga  e  verá%^  trabalha  e  /«• 

rds  — ,  ríse  early  and  yoa  viil 

•ee,  take  pains'  and  you  -will 

have  vealtii.  [ness. 

MadoraçSo,  »f.  mataration,  ripe- 
Madorado,  a.  pp.  adj.  maturated. 
Maduramente,   adv.    maturely, 

Madurar,  va.  and  n.  to  matorate. 
Madnrecer,   va.  to  matare,    to 

make  ripe.  —  vn.  to  grow  ripo. 
Madureoído,  a,  pp.  adj.  ripened, 

Madureza,  if.  matnrity,  ripeness. 
Maduro,  a,  adj.  ripe,  matare; 

jmed.)  fit  for  suppuration. 
Mae,    9f.   mother.    —   dagua^  a 

ipríng,  a  source.  —  do  riOy  the 

cnannel  of  a  rlver. 
Mafamede,  sm.  Mahomet«   Mo- 

Maga,  sf.  witch.  [man. 

Magana,  sf.  a  harlot,  a  base  wo- 
Magan&o,  sm.  a  rogue  ;  a  witty 

sarcastic  man. 
Maganar,  va.  to  barter. 
Maganear,  vn.  to  rogue,  to  play 

the  vagrant,  to  haunt  gaming- 

houses,  etc. 
Maganeira  or  Maganice,  sf.  ro- 

K\xeT^ ,  n\\\«à^n  . 

Va^  ft^^a»  \vwOL  ft^^%. 

Ibigeatatltm,    a,   ad}.  majeitii 
MagaBtoBaiuente,  nau-  majeiti 
cilly.  LJealLea 

KageBtoao,  n,  adj.  majeslio,  mi 
Magia,  s^.    innzic.    —   diabolia 

Haglca,  sf.  maaie. 

Magico,  a,  adj.  roasic,  magica 

Hagloo,  a.  im.  oi  f.  a  msgioia 

Maglamo,  im.  magiaiiisin. 
Magleterlo .    >m.    inasterihip. 

degree   of  doelor;  (cAem.)  "■ 

Magistrada,  im.  magiatraM, 
KagtBtraJ,  adj.  i  a.  nugiaUria 
MaglMralidada ,    if.    maatecli 

Magietralmanto,  aifii.  maaterlj 
MagiBtrBDdo,  Jm.  ons  vho  ia  l 

take  lhe  degree  of  doelor. 
MaglBtratlco,  a.  adj.  msgisira 

diaputalion  w  called. 
Magnate,  jf.  a  lord,  anoblen 
Hagnesia,  if,  msgnesia.  — 

Magnate,  sf.  maeDel. 
Magnético,  a,  adj.  magnaiic. 
Magnetiaado,    a,  ;}p.    adj,  ma- 

Magnetisar.  us.  to  magnetize. 
Magnetismo,  Jm.  magneiiam. 
Magnlfioaçâo ,    sf.  magcifying. 


Hagnllioador,  in.DnB  who  ma- 
aiíu.  magníB- 

,    adj.    that. 
/.     msgnifl- 

_  ao,  a,  fldj.  graat,  grand. 
Magnólia,  if,  (íõl.)  macaoUa. 

magi,  phUoiophera. 
Magoa,  if.  hean-breaking,  over- 
powsriag  grief;  blacli  or  bluB 

Magoado,  a.  pp.  adj.  bruiaed. 
beauabUck  aad  blue;  ovbt- 
Jlo»erBd  with  griaf. 

I&goar.  ca.  to  grieve  ona  at  bis 
beart,  to  vex  ^iaTDualj^  to 
burt.  to  bruiBe.  Magoar-se^  Dr., 

Magote,  » 

<r  thiDj 

Magreza,  if.  leanneia. 
Magro,  a,  od;'.  leaD,  Ibia. 
Maguer,  aíu.  (anc]  althongb. 
Kagiuto,  srn.  —   de   cailankai 

Mai.  if.  motbar. 

r,  adj. 

sm.  auoeiioT.cVioí. 

MAlorana,   . 

>     jA^k.V 

lr..^^:.;gL.----.-.-^J^.=KA~ie^-._     -   ^        ■.■..-■-..  ãi    ■■ 


—  490  — 


thers,  ancestors;  tJia  «idan; 
the  head  men  of  a  tovxu 

Maioria,  sf.  chiefness,  principal- 
ness ;  inajority. 

Iffaiorldade,  sf.  majorítj. 

Sfaiormente ,  odv.  pnnripafíy, 

Mais,  ado.  more.  De  — ,  too  nmcfa. 
Não  — ,  DO  more.  Cada  veg  — , 
more  and  more.  Outro  tanbo  — , 
as  much  more ;  the  most.  Áo  — , 
at  most,  at  furthest.  E'o  nuns 
mau  homem  de  quantos  ha  no 
mundo  y  he  is  the  most  wicked 
man  in  the  world.  Por  —  mte^ 
whatever  (you  may  say  or  do). — 
Por  —  que  digais^  aay  what 
you  will.  Sem  —  nem  — ,  ruiilv, 
without  due  consideration.  EÍle 
não  fax  —  que  jogar,  he  does 
notaing  but  play.  —  adi,  more. 

—  pão,  more  bread.  ivoda  — , 
no  more. 

Mais,  sm.  rest,  remnant,  residue. 
Em  quanto  ao  — ,  as  for  tha  rest. 
Os  de  mais,  other  people. 

Maisquerer,  va.  to  prefer. 

Maiúsculo,  a,  adj.  capital.  Maimi- 
eula,  sf.  a  capital  letter. 

Maiz,  sm.  maize.  [grova. 

Majgial ,  sm.  a  placa  -wher»  maise 

Major,  sm.  (mil.)  major. 

Msil,  adv.  ill,  not  well,  not 
rightly ,  not  easily,  acarcely,  har- 
dlv.  Pâr-se  —  com  áíguem^  to 
fali  out  vith  one.  Está  '^  aum 
vobre  o  ser  soberbo^  it  does  not 
Decome  a  beggar  to  be  prond. 

—  hajas  tu,  the  deuce  take 
vou!  Elles  querem  se  — , tàey 
have  a  pique  one  against  otíMr. 
Estar  —  (doente),  to  be  ill. 

Mal,  sm.  evil,  ill,  mischief.  Dê  — 

para  peior^  worse  and  wono ; 

sickness,  disease,  pain,  ache; 

mififortune;        inconvenience ; 

harm,    wickednesa.     Do    —   o 

fnmos^  of  two  avils  chooae  the 

Mala,  sf.  portmanteau ;  the  mail. 

A  —  de    França,  the  French 

Maladbtto,  s,  malachite. 
atalaoia,  sf.  calm.  V.  Coloria, 

I  Malaoondlcloiiado,  a,  adj.  ill- 

Malafeiçoado,  a,  adj.  ugly,  iU- 

shaped;  ill-inclined. 
Malafortonado,   a,  adj.  unfor- 

tanate,  unlucky. 
Malagueftro,  sm.  a  linen-draper. 
Malagueta,  sf.  grains  of  para- 

dise.  [taining  to  Malaca. 

Malaio,  a,  adj.  and  s.  of  or  per- 
Malandriín,  sm.  a  vagrant. 
Malandrino,  a,  adj.  pertaining 

to  a  vagrant.  [coin. 

Malaques,  sm.  a  sort  of  Indían 
Malac[aeta.  sf.  (a  sea  term)  a  kevil. 
Malapcaras,  sm.  a  man  that  has 

a  soar  countenance. 
Malassada,  sf.  an  omelet. 
Malato,   a,   adj.  sick.  V.  Indis- 
posto, fky. 
MalaTonturado,  a,  adj.  unluc- 
Malarindo,  a,  adj.   discordant, 

Malavinhado,  a,  adj.  that  sours 

awine;     {fig.)  that    comipts 

Malaxar,  va.  (pharm.)  to  soften. 
Malbaratado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dilapi- 

dated.  [er. 

Malbaratador,  sm.  a  sqnander- 
ICalliaratar,  va.  to  dilapidate, 

to  squander.  [beard. 

Malbarbado,  adj.  that  has  little 
Malcasar,  va.  to  disparage. 
Malcheirante,  adj.  2  g.  stinking. 
Malcontente,     adj.    2    g.    dis- 

pleased,  discontented. 
BÉalcorrenta,   adj.    i    g.  silly, 

Malcozinhado ,     sm.  a     place 

-where  cooks  keep  their  shops. 
Malcozinber,  va.   not  to  cook 

meat  veli.  [kind. 

Malcriado,  a,  adj.  ill-bred,  un- 
Maldade,  sf.  -wickedness,  malice; 

a  roguish  trick.  [handy. 

Maldestro,  a,  adj.  awkward,  im- 
Meddiç&o,  sf.  malediction. 
Maldita,  sf,  a  ring-^orm.  V.  Em- 

Bfoldito,  a,pp.  of  Maldizer  and 

adi.    cursei   —   sm.  a  cursed 

viUain.  [fortunate. 

Maldltoso,  a^  adj.  unhappy,  un- 


—  491  — 


Maldizente,  adj.  2  g.  and  p,  ac. 

of  Maldizer,  maledicent. 
Haldlzer,  va.  to  corse,  to  slaii- 

der.  —  vn.  to  curse. 
Maledioenola,  sf.    slander,  ill- 

report.  [mededicent. 

Maledioo,    a,   adj.  slanderous, 
KalefiGiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  be^ritch* 

ed,  fascinated. 

Mal^ioiar,  va.  to  bevHch. 

lEaleflolo,  am.    malefice,  an  Hl 

I         action ;  -witchcraft.       [hartfal. 

'     Maléfico,  a,   adj.  miscnievous, 

Maleitas,  sf.  pi.  tertian  fever, 

an  agne  intermitting  bot  one 

Maleiteira,  af.  {bot.)  milk-thistle . 
MaleitOBO,  a,   adj.  Uiat  is  dis- 

eased  -with  a  tertian. 
Malencarado,  a,  adj.  nçly. 
Malengraçado ,   a,    adj.    dali, 

h,eavy,  insipid.  [uncivil. 

Maiensinado,  a,    adj.  ill-bred, 
Malentendido,  a,  adj.   misnn- 

derstood.  (lU-boding. 

Malestreado,  a,  adj.   ominous, 
Malevolenoia,  8f.  malevolence, 

Malévolo,  a,  adj.  malevolent. 
Malesa,  sf.  wickedness. 
Malfadaaamente,  ado.  nnfortu- 

natehr.  [unfortunate. 

Malfadado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ili-foted. 
Malfadar,  va.  to  vaticinate  ill 

fortune.  [maledicent. 

Malfallante,  adj.  and  sm.  or  f. 
Malfario,  sm.  V.  Adultério. 
Malfazejo,  a,  adj.  misohievous. 
Malfazente,  adt.  2  g.  mischie- 

Malfazer,  va.  to  do  mischief. 
Malfeito,  a,  pp.  adj.  ill  made.  — 

sm.  an  ill-deed. 
Malfeitor,  sm,  a  malefaotor. 
Malfeitoria,  sm.  a  mischievons- 

ness,  malencence. 
Malferido/  a,    adj.     serioasly 

Malfurada,  sf.   {bot.)  the  herb 

saint  John^s  urort. 
Malgastar,  va.  to  dissipate. 
Malgrado,   s.  {anc.)   A  teu  — , 

in  spite  of  you. 
Malba,  $f.  xnacb  or  mesh  of  a 

net:   a  stitch  in   knitting;   a 

maií  ;    a  natural  spot  on  the 

feathers  of  birds    or    ftirs  of 

-wild  beasts^  etc.  —  de  relva,  a 

Malhann,  sf.  the  act  of  thrashing 

com ;  a  sheep-fold. 
Malhadeiro,  sm.  a  wooden  pes- 

tle ;  an  ignorant  fellow. 
Malhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  thrashed 

with  a  flail :  hammered;  spottdd 

or  speckled. 
Malhador,  sm.  a  thrasher. 
Malhadolro,  sm.   a   thraahing- 

Malh&o,  sm.   (at  nine-pins  and 

pitching  the    bar.)  a  cast   or 

throw.  De—,  at  one  throv. 
Malhar,  va.  to  thrash,  to   ham- 

mer,  to  beat. 
MalheirSo,  sm.  a  sort  of  play 

among  boys. 
Malheiro,  sm.  hanunerer. 
Malhetar,  va.  to  chest,  to  put 

in  a  chest.  [joint. 

Malhete,  sm.  {among  jomers)  a 
Malho,  sm.  a  sledge  nammer. 
Malice,   sf.  malignancy,  infec- 

Malloia,  sf.  malice,  ill-will. 
Maliciar,  va.  to  malice.         [ly. 
Maliciosamente,  adv.  malicious- 
Malidoso,  a,  adj.  malicious. 
Maligna  or  Malina,  sf.  a  malig 

nant  fever.  [nant. 

Malignado,  a,  pp.  adj.  malig- 
Malignamente,  adv.  mali^nant- 

ly.  [ruptj  to  vitiate. 

Malignar,  va.  to  maliçn,  to  cor- 
Medignidãde,  sf.  malignity ;  ill- 

Maligno,  a,  adj.  ill-inclined,  per- 
verso; maJign,  infectious. 
Malina,  sf.  (a  sea  teim)  spring- 

Malleahilidade,  sf.  malleability. 
Malleador,  sm.  one  who  mallB- 

ates  or  forges.  [forge. 

Mallear,  va.  to  malleate,  to 
Malleavel,  adj.  2  g.  malleable. 
Malleolo,  sm.  {anat.)  malleolus, 

the  ankle  boné. 
MaUogradamsn^A  ,aâ».^^^^^a^o 

to  no  ç-atçoae. 





—  492 


Mallogrado,  a,  j^.  adj.  that  has 

miscarried ;  untimely  dead. 
Mallograr-se,  vr.  to  come  to  an 

ill  end,  to  miscarry ;  to  die  un- 

timely.  [marygold. 

Malmequeres,     sm.    pi.   {bot.) 
Malnascido,  a,  adj.  of  a  low  ex- 

traction.  [distinction. 

Maio,   adj.    Alto  e  -— ,   without 
Malparado,  a,  adj,  unrecover- 

Malparida,  s.  and  adj.  f.  a  wo- 

man  who  has  miscarried. 
Malparir,   vn.    to   miscarry,  to 

bring  forth  a  child  bafore  the 

time.  [in  spite  of. 

Mal-que,    adv,  {om!)  although, 
Malquerença,  sf.  malevolence, 

ill-will.  Qent. 

Malquerente,  adj.  i  g.  malevo- 
Malquerer,   va.    to  wish  ill,  to 

Malc[uerido,  a,  pp.   adi.  hated. 
Malc^stado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  set  at 

variance,  hated. 
Malquistar,   va.    to   set   at  va- 
riance, to  hate. 
Malquisto,  a,  adj.  hated.      [ned. 
Malregido ,   a,    adj.    iU-gover- 
Malsão ,  ã,   adi.  anwholesome, 

noisome,  pestilent. 
Malsentido,  a,    adj.  diseased ; 

having   bad    feelings  or  erro- 

neous  notions.  [Malsisndo. 

Malsesudo,  a,  adj.  insane.   V. 
Malsim,  sm.  a  setter,  an  infor- 

mer,  a  spy. 
Malsinação ,     sf.     Information 

against  any  one. 
Malsinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  informed 

against  any  one. 
MaJainadura,    sf.    Information 

against  any  one. 
Malsinar,  va.  to  inform  against 

any  one. 
Malsisudo,  a,  adj.  insane. 
Malsoante.  adj.  2  g.  ill-soanding. 
Malsoffrido,  a,  adj,  impatient. 
Maltrapilho ,    sm.     a     ragged 

Maltratado,   a,    pp.    adj.   ill- 

reated,  abused. 
Maltratar,  va.  to  maltreat,   to 
treat  UI,  to  abase,  to  hurt,  to 

damage.   Um  navio  maltratado , 

a  damaged  ship. 
Malucar,  va.  to  madden. 
Maluoo,  a,  s.  or  adj.  he  or  she 

that  is  half  mad,  unadvised. 
Malusar,  va.  to  ill-use.       [lows. 
Malva,  sf.  {bot.)  the  herb  mal- 
Malvaceas,  sf  pi.  [bot.)  the  mal- 

vaceous  plants. 
Malvaceo,  a,  adj.  malvaceous. 
Malvadamente,  adv.  wickedly. 
Malvado,  a,   adj.  wicked,  mis- 

chievious.  [low. 

Malvaisco,  sm.  {bot.)  marshmal- 
Malvar,  sm.  a  place  where  mal- 

lows  grow. 
Malvasia,  sf.  malmsey. 
Malversação ,    sf.     misdemea- 

nour,  malversation. 
Malversado ,  a ,    adj,    that  is 

guilty  of  malversation. 
Malversador,  sm.   he   who   is 

guilty  of  malversation. 
ItfteLlvisto,  a,  adj.  short-sighted ; 

disliked,  regarded  without  af- 

Mama,  sf.  dug,  teat,  breast  of  a 

woman,  pap.  O  bico  da  — ,  the 

nipple    of  a  woman's    breast. 

Menino  de  — ,  a  sucking  child. — 

de  terray  a  hillock. 
Mamadeira,    sf.   a  capsule  of 

elastic   gum   to  take   out  the 

milk  of  a  woman's  breast. 
Mamado,    a,    pp.   adj.   sucked. 

Ficar  — ,  to  be  astonished,  to 

be  put  to  a  stand.  [ing. 

Mamadura,  sf.  the  act  of  suck- 
Mamãe,  sf.  mamma. 
Mamamoeira,    sf    a    tree  in 

Mamão,  «m.  the  fruit  ofthe  tree 

called  mamamoeira. 
Mamão,  ona,  adj.  m.  or  f.  that 

suçks,  sucking. 
Mainar,  va.  and  n.  to  suck.  Dar 

de  — ,  to  suckle.   —   a  alguém 

todo  o  seu  cabedal t  to  cheat  one 

of  his  money. 
Mamario,  a,  adj.  mammarv. 
-Maméluoo,  sm.   (in  Brazil)  one 

begotten  of  an  European  and  a 

negro  woman ;  a  fool. 
MaTnfmtado,  a,  pp.  adj.  suckled. 


—  498  — 


Maxnentar,  va.|to  sackle. 
Maxnente,  adv.  De  — ,    unwil- 

linglv.  [millary. 

Mamillar,  adj.  2  g.  {anat.)  mam- 
Mamillo,  sm.  wattles.  [teat. 

Maminha,  sf.  a  little  dug  or 
Mammalogia,  sf.  mammalogy. 
Manixualoglsta ,  sm.   mammalo- 

gist.  [mammiferous. 

Mamxnifero,  a,  adJ.  {nat.  hist.) 
Manuuiforxae,  adj.  i  g.  mam- 

miform.  [ted. 

Mazumiloso,  a,  adJ.  mammila- 
Maxnoa,  sf.  the  fruit  of  the  Ma- 

Maxnoeira,  sf.  a  tree  in  Brozil. 
Msunona,  sf.  mammon,    riches; 

{bot.)  ricinus. 
Mamote,  adj.  2  g.  simple,  silly. 
Msunposta,  sf.  a  body  of  troops 

ready  at  a  call.  De  — ,  adv.  on 

set  purpose.  [collector. 

Iflaxnpostelro ,  sm.  gatherer, 
Mamposteria,   sf.  the  ofíice  of 

gatherer.  [(value  a  shillin^). 
Mamude,  sm.  a  Persian  com 
Maxnudo,  a,  adj.  that  has  large 

Mana,  sf,  sister  (a  -word  of  en- 

dearment],  dear  sister.  Mano^ 

brother,  aear  brother. 
Maná,  sm.  inanna. 
Manação,^/!.  emanation. 
Manada,  sf.  a  herd    of    black 

Manadeiro,  sm.  a  spring. 
Manado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  flowed, 

Manalha,  sf.  company. 
Manai vo  ,  a,   adj.   (among  far- 

riers)  Cavallo  — ,  a  horse  with 

bis  oíf  foot  white  and  no  other 

white  about  him.  [fountain. 
Manancial,  sm.  spring,  source, 
Manancialmente,    adv,    conti- 

Xanante,  adj.  2  g.  flowing. 
Manar,  va.  to  shed,  to  pour  out 

—    vn.    to   flow,  to  derive,  to 

proceed  from.  [med. 

Mancado,  a,  pp.  and  adj.  la- 
Msmoal,   sm.    a  pike-staíF  used 

jas  a  mark  in  a  sort  of  play. 

"^^oar,  va.  to  Jame,  to  make 
PAjtTa  I, 

lame.  Mancar-se,  vr.  to  become 

Manceba,    sf.  a  married  man's 

mistress ;  a  concubine. 
Mancebia,  sf.  youth;  concubí- 

Mancebo,  sm,  a  youth ;  a  ship- 

boy.  — arf;.  young,  juvenile. 
Mancha,  sf.  spot,  stain;  disgrace, 

reproach ;  {geogr.)  the   British- 

Channel.  [stained. 

Manchado,  a,  pp.  adj.  spotted, 
Manchar,  va.  to  spot,  to  stain, 

to  dirty.  Manchar-se,  vr.  to  de- 

âle   one's    self,    to   fuUow    ill 

Mancheia,    sf.    handful.   —  de 

palha,  a  wisp  of  hay  or  stra\(r. 

Homem  de  — ,  a  very  virtuous 

Manchil,  sm.  a  cleaver. 
Manchua,  sf.    a  sort    of  sraall 

ship.  [deâcient. 

Manco,  a,  adj.  crippled,  lame; 
Mancommunar ,    va.  to   agree 

Manda,  sf.  legacy,  a  note  of  re- 

ference.  — s,  command,  author- 

ity,  power. 
Mandacarres,  sm.  pi.  men  ready 

to  lift  up  the  divers  and  fishera 

for  pearls. 
Mandadeiro,  a,  adj.  carta  —a, 

letter  missive.  [manded. 

Mandado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sent;  com- 
Mandado,  sm,  command,  errand, 

Mandador,  sm.  a  person  that  is 

always  commandlng. 
Mandamento ,    sm.    command- 

ment.  Os  Dez  — s,  the  ten  Com- 

Mandão,  sm.  commander. 
Mandar,  va.    to    command,  to 

order.  —  dizer,  to  send  word. 
Mandarim,  sm.  mandarin. 
Mandarinado,  sm.  the  dignity 

of  mandarin. 
Mandatorio,   sm.  an  executor; 

mandatory ;  he  who  comes  into 

a  benéfico  by  mandamus. 
Mandato,  sm.  a  pope's  maud8.<A> 

a  commaxid.         ^co^t^jô  ^\re«a.. 
Mandil,    sm,     a   \v«À.t-«\o\íQ.\  «- 


—  494  — 


Mandinga,  sf.  a  sort  of  charm. 
Mandingueiro,  sm.  charmer. 
Mandioca,  sf.  manioc. 

Mando,  sm.  command,  aathor- 
ity,  power, 

Mandobre,  sm.  a  large  cut 
of  a  svord. 

Mandragora,  sf.  {bot.)  man- 

Mandrião ,  ona ,  sm,  or  f,  a  va- 
^bond,  a  lazy  fellow. 

Ifandriar,  vn.  to  live  in  idle- 
ness,  to  idle,  to  truant. 

Manducar,  va.  to  manducate, 
to  eat. 

Maneado,  a,  pp.   adj.  liandled. 

Manear,  va.  to  nandle. 

Maneavel,  adj.  i  g.  easy  to  be 

Msmeio,  sm.  touching  or  hand- 
líng;  earning,  any  thing  got 

Maneira,  sf.  manner,  fashion, 
way ,  rate.  be — oue,  so  tbat,  inso- 
muck.  A'  —  rf«,  like,  Uke  as.  — 
a  8lit  in  a  -woman^s  upper  petti- 
coat  to  put  the  hand  tilirougfa. 

Maneiro,  a,  adj.  brought  apl)y 

Manejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  managed. 

Manejar,  va.  to  manage,  to  traia 
a  horse;  to  handle,  to  treat 
with  cautiou  or  decency. 

Manejo,  sm.  the  manage,  go- 
venuiient  of  a  horse;  the  placo 
where  horses  are  managed. — 
de  um  negocio^  the  management 
of  a  concern  ;  conduct. 

Maneio,  «m.  a  handful  or  little 
biindle  of  wool,  or  hards  of 
flax.  [anger. 

Manencoria,     sf.    wrath,  fury, 

Manencorio,  a,  adj.  wrathful, 
angry,  furious. 

Manente ,  «m.  a  lazy  stadent 
kept  in  the  saxne  form  aboTe 
the  uaual  time.        [manneqoin. 

Manequim,  sm.  (with  painters) 

Manes,  s.  pi.  {mythol.)  manes. 

Maneta,  s.  he  or  she  that  is 
lame  of  a  hand. 

Manga,  sf.  sleeve.  —  de  nuvatm, 
a  water  spout.  —  de  areabuxei' 
roif  a  snall  body  of  mmqae- 

teers.  —   de  rainha,  a  sort  of 

thick  sausage ;  mango  (fhât.) 
Mangaba,  sf.  a  fíruit  of  Ôraiil. 
Mangação,  sf.    mockery,  deri- 

sion.  (jested. 

Mangado,  a,  pp.  adj.   mocked, 
MangadLor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  mocker, 

Mangalaça,  sf.  a  bawdy-houe. 
ManganeÍBio,  sm.  manganeae. 
Manganilha,  sf.  a  trick,  a  frand. 
Mangativo,  a,  adj.  scoffing. 
Mangaz,  am  a  great  rogue. 
Mangelim,  sm.  carat  Y.  QuUaÈe. 
Mangerição,    sm.    {bot.)   baail- 

Mangerona,  sf.  ibot.)  sweet  msr- 

e  handle  of  a  flail. 

joram  :  {fig.')  delight,  pleasure. 
Mtemgo,  sm.  tní  " 

Mangoal,  sm.  a  frail. 
Mangonear,    vn.    to    idle,   to 

Mangote,  sm.  an  ancient  piece 

of  armour  for  the  arms. 
Manara,    sf.   blastings,   blight, 

mildew.  [ed,  smutted. 

Mangrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  blight- 
Mangrar,  va.  to  blight  the  com. 
Mangue,  sf.  a  tree  of  BraziL 
Mangueira,  sf.   {bot.)  a  tree  of 

Africa.  [tosy  false  sleeves. 

Manguito,  sm.  a  muíf.  Mangwr 
Mangulho,  sm.  a  great  sleere. 
Manha,  sf.  handiness,    dexter- 

ity;   habit,     custom;    cunning 

Manhft,  sf.  the  moming.  Pela—, 

in  the  moming.   A  — ,  to-mor- 

row.  Depois  de  á  — ,  after  to- 

morrov.  Muito  de—,  very  early 

in  the  moming. 
Manhosamente,  adv.  handily, 

Manhoso,  a,  adj.  wise,  circum- 

spect,  crafty. 
Mooia,  sf.  madness,  fancy. 
Maniaoo,  a,  adj.  maniacal,  mad. 
Maniatado,  a,  pp.  adj.  having 

the  4iands  tied. 
Maniatar,  va.  to  tie  one^s  hands. 
Manicaca,  «m.  acowardly  fello^'- 
Mfloílcheos,  sm.  pi.  Manichees. 
Manlcheismo,  sm.  manicheism. 
ManicordiOf  sm.  manichord. 



MfeoiiíestaçSo.  <f.  manifettatioií. 
lEanifestado,  a,  pp,  adj.  mani- 

Ifwiltwtador.  «m.  s  nmnifestor. 
ManlfoBtamente,  edv.  manifeat- 

Kanlfestar.  va.  to  manifpst. 
Manifesto,  a.  adj.  manifest. 
llanlfesto.  sm.  a  manifest,  de- 

Manilha,  sf.  manil  or  bracelet. 
Manilhado,  a,  adj.  adomed  iríth 

bracelets.  [bracelets. 

Manllheiro,  ttm.  one  who  makes 
Manlnelo.  sm.  and  adj.  foolish, 

simple:  efferoinate. 
Maninhar,  va.  to  let  a  piece  of 

ground  lie  fallow. 
Maninhec,  s/l  sterílitj,  infecnn- 

dity.  [wíiá. 

Maninho,  a.  adj.  barren,  desart. 
Maninho,  sm.  a  Trilderness. 
Manio,  adj.  barren,  steríl. 
Maniota.  sf.  the  rope  with  which 

the  forele^s  of  beasts  are  tied. 
Manipulação,  sf.  manipnlation. 
Manipulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  manipu- 

lated.  [pnlates. 

Manipulador,  sm.  he  irho  mani- 
Manipular,  va.  {pharm.)  to  ma- 

nipulate,  to  prepare. 
Manipulo,  sm.  a  nandful ;  a  sort 

of  ornament  like  a  scarf ,  vorn 

abont  the    irrists   by   Romish 

Mami-roto,  a,  adj.  prodigal. 
Manisterglo,  sm.  a  little  ahar 

Manita,  sf.  y.  Maneta. 
Manivella,  sf.  handle,  crank.  A 

—  do  leme,  the  \rhipstaff  of  a 

Ibnja,  sf.  a  thing  that  is  enjoyed 

inthout  pain. 
Manjadoira,  sf.  manger,  crib. 
MaataJ,  tm.  a  place  where  the 

fora  is  foand. 
MaaJaleguaSf  sm.  one  that  walks 

▼ery  fast. 
Manfar,  sm.  eating,  food. 
Manjar,  va.  to  eat,  to  feed,  to 


—  495  »  MAN 

Mano.  sm.   (a  -word  of  endear- 

ment>  brothcr.  fnwuvrc. 

Manobra,  sf.  managoinent,  nia- 
Manobrado,  a,  pp.  "adj.  manccií- 

vred,  worked. 
Manobrar,  va.  to  manoeuvre,  to 

vork.  to  raanafr*». 
Manobreiro,  s.  auú  ndj.  he  vho 

mancpuvres  or  vrorks  well. 
Manobrista,    xm.    ono    that  is 

skilled  in  'workinpr. 
Manolbo.  sm.  a  sheaf  of  com. 
Manómetro,  sm.  iiianometer. 
Manopla,  sf.  «rauntlet. 
Manqueira,    sf.  haltins,    lame- 

ness ;  a  vice  or  habitual  fknlt. 
Manquejado,    a,  pp.  nij.  halt. 

Mancfuejar.  vn.  to  halt.  to  limp. 
Mansamente,  adv.  tamely,  meek- 

ly,  slovl}'. 
Mansão,  sf.  mansion.  h.ibitation. 
Mansarda,  sf.  garret,  loft. 
MansldSo,  sf.  tameness,  lenity, 

Mansilha,  sf.  scour^e.  V.  Açoute. 
Mansinho,  ctdj.  dim.  de  Manso; 

mild.  l>e  — ,  very  softly. 
Manso,  a,  adj.  meek,  mild ;  tame ; 

gentle.    Fazcr^e  — ,   to   grow 

tame.  —  e  — ,  by  degrees.  — 

interj.  peace !  no  ínoreT 
Mansueto,  a.  adj.  gentle,  kind. 
Mansuetude,  sf.   docilityf  gen- 

Manta,  sf.  a  coarse  blanket.  — «« 

mantelets  or  great  planks  nsed 

at  siegcs  to  cover  the  men  froui 

the  enemy^s  fire ;  a  deep  fúrrow. 

—  de  toucinho,  aflitch  of  bacon. 
Mantado,  a.  pp.  adj.  dng  on  deep 

furrows  (vines). 
Mantar,  va.  to  make  deep  ftir- 

ro'vrs  (in  planting  vines). 
Mantaz.  sm.  a  sort  of  cloth. 
Mánteado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tossed  in 

a  blanket. 
Manteador,  sm.  one  'vho  tosses. 
Mantear,  va.  to  blanket,  to  toss 

in  a  blanket. 
ManteàoT,  jjm.  oti«>  'wVí^  tmòliv- 

tajns  or  s\içt&ot\.s. 
MantelQQL,  sf:  Wxxet.  —  «*  po^^> 

hog^s  gteaae. 



itih*^'  ^^^ 



—  496  — 


Manteigueira,  sf.  butter-crock. 
M anteigueiro ,  a.  sm.  or  /*.  a 

butter-man  or  butter-woman. 
Manteiguento,  a,  adj.  butyra- 

ceoiis,  buttered. 
Manteiguilha,  sf.  a  sort  of  odo- 

riferous  ointment. 
Manteiria.  sf.  tbe  room  wherein 

table-cloths,  napkins,  etc,  are 

Manteiro,  sm.  blanket-roaker. 
Mantelado,    a,    adj.    {herald.) 

Manteler,  sm.  {herald.)  mantle. 
Mantelete,  sm.  a  short  purple 

mantle  which  bishops  wear. 
Mantença ,     sf.    maintenance , 

Mantenedor,  sm.  (in  tilting)  tbe 

principal  challenger. 
Mantenimento,  sm.  {anc.)  main- 
tenance, sustenance. 
Manténs,  sm.  a  sort  of  table- 

cloth  formerly  used. 
Manteo,  sm.  a  woman^s   under 

Bfonter,  va.  to  maintain,  to  sup- 

port,  to  feed.  —  os  olhoSy  to  en- 

tertain  tbe  eyes. 
Mantendo,   a,   pp.  adj.  main- 

Manticora,  sf.  a  beast  in  índia. 
Mantido,  a,  pp.  adj  maintained. 
Mantieiro,  sm.  an  ofâ^er  whose 

business  is  to  take  care  of  tbe 

coverin»  of  tbe  table. 
Mantillia,  sf.  mantle,  a  kind  of 

cloak  worn  by  women  on  their 

heads.  — 5,  children's  clouts,  or 

swaddling  clothes ;    ifig-)  first 

principies  of  tbings;  infancy. 
M^timento,  sm.  provision,  vic- 

tuals  provender. 
Manto ,    sm.    veil,    mantle ;    a 

Manual,  adj.  2  g.  bandy,  manual. 
Manual,  sm.  manued. 
Manualmente,   adv,  manually; 

with  the  bands. 
Manubrio,  sm.  manubriam. 
Manucodiata,   sf.  tbe  bird  of 

Manuducção,  sf.  manadaction, 

guiâsLnce  hy  the  hand. 

Manufactor,  a,  adj.  and  sm.  or 
J.  a  raanufacturer. 

Manufactura,  sf.  manufactory. 

Manufacturado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ma- 
nufactured.  [ture. 

Manufacturar,  va.  to  manufac- 

Manufactureiro,  sm.  manufac- 

Manuluvio,  sm.  the  immersion 
of  hands  into  the  warm  water. 

Manumissão,  sf.  mannmission. 

Manuschristi,  sm.  {pharm.)  a 
sort  of  electuary. 

Manuscrlpto,  sm.  manuscript. 

Manuscripto,  a,  adj.  written 
with  the  nand. 

Manusear,  va.  to  handle,  to 
touch  with  the  hand. 

Manutenção ,  sf.  manutency, 

Manutenencia,  sf.  or  Manu- 
tencia,  sf.  manutency. 

Manzsolt  sm.  a  bunch  of  cocoa- 

Mâo,  adj.  m.  Má,  /.  bad,  111  : 
wicked  ;  miserable  ;  hard. 
V.  Mau. 

Maochas,  interj.  God  forbid.  Fal- 
0  ha  elle?  maochas  que  elle  o 
façal  Will  "he  do  it?  the  devil 
ne'  will ! 

Mão,  sf.  a  hand.  —  fechada,  the 
fist.  A'  —  esquerda,  on  the  left 
hand.  A'  —  direita,  on  the  right 
hand.  De  —  em  — ,  from  hand 
to  hand.  Livro  de  — ,  a  manu- 
script. Ter  — ,  to  retain,  to  stop, 
to  hinder,  to  hold,  to  forbear. 
Debaixo  de  — ,  under  hand,  pri- 
vately ;  a  trick  at  cards.  Ser  — 
or  jogar  de  — ,  to  be  the  first  to 
play.  Dar  as  mãos,  to  yield. 
Com —  cheia,  plentifuUy,  laree- 
ly ;  —  or  molho,  a  little  bundle, 
a  handful.  —  de  papel,  a  quire 
of  paper.  —  do  canto,  the  g^amut. 
—  de  soldados,  a  band  of  sol- 
diers.  De  —  commum,  jointly. 
Metter  —  á  espada,  to  draw  the 
sword.  A'  — ,  «t  hand,  in  the 
way.  Na  minha  — ,  in  my  power. 
— 8  de  carneiro,  sbeep's  trotters. 
A'$  — ,  in  close  flght.  Entre  — , 
about  doing.  Dt  mãos  dadoê. 


—  497  — 


hand  in  hand.  A*s  —  cheias^ 
plentifuUy,  liberally.  Obra  de—, 
workmanship,  hanay  work.  A'8 
—  lavadasy  without  any  trouble. 
Com  as  —  na  ilharga,  iincon- 
cernedly.  Pôr  —  á  obra,  to  set 
aboat  doing  any  thing.  Mão  de 
gral,  pestle.  Mãos  de  uma  besta, 
the  fore  foot  of  a  beast. 

Mão-cominunar-se,  vr.  to  con- 

Mão-xnorta,  sf.  mortmain. 

M9o-pendente,  sf.  bribery. 

Mão-tente,  adv.  loc.  Vir  a  pelejar 
á — ,  to  come  to  a  close  nght. 

Mappa,  sm.  map,  table. 

Mappaxnundi,  sm.  a  map  of  the 

Maquia,  sf.  the  toU  for  grinding 
com  or  pressing  olives ;  a  small 
corn  measure. 

Maqxdador,  sm.  he  wbo  mea- 
sures  with  the  toll-hop. 

Maquiar,  va.  to  measure  with 
the  toll-hop.  [painters. 

Maquim,    sm.   yellow   laid    for 

Maquina,  sf.  machíne,  engine. 
V  Machina  and  derívated. 

Maquinação ,  sf.  machination. 
V.  Machinação. 

Mar,  sm.  the  sea.  Agua  do  -,  sea 
water,  salt  water.  Praia  do  — , 
sea-beach,  sea-shore.  Vento  do 
— ,  sea-breeze.  —  Pacifico,  the 
Pacific  Ocean.  Alto  — ,  sea- 
room.  Porto  de  — ,  a  seaport. 
Risco  do  — ,  sea-risk.  De  mar  a 
— ,  a  world,  many,  a  great  deal. 
Ir  de  —  a,  to  go  in  great  state. 
Que  enjoa  no  — ,  sea-sick. 

Marabltiao,  sm.  V.  Maravedi. 

Marabuto,  sm.  marabout. 

Maraoatim,  sm.  a  kind  of  ship 
nsed  in  Pará. 

Marachão,  sm.  a  bank  or  dam. 

Maraootão,  sm.  a  sort  of  yellow 

aracujâ,  sf.  passion  flower ;  a 
fniit  in  Brazií. 
Maracuta  or  Macuta,  sf.  a  coin 
of   copper,   value    three    far- 
Mara&na,   sm.  a  strumpet,   a 

Maranha,  sf.   skein  of  silk  so 

entaneled   that   it   cannot    be 

wouna  ofif. 
Maranhar,  va.  V.  Emmaranhar. 
Marão,  sm.  a  varlet;  a  quick  or 

sharp  man. 
Maraamado,  a,  s.  and  adj.  one 

troubled  with  marasmus. 
Marasmar,  va.  to  cause  maras» 

mus.  Marasmar-se,  vr.   to  fali 

into  marasmus. 
Marasmo,  sm.  marasmus. 
Marasmodico ,  a,    adj.    {med.) 

pertaining  to  marasmus. 
Marasquino,  sm.  marasquin. 
Maravalha,  sf.  a  little  ribband 

or  fíllet ;  a  thin  piece  or  paring 

cut  from  the  surface  of  timber. 
Maravedi,  sm.   maravedi,  coin 

equal  to  5  testoons. 
Maravilha,  sf.  marvel,  wonder; 

marygold.  A'smils,  admirably 

Maravilhado,  a.  pp.  adj.  won- 

dered,  astonishedf. 
Maravilhador,  sm.  wonderer. 
Maravilhar,    va.    to    astonish. 

Maravilhar-se,  vr.  to  wonder,  to 

be  surprized.  [derfúlly. 

Maravilhosamente,  adu.  won- 
Maravilhoso,  a,  adj.  wonderful. 
Marca,  sf.  mark,   note,    token; 

territory;  measure  or  size.  jB$' 

pada  de  — ,  a  sword  of  due  size. 

Letras  de  — ,  letters  of  marque, 

—  s  de  botão,  button-moulds. 
Marcado,  a.,pp.  adj.  marked. 
Marcador,  sm.  marker,  scorer. 
Marcapès,  sm.  a  sort  of  clay  to 

purify  sugar. 
MÍarcar,  va.  to  mark ;  to  brand ; 

to  stamp;  to  notify,  to  point 

Marcasita,  sf.  marcasite 
Marceneiro,  sm.  a  joiner. 
Marceneria,  sf.  joiner's  work« 

Marcescivel,  adj.  2  g.  marces* 

sible,  that  soon  fades  away. 
Marcgravio,  sm.  margrave. 
Marcha,  sf.  march;  journey  of 

soldiers ;  a  signal  to  move ;  the 

walk.  [walked. 

Marchado,  a,  pp.  adj.  marchAd^ 


—  AH^ 

cattle  for  tbft  shamblec 
Xarchar.  cn.  to  marefa,  to  mSk, 

to  g^o :  to  routter,  to  gromble. 
Itarchetado,  a,  pp.  adj,  inlaid. 
Marchetar,  ta.  to  iniajr. 
Ifardietaria ,   »f.  inlaid  work, 

Kftrcnete,  «m.  inlaid  work. 
Xarcheteiro,  tm.  one  who  makes 

inlaid  -work. 
Maroial,  adj.  Ia,  nartial,  irar- 

likA,  valient.  Trflima/  — ,  court 

martÍAl.  [not  tense. 

Xarcido,  a,  aáj.  {flòet^  slack, 
Karcio,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  irarlíke, 

MÉroo,    êm.    boand,    boiudary, 

landmark.   —   de    ottro   <m    de 

prata,  a  mark  or  eight  onnces 

of  gold  or  silver, 
Karço,  mi.  March. 
Mardecenque,  sm.  iane.)  dross, 

the  despumation  of  metab. 
Iflbré,   Hf.  tide  —  enchente,  high 

water.  —  vastmte,  low  miter, 

«bb.   Contra  a  — ,  against  the 

tide ;  ai^inBt  ali  opposilion. 
MÉreaçáo,  sf.  the  irorking  of  a 

MÉreado,  a,  pp.   adj.  seasick, 

áuntuçad  by  sea-irater. 
Kareagexn,  ãf.  the  working  of  a 

XaroantOf  mt.  sailor,  seaman.  — 

adj.  2  ff.  sailing,  steerinç. 
Ifanraur,  va.  to  steer,  to  ng,  to 

flt  "wiih  tackling,  to  attend  the 

tackling.  Carta  de  — ,  searchart. 

—  vn«  to  bo  Beasick;  to  be  dar 

maged  by  the  sea  water.  Mor 

rear-se^  vr.  to  be  daraaged  by 

the  sea  water. 
Marechal,  nm.  marshal.  ~   de 

campo,  a  field-marshal. 
Maralro,  a,  adj.  flt  for  safling. 
Karejeur,  vn.  to  sweat  or  emit 

mointure,  to  run  ont. 
ICaremoto,  sm.  a  violent  shock 

of  tho  sea. 
Mareala.  sf.  the  itrong  smell  of 

the  «ink  of  a  ship  or  of  the  sea. 
Xareta,  sf.  a  small  wave  or  swel- 

hng  of  the  lea» 

Malfado,  a,  adj.  dísgnsted,  an- 

Marfim,  sm.  irotj. 

Máxga,  sf.  inarl. 

Mlorgarida,  sf.  a  pearl ;  a  sort  of 

didapper;  (bot.)  daisv. 
Margem,  sf.  margent,  margin; 

the  brink  or  bank  of  any  river, 

the  edge,  verge. 
Ibrginado,  a,  pp.  adj.  niargi 

nated,  written  in  the  marg^ 
Marginal,  adj.  3  g.  marginal. 
Marginalmente,  adv.  marginal- 

Ij.  [on  the  margin. 

Marginar,  va.  to  margin,  to  note 
Margrave,  sm.  margrave. 
Marial,  adi.  2  g.  belonging  to  the 

blessed  Yirgin  Mary. 
Mariano,  a,  adj.    pertaining  to 

the  blessed  Virgin  Mary. 
Maribondo,  sm.  a  sort  of  wa^» 

in  Brazil.  [tal  fellow. 

Maricas,  sm.  a  coward  and  fear- 
Maridadio,  a,  pp.  adj.  married. 
Maridar,  va.  to  marry;  to  liv« 

in  a  conjugal  manner. 
Marido,  sm.  husband. 
Marigne  or  Marigol,  sm.  a  siMrfe 

of  black  mosquito. 
Marimacho,    s.  a  woman  that 

acts  like  a  man.  [cards. 

Marimba,  sf.  a  sort  of  game  at 
Marimbado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cheated, 

Marimbar,  va.  to  cheat,to  cozen. 
Marimbas,  "^f.  pi.  a  sort  of  mu- 
sical instrument. 
Marinha,  sf.  the  sea-shore^  salt 

San,  salt-  pit.  —  mercante ,  tra,- 
in^  ships.    Soldado  da  — ,   a 

manne.  [with  seamea. 

Marinhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  furnished 
Marinhagem,  sf.  the  ship^s  com- 

Maxlnhar,  va.  to  man  a.  ships  to 

fumish  with  seamen. 
Marinharesco ,    a,   adj.  of  or 

pertaining  to  mariners. 
Marinharia,  sf.  the  crew  of  a 

ship.  [nautical  manner. 

Marinhatioamente,   ado.  in  a 
Marinheirarla,    sf.   the   art  of 

Marinheiro,  sm.  sailor,  mariner, 



—  499  — 


Beaman.  —  aij.  pertiúnuig  to 
the  sea.  Tto  marinws. 

MarinhflMCO,  a,  aãj.  pertMninp 
Marinho,  a,  adj.  marine. 
lEarinloola,  sm.  V.  Maricas, 
Mariola,  «m.  a  porter. 
Mariposa,  tf.  insect,  a  sort  of 

•manient  lor  women. 
Mariscai,  sm.  marshal.  V.  Ma- 
MBViscar,  va.  to  gather  sheQ-fish. 
Marisco,  sm.  slieU-fish. 
Marisqueiro,  sm.  one  nrho  gft- 

thers  sell-âsh. 
Maritafede,    sf.   a   besst   most 

dreaded  in  South  America  for 

its  wonderful  stink. 
Marital,  adj.  t  a.  marital. 
Meuritimo,  a,  aaj.  maritirae. 
Marli  or  Gorda  de  -viola,  sm. 

eat-gnt  strings. 
Marlota,  sf.  a  sort  of  coat. 
Marmanjo,  sm.  monkey ;  a  fool. 
Marmelada,  sf.  marmalade. 
Manneleiro,  sm.  the  quince-tree. 
Marmelo,  sm.  a  quince. 
Marmita,  sf.  an  iron  pot. 
Karmor  or  Mármore,  sm.  {mm.) 

marble.  [marmoreous. 

Marmóreo,  a,  adj.  marmorean. 
Marmota,  sf.  marmot. 
Mametes,  sm.  pi.  a  sort  of  sel- 

vage  or  hem. 
ICamoso,  a,  adj.  of  or  pertaining 

to  argilloQs  eartk. 
Maroma,  sf.  a  cord  mniriíig  in  a 

piilley;  dancing-rope. 
Maromba,  sf.  baiancing-pole. 
Marombe,  sm.  (among  the  CaAres) 

a  singer,  a  bnffoon. 
Maronitas,  sm.  pi.  Maronitea. 
Marotagem,  sf.  tne  rabble  or  mob. 
Maroiear,  vn  to  truant,  to  loiter, 

to  behave  like  a  rascid. 
Xaroteira,  sf.  a  -wronç,  \rícked- 

ness,  or  rognish  trick. 
Iferoto,  sm.  a  varlet,  a  rascai ; 

a  sort  of  black  grapea. 
Maroto,  a,  a^j.  lewd,  InstfVil. 
Mnroaço,  adj.  tempestQous.  Mttr 

— ,  a  stormy  sea. 
Maniiiesota,  sf.  a  sort  of  IttdiaQ 

MarqpMB,  mt.  marquis. 

Marcfaesa,  sf.  a  marchionev. 
Marqoezado,  sm.  marquisate. 
Marquezota,  sf.  a  collar.    Tmer. 
Marra,  sf.  a  sort  of  sledge  nam- 
MarrS,  sf.  a  weaned  sow. 
Marraco,  sm.  a  sort  of  spade. 
Marrada,  sf.   a  butt   with  the 

Marrafa,  sf.  a  sort  of  head-dress. 
Marrafão,  adj.  m.  bad,  coarae, 

Marralheiro,  a,  adj.  crafty,  sly. 
Marrão,  sm.  a  weaned  hog;  a 

sort  of  sledge  hommer. 
Marrar,   vn.  to  butt    or  stríke 

with  the  head. 
Marraxo,  sm.  a  sort  of  shark. 
Marreca,  sf.  a  hen  duck.  T.  Ifor- 

Marreco,  sm.  a  sort  of  wild  duck. 
Marreta,  .^f.  a  kind  of  hammer. 
Marroadia,  sf  a  stroke  with  a 

Iforrocho,  sm.    a    lay-brother. 

V.  Bar  bato. 
Marroio,  sm.  (bot.)  hore-hound. 
Marroquim,  sm.  morocco,  Tnr- 

key  leather. 
Marroquino,  a,  s.  or  ad^.  be- 

longing  to  Morocco. 
Marroteiro,  sm.  the  master  of  a 

Marmaz,  adj.  a  stubbom  fellov; 

a  sort  of  Moorish  ship. 
Marmío,  sm.  a  lay  brother. 
Marmgem,  sf.  {bot.)  mouse-ear. 
Marta,  sf.  marten.  —   zibelina, 

sable  skins. 
Marte,  sm.  (myth.)  Mars;  (asir.) 

Mars,  planet. 
Martellada,  sf.  a  blow  with  a 

hammer.  [mered. 

Martellado,  a,   »p.    adj.   ham- 
Martellador,  sm.  nammerer. 
Martellar,  va.  to  hammer. 
Martello,  sm.  hammer,  mallet.  -— 

com  orelhas^  a  hammer  with  two 

fangs  to  draw  nails.  —  deporta, 

a  knocker. 
Marticola,  sf.  a  beast  in  índia. 
Martimenga,  sf.  a  small  cap  or 

tuft  of  feathers. 
Martlmgaravato,  sm.  a  soct  oC 

boyish  ^\«.^ . 




—  600 


BCartinete,  sm.  {nat,  hist.)  mar- 

tinet;    a   plume   made   of  the 

feathers  oi  a  crane. 
Martyr,  sm.  martyr. 
Martyrio,  sm.  martyrdom. 
Martyrisado,  a,  pp.  adj.   mar- 

Martyrisar,  va.  to  martyr,  to 

Martyr ologio,  sm.  martyrology. 
Martyrologista ,  sm.   martyro- 

Marucho,  sm.  V.  Maroto. 
Marugexn,    sf.  {hot.)  the    herb 

Maruja,  sf.  the  crew  of  a  ship ; 

sea-faring  people. 
Marujada,  sf.  a  crowd  of  sailors. 
Marujo,  sm.  seaman,  sailor. 
Marulhada,  sf.  tbe  violent  rol- 

ling  of  the  waves,  a  billow,  a 

crowd.  [trouble. 

MaruUiar-se,  vr.  to  agitate,  to 
Marulheiro.    adj.   he  that  agi- 

tates.  [ing. 

Marulhoso,  a,  adj.  noisy,  roar- 
Marzoco,  sm.  a  bufToon,  a  fool. 
Mas,  conj.  but.  —  antes^  nay,  not 

only  so.  —  tambemy  but  aíso.  — 

em  fim,  in  one  word. 
BEas,  sm.  an  Indian  coin  worth 

flfty  rees. 
Más,  adj.  ofMaUy  bad,  ill. 
Masarino,   sm.  a  water  bird  of 

BEeiscabado,  a,  adj.  Assuear  — , 

the  coarsest  sort  of  sugar,  mua- 

covado;    ill    conditioned,    not 

marketable.  —  na   honra,   dis- 

credited,  that  has  lost  his  repu- 

Mascabar,  va.  to  sink  one's  re- 

putation,  to  dishoQOur. 
Mascabo,    sm.    dishonour,  dis- 

Mascado,  &,  pp.  adj.  chewed. 
Mascar,  va.  to  chew. 
Mascara,  sf.  a  mask,  a  vizard ;  a 

masqueraae;  masquerader;  (fig.) 

appearance,  pretence.    Pâr  — , 

to  put  on  the  mask. 
Mascarada,  sf.  a  masquerade. 
Mascarado,  a,  pp.  adj.  masked, 


Mascarar,  va.  to  mask,  to  dis- 
guise,  to  hide. 

IMâscarra,  sf.  a  stain  madein  the 
face ;  a  taint  of  guilt  or  infamy. 

Mascarrado,  a,  pp.  adj  bes- 
meared  with  smut,  ink,  etc. 

Mascarrar,  va.  to  smut,  to  daub. 

Mascavado,  a,  adj.  Y.  Masea- 

Mascavar,  va.  to  part,  to  sepa- 
rate  the  coarsest  sugar;  {fy.) 
to  discredit,  to  dishonour. 

Mascotar,  va.  to  grind,  to  break. 

Mascote,  sm.  a  sort  of  bird. 

MascuUziaxnente,  adv.  mascu- 

Masculino,  a,  adj.  masculine. 

Másculo,  a,  ao/,  masculine,  male. 

Masicote,  sm.  Y.  Macicote. 

Masxnarro,  sm.  a  lay-brother. 

Masmorra,  sf.  a  prison,  dungeon. 

Masmorreiro,  sm.  ajailor. 

Massa,  sf.  mass,  dough,  paste.  — 
de  ferro^  an  iron  mace.  A  —  dos 
credores,  the  whole  body  of  cre- 
ditors.         [tomed  to  be  beaten. 

Massadiço,   adi.  that  is  accua- 

Massado,  a,  adj.  beaten  with  a 

Massagada,  sf.  mixture,  medley. 

Massapão,  sm.  marchpane. 

Massar,  va.  to  beat,  to  strike. 

Massarico,  sm.  alcyon. 

Massaroca,  sf.  a  spindle  fuU ;  a 
spike  of  indian  com. 

Msussiço,  a,  adi.  solid,  massive. 

Massoneria,  sf.  masonry.  Y.  Ma- 

Massudo,  a,  adi.  bulkv,  big. 

Mastareo,  sm.  (in  a  snip)  a  top 
mast  or  a  top-gallant  mast. 

Mastica,  sf.  gum-mastick. 

Masticatorio,  sm.  {med.)  a  mas- 
ticatory ;  medicine  to  be  chewed 
only.  [among  Persians. 

Mastidixu,  sm.  the  chief  priest 

Mastigação,  sf.  mastication. 

Mastigado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mastica- 
ted,  chewed. 

Mastiçadoiro,  sm.  (in  manege) 

Mastigador,  sm.  one  who  chews. 
I  Mastigar,  va.  to  masticate,  to 
I     chew. 


—  501  — 


Mastim,  sm.  mastiff-dog. 
Mástique,  sm.  mastick. 
Mastodyiiia,  sf.   {iurg.)  an  in- 

flammation  on  the  breast. 
Mastreação,  sf.  the  act  of  íitting 

a  ship  with  masts  and  ali  the 

rigging.  fwith  masts. 

Mastreado,  a,  pp.  adj.  furnished 
Mastrear,  va.  to  furuish  a  ship 

vnth.  masts. 
Mastro  or  Masto,  sm.  the  mast 

of  a  ship.  —  grande^  the  main- 

mast.  —  da  mezena^  the  mizen 

mast.  —  do  traquete,  the  fore- 

mast.  —  do  gurupés^  the  bow- 

sprit.  Rachar-se  o  — ,  to  spring 

a  mast.  Pôr  os  mastros  de  ga- 

i>ea^  to  heave  the  top-masts  on 

Mastruço  or  Masturço,  sm.  car- 

damlne,  akind  of  vater-cresses. 
Masnrca,  sf.  a  national  Polish 

Mata  or  Matta,  sf.  wood,  forest, 

a  thicket.  —  de  vícios^  ififf')  ii©st 

of  wickedness  and  vice. 
MatsJiorrão,  sm.  and  adj.  blot- 

Matacaes,    sm.   vagabond,    ya- 

grant.  V.  Vadio. 
Matacão,  sm.  (masonry)  a  stone 

which  is  neither  too  large,  nor 

too  small. 
Matacão  sf.  torment,  mortifica- 

tion,  importunity. 
Matacavallo,   aav.    loc.  in    ali 

haste.   Correr  a  — ,  to  ride  a 

horse  with  fuU  speed. 
Matadeiro,    sm.     a    slaughter- 

house.  V.  Matadoiro. 
Matado,  a,  pp.  adj.  killed,  mur- 

dered.  [house. 

Matadoiro,    sm.     a     slaughter- 
Matador,  sm.  murderer ;  (jig.)  a 

troublesome  fellow. 
Matadora,  sf.  a  female  murderer. 
Matadores,    sm.  pi.    cards   so 

called.  [back. 

Matadura,  sf.  a  gall  in  a  horse's 
Matagal,  sm.  a  large  thicket. 
Matalobos,  sm.  (bot.)  the  herb 

wolf  8  bane. 
Matalotagem,  sf.  the  victuals 

put  on  board  a  ship. 

Matalote,   sm.   seaman,  sailor; 

the  cover  of  a  chest. 
Matamingo,  sm,  (bot.)  a  tree  of 

Africa.  V.  Laqueca.  [faron. 

Matamoiros,  sm.  a  bully  or  fan- 
Matança,  sf.  slaughter,  killing, 

Matante,  sm.  the  chicf  bully  in 

a  gang  of  vagabonds. 
Matar,  va.  to  kill,  to  slaughter, 

to  butcher ;  {Jig.)  to  tire  a  man 

with   importunity    or   imperti- 

nence.   —   a  sede,  to   quench 

one'8  thirst ;  to  -wither,  to  fade. 

Matarse,  vr.  to  kill  one's  self, 

to  toil. 
Mata-ratos,  adj.  destroying  or 

killing  rats.  Herva  — ,  ratabane. 
Matarises,  sm.  pi.  people  that 

are  always  fighting  and  quar- 

Mata-sanos,  sm.  a  quack. 
Mate,  sm.  (at  chess)  mate.  Dar 

— ,  to  give  check-mate  ;  herb  of 

Paraguay.   —  adj.  2  g.   unpo- 

lished.  [forest. 

Mateiro,  sm.   the   keeper  of  a 
Mater,  s.  {ancU.)  mater.  Dura  — , 

dura  mater. 
Matéria,  sf.  matter,  stuff,  sub- 

stance :   the    copy  written  by 

school-boys ;  subject  treated  oz. 
Materiaes,  sm.  pi.  materiais. 
Material,  adj.  i  g.  material,  cor- 

poreal.  Homem  — ,  a  mean  spi- 

rited  dull  fellow. 
Materialidade,   sf.   materiality. 
Materialismo,  sm.  materialism. 
Materialista,  sm.  materialist. 
Materialmente,  adv.  materially. 
Maternal,   adj.   2  g.   maternal, 

motherly.  [therhood. 

Maternidade,  sf.  maternity,  mo- 
Matemo,  a,  adj.  maternal. 
Mathematica,  sf.  matheraatics. 
Mathematioamente,   adv,   ma- 

Mathematioo,  a,  adj.  mathema- 

tic,  mathematical. 
Mathematioo,  sm.  a  mathemati- 

cian ;  a  judiciary  astrologer. 
Matical,  sm.  a  sort  of  coin  worth 

480  Portuguese  rees. 
Matioar,  Da.  v>  -j^X^A^^*^* 


ran   I    rifc 


—  502  — 


Matilha,  sf.  a  cry  of  hounds  Imnt- 

ini?  together. 
Matinada,  sf.  a  noise. 
Matinado,  a,  jjp.  adj.  vaked. 
Matinal,  adj.  2  g.  early. 
Matinar,  vn.  to  wake,  to   rise 

Matinas,  sf.  pi.  matins. 
Matiz,   sm.   colour;   mixtnre    of 

manv  colours ;  a  sort  of  silk- 

Matisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  coloured. 
Matizar,  va.  to  colour,  to  ena- 

mel ;  (jig.)  to  adorn. 
Mato,  sm.  a  place  fuU  of  shrubs. 

Carro  de  — ,  a  low  cart  with  two 

Matraca,  sf.   rattle.  Dar  —,  to 

banter,  to  jeer  one.  [tered. 

Ifetraqúeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ban- 
Matrac[uear,  va.  to  banter,  to 

jeer,  to  scolf.  [crafty. 

Matreiro,  a,  adj.  sagacious;  sly, 
Matricarla,   sf.  {bot.)  the  herb 

Iflbtrioida,  sm.  or  f.  matricide, 

he  or  she  wbo  kills  a  mother. 
Matricidio,  sm.   matricide,   tiie 

act  of  murdering  a  motber. 
Mátricala,  sf.  matriculatíon. 
Mátrioulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  roatri- 

culated.  [to  enroll. 

Matricular,  va.  to  matrícnlate. 
Matrimonial,  adj.  matrimonisd, 

Matrimoniar,  vn.  to  marry.  Ma- 

trimoniar-sey  vr.  to  marry. 
M^BKtrimonio,     sm.     matnxnony, 

Matriz,     sf.    matrrce,    mother. 

mould. —  adj.  that  has  preceded 

in  time,  Igreja  — ,  a  motiíer- 

Matroca  (a  sea   term)  :  Andar  d 

— ,  to  be  "wilhout  helin. 
Matrona,  sf.  a  matron. 
Matronal,  cuij.  2  g.  mAtronal. 
Matula.  5/*.  a  gang  of  yagabonds. 
MàtuUa,  sf.  a  "wick  for  a  lamp. 
Matullão,  ona,  5?».  or  f.  an  igno- 

rant  or  msticãl  man. 
MatnraçSo,      sf.      matoration ; 

{surg.)  suppuration.  [pen. 

MÊàtarar,  va.  to  matnrate,  to  ri- 

MaturatiTO,  a,  adj.  maturative, 

Maturesoencia,  sf.  matnring. 

Matutino,  a,  adj.  matutinal. 

Matuto,  sm.  a  rustic,  a  clown. 

Matuvi,  sm.  a  kind  of  Txrood  of 

Mau,  mft,  adj.  bad,  ill,  evil, 
vicked ,  paltry ,  raiserable , 
shabby,  hard,  difficult.  —  ho- 
mem^ a  "vricked  man.  Má  mtdker, 
a  prostitute.  Cousa  má,  a  spec- 
tre.  Mau  de  contentar^  morose, 
peevish.  Mulher  de  —  viver,  a 

Maunça,  sf.  a  bnndle  of  árj  ^r- 
lic  ;  a  whirl  to  put  on  a  spmdle. 

Mauro,  a,  adj.  Moorish. 

MauBOleo,  sm.  mausoleum. 

Mausoleo,  adj.  of  the  form  of  a 
mausoleum.  [(in  índia). 

Mavi,  sm.  a  kind  of  judicial  proof 

Maviosamente,    aav.    tenderly. 

Marioso,  a,  adj.  tender-hearted. 

Msrvorcáo,  a,  adj.  warlike. 

Mazilla,  sf.  maxilla,  the  man- 
dible.  [lar,  raaxillary. 

Maxillar,  adj.  2  g.  (anat.)  maxu- 

Maxima,  sf.  roaxim. 

Maximamente,  adv.  principallyi 
above  ali. 

Máximo,  a,  adj.  çreatest. 

Máximo,  sm.  maximum. 

Mazageuiia,  sf.  {anc.)  a  troop, 

Mazella,  sf.  indisposition,  iUn«8S. 

Mazellado,  a,  pp.  adj.  coyered 
with  sores.  [to  gall. 

Mazellar,  va.  to  coyerwith  sores, 

Mazellento,  a,  adj.  covered  with 

Mazombo,  sm.  an  injurious  name 
giren  to  the  natives  of  Braíil. 

Mazontral,  adj.  ig.  eoarse,  rude, 

Mazorro,  sm.  a  peasant,  a  coun- 
tryman.  —  adj.  rude  or  uncivil 

M«,  me  ;  an  irregular  case  of  the 

Sronoun  eUj  and  serves  for  the 
ative  and  accusatiw ;   some- 
times  used  reciprocally ;  as  Eu 
me  lemiro^  I  remember,  etc. 
Meá,  sf.  a  measure  for  liquors. 


—  503  — 


Meã,  adj.  the  feminine  of  Meão  ; 

a  «ort  of  ▼ater-fowL 
Meada,  sf.  askein  of  yarn,  thread, 

silk;  ft  xuischievous  story,  in- 

tricate  lie. 
Meado,  a,    adj.  —   Maio,  in  the 

middle  of  May.  [coin. 

Mealha,  af.  an  ancient  Portuguese 
MealhariBi,  sf.  a  sort  of  tax. 
Mealheiro,  sm.  a  money-box  or 

Meãmente,  adv.  meanly«  mode- 

Me3o,  meãU  adj.  middle,  mode- 

rate,  tolerable.  V.  Mediano.  Os 

meãoSy  tbe  gentry. 
Mear,  «n.  to  me\r  like  a  cat. 
Meato,  sm.  a  passage  or  duct.  — 

do  eorpOy  tbe  pores  of  tbe  bodv. 
Meanca,  sf.  a  sort  of  \rater-duck. 
Mftrrfij  sf.  a  witty  and  lewd  girl. 
Mechisi,  sf.  match,  card,  rope  or 

chip   dipped   in    brimstoxke    or 

sulphur.  —  do  candieiro^  a  irick 

for  a  lamp ;  tent  for  a  -woimd  ; 

a  kind  of  solid  clyster. 
Méohado,  a,  pp.  aâj.  {surg.)  tbat 

is  made  fast  by  tents. 
Mecbanlca,  sf.  mecbanics. 
Mechanicamenta,  adv.  mecba- 

nically.  [mecàanical. 

MechanJco,   a,   adj.   mechasic, 
Medbanismo,  am.  mecbanisiXL. 
Mechar,  va.  (stirg.)  to  put  a  tent 

€«  a  iround.  —  or  defumar  a 

vasilha    com  mecha,   to   purify 

Vfia»  witb  brimHStoxLe  matcbes. 
Meofaeiro,  sm.  tbe  nose  of  a  lamp 

In  which  tbe  'wick  buarns. 
Mechoacão,  sf.  (pharm.)  a  pur- 

giag  Tooi  so  called. 
Meoo.   sm.    a  wanton,    a   lewd. 

Y.  LutíBurioso.  [an  opiate. 

MecDOiio,  sm.  ( j9Aan72.)  meconiom, 
Meda,  sf.  a  stack  of  straw  or  com. 
MedaUía.  sf.  medal.  O  campo  da 

— ,  tbe  íield  of  a  medal.  O  cunho 

de  ume,  — ,  the  die  of  a  medal. 
MedalhSo,  sm.  medallion. 
MedaUiario,  em.  a  cabinet  where 

tbe  medais  are  kept. 
MeilaBieli!»,  tm.  a  collectlou  of 


im.  a  jBicdaJJiat» 

MedSo,  em.  <-  de  aréa,  a  hnjok  of 

Medes,  s.  and  adj.  (anc.)  sarne, 
self.  Eu  — ,  myseli.  Isso  é  — , 
tbat  is  tbe  same  thin^. 

Mediação,  sf.  mediation,  inter- 
position.  [interrening. 

Mediado,  a,  pp.  adj.  interpoaed, 

Mediador,  stn.  a  mediator. 

Mediadora,  sf.  a  mediatress. 

Medianamente,  adn.  witb  mo- 

Medianeiro,  a,  sm.  or/].  mediator. 

Mediania ,  sf.  mediocrity. 

Mediano,  a.  adj.  middlmg,  ordi- 
nary,  indiíferent. 

Mediante,  adj.  1  g.  medlating, 
by  mfians  of.  [betveen. 

Mediar,  vn.  to  mediate,  to  Qe 

Mediastino,  sm.  {anat.)  medias- 

Mediatamente,  arlv.  mediately. 

Mediatario,  sm.  mediator. 

Mediato,  a,  adj.  mediate,  inter- 

Mediator,  sm.  Y.  Mediador. 

Medica,  sf.  a  pbysician-female. 

Medicação,  sf.  medication. 

Medicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  medicated. 

Medicai,  adj.  2  g.  medicai,  phy- 
sical.  [pbysically. 

Medicamente,    adv.   medieally. 

Medicamento,  sm.  a  medicine. 

Medioamentoao,  a,  adj.  medi- 

Medicar,  va.  to  pbvsic,  to  cure. 

Medicotriz,  adj.  f.  baring  tbe 
po-wer  of  curing. 

Medição,  sf.  measuring,  measure. 

Medicina,  sf.  medicine;  Dbysic. 

Medicinal,  adj.  2  g.  medicinal. 

Medicinar,  va.  to  medicate,  to 

Medico,  sm.  a  pbysician. 

Medico,  a,  adj.  medicinal. 

Medida,  sf.  measure  ;  rule ;  mu- 
sical time.  A.  —  <fe,  proportion- 
ably.  Medidas,  sf.  pi.  measoies, 
means  to  bring  a  tbing  oat. 

Medideira,  sf.  a  Mcoman  tbat 
measares  com,  barley,  etc. 

Medido,  a,  pp.  adj.  meaaxivad, 
PalavTQz  —  oa,  Tas^wít  •>»wtíi&. 

Moâlâor»  wr..  «.vtfnsgaKvc.  —  ^ 

KedltBT.  m.  íoá  n.  to  mei 
Hoditativa,  a,  odj.  medit 
lEMlitavel,  adj.  í  g.  thsy  m 

Wediterrsneo,  a.  adj.  at 

MadonJio.    a,     odj.     fiightrul, 

■'"'"■  ^tar^Zs: 

Medronheiro,  v 

Medronho,  sm-  ar[>uia-E>erry. 

MedroBO.  a,  eái.  festlU,  timo- 

cous,  tiinid.   Cat-ai/o  -,  a  ekj 

Medulía,  i/'.   marrow. 
Madnllante,   adj.  2  g.     Veia  — 

Medullor.   adj.  l  'g.    meduUarl 

MeduUsto.  a,  adj.  taX.  fleshy. 
HoduUoeo,    a.    adj.     ihat    has 

Mediuoo,  a,  adi.  {poet.)  oí  ot 
beloBging  to  Medusa. 

I,  ^.  (nal.  Mtt.)  the  itsUa 
;  (òot.)  a  medicmal  hsib. 

Meeiro,  a,  adj.   ^niítlad  t 

Megametro,  sm.  meeamet 
Melado,  a.  aiíj.  V.  Meada. 

ds  lÃia,  Eilk  aiackings. 
laia,   voral«d  slockidge. 

aauiha.  knit  stockingB. 
Melacana,  sf.  an  instrum 

Meiada.  sfU  A 

n  or  ske 

Meiado,  pp.  adj 


Mdanoite,  sf.  m 


Melão,  metan, 

adj.  mesn,  niu- 


rlfl  Ln  tw 


Mela.;  >('.  pi.  of 

i/oo,  / 

dé  — 

cam  alguém,   to 


M^íra.  sf.  a  tn 


Melelro,     ««. 

Moiolro,'  a,  adj 

Ihat  o 

ght  lo 


lãíga.\f.  relish 


Meigamente,  ad 

0.  gontlj 


ly,  inildlj. 

Meiguice,  sf.  mildneag.  i 
neas,  easioess  of  temper.  coailDg  eipreai 

Meigõloairo,  a,  n-ij.  gi 
tondling,  meek. 

idro,  Jm.  (iol.)  lhe  herb 

I.  the  liitls  ãnger. 

Meio,  B,  adj.  bair.  laiddle.  Pan- 

ifUio    lempo,    mean    víuie.    Da 
wúidnde,  miiíãlo-aged. 


—  !i05  — 


Melodia,  sm.  noon,  raid-day.  Deu 

— ,  it  has  struck  twelve. 
Meio-relevo,  ftm.  Figura  em  — , 

ligure  in  demi-relievo. 
Meirinho,  sm.   aa  offlcer  to  ap- 

prehend  criminais. 
Meixericar,  va.    V.  Mexericar, 

and  derivated. 
Mel,  sm.  honey.  —  virgem^  vir- 

gin-honey.  —  rosado^  honey  of 

roses.  —  de  assucar.  V.  Melaço. 
Mela  or  Mella,  sf.  baldness. 
Melaço,  sm.  melasses,  the  scum 

of  sugar. 
Melado,  a,  pp.  adi.  mixed  with 

honey,  honey-colour ;  bald. 
Melafolio,  sm.  {hot.)  acanthus. 
Melanagogos.    sm.     melanago- 

Melancia,  sf.  water-melon. 
Melancial,    sm.    ground    where 

water-melon  s  grow. 
Melancolia,  sf.  melancholy. 
Melancolicamente,  adv,  sadly, 

Melancólico,  a,  adj.  melancholic. 
Melancolisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sad- 

dened,  sad. 
Melancolisar,  va.  to  saddeu. 
Melanite,  sm.  {min.)  melanite. 
Melanthion,  s.  {bot.)  fennel-ílow- 

Melão,  sm.  melon.  [apple. 

Melapio,  sm.  a  pearmain,  a  pear 
Melar  or  Mellar,  va.  to   daub 

"with  honey. 
Meleagside,  sf.  a  Guinea  hen. 
Meleochado,  sm^  a  sort  of  wa- 

tered  silk. 
Melena,  sf.  a  long  lock  of  liair 

on  the  temples  or  upper  part  of 

the  forehead. 
Meleosolis,  sm.  a  medicinal  drug. 
Meiga,  sf.  a  sort  of  gnat  or  fly. 
Melgueira,  sf.  stock ;  money-box. 

V.  Mealheiro.  [bees. 

MeUiaruco,  sm.  a  bird  that  eats 
MeUior,  adj.  2  g.  comp.  better. 

Ter  a  — ,  to  get  the  better.  Fa- 
zer — ,  to  mend.  —  adv.  better. 
Melhora,  sf.  improvement,  ame- 

Melhoradamente,  adv.  with  re- 

lief  or  comfon. 
Parte  I. 

Melhorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bettered, 

Melhorador,  sm.  improver. 
Melhoramento,    sm.    improve- 
ment, amelioration. 
Melhorar,  va.  to  better,  to  make 

better,  to   ameliorate,    to    ira- 

prove.  —  vn.  to  grow  better,  to 

thrive.  Melhorar-se^  vr.  to  thrive, 

to  prosper. 
Melhoras,  sf.  pi.  Ter  —  na  saúde ^ 

to  grow  better  in  health. 
Melhoria,   sf.    growing    better, 

Melhormente,  adv.  better. 
Melicias,  sf.  r)l.  a  sort  of  white 

pudding  maue  with  honey,  etc. 
Melico,  a,  adj.  melic,  harmonious. 
Meliloto,  sm.  {bot.)  melilot. 
Melindre,  sm.  a  sort  of  dainty 

made  with  sugar,  eggs,  etc. 
Melindrosamente,  adv.  nicely, 

Melindroso,  a,   adj.  nice,  pre- 
cise ;  aifected ;  dísdaiuful ;  fas- 

Melladura,  sf.  a  certain  quantity 

of  the  juice  of  su^ar-cane. 
Mellado,  Si^pp.  adj.  daubed  with 

Mellar,  va.  to  daub  with  honey. 
Melleiro,  sm.  he  who  buys  or  seUs 

Mellifero,  a,  adi.  melliferous. 
Mellificação,  sf.  melliíication. 
Mellificar,    va.    to    daub    with 

Mellifico,  a,  adj.  mellifíc. 
Mellifluidade,  sf.  melliíluence ; 

(/S^.)  mildness. 
Melliíluencia,  sf.   mellifluence. 
Mellifluo,  a,    adj.    melli&uent, 

Mellite,  sm.  a  sort  of  syrup  made 

sweet  with  honey. 
Melloso,  a,  adj.  sweet  as  honey. 
Mellote,  sm.  â  sheepskin  or  felt. 
Meloal,  sm.  the  ground  where 

melons  grow. 
Melodia,  sf.  melody. 
Melodiado,  a,  pp.  adi.  roodulated* 
Melodiar,  va.  to  melodvi.<&^\fò\sss>- 
I     dulale. 
I  MelodioBO,  a,  ad3.mft\oíÃ.wv». 


—  506  — 


Melodrama,  sm.  melod  rame. 
Meloeiro,  sm.  a  plant  that  pro- 

duces  melcHis. 
Melomania,  sf.  melomany. 
Melomano,  a,  adj.  melomaniac. 
Melopea,  sf.  melopccia. 
Melpoznene,    sf.  (mythol.)   Mel- 

Melro,  sin.  a  black-bird.  V.  Merlo. 
Membrana,  sf.  {anat.)  membrane. 
Membranoso,  a.  adj.  membra- 

nous,  membraneons. 
Memíbro,    sm.     ineinber,    limb , 

{arcli.)  meniber,  moulding. 
Membrudo,  a,  adj.  strong-,  well- 

Memiento,  sm.  memento.  — 5,  two 

parts  of  the  mass  so  called. 
Meminho,  s.  and  adj.  m.  Dedo 

— ,  the  little  íinger. 
Memnonico,  a,  adj.  that  helps 

the  memory. 
Memorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  remem- 

bered ;  memorable. 
Memorando,  a,  adj.  memorable. 
Memorar,  va.  to  remember,  to 

Memorativo,  a,  adj.  memorative. 
Mem.oravel,  adj.  2  g.  memorable. 
Memoria,   sf.  memory,   remem- 

brance;  a  monument;  a  sort  of 

ring.  Memorias,  s.  pi.  memoirs  ; 

instructions    given    to    rainis- 

ters.etc. ;  a  memorandum  book. 
Memorial,   adj.  2  ff.   memorial, 

Memorioso,  a,  adj.  having*  an 

happy  memory. 
Memorista,  sf.  a  writer  of  bisto- 

rical  nienioir. 
Memoroso,   a,  adj.  memorable. 
M)Miagem,  sf.  imprisonment  in 

a  fortress,  etc.   Dar — ,  toho- 

mage.  V.  Homenagem. 
Menção,  sf.  menti&iK 
Mencionado,  a,  pp.  adj.  men- 
^tioned.  [make  mention. 

Mencionar,  va.  to  mention,  to 
Mendacio,  sm.  a  líe,  untmth. 
Mendaz,   adj.  2  g.  false,  deceit- 


Mendicância,  sf  mendicity. 
Mendicante,  adj.  i  g.   men^- 


Mendicidade ,     sf.     menéieity , 

MendigaçSo,  sf.  mendicity. 
Mendigado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mendi- 

cated,  beggared. 
Mendigar,   va.  to  mendicate,  to 

beg.  —  um  conceito,  to  borrow 

a  thought. 
Mendigaria,  sf.  beggary. 
Mend^o,   sm.    beggar,   mendi- 

Mendigitez,  sf.  mendicity. 
Mendiguidade ,    sf    mendicity, 

Mendoso,  a,  adi.  imperfect.  Co9- 

tellas  —  as,  false  ribs. 
Mencbracttla,  sf.  any  allnrement. 
Mendragora,  sf.  {bot.)  mundrake. 
Mendrugo,  sm.  a  piece  of  bread 

left  at  table. 
Meneado,  a,  pp.  adj.  moved. 
Meneamento,  sm.  raoving,  the 

act  of  moving. 
Menear,  va.  to  move,  to  shake,  to 

wield,  tomanage.  —  as  armes  da 

razão,  to  dispute,  to  debate,  to 

endeavour,    to    persuade.   M^ 

near-se,  vr.  to  change"  of  plaee, 

to  stir. 
Meneavel,  adj.  2  g.  manageaUe, 

Meneio  or  Meneo,  sm.  motion, 

stirring;  trade,  profesaion;  hi*- 

nagement,  administration. 
Menestrel,  sm.  a  minstrel. 
Menfesto,   sm.    {anc.)   a   sacra- 
mental confession. 
Menigrepo,  sm.  title  ^ves  to* 

some  Indian  priests  or  nermits. 
Menina,  sf.  a  little  giri ;  a  younp 

maid ;  a  lady  of  the  bed  chamber 

to  an  infanta.  —  do  olko^  the 

sight  orpupil  ofthe  oye.  TêP] 

eu  trazer  nas  meninas  dos  oikoSv. 

to  love  dearly. 
Menineiro,  a,  adj.  that  i»  fcnd 

of  children,  or  of  tb^r  piAja; 

€ara  memneira,  a  comely  faee. 
MeoinflB,    sf.    infancy,   boyieh 

I  MeBáate»,  sf.  inâurcy,  cbildbeoâ. 

— «,  paerilities. 
■íb^bo,  sm.  an  infsuit,  a  imri^ 
1^    duVd.  Um  —  que  manta,  an-  m- 


fant  at  the  Inreat  —  de  céra^  & 

sÍBging-boy ;  a  little  court  page. 
Menisco,  sm.  {opiic)  menisetoi^ 
Menodilluu  ^-  {hoiJ)  leaser  teor 

MflaMélof|k>  ^   sm.  an  alaaBaek, 

menotogr ;  register  of  iwMitàs. 
Menor,  adj.  1  g.  comp.  less,  lesMr, 

under  age ;  younger ;  màmsr. 
Menoridade^  «A  minorhj,  non- 

Meaoffista,   sn^  oae  tbat  is  in 

any  of  tàe  ítHur  lesser  ec<deaMu»* 

tiical  orders. 
Menerite,  s,  and  at^'.  w^vmcK 

ríte ;  a  franciscan  friar. 
MuBOB,  ado.  lass,  ex-cept,  nvt.  ae» 

med»,  andar,  leosef .  áíaia  oa  — ^, 

mosa  cr  less.  Por  — ,  for  less. 

A  uítíma  ctÈsa  —  uma^  the  last 

Ikoose   but  oae.   Âekar  — ,  to 

miss. — ,  8.  less.  Pelo  — ,  at  leaat. 

— ^  «f/.  less.  Um  cm^Aha  é»  — 

ve^or»  a  liorse  of  less  ralne. 
Menoscabado,  a,  pp,  adj,  dimi- 

nished,  deopiaedl 
MiSBOflealMar,  vc.  t»  de^pise^  to 

Mmnoseabo,  sim.  contemp4,  im- 

MèBiQspreço,  sm,  xukéenrwaàxàjig 

diminutioa  in  the  Yakie. 
MenoBpreaado,  a,  pp.  adj,  un- 

dervalued,  deapiseo. 
Menes^vesador,  sm^  cMiteMuar» 

MenosyveBar,  vo.  to  OBèarraiM^ 

t»  deprocialei.  [Ueger. 

Mensageira,  sf.  messengerThar- 
Ménaageixo ,    sm.    xMaMftg<er; 

Mrasagefaro,  a»  adf..  núsnre. 
Mensagem^  af,  a  measage.. 
Mensal,    adj.  2  ^.   neastraal, 

Mensalmente ,    ado^   monthly , 

every  nonth. 
Mensario»  a,,  s.  or  adi.  one  per» 

taning  t»  the  boara  oí  a  oro- 

tiíei^oad  or  aociety. 
Mensorlo,  «m.  the  cIcvÚl  and  ali 

things  pertaúaing  to  a  taJile. 
MemifWMii.  ^  s  aeathly  ailffv- 


•^  9*7  —  MSN 

:csi8tniação ,    sf,    meBiÉMal« 
courses  or  flowers. 
ienotaraada,  sf.  a  womis:  thaA 
actnally     haa     the     Moisthl^ 

Éenabníaflio,  a^  po.  adj.  that 
actnally  haa  the  monthly 
courses.  [monthly. 

adj,  2  ff,  menstruiu:,, 
sm.  the   menses   or 
monthly  courses. 

Menanra,  sf.  meaaure.  Y.  Me- 

Mensurai,  a4j.  2  ff,  of  or  peirtaín- 
ing  to  a  measure  of  a  bouaràuer 
or  laadmark;  {mus.)  meaanred 
with  compasses. 

Mensamr,  va»  to  measure. 

Mensararel,  adj.  1  g,  tha;tma5 
be  measured. 

Mentado,  a,i>p.  adj.  remembered^ 

Mentagra,  sf.  a  mentagra,  a  irild 
tetter  or  scab  that  oegina  at 
1^  ehin  and  runs  over  the 
face.  [lectTial. 

Mental»  «tij.  1  g,.  mentaU  iota^ 

Mentahneíate,  adv.  mentally. 

Mentar,  va.  to  mention,  to  me- 
morize, to>  record. 

Meorta,  af.  the  mind ;  intention, 
purpose,  design.  Dar  a  —  ás 
JtfuMsv  to  tura  ene's  mind  t» 
the  Moses. 

Manteoapte»  a»  sm,  or  f.  fool,  a 
madman  or  woman. 

Mentea^  af.  pi,  attentieo.  Ter  -> 
jpara,  to  attead.  Em  -—  ec  enire 

—  in  the  mean  ^hile. 
Mentaaqoe»  adv.  wfaile. 
MeitfhoBtro»  am.  {bei.)  the  \nld 

Mantido,  &>  pp.  adj.  feigned, 

false.  Tendo  — ,  havmg  lied. 
Mentir,  va.  to  p«ársonate  another.. 

—  va.  to  lie^  to  tall  lies,  te  roi- 
mance.  Sem  — ,  truly. 

Mentira,  sf.  a  Ue^  falsehood,  un- 

truth ;  ipóet.)  fiction. 
MoBtireaiamenta,  ode.  falsely, 

in  a  lying  mannes.  [false. 

Mestirosfl^  a,  adj,  Har,  lyin^^ 
Mentor,  am.  mentor^  gx)Y«r«!ot. 
Mentre  or  Mexi\x«a>«iw»->B>^^^ 

mean'wln\e  v  ^«th^'^- 





—  508  — 


Kephitico,  a,  adj.  mephitic,  me- 

Mephitisxno,  sm.  mephitism. 
Mequetrefe,  sm.  a  busy-body. 
Mera,  sf.  a  sort  of  lic[uor  used  by 

shepherds  and  farriers  to  cure 

sheep  and  horses.  [ly. 

Meramente,  adv.  merely,  pure- 
Mercadejar,    vn.    to  trade,   to 

traffic.  [purchased. 

Mercado,  a,  pp.    adj.  bought, 
Mercado,  sm.  market  or  market 

Slace;  price,  rate.  A  m^u  — , 
ear,  at  a  great  rate. 
Mercador,  sm.  merchant,  dealer, 
trader.  —  de  livros,  a  bookseller. 

—  de  pati7ioSy  a  wooUen  draper. 

—  de  seda^  a  silk-mercer. 
Mercadora,   sf.  a  woman  who 

deals.  [dize  ware. 

Mercadoria,  sf.  goods,  merchan- 
Mercancear,  va.  to  buy  or  sell ; 

to  trafâc. 
Mercancia,  sf.  commodity,  mer- 

Mercante,  adj.  2  g.  mercantUe, 

trading.  Navio  — >  a  merchant 

Mercantear,  va.  to  buy  or  sell. 
Mercantil,  adj.  2  g.  mercantile, 

Mercar,  va.  to  buy,  to  purchase. 
Mercatudo,  sm.  one  tnat  is  al- 

ways   ready  to  buy;   a  great 

Mercatura,  sf.  mercature. 
Mercavel,  aaj.  2  g.  merchan- 

table,  mercantile,  trading. 
Mercê,  sf.  mercy,  courtesy,  fa- 

vour;  grace;  reward;  a  term 

of  civility  used  in  Portugal  to 

every  genteel  person  as  signo- 

ria  is  in  Itahr. 
Mercearia,  sf.  mercery ;  pedlary. 
Merceeiro,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  person 

hired  to  say  prayers   for  the 

souls  of  the  dead. 
Mereceria,  sf.  a  church  or  cha- 
pei wherein  the  merceeiro  prays 

for  the  souls  of  the  died. 
Mercenário,  a,  adj.  mercenary, 

venal.  —  sm.  a  mercenary,  a 

Meroeiia,  sf.  mercery. 


Merda,  sf.  private  business,  in- 
trigue, [of  mercers. 
Merciaria,  sf.  mercery,  the  trade 
Mercieiro,  sm,  mercer. 
Mercimoxiia,  sf.  Y.  Mercmicia. 
Mercurial,  adj.  2  g.  mercurial. 

MercuriaeSf    sf.   pi.    {bot.)   the 

herb  mercury. 
Mercúrio,  sm.  mercury,  quick- 

silver;  {myth.)  Mercury. 
Mercuzan,  s.  (anat.)  the  sutures 

of  the  brain-pan.  [ordure. 

Merda,  «/Iturd,  excrement,  dung, 
Merdoso,  a,  adj.  fouled,  beshit. 
Merecedor,  a,  adj.  deserving, 

Merecer,  va.  to  deserve,  to  merit. 
Merecidamente,  adv.  deserved- 

ly.  [raerited. 

Merecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  deserved. 
Merecimento,  sm.  merit,  worth ; 

desert.  [eólico. 

Merencório,  a,  adj.  V.  Melan- 
Merenda,    sf.    an    afternoon's 

Merendado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

eaten  the  afternoon's  luncheon. 
Merendai,  sm.  a  sort  of  coarse 

cloth.  [noon's  luncheon. 

Merendar,  va.  to  eat  an  after- 
Merendeiro,   a,   sm.  or  f.  one 

that  is  used  to  eat  an   after- 

noon*s  luncheon.  Pão  — ,  a  sm&Ll 

loaf  of  fine  bread. 
Merendona,  sf.  a  great  •  after- 

noon*s  luncheon. 
Meretrício,  a,  adj.  whorlsh. 
Meretriz,  sf.  a  whore  or  proBti- 

Mergulhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dipt  in 

"water,  plunged.  [ger. 

Mergulhador,  sm.  diver,  plun- 
Mergulhão,  sm.  diver,  a  sort  of 

Mergulhar,  va.  to  dip,  to  put 

under  water;  {fig.)  to  plunge. 

Melgulhar-se^  vr.  to  dive. 
Mergulhia,  sf.  (nat.  hist)  diver 

or  didapper ;  the  act  of  laying 

the  branoh  of  a   vine  in  the 

ground  to  take  root. 
Mergulho,  sm.  the  act  of  diving. 
Meri,  sm.  (anat.)  the  oesophagus. 


—  509  — 


Meridiano,  sm.  {astr.)  meridian. 

—  adi.  meridian. 
Moridio,  a,  adi,  meridian. 
Meridional,  aaj.  2  g.  meridional. 

America  — ,  South  America. 

Merim,  sm,  the  fmit  of  grena- 

dilla.  [the  ear. 

Meringe,  sf,  {anat.)  the  drum  of 

Merino,  sm.  merino;  a  Spanish 

breed  of  sheep. 
Mérito,  sm,  merit,  worth,  desert. 
Meritorlamente ,   adv,  merito- 

Meritório,  a,  adj.  meritorious. 
Merlão,  sm.  (fort.)  merlon. 
Merllm,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  marline ; 

{fig.)  a  cunning  fellow. 
Merlo,  sm.  a  blackbird. 
Mero,  a,  adj.  mere,  plain,  stark. 
Mero,  sm,  a  -whiting. 
Merú,  sm.  a  sort  of  stag  in  índia. 
Mesa.  sf.   table.  —   franca^  an 
ojpen  table.  Pôr  a  — ,  to  spread 
the  table.  Tirar  or  levantar  a  — , 
to    take    away    after    dinner. 
Cama  e  — ,   bed  and  board ;   a 
board,  at  which   a  council  is 
Mesada,  sf.  the  portion  of  money 

paid  monthly. 

Mescabar,  va,  to  despise,  to  con- 

temn.  [mixtion. 

Mescla,    sf.    mixture,    mixing, 

Mesclado,  a,   pp.  adj.  mix.ea, 

Mesclar,  va.  to  mix,  to  mingle. 
Mesenterioo,  a,  adj.  {anat^  me- 
senterlc.  [tery. 

Mesenterio,  sm,  {anat.)  meísen- 
Meseraico,  adj,  meseraic. 
Mesmamente,  adv.  equally,  as 

vell  as. 
Mesmeidade,  sf.  identity. 
Mesmo,  a,  adj.  same,  self;  Hke, 
one.  Eu — ,  myself.  Vos  mesmos^ 
yourselves.     Elles    — ,     them- 
selves.    Ella   mesma ,    herself. 
Elle  mesmo^  himself.  Tudo  éo — , 
ali  is  one.  Matar-se  a  si  — ,  to 
kill  one^s  self. 
Meemo,  adv.  even,   very,  over 
and  above,  too,  however.  Nem 
—  por  cem  libras^  not    for   a 
Imndred  guineas. 

Mesqoindade ,    sf,    meanness , 

Mesquinhado,  a,  pp.  adj,  given 

-with  meanness. 
Mesquinhamente,  adv,  wretch- 

edly,  covetously. 
Mesquinhar,  va.  to  give  with 

meanness.  [avarice. 

Mesquinharia ,    sf.    meanness, 
Mesquinhez ,     sf.     shabbiness , 

meanness,  avarice,  stinginess, 

Mesquinho,  a,    adj.  wretched, 

CO vetous ,    stingy ,    n  iggardly ; 

unfortnnate,  mean,  paltry. 
Mesq[uita,  sf,  a  mosque. 
Messagras,  sf.  pi.  the  hooks  and 

eyes  of  the  port-holes. 
Messar,  va,  to  pull,  to  lug;  to 

wrong,  to  injure. 
Messe,  sf,  a  harvest  or  crop  of 

com ;  mcwing'  and  reaping. 
Messer,  sm.  v.  Misser. 
Messias,  sm.  the  Messiah. 
Mester,  sm.  trade,  profession. 
Mestiço,  a,  adj.  mongrel. 
Mesto,  a,  adj.  sad,  grieved. 
Mestra,  sf,  mistress,  a  woman 

Meertrado,  sm,  mastership. 
Mestral,  adj.  2  g.  belonging  to 

the  great-master  of  a  military 

Mestrança,   sf.  ali  the  several 

trades  belonging  to  ship-buil- 

Mostrar   or  Mestrear,   vn.   to 

take  the  inanners  of  a  mas  ter, 

to  teach. 
Mestre,  sm,  master,  teacher,  in- 

structor.  —  de  campo,  a  colonel 

of  foot  or  militia.  —  de  obras^  a 

master  builder.  —  do  cães  ^  a 

wharânger.  Mão  de  — ,  master - 

ly  hand.  [master. 

Mestre-escola ,    sf.    a    school- 
Mestria,  sf,  great  or  vast  lear- 

ning.  [rence,  bow. 

Mesura,  sf.  moderation;    reve- 
Mesurado,  a,;7p.  adj.  moderated, 

modest,  grave. 
Mesurar,  va.  to  diminish,  to  mo- 



ske    who    makes  rever^noes, 
Meta,  sf.  a  piUar  «t  the  end  of 

the  race-course;  limits,  end. 
Metacarpo,    sm.  {anaí.)   metai- 


Metade,  sf.  half,  a  moiety.  Peartir 

em    duas  — 5,    to    divide     into 

halves;  {fig.)  half,  spouse,  rfc, 


Metal,  sm,  metal.  —  de  vos^  the 

sound    of  the    voice.   —  para 

nnosy   bell-metal.  —   amarelh^ 

brass.  MetaeSy  sm.  pi.  {herald.) 

metais.  [sis. 

Metalepse,  sf.  {m  rhet.)  metalep- 

Metallico,  a,  aâj.  metallic,  zae- 

tallical.  [rous. 

Metallifero,   a,  adj,   metallife- 

Metalliíicação,    sf.  the  act  of 

Metallisação.  sf.  metallization. 
Metallographia ,    sf.    metallo- 

Metalloide,  sm.  metalloid. 
Metallurgia,  sf.  metallurgy. 
Metallurgico,  a,  adj.  metalliar- 

gic.  —  sm.  a  metallurgist. 
Metallurgista,  sm.  metallurgist. 
Metaxnorphose ,    sf.    metamor- 

Metamorphoseado,  a,  pp.  adj. 

Metaxnorphosear,  va.  to  meta- 
morphosô.   Metamofj>hosear-se, 
vr.  to  be  metamorphosed. 
Metaphora,  sf.  a  metaphor. 
Metaphoricamente,  4mv.  meta- 

Metaphorico,  a,  adj\  metapho- 

ric,  metaphoricaL 
Metaphorisar,  va.  te  make  use 

of  metaphors. 
Metaphrase,  s.  metaphrase. 
Metaphrastes,  sm.  metaphrast. 
Metaphrastico ,  a,  adj.  metar 
phrastic,  [ontologj, 

Metaphysioa,    sf  metaphjsic. 
Metaphysicamente,  adv.  meta- 

Metaphysioar,  va.  to  subtilize. 
Metaphysioo.  a.acj/.  meta{^jraic 

—  sm.  metaphysician. 
Mètstplasmo,  sm.  metapUuHB. 

—  MO  —  MET 

Metastase,  sf.  {rhet.)  metastasis. 
Metathese,  sf.  metathesis. 
Metempsicose,  sf.   metemp^y- 

Meteorioos  a,  adj.  meteorlc. 
Meteorisado,   a.  pp.    and   adj. 

subllmated,  sublimate. 
Meteorisar,  va.  (chem.)  to  subli- 
mate; Meteorisar-se,  vr.  to  suffer 

an  intumescency  of  the  belly 

caused  by  flatolence. 
Meteorismo,  swu  {med.)  intumes- 
cency of  the  belly  caused  by 

Meteoro,  sm.  meteor. 
Meteorograpliia ,  sf.   the   des- 

cription  of  meteors. 
Meteorolitbe,  sm,  meteoroUte. 
MeteoTidogia,  sf.  meteorology. 
Meteorológico,  a,  adj.  meteo- 

rologic,  meteorológica!. 
Meteoroscopio,  ^m.   a   sort  of 

Metbodicaxnente,  adv.  methodi- 

Methodioo,  a,    adj.   methodic, 

Methodismo,  sm.  methodism. 
Methodista,  sm.  methodist.  JMe- 

thodistast  sm.  pi.  the  methodists, 

a  sect. 
Methodizar  or  Methodisar,  va. 

to  methodise. 
Methodo,  sm.  method ;  grammar. 
Meticuloso,  a,  adj.  meticulons. 
Metonomasia,  sf,  metonomasy. 
Metonyxnico,a,  adj.  metonymic. 
Metoposcopia,  sf.  metoposcopy. 
MeU^oscopo ,    sm.   metoposco- 

Metralha,  sf.  (artill.)  old  iron, 

old  brass,  grape-shot. 
Metricamente,  adv.  metrically. 
Bletrioo,  a,  adj.  metrical. 
BfotriJEicaçao,  sf.  rersiíication. 
Metrificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  versi- 

Metrificador,  «m.  versificator. 
Metrificar,  vn.  to  versify. 
Metro,  sm.  meter,  number,  mea- 

Metrologia,  sf.  metrology. 
Metromaaia,  sf.  metromania. 
Metrometro,  «m.  metrometex. 


—  511  — 


Ketropoli,  sf,  metropolts;  {fig,) 

Metropolita,  tm.   metropolitm. 

MetropòUtano,  a,  ímíj.  metro- 

«ttediço,  a,  adj.  interpoved, 
put  between.  —  sm.  a  meodler. 

lÉMter,  va.  to  put  in,  to  lay,  to 
]^ce,  to  introduce,  to  take,  to 
cause.  —  mão  á  espada^  to  seúce 
tbe  Bword.  —  no  fundOj  to  siak. 

—  o  pé^  to  let  tne  foot  ou.  — 
debaixo^  to  crusfa,  to  subtee.  — 
em  linha^  {mil.)  to  fona  tbe  line. 

—  o  panno^  to  set  tbe  sails.  — 
os  linguetesy  to  paul  tbe  capa- 
terns.  —  as  velas  nos  rixet^  to 
take  in  some  reefs.  —  a  mezena 
nos  rizes,  to  balance  tbe  músexi. 

—  á  orça,  to  haul  tbe  wind.  — 
lastro,  *to  ballast  tbe  sb^).  — 
mxHtres,  to  take  in  provisiona  cr 
Tictuals.  —  a  bóia  no  migr,  to 
fitream  tbe  buoy.  —  meão,  to 
put  in  fear,  to  frigbt.  —  escrú- 
pulos, to  excite  tbe  scruples.  — 
discwdias,  to  sow  discord.  — 
tempo,  to  put  off,  to  prolong.  — 
"metter  a  saco,  to  sack.  Metter- 
êe,  vr.  to  tbrust  one^s  «elf  into. 

—  de  posse,  to  take  pasaesskm. 
Jfetter-se,  to  penetrate.  —  «,  to 
pretend  to.  —  com,  to  deal,  to 
m«ddle  witb. 

Mettldo,  a,  pp.  4idj,  pat  ia. 

Metacndo,  a,  adj.  dreadfU. 

Mea,  MlTiha,  pron.  poss,  m.  or  /l 
my,  mine,  belonging  1»  bm.  A 
■—  ver.,  as  far  as  I  can  aee  or 
know.  Nada  de  —,  notbhkg  of 
m^  own  invention.  0—^eoteu, 
mine  aad  tbine. 

Mexed<Mr,  sm.  one  wbo  stirs  or 
affitates;  spaAtle,  slice;  a  ne4- 

MeKedum,  sf.  confusioii,  dlser- 

Mezenofada,  sf.  bogs-waah. 

Mexn*,  va.  and  n.  to  stir,  to 
move,  to  remove  froan  its 
place.  —  Mexer-se,  vr.  to  stir, 
to  moive,  to  be  agitated. 

Mexericado,  a,  pp,  adj.  commu- 
BietMtt,  oMballed. 

Mezerioar,  va.  to  teU  tales  in 

order  to  set  people  at  variance. 
Mexeráoo,  sm.  a  tale,  discloaore 

of  a  secret;  malignant  intelli- 

Mexeriqueiro,  a,  s.  aad  ee^'.  m. 

or  f.  a  tale-bearer.  Carasela  — a, 

a  tkvp  for  espiai. 
Mmihflo,  sm,  muscle  iàmà  «of 

sbell  fisb;  a  meddler,  a  busy- 

Mexilho,  sm,  a  lincb-^la. 
Mexuar,  sm.  a  place  in  Barbery 

wbere  causes  are  beard. 
Mexoeira,  sf.  tbe  amber  of  grey- 

Mez,  sm,  montb.  Tod&s  os  metes, 

moaíMv,  Mexes   das  mulheres, 

yromen^s  eourses. 
Mezada,  sf,  tbe  portion  of  money- 

paid  montbly  for  work  or  maia- 

Mftwtlina,  sf.  linsey-woolsev. 
Mezereo,  sm.  spurge-laurel. 
Mezinha,  sf.  a  clyster;  asy  99rt 

of  medicine. 
Mezinhador,  a,  sm.  or  /.  be  or 

she  who  gives  clysters. 
Mfwrfnbar,  va.  to  give  medioa- 

ments.  —  vn.  to  belp,  to  beal. 
Meiánheiro,  a,  sm.  or  /.  one  timt 

bas  skill  in  making  medicines. 
Mezso,  adj.  {ital.)  mezzo,  middte, 

Mez»ytinto,  sm.  mezzo-^into  a 

sort  of  engraring. 
Miado,  pp,  adj.  tbat  bas  cried  as 

a  cat.  [or  me-«ring. 

Miado,  sm.  or  Miadura,  s/,  nww 
Mialiiar,  sm,  (a  sea  term)  spun- 

yarn.  [cats. 

Mianada,  sf.  tbe  mewing  of  mecny 
Miar,  vn.  to  mew,  to  cry  as  a  est. 
Miasma,  sm.  miasm,  miasma. 
Miaamatico,  a,  adj.  miasmatíc. 
Mica,  s.  mica,  ammocbrysos. 
MIcaoeo,  a,  adj.  micaceous. 
Micante,  adj.  2  g.  (poet.)  thining. 
Miòha,  sf.  a  smaU  loai  or  luiap 

of  bresA. 
Michela,  sf.  a  harlot. 
M^ofaeloB,  sm.  pi.   {a  sea  term) 

nlppers.  (ren.t  ti^iab^* 



—  512  — 


Microoephalo,  a,  adj.  that  has 

a  smalf  head. 
MicroohronometrOf  sm.  micro- 

Microcosmo,  sm.  microcosm. 
Micrologia,  sf,  a  treatise  about 

small  objects. 
Micrometro,  sm.  micrometer. 
lUoròaoopico,  a,  adj.  microsco- 

Mieroscopio,  sm.  microscope. 
Migado,  a,  pp.  adj,  cnimbíed. 
Mijoralha,    sf.    crum,    crumble, 

little  bit. 
Migalhar,    va.   to    crumble   or 

break  into  small  pieces. 
Migalheiro,  sm.  one  who  stands 

upon  trifles  or  small  thinçs. 
Migar,  va.  to  cut  in  small  bits.  — 

o  pão,  to  crumble  bread. 
Migas,  sf.  pi.  a  sort  of  dish  used 

araong  country-çeople. 
Mignone,  s.  minion,  small  sort 

of  printing-type. 
Migo,  adv.  (always  used  with  the 

preposition  com,  with)  Com  — , 

"witn  me. 
Migração,  sf.  migration. 
Migrante,  adj.  and  s.  2  g.  roving, 

Mija,   sf.   (an    infantile    word). 

Fajser  — ,  to  piss. 
Mijada,  sf.  the  act  of  plssing. 
Mijadeiro,  sm.  a  chamber  pot. 
Mijadella,    sf.  the  quantity   of 

urine  pissed  at  once. 
Mijado,  a,  pp,  adj.  be-pissed. 
Mijão,  ona,  adj.  and  s.  a  pisser. 
Mijar,  va.  and  n.  to  piss,  to  be- 

piss.   Mijar-se,   vr.   to    be-piss 

one's  self. 
Mijo,  sm.  urine,  piss. 
Mijoa,  sf,  a  pisser ;  (fig.)  a  dirty 

Mijote,  sm.  a  coward,  poltroon. 
MU,  adj.  num.  thousand.  Mil-reis, 

one  thousand    rees.  —  folhas, 

(bot.)  the  herb  railfoil. 
Milagre,  sm.  a  miracle,  wonder. 
Milagreiro,   sm.    credulous    in 

miracles.  [lously. 

ICilagrosamente,   adv,  miraou- 
Mllagroso,  a,  adj.  miraculous, 

Milaneza,  sf.  a  sort  of  stuã'  that 

comes  from  Milan. 
Milfollias,  s.  {bot.)  milfoil. 
Milfurada,  sf.  the  herb  St  Johns 

wort.  [manyholes. 

Milfurado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tnat  has 
Millia,  sf.  mile. 
Milhafre,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  kite,  a 

bird-of  prey.  [upon  kites. 

Milhaneiro,  a,  adj^  tnat  preys 
Milhano,  sm.  {nat.    hist.)    kite. 
Millião,  sm.  a  million. 
Milhar,  sm,  a  thousand. 
Milharada,  sf.  a  piece  of  ground 

sown  with  millet. 
Milharás,  sf.  pi.  the  grains  in 

figs;  the  milt  or   soft  row  of 

Milheira,  sf.  a  linnet. 
Milheiro,  sm.  a  thousand. 
Milho,     sm.     horse-millet.     — 

grande  ou  da  índia,  maize  or 

Indian  com.  —  do  sol,  çround- 

sel.  —  sorgo,  Turkey  millet. 
Milhomens,    sm.  pi.    {bot.)  the 

root  of  the  basil.  —  a  Brazilian 

Slant  supposed  to  be  an  anti- 
ote  for  poison. 

Milicia,  sf.  warfare ;  soldiery; 

Miliciano,  a,  adj.  pertaininç  to 
the  militia.  —  sm.  a  militia- 

Miliciar,  adj.  2  g.  V.  Miliciano. 

Militado,  a,  pp,  adj.  militated ; 
warlike.  [warlike. 

Militante,  adj.  2  g.   a.  soldier; 

Militar,  adj.  and  s.  i  g.  military. 
E'um  bom  — ,  he  is  a  good  sol- 
dier, military  man. 

Militar,  vn.  to  serve  as  a  sol- 
dier. —  {fíg')  to  militate;  to 
hold  good  (an  argument). 

Militannente,  adv.  militarly. 

Milionário,  a,  adj.  millenary. 

Milionários,  sm.  pi.  millena- 

MiUenio,  sm.  millennium. 

Millepedes,  sm.  millepedes. 

Millesimo,  a,  adj.  millesimal; 

MUlionario,  a,  sm.  or  /.  a  person 
extremely  rich. 

Millionesimo,  a,  adj.  millionth. 


—  513  — 


JSim^pron.  an  oblique  case  of  the 
pronoun  eu,  I.  De  — ,  of  me,  a  — , 
tome  :  a  mim  mesmo,  to  myself. 
Mimica,  sf.  mimic  art. 
Mimicamente,   ado.  mimically. 
Mimico,  a,  adj.  mimic. 
Mimo,  sm.  gift,  present;  endear- 
ing     usa^e,     kind     reception 
Fazer  muitos  —s,  to  make  much 
of ,  to  treat  tenderly ;  squeam- 
ishness,    daintiness,    coyness; 
indulgence,    forbearance,    ele- 
^ance    skiífulness,    neatness ; 
jester,  a  mimic  actor. 

luinographia,  sf.  treatise  on 
the  mimic  art.  [pher. 

Himographo ,    sm.     mimogra- 

Himologia,  sf.  imitation  of  the 
voice  or  gestures  of  another. 

Mimosamente,  ado.  delicately; 

Mimosear,  va.  to  present,  to 
favour  with  a  gift. 

Mimoso,  a,  adj.  fondling,  favour- 
ite,  darling,  prettv. 

Mina,  sf.  mine;  (fig.)  a  lucra- 
tivo proâtable  thing;  spring, 
source,  cause.  [dermined. 

Minado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mined,  un- 

Minador,  sm.  a  miner. 

Minar,  va.  and  n.  to  mine  or  un- 

Minareto,  sm.  minaret. 

Minaz,  adj.  2  g.  minacious. 

Mineiro,  sm.  a  miner ;  the  place 
"where  they  fiah  for  pearls. 

Mineiro,  a,  adj.  mineral,  belong- 
ing  to  mines. 

Mineração,  sf.  separation  of 
metais  from  their  ores ;  explo- 
ration  of  a  mine. 

Minerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  extracted 
from  a  mine. 

Mineral,  adj.  mineral. 

Mineral,  sm.  a  mineral  or  fos- 
sile  body.  [tion. 

MineralisaçSo,   sf.    mineraliza- 

MineraUsado,  a,  pp.  adj,  mine- 

Mineralisador,  sm.  mineralizer. 

Mineradisante,  adj.  2  g.  mine- 

Mtneraluar,  va.  to  mineralize. 

Mineralogia,  sf.  mineralogy. 

Mineralogicamente.  adv.  mine- 
ralogically.  (gícal. 

Mineralógico,  a,  adj.  mineralo- 
Mineralogista,  sm.  a  mineralo 

Minerar,  va.  to  dig  for  metais. 

Mingacho ,  sm.  a  dry  hoUow 
gourd  wherein  fishermen  put 
the  fish. 

Mingao  or  Mingau,  sm.  a  sort 
of  paste  (Brazil). 

Mingua,  sf.  want,  need,  failure. 
A'  —  for  want.  A'  —  de  di- 
nheiro for  waut  of  money. 

Minguadamente ,  ado.  needly. 

Minguado,  a,  pp.  adj.  decreased; 
unlucky,  fatal,  poor,  needy, 
worse,  inferior,  less. 

Minguador,  a,  adj,  and  s.  one 
who  diminishes.  [ure. 

Minguamento,  sm.  want,    fail- 

Minguante,  adj,  2  g.  that  dimi- 
nishes. —  da  lua,  the  wane  of 
the  moon.  [grow  less. 

Minguar,    vn.   to    decrease,   to 

Minha,  pron.  f.  of  Meu.  my. 

Minhoca,  sf.  an  earth-worm ;  a 
male  child  s  privities. 

Minhoteira,  sf.  a  small  wooden 

Minhoto,  adj.  and  s.  one  that  is 
bom  in  the  province  of  Entre 
Bouro  e  Minho.  [painter. 

HflOniaturista ,    sm.    miniature- 

Miniatura,  sf.  miniature. 

Miniaturar,  va.  to  make  a 

Mínima,  sf.  {mus.)  minim. 

Minimo,  a,  adj.  the  least  or 
very  little.  — ,  s.  {math.)  min-i- 
mum.  Frade  — ,  a  rainim. 

Minio,  sm.  vermillion.  frial. 

Ministerial,  adj.  2   g.  ministe- 

Ministerialismo,  sm.  ministe- 
rialism.  [terially. 

Ministerialmente,  adv.  minis- 

Ministerio,  sm.  ministry ;  a^en- 
cy,  service.  —  minister's  omce. 

Ministra,  sf.  a  maid  servant ;  an 

Ministrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fur- 
nished  or  supplied  \irith. 

Ministirador,  sm.  furnisher.  — 
adj.  ministrant. 


Ministrar,     va.  to  itenish,  to 

afford,  to  supply  vitk.  — •  tw.  to 

ral«  or  govem,  to  exorcíae. 
miiistraria.  sf.  ministrj. 
Ministrice,  sf.  ma^istracj. 
Ministro,  sm.    múiister,    aseàm- 

tant.   magistrate,  jodee.  —  de 

ef.tado.    a  mimister    of    state; 

plenipotenciário,  an  envoy. 
SQnoração,  $f.  SDÍii(H*atioiL,  di- 

minution.  [lessened. 

Minorado,  a,^.  adj.  âirainiaiMM^ 
Minorar,  va.  to  diminish. 
Minorativamente,  adx.  by  way 

of  diminution. 
Mlnorativo,  a,  adj,  dimiaisliing. 
Minorista,   sm.  he  -wfao  has  re- 

ceived    the    lesser    orders  of 

Minotauro,  sm.  minotaor. 
Minuoia,  sf.  triâe. 
Minucioso,  a,  adj.  that  stands 

apon  triíles,  íinical. 
Minudência,  sf.  nicety,  trifle. 
Minuete,    sm.    minuet,  a  sl<ntr 

graceful  dance. 
Mmnsculo,    a,  adj.  amalL  Let- 

trás  —  a«,  small  letters. 
Minuta,  sf.  minute,  ârstdxMiglit 

of  any  writing. 
mnutado,  a,  pp.  adj,  minsted. 
mnutar,   va.   to    draw   «p,   to 

mske  a  rough  draught. 
Minuto,  sm.  a  minute. 
Miolada,  sf.  the  brains. 
Mioleira,  sf.  the  braina. 
Miolo,  sm.  the  pith  of  anv  tjbing. 

—  de  pão^  the  crumb  oi  bread. 

—  de  noz^  etc,  the  kemel  of  aj 
walnnt,   etc.  MíoIm  de  cabeça^ 
the  brains. 

Mioloso,  a,  adj,  tbat  has  ^reat 

T)lenty  of  pith. 
Mlqueíetes,    sm.  pi.   nâqucdets, 

Mir,  sm.  a  title  of  hononr  amoag 

the  Persians ;  a  noblemaa. 
Mira,  sf.  the    si^ht    of  a  gwi. 

Estar  a  — ,  to  be  in  sight,to 

observe  with  particular  eare. 

Óculo  de  longa  — ^,  a  ^pWBj^ec- 

tive  glass. 
Miraottloso,  a,  adj.  nicaouloiM. 
Mirado,  a,;>p.  úáj.  letrsd. 

-  iU  — 


Miradoiro,  sm.  leads  on  the  top 

of  a  hoose,  a  balcoay. 
Miragesi,  sf.  looming,  a  soit  of 

MtroBMnto,  sm.  ccmuderation, 

ICrante,  «m.   a  turret   on   the 

top  of  íhe  hoase. 

Mixao,  ona,  adj.  he  who  is  look- 

in^on.  [peach. 

ICrac^he,  sm.   a  sort  oTlarge 

Mirar,  va.  to  look  one.  —  JUirar- 

se  —  rr.  to  look  on  one^s  self. 
Miravel,  adj.  2  g.  admirable. 
Mbcilicaniente,  adv.  admirabljr. 
Mirificar,  va.  to  fill  -with  admi- 

ratioD.  [rabie. 

Miriíioo,  a,  mi/,  wonderfal,'  adaoi- 
Mfacrado,  a,  jpp.   adj.  peifomed 

with    myrrn;     dned;     gro-vn 

Mirrar,  va.  to  dry,  to  make  dry. 

Mirrar-se^  vr.  to  grow  lean. 
Mirrastes,     sm.    pi.    a  sort  of 

Misagra,  sf.  the  hooks  and  eyes 

of  a  folding  table, 
Mi—ntiiropia,  sf.  mlsanthropy. 
Mtsaiitbropico,  a,  adj.  misan- 

thropical.  [throçism. 

MfBantJiropismo,  sm.  misan- 
Misanthropo,  sm.  misanthrope. 
MiscarO;   sm.  a  sort   of  miisli- 

Miflcellanea,  sf.  a  miscellany. 
Miseração,  sf.  pity,  commisera- 

Miserado,  a,  pp.  adj.  moved  to 

compassion ;  woun&d. 
Miseramante,  adv.   miserably. 
BUserando,  a,  adi.  pitiable. 
Miserar,  va.  {anc^  to  set  at  va- 

riance.  Miserar-se,  vr.  to  pity 

one's  self,  to  complain. 
Miseravd,  od/.  2  g.  miseraUe; 

low,  despicable.  —  sm.  or  f.  a 

miser.  [bly-. 

Miseravelmente,  adv,  mísera- 
Miserere,  sm.  a  title  given  to 

the  fifty-vfirst  psalm^    also  :  ^ 

mei,  a  most  excrudating  paia 

in  the  bovels. 
MtwfTia,   «/.  misery,  wretched-r 

assa,  Búsnrtu&e. 


—  «IS  — 


Kiserioonlia ,  sf.  mercy^  com> 
passion,  pity. 

■jseriooruBdor,  sm.  raercifúl. 

MiseríDoréUoeBSiexite,  adv,  mer- 
cifally.  [f«L 

Miaerioordioso,  a,  aâi.  merci- 

Misero,  a,  adi.  miseraole,  piti- 

Misero,  «m.  a  mi»er,  a  "WTOtched 

lusogaznlB,  sf.  misogamy. 

Missa,  ^f.  the  mass,  the  «ervice 
•of  the  Rotnan  church.  —  reza- 
da, Icrw  mass.  —  cantada^  high 
m«ss.  —  «ecíz,  dry  mass,  Tiviíere- 
in    there    is    no  consecration. 

—  de  defuntos,  das  almas,  or  de 
requiem,  a  requiem  or  mass  for 
the  dead.  —  votiva,  a  votive 
mass.  —  do  gatlo,  Úte  mass  sàkH 
ftt  inidnight  on  Christmas-day. 

—  cTalva,  the  mass  said  at 
break  of  d  av. 

Missagra,  sf.  V.  Misaçra, 
Misssd,  sm.  a  mass-book. 
Missanga,    sf.  beads    made  of 

BuÍbsSo,  sf.  a  mission. 
BfiBsaria,  sf.  a  great  qoantity 

of  masses  for  the  dead. 
Miaser,  sm.  sir. 
Missionado,  a,  pp.  adj.  iustroc- 

ted  by  the  missionaríes. 
Missionar,  va.  to  instruct  as  a 

Missionário,  sm.  missionary. 
Missivo,  a,  aãj.  roissive. 
BSisteiroso,  a,  adj.  a  siechanic 

or  a  "worlunaD. 
Mister,  sm.   want,  need,   occa- 

sion ;  Office,  business.  Ha  — ,  it 

is  necessary.  Haver — ,  to^wast. 
Mistério,  sm.  Y.   ASysterw   and 

Mistico,  a,  adj.  contiguous ;  ha- 

ving  no  hedge,   *wall  or  bonn- 

dary.  P**y« 

Mistiforio,  sm.  mixtnre,  miscel- 
Misto,  a,  €bdj.  mixed.    Cár  —o, 

mixed  colour. 
Mistura,  sf.  mixtare.  Pão  de  — , 

breed  made  of  millet,  ry-e,  etc. 
Vtatarada,  sf.   various    herbs 

mixed-;  the  kei^  Jofan^s  wort. 

,  adv.  mizi^, 

MMnrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mixed. 
Misturar,  va.  to  mix,  to  minglei; 

to  blend,  to  dilate,  to  temper.— - 

vn.  to  be  joined. 
Misturavel,  adj.  2  g.  miscibie. 
Mitas,  sm.  pi.  (id  A£rica)  a  «ort 

of  beadfi  made    of  clay,    used 

instead  of  money. 
Mitigação,  sf.  mitigation. 
Mitigado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mitigated. 
Mitigador,  sm.  mitigator. 
Mitigar,  va.  to  mitigate,  to  sof- 

ten,  to  cool,  to  moderate. 
]|^tigativo,  a,  or  Mitigatorlo, 

a,  adj.  mitigating. 
Mitra,  sf.  a  mitre. 
Mitrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mitred. 
Mitrar,  va.  to  mitre.  [data. 

Mitrldato,  sm.  {pharm.)  mithrí- 
Miuçaltaas,    sf.  pi.  small  frag* 

ments  of  pieces  of  ao;^  thin^. 
Miudamente,    adv.     in     little 

pieces,   stríctly,     exactly,   mi- 

otrtely.  [quently. 

Minde,  adv.  A  — ,  often,  fre- 
Miudear,  va.  to  -write,  to  relate. 
Miudem,  sf.    slenderness,    mi- 

nnteness.  [gawa. 

MindaDELS,  sm.  pi.  trifles,  gew- 
Miudo,  a,  adj.  minute,   slender. 

A  mtiMÍo,    often.  Por  — ,    mi- 

nutely.  Vender  por  or  pelo  —  to 

sell  by  retail;  precise,    exact, 

Miúdos,  sm.  pi.  change  or  small 

money;  the  gibblets  or  pluck 

of  any  beast. 
MivUo,  sm.  the  nave  of  a  whBol; 

the  yolk  of  an  e^g. 
Miunçtts,  êf.  pi.  minute  tithes  as 

lambs,  pigs,  etc. 
Miztík>,  sf.  mixtion.  [mixt. 

Mizto,  a,  adj.  mixed,  mingled, 
Mixto,  ^m.  mixtttre. 
Mnemónica,  sf.  mnemónica. 
Mnemónico,  a,  adj.  ranemonic. 
Mo,  instead  of  M'o,   a   contrac- 

tion  of  me. 
M6,  sf.  a  mill-stCMie.  —  de  gente^ 

a  rout,  concourse  of  people. 
Moagem,  sf  the  act  of  grinding. 
Moai,  sm. «  flail. 



—  516  — 


Mobil,  adj.  2  g-  mobile,  movea- 
ble.  —  sm.  any  thing  that 
inoves;  mover.  [niture. 

Mobilia,  sf.  raoveable,  goods,  fur- 

Mobiliar,  va.  to  furniso,  to  pro- 
vida, to  garnish. 

Mobilidade,  sf.  mobility. 

Mobilisação,  sf.  (m  law  and  aãr 
min.)  declaring  fixtures  to  be 
moveables ;  mobilization. 

Mobilisar,  va.  to  convert  into 

Moça,  sf.  a  young  woman.  — 
de  servir^  a  maia  servant;  a 
girl,  a  kept  woman. 

Moca,  sf.  a  mocking. 

Mocadão,  sm.  the  master  oí  a 
ship  in  Ásia. 

Moçafo,  sm.  alcoran. 

Mocanqueiro,  sm.  an  affected 

Mocanq[ulce,  sf.  affectation. 

Moção,  sf.  motion,  moving,  im- 
pulse, tendency  of  the  mind. 

Mocetão,  ona,  sm.  or  f.  a 
strong  young   man  or  woman. 

Mochadura,  sf.  the  act  of  cut- 
tingoíf  the  horns. 

Mochar,  va.  to  cut  oíl'  the  horns. 

Mocbeta,  sf.  the  edge  of  any 
work  particularly  of  columns. 

Moohicão,  sm.  buifet,  blow. 

Mochila,  sf.  a  knapsack  or  wal- 
let ;  a  false   cover  of  a  saddle. 

Mocho,  a,  adj.  having  the  horns 
cut  cif. 

Mocho,  sm.  the  homed  owl. 

Mocidade,  sf.  youth.  Mocidades^ 
follies  of  youth.  [vant. 

Moço,    sm.   young-raan ;  a  ser- 

Moço,  a,  adj.  young. 

Mocotó,  sm.  sneep^s  trotters. 

Moçuaquim,  sm.  a  medicinal 
root  comlng  from  Mosambique. 

Moda,  sf.  mode,  fashion,  vogue, 
use.  A'  — ,  fashionabl}'.  Já  pas- 
sou esta  — ,  it  is  quite  out  of 
fashion.  O  que  inventa  modas^ 

Modal,  s.  and  adj.  2  g.  modal. 

Modalidade,  sf.  modality.- 

Modelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  modelled, 

squared,  shaped. 
Modelador,  sm.  modeller. 

Modelar,  va.  to  model,  to  shape, 

to  form. 
Modelo,   sm.  a  model  of  wood, 

stone,  etc;  pattern,  example. 
Moderação,  sf  moderation. 
Moderadamente ,    adv.   mode- 

Moderado,  a,   pp.   adj.    mode- 

rated,  moderate;  temperate. 
Moderador,  sm.  a  moderator. 
Moderadora,  sf  moderatrix. 
Moderar,  va.    to  moderate,   to 

temper,    to   repress,  to  dimi- 

nish.  Moderar-se^  vr.  to  refrain. 
Moderativo,   a,  and  Modera- 

torio,  a,  adj.  that  rules,  calms 

or  restrains. 
Moderavel,  adj.   2  g.  that  may 

be  moderate. 
Modernamente,  adv.  modernly. 
Modernice,  sf.  innovation,  nõ- 

Modernisar,  va.  to  modernise. 
Modernismo,  sm.  modemlsm. 
Modernista,  sm.  one  who  likes 

more  the  modem  than  the  an- 

cient  manners.  [cent. 

Moderno,    a,   adj.  modem,  re- 
Modestamente,  adv.  modestly. 
Modéstia,  sf.  modesty. 
Modesto,  a,  adj.  modfest ;  mode- 
Modicamente,  c^v.  moderátely. 
Modicar,  va.  to  moderate. 
Modicidade,  sf.  modicum,  small- 

Módico,  a,  adj.  small,  moderate. 
Modificação,  sf.  modíScation. 
Modificado,   a,    pp.    adj,  mo- 

dified,  mitigated. 
Modificador,  a,  s.   or  adj.  he 

or  she  who  modiíies. 
Modificar,  va.  to  modify. 
Modificativo,  a,  adj.  modiíica- 

Modilhão,  sm.  {arch.)  modillion. 
Modista,    sf.    milliner,    dress- 

Modo,  sm.  mean,  manner,  guise, 

fashion;  mood;  temper;  mode. 

Ao  —  efe,  like,  as.  Ao-^de  França^ 

according      to     the      French 

fashion.  JDe  qualquer  — ,  by  some 

means  or  other.  Sobre  — ,  ex* 


—  517  — 


oessively;   method,  languag^e, 

Modorra»  sf.  lethargy.   Quarto 

da  — ,  the  third  watch  in  the 

Modorrado,  a,  adj.  lethargic. 
Modorral,  adj.  2  g.  lethargic. 
Modorrento,  a,  adj.  lethargic. 
Modulação,  sf.  modulation. 
Modulado,    a,   pp.    adj.  moda- 

lated.  [tor. 

Modulador,  a,  sm.  or  f,  modula- 
Modular,  va.  to  modulate. 
Modulo,    sm.    {arch.)  model  or 

module,  a  kind  of  measure.  — , 

a,  adj.  melodious. 
Moeda,  sf.  money,  coin,  specie. 

—  faXsa^  false  coin ;  light  mo- 
ney. —  de  prata,  silver  coin. 
Casa  da — or  A  Moeda,  the  mint. 

—  de  boa  lei,  money  of  fuU 
weight.  Bater,  fazer  ou  lavrar  — , 
to  coin  money.  Pagar  na  mesma 
moeda,  {fig.)  to  give  like  for 

Moedagem,   sf.  the   coining  or 

minting  of  money. 
Moedeira,  sf,  a  sort  of  instru- 

ment     used      by    goldsmiths. 

Fazer  a  —  a  alguém,  to  plague 

or  vex  one ;  a  great  fatigue. 
Moedeiro,  sm.  a  coiner. 
Moedor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  pounder 

or  grinder. 
Moedura,   sf.  the   quantlty    of 

olives  pressed  at  a  time. 
Moega,  sf.  the  hopper  of  a  mill. 
Moela,  sf.  gizzard. 
Moenda,  sfí  a  mill-stone. 
Moente,  pa.    of  Moer  and  adj, 

grinding ;  {fig.)  that  molests. 
Moer,  va.   to  grind ;  {fig.)  to  mo- 

lest,  to  trouble. 
Mofa,  sf.  mocking  by  grimaces, 

a  flout. 
Mofado,  a,  pp.  adj.  scoffed  at, 

Mofador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  scoffer. 
Mofar,  va.  to  scoif ,  to  jeer. 
Mofatra,  sf.  a  disguised  sale  of 

property  at  a  very  low  price. 
Mofatrâo,  sm.   he   who  uses  of 

Moíento,  adj.  m.  mouldy. 

Motixia,  sf.  misery,  misfortune, 

covetoasness,  ill-luck. 
Mofinamente,  adv.  miserably. 
Mofino,    a,   adj.  miserable,  un- 

fortunate,    wretched ;    stingy, 

paltry,  niggard.  —  sm.  a  miser, 

a  wretched  person. 
Mofo,  wm.  mould. 
Mofoso,  a,  adj.  mouldy,  hoary. 
Mofti,  sm.  muftv. 
Mogangas,    sf.    pi.     grimaces, 

grins,  signs    such    as    lovers 

make.  [macer. 

Mogangueiro,  a.  sm.  or  f.  a  gri- 
Mogi,  sm.  a  sort  of  ancient  dress 

in  Portugal. 
Mogiganga,  sf.  a  sort  of  dance 

or  masquerade  in   which   men 

appearnke  wild  beasts. 
Mogno,  sm.  a  sort  of  American 

vrooá.  [paid  in  fruits. 

MoiaçSo,    sf.    {anc.)  a   pension 
Moiador,  sm.  a  measurer. 
Moldo,  a,  pp.  adj.  ground ;  mo- 

lested,    troubled.    Ter  o  corpo 

iodo  — ,  to  be  bruised  ali  over. 
Moimento,    sm.   weariness,   ti- 

ring,  soreness ;  a  monument. 
Moinha,  sf.  refuse  of  the  thrash- 

ing  lloor. 
Moinho,  sm.  a  mill. 
Moio,  sm.  a  sort  of  measure  for 

com,  barley  containing  60  al- 
Moirlsco,  a,  adj.  and  s.  Moorish, 
Moiro,  sm.  a  Moor. 
Mola,  sf.  a  spring,  a  x)rinciple  of 

motion.  —  de  relógio,   watch- 

spring.   Molas,  sf.  pi.  pincers 

used  by  goldsmitns. 
Molagem,  sf.  Comer  de  — ,  to  eat 

to  another's  expense. 
MolanqnieiHLo,  sm.  a  feeble  or 

weak  person. 
Molancpieiro,   a,    adj.    remiss, 

coward,  weak. 
Molar,  adj.  2  g.  that  triturates. 

Dentes  — es,  molar  or  grinding 

teeth.  Pecego  — ,  a  sort  of  peach. 
Molarinha,  sf.  ( hot. )  fumitory. 
Moldado,  a,  pp.  adj.  moulded, 

cast  in  a  moiud. 
Moldador,  sm.  moulder. 
Moldar,  va,  to  mouldy  \a  \&!!A^« 


—  618  — 


Molde,  sm.  mould;  nodftl,  fout- 

tern,  example. 
Moldara,  sf.  a  pictare  ô-jane; 

{arch.)  moulding. 
Moidarado,  a,  pp.  adj\  ttãmeã, 

covered  'with  ornaments. 
Molduragem,  sf.  a  fraroe  ^th 

Moidureiro,  sm,  a  frame-maker- 
Mole,  sf.  buík,  any  thing  hug«  ; 

diMcnltj,trouble,  encximrbiaaoe. 
Molécula,  sf.  molecule. 
Moleoalar,  adj.  2  g.  molecular. 
Moleira,  sf  a  miller^s  ^ife. 
Moleiro,  sm.  amiller. 
Moleja.  sf.  the  excreineot«f  birds. 
Moleque,    sm.    a   yonag  bltkck 

slave.  [troubted. 

Molestado,  a,  pp.  adj.  molested, 
Molestador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  molester, 
Molestamente,     adv.    trouMe- 

Molestar,  va.  to  molest,  toimit; 

to  pinch.  Molestar-se,  er.  CotaJoe 

ipams,  to  trouble  oné^s  self. 
Moléstia,   sf.  trouble,    molesta- 

tion,  ^in,  ^rief ;  sickxtesa,  ia- 

disposition,  ilUiess. 
Molesto,    a,    adj.    troubleaaise 

oifensive  ;  sick,  indispoaed, 
Molestoso,  a,  adj.  that  trouUes 

or  vexes.  [grind  colonrs. 

Moleta,  sf.  muUar,  a  stoDe  to 
Molhadella,  sf.  soaking,^wetti]ig. 
Molhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  -vet,  reoist, 
Molhadura,  sf.  wetting  ;  bev«r- 

age,  Pa^cir  a  — ,  to  pay  berer- 

Molhamento,  sm.  Ti^ttiag. 
Molhar,  va.  to  iret ;  to  moiston. 

—  no  molho,  to  4ip  in  dm  sMioe. 

Molhar-sCy  vr.  to  wet  one^a  »elf. 
Molhe,  sm.  mole,  rampart,  pier, 

mound,  dyke. 
Molhelha>  sf.  a  porter^  kiKA. 
Molho,  sm.   a  bandle  of  -wood, 

straw,  etc,  a  faggot  orbavia^ 

sauce,  gravy. 
Mòliana,  sf.  Cantcara  —  a  alffvem, 

to  reprimacd  one. 
MoitiçSo,    sf.    a    stratagiexa    «r 

Moliço,  sm.  tfaatcb,  the  stx&w  mS 

ryB  to  thatch  mitk. 

MolÉaete,  sm^  (for^-)  mocdkiet ;  a 

chocolate-stick  or  mill ;  "wind- 

lasa,  tuFQstile. 
MoUxIkar,  va.  to  mill,  to  grind. 
Molle,  adj    2   g.  soft,   mello^v; 

weak,  eneminate ;  reiaiss,  slow. 

—  adv.  slovly,  gently.  Ir  se/u 

— ,  to  -wálk  gently.  Crénio  — .,  a 

feeble  temper. 
Mc^Uleira,  sf.  the   mould  of  the 

head.  Pôr  sal  na  — ,  to  correct 

aiay  one's  foUy. 
Molíete,  adj.  2  g.  Pão  — ,  ligAit 

or  spoBgy  bread. 
MoUessa,   sf.   softness,    want  of 

Mollicia,   sf.   wantonness,  e£te- 

Mollicie,  sf.  ooanism. 
MolUd&o,  sf.  softness. 
Ifollificaçi^,    sf.    mollificatioD, 

Mtdlincado,  a,  m).  adj.  mollified. 
Mollificante,  aâj.^  g.  mollifying, 

MoUiJEicar,    va.    to    mollify,   to 

soften,  to  assuag«. 
Mollificativo,  a,  adj.  mollifyiBg, 

MolUnha,  sf,  a  mizzling-rain. 
Mollinhar,  vn.  to  mizzle. 
Molllnhoso,  a,  adj.  rainy. 
MoUir,  va.  {anc.)  to  plot,  to  cjm- 

trive,  to  project. 
Mollosso,  5971.  a  mastiff-diog. 
MoUuria,  sf.  softsess,  want  of 

resolution  :  softness  accompa- 

nied  with  artiâce  and  deceit; 

Moiiusco,  sm.  raolusca. 
Momentaneameiíte,   «tfv.  mo- 

«entarily.  {t«y- 

Momentâneo,  a,   adj.  monoen- 
Momento,  sm.  moroent,ÍBSt«atof 

time ;  consequence,  importance 

"welght.  [laaoes. 

Momento,  a,  adj.  that  joaakes  gri- 
Bfomia,  5/1  a  mumray. 
Momioe,  sf.  ruasameiry,  griaMu»; 

afiectatioa.  (a^BectaXioa, 

Momo,  9m.  griraace,  muaunery ; 
Maaa,  sf.  a  slbe-baboon. 
Monacal,   adj.   2    g.    XBoa>lâsh, 



—  519  — 


Monacato,      sm.      monachism, 

Monada,  sf.    {phil.)   monaxl  ar 

Monadismo,  sm.  a  system  .pre- 

tending  the  universe  is  com- 

posed  of  monads. 
Monaroha,  sm.  monarch. 
Monarchia,  sf.  monarchy. 
MonaroMar,  va.  or  n.  .to  reign, 

to-  command. 
Monarohico,  a,  adj.  monarchic, 

Monarchi0ta,  sm.  monarchiat. 
Monarchomaco,    a,    adj.  anti- 

monarchical,  monarchomacous. 
Monástico,  a,  adj.  monastic,  oie- 

Monção,    sf.     monsoons,  -trade- 

winds.  Fora  da  — ,  to  no  purpoa«, 

unseasonably.  [nose. 

Monoar,  vn.  to  wipe  or  snim  the 
Monco,  sm.  snivel.   —  de  fperu^ 

wattles,  the  puckeredfleshunder 

a  turkey-cock's  neck. 
Monconas,  sf.  pi.  grimaces. 
Moncoso,  a,  aaj.  snotty. 
Monda,   sf.  weeding ;   dough  to 

make  biscuits. 
Mondadeira,  sf.  weeder. 
MondadentOB,  sm.  {anc.)  etooth- 

Mondado,  a,  pp.  adj.  weeded. 
Mondador,  sm.  weeder. 
Mondar,  va.  to  weed. 
Mondonga,  «/*.  a  tripé- v<»Dan. 
Mondongo,  sm.  .giblets  .oTj^pluok 

of  any  beast. 
Mondongueiro,  a,  sm.  or  /.  heor 

she  who  âells  tripé. 
Monelha,  sf»  {a  sea  ^rm).api]d- 

Moneta,  sf.  {a  sea  term.)  a.  «mall 

sail  put  under  the  main  .sail. 
Monetário,  sm.  one 

.sessor  of  a  great  quajitiiy  af 

;pieces  of  gold,  etc. 
Monetário,  a,  adj.  monetary. 
Moneie  or  Monetes,    sm.   the 

hair  of  a  person  .almost 

Monge,  ^m.monk,  friar. 
MouhQttsm.  a]iornament\Qf'&^iei 


Monlr,  va.  {anc.)  to  admoniah,  ^ 

Monitoria,  sf.  monitory. 
Monitorial.  adj.  2  g.  pertainixi^ 

to  monitory. 
Monitorio,  sm.  monitory. 
Monja,  sf.  a  nun. 
Mono,  a,  sm.  or  f.  «  baboon; 

{fig.)  a  very  ngly  man  or  woman. 
Monocordio,  sm.  monochord. 
Monochroma,  s.  monochrom. 
Monochromatioo,  a,  adj.  and  s, 

Monodla,  sf.  monody. 
Monodiar,  va.  to  deplore  "vrith 

a  funeral  song. 
Monodista,  sm.  monodist. 
Monogamia,  sf.  monogamy. 
MonogamOf  a,  ad§.  monpgamous. 
Monogramma,  sm.  monogram, 

a  cipher. 
Monographia,  sf.  monography. 
Monographo,  sm.  monograpn. 
MonoUthico,  a,  adj.  monohthic. 
Monolqgq,  sm.  monologue,  soli- 

Monomachia,    sf.   mononmchy. 
Monomania,  s^monomanj. 
Monomano,  aJdj.  and  s,  '.mono- 

mániac.  [nopotalous. 

Monopetalo,  a,  adj.  {oot.)  mo- 
Monophilo,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  having 

one  leaf  only. 
Monopolico,  a,  adj.  pertaining 

to  monopoly. 
Monopólio,  sm.  monopoly. 
Monopolisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mo- 

Mbnopolisar,  va.  to  raonopoliíe. 
Monopolista,  sm.  monopoust. 
Monossilábico,  a,  adj.  mono- 

Monosyllabo,  sm.  monosyllable. 
Monotonamente,  adv.  monoto- 

nously.   . 
Monotonia,  sf  monotony. 
Monotonioo,a,â</;.  monotonous. 
Jffonotono,  a,  adj.  monotonous. 
Monsenhor,  sm.  aprelate  of  the 

patriarchal  church  of  Lisboa. 
Monsenhorado,  sm.  the  dignity 

of  a  Monsen/ior. 
iMoneenhoria,  sf.  the  dignity  of 

a  Monsenhor, 


—  520 


Monsiura,  sf.  {anc.)  A'  — ,  after 

the  French  fashion. 
Monstro,  sm.  monster. 
Monstruosamente,   adv.   mon- 

strously.  [sity. 

Monstruosidade,  sf.  monstro- 
Monstruoso,  a,  adj.  monstrous. 
Monta,  sf.  sura,  quantity ;  value, 

Montado,   a,   pp.    adi.   horsed. 

Bem  — ,  well  norsed   or  well 

mounted.  [acorns. 

Montado,  sm.  a  wood  of  beech, 
Montanha,  sf.  mountain,  a  large 

Montanheira,    sf    a  wood    of 

holm-trees,  acorns,  etc. 
Montanhesco,  a,  adj.  mountain, 

pertaining  to  mountains. 
Montanhez,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  moan- 

taineer,  highiander. 
Montanhoso,  a,  adj.  mountain- 

ous,  hilly. 
Montante,    sm.    a   two-handed 

sword.  —  do  maré,  high  water. 
Montante,    adj.    2    g.  that   is 

coming  or  going. 
Montantes,  sm.  pi.  a  sort  of  ar- 
tificial fíres  used  ín  â^hting. 
Montão,  sm.  a  heap,  pile.  Fazer 

montões^  to  heap  up.   A  — ,  by 

heaps,  promiscuously. 
Montar,  vn.  to  amount  in  reckon- 

ing.  —  a  cavallo,  to  ride  a  horse ; 

to  advance  one's  self.  —  o  cabo^ 

{a  sea  term)  va.  to  double  the 

cape.  A  quanto  monta  o  total? 

what  does  the  whole  amount  to  ? 
Montaria,  sf.    venery,  hunting 

of  deer. 
Monte,  «m.  mountain,  hill,  mount, 

pile ;    a   desert ;     a   lonesome 

place  ;  a  poor  farmer's  cottage. 
Montea,  sf.  the  draught  of  an 

Monteado,  a,  pp.   adj.  hunted. 
Monteador,  sm.  huntsman. 
Montear,  va.  to  hunt  wild  beasts 

on  the  mountains. 
Montearia,  sf.  venery,  the  hunt- 
ing of  deer. 
Monteira,  sf.  a  cap. 
Monteiria,    sf.    the  charge   of 

king's  huntsman. 

Monteiro,  sm.    a  huntsman.  — 

mdr,  the  king's  huntsman. 
Monteeino,  a,  adj.  montainous, 

wild  ;  rude,  ígnorant. 
Montez,   adj.   2    g.  wild,   mon- 
Montezinho,  a,  adj.  rustic,  rude, 

belonging  to  mountains. 
Monticola,  5/*.  {poet.)  highiander. 
Montuoso,  a,  adj.  mountainous, 

fullofhills.  [lay-stall. 

Monturo,    sm.    a    dung-nill,    a 
Monumento,  sm.  monument. 
Moquear,  va.  to  smoke  dry. 
Moc[uenca,   sf.    a   sort    of  dish 

made  of  beei,  vinegar,  etc. 
Moquenco,  a,  adj.  sly.    —  sm. 

or  f.  a  cunning  fellow. 
Moquideira,  sf.  the  mouth. 
Môr,  adj.  2  g.  chief,  first,  prin- 
cipal, [a  raulberry. 
Mora,    sf.    a    malicious    delay ; 
Morabita  or  Marabuto,  S7n.  a 

Moorish  hermit. 
Morada,  sf.  a  dwelling-place. 
Moradia,  sf.  a  salary  given  by 

the  king  of  Portugal  to  some 

Morado,  a,  adj.  mulberry-colour. 
Morado,  a,  pp.  adj.    inhabited. 
Morador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  dweller, 

an  inhabitant. 
Moral,  adj.  2  g.  moral.  —  sf.  rao- 

rality,  ethics. 
Moralidade,  sf.  morality. 
Moralista,  sm.  moralist. 
Moralisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mora- 

Moralisador,  sm.  moralizer. 
Moralisar,  va.  to  moralize. 
Moralmente,  adv.  morally. 
Morangal,   sm.  a   place  where 

strawberries  grow. 
Morangão    or   Morango,    sm. 

strawberry.  [plant, 

Morangueiro,  sm.  the  strawberry 
Morante,  adj.   2  g.  that  dwells 

or  lives.  [lodge,  to  live. 

Morar,   va.  or  n.    to  dwell,   to 
Moratória,    */.    a    delaying    of 

sentence  by  the  king,  etc. 
Morbidez,  sf.  morbidness. 
Mórbido,   a,    adj.  morbid ;  dis- 



—  521  — 


Morbifico,  a,  adj  morbiâcal. 
Morbo,  sm.  disease,  iníirmity. 
Morboso,  a,  adj  morbose. 
Morcego,    sm,   a  bat   or   rere- 

Mordaça,  sf.  a  gag. 
Mordacidade,    sf.     mordacity, 

corroding  c[uality. 
Mordaz,   adj.  2  g.  mordacious, 

sharp ,  corrosive  ;  satirical. 
Mordazmente,      adv.      morda- 

Mordedor,  sm.  one  who  bites. 
Mordedura,  sf.  bite,  biting. 
Mordente,  sm.  mordant,  a  sort 

of  composition  used  by  gilders ; 

{print.)  visorium ;  bnus.)  a  small 

Morder,  va.  to  bite  ,  to  corrode, 

to  eat ;  {mech.)  to  catch ;  ifig.) 

to  fínd  fault  with. 
Mordexim,  sm.  a  sort  of  colic. 
Mordicação,  sf.  the  act  of  biting 

or  corroding. 
Mordicante,    adj,    2   g.   acrid, 

sharp,  biting. 
Mordição,  sf.  a  pinch  or  nip. 
Mordicar,  va.  to  mordicate,  to 

bite  ;  to  nip,  to  punch. 
Mordida-do-dial>o,  sf.  {bot.)  a 

sort  of  pimpernel. 
Mordido,  a,  pp.  adj,  bit,  bitten. 
Mordifioação,   sf.   mordication, 

corrosion,  sharpness. 
Mordlmento,  sm.  remorse. 
Mordizixn,  sm.  a  sort  of  sea  fish. 
Mordomado,  sm.  a  stewardship. 
Mordomo,  sm.  majordomo ;  stew- 

ard,  master  of  tne  house-hold. 

—  wiár,  lord  chamberlain  of  the 

king's  house-hold. 
Morèa,  sf.  a  sea-fish  like  an  eel ; 

a  cart-load. 
Moreiredo,  sm.  the  place  wherein 

the  mulberry  trees  grow- 
Morejar,  va.  to  labour  trouble- 

Morenado,  a,  adj.  blackish. 
Moreno,  a,    adj.  dark,  dusky, 

Moresoos,  moresk,  foliage 

or  branched  work. 
Morexim,  sm.  a  kind  of  dange- 

rons  colic  in  Ásia. 

Morfanho,  a,  adj  that  snufâes 

or  speaks  through  the  nose 
Morgada,   sf.  an   heiress  to  a 

Morgado,  sm,    the    heir  to   an 

estate ;  an  estate  by  inheritance. 
Moribundo,  a,  ac^.  in  a  dying 

Morigeração,  sf.  tutoring, 
Morigerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  endued 

with   manners,   goud    or   bad. 

Bem  — ,  of  good  morais,  teraper 

or  humour,  etc. 
Morigerar,  va.  to  tutor,  to  re- 

primand.  Morigerar-se^    vr.    to 

reform  one's  self. 
Morigero,  a,  adj.  well  tutored. 
MorilhSo,  sm.   a  sort   of  insect 

that  eats  beans. 
Morilhas,  sf.  {bot.)  moreis- 
Mbringue>  s.  a  sort  of  earthen 

pot.  (Brazil ) 
Mormaceira,  sf.  dull  weather. 
Mormacento,  a,  adj.  glandered. 
Mormente,  ado.  chieây. 
Mormo,  sm.  the  glanders  (a  dis- 

ease  in  horses). 
Mormulba,  sf.  {anc.)  memory 
Momar,  va,  {anc.)  to  make  luke- 

Momidão,  sf.  lukewarmness. 
Momo,  a,  adj.  lukewarm,  tepid. 
Morosamentel,     adv.     slowly, 

Morosidade,    sf.  morosity,  mo- 

roseness,  sourness. 
Moroso,  a,  adj.  morose,  sourlv, 

peevish.  [hillock. 

Morouço,  sm.  a   great  rock,  a 
Morphéa,  sf.  {med.)  morphoea. 
Morpbeu,  sm.  {myth.)  Morpheus. 
Morpbia  or  Morphina,  sf.  raor- 

Morpbologia,  sf.  morphology. 
Morraça,  sf.  {bot )  a  sort  of  herb 

slime  on  the  sea  shore. 
Morraçal,  sm.  the  place  'where 

the  morraça  grows. 
Morraria,  sf.  a  ridge  of  shelvcs 

of  sand. 
Morrediço,  a,  adj.  mortal. 
Morredor,  a,    adj^    perishable, 

mortal.  [able. 

Morredouro  >  a^  ad} .  ^Tvj:>\.,^«t\^o. 


—  582  — 


Morrer,  vn.  to  die,  te  tenuinate, 
to  end,  to  expire.  —  de  fome,  to 
starve.  —  de  medo,  to  trei^ble 
with  fear.  Morrer  de  morte  na- 
tteraly  to  die  a  nataral  death ,  to 
be  hang^d,  executeâ  or  pnt  to 
death.  —  por  alguma  coueti,  to 
long  for. 
Morrião,  sm.  a  head>pieoe. 
Morrido,  a,  pp.  adj,  dead. 
Morrinlia,  sf.  murrain ;  the  rot. 
Morrinhento,  a,  adj.  tronbled 
with  the  rot.  [with  the  rot. 

Morrinhoso,    a,    adj.   troaUed 

Morro,  tm.  a  great  rock ;  a  shelf 
of  sand. 

Mortacôr,  sf.  the  íirst  celemrs 
with  which  painters  paist  titeir 

Mortal,  adj.  2  g.  mortal,  deadly. 
Inimigo  — ,  a  mortal  enenT.  Omo 
— ,  a  mortal  hatred;  at  death's 

Morted,  5772.  human  creatQi*e.  N6s 
pobres  mortaes,  "we  poor  morfealB. 

Mortalha,  sf.  shroud,  windiag^ 
sheet.  [shroud  for  buriu. 

Mortalhar,  va.  to  pnt   into   a 

Mortalidade,  sf.  mortality. 

Mortalmente,  adv.  mortally, 

Mortandade,  sf.  a  great  slaiigle 
ter  in  battle ;  faavock  plame. 

Morte,  sf.  death,  murder.  Jmzer 
—s,  to  murder.  Isto  aborreee-me 
de  — ,  that  vexes  me  to  death. 

Mortecor,  sf.  a  light  appearance. 

Morteirada,  sf.  a  shot  of  a 

Morteiro,  sm.  a  mortar. 

Morticinio,  sm.  slanghter,  mas- 
sacre [deadly. 

Mortífero,  a,  adj.  mortiferous, 

Mortifioaçfto,  sf.  mortiâca;tioii. 

Mortificado,  2^,pp.  adj.  mortified. 

Mortificador>  sm.  one  lírho  «or- 
tifies.  [fyinr. 

Mortificante,  adj.  2  g.  morti- 

Mortificar,  va.  to  mortify. 

Mortifioativo,    a,    adj.    morti- 

Mortinhos,  sm.  pi.  a  sort  of  figs. 
Mortisinho,  a,  adj.  that  diesof 

Morto,  a,  adj.  dead,  killed  ;  de- 
funct,  lifeless,  dying.  Cór  de 
folha  —a,  filliunot-coloar.  Crerni- 
ea  nascid4i — a,  astill-bom  chiki. 
Dia  dos  mortos,  ali  souls  day. 
Água  morta,  standing  water. 
Madeira  — ,  dead  wood. 
Morto,  £772.  a  dead  body ;  a  dead 

man;  a  sort  of  coin. 
Mortorio,  sm.  Vinha  que  está  em 

— ,  a  thin  or  bare  Yine-yard, 
Mortualha,  sf.  a  multitude  of 

dead  bodies. 
Mortuárias,  sf.  pi.  a  sort  of  tri- 
bute that  was  paid  to  the  chureh . 
Mortiaorio,^cm.  a  burial,  a  fune- 
ral, [leg  of  a  cow  «r  ox. 
Morxama,  sf.  the  skin  of  the 
Mosateo,  a,  luij.  mosaic,  of  Moses . 

A  lei  — a,  the  mosaic  law. 
Mosaico,  sm.  mosaic  work. 
Mosca,  sf.  fly.  —  de  freixo,  V. 
Cantharida.  —  que  dá  nos  ea- 
valhs,  a  horse  fly.  —  de  moti- 
luro,  a   dung-fly;  (fiff,)  a  tire- 
some  person.  —  morta,  an  hum- 
ble  canning  fellow. 
Moscada,  sf.  Nos  — ,  a  nntmeg. 
Moscadslro,  «771.  a  fly-^ap. 
Moscar,  va.  and  tí.  to  go  a-way 

in  a  pet. 
Mosoardo,«m.  gad  bee,  aduag-fly . 
Moscatel,  adj.  2  g.  mnscadine. 

y2'7iAo  — ,  mnscadine  wine. 
Mosco,  sm.  musk.  Y.  Almiacar. 
Mosefo,  sm.  the  Alcoran  among 
the  Persians.  [church, 

Mosinho,    sm.    a    sexton    of  a 
Mosqueado,  a,  pp.  adj.  besprink- 

Mosquear,  va^  to  besprinkle. 
Mosqaeixo,  sm.  a  fly-flap. 
Mosqueta,  sf.  a  musk-nover,  a 
rose;  a  tassel.  Botões  com  — , 
tufted  battons. 
Mosqaetaço,  sm.  amusket-shot. 
Mosquetada,  sf.  a  musket-shot. 
Moscjuete,  sm.  musket. 
Mosquetear,  va.  and  n.  to  flre 

a  voUey  of  musketry. 
Mosqueteiro,  sm.  musk^teer. 
Mosquito,  sm.  muschetto;  ^nat. 
Mossa,   sf.  notch,    nick,    ,}agg. 
Fazer — ,  to  tonch,  move,  alfect. 


—  523  — 


Mossegado,  a,  ^,  adj.  out  off, 


%  va.  {anc)   to  cut  or 

make  the  £rst  cut. 
Mostarda,  sf.  mustard. 
Mostardal,  snu  the  place  wlierein 

mostards  grow. 
Xostardeira,  sf.  the  plaat  caUed 

mustard.  —  brava^  countrjr-ma»- 

tard^  a  muatard-pot. 
Mostardeiro,  sm.  mustardiman. 
Mostea,  sf.  a  sort  of  cart. 
Mosteiro,  sm.  a  monastery, 
Mostiíero,  a,  adj.  that  prodaces 

Mosto,   sm,    must,  sweet   wine 

newly  pressed  from  the  grapes ; 

new  wort ;  the  Mnne  that  ross 

out  of  the  grapes  before  th«jr 

are  pressed. 
Mostra,  sf.  a  pattern,  a  saxapl* ; 

muster,  review  of  soldiecs.  Fia- 

zer  —s  de,  to  feígn,  to  dissemble. 
Mostrado,  9.,pp.adj.  sheved. 
Mostrador,  sin.  a  snop  couater; 

the  dial  of  a  watch  or  clock. 
Mostrar,  va.  to  shew,  to  show, 

to  let  see.  —  vn.  to  feign,  to  dis- 
semble. Mostrar-sey  vr.  to  «hew 

or  show  one's  self. 
Mostrengo,  sm.  a  stray,  a  vaga- 

boQd,  a misshapen  mau  or  beast ; 

a  Inmp,  a  dumpling. 
Mota,  sf.  clod,  a  lump  of  earth. 
Motaoilla,  sf.  a  water-wag-tail 
BEotanos,   sm.  pi.   the  twigs  of 

vine  after  being  cut  oíf. 
Mote,  sm,  a  jest,  joke,  raillerj; 

or  lettra^  the  motto  of  a  devioe. 
Motejado,   a,   pp.    adj.  jeeved, 

scoffed,  reflected  on« 
Motejador,  sm.  a  scoffer. 
Motejar,  va.  to  scoif,  to  jeer  or 

reflect  upon.  [saying. 

Motejo,  sm.  a  sat^Tical, «  sharp 
Motete,  sm.  motteto. 
Moteteiro,  sm.  a  j  éster,  a  merrj 

Motilidade,  sf.  mobility. 
Motim,  sm.  mutiny,  uproar,  ia- 

surrection.  Com  — ,  mutinoúsly. 
Motinador,  sm.  mutineer. 
Motiaar,  va.  to  mutiny. 
Motivado,  a,    pp.    adj.   stated 

or  alleged  as  the  grounds  on 

which  an  opiniou  is  founded. 
Motivador,  sm.  one  that  glves 

cause  of  doing  athing. 
Motivar,  va.   to  give  occaàon 

for  doixkg  any  thinç. 
Motivo,  sm.  motive,  inducement, 

cause,  end  or  design. 
Motivo,  a,  adj.  motive,  motory. 

causing  motion. 
Moto,  sm.  motion.  Y.  Movimenio. 

De  "-  próprio.,  spontaneouaiv; 

(AeroZ.)  motto.  —  de  divisa»  tne  * 

motto  of  <a  de  vice. 
Motor,  «m.    mover,    contriver; 

Motorlo,  a,  adj.  motory. 
Motreoo,  sm.  a  bit. 
Motriz,  adj.  f.  motríx,  motive, 

that  gives  motion. 
Mouca,  sf.  a  deaf  womaa. 
Moucarrao,   adj,   m,  aug.  very 

Moucarrice,  sf.  deafness. 
Mouchão,  sm.   hill,  hillock;  ri- 

sing,    ailuvial    ground;   sóiaU 

islands  formed  in  rivers. 
Mouco,  a,  adj.  deaf.  —  sm,  or  f. 

a  deaf  man  or  woman. 
Mouquioe  or  MouquidSo,  sf. 

Mourão,  sm.  stake,  prop  to  sap- 

port  vines ;  a  sort  of  insect. 
Mourejar,  vn.  to  drudge. 
Mouroço,  sm.  a  heap  or  pile, 
Mouta    or    Moita,  sf  a   place 

vhere  shrubs  grow. 
Moutãe,  sm.  the  block  in  a  sUp 

through  which  the  ropes  rua^ 

shiver.  [thorns. 

Moutelra,  sf.  a  large  bush   of 
Movediço,   a,  adj.    moveable; 

{fig )  inconatant,  restless. 
Movedor,  sm.  V.  Motor. 
Movei,  at^'.  2  g.  moveable.  Bens 

moveis^  moveables,  furniture. 
Movei,  «»u    raover,    mobile    — 

{asiroH,)    Primeiro  — ,    primum 

mobile.  Moveis^  sm.  pi.  movea- 

blea,  personal  goods. 
Movente,  adj.   2  g.  moving. 
Mover,  va.  to  move,  to  induce, 

to  impele  to  aflfect,  to  persuadB; 

to  move«   wi.  tja  i3kí&c.^t\^  V?- 




—  524  — 


voman).  Afover-se,  vr.  to  move, 
to  change  situation,  to  \\e  affect- 
ed  :  prevailed  upon. 

Movido,  a,  pp.  adj,  moved; 

Movimento,  9m.  movement.  mo- 
tion,  moving.  Movimentos  para 
campaínAíM,  Dell  cranks. 

Movito,  sm.  a  voman's  miscar- 


Movivel,  adi.  ia.  moveable 
Moxama,  sf.  ali  sorts  of  salt  or 

dried  íish.  [salta  íish. 

Moxaxneiro,  sm.  he  vno  dries  or 
Moxicão,  sm.  2L  thump. 
Moxinga,  sf.  cudgelhng. 
Mòxinifada,  sf.  a  mÍAture. 
Moyo,  sm.  V.  Moio, 
Mozeta,  sf.  V.  Murçe .         [dead. 
Mozimo,  sm.  the  manes  of  the 
Mozinho,  sm.    a    man    kept  to 

serve  a  church. 
Ma,  sm.  a  he-mule. 
Muar,   adj.  2  g.  Besta  — ,  a  he 

or  she  mule.  [tree  so  called. 
Mubango,  sm.  (bot.)  a  medicinal 
Mucama,  sf.  a  female  slave  who 

accompanies  her   mistress  (in 

the  Brazils.) 
Muchachim,  sm.  a  rope-dancer 

or  sword-dancer. 
Mucharia  or  Muohacheria,  sf, 

a  gang  of  bovs.  V.  Rapazia. 
Mucilagem,  sf.  mucilaçe. 
Mucilaginoso,   a,   adj.  mucila- 

ginous,  viscous. 
Muco,  sm.  mucus.  [cosity. 

BKucosidade,  sf.  mucosity,  vis- 
Mucoso,    a,  adj.    mucous,  vis- 
Muda,  sf.  the  moulting  of  birds ; 

mute.  —  de  bestas y  stage  where 

tho  horses  are  changed.  —  sf. 

a  ílumb  woman. 
Mudadelra,  adj.  f.  fferva  — ,  the 

herb  fumitory. 
Mudadiço,  a,  adj.  changeable. 
Mudado,  ei,pp.adj.  changed,  al- 

tered.  [or  removes. 

Mudador,  sm.  one  who  changes 
Mudamente ,      ado.      dumbly, 

Mudança,    sf.  chance,    altera- 

tion,  cAanging,  variation. 

Mudar,  ca.  to  change,  to  alt^r, 
to  transform ;  to  remove.  —  rn. 
to  change,  to  alter ;  to  mew 
(birds.)  ^uÁir-stf,  vr.  to  change, 
to  become  otherwise  than  it 
was.  —  o  tempo,  the  weather 
altera;  to  shift  lodgings,  to 

Mudarei,  adj.  2  g.  mutable, 
changeable,  variable,  movea- 
ble. Festas  mudáveis,  the  mo- 
veable feasts. 

Mudavelmente,  adv.  changea- 
bly,  inconstantly. 

Mudez,  sf.  dumbness. 

Mudiliar,  sm.  a  chief  civil  ma- 
gistrate  (in  Ásia). 

Mudo,  a,  adj.  dumb. 

Mudo,  a,  sm.  or  /.  a  mnte,  a 
dumb  man  or  woman. 

Muílão,  sm.  a  wild  sheep. 

Mugem  or  Muge,  sm.  a  mullet 
(íish).  [ing-net. 

Mugeira ,    sf.    a  sort  of  fish- 

Mugido,  sm.  the  lowing  of  kine. 

Mugir,  va.  or  n.  to  low  or  bellow 
as  kine  do  ;  to  make  a  confased 

Muito  or  Mui.  adv.  most,  very ; 
much,  too,  too  much.  Não 
falta  — ,  it  -wants  but  a  little. 
Elle  engana-se  — ,  he  is  much 
mistaken.  Não  importa  — ,  it  is 
no  great  matter. 

Muito,  a,  adj.  many,  a  great 
deal,  various. 

Mula,  sf.  a  she-mule  ;  a  bubo. 

Muladar,  sm.  a  dung-hill. 

Mulateiro,  sm.  a  mule-driver. 

Mulato,  a,  sm.  or  f.  mulatto 
man  or  woman. 

Muleta,  sf.  a  cnitch,  a  sort  of 
fishing  smack;  [herald.)  mul- 

Muletim,  sm.  a  small  sail,  car- 
ried  by  a  vessel  called  muleta. 

Mulhe-mulhe,  sm.  a  mizzling- 
.  rain.  [wife. 

Mulher,  sf.  woman.  Minha—,  m^ 

Mulherengo,  adj.  m,  eífemi- 
nated,  womanish. 

Mulheril,  adj.ig.  womanish. 

Mulherilmente ,  ado.  eifemi- 

MUM  -  525  — 

^Mulherico.  <m.  a  great  number 

of  wornen. 
Muliado,  a,  adj.  vhich  is  of  a 

mixt  breed ;  unnatural. 
Mulidiar,  sm.  a  chief  of  jastice. 

V.  Corregedor.  [feminine. 

Muliebre,  adj.  2  g.  vomanish, 
Molintaoso,    a,   adj.    mkzling, 

Mulo,  sm.  he-mule 


Mulsa  sf.  or  Molso,  sm.  hvdro- 

mel,  mead.  [fine. 

Malta  or  Muleta ,    sf.    mulct, 
Multado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mulcted, 

Multar,  va.  to  mulct,  to  âne 
Multleingular,  adj.  2  g.  multan- 

gular.  [multicapsclar. 

Multicapsular,  adj.  2  g.  [hot.) 
Multicavo,  a,   adj.  {hot)  multi- 

Multicolor,    adj.    2    g.    multi- 

Multidão,  sf.  multitude. 
Multifloro,  a,  adj.  multiflorous. 
Multiforme,   adj.    2    g.  multi- 

form.  [mity. 

Multif onnidade ,  sf.  multifor- 
Multilatero ,  a',  adj.  multilate- 
ral, [lineal. 
Multilineal ,  adj.  2  g.  multi- 
Multiloquo,     a,     adj.    multilo- 

quous.  [rent. 

Multimodo,  a,  adj.  various,  diffe- 
Multiplex,  multiple. 
Multiplicação,    sf,    multiplica- 

Multiplicadamente,  adv,  of  a 

multiplicative  manner. 
Multiplicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  multi- 

plied,  numerous. 
Multiplicador,  sm.  {arith.)  mul- 

Multiplicando,  sm.  {airith.)  mul- 

Multiplicar,  va.  to  multiply. 
Multiplicável,  adj.  2  g.  multi- 

plicable,  multipliable. 
Multíplice,  adj.  2   g.  multiple, 

Multiplicidade,  sf.  multiplicity. 
Múltiplo,  a,  €uLj.  and  s.  multiple. 
Multitude,  sf.  multitude. 
Múmia,  sf.  a  mummy. 

Munda,  sf.  Y.  Monda. 
Mundanario,    a,  adj.   worldly. 

Mulheres  mtmdanarias^   prosti- 
tutos, [worldly. 
Mundano ,   a,    adj.    mundane, 
Mundicia,  5/1  mundation,  clean- 

Mundif icação,  x/'.  mundiíication. 
Mundificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mun- 

diâed,  deansed.  [sing' 

Mundificante,  adj.  2  g.  clean- 
Mundificar,  va.  to  mundi  fy,  to 

cleanse,  to  purify. 
Mundificativo,  a,  adj.  mundifí- 

cative,  cleansing. 
Mundo,  sm.  the  world,  mankind; 

a  globe.  —  mulheril^  a  woman's 

Mundo,  a,  adj.  clean,  neat. 
Munema,   sf.   a  sort  of  orna- 

ment.  Fazer  —  V.  Enfeitar-se. 
Mungido,  a,pp.  adj.  milked. 
Mungil,   sm.   mourning  clothes 

formerly  worn  by  women  though 

not  widows.  [railk. 

Mungir,  va.  to   milk,   to  draw 
Mungo,  sm.  (bot.)  a  sort  of  pulse. 
Munheca,  «/.  the  hand  wnst. 
Munhões,  sm.  pi.  the  trunnions 

of  a  gun. 
Munlioneiras,  sf.  pi.  the  cheeks 

of  a  carriage  to   support   the 

Munição,    sf.   small-shot    used 

with    a  birdinç-piece.     —     de 

guerra^  ammunition.  Pão  de  — , 

ammunitlon  bread. 
Municionado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stored 

with  ammunition. 
Municionamento,     sm.    provi - 

sion,  victuals. 
Municionar,  va.  to  store  with 

Municipal,  adj.  2  g.  municipal. 

Leis  municipaes,  municipal  laws. 
Municipalidade,  sf.  municipal- 

MunicipiOi  sm.  municipium,  any 

city  or  town  corporate. 
Munido,  a,  pp.   adj.  provided, 

furnished.  [generosity. 

Munificência,  sf.  muniâcence. 
Munifico,    a,    adj.   mtmvtlc^vvt... 



Mnnir,  va.  to  provide,  to 

Maptati,  sm.  mtaíty. 

Mnqoaoa,  sf.  {agric.)  a  pâeae  of 

grotind  to  put  in  a  braockof 

tvee  to  be  plantedi  agMa. 
Muradal,  sm.    a  place    foU:  of 

grtíxeh  [míik.  SL-walL 

Murado,    a,  pf.  oò^  eokclcwed 
Murador,    sm,  a  moose^hauter. 

£ s^e  gato  é  bom  — ,  I^m.  eaJtis.  a 

good  mouser.  [mnvaS  crowa. 
Mural,  adj  2  ol  mural.  Cm^íta'^^ 
Morallia,  sf.  {fort.)  wall;.  a  yn/A 

built  for  defence. 
Murar,  «a.  to  mure,  to  ^gralL  — 

vn,  to  mouse.  Mvrer-WB^  vr..  to 

be  enclosed  with  walls. 
Murça,  sf.   a   sort  of  spnaaait 

with  fur  wom  by  prelaSos^  ett. 
Murcella    or   MorceUa,   af.  a 

hog's  puddiuç. 
Murcha,  tf.  witheredness. 
Murchado,  a,  fíp^  aéj.  -wvthflirad. 
Murchar,  va.  to  witb«r^  to  Iftde, 
^to  dry  up.   Murchan-se^  nr.  to 

nrhher,    to    groif   saplasa;  to 

vanish,  to  paas  a^nray. 
Murchecer,  va.    to  mtbcr,,  to 

Mnrchiddo,    sf.  ^tiMiadness, 

the  stajte  of  bein^  faded. 
Murcho,  a,  adj.  withered,  ãidad. 
Murena,  sf.   a  sea-fish  lUio  aa 

eel.  W.Morea.  [Rãitos 

Mures,  a.  pL  (oae.)  mice.  Y. 
Murganho,  sm,  a  little  noase. 
Mnrâitico,     a,    aá^,  mnriatic. 

Acido  — ,  muriatic  acld. 
Murice,  sm.  a  shell-fish ,  uuctcol 
Murmiilho,  sm.  the  murmur  of 

the  craves.  [Estronéií^ 

Murmur,  sm.  noise,  rastliag.  V. 
Murmur aç3o»  sf,.    marmurúifiv 

"dli»^  rmuMd 

Murmoorado,  a,  ^lu  cej^'.  "««^ 
Murmurador,    sm.    murmurer, 

one   %ho  raila  at  of  canraorwi 
^^another;  baekbiter. 
Murmurante,    oci;.    2  p»  iubn 

MuxBnnrar,.  vru  ta  morataBv  ta 

ORiBkUe^  to  censure ;  to  gÍT*:  a 
^ir  5ÍrrjiJ  sound. 

—  S2e  —  KCrF 

MnnmumtiiTO,  a,  adj.  that  mui>- 


murmur,  buazin^. 
Mnrmnzxo,  a^  ad^:  murmuxia^. 
MunauMoso,     a,     adj.     mur- 

Muro,  sm.  ipáll ;  a  great  vail  as 

of  a  town,  castle,  etc. 
Murraça,  sf.  a  stroag  blo-w  \rith 

the  fist ;  box. 
Marrão,  sm.  (gunners)  a  match. 

—    da.    velOy.   the    suuff  o£  a 

candle.  [piece  orhelnet: 

Murrião  or  Morrião,  sm.  head- 
Murro^  sm,  a  buffet,  a  blov;  a 

iatrcnff.  [loor. 

Moraello,  a,  adj.  of  a  black  co- 
Marta,  sf.  {bot.)  mvrtle. 
Mojrtal,  sm.  a  thicaet  of  myrtk». 
Murtinhos,  sm.  pi.  myrtle  ber- 

ries.  [mouae^ear. 

Murugem,  sf.  (bot.)    the   hserb 
Musa,  sf,  museu  Correr  a  — « tv 

be  ia  a  poetical  rage.  Muaat^ 

the  Muses,  good  letters,  human 

MnaaíL,  adj,  2  g^  of  or  beloagiit^ 

to  th»  Musea. 
Masaranha,  sf.  a  kind  of  íield- 

mouse ;  musaraneous ;  a  large 

fish  80  cdCled. 
Mnacadeira,  sf.  the    tree  tbat 

heara  a  aatme^. 
Muscoao,  a,  adj.  V.  MusgeoK 
Muaeoiar,  oc^'.  2  ^.  muscular. 
Musculo,  sm.  muscle. 
Musculoso,  a,   adj,  museul«ua, 

brawny,.  strong. 
Muaeu»  sm.  museum. 
Musgo,  sm.  moas^  museus. 
Musgosa,  a,  mdj.  mossy. 
Musica,  sf.  music. 
Musioal,  ad^\  2  g.  musieaJ». 
Musicalmente,  adv.  musicaJlgr. 
Musicar,  v».  to  set  ia  maak. 
Moaieo,  a,  adj,  musiesL 
Musico,  a»   sm.  or  /    a  maai- 
ciaBk  (musíeian* 

Musiquim,    sm.    an    ambalant 
MucdOk.  am^  the  thish  «r  le^^ 
M— iiimMiafiw  a,  «(fj.  or  9.  mu» 

sulmask,  maJtQOMtan. 
MutabiUdaiékK  «A  ntutshyiKgr. 

MTS                      -S. 

n-                 ifAS 

WKaçto,  •[■  motaUon.  chMge. 
Kntança,  if  (mu.)  changn,  ■!- 

MyBtUknv,  SB.    la  mnUtT,  to 
Mytliloo,  a,  odj.  mjlfiic.  Mra- 

MntUavOo.  ./■  ■nulili.tion. 

Mntilado,  a,  pp.  adj.  motiUted, 

Mythõ,  m.  fabU. 

diminisbed.  ^^ 


HBtra,  sf.  a  »il.  T.  Síita. 

mttrsr.  iw.  lo  H!^. 
Motoaçao,  í/.  miKn»Utr.  roei- 


Matuamente,     aác.     mutiully. 


MuMiS^te.  ^»»if.    Mi  «1.   bor- 
rDKer:  he   who  leudi  motmir. 



Hatnarlo.  >m,  a  barnroer. 

gneu  alpbabaL 

MutuBtarlo.  m.     «ad  a^'-    lo 

who  borrows,                        Ittl. 

intbe.  —jfloefo,  inibo drairBr. 

Matao.  a,  téf.  mutual,  ntípro- 

Bm*  rtM.  -  ,™™,  wie»  *. 

Mya^o,  'J",  ií(,i.!  injigrtiin. 


Myologia,  sf.  .nj-olw). 

NalMbo,  «K.  a  nahob. 


NaDal,  im.  b  fieid  of  turnipa. 
MalAo.  m.  a  Ui  anciently  p^< 

MyopiB,  ,,■.  ,n_v«py. 

by  tbe  flíbarmeo. 
Niútiqa,  ./.  ■  littla  turnip  gnw 

MyrlBda.    ,/■,     p,,  n.-.U; '(Al-)   » 

ÍDg  «Ih  a  Ui^  one  ;  a  awdt 

gr-ai  iiuii,l,Hr. 

Nabo.    tm.  B    tarnip;  (asa  lau- 

Hyrttattro,  m.  mynolilw. 

guag«]     tbe     lower  boi   ia  a 

M^nlut,  i/.  mjnti. 

S^^if.  ■  vheel  or  bo»  net. 



Naoar^  a°ad"^ad^aU  co- 

Myrto.  jm.  mjrtln. 

l«r  of  notíwT  aí  pMrl;  naca- 

nt.                                     [TBMd. 

s^síissns.  „«,- 

Haoor.  tB.  V.  flToKfr  Bi,a  deri- 

Myaterltwii,  ■,  adj.  mjMerioaa. 

ti«>aliaed.       ''""■' 

My«Uí«,  ,/■  mjMiò. 

Myaolmmo.  «..  mj»troi»m.    ' 

ÍSSC"  m*"^'^'".)     ""il«, 

■j«ioo,  >,  «<,'.  mjarical,  my»- 

lalekhB.             '        ' 

.-'"'■....                                           |ÍDg- 

ITatla.  (in.  DOlbiae,  noaebt.  Par 


—  528  — 


Um  quasi  — ,  next  to  nothing  or 

not  at  ali.  Não  ^— ,  it  is   no- 
thing. O  — ,  nothingness  of  hu- 

man  grandeur. 
Nadador,    a,  sm.  or   f.  swira- 

Nadadora,     sf.    natation,    the 

act  of  swimming. 
Nadante,  adj.  2  g.  swimming. 
Nadar,   vn.  to  swim;  to  flow  in 

any  thing  or  to  have  abundance 

of  any  quality. 
Nádega,  sf.  a  buttock. 
Nadegudo,  a,  aàj.  hopper-arsed. 
Nadegueiro,  a,  aâj.  of  or  per- 

taining  to  the  buttock. 
Nadir,   sm.  nadir ;  that  point  in 

the  heavens   opposite  to    the 

Nadivel,  adj  2  g.  that  can  be 

passed  by   swimming;  native, 

natural.  Agua  — ,  a  source  of 

Nado,  sm.  A  — ,  swimming  or  a 

float.  Escapar  a  — ,  to  escape 

by  swiraminç. 
Nafego,  a,  adj.  (among  farriers.) 

Cavallo   — ,  a  horse    that   has 

one  of  the  hind  quarters  lower 

than  the  other. 
Naíil,  sm.  anaâl  (Moorish  tmm- 

pet.)  [nymph. 

Nalade,    sf.    {mythol.)  a  water- 
Naipe,  sm.  a  suit  of  cards. 
Naire,  sm.  one  of  the  fírst  nobil- 

Naxn,  adv.  V.  Não. 
Namaz,  sm.  prayer  of  the  maho- 

Naxnoração,  sf,  love-istrígue. 
Namorada,  sf.  a  female  sweet- 

heart.  [rously. 

Namoradamente,     adv.     amo- 
Naxnoradeira,  sf.  a.woman  gi- 

ven  to  love-intrigues. 
Namoradiço.  a,  adj.  that  falis 

in  love  with  great  facility. 
Namorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  amoroas, 

Namorador,  sm.  a  man  fond  of 

Namorar,  va.  to  court,  to  ena- 

mour,  to  woo. 
Namoricos,    sm,  pi.  addresaes 

{ítâà  by   lovers;   a   transitory 
Nana,  sf.  lullaby.  Fazer  — ,  to 

luU  by  singing  tnnes. 
Nanar,  va.  to  rock,  to  sleep,  to 

lull  children. 
Nankin,  sm.  china-ink. 
Nâo,  sf.  a  large  ship.  V.  Nau. 
Não,  adv.  no,  not,  nay.  Porque 

—  ?  why  not  I  Ainda  — ,  not  yet. 

—  querOy  I  will  not.  —  por 
certOf  no  indeed.  —  só,  not 
only.  Um  diz  sim  e  o  outro  — , 
one  says  yes  and  the  other  no. 

—  sm.  denial.  Um  —  formal, 
a  positive  denial  or  refusal. 

Napeiro,  a,  adj.   sleepy,  sloth' 

Napello,  sm.  {bot.)  napellus,  a 

kind  of  wolf  s  bane. 
Naphta,  sf.  naphtha.  petroleum. 
Napoleão,  sm.  napoleon  (French 

coin.)  [tan. 

Napolez,  a,  adj.  (anc.)  Neapoli- 
Napolitano,  a,  adj.  and  s.  Nea- 

N^aquella ,    N'ac[uelle ,    N'a- 

quillo,    pron.    instead  of   em 

aquella,  etc,  in  that. 
Naroapto,  sm.  a  sort  of  Indian 

plant.  self-loving  man. 

Narciso,  sm.  narcissus;  \jig.)  a 
Narcotea,  sf.  {chem.)  narcotine. 
Narcótico,  a,  adj.  narcotic,  nar* 

cotical.  [sleep. 

Narootisar,  va.  {med.)  tomake 
Narcotismo,  sm.    the    state  of 

torpor.  to  spikenard. 

Nardino,  a,  adj.  of  or  belon^ng 
Nardo,  sm.  {hot.)  nard,  spike- 
nard. [nose. 
Narigada,  sf.  a  blow  on  the 
Narigão,  sm.  a  great  nose. 
Narigudo,  a,  adj.  long-nosed. 
Nariz,  sm.  the  nose.  Subir  a  moS' 

tarda  aos  narizes,  to  take  pet 

Narração,  sf.  narration. 
Narrado,  a,pj9.  adj.  told,  related. 
Narrador,  sm.  one  who  relates. 
Narrar,  va.  to  narrate,  to  relate. 
Narrativa,  sf.  a  narrativo,  nar- 
ration. [tively. 
Narrativamente ,  fidv.   narra- 


—  529  — 


Narrativo,  a,  adj.  narrativo, 
Narseja,  sf.  [nat.  nist.)  snipe. 
Narvsd,  sm.  {nat.  hist.S  narvhale. 
Nas  lem  as),prep.  in  tne.  —  ruas^ 

in  tne  streets. 
IfaBal,  adj.  2  g.  nasal. 
Nasalidade,  sf,  nasality. 
Nasalmente,  adv.  -with  the  nasal 

Nascença,  sf.  birth,  first  ori^in. 
Nascente,    adj.  2  g.    grovmg, 

rising,    newly   bom;     {herald) 

Nascente,  sm.  the  east ;  a  source 

of  water. 
Nascer,  vn.  to  be  bom,  to  come 

into  life ;  to  spring,  to  grow  or 

come  forth  (^speaking  of  plants); 

to  rise,  to  oreak  out  (tne  sun 

and  planets);  to  rise,  to  take 

rise,  to  proceed  from,  to  issue. 

Ao  —  do  sol,  at  the  rising  of  the 

sun.  Fazer  —  uma  questão^  to 

start  a  questlon. 
Nascida,  sf.  a  bile  or  any  small 

Nascidiço,  a,  adj.  bringing  forth, 

springing  out  of  the  ground. 
Nascido,  a,  pp.  adj.  bom.  Ainda 

não  — ,  nnborn.  Êecem  nascido , 

Nascimento,  sm.  birth,  nativity ; 

extraction,   source,  beginning. 

Dia  do  — ,  birth  day.  —  do  sol, 

the  rising  of  the  sun.  —  de  um 

rio^  the  source  of  a  river.  Ser 

de  —  illtutre,  to  be  high  bom. 

Homem  de  baixo  ou  vil  — ,  a  man 

of  lovr  extraction. 
Nascivel,  adj.  2  g.  that  comes 

Nascivo,  sm.  fate,  destinity. 
Nassa,  sf.  a  net  made  of  twigs. 
Nassada,  sf.  a  multitude  of  nets. 
Nastro,    sm.   a  smaU   ribband, 

Nastorcio,  sm.  {bot.)  cardamine. 
Nata,  sf.  cream,  the  best  part  of 

any  thing;  {fig.)  flower;  {surg.) 

a  wen. 
Nata^9U>,  sf.  natation,  swimming. 
Natado,  a,  adj.  soft,  muddy. 
Natal,  «m.  Christroas. 
Natal,  adj»  2  g,  natal»  native. 
Parte  L 

Natalício,  a,  adj.  natalitial,  na- 
talitious;  that  belongs  to  the 

Natatorio,  a,  adi.  natatory. 

Nateirado,  a,  aãj.  muddy. 

Nateiro,  sm.  slime,  soft  mud ;  an 
extraordinary  manure. 

Natento,  a,  adj.  creamy. 

Natividade,  sf.  nativity. 

Nativo,  a,  aaj.  native,  natural. 

Nativo,  sm.  native,  one  bom  in 
a  place.  [tural. 

Nato,  a,  adj.  bom,  native,  na- 

Natura,  sf.  nature;  pudendum, 
the  privy  parts. 

Natural,  adj.  2  g.  natural;  ille- 
gitimate,  spurious,  native.  Di- 
reito — ,  the  law  of  nature. 

Natural,  sm.  natural,  nature; 
genius,  disposition.  Ter  bom  ^, 
to  be  good  or  ill  natured. 

Naturalidade,  sf.  nature. 

Naturalismo,  sm.  naturalism. 

Naturalista,  sm.  naturalist. 

Naturalisação ,  sf.  naturaliza- 

Naturalisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  natu- 
ral ized. 

Naturalisar,  va.  to  naturalize. 
Natur alisar ~8e^  vr,  to  be  natu- 
ralized . 

Naturalmente,  adv.  naturally; 
plainly,  freely,  frankly. 

Naturança,  sf.  {anc.)  propriety 
in  any  convent. 

Natureza,  sf.  nature;  natural, 
disposition  of  constitution ;  na- 
tive country;  sort,  species,  es- 
sence  of  a  thinç.  Viver  á  lei  da 
— ,  to  follow  entirely  the  natu- 
ral inclinations. 

Nau,  sf.  a  large  ship.  —  de  guerra^ 
a  man  of  war.  —  de  carga,  a 
merchant  ship.  —  da  índia,  an 
East  índia  man.  —  de  armadores^ 
a  privateer. 

Naufragado,  a,  pp.  adj.  wrecked. 

Naufragante,  adj.  and  s.  ig.  one 
who  has  suífered  a  shipwreck. 

Naufragar,  va.  or  n.  to  suífer 
shipwreck,  to  wreck;  {fig-)  to 
miscarry,  not  to  succeea 

Naufrágio,  sm.'wt«i2SK.\  V^9  ^^^>'^'» 


—  S30  — 


Naufrago,  m,  adj.  Ibat  hás  vêSki- 

ed  shipwreck.  —  sm.  mreeked. 
Naufragoso,  a,  adj.  nanfiragous, 

cansing  shipmreck. 
Naulo,    *m.    naulage,    fireight, 

Namnaobia,  sf.  nanmachy. 
Náusea,  «/*.  \med.)  náusea. 
Nauseabundo,  a,  aá^.  naiiMous, 

Nauseado,  a,  pp.  adj,  nacaeated. 
Nauseante,  aaj.   2  g,   diagust- 

ing,  nauseous. 
Naiuear,   va.    to  nauseate,   to 

cause  náusea,  to  loath ;  (jig.)  to 

affect  vnth.  dis^st.  —  o«.  to 

become  squeamish. 
Nausaaittvo^  a,  adj.  that  canses 

náusea»  nauseous.  py. 

Nauc»o6anMnte,  adv.  naoseous- 
Nauseoso,  a,  adj.  nauseous. 
Nauta^  sm.  sailor,  seaman. 
Náutica»  sf.  the  art  of  aaviga- 

Náutico,  a,  adj.  nautíc,  nantical. 

Agulha  —  a,  the  nautical  com- 

Nava  or  Navas,  sf.  a  plaân,  an 

evea  grocHid. 
Naral,  adj.  2  g.  naraL  Bmtalha 

— ,  sea  fight.  Milícia  — ,  th»  ma- 
rines^ naval  forces. 
Naval,   SM.   linen  cloth   »ade. 

V.  Lenearia. 
Navalha,  sf.  dasp-knife.  —  de 

Imrba,  razor;  asort  of  shell- 

Navalhada,  sf.   a   cot  vith  a 

razor  or  dasp-knife. 
Navalhado,  a,  »j».  adj.  cut  with 

a  knife  ; like  acniíe. 
Navalhar,    va,   to   cut  xirhh  a 

knife.  [fish. 

Navalheim,  sf.  a  sort  of  shell- 
Nava,  sf.  nave,  the  middle  part 

of  a  church.  Naves  lateraes^  the 

wing^  of  a  church. 
Navegação,  sf.  navigation. 
Navegado,  a,  pp.  adj.  navigated, 

Navegador,  «m.  navigator. 
Navegagem,  sf.  freifi;fat. 
Mistvegtuitet  sm,  aavi^^or,  seiír 

Navocjar,  va.  and  n.  to  navigate, 
to-  sjul,  to  pass  by  water. 

Narpegafvel,  adj.  2  g.  navigable. 

Naveta,  sf.  a  uttle  ship^;  navel. 

Navicular,  adj.  2  g.  navicular. 

Navifrago,  a,  adj.  naufragiM». 

Navigero,  a,  adj,  navigable. 

Navio,  sm.  sh^,  vessel.  —  de 
duas  cobertas^  a  two-decked  ship 

—  de  guerra^  a  man  of  "war.  — 
mercante  j  a  merchant-mao  or 

Nayades,  sf.  pi.  {mythol.)  -water- 

Nehli  or  Nehri.  sm.   {rtãt.  hist.) 

Faleão  — ,  gosha-wk. 
NahUna,  sf.  a  thick  fog,  a  mist. 
Nebulosa,  a,  adj.  clondy,  foggy, 


,fm.  to  speak  fooKshl^. 
,  sf.  lolly,  simplieity. 
aiBoente,    adv.  neces- 

Necessárias,  sf.  pi.  a  privy. 
Naaei— rio,  a,  adj.  necessaxy, 

not  free ;  fatal. 
Necessário ,    sm.    necessarics , 

competency.  Ter  o  •*<-,  to  have 

a  competency. 
Necessidade,  sf  necessity,  want. 
Necessitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  neces- 

sitated,  necessitous. 
Neeessitante,  adj.  2  g.  that  is 

inevitable,  that  urges. 
Necessitar,  vn.  to  want,  to  lack. 

—  vot.  to  necessitate,  to  vake 
necessary,  to  compel,  to  Dvant. 
Necessitar-^se^  v.  tmp,  men  lack. 

Neoessitoso,  a,  adj.  necMsitons. 

Necrologia,  sf.  necrology. 

Necrologioo,  a,  adj.  necrologi- 

Necrológio,  sm.  necrology. 

Neorologista,  sm.  necrologist. 

Necromanoia,  sf.  necromanej. 

Necromante,  sm.  necronrancer. 

Neeromantioo,  a,  adj.  Aeefc^ 

Neeromanticamente,  adv,  ne- 

Neor<Hphobia,  sf.  necrophoby. 

Neoropolo,  stn.  necropMÍB» 
I  Necropsia,  sf,  neeropsj. 
\  lK«ftta»,  «nu  Bftctar. 



—  »31  — 


Nttctareo,   a,   adj.    nectarous, 

Nédio,  «,  máj.  sleek,  welWed. 
Mefawli»,  a,  adj.  heinous,  abo- 

xninable.  [>^ick«dljr. 

IVotariaiaeitte,  â(fv.«i)oaiuiably, 
Nefario,  a,  adi.  nefarious. 
Nefasto,  a,  aaj.  unlacky,  mans- 

Sicious.  Dia — ,  day  ol  Bioum- 

Nega,  af.  negatioa,  unaptness. 
Negaça,  sf.  a  decoy-duck;  [fig.) 

a  bait,  a  stratagem. 
Negação,  sf.  negation. 
Negaoeiro,  a,  adj.  allnrer. 
Negado,  a,  pp.  adj.  denied,  re- 

fused.  [dictor. 

Negador,   sm.    denier,   coiítn.- 
Negalbo,  sm.  a  small  tmadle,  a 

very  little  hank  of  ibread. 
Kegamento,  sm.  negatton. 
Negar,  va.  to  refuse,  to  deny. 

Negar-se^  vr.  to  deny  one^s  self; 

(at  billiards),  to  be  in  the  wrong 

box,  to  fali  into  the  ibazard. 
Negativa,  sf.  negation,  nega- 

tive.  \}y. 

Negativamente,  adv.  negatíve- 
Negativo,  a,  adj.  negative,  ée- 

nying.  —  em.  nej^ative. 
Negtttorio,  a,  adj.  xMgatorj. 
Negavel,  adj.  2  g.  deniable. 
Negligencia ,    sf.     negligemce , 

carelessness.  [glected. 

Negligenciado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ne- 
Negligenciar,  va.  to  neglect. 
NegUgente,  adj.  2  g.  negligent, 

Negligentemente,  adv.  negli> 

Negociação,  sf.  ne^otiation. 
Negociado,  a^pp.adj.  negoláated. 
Negociador,  sm.  negotiator. 
Negociamento,   sm,  work,  la> 

Noyioiante,  sm.  merchant. 
Negociar,  va.  to  negotiate^  to 

manage,  to  transact  public  af- 

fairs.  —  vn.  to  trade,  to  deal,  te 

drive  a  trade. 
Negociável,  adj.  negotiable. 
Negocio,  sm.  trade,  commerce, 

«Dy   Bort    of  business,   affair. 

Homem  efe  — ,  a  merchant  or 

trader.  Fazer  bem  os  seus  negó- 
cios, to  prosper,  to  thrive. 

Negocioaamente,  adv.  diligent- 
ly.  [to  trade. 

NegocioBO,  a,  adj.  dUigent.  ut 

Negra,  sf,  black  wornan ;  rubber, 

Negral,  adj.  2  g.  blackish. 

Negrão,  sm.  a  sort  of  sea-físh. 

Negregado,a,  adj.  unlacky,  sad, 

Negregnra,  sf.  blackness. 

Negrejante,  adj.  2  g.  grovinj^ 

Negrejar,  vn.  to  grow  black. 

Negreria,  sf.  a  multitude  of  black 

NegricUlo,  sf.  blackness. 

Negrillio,  sm.  a  coarse  blackish 

Negrlnlio,  a,  adj.  blackish. 

Negro,  a,  adj.  black.  Fazer— y 
to  blacken.  Pão  — ,  brown 
bread.  Negra  ventura,  bad  luck ; 
gloomy,  melancholic,  unlacky. 

Negro,  sm.  a  black-man.  Trajar 
de  — ,  to  be  in  mourning.  Saltar 
do  branco  ao  — ,  to  go  upon  ex- 
tremes. [V.  Necromancia. 

Negromancia,  sf.  necromancy. 

Negrume,  sm.  a  black  cloud, 

Negrura,  sf.  blackness. 

Neçfundo,  sm,  {bo(t.)  negando, 

Neixente,  sm.  a  young  lamb. 

Neldo,  9m.  a  sort  of  large  apple. 

Nelgada,  sf.  V.  Pesunho. 

N'eUa,  pron.  (contract.  of  em  ella) 
in  her,  in  it. 

N^elle,  pron.  (contract.  of  em  ellé) 
in  hím,  in  it.  [peeled. 

Nelle,  sm.  rice  that  has  not  been 

Nem,  conj.  nor,  neither.  Nuo  é 
bom  —  mau,  he  is  neither  good 
nor  bad. 

Nemiotialda  or  Nemigalha , 
adv.  nongfat,  not  a  bit. 

Kemoroao,  a,  adi.  woody. 

Nené,  s.  a  little  child  or  naby. 

Nengoro,  sm.  a  military  prder 
in  the  Japan  islands. 

Nenhum,  a,  adj.  none,  no.  — 
homem.,  lao  towsl.    -De  ■ucaiwma 


■"— ^ 


—  b32 


sorte,  not  at  ali.  Não  tenho  — 

rcusão  de^  I  have  no  reason  to. 

Em  —  parte,  nowhere. 
Nenhures,  adv.  úowhere. 
Nenia,  sf.  ncenia,  funeral  songs. 
Neologia,  sf.  neology. 
Neologico,  a,  adj.  neologic,  neo- 

Neologismo,  sm.  neolo^ism. 
Neologista,  sm.  neologist. 
Neomenia,  sf.  neomenia. 
Neoi>hobia,  sf.  dread  of  iimo- 

Neophyto,  a,  sm.  or  f.  neophyte. 
Neoteiioo,  a,  adj.  neoteric,  ino- 

Nephrite,  sm.  {min.)  nephrite. 
Nephritico,   a,    adj.  nephritic, 

Nephritis,  sf.  {med.)  nephritis. 
Nepote,  sm.  nephew  qt  lelation 

to  the  pope,  or  some  cardinal. 
Nepotismo,  sm.  nepotism. 
Neptunino,  a,  adj.  neptunian. 
Neptunio,  a,  adj.  neptunian. 
Neptuno,  sm.  (mvthoi.)  Neptune. 
Nec[uicia,  sf.  vickedness,  malice. 
Nereidas,  sf.  pi.  {myth.)  the  Ne- 

Nerveo,  a,  adj.  nervous. 
Nervino,  a,  cmj.  nervous. 
Nervo,  sm.  nerve. 
Nervosamente,  adv.  nervously. 
Nervosidade,  sf.  nervousness. 
Nervoso,  a,  adj.  nervous,  sinewy; 

pithy.  [strong. 

Nervudo,  a,  adj.  nervous,  nervy, 
Nesciamente ,    adv.     foolishly, 

Néscio,  a,  adj.  foolish,  simple. 
Nesga,  sf.  a  gore  in  a  garment; 

a  piece  of  land  in  forra  of  a  gore. 
Nespera,  sf.  a  mediar. 
Nespereira,  sf.  a  medlar-tree. 
N'e8se,  N'essa,  pron.  (contr.  of 

em  esse.  em  essa)  in  that,  in  it. 
N'este,  N'esta,  pron.  (contr.  of 

em  este,  em  esta),  in  this» 
Neta.  sf.  a  grand-daughter.  Pi- 
menta — ,  the  best  sort  of  pep- 
Neto,sm.  afirand-son.  Terceiro — 

a  ^raijd-cnjld'8  grand-son. 
jNíeumsLf  sf.  inclinationf  bcwVng 

Neutral,  adj.  2  g.  neutral,  neu- 

ter.  —  sm.  a  neutral. 
Neutralidade,  sf.  neatrality. 
Neutralisação ,    sf,  neatraliza- 

Neutralisar,  va.  to  neutralize, 

to  destroy. 
Neutralmente,  adv.  neutrally. 
Neutro,  a,  cdj.  {gramm.)  neuter  ; 

indifferent.  [snow. 

Nevada,  sf.  plenty,  abundance  of 
Nevado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  covered  with 

Nevar,  vn.  to  snow. 
Nevasca,  sf.  plenty  of  snow. 
Neve,  sf.  snow. 
Neveda,  sf.  {bot.)  calaminth. 
Neveira,  sf.  ice-house. 
Neveiro,    sm.   ice-seller. 
Névoa,  sf.  fog,  mist;  dimness. 
Nevoado,  a,  adj.  darkened  with 

Nevoar,  vn,  to  cover  with  fog, 

to  shadow  with  clouds. 
Nevoeiro,  sm.  a  thick  fog;  (Jia.) 

any    thing    that    darkens   tne 

Nevoento,  a,  adj.  foggy. 
Nevoso,  a,  adj.  snowy,  causing 

snow;  white  as  snow,  shining. 
Nevralgia,  sf,  {med.)  neuralgia. 
Nevrose,  sf.  {surg.)  nervous  af- 

Nexo,  sm.  tie,  bond;  union. 
Niagem  or  Amiagem,  sf.  a  sort 

of  linen. 
Nicho,  sm.  nich.  [tobacco. 

Nicociana,  sf.  Ibot.)  nicotiana, 
Nicticora,  sf.  a  oird  so  called. 
Nidificado,    a,  pp.   adj,    nidifi- 

cated,  nested.  [nest. 

Nidificar,  vn.  to  nidificate,  to 
Nidoroso,  a,  adj.  nidorous. 
Nigabelha,  sf.  a  kind  of  creep- 

ing  plant.  [flower. 

Nigella,  sf.  {bot.)  nigella,  fennel- 
Nigunde,  s.  a  sort  of 

black  pepper.  [Nile. 

Nilotico,  a,  adj.  belonging  to  the 
Nimiamente,  adv.  too  much. 
'NVnú&daÂ.e,  sf.  excess,   redun- 


—  533  — 


Nina,  sf.  (a  child's  word)  lulling. 
Ninar,  va.  to  lull  a  child  to  sleep. 
Ningrimancos,    sm,   pi.     tools 

\^hich  workmen  use  in  the  salt- 

works.  [son. 

Ninguém,  pron.  nobody,  no  per- 
Ninhada,  sf.  a  nide  or  brood. 
Ninharia,  sf.  a  childish  thing,  a 

Ninhego,  a,  adj.  tame,  familiar. 

Falcão  — ,  a  hawk  taken  out  of 

the  nest. 
Ninho,  sm.  nest. 
Nipa,  sf.  t-wo  sorts  of  palm-trees 

in  índia;  the  fermented  liquor 

extracted  frora  the  cocoa  nuts. 
Nisso,  Nisto  (contrac.  of  em 

isso,  em  líío),  in  it. 
Nitente,  adj  2  g.  clear,  shining. 
Nitidez,  sf.  neatness,  cleanness, 

elegance.  [shining. 

Nitido,  a,  adj.  clear,  nitid,  neat, 
Nitrado,  a,  adj.  nitrous,  nitry. 
Nitratado,  a,  adj.  nitrated. 
Nitrato,  sm.  nitrate. 
Nitreira,  sf.  a  nitre  vein  of  earth. 
Nitrico,  a,  adj.  nitric  or  belong- 

ing  to  nitre. 
Nitrido,  sm.  neigh. 
Nitridor,  sm.  that  neighs. 
Nltrifioação,  sf.  nitriâcation. 
Nitrificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  nitriâed. 
Nitrificar-se,  vr.  to  nitrify. 
Nitrir,  va.  or  n.  to  neigh  as  norses 

Nitrite,  8.  nitrite. 
Nitro,  sm.  nitre,  niter. 
Nitrogeno,  a,  adj.  nitrogenous. 
Nitroleuoico,  adj.  {chemTj  nitro- 

Nitrometro,  sm.  nitrometer. 
Nitro-muriatico,  a,  adj.  nitro- 

Nitroso,  a,  adj.  nitrous. 
Niveal,  adj.  ig.  {bot.)  that  grows 

in  the  winter. 
Nivel,  sm.  a  carpenter's  levei. 
Nivelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  levelled. 
Nivelador,  sm.  leveller. 
Nivelamento,  sm.  levelness. 
Nivelar,  va.  to  levei;  (fig.)  to 

weigh,  to  examine. 
Niveo,  Of  adj.  niveous,  suowy. 
No  (contrac.  of  em  o),  iji  the. 

N6,    «m.   knot.   —    dos     dedos, 

knuckle,  joint.  Nós  de  um  pia- 

neto,  {aatr.)  the  nodes  of  a  pla- 

net ;  {nas  juntas)  rickets. 
Noa,  sf.  none,  one  of  the  seven 

canonical  hours. 
Nobiliarohia,  sf.  A —portuguezn, 

the    Portuguese    Peerage    (u 

book  so  called) ;  nobiliary. 
Nobiliário,  sm.  nobiliary. 
Nobiliarista,  sm.  he  that  writes 

a  nobiliary. 
Nobre,  adj.  2  g.  noble ;  worthy, 

illustrious;  elevated,   sublime. 
Nobremente,  ado.  nobly,  gene- 

Nobreza,  sf.  nobleness,  nobility ; 

gentility;  excellency,  dignity; 

a  sort  of  silken  stun. 
Noção,  sf.  notion,  deônition. 
Nooente,  adj.  2  g.  hurtful,  perni- 

cious.  [(with  goldsmiths). 

Nochatro,  sm.  the  sait  ammoniac 
Nocional,  adj.  2  g.  notional,  ima- 

Nocionalidade,  sf.  notionality. 
Nocionalmente,  adv.  notionally. 
Nocionista,  sm.  notionist. 
Nocivamente,    adv.     mischie- 

vously.  [quality. 

Nocividade,  sf.   a  mischievous 
Nocivo,  a,   adj.  hurtful,  perni- 

Noctambulismo,  sm.  noctambu- 

Nootambulo,a,  adj.  noctambule 
Noctilaco.  a,  adj.  noctilucous. 
Noctívago,  a,  adj.  wandering  in 

the  night. 
Nocturlabio,  sm.    a  nocturnal, 

instrument  used  to  íind  the  lati- 
tude and  the  hour  of  night. 
Nocturno,  a,  adj.  nocturnal. 
Nódoa,  sf.  a  spot  or  stain. 
Nodoso,  a,  adj.  knotty. 
Nodular,  adj.  2  g  nodular. 
Nódulo,  sm.  nodule. 
Noduloso,  a,  adj  noduled. 
Negada,  sf.  the  walnut-ílower. 
Nogueira,  sf.  a  walnut-treo. 
Nogueirado,  a,  adj.  qí  ;>.^^tv\i\. 

Nogueiral,   sm.  a.  ^\^c,^  ^V«t^ 



—  534  — 


Notra,  sf.  a  daaghter-in-la-w. 

Noite,  8f.  night.  /)«  >>  ia  the 
nig^t.  AUa  — ,  the  dead  t^  the 
night.  Boas  noites^  good  night. 
A'  — ,  at  night.  Meia  — ,  inid- 
night.  A  —  doê  tempos^  the 
darkness  of  times. 

ifoitibo,  JíOT.  a  night-crow. 

Noiva.  8f.  a  bride. 

Noivado,  5771.  a  wedding. 

Noivo,  sm.  the  bride-groom. 

Nojento,  a,  aeí/.  naaseons. 

Nojo,  sm.  a  qualm;  any  tibáng 
that  provokes  vomiting ;  moorn- 
ing,  sorrow,  grief.  Estar  de  — , 
to  moum,  to  wear  the  habit  of 
sorrow ;  hindranoe ,  encom  - 

Nojosameixte,  adv.  nauseotusly. 

Nojoso,  a,  adj.  nauseons,  dis- 
gDsting.  [ness. 

Nolição,  sf.  nolitton,  unwilling- 

Noli-me-tangere,  sm.  (9nMÍ.)iiofi- 
me-tangere  (ulcer). 

Nómades,  sm.  pi.  nomads.  Povos 
— ,  wandering  nations.  —  «líy*. 

Noxnbraxnento,  sm.  nominotion. 

Nome,  sm.  name ;  fame,  renown, 
appearance,  not  reality.  Amigo 
só  de  — ,  a  friend  in  name  ;  re- 
putation ;  (firam.)  anoun;  (among 
soldiers)  tne  "vratch-word. 

Nomeação,  sf.  nomination. 

Nomeada,  sf.  good  name,  good 
reputation.  [namely. 

Nomeadamente,  adv.  expressly. 

Nomeado,  a,  pp.  ad^,  named, 

Nomeador,  a,  sm.  or  /.  he  -who 
has  the  power  to  appoinft. 

Nomeadura,  sf.  nomination. 

Nomeante,  s.  or  adj.  2  g.  naming. 

Nomear,  va.  to  name.  [tor. 

Nomenolador,  sm.  a  nomencla- 

Nomenolatura,  sf.  nomencla- 
ture,  vocabulary. 

Nomina,  sf  a  little  bag  to  keep 
relicB  in  ;  the  stud  or  doss  of  a 
girdle,  bridle,  etc. 

Nominal,  adj.  2  g.  nominal. 

Nominalmente,  adv.  norainally. 

Nominata,  sf.  nomination. 

Nominativo,  sm.  nominatíve. 

NomooosflB,  sm.  nomocanon,  a 

coUectíon  of  canons  and  laws 

lelating  thereto. 
Nomòlogia,  sf.  nomology. 
Nomotlietico,  a,  adj.  nomothe- 

tic ;  belonging  to  legislation. 
Nona,  sf.  the  lowest  form  ina 

Nonada,  sf.  next  to  nothinç. 
Nonagenarle,    a,    adj.    ninety 

years  old.  [tieth. 

Nonagésimo,  a,  adj.  the  nine- 
Nonas,  sf.  pi.  tíie  nones. 
Nanes,  sm.  pi.  odd,   a    nomber 

that  is  not  even  as  three,  five, 

etc.  Pares  ou  nones,  even  or  odd. 
Nono,  m,  adi.  ninth. 
Nopal,  sm.  (bot.)  nopal. 
Nora,    sf.   daughter-in-law.    V. 

Noira.   —  an  engine  to  dcantr 

water  out  of  a  weU. 
Nmrça,  */.  (pot.)  bryony. 
Norchila,  sf.  a  sort  of  Indian  tree. 
Nordestar,  sm.  (a  sea  term)  the 

Nordeste,  sm.  north-east. 
Nordestear,  vn.  is  for  the  needle 

to  vary  towards  the  north-east. 
Nordesteo,  a,  adj.  of  or  belong- 

ing  to  north-east. 
Nore,  sm.  a  sort  of  parrot. 
Norma,  sf.  rule,  direction. 
Normal,  adj.  2  g.  normal. 
Nor-nordeste,  sm.  north-north- 

east.  [west. 

Nor-noroeste,  sm.  north-north- 
Noroega,  */.  {geog.)  Norway. 
Noroeste,  sm.  north-west. 
Noroestado,  a,  pp.  adj.  varied 

(the  needle)  towards  the  north- 

Noroestar,  vn.  {a  sea  term)  is  for 

the  needle  to  vary  towards  the 

nortii  west. 
Norte,  sm.  north. 
Norza,  sf.  {bot.) bryony.  V. Norça. 
Nós,  pron.  the  plural  of  «u,  we. 

Nos  (without  accent),  us.  í)e  — , 

of  us.  A  noSy  to  os. 
Nos  (contract  of  em  o«)  in  the. 

—  campoSy  in  the  fields. 
Nosco.  Com  noseOy  with  us. 
NosOlagia,  sf.  {nied.)  nosology. 
Nomlogioo,  a,  adj.  nosologicul. 


—  585 


Nosologista,  sm.  nosologist. 

Nosso,  a,  adj.  our,  onrs.  O  — 
livro  y  our  book.  — ,  it  is  ours. 
Defendemos  o  que  é  — ,  "we  daiend 
our  ovn. 

Nostalgia,  af.  (med.)  nostalgda. 

Nota,  sf,  note,  roark,  token, 
sigu ;  annotation,  commexitary-; 
note,  account ;  conseqfoence, 
distinction ;  {mus.)  note.  —  ão 
banco,  banknote ;  blemish, 
shame,  dis^ace.  [ness. 

Notaibilidaoe,    sf.    remaixable- 

Notação,  sf.  Dotation.  [ved. 

Notado,  a,  pp.  adj.  noted,  oWnv 

Notador,  sm.  noter,  he  'who  dic- 
tates  what  to  'write  (in  a  tennis- 
court],  a  decider ;  toe  roaster  of 
a  racket.  [to  remark. 

Nolxir,  va.  to  note,  to  obsen^. 

Notariado,  sm.  a  notary'8  place. 

Notário,  sm.  notary,  scrivenenr. 

Notável,  adj.  2  g.  notable,  re- 

Notavelmente,  adv.  remBx<kabhr. 

Notho,  a,  adj.  spurious;  (mea.) 
Doenças  nothas,  spurions  dis- 
eases.  Peripneumonia  •notha, 
false  peripneumony. 

Noticia,  sf.  notice,  advice. 

Noticiado,  a,  pp.  adj,  noticed, 
notiíied.  [serves. 

Noticiador,    sm.   one   "wbo  ob- 

Notldar,  va.  tonotify,todeolftre. 
Noticiar-sey  vr.  —  de  alguma 
cousa,  to  have  notice  of  «ny 

NotLc&rlo,  sm.  a  paper  fhat  oom- 
municates  information. 

Noticioso,  a,  adj.  learned. 

Notificação,  sf.  notification,  de- 
claration.  [declared. 

Notificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  notiíied. 

Notificar,  va.  to  notify,  to  de- 
clare ;  {in  law)  to  summoR. 

Notificatorio,  a,  adj.  that  de- 

Noto,  a,  adj.  known,  evident. 

Noto,  sm.  tne  south  wind. 

Notoriamente,  adv.  notorioiuly. 

Notoriedade,  sf.  notoriet;y. 

Noborlo,  fi,  adj.  notorious. 

Noixte,  »/.  night.  V.  Noite, 

Novm.  «7.  nevB,  «ccotmtf  intelli- 

fence.  Lenar  — s.  to  carry  news. 
'ajser^ve  de  — ,  to  pretend  igno- 

rance  of  a  tbing. 
Novaçfta,  sf.  rnovation. 
Novador,  sm.  novator,  innovator. 
Noval,  s.  a  piece  of  ground  that 

has  l>een   grubbed  up  for  the 

first  time. 
Novamente,  adv.  newly,  lately. 
Novato,  sm.  a  no  vice,  a  young 

stndent;  a  new  beginner. 
Nove,  s.  and  adj.  2  g.  nine. 
Noveado,  sm.  nine-íold. 
Novecentos,  as,  adj.  num.  nine 

hundred.         [a  tree.  V.  Renovo. 
Novedio,  sm.  a  young  shoot  of 
Novel,  2  g.  newly  come. 
Novella,  sf.  a  novel. 
Ncvelleiro,  sm.  a  news-mocger, 

a  novellist,  an  innovator.  — ,  a, 

adj.  fond  of  news  ;  inconstant. 
Novellista,  sm.  a  novellist. 
Novello,  sm,  a  bottom  or  dew  of 

Novembro,  sm.  Novemher, 
Novemesinho,  sm.  a  child  who 

comes  at  the  full  time. 
Novena,  sf.  a  devotion  of  nine 

Novenal,  adj.  2  g.  novennial. 
Novenario,  sm.  novenary. 
Noveno,  a,  adj.  the  ninth. 
Noventa,  s.  and  adj.  num.  2  g. 

Noviça,  sf.  a  woman  novice. 
Novioiado,  sm.  noviciate. 
Novioiaria,  ef.  noviciate. 
Noviço,  sm.  novice. 
Novidade,  sf.   novelty,   novel- 

ness.  — s,  n&ws  ;  fruit  not   ri- 

Novilha,  sf.  a  young  heifer. 
Novilho,  sm,  a  steer,  a  young  ok. 
Novilonar,  adj.  2  ^.  of  or  per- 

taining  to  new-moon. 
Novilnnio,  sm.  new*moon. 
Novo,  a,  adj.  new,  young ;  mo- 
dem.   De  — ,     newly,  lately  ; 

again.   Dia  do   anno   — ,    new 

year's  day.  — sm.  a  young  shoot 

of  a  tree. 
Noza,  sf.  detriment,  loss,  hurt. 
Noxio,  m,  adj.  noxious,  burtful. 
NoE,  ef,  n«t,  wainut.  —  moscada^ 


—  536 


nutmeg.    —  medicinalf   Baxba- 

does  nut.  —  de  Alexandria  or 

Pistacias,  pistachio  nuts.  Nozes 

de  Acajúy  cassada  or  cache w- 

Nu,  nua,  adj.  naked :  mere,  bare, 

simple,  unarmed.  Espada  nua^ 

a  drawn  sword. 
Nuamente,  adv.  nakedly. 
Nubifero,  a,  adj.  nubiferous. 
Nubigena,  adj.  2  g.  born  from 

the  clouds.  [able. 

Núbil,  adj.  2  g.  nubile,  marriage- 
Nubivagb,   ã,    adj.    wandering 

among  the  clouds. 
Nublado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cloudy.  — 

sm.  cloudy  weather  ;  trouble. 
Nublar,  va.  to  cover  with  clouds. 
Nubloso,  a,  adj.  cloudy,  over- 

Nuca,  sf.  the  nape  of  the  head. 
Núcleo,  s)n.  nucleous. 
Nudação,  sf.  nudation. 
Nudez  or  Nudeza,  sf.  nakedness. 
Nuello,  a,  adj.  newly-born. 
Nuga,  sf.  a  mere   nonentity,    a 

Nugação,  sf.  nugacity,  trifle. 
Nugacidade,   sf.   nugacity,   fu- 

Nugatorio,  a,  adi.  nugaiory. 
Nullidade,  sf.  nullity. 
Nullo,  a,  adj.  null,  void. 
N'uni,  N'unia,  (contract  of  em 

um,  em  uma). 
Numária,  sf.  numismatics. 
Numario,  a,  adj.  numismatic. 
Nume,  sm.  (poet.)  a  deity. 
Numeração,  sf.  numeration. 
Numerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  numbered. 
Numerador,  sm.  {arith.)  nume- 

Numeral,  adj.  2  g.  numeral. 
Numeralmente,  adj.  2  g.   nu> 

Numerar,  va.  to  numerate. 
Numerário,  sm.  money,  coin  of 

any  sort. 
Numerável,  adj.  2  g.  numerable. 
Numericamente,  adv.  numeri- 

cally.  [merical. 

Numérico,  a,  adj.  numeric,  nu- 
Numero,  sm.  number,  multitude. 

Sem  — ,  numberless.  Pôr  no  ~,  I 

to  number.  Elle  mora  em  —  2 

he  lives  at  number  2. 
Numerosidade,  sf.  numerosity. 
Numeroso,  a,  adj.  numerous. 
Numisma,  sf.  numismy. 
Numismal,  adj.  2  g.  numismal. 
Numismática,  sf.  numismatics. 
Numismático,  a,  adj.  numisma- 
tic, numismatical. 
Numularia,  sf.  {bot.)  nummula- 

ria,  money-wort. 
Numulario,  a,  adj.  nummary. 
Numulite,  s.  {nat.  hist.)  nummu- 

Nunca,  adv.  never.  Seria  —  aca- 
bar, there  xirould  be  no  end. 
Nuncia,  sf.  a  harbinger. 
Nundatura,  sf.  nunciature,  the 

dignity  of  a  núncio. 
Núncio,  sm.  an  envoy ;  a  spiri- 

tual  envov  from  the  pope. 
Nuncupativo,  a,  adj.  nuncupa- 

Nundinal,  adj.  2  g.  nundinal. 
Nupcial,  adi.  2  g.  nuptial. 
Núpcias,  sf.  pi.  nuptials. 
Nutação,  sf.  {bot.)  nutation. 
Nutante,  adj.  2  g.  reeling,   tot- 

Nutsir,  va.  or  n.  to  reel,  to  totter  ; 

(fig.)  to  nod,  to  threaten,  to  fali. 
Nutrição,  sf.  nutrition. 
Nutrice,  sf.  a  nurse. 
Nutricio,  a,  adj.  nutritious,  nu- 

Nutrido,  a,  pp.  adj.  nourished. 
Nutriente,  adj.  t  g.  nourishing. 
Nutrimental,  adj.   2   g.    nutri- 

Nutrimento,  sm.  nutriment. 
Nutrir,  va.  to  nourish,  to  feed. 
Nutriticio,    a,    adj.    nutritious, 

nutrimental.  [mental. 

Nutritivo,  a,  adj.  nutritive,  ali< 
Nutriz,  sf.  a  nurse. 
Nuvem,  sf.  cloud ;  {fig.)  a  vast 

Nuvioso,  a,  adi.  cloudy. 
NuvradO;  a,  adj.  cloudy. 
Nyctalopia,  sf.  nyctalopia. 
Nsrmpha,  sf.  nymph. 
Nymphéa,  sf.  (bot.)  water-lily. 
Njrmpbeu,    sm.    (antig.)    nym- 

pheum  or  banqueting-nall. 


—  537  — 


Nyxnphomania,  sf,  {med,)  nym- 


O,  sm.  the  fourth  of  the  vowels 

and  the  âfteenth  letter  of  the 

Portuguese  alphabet. 
0\  interj.  of  calling,  admiration, 

etc.  —  que  lastima  !  oh,  what  a 

pity  !  —  grande  Deus  !  O  great 

O,  art.  m.  the.  —  homem^  the  man. 
O,  pron.  rei.  him  or  it.  Eu  chanuho 

or  eu  o  chamo y  I  call  him,  or  it. 

O  before  que,  "what :  isto  é  o  que 

elle  diz,  this  is  what  he  8ays. 
Oásis,  sm.  oásis.  [ed. 

Obducto,  a,ady.  obduced,cover- 
Obduração,  sf.  obduration. 
Obdurar,  va  to  obdurate. 
Obedecer,  va.   to  obey,   to   be 

Obedecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  obeyed. 
Obediência,  sf.  obedience,  duti- 

fulness.  [tial. 

Obedienoiali  adj.  2  g.  obedien- 
Obediente,  adj.  i  g.  obedient, 

pliant,  dutifttl.  [ly. 

Obedientemente,  adv.  obedient- 
Obeliscal,  adj.  2  g.  obeliscal. 
Obelisco,  sm.  obelisk.         [ness. 
Obesidade,  sf,    obesity,  obese- 
Obeso,  a,  adj.  fat,  obese. 
Obfirmadamente ,    ado.     stub- 

ObfiLrmar,  va.  to  obôrm. 
Óbice,  sm.  an  obstacle. 
Obidente,  adj.  2  a.  obedient. 
Óbito,  sm.  obit  ;  death. 
Obitnario,  sm.  obituary. 
Objecção,  sf.  objection. 
Objectado,  a,  pp.  adj.  objected. 
Objectar,  va.  to  oDJect,  to  oppose. 
Objectivo,  a,  adi.  objective,  re- 

lating  to  the  object.  Vidro  — , 

object  glass. 
Objecto,  sm.  object.  [tory. 

ObjQxoatorio.  a,  adj.  objurga- 
Oblaçao,  sf.  oblation. 

Oblata,  sf.  the  bread  and  wine 
before  beine  consecrated. 

Oblato,  sm.  oblat ;  oblate. 

Obliquamente,  ado.   obliquely. 

Obliquar,  va.  to  form  in  an  obu- 
que  figure.  [indirectly. 

Obllquario,  a,  adi.  that  answers 

Obli^uidade ,  sf.  obliqueness, 

ObUqao,  a,  adj.  oblique. 

Obliteração,  sf.  obliteration. 

Obliterado,  a,  pp.  adj.  oblitera- 

Obliterar,  va.  to  obliterate. 

Oblongo,  a,  adj.  oblon^. 

Obnosdo,  a,  aaj.  obnoxious. 

Oboé,  sm.  hautboy. 

Óbolo,  sm.  obolus. 

Oboval,  adj.  2  g.  obovate. 

Obra,  sf.  work,  deed,  action.  — 
de  duas  léguas^  about  two  lea- 
guês.  —  de  mãos,  handicraft. 
Obras  vivas  (a  sea  ierm),  the 
whole  work  from  the  first  deck 

Obrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  performed. 

Obrador,  sm.  workmaster. 

Obragem,  sf.  work,  performance. 

Obrante,  adj.  2  a.  performing. 

Obrar,  va.  to  periorm. 

Obregão,  sf.  lane.)  one  that  con- 
secrated ones  lifetothe  service 
of  an  hospital. 

Obrela,  sf  wafer. 

Obreieiro,  sm.  he  who  makes  or 
sells  wafers. 

Obreira,  sf.  a  work-woman. 

Obreiro,  sm.  a  workman. 

Obrepção,  sf  {in  law)  obreption. 

Obrepticiamente,  adv.  obrepti- 

Obrepticio,  a,  adi.  obreptltious. 

Obrigação,  sf  obligation. 

Obrigado,  a,  pp.  adi.  obliged.  — 
na  devassa,  {in  law)  guilty. 

Obrigador,  a,  adj.  obliging. 

Obrigamento,  sm.  obligation. 

Obrigante,  adj.  2  g.  obliging, 

Obrigar,  va.  to  oblige,  to  compel, 
to  force.  Obrigar-se,  vr.  to  take 
as  a  favour,  to  bind  one*s  self. 

Obrigatório,  a,  adj.  obligatorj^ 

■r"—-— ■  r—    .r^-        .  ^mtr— 





—  538  — 


Obscenamente,  ado.  obscenely. 
Obscenidade,  sf.  obsoeneness. 
Obsceno,  a,  aãj.  obscene,  lewd. 
Obscuramente,  adv.  obscoo^ly. 
Obscoreoer,  va.  to  ob«cfB%,  to 

darken.  [dariLewed. 

Obscurecido,  a,  édj.  obscwed, 
Obscuridade,  sf.  obscarenest. 
Obscuro,  a,  adj.  obscnre,  dark. 
Obsecração,  sf.  obsecratioiíi. 
Obsecrado,  a,  pp.  adj,  obaecsR- 

Obsecrar,  va.  to  obsecrate. 
Obsequente,  adj.  2  ff.  obsequent. 
Obsequiado,  B„pp.  aáj.  flattered, 

Obsequiador,  a,  «nt.  ot  f.he  oc 

she  who  âatters  or  courts. 
Obsequiar,  va.  to  cocirt,  to  HmX- 

ter,  to  be  obsequiotn. 
Obsequias,  sf.  pL  obsequies. 
Obsequio,  sm.  obseqaiousaess. 
Obsequiosamente,    aâv.    obse- 
quio usly. 
Obsequioso,  a,  adj.  obde^mons. 
C^servação,  sf.  ooservatioA* 
Observado,  a,  pp.  adj.  observed. 
Observador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  obser- 

ver;  observator. 
Observância,  sf.  observance. 
Observante,  aáj.  2  g.  observant, 

Observar,  va.  to  observe,  to  keep 

or  foUow  a  rule,  law,  t/bc.^  te 

obey ,  to  discover. 
Observatório,  sm.  observatory.. 
Observável,  adj.  2  g,  observa^- 

ble,  remarkable. 
Obsessão,  sf.  obsession. 
Obsesso,  a,  adi.  obsessed;  mo- 

lested  by  the  devils. 
Obsia,  sf.  {anc.)  the  MA  dhapeí. 
Obsidente,  adj.  2  g.  besiegrinfl^. 
Obsidional,  adi.  2  g.  obsidional. 
Obsoleto,  a,  adj.  obsolete. 
Obstáculo,  sm.  obstacle,  hinder- 

ance.  [sitiou. 

Obstancia,  sf.  obstancy,  oopo^ 
Obstante,  adj.  2  g.   hindenug. 

JVSo  — ,  notwitbstaaidiíig. 
ilbstar,  vo.  or  n.  to  obstruct^  to 

Obstetrícia,  sf.  obstétrica. 
OJbatetriciOf  a,  adj,  obstetrie. 

CMsatetzioo,  a,  sm.  or  f  obste* 

Obstetriz,  sf.  a  midwife. 
Obstinação,  sf.  obstinacy,  stub- 

Obstinadamente,    adv.     obstí- 

nately.  [obstinate. 

Obstinado,  a^pp.  adj.  obstinated ; 
Obstinar-se,  vr.  to  grow  obsti- 
nate. [hard. 
Obstringir,  va.  to  bind  or  tie 
Obstrucção,  sf.  (med.)  obstruc- 

tioB.  fobstruent. 

Obstructivo,  a,  adj.  obstructive, 
Obstruído,  a,  jjp.  adj.  obstructed. 
Obstruir,  va.  to  obstruct. 
Obtenção,   sf.   obtainment,    6h^ 

Obter,  va.  to  obtain,  to  gsún. 
Obteatar,  va.  to  obtest. 
Obtido,  a,  pp.  adi.  obtaiued. 
Obtundente,    aaj.  2    g.   {med.) 

Obtundir,  vcu  {med.)  to  obtond. 
Obtusangulo,  a,  adj.  obtusau- 

Obtuso,  a,  adi.  obtuse;  stupid, 

not  quick,  obscuro,  not  shrill. 

Ángtao  — ,  an  obtuse  angle.  Um 

aom  — ,  an  obtuse  sound. 
Obvmbrar,  va.  to  obumbrate. 
Olms,  sm.  {artil.)  shell. 
Obuseiro,  sm.  a  honritzer. 
Obviado,  a,  pp.  adj.  obviated, 

prevented.  [vent. 

Obviar,  va.  to  obviate,  to  p^e- 
Obvio,  a,  adj.  obvious. 
Oca,  sf.  Jogo  da  — ,  the  play  of 

the  goose. 
Ocar,  va.  to  make  void  or  hoUow. 
Oocasião,  sf.  occasiou,  opportu- 

nity.  [sioned. 

OccaBionado,  a,  pp.  adj.  occa- 
Occasionador,  sm.  occasioner. 
Occasional,  adi.  2  g.  occasional. 
Occasionalldaae,  sf.  occasional- 

ity.  [nal^. 

Oocasionataneate,  adv.  occasio- 
Ocoasioaasr,  va.  to  occasion,  to 

cause,  to  proãuce. 
Occaso,  sm.  the  occident  or  x^est. 
Oooidental,  adj.  2  g.  occidental, 

Western.  índias  Oeddentaes^  the 



^  539  — 


Occidente,  sm.  th»  occident  or 

Occiduo^  a,  ad^  occiduous,  nttst- 

Occipicio,  sm.  {anatA  occipat. 
Oocijpital,  adj,  2  g^  (aata#.;  occi- 
Oooipmt,  sm,,  {anat.)   occiput. 
Occlaão,  sf.  occision  ;  sbkughiter. 
OeeisiTO,  a,  aàj.  that  kiUs. 
Oecorrente,  aaj.  2  q.  occunrent. 
Oocorrer,  va.  and  n.  to  occtur, 

to  come  into  oBe's  mind. 
OoGultaçSo,     »f,     concealment, 

occultation.  [concealed. 

Ocealtado,  a,  pp.  adj.  occulted. 
Ooeultador^  sm,  Im  ^wko  con- 

OccnlUuBaente,  adv.,  occnlthr. 
Ocoultar,  va,  to  eonceal,  to  aide. 
Occulta,  a,  ad^.  occult,  aacret, 

concesjed ;    hiddea,   ubIum^wh, 

und  isco  verable. 
Occupação,  sf.  occupation. 
Occupado^  a,  pp,  adi.  occapied. 
Occupador,  a,  s.  aad  (uij,  oceu- 

pier,  that  occupies. 
Ocenpar,  va.  to  occapy,  to  pos- 

sess,  to  employ,  ta  hold.  Occu- 

par-sej  vr,  to  foUoir  aay  sort  of 

Dusiness.  [eident. 

Occnnranela,  sf.  occorronc»,  íb- 
OccurroBte,  od/.  ã  g.  occurrent. 
Occturaar,  va.  and  n.  to  ooour. 
Oceânico,  a,  adj.  ocoauic,  ocea* 

Oceano»  sm.  ocean.  ^  Oetidental 

or  Atlântico,  Atlantic  Ocoaa. 
Oceano,  a,  adj,  oceaatc. 
Ochas,  s.  Andar  ás  -^y  to  liti^te. 
Ochlocracia,  sf.  ochlocracy. 
Ocblocratioo,  a,  cuíj.  ocuocrar 

Ochre,  s.  ochve.  V.  Osre, 
Ooio,  sm.  leisujre,  idloaesa. 
Ootosamente,  adv.  idly,  lasily. 
Ociosidade^  sf.  idieneas,  lóuiiaesa. 
Ocioso^  a,  adj.  idle,  not  busv. 
Oco,  a,  ou  Ouço,  a,  adj.  hollow; 

i/ig.)  vain,  not  reai,  not  solid. 
Ocre,    sm,   ochr».   -^   ãoutretío^ 

yelkKw  ocbvQ  or  ochre  oí  iron. 

—  axul^hh»  Qdura,  ochre  ot 


Octaeordo,  sm.  octachord. 
Octaedro,  sm.  octahedron. 
Octogenário,  a,  adj.  octogenary. 
Oclogesimo,  a,  adj,  the  eight- 

Octogrono,  a,  adj.  {geom.)  octo- 
gonal. —  sm.  an  octogon. 
Oolonario,  a,  adj.  of  eight. 
Ootosyllabo,  a,    adj,    octosyl- 

Ocular,  adj.  2  g.  ocular.  Vidro  — , 

the  glass  near  the  eye. 
Ocularmente,  adv.  ocularly. 
Ocolktta,  sm.  oculist. 
'  Oculc,    sm.    glass.  —    de   longa 

vista,  a  telescope.  Óculos j  spec- 

tacles.  E'  boa  caixa  de  — ,  he  is 

a  good  for  nothing  fellow. 
O0IÚO8Q,  a,   adj.  haTing  many 

Odalisca,  sf.  odalisk. 
Ode,  s,  ode,  a  lyric  põem. 
Odiá,  8,  a  present  (in  Ásia). 
Odiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  hated. 
Odiar,  va.  to    hate,  to  detest. 

Odiar-se,  vr.  to  hate  each  other ; 

to  grow  odious.  [volent. 

Odiento,  a,  adj.  hateful,  male- 
Odio,  sm,  hatred,  odium,  hate. 
Odiosamente,  adv.  odiouslv. 
Odiosidade»  sf.  odiousness,  nate- 

Odioso,  a,  adj.  odious,  hateful. 
Odometro,  sm.  odometer. 
Odontalgia,  sf.  {med.)  odontal^y. 
Odontalgico,  a,  adj.  odontalgie. 
Odont(dogia,   sf.   a  treatise  on 

the  tooth-ache. 
Odcmtophia,  sf.  dentition. 
Odontoteohnla,  sf.  the  art  of  a 

Odor,  sm.  odour,  scent. 
Odoritaro,  a,  adj.  odoriferous, 

Odorifumante ,  adj.  2g.  {poA.) 

briaging  an  aromatic  smoke. 
Odoro,  a,  adj.  odoriferous. 
Odoroso,  a,  adj.  odorating. 
Odre,  sm.  leather-bottle,  a  irater- 

Odrevo,  sm,  h»  \7h<y  prepares 

8ldB&  W  earry  wine  ia. 



—  540  — 


Oesnoroeste ,    sm.    west-north- 

Oesophago,  sm.  oesophagus. 
Oessudueste ,    sm.    -west-south- 

Oessueste,  sm.  west-south-east. 
Oeste,  sm.  west. 
Oeta,  sf.  the   soft  wool,  cotton 

upon  fruits,  etc. 
Offegar,  vn.  to  breathe  with  dif- 

Offego,    sm.    short  breath;   the 

purring  of  a  cat. 
Oneguento,  a,   adi.  breathless. 
Oífendedor,  a,  adj.  that  makes 

Offender,  va.  to  offend,  to  injure. 

Offender-sej  vr.   to  be  ofended 

at  a  thing.  [derance. 

Offendiculo,  sm.   obstacle,  hin- 
Offendido,  a,  pp.  adj.  offended, 

Offensa,  sf.  offence,  injury. 
Offensiva,    sf.  (a  term  of  war) 

offensive.  [sailant. 

Offensivo.  a,  adj.  offensive,  as- 
Offenso,  a,  adj.  offended,  dama- 

Offensor,  sm.  an  offender. 
Offensora,  sf.  offendress. 
Offerecfedor,  a,  adj.  tíiat  offers. 
Offerecer,  va.  to  offer,  to  present, 

to  exhibit ;  to  sacrilSce,  to  bid 

as  a  price.   Offèreeer-se^  vr.  to 

oflfer  one's  self. 
Offerecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  ofifered. 
Off ereciíuento ,   S7n.    oflfertory , 

Ofíerenda,  sf.  oflfering,  oflfer. 
Offerente,  adj.  2  g.  offering. 
Offerta,  sf.  offering. 
Offertado,  a,  pp.  adj.  oflfered. 
Offertamento,  sm.  oflfering. 
Offertar,  va.  to  oflfer. 
Offertorlo,  sm.  oflfertory. 
Officiada,  sf.  an  offíciated  mass. 
Officiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  officiated. 
Officiador,    sm.   the   ofíiciating 

Officisd,  sm.  a  handy  craftsman 

or  journey   man;   an   officer; 

commander.  —  de  justiça,  a  civil 

ofâcer.  —  da  camará,  an  alder- 
man.  Offidaes  çeneraest  general 

officers.  —  inferiores  y  uncom- 

missioned  officers. 
Official.  adj.  2  g.  official. 
Officialidade,  sf  officialty;  the 

officers  in  general. 
Officialmente,  adv.  officially. 
Officiante,   sm.  the   officiating 

Í9riest.  [charp^e  an  office. 

ticiar,  va.  to  officiate,  to  dis- 
Offioina,  a  shop  or  workhouse: 

êrinting  office.  [a  shop. 

icinal,  adj.  2  g.  belonging  to 
Officio,  sm.  office,  employment, 

profession,   trade;  duty,  busi- 

ness,  a  good  or  ill  turn ;  official 

note.  [kindly. 

Offioiosamente,  adv.  offíciously, 
Offioiosidade,  sf.  offíciousness. 
Officioso,  a,  ádj.  officious,  kind. 
Offrenda,  sf.  offering,  sacriôce. 
Of  faseado,  a,j9p.  adj.  oflfuscated. 
OffuBcar,   va,   to   oflfuscate;    to 

darken.    Õ/fuscar-se^  vr.  to  be 

offuscated.  [kened. 

Of  fusco,  a,  adj.  oflfuscated,  dar- 
Ogano,  adv.  {anc.)  in  this  year. 
Ogea,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  a  sort  of  very 

s-virift  nawk.  [arch. 

Ogiva,  sf.  {arch.)  ogive ;  a  gothic 
Oh!   interj.  (denoting  joy  or  ad- 

miration)  oh !  ó. 
Ob:'ive8,  sm.  one  vrho  works  in 

gold  or  silver.  V.  Ourives. 
Oirivesaria,  sf  V.  Ourivesaria. 
Oiro,  sm.  gold;  money.  V.  Ouro. 
Oitava,  sf.  octave,  drachm. 
Oitavado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

eight  sides.  [or  sides. 

Oitavar,  va.  to  make  eight  angles 
Oitavario,  sm.  octave. 
Oitavo,  sm.  the  eighth  part. 
Oitenta,  s.  and  adj.  2  g.  eighty, 

Oito,  adj.  num.  eight. 
Oitocentesimo,  a,  adj.  the  eight 

hundredth.  [red. 

Oitocentos,  as,  adj.  eight  hund- 
Olâ,  ado.  ho !  soho,  there ! 
Ola,  sf  (bot.)  the  palm  tree  (in 

Olandilha,  sf.  buckram. 
Olaria,  sf  pottery,  potter's  work. 
Olaya,  sf.  (6oí.)  pnvet. 
Olfe,  inter],  lack-a-day ' 


—  54!  — 


Oleado,  a,  pp.  adj.  oiled. 
Oleado,  sm.  oil-clotb. 
Oleagineo,  a,  adj.  oleagínous. 
Oleaginoso,  a,  adj.  oleaginous. 
Olear,  va.  to  oil. 
Oleastro,  sm,  oleaster. 
Oleiro,  sm.  potter. 
Oleoso,  a,  adj.  oily. 
Óleo,  sm.  oil.  —  de  linhaça^  linseed 

oil.  —  de  baléa^  train-oil.  —  de 

rícino  or  de  mamona^  castor-oil. 

—  de  nabiça^  rape-oií.  Pintura  a 

— ,  oil-painting. 
Oleosidade,    sft   oiliness,    unc- 

Olf activo,  a,  adj.  olfactory. 
Olfacto,  sm.  the  smell  or  sense  of 

Olfego,  sm.  shortness  of  breath 

(in  hawks). 
Olha,  sf.  olio,  broth  made  of  beef, 

ham  and  sausages. 
Olhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  looked,  ob- 

served;  eyed. 
Olhado,  sm.  a  bewitching  bj  a 

certain    evil  influence  of  the 

Olhador,  sm.  looker,  observer. 
Olhadura,  sf.  look,  leer,  glance. 
Olhai,  sm.  tne  arch  of  a  Dridgo. 
Olhalva,   «/l  a  lield  that  yieids 

fruit  twice  a  year. 
Olhar,  va.  to  look  on,  to  direct 

the  eye  to  any  object.  —  para 

dentroy  to  look  ia  the  insiiíe.  — 

para  riba^  to  look  up.  —  para 

baixo y  to   look  down,  —  para 

traz,  to  look  back.  —  de  íravez^ 

to  look  obliquely.  —  vn.  to  niind, 

to  observe,  to  have  regard  to. 

Olhar-sey  vr.  to  look  at  one's 

self,  to  look  at  each  other. 
Olheirão,  sm.  a  great  eye.  —  de 

agua^  a  spring  of  water. 
Olheiras,  sf.  pi.  furrows  under 

the  eye  caused  by  sickness  or 

"want  of  sleep. 
Olheiro,  sm.  an  overseer. 
Olhibranco,  a,  adj.  -white-eyed. 
Olhlnegro,  a,  adj.  black-eyed. 
Olhizaino,  a,  ad^.  squint-eyed. 
Olhizarco,  a, adj.  that  is  goggled- 

Olho,  sm.  the  eye;  aigbt,  aspect,  I 
Parte  L 

look ;  (Jig.)  the  middle  of  certain 
things ;  the  iron  ring  in  Tvhich 
the  helveof  an  axe,  ete.  is  íixed ; 
a  young  bud,  button,  eye  of 
young  sproat  of  plants.  A  — , 
adv.  by  the  eye,  plainly,  ob- 
viously ;  remarkably,  consider- 
ablv.  Ter  bom  — ,  to  be  clear- 
sighted,  to  discern.  Ter  —  em, 
to  oversee,  to  min  d.  Comprar 
a  — ,  to  buy  by  the  eye  or  by 
hand.  Viver  a  — ,  to  live  from 
hand  to  mouth.  Trazer  de  — ,  to 
have  an  eye  on,  to  watch,  to 
observe.  Pôr-se  ao  —  do  sol,  to 
bask  in  the  8un.  Vento  pelo  — , 
right  in  the  wind's  eye ;  (a  sea 
term)  Dar  de  *— ,  to  wink.  Fechar 
o  — ,  to  die.  Andar  com  o  —  sobre 
o  hombro^  to  watch  one*s  self. 
Que  tem  um  —  só,  one-eyed. 
Olhos  j  sm.  pi.  the  eyes;  (fig.) 
eyes  in  bread,  cheese,  in  a  pear 

cock's  tail,   etc;   (a  sea  term) 
dearest  things,  what  we  lové 

eylet  holes.  Os 

cara,  {kg.) 


raost.  Meus  — ,  (a  word  of  en- 
dearment)  my  dearest.  Que  tem 
—  regalados,  blear-eyed.  Que 
tem  —  azues,  blue-eyed.  —  ves- 
gos ^  squint-eyed.  Que  tem  muitos 
— ,  miutocular.  Sem  — ,  eyeless. 
A  —  vistos,  plainly,  clearly. 
Abrír  os  olhos,  to  discover  an 
error,  a  cheat.  Comer  com  os — , 
to  be  very  g^eedy,  to  long  for. 
Correr  com  os  — ,  to  glance,  to 
look  over.  Dar  wna  vista  d' — , 
to  cast  a  glance,  to  view  super- 
ficially.  Deitar  poeira  aos  — ,  to 
dazzle  the  eyes,  to  cast  a  inist 
before  the  eyes.  Encher  os  — , 
to  satisfy.  Fechar,  (Jig.)  to  wink, 
to  connive  at.  Pôr  —  em  alguemy 
to  take  a  kindness  to  one.  Ter 
sangue  nos  — ,  to  be  nice  on  the 
point  of  honour.  Em  um  abrir  e 
fechar  de  — ,  in  the  twinkling 
of  an  eye.  A  olhos  vistos,  vi- 

Olhudo,  a,  adj.  that  has  eyes; 
that  has  large  eyôa. 

Olibano,  sm.  íxwiVvacwttSií^»  ^^- 



—  542  — 


Oligarchia,  sf.  oligarchy. 
Oligarohico,  a,  aaj.  oligarchical. 
Olira,    gf.    olive.    V.   Azeitona. 
Olival,  sm.  an  olive-grove. 
Olivas,  sf.  pi.  (amcng  farriers) 

a  sort  of  smelling  or  vives  in 

Oliveira,  sf.   olive-tree.  —  sil- 

vestre,  wiíd   olive;   {fig.)  fruit- 

fulness,  peace. 
Oliveo,  a,  adj.  olived. 
Olla,  s.  a  pot  to  boil  meat  in. 
Ollaria,    sf.    a   potter's    work- 

Olleiro,  sm.  a  potter. 
Olmea,  sf.  a  sort  of  dnig. 
Olmedal,  sm.  a  grove  of  clm- 

Olmedo,    sm.   a   grove  of  elm- 

Olmeiro,  sm.  an  elm-tree. 
Olographo,  a,  aâj.  holographic. 
Olor,  sm.  smell,  scent. 
Oloroso,  a,  adj.  odorous,  s"weet- 

Olvidado,  a,  pp.  adj.  forgot. 
Olvidar,  va.  to  forget. 
Olvido,  sm.  forgetfulness,  obli- 

Olympiada,  sf.  olympiad. 
Olympico,  a,  adj.  olympic. 
Olympo,  sm.  olympus. 
Ombreira,  sf.  a  door-post. 
Ombridade,  sf.  manlmess. 
Ombrina,  sf.  umbra. 
Ombrometro,  sm.  ombrometer. 
Omega,  sf.  omega. 
Omento,  sm.  (anat.)  the  canl. 
Ominoso,  a,  adj.  ominous. 
Omissão,  sf.  omission. 
Omisso,  a,  adj.  remiss,  negligent. 
Omittir,  va.  to  omit,  to  neglect. 
Omnimodo,  a,  adj.  omnimodous. 
Omnipatente,  adj.  2  ç.   omni- 

patent.  [omnipotency. 

Omnipotência,  sf.  omnipotence, 
Omnipotente,  adj.  2  g.  omni- 

potent.  —  sm.  the  omnipotent 


Omnisciência,  .çA  omniscience, 

Oninj0Giente,  adj,  2  g.  omIi\&-\0(ç«»^«^^  o^J.cs^^fw^w». 

Omphacino  a,  adj.  omphacine. 
Omphalocele,  s.  {med.)  omphar 

Onagra,  sf.  {bot.)  onagra. 
Onagre,  sm,  onager(instrument). 
Onagro,  sm.  onager ;  wild  asa. 
Onça,  sf  an  ounce;  {nat.  Mst.) 

panther,  j  aguara. 
Onco    or  Anco,   sm.  a   hill,   a 

Onda,  sf.  wave,  billow,  surge. 
Ondado,    a,    adj.    vatered    in 

fashion   of  waves.  Seda  —  a, 

watered  silk.  Cabello  — »  vavcd 

Onde,  adv.  where.  —  estou  eu? 

vhere  am  I?  —  -wherein.  Por — ? 

whicb  way?  D' onde?  whence? 
Ondeado,  a,  pp.    adj.  waved, 

watered;  undulated. 
Ondeante,  adj.  2  g.  "«raving. 
Ondear,  va.  to  wave,  to  vater: 

to  play  loosely. 
Ondequer,  adv.  -wheresoever. 
Ondulação,  sf.  ondulation. 
Onerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  onerated. 
Onerar,  va.  to  onerate ;  to  load. 
Onerosamente,  adv.  in  an  osíe- 

rous  roanner. 
Oneroso,  a,  adj.  onerous. 
Onocentauro,  sm.  onocentaur. 
Onomancia,  sf.  onomancy. 
Onomástico,  a,  adj.   Vocabulá- 
rio — ,  a  dictionary. 
Onomatopeia,  sf.  (gram.)  ono- 

Ononis,  s.  {bot.)  rest-harrow. 
Ontologia,  sf.  ontology. 
Onns,  sm.  a  ourden. 
Onusto,  adj.  charged,  loaded. 
Onix,  s.  oníx. 
Onze,  adj.  num.  eleven. 
Onzena,  */.  usury.  V.  Usura. 
Onzenar.  va.  to  jpractise  usury. 
Onzenario,  a,  eaíj.  usurarious. 
Onzeneiro,  a.  sm.  or/.  usurer. 
Onzeno,  a,  adj.  the  eleventh. 
Opa,  sf.  a  sort  of  long  loose  gar- 

Oipwc&Aaid»,»  «f.  opacity. 


Omoplata,  sf.  {anat.)  oinoçto*e.\<*«*^  **•  *'^ 


—  543  — 


Operação,  sf.  operation ;  agency ; 

\surg.)  manipolation,  operation. 
Operado,  a,  pp.  adj.  operated, 

Operador,»»,  an  operator. 
Operante,  adj.  2  g.  operant. 
Operar,  va.  or  n.  to  operate. 
Operário,  a,  sm.  or  /.  -vorkman, 

Operati-vo,   a,    adj.   operatiye, 

working.  [operations. 

Operatório,  a,  adj,  1>elongmç  to 
Opercular,  adi.  2  g.  opercalate. 
Operoso,  a,  adj.  laDorioua ;  more 

Ophioiogia,  sf.  ophiologr. 
Ophiologista,  sm.  ophiologist. 
Opiítalmia,  sf.  {med?j  ophthalmy. 
Oplitalinico,  a,  adj.  ophthalmic. 
Opiado,  a,  adj.  opiate,  narcotic. 
Opiata,  sf.  or  Opiato,  sm.  opiate. 
Opifice,  sm.  òpificer. 
Opificio,  sm.  workmanship. 
Opimo,  a,  adj.  fruitful,  rich. 
Oçinado,  a,  pp.    adj.   opined, 

Opinante,  sm.  opiner,  opixiator. 
Opinar,  vn.  to  opine. 
Opinativo,  a,  adj.  opinative. 
Opina-vel,  adj.  2  g.  opinable. 
Opinião,  sf.  opinion,  presump- 

tion,   unreasonable  coníidence. 
Opiniático,  a,  adj.  opinionated, 

stubbom.  [stubborn. 

Opinioso,  a,   adj.    opinionated. 
Ópio,  sm.  opium. 
Opíparo .    a ,    adj.    opiparous, 

abonnding,  sumptuous. 
Opobalsamo^  sm.  opobalsamum. 
Opoponaco,    sm.    opoponax  (a 

gum).  fobstmction. 

Oppilação,  sf.  {med!)  oppilation, 
Oppilado,  a,  pp.  adi.  oppiiated. 
Oppllar,  va.  to  oppiíate. 
Oppoente,  s.  2  g.  opponent. 
Oppâr,   va.    to  oppofise,   to   act 

against.  Oppôr-sey  vr.  to  oppoae, 

to  resist,  to  vie. 
Opportunamente ,  adv.  oppor- 

Opportunidade,  sf.  opportune- 

jiesa,  opportnnity. 
^^Mtoao, «,  aéO'.  opportune. 
fVPOBiçSo,  j/.  «jppoBitíon. 

Opjpoeicionista ,    sm.     opposi- 

tionist.  [posed. 

Opposito,  a,  adj.  opposite,  op- 
Oi^ositor,  sm.   opposite,   oppo- 
Oi>posto,  a,  pp.  adj.  opjposed. 
OppresaSo,  sf.  oppression. 
Oppressivo,  a,  adj.  oppressive. 
Oppresso,  a,  adj.  pppressed. 
Oppreasor,  sm.  oppressor. 
Oppriniido,a,  pp.  adj.  oppressed. 
Opprimir,  va.  to  oppress,  to  vex. 
Opprobrio,  sm.  opprobrium;  in- 

famy,  disgrace.  [brious. 

Opprobrioso,    a,    adj.    oppro- 
Oppugnação,  sf.  oppugnation. 
Oppugnado,    a,  pp.    adj.    op- 

pugned,  assaulted. 
Oppugnador,  sm.  oppugner,  he 

who  attacks.  [p^gn* 

Oppugnar,  va.  to  attack,  to  op- 
Optar,  va.  and  n.  to  make  up 

one's  mind. 
Optativo,  a,  adj,  optative. 
Óptica,  sf  optics. 
Óptico,  a,  aaj,  optíc,  opticaL  — 

sm.  an  optician. 
Optimamente,   ado.  extremely 

well,  in  the  best  manner. 
Optimismo,  sm.  optimism. 
Optimista,  sm.  optimist. 
Óptimo,  a,  adj.  the  best. 
Opulência,    sf.   opulence,  opu- 

Opulentamente,  adv.  opulently. 
Opulentar,  va.  to  make  opulent. 
Opulento,  a,  adj.  opulent,  rich. 
Opúsculo,  sm,  opuscole,  a  small 

Oquea,  sf.  an  Indian  coin  worth 

twelve  cruzados. 
Ora,  adv,    now ;  avay.  —   vai 

d'aqui  para  fora,  away,  get  you 

^one!  —  um.  —  outro^  some- 

times  one,  sometimes  another. 

Por  ora,  at  present.  —  interj. — 

vamos/  make  haste ! 
Oração,    sf.     prayer.  lÂvro   de 

orações,  a  pray^xA^oOiL. 
Oraculax^  adj.  ^  g.  <iT%jaxíiWQs»- 
Oráculo,  sm.  an  otatíi^.  Cwvo  -ww. 

Orador,  am.  ot«Xot. 
Oradora^  mU  «ntee«.*. 


—  544  — 


Orago,  sm.  the  saint  patron  of  a 

Oral,  adj.  2  g.  oral. 

Orangotango,  sm,  {nat.  kist.) 

Orar,  va.  and  n.'  to  pray ;  to  ha- 
rangue,  to  make  a  speech. 

Ora  sus !  interj.  halloo !  ho !  hey ! 
hip!  —  adv.  it  is  differently 
used,  as  :  — descançareis^  at  last 
you  will  be  easy.  —  ide  e  vinde 
logo,  go  then  and  come  back 
presently.  —  quero  ir-me  em- 
bora, let  me  alone,  I  will  go 

Orate,  sm.  a  madman.  Casa  dos 
oratesy  mad-house. 

Oratória,  sf.  oratory. 

Oratoriamente ,  adv.  oratori- 
cally.  [chapei. 

Oratório,    sm.     an   oratory    or 

Oratório,  a,  adj.  oratorical. 

Orbe,  sm.  orb,  the  world. 

Orbicular,  adi.  2  g.  orbicular. 

Orbita,  sf.  orbit 

Orbivago,  a,  adj.  mandivagant. 

Orca,  sf.  ork,  searíish  called  also 
Whirlpool.  [windward. 

Orça,  sf.  Andar  á  — ,  to  work  to 

Orçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  estimated 

Orçador,  sm.  he  who  estimates 

Orçamento,  sm.  an  estimate  or 
calculation.  —  das  despesas  do 
estado^  the  budget. 

Orcanete,  sm.  alkanet. 

Orçar,  va.  to  estimate  cursorily. 

Orchata,  sf.  orgeat. 

Orchesographia,  sf.  the  written 
art  of  dancing. 

Orchestra,  sf.  orchester. 

Orço,  sm.  (poet.)  death,  hell. 

Ordem,  sf.  order,  method ;  man- 
date, command;  rank,  class. 
Carta  de  ordens^  sailing  orders. 
Em  —  a,  in  order  to.  Tudo  está 
ás  ordens  de  V.  -3/.,  every  thing 
jsatyourservice.  Ordem  (snaong 
tradera),    orders.   Para  pagar 

a  vós  or  á  vossa  — ,  to  pay  ;70\i 

or  your  order.  —  de  T^atalha, 

b&ttle  &rr&y.  Com  —  or  em  — , 
orderly.  Tomar   ordens,   to  >e 

ordiained  a  prieat.  A  —  da  Jar^ 
reteòraj  the  order  of  the  Garter; 
disposition,  arrangement,  re- 

Ordenação,  sf.  ordinance  ordi- 
nation,  the  title  of  the  code  of 
laws  of  Portugal. 

Ordenada,  sf.  {geom.)  ordinate. 

Ordenadamente,   adv.  orderly. 

Ordenado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ordered. 

Ordenado,  sm.  salary,   stipend. 

Ordenador,  sm.  orderer,  one  who 
gives  orders. 

Ordenamento,  sm.  ordinance, 
order,  law. 

Ordenança,  sf.  order,  ordering, 
disposition.  A  —  da  batalha^ 
the  order  of  battle ;  orderly,  a 
soldier  in  attendance  on  a  su- 
perior; militia  trained  bands. 

Ordenando,  sm.  he  who  is  to  be 

Ordenantô,  sm.  he  who  ordaius. 

Ordenar,  va.  to  order,  to  dis- 
pose,  to  command,  to  enjoin ;  to 

grescribe;  to  ordain  or  confer 
oly  orders.   Ordenar-se^  or.  to 
take  or  receive  the  holv  orders. 
Ordenarei ,  adj.  2  g.  õiat  may 

be  directed. 
Ordenhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  milken. 
Ordenhador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  milker. 
Ordenhar,  va.  to  milk. 
iOrdidora,    sf.    warping    in    a 
loom.  —  do  discurso^  the  con- 
texture  of  a  discourse. 
Ordlmento,  sm.  beginning. 
Ordinal,  s.  and  adj.  2  g,  ordi- 
nal. ,[ly,  commonl^. 
Ordinariamente,  adv.  ordinari- 
Ordinario,     a,     adj.   ordinary, 
common,  usual.    De  — ,   {adv, 
loa.)  usually.  —  sm.  ordinary, 
the  bishop  of  the  diocese. 
Ordir,  va,  to  warp  in  a  loom; 

{fig.)  to  contrive,  to  frame. 

Qrdume,   sm.  warping;  (fig.)  a 

sketch.  [num. 

Orégão,  sm.  {bot.)  origau,  origa- 

OréâxBL^  sf.  an  ear.  O  buraco  da 

— ,\kç>  atrasa,  ot  Yksívfò  oilXJck^  «ax. 

s  do  marlcllo^  ^í^v^  V«<i  \%Xk.^ 

oi  «i'kaxDS»Kt  Vi  ^t«:«  ti'QSk&.  — ^^ 
do  «apoto,  X^i^ft  ^k3»è^  ^^  *»  ^^ • 


—  545  — 


Orelhão,  sm.  {fort.)  orillon,  a 
kind  of  cazemate;  a  íish  so 
called ;  the  act  of  pulling  one  by 
the  ears.  [ears. 

Orelheira,  sf.  —  de  porco,  pig'8 

OreUiudo,  a,  adj.  great-eared. 

Oreographia,  sf.  oreography. 

Órfão,  sm.  orphan.  Y.  Orphão 
and  derivated. 

Organeiro,  sm.  anorg^n-builder . 

Organicamente,  aav.  organi- 
cally.  [nical. 

Orgânico,  a,  adj.  organic,  orga- 

Organisação,  sf.  organization. 

Organisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  orga- 

Organisador,  sm.  he  who  orga- 

Organisar,  va.  to  organize. 

Organismo,  sm.  organism. 

Organista,  sm.  organist. 

Organologia,  sf.  a  treatisc  on 
tne  organs. 

Organsim,  sm.  organzine. 

Órgão,  sm.  organ.  Cano  de  — , 
organ  pipe.  O  —  da  vista,  the 
organ  or  sight.  Órgãos^  pi. 
{fort.)  org^ues. 

Orgasmo,  sm.  {med.\  orgasmus. 

Orgevão,  sm.  {bot.)  the  herb 

Orgia,  sf.  orgia. 

Orgulliar-se,  vr.  to  grow  proud. 

Orgulho,  sm.  pride,  arrogance, 

Orgulhoso,  a,  adj.  proud,  arro- 
gant,  haughty. 

Oricalco,  sm.  orichalch. 

Orientado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trimmed. 

Oriental,  adj,  2  g.  oriental,  eas- 

Orientalismo,   sm.  orientalism. 

Orientalista,  sm.  orientalist. 

Orientar,  va.  to  trim,  to  set 
towards  the  east.  Orientar-sej 
vr.  to  find  out  where  one  is. 

Oriente,  sm.  orient,  east. 

Oriente,  adj.  2  g.  orient,  bri^ht. 

Orifício,  sm.  oriíice,  perforation. 

Orljgexn,  sf.  origin.  Na  — ,  ori- 

Originado,  a, pp.  adj.  originated. 

Ori^ijoBúoT,  a,  adj.  and  s.  that 


Original,  adj.  2  g.  original,  pri' 

mítive.   —    sm,    original  nrst 

Origmalidade,  sf.    ori^inality. 
Originalmente,  adv.  originally. 
Originar,  va,  to  originate.  Ori- 

ginar-se,  vr.  to  be  originated. 
Originário,  a,  adj.  originary. 
Orijones,  sm.  pi.  preserved  pea- 

Orilhado,  sm.  a  sort  of  T^oollen 

Orilhas,    sf.    pi.   (with    gold- 

smiths^  the  edge  round  a  piece 

of  work. 
Orion  or  Oriente,    sm.    [astr.] 

Oriundo,  a,  adj.  whose  parents 

or  ancestors  were  bom  at. 
Orix,  sm.  a  sort  of  "wild  goat. 
Orla,    sf.    a    skirt,    a    border; 

[herala.)  orle  or  border  about 

a  coat.  [edged. 

Orlado,  a,   pp,    adj.   bordered, 
Orlar,  va.  to  edge,  to  border. 
Ornado,  a,  pp.  adj.  adorned. 
Omador,  sm.  he  who  adorns  or 

Ornamentado,  a,   pp.  adj.  or- 

Ornamentar,  va.  to  ornament ; 

to  deck.  [coration. 

Ornamento,  sm.  ornament,  de- 
Ornar,  va.  to  adorn,  to  deck. 
Ornato,  sm.  ornamento. 
Orneio,  sm.  the  braying  of  an  ass. 
Omeiro,  sm.  a  sort  of  ash-tree. 
Ornejador,  a,  adj.  braying. 
Ornejar,  va.  or  n.  to  bray. 
Ornithologia,  sf.  ornitholoçy. 
Ornithologico,  a,  adj.  ornitho- 

Omithomancia,  sf.  ornithoman- 

cy.  ["bleman. 

Orobalão,  sm.  (in  índia)  a  no- 
Orobo,  sm.  bitter  wetch. 
Oromolassas,  interj.  of  pity  or 

scorn . 
Oropimento,  sm.  V.  Oi/ropímento. 
Orpl^^  sf.  au  oroVis.^  ^\t\. 
Orphandaâie,  sf.  ot^Vwv^^^. 
OrpbanoVogVco,  «^,ad^.^i^^»^^- 

ineto  oTçYiaii'». 
Orpn3Lo,  sm.  oT^\k»-"«^* 





Orphenlco,   a,   adj.  meJodious, 

Orpheo,  sm.  {myth.)  Orpheus. 
Orraca,  sf,  arrack. 
Ortelã,    sf.    mint,    —  nhestre^ 

Ortelão,  sm.  V.  Hortelão. 
Orthodoxia,  sf.  orthodoxy. 
Orthodoxo,  a,    adj.  orthodox. 
Orthogonal,  adj.  2  g.  orthogo- 

Orthographia,  sf.  orthograjdiy. 
Orthographico,    a,  adj.  ortho- 

Orthographo,  sm.  orthographer. 
Orthologia,  sf.  orthology. 
Orthometria,  sf.  an  exact  mea- 

Orthopnéa,  sf.  {meã.)  orthopny; 

difficulty  of  breathing. 
Ortiga,  sf.  nettle. 
Ortigar,  va.  to  prick  with  nettles. 
Ortivo,  a,  adj.  ortive.  , 

Orto,   fim.  [astr.)  the   rising   of 

anv  planet  or  star;  a  sort  of 

caDbage.  [Brazil. 

Oruçu,  s.  a  sort  of  -wild  bee  in 
Oruga,  sf.  (bot.)  the  herb  roc- 

Orvalhada,  sf.  a  falling  of  dew. 
Orvalhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bedewed. 
Orvalhante,  adj.  2  g.  that  dews. 
Orvalhar,  va.  and  iu  to  bedew 

or  dew.  E^tá  orvalhando^  there 

is  a  dew;  it  raisles. 
Orvalho,  sm.  dew. 
Orvalhoso,  a,  adj.  dewy. 
Osadas,    sf.  pi.   As   — ,  boldlj, 

Oscillaçâo,  sf.  osciUation. 
Oscillado.  a,  pp.  adj.  osoillated. 
Oscillar,  va.  and  n.  to  oscillate. 
Oscillatorio,  a,  adj.  oscillatory. 
Oscular,  va.  to  osculate. 
Osculatorio,  sm.  osculatory. 
Osculo,  sm.  a  kiss. 
Osga,  sf.  a  sort  of  eft.  Ter  —  a 

alguém,  to  hate  one ;  a  Uatterer 

and  mischief-maker. 
Oaaadà,  sf.  ruins,  decayed  parts 
ofany  thing. 
Omasunenta^    s.  the  order  a&d 
díapositioQ  of  the  bonés. 
Osaario,  sm.  ossu&ry. 

—  546  —  OST 

Ósseo,  a,  adj.  osseous,  of  bonés. 
Ossioos,  (among  farriers.) 

that  which  separates  the  nos- 

trils  of  a  horse. 
Ossificaçâo,  sf.  ossiâcation. 
Ossificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ossiâed. 
Ossificar,  va.  to  ossiíy. 
Osso,  sm.  boné.  Qu.e  tem  grandes 

ossos,  big-boned.  Dor   nos  — , 

Ossodo,  a,  adj.  bony. 
Ostaes,  sm.  pi.  (in  a  ship)  stays. 
Ostagas.  sf.  pi.  {a  sea  term.)  the 

Ostaria,  sf.  (anc.)  an  inn. 
Ostealgia,  sf.  (med.)  osteocope. 
Ostenedvameute,  adv.  ostensi- 

Gstensivel,  adj.  Ia.  ostensible. 
Ostensivo,    a,    aaj.   ostensive. 

Carta  — o,  a  letter  written  to 

be  shewn. 
Ostensor,    sm.  shower,  he  who 

Ostentação,  sf.  ostentation. 
Ostentado,  a,  pp.   adj.  that  is 

shown  or  cxhibited. 
Ostentador,  a,  s.  and  adj,  os- 

Ostentante,  adj.  2  g.  ostentator. 
Ostentar,  va.  to  ostentate. 
Ostentativo,    a,    adj.  ostenta- 

Ostentosamente,  adv.  ostenta- 

Ostentoso,  a,  adj.  ostentatioas. 
Osteocopa,  sf.  {med.)  osteocope. 
Osteographla,  sf.  a  description 

of  the  bonés. 
Osteologia,  sf.  osteology. 
Osteologo,  sm.  osteologer. 
Ostiario,    sm.    in    the   Romisfa 

church,  he  who  keeps  the  keys, 

Ostio,    sm.    mouth   or    pasei^e 

into  a  place. 
Ostra,  sf.  oyster. 
Ostracismo,  sm.  ostracism. 
Ostraclsta,  sm.  partisan  of  the 

ostracism.  [of  oysters. 

OtftCQCcVai,   st-  ^  \a.v^e    qnantity 


547  — 


Ostro,  sm.  the  liquor  vhereof  the 

purple  colour  is  made  ;  the  pur- 

ple  colour.  rotaJgy. 

Otalgia,  sf.  a  pain  in  tne  ear, 
Otalgico,  a,  aaj.  otalgic. 
Ottoxnano,  a,  s.  and  adj.  Otto« 

Ottomana,  sf.  a  sort  of  sopha. 
Ou,  disjunctive  conj.  either,  or.  — 

rico  —  pobre  ^   either   rich  or 

Ouça,  sf.  a  sort  of  -wooden-nail. 
Oução,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  hand-'worm. 
Ouças,  sf.  pi.  Ter   boas  — ,   to 

have  pood  ears. 
Oulâ,    interj.  lack-a-day !    hey- 

day  !  ho !  hey  !  hip  ! 
Ourar,  va.  and  n.  to  giddy,   to 

be  giddy. 
Ouras,  sf.  giddiness,  dizziness. 
Ourela,  sf.  the  list  or  edge  of  a 

silken  stuíf. 
Ourelo,  sm.  the  list  or  bordar  of 

a  wooUen  cloth. 
Ouriçado,  a,  adj.  covered  vith 

prickles.  [kles. 

Ouriçar,  va.  to  cover  with  pric- 
Ouriço,  sm.  the  prickly  shell  of 

chesnuts.  —  cacheiro^  an  urchin 

or  edge-hog.  —  do  mar^  a  sea- 

urchin ;  (fort.)  herisson. 
Ourina,  sf.  urine.  V.  Urina,  and 

Ourival,  sm.  Çbot.)  a  planthaving 

the  leaves  like  oriçan. 
Ourives,  sm.  one  Vho  works  in 

gold  or  silver.  —  da  praía^  a 

silver-smith.  —  do  otaroy  a  gold- 

Ourivesaria,  sf.  the  shop  of  a 

person  who  works  in  gold  or 

Ouro  or  Oiro,  sm.  gold ;  znoney. 

—  brtito  or  virgem,  vlrgin  gold« 

—  fiado,  gold  thread.  —  em  pó, 
gold  dust ;  (herald.)  or.  Folha  de 
— ,  gold-foil  or  gold-leaf.  De  — , 
golden.  Ouro  lavrado,  wrought 
gold.  —  amoedado,  coined  gold. 

Ouropel,  sm.  tinsel. 
Ouropimento,  sm.  orpiment. 
Ouro0,«m.p/.  the  sait  of  diamonds 
on  cards.  [boldly. 

OasadaMoente,    adv.    dariagly, 

Ousadia,  sf.  boldness. 
Ousado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bold,  daring. 
Ousar,  va.  and  n.  to  dare.  Ouso  a 

dizer j  I  dare  to  say. 
Oussia,  sf.  V.  Capella,  Estrado. 
Outão,  sm.  a  lateral  wall  of  a     . 

Outar,  va.  to  collect  the  hiuks  of 

corn  in  the  act  of  winnowing. 
Outeiro,  sm.   a  hill ;  a  sort  of 

Outiva,  sf.  this  word  is  alvays 

Jreceded  by  the  particle  de,  as : 
^allar  de  — ,  to  talk  at  random ; 
aprender  de  — ,  to  learn  confu- 

Outonada,  sf.  the  autumn  season. 

Outonal,  adj.  2  g.  autumnal. 

Outouar,  va.  {agric.)  to  till,  to 
plough,  to  dig  immediately  aiter 
the  autumnal  rains. 

Outoniço,  a,  adj.  autumnal. 

Outono,  sm.  the  autumn. 

Outorga,  sf.  or  Outorgamento, 
sm.  grant,  granting. 

Outorgadaxnente,  adv.  -vriUins- 
ly.  [permittea. 

Outorgado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  granted, 

Outorgador,  sm.  granter. 

Outorgante ,  pa.  of  Outorgar 
and  s.  granter,  he  wh  o  permits. 

Outorgar,  va.  to  çrant,  to  allow. 

Outrega,  sf.  a  suaden  quarrel. 

Outrem,  pron.  somebody  else, 
other  people.  De  —j  of  some- 
body efse.  —  mio  o  faria,  nobody 
else  would  do  it.  —  o  tem  visto^ 
somebody  else  has  seen  it. 

Outro,  a,  adj.  other,  an  other. 
Outra  veZy  another  time.  — 
tanto,  as  much  more.  Outros  tan- 
tos, as  many  more.  Toes  são  uns 
como  os  outros,  they  are  ali 
alike.   Outraparte,  else  where. 

Outrosim,  adv.  item,  also. 

Outrotanto,  a,  adv.  or  mdj.  as 
much  more,  as  much. 

Outubro,  sm.  october. 

Ouvença,  sf.  V.  Avença.' 

Ouvida,  sf.  is  alvays  precedeâ 
hy  dei,  h&  '.  testemuuKa  â^e  — s»- 

Ouvido,  sm.  X\i^  Ve^v^^-»  2a* 





—  548  — 


mercador^  not  to  give  attention. 

JDar  — ,  to  listen,  to  be  attentive ; 

(foundery)    the    hole   through 

whicb  the  melted  metal. rans 

into  the  mould. 
Ouvido,  a,  pp.  adi,  heard. 
Ouvidor,  sm.    oidor,  a   magis- 

trate  ;  an  ear-trumpet. 
Ouvidoria,  sf.  the  post  of  ouvi- 
Ouvinte,  s.  2  g.  hearer. 
Ouvir,  va,  to  hear,  to  listen,  to 

give  attention,  to  attend. 
Ova,.?/",  roe,  spawn,  milt,  sperm. 
Ovação,  sf.  ovation. 
Ovado,    a,    adj.    ovate;    oval, 

Oval,  adj.  2  g.  oval,  oblong. 
Ovante,  adj.  2  g.  triumphing; 

(fig.)  vain,  glorious. 
Ovar,  va.  to  engender,  to  spavn. 
Ovário,  sm.  {anat.)  ovary. 
Oveiro,  sm.  the  vent  of  a  hawk; 

a  sort  of  íish  ;  knots  of  eggs  in 

a  hen's  belly. 
Ovelha,  5/!.  an  ewe.  Ovelhas.,  (fiff-) 

the  flock  of  the  faithful.  Cada 

ovelha  com  sua  parelha^  every 

onc  to  bis  equal. 
Ovelheiro,  sm.  a  shepberd. 
Òvelhuni,  adj.  m.  of  or  belong- 

ing  to  sheep. 
Ovem,  sm.  {a  sea  ierm)  a  shroud. 
Ovenoadura,  sf.  ia  sea  ierm)  or 

enxárcia  realy  ali  the  shrouds. 
Ovençal,  sm.  {anc.)  an  officer  of 

justice.  [proud. 

Oviado,    a,    adj.    vainglorious, 
Ovino,  a,  adj.  ovine. 
Oviparo,  a,  adj.  oviparous. 
Ovo,  sm.  eg^ ;  {arch.)  ovolo,  ovum. 
Oxalá,  interj.  -would  to  God  ! 
Oxamalâ,  interj.  of  pity;  alas !  ah ! 
Oxeo,  sm.  a  scaring  or  driving 

away  of  birds  or  the  like ;  {fig^ 

an  tuarm, 
Ozycrato,  sm.  oxycrate. 
Ozydação,  sf.  oxydation. 
Oxydado,  a,  pp.  adj.  oxydated. 
Oxydar,  va.  (cnem.)  to  oxydate. 

Oxydar-se,  vr.  to   become   an 

Ozydavel,  adj.  2  g.  oxydable. 
Oxydo,  sm.  (cnem,)  oxyd. 

Oxydulado,   a,  adj.   somewhat 

Oxygenação,  sf.  oxygenation. 
Oxygenado,  a,  pp.  adj,  oxyge- 

Oxygenar,   va.    to    ox3'genate. 

Oxigenar-se^  vr.  to  be  oxigena- 

Oxygéneo,  sm.  oxygen. 
Oxygono,  a,acf/.  {geom.)  oxygon. 
Ox3nuel,  sm.  oxymel. 
OzyB,  sm.  (Jbot.\  oxys. 
Ozagre,  sm.  the  aisease  called 

tetter  or  ringworm. 
Ozena,  sf.  {med.)  ozena. 
Ozorias,  sf.  a  play  at  cards. 

P.  s.  the  sixteenth  letter  of  the 
Portuguese  alphabet.  P  and  ph 
are  pronounced  as  in  English. 

Pá,  sf.  a  wooden  or  iron  shovel. 
—  de  forno.,  a  baker^s  peei.  — 
de  rcme^  the  blade  of  an  oar.  — 
ã'um  cavallo^  the  shoulder-blade 
of  a  horse. 

Pabulo,  sm.  food,  aliment. 

Paca,  sf.  paca,  Guinea-pig. 

Pacato,  a,  adj.  tranquil,  pacifíc. 

Pacau,  sm.  a  sort  of  game  at 

Paceiro,  sm.  so  they  called  in 
former  times  the  superinten- 
dants  of  the  king's  palaces. 

Pacer,  va.  V.  Pascer^  and  deri- 

Pachá,  sm.  pacha.  [fish. 

Pachão,  sm.  a  sort  of  fresh-water 

Pachola,  sm.  a  heavy  clurosy  man. 

Paohonchetas,  trifles,  idle 

Pachorra,  sf.  slowness.  hoavi- 
ness  in  men,  sluggishness. 
Estar  de  — ,  to  play  th«  droll. 

Pachorrento,  a,  adj.  phlegma- 
tic,  dull,  slow. 

Paohuchada,  sf.  nonsense. 

Paciência,  sf.  patience ;  {bot.) 
tiie  herb  called  monk's  rhubarb. 

Pa(dente,  adj.  2  g.  patient  ho 


—  549  * 


"who    suffers   patiently.  —  sm. 

sufferer,  a  patient. 
Pacientemente,  adv.  patiently. 
Pacificação,  sf.  pacification. 
Pacificado,  a.pp.  adj.  appeased. 
Pacificador,  sm.  peace-maker. 
Pacificamente,  adv.  peaceably. 
Pacificar,  va.  to  pacify,  to  ap- 

Pacifico,  a,  adj.  paciíic. 
Pacigo,  sm.  pasturage. 
Paciscente,  s.  or  adj.  2  g.  con- 

Paço,  sm.  court ;  the  prince  with 

his  retinue  of  courtiers.  Paços, 

sm.  pi.  any  mansion-house*  of 

an  ancient  and  noble  family. 
Pacoba,    Pacobete,   Pacoeira 

or  Musa,  sf.  a  sort  of  tree  in 

Brazil.  fgoods. 

Pacote,  sm.  a  bundle,  a  bale  of 
Pacotilha,  sf.  small  quantity  of 

merchandise.  [contract. 

Pactario,  a,  adj.  that  makes  a 
Pactear,  va.  to  contract. 
PactO;  sm.    contract,   compact. 

Assentar  — s,  to  make  an  agree- 

Pactuado,  a,  pp.  adj.  agreed  on 

or  contracted. 
Pactuar,  va.  to  make  a  compact 

or  agreement. 
Pada,  sf.  two  or  three  loaves  of 

bread  sticking  together. 
Padar,  sm.  the  palate. 
Padaria,  sf.  baker's  shop. 
Padecedor,  sm.  he  -who  suífers. 
Padecente,  sm.  a  prisoner  going 

to  be  executed. 
Padecer,  va.  to  suffer,  to  endnre. 
Padecido,  pp.  adj.  suffered,  en- 

Padecimento,  sm.  suffering,  en- 

during,  trouble. 
Padeira,  sf.  baker's  wife.  , 

Padeiro,  sm.  baker. 
Padejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  winnowed. 
Padejar,  va.  to  winnow  com. 
Padeliças,  sf.jpl.  pasture. 
Padieira,  sf.  lintel  of  a  door. 
Padiola,  sf.  hand-barrow. 
Padrão,     sm.    pattern,    modal, 

sample;  a  standard  to  'which 

aU  measures  are  adjusted ;  a 

post  or  pillar  on  which  is  en- 
graved  an  inscription  ;  a  raonu- 

Padrasto,  sm.  stepfather,  father- 
in-law;  {fort.)  a  rising-ground 
that  overlooks  a  town  whence 
it  mav  be  battered  ;  a  soreness 
on  the  ílnger  near  the  nail 
caused  by  the  breaking  of  the 

Padre,  sm.  father ;  priest.  — 
nasso^  the  Lord's  praver. 

Padrinho,  sm.  godfatner.  —  em 
desafio,  a  second  in  a  challenge. 

Padroado,  sm.  advowson,  pa- 

Padroeira,  sf.  patroness. 

Padroeiro,  sm.  patron,  protector. 

Pae,  sm.  father.  —  ae  família^ 
house-keeper,  master  of  family. 
Paes,  pi.  father  and  mother. 
Os  nossos  primeiros  — ,  our  first 
ancestors.  — ,  benefactor,  pre- 
server.  V.  Pai. 

Paga,  sf.  pay,  salary,  wages,  re- 

Pagado,  a,  pp.  adi.  paid. 

Pagadoiro,  a,  aaj.  payable. 

Pagador,  sm.  payer. 

Pagadoria,  sf,  pay-office. 

Pagamento,  sm.  pay,  payment. 
Dia  de  — ,  pay-day. 

Paganismo,  sm.  paganism. 

Pagão,  pagã,  adj.  pagan, 

Pagar,  va.  to  pay,  to  discharge 
a  debt ;  to  reward  ;  to  repay  ;  to 
retaliate  ;  to  atone  by  sulfering. 
Pagar-se,  vr.  to  bo  paid. 

Pagável,  adj.^g.  payable. 

Pageada,  sf.  aroultitude  of  pages. 

Pagella,  sf.  an  article  of  an  ac- 
count.  Pagar  por  — s,  to  pay  by 
little  and  little. 

Pagem,  sm.  page  ;  a  young  boy 
in  the  service  of  a  prince  or 
great  personage.  —  da  lança,  a 
lance-bearer ;  (in  a  ship  of  war) 
a  swaber.  —  da  camará,  a  cabin- 

Pagina,  sf.  page,  leaf  of  a  book ; 
ifig.)  weariness,  trouble. 

Pa^nação,  sf.  the  numbering 
the  çaç«&  ol«.\^QQ>iL. 




—  S50  — 


Pago,  a,pp.  irrtg.  oí  Pagar ^  paid, 

pteased,  sotisfied. 
Pago,  sm.  reward,  recompense. 

Dar  mau  — ,  to  be  ungratefoL 
Pagode,  sm.  pa^od.  [cinç. 

Pagodice,  s.  a  licentious  rejoi- 
Paguel,  sm.  a  sort  of  ship. 
Pagar,  sm.  a  sort  of  ship. 
Pai,  sm.  father.  V.  Pae. 
Psdnço,  sm.  panicle  or  panic,  a 

sort  of  millet. 
Painel,  sm.  picture,  portrait. 
Paio,  sm,  a  sort  of  thick  saussage. 
Paiol,  sm.    (a  sea   term)    storo- 

room. — dapolvora.,  the  po-wder- 

magazine.  — do  biscoito^  brcad- 

room.  —  da  amarras^  the  cable- 

Paicdeiro,  sm.  the  kecper  of  the 

Pairado,  a,  pp,  adj.  eadured. 
Pairador,  sm.  that  plies  to  and 

again  one^s  station. 
Pairar,  vn.  (a  sea  term)  to  resist, 

to  bear,  to  endure,  to  ply  to  and 

again  in  one's  station.  Awiar 

pairandoy    to    beggle,    to    4^8- 

Pedxão,  sf.    passion,    affection, 

love  ;  any  pain  in  the  bodjr. 
Paiz,  sm.  country,  land,  region. 

Paizes,   landscapes,    boscages. 
Paizagexn,  sf.  landscape. 
Paiasagista,    sm,    a    landscape- 

Paizano,  sm.  countryman,  com- 

Satriot ;  one  that  is  not  a  sol- 
Paizista,  sm.  landscape-painter. 
Pala,  sf.  bezel  or  bezil.  —  do  an- 
nelf  tne  upper  part  of  the  collet 
of  a  ring.  —  do  sapato,  the  npper 
part  of  the  upper  leather  of  a 
shoe.   Metter  —  a  alguém^    to 
cheat  one.  Isto  é  pala^  tiiis  is 
a  cheat ;  {herald.)  pale. 
Palaciano,  a,  adj.  a  courtier,  a 

politc  maa. 
Palácio,  sm.  palace,  mansion. 
Paladar,  sm.  palate ;  taste. 
Paladim,  sm.  paladin. 
^aiad/namente,  adv.  pub^cly. 
■Palafrem,  sm.  palfry,  palírey. 
J>aIafreneiro,  sm.  a  groom. 

Palamalha,  sf.  the  play  called 

Palamalliar,    sm.    pall-mall   (a 

Palaxnenta,  sf.  the  oars  of  the 

Palanca,  sf.  {fort.)  a  defence 
made  of  large  stakes. 

Palanoo,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  one  of 
the  halliards. 

Palanfrorio,  sm.  V.  Palavrorio. 

Palangana,  sf.  a  sort  of  long 
bason  to  wasn  hands  in. 

Palanque,  sm.  the  scaffolds 
wbence  shows  are  seen. 

Palan<iaeta,  sf.  (gunnery)  a  bar- 

Palanquim,  sm.  palanquin  or 

Palatina,  sf.  a  fur  tippet. 

Palatinado,  sm.  palatmate. 

Palatino,  a,  €uij.  palatine.  Os 
ossos  — 5,  [med.)  ossapalati. 

Palavâ,  sf.  (in  Angola)  dysen- 

Palavra,  sf.  word,  speech,  speak, 
token  ;  watch-word.  Passar  — , 
to  give  the  word  about.  Maltra- 
tar de  — s,  to  give  ill  vords. 
Pegar  da  palavra,  to  take  one 
at  his  word.  Tomar  a  — ,  to  begin 
a  speech.  JSTuma  — ,  in  short. 

Palavrada,  sf.  a  coar  se  expres- 

Palavreado,  a,  pp.  adj.  babbled. 

Palavreador,  a,  adj.  that  is  a 
babbler.  [gábble. 

Palavrear,   va.    to    babble,    to 

Palavreiro,  a,  adj,  babbler,  lo- 

Psuavrorio,  sm.  babblings,  tittl«^ 
tattle,  empty  words. 

Palavroso,  a,  adj.  wordy,  ver- 
boso, loquacious. 

Palega,  sf.  a  sort  of  Indian  ship. 

Paleographia,  sf.  paleography. 

Paleographo,  sm.  paleograpner. 

Palestina,  sf.  {geog.)  Paleatíne ; 
(print.)  two-line  pica. 

Palestra,  sf.  conversation ;  pa- 

Pa\fiaXx\!QOs  ^^  adi.  '^^^^\xvk.. 


—  551  — 


rick  of  stra-vr.  Chapéo  de  — ,  a 
aftraw  hat.  Cheio  de  — ,  strawy. 

Palliacarga,  sf.  a  sort  of  aii^ar 

Palbaço,  a,  adj.  straw  built.  Ca- 
sas palhaças^  thatched  houses. 

Palhaço,  sm.  clown,  bufToon, 

Palhada,  sf.  chopt  hav  boiled 
with  bran  for  horses  tnat  have 
a  cold ;  (fig.)  phantoins. 

Palhagexn,  sf.  a  heap  of  Btraw. 

PaJUiar,£m.  a  house  covered  vith 
straw.  [straw. 

Palharesco,  a,    adi.    roade    of 

Palhegal,  sm.  a  fíela  of  straw. 

Palheirão,  sm.  a  great  straw- 
loft;  a  diffuse  and  disorderly 
author.  [straw. 

Palheiralro,  sm.  he   who    lays 

Palheiro,  sm.  a  straw-loft. 

Palheiro,  a,  adj.  fond  of  straw. 

Palheta,  sf.  a  little  piece  of  board 
with  a  handle  to  it.  —  de  jogar 
apela,  a  racket.  —  de  jogar  ao 
volante^  a  battledore  to  play  at 
shuttle-cock  with.  —  de  pintor, 
a  pallet  on  which  a  painter 
holds  his  colours.  —  de  prata^  a 
spangle  of  silver.  [racket. 

Paihetada,  sf  a  blow  with  the 

Palhetão,  sm.  key-bit.  —  de  prata^ 
a  broad  spangle  of  silver. 

Palhete,  adj.  m.  Vinho  — ,  pale 
or  pallet  wine. 

Palhiço,  sm.  minced  straw;  chafif. 

Palhiço.  a,  adj.  made  of  straw. 
Casa  — a,  a  thatched  house. 

Palhoça,  sf.  a  thatched  house. 

Paliça4a,  sf.  palisade. 

Paliího,  sm.  a  sort  of  small  stick 
used  by  dyers. 

Palinoma,  sf.  palinody. 

Palitar,  vn.  to  pick  the  teeth. 

Paliteiro,  sm.  a  tooth-pick  case ; 
a  tooth-pick  maker. 

Palito,  sm.  a  tooth-pick. 

Palladio,  sm.  palladium ;  sup- 
port ;  protection. 

PaUanora,  sf.  a  sort  of  hoy  or 

Palias,  sf  {mythol.)  Palias. 

J»aUUído,  a,  pp.  adj.  palliated, 

Palliador,  sm.  one  who  palliates. 

Palliar,  va.  to  palliate,  to  cloak; 
ifg.)  to  palliate,  to  cure  Imj^er- 
fectly,  not  radically.  [tive. 

PaUiativo,  a,  adj.  and  s.  pallia- 

Pallidez,  sf.  paleness,  wanness. 

Pallido,  a,  aaj.  pale,  wan. 

Pallio,  sm.  a  pau. 

Pallor,  sm.  paleness. 

Palma,  sf.  the  palm-tree,  the 
branch  of  the  palm-tree ;  palm; 
victory,  triumph.  Levar  a  — ,  to 
carry  the  day,  to  get  the  vic- 
tory. —  da  mão^  the  palm  of  the 
hand.  [christL 

Palzna-christi,  s.  {med.)  palma* 

Palmada,  sf.  a  stroke  with  the 
palm  of  the  hand.  [treea. 

Palmar,  sm.  a  grove  of  pahn* 

Palmar,  adj.  2  g.  palmar,  tnat  is 
a  span  long;  manifest,  plain, 
evidient.  Erro  — ,  a  manifeat 
error.  [a  ferula. 

Palmatoada,  sf.  a  stroke  with 

Palmatória,  sf.  ferula,  palmar 
tory ;  palmer ;  a  flat  candlestick. 

Palxnatoriado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fe- 

Palmatoriar.  va.  to  ferule,  to 
chastise  with  the  ferula. 

Palmear,  va.  to  applaud. 

Palmeira,  sf.  the  palm-tree. 

Palmeiro,  sm.  a  palmer,  apilgrim. 

Pahuejares,  sm.  pi.  (a  sea  term) 

Palmejar,  va.  to  clap  the  hands. 

Palmeta,  sf.  spatula,  spattle, 
slice  for  spreading  plasters. 

Palmlíero,  a,  adj.  palmiferous. 

Palmilha,  sf.  sole  or  the  foot  of 
a  stocking. 

Palmilhadeira,  sf.  a  woman  who 
repairs  stockings. 

Palmilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  repaired. 

Palmilhador>  sm.  one  that  meuds 

Palmilhar,  va.  to  mend,  to  repair 
the  worn  soles  of  stockings ;  to 
foot,  to  travei  on  foot,  to  beat 
the  hoof. 

Palmipede,  adj,  1  g.  ^\y.Va!i\^«i^^. 

\Palmital,   sm.    ^  ^\^<i^  ^\kfc^^ 
pa\m-tcôea  çto"^ .  ç 


55á  — 


riers)  is  said  of  one  of  the  solos 

of  a  horse's  foot. 
Palmito,  srn.  a  small  branch  of 

a  palm-tree ;  the  inner  rind  of 

the  cocoa.  [to  span. 

Palmo,  sm.  a  span.  Medir  aos  — s, 
Paloma,  sf.  {a  sea  term)  the  fore- 

leech  of  a  stay. 
Palombar,   va.  [a  sea  term)  to 

marl  the  sail  to  the  holtrop. 
Palpado,  B.,pp.  adj.  V.  Apalpado, 

Palpável,    adj.    2   g.   palpablc, 

clear,  ovident. 
Palpavelmente,  adv.  palpably. 
Pálpebra,  sf.  the  eye-lid. 
Palpebral,  adj.  2  g.  palpebral. 
Palpitação,  sf.  palpitation. 
Palpitante,  adj.  2  g.  palpitating. 
Palpitar,  va.  to  palpitate,  to  beat 

as  the  heart. 
Paira,  sf.  chattering,  babbling. 
Pairado,  a,  pp.  adj.  prattled. 
Palrador,  sm.  a  prattler. 
Pairar,  vn.  to  prattle,  to  chatter, 

to  chirp. 
Pairaria,  sf  tittle-tattle,  tattling. 
Palreiramente,  adv.  yfiih.  prat- 

tling.  [talkative. 

Palreiro,     a,     adj.    loquacious, 
Palrice,  sf.  loquacity,  talkative- 

Paludamento,  sm.  a  royal  robe. 
Paludoso,  a,  adj.  marsh^,  fenny. 
Palustre,  adj.  2  g.  pertaining  to 

a  marsh.  [trmes. 

Pampanada,      sf.      phantoms, 
Pâmpano,  sm.  a  vine-leaf ;  a  fish 

so  called  ;  a  sort  of  wind. 
Pampanoso,    a,    adj.    covered 

■\vith  vine   branches   or   vine- 

Pampeiro,  sm.  is  said  of  a  cer- 

tain  windonthecoastsofBrazil. 
Pampilho,  sm.  a  goad. 
Pampineo.  a,  adj.  pertaining  to 

the  vine-branches. 
Pampinoso,  a,  adj.  full  of  vine- 

leaves  or  branches. 
Panacèa,  sf.  panacea,   all-heal. 
imanado,    a,  adj.  Agua  panada^ 

water  with  toasted  bread. 
Panadura,  sf.  the  axle-tree  oí  a 

Panai,  sm.  honey-comb.  —  <fo 
palha,  a  coarse  cloth  in  "which 
straw  is  wrapped. 

Panaria,  sf.  granary,  corn-house. 

Panarício,  sm.  panaris,  whitlow. 

Panasco,  sm.  a  kind  of  herb  for 

Panasqueira,  sf.  a  place  where 
the  panasco  grows. 

Pança,  sf.  the  paunch,  belly. 

Pancada,  sf.  blow,  stroke,  knock. 
—  de  agua,  a  sudden  shower  of 
rain.  —  de  dinheiro,  a  quantity 
of  money.  —  do  coração^  the 
beating  of  the  heart.*  De  — , 
suddenly,  rashly.  A'  — ,  adv.  at 
the  same  time. 

Pancadaria,  sf.  great  quantity 
of  blows. 

Pancarpia,  sf.  a  garland  made 
of  ali  sorts  of  flowers  ;  a  collec- 
tion  of  choíce  pieces. 

Pancracio,  «/n.  the  joint  exercise 
of  "wrestling,  boxing,  etc. 

Pâncreas,  s.  {anat.)  pâncreas. 

Pancreatico,  a,  adj.  pancreatic. 

PandGemonium,  sm.  pandemo- 

Pandectas,  sf.  pi.  pandects. 

Pandeireiro,  sm.  maker  or  player 
oí  pandeiro. 

Pandeiro,  sm.  an  instrument 
made  like  a  little  tamborine. 

Pandilha,  sf.  plot,  secret  com- 
bination  to  cheat. 

Pandilheiro,  sm.  he  -who  de- 
frauds  or  robs  at  plav. 

Pando,  a,  adj.  crooked,  bent 
inward  or  do^nward,  in  the 
middle;  spread,  swollen,  puf- 
iing,  stretched  out.  As  pandas 
azas,  —  velas,  spread  \dngs, 

Pandorga,  sf.  the  confused  noise 
of  many  musical  Instruments: 
any  thing  immoderately  great, 

Paneg3rrico,a,  adj.  panegyrical. 

Panegjrrico,  sm.  a  panegyric. 

Panegyrista,  sm.  a  panegyrist. 

Paneiro,  sm.  a  basket,  hamper. 


—  553  — 


Panellada,  sf.  the  meat  boiled 

in  the  pot. 
Panelleuro,  sm.  a  pot-maker. 
Panete,  sm.  small  bread.  Tomar 

o  — ,  to  run  away.  [do. 

Panetella,  sf.  bread-soup,  pana- 
Pangsdo,    sm.   a   sort  of  small 

Indian  ship. 
Panicale,  sm.  a  swelling  of  the 

Panicão,  sm.  a  master  orteacher 

(in  Malabar). 
Pânico,  a,  adj.  panical.  Terror — , 

paníc  terror,   an   ill-grounded 

Paniguado,   sm.   a   servant   or 

retainer  on  a  family. 
Pannetes ,     sm.     pi.     tattered 

clothes;  rags.  (cloth. 

Pannico,    sm.   a  sort  of  lincn 
PannlnlLO,  sm.  thin  stuff ;  caligo. 

— fino^  cambric  muslin.  —  super- 

fino^  jaconotte. 
Panno,  sm.   cloth.   —  de  linho, 

linen  cloth.  —  de  íã,  woollen 

cloth.  Negocio  de — ,  drapery; 

(arch.)  the  curtain  ofa-wail. — 

ferro,  rough  dowlas.  Pannos  de 

raz  or  de  Arraz^  tapestry  hang- 

ings;  {med.)  spots  in  the  face, 

breast,  etc. 
Panorsuna,  sm.  panorama. 
Panoura,  sf.  (in  índia)  a  sort  of 

galliot ;  a  sword. 
Pantafaçudo,  a,    adj.   that   is 

Pantalâo,  sm.  a  coward. 
Pantalonas,  s,  pi.  pantaloons. 
Pantana,    sf.    slough,   puddle, 

Pantanal,  sm.  a  marshy  place. 
Peuitano,  sm.  pool,  morass,  mire. 
Pantanoso,     a,    adj.    boggy, 

Pantheismo,  sm.  pantheism. 
Pantheista,  sm.  pantheist. 
Pantheon,  sm.  (temple  at  Rome.) 
Pemthera,  sf.  panther. 
Pantographo,  sm.  pantograph. 
Pantometro,  sm.  pantometer. 
Pantomima,  sf.  pantomime. 
PantomJmico,  a,  adj.  pantomi- 


Pantomimo,  sm,  pantomime. 

Pantofada,   sf.  a  blo-vr  with  a 

pantoile.  [slipper. 

Pantufo,  sm.  pantofle,  hi^h-soled 
Panturra,  sf.  a  great  belly ;  ijig.) 

pride,  vanity.  [leg. 

Panturrilha,  sf.  the  calf  of  the 
Pâo,  sm.  stick,  a  piece  of  timber, 

wood.  V.  Pau  and  derivated. 
Pão,   sm.   bread.   Pães,  pi.    ali 

sorts  of  com.  Um  pão,  a  loaf. 

—  de  assucar,  a  loaf  of  sugar. 

—  duro,  stale  bread.  —  mollCy 
new  bread. —  de  cevada,  barley- 
bread.  —  leve,  light,  spungy 
bread.  —  segundo,  rye-bread.  — 
de  rala,  brown  bread.  —  po?* 
Deus,  soulmass  cakes.  —  de  ló, 
a  light  biscuit  made  of  flour, 
sugar  and  eggs. 

Papa,  sm.  the  pope. 
Papa,  sf.  pap  for  children. 
Papá,  sm.  papá,  a  fond  name  for 

Papada,  sf.  a  great  double  chin. 
Papado,  a,  pp.  adj.  eaten. 
Papado,  sm.  papacy. 
Papafigos,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  beca- 

fiço;   (a  sea   term)  main     sail 

without  a  bonnet ;  the  fore-sail. 
Papagaiar,  vn.  to  prattle  like  a 

Papagaio,  sm.  parrot;  a  sort  of 

ílower;    a   paper  kite;  (a    sea 

term)  a  vela  do  —,  the  top-sail. 
Papagente ,    sm.    anthropopha- 

gus.  [parasite. 

Papajantares,  sm.  a  spunger,  a 
Papal,  adj.  lg.  popish,  papal. 
Papalva,  sf.  a  sort  of  weasel. 
Papalvo,  a,  adj.  a  dunce,  a  per- 

son  easy  to  be  deceived. 
Papamoscas,  sm.  one  that  has 

the  mouth  open  like  a  fool. 
Papão,  sm.  a  oug-bear. 
Papapeixe,  sm.Xnat.  hist.)  a  sort 

of  bird. 
Papar,  va.  and  n.  to  eat  pap  as 

children ;  to  eat. 
Paparicho,  sm.  dainty. 
Paparraz,    sm.    the    seeds.   <a>l 

Paparriba,  adà  .Vjvxv^vv^è^^  «^'«^^ 


*-T  ' 

iliia  I 


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—  554  — 


Papas,  sf.  pi.  pap  for  diildrea;  « 
sort  01  meat  made  of  meai, 
■water,  honey,  etc;  a  poultice. 

Papasantos,  sm.  a  bigot. 

Papavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  desôrves 
to  be  elected  pope ;  eatable. 

Papaz.  sm.  a  cnristian  priest  of 
tne  Greek  church. 

Papazana,  sf.  a  great  banquet 
or  feast  with  revelling. 

Papear,  va.  and  n.  to  prate,  to 

Papeira,  sf.  swelling  in  the 

Papeiro,  sm.  a  skellet  "wherein 
cnildren'8  pap  is  made.  —  a, 
adj.  that  is  sore  throat. 

Papel,  sm.  paper.  —  passento, 
blotting  paper;  a  writing,  a 
book,  a  manuscript ;  a  part  in  a 
play.  Fazer  bem  o  seii  — ,  to  act 
or  play  one's  part  well.  Elle  faz 
o  —  de  Alexandre^  he  acts 
Alexander.  —  de  pesOy  thin  post 
paper;  blotting  paper.  Papeis 
públicos,  the  newspapers.  Papel 
assetinado,  vellum  paper.  Livro 
em  — ,  a  book  in  quires  or  in 
sheets.  O  que  vende  — ,  a  sta- 

Papelada,  sf.  a  heap  of  papers. 

Papelão,  sm.  pastenoara,  mill- 
boards ;  (fig.)  um — ,  a  blockhead. 

Papeleira,  sf.  a  bureau  or  desk. 

Papeie j o.  sm.  a  written  paper  of 
no  consideration. 

PapéUço,  sm.  a  cornet  of  paper 
used  by  grocers. 

Papelista,  sm.  a  man  always 
busy  among  papers  or-writrnga. 

Papelotes,  sm.  pi.  curl-papers. 

Papilionaceo,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  pa- 

Papilla,  sf.  {anat.)  papilla. 

Papillar,  adj.  2  g.  í6oí.)  papillary. 

Papillo,  sm.  {anc!)  paper. 

PapilloBO.  a,  adj.  {bot.)  papillose. 

Papinhas,  sf.pCjtaip  forchildren. 

Papironga,  sf.  a  trick ;  the  crop  ; 
a  poiích ;  the  back  part  of  the 
throat.  Fazer  —  a  alguém,  to 
play  one  a  trick. 

Papismo,  sm,  papism,  popery. 
'Pittpista,  sm,  papist. 

P»po,  sm.  a  bird's  m2cw.  Fallar 
oc  —,  to  talk  in  the  throat,  af- 
fecting  greatness.  Papos  de 
anjos,  tet^its. 

Papoula,  sf.  {bot.)  wild  poppy; 
{fig.)  sadness. 

Papudo,  a,  adj.  having  a  great 
maw  or  dewlap ;  turgid. 

Papula,  sf.  {med.)  a  ring-vonu 
or  tetter. 

Papuses,  a  sort  of  sandaJs. 

Papyreo,  a,  adj.  belonging  to 

Papjrro,  sm.  papyrus. 

Paquebote,  sm.  a  packet-boat. 

Paqueiro,  sm.  a  packer. 

Pacjuete,  sm.  a  packet-boat. 

Paquife,  sm.  {herald.)  the  follage 
or  plumage  upon  the  helmet. 

Par,  adj.  2  g.  peer,  equal,  even. 
Numero  — ,  an  even  numb^. 
Sem  — ,  peerless,  incomparable. 
De  or  a — ,  levei.  Pares  or  nones, 
even  or  odd.  —  sm.  a  pair,  two 
things  of  a  kind  ;  a  peer.  A  — , 
just  by,  near. 

Para,  prep.  for.  —  sempre^  for 
ever.  Para,  to,  in  order  to.  — 
vos  ver,  in  order  to  see  you.  — 
çue,  to  the  end  that.  —  que?  for 
what?  —  onde?  whitier?  — 
cima,  upward.  —  baixo,  down- 
ward. — traz,  backward. — diante, 
forward.  —  bem  vos  seja,  I  wish 
you  joy ;  just  or  ready  to.  £lle 
está  para  partir,  he  is  just  going 
away,  he  is  ready  to  go ;  be- 
tween  two  nouns  of  number  is 
englished  by  or  and  sometimes 
by  and ;  as  :  um  homem  de  qua- 
renta para  cincoenta  annos ,  a 
man  between  forty  and  fifty. 
Dista  quatro  para  cinco  léguas j 
it  is  about  four  or  five  leagues 

Parabém,  sm.  a  congratulatlon. 
Bar  os  parabéns,  to  congratu- 
late.  [bola  ^eom.). 

Parábola,  sf.  a  parable ;  a  para- 

Parabolico,  a,  adj.  parabolic. 
Parabolicaxnente,  adv.  parabo- 
lically.  [boliform. 

Paz^oliforxue,  adj.  2  g.  para- 
ParabaHamo,  sm.  {alg.)  the  di- 


—  555  — 


-vision  of  the  tenns  of  an  equa- 

tion  by  a  known  quantity. 
Paracentesis ,   s,  {surg.)  para- 

centesis.  [trical. 

Paracentrico,  a,   adj.  paracen- 
Parachronismo,  sm.  parachro- 

Paracletear,  va.  to  suggestan 

answer  to  one   "who   does  not 

know  "what  to  reply. 
Paracmastico,   a,    adj.   [med.) 

Parada,  sf.  bet,  stake ;  a  place 

to  stop  at ;  a  parade  for  troops ; 

i/ig.)  show,  ostentation. 
Paradeiro,  sm.  a  stopping  place ; 

a  sink  or  sewer. 
Paradigmático,   a,    adj.  para- 

Parado,  a,    pp.   adj.   stopped. 

Bem    or  mal  — ,   (speaking  of 

money)  easily  or  hardly  reco- 

verable  :  also ;  in  a  good  or  bad 

State.  [paradoxal. 

Paradoxal,  adj.  2  g.  paradoxic, 
Paradoxaznente,  adv.  paradoxi- 

cally.  [ness. 

Paradozisxuo,  sm.  paradoxical- 
Paradoxo,  a,   adj.  paradoxical. 
Paradoxo,  sm.  paradox. 
Paradoxologia ,   sf.    paradoxo- 

Parafogo,  sm.  a  fire-kcepcr. 

Parafusado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mnsed, 

Parafusar,  vn.  to  mnse ;  to  put 
one*8  thoaghts  on  the  stretch. 

Parafuso,  sm.  a  screvr ;  a  sort  of 
small  gun.  [pattern. 

Paragão,    sm.   paragon,  model, 

Paragem,  sf  {a  sea  term)  latitude, 
a  part  of  the  sea  under  any  la- 
titude, [gogic. 

Paragogioo,  a,  adj.  {gram.)  para- 

Paragraphar,  va.  to  paragraph. 

Paragrapho,  sm.  paragraph. 

Paraguay,  sm.  {geog.)  Paraguay. 

Paraíso,  sm.  paradise.  Pássaro 
do  — ,  manucodiata. 

Paralheiro.  sm.  a  sort  of  pot 
tised  in  the  sugar  works. 

Paralepsis,  s.  {rket.)  paralepsis. 

Paralisia,  sf,  paralysis.  V.  Paror 
lyita  and  denvated. 

Parallaxe,  sf.  {astr.)  parallax. 
Parallaxico,  a,  adj.  parallactic. 
Parallelipipedo,  sm.{geom.)-pB^ 

rallelopiped.  [lelisin. 

Paralleiiamo,  sm.  {geom.)  parai- 
Parallelo,  a,  adj.    parallel.  — 

sm.  a  parallel. 
Paralleíograxmnico,  a,  adj.  pa- 

Parallelográmmo,   sm.  {geom.) 

Paralogisar,  tn.  to  paralogixe. 
Paralogismo,  sm.  paralog^sm. 
Paralta  or  Peralta,  sm.  a  cox- 

comb,  a  fop. 
Paralvilho,  sm.  a  coxcomb,  a  fop. 
Paralysar,  va.  to  paralyse.  Pa- 

ralvsar-se^  vr.  to  grow  paraiytic, 

to  oe  seized  with  a  palsy. 
Paralysia,  sf.  (med.)  paralysis, 

Paralytioo,  a,  adj.  and  s.  para- 

lytical,  paralytio,  palsied. 
Paramentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ad- 

orned,  revested. 
Paramentar,  va.  to  adom  with 

hangings,  to  hang;  to   adom. 

to  attire.  —  a  mesa.,  to  lay  the 

cloth,   napkins,    etc,    on   the 

Paramento,  sm.  furniture,  dress, 

ornament.  — *,  da  igreja^  vest- 

ments,  plate.  books,  belonging 

to  the   church.  —  da  mesa.,  the 

covcring  of  the  table ;  the  set 

of  plate  for  tablo  use. 
Paramentoso,  a,   adj.  ostenta- 

tiouB.  [meter. 

Parâmetro,  «f».    igeom.)  para- 
Paramo,  sm.  a  desert. 
Par  anca,  sf.  coursc.  the  state  of 

a  business  direction. 
Parangona,  adj.(pr)nt.)Lettra—, 

great  or  long  primer. 
Parangue,  sm.  a  sort  of  ship  to 

carry  provision  (índia). 
Paranomasia,  sf.  paranoroasia. 
Paremympho,  sm.  paranymph; 

one  who  countenances  another ; 

one  "who  brings  good  news. 
Paráo,  sm.  a  sort  of  small  ship 

in  índia. 
Parapanda,  sf.  a  sort  of  mx^^cti^ 


-•a  , .  -.  ■■ar^ajiji^M^Mi 


—  556  — 


Parai>eitado,  a,  a://,  ddfended 

Parapeito,  sr/t.  a  breast-work  or 

Paraphemaes,  sf.  pi.  'm  law) 
/fe/r;  — .  paraphcrna  bona. 

Paraphrase.  if.  paraphrase. 

Paraphraseado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pa- 
raphríi«>'í -.  [phrase. 

Paraphrasear .     va.    tò    para- 

Paraphraste.  sm.  a  parapnraat. 

Paraphrasticaxnente,  adv.  pa- 

Paraphrastico,  a,  adj.  para- 

ParaphrenlUs,  s.  {med.)  para- 

Paraplegia.  sf.  (med.)  paraplegy. 

Parar.  va.  to  stop,  to  ninder;  to 
parry,  to  vard  oflf;  to  turn  or 
chanVyí  th'';  iridination ;  to  stake 
a  play.  —  vn.  to  «top,  to  con- 
fine upon.  to  mect  at  an  end, 
to  touch.  to  be  bounded.  —  de 
repente,  fo  stop  suddenlj.  Pa- 
rar, to  t';nd,  to  aim  at;  to  im 

ply,  to    in volve,   to   comprise. 
cfingnem  rtode 
can  livíí  here. 

fingnem  rifAe  aqui  — ,  nobody 

Parasanga,  sf.  parasang  (Per- 

8ian  measure). 
Parasceve,  s.  Good  friday. 
Paraseleno,  sm.  {astr.)  parase- 

len*;.  a  mock-moon. 
Parasiticamente,  adv.  parasiti- 

Parasitico,  a,  adj,  parasitical. 
Parasitismo,  sm.  parasitism. 
Parasito  or  Parasita,  sm.  para- 


Parasol,  sm.  an  umbrella. 
Parasynagoga,  sf.  parisynaxis ; 

an  unlawful  raeeting:. 
Parati,  sf.  ílsh  of  mullet  kind  in 

Brazil.  [a  ship. 

Paravante,  sm.  the  fore  part  of 
Paravel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may  be 

easily  obtained. 
Paravento,  sm.  a  large  skreen 

to  keop  thc  wind  off. 
Parca,  sf.  or  Parcas,  (poet.)  thc 

parks,  death,  destiny,  fate. 
Parcamente,  adv.  thrifcily,  spar- 

;  Parçar,  vn.  (anc.)  to  take  part 

\rith  another  in  some  affair. 
Parçaria.  if.  partnership. 
Parceiraznente.    adr.   iríendlj. 
Parceiro,  501.  a  partner.  Ser  o  — 

ou  cavalheiro  de  uma  senhora ^  to 

be  a  lady*s  partner. 
Parcel,   sm.  a  hidden   rock    or 

bank.  [part. 

ParceUa .  */.  parcel,  portion, 
Parche,  sm.  a  pledget  or  ple^et. 
Parcial,  aij.  2  g.  partial.  —  sm. 

a  partisan. 
Parcialidade,   sf.  partiality;   a 

party  offaction. 
Parcialisação,  sf.  partial  sen- 

tence  or  judgment. 
Parcialisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  partia- 

Parcialisar,    va.    to   partialize. 

Parcialisar-se^   vr.  to  grow  par- 
Parcialista,  sm.  partialist. 
Parcimonia.  sf.  parsimony. 
Parco,  a,  adj.  parsimonious,  co- 

Pardaço,  a.  adj.  dark-grey. 
Pardal,  sm.  a  sparrow. 
Pardao,  sm.  an  Indian  coin  worth 

tfaree  testoons  and  three  vin- 

tins.  [make  grey. 

Pardar,  va.  or  n.  to  darken,  to 
Pardeiro,  sm.  the  ruins  of  an  old 

wall  or  house.  [âsh. 

Pardelha,  sf.  a  Mnd  of  small  sea- 
Pardellias  or  Pardos,  an  asoal 

expression  to  avoid  swearing, 

instead  oí por  Deus!  by  God! 
Pardieiro,  sm.  the  ruins  of  an 

old  wall  or  house. 
Pardillio,  a,  or  Pardinho,  a, 

adj.  of  a  greyish  colour. 
Pardo,  a,  adj.  grey,  dark. 
Pardoca,  sf.  a  hen-sparrow. 
Pardoso,  a,  adj.  of  iron-grey  co- 
lour. [dark. 
Pardusco ,    a ,    adj.    somewhat 
Pareador,  sm.  a  gauger. 
Parear,  va.  to  make  equal  the 

measure  of  a  cask. 
Páreas,  sf.  pi.  a  tribute ;  secun- 

dine,  the   after-burden ;  after- 

Parecença,  sf.  resemblance. 


557  — 


Parecente,  adj.  2  g.  resembling, 

Parecer,  vn.  to  look,  to  have 
any  particular  appearance,  to 
seem.  —  v.  imp.  Parecc-me^  it 
seems  to  me.  Não  parece  bem^ 
it  does  not  become.  Que  vos  pa- 
rece aquillo?  what  do  you  thmk 
of  that?  Parecer-se,  *r.  to  re- 
semble,  to  be  like.  Parecem-se 
muito,  they  are  mush  alike. 

Parecer,  sm.  opinion,  judgment; 
presence.  mien,  countenance, 
beauty.  Que  tem  bom  — ,  beauti- 

Parecido,  a.jpp.  adjAike.  Bem—, 
beautiful ,  good  -  looking.  Um 
homem  bem  — ,  a  good-looking 

Paredão,  sm.  a  very  thick  wall. 

Parede,  sf.  wall.  —  meã  or  de 
meias,  a  party  walI.  Cercar 
de  — s,  to  encfose  -with  -walls. 
Atirar  com  alguma  cousa  á  — ,  to 
dash  a  thing  against  the  -wall. 
Viver  entre  quatro  paredes,  to 
live  very  retired. 

Paredeiro,  a,  adj.  belonging  to 
■wall.  Heii^va  — a,  çarietary. 

Paregorico,  a,  ad].  (med.)  pare- 

Parelha,  sf.  a  match,  an  equal. 
—  de  cavallos  or  bois,  a  toam  of 
horses  or  oxen.  [also. 

Parelhamente ,     adv.    equally , 

Parelho,  a,  adj.  equal,  like,  re- 
sembling.  [sun. 

Parelio,  sm.  parhelion,  a  mock- 

Paremia,  sf.  a  proverb. 

Parenese  or  Parenesis,  sf.  pa- 

Parenetico,  a,  adj.  parenetic, 
moral,  exhorting  to  morality. 

Parente,  s.  2  g.  b,  relation  by 
birth  or  raarriage ;  kinsman  cr 

Parentear,  vn.  —  com  alguém,  to 
be  kin  to  one. 

Parenteiro,  sm.  one  who  protects 
his  relations ;  partial  to  bis 
kindred.  [kinsfolks. 

Parentella,  s/.kindred.Granrfe  — , 

ParentesGo,  sm.  kindred*  con- 
sangttinity,  affinity. 

Parenthesis,  sf.  parenthesis. 
Páreo  or  Parlo,  sm.  wager,  bet, 

stake,  lay.  Correr  o  — ,  to  con- 

tend  for  the  prize  (horse  race). 
Parergo,  sm.  (arch.)  an  addition 

made  to  a  thinç  to  beautify  it. 
Pares,  sm.  pi.  ot  Par.  the  peers. 

V.  Par.  [corn. 

Pargana,  sf.  awn,  the  beard  of 
Pargo,  sm.  a  rocket  fish. 
Paria,  sm.  the  meanest  race  of 

Parida,  sf.  a  lying-in-woman. 
Paridade,  sf.  parity,  equality. 
Parideira,  sf.  Galíinha  —,  a  hen 

that  lays  eggs  very  often. 
árido,  j 
to  bed. 

ays  eg§ 
.  a,  adj. 

delivered,  broaght 

Paridura,  sf.  deliverance. 
Parietal,  aaj.  2  g.  {anat.)  parietal. 
Parietaria,  sf.  {bot.)  panetary. 
Pariforxne,  adj.  2  g.  like,  resem- 

Pariforxuexnente,  adv.  likely. 
Parilidade,  sf.  iikeness,  resem- 

Parir,  va.  to  bring  forth  young. 

—  mal,  to  miscarry.  —  a  égua,  to 

foal.  —  a  gata,  to  kitten.  —  a 

vacca,  to  calve.  —  a  porca,  to 

farrow,  to  pig.  — a  cadella,  to 

■whelp,  to  pup  or  puppy  —  a 

ovelha,  to  yean.  —  a  raposa,  a 

ursa,  to  whelp,  to  cub. 
Parisyllahico,  a,  adj.  parisylla- 

Parizella,  sf.  {bot.)  a  plant  bear- 

ing  a  blue-flower. 
Parla,  sf.  a  talk  or  prittle-prattle. 
Parlamentar,  adj.   2  g.  parlia- 

mentary.  Bandeira  — ,  a  flag  of 

Parlamentar  lo,   sm.    one    -who 

treats  or  articles. 
Parlamentear,  vn.  to  parley,  to 

treat  by  word ;  to  article. 
Parlamento,  sm.  or  Cortes,  the 

Parliament ;  the  hall  where  the 

members  of  Parliament  meet; 

a  parley.  Chamar  a  —,  to  beat 

a  parley. 
Parlapatão,  ona.  sm.  or  f.  a 

coward.  C^Y" 

Parlapatioe,  sf.  ^^ftç.V'&í^>ivtwa.- 




—  558  — 


Parlatorio,  sm.  parlour  (in  con- 

Parmesão,  sf.  parmesan. 
Pamaseo,  adj.  of  or  belonglng 

to  Parnassus. 
Parnaso,  sm.  Parnassus. 
Parochia,  sf.  parish. 
Parochial,   aãj.  2  g.  parochial, 

Parochiano,  a,  adj.  parishioner. 
Parochiar,  va.  to  be  a  parson,  to 

have  the    charge  of  the  souls 

of  one's  parishioners. 
Parocho,  sm.  a  parson  or  curate. 
Parodia,  sf.  parody. 
Parodiar,  va.  to  parody, 
Parodico,  a,  adj,  parodie,  paro- 

dical.  [parody. 

Parodista,  sm.  the  author  of  a 
Parol,  sm.  a  sort  of  spoon  on  a 

Parola,  sf.  loquacity,  wordiness. 
Parolagem,  sf.  -wordiness. 
Parolar,  va.  to  chat,  to  talk  idly, 

to  prattle. 
Paroleira,  sf.  a  frail  to  put  up 

dried  fruit,  etc.  [kative. 

Paroleiro,  a,  adj.  prating,  tal- 
Paron^rmo,  adj.  m.  paronymous. 
Parotida,    sf.    (surg.)    parotis; 

{anat.)  the  parotid  gland. 
Parovellar,  vn.  to  play  the  fool. 
Paroxisxual,  adj.ig.  paroxismal. 
Paroxismo,  sm.  paroxism. 
Paroxismoso.a,  adj.  paroxismal. 
Parpados,  sm.  pi.  V.  Palpabras. 
Parque,  sm.  a  park.  —  de  artilha- 
ria^ park  of  artillery. 
Parra,  sf.  a  vine-leaf. 
Parrado,   a,   pp.    adj.  full  ef 

Parrar-se,    vr.    to    spread  out 
tvigs  or  creeping  branchea  of 
Parreira,  sf.  a  vine  that  gro'w« 

up  a^ainst  a  wall. 
Parreiral,  sm.  a  vine  arbour. 
Parricida,  sm.  a  parricide. 
Parricidal,   adj.  2  g,  of  or  be- 

loDgin^,  to  parricide. 
JRarrfcídio,  íw.  parricide. 
-Parrilha,  adj,  f.  a  sort  of  coane 
^^^o^^'  [vulgar. 

-■barrado,  a,  ad;.  creeping  *,tow 

Partasana,  sf,  a  partisan,  a  sort 
of  halberd ;  a  bailiflTs  follower. 

Parte,  sf.  part;  share,  portion; 
side,   vay,   place;   a    player's 

Í»art;  a  party  or  adversary;  (ín 
aio)  duty,  office ;  information, 
account  given ;  militarv  report ; 
respect,  point,  particular.  Par- 
tes^ f.  pt,  parts,  quarters,  re- 
gions,  districts,  quaJities,  ac- 
complishments ,  endowments , 
quali£cations.  Da  outra  parte ^  on 
or  from  the  other  side.  De  todas 
as  partes,  on  ali  sides.  Parte  inte- 
ressada, a  party  concerned.  As 
partes  (in  alaw  suit),  theparties. 
Parte,  line  of  consangumity.  — 
por — ,  or  por  partes,  distinctly, 
with  ali  particulars.  A' parte^hy 
one's  self,  by  itself.  —  adv,  a- 
part,  aside.  De  — ,  aside.  De  — , 
a  — ,  through.  Em  qualquer  — 
que,  wheTever.Daminha — ,  as  for 
me,  for  my  part.  De  alguma  — , 
from  some  çlace  or  other.  Para 
mie  — ,  whither?  which  -waT? 
Para  qualquer  —  que,  to  whicn- 
soever  place,  "whither  soe  ver. 
Para  a  —  de,  towards.  Para  a 
—  do  norte,  northward.  Por 
outra  — j  furthermore,  moreo- 
ver,  besides.  De  boa  parte,  from 

food  source.  Por  —  de,  in  be- 
alf  of,  on  the  side  of.  Fajser  da 
sua  — ,  to  endeavour.  Ter  —  em, 
to  be  concerned,  to  have  a 
share,  interest  or  hand  in. 
Dar — ,  to  impart,  to  acquaint ;  to 

five  an  account,  to  report. 
'er — ,  (m  law)  to  be  sued.  Ser — , 
to  sue.  Seguir  as  partes ;  pàr-se 
da  parte  de  alguém,  to  side^ith 
one.  Fazer  as  partes  de  alguém, 
to  act  for  one,  to  be  his  proxy. 
Não  saber  para  que  parte  se  lia 
de  voltar^  to  be  put  to  the  last 

Parteira,  sf.  midwife. 

Parteiro,  sm.  man  mid^i^ife. 

Partejada,  sf,  a  delivered  "wo- 

PQX\ie\ttr,  "oa.  \jo  ^^ví«t. 


—  569  — 


Participação,  sf.  participation. 

Participado,  a,  "pp,  adj.  parti- 

Participador ,  tnu  partaker, 

Participai,  adj,  2  g,  participai. 

Participante,  adj.  2  g,  partici- 
pant,  sharing. 

Participar,  va.  to  participate, 
to  impart.  —  vn.  to  partake ;  to 
liave  a  share.  [pable. 

Participavel,  adj,  2  q.  partici- 

Participe,  sm.  a  partaiker. 

Participio,  sm.  {gram.)  partí- 

Partícula,  sf.  particle.  —  eonsor 
grada,  the  consecrated  bread 
cr  "wafer. 

Particular,  adj.  2  g.  particular, 
peculiar.  Vida  — ,  pnvate  lifc. 

Particular,  sm.  a  particular,  a 
private  person,  aa  individual ; 
point,  matter,  subjeet.  Em  — , 
privately,  particulaTÍ;yr.  Os  parti- 
culares dJe  um  negocio^  the  de- 

Partkmlaridade,  sf.  particula- 
rity.  Com  — ,  particularly,  famí- 
liarly.  [partícuJarized. 

Partieularisado,    a,    pp.   adj. 

Particularisar,  vo.  to  particu- 
larize. Particularisar-se^  vr.  to 
particularize  one'8  self,  to  grow 

Particularmente,  adv.  particu- 

Partida,  sf.  a  going  a^vay.  de- 
parture;  a  game,  a  match,  a 
aet  (at  any  game  or  play) ;  an 
article  of  an  account  or  bill;  a 
lot  or  parcel  of  goods ;  a  party 
or  assembly ;  a  party,  a  body  of 
soldiery.    Partiaas,  sf.  pi.  re- 

£'ons,  tracts  of  land.  V.  jRumos. 
t  leis  das  — ,  a  collection  of 
dd  Spanish  laws. 
Partidamente,  aéh.  separately. 
Partidário,  sm.   a    partisau,  a 

commander  of  a  partj. 
Partidista,  sm.  a  partisan. 
Partido,  a,  pp.  adj.  gone,  parted, 

-P^tidOy  sm,  party,  side ;  reso- 
MtÈon,  choice.  Cabeça  de  -^^   & 

ring-leader;  odds  given  at  play; 
terms,  conditíons.  Entregar-se 
a  — ,  to  surrender  upon  terma. 
—  egual,  an  equal  match;  a 

Partidor,  sm.  parter ;  [aríth.)  di- 

Partilha,  sf.  partition. 

Partir,  va.  to  divide,  to  sever, 
to  part,  to  split.  —  os  mares,  to 
plough  the  seas.  —  uma  noz,  to 
crack  a  walnut.  —  pão,  to  cut 
bread.  —  vn.  to  depart.  —  do 
porto,  to  weigh  anchor,  to  set 
sail;  to  be  contiguous,  to  form 
a  boundary.  Tendas  que  partem 
umas  com  outras,  lànas  that  are 
contiguous.  Partir-se,  vr.  to  go, 
to  depart. 

Partitivo,  a,  adj.  (gram.)  parti- 
tive.  [tíon. 

Partitura,    sf.     {music.)    partí- 

Partivel,  adj.  2  g.  partible,  di- 
visible,  amon^  co-heirs. 

Parto,  sm.  dehverance,  labour, 
child-birth ;  the  infant  bom. 
Parir  dois  do  mesmo  — ,  to 
twin.  —  8  do  entendimento,  the 
writings  of  an  author.  Estar  de 
— ,  to  be  in  labour,  to  lie  in. 

ParturiçSo,  sf.  parturition. 

Parturiente,  adj.  2  g.  partu- 
rient,  travailing.  —  sf.  a  wo- 
man  in  labour. 

Parulia,  sf.  {med.)  parulia- 

Parvaleza,  sf  simplicity,  non- 
sense.  [fodL 

Parvallião,   s.    and    adj.  m.   a 

Parriço,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  fool,  a 
simpíeton.  [ness. 

Parvidade,  sf.  smallness,  little- 

Parvo,  a,  aaj.  simple,  foolish, 
Btupid.  —  sm.  a  fool,  a  simpíe- 

Parvoa,  sf.  a  foolish  woman. 

Parvoalho,  a,  adj.  simple,  foo- 

Parroamente,  adv.  foolishly. 

Parvoeárão,  sm.  a  great  fool. 

Parvoe]ar,  vn,  to  t^-Vt  ^«Mvfiiics. 

Parvoif^ada  ,    sf .    iç»<ííNsâD»«*»'» 

.  Parvoíce,  sf.    ioc^Xv^^x^'»».  ««o^ 


'-"-"^  —Atíf^V-m^m 




—  560  — 


Parrulez.  sf.  V.  Rapaziada, 
Párvulo,  sm.  an  infant,  a  child. 
Pascacio.  Pascasio  orPascha- 

8io,  siii.  a  gazer,  a  dotard. 
Pascentar,    va.    V.   Apascentar 

and  derivated. 
Pascer,    vn.   to  g^aze,  to  feed 

upon.  to  pasture.  —  vn.  to  feed 

witlí,  to  pasture,  to  graze. 
Paachal,  a^'.  2  ^.  paschal. 
Paschoa.  sf.  the  comraon  name 

of  th'i  three  great  festivais  of 

th*»  year.  —  do  Espirito  Santo, 

Whitsuntide.  —  da  Natividade, 

Christraas.  —   da   JiesurreiçãOj 

Paschoar,  vn.  (anc.)  tosolemnize 

the  festival  of  Easter. 
Paschoela.  sf.   the  eiq^hth  daj- 

after  Kast«ir  or  Low  Sunday. 
Pasmado,  a.  pp.  adj.  astonish- 

ed,    fçazing.  —  sm.    he  who  is 

astonished,  gazer. 
Pasmar,  vn.  to  be  astonished,  to 

gaze,  to  stare  with  wonder.  — 

va.  to  astoriish,  to  stupify. 
Pasmatoria,  sf.  or  Pasmatorio, 

sm.  gaze,  gazin^r,  amazedness. 
Pasmo,  sm.  astonishment ;  won- 
der, admiratioií. 
Pasmosamente,  adv.  surprizing- 

ly,  wonderfuUy. 
Pasmoso.    a,    adj.    surprizing, 

Paspalho   or    PaspaUião,  sm. 

Pasquim,  .sm.  pasquin.  [bel. 

Pasquinada,  sf.  pasquinado,  li- 
Passa,  sf.  —  dfí  figos,  a  dry  fi^.  — 

de  uvas,  raisin.  —  de  ameixas, 

prunos     —   de    Corintho,    cur- 

Passaculpas,  sm.  one  excessively 

indulgent  in  remitting  punish- 

Passada,  sf.  pace,   step,  going 

backward  and  forward,  laDour, 

trouble.    Grande  — ,  a    stride. 

T)e  — ,    by  the     by,   cursorily, 

sUghtly,  )w  the  way. 
PaBBadelraa,  sf.  pi.  stepping- 
fitones.  [chance. 

^asBadez,  sm.  a  sort  of  game  oi 
•Passadiço,  sm.  apassage  or  "way 

food,    mainte' 

Passadio,    sm. 


Passado,  a,  pp.  adj.  passed, 
past.  A  semana  — ,  the  last 
veek.  —  de  parte  a  parte,  run 
through.  —  da  dôr,  pierced 
with  grief;  dried;  dead.  O 
tempo — ,  the  time  past. 

Passador,  sm.  smuggler;  a  jave- 
lin  with  a  barbed  head  ;  a  sort 
of  omament  for  women ;  a 

Passageiro,  a,  adj.  transitory, 
temporary,  slight.  —  sm.  a 
traveller,  a  passenger. 

Passagem,  sf.  passage,  way. 
De  — ,  by  the  b}',  cursorily. 

Passal,  sm.  {anc.)  a  sort  of  land- 
measure.  [with  laces. 

Passamanar,  va.  to  trim  or  bind 

Passamanaria,  sf.  a  lace-ma- 
nufacture.  [nufacturer. 

Passamaneiro,  sm.   a  lace-ma* 

Passamanes,  sm.  pi.  a  sort  of 
lace.  [pain. 

Passamento,  sm.  pang,  extreme 

Passamuros,  sm.  a  fiery  dart. 

Passante,  cídv.  more.  —  tidj. 
[herald.)  passant.  [^lú^S* 

Passapassa,  sm.  the  art  of  jog- 

Passapé,  s.  a  trip  or  the  cornish 

Passapello,  sm.  a  sorf  of  trim- 
ming  made  with  furs. 

Passaporte,  sm.  a  passport. 

Passar,  va.  to  pass ;  to  let  pass; 
to  gobeyond,  through  or  over, 
to  spend  (time),  to  transfer  (to 
another  person)  to  exceed;  to 
transcend;  to  transgress;  te 
pass  by,  to  excuse  or  forgive ; 
to  neglect,  to  disregard;  to 
pass  over,  to  omit,  to  lorget ;  to 
overlook;  to  dry  in  the  sun 
(fruits) ;  to  pierce ;  to  carry,  to 
take  orbringover  (ariver,  etc.); 
to  remove,  to  leave  behind.  — 
em  barca,  to  ferry  over;  —  em 
navio,  barco,  etc,  to  give  a  pas- 
sage, to  —  a  vao,  to 
ioTÔL  oNftT,  —  a  nado,  to  swim 
ovet.  —  o  •Qy^ce\^Vi  \.wvOck.. — 
a  Uma-,  \.o  ^wii-átt..  —  ^  "«vuo  cm. 


—  5IS1  — 


to  thrust.  —  a  nUio  por  cima^  to 
stroke.  Fazer  — ,  to  drive  away, 
to  dissipate.  —  a  lição^  to  set 
one  a  lesson  to  learn,  to  explain 
a  lesson.  —  pelos  olhos^  to 
glance,  to  cast  a  glance,  to  look 
over. — os  cabos,  [a  sea  term)  to 
reeve.  —  provisão,  to  make  a 
grant.  —  certidão,  to  gWe  a 
certiflcate,  to  certify.  Passar, 
to  endure.  —  fomes,  trabalhos, 
misérias,  to  sufTer,  to  undergo 
troubles,  to  experience  or  en- 
dure want,  misery,  etc.  —  dias 
alegres,  tristes,  to  lead  a  plea- 
sant  or  sad  life.  —  um  livro,  to 
coUate.  —  do  diário  para  o  livro 
mestre  {merc),  to  port  from  the 
Journal  to  the  ledger.  —  pala- 
vra, to  give  or  transrait  the 
word.  —  por  alto,  to  overlook, 
to  omit,  to  smuggle.  —  pela 
fieira,  to  draw  wire. 

Passar,  vn.  to  pass,  to  proceed 
or  go  on,  to  elapse ;  to  be 
spent,  to  be  at  an  end,  to  de- 
cay,  fade  or  decline;  to  be 
enacted ;  to  obtain  admittance; 
to  pass  down ;  to  live,  to  fare; 
to  be  struck  or  seized  with  as- 
tonishment,  fear,  dread;  to 
faint  away ;  to  be  áltered.  —  a, 
to  become,  to  grow,  to  wax.  — 
adiante  (a  pé)  to  outstrip,  to 
outpace  ;  (a  caoaXlo  ou  em  sege) 
to  outride;  {embarcado)  to  out- 
sail.  —  adiante  de  outro  navio, 
toweather  a  ship.  —  bem.  to 
enjoy  good  health;  to  live 
well.  —  mal,  to  be  sickly;  to 
live  poorly.  —  de  moda,  to  be 
out  of  fashion.  —  de  maduro, 
to  be  over  ripe.  —  de  cortez, 
to  be  over  omcious.  —  de  mão, 
(in  horsemanship)  to  make  a 
norse  change  the  fore  leg  in 
galloping.  —  da  memoria,  to 
slip  from  one's  mind.  — jaela 
popa  {a  sea  term)  to  go  aft.  Como 
passa?  how  do  you  do?  Passe 
muito  bem,  farewell.  Passou  a 
ehuva^  the  rain  ia  over.  Passar 
ao  inimiffo,  to  desert,  to  go  over 

K>  the  enemy.  Pastar-se^  vr,  to 


go,  to  pass  on,  to  betake  him- 

self  to. 
Passara,  sf.  a  hen. 
Passarixiha,  sf.  —  de  porco,  the 

milt  of  a  swine.  [birds. 

Passarinhada,  sf.  a  multitude  of 
Passarinhar,  va.  to  catch  birds. 
Passarinheiro,     sm.     a     bird- 

catcher ;  he  who  sells  birds. 
Pássaro,  sm.  a  bird. 
Passatempo,  sm.  pastime,  sport. 
Passavante,  sm.   {herald.)   the 

third  ofâcer  after  the  king  at 

Passavolante,    sm.    base;   the 

smallest  piece  of  ordnance. 
Passe,  sm.  consent,  a^reement. 
Passeado,  a,  pp.   adj.  -^^alked. 
Passeadoiro,  sm.  walk,  a  walk- 

Passeador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  walker. 
Passeante,  sm.  or  f.  ne  who  is 

Passear,  va.  and  n.  to  walk,  to 

move  for  amusement.  —  uma 

mulher,  to  court  a  woman.  — 

uma  costa,  to  sail  near  a  sea 

Passeio,  sm.  a  walk  or  walking- 

place.  Dar    um   — ,    to  take   a 

Passeira,  sf.  a  place  wherc  the 

fruits  aro  dried. 
Passeiro,   a,   adj.   slow,   slow- 

paced.  Papel  — ,  sinking  paper. 
Passento,  a,  adj.  Papel  —,  smk- 

ing  or  blotting  paper. 
Passepasse,  sm.  juggler's  trick. 
Passibilidade,     sf.    passibility, 

Passional,  sm.  passionary. 
PsLSSionario,   sm.    a  book  con- 

taining  the  Holy  Gospel. 
Peussivamente,  adv.  passively. 
Passível,  adj.  2  g.  passive,  ua- 

Passivo,  a,  adj.  passive. 
Passo,  sm.  step,  place ;  passage, 

entry.  —  largo,  a  stride.  De  — ^ 

cursorily.  A  toÃJO.  — >  \kftx<ív  vccà 

thete.    Ao   — ,  qx    ao  mes.w.<> -f 

proVonVou  %s.    -  curió  e  a^^^ 

j  jrilrTwi 



—  &62  — 


«tep,  gradation  of  business.  — 
da  Escriptura^  a  passage  of 
Scripture.  —  de  parafuso^  the 
plain  of  a  spindle  or  screir.  — 
éa  amura,  (a  sea  term)  the  eyelet 
hole  of  the  main  tack.  Andar 
bem  a  — ,  to  pace,  to  be  a  good 
pacing  horse. 

Pasta,  sf.  a  porto-folio ;  a  thin 
plate  of  metal. 

Pastado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pastnred. 

Pastagem,  sf.  pastnre. 

Pastar,  va.  and  n.  to  pasture, 
to  placa  in  pasture. 

Pastel,  sm.  tart,  pie,  pasty ;  {bot.) 

Pastelaria,  sf.  pie-ho<ose. 

Pasteleira,  sf.  a  -woman  pastry- 

Pasteleiro,  sm.  a   pastry-cook. 

Pastilha,  sf.  pastil ;  a  little  cake 
of  perfume;  a  perfumed  lo- 
zenge.  [noura. 

Pastinaca,  sf.  pastinaca.  V.  Ce- 

Pastio,  sm.  the  act  oípastnring. 

Pasto,  sm.  pasture.  Casa  de — , 
an  eating  house. 

Pastor,  S7n.  a  shepherd;  a  cler- 

Pastora,  sf.  a  shepherdess. 

Pastorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pastured. 

Pastorador,  sm.  he  vho  leads  a 
shepherd's  life. 

Pastoral,  adj.  2  g.  pastcmd. 

Pastoralíuente,  aav.  pastorally. 

Pastorear,  va.  to  lead  a  shep- 
herd's  life,  to  keep  sheep. 

Pastoreia,  sf.  a  pastoral. 

Pastoricio,  a,  adj,  pastoral. 

Pastoril,  adj.  2  g.  pÂstoral. 

Pastoso,  a,  adj.  smooth,  soft  to 
the  hand. 

Pastrano,  a,  adj.TtasÚQ, — *m. 
a  rustic. 

Pastara,  sf.  pasture. 

Pastural,  pastoral,  per- 
taininff  to  a  pasture. 

Pata,  sf.  a  goose.  —  pequenina^  a 

I^tSí,  sf.  SL  p&w,  a  foot.  Patãi  ot 

guarda  — ,  a  sort  of  head-àress 

for  ladies.    >-    da  ancora^  the 

Sukes  of  the  anchor.  Andor  á 

P^tay  to  beat  the  hoof. 

Pataca,  sf.  a  piece  of  eight,  (in 

Brazil)  320  reis. 
PatacSo,    sm.    a    patacoos,    a 

Patacaria,  sf,  a  great  quantity 

of  dollars. 
Pata-choca,  sm.  one  -who  -walks 

Patacoada,    sf.    noise,    show, 

Patada,  sf.  a  kick  or  stamping 

"with  the  paws  or  feet.  Dwr  — s, 

to  stamp  on  the  ground. 
Patalod,  sm.  (6a^)  —  dos  vídles^ 

Patamar,  sm.  the  top  of  a  stair 

case;    a    foot    messenger;    a 

courier  or  an    advice-boat  (in 

Patamaz,  sm.  bi^t,  hypocrite; 

a  beastj  a  clownish  fellow. 
Patáo,  sm.  a  fool. 
Patão,  sm.  a  "«rooden  shoe. 
Patarata,     sf.    an     iroprobable 

story,  a  fib ;  afíectation. 
Pataratear,  va  or  n.  to  tell  sto- 

ries  or  things  improbable. 
Patarateiro,  sm.  one  who  tells 

idle  and  improbable  tales. 
Patarecas,  sf.  pi.  a  sort  of  kid- 

Pata-roxa,  sf.  a  sort  of  sea-ôsh. 
Patarraes,  sm.  pi.  (a  sea  term)  — 

do  pau  da  bojarrona,  the  hack 

stays  of  the  jib-boom.   —   do 

gurupés,  the  shrouds  of  the  bow 

Patacho,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  a  pin- 

Patchonli,  sm.  a  modem  aroma. 
Pateada,  sf.  the  noise  made  by 

staraping  with  the  feei.  Dar  — , 

to  hoot. 
Pateado,  a,  pp,    adj.  stamped 

with  the    feet. 
Patear,   va.   to  stamp  with  the 

feet,   to  mark  disapprobation. 
Pateoa,  sf.  a  sort  of  iong  robe ; 

Pateiro,   sm.    one    ihat    keeps 

&e«ae*,    (ô^   c<utt\«!Q.i^t'\  &  lay- 

%tot!h«c .  \^^  "^XAík . 


—  563  — 


socket  ou  which  the  helm  of  a 

ship  turns. 
Pateôia, «/.  the  paten. 
Patente,  cdj.  2  g.  patent,  public. 

—  sf.  or  privilegio.,  a  patent. 
Patenteado,  a,  jtp.  adj,  mani- 

Patentear,  va.  to  manifest,  to 

make  public.  [Çlainly. 

Patentemente,  adv,  manifestly, 
Pateo   or  Pátio,  sm.    court  or 

yard  adjoining  to  a  house. 
Paternal,  adj.  2  g.  paternal,  fa- 

Paternalmente,  adv.  paternally. 
Patemamente,  adv.  paternally. 
Paternidade,  sf.  patemity,  fa- 

therhood . 
Paterno,  a.  adj.  paternal. 
Patesca,    sf.    (a   sea  term)  the 

>^-inding  tackle. 
Pateta,  «m.  or  /.  a  dotard. 
Patetice,  sf.  stnpidity. 
Patheticamente,  adv.  patheti- 

Pathetico,  a,  adi.  pathetic. 
Pathognomia,  sf.  {med.)  patho- 

gnomy.  [pathognomonic. 

Pathognomonico,  a,  adj.  {med.) 
Pathologia,  sf.  {med.)  pathology. 
Pathologico,  a,  adj.  \med.)  pa- 

Pathologista ,   sm.  pathologist. 
Patlios,  sm.  pathos,  passion. 
Patibnlar,  adj.  2  g.  patibulary. 
Patilmlo,  sm.  the  gallOT^s. 
Patifaria,  sf.  rascality. 
Patife,  sm.  a  rascai. 
Patigna,  s.    a   chest    made  of 

straw  (in  Brazil). 
Patim,  sm.   a  little    court-yard. 

Patins^  sm.  pi.  skates  to  slide 

upon  ice. 
Patinador,  sm.  skater. 
Patinar,  va.  orn.  to skate. 
Patinhar,  va.  or  n.  to  dabble,  to 

paddle.  [able. 

Pativel,  adj.  2  g.  patible,  toler- 
Pato,  sm.  gander;  (in  índia)  a 

bridge.  Eu  pagarei  o  — ,  I  shaU 
pay  for  it. 
I*atoUt,  sm.  a  fooliah   mau;   a 
sort  oflndiãn  cloth. 
Fataroear,  vn,  to  babWe. 

Patranha,  sf.  a  fiction,  fable  or 

Patranheiro  or  Patranhlsta, 

sm.  a  story-teUer. 
Patino,  sm.  patron,  master. 
Pátria,  sf.  nativa  land,  home, 

Patriaroha,  sm.  patriarch. 
Patriarchado,    sm.    patriarch- 

ship,  patriarchate.  [chal. 

Patriarchal,  adj.   2  g,  patriar- 
Patriciado  or  Patriciato.  sm. 

Patricio,   a,   adj.  noble,  patri- 

cian;  bom  in  the  same  coun- 

try.  —  sm.  a  patrician,  a  noble 

Patrimonial,  adj.  2  g.  patrimo- 
Património,  sm.  patrimony. 
Pátrio,  a.  adj.  paternal. 
Patriota,  sm.   patriot. 
Patriotlcamente ,     adv.    in   a 

manner  fuU  of  patriotism. 
Patriótico,  a,  adj.  patriotic. 
Patriotismo,  sm.  patriotism. 
Patrissar,  va.  or  n.  to  imitate,  to 

resemble  the  father. 
Patrizar,  va.    or  n.  to  behave 

one^s  self  tobe  useful  to  one's 

Patroa,  sf.   female   patron,  the 

mistress  of  a  shop  or  inn. 
Patrocinado,    a,  pp.  adj.  pro- 

tected,  helped.  [help. 

Patrocinar,  va.  to  protect,  to 
Patrocinio,  sm.  patrociny. 
Patrona,  sf.  patroness;  bando- 

leers ;  ponch.  [tection. 

Patronado,  sm.  patronage,  pro- 
Patronage,  sf.  patronage. 
Patronear,  va.  to  patronage,  to 

patronise.  {mie. 

Patronímico,  a,  adj.  patirony» 
Patrono,  sm.  a  patron.    . 
Patrulha,  sf.  patrol. 
Patrulhar,  vn.  to  patrol. 
Patudo,  a,  adj.  broad-footed. 
Patulo,  a.  adj.  patent,  oçen. 
Patuscada,  sf .  «^  i^waX  ^vv^  x^- 

veWmg.  \Tn"«^c«^^« 

l      oí  t\m\>«,  ^ooô..  Cousa  ^ 


—  564  — 


wooden. — â^aguiay  agallochium, 
a  medicinal  wood.  —  santo  or 
das  Antilhasy  ligQum  sanctum, 

?iiaiacum.  Peixe  — ,  stock-fish. 
aus  (fig.)  measures,  means  to 
bring  a  thing  about ;  as  :  armar 
os  — ,  to  take  measures.  Pau  de 
Campeche  j  log-wood.  Um  —  de 
enxofre,  a  brimstone  roll.  —  da 
bandeira,  the  ensign  staff; 
{a  sea  term)  —  da  bandeira  da 
proa,  the  jack  staif.  Pés  de  — , 
V.  Andas.  Homeni  de  — ,  a  raan 
of  straw.  Por  paus  e  por  pe- 
dras, through  thick  and  thin. 
V.  Pao. 

Paul,  sm.  a  marshy  ground. 

Paulada,  sf.  boggy. 

Paulatinamente,  adv.  gathered 
by  little  and  little. 

Paulatino,  a,  adj.  {ined.)  dono 
cr  given  by  degrees. 

Paulina,  sf.^  a  sort  of  excommu- 

Pauperismo,  sm.  pauperism. 

Pausa,  sf.  a  pause :  stop,  stay. 

Pausadamente,  adv.  pausingly. 

Pausado,  a,  pp.  adj.  paused, 
slow  :  he  who  "walks  slowly. 

Pausãdor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  or  she 
who  pauses  or  deliberates. 

Pausar,  vn.  to  pause,  to  wait,  to 

Pauta,  sf.  a  director,  rule  or  or- 
dinance ;  (in  the  custom  houses^ 
a  book  wherein  the  rate  and 
value  of  goods  are  set  down ; 
duties  and  customs.  Alimpar  a 
— ,  to  olear  up  a  matter.—  de 
papel,  black  lines,  marked  pa- 

Pautado,  a,  pp.  adi.  ruled. 

Pautar,  va.  to  rule,  to  mark 
paper,  to  write  straight. 

Pavana,  sf.  pavan,  pavana. 

Pavão,  sm.  a  peacock. 

Pavôa,  sf.  a  bundle  of  com  con- 
taining  5  or  6  sheaves. 

Pavez,  5m.pavese,alargeshield. 
Pavezes  de  navio,  the  nghts. 
JPavezadOf    a,   pp.   adj.   armed 

witb  a  pavese. 
PavidOf   a,   adj.    fearfui,  tlmo- 

Pavieira,  sf.  the  head  piece  over 
a  door. 

PaTílhão,  sm.  a  pavilion,  tent; 
flag,  standard. 

Pavimentar,  va.  to  floor  with 
boards,  to  pave. 

Pavimento,  sm.  a  pavement. 

Pavio,  sm.  the  wick  of  a  candle. 
Gastar  — ,  to  lose  the  time. 

Paviola,  sf.  a  barrow. 

Pavoa,  sf.  pea-hen. 

Pavonaço.  a,  adj.  of  a  violet  or 
purple  colour. 

Pavonada,  sf.  (speaking  of  a 
peacock)  the  act  of  displaying 
the  feathers;  {^g  )  a  strutting 
or  playing  the  top. 

Pavonado,  a,  adj.  of  a  sanguine 
colour.  fa  peacock. 

Pavoneado,  a,  pp.  adj.  proud  as 

Pavonear-se,  vr.  to  play  the 
fop.  [great  fear. 

Pavor,  sm.  dread,  consternation, 

Pavorar,  va.  to  terrify,  to 
fright.  Ry. 

Pavorosamente,  adv.  frightful- 

Pavoroso,  a,  adj.  dreadful,  ter- 

Pay,  sm.  father.  V.  Pae. 

Paz,  sf.  peace,  freedom  from  war 
with  a  foreign  nation. 

Pé,  sm.  foot.  Garganta  do  — ,  the 
instep.  De  pé  or  em  — ,  stan- 
ding  upon  one's  feet.  Entrar 
com  o  —  direito,  to  begin  lucki- 
ly.  Tomar  — ,  to  look  narrowly 
into.  Pé  ante  — ,  step  by  step. 
Pé,  a  foot  or  twelve  inches;  s^ 
measure  in  verses.  —  A  — 
quedo,  "without  stirring.  Aú  — 
da  letra,  literally.  Dedo  do  — ,  a 
toe.  —  de  uma  besta,  the  hind- 
foot  of  a  beast.  The  Portuguese 
generally  call  the  fore  feet 
mãos,  hands.  Negar  a  pés  jun- 
tos, to  deny  stiffly.  Pé  de  vento, 
a  sudden  gust  of  wind.  —  de 
qualquer  licor,  dregs  of  any  li- 
quor.  Par  em  — ,  to  set  on  foot: 
to  make  lasting  or  durable.  —  . 
de  exerc\to^  aa.  wctovf  ^  a.  dlvision 
oí  an.  atm^.  Xo  —  ,\v«tW^^, 
niR^tv.    ScT — ,  Vi  \ife  "Ctxfe  ^wisv- 


—  565 


iro,  the  heal  of  a  mast ;  (of  a 
man,  ofatable,  bed,  etc.)  lower 
part,  support;  paw;  pedicle, 
stalk,  stem  of  fruits  and  flow- 
ers ;  a  stalk  (plant) ;  sapling  of 
tree;  (Jig.]  footing,  course; 
State,  condition,  pass;  pretence. 
—  díreíío,  perpendicular  height ; 
pier,  jambs  of  doors,  etc.  Que 
tem  pés,  footed.  Que  tem  dois 
— ,  biped,  two  -  footed.  A  pé 
firme,  firmly,  boldly.  Dos  pés 
até  a  cabeça,  from  head  to  foot. 
Com  pés  de  lã,  slyly.  Pôrse  em 
pé,  to  stand  up.  —  do  leme, 
the  sole  of  the  rudder. 

Pea,  sf.  shackles,  fetters,  clog. 

Peado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tied,  con- 

Peai,  sm.  the  part  of  the  stocking 
that  covers  the  foot. 

Pean,  s.  songofpraíseortriumph. 

Peanha,  sf,  a  pedestal. 

Peão,  sm.  a  foot-soldier. 

Pear,  va.  to  retard,  to  hinder 
from  going;  to  tie  a  horse's 

Peas,  {asea  term)  the  crane- 
lines  or  the  shrouds;  fetters, 

Peça,  sf.  piece,  part.  Piece  of 
cloth  or  stuflf.  —  de  artilheria,  a 
piece  of  ordnance:  {theatre)  a 
piece ;  a  piece  of  work ;  a  man 
Tat  chess).  Boa  — ,  a  tricking 
fellow.  Peça,  a  lesson  :  — spara 
flauta,  lessons  for  the  ilute.  — 
de  6,400,  a  Portuguese  gold 
coin.  Pregar  uma  — ,  to  play  a 

Peccadaço,  sm.  a  great  sin. 

Peccadillio,  sm.  peccadillo. 

Peccado,  sm.  a  sin,  an  ofTence. 

Peccador,  sm.  a  sinner. 

Peccadora,  sf.  a  woman  sinner. 

Peccadoraço,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a 
great  sinner.  [fully. 

Peocaxninosaxnente ,  adv.  sin- 

Peccaminoso,  a,  adj.  sinful. 

Peccante,    adj.  2  g.    peccant, 
guilly.  Humor —f  peccant  hu- 
Fecoar,  vn.  to  ain,  to  offend.  — 

^'^^^àe  subject  or  inclinable 

to ;  {med.)  —  em  humores,  to  be 
affected  with  peccant  humours. 

Peccavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  is  sub- 
ject  to  sin. 

Pecego,  sm.  peach. 

Pecegueiro,  sm.  a  peach-tree. 

Pecha,  sf.  fault,  defect. 

Peohelingue,  sm.  piratical  rob- 
bing;  pirate,  robber. 

Pecmncha,  sf.  a  small  profit, 

Peòhincheiro,  a,  adj.  that  en- 
deavours  to  obxain  any  gain. 

Pechi8bec[ue,  sm.  pinchbeck. 

PechoBO,  a,  adj.  peevish ;  super- 
fluously  exact  and  particular. 

Peco,  sm.  vice,  imperfection ; 
the  withering  of  fruits;  blemish. 
Deu  o  —  nos  melões,  the  melons 
do  not  thrive. 

Peco,  a,  adj.  vitious,  corrupt. 

Pecorear,  vn.  to  pass  xhe  night 
in  the  fields  exposed  to  the 

Peçonha,  sf.  poison  or  venom. 

Peçonhentar,  va.  to  poison. 

Peçonhento,  a,  adj.  poisonous. 

Pecuinha,  sf.  scofT,  taunt.  Dar 
pecuinhas,  is  for  a  bird  to  begin 
to  sing.  Deitar  —  a  alguém,  to 

Peculato,  sm.  peculation. 

Peculiar,  adj.  2  g.  peculiar. 

Pecúlio,  sm.  peculium,  stock; 
effects  got  by  honest  and  fru- 
gal industry.  Que  tem  bom  — , 
wealthy,  having  a  great  stock. 

Pecunia,  sf.  mone^. 

Pecuniário,  a,  adj.  pecuniary. 

Pecunioso,  a,  adj.  rich. 

Pedaço,  sm.  bit,  piece,  fragment. 

—  de  tempo,  a  long  time.  Bom 

—  de  caminho,  a  great  way. 
Pedágio,  sm.  toll  (the  money  paid 

for     passing     over    bridges, 

roads,  etc). 
Pedagogia,  sf.  pedagogy. 
Pedagógico,  a,  adj.  pedagogic. 
Pedagogo,  sm.  a  pedagogviA. 
Pedale  or  PoAa^o^  sm.  '^c^^'d\. 
Pedaneo,   a,    adj.   ^«^^b-^v^^^*- 

Juiz  — ,Viu  lauD^  «L  ^'iX^.^.  yví^^*> 

who  heara  caxis^^  ^\»ao.\^%- 
PôdantarlA,  sf  •  ^e^asvxr^- 

■^-ni  -mim 


—  566  ^ 


Pedante,    sm.  pedant,   school- 

Pedantear.  ia.  to  be  a  pedant, 

to  boast  of  learning. 
Pedantemente ,    aav.    pedanti- 

cally.  Lpedantical. 

Pedantesco,  a,   adj.    pedantic, 
Pedantismo,  sm.  pedantry. 
Pedemal  and  Pederneira,  sf. 

a  âint. 
Pedestal,  sm.  pedestal. 
Pedestre,  adj.  2  g.  pedestrious. 
Pedicular,  adj.  2  g.  pedicular, 

pediculous,  lousy. 
Pedido,  a,  pp.  adj.  asked,   de- 

Pedido,  sm.  request,  petition. 
Pedidor,  sm.  one  who  asks. 
Pedigolho  or  Pedigonbo,  sm. 

one  'who  asks  importunately. 
Pediluvio,  sm.    pediluvium,   a 

bath  for  the  feet. 
Pedimento,   sm.   petition,  pre- 

tension,  claim. 
Pedinchão   or   Pedintão,  sm. 

one  that  is  always  begging. 
Pedinchar,  va.  and  ».  to  be  ai- 

ways  begging. 
Pedmta,  sf.  a  oeggar-voman. 
Pedintar,  va.  and  n.  to  be  ai- 

ways  begging.  [alms. 

Pedmtaria,  sf.  beggary,  begging^ 
Pedinte,  s.  1  g.  beggar. 
Pedir,  va.  to  ask,  to  beg,  to  re- 
quest —  esmolas^  to  beg  alms. 

—  com  autoridade y  to  demand. 

—  com  humildade^  to  pray,  to 
besecch.  —  por  alguém,  to  in- 
tercede. —  perdão  y  to  ask  par- 
don.  Quanto  pedis  por  isso?  How 
xuuch  do  you  ask  for  it?  Com- 
forme  o  pedir  a  occasião,  as  oc- 
casion  snall  require.  Peço  vos 
isto,  pray  do  it.  Elle  pedio  a 
carruagem,  he  called  for  his 

Peditório,  sm.  petition,  request. 

Pedometro,  sm.  pedometer. 

Pedra,  sf.  stone ;  \med.)  stone  or 
gravei.  —  or  pedrisco,  haiL  Ser 
de  —  e  cal,  to  be  firm  and  stea- 
dy.  Pâr  uma  ~  sobre  alguma 
cousa  pt^a  sempre,  to  for^et  a 
thingt  to  lei  it  die  iià  otAmoA. 

— pomes,  the  pumice  stone.  A  — 
phxlosophal,  the  philosopher's 
stone.  —  hume,  alum.  —  hume 
de  rocha,  roche-alum.  —  de  cer 
var^  the  loadstone.  —  de  corisco, 
a  thander-bolt.  —  de  sal,  a  grain 
of  salt.  Pedras,  the  winnings 
(in  gamiJDg).  —  calaminar,  cala- 
xnine.  —  de  cantaria,  free  stone. 
—  lipes,  blue  vitriol.  Uma  pedra 
de  linho,  a  stone,  light  pounds 
of  flax.  —  de  escândalo,  stum- 
bling-block.  —  de  cantaria,  free 

Pedrads^  sf.  a  stroke  of  a  stone. 

Pedrado,  a,  adj-  stony. 

Pedranoeira,  sf.  a  hill  or  heap 
of  stones.  [stones. 

Pedraria,  sf.  freestone ;  precious 

Pedregal  f  sm.  a  place  fali  of 

Pedregoso,  a,  adj.  stony,  rocky. 

Pedregulho,  sm.  gravei. 

Pedreira,  sf.  quarry,  stone  pit. 

Pedreiro,  sm.  a  mason ;  a  swivel 
gun.  —  livre,  frae-mason ;  a  sort 
of  small  swailow.  [lour. 

Pedrês,  adj.  %  g,  of  a  stony-co- 

Pedrisco,  sm.  hall. 

Pedrisco,  a,  adj.  broken  in  very 
little  fragments  from  a  stone. 

Pedroaço,  sm.  a  heap  of  stones. 

Pedunoulo,  sm.  {bot.)  pedicle. 

Pega,  sf.  a  magpie ;  holloo !  the 
cap  (in  a  shipj.  [fasten. 

Pega,  sf.  bana,  thong,  cord  to 

P6gada,  sf.  a  foot-step. 

Pegadiço,  a,  adj.  clammy,  con- 

Pegado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stuck  to  any 
thin(^;  glued,  united.  —  a  ma 
opintão,  wedded  to  hia  oim 
opinion.  —  á  fazenda,  penurioos, 
covetouB.  —  a  or  com^  near  to, 
by,  close. 

Pegrador,  sm.  the  small  fish  that 
sticks  to  the  sharks. 

Pegadnra,  sf.  a  sticking. 

Pegajoso»  a.  adj.  claramy. 

Pegaínaço,  sm.  any  thing  clam- 

PegaBiento,  sm.  a  sticking. 
\'P«QKDbíuito,  a,  údj,  glutuiious. 


—  567  — 


Pe^fSo,  «m.  —  de  vento^  a  gnst  of 
TV^ind.  pnfect. 

Pegar,  va,  to  glue,  to  join;  to 

Pegar,  va.  and  n.  to  take,  to  lay 
hold  of;  to  tvike  root;  to  stíck, 
to  adhere.  —  fogo^  to  take  or 
catch  lire.  —  no  somno^  to  fali 
asleep.  —  nas  armas ^  to  take  up 
arms.  Isto  não  pega,  that  will 
not  take.  Pegar^sCy  vr.  to  stick, 
to  adhere. 

Pégaso,  sm.  {myth.)  Peg^asus. 

Pego,  sm.  a  "whirl-pool,  pit-abjss ; 
the  sea. 

Peneiro,  *m.  one  "who  extracts 
pitch  from  the  pines,      [flocks. 

Pegulhal,   sm.   cattle.  herds  or 

Pegureiro,  sm.  shepherd,  pastor. 

Peias,  sf.  pi.  V.  Peas. 

Peidar,  va.  to  fart,  to  hreak 
•wind  backwards. 

Peido,  sm.  a  fart.  [wind. 

Peidorreiro,  sm.  he  that  breaks 

Peior,  adi.  2  g.  comp.  of  Mau. 
worse.  Ir  de  mal  em  — ,  to  grow 
worse  and  worse.  O  —  de  todos, 
the  worst  of  ali.  —  sm.  or  f.  the 
worst.  V.  Peor. 

Peiorado.  9i.pp.  adj.  made  'worse. 

Peioramento ,  sm,  growing 

Peiorar,  va.  and  n.  to  growworse. 

—  de  condição,  to  prow  peevish. 

—  de  costumes,  to  grow  vicious. 
Peioria,  sf.  the  quaiity  of  being 

Peita,  sf.  a  tribute  or  duty. 
Peitaça,  sf.  a   sort  of  ship  so 

Peitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bribed. 
Peitar,  va.  to  bribe. 
Peifavento,  sm.  {hunt.)  that  is 

against  the  "^ind. 
Peiteiro,  a,  sm.  or  f.  {ane.)  one 

that  pays  taxe  or  tribute,  that 

Peitilho,  sm.  a  stomacher. 
Peito,  sm.  the  breast.  Um  —  de 

carneiro,   a   breast  of  niutton. 

Criança  de  — ,  a  bucking  child. 

—  com  — ,  breast  to  breast.  — 

de  armas,  a  breast-plate ;  mind, 

heart.  Detafogar  o  seu  peito,  to 

«ase  one*B  nund;  courage.  ffo- 

mem  de  — ,  a  man  of  courage. 
—  or  garganta  do  pé,  the  instep. 
Pôr  o  —  á  corrente,  to  breast, 
to  withstand  the  current;  to 
struggle  against.  Elle  tem  bom — , 
he  has  got  good  lungs. 

Peitogueira,  sf.  {anc^  a  cough. 

Peitoral,  adj.  2  g.  pectoral. 

Peitoral,  sm.  pectoral,  the  breast- 
plate  of  a  horse's  fumiture. 

Peitoril,  adj.  2  g.  hrcast-hiffh. 

Peitoril,  sm.  a  -wall  breast-nigh. 
a  parapet.  [brisket. 

Peituga,  sf.  the  breast(of  a  horse). 

Peixão,  sm.  {a  sea  teinn)  a  crane 
for  having  ships  down. 

Peixe,  sm.  íish.  —  do  rio,  river- 
íish.  —  do  mar,  sea-fish. 

Peixeira,  sf.  a  woman  who  sells 

Peixeiro,  sm.  a  fish-monger. 

Peixes,  {astr.)  pisces. 

Peixota,  sf.  or  Peixoto,  sm.  a 
little  íish  ;  an  ignorant. 

Pejadaxnente,  adv.  unwillingly. 

Pejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  surfeited;  im- 
pregnated,  incumbered;  bash 
fui,  modest.  Mulher  pejada,  a 
pregnant  -wornan.  Pejado  da 
lingua,  having  an  impediment 
in  his  speech ;  full  of  stoppagcs 
almost  impervious. 

Pejadoiro,  sm.  is  a  gate  or  shut- 
ter  (in  sugar  works). 

Pejamento,  sm.  stoppage,  hin- 
drance,  clog. 

Pejar,  va.  to  incumbcr,  to  clog, 
to  embarrass,  to  become  preg- 
nant. Pejar-se,  vr.  to  be  ashamed, 
to  be  bashful. 

Pejo,  sm.  clog,  incumbrance ;  re- 
dundance  ;  ihultitude ,  crowd ; 
bashfulness,  modestv. 

Pejoso,  a,  adj.  bashful,  ashamed. 

Pela  (contraction  of  per  and  la 
Dor  ella,  por  a),  by.  —  rainha, 
Vy  the  queen.  —  rua,  through 
the  Street.  Elle  entrou  —  porta 
mas  seJiio  pela  janella,  he  got  in 
at  the  door,  but  he  got  out  at 
the  "window.  Pelas  três  horas,  at 
three  o'clock.  Pela  affeicUo  que 
vos  tenho,  on  acco\rQ.\.  <it^  ot  Icrc 
the  \ove  \  \>eaLT  -jow.  —  qw^»^' 

-n"  ■    ii?iwBih 


—  568  — 


causa  ^  wherefore.  —  informação 
que  tenho,  as  I  am  informed. 
V.  Por  e  Pelo. 

Pélago,  sm.  (poet.)  the  sea. 

Peleja,  sf.  fight,  battle.  Homem 
de  — ,  a  fighter. 

Pelejado,  a,  fought. 

Pelejador,  sm.  âghter. 

Pelejar,  va.  and  n.  to  fíght,  to 
dispute,  to  scold. 

Pelliancaria,  sf.  or  Pelhancas, 
sf.  pi.  the  wrinkled  skin  of  a 
very  thin  person,  very  lean  and 
skinny  flesh  or  meat. 

Pelicano,  sm.  pelican. 

Pelintra,  sm.  one  possessing 
nothing  and  raaking  shew  of 
being  a  very  rich  man. 

Pelitre,  sm.  {bot.)  pellitory. 

Pella,  sf.  (at  tennis)  the  bali. 
Jogo  da  — ,  tennis,  the  tennis 
court;  a  bali  or  bullet.  Ter 
as — s,  to  withstand,  to  resist. 

Pellacil,  s.  'wild-saffron. 

Pellado,  a,  pp.  adj.  -without  hair ; 
bald,  bare. 

Pellador,  sm.  one  who  pulls  off 
tho  hair. 

Pelladura,  sf  (med.)  the  scurf. 
V.  Alopecia. 

Pellame,  sm.  a  tan-pit. 

Pellar,  va.  to  puU,  to  puU  off  the 
hair,  to  make  bare.  —  um  leitão, 
to  scald  a  pig.  Pellar-se,  vr.  to 
grow  bald  or  bare.  —  por  al- 
guma cousa,  to  long  for  a  thing. 

Pellatina  or  Palatina,  sf.  a  fur 
or  down  tippet. 

Pelle,  sf.  sKin.  —  dos  animaes, 
hide,  pelt,  fell.  Tratar  bem  da 
sua  pelle,  to  live  deliciously; 
outside  person, -externai  man. 
Pelles  cor  tidas,  dressed  or  tan- 
ncd  hides.  —  surrculas,  dressed 
skins.  Pelle  do  diabo,  a  stuff 
made  of  cotton  and  silk  called 
jcane.  —  de  cobra,  coat.  —  de 
lebre,  raposa,  a  case.  Tirar  a  — , 
to  skin,  to  case.  Não  caber  na — , 
to  be  overjoyed.  Vender  caro 
a  — ,  to  sell  one's  life  dearly. 

Pelleiro,  sm.  a  skinner. 

PeiJeteria,  sf.  skinner's  trade ;  a 
quantity  of  skins  or  íurs. 

Pellica,  sf.  kid  leather. 

Pelliça,  sf.  pellisse,  lady*s  great 

Pellico,  sm.  fur. 

Pelliqueiro  or  Pelliteiro,  sm.  a 
furrier  or  skinner. 

Pellitrapo,  a,  adj.  ragget,  rent. 

Pello,  sm.  hair,  nap,  íiuo,  pile.  — 
do  panno  or  do  cnapeo,  the  nap 
of  cloth,  of  the  hat.  Panno  de  — 
curto  f  short  woollen  cloth.  Panno 
de  —  comprido,  high-napped 
or  shagged  cloth.  —  da  espada^ 
the  edge  of  a  sword.  JSm  — , 
naked ;  barebacked  or  without  a 
saddle.  Andar  a  cavallo  em  — ,  to 
ride  a  horse  "without  a  saddle. 
Vira — ,to  come  to  the  purpose. 

Pelloso,  a,  adj.  hairy. 

Pellota,  sf.  a  bullet,  a  pellet.   - 

Pellotão,  sm.  {milit.)  a  platoon. 

Pellote,  sm,  a  jerkm  worn  by 
shepherds.  Melhorar  de  — ,  to 
better  one's  fortune. 

PeUoteiro,  sm.  one  that  sells 

Pellotiqaeiro,  sm.  ajuggler. 

Pellucia,  sf.  shag. 

Pelluoido,  a,  adj.  pellucid,  clear. 

Pelludo,  a,  adj.  hairy. 

Pelo,  prep.  (contract.  of  por  with 
o)  by.  —  rei,  by  the  king.  — 
passido,  formerly.  -  am^  de 
Deus,  for  God's  sake.  —  con- 
trario ,  on  the  contrary.  — 
mesmo  preço,  at  the  same  price. 
—  que  ouço,  as  I  hear.  Pelo, 
pelos,  pela,  pelas,  denote  the 
efâcient  cause ;  motive,  means ; 
Englished  by,  by,  through,  outof, 
at,  as,  as  far  as,  with.  V.  Por. 

Pelourada,  sf.  shot,  a  blow  vrith 
an  iron  bullet. 

Pelourinho,  sm.  the  pillory;  a 
small  bullet. 

Pelouro,  sm.  a  bali,  a  great  shot; 
a  ticket  used  in  giving  votes. 

Peltato,  sm.  asoldier  armed  with 
a  peita  or  buckler. 

Peltre,  sm.  a  sort  of  buckler. 

Peludo,  a,  adj.  hairy. 

Pelvimetro,  sm.  pelvimeter. 

Pena,  sf,  punishment,  penalty; 

L     tine;  trouble,    sorrow;   (a  sea 


—  569  — 


temi)  the   arm  of  the  mizen- 

yard;  a  rock.  frocks. 

Penadal,  sm.  a  place  fuU  of 
Penadamente,  aav.  grievously. 
Penado,   a,  pp.  adj.   troubled, 

Penadoiro,  a,  adj.  panishable. 
Penal,  adj.  2  g.  penal. 
Penalidade,  sf.  penality. 
Penalisado,  a,  j9p.  ací/.  troubled, 

afflicted.  [afflict. 

Penalisar,  va.  to  trouble,  to 
Penamar,  adj.   2  g.  Pérola  — ,  a 

rugged  pearl. 
Penão,  sm.  a  triangular  sail. 
Penar,  vn.  to  be  in  pain,  sorrow 

or  anguish.  —  va.  to  trouble,  to 

pain,  to  afflict. 
Penates,    s.  pi.   the   household 

Gods  or  Penates . 
Penavis,  sm.  a  sort  of  dish  made 

of  minced  flsh,  butter,  etc. 
Penca,  sf.  the  stalk  of  a  lettuce, 

thistle  or  the  like ;  a  large  nose ; 

(anat.)  a  lobe. 
Pendanga,  sf.  a  thing  frequent- 

\y  used  for  difl'erent  purposes ; 

a  job ;  importunity. 
Pendão,  sm.  a  banner;  (fig.)  — 

dos  pães^  the  flower  or  blossom 

of  com. 
Pendência,  sf.  quarrel,  fray. 
Pendenciador ,     adj.     quarrel- 

some,  fighting. 
Pendenciar,  vn.  to  fight. 
Pendente,    adj.  2   g.  hanging, 

pendent.  Pendentes j  sm.  pi.  pen- 

dents,  earrings. 
Pender,  vn.  to  hang,  to  be  sus- 

pended;  to  be  in  suspenso  or 

undetermined  ;    to    depend    or 

ijely  on;  to  incline. 
Pendola,  sf.  {anc.)  an  instrument 

for  writing. 
Pendor,  sm.  declivity.  Ter  —  a 

alguma  cousa,  to  be  inclined  to 

a  thing.  [a  direction. 

Pendorar,  vn.  to  incline,  to  give 
Pêndula,  sf.  pendulum ;  a  clock. 
Pêndulo,  a,  adj.  dangling,  pen- 

Pendurado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dangling, 

hanging  do-wn;   flxed  with  at- 

tention,  erect,  attentive,  etc. 

Pendurar,  va.  to  hang,  to  sus- 
pend.  [rag. 

Penduricalho,  sm.  a  fluttering 

Penedia,  sf.  a  place  full  of  rocks 
and  stones. 

Penedo,  sf.  a  rock,  a  great  stone. 

Peneira,  sf.  a  bolter  or  sieve. 

Peneirada,  sf.  a  blow  or  stroke 
of  a  bolter. 

Peneirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bolted. 

Peneirador,  sm.  a  sifter. 

Peneirar,  va.  to  bolt,  to  sift  meai. 

Peneireiro,  sm.  he  who  makes 
or  sells  sieves. 

Peneiro,  sm.  a  sort  of  sieve  used 
in  taking  honey  from  the  hives 
for  fear  of  being  stung. 

Penella,  sf.  {anc.)  a  hill. 

Penetral>ilidade,  sf.  penetra- 

Penetração,  sf.  penetration,  sa- 
gacity,  acuteness. 

Penetrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pene- 
trated.  [suotile. 

Penetrador,  a,  adj.  penetrating ; 

Penetrai,  sm.  entrails. 

Penetrante,  adj.  2  g.  penetra- 
ting ;  sagacious. 

Penetrar,  va.  and  n.  to  penetrate, 
to  apprehend.  A  luz  penetra  o 
vidrOy  the  light  penetrates  the 
glass.  —  os  futuros^  to  foresee 
things  to  come. 

Penetrativo,  a,  adj.  penetra- 
tivo, sharp. 

Penetrável,  adj.  2  g.  penetrable. 

Penha,  sf.  rock,  stony  hill,  piece 
of  a  mountain. 

Penhasco,  sm.  a  great  rock. 

Penhascoso,  a,  adj.  rocky. 

Penhor,  sm.  pawn.  Dar  em  — , 
to  pawn ;  a  token,  proof  or  tes- 

Penhora,  sf.  {in  law)  a  seiznre; 
distress ;  the  act  of  distraining 

Penhorado,  sm.  the  person  whose 
goods  have  been  distrained. 

Penhorado ,  a ,  pp.  adj.  dis- 
trained, seized. 

Penhorar,  va.  to  distraiu,  to 
seize  goods  for  rent  or  for  a 
debt ;  to  oblige  by  benefita^  b^ 




—  570  — 


Fenificar,  na.  {arte.)  to  punish. 

Península,  sf.  península. 

Peninsular,  eufí.  2  g.  peninsulaT. 
—  sm.  an  inhaoitant  of  a  penín- 

Penitencia,  sf.  penanc«,  !n- 
fliction;  penitence.  Fazer  — , 
to  dine  poorly. 

Penitenciado,  a,  pp.  adj.  is  sai  d 
of  one  to  "which  a  penasoe  was 

Penitencial,  adj.  i  g.  penitentíal. 

Penitenciar,  va.  to  impose  a 

Penitenciaria,  sf.  penitentiary. 

Penitenciário,  a,  adj,  peniten- 
tíal, penitentiary.  —  sm.  one 
that  imposes  penances. 

Penitencielro,  sm.  the  niinister 
of  penance. 

Penitente,  adj.  2  g.  penitent, 
repenting.  —  sm.  a  penitent. 

Penitentemente,  adv.  penitent- 

Benna,  sf  feather,  plunra.  — 
de  escrever,  a  pen,  a  quill; 
{fig.)  style,  way;  {mar.)  the 
end  of  the  yard  that  sup- 
ports  the  mizen-sail.  Pegar  na  — , 
to  hold  the  pen.  Homem  que  tem 
boa  mão  de  — ,  one  that  "writes 
a  good  hand.  Aparar  uma  — ,  to 
make  or  cut  a  pen.  —  de  lapis^ 
a  lead  pencil. 

Pennacho,  sm.  a  plume  or  hunch 
of  feathers. 

Pennada,  sf.  a  dash  of  a  pen. 

Pennejado,  a,  adj.  delineated 
with  a  pen.  [ered. 

Pennlfero,  a,  adj.   {poet.)  feath- 

Penniforme,  adi.  2  g.  penniform. 

Pennugem,  sf.  tne  down  feathers 
of  birds. 

Pennugento,  a,  adj.  downy. 

Penol,  sm.  (a  sea  term)  the  point 
of  a  yard. 

Penosamente,  adv.  painfally. 

Penoso,  a,  adj.  painful,  toilsome. 

Pensado,  a,  pp.  adj.  thought. 
Be  — ,  adv.  advisedly. 

Pensador,  sm.  one  'who  medl- 

tates,  thinker.  [clouts. 

J^ensadura,  «/.swaddling  clothes, 

JPensamentear.  vn.  to  foresee. 

PeasamMito,  sm.  thon^t,  aiean- 
ing,  notion;  aim,  desigxL  Veio 
•me  ao  — ,  it  carne  into  my  múid. 
Por  — ,  in  the  least,  at  ali.  JPen- 
scmentos,  sm.  pi.  a  sort  of  ear- 
rings  formerly  used. 

Pensão,  sf  pension,  annuity; 
board ;  trouble.  —  devota ,  a 
daily  prayer. 

Pensar,  vn.  to  think,  to  imagine, 
to  mind,  to  consider,  to  believe. 
—  va.  to  attend.  to  wait  on;  to 
dress.  —  a  criança,  to  attend  on 
a  child.  '      [thoughtful. 

Pensativo,  a,  adj.  pensive,  sad. 

Pênsil,  adj.  2  g.  pensile,  hang- 

Pensionado,  a,  pp.  adj.  imposed. 

Pensionar,  va.  to  impose  a  tur- 
den,  to  enjoin  as  a  duty. 

Pensionarib,  a,  adj.  and  s.  pen> 
sionary,  paying  a  pension ;  pen- 
sioner ;  ^ho  receives  a  pension ; 

Pensioneiro,  a,  adj.  and  s.  pen- 
sioner ;  who  receives  a  penaton ; 

Pensionista,  s.  2  g.  p«nsionary ; 
pensíoner,  T^ho  receives  a  pen- 
sion; boarder. 

Penso,  sm.  attendance  upon  a 
child;  the  common  alloxrance 
^ven  to  a  beast.  Dar  èom  —  a 
alguém,  to  give  one  good  enter- 
tamment  at  the  table. 

Pensoso,  a,  adj.  pensive,  sad. 

Pentacapsular,  adj.  2  g.  {bot.) 

Pentachordo,  sm.  pentachord. 

Pentacrostico ,  a,  adj.  penta- 
crostic.  [dactyl. 

Pentadactyl,  adj.   2  g.  penta- 

Pentaedro  or  Pentaliedxx»,  sm* 

Pentaglotto  a,  adj.  pcntaglot. 

Pentágono,  sm.  pentagon. 

Pentagramma,  s.  pentagram. 

Pentagraphico,  a,  adj.  pauto- 

Pentagrapho,  sm.  pantograph. 

Pentaliexahedro,  a,  adj.  penta- 

Pentametro,  sm.  pentameter. 

Pentandro,  sm.  (6o^)pentander. 


—  571  — 


Pestangular,  aij.  2  g.  pentan- 

Peóitapetalo,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  pes- 

Pentaphyllão,    sm.    (frof.)   the 

herb  cinquefoil. 
Pentapbyllo,   a,     adj,    penta- 

Pentapole,  s.  pentapolis. 
Pentarchia.  sf.  pentarchy. 
Pentarchico,  a,  adj.  pentarchi- 

cal.  rtaspermons. 

Pentaspermo,  a,  aaj.  (do^)  pen- 
Pentastico,  sm.  pentastich. 
Pentastylo,  sm.    (orcA.)  penta- 

Pentateaoo,  sm.  pentateach. 
Pente,  sm.  comb.  — pctra  o  ca- 

bello  de  mulher,  back-comb. 
Penteado,  a,  pp,  adj.  combed, 

Penteador,  sm.  a  night  rail;  a 

combing  cloth;  shaving  cloth. 
Pentear,  va.  to  comb,  to  dress. 
Pentecostes  or  Pentecoste,  sm. 

Whitsunday,  Pentecost. 
Penteeiro,  sm.  comb-maker. 
Pentem,  sm.  a  comb.  —  do  tece- 

tãOj   the  stay  of   a   'weaver's 

loom.  V.  Peiíte.  [shell. 

Penteola,  sf.  a  sort  of  cockle- 
Pentograpfao,     sm.    a     panto- 

Penúltimo,  a,  adj.  and  s.  penul- 

tizne,  the  last  but  one. 
Penumbra,  sf.  {asir.)  penambra. 
Penúria,  sf.  pennry,  poverty. 
Penurioso,  a,  adj.  penuríous. 
Peonagem,    sf.    the    infantry; 

sutlers  that  follow  an  army. 
Peoneiro,  sm,  pionner. 
Peonia,  sf.  (òoí.)  peony. 
Peor,  adj.  2  g.  worse.  V.  Peior. 
Pepino,  sm.  a  cucumber. 
Pepitoria,  sf.  giblets. 
Pepolim,  adj.  2  g.  lame,  halt. 
Pequenhez,  sf.  smallness. 
Pequenice,  sf.  humility,  lo-wness. 
Pequeno,  a,    adj.   small,  little. 

Homem  — ,  a  short  man.  Mais — , 

emaller.    Os  peguenos^  s.  pi.  the 

common  sort  oi  people. 
Pequice ,  sf.  fouy ,    simplicity. 

"V.  Parvoiee, 

Per,  prn.  (used  for  por)  by.  — 

força,  by  force. 
Perá,  prep.  V.  Para. 
Pêra,  sf.  pear.  —  de   cheiro,  a 

inusk-pear.   —  pão,  —  pigaça, 

sorts  of  pears. 
Perada,  sf.  conserve  of  pears. 
Peragratorio,  a,  adj.  (astr.)  per- 

agratory.  [last-sailer. 

Peragua,  sf.  a  great  sea-boat,  a 
Peralvilho,  sm.  a  rake,  a  liber- 

Perante,  prep.  before. 
Pera-pão,  sm.  a  sort  of  pear. 
Perca,  sf.  perch.  [to  -win. 

Percalçár,  va.  to  gain,  to  obtain. 
Percalço,  sm.  gain,  profit. 
Percebisr,   va.   to  conccive,  to 

understand,  to  discover,  to  com- 

Percebido,  a,  pp.  adj.  compre- 

hended,  nnderstood. 
Percebimento,  sm.  prevention, 

warning.  [retribution. 

Percentagem,  sf.  commission  or 
Percepção,  sf.  perception,  no- 

tion.  [bility. 

Perceptibilidade,  sf.  percepti- 
Perceptivel,  adj.  2  g.  perceptible, 

perceivable.  [gatnered. 

Percepto,  a,  pp.  adj.  received. 
Pereba,  sf.  perch.  prop,  polé ;  a 

support ;  the  rails  of  a  snip. 
Perointado,    a,   adi.   enclosed, 

surrounded.  [to  mn  over. 

Percorrer,  va.  to  travei  ali  over, 
Percaciente,   adj.  2   g.   percu- 

tient,  striking. 
Percudir,  va.  lo  wound  mortallv. 
Percussão,  sf.  percussion,  strik- 
ing. [ed. 
Percusso,  a,  adj.  struck,  wound- 
Percussor,  sm.  a  striker. 
Percutir,  va.  to  strike,  to  per- 

Perda,   sf.  loss,  privation,   da- 

mage,  destruction  ;  ruin.  —  de 

uma  demanda,  the  loss  of  a  law 

soit.  [mercy. 

Perdão,  sm  pardon,  forgiveness. 
Perder,  va.  to  lose,  to  mislay.  — 

de  vista  alguma  cousa,  to  lose 

a  thing,  to  lose  sleb.l<il >*.. — 

ot  deitar  a  -— ,  \»  ^'^T«fa«.>  v^ 



—  572  — 


vitiate ;  to  ruin,  to  deprive  of 
felicity.  —  o  animo,  to  be  dis- 
couraged.  Perder-se,  vr.  to  lose 
oiie's  self.  —  no  mar,  to  be  cast 
away ;  to  perish,  to  go  to  min. 

—  de  vista,  to  vanish. 
Perdição,  sf.  perdition. 
Perdicio,  sm.  [bot.)  a    kind  of 

Perdidamente,  adv.  ruinouslv. 
Perdidiço,  a,  adj.  that  is  thought 

to  be  lost. 
Perdido,  a,  pp.    adj.    lost,    de- 

stroyed,    cast,    thrown    away. 

Mulher  — a,  a  prostituto.  Andar 

—  por  alguém^  to  be  desperately 
in  love  with  one.  Bala  perdida, 
a  random  shot.  Mangas  perdi- 
das, long^  hanging  sleeves. 

Perdidoso,  a,  adj.  (game)  An- 
dar — ,  to  be  a  loser. 
Perdigão,  sm.  a  male  partridge. 
Perdigoto,  sm.  the  young  male 

of  the  partridge. 
Perdigueiro,    a,    adj.    setting. 

Cão  — ,  a  settÍDg-dog. 
Perdimento,  sm.  loss,  ruin,  de- 

Perdiz,  sf.  partridge. 
Perdoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pardoned, 

Perdoador,  sm.  a  pardoner. 
Perdoainento,  sm.  pardon. 
Perdoança,  sf.  pardon. 
Perdoar,  va.  to  pardon,  to  excuse, 

to  forgive,  to  rerait,  to  spare. 
Perdoável,  adj.  2  g.  pardonable. 
Perdulário,    a,    adj.    prodigal, 

Perduração,  sf.  perduration. 
Perdurável,  aaj.  2  g.  perdurable, 

Perecedeiro,  a,  adj.  perishable. 
Perecedor,  a,  adj.  and  s.  that  is 

Perecer,  vn.  to  perish,  to  die, 

to  loso  life. 
Perecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  perished. 
Perecimento,    sm.   destruction. 
Peregrina,  sf.  a  she-pilgrira ;  a 

sort  of  pearl. 
Peregrinação,  sf.  peregrination ; 

apilgrimage.  [grimed. 

PeregrinadOy   a,  pp»   adj.  pU- 

Peregrinador,    sm.   pilgrim ;  a 

traveller.  [egrinates. 

Peregrinante,  adj.  2  g.  that  per- 
Peregrinar,  va.  to  pilgrim,  to 

Peregrino,  a,  adj.  rare,  extraor- 

dinary,  singular,  excellent ;  un- 

certam,  doubtful. 
Peregrino,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  pilgrim, 

a  wanderer,  a  traveller. 
Pereira,  sf.  a  pear-treo. 
Pereiral,  sm.  the  place  where 

pear-trees  grow. 
Pereiro,  sm.  a  sort  ofapple  tree. 
Perempto,  a,  adj.  (a  law  term) 

perempted.  [emptorily. 

Peremptoriamente,    adv.    per- 
Peremptório,  a,  adj.   peremp- 

Perende,  adv.  for  that. 
Perennal,  adj.  2  g.  perennial. 
Perenne,  adj.  2    g.   perennial, 

continuai.  Louco  — ,  one  mad 

without  lucid  intervals. 
Perennemente,      adv.      conti- 

Perennidade,  sf.  perennity. 
Perfazer,  va.  to  perfect,  to  nnish, 

to  complete  ;  {mil.)  to  recruit. 
Perfazimento,  sm.    conclusion, 

Perfecionar,  va.  V.  Perfeiçoar, 

and  derivated. 
Perfectibilidade,  sf  perfectibil- 

Perfectivel,  adj.  2  g.  perfectible. 
Perfectivo,  a,  adj.   perfective. 
Perfeição,  sf.  perfection. 
Perfeiçoado,    a,  pp.   adj.  per- 

Perfeiçoar,  va.  to  perfect. 
Perfeitamente,    adv.  perfectly. 
Perfeito,  a,  adj.  perfect ;  blame- 

less,  clear. 
Perficiente,  adj.  2  g.  perfect. 
Perfidamente,  adv.  2  g.  perii- 

diously.  [cnery. 

Perfídia,  sf.  períidiousness,  trea- 
Perfidioso,  a,  adj.  nerâdious. 
Pérfido,  a,  adj.  perndious. 
Perfil,  sm.  the  outline  of  a  picture 

or  drauçht ;    proíile,   the   sido 

perspective  of^a  structure ;  the 

utmost  edge  of  a  planet.  Rosto 


—  573  — 


de  meio  — ,  a  side  face  in  paint- 

Pernlado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

theflrst  linesdravn,  delineated. 
Perfilar,  va.  to  delineate,  to  draw 

the  first  Unes  of  a  picture,  to 

make  any  work  ubout  the  edge 

of  a  thing. 
Perfilhação,  sf.  affiliation. 
Perfilhado,  a,  -pp.  adj.  affiliated, 

PerfUhador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  {lavo) 

Perfilhamento,    sm.    adoption, 

Perfilhar,  va.  to  adopt,  to  affiliate. 
Perfixaznente,adt;.  ina  preôxed 

Perfixo,  a.  adj.  prefixed. 
Perfluxo,  sm.  a  copious  flux  of 

Perf oração,  sf.  perforation. 
Perforado,a,;7n.  adj.  perforated. 
Perforante,  adj.  2  ^.  perforating. 
Perforar,  va.  to  çerforate. 
Perfulgente,  adj.  2  g.  fulgent, 

very  bright. 
Perfuxnaaeira ,    sf.    a    voman 

charged  of  perfuraing  a  house. 
Perfumado,  a,  pp.    adj.  perfu- 

Perfumador,  sm.  a  pan  to  bum 

perfumes  in  ;  a  perfumer. 
Perfamadura,  sf.  the  act  of  per- 

Perfumante,  adj.  2  g^.  perfuming. 
Perfumar,  va.  to  perfume. 
Perfumaria,    sf.    a    perfumer's 

Perfume,  sm.  perfume. 
Perfumeiro,  sm.  perfumer. 
Perfunctoriamente,   adv.  per- 

functorily.  [tory,  careless. 

Perfunotorio,  a,  adj.  perfunc- 
Pergaminheiro,  sm.  parchment- 

maker.  [vellura. 

Pergaminho,  sm.  parchment, 
Pergunta,  sf.  question,  demand. 
Perguntado,  a,  pp.  adj.  asked, 

demanded.  [tor,  asker. 

Perguntador,  sm.  an  interroga- 
Perguntar,  va.  to  ask,  to  inter- 

ro^ate*  to  inquire.  Pergunta-se, 

it  IS  questioned,  the  question  is. 

Pericárdio,  sm.  {anat.)  pericar- 

Periohe,  sm.  a  sort  of  ship. 
Perícia,  sf  skill. 
Pericraneo,  sm.  {a7iat.)  pericra- 

nium.  [emerald. 

Peridoto,  sm.  peridot,  a  sort  of 
Peridromo,     sm.    {arch.)    pcri- 

drome.  [danger. 

Perigado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is  in 
Perigalhos,  (a  sea  term) 

the  thin  flaps  of  skin  that  hang 

under    the    chin   of   very   ola 

lean  persons.  Perigalho^  (a  sea 

term)  the  peak  haliard  of  the 

Perigar,  vn.  to  be  in  danger. 
Perigeo,  sm.  perigee. 
Perigo,  sm.  peril,  danger,  hazard. 
Perigosamente,  adv.  perilously. 

dangerously  [gerous. 

Perigoso,  a,  adj.  hazardous,  dan« 
Perigual,  adv.  {anc.)  equally. 
Perihelio,  sm.  perihelium. 
Perilo,  sm.  the  top  of  a  house 

that  has  the  form  of  a  pyramid. 
Perímetro,    sm.    {geom!)    peri- 

Perimir,  va.  to  ruin,  to  waste. 
Perina,  sf.  a  sort  of  shrub. 
Perineo,  sm.  {anat.)  perinceum. 
Periodicamente,   adv.  periodi- 

Periodicidade,  sf.  the  quality  of 

being  periodical. 
Periódico,  a,  adj.  periodic,  pe- 
riodical. —  sm.  a  newspaper, 
Periodisar,  va.  to  subject  to  a 

periodical  motion. 
Periodismo,    sm.    a    periodical 

Periodista,  sf.  a  reviewer. 
Periodo,  sm.  period,  perfect  sen- 

tonce;  end,  conclusion. 
Peripathetico,  a,  adj.  peripa- 

tetic.  [cism. 

Peripathetismo,   sm.  peripate- 
Peripecia,  sf.  peripetia. 
Peripheria,  sf.  {geom.)  periphery. 
Periphrase,  sf.  periphrase. 
Perlphrasear,  va.  to  periphrase. 
Peripneumonia,  sf.  {med.)  pe- 

ripneumoQi«.^  ^çir^;^Xl«^c«aJa^s^5 . 




—  574  — 


Periquito,  sm.  a  paroqaet;  the 

mizen-stop  stay  sail. 
Peristyllo,  sm.  peristyle. 
Peritamente,  adv.  skilfally. 
Perito,  a,  adj.  skilful,  able. 
Peritoneo,    sm,    {anat.)    perito- 

Perjudicar,    va.    to    prejndice. 

V.   Prejudicar    and   derivated. 
Perjurado,  a,pp.  adj.  peijured. 
Perjurador,  sni.  perjurer. 
Perjurar,    va.   to  (forsvear,  to 

perjure,  to  renounceupon  oath  : 

to  violate  an  oath.  [oath. 

Perjúrio,  sm.  perjury,   a   false 
Perjuro,  sm.  perjurer. 
Perjuro,  a,   adj.  perjured,    for- 

Perlongadaxnente,  adv.  slowly. 
Perlongado,  a,  pp.  adj.  prolon- 

ged,  continued. 
Perlongador,  sm.  he  who  pro- 

Perlongar,  va.  to  prolong". 
Perlongas,  sf.  pi.  trifling  stories 

cr  arausements,  to  pass  away 

time.  [view. 

Perlustrar,  va.  to  tsikéd  a  diligent 
Perxnanecer,  vn.  to  stay,  to  con- 
tinue, to  remain  ;  to  persevere  ; 

to  last.  [mained. 

Permanecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  re- 
Permanencia,  sf.  permanency. 
Permanente,  aaj,  2  g.  perma- 

neut,  durable.  [manently. 

Permanentemente,  €uiv.  per- 
Permeabilidade,  sf.  permeabil- 

Permeado,  a,  penneated. 
Permear,  va.  to  permeate. 
Permeável,  adj.  2  g.  permeable. 
Permeio,  adv.  Metter-se  de  — ,  to 

come  between ;  to  separate  com- 

Permissão,  sf.  permission. 
Permissivamente,  adv.  permis- 


Permissivo,  a,  adj.  permiasive. 
I*ermiaBo,    a,    ac(;.    permitted, 
^ertniatãOt  ff-  permixtion. 

íe</,  «niTered. 
^ermittix,  va.  to  pennit. 

Permuta,  sf.  permutation. 

Permutação,  sf.  permutation. 

Permutado,  a,  pp.  adj.  permu- 
ted,  exchanged. 

Permutar,  va.  to  permute,  to 

Perna,  sf.  the  leg.  Metter  as  per- 
nas ao  cavallo^  to  spur  a  horse. 
Be  —  a  riba,  with  the  legs 
upwards.  Ir  o  negocio  de  —  a 
riba,  is  for  a  business  to  be  in 
a  bad  condition.  O  osso  da  — , 
the  shinbone.  Que  tem  — *  tor- 
tas, bandy-Iegged. 

Pemaça,  sf.  a  big  leg. 

Pernada,  sf.  a  yerk,  terra  used 
in  the  manage.  Pernadas  de  tona 
arvore,  the  main  houghs  of  a 
tree ;  smaU  arms  of  a  bay, 
strait,  etc. 

Pemalto,  a,  adj.  long-legged. 

Pernavilheiro,  sm.  a  tree  so 

Pemeador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  kicker. 

Pemear,  vn.  to  kick,  to  shake 
the  legs.  [or  thick  legs. 

Pemegudo,  a,  adj.  that  has  big 

Perneira,  sf.  a  disease  in  oxen. 

Perniaberto,  a.,adj.  wide-legged. 

Perniciosamente,  adv.  pemi- 
ciously.  [raischievoua 

Pernicioso,  a,   adj.  pemicious, 

Pemicurto,  3i,adj.  that  has  short 

Pernil,  sm.  —  de  porco^  a  gam- 
mon,  a  pestle  of  bacon. 

Perniquebrado,  a,  adj.  that  has 
broken  legs. 

Pemitorto,  a,  adj.  that  has 
crooked  legs. 

Perno,  sm.  a  bodkin  ^th  ^hich 
women  part  their  hair. 

Pernoitar,  vn.  to  lodge  or  lie 
ont  ali  night. 

Pernóstico,  a,  adj.  that  talks  of 
ali  things  ;  a  babbler. 

Pemudo,  a,  adj.  that  has  long 

Pêro,  adv.  {anc.)  althongh.  — 
sm.  i^armain. 

PerolBL,  sf.  ^ftwV.  Madr^  — ,  mo- 
tliet  oí  ieaxV.  Diaw—s  de  oXauem^ 
to   -omae  ou^ V\^^.  —  wita&. 


—  575  — 


pearls.  Chá  pérola^  gun-povder 

tea.  [to  keep  olives  in. 

Peroleira,  sf.  an  earthen  vessel 
Perolino,  a,  adj.  of  orpertaining 

to  a  pearL 
Peroneo,  sm.  {anat.)  perone,  a 

bono  oS  the  leg. 
Peroração,  sf.  peroration. 
Perorado,  a,  pp.  adj.  harangned. 
Perorador,  sm.  haranguer. 
Perorar,  va,  to  harangue. 
Perota,  sf.  a  sort  of  travellmg 

bird  so  called.  [the  ví&y. 

Perpassando,  adi',  by-tne-by,  by 
Perpassar,  V7i.  to  pass  by. 
Perpendicular,    adj.  perpendi- 
cular.    —    sm.    perpendicular 

Perpendicularmente,  adv.  per- 

Perpendicularidade,   sf.    per- 

Perpendiculo.  sm.  perpendlcle. 

Á  — ,  perpendicularly. 
Perpetraçao,  sf.  perpetration. 
Perpetrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  perpe- 

Perpetrador,  sm.  perpetrator. 
Perpetrar,  va.  to  perpetrate,  to 

Perpetua,  sf.  {bot.)  milfoil. 
Perpetuação»  sf.  perpetuation. 
Perpetuado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  perpe- 

tuated.  [ing. 

Perpetuador,  a,  adj.  perpetuat- 
Perpetuamente.     adv.     perpe- 

tually,  constantly. 
Perpetuana,  sf.  a  sort  of  serge. 
Perpetuar,  va.  to  perpetoate,  to 

Perpetuidade,  sf.  perpetuity. 
Perpetuo,  a,  adj.  perpetuai,  last- 

ing.  [ly. 

Perplexamente,  adv.  per{>lexed- 
Perplexidade,  sf.  perplexity. 
Perplexo,  a»  adj.  perplexed  ;  dif- 

Perpoem,  sm.  doublet. 
Perpoente,5m.  a  quilted  doublet. 
Perra,  sf.  a  bitch.  V.  Cadella. 
"Berraria,  sf.  apite,  dog-trick,  an 

ill  tum. 
Porreiro,  sm.  one  that  whips  the 
dogs  out  of  the  churches. 

Perrexil,  sm.  a  kind  of  i^slej ; 

one    that    speaks   -wittilv   and 

smartiy,  a  laughing-stocK. 
Perro,  sm.  dog.  Dar  a  perros y  to 

curse ;  a  stuboorn-roan. 
Perro,  a,  adj.  obstinate,  stub- 

born ;  stiff,  hard,    not    giving 

Persa,  adj.  or  s.  2  g.  of  or  per- 

taining  to  Pérsia. 
Perscrutação,  sf.  perscrutation. 
Perscrutado,  a,  pp.  adj.  indag- 

ated.  [searcher. 

Perscrutador,    sm.    indagator, 
Perscrutar,  va.  to  indagate. 
Perscrutavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  can 

be  investigated. 
Persecutório,  a,  adj.  Acção  per- 
secutória, the  act  by  "which  one 

is  sued  for. 
Perseguição,  sf.  persecution. 
Perseguido,  a,  pp.  adj.  perse' 

cuted,  tormented. 
Perseguidor,  sm.  a  persecutor. 
Perseguimento,  sm.   continna- 

tion  of  a  'work. 
Perseguir,  va.  to  peraecute,  to 

teaze,  to  importune  much. 
Perseo,  a,  adj.  of  or  pertaining 

to  Pérsia. 
Persevejo,  sm.  bug. 
Perseveradamente,  adv.  perse- 

veringly ;  constantly. 
Perseverado^  a,  pp.  adj.  perse- 
vere d. 
Perseverança, «/.  perseverance. 
Perseverante,  adj.  2  g.  perse- 

verant,  peraisting. 
Perseverar,  va.  or  n.  to  perse- 
vere, to  be  stedfast. 
Pendoaria,  sf.  {bot.)  persicaria. 
Pérsico,  a,  adj.  of  or  pertainíng 

to  Pérsia. 
Persignado,  a,  pp.  adj.  signed 

wiih.  the  sign  of  the  cross. 
Persignar-se,  vr.  to  make  the 

sign  of  the   eros»  upom  one's 

Persistência,    sf.     persistance^ 




—  576  — 


Personagem,    «m.    personage ; 

{theat.)  character,  part. 
Personal,  adj.  2  g.  V.  Pessoal. 
Personalidade,  sf.  personality ; 

abuse,  ill  name. 
Personalisar,  va.  to  personify, 

to  persouate. 
Porsovejo,  sm.  bug.  V,  Persevejo. 
Perspectiva,     sf.    perspective ; 

prospect,  vista  orview  of  some- 

thing  distant. 
Perspectivo,  a,  s.  or  adj.  one 

skilled  in  perspective. 
Perspicácia,  sf.  perspicacity. 
Perspicaz,  adj.   2  g.  perspica- 

cious,  quick-sighted. 
Perspicuidade,  sf.  perspicuity. 
Perspicuo,  a,  adj.  perspicuous, 

clear.  [ed,  induced. 

Persuadido,  a,  pp.  adj.  persuad- 
Persuadir,  va.  to  persuade,   to 

induce.  Persuadir-se^  vr.  to  per- 
suade one's  self.  [dsible. 
Persuadivel,   adj.  2  g.  persua- 
Persuasão,  sf.  persuasion. 
Peasoasivel,  adj.   2  g.  persua- 

sible,  persuadable. 
Persuasivo,  a,  adj.  persuasive. 
Persuasor,  a,  adj.  and  s.  per- 

Persuasoria,  sf.  persuasiveness. 
Persuasorio,  a,  adj.  persuasive. 
Pertença,  sf.  any  tbing  that  is 

belonging.  —«,  sf.  pi.  apparte- 

Pertence,  s.  that  which  is  a  part 

of  any  thing  or  is  annexed  to  it. 
Pertencente,  adj.  2  g,  apper- 

taining,  belonging. 
Pertencer,  vn.  to  appertain.  Per- 

tence-me  isto,  this    belonçs   to 

me.  —  vr.  imp.  Pertence^  it  be- 

comes,  it  is  flt,  it  is  meet. 
Pertensão,  sf.  V.  Preterição,  and 

der  i  vate  d. 
Pertiga,  sf.  a  long  stick  or  polé. 
Pertigueiro,  sm.  a  verger. 
Pertinácia,  sf.  obstinacv. 
Pertinaz,  adj.    2   a.    obstinate, 

pertinaciouSj  stubborn. 

Pertinente,  adj.  2  g.  belonging» 

fit,  apt.  [bana. 

Pertinho,    adv.   very    near,    at 
Perto,  adv.  and  prep.  near,  about, 

at  hand,  almost.  Muito  — ,  verv 

near.  De  — ,  nigh,  hand  to  hand. 

Pertos,  (paint.)  relievo. 
Pertuchar,  va.  {a  sea  term)  to 

take  up  part  of  the  sail. 
Pertuohos,  sm.  pi.  boles  of  a 

wiredrawing  machine. 
Perturbação,    sf.   perturbation. 
Perturbadamente,    adv.    víith 

Perturbado,  a,  pp.  adj.  disquie- 

ted,  disturbed,  vexed. 
Perturbador,    sm.   perturbator, 

Perturbadora,  sf.  perturbatrix. 
Perturbar,    va.   to  perturb,    to 

disorder ;  to  trouble,  to  disquiet. 

Perturbar-se,  vr.  to  be  perplexed. 
Perturbativo,  a,  adj.  that  per- 

turbates.  [turbates. 

Perturbatorio,  a,  adj.  that  per- 
Perú,    sm.  {geog.)  Peru.  —  sm. 

{nat.  hist.)  a  turkey-cock. 
Perua,  sf.  a  turkey-íien. 
Peruano,  a,   adj.  and  s.  of  or 

pertaining  to  Peru,  Peruvian. 
Peruca,  sf.  peruke,  periwig. 
Perversamente,  aâv.  per  ver  se- 

ly.  [verting. 

Perversão,  sf.  the  act  of  per- 
Perversidade,  sf.  perverseness, 

Perverso,  a,  adj.  perverse. 
Perverslvo,  a,  aaj.  perversive. 
Perversor,  sm.  perverter. 
Pervertedor,  a,  5.  and  adj.  per- 
Perverter,  va.  to  pervert,  to  cor- 

rupt ;  to  invert.  Perverterse,  vr. 

to  become  perverse. 
Pervertido,    a,    pp,   adj.   per- 

verted,  corrupted. 
Pervicacia,  sf.  obstinacy. 
Pervicaz,  adj.  2  g.  obstinate. 
Pervigil,  adj.   2  g.  vigilant. 
PôTvigiUo,  sm.  a  watching. 

J*ertinazmente,  ado.  obstinate-  \PeTvVn,oa.,  sf.  Vb<>^•^  ^ctv«vv!X<\ft. 
]jr.  \Perv\.o,  «L,  adj.  ^fetN\avs&>  Q>>è'^\i.> 

^ertinenoia,  sf.  any  thmc  that\    toVomí,  «j^mwvx. 
ie  pertaining  to  another.  \ P«r5««aÍ^>  ^'  ^^xv^VJV^. 


—  577  — 


Pôs,  sm.  pi.  of  Pé,  feet.  —  de 
carneiro,  sheep's  trotters ;  {mar.) 
Sampson's  posts. 

Pesada,  sf.  weighing:  weight. 

Pesadamente,  adv.  grievously, 
painfully.  Levar  — ,  to  grudge. 

Pesadelo,  sm.  the  night-mare; 
{fig.)  a  troublesome  fellow. 

Pesado,  a,  vp.  adj.  weighed; 
heavy;  troublesome.  Graça  pe- 
sada, a  tart  jest,  a  taunt.  Ar — , 
gross  air. 

Pesador,  sm.  a  weigher. 

Pesaduxne,  sm.  trouble,  sorrow, 

Pesalicor,  sm.  areometer. 

Pesa-me,  v.  imp.  it  ^ievesme. 
Ainda  que  vos  pese,  in  spite  of 

Pesaiue,  sm.  V.  Pezame. 

Pesante,  sm.  an  ancicnt  coin. 

Pesar,  va.  to  weigh,  to  examine 
b}'  the  balance,  to  ponder  in 
mind  ;  to  repent.  —  o  sol,  (a  sea 
térm)  to  take  the  sun's  altitude. 
vn.  to  have  weight.  A  —  de,  in 
spite  of. 

Pesar,  sm.  V.  Pezar. 

Pesca,  sf.  íishing,  fishery;  the 
action  or  any  quantity  of  fish 

Pescada,  sf.  a  whiting  (físh). 

Pescadeiro,  sm.  a  fish-monger. 

Pescadinha,  sf.  a  small  fish  so 

Pescado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fished. 

Pescado,  sm.  íish  of  ali  sorts. 

Pescador,  sm.  a  fisherraan.  — 
de  canna  or  anzol,  an  angler. 

Pescadora,  sf.  a  fisher-womau. 

Pescar,  va.  to  ãsh,  to  hook,  to 
angle ;  to  search  out  diligentl^, 
to  get  out  of  one ;  {fig.)  to  hit, 
to  strike.  —  o  vento,  to  haul  the 
wind.  [fishing. 

Pescarejo,  a,  adj.  belonçing  to 

Pescaria,  sf.  fishery,  íishing. 

Pescaz,  sm.  a  sort  of  wedge 
belonging  to  a  plough. 

Pescoçada,  sf.  a  blow  on  the 

Pescooeira,  sf.  the  neck. 

Pescocinho,  sm.  a  stock  or  cra- 

Partií  I. 

Pescoço,  5fn.  the  neck. 

Pescoçudo,  a,  adj.  long-necked. 

Pesoudar,  va.  V.  Pesquizar. 

PesouldoTr  va.  to  seek,  to  look 
for  or  to  search.  —  a  vida,  to 

Pesebre,  sm.  a  manger. 

Pesenho,  a,  adj.  of  the  colour  of 

Pesepello,  adv.  bare-footed.  A — , 
the  wrong  waj'. 

Peso,  sm.  weight;  a  heavy  stone 
used  in  pressing  the  wine  out 
of  the  grapes  or  a  piece  of 
stone,  brass  or  lead  to  welgh 
with.  Em  — ,  whole,  entire. 
Todo  o  tempo  em  — ,  the  whole 
time.  —  duro,  a  Spanish  dollar. 
Pesos  e  balanças,  wcights  and 

Pespegado,  a,  pp.  adj.  struck. 

Pespegar,  va.  to  strike.  —  uma 
bofetada,  to  give  a  blow  on  the 
cheek.  ftail, 

Pespita,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  the  wag- 

Pespontado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 
a  row  of  knotted  needle  work. 
—  de  estrellas,  starrv. 

Pespontar,  va.  to  make  a  row  of 
knotted  needle  work.  Fulano 
pesponta,  {fig.)  such  a  one  is 
very  sharp. 

Pesponto,  sm.  a  row  of  knotted 
needle  work ;  a  back-stitch. 

Pesqueira,  sf.  a  íishin^-place. 

Pesqueiro,  sm.  a  fishing-place. 

Pesquisa,  sf.  search.  inquiry. 

Pesquisado,  a.,pp.  adj.  searched, 

Pesquisador,  sm.  searcher,  exa> 

Pesquisar,  va.  to  search,  to  in- 

Pessario,  sm.  {surg.)  pessary. 

Pessimamente,  adv.  very  badly. 

Péssimo,  a,  adj,  very  bad,  the 

Pessoa,  sf.  person,  personage  ; 
a  show  or  app^rance.  Fazer 
de  — ,  to  behave  bravely,  like  a 
man.  Homem  de  sua  — ,  an  hon- 
est  man,  a  man  of  honour.  Bem 
feito  de  sua  — ,  having  a  good 


—  578  — 


Pessoal,  adj.  2  g.  personal. 
Pessoalmente,  aav.  personally. 
Pessoaria,  sf.  the  acts  of  a  chief 

or  head  of  a  family. 
Pestana,  sf.  eyelasn;  an  edçing 

or  welt  on  a  garment.  Queimar 

as  pestanas^  (nff-)  to  study  ear- 

nestly.  ^link. 

Pestanejar,  vn.  to  twinkle,  to 
Pestanudo,   a,    adj.    that  has 

\iXT'^e  eye-íashes. 
Peste,  .tf.  plajçue,  pestilence. 
Pestiferamente,  adv.  pestilent- 

ly.  [pestileDt. 

Pestífero,  a,  adj.   pestiferous, 
Pestilência ,     sf.      pestilence , 

plagiie.  [tial. 

Pestilencial,  adj.  2  g.  pestilen- 
Pestilencialmente,  adv.  pesti- 

Pestilencioso,  a,  adj.  pestilent. 
Pestilente,  adj.  2  g.  pestilent. 
Pestoleta,  sf.  increase,  augmen- 

Pesunho,  sm.  the  foot  of  a  beast ; 

any  broad  foot. 
Peta,    sf.    lye,    banter.    Pregar 

uma  — ,  to  tell  a  lie  or  a  fib ;  the 

Eart  Ihat  juts  out  in  a  pruning- 
ook ;  a  spot  in  a  horse  s  eye. 
Pétala,  sf.  or  Petalo,  sm.  \bot.) 

petal.  [tard. 

Petardar,  va.  to  apply  the  pe* 
Petardeiro,  sm.  a  petardier. 
Petardo,  sm.  a  petard. 
Petear,  va,  to  tell  a  lie. 
Petegar,  va.  (anc.)  to  cut  strong- 

ly  with  a  pruning  hook. 
Peteiro,  sm.  a  liar. 
Petia,  sf.  a  sort  of  wood. 
Petição,  sf.  petition,  request. 
Peticego,  a,  adj.  one.<«irhose  eyes 

twiukle  from  weakness. 
Petimetre,  sm.  a  cox-comb. 
Petinga,  sf.  small  físh  used  as  a 

Petipé,   sm.  [geog.)  a  scale    of 

Petisca,   êf.    a  boyisli  p\&y  ao 

Petisoar,  va,  to  tast©  of  a  llwiig*, 
to  eat  without  appetite.  —  \^^ 
ww.  to  smatter,  to  nave  unçeit^Gt, 
*nowledge ;  to  begin  to  fjto^. 

as  :  —  de   calvo ,   to   begin  to 

grow  bald. 
Petisco,  sm.  a  tinder-box ;  tinder, 

íiint;  amess.  [parched. 

Petisecco,  a,  adj.  half  dry  or 
Petite,  sm.  a  sort  of  ancient  coin. 
Petitório,  sm.  trifling  and  trou- 

blesome  request. 
Peto,  sm.  tobacco. 
Peto,  adj.   Que  tem,  olhos  petos, 

that  has  a  cast  "with  the  eyes. 

Petorra,"*/".  top  or  gic. 
Petrechado,  a,  pp.  adj.  supplied 

with  warlike  provisions. 
Petrechar,  va.  to  supply  "with 

warlike  provisions  and  stores. 
Petrechos,  sm.  pi.  —  de  guerra., 

ammunition.    —    da    cozinha , 

kitchen  tacklings  or  furniture. 

—  de  manufactura,  ali  the  in- 

strnments  serving  to  manufac- 
Pétreo,  a.  adj.  petrean,  stony. 
Petrifioação,  sf.  petriíication. 
Petrificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  petriíied. 
Petrif icante ,    adj.  2  g.    petri- 

Petrificar,  va.  to  petrify.  Petri- 

ficar-se,  vr.  to  become  petrified. 
Petrifico,  a,  adj.  petrifíc. 
Petrina,  sf.  a  broad  girdle  "wom 

under  the  breast. 
Petróleo,  sm.  petroleum,  rock-oil. 
Petroso,  a,  adi  stonv,  gravelly. 
Petulância,  sf.  petulance,  inso- 

Petulante,   adj.  2  g.  petulant; 

wanton,  sportive.  [ly. 

Petulantemente,  adv.  petulant- 
Peuce,  sm,  {bot,)  a  íir-tree ;  spruce 

fir.  [weed, 

Peucedano,    sm.   {hot.)  maiden 
Peúgas,  sf.  pi.  V.  Piugas. 
Pevide,  sf.  kernel,  seed,  —  de 

ffallinhas,  the  pip  in  ahen;a 
ittle  spark. 
Pevidoso,  a,  adj.  having  an  im- 

pediment  in  the  speech. 
Peyonga,  sf.  {anc.)  hogs-feet. 
~"  A^  «m.\f\ViVi. —  liquido^  boiling 
mXiOíi.  —    secto,    %\.ciw^    "^^jsJu. 
Untar  com  — ,  \^  ^vi  os^t  -^^íôíl 

—  ^  sm.  >2iiA  ^^^«  ^^  «.«ttàa- 


—  579  — 


ling ;    condolence ,    sympntby. 

Dar  os  — s,  to  condole  \rith. 
Pezar,  sm.  grief,  sorrow,  trouble. 

A  — ,  in  spite  of. 
Pezar,  vn.  to  grieve,  to  be  sorry. 
PezaroBamexite,  adv.  grievous- 

ly,  sorrowfnlly. 
Pesaroso,  a,  aaj.  sorro'wful. 
Pezebrão,  sm.  the  bottom  of  a 

coach.  [colour. 

Pezenho,  a,  adj.  of  a  pitch- 
Pezueiro,  sm.  a  fuUer  of  cloth. 
Phedange,   sf.  phalanx;  {anat.) 

phalanx.  fgosis. 

Pnalangosis,  sf.  {meã.)  pnalan- 
Phalarl,  sm.  {bct.)  phalaris. 
Pliantasia,   sf.   fancy.  Y.  Fan- 
tasia aud  derivated. 
Phantasiar,  va.  to  fancy,  to  ima- 
Phantasma,  sf.  phantasm. 
Phantasxnagoória,   sf.   phantas- 
ma gor  ia. 
Pharetrar,  va.  {poet.)  to  pierce 

with  an  arrow. 
Pharisaioo,  a,  adj.  pharisaical. 
Phariaaisino,  sm.  pharisaism. 
Phaiiseo,    sm.   a   phariaee;    a 

PharxQacentico,  a,  adj.  pharma- 

ceutic,   pharmaceutical.  —  sm. 

an  apotbficary. 
Pharmacia,  sf.  pharmacy. 
Pharmacologia ,  sf.  pharmaco- 

logy.  [cologist. 

Phsunuacologista,  sm.  pharma- 
Pharznacopeia,  sf.  pharmaccpy. 
Pharxnacopolista  or  Pharma- 

copola  y    sm.    pharmacopolist, 

Pharo,  sm.  phare,  li^t-house. 
Pharoi,   sm.  lantern  of  a  ship; 

Phaírynge,  sm.  the  pharynx. 
Phase,  sf.  phasis,  phase ;  {astr.) 

Pbebe,  sf.  {poet.)  the  moon. 
Phebeo,  a,  adi.  solar,  of  or  be- 

longing  to  Phoebus  or  the  sou. 
Pbebo,  am.  {myth.)  Phoebus,  the 

suD.  fphenicopter. 

£heníçqptero,    sm.    (nat.    hixt.) 

SS^Si^'  '•  P*?°«^'t«  (alabaster). 

thing    most    excellent    in   its 

Phenomeno,   sm.  phenomcnon. 

— «,  svt.  pi.  phenomena. 
Philantroipia,  sf.  philanthropy. 
Philantropico,  a,    adjj,  philau- 

Philantropo,  sm.  philanthropist. 
Philarmonico,  a,  adj.  philliar- 

monic.  V.  Philharmonico. 
Philauoia,  sf  philauty,  self-love. 
Philaucioso,  a,  adj.  fúll  of  self- 
Philippicas,  sf.  pi.   philippics; 

an  invective  declamation. 
Philisteu,  sm.  giant-like. 
Philologia,  sf.  philolopy. 
Philologico,  a,    adj.  pnilologic* 
Philologo,  sm.  philologer. 
Philfwmatioo,  a,  adj.  philomatic. 
Pbiloinela,   sf.  philomela;    the 

nightingale.  [sophized. 

PhUoaophado*  a,  pp.  adj.  philo» 
Philosophal,  ae{j.  %  g.  philoso- 

phical.  [i^ise. 

Pnilosophar,  va.  or  n.  to  philoso- 
Philo8ophi&,  sf.  pbilosophy. 
Philosophicamente,  adv.  philo- 

sophically.  [phical. 

Phiiosophico,  a,  adj.  philoso- 
Philosopbiamo ,    sm.     philoso- 

Pnilosopho,  .sm.  philosopher. 
Philtro,  sm.  philter.  V.  Filtro^ 

Filtrar  and  derivated. 
Phlebotomano,  a,   adj.    (med.) 

that  lets  blood. 
Phlebotoxnia,  sf.  {med.)  phlebo- 

Phlegxna    or   Phleugxna,    sf. 

{med.)  phlegm;  {fig.)  coldness, 

indifference.  [matically. 

Phlegmaticaznente,  adv.  phleg- 
Phlegmatico.  a,  adj.  phlegmatic. 
PhlegmSo,  sf.  phlegmon.  Y.  Fleir 

Phlogistioo,  sm.  phlogiston. 
Phlogosis,  sf.  {surg.)  phlogoais. 
Phoca,  sm.    and    f.   ^at.  \àsl>» 

phoca,  tiAQucttXl. 
PlionAUco^QL^  adj.  -^^acrMitofi- 
PlLOttologVa.  sf.  ^Yioxv^Vi^-^      . 


—  580  — 


Phonometro,  sm.  an  instrument 
to  meajiure  the  intensity  of  a 
sound.  [phoresce. 

Phosphorear,  va.  or  n.  to  phos- 

Phosphorescencia,  sf.  phospho- 

Phospliorescente ,  adj.  2  g. 

Pnospnorisação ,  sf.  phospho- 
rizatíon.  [rize. 

Phosphorisar,  va.  to  phospho- 

Phosphoro,  sin.  phosphor,  pnos- 

otographia,  sf.  photography. 
Photographico,  a,   adj.  photo- 

Photographo,  sm.  photographer. 
Photologia,  sf.  photolog^y. 
Photologico,  a,  adj.  photological. 
Photometro,  sm.  pnotometer. 
Photometrico,  a,    adj.    photo- 

Pfarase,  sf.  phrase,  expression. 
PhraBeado,  a,  pp,  adj.  phrased. 

—  sm.  style. 
Ptaraseador,  a,adj.  that  phrases. 
Phrasear,  va.  to  phrase,  to  ex- 

Phraseologia,  sf.  phraseolo^^y. 
Phrenitis,  sf.  {med.)  phrenitis. 
Phrenologia,  sf.  phrenology. 
Phrenologico,  a,  adj.  phreno- 

Phthisica,    sf.  {med.)   phthisis. 

V.  Tisica. 
Phylateria.  sf.  phylacter. 
Physioa,  sf.  pnysic,  natural  phi- 

Physioamente,  ado.  çhysically. 
PbyBioo,  a,  adj.  physical. 
Physioo,  sm.  a  pnysician. 
Physioorada,  sf.  a  government 

Krounded  in  the  physical  power 

or  richness. 
Physiognomico,  a,    adj.   phy- 

Physiologia,  sf.  physiology. 
Phsnsdologioo,  a,   adj.    physio- 


PbyBionomla,  êf.  physiognomy. 

Piíj^lonoxnioo,  a,  aaj.  physio^ 

nomio,  Sjssax. 

j^yalonomiata.,  am,  pliyaiogiio. 

««,  */.  watering-trough*,  a  íoiix 

a  stone  cistern;  a  hol}'  water 

vessel  or  basin. 
Pia,  sf.  a  plebeian  woman. 
Piaculo,  sm.  expiatory  sacrifice ; 

a  crime. 
Piado,  sm.  the  sound  made  by  a 

chicken  or  sparrow  when  they 

peep ;   the    respiration    of   an 

asthmatical  person. 
Piado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pipped. 
Piador,  a,  adj.  that  peeps  or  pips 

like  a  chicken. 
Piadosamente,  ado.  piously. 
PiadoBO,  a,  adj.  merciful,   com- 

Pmniater,  s.  {anat.)  piamater. 
Piamente,  adv.  piously. 
Pianpian,  adv.  softly,  gently. 
Pianha,  sf.  a  sort  of  disease  in  a 

horse's  hoof. 
Pianista,  sf.  pianist. 
Piano-forte,  sm.  piano-forte. 
Plante,  sm.  that  peeps  or  pips. 
Pião,  sm.  a  foot-soldier ;  a  little 

top ;  pawn  at  chess ;  one  of  the 

lower  people. 
Piar,  va.  or  n.  to  peep  or  pip  like 

a  chicken,  to  chirp;   to  fetch 

one*s  breath. 
Piasava,  sf.  a  sort  of  black-rush. 
Plastrão,  sm.  the  breast  piece  of 

an  armour. 
Piavel,  adi.  2  g.  expiatory. 
Ploa,  sf.  pike ;  {med.)  pica,  a  long- 

ing ;   (a    sea  term)  the  thinnest 

part  of  a  poop. 
Picada,   sf.  a  prick    with   any 

sharp  point. 
Picadeira,  sf.  a  pick-axe. 
Picadeiro,  sm.   the  block  upon 
.  which  wood  cleavers  cleave  the 

wood ;  a  riding  school. 
Picado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pricked,  min- 

ced.  —  de  prata,  {herald.)  spec- 

kled  with  silver.  —  mar,  a  bois- 

terous   sea;  {Jig.  nettled,  pro- 

Picado,  sm.  minced  meat. 
Picador,  sm.  a  riding  master. 
'P\nQLdxlS^^    «(.  çricking,  prick, 


—  581  — 


people  of  the  province  called 

jEntre-Douro  e  Minho. 
Pioanceira,  sf,  {bot.)  a  sort  of 

Picanço^  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  wren. 
Picante,  adj,  t  g.  bitmg,  tart; 

satirical,  poignant. 
Picão,   <m.  a  sort  of  pick-axe; 

{jicht )  a  sharp  snouted  skate. 
Pioapaa,  ím.(omíí  A.)  woodpecker. 
Pica-petke,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  a  sort 

of  bird  that  preys  upon  tish. 
Picar,  va.  to  sting  as  a  bee ;  to 

peck,  to  raince  meat.  —  o  co- 
ração, to  sting,  to  vex,  to  grieve ; 

toprick.  —  a  amarra,  to  cut  the 

Picar,  vn.  to  nip,  to  wring,  to 

pinch  as  cold,  etc.  Pica  o  sol, 

the  sun  burns.  —  a  fome,  to  be 

pinched  with  hanger. 
Picar-se,  vr.  to  be  offended,  to 

nible,  to  take  pet;  to  pretend 

to,  to   value  one's  self.  —  de 

honra^  to  stand  on  the  point  of 

bonoar.  —  o  mar,  is  for  the  sea 

to  swell  or  grow  boisterous. 
Picaramente,  ado.  knavishiy. 
Picardia,  sf.  knavery. 
Picaresco,  a,  adj.  burlesque. 
Picarete,  sm.  a  sort  of  hammer. 
Picaria,  sf.  riding-house  or  school; 

the  art  of  mounting  on  horse- 

back,  horsemanship. 
Picaro,  sm.  a  rogue,  scoundrel. 

—  do  barrete,  tne  tuft  upon  a 

Picaroto,  sm.  summit,  top. 
Picarso,  a,  adj.  having  the  co- 

lour  of  salt  and  pepper. 
Piçarra,  sf.  gravely  ground. 
PiçarraJ,  sm.  a  slate-quarry. 
Piçarroso,  a,  adj.  stony,  gravely. 
Picatoste,   sm.  a  sort  of  dish 

made  of  mutton,  lemon,  etc. 
Piceo,  a,  adj.  pitchy. 
Pichei,   sm.    a   sort   of  pewter 

Picheleira,  sf  tin  ware. 
Picheleiro,  sm.  a  pewterer. 
Pi^eleria,  sf.  the  street  where 

the  pewterers  Uve. 
Piobmingne,  sm.  covetous  man ; 

coraair,  pirate. 

Pichem,  sm.  a  sort  of  grapes. 
Picho,  á,  ctdj.  of  or  resembling 

to  pitch. 
Pichorra,  sf.  a    pewter  vessel 

with  a  spout. 
Pichosamente,  adv.  peevishly, 

Pichoso,  a.  adj.  peevish,  su[)er- 

fluously  exact,  ticklish,  imper- 

Pico,  sm.  peak  the  summit  or  top. 

—  de  prata  (in  índia)  a  sort  of 

silver  coin  a  thousand  whereof 

are  equal  to  about  281  pounds 

sterling.  —  de  seda,  a  certaiu 

quantity  of  silk ;  taste,  flavour. 

Vinho  que  tem  — ,  a  strong  or 

generous  wine. 
Pico  or  Picanço,  sm.   {omith.) 

Picoso,  a,  adj.  peakish. 
Picota,  sf.  {a  sea  ierm)  purai>- 

Picote,  sm.  a  coarse  cloth. 
Picrocolo,  sm.  one  that  is  afdict- 

ed  with  bile. 
Pideiro,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  or  sho 

who  begs. 
Piedade,  sf  piety;  pity. 
Piedosamente ,    adv.    piously ; 

pitifully.  [pitiful. 

Piedoso,  a,  adj.  pious  ;  merciful, 
Pieira,  sf.  a  sort  of  disease  in 

Pifaro,  sm.  fife ;  a  íifer. 
Pifiamente,  adv.  basely. 
Pifio,  a,  adj.  base,  mean,  vile. 
Pigaça,  sf.  a  sort  of  pear. 
Pigarro,  sm.  hoarsoness. 
Pigmeu,  a,  adj.  and  s.  pygmean. 
Pigro,  a,  adj.  slothful,  lazy,  ne- 

gligent.  [silly  fellow. 

Pigoilho,   sm.    an    impertinent 
Pilado,  a,pp.adj.  brayed,  bniised; 

peeled.       Castanhas     piladas , 

peeled  chesnuts. 
PUador,  sm.  he  who  pounds  in  a 

mortar;    he    who    peeis    in    a 

Pilanga,  sf.   (in  India\  Kís.\V  «^ 

court  oí  ^\\%\Ãcft. 
Pll^O,    sm.    a  lao^X.-a.T    \ft  ^èwas^ô. 

PilarT  sm.  -çVClícc.  -  es  ô.a  ^o^"^ 

■-_-^r^==-~-~if— ~-  •  '^^-^  -■■■■■- JÍT-^f-f=  -r^--.    - 



—  582  — 


the     stanchions    of  the    stem 

Pilar,  va.  to  pound,  to  bmise  in 

a  niortar;  to  peei  in  a  mortàr. 
PUarete,  sm.  a  small  pillar. 
Pilarte.  sm.   an  old  Portuguese 

silver  coin. 
Pllastra,  sf.  a  pilaster. 
Pilatos,  sm.  a  sort  of  little  íiag. 
Pildar,  vn.  to  run  away. 
Pildora.  sf.  ijill.  V.  Pílula. 
Pilha,  sf.  a  pile,  heap.  Ter  pilhas 

de  graça,  to  be  very  -witty  and 

pleasant.  [roobed. 

Pilhado,  a,  pp.  aâj.  plundered. 
Pilhagem,  sf.  pillage,  plunder. 
Pilhancara,  sf.  hanging  skin. 
Pilhante,  sm.  a  robber. 
Pilhar,  va.  to  plunder. 
Pilheira,  sf.  the  place  vherein 

piles  cr  heaps  of  any  thing  are 

placed.  —  de  agua,  a  preat  ois- 

tern  of  water ;  a  fuller'»  -work- 

Pilheiro,  sm.  fiiller's  workhouse. 
Pilhéria,  sf.  a  jest,  drollery  ;  wit. 
Pilo,  sm.  (anc.  Rom.)  a  javelin  or 

Piloada,   sf.   a  blow   or  stroke 

"with  ihiò  pilão. 
Pilosella  ,  •  sf.    ( hnt. )    pilosela , 

Piloso,  a,  adj.  pilous,  hairj.| 
Pilotagem,  sf.  pilotage. 
Pilotear  or  Pilotar,  vn.  to  pilot, 

to  steer. 
Piloto,  sm.  pilot,  steerman. 
Pilrete,  sm.  (Joc.)  ol  little  man,  a 

dwarf.  [berry-tree. 

Pilriteiro,  sjn.   hawthorn,  bar- 
Pilrito,  sjn.  the  fruit  of  the  haw- 

Pilula,  sf.  pill ;  (fig.)  hard  thing 

to  bear.  [make  pills. 

Pilulador.  sm.  an  inatniment  to 
Pilular,  adj.  2  g.  belonging  to 


Pilularia,  sf.  (bot.)  pilularia. 
Pimenta,  sf.  {bot.)  pepper.  Grão 
lie  — ,  a  pepper  com.  —  de  rabo, 

a  small  sort  of  Guinea  peppet. 

—  aqtiaíiea.,  vater  pepper.  — 
^^/(flr,  xhe  best  sort  of  pepper.  — 
aa  Jcnnaica.  ail-spice  or  pimento. 

Pimental,  *m.  a   place  -whero 

pepper-trees  grow. 
Piuuentão,  tm.  Guinea-pepper. 
Pimenteira,  sf.  {bot.)  the  pepper- 

Pimenteiro,  sm.  a  pepper-box. 
Pimpão,  sm.  {joc.)  a  Taliant;  a 

spruce  gallant. 
Pimpilim,  sm.  long  pepper. 
Pimpinella,  sf.  pimpernel. 
Pimplsur,  vn.  to  nourish  a  small 

garrocha  called  pimpleo. 
Phnpleo,  sm.  a  small  dart  decked 

with  ribbons,  etc,  used  by  the 

champions  at  the  buU-fcasts. 
Pimpolho,  sm.  a  young  tender 

shoot  of  a  vine. 
Pina,  sf.  the   pieces  of  the  cir- 

camference  of  coach  wheels. 
Pinaça,  sf.  a  pinnace. 
Pináculo,  sm.  pinnacle. 
Pinasio,   sm.   {carp.)  a  piece  in 

the  middle  of  a  door. 
Pincaro,  sm.  a  top  or  sumniit. 
Pinça,  */.   {surg.)  pincers,    nip- 

Pihção,  sm.  the  "whip  which  the 

steersman  holds  in  nis  hand  to 

govern  the  helm  by. 
Pincel,  sm.  a  painter^s  pencil  or 

brush.  [cil. 

Pincelada,  sf.  stroke  of  a  pen- 
Pincelado,    a,    adj.   pencilled, 

Pincelar,  va.  to  pencil,  to  paint. 
Pinceleiro,  sm.  a  pencil-maker ; 

a   brush-maker;    a  tin-pan  in 

"which  a  painter  cleanses  nis  pen- 

cils ;  a  smutch-pan. 
Pinchar,  va.  to  blow  up  as  vith 

Pinchebeque,  sm.  pinchbeck. 
Pincho,  sm.  a  toss.  I^evar  a  pm~ 

chos,  to  toss,  to  throw  with  vio- 

Pinçote,  sm.  (a   sea   term)   tbe 

whi|)  which  tne  steerman  holds 

in  bis  hand. 
Pindarico,  a,  adj.  pindarícal. 
Pindo,  sm.  {miftfiol.)  Pindus. 
Pineo,    a«  adj.  {poet.)  made  of 

•çme»  OT  \^íí^oiiç>\i^  to  cine. 
PVXiSS^^  sÇ.  «*  ^i:a^.  E%\o5r  <:qíi».«» 


—  583  — 


Pingadeira,  sf.  oa  Pingadoiro, 

5771.  a  dríppiog-pan. 
Pingado,  a,  pp.    adj.  drippiíd, 

Pingsáhete.  sm.    a  small  nail 

used  by  painters. 
Pingante,  adj.  and  s.  2  g.  Um — , 

a  bejrgar,  a  poor  man. 
Pingar,  va.  and  7».  to  drip;  to 
fali  in  drops,  to  fçutter;  (fia.) 
to  want  nooney.  Pão  pingado^ 
bread  on  -«'hich  lhe  fat  of  roast- 
ing  meat  falis. 
Pingentes,  sm.  pi.  bobs  or  drops 

(ornament  used  by  vomen). 
Pingo,  sm.  dripçing. 
Pingoso,  a,  adj.  that    drips  or 

falis  in  drops. 
Pingue,  adj.  2  g.  fat ;  {fig.)  plen- 

tiful,  abundant. 
Pinguedo,  sm.  iatness. 
Pinguela,  sf.  the  little  stick  of 

a  snare  to  catch  birds. 
Pinha,  sf.  the  fruit  of  the  pine- 
tree.  —  or  quadrado  das  meias, 
the  clock  in  a  stocking. 
Pinhal,   sm.  a  greve    of  pine- 

Pinhão,  sm.  sweet  pine  kemel. 
—   das   índias,  purging  nuts; 
Pinhões  de  rato,  a  sort  of  housc 
Pinheiro,  sm,  a  pine-tree.  —  al- 
var, the  pitch  or  rosin-tree. 
Pinhiíero,  a,  adj.  that  produces 

Pmho.  sm.  pine-wood. 
Pinhoada,  sf.  a  paste  made  of 
the  kernels  of  pine-apples  and 
sugar.  [of  silk. 

Pinhoela,  sf.  a  sort  of  stuff  made 
Pinifero,     a,    adj.     producing 

PJbaj entes,  sm.  pi.  the  bobs  or 
drops,    an  ornament   used   by 
Pino,  5772.  height,  snmmit,  top,* 
a  wooden   pég  used  by  shoe- 
makers.   Fazei'  o   — ,  to  stand 
topsy-turvy.  Tem  — ,  pino  tem, 
an   expression    nsed  to   make 
children  stand   up.   No  —  da 
ca/ma,  in  the  bestt  of  the  day. 
■^o  —  do  inverno,  in  the  middie 

of  winter.    No  —  da  noite,  in 
the  dead  of  the  night. 

Pinote,  sm.  the  leaping  of  an 
ass  -when  he  kicks  ^'ith  his 
whole  hind-quarters. 

Pinotear,  vn.  to  leap  as  an  ass. 

Pinoteres,  a  sort  of  shell- 
íish.  [Mediterranean. 

Pinque,  sm.  avessei  used  inthe 

Pinta,  sf.  spot.  — s.  (med.)  pete- 
chiae,  spots  in  the  skin. 

Pintacilgo,  sm.  V.  Pentasilgo. 

Pintado,  a,  pp.  adj.  painted, 
spotted;  exactly  alike. 

Pintado,  sm.  a  spotted  hen  or 

Pintainho,  sm.  a  dab-chick.  — a; 
?ia  garganta,  hoarseness. 

Pintal^rete,  sm.  a  cox-comb. 

PintamonoB,  sm.  a  bad  paintcr. 

Pintão,  sm.  a  chicklin. 

Pintar,  va.  to  paint,  to  draw,  to 
colour.  —  de  pontinhos,  to 
paint  in  miniature.  —  a  óleo,  a 
fresco,  Xo  paint  in  oil,  in  fres- 
co, etc.  —  de  aguada,  to  draw 
a  picture  ali  of  one  colour.  — 
or  descrever,  to  describe,  to  re- 
present.  —  vn.  Feito  a  — ,  very 
"well  made.  Tenho  um  criado  a 
— ,  I  have  a  very  good  servant, 
or  as  good  as  I  could  vish.  — 
de  brancas,  to  grow  grey,  to 
begin  to  grow  purple,  black, 
etc.  (spoaking  of  grapes,  oH- 
vcs,  etc).  Pintar-se,  vr.  to  paint; 
to  be  painted. 

Pintsunroxo,  sm.    {nat.    fdst.)  a 

robin  red-breast. 
Pintasilgar,  vn.  to    sing  as  a 

Pintasilgo,    sm.    {nat.    hist.)    a 

gold-finch  or  linnet. 
Pinto,  sm.  a  chicken ;  a  crown 

of  480  rs. 
Pintor,  sm.  painter. 
Pintora,  sf.  a  female-painter. 
Pintura,  sf.  painting,  picture; 

(fig.)  description. 
Pio,  a,  adi.  pious,  religioua. 
Pio,  sm,  tae  cr^vcvç,  c»i  OcvxOs.'^'^.*'^ 

Plogida,    sf.    ^   ^oov^x^^  >  ^-^ 



—  58t  — 


Pfolharla,  »f.  ionsíness;  stingi- 

PIolheira,  «/.  -bot.)  louse-vort. 

Piolheiro,  a,  adj.  loasy. 

Piolhento,  a,  adj.  lousy. 

Piolho,  »m.  a  louse,  a  dolphin. — 
ladro^  a  crab-lousc.  Estar  co- 
mido iht  — «,  to  be  reduced  to 
extrerne  misery. 

PioUioso,  a,  anj.  lousy. 

Pionia, «/.  ^6o^;  piony. 

PicKnio,  «m.  (6o^y  knee-holm. 

Piorra.  nf.  V.  Patorra. 

Pioz,  «m.  hawk'8  jesses. 

Pipa,  «/".  a  pipe  ortwo  hogsheads; 
pipr;,  a  wind  instrument  of  mu- 

Pipanha,  nf.  piedouche. 

Piparote,  sm.  a  filUp  or  ílinching. 

Piperigallo,  «m.  Rainfoin. 

Pipi,  sm.  {nat.  hist,)  a  bird  of 

Pipia,  sf.  pipe,  oaten-pipe. 

Pipiar,  sm.  the  cry  of  a  bird  or 

Pipilar  or  Piçitar,  vn.  to  chirp, 
V>  cry  a»  a  bird.  [sei. 

Pipote,  sm.  a  Bmall  cask  or  ves- 

Pipra,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  pipra. 

Pique,  sm.  pike.  ffastea  do  — ,  a 
pikestaif.  —  seco^  a  pikeman 
without  a  corselct :  pique,  peck, 
»j>leen,  ^i^udge.  Dar  — «,  to  ir- 
ritate.  Deitar  or  metter  um  na- 
vio a  — ,  to  sink  a  ship.  Estar 
a  — ,  to  be    on  the  point;    a 

Ísricked  pattcrn. 
qaeiro,  sm.  a  pikeman. 
Pio^ueria.  sf.  a  great  number  of 

pikfts  or  spears  together. 
Piquete,  sm.  piquet-^uard. 
Pirabebe,  s.  hiat.  kist.)a,  sort  of 

llyiníj;-fish  of  Brazil. 
.  Piraxnena,  sf.  (nat.  hist.)  a  sort 
of  flRh  resombling  a  sturgeon. 
Pirâmide,  sf.  pyraraide.  V.  Py- 
ramidfí  and  derivated.  i 

Piranga,  sm.  a  sort  of  red  clay. 
V.  Parasito.  [cart. 

Pirange,  sm.  (in  índia)  a  surt  of 
Piz^o,  sm.  a  sort  of  broth  made 
of  the  iloiir  of  manioc  bovVeà  m 
some  water.  \^coraavc. 

Pirata,  sm,  pirate,   sea-robbet 

Piratagem,  sf.  piracy. 
Pirataria,  sf.  piracy. 
Piratear,  ta.  or  n.'to  pirate.  to 

rob  on  the  sea. 
Piratico,  a,  adj.  piratícal. 
Pirausta   or  Pyraosta,  sf.    a 

Piraya.  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  piraya. 
Pires.  sm.  a  'saucer. 
Pirinola,  sf.  a  sort  of  play. 
Pirliteiro,  sm.  the  barberry-tree. 
Pirlito,  sm.  the  fruit  of  a  bar- 
Pimalto,  a,  adj.  lifted  up,  proud. 
Piroga,  sf.  pi  rogue. 
Pirraça,  sf.  spite,  raalice. 
Pirtigo.  sm.  the  shortest  piece 

of  a  flail. 
Pirueta,  sf.  ]>irouette. 
Pisa,  sf.  beating  \irith  a  club. 
Pisada,   sf.  a    foot-step;    step; 

Pisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trodden,  con- 

tused,  bruised. 
Pisador,  sm.  a  fulling-mill. 
Pisadura,  sf.  bruise   or  contu- 

sion.  [ted  man. 

Pisaflores ,    sm.   an    effemina- 
Pisamausinho ,    sm.    one  that 

affects  siraplicity. 
Pisão,  sm.  a  fulling-mill ;  fuller's 

Pisar,  va.  to  step  or  walk  on ;  to 

tread;  to  stamp,  to  pound;  to 

confuse,  to  bruise.  [kle. 

Piscadella,  sf.  a  wink ;  a  twin- 
Piscatório,  adj.  piscatory. 
Piscar,  va.  to  wink. 
Piscas,  sf.  pi.  sraall  grains. 
Pisces,  5.  pi.  pisoes ,  sign  of  the 

Piscicultura,  sf.  the  art  to  raake 

íisbes  procreate. 
Piscina,  sf.  piscina,  pool,  pond. 
Pisco,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  a  buílnnch. 
Pisco,  a-  adj.  that  twinkles  of  ■ 

Pisoola,     sf.    a   great    deal    of 

ploughs  that  work  at  the  samo 

Piscoso,  a,  adj.  full  of  fishes. 
P\»&o^  sm.  ^«k%.\.  ^arden  çease. 
P\ao^  sm.  «^  \fcft  ot  ^wfc  ^^\\Vj  tw 


585  — 


Pisoeiro,  sm.  fuller. 
Pissaspha.tOfSm.  pissasphaltum. 
Pista,  sf.  the  track  of  a  beast^s 

foot,  trace.  Ir  atras    de   uma 

lebre  pela  — ,  to  prick  a  hare.-- 

de  leões,  veados,  etc.  the  strain 

or  view  of  a  lion,  stag,  etc. 
Plstaoeira,  sf.  pistachio-tree. 
Pistacha  or  Pistacia,  sf.  pista- 

chio-nut.  [CTaçe. 

Pistsuia,  sf.  Ibot.)  a  sort  of  wild 
Pistillo,  sm.  \bot.)  pistil. 
Pistola,  sf.  pistol.  Tiro  de  — ,  a 

pistol-shot;  pistole,  a   coin  of 

many  countries. 
Pistolaço,  sm.  apistol-shot. 
Pistoleta,  sf.  Fazer  —  com  ai- 

guem,  to  deal    familiarly  with 

one ;  {fig.)  witty  sayinç. 
Pistolete,  sm.  a  little  pistol. 
Pita,  sf.  a  sort  of  aloés. 
Pitada,  sf.  pinch. 
Pitança,  sf.  pittance,  allowance 

of  meat  in  a  monastery. 
Pitanceiro,  sm.  {)ittancer. 
Pitanga,  sf.  a  fruit  so  called. 
Pitangueira,  sf.  a  tree  that  bears 

Pltaraza,  sf.  a  horsing  iron. 
Piteira,    sf.   {bot.)    the    Guinea 

aloé.  [so  called. 

Pitombeira,  sf.  a  tree  of  Brazil 
Pitora,  sf.  a  sort  of  dish  made 

of  beef,  pork,  etc.  with  pepper, 

lard,  etc. 
Pitorra,  sf.  a  top  or  gig  to  whip 

Pitorrear,  vn.  to  whiç  a  top. 
Pittoresco,  a,  adj.  picturesque. 
Pituita,  5/".  (wed.)pituit,  phlegm. 
Pituitoso,  a,    adj.  pituitous. 
Pingada,  sf.  a  foôt-step  or  track. 
Pingas,  sf.  pi.  half-stockings. 
Pingos,  sm.  pi,  a  wall  of  stones 

heaped  togetherwithoutmortar. 
Piverada,    sf.   a  sort  of  sauce 

used  in  Portugal. 
Pivete,  sm.    perfume    made  in 

long  sticks. 
Piveteiro,  sm.  the  candlestick 

"wherein  they  set  the  pivete. 
Placa,  sf.  a  sconce  or  braached 

candlestick ;  a  polé  mast. 
JPiaoabiUdade,  sf.  placability. 

Placar,  sm.  badge  worn  by  tho 
offlcers  of  military  orders. 

Placavel,  adj.  2  g.  placable. 

Placença,  sf.  leave  pérmission. 

Placenta,  sf,  {anat.)  placenta, 

Placidamente,  adv.  placidly. 

Plácido,  a,  adj.  placid,  gende, 
quiet.  [rism,  maxim.    ■ 

Placito,  sm.   pérmission;  apho- 

Plaga,  sf.  {poet.)  region,  climate, 

Plagiário,  sm.  pla^iary. 

Plagiato,  sm.  plagiarism. 

Plagio,  sm.  plagiarism. 

Plaina,  sf.  plane ;  a  joiner's  in- 
strument.  Alizar  com  a  — ,  to 

Plana,  sf.  the  page  of  a  book ; 
{fig.)  Da  primeira  — ,  of  the  lirst 
order,  of  the  greatest  conse- 

Planamente,  adv.  plaiuly. 

Planeta,  sm.  a  planet. 

Planetário,    a,   adj.  planetary. 

Planetário,  sm.  plânetariura. 

Planeza,  sf.  a  plain. 

Planície,  sf.  a  plain.  [lions. 

Planifolio,    adj.   {bot.)   planifo- 

Planimetria,  sf.  planiraetr>r. 

Planimetrico,  a,  adj.  planime- 

Planispherio,  sm.  planisphere. 

Plano,  a,  adj.  plain,  even, 
smooth.  De  — ,  plainly.  Proce- 
der de  — ,  {in  Iam)  to  make  a 
quick  trial. 

Plano,  sm.  plain,  levei  ground, 
delineation,  íirst  draught.  Depor 
de  — ,  to  confess  every  thing. 
Ir  de  —  com  alguetn ,  to  agree 
in  every  particular  with  an- 

Planquetas,  sf.  pi.  (ar til.)  a 

Planta,  sf.  a  plant.  —  do  pe\  the 
plantor  sole  of  the  foot ;  {arch.) 
the  plan  or  ground-plot  of  any 

Plantação,  sf.  ^Vajo^aíOvwv. 

PlantQido,  a,  pp.  adj.  ^^^^.^^^ 


Plantador,  sm.  a.  X^^^^'^^;,  ^^, v 
\ Plantar, -oa.  \q  \AvvaX,  ^'«^^;p^^- 


^  586  — 


set.  Plantar-sey  vr.  to  put  one''s 

Plantar,  adj.  2  g.  pertaining  to 

the  plant  or  sole  of  the  foot. 
Plantio,  sm.  plantation. 
Planura,  .</".  plain.  levei  ground. 
Plasmar,  va.  to  form  ormould 

with  e;irth. 
Plástica,  sf.  plastic. 
Plasticidade,  sf.  plasticity. 
Plástico,  a,  adj.  plastic. 
Plata-forma,  sf.  {fort.)  platform. 
Plátano,  sm.  a  platane  or  plane- 

tree.  [tre. 

Platèa,  sf  the  pit  of  the  thea- 
Platina,  sf.  platina.  [cally. 

Platonicamente,   adv.  platoni- 
Platonico.  a,  adj.  platonic. 
Platonismo,  sm.  platonism. 
Plausibilidade,  sf.  plausibility. 
Plausível,    adj.  2  g.  plansible, 

Plausivelmente,  adv.  plausibly. 
Plaustro,  sm.  [poet.)  a  cart. 
Plazo,  sm.  a  sort  of  bargain. 
Plebe,    sf.  the   common  peoplo, 

the  rnbblf». 
Plebeidade,  sf.  rabblement. 
Plebeismo.  sm.  vfhnt  relates  to 

the  plebcians. 
Plebeo  or  Plebeu,  a,    adj.  plo- 

beian,  vulgar. 
Plebiscito,  sm.  plebiscitum. 
Plectro,  sm.  {j)oet.)  any  musical 

instrunient  with  strings. 
Plegarias,  sf.  pi.  prayers. 
Plêiadas,  sf.  pi.  {mythol.)  plêia- 
Pleiteado,    a,  pp.  adj.  contro- 

verted.  used  fora  law. 
Pleiteante,  adj.  2  g.  pleading; 

a  client. 
Pleitear,  va.  and  n.  to  plead,  to 

go  to  law;  to  vie,  to  claim. 
Pleito,  íw.  plea,  a  suit  in  law; 

a  plea. 
Plenamente,  adv.  fuUy. 
Plenariamente,  adv.  plenarily, 

Plenário,  a,  adj.  plenary,  en- 
tire.    Quitação  plenária^  &  xe- 
ccipt  in  full  of  ali  demanda. 
-Pienilunar,  adj,  2  g,  plemluntv- 


Plenilúnio,  sm.  plenilanlom. 
Plenipotencia.  sf.  plenipotence^ 
Plenipotenciário,   S9n.  plenipo- 

Plenipotente,  adj.  2  g.  plenipo- 

Plenitude,  sf.  plenitude,  fulness. 
Pleno,  a,  adj.  full,  complete. 
Pleonasmo,  sm. 
Pleonastico,  a,  adj.  pleonastic. 
Plethora,  sf.  {med.)  plethora. 
Plethorico,    a,   adj.    f7n^.)ple- 

thoric.  —  5W ,  a  pletnoric  per- 

Pleura,  sf.  {anat.)  pleura. 
Pleuritlco,  a,   adj.  {med.)  plen- 

ritical,  pleuritic. 
Pleuriz,  sm.  pleurisy. 
Pleuropneumonia,     sf.    (med.) 

Plexo,  sm.  (anat.)  plexus. 
Plica,   sf.  a   foi  d,   plait ;  an  ac- 

cent  upon  the  i :  thus  (f). 
Plicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  folded. 
Plicar,  va.  to  fold,  to  plait. 
Plintho,  sm.  (arch.)  the  plinth. 
Plombada,    sf.    a    sort  of  dart 

headed  with  iron. 
Pluma,  sf.  feather.  plume. 
Plumaceiro,  a,  sm.  or  f  a  featli- 

ernian  or  wonian. 
Plumacho,  sm.  a  bunch  of  feath- 

ers  for  ornament  of  a  horse. 
Plumada,  sf.  (fale.)  Dar  -^  a  um 

falcão^  to  purge  a  hawk. 
Plumagem,  sf  plumage,   feath- 

Plumão,    sm.   a  larga   feather: 

a  set  of  feathers. 
Plumazo,  sm.  a  bolster  of  feath- 
Plúmbeo,  a.  adi.  leaden. 
Plumeria,  sf.  {bot.)  çlumeria. 
Plumigero,    a,     adj.    plumige- 

Plumilha,  sf  little  feather  used 

in  a  woman  head-dress. 
Plumipede,  adj.  2  g.  plumiped. 
Plumo,  sm.  plummet.  A  — ,  di- 

rectly.  V.  Prumo. 
PlxuDCLoao..    a...    adj.     plumous^ 

\P\\iiaV,  odj.  wv^  *.  V<aTam>4^^- 


—  587  — 


Pluriscripto,  a,  adj.  copied  by 

dilferent  hands.  V.  Trasladado. 
Plusquam,  adv.  beyond,  preter. 

—  perfeito^  preterpluçerrect. 
Pluvial,  adj.  2  a.  pluvial,  rainy. 
Pluvial,  srii.  pluvial,  a  priest^s 

Pluvioxnetro,  sm.  pluviomcter. 
Pluvioso,  a,    adj.  rainy. 
Pneuzna,  sm.  spírit.  —  sacrosan- 

to,  the  Holy  Ghost. 
Pneumático,  a,  adj.  pneumati- 

cal,  pneumatic.  [^<^Sy' 

Pneuxnatologia,  sf.  pneumato- 
Pneuxnatologico,  a,  adj.  pneu- 

niatological.  [tosis. 

Pneuxnatosis,  sf.  {med.)  pnenina- 
Pneumographia,     sf.    deRcrip- 

tion  of  tho  lunu-s. 
Pneumonia ,     sf.     pneumonia, 

pneumony.  [nic. 

Pneumonico,  a.  adj.  pneamo- 
Pnix,  s.  {med.)  pnix. 
Pó,  sm.  dust,   earth.   —  de  oiro, 

gold-dust.  Pós  medicinaes,  phy- 

sical  powders;    {geog.)  Po,  ri- 

ver,  of  Italy. 
Pó  I  interj.  fy ! 
Poa,  sf.  {bòt.)  name  of  certain 

plants  of  the  grass  kind. 
Poas,  sf.  pi.  {a  sea  tenn)  —  de 

bolina,  the  bridles  of  the  bow- 

Poada,  sf.  dust.  Uma  grande  — , 

a  cloud  of  dust. 
Poaia  or  Poaya,  sf.  [bot.)  ipe- 
cacuanha, [inspector. 
Pobrador,  sm.  {anc.)  a  sort  of 
Pobre,  adj.  and  s.  2  g.  poor,  in- 

digent,  needy ;   a  poor  man,  a 

beggar.  [garly. 

Pobremente,  adi;,  poorly,  beg- 
Pobrete,  sm.  a  poor  fellow. 
Pobreza,  sf.  poverty,  indigence, 

Poça,  sf.  a  puddle. 
Poção,  sf.  {med.)  potion. 
Poceiro,  sm.  a  digger  of  Trells ; 

a  sort  of  basket. 
Pocema,  sf.  a  confused  ba^irling. 
Poço,  sm.    vell.  —   de  sciencia, 

ififf-)  a  very  iearned  man. 
Pwla,  sf.   the  prunlng  of  trees. 
Podadeira,  adj,  f,  flt  or  serving 

to  prune.  Fouce  — ,the  pruning- 

Podado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pruned. 

Podador,  sm.  pruner,  vine-drcs- 
ser.  [trees. 

Podadura,  sf.  the    pruning  of 

Podagra,  sf.  {med.)  the  gout  in 
the  feet. 

Podaliria,  sf.  medecine,  physicii. 

Podão,  sm.  a  prunin^-hook; 
{fig.)  a  clumsy   awkward  man. 

Podar,  va.  to  prune. 

Podengo,  sm.  a  spaniel,  a  set- 

Poder,  sm.  power,  authority; 
interest,  credit  :  possession. 
Poderes^  commission  for  any 
purpose.  Dar  os  —  «  alguém, 
to  empower,  to  authorisè.  Ter 
os  — ,  to  be  empowered.  Um  — 
de  cousas,  a  grcnt  quantity  of 
things.  Com  — ,  powerfullv. 

Poder,  vn.  iireg.  lo  be  able.  — 
andar,  to  be  able  to  walk. 
Aquillo  pode  ser,  that  may  be.— 
maiSy  to  be  of  greater  force.  — 
eoOT,  to  have  strength  enougk 
tocarry. — com  um  sacco  de  trigo , 
to  have  strength  enough  to 
carry  a  sackof  corn.  IVão  poder 
com,  to  yield.  Não  posso  deixar 
de  chorar,  1  cannot  but  weep. 
Não  posso  mais,  I  ani  uuite 
spent.  Nada  pode  ser  melhor , 
nothing  can  be  better. 

Poderio,  sm.  powerfulness.  pow- 
er.  [fully. 

Poderosamente,    adv.    power- 

Poderoso,  a,  adj.  powerful; 
very  ri  eh,  efíicacious. 

Podestade,  sm.  podestate. 

Podioe,  sm.  {aiiat.)  podex,  anug. 

Podido,  part.  p.  of  Poder :  that 
has  been  able.  Tenho  — ,  I  have 
been  able. 

Podoa,  s.  a  pruning-hook. 

Podre,  adj.  2  g.  rotten,  putrid, 
carious.  Febre  — ,  putrid  fever. 

Podres,  sm.  pi.  blemishes,  vices, 
defects.    Os   —  dif   uma  •yea^vva 

ifn     T  n^MfcJfc 



588  — 


Fodrida,  adj.  Olha  — ,  a  kind  of 

Poedeira,  adj.  f.  Gallinha  ~,  a 
hen  that  lays  eggs. 

Poedor,  sm.  that  lays. 

Poedouros,  sm.  pi,  pieces  of 
cotton  to  put  into  an  ink-horn. 

Poeira,  sf.  dust  raised  by  the 

Poeirada,  sf.  a  cloud  of  dust. 

Poejo,  sm.  (bot.)  penny-royal. 

Poema,  sm.  a  põem. 

Poente,  sm.  the  west. 

Poente,  a,  adj.  dusty. 

Poesia,  sf.  poetry. 

Poeta,  sm.  a  poet.  —  máo,  a  poe- 
tas ter. 

Poetaço,  sm.  an  excellent  poet. 

Poetar,  vn.  to  make  verses,  to 

Poética,  sf.  poetry,  poetics. 

Poeticamente,   adv.  poetically. 

Poético,  a,  adj.  poetic,  poeticàl. 

Poetiza,  sf.  poetess. 

Poetizar,  vn.  to  write  poetry  ;  to 
play  the  poet. 

Pogeja,  sf.  a  fragment  of  a  small 
coiíi,  in  worth  half  a  ceitil. 

Poia,  sf.  a  large  flat  loaf. 

Poiada,  sf.  a  place  to  land. 

Poial,  sm.  a  jossing-block ;  a 
stony  seat.  [seat. 

Poiar,  va.  to  put,  to  place,  to 

Peido,  a,  adj.  polished,  smoothed. 

Poidouro,  sm.  a  cloth  that  wo- 
men  hold  in  their  hands  when 
they  wind  thread,  to  make  it 

Polr,  va.  irreg.  to  polish,  to 
smooth.  Indicai,  prés.  Eu  puo, 
tu  pues,  elle  pue.  V.  Polir. 

Pois,  adv.  this  particle  is  ren- 
dered  into  English  several 
ways  :  then,  what !  well,  why, 
however,  yes.  —  ide  e  vinde 
logo^  go  then  and  come  back 
presently.  Pois  !  não  sou  eu  ca- 
paz de  fasel-o  ?  what  ara  I  not 
capable  to  do  it  ?  —  então  que 
quer  dizer  isto?  well,  and  what 
ofall  this?  —  eu  digo  jue  elle 

está  dentro^  why,  he  ia  liexe 

yithin,  I  sa.y.  Pois  before  não, 

denotes  a  strong  assertion^wida.- 

out  doubt,  yes   surely,  to   be 

sare.  Virá  elle?  pois  não,  will 

he  come  ?  yes  to  be  sure. 
Poisada,  sf.  inn^  lodging ;  habi- 

Poisadeiro,  sm.  harbinger. 
Poisadia,  sf.  habitation,  dweUing- 

Poisadoiro,  sm.  a  place  to  lay 

down  the  burthen. 
Poisar,  vn.  to  stop,  to  repese ; 

to  inn. 
Poitão,  sm.  {bot.)  a  tree  of  Ásia. 
Poja,  sf.  the  clew  of  a  sail. 
Pojadoiro,  sm.  Carne — ,  the  flesh 

of  a  leg  of  beef. 
Pojante,  adj.  {a  sea  term)  that 

sails  before  the  wind. 
Pojar,  va,  or  n.  (a  sea  term)  to 

bear  in  with  the  land. 
Pola,  sf  a  shoot,  twig  or  scion. 
Polaca,  sf.  polaque  a  sort  of  ship. 
Polaco,  a,  adj.  and  *.  Polish,  Po- 

lander  ;  a  native  of  Poland. 
Polainas,  gaiters. 
Polar,  adj.  i  g.  polar,  polary. 
Polaridade,  sf.  polarity. 
Poldra,  sf.  a  mare-colt,  a  filley  ; 

{agric.)  shoot,  twig  or  scion. 
Poldro,  sm.  a  colt.  [rustic. 

Poldro,  a,  adj.  young,  ignorant. 
Polé,  sf  pulley ;  a  polé  for  pu- 

nishing  criminais.  Trato  de  — , 

the  strapado. 
Polea,  sm.  (in  Ásia)  a  mechanic 

or  low  workman. 
Poleame,  sm.  (in  a  ship)  ali  the 

blocks    or    pulleys    belonging 

to  it. 
Poleeiro,  sm.  a  pulley-maker. 
Polegada,  sf.  an  inch. 
Polegar,  adj.  m.  O  dedo  — ,  the 

Polegar,  sm.  the  thumb,  the  greát 

toe.  —  da  vide^  that  part  of  the 

branch  of  a  vine  which  remains 

after  pruning. 
Poleiro,  sm.  a  roost,  a  polé. 
Polemarco,   sm.    {anttq.)  pole- 

marchus  :  a  Grecian  magistrate. 
'Po\QiUÚfiQL>  sf .  igolemics. 
'PoVttDÚfiO,  Sl,  aàj.^^evsvvçalk.. 
PoIQXíXAl,  st .  «b>KMi^  qI  ^«sívfò\aa.í^^ 
oí  ÍLBva  «DÃ.  Ockftwaa. 


—  589  — 


Poleo,  a.  adj.  polar. 

Polha,  sf.  ianc)  a  hen;  (at  play) 

a  mark  of  coanter. 
Polliastro,  sm.  a  tall  young  man. 
Polhelra,  sf.  a  large  petticoat. 
Policia,    sf.   police;   politeness, 

Policiado,   a,  pp.  adj.  policed, 

Policial,  adi.    2  g.    of  or  con- 

ceming  police. 
Policiar,  va.  to  civilize,  to  polish : 

to  establish  policy  In  a  town. 
Polidamente,  adv.  politely. 
Polidez,  sf.  politeness. 
Polido,  a,  Tpp.  adj.  polished,  well- 

bred,  polite.  —  em  alguma  arte 

or  «ctencta,  skllled  in  any  art  or 

Polidor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  polisher. 
Polidura,  sf  polishing,  politure. 
Polilha,  sf  a  moth.   Comido  de 

— ,  moth-eaten. 
Poliin,  sm.  Andar  a  pé — ,  to  hop. 

Em  polinsy  up  aloft,  on  hign. 
Polimento,  5m.  polishing;  asort 

of  colour  used  by  painters.  — 

da  lingua,  eloqaence. 
Polio,  sm.  {bot.)  poleymountain. 
PoUr,  va.  and  trr.  to  polish,  to 

smooth ;  to  ânish. 
Politica,  sf.  policy,  politics ;  po- 
Politicamente,  adv.  politically ; 

politely,  courteously. 
Politicar,  va.  and  n.  to  politize. 
Politico,  a,  adj.  politic,  politicai, 

cunning ;  civil.  —  sm,  a  politi- 

Polka,  sf  polka, 
Pollegada,  sf  an  inch.  Y.  Pole- 
Pollen,  sm.  {bot.)  poUen. 
PoUex,  sm.  the  thumb. 
Pollação,  sf  poUution,  profana- 

Polluir,  va,  to  pollute,  to  stain. 
PoUuto,  a,  pp.   adj.    poUuted; 

Polme,  sm.  a  sort  of  paste. 
Polo,  sm.  polé  in  the  heavens.  O 

—  árctico^  the  axctic  pole.  De  um 

—  a  outro,  from  pole  to  pole. 
^stes  são  08  dois  poios  de  |con- 

troversia,  these  are    the    two 

hinges  of  the  controversy. 
Polpa,  sf  pulp,  brawn  ;  the  fleshy 

part  of  meat. 
Polpudo,  a,  adj.  pulpv,  brawny. 
Poltrão,  Poltrona,  aâj.  m.  or  f. 

cowardly,   lazy.  —  sm.  a  pol- 

troon,  a  coward. 
Poltrona,  sf.   large    arm    chair 

stuffed.  [time  in  laziness* 

Poltronear,  vn.  to  idle,  to  lose 
Poltroneria,  sf  cowardice,  lazi- 

Polvarinho,  sm.  çowder-box. 
Polverino,  a,  adj.  pertaining  to 

Polverisação,  sf  pulverization. 
Polvilhado,   a,   pp.    adj.  pow- 

Polvilhar,  va.  to  powder  the  hair. 
Polvilhos,  sm.  pi.  hair-powder. 
Polvo,  sm.  SL  fish  called  pour- 

Pólvora,  sf  gun-powder. 
Polvorento,  a,  aâj.  dusty. 
Polvorista,  sm.  one  that  makes 

Polvorizar,  va.  to  powder,  to  re- 

duce    to   powder,   to   sprinkle 

with  salt. 
Polvorosa,    sf.  Pôr  em  — ,   to 

waste,  to  lay  waste. 
Polvoroso,  a,  adj.  dusty. 
Polyaoantho,  sm.  {bot.)  polya- 

cantha.  [delphia. 

Pol3radelphia,  sf.  {bot.)  polya- 
Polyandria,  sf  {bot.)  polyandria. 
Polyantho,  sm.  polyanth. 
Polysurohia,  sf  polyarchy. 
Polychordo,  a,  adj.  poiychord. 
Polycresto,  a,  adj.  (cheín.)  po- 

Polyedro,  sm.  polyedron.  — ,  a, 

adj.  polyedrous. 
Polygala,  sf  (bot.)  polygala. 
Polygamia,  sf  polygamy. 
Polygamista,  sm.  polygamist. 
Polygamo,  «m.  polygam. 
Polygeno,  a,  adj.  polygenous. 
Polyglotto^  a,  adj.  ^Q.Viv6^«ax. 
PolyqoiiO,  sm.  ^^geom^^ '^^^%'!»^^ 


dUb«r  — ■-»■  . 


—  590  — 


Polygrapho,  sm.  polygraph. 
Polycnmia,  sf.  (bot.)  polygm. 
Polyxnathia,  sf.  polymathy. 
Polyinathico,  a,   aaj.   pol^nma- 

Polymita,  sf.  twisted  with  va- 
riou» coloured  threads. 
Pol3mesia.  sf.  (geog.)  Polyncsia. 
Polsmomo,  sm.  po^nome. 
Polypetalo,  a,  adj.  [bot.)  poly- 

Polyphonia,  sf.  pol^hony. 
Polyphonico,  a.  adj.  polyphonic. 
Poljrpo,  .««.  polypus. 
Polypedio,  sm.'  [bot.)  polypody. 
Polyposo,  a,  adj.  polypous. 
Polyscopo,  sm.  polyscope. 
Polyspenno,  a.  adj.  (hot.)  poly- 

sperníous,  [polysylíatMJus. 

Polysyllabo,  a,  adj.  polysyllabic, 
Polytechnico,  a,  adj.  polytech- 

Polytheismo,  sm.  polytheism. 
Polytheista,  sm.  polylheist. 
Poly tricô,  sm.  (í»oí.)polytricbTim. 
Polyvalvo,  a,  adj'.  polyralvous. 
Poma,  sf.  map. 
Pomada,  sf.  pomatum. 
Pomagem,  sf.  orchanl. 
Pomar,  .sm.  orchard. 
Pomareiro,  sm.  orchardist. 
Pomba,  sf.  a  f em  ale  dove. 
Pombal,  sm.  a  dore-house. 
Pombeiro.  sm.  a  honie-bom  slave. 
Pombizibo,  sm.  a  little  dovc ;  a 

sort  oí'  colour  used  by  paisters. 

Olhos  pombinhos^  leering  ej-es. 
Pombo,  sm.  a  male  dove  of  pi- 

geon.   Gritar  o  — ,  to  coo  as  a 

pigeon.  —  trocaZy  a  ring-dove, 

Cavailo  — ,  a  verv  -white  horse. 

Homem  — ,  an  old  grey-haired 

Pombo,  a,  adj.  "white,  grey. 
Pomeridlano,   a,    adj.    in    the 

Pomes   or    Pedra-Pomes,    sf. 

Xhjò  pumice-stone. 
Pomifero,  a,  ojdj.  pomiferons. 
Pomo^  sm.  any  sort  of  apple. 
JPaznozia,  sf.  (myth.)  Pomona. 
Pompa,  sf.  pomp. 
Pompear,  vn.  to  strut  •,  to  "ii^ve 

Pomposamente,  adv.  pompous- 

Pomposo,  a,  adj.  pompous. 
PoBçdo,    sm.   puncn    {tnttr.)   V. 

Ponche,  sm.  punch  {limior). 
Poncheira.  sf.  a  puncn-bovl. 
Ponçó.5m.  Cor  de—,  deep.scarlet 

colour.  [consideration, 

Ponderação,     sf.    ponderation, 
Ponderadamente,  adv.  ponder- 

ingly.  [considejred. 

Ponderado,  SLypp.adj.  vei^rbed, 
Ponderador,  sm.  ponderer. 
Ponderar,  va.   to   considcr,    to 

"Weiph.  [tive. 

Pondierativo,  a.  adj.  considera- 
Ponderavel,  adj.  2  g.  conside- 

rable.  [important. 

Ponderoso,  a,  adj.   ponderous. 
Pondo,  sm.  a  coin  ^orth  C  vintins 

(at  Mozambique). 
Ponta,  sf.  a  peak  or  point.  Ferir 

de  — ,  to  thrust,  to  vound  with 

the  point  of  a  weapon.  —  dope\ 

tiptoe.  Ter  boa  —  de  lingua^  to 

be  an  eloquent  person.  —  de  boi^ 

the  horn  of  an  ox. 
Pontada,  sf.  a  stitch,   a  sharp 

Pontado,a,  adj.  basted,  disposed. 
Pontagudo,  a,  adj.  sharp-point- 

Pontal,  sm.  the  dopth  of  a  ship ; 

the  space  betveen  t*'o  decks. 
Pontal,  adi.  2  g.  Pregos  pontoes^ 

large  nails  or  iron  spikes. 
Pontalete,  sm.  a  stay,  a  shore 

for  a  house,  a  prop  :  stanchions. 
Pontão,  sm.  a  strong  âat  boat, 

a  poDtoon. 
Pontapé,  sm.  a  kick,  a  spurn. 
Pontaria,  sf.  the  act  of  aiming. 
Pontas,  sf.  pi.  Correr  — ,  to  run 

Ponte,  sf.  bridge.  —  de  barcas^  a 

bridge  of  boats.  —  levadiça.,  a 

drav-bridge.  Nuoio  de  três  — s, 

a  three  decker. 
Ponteado,  R^pp.adj.  basted. 
'PonXidvx^  %a.  tA  bast. 


—  591  — 


Ponteiro,  sm.  the  quill  lused  to 

play  upon  a  harp ;  a  sort  of 

chisel  used  by  stone-cutters.  — 

de  relógio^  a   >^'atch  or  clock 

Ponteiro,  a,  adj.  contrary.  Vento 

— ,  contrary  wind. 
Pontico,  a,  adj.  pontic.  O  mar 

— ,  the  Black  sea. 
Ponticula,    sf.   a    small    dra^v'- 

bridge.  [tiiicate. 

Pontiiicado,   sm.  papacy,  pon- 
Pontifical,  adj.  2  g.  pontifical ; 

splendid.  [cally. 

Pontificalmente.    adv.    pontiíi- 
Pontífice,  sm.  pontiff. 
Pontifício,  a,  adj.  pontifical. 
Pontinha,  sf.  a  smalí  peak  or 

point.  [gtitch. 

Pontính.o,  sm.  a  small  point  or 
Pontista,  S7n.  a  mau  of  a  sharp 

or  quick  "wit. 
Ponto,  sm.   a  stitch,  a  se-wing 

with  a  needle  ;  a  point.  a  stop. 

—  final,  fuU  point  (.)  Dois  pon- 
tos, a  cólon  (:)  Ponto  e  virgula, 
a  semicolon  (:)  tàe  fret  of  an 
instrument :  the  sight  in  a  gun ; 
the  size  of  a  shoe.  Sapato  de 
tantos  pontos,  a  shoe  of  snch  a 
size.  Assucar  em  — ,  sugar  made 
fit  to  preserve  fruits  :  occasion, 
opportunity ;  moment.  A  um  — , 
in  company,  together.  Ao  ponto 
que  — ,  as  Roon  as.  De  todo  — , 
totally,  fully.  Estar  a  — ,  to  be 
ready;  thlng,  matter,  particu- 
lar ;  State,  condition ;  height, 
degree ;  aim,  design.  Não  dar 

—  seyn  nó,  to  be  mercenary. 
Fazer  — ,  to  stop  payment; 
[geog.  astr.^  point.  —  de  Ingla- 
terra, English  point.  Meio  dia 
em  — ,  high  noon.  Ir  de  —  em 
branco,  to  be  very  well  dressed. 

Pontoado,  a,  adj.  spotted,  bes- 

Pontoneiro,  sm.  an  ofâcer  char- 

fed  of  ali  things  belonging  to 
Pontoso,  a,  adj.  punctilious,  ca- 

^^tna^o,  sf.  punctuation. 
■PMtiMl,  adj.  2  g.  punctual. 

Pontualidade,  sf.  puuctuality, 

Pontualmente,  adv.  punctually. 

Pontudo,  a,  adfj.  sharp,  harsh; 

Pontura,  sf.  punctura.  V.  Puvc- 

Popa,  sf.  the  poop  of  a  sbip.  Em 
— ,  aft  or  abaft.  Vento  em  — , 
stern  wind. 

Po{)liteo,a.  adj.  crooked,  curve; 
{med.)  poplitic. 

População,  sf.  population. 

Populacho,  sm.  populacy. 

Popular,  adj.   2  g.  popular. 

Popularidade,  sf.  popularitj: 

Popularísado,  a,  pp.  adj.  popu- 

Popularísar,  va.  to  popularize. 

Popularmente,  adv.  popularly. 

Populeâo,  sm.  {pharm.)  populeum. 

Populeo.  a,  adj.  belonging  to 
the  poplar-tree.  [pled. 

Populoso,  a,  adj.  populous,  peo- 

Por,  prep.  for;  sometimes denotes 
that  a  thing  is  not  yet  done  : 
as  :  esta  obra  está  por  acabar, 
this  work  is  not  yet  finished.  — 
demais,  unwillingly,  spitefully ; 
out  of ;  as  :  fallaxs  nisso  só  — 
inveja,  it  is  out  of  envy  only 
you  speak  it.  —  medo,  out  of 
fear.  —  onde?  ■which  vay? 
through.  Passarei  —  França,  I 
will  go  through  France.  — 
diante,  before.  — detraz,  behind. 

—  ventura,  perhaps ;  in ;  as :  elles 
são  vinte  po)'  todos,  they  are 
twenty  in  ali ;  in  ;  as  :  — premio. 
as  a  reward.  —  isso,  therefore. 

—  dentro,  within.  —  fora,  with- 
out;  although,  as :  ser  decota  or 

—  devota  que  seja,  não  deixa  de 
ser  mulher,  although  she  is  a 
religious  womau,  yot  she  is  a 
woman.  DeiToram-no  —  mortOs 
he  was  left  for  dead.  Nem  — 
isso.,  nevertheless.  Vai  —  vinho, 
go  fetch  some  "wine. 

Pôr,  va.  to  place,  to  ^w^x  ^-<a  \"*>5 
or  aet  m  íl  \íVa.cfc.  —  ^«t  \»a\x*>, 
to  p\A  \XT1ÔL%T .  —  pov  cvtaa, V»  ^í«^ 

cm  perigoso  ^e^x  va  ^vvv.«>«  ^ 


—  592  — 


/im,  to  make  an  end.  —  ovos, 
to  iay  eggs.  —  tenda^  to  set  up 
a  shop.  —  casa,  to  set  up  house- 
keeping.  —  silencio^  to  nush.  O 

—  ao  sol,  the  sun-set.  Pôr-se, 
vr.  —  á  sombra,  to  get  into  the 
shade. —  á  mesa,  to  sit  at  table. 

—  fora  da  companhia  de  sua 
mulher,  to  put  away  one's  wife. 

Porão,  sm.  the  hold  of  a  ship. 

Porca,  sf.  a  sow.  —  da  machina 
de  imprimir,  the  nut  of  a  print- 
er's  press. 

Porcada,  sf.  a  herd  of  swine ; 

Porcalhão,  sm.  Porcalhona,  sf. 
very  nasty,  dirty.  [çig. 

Porcalho,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  sucking 

Porcaria,  sf.  íilthiness,  slovenli- 
ness.  [swine. 

Porcariço,   sm.   one  who  feeds 

Porção,  sf.  a  portion,  part;  for- 
tune ;  wife's  lortune.  —  da  legi- 
tima, a  portion  given  to  a  child, 
a  fortune ;  allowance. 

Porcellana,  sf.  porcelain,  China 
ware.  [hog. 

Porcino,  a,  adj.  belonging  to  a 

Porcionario,  sm.  portioner. 

Porcioneiras,  sf.  pi.  a  sort  of 
languet  or  tongues  in  the  fore 
wheels  of  a  coach. 

Porcionista,  sm.  (in  a  coUege)  a 
fellow  comraoner. 

Piorciuncula,  sf.  a  small  portion. 

Porco,  sm.  hog,  pig,  boar;  a  male 
swine ;  {fi-g.)  a  dirty  person. 
Como  — ,  noggishly.  —  barrão,  a 
boar-pig.  —  castrado^  a  barrow 
ho^.  —  cevado,  a  fatted  hog.  — 
espinho,  porcupine.  Peixe  — ,  a 
porpoise.  Do  — ,  hoggish. 

Porco,  a,  adj.  nasty,  dirty,  filthy. 

Pordavante,  adv.  loc.  going 

Porea,  sf.  a  soup  made  with  the 
fécula  of  vegetables. 

Porejar,   vn.   to  exsude  by  the 

pores.  *[less. 

Porózn,  conj.  but,  yet,  neverthe- 

J'oreiide,  adv.  {anc>i  theretoto. 

JPorfia,  sf.  contention,  obsVmacy , 

j?erseverance.  A'  —,  adv.  atrV- 

ving  to  outdo  one  anotber. 

Porfiadamente,  adv,  positivelv* 

obstinately.  [obstinatelv. 

Porfiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  stands 
Porfiador,  a,  adj.  and  s.  that 

stands  obstinately. 
Porfiar,  vn.  to  stand  obstinately. 
Porfido,    sm.    hnin.)    porphyry- 

stone.  V.  Porphyro. 
Porfioso,    a,   ao;,    contentious, 

stubborn,  continuai. 
Porfirião,  sm.  {nat.    hist.)   por- 

phyrio ;  a  water  fowl. 
Por    meio,    adv.    loc.    among, 

amongst.  [pin. 

Pomo,  sm.  a  great  iron  nail  or 
Poro,  sm.  pore,  spiracle  of  the 

skin.  [rosity. 

Porosidade,  sf.  porousness,  pb- 
Poroso,  a,  adj.  porous. 
Porphyrisaçao,  sf  porphyriza- 

tion.  [phyrize. 

Porphyrisar,  va.  [pharmT)  to  por- 
Porphyro,  sm.  {miner.)  porphyry. 
Porphyrogenito,  sm.  porphyro- 

genitus.  [anciently  used. 

Porpoem,  sm.  a  sort  of  doublet 
Porqnianto,  adv.  loc.  for  as  much 

as,  since,  whereas. 
Porque,  adv.  why,   for  why.  — 

não  vindes  ?  why    do  not  you 

come?  O  — ,   sm.   the    reason 

cause  ;  for,  because.  —  or  para 

que,  that,  in  order  to. 
Porqueira,  sf.  a  hog-sty. 
Porqueiro,  sm.  a  swine  herd. 
Porquidade,  sf.  nastiness. 
Porquidão,  sf.  nastiness. 
Porra,  sf.  a  club  ;  the  penis. 
Porraceo,  a,  adj,  green,  like  a 

Porrada,  sf.  a  blow  with  a  club ; 

a  good  draught  of  wine. 
Porral,  sm.  a  lield  of  leeks. 
Porrão,    sm.  a  narrow  eartheu 

vessel.  [fellow. 

Porreta,  sm.  a  good  for  nothing 
Porro,  sm.  leek. 
Porta,  sf.  door,  gate.  —  grande^ 

a  great  door.  —  da  rua,  a  street- 

door.  —  traseira,  a  back-door. 

Tranca  da  — ,  a  door-bar.  Fer- 

rollu»  da  — ^íl  ÔlOwXíOíX..  FíkTa  tio. 

StetTV.  A.  -,  ^^  o-  —  OlXomauo., 


—  593  — 


the  Porte,  the  court  of  the 
graDd  seignior.  —  levadiça^  a 
portcullis  ;  narrow  passages 
oetween  hills.  As  portas  Cos- 
fias^  the  Caspian  straits.  A'  — , 
at  the  door,  at  hand  ;  gap,  occa- 
sion.  Portas^  {mar.)  the  ports. 

Porta,  sm.  a  bearer.  V.  Portaban- 
deira,  etc.  [vina. 

Porta-clavina,  sf.  V.  Portacra- 

Portacollo,  sm.  a  protocol;  port- 

Portada,  sf.  tbe  portal. 

Portado,  a,  pp.  adj.  arrived. 

Portador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  the  bearer 
of  a  letter  or  the  like. 

Portaestandarte,  sm.  standard- 
bearer,  ensign. 

Portafrasco,  sm.  the  string  on 
"which  the  powder-horn  hangs. 

Portageiro,  sm.  the  gatherer  of 
the  toU  or  duty  called  portagem. 

Portagem,  sf.  a  toll  or  custom 
paid  at  what  are  called  portos, 
passes  on  the  mountains,  cus- 
tom paid  for  goods  carried  by 

Portal,  sm.  the  portal,  frontis- 
piece  of  a  bailding. 

Portalapis,  sm.  a  pencil-case. 

Portalõ,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  quarter- 
deek  ladder.  [P^r. 

Portamachado,  sm.  {mil.)  a  sap- 

Portanovas,  sm.  and  f.  news- 

Portanto,  adj.  2  g.  {a  sea  term) 
Ancora  — ,  the  anchor  that  holds 
a  ship.  [quently. 

Portanto,  adv.  therefore,  conse- 

Portão,  sm.  a  large  door. 

Portapaz,  sm.  (cath.  church)  pax. 

Portapenas,  sm.  (poet.)  that 
grieves  one  at  his  neart. 

Portar,  vti.  {anc.)  to  arrive  into 
a  port.  [self. 

Portar-se,    vr.  to  behave  one's 

Portaria,  sf.  the  lodge  of  a  door- 
keeper  ;  a  determination  of  the 
king ;  a  grant  of  a  place  or  pro- 

Portátil,  adj.  2  g.  portable. 

Portavoz,  sm.  a  speaking  trum- 

Porte,  sm,  the  posta^e  of  a  let- 

ter ;  the  burden  of  a  ship  ;  hire 

for  carrying ;  behaviour ;  man- 

ner ;  importance. 
Porteira,   sf.    portrcss,    female 

Porteiro,  sm.  porter,  door-keeper. 
Portella,  sf.  a  little  gate. 
Portento,  sm.  a  portent  or  pro- 

dfgy.  [tously. 

Portentosamente,   adv.  porten- 
Portentoso,  a,  adj.  portentous, 

Pórtico,  sm.  pórtico,  porch. 
Portilho,  sm.  a  small  breach  in 

a  -wall. 
Portinhola,  sf.  a  porthole.  —  do 

coche,  the  coach  door. 
Porto,  sm.  port,  harbour,  bay,  a 

littlè  gulph.    Portos  molhados, 

the  custom-house,  where  goods 

carried  by  sea  pay  a  duty.  Por- 
tos vedados,  the   custom-house 

where  com,  rye,  etc,  from  Spain 

to  Portugal,  pay  a  duty. 
Portachar,  va.  {a  sea  term)  to 

reef.  [reef  boles. 

Portuohas,  sf.  pi.  (a  sea  term)  the 
Portuchos,  sm.  pi.  the  holes  of 

a  wire-drawing  iron. 
Portuense,  adj.2g.  belongingto 

the  city  of  Porto.  —  s.  2  g.  one 

bom  in  that  city. 
Portugal,  sm.  {geog.)  Portugal. 
Portuguez,  a,  s.  and  adj.  m.  or  f. 

Portuguese     or    belonging   to 

Portuguezismo,  sm.  the  love  of 

Portuguese  things. 
Portuguezmente,    adv.    in  the 

Portuguese  manner. 
Portuoso,  a,  adj.  that  has  many 

ports.  [by  chance. 

Porventura,  adv.  loc.  perhaps, 
Porvir,  sm.  the  future  or  time  to 

Pos,  prep.  (anc.)after. 
Pós,  sm.  pi.  of  Pó.  —  de  sapato, 

lamp  black.  —  de  Joannes,  red 

precipitate.  [water. 

Posca,  sf.  vinogar  mingled  with 
Posdata,  sf.^ciçX^^\.<&. 
Poade\\w\a3vo,  Q..  adj.  ^^^\:^ 


—  594  — 


Posilga,  if.  a  hog-sty. 
Positar,  va.  {anc.)  to  deposite. 

V.  Depositar. 
Positivamente,  adv.  positively, 

Positivo,  a,  adj.  positive. 
Positura,  sf.  any  higher  degree 

of  dignity.  [dian. 

Posmerldiano.  a,  adj.  postmeri- 
Pospasto,  sm,  dessert. 
Pospello  (a),    ado.    against  the 

hair,  against  the  grain. 
Pospema,  sf.  gastoyns,  hinder- 

thigh  of  a  horse. 
Pospontado,  a,  pp.   adi.  made 

with  a  row  of  knottea  needle 

Pospontar,  va.  to  make  a  row 

of  knotted,  needle  work. 
Posponto,  sm.  a  row  of  knotted 

ncedie  work.  V.  Pesponto. 
Pospor,  va.  to  postpone,  to  es- 

tecm.  [position. 

Posposição,   sf.  {gramm.)  post- 
Pospositivo,    a,    adj.  {gramm.) 

postpositive.  [poDed. 

Posposto,     a,   pp.    adj.    post- 
Poscpietes,  sm.  pi.  {a  sea  term) 

partners.  [strength. 

Possança, «/".  potentness,  power. 
Possante,   adj.  2  g.   powerful, 

Posse,  sf.  possession;  enjoyment. 

Posses^  wealth,  fortune. 
Possessão,  sf.  possession ;  land, 

estato.  [sively. 

Possessivamente,  adv.  posses- 
Possessivo,  a,  adj.  possessive. 
Possesso,  a,   adj.  possessed. 
Possessor,   sm.  {in  law)  a  pos- 
Possessorio,    a,    adj.    {in  law) 

Possibilidade,  sf  possibility. 
Possibilitar,  va.  to    make  pos- 

Possilga,  sf  a  hog-sty. 
Possível,  adj.  2  g.  possible.  Fa- 
zer todo  o  — ,  tô    do  one's  ut- 

Possivelmente,  adv.  possibly. 
Possuído,  a,  pp.  adj.  possessed. 
Posauidoiro,  a,  adj.  tnatmay  \)ft 

Possuidor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  pos- 
sessor, owner. 

Possointe,  adj.  2  g.  possessor. 

Possuir,  va.  to  possess,  to  be 
master  of,  to  enjoy.  Possuir-se. 
vr.  to  command  one's  temper. 

Posta,  sf.  post,  quick  course  or 
manner  of  travelling.  Sege  de 
— ,  a  post-chaise.  Cavallo  de  — , 
a  post-horse.  Ir  pela  — ,  to  go 
post :  a  slice,  a  cnt,  a  piece. 

Postado,  a,  pp.  adj.  posted. 

Postal,  adj.  2  g.  or  or  belonging 
to  the  post. 

Postar,  va.  to  post,  to  place. 
to  station. 

Postcommanio,  sf.  postcommii- 
nion.  [date. 

Postdata,  sf.  post-date,  a  later 

Poste,  sm.  a  post  or  small  píllar. 

Poertejado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is  cnt 
in  pieoes. 

Poste jar,  va.  to  cnt  in  thick 
slices,  to  cut  to  pieces. 

Postema,  sf.  an  aposteme.  Y. 

Postemão,  sm.  (among  farriers) 
a  clasp-knife. 

Postergação,  sf  the  act  of 
throwing  behind    one's    back. 

Postergar,  va.  to  throw  behind 
one's  back,  to  leave  behind,  to 

Posteridade,  sf.  posteritjr. 

Posterior,  adj.2g.  posterior. 

Posteriores,  sm.  pi.  posterit^'. 

Posterioridade,  sf.  posterior- 
ity.  [since. 

Posteriormente ,     adv.     after, 

Póstero,  a,  adj.  future. 

Postescripto,  sm.  postscript. 

Posthumaria,  sf.  {anc.)  times 
and  events  after  one's  decease. 

Posthumo,  a ,  adj.  posthumous. 

Postiço,  a,  adj.  counterfeit. 
sham.  Cabellos  postiços ^  false 
hair.  Dentes  — ,  artificial  teeth. 

Postigo,  sm.  a  little  door,  wick- 
et ;  {fig.)  way,  means,  expe- 
dient;  the  scuttles  {mear.).  Pos- 
tigos da  tâmara,  dead  li^hts. 

'PoiítVVh&o,  sm.   l\i«    ^ide  that 


—  895  — 


PootillA,  sf.  postil,  a  marçinal- 

note.  Dar  — ,  to  make  a  dicta- 

Postulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  postílled. 
Postillador,  sm.  postiller. 
Postular,  va.  to  dictate  ;  to  lec- 

tare  from  a  manuscript. 
Postimaria,  sf.  {anc.)  end,  term, 

Postimeira,  adj.  f.  the  last. 
Postliminio,  sm.  postliminy. 
Postmeridiano,  a,  adj,  postme- 

Posto,  a,  pp.  adj.   put,  placed. 
Posto,  sm.  a  place,  an  employ- 

ment;  a  post  -^'here     soldiers 

are  stationed. 
Postoqnie,  conj.  although. 
Postreiro,  a,  adj.  last,  the  lat- 

ter  part  of. 
Postremo,  a,  adj.  last,  iinal. 
Postscripto,  sm.  posiscript. 
Postulação,  sf.  postulation,  de- 

mand.  [latum. 

Postulado,  sm.  postulate,  postu- 
Postulador,  sm.  postulator. 
Postulancia,  sf.  exigency,  want. 
Postulante,  pa.   and    adj,    one 

whorequires;  candidate. 
Postular,  va.  to  postulate. 
Postura,  sf.   posture,    position, 

gesture.  —    da  cidade^  a  law, 

statute    or     decree;    women's 

Postureiro,  sm.    he  who    sells 

'women^s  paints. 
Potagem,  sf.  soup,  porridge. 
Potassa,  «/'.potash;  potassa. 
Potássio  or  jPotassiuxn.  sm.  po- 

tassium.  [drinkable. 

Potável,     adj.    2    g.     potable, 
Pote,  sm.  pot,  an  earthen  pot  to 

keeç  "water  in ;  a  measure  for 

liquids  holding  six  Portuguese 

pints  {canada^. 
Potea,  sf.  putty. 
Potencia,  sf.  potency,  potence; 

Potencial,  adj.  2  g.  potential. 
Potencialmente,  ado.  potential- 

ly.  [narch. 

Potentado,  sm.  potentate,  mo- 
Potente,  adj.  ig.  potent,  power- 

Potentea,  adj.  {herald.)  Crux  --, 

Potentemente,    adv.    potentíy, 

Potenjbllla,  sf.  (bot.)  potentilla. 
Poterio,   sm.  {bot.)  poley-moun- 

Potema,    sf.     {fort.)    postem; 

Potestade,   sf.     divine    power; 

power,  authority,  strength ;  po 

destate  in  Venice,  etc. 
Poto,  sm.  a  draught.  V.  Bebida. 
Potra.  sf.  (med.)  a   rupture  or 

hérnia  in  the  scrotum. 
Potro,  sm.  a  horse-colt,  foal;  an 

engine  to  rack  malefactors. 
PotroBO,   a,     adj.  ruptured.  — 

sm.  one  that  is  ruptured. 
Pouco,  a,  adj.  little,  few ,  slight. 

Poucas   vezeSf    seldom.   Pouca 

saude^     sickliness.     —     cousa^ 

small  matter. 
Pouco,  cuiv.  little.  —  antesy  a  little 

beíbre.  —  a  — ,  by  degrees,  by 

little  and  little,  softly.  Dar-se 

—  de  uma   cousa^  to   be  little 

Pouco,  sm.  a  little,  somewhat. 

Por  um  — ,   for  a  little  while. 

Contentar-se  com  — ,  to  be  con- 

tcnt  with  a  little.  Ter  a  alguém 

em  — ,  to  have  little  esteem  for 

one.  (^hoop. 

Poupa,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  lapwingor 

Poupado,    a,   pp.  adj.   spared, 

saved.  [ving  man. 

Poupador,  a,    sm.   or  /*.  a  sar 

Poupar,  va.  and  n.  to  spare,  to 

save  :  to  lay  up,  to  exempt.  O 

—  do  tempOy  tne    economy  of 
one's  time.  [tleness. 

Pouquidade,  sf.  smallness,  lit- 
Pousada,  sf.  inn,  lodging. 
Pousadeiro,  sm.  Pousar,  vn.  Y. 

Poisadeiro^  Poisar  and  deriva- 

Pousio,  a,  adj.  fallowed.   Terra 

—a,  fallow  land. 
Pousio,  sm.  fallow  land. 
Pouso,  sm.  %.  ^\^cA  -«^cv^ix^i  w^ 

person    ox    mívklíX  -s^^n»'-^"^^ 

tree  xipoui  ^YÀgYv  ^ivcí^  ^«^^^. 


—  596  — 


son^s  body  when  in  bed.  Tomar 

— ,  to  cast  anchor. 
Pouta,  sf.  a  stone  used  by  fish- 

ermen  instead  of  a  grapnel. 
Poutar,  va.  —  o  barco^  to  stop 

a  boat  with  the    stone  called 

Povo,  sm.  people;   {fig.)  multi- 

tude,  vulgar. 
Povoação,  sf.    city,   town,  vil- 

lage ;  the  inhabitants  of  a  town 

or  conntry.  [populous. 

Povoado,    a,  pp.  adj.  peopled. 
Povoador,  sm.    a  peopler  of  a 

town  or  country. 
Povoar,  va.  to  people. 
Poya,  sf.  a  large  flat  loaf ;  ox  or 

cow  dung. 
Poyal,  sm.  a  jossing-block. 
Poyar  or  Poiar,  vn.  {a  sea  term) 

—  em  terra,  to  bear  in  with  the 

Pozzolana,  sf.  a  reddish  kind  of 

earth  used  in  Italy  for  sand. 
Praça,  sf.  market»  piazza,  square; 

a  fortified  place    or    hold;  an 

employment     or    ofíice;      ex- 

ehange.  Assentar — ,  tolist  as  a 

soldier.  —  morta^  a  soldier  in 

ordinary  pay  during  life.  Dia 

de  — ,  exchange  day. 
Pracebo,  sm.  {anc.)  dirge. 
Praceiraxnente,    adv.    publicly 

Praotioa,  sf.  practice.  V.  Prati- 
ca and  derivated. 
Pradaria,  sf.  cultivated  íields. 
Prado,  sm.  ameadow,  pastnre- 

ground.  [are  meadows. 

Pradoso,   a,    adj.  where   there 
Praga,  sf.  imprecation,  curse; 

public  calam  ity,  plague.  Rogar 

— *,  to  imprecate.  —  de  bichos^ 

a  swarm  of  worms. 
Pragana,  sf.  the  beard  of  com. 
Praganoso,  a,    adj.  full  of  the 

beards  of  com. 
Pragmática ,    sf.      pragmatic  ; 

royal  ordinance. 
A^^ejado,  a,  pp.  adj,  impre- 

cateá,  cursed. 
PraguejadOTy  a,  sm.  or  f.  curser. 
l^ragiie/amento,  adv,  the  act  oí 

Praguejar,  va.  to  imprecate,  t# 

Praguentaxuente,  adv.  with  im- 

Praguento,  a,  adj.  curser. 
Praia,  sf.    shore,  beach,  bank. 

Direitos  de  — ,  shorage. 
Prainadeira,  sf.  a  sort  of  chaf- 

fer  or  beetle. 
Prancha,    sf.    plank,    a    thick 

board ;  a  piece  of  metal ;  the 

flat  side  of  a  sword. 
Pranchada,  sf.  a    stroke  with 

the  flat  side  of  a  sword. 
Pranchão,  sm.  a  large  plank. 
Pranchar,  va.  to  strike  with  the 

flat  side  of  a  sword. 
Prancheta,    sf.    {surg.)  pledget 

of  lint ;  a  sort  of  mathematical 

instrument;  alittle  board. 
Pranteadeira,  sf.  a  weeper. 
Pranteado,  a,'j)p.  adj.  lamented, 

Pranteador,  sm.  one  whomourns 

or  laments.  [ment. 

Prantear,  va.  to  moum,  to  la- 
Pranto,  sm.  weeping,  lamenta- 

Prão  (de),  adv.  {anc.)  plaânly. 
Prasino,  a,  adj.  of  or  oelonging 

to  the  green  colour. 
Prasio,    sm.    a   kind    of  green 

stone.  [sured,  blamed. 

Prasmado,    a,    pp.    adj.     cen- 
Prasmar,  va.  to  censure,  to  bla- 

me.  V.  Vituperar.  • 
Prasmo,  «m.  leave,   permission; 

reprehension,  blame. 
Prata,  sf.  silver.  Fio  de  — ,  sil- 

ver  ware.    Vos  de  ~,  a  clear 

voice.  —  em  barras,  silver  bars ; 

{bot.)  silver-weed. 
Prataria,  sf.  silver  plate. 
Pratas,  ancient  sort  of  de- 

fensive  armour. 
Prateado,  a,  pp.  adj.  silvered. 
Pratear,  va.  to  silver  over,  to 

cover    with    silver;    (fig.)     to 


Prateiro,  sm.  a  silversmith. 
PTOitelelca,  sf.  and  Prateleiro, 

sm.  «LS^^ftXÇ. 



—  597  — 


Praticado,  a,  pp.  adj.  practised. 
Pratloador,  sm.  a  practiser. 
Praticamente,  adv.  çractically. 
Praticante,  sm.  practitioner. 
Praticar,  va.  to  practise. 
Praticável,  adj.  2  g.  practicable, 

Pratico,  a,  adi.,  practical;  expe- 

rienced,   skilful ,    expert ;    sm, 

(naut.)  harbour-pilot. 
Praticultura,   sf.  the  practical 

science  of  husbandry. 
Prato,  sm.  plate,  dish.  Fazer  — 

de  alguma  cousa,   to   praise  a 

t^ing,    to    propose    it   as    an 

example.  [ness. 

Pravidade,  sf.  pravity,  wicked- 
Pravo,  a,  adj.  wicked,  perverse. 
Praxe  or  Praxi,  sf.  V.  Pratica. 
Praxista,  sm.  one  that  is  skilled 

in  law.  [Aprazível. 

Prazente,  adj.  2  g.  pleasant.  V. 
Prazentear,   va.   to  flatter,  to 

praise  falsely. 
Prazenteiro ,    a ,    adj.    merry, 

pleasant.  [santly. 

Prazenteiramente,  adv.  plea- 
Prazer,  sm.  pleasure,  delignt.  A 

seu  — ,   {cuiv.  loc.)  at  his  own 

Prazer,  vn.  to  çlease.  This  verb 

is  only  used  m  the    following 

tenses :  praz-me,  it  is  my  plea- 

sare.  Praza  a  Deus!  God  grant ! 

Prouvera  a  Deus!  woold  to  God ! 

Prouvendo  a  Deus!  if  it  please 

to  God ! 
Prazimento,  sm.  Y.  Àprazimenio. 
Prazo,  sm.  a  term  allowed  to  do 

any  thinjg:,  or  to   appear  in  a 

court  of  justice. 
Prè,    sm.    stipend    paid    before 

hand  or  advanced  pay. 
Proa,  sf.  prey.  V.  Presa. 
Preadeúnatico,  a,  adj.  preada- 

mitic.  [alleged. 

Preallegado,  a,  adj.  before 
Preamar,  sm.  flood  or  high  wa- 

ter.  [bles  or  prefaces. 

Preambular,  va.  to  make  pream- 
Preamlmlo,  sm.  preamble,  pre- 

i^ô.  [violence. 

«w»,  Pa.  to  prey,  to  seize  by 
A-Alvonda,  sf.  a  prebend. 

Prebendado,  sm.  a  prebendary. 
Prebendaria,   sf.    prebendary- 

Prebendeiro,    sm.     an    ofâcer 

whose  business  is  to  recover 

ali  the  money  due  to  the  uni- 

Preboste,  sm.  the  provost. 
Precação,  sf.  {anc.)  a  gathering 

or  levy  ofa  tax. 
Precalçar,  va.  to  get,  to  gain. 
Precalço,  sm.  gain,  profít. 
Precariamente,  adv.  precarious- 

Precário,  a,  adj.  precarious. 
Precatadamente,  acZu.  withpre- 

Precatado,   a,   pp.   adj.   wary, 

Precatar,  va.  to  precaution,  to 

forewarn,  to  avoid,  to  provide 

against.     Precatar-se,    vr.    to 

Precatória,  sf.  a  letter  from  a 

Precatório,  a,  adj.  that  requests 

the  execution  of  a  thing. 
Precaução,    sf.    precaution;    a 

preservativo.  [tious. 

Precaucionar-se,  vr.  to  be  cau- 
Precautelar,  vn.  to  prevent,  to 

obviate.  [tive. 

Precautorio,  a,  adj.  preserva- 
Precaver,  va.  to  prevent,  to  ob- 
viate. [ed. 
Precavido,  a,  pp.  adj.  prevent- 
Precedencia,  sf.  precedency. 
Precedente,  adj.   2    g.    prece- 

dent,  fore-going. 
Precedentemente,  adv.  prece- 

Preceder,  va.  to  precede,  to  go 

Precedido,  a,  pp.  adj.  preceded. 
Preceito,  sm.  a  precept,  a  man- 
Preceituado,  a,  pp.  adj.  given 

as  a  precept.  [cepts. 

Preceituar,  va.    to    give   çre- 
Prooepil.WaTciQxiXib^    oA\i.   vs^  **• 

precôpXvve  \xslmwi«ç.  .^,^ 




—  598  — 


Preoeptoria,  sf,  a  pr«ceptress. 
Preceptora,  sf.  tntorship. 
Preceptorial,   aãj.  2  g.  precep- 

Preces,  sf.  pi.  prayers. 
Precessão,  sf.  precession. 
Precingir,  va.  to  tie  abont. 
Precinta,  sf.  the  rope  or  sack- 

in{^  bclonging  to  a  bedstead. 
Precintado,  a,  pp.  adj.  girded. 
Precintar,  va.   to    gird,    to  tie 

Precinto,  sm.  precinct. 
Preciosamente,  adv.  preciously. 
Preciosidade,     sf.     preciosiõ^, 

Precioso,  a,  adj.  precious,  va- 

luable  ;  affected. 
Precipicio,  stn.  precipice. 
Precipitação,    sf.  precipitancy, 

Precipitadamente,  adv.  precip- 

Precipitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  precip- 

itated ;  rash,  inconsiderate. 
Precipitado,  sm.  {chem.)  precip- 

itatç.  [itant. 

Precipitante,  adj.  2  g.  preeip- 
Preoipitar,  va.  to  precipitate. 
Precipite,  adj.  2  g.  precipitated. 
Predpi teria,  sf.  an  engioe  for- 

meríy  used  to  batter  walls. 
Precipitoso,  a,  ad;.  precipitoas; 

Precipuamente,    adv.    mainly, 

above  ali. 
Precipuo,    a,    adj.    the   main; 

Precisado,    a,  pp.  adj.   forced, 

Precisamente ,    adv.     exactly, 

Precisão,  sf.  precision,  precise- 

ness,  clearness ;  want,  poverty. 
Precisar,  va.  to  -want,  to  oblige. 

—  vn.  to  want,  to  need.    Preci- 

sa-se,  it  is  needful. 
Preciso,  a,  adj.  absolutely  ne- 

cessary,  precise.  —  sm.  O  —  do 
rigor  histórico^    the  bonads  of 
Precito,  sm.  reprobate.   Os  pre- 
eitos,  the  damned.  [bipave. 

Preclaro,  a,  adj,  noble,  famoas, 

Preço,  Mt.  inrice,  vaiue,  rate. — 

corrents^  price  current.  V.  Esti- 
mado, [soon  ripe. 
Precoce,  ojij.   2    g.  precocious. 
Precocidade ,     sf.    precocious' 

Precognição,    sf.  precognitiou. 
Precognito,   a,  aaj.  known  b«- 

fore.  [opinion. 

Preconceito,  sm.  preconceit, 
Preconisação,  sf.  preconisation. 
Preconisado,  a,  pp.   adj.   pro- 

Preconisador,     sm.    crier;    he 

who  preconises. 
Preconisar,  va.  to  preconise'. 
Precorrer,  va.  and  n.  to  foreran. 
Precordia,  sf.   {anat.)  precordia. 
Precursor,  sm..  precursor,  har- 

Precursor,  a,  adj.   prccursory. 
Predatório,  a,  aaj.  predatory. 
Predecessor,  a,  sm.  ox  f.  prede- 

cessor.  —  sm.  pi.  ancestors. 
Predefinição,  sf.  predetermiiia- 

Predefinido,  a,  pp.  adj,  prede- 

Predefinir,  va.  to  predetermine. 
Predestinação,    sf.  predestina- 

tion.  [destinated. 

Predestinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pre- 
Predeatinar ,    va.    to  predesti- 

nate,  to  preordain. 
Predestinista,  sm.  one  who  de- 

nies  the  doctrine  of  predestina- 

Predeterminação,  sf.  predeter» 

Predeterminado,  a,    pp.  adj. 

Predeterminar,    va.  tô  prede- 
Predial,  adj.  2  g,  predial,  con- 

sisting  of  farms. 
Predica,  sf.  the  art  of  preachin^. 
Predicado,    sm,  {log.)  a  predi- 

Predicador,  sm.  a  preacher;  a 

protestant  minister. 
Predicados,  sm.  pi.  erBaments, 


c\asaed  ^litk  a  f  redicaaest. 



—  599  — 


Predioamental,  ad).  2  g.  prc- 

Pxvdioameiítar .   va.    to    class 

with  a  predicament. 
Predicamento,  «»i.  a  predica- 
ment, repute.  [preawiher. 
Predicante ,    «m.    a  protestant 
Predicativo,  a,  adj.  predicato- 

ry :  fsX.  for  a  sermon  or  belong^ 

ing  to  it. 
Predicavel,  adj.  2  g.    fA  for  a 

sernton ;  that  may  be  preached. 
Predicção,  if,  prediction,   divi- 

Predilecção,  if.  predilection. 
Predilecto,  a,  aaj,  preferred. 
Prédio,  sm.  a  farm :  farni-house. 
Predisponente,  adj.    2  g,  pre- 

Predispor,  va.  to  predispose. 
Predisposição,    sf,    predisposi- 

^on.  [disposed. 

Predisposto,    a,  ^.   adj.  pre- 
Predito,  a,  pp.  adj.  predictea. 
Predizer,  va.  to  preaict,  to  fore- 

PredoxuinaçSo ,     sf.    predomi- 

nance,  iníluence. 
Predominado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pre- 

dominatcd.  [nant. 

Predominador ,    sm.    predomi- 
Predomlnancia ,    sf.    predomi- 

nance.  [vailing. 

Predominante,  adj.  2    g.  pre- 
Predominar,  va.  and  n.  to  pre- 

Predomínio,  sm.  predominaney. 
Preeleger,  va.  to  pre-elect,  to 

choose  hefore  bana. 
Preelegido,    a,    pp.    adj.  pre- 
elect  ed. 
Preeleição,  sf.  pre-election. 
Preeleito,  a,  pp.    adj.  irreg.  of 

/'ree/c^ír;  pre-elocted.  [ce. 

Preeminência,    sf.  pre-eminen- 
Preeminente,   adj.    2    g.   pre* 

Preeminentemente,  adv.  pre- 

Preempção,  sf.  pre-emption. 
Preencher,  va.  to  fulíil,  to  per- 

form  :  to  answer. 
Preenchido,    a,    fía-  adj.    ful- 

âUed,  perfonned. 

Preenchimento,  sm.  fu]íilmciit« 
fulfilling.  [blisb. 

Preestabelecer,  va.  to  pre-esta- 

Preexamlnar,  va.  to  pre-exa- 
mine.  [lence. 

Preexoellenoia,    sf.    pre-cxcel- 

Preezcellente,  adj.  lg.  pre-ex- 
cellent.  [trions. 

Preexcelso,  a,   adj.  very  illus- 

Preexistencia,  5/1  pre-existence. 

Preexistente,  aaj.  2  g.  pre- 

Preexistir,  vn.  to  pre-exisL 

Prefação,  sm.  a  preface. 

Prefacio,  sm.  preface,  introdnc- 

Prefeito,  sm,  prefect,  govcrnor ; 
cbief  master  of  a  college. 

Prefeitura,  sf.  prefecture ;  pre- 

Preferencia,  sf.  preference. 

Preferente,  sm.  one  -^'bo  prefers 
a  thing  to  any  otber. 

Preferido,  a,  pp.  adi.  preferred. 

Preferir,  va.  to  prefer. 

Preferível,  adj.  2  g.  preferablc. 

Préfica,  sf.  a  woman  bircd  to 
mourn  at  one's  burlai. 

Prefiguração,  sf.  preflgiiration. 

Prefigurado,  a.  pp,  adj.  prefigu- 
rated,  proflgured. 

Prefigurador,  sm.  one  'wbo  pre- 

Prefigurar,  va.  to  prefigure. 

Prefiguratlvo,  a,  adj.  preflgu- 

Prefinido,  a,  adj.  prefined. 

Prefinir,  va.  to  prcfine. 

Prefixamente,  adv.  in  an  ap- 
pointed  beforeband  mauner. 

Prefixar,  va.  to  prefíx. 

Prefixo,  a,  adj.  preíixed. 

Prefulgente,  adj.  2  g,  brigbt, 

Prefulgir,  vn.  to  ligbt,  to  shine. 

Prega,  sf.  crumple ;  plait,  fold. 

Pregação,  sf.  apreacbing;  ser- 

Pregadiço,  a,  adj.  nailed. 

Pregado,  a,  pp.  adj.  nailed. 

Pregado,  a,  pp.  adj.  preached. 

Pregador,  sm.  a  preachen 

Pregadora,  sf.  rnsov^  TkKCk&u^kVvb. 


600  — 


Pregagem,  sf.  manv  nails  set  in 

order  to  fasten  a  thing. 
Pregaltaas,  prayers. 
Pregão,  «m.  proclamation,  publi- 

Pregar,  va.  to  nail,  to  fix.  —  or 

cravar  os  olhos  em  alguém,  to 

fix  one's  eyes  upon  one.  —  os 

olhosy  to  shut  the  eyes. 
Pregar,  va.  to  preach. 
Pregarias,  sf.  pi.  prayers. 
Prego,  sm.  nail,  an  iron  pin.  Ca- 
beça do  — ,  the  head  of  a  nail ; 

the  horn  of  a  young  deer. 
Pregoado,  a.,pp.  adj.  proclaimed, 

Pregoador,  sm.   one   who  pro- 

claims  or  publishes. 
Pregoar,  va,  to  cry,  to  proclaim. 
Pregoeiro,  sm.  a  crier,  a  pub- 

Preguiça,  sf.  slothfulness,  loath- 

someness,  la^iness. 
Preguiçar,  va.  to  loiter,  to  idle. 
Preguiceiro,  sm.  a  sort  of  couch 

or  day-bed. 
Preguiçosamente,  ado.  lazily. 
Preguiçoso,    a,    adj.    slothful, 

Prehabilitação,  sf  habilitation 

Prehabilitar-se,  vr.  to  habilitate 

one's  self  beforehand. 
Preiteante,  sm.  and  adj.  2  g.  & 

client;  one  that  has  a  suit  in 

law.  [ment. 

Preitej amento,  sm.  {anc.)  agree- 
Preitejar,    vn.    to   come   to  an 

Preitesia,  sf.  agreement. 
Preitez,  sm.   or  adj.   confident, 

bold.  V.  Confiado. 
Preito,  sm.  or  Pleito,  agreement ; 

full  homage.  [diced. 

Prejudicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  preju- 
Prejudioador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  one 

who  prejudi cates. 
Prejudicar,  va.  to  prejudice. 
Prejudicial,  adj.  2  g.  prejudicial, 

hurtful.  [fuUy. 

Prejudicialmente,    adv.  hurt- 
Prejuizo,  sm.  prejudice,  damage. 
Prolação,  sf.  preference. 
Prelada,  sf.  prelacj. 

Prelaoiar,   vn.  to   perform  the 

charge  of  a  prelate. 
Prelada,  sf.  the  nun  that  is  su- 
perior in  a  convent. 
Prelado,  sm.  prelate. 
Prelatioio,  a,  adj.  prelatic. 
Prelatura,  sf.  prelature. 
Prelazia,  í/".  prelacy. 
Prelecção,  sf.  prelection. 
Prologado,    sm.   {in    law)  pre- 

legacy.  [taste. 

PreUbação,  sf.  prelibation,  fore- 
Prelibar,  va.  to  foretaste. 
Preliminar,  adj.  2   g.    prelimi- 

nary.  —  sm.  preliminary. 
Prélio,  sm.  {anc.)  battle. 
Prelo,  sm.  printing  press. 
Preludiado.  a,pp.  adj.  preluded. 
Preludiar,  vn.  to  prelude. 
Preludio,  sm.  prelude,  preludiam; 

ifig.)  preface.  [hand. 

Preluzir,  va.  to  bright  before- 
Prema,  sf.  {anc.)  constraint,  op- 

pression.  [force. 

Premar,    va.    to   constrain,   to 
Prematica,  sf.  "V.  Pragmática. 
Prematuração ,  sf.    premature- 

ness.  [turely. 

Prematuramente,  adv.  premar 
Prematurar,  va.  to  anticipate. 
Prematuridade,  sf.  prematurity. 
Prematuro,  a,  adi.  prematuro. 
Premedeiras,  sf.  pí.  the  threadle 

of  a  weaver's  loom.  [tion. 

Premeditação ,  sf.  premedita- 
Premeditadamente ,  adv.  pre- 

Premeditado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pre- 

Premeditador ,   sm.    one    who 

Premeditar,  va.  to  premeditate. 
Premiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rewarded. 
Premiador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  rewarder. 
Premiar,  va.  to  reward. 
Premiativo,  a,  adj.  belonging  to 

Premio,  sm.  reward,  premium. 
Premissas,  {log.]  premises. 
Promoção,  sf.  premotion. 
Premunido,  a,  pp.  adj.    prc- 

monished.  [caution. 

Premunir,  va.  to  preraonish,  to 
Prenda,  sf.  favour,  token  of  love 


—  601  — 


and     friendship ;    accomplish- 

ment,  ornament.  [plished. 

Prendado,  a,  /)p.  adj.  accora- 
Prendar-se,  vr.  or  Prendar,  va. 

to  take  or  give  somethinç  as  a 

tokea  of  love  or  friendship. 
Prendedor,  sm.  one  who  takes 

hold  on. 
Prender,  va.  to  take  hold  on,  to 

emprisoQ,  to  arrest,  to  pounce. 
Prendido,  a,  pp.  adj.  apprehend- 

ed,  arrested.  [child. 

Prenhada,   sf.    a  woman   with 
Prenhe ,    adj.   bi^^  with  child ; 

Prenhez,  sf.  pregnancy. 
Prenoção,  sf.  prenotion,   fore- 

Prenome,  sm.  prenomen. 
Prenominar,  va.  to  prenominate. 
Prenotação,  sf,  an  anticipated 

Prenotar,  va.  to  forewarn. 
Prensa,  sf.  press;  any  sort  of 

press.  [tion. 

Prenunoiação ,   tf.    prenoncia- 
Prenunoiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pre- 

dicted,  foretold. 
Prenunciador ,    sm.    one    who 

predicts,  foreboder. 
Prenunciar,  va.  to  predict. 
Prenonoio,  sm.  a  presage.  — ,  a, 

adj.  that  predicts.  [tion. 

Preoooupação ,   sf.   preoccupa- 
Preoooupadamente,  adv.  with 

preoccupation.  [occupied. 

Preocoupado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pre- 


a,   »p. 

2  g.  that 

Preoccupar,  va.  to  preoccupy. 
Preopinante,  sm.   the  previous 

speaker ;  the  lost  speaker. 
Preopinar,  vn.  to  vote  íirst. 
Preordenação ,    sf.    preordina- 

tion.  [dained. 

Preordenado,  a,  pp.  adj.  preor- 
Preordenar,  va.  to  preordain. 
Preparação,  sf.  preparation. 
Preparadamente,  adv.  prepar- 

Preparado,  eL,pp.  adj.  prepared. 
Preparmdort  sm.  preparer. 
Preparar,   va.   to  prepare,    to 

mãke  readjr, 

Preparativo,  a,  adj.  preparative, 

preparatory.    —    sm.     Os  — «, 

Preparatoriamente ,    ado.    by 

way  of  preparation.  [tory. 

Preparatório,  a,   adj.  prepara- 
Preparo,  sm.  preparation. 
Prepassar,  va.  to  pass  beyond 

and  on  side.  —  por  alguém^  vn. 

to  pass  in  the  si^^ht  ot  one. 
Prepedir,  va.  to  hinder,  to  stop. 
Preponderância,  sf.  preponde- 

rance,  preponderancy. 
Preponderante,  adj.  t  g.   pre- 

ponderating.  [puuderat«;. 

Preponderar,  va.  anu  n.  to  prc- 
Preponente,  sm.  proponent. 
Prepór,  va.  to  prefer.  V.  Ante- 

por.  [sitiou. 

Preposição,  sf.  {gramm.)  prepo- 
Preposito,  sm.  purpose,  intunt. 
Prepositura ,    sf.    prepositure ; 

provostship.  [ousness. 

Preposteraçfto,  sf  preposter- 
PrepMterado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

anticipated  in  an  unseasonable 

manner.  [terously. 

Preposteramente,  adv.  prepos- 
Preposterar,  va.  to  anticipute 

in  a  perverted  manner. 
Prepostero,  a,  adj.  preposterous. 
Proposto,  sm.  a  sort  of  sacristau. 
Proposto,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is  ap- 

pointed  as  an  ovcrseer. 
Prepotência,  sf.  prepotency. 
Prepotente,  aaj.  2  g.  prepotent, 

Prepúcio,  sm.  the  prepuce. 
Prerequerer,  va.  to  claim. 
Prerogativa,  sf.  prerogative. 
Presa,  sf.  prey,  booty.  Presas^ 

talons  of  a  bird  of  prey ;  a  flood- 

gate,  amill-dam.  — ,  navio  tomado 

aos  inimigos,  prize.  Largar  a  — , 

to  let  go  one  s  hold. 
Presagamente,  adv.  with  pre- 

Presagiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  presaged. 
Presagiador,  a,  adj.  that  ^^<&- 

sagea  ot  íoxeX^W^. 
Preaagiax ,  va.  \ô  'ÇTÇkts.^^^^  ^» 

foreteU.  ^     -.•v 

I      oiaen. 




—  602  — 


Fresagioso,  a,  adj.  presagefol. 
Presago,  a,  adj.  apprehensive, 

Presantificado,  a,  adj.  aancti- 

fied  previously. 
Presbyta^  sm.  or  f,  {opt.)  prés- 

bjope,  presbyte. 
Fresbyterado,  sm.  the  dignitv 

of  a  presbyter.  [teriai. 

Pre^3rterial,  adj.  2  g.  presby- 
Presbyteriano ,    am.   presbyte- 

Presbyterianismo,  sm.  presby- 

Presb3rterio,  sm.  presbytery,  the 

cbancel  of  a  church. 
PraÉbytero,  sm.  a  presbyter. 
PreoGlencia ,     sf.    prescieuce , 

Preadente,  adj.  2  g.  prescient. 
Preacindir,  va.   to  preacind,  to 

abstract.  [ordain. 

Preacrever,  va.  to  prescribe,  to 
PrescreTcr.  vn.  to  grow  out  of 

use  or  fashion,   to  decay. 
Prescripção,    sf.    prescriptloD, 

prescript,  order. 
PreacriptlTel,   adj.   2  g.   pres- 

criptible ;  liable  to  prescription. 
Prescripto,  a,  pp.  adj.  prescri- 

bed;  prescript,  ordered. 
Presença,  «/*.  presença,  sdr,  mien. 
Presenciado,  a,  pp.  adj.  seen, 

Presencial,  adj.  2  g.  presential. 
Preaencialidade,  sf.  presenti&- 

lity.  [son. 

Presencialmente,  adv.  in  per- 
Presenciar,   va.  to  presentiate, 

to  relate;  to  see. 
Presentação,  sf.  a  presentation 

to  a  beneâce. 
Presentaneo,  a,  adj.  presenta- 

neoua,  ready,  auick. 
Presentar,  va.  v.  Apresentar. 
Presente,  adj.ig.  present.  De—^ 

at  present. 
Presente,    sm.    present,    gift; 

(gramm.)  Participio  do—,   the 
present  participle. 
Presenteado,  a. 

Presenteiro.  a,  adj.  fond  of  show. 

Presentemente,  adv.  presently. 

Presentido,  a,  pp.  adj.  foreseen. 

Presentimento ,  sm.  presenti- 
ment.  [misa. 

Presentir,  va.  to  foresee,  to  suf- 

Presepe,  sm.  a  stablc,  a  stall; 
(astr.)  prcesepe. 

Presépio,  sm.  a  stable,  a  stall. 

Preservação,  sf.    preservation. 

Preservado,  a,  pp.  adj.  preser- 

Preservador,  sm.  preaerver. 

Preservador,  a,  adj.  that  pre- 

Preservar,  va.  to  preserve.  Pre- 
servar-se^  vr,  to  preserve  one*8 
self.  [tive. 

Preservativo,  a.  adj.  preserva- 

Preservativo,  sm.  a  preserva- 

Presidência,  sf.  presidentship. 

Presidente,  sm.  a  president; 
chairman.  [soned. 

Presidiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  garri- 

Presidiar,  va.  to  garrison. 

Presidiário,  a,  adj.  presidiary. 

Presidido,  a,  pp.  adj.  presided. 

Presidio,  sm.  garrison  or  place 
of  defence. 

Presidir,  va.  to  preside. 

Presiganga,  sf.  a  ship  servinff 
as  a  prison.  [of  jewel. 

Presilha,  sf.  loop,  folding ;  a  sort 

Preso,  a,  pp.  aaj.  of  Prender ^  a^ 
prehended,  imprisoned,  arrest- 

Preso,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  priaoner. 

Presores,  sm.  pi.  {anc.)  conq^ue- 
rors.  [hastily. 

Pressa,  sf.  haste,  speed.  A'  — , 

Pressão,  sf.  pression,  pressure. 

Presso,  a,  adj.  concise,  short. 

Pressuroso,  a,  adj.  swift.  Y.  Ve- 

Prestação,  sf.  prestation,  lend- 
ing.  —  de  juramento^  making 
an  oath.  [obliging. 

Prestadio,  a,  adj.  serviceable. 

Prestado,  a,  pp.  adj.  lended  or 

pp.  adj.  ii^t«- 
.    sented.  ^  ^ 

Presentear,  «a.   to  preaeuV  v>\Pr«aX«BMss*í^,m.\x^^X\Vi.^.\l^ 
nwOcô  a  present.  ^    Udodfi. 


—  603  — 


Prestança,  sf.  utilitj,   conve- 

Prestanoia,  </*.  excellency,  supe- 

Prestançoao,  a,  adj.  eminent. 
Prestante,  adj.  2  g.  excellent, 

Prestar,  va.  to  be  servi ceable, 

to    give.  —  vm  juramento^    to 

make  an  oath.  Eomeni  de  — ,  a 

nerviceable  man.  Não  —  para 

nada^  to  be  good  for  nothing. 

V.   Emprestar.   Prestar^  vr.  to 

cottdescend,  to  comply. 
Prestativo,  a,  adj.  tnat  is  servi- 

Preste,  sm.  {anc.)  a  priest. 
Prestemente,  adv.  quickly. 
Prestes,    adj.    2   g.    prepared. 

Fazer  —,  to  get  ready. 
Presteza,  sf.  quickness. 
Prestigiador,  sm.  cheat,  juggler, 

impostor.  [deceit. 

Prestigio,  sm.  prestige,  illusion, 
Prestigioso,  a,  adj.  prestigious. 
Préstimo,  sm.  abiUty,  servicea- 

Prestimonio,  sm.  prestimony. 
Préstito,  sm.  train,  a  re ténue  of 

Presto,  a.  adj.  prompt,  swift. 
Presto,  adv.  quickly,  swiftly. 
Presuroldo,  Si,pp.  adj.  presumed, 

conceited.    —    sm.    presumcr, 

proud.  [pose,  to  guess. 

Presumir,  vn.  to  presume,  to  sup- 
Presumivel,  aíf;.2gf.presumable. 
Presumpção,  sf.  presumption, 

supposition,  guess  ;pride,  arro- 

^ance ;  (ín  law)  strong  probabil- 

ity;  {rhet.)  prevention  of  our 

adversary's  objections. 
Presumpçoso,  a,  adj.  presump- 

tuous.  [tive. 

Presumptivo,  a,  adj.  presump- 
Presumpto,  pp.  irr.  of  Presumir, 

Presomptuosamente,  adv.  pre- 

sumptuously.  [tuous. 

Presumptuoso,  a,  adj.  presump- 
Presunto,  sm.  ham,  gammon. 
I*re8uppôr.  va.  to  presuppose. 
I*reBappoBiçS.o ,  sf.  presupposi- 

Presnpposto,  a,  pp.  adj.  pre- 

Presuria,  sf.  a  taking ;  conquest. 
Pret,  sm.  a  soldier*s  pay. 
Pretendedor,    a,    adj.    and    s. 

claimer,  pretender;  suitor. 
Pretendente,  sm.  claimer,  pre- 
tender, suitor. 
Pretender,  va.  to  claim,  to  pre- 

tend,  to  expect,  to  aim.  —  vma 

mulher,  to  court  a  woman. 
Pretendido,  a,  pp.  adj.  claimed. 
Pretensão,  5/.  pretence,  claim, 

Pretenso,  a,  adj.  pretended. 
Pretensor,  9m.  claimer,  claimant. 
Preteriç&o,  sf.  preterition. 
Preterido,  a,  pp.  adj.  preter- 

Preterir,  va.  to  pretermit.  —  em 

testamento^  to    leave   out   the 

name  of  a  son  in  the  la  st  vill. 
Pretérito,  sm.  {gramm.)  the  pre- 

ter  or  preterit. 
Pretermissão,  5/.  prctermission , 

preterition.  [termitted. 

Pretermittido,  a,  pp.  adj.  pre- 
Pretermittir,  va.  to  pretermit. 
Pretematural,  adj.  2  g.  preter- 

natural.  [naturality. 

Pretematuralidade,  sf.  preter- 
Pretematuralmente,  adv.  pre- 

ternaturally.  [black. 

Pretete ,     adj.    2    a.   somewhat 
Pretextado,  B.,pp.aaj.  pretended. 
Pretextar,  va.  to  pretend. 
Pretexto,  sm.  pretence,  pretext. 
Pretidão.  sf.  blackness. 
Pretina,  sf.  girdle  or  sash,  vaist- 

Preto,  a,  adj.  black.  V.  Negro. 

—  sm.  a  sort  of  ancient  coin. 
Pretolim,  sm.  a  sort  of  varnish. 
Pretor,  sm.  pretor. 
Pretório,  sm.  pretorium. 
Pretura,  sf.  pretorship. 
Prevalecente,  adj.  2  g.  prevail- 

Prevalecer,  vn.  to  prevail.  Pi^e- 

wa/ecer-se.vr.Vi\a.>5.e.  %à.N«»Xa%^- 
Prevalecido,  ai^   pt>.  tv^i-  vt'^*- 



—  604  — 


Pre'varicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pre- 

Prevaricador,  sm.  prevaricator. 

Prevaricador,  a,  adj.  belonging 
to  prevarication. 

Prevaricar,  va.  to  prevaricate, 
to  transgress. 

Prevedor,  sm.  a  foreseer. 

Prevenção,  sf.  prevention,  fore- 
sight,  provision,  cautiousness. 

Prevenidaznente,  adv.  prevent- 
ingly.  [provided. 

Prevenido,  a,  pp.  adj,  prepared, 

Preveniente,  adj.  2  g.  preve- 
nient,  preceding. 

Prevenir,  va.  to  prevent,  to  ob- 
viate,  to  prepossess,  to  provido 
beforehand.  Prevenir-se^  vr.  to 
provido  against  a  thing. 

Preventivamente,  adv.  preven- 
tively.  [preservativa. 

Preventivo,  a,  acy.  preventivo, 

Prevento,  a,  pp.  irreg.  of  Pre- 
venir and  aaj.  Jurisaicção  pre- 
venta,  (ín  law)  the  rightof  anti- 
cipating  the  ordinary  court. 

Prever,  va.  to  foresee. 

Preverter,  va.  V.  Perverter. 

Previamente,  adv.  previously. 

Previco  or  Provico,  adj.  m. 
charming,  pleasant. 

Previdência,  sf.  foresight,  fore- 
knowledge.  [careful. 

Previdente,  adj.  2  g.  provident, 

Prévio,  a,  adi.  previous. 

Previsão,  sf.  prevision,  fore- 
sight. [prudent. 

Previso,  a,  adj.  foreseen ;  wise, 

Previsto,  a,  adj.  foreseen. 

Prezado,  a,  pp.  adj.  esteemed, 
valued.  [or  values. 

Prezador,  sm.  one  that  esteems 

Prezar,  va.  to  esteem,  to  value. 

Prezavel,  adj.  2  g.  valuable, 
laudable,  -worthy. 

Prezea,  sf.  a  jewel. 

Prima,   sf.   a   female-cousin.  — 
com    irmã,    a   female    cousin- 
german;    (wi«.)    the    sraallest 
string  of  a  musical  instrument. 
Primada,  sf.  priority. 
Primacial,  adj.  2  g.  primatiaV. 
Primado,  sm,   priínateship,  the 

nrst  plsLce, 

Primamente,  adu.  with  niceness 

or  skilfulness. 
Primariamente,  adv.  primarily. 
Primariças,  sf.  pi.  the  nrst  fruits 

of  any  thing. 
Primário,  a,  adj.  primary. 
Primavera,  sf.  the  spring ;  {bot.) 

primrose,  cowslip. 
Primaz,  sm.  a  primate. 
Primazia,  sf.  primacy. 
Primeira,  sf.  a  game  at  cards  so 

called ;  the  fírstform  in  a  school. 
Primeiramente,  adv.  primarily. 
Primeiro,  a,  adj.  íirst,  early. 
Primeiro,  adv.  oefore,  íirst.  Isto 

está  — ,  this  raust  be  dona  first. 

—  que  eu  morra,  before  I  die. 
Primevo,  a,  adj.  primitiva,  orí- 

Primiceria,  sf.  primarincss. 
Primicerio,  sm.  one  that  is  ârst 

in  any  respect. 
Primicias,  sf.  pi.  the  íirst  fruits 

of  the  year ;  nrst  productioa. 
Primidiça,  sf.  is  said  of  a  woman 

delivered  of  a  first  child. 
Primigenio,  a,  adj.  primitive. 
Primitivo,  a,  adj.  primitive. 
Primo,    sm.    a  cousin.  —  com 

irmão,  a  cousin-german. 
Primo,  a,  adj.  first,  earliest.  Obra 

prima,   a   perfect  and  curious 

Primogénito,    a,    adj.    primo- 

genial,  first  bom,  first  begotten. 
Primogenitor,  sm.  a  primogeni- 

Primogenitura,  sf.  primogeni' 

tura.  [red. 

Primoponendo,  a.  adj.  prefer- 
Primor,    sm.   niceness,   skilful- 
ness, accuracy.  Com  — ,  nicely ; 

obligingness  of  temper,  gentil- 

ity,  unasked  kindness. 
Primordial,  adj.  2  g.  primordial, 

primitive.  [gii* 

Primórdio,  sm.  primordial,  ori- 
Primorosamente,    adv.  nicely, 

generously.  [ly. 

Primoroso,  a,  adj.  skilfnl,  nice- 
'Pxviiceza.,  sf.  apnncess. 


—  605  — 


chief ;  main  thing,  main  busi- 

ness ;  capital  money. 
Principalidade,  sf.  principalit}r. 
Principalmente,    adv.    princU 

Princlpe,  sm.  prince,  the  eldest 

son  of  a  king ;  chief. 
Principiado,  B.ypp.adj.  begun. 
Principiador,  sm.  one  wno  be- 

Principiante,  adj.  2  g.  that  be- 

gins  any  thing.  —  sm.  a  begin- 

Principiar,  va.  to  begin. 
Principio,  sm.  beginning,  prin- 
cipie, íirst  cause.  Sem  — ,  begin- 

Prior,  sm.  a  prior. 
Priora  or  Prioreza,  sf.  a  prio- 

Priorado,  sm.  priory. 
Prioral,  adj.  l  g.   uelonging  to 

a  priorship. 
Prioridade,  sf.  prioritj^, 
Prisão,  sm.  prison,  jail,  impri- 

Prisco,  a,  adj.  pristine,  ancient. 
Prisionado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made  a 

prisoner  of  war. 
Prisionar,  va.  to  make  prisoner 

of  war.  [war. 

Prisioneiro,  sm.  a  prisoner  of 
Prisma,  sm,  (geom.)  a  prism. 
Prismático,  a,    aaj.  prismatic. 
Prisões,  sm.  pi.  bonds,  chains. 
Pristino,    a,  adj.  pristine,  first. 
Pritiga  or  Pretiga,  sf.  the  polé 

of  a  cart. 
Privação,  sf.  privation. 
Privada,  sf  a  privv. 
Privadamente,  aav.  privilj'. 
Privado,  a,  pp.    adj.  deprived,* 

private  :  not  public. 
Privado,  sm.  a  favourite,  inti- 

mate  friend. 
Privança,  sf.  favour,  great  inti- 

niacy.  Ter  —  com  um  príncipe,  to 

be  a  favourite  to  a  prince. 
Privar,  va.  to  deprive  —  vn.  to 

be  in   favour.  Príaar-se,   vr.  to 

deprive  one's  self.  [tively. 

Privativamente,     adv.    priva- 
^rívativo,  a,  adj.  privative,  not 
positive;  peculiar,  exclusive. 

Privilegiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  privi- 

leged.  {person. 

Privilegiado,  sm.  a  pnvileged 
Privilegiar,  va.  to  grant  a  pri- 

vilege.  [culiar  advantage 

Privilegio,  sm.  a  privile^e ;  pe- 
Pro  e  contra,  adv.  loc.  for  and 

Pro,  sm.  profít,  advantage. 
Pro,  adv.  in  behalf. 
Proa,  sf.  prow,  stem  head. 
Proar,  vn.  V.  Emproar. 
Probabilidade,  sf.   probability. 
Probabilismo,  sm.  probabilisra. 
Probabilista,  sm.  probabilist. 
Probabilizar,  va.  to  make  pro- 


Probante,  adj.  Z  g.  that  proves. 
"        ,  adj.  "    ' 

Probatório,  a, 

{in  law)  pro- 

Probidade,  s/l  probity,  honesty. 
Problema,  sm.  {math.)  problsm. 
Problemático,  a,  adj.  problemá- 
tica!, uncertain. 
Problematisar ,    va.    to    bring 

into  a  doubt  orproblem. 
Probo,  a,  adj.  honest,  virtuous, 

Proboscis,    sf.    proboscis;    the 

trump  of  an  elephant. 
Proboste,  sm.  provost. 
Procacidade,  */.  procacity. 
Procedência,  sf  proceeding. 
Procedente,  adj.  2  g.  that  pro- 

Proceder,  vn.  to  proceed ;  to  be- 

have  one's  self. 
Proceder,  sm.  behaviour. 
ProcedLido,  a,  pp.  adj.  proceed- 

ed ;    behaved.    Homem  bem  — , 

an  honest  man. 
Procedido,    sm.    the     proceed, 

neat  proceed ;  events,  chances, 

Procedimento,  sm.  behaviour. 
Procella,  sf.  {poet.)  a  storm. 
Procelloso,  a,  adj.   procellous, 

stormy.  [ness. 

Proceridade,  sf.  çrocerity,  tall- 
Procero,  a,  adj.  high,  tall ;  illus- 

PTooeBSQLâLo,  «L,  pp.  adA.  ^^^^^.'  _ 
Prooesasl,  ad^.  ^  q.  \í^\oav^^:^^ 
•    to  a  "ÇTOcea^  ** 





606  — 


Processão,  sf.  emanation  of  the 

Holy  Ghost. 
Processar,  va.  to  try  a  criminal. 
Processional,  adj.  2  g.  proces- 

sional.  [procession. 

Processionalmente,  adv.  in 
Processionario,  sm.  a  processio- 
nal. [progression. 
Processo,  sm.  process,  law  suit; 
Prochronisiuo,     sm.    prochro- 

nism.  [dence. 

Procidencia,    sf.   {surg.)   proci- 
Procissão,  sf.  a  procession. 
Proclama,    sf.   bans  or   publi- 

cation  of  matrimony. 
Proclamação,  sf.  proclamation. 
Proclamado,   a,  pp.    adj.  pro- 

Prociamador,  sm.y  proclaimer. 
Proclamar,  va.  to  proclaim. 
Proclinar,  va.     to    incline,   to 

Procônsul,  sm.  procônsul. 
Proconsulado,  sm.  the  procon- 

sulship.  [sular. 

Proconsular,  adj.  2   g.  procon- 
Procrastinação,    sf.  procrasti- 

Procrastinado,  a.  pp.  adj.  pro- 

Procrastinador ,  sm.  procrasti- 

nator.  [tinate. 

Procrastinar,  va.    to    çrocras- 
Procreação,  sf.  procreation. 
Procreado,     a,   pp.    adj.  pro- 

Procreador,  sm.  procreator. 
Procrear,  va.   to  procreate,  to 

generate,  to  produce. 
Procura,  sf.  search,  pursuit. 
Procuração ,     sf.    procuration ; 

letter  ot"  attorney. 
Procurado,  a,  pp.  adj.  procu- 

Procurador,  sm.    a  proctor,  at- 
torney ,   procurator,    solicitor, 

Procuradora,  sf.  proxy ;  the  at- 

torney's  wife. 
Procuradoria,  sf  attorneyship. 
Procurar,  va.  to  procure,  to  ob- 

tain.  —  por  alguém^  to  ask  for 

Procyon,  s.  (astr.)  the  dog-star. 
Prodigalidade,  sf.  prodigality. 
Prodigalisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pro- 

digalized.  ffize. 

Prodigalisar,  va.  to  prodiga- 
Prodigamente,  adv.  prodigaíly. 
Prodígio,  sm.  prodigy,  wonder. 
Prodigiosamente,    adv.    prodi- 

Prodigioso,  a,   adj.  prodigious. 
Pródigo,  a,  adj.  prodigal. 
Pródigo,  sm.  a  prodigal. 
Prodltor,  sm.  proditor. 
Proditoríamente,  adv.  treach- 

erously.  [rious. 

Proditorio,  a,  adj.  prodito- 
Prodromo,  sm.  prodromus,  fore- 

Producção,  sf  production. 
Producente,  adj.  2  5'.  producinç. 
Productibilidade,  sf.  producti- 

Produoto,  sm.  product. 
Productor,  a,  adj.  and  sm.  or  /. 

producer,  that  produces. 
Produzente,  adj.  2  g.  producing. 
Produzido,  a,  j>p.  adj.  produced. 
Produzidor,  s.  and  aaj.  m.  pro- 
ducer, that  produces. 
Produzir,   va.   to    produce,    to 

bear,  to  cause. 
Produzivel,  adj.  2  g.  producible. 
Proeiro,  sm.  the  seaman  that  is 

at  the  prow  of  a  ship. 
Proejar,  va.  and  n.  (a  seaterm) 

to  steer  right  forward. 
Proemial,  adj.  2  g.  proemial. 
Proemio,  sm.  proem;  an  intro- 

Proes,  sm.  pi.  of  Prol.  profits. 
Proeza,  sf.  prowess;  an  exploít. 
>Profaçar,  va.   (anc.)  to  anront. 
Profaço,  sm.  discredit. 
Profanação,  sf.  profanation. 
Profanado,    a,    pp.   adj.    pro- 

Profanador,  sm.  profaner. 
Profanar,    va.    to    profane,   to 

violate ;  to  poUute. 
Profanidade,  sf.  profaneness. 
Profano,    a,  adj.    profane,  im- 

■ç\o\3iS,  \«i\v»)\o"^%d'.  «ecular. 

Froouratura ,  sf.  attorney ship. \     pheciciatx^ ^wn^xç^í 


—  607  — 

Profecticio,  a,  adj.  {in  law)  pro- 

Profecto,  sm.  proíit,  gain. 
Proferido,  a,  pp.  aaj.  uttered. 
Proferir,  va.  to  mter,  to  pro- 

nounce.  [sed. 

Professado,  a,  pp.  adj.  profes* 
Profeasador,  a,  adj.  that  pro- 
Professante,  sm.  ene  who  pro- 
fesses in  any  religious  order. 
Professar,    va.  to    profess,    to 

practise.    Professar-se^    vr.   to 

declare  openly. 
Professo,  a,  adj.  professed.  Re- 
ligioso — ,  projfessed  monk. 
Professor,  sm.  a  professor. 
Professorado,     sm.    professor- 

Proficiência,  sf.  proficience. 
Proficiente,  adj.  2  g.  proficient. 
Proficuamente,  ^(/ú.profícuous- 

ly,  usefully. 
Proficuidade,  sf.  utility,  profit. 
Proficuo,  a,  adi.  profícuous. 
Profil,  sm.  (in  arawing)  the  side 

face,  proíile;  [arch.)  proâle. 
Profissão,  sf.  prufession. 
Profissional,  adj.  2  g.   profes- 

Profitente,  adj.  2  g.  that  makea 

profession  of  any  religion. 
Profligação,  sf.  profligation. 
Profligado,  a,  pp.  adj.  destroy- 

ed,  defeated. 
Profligador,£m.  one  whodefeats 

or  destroys.  [troy. 

Profligar,  va.  to  defeat,  to  des- 
Profugo,  a,  adj.  fugitive,  vaga- 

bond.  [ened. 

Profundado,    a,  pp.   adj.  deep- 
Profundadòr,  sin.  onc  who  pro- 

Profundamente,  acZu.  profound- 

ly,  deeply,  humbly.  JJormir  — , 

to  sleep  soundly. 
Profundar  or  Profundear,  va. 

to  deepen,    to  sink,  to    force 

down   or  in.   Profundar-se^  vr, 

to  be  rooted, 
Profundeza,    sf.  profoundness, 

úeepness.  [deepness. 

Pro^ndidade,   sf.    profundity, 
Profundo,    a,    ac/J.  deep,   pro- 


somno^     profound 

fonnd.     - 


Profundo  (o),  sm.  (fig.)  hell. 
Profusamente,  adv.  profusely. 
Profusão,  sf.  profusion,  prodi- 

gality.  Com  — ,  profusely. 
Profuso,  a,  adj.  profuse,  prodi- 

gal.  [ny. 

Progénie,  sf.    offspring,  proge- 
Progenito,  a,  adj.  oegotten. 
Progenitor,  sm.  progenitor. 
Progenitura,  */.   progeny,   oflf- 

spring.  [cation. 

Prognosticação,  sf.  prognosti- 
Prognosticado,  a,  pp.  adj.  prog- 

Prognosticador,    a,   sm.  or   f. 

prognosticator,  foreteller. 
Prognosticar,  va.  to  prognosti- 

Prognostico,  sm.  prognostic. 
Prognostico,   a,    adj.  prognos- 
tic, foreshoving. 
Programma,  sm.  scheme,  plan ; 

])rograinma.  [pass. 

Progredir,  vn.  to  progress,   to 
Progressão,  sf.  progression. 
Progressivamente,    adv.   pro- 

gressively.  fsive. 

Progressivo,  a,    adj.  progres- 
Progresso,  sm.  progress. 
Prohibição,  sf.  prohibition. 
Prohibido,  a,  pp.    adj.  prohi- 

bited.  [íorbid. 

Prohibir,    va.    to    prohibit,    to 
Prohibitivo,  a,  adj.  prohibitive, 

prohibitory.  [tory. 

Prohibitorio.    a,   adj.   prohibi- 
Proiz,  sm.  or  f.   {a  sea  term)  a 

stone  or  the  iike  to  which  are 
.    fastened    the    hawsers    of    a 

ship  that  is  moored. 
Projecção,    sf.    projection;  (in 

perspective)  appearance. 
Projectado,  a,  pp.  adj.  projected. 
Projectar,    va.    to    project,  to 

throw  out;  to  scheme.  Projec- 

tar-se,  vr.  to  project. 
Projéctil,  adj.  2  g.  projectile. 
Projéctil,  S7n.  açroi^cx^X». 
Pro^octVaXa,  sm.  ^xQ\fec\.cstv  «^'^ 

Projecto ,  sm.  ^^o^^cX^  *K'^'=' 

, >. 

Prol.  'irn,  Ibbc.)    proflt.  V.  Pr* 
PnilaçAo.  !/,  pcDMlion ;  pranun- 

pTolapse  ur  Prolepslf 

ProUaga.  V-  (■"«-)  c 
Prollco,  adj.  V.  J-oni 

,.  (rA«.) 



iToIixidado,  sf. 
Ftóiixo,  a,  u'lj. 

Prologar,  kh.  to 

Prolongo,     im.     i 

1,-ater  Ihat  lalls'  of  the" 

prolonuío,  tm,  t,  shorl  and  nittj' 
Promasflm,  i/l  nll  sorli  of  foiiCs 


■Rromectlmeiíto,  s. 

PromlnanolK .  i/.  prominence, 

Praminente,    <jij;.  i    ff.  promi- 

romisouidado . 


Promotoria,  s, 

Promovido,    a,    pp.    adj.   pra- 

Promptamenie,  i'''i'.  rniiJilj. 
Promplidao,     4-     ^rfníiitneas. 

Proiupto,  3,  adj.  |>ri)iiiiil,  reudy. 
Promptuario.  ivn.  [iroinptuarj ; 

PromalgaqSo.  sf.  pTomiilEatian. 
PromulgRdo,  s,   pp.    a-ij.  [iio- 

Fromulgador,  sm.  promulEatov. 
Promulgar,  ra.  lo  promulgutc. 
Prono,  a.  ndj.  prono,  propcose. 
Pronome.  \m.{griuiiiH,j  proaoun. 
Pronommal,  adj,  i  g.  pranomi- 

PronoHtloaçao,  if.  prognostica- 

ProaunclB    or  PrnnunolBfSo. 
Pronunolado,    a,  pp.  adj.  pro- 



—  609  — 


Propaganda,  sf,  propagand. 
Propagandismo,  sm.  propagan- 

dism.  [diat. 

Propagandista,  sm.  propagan- 
Propagar,  va.  to  propagate. 
Propagativo,  a,  adj.  that  propa- 

gates.  [gable. 

Propagavel,  adj.  2    g.  propa- 
Propagem,    sf.  a  branch    of  a 

vine  laid  in  the  ground  to  take 

Propalado,  a,  pp.  adj.  published, 

Propalar,  va.  to  publish,  to  ma- 

Propau,  sm.    {a    sea    term)  the 

iron  horse. 
Propender,    vn.  to  propend,  to 

incline,  to  bend. 
Propensamente,  adv.  with  dis- 

position  to  a  thing. 
Propensão,  sf.  propension. 
Propenso,  a,  adj.  propensa,  in- 

Propheoia,  sf.  a  prophecy. 
Propheta,  sm.  prophet,  predic- 

Prophetal,  adj.    2   g.   prophe- 

Prophetioamente,  adv.  prophe- 

Prophetico,  a,  adj.  prophetical. 
Prophetisa,  sf.  prophetess. 
Prophetisar,  va.  to  prophetize, 

to  prophecy. 
Prophylaotioo,   a,   adj.    {med.) 

Propiciação,  sf.  propitiation. 
Propiciado,  a,   pp.   adj.  propi- 

Propiciador,  sm,  propitiator. 
Propiciar,  va.  to  propitiate. 
Propiciatório,  a,  adj.  propitia- 

Propiciatório,  sm.   a  propitiar 

tory,  the  raercy-seat ;  the  cover 

of  the  ark  among  the  Jews. 
Propicio,  a,  adi.  propitious. 
Propinação,  sf.  propination. 
Propinador,   sm.  he  who   pro- 

Propinquidade,  sf.  propinquity. 

Propinquo,  a,  adj.  near  of  kin, 
imminent,  approaching. 

Propor^  va.  to  propose,  to  make 
a  motion. 

Proporção,  sf.  proportion.  A'  — , 

Propíorcionadamente,  adv.  pro- 

Proporcionado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pro- 

Proporcionador,  sm.  one  that 
proportionates.  [tional. 

Proporcional,  adj.  2  g.  propor- 

Proporcionalidade,  sf.  propor- 
tionality,  proportionalness. 

Proporcionalmente,  adv.  pro- 

Proporcionar,  va.  to  propor- 
tion, to  proportionate.  Propor- 
cionar-sef  vr.  to  conform  one's 
self.  [portionable. 

Propordonavel,  adj.  2  g.  pro- 

Proposição,  sf.  proposition,  pro- 

Propósito,  sm.  a  purpose,  de- 
sign, intention.  f^óra  de  — , 
improperly,  unseasonably.  JTò- 
mem  sem  — ,  a  foolish  man. 

Proposta,  sf,  proposal. 

Proposto,  a,  pp.  adj.  proposed. 

Propriamente,  cuiv.  properly, 
suitably.  [priety. 

Proprieáade,  sf.  property ;  pro- 

Proprietaria,  sf.  proprietress. 

Proprietariamente,  adv.  as  a 
proprietor.  [owner. 

Proprietário ,    sm,   proprietor. 

Próprio,  a,  adj.  proper,  pecu- 
liar, one's  own  ;  fit,  convenient. 
Para  si  — ,  for  hiraself. 

Próprio,  sm.  any  real  and  im- 
moveable  possession;  a  man's 
own;  an  express  sent  pur- 
posely  on  a  message. 

Propugnaculo,  sm.  a  bulwark, 

Propugnador,  sm.  propugner. 

Propugnar,  va.  to  propugn,  to 

Propinar,    va.    to    propine,  to  \PTopu\sax,  ^a.  t.^  x^^^V  ^^  ^"^ 
pledge;  to  drink   to    one    an- \     pose.  .  ^cv^vo\i.V! 

otber.  \pto-ra\aL,  ad«.  va^^^^^^^ 

'"^E^S^^Er  ^'^      ^  ■■  ^  ^  b^    '  '_  ^  _    I 

.  ifti  I    ■  *i 


—  610  — 


Prorogaçfto,  sf.  prorogation. 
Prorogado,  a,  pp.  aaj,  proro- 

Prorogar,  va.  to  prorogue. 
Prorogativo,  a,    adj,  that  pro- 

Prorogavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 

be  prorogued.  [brealc. 

Proromper,  vn.  to  burst  out,  to 
Prorompido,  a,  pp.  adj.  burst, 

broken  out. 
Prosa,  sf.  prose. 
Prosador,  sm.  prose  writer. 
Prosaico,  a,  cutj.  prosaíc. 
Prosápia,  sf.  race,  ^neration. 
Prosoenio,   sm.  {antiq.)  prosce- 

ProscrevOT,  va,  to  proscribe,  to 

Proscripção,  sf.  proscription. 
Proscripto,    a,   pp 

scribcd,  oiit-Ia\eea. 


Proscriptor,  sm.  proscriber. 
Proseou ^o,  sf.  prosecution. 
Proseguição,  sf.  prosecution. 
Proseguixnento ,   sm.   prosecu- 
tion. [pursue. 
Prosegiilr,  va.  to  prosecute,  to 
ProsslytisiDO,  sm.  proselytism. 
Proselyto,  sm.  a  proselyte. 
Prosillogiamo ,    sm.    prosjlio- 

Prosódia,  sf.  prosodv. 
Prosodioo,  a,  or  Prosodiaco, 

a,  adj.  prosodical. 
Prosopopeia,  sf.  {rhet.)  proso- 

Prospeoto,  sm.  prospectus. 
Prosperado,  a,  pp.  adj.  prós- 

Prosperador,  sm.   or  adj.  one 

who  rouders  prosperous. 
Prosperamente,  adv.  prosper- 


Prosperar,  va.  toprosper. 
Prosperidade,    sf.    prosperity, 

Prospero,  a,  adj.  prosperous. 
Próstatas,  sf.  pi.  {anat.)  pros- 


Prostemaç&Oi  sf.  prostemation. 
jProBtemadOj  a,  pp.  adj.  çtos- 

^roB^amar,    va.   to   proattBte 

Prostemar-se,  vr.    to    hmnble 

one*s  self.  [ting. 

Prostemativo,  a,  adj.  prostra- 
Prosthese  or  Prothese,  sf.{sur{f.'^ 

prosthesis,  prothesis :  (granem.) 

an  addition  of  a  letter  in  the 

beginning  of  a  word.  V.  Pro- 
Prostíbulo,  sm.  a  brothel-house. 
Prostituição,  sf.  prostitution. 
Prostituido,  a,  pp.  adj.  prosti- 

Prostituidor,  sm.  prostitutor. 
Prostituir,    va,   to     prostituta. 

Prostituir-se,   vr.  to   prostitute 

one's  self. 
Prostituta,  sf.  a  prostitute. 
Prostração,  sf.  prostration. 
Prostrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  prostrated, 

prostrate;  discouraged,  deject- 

ed,  depressed,  daunted,  enfee- 

Prostrar,   va.   to  jprostrate,   to 

wreaken,  to  impair,  to  discou- 

Protagonista  or  Protogonista, 

.sm.  the  íirst  character  or  part 

in  a  tragedy. 
Protase,  sf.  protasis. 
Protatico,  a,  adj.  protatic. 
Protecção,  sf.  protection. 
Protectivo,  a,  adj.  protective. 
Protector,  sm.  a  protector. 
Protectora,  sf  protectress. 
Protectorado,  syn.  protectorate. 
Protectoria,  sf.  protectorship. 
Proteger,  va.  to  protect,  to  de- 

Protegido,  a,  pp.  adi.  protected. 

—  sm.  a  creaturo,  dependant. 
Proteiforma.  adj.  protean. 
Protelar,  va.  to  repel.  to  oppose. 
Proterria.  sf.  protervity;  iinto- 

vrardness,  pride,  obstinacy. 
Protervo,  a,  adj.  perverse,  un- 

toward,  obstinate. 
Protestação,  sf  protestation,  a. 

protest  or  protestin^. 
Protestado,  a,  pp.  adj.  protested. 
Protestador,  a,   sm.  or  /.  pro- 


—  611  — 


Protestantismo,  sm.  proteatan- 

Protestar,  va.  to  protest,  to  re- 

fuse.  —  vn.  to  protest.  —  uma 

Uttra  de  cambio^  to  protest  a 

bill  of  exchange. 
Protestativo,  a,  adj.  witnessing. 
Protesto,  sm.  protest ;  a  protest 

of  a  bill. 
Prothese,  sf.  {gramm.)  prothesis. 
Proto,  sm.  a  corrector  of  proofs 

or  director  of  a  typog^phy. 
Protocollo,  sm.  protocol. 
Protoniart3rr,  sm.  protomartyr. 
Protcnnedioo,  sm.  tne  first  phy- 

sician  of  the  king. 
Protonauta ,    sm.   a   high   ad- 
mirai. V.  Almirante. 
Protonotario,  sm.  protonotary. 
Prot^atriarcha,  sm.  the  ârst 

patriarch.  [plastic. 

Protoplastico,    a,    adj.  proto- 
Protoplasto,  sm.  protoplast ;  our 

ârst  father  Adam ;  mankind. 
Protosolphato,  sm.{ckem.)Tproto- 

Prototypo,  sm.  prototype. 
Protoxydsír,  va.  {chem.)  to  pro- 

Protoxydo,  sm.  {chem.)  protoxid. 
Protrahir,  va.   to  protract,  to 

Protuberação,  sf.  protubcration. 
Protuberância ,     sf.    protube- 

rance ;  {anat.)  prominence. 
Protnberar,  va.  to  protnberate. 
Pronvera ,  subj.  of  v.  Prazer.  A 

Deus  — ,  if  God  please. 
Prova,  sf.  proof,  a  taste ;  essay, 

experiment.  Estar  a  —  de,  to 

be  proof  against.  Pôr  d  -— ,  to 

Í>ut  in  the  proof.  A'  — ,  upon 
iking.  A  •"  de    bala^  musket- 
Provação,  sf.  probation. 
Provadamente,  ado.  plainly. 
Provado,   a,  pp.   adj.   proved, 

Provador,  sm.  a  -vine-taster. 
Provagem,  sf.  an  old  vine-stock. 
travanca,  sf.  a  jurídical  raaking 
^outofthe  trutb. 
-ww,  »a.   to  prove,  te  taste. 
o  tmào^   to  taste  ti»  -win© 

—  um  vestidOf  to  try  a  suit 
of  clothes.  —  vn.  to  carry,  to 
behave  one's  self.  Provar-se^  vr, 
to  be  proved.  pikely. 

Provável,   adj.  2   a.  probable, 
Provavelmente,  adv.  probably, 

Provecto ,   a ,    adj.   aged,    fali 

grown.  Idade  —a,  old  age. 
Provedor,  sm.  a  commissary  in 

an  army;  superintendant. 
Provedora,  sf.  she  that  superin- 

tends.  [superintendant. 

Provedoria,  sf.  the  dignity  of  a 
Proveito,  sm.  proât,  advantage, 

gain.  Bom  —  lhe  faça!  much 
.    good  may  it  do  you  I 
Proveitosamente ,   adv.    profi- 

tably.  [advantageoufi. 

Proveitoso,  a,  adj.  proíitable, 
Provença,  sf.  providence. 
Provenda,   sf.   provision,    pro- 

Proveniente,  pa.  irreg.  of  Pro- 
vir, that  proceeds. 
Prover,  va.  to  provide,  to  supply, 

to  give,  to  grant.  —  os  livros^ 

(amon^  notsuries)  to  look  at  tho 

Dooks  in  order  to  pass  a  certifí- 

cate.  —  vn.  to  provide,  to  con- 

sider,  to  regard.  Prover-se^  tr. 

to  provide  one'3  self. 
Proverbial,  adj.  2  g.  proverbial. 
Provérbio,  sm.  pròverb. 
Provete,    sm.   (artill.)    a  sraall 

mortar  to  try  gun-powder. 
Providamente,  adv.  provident- 

ly.  [foresight. 

Providencia  ,    sf.    providence , 
Providenciado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pro- 

vided.    ,  [dential. 

Providencial,   adj.  2  g.  prori- 
Providenoialínente,   adv.  pro- 

Providenciar,  va.  to  provide,  to 

procure  beforehand. 
Previdente,  adj.  2  a.  provident. 
Provido,  a,  ^p.  adj.  provided; 

provident^  m-R^, -^TNsÃL^tíX. 
PxovVmsKktA,  sm.  ^^^\«v«ts.^^x«^ 

t\ia\a.  —  àe  of fUiv>>  ».%^«s^  ^v  ^ 

^"-1     ^^  '^i^HB^^a^ 


—  612  — 


Provincial,  sm.  a  provincial  or 
superior  of  a  religious  order  in 
a  province.  [ship. 

Provincialado,  sm.  provincial- 

Provincialismo,  srn.  provincia- 

Provinciano,  a,  adj.  and  s.  2  g. 
provincial;  a  countr^raan. 

Provindo, pa.  oí Provir;  spring- 
infj:,  proeeeding. 

Provir,  vn.  to  spring,  to  proceed. 

Provisão,  sf,  provision.  V.  Pro- 
vimnnto.  [nal,  providcnt.  1 

Provisional,  adj.  2  g.  provisio-  ', 

Provisionalmente,  aao.  provi- ' 
sionally.  [supply. 

Provisionar,  va.  to  provi  de  or 

Provisioneiro,  sm.  a  çurveyor. 

Proviso,  sm.  provise,  stipulation. 

Provisor,  sm.  a  provisor. 

Provisorado,  sm.  or  Provisó- 
ria, sf.  provisorship. 

Provisoriamente,  adv.  provi- 

Provisório,  a,  adj.  provisional. 

Provocação,  sf.  provocation. 

Provocado,  a,  pp.  adj.  provoked. 

Provocador,  a,  adj.  a  provoker, 

Provocante,  adj.  2  g.  provoking. 

Provocar,  va.  to  provoke,  to 
move,  to  affect,  to  stir  passion. 

Provocativo,  a,  adj.  provoca- 
tivo, [provocativo. 

Provocatorio,a,  adj.  provoking, 

Proxeneta,  s.  proxenetes. 

Proxenetico,  a,  adj.  pertaining 
to  a  proxonetes. 

Proximal,  adj.  2  g.  proximate, 
neighbourly,  friendly. 

Proadmamente .  adv.  nearly. 

Proximidade,  sf.  proximity. 

Proximista,  sm.  a  charitahle 

Próximo,  a,  adj.  near,  next.  O 
século  — ,  the  last  age  or  cen- 
tury.  —  sm.  neighbour.  De  -— , 
adv.  lately.  [po. 

JPru,  sm.  (anc.)  price,  rate.  V.  Pre- 
JPrudezicia,  j/.fprudence.    ^ved. 
Pmdenoiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reso\- 
^•adeoaial,  adj.  2g.  prudent\a\. 
'Txtaiáiiamento »    adv,    pxu- 


Prudenciar,  vn.  to  resolve  wise- 


Prudente,  adj.  2^.  prudent. 

Prudentemente,  a(tv.  prudently. 

Pruir,  vn.  to  itch.  —  alguma 
cousa  no  coração  de  alguém^  is 
for  to  have  a  continuai  desire 
to  do  or  obtain  a  thing. 

Pruivel,  adj.  2  g.  itching. 

Prumada,  sf.  the  heaving  of  the 
sounding  lead. 

Prumagem,  sf.  {agric.)  the  stock 
of  a  wild-tree. 

Prumo  or  Plumo,  sm.  a  plum- 
met,  a  levei  or  plumb-line.  A  — , 
perpendicularly,  by  the  levei. 

Pnirido,  sm.  itch,  a  cutaneoas 

Pruriente,  adj.  2  g.  itching. 

Prurigem,  sf.  itching.    [itching. 

Pruriginoso ,    a,    adj.    itchy, 

Prurigo,  sm.  itch,  a  cutaneous 

Prússia,  sf.  {geog.)  Prússia. 

Prussiano,  a,  adj.  and  ;;.  a 
Prussian  or  belonging  to  Prús- 

Prusslato,  sm.  (chem.)  prussiate. 

Prusslco,  a,  adj.  [chem.)  prussic. 

Psalmear,  vn.  to  sing  psaims. 

Psalmista,  sm.  a  psalmist. 

Psalmo,  sm.  a  psalm. 

Psalmodia,  sf.  psalmody. 

Psalmodiar,  va.  to  sing  psaims. 

Psalmodico,  a,  adj.  psalmodic, 
psalmodical.  [graphy. 

Psalmographia ,     sf.    psalmo- 

Psalmographo ,  sm.  psalmo- 

Psalterio,  sm.  psalter. 

Pseudo,  adj.  pseudo,  a  preflx 
which  signifies  false.  —  chinOj 
{bot.)  pseudo-china.  tphy. 

Pseudògraphia,  sf.  pseudogra- 

Pseudolo0a,  sf.  pseudology. 

Pseudo-martyr ,  sm.  pseudo- 
martyr.  [nymous. 

Pseudonymo,  a,  adj.   pseudo- 

Psora,  sf.   psora,   a   cutaneous 

Psvtího\os^>  &t.'Ç«:j^>:^'^^«^  •  ^ 



—  613  — 


Psyoliologista,    sm.    psycholo- 

Psychroxnetro ,     sm.    psycnro- 

Ptisana,  sf.  {med.)  ptisan. 
Ptyalismo,  sm.  (med.)  ptyalisra. 
PtyBica.  sfé  V.  Tisica. 
Pua,  sf.  a  prick;  an  iron  point, 

any  sharp  point  sticking  out. 
Puberdade,  sf.  puberty. 
Púbere,  adi.  2  g.  that  is  in  the 

age  of  puuerty. 
Púbis,  sm.  {anat.)  púbis. 
Publicação,  sf.  publication. 
Publicado,  B.,pp.  adj.  published. 
Publicador,  sm.  publisber. 
Publicamente ,    adv.   publicly, 

Publicano,  sm.  publican ;  a  far- 

mer  of  the  revenues  paid  to  the 

Romans.  [vulge. 

Publicar,   va.  topublish,  to  di- 
Publicidade,  sf.  publicity. 
Publicista,  sm.  a  wríter  on  the 

laws  of  nations. 
Publico,  a,  adj.  public.  Mulher 

—  a,  a  harlot. 
Publico,  sm.  the  public. 
Pucara,  sf.  V.  Púcaro. 
Pucarixíba,  sf.  or  Pucarinbo, 

sm.    a   little  pot.  Fazer  puca- 
rinha com  alguém^  to  keep  com- 

pany  with  one. 
Púcaro,  sm.  an  earthen  cup.  — 

de  aguoy  a  cup  of  water. 
Puçal,   sm.  an  ancient  measure 

of  íluids  and  wine. 
Pudendo,  a,  adj.  bashful,  ash- 

amed.  [shame-íaced. 

Pudibundo,   a,   adj.    pudibund, 
Pudicamente,  adv.  modestljr. 
Pudicícia,  sf.  pudicity,  chastity, 

Pudico,  a,  adj.  modest,  chaste. 
Pudim,  sm.  pudding. 
Pudor,  sm.  modesty ;  shame. 
Puerícia,  sf.  pueritia ;  childhood. 
Pueril,  adj.  2g.  puerile,  childish. 
Puerilidade,  sf.  puerility,  boyish- 

PuerJJjneato,  adv.  boyishly. 
FuerpertL   sf.  a  woinan    lately 
o,í^     ,•    ..  [peral. 

Puerperio,  sm.   (med.)    deliver- 

ance,  delivery. 
Pugibarba,  sm.  a  young  man 

that  beffins  to  have  a  beard. 
Pugil,  aaj.  2  g.  contentious. 
Pugilato,  sm.  pugilism. 
Pugilista,  sm.  pugilist,  boxer. 
Pugilistico,  a,   adj.  pugilistic. 
Pugilo,  sm.  pugil;  a  pincn. 
Pugna,  sf.  battíe,  âght. 
Pugnacidade,  sf.  pugnacity. 
Pugnado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fought. 
Pugnar,  va.  to  iight,  to  combat. 
Pugnaz,  adj,  2  g.  âghting,  war- 

like.  [smoothed. 

Puido,  a,  pp.  adj.  polished. 
Pujança,  sf.  puissance,  power. 
Pujante,  adj.  2  g.  strong,  power- 

ful.  [quish. 

Pujar,  vn.  to  overcome,  to  van- 
Puiado»  a,  pp.  adj.  reocunded^ 

Pulão,  sm.  a  plebeian.  V.  Peão. 
Pular,  va.  or  n.  to  rebound,  to 

spring  or  shoot  out. 
Pulcbro,  a,  adj.  beautifuli  hand- 

some.  [íish. 

Pulga,  sf.  a  flea ;  a  sort  of  cod- 
Pulgão,  sm,  a  Tvorm  that  cats 

Pulgoso,  a,  adj.   full  or   over- 

cast  with  worms. 
Pulgueira,  sf.  a  flea  bane. 
Pulguento,  a,  adj.  full  of  ileas , 
Pulha,  sf.  joke,  jest,  banter. 
Pulbador,  sm.  a  jester. 
Pulheira,  sf.  a  large  petticoat. 

V.  Polleira. 
PuUulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sprun^. 
PuUulante,  adj.  2  g.  puílulatm^. 
PuUular,  vn.  to  spring  or  sprout 

Pulmão,  sm.  the  lungs  or  lights. 
Pulmoeira,  sf.  lung-moss. 
Pulmonar,  adj.  2  g.  {anat.)  pul- 

monary,  pulmonic. 
Pulmonaria,  sf.  {bot,)  lung-wort, 

Pulmonlco^  a,  adj.  ^xícavorcÀv:,.  — 

sm..  a  coiiavuavgVivifc  ^«t^R»^- 
Pulo,    sm.  \ea.^,  \>oM\An  ^  ^^" 


Púlpito,  sm.  «•í^^^iVxxsv^Aè^. 
.  Pulpo,  sm.  ^nat.  lv«t  >»  V^^ 


—  61*  — 


PulsaçSo,  sf.  pulsation. 
Pulsado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pulsated. 
Pulsar,  va.  to  beat  or  strike  tbe 

cords  of  a  musical  instnime&t. 

—  vn.    to    pantf    to   beat,   to 

Pulsátil,  adj.  2  g.  pulsatire. 
Pulsatilla,  sf.    (Jbot.)  pulsatilla, 

Pulsativo,  a,  adj.  pulsative,that 

causes  pulsation. 
Pulsatorio,  a,  adj.  pulsative. 
Pulseira,  sf.  a  bracelet. 
Pulsista,  sm.  one  who  feels  the 

£'se  and  discovers  the  diseases 
o,  sm.  the  pulse.  Tomar  o  — , 

to  feel  the  pulse. 
Pulvereo,  a,  adj.  pulverous. 
Pulverino,  sm.  powder-hom. 
Pulverisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pulve- 

Pulverisar,  va.  to  pulverise,  to 

reduce  to  powder. 
Pulverulencla,  sf.  pulverulence. 
Pulverulento,  a,  adj.  dusty. 
Punção,  sm.   a  pointed   instru- 

ment  like  a  bodkin,   used   bj 

painters;  a  punch.  [forate. 

Punçar,  va.  to  punch,  to  per- 
Punçó,  sm.  a  scarlet  dye. 
Punctuação,  sf.  punctuation. 
Punctuado,  a,  pp.  adj,   pune* 

Punctuar,  va.  to  punctuate. 
Punctura,  sf.  a  puncture. 
Pundonor,  sm.  point  of  honour. 
Pundonoroso,   a,  adj.   nice  in 

points  of  honour. 
Pungente,  adj.  2  g.  pungent. 
Pungido,  a,  pp.  adj.  pricked. 
Pungimento,  sm.  pungency. 
Pungir,  va.  toprick,  to  pinch,  to 

fali,  to  vex.  —  a  baròa,  vn.  to 
egin  to  have  a  beard. 
Pungitivo,  a,  adj.  pungent. 
Punhada,  sf.  a  buffet,  a  thump. 
Punhado,  sm.  a  handful. 
Punheã,  sm.  a  dagger,  aponiard. 
Punhalada,   sf.  a  stab  ^\\)a.  a 

Puuhete,    sm.   a    sort    of  p\a\ 
&niong  bojs.  Punhetes,  «m.  pt. 
rufâoB  or  cuffs  for  the  fnistA 

Punho,  sm.  the  fist.  Faxerum — ,. 

to  clinch  the  fíngers  into  a  iist. 

—  da  espada,  the  hilt  of  a  sword. 

Tenho  um  escripto  do  seu  — ,  I 

have  a  note  under  his  hand.  -^ 

da  velay    the   clue   of  a   sail. 

Punhos,  rufies  for  the  "wrist. 
Punhodouras,  sf.  pi.  (a  sea  term) 

the  earings. 
Punição,  sf.  punishment. 
Punioeo,  a,  cidj.  of  a  red  colour. 
Púnico,  a,  adj.  punic. 
Punido,  a,  j^.  adj.  punished. 
Punidor,  sm.  a  punisher. 
Punir,  va.  to  punish,  to  chastise. 
Punitivo,  a,  adj.  punitive. 
Punivel,  adj.  2  g.  punishable. 
Puntura,  sf.  V.  Punctura. 
Pupilla,  sf.  a  damsel  under  age : 

an  orphan  girl  under  "ward.  — 

or  menina  do  olho,  the  bali  of 

the  eye. 
Pupillagem,  sf.  pupilage,  minor- 

Pupillar,  adj.  2  g.  pupilary. 
Pupillo,  sm.  a  pupil,  an  orphan. 
Puramente,  adv.  chastely. 
Purava,  sf.  a  sort  of  clotn  made 

of  cotton. 
Purcas,  sf.  pi.  boards  used  by 

Pureza,  sf.  purity,  pureness. 
Purga,  sf.  a  purge. 
Purgação,  sf.  purging,  cleansing. 

purgation;  ordeal,  trial. 
Purgado,   a,    pp.  adj.  purged, 

Purgador,  sm.  purger. 
Purgamento,  sm.  (anc.)  purging, 

Purgante,  adj.  2  g.  purgativo.  — 

s.  a  purgative. 
Purgar,  va.  to  purge ;  (with  che- 

mists)  to  clear  metais.  Purgar- 

se,  vr.  to  take  a  purçative ;  to 

free  or  rid  one's  seli  of  some- 

thing  noxiouB. 
Ptirgativo,  a,  adj.  purgative. 
Purgatório,  sm.  purgatory. 
PxxcqaXoTio^  9.,  adj.  purgatory. 
p-oxidA!dA>  «t-  V""*^  >  ■»•  Wi«ftV 

&  purídaoje  a  algucm^X^i  ^\í«c^«t 


—  615  — 


Fvrtos  de  — ,  nocturnal  rendes- 

vous  appointed  by  lovers. 
Pnriflcaçto,  sf.  purification. 
Pariíioado,  a,  pp.  adj.  puriíied. 
Purificador,  sm.  punfler. 
Purificante,  adj.  2  g.  purifying. 
Pnrifioar ,     va.    to   purify,    to 

cleanse.  Puriftcar-se,  vr,  to  be- 

come  puré  or  clear. 
Pnriíicativo,  a,  adj.  ptirifying, 

Purificatorio,  sm.  a  small'Tessel 

in  which  the  priest  "washes  bis 

Purismo,  sm.  purism. 
Purista,  sm.  purist. 
Puritanismo,  sm.  puritanism. 
Puritano,  a,  adj.  pertaininjB^  to 

the  puritans.  —  sm.  a  puntan. 
Puro,  a,  adj.  puré,  dean,  un- 

Purpura,  sf.  purple. 
Purpurado,  a,  aaj.  purpled. 
Purpurar,  va.  to  purple. 
Purpureado,  a,  pp.  aàj,  clad  in 

Purpureante,  adj.  2  g.  purpling. 
Purpurear,  vn.  to  grow  purple 

Purpúreo,  a,  adj.  purple,  red. 
Purpurado  or  Ftirpurato,  sm. 

{cnem.)  purpurate. 
Purptirina,  sf.  {chem.)  the  aurum 

Purpurino,  a,  adj.  purpurino. 
Purulenoia,  sf.  purulence. 
Purulento,  a,  aaj.  purulent. 
Pus,  sm.  pus.  [mous. 

Pusillanime.  adj.  i  g,  pusillani- 
Pusillanimidade,  sf.  pusillani- 

mity.  [mous. 

Pusiílanimo,  a,  adj.  pnsillani- 
Pustula,  sf.  a  pustule. 
Pustuloso,  a,  adj.  pustulous. 
Puta,  sf.  a  harlot,  a  whore. 
Putanheiro,  smx.  a  whore-master. 
Putaria,   sf.  prostitution,  man- 

ners  of  a  prostituto. 
Putativo,    a,     adj.     putativo, 

deemed,  reputed,  supposed. 
Tutear,  vn.  to  follow  harlots. 
Pato,  sm.  a  prostituto  boy. 
S!^!^"^'   a.   adj\   putredi- 

PutrefacçSo,  sf.  putrefaction. 
Putrefaoiente,  adj.  i  g.  putre- 

f active. 
Putrefacto,  a,  adj.  putrofled. 
Putrefactorlo,  a,  adj.  putrefac- 

Putrefazer,  va.  to  putrefy. 
Putresoente,  adj.  1  g.  putrescent. 
Pútrido,  a,  ad/.  putrid. 
Puxada,  sf.  the  nrst  card  played 

by  a  gamester. 
Puxadeirae,  sf.  pi.  boot-hooks. 
PuxadeUa,  sf.  a  pull. 
Puxado,  a,  pp.   adj.  drawn  cr 

pullod,   dragged ;    (in    a  ludi- 

crous    sense)  drunk,    fuddled. 

Muito  — ,  far-fetched. 
Puxão,  sm.  a  drawing,  the  act 

of  pulling. 
Puxar,  va.  to  draw,  to  drag,  to 

SuU,  to  drive,  to  impei  by  in- 
uence  of  passion.  —  para  siy 

to  attract,  to  draw  to  one. 
Puxativo,  a,  adj.  (ludicrous)  that 

provokes.  [trice. 

Puxavante,  sm.  a  farrier'8  but- 
Puxo,  sm.  tenesmns  ;  a  throe  or 

pang.  Tem  —  s  de  parir ^  to   bo 

m  laoour.  [dwarf. 

Pygmeu,  «m.  and  adj.  pygniy, 
Pyloro,  sm.  fanai.)  pylorus. 
Psrnanga,  sf.  {bot.)  pynang. 
Pyra,  sf.  pyre.  [canth. 

Pyraoantho,  «to.  {bot.)  pyra- 
Pyramidal,  ad;.  2  g.  pyramidal. 
Pyramidalmente,  adv.  pyrami- 

Psrramide,  sf.  pyramid. 
Pyrausta,  sf.  (nat.  hist.)  fire-fly. 
Pyrethro,  sm.  {bot.)  pyrethrum. 

pellitory.  [fugc. 

Pyretico,  a,  adj.  py retic.  febri- 


.  aai.  pyre 
,  sf.  (med. 

)  pyreto- 

Pyrexia,  sf.  (toôcí.)  pyrexia,  fev<»r. 
Pyriforme,  adj.  i  a.  pyriforu». 
Pyrllampo,  sm.  a  glow-worm. 
Pyritaoeo,  a,  adj.  pyrita.ceQvs.'*^. 
Pyritea,  sf.  "çajt\Xa%,  tefc-«xwa»- 
PyrlUco,  Sl,  adj.  ^yí:\<\^. 

l  Pyroljolteta,  sm.  oxie^^Yvo  ^j^^ 
\     ftre  ^ot^a.  ^    ^  ^  ^  c««^«^ 

\pyxab6lo.«m.».^^^^^'*'     *""  ^ 

■r-  ■  '11  ■  1— ip^^svi 


—  616  — 


Pyrola,  sf.  {bot.)  winter-green. 
Pyroligneo,  a,  adj.  pyrolignous. 
Pyrolithico,  sm.  pyrolithic. 
Pyrologia,  sf.  pvrology. 
Pyromancia,  sf.  pyromancy. 
Pyroxnantico,  a,  adj.  pyroman- 

Pyrometro,  sm.  pyrometer. 
Psrropo,  sm.  (jniner.)  carbuncle, 

a  precious  stone. 
Pyropliano,  a,  adj.  pyrophanous. 
Pyrophoro,  sm.  pyrophorus. 
Pyroscopo,  sm.  pyroscope. 
Pyrotartrite,  s.  pyrotartrite. 
Pyrotechnia,  sf.  pyrotechny. 
Pyrotechnico,  a,  adj.  pyrotech- 

nical.  [caustic. 

Pyrotico,  a,  adj.  {med.)  pjrrotic, 
Pyrrliica,  sf.  pyrrhic  (a  kind  of 

Pyrrhonico,  a,  orPyrrhonio,  a, 

adj.  pyrrhonian,  pyrrhonic. 
Pyrrhonisxuo,  sm.  pyrrhonisra. 
Pyrrhonista,  am.  pyrrhonist. 
Pythagorico,a,  adj.  pythagoric, 

PythagorisznOf^m.  pythagorisra. 
Pythia,  sf.  pythia. 
Pythico,  a,  or  Pythio,  a,  adj, 

Pythian.  Jogos  — ,  the  Pythian 

Pythonioo,  a.  adj.  pythonic. 
Pythonissa,  sf.  pythoness,  witch. 
Pyxide,  sf.  pix. 
Pyxidola,  sf.  {bot.)  the  capsule 

of  the  moss. 


Q,  sm.  a  consonant  and  the  se- 

venteenth  letter  of  the  Portu- 

guese  alphabet. 
Quacre,  sm.  quaker. 
Quaderna,  sf.   V.  Cadema.  — *, 

pL   (at  dice)  when  one   throws 

two  íburs. 

Quadra,  sf.  a  square  room,  court 
of  yard,  a  square.  Quadras  da 
lua^  {astron.)  quarters  of  the 
moon;  a  four  (at  cards).  Quadra^ 

Quadrado,  sm.  square,  a  qua- 
drate.  —  da  camisa^  the  gusset 
in  a  shirt.  —  das  meias,  the 
clock  in  a  stocking. 

Quadrado,  a,  adj.  square ;  (fig.) 
steady,  constant,  íirra.  Haix  — a, 
square  root. 

Quadradura,  sf.  V.  Quadra  tura. 

Quadragenario,  a,  adj.  forty 
years  old. 

Quadragésima,  sf.  the  space  of 
forty  days;   lent. 

Quadragesiinal,  adj.  2  g.  per- 
taining  to  lent.  [tietfa. 

Quadragésimo,  a,  adj.  the  for- 

Quadrangular,  adj.  2  g.  qua- 

Quadrangularmente,  adv.  in  a 
quadrangular  form. 

Quadrangulo,  sm.  {geom.)  qua- 

Quadx^ongulo,  a,  adj.  quadran- 

Quadrantal,  adj.  2  g.  quadrantal. 

Quadrante,  sm.  a  quadrant. 

Quadrar,  va.  to  square.  —  on. 
to  agree,  to  answer. 

Quadrasyllabo,  a,  adj.  of  four 

Quadratella,  sf.  an  arrow  with 
a  spear  of  four  barbs. 

Quaoratim,  sm.  {print.)  quadrat. 

Quadratura,  sf.  quadrature. 

Quadricubico,  a,  adj.  square 
and  cubicai. 

Quadricula,  sf.  a  sort  of  mathe- 
matical  instrument. 

Quadriennal,  adj.  2  g.  qua- 

Quadriennio,  sm.  four  years. 

Quadrifendido,  a,  adj.  quadriiid. 

Quadrifido,  a,  adj.  quadriâd. 

Quadriforme,  adj.  2  g.  quadri- 

Quademal.  sm.  {a  sea  tervn)  a\QwL'8Ai\!a«^,s.  ^«(wi.\cyiadriga. 
large  block  vith  more  thau  oneV  OxiaÃr^i,  sm.  \Xv^\!:\^. 
sbiver  \  Qcaí^íccWaíWsco^  sm.  %.  y^^x^i&ír 

«uaderio,  sm.  four  orfive  sheoteV  -^.^i^,  ^,  oij.  <v^ÍSt;. 
ol  paper  stitched  togethet.         \«»»«si«»m»'»>  ' 


—  617  — 


Quadrilha,  sf.  ward,  district  of 
a  city;  troop  of  horsemen ;  gang; 
{dane.)  quadrílle. 

Quadrilheiro,  sm.  a  bailiff. 

QuadrUongo,  sm,  long  sqaare, 
parallelogram.  [man. 

Qaadrixnano,  sm.  or  adj.  quadru- 

Quadripartito,   a,  or  Quadri- 

Íiartido,  a,  adj.  divided  into 
our  parts,  quadripartite. 

Quadro,  sm.  (geom.)  a  quadrate, 
a  sauare :  a  square  ued  in  a 
garaen ;  the  platen  of  a  prínting 
press  ;  any  picture  in  frame. 

Quadrumano,  a,  adj.  quadru- 

Quadrumvirato,  sm.  a  coalition 
of  four  men.  [cated. 

Quadrupeado .    adj.    quadrupli- 

Quadrupedante,  adj.  2  g.  tnat 
goes  on  four  feet,  prancing, 

Quadrúpede,  sm.  quadruped ;  a 
four-footed  beast.  —  adj.  qua- 
drúpede, [proportion. 

Quadrupla,  sf.  {mus^  quadruple 

Quadruple,  adj.  2  g.  quadruple. 

Quadruplicação,  sf.  quadrupli- 
cation.  [druply. 

Quadruplicadaxuente,  adv.  qua- 

Quadruplicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  qua- 
druplicated.  [cate. 

QuaourupUcar,  va.  to  quadrupli- 

Quadruplo,  sm.  four-fold,  qua- 

Qual,  pron.  rei.  2  g.  he  that, 
whicn,  so  as.  Com  o  — ,  with 
whora,  wiih  which.  —  pergunta 
farás,  tal  resposta  terás,  such  a 
question  as  you  ask,  such  an 
answer  you  will  have.  O  —  a 
— ,  who,  he  that,  which.  Com  os 
quaes,  with  whom.  Tal  qual, 
very  like,  the  very  same  ;  so  so. 
Qual,  interrog.  —  d^elles  ?  which 

Qualhar,  va.  V.  Coalhar. 

Qusdidade,  sf.  quality;  condi- 
tion  ;  title.  Pessoas  de  — ,  gen- 

Qualificação ,   sf.   qualifícation. 

Qualificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  qualiíieâ, 

Qualiíioador,    sm.    quaUficator. 


Qualificador,  a,  adj.  that  qua^ 

Qualificar,  va.  to  qualify,  to  call. 
Qualificar-se,  vr.  to  qualify  one's 
self.  [tive. 

Qualificativo,  a,  adj.  qualiâca- 

Qualitativo,  a,  adj.  concerning 
a  quality. 

Qualquer,  adj.  any,  any  body, 
whichsoever,  whosoever.  Em  — 
tempo,  whensoever.  —  cousa,  a 
little,  some,  any  thing.  Irei  lá 

—  dia,  I  will  go  there  some  day 
or  other.  —  outra  pessoa,  some 
body  else,  any  body  else.  Em 

—  parte,  wheresoever.  —  cousa 
que  succeda,  whatsoever  hap- 
pens.  [great. 

Quaxnanho,  a.  adj.  [anc.)  how 

Quando,  adv.  when.  Até  —  ?  till 
what  time?  how  long?  De  — 
em  — ,  now  and  then.  —  muito, 
at  most,  at  farthest.  —  menos, 
at  least.  —  quer  que,  whensoever. 
Mesmo  — ,  even  when. 

Quantia,  sf.  quantity. 

Quantidaae,  sf.  quantity. 

Quantioso,  a,  adj.  numerous, 

Quantitativamente,  adv.  with 
respect  to  quantity  or  number. 

Quantitativo,  a,  aaj.  quantitive, 
or  belonging  to  continuai  quan- 

Quanto,  a,  adj.  inter,  how  much? 
is  also  an  adverb  and  a  con- 
junction.  Quantos  ?  how  many  ? 
Todos  —  elles  são...  as  many  as 
they  are.  Quanto  tempo  ?  how 
long?  —  menos,  much  less. 
Tanto  — ,  as  much  as.  Quanto, 
as  much  as,  as  far  as.  Em  — , 
while.  Em  —  a,  as  to,  as  for. 
Em  —  a  mim,  as  for  me.  Por  — , 
since,  whereas.  —  for  necessá- 
rio, as  far  as  it  shali  be  need- 

Quão,  adv,  or  conj.  how.  Quão 
bem  parece,  how  well  it  looks, 
etc.  Tão  — ,  as  w^ll  aa. 

Quaxetita,,  num.  ad.^.  Icixx.^ . 

OLuaxesmai.  sf  •  \«tv\.. 
QnaxoamBX,  ad.3 .  l  íi  •  \eTx\Rva- 


—  618  — 


Quaresmar,  va.  or  n.  to  keep  lent. 

Quarta,  sf.  a  fourth ;  a  little 
bushel ;  tne  fourth  part  thereof ; 
a  water-pot ;  {miis.}  the  íourth. 

Quarta,  a^j.  f.  Febre  — ,  a  quar- 
tan  a^e. 

Quartafeira,  sf.  wednesday. 

Quartamente,  adv.  fourthly. 

Quartanal,  sin.  a  sort  of  wooUen 
cloth.  [auartan  ague. 

Quartanario,  a,  007.  that  has  a 

Quartano,  sm.  a  sort  of  measure 
containing  four  alqueires. 

Quartão,  sm.  a  nag ;  a  smali  can- 
non,  a  twelve  pounder. 

Quartapisa,  sf.  a  border  or  welt 
in  the  inside  of  a  -woman^s  gown. 

Quartapisar,  va.  to  bind  or  trim 
with  a  border  or  welt. 

Quarteado,  a,  adj.  {herald.)  quar- 
tered  ;  quarterly. 

Quartear,  va.  (AeraW.)  to  quarter. 

Quarteirão,  sm.  the  fourth  part 
of  a  hundred  ;  a  particular  sea- 
chart ;  {herald.)  one  of  the  four 
parts  into  vhich  a  shield  is  di- 
vided.  —  de  cosjOS^  a  four  cor^ 
ziered  range  of  houses. 

Quarteiro,  sm.  quarterage,  pen- 
sion  paid  by  quarters. 

Quartel,  sm.  quarters,  barracks 
^odging  for  a  soldier.  Dar  — ,  to 
spare  the  life  and  give  good 
treatraent  to  a  conquered  enemy . 
Pedir  — ,  to  beg  quarter.  — 
mestre  ou  furriel^  a  quarter-mas- 
ter.  —  mestre  general^  quarter- 
master-general.  —  da  corte^  the 
king's  or  the  generaVs  quarters. 
Quartel^  a  quarter-rent.  Paqar 
a  quartéis^  to  pay  quarterly ; 
{herald.)  quarterin^s.  Quartéis 
dasportas^  the  porthds  ina  ship. 

Quartella,  sf.  the  pastem  (horse). 

Quartelludo,  a,  adj.  (farrier)  a 
horse  that  has  some  defect  in 
the  quarters. 

Quarteto,  sm.  quatrain,  tetras- 
tich  ;  {music.)  quartetto. 

Quartilho,  sm.  the  fourth  part  of 
a  measure  called  canada. 
OaartinJho,  sm.  a  sort  of  golden 

coin  equal  to  6    shUUngs  and 

9  pence. 

Quarto,  a,  adj.  fourth. 

Quarto,  sm.  a  quarter ;  an  apart- 
mont  in  a  house ;  (a  sea  term] 
-watch  ;  a  hogshead.  —  de  pipa, 
a  quarter  cask.  —  d^alwiy  the 
third  watch.  —  da  modorra^  the 
second  watch.  —  de  lua^  a  quar- 
ter. Quartos  j  s.  pi.  chaps  in 
the  hoof  of  a  horse.  —  ado. 

Quartola,  sf.  half  a  pipe. 

Quartz,  sm.  {min.)  quartz. 

Quasi,  adv.  almost,  nearly,  ver}í' 
near  ;  in  a  manner.  E'  —  noite^ 
it  is  almost  night. 

Quasixnodo,  sm.  Low-Easter- 

Quaasação,  sf.  quassation. 

Quassia,  sf.  {bot.)  auassia. 

Quaternário,  a,  aaj.  quatemary. 

Quatemião,  sm.  qúatemion. 

Quatemidade,  sf.  quaternity. 

Quatemo,  sm.  quatern. 

Quatorze,  adj.  2  g.  fourteen, 
fourteenth.  [day. 

Quatorzeno,  a,  adj.  fourteenth 

Quatralvo,  a,  adj.  Cavallo  — ,  a 
horse  thas  has  tour  white  feet. 

Quatriduano,  a,  adj.  in  the  space 
of  four  days.  [days. 

Quatriduo,  sm.  the  space  of  four 

Quatro,  adj.  four.  Chegou  a  —  de 
MaiOy  he  arrived  the  fourth  day 
of  May.  —  têmporas,  the  four 
ember  s  weeks. 

Quatrocentos,  as,  adj.  four 

Que,  conj.  that,  than.  Creio  que 
elle  vira,  I  believe  that  he  -will 
come.  Por  medo  — ,  for  fear. 
Sem  — ,  unless.  Creio  —  sim,  1 
believe  so,  yes.  Elle  cré  —  não. 
he  believes  not.  Digo  —  sim,  I 
say  yes.  Mais  vinho  —  a^tua. 
more  wine  than  water.  Mais  do 
—  é  necessário,  more  than 
enough.  Não  mais  —  cinco,  no 
more  than  five.  Se  não  — ,  but 
also.  Com  tanto  — ,  proviãed 
that.  Que,  but,  but  that.  Não  ha 
dumda — ^  l\v«re  Is  no  donbt  bnt 
<«  "Wx^i^cÃX»  Be  «wte  — ^  «&^«ib. 
Quero  —  faXU,\eXVYa\.  «^^ik.. — 


—  619  — 


no  mesmo  tempo  que  pena !  how 
much  pleasure  and  trouble  at 
once !  Que^  is  sometimes  re- 
peated,  as  :  —  bellos  livros  que 
tendes  I  vhat  fine  books  you 
have  ffotl  and  sometimes  fol- 
lowed  Dy  de,  as  :  —  de  loucos  ha 
no  mundo!  how  many  fools 
there  are  in  the  world !  Que, 
■whence,  since.  Q  dia  —  elle 
partiOy  the  day  he  set  out. 
Quanto  tempo  ha  —  estais  em 
Londres  ?  how  long  have  you 
lived  in  London  ?  tía  dez  aittios 

—  morreu,  he  died  ten  years 
ago.  Que  or  porque,  for. 

QMò,pron.  rei.  which,  who,  whom, 
what,  that.  Com  —  wherewith. 

—  horas  são  ?  what  o'clock  is  it  ? 
Quebra,  sf.  break ;  a  rupture,  a 

breaking;  the  refuse  of  goldor 
silver  in  melting;  loss,  detri- 
ment ;  preiudice,  diminution.  — 
de  amizade,  breach  of  frieqd- 
ship.  —  de  mercador f  bank- 
ruptcy.  —  de  credito^  loss  of 

Quebrada,  sf.  a  break  in  land ; 
an  unevenness,  a  break ;  a  pre- 

Quebradaxnente,  adv.  suddenly. 

Quebradeira,  sf.  a  piece  of  im- 

Eertinence  that  troubles  one's 

Quebradiço,  a,  adj.  brittle,  soon 

Quebrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  broken ; 
become  bankrupt.  Numero  — , 
a  fraction,  broken  number.  Câr 
— a,  a  faint  colour.  —  do-  tra- 
balhoy  fatigued  with  labour. 
Olhos  — í,  excessively  tender 

Quebrado,  sm.  a  fraction ;  a  per- 
8on  afflicted  with  a  hérnia.  — 
dos  aguas,  a  water-fall. 

Qnebrador,  sm.  a  breaker. 

Quebradura,  sf.  a  rupture  ;  a 
breaking.  [a  butor. 

Quebra-esquinas,  sm.  a  bully, 

Quebramento ,  sm.  breaking, 
violation  ;  infraction. 

^nfbrsmçoy  sf.  a  violent  shock 

Quebrantado,  a,  pp.  adj.  broken, 
tired,  weakened. 

Quebrantador,  sm.  a  breaker, 
an  infringer.  —  adj.  that  breaks. 

Quebrantamento ,  sm.  break ; 
violation,  infringement;  feeble- 

Quebrantar,  va.  to'  break,  to 
weaken.  —  uma  lei^  to  break  a 
law.  —  o  espirito,  to  dispirit. 
Quebrantar-se,  vr.  to  despond. 

Quebranto,  sm.  a  bewitcning  by 
the  eye ;  fascination. 

Quebra-osso,  sm.  break-bone,  os- 

Quebrar,  va.  to  break,  to  break 
open.  Aquillo  quebra-lhe  os  olhos, 
that  is  an  eyesore  to  him.  —  o 
fio  dos  appetites,  to  tame  or  su])- 
press  the  passions  ;  to  assuage, 
•to  lessen,  to  move,  to  toss,  to 
shake,  tobend,  to  turn. 

Quebrar,  vn.  to  break,  to  burst, 
to  open.  —  a  ira,  to  relent,  to 
be  appeased  ;  to  become  bank- 
rupt. Quehrar-se,  vr.  to  break; 
to  De  stigmatised  with  bastardy. 
Quebror^ne  o  corarão,  my  heart 
is  ready  to  break. 

Quebros,  {mus.)  melodious 
inflections  of  the  voice. 

Queoa,  sf.  {anc)  a  piece  of  a  wo- 
man^s  aress. 

Queche,  sm.  a  fishing-sraack. 

Queda,  sf.  fali,  declivity,  steep- 
ness,  inclination  ;  proneness, 
love,  affection.  [remained. 

Quedado,  a,  pp.  adj.   stopped. 

Quedar,  va.  and  n.  to  stop,  to 

Quedo,  a,  adj,  quiet,  still.  2\a 
almoeda  tem  a  oarba  — ,  at  a 
sale  keep  the  beard  on  your 
chín  still. 

Queijada,  sf.  a  cheese  cake. 

Queiíado,  a,  2^.  adj.  made  into 
a  cheese. 

Queijar,  va.  to  make  cheese. 

Queijaria,  sf.  the  work  or  act  of 
màking  cheese. 

Queileixa,    sf.   5^.   ^^^«1  -«v^x^ 

Ooelio,   sm.    çítie*^^^'-  —  ^^ 


■    M>Wrtl«ll 


—  620  — 


new  cheese.  —  duro^  old  cheese. 
—  coalhado,  cheese-curds.  — 
feito  de  nata,  cream-cheese.  — . 
flamengo^  dutch-cheese.  —  lon- 
dinno,  thin  Gloucester   cheese. 

Queima,  sf.  a  bnrning. 

Queimação,  sf.  —  do  sangue,  {fig.) 
sorrow,  grief,   vexation,  care. 

Queimada,  sf.  the  burning  of  a 

Queimadella,  sf.  a  burn. 

Queimado,  a,  pp.  aáj.  burnt, 
blasted  ;  frost-bitten.  —  do  sol, 
sun-burnt.  Jíoras  queimadas  or 
furtadas,  spare  time. 

Queimador,  a,  sm.  ot  f.  a  burner. 

Queimadura,  sf.  a  burn,  burning. 

Queimamento,  sm.  conflagra- 
tion,  the  act  of  burning. 

Queixxiar,  va.  to  burn,  to  blast ; 
to  sear ;  to  nip  or  starve  as 
with  cold.  —  a  fazenda,  to 
•waste  an  estate.  —  o  sangue,  to 
afflict,  to  grieve,  to  vex.  —  as 
pestanas  em  alguma  obra,  to 
compose  a  work  vith  much 
pains  and  study. 

Queimaroupa  (â),  (adv.)  Atirou- 
Ihc  um  tiro  á  — ,  he  shot  hira 
-w^ith  the  gun  close  to  his  breast. 

Queimor,  sm.  a  burning. 

Queiroga,  sf.  {hot.)  a  sort  of  plant. 

Queixa,  sf.  a  complaint  ;  groan- 
ing,  groan. 

Queixada,  sf.  the  jaw-bone. 

Queixai,  adj.  2  g,  pertaining  to 
mandible.  Dente  — ,  a  cheek 

Queixar-se,  vr.  to  complain,  to 
lament ;  to  groan.  Elle  queixa- 
se  muito,  he  makes  a  sad  com- 
plaint. [dom  tooth. 

Queixeiro,  adj.  m.  Dente  — ,  wis- 

Queixia,  sf.  a  complaint. 

Queixo,  sm.  the  jaw-bone. 

Queixosamente,  adv.  plaíntive- 
ly,  raournfully. 

Queixoso,  a.  adj.  doleful,  que- 

rulous,  bewailing ;  afflicted  with 

disease.  [raoan. 

Queixume,    sm,     lamentatioTi , 

Quejando,  a,  adj.  {anc.)  such. 

Ta/  e  — ,  neither  good  nor  baà. 
Quelha,  sf.  a  mill-leat. 

Quem,  pron.  who.  —  está  ahi? 
"who  is  there  ?  NUo  sei  — ,  I  knovsr 
not  who.  De  —  é  este  livro? 
"whose  book  is  this?  —  quer, 
whosoever.  Quem,  adv.  A'  —  or 
d'aquem,  on  this  side. 

Quemquer,  adj.  any  one,  any 

Quente,  adj.  2  g.  warm,  hot, 
fervid,  bnsk.  Andar  o  negocio 
— ,  is  for  a  business  to  be  car- 
ried  on  briskly.  {Calor. 

Quentura,   sf.   heat,  warm.   V. 

Quer,  conj.  either,  whether.  —  elle 
queira,  quer  não,  whether  he  will 
or  no.  Se  — ,  at  least.  Nem  se 
quer  um,  never  a  one.  Nem  se 
—  uma  palavra  se  atreveu  a  dizer 
de  César,  he  durst  say  never  a 
word  of  Csesar.  Como  —  qvx 
seja,  howsoever  it  be.  Como  — 
que,  whereas.  [cause. 

Querela,  sf.  (in  law)  a  plaint,  a 

Querelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  complain- 
ed.  —  sm.  a  defendant. 

Querelador,  a,  adj.  plaintifT,  a 

Querelante,  adj.  2  g.  {in  law) 
plaintiíf ;  to  bring  an  action. 

Querelar,  V7i.  {in  law)  to  eomplaia. 

Quereloso,  a,  adj.  lamenting, 

Quer  ena,  sf.  careen,  careening. 

Querenado,  a,  pp.  adj.  careened. 

Querenar,  va.  to  careen.  —  um 
navio,  to  careen  a  ship. 

Querença,  sf.  the  act  of  willing. 
Bem  — ,  benevolence. 

Querençoso,  a,  adj.  benevolent, 

Querente,  adj.  2  g.  that  -vrílls. 

Querer,  sm.  -will,  pleasure. 

Querer,  va.  and  n.  to  will,  to  be 
willing.  —  bem  a  alguém,  to 
wish  a  person  well.  Quero-vos 
muito,  I  love  you  dearly.  Antes 
— ,  to  prefer.  Que  quereis  vos  ? 
what  would  you  have  ?  —  dizer ^ 
to  mean,  to  signify.  Quer  dizer 
que,  etc,  the  meaning  is  that, 
ftlc.  Querer-se,  vr.  —  com  alguém^ 



—  621  — 


Querido,  a,  pp.'  adi.    wished, 

longed    for.    Dearly    beloved 

Meu     — ,   my  dear   (a    man). 

Minha  querida,  my  dear  (speak- 

ing  of  a  woraan). 
Querimonia,  sf.  querimonia. 
Querquero,  a,  adj.  Febre  —a, 

a  most  intense  fever. 
Queatòo,  sf.  question,   proposi- 

tion.   5^1  — ,   without   doubt. 

Suppâr  aquillo  que  está  em  — ,  to 

beg  the  question.  [tioned. 

Questionado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ques- 
Questionador,  a,  sm,  or  f.  ques- 

tioner,  inquirer. 
Questionar,  va.  to  question,  to 

discuss ;  to  controvert. 
Questionável,    adj.   2  g.   ques- 

tionable.  proversy. 

Questiúncula,  sf.  a  little  con- 
Questor,  sm.  questor. 
Questorio,  a.  adj.  of  or  pertain- 

ing  to  a  questor. 
Questuario,  a,  adj.   questuary; 

gainful.  [crative. 

Questuoso,  a,  adj.  profitable,  lu- 
Questura,  sf.  questorship. 
Qui,  adv.   here.  herein,  in  this 

pláce.  Até  — ,  as  far  as  here. 
Qnlabeiro,  sm.   the  plant   that 

bears  quiabos.  [bean. 

Quiabo,  sm.   a  sort  of  kidney- 
Qniçâ,  adc.  perhaps  ;  what,  why. 
Quioio,  sm.  a  hinge. 
Quietação,  sf.    quietness,    rest, 

tranquillity.  [(juiet. 

Quietado,  a,  pp.    adj.   quieted. 
Quietamente ,      adv.      quietly , 

Quietar,  va.  to  quiet,  to  calm ; 

to  stop  motion.  V,  Aquietar. 
Quietismo,   S7n.  quietism,  tran- 
Quietista,  sm.  quietist. 
Quieto,  a,  adj.  quiet,  mild,  still ; 

at  rest ;  smooth. 
Quigila,  sf.  (African  term)  anti- 

pathy,    aversion.     This    word 

and    the     foUowing    one    are 

commonly  pronounced  quizilia^ 

Quigilento,  a,  adj.  antipathetic. 
QtdJ,  sm.  (nat.  hist.)  mangouste. 
âaílataçãò,  sf.  assaying. 

Quilatado,  gl^  pp.  adj.  assayed. 
Quilatador,  sm.  assayer. 
Quilatar,  va.  to  assay,   to  try 

Quilate,  sm.  a  carat. 
Quilha,  sf.  the  keel  of  a  ship. 
Quilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has  a 

Quilhar,  va.  (a  sea  term)  to  keel. 
Quilhares,  sm.  pi.  ship-nails. 
Quilombo,  sm,  a  place  of  refuge 

to  slaves  that  have  retired  into 

the  woods.  [night-gown, 

•  Quimão,    sm.    a  sort  of  Indian 

Quimera,  sf.   chimaera.  V.  Chi- 

mera  and  derivated. 
Quimia,  sf.  chemestry.  V.  Chi- 

mia  and  derivated. 
Quina,   sf.  a  comer;    {geom.)  a 

solid  angle ;  quint ;  [med.)  quin- 

quina  or  Peruvian  bark. 
Quinado,  B.,adj.  {pharm.)  Vinho  — , 

a  wine  with  quinquina  infused 

in  it.  [quinas. 

Quinante,    adj.   2   g.   that  has 
Quinâo,  sm.  the  correction  of  a 

fault.  Dar  —  a  alguém,  to  run 

one  down,  to  show  to  him  that 

he  is  mistaken.  [ruvian  bark. 
Quinaquina,  sf.  quinquina,  Pe- 
Quinario,  sm.  quinary ;  the  num- 

ber  íive ;  lustre  or  space  of  five 

Quinas,  sf.  pi.  two  íives  at  dice ; 

the  arms  of  Portugal. 
Quincalheiro,  sm.  iron-monger. 
Quinounce,    sm.    {agric.)    quin- 

cunx.  (gon. 

Quindeoagono ,  sm.    quina  eca- 
Quingosta,  sf.  a  path  between 

two  hills.  [part. 

Quinhão,   sm.    share,    portion» 
Quinhentista,    sm.  Portugaeso 

writer  of  the  XVth  century. 
Quinhentos,  as,  adj.  âve  hun- 

Quinhoar,  va.  to  share,  to  part. 
Quinhoeiro,  a,  adj.  and  s,  sharer, 

Quinina,   sf.   or   QuinixLO^  ^m. 

(p/iorm.'^  ç^vtCYS^^Qía^VkVív». 
Q.uinqvi^eTQ.«rVo,  «..  ^^"i\^5ãv. 

yeaia  o\à.  ^s^^  ^^, 

rw   ■    a   TN 



—  «22  — 


Qnlnqaangular,  adj,  2  g.  quin- 

quan  guiar.  [quennial. 

C9luinc[aen»al,   adj.   2  g.   quin- 
Qalnq[uennio ,     sm.    quinquen- 

niura;  the  space  of  ôve  years. 
Quinquilharia,   sf.  bard  ware 

in  general. 
Quinquilbeiro,   sm.   hard  vrare 

monger,  iron-monger. 
Quinta,  sf.  country  nouse,  faxm; 

{music.)  the  âfth. 
Ctointado.  a,  adj.  that  has  had 

the  íifth  taken  out. 
Quinta-essenoia,    sf.   •quintes- 

Quinta-feira,  sf.  thursday. 
Quintal,  sm.  garden  belonging 

to  a  house;  quintal  128  Ibs. 
Quintalada,  sf.  a  great  number 

of  quintais. 
Quintalão,  sm.  a  large  garden. 
Quintana,  <idj.  Febre  — ,  a  fever 

that  comes  every  íifth  day. 
Quintante,  sm.  a  sort  of  instru- 

ment  to  take  the  altitude  of  the 

Quintar,  va.  to  have  the  fífth. 
Quinteira,  sf.  a  farmer's  wife. 
Quinteiro,  sm.  a  farmer. 
Quinteto,  sm.  {music.)  quintet. 
Quinto,  a,  adj.  the  fífth. 
QuintuniTiro,   sm.  [anc.  Rom.) 

the    five    commissioners    that 

were  in  the  like  offíce  and  au- 

Quintuplicar,  va.  to  quintuple. 
Quintuplo,  a,  adj.  quintuple. 
Quinze,  adj.  2  g.  âfteen,  fífteenth. 
Quinzena,  sf.  the  fífteenth  part. 
Quiproquó,  sm.  quidproquo;  a 

Quisto,  a,  tuij.   dear,   beloved. 

Bem  — ,  -well  reputed. 
Quita,  sf.  the  act  of  forgiving  a 

debt.  Dar  —  da  divida  a  alguém^ 

to  forgive  one  a  debt. 
Quitação,  sf.  an  acquittance  or 
reoeipt.  [forgiven. 

Quitado,  a,  pp.  adi.  remitted, 
Qoitamento,  sm.  a  divorce. 
Quitança,  sf.  an  acquittance. 
Quitanda,  sf.  (a  term  oí  ÂngoVa^ 

a  market  place. 
Quitar,  va.  to  remit,  to  íoígvve 

—  umn  divida,  to  forgive  a  debt ; 

to  hinder,  to  take  a-way.  Quitar- 

M,  vr.  —  da  mulher  o  mando^  to 

divorce  one's  wife. 
Quitasol,  sf.  an  umbrella  to  keep 

off  the  sun. 
Quite,  adj.  2  g.  free,  clear,  from 

debts;  naving  discharged  bis 

Quito,  a,  adj.  taken  away. 
Quixotiamo,  sm.  quixotism. 
Quo,  adv.  here,  hither,  to  this 

place.  [tient. 

Quociente,  sm.  (arithm.)  the  quo- 
Quota,  sf.  quota,  a  share. 
Quote,  adj.  2  g.  quotidian.  Ves- 
tido — ,  a  dress  worn  every  day. 
Quotidiansanente.  adv.  daihr. 
Quotidiano,   a,   adj.   quotiman, 

daily.  [tions. 

Quotisar,  va.  to  divide  in  por- 
Quutiliquô,     sm.    (a  ludicroos 

word)  Homem  de  — ,  a  man  of 



R,aconsonant  and  the  eighteenth 

letter  of  the  Portuguese  alpha- 

bet  raaji. 

Rã,  sf.  a  frog.  —  do  mar^  a  rrog- 
Rabaça,    sf.    {bot.)     smallage, 

Rabaçal,  sm.  a  place  ^vhere  ra- 

baças  (water-cresses)  grow. 
Rabaçaria,  sf.  any  sort  of  herbs 

or  fruits. 
Rabaoeiro,  a,  adj.  too  fond  of 

fruits  or  herbs.  [called. 

Rabacoelha,  sf.  a  xcater-fowl  so 
Rabada,  sf.  the  txiil  of  a  fish ;  the 

uppermost  cabin  in  a  ship. 
Rabadam,   sm.   {anc.)   a  herds- 

Rabadilba,  sf.  lower  extremity 

of  the   spine.   —   de  ave^    tiie 

rump  of  a  bird. 
Rabado.  a,  adj.  caudated. 
'Rftb^VâA^  &m.  N.  ATTa6<U<2e. 
"SkjiiSMàWa^  &t  >  V^^^  •  ^^^^  ^  ^  ^^^  ^^ 


—  623  — 


'Babanada,  sf.  a  stroke  -with  the 

tail.  [dishes  grow. 

Habanal,  »m.  a  ulace  where  rar 
Rabanete,  sm,  a  little  radish. 
HabSo,  sm.  radish.  TtaiL 

Rabão,  ona,  adi.  having  a  sLort- 
Rabavento,  adv.  Ir  a  ave  a  — , 

Í8  for  a  bird  to  soar  before  tbe 

wind.  [rabbin. 

Rabbi  or  Rabbino,  sm.  rabbi, 
Rabbinado,  sm,  tbe  dignlty  of  a 

Rabbinico,  a,  adj.  rabbinical. 
Rabbinismo,  sm.  rabbinism. 
Rabbinista,  sm.  rabbinist. 
Rabeador,  a,  adj.  Cavallo  — ,  a 

horse  thatis  continually  moving 

the  tãil.  [tail. 

Rabeadura,  sf.  movement  of  the 
Rabear,  vn.  to  move  the  tail  con- 

Rabeca,  sf.  fiddle;  violin.  Arco 

de  — ,  íiddle-stick ;  {a  sea  term) 

the  mizen-stay-sail. 
Rabecão,  sm.  a  double  bass. 
Rabel,  Rebel  or  Rabil,  sm.  a 

rebec,  a  small  fiddle,  a  kit. 
Rabello,     sm.    the    plough-tail 

handle.  [níst. 

Rabecniista,   sm.  fiddier.  violo- 
Raberviva,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  a  sort 

of  wild  bird. 
Rabeta,  sf  wa^ail. 
Rabia,  sf.  Y.  Eaiva^  and  deri- 

Rabiça,  sf.  the  piough  beam  that 

contains  the  coulter. 
Rabicão,  adj.  m.  horse  that  has 

vhite  hair  in  the  tail. 
Rabichão,  ona.  adj.  docked. 
Rabicho,  sm.  the  crupper  of  a 

horse ;  a  tail. 
Rabiourto,  a.  adj.  short-tailed. 
Rábido,  a,  adj.  rabid,  furious. 
Rabiforcado,  a,  adj.  that  has  a 

forked  tail.  [of  rebecs. 

Rabileiro,  sm.  a  player  or  maker 
Rabilonfjfo,  a,  adj.  that  has  a 

long  tail.  Huja. 

Rabisca,  sf.  scrawling.  V.  Gara- 
Rablscadeira,  sf.  a  she-gleaner. 
Rabiscado,  a,  pp.  adj.  gleaned. 
Mabiaoador,  sm.  a  gleaner. 
JiabXscar,  va.  to  glean. ;  to  scrawl. 


Rabiaoo,  sm.  small  branches  of 

straggling  grapes  left  behind 

bv  those  that  gather. 
Rabiseco,  a,  adj.  dry-tailed;  any 

poor  or  lean  creaturc. 
Rabiviva,  sf.  a  sort  of  bird  so 

Rabo,  sm.  the  tail;  fundament. 

Olhar  com  o  ^^  do  olho^  to  look 

askew  upon.   Mentira  de  — ,  a 

great  lie.  —  de  ovelha ^  a  sort 

of  grapes. 
Raboleva,  sf.  a  paper-taiL 
Rabotar,  va.  to  plane. 
Rabeie,  sm.  a  sort  of  large  plane. 
Rabudo,  a,  adj.  tailed. 
Rabuge  or  Rabugem,  sf.  the 

mange;  {fig.)  moroseness,  pee- 

Rabugento,  a,  adj.  humorous, 

morose,  peevish. 
Rábula,  sm.  an  ignorant  tricking 

lawyer,  pettifogger. 
Rabmão,  sm.  boaster,  fanfaron. 
Rabularia,  */.  chicane ;  lawyer's 

boastings  or  threats. 
Rabullce,  sf.  lawyer's  chicanery. 
Raça,   sm.  an  hebrew  word  of 

contempt  for  a  vain  empty  fel- 

Raça,  sf.  race,  family^enera- 

tion ;  breed ;  a  sort  oiUisoase 

in  the  hoof  of  a  horse. 
Ração,   sf.   ration,   portion;   al- 

lowance.   —  para  um    dia^    a 

day's  allowance. 
Racatar,  va.  to  place  in  safety, 

to  hide. 
Racha,  sf.  splinter,  a  chip. 
Rachadeira,  sf.  an  instrument 

used  by  grafters.  [hewn. 

Rachado,   a,   pp.    adj.   clovcn. 
Rachador,  sm.  he\v'cr,  splitter. 
Rachadura,   sf.   a    cleaving,  a 

Rachsur,  va.  to  cleave,  to  chap, 

to    split,    to     crack,  to    gape. 

—   vn.   and   Rachar-se^   vr.   to 

chap,   to   gape,   to   crack,   to 

split.  [Indian  soldiers. 

RachebidoB^  sm.  -pi.  -e. -asstv.  «2!^ 
Rachitico,  a,  adi. xvOsA^-l- 

Raclcú!t\smo,  sm.  \Jii«»  ^v<í>^^^- 

•■  -  + 

>■•  •     .-,■ .    >      ■      v 

J^Am*.   V  *  J      '« 

**!•,      .       *         CV^Jt  '  •■ 

âTv»/   ^z*  :►      «^A      .  -•      ••  ■  * 

9íi»'    Vi  .  r«  «//.Jirf.Vt.     •-•  •       ••- ■   . 
#íí#/;  ;/•;',   »   ;//,   o',\     •    .  -.  ■■ 

t^!4f\t*,U*l't,    '.í     III*     /<//;       .'*/;.'**'■ 

Ha^if.iéllAtti't    ■■//»    ir-M*  ;,., -ff, 

|i  i«l .' 'fi-.«f    u,  //'//     h*  l'>ny.iti'    t/ , 
lt'.i'l|fi'.ttr  M>       «/       t'i     |»r'*':ii<-<!  I 

I iiniil  ,   I  .•'lii|f 

ltii'll<iuitiit'irfMi,   //'/>■     ífflififiiiy. 

|t>i«ll«iq'r    U     //'//     ífl«lirilit,  f/|lttiT' 

llmif     'ff    III  {'iil|i<-i'  liiii  ii«'W  iiíilt. 
Iliifit     ■/   II  ffimil.  Iiiiii;/<'r , 
I1iilii'l'i  II,  f/'//    WMii  mil.,  llinvul' 


Itiih-ii  li     111/    (1  iiiii   iiif 
Miitiiii .  Ill    iii  Ir  Mil,  <>i  wfi.Mvi*. 
Iliilii,     ■/      lliii',    i-U-iiliK,    riLri'/ik  ; 
lllinl  liiil  i|i'i   ,      IluliliiM'  ;     f  lil 

hlllinlil  II  iillM    111     |||i'    liiur    Viill 
lltn  '   /iiillllri. 

tíuliuili     M,   /tfí.   tiilj.    nii\\i\V\MV, 

4/|  i/iii|/ 

~ .•  '    .  ^ 

»    i 

■  ■  c 

i  •     ■     .  ■ 

r^yT'  í 

-i~.£.:t  r 

Zrjk.-r%    .'   -:.'-    ''■.•7     1;:— 71:- 

ir;«-T4."'  i-. :  -     ri-i-*    t- 

• '.    -  T 1 '    r  '-JT. "  m 

P^.z   ''  -•.•'.':  K^r-  ''  —   IL*  «^ 

*     -       # 

K»jíf   '  • .  .•■....;.  ;•=■:- i. 

Hít\'*á*    tf.  —  ''<  '.*-.'.   \  j:5  1: 

fis»i«ira   '^,  *  h». •*•«!*.-. 

H^Ja    */,  /''7'<  </"  — .  Kro-vn  bwaí 

i;.íi'.'!  oí  pollurd.  ^scraped. 

Kalado,    a.    ///>■     '/'//.     ^nraied, 
HaJador.  aw,  jrrater. 
Ríilar.  1'/.  to  irrKif.  to  scr.ipe. 
Iial/5  '»r  Relê.  Á/".  choiríH  or  natu- 

ríil   jinry;   rh^íH.  fainily.   Haixa 

1  il  —  .  th'!  rubblíí. 
Raloado.  a,  pi*.  adj.  inade  thin. 
Xluloadiira,  »f.  tho  act  of  grow- 

iii;:  til i II. 
Rnloar.  vn.  to  f^row  thin. 
Raloiro,  «m.  nir»  ur  thin  space. 
Raloza.  sf.  thinnciKH. 
Ralhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  scoldnd. 
Ralhadur,    sm.    Ncoldor;  swag^- 


Ralhar,  vn.  uv  n.  1»  swng'^er,  to 


—  625  — 


Ralo,  a,  adj.  tbin,  not  densc. 
Ralo ,   sm.   grater :   a   cabbage- 
"worm.  [used  b^'  printers. 

Rama,  sf.  ramage ;  an  iron  chase 
Ramada,  sf.  an  arbour,  a  bower. 
Ramadan,  sm.  ramadan. 
Ramagem,   sf.   ramage,  leave- 

Ramal,  sm.  a  bundle  of  strings 

of  beads.  pearls,  etc. 
Ramialliada.  sf.  a  great  quantity 

of  boughs. 
Ramalhar,  va.  or  n.  to  get,  to 

reach    the    hand    in    the    íovr 

branches  of  a  tree. 
Ramalhete,  sm.  a  nosegay, 
Ramalheteira,  sf.  a  wonian  that 

makes  nosegays. 
Ramalho,  sm.  a  dead  bough  cut 

frora  a  tree. 
Ramalhudo,  a,  adj.  ramous,  full 

of  branches. 
Rameira,  sf.  a  lo-vv^  prostitute. 
Rameiro,  sm.  (fale.)  a  brancher, 

a  ramage  hav/k. 
Rameiro,    a,   adj.  that    comes 

hopping  from  bough  to  bough. 
Ramentos,  sm.  pi.  (õo^)  small 

Rameo,  a,  adj.  rameous. 
Ramificação,  sf.  ramiíication. 
Ramificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ramifíed. 
Ramificar,  va.  to  ramify. 
Ramo,  sm.  bough,  branch,  stick. 

Domingo  de  Èamos,  Palm-Sun- 

day.  [being  ramous. 

Ramosidade,  sf.  the  quality  of 
Ramoso,  a,  adj.  ramous,  bran- 

chy.      , 
Ramipa,  sf.  slope,  declivity. 
Rançar,  vn.  to  grow  rusty. 
Ranchada,  sf.  a  band  meeting. 
Rancheiro,  sm.  a  mess-maker. 
Rancho,  sm.  soldier's  quarters; 

a  mcss  on  board  a  ship. 
Rancido,  a,  adj.  rancid,  musty. 
Ranço,  sm.  rancidity,  rustiness, 

rankness,  noisome  smell.  Tou- 
cinho que  cobrou  — ,  bacon  that 

smells  rusty. 
Rancor,  sm.  rancour. 
JRanooroao,  a,  adj.  rancorous. 
R^çoso,  a,  adj,  rusty,  rancid. 
Toucinho  — ,  rusty  bacon. 

Rancorar-se,  vr.  to  complain  of 

Ranger,  vn.  to  creak.  —  com  os 

dentes,  to  grind  the  teeth. 
Rangido,  sm,  a  creaking. 
Rangifer,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  a  rain- 
deer.  [ing. 

Ranhadura,  sf.  the  act  of  slop- 
Ranho,  sm.  snot,  the  mucus  void- 

ed  by  the  nose.  [nose. 

Ranhoso,  a,  adj.  having  a^dirty 
Ranhura,  sf.  {carp.)  groove. 
Ranilha,   sf.  the   pastem  of  a 

Ranula,  sf.  {anat.)  ranula. 
Ranular,  adj.  2  g.  ranular. 
Ranúnculo,    sm.    [bot.)    ranun- 

culus ;  crow-foot. 
Rapa,  sf  a  sort  of  instrument 

made  of  iron. 
Rapace,. aJ;.  2  g.  rapacious. 
Rapacidade,  sf   rapaciousness. 
Rapado,  a,  jop.  adj.  shaved,  short- 

Rapadoira,  sf.  an  instrument  to 

shave  or  scrape  with. 
Rapadura,  sf.   scrapings,  shav- 

Rapagão,  sm.  a  great  lad. 
Rapalinguas,    sf.     {bot.)    v:'úá. 

briar,  an  herb. 
Rapante,  adj.  2  g.  (herald.)  the 

posture     of     scratching      the 

ground.  [calico. 

Rapão,   sm.   a   kind  of  printcd 
Rapapé,  sm.  a  sort  of  nice  reve- 

rence.  Fazer  wn  — ,  to  make  a 

leg  to  bow. 
Rapar,  va.  to  shave,  to  scrape; 

to  take  away  l^y  force  or  cheat. 
Rapariga,  sf.  a  girl. 
Rapaz,  sm.  boy;  a  servant. 
Rapaz,  adj.  2  g.  rapacious. 
Rapazete  or  Rapazinho,  sm.  a 

little  boy. 
Rapazia,  sf.  a  boyish  trick,  a 

gang  of  boys. 
Rapaziada,  sf.  a  boyish  trick,  a 

gang  of  boys. 
Rapazola,  sm.  a  lad. 
Rapé,  sm.  ^"Cixi^. 

•Rap\Ão.«i,  adj.  T^çvò.,^^^^* 





—  626  — 


Rápidos,  sm.  pL  rapids.  V.  Cata- 

Rapilliar,  va.  to  rob. 
Rapilbo,  sm.   the  pumice-stone. 
Rapina,  sf,  rapine,  robbery. 
Rapinar,  va.  to  plunder,  to  use 

rapine.  [tion. 

Raporte,  sm.  (anc.)  report,  rela- 
Raposa,  sf.    a  fox.    Caçador  de 

raposas^  a  fox-hunter.  Raposa  y 

{a  sea   term)  the  shoe  or  the 

anchor,  the  lining  of  the  bov ; 

{hot.)  alopecurus. 
Raposamente ,     adv.     craftly  , 

cunningly.  [place. 

Raposeira,    sf.   a  -warm  sunny 
Raposeiro,  a,  adj.  crafty,  cun- 

ning.  [cunning. 

Raposia.    sf.    craft,     subtility, 
Raposinhar,  vn.  to  be  crafty,  to 

use  artiíice. 
Raposino,  a,  adj.  pertaining  to 

a  fox;  crafty. 
Raposo,  sm.  a  he-fox. 
Rapsódia,  sf.  rhapsody. 
Rapsodico,  a,  adj.  rhapsodical. 
Rapsodista,  sm.  rhapsodist. 
Raptado,  a,  pp.  adj.  snatched. 
Raptador,  sm.  a  ravisher. 
Raptar,  va.  to  snatch,   to  seize, 

to  rap. 
Rapto,  sm.  a  rape ;  a  trance  or 

ecstacy ;  a  snatching  any  thing. 
Rapto,   a,  adi.    swiit,    violent. 

V.  Arrebatado. 
Raptor,  sm.  a  ravisher. 
Rapunoio,  sm.  (bot.)  rampions. 
Raque,  sm.  or  Araoa,  sf.  arrack. 
Racrael,  sm.  {bot.)  a  sort  of  lily 

of  Japan.  [tennis. 

Raqueta,  sf.  a  racket  to  play  at 
Raramente,    adv.   rarely,     un- 

RarefaoçSo,  sf.  rarefaction. 
Raref aciente ,    adj.   2  g.  rare- 

Rarefactivel,  adj.  2  ç.  rarefiable. 
Reuref activo,  a,  adj.  rarefying. 
Rarefazer,  va.  to  rarefy. 
Rarefeito,  a,  pp.  adj.  rarefíed. 
Rareza,  sf.  rarity. 
Baridade,  sf.  rarity. 
Haro,    a.    adj\    rare,    unuauaX 
acãrcBt   thin;  exceUent,  cUu, 

bright.   Pulso  — ,   slo-w  pulse. 

Rasa,  sf.  a  sort  of -^oollen  cloth. 

Rasadura,  sf.  a  measure  of 
com,  etc,  after  being  made 
even  "with  the  strickle. 

Rasamente,  adv.  entirely. 

Rasante,  adj.  2  g.  ifort.)  rasant. 

Rasar,  va.  V.  Arrasar. 

Rasbuto,  sm.  Cm  índia)  radjeput. 

Rasca,  sf.  a  kind  of  fishing-net; 
a  âshing-boat. 

Rascador,  sm.  a  soraper  uscd  by 
goldsmiths;  (Ãsurg.)  rugine. 

Rsuscadiira,  sf.  a  scratch. 

Rascão,  sm.  mean  page  or  ser- 
vant;  a  dish  made  of  minced 

Rascar,  va.  to  crv  out. 

Rascoa.  sf.  a  cook-maid. 

Rascoeiro,  sm.  he  who  courts 
chamber-maids.  etc. 

Rascoice,  sf.  vulgarity,  base- 
ness.  [ed. 

Rascunhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sketch- 

Rascunhar,  va.  to  sketch. 

Rascunho,  sm.  sketch,  outline, 
first  draught. 

Rasgado,  a,  vp.  adj.  tom,  rent. 
Olhos  rasgados,  large  full  eyes. 
Cumprimentos  — s,  lulsome,  im- 
moderate  compliments.  Rasgado 
em  cumprimentos^  profuse  of 
compliments.  Janella  — a,  bal- 
cony  "«indow.  Comer  — ,  to  eat 
immoderately.  Dansar  — ,  to 
have  a  rage  for  danclng. 

Rasgador,  a,  adj.  that  tears  or 

Rasgadura,  sf.  a  rending. 

Rasgamento,  sm.  an  opening, 
a  íissure.  [tear. 

Rasgão,   sm.    a    great    rent   or 

Rasgar,  va.  to  tear,  to  rend,  to 
dissolve  a  union. —  corteziaSy  to 
be  profuse  in  compliments,  to 
be  over  officious.  —  sedas, 
etc,  to  wear  silk  clothes  in 
order  to  make  a  figure.  Rasgcar- 
*e,  vr.  to  be  rent  or  tom. 
Rasgo,s7n.  stroke,  dash. — depenna 
a  dash  "with  a  pen.  — *  de  elo- 
queucia,  «XtoV^*  of  elo<mence. 

C  ampo  — , «» ^X-Kcw  «^«v  «iwis&rsv 


—  627  — 


Jevel,  plain,  simple.  Panno  — , 
t)are  cloth.  Escudo  — ,  a  plain 
coat  of  arms.  Cadeira  rasa,  a 
chair  without  back  or  arms. 
Soldado  — ,  a  common  soldier; 
plebeian,  vulgar,  low. 
Rasoira,    sf.    half  a  strike   or 

bushel,    for    measuring   com. 

Páo  da  — ,  a  strickle ;  the  act 

of  shaving  the  head. 
Reusoirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  «tricken. 
Rasoirar,  ta.  to  strike  "w^itli   a 

Raspa,  sf.  scraping.  — *  de  ponta 

de  veado,  hart  s  horn  shavings. 
Raspado,  a,  pp.  adj.  scraped. 
Raspador,  sm.  a  scraper. 
Raspadura,  sf.  rasure,  scraping ; 

the  thing  scraped. 
Raspar,  va.  to  scrape,  to  shave. 
Raspilha,  sf.  a  tool  used  by  coo» 

Rasqueta,  sf.  {anat.)  the  Tmst 

or  carpus.  [storax. 

Rassamalha,     sf.     the     liquid 
Rastear,  Rastrear    or  Raste- 
jar, va.  to  track,  to  trace;  to 

Rasteiro ,    a,     adi.     creeping, 

crawling ;  low,  vulgar. 
Rastejador,  sm.  searcher,  exa- 

Rastejadura,    sf.    the    act    of 

searching  orinquiring. 
Rasteio,  sm.  creeping,  erowling. 
Rastellar,    va.     —  o   linho,   to 

hackle  or  dress  flax. 
Rastello,   57».    heckle,    a  flax- 

Rasto,  sm.  the  track  which  any 

thing  Icaves   behind  it.  —  de 

uma  corça,  the  track  of  a  doe ; 

a  sort  of  âshing  net.  Levar  de 

rastos,  ifig.)  to  carry  by  force. 
Rastolhada,  sf.  a  multitude  or 

heap  of  things.  —  de  mortos,  a 

great  slaughter. 
Ràstolhar,  vn.  to  trail,  to  hang 

on  the  ground. 
Rastolho,  sm.  a  stubble. 
Rastrear,    va.  to   indagate,  to 

searcli.  [cullis. 

S^BtrUho,  sm.     (fort.)   a  port- 
naatrOf  sm.  a  áng-net. 

Rasura,  sf.  rasure.  V.  Raspa. 
Rasuração,  sf.  the  act  of  scrap- 
Rata,  sf.  a  she-rat  or  mouse. 
Ratado,  a,  pp.  adj.  gnawed. 
Ratafia,  sm.  ratafia. 
Rat&o,  sm.  a  large  rat.  Assucar 

— ,  a  sort  of  very  coarse  sugar 
Ratazana,    sf  a    large  rat  or 

Ratar,  va.  to  gnaw. 
Rateado,  a,  pp.  adj.  shared. 
Rateador,  sm.  a  sliarer. 
Ratear,  va.  to  share,  to  divide. 
Rateio,    sm.  sharing,    distribu- 

Ratioe,  s.  a  pleasant  saying, 
Ratiíioaçaio,  sf.  ratiíication. 
Ratificado,  a,  pp.  adj.   ratified. 
Ratificar,  va.  to  ratify,  to  con- 

íirm.  [cation. 

Ratiliabição,  sf.  (m  laiv)  ratifi- 
Ratim,   sm.  a  weight  of  three 

grains  and  a  half  (in  weighing) 

diamonds,  etc. 
Ratina,  sf.  rateen. 
Ratinhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

been  sparingly  spent. 
Ratinhar,  va.  to  spend  sparingly. 

—  vn.  to  eontend  for  things  of 

no  value. 
Rato,  sm.  a  rat,  a  mouse.  Ratos, 

sharp    stones  or  rocks  which 

wear  the  cables  of  anchors.  — 

toupeiro  or  —   saloio,    a  field- 

Rato,  a,  adj.  ratifíed,  íirm. 
Ratoeira,  sf.  a  raouse-tra]>. 
Ratoneiro,  sm.  a  petty  thief, 
Ratonice,  sf.  picking-pockets. 
Raucisono,     a,      adj.     {poet.) 

Raudal,  sm.  a  swift  stream,  the 

channel  of  a  river. 
RaudSo,  adj.   Cauallo  — ,  a  red- 

dish  brown  horse. 
Ravinhoso,  a,  adj.  humourous, 

Ravioso,  a,  adj.  angry,  furious. 
Raxa,  sf.  cloth  streaked  witK  ae- 

veral  coVouxa. 
Rasado,  a,  adj.  «Xtyç«^5^  «s-^  ^^- 

vera\    coVowxh.    ^«**^  ,^11: 




—  628 


Raxeta.  sf.  a  sort  of  coarse 

Raz,  sm.  Pannos  de  — ,  tapestry, 
Arras  hanfrings.  V.  Arras. 

Razão,  sf.  reason.  Ter  — ,  to  be 
in  thtí  right.  —  de  cabo  de  es- 
quadra, nonsense,  an  answer 
nothing  to  the  purposc.  —  de 
estado ^\io\\úcs.  Fazer  a  — ,  to 
pledge.  Ente  dcs  an  iraaginarj 
being.  —  cr  prova^  reason,  ar- 
gument,  proof.  Livro  de  — ,  a 

.  Dook  of  accounts.  A  razão  de, 
adv.  at  the  rate  of ;  reasonable 
terms,  justice,  right  duty.  A  — 
de  dez  por  cento,  at  the  rate  oi* 
ten  por  cent.  Ter  razões  com 
alguém,  to  quarrel,  to  dispute. 
Sem  — ,  groundless. 

Hazimo,  sm.  V.  Racimo. 

Razo,  sm.  a  friar,  a  priest;  shal- 
loon,  [ly. 

Razoadamente,  adv.  competent- 

Razoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reasoned ; 
reasonable.  just. 

Razoamento,  sm.  reason,  judg- 
inent,  reasoning. 

Razoante,  adj.  2  g.  reasoning. 

Razoar,  va.  to  reason.  Y.  Arre- 
zoar.  [rational. 

Razoável,  adj.  2  g.  reasonable. 

Razoavelmente,  adv.  reasona- 

Ré,  sf.  {a  sea  term)  the  space 
from  the  main-mast  to  the 
stern  of  a  ship.  Para  —  or  o 
— ,  abaft :  {in  íaw)  she  that  is 
guilty  or  accused  of  a  crime. 

Rèa,  sf  {in  law)  she  that  is  guil- 
ty or  accused  of  a  crime.  V. 

Reacção,  sf.  reaction. 

Reaccender,  va.  to  kindle  or 
light  again. 

Reaoceso,  a,  adj.  lighted  or 
kindled  again. 

Reaccionário,  a,  adj.  reacting. 

Reaccasação,  sf.  recrimination. 

Reaccusado,  a,  pp.  adj.  accused 

iteaccusar,  va.  to  accuse  again, 

to  recríminate.  ícYot^i. 

Rendilho,  sm.  a  sort  of  -woolYen 
Rfíndmittír,  va.  to  readmit. 

Reagente,  adj.  2  g.  reacting, 

Reaggravação,  sf.  reaggrava- 
tion.  [vate. 

Reaggravar,   va.    to    reaggra- 

Reagir,  vn.  to  react,  to  return 
the  impulse.  [peatedly. 

Reagradecer,  va.   to  thank  re- 

Real,  adj.  2  g.  royal,  kingly. 
Dignidade  — ,  royalty,  roval 
dignity;  fine,  tneiy  wrought; 
real,  true,  not  tictitious. 

Real,  sm.  a  Portuguese  coin 
called  ree  equal  to  27/400  d.  Dez 
réis,  ten  rees,  equal  to  27/45  d. 
Cem  reis.  V.  Tostão.  MU  reis  a 
milree,  equal  to  5  s.  7  1/2  d. 
Real  branco,  an  ancient  coin 
twenty  of  "which  were  equal 
to  thirty-six  rees.  Real,  a  camp. 

Reall  inter j.  the  first  words  of 
acclamation  used  by  the  people 
at  the  king's  coronation. 

Realçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  heighten- 
ed,  set  off. 

Realçar,  va.  to  raise,  to  extol, 
to  dignify;  to  heighten. 

Realce,  sm.  magnifícence,  splen- 
dour,  glory. 

Realegrar,  va.  to  rejoice  again. 
Realegrar-se,  vr.  to  cong^tu- 
late,  to  rejoice.  [organ. 

Realejo,  sm.   a   small   portable 

Realengamente,  adv.   royally. 

Realengo,  a,  adj.  royal ;  noble. 

Realete,  sm.  a  sort  of  tax  or 
duty  on  wine,  etc. 

Realeza,  sf.  royaltv,  royal  mag- 
nifícence, royal  offspring. 

Realidade,  sf.  reality. 

Realisação,  sf.  realization. 

Realisado,  a,  pp.  adj.,  realized. 

Realisar,  va.  to  realize. 

Realisavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 
be  realized. 

Realismo,  «m.  royalism ;  realism. 

Realista,  sm.  royalist ;  realist. 

Realmente,  adv.  royally;  real- 
ly,  in  truth.  [mated. 

Reanimado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reani- 

Reanimador,  sm.  one  vrho  rea- 


—  629  — 


Reassumido,  a,  pp.  adj.  reas- 

sumed.  [to  resume. 

Reassumir,    va.    to   reassume, 
Reassumpção ,    sf.    reassump- 

JiioQ,  reassuming. 
Reata,  sf.  {de  bestas)  V.  Arriata. 
Reatado,   a,    pp.    adj.   bound, 

tied  again. 
Reataduras,  sf.  pi.  [a  sea  term) 

the  cords  which  tie  a  ship. 
Reatar,  va.  to  bind  or  tie  again. 
Reato,   sm.   the   state  of  being 

guilty.  [vised. 

Reavisado,    a,   pp.   adj.  read- 
'Reavisar,  va.  to  advise  a^ain. 
Rebaixado,  a,  pp  adj.   oepres- 

sed,  debased.  [basing. 

Rebaixamento,  s^n.  the  act  of  de- 
Rebaixar,  va.  to  lower  again,  to 

sink  down. 
Rebaixo,  sm.  (mason.)  an  open- 

Ing  in  the  wall. 
Rebaldio,  adj.  ?«.  Figo  — ,  the 

íig  of  a  wild  fig-tree. 
Rebalsado,  a,  pp.  adj.  enclosed 

with  balsas. 
Rebalsar-se,  vr.  to  stop  of  run- 

ning  (water). 
Rebanhado,   a,  pp.  adj.  gath- 

ered  into  a  drove. 
Rebanbar,  va.  to  gathcr  into  a 

drove.  [flock. 

Rebanbio,  a,  adj.  that   is  in  a 
Rebanbo,  sm.   flock,    fold.   Eyn 

—  s,  by  flocks. 
Rebanquio,  adj.  V.  Rebaldio. 
Rebaptisar,  oa.  to  rebaptize. 
Rebarba,  sf.  the  bezel  or  bezil 

of  a  ring. 
Rebatado,  a,  pp.  adj.  snatchcd. 
Rebatar,  va.  V.  Airebatar. 
Rebate,  sm.  an  alarm.  Tocar  a  — 

to  sound  an  alarm.  Dar  — ,  to 

alarm,  to  call  to  arms.  Sino  de 

— ,  the  alarm-bell ;  fear,  fright; 

dcduction,discount,  abatement. 
Rebatedor,  S7n.  a  money-chan- 

Rebater,  va.  to   beat  again,  to 

parnr,  to  ward  off,  to  repel,  to 

conmte,  to  convince;  to  rivet, 

to  clinch.  —  um  prego ^  to  rivet 

a  nail.  —   as  palam^as,  to  sl- 
leDoe;  to  pvdl  or  drive  bacV, 

to  reverberate;  to  frustrate,  to 

disappoint;   to   mako   void.  — 

vma  dor,    to   allay  a  pain.  — 

uma  sedição,  to  suppress  a  se- 

dition.  —  uma  lettra  de  cambio, 

to  discount  a letter  of  exchange. 
Rebatido,  a,  pp.    adj.  repelled; 

r^ated.  Fazer  uma  mesura  — a, 

to  make  a  profound  bow. 
Rebatinha,  sf.  a  snatching  or 

scambling.  Lançar  uma   cousa 

ás  rebatinnas,  to  throw  a  thing 

for  a  scramble. 
Rebeber.  va.  to  drink  again. 
Rebeca,    sf    violin,   íiddle    V. 

Rabeca.  {vessar. 

Rebeçar,  va.  to  vomit.  V.  Re- 
Rebeijar,  va.  to  kiss  again. 
Rebelde,  adj.  2   g.  rebel,  rebel- 

lious.  —  sm,  a  rebel. 
Rebeldia,  sf.  disobedience,  re- 

volt;    [mea,)    costiveness.    V. 

Rebellião,  Red. 

Rebellado,  a,    pp.    adj.  reoel- 
Rebellador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  rebel- 

ler,  one  who  excites  to  rebel- 

lion.  [bom,  unruly. 

Rebelião,  adj.  self-willed,  stub- 
Rebellar,  va.  to  rebel,  Rebellar^ 

se,  vr.  to  rise   in  rebellion,  to 

Rebellia,  sf.  rebellion. 
Rebellião,  sf  rebellion. 
Rebellioso,  a,  adj.  rebellious. 
Rebem,  adv.  twice  well. 
Rebem,    sm.   a  buir»  pizzle  or 

any  such  lash. 
Rebentaboi,  sm.  {bot.)  the  fruit 

of  the  wild  eglantine. 
Rebentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  burst  or 

broken  suddenly. 
Rebentar,  vn.  to  burst  or  break 

Rebentina  or  Rebentinba,  sf. 

(med.)  gripes.  [tree. 

Rebento,  sm.  the  first  shoot  of  a 
Rebique,  sm.  red  colour  usod  by 

women  to  paint  their  faces. 
Rebitar,  va.  to  rivet  or  clinch. 
Rebito,  sm.  rivet. 
Rebo,  sm.  ç^t^n^X.N  .  CoscoAXo- 




—  630  — 


Hebocado,  a,  pp.  adj.  plastered. 
Rebocadura,  sf.  plaster,  plaster- 

Bebcoar,  va.  to  lay  on  plaster 

or  mortar  with  a  trowel. 
Rebocar,    vn.  to    overiloir  the 

Beboco,  «m.  rough-cast,  pareet. 
Rebolado,  a,  pp,   adj.  half  dr>-. 

Rebolado,  sm.   the   act  of  mo- 

vÍD(^    the    buttocks    ín    some 

Rebolão,  adj.  m.  a  fanfaron. 
Rebolar,  vn.  to  roll,  to  tamble  íd 

the  manner  ot  a  rollíng  stone. 
Rebolear-ee,  vr.  to  stir,  to  move. 
Reboleira,  sf.  dirt  of  ^nding 

stone ;  ostentation,  vain  glorv. 
Reboleiro,    sm.    a    great  bell, 

rattle  or  tinkling  instmment. 
Reboliço,  ím.  tumult,   noise;  a 

Rebolindo,  adv.  Ir  or  vir  — ,  to 

go  or  come  quickly. 
Rebolir,  va.  to  touch  again;  to 

Rebolo,    sm.  a  grindstone;  the 

measlcs,  a  disease  of  trees. 
Rebombar,  vn.  to   resound,  to 

Reboxnbo,  sm.  resonance,  sound. 
Reboque,  sm.  a  cable  or  rope  to 

tow  a  ghip  along  with ;  a  car- 

penter's  plane.  Amarra  de  — , 

a  warp  (a  sea  term).  Ancora  de 

— ,  a  kedgc  or  keage  anchor. 
Rebora,  sf.  (anc.)  the    age   re- 

quired  in  law  for  a  marriage. 
Reborado,  sm.   the  matter  tnat 

is  forined  by  suppuration. 
Rebordão,  da,  adj.  Castanheiro 

— ,  wild  chcsnut  tree. 
Rebotado,  a,  pp.  adj.  repelled. 

Cão  — ,  a  dog  that  cannot  eat. 
Rebotalho,  sm.  rcfuse. 
Rebotar,  va.  to  blunt.  V.  Embo- 
Reboto,  a,    adj.  rude,  i^norant. 
Rebraço,  sm.  a  sort  ot  armour 

for  tbe  arm. 
JRetramar,  va.  to  rebeUo-w.V. 
•8«lvotar,  m,  to  bud  agúii. 

Rebnçadaxnente,  adv.  dissem- 

Rebocado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mnfíled 
ap,  concealed.  —  sm.  roand 
pieces  of  candied  sugar. 

Rebuçar,  va.  to  mufHe.  Rehuçar- 
se^  vr.  to  muffie  one*s  self  up, 
to  cover  onft's  face. 

Rebaço,  sm.  a  -«-rapping  up  or 
mufâing.  [a^ain. 

Rebusca,  sf.  the  act  of  seeldng 

Rebuscar,  va.  to  seek  again. 

Rebusnar,  vn.  V.  Resmonear. 

Recachado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

Recachar-se,  vr.  to  be  proud.— 
va.  to  lift  up  a  sword. 

Recacho,  «m.  pride,  haughtiness. 

Recadaçao,  sf  a  gathering  of 
money ;  exaction. 

Recadãr,  va.  V.  Arrecadar. 

Recadista,  sm.  a  boy  to  go  on 

Recado,  sm.  a  message  or  er- 
rand.  Recados,  a  greeting,  com- 
mendatlon,  salutation.  Dai-lhe 
meus  — ,  remember  me  to  him. 
Tudo  está  a  recado^  ali  is  safe. 
Um  —  de  chá,  a  tea  board,  with 
the  tea-pot,  cups,  saucers,  etc. 
Ter  alguém  a  grande  — ,  to  ob- 
serve narrowly  ■what  a  porson 
does,  to  guard  him  from  fligbt. 
Mandar  — ,  to  send  word. 
Deixei  —  á  criada,  I  left  word 
with  the  maid;  necessaries, 
materiais  to  do  any  thinjg^  with. 

Reçaga,  sf.  V.  Retaguarda. 

Recabida,  sf.  relapse. 

Recahidiço,  a,  adj.  subject  to 

Recabido,  a,  fp.  adj.  relapsed. 

Recablxuento,  sm.  the  act  of  re- 

Recahir,  vn.  to  relapse. 

Recalcadaxnente,  adv.  fuUy. 

Recalcado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rammed 
close,  crammed. 

Recalcadura,  sf.  the  act  of  stuf- 
fing  or  cramming. 

Recalcar^  va.  to  eram,  to  stuif. 


—  631  — 


Becalcitrado,  a,  pp  adj.  oppo- 

Recalcitrante,  adj,  2  g.  reçug- 

nant,  stubborn.  [kick. 

Recalcitrar,   vn.    to  resist,   to 
Recamado,  a,  pp.  adj.  embroi- 

Recamar,  va.  to  eixibroider. 
Recamara,   sf.  a   withdrawing 

room,  a  closet ;  equipare,  pro- 

vision  for  a  voyage  or  jonrney. 
Recaxnbar,  vn.  (game)  is  for  the 

gamesters  to  interchange  their 

places.  [ged  again. 

Recambiado,  a,  pp.  adj,    chan- 
Recambiar,  va.  to  recnange,  to 

change  again,  to  return  atoing. 
Recambio,  sm.  changing  again, 

Recamo,  sm.  embroidery. 
Recantação,  sf.  recantation. 
Recantar,  va.  to  recant ;  to  sing 

Recanto,  sm.  comer,  nook. 
Recapacitado,  a,    pp,   adj.  re- 

Recapacitar,  va.  to  recapacitate, 

to  bring  to  remeinlbrance,  to  re- 

flect  upon.  Becapacitar-se^  vr. 

to  be  convinced  again. 
Recapitulação,    sf.   recapitnla- 

tion.  [pitulated. 

Recapitulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reca- 
Recapitular,  va.  to  recapitulate. 
Recarga,  sf.  reloading. 
Recata,  sf.  research,  a  diligent 

inquiry.  [ly. 

Recatadamente,  adv.  cautious- 
Recatado,  a,  pp.  of  JRecatar  and 

adj.  cautious,  circumspect. 
Recatar,  va.  to  place  in  safety, 

to  caution,  to  hide. 
Recato,    sm.   cautiousness,  cir- 

cumspection.  Tudo  está   a  bom 

— ,  ali  is  safe. 
Recebedor,  sm.  receiver. 
Recebedoria,  sf,  the  ofâce  of  a 

receiver.  [ceives. 

Recebente,   adj.   2  g.  that    re- 
Receber,  va.  to  receive,  to  take, 

to  accept.  —  saúde,  to  recover 

beaJtfa;  to  marry.    Heceber-se^ 

vr.  to  take  for  li usband  cr  "wife. 
Recebido,  a,  pp,  adj,  received. 

Recebimento,  sm.  receptfon,  re- 

celving.   Dia  de  — ,  wedding- 

Recebendo,  a,  adj.  receivable. 
Receiado,  a,  pp.    adj.    feared, 

Receiante,  adj.  2  g.  fearing. 
Receiar,  va.  to  fear,   to  appre- 

hend.     fíeçeiar-se,    vr.    to    be 

afraid  of. 
Receio,  sm.  fear,  dread.  Sem  — , 

safely.  Causar  — ,  to  scare. 
Receioso,  a,  adj.  fearful,  afraid. 
Receita,  sf.  receipt,  the  act  of 

receiving;  a  physician's  pres- 

cription.  Livros  da  —e  despeza^ 

journals,  books  of  debtor  and 

creditor;  an  order.  [bed. 

Receitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  prescri- 
Receitar,  va.  to    prescribe,  to 

enter ;  to  vrite  down  in  a  Jour- 
Receitario,  sm.  (among  apothi- 

caries)  a  file  for  the   prescrip- 

Receituário,  sm.  pharmacopnia, 

Recém,  adv.  ne^irly,  lately. 
Recem-nascido ,     adj.    newly- 

Recender,  vn.  to  smell  sweetly. 
Recenseado,  a,  pp.  adj.  recen- 

sed,  examined. 
Recenseamento,  sm.  recension, 

survey,  examination. 
Recensear,  va.  to  recense,    to 

Recenseio,  sm.  recension. 
Recontai,  sm.  a  lambkin. 
Recente,  adj.  2  g.  recent,  new, 

Recentemente,  adv.  recentiy. 
Recepção,  sf.  reception. 
Receptáculo,  sm.  receptado,  a 

place  of  refuge  ;  a  retreat. 
Receptador,  sm.  one  vho  bar- 

bours  thieves.  [ity. 

Receptibilidade,  sf.  receptibil- 
Reoeçtivel,  adj.  2  g.  receivable, 

Rece!p\.V^o,  -a.,  ad^  x^c^^^^v»^. 

KeobSi.  sf.  V.oftc.^  ^  V^««^-  ^ 


HeohBtas,  "!■  pi.  V-  Ae. 
Heoheadamentfl .  sdu .  i 
Ij.  pli-ntiluLly. 

neoheaa,  im.  a  slis^d  or  placa 

shaltered  fronilhe    uu. 
Beebeio.  jrm     «tufllns   i  f  force 

gts  6í  on  driuy. 
Sechinar,  rn.  to  i-fOBk,  to  Kissb. 
Itechino.   jm.  noise.   gnoabing. 
Boohonnhudo,  a,  adj.  xeiy  fal 

BeoUso.  xni.  receipl,  discharge, 

acqulttencB.  [lapae. 

SeoldiTB.   xf.  rscediTBtion.  tf- 

Becila,  am.  TeeC,    baia  V  Arre- 

rifr.  [wefs. 

o,  a,  orfj.  flbnanditiBwiili 

■™a.  V  /laàadír.      ' 


.  indoa 

fld.   Jd^^- 

Recitativo,  sm, 
cpprsiDK,  e^Li 

HeoUDBqito.  «/'.  reclinall 

mg.  Ijjng  nii  along. 
RaoUnadamcate,  adn.  i 


ItecochIUiada , 

r,iia.  (ÍQtheinÍDt)t£ 
M  faail,   to    cleanae 

:Recoito,s»i.  llio 
Beoolelçao.  sf.  i 
■--•  -'iffe. 


Bscítar,  ra.  (o  recite, 
oni  aloud.  —  de  ma 
ivaito  wjihout  book. 

Becoleto.   a.  adj.  retired 
Recolhedor  çatherer. 


—  638  -' 


to  rally.  —  as  tropas  espalhadas^ 
to  rally  dispersed  or  straggling 
soldiers.  Tocar  a  — ,  to  sound  a 
retreat;  to  reclaim,  to  bring 
back  to  an  amendment  of  life. 
—  as  velas,  to  furl  the  sails.  — 
as  velas  da  oração^  to  put  ao 
end  to  an  oration.  —  um  livro 
que  corre,  to  forbid  the  reading 
of  abook.  Sino  de  — ,  curfew  bell, 
signal  to  go  to  bed.  —  á  cadeia, 
to  imprison,  Becolher-se^  vr.  — 
or  ir-se  recolher^  to  go  to  bed.  — 
cedo^  to  keep  good  hours.  — 
muito  tarde  para  casa,  to  keep 
bad  hours.  —  comsigo^  to  recol- 
lect  one's  self;  to  retire. 

Recolhida,  sf.  retreat,  the  act 
of  retiring. 

Recolhidamente,  ado.  in  a  re- 
tired  manner. 

Recolhido,  a,  adj.  and  s.  retired, 
solitary ;  gathered. 

Recolhimento,  sm.  retirement, 
gathering  :  drawing  together, 
a  receptado  ;  a  religious  house 
of  retirement  for  women  who 
make  no  vows. 

Recolligir,  va.  to  recollect,  to 

Recomeçar,  va.  to  recommence. 

Recommendação,  sf.  recom- 
mendation.  Carta  de  — ,  a  re- 
commendatory  letter.  A'  senhora 
minhas  recommendaçõeSy  my  res- 
pects  to  the  lady. 

Recommendado,  a,  pp.  adj.  re- 
commended.  [mender. 

Recommendador,    sm.    recom- 

Recommendar,  va.  to  recom- 
mend.  Mecommendar-se,  vr,  to 
recommend  one's  self  to  one,  to 
make  one's  compliments  to  him. 

Recommendavel,  adj.  2  g.  re- 

Recompensa,  sf.  a  recompense 
or  reward.  [tion. 

Recompensação,  sf.  compensa- 

Recompensado,  a,  pp.  adj.  com- 

Recompensador,  «m.  arewarder. 

Mecompenaão,  sf.  reward. 
•«^compensar,  va,  to  reward,  to 


Recompor,  va»  to  recompose,  to 

Recomposição ,    sf.   recomposi- 

tion.  [posed. 

Recomposto,  a,  pp.  adj.  recom- 
Recôncavo,  sm.  a  holfow  tract 

of  land  in  the  shape  of  a  semi- 

cercle.  [tion. 

Reconcentração,  sf.  concentra- 
Reconcentrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  con- 

Reconcentrar,    va.   to   concen- 

trate,   to  reserve  :  to  conceal 

any  thing  in  the  raind. 
Reconciliação,  sf.  reconciliation. 

—  de  igreja,    the   new  conse- 

crating  of  a  church. 
Reconciliado,  a,  pp.  adj.  recon- 

Reconciliador,  sm.  a  reconciler. 
Reconciliar,  va.  to  reconcile,  to 

restore  to  friendship.  Beconci- 

liar-se,  vr.  to  be  reconciled.  — 

com  DeoSj  to  reconcile  one's  self 

with  God.  [cilable. 

Reconciliavel,  adi.  2  g.  recon- 
Reooncovio,  sm.  tne  hidden  part 

of  a  thing.  [concealed. 

Recôndito,  a,  adj.  reconditCf 
Reconditorio,  sm.  reconditory. 
Reconducção,    sf.    prorogation, 

Reconduzido,  a,  pp.  adj.  proro- 

gued,  reconductea. 
Reconduzir,  va.  to  prorogne,  to 

prolong  for  some  time. 
Reconfessado,  a,  pp.  adi.  con- 

fessed  again.  [again. 

Reconfessar,  va.  to  confess 
Recong[raçar,  va.  to  reconcile, 

to  restore  to  friendship. 
Reconhecença,  sf.  recognisance. 
Reconhecente,   adj.  2   g.   that 

Reconhecer,  va.  to  acknowledge, 

to  confess,  to  recognize,  to  know 

again,  to reconnoitre,  to  observe, 

to  take  a  view  of.  —  superior  or 

superioridade,  to  esteem,  to  ho- 

nour,  to  tftN«t«tvç,Çi.  "Nãt\  — ,v«^ 

\  RôcoTiheoVxaBt^^í^.^^  ví^xx^-»^'^ 


—  634  — 


Reconhecível,  ndj.  2  g.  easj'  to 

be  known  again. 
Reconquista,  sf.  the  act  of  con- 

queríng  again. 
Reconcpiistado,  a,  pp.  adj.  con- 

quered  again. 
Reconquistar,    va.   to   recover, 

to  reconquer. 
Reconstrucção,   sf.  reconstnic- 

tion,  rebuilding. 
Reconstruido,  a,j9p.  adj.  rebuilt. 
Reconstruir,  va.  to  rebuild,  fo 

reedify.  [related. 

Recontado,  a,p/).  ací/.  recounted, 
Recontador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  one  who 

recounts.  [ment. 

Recontamento ,    sm.    recount- 
Reoontar,  va.  to  reconnt,  to  tell, 

to  relate.  [tisíied. 

Recontente,  adj.  2  g.  highly  sa- 
Reconto,  sm.  the  iron  at  the  end 

of  a  spear.  [ing. 

Recontro,  sm.  rencounter,  meet- 
Reconvalescer,  vn.  to  recover, 

to  grow  well  from  a  disease. 
ReconvençSo,  sf.  (m  law)  recon- 

vention ;     a     contrarv    action 

brought  by  the  defenaant. 
Reconvindo,  a,  pp  adj.  (in  law) 

recriminated.  —  sm.  he  tnat  has 

been  recriminated. 
Reconvir,  va.  {in  law)  to  recri- 

Recopilacão,  sf.  compilation.  Y. 

Recopiladamente,  adv.  briefly. 
Recopilado,  a,  pp.  adj.  compiled. 
Recopilador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  com- 

piler.  [lect  or  gather. 

Recopilar,  va.  to  compile,  to  col- 
Reoordação.   sf.   remembrance. 

Fazer  — ,  to  mention. 
Recordado,  a,  pp.  adj.  remem- 

Recordador,    a,   adj.    that   re- 

members,  that  puts  in  mind. 
Recordar,  va.  to  remember,  to 

call  to  mind.  —  a  liçãOy  to  con 

one's  lesson. 
Recorporação,  sf.  the  act  of  re- 

composing  a  vitiated  body. 
Recorporar,  va.  to  recompose  a 

vitiated  body. 
Recorporativo,  a,  adj.  flt  to  re- 

compose or  restore  some  part 

of  a  Dody. 
Recorrente,  wi.  one  that  inter- 

poses  a  reoonrse. 
Recorrer,  vn.  to  have  recourse 

to.  —  ttm  apparelhOy  va.  {mar.) 

to  overhaul  a  tackle.  JRecorrer- 

56,  iT.  to  address  to. 
Recorrido,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

had  a  recourse  of. 
Recortado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cut  out. 

—  sm.    CTit  cíoth-work  or  cut 

paper  work. 
Recortar,  va.  to  cut  a  piece  of 

paper,  to  represent  some  figure. 

jRecortar-^e,  vr.  to  lie  do^wn  or 

Recortilha,  sf.    a    jagging^iron 

such  as  pastry  cooks  use. 
Recoser,  va.  to  sew  again. 
Recosido,  a^pp-  adj.  se-wed  again. 
Recostado,  a,  pp.  adj.  leaned, 

Recostar,  va.  to  lean,  to  recline. 
Recosto,  sm.  a  rising  ground. 
Recova,  sf.  a  drove  or  gang  of 

horses  or  mules  driven  by  a 

Recovagem,    sf.   a  passago  of 

raany   people    together  ;     con- 

veyance  ot  goods  on  mules. 
Recovar,    va.    to    drive    pack- 

Recoveiro,  sm.   a  carrier  that 

drives  pack-horses  or  mules. 
Recovo,  sm.  Estar  de  — ,  to  lean 

upon  the  elbow. 
Recozer,  va.  —  ao  lume^  to  boil 

Recozido,  a,  pp,  adj.  boiled  or 

sodden   again.  —   em    malícia, 

very  cunning  or  trickish. 
Recozimento,  sm.  the  state  of  a 

thing  over-boiled. 
Recramado,  a,  pp.  adj.  plaited. 
Recramar,  va.  to  plait,  to  make 

in  plaits. 
Recramo,  sm.  plait,  fold. 
Recreação,  sf  recreation.  A  hora 

da  — ,  play-hour. 
Recreado,  a,  pp.  adi.  recreated. 
Recreador,  a,  adj.  that  recreates 

or  rejoices. 
Recrear,  va.  to  recreate,  to  di- 


—  633  - 


vert,  Mecrear-sej  vr.  to  recreate, 

to  divert  one's  self. 
Reoreativo,  a,  adj.  recreating, 

Recrementioio,   a,    adJ.  {med,) 

recretnenticious,  drossy. 
Reoremento,  sm.  {med.)  recre- 

ments.  [ment. 

Recreio,  sm.  recreation,  arnuse- 
Recrescente,  adj.  2  g.  growing 

Recrescer,  vn.  to  grow  again. 
Recresoixnento,  sm.  the  act  of 

augmenting,  increase. 
Recrestado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tanned, 

burnt  by  the  sun. 
Reorestar,  va.   to  tan  or  bum 

again  (sun). 
Recriminação,  sf.  recrimination. 
Recriminado,  a,  pp.  adj.  recri- 

Recriminar,  va.  to  recriminate. 
Recriminatorio,  a,   adj.  recri- 

Recrú,  a,  adj.  Fio  — ,   a  wire 

that  is  not  well  made  yet. 
Recrudescência,  sf.  {med.)  re- 
crudesceu ce.  [crudescent. 
Reoradescente,    adj.    2   g.  re- 
Recrudescer,  vn.  to  grow  raw 

or  sore  again. 
Recruta,  sm.  and  f.   recruit,   a 

new  soldier. 
Recrutado,  a,  pp.  adj.  recruited. 
Recrutador,  sm.  recruiter. 
Recrutamento ,    sm.    recruite- 

Recrutar,  va.  to  recruit. 
Recruzetado,  a,    adj.    {herald.) 

Ci-uz  —a,  a  cross-croalet. 
Rectamente,  adv.  uprightly. 
Rectângulo,  a,  adj.  rectangular, 

Rectidão,  sf.  righteousness,  rec- 
titude ;  justice,  rightness. 
Rectificação,    sf   rectification ; 

{chem.)  concentration. 
Rectificado,  a,  pp.  adj,  rectified. 
Rectificar,  va.  to  rectify,  to  cor- 

rect,  to  redress,  to  reform. 
Rectificativo,  a,  adj.  that  recti- 
áes.  —  sm.  a  corrective. 

"^nSe^^'  "'  '^^'*  (ff^^^')  '®cti- 

Recto,  a,  adj.  right,  just,  equi- 

table.  Pelo  —    dos  gráos^  ac- 

cording  to  the  number  of  de- 

fXeea.jRôr^se  — ,  (fencing)  to  be 

m  line.  [head. 

Reotor,    sm.    rector,  principal, 
Rectrices,    sf  pi.   the    longeat 

feathers  in  the  tail  of  a  bird. 
Recua,  sf  a  drove  or  gang  of 

horses.  V.  Recova. 
Recuadeira,  sf.  a  leather  strap 

or  thong  attached  in  the  end  of 

a  shaft  of  a  chaise  to  dra'W  it 

back.  [or  drawn  back. 

Recuado,  a,  pp.  adj.  put,  pulled 
Recuar,  vn.  to  fali  back ;  to  re- 

coil,  to  go  back. 
Recudar,  va.  to  refuse.  Y.  He- 

Recudir,  va.  to  find  out  again. 
Reouidar,  va.  to  think  of  again, 

to  resolve  in  one's  mind. 
Reçumar,  va.  or  n.  to  sweat ;  to 

run  out,  to  drop.  [upon. 

Recumbir,  vn.   to  lean  or  rest 
Reounhar,  va.  to  recoin. 
Recuo,  sm.  the  act  of  recoiling, 

Recuperação,  sf.  recover^. 
Recuperado,  a,  pp.  adj.  recu- 

Recuperador,    sm.   the   person 

who  recovers   or  recuperates. 
Recuperar,  va.  to  recover. 
RecuperatiTO,  a,  adj.  recupera- 

tive.  [tory. 

Reouperatorio,  a,  adj.  recuperar 
Recuperavel,  aàj.  2  g.  recover- 

Reourrente,  adj.  1  g.  recurrent. 

Nervo    — ,     {anat.)     recurrent 

Recursar,  va.  to  reexamine. 
Recurso,    sm.    recourse,   relief, 

redress  ;  help  ;  he  who  shelters 

a  criminal  {in  law).  [vated. 

Recurvado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reciu^ 
Recurvar,  va.  to  recurvate. 
Recurvo,  a,  adj.  crookftd. 
RecuBa^  sf .  Te»i\)Ai!L. 
RecuaaçSkO,  sf.TftiwRví^. 
Recusado, «.,  w-  «^^3; ^.^^^^^S^^^c, 





—  63G  — 


Recusar,  va.  to  refuse,  to  deny : 
to  reject  and  slight,  to  chal- 
lenge  or  except  against. 

Recosavelt  aaj.  2  g.  refusable. 

Redacção,  sf.  editing,  compila- 
tion.  [eoitor. 

Redactor,   sm.    author,    writer; 

Redada,  sf.  a  cast  of  a  net ;  ijig.) 

Redado,  a.  pp.  aáj.  given  again. 

Redanho,  or  Redenho,  sm.  the 

Redar,  va.  to  give  again. 

Redarguição,  sf.  retort,  refu- 

Redarguido,  a,  pp.  adj.  con- 
futed,  refuted. 

Redarguidor,  sm.  refuter,  one 
"who  convinces. 

Redarguir,  va.  to  confute,  to 
convínce,  to  blame,  to  control. 

Reddito,  sm.  the  yielding  of  lands, 
vines,  etc. 

Rede,  sf.  a  net.  —  de  pescar^  a 
lishing  net.  —  varredoura,  a 
drag-uet ;  {ãg.)  sl  snare,  a  trap, 
a  crafty  wile.  Armar  uma  — ,  to 
Hpread  a  net. 

Rédea,  sf.  rein,  a  thong  of  lea- 
ther  for  a  bridle.  Largar  a  — , 
to  let  loose  the  reins.  Correr  á 
—  solta^  to  run  fuU  speed.  Aper- 
tar a  — ,  to  pull  in  the  bridle. 

Redeiro,  sm.  a  net-maker. 

Redempção ,  sf.  redemption ; 
ransom.  [ransomer. 

Redexnptor,  sm.  a  redeemer,  a 

Redenho,  sm.  the  caul  in  which 
the  bowels  are  wrapped. 

Redentes,  sm.  pi.  (fori.)  redons 
or  redant. 

Redhibição,  sf.  {in  lavo)  the  res  • 
torin^  of  a  thing  to  him  tbat 
sold  it. 

Redhibir,  va.  (in  lavo)  to  return 
a  thing  bought  for  some  fault. 

Redhibitorio,  a,  adj.  {in  lato) 

Redil,    sm.   a  sheepfold ;  a  rao- 
veable  palisade  to  enclose  sheeç. 
Medinaotet  sm.  riding-coat. 
Redinha,  sf.  a  sort  of  thin  clotYv. 
Badintegração,  sf.  renovation, 


Redintegrado.  a.  pp.  adj.  re- 

Redintegrar,  ia.  to  restore,  to 

Redito,  sm.  V.  Rendimento. 

Redivivo,  a,  adj.  renewed  again. 

Redizer,  va.  to  repeat,  to  say 

Redizima,  sf.  a  re-tithing. 

Redizimar,  va.  to  take  a  tithc 
over  again.  [increased. 

Redobrado,  a,   adj.  redoubled. 

Redobradura,  sf.  redoubling. 

Redobrar,  va.  to  redouble,  to 
increase,  to  fold  again.  —  cn. 
—  sobre  alquma  cousa,  to  call  a 
thinç  to  mmd,  to  mind,  to  men- 
tion  it  again. 

Redobres,  sm.  pi.  the  warbling 
of  birds  ;  deceit,  artifice. 

Redolente,  adj.  2  g.  {poet.)  re- 
dolent,  sweet  of  scent. 

Redoma,  sf  a  glassphial. 

Redomoiníio,  sm.  a  whirl.  —  de 
vento,  a  whirlwind.  —  de  aguãj 
a  Whirlpool. 

Redondamente,  adv.  roímdly, 
unexpectedly,  on  a  sudden. 

Redondeado,  a,  adj.  rounded. 

Redondear,  va.  to  make  roond. 

Redondella,  sf.  A'  — ,  round 

Redondeza,  sf.  rotundity,  rouad. 

Redondilha,  sf.  roundelays. 

Redondo,  a,  adj.  round,  circu- 
lar ;  rotund.  Cahir  de  — ,  to  fali 
down  flat.  Em  — ,  round  about. 
Em  letra  — a,  in  print.  Vi  o  seu 
nome  em  letra  — a,  I  saw  hia 
name  in  print.  Navegar  por  via- 
gem — a,  to  be  charterea  for  the 
whole  voyage.  Navio  — ,  (a  sea 
term)  a  ship  with  square  sails. 

Redopio,  sm.  Ao  — ,  round  about. 

Redor,  sm.  Ao  — ,  round  about. 
Os  redores  d^uma  cidade,  the  ad- 
jacent  parts  of  a  town, 

Redouça,  sf.  a  rope  lixed  for 
children  to  swing  m. 

Redo\x<qar-ae^  vr.  to  swing  on  a 


—  637  — 


RedaoçSo,  sf.  reduction,  reduc- 

ing ;    convincing,    recíaiming. 

Fazer  —  de  moedas  estrangeiras^ 

to   redace    foreign    measures ; 

brínging  under  subjection. 
Redaotivaznente,    adv.    reduc- 

Reduotivel,  adj.  2  g.  reducible. 
Reductivo,  a,  adj.  reductive. 
Reducto,  sm.  {fort.)  redoubt. 
Redundância,   sf.    redundancy. 
Redundante,  aaj.   2  g.   redun- 

dant,  superfluous.  [dantly. 

Redundantemente,  adv.  redun- 
Redundar,  va.  and  n.  to  over- 

flow,  to  run,  to  redound  ;  (fig.) 

to  be  divulged. 
Reduplicação,  sf.  reduplication. 
Reduplicado,  a,  pp.  adj.   redu- 

Reduplicar,  va.  to  reduplicate. 
Reduplicativo,  a,  adj.  redupli- 

cative.  [compelled. 

Reduzido,  a,  pp.  adj.  reduced; 
Reduzir,  va.  to  reduce,  to  con- 

vince,  to  bring  back ;  to  trans- 

late,  to  reclaim,  to  reform,  to 

turn  ;  to  subdue.  lieduzir-se,  vr. 

to  be  reduced,  to  be  reclaimed  : 

to  be  subdued. 
Reduzivel,  adj   2  g.   reducible, 

easy  to  be  entreated. 
Reedificação,    sf.  reediâcation, 

Reedificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rebuilt. 
Reediíicador,  sm.  he  who  ree- 

diíies.  [build. 

Reedificar,  va.  to  reedifv,  to  re- 
Reeleger,    va.    to    re-eíect,    to 

Reelegido,  a.  pp.  adj.  reelecled. 
Reelegivel,  aaj.  2  g.  reeligible. 
Reeleição,  sf.  re-election. 
Reeleito,  a,  pp.  adj.  re-elected. 
Reembolsado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reim- 

bursed.  [to  repay. 

Reembolsar,  va.  to  reimburse, 
Reembolso,  sm.  reimbursement. 
Reencher,  va.  to  fíll  up  again. 
Reenchido,  a,  pp.  adj.  úlleá  up 

again.  [âíling  again. 

Heencbimento,  sm.   the  act  of 

s^S^^Í^*  ^'^P'  ^/  revied. 

to  challenge,  to  invite  or  vie 

again.  [agaiu. 

Reesperar,  va.  to  waít,  to  oxpert 
Reespuma,  sf.  a  sort  of  su^ar. 
ReestsJselecer,  va.  to  reestabhsh. 
Reexportação,  sf.  reexportation. 
Reexportado,  a,  jpp.  adj.  reex- 

ported.  [ports. 

Reexportador,  sm.  he  who  reex- 
Reexportar,  va.  to  reexport. 
Refalsadamente,    adv.    deceit- 

fuUy.  [dulent. 

Refaísado,  a,  adj.  deceitful,  frau- 
Refalsamento,    sm.    falsehood, 

fraud.  [again. 

Refazedor,  a,  adj.  that  makes 
Refazer,  va.  to  do  again ;  to  re- 

cover,  to  refresh ;  to  indemnify. 

—  o  exercito^  to  raise  new  sòl- 

diers,  to  reinforce,  to  refit.  Re- 

fazer-se^    vr.   to    refresh  one's 

self,  to  indemnify  one's  self. 
Refazimento,   sm.    the    act    of 

doing  again.  [despise. 

Refeçar,  va.  {anc.)  to  abate,  to 
Refecção.  sf.  V.  Refeição. 
Refece,  adi.  2  g.  losmg  stren^h ; 

mean  ;  oi  low  condition  or  birth. 
Refecer,  vn.  to   grow   cold.   V. 

Arrefecer.  [toring. 

Refectivo,  a,  adj.  refective,  res- 
Refectorio,   a,  adi.  Cura  —a,  a 

cure  performed  by  refectives. 
Refega,  sf.  —  de  vento^  a  sudden 

gust  of  wind.  [or  folds. 

Refegado,  a,  adj.  that  has  plaits 
Refego,  sm.  the  plaits  or  folds  in 

a  petticoat;  atuck  in  agarment. 

Pêra  de  — ,  a  sort  of  pear. 
Refeição,  sf.  refection. 
Refeiteiro,  a.  adj.  doing  things 

with  an  ill  will.  [renewed. 

Refeito,  a,  pp.  adi.  dune  again, 
Refeitoreiro,  stn.  ne  that  has  the 

care  of  a  refectory. 
Refeitório,  sm.  a  refectory. 
Refém,  sm.  hostage.  Reféns,  sm. 

pi.  hostages.  (^a.%^\x^. 

Refender.,  ^'a.  to  qX^^^n^^x»  -k^W^ 
Reienàido. a,  pp.  adj.  o^ci^'^^  «^ 

cut  V\t\i  a.  c\v\sft\.  ^T»«.ce 

ReionàiBDLôTvto,  '^w-^^^^S^  oi 

an  imboasfeà  -votVl.  ^^^ 

5''n — ix 


—  638  — 


Referencia,  sf.  reference,  rela-  I  Refincar,  va.  to  thrustin  afçain; 

Referendado,  a,  pp.  adj.  coun- 

Referendar,  va.  to  countersign. 
Referendário,  sm.  referendar^'. 
Referido,  a,  pp.  adj.  related,  re- 

ferred.  [bitration. 

Referimento,  sm.  reference,  ar- 
Referir,  va.  to  refer,  to  relate, 

to  tell,  to  ascribe. 
Ref errar,    va.    to    new-shoe   a 

Referta,  sf.  reluctance,    excep- 

tion,      objection,      altercation, 

strife.  [ly. 

Refertadamente,  adv.  reluctant- 
Refertamento,  sm»  contest,  op- 

Refertar,  va.  to  debate,  to  con- 

trovert,  to  resist. 
Referteiramente,     adv.     stub- 

bornly,  obstinately. 
Referteiro,  a,  adj.  stubborn. 
Referver,  va.  to  boil  again ;  to 

grow  dry  with  heat. 
Refervido,   a,  pp.  adj.   spoiled 

bv  heat.  [a  bali,  a  festival. 

Refestella,  sf.  or  Refestello,  sm. 
Refilado,   a,  pp.  adj.  bitten  or 

caught  again. 
Refilador,  a.  adi.  or  sm.  or  f. 

that  catches  or  bites  again. 
Refilar,  vn.  to  attack  or  assault 

in  return. 
Refilhar,  vn.  to  shook  out  (speak- 

ing  of  pruned  trees). 
Refilhos,  S7n.  pi.  the  youngshoots 

of  a  tree.  [ment. 

Refinação,  sf,  reíiníng,   refine- 
Refinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  refined.  — 

peçonha,  deadlv  poison.  —  febre, 

a  very  great  rever.  Assucar  — , 

retíned  suçar.  —  maldade,  the 

greatest  wickedness. 
Refinador,  sm.  a  reôner. 
Refinadura,  sf.  refining. 
Refinamento,  sm.  the  reiinement 

of  metais. 
itefinar,  va.  to  refine,  toçxmíy. 
Refinaria,  sf.  refinery,  mauxiÇac- 
tory  to  refine  sugar,  meta\a,eXc. 

to  fasten  anew.  [bute. 

Refinta,  sf.  a  second  tax  or  tri- 
Refintado,  a,  pp.  (adj.  imposed 

\rith  a  second  tax. 
Refintar,  va.  to  impose  or  lay  a 

second  tax. 
Reflectido,  a,  pp.  adj.  reflected. 
Reflectir,  va.  to  reflect,  to  re- 
turn, to  throw  back.  to  rever- 

berate.  —  vn.  to  reflect,  to  be 

reflected,  to  redound. 
Reflectivo,  a,  adj.  reflective. 
Reflexamente,  ado.  reflexively. 
Reflexão,  sf.  reflection. 
Reflexar,  va.  V.  Reflectir. 
Reflexibilidade,  sf.  reflexibility. 
Reflexivel,  adj.  2  g.  reflexible. 
Reflexivo,    a,    adj.    reflexiva. 

Verbo  — ,   {gram.)  a  reflected 

Reflexo,  a,  adi.  reflex,  reflected, 

directed  backwards. 
Reflexo,  sm.  {paint.)  reflex,  re- 
Reflorecer,  vn.  to  reflourish. 
Reflorecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  reflour- 

Refluído,  a,  pp.  adj.  reflowed. 
Refluir,  va.  to    reflow,   to  run 

back.  [of  the  sea. 

Refluxo,  sm.  reflux;  the  ebbing 
Ref  ocillado,  a.,pp.  adj.  refresbed. 
Refocillamento,   sm.   refocilla- 

tion.  [refocillating. 

Refocillante,  pa.  of  Befocillar, 
Refocillar,  va.  to  refocillate.  to 

refresh ;  to  comfort,  to  cherisb. 
Refogado,   a,  pp.  adj.  {cookxng^, 

is  said  of  onions,  garlicks  fried 

in  butter,  etc. 
Refogar,    va.   {cooking)  to  fry 

onions,  garlicks,  etc,  in  butter. 
Refolhado,    a,    adj.    deceitful. 

cunning,  crafty;  close. 
Ref olhamento ,  sm.    disaimnla- 

Refolho,  sm.  dissimulation,  conn- 

terfeit.    Com    — ,     cunningly* 

Keflnoado,  a,  pp.  adj.  iht\í%\.  ot\"R^atciíAo,^,W«»A^^vsët^, 
driven  in  agwn.  ^     *''^''*- 



—  639 


Reforçar t  va.  to  reinforce.  lie- 
forçarsên  vr.  to  be  reinforced. 

Reforço,  «m.  reinforcement,  sup- 
ply,  succour,  relief. 

Reforma,  sf.  reformation ,  rc- 
form ;  {milit.)  the  act  of  being 
dismissed,  reformation. 

Reformação,  sf.  reformation. 

Reformadamente,  adv.  with  re- 

Reformado,  a,  j9p.  (idj.  reformed. 

Reformador,  sm.  a  reformer. 

Reformadora,  sf.  she  that  re- 

Reformar,  va.  to  reform,  to  put 
into  a  better  form ;  to  correct ; 
{milit.)  to  dismiss  an  officer. 

Reformativo,  a,  adj.  that  re- 

Ref ormatorio ,  sm.  a  form  or 
rale  to  be  made  a  reform. 

Reformavel,  adj,  2  g.  that  may 
be  reformed.  [vete. 

Refossete,  sm.  (fort.)  the  car- 

Refoucinhado,  a,  adj .  vrinkled 
like  a  goafs  horn. 

Refracção,  sf.  refraction. 

Refractário,  a,  adj.  refractory ; 

Refraotivo,  a,  adj.  refractive. 

Refracto,  a,  pp.  adj.  reftracted. 

Refrangente,  adj.  i  g.  refract- 

Refranger,  va.  to  refra^t.  —  vn. 
or  Befranger-sey  vr.  to  be  re- 

Refrangibilidade,  sf.  (phys.)  re- 
frangibility.  [giWe. 

Refrangivel,  adj.  2  g.  refran- 

Refransear,  vn.  to  jeer,  to  joke. 

Refrão,  sm.  a  proverb.  V.  Aifão. 

Refreadamente,  ado.  moderate- 

Refreado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reíVained. 
Refreadoiro,  sm.  uny  thing  that 

Refreador,  a,  adj.  and  s.  re«- 

trainer.  [fraining. 

Retreamento,  sm.  the  act  of  re- 
Refrear,  va.  to  refrain,  to  res- 

traja,  to  curo,  to  bridle,  to  re- 

(a  sea  term)  a  gaJfe,  ' 

Refrescado,  a,  pp.  adj.  refreshed. 

Refrescar,  va.  to  refresh,  to 
cool.  —  a  memoria  a  alguém,  to 
refresh  a  man'8  memory;  to 
renev.  —  vn.  to  blow  fresh 
(wind).  Refrescar-sc,  vr.  to  cool. 
to  grow  cool. 

Refrescativo,  a,  adj.  refreshing. 

Refresco,  am.  refreshment,  cool- 
ing.  De  — ,  adv.  newness  of 
strength.  [again. 

Refretado,  a,  pp.  adj.  freignted 

Refretar,  va.  to  freight  or  hire 
again  (ship). 

Remoar,  va.  {anc.)  to  dispute. 

Refrigeração,  sf.  refrigeration; 
{fig.)  ease,  comfort. 

Refrigerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  refii- 
gerated.  [rant. 

Refrigerante,  adj.  2  g.  refírige- 

Refrigerar,  va.  to  refrigerate. 

RefrigeratiTO,  a,  adj.  refrige- 
rant.  [atory. 

Refrigeratorio,  a,  adj.  refriger- 

Refrigerio,  sm.  refrigerant,  re- 

Refugado,  B,  pp.  adj.  rejected. 

Refugador,  sm.  he  who  throws 
aside  or  rejects.  [aside. 

Refugar^  va.  to  repulse,  to  throw 

Refugtedo,  a,  pp.  adj.  refuged, 

Refugiar,  va.  to  refuge,  to 

Refugio,  sm.  refuge,  shelter. 

Refugo,  sm,  the  refuse  of  any 
thing.  [fulgence. 

Refulgenoia,  sf.  refulgency,  re- 

Refulgente,  adj.  2  g.  refulfí^ent. 

Refulgir,  va.  to  shine,  to  ghtter. 

Refundado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made 
deep  again. 

Refundar,  va.  to  deepen,  to  make 
deep  again.  [metais. 

Refundição,  sf.  a  recasting  of 

Refundido,  a,  j^p.  adj.  cast  over 

Remndir,  va.  to  cast  over  again ; 
to  pour  out  of  on&  n««!i^^  *vg6a 
anotheT*^  \o  T^cotK^<»«k.  —  *«^ 
I     to  TedoTUi^.   Refiin4rr-»e,  w.  *« 


■a. ..a. 



—  640  — 


RefuBador,  sm.  a  refaser. 

Refasar.  va.  to  refuse,  to  deny. 

Refutação,  sf.  refutation. 

Refutado,  a,  pp.  adj.  refuted. 

Refutador,  sm.  refater. 

Refutar,  va.  to  refute,  to  confute. 

Ref utatorio,  a,  adj.  that  refutes. 

Refutavel,  adj.  2  g.  refutable. 

Rega.  sf.  watering,  sprinkling. 

Regabofe,  sm.  jollity. 

Regaço,  sm.  the  lap  of  a  -vroman ; 
(fig.)  a  place  to  rest. 

Regadia,  sf.  "oraterin^. 

Regadio,  a,  adj.  tbat  is  watered. 
—  sm.  or  campo  de  — ,  a  field 
that  may  be  watered. 

Regado,  a,  pp.  adj.  watered. 

Regador,  sm.  a  watering-pot. 

Regadura,  sf.  watering. 

Regaladamente,  adv.  daintily. 

Regalado,  a,  pp.  adj.  regaled, 
daintv,  nice.  Éomem — ,  a  man 
who  Keeps  a  good  table. 

Regalador,  sm.  he  who  regales. 

Regalão,  ona,  sm.  or  f.  and  cuij. 
a  dainty  person.  Levar  vida  — , 
to  fare  deliciously. 

Regalar,  va.  to  regale,  to  charm, 
to  please.  Begalar-se,  vr.  to  fare 
deuciously ,  to  keep  a  good 
table,  to  make  mucn  of  one'8 
self.  Regalai-vos,  or  regale-se,, 
fare  you  well.  Begalar-se,  vr,  to 
be  extremely  pleased  -with. 

Regalar  doar,  va.  to  reward 

Regalia,  sf.  regale,  the  preroga- 
tive  of  a  monarchy.  — s,  rega- 
lia, [rice. 

Regalice  or  Regaliz,  sf.  liquo- 

Re^alo,  sm.  a  dainty,  a  choice 
bit;  a  muíF;  aploasure. 

Regamargexn,  sm.  a  drain;  to 
carry  off  the  rain  water  in  a 
com  field,  etc.  [sprinkle. 

Regar,    va.    to  water,    to   be- 

Regardar,  va.  {anc.)  to  respect, 
to  regard.  [tention. 

Regardo,  sm.  (anc.)  respect,  at- 
Regata,  sm.  a  nuckster. 
■Regatão,  sm,  a  huckster. 

Regateado,  a,  pp.  adj.  haggled. 
Regateador,  a,  sm.  orf.  haggler. 
Regatear,  va.  or  n.  to  haggle, 

to  bargain  hard,  to  sell  dear: 

to  en\y;  to  grudge,  to  impart 

unwillingly.  —    alguma    cousOj 

to  dispute  a  thing.  Regatear^se, 

vr.  to  De  loath  to  grant  a  thing. 
Regateira, «/!.  ahuckster-woman, 

a  íish-woman. 
Regato,  sm.  a  little  brook. 
Regatona,    sf.   a    woman    that 

haggles  much. 
Regedor,   sm.  he  who  govems. 

regent.  —  da  justiça^   a    chief 

Regedora,  sf.  a  she-regent. 
Regeiras,    sf.  pi.   (a  sea   term) 

springs,  shores. 
Regelado,    a,  j)p,  adj.   frozen. 

Peito  — .  {fig.)  insensible  heart. 
Regelador,  a,  adj.  chilling. 
Regelante,  adj.  i  g.  freezing. 
Regelar,  va.  to  congeal,  to  freeze. 

Regelar-se^  vr.  to  be  frozen,  to 

freeze  again. 
Regelo,  sm.  ice.  [ship. 

Regência,  sf.  regency,  regent- 
Regeneração,  sf.  regeneration. 
Regenerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rege- 

Regenerador,  a,  adj.  regener- 

ating.  —  sm.  regenerator. 
Regenerando,  a,  adj.  that  must 

be  regenerated  by  the  baptism. 
Regenerante,   adj.   2  g.   rege- 

nerating.  ^        [reform. 

Regenerar,  va.  to  regenerate,  to 
Regenerativo,  a,  adj.  regenera- 

tory.  [a  professor'8  chair. 

Regentar,  va.  to  rule  or  direct 
Regente,  sm.  and  f.  a  regent. 
Reger,  va.  to  govern,  to  rule,  to 

parse.  —  a  estante^  to  beat  ihe 

Regia,  sf.  (poet.)  court.  [ly. 

Regiamente,  adv.  regally,  royàl- 
Região,  sf.  region ;  seat. 
Regicida,  sm.  a  regicide.  —  adj. 

1  g .  Tft%vcide. 

jRegatar,  va.  to  buy,  to  8e\\,  to\l^tttí^o\sscIlo,sm.Ç^ciçXT^xv^^^«^^ 
»-»at««,  sf.  pi,  a  sort  of  cot^ti\    ^feM^í?^- 


—  641  — 


Regido,  a,  pp.  adj.  governed. 

Regimen,  sm.  regimen,  govern- 
ment,  role. 

Regimental,  adj.lg.  regimental. 

Regimento ,  sm.  government, 
rule;(mi7.)  a  regiment;  {med.) 
prescript  regimen;  duty. 

Régio,  a,  adj  royal,  regai. 

Regional,  adj.  2  g.  pertaining 
to  a  ward. 

Regionario,  a,  adj  pertaining 
to  a  ward.  —  sm.  {eccl.)  a  re- 
gi onary. 

Regiro,  sm.  second  revolution, 

Registadamente,  adv.  frugally. 

Registado,  a,  pp.  adj.  re^istered. 

Registrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  regis- 
tered,  recorded. 

Registrador,  sm.  a  register. 

Registrar,  va.  to  register;  to 
search  or  look  into;  to  keep 
within  the  limits  of  reason ;  to 

Registro,  sm.  a  register,  memo- 
rial ;  entry-book  of  the  custom 
house ;  register-house ;  a  tassel 
for  a  book ;  a  water-cock; 
{print.)  register.  [cal. 

Reiornatívo,  a,  c^j.  {anc.)  politi- 

Rego,  sm.  furrow,  trencn;  {(ig.) 
the  improvement  of  the  mmd. 

Regea,  sf.  rule,  ruler.  V.  Régua, 

Regoado,  Si^pp.adJ.  furrowed. 

Regoadura,  sf.  the  aut  of  fur- 
rowinç.  — «,  sf.  pi.  chaps  and 
clefts  m  the  hands  or  feet. 

Regoar,  víí,  to  furrow. 

Regolfo,  sm.  the  going  back  of 

Regorgear,  va.  to  warble  again. 

Regougar,  vn.  to  cock  the  tail ; 
to  howl,  to  yelp,  to  cry  like  a 
fox.  [cry  of  a  íox. 

Regougo,  sm.  the  howl,  yelp  or 

Regozijado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rejoiced. 

Rego2sijar,  va.  to  rejoice,  to 
gladden.  Regozijar-se^  vr.  to  be 
glad.  [mirth. 

Regozijo,   sm.    rejoycing,    joy, 

Regra,  sf.  rule,  ruler ;  rule,  pre- 
cept,  exemple,    line.    Escrever 
poucas  —s  a  aleitem,  to  write  a 
few  hnes    to  one.  — «,    {med.) 

the  menses  or  woman^s  couraes. 

Regraciar,  va.  to  thank  again. 

Regradamente ,  adv.  orderly , 
temperately,  regularly. 

Regrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  regulated; 
regular,  temperate,  sparing  of 
diet;  (paper)  ruled. 

Regrador,  sm,  ruler 

Regrai,  adj.  2  g.  regular. 

Regrante,  adj.  2  g.  regular. 

Regrar,  va.  to  rule  (paper) ;  {/íg.) 
to  rule,  to  order,  to  frame;  to 
moderate.  Regrar^se^  vr.  to  be 
regulated . 

Regressado,  a,  pp.  adj.  returned. 

Regressar,  vn.  to  regress,  to 

Regresso,  sm.  regress,  return. 

Regreta,  sf.  {print.)  reglet. 

Régua,  sf.  rule,  ruler. 

Reguçar,  va.  to  sharpen  again. 

Regueif a,  sf.  a  loaf  in  the  snape 
of  a  ring. 

Regueifeira,  sf.  a  woman  that 
makes  regueifas. 

Regueiro,  sm.  a  ditch  or  furrow ; 
a  rivulet. 

Reguengo,  s^,  adj.  a  farm  be- 
longing  to  the  royal  patrimony. 

Reguengueiro,  a,  adj.  who  holds 
lands  belonging  to  the  royal 
patrimony.  [great  coat. 

Reguingote ,    sm.     riding-coat. 

Regulação,  af.  regulation. 

Regulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  regulated. 

Regulador,  a,  adj.  ruling,  re^u- 
lating.  —  sm.  regulator  of  a 

Regulamentar,  adj.  2  g.  that  re- 
lates to  regulation.  [rule. 

Regulamento,  sm.   regulation, 

Regular,  adj.  2  g.  regular. 

Regular,  va.  to  regulate,  to 
order,  to  prescribe.  liegular-se, 
vr.  to  be  ruled  by,  to  be  regu- 

Regularidade,  sf.  regularity. 

Regularmente,  adv.  regularly. 

Regulo,  sm.  a  petty  king ;  a  basi- 
lisk ;  (chem..\  rek%\A\3a,. 




—  642  — 


Bebabilítaç9o,  tf.  rehabilhatíon. 
Bahabilitado,  a,  pp.  ody  reha- 

bilitated.  reenabled. 
Rehabilitar,  xa,  to  rehabilitate, 

to  reenable,  to  rematate. 
RebaTer,  oo.  to  recover,  to  get 

Rei,  sm.  king,  monarck.  Dia  de 

Reis  or  Festa  dos  — ,  the  Epi- 

phaDT  or  T-welfth  daj. 
Ralgada,  »f.  t^  root  of  coma, 

oails,  etc. 
Baigado,  a,  adj.  V.  Arraigada, 
Rfiixna,  sf.  V.  lieiima. 
Beixnão,  sm.  a  kind  of  msect;  a 

sort  of  tiger. 
Reimpressão,  sf.  reimpiresMoii, 

Reinado,  sm.  reígn. 
Reinante,   adj.  2  g.   reigning, 

Reinar,  va.  to  reign,  to  prerail, 

to  ruie ;  to  be  predominant. 
Reincidência,  sf.  recidiration, 

Reincidente,  adj.2g  recidiyoua. 
Reincidir,  vn*  to  recidivate,  to 

Reinicola,  adj.  2  g.  of  or  bom 

in  a  kingdora. 
Reino.  sm.  a  kinfi;doin, 
Reinoi,  adj.  2  g.  Dorn  ia  a  king- 

Reintegraç^to,  sf.  reistegraitáoa. 
Reinteõrado,  a,  pp  adj.  reiate- 

Reintegrar,  va.  to  reintegrate, 

to  reinstate. 
Reintrante,  adj.  2  g.  {fort.)  An- 
gulo — ,  reaotrant  angle. 
Reinvite,  sm.  the  act  of  vieing. 
Reio,  sm.  A  — ,  continuallT. 
Reis,  sm.  pi.  (the  plural  of  real) 

a  small  coin  called  rees. 
Reiteração,  sf.  reiteration. 
Reiterado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reiterated. 
Reiterar,  va.  to  reiterate. 
Raiteravel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may  be 

Reitor,  sm.  rector ;  principal  ia 
ibe    University    of  Coixnbrít*, 
ruler.  [rectoTsh\p. 

Reitorado,   sm.  the  time  of  a 
ReitorisL,  8f.  pectorship. 

Relvas,  sf.  pi  {jest.")  the  «i«gi«|» 

of  nims. 
ReivindiOBição,  sf.  (»  /oic)  re> 

yendication,  vindication. 
Reivindicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  revea- 

Reivindicar,  va.  to  rerendicate, 

to  vindicate ;  to  assert,  to  claim. 
Reixa ,    sf.    bravling ,     strife. 

V.  Rixa. 
Rejeição,  sf.  rejection. 
Rejeitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rejected, 

dismissed.  [miss 

Rejeitar,  va.  to  reject.  to  dis> 
Rejeitavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 

be  rejected. 
Rejeito,  sm.  a  missile  vreaiMm. 
Rejo.  «m.  a  sort  of  small  Balmoa. 
Rejuncar,  va.   to  strew  again 

"wiih  flowers. 
Relação,  sf.  relation,  narratÍTe, 

connection.    intercoarse ;     the 

sapreme  court  of  judicatóre. 
Relacionar,    va.  —   aiguem^  to 

obtain  relation. 
Relamber,  va.  to  lick  again. 
Relamb<»ico,  a,  adj.  slack,  re- 
Relâmpago,  sm.  lightning.  flash. 
Reiflunpejar,  Relampadejar  or 

Relampaguear,  vn.  to  ligktea, 

to  glitter.  Itelampaguea,  it  ligb- 

Relampo,  sm.  lightning,  flaslu 
Relance,  sm.  {game)  Ganhar  de — , 

to  -win   with    the    first   cards 

turned  up  by  the  dealer. 
Relapsia,  sf.  a  relapsing  into  aa 

abjured  heresy. 
Relapso,  a,  adj.  relapsed.  —  sm. 

a  relapser. 
Relatado,  a,  pp.  adj.  related. 
Relatador,  sm.  relater. 
Relatar,  va.  to  relate ;  to  teU.  — 

um  feito^  to  report  a  cause. 
Relativamente,  adv.  relatireiy. 
Relativo,  a,   adj.  relative,  res- 

pecting.  —  sm.  or  f.  {gramm.) 

Relator,  a,  sm.    or    f.  relater, 

■naxxíítot.  -—  Ae  Çeito,  a  repórter. 


643  — 


Helazação.  sf.  relaxation. 
Relaxadaznente,  ado.  in  a  re- 

laxed  manner,  slackly. 
Relaxado,  a,  pp,  adj.  relaxed, 

released,  loose,  debanched. 
Relaxador,  a,  adj.  that  relaxes. 
Relaxamento ,    sm.   loosenesa , 

laxnesSf  relaxing. 
Relaxar,  va.  to  relax,  to  loosen, 

to  enfeeble;  to  make  licentious; 

to  release,  to  free  from  oblig»- 

tioD,  to  rerait.   Meluxar-te^  vr. 

to  fail,  to  grow  lack  or  remiss. 
Relaxo,  a,  adj.  relapsed. 
Relê,  sf.  sort,  kind,  species ;  hu- 

mour,  genius,  disposition;  stock; 

family,  race.  [relego 

Relegado,  a,  adj.  exposed  ia  the 
Relego,  sm.  bam,  cave,  etc.,  io 

get  in  com  or  wine, 
Relegaeiro,  sm  teniuit  or  fanaer 

that  hires   lands  to  landlords 

who  have  the  prívilege  cidled 

relego.  [ing  of  any  thing. 

Releição,  sf.  the  repeated  read- 
Releixo,  sni.  {fort.)  the  waU  that 

projects  out  like  a  bench. 
Relembrado,  a,  pp,  adj,  remem- 

Relembrar,  va.  to  remember. 
Relentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  softened 

"with  the  dew. 
Relentar,  va.  to  soften  -with  the 

dev,  to  dew,  to  moisten. 
Relento,  sm.  the  dew  or  moistnre 

of  the  night. 
R^er,  va.  to  read  over  again. 
Relerado,  a,  j;^.  adj.  raised; 

{ptânt.,  scitlp.)  irobossed. 
ReleTador,  a,  adj.  that  relMises. 
ReleTamento,  sm.  a  release,  de- 

livering  or  riddance. 
Relevância,  sf.  V.  Importância. 
Relevante,  adj.  2  g.  that  raises ; 

(fig.)  important. 
Ràevar,  va.  to  release,  to  ac- 

Í[iiit ;  to  pardon,  to  give  relief ; 
sctdp.)  to  imboss,  to  give  re- 
R^evo,  sm.  {sculp.^  engr.)  relievo, 
imbossed  work. —  mteiro^  alto 
^lievo.  àfeio—^  demi -relievo. 
^mmú—,  baaso- relievo;    {4ig\ 

Relha,  sf.  that  part  of  the  ploagfa 
that  the  earth. 

Relho,  a,  adj.  very  old,  hard, 
strong.  (reliiiues  in. 

Relicário,   sm.  a  case  to  keep 

Religar,  va.  to  tie  again. 

Religião,  sf.  religion. 

Religionario,  sm.  a  calvinist. 

Religiosa,  sf.  a  nun.  V.  Freira. 

Religiosamente,  adv.  reli^ous- 
ly  [tion,  religion. 

Religiosidade,  sf.  piety,  devo- 

Religioso,  a,  adj.  religious, 
píons;  punctual,  strict. 

Religioso,  sm.  a  friar. 

Relimohar  or  Rinchar,  vn.  to 

Relincho  or  Rincho,  sm.  the 
neighing  of  a  horse. 

Relinga,  sf.  (a  sea  term)  the 

Relingar,  va.  {a  sea  term)  to  sew 
the  bolt-ropes  to  a  sail. 

Relíquia,  sf.  relic.  BeHquiat,  sf. 
pi.  reliques. 

Reliquo,  a,  adj,  remaining. 

Relia,  sf.  a  hedge-toad. 

Relógio,  sm.  clock,  watch.  —  do 
sol,,  a  snn  dial.  —  d£  areia^  a 
sand-honr-glass.  —  de  agua,  a 
water  hour  glass.  Adiantar  o  — , 
to  set  the  clock  forward.  Dar 
corda  a  um  — ,  to  wind  ap  a 
watch,  clock,  etc.  O —  dá  horas^ 
the  clock  strikes.  —  de  repeti' 
ção,  a  repeater.  —  de  longitudes,, 
a  time-keeper ;  (on  ship-board) 
the  space  of  half  an  honr. 

Relojoaria,  sf.  the  art  of  elock 
or  watch  making. 

Relojoeiro,  sm.  a  watch  or  clock 

Reloncado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made  med. 

Relouoar,  va.  to  make  mad. 

Reluctancia,  sf.  Y.  Repugnância. 

Relaotante,  adj.  2  g.  reluctant. 

Reluctar,  va.  to  relnct.  V.  Re- 

Reluzente,  adj.  2  g.  shinine. 

Relutír,  M-ts..  \o  ^YSifc>v>  ^Síí^'^* 

Re\v«L,  *f,  ^Tika^,\s^^«««^  "^"^tíSL 



—  «4  — 


nem.  Jtf.  'anci  a  thln^.  —  eidv, 

Semachado,  adj.  tn.  that  turas 

tjp.  Sariz  — ,  a  snub  nose. 
Remada,  •/.  rowing. 
Remador,  .m.  a  rower. 
Remadura,  nf.  the  act  of  rovin^. 
Remanchado,  a,  pp.  ad[;.  maoe 

vítb  8lo>-ness  or  nej^ligence. 
Remanchão.  ona.   adj.  and  «. 

2  g.  slotbtiil,  lazy. 
Remanchar,  oa.  to  linger,  to  de- 

lay,  to  p!;t  oiT.  Hemanchar-se^  vr. 

to  be  De<^ligent ;  to  grudge,  to 

do  a  thing  against  one*s  vill. 
Remancho,  «m.  siowness. 
Remandiola,  «/*.   ^J««^)  crafti- 

Remanecente,  atíj.  2  ^.  remain- 

ing.  —  fs.  remainder. 
Remanecer,  va.  and  n.  to  remai n. 
Remanecido,  a,  pp.    adj  i  left 

out  of  a  greater  number. 
Remanencia,  sf.  remainder. 
Remangar,  vn.  to  threatcn  with 

a  hand  lifted  up.  Remangar-se^ 

vr.  to  lift  one'8  sleeves. 
Remansado,  a,  adj.  slow,  quiet 
Remanso,  sm.  the  calm  or  stlll 

vrater  ofa  river;  rest,  repose, 

Remar,  va.  and  n.  to  row,  to  oar 

—  contra  a  maré,  {fig.)  to  do  an 

arduous  work. 
Remascar,  va.  to  remasticate. 
Rematação,  sf.  V.  Arrematação. 
Rematadamente,  adv.   totally. 
Rematado,  a,  pp.  adj.  íinished. 
Rematar,  va.  to  íinisht  to  end; 

to  Hell  by  auction. 
Remate,  sm.  the  end  or  conclu- 

8íon ;  top 
Remediado,  SL,pp.  adj.  remedied. 

liotnem  — ,  {/ig.)  one  with  some 

Remediador,  sm.  one  who  cures. 
Remediar,  va.  to  reraedy. 
Remediavel,  adj.  2  g.  remediable. 
Remedição,  .sf.  the  act  and  oífoct 

o/iueafluring  again. 
ileniedio,  sm.  remedy,  medica- 
ment;  help,  refugo.  Doença  sem 
— ,  an  ijicurable  disease.  Nao 
Aavia  —  para  restaurar  o  credito 

perdido,  credit  waa  lost  past 
retrieve.  Aao  ter  — ,  to  have  no 
monej.  Remédios,  rm.  pi.  medi- 
cines, [again. 

Remedir,   va.  to  measore   over 

Romeiro,  ttn.  rower. 

Remela,  sf.  the  rheum  that  is  in 
the  eye. 

Remelado,  a.  or  Remeloao,  a. 
adj.  blear-eved. 

Remelão,  aaj.  m.  Assucar  — ,  a 
burnt  sugar. 

Remelar,  va.  to  prodace  rheom 
in  the  eyes  ;  to  make  sugar  re- 
melão.  [brance. 

Remembrança ,     sf.      remem- 

Remembrar,  va.  V.  Lembrar. 

Rememorar,  va.  to  rememorate. 

Rememorativo,  a,  adj.  comme- 

Rememoro,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  ihat 
has  reminiscence. 

Remendado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mended. 

gatched.  Cavallo  — ,  a  piebald 
Remendão,    sm.    Alfaite   — ,  a 

botcher.  Sapateiro  — .  a  cobler. 
Remendar,  va.  tomend,  to  patch, 

to  botch. 
Remendaria,  sf.  a  patch-cloak. 
Remendeira,  sf.  a  patch-woman. 
Remendo,  sm.  a  botch,  a  patch, 

a  mend.  [again. 

Remenineoer,  vn.  to  grow  child 
Remercear,  va.  {anc.)  to  thank. 
Remerecer,  va.  to  deserve  more 

than  is  given.  [money. 

Remessa,  sf.    a  remittance    of 
Remessão,  sm.  amissile  weapon. 
Remessar,  va.  V.  Arremessar. 
Remesso,   sm.   missile  weapon. 

V.  Arremesso. 
Remestre,  sm.   {jest.)  one  that 

has    more     learning    than    a 

teacher.  [ting, 

Remettente,  pa.  and  adj.  remit- 
Remetter,  va.  to  remit,  to  refer. 

—  dinheiro,  to  remit  money  ;  to 
put  off,  to  delay.  V.  Arremetter. 

—  vn.  to  begin,  to  fali  to.  Elle 
remetteu  a  f uqvt  com  nwxK.*  -^essa 

Que  d?ant«^\v«k  Xí^Vq^ís.  Vvoí&íSã. 

RenveíkeT-w.  w.  Vi  T^1«t  v* 


—  645  — 


person^s  judgment,  to  leave  it 

to  his  choice.  Jiemetto-me  a  vos 

TÍ' esse  particular,  1  referor  leave 

it  to  yoa.  [sault. 

Remettida,  sf.  aggression,  as- 
Remettido,  a,  pp.  adj.  reraitted. 
Remexer,  va.  to  stir  again  (speak- 

ing  of  liquid). 
Remido,  a,  pp-  adj.  ransomed, 

Remidor,  sm.  a  redeemer. 
Remiges,  sf.  nl.  long  feathers  in 

the  wings  oi  a  biro. 
Remigio,   stn.    the    clapping   of 

Remiigração,  sf.  remi^ration. 
Remigrar,  va.  to  remigrate. 
RemiUilJLo,  sm.   a  ladle   used  in 

the  sugar  works.  [pardon. 

Remimento,  sm.  forgiveness, 
Reminiscência,  sf.  reminiscence. 
Remir,  va.  to  redeem,  to  recover, 

to  ransom,  to  deliver  from.  — 

a  sua  vexação,  to  rid  one's  self 

of  a  trouble.   Remir-se^  vr.  to 

redeem  one's  self. 
Remirar,  va.  to  look  again. 
Remissamente,  adv     remissly. 
Remissão,  sf.  remission,  {)ardon. 
Remissivel,  adj.  2  g.  remissible. 
Remisso,  a,  adj.  {in  law)  remiss, 

slack,  negligent. 
Remissorio,   a,    adj.    (in    law) 

Carta  — a,  order  of  ajuage  to  re- 

fer  a  cause  to  another  court. 
Remittido,  a,  pp.  adj.  remitted, 

forgiven . 
Remittir,  va.  to  remit,  to  for- 

give,  to  pardon.  —  uma  divida^ 

to  forgive  a  debt ;  to  relax,  to 

resign.  —  vn.  or  Remittir-se,  vr. 

to  remit,  to  grow  less  intense. 
Remível,  adj.  2  g.  redeemable. 
Remo,  sm.  an  oar.  Pá  do  — ,  tíie 

blade  of  an  oar.. 
Remoçado,    a,  pp.  adj.  grown 

young  again. 
Remoçante,  pa.  of  Remoçar^  that 

grovs  young  again. 
Remoç»),  sf.  remotion,  removing. 
"Remoçar,  va.  to  make  oyae  grow 

young  ãgarn. 

Achewingofthe  cud. 

Remoela,  sf.  trick,  prank.  V. 
Acinte.  [cud,  to  rnminate. 

Remoer,  vn.  and  a.  to  chew  the 

Remoinhar,  vn.  to  turn  about 
like  a  Whirlpool.  [whirls. 

Remoinhoso,    a,    adj.    fuU    of 

Remolhar,  va.  to  soak,  to  water 
again.  [again. 

Remolho,  sm.  the  act  of  soaking 

Remonta,  sf.  remounting  ca- 

Remontado,  a,  pp.  adj.  remount- 
ed.  —  espirito^  a  great  or  su- 
blime wit.  —  discurso^  an  en- 
larged  discourse.  Remontado, 
remote  ;  superior  ;  nnmoveable. 

Remontar,  va.  to  remount  ca- 
valry.  —  uma^  botasj  to  new- 
foot  a  pair  of  boots.  Remontar- 
se,  vr.  to  mount,  to  rise  on  ;  to 
obtain  height  of  fortune. 

Remonte,  sm.  the  act  of  remount- 
ing ;  the  new  footing  of  a  pair 
of  boots. 

Remoque,  sm.  a  frump  ;  a  sharp 
word  ;  a  scoff,  taunt.  Dar  — ,  ta 

Remoqueador,  sm.  a  taunter. 

Remoquear,  va.  to  taunt,  to  gibe. 

Remora,  sf.  delay,  stop,  hinder- 
ance.  [híndered. 

Remorado,  a,    adj.   remorated, 

Remordedor,  a,  adj.  that  re- 

Remorder,  va.  to  bite  again ; 
to  cause  remorso.  Remorae-lhe 
continuamente  a  consciência^  he 
feels  continually  the  stings  of 

Remordido,  a,  adj.  biten  again ; 
feeling  remorse. 

Remordimento,  sm.  remorse. 

Remoroso,  a,  adj.  that  remorates 
or  hinders.  [conscience. 

Remorso,  sm.  remorse,  sting  of 

Remotamente,  adv.  remotely. 

Remoto,  a,  adj.  remote,  distant. 

Remover,  va.  to  remove,  to  drivo 
away,  to  disçlacft. 

ílemaeLar,'on.v>  ^«^^%^S^ 


—  646  — 


Remunerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  remu- 
nera ted,  rewardea. 
Remunerador,  sm.  rexnunerator, 

rewarder.  [to  reward. 

Remunerar,  va.  to  remuneratc, 
Remunerativo,  a,  adj.  remune- 

Remuneratório,    a,  adj.  remu- 

neratory  :  given  uot  only  as  a 

reward  hut  for  love  sake. 
Remuneroso,   a,  adj.  that    re- 
compenses or  re'vrards. 
Remungar,  va.  or  Resmungar, 

va.  V.  Jtesmonear. 
Remurmurar,  vn.  to  remurmur. 
Remurmurio,  sm.  the  act  of  re- 

Rena.  sni.  {nat.  kist.)  rein-deer, 
Renal,  adj.  i  g.  renal,  belonging 

to  the  rems  or  kidneys. 
Renascença,  sf.  regeneration. 
Renascente,  adj.  2  g.  renaacent. 
Renascer,  vn.  to  be  bom  again. 
Renascido,  a,  pp.  adj.  bom  again, 

revived.  [regeneration. 

Renascimento,  sm.  renascency, 
Renato,  a,  the  irr.  pp.  of  Renãs- 

ceTy  and  adj.  revivea. 
Renavegado,  a,  adj.  (poet.)  re- 

Renda,    xf.   rent,    income,    an- 

nuity;  lace.  —  de  filó^  cotton 

lace.  —  de  tear.,  boné  lace.  —  de 

agulha^  point  lace. 
Rendeira,  sf.    a  she-tenant;  a 

Rendteiro,  sm.  a  renter,  a  tenant. 
Render,  va.  to  subdue,  to  con- 

quer ;  to  bend  or  crook  (a  sea 

term).  —  uma  sentinella,  to  re- 

lieve  a  centry  ;  to  yield,  to  pro- 

duce  (lands,  etc.J." —  honra^  to 

do  honour.  —  o  bordo  ao  mar^ 

to  sail  again.  [missively. 

Rendidamente,  aáo.  lowly,  sub- 

Rendido,  a,  pp,  adj.  conquered. 

Rendidura,  sf.  the  crackmg  of 

a  mast.  [resembling  a  mce. 

Rendilhar,  va.  to  make  a  -vork 

JRendixnento,  sm.  revenxie,  \iir 

come^  rent ;  a  yielàing  xip,  sor-  \'Eten\nictei,  iia.  \.o  x«viSi\fliR.fe.,  ^ 

rendor;  {fmrier)  a  strain.  ^^J^^^^^  ^^''^''í^'' ^f'^'^^^^^  x,v« 

tUndomò.  a.  cíí/.  WtfúV.  SertiVe,  v'=^Ç'«»'**^:!^  ««n:^i^^1 


Renegada,  sf.   (game)  a  gamo 

called  ombre. 
Renegado,  sm.  an  apostate. 
Renegador,  sm.  a   olasphemer. 
Renete,  sm.  {farríer)  renctte. 
Rengsdho,  sm.  a  plain  lace. 
Rengo,  sm.  a  sort  of  cloth. 
Renhido,  a,  pp.  adj.  warmly  de- 

bated,  quarrelled. 
Renhir,  vn.  to  quarrel,  to  debate 

Reniforme,  adj.  2  g.  reniform. 
Renitência,  sf.  renitence,  reni- 

Renitente,   adj,    2   g.   renitent, 

acting  against  any  impulse  by 

elastic  power. 
Renitir,  vn  to  resist,  to  repugn. 

V.  Repugnar. 
Renome,  <m.  renown,  reputation. 
Renova,  sf.  renewal ,  (f(g.)  refor- 

Renovação,  sf.  renovation,  re- 

newing,  renewal. 
Renovado,  a,  pp.  adj.  renewed, 

Renovador,  sm.  renewer. 
Renovamento,  sm.  renovation, 

Renovar,  va.  to  renew,  to  reno- 

vate.  —  a  dôr^  to   renew  the 

grief.  Renovar-se^  vr.  to  be  re- 

Renovo,  sm.  sprig,  young  shoot 

of  a  tree.  sucker.  Renovos^  ali 

kinds  of  fruits,  etc. 
Renque,  sf.   rank,   row,  file   or 

rank  of  soldiers.  Pár  em  — ,  to 

dispose  in  order. 
Rente,  adv.  dose    Cortar  — ,  to 

cut  offclose. 
Renuir,  va.  V.  Raduar. 
Renuncia,  sf  i^enunciation. 
Renunciaçao,  sf.  renunciation. 
Renunciado,  a,  pp.  adj  renoun- 

Renunciador,  a,  adj.  and  s.  that 

renounces  :  one  who  renounces. 
Renunciante,  sm.  or  /.  he  who 


—  647  — 


Rèo,  sm.  a  criminal,  a  defendant. 

Co-réo,  a  complice  inthe  crime. 

Reordenação,   sf.  reordination. 

Reordenado,  a,  pp.  adj.   reor- 

Reordenar,  va.  to  reordain,  to 

confer  orders  a  second  time. 
Reorganisação,  sf.  reorganiza- 

tion.  [nized. 

Reorganisado,  a,  pp  adj.  reorga- 
Reorganisar,  va    to  reorganixe. 
Repagar,  va.  to  repay. 
Repago,  a,  adj.  repaid. 
Repairo,  sm.  repairing,  repara- 

tion.   —   de  peça,   a  gun   car- 

Repanhar,  va.  to  snatch. 
Reparação,   sf,    reparation,   re- 

pairÍDg.  (corrected. 

Reparado,  a,  pp.  adj.  repaired, 
Reparador,  sm.  repairer,  amen- 

der ;  an  observer. 
Reparar,  va.  to  repair,  to  amend  ; 

to  parry  ;  to  advert ;  to  observe ; 

to  recompense  :  to  retrieve.   — 

culpas,  to  be  reformed.  Reparar, 

to  shelter.  —  do  calor  do  sol^  to 

shelter  from  the  heat  of  the  sun. 

Beparar-se,  vr.  —  com  o  escudo, 

to  cover  one's  self  with  a  shield. 

—  da  perda,  to  retrieve   one's 

loM.  [servation. 

Reparo,  sm.  defence  ,  notice,  ob- 
Repartição,  sf.  repartition,  dis- 

tribution  :  department,division. 
Repartidamente,  adv.  distribat- 

ively,  dividedly 

Repartideira,  sf.  a  sort  of  basin 

to  divide  sugar. 
Repartido,  a,  pp.  adj.  divided, 

distributed .  [buter. 

Repartidor,  sm.  divider,  distri- 
Repartimento,  sm.  atill,  money- 

drawer.  —  da  casa,   coiapArti- 

tion,    distríbution  of  a   aome 

into  rooms,  ofâces,  etc. 
Repartir,  va.  to  divide,  to  dis- 

tribute.  Repartir-se,  vr.  to    be 

Repanivel,  adj.  2  g.  tlutt  may 

be  àiriàftá. 

haira  on  «be  head.  T 

«^P«Maclo,  a,  pp.  aty.  repameè. 

—  sm.  ribbons,  thread,.  etc. 
twisted  together. 
Repassar,  va.  to  repaas,  to  cross 
again.  Éepassar-te,  vr.  to  im- 
bibe,  to  be  imbibed.  Papel  qne 
repassa  orpassento,  sinking  or 
blotting    paper.    —   vn    to  re- 

Eass.  —  um    livro,  to  read    a 
ook  over   again;  to  twist  cr 

twine,  to  interlace. 
Repastado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pastured 

Repastar,  va.  to  pasture  cattle 

again.  [food  a«:ain. 

Repasto,  sm.  the  act  of  taiking 
Repeçar,  va.  to  keep  cloae  to. 
Repeitar,  va.  to  bribe  again. 
Repelejar,  va.  to  fight,  to  com- 
bate again. 
Repellão,  sm.  a  violent  pull,  par- 

ticularly  by  the  hair.  —  de  venio, 

apufifof  wind. 
Repellente,  adj.  %  g.  repellent. 

Remédios  — s.  {med?)  repellents. 
Repellido,  a,  pp.  adj.  repelled. 
Repellir,  va.  to  repel,  to  repulse. 
Rejpello,  sm.  the  opposite  direc- 

tion  of  the  hair.  Â  — ,  Ifiçf.)  vio- 

lently.  [dimento. 

Rependimento,  sm.  Y.  Arrepefi- 
Repenicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pricked 

Repenicar,  va.  to  prick  often. 
Repensar,    va.   or    n.   to   think 

Repente,  sm.  a  sally,  spurt;  heat, 

fury,  any  títíng  done  ex  teni- 

pore.    De   — ,    adv     suddenly. 

r^eito   de  — ,    extemporaneous, 

Repentinamente,  adv.  suddenly. 
Repentino,  a,  adj.  sudden  j  unex- 

Repentista,  adj.  or  s.  that  makes 

any  thing  suddenly. 
Repercussão,  sf.   repercnssion. 
Repercussivo,  a,  adj.  repercus- 

sive ;  reverberated. 
ReperciUHM),  sin.  reverberation. 
RepercnLtld.o^  ^^  ■pg.  oAv^^Ní^"^- 


—  648  - 


Rapergonta,  sf.  redemand,  quos- 

tion  upon  question. 
Repergontado,  a,pp.  adj.  ques- 

tioned  over  and  over  agaio. 
Reperguntar,    va.  to    question 

over  and  over  again. 
Repertório,  sm.  a  repertory.  — 

ao  liuro^  the  index  ot  a  booK. 
Repesado,  a,  pp.  adj.  weighed 

Repesador,   sm.    an    ofâcer  in 

Portugal  whoso  business  is  to 

verify  weight. 
Repesar,  va.  to  verify  the  weigbt 

of  any  thing  sold. 
Repeso,  sm.  weighing  again. 
Repetanado,  a,  adj.  (Jest.)  ridi- 

culously  grand. 
Repetência,    sf.   {med.)    a   new 

afflnx  or  flowing  to. 
Repetente,   sm.    a   tutor  in   an 

university  ;  a  private  master 
Repetição,  sf.  repetition  ^  repeat- 

ing  ;  rehearsal ;  {law)  recovery. 
Repetidamente,  adv.  again  and 

Repetido,  a,  pp.  adj.  repeated. 
Repetidor,  sm.  repeater.  V  Be- 

Repetir,  va.   to    repeat,    to  re- 

hearse  ;  (in  law)  to  recover. 
Repicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rung  very 

often.  [belTs  out. 

Repioador.  sm.  one  \irbo  rings 
Repicaponto,  sm.  De  — ,  nicely 

Repicar,  va.  to  ring  the  bells  ;  to 

strike  over  again  with  a  pointed 

instrument ;  [marit.)  to  top  the 

Repimpado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fat,  burly ; 

lolling  in  a  chair. 
Repimpar,  va.  to  íill,  to  satiate. 

Repimpar-se^  vr.  to  loll,  to  seat 

•leaningbaek,  and  stretched  out. 
Repinaldo.  adj.  Pêra  — ,  a  sort 

of  pearmain.  [again. 

Repintar,  va.  to  repaint,  to  paint 
Repique,  syn.  a  ringing  of  bells 

on  some  festival  day ;  ^at  pic- 
quet)  to  repique. 

Bepiquetes,  sm.  pi.  (a  sea  term)  \l^,«poii\ort». 

Vento  de-,  a  variable  vind.     \^^^;?^;^i^-ou  \>^^^.  T^^^^^  -  a 
•«opisa,  sf.    the  act  of  treaAmg  \    ^^  itò«çvu^  «"^ 

over  again.  Vinho  de  — .  ^rcsscd 

wine  or  of  the  last  pressing. 
Repisação,  sf.  repetition. 
Repisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trod  over 

Repisar,  va  totread  over  again; 

ififf.)  to  repeat  a  thing  often. 
Replantar,   va.    to   replant,   to 

plant  anew. 
Repleção,  sf.  {med.)  repletion, 
Replenado,;.  âlled.    . 
Repleno,  sm.  [fort )  terreplain 
Repleto,    a,    adj    neshy,     full, 

Replica,  sf,  an  answer,  a  reply. 

arepartee ;  {in  ^aw)  areplication. 
Replicação,  sf.  replication. 
Replicado,  a,  pp.   adj.  reptied, 

Replicar,  va.  to  reply,  to  answer; 

(m  law)  to  bring  in  an  exception. 
Repolegar,  va.  to  bem. 
Repolego,  sm.  a  sort  of  hem  used 

in  towels ;  the  edge  of  a  pie,  etc. 
Repolhal,   adj.    2  g.  having   a 

round  shape.  [shape. 

Repolbar,  va.  orn  totake  a  round 
Repolho,  57».  headed-cabbage. 
Repolhudo,  a,  adj.  round. 
Reponta,   sf.   beginning.   —  da 

maré.,  the  beginning  of  the  tide. 
Repontar,  vn.  to  be^in  to  ap- 

pear.  —  a  maré,  is  íor  the  tide 

to  begin  to  go  up.  —  a  madnir 

gada^  to  dawn. 
Repor,    va.   to    replace,   to    set 

again,  to  re-establish. 
Reportação,  sf.  moderation.  Y. 

Reportado,  a,  PP   ad;.  obtained; 

moderate,  modest. 
Reportamento,  sm.  {in  law)  the 

act  of  being  referred  to  the  same 

Reportar,  va.  to  obtain ;  to  res- 

pect,  to  honour,  to  regard.  Ite- 

portar-sCf  vr.  to  curb  one's  pas- 

sions.  [calendar. 

Reportório,  sm.  an  almanack,  a 
"EVjBpoe^iCi^SA^  sf.  Tw^oaitíon. 


—  64»  — 


uma  earta^  to  ans^rer  a  letter. 

Foguete  de  — ,  a  cracker  or  squib. 
Repostada,  sf.  a  rude,  sharp  or 

UD civil  answer. 
Repostaria,  sf.  the  office  of  the 

groom  of  the  chamber. 
Reposte,  sm.  a  room  to  keep  fur- 

niture  in. 
Reposteiro,  sm.  asumpture  cloth ; 

a  groom  oí  the  chamber. 
Reposto,  a,  pp.  adj.  replaced. 
Repotrear-se,  vr.   {jest.)   to  lie 

idly  upon  a  chair. 
Repousadamente,  adv.  quietly. 
Repousado,  a.  pp.  adj.  reposed. 
Repousar,  vn.  to  repose,  to  get 

rest,  to  rest  one's  self.  —  va.  to 

lay,  to  rest ;  {fig.)  to  calm,  to 

Repouso,  sm.  repose,  rest. 
Repovoar,  va.  to  repeo{)le. 
Repregado,    a,  pp.  adj.   nailed 

Repregar,  va.  to  nail  again. 
Reprego,  sm.  the  act  of  nailing 


Reprehendedor,  a,  S7n.  or  f.  one 

who  reprimaiids  or  chides. 
Reprehender,  va.  to  reprehend, 

to  rebuke. 
Reprehendido,  a,j9p.  adj.  repre- 

Reprehendlmento,    sm.    repre- 

RsprehenQão,  sf.  reprehension. 
Reprehensivel,  adj.  2  g.  repre- 

hoiisible,  censurable. 
Reprehensor,«m.  a  reprehender. 
Represa,  sf.  a  reprise ;  the  bur- 

den    of  a   sonç ;   retaking ;   a 

floodgato  or  sluice. 
Represado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stopped, 

brtimded.  Ódio  — ,  hatred  long 

born  in  mind. 
Represador,  sm.  one  who  makes 

Represadura,  6/.  the  act  of  mak- 

ing  reprisals. 
Represália,  sf.  reprisal.   Cartas 

ae  — s,  letters  of  mark. 
Represar,  va.  to  bound,  to  stop 

water  by  a  Aooà-g&te. 
Bepreaentação,   sf.    the   act   of 

oration ;    representation  ;   pic« 

ture,  likeness,  exhibition. 
Representado,  a,  pp.  adj.  repre- 

Representadori  sm.  representer. 
Representante,  pa.   of  fíepre- 

sentar^  representing. 
Representante,  sm.  or  /*.  repre- 

sentative,  proxy ;  a  piayer  or 

Representar,  va.  to  represent, 

to  show,  to  exhibit.  —  um  papel, 

to  act  a  part  in  a  play.  hepre- 

sentar-se,  vr.  to  appear  before 

one  ;  to  fancy,  to  ngure  to  one'8 

Representativo,  a,  adj.  repre- 

sentaiive.  —  sm.  a  representa- 

tive.  [iníO^  be  represeuted. 

Representavel,  adj.  2  g.  that 
Represo,    a.     adi.    imprisoned 

again,   retaken   uy  retaliation. 
Repressão,  sf.  repression ;  res- 

Repressivo,  a,  adj.  repressiva. 
Reprimido.  a,pp.  adj.  repressed. 
Reprixnidor,  sm.    and  adj.   re- 
Reprimir,  va.  to  repress,  to  res- 

train.  Reprimir-se,  vr.  to  forbear, 

to  refrain  one'8  self. 
Reprimivel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 

be  repressed. 
Reprobação,  sf.  V.  Reprovação. 
Réprobo,   a,  adj.   reprobate.*  — 

sm.  a  reprobate. 
Reprochar,  va.  {anc.)  to  reproach. 
Reproche,  sm.  reproach. 
Reproducção,  sf.  reproduction. 
Reproductivel,  adj.  t  g.  capable 

to  be  reproduced.  [tive. 

Reproduotivo,  a,  adj.  reproduc- 
Reproduzir,  va.  to  reproduce. 
Reproduzivel,  adj.  2  g.  capablo 

to  be  reproduced. 
Reprofundar,  va.  {poet.)  to  makc 

deepen  over  again.  [again. 

Reprometter,  va.  to  promise 
Repromissão,  sf.  a  nLu.twa.\.  ore  ^^- 

ciprocaV  "dtotov^ô. 
Reprova,  sf.  V>u  la%)c^  ^^"^^^^^r 

tvoív.  —  de  uina  tes^«^>«^>^^^^ 

p  i .".;  j^ ' 


Reprovação,  sf.  disproving,  re- 

jecting,  reprobation. 
Reprovadamente,  adv.  vnth  re- 
Reprovado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reproved, 

rejected,  disallowed.  —  sm.  one 

reprobated.  fproves. 

Reprovador,    a,  adj.    tnat   re- 
Reprovador,  sm.  a  reprover. 
Reprovar,  va.  to  reprove. 
Reprovável,  ací;.  2^'.  reprovable. 
Reprovir,  va.  to  spring,  to  pro- 

ceed  again.  [dened. 

Reptado,  a,  pp.  adj.  chalienged, 
Reptador,  sm.  a  challenger,  a 

deíier.  [many  feet. 

Reptante,  adj.  2g.  creepingupon 
Reptar,  va.  {anc.)  to  challenge, 

to  defy.  [reptile,  creeping. 

Reptil,  sm.  a  reptile.  —  adj.  i  g. 
Repto.  sm..  a  challenge. 
Republica,  sf.  a  repablic. 
Republicanismo,  sm.  republica- 

Republicano,  a,  adj,  and  «.  re- 

pablican.  [ted. 

Republico,  a,  adj.  public-spiri- 
Repudiação,  sf.  repudiation. 
Repudiado,  a,  pp,  adj.  repudia- 

ted,  divorced. 
Repudiante,  sm.  he  who  repu- 

diates  his  wife. 
Re]pudiar,  va.  to  repndiate,  to 

divorce,  to  put  away ;  {fig.)  to 

reject.  [vorce. 

Repudio,    sm.    repudiation,    di- 
Repugnado,  a,  pp.  adj.  repugn- 

ed.  [pugns. 

Repugnador,  a,   adj.  that  re- 
Repugnância,  sf.  repugnancy, 

averseness,  reluctancy,  incon- 

Repugnante,  adj.  2  g.    repug- 

nant,  reluctant,  contrary. 
Repugnar,  va.  to  oppose,  to  act 

again.  —  vn.  to  be  contrary,  to 

repuern,  toresist,  to  clasb  -with. 

AquiUo  repugna  d  razão j  tbat  is 

oontrary  to  reason. 
Repulgar,  va,  to  hem.  ^ .  Repo- 

—  650  —  REQ 

Repulsado,  a,  pp.    adj.  repul- 

sed,  refused. 
Repulsão,  sf.  repulsion,  repel- 

Repulsar,  va.  to  refuse,  to  aban- 

don,  to  deny. 
Repulsivo,    a,    adj.  repulsivo, 

Repulso,  sm.  repulsion. 
Repurgação,  sf.  repurgation. 
Repurgado,  a,  pp.  adj,  purged 

Repurgar,  va.  to  purge  again. 
Reputação,   sf,  reputation,  re- 
Reputado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reputed. 
Reputar,  va.  to  repute,  to  count 

or  look  upon ;  to  give  credit  or 

Repuxar,  va.  to  puU  or  drive 

back,  to  repel ;  to  give  a  slope 

to  a  rampart. 
Repuxo,  sm.   [fort.)    a   talus,  a 

slope    given    to    a    rampart; 

Requebrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cour- 

ted;     excessively     tender    or 

expressivo  of  love ;  leering. 
Requebrado,  sm.  one  that  wad- 

dles ;  one  that  moves  from  side 

to  side  wantonly;  a  wooer. 
Requebrador ,     a,     adj.    tbat 

Requebrar,  va.  to  court,  to  "woo; 

to  waddle  wantonl^. 
Requebros,,  íine  amorous 

words    or    expressions.  —   da 

voz^  varbling  of  the  voice.  — 

com  os  olhos.,  a  leering,  -vanton 

look.  Dizer  — •,  to  woo,  to  court, 

to  leer. 
Requeijão,    sm.    curd,    curdled 

milk,  curd  cheese. 
Requeijeircsm.  a  cheese-maker. 
Requeimação,  sf.  parchednesi. 
Requeimado,  a,  pp.  adi,   par- 

ched,  dry,  scorcned;  cnoleríc 
Requeimar,     va.  to    parch  or 

scorch.  —  vn.  to  be  sharp,  tart 

OT  ^ol^ant.  [fiah. 

legar,  [late;  to  a\iowTid.  \ "RsqjaftVn»,  sro..  ^  %<stt  of  sesr 

BapuUular,  va,  op  n.  to  tcçuWu-  \  B.WíU.«iVxfiteo,  sm.  «.  «^«ai-^jasT 


6&t  — 


orwarmed  ag^n.  Caldo— ^ {fiO-) 

a  bad  thinj^. 
!Reqaentar,  va.  to  heat  or  warm 

again.  Requentar-ae^  vr.  to  grow 

*     hot  again.  [citor. 

Rocjiieredor,  sm,  (in  law)  a  soli- 

Reçpierente,  sm.  (m  law)  a  soli- 

citór ;  the  prosecator  in  a  real 

Requerer,  va.  {in  law)  to  reqnire, 

to  demand;  to  accuse,  to  charge. 

Requere-se^  {imp.)  it  is  reqnisite. 
Requerido,  a,  pp.  adj.  required. 
Requerimento,  sm,  an  oral  or 

verbal  request ;  petition. 
Re^esta,  sf.  request,  demand; 

aim,  design ;  the  act  of  sueing 

for  a  thing,  the  thlng  sued  for; 

challenge,  quarrel. 
Requestado,  a,  jyp,  adj»  request- 

ed,  asked. 
Requesttador,  snu  one  who  re- 
quest, a  suitor. 
Requestar,  va.  to    request,  to 

ask,  to  crave,  to  sue  for ;  to 

hunt  after,  to  strive  to  obtain ; 

to  court,  to  woo  a  girl ;  to  dial- 

Requiem,  sm.  rest,  repose. 
Requife,  sm.  a  sort  oi  lace. 
Requinta,  sf.  a  sort  of  clàrinet. 
Requintado,  a,    pp.  adj.  well 

practised  and  exercised.  ^/fe  ^ 

— »  h«  is  a  shrewd  feUow;  the 

most   perfect,  refined;  sharp, 


Requintar,  va.  to  refine,  to 
purify,  to  polish.  —  vn.  to  refine, 
to  be  full  of  niceties.  —  na  ele- 

Íiancia  da  língua^  to  refine  the 
ançnage.  Bequintar-se,  vr,  to 
purify,  to  grow  sharp. 
Requinte,  sm.  refinemeat. 
Requirir,  va.  to  demand,  to  daim 
Requisição,  sf.  requisition,  de- 

Requisitar,  va.  to  require. 
Requisito,    a,    adj.    requisite, 

necessary.  —  sm.  a  requisite. 
Requisitória,  sf.  {in  law)  a  war- 

rant  frojn    a  juage   requiring 


Resabiado,  a,  adi.  having  an 
ill  taste ;  unruly  (speaking  of  a 
horse,  mule,  etc.). 

Resabliair,  va.  to  make  vicious 

Resabido,  a,  pp.adj.  very  leam- 
ed,  clever,  very  skilful. 

Resabio  or  Resaibo,  sm.  an  ill 
habit  or  custom;  ajadish  tríck 
in  a  horse ;  an  ill  taste  or  sa- 
vour.  Ter  —  de,  to  have  the 
taste  of.  Aquella  carpa  tem-— 
de  lodOy  that  carp  tastes  of  the 
mud.  Aquella  proposição  tem  seu 
—  de  heresia^  that  proposition 
savours  of  heresy. 

Resaca,  sf.  surf  of  the  sea ;  eddy> 
the  flowing  back  of  a  billow;  a 
sort  of  bay  formed  by  the  fiuz 
of  the  tide. 

Resacar,  va.  {comm.)  to  draw 
again  a  bill  of  exchange. 

Resalr,  vn.  to  come  out  again. 

Resalgar,  sm.  {bot.)  a  poisonous 

Resaltado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rebound- 
ed,  broken  from  its  course. 

Resaltar,  vn.  to  rebound,  to 
stick,  to  jut  out  in  a  building. 

Reealtear,  va.  to  assault  again. 

Resalto,  sm.  rebound ;  repercus- 
sion  of  a  body ;  a  jutting  out  in 
a  building. 

Resalva,  sf  {in  law)  a  defear 
sance,  exception. 

Resalvado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 
a  defeasance. 

Resalvar,  va.  {in  law)  to  make  a 
defeasance ;  to  except.— para  si, 
to  reserve  to  one's  self. 

Resanfoninar,  va.  to  speak  ire- 
quently  on  anv  tiresome  subject. 

Resaque,  sm.  [comm.)  the  act  of 
drawing  again  a  bill  of  ex- 

Resarcido,  a,j9p.  adj.  repaired^ 
made  good. 

Resarcir,  va.  to  repair,  to  make 
good,  to  make  axív«tiàL'a. 

,     luAM.  «  ^ 

\     salute  açwBu,  ^*>  x^ív».^^  ^  ^ 
I     tatioti. 


~   652  — 


Resbordo,  srn.  {a    sea    term)  a 

ballast  port,  a  raft  port. 
Rescaldado,  a,  pp.   adj.  very 

hot  or  warm. 
Rescaldaxnento,     sm.    víolent 

Rescaldar,  va.  to  scald  violentlv. 
Rescaldeiro,  sm.  a  chaffing-dish. 
Rescaldo,  sm.  embers;  {fy.)  hot 

or  fiery  vapours. 
Rescender,  vn.  to  smell  sweet. 
Rescindido,  a,  pp.  adj.  rescind- 

ed,  made  void. 
Resclndixnento,  sm.  rescinding. 
Rescindir,     va.  to  resclnd,   to 

make  void.  [ing. 

Rescisão,  sf.  rescission,  rescina- 
Rescrever,  va.  to  vrrite  back. 
Rescripção,  sf.  an  order  to  pay 

any  suni  of  money.  [back. 

Rescripto,  a,  pp.  adj.  written 
Rescripto,  sm.  a  rescript;  edict 

of  an  emperor. 
Reseccação,  sf.    the    act    and 

effect  of  drying  again. 
Reseccar,  va.  to  dry  again. 
Resecco,  a,  adj.  that  is   very 

Reseda,  sf.  (bot.)  reseda. 
Resegundar,  va.  to  do  a  tbing 

repeatedly.  [again. 

Resellado,    a,    pp.  adj.  sealed 
Resellar,  va.  to  seal  again. 
Resemeado,  a,pp.  adj.  resowed. 
Resemeadura,  sf.  so\nng  a  se- 

cond  time. 
Resemear,  va.  to  resov. 
Resenha,  sf.  a  muster,  a  review. 
Resenhar,    va.    to    muster,   to 

Resenhor,  sm.    {jest.)    a  great 

man.  [offended. 

Resentido,  a,  pp.  adj.^  resented, 
Resentimento,  sm.  resentment, 

sense.  Com  — ,  resentingly. 
Resentir,  va.  to   resent,  to  take 

ill.     Mesentir-se,     vr.    to     re- 

sent,  to  feel;  to  be  sensible  of, 
to  know. 

Resenra^U) ,    sf.    reservation ; 

Reservadamente,   adv.   reser- 

vedly.  [ved,  kcpt. 

Reservado,  a,  pp.   adj.    reser- 
Reservador,  a,  adj.  that  reser- 
ves or  keeps. 
Reservar,    va.    to   reserve,   to 

keep;  to  conceal.  Reservar-se^ 

vr.  to  be  reserved. 
Reservatório,  a,  adj.  that  re- 
serves to  one''8  self. 
Reservatório,  sm.  reservatory. 
Reservir,  na.  to  serve  again. 
Resfolegadoiro ,     sm.      orifice 

througn  which  one  breathes. 
Resfolegar,  vn.  to  breathe;   to 

recollect,  to  recover  one*s  self. 
Resfolego,  sm.  respiration. 
Resfriado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cooled. 
Resfriador,  a,  adj.  that  coois, 

cooling.  —  sm.  a  vessel  with  ice 

to  coolsome  drinks. 
Resfriamento ,     sm.     cooling, 

Resfriar,  va.  to  cool.  V.  Esfriar. 
Resgatado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ransomed. 
Resgatador,    a,    sm.  and  f.  a 

Resgatar,    va.    to   ransom.   to 

rescue,   to    recover;   to   buy. 

Resgatar-se^  vr.  to  redeem  on«  8 

self.  [able. 

Resgatavel,   adj.  2  g.  redeem- 
Resgate,  sm.  ransom. 
Resguardado,  a,  pp.  adj.   cau- 

tious,  circumspect. 
Resguardar,  va.  to  be  cautious ; 

to  regard.  Resguardar-se^  vr.  to 

be  cautious,  to  keep  from. 
Resguardo,    sm.    regard,  cau- 

tion ;  reverence.  [ness. 

Resicação,  sf.    excessive    dry- 
Resicar,  va.  to  dry  excessively. 

Resicar-se,  vr.  to  wither,  to  dry 

Residência,  sf.  residence. 
Residente,  adj.  2  g.   resident, 

d-welllng.  —  sm.  a  resident. 

Reseqaldo,  a,  adj.  Q3.CQ&sV<f«\^\'6^«&\â\x^-oa.  q>x  u.  to  reside,  to 
Hejenra,  /ieserve?  ^i<«-^-A  ^íi^^^^^ 



—  653  — 


Besignadamente ,      adv.     re- 

signedly.  [gned. 

Resignado,    a,    pp»    adj.  resi- 
Besignante,  sm.  resigner. 
Resignar,   va.  to   resign.  Besi- 

gnar-se^  vr.  tx)  resign  one's  self. 
Resignatario,   sm,  {cannon  Iam) 

a  resignee. 
Resiliação,  sf.    resiliation,  an- 

Resilir,  va.  to  annul,  to  cancel. 
Resina,  sf.  resin  or  rosin. 
Resinento,  a,  adj.  resinous. 
Resinga,  sf.  quarrel. 
Resingar,    va,    to    dispute,   to 

quarrel.  [some. 

Resingueiro,    a,    adj.    quarrel- 
Resinificar-se,  vr.  to  be  turned 

into  resin. 

Resinifero,  a,  adj.  resiniferous. 



i,  adi. 
,   adj. 

2  g.   resini- 

Resinoso,  a,  adj.  resinous. 
Resipiscencia,  sf.  resipiscence, 

Resistência,  sf.  resistance. 
Resistente,  adj.  2  g.  resisting, 

he  who  resists.  —  sm.  resistant. 
Resistido,  a,  pp.  adj.  resisted, 

Resistidor,  sm.  resister. 
Resistir,  va.  and  n.  to  resist. 
Resistivel,  adj.   2  g.  resistible. 
Resltunbrar ,      vr.    to     shine 

Resma,  sf.  a  ream  of  paper. 
Resmonear,    Resmungar     or 

Resmoninhar,  vn.  to  mutter. 
Resmoninhador,  a,  adj.  and  s. 

that  mutters  or  gruinbles. 
Resmuda,    sf.    [jest.)    change, 

Resoado,  a,  »p.  adj.  resounded. 
Resoante,  adj.  2  g.  resounding. 
Resoar,  vn.  and  a.  to  resound, 

to  echo;  {fig.)  to  proclaim. 
Resobrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  supera- 

Resobrar,  va.  or  n.  to  supera- 

Resolução,  sf.  resolution,  cou- 
race, decision.  —  (chem.)  disso- 
Intion.  ' 

BeaoJutamente,  adv.  resolutely. 

Resolutivo,  a,  adj.  [med.)  reso- 

Resolutorio,  a,  adj.  (m  laic) 
that  makes  void  a  contract. 

Resolúvel,  adj.  2  g.  resoluble. 

Resolvente,  adj.  2  g.  {med.)  re- 

Resolver,  va.  to  dissolve,  to  dis- 
perse, to  resolve,  to  olear.  — 
[in  law)  to  make  void.  Resolver- 
se.vr.  to  be  reduced;  to  re- 
solve, to  determine,  to  become. 

Resolvl4o,  a,  pp.  adj.  resolved. 

Resonancia ,  sf.  resonance, 
sound,  echo.  [resounding. 

Resonante,   adj.  2  g  resonant, 

Resonar.  vn.  to  resound. 

Resoprar,  va.  to  pufT  again,  to 
break  wind. 

Respadilho,  sm.  a  sort  of  can- 
non iu  índia. 

Respaldo,  sm.  the  back  of  a 
coach;  forra,  bench,  pew,  etc. 

Respançado,  a,  adj.  scraped. 

Respectivamente,  adv.  respec- 

Respectivo,  a,  adj.  respective, 
reíative;  respectml. 

Respectuoso,  a,  adj.  respectful. 

Respeitabilidade,  sf.  respecta- 

Respeitado,  a,/)p.  arf/.respected. 

Respeitador,  sm.  one  that  res- 

Respeitar,  va.  to  respect,  to 
consider,  to  honour,  to  mind. 
—  vn.  to  concern,  to  belong. 
Pelo  que  respeita  a,  for  what 
concerns,  etc. 

Respeitativo,  a,  adj.  respecting. 

Respeitável,  adj.  2  g.  respec- 

Respeito,  sm.  respect,  conside- 
ration,  regard.  A  respeito  de, 
as  for  or  concerning.  about. 
Ter  — ,  to  consider.  Pano  de 
— ,  spare  sails.  [fully- 

Respeitosamente,  adv.  respect- 

Respeitoso,  a,  adj.  resçectfUl- 

Respiga,  sf.  ^V^^mxv^. 

Reaplgadôixa,    sf.   ví.  ^'í^^^vcssí, 

Respigado,  a,  pp.  «fj- Jf^ 

^-»  .    :_ 


—  654  — 


Respigadora,  sf.  shethatgleans. 

Respigfio,  sm.  a  flav. 

Respigar,  va.  to  glean. 

Respingador,  sm.  one  that  re- 
sista or  opposes. 

Respingão,  ona,  adj.  that  re- 
sists  ;  (horse,  etc.)  that  kicks. 

Respingar,  va.  or  n.  (for  a 
horse,  mule,  etc.)  to  kick,  to 
Ãing,  to  wince ;  to  oppose,  to 
resist.  [cing. 

Respingo,  sm.  a  kicking,  win- 

Reapiração,  sf.  respiration. 

Respirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  respired, 

Respirador,  sm.  a  sort  of  in- 
strument  to  free  from  difficulty 
of  breathing. 

Respiradoiro,  sm.  a  breathing 
place ;  a  bole  to  let  in  air. 

Respirante,  aâj.   2   g.  blowing. 

Respirar,  va.  or  n.  to  oreathe,  to 
respire,  to  be  eased,  to  rest. 

Respiratório,  a,  adj.  respirato- 
ry.  [rabie. 

Respirável ,    adj .   2   g.    respi- 

Respiro,  sm.  the  act  of  breath- 
ing: a  short  rost. 

Resplandecente,a(í/.  2pr.bright, 
shining.  f^litter. 

Resplandecer,  vn.  to   shine,  to 

Resplandecidamente,  adv.  vith 

Resplender,  vn.  to  shine  very 
bnght,  to  glitter. 

Resplendido,  a,  pp.  adj.  bright, 
glowing ;  radiant. 

Resplendor,  sm.  brightness ; 
{fig.)  lustre. 

Respondão,  ona,  adj.  and  s.  a 
grumbler;  one  that  auswers 
again.  [pondentia. 

Respondencia,  sf.  {comm.)  res- 

Respondente,  sm.  respondent; 
a  suretv. 

Responder,  vn.  to  answer,  to 
replv ;  to  succeed ;  to  corres- 
pond ;  to  agree ;  to  be  respon- 
sible ;  to  pay  a  ground-rent. 

Respondido,    a,  pp.    adj.  «a- 
swered.  \\)\\\\.>f. 

Responsabilidade,  sf.  Tesçou&a- 
Responsabiliaado,   a,  pp.  o^á 

made  responslble. 

ResponsabiUsar,  va.  to  make 

responsible.   BesponsabiHsar-sej 

vr.  to  be  responsible. 
Responsão,  sf.  {anc.)  a  gTound<' 

rent.  [pense. 

Responsar,  vn.  to  say  a  res- 
Re^ponsavel,  adj.  2  p.  respon- 
sible. [responsive  letter. 
Responsiva,  adj.  f.  Carta  — ,  a 
Responso,    sm.     response,    the 

singing  of  psalms  for  the  dead. 
Responsorio,  sm.  a  responsoiy. 
Resposta,  sf.  an  answer. 
Resquício,  sm.  a  chink,    cleít, 

cranny ;  hint.  [again. 

Ressoprar,  va.  {poet.)  to  blow 
Ressumbrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  run 

Ressumbrar,  vn.  to  run  out,  to 

give,  to  sweat  &&  moisture  out 

of  stones,  etc 
Restabelecer,  va.  to  reestablish, 

to  restore.  Bestabelecer-se,  vr. 

to  reestablish  one's  self. 
Restabelecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  rees- 

tablished,  recovered. 
Restabelecimento,  sm.  reesta- 

blishment,  recovery. 
Restaboi,  sm.  (òo^)  rest-harroiir. 
Restagnação,  sf.  restagnation. 
Restagnar,  vn.  to  restaçnate. 
Restampa,  sf.  reimpression. 
Restampar,  va.  to  reimpress. 
Restado,    a,    pp.    adj.  left,  re- 

mained.  [rest. 

Restante,  adj.  2  g.  remainder. 
Restar,  vn.  to  remain,  to  be  left. 
Restauração,    sf.  restoration  ; 

recovery.  [repairad. 

Restaurado,  a,pp.  adj.  restored. 
Restaurador,  sm.  restorer. 
Restaurante,  pa.   oi  Restaurar ^ 

restoring,  restoratiye. 
Restaurar,  va.  to  restore,  to  re- 

pair ;  to  reestablish. 
Restaurativo,  a,  adj.  restora- 

tive.  [rabie. 

Restauravel,  adj.  2  g.  resto- 
Reste,  sm.    rest,    remnant.    V. 

tkiseXfi^o^  sm.  «.Tk.  Vio^okle..  an  itt* 


—  655  — 


Restillar,  va.  to  distil  again. 
Restinga,  sf.  —  de  areia,  a  sand- 

bank,  a  shelf. 
Restinguir,  va.  to  restinguish, 

to  extinguish,  to  suppress. 
Restituição,  sf.  restitution,  res- 

Restituído,  a,  pp.  adj.  restored. 
Restituidor,  sm.  arestorer. 
Restituir,  va.  to  return,  to  give 

back   again,    to    restitate;  to 

restore.  Restituir-se^  vr.  to  come 

to  the  former  state. 
Restituivel,  adj.  2  g.  repayable. 
Restitutorio,  a,  adj.  restitutory. 
Resto,  sm.  the  rest,  remainder, 

residue ;  a  stake  at  play. 
Restolhar,  va.  to  gather  stubbles. 
Restolho,  sm.  a  stubble. 
Restribar,  vn.  to    set  the  foot 

fast  against  any  thing. 
Restricção,  sf.  restriction.  limi- 

tation.  [ively. 

Restriotamente,  adv.    restrict- 
Restrictivo,  a,  adj.  restrictive, 

that  restrains. 
Restricto,  a,  pp.  irr.  of  Restrin- 
gir and  adj.  restricted,  limited. 
Restringencia,  sf.  restringency. 
Restringente,  adj.   2  g.  and  pa. 

of  Restringir,  restringent. 
Restringido,  a,  pp.  adj.  restrin- 

ged,  restrained.  [restringiu g. 
Restringimento,  sm.  the  act  of 
Restringir,  va.  to  restringe,  to 

restrain,  to  limit.  Restringir^se^ 

vr.  to  be  restrained. 
Restringivel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 

be  restrained. 
Restringivo,  a,  adj.  astringent. 
Restucado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stopped, 

Restucar,  va.   to  stop  a  chink, 

hole,  etc,  with  any  glutinous 

Resndação,  sf.  perspiration. 
Resudado,  a,pp.  adj.  perspired. 
Resudar,   vn.    to    perspire,    to 

sweat  again. 
Resoll»,  sf.  result,  end,  issne. 
Resultado,  a,  pp.  adj.  resulted, 

foUowed.  [effect. 

MeavJtaão,     sm.   result,    issue, 
ReaultanoiSL^  9f.  result. 

Resultante,  pa.  of  Resultar,  re- 

Resultar,  vn.  to  result.  to  folloxr. 
Resumidamente,    aav.    in    au 

abridged  manner. 
Resumido,     a,    pp.    adj.     re- 

sumed,  abridged.  [tulates. 

Resumidor,  sm,  he  who  recapi- 
Resumir,  va.  to  resume,  to  reca- 

pituiate,  to  sum  up.  Resumir^se^ 

vr.  to  be  summed  up. 
Resumo ,     sm.     recapitulation, 

abridgement,    summary,    epi' 

ResumpçSo,  sf.  resumption. 
Resumpta,  sf.  recapitulation. 
ResumptiTo,  a,  adj.  resumptive. 
Resupino,  a,  adj.  resupine;  lying 

upon  the  back. 
Resurgido,  a,  pp.  adj.  returned 

to  life  again. 
Resurgir,  vn.  to  revive,  to  come 

to  life  again. 
Resurreição,    sf.   resurrection. 

Páscoa  da  — ,  Éaster-day. 
Resurtir,    vr.    to   rebound,    to 

spring  back.  [reviving. 

Resuscitação,  sf.  resuscitation, 
Resuscitado,  9^^  pp.  adj.  resus- 

citated,  revived  again. 
Resuscitador,  sm.  a  resuscita- 

tor.  [to  renew,  to  excite. 

Resuscitar,   va.  to  resuscitate, 
Resvaladeiro,    sm.    a   slippery 

Resvaladio,    a,    adj.    slippery; 

{fig.)  lubrick,  lewd. 
Resvaladura,     sf.    the   act  of 

Resvalar,  vn.  to  slip,  to  slide. 
Retabolo    or  Retábulo,   sm.  a 

picture.  [army;  rear-guard. 
Retaguarda,  sf.  tne  rear  of  an 
RetaUiado,    a,  pp.  adj.  shred, 

cut  sma)l. 
Retalhador,  sm.  one  Trho  shreds, 

a  seller  by  retail. 
Retalhadura,  sf.  a  cutting  into 

small  pieces. 
Retalhar,  «a.  tci  %\sc<i.^,  x»  «^^^ 





-  656- 


of  cloth.  Mercador  de  — ,  a  re- 

Retaliado,  a,  pp,  adj.  retaliated. 
Retaliar,  va.  to  retaliate. 
Retanchar,  va.  {agric.)  to  set  a 

new  sprig  of  a  vine. 
Retar,  va.  V.  Reptar. 
Retardação,  sf.  retardation. 
Retardadaxnente,  adv.  with  re- 
tardation. [delayed. 
Retardado,  a,pp.  adj.  retarded, 
Retardador,  a,  sm.  or  /.  retar- 

der,  delayer.  [delay. 

Retardamento,  sm.  retardment, 
Retardança,  sf.  delay. 
Retardar,  va.  to  retard,  to  delay. 
Retardatário,  a,  adj.  in  arrears; 

Retardio,  a,    adj,  {poet.)  slow, 

Retelhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  new-tiled. 
ReteUiadura,  sf.  the  act  of  tiling 

Retelhar.  va.  to  tile  again. 
Retém,  sm.  (milit.  terrn!)  reserve. 

Armazém  ae  — ,  a  store-house. 
Rete-mirabile,  sm.  {anat.)  rete- 

mirabile.  [retaining. 

Retenção,  sf.  retention ;  (m  law) 
Retentiva,    sf.    retention,    me* 

Retentivo,  a,  adj.  retentive. 
Retento,  a,  pp.  irr.  of  Jíeter;  de- 

Retentriz,  adj.  f.  retentive. 
Reter,  va.  to  i-etain,  to  keep,  to 

detain.  Reter-se^  vr.  to  forbear, 

to  contain  one's  self. 
Retesado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stuffed  out, 

extended.  [harden. 

Retesar,  va.  to  stretch  out,  to 
Reticencia,  sf.  reticence. 
Reticular,  adj.  2  g.  reticular. 
Retlculaçao,  sf.  reticulation. 
Retido,  a,  pp.  adj.  detained. 
Retiforme,  adj.  2  g.  having  the 

forra  of  a  net. 
Retimtim,  sm.  resounding. 
Retina,  sf.  {anat.)  retina ;  ratteen. 
Retinente,  adj.  2  g.  resowndvu^. 
Retíngir,  va.  to  dye  agam. 
Retinido,  a,  pp»  adj.  Tesoxmdieà.. 

Retinto,  sm.  aud  adj.  a  dark  co- 

lour,  dyed  again. 
Retiraçao.  s f.  (printing)  vrorkia^ 

off  tbe  outer  form. 
Retirada,    sf.    {milit.)    retreat; 

place  of  retirement. 
Retiradamente,  ado.  in  a  soli- 

tary  place,  lonely. 
Retirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  retired,  so- 

Retiràmento,  sm.  retirement. 
Retirar,  va.  to  draw  out,  to  with- 

draw,  to  remove.  Retirar-se^  cr. 

to  retire,  to  retreat,  to  depart. 
Retiro,  sm.  a  retirement:  retreat. 
Reto,  sm.  a  challenge.  V.  Repto. 
Retocado,  a,  pp.  adj.  retouched. 
Retocador,  sm.  an  instrument  to 

retouch  (goldsmiths). 
Retocar,  va.  to  retouch,  to  fínish, 

to  mend. 
Retomado,  a,  pp.  adj.  retaken. 
Retomar,  va.  to  retake. 
Retombar,  vn.  to  fali  again. 
Retoque,  sm.  correcting,  ânish- 

ing,  a  new  touch,  improveraent; 

the  last  touch. 
Retorcedura,  sf.  twisting,  writh- 

Retorcer,  va.  to  twist,  to  writhe. 

—  os  olhos,  to  cast  back   the 

Retorcido,  a,  pp.  adj.    twisted, 

writhed,  wrested  back. 
Retornar,  vn.  to  return,  to  go 

back.  [song;  refrain. 

Retornello,  sm.  the  burden  of  a 
Retorno,  sm.  a  return  of  kind- 

ness,    truck,    bartering,    ex- 

Retorquir,  va.  to  retort,  to  re- 
turn   censure    or    civility,    to 

curvo  back  to  tkrow  back. 
Retorsão,  sf.  retortion. 
Retorta,  sf.  {chem.)  retort. 
Retorto,  a,  pp.  adj.  curved  and 

bent  down. 
Retostar,    va.   to    drink    one's 

health  over  again. 
Retoucar,  va.   to  readjust  the 

V^«À  ô»xfe^^.,  a  rover. 

ReUnir,  vn.  to  resound,  to  xm^\'R^X»v^-^'^^><^^ip^^^^?'X^^^^^^ 


—  657  — 


Bttionço,  sm»  the  act  of  tumbling. 
Retraçar,  va.  to  cut  the  refuse 

or  straw  left  by  horses  after 

eating;  (/f^.)  to  disdain. 
Retracção,  sf.  retraction. 
Retraço,  sm.  refuse. 
RetraotaçSo,  sf.  retractation. 
Retractado,  a,  J9p.a(í/.  retracted. 
Retractar,  va.  to  retract,  to  re- 

cant.  Retractar-sey  vr.  to  retract. 
Retractivel,  adj.  i  g.  retractible. 
Retraliido,  a,  pp.  adj.  retired, 

withdrawn.  [retreat. 

Retrahimento,  sm.  retirement; 
Retraliir,  va.  to  concentrate,  to 

hinder,   to  forbid.  Betrahir-se, 

vr.  to  retire.  |again. 

Hetraxnar,  va.  to  plot  or  còntrive 
Retranca,  sf.  a  crupper. 
Retratado,  a,   pp.  adj.   drawn 

from  life. 
Retratador,  sm.  a  painter  that 

draws  from  life. 
Retratar,  va.  to  draw  from  life, 

to  portray. 
Retratista,  sm.  a  portrayer,  a 

miniature  painter. 
Retrato,   sm.   a  picture  drawn 

from  life,  a  portrait. 
Retremer,   vn.   to   tremble,   to 

shake  again. 
Retrete,  sm.  a  closet,  a  privy. 

Cankonaço  de  — ,  the   evening 

Retribuição ,    sf.    retribution , 

Retribuído,  a,  pp.  adj.  returned, 

retributed,  given  in  retum. 
Retribuidor,  sm.  he  vrho  retri- 

Retribuir,  va.  to  retribute;  to 

make  a  return. 
Retrilhar.  va.  to  tread  again. 
Retrincado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sly,  ma- 

Retrincar,    va.  to   put  a    bad 

construction  on  a  thmg. 
Retro,  ado.  behind.  Na  pagina — , 

in  the  precedent  page. 
Retroacção,  sf.  retroaction. 
Retroactivamente,  ado.  retro- 

activeJj',  [quality. 

Hetroaotivídade,  sf.  retroactive 
BetroaoUro,  a,  adj.  retroactive. 

Retroceder,  vn.  to  retrocede,  to 

go  back. 
Retrocedido,  a,  pp.  adj.   gone 

back,  retroceded. 
Retrooessão,  sf.  retrocession. 
Retrocesso,  sm.  going  back. 
Retrogradação,  sf.  retrograda - 
tion.  [çraded. 

Retrogradado,  a,  pp.  adj.  retro- 
Retrogradamente,  adu.  -with  a 

retrogade  motion. 

Retrogradar,  vn.  to  retrograde, 

to  go  backward.  Retrogradar-se^ 

vr.  to  desist;  to  be  revoked  or 

made  void. 

Retrogrado,  a,  adi.  retrograde. 

Retroz,  sm.  twisted  seving  silk. 

Retrozeiro,  sm.  a  merchant  who 

sells  twisted  sewing  silk. 
Retrospectivo ,  a,    adj.   retro- 
Retrotrabir,   va.  to  give  a  re- 
troactive motion. 
Retrovender,  va.  to  sell  with 

power  of  redeeming. 
Retrucar,  va.  Y.  Retorquir. 
Retruque,  sm.  (at  billiards) 
repercussion  of  a  bali;  revy, 
money  betted  on  a  card.  [ed. 
Retumbado,  a,  pp.  adj.  resound- 
Retumbante,  adj.  2  g.  resound- 

Retumbar,  vn.  to  resound. 
Retumbo,  sm.  resounding,  aload 

echo;  reverberation. 
Retundido,  a,  pp.  adj.  beaten 

Retundir,  va.  to  beat  back. 
Reiímatismo,  sm.  rheumatism. 
V.  Rheumatismo  and  derivated. 
Reunião,  sf.  reunion,  reconcilia- 
tion;  rejoining.  [united. 

Reunido,  a,  pp.  adj.   reunited. 
Reunir,  va.  to  reunite,  to  join 
again ;  to  reconcile.  Reunir-se, 
vr.  to  be  joined. 
RevalicUição,  sf.  {in  law)  making 
valid  again.  [dated. 

Revalidado,  a,  pp.  adj.  revali- 
Revalidar,  va.  (jn  lam\  t.ovoâ>JeA 
valid  «.gaviQ..  , 

RevedOT,  sm.  «.  xe^Xe^^^-  T^^  « 
contas,  \ie  NN\xo  \qqV^  c.-4^x  ^ 





—  65«  — 


Revel  or  Rebel,  adj.  a  g.  V.  Meo. 
sm.  {in  law)  a  criminal  that 
does  Dot  appear  before  the 

Revelação,  sf.  revelation. 

Revelado,  a,  /^p.  adj.  revealed. 

Revelador,  a,  sm.  or  /.  revealer. 

Revelar,  va.  to  reveal,  to  dis- 
cover.  [old. 

Revelhusco,  a,  adj,  somewhat 

Revelia,  sf.  {in  law)  non  appear- 
ance.  Sentenciar  a  — ,  to  non- 
suit,  to  outlaw.  A'  minha  — ,  un- 
known  to  me. 

Revelina,  sm.  (fort.)  a  ravelin. 

ReveUoa,  adj.  stubborn»  self- 

Revellir,  va.  (med.)  to  turn  the 
humour  or  blood  another  "way. 

Revenda,  sf.  a  second  sale. 

Revendão,  ona,  sm.  or  /.  dealer, 
huckster.  [again. 

Revendedor,  a,  adj.  that  sells 

Revender,  va.  to  sèll  agaiu. 

Revendição,  sf.  re-sale. 

RevendLido,  a,  pp.  adj.  sold 
again.  [huckster. 

Revendillião,  sm.  a  hawker,  a 

Rever,  va.  to  review,  to  reexa- 
mine. —  as  contas^  to  examine 
or  balance  an  account.  Rever- 
se,  vr.  —  cm  alguma  cousa^  to 
gaze  on  a  thing.  —  em  alguém^ 
to  love  some  one  to  excess.  — 
vn.  to  ooze,  to  sweat. 

Reverá,  adv.  loc.  truly. 

Reverberação ,  sf.  reverbera- 
tion,  reflection. 

Reverberado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rever- 
berated,  reflected. 

Reverberante,  adj.  á  g.  rever- 
berating.  [to  reflect. 

Reverberar,  va.  to  reverberate, 

Reverbero,  sm.  reverberation ; 
{poet.)  brightness. 

Reverdecer,  va.  to  make  green 
again.  —  vn.  to  become  green 

Reverdecido,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  is 

grown  green  again. 
Reverencia,  sf.  reverente,  xea- 

•Bev^erenciado,  a,  pp.  adj.  xe^e 

renced,  respected. 

Reverenciador ,  a,    adj.    thst 

reveres.  [dal. 

Reverenciai,  adj.  2  g.  reveren- 
Reverenciar,  va.    to  revere,  to 

reverence,  to  respect. 
Reverenciosamente,  adv.  reve- 

rentially.  [tial,  respectfuL 

Reverencioso,  a,  adj.  reveren- 
Reverendo,  a,  adj.  reverend. — 

sm.  reverend. 
Reverente,  adj.  2  g.  reverent, 

testifying  veneration.  [ly. 

Reverentemente,  adv.  reverent- 
Reveria,  sf.  V.  Revelia. 
Reversal,  adj.  2  g.  reversal,  re- 

vertible.  [back  again. 

Reversão,  */.  reversion,  coming 
Reversar,  vn.  to  return.  V.  iíe- 

vessar.  [retumable. 

Reversível,  adj.  2  g.  revertible. 
Reversivo,   a,    adj.    revertible, 

that  returns. 
Reverso,  a,   adj.   re verse;   op- 

posed  to  the  part.  — >  sm.    the 

reverso  of  a  medal. 
Reverter,  va.  or  n.  to  revert ;  to 

come  back.  [returned. 

Revertido,  a,  pp.  adj.  reverted, 
Revessar,  va.  to  vomit. 
Revesso,  a,  adj.  rou^h,  harsh. 
Revestido,  a,  pp.  adj.  dressed, 

clothed  again.  [vestment. 

Revestimento,    sm.    {fort.)   re- 
Revestir,  va.  to  put  one   gar- 

ment  over  another.  Revestírse^ 

vr.  is  for  the  priest  to  vest  him- 

self  to  offíciate. 
Revez,  sm.  a  back  stroke.   O  — 

da  medalhãy  the  reverse  of  the 

medal.  Ao — ,  adv.  preposterous^ 

ly,  awkwardly.  A  revexes^  odo 

by  turns;  vicissitude,  reverse, 

Revezadamente,  adv.  hy  turns. 
Revezado,  a,  pp.  adj.  every  one 

in  his  turn. 
Revezamento,  sm.  alternation. 
Revezar,  va.  to  do  any  thing  by 

turns.   Revezar-se^   vr.    to  slip 

avfsy  altemately.  [terous. 

'ElOTQzo^  a.    adj.  stormy,  bois- 


—  659  — 


set  again  at  play.  —  as  injurias, 

to  afnront  one  again. 
Revide,  sm.  reveying. 
Revigorar,  va.  to  revigorate.  — 

vn.  to  take  new  vigour. 
Revixnento,  stn.  the  sweating  of 

a  moist  wall. 
Revindicação ,  5/.   vindication. 
Revindicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  and 
Revindlcar,   va.  V.  Reivindicar 

and  derivated.  [tion. 

Revindicta,  sf.  revenge,  retalia- 
Revingado,  3,^pp.  adi.  revenged. 
Revingar,  va.  to  take  revenge. 
Revirado,  a,  pp.  adj.    turned 

Revirar,  va.  to  turn  again.  Re- 

virar-se,  vr.  to  turn  or  to  cfaange 

sides  again. 
Revirete,  sm.  a  keen  reply. 
Revisão,  sf.  revision,  review. 
Revisitação,  sf.  revisitation. 
Revisitar,  va.  to  revisit. 
Revisor,  sm.  reviser,  examiner. 
Revisorio,  a,  adj.  belonging  to 

a  review  of  a  process. 
Revista,  sf.  a  revising,  a  review ; 

survey,  revisai.  —  do  exercito^ 

review,  muster  of  soldiers. 
Revistação,  sf.  revisitation. 
Revistado,  Si,pp.  adj.  reviewed. 
Revistar,  va.  to  review,  to  re- 
Revisto,  a,  pp.  irreg.  oí  Rever. 

Revite,  sm.  revy,  money  betted 

on  a  card.  [to  life. 

Reviver,  vn.  to  revive,  to  return 
Revivido,  a,  pp.  adj.  revived. 
Revivificação,  sf.  revivification; 

{chem.)  reduction. 
Revivificar.  va.  to  revivificate. 
Revoar,  vn.  to  fly  back  or  again. 
Revocação,  sf.  revocation. 
Revocado,  a,  pp.  adj.  revocated. 
Revocar,  va.  to  revocate,  to  call 

Revooavel,  adj.  2  g.  revocable. 
Revogação,  sf.  revocation. 
Revogado,  a,  pp.  adj.  revoked. 
Revogador^    sm.   one  who  re- 

Advogaste,  adj.  and  s,  2  gr.  re- 

voking,  th&t  revokes. 

Revogar,  r>a.  to  revoke,  to  re- 
verse,  to  repeal  a  law. 

Revogatório,  a,  adi.  {in  Um) 
that  revokes  or  makes  void  an 
act  or  law. 

Revogável,  adj.  2  g.  that  may 
be  revoked. 

Revolta,  sf.  revolt,  rebellion, 

Revoltado,  a,  pp.  adj.  revolted. 

Revoltador,  sm.  one  who  causes 
a  revolt ;  a  revolter. 

Revoltador,  a,  adj.  that  revolts 
or  swerves  from  duty. 

Revoltar,  va.  to  revolt.  —  im.  to 
return  again.  Revoltar-se,  vr.  to 
revolt,  to  mutiny. 

Revolto,  a,  adj.  crooked,  hooked, 
blunted,  quelled.  Mear  — ,  a 
boisterous  sea.  Tempo — ,  cloudy 
weather ;  troubled^  disturbed, 
turbulent.  [factious. 

Revoltoso,    a,  adj.    turbulent. 

Revolução,  sf.  revolution ;  {asir.) 

Revolucionado,  a,  jjp.  adj.  re- 
volution ized. 

Revolucionar,  va.  to  revolu- 

Revolucionariamente,  adv.  in 
a  revolutionary  nianner. 

Revolucionário,  a,  adj.  revo- 
lutionary. [tionist. 

Revolucionista ,     sm.     revolu- 

Revoluto,  a,  adj.  rolled  up. 

Revolvedor,  sm.  a  revolver ;  one 
who  stirs. 

Revolver,  va.  to  stir,  to  revolve ; 
to  disorder,  to  peruse.  Um  — 
de  olhos,  a  cast  of  the  eye. 

Revolvidio,  a,  pp.  adj.  revolved. 

Revolvimento,  sm.  revolvency; 
revolution.  [bird. 

Revoo,  sm.  the  flying  back  of  a 

Revosso,  a,  adi.  your  over  again. 

Revulsão,  sf.  (med.)  revulsion. 

Revulsivo,  a,  adj.  (med.)  revul- 

Revulsorlo,  a,  adj.  revulsive. 

Rexa,  sf.  the  iron  grates  of  a 
window ;  a  ^low^V^.. 


ffi     f  niiJiin  i-i-~- 


^Jtmmmi~-X  T:? 




—  660  — 


Rez  or  Ras,  sf.  a  beast  of  pastore 

as  shecp,  oxen.  etc. 
Reza,  «/.  a  prayer. 
Rezado,  a,  pp.  adj.  prayed. 
Rezador,  sm.  one  wno  is  otten  at 

Rezar,  va.  to  pray. 
Rhaghadas  or  Rhagadias,  sf. 

pi.  {med.)  rhagades. 
Rhapsodia,  sf.  rhapsody. 
Rhetorica,  sf.  rhetoric. 
Rhetoricamente,   adv.  rhetori- 

Rhetoricar,  vn.  to  rhetoricate. 
Rhetorico,  a,  adj.  rhetorícal. 
Rheubarbo,  sm.  {rMd.)  rhubarb. 
Rheuma,  sm.   {rned.)  rheum,  a 


Rheumatico,  a,  adj.  rheumatic. 


,  adi.  rhev 
,  adj.2g. 


RJieumatismo,  sm.  rheumatism. 
Khinoceronte ,  sm.  rhinoceros. 
Rhododendro,  sm.  {bot.)  rhodo- 

Rhoznbo,  sm.  a  rhomb. 
Rhoxnboide  ,    sm.     rhomboid  ; 
»  {anat.)  rhomboides. 
Rhythmica,  sf.  rhythmica. 
Rhythxnico,  a,  adi.  rhythmical. 
Rhythmo,    sm.  rnythm,  rhyth- 

mus.  [river. 

Ria,  sf.  the  mouth  of  a  great 
Riba,  sf.  a  hillock ;  a  high  bank. 
Ribaldaria,  sf.  an  imposture  or 

cheat,  violation,  breach,  crafti- 

ness.  [of  wild  flg. 

Ribaldio,  adj.  m.  Figo  — ,  a  sort 
Ribaldo,  a,    adi.   a  knave,  or 

lewd  man.  V.  Desleal. 
Ribanceira,  sf.  the  bank  of  a 

Ribatejo,   sm.   the   âelds  along 

the  banks  of  the  river  Tagus 

from  Lisbon  upwards. 
Ribeira,  sf.  a  meadow  near  the 

bank  of  a  river. 
Ribeirada,  sf.  a  gushing  out. 
Ribeirinho,  a.  adj.  fluviatic.  — 

sm.  a  rill,  a  rivulet. 
IRiheirOy  sm.  a  brook^  a  stieam. 
Dibombar,  va.  or  n.  to  reaoMud. 
lRiboznho<,  sm»  resonance. 
•RiJbranqniio,  «m.  a  sort  oí  tig. 

Ricaço,  a,  adj.  very  rich.  —  *«. 

a  wealthy  man. 
Rlcadona,  sf.  the  wife  or  daugh- 

ter  of  a  Rico-homem. 
Ricamente,  ado.  richly,  copious- 

ly,  very  well.  [cious. 

Ricanho,  a,  adj.  rich  and  avari- 
Riçar,  ra.  to  curl,  to  fri2zle  the 

hair  with  a  comb.  [man. 

Richarte,  sm.  (iest.)  a  little  fat 
Rico,  a,  adj.  rich,  wealthy,  plen- 

tiful,  copious. 
Rico,  sm.  a  shag,  a  sort  of  stuff. 
Ricochete,  sm.  ricochet. 
Ricofeitio,  sm.  a  rough  plaster 


Ricohomem,  sm.  so  was  called 

formerly  a  man  of  the  ârst  rank. 
Ridente,  adj.  2  g.  smiling.  [ly. 
Ridiculamente,  adv.  ridiculous- 
Ridicularia,  sf.  ridiculoosness ; 

a  ridiculing,  ridiculous  thing ;  a 

trifle.  [culed. 

Ridiculisado,  a,  pp.  adj.    ridí- 
Ridicolisar,   va.  to  ridicule,  to 

make  one  ridiculous. 
Ridiculo,  a,  adj.  ridiculous. 
Rido,  a,  pp.  laughed. 
Rifa,  sf.  a  sequence  of  cards,  a 

rafíle;    a    kind    of  lottery;  a 

craggy  or  steep  way. 
Rifado,  a,  pp.  adj.  raffled. 
Rifador,   sm.  ramer.  Cavallo  — , 

a  mettlesome  horse,  that  neighs 

too  much. 
Rifão,  sm.  a  proverb. 
Rifar,  va.  to  rafâe.  —  uma  coiisa, 

to  set  up  a  thing  to  be  rafiied 

Rigidez  orRigideza,  sf.  rigidit^. 
Rígido,  a,  adj.  rigid,   stilf;   ri- 

gorous,  strict.  [verity. 

Rigor,  sm.  rigour,  rigidness,  se- 
Rigoridade,  sf.  rigour,  severity. 
Rigorismo,  sm.  rigorism. 
Rigorista,  sm.  rigorist. 
Rigorosamente,  adv.  rigorously. 
Rigoroso,  a,  adj.  rigorous. 
Rigueifa,  sf.  de  pão.  V.  Mosca. 
Rigueira,  sf.  or  Rigueiro,  sm, 

a  drain,  a  trench,  a  gutter. 

"Bi\o,a^  o-àj.  ç.\xoti%^ Vc\^^  -aíwjkx^ 


—  661  — 


—  de  condição y  odd,  silly,  hu- 

moursome.  E'  cousa  rjia,  it  is 

verjr  odd.  Rijo^  ado.  Fallar  — 

or  alto,  to  speak  aloud. 
RU,  sf.  reel  a  kind  of  dance. 
Rilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mumbled, 

Rilhador,  sm.  a  nibbler. 
Rilhadura.  sf.  nibbling. 
Rilhar,  va.  to  nibble,  to  mumble ; 

to   chew  with  the    gams    for 

want  of  teeth.  [cible. 

Rllheira,  sf.  {goldsmiths)  a  cru- 
Rllheiro,  sm.  awhirlpool. 
Rlxn,  sm.  (anat.)  kidney. 
Rima,  sf.  (poetry)  rhyme,  rime; 

a  heap,   a  stack,  a  pile  —  or 

greta,  a  chink,  a  cleft. 
Runado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rbymed. 
Rlxnador,  sm.  rhymer,  rhymist. 
Rimar,  va.  to  rhyme. 
Rimoso,  a,  adj.  rimose,  rimous; 

full  of  crafts  or  clefts. 
Rlmula,  sf.  {surg.)  a  small  flssure. 
Rincão,  sm.  a  comer. 
Rinchada,  sf.  or  Rinchadella, 

sf.  a  great  laughter ;  the  neigh- 

ing  of  horses.  [cresses. 

Rinchão ,    sm.     (bot.)     winter- 
Rincl^o,  ona,   adj.  neighing; 

that  neighs  too  much. 
Rinchar,  va.  or  n.  to  neigh. 
Rinchavelhada ,    sf.    a*    great 

Rincho  or  Relincho,    sm.  the 

neighing  of  a  horse. 
Ringidor,  a,  adi.  that  creaks  or 

makes  a  harsh  noise. 
Rins,   sm.   pi.   the    kidneys    or 

Rio,  sm.  river,  a  current  of  water. 

Peixe  de  — -,  fresh  water-âsh. 
Ripa,  sf.  a  shingle ;  a  chip,  a  lath. 
Ripai,  adj.  Pregos  ripaes,  nails 

to  fasten  shingles  or  beams. 
Ripançado,  a,  pp.  adi.  raked. 
Ripançar,  va.  (husbanary)  to  rake. 
Ripanço,  sm.  {husbandry)  a  rake, 

a  harrow;  a  day-bed;   {fig.)  a 

lazy  man ;  a  sort  of  heckíe. 
Ripar,  va.  to  ripple.  —  o  linho, 

to  ripple  flax. 
Hipio,  sm.  chíppings  of  stone*, 

»/naU  stoiies  and  rubbish, 

Ripnario,  a,  adj.  Lei  —a,  ripna- 

rian  lav  or  salic  law. 
Riqueza ,    sf.   -v^ealth  ,    riches ; 

Rir,  «71.  to  laugh.  Rir-se,  vr.  to 

laugh,  to  smile,  to  look  pleasant; 

to  sneer ;  to  ridicule.  —  de  tudo, 

to  laugh  at  a  feather. 
Risada,  sf.  a  loud  laughing. 
Risbordo,    sm.  {a  sea   term)   a 

llttle  door  in  a  ship  to  take  in 

Risca,  sf.  a  stroke,  a  dash  with 

a   pen;    a   stripe.   A   — ,   ad». 

exactly,  precisely,  literally. 
Riscada,   sf.  a   dash  or  stroke 

with  a  pen. 
Riscadilho,  sm.  checks;  a  com- 

mon    sort    of    striped    cotton 

Riscado,    a,   pp.    adj.    blotted, 

scratched.  —  sm,  guinghams. 
Rlscador,  a,  adj.  that  blots  or 

scratches.  —  sm.  a  rule. 
Riscadnra,  sf.    an    erasure  or 

dash  through  any  writing. 
Riscamento,  sm.  an  erasure  or 

Riscar,  va.  to  blot,  to  rase,  to 

mark  out ;  to  delineate.  —  por 

cima,  {fig.)  to  excel. 
Risco,  sm.  danger,  risk,  venture. 

—  de  penna,  a  stroke  of  a  pen  ; 

{paint.)  a  delineation  ;  a  rock,  a 

Riscoso,  a,  adj.  dangerous. 
Risibilidade,  sf.  risibility. 
Risível,  adj.  2  g.   laughable,  ri- 

Rlsivelmente,  adv.  laughingly. 
Riso,  sm.  laughter,  smilé,  laugh  ; 

[fig.)  mockery,  derision. 
Risoxihamente,   adv.   cheerful- 

Risonho,  a,  adj.  smiling,  gay, 
cheerful.  —  sm.  or  f.  a  laugher. 

Risota,  sf.  a  mocking. 

Risote,  sm.  a  jeerer,  a  banterer. 

Rispidamehte ,  adv.  harshly, 

Rispidez,  sf .  \v!a^xvçi%%. 






—  662  — 


BiBte,  «m.  the  rest.  Lança  no  — , 

lhe  lance  in  rest. 
Rito,  sm.  riteorchurch  ceremony. 
Ritual,  adj.  2  g.  ritaid.  —  sm.  a 

Ritualmente,  adv.  ritoally. 
Rival,  adj.  2  g.  rival.  —  sm,  or  f. 

rival,  competitor. 
Rivalidade,  sf.  rivalry,  rivality. 
Rivalisar,  va.  to  rivsd,  to  emu- 

Rixa,  sf.  a  brawling,  a  quarrel. 
Rixador,  sm.  and  quarrel* 

Rixar,  vn.  to  quarrel. 
Rixoso,  a,  adj.  quarrelsome. 
Rizar,  va.  (a  sea  term)  to  reef  or 

to  reef  in. 

i,  sm.  pi.  (a  sea  term)  recfs. 
Ro,    sm.    the   -whirring  of  birds 

when  they  rise. 
Roaz,  adj.  i  g.  ravenous. 
Roaz,  sm.  a  sort  of  lurge  fish. 
Robalo,  sm.  a  stnrgeon. 
Robaz,  adj,  2  g.  {anc.)  rapacious. 
Roble,  sm.  osJt   of  the  hardest 

Robledo,  sm.  a  ^wood  of  oaks. 
Roboleiro,  sm.  a  glade  in  a  forest. 
Roborado,    a,  pp.  adj.   streng- 

thened.  [strengthening. 

Roborante,  adj.  2  g.  roborant, 
Roborar,  va.  to  strengthen. 
Roborativo,  a,  adj.  strengthen- 

ing,  roborant. 
Robustamente,  adv.  robustly. 
Robustez,  sf.  robustness,  vigour. 
Robusto,  a,  adj.  robust,  strong. 
Roca,    sf.    rock.    Crystal  de  — , 

rock  chrystal ;  a  distaff. — efuso^ 

a  distaírànd  spindle.  —  de  roda, 

a  spinning--wfaeel. 
Roça,  sf.  a  piece  of  arable  land. 
Roçada,  sf.  a  distaff  full ;  a  stroke 

with  a  distaff. 
Rocadambar,  sf.  liquid  amber. 
Roçado,  a,  adj.  slashed ;  (chess) 

Roçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rcbbed  or 

worn  away ;  M^eeded. 
fioçador,  sm.  -weeder.  —  odj.that 

rabs,  etc. 
Xogadoora,  adj,  f.  Fouce  —  a 

Roçadura,  af.  a  veeding. 

Roçagante,  adj.  2  g.  Vestído  —, 
a  garment  with  a  train. 

Rocal,  sm.  a  stringof  glass-beads 
used  as  an  ornament. 

Rocalha,  sf.  a  sort  of  beads  made 
of  glass. 

Roçamalba,  sf.  liquid  storax. 

Roçamento,  sm.  rubbing. 

Roçar,  va.  to  castlo  (at  chess]. 

Roçar,  va.  to  cut  down,  to  íell, 
to  cut  with  a  weeding-hook ;  to 
rub  against  a  thing ;  to  gráze 
or  glance  upon.  Boçar-se,  vr.  to 
rub  one's  self  against  a  thinR. 

—  com  alguém^  to  resemble 

Rocaz,  sm.  a  sort  of  fish  so  called. 
Rocedão,       sm.     shoe-maker'6 

Rocegar,  va.  {a  sea  term)  to  drag 

or  sweep  the  bottom  for  an  an- 

chor  lost. 
Roceiro,  sm.   the   master  of  a 

Roça  or  piece  of  land   in   the 

Brâzils.  [stone. 

Rocba,  sf.  a  rock,  large    hard 
Rochaz,  adj.  2  g.  o  for  pertaining 

to  rocks.  [place. 

Rochedo,    sm.    rock,    a    rocky 
Rochete,  sm.  a  rochet. 
Rociada,  sf.  the  dew;  the  dawn  of 

day ;  (fig.)  a  multitude,  a  stock. 
Rociado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bedewed. 
Rociar,  va.  to  bedew,  to  sprinkle. 
Rocim,  sm.  a  gelding,  a  nag. 
Rocio,  sm.  the   dew;  a  misling 

Rocio,  sm.  a  square,  a  place ;  an 

open  levei  ground. 
Rocló,  sm.  a  cloak  with  sleeves. 
Roço,  sm.  {mason.)  the  work  of 

cutting  stone  that  is  upper  a 

Roda,  sf.  a  wheel :  a  round  slice« 

—  de  nora,  a  water-wheel ;  orb, 
period  ;  a  sort  of  cane.  Trtixer 
alguém  em  —  viva,  to  vex,  to 
trouble  one. 

Rodado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rolled.  Buço 

— ,  (ja  horse)  dapple  grey.  Carta 

«Và.  «LTQwad  aeal. 


—  663  — 


Rodante,  adj.  2  g.  tumbling,  roll- 

Rodapé,  sm.  —  de  leito ^  the  basis 

round  the  bottom  of  a  bed. 
Rodar,  va.  to  roll  a  thing  o  ver. 

O  eavallo  roda  o  carro^  the  horse 

draws  the  cart.  —  vioo^  to  break 

upon  the  -wheel.  —  vn.  to  turn, 

to  move  round,  to  roll. 
Rodeado,  a,   pp.    adj,    encom- 

Rodeamento,  sm.  the  act  and 

effect  of  encompassing. 
Rodear,  va.  to  encompass,  to  en- 

dose,  to   surround.  —  com  os 

olhoSy  to  look  about.  —  vn.  to 

turn  round.  O  rodear  dos  annos, 

the  revolution  of  years. 
Rodeio,  sm.  compass.  Grande  — , 

a  great  compass ;  a  great  way 

about.  —  de  palavras,  circumlo- 

Rodeira,  sf.  a  vheel-rut ;  the  nun 

that  looks  at  the  turning  box 

of  a  convent. 
Rodeiro,  a,  adj.  maça  — a,  a  largo 

rammer  usea  by  wheelers. 
Rodella,  sf.  a  round  target.  —  or 

roda  do  joelho,  the  knee-pan. 
Rodelleiro,  sm.    armed  -with  a 

Rodello,  sm.  a  patch  on  a^shoe 

or  boot. 
Rodeta,  sf.  a  small  'wheel. 
Rodilha,  sf.  a  dish-clout ;  a  roll 

to  carry  a  thing  on. 
Rodilliado,  sm.  a  roll  to  carry 

something  on. 
Rodízio,  sm.  milrine ;  the  piece 

of  wood  or  timber  vhich  draws 

the  upper  mill-stone  about  when 

It  grinds. 
Rodo,   sm.  a  long  stick  with  a 

small  board  at  the  end  of  it  to 

heap  up  cowa. 
RodopeÚo.  sm.  Trazer  ao  — ,  to 

turn  or  wheel  about. 
Rodopiado,  a,  adj.  turned  about. 
Rodopio,  sm.  a  whirling  or  turn- 
ing about,  circumvolution. 
RodovaUio,   sm.    {nat.    hist.)   a 

Hoedeiro,  sm.  &  piece  to  rouse  a 

h&wk  when  e&ting  fresh  meat. 

Roedor,  sm.  a  gnawer,  a  carper, 

a  railer. 
Roedora,  sf.  gnaving. 
Roei,  2)2.  RoeíB,  (Jierald.)  V.  Ar- 

Roer,  va.  to  çnaw,  to  eat  by  de- 

gree ;   to   nibble,   to  pick ;  to 

censure,  to  consume,  to  vex.  — 

cadeados,  {fig.)  to  fret  invardly. 
Roía,  sf.  a  folding. 
Rofo,  a,  adj.  rough.  —  sm.  vrrin- 

Rogações,    sf.    pi.     rogations ; 

prayers  in  Rogation-week. 
Rogado,  a,  pp.  adj.  prayed,  re- 

Rogador,  sm.  one  vho  prays. 
Rogai,  adj.  2  g.  of  or  pertaining 

to  a  pyre. 
Rogar,  va.  to  pray,  to  entreat,  to 

request,  to  beg.  —  pragus,  to 

Rogativa,  sf.  prayer,  request. 
Rogativo,  a«  adj.  that  prays. 
Rogatória,  sf.  entreaty,  prayer. 
Rogo,  sm.  an  entreaty. 
Roido,  a,  pp.  adj.  gnawed. 
Roim,  adj.  2  a.  bad,  iil.  ViUào  —. 

a  great  villain.  —  vinho,  bad 

wine.  V.  Ruim. 
Roindade,  sf.  malice,  wickedness. 
Rojado,    a>    pp.  adj.   dragged, 

Rojador,  a.  adj.   that  is  trailed 

along  the  ground. 
Rojão,  sm.  prelude,  preparatory 

music ;  a  nourish,  a  vomntary ; 

a  spear  to  strike  the  bulis. 
Rojar,  va.  or  n.  to  drag,  to  trail. 
Rojeira,  sf.  V.  Bajeira. 
Rojo,    sm.   a  dragging    on    the 

grousd.  [lure. 

Rol,  am.  a  roll,  a  list,  a  biU; 
Rola,  sf.  turtle,  turtle-dove. 
Rolado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rolled. 
Rolante,  adj.  2  g.  {milit.)  Fogo 

— ,  a  rolling  fire. 
Rolão,  sm.  pollard. 
Rolar,   va.   to  roll,  to  canse  to 

roll.  —  vn.  to  roll  as  "waves,  to 

move  on  -wheels;  ta  coic»  V^'*» 



—  «W  — 


Boldar,  ta.  to  waJk  the  roonds. 
Boieira,  sf.  sl  sort  of  candlestíck. 
Boieiro,  «m.  an  enroUer. 
Boieiro,  a.  adj.  that  rolls.  roll- 

iij(^,  fluctuatintr. 
Bolha,  f/".  a  cork,  a  stopple. 
Bolhado,  a.  pp.  adj.  corked,  stop- 

ped  with  a  stopule. 
Bolhão,  sm.  a  roíler  for  moving 

Bolhar,  va.  to  cork. 
Bolheiro,  sm.  —  de  agua,  a  -wave 

or  volume  of  water  on  the  edge 

of  the  sea. 
Bolho,  a,  adj.  thick  and  roand, 

Boliço,  a,  adj.  long  and  ronnd. 
Bolo,  sm.  a  roll,  a  scroU. 
Bom,  sm.  gamboge ;  rum. 
BomS,  y.  a  pomegranate. 
Bomagem,  sf.  pilgriraage. 
Bomance,  sm.  any  vulgar  tongue. 

Em  —,  in  the  vulgar  tongue. 
Bomanoeado,  a,  adj.  translated 

iuto  the  vulgar  tongue. 
Boxnancear,  va.  to  translate  into 

the  vulgar  tongue. 
Bomanoeiro,  sm.  a  bnok  contain- 

ing  several  romances. 
Bomanoismo,  sm.  romantic  fíc- 

Bomanoista,  sm.  a  writer  of  ro- 
mances:  a  translator  into  the 

vulgar  tongue. 
Bomanesco,  a,  adj.  romantic. 
Bomania,  sf.  De  — ,  ali  at  once. 
Bomanisco,  a,  adj^.  acquainted 

with  the  policy  ot  the  court  of 

Bomanismo,  sm.  roraanism. 
Boxnano,  a,  adi.  Roman,  of  or 

pertaining  to  Rome. 
Bomantioo,  a,  adj.  romantic. 
Bomanzeira,  sf.  a  pomegranate 

BomSo,  sm.  {marit.)  —  do  mastro^ 

tho  cheeks  of  the  raast. 
Bomaria,  sf.  a  pilgrimage. 
Bombo,  sm.  a  leak. 
Bombo,  a,  adj.  ronnd,  blunt.  Que 

tem  o  nariz  — ,  flat-nosed. 
jRomelra,   sf.  the  pomegT&nale 

tree  ;  a  female  pilgrim. 
Bomeiro,  sm.  a  pilgrim. 

Bompante,  adj.  i  g.  arrogant 

Bom.pecteira«  sf.  a  chisel. 

Bompedor,  a.  adj.  that  bi^eaks 
or  tears. 

Bompednra.  sf.  rupture. 

Bompente,  adj.  i  g.  [herald.) 

Bomper,  va.  to  break,  to  tear.  to 
rend,  to  penetrate,  to  drive 
away,  to  disperse.  —  cn.  to 
breaik,  to  engage  in  battle,  to 
burst  out.  O  —  do  dia,  tho  break 
of  day.  Romper-se.  vr.  to  be 
broken.        Tbreaks  the  groond. 

Bompe-terra,  adj.  {poet.)  that 

Boxnpido,  a,  pp.  adj.  broken. 

Bompimento,  sm.  a  breaking. 

Bomp5es.  sm.  pi.  cramp-iron; 
calkers  (horse). 

Bonca,  sf.  a  bravado. 

Boncador,  a,  s.  ov  adi.  a  snorer ; 
a  buUy,  a  noisy  fellow. 

Roncadara,  sf.  V.  Roncaria. 

Roncar,  vn.  to  !;Dore,  to  rumble, 
to  roar  ;  to  buUy.  [gering. 

Roncaria,  5/^.  rodomontade,  swag- 

Ronçarla,  sf.  slow^uess. 

Roncear,  vn.  to  be  long  and  te- 
dious  in  every  thing. 

Ronceiramente,  adv.  slowly. 

Ronceiro,  a,  adj.  slow,  slack; 
rude,  ignorant.  [rumbling. 

Ronco,     sm.    snoring,     roaring, 

Roncolho,  sm.  —  porco,  a  boar- 

Ronda,  sf.  round  and  rounds. 
Andar  de  — ,  to  go  the  rounds. 

Rondador,  a,  adj.  that  watches 
or  walks  the  rounds. 

Rondão,  sm.  De  — ,  confusedlv. 

Rondar,  va.  to  watch,  to  walk 
the  rounds.  [rondeau. 

Rondo,  sm.   {mus.)   ária,   rondo. 

Ronha,  sf.  murrain,  rot ;  craf- 

Ronhoso,  a,  adj.  having  the  mur- 
rain ;  (flg.)  cunning. 

Ronqpiear,  va.  to  i)repare  or  fit 
the  tunny  to  be  prickled. 


—  665  — 


Ronqaidão,  sf.  hoarseness,  rau- 

Roqiie,  sm.  a  rook  (at  chess). 

Roqueira,  sf,  or  Roqueiro,  sm. 
a  cannoa  loaded  with  stones 
instead  of  buUets.  Castello  ro- 
queiro, a  castle  seated  on  a  rock. 

Roqueirada,  sf.  the  shot  of  a 
Roqueira.  [a  rock. 

Roqueiro,  a,  adj.  pertaining  to 

Roq[uelaure,  sm.  a  sort  of  cloak. 

Roquete,  sm.  Y.  Rochete. 

Rocpete,  sm.  {herald.)  Em  — , 

Rorante,  adfj.  2  g.  dewy. 

Rórido,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  rorid; 

Rorifero,  a,  adj.  producing  dew. 

Rosa,  sf.  a  rose.  —  alexandrina, 
a  damask  rose.  —  brava  or  de 
cãOy  sweet-briar  rose.  —  da 
agulha  de  marear,  the  ây  of  the 
mariner's  compass. 

Rosáceo,  a,  adj.  rosaceous. 

Rosada,  sf.  a  sort  of  iish. 

Rosado,  a,  adj.  rosy,  roseate. 
Agua  — a,  rose  water. 

Rosal,  sm.  a  bed  of  roses. 

Rosalgar,  sm.  realgar,  red  arsé- 
nio, [to  realgar. 

Rosalgarino,  a,  adj.  pertaining 

Rosário,  sm.  a  rosary. 

Rosasolis,  sm.  rosa-solis. 

Rosbif,  sm.  a  roast-beef. 

Rosca,  sf.  screw;  the  winding  of 
a  serpent.  Fazer  — «,  to  wrig- 

Rosoiado,  a,  adj.  dewy. 

Rosega,  sf.  (a  sea  temi)  a  drag, 
a  net. 

Rosegar,  va.  [a  sea  term).  —  a 
ancora,  to  drag  for  the  anchor. 

Roseira,  sf.  a  rosier,  a  rose-bush. 
—  brava,  sweet-briar. 

Rosella,  sf.  {bot.)  rock-rose. 

Róseo,  a,  adj.  rosy,  bloomy,  fra- 

Roseta,  sf.  the  rowel  of  a  spur ; 
a  knot  of  riband. 

Rosicler  or  Rosiclé,  sm.  a  bright- 
ness  as  of  a  clear  sky.  lair 
àay,  etc..  a  sort  of  ornament 
for  women.  —  adj.  of  a  purple 

Rosmaninhal,  sm.  a  piece  of 
ground  planted  with  rosemary. 

Rosmaninho,  sm.  rosemary. 

Rosmar,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  rosmanis. 

Rosnado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mattered, 
grumbled.  [grurabler, 

Rosnador,  sm.    a    mutterer,   a 

Rosnadura,  sf.  a  muttering,  a 

Rosnar,  vn.  to  mutter,  to  grumble. 

Rosquilho,  sm.  a  small  cake  ia 
the  forra  of  a  ring. 

Rossega,  sf.  {marit.)  a  drag. 

Rossegar,  va.  {marit.)  —  a  an- 
cora, to  drag  for  the  anchor. 

Rossim,  sm.  a  sorry  horse.  V. 
Rocim.  [troable 

Rostir,  va.    {anc.)    to   chew,  to 

Rosto,  sm.  the  face.  —  do  sapato, 
the  vamp  of  a  shoe  or  boot ;  the 
frontispiece  of  a  book.  —  da 
medalha,  the  head  side  of  a 
medal.  [trated. 

Rostrado,  a,  adj.  rostrate  orros- 

Rostrata,  sf.  Coroa  — ,  a  crown 
formed  like  beaks  of  ships. 

Rostriforme,  adj.  i  g.  naving 
the  form  of  a  beak. 

Rostro,  sm.  rostrum,  the  bill  of 
a  bird  ;  the  beak  of  a  çalley. 

Rota,  sf.  a  rout,  a  deíeat.  —  or 
sagrada,  the  chief  juridiction  of 
the  court  of  Rome  ;  (a  sea  term) 
a  course.  —  batida,  with  ali 
speed;  {marit.)  withouttouching 
at  any  port.  [motion. 

Rotação,   sf.   rotation,    circular 

Rotadouras,  sf.  pi.  {tnarit.)  the 
wooldings  of  masts. 

Rotamente,  adv.  openly,  pub- 

Rotatório,  a,  tuíj.  rotatorv. 

Roteado,  a,  pp.  adj.  grubbed  up. 

Roteador,  sm.  one  who  grubs  up. 

Rote^dura,  sf.  the  act  of  grub- 
bing  up.  [ground. 

Rotear,  va.  to  grub  up  untilled 

Rotearia,  sf.  the  act  of  grub- 
bing  up. 

Roteiro,  sm.   jourçvaX.,  \<:»%-\i'3>^5«-> 

1-  m  ITi  if 


666  — 


Roto,  a,  adj.  broken,  torn,  ragg«d. 

Rotoiia,  sf,  the  act  of  grabbÍBg 

Rotula,  sf.  (anat.)  rotala ;  lattice. 

Rotular,  va.  to  put  an  inscription 
upon  any  thing. 

Rotulo,  a,  adj.  that  has  an  in- 

Rotulo,  sm.  an  inscription  ;  let- 
tering  of  a  book. 

Rotundidade,  sf.  rotnndity. 

Rotundo,  a,  adj.  rotund,  ronnd. 

Rotura,  sf.  rupture  ;  hérnia. 

Roa,  Rou  I  interj.  {anc.)  to  silent. 
—  faça  o  que  el-rei  mandou,  let 
every  report  be  hushed  np  (pro- 
verb).  [stolen. 

Roubado,   a,  pp.    adj.    robbed. 

Roubador,  sm.  a  robber. 

Roubar,  va.  to  rob,  to  embezzle ; 
(fig.)  to  ravish,  to  charm.  Bou' 
bar-se,  vr.  to  escape. 

Roubo,  5771.  robbery,  theft. 

Roucaznente,  adv.  hoarseij. 

Rouoo,  a,  adj.  hoarse. 

Roupa,  sf.  aíl  linen,  silk  or  wool- 
len  furniture  ;  clothing,  etc.  — 
da  cama,  bedding.  A  queima  — , 
adv.  loc.  Atirou-lhe  um  tiro  a 
queima  — a,  he  shot  him  "with  the 
gnn  close  to  the  breast. 

Roupado,  a,  pp.  adj.  clothed. 

Roupagem,  sf.  in  painting  and 
sculpture,  rooes  or  garments. 

Roupão,  sm.  a  night  gown. 

Roupar,  va.  to  clothe.  JRoupar- 
se,  vr.  to  clothe  one's  self. 

Rouparia,  sf.  a  room  to  keep 
clothe s  in. 

Roupas,  sf.  pi.  a  sort  of  go^vm 
with  a  long  train. 

Roupavelheiro,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a 
man  or  woman  that  sells  old 

Roupeira,  adj.  f.  Uva  — ,  a  sort 
of  grapes  so  called. 

Roupeiro,  sm.  he  that  takes  care 
of  clothes,  linen,   etc. 

Rousado,  a,jc»p.  adj.  ravished. 
Rousador,  sm.  a  ravisher. 
Rousar,  va.  {anc.)  to  ravish.  Y. 

Forçar.  [pleased. 

RouVinboso,  a,  adj.  not  easily 
Rouxinol,  sm,  {nat,  hist.)  night- 

Roxeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  pnrpled. 
Roxear,  va.  to  purple,  to  colonr 

with  purple. 
Roxo,  a,  or  Rouxo,  a,  adj.  pur- 
ple, red  violet.  O  Mar — ,  the 

Red  Sea. 
Rozeimo,  sm.  ranconr.  V.  Ódio. 
Rua,  sf.  a  street.  —  de  jardim,  an 

alley.  [horse. 

Ruão,  adj.  m.  Cavallo  — ,  a  roan 
Rubefaciente,  adj.  2  g.  rubefa- 

cient.  [red. 

RubentOi  adj.  2  g.  red,  becoming 
Rubeo,  a,  adj.  reddish. 
Rubeta,  sf.  a  hedgetoad. 
Rubi  or  Rubixn,  sm.  a  ruby. 
Rubicundo,  a,  adj.  rubicund. 
Rúbido,  a,  adj.  rubied. 
Rubificante,  adj.  2  g.  rnbific. 
Rubiginoso,  a,  adj.  rubiginons. 
Ruble,  sm.  rouble. 
Rubor,   sm.   redness,  blush.   V. 

Rubrica,  sf.  vermillion.  rubrica. 
Rubricado,  a,pp.  adj.  rubricated. 
Rubricador,  sm.  he  who  robri- 

cates.  [rubify. 

Rubricar,  va.   to   rubricate,  to 
Rubricista,  sm.  an  explainer  of 

Rubro,  a,  adj.  red ;  {med.)  ruddj. 
Ruçar,  va.  to  make  grey. 
Ruço,  a,  adj.  grey.  —  rodado, 

dapple-grey.  [savage. 

Rude,  adj.  2  g.  rude,   ignorant. 
Rudemente,  adv.  ignorantly,  ne- 

gligently.  [roughness. 

Rudeza,  sf.  rudeness,  ignorance. 
Rudimenta,  sf.  accidence. 
Rudimentar,    adj.    2    g.    rudi- 
Rudimentos,  sm.  pi.  rudiments. 

.  a  shep- 

herd.  [ment. 

Roupeta,  sf.  a  little  coat  or  gat-  l  Rudo,  adj.  \'.  Rude. 
Rouguejar,  «n.  to  sounàYvoa.ts^A^BCQSai,  \ja.\»TvsSL^\ç>bftat  a 
Bouquenho,    a,    adi.    a  \\U\%\     ol  làiç»  ô.tv«cv. 

àoarse.  (hoaTseiieas.\'EtoSao»  »»»^-  y««^>^^^'^'^^^^ 

jRoaquice   and  Rouqoid^io,  sf.X-RMaaXi^^-^^^^^è* 



667  — 


Rufio,  sm.  ruffian.  a  ^uarrelsome  fellow. 
Rufo,  sm.  {miltt.)  ruff  or  ruffle. 
Ruga,  sf.  a  wrinkle,  furrov. 
Ruge-ruge,  sm.  a  rumbling ;  the 

rustling  of  silk,  etc. 
Rugido,  sm.  roar.  hollo-w  noise. 
Rugidor,  a,  adj.  that  roars. 
Rugir,  vn.  to  roar,  to  rumble,  to 

Rugoso,  a,  adj.  rugose,  rumpled, 

wrinkled,  rough. 
RuU>arbo,  sm.  rhubarb. 
Ruido,  sm.  noise ;  (fig.)   report. 
Ruidoso,  a,  adj.  noisy :  quarrel- 

Ruim  or  Ruin,  adj.  2  g.  bad,  ill. 

Villão  — ,  a  great  rogue. 
Ruinunente,  adv.  badly. 
Ruina,  sf.  ruin,  destruction. 
Ruindade,  sf.  malice,  malignitjr. 
Ruinosamente,  adv.  ruinously. 
Ruinoso,  a,  adj.  ruinous. 
Ruiponto,  sm.  (pharm.)  rhapon- 

ticum.  [great  noise. 

Ruir,  vn.  (anc.)  to   rali  with  a 
Ruiva,  sf  (bot.)  gosling-weed.  ~ 

dos  tintureiros,  madder. 
RuividSo,  sf.  reddishness. 
Ruivo,  a,  adj.  re(^dish  :  yeUow. 
Rular,  vn.  to  coo. 
RuUo,  sm.  a  -wave  of  water  on 

the  edge  of  the  sea. 
Rum  or  Rhum,  sm.  rum. 
Ruma,  sf.  a  heap  or  pile. 
Rumiador,  a,   adj.   that  rumi- 

nates.  [the  cud. 

Rumiadura,    sf.  a   che\7Íng  of 
Rumiar,  va.  to  chew  the  cud. 
Rumidoiro,  sm.  rumen ;  the  first 

stomach  of  animais  which  che-w 

the  cud. 
Ruminação,  sf.  rumination. 
Ruminado,  a^pp.  adj.  ruminated. 
Ruminai,  adj.  2  g.  pertaining  to 

Ruminante,  adj.  2  g.  ruminant. 
Ruminar,  va.   to  ruminate;  to 

chew  the  cud. 
Rumo,    sm.    course,  the   ship^s 

■way.  —  estimado,  the  dead  rec- 

koning:  Quarto  do  — ,  a  point  of 

tbe  compãss. 
Rumor,  sm.  rumour,  noise. 

Rumorejar,  vn.  to  nimour. 

R\im-rum,  sm,  noise,  rumour,  re- 

Runha,  sf.  a  disease  in  cattle. 

Rupia,  sf.  rupee. 

Ruptorio,  sm.  {surg.)  ruptíwy. 

Ruptura,  sf.  {surg.)  rupture, 

Rural,  adj.  2  g.  rural. 

Russilho,  a,  adj.  russet. 

Russo,  a,  adj.  and  s.  Russian; 
of  or  pertaining  to  Rússia. 

Rusticamente,   adv.  rustícally. 

Rusticar,  va.  or  n.  to  rusticate. 

Rusticidade,  sf.  rusticity,  clown- 
ishness.  [rustic,  a  clown. 

Rústico,  a.  adj.  rustic.  —  sm.  a 

Rustiqueza,  sf.  rusticity. 

Rustir,  va.  to  eat.  V.  Bostir. 

Rutilado,  a,  pp.  adj.  rutilated. 

Rutilante,  aaj.  2  g.  bright,  rati- 
lant,  shining. 

Rutilar,  va.  to  glitter,  to  shine. 

Rutilo,  a,  adj.  bright,  shining. 


S,  sm.  a  consonant  and  the  nine> 
teenth  letter  of  the  Portuguese 

Sa,  pron.  {in  old  records)  his,  her, 
its ;  instead  of  sua. 

Sã,  adj.  f  V.  São.  [ly. 

Sãmente,  adv.  uprightly,  honest- 

Saamouna,  sf.  (bot.)  saamouna. 

Sabão,  sm.  soap. 

Sabbadeador,  a,  adj.  and  s. 
sabbatarian.  [the  sabbath. 

Sabbadear,  va.  or  n.  to  observe 

Sabbado,  sm.  saturday,  sabbath. 

Sabbatico,  a,  adj.  sabbatical. 

Sabbatina,  sf.  a  thesis  or  disi)u- 
.  tation  upon  any  part  of  logic. 

Sabbatismo,  sm.  sabbatisra. 

Sabéa,  adj.  f.  Lagrima  — ,  in- 

Sabedor,  a,  adj.  and  sm.  cí^  i.  "^ 
Vise  mon.  •,  a.  xfta.-a  xJaa.x.^ÈJsvcr»'*  «t 

podeis  deixar    de  ser 
yo\x  CMmoX>ttXS*.^H^^^  ^* 



—  663  — 


Sabedoria,  sf.   -^sdora,   know- 

Sabelsmo,  sm.  sabaism. 
Sabença,    sf.    ijest)    leaming, 

Science.  [ly. 

Sabóndas,  ad\3.  {anc.)  A  — ,  wise- 
Saber,    sm.  leaming ,   seience; 

Saber,  va.  to  know,  to  hear  of, 

to  be  learned.  Fazer  — ,  to  no- 

tify.  —  vn.  to  taste  or  savour. 

—  bem,  to  taste  well ;  to  inquire, 

to  ask,  to  demand.  —  de  alguém^ 

to  inquire  of  one. 
Saberetes ,   sm.  pi.    superficial 

learning.  [in  Brazil. 

Sabiá,  sm.  a  sort  of  nightingale 
Sabiamente,  adv.  iKiseTy,  learn- 

edly.  [learned  man. 

Sabichão,    sm.    {jest.)    a  very 
Sabidamente,  adv.  clearly,  evi- 

dently,  wisely. 
Sabido,  a,  pp.  adj.  known.  Ho- 

mem — ,  a  wise  man. 

Sabina,  sf.  {bot.)  savin  or  sabine. 
Sabino,  a,  adj.  of  a  white  and 

chesnut  colour. 
Sábio,  a,  adj.  -v^ise,  learned. 
Sabismo,  sm.  sabeism. 
Etoible,  sm.  [herald.)  sable,  black. 
Saboaria,  sf.  a  soap-house. 
Saboeiro,  sm.  a  soap-maker. 
Saboiano,  a,  adj.  and  s.  Savoyard 

of   or    pertaining   to    Savoy. 

Couve   — a,   savoy,  a  sort  of 

Saboga,  sf.  V.  Sável. 
Sabonete,  sm.  a  wash-ball,  sa- 

vonet.  [kindness. 

Sabor,  sm.  savour,  taste ;  civility, 
Saboreado,   a,  pp.  adj.    made 

savoury;  enticed,  pleased. 
Saborear,  va.  to  savour,  to  re- 

lish;  to  sweeten,  to  alleviate. 

ScUiorear-se,    vr.  —  de  alguma 

cousa,  to  be  delighted  with  a 

thing.  [savour. 

Saborido,  a,  adj.  that  has  good 
Saborosamente,  adv.  savourily, 

jjjeasantly,  with  relish. 
SaboroBOy  a,  adj.  savoury,  p\e8t- 

Sabra,  */.  grapes  so  caUed. 
Sabre,  sm.  sabre,  scimetar. 

Sabugal,  adj.  2  g.  Uva  — ,  a 
sort  of  grapes  so  called. 

Sabugo,  sm.  elder,  elder-tree. 

Sabugueiro,  sjn.  an  elder-tree. 

Sabugueiral,  sm.  a  spot  of 
ground  on  "which  elder- trees 

Sabujo,  sm.  a  blood-hound. 

Sabuloso,  a,  adj.  sandy,  fuU  of 
gravei  or  hard  sand. 

Saburra,  sf.  {med.)  qaantity  of 

Saburrar,  va.  to  ballast  a  vessel. 

Saburroso,  a,  adj.  doughy,  clara- 

Saca,  sf.  a  great  sack,  a  bale  or 
bag;  exportation  of  commodi- 
ties.  —  de  algodão,  a  bale  of 
cotton.  [sm.  a  sackbut. 

Saoabucha,  sf.  or  Saquebucho, 

Sacada,  sf  the  jutting  in  a  build- 
ing.  Janella  de  — ,  balcony 
window.  —  do  cavallo,  the  jolt- 
ing  of  a  horse. 

Sacadella,  sf  the  act  of  pulling 
up  the  fishing-line.        [tracted. 

Sacado,  a,  pp.  adj.  drãwn,  ex- 

Sacador,  sm.  a  couector  of  mo- 
ney ;  the  drawer  of  a  bill. 

Sacafilaça,  sf.  a  pointed  iron  to 
pierce  the  cartridge  through 
the  touch-hole  of  a  piece  of 
ordnance.  [er. 

Sacalador,  sm.  a  harness  scour- 

Sacalão,  sm.  a  thrusting. 

Saoamolas,  sm.  a  tooth  drawer. 

Sacanabo,  sm.  {marit.)  a  pump- 

«  hook. 

Sacão,  sm.  the  jolting  of  a  horse. 

Saoapelouro,  sm.  an  instrument 
to  unload  a  piece  of  ordnance. 

Sacar,  va.  to  draw  or  pull  out.  — 
uma  letra  de  cambio,  to  draw  a 
bill  of  exchange. 

Sacaria,  sf  a  quantity  of  bags ; 
an  untrue  alarm. 

Saoa-rolbaa,  sf  a  corkscrew. 

Sacatrapo,  sm.  a  worm  to  un- 
load a  gun.  [tage. 

Sacello,  sm.  a  chaçel  or  hermi- 

^aic^estd.oc>Vc)>  sw,.  ■^x\«^^^^^. 


—  669  — 


Sacha,  «/".  raking,  harrowing. 
Sachado,  a,  p^.  adj.  harrowed. 
Sachador,  sm.  a  raker,  harrower 

or  vreeder. 
Sachar,  va.  to  rake,  to  harrow. 
Sacharino,  a,  adj.  saccharine. 
Sacho,  sm.  a  veeding  hook  or 

Sachola,  sf.  a  sort  of  large  rake. 
Sacholactico ,   a ,    adj.   {chem.) 

Sacholato,  sm.  a  salt  formed  by 

the   union  of  saccholatic  acid 

with  a  base. 
Saciado,  a,  pp.  adj.  satiated. 
Saciar,  va.  to  satiate,  to  satisfy. 

Saciar-se,  vr.  to  satiate. 
Saciavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  can  be 

Saciedade,  sf.  satiety. 
Saco  or  Sacco,  sm.  sack,  bag; 

plunderíng,  sack-cloth.  Metter 

a  — ,  to  sack,  to  plunder. 
Sacola,   sf.    a   bag    with  two 

ponches.  [tate. 

Sacolejar,  va.  to  shake,  to  agi- 
Sacramentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 

has  received  the  sacrament. 
Sacramental,    adj.  2  g.  sacra- 
Sacramentalzuente,  adv.  sacra- 

Sacramentar,  va.  to  give  the 

sacraments.  Sacramentar-se,  vr. 

to  take  the  sacraments. 
Sacramento,  sm.  sacrament. 
Sacrário,  sm.  a  sanctuary  or  re- 

Sacre,  sm.  a  species  of  ha^k. 
Sacrificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sacrifí- 

Sacrificador,  sm.  a  sacriâcer. 
Sacrificai,  adj.  2  g.  sacriâcial. 
Saorificante,  adj.  2  g.  sacriâ- 

Sacrificar,  va.  to  sacrífíce,  to 

devote.  —  vn.  to  make  offerings 

to  God.  Sacrificar-sey  vr.  to  sa- 

crifice  or  devote  one's  self  up 


Sacrificativo,  a,  adj.  sacriâable. 

Saoriiicaveh  adj.  lg.  sacrifiable. 

S^SSS^^^  flrf/.  2  g.  sacrificial. 

**«ora«olo,  «w.  sacrifice,  oflfoting. 

Sacrifico,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  sacrifí- 

Sacrificolo,  sm.  sacrifícator. 
Saorilegamente ,    adv.   sacrile- 

Sacrilégio,  sm.  a  sacrilege. 
Sacrílego,  a,  adj.  sacriíeçious. 
Sacristão,  sm.  sexton,  sacristan. 
Sacristia,   sf.   the   sacristy    or 

Sacro,  a,  adj.  sacred,  holy. 
Sacrosanto,  a,  adj.  sacred,  in- 

violable.  [lumbaris. 

Sacro-lombal,  sm.  {anat.)  sacro- 
Sacudldamente,  a,dv.  in  a  sha- 

ken  manner. 
Sacudidela,  sf.  a  small  shock. 
Sacudido,  a,  pp.  adj.  shaken. 
Sacudidor,  sm.  one'who  sbakes. 
Sacudidura,  sf.  shake,  shaking. 
Sacudir,  va.  to  shake,  to  agitate ; 

to  fling. 
Sadiamente,  adv.  -wholesomely. 
Sadio,   a,  adj.  sound,  healthy; 

Saeta,  sf.  shalloon,  serge. 
Safa,  adv.  &waj^  ^et  you  gone  I 
Safado,  a,  pp.  adj.  worn  out. 
Safar,  va.  to  wear  out,  to  cast 

up,   to  ânish  an   account;   to 

clear,  to  remove  incumbrance. 

Safar-se,  vr.  to  run  away. 
Safario,  a,  adj.   Romã  — a,  sort 

of  pomegranate. 
Safaro,  a,  adj.  rude,  rustical; 

Safio,  sm.  a  sort  of  conger. 
Safio,  a,  adj.  low,  mean,  empty, 

dry,  poor. 
Safo,  a,  adj.  worn  out. 
Safões,  sm.  pi.  wide  breeches. 
Safra,  sf.  a  smith's  anvil. 
Safradeira,  sf.  a  tool  used  by 

Saga,  sf.  the  rear  of  an  army. 
Sagaçaria   or  Sagacidade,  sf. 

sagacity.  [penum. 

Sagapeno,  sm.  (j)harm.)    saga- 
Sagas,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  the  ichneu- 

mon  fly. 
Sa^az,  adi .  'i  g .  "a^-Sí?^^^^"^^-.  ^^^^ 

6AL  —  ÍVj  — 


ftagiaar,  *-«-  v<»  x:.4rÂA  fax. 

Sfltgradamente ,  o^t;.   sacredlj. 
flagrado,  a,  z^/».  <k(/.  ha<;r*j4,  ooi-  j 

f-c::ír.  ^--•  BtU  :^e  vicie  ctr^xi 
is 2-  :t- 

Sala,  <.'.  S  Líul.   4  Itr»-*  TTiOCT!. 

Salamandra,  «/.a  VÃ^=i-'^fc7:-,*r. 
Salamandrino,  a.  ?i^.  8»'ar-.a>- 

Sagrar,  ^.â.  v>  coo  ««ente. 

Sagoate.  «rA.  a  r/r^rMot.  a  ^ft. 
•agueiro,  «/».  ''Ay^/  Kairo-tree. 
Sagui.  4/».  a  Kort  of  smáil  ape. 

Salamantega  or  flalamantiga, 

I      «/.  a  Balaxnaiiã-frr  cr  eft. 
Salame,  m.  a  son  of  saosaçe. 
•  Salamear.  cn.  '.j  bhoat,  ta  cry 

I  Balamim,  mi.  V.  5<ei'/ifiitm. 

8a£ida,  af,  ftu  HvrrHnM.  V.  SoíiUl,  :  Salão.  «m.  a  great  LtJl. 

«S'«#r  aud  d«hvaU;d 

tia,  */.  a  woií.anK  Mttícoat.  —  ( 
//i?  malha,  a  coat  oi  raail. 

8ai9o,  «m.  a  v^rt  of  lutnwn-íeek. 
or  jubarb. 

Saibo,  «m.  ta»t/^,  ílaronr. 

Saibro,  «m.  ^roKH  hand,  f^ravel. 

Saida,  /ir/^  an  ty^rthH ;  a  (çointç  out ; 
a  hally ;  ijtU;ráfiC4  or  »ale.  Jlfer- 
eiawÁa  que  tern  boa  — ,  a  conuno- 
díty  that  f^oc»  o/f  well.  Dar  — 
a  rnéfrrannat,  V»  uitil  commodi- 
tíííH.  /)ar  — ,  to  fsxp^iiind,  to  in- 
UsritrHi;  nxpfiáutnt^  raeans  or 
Wttv;  a  úipçrfiHHion. 

Saleta,  fif.  a  itort  of  woolen  stuff. 

Salraonto.  /im.  a  funeral. 

Sainete.  «m.  any  tfaiug  pleaBinij^ ; 
any  tbin^  that  alloviateM;  vit. 

Salnho,  «m.  u  nort  of  frarment. 

Salnte,  adj.  2  i^.  (anc.)  going. 

Saio,  /itn.  a  N(;rt  of  luose  upper 
<:oat.  I  hy  an  executioner. 

Saioaria,  »f.  an  oxecution  made 

Sair,  im.  to  go,  to  como  or  to  step 
out."-  do  gÍMO,  to  run  mad.  — 
a  lue,  tofippí»ar,  to  be  published. 
—  fíotn  um  livro,  to  publish  a 
book  ;  Co  jiit  out.  Fazer  — ,  to 
íç«t,  to  Htrlk»,  to  put  out;  to 
prove;  to  bo  found  by  expe- 
rieticn.  JCllc.  aahio  um  grande 
vfílhavo,    h«    ])r<)vod    a    great 

t  Salariar,  xa.  to  pay  a  salarr. 

V.  A^alariar 
Salário,  m.  salary. 
Salavanco,  tm.  snake.  toss,  joit. 

V.  Solaoanco. 
Salaz,  cbij.  i  g.  impure,  ancleac. 
Salchicha,  tf.  a  sausage;  í^vm- 

nery,  a  saucisse. 
Salcmchão.  sm.  a  sancisson,  a 

sort  of  thick  sausa^e. 
Salchicheiro,  a,  aaj.  one  vho 

makes  saucissons. 
Saldado,  a,  pp.  adj.  balanced. 
Saldar,  va.  (comm.)  to  balance 

an  account. 
Saldo,  sm.  (comm.)  balance. 
Salé,  sm.  salt  ineat. 
Saleiro,    sm.    a   salt-cellar ;    a 

dealer  in  salt. 
Salema,  sf.  a  Moorish  salutation ; 

8ubmÍ8SÍon,  respect. 
Salep,  sTJt.  {bot.  and  med.)  salep 

root.  [tax  OB  satt. 

Salga,  sf.  salting;  a  salt-pit;  a 
Salgadamente,  adv.  saltv. 
Salgadeira,  sf.  sea-purslam;  a 

salting  tub.  ['wittj. 

Salgado,  a,  pp.  adj.  salted,  salt ; 
Salgado,  sm.  saltness. 
Salgadura,  sf.  salting. 
Salgalbada,  sf.  confusion,  dis- 

order.  [season  -with  salt. 

Salgar,  va.  to  salt,  powder  or 

rífffuo.  Aquillo  sahio  certo,  that  \ Sol-aoimBL,  &f .  miv«ti\. tnii.  rock 
woM  found  írm.  íVálcv.y     %«ix.  \:«\Xíb.  ^^-w^ 

««^»  '///.  «aJt;  wit.  Vender  o  tal  a\»aCLsrMtoo,  wu  V}>aC^*.-«^«^. 


—  671  — 


Salleo,  a,  adj.  «alie. 
Salina,  sf.  salt-pan  or  salt-pit. 
Salinagexn,  af.  salificati<ni. 
SalixiaTel,  adj.  2  g.  salifiable. 
Salineiro,  &n.  salt-maker. 
Salinifero,  a,  adj.  saliniferoas. 
Salino,  a,  adj.  salinous,  saline. 
Salios,  salians ;  the  priests 

of  Mars. 
SalitraçSo,   sf.  the  act  of  im- 

pregnating  with  saltpetre. 
Salitrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  seastmeá 

■with  saltpetre.  [earth. 

Salitrai,  sm.  a  saltpetre  veia  of 
Salitre,  sm.  saltpetre,  nitre. 
Salitreiro ,     sm,     a    saltoctre- 

maker.  ' 

Salitroso,  a,  adi.  saltpetrous. 
Saliva,  sf.  spittle. 
Salivação,  sf.  salivatíon. 
Salivado,  a,  pp.  adj.  salivated. 
Salivai  and  Salivar,  adj.  2  g. 

{anat.)  salivai,  salivary. 
Salivar,  va.  or  n.  to  salivate. 
SalivosOi  a,  adj.  salivous. 
Salmão,  sm.  salmon. 
Salmear,   vn.   to   sing  psalms. 

V.  Psalmear  and  derivated. 
Salmejar,  va.  to  carry  thò  com 

to  the  thrashing-âoor. 
Salmo,  sm.  V.  Psalmo. 
Salmoeira,  sf.  a  vessel  to  salt 

meat  and  fish  in. 
Salmoeirar,  va.  to  salt  or  pickle 

meat  and  íish.  [reproof. 

Salmonejo,  sm.  a  sauce ;  a  sharp 
Salmonete,    sm.    a   barbei    or 

Salmonico,  sm.  salt  ammoniac. 
Salmoura,  sf.  brine ;  [fig.)  a  re- 
proof, a  chiding. 
Salmourado,  a,  pp.  adj.  seasoned 

with  brine,  pickled. 
Salmourar,  va.  to  pickle. 
Salobra,  adj.  f.  Agua  — ,  brack- 

ish  "water. 
Saloio,  a,  sm.  or  f.  conntr^-man 

or  woman  that  lives  withm  the 

distriet  of  Lisbon. 
Salpioado.  a,  pp.  adj.  besprink- 

led,  comed. 
Salpicador,  sm.  one  who  speckles 

ormsrks  urith  amall  spots. 
SaJpiGadura,  sf.  a  speâ,  a  spot. 

Salpicão,  sm.  a  sqrt  of  sausage 

raade  of  pickled  pork. 
Salpicar,  va.  to  oesprinkle;  to 

dash;    to    com,    to    salt;    to 

speckle  or  spot. 
Salpimenta,   sf.  a  mixtura  of 

salt  and  pepper. 
Salpimentado,  a,  »p.  adj.  sea- 
soned with  salt  and  pepper. 
Salpimentar,  va.  to  season  with 

salt  and  pepper.  [salt. 

Salpresar,  va.  to  powder  with 
Salpreso,  a,  adj.  comed  or  pow- 

dered  with  salt. 
Salsa,  sf.  garden  parsley ;  sauce. 
Salsada,  sf.  an  intricate  affair: 

Salsafraz.  sm.  Y.  Sassafras. 
Salsaparina,  sf.  {pharm.)  a  sub- 

stance  extracted  from  the  salsar 

parrilha.  [parilla. 

Salsaparrilha,  sf.  {bot.)  salsa- 
Salseira,  sf.  saacer,  sauce-boat. 
Salsintaa,  sm.  {jest.)  a  little  man, 

a  foolish  man. 
Salso,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  salt,  salted. 
Salsugem,  sf.  salineness. 
Salsuginoso,  a,  adj.  salsuginons. 
Saltada,  sf.  a  ranging  about  to 

rob  and  kill.  [jumped. 

Saltado,  a,  pp.  adj.  leaped. 
Saltador,  a,  adj.  that  leaps  or 

jumps.  ({herald.)  saliant. 

Saltante,  adj.  2  g.  that  leaps; 
Saltão,  sm.  a  íish  of  East  Africa. 
Saltar,  va.  to  leap,  to  spring,  to 

jump,  to  vault,  to  skip.  Fazer 

—  pelos  ares   com  pólvora,  to 

blow  up  into  the  air. 
Salta>regra,  sf.  (geom.)  square, 

sliding-rule.  [bler. 

Saltarello,  sm.  a  leaper,  a  tum- 
Saltatrice,  sf.  a  woman  dancer. 
Salteado,  a,  pp.  adj.  suddenly 

assaulted,  roboed ;  lollowing  in 

irregular  succession. 
Salteador,  sm.  a  highway-man. 
Saltear,  va.  and  n.  to  assault  by 

surprise;  to  rob  on  th^  Vàj^- 
I      wa,y,  to  Nf^T.   —  01  m%^a.,  ^» 
\      dazz\e. 

\  Saltoiro  or  -P^^^!?^?^^^^^ 



672  — 


singing    of    psalmS;     as    the 

harp,  etc. 
Saltimbanco,  sm.  a  mountebank. 
Saltimbarca,  sf.  a  sort  of  loose 

Saltlmvão,  sm.  leap-frog. 
Salto,  sm.  leap,  jump ;  an  assault, 

a  robbery.  —  a  — ,  by  leaps,  by 

Salubre,  adj.  2  g.  salutary,  salu- 

brious,  wholesome.  [ly. 

£^ubreniente,  ado.  salubrious- 
Salubridade,  f/.salubrity,  vrhole- 

Saluçar,  vn.  —  a  ndo^  is  for  a 

ship  to  roll  in  rouçh  water. 
Saluço,  sm.  the  rolling  of  a  ship 

in  rough  water. 
Saludador,  sm,  namegiven  to 

quacks  or  impostors. 
Sedudar,  va.  to  pretend  to  cure 

with  the  breath  or  spittle  as  the 

Saludadores  do.  [fui. 

Salutar,  adj.2g. salutary,  health- 
Salutifero,  a,  adj.  salutiferous, 

■wholesome.  [coin. 

Saluto,    sm.  a  sort   of  ancient 
Salva,  sf.  {bot.)  the  herb  sage ;  a 

discharge,    a  volley,  a    salute 

with  guQs ;  a  salver. 
Ssdvação,  sf.  salvation,  sal  vage. 
Salvado,  a,  pp.    adj.  saved. 
Salvador,     sm.     saviour,     re- 

Salvagexn,  sf.  alarge  piece  of 

cannoQ  so  called;   salvage;  a 

sort  of  satyr.  V.  Selvagem. 
Salvaguarda,  sf.  safe-guard. 
Salvajaria,  sf.  eavageness. 
Salvajola,  sm.  {jest.)  savage. 
Salvamento,  sm.  saiety. 
Salvante,pa.  of  Salvar^  except- 

ing,  exclusive  of. 
Salvar,  va.  to  save,  to  deliver^ 

to  free,    to    escape   a  danger. 

Salvar-se,  vr.  to  fly,  to  be  saved, 

to  make  one^s  escape. 
Salvar   or  Saudar,   va.  to  sa- 
lute, to  greet. 
Saivatella,  sf.  {anat.)  saWatlVla. 
Salvatico,  adj,  Y.  Seloatico. 

Salve,  interj.  hail.  Deus  vos  — ! 

God  save  you ! 
Salveta,  sf.  part  of  a  lamp. 
Salvlna,  sf.  {pharm.)  a  composi- 

tion  to  cure  fevers. 
Salvo,  a,  adj.  safe,  unhurt.  São  e 

— ,  safe  and  sound.  Pôr-seem  — , 

to  fly  into  a  place. 
Salvo,  prep.  saving,  without  pre- 

judice  to.  —  meu  direito,  saving 

my  right. 
Salvo,   sm.  Sahir  a  seu    — ,  to 

come  clear  off. 
Salvo-oonducto,  sm.  save-con- 

duct,  pass. 
Samarra    or   Çamarra,    sf.   a 

garment   of  sheep    skins   -with 

the    wool  on,  worn   by   shep- 

Sambaroo,  sm.  an  old  shoe. 
Sambenitar,  va.  to    cover  one 

with  a  sacco  benedito. 
Sambenlto,  sm.  sacco  benedito; a 

garment    of    a   yellow   colour 

worn  by   persons    condemned 

by  the  Inquisition. 
Samblado,  pp.  adj.  made  with 

joiner's  work. 
Samblador,  sm.  ajoiner. 
Sambladura,  sf.  joining. 
Samblagem,  sf.  joinery,  joining. 
Samblar,  va.  to  join ;  to  do  join- 

er's  work. 
SambuGO,    sm.    dulcimer,    harp 

or  sackbut ;  an  engine  to  batter 

or  scale  walls. 
Samíeno,  sm.  {bot.)  sainfoin. 
Samicas,  adv,  perhaps. 
Samo,   sm.  the  white  sap  next 

the  bark. 
Sanado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cured. 
Semar,  va.  to  cure,  to  remedy  : 

to  help. 
Sanativo,  a,  adj.  wholesome. 
Sanavel,  adj.  t  g.  curable. 
Sancadilha,  sf.  trip  ;  skip,  hop; 

snare,  fraud.  Armar  — ,  to  lay 

a  snare.  Usar   de  — .  to    sup- 

plant.  [tion. 

Sanoqão^  sf.  sanction,  confirma- 

Salvável,  adíl  2  o.  tliat  ma\  \ie\    \i\oivfcOL. 
Salva-vidas,  sf.  (marit.^  sate^í  \    ^ftx«tàS^« 


—  673  — 


fiteincliinas,   sf.   pi.    mushroora. 

V.  Cogumelos. 
Sandália,  sf.  a  sandal :  wooden 

Sândalo,  sm.  sandal  or  sanders. 
Sandaraca,  sf.  sandarac,  guramy 

Sandejar,  vn.  to  raadden. 
Sandeu,  sm.  a  fool  or  madman. 
Sandia,  sf.  a  foolish  woman. 
Sandiamente,  adv.  foolishly. 
Sandice,  sf.  folly,  simplicity. 
Sandice,    a,   aaj.  beloDgiug  to 

a  fool.  [tive  person. 

Sandiverra,  s.  {anc.)  a  talka- 
Sandiz,  sm.  sandix,  red  earth. 
Saneado,  a,  pp.  adj.  repaired. 
Saneamento,  sm.  repair,  repa- 

Sanear,  va.  to  make  amends,  to 

recompense,  to  repair,  to  make 

uç,  to  retrieve,  to  correct,  to 

Sanedrim,  sm.  V.  Synedrim. 
Sanefa,  sf.  the  vallance  of  a  bed. 
Sanfona,  sf.   a   vulgar  musical 

instniment  with  strings. 
Sanfonha,  sf.  a  pastoral  pipe. 
Sanfonina,  sf.  cymbal. 
Sanfonineiro,  sm.  a  player  on 

the  cymbal.  [bled. 

Sangrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  blooded, 
Sangradoiro,  sm.  or  Sangra- 

dura,  sf.  the  nart  "where  they 

use  to  let  blood. 
Sangrador,  sm.  onewho  bleeds. 
Sangralingua,  sf.  {bot.)  an  herb 

so  called. 
Sangrar,   va.  to  let  blood,  to 

bleed  ;  to  drain,  to  pillage ;  to 

exhaust.     Sangrar-se^    vr.     to 

bleed.  [guinary. 

Sangrento,  a,  adj.  bloody,  san- 
Sangria,  sf.  lettm^    of  blood, 

bleeding.  —  de  vinho,  negus. 
Sangue,  sm.  blood ;  kindred.  —• 

firio,  cold  blood,  presence    of 

Sanguechulva,  sf  hemorrhage. 
Sangue-frio,    sm.    cool   blood, 

Sangueini,  sf.  pJenty  of  blood. 
SangamntaiAo,  a,  adi  bloody. 
««Wii«rto.  a,  adj,  bloody. 

Sanguesuga,  sf.  a  leach. 
Sanguicel,  sm.  a  sort  of  small 

ship.  [rous. 

Sanguifero,  a,    adj.    san^uite- 
Sanguificação,   5/.   sanguiãca- 

tion.  [guified. 

Sanguificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  san- 
Sanguificar,  va.  {med.)  to  san- 

Sanguifico,  a,  adj.  sanguifying. 
Sanguilexia,  sf.  the  art  or  work 

of  one  who  bleeds.  [stone. 

Sanguina,  sf.  {min.)  sanguine- 
Sanguinariamente,  adv.  inhu- 

manly.  [nary. 

Sanguinário,   a,    adj.    san^ui- 
Sanguinea,  sf.  {bot.)   sanguiná- 
ria, bloodwort. 
Sanguíneo,  a,  adj.  sanguine. 
Sanguinha,  sf.  {bot.)  bloodwort. 
Sanguinho,  a,  adj.  sanguine. 
Sanguinidade,   sf.   kindred  by 

blood.  [nary,  bloody. 

Sanguinolento,  a,  aaj.  sangui- 
Sanguinoso,     a,    adj.    bloody, 

cruel.  [blood-thirsty. 

Sanguisedento,  a,  adj.  {poet.) 
Sanha,  sf.    wrath,   fury,    rage, 

SanhoBO,   a,  adj.  angry,  wrath- 

ful,  ill-tempered. 
Sanhudamente,  atív.  angrilv. 
Sanicula,     sf.    {bot.)    cornirey, 

consound.  [-wound. 

Sanidade,  sf.  the   healing  of  a 
Sanie,  sf.  {med.)  sanies,  pus. 
Sanioso,  a,  adj.  sanious. 
Sanja,  sf.  a  gutter  or  drain. 
Sanjaco,  sm.  a  commander   of 

Turkisn  troops.  [drains. 

San j  ar,  va.  to  make   gutters  or 
Sanjoaneira,  sf.  a  sort  of  pear. 
Sanquitar,  va.  to  knead. 
Sanscrito,  sm.  sanscrit. 
Santamente,  adv.  hollly,   holy. 
Santão,  sm.  a  hypocrite. 
Santeiro,  a,  adj.  a  devout  man, 

a  votary. 
Santiago,   sm.    St    James,  the 

war-cry  of  tSiô  ^^^\vNa.v^^. 

ot  au  ^:,^,  ^^\^:jr''  "^^-^^^ 

Em  uia  — ,T«í!vc^3  *    ^  ^x  ^Oa» 

■■■»<.  .jr^«fc«-r-  TaináWiili 


—  674  — 


Santidade,  tf.  holiness,  sanctity. 
Santificado,  sf.  sanctiâcation. 
Santiíicador,  sm.  sanctifier. 
Santificante,    adj,  2  g.  suic- 

Santificar,  va.  to  sanctify. 
Santigar,  va.  (anc.)  to  make  the 

sign  of  the  cross. 
Santiguar-se,  vr.  to  take  a  co- 

lonr  of  holiness  to  damage  one. 
Santilão,  «m.  a  hypocrite. 
Santlmonia,  sf.  sanctity. 
Santimonial,  adj.  2  g.  resem- 

bling  sanctity. 
Santo,    a,    aaú    holy,    blessed, 

saint,  sacred.  Sexta^feira  —a, 

Good  Friday. 
Santo,    sm.    Santa,  sf.  a  saint ; 

{milit.)  the  vatch-word. 
Santor,   sm.   a  saltier  {t^rald.) 

that  is  St-Andrew's  cross. 
Santoral,  sm.   a   book    of  ser- 

mons ;  a  book  containing  lives 

of  saints. 
Santuário,  sm.  sanctoary. 
São,  adj.  m.  saint.  —  Francitco^ 

saint  Francis. 
São,  Sã,  adi.  soond,  wholesome, 

healthy.  Voltar  —  e   salvo^    to 

retnrn  safe  and  sound. 
Sapa,  sf.  a  spade. 
Sapada,  sf.  a  plain ;  flat  groond. 
Sapador,  sm.  \mil.)  saper. 
Sapal,  sm,  a  place  full  of  toads, 

amarshy  place. 
Sapan  or  Páo  de  Sapan,  am. 

sapan  wood. 
Sapar,  va.  to  dig  the  earth  'with 

a  spade. 
Sapata,    sf.    a    sort    of  boots 

without    tops ;   {marit.)  a  dead 

eye.  [a  ahoe. 

Sapatada,    sf.     a    blow    with 
Sapataria,  sf.  the  street  where 

the  shoemakers  live. 
Sapateada,  sf.  a  sort  of  dance. 
Sapateeir,  va.  to  dance  or  jump, 

striking  the  sole   of  the  shoe 

with  the  hand ;  to  play  brisky 

OB  a  fi-uitar. 

Sapatoira,  sf.  a  sort  of  cr&b. 

Sapateiro,  sm.  &  sboemaker. 

Bapateta,  sf.  tb«  act  oí  àaadag  \    ^^^25^-^   «^  «»3ii^ 
or  jumpingi.  ^  aoT«»flJao^  «**  ««««^ 

Sapatilhos,  sm,  pi.  («  sea  term) 

ball's  eyes. 
Sapato,  sm.  a  shoe. 
Sape,  interj.  go  out ! 
Sapé,  sm.  an  nerb  with  which  a 

tnatched  honse  is  covered. 
Saphena,  sf.  {anat.)  saphcena. 
Saphira,  sf.  sappbire. 
Saphirino,  a,  adj.   sapphinne. 
Sápia,  sf.  a  âr-tree  ;  deaL 
Sapido,  a,  adj.  savonry,   plea- 

Sapiência,  sf.  sapience. 
Sapieneial,  adj.  2  g.  pertaining 

to  sapience. 
Sapiente,    adj.    2    g.    aiyient, 

wise.  —  sm.  a  wise  man. 
Sapientemente,  adv.  wisely. 
Sapinho,  sm.  a  small  toad.  Sa- 
pinhos, the  thrush   in  childien 

or  sqphtad. 
Sapo,  sm.  a  toad. 
Saponaceo,  a,  adj.  soapy. 
Saponaria,  sf.  {bot.)  soaj^wort. 
Saponario,  a,  adj.  soapy. 
Saponificar,  va.  to  soap.  Se^Mh 

nificar^se,  vr.  to  be  transfonned 

into  soap. 
Saporifero,    a,    adj.    savoury, 

pleasant.  [nut. 

Sapucaia,  sf.  a  kind  of  cocoa 
Saque,  sf.  the  act  of  drawinç  a 

bUl  of  exchange;  sack,  plnndar. 
Saqueado,  a,  pp.  adj,  tacked, 

plundered.  [plunderer. 

Saqueador,  sm.  a  sack^,  a 
Saquear,  va.  to  sack,  to  plimdsr. 
Saquetaria,  sf.  the  king*8  pan- 

Saquetario,  sm.   the  man   who 

had  the   charge  of  the  king^s 

pantry.  [new  cmn. 

Saquilada,  sf,  a  sack  or  bag  of 
Sarabanoo,  sm.  the  joitingrof  a 

coach.  [reprehension. 

Sarabanda,5/'.saraband;  (danea.) 
Sarabandear,    va.  to  dance  a 

Sarabatana  or  Zarabatana,  af, 

a  sort  of  speaking  trumpet. 
^^XQ^^x£fct«c^A^  ^^  ad^.   taíú.  of 


—  675  — 


stones ;  the  blood  of  a  hog  made 

into  meat. 
Saraça,  sf.  a  sort  of  clotò. 
Saraoote,    «m.    uneasiness.  in- 
quietude, [rambles. 
Saracoteador,    sm.    one    that 
Saracotear,  vn.   to  ramble,  to 

gad.  fvered. 

Sarado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cured,  reco- 
Saragoça  or  Saragossa,  sf,  a 

brown  woollen  cloth. 
Saraiva,  sf.  hall. 
Saraivar,  vn.  to  hail. 
Saramago,  sm.  the  -wild  rape. 
Sarambecnie,    sm.    a    kind  of 

Sarambura,  sf.  a  sort  of  cloth 

made  of  cotton. 
Saraznenheira,    sf.    a   sort  of 

pear-^ee  so  called. 
Saramenho,  sm.  a  sort  of  small 

Sarampo,  sm.  the  measles. 
Sarampura,  sf.  a  sort  of  cloth. 
Saraxnngo,  sm.  a  sort  of  íish. 
Saráo,  sm.  a  meeting  for  dan- 

cing.  V.  Sarau. 
Sarapantar,  va.  to  cause  fright. 
Sarapatel,  sm.  the  blood  of  hogs 

made  into  meat. 
Sarapintado,  a,  pp.  adj.  paint- 

ed,  spotted. 
Sarar,  va.  to  cure,  to  heal,  to 

join  a  thing  that  was  broken. 

—  vn.  to    heal,   to   mend,  to 

recover  health. 
Sarassa,  sf.  a  sort  of  snare  for 

Sarau,  sm.  a  bali  or  meeting  for 

dancing;  a  night's   social  ren- 

dez-vous.  a  bush. 

Sarça,  sf   a  bramble,  a  thom, 
Sarçal,«m.  a  bushy  place. 
Sarcasmo,  sm.  sarcasm. 
Sarcástico,  a,  adj.  sarcastical. 
Sarclllios,  sm.    pi.  {anat.)  two 

cavities  of  the  heart. 
Sarcocele,  s.  {med.)  sarcocele. 
Sarcolito,  sm.  (miner.)  sarcolite. 
Sarcologico,    a,    adj.    sarcolo- 

Sarcoma,  sf.  sarcoma. 
Saro^hago,  sm.  sarcophagus. 
Sarootioú,  a,  adj.  (med.)  sarcoúc. 


Sarçoso,  a.  adj.  that  is  full  of 

Sarda,  sf.  sort  of  small  macke- 

rel.  — s  do  rosto^  freckles. 
Sardão,   sm.   a  sort   of    green 

Sardento,  a,  adj.  freckled. 
Sardinha,  sf.  a  pilchard. 
Sardinheira,  sf.  a  net  or  boat  to 

catch  pilchards  in. 
Sardinheiro,  a,  adj.  pertaining 

to  iishing  of  pilchards. 
Sardio,  sm.  the  stone  called  coiv 

nelian.  [agate  colour. 

Sardo,   a,  adj.  resembling  the 
Sardónico,  a ,    adj.  sardonic. 
Sardónica,    sf.    the    sardonyx. 

Sarga,  sf.  a  sort  of  grapes. 
Sargaço,  sm.    {bot)    searweed, 

sea  vrack.  [stuff. 

Sarge,  sf.  serge,  a  sortofwooUen 
Sargentear,  va.  to  do  the  duty 

of  a  serjeant. 
Sargento,  sm.  a  serjeant.  —  mói; 

a  major.  —  mór   de  brigada^  a 

major  general. 
Sargo,  sm.  a  sort  of  mullet:  a 

kind  of  grapes.  [javelin. 

Sarica,  sf.  a  long  pike,  spear  or 
Sarido,  sm.  sound  or  noiso. 
Sarlgue,  sm.  opossum. 
Sarilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reeled. 
Sarilhar,  va.  to  reel. 
Sarilho,  sm,  a  reel  for  thread  or 

Sarja,  sf.  serge. 
Sarjado,  a,  pp.   adj.  scarlfíed. 

Ventosa    — a,   a   cupping-glass 

applied  after  scarifying. 
Sarjador,    sm.    an    instrument 

called  scarifícator. 
Sarjadura,  sf.  scariíication,  sca- 
rifying. [to  lance. 
Sarjar,  va.  to   scarify,  to  cut, 
Sarjenim,  sm.  (sarja  de  Nismes), 

a  kind  of  wooUen  stuff. 
Sarmenticio,  a,  adj.  of  or  bc- 

longing  to  a  brancn  of  a  vine 

cut  off. 
&arxn.ein.\o^  sm.  ^  t:^\%  «^Vt-scatía. 

of  a  Vvnô  csvxV.  oíí.  w^«^ 

SarmeTi\OBO,aL,aA3.  ^w^a^v^^»^^* 

Bama,  sf .  x>i«>  '>^^^- 



—  676  — 


Samento,  a ,    adj.  that  has  the 

itch  ;  itchy. 
Samoso,  a,  adj.  itchy. 
Sarpado,  a,  pp.  adj.  weighed. 
Sarpar,  vn.  to  veiçh  anchor. 
Sarrabulhada,     sf.    plenty    of 

blood  of  a  hog  made  mto  meat. 
Sarrabulho,  sm.  the  blood  of  a 

hog  made  into  meat. 
Sarraíaçador,  sm.  one  who  sca- 

riíies  or  lances. 
Sarrafaçal,  sm.  afaulty  handi- 

craftsraan . 
Sarrafaçar,  va.  to  work  'with  a 

faultv  instrument.  [lath. 

Sarraíar,  va.   to  saw,  to  cut  a 
Sarrafo,  sm.  a  lath. 
Sarralheiro,  sm.  V.  Serralheiro. 
Sarrento,  a,  adj.  tartarous. 
Sarrido,  sm.  adifâculty  in  breath- 

Sarrilha,  sf.  V.  Serrilha. 
Sarro  sm.  tartar ;  the  fur  on  a 

man's  tongue   in  a   fever;  the 

fur  of  a  tea-kettle,  etc. 
Sarta,  sf.  the  shrouds  of  a  sbip. 
Sartã,  sf.  a  frying  pan. 
Sartal,  sm.   a    chain;  a  conti- 

Saruga,  sf.  the  beard  of  com. 
Sassairaz,  sm.  [bot.)  sassafras. 
Satanaz,  sm.  Satan,  the  devil. 
Satanicaxnente ,    ado.     satani- 

Satânico,  a,  adj.  satanic. 
Satanismo,  sm.  satanism. 
Satellite,  sm.  (astr.)  satellite :  a 

follower.  [cloth. 

Satepoaa,  sf.   a  kind  of  cotton 
Sátira,  sf.  satire.  V.  Satyra  and 

Satis,  adv.  {anc.)  sufíiciently. 
Satisfação,  sf.  satis faction. 
Satisfactorlo,  a,  adj.   satisfac- 


Satisfazer,    va.    to   satisfv,   to 
please,  to  content;  to  discharge 
a  debt ;  to  make  amends. 
Satisfeito,    a,  pp.    adj.    satis- 

Sativo,  a,  adj.  salive. 
Sato,  sm.  a  kind  of  long  ânoikd 

of  Ásia. 
Satrapa,  sm,  a  satrap. 

Satrapear,  vn.  to  govem  despo- 

tically  as  a  satrap. 
Satrapia,  sf.  satrapy. 
Satrapismo,  sm.  satrapism. 
Saturação,   sf.    {chem.)   satura^ 

tion.  [ted. 

Saturado,  a,  pp.  adj.  satum- 
Saturagem,  sf.  the  herb  savory. 
Saturante,    adj.   2    g.   (eA«m.) 

impregnating  to  the  full. 
Saturar,  va.  to  satorate. 
Saturavel,  adj.  2  g.  satorable. 
Satumaes,  sf.  pi.  the  satarnalia, 

feasts  of  Saturn. 
Etaitumal,  adj.  2  ç.  satumalian. 
Saturnino,  a,  adj.  saturnian. 
Satumio,  a,  adj.  satarnian. 
Saturno,  sm.  [astr.)  Saturn. 
E(at3rra,  sf.  satire. 
Satyrioamente«  adv.  satirically. 
Satyrlco,  a,  adj.  satiric,  satiri- 

csQ.  [sed. 

Satyrlsado,  a,  pp.  adj.  satiri- 
Satyrisar,  va.  to  satirise. 
Satyrlsmó,  sm.  priaoism. 
Sauco,     sm.    cofân-bone    of  a 

horse;  columbine  (aflower). 
Saudação,  sf.  salutation. 
Saudade,  sf.  longing,  great  de- 

sire  of  seemg  an  absent  fríenà; 

columbine  (nower). 
Saudado,  a,   pp.  adj.  saluted, 

Saudador,  sm.  a  saluter. 
Saudante,  sm.  saluting. 
Saudar,  va.  to  salute,  to  greet ; 

to  wish  health.  Saudar-se^  or.  to 

salute  one  another. 
Saudável,  adj.    i.   g.   salutary, 

sound,  wholesome,  good,   use- 

fui,  proíitable. 
Saudavelmente,    adv.  salubri- 

Saúde,  sf.  health,  life,  preserva- 

tion,  safety,  welfare.   Casa  de 

— ,  private  hospital. 
Saudosamente,  adv.  longingly, 

with  impatience. 
Saudoso,  a ,   adj.  longing  to  see 

another,    etc.  Olhos  — «,   lan» 


—  677 


Saveiro,  sm.  a  sort  of  í!sher's 

boat;  the  fisherman. 
Sável,  sm.  alose,  shad. 
Savelha,  sf.  a  little  shad. 
Savica,  sf.  a  piece  of  a  coach. 
Saxatil,    adj.    2    g.     saxatile, 

among  the  rocks  and  stones. 
Saxeo,  a  ,    adj.  stony. 
Saxifragia,  sf.  saxifrage. 
Saxiírago,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  saxi- 

Saxoso,  a,  adj.  full  of  stones. 
Saya,  sf.  Sayom,  sm.  V.  Saia^ 

Saião,  etc. 
Sazão,  sf.  the  state  of  being  sea- 

soned  or  brought  to  maturity. 
Sazoar,  va.  V.  Sazonar. 
Sazoavel,  adj.  i  g.  producible. 
Sazonado,  a,  pp.  adj.  seasoned. 
Sazonar,  va.  to  season,  to  ripen, 

to  temper.  [to  drink  in. 

Soala,   sf.  {anc.)  a  cup  or  vessel 
Scaleno,  adj.  {geom.)  Triangulo 

— ,  scaíenum. 
Soeleradamente,  adv.  wickedly. 
Scelerado,  a,  adj.  wicked. 
Scena,  sf.  a  scene;  the  stage. 
Scenario,  sm.     scenery,  tnea- 

trical  decoration. 
Scenico,  a,  adj.  scenical. 
Scenographia,  sf.  scenography. 
Scenographioaniente,aav.  sce- 

Scenographico,  a,   adj.  sceno- 

Soenographo ,    sm,     scenogra- 

Sceptioamente,  adv.  sceptically. 
Scepticismo,  sm.  scepticism. 
Sceptico,  a,  adj.  sceptical,  scep- 

tic.  [tred. 

Sceptrigero,  a,  adj.  (poet.)  scep- 
Sceptro,  sm.  a  sceptre. 
Schah,  sm.  shah. 
Schelling,  sm.  shilling. 
Schema,  s.  scheme,  plan,  combi- 

Schisma,  sm.  schisni. 
Schismaticamente,  adv.  schis- 

Sohiamatioo,  a,  adj.  schismatic. 
Sohlstico,  a,  adj.  snistic. 
Sofajsto,  sm.  shist,  shistus. 
ScbolaaUoo,  a,  adj.  Scholastic 

I     —  sm.  a  student.  V.  Escholas- 

SchoUo,  sm.  a  schollum. 
Sohorl,  sm.  {min.)  schorl. 
Soiagraphia,  sf.  scia^raphy. 
Soiaterioa,  sf.  sciatencs ;  the  art 

of  dialling. 
Solatlca,  sf.  sciatic,  the  hip-gout. 
Solatico,  a,  adj.  sciatic,  sciatical. 
Solencia,  sf.  science,  learning, 

Sciente,  adj.  2  g.  learned,  scient. 
Scientemente,  adv.  knowingly, 

on  purpose.  [ficíQly. 

Scientificamente,  adv.  scienti- 
Scientifico,    a,    adj.    scientiíic, 

scientiíical,  learned. 
Scilla,  sf.  squill. 
Scillitico,  a,  adj.  of  squills.  Yi- 

negar  — ,  vinegar  of  squills. 
Eksincus,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  a  kind  of 

Sclntilla,  sf.  a  spark  of  âre. 
Scintillação,  sf.  scintillation. 
Sclntillante,  adj.  2  g.  sparkling. 
Scintillantemente,  adtv.  spark- 

lingly.  [to  sparkle. 

ScintUlar,  va.  or  n.  to  scintillate, 
Sciolo,  sm,  a  proud  or  ignorant 

fellow.  [one's  own  shadow. 

Sciomachia,   sf.   fiçhting    with 
Soioptioa,  sf.  scioptics. 
Scioptico,  a,  adj.  pertaining  to 

the    camera    obscura.   —   sm, 

Scirooco,  sm.  sirocco. 
Scirro,  sm.  {med.)  scirrhus.  ^ 

Sclrrosidade,  sf.  scirrhosity. 
Soirroso,  a,  adj.  scirrhous. 
Soisma,  sf.  fear,  apprehension. 
Scismar,  va.  to  understand,  to 

perceive  with  fear,  to  be  vexed. 
Scisniatico,a,  adj.  apprehensive, 

Soiasão,  sf.  scission ;  division. 
Solssura,  sf.  scissure  ;  a  crack. 
Soitale,  Soytale  or  Scsrtal,  sm, 

a  sort  of  serpent. 
Soitosamente,  adv.  on  purpose. 
Sclerotlca,  sf.  {anai.)  Túnica  — , 

the  sclerotica  coaX  c»1^2afò  's^^. 


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—  678  — 


Soopo,  «m.  aim.  scope.  Z>ar  »o — , 
to  hit  the  mark. 

Soorbatico,  a.  aâj.  scorbotic. 

Scordio.  itm.  (bot.)  an  herb  called 

Qootia.  sf.  (arch.)  scotia. 

Sootomia.  sf.  lmed.\  scotomy. 

Bcravoneta,  sf.  (mm.\  the  niby 
before  to  be  polished. 

Scrutinio,  sni.  scrutiny.  V.  Es- 

3e,  eonj.  if,  in  case.  —  vos  vierdes^ 
if  you  conie.  Como  se,  as  if. 

Se,  pron.  conj.  onc*s  seli,  himself, 
herself,  themselves,  itself.  Fa- 
xer-se  mal,  to  hurt  one^s  self. 
Ella  louva-se  a  si  mesma,  she 
praises  herself.  Elles  divertem- 
se,  they  divert  themselves.  Se,  is 
used  impersonally  :  Diz-se  or 
conta-se,  itis  reported,  they  say. 
Offerece-se-mej  it  is  ofTered  to  me. 

Sé,  sf.  see,  the  dignity  or  seat  of 
a  bishop  ;  the  cathedral  chorch 
of  a  City. 

Seara,  sf.  standing  com. 

Seareiro,  sm.  tiller,  husbandman, 

Seba,  sf.  soa  ixreed. 

SebacGo,  a,  culj.  of  or  belonging 
to  the  tfdlow. 

Sebasto,  sm.  the  long  stripe  in 
the  iniddle  of  a  chasuble. 

Sebe,  sf.  hedge,  fence. 

Sebento,  a,  adj.  greasy,  tallo^ry. 

Sebo,  um.  tallow. 

Seboso,  a,  adj.  greasy,  tallo^ry. 

Séoa,  sf.  dryness  ;  a  dry  season  ; 

Seccação,  sf.  drving. 

Seocaxnente,  aáv.  dryly,  coolly. 

Seccante,  adj.  2  g.  tiresome,  te- 
dious.  —  sm.  secant. 

Secção,  sf.  section. 

Seooar,  vn.  to  dry,  to  ensiccate. 
w«.  to  grow  dry,  to  wither,  to 
fade.  Seccar-se,  vr.  to  grow  dry. 

Scr2co,  a,  adj.  dry,  withered; 
(speakÍDg  of  a  reprimand,  etc), 
rough,  tart,  severe,  cutting, 
rude,  peevish. 

Seooo,  sm.  dryness,  dry  grotind. 
Empregar  o  verde  e  o  ~,  to  do 
one'8  utmost.  Dar  em  — ,  to  be  | 

stranded.  Soldada  a  — ,  ynget 

-without  boardiog  or  clothes. 
Seccara,  sf.  dr}'ness,  drougfat. 
Secesso.   sm.  \anc.)    separati<m, 

Secio.  a.  adj.  a  fashionable. 
Secreção,  sf.  secretion. 
Secresto,  sm.  V.  Sequestro. 
Secreta,    sf.    a    privy;     secret 

prayers  said  at  the  altar. 
Secretado,  a,  pp.  adj.  (meei.)  se- 

Secretamente,  adv.  secretly. 
Secretar.  va.  tohide.  to  conceal; 

to  secret.  [writing  desk. 

Secretaria,  sf.  secretar^'ship ;  a 
Secretariar,  va.  and  ii.'to  be  a 

secretar}',  to  write  letters. 
Secretario,  sm.  secretary. 
Secreto,  a,  adj.  secret. 
Secretorio,   a,  adj.   {anat,)  se- 

Seotador,  sm.  a  sectar}-. 
Sectário,  sm.  a  sectary. 
Sectil.  eidj.  2  g.  {min.)  sectile. 
Sector,  sm.  [geom.)  a  sector. 
Sectilar,  adj.  2  g.  secular,  tem- 
poral. —  sm.  a  layman. 
Secularidades,  sf.  pi.  seculari^. 
Secularisação,  sf.  secolarization, 

secularizing.  [larized. 

Secularisado,  a,  pp.  adj,  secu- 
Secularisar,  va.  to  secularize. 
Secularmente,   adv.    secularly. 
Século,  sm.  age,   century.  time  ; 

world.  [darily. 

Secundariamente,  adv.  secon- 
Secondario,  a,  adj.  secondary. 
Secondeiro,   a,    adj.    inferior, 

Secnndinas,  sf.  pi.    the    after- 

birth,  the  placenta.  [sou. 

Secundo-genito,  sm.  the  second 
Secure,  sf.  the  axe.  V.  Segure. 
Seda,  sf.  silk.  —  cruaj  raw  silk. 

—  froxa,  sleeved  silk.  Bicho  dã 

— ,  silk-worm.  As  —s  do  javaU, 

the  bristles  of  a  wild-boar. 
Sedaceiro,  sm.  a  maker  of  lavn 

for  sieves. 
Sedaço,   sm.   lavn  for   sieves; 

boulters  or  seavers. 
Sedai,  adj.  2  g.  Veia  — ,  the  vein 

of  the  anus. 


—  679  — 


Sedalhsi,  sf.  a  ãshing-line. 

Sedar,  va.  to  dress  flax,  to  hackle. 

Sedativo,  a,  adj.  {med.)  sedativo, 

Sede,  sf,  see,  the  seat  of  episco- 
pal power.  A  Santa — ,  Holy  see. 

Sede,  sf.  thirst,  dryness,  drought. 
Uma  —  de  agua,  a  glass  of  vater 
cr  sufficient  to  quench  oiie's 
thirst ;  immoderate  desire. 

Sedear,  va.  to  polish  with  a  bmsh. 

Sedeiro,  sm.  nackle. 

Sedela,  sf,  a  âshing-line  made  of 
biisties.  [ro'\irel. 

Sedenho,  sm,  {surg.)  a  cetun  or 

Sedenteurio,  a,  adj.  sedentary. 

Sedento,  a,  adi,  thirsty,  dry. 

Sedeado,  a,  aaj.  bristly. 

Sedição,  sf,  a  sedition  or  insur- 
rection.  [ly. 

Sediciosaxnente,  adv.  seditious- 

Sedicio«),  a,  adj.  seditious. 

Sediço,  a,  adj.  stale ;  vapid.  Agua 
— a,  stagnant  water. 

Sedimento,  sm.  sediment. 

Sedimentoso,  a,  adj.  dreggy. 

Sedonho,  sm.  a  disease  in  iiogs 
from  bristles  in  the  throat. 

Sedoso,  a,  adj.  bristly. 

SeducçSo,  sf.  seduction. 

Seductor,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  sedaoer, 
a  woman  that  seduces. 

Sedula  or  Cédula,  sf,  a  billet,  a 

Sedolo,  a,  adj.  sedulous. 

Seduzido,  a,  pp.  adj.  seduced. 

Seduzimento,  sm.   seducement. 

Seduzir,  va.  to  seduce,  to  de- 
prave, to  mislead ;  to  deceive, 
to  tempt,  to  win. 

Seduzivel,  adj.  2  g.  seducible. 

See,  sf.  see,  seat.  v.  Sé. 

Seenoa,  sf  entrance,  avenue. 

Sega,  sf.  the  harvest. 

Segado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mowed, 

Segador,  sm.  mower,  reaper. 

Segadoiro,  a,  adj.  ripe,  nt  to  be 

Segão,  sm.  coulter  of  a  plough. 

Segar,  va.  to  roow,  to  reap. 

Segarrega,  sf.  a  sort  of  rattle. 
V .  Cigarra. 

Sege,  sf,  a  two-wheeled  chaáse. 

Segeiro,  sm.  a  coach-maker. 
Segetal,  adj.  2  g.  that  grows  as 

a  corn  íield. 
Segmentai,  adj.  i  g.  (geom.)  seg- 
Segmento,  am.  (geom.)  segment. 
Segredeiro,  a,  adj.  secretist. 
Segredista,  sm.  secretist. 
Segredo,   sm.    secret,    secrecy; 

Segregação,  sf.  segregation. 
Segregado,  a,  pp.    adj.   segre- 

gated.  [secreto. 

Segregar,  va.  to  segregate,  to 
Seguida,  sf.  following. 
Seguidamente,  adv.  in  succes- 

sion,  continuallv. 
SeguidiUias ,  sf.  pi.   a  sort  of 

Spanish  couplets. 
Seguido,  a,  W).  adj.  followed,  fre- 

quented,  coherent. 
Seguidor,  sm.  a  foUower. 
Seguinte,  adj.  2  g.  next,  follow- 
Seguir,  va.  to  follow,  to  attend, 

to  go  after ;  to  imitate.  Seguir' 

se^  vr.  to  follow,  to  come  after. 
Seguito,  sm.  V.  Séquito. 
Segunda,  sf.  {mus.)  a  second ; 

the  second  form  in  a  school. 
Segundado,  a,  pp.  adj.  iterated. 
Segundamente,  adv.  secondly. 
Segundar,  va.  to  iterate,  to  re- 

poat.  [darily. 

Segundariamente,  adv.  secon- 
Segundario,  a,  adj.  secondary... 

V.  Secundário. 
Segundas,  after-birth.  Pão 

de  — ,  bread!^  made  of  barley, 

rye,  etc.  [coin. 

Segundâvo,  sm.  a  small  ancient 
Segundeiro,  a,  adj.  of  or  belong- 

ing  to  a  wind-mill  that  griuds 

Segundo,  a,  pp.  of  Segundar, 

and  adj.  iterated,  repeated. 
Segundo,  a,  adj.  second. 
Segundo,  prep.  according  to.  — 

a  minha  cpinião,  in  my  opinion. 
Segundo,  sm.  a  second,  an  assis- 

tant.  [used  by  coopers. 

Segura,  sf  the  axe  or  hatchet 
Seguração,  sf.  {comm.)  Insurance» 
Segurado,  a,  pp.  adj.  insured. 


—  680  — 


Etogurador,  sm.  an  insurer  or 

Seguramente,  adv.  safely. 

Segurança,  sf.  safety,  surety, 
assurance,  certainty. 

Segurar,  va.  to  assure,  to  ascer- 
tain,  to  assert,  to  insure,  to 
prop,  to  make  íirm.  —  um  navio, 
to  insure  a  ship  ;  to  warrant,  to 

Sromise  a  thing,  to  secure,  to 
Segure,  sf.  the  axe,  the  badge 

of  authority  amonjj  the  Romans. 
Segurelha,   sf.   {bot.)   the   herb 

Seguridade,  sf.  safety,  surety. 
Seguro,  a,  adj.  safe,  secure,  sure. 

Remédio  — ,  an  infallible  remedy. 
Seguro,    sm.    insurance,    assu- 
rance.   Casa    dos    seguros^   an 

insurance  ofíice.  Ir  sobre  seguro^ 

to  go  upon  sure  ground. 
Seiavoga,  sf.  Seiar,  va.  V.  Cia- 

voga,  Ciar,  etc. 
Seiba,  sf,  sap. 
Seidiço,  a,  adj.  V.  Sediço. 
Seio,  sm.  breast,  bosomof  a  man 

or  woman  ;  [marit.)  a  small  bav. 

O  —  da  vela,  the  bight  or  belly 

of  a  sail. 
Seira,  sf.  V.  Ceira. 
Seis,  adj.  num.  six. 
Seisavo,  sm.  a  sixth. 
Seiscentos,    as,   adj.  num.    six 

Seisdobro,  stn.  sextuple. 
Seita,  sf.  a  sect.  [caravcl. 

Seitla,  sf.  a  sort  of  vessel  like  a 
Seitil,  sm.  a  sixth  part  of  a  real. 
Seitosamente,  adv.  deliberately. 
Seitoso,  a,  adj.  treacherous. 
Seiva,  sf.  sap.  Cheio  de  — ,  sappy. 
Seivoso,  a,  adj.  sappy. 
Seixa,  sf.  a  bird  so  calied. 
Seixal,  sm.  a  place  fuU  of  stones. 
SeixatU  or   Saxatil,   adj.  2  g. 

that  is  among  the  rocks. 
Selada,  sf.  V.  Salada. 
Selamim,   sf.    a    dry   measure, 

about  a  peck.  [beef. 

Sele  or  Ssdè,  sm.  salt-meat,  salt- 
Selea,  sf.  a  sledge. 
Selecção,  sf.  selection,  choice. 
Selecta,  sf.  a  class-book  contain- 

inc^  different  passagesof  varions 

Selectivo,  a,  adj.  select. 
Selecto,  a,  adj.  select. 
Selenio,  sm.  {min.)  seleniom. 
Selenites,  sm.  {chem.)  selenite. 
Seleniureto,    sm.    {chem.)    sele- 

niuret.  [p^y* 

Selenographia ,    sf.   seleno^a- 
Selicio,  sm.  hair-cloth.  V.  Cilicio, 
Sella,  sf.  a  saddle. 
Sellada,  sf.   a  narrow   passage 

between  hills.  [sealed, 

Sellado,   a,    pp.    adj.   saddled; 
Selladoiro,  sm.  that  part  of  the 

back   of    a   horse    where   the 

saddle  is  placed. 
Sellador,  sm.  a  sealer. 
SellagÉo,  sm.  a  kind  of  saddle. 
Sellagem,  sf.  the  sealing  on  the 

Sellar,  va.  to  saddle ;  to  seal,  to 

close  with  a  seal. 
Sellaria,  sf.  the  place  or  street 

-where  d-well  the  saddle-makers  ■ 
Selleiro,  sm.  a  saddler. 
Sellim,  sm.  an  English  saddle. 
Sello,   sm.    a   seal.   Levantar  os 

sellosy  {in  law)  to  take  oflf  the 

Selva,  sf.  a  wood,  a  forest. 
Selvagem,    adj.   2   g.    savagc, 

wild  ;  uncivilized.  —  sm.  a  sa- 

Selvageria,  sf.  -wildness. 
Selvagino,    a,   adj.  wild.   Caça 

—a,  "wild  beasts  or  game. 
Selvaticeunente,  adv.  wildly. 
Selvático,  a,  adj.  wild,  of  the 

Selvatiqueza,  sf.  wildness. 
Selvoso,  a,  adi.  woody. 
Sem,  prep.  without.  —  vida^  ■with- 

out  life.  Sem,  is  rendered  into 

English  by  the  particle  less,  as  : 

—  amigos,  friendless. 
Semana,   sf.   a  week.  D^aqui  a 

uma  — ,  this  day  sennight. 
Semanal,  adj.  2  g.  weeKlv. 
Semanalmente,  adv.  weekly. 
Semanário,  a,  adj.  weekly. 
Semblante  or  Sembrante,  «m. 

the  countenance,  aspect. 
Semeação,  sf.  sowing. 


—  681  — 


Semeada,  sf.  a  íield  sown  T^ith 

Semeado,  a,/)p.  adj.  so^n. 
Semeador,  sm.  a  so-wer. 
Semeadoiro,  sm.  an  earth  con- 

venient  for  sowing.^ 
Semeadura,  sf.  sowing  ;  seed  to 

be  sown. 
Semear,  va.  to  sow,  to  scatter 

seed.  —  discórdias,  to  spread,  to 

propagate  enmity. 
Sêmeas,  sf.  pi.  bran,  the  coarse 

part  of  the  wheat. 
Semeavel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may  be 

sowed  or  sown. 
Semedeiro,  sm.  a  by-path. 
Semelha,  sf.  (aTtc.)  nkeness. 
Semelhado,  pp.  adj.  resembled. 

V.  Similhado. 
Semielhança,    sf.  likeness,   re- 

semblance.  V.  Similhança. 
Semelhar,  va.  to  resenible.  V. 

Sémen,  sm.  sperin,  seed. 
Semental,  aãj.  2  g.  of  or  beloncr- 

ing  to  seed.  [abroaa. 

Sementar,  va.  to  sow,  to  spread 
Semente,  sf.  seed. 
Sementeira,    sf.    sowing;    the 

time  of  sowing. 
Sementeiro,   sm.    the  sack   in 

which  the   sower   carries   the 

grain  or  seed. 
Sementilhas,  sf.  pi.  the  seeds 

of  the  soap-wort. 
Semestral,  adj.  2  g.  half-yearly. 
Semestreiro,  a,  adj.  half-yearly. 
Semianime,  adj.  l  g.  half-dead. 
Semibreve,  sf.   (jnus.)   a  semi- 

Semicadaver,  sm.  half-dead. 
Semicapro,  sm.  half  a  goat. 
Semichas,  s.  {anc.)  the  overplus 

in  measure  of  oil  or  wine. 
Semiciroular,  adi.  2  g.  semicir- 
cular, half-round. 
SemicJbrculo,  sm.  semicircle. 
Semicolchea,    sf.   {mus.)  semi- 

quaver.  [columnar. 

Semicolumnar,  adj.  2  g.  semi- 
Semicapio,  sm.  Banho — ,  a  shal- 

low  bath.  [demi-goddess. 

Semidèa  or  Scmideosa,  sf.  a 
Semidetanto,  a,  adj.  half-dead. 

Semideus  or  Semideos,  sm.  a 

demi-god.  [meter. 

Semidiametro ,     sm.     semidia- 
Semidiapasão,  sm.  (mus.)  semi- 

Semidouto,  a,  adj.  half-learned. 
Semlduples ,    adj.    semidouble ; 

—  sm.  {bot.)  a  sort  of  ranun- 

Semifusa,  sf.  (mus.)  semiqnaver. 
Semigola,  sf.  {fort.)  demi-gorge. 
Semihomem,  sm.  half  a  roan. 
Semi-inspiração,   sf.    {mus.)    a 

Semilunio,  sm.  half-moon. 
Semlmedico,  sm.  a  quack  doctor. 
Semimetal,  sm.  semi-metal. 
Semiminima,  sf.  a  crotchet. 
Semimorto,  a,  adj.  half  dead. 
Seminação.  sf.  semination  ;  tha 

ejection  of  sperm. 
Seminal,  adj.  2  g.  seminal. 
Seminar,  va.  to  scatter  about. 
Seminário,  sm.  seroinary. 
Seminário,  a,  adj.  seminal. 
Seminarista,  sf.  a  seminarist. 
Semlnima,  sf.  Imus.)  a  crotchet. 
Semi-nú,  a,  aàj.  an  half  naked 

man  ;  a  ragged  fellow. 
Semipalavra,  sf.  semi-word. 
Semiparente,  adj.  and  s.  'í  g,  & 

kinsman  or  kinswoman. 
Semiorbicular,  adj.  2  g.  semi- 

Semiovado,  a,  adj.  semi-ovate. 
Semipleno,  a,  adj.  half  full. 
Semipoeta,  sm.  a  poetaster. 
Semiprova,  sf.  serai-proof. 
Semiquadrado,  sm.  [astr.)  semi- 

quadrate.  [right. 

Semirecto,  a,  adj.  {geom.)  half 
Semispherico ,   a,    adj.    semi- 

Semita,  sf.  a  foot-path. 
Semitarra,  sf.   a   scymitar.  V. 

Cimitarra.  ftertian. 

Semiterciana,  sf.  and  adj.  semi- 
Semitone,  sm.  {mus.)  semitonc. 
Semitonico,  a,  adj.  semitonic. 
Semitono,  sm.  {mus.)  semitone. 
Semitransparente ,    adj.    2  g. 

Semivogal,  adj.  and  sf,  semi- 
vowel ;  semi-vocal. 

afcjBg^  ■  ■  JlJ  "        ^       "^a^"- 

■riiwiÉii  Pi 


-  682  — 


Semjtistiça,  sf.  injnstice. 
8enm6,  sm.  without  knot. 
Senmamero,  sm.  numberless. 
Semola,  sf.  semonlia. 
Sempar,  adj  2  g.  une^aalled. 
Sempiterno,    a,    adj.    eternal, 

Sempre,  adv.  aiways,  continually, 

perpetually.  De  — ,  in  ali  a  time. 
Semprenoiva  or  SempreviTa, 

sf.  Xbot.)  honse  leek ;  eyergreen. 
Sempreverde,  adj.  2  ff,  ever- 

Bemrazão,  sf.  a  wrong;  an  in- 

jury,  athing  contrary  to  reasoD. 

Fazer  — ,  to  -vrong. 
Semsabor,   adj.   2    g,    insipid, 

Sem8aboria,«/.ta8t6lessiiess,  in- 

Semeai,  adj.  2  g.  that  is  not  sal- 

ted  :  insipid. 
Semvalor,  adj.  2  g.  vnworthj. 
Senado,  sm.  tne  senate. 
Senador,  sm.  a  senator. 
Senal,  2  g.  unwroaght.  — 

sm.  a  sort  of  small  diamond. 
Scmão,  adv.  and  conj.  if  not,  nn- 

less ;    save,  but,    only ;    else, 

except.  Elle  não  faz  nada  — , 

he   aoes    nothing  but.    Senão^ 

Senão,  sm.  a  fault  or  defect.  Não 

ha  pessoa  sem  — ,  every  man  or 

'woman  has  his  defects. 
Senarlo,  sm,  senary,  consisting 

of  six. 
Senas,  sf.  pi.  twa  sices  at  dice. 
Senatorio,  a,  adj.  senatorial. 
Senatoriado,  sm.  senatorship. 
Senatusconsulto,   sm.  senatus- 

consultum;    a    decree   of  the 

Senda,  sf.  a  foot-path. 
Sendal,  sm.  sendal ;  a  íine  gause, 

linen,  ctc,  a  veil.  [jade. 

Sendeiro,    sm.   sorry    horse,   a 
Sene  or  Senne,  sm.  senna. 
Séneca,  sf.  {bot.)  seneka. 
Senescal,  sm.  a  seneschal. 
Sengo,  a,  adj,   {anc.)   prudent, 

Senha,  sf.  the  watch-word. 
Senho,  sm.  frown,  grave  look. 

Senhor,  sm.  a  lord,  a  master; 

sir ;  an  elder. 
Senhora,  sf.  a  lady,  a  mistress ; 

madam.  Nossa  — ,  the  blessed 

Virgen  Mary. 
Senhoreado,  a,  pp.  adj.  govem- 

ed,  subjected. 
Senhoreador,  a,  adj.  that  rales. 
Senhorear,  va.  to  rule.  to  go- 

vem,  to  snbject.  Senhorear-^, 

vr.  to  make  one's  self  raaster 

of.  [power,  dominion. 

Senhoria,  sf.  lordship,  seignory ; 
Senhoriagem,  sf.  seigniorage. 
Senhorial,  adi.  2  g.  belonging 

to  the  lord  oi  a  manor. 
Senhoril,   adj.   2    g.   lord-like, 

lordly ;  {fig.)  handsome. 
Senhorihnente,  adv.  lordly,  im- 

periously.  [dominion. 

Senhorio,  sm.  lordship,  power. 
Senil,  adj.  2  g.  senile,  oelonging 

to  old  age.  [ag®* 

Senilidade,    sf.    seniority,    old 
Seno,  sm.   (geom.)  sine;   {surg.) 

Senreira,  sf  grndge,  spite. 
Sensação,  sf.  sensation. 
Sensato,  a,  adj.  sensible,  consi- 

derate,  rational,  discreet. 
Sensibilidade,  sf.  senslbility. 
Sensiente,   adj.  2  g.  that  has 

sensation.  [bility. 

Sensificar,  va.  to  bring  to  sensi- 
Sensitiva,  sf.  (bot.)  the  sensitivo 

plant;  mimosa  pudica. 
Sensitivo,  a,  adj.  sensitivo ;  sad. 
Sensivel,    adj.  2   g.    sensible; 

touchy,  tender,  nice ;  grievous. 
Sensivelmente,  adv.  sensibly. 
Senso,  sm.  sense,  keenness  of 

perception,   reason;  intellect; 

perception  of  sensations  by  the 

mind.  [sory. 

Sensório,  a,  adj.  sensorial,  seu- 
Sensual,  adj.  2  g.  sensual. 
Sensualidade,  sf.  sensuality. 
Sensualisar,  va.  to  sensualize. 
Sensualismo,  sm.  sensualism. 
Seneualista,  sm.  sensualist. 
Sensualmente,  ado.  sensually. 
Sentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  placed,  set 

down.  [V.  Assentar, 

Sentar,  va.  to  place,  to  set.  down» 


-•  683  — 


Senteal  or  Centeal,  sm.  a  âeld 
of  rye.   . 

Senteio  or  Centeio,  sm.  rye. 

Sentelha,  sf.  a  sparkie. 

Sentelliar,  va.  to  sparkie. 

Sentença  j  sf.  a  sentence,  maxim, 
saying ;  judgraent,  decree,  sen- 
tence.  [tenced,  iudged. 

Sentenciado,  a,  pp.  aaj,  sen- 

Sentenciador,  sm.  one  wno  pro- 
nounces  sentenças. 

Sentenciar,  va.  to  sentence,  to 
condemn.  [tentiously. 

Sentenciosamente ,    adv.   sen- 

Sentencioso,a,  adj.  sententious, 
pithy.  [painfully. 

Sentidamente,  adv.  ^rievously. 

Sentido,  a,  pp.  adj.  grieved. 
Estar  muito  — ,  to  be  full  of 
grief.  —  adj.  stinking. 

Sentido,  sm.  sense,  care,  heed, 
meaning.  Tomar  — ,  to  take 
care.  — !  interj.  {milit.)  take 
care !  [mental. 

Sentimental,   adj.   2  g.   senti- 

Sentimentaliamo ,  sm,  senti- 

Sentimentalmente,  ado.  with 
an  affected  sentiment. 

Sentimento,  sm.  grief,  afâic- 
tion ;  sentiment,  inclination, 
passion;  mind,  opinion,  mean- 
ing, sense;  feeling. 

Sentina,  sf.  the  sink  of  a  ship.  — 
de  peccaaosy  a  sink  of  sins. 

Sentinella,  sf.  a  centinel,  a 

Sentir,  va.  to  feel,  to  be  sensible 
of,  to  discover.  —  o  friOy  to 
feel  the  cold.  —  vn.  to  grieve, 
to  be  concerned,  to  be  sorry; 
to  know,  to  perceive,  to  dis- 
cover. Sentir-sey  vr.  to  feel  one's 
self.  Como  vos  sentis?  how  do 
you  feel  yourself  ? 
Sentir,  sm.  sentiment,  opinion. 
Senzala,  af.  a  houae  \rhere  slaves 

live  in  Brazil. 
Seo,  Soa,  pron.  his,  her.  V.  Seu. 
Seo  or  Seio,  sm.  a  bay  in  the 

SeparaçSo,  sf.  separatíon. 
Separadamumte,  ado,  separate- 

Separado,  a,  pp.  adj,  separated, 

separate,  severed. 
Separador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  separator. 
Separar,  va.  and  n.  to  senarate, 

to  divide,  to  sever;  to  aisjoia. 

—  com  forçãy  to  pluck  asunder. 

Separar-se\  vr.  to  part  with  one. 
Separativo,  a,  adj.  separatory. 
Separatorio,  sm.  {chem.)  sepa- 
Separável,  adj.  2  g.  separable. 
Sepo,  sm.  —  da  ancora^  the  stock 

of  the  anchor. 
Septembro  or  Setembro,  sm. 

september.  [partite, 

Septempartido,  a,  adj.  septem- 
Septemvirato,  sm.  the  authorily 

of  seven  magistrates. 
Septenal,  adj.  2  g.  septennial. 
Septenario,  a,  adj.  septenary.*- 

sm.  a  septensLry. 
Septennio,    sm.   the  lasting  of 

seven  years. 
Septentrião,  sm.  septentrion. 
Septentrional,   adj.  2  g.  nor- 

Septicidade,  sf.  {med.)  septicity. 
Séptico,  a,  adj.  {med.)  septic. 
Septiforme,  adj.  2  g.  seven  forme. 
Septo,  sm.  {anat.  and  bot.)  septum. 
Septuagenário,  a,  adj.  septua^ 

Septuagesima,  sf.  septuagosima. 
Septuagesimo,  a,  adj.  septua- 

Septuplo.  a,  adj.  septuple. 
Sepulchral,  adj.  2  a.  sepulchraL 
Sepulchrario,a,  adj.  sepulchraL 
Sepulohro,  sm.  a  sepnlchre. 
Sepultado,  a,  pp.  adj.  buried. 
Sepultar,    va.  to   bury,  to   se* 

Sepultara,  sf.  a  grave;  sepul- 

ture.  Dar  — ,  to  bury. 
Sequaz,  adj.  2  g.  sequacioos.  •— 

sm,  a  follower. 
Se<iueiro,  sm.  a  bare  place  vith- 

out  com  or  graas;  a  piece  ef 
land  not  watered.  Fruta  de  — , 

fruit  of  an  orchard  not  watered. 
Sequela,  sf.  a  sequei. 
Sequencia,  sf.  a  sequence. 
Sequer,  adv.  at  leaat,  however. 
Nem  ^  um,   is  rendered  Vji  , 




—  684  — 


neveraoi;o.  Forão  todos  mortos 

€  nein  —  ura  escapou,  they  were 

ali   slain  and  never  a  on«  es- 

Seq[uestração,  sf.  sequestration. 
Sequestrado,  a,  pp.  sequestered. 
Sequestrar,    va.    to   sequester, 

to  seize,  to  put  aside.  Segues- 

trar-se,  vr.  to   sequester  one's 

Sequestro,  sm.  sequestration. 
Sequia,  sf.  (jest.)  thirst,  dryness. 
Sequidão,  sf.  roughness,  sever- 

ity.  —  do  espirito^  barrenness  of 

devotion ;  drou^ht,  dryness. 
Sequim,  sm.  secnin,  a  gold  coin. 
Sequinhoso,  a,  adj.  dry  or  with- 

Sequioso,  a,  adj.  thirsty,  dry. 
Séquito,  sm.   attendance,  train, 

retinue.  Te)'  grande  — ,  to  have 

the  vogue. 
Ser,  V.  aux.  irreg.  to  be.  Ser^  signi- 

fies  the  proper  and  inseparable 

essence  of  a  tbing.  —  alto,  to 

be  tall.  V.  Estar. 
Ser,  sm.  being;  the  essence  of 

any  thing. 
Seracotear,  vn.  V.  Saracotear. 
Serafina,  sf.  a  long  ell,  a  sort  of 

Serão,     sm.     evening,     night's 

rendez-vous.  V.  Sarau. 
Seraphicamente,  adv.  in  a  sera- 

phical  manner. 
Seraphico,  a,  adj.  seraphical. 
Seraphim,  sm.  seraph. 
Serapilheira,  sf.  packing  cloth. 
Serasquier,   sm.   a  commander 

in  chief  of  the  Turkish  forces 

in  Europe. 
Serbuno,  a,  adj.  Cavallo  — ,  a 

horse  of  a  deeper  colour  than 

a  stag's  colour. 
Sereia,  sf.  a  mermaid. 
Serenado,   a,  pp.  adi.   cleared 

up ;  set  out  ali  night  m  the  dew. 
Serenamente,     adv.'  serenely, 

Serenar,  va.  to  cheer,  to  calm, 

to  secure.  —  vn.  to  clear  up. 

Pôr  a  serenar,  to  expose  ali  night 

in  the  dew. 
Serenata,  sf.  serenada. 

Serenidade,  sf.  serenity. 
Sereno,  a,  adj.  serene,   clear; 

cheerful,    quiet.     Gota   — a»  a 

drop  serene. 
Sereno,  sm.  serene,  an  unwhole- 

some  vapour  in  hot  countries; 

a  sort  01  mildew,  night  dew. 
Sergenta,  sf.  a  maid-servant. 
Sergente,  sm.  {anc.)  a  servant. 
Sergideiras,  sf.  pi.  leech  lines. 
Sergueiras,  sf.  pí.  a  sort  of  wool 

cloth.  [made  of  wool. 

Serguilha.  sf.  a  sort   of  cloth 
Seriamente,  adv.  seriously. 
Serico,  a,  adj.  silken. 
Serie,  sf.  a  series,  a  continuation ; 

Seriedade,  sf.  seriousness. 
Serilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reeled. 
Serilhar,  va.  to  reel   yam   or 

thread.  [windlass. 

Serilho,  sm.   a  reel;   a  sort  of 
Seringa,  sf.  syringe. 
Seringada,  sf.  the  act  of  inject- 

ing  with  a  syringe. 
Seringado,  a,  pp.  adj.  syringed. 
Seringar,  va.  to  syringe. 
Seringatorio,  sm.  any  medicine 

to  be  injected  by  a  syringe ;  in- 

jection  with  a  syringe. 
Serio,   a,    adj.  serious,    grave, 

Serjir,  va.  to  sew  cloth  so  that 

the  join  in  it  may  not  be  per- 

Sermão,  sm.  a  sermon. 
Sermonario,  sm.  a  book  of  ser- 

mons.  [with  oars. 

Seró,  sm.  a  sort  of  Indian  vessel 
Seroar,  va.  to  work  in  the  even- 
Serôdio,  a,  adj.  late  in  the  sea- 

son,  that  comes  late  in  the  sea- 

Serosidade,  sf.  serosity. 
Seroso,  a,  adj.  serous,  watery. 
Seorotino,  a,  adj.  a  species  of  oat. 
Serpe.  sf.  a  serpent ;  a  bill  hook. 
Serpear  or  Serpe j  ar,  va,  or  ». 

to  go  winding  about. 
Serpejante,  adj.  â  g.  that  goes 

or  follows  winding  about. 
Serpentária,  sf.  {bot.)  saake- 



—  685  — 


Serpente,  sf.  a  serpent,  a  snake. 

—  de  campainhas  i  rattle-snake ; 

{fig.)  a  malicious  person. 
Serpentear,  va.  or  w.  to  go  wind- 

ing  about. 
Serpentiíero,  a,  adj.  that  pro- 

duces  serpents. 
Serpentina,  sf.  {bot.)  serpentine, 

dragon-wort.  —  menor,  tarra- 

fon;    {chem.)     serpentine;     a 
ranched  candlestick. 
Serpentino,  a,  adJ.  serpentine. 

Lingua  —  a,  an  ilf  tongue. 
Serpigo,  sm.  ring-worm. 
SerpiUieira,  sf.  V.  Serapilheira. 
Serpillo,  Serpol  or  Serpão,  sm. 

wild  running  thyme. 
Serra,  sf.  a  saw;  a  sawíish. 
Serradiço,  a,  adi.  Madeira  —a, 

timber  for  builaing. 
Serrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sawed. 
Serrador,  sm.  a  sawyer. 
Serradura,  sf.  sawing ;  sawdust. 
Serrafaçado,  a,  pp.  adi.  scratch- 

ed.  [with  a  knife. 

Serrafaçar,  va.  (jest.)  to  scratch 
Serrafila,  s.  {milit.)  a  soldier  or 

ofíicer  closing  the  tile. 
Serralha,    sf.   {bot.)    the    sow- 

thistle,  wild  or  rag^ed  lettuce. 
Serralhar,  va.  to  work  as  a  lock' 

smith.  [work. 

Serralharia,  sf.  the  lockgmith's 
Serralheiro,  sm.  locksinith. 
Serralho,  sm.  seraglio. 
Serrania ,    sf.    a    mountainous 

country,  a  ridge  of  mountains. 
Serranice ,     sf.     mountaineer's 

Serrstno,  a,  s.  and  adj.  m.  or  /.  a 

mountaineer ;  mountainous. 
Serrar,  va.  to  saw. 
Serraria,    sf.    the    locksmith's 

work  or^trade. 
Serreado*  a,  adj.  that  has  teeth 

as  a  saw. 
Serril,  adj.  2  g.  rustical,  -«^Id. 
Serrilha,  sf.  a  bridle-bit. 
Serrilhar,  va.  to  make  the  ring 

in  a  piece  of  money. 
Serro,  sm,  a  high-mountain. 
Serrote,  tm.  a  hand-saw. 
Sertã,  sf.  a  frying-pan. 
Sertanejo,  a,  aaj.  inland,  inte- 
Partb  I. 

rior;   that  lives  in  the  woods, 
back  woods.  —  sm.  an  islunder. 
Sertão,  sm.  the  interior,  the  in- 
land part  of  the  country,  the 
woods,  back  woods. 
Serva.  sf.  a  woman  servant. 
Servador,  sm.  a  conservator. 
Servar,  va.  {anc.)  to  keep,  to 

Servente,  sm.  and  f.  a  servant. 
Serventia,  sf.  use,  service ;  pas- 

sage,  inlet,  entrance. 
Serventuário,  sm,  a  deputy  or 

Serviçal,  adj.  2  g.  serviceable, 

useful,  offícious. 
Serviçalmente,  acíu. serviceably. 
Servioial,    sm.    one  who   earns 

a  living  by  serving. 
Servicio,  a,  adj.  one  who  earns 

a  living  by  serviu^. 

Serviço  ,   sm.    service ,   labour ; 

passage,  inlet,  entrance,  con- 

veniencv.  —  de  prata,  a  set  of 

silver  plates ;  a  close-stool-pau. 

Estar  de  — ,  {mil.  ^  to  be  on  a  uty. 

Servidão,  sf.  servitude,  bondage. 

Servido,   a,   pp.    adj.    served. 

Ser  — ,  to  please,  to  will,  to  be 

pleased.  Deus  foi  —  de  affligir- 

me,  it  pleased  God  to  aftiict  ine. 

Sou  — ,  1  am  pleased,  it  is  my 

pleasure  ^a  phrase  used  by  the 

king  in  his  aecreesj.  Se  V.  m. 

for  servido  de,  etc.  j  ii  you  please. 

E'  Vm.  — ?  does  it  please  you, 


Servidor,   sm.    servant,    atten- 

dant;  a  close  stool-pan. 
Servidora,  sf.  servant  by  way 
of  compliment ;  a  servant-maid. 
Servil,  adj.  2  g.  servile. 
Servilhas,  sf.  pi.  a  sort  of  light 
leather  shoes.  [pilchards. 

Servilheiro,  sm.  one  who  âshes. 
Servilidade,  sf.  servility,  baso- 
ness.  [vishuess. 

Servilismo,  sm.  servileness,  sla- 
Servilmente,  adv.  servilely. 
Serviola,   sf.    {marit.)  the    cat- 

head  in  a  ship. 
Servir,  va.  to  serve,  to  help,  to 
be  useful,  to  be  in  stead,  to 
throw.  —  de  pedradas,  to  tbròw      ^ 



-   686  — 


«tones.  —  vn.  to  serve,  to  be 
instead  of,  to  be  as.  Este  buraco 
me  serve  de  casa^  this  hole 
serves  me  for  a  house.  Servir- 
te,  vr.  to  make  use  of ;  to  please, 
to  will  or  be  pleased.  Servi- 
vos  assentar-se,  be  pleased  to  sit 

Servo,  sm,  a  servant ;  a  í»lave. 

Serzideira ,  sf,  a  "«roman  vho 
darns.  [drawn. 

Serzido,  a,  pp.  adj.  darned,  íine- 

Serzidor,  sm.  one  -virho  knows  as 
to  dam. 

Serzidura,  sf.  íinedrawing. 

Serzir,  va.  to  darn  or  finedraw. 

Sésamo,  sm.  {hot.)  sesame. 

Seseli,  sm.  {hot.)  a  hart-wort. 

Sesgo,  a,  adj.  {anc.)  twisted, 

Sesma,  sf.  a  sixth  part. 

Sesmarias,  sf.  pi.  distributions 
of  lands.  [lands. 

Sesmieiro,   sm.  a  distributor  of 

Sesmo,  5771.  a  sixth  part. 

Sessão,  sf.  session. 

Sessenta,  adj.  num.  sixty. 

Sessentesimo,  a,  adj,  ord.  six- 

Sessil,  adj.  2  g.  {bot.)  sessUe. 

Sesta,  sf.  a  nap  after  dinner. 

Sestear,  vn.  to  take  a  nap  after 
dinner ;  to  pass  the  heat  of  the 
day  under  a  shade.  [city. 

Sesteiro,  sm.  a  measure  of  capa- 

Sestercio,  sm.  a  coin  among  the 
old  Romans. 

Sêsto,  sm.  {anc.)  order,  measure. 

Sestro,  a,  adj.  sinistrous,  per- 
verse;  sinister.  —  agouro^  a 
bad  omen. 

Sestro,  sm.  a  vice,  a  bad  habit; 
fancy,  humour ;  a  sort  of  tam- 

Sestroso,  a,  or  Sestraoso,  a, 
adj.  {horsé)  vicious,  unruly. 

Sesudamente ,    adv.    seriously, 

Sete,  adj.  num.  seven.  O  —  do 
mez,  the  seventh  of  the  month. 

Setecentos,  as,  adj.  num.  seven 

Sete-estrello,  sm.  the  Plêiades 
called  the  Seven  stars. 

Setemezinho,  a.  adj.  a  seven 
months  child. 

Seteno,  a,  adj.  seventh. 

Setenta,  adj.  num.  seventy. 

Setial,  sm.  a  silken  curtain. 

Setifero,  a,  adj.  bristly. 

Setim,  sm.  satin.  Páo  de  — ,  sort 
of  very  hard  wood.  —  lavrado, 
âgured  satin.  —  papel,  satinet. 

Sétima,  sf.  {mus.)  a  seventh. 

Sétimo,  a,  adj.  ord.  seventh. 

Setinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  satin-like. 

Setinar,  va.  to  make  satin-like. 

Setinoso,  a,  adj.  that  is  satin- 

Setoura,  sf.  a  large  scythe. 

Setra,  sf.  flourish. 

Setrina,  sf.  humour,  fancy. 

Setta,  sf.  an  arro-w,  dart. 

Settada,  sf.  the  -wound  of  an 
arrow.  [arrovs  through. 

Setteira,  sf.  a  loop»hole  to  shoot 

Seu,  Sua,  pron.  poss.  his  own, 
hers,  her  own.  Aquelle  é  o  vosso 
e  este  é  o  — ,  that  is  yours  and 
this  is  his.  Ter  de  — ,  to  have, 
to  possess.  Ter  muito  de  — ,  he 
is  very  rich,  wealthy.  Fazer 
das  suas,  to  play  foolish  tricks. 

Sevadeira,  sf.  V.  Cevadeira. 

Sevadllha,  sf.  {bot.)  white  helle* 

Sevandija,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  any  ill- 
thy  insect.  [V.  Desprezar, 

Sevandijar,     va.     to    disdain. 

Seve,  sf.  a  sepiment  or  hedge. 

Seve  or  Seva,  sf.  sap. 

Severamente,  adv.  severely. 

Severidade,  sf.  severity. 

Severo,  a,  adj.  severe,  sharp. 

Sevicia,  sf.  severity,  crueltv. 

Seviciar,  va.  to  use  111,  to  aouse. 

Sevo,  a,  adj.  cruel,  inhuman. 

Sexagenário,  a,  adj.  sixty.  — 
sm.  a  sexagenary. 

Sexaaesima,  sf.  sexagésima. 

Sexagésima,  a,  adj.  sexagesi- 
mal;  sixtieth. 

Sexangulo,  sm.  hexagon. 

Sexcentesimo,  a,  adj.  sixhun- 
dreth.  [lasting  aix  vears. 

Sexennio,    snu   space   of  timo 

Sexo,  sm.  sex. 

,,  sf.  a  sixth. 


—  687  — 


Sextante,  sm.  a  sextant. 

Sextavado,  a,  adj.  {geom.)  six- 

Seztil.  adj.  2  g.  sextile. 

Sextilha  or  Sextina,  sf^  a  sex- 
tain,  a  stanza. 

Secto,  a,  adj.  ord.  sixth. 

Sextogenitô,  a,  adj.  the  sixth 

Sextuplo,  a,  adj.  sextuple. 

Sexual,  adj.  2  g.  sexual. 

Sexualidade,  sf.  {bot.)  sexualitj. 

Sexualisxno,  sm.  {hot.)  sexual- 

Seyo,  sm.  the  breast.  V.  5eio. 

Sezão.  sf.  the  íit  of  an  agae. 
Sezões,  sf.  pi.  intermittinff  fe- 
vers.  [cioth. 

Sezeno,  a,  adj.  a  sort  of  cotton 

SezoxMitioo,  a.  adj.  abounding 
with  intermitting  fevers. 

Si,  pron,  himself,  herself.  De  — 
mesmo,  by  himself.  —  mesmo, 
one's  self,  himself,  itself.  — 
mesma,  herself,  itself .  S&r  senhor 
de  — ,  to  be  one's  own  mau. 

81,  adv.  {anc.)  yes  V.  Sim. 

SihSL,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  a  cuttle  âsh. 

Sibar,  sm.  a  kind  of  ship. 

Sibilante,  adj.  2  g.  hissing. 

Sibilar,  vn.  to  hiss. 

Sibilo,  sm.  -whistUng. 

Sibylla,  sf.  a  Sybil. 

Sibyllico,  a,  adi.  sybilline.. 

Sibyllino,  a,  aaj.  sybilline^ 

Sibyllismo,  sm.  sibylism. 

Sibyllista,  sm.  sibyllist. 

Sicariato,  sm.  assassiuation. 

Sioario,  sm.  hired  assassin. 

Siccativo,  a,  adj.  siccative. 

Siclo,  sm.  a  shekel. 

Sicrano,  sm.  such  a  one,  quidam. 

Sideração,  sf.  [surg.)  sideration. 

Sidéreo,  a,  adj.  sideral,  sidereal. 

Siderite,  sf.  siderite. 

Sideritis,  sf.  (bot.)  sideristis. 

Siderographia,  sf.  siderography. 

Sideromancia,  sf.  sideromancy. 

Sideroscopio ,  sm.  sideroscope. 

Silra,  sf.  cipher,  zero.  V.  Cifra. 

Sigalho,  sm.  a  small  piece  or  bit. 

Sigano,  sm.  gipsy.  V.  Cigano,  and 

Sigarra,  sm,  V.  Cigarra^ 

Sigillação,  sf.  seal,    mark,  de« 

Sigillado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sealed. 
Sigillar,  va.  to  seal. 
Sigillo,  sm.  seal,  secret.  O  —  da 

confissão,   the   secrecy    due   to 

Signaculo,  sm.  Y.  Sello. 
Signal,  sm.  sign,  mark,  token ; 

earnest  given  in  buying ;  omen, 

presage ;   wonder,   miracle.  — 

em  branco,  a  blank  signed ;  a 

Signalar,  va.  Y.  Assignalar. 
Signatura,  sf.  Y.  Assignatura. 
Signiíero,  sm.  ianc.)  an  ensign. 
Significaçào,  sf.  signification. 
Significado,  a,  pp.   adj.  sig- 
ned. —  sm.  meaning.  [tive. 
Significador,  a,  adj.  si^niôca- 
Significante,  adj.  2  g.  sip^nifying. 
Significar,  va.  to  signify. 
Significativamente,  adv.  si^ni- 

âcantly.  [tive. 

SignificatiTO,  a.  euij.  signiâc»- 
Signo,  sm.  a   sign.  — s   do   zo- 

diaco,  the  signs  of  the  zodiac. 

—  pi.  (mus.)  the  notes  of  the 

Sigralba,  sf.  a  jackdaw,  a  jay. 
Sigurelha,  sf.  Y.  Cigurelha. 
Silenciar,  va.  to  silence,  to  still. 
Silencio,  sm.  stillness.  —  interj. 

hush ! 
Sil^aciossanente,  adv.   silently. 
Silenciosa,  a,  adj.  silent,  still. 
Siler,  sm.  an  osier. 
Silex,  sm.  silex.  silica. 
Silha,  sf  Y.  Cilha. 
Silbão,  sm.  a  side-saddle. 
Silharia,  sf.  mason's  work. 
Silice,  sf.  (bot.)  silice,  silicula. 
Silicifero,  a,  adj.  siliciferous. 
Silicioso,  a,  adj.  silicious. 
Silicio,  sm.  silicium.  Y.  Cilicio. 
Siliqua,  sf.  (bot.)  siliqua. 
Siliquoso,  a.  adi.  sillquous. 
Sillaba,  sf.  syllable ;  prosody.  Y. 

Syllaba  and  derivated. 
Silva,  sf.  a  bramble,  a  bnsh ;  a 

sort  of  poetry.  [bles. 

Silvado,  sm.  a  place  full  of  bram- 
Silvano,  a,  adj.  woody.  ■—  sm.  a 



—  688  — 


Silvão,  sm.  dog-briar. 

Silvar,  vn.  to  whistle,  to  hiss.  — 

va.  to  jerk,  to  whip. 
Silvatico,  a,  adj.  woody. 
Silveira,  sf.  a  bramble.         • 
Silvestre,  adj.  2  a.  wild.  woody. 
Silvo,  sm.  a  whistíe  or  whistling ; 

Silvoso,  a,  adj.  woody. 
Sim,  adv.  yes,  yea.  — sm.  Um — , 

consent.  Sim,  sim,  nãOy  não  — , 

without  ifs  and  ands. 
Simarruba,  sf.  {bot.)  simarruba. 
Símbolo,   sm.  Y.   Symbolo^   and 

Similar,  adj.  2  g.  similar,  like. 
Similarmente,  adv.  similarly. 
Simile,  sm.  similitude. 
Simiilhança,  sf.  similitude. 
Similitudinario,  a,  adj.  simili- 

Simo,  sm.  V.  Cimo. 
Simonia,  sf.  simony. 
Simoniaco,  a,  adj.  simoniac. 
Simonte,  sm.  and  adj.  Tabaco  — , 

snuff  made  of  the  best  leaf. 
Simoun,  sm.  simoon  (wind). 
Simplaoheirão  or  Simpíaoho, 

S7n.  a  simpleton. 
Simples,  adj.  2  g.  simple,  puré, 

sincera,  innocent ;  common,  or- 

dinary,  private,   silly ;   single, 

only,    bare.    Um  —  soldado y  a 

coraraon  soldier. 
Simples  or  Sixnplices,  sm.  pi. 

{bot.)   simples ;   {arch.)  wooden 

arches  on  which  are  supported 

the  arches  in  way  of  construc- 

Simplesmente ,    adv.     plainly, 

simply,  without  omament ;  fool- 

ishlv ;  only. 
Simpieza^  sf.  simplicity. 
Simplicidade,  sf.  simplicity. 
Simplicista,  s.  and  adj.  a  sim- 


Simplificação,  sf.  simplification. 
Simplificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  simpli- 

fied.  fplifies. 

Simplificador,  sm.  one  wno  sim- 
Bimplificar,  va.  to  simplify. 
Simplório,  a,  adj.  credulous ;  a 

Simulação,  sf  sixnuiation. 

Simulacro,   sm.  simulacro  ;    an 

image,  a  resemblance. 
Simuladamente,  adv.  feignedly. 
Simulado,  a,  pp.  adj.   feigned, 

Simulador,  sm.  a  dissembler. 
Simular,  va.  to  feign,  to  stimu- 

late,  to  counterfeit. 
Simultaneamente,  adv.  simul- 

Simultaneidade ,    sf.     simulta- 

Simultâneo,  a,    adj.     simulta- 

neous.  [tiny. 

Sina,  sf.  {anc.)  a  flag  ;  fate,  des- 
Sinsúsaio,  sm.  a  fíne  woven  work. 
Sinal,  sm.  sign,  mark.  Y.  Signal. 
Sinalar,  va.  to  mark,  to   make 

mention  of. 
Sinapisar,  va.  to  put  sinapism  to. 
Sinapismo,  sm.  sinapism. 
Sincar,  vn.  to  mistake. 
Sinceiro,  sm.  Y.  Salgueiro. 
Sinoelos,  sm.  pi.  icicles. 
Sinceramente,  adv.  sincerely. 
Sinceridade,  sf.  sincerity. 
Sincero,  a,  adj.  sincere,  candid, 

Sineiro,  sm.  a  bell-man,  a  bell- 

ringer ;  bell-founder. 
Sineta,  sf.  a  small  beU. 
Sinete,  sm.  a  seal. 
Singel,  sm.  or  Singelada,  sf.  a 

pair.  —  de  bois^  a  voke  of  oxen. 
Singelamente,   adv.    sincerely. 
Singelas  (âs),  adv.  ali  alone. 
Singeleira,  sf.  a  sort  of  fishing- 

Singeleiro,  sm.   a  husbandman 

that  ploughs  with  a  yoke  of 

Singeleza,  sf.  sincerity. 
Singelo,  a,  adj.  simple,  puré; 

that  is  not  properly   ana   de- 

cently  dressed. 
Singradura,  sf.  a  ship's  way. 
Singrante,  adi.ig.  ready  to  sail. 
Singrar,  vn.  (a  sea  term)  to  sail, 

to  navigate.  [single. 

Singular,  adj.  2  g.  singular, 
Singularidade,  sf.  singularity. 
Singularisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sin-i 

Singularisar,  va.  to  singulariíe* 


—  689  — 


Singular isar-se^    vr.   to   render  1 

singular,  to  be  singular. 
Singularmente,  adv.  sin^ularly. 
Sinistramente,  adv.  sinistrous- 

ly,  falsely.  [or  loss. 

Sinistrar,  vn.  to  suffer  dama^e 
Sinistro,  a.  adj.  sinister,  sinis- 

trous,  ieft,  perverse,  unlucky. 

—  sm.  damage,  loss. 
Sino,  sm.  a  bell.   Tanger  um  — , 

to  ring  a  bell.  O  —  de  recolher^ 

the  curfew  bell.  [sinople. 

Sinopera  or  Sinopla,  sf.  sinoper, 
Sinople,  sm.  {herald.)  green,  vert. 
Sintaes  or  Sinteis,  sm.  pi.  (jnar.) 

callipers.  [by  joiners. 

Sintel,  sm.  large  compasses  used 
Sinuosidade,  sf.  sinuosity,  tor- 

tuosity,  ílexure. 
Sinuoso,  a,  adj.  sinuous,  crooked. 
Sinzel,  sm .  a  graver  ;  a  punch  to 

chase  silver ;   a   stone-cutter's 

Sinzelado,  a,  pp.  adj.  engraved. 
Sinzelador,  sm.  engraver. 
Sinzelar,  va.  to  engrave,  to  chase 

Siphão,  sm.  {hvdraul.)  siphon. 
Sipo,  sm.  a  kinaof  American  rush. 
Sipoãl,  sm.  a  wood  of  thorns. 
Sire,  sm.  sir. 
Sirena,  sf.  V.  Sereia. 
Sirenico,  a,  adj.  charming,  en- 

Sirga,  sf.  a  tow  rope.  Ir  á  — ,  to 

be  towed  along. 
Sirgado,  a.  pp.  adj.  towed. 
Sirgar,  va.  to  tow.  [iines. 

Sirgideiras,  sf.  pi.  {marit.)  leech- 
Sirgo,  sm.  a  silk-worm. 
Sirgueiro,  sm.  a  silk-thrower.  — 

de  chapéos,  a   hat-band-maker. 
Siricaia,    sf.    milk  mixed  -with 

eggs,  sugar.  feirl. 

Sirigaita,   sf.   a  restless  cnild, 
Sirio,  sm.  (astr.)  Sirius,  the  dog 

Slrtes,  sm.  pi.  the  flats  in  the  sea. 
Sisa,  sf.  an  excise,  a  sort  of  im- 

positioD.  [tings. 

Sisalhas,  gold-beater's  cut- 
Sisão,  sm.  a  sort  of  fowl. 
Sisar,  va.  to  collect  the  excises ; 

to  steal. 

Siseuro,  sm.  a  sort  of  skirret-root- 
Siseiro,  sm.  an  excise  man. 
Sisgõla,  sf.  a  piece   of  the  har- 

ness  of  a  horse. 
Siso,  sm.  sense,  judgment.  De  — , 

seriously,  in  earnest.  Pôr  a  mão 

de  — ,  to  strike  hard. 
Sisorio,  sm.  seriousness. 
Sistema,  sm,  a  system.  V.  Sys- 

tema.  [bour. 

Sistro,  sm.  a  tamborine,  a  tam- 
Sisudamente,  adv.  seriousl}'. 
Sisudeza,  sf.   seriousness,  gra- 

vity,  modesty. 
Sisudo,  a,  adi.  serious,  grave. 
Sitar.  va.  V.  Situar. 
Sitiado,  a,   pp.  adj.  besieged. 
Sitiador,  sm.  besieger. 
Sitiai,  sm.  the  stool  upon  -which 

the  king  kneels  in  the  church. 
Sitiar,  va.  to  besiege. 
Sitibundo,  a,  adj.  thirsty,  dry. 
Sitio,  sm.  ground,  soil ;  territory ; 

a  siege. 
Sito,  a,  adj.  situated,  placed. 
Sito,  sm.  the  stink  proceeding 

from  mouldiness. 
Situação,  sf.  site,  situatlon. 
Situado,  a,  pp.  adj.  situated. 
Situar,  va.  to  situate,  to  seat. 
Só,  adj.  alone,  lonely ;  sole,  only. 

—  por  íd,  man  to  man. 
Só,  adv.  only,  but,  solely.  Nós  se- 
remos —  três,  we  shall  be  only 

three.     Uma    só   palavra,    but 

one  word. 
Soã.  sf.  the  chine  of  pork. 
Soabrir,  va.  to  open  a  little. 
Soada,  sf.  tone,  sound,  ruraour, 

fame,  report.  [moured. 

Soado,  a,  pp.  adj.  reported,  ru- 
Soagem,  sf.    [bot.)  a  medicinal 

plant  so  called.  [som» 

Soalha,  sf.  a  horse  bell ;  a  tran- 
Soalhar  or  Assoalhar,  va.  to 

plank  or  íloor  with  boards ;  to 

drv  in  the  sun. 
Soalheiro,  sm.  a  sunuy  place,  a 

very  ardant  sun.         [the  floor. 
Soalho  or  Solho,  sm.  pavement. 
Soante,  adj.  2  g.  sounding.  Pro- 
posição mal  — ,    a    scandalous 

proposition.  [wind. 

Soão,  adj.  m.  Vento  —,  the  east 


—  «»  — 


SotorlMi  «A  '«'VTo  *  '^'^^'^  ^  *^>^ 

Sol3*rreo4ar.  r«,  u»  oader-l^íttM;. 

SobcoJ//r.  Wí-  nn4*ír  <x/kfar  cr 

Soheim   «A  ao   a&d^rr  Ujer  of 

Mch^tisfáo,   a,  ;i!p«   <a4(;,    ««per- 

llolM»|ani«nt«,  o^ihr.  «xc^^dío^ly. 
Sob4J0r,  vil.  t/#  ««jp<;ntf>ound/  to 

Sob«|o,  a.  </'//'.  t!%tté!n%ivtt\  ov«r- 
Sobejou,  «r/z,  ///,  r*il'iíiu*tM,  fm'£- 

•obentmider,  v^ .  V,  Subentenda. 
Sok«rranamenta,       a<Í9.      iciv- 

0oh«rania,  «A  Kov«;r«i/;n>^v, 
Soberaniaado,  a,  /j/^  «<(;.  maf- 

Soberaniaar,  va.  to  tnagnify,  to 

ftofaíerano,  «m.  a  w\\vir<ú^ji. 
Soberano,    a,    titlj.  novereign; 

prouíJ,  «xíiííilítnt. 
Soborba,  «/.  prlda,  hauf^htinAss, 

Soberbamente,     a^/v.      (onc. ) 

vlth  prirlM. 
Soberoo,  a,  /i'//.  i)romI,arrogant; 

liifcti.  tnagniíicAnt. 
Soberdlo,  a,  adj.  {anc.)    nupnr- 

Sobfretar,  va.  to  iinder-hirA  a 

Mldjí.  (tho  grave. 

Sobgrave,  mtj.  2  a.  {mus.)  undor 
Uobimonto,    «m.    braofts,    that 

vhicli  holdN  u)»,  ralsing  higher. 
Soblovantar,  va.  to  raise  np. 
Soblinhar,  \m.  to  underline. 
Sobóle,  am,  hud,  ^erm ;  genera- 

tion.  [dia^  nbout  noon. 

Sobolo,   prep,  about  the.  —  meto 


.  «??-  -JKLíC    Jl 

ff.  £>?  — -  orr*r  za^  abnve. 
Sobraçado,  a.  pf.  c4j.  «azi&r 

Scwraçar,  ?c.  *.:«  põi  Tmòer  âM> 

anzi» :  to  r::;p:r;. 
S<ditadado.  a.  /^.  c<(;.  plaiikcd. 

flo^ired.  EdifuavTí  — .  a   iniildii^ 

"wíih  or.^  or  morç  stories. 
Soliradar.  va.  ■  tuDdioç*  to  ma^e 

*mt  or  more  nones  :  to  plaak, 

Ut  floor.  Ta  loft. 

Sobrado.  >r«.  &  fíoor  ap  stairs, 
8<dbrado.  a.  /yp.  adj.  saperfliioiis, 

Sobral.  «TT.  a  for e st  of  cork-trees. 
Sobrançaria,  tf.  a  sboct,  a  me- 

nace.  [over. 

Sobranceiro,   a.    adj.    hanging 
Sobrancelha,  $f.  tfac  bro^v   or 

eve-brow.  [nace. 

Sobranceria,  sf.  a  shout,  a  me- 
Sobrar,  rn.  to  be  snperflaons ;  to 

Sobras,  sf.  pi.  an  overplas. 
Sobre,  prep.  upon  ;  about,  some- 

what.  —   o    áspero  y    somcgrfaat 

rough ;  immediately  after,  be- 

BÍdes.  —  toda^  as  cousas^  ovcr 

ali,  ubovc  ali. 
Sobreaguado,  a,  adj.  overfloved. 
Sobrealcunba.  sf.  a  second,  an- 

other  surname. 
Sobrearco,  sm.  the   lintel^  the 

head-piece  over  a  door. 
Sobreaviso,  sm.  waming,  adver- 

tiscment.  [bard. 

Sobrebalnha,  sf.  a  false  scab- 
Sobreoarga,  sf.  a  surcharge. 
Sobrecarga,  sm.  a  supercargo. 
Sobrecarregado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sur- 

Sobrecarregar,  ua.tosurcharge. 
Sobrecarta,  sf.  a  letter  that  cou 

firms  another  letter. 
Sobrecasaca,  sf.  aa  overcoat. 
Sobreceleste,  adj.  2  g.  celestial, 



—  691  — 


Spbrecenho,  sm,  a  sour  look, 

knitting  of  the  brows. 
Sobreceo,  sm.  the  tester  of  a  bed. 
Sobrechegar,  va.  and  n.  to  ar- 

rive  at  the  same  time. 
Sobrecheio,  a,  adj.  superabund- 

antly  fuU.  [vering. 

Sobrecoberta,  sf.  a  second  co- 
Sobrecu,  sm.  the  rump  of  a  bird. 
Sobrecurva,  sf.  the  curb,  a  dis- 

teinper  in  a  borse's  hinder  lega. 
Sobredental,   adj.  i  g.  that  is 

upon  the  teeth. 
Sobredentee,  sm.  pi.  gag-teeth ; 

wolf  8  teeth. 
Sobredito,  a,  adj.  aforesaid. 
Sobredoirar,  va.  to  gilt  upon. 
Sobreexninente,  adj.  2  g.  over- 

topped,  superior. 
Sobreerguer,  va.  to  raise  some- 

thing  above  another. 
Sobreesperar,  va.  to  expect  a 

long  wnile,  to  wait. 
Sobreestar ,  vn.  to  cease ;  to  delay. 
Sobreexaltar,  va.  to  magnlfy. 
Sobreexcellenoia,    sf.  superex- 

Sobreexcellente,  adj.  2  g.  very 

Sobrehuxnano,  a,  adj,  superhn- 

Sobreiro,  sm.  the  cork-tree. 
Sobrelevado }  a,  pp.  adj.  over- 

Sobrelevar,  va.  and  n.  to  over- 

top,  to  surpass. 
Sobreliminar,    sm.   {fort.)    the 

transom  of  a  drawbridge. 
Sobrelotação,  sf.  ali  that  is  over 

the  calculation  of  the  number 

of  people  or  things. 
Sobremaneira,  adv.  excesstvely. 
Sobremão,   sf   De   — ,    nicelv. 

Obra  de  — ,  a  fine  piece  of  worK. 
Sobrexnaravilbar-se,  vn.  to  be 

extremely  astonished. 
Sobremesa,  sf.  dessert. 
Sobremodo,  adv.  excessively. 
Sobrenadar,  vn.  to  swim  upon. 
Sobrenatural,  adj.  2  g.  super- 
Sobrenome,  sm.  a  sumame. 
Sobrenomeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sur- 


Sobrenomear,  wz.  to  surname. 
Sobrenumeravel,  adj.  2  g.  su- 

Sobreollmr,  va.  to  look  obliquely. 
SobrepeSi^o,  sm.  a  woman^s  lying- 

in  after  delivery. 
Sobrepelliz,  sf.  a  surplice  ;  pre- 

Sobrepensar,  va.   to  meditate, 

to  reflect. 
Sobrepor,  va.  and   irr.  to    set 

upon,  to  put  upon. 
Sobrei>osse,  aav.  Comer  — ,  to 

eat  without  appetite. 
Sobreposto,  a,  pp.  adj.  put  upon. 
Sobrepujança,  «^  excess. 
Sobrepujante,  adj.  2  g.  that  goes 

over,  that  exceeds. 
Sobrepujar,  va.  to  surpass. 
Sobrequillia,  sf.  (in  a  ship)  the 

Sobreronda,  sf.  a  counter-round. 
Sobrerondar,    va,    to   go    the 

Sobresahir,  vn.  to  raise,  to  extol. 
Sobresalente,  adj.  2  g,  supera- 

Sobresaltado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sur- 

prised,  astonished. 
Sobresaltar,  va.  to  surprise. 
Sobresaltear,  va.  to  attack  by 

surprise.  [prise. 

Sobresalto,   sm.  a  sudden  sur- 
Sobresarado,  a,  pp.  adj.  healed 

Sobresarar,"  va.  to  heal  superâ- 

cially,  to  palliate.  [tion. 

Sobresoripto,  sm.  a  superscrip- 
Sobresemear,  va.  to  sow  over 

again.  [to  cease. 

Sobreser,  va.  or  n.  to  supersede. 
Sobrestar,  va.  or  n.  to  supersede, 

to  desist. 
Sobreteima,  adv.  obstinately. 
Sobreterrestre,  adj.  2  g.  upper- 

Sobretoalha,  sf.  a  cloth  that  is 

put  upon  a  table-cloth. 
Sobretudo,  sm.  a  great  coat. 
Sobretudo,  adv.  above  ali. 
Sobreveste,  sf.  an  upper  gar- 

Sobrevestido,  a,  pp'  adj.  put  on 

another  garment. 

T^-^in"  liil 



—  692  — 


SolnreTesUr,  va,  to  put  one  gar- 

ment  over  another, 
Sotoevir,    cn.   to  come   in   tiiO 

mean-whíle ;  to  come  apon  nn- 

a-wares  ;  to  hAppen.   * 
Sobrevista,  «/-  ^^"^  bearer  of  a 

helraet.  [viring,  «nrvivor. 

Sobrevivente,  fl///.  ^^'^  *•  *^''' 
SolHrevivencia,  */.  «tirvivorahíp, 

reversion.  [outlive. 

Sobreviver,  vn.  to  survive,   to 
Sobrevivido,  a,  pp.   adj.   ihat 

has  siir\'ived. 
Sobrexcedente,  adj.  or  s.  tbat 

pa.sse.^  th^  bonnds  of  fítness. 
Sobrexceder,  va.  to  exceed.  to 

surpa.sH.  [excellent. 

Sobrezcellente,  adj.  2  o.  most 
Sobriamente,  adv.  soberlj. 
Sobriedade,  xf.  sobríety,  sober- 

Sobrinha,  xf.  a  niece. 
Sobrinho,  sm.  sl  nephew. 
Sóbrio,  a.  nrlj.  sober,  temperate. 
Sobro,  *m.  th«  cork-tree. 
Sobrosado,   a,    adj.    somexirhat 

Sobstar,  vn.  to  suspendorderonr. 
Soca,  sf.   in  Brazil,  the  prodnc- 

tion  of  the    sagar-cane    after 

havin<r  been  cut.  Não  ter  nem 

— ,  to  De  quite  poor.  fshort. 

Socado,  a,   pp.    adj.  thick  and 
Socalco,  fim.  a  causey,  a  bank. 
Socapa,  fido.  under  pretence. 
Socar,  va.  to  box,  to  crara ;  to 

press  the  load  of  a  gun. 
Socava,  «/*.  a  subterraneons  den. 
Socavar,  va.  to  underdig. 
Sócco,  sm.  a  sock ;  sandals ;  a 

"wooílon  shoe  ;  a  cave,  a  den. 
Socco  or  Soco,  sm.  a  box,  a  blow 

with  the  íist. 
Soccorredor,  a,  adj.  that  suc- 

cours,  relieves. 
Soccorrer,   va.   to    succour,    to 

help,  to  assist. 
Soccorrido,    a.    pp.    adj.    suc- 

coured,  helped. 
Soccorro,    sm.   succour,  relief, 

Soceder,  vn.  V.  Succeder. 
Socega,  sf.  something  to  conci- 

líate  sleep. 

Socegadamente.  adv.  qoietlj. 
Socegado.  a,  pp.  adj.  quiet. 
Socegador,  a.  adj.  and  sm.  or  /. 

that  qaiets  or  caims. 
Socegar,  ta.  to  quiet,  to  cahn, 

to  still.  to  appease.  [ness. 

Socego,    *m.     qaietness,    "calm- 
Sochantre.  «m.  a  anbch&nter. 
Sochantrear,  ra.  to  be  a  snb- 

Sócia.  »f.  a  she-coropaníon. 
Sociabilidade,  sf.  sociableness. 
Social,  adj.  2  g  sociable. 
Socialmente,  adc.  sociallj. 
Sociar.  vn.  to  take  a  partner  in 

trade,  to  go  in  companj. 
Sociável,  adj.  2  g.  sociable,  so- 
cial, [nity. 
Sociedade,  sf.  societj,  oommã- 
Socio,  sm.  a  partner,  a  compa- 

Soçobrado,  a.  pp.  adj.  overset 

as  a  ship  at  sea.  [der. 

Soçobrar,  va.  to    sink,  to  fon- 
Soçobro,  .fm.  foundering. 
Socolhedor,  sm.  {ane.)  a  collec- 

Socolipé,   ado.  Andar  a   — ,  to 

hop.  to  leap  on  one  leg. 
Socotorino,  adj.  m.  Aloé  — ,  sac- 

cotorine  aloés. 
£k>da,  sf.  soda.  [nitj. 

Sodalicio,  sm.  sodality,  frater^ 
Sodomia,  sf.  sodomy. 
Sodomita,  sm.  sodomite. 
Sodomitico,  ^^adj.  sodomitica). 
Soeiras,   sf.  pi.    it   is    said  of 

things  used  to  be  given. 
Soer,  vn.  [anc.)  to  use.  This  verb 

is  only  used  in  the  third  person, 

as  :  elle  soe,  he  is  "vront ;  elles 

soem,  they  are  wont. 
Soerguer,  va.  to  lift,  to  raise  a 

little.  [>ng- 

Sofíredor,  a,  adj.  suífering,  bear- 
Sof frente,  adj.  2  g.  {anc.)  saffer- 


Soffrer,  va.  and  n.  to  suffer.  to 
endure,  to  bear;  to  wink.  to 
tolerate  ;  to  permit,  to  indulge. 

Soffridamente,  adv.  with  pa- 
tience,  patiently. 

Soffrido,  a,  pp.  adj.  suffered, 
endured.  Mal  —_,  stormy. 


—  693  — 


Soffrixnento,  sm.  patience>  toler- 

ation  •,  suíiering. 
Soffrivel,   adj.    2   g.   tolerable, 

indilferent,  supportable. 
Soffrivelmente,  adv.  sufferablv, 

pretty  well.  [work. 

Sofolié,  sm.  a  \70veii  cotton- 
Sofraldar,    va.    to  tuck  upthe 

Sofreada,    sf.   a    check   given 

with  the  bridle. 
Sofreado,  a.  pp.  adj.  checked 

with  the  briule. 
Sofreadura,  5/.  a  check  given 

with  the  bridle.  [bridle. 

Sofrear,  va,  to  check  with  the 
Sofregainente,a</t).  voraciously. 
Sôfrego ,     a,     adj.     voracious, 

greedy ;  jeaious. 
Sofreguidão ,     sf.     greediness, 

Sogeição,  sf.  V.  Sujeição^  Sujei- 
tar aud  derivated. 
Sogra,  sf.  a  mother-in-law. 
Sogro,  sm.  a  father-in  law. 
Soiça,  sf.  {anc.)  an  imitation;  the 

military  exercise. 
Soido,  s)n.    sound,    a    shrill  or 

sharp  sound.  [place. 

Sojorno,  sm.  (anc.)  a  dwelling- 
Sojugar,  ta.    V.   Subjugar  and 

Sol,  sm.  the  sun  :  a  day.  Soes, 

days.   Solcius,   solar  eclii)se.  O 

nascer  do    — ,   the    sun-rising. 

Gira    — ,   {bot.)    sun-flower.  — 

{music.)  a  nota  of  the  gamut. 
Sol,  adv.  {anc.)  only. 
Sola,  sf.  —  do  pé,  lhe  sole  of  the 

foot ;  leather,  hide. 
Solaçoso,  a,  adj.  {anc.)  pleasant, 

Solão,  svi.  solation,  comfort- 
Solapa,  sf.  an  undermining. 
Solapadsúnente,  adv.  secretly. 
Solapado,    a,   pp.    adj.  under- 

mined,  hidden. 
Solapar,    va.  to  undermine,   to 

dig  under. 
Solar,  adj.  2  g.  solar. 
Solar,  sm.  the  ancient  mansion- 

housô  of  a  family. 
Solar,  va.  to  sole.  —  um  par  de 

sapatos^  to  sole  a  pair  of  shoes. 

Solarengro,  a,  adj.  bclonging  to 
the  family  or  mansion-house. 

Solariego,  a,  adj.  belonglng  to 
the  family  or  mansion-house. 

Solário,  sm.  V.  Soalheiro. 

Solas  (a),  adv.  ali  alone ;  aside. 

Solavanco,  sm.  a  shaking  or 

Solda,  sf.  solder  or  soder. 

Soldada,  sf.  servanfs  wagfes. 

Soldadeiro,  a,  sm.  or  f.  one  who 
agrees  in  a  work  or  serviço 
for  a  recompense  or  satisíac- 

Soldadesca,  sf.  soldiery. 

Soldadesco,  a,  adj.  pertainiug 
to  a  soldier  ;  military. 

Soldado,  S7n.  a  soldier. 

Soldado,  a,  pp.  adj.  soldered. 

Soldador,  sm.  soldercr. 

Soldadura,  sf.  soldering. 

Soldanella,  sf  {bot.)  the  herb 

Soldâo  or  Sultão,  sm.  a  sultan. 
A  flor  do  — ,  {bot.)  sultan-íiower. 

Soldar,  va.  to  solder  or  sodder. 
vn.  {fig.)  to  unite,  to  be  united. 

Soldares,  sm.  or  f  {anc.)  a  rope. 

Soldo,  sm.  soldier's  pay ;  an  an- 
cient Portuguese  coin. 

Solecismo,  sm.  a  solecism. 

Soledade,  sf.  a  solitary  place,  a 
desert ;  solitude.  [door. 

Soleira,  sf.  the  threshold'of  a 

Solexune,  adj.  2  g.  solemn,  pom- 

Solexnnemente,  adv.  solomnly. 

Solexnnidade,  sf.  soloumity,  so- 
lemness.  [tion. 

Solemnisação,    sf.    solemniza- 

Solemnisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  so- 

Solemnlsar,  va.  to  soleranize. 

Solercia,  sf.  quickness  of  wit, 
shrewdness.  [cious. 

Solerte,  adj.  2  ç.  shrewd,  mali- 

Soletrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  spelt. 

Soletrar,  va.  to  speíi. 

Solevantar,  va.  to  lift. 

Solevar,  va.  to  raise,  to  lift. 

Solfa,  sf  the  notes  of  music. 
Pór  uma  cantiga  em  — ,  to  set  a 
song  to  music. 

SolfadOf  SLtPp.adj.  glued. 




—  694  — 


tEk>lfar,  va.  to  bind  up  bookt ;  to 

plue  together. 
Solfejar,  va.  to  sing^  bv  notes. 
Solfejo,     sm.    the    soí-faing   or 

exercíses   for     leaming  vocal 

Solfista,  sm.   he  vho  sin^  by 

notes ;  a  composer  of  music. 
Solha,  sf.  a  sole  (íish). 
Solhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  planked. 
Solhadura,  sf.  groundsel. 
Solhar,  vn.  to  floor  with  boards. 
Solheiro,  a,  adj.  a  warm  suddj 

Solho,    sm.  a  sturgeon.  Solhos^ 

sm.  pi.  an  ancient  piece  of  ar- 

Solicitação,  sf.  solicitation. 
Solicitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  solicited. 
Solicitador,  sm.  a  solicitor. 
Solicitamente,  adv.  solicitously. 
Solicitante,  adj.  2  g.  soliciting. 
Solicitar,    va.    to  soltcit,  to  in- 

treat ;  to  urge,  to  tempt. 
Solicito,  a,   adj.  Rolicitous. 
Solicitude,    sf.    solicitude,   an- 

xiety.  [ted. 

Solidado,  a,  pp.  adj.  consolida- 
Solidamente,  adv.  solidly. 
Solidão,  sf.  a  solitude,  a  desert. 
Solidar,    va.  to  mako    solid,  to 

consolidate,  to  strengthen. 
Solidariamente,    adv.    for  the 

whole.  ali  together. 
Solidariedade,  sf.  {in  law)  being 

bound,  binding.  [whole. 

Solidário,  a,  adj.  bound  for  the 
Solideo,  sm.  calotte. 
Solidez,  sf.  solidity,  density. 
Solidificação,  sf  solidiâcation. 
Solidificar,  va.  to  solidify. 
Solido,   a,   adj.   solid ;  hard.    — 

sm.  a  solid.  [gous. 

Solifugo,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  lucifu- 
Soliloquio,  sm.  a  soliloquy. 
Solimão,  sm.  {chem.)   corrosive 

sublimate ;  mercury. 
Solinhadeira,  sf.  an  instrument 

to  cut  stone  in  the  quarries. 
Solinhar,  va.  to  cut  stone. 
Sólio,  sm.  a  throne. 
Solipede,  adj.  and  s.  soliped  or 

solipede.  [tsenia. 

Solitária,  sf.  the  solitary  worm ; 

Solitariamente,  ado.  solitarilj. 
Solitário,  a,  adj.  solitary,  Icmelv. 
Solitário,  sm.  a  hermit;  a  sou- 

Solito.  a,  adj.  accustomed,  osed. 
Solitude,  sf.  solitariness. 
Solo,  sm.  çround,  soil;  (miu.)  solo, 

that  is  smgle. 
Sol-posto,   sm.  the  sun-setting. 
Solsticdal,  adj.  2  g.  {astr.)  aoí~ 

Solsticio,  sm.  {astron.)  solstice. 
Soltado,  a,  pp.  adj.  let   loose, 

Soltador,  sm.  one  "who  releases. 
Soltamente,  adv.  loosely,  freely. 
Soltar,  va.  to  let  go.  to  release ; 

to  dismiss  out  of  prisoo.  Soltar- 

sCy  vr.  to  get  or  break  loose. 
Soltas,  sf.  pi.  fetters  for  horses 

Solteiramente,  ado.  speedily. 
Solteiro,  a,  adj.   and  s.  unmar- 

ried  man  or  woman ;  bachelor. 
Solto,  a,  pp.  adj.  released,  loose. 

Vida — a,  alicentiouslife.  Somno 

— ,  profound' sleep.    Verso    — , 

blank  verse. 
Soltura,  sf.  licentiousness.  —  de 

ventre,  looseness.  [bility. 

Solubilidade,  sf.  {chem.)  solu- 
Solução,  sf.   a  solution.    —  {in 

law)  payment. 
Soluçar,  vn.    to   sob    often,  to 

hiccup.  —   a   nau,    to   float  in 

rough  water. 
Soluço,  sm.  a  sob,  hiccuç. 
Soluçoso.  a,  adj.    sobbmg,  ac- 

companied  vfiui  sobs. 
Solutivo,  a,  adj.  solutive. 
Soluto,  a,  adj.  solute.  loose. 
Solúvel,  adj.   2  g.  soluble,  sol- 

Solvabilidade,  sf  solvability. 
Solvavel,  adi.  2  g.  solvable. 
Solvente,  adj.  2  g.  solving,  sol- 

Solver,  va.  to  solve,  to   explain, 

to  clear;  to  dissolve,  to  melt. 
Solvido,  a,p/>.  adj.  solved. 
Som,  sm.   sound.  Em  — depas, 

friendly.  Ao  — ,  according. 
Soma,    adv.    {anc.)    Em  — ,    in 

short,  to  sum  up  ali. 


—  695  — 


Soxnatologia,  sf.  somatology. 
Sombra,  sf.  shade ;  shadow ;  fa- 

vour,  protection ;  ghost,  spirit. 

Tudo  lhe  faz  — ,  he  takes  um- 

brage  at  every  thinç. 
Sombreado,  a«  pp.  aaj.  shaded. 
Sombrear,  va.  and  n.  to  shade, 

to  shadow.  [jasmine. 

Somiireira,  sf.  [bot.)  a  sort  of 
Sombreiro,  sm.  a  shadv  place ; 

a  hat-maker;  hat.  V.  Cneqtéo. 
Somíbrio,  a,  adj.    shady,  sour, 

sullen.  [my. 

Sombroso,  a.   adj.  shady,  gloo- 
Somelro,    sm.  the   winter   and 

head  of  a  printer's  press. 
Somienos,  adj.  2  g.  oflittle  worth. 
Somente,  adv.  only,  singly. 
Somerger,  va.  V.  Submergir. 
Somitegaria,  sf.  stínginess,  ava- 

rice,  covetousness. 
Somitego    or    Somitigo,    adj. 

stingy,  avaricious ;  sodomitical. 
Somma,  sf.  asum,    amount.    — 

total,  the  whole. 
Sommado,  a,  pp.  adj.  summed, 

added  together. 
Sommar,  va.  to  sum,  to  castup, 

to  compnte.  [bulism. 

Somnaxobulisxno,  sm.  somnam- 
Somnambulo,  a,  s.  and  adj.  m. 

or  f.  soranambule. 
Somnifero,  a,  adj.  somniferrms. 
Somniflco,     a,     adj.    somnific, 

causing  sleep. 
Somno,  sm.  sleep,  rest,  repose. 

Ter  — ,  to  be  sleepy. 
Somnolencia,  sf.  somnolency. 
SooDinolento,  a,  adj.  somnolent, 

sleepy.       ^ 
Sonante,  adj.  2  g.  sonorous. 
Sonata,  sf.  sonata. 
Sonda,    sf.    a  sounding-lead,  a 

plummet;  a   8urgeon's    probe. 

Andar  com  a  •—  na  mão^  ifig.) 

to  go  waríly  to  work. 
Sondado,  a,  pp^  adj.  sounded. 
Sondar,  va.  to  sound  the   depth 

ofwaters,    to    sift;   {svrg.)   to 

probe,  to  search.  [lead. 

Sondareza,    sf.   the   sounding- 
Sonegado,  a,  pp.  adj.  concealed, 

stolen.  [cealer. 

Sonegador,  a,  sm,  or  f.  a  con- 

Sondgam^Qto,   sm.  the  act  of 

Sonegar,  va.  to  conceal  lande 

or  goodg  of  any  kind. 
Sonetear,   vo.    or  n.    {jest.)  to 

recite  sonnets,  to  sonnet. 
Sonetista,  sm.  a  sonneteer. 
Soneto,  sm.  a  sonnet. 
Sonhado,  3.,pp.  adj.  dreamed. 
Sonhador,  sm.  a  dreamer. 
Sonhar,  va.  and  n.  to  dream. 
Sonho,  sm.  a  dream. 
Sonido,  sm.  a  sound. 
Sono,  sm.  sleep,  rest.   V.  Somno. 
Sonolência,  sf.    sleepiness,  Y. 

Sonolento,  a,  adj.  sleepy. 
Sonometro,  sm.  sonometer. 
Sonoramente,  adv.  sonorously. 
Sonoridade,  sf.  sonorousness. 
Sonoro,  a,  adj.  sonorous. 
Sonoroso,    a,    adj.    melodious, 

ScxQOute,   sf.  (anc.)  crepúsculo, 

Sonsa  or  Sonsice,  sf.  slyness. 
Sonso,  a,  adj.  sly. 
Sonsonete,  sm.  prosody,  the  true 

accent  of  a  language. 
Sopa,  ^f.  8op,  soup,  pottage. 
Sopão,   sm.  (jest.)  drunkard.  V. 

Sopapo,  sm.  a  slap  on  the  cheeks. 
Sopé,  adv.  loc.  under  foot. 
Sopeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  stinted. 
Sopeador,  a,  adj.  and  sm.  or  f. 

tnat  appeases  or  represses. 
Sopear,   va.   to    appease,  to  re- 

press,  to  stint.  [in. 

Sopeira,  sf.  a  terrine  to  put  soup 
Sopesado,  a,pp.  adj.  brandish^d. 
Sopesar,  va.  to  brandish.  Sope- 

sar-se^     w.    to    hang   exact^ 

levei,  to  equilibrate. 
Sopeso,  sm.    the  act    of  brao- 

Sopetear,  vn.  to  sop. 
Sophisma,  sm.  a  sophism. 
Sephismar,  va.  to  conceal  under 

sophistical  reasoning. 
Sopnista,  sm.  a  sophist. 
Sophjsteria  or  Sophistaria,  sf. 

sophistry.  [tion, 

Sophistioação,    sf.    sophistioa- 


—  696  — 


Sophisticado,  a,  pp.  adj.  so- 
phisticated.  [tically. 

Sophisticamente,  adv.   sophis- 

Sophisticar,  va.  to  sophisticate. 

Sophistico,  a,  adj.  sophistic, 

Sopitado,  a,  pp.  adi.  asleep. 

Sopitar.  va.  to  lull  asleep,  to 
make  sleep. 

Sopito,  a,  adj.  laid  to  sleep. 

Soporifero,  a,  adj.  soporiterous. 

Soporifico,  a,  adj.  soporiâc. 

Soporisar,  va.  to  soporate. 

Soporoso,  a,  adj.  sleepy,  drow- 

Soportamento ,     sm.    support, 

Soportar,  va.  Y.  Supportar  and 

Soprado,  a,pp.  adj.  blowed. 
Soprar,  va.  to  blow.  V.  Assoprar. 
Sopresado,    a.  pp.    adj.  taken. 

Navio  — ,  a  prize. 
Sopresar,  va.  to  surprise  —  um 

navio,  to  make  prize  of  an  ene- 

my's  ship. 
Soprior,  sm.  a  sub-prior. 
Soprioreza,  sf.  a  sub-prioress. 
Sopro,  sm.  the   act  of  blowing, 

breath.  Instrumentos  de  — ,  wind 

Soqueixado,    a,   adj.    that  has 

the  chin  A^rapt  up  in  a  towel, 

Soqueixo,  sm.  under  the  chin. 
Soquete,   sin.   a  piece   of  \^ood 

made  exactly  to  At  the  mouth 

of  a  cannon. 
Soquetear,  va.  to  press  the  load 

of  cannon  with  a  soquete. 
Soquir  or  Suquir,  va.  {j^st.)  to 

eat  in  secret.  [nuns. 

Sor,  sf.  sister ;   a  title  given   to 
Sordidamente,  adv.  sordidly. 
Sordidez  or  Sordideza,  sf.  sor- 

didness,  meanness. 
Sórdido,  a,  adj.  sordid,  dirty. 
Sordir,  vn.  to  rise  upon  water, 

to  come  up,  to   rise   from  tíxe 

sea.  V.  Surdir. 
Soma,  sf.  heaviness,  slowness. 

Um  —,  sm.    a  lazy,   indolent 

Somar,  go  slowly. 

Someiro,  a,  adj.  a  slothful  man. 
Soro,  sm.  whey.  [tree. 

Soromenho,    sm.    a  -wild  pear- 
Soror,  sf.  sister.  V.  Sor. 
Sorosidade,  sf.  serosity. 
Soroso,    a,  or  Seroso,  a,    adj. 

wheyey,  serous. 
Sorprender,  va.  to  surprise. 
Sorprendido,    a,  pp.  adj.   sur- 

Sorpresa,  sf.  surprisal,  surprise. 
Sorpreso,  a,pp.  adj.  surprised. 
Sorrabar,  va.  to  fawn,  to  court 

Sorrateiro,  a,  adj.  crafty,  cun- 

ning,  sneaking. 
Sorrelfa,  sf.  dissimulation,  h^^po- 

Sorrir,  vn.   and  Sorrir- se^  vr.  to 

smile.  —  loucamente^  to  giggle. 

—  maliciosamente,  to  snicker. 
Sorriso^  sm.  a  smile  :  sueer. 
Sorte,    sf.     fate,   lot,    chance; 

sort,  kind,  manner. 
Sorteação,  sf.  assortment. 
Sorteadamente,  adv.  by  chance. 
Sorteado,  a,  pp.  adj.  furnished ; 

stocked;  sorted. 
Sorteador,  sm.  a  caster  of  lots. 
Sortear,  vn.  to  furnish,  to  stock, 

to  sort,   to  match.   —  to  cast 

Sorteio,  sm.  assortment. 
Sortida,  sf.  {milit.)  a  sally. 
Sortido,  a,     pp.  adj.  furnished 

"with  goods. 
Sortija,  sf  a  ring.  V.  Sortilha. 
Sortilégio,  sm.  a  sortilege,  sor- 

cery.  [sortileges. 

Sortilego,  a,   adj.   that  malces 
Sortilha,  sf.  a  ring.  Correr  — í» 

to  ride  at  the  ring. 
Sortimento,  sm.  assortment. 
Sortir,    va.  to     make     lots    or 

goods.  —   effeito,  to  take    off 

efl'ect,    Sortir-se.   vr.    is    for  a 

merchant     to   furnish   himself 

with  goods.  [sullen. 

Sorumbático,  a,  adj.  sad,  sour, 
Sorva,  sf.  service-berry. 
Sorvado,  a,  pp.  adj.  very  soft, 

nearly  rotten  (fruits). 
Sorvar,  va.    to  make  soft.  Sor- 
I     var-se^  vr.  to  grow  soften* 



—  697  — 


Sorvedoiro,    sm.      abyss,   pit; 

gulph.  V.  Voragem. 
Sorvedura,  sf.   the  act  of  sip- 

Sorver,  va.  to  sip,  to  absorb. 
Sorvete,  sm.  ice,  ice-cream. 
Sorveteira ,    sf.     a    tin-vessel 

where  ice-creams  are  made. 
Sorvido,  Si,  PP'  adj.  sipped. 
Sorvo,. sm.  asipping,  sip. 
Soslaio,  sm.  Ao  — ,  slopingly. 
Sospeitar,  va.  V.  Suspoitar  and 

Sosquinado,  9.,pp.  adj.  inclined. 
Sosqulnar,  va.  to  incline. 
Sosso,    a,    adj.     released,     let 

Sossobrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  overset 

as  a  ship  at  sea.  [sink. 

Sossobrar,  vn.  to  overset,  to 
Sossobro,  S7n.  the  act  of  sinking. 
Sostentar,  va.  V.  Sustentar  and 

Soster  or   Suster,  va.  to  sus- 

tain,  to  support.   Soster-se,  vr. 

to  bear  up,  to  keep  one's  self 

Sostido,  a,  pp.  adj.  sustained. 
Sostixnento,  sm.  tne  act  of  sus- 
tai ning.  [filth. 
Sostra,    sf.  a    crust  of  dirt  or 
Sota,  sf.  (at  cards)  the  queen. 
Sota.   sm.    a  postilion.   —  almi- 
rante, a  rear-admiral,  —  capi- 
tão, a  vice-adniiral. 
Sota,  adv.  loc.  under,  beneath. 
Sotana  or  Sotaina,  sf.  a   cas- 

Sótão,  sm.  a  room  on  the  lo^er 

tloor  of  a  house. 
Sotapiloto,  sm.  the  under  pilot. 
Sotaque,  sm.  a  repartee. 
Sotaventado,  a,  or  Sotaven- 

teado,  a.  pp.  adj.  {a  sea  tenn) 

drove  to  the  leeward. 
Sotaventear,  va.   to   drive    to 

the  leeward. 
Sotavento,  sm.  the  leeward. 
Soterrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  put  under 

Soterramento,  sm.   the  act  cf 

putting  under  ground. 
Soterrar,  va.  to  put  under  ground. 
Soto,  T^p.  under. 

'  Sotopôr.  va.  to  put  under. 
Sotoposto,  a,  pp.  adj.  put  under; 

obliged,  subject,  liable. 
Sotrancão,  sm.  onc  that  aífects 

a  suilen  countenance. 
Sotrancar,    va.   to  enclose,  to 

Soturno,  a,  adj.  suUen,   satur- 

nine,  dull,  downcast.  Dia  — ,  a 

heavy,  sultry,  clowdy  day. 
Soturno,  sm.  dull,  dark,  "heavy 

Souto,  sm.  a  thicket,  a  wood  of 

Sova,  sf.  a  cudgelling.  [pit. 

Sovaco  or  Sobaco,  sm.  the  arin- 
Sovado,  a,  pp.  adj.  kneaded  as 

Sovadura,  sf.  kneadingofdough. 
Sovar,  va.  to  knead,  to  mould. 
Sovela,  sf.  an  awl. 
Sovelada,  sf.  a  push  with  an  awl. 
Soveleiro,  sm.  awl-maker. 
Soveral,  sm.   a  grove  of  cork- 

Sovereiro,  5m.  V.  Sobro. 
Sovertedor,  a.  adj.  and  sm.  or 

f.  that  subverts. 
Soverter,  va.  V.  Subverter  and 

Sovina,   sf.   a   wooden   pin  ;   a 

dove-tail.  [wretch. 

Sovina,  sm.  a  miser,  a  covetous 
Sovinada,  sf.  a  prick  with  au 

awl.  [to  vex. 

Sovinar,  va.  to  prick,  to  molest, 
Sovinaria,  sf.  shabbiuess,  ava- 

Sozinho,  a,  adj.  alone. 
Spatho,   sm.   íio   are  called  the 

foliated  minerais  that  are  fouiid 

into  the  mines. 
Sperma,  sf.  sperm. 
Spermaceti,  sm.  spermaceti. 
Sphacelo,  .^m.  {mea.)  sphacelus. 
Sphenoidal,  adj.  2  g.  sphenoid. 
Sphenoide,  s.  (a/ia^)  sphenoides. 
Sphera,  sf.  sphere.  [ly. 

Sphericamente,  adv.  spherical- 
Spherico,   a,     adj.    spherical, 

Spneroide,  sm.  (geom.)  a  body 

approaching  to  a  sphere. 
Spneroidal,  adj.  2  g.  spheroidic. 





—  6M  — 


Sphinoter,  sm.  {anat.)  sphincter. 

Splenalgia,  sf.  \med.)  a  pain  in 
the  spleen. 

Splenico,  a.  adj.  xplenic. 

Spontaneo,  a,  adj.  spontaneoas. 
V.  Expontâneo. 

Sportuias.  sf.  pi.  certain  fees  of 
law.  V.  E^ortulas. 

Spnrco,  a.  adj.  unclean.  íilthy. 

Staff U.  sf.  a  lasb,  a  \irhip. 

Stalactite,  sf.  stalactite. 

Staphyloma,  sf.  (surg.)  sU^hj- 

Stase,  sf.  (med.)  stasis. 

Stathoudér,  sm.  a  stadt-holder. 

Stearina,  sf.  stearine. 

Steatitico.  a.  adj.  steatitic. 

Stellio  or  Estelllâo,  sm.  a  spot- 
ted  lizard.  stellion. 

Stenographia ,  Stemutação , 
etc.  V.  E stenographia^  Estemu- 
tacão  and  derivated. 

8tereot3rpar,  va.  to  stereotype. 

Stereot3rpia,  sf.  stereotypin^. 

Stimulante,  adj.  2  g.  stimolating. 
V.  Estimulante. 

Stoicismo,  sm.  stoicism. 

Stoxnatico,  a,  adj.  stomachic. 

Stratagema .  Stratiiicação , 
Strepito.  V.  Estratagema,  Es- 
tratificação, Estrépito  and  deri- 
vated.  '  [strict. 

Stricto,  a,  or  Estricto,  a.  adj. 

Stridor,  sm.  a  crack,  a  noise. 

Strige,  sf.  the  screech-owl. 

Structnra,  sf.  structure,  form. 

Stolto,  a,  adj.  foolish. 

Stultiloquio ,  sm.  stultiloquy , 
idle  fadk.  ^^ 

Styga,  sf.  the  Styx. 

Styglo,  a,  adj.  Stygian. 

Stjrptlco,  a,  adj.  {med.)  styptic. 

Sua,  pron.  f.  of  Seu,  Seu  or  sua 
d^elle,  his  own.  Sua  or  seu  d^ellãy 
her  own.  V.  Seu. 

Suadir,  va.  to  persuade. 

Suado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sweatjXf  i^eírá 

Suadoiro,  sm.  a  sndorific. 

Suador,  a,  s.  and  ac^'.  m.  or  f. 

Suar,  vn.  to  sweat ;  to  labour. 

Suarento,  a»  adj.  sweaty. 
V.  Suado. 

Saai^vo.  a,  adj.  fit  to  persuade. 
Suasório,  a.  adj.  persuasive. 
Suave,  adj  2  g.  sweet.  pleasteDt. 

soft,  smooth.  [pleasantlj. 

Suavemente ,  adc.  sweetljr , 
Suavidade,  sf.   suavitv,  sireet- 

Suavisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  s\reetened. 
Suaviaar,  va.  to  m£^e  s-vreet,  to 

s-vreeten,  to  appease.  to  caha. 
Subaltema^U>,  sf.  the  state  of 

one    that    is    under    anothers 

Subalternado,  a.    and  Subal- 
terno, a,  adj.  subaltem. 
Subalternar,  va.  and  n.  to  sub- 

Subcessivo,  a,   adi.  too  muck. 

that  is  over  and  aoove. 
Subcinericio ,    a .    adj.    baked 

under  the  ashes.  [ous. 

Subcutâneo,  a,  adj.  subcutane- 
Subdelegação,  sf.  subdelegation. 
Subdelegado,  a,  pp.  adj.  subde- 

legated.  [delegates. 

Subd^egante,  adj.  2  g.  that  sub- 
Subdelegar,  va.  to  siibdelegate. 
Subdelegavel,    adj.   ±   g.   that 

may  be  delegated.  [ship. 

Subdiaconato,  sm.   subdeacon- 
Subdiaoono,  sm.  a  subdeacon. 
Súbdito,  a,  adj.  subjected. 
Súbdito,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  subject. 
Subdividido,  a,  pp.  adj,  subdi- 

Subdividir,  va.  to  subdivide. 
Subdivisão,  sf.  a  subdivision. 
Subduplo,  a,  adj.   igeom.)  sub- 

duple.  [to  interpret. 

Subentender,  va.  to  understand. 
Subentendido,  a,  pp.  adj.  un- 

Subida,  sf.   an  arrest;   the   act 

of  ascending,  ascent. 
Subido,  a,  pp.  adj.  high,  great, 

Subir,  va.  and  n.  to  go,  to  come, 

to  get  up,  to  mount,  to  raisei,  to 

prefer.  O  vinho  sohe-lhe  á  cabeça^ 

the  wine  fiies  into  his  head. 
Subitamente,  adv.  suddenly. 
Subitaneo,  a,  adj.  sudden,  ex- 

temporal.  [peoted. 

Súbito,  a,   adj.   sudden,    OBexr 


—  699  — 


Súbito,  mi.    sudden    fit,    sally, 

spurt,  heat,  fury. 
Suojacente,  adi.  2  g.  subjacent. 
Subjecção,  sf.  (rhet.)  subjection. 
Subjecto,  sm.  subject.  V.  Sujeito 

and  derivated. 
Subjugação,  sf.  subjuçation. 
Subjugado,  a,  pp.   aaj.    subja- 

gated.  [subdue. 

Subjugar,  va.  to  subjugate,  to 
SubjuncçSo,  sf.  subjoinlng,  sub- 

Subiunctivo,   s.   and    adj.  the 

subjunctive  mood.  (volt. 

Sublevação,  sf.  insurrection,  re- 
Sublevado,  a,  pp.  adj.  revolted. 
Sublevador,  sm.  he  who  makes 

Sublevar,  va.  to  make  revolt,  to 

excite  insurrection.  [tion. 

Sublimação,  sf.  {chem.)  sublima- 
Sublimado,  a,    pp.  adj.    subli- 

Sublimado,  sm.  sublimate. 
Sublimar,  va.  to  raise,  to  extol, 

to  sublime ;  {chem.)  to  sublimate. 
Sublimatorio,    a,    adj.  {chem.) 

sublimatory.  [sublimable. 

Sublimaveí,    adj.  2  g.   {chem.) 
Sublimei  adj.  2  g.  sublime. 
Sublimemente,  adv.  sublimelj. 
Sublimidade,  sf.  sublimity. 
Sublingual,  adj.  2  g.  sublingual. 
Sublocação,  sf.  underhiring. 
Sublunar,  adj.  2  g.  sublunary. 
Submarino,  a,  adj.  submanne. 
Submergido,  a,  pp.  adj.  sunk, 

Submergir,  va.  to  submerge,  to 

sink.  Submergir-se,  vr.  to  sink, 

to  go  to  the  bottom. 
Submersão,  sf  submersion. 
Submerso,  a,  pp.  and  adj.  sunk, 

fallen,  low  prostrate. 
Submettedor,  sm.  submitter. 
Submetter,   va.  to  submit,  to 

subject,  lo  reduce  to   submis- 

sion,  to  subdue,  to  submit.  Sub- 

metter-se,  vr.  to  submit,  to  yield. 
Submettido,  a,    pp.   adj.  sub- 

Submettimento,  sm.  submitting. 
SubmlnlBtração ,  sf.  subminis- 


Subministrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fur- 

nished,  provided. 
Subministrador ,    sm.  he  who 

Subministrar,  va.  to  subminis- 

ter,  to  provide. 
Submissão,  sf.  submission. 
Submisso,  a,   adj.   submissive; 

obedient,  submitted. 
Subordinação,  s/*.  subordination. 
Subordinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  subor- 

dinated,  subordinate. 
Subordinar,  va.  to  subordinate. 

Subordinar-se,  vr.  to  submit,  to 

Subornação,  sf.  subornation. 
Subornado,  a,  pp.  adj.  suborned. 
Subomador,  sm.  a  suborner. 
Subornar,  va.  to  suborn. 
Suborno,  sm.  subornation. 
Subregano,    sm.   {anc.)   a  land 

that  pays  a  sort  of  tax. 
Subrepçao.  sf  surreption. 
Subrepticio,  a,  adj.  {in  laio)  sup- 

reptiiious.  [gation. 

Subrogação,  sf.  {in  law)  subro- 
Subrogado,  a,  pp.   adi.  subro- 

gatea.  [suorogates. 

Subrogador.  a,  sm.  or  /.  one  who 
Subrogante,  adj.  or  s.  that  suo- 
Subrogar,  vn.  to  subrogate.  Sub- 

rogar-sCy  vr.  to  subrogate  one's 

Subscessivo,  a,  adj.  spared  or 

borrowed    from    other   affairs. 

Tempo  — ,  spare  time. 
Subscrever,  va.  to  subscribe ;  to 

Subscripção,  sf.  a  subscription. 
Subscriptor,  sm.  subscriber. 
Subsecção,  sf.  subsection. 
Subsecutivamente,  adv.  conti- 

nuedly.  [diately. 

Subseguir-se,  vr.  to  follow  imme- 
Subsequencia,  sf.  subsequence. 
Subsequente,  adj.  2  g.   subse- 

quent.  fquently. 

Subsequentemente,  adv.  subse- 
Subsidlado,  a,  pp^.  adj.  subsi- 

Subsidiar,  va.  to  subsidize. 
Subsidiariamente,  adv.  subsi- 



—  700  — 


Subsidiário,  a,  aâj.  subsidiary. 
Subsidio,  sm.  subsidy. 
Subsistência,  sf.  subsistence. 
Subsistente,  adj.  2  g.  subsistent. 
Subsistido,  a,  pp.  adj.  subsisted. 
Subsistir,   va.  or  n.  to  subsist, 

to  exist. 
Subsolano.  sm.  the  east  wind. 
Substabelecer,  va.  to  empower 

in  the  place  ofanother.  V.  Sub- 
Substabelecido,  Qi,pp.  adj.  em- 

powered  to  act  in  the  place  of 

Substabelecimento,  sm.  the  act 

of  empowering  to  act  in  the 

place  of  another.  [matter. 

Substancia,    sf.    a   substance; 
Substanciado,  a,  ;)p.  adj.  abrid- 

ged.  [tial,  principal. 

SuJostancial,  adj.  2  g.  substan- 
Substancial,  sm.  the  main  point 

of  a  business,  discourse,  etc. 
Substancialmente,    adv.    sub- 

Substanciar,  va.  to  substantiate; 

to  make  an  abridgment  or  sura- 

mary ;  to  feed  with  nourishing 

Substancioso,  a,  adj.  substan- 

tial,  nourishing. 
Substantivamente,    adv.  sub- 

Substantivar,  va.  to  give   the 

sense  of  a  substantive. 
Substantivo,  a,  adj.  substantive. 

—  sm.   [gramm.)  a  substantive 

Substituição,  sf.  substitution. 
Substituído,  a,  pp.  adj.  substi- 

Substituir,  va.  to  substitute. 
Substituto,  S7n.  a  substitute ;  [in 

law)  a  subdelegate. 
Substrucção,    sf.  substruction. 
Subtender,  va.  {geom.)  to  sub- 

Subtensa,  sf.  {geom.)  subtense. 
Subterfúgio,  sm.  a  subterfuge. 
Subterfugir,  vn.  to  make  use  of 

subterfuges.  fneous. 

Subterrâneo,  a,  adj,  subterra- 
Subterraneo,  sm.  a  subterrany 

or  room  under  ground. 

Subterrar,   va.    to    put  under 

Subterreo,  a,  adj.  subterraneous. 
Subtil,  adj.  2  g.  subtil ;  subtle. 
Subtileza,  sf.  subtilíty. 
Subtilidade,  sf  subtilitj. 
Subtilisação,  sf.  subtilization. 
Subtilisado,  a,  pp.  adj.   subti- 

lized.  [lizes. 

Subtilisador,  sm.  one  who  subti- 
Subtilisar,  va.  to  subtilize. 
Subtilmente,     adv.     subtilely, 

Subtracção,  sf.  subtraction. 
Subtractivo,  a,  adj.  subtractive. 

—  sm.  subtrahend. 
Subtrahido,  a,  pp.  adj.  subtract- 

ed,  taken  avíay. 
Subtrahir,  va.  {aritkm.)  to  sub- 

tract,   to  deduct;  to  draw,  to 

take  or  get  away.  Subtrahirse^ 

vr,  to  escape,  to  avoid  punish- 

Suburbano,  a,  adj.  suburban. 
Subúrbio,  sm.  suburb. 
Subvenção,  sf.  subvention. 
Subventaneo,  a,  adj.  subventa- 

Subversão,  sf.  subversion. 
Subversivo,  a,  adi.  subversive. 
Subversor,  sm.  subverter. 
Subvertedor,  a,   adj,  and  snu 

or  f.  that  subverts. 
Subverter,  va.  to  subvert. 
Subvertido,  a,    pp.   adj,    sub- 

Subvertimento,  sm.  subversion. 
Sucção,  sf.  a  sucking. 
Succeder,  va.  and  n.  to  succeed, 

to  come  next ;  to  happen,  to  be^ 

fali.  —  á  corâa,  to  ascend  the 

Succedido.  Si,pp.  adj.  succeeded; 

that  came  to  pass.  Que  é  bem — , 

lucky.  [pened. 

Succedido,  sm.  that  whicn  hap- 
Succedimento,  sm.  succeeding» 

event.  [sectition. 

Successão,  sf.   succession,  con- 
Successivamente,  adv.  succes- 

sively.  [succeed. 

Successivel,  adj.  2  g.   able  to 
Successivo,  a,  adj.  saccessive. 



—  701  — 


Saccesso,    sm.   success;    issue, 

event.  Bom  — ,  good  luck,  pros- 

Successor,   sm.   successor;    an 

heir.  [ing  of  successioDS. 

Successorio,  a,  adj.  {in  law)  treat- 
Succintamente,  adu.  succinctly. 
Saccinto,  a,  adj.  succinct,  short. 
Sueco,  sm.  moisture»  juice. 
Succolento,  a,  or  Sucoulento, 

adj.  succulent,  juicy. 
Succpso,  a,  adj.  juicy. 
Suocumbido,   a,  pp.  adj,  suc- 

cumbed,  yielded. 
Succumbir,  vji.  to   sink  under, 

to  yield,  to  succumb. 
Sucia,  sf.  (jest.)  a  society ;  a  gang. 
Sucubo,  a,  adj.  and  sm.  or/.  suc- 

cubus  (a  devil). 
Suculas,  sf.  pi.  the  seven  stars 

(constellation).  V.  Hyadas. 
Sudário,  sm.  a  winding-sheet. 
Sudorífico,  a,  or  Sudorifero, 

a,  adj.  sudorific. 
Sudoriiico,  sm.  {med.)  a  sudorific. 
Sudueste,  sm.  south-west. 
Suécia,  sf.  {geogr.)  Sweden. 
Sueco,  a.  adj.  and  sm.  orf.  Swede 

or  Swedish ;   of  or  relating  to 

Sueste,  sf.  south-east. 
Sueto,  sm.  Dia  de  — ,  holy  day, 

Sufflclencia,  sf.  sufficiency. 
Sufficiente.   adj.  2  g.  sufficient. 
Suíficientemente ,    adv,    suffi- 

Suffocação,  sf.  suffocation. 
Ôuffocado,  ei.pp.  adj.  suffocated. 
Suífocador,  a.  adj.  suffocating. 
Suffocante,  adj.  2  g.  suíFocating. 
SuífoccU',  va.  to  sufTocate ;  to  in- 

Suffocativo,  a,  adj.  suffocative. 
Suffraganeo,  a,  àdj.  suffragan. 
Suífragar,  va.  and  n.  to  suífra- 

gate,    to    approve   with    one's 

Suífragio,  sm.  a  vote  of  suflfrage, 

favour,  assistance. 
Suffuznigação,  sf.  sufifumigation. 
Suffusão,  sf.  stiífusion. 
Sugar,  va.  {anc.'\  V.  Chupar. 
Sugeito,  sm.  V.  Sujeito. 

Suggerido,  a,  pp.  adj.  suggestcd. 
Suggerir,  va.  to  suggest. 
Suggestão,  sf.  suggestion. 
Suggestivo,  a,  adj.  sugçestive. 
Sugillação,  sf.  (med.)  sugiUation. 
Suiça,  sf.  whiskers.  V.  Soiça. 
Suicida,   sm.  suicide,    self-mur- 

derer.  [cide. 

Suicidar-se,  vr.  to  commit  sui- 
Suicidio,57».  suicide,  self-murder. 
Suidade,  sf.  {in  law)  the  quality 

of  being  a  necessary  heir. 
Suino,  a,  adj.  of  or  belonging  to 

Suissa,  sf.  {geogr.)  Switzerland. 
Suisso,  a,  adj.  aud  sm.  or  f.  a 

Swiss  or  belonging  to  Switzer- 
Sujado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fouled,  soiled. 
Sujaxnente,  ado.  nastil^,  dirtily. 
Sujar,  va.  to  foul,  to  stain.  Sujar- 

se,  vr.  to  stain  one's  self;  to  be 

Sujeição,  sf.  subjection. 
Sujeitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  subjected. 
Sujeitador,  a,  adj.  that  subjects 

or  subdues. 
Sujeitar,  va.  to  subject,  to  sub- 

due,  to  oblíge. 
Sujeito,  a,  pp.  irreg.  of  Sujeitar 

and  adj.  subject,  liable ;  docile, 

tractable;  good-natured. 
Sujeito,  sm.  aperson,  a  man  whom 

we  will  not   name;  subject,  a 

vassal;  {gramm.)  subject. 
Sujidade,  sf.  nastiuess,  sluttish- 

Sujo,  a,  cuij.  nasty,  dirty,  sloven- 

ly;  obscene,  impure. 
Sul,  sm.  the  south. 
Sul,  adj.  2  g.  south,  southern. 
Sulaventear,  va.  or  n.  to  drivo 

or  to  be  to  the  leeward. 
Sulcado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ploughed, 

Sulcar,  va.  to  plough,  to  make 

f  urro  ws. 
Sulco,  sm.  a  furrow. 
Sulfato,  sm.  {chem.)  sulphate. 
Sulfur,  sm.   sulphur,  brimstone. 
Sulfurado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sulphur- 

Sulfurar,  va.  to  sulphurate. 
Sulfúreo,  a,  adj.  suíphureous. 




—  302  — 


Sulfureto,  8m.  {chem.)  sulphure, 

Sulfúrico,  a.  adj.  sulphuric. 
Sulfurino,  a,   adj.  sulphnreous. 
Sulfuroso,  a,  adj.  sulphurons^ 

Sultana,  sf.  sultana,  soltaness. 
Sultão,  sm.  sultan. 
Sulvento,  sm.  south-wind. 
Sumaca,  sf.  smack  (a  small  vea- 

Suxnagrar,  va.  to    imbibe  wool 

into  a  sumach-bath. 
Suxnagre,  sm.  {bot.)  sumach. 
Sumarento,  a,  adj.  juicy. 
Sumergir,   va.  and   n.  to  sink 

V.  Submergir  and  derivated. 
Sumersão,  sf.  submersion. 
Sumiço,  sm.  a  vanishing. 
Sumidiço,  a,   adj.   evanescent, 

Sumido,  a,  pp.  adj.  low,   over- 

whelmed,  sunk. 
Sumidoiro,  sm.  a  sink. 
Sumidura,  sf  the  act  of  disap> 

Sumir,   va.   to   sink,  to  drown. 

Sumir~se,  vr.  to  vanish. 
Summa,   sf    snm;   abridgment, 

epitome.  Em  — ,  in  short. 
Summado,  a,  pp.  adj.  summed 

Summar,  va.  to  sum,  to  cast  up. 
Summariado,   a,  pp.  adj.   ga- 

thered  up  in  a  few  words. 
43ummariamente ,     adv.    sum- 

marily.  [mary. 

Summariar,  va.  to  make  a  sum- 
Summario,   a,   adj.    fiummary, 

concise.  [ment. 

Summario,  sm.  summary,  abridg- 
Summidade,  sf  summit ;  the  top 

of  any  thing. 
Summista,  sm.  the  autho^  of  an 

Summo,  a,    adj.    the    highest, 

most  excellent." 
Summula,  sf.  an  abridçment. 
Summulista,  sf.  one  sKilled  in 

the  art  of  loçic. 
Sumo,  sm.  moisture,  juice. 
Sumoso,  a,  adj.  juicy. 
Sumpto,  sm.  expense,  cost. 
Sumptuário,  a,  adj.  snmptuary. 

Sumptuosamente,  ado.   sump- 

tuously.  [ness,  splendoiir. 

Sumptuosidade,  sf.  sumptnous- 
Sumptuoso,  a,  adj.  sumptuooa. 
Suor,   sm.   sweat;  (fig.)   labour, 

pains.  [pledge. 

Supenhorar,  va.  to  pawn,  to 
Superabundado,  a,  pp.  adj.  s»- 

Superabundância,    sf.    super- 

aoundance.  [perabundant. 

Superabundante,  adj.  i  g.  sor 
Super  abunda  ntemente ,     ado. 

superabundantly.  [perabound. 
Superabundar,  va.  or  n.  to  sor 
Superaddito,  a,  adj.  superadded. 
Superado,  a,  pp.  adj.  surmount- 

ed.  [surpass. 

Superar,  oa.  to  surmount;  to 
Superavel,  adj.  2  g.  snpeniÁe. 
Supercheria,   sf.    [anc.)   fraad, 

deceit.  [majesty,  -powet. 

Supercilio,  sm.  the  bro-w ;  {fig.) 
Supereminencia,  sf  superemi- 

nence.  [eimnent. 

Supereminente,  adj.  S  g.  super- 
Supererogração,  sf.  supereroga»- 

tion.  [gate. 

Supererogar,  vn.  to  superero- 
Superessencial,  adj.  2  g.  super- 

essential.  [fetation. 

Superfe tacão,  sf.  {med.)  super- 
Superficial,  adj.  2  g.  superficial^ 
Superficialidade,  sf.  superticia- 

lity.  [cially. 

Superficialmente,  adv.  supera- 
Superfície,  sf.  superiicies;  out- 

Superfino,  a,   adj.  superfine. 
Superfhiamente,    aao.    super^ 

Superfluidade,   sf.   superfluity. 
Supérfluo,  a,  adj.  superfluous. 
Superintendência,  sf.  superin- 

tendency,  superintendence. 
Superintendente,  sm.  superia- 

tendent.  [tend. 

Superintender,  va.  to  superin- 
Superior,  adj.  2  g.  superior,  up- 

permost;  (/Í5r.)higherin  digmty, 

chief.  [nastery;  superior. 

Superior,  sm.  the  head  of  a  Ttio- 
Superiorato,  sm.  the  dignitjy  of 
a  superior. 


—  703  — 


Superioridade,  sf.  snperiority. 
Superlativamente,  adv.  super- 

Superlativo,  a,  adj.  superlative. 

—  sm.  [gram.)  the  superlative. 
Superno,  a,  adj.  supernal,  su- 
perior ;  {fig.)  excellent. 

Supernumerario,  a,  adj.  super- 

numerary.  [above. 

Supero,  a,  adj.  superior,  ftom 
Superposição,  sf.  superposition. 
Superpurgação,  sf.  {med.)   su- 

Superstição,  sf.  superstition. 
Supersticiosamente,   adv.    su- 

perstitiously.  [tious. 

Supersticioso,  a,  adj.  supersti- 
Supersubstancial,  adj.  2  g.  su- 

Supervenção,  sf.  supervention. 
Superveniente,  adj.  ã  g.  supei> 

venient.  [outlivmg. 

Super  vivência,  sf.  survivance, 
Supervivente ,   adj.   2   g.  «ur- 

viving.  [suddenly. 

Supetão,  sm.  De  — ,  adv.  {anc.) 
Supino,  a,  adj.  supine,  cai^less. 

—  sm.   the  supine.  Ignorância 
— a,  gross  içnorance. 

Sxipito,  SL.adj.  sudden.  V.  Súbito. 

Be  supito,  adv.  suddenly. 
Supplantação,  sf.  supplantation. 
Supplantar,  va.  to  supplant. 
Supplementar,  adj.  2  g.  supple- 

mental,  supplementary. 
Supplemento,  sm.  a  supplement. 
Suppletorio,  a,  adj.  suppletory. 
Supplica,  sf.  supplication  ;  a  pe- 

tition  presented  to  the  pope. 
Supplicação,  sf.  a  supplication. 
Supplicado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  suppli- 

cated . 
Supplicante,  sm.  cr  f.  and  ttdj. 

a  suppliant,  a  petitioner. 
Supplicar,  va.  to  beg,  to  entreat, 

to  supplicate.  [tory. 

Supplicatorio,  a,  adj.  supplica- 
Supplice,  adj.   2  g.    suppliant, 

entreating.  [with  death. 

Suppliciado,  a,  pp.  adj.  punished 
Suppliciar,  va.  to  punish  with 

death.     . 
Supplicio,  sm.  punishment. 
Supp6r,  va.  to  suppose,  to  grant 

Supportado,   a,   pp.  adj.    sup^ 

ported,  sustained. 
Supportador,  sm.  supporter. 
Supportamento,  sm.  {anc.)  sup- 

port,  maintenance.  [sustain. 
Supportar,  va.  to  support,  to 
Supportavel,  adj.  2  g.  toierable. 
Supportavelmente,   adv.  toler- 

Supposição,  sf.  supposition,  hy- 

f>othesis  ;  counterfeiting  ;  qua- 
ification,  accomplishment. 

SuppoBitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  {theol.) 
that  has  united  two  natures  in 
the  same  suppositum. 

Suppositar,  va.  {theol.)  to  unite 
two  natures  in  the  same  suppo- 
situm, [tious,  false. 

Suppositicio,  a,  adj.  suppositi- 

Suppositorio,  sm.  {med.)  suppo- 
sitory.  [counterfeit. 

Supposto.  a,  pp.  adj.  supposed, 

Suppressão,  sf.  suppression ; 

Suppressorio,  a,  adj.  that  stops. 

Supprido,  a,  pp.  adj.  supplied. 

Suppridor,  sm.  supplier. 

Supprimento,  sm.  supplying. 

Supprimido,  a,  pp.  aaj.  sup- 
pressed.  [stop. 

Supprimir,  va.   to  suppress,  to 

Supprir,  va.  to  supply. 

Supprivel,  adj.  2  g.  that  may  be 

Suppuração,  sf.  suppuration. 

Suppurar,  vn.  [med?)  to  suppu- 
rate.  [tive. 

Suppurativo,  a,  adj.  suppura- 


a,  aai. 
,  a,  aaj. 


Supputação,  sf.  supputation. 
Supputado,  a,pp.  aa;..supputed, 

reckoned.  [culate. 

Supputar,  va.  to  suppute,  to  cal- 
Supracitado,  a,  aaj.  mentioned 

above.  (l)ered  above. 

Supranumerado,  a,  adj.  num-* 
Supranumerário,  a,  adj.  super- 

Supremacia,  sf.  supremacy. 
Supremo,  a,  adj.  supreme. 
Suprilho,  sm.   a  sort    of  plain 

silken  stuíT. 
Surcar,  va.  V.  Sulcar, 


—  70t  — 


Surdamente,  ado.  in  a  dull  raan- 

ner,  secretly. 
Surdas,  sf,  pi.  A's  ^,'m  hugger- 

raugfçer,  silently. 
Sardear,  vn.  to  pretend  deafness. 
Surdez  or  Surdeza,  sf.  deafness. 
Surdido,    a,  pp.    aaj.    -without 

makiug  noise.   A  cascavel  — a, 

Surdina,  sf.  a  mute  to  put  on 

stringed    Instruments.    A'   — , 

adv.  silently,  secretly.  Vir  á  — , 

to  sneak.  [any  noise. 

Surdir,  vn.  to  come  out  wlthout 
Surdo,  a,  adj.  deaf;  surd.  Voz 

— a,  hoUow  voice.  ji?**^®* 

Surgião,  sm.  surgeoif.  V.  Cirur- 
Surgido,  a,  pp.  adj.  come  to  an 

Surgidoiro,  sm.  anchorage,  an- 

choring-place  ;  a  road  at  sea. 
Surgir,  vn.  to  come  to  an  an- 
chor, to  moor  a  ship. 
Suro,  adj.  m.  Frade  — ,  a  friar 

-who  has  made  bis  profession. 
Surra,  sf.  a  whipping  or  beating ; 

a  great  quantity. 
Surrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  worn,  worn 

out ,  curried. 
Surrador,  sm.  a  currier. 
Surrão,  sm.  a  shepberd's  scrip  ; 

a  burden. 
Surrapa.  sf.  palled  wine. 
Surrar,  va.   to   curry   leather ; 

ifig.)  to  whip.  Surrar-sey  vè\  — 

o  panno,  is  for  cloth  to  wear  out. 
Surrate,  sm.  De  — ,  adv.  loc.  se- 
Surreição,  sf.  V.  Resurreiçuo, 
Surrepticiamente,  adv.  surrep- 

Surriada,  sf.  a  voUey. 
Surribar.  va.  {agric.)  to  make  in 

banks  or  causeys.  [away. 

Surripiar,  va.  to  cbeat,  to  steal 
Surto,  a,  pp.  de  Surgir^  and  adj. 

come  to  an  anchor. 
Surta,  sm.  a  surtout. 
Surtum,  sm.  a  double  breasted 

Sus  or  Suz,  interj.  up  !  come  ! 
Susano    or   Susão,    adj.    {anc.) 

from  above.  [bility. 

Susceptibilidade,   sf.  suscepti- 

Susceptivel,  adj.  2  g.  suscep- 

tible.  [citation ;  persuasion. 
Suscitação,  sf.  instigatiou,  suâ- 
Suscitado,  a,  pp.  adj.  suscitated. 
Suscitador,  a,  adj.  and  sm.  or/l 

he  who  rouses  up  or  excites. 
Suscitar,    va.   to    suscitate,    to 

rouse  up.        [above  mentioned. 
Suso,  a,  adv.  {anc.)  above.  —  dito^ 
Suspeição,  sf.  suspicion. 
Suspeita,  sf.  suspicion.  surmise. 
Suspeitado,  a,pp.  adj.  suspected, 

surmised.  [surmiser. 

Suspeitador,  a,  adj.  suspecter. 
Suspeitar,  va.  or  n.  to  suspect, 

to  surraise.  [pect. 

Suspeito,  a,  adj.  suspected ;  sus- 
Suspeitosamente,    adv.    suspi- 

Suspeitoso,  a,  adj.  suspicioos. 
Suspender,  va.  to  susoend. 
Suspendido,  a,  pp.  aaj.  suspen- 

Suspensão,  sf.  suspension. 
Suspensivo,  a,  adi.  suspensLve. 
Suspenso,   a,    adj.    suspended, 

hanged  up.  [pended. 

Suspenso,  sm.   he  who   is  sus- 
Suspensorio,  a,  adj.  suspensory. 

—  sm.  {surg.)  truss  ;  braces. 
Suspirado,  a,   adj.  greatly  de- 

sired,  sighed. 
Suspirador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  sigher. 
Suspirar,  va.  or  n.  to  sigh,  to 

desire  earnestly. 
Suspiro,  sm.  a  sigh  ;  breath. 
Sustar,  va.  to  stop,  to  repress. 
Sustenido,  sm.  {mus.)  a  sharp. 
Sustentação,     sf.     sustenance, 

Sustentáculo,  sm.  support,  projp. 
Sustentado,  a,pp.  adj.  sustamed. 
Sustentador,  a,  sm    or  f.  one 

'who  sustains. 
Sustentaniento,5m.  sustenance. 
Sustentante,  sm.  a  respondent ; 

ne  that  answers  the  deponent 

in  disputations. 
Sustentar,  va.  to  sustain,  to  sup- 

port,  to  maintain,  to  keep  up, 

to    hold.    Sustentar-se ,    vr.    to 

stand  up. 
Sustentável,  adj.  2  g.  sustain- 


SYM  —  705  —  SYN 

Sustento,  «m.  sustenance ;  food ;  Sy-xnbolisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  sym- 

ifig.)  support.  bolized.  [of  symbols. 

Suster,  va.  to  sustain.  Syxnbolisador,  sm.  an  inventor 

Sustinente,   sm.    a   support,   a  S3rinboli8ar,  va.  to  symbolize. 

prop,  a  stay.  S3rxnbolo,  sm.  symbol,  type ;  sign, 
Sosto,  sm.  fright,  surprise.  emhlem.  O  — ,  the  creea. 

Sasueste,  sm.   south-south-east.  Sjrmetrla,  sf.  symmetry. 

Susurrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  hummed.  Symetrioamente,  adv.  symme- 
Susurrador,  a,  adj.  that  hums,       trically. 

that  murmurs.  Symetiico,  a,  adj.  symmetrical. 

Susurrante,  adj.  i  g.  humming.  Bymetrisar,  va.  to  symmetrize. 

Snsarrar,  vn.  and  a.  to  hum,  to  Sympathia,  sf.  sympathy. 

murmur.  [murmur.  Symçathicamente,  adv.  sympa- 

Sosurro.    sm.    hammin^,   hum,       thetlcally. 

Sutil,  adj.  2  g.  small,  thm,  sub-  S3niipathico,  B.,adj.  sympathetic. 

tile.  Y.  Subtil.  Sirmpathisado,  a,  pp.  adi.  sym- 
Sutura,  sf.  (anat.)  a  suture.  patnized.  [pathizmg. 

Suturai,  adj.  2  g.  belonging  to  Sympathisante,  adj.  2  g.  sym- 

sutures.  Sympathisar^  va.  or  n.  to  sym- 
Suxado,  a,  pp.  adj.  slackened.  pathi^. 

Suxar,  va.  to  slacken,  to  loosen.  Symphonia,  sf.  symphony. 

Su3CO.  a,  adj.   slackened,  Fazer  Syinp]ii8i8,«m.(anaí.)symphysis. 

— ,  to  slacken.  Sjrxnptoma,  sm.  symptora  ;  mài- 
Sybarita,  s.  and  adj.  sybarite.  cation.  [matolo.-y. 

Sycomoro,  sm.  (bot.)  sycomoro.  Symptomatologia,  sf.  sympta- 

Sycophago,  a,  adj.  that  is  nour-  Sjrxnptomatico,  a,  aaj.  sympto- 

ished  with  figs.  [terer.       matic. 

Sycophanta,  sm.  svcophant,  flat-  Sjrnagoga,  sf.  synagogue. 

Syllaba,  sf  svllable.  Ssrnapismo,  sm.  sinapism. 

Syllabada,  sf.  error  in  the  ac-  Ssrnchronismo,    sm.    syncliro- 

cent  or  the  quantity  of  a  syl-        nism.  [synchronical. 

lable.  Sjrnchrono,  a,  adj.  synchronous, 

Syllabar,  va.  to  spell  by  the  syl-  Synoopa,  sf.  {gramjn.)  synco[)e. 

lables,  to  syllable.  Syncopar,  va.  {gram.)  and  {mus.) 
Syllabario,  a,  adj.  that  articu-       to  syncopate. 

lates  ali  the  syllables.  —  sm.  a  Ssmcope,  sf.  syncope,  swoon. 

primer,  a  syllabar.         [iabical.  Ssrnoopisar,  va.  to  cause  a  swoon. 
Syllabico,  a,  adj.  syllabic,  syl-       —  vn.  to  swoon.  to  faint. 

Syllepse.  sf.  {gram.)  svllepsis.  Ssrnderesis  or  Synteresis,  .v/*. 
Syllogisaçao,   sf.  syllo^sation.        remorse,  sting  of  conscience. 

Syllogisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  syllo-  Syndicação,  sf.  the  act  of  syn- 

gized.  dicating.  [ted,  controlfed. 

Syllogisar,  vn.  or  a.  to  syllogize.  Ssrndloado,  a,  pp.  adj.  syndicn- 

Syllogismo,  sm.  a  syllogism.  Ssrndicante,  sm.  or  adj.  he  wlio 
Syllogistioamente,  adv.  s;]^llo-       syndicates.  [to  censuro. 

gistically.  [tical.  S3rndicar,  va.  or  n.  to  syudicate, 

Syllogistico,    a,  adv.  svllogis-  Ssrndicatui^,  5/.  syndicate. 

Sylpho,  sm.  Sylphide,  sf.  sylph,  S3rndioo,  sm.  syndic ;  a  sollicitor. 

sylphid.  [lizing.  Ssrnedrim,  sm.  sanhedrim. 

Symbolica,  sf.  the  art  of  syrabo-  Ssrnodal,  adj.  2  g.  sy nodal. 

Sjrmliolioameiíte,  adv.  symboli-  Syiiodioo,  a,  adj.  synodic,  syno^ 

cally.  dical. 

Symbollco,  a,  adj.    symbolic.  Synodo,  «m.  a  synod. 

Syinboli8a9ão,s/.symbolization.  Synonymla,  »^.  synonymy. 


—  706  — 


Synonymioo,  a,  adj.  synonymi- 

Ssrnonsnno,   a,  adj,  synonym». 

Synonymos,  sm.  pi.  synonjrma. 
Synopse,  sf.  synopsis. 
Synoptico,  a,  adj.  synoptic»^  sy- 

Synovia.  sf.  (med.)  synovia. 
Synovial,  adj.  2  g.  synovial. 
Syntaxe,  sf.  syntax,  syntaxis. 
Synthese    or    Synthesis,    sf, 

{loffic.)  synthesis. 
Synthetico,  a,  adi,  synthetic. 
Syphilis,  sf.  (med!)  syphilis. 
83rpliilitico,  a,  adj.  syphilitic. 
Systasls,  sf.  systasis. 
Systexna,  sm.  system,  combina- 

tion  ;  i/ig.)  scheme,  plan. 
S3rste]nar,  va.  to  systematize. 
Ssrstexnaticainente,  adti.  syste- 

S3rstematioo,  a,  adj.  systematic. 
Systematisar,  va.   to  systema- 

Ssrstole,  sf.  {anat.)  systole. 
Ssrzigio.    sm.    or    Syzigl»,   sf. 

(astr.)  syzigy  or  new  and  full 


T,  sm.  the  twentieth  letter  and 

sixteenth  consonant  of  the  Por» 

tuguese  alphabet. 
Tá,  interj.  hold  !  forbear  !  stop  ! 
Tabacal,  sm.  a  place  where  to* 

bacco-plants  grow.  [snuff. 

Tabaco,  sm.  tobacco.  <—  em  pó, 
TabaliSo,  sm.  Y.  Tabellião. 
Tabaque,  sm.  a  sort  of  drum. 
Tabaqueado,  a,  pp.  adj,  full  of 

snuff ;  (/Ç^,)  jeered. 
Tabaquear,  vn.  to  take  snuff.  — 

va.  —  alguém,  to  jeer  one. 
Tabaonielro,  sm.  a  tobacconist ;  a 

snun-box  ;  one  who  takes  snuff. 
Tabaqulsta,  sm.  one  who  takes 

agreatdeal  of  tobacco. 
Tabardilbo,    sm.    the    spotted 

fever.  [coat.  [ 

Tabardo,  sm.  a  tabard,  herald*s  [ 

Tabareo,   sm.    a    silly  man,   a 

booby  ;  an  iU-disciplined  militia 

Tabaxir,  sm.  a  sort  of  sugar.. 
Tabaz,  sm.  a  wolf. 
Tabefe,  sm.  whey,  milk  heated 

with  sugar  and  eggs. 
Tabeliã,  sf.  a  smali  board  list. 

V.  Pauta.  [notary. 

Tabelliado,  sm.  the  ofâce  of  a 
Tabellião,  sm.  a  notary,  scriven- 

er,  tabellion.  Letra  de  — ,  the 

hand-'vriting  of  scriveners. 
TabelUar,  va.  to  act  the  part  of 

a  notary. 
Tabellioa,  adj.  f.  of  a  notary. 
Taberna,  sf.  a  house  where  they 

sell  -wine ;  a  public  house.  v 

Tabernáculo,  sm.  tabernacle. 
Tabemario,  a,  adj.  pertaining 

to  a  public-house. 
Taberneiro,  sm.  the  keeper  of  a 

tavern  or  public-house,  V.  Ta- 
Tabi,  sm.  tabby.  [hectíc. 

Tabido,   a,    adj.  tabid,   putrid. 
Tabique,  sm.  a  -wall  of  lath  or 

Tabla,  adj.  Diamante  — ,  a  table 

diamond,  or  ruby. 
Tablado,  sm.  the   stage   of  the 

theatre.  [bilhard-table. 

Tablilha,  sf.  the  cushion  of  a 
Taboa,  sf.  a  board,  a  plank  ;  thui 

plate  of  metal,  a  table.  Taboas 

de  forro,  (a  sea  term)  the  sheath- 

ing  planks. 
Taboada,  sf.  a  table.  — s  astro- 
nómicas, astronómica!  tables. 
Taboado,    sm.    the    floor   of  a 

room ;  planks. 
Taboão,  sm.  plank. 
Taboca,  sf.  (a  term  of  Brazil)  a 

^ild  cane. 
Tabola  or  Tabiila,  sf.  (at  drafts) 

a     msLa.     Jogo     aos     tabolas, 

Tabelado   sm.  a  quantity  of  tim- 

ber  or  wood  tied  together. 
Tabolagem»  sf.  Casa  de  —,  a 

Taboleiro,  sm.  a  shallow  board. 

—  do  xadrez,  a  chess-board.  — 


—  707  — 


de  jardim^  a  bed  in  a  garden. 

—  da  escada,  a  landing  place 

of  a  staircase.  —  de  igreja^  a 

square  court.  —  de  chá,,  a  tea- 

board.  —  de  jogar  as  tabolas,  a 

Taboleta,  sf.  a  sign  as  of  a  pub- 

lic-house  or  shop. 
Tsú>ú,  sm.  {a  Brazil  term)  a  sort 

of  sugar.  [tail. 

Tabúa,  sf.  {bot.)  the  herb  cafs 
Tabumo,  sm.  V.  Estradinho. 
Taça,  sf.  a  cup,  bowl,  goblet. 
Tacamaca,  sf.  tacamahac,  a  kind 

of  resinous  gum. 
Tacanhear,  va.  to  gain,  to  obtain 

by  sly  means. 
Tacazmeza  or  Tacanhice,   sf. 

covetousness,  stinginess. 
Tacanho,  a,  adj.  covetous,  stin- 

gy,  sly,  deceitful. 
Tacaniça,  sf.  [arch.)  entablature, 

architrave  ;  shelving  sides  of  a 

Taoão,  sm.  a  heel-piece.  Deitar 

um  — ,  to  heel-piece. 
Taceira,   sf.    a   show-glass.    V. 

Tacha,  sf.  a  blemish,  a  blur,  a 

fault,    a   defect;    a    tack    (a 

Tachauia,  sf.  a  fuU  copper  pot. 
Tachado,  a,  pp.  adj.  blemished, 

Tachar,  va,  to  censure;  to  blame, 

to  blemish,  to  spot,  to  stain. 
Tachixn,  sm.  a  oag  or  case  to 

put  into  a  book. 
Tacho,  sm.  a  copper  pot  or  kettle. 
Tachonar,  va.  to  nail  or  fastea 

with  studs. 
Tachygraphia,  sf,  tachygraphy. 
Tachygraphico,  a,  adj.  pertain- 

ing  to  tachygraphy. 
Tachygrapho,  sm.  a  short-hand 

writer.  [lently. 

Tacitamente,   adv.  tacitly,   si- 
Tacito,  a,  adj.  tacit. 
Taciturnidade,  sf.  tacitumit]^. 
Taciturno,  a,  adj.  tacitum,  si- 

Taco,  sm.   a  Dilliard-stick ;  the 

wad  of  a  gun ;  tompion ;  (mor.) 


Táctica,  sf.  tactics. 

Táctil,  adj.  2  g.  táctil. 

Tacto,  sm.  touch,  toucbing,  tho 
sense  of  feeling. 

Tactura,  sf.  a  playing  on  any 

Tadega,  sf.  a  shrub. 

Tael,  am.  a  coin  (in  Ásia)  worth 
3  sh.  5  d.  ,        [anvil. 

Taes,  sm.  a  sort  of  goldsmith's 

Tafe  tafe,  a(2t).  pit-a-pat. 

Tafetá,  sm.  taffety.  —  de  Ingla- 
terra^ court-plaister. 

Tafia,  sm.  taína,  rum. 

Taful,  sm.  a  fashionable  man,  a 
beau,  a  buck,    a  coxcomb;  a 

famester.  —  adj.  fashionable, 
uckish,  dashing. 
Tafular,  va.  or  n.  to  dress  in  the 

Tafularia,  sf.  fashionableness ; 

a  gaming^house. 
Tafulhar,  va.  to  stuff.  V.  En- 

Taíulho,  sm.  a  stuff,  a  trash. 
Tagarelia,  sf.  a  bawling,  crying 

out,  roaring ;  a  talkative  person. 
Tagarellar,  vn,  to  babble,  to  talk 

Tagarellice,  sf.  loquacity,  tattle. 
Tagico,  a,  adj.  beíonging  to  the 

river  Tagus. 
Tágides,  adj,  pi.  (poet.)  iVym- 

phas  — ,  the  nymphs  of  the  Ta- 
Tagueda,  sf.  {bot.)  flea-bane. 
Taimado,  a,  adj.  craftj^ ,  cunning. 
Tainha,  sf.  a  sort  of  ílsh. 
Taipa,  sf.  Parede  de  — ,  a  mud- 

wall.  [mud. 

Taipal,  adj.  2  g.  walled  up  with 
Taipar,  va.  to  make  mud  "walls. 
Taita  or  Tatá,  sm.  the  child's 

-word  dad  or  daddy. 
Tal,  adj.  %  a.  such,  like.  Que  é  o 

vinho?    what   sort  of  vine  is 

this?  Vm — ,  such  a  one. 
Tala,  sf.  a  lath.  —  s,  troubles, 

anxieties.  Estar  mettido  em  — , 

l/ig.)  to  be  put  to  one's  shifts. 
Talabarte,  sm.  a  s^word-belt. 
Talado,  a,  pp.  adj.  wasted,  ra- 

Talador,  tm.  ravager 


—  708  — 


Talagarça,  sf.  canvass  used  for 

working  tapestrv. 
Talambor,  sm.  Fechadura  de  — , 

a  stock-lock.  [lamo. 

Tálamo,  sm.  a  bridai  bed.  v .  Tka- 
Talante,  sm.  {anc.)  will,  pleasure. 

.1  seu  — ,  voluntarily. 
Talão,  sm.  the  hinder  part  of  a 

shoe.      •  [and  Pegu. 

Talapão,  sm.  a  priest  of  Siam 
Talar,  va.  to  ravage,  to  waste, 

to  spoil,  to  cut  down. 
Talar,  adj.  2  g.  that  comes  down 

to  the  ankles. 
Talco,  sm.  tale,  isinglass. 
Taleiga,  sf.  asmall  sack.  [/ma  — 

de  trigo,  a  measure  containing 

fonr  alquiers. 
Taleigada,  sf,  a  sackfuU,  a  bud- 

get  of  any  thing. 
Taleigo,  sm.  a  bag. 
Taleiras,  sf.  pi.  the  cross-limbers 

of  a  gun  carriage. 
Talento,  sm.  talent,  endowment, 

capacity,   parts;    {anc.)   talent 

(a  coin) ;  (fig.)  a  talented  person. 
Talentoso,  á,  adj.  talented. 
Talha,  sf.  a  large  earthen  vessel 

to  keep  water,  oil,  etc. ;  {maril.) 

sea  yoke:   tackle;  poll-tax;  a 

dcal    at    bassette;   nalf   relief 

ainong  carvers :  the  act  of  cut- 

ting.  Operação  da  — ,  lithotomv. 

2'alhaSy  gravings,  bits  that  ny 

out  in  graving.  Talha^  a  tally. 
Talhada,  sf.  a   cut,  a  slash,  a 

Talhadeira,  sf.  an  instrument  to 

inake  button  holes. 
Talhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  cut,  carved, 

Talhador,    sm.    a    butcher;    a 

chopping-block  or  board. 
Talhadora,  sf.  a  she-butcher. 
Talhafrio,  sm.  an  instrument  to 

engrave.  [cutwater. 

Talhamar,   sm.  {in  a  ship)  the 
Talhamento,    sm.   the    act    of 

cutting  oíF. 
Talhante,  adj.  2  g.  sharp,  cut- 
ting. [in  a  garden. 
Talhão,  sm.  a  sort  of  large  bed 
Talhar,  va.  to  cut,  to  slash ;  to 

engrave,  to  crave. 

Talharim,  sm.  ilat  maccaroni, 

Talhe,  sm,  shape,  fashion ;  size. 
Talher,  sm.  the  knife,  fork  and 

spoon  for  each  person   sitting 

at  table;  a  cruet-stand.  —  da 

pimenta,  a  pepper  box. 
Talho,  sm.  a  stroKe  with  the  edge 

of  a  sword ;  a  chopping  board. 

Ter  bom  — •  de  letra,  to  -write  a 

good  hand.  [liation. 

Tadião,  sm.  talio.  Lei  do  — ,  reta- 
Tallm  or  Taly,  sm.  a  shoulder- 

Talinga,  sf.  {a  sea  term)  a  cable. 
Talingado,  a,  pp.  adj.  bent. 
Talingar,  va.  to  bend  the  cable 

tó  the  anchor.  [talio. 

Talionar,  va.  to  punish  with  the 
Talisca,  sf.  a  cleft,  crack,  chink. 
TeJilsman,  sm.  a  talisman. 
Talismaníco,  a,  adj.  talismanic. 
Talitre  or  Talitro,  sm.   a  flllip 

or  flinching. 
Talmud,  sm.  talmud. 
Talmudico,  a,  adj.  belonging  to 

the  talmud. 
Talmudista,  sm.  a  talmudiat. 
Talo,  sm.  the  stalk  of  an  herb. 
Talon.  sm.  {archit.)  talon,  ogee, 
Taloso,  a,  adj.  stalky. 
Taiparia,  sf.  taipa,   a  swelling 

on  the  cranium. 
Talud,  sm.  talus,   a  shelvin 

Taludo,  a,  adj.  stalky. 
Talvez,   adv.  perhaps,  may-be, 

perchance,  possibly. 
Tam,  adv.  so,  such.  V.  Tão. 
Tamancas,  sf.  pi.  {a  sea  term) 

the  dead-eyes. 
Tamancos,  {marit.)  wood- 

en  shoes.  [ant-eater. 

Tamanduá,  sm.  tamanduá,  tho 
Tamanho,  a,  adi.  so  great.  — 

sm.  magnitude,  uulk. 
Tamanino,   a,    adj.    so    little. 

V.  Pequeno. 
Tâmara,  sf.  a  date. 
Tamareira,  sf.  the  date-tree. 
Tamarez,  adj.  Uoa  — ,  a  sort  of 

excellent  grapes. 
Tamargal,  sm.  a  placa  full  of 



C  ■> 


—  709  — 


Tamargueira  or  Tramagneira, 

sf.  atamarisk. 
Tamarindos,  sm.  pi.  tamarind. 
Tamarinlieiro  or  Tsutnarinho, 

sm.  a  tamarind  tree. 
Tambaca,   sf.    or  Tambaqnie, 
sm.  tambac ;  a  mixture  of  gold 
and  copper. 
Também,  adv.  also,  besides. 
Tambo,  sm.  a  bridai  bed. 
Tambor,  sm.  a  drum ;  a  drummer; 
{anat.)   the   tyrapanum   of  the 
Tamborete,  sm.  a  lo-w  stool. 
Tamboril,  sm.  a  tarabourine. 
TamboriUieira,  sf.  the  country- 
'woman  that  plays  upon  a  tam- 
Tamborilheiro,  sm.  the  country- 
man  that  plays  upon  a  tambou- 
rine.  [of  mat-weed. 

Tamiça,  sf.  a  small  cord  made 
Tamiceiro,  sm.  he  -who  makes 
or  sells  small  cords  made  of 
Tamina,  sf.  {in  Brazils)  the  al- 
lowance  of  ílour  given  to  the 
slaves.  [bolter;  tamy. 

Tamis  or  Tamiz,  sm.  a  sieve,  a 
Tamisa ,  sf.  ( geogr. )  the  Thames 

Tampa,  sf.  a  cover,  a  lid.  A  — 

da  panellOy  pot-lid. 
Tampos,  sm.  pi.  the  head  pieces 

of  a  cask. 
Tamsómente,  adv.  {anc.^  only. 
Tanadar,  sm.  V.  Almoxarife. 
Tanchagemi,  sf.  {bot.)  plantain. 
Tanchão,    sm.    a   vine-prop,  a 

sapling,  a  young  tree. 
Tanchar,  va.  to  fasten,  to  drive 

Tanchoeira,  sf  an  olive  stock 

set  in  the  ground  to  graff  on. 
Tanganhão,  sm.  a  regrater. 
Tangedor,  sm.  a  player  on  musi- 
cal instruments. 
TangefoUes,  sm.  he  who  blows 
the  bellows  in  a  smith's  forge. 
Tangencial,  adj.  2  g.   (geom.) 

belonging  to  a  tangent. 
Tangente,  s.  or  adj.  f.  tangent. 
Escapar  pela  — ,  (fig.)  to  turn  a 

Partb  I. 

Tanger,  va.  to  play  on  some 
musical  instrument.  —  os  sinos, 
to  ring  the  bells.  —  bestas,  to 
drive,  to  whip  horses,  etc. 

Tangerina,  sf.  a  sort  of  little 

Tangibilidade,  sf  the  quality  of 
being  perceived  by  the  touch. 

Tangido,  a,  pp.  adj.  played  oa 
or  upon. 

Tangível,  adj.  2  g.  tangible. 

Tangomão,  sm.  a  fugitiva  or 

Tangnelro,  sm.  a  sort  of  apron. 
—  adj.  Panno — ,  apiece  of  cloth 
with  which  the  ulacks  cover 
themselves  from  the  waist  to 
the  knees. 

Tangul,  sm.  Barbary  copper. 

Tanho,  sm.  a  chair  made  of  reed- 
mace  or  water-torch. 

Tanjão,  sm.  a  lazy  fellow. 

Tanoa,  sf.  cooperage,  the  mend-  ' 
ing  of  pipes,  casks,  etc. 

Tanoar,  va.  to  work  as  a  cooper. 

Tanoaria  or  Tanoeiria,  sf  the 
place  or  streets  where  coopers 

Tanoeiro,  sm.  a  cooper. 

Tanque,  sm.  a  tank,  a  pond. 

Tantito,  sm.  um  — ,  a  very 
little,  thus  much. 

Tanto,  a,  adi.  so  many,  so  much, 
80  great.  Outro  tanto,  as  much 
more.  —  sm.  so  much ;  as,  elle 
deu-lhe  — ,  he  gave  him  so  much. 
En  posso  fazer  outro  — ,  I  can 
do  as  much.  —  adv.  as  much, 
so  much.  Amo-te  —  como  a  mim 
mesmo,  I  love  thee  as  well  as 
myself.  —  menos,  so  much  less. 

Tão,  adv.  so,  such,  to  that  degrec. 
Eu  sei  isso  —  bem  como  vós,  I 
know  it  as  well  as  you  do. 

Tapa,  sf.  atompion,  a  tomkin. 

Tapada,  sf.  a  park. 

Tapadeiro,  sm.  a  lid,  a  cover. 

Tapado,  a,    pp.    adj.    covered 
or  stupped  up ;   thick ,   thick- 
Tapador,  sm.  or  Tapadoira,  sf, 

a  stopper  or  stopple. 
Tapadura,  sf.  the  act  of  stop- 
ping  or  covering. 



—  710  — 



Tapa-embomaes ,    sf.  {marit.) 
scupper-leathers.       [or  hedge. 
Tapagem,  sf.  an  ínclosure,  íence 
Tapar,  va.  to  stop  a  bole,  to  co- 
ver  anj    thing;  to   hedge,  to 
fence,  to  vali.  —  a  òocca  a  al- 
guém, to  stop  one's  mouth.  — 
os  olhoSf  to  cast  a  mist,  to  dazzle. 
Tapar^se,  vr.  to  darken,  to  gro"w 
dark ;  to  be  close. 
Tapeçaria  or  Tapiçaria,  sf.  ta- 

pestry;  bangings. 
Tapeceiro,   sm.  tapestry-maker, 

Tapete,  sm.  a  carpet :  a  tapestry. 
Taplgo,  sm.  a  tnom  bedge,    a 
fence.  [floar. 

Tapioca,  sf.  {in  Brazils)  tapioca's 
Tapiz,  sm.  a  piece  of  tapestry. 
Tapizar,  va.  to  cover  with  car- 

pets  or  tapestries. 
Tapona,  sf.  a  blow,   a  stroke. 

V.  Pancada. 
Tapulho,  syn.  a  stopple. 
Tapume,  sm.  thorns,  oushes  that 
serve  to  make  a  fence,  bedge, 
Taque,  sm.  {marit.)  a  tackle. 
Tara,  sf.  tare  or  tret. 
Tarabelho,  sm.  peg  of  a  sa\r. 
Taracena,   Tarazena   or  Te- 
recena,  sf.  a  store-house  for 
sbipping  or  an  arsenal. 
Tarado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tbe  tare  of 

wbich  is  taken. 
TaralhSo,  sm.  [nat.  hist.)  kind  of 
ortolan;    [fig.)  a  fat-fellow;   a 
meddler ;  one  wbo  aifects  leam- 
ing,  etc. 
Tarambola,    sf    {nat.   hist.)   a 

plover,  a  lap-wing. 
Taraxnbote,  sm.  (jest.)  a  kind  of 
^  concert. 

Taramela,  sf.  a  -wooden  latch ;  a 

sort  of  rattle  to  scare  birds,  — 

de  moinho,  a  mill  clack.  Dará — , 

to  babble.  V.  Taramelar. 

Taramelar,  va.  to  prattle,  to  talk 

TarampantSo,  sm.    a   word  to 

express  tbe  beat  of  a  drum. 
Taranta,  sf.  tarântula. 
Tarântula,  sf  tarântula. 
Tarar  or  Tarear,  va.  to  tare,  to 

deduct  tbe  tare  from  any  vessel 
or  package. 
Tarasca,  sf.  an  ill-natured  vro- 

man;  (jest.)  an  old  sword. 
Tardador,  sm,  a  slow  fellow.  — 

adj.  slow,  tardy. 
Tardamente,  aav.  slowly. 
Tardança,  sf.  delay,  tardiness. 
Tardar,  vn.  and  a.  to  delay,  to 

tarry,  to  stay. 
Tarde,  sf.  afternoon,  evening. 
Tarde,  adv.  late.  Fazer-se  — ,  to 

grow  late.  Muito  — ,  too  late. 
Tardeza,  sf.  slowness,  lateness. 
Tardiamente,  adv.  slowly,  tar- 
dily.  [ing. 

Tardinha  (â),  adv.  in  tbe  even- 
Tardio,  a,  adj.  tardy,  sluggish, 

Tardo,  a,  adj.  slow,  slack,  tardy. 
Ter  engenfio  — ,   to   be    beavy 
Tardoa,  sf.  a  slow  woman. 
Tareco,  sm.  unquiet,  restless.  ^s, 

sm.  pi.  lumbers. 
Tarefa,  sf.  a  task;   an  earthen 
vessel  into  wbicb  tbe  oil  runs 
from  tbe  oil  press. 
Tarega,  sm,  ne  wbo   deals   or 

makes  trade  witb  lumbers. 
Tareio,  sm.  an  importune  talker. 
Tarifa,  sf,  tariif ;  table  of  rates. 
Tarifar,  va.  to  tariflf. 
Tarima,  sf.  part  of  a  room  raised 
a   step  nigber  tban  tbe  rest, 
wbere  tbe  cbair  of  state  stands. 
V.  Estrado. 
Tarimba,  sf  bed  (for  soldiers). 
Tarja,  sf.  {nerald.)  an  escutcbeon 

placed  on  a  target,  a  border. 
Tarraçada,  sf.  (J^st.)  a  bmnper 

of  wine. 
Tarracha,  sf.  avice-pin. 
Tarrachado,  a,  adj.  that  is  made 

in  a  spiral  form. 
Tarrafa,  sf.   a   casting-net,  a 
sweep-net ;   (fig.)    an   old   and 
ragged  cloak.  [ing-net. 

Tarrafar,  va.  to  físb  with  a  east- 
Tarrantez,  sm.  a  sort  of  grapes. 
Tarraxa,  sf.  a  vice-pin.  V.  Tar- 
racha, [spiral  form. 
Tarraxado,  a,  adj.  made  in  a 
Tarrazborraz,  adv,  confoiedly. 


—  711  — 


Tarro,  sm.  a  milk-pail. 
Tarso,  sm.  {anat.)  tarsus. 
Tartago,   sm.  spurge.  —  maior, 

fíve-leafed  grass. 
Tartamudear,  va.  or  n.  to  stut- 

ter,  to  stammer. 
Tartamudo,  a,  adj.  that  stam- 

mers.  Um  — ,  a  stammerer. 
Tartana,  sf.  a  tartane. 
Tartaraneta,  sf.  a  grandchild's 

Tartaraneto,  sm.  a  grandchild's 

Tartaranha>  sf.  a  kestrel,  a  kind 

of  hawk.  [the  kestrel. 

Tartaranhão,  sm.  the  male  of 
Tartarear,   va.  to   prattle,    to 

chatter.  [tarous. 

Tartareo,  a,  adj.  tartareous,  tar- 
Tartarico,  a,   adj.  {ehem.)  tar- 

taric.  [rized. 

Tartarisado,  a,  pp,  adj.  tarta- 
Tcurtarisar,  va.  to  tartarize. 
Tártaro,  sm.  tartar,  addle. 
Tártaro,  a.  adj.  tartar,  tartaric. 
Tartaroso,  a,   adj.  {chem.)  Aci- 
do — ,  tartrate,  tartrite. 
Tartaruga,  sf.  turtle,  tortoise; 

(jcst.)  an  old  man. 
Tartufice,  sf  hypocrisy. 
Tartufo,  sm.  hypocrite. 
Tarugado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fastened 

hy  a  dove-tail. 
Tarugar,  va.  to  dovetail  boards. 
Tarugo,  sm.  a  dove-tail,  a  -wooden 

pin.  [common  people. 

Tasca,  sf  a  tippling-house  for 
Tascado,  a,  pp.  adj.  swinffled. 
Tascante,  aaj.  2  g.  svingling. 
Tascar,  va.  to  swingle;  to  beat 

flax;  {fig.)  to  masticate. 
Tasco,  sm.  the  hurds  of  hemp. 
Tasquinha,  sf  a  stick  for  beat- 

ing  flax,  a  swingle  staff. 
Tasquinhar,  va.  to  swingle,  to 

beat  flax ;  (fig.)  to  eat,  to  chew. 
Tassalliar,  va.  V.  Atassalhar. 
Tassalho,  sm.  a  slice,  a  cut. 
Tatá,  sm.  a  name  given  by  chil- 

dren  to  their  father.  [boat. 

Tataranha,  sf  a  sort  of  âshing 
Tataro,  a,  adj.  that  stammers, 

stammerer.  [dillo. 

Tatu,  sm,  {nat.  hist.)  tatu,  arma- 

Taureo,  a,  adj.  of  or  belonging 

to  a  buli. 
Taurifero,  a,  adi.  having  a  great 

quantity  of  bulis. 
Tauriíorme,  adj.  2  g.  having  the 

form  of  a  buli.  [bulis. 

Taurino,  a,  adj.  belonging  to 
Tauro,  sm.  {myth.)  Taurus. 
Tautometria,   sf  repetition  of 

the  same  measure. 
Tauzia,  sf.  inlaid  work  in  any 

metal,  inlaying. 
Tauxiar,  va.  to  inlay,  to  make 

inlaid  work  in  any  metal. 
Tavanez,  sm.  a  busy  body ;  un- 

quiet,  restless. 
Tavão,  sm.  a  gad-bee,  a  dun  fly, 

a  breese  or  horse  fly. 
Taverna,  sf  a  tavern,  a  public- 

Taverneira,  sf.  a  vintner^s  wife. 
Taverneiro,    sm.  a  vintner,  a 

Tavolado,  sm.  Jogo  de  — ,  a  sort 

of  exercise. 
Tavolageiro,  a,  adj.  that  plays 

in  a  gaming-house. 
Tavolagem,  sf  a  gaming-house. 
Taxa,  sf.  rate,  tax. 
Taxação,  sf.  a  sort  of  tax,  taxa- 

tion.  Tvalued. 

Taxado,  a,  pp.  adj.  taxeo,  rated, 
Taxador,  sm.  a  taxer;  an  asses- 
sor, [to  tax. 
Taxar,  tia.  to  rate,  to  set  a  price. 
Taxativo,  a,  adj.  that  taxes  or 

Te,  pron.  thee,  to  thee,  thyself. 
Tea,  sf.  a  web  of  cloth,  any  thing 

woven;  any  film;  the  woof;  a 

pew;   the  lists    for  tilting   or 

lighting;  a  torch  or  flambeau. 
Teada,  sf  a  piece  of  linen. 
Teagem,  sf.  a  web,  cellular  tex- 

Tear,  sm.  a  weaver's  loom. 
Tecedeira,  sf.  a  woman  weaver. 
Tecedor,  sf.  a  weaver. 
Tecedura,  sf.  weaving,  web. 
Tecelagem,«m.  weaving,  texture. 
Tecelão,  sm.  a  weaver. 
Tecer,  va.  to  weave,   to  twist; 

(fig.)  to  compose,  to  write;  to 

negociate  a  business. 


—  71Í — 


Technico,  a,  aâj.  technic,  tech- 

Technographia,  «/".  technogra- 

Technologia,  sf.  technology. 
Tecido,  a.  pp.  adj.  woven. 
Tecido,  sm.  woven  work,  tissue. 
Tecla,  sf.  key  of  an  organ. 
Teclado,  sm.  the  keys  of  an  or- 
gan,   piano,   harpsicord;    the 

Tecto,  sm.  ceiling. 
Teda,  sf.  {poet.)  a  torch. 
Te  Deuxn,  sm.  Te  Deum. 
Tediíero.  a.  adj.  bearing  a  torch. 
Tédio,  sm.  loathing,  weariness, 

tedium.  [some. 

Tedioso,   a,    adj.   tedioas,  tire- 
Tegumento,  sm.    {anat.)   tegu- 

Tegurio,  sm.  a  mean  honse. 
Te^a,  sf.  a  basket  made  of  straw 

or  wicker ;  a  sort  of  measure. 
Teima,  sf.  stubborness,  obstina- 

cy,  positiveness. 
Teimar,  vn.  to  be  obstinate. 
Teimosamente,  adv.  obstinatelv. 
Teimoso,  a.  adj.  obstinate,  stuo- 

born,  "wilful. 
Teiro,  sm.  a  long  peg  of  wood 

put  in  the  plougn. 
Teiró,  sm.  spite,  aversion. 
Teixo,  sm.  the  yew. 
Teixugo,  sm.  {nat.  kist.) a.h&áger. 
Tejadillio,    sm.  the   roof  of  a 

Tejo,  sm.  {geog.)  Tagus. 
Tela,  sf.  a  web  of  cloth;  any 

thing  woven ;  a  sort  of  springe. 
Telaria.  sf.  a  great  nuraber  of 

webs  of  cloth. 
Telegraphia,  sf.  telegraphy. 
Telegraphico ,    a,     adj.    tele- 

Telegrapho,  sm.  telegraph. 
Telescópio,  sm.  a  telescope. 
Telescópico,  a,  adj.  telescopic, 

Telha,  sf.  tile. 
Telhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tiled. 
Telhado,  sm.  the  top  of  a  house, 

the  roof.  [maker. 

Telhador,  sm.  a  tiler,  a  tile- 
Telhadura,  sf.  tiling. 

Telhai,  tm.  a  tile-kiln. 

Telhar,  va.  to  tile,  to  cover  ^th 

tiles.  [tiles. 

Telheira*  sf.  a  place  to   inake 
Telheiro,  sm.  a  place  sheltered 

from  the  sun ;  a  shed ;  a  tiler. 
Telho,  sm.  alittle  earthen  cover 

or  Ud. 
Teliz,  sm.  a  saddle  cloth. 
Telonio,  sm.  a  custom  house,  a 

toU  booth ;  toll*s  gatherer^s  of- 

Temão  or  Timão,  sm.  tiler.  — 

do  arado t  the  beam  of  a  ploagh. 
Temente,  adj.  2  g.  that  fears  or 

Temer,  vn.  or  a.  to  fear,  to  dread, 

to  stand  in  awe.   Temer-se,  vr. 

to  be  afraid,  to  fear,  to  dread. 
Temerariamente,  adv.  rashly, 

boldly.  [hardy. 

Temerário,  a,  adj.  rash,  bold. 
Temeridade,  sf.  temerity,  rash< 

Temerosamente,  adv.  fearfuUy. 
Temeroso,  a,  adi.  dreadful,  for- 

midable,  fearfuí,  timorous. 
Temido,  a,pp.  adj.  feared,  dread- 

Temivel.  adj.  2  g.  dreadful. 
Temoneiro,  sm.  (marit.)  a  steers- 

Temor,  sm.  awe,  fear. 
Tempera,  sf.  the  tempering  of 

iron  and  steel. 
Temperado,  a,  pp,  adj.  temper- 

ed;  temperate,  frugal. 
Temperador,  sm.  one  who  tem- 

Temperamento,  sm.    tempera- 

ment,  constitution  of  body,  na- 

ture.  [soberness,  sobriety. 

Temperança,  sf.  temperance, 
Temperante,  adj.ig.  leraperate. 
Temperar,  va.  to  temper,  to  rao- 

derate,  to  mix  so  that  one  part 

qualifies  another;  to  tune. 
Temperatura,  sf  temperature. 
Temperilha.  sf.  or  Temperilho, 

sm.  dexterity   in    holding    the 

briddle   to    govern     a   norse; 

manner  of  managing   a   busi- 

ness.  [manner. 

Tempero,  sm,  seasoning ;  means. 



—  713  — 


Tempestade,  sf.  tempest,  vio- 

lent  stonn;  {fig.)  sedition. 
Tempestear,  vn.  to  tempest,  to 

storm.  [opportunely. 

Tempestivamente,  aav.  in  time, 
Tempestivo,  a,  adj.  opportune, 

in  time.  [tuousness. 

Tempestuosidade,  sf.  tempes- 
Tempestuoso,  a,   aaj.  tempes- 

Templário,  sm.  templar. 
Templo,  sm.  a  temple. 
Temipo,    sm.   time,  leisure,   op- 

portunity,   occasion ,   weather. 

Quanto  —ha?  how  long  is  it? 

{mus.)  time. 
Temporada,  sf.  a  long  while. 
Temporal,    aaj.  2  g.  temporal, 

teraporajry.  transient. 
Temporal,  sm.  a  storm  at  sea. 
Temporalidade,  sf.  temporality. 
Temporalisar,  va.  to  make  tem- 
poral, [ly. 
Temporalmente,  adv.  temporal- 
Temporaneo,  a,  adj.  tempora- 

rieous,  temporary.  [ripe. 

Temporão,  a,  adj.  hasty,  early 
Temporariamente,   adv.    tem- 

porarily.  [lasting. 

Temporário,  a,  adj.  temporary, 
Têmporas,  temples. 
Temporisação,    sf.    temporisa- 

Temporisador,  sm.  temporizer. 
Temporisante,   adj.   2  g.   that 

Temporisar,  vn.   to   temporize, 

to  delay,  to  procrastinate. 
Temulento,    a,    adj.  temulent, 

Tenacidade,  sf.  tenacity;  close- 

ness;  stinginess. 
Tenalha  or  Tenaz,  sf.  {fort.)  a 

tenaille.  [pincers. 

Tenaz,   sf.    apair  of  tongs  or 
Tenaz,  adj.  í.  g.  tenacious,  obs- 

tinate,  stubborn. 
Tenazmente,  adv.  tenaciously. 
Tença,  sf.  tench  (fish). 
Tença,  sf.  a  pension,  annuity; 

Tenção,  sf.  intention,  meaning, 

opinion,  judgment,  will. 
Tencionado,  a,  pp.  adj.  judged. 

Tencionar,  va.  to  judge,  to  pass 

sentence,to  decide;  to  intend, 

to  purpose. 
Tencionario,    sm.  he  vho  re- 

ceives  a  tença. 
Tencioneiroi  a,  adj.  in  enmity 

with  another,  obstinate. 
Tençoeiro,    a,  adj.    obstinate, 

Tenda,    sf.   a  shop   for  sellinír 

sraaU  wares ;  a  stall,  a  grocer^s 

Tendal,    sm.    tilt;   a   place  in 

which  sheep  are  shorn. 
Tendão,  sm.  {anat.)  tendon. 
Tendedeira,     sf.    a    board  on 

which  the  dough  is  made  into 

Tendeiro,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he  Tvho 

keeps  a  little  shop    or   stall; 

Tendência,    sf.    tendence,  ten- 

dcúcy ;  means,  measures. 
Tendente,  adj.  2  g.  tendin^. 
Tender,  vn.  to  aspire,  to  aim  at, 

to  tend,  to  have  a  tendency.  — 

va,  to  mould  bread.  —  as  velas, 

to  loosen  the  sails. 
Tendido,  a,  pp.   adj.  made  into 

Tendilhão,  sm.  a  great  tent,  or 

soldier's  pavilion. 
Tenebricoso,    a,  adj.  tenebri- 

ous,  dark.  [darkly. 

Tenebrosamenie,  adv.  gloomily^ 
Tenebrosidade,  sf.  tenebrosity. 
Tenebroso,  a,    adj.  tenebrous, 

Tenencla,  sf.  lieutenancy. 
Tenente,  sm.  a  lieutenant ;  á  de- 

puty.  Capitão  — ,  the  íirst  lieu- 
Tenesmo,  sm.  tenesmus. 
Tenia,  sf.  {med.)  tsenia,    solitary 

Tenor,  sm.  {mus.)  tenor. 
Tenro,    a,    adj.    tender,    soft; 
young.  [ness,  affection. 

Tenrura,   sf.    tenderness,  soft- 
Tensão,  sf.  tension,  tenseness. 
Tensivo,  a,    adj,  tensive. 
Tenso,  a,  adj.  tense,  stretchod. 
Tenta,    sf.  a  8argeon's  probe, 




—  714  — 


TentaçSo,  # /.  temptatioD,  indiíui- 

Tentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tempted, 
afâícted,  vexed. 

Tentador,  «m.  a  tempter. 

Tentador,  a,  adj,  tempting, 
ibat  terapts. 

Tentar,  va.  to  tempt,  to  solicit; 
to  try.  to  prove;  to  andertake; 
to  atiack,  to  assaolt ;  to  grope 

Tentativa,  sf.  tentative,  proba- 
tioD,  essay;  a  trial;  ârsttaste 
of  any  thing;  an  attempt. 

Tentativo,  a,  adj.  that  tempts  or 

Tente ,  adj.  {anc.)  very  near. 
Pelejar  a  mão  — ,  to  come  to 
a  close  fight. 

Tenteado,  a,  pp.  adi.  probed. 

Tentear,  va.  to  probe,  to  search 
the  depth  of  a  wound ;  to  grope 
alonga  to  assay;  to  sift  a  per- 
son.  [finch. 

Tentilhão,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  green- 

Tentim  or  Tintim,  sm.  — por 
— ,  minutely. 

Tento,  sm.  care,  caution.  Ter  — , 
to  be  cautioQs;  counter,  a  piece 
to  count  with;  (paint.)  maul- 
stick.  A  — ,  adv.  loc.  carefully. 

Tentorio,  sm.  atent,  a  pavilion. 

Ténue,  adj.  2  g.  tenuous,  small, 
thin ;  easy. 

Tenuidade,  sf.  tenuity. 

Teor,  sm.  tenour,  substance  of  a 
writing,  purport. 

Tepe,  sm.  turf  or  clod  of  earth 
used  to  line  a  bastion. 

Tepldez,  sf.  tepidity. 

Tépido,  a,  adi.  tepid,  lukewarm. 

Tepor,  sm.  lukewarmuess,  tepor. 

Ter,  va.  and  n.  to  have,  to  pos- 
sess,  lo  hold.  —  que  fazer.,  to  be 
busy.  — -  /orne,  to  be  hungry.  — 
obrigação,  to  be  obliged.  — pa- 
ra s\,  tothink,  to  reckon.  Ter^  to 
contain.  —  mão  na  sua  resolu- 
ção, to  keep  one's  resolution. — 
por  bem,  to  approve.  Esta  rua 
vai  —  ao  mercado^  this  street 
strikes  ÍDto  the  market.  Tenho- 
opor  morto^  I  reckon  him  tobe  a 
dead  man.  —   uma  amiga,  to 

keep  a  mistress.  Ter^Cy  rr.  — 

em  pé,  to  stand  np.  —  em  ccua, 

to  keep  at  home.  —  com  alguém., 

to  resist.  —  bem  a  cavaUo^  to 

sit  vreU  on  horseback. 
Ter,  sm.  possessions,  sabstance. 

V.  Teres. 
Terça,  sf.  the  third  nart    of  a 

yard;    tierce;    the  uiird   part 

of  a  succession. 
Terçã,  adj.  f.  or  sf.  tertian. 
Terçado,  a,  pp.   adj.  vrapped 

Terçado,   sm.    a    short    broad 

sword.  a  sabre. 
Terça-feira,  sf.  tuesday. 
Terção,  sm.  \agr\c.^  the    shoot 

which  pruners  ieave  on  a  vine. 
Terçar,  va.  to  mingle  sand  with 

lime.  —  a  lança,  to  toss  a  speair. 

—  vn.  to  intercede,  to  be  a  me- 

diator.  j^diation. 

Terçaria,   sf.  intercession,  me- 
Terçario,  sm.  a  sort  of  tribute 

paid  to  a  prince. 
Terças,  sf.  pi.  a  sort  of  tribute. 
Terceira ,     sf.     a     mediatrix; 

{mus.)  a  tierce,  third. 
Terceiramente,  adv.  thirdly. 
Terceiro,  a,  adj.  third;  mediator. 
Terceiro,  sm.  a  third  person,  a 

Tercena,   sf.   a    storehouse  for 

Tercerdia,  sf.  [anc.)  the  term  of 

three  years,  three  months,  etc. 

to  pay  a  debt.  [cets. 

Tercetar,  va.  or  n.  to  make  tier- 
Terceto,  sm.  tiercet;  a  stave  of 

three  verses ;   a  song  for  three 

Tercia,  sf.  tierce. 
Terciário ,     a,    adj.     tertiary, 

Tercionarlo,  a,  adj.  he  or  she 

who  suflfers  a  tertian  ague. 
Terço,  sm.  the  third  part;  a  re- 

giment  of  3,000  soldiers. 
Terço,  sm.  the  raale  of  any  bird 

of  prey. 
Terçol,    sm.   a  pimple,   a   little 

swelling  in  the  eyelids. 
Terebinthina ,    sf.    turpentine, 




—  7i5 


Terebinthinado,  a,  adj.  mixed 
with  turpentine. 

Terebintho,  sm.  turpentine-tree. 

Terebrar,  va.  to  terebrate. 

Teredem,  sf.  teredo,  a  sea-worm. 

Teres,  sm.  pi.  possessions,  sub- 
stance.  —e  haveres,  wealth,  pro- 
perty.  ffold. 

Tergexnino,  a,  adj.  (poet.)  three- 

Tergiversação,  sf.  tergiversa- 
tíon.  [who  tergiversates. 

Tergiversador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  he 

^^ergiversante,  pa.  and  adj.  2  g. 

Tergiversar,  vn.  to  tergiversate. 

Tergo,  sm.  skine  or  hide. 

Teristo,  sm.  a  tbin  veil  or  sum- 
mer  garment. 

Termioação  ,  sf.  termination ; 
conclusion.  [nated. 

Terminado,  a,  pp.  adj.  termi- 

Terzninal,  adj.  1  g.  terminal, 
terminating.  [ting. 

Terminante,  adj.  2  g.  termina- 

Terminar,  va.  to  terminate,  to 
put  to  an  end,  to  limit.  —  vn. 
to  terminate,  to  end,  to  attain 
the  aim,  to  have  an  end.  Ter- 
minar-se,  vr.  to  have  an  end. 

Terminativamente,  ado.  in  a 
terminating  manner. 

Terminativo,  a,  adj,  termina- 

Termo,  sm.  term,  limit,  bound ; 
territory.  Termos^  case,  state, 
condiíion,  terms,  words,  ex- 
pressions;  way,  means.  Assi- 
gnar  um  termo,  to  bind  one's 
self,  to  sign  a  bond.  Estar  em 
termos  de  fazer  alguma  cousa, 
to  be  about  doing  a  thing.  Dar 
—  (ín  law)  to  appoint  one  day 
to  answer  a  charge.  Com  bom — . 
ivitli  moderation. 

Ternado,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  ternate. 

Ternamente,  adv.  tenderly, 

Ternário,  a,  adj.  consisting  of 
three.  Temp^—,  triple  propor- 

Temeira,  sf.  a  calf. 

Temeza,  sf.  tenderness. 

Tfflmo,  a,  adj.  tender,  amorous; 
gentie,  mild. 

Temo,  sm.  a  teruary ;  the  back. 

Ternura,  sf.  tenderness,  love, 
kindness,  aifection. 

Terra,  sf.  earth,  ground,  land, 
soil,  mould,  country.  Tomar 
— ,  ir  a  — ,  to  come  ashore.  — 
firme,  the  continent.  —  santa, 
(cAôm.)antimonium  preparatum. 

Terraço,  sm.  terrace. 

Torrada,  sf.  a  small  ship  of  war. 

Terradigo,  sm.  ayearly  revenue. 

Terrado,  sm.  a  terrace. 

Terrado,  a,  adj.  covered  -witli 
tiles  and  shreds. 

Terral,  adj.  2  g.  that  blows 
from  land.  —  sm.  a  land  breeze. 

Terrantez,  adj.  2  g.  bom  in 
the  same  place. 

Terrão,  sm.  a  clod  of  earth.  V. 

Terraplenado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fíUed 
■with  earth.  [earth. 

Terraplenar,  va.    to    fill  vrith. 

Terrapleno,  sm.  {fort.)  terre- 

Terráqueo,  a,  adj.  terraqueous. 

Terreal,  adj.  2  g.  terrestrial. 

Torrear,  va.  or  n.  to  appear  to 
be  bare,  speaking  of  earth. 

Terreiro,  sm.  a  place  of  rendez- 
vous,  of  parade;  a  market 
place  for  corn  at  Lisbon;  pa- 
rade. Tirar  a  — ,  to  provoke. 

Terremoto,  sm.  an  earth^uake. 

Terrenal,  terrestrial. 

Terrenamente,  adv.  terrestrial- 

Terrenho,    a,   adj. .  terrestrial, 

Terreno,  a,  adj.  terrestriaL 
Terreno,   sm.   ground,   ground- 

plot;   soil.   —    a,  adj.     mixed 

with    earth.    Casa  — a,    a  low 

Terrento,  a,  adj.  earthly. 
Térreo,  a,  adj.  low,  even  with 

the    ground.  Casa  —a,   a  low 

house.  —  sm.  a  fallow  or  un- 

cultivate  ground. 
Terrestre,  adj.  2  g.   terrestrial. 
Terribilidade,  sf.  terribleness. 
Terricola,  sm.  an  inhabitant  of 

the  earth. 
Terrificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  terrified. 




—  716  — 


Terrificante,    adj.   2   g.  terri- 

Terrificar,  va.  to  terrifv". 
Terrifico,  a,  adj.  terrinc,  dread- 

Terrigeno,  a,  adj.  terrigenous. 
Terrina,  sf.  a  terrine. 
Terrisono,    a.    aôj.    having    a 

terrible  sound. 
Territorial,  adj.  2  g.  territorial. 
Território,  sm.  territory,  land. 
Terrivel,    adj.    2    g.     terrible, 

Terrivelmente,  adw.  terribly. 
Terror,  sm.  terror,  dread. 
Terrorisar,  ua.    to   terrify,   to 

Terrorismo,  sm.  terrorisrn. 
Terrorista,   sm.   a  partisan   of 

Terroso,  a,  ad/.  earthy,  terreous. 
Terrulento,  a,  ad^.  (poet.)  ter- 
reous, earthy. 
Tersamente,arfo.teraely,  neatly. 
Terso,  a.  adi.  clear,  neat. 
Tersol,  sm.  (anc.)  a  sort  of  altar- 

cloth . 
Tesamente,  adv.  briskly,  vigo- 

rously,  keeniy. 
Tesão,    sm.    stiffness,   tension; 

swiftness,    hastiness ;    rigour ; 

alarge  fishing-net. 
Tescão,  sm.  V.  Vadio. 
Tesidão,  sm.  stitfness,  tension. 
Teso,  a,  adj.  stifif,  tough ;  swift, 

violent;    steep;    brave,   stout. 

Ter-se  — ,  to  ne  inílexible.  Ter 

a  barba  — a,  to  resist. 
Teso,  sm.  a  hillock. 
Tesoura,  sf.  scissars  or  scissors. 
Tesourada,  sf.  a  cut  or  stroke 

with  a  pair  of  scissars. 
Tesourinhas,  sf.  pi.  little  scis- 
sars ;   the  tendrils  of  the  vine. 
Tessão,  sm.  a  sort  of  tissue. 
Testa,  sf.   the  forehead,  front  : 

fore-part.   Testas^  sf.  pi.  (a  sea 

term)  the  leeches  ot  a  saií. 
Testaceo,  a,  adj.  testaceous. 
Testaçudo,  a,  adj.  (a»ic.)  head- 

strong,  obstinate. 
Testada,  sf.  a  ridge  or  boundary. 
Testado,  a,  pp.  adj.  left  by  will. 
Testador,  sm.  testator. 

Testadora,  sf.  a  testatrix. 
Testamentária,  sf.  the  execn- 

tion  of  a  will.  [mentary.! 

Testamentario,    a,  adj.    testa- 
Testamenteiro,  a,    sm.    or    f. 

the  executor  of  a  will. 
Testamento,    sm.  testament,  a 

last  will.  [testament. 

Testar,  va.  to  raake  a  will  or 
Testeira,  sf.  any  thing  to  cover 

the  front. 
Testemunha   or  Testimnnha, 

sf.  a  witness ;  evidence,   depo» 

nent.     Tirar  — s,   to    examine 

Testemunha,  sm.  or  f.  one  who 

bears  witness. 
Testemunhado,     a,    pp.    adj. 

testiâed,  attested. 
Testemunhador,    a,  adj.   that 

witnesses,  a  witness. 
Testemunhar,  va.  or  n.  to  tcs- 

tify,  to  witness,  to   bear  wit- 
Testemunhavel,  adi.  i  g.  tes- 

timonial,  that  may  be  testified. 
Testemunho,     sm.    testimony, 

evidence,  certiflcate,  witness- 

ing;  proof,  mark,  token. 
Testículo,  sm.  testicle. 
Testificação,  sf.  testilication. 
Testificado,  a,    pp.   adj.    testi- 
fied, witnessed. 
Testificador,  a,    adj.    he  who 

testifies.  —  sm.  a  testiâcator. 
Testificar,  va.    to    testify.    to 

witness.  [lid. 

Testinho,  sm.  a  little   cover  or 
Testo,  sm.  a  cover,  a  lid;  a  pots- 

Testo.  a.  adj.  resolute,  stout. 
Testudaço,  a,  adj.  headstrong, 

Testudem,  sf.  or  Testudo,  sm. 

testudo,  tortoise. 
Tesura,    sf.     rigour,   stiffness, 

Teta,  sf.  teat,  breast,  pap. 
Tetanos,  sm.  {mefi.)  tetanus. 
Tetas,    sm,    {jest.)  a  ridiculous 

fellow.  [chord. 

Tetracordo,    sm.    {mus.)    tetra- 
Tetraedro,   sm.   (jgeom.)  tetrae» 



—  717  - 


Tetragonal,  adj.  2  g.  tetrago- 

Tetragono,  sm.  {geom.)  tetragon; 

a  square. 
Tetragynia,  sf.  tetragynia. 
Tetraplo,  a,  adj.  quadrupled. 
Tetrarcha,  sm.  tetrarch. 
Tetrarchia,  sf.  tetrarchate. 
Tetrasyllabo,  sm.  tetras vllable. 
Tétrico,   a,  adj.  tetrical,  sour, 

Tetro,  a,  adj.  black. 
Tetudo,  a,  adj.  that  has  a  great 

breast.  [tby,  thy  own. 

Teu,  Tua,  pron.  poss.'adj.  thine, 
Teu,  sm.  O  — ,  thy  own.  Os  teuSy 

thy  own  relations. 
Texto,  sm.  a  text. 
Textual,  adj.  2  g.  textual. 
Textualmente,     adv.  conform- 

ably  to  the  text. 
Textura,  sf.  textura. 
Tez,  sf.  the   epidermis,   the    co- 

iour  of  the  skin.  [bed. 

Thalamo,  sm.  a  nuptial  bed  ; 
Thauxnaturgo,    adj.    and    sm. 

Theantropia.  sf.  theanthropy. 
Theatral ,     adj.   2   g.   theatral, 

theatrical.  [call^r. 

Theatralznente,  adv.  theatri- 
Theatrista,  sm.  a  stage-player. 
Theatro,  sm.  a  theatre  ;    stage, 

scenc ;  play-house.  Uma  peça  de 

— ,  a  play. 
Theiszuo,  sm.  theism. 
Thema,  af.  theme,  text. 
Theocracia,  sf.  theocracy. 
Theocratico,  a,  adj.  th*iOcratic. 
Theodicea,  sf.  theodicy. 
Theogonia,  sf.  theogony. 
Theologal.  adj.  2  g.  theolo^ical. 

—  sm.  Ou  professor  of  divinity, 

Theologia,  sf.  theologv. 
Theologicamente,  aàu.  theolo- 

Tbeologlco,  a,  adj.  theologic. 
Theologisar,  vn.  to  theologize. 
Theologo,  sm.  theologist ;  a  di- 

Theorema,  sf.  theorem. 
Theoria  or  Theorioa,  sf.  theo- 

ry,  speculation. 

Theorlco,    a,    adj.   theoretical, 

Theorista,  sm.  theorist. 
Theosophia,  sf.  theosophy. 
Theosophico,    a,    adj.   theoso- 

Theosophista.  sm.  theosophisf. 
Therapeutica,  sf.  therapeutics. 
Therapeutico,  a,  adj.  therapou- 

Theriaga,  sf.  treacle,  theriac. 
Thermal,  adj.  2  g.  thermal. 
Tberxnas,  s/.  pi.   thermse,   hot> 

springs,  hot-baths. 
Tbenuologia,  sf.  a  treatise  on 

the  heat. 
Thermoxnetrloaxnentet       adv. 

Thermoxnetrico,    a,  adj.  tber- 

mometrical.  [ter, 

Thermometro,  sm.   thermome- 
These,  sf.  a  thesis. 
Thesoirado,   sm.  treasnrership. 
Thesolreira,  sf.  treasuress. 
Thesoireiro,  sm,  treasurer. 
Thesoiro   or  Thesouro,  sm.  a 

Theurgia,  sf.  theurgy. 
Theurgico,  a,  adj.  theurgic. 
Thoraoico,  a,  adj.    (med.)  tho- 

Thorax,  sm.  {anat.)  tborax. 
Thoro,  sm.  {poet.)  conjugal  bod. 

V.  Toro. 
Threno,  sm.  lamentation. 
Throno  or  Trono,  sm.  a  throne. 
Thuribulario,  sm.  censer-bearer. 
Thuribulo,  sm.  a  censer. 
Thurif erário ,  sm.    incenseboa- 

Thurif ero,  a,  adj.   thuriferouc 
Thurifioação,  sf.  perfuraing. 
Thurilicador,   sm.  he  who   in- 
censes, or  perfumes. 
Thurificar,    va.   to   incense  or 

Thymiama,  sf.  thyraiaraa. 
Thymo,  sm.  (6o/.)  thyme. 
Thyrso,  sm.  {mythol.)  thyrsus. 
Ti,  pron.  De   — ,  a  — ,  of  thee,  to 

Tia,   sf.  aunt.   Tia  irmã  do  avâ^ 

great  aunt. 
Tiiira,  sf.  tiara,  tiar. 



—  718  — 


Tibia,  sf.  (anat.)  tíbia;  a  sort  of 

little  flute. 
Tibial,  adj.  2  g.  tibial. 
Tibiamente,  adv.  coldly,  tardily. 
Tibieza     or    Tibeza,  sf.  luke- 

"warmness;     indifiFerency ;     re- 

Vlbio,  a,  adi.  lukewarm;   {fig.) 

remiss,    cold,   indifferent,   ne- 

Tmorna,  sf.  bread  soaked  in  oil. 
Tico,  sm.    {med.)   tic,  a  convul- 

sive  fit.  [ched. 

Tição,    sm.   a   fire-brand    (juen- 
Tiçoada,   sf.    a    stroke  -with  a 

Tiçoeiro,  sm.  a  poker. 
Tido,  a,  pp.   adj.  had. 
Tigela,  sf.  a  porrinçer. 
Tigelada,  sf.  a  pomnger  fuU. 
Tigre,  sm.  tiger.  Cão  — -,  a  spot- 

Tigrino,  a,  adj.  ti^erish. 
Ti j oleiro,  sm.  a  brick-maker. 
Tijolo,  sm.  a  brick. 
Til,   sm.  a  little   dash  as  (") ;  a 

Tilha,  sf  or  Tilhado,  sm.  deck, 

auarter-deck.  Tilhas,  sf.  jpZ.  — 

âe  navio,  the  decks  of  a  ship. 
Tilia,  sf  {bot.)  tilia. 
Timão  or  Temão,  sm.  pele.  — 

do  arado,  the  beam  of  a  plough; 

{marit.)  the  helm. 
Tixubal,  sm.  timbal,  kettle-drum. 
Timbaleiro,  sm.  a  kettle-drum- 

Timbõ,  sm.   {a    Brazilian   term) 

timbo,   a   snort    of  shrub  that 

twines  about  the  trees. 
Timbrar,  sm.  {herald.)  to  put  a 

timbre ;  {fig.)  to  take  as  a  point 

of  honour. 
Timbre,    sm.    {herald,)    timbre, 

the  crest  of  the  helmet.  Tomar 

uma  cousa  por  — ,  (fig.)  to  boast 

of  a  thing. 
Timidamente,  adv.  fearfully. 
Timidez,    sf    timidity,    fearful- 

Timido,   a,  adj.  timid,    fearful; 

Timocracia,  sf.  a  sort  of  govern- 


Timoneira,  sf.  {a  sea  term)  the 

ateerage  in  a  ship. 
Timoneiro,  sm.  timoneer. 
Timorato,  a,     adj.     timorous, 

Timtim,  sm.  Por  — ,  minutely. 

Contar  por  — ,  to  show  minute- 

Tina,  sf  a  tub. 
Tinada,  sf.  a  tub  or  vat  full. 
Tincal,  sm.  tincal,  bórax. 
Tincaleira,  sf.  the  box  in  which 

goldsmiths  keep  tincal. 
Tinelleiro,  sm.  he  that  eats  in 

the  hall  called  tinello. 
Tinello,  sm.  a  common  hall  for 

servants  to  eat  in. 
Tingido,  a ,    pp.  adj.  dyed. 
Tingidor,  sm.  a  dyer.  V.  Tintu- 
reiro, [dying. 
Tingidura,     sf.    the      act     oí 
Tingir,  va.  to  dye,  to  colour,  to 

tinge,  to  tincture ;  {fig.)  to  call 

up  a  blush.  Tiugirse^  tw.  to  be 

Tingueiro,  sm.  a  sort   of  boat 

used  in  the  Tagus. 
Tinba,  sf.  scaldhead,  scurf. 
Tinhoso,  a,  adi.  scurfy. 
Tinido,  sm.  tinkling.  tingling. 
Tinido,  a,    pp.    adj.     tinkled) 

tingled.  [or  tingles. 

Tinidor,    a,     adj.  that  tinkles 
Tinir,  vn.  to  tinlde,  to  tin^le.  O 

—  dos  ouvidos^  the  tinkling  in 

the  ears.  [sense,instinct. 

Tino,     sm.     judgment,      guess, 
Tinote,  sm.  the  brains. 
Tinta,  sf.  hue,  dye,  tint,  colour; 

ink.  —  de  Nankin^  indian  ink. 

Meia  — ,  mezzo-tinto. 
Tinteiro,  sm.  an  inkstand. 
Tinto,  a,  Ttp.  and  adj.  dyed,  tin- 

ged.  Vinho  — ,  tent  or  red  wine. 
Tintura,  sf)  the  act  of  dyeing ;  a 

tincture;  colour. 
Tinturaria,  sf.  the  act  of  dyeing. 
Tintureira,  sf  a  dver's  wif« ; 

{nat.  hist.)  a  sort  of  shark. 
Tintureiro,  sm.  a  dyer. 
Tio.  sm.  an  uncle. 
Tiorba,  sf.  theorbe.  [music. 

Tiple,  sm.    (mus.)  the   treble  in 
Tira,  sf.  a  long  stripe  of  cloth 


—  719  — 


or  the  like.  —  da  camisa  ^  the 

frill  of  a  shirt.  [a  truss. 

Tirabragal  or  Tiraverqal,  sm. 

TiracoUo,  sm.  bandoleer-belt.  V. 

Tirada,  sf.  exportation,  the  act 
of  carrying  out  commodities  ;  a 
long  tract  of  land. 
Tiradeiras,  sf.  pi.  traces,  straps 
for  draught  horses  in  a  sugar 
Tirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  taken  avay. 
Tirador,   sm.   (print.)   a   press- 

man  ;  a  wire-drawer. 
Tiradura,  sf.  the  act  and  efifect 

of  taking  away. 
Tiraíundo,  sm.  a  turrei,  a  coo- 

per's  tool. 
Turagem,  sf.  exportation ;  (príní.) 
the  working  on,  the  printing  oíf. 
Tirai-là,  inter j.  away. 
Tiralinhas,  sm.  a  ruler. 
Tiramento,  sm.  exportation  ;  re- 

ceiving  or  recovering. 
Tirante,  adj.  1  g.  inclining  to. 
Tirante,  mi.  a  trace  for  draught 

Tirão,   sm.  a  pulling  with  vio- 
lence  ;  a  long  way.  [rup- 

Tirapé,  sm.  a  shoe-maker's  stir- 
Tirar,  va.  to  take  away,  to  re- 
move ;  to  banish  ;  to  free ;  to 
draw ;  to  receive,  to  reap,  to 
extract ;  to  hinder ;  to  drive  out. 
—  vn,  to  incline  to.  Tirar-se^  vr. 
to  get  out  or  ofT,  Tirar  com  uma 
pistola^  to  discharçe  a  pistol. 
Tira-teimas,  sm.  {jest.)  a  sort  of 
club.  [silk. 

Tiritana,  sf.  a  sort  of  very  light 
Tiritar,  vn.  to  quake,  to  shiver 

with  cold. 
Tiro,   sm.   shot ;  cast,  a  throw. 
Bar  um  — ,  to   shoot   at  one. 
Fazer  tiro,  to  aira  at. 
Tirocinio,  sm.  apprenticeship. 
Tiroteio,  sm.  a  musket  shooting. 
Tisana,  sf.  ptisan.         [phthisis. 
Tisica,    sf.   {med.)  consumption, 
Tisico,  a,    adj,    phthisical.    — 
sm.  or  f.  a  consumptive  person. 
Tisiquidade,    sf.    consumptive- 
ness.  [soot. 

Tisna,  sf.  a  black  stain  maid  with 

Tisnado,    a,   pp.    adj.    sooted, 

blackened.  [soot. 

Tisnadura,  5/.  a  stain  madewith 
Tisnar,  va.  to  black,  to  smut,  to 

Tisne,  sm.  the  colour"which  smoke 

or  heat  produces  on  the  skin. 
Tissu,  sm.  tissue.  [taniura. 

Titaneo  or  Titan,  sm.  titan,  ti- 
Titans,  sm.  pi.  [mythol.)  the  Ti- 

tans.  [of  a  fowl. 

Titela,  sf.  the  breast  or  brawn 
Titere,  sm.  puppet. 
Titerear,  vn.  to  perform  a  pup- 

ÍDet,  show. 
tereiro,  sm.  puppet-man. 
Titillação,  sf.  titillation. 
Titillar,  va.  to  titillate. 
Titillar,  áãj.  2  g.  belonging  to 

Titubante,  adj.  2  g.  staggering. 
Titubar  or  Titubear,  vn.  to  stag- 

ger,  to  waver,  to  falter ;  [fig.) 

to  fluctuate,  to  be  irresglute. 
Titulado,  a,  pp.  adj.  titled,  en- 

Titular,  va.  to  title,  to  entitle. 
Titular,  adj.  fg.  titular.  —  sm.  n 

person  invested  'with  a  title. 
Tituleiro,  sm.  (anc.)  a  sepulchral 

Titulo,  sm.  title,  quality;  right, 

claim,  pretence ;  colour. 
Tô-tòyinterj.  here,  here^fordogs). 
To  or  Tó,  pron.  mixed  instead  of 

te  o,    for  the    masculine    and 

t'a  for  the  feminine  gender ;  it 

to  thee  or  thee  of  it.  Eu  fó  da- 
rei, ril  give  it  to  thee. 
Toa,  sf.  (a  sea  term)  a  tow-rope^ 

A'  — ,  adv.  down  the  stream. 
Toada,  sf.  tone,  tune,  uncertain 

Toado,  SLiPp.  adj.  that  has  yield- 

ed  a  sound ;  harmonious,   me- 

Toalha,  sf.  a  towel. 
Toar,  vji.  to  yield  a  sound.  V. 

Soar,  {marit.)  to  tow  (a  ship^.  — 

vn.  (anc.)  to  thunder. 
Toar  da,  sf.  V.  Atoarda. 
Toca,  sf.  hole,  burrow.  Fazer  — , 

to  burrow. 
TocadilJlO^  sm.  •V.VOkX'».^*^. 


—  720  — 


Tocado,  a,  yp.  adj.  touched. 
Tooador,  sm.  a  player  on  an  in- 

Tocadora,  sf.  a  feraale  player. 
Tocadora,  sf.  the  act  of  touch- 

ing',  contact. 
ToceuEuento,  sm.  the  act  of  touch- 

ing,  contact. 

Tocano,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  toucan. 

Tocante,  p.  a.  or  adj.  touching, 
relating  to.  — prep.  concerning. 

Tocar,  va.  and  n.  to  toucb,  to 
handle,  to  play  on  an  instru- 
ment ;  to  be  near ;  to  concern. 
Toca  a  mim,  it  is  mv  turn.  Elle 
tocou  o  alvo  ^  he  nas  hit  the 
znark.  —  t>n.  to  refer,  to  have 

Tocha,  sf.  a  torch  or  flambeau. 

Tocheira,  sf.  a  great  candlestick 
or  âambeau ;  a  high  stand  or 
frame  to  set  a  torch  upon. 

Tooo,  sm.  the  trunk  of  a  tree. 

Todavia,  conj.  nevertheless,  yet, 

Todo,  a,  adj.  ali,  whole,  what- 
ever.  Toda  a  gente^  ali  people. 
Todo  o  homem,  every  inan.  O 
homem  — ,  the  whole  man.  —  o 
dia,  the  whole  day.  Todos  os 
dias,  every  day.  Todos  quantos, 
as  many  as.  —  or  todas  as  peS' 
soas,  every  person,  every  one, 
every  body.  Por  toda  a  terra, 
every  where.  —  [de],  adv.  quite, 
altogether.  —  {ao),  at  the  most. 
sm.  the  whole. 

Todo -Poderoso,  sm.  the  Almigh- 

Toesa,  sf.  a  fathom. 

Tofaceo  or  Tophaceo,  a,  adj. 

sandy,  stony. 
Toga,  sf.  gown  or  toga. 
Togado,  a,  adj.  togated. 
Togato,  sm.  one  that  is  clothed 

with  a  toga. 
Tojal,  sm.  a  place  fuU  of  furze. 
Tojeiro,  sm.  he  who  carries  furze 

to  warra  an  oven. 
Tojo,  sm.  gorze,  furze. 
Tolamente,  ado.  foolishly. 
Tolda,  sf.  the  mould  on  wine ; 

{marit.)  quarter-deck. 
Toldado,  a,  pp.  adj.  hung  ovet 

with    an    awning ;    overcast  * 

Toldar,  va.  to  hang  over  with  an 

awning,   to  tilt.  Toldar-se,   vr. 

to  turn,  to  be  spoiled. 
Toldo,   sm.    any  covering    froni 

sun,  rain,  etc;  an  awnin»'. 
Toleima,  sf.   folly,    foolishness, 

Toleirão,  ona,  adj.  aug.  of  Tolo, 

a  great  silly  fellow  or  woman. 
Tolejar,  vn.  to  say  nonsenses. 
Toleradamente,  adv.  with  toler- 

Tolerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tolerated. 
Tolerância,  sf.  tolerance. 
Tolerante,  adj.  2  g.  tolerant. 
Tolerantismo,    sm.    toleration, 

Tolerar,  va.  to  tolerate. 
Tolerável,  adj.  2  g.  tolerable. 
Toleravelmente,  adv.  tolerably. 
Tolete,  sm.  a  foolish  person.  — s, 

sm.  pi.  {marit.)  thowls  or  tholes. 
Toleteiras,  sf.  pi.  {marit.)  row- 

Tolher,  va.  to  hinder,  to  stop,  to 

prevent,  to  avoid  ;    to  inhibit, 

to  debar,  to  interdict  by  author- 

it^.     Tolhei^se,    vr.   to  be   de- 

prived  of  th®  use  of  the  Umbs. 

—  com  frio,    to   be   benumbed 

wild  cold.  [obstructed. 

Tolhido,    a,  pp.  adj.   hindered, 
Tolhimento,  sm.  benumbedness. 

V.  Paralysia.  [ness. 

Tolice,  sf.  folly,  simplicity,  silli- 
Tolinho,  a,  adj.  dim.  somewhat 

foolish,  siljy.  — ,  s.  a  little  fool. 
Tolle,  sm.  Tomar  o  — ,  to  sheer 

Tolo,  a,  adj.  foolish,  silly;  sur- 

prised,  amazed. 
Tom,  sm.  a  tone,  sound ;  tune. 
Tomada,  sf,  a  taking,  seizure, 

Tomadia,  sf.  a  prize,  booty. 
Tomadiço,  a,  adj.  soon  angry, 

choleric.  [caught. 

Tomado,   a,    pp.    adj.    taken, 
Tomado,  sm.  fold.  O  —  de  uma 

saia,  a  tuck  in  a  woman^s  pet- 

^Tomadot,  sm.  a  ttiker. 


—  721  — 


Tomadora,  sf.  a  gall  in  a  horse's 

Toxuamento,  sm.  {anc.)  the  act 
and  eífect  of  taking. 

Toxnar,  va.  to  take,  to  seize,  to 
catch,  to  capture,  to  grasp  or 
lay  hold  of ;  to  take  up,  to  take 
in  ;  to  swallow»  to  drink ;  to  eat, 
to  overtake.  —  used  impers.y  to 
wish,  to  fain.  Tomara  eu,  I 
would  fain,  would  to  God.  To- 
maram elles^  how  thev  would 
like  !  Tomar-se^  vr.  —  íw  alguma 
cousa,  to  take  pet  at  a  thing ; 
to  wish,  to  fain.  Tomar  assento, 
to  sit  down.  Tomar-se  com  al- 
guém, to  quarrel  with  one. 

Tomareç,  am.  pi.  Dares  e  tomares, 
dealingi,  disputes  ;  a  trouble- 
some  MTair. 

Tomate,  sm.  love-apple. 

Tomateiro,  sm.  a  love-apple 

Tomba,  tf.  a  patch  on  a  shoe. 

Tombadimo.  sm.  the  quarter- 

Tombado,  a,  pp.  adj.  thrown 
down,  tumbled. 

Tombador,  sm.  he  who  throws 

Tombar,  va.  to  throw  down,  to 
tamble.  —  vn.  to  tumble  or  fali, 
to  reel,  to  stagger. 

Tombo,  «m.  a  tiimble,  a  fali. 

Tomento,  sm.  tow. 

Tomentoso,  a,  adj.  full  of  tow. 

Tomilho,  sm.  {bot.)  thyme. 

Tomo,  sm.  tome,  a  volume ; 
weight.  substance,  importance. 

Tona,  sf.  a  peei,  a  skin,  a  ring ; 
the  surface  of  any  liquor.  A'  — 
deagua^  in  the  surface  of  water. 

Tonante,  sm.  {poet.)  the  thun- 
derer.  [torus. 

Tondinho,    sm.    (arch.)  tondin. 

Tonel  or  Tonnel,  sm.  tun,  cask, 
pipe.  Fulano  é  um  — ,  {fig.)  such 
a  one  is  a  drunkard. 

Tonelada,  sf.  tun,  ton. 

Tonloo,  a,  adj.  (med.)  tonic,  to- 
nical ;  (mu«.)  tonic. 

Tónico,  a,  sm.  or  f  [med.)  a  to- 
nic; (fWM.)  tonic  or  key-note. 

Tonilho;  «m.  a  tune,  air  or  song. 
Partk  I. 

Tonitruoso,  a,  adj,   producing 

Tono,  sm.  (mus,)  a  tone,  tune; 

[fig.)  disposition. 
Tonoa,  sf.  Fazer  — ,    to   mend 

tubs,  barreis,  etc.  V.  Tanoa. 
Tonsura,  sf.  the  Arst  tonsure  on 

the  head ;  tonsure. 
Tonsurado,  a,  pp.  adj.  having 

the  íirst  tonsure. 
Tonsurar,  va.  to  give  the  íirst 

tonsure,  to  shave.  [ruly. 

Tontas,  A'  —  or  ás  —,  adv.  un- 
Tontear,  vn.  to  dote,  to  rave. 
Tonteira  or  Tontioe,  sf.  dotago. 
Tonto,  a,  adj.  doting,  silly.  Velho 

— ,  a  dotard. 
Tontura,  sf.  giddiness. 
Topa,  d/,  a  sort  of  gig. 
Topada,  sf.  a  stumbung  or  trip- 

ping.  Dar  uma  — ,  to  stumble ; 

IfigT)  to  commit  a  fault. 
Topar,  vn.  to  hit,  to  light  upon. 

va.  to  íind,  to  meet. 
Topázio,  sm.  a  topaz. 
Tope,  sm.  a  sort  of  knot  made  of 

ribbons ;  topknot ;  {marit.)  the 

masthead.  [head. 

Topetada,  sf.  a  blow  with  the 
Topetar,  vn.  to  butt  with  the  head. 
Topete,    sm.    foretop,    toupee; 

Topiaria,  sf.  the  act  of  giving 

different  forms  to  the  trees  in 

Tópico,  sm.  (med.  and  log.)  topic. 
Tópico,  a,  aaj.  topical,  topic. 
Topinambor,  sm.  {bot.)  Jerusa- 
lém artichoke. 
Topo,  sm.  the  top. 
Topographia,    sf.    topography. 
Topographioamente ,   adv.   to- 

Topographioo,  a,  adj.  topogra- 

phic,  topographical. 
Topographo,  sm.  topographer. 
Toque,  sm.  touch ;  trial,  assay  oi 

Toqueiro,  sm.  {anc.)  a  woman's 

Toral,  sm.  the  upper  part  of  a 

ship.  —  de  lança,  spear-staff. 
Torar,  va.  to  cut,  to  divida^  ^s» 



—  712  — 


Torçal,  sm.  twisted  silk ;  a  sort 
of  braiíl  or  narrow  lace, 

Torçsdado,  a,  adj,  decked  with 
t'wisted  silk. 

Torção,  sm.  the  gripes. 

Torcedor,  sm.  a  twiater  ;  (fig.)  a 
sting ;  torture. 

Torcedura,  sf.  twistiog. 

Torcelado,  sm.  a  sort  of  'work 
madti  of  twisted  silk. 

Torcer,  va.  to  twist ;  to  vrench, 
to  distort,  to  pervert,  to  mis- 
cnntnie ,  to  misinterpret,  to  alter 
the  sense.  —  um  pé,  to  put  a 
foot  out  of  joint.  —  a  bocea^  to 
make  a  wry  mouth,  or  vrry  fa- 
ces. —  seda,  to  throw  silk.  ^ 
caminho,  to  deviate.  —  o  passo^ 
to  go  out  of  the  right  "way.  — 
08  olhos,  to  squint.  —  a  orelha, 
to  repent.  —  a  verdade,  to  alter, 
to  disfigure  the  truth.  Sem.  — 
caminho,  straight-way.  —  vn.  to 
wind,  to  wrest,  to  foUow  a 
'winding  direction.  Antes  Que- 
brar que  — ,  rather  break  wian 

Torcia,  sf.  {ano.)  difficulty. 

Torcicollo,  sm.  a  tortuous  vay ; 
a  torticolis,  a  wry-neck  — a, 
adj.  a  wry-necked  man  or  wo- 
man ;  {fig-)  hyf)ocrite. 

Torcida,  sf.  a  wick. 

Torcidamente,  adv.  in  a  twisted 

Torcido,  a,  pp.  adj.  twisted, 
wrested  ;  tortuous.  Bocca  — a, 
wry  mouth. 

Torcilhão,  sm.  gripes  in  the 

Torcimento,  sm.  tke  act  and 
effect  of  twisting.  [horse. 

Tordilho,   a,  adj.    a  flea-bitten 

Tordo,  sm.  [nat.  hist.)  a  thrush 
or  blackbird. 

Torga,  sf  or  Torgão,  sm.  {bot.) 
heath  or  ling. 

Tormenta,  sf.  storm,  tempest; 
{^g.)  violent  persecutLon,  sedi- 
tion,  trouble. 

Tormentillia,^/'.  {bot.)  tormentil. 

Tormento,  sm.  torment,  torture, 
great  pain. 

Tormentório,  a,  adj.  atormy. 

Tormentoso,    a,    adj.    stormy, 

Torna,  sf.  compensation,  boot. 
Tomada,  sf.  a  return  or  coming 

Tomadiço,  a,  adj.  a  tarncoat. 
T<miado,  a,  pp.  adj.  returned. 
Tomador,  sm.  or  Tomadnra, 

sf.  a  sort  of  tool  used  by  coo- 

Tomar,  vn.  to  return,  to  go  back, 

to  go  again,  to  come  a^^aia.  — 

á  vacca  fria,  to  harp  always  on 

the  same  string.  —  va.  to  re- 

Eay,  to   make  up  a  sfaare,  to 
oot ;  to  answer ;  to  translate. 

Tomar-sc.  w.  to  grow,  to  be- 

come,  to  be  changed. 
Tomas,  sf.  pi.  the  sums  which 

an  heir  is  bound  to  (^ve  his  co- 

heirs  to  make  up  their  portions. 
Tomasol,   sm.  turnsol.   Y.   Gf- 

Tomaviagem,  sf.  return^  ren»* 

vigation.  sailing-back. 
Tomavoda.  6/.  a  feast  on  the 

morning  ofter  the  wedding  day. 
Torneado,  a.  pp.  adj.  tumed  by 

a  turner,  compassed. 
Tomeador,  sm.  a  turner. 
Tornear,  va.  to  turn  as  tamezs 

do,  to  round  ;  to  encompaas. 
Tornearia,  sf.   the   place    and 

Street  where  tumers  Uve. 
Tomeiador,  sm.  he  whe  flgbts 

in  a  tournament. 
Torneiar,    va.    to  toumey,  td 

tilt  in  the  lists.  [b^* 

Torneio,  sm.  tournament,  toor- 
Tomeira,  sf.  the  tap  at  whicà 

the  liquor  runs  out  of  a  pipe,  a 

cock,  a  spout. 
Torneiro,  sm.  a  turner. 
Torneja,  sf.  a  wedge  placed  un- 

der  the  wheels  of  a  cart  to  pre- 

vent  its  sliding  down  a  hill. 
Tomei,  sm.  a  ring  of  metal  which 

turns  in  every  direction. 
Tomilho,  sm.  a  kind  of  lailituy 

punishment.  [qnet. 

Torniquete,  sm.  {surg.)  toumi- 
Torno,  sm.  a  tnm,  a  tumer^s 

Tornozelo,  sm.  the  ankle. 


—  723  — 


T6ro,  sm.  a  stump  or  trunk  of  a 

tree.  —  do  corpo,  {fig.)  the  body 

of  a  man,  the  arms,  head  and 

legs  being  cut  oíT. 
Toro,  sm.  a  bedstead.  V.  Thoro. 
Toronja,  sf.  a  larj^e  kind  of  ci- 

tron.  [ugly»  deformed. 

Torpe,  adj.ig.  base,  vile,  dirty; 
Torpecer,  vn.  to  çrow  torpid. 
Torpeçudo,  a,  adj,  that  stumbles 

often.  [numbfish. 

Torpedo,  sm.  {nat.  hist.)  torpedo, 
Torpemente,  adv.  basely,  yilely. 
Torpessa,  sf.  baseness,  tarpitade ; 

ugliness,  dishonesty,  lewdness. 
Torpidade,  sf.  tarpitade,  base- 
Torpido,  a,  adj.  torpid,  dull. 
Torpor,   sm.  torpor,  torpidness, 

Torquez,  sm.  pincers.        [toast. 
Torra,  sf.  the  act  of  toasting, 
Torrada,  sf.  a  toast. 
Torrado,  a,  j^.  adj.  toasted. 
^Torrão,  sm.  a  clod,  clot  or  lamp 

of  earth. 
Torrar,  va.  to  toast.  —  café,  to 

torrify,  to  roast  cofiTee. 
Torre,  sf.  tower,  fortres»,  citadel. 

—  de  pharol,  a  ligfat-hoase ;  (at 

chess)  a  rook,  a  castle. 
Torreeúio,  a,  j^.  adj.  towered, 

surrounded,  Ruarded. 
Torreante,  adj.  2  g.  to'w«ring. 
Torrear,  va.  to  tower,  to   sur- 

round  with  towers. 
TorrefacçSo,    sf.    torrefaction, 

torrefying,  roasting. 
Torrefacto,  a,  adj.  Q)httrm.)  tor- 

reâed,  -well  toasted. 
Torreira,  sf.  —  do  sol^  violent 

heat  of  the  sun. 
Torrente,  sm.  or  f.  a  torrent,  a 

violent  stream;  (Jig.)  a  multi- 

Torresmo,  sm.  hog's  fat  fríed  or 

roasted  brown ;  a  crusty  piece 

of  bread.  Í^^S' 

Tórrido,  a,  pp.  adj.  torrid,  barn- 
Torrijas,  sf.  pi.  slices  or  toasted 

bread  soakea  in  wine  with  eggs, 

sagar  and  oinnamon. 
Torreada,  sf.  ablov  -with  alomp 

of  earth. 

TorsSo,  sf.  torsion,  the  twisting 

of  the  guts. 
Torso,  sm,  [seulp.)  torso. 
Torso,  a,  adj.  twisted,  twined. 
Torta,  sf.  a  tart  or  pie. 
Tortâo,  sm.  {herald.)  torteaux. 
Tortas,  sm,  pi.  -violent  pains  in 

the   belly  of  a   woman  lately 

Torteira,  sf.  a  tart-pan. 
Torto,  a,  adj.  m.  or  /.  crooked, 

avry  ;  one-^ved.  —  das  pernas, 

crook-leggea. — dos  olhos,  gogle- 

eyed.  A  —  e  a  direito,  at  ran- 

dom,  right  or  wrong. 
TortaUio,  sm.  a  mushroom. 
Tortuosidade,  sf.  tortuosity. 
Tortuoso,  a,  adj.  tortooas,  wind- 

Tortura,  sf.  flexare,  tortuosity, 

winding ;  torture,  disorder,  tor- 

ment ;  Qío.)  difficulty. 
Torva,    sf.    hindrance,    impedi- 

ment.  [tion. 

Torvação,  sf.  disorder,  perturba- 
Torvado,  a,  pp.  adj.  perturfoed, 

Torvamente,  adv.  ^imly. 
Torvamento,  sm.  grimness,  per- 

Torvar,  va.  to  disturb,  to  perturb. 
TorveUm  or  Torvelinho,  sm.  a 

whirlwind  or  hurricane. 
Tosa,  sf.  beating,  cudgelling. 
Tosado,  a,  pp.  adj.  shorn. 
Tosador,  sm.  a  shearman  or  clotfa- 

worker ;  a  cudgeller. 
Tosadura,  sf.   the  shearing  of 

cloth ;  cudgelling. 
Tosão,  sf.  fleece. 
Tosar,   va.  to  shear   cloth;  to 

browse,  to  beat. 
Toscamente,  adv,  coarsely. 
Toscanejar,   vn.   to  drowse,  to 

dose,  to  be  drowsy. 
Tosco,  a,  adj.  rude,  coarse,rouçh. 
Tosquia,   sf.   shearing.  Àíaehina 

de  fazer  a  — ,  shearing  raachine. 
Tosquiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  shcun. 
Tosquiador,  sm.  a  shearman. 
Tosquiar,  va.  to  shear,  to  clip. 
Tosse,  sf.  a  cough. 
Tosse,   sf.  {ancTj  dissimoiation, 



-    724  — 


Tossegoao,  a,  aflj.  troubled  with 

a  oougli. 
ToBsidela.  sf.  tbe  act  of  coughing. 
Tossido,  um.  tho  act  of  coughLn^ ; 

Tossir,  vn.  to  coiigh. 
Tostado,    a,   pp.    nâj.  parched, 

toasted,  roasted.  [i"Í5- 

Tostadura,  sf.  toasting  or  parcn- 
Tostão,  sm.  a  testoon,   a  rortu- 

guese  silver  coin  worth  100  reis. 
Tostar,  va.  to  toast,  to  parch,  to 

fry.  —  vn.  to  toast,  to  carne  a 

pcrson  when  a  health  is  drunk. 

Tostar-se^  vr.  to  bo  toasted. 
Toste,  adj.  2  g.  prompt,  quick. 
Toste  or  Tostemente,  adv.  im- 

mediately,  nresently. 
Tosto,  a.  aaj.  toasted,  roasted. 
Total,  adj.  i  g.  total,  whole,  en- 

tire.  —  im.  total,  the  whole. 
Totalidade,  sf.  totality.    [tirely. 
Totalmente,   ado.    totally,    en- 
Touca,  sf.  a  woman's  coif. 
Toucado,  a,  pp.  adj.  dressed. 
Toucado,  sm.  a  woman's  hoad- 

Toucador,  sm.  a  toilet. 
Toucar,  va.  to  dress  the  head. 
Touceira,  sf.  a  great  stein  of  a 

Toucinheiro,  sm.  be  who  sells 

or  trades  in  bacon,  eto. 
Toucinho,  sm.  bacon,  lard^  fat. 
Toupeira,  sf.  a  mole,  a  wart. 
Toura,  sf.  a  barre n  cow ;  or  ra- 

ther  Tou7'^,  (amongthe  ancient 

Jews  in  Portugal)  the  Penta- 

Tourada,  sf.  a  drove  of  bulis. 
Toural,  sm.  the  place  where  rab- 

bits  go  to  feed. 
Tourarias,  sf.  pi.  a  great  confu- 

sion  or  noise. 
Toureada,  sf.    a    buU-feast    or 

Toureado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has 

been  attacked  by  a  buli ;  (fig.) 

Toureador,  sm.  one  that  rides  at 

bulis  iu  the  buU-feasts. 
Tourear,  vn.  and  a.  to  ride  at  a 

buli  in  the  bull-feasts ;   {fig.)  to 

laock,  to  ridicule. 

Toureiro,  sm.  a  bull-driver. 
Tourejão,  sm.  a  wooden  peg. 
Touril,  sm.  au  ox-stall. 
Tourinhas,  sf.  pi.  a  sort  of  play. 
Touro,  sm.  buli.   Touros ^  a  duII- 

fíght,  buU-baiting. 
Toutlçada,    sf.  a  blow   on   tho 

hinder  part  of  the  head. 
Toutiço,  sm.  the  occiput. 
Toutinegra,  sf.  a  sort  of  bird 

like  a  duck. 
Toxico,  sjn.  poison,  toxicura. 
Toxicologia,  sf.  toxicology. 
Toxicologo,  sm.  toxicologer. 
Trabal,  adj.  P^ego  — ,  a  great 

nail  to  fasten  beams. 
Trabalhadamente,    adv.  labor- 

Trabalhadeira,  s.   or  euij.  f.  a 

laborious  woman. 
Trabalhado,  a,!);),  adj.  laboured, 

wrought;  vearied. 
Trabalhador,  s.   or  adj.   m.  a 

labourer;  a  laborious  man. 
Trabalhar,  va.  to  -work,  to  la- 

bour,  to  strive,  to  cultivate.  — 

vn.  to  trouble,  to  disorder,  to 

harass,  to  tire. 
Trabalho,  stn.  work,  labour,  toil; 

trouble,  pain,  grief.  TrabcUhos, 

sm.  pi.  (forí.)  Works. 
Trabalhosamente,    adv.  labo- 

riously,  with  trouble. 
Trabalhoso,  a,    adj.  laborions, 

difíicult ;   troublesome,    impor- 

Trabucador,  a,  stn.   or  f.  one 

who  works  hard  for  bis  iiving. 
Trabucar  or  Trabeoar.  va.  to 

work  hard,  to  trafâck ;  io  over- 

throw,  to  overset. 
Trabuco,  sm.  an  ancient  batter- 

ing  engine. 
Trabuzana,  sf.  a  storm. 
Traça,  sf.  a  moth-worm;   a  de- 

vice,  a  trick,  a  shift. 
Traca-arteria,    sf.   (anat.)    the 

wind-pipe.  V.  Trackea. 
Traçado,  a,  pp.  adj.  delineated. 
Traçado  y    sm.    a    short    broad 

Traçador,  sm.  he  who  delineates. 
Traçamento,  sm.  a  delineatioa 

or  outline. 


—  725  — 


Tracanaz,  sm.  a  large  piece  of 

Traçar,  va.  to  trace,  to  delineate ; 

to  design,  to  plot,  to  contrive. 
Tracção,  sf.  traction. 
Trachea,  sf.  {anat.)  trachea  cr 

Tracheal,  adj.  2  g.  tracheal. 
Tracheotoxnia,  sf.  {surg.)  tra- 

Trachoma,  sf.  {med.)  trachoma. 
Tracista,  sm.  a  plotter,  contri- 

ver,  sharper,  cheater. 
Traço,  sm.  touch,    stroke;    de- 

.  lineation ;  {ftg.)  manner,  way. 
Tractado,  a,  adj.  —  das  mãos^ 

Tracto,  sm.  tract«  extent. 
Tractorio,  a,  adj.  pertaining  to 

traction.  [iiuger. 

Tradear,  va.  to  bore  with  an 
Tradição,  sf.  tradition ;  the  act 

of   being   entirely  devoted  to 

Tradioional,  adj.  l  g.  traditional. 
Trado,  sm.  a  large  auger. 
TraduoçSo,  sf.  a  translation. 
Traductor,  sm.  a  translator. 
Traduotora,  sf.  a  translatress. 
Traduzido,  s^^pp.  adj.  translated. 
Traduzir,  va.   to  translate,   to 

transfer.  [able. 

Traduzivel,  adj.  2  g.  translat- 
Trafego,  sm.  trafflc,  trade;  toil, 

labour.  Ftrade. 

Trafegfuear,  vn.   to  trafâc,  to 
Traficancia,  sf.  trade;  roguery, 

knavery.  [knave. 

Traficante,  sm.  trader;  rogue. 
Traficar,  vn.  to  tratlSc,  to  trade ; 

to  çlay  knavisb  tricks. 
Trafico,  sm.  trafíic,  trade. 
Tragaoantho,  sm.  tragacanth. 
Tragadeiro,  sm.  {anat?^  the  oeso- 

phagus.  [up,  absorbed. 

Tragado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tnireilowed 
Tragadeiro,  sm.  a  gnlf,  a  place 

that  swallows  up  what  is  put  in 

it.  [glutton. 

Tragador,    sm.    a    devourer,    a 
Tragamalho,  sm.  a  sort  of  tax, 

paid  by  fishermen. 
Tragamento ,   sm.   the    act    of 

swallowing  up. 

Tragar,  va.  to  swallow,  to  absorb; 

{fig.)  to  suffer,  to  bear. 
Tragedia,  sf.  a  tragedy. 
Tragicamente,  aao.  tragically. 
Trágico,  a,  adj.  tragical,  tratric. 
Tragicomedia,  sf.  tragicomedy. 
Tragicomico,  a,  adj.  tragicomi- 

Trago,  sm.  a  draught,  a  gulp ;  a 

grievous  accident.  Em  dois  — s, 

at  two  go-downs. 
Traguito  or  Traginlio,   sm.  a 

little  draught.  [attracted. 

Trahido,  a,  pp.  adj.  betra^ed; 
Trahir,  va.  to  oetray,  to  be  false 

to.  [treaohery. 

Traição,   sf.    treason,     períidy. 
Traiçoeiro,  a,  aój.  calumnious, 

false,  perádious.  [false. 

Traidor,  sm.  traitorous,  traitor. 
Traidor,    a,     adj.     traitorous, 

treacherous,  perfidious. 
Traidora,  sf.  a  traitress. 
Traimento,  sm,  treason,  treach- 

e.'y.  [to.  V.  Trahir. 

Trair,  va.  to  betray,  to  be  false 
Trajado,  a,  pp.  adj.   cloathed, 

Trajar,  va.  to  dress,  to  clothe. 

Trajar-se,  vr.  to  dress  one's  self 

in  a  particular  garb. 
Trajo  or  Traje,  sm.   garb,  ap- 

Trajecto,  sm.  traject,  passage. 
Tralha,  sf.  the  knot  raade  in  the 

threads  of  a  lishing  net,  etc; 

{marit.)    the    bolt    rope.  —   da 

testa,  the  leech  rope.  —  do  ga- 

rutily  the  head  rope.  —  da  es- 
teira, the    foot   rope;  a  small 

Tralbado,  a,  pp.  adj.  marled  to 

the  bolt-rope. 
Tralhar,  va.  {marit.)  to  marl  the 

sail  to  the  bolt-rope. 
Tralho,  sm.  a  small  fishing-net. 
Trama,  sf.  the  woof ;  coarse  silk 

yarn ;  texture  cloth ;  a  plot,  a 

cunning  contrivance. 
Tramado,  a,  pp.  adj.  weaved, 

plotted.  [ter,  a  contriver. 

Tramador,  sm.  a  weaver ;  a  plot- 
Tramar,  va.  to  weave;  to  plot, 

to  contrive. 

—      ^  I  -Jj; 


—  726  — 


Trambolhada,  5/1  a  sort  of  orna- 

ment  for  the  neck. 
TramboUiSo,  sm.  a  fali,  a  tum- 

bling  do-wn.   Cahir  aos  trambo- 
lhões, to  fali  headlong. 
Trambolhar,  vn.  to  stammer,  to 

Trambolho,  sm.  a  clog  to  vhich 

keys  are  hung ;  a  -wei^ht  hiing 

upon  an  animal  to  hinder  his 

running  astray. 
Tramite,  sm,  a  determined  way 

or  course. 
Tramóia,  sf.  a  cheat  or  fraud ;  a 

sort  of  lace. 
Tramontana,  sf.  the  north-wind. 

Perder  a  — ,  to  be  at  a  loss. 
Tramontar,  vn.   to  be   placed 

behind  the  mountains,  to  dis- 

Trampa,  sf.  liquíd  or  thin  ex- 

crement;  (fiff.)  cheat,  fraud. 
Trampão,  ona,  «?n.  or  f.  an  im- 
postor,   a    deceitful    man    or 

Trampear,  va.  to  cheat,  to  cozen. 
TrampolineirOf  sm.  a  cheating 

cozening  fellow.  ífully. 

Tramposamente,    adv.    deceit- 
Tramposo,  a,  adj.  deliled  with 

liquid  excrement.  tricking,  de- 
Tramposo.  sm.  a  nasty  boy. 
Tranar,  va.  to  cross  a  river  by 

Tranca,  sf.  a  door  or  ■window- 

bar.    Dar   ás    trancas,   to   run 

away.  Trancas^  sf.  pi.  legs. 
Trança,  sf.  weft,  braid,  plait.  — 

de  cabellos,    a  braid    of  hair. 

Tranças,  tresses.  Trança^  a  hair- 

Trançadeira,  sf.  a  ribband  to 

braid  -with  hair. 
Trancado,  a,  pp.  adj.  barred. 
Trançado,  a,  pp.  adj.  -weavcd, 

braiUed.  [-with  a  bar. 

Trancar,  va.  to  bar,  to  make  fast 
Trançar,  va.  to  braid,  to  veave, 

to  twist. 
Trancarruas,  sm.  a  vagabond. 
Trance  or  Transe,  sm.  a  dread- 

ful  circumstance. 
Trancelim,  sm.  a  tbvn.  txess  or 

braid  made  of  sUk ;  a  stayband 

for  a  hat. 
Tranco,  sm.  a  space  or  diatance. 

A  — «,  adv.  interrupteãly. 
Trangola  or  Trangula,  sm.  a 

pale  and  lean  fellow. 
Tranqueira,  sf.  a  palisade.  Pal- 
iar de  — ,  to  be  secure. 
Tranqueiro,  sm.  a  prop  to  stand 

against  a  piece  or  timber. 
Tranqaeta,  sf.  a  pendant  tom  ef 

a  door. 
Tranquia,  sf.  a  palisade. 
Tranquilha,  sf.  hny  of  the  Bine 

Íiins  except  tnose  placed  in  the 
òur  corners;  cross  bar  in  a 
ridinç  house.  Por  péo  de  — , 
cunningly,  by  stratagem. 

Tranquulamatte,  adv.  calmly, 

Tranquillidade,  sf.  tranquiUitr. 

Tranquillisar,  va.  to  tranqou- 
lize.  [calm. 

Tranquillo,    a,    adj.    tranquil, 

Transacção,  sf.  transaction. 

Transactor,  sm.  transactor. 

Transalpino,  a,  adj.  transalpine. 

Transatlântico,  a,  adj.  trans- 

Transcendência,  sf.  transcea- 
dence,  transcendency. 

Transcendental,  adj.  2  g.  trans- 
cendental, [cendent. 

Transcendente,  adj.  2  g.  tnms- 

Transcender,  va.  to  transcend. 

Transcolação,  sf.  transcolatíon, 
transcolating.  ^colated. 

Transcolado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trans- 

Transcolar,  va.  to  transcolate. 

Transorevedcnr,  sm.  a  co{>i«r. 

Transcrever,  va.  to  transcribe, 
to  copy.  V.  Trasladar. 

Transcripção,  sf.  tranacríption. 

Traxiscripto,  a,  pp.  adj.   tran- 
scribed.  [a  copy. 

Tranaoripto,  sm.  a  transenpt, 

Transcriptor,  sm.  a  transcriber. 

Transcursar,  va.  to   transcur, 
to  run  over.  flapse. 

Transcurso,  sm.  course  of  time. 

Transe ,    sm.   dreadful    circum- 
stance.   Combater  a  todo  o  — , 
to  combat  to  the  death. 
^  Transeunte,  adj.  â  g.  tranaient. 


—  727  ~ 


Tranef erenoia ,  sf.  the  act  of 
transferring.  [ferred. 

Trantfíarido,  a,  pp.  adj,  trana- 

Transferidor,  sm.  a  sort  of  geo- 
metrical  instrument. 

Transferir,  va.  to  transfer,  to 
transport.  [able. 

Transferivel,  adj.  2  g.  transfere 

Transfiguração,  sf.  transfigu* 
ration.  ffigured. 

Transfigurado,  a^pp.  adj.  trsms- 

Transfigorar,  va.  to  transfigure. 
Transfigurar-se^  vr.  to  be  trans- 
figured.  [tion. 

Transformação,  sf.  transfonnar 

Transformado,  a.j^p.  adj.  trans- 
formed.  [mer. 

Transformador,   sm,   transfor- 

Transformante,  adj.  2  g.  trans- 

Transformar,  va.  to  transform. 

Transformativo,  a,  adj.  that 
transforms.  [tion. 

Transfretação,    sf.   transfreta- 

Transfretar,  va.  to  transfreight. 

Transfuga,  sm.  a  deserter,  a 
tumcoat.  [fused. 

Transfundido,  a,  pp.  aéj.  trans- 

Transfundir,  va.  to  transfose, 
to  transfer. 

Transfusão,  sf.  traasfusion. 

Transgredido,  a,  pp.  adj,  trans- 

Transgredir,  va.  to  transgress. 

Transgressão,  sf.  transgresaioD. 

Transgressor ,  sm.  a  trans- 

Transição,  sf.  transition. 

Transido,  a,  pp.  adj.  chilled, 
benunibed.  [transitory. 

Transiente,  adj.  2  g.  transient, 

Transigir,  vn.  to  transact. 

Transir,  vn.  to  chill,  to  benumb. 

Transitar,  va.  to  paas  by  a  king- 
dom,  to  travei. 

Transitavel,  adi,  2  g,  that  roay 
be  passed  (way). 

TrazysitiTamente,  adv.  by  tran- 

Transitivo,  a,  adj.  transitive. 

Transito,  sm.  transit. 

Transitoriamente,  adv.  transit- 

Transitório,  a,  adj.  transitory. 

Translação,  s/.  translation ;  (^fig.) 

metaphor.  [transparent. 

TransiUGido,  a,  ad^.  transluctd. 
Transluzente,  adj.  2  g.  tran^ 

parent,  translucent. 
Translttzimento ,     sm.    trás»* 

Transluzir  or  Trasluzir,  vn,  to 

shine  through. 
Transmarino,  a,  aé^.  transma- 

Transmeovel,   adj.  2  g.  {rMd.) 

capable     of      being      emitted 

throngh  the  pores. 
Transmigração ,    sf.    transmi- 

gration.  [migrated. 

Transmigrado,  a,  jop.  adj.  trans- 
Transmigrador ,    tm*   transmi- 

grant.  [grate. 

Transmigrar,  vn.  to  transmi- 
Transmissão,  sf.  transmission. 
Transmissivel,  cdj.  2  g.  trans- 

missible.  [mitted. 

Transmittido,  a,  pp.  adj.  trans- 
Transmittir,  va.  to  transxnit. 
Transmontado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that 

is  above  a  mountain ;  elevated. 
Transmoutar,  va.  to  pass  above 

a  mountain.  Transmatttar-ae^  vr. 

to  set  as  the  sun  at  evening. 
Transmudação,  sf.  transforma- 

tion.  fformed. 

Transmudado,  a,  j^.  adj.  trans- 
Transmodar,  va.  to  transform; 

to  alienate.  [tion. 

Transmutação,  sf.  transmtcta- 
Transmutado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trans- 

muted,  changed. 
Transmutar,  va.  to  transmute. 
Transmutativo,  a,  adj.  the  qua- 

lity  of  transmutinç. 
Transmutavel,  adj.  2  g.  trans- 

mutable.  [by  swimming. 

Transnadar,  va.  to  cross  a  river 
Transnominação,  sf.  metapho* 

rical  meaning  of  frords. 
Transordinario,  a,  adj.  beyond 

the  ordinary. 
Transparecer,     vn.    to    shine 

through  or  by.  [cy. 

Transparência,  sf.  transparen- 
Transparente,  adj.  2  g.  trans- 
parent. —  sm.  transparency. 
Transpiração,  sf.  transçiratvi^. 


—  728  — 


Transpirado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tran- 

Tran^irar,  ca.  to  transpire. 
Transpiravel,    adj.  i  g.  tran- 

spirable.  [tation. 

TrsmsplaiitaçSo,  *f.  transplan- 
Transplantado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trans- 

plantecJ.  [transplanter. 

Transplantador,  'sm.   or  f.    a 
Tran^lantar,  va.  to  transplant, 

to  transport. 
Transpdr,  va.  to  transpose. 
Transportação,  sf.  traosporta- 

tion.  I^ported. 

Transportado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tran»- 
Transportar,  va.  to  transport, 

to   remove ;    (fiç-)    to   ravish. 

Transpor tar-se^  vr,  to  új  into  a 

Transporte,  sm.  transport,  con- 

v«yancft.  rapture. 
Transposição,  sf.  transposition. 
Transposto,  a,  pp.  adj.  trans- 

posed.  [substantiation. 

Transsubstanciação,  sf.  trans- 
Transsubstanciado,  a,  pp.  adj. 

tran  8SU  bstanti  ated . 
Transsubstancial,  adj.  2  g.  that 

is  intirely  changed. 
Transsiibstanciar,  va.  to  trans- 

substantiate.   Transsubstanciar- 

«e,  vr.  to  be  transsubstantiated. 
Transsudação,  sf.  transudatiou. 
Transsudar,  vn.  to  transade. 
Transtagano,    a,    adj.  beyond 

the  river  Tagus. 
Transumpto  ,    sm.   transmnpt , 

copy;  transcript,  extract. 
Transverberar,  va.  to  glitter. 
Transversal,    adj.  2  g.  trans- 
versal, across. 
Transversalidade,  sf.  a  trans- 
versal direction. 
Transverso,   a,   adj.   traverse, 

that  lies  across. 
Transverter,  va.  tooverthrow. 
Transvertido ,    a,    adj.    over- 

thrown.  [go  astray. 

Transviar-se,  vr.  to  wander,  to 
Transvio,  sm.  straying. 
Trapa,  sf.  a  trap. 
Trapaça,  sf.  a  cheat,  a  fraud. 
Trapacear,  vn.  to  cheat,  to  de- 

Trapaceira,   sf.  a  litígioas  or 

troublesome  wonian. 
Trapaceiro,  sm.  a  dl&eating  fel- 

lo\r ;  a  pettiiogger ;  a  litigioos 

Trapaceria  or  Trapaçaria,  sf. 

the  act  of  cheatin^. 
Trapalhada,  sf.  any   intrícate 

bosíness :  a  qoantity  of  rags. 
Trapalhado,  a,  adj.  that  is  not 

well  curled. 
Trapalhão,  ona,  adj.  and  sm.  or 

/.  a  ragged  man ;  one  who  does 

things  in  a  disorderly  manner. 
Trapassado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  passed 

Trapassar.  va.  to  pass  bejond. 
Trflí>ear,  vn.  {marit.)Xo  be  tossed 

by  the  wind  (the  sails  and  ng- 

ging).  [sword. 

Tnipe,  sm.    the  clashing   of  a 
Trapeira,  sf.  a  windoir  in  the 

roof  of  a  house,  a  dormer. 
Trapeiro,  sm.  a  retailer. 
Trapsnto,  a,  adj.   ragged,   co- 

vered  with  rags. 
Trapezape,  sm.  the  clashing  of 

two  STTords. 
Trapézio,  sm.  a  trapezinm. 
Trapiche,   sm.  a  sort  of  ware- 

house ;  a  sort  of  mill. 
Trapicheiro,  sm.  the  master  of 

a  trapiche. 
Trapo,  sm.  a  rag,  a  cloat. 
Trappista,  sf.  trappist. 
Traque,  sm.  the  act  of  breaking 

wind ;  a  sort  of  squlb. 
Traquejado,  a,  ^p.  adj.  he  that 

has  taken  lyarning. 
Traquejar,  va.  to  make  experi- 

mented ;  to  scare.  —  vn.  to  break 

Traquete,  sm.  the  fore-sail. 
Traquinada,   sf.   poise,   bustle, 

Traquinar,  vn.  to  make  a  noise ; 

to  be  troublesome. 
Traquinas,   sm.    a    meddler,   a 

troublesome  person. 
Traquitana,  sf.  a  sort  of  coach. 
Trás,  prep.  behind.  V.  Trax. 
Trasandar,  va.  to  put  or  draw 

back.  [ago. 

Trasantehontem,  adv.  four  days 


—  729  — 


Trasbordado,  a,  pp.  adj.  over- 

flo-wed.  [ing. 

Trasbordamento,  sm.  overflow- 
Trasbordante,  pa.   of  Trasbor- 
dar^ overflowing. 
Trasbordar,  vn.  to  overflow. 
Trascaznara,  $f.  an  antichamber. 
Traseiro,  a,  adj.  back. 
Trasfegado,  a,  pp.  adj.  poured 

out  of  one  vessel  into  another. 
Trasfegador,  sm.  he  who  pours 

out  of  one  vessel  into  another. 
Trasfegar,  va.  to  decant,  to  pour 

out,  to  rack.  [canting. 

Trasfego,  sm.   racking   or  de- 
Trasflor,  sm.   gold  work  upon 

Trasfogueiro,  sm.  a  great  log  of 

wood  to  lay  behind  tne  fire. 
Trasfoliar,  va.  to  copy  a  picture 

applying  an  oíled  paper  upon  it. 
Trasgo,  sm.  a  hobgobiin,  ghost, 

fairy.  [a  hob^oblín. 

Trasguear,  va.  to  play  tricks  as 
Trasladação,  sf.  translation. 
Trasladado,  a,  pp.  adj.  copied, 

Trasladador,  sm.  a  transcriber. 
Trasladar,  va.  to  copy,  to  tran- 

scribe,  to  transi  ate. 
Traslado,  sm.  copy  or  pattern 

to   write    after;    any   writing 

transcribed.  [mel. 

Trasmalho,  sm.  a  sort  of  tram- 
Trasxnontano,   a,    adj.    and   a. 

pertaining  to  Traslosmontes. 
Trasmontar,  vn.  to  disappear. 
Trasnoitado,  a,  p^.   adj.   that 

faas  watched  ali  night. 
Trasnoitar,    va.   to  watch    ali 

Traspassação ,   sf.   the  act   of 

transterring  or  passing  avav 

to  another.  [pierced. 

Traspassado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trans- 
Traspassador ,     sm.     he    who 

Traspassar,  va.  to  transpierce, 

to  pierce.  Traspassar-se^  vr.  to 

be  pierced. 
Traspasso,  sm.  the  act  of  trans- 

ferring.  V.  Traspassação. 
Traspés,  sm.  pi.  Bar-^,  to  stag- 

ger,  to  reel;  to  run. 

Traspilar,  s  m.  abackside  pillar 
or  column. 

Traspôr,  oa.  to  transplant,  to 
transplace;  to  pass  beyond.  — 
vn.  to  oe  half  asleep,  half  awake. 
Traspâr-se,  vr.  to  disappear. 

Trasposto,  a,  pp.  adj.  trans- 
planted;  passed  oeyond. 

Traste  or  Trasto,  sm.  a  piece 
of  furniture.  Trastes  velhos,  old 
furniture;  a  foppish  fellow,  a 

Trastejar,  vn.  to  labour,  to  trade. 

Trastomação ,  sf.  confusion, 

Trastomado,  a,  pp.  adj.  over- 
thrown,  turned  topsy-turvy. 

Trastomar,  va.  to  overthrow; 
to  trouble.  [alter. 

Trastrocar,    va.   to   change,  to 

Tratada.  ?/.  knavery ;  any  intri- 
eate  business. 

Tratado,  sm.  a  treatise,  a  tract; 
treaty  or  agreement. 

Tratamento,  sm.  treatment,  be- 
haviour ;  conversation,  com- 
pany.  [sharper. 

Tratante,     sm.     a     dealer;    a 

Tratar,  va.  to  treat,  to  handle; 
to  negotiate,  to  deal  with;  to 
use ;  to  cure.  —  vn.  —  (rfe),  to 
mind,  to  look  after,  to  take 
care.  Tratarse,  vr.  —  6em,  to 
fare  well ;  to  be  sumptuous  in 
apparel  or  clothes,  to  keep  a 
good  table.  [gentle. 

Tratavel,  ,adj.   2   a.  tractable; 

Tratavelmente,  adv.  tractably, 
gently.  [tortured. 

Trateado,  a,   pp.    ad.   racked, 

Tratear,  va.  to  rack,  to  torture. 

Trato,  sm.  the  act  of  treating; 
acc^uaintance,  dealing  conver- 
sation company;  trade.  Tratos, 
torture.  Dar  tratos,  to  rack. 

Trava,  sf.  a  transom  or  beam 
going  overthwart  a  house. 

Travação ,  sf.  connexion  of 
things  betwixt  theraselves ; 
link.  [disputes. 

Travacontas,  sf.  pi.  diíferences, 

Travadamente,  adv.  in  a  disor- 
dered  manner.  [set. 

Travadeira,  sf,  {carp.)  a  saw- 


—  730 


TraTado,  a,  pp.  aâj,  joined, 
linked  together ;  engaged,  be- 

Travadoiro,  sm.  tbat  part  of  a 
horse^R  leg  round  vhich  the 
locks  are  put. 

Travador,  sm.  one  tbat  joins  or 
twists  one  with  anotber.  —  aéi. 
tbat  joins  together.  [-wina. 

Travados,  sm.  a  kind  of  whtrl- 

Travadura,  sf.  the  act  of  twist- 
ing  with  another.  [beam. 

Travai,  adj.  2  g.  pertaining  to  a 

Travancar,  va.  to  incumber. 

Travar,  va.  to  twine  or  tvist  one 
•with  another,  —  amizade^  to 
contract  intimacy.  —  batalha^ 
to  engage  battle.  —  vn.  to  taste 
roughly  as  unripe  froits,  to 
take  hold  of.  Travar-se^  vr.  to 
engage,  to  ^oin  battle,  to  con- 
tract or  shrink  up. 

Trave,  sf.  a  beam,  a  great  piece 
of  timber. 

Travejado,  a.  pp.  adj.  timbered. 

Travejamento,  sm.  the  timber- 
work  which  supports  the  tiles. 

Travejar,  va.  to  timber. 

Travento,  a,  adj.  rough,  harsh. 

Travessa,  sf.  a  lane,  an  alley ;  a 
cross  piece  of  timber ;  a  traject, 
a  cross-path.  —  adj.  f.  laid 
across.  Porta  — ,  a  side  door. 

Travessão,  adj.  m.  contrary, 
cross.  Vento  — ,  a  contrary 

Travessear,  vn.  to  be  naughty. 

Travesseiro,  sm.  a  bolster. 

Travessia,  sf.  a  cross  vind. 

Travesso,  a,  adj.  naughty ;  laid 

Travessura,  sf.  naughtinesa,  a 
naughty  trick, 

Travez  or  Traves,  sm.  flauk, 
athwart  situation ;  {fort.)  tra- 
verse,  a  trench  with  a  parapet. 
—  de  fortima,  cross-fortune. 
Vento  pelo  —,  a  wind  on  the 
beam.  —  adj.  2  g.  traverse, 

Travincado,  a,  pp.  adj,  lum- 
bered,  encumbered. 

Travincar  or  Traviucavar,  va.  j 
to  lumber,  to  en<:umber.. 

Travo,  sm.  a  contraction  of  the 
nerves;  roughness,  tartness. 

Traz,  adv.  and  prep.  behind, 
back.  —  interj.  peep-bo.  Para 
— ,  backward.  —  sm.  O  de  — , 
the  back  or  hinder  part  of  any 
thing.  [introdaces. 

Trazedor,  sm.  one  that  brings  or 

Trazeira,  sf.  the  back  side  of  a 
coach.  [back  side. 

Trazeiro,   a,   adj.  back,  on  the 

Trazeiro,  sm.  the  breech. 

Trazer,  va.  to  bring,  to  fetch,  to 
convey;  to  cite,  to  allege,  to 

Eroduce  ;  to  carry,  to  wear,  to 
ear:  to  cause. 
Trazida,  sf.  the  act  of  brin^g 

or  wearing.  [wom. 

Trazido,    a,    pp.  adj.  brought, 
Trazixnento,  sm.  the   action  of 

Trô,  sm.  a  sort  of  linen. 
Trebelhar,  vn.  {anc.)  to  sport. 
Trebelho,  sm.  a  play-thing;  (at 

chess)  a  chess-man,  a  draugnt- 

Trecheio,     adj.    m.    abundant. 

Elle  tem  dinheiro  a  — ,  money  is 

plenty  with  him. 
Trecho,  sm.  interval,  any   dia- 

tance  of  time  or  place. 
Treçô,  sm.  the  male  hawk. 
Tredo  or  Tredor,  sm.  a  traitor. 

V.  Traidor. 
Treíego,   a,   adj.    stirring,    un- 

quiet,  naughty,  restless. 
Tregeitador,  sm.  a  juggler. 
Tregeitos,  sm.  pi.  tricks,  wiles, 

deceits,  delusions;   wry  faces. 
Trégua,  sf.  a  truce ;  a  rest. 
Treina,  sf.  the  bird  that  is  giren 

to  the  hawk;  (fig.)  pasture. 
Treinar,  va.  {fale.)  to  train  up  a 

Treita,  sf.  a  trace  or  track. 
Treitento,  a,  adj.  he  that  uses 

of  cunning  tricks. 
Treito,  a,  adj.  liable,  subject. 
Trelho,  sm.  a  sort  of  instrument 

to  beat  butter. 
Trella,  sf.  leash  or  slip  for  a  dog» 
Trem,  sm.  train,  retinue. 
Trema,  sf.  dialysis. 
Tremar,  va.  to  unweave. 


lai  — 


Tremedal,  sm.  a  quagmire. 
Tremedor,  a,  adj.  and  nn.  or  f. 

he  who  trembl«s  or  c^uakes. 
Tremeltfa,  sf.  {nat.  htst.)  torpe- 
do, the  cramp-fish. 
TremeUiioar,  vn.  to  qaake   or 

tremble  often. 
Trexneligoso,  a,  adj.  trembling. 
Tremendo,    a,   adj.     dreadful, 

Tremuente,  adj.  2  g.  trembling. 
Tremer,  vn.  to  tremble,  to  quake, 

to  shiver. 
Tremez,  adj.  2   g.  tbat  ripens 

in  three  months. 
Tremido,  a,  pp.  adj.  tremUed. 
Tremo,  sm.  a  pier-giass,  a  large 

looking  glass.      [lupines  grow. 
Treoftoçal,    sm.  a  pface    wbere 
Tremoço,  sm.  lupine. 
Tremolants,  adj.  2  g.  wavering. 
Tremolar,  vn.  to  snake,  to  fly, 

to  waver  in  the  air. 
Tremonha,  sf.  a  mill-hopper. 
Tremonliado,    sm.     the    place 

into  -which  the  meai  falis  from 

the  mill-stone.  [úig« 

Tremor,  sm.  a  trembling,  shiver- 
Trempe,  sf.   a  trivet,  utensil  of 

kitchen.  [ly. 

Tremulamente,  adv.  trembling- 
Tremular,  vn.  to  fly,  to  waver 

in  the  air.  [quaking^. 

Tremulo,    a,     adj.     trembling, 
TremuloBo,    a,  adj.  trembling, 

Tremura,  s/:  tremuloiisness.  — 5, 

a  great  trouble,  fright. 
Trena,  sf.  tape ;  a  sort  of  linen. 
Trenó,  «wt.  a  sledge  or  drajr. 
Trepadeira,  sf.  (6o/.)  any  herb 

or    shrnb    wliose   stalk  twists 

abont  any  prop. 
Trepadoiro,  sm.  a  place   where 

one  climbs. 
Trepador,  a,  sm.  or  f.SL  climbec. 
Trepanado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trepan- 

Trepaniur,  va.  {surg.)  to  trepan. 
Trépano,  sm.  {surg.)  a  trepan. 
Trepar,  va.  to  climb,  to  cltunher. 
Trepeça,  sf.  athree-footedstooL 
Trepiohe,  sm.  an  ecgine  to  bolt 

or  sift  meaL 

Tr^idaçSo,  sf.  trepidation. 
Trepidante,  adj.    2   g.    tremu- 
lons, shaking.  [afraid. 
Tr^idsyr,  vn.  to  tremble,  to  be 
Trepido,  a,  adj.  tremulous. 
Treplica,  sf.  (m  law)  an  aasver 

to  a  replication. 
Treplicar,  va.  {in  /ato)  to  oppose 

a  replication. 
Três,  adj.  2  g.  three.  De  —  em 

—   diaSy   every  third   day.   — 

vezes  vinte y  three  score. 
Tresandado,  a,  ]^.  adj.  trans- 

Tresandar,  va.  to  transform. 
Tresavo,  stn.  great  grand-father. 
Tresavó,«f.  great  grand-mother. 
Tresbordar,  vn.  to  overâow. 
Trescalar,  va.  to  penetrate. 
Tresdobrádo,  a,  pp.  adj.  treble, 

Tresdobradura,  sf.  the  state  of 

being  three-fold. 
Tresdobrar,  va.  and  n.  to  treble, 

to  render  three-fold. 
TresdolHro,  sm.  thrice  as  much. 
Tresjurar,  vn.  to  swear  repeat- 

Tresler,  vn.  to  pretend  to  kncfw 

better  than  others ;  to  dote,  to 

grow  senseless  from  too  much 

Treelido,    a,    pp.  adj.   grown 

senseless  from  too  much  read- 
Tresloucado,  a,  pp.  adj.  grown 

quite  mad. 
Tresloucar,  va.  to  dote,  to  rove, 

to  grow  mad. 
Tresmalhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ron- 

Tresmalhar,  va.  to  run  awar; 

to  take  away  privately ;  to  let 

go    or  escape.    Tresmalhar^e^ 

vr.  to  slink  away. 
TresmaUio,  «m.  a  sort  of  traot* 

Tresmudar,  va.  V.   Trasmudar 

and  derivated. 
Tresneta,    sf.  a     grand-child's 

Tresneto ,    sm.     a     grandson'8 

Tresnoitado,  a,  adj.  Agua  —a. 


—  731  — 


-water  taken  frora  the  antece- 

dent  day. 
Treso,  a,  adj.  malicioas. 
Trespanno,  sm.  tickin^  or  tick, 

a  kind  of  striped  ston. 
Trespassação,  sf.    the  act    of 

Trespassaxnento ,     sm.    delay, 

Trespassar,  va.  to  run  through 

-with  a  -weapon ;  to  transfer  to 

another;  to  trespass. 
Trespasso,  sm.  trance,  agony. 
Tresposta,  sf.  a  pillar  in  vaolts 

and  arcbes  on  "which  the  weight 

lies.  [with  çreat  pains. 

Tressuado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  obtained 
Tressuar,     va.    to    take   great 

pains ;  to  sound  very  loud. 
Trestaxnpar,    vn.  (jest.)  to  say 

nonsenses.  fsilly. 

Tresvarlado,  a,  pp.  adj.  doting, 
Tresvariar,  vn.  to  dote,  to  rave; 

to  be  delirious. 
Tresvario,  sm.  dotage :  delirium. 
Treta,  sf.  a  feint,  a  false  attack, 

a  stratagem  in  fencing. 
Treu,  sm.  (a  sea  term)  a  sort  of 

square  sail. 
Trevas,  sf.  pi.  darkness,  shade. 

Quarta  feira  de  — ,  wednesday 

before  Éaster. 
Trevite,  sm.  a  sort  of  trefoil. 
Trevo,  sm.  {bot.)  trefoil. 
Trez  or  Trespanno,  sm.  tick  or 

ticking,  a  kind  of  striped  stufT. 
Treze,  num.  adj.  tbirteen. 
Trezeno,     a,     adj.    thirteenth. 

Trezena^  sf.  a  sort  of  prayers. 
Trezentos,  as,  adj.  three  hun- 

Triaga,  sf.  treacle.  [treacle. 

Triagueiro,  sm.  he  who  makes  a 
Triangulado,  a,  adj.  triangled. 
Triangular,  adj.  2  g.  triangular. 
Trianguleinnente,  adv.  triangu- 

Triangulo,  sm.  triangle. 
Tribu,  sm.   or  f.  a  tribe ;  a  clan, 

a  ward  ;  a  family. 
Tribulação,  sf.  tribulation. 
Tribular,  va.  to  trouble. 
Tribulho,  sm.  a  thistle,  a  bram- 


Tribulo,  sm.  V.  Thuribúlo, 
Tribuna,    sf.    church  gallery; 

rostrum,  tribune. 
Tribunado,  sm.  tribuneship. 
Tribunal,  sm.  a  tribunal. 
Tribunato,  sm.  tribuneship. 
Tribunicio ,    a,   adj.     tribani- 

tious,  tribunitial. 
Tribuno,  sm.  a  tribune. 
Tributado,  a,  j)p.   adj.   paid  in 

tribute.  fbestow. 

Tributar,  va.  to  pay  trioute ;  to 
Tributário,  a,  aaj.  tributary. 
Tributeiro,  sm.   a  collector  of 

Tributo,  sm.  tribute,  tax;  duty. 
Tricana,  sf.  a  maid  servant  or  a 

country  girl. 
Tricas,  sf.  pi.  tricks,  artifices. 
Triceslmo,  a,  adj.  thirtietb. 
Tricolor  or  Tricoloreo,  a,  adj, 

tricoloured,  of  three  colours. 
Tricúspide,  adj.  2  g.  {hot.)  tri- 

Tridente,  sm.  trident. 
Tridenteado,  a,  adj.  tridentate 

or  tridented. 
Tridentino,  s^  adj.   pertaining 

to  the  council  of  Trent 
Triduo,  sm.  the  space  of  three 

Triennal,  adj.  2  g.  triennial. 
Triennio,  sm.  triennium. 
Trifauce,  adj.   {poet)  that  has 

three  jaws. 
Trifido,  a,    adj.  trifid,   divided 

into  three  parts. 
Trlfloro,  a,  adj.  triflorous. 
Trifolio,  sm.  (bot.)  trefoil. 
Triforme,  adj.  2  g.  triform. 
Trigamia,  sf  trigamy.         [late. 
Trigar,  va.  to  incite,  to   stimu- 
Trigemino,  a,  adj.  triple,  three- 

Trigésimo,  a,  adj.  the  thirtieth. 
Trigl3rpbo,  sm.  {arch.)  triglyph. 
Trigo,  sm.  com,  wheat. 
Trigo,  a,  adj.  wheaten. 
Trigono,  a,  adj.  trigonal.  —  tm. 

Trigosamente.  adv.  in  a  hurry, 

Trigoso,  a,  adj,  hasty,  hurrying. 



-   733  — 


Trigueiro,  a,ad;.swarthy,  tawny. 
Triguenho,    a,  adj.   pertaining 

to  com.  [nian. 

Trig3rnio,  a,  adi.  {bot.)  trigry- 
Trilatero,  a,  adj.  {geom.)  trila- 

Trilha,     sf.  a  trace    or  track; 

steps,  example.  Dar  na  —^  to 

discover  another^s  intent. 
Trilhada,  sf.  trace,  track,  foot- 


Trilhado,  a,  pp.  adj.  thrashed; 

frequented :  commoii. 
Trilhador,  sm.  he  who  thrashes. 
Trilhadura,  s/lor  Trilhamento, 

sm.  thrashing  com. 
Trilhar,  va.  to  thrash  corn ;  {fig.) 

to  frequent. 
Trilho,  sm.  a  track. 
TrillUlo,  sm.  trillion.  [boas. 

Trilobado,  a,  adj.  (bot.)  trilo- 
Trimensal,  adj.  2  g.  that  is  made 

every  three  months. 
Trimestre,  sm.  the  term  of  three 

months,  quarter. 
Triínetro,  sm.  trimeter. 
Trinado,   sm.   the  quaverinç  of 

an  instrument  or  of  the  voice. 
Trinar,   va.  and  n.   to  trill,    to 

Trinca,  sf.  (a  sea  term)  cord,  rope. 
Trlncadeiras,  sf.  pi.  a  sort  of 

Trincado,  a,  pp.  adj.   cracked, 

crackt;    (/í^.)    subtle,     acute, 

sharp,  cunnmg. 
Trincafiado,  a,  adj.  sewed  with 

the  thread  called  Trincafio. 
Trincalio,  sm.  a  sort  of  thread 

used     by    shoeraakers;     (fig.) 

subtility,  sharpness  of  wit. 
Trinoanizes,  sm.  pi.  (a  sea  term) 

the  vater-ways. 
Trincar,  va.  to  crack,  to  break 

asunder    with    the    teeth;   to 

balk.  to  frustrate.  —   «n.   to 

Trincha,  sf.  a  trench. 
Trinchado,  a,  pp.  adj.  carved. 
Trinchador,   sm.  carver;    one 

skilful  in  carving  meat. 
Trinchante,    sm.  a    carver  of 

Trinchar,  va.  to  carve  meat. 

Trincheira,  sf.  a  trench  to  de- 

fend  soldiers;  {marit.)  the  net- 

tings.  [ed  about. 

Trincheirado,  a,pp.  adj.  trench- 
Trincheirar,  va.  to  fence  with 

trenches.  [knife. 

Trinchete,    sm.   a   shoemaker^s 
Trincho,   sm.  a   cutting-board, 

a  trencher.  [íingers. 

Trinco,   sm.  a  snap    with   the 
Trincolhos-brincolnos,  sm.  pi. 

play-things,  baubles. 
Trindade,  */.  Trinity. 
Trindades,  sf.  pi.  the  tolling  of 

a  bell  in  the  evening. 
Trinitario,  a,  adj.  trinitarian. 
Trino,  a,  <idj.  trine,  three-fold. 
Trinomo,  sm.  {alg.)  trinomial. 
Trinque,  sm.  a  rack  or  wooden 

frame  to  hang  clothes  on.  Novo 

de  — ,  spick  and  span. 
Trincfuete,  sm.  {a  sea  term)  fore- 

Trinta,  s.  and  adj.  2  g.  thirtv. 
Trintagesimo,  a,  adj.  thirtietn. 
Trintario,  sm.  thirty ;  trental. 
Trintena,  sf.  thirty,  the  thirtieth 

Trio,  sm.  trio. 
Tripa,  sf.  tripé,  gut. 
Tripagem,  sf.  garbage. 
Tripalhada,  sf.  garbage. 
Tripartito,  a,   adj.  tripartite. 
Tripé,  sm.  worsted  shag. 
Tripeira,  sf.  a  tripé  woman. 
Tripeiro,  sm.  a  tripe-man. 
Tripe-trepe,   adv.  loc.  step  by 

step.  [g^er. 

Triplado,    a,  adj.  mingled  to- 
Triplar,  va.  {milit.)  —  as  fleiraf, 

to  make  one  Ale  out  or  three; 

to  mingle  to^ether. 
Triple,  adj.  triple,  threefold. 
Triplicação,  sf.  triplication. 
Triplicado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tripled, 

triplicate.  [threefold. 

Triplicar,  va.  to  triple,  to  make 
Triplico,      adj.     2    g.     tripled, 

Triplicidade,  sf.  triplicity. 
Tripô,  sm.  a  triangular  stoo). 
Tripode,  sm.  tripod. 
Tripodo,  a,  adj.  of  the  shape  of 

a  tripod. 


—  734  — 


Tripoli,  sm.  tripoli. 
Tripudiado,  a,  pp.  adj.  danced. 
Tripudiar,  vn.  to  dance,  to  trip 

Tripudio,  sm.  leaping  for  joj. 
Tripulação,  sf.  the  crev  of  a 

Tripular,  va.  to  man  a  ship. 
Triquebal,  sm.  a  waggon  belong- 

infç  to  the  train  of  artillenr. 
Triquestroques,  sm.  pi,  (jtst,) 

iDversion    or     change    in  the 

order  of  words. 
Triquete.  sm.  {jest.)  A  cada  — , 

hera  and  theré.  [crown. 

Triregno,  sm.  the  pope*s  triple 
Trireme,  sf.  trirerae. 
Trisavô,    sm.    a  great    grand- 

father.  [er. 

Trisavô,  sf.  a  great  grand-moth- 
Trisca,  sf.  enmity;  ilí  wind. 
Triscar,  va.  or  n.  to  be  in  en- 
mity with  some  one. 
Trisneta,    sf.    a    grand-child'8 

Trisneto,    sm.    a    grand-child's 

Trissyllabo,  a,  adj.  trisyllabic. 

—  sm.  a  trisyllablé. 
Triste,    adj.  2  g.   trist,   heary, 

sad,  sorrowful.  [fully. 

Tristemente,  acíu.  sadly,  sorrow- 
Tristes,  sm.  pi.  a  sort  of  curl  in 

a  woman'»  nead.  fly. 

Tristeza,  sf.  sadness,  melancno- 
Tristonlio,    a,    adj.   aomewhat 

Trlsolco ,    a.     adj.     trisulcate, 

three-pointed  or  three-forked. 
TrltiLo,  sm.  {myihol.)  tritOB. 
Trttongo,  sm.  a  triphthong. 
Tritono,  sm.  {mia.)  tritone. 
Tritura  or  Trituração,  af.  tri- 
ture, trituration. 
Triturado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trituratcd. 
Triturar,  va.  to  triturate. 
Trituravel,  adj.  2  g.  triturable. 
Triumphado,    a,  pp.  adj.'  tri- 

Triumphador,  sm.  a  trinmpher. 
Triuxnphal,  adj.  2  g.  triumçhal. 
Triuxnphalmeiite,  adtt^  tnum- 

phantly.  [phant. 

Triumpnante,  adj.  2  g.  triíun- 

Triumphar,  va.  and  n.  to  tn- 
umph,  to  excel. 

Triumpho,  sm.  tríumph,  pOBq>, 
Tictory;  a  sort  of  desert  of 
sweatnaeats  piled  up. 

Triumphoso,  a,  adfj.  triumphin^, 
victorious.  [trinmyir. 

Triuxnvlr  or   Triuiuviro,  «m. 

Triuniviral,  adj.  2  g.  triumviral. 

Triuxnvirato,    sm.   trlumviratft. 

Trivial,  adj.  2  g.  trivial,  vnl- 
gar.  [vialness. 

Trivialidade,  sf.  trivialitj,  tri- 

Trivialisar,  va.  to  vulgarize. 

Trivialmeoate,  adv.  triviallj, 
commonly.  [wajs  meet. 

Trivio,  sm.  a  place  where  tkree 

Triz,  sm.  a  word  to  expreás  the 
sound  of  a  glass^  etc,  -whenit 
cracks.  Estar  por  um  — ,  tobe 
'within*a  hair's  oreadtk,  to  have 
a  narrov  escape.  Em  um  — ,  in 
a  trice.  [vated. 

Troada,  sf.  Y.  Atroada  and  deiir 

Troar,  vn.  to  thunder.  [ter. 

Troca,  sf.  truck,  exchange,  ba>- 

Trocadaxuente,  adv.  recipro- 

Trocadilho,  sm.  equivocatíon. 

Trocado,  a,  pp.  adj.  trucked, 
changed,  altered.  [terer. 

Trocador,    sm.   a  trucker,  bar- 

Trocados,  sm.  pi.  —  de  palavras, 
an  inversion  of  words.  Traça- 
dos galantes,  witty  inversions 
of  words. 

Trocar,  va.  to  truck,  to  barter, 
to  exchange ;  to  voroit.  Troatr- 
se^  vr.  to  change  manners,  to 

Trocavel,  adj.  2  g.  changeable. 

Trocha,  sf.  {anc.)  a  coinpaas. 

Trochado,  a,  pp.  adj.  twisted. 
Cano  de  espingarda  — a,  twisted 
barrei  of  a  gun.  [of  a  gun. 

Troohar,  va.  to  twist  the  barrei 

Trochexuoche,  adv.  A  — ,  at 

Troco,  sm.  the  change  of  a 
piece  of  gold  or  silver.  A  —  rfe, 
so  that,  provided  that,  for  the 
sake  of.  Casar  a  — ,  to  inter- 

Troço,  sm.  a  body  of  soldiers; 



—  735  — 


stump,  stock  of  a  tree.  A  — s^ 

adv.  interruptedly.  Para  — ,  by 

no  means.       [plates,  cuto,  etc. 
Troculo,  sm.  a  press  for  printing 
Trofeo,  sm.  V.  rropkeo. 
Trolha,  sf.  trowel. 
Trollio,  sm.  troy.  troy-weight. 
Troxn,  sm.  the  noise  of  a  guu, 

bomb,  etc. 
Tromba,  sf.   trumpet;  an  ele- 

phant^s  trunk;  a  ^vater-spoat. 
TrombSo,  sm.  a  large  trompet ; 

a  grave  or  low  sound;  a  trom- 
Trombejar,  vn.  to  strike   with 

the  trunk  ;  ififf-)  to  pout. 
Trombeta,  sf.  a  trumpet. 
Trombeteira,  sf.  a  woman  -who 

blows  a  trumpet. 
Trombeteiro.  sm.  a  trumpeteer. 

—  {nat.  hist.)  the  trumpet-fiah. 
Trombone,  sm.  trombone. 
Trombudo ,    a,     adj.    havin^ 

a  trunk ;  {ãg.)  suUen. 
Trompa,  sf.  trumpet. 
Tronante,  adj.  2  g.  thundering. 
Trcmcadaiiiente,  adv.  in  a  trun- 

cated  manner. 
Troncado,    a,    j^.  adj,    tnm- 

cated,  maimed. 
Troncadura,  sf.  truncation. 
Troncar,    va.    to    truncate>  to 

maim,  to  mutilate,  to  curtail. 
Tronchar,  va.  to  cvt  short,  to 

mutilate.  [tailed. 

Troncho,  a,  adj.  mutilated,  cur- 
Troncho,    sm.   a    piece   cut  or 

broken.  [great  stalk. 

Tronchudo,  a,  adj.  that  has  a 
Tronco,  sm.  trunk  or  stump  of  a 

tree ;  stock,  race,  lineage ;  {fig.) 

a  blockhead ;  a  prison  or  g&eA. 
Tronco,  a,  adj.  truncated,  muti- 
Troneira,  sf.  a  loop-hole. 
Tronqoeiro,  sm.  a  jailor. 
Tropa,  sf.  a  troop.  Tropas,  troops, 

men.  i 

Tropeçamento,   sm.  a  stumble. 
Tropeção,  sm.  a  stumble. 
Tropeçar,    vn.    to  stumble,  to 

alip  ;  {fig.)  to  err,  to  blunder. 
Tropeço,  sm.  a  stumble ;  dinp- 

pouitmont,  mistAke,  blunder. 

Tropeçado,  a,  adj.  ij^t.)  that 

is  always  stumbling. 
Trôpego,    a,   adj.  that    walks 

mth  difflculty. 
Tropeiro,    sm.    a  carríâr    that 

dnves  mules. 
Tropel,  sm.  noisft.  De  — ,  adv.  Iúc. 

in  confusion. 
Tropelia,  sf.  disorder,  tumult. 

—?s  da  fortuna,  the  viciâsitudeB 

of  fortune. 
Tropheo,  sm.  trophy. 
Tropical,  adj.  tg.  tropical. 
Tropicar,  va.    to    stumble.  Y« 

Trópico,  sm.  tropic. 
Tropo,  sm.  a  trope. 
Trotão,  sm.  trotter.  Cavallo  — , 

a  trotting  horse. 
Trotar,  vn.  to  trot..    —  ua.  to 

make  a  horse  trot. 
Trote,  sm.  a  horse's  trot. 
Trotelro,  a,  adj.  that  trots.  ~ 

sm.  a  trotter. 
Trouxa,  sf.  a  truss,  a  pack. 
Trouxel,  sm.  a  pack,  a  bale. 
Trova,  sf.  a  rhyme. 
Trovado,  a,  pp.   adj.  sung   in. 

Trovador,  sm.  a  rhymer. 
Trovão,  sm.  thunder. 
Trovar,  vn.  to  make  rhymes. 
Trovejar,  V9*  to  thunder. 
Troviscada,      sf.     spurge-flax 

throvn  in  a  river  to  fuddle  ôsh 

Trovisco,  sm.  spurge-flax. 
Trovoada,  sf.  a  clap  of  thunder. 
Truanear,  vn.  to  jest,  to  play  as 

a  jester. 
Truania,  sf.  superstitious  cheab. 
Truanice,  sf.  mummeries   of  a 

Tmão,  sm.  a  buffoon,  a  íester. 
Trucar,  vn.  to  vie  at  caros ;  {fig.) 

to  boast. 
Trucidar,  va.  to  kill,  to  murder. 
Truculência,  sf.  cruelty,  trucu» 

Truculento,  a,  adj.   truculent, 

cruel,  barbarous. 
Trugimão,  sm.  an  Interpreter,  a 

Trunfa,  sf.  a  sort  of  turban. 



—  736  — 


Tmnter,  tm.  to  tramp,  to  pUy  a 

Tmnfo,  «m.  a  tnimp  card. 
Tropitar,  vn.  to  inake  a  noise 

víth  haods  and  feet. 
Truqoa,  $m.  a  game.  —  (íe  taco, 

the  play  of  bílliards. 
Trata,  */.  a  troat.  [troats. 

Tmtifero.  a,  adj.  that  narses 
Truz,  interí.  a  xrord  to  exprcss 

the  Round  of  a  blow,  fali,  or 

th«  like. 
Tu,  pron.  tboa.  Z)ar  — ,  to  thotL 
Tuaca,  tf.  a  sort  of  wine  made 

ín  índia. 
Tuba,  gf.  (poet.)  tmmpet. 
Tubara,  tf.  tubcrclc.  —t  da  terra^ 

truífles.       Tuharat       tupinam- 

boret,    Jeroftalem    artichokes ; 

testícles  of  sheep  or  hogs. 
Tubarão,  tm.  a  shark. 
Tubarosa,  tf.  tuberose. 
Tubérculo,  tm.  a  tabercle. 
Tuberculoso,    a,  adj.    aMicted 

with  tubercles. 
Tuberosa,  tf.  tuberose. 
Tuberoso,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  tuberous. 
Tubo,  tm.  tube,  pipe. 
Tucano,  tm.  [nat.  hitt.)  toucan. 
Tuçaro,  adj.  horrid,  cruel. 
Tudesco,  a,  adj.  Oerman,  teu- 

Tudo,  tm.  the  whole,  any  thing. 

Sobre  — ,  adv.  above  ali.  Com 

— ,  but,  however,  notwithstand- 

ing.  [proud. 

Tufado,  a,pp.  adj.  swoUen  ;  (fig.) 
Ttiffto,  tm.  a  hurricane  or  violent 

Tufar,  vn.  to  swell. 
Tufo,  tm.  a  fríable  sand  or  gravei 

stone ;  a  mandrel. 
Tufoso,  a,  adj.  swelled. 
Tugir.  vn.  to  stir,  to  mutter.  Elle 

não  tuge,  nem  muge,  he  holds 

his  tongue;  he  does  not  dare 

to  mutter. 
Tugúrio,  sm.  a  hut,  a  cottage. 
Tultlvo,  a,  adj:  defensive,  pro- 

tecting.  [rots. 

Tuins,  sm.  pi.  a  sort  of  little  par- 
Tulha,  tf.  a  receptacle  or  cave 

for  holding  com,  olives,  etc. 
Tulipa,  tf.  tulip. 

Tulipeiro.  *m.  tulip-tree. 

Taml>a.  tf.  a  bier. 

Tnmbado.  a.  adj.  (anc.)  reseoi- 

blíng  a  bier.  [man. 

Tumbeiro.  tm.  an  ondertaker» 
Tumente,  adj.  2  g.  swelling. 
Tumecencia,  tf.  rvelling^. 
Tumidez,  tf.  tomidiiess,  swellmg. 
Túmido,  a,  adj.  tumid,  swollen ; 

i/ig.)  proud. 
Tumor,  sm.  a  tomoor. 
Tumoroso,    a,    adj.  tomorous. 

Tumular,   adj.  2  g.  pertaining 

to  the  tomb.  Pedra  — ,  a  tomb- 

stone.  [Embriaguez. 

Tumulencia,  tf.  drankenoess.  V. 
Tumulo,  xm.  tomb,  a  sort  of  ce- 

Tumulto,  sm.  tumult,   sedition. 
Tumultuar,   va.   to  toroolt,   to 

make  a  tumult. 
Tumnltuariamente ,    adv.    tu- 

raultuarily,  disorderly. 
Tumultuario,  a.  adj.  turaultuary. 
Tumultuosamente,  ado.  tomul- 

tuously,  in  atumultuous  manner. 
Tumultuoso,  a,  adj.  tumoltaous. 
Tuna,  sf.  Andar  á  — .to  idle,  to 

mump,  to  beg,  to  truant. 
Tunal,  sm.  {bot.)  tuna,  opuntia. 
Tunante,    sm.    a    vagabond,    a 

Tunda,  sf.  a  beating. 
Tunga,  sf.  tunç,  pique. 
Túnica,  sf.  tunic  ;  coat :    a  peei 

or  skin.  [worn  by  bishops. 

Tunlcella,  sf.  tunicle,  a  vestment 
Tunnel,  sm.  tunnel. 
Tupido,  a,  adj.  obstructed. 
Turba,  sf.  a  rabble  or  multitude. 
Turbação,  sf.  disorder,    confu- 

Turbadamente,  adv.  disorderly. 
Turbado,  a,  pp.  adj.  disordered, 

troubled,  out  of  countenance : 

rough,  tempestuous,  cloudy. 
Turbador,  sm.  troubler,  a  per- 

turbator.  [tude. 

Turbamulta,  sf.  a  great  multi- 
Turbante,  sm.  a  turban. 
Turbar  or  Turvar,  va.  to  trou- 

ble,  to  disorder,  to  vex,  to  dia- 

turb ;  to  overcast,  to  agitate ; 


—  737 


to  dim.  Turbar-se,  vr.  to  grow 

thick  or  muddy;  to  be  troubled. 
TurbaUvo,  a>  adj.  troublesome, 

Túrbido,  a,  ací;.  troubled,  trou- 

blesome.  afflictive. 
Tnrbillião,  sm.  whirlwind ;  {phil.) 

a  vortex. 
Turbinite,  sf.  turbinite. 
Turbinoso,  a,  adj.  that   spins 

round.  [bulency. 

Tnrbolenoia,  sf»  turbulence,  tur- 
Torbiilento,   a,   adj.  turbulent, 

Tnroo,  a,  adj.  or  s.  Turk,  Turkish 

or  belong^ng  to  Turkey.  O  grão 

— ,  the  emperor  of  the  Turks ; 

{a  sea  term)  the  davit. 
Turfoso,  a,  adj.  turfy. 
Torgenoia,     sf.     (med.)      tur- 

gescency,  turgidity.  [ling. 

Targente,  adi.  2  g.  turgid,  swel- 
Torgidez,  sf.  turgidity,  turgid- 

Túrgido,  a,  adj.  {med.)  turgid, 

Turgixnão,  sm.  an  interpreter,  a 

truchman  or  linguist. 
Turias,  sf.  pi.  a  sort  of  cloth 

made  of  cotton. 
Turibios,   sm,  pi.  beads,   etc. ; 

made  of  crystal. 
Turno,  sm.  turn.  Por  — ,  by  turns. 
Turpiloc[^uio,«m.  adirty  or  sordid 

Turquesco,  a,  adj.  turkish. 
Turquesa,  sf.  turquoise,  turkois. 
Turquezado,  a,  adj.  of  the  co- 

lour  of  the  turquoise. 
Turqui,  adj.  2  g.  Azul  — ,  sky 

Turquia,  sf.  {geog.\  Turkey. 
Turra,  sf.  pet,  strite. 
Turrão,  aaj.  m.  stubbom.  —  sm, 

a  sveat-meat. 
Turrar,  vn.  to  contend,  to  de- 
bate, to  be  obstiaate. 
Turrifrago,  a,  adj.   destroying 

towers,  steeples^  etc. 
Turrigero,  a,  adj.  turriferous. 
Turrista,  s.  a  stubbom  person. 
Turturino,  a,  adj.  belonging  to 

a  tortle.  [tion. 

Turvação,  sf.  trouble,  perturba- 

Turvado,  a,  pp.  adj.  troubled; 

made  thick. 
Turvar,  va.  to  trouble. 
Turvo,  a,  adj.  muddy,  thick. 
Tussilagem,^,  {hot.)  colt's  foot. 
Tutanaga  or  Tutinaga,  sf.  very 

fine  tio. 
Tutano,  sm.  raarrow. 
Tutela,  sf.  guardianship. 
Tutelar,  va.  to  protect,  to  sbelter. 
Tutelar,  adj.  2  g.  tutelar,  tute- 

Tutia,  sf.  tutty.  [tector. 

Tutor,  sm.  a  guardian ;  a  pro- 
Tutora  and  Tutrlz,  sf.  tutrix, 
tutoress.  [govern,  to  rule. 

Tutorar  or  Tutorear,    va.   to 
Tutoria,  sf.  tutelage,  tutorage. 
Tuzão  or  Tusão,  sm.  iieece.  A 
ordem  do  — ,  the  order  of  the 
golden  iieece. 
TympanÍBar,t;a.  {med.)  to  cause 
a  tympanites.  Tympamsar-se,  vr. 
to  grow  affected    with  tympa- 
nites. nites. 
Tsrmpanites,  sf.  {med.)  tympa- 
Tympanitioo,  a,    adj.   anected 

witn  tympanites. 
Tympano,  sm.  {anat.)  tympanum 
or  drum  of  the  ear ;  tympan  of 
a  printing  press. 
Tsrpho,  sm.  {med.)  typhus. 
Typboide,  adj.  2  g.  typboid. 
Typioo,  a,  adj.  typical. 
Typo,  sm.  type,  embleme  ;  type. 
TypoooBmia,  sf.  typocosmy. 
Typographia.  sf.  typography. 
Typographico,  a,  adj.  typogra- 

Typographo,  sm.  typographer. 
T3rranna,  sf.  tyranness. 
Tsrrannamente,     adv.     tyran- 

Tsrranxiia,  sf.  tyranny. 
Tyrannioamente ,   adv.   tyran- 
nously.  [of  a  tyrant. 

Tjrrannioida,  sm.  the  raurdercr 
Tyrannioidio,  sm.  tyrannicide. 
Tirrannioo,  a,  adj.  tyrannic. 
Tyrannisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  tyran- 
nized.  [rannizes. 

Tyrannisador,  sm.  he  who  ty- 
T3rrannisar,  va.  to  tyrannize. 
Tsrranno,  sm.  a  tyrant. 


—  738  — 


Tsrraxmo,  a,  adj.  cruel,  barba- 

Tyrio,  a.  adj.  Cor  — a,  purple  co- 

lour,  scarlet. 
Tyro,  sm.  purple,  scarlet. 


U,  sm.  the  twenty-first  letter  and 
fifth  vowel  of  the  Portuguese 
alphabet.  [fruitfulness. 

Uberdade,  sf.  abundance,  uberty, 

Ubiquidade,  sf.  ubic^uity. 

Ubiquitario,  sm.  ubiquitarian. 

Ubre,  sm.  an  udder. 

Uoha,  sf.  a  hutch  to  keep  bread  in. 

Ucbaria,  sf.  a  pantry  or  buttery. 

Udo,  a,  adj.  Nem  —  nem  miúdo. 
neither  great  nor  small. 

Udometro,  sm.  udometer. 

Ufa,  inter j.  hey-day  ? 

Ufeunado,  a,  pp.  adj.  boasted. 

Ufanar-se,  vr.   to  boast  of,  to 

Ufania,  sf.  a  boasting. 
Ufano,  a,  adj.  vain,  prond. 
Uga,  sf.  the  fork-âsh  or  puffin. 
Uivar,  vn.  to  howl  as  a  dog  or 

wolf.  [dog,  etc. 

Uivo,  sm.  howl,   howling  of  a 
Ukase,  s.  ukase. 
Uloera,  sf.  an  ulcer. 
Ulceração,  sf.  ulceration. 
Uloerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ulcerated. 
Ulcerar,  va.  to  ulcerate ;  (fig.) 

to  exasperate. 
XTlceroso,  a,  adj.  ulcerous. 
Ullginoso,  a,  adj.  uliginous. 
Ulmaria,    sf.   (bot.)   moon^wort. 
Ulmeiro  or  Ulmo,  Olmeiro,  sm. 

an  elm-tree. 
Ulna,  sf.  {anat.)  ulna,  the  greater 

boné  of  the  elbow. 
Ulterior,  adj.  2  g.  ulterior. 
Ulteriormente,  ado.  further. 
Ultimado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ultimate. 
Ultimamente,  adv.  lastly,  lately. 
Ultimar,  va.  to  put  an  end,  to 

Ultimatom,  57n.  íinal  proposition. 
Ultimo,  a,  adj.  last. 

Ultrajado,  a,  pp.  adj.  outraged, 

oflended;  abused.  affironted. 
Ultrajador,  «m.  or  /.  one  -wke 

insulta  or  outrages. 
Ultrajante,  adj.lg.  outrageeua. 
Ultrajar,    va.    to    ontrage,    to 

abuse,  to  offend.  (abiiae. 

Ultraje  or  Ultrage,  sm.  outrage, 
Ultrajosamente ,     adv.     ootrar 

Uitrajoeo,  a,  adj.  outrageoaa. 
Ultramar,  adj.  2  g.  ultramariae. 
Ultramarino,  a,  adj.  oltcMaa- 

rine.  [montane. 

Ultramontano .  a,  <uij.  «hra- 
Ultrapaasar,  va.  to  exceed,  to 

go  beyond.  [dictive. 

Ultrice  or  Ultriz,  adj.  2  g.  Tin- 
Ululante,  adj.  2  g.  that  nlainies 
Ulular,  vn.  to  ululate,  to  sliríek. 
Um,   Uma,  <^j-  nunu  and  tm. 

or  /.  a,  an,  one.  Um  por  wn,  one 

hj  one.  Uns  são  ricos^  some  are 

nch.  Nem  —  nem  outro ^  neither. 

Ora  — ,  ora  outro,  by  tuina.  Qfie 

tem  um  só  olho^  one-ey«d.  E' 

tudo  — ,  'tis  ali  one. 
Umbella,  sf.  a  sort  of  canopj. 
Umbigo,  sm.  the  naveL 
Umbilicado,  a,  adj.  faabioned 

like  a  buckler. 
Umbilical,  adj.  2  o.  umbilicaL 
Umbral,  sm.  {arcnit.)  door-post. 
Umbratioo,  a,  adj.  injBtíau,  ty^ 

Umbratil,  adj.  2  a.  ombratila. 
Umbreira,  sf.  shouider  atnKps  or 

sboulder-piecesof  a  man^aslúrt. 
Umbrella,  sf.  umbrella. 
Umbria,.  sf.  that  part  of  a  inoiíii» 

tain  that  is  to  the  west. 
Umbro,  sm.  a  limer. 
Umbroso, a,  adj.  shady,  shadovy. 
Unanimado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made 

Unanimar,  va.  to  make  snitable. 
Unanime,  adj.  2  g.  unanimoos. 
Unanimemente,     adv.     unanl- 

Unanimidade,  sf.  unanimi:^. 
Un^o  or  Uncçao,  sf.  unction. 
Unctnosidade,  sf.  unctuositj. 
UliotuoBo,  a.  adj.  unctuous,  oily. 
Undante,  adj.  3  g.  surgr,  -wavy. 



—  739  — 


Undecagono,  sm.  {geom.)  an  ua- 

decagon.  fyenth. 

Undécimo,  a,  <idj,  tnan.  tlie  ele- 
Undiílavo,  a,  adj.  a  goldrcolour- 

eá  wave. 
Undlsono,  a,  adj.  a  wave  that 

sounds  upon  the  shore. 
fXndiTago,   a,  adj.  floating  on 

the  waves. 
Undoso,  a.  adj.  wav^. 
Undulatorio,  a,  adj.  -wattiriíig. 
Ungido,  a,  pp.  adj.  anointed. 
Ungir,  va.  to  aooint. 
Unguentario,  a,  adj.  ungaen- 

tary.  Noz  — a,  a  nut-meg. 
Ungnento,   sm.   unguent,  oint- 

Ungoinoso,  a,  adj.  ungoinous. 
Unha,  sf.  the  nail  of  a  finger  or 

toe ;  híoof,  clavr,  talon.  Fugir  a 

unhas   de  cavallo,   to  trust    to 

one's  horse'8  heeú. 
Unhada, sf.  a  scratch  with  a  nalL 
Unhado,  a,  adj.  set  deep  in  the 

Unhar,  va.  {agric.)  to  set  an  old 

-vine  stock  deep  into  the  earth. 
Unheiro,  sm.  (med.)  agnail,  a 

whitlow.  [ing. 

União,  sf.  union,  the  act  of  Join- 
Unicamente,  adv,  only,  exclu- 

Único,  a,  adj.  only,  sing^,  sole. 
Unicome    or    Unicórnio,  sm. 

unicorn.  [conocMrd. 

Unidade,    sf.    unity,    oneness; 
Unidamente,  adv.  unitedly. 
Unido,  a,  pp.  adj.  united. 
Uniformar,  va.  to  make  uniform. 
Uniforme,  adj.  2  g.  uniform,  re- 
Uniformemente,  adv.  unifonnly. 
Uniformidade,  sf.    uniformi^, 

unity.  [form. 

Uniformisar,  va.  to  make  uni- 
Unigénito,  a,  adj.  the  only  be- 

gotten.  [biate. 

Unilabiado,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  unila- 
Unilateral,  adj.  2  g.  unilateraL 
Unipersonal,  adj.  2  g.  uniper- 

Unir,  va.  to   unite  or   join  te- 

gether.  Unir-se,  vr.  to  unite,  to 

act  in  eoncert. 

Unisexual,  ac^.  2  g.  {bot.)  bav- 

ing  only  one  sex. 
Unisonanoia,  sf.  unison. 
Unisonante,  adj.  2  g.  unisonant. 
Unisono,  a,  ad^.  unison. 
Unitivo,  a,  euif.  unitivo. 
Univalve,  adj.  2  g.  {nat.  hist.) 

uni  vai  ve. 
Universal,  adj.  2  g.  universaL 
Universalidade,    sf.   universa- 

lity.  [neralised. 

Universalisado,  a,  i>p.  adj.  ge» 
Universalisar,  va.  to  generaliae„ 

to  make  universal. 
Universalismo,  sm.   univeraar 

Universalista,  sm.  universalista 
Universalmente,  adv.   univer- 

Universidade,  sf.  university. 
Universo,  a,  adi.  universaL 
Universo,  sm.  tne  universe. 
Univocamente,  adv.  univocally. 
Unívoco,  a,  adj.  uni  vocal,  not 

equivocai.  [daubed. 

Untado,   a,  pp.   adj.   anointed, 
Untador,    sm.   an    anointer,   a 

Untadura ,      sf.      anointment, 

anointing,  daubing. 
Untar,  va.  to  anoint,  to  daub,  to 

besmear.  —    as   rodas   de   um 

earrOf  to  grease  the  -wheels.  — 

as  mãos  a  alguém,  to  ^ease  one 

in  the  fist,  to  bribe  him. 
Unto,  sm.  fat. 
UnUura,    sf.    an    anointing   or 

daubing.  unturaSy  frictions,  me- 
dicai frictions. 
Uraca,  sf.  Y.  Araca. 
Uranites,  s.  uranite. 
Uranium,  sm.  uranium. 
Uranographia,  sf.  uranography. 
Urbanamente,  adv.  courteously, 

Urbanidade,  sf.  urbanity. 
Urbanisar,  va.  to  urbanize,  to 

make  civil,  polite  or  kind. 
Urbanista,  sm.  a  citizen. 
Urbano,  a,  adj.  courteous,  dwel- 

ling  in  a  city.  [loom. 

Urdido,  a,  pp.  adj,  warped  in  a 
Urdidura,  sf.   or  Urdimeiito, 

sm.  a  warping  in  a  loom. 


^  740  — 


Urdir,  va.  to  warp  in  a  loom. 
Ureteres,  sm.  pi.  [anat.)  the  ure- 

Uretico,  a,  adj.  that  provokes 

Uretra,  sf.  urethra. 
Uretral,  adj.  2  g.  of  or  belonging 

to  urethra. 
Urgência,  sf.  urgency.  [sing. 
Urgente,  adj.  2  g.  urgent,  pres- 
Urgentemente,  adv.  urgently. 
Urgir,  va.  to  urge,  to  provoke. 
Urina,  sf.  urine.  [water. 

Urinar,   va.  to  urine,  to  make 
Urinário,  a,  adj.  urinary. 
Urinoso,  a,  adj.  urinous. 
Uma,  sf.  an  um. 
Uro,  sm.  auroch  or  wild-ox. 
Uropigio,  sm.  the  rurap  of  a  bird. 
Urrar,  vn.  to  roar  like  an  ele- 

Urro,  sm.  roar,  roaring. 
Ursa,  sf.  a  female  bear. 
Urselina,  sf.  ursuline. 
Ursino,  a,  adj.  ursine. 
Urso  or  Usso,  sm.  a  bear. 
Urtiga  or  Ortiga,  sf.  a  nettle. 
Urtigado,  a,jíp.  adj.  nettled. 
Urtigar,  va.  to  nettle. 
Urubú,sm.  (a  Brazil.  term)  urubu, 

a  vulture. 
Urzella,  sf.  [hot.)  orchel  weed. 
Usado,  a,  pp.  adj.  usual,  used. 
Usagre,  sm.  tetter  or  ring-worm. 
Usança,  sf.  custom,  usage,  use. 
Usante,  adj.  2  g.  {anc.)  that  uses. 
Usar,  va.  to  use,  to  make  use  of ; 

to  waste,  to  consume.  — vn.  and 

vr.  to  wear  out.  Usar-se,  v.  imp. 

to  be  received  into  use. 
Useiro,  a,  adj.  used,  accustomed. 

—  sm.  user. 
Usnea,  sf.  {bot.)  usnea. 
Uso,  sm.  usage,  custom;  usance. 
Usteda,   sf.    a  sort  of  woollen 

Ustorio,  a,  adj.  ustoreous. 
Usual,  adj.  2  g.  usual,  coramon. 
Usualmente,  adv.  usually,  cus- 

Usucapião,  s.  (m  law)  usucaption. 
Usuoapiente,  adj.  2  §'.  (m  law) 

that  IS  making  acquisition  by 

long  possession. 

Usufructo,  sm.  usufruct. 
Usufructuar,  va.  to  enjoy  the 

temporary  use.  [tuary. 

Usufruotuario,  a,  adj.  usufruc- 
Usufruir,   va.  to  enjojr  or  take 

proât  by  the  possession   of  a 

Usura,  sf.  usury ;  interest.  Pagar 

com  — ,  to  return  with  interest. 
Usurar,  va.  to  lend  money  at 

unlawful  interest. 
Usurário,  sm.  an  usurer. 
Usurário,  a,  adj.  usurious. 
Usureiro,  sm.  an  usurer. 
Usurpação,  sf.  usurpation. 
Usurpado,  a,  pp.  aaj.  usurped. 
Usurpador,  sm.  an  usurper. 
Usurpar,  va.  to  usurp. 
Ut,  s.  (music.)  ut. 
Utensílios,  sm.  pi.  utensils,  ne- 

Uterino,  a,  adj.  uterine. 
Útero,  sm.   {anat.)   uterus,   the 

Utll,  adj.  2  g.  useful,  proíitable. 

Dias  úteis,  (in  lato)  useful  days. 
Utilidade,  sf.  utility,  usefulness. 
Utilisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  made  use- 
Utilissu:*,  va.  to  make  useful,  to 

utilize.  Utilisar-se^  vr.  to  make 

use  of  any  thing. 
Utilmente,  adv.  usefully,  pro- 

Utopia,  sf.  utopia. 
Utopista,  sm.  utopist. 
Utricular,  adj.  2  g.  utricular. 
Uva,  sf.  a  grape.  —  espim,  goose- 

berry  —  de   cão,   worm-grsss, 

stone-crop.  —  de  rato,  moase- 

tail,  wall-pepper.  —   de  terso, 

currant  bush,  bastard  curranta, 

uva  ursi.  [ried  trees. 

Uveira,  sf.  so  they  caJl  the  mar- 
Uvldo,  a,    adj.   [poet.)   huroid, 

Uvifero,  a,  adj.  {bot.)  that  pro- 

duces  grapes. 
Uvula,  sf.  (anat.)  uvula. 
Uxte,  interj.  {anc.)   away,  avav 

with !  [derivated. 

Uyvar,  vn.  to  howl.  V.  Uivar  and 
Uzagre,  sm.  {med.)  the  disease 

called  tetter  or  ring-worm. 

VAD  —  741  — 



V,  sm.  the  tventy-second  letter 

and  seventeeth  consonant    of 

the  Portuguesa  alphabet.    An 

abbraviation  for  Vide^  see. 
Vá,  adv.  loc.  done;  I  consent. 
Vãamente,  adv.  Vangloria,  etc. 

V.  Vãmente,  Vãgloria^  etc. 
Vaoação,  sf.  vacation. 
Vacância,  sf.  vacancy. 
Vacante,  adj.  l  g.  vacant. 
Vaoar,  vn.  to  mind,  to  apply,  to 

a  tUng. 
Vacca,  sf.  a  cow.  —  novilha^  a 

heifer.    Carne  de  — ,  ali  beef, 

though  it  be  ox  beef. 
Vacoada,  sf.  a  herd  of  covrs. 
Vacoaria,  sf.  a  herd  of  cows. 
Vacoina*  sf.  the  cow-pox. 
Vaocinação,  sf.  vaccination. 
Vacoinado,  a,  pp.  adj.  vaccinat- 

Vaccinador,  tm.  vaccinator,  vac- 

Vaocinar,  va.  to  vaccinate. 
Vacillação,  sf.  vacillation. 
Vacillante,  adj.  2  g.  vacillating, 

VaciUar,  vn.  to    vacillate,    to 

shake,  to  stagger. 
Vacinio,  sm.  (òoí.)  vaccinium. 
Vacuação,  sf.  Y.  Evacuação. 
Vacuidade,  sf.  vacuity. 
Vacam,  adj.  m.  Gado  — ,  herds 

of  covs  or  oxen. 
Vácuo,  a,  adj.  vacuous,  empty. 
Vácuo,  sm.  vacuity;  a  vacuum. 
Vadeação,  sf.  the  fording  a  rivcr 

or  the  like. 
Vadeado,  a,  pp.  adj.  forded. 
Vadear,  va.  to  -wade,  to  ford. 
Vadeavél,  adj.  2  g.  fordable. 
Vademeoo,  sm.  vade-mecum. 
Vadiação,  sf.  vagrancy. 
Vadiamente,   adv.   itíly,    in    a 

\randering  manner. 
Vadiar,  vn.  to  lead  the  life  of  a 

vagabond,  to  loiter,  to  be  lazy. 
VadJwM,  9f.  vagrancy,  vagrant- 


Vadio,  a,    adj.    vagabond,  va- 

Vadio,  sm.  a  vagrant. 
Vadoso,  a,  ad/.  fordable. 
Vaga,  sf.  a  huge  wave,  billovir. 
Vagabundo,   a,   adj.   vagrant, 

Vagabundo,  sm.  a  vagabond. 
Vagada,  sf.  the  sound  of  a  roll- 

ing  billow. 
Vagado,  a,  pp.  adj.  that  has  been 

left  vacant.  [fit. 

Vagado,  sm.  giddiness,  fainting 
Vagalume,  sm.  lampyris,  glow- 

"worm.  [manner. 

Vagamente,  adv.  in  a  vague 
Vagamundear,  va.  to  wander. 
Vaganão,   sm.    a  vagabond,  a 

rascai.  —  adj.  restless. 
Vagante,  €uij.  ã  g.  vagabond, 

Vagar,  sm.  leisure,  spare  time ; 

slowness,  negligence. 
Vagar,    vn.    to    oe   vacant;  to 

wander,  to  ramble. 
Vagarosamente,  adv.  at  leisure, 

Vagaroso,  a,  adj.  slow,  linger- 

ing,  tardV. 
Vagem,  sf.  husk,  cod ;  shell  of  a 

bean,  pea,  etc. 
Vagido,  sm.   cry,    crying   of  a 

young  child. 
Vagina,  sf.  {anai.)  va^na. 
Vaginal,  adj.  2  g.  vaginal. 
Vãgloria,  sf.  vanity,  vainçlory. 
Vãgloriar-se,  vr.  to  be  vam,  to 

Vãglorioso,  a>  adj.  vainglorious. 
Vago,  a,  adj.  vagabond,  wander- 

inç;   inconstant,  âckle;    inde- 

Anite ;  scattered ;  vacant.  De — , 

adv.    at  leisure. .  Tempo  de  — , 

spare  time. 
Vagon,  sm.  a  waggon. 
Vagueação,  sf.  reverie. 
Vaguear,  vn.  to  rove,  to  ramble. 

—  com  o  pensamento,  to  ramble 

from  one  thought  to  another. 
Vaia,  sf.  shouting,  shout. 
Vaidade,  sf.  vanity,  pride,  pre- 

Vaidosamente,  adv.  with  vanity. 
Vaidoso,  a,  adj.  fuJl  <it%vssíí?i« 


—  7M  — 


Vaina,  sf.  (a  sea  term)  the  tabling 

of  a  sail. 
Vaivém,  sm.  battering-ram ;  tom; 

variety,  vicissitude;  a  beetle. 
Valdevinos,  sm.  an  idle  rascai. 
Valedor,  a,  adj.  (m  law)  valid. 

—  sm,  an  intercessor,  a  sup- 

Valedouro,  a,  or  Valedolro,  a, 

adj.  valid,  allowable. 
Valentão,  ona,  adj.  and  m.  or  f. 

a  valiant   man    or  'wornan;   a 

bully ;  a  braggart. 
Valentar,  va.  to  çive  valour. 
Valente,  adj.  2^.  orave,  valiant, 

courageous ;  in  goed  health. 
Valentemente ,    ad».    l^ravelj , 

Valentia,   sf.  vakrar;   achieve- 

ment;  perfection,  skilfulness. 
Valentona,   sf.  A'  — ,  roughly, 

by  foul  means. 
Valer,  vn.  and  a.  to  be  of  value, 

to  be  worth  or  valuable.  —  mais^ 

to  out-value.  Ufais  vale,  it  is 

better.  Valer^  to  help,  to  be  ser- 

viceable  or  use  fui.   Valer-se^  vr. 

to  have  recourse  to. 
Valeriana,  sf.  {bot.)  valerian. 
Valerosamente ,   adv.  bravely, 

valorously.  [V.  Valor. 

Valerosidade,   sf.   valiantness. 
Valeroso,  a,  adj.  brave,  valor- 

Valete,  sm.  a  knave. 
Valetudinário,  a,   adj.  aicklj, 

Valha,  s.  Ser  — ,  to  be  good. 
Valhacouto,  sm.  an  asyhmí. 
Valia,  sf.  value,  price. 
Validação,  sf.  validation,  the  act 

of  makiug  valid. 
Validade,  sf.  valid ity. 
Validado,  a,  pp.  adj.  validated. 
Validamente,  adv.   in  a  valid 

manner.  [finn. 

Validar,  va.  to  validate,  to  cob- 
Valido,  a,  adj.  valid,  legal. 
Valido,  sm.  a  favourite. 
Valimento,  sm.  faviocur,  protee- 

Valioso,  a,  adi.  valid. 
Valia,  tf.  ditch,  moat. 
Foliada,  sf,  a  great  váfiey. 

Vallado,  sm.  an  hedge,  fence  or 

Vallado,  a,  pp.  adj.  fenced. 
Vallador,  sm.  one  who   rnakes 

Vallar,  va.  to  fence,  to  intrench. 
Valle,  sm.  a  valley,  vale. 
Valor,  sm.  value,  vorth ;  couzaRe. 
Valorosamente,  adv.  valiaatly, 

Valoroso,  a,  adj.  brave,  vaUant. 

V.  Valeroso. 
Valsa,  sf.  waltz,  waltzing. 
Valsar,  va.  to  -waltz. 
Válvula,  sf.  {anat.)  a  valve. 
Valvular,  adj.  2  g.  valvular. 
Vãmente,  adv.  vainly,  uselessly. 
Vampiro,  sm.  vampire. 
Vandalismo,  sm.  vandaliam. 
Vândalo,    sm.    vandal;  (Jig.)  a 

barbarian.  [kj. 

Vangloria,  sf.  vain  glorv,  vaa- 
Vanguarda,  sf.  vanguard. 
Vanguejar,  va.  to  vaccilate. 
Vaniloco,  a,  adj.  and  s.  vaia. 
Vaniloquio,  sm.  vain  talking. 
Vantagem,  sf.  advantage,  profit, 

interest.  [geoosly. 

Vantajosamente,  adv.  advaata- 
Vantajoso,  a,  adj.  advantageoas. 
Váo,  sm.  a  ford. 
Vão,  Vã  or  Vãa,  adj.  vain,  frmtr 

less,  unproiitable;  proud,  kangh- 

Vão,  sm.  void,  a  void  space. 

Vapido,  a,  adj.  vapid. 

Vapor,  sm.  vapour,  steam.  Barea 

a  — ,  a  steamer. 
Vaporação,  sf.  vaporation. 
Vaporar,  va.  to  evaporate. 
Vaporavel,  adj.  2  g.  vaporable. 
Vaporisação,  sf.  vaporisation. 
Vaporisar,  va.  or  n.  to  vaporize. 
Vaporoso,  a,  adj.  vaporoos,  va- 

Vacpieiro,  sm.  a  herdsman. 
Vaqueta,  sf.  drum-stick. 
Vara,  sf.  a  rod ;  a  switch,  twig, 

sprig.  —  de  easteUo^  the  toa  of 

a  castle.  —  ée  medir ^  a  ytaà. 
Varação,  sf.  lhe  act  of  fari^ging 

a  ship  ashore. 
Varado,  a,  j».  <m^.   tooogkt 
\    a&^Qt«^  «.traaded. 


—  743  ~ 


"Varador,  sm.  a  gager  or  gau^r. 
Varadoiro,    sm.    a   convement 

place  to  lay  ships  agroand. 
Varal,  sm.  a  shaft  of  a  post- 

!  Varanda,  sf.  a  balcony. 
i  Varão,  sm.  a  man ;  male. 
Varapau  or  Varapfto,  sm.  a  polé 

to  strike  vith. 
Varar,  va.  to  lay  a  ship  agroimd ; 

to  pierce  through. 
Vardasca,  sf.  a  s-witch. 
Vardascada,  sf.  a  stroke  "with  a 

switch,  a  jerk. 
Vareado,  a,  pp.  adj.  measared 

vith  a  yard. 
Vareagexn,  sf.  the  act  of  measur- 

ing  by  yards. 
Varear,  va.  to  measure  by  yards. 
Vareja,  sf.  the  eggs  of  a  ílesh- 

fly.  [a  polé. 

Varejado,  a,  pip.  adj.  beaten  -with 
Varejador,  sm.  measurer,  alna- 

Varejadura,  sf.  alnage. 
Varejaxaento,  sm.  a  search.- 
Varejão,    sm.    a  great  polé  to 

beat  áovrn  fruit  with. 
Varejar,  va.  to  beat  do^ni  fruit 

with  a  polé;  to  search  commo- 

dities.  [a  flesh-dy. 

Varejeira,  adj.  and  sf,  mosca  — , 
Varejo,  sm.  the  act  of  beatisg 

down  fruit  with  a  polé ;  a  search 

for  contraband  goods. 
Varella,  sf.  Indian  temple. 
Vareta ,   sf.    a  rain-rod.   —  de 

tambor^  a  drum-stick.  Varetas 

de  leque,  fan-sticks. 
Varga,  sf.  a  marshy  plain  field. 
Variabilidade,  sf.  variableness. 
Varieição,  sf.  variation,  variety. 
Variado,  a,  pp.  adj.  varied. 
Variagem,  sf.  a  sort  of  tribute 

paid  in  the  custom-house. 
Variamente,  adv.  varíously. 
Variante,  adj.  2  ff.  mconstant, 

fickle ;  raving ,   doatiDg,   deli- 

rious.  — •  sf.  varíous  readings 

of  a  text. 
Variar,  va.  to  varr,  to  diaitge, 

to  rave,  to  be  delirious. 
Variarei,  adj.  2  p.  variable. 
Varioella,  sf,  ehtcken-pox. 

Varicooelle,  s.  (surg.)  varicocele» 
Varicoso,  a,  adj.  varicose. 
Variedade,  sf.  variety,  change, 

VariegaçSo,  sf.  variegation. 
Variegado,  a,  adj.  variegated. 
Varina,  sf.  a  sort  of  vessel  with 

oars.  [or  twig. 

Varinha,  sf.  a  little  wand,  switcn 
Vario,  a,  arf/.  various,  different; 

variegated;  inconstant. 
Varíola,  sf.  {med.)  varíola. 
Varioloso,  a,  aaj.  {med.)  vario- 

Varizes,  sf.  pi.  varix,  veins  puffed 

up  or  swoln. 
Vlstrlete,  sm.  {anc.)  a  varlet. 
Varonia,  sf.  the  male-line. 
Varonil,  adj.  2  g.  manly. 
Varonilidade,  sf.  virility,  man- 

Varonilmente,  adv.  manly. 
Varrão,  sm.  a  boar-pig. 
Varredela,  sf.  the  act  of  sweep- 

Varredor,  sm.  a  sweeper. 
Varredora,  sf  a  sweeper.  Rede — , 

a  dra^-net. 
Varredoiro,  sm.  an  oven-broom. 
Varredura,  sf.  the  act  of  sweep- 

ing  with  a  broom. 
Varrer,  »a.    to    sweep  with   a 

Varrido,  a,  pp.     adj.     swept. 

Doido  — ,  a  great  madman. 
Varsea,  sf.   a  plain  fíeld  sowed 

and  cultivated  on  the  banks  of 

a  river. 
Varzino,  a,  adj.  of  a  plain-íield. 
Vasa,  sf.  slime,  xnud;  sea-ooze; 

moving  siAds  near  the  edge  of 

the  sea;  a  trick  at  cards. 
Vasado,  a,  pp.  adj.  emptied. 
Vasador,  sm.  a  bit;  an  instru- 

ment  to  make  boles  in  leather. 
Vasadura,  sf.  the  water  ponred 

from  some  vessel. 
Vasante,  sf.  A  —  da  maré,  reflux 

of  the  tide,  low  water. 
Veusíâo,  sf.  titterance,  sale. 
Vasar,  va.  to  empty  a  vessel,  to 

drain,  to  vacate ;  to  cut  hollow 

or  deepen.  —  vn.  to  ebb  {ihò 

^á»).Yatarstef  vr.  to  blab  out. 


—  74*  — 


Vasca,  sf.  a  convulsive  move- 
ment;  convulsion. 

Vascolejado,  a.pp.  adj.  shaken. 

Vasoolejador,  a,  adj.  tnat  shakes. 

Vasoolejar,  va.  to  shake  a  liquid 
in  a  vessel. 

Vasconcear,  vn.  to  speak  the 
basquish  language. 

Vasconço,  sm.  basquish  dialect. 

Vascoso,  a,  adj.  convulsive. 

Vasoular,  adj.  2  g.  {anat.)  vas- 

Vasculhar,  va.  to  sweep  the 
dust,  cobwebs,  etc.  from  walls. 

Vasculho,  sm.  a  broom  to  sweep 

Vaseiro,  a,  adj.  Veado  — ,  a  stag 
that  is  naturally  of  a  small  size. 

Vasento,  a,  adj.  muddy,  miry. 

Vasilha,  sf.  vasa,  urn,  a  vessel. 

Vaso,  sm.  vase,  vessel,  urn;  a 
ship.  —  de  guerra^  a  man  of 
war;  {anat.)  a  vein. 

Vasoso,  a,  adj.  muddy,  miry. 

Vasqueiro,  a,  adj.  causing  con- 
vulsive movements. 

Vasquejar,  vn.  to  be  in  convul- 
sions.  [petticoat. 

Vasquinha,  sf.  a  woraan's  upper 

Vassalla,  sf.  avassal. 

Vassallagem,  sf.  vassalage. 

Vassallar,  va.  to  pay  vassalage. 

Vassallo,  sm.  avassal,  asubject. 

Vassoura,  sf.  a  broom. 

Vassourada,  sf.  a  blovr  vrith  a 
broom.  [tation. 

Vastação,  sf.  vastation,  devas- 

Vastador,  a,  sm.  or  /.  devastator, 
destroyer.  [ly. 

Vastamente,  adv.  vastl;^,  great- 

Vastidão,  sf.  vastness,  wideness. 

Vasto,  a,  adj.  vast,  extensiva. 

Vate,  sm.  a  poet,  a  prophet. 

Vaticano,  sm.  Vatican. 

Vaticinação,  sf.  vaticination. 

Vaticinador,  sm.  a  prophesier, 
a  foreteller. 

Vaticinante,  adj.  2  g.  that  vati- 

Vaticinar,  va.  to  vaticinate,  to 

Vaticínio,  sm.  vaticination,  pro- 
phecy. [empty. 

Vaziado,  a,  pp.  adj,  evacoatea, 

Vaziador,  a,  adj.  Cavallo  — -,  a 

dunging  horse.  [cuating. 

VazisLxnento,  sm.  the  act  of  eva- 
Vaziar,  va.  to  evacuate,  to  empty. 
Vazio,  a,  adj.  empty. 
Veação,  sf.  venery. 
Veada,  sf.  hind. 
Veado,  sm.  hart,  stag. 
Veador,  sm.  an  overseer,  a  con- 

troUer.  [nery  is  kept. 

Vearia,  sf.  the  house  \rhere  ve- 
Vecejar,  vn.  to  grow  luxuriant. 
Vectação,  sf.  a  ridin^  ia  a  coach. 
Vedação,    sf,    prohibition,   de- 

Vedado,  a,  pp.  adj.   forbidden, 

prohibited;  stanched. 
Vedador,  s.  or  adj.  m.  that  for- 

bids  or  stops. 
Vedar,  va.  to  forbid,  to  prohibit ; 

to  stop,  to  stanch.  [dor. 

Vedor,  sm.  an  overseer.  V.  V«a- 
Vedoria,  sf.  the  ofâce  of  an  ix^ 

spector;  a  meeting  of  inspec- 

Vegetação,  sf.  vegetation. 
Vegetal,  adj.  2  g.  vegetable. 
Vegetal,  sm.  vegetable. 
Vegetante,  adj.  2  g.  vegetating. 
Vegetar,  vn.  to  vegetate. 
Vegetativo,  a,  adj.  vegetativo, 

Vegetavel,  adj.  2  g.  vegetal. 
Vegeto,  a,  adj.  vegete,  vigoroas. 
Vegetoso,  a,  adj.  vegetous,  ve- 
Vehemencia,  sf.  vehemency. 
Vehemente,  aaj.  2  g.  vehement, 

violent.  [mently. 

Vehementemente ,   adv.   vehe- 
Vehiculo,  sm.  vehicle. 
Vela.  sf.  a  vein ;  {geol.)  vein,  fls- 

sure ;  {fig.)  humour,  temper. 
Veiga,  sf.  a  plain  pasture  ground 

by  a  river-side. 
Veio,  sm.  a  bar  of  iron  on  which 

roUs  a  horisontal  or  perpendi- 
cular wheel. 
Veirado,  a,  adj.  (herald.)  adomed 

•with  vcdre. 
Veiros,  sm.  pi.  (herald.)  vaires. 
Vela,  sf.  a  candle;  the  act  of 

vratchmg;  a  watchman. 
Vela,  sf,  sail.  Dar  d  — ,  Fazer^e 



—  745  — 


<f — to  set  sail.  Faz&r  força  de  — , 
to  crowd  the  sails.  —  mestra  or 
do  mastro  grande,  the  main  sail. 

—  da  gaveay  a  top-sail.  —  do 
joanete,  a  top  gallant  sail.  —  do 
estai,  the  stay  sail.  —  redonda, 
a  square  sail.  —  da  espicha,  a 
boon  sail.  —  da  gávea  grande,  a 
main  top  sail.  —  do  joanete 
grande,  the  main  top  gallant 
royal.  —  do  traquete,  the  fore 
sail.  —  do  velacno,  the  fore  top 
sail.  —  do  joanete  da  proa^  the 
fore  top  gallant  royal.  —  da 
mezena  or  gata  real,  the  mizen. 

—  da  gata,  the  mizen  top  sail. 

—  da  sobre  gata^  the  mizen  top 
gallant  sail.  —  da  ceoadeira, 
the  sprit  sail.  —  do  estai  grande 
or  do  convés,  the  main  stay  sail. 

—  do  estai  do  mastareo  grande, 
the  main  top  stay  sail.  — ao  estai 
de  mezena,  the  mizen  stay  sail. 

—  do  estai  da  gata.  the  mizen 
top  stay  sail.  —  da  bojarrona, 
the  jib.  —  do  terço,  a  lug  sail. 

—  da  sobre  cevadeira,  sf.  a  sprit 
top  sail.  —  volante,  a  middle 
stay  sail.  —  de  baixo  da  varre- 
doura,  a  water  sail.  VeUis  de 
respeito,  spare  sails.  —  de  proa, 
head-sails.  —  de  popa,  after 
sails.  —  cheias,  taught  sails. 

Velame,  sm.  the  wnole  set  of 

sails  iu  a  ship. 
Velar,  va.  to  veil. 
Veleado,  a,  pp.   (tdj.    equiped 

with  sails. 
Velear,  va.  to  equip  with  sails. 
Veleiro,  a,  adj.  Navio  — ,  a  ship 

that  is  good  sailer. 
Velejar,  vn,  to  sail  forth. 
Veleta,  sf.  a  weather-cock. 
V^ha,  sf.  an  old  woman. 
VeUiacada,  sf.  knavery. 
Velhacamente ,     adv.    villain- 

ously.  [great  knave. 

Velhaoão  or  Velnacaz,  sm.  a 
Velbacaria,  sf.  knavery. 
Velhaco,  sm.  a  knave. 
Velhada,  sf.  an  assemblage  of 

old  people. 
Velluto,  «m.  Velhona,  sf,  very 


Partb  L 

Velhacniear,    vn.    to  play  the 

Velhaquesco,  a,  adj.  knavish, 

wanton,  frolicsome. 
Velhice,  sf.  old  age,  oldness. 
Velho,  a,  adj.  old. 
Velho,  sm.  an  old  man. 
Velhusco,  a,  adj.  an  old  man  or 

woman;  old.  [sails. 

Velifero,  a,  adj.   that    caxries 
Velino,  sm.  vellum. 
Velivolo,  a,  adj.  {poet.)  that  flies 

with  sails. 
Vellar,  va.  to  veil. 
Velleidade,  sf.  velleity,   a  re- 

miss  will. 
Vellioação,  sf.  vellication. 
Vellioar,  va.  to  vellicate,  to  pluck. 
Véllo,  sm.  a  fleece  of  wool ;  the 

nap  on  cloth. 
Vellocino,  sm.  golden  fleece. 
Velloso,  a,  adj.  fleecy,  hairy. 
Velocidade,  sf.  velocity. 
Velórios,  sm.  pi.  an  indifferent 

sort  of  grapes. 
Veloz,  adj.  t  g.  swíft,  rapid. 
Veludilho,  sm.  cotton-velvet  of 

the  flnest  sort. 
Veludo,  sm.  velvet. 
VenaJblo,  sm.  a  javelin. 
Venal,  adj.  2  g.  venal,  merce- 

Venalidade,  sf.  venality. 
Venalmente,   adv.  in   a  venal 

Venatoria,  sf.  hunting. 
Venatorio,  a,  adj  belonging  to 

hunting.  [a  conqueror. 

Vencedor,  a,  adj.  and  «m.  ór  /*. 
Vencelho,  sm.  a  twig,  a  rush  to 

tie  up  sheaves  of  com  with. 
Vencer,  va.  to  vanquish,  to  sub- 

due  ;  to  surmount,  to  surpass. 
Vencida,  sf.  the  act  of  vanquish- 

ing.  Levar  de  — ,  to  vanquish. 
Vencido,  a,  pp.  adj.  vanquished, 

Vencimento,  sm.  conquest,  over- 

coming,  victory. 
Vencível,    adj.    2    g.   vencible, 

Venda,  sf,  sale,  selling.  —  em 

leilão,  auction ;  a  fillet  to  bind 

the  eyes  with ;  an  inn. 





-  746 


Vendado,  a,  pp.  adj,  bound  with 

Vendagem,  sf.  the  act  of  aelling. 
Vendar,  va.  to  hiná  with  âllets 

or  bands. 
Vendaved,  sm.  the  south  "wind. 
Vendavel,  tidj.  2  g.  saleable. 
Vendedeira,  sf.  a  woman  that 

Vendedolro,  sm.  a  market. 
Vendedor,  sm.  a  seller,  a  man 

that  sells. 
Vendeira,  sf.  a  hostess. 
Vendeiro,  sm.  an  inn-keeper,  a 

Vender,  va.  to  sell.  —  fiado  a 

alguém^    to  trust  one.   —  por 

grosso,  pi»'  atacado ,  or  por  junto^ 

to   sell   by  -wholesale.   —   por 

miúdo,  to  retail.  Vender-^^  vr. 

to  sell,  to  go  off ;  to  brag. 
Vendicar,  va.  V.  Vindicar. 
Vendidiço,  a,  adj.  that  may  be 

Vendido,  a,  pp.  adj.  sold. 
Vendilhão,  sm.  a  pedler. 
Vendivel,  adj.  2  g.  saleable,  ven- 

dible.  [poisoning. 

Veneficio,   sm.    -withcraft;    em- 
Venefico,  a,  adj.  veaeâc,  vene- 

Venenar,  va.  V.  Envenenar. 
Veneno,  sm.  poison,  venom. 
Venenosamente,  adv.   poison- 

Venenosidade,  sf.   venenosity. 
Venenoso,  a,   adj.  venomous; 

(Jig.)  mischievous. 
Venera,  sf.  a  scallopshelL 
Venersúsilidade,  sf.  venerable- 

nesss.  [verend  posture. 

Venerabondo,  a,  adj.  m  a  re- 
Veneração,      sf,      veneration, 

"worship,  respect.  [bly. 

Veneradamente,   adv.   venera- 
Venerado,  Si,pp.  adj.  venerated, 

respected.  [rator. 

Venerador,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  vene- 
Venerar,  va.  to  venerate,  to  re- 
spect, to  honour. 
Venerável,  adi.  2  g.  venerable. 
Venéreo,  a,  adj.  venereal. 
Veneta,  sf.  will,  humour,  faacy ; 


Vengala,  sf.  a  cane.  Y.  Benaala. 
Vénia ,     sf.    permission ;    bow, 

courtesy;  forçiveness,' 
Venial,  adj.  2  g.  venial. 
Venialidade,  sf.  venialness. 
Venialmente ,      adv.      lightly , 

slightly.  [pected  attack. 

Venida,  sf.  arrival;  an    unex- 
Venoso,  a,  adj.  veiny,  venous. 
Venta,  sf.  nostril. 
Ventagem  or  Ventage,  sf.  ad- 

vantage,  conveniency. 
Ventajoso,  a,  adj.  advantageous. 
Ventana,  sf.  a  window. 
Ventanear,  va.  to  fac. 
Ventania,  sf.  a  high  wind. 
Ventanilliaa,  sf.  pi.  haxards. 
Voitapopa,  adv.  toe.  a  fore  wind. 
Ventar,  vn.  impers.    Venta,  the 

■vfind  blows.  —  va.  to  blow,  to 

pníf  up  ;  ifig.)  to  help. 
Ventarola,  sf.  a  sortof  woman's 

fan ,  a  ventilator. 
Ventilação,  sf.  ventUation. 
Ventilado,  a,pp.  adj.  ventilated. 
Ventilador,  sm.  ventilator. . 
Ventilante,  adj.  3  g.  ventilating. 
Ventilar,  va.  to  ventilate,  to  fan 

with  wind. 
Vento,  sm.  the  wind.  •»  do  largo, 

a  c[uarter  wind.  —  feito,  a  steady 

wind.  —  ôom,  ftúr  wind,  —  teso, 

rijo,  a  strong  gale*  -^a-  — ,  the 

wind  blows.  Moinho  de  — ,   a 

windmill.    Ter    —    de    alguma 

cousa,  to  have  a  thing  in  the 

wind.  Tudo  isto  é  so  — ,  ali  that 

signiíies  nothing. 
Vento,  sm.  a  kind  of  writing  desk. 
Ventor,  sm.  a  blood-hound. 
Ventosa,  sf.  a  cupping-glass. 
Ventosidade,  9^.  winainets. 
Ventoso,  a.  adj.  windy. 
Ventral,  aaj.  2  $.  ventral. 
Ventre,  «m.  nelly,  womb,  paunch. 

Fluxo  de  — ,  looeenesB,  lax. 
Ventxicnlo,  sm.  ventricle,  ven- 

Ventriloqruia,  sf.  ventriioqnism, 

Ventriloqao,  a,  adj,  and  s.  ven- 

Ventrlsca,   sf.  a  pieoe    ef  the 

stank  of  beef,  fisb,  etc. 


—  747  — 


Ventrudo,  a,  adj.  gore-bellied, 

Ventura,  sf,  luck,  ventnre.  A 

Deus  e  á  — ,  at  a  venture.  Por 

— ,  what,  why. 
Ventorina,  sf.  ventnrine. 
VenturO;  a,  adj.  fatnre,  to  come. 
Ventorosamente,  adv,  luckilj. 
Venturoso,  a,  adj.  lucky,  fortu- 

VenuB,  sf.  (myrt.)  Vénus. 
Venustade ,    sf.     gEacefoluess, 

great  beauty.  [feL 

Venusto,  a,  adj.  beautifal,  grace- 
Véo,  sm.  a  veil ;  {fig.)  coTer,ahov. 
Ver,  va.  to  see,  to  view,  to  look ; 

to  observe,  to  consider.  Yer-se^ 

vr,  to  look  at  one's  self. 
Ver,  sm.  tbe  act  of  se^ng,  in- 

spection ;  opinion,  judgment.  A 

meu  — ,  in  my  opinion. 
Veracidade,  sf.  veracity. 
Veramente,  ado.  troly,  verily. 
Verão,  sm.  suxnmer. 
Veras,  sf.  pi.  a  serious  event, 

not  a  jest.  De  —^  in  eamest, 

verily,  truly,  seriously.  Svm  de 

— ,  jes  indeed.  [bore. 

Veratro,  sm.  [bot.)  white  nelle- 
Verba,  sf.  an  article  of  a  fatvr^ 

will,  etc. 
Verbcd,  adj.  2  g.  verbal. 
Verbalisar,  vn.  to  verbalize. 
Verbalmente,  adv.  verbally* 
Verbena,  sf.  {bot.)  vervún. 
Verbm^çSo,  sf.  verberation. 
Verborar,  on.  to  verberate. 
Verberativo,  a,  adj.  that  is  apt 

to  verberate. 
Verbo,  sm.  the  Word. 
Verbo,  sm,  {gramm.)  a  verb. 
Verbosamente,  adv.  verbosriy. 
Verbosidade,  sf.  verb(»ity. 
Verboso,  a,  c^j.  verboso. 
Verdacbo,  sm.  green  chalk. 
Verdade,  sf.  truth  ;  verity,  rea- 

lity.  Na  — ,  indeed. 
Verdadeiramente,   adv.  troly, 

Verdadeiro,  a,  adj.  tme,  real ; 

honest,  sure. 
Verdasca,  sf.  a  switch. 
VerdA,  sm.  green;  grass ;  the  blood 

of  a  hog,  etc,  made  into  meat. 

Verde,  &dj.  2  g.  green;  fre^^ 

vi^orous;    youthful,  new.  Ftf- 

Ihtce  — ,  a  vigorous  old  age. 
V^rdea,  sf.  verdee;  a  pleasant 

Verdeal,  sm.  a  sort  of  ap][>le ;  an 

usher    of   the    University    of 

Verdecer,  vn.  to  grow  green. 
Verdecré,  sm.  the  green  colour 

on  a  gold  virork. 
Verdegaio,  sm.  a  light  green. 
Verdejante,  adj.  2  g.  verdant, 

Verdejar  or  Verdear,  vn.  to  be- 

come  green,  to  grow  green. 
VerdelbSo,    sm.   {naU    kist.)    a 

green-íinch.  [Hght  green. 

V«rdemar,  am.  a  sea-green  or 
Verde-montanba,  sm.  a  monn- 

tain  green. 
Verdenegro,  a,  adj.  of  a  deep 

freen    eoloor ;    or  green   and 
Ver-de-peso,   sm.   avoirdupois ; 

an  office  where  the  vei^nt  of 

provisions  is  verified  at  Lisbon. 
Verdete,    sm.    verdigris;    cop- 

peras,  green  vitriol. 
Verdict,  sm.  verdict. 
Verdoengo,  a,  adj.  greenish. 
Verdor,  sm.  greenness,  verdnre ; 

Verdoso,  a,  adj.  green. 
Verdugcída,  sf.  a  petticoat. 
Verdugo,  sm.  hangman,  execu- 

tioner ;  {fig.)  cruel  man ;  a  smalL 

Verdura,  sf.  greenness,  verdnre 

of    planta.     Verduras,    sf.   pi. 

Vereação,  sf.  a  meeting  of  alder- 

men ;  tiie  offíce*  of  an  alderman. 
Vereado,  a,  pp.  adi.  regnlated. 
Verraidor,  sm.  an  alderman. 
Vereamento,  sm.  the  act  of  gov- 

eming  by  the  alderman. 
Verear,  va.  to  govern,  to  regu- 

Verecundia,  sf.  bashfulness. 
Verecundo,    a,     adj.    modest, 

bashful.  [path. 

Vereda,  sf.  a  footh-path,  a  by- 
Verga,  */.   a  rod,   a  switch,  a 


—  748  — 


wand ;  {marit.)  the  yard  of  a 
ship.  —  da  portãy  the  lintel,  the 
head-piece  over  a  door.  Estar 
de  —  d^alto,  to  be  ready  to  sail. 

Vergado,  a,pp.  adi.  bent,  bowed. 

Vergalhada,  sf.  flogging,  whip- 

VergaUio,  sm,  a  pizzle. 
Vergame,  sm.  the  yards  of  a  ship. 
Vergar,  vn.  to  bend,  to  bow,  to 

sink.  —  va.  to  fold  up. 
Vergel,  sm.  an  orchard. 
Vergonha,    sf.   sharae;    confu- 

sion  ;  disgrace.  Corar  de  — ,  to 

blush.  [fully. 

Vergonhosamente,  adv.  shame- 
Vergonhoso,  a,    adj.   bashful, 

Vergontea  or  Vergonta,  sf.  the 

youn^  shoot  of  a   tree  ;   (fiff.) 

oífspring.  VergonteaSy  pi.  {mar.) 

the  spars. 
Vergontear,  vn.  to-  shoot  forth, 

to  branch. 
Vergueiro,  sm.,  a  sort  of  wooden 

handle  used  by  blacksmiths. 
Verguinha,  sf.  a  small  switch  or 

ward  ;  rod-iron. 
Verídico,  a,  adj.  veracious. 
Verificação,  sf.  veriâcation. 
Verificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  verified, 

Verificador,  sm.    a  verifler  or 

Verificar,  va.  to  verify.  Verificar- 

.V(?,  vr.  to  be   fulfiUed   or  per- 

fortned.  [fies. 

Verificativo,  a,  adj.  that  veri- 
Verifioavel,  adj.  2  g.  veriflable. 
Verisimil  or  Verosímil,  adj.  2  g. 

likely,  probable,  credible. 
Verisimilhança,  sf.  verisimili- 

tude.  [probable. 

Verisimilhante,  adj.  2  g.  likely, 
Verísimilitude,   sf.    verisimiii- 

Verme,  sm.  a  worm,  a  grub. 
Vermelhante,  adj.  2  ç.  reddish. 
Vermelhão,  sm.  vermilion. 
Vermelhidão,  sf.  redness ;  blush. 
Vermelho,  a,  adj.  red. 
Vermelho,  sm.  red-colour. 
Vermeologia,  sf.  vermeology. 
Vermicular,  adj.  2  g.  vermicular. 

Vermionlaria,  sf.  {bot.)  illece- 

bra ;  worm-grass. 
Vermiculo,  sm.  vermicule. 
Vermiouloso,  a,  adj.  vermicu- 
lous.  [forra. 

Vermíforme,  adj.  2  g.  verrai- 
Vermifugo,  sm.  a  vermifage. 
Vermífugo,  a,  adj.  that  destrojs 

Verminação,  sf.  vermination. 
Verminar,  vn.  to  venmnate. 
Verminoso,  a,  adj.  verminous. 
Vermivoro,  a,  adj.  vermivorous. 
Vernáculo,  a,  adj.  vernacular. 
Vernaculamente ,   odfv.   verna- 

Vernal,  adj.  2  g.  vernal,  vernant. 
Verniz,  sm.  varnish ;  varnishing. 
Vemizeiro,  sm.  varnish-tree. 
Vemo,  a,  adj.  vernal. 
Vero,  a,  adj.  true,  veracious. 
Verónica,  sf.   bot.)  verónica. 
Verruga,  sf.  a  wart. 
Verrugoso,  a,  adj.  warty. 
Verruguento,   a,   adj.'   full    of 

Verruma,  sf.  a  gimlet. 
Verrumão,  sm.  a  great  borer,  an 

auger.  [with  a  gimlet. 

Verrumar,  va.  to  bore  or  pierce 
Versa,  sf.  a  sort  of  cabbage. 
Versado,    a,    pp.    adj.    versed, 

Versão,  sf  version,  translation. 
Versar,  vn.  to  run  upon,  to  have 

for  object.  —  va.  to  exercifie. 
Versas,  sf.  pi.  a  jocosa  word  for 

bad  verses ;  trifles. 
Versátil,  adj.  2  g.  versatile. 
Versatilidade,    sf.    versatility, 

versatileness.  [cabbages. 

Verseira,  sf.  a  woman  who  sells 
Versejador,  sm.  a  versifier. 
Versejadura,  sf.  the  act  of  ver- 

Versejar,  vn.  to  versify. 
Verseto,  sm.  a  verse  stave. 
Versículo,  sm.  a  verse  op  para- 

Versifero,  a,    adj.  that  raakes 

verses.  —  alento^  a  poetical  rap- 

Versificação,  sf.  versiflcation. 
Versificado,  AjPP'  odj*  versiíied. 


Versificar,  vn.  to  versify. 
Versifico,  a,  adj.  belonging  to 

Versista,  sm.  a  bad  poet. 
Verso,  sm.  verse.   Versos  soltos, 

blank  verses. 
Versucia,  sf.  craftiness. 
Versudo,   a,  adj.  that  has   the 

leaves  curled,  crisped. 
Versuto,  a,  adj.  crafty. 
Vértebra,  sf.  (anat.)  vértebra. 
Vertebrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  verte- 

Vertebral,  adj.  2  a.  vertebral. 
Vertebroso,  a,  aaj.  having  vér- 
tebras, [pot,  a  jar. 
Vertedor,  sm.   a    translator ;  a 
Vertedura,  sf.  the  running  out 

of  any  liquid ;  (among  vintners) 

Vertente,  sf.  the  running  down  of 

any  water;  side,  slopeTof  ahill). 
Verter,  va.  to  spill,  to  sned. 
Vertical,  adj.  i  g.  vertical. 
Verticalmente,  adv.  vertically. 
Vértice,  sm.  vertex. 
Verticidade,  sf.  verticity, 
Vertido,  a,  pp.  adj.  shed,  poured 

out ;  translated.  [ness. 

Vertigem,  sf.   giddiness,    dizzi- 
Vertiginoso,  a,  adj.  vertiginous. 
Vesano,  a>  adj.  mad,  insane. 
VesGO,  a,    adj.   good,   ãt  to  be 

eaten.  [squinting. 

Vesgo,     a,     adj.     goggle-eyed, 
Vesguear,  vn.  to  be  goggle-eyed. 
Veslca,  sf.  a  bladder. 
Vesicatório,  sm.  {med.)  vesica- 

Vesícula,  sf.  vesicle. 
Vespa,  sf.  wasp. 
Vespeiro,  sm.  wasps^  nest. 
Véspera,  sf.  the  afternoon  ;  eve ; 

Vesperal,  sm.  a  book  containing 

evening  prayers. 
Vespero,  sm.  vesper. 
Vespertino,  a,  adj.  vespertino, 

of  the  evening. 
Vessadoiro,  sm.  ploughing. 
Vessar,  va.  (anc.)  to  plougb. 
Vessas,  sf.  pi.  Á's  — ,  the  wrong 

Vesta,  sf.  {mythol.)  Vesta. 

—  749—  VEZ  '^ 

Vestal,  adj.  8  g.  vestal.  —  «/.  a    / 

Veste,  sf.  vestment,  clothes. 

Vestia,  sf.  "waistcoat. 

Vestiário,  sm.  vestry. 

Vestíbulo,  sm,  vestibule,  porch, 

Vestido,  sm.  a  suit  of  clothes,  a 
garment.  —  de  senhora,  a  lady's 
gown  or  frock.  [dressed. 

Vestido,    a,  pp.    adj.    clothed ; 

Vestidura,  sf.  vestment. 

Vestígio,  sm.  a  vestige. 

Vestimenta,  sf.  a  priest's  vest* 
ments,  dress,  vestment. 

Vestimenteiro,  sm.  he  who 
makes  the  priesfs  vestments. 

Vestir,  va.  to  clothe,  to  vest ;  to 
deck.  Vestir-se,  vr.  to  dress 
one's  self.  —  vn.  to  be  dressed, 
to  wear.  [appurel. 

Vestuário,   sm.  dress,   wearing 

Vesugo,  sm.  the  íish  called  sea- 
bream.  [being  veteran. 

Veteranice,  sf.  the  quality  of 

Veterand,  a,  adj.  and  s.  veteran. 

Veterinária,  sf.  the  veterinary 

Veterinário,  a,  adj.  veterinary. 
—  sm.  a  farrier. 

Veto,  sm.  veto. 

Vetusto,  a,  adj.  ancient,  old. 

Vexação,  sf.  vexatiun. 

Vexado,  a,  pp.  adj.  vexed,  trou- 
bled.  [sm.  a  vexer. 

Vexador,  a,  adj.  that  vexes.  — 

Vexame,  sm.  vexation,  a  criticai 

Vexar,  va.  to  vex,  to  trouble. 

Vexatório,  a,  adj.  vexatious. 

Vexlllo,  sm.  vexil,  flag. 

Vez,  sf.  a  time.  Uma  — ,  once. 
JDuas  vezest  twice.  Três  — , 
thrice.  A's  vezes,  soraetimes, 
now  and  then,  from  time  to 
time.  De  vez  em  quando,  some- 
times,  now  and  tnen.  Outra  — , 
again.  Muitas  vezes,  often.  Pou' 
cos  — ,  rarily.  Cada  vez  mais, 
more  and  more.  Em  vez  de^ 
instead  of,  in  the  room  of.  Fazer 
as  vezes  de  alguém,  to  supply 
one'8  place.  Estar  de  vez.,  to  be 
ready  or  disposed.  Tudo  de  uma 



—  752  — 


Vinoalar,  va.  to  entail  an  estate, 

to  make  fast. 
VinoulatiYO,  a,  adj.  that  binds 

or  makes  fast. 
Vinculavel,  adj.  2  g.  ^hat  may 

be  tied. 
Vinculo,    sm.   a  tie^  a  bond,  a 

binding;  an  entail. 
Vinda,  sf.  coming,  arrival. 
Vindicação,  sf.  vengeance,  ven- 

Vindicado,  a,  pp.    adj.  vindi- 

cated,  justified,  revenged.. 
Vindicar,  va.  to  revençe,  to  vin- 

dicate.  [vmdictive. 

Vindicativo,  a,  adj.  vindicative, 
Vindico,  a,  adj.  newly  arrived. 
Vindicta,  sf.  vengeance,  punish- 

Vindima,  sf.  vintage. 
Vindimadeira,  sf.  a  she-vinta- 

ger.  [miated. 

VUidimado,  a,  pp.   adj.  vindi- 
Vindimador,  sm.  a  vintager. 
Vindimai,  adj.  2  ^.  vindemial. 
Vindimar,  va.  to  vindemiate ;  to 

gather  grapes;  {fig.)  to  kíU. 
Vindimo,  a,  adj.  pertaining  to 

Vindo,  a,  pp.  adj.  come,  arrived. 

Bem  — ,  welcorae. 
Vindouro,  a,  adj.  future,  that  is 

to  come  hereafter. 
Vindouros,   sm.   pi.    posterity ; 

they  that  shall  come  after. 
Vingado,  a,  pp.  adj.  revenged. 
Vingador,  a,  s.  and  adj.  m.  or  f. 

avenger,  avenging. 
Vingança,   sf.    revcnge,     ven- 
Vingar,    va.   to  avenge.  to  re- 
vê nge,   to   retaliate.  —  vn.   to 

arrive  to,  to  obtain.  Vingar-se, 

vr.  to  be  revenged  one's  self. 
Vingativo,  a,  adj.  vindicative, 

Vinha,  sf.  a  vineyard. 
Vinhaça,  sf.  bad  wine ;  a  great 

deal  of  wine. 
Vinhaceo,  a,  adj.  vinous. 
Vinhago,  sm.  or  Vinhataria, 

sf.  a  country  that  is  ali  vine- 

yards.  [with  vines. 

Vlnhar,  sm.  a  ground  planted 

Vinhataria,  sf.  the  culture   of 

Vinhateiro,  sm.  a  vine-dresser. 

Vinhatico,  sm.  a  kind  of  Brazil 

Vinheiro,  sm.  a  vineyard-keeper. 

Vinheta,  sf.  a  vignet,  a  flourish. 

Vinho,  sm.  wine.  —  tinto^  red 
wine.  —  donzel,  small  wine.  — 
fresco,  wine  somewbat  sour.  — 
de  Teneriffe,  Vidonia  wine.  — 
de  Bordeos,  claret.  —  de  JUo- 
laga,  mountain.  —  de  Xerez  ^ 
sherry  wine.  —  do  Porto,  port 
wine.  —  do  Rheno,  old  hock  or 
Rhenish  wine.  —  verde,  tart 
wine.  Provador  de  vinhos,  a  wine 
conner.  [ali  vineyards. 

Vinhogo,  sm.  a  country  that  is 

Vinolento,  a,  adj.  vinôlent. 

Vinosidade,  sf.  vinosity. 

Vinoso,  a,  adj.  vinous. 

Vintaneiro,  a,  adj.  Terra  —  a,  a 
sort  of  ground  that  may  be 
tilled  every  twenty  years. 

Vinte,  adj.  twenty.  —  e  um^  a 
game  at  cards. 

Vintedozeno,  a,  adi.  Panno  — , 
a  sort  of  woollen  cloth. 

Vintém,  sm.  vintin ;  a  Portu- 
guese  coin  equal  to  one  penny 
and  seven-twentieths. 

Vintena,  sf.  a  score,  twenty. 

Vinteneiro,  sm.  a  town  clerk. 

Vinteno,  a,  adj.  twentieth. 

Viola,  sf.  a  kind  of  guitar;  a 

Violação,  sf.  violation. 

Violáceo,  a,  adj.  violaceous. 

Violado,  a,  pp.  adj.  violated,  in- 
fringed;  inclining  to  a  violet 

Violador,  sm.  violator,  infringer. 

Violai,  sm.  a  bed  of  violets. 

Violão,  sm.  a  violin,  a  fiddle. 

Violar,  va.  to  violate,  to  infringe, 
to  trespass. 

Violavel,  adj.  2  g.  violable. 
Violeiro,  sm.  a  guitar-maker  or 
player.  fness. 

Violência,   sf.  violence,   nerce- 
Violentado,  a,  pp.  adj.  forced, 
constrained.  [of  violence. 

Violentador,  sm.  one  who  uses 


—  753 


Violentamente,  ado.  violently, 

Violentar,  va.  to  force,  to  vio- 
lence,  to  constrain. 

Violento,  a,  adj.  violent,  flerce. 

Violeta,  sf.  viole  t. 

Violete,  adj.  2  g.  havinç  the 
colour  or  smell  of  the  violet. 

Violinista,  sm.  a  vlolinist. 

Violino,  sm.  violin,  a  fíddle. 

Violoncello,  sm.  violoncelle. 

Vipereo,  a,  adj.  viperous. 

Viperino,  a,  adj.  viperine,  per- 
taining  to  a  viper. 

Vir,  vn.  to  come,  to  arrive. 
Fazer  — ,  to  send  for.  —  a  pa- 
lavras, to  quarrel.  —  a  prova^ 
to  make  a  trial.  Vír-se,  vr.  to 
come.  —  a  saber ^  to  come  to  be 

Vira,  sf.  a  sort  of  thin  arrow  or 

Viração,  sf.  a  breeze. 

Vir'accento ,  sm.  an  apostro- 
phe  (•). 

Virado,  a,  pp.  adj.  turned  about. 

Virador,  sm.  a  wiudlass. 

Virago,  sm.  virago. 

Viramento,  sm.  the  act  of  turn- 
ing.  —  de  bordo,  {marit.)  tacking 

Vircu:,  va.  to  turn,  to  change,  to 
return;  {marit.)  to  tack  about. 
—  vn.  to  change  the  mind. 
Virar-se.,  vr.  to  change  poscure. 

Viravolta,  sf.  a  circular  motion. 

Virente,  adj.  2  g.  verdant,  green ; 
(fig.)  prosperous. 

Vfrga,  sf.  birch,  rod,  whip.  — 
férrea,  a  red-hot  iron.  A'  — 
férrea,  adv.  by  violence. 

Virgem,  sf.  maid.  —  adj.  2  g. 
virgin,  puré,  "without  mixture 
or  alloy.  [maidenly. 

Virginal,    adj.   2    g.    virginal. 
Virgindade,  sf.  virginity. 
Virgíneo,  a,  adj.  virginal. 
Virgo,  sm.  the  maiden-head. 
Virgula,  sf.  a  comma. 
Virgulado,  a,  pp.  adj.   having 

Virgular,  va.  to  insert  commas 
in  writing.  [green. 

Viridante,   adj.   2   g.    verdant, 

Viril,  adj.  2  g.  virile,  manly. 
Virilha,  sf.  the  ^roin. 
Virilidade,  sf.  virility,  manhood. 
Viripotente,    adj.  2    g.   stout, 

strong;  nubile. 
Virola,  sf.  a  ferrule  or  verrel. 
Viroso,  a,  adj.  poisonous. 
Virotão,  sm.  a  shaft  to  shoot  ont 

of  a  cross  bow. 
Virote,  sm.  a  short  shaft  or  ar- 
.  row.     Virotes   da   espada ,    ihç 

cross -bars    on    the  hilt   of  á 

Virtual,  adj.  2  g.  virtual. 
Virtualidade,  sf.  virtuality. 
Virtualmente,  ado.  virtually. 
Virtude,  sf.  virtue,  nrobity,  ho- 

nesty ;  property,  efncacy,  pow- 

Virtuosamente,  adv.  virtuously. 
Virtuoso,  a,  adj.  virtuous,  good, 

Virulência,  sf.  virulency. 
Virulento,  a,  adj.  virulent,  poi- 
Virus,  sm.  virus ;  poison. 
Visagem,     sf.    visage,    count- 

Visão,  sf.  vision,  apparition. 
Vísceras,  sf.  pi.  (anat.)  the  vis- 

cera,  entrails  or  bowels. 
Visceral,  adj.  2  g.  visceral,  vis- 

Visceroso,  a,  adj.  viscerous. 
Viscidez,  sf.  viscidity. 
Viscido,  a,  adj.  viscid,  glutinous. 
Visco,  sm.  misletoe;  bird-lime. 
Viscondado,  sm.  viscounty. 
Visconde,  sm.  a  viscount. 
Viscondessa,  sf.  a  viscountess. 
Viscosidade,  sf.  viscosity. 
Viscoso,  a,  adj.  viscous,  glutin- 
ous. [a  helmet. 
Viseira,  sf.  the  sight  or  vizor  of 
Visibilidade,  sf.  visibility. 
Visinho,  a,   s.  and  adj.  neigh- 

bour,  neighbouring.  V.  Vizinho 

and  derivated. 
Visionário,  a,  adj.  visionary.  — 

sm.  a  visionary. 
Visita,  sf.  a  visit,  visitation;  a 

visitor,  visitant;  a  search. 
Visitação,  sf.  the  feast  of  the 

Visitation  of  our  lady. 



754  — 


Visitado,  a,  pp.<z(2;.  visitad,  €x- 

Visitador,  sm.  visiter,  visitor. 

Visitar,  va.  to  visit,  to  go  to  see ; 
to  search.  to  explore.  vUitar^e, 
vr.  to  visit  at  the  houses  of  each 

Visiva,  sf.  vision. 

Visivel,  adj.  2  g.  visible. 

Visivelmente,  adv.  visibly. 

Visivo,  a,  adj.  visive,  visual. 

Vislumbrado,  eL,pp.  adj.  hinted. 

Vislumbrar,  va.  to  hint.  —  vn. 
to  appear  confúsedlv. 

Vislumbre,  sm.  a  glimmering, 
glimpse  or  hint. 

V&o,  gm.  the  si^t,  the  ejes; 

Visonha,  sf.  vision,  apparition. 

Visorel,  sm.  viceroy.  V.  Vice-rei. 

Visorinm,  sm.  [print.)  visorium. 

Vista,  sf.  the  sight,  view;  a 
meeting,  a  conference  or  inter- 
view;  aim,  design,  end,  pur- 
pose.  EUe  tem  em  —  um  estaoele- 
cimento,  he  aims  at  an  esta- 
blishment. Vistas^  sf.  pi.  thea- 
trical  scenery. 

Vistar,  va.  (anc.)  to  see,  to  re- 

Visto,  a,  pp.  adj.  seen.  Visto  a 
sua  idade^  considering  his  age. 

—  ser  isso  assim,  since  it  is  so. 

—  que,  conj.  considering  that; 
Visto,  sm.  {in  law)  the  examina- 

tion  and  signing  of  an  act. 
Vistoria,   sf.   an  inspection;   a 

vestry.  [to  the  eye. 

Vistosamente  7  adv.  pleasantly 
Vistoso,  a,  adj.  siçhtly. 
Visual,  adj.  2  g.  visniu. 
Visualmente,  adv»  by  means  of 

the  visual  power. 
Vital,  adj.  2  g.  vital ;  ifig.)  essen- 

tial.  [forlife. 

Vitaliolar,  va.  to  make  lasting 
VitaUclo,  a,  adj.  during  life,  for 

life.  Renda  —  a,  a  life  annuity. 
Vitalidade,  sf  vhality. 
Vitalmente,    adv,    m   a   vital 

Vitando,  a,  adj.  to  be  avoided. 
Vitella.  sf,  a  calf. 
Vito  or  Vioto,  sm,  victuals,  food. 

Vltola,  sf.  opinion,  mind,  aentí* 
ment.  V.  Bitola. 

Vitreo,  a,  aéj.  vitreous. 

Vitresoivel,  adj.  2  g,  vitrescible. 

Vitrificado,  sf.  vitrification. 

Vitrificado,  a,  pp.  adj..  vitrified. 

Vitrificar,  va.  to  vitnfy,  to  vitrí- 
Acate.  Vitrifiear-ge,  tr.  to  vitrify. 

Vitrificavel,  adj.  2y.vitrificablfi. 

Vitriolico,  a,  aã/.  vitrioUc. 

Vitriolisar,  va.  to  vitriolate. 

Vitriolisavel,  adj.  2  g.  vitrioli- 

Vitríolo,  sm.  vitriol. 

Vitualha,  sf.  victuals  and  liquors 
for  soldiers  in  a  camp. 

Vitnalhar,  v«.  to  victuaL 

Vituperaç^o,  sf.  vitnperation, 
censnre.  [ated,  censnred. 

Vituperado,  a,  pp.  adj.  vituper- 
able.  [who  vituperates. 

Vituperador,  a,  sm.  or  /.  one 

Vituperar,  va.  to  vitaperate. 

Vituperarei,  adj.  2  g.  vituper- 

Vitupério,  sm,  vituperation,  ces- 
sure,  disgrace.  [able. 

Vituperoso,  a,  adj.  dishonour- 

Viuva,  sf.  a  "widow ;  (bot.)  a  sort 
of  flower ;  (nat.  hist.)  vidua  im- 
beriza  (a  bird). 

Viuvar,  vn.  to  be  made  a  widow. 

Viuves,  sf.  widowhood. 

Viuvo,  sm.  a  widower. 

Viva  I  interj.  long  live !  hurra. 

Vivacidade,  sf.  vivacity. 

Vivamente,  adv.  vively,  briskly. 

Vivandeiro,  a,  sm.  or  f.  a  sutler. 

Vivaz  or  Vivace,  adj.  2  g.  viva- 
cious,  lively.  [lived. 

Vivedor,  a,  adj.  longevous,  long- 

Viveiro,  sm.  a  park,  a  warren, 
—  de  peixes^  a  fish-pond.  —  de 
plantas,  a  nursery.  —  de  pássa- 
ros, an  aviary.  [ment. 

Vivenda,  sf.  a  dwelling,  settle- 

Vivente,  sm.  a  living  creature. 

Viver,  vn.  to  live,  to  be  living, 
to  breathe;  to  behave,  to  con- 
duct  one's  self.  Elle  não  sabe  — , 
he  knows  no  manners;  to  co- 
habit,  to  have  intercourse. 

Viveres,  sm,pl.  provisions,  vic- 


—  755  — 


Viveza,  sf.  Uveliness,  sagacity^ 

Vivido,  a,  pp.  adj,  lived ;  lively, 
vivid,  active. 

Vivldolro,  a.  adj.  long-lived. 

Vivificação,  sf.  vivification. 

Vivificado,  a,  pp.  adj.  vivified, 
pevived.  [vivificai. 

Vivificador,  a,   adj.  vivifying. 

Vivificante,  adj.  2  g.  vivifying. 

Vivificar,  vcL,  to  vivify,  to  vivi- 

Vivificativo,  a,  adj.  vivificative. 

Vivifico,  a,  adj,  vivific. 

Viviparo,  a,  cuij.  viviparous. 

Vivo,  a,  cídj,  alive,  live,  livelv, 
brisk,  fiery ;  fresh,  new,  auick, 
living,  bright,  vivid;  enarp, 
smart,  piercing ;  sprightly,  vio- 
lent.  AgxjM  — a,  spring  -water. 
Carne  — a,  the  quick.  Olhos 
vivosj  bright,  sparkling,  pier- 
cing  eyes.  Estar  com  o  olho 
vtvo,  to  look  with  an  attentive 
eve.  Brasa  viva,  a  buraing  coal. 
Câr  — ,  a  bright  or  lively  co- 
lour.  Chaga  — ,  an  ulcer.  Aguas 
vivas,  spring  tides.  Serra  viva, 
a  bare,  naked  rock.  Fogo  vivo, 
a  flame.  Guerra  viva,  a  aharp  or 
smart  war.  Razões  vivas^  solid, 
strong,  soand  reasons.  J)e  viva 
voz,  by  word  of  mouth.  Ao  vivo, 
adv.  to  the  life.  Os  vivos  e  os 
mortos,  the  quick  and  dead. 

Vizagra,  sf.  a  door-hinge. 

Vizinhança,  sf.  neigfaboiírhood. 

Vizinhar,  va.  to  neighbour.  — 
vn.  to  be  a  neighbour. 

Vizinho,  a,  sm.  or  /.  a  neigh- 
bour, an  inhabitant. 

Vizinho,  a,  adj.  neighbouring, 
adjacent,  ni^h. 

VizLr,  sm.  vizier. 

Vinco,  */.  V.  Vossa  mercê. 

Voado,  a,  j^p.  adj.  that  has  flo\ni. 

Voador,  a,  ac^'.  that  flie&,  flyisg. 

Voadura,  sf.  the  act  of  flying. 

Voante,  údj.  2  g.  flying,  tíiat 

Voar,  »».  to  fly,  to  ^wing,  to  aiip 
away ;  ijig,)  to  run,  t»  go  qaick- 
Ij.  —  va.  to  fly,  to  attiébek  by  a 
bird  of  prej. 

Voaria,  sf.  volatile ;  any  "winged 

Voato,  sm.  rtimour,  report. 
Vocabulário,  sm.  a  vocabuiary. 
VocabuUsta,  sm.  vocabulist. 
Vocábulo,  sm.  a  word. 
Vocação,  sf.  vocation. 
Vocal,  adj.  2  g.  vocal. 
Vocallsar,  vn.  {mus.)  to  vocalize. 
Vocalmente,  adv.  vocally. 
Vocativo.  sm.  vocative. 
Vociferação ,    sf.   vociferation , 

clamour.  [ated. 

Vociferado,  a,  pp.  adj.  vocifer- 
Vociferadc»',  a,  s.  and  adj.  m. 

or  f.  one  who  vociferates. 
Voclierante,    pa.  of    Vociferar 

and  adj.  vociferating. 
Vociferar,  vn.  to  vociferate. 
Voga,  sf.  rowing  with  oars ;  {fig.) 

vog^e,  fashion.  Andar  em  — ,  to 

be  in  the  fashion,  to  have  the 

Vogal ,    sf.    a   vowel.  —     adj. 

L^ra   — ,    a    single   sounding 

Vogal,  sm.  a  vot^. 
Vogante,  adj.  2  g.  rowing. 
Vogar,  vn.  to  row,  to  sail. 
Volante,  sm.  a  very  thin  gauze; 

the  âight  of  a  watch ;  a  shuttle- 

Volante,  adi.  2  g.  flying;  {fig.) 

unflxed,  volatile,  unsettled. 
Volataria  or  Volateria,  sf.  the 

art  of  fowling.  the  wings. 

Volatear,  vn.  to   clap    or    flag 
Volátil,  adj.  2  g.  volatile. 
Volátil,  sm.  volatile,  a  flying  or 

winged  animal. 
Volatilidade,  sf.  volatiliness. 
Volatilisado,  a,  j^p.  adj.  volati- 

lized.  [lizinç. 

Volatilisante,  adj.  2  g.  volati- 
Vdatilisar,    va.    to   volatilize. 

Volatilisar-se,  vr.  to  b©  volati- 

Volatim,  sm.  a  rope-dancer,  a 

tumbler ;  a  running  footman. 
Volatilisação,  sf.  {ehêm.)  volati- 

Voloanico,  a,  adj.  volcanic. 
Volcanisado,  a,  adj,-  wlcani- 



—  756  — 


Volcão,  sm.  a  volcano. 

Volição,  sf.  volition. 

Volta,  sf.  turn,  turning;  wind- 
ing",  curvature,  ilexure;  an 
arch  or  bending  of  a  vault,  a 
turning  about;  a  'walk,  a  little 
way.  JJe  — ,  returning  home 
from  a  voyage ;  together.  in 
company.  Ifar  — ,  to  go  round 
or  rouna  about.  —  á  chave,  to 
turn  the  key,  to  lock  up.  Dar 
uma  — ,  tu  take  a  walk,  to 
make  a  tow  or  trip.  Dar  uma 
grande  — ,  to  go  a  great  way 
about  or  round.  Dar  voltas,  to 
turn  about,  to  'wheel  about,  to 
vault.  —  ao  juizo,  to  puzzle 
one's  brains  aoout  one  thing; 
to  put  one's  wits  on  the  stretcn. 
Andar  ás  voltas  no  mar,  to  be 
tossed  about.  Faser-se  na  volta 
da  tetTa  or  do  mar,  to  steer 
towards  the  land  or  the  sea. 
Volta,  vicissitude,  change  ;  re- 
pentance,  conversion ;  trick ; 
a  band  as  worn  by  clergymen, 
lawyers  etc;  burden  of  a  song. 

Voltacara,  sf.  a  'wheeling  about. 

Voltado,  a,  pp.  adj,  returned, 
that  faces  or  stands  opposite. 

Voltaico,  a,  adj.  voltaic. 

Voltar,  va.  to  turn,  to  turn  up.  — 
vr.  to  return,  or  go  back,  to 
turn  round.  Voltar-se,  vr.  to 
face  or  turn  about. 

Volteado,  a,  pp.  adj.  turned. 

Volteador,  sm.  a  rope-dancer,  a 
tumbler.  [ing. 

Volteadura,  sf.  the  act  of  turn- 

Voltear,  va.  to  turn,  to  wave. 

Volteiro,  a,  adj.  quarrelsome. 

Voltivolo,  a,  adj.  variable,  in- 

Volto,  a,  pp.  of  Volver,  turned. 

Volubilidade,  sf.  volubility,  mu- 
tability,  inconstancy. 

Volume,  sm.  volume,  book; 
bulk,  size;  {mus.)  tone  or  power 
of  voice.  [bulky. 

Volumoso,  a,  adj.  voluminous. 

Voluntariamente,  adv,  volun- 

Voluntariedade ,  sf,  volun- 

Voluntário,  a,  adj.   voluntary. 

—  sm.  a  volunteer. 
Voluntarioso,     a,    adj.     that 

Ikkes  to  live  self  dependent. 
Voluptuosidade,  sf.  voluptuous- 

ness;  luxury. 
Voluptuoso,  a ,  adj.  voluptuous. 
Voluta,  sf.  (arch.)  a  volute. 
VolutsÚ3ro,    sm.    sensual  plea- 

sures ;  luxury. 
Volúvel,  adj.   2   g.  voluble,  in- 

Volvedor,  sm.  a  perturbator^  a 

Volver,  va.  to   turn,  to  roll.  — 

vn.  to  retire,  to  ■withdraw.  Vol- 

ver-se,  vr.  to  go  back  again. 
Volvido,   a,  pp.  adj.   returned, 

Volvulo,  sm.  ^med.)  a  twisting 

of  the  guts ;  iliac  passion,  ileus. 
Vomica,   sf.  an  imposthume  or 

Vomição,  sf.  vomition. 
Vomitado,  a,  pp-  adj.  vomited. 
Vomitar,  va.  to  vomit. 
Vomitivo,  a,  adj.  vomitive.  — 

sm.  emetic. 
Vomito,  sm.  vomit,  vomitory. 
Vomitório,  sm.  a  vomitory ;  an 

Vontade,  sf.  vrill,  choice,  mind, 

pleasure.  A'  — ,  at  ease,  easily. 

Ter   — ,  to  will.     De    boa  — , 

willingly.  [of  a  bird. 

Vôo,    sm.    the   flight  or   flying 
Voracidade,  sf.  voracity. 
Vorador,  sm.  aevourer.  v.  Devo- 
Voragem,  sf.  a  gulf. 
Voraginoso,  a,  adj.  voraginous, 

full  of  gulfs. 
Voraz,  adj.  2  g.  voracious. 
Vorazmente,  adv.  voraciously. 
Vórtices,  sm.  pi.  vórtices,  Whirl- 
pool in  the  Cartesian  system. 
Vos,  pron.  ye  or  you. 
Vos,  pron.    conjunc.  you    or   to 

you,    as:  para  ver-vos^  to  sec 

Vosoo,  jwon.  Com  — ,  with  vou. 
Vossa  mecôy  sf.  used  for  Vossa 

mercê.  [mercê. 

Vosso,  s.  a  contraction  of  Vossa 


—  767  — 


Vosso,  a,  adj.  you»,  belonging 

to  you.  '—pae^  your  father. 
Votação,  sf.  votm^. 
Votado,  a,  pp.  adj.  voted. 
Votante,  sm.  a  voter. 
Votante,  adj.2g.  voting. 
Votar,    vn.    to    vote,  to  vow. 

Votar-set  vn.  to   devote  one's 

Votivo,  a,  adj.  votive. 
Voto,  sm.  a  vow,  a  vote.  Votoa^ 

wishes,  prayers.  [port. 

Voz,  sm.  the  voice ;  sound  ;  re- 
Vozeador,  sm.  a  bawler. 
Vozeamento,    sm.   the   act  of 

Vozear,  vn.  to  cry  out,  to  voice, 

to  halloo,  to  bawl. 
Vozearia  or  Vozaria,  sf.  bawl- 

ing,  halloing.  [orous. 

Vozeiro,  a,  adj.  noisy,  clam- 
Vozeria,  sf.  bawlinç,  hallowing. 
ynlcaneo,  a,  adj.  belonging  to 

Vulcano.  [volcano. 

Vulcânico,  a,  adj.  belonging  to  a 
Vulcão,  sm.  a  volcano. 
Vulgacho,  sm.  populace,   mob. 
Vulgar,  adj.  2  g .  vulgar. 
Vulgaridade,  sf.  vulgarity. 
Vnlgarisação,    sf,   toe  act  of 

vnlgarizing.  [rized. 

Viilgarisado,  a,  pp.  adj.  vulga- 
Vulgariaador,    sm.  or  f.    one 

vrho  makes  common. 
Vulgarisar,  va.  to  vulgarize. 
Vulgarismo,  sm.  vulgari^m. 
Vulgarmente,  adv.  vulgarly. 
Vulgata,  sf.  vulgate. 
Vulgo,  sm.  the  vulgar,  the  mob. 
Vulneração,  sf.  vulneration. 
Vulnerado,  a,  pp.  adj.  voond- 

Vulnerar,  va.  to  wound. 
Vulneraria,  sf.   {bot.)    wound* 

Vulnerário,  a,  adi.  vulnerary. 
Vulnerativo,  a,  aaj.  wounding. 
Vulnerável,  ad{j,   2  g.  vulner- 

Vulto,  sm.  face,   coantenance^ 

bulk,    stature.    A    — ,  by  the 

bulk,  conftisedly.  Vulto,  conse- 

quence,  importance. 
Vtatoso,  a,  adj.  bulky. 

PàRTS  I. 

Vultnmo,    sm,    the  north-east 

wind.  [trice. 

Vulva,   sf.  {anat.)    vulva,  mà- 

Vurmo,  sm,  pus  or  thick  matter. 


X,   ím.   the  twenty-third  letter 

and  seventeenth  consonant  of 

the  Portuçuese  alphabet. 
Xá,  sm.  a  king  (in  Fersia.) 
Xabandar,  sm.  cônsul  for  mer- 

chants  (in  índia.) 
Xabeco  or  Xaveco,   sm.  she- 

beck,  a  small  ship    of  war  of 

the  Barbary  states. 
Xacca  or  Xaca,  sm.  an  idolater 

of  the  east  Indies.  [tings. 

Xadrez,  sm.  chess ;  (marit.)  gra- 
Xagoate  or    Xaguate,   sm,  a 

check,  a  rebuke. 
Xale  or  Chalé,  sm.  a  shawl. 
Xalota,  sf.  shallot,  scalion. 
Xamate,  sm.  (at  chess)  mate. 
Xantho,  sm.  xanthon  (a  marble). 
Xaque,   sm.   (at  chess)    cheok. 

Dar  xaçfue-mate,  to  check  mate; 

shah,  king  in  A.sia. 
Xaqueado,  a,  pp,  adj,  checked; 

oppressed.  [press. 

Xaquear,  va.  to  check;  to  op- 
Xaqueca,  sf.  {med.)  megrim.  V. 

XBxpiemB.,sf.  ahalterforabeast. 
Xará,  sf.  an  arrow. 
Xarafim,    sm.    a    coin    worth 

300  Portuguese  rees. 
Xarão,  sm.  a  China  varnish. 
Xareta,  sf.  the  carriage  of  a 

cannon;    nettings     aboard    a 

ship.  [with  nettings. 

Xaretar,  va.  to   furnish  a  ship 
Xar^o,  sm.  a  straw  bed. 
Xarue,  am.  sheriff. 
Xaroco,  sm.  the  south-east  wind. 
Xaropada,  sf.  a  potion  with  a 

great  quantity  or  syrup. 
;  Xaropar,  va,  to  purge  wtth  a 

Xarope,  sm.  syrup. 
Xarque,  mn,  salt  and  dríed  beef. 




'  zidfín 



Xarcfooar,    va.  to  dry  or  hoh 

meat.  [tailor.  V.  Alfaiate. 

Xartre  or  Xastre,  »m.  (anc.)  a 
■Xauter,  sm.  an  Arabian  guide. 
Xaveco,  sm.  {marit.)  a  xebec. 
Xelim,  svi.  snilling. 
Xenograpliia.  sf.  xenography 
Xerife,  sm.   sheriff,  shiek,  titlc 

of  a  chief  in  Barbary. 
Xlbança,  aud  Xibantaria,  sf. 

presumpUon  or  bravery ;  finery 
•    of  dress. 

Xibante.  sm.  a  buUy ;  a  fop. 
Xibantear  or  Xibar,  vn.  to  dii- 

play  boldness ;  to  dress  very 

Xibatada,  sf.  Y.  Chibatada, 
Ximea,  sf  [a  sea  term)  a  piece 

of  timber  znade  fast  either  to  a 

mast  or  a  yard. 
Xixnio,  sm.  a  he-ape.  V.  Mono. 
Xiphoide,  s.  {anat.)  xyphoides. 
Xitre,  sm,  the  mizen-top-stay- 

Xiz,  sm.  the  name  of  the  letter. 

A'.  —  garavis,  sm.  a  meddler. 
Xõ !   interj.  a  word  used  to  stop 

horses  :  shue ! 
Xofrar,  va.  to  kill  game  as  soon 

as  it  springs. 
Xofre,  sm.  JDe  — ,  immediately. 
.  Xopra  1  interj.  alas ! 
Xoroas,  sf.  pi  bracelets  worn  by 

the  savages. 
Xué,  adj.  2  g.  bad,  common. 
Xylophago,  sm.  xylophagus. 
.Xylograpliia,  sf.  xylography. 
Xystro,     sm.    {siarg,)  xyster,  a 

liurgeon^s  scraper. 

Y,  sm.  the  twenty-fourth  letter 

and  last  vowel  of  the  Porlu- 

guese  alphabet. 
Tapu,  am.  a  bird  in  Brasil,  like 

a  iriagpie. 
Tate,  sni.  a  yacht. 
Totim,  sm.  a  sort  of  gnats. 
Ypsilolde,   adj.   S  o.   that  hJU 

the  íorm  of  an  I^pMioií. 

Ypsilon.  tm.  the  name  of  the 

^eek  letter  Y. 
Ysardo,  s.  {nat.  hist.)  ysard. 
Yuca,  sf.  yucca.  [Peru. 

Yuta,  sf.  a  sort  of  partridges  in 

Z,  sm.  the  twenty-fifth  and  last 

letter  of  the  Portuguese  alphn- 

bct.  [pet. 

Zabaneira.  sf.  a  hussv,  a  strum- 
Zabumba,  sf.  a  loud  souud ;  a 

great  drum. 
Zaburro,  adj,  m.  Jdilho  ~,  In- 

dian  corn. 
Zagaia,  sf.  a  sort  of  javelin. 
Zagaiada,  sf.  a  wound  made  by 

a  javelin. 
Zagal.  sm.  a  young  shepherd. 
Zagaia,  sf.  a  young  shepherdess. 
Zaino,  OL^adj.  dark  chesnut  co- 

Zalcxnar,  va.  {marit.)  to  sing  out 
Zaxnboa,  sf,  a  sort  of  pomeci» 

tron .  [tree. 

Zamboeira,    sf.  a  pomeeitron- 
Zambro,  a,  adj.  splay-legged. 
Zanibugal.   sm.   a  sort  ot  treo 

bearing  fruits  resembling  coco- 

nuts.  [tree. 

Zambujeiro,  sm,  a  Vild  olive- 
Zanaga,  adj.  or  s.  goggled-eyed. 
Zanga,  sf.  avoraion,  antipathy; 

detestation.  disgusted. 

Zangado,  a,  pp.  adj.  ubhorrcd, 
Zangador,  a,  s.  and  adi.  tu.  ovf. 

one  that  disgusts  or  aohors. 
Zangano,  sm.  monopolist. 
Zangão,  sm.  {nat,  hist.)  a  drone; 

a  lazy  iellow. 
Zangar,  na.  to  disltkc,  to  dis- 

Sust,    to     hate,    to     disquiet. 
angar^se^  vr,  to  grow  aiiijry, 
to  frot,  [guitnr. 

Zangarrear,  va.  to  scratch  th  o 
Zanguisarra,  sf,  disorder,  dis- 

Zanolbo,  sm.  a  one-eyed  man; 

one  'who  squints. 
Zanzão,  sm,  ínonotooy. 


—  759  - 


Zapete,  sm.  a  sort  ofgásia  at^ 

onrds.  [shoot  with. 

Zarabatana,    sf.    a    trank    to 
Zaragalhada,  sf.  tjest.)  a  great 

nmltitude  or  mob. 
Zaragatoa,  sf.  {hot.)  flea  wort, 

flea  bane. 
Zeuroão,  sm.  raintini. 
Zarco,  a,  adi.  light-blue. 
ZarguDchacui,  sf.  a  stroka  with 

a  shurt  dart. 
Zarguncbar,  va,  to  wound  vith 

a  short  dart.  [dart. 

Zargnnoho,  sni.  a  sort  of  abort 
Zarolho,   a,    adj.   cae-ejad    or 

goggled-eyed.  (aochor. 

Zarpar,  vn.  (a  aea  term)  to  veigh 
Zarzagania,  sf.  a  cold  vind. 
Zás  or  Zaz,  sm.  alap.  —  trax^ 

thwiclc.  thwack. 
Zebelina,  sf.  {nat.  hist.)  a  sable. 
Zebra,  sf.  {^»at.  hist.)  a  zebra. 
Zebral,  adj.  2  g.  pertaining  to  a 

zebra.  [of  a  stag. 

Zebrano,  a,  adi.  of  the  colour 
Zedoaria,  sf.  (bot.)  cedoary,  a 

spic;^  plant.  fellov. 

Zeunáo,  sm.  a  good  for  nothing 
Zelado,    a.    pp.    adj.  jealously 

looked  after. 
Zelador,  sm.  a  zealot. 
Zelante,  adj.  2  g.  zealous. 
Zelar,  va.  to  be  zealous ;  to  be 

Zelo.  sm.  zeal ;  jealousj. 
Zelosamente,  adv.  zealously. 
Zeloso,  a,  adj.  zealous,  jealous. 
Zelote,  sm.  a  zealot. 
Zelotypia,  sf.  jealousy. 
Zenlth,   sm.  (astr.)  tne  zenith; 

the  highest  pitch.  summit. 
Zeolito,  sm.  zeolite. 
Zepbyro,  sm.  zephyr,  the  vest 

wind ;  a  geutle  breeze. 
Zequim,  sm.  zechiu,  an  Italian 

gold  coin. 
Zerbo,  sm.  the    caul  in  which 

bowels  arewrappnd. 
Zero,  sm.   zero,  a  cipher. 
Zerumbete,  s.  (bot.)  zerumbeth. 
Zeugma,  sf.  (gramm.)  zeugma. 
Ziguezague,  sm.  zig-z.ig. 
Zlguezique,  sm.  {fig.)  a  restless 

Zimbo,  sm,  a  sort  of  sholl  nsed 

as  coin. 
Zimbório,  sm.  douie,  cupola. 
Zimbrado,  a,  pp.  adj.  -whipped. 
Zimbral,  sm.   a   forest  of  juAl- 

pers.  [to  beat. 

Zimbrar,  va.  to  whip,  to  striko. 
Zimbro,  sm.  juniper. 
Zinco,  sm.  zino. 

Zlrbo,    sm.  {anat.)   epiploon  or 
■    caul. 

Zisaneiro,  sm.  a  tale-bearar. 
Zizania,  sf.  diacord.  disseosion. 
Zlsanista.  s,  and  adj.  m,  or  f,  a 

Zoada,  sf.  a  loud  sound. 
Zoar.  vn.  to  sound. 
Zodiacal,  adj,  2  g.  zodiaeal. 
Zodíaco,  sm.  {astr.)  zodiac. 
Zoilo.    sm.    zoilus,  a    snarling 

critic.  [who  jokas, 

Zombadeira ,     sf.    a    vomaa 
Zombado,  a,  pp.  adj.  mocked, 

Zombador,  sm.  jester,  mocker* 
Zombar,  va,  to  joke.  to  jett. 
Zombaria,    sf.   mockery»  jett, 

Zomba-zombando,  adv.  in  jest. 
Zombetear,  vn.  (Jest.)  to  mock, 

to  scoff.  [mocker. 

Zombeteiro,  a,  adj.  a  scoffer,  a 
Zona,  sf.  zone. 
Zoncho,  sm.  {marit.)  the  upper 

box  or  spear  box  of  a  pump. 
Zoograpma,  sf,  zoography. 
Zoographo,  sm.  zoographer. 
Zoographioo,  a,  adj.  zoographi- 

Zoolitho,  sm.  zoolithe. 
Zoologia,  sf  zoology. 
Zoologicamenta,  adv.  zoologi- 

Zoológico,  a,  adj.  zoological. 
Zoologo,  sm.  a  zoologist. 
Zoonomia,  sf.  zoonomy. 
Zoophyto,  sm.  zoophyte. 
Zootomia,   sf.  zootomy,  compa* 

rative  anatomy. 
Zootomista,  sm.  zootomist. 
Zorra,   sf.  a  sort  of  sledge;  a 

kind  of  fox. 
Zorrague.  sm.  a  scourgOfawhip. 
Zorreiro,  a,  adj.  sluggish,  heav5'. 

_1  'tr».i-4-  ■,  ■:  '."^  ML.  3^-=.=-^"-  - . 


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a  —,  to  tow  a  ship. 
Zonal,  sm,  {nat.  nist.)  a  atar- 

ling,  stare,  Heldfare. 
ZoTEaleiro,  a,  adi.  Fakão  — « 

thatfeedson  âeldfares,  atares, 

Zote,  sm.  a  heavy  duU  fellow. 
Zotismo,   sm.    sunplicity,  non- 

atense. . 
Zoppeiro,a,a(2;.  decrepit,  crazy. 
ZOTO  or  2ioo,  sm.  [nat,  hist.)  hip- 

popotamuB  or  sea-horse. 
Zuarte,  sm.  a  sort  of  blue  cotton 

Zombaia,  sf.  a  profound  reve- 

rence ;  low  bow  (in  índia). 
Zumbido,  a,pp.  adj'  hommed. 
Zumbido,   sm.  &  hum,  a  hara- 

Zumbir,  vn.  to  hum  or  buzz. 
Zumbrir-B6,  vr.  to  bend  or  slnk; 

to  cringe.  [of  gnats. 

Zum-zum,    sm.    the   nununing 
Zunideira,  sf.  a  polished  stone 

used  by  goldsmiths.  [ears. 

Zunido,  sm,  a  tingliag  intlie 

Znnidor,  ai   adj.  tbat  irhlBties 

like  a  wind. 
ZuBimento,  sm,  a  tingling  in 

the  ears. 
Zunir,   vn.  to  "whistle   like  the 

Zurraoha,  sf.  a  ferry-boat 
Zurrador,  a,  adj.  tnat  bmjrs.  •. 

sm.  a  brayer. 
Zurrar,  vn.  to  bray. 
Zurraria,  sf.  the  brayhig  of  a 

great  number  of  asses. 
Zurro,  sm.  braying. 
ZuTEido,  a,  pp.  adj.  cudgelled, 

Zurzidura,  sf.  the  act  of  cad« 

gelling,  whipping,  etc. 
Zursir,  va.  to  beat,  to  oudgel, 

to  whip.  —  com  jpalavras,  to 

chide,  to  rebuke. 
Zirgoma,  sf.  {anat.)  zygome. 
Z3rmo,  sm.  zyme  or  leaven. 
Zymologia,  sf.  zymology. 
Zsrmologo,  sm.  zymologist. 
Zsrmometro,  sm.  zymometer. 
Zsrmoteobnia,  sf.  zymotechnj. 
Zytho,  sm.  zythum. 







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