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Full text of "A New version of the Psalms of David : [fitted to the tunes used in churches]"

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.>ffLtv«*t  £<**>* 

*i  <V 

S^s  -&  i*fo: 

^A  Neiv  P^erfion 

O  F    T  H  E 


O    F 

D    A     V     I 


N.  TATE  &  N.  BRADY. 

Together  witbfome  HTMNS  adapted  to  Cbriftian  Worfhip 

coileded  from  J.  STENNET;  Js.  WATTS, 

S   BROWNE:   and  J.  MASON,  as  ufed 

in  the  Englifb   ejlablifhed  C  H  U  R  C  H  in 


And  fee  to  Mufick 

J.      Z.      T    R    I    E    M    E    R. 

JJ^ith  Priviledge  for  the  Beneft  of  the  Poor 

Printed    by   HENRY   GARTMAN,   Bookfeller. 


JL  T   is   to   be  Obferved  that  the 

Pjalms  &  Hymns  are  all  jet  upon  one  &  the  f elf  fame 
Key  viz*  the  I  Key.  And  in  order  to  find  the  Names  of 
the  Different  Notes  \  two  fcales  are  added.  The  A f cent 
&  dejcent  of  the  half  Notes  in  the  Pfalms  &  Hymns ,  are 
difiinguifhed  by  |5  1,  &  |,  as  being  the  Char  after  s  com- 
monly ujed  in  Mufick- 

Uc   re  mi  fa   i'ol   la  ci   uc  Uc   ci   Ja   fol  fa  mi  re   uc. 

Sol    Ja   ci    uc  re   mi   fa  i'ol  Sol   fa   mi   re  uc  ci   la   i'ol. 

C  O- 

Voor  den  Armen. 

C       OP       Y 

VAN      D    E 

PR  I VIL  E  G 

DE  Staaten  van  Holland  en  WetTvriefiand ,  doen 
re  weeten :  Alzo  Ons  te  kennen  is  gegeeven 
by  Diaconen  van  de  Gereformeerde  Ortho- 
doxe  Engelfche  Gemeente  binnen  de  Stad  Amlter- 
dam  ,  dat  in  den  Jaare  1753.  door  Kerkenraad  van 
de  zelve  Gemeente,  zo  als  die  te  dier  tyd  aclueelyk' 
in  dienff.  en  buiten  fun<ftie  waren  ,  zynde  goedge- 
vonden  om  de  Pfalmen  Davids,  zo  als  die,  door 
Tare  en  Brady  in  Engelfche  Dichtmaat  gebragr,  met 
eenige  Lofzangen  in  hun  Jiedcr  Gemeente  gezon- 
gen  wierden :  (dewyl  de  zelve  als  toen  zig  geheel 
zonder  Mufiecq-Noten  of  eenparig  geftelde  wyze  , 
tot  veele  verwerringe  en  merkelyke  ergerniffe  in 
zo  een  plegtig  ftuk  van  den  Godsdienft,  bevon- 
den:)  op  hunne  koften  met  Noten  en  Zangwyzen 
te  laaten  voorzien :  der  Supplianten  PrEedecelfeurs 
actueelyk  door  Lieden,  de  Mufiecq  kundig  ,  had- 
den  laaten  componeeren  zodanige  Voyzen  ,  als  \raar 
op  de  gemelde  Pfalmen  en  Lofgezangen  met  meer- 
der  ftichtinge  van  de  Gemeente  konden  gezongen 
worden;  met  oogmerk  om  na  het  afdrukken  der 
voorfz:  Pfalmen  en  Lofgezangen,  met  de  Noten, 
daar  op  gecomponeert,  den  druk  daar  van,  bene- 
vens  het  recht  der  Copie,  te  fiellen  in  handen  van 
Diaconen  der  gemelde  Kerke,  om  door  hen  lieden 
gedebiteert,  verkogt,  en  het  voordeel  daar  op  val- 
lende  ten  nutte  der  Armen  van  de  zelve  Gemeente 
gebruikt  te  worden.  Dat  der  Supplianten  Prsede- 
cefleurs  tot  het  drukken  of  doen  drukken  van  dit 
zelve  Werk  in  den  Jaare  1753  van  Ons  Octroy 
met  Seclufie  van  alle  anderen  bekomen  hebbende, 
het  zelve  00k,  tot  merkelyk  voordeel  en  fouhas  van 
hunne  Armen gedrukt zynde,  was  gedebiteert  gevvor- 
den;  dan  gemerkt  het  voorfz:  Octroy  in  den  Jaare 
1768  was  komen  tc  expireeren,  en  dat  00k  inmid- 
dels  het  gemelde  Gezang-boek  door  der  Supplianten 
Kerkenraad  met  byvoegingen  van  nieuwe  Lofzan- 
gen, alle  met  Voyzen  en  Muficcq-Noten  verrykt, 
merkelyk  was  vermeerdert.en  dat  tot  verdere  com- 
pleteering  van  hun  Kerkelyk  Gezang-boek  00k  wel 
vereyfcht  wierde:  (gelyk  zy  Supplianten  00k  me- 
rJiigmaal  ondervonden  hadden ,  dat  zy  het  zelve 
niet  anders  konden  verkopen  als:)  dat  daar  by  ge- 
voegt  vvierden  de  Heidelbergfche  Catcchismus  , 
mitsgaders  de  Geloofs-Belydeniffe  en  Kerkelykc 
Formulieren,  in  maniere  als  die  achter  der  Supplian- 
^ten  Engelfche  Kerk-Bybel   gevonden  wierden,    en 

met  veele  moeyte  en  koflen  door  hunnen  Kerken- 
raad van  merkelyke  fauten  van  quaade  Overzettiii 
ge  gezuivert  en  door  de  Eerwaarde  Claffis  van 
Amfterdam  geapprobecrt  waren  ;  en  dat  dierhalven 
de  Supplianten  van  voorneemen  waren  om  de 
zelve  Catcchismus ,  Geloofs-Belydeniffe  en  Formu- 
lieren, vermits  die  uitverkogt  waren,  op  nienws 
te  doen  drukken  in  zodanig  Formaat,  dat  de  zelve 
gezamentlyk  met  de  Pfalmen  en  Lofzangen  tot 
gebruyk  van  hunne  Ledemaaten ,  en  afzonderlyk 
van  de  zelve  tot  nutte  van  de  Jeu^t  konden  vet- 
ilrekken.  Dog  dat,  dewyl  de  Supplianten  beuugt 
waren  ,  of  niet  wel  fomrnige  baatzoekende  me;;- 
fchen  mogten  onderneemen,  om  ,  tot  Prejudice 
van  der  Supplianten  Armen ,  en  van  hunne  Kerke, 
het  voorfz:  Werk,  waar  toe  zo  veele  moeyte  en 
koflen  waren  aa'ngewend  ,  te  doen  drukken  ,  na- 
drukken  en  uitgeeven.  Zo  keerden  zy  Supplianten 
zig  tot  Ons,  gantfeh  onderdanig  verzoekende,  dat 
het  Ons  geliefde  aan  de  Supplianten  op  nieuws  te 
verleenen  Privilegie,  voor  den  tyd  van  vyfticn  ecrft- 
komende  en  agrereenvo!gende  Jaaren  ,  om  het  bo- 
vengemelde  Engelfche  Pfalmboek  en  Lofzangen  met 
de  daar  op  gemaakte  Mufiecq-Noten  ,  mitsgaders 
der  Supplianten  vcrbeeterde  Overzettinge  van  de 
Heidelbergfche  Catechismus,  Geloofs  Belydeniffe  en 
Kerkelyke  Formulieren  ,  't  zy  re  zamen  of  afzon- 
derlyk  ,  in  wat  formaat  het  00k  zyn  mogte,  al- 
leen  en  met  Seclufie  van  alle  anderen ,  te  mogen 
drukken,  doen  drukken,  uytgeeven  en  verkoopen; 
met  verbod  aan  een  iegelyk  buiten  hen  Supplianten 
op  zeekere  groote  pcene ,  by  Ons  daar  tegen  te  ftel- 
len ,  om  binnen  den  voorfz:  tyd  her  gemelde  Pfaim- 
boek  en  Lofzangen  met  de  daar  op  gecomponeerde 
Mufiecq-Noten,  mitsgaders  der  Supplianten  verbe- 
terde  Overzettinge  van  de  Heidelbergfche  Catechis- 
mus,  Geloofs-Belydeniffe  en  Kerkelyke  Formulie- 
ren ,  het  zy  te  famen  of  afzondtrlyk  ,  in  deefe 
Landen  in  eenig  Formaar,  onder  wat  voor  pre- 
text het  00k  zoude  mogen  zyn  ,  te  diukken  , 
te  doen  dtukken,  uitgeeven  en  verkopen.  of 
elders  buiten  dcezc.  Landen  gedrukt  zyhde  in  te 
voeren  en  te  verkopen ,  en  da?r  van  te  verleenen 
Octroy  in  ordinaria  forma:  ZO  IS  'T ,  dat  W'y, 
de  zaake  en  't  verzoek  voorfz:  overgemerkt  hebbefl- 
de ,  en  geneegen  weefende  ter  bede  van  de  Sup- 
plianten,  uit  Onze  regte  wetenfehap  ,   Souverainc 

*  1  mag" 

magt  en  authoriteif,  de  zelve  Supplianten,  by  Am- 
pliatie  van  her  Octroy  aan  de  zelve  op  den  7den  Ju- 
ly 1768.  door  Ons  verleent,  geconienteert ,  geaccor- 
deert  en  geottroyeert  hebben,  confenteeren,  accor- 
deeren  en  octroyeeren  hen  by  dee?.e,dat  zy  geduu- 
rende  den  tyd  van   vyftien  eerft    agtereenvolgende 
Jaaren,   der  zelver  verbeeicrde  oversetting  van  de 
Jleidelbergfche    Catechismus  ,    Geloofs-Relydeniffe 
en   Kerkelyke  Forrnulicren  ,'  het  zy  te  zamen  met 
tier  zelver  Enge'.fch  Pfalmbock  en  Lofzangen,  ofaf- 
?onderlyk,   in    wat   Forraaat  het  00k  zyn  mogte  , 
binnen  den  voorlz:  onzen  Lande,  alleen  en  met  Se 
riufie    van  alle  amleien  ,   zullen  mogen    dnikken  , 
doen  drukken  ,  uytgeeven  en  verkopen;  verbieden- 
de  daarom  alien  en  een  iegelyk,    de  voorfchreeve 
verbeterde  Overzetting  van  de  Heydelbergfche  Ca- 
techismus, Geloofs-Belydenis,  Kerkelyke  Formulie- 
jen  ,  Ffnlmboek  en  Lofz.angen ,  in  't  geheel  of  ten 
deelen  te  drukken  ,  n.i  te  drukken  ,  te  doen  nadruk- 
ken,  te  verhandelen  of  te  verkopen,  of  elders  nage 
d-ukt  binnen  den  zelven  onzen  Lande  te  brengen, 
cit  te  geeven  ,  ofte  te  verhandelen  en  verkopen,  op 
verbeurte   van    alle   de   naargedrukte  ,    ingebiagtc, 
verhandelde  of  verkogte  Exemplaaren  ,ende  een  boe- 
lg  van  drie  duyzend  guldens  daarenboven  te  verbeu- 
ren,  te  appliceeren  een  derde  part  voor  den  Officier 
die  de  Calange  doen  zal,  een  derde  part  voor  den 
Armen  ter  piaatze ,  daar  het  Cafus  voorvallen  zal, 
en  het  reiteerende  derde  part  voor  de  Supplianten, 
ende  dit  t'elkens  zo  menigmaal,  als  dezelve  worden 
ngterhaak  :    Ailes  in    dien    verftande  •    dat  Wy  de 
Supplianten  met  deezen  Onzen  Octioye  alleen  wil- 
lende  graiifkeeren  tot  verhoeding  van  hunne  fchade, 
door  het  nadrukken  van  de  voorfchreeve  verbeterde 
Overzetiing  van  de  Heydelbergfche  Catechismus ,  Ge- 
loofs-Bclydenifie  en  Kerkelyke  Formuliei  en ,  Pfalm- 
boek  en  Lofzangen  ,  zonder  daar  door  in  geenigen 
deele  te  verftaan  den  innehouden  van  dien  te  authori- 
feeren  ofte  te  advoueeren ,  ende  veel  min  dezelve 
onder  onze  protectie  ende  befcheiminge  eenig  meer* 
der  credit,  aanzien  ofte  reputatie  te  geeven,  nema;.r 
de  Supplianten  ,  in  cas  daar  inne  ietwes  onbehoorlyk 
ioude  milueeren ,  al  het  zelve  tot  hunnen  lafie  zul- 
len   gehouden  wefen   te  verantwoorden  ;    tot  dien 
einde  vvel  expreiTelyk  begeerende,  dat,  byaldicn  zy    Onzen    Octroy    voor  ce  zelve    verbeterde 
Overzetting   van    de  Heidclbergfehe  Catechismus  , 
jeluofs-Belydenille     en    Kerkelyke    Formulieren  , 
Pfalmbock    en    Lofzangen  ,    zullen    willed    flellen1, 
daar  van  geene  geabbrevieerde  ofte  gecontraheerde 
mentie  zuiien    mogen    maakeu,   ncinaar   gehouden 
wezen  ,  het  zelve  Octroy  in  't  gcheei  en  zonder  ee- 
pige  Omiffie  daar  voor  te  drukken  ,of  tc  doen  druk-  • 
ken  ,  ende.  dat  zy  gehouden  zullen  zyn  een  Exert) - 
■r    van    de  voorfchreve   verbeterde    Overzetting 
wn  de  Heydelbergfche  Catechismus,  Geloofsbelyiie- 
e~  Kerkelyke  Formuliei  en ,  I'i'almboek  en  Lof- 

zangen, op  groot  Papier,  gebonden  en  wel  gecon- 
ditioneeit,  te  bicgen  in  de  Bibliotheecq  van  Onze 
fniyerfiteit  te  Leyden  ,  binnen  den  tyd  van  zes 
weeken,  nadat  zy  Supplianten  de  zelve  zullen  heb- 
ben  beginnen  uit  te  geeven,  op  een  boete  van  zes 
honde.-d  guldens  na  expirarie  der  voorf?:  zes  wee- 
ken  ,  by  de  Supplianten  te  verbeuren ,  ten  behoeve 
van  de  Nederduytfche  Armen  van  de  plaats,  alwaar 
de  Supplianten  woonen  ,  en  voorts  op  poene  van 
met  'er  daad  venleekcn  te  zyn  van  he t  effect  van 
deezen  Octioye;  en  dat  00k  de  Supplianten,  fchoon 
by  het  ingaan  van  dit  Ocftroy  een  Fxemplaar  gele- 
verd  hebbende  aan  ce  voorfz:  Onze  Bibliotheecq  , 
by  zo  verre  zy  gedurende  den  tyd  van  dit  Octroy 
de  zelve  verbeeterde  Overzett  ng  van  de  Heydel- 
bergfche Catechismus,  Geloofs ■  Belyder.iffe  en  Ker- 
kelyke Formulieren,  Pfalmboek  en  Lofzangen ,  zou- 
den  vvillen  herdrukken  met  eer.ige  Obfervatien,  No- 
ten  ,  Vermee  deringen  ,  Veranderingen  ,  Correction  , 
of  anders  hoe  gena;>mt,  of  00k  in  een  ander  for- 
maat,  gehouden  zullen  xyn  wederom  in  een  ander 
Exemplaar  daarvan  ,  geconditioneert  als  voien,  tc 
brengen  in  de  voorfz.  Bibliotheecq,  binnen  den  zel- 
ven tyd  en  op  de  boeten  en  poenaliteit  als  voorfz. 
Ende  ten  einde  de  Supplianten  deezen  Onzen  Con- 
fente  ende  Octroye  mogen  genieten ,  als  naar  beho- 
ren,  laften  Wy  alle  ende  eenen  legelyken,  dien  het 
aangaan  mag,  dat  zy  de  Supplianten  van  den  mhou- 
den  van  deezen  doen ,  laaten  ende  gedoogen,  rulte- 
lyk  ,  vreedelyk  ende  volkorhentlyk  genieten  ende 
gebruyken;  ceffeerende  alle  beitt  ter  corararie.  Ge- 
geeven  in  den  Haage  onder  Onzen  grooten  Zcgele 
hier  aan  doen  hangen  op  den  vyftiende  October  in 
't  Jaar  onzes  Heeren  ende  Zaligmakers  duizend  ze- 
venhondad  een-en-zeventig. 

P.    S  T  Y  N. 

Ter  Ordonnantie  van  de  Staaten 

Aande  Supplianten  zyn  nevens 
dit  Oclroy  ter  hand  geilelt  ,  by 
Kftract  Anthenticq  haar  Ed.  Gr. 
Mog.  Refolutien  van  28**™  Juny 
1 71 5.  en  3 often  April  J72S.  ten 
eynde  ora  zig  daar  naar  te  regu- 


A- New  Verfion  of  the 



PSALM    I. 

OW  blelt  is  he  who  ne'er  contents , 


to  Happinefs  they  tend ; 
But  Sinners  and  the  Paths  they  tread 

by  ill  advice  to  walk ; u 

Nor  ftands  in  SmncH]Wayj8?  nor  fits 

==  {hall  both  in  Ruin  end. 

_  w^erej^^prophanely_tal_k1_ 

"&  Law  of  God  .     i    W    ITH  reft] 


a  But  makes  the  perfect  Law 


his  Bufinefs  and  Delight ; 

Devoutly  reads~therein  by  Day, 

__and  meditates  by^Night^ 
_3_  Like  fome  fair  Treewhich  fed  by  Streams, 

..  reftlefs  and  ungovern'd  Rage, 
why  do  the  Heathen  ftorm ;  "" 

"Whyln  fuch  7a(h~Attempts  engage , 
i aslhey_can_  ne^er  perform  ? 

with  timely  Fruit  does  bend , 

_He  ftill  lhallflourifti,  and  fuccefs 

2  The  great  in  Counfel  andjn  Might, 

_  aH  his  Defigns  attend. 

4  Ungodly  Men  and_  their  Atcempts, 

no  laftingRoot  lhallljnd  jj- 
JJntimely  blafted  and  difpers'd, 

Their  various  Forces  bring , 

"Againft  the  Lord ,  they  all  unite , 

and  his  anointed  King. 


'■i  Muft  we  fubmit  to  their  Commands , 
pfefumptuoufly  they_  fay  ?_ 

like  Chaff  before  the  Wind 

before  the_  Wind.  and  caft  their  Chains  away. 

5  Their  Guilt  (hall  ftrike  the  Wicked  dumb,        4  But  God,  who  fits  enthron'd  on  high, 

before  the  Judge's  Face :  ~  and  fees  how  they  combine, 

NoTormal  Hypocrite  lhall  then  Does  their  conJpjnng_^aijth_dely_, 

_  _ jypongft  the  Saints  have  place. 

and  mocks  their  vain  Defign. 

6  For  God  approves  "the  juft  Man's  Ways,       5  Thick  Clouds  of  Wrath  divine  (hall  break 

A  c» 

PSALM     II.  in. 

on  his  rebellious  Foes ;  

~AniTthu7jwill  he  in  Thu nder  fpeak , 


to  all  that  dare  oppofe. 


6~„  Tho'  madly  you  difpute  my  Will, 

^HP==a£      IS^EE 




_  the  King  that  I  ordain ,, 


"■»_^2!LIlH255J!  fix'd  on  Sipn's  Hill, .,', 
^IBIITThere  fecurely  reignT" 
PART    II. 

w  Jr.?lL?e  jfevgjfe  thefrold  NejleaT" 

12"  IT  but  in  part  his"Anger  rife, 
who  can  endure  the  FTaiiie? 

on  his  moll  Holy  Name. 


7  ~AttendT"u"Earth,  whilft  I  declare 
„  Tho51frr.~rny  &>n,tthis  Day  my  Heir, 

,,_have  I  J?egottcjr^hec._ 

8  „  Ask,  and  receive  thy  full  Demands , 

the  Troublers  of  my  Peace! 


Anrl  qc  t-hpir  Nnmhpr«  Vimirlir  nfo 

„  thine  (hall  the  Heathen  be. 


~^^hTutlnofl:_Limits  of  the  Lands , 

"ffialTbe  poffefs'd  by  thee. 
p  ,,  Tr!ythrea?njng Scepter  thou  (haTdha"ke^ 

~^nTcru(h  t^iem  gv^T  where; 

„,  As  many  Bats  of  Irqn  break  ^ 

„  theTotTers  brittle  Ware. 
1  o  Learn  then,,  ye  Prltices,  and  give  Ear, 

ye  Judges  of  the  Earth; 


Worlhip  the  Lord  with  holy  Fear, 


rejoice  with  awlul  Mirth. 

fo  does  their  Rage  increafe. 

a  -Infulting  they  my  Soul  upbraid, 

And  him  whom  I  adore;- 

The  God  m  whom  he  truits  v  fay  they ,"; 

{Hall  refcue  him  no  more. 

3  "ItotTtfaou ,  Q  Lord  j  art  my  Defence1, 

on  thee  my~Hopes-relyj_  _ 

Thou  art  my  (jiary ,  "and  (halt  yet~ 
"HTrfTup  my  Head  on  high.  _ 

4  Since  whenfb'ef  m  like  Diftrefs, 

toHcJodllnadFmv  Pray'r: 
He  heard  me  from  his  Holy  Hill , 

j  1  Appeale  the  Son  witjnlue_refpett, 


your  timely  Homage  pay, 

why  fhould  I  now  defpair  ? 
5  Guarded  _by_  him,  I  laid  me  down, 

~my  fweet  Repofe  to  take ; 


PSALM      III.  IV.  V. 


For  I  through  him  lecurelyflecpT*" 
through  him  inTafety~wakc. 
6  No  Force  nor  Fury~ofmy  Foes , 

_my  Courage_fhal]_confound ; 
Werelheyas  many  Hoft  as~Men7~" 
~~ 'that  have  befet~me  round.- 


7  Arife  and  favejne  ?_2jPZ_God ,_ 

who  oft  fiaff  p wn'd  my  Caufc ,  . 
And  ^^^d^ftthete_Foes»to  mej 
and  to  thj^righ^uiTaws/^ 

8  Salvation  to~the  L3rd~belongs7"" 
he  only_can  delendl 

that  oiThisTow'rdepend.' "" 



el^— J^la. jhat  art  my_righte"ous  Judge , 

to  my  CompIainTgrveEaFT"" 



toblotjmy  FamTdevifeT"" 

r—  ^l^^^alicTouTLies^"" 
3  Confider  that  the  pghteous"ManI              = 
is  God's  peculiar  Choice; 

And  when  to  him  I  make  my  Pray'r. 

he  always  hears  my  Voice. 


4  Then  ftand  in  Awe  of  his  Commands . 
_  %e  ^X5F ^Tng_that,s_ilf, 

Commune  in  private  with  your  Hearts, 


and  bend  them  to  his  will 

5"  The  Place  of  other  Sacrifice  _ 

tet  Righteoufhcfs  fupply : 
Arid:  let  your  Hope  fecurely  fTx'd ;  ~ 

on  God  alone  refy. 

6_ _Whjle_worldly  Minds  impatient  grow , 

_ more_profp'rous  Times  tojee; 

Still  let  The  glories  of  thy~Face 

fhine  brightly,  Lord,  on  me. 

7  So  lhall  my  Heart  o'erflow  with  Joy, 

_  more  lafting  and  more  true 

Than  theirs,  whole  Stores  of  Corn  and  Wine 


Jucceffively  renew. 


8  JThen_down  in  Peace  I'lllay  my  Head, 

and  take  my  needful  Reft ; 
No  other  Guard,  _Q  Lord ,  I  crave , 

of  thy  Defence  poifeft 

PSALM    V. 

i     ;^ORD  •>  hear  the  Voice  ofmy  Complaint ," 

accept  my  fecrec  Pray'r ; 
A  a 


P    S    A    L 

M     V.    VI. 

to  thee  alone,  my  King,  my  "God, ~       8  Their 'Mouth  vents  nothing  but  Deceit ,' 

will  I  for  help  repair. 
2  Thou  in  the  MorrTmy  Voice  -(halt  hear , 

and  with  the  dawning  Day, 


their  Heart  is  fet  on  Wrong," 

Their  Throat  is  a  devouring  Grave, 

they  flatter  with  their  Tongue. 

9  By  their  own  Counfels  let  them  fall , 
oppreTs'd~wTth~LoadT  of'Sln ; 

To  thee  devoutly  I'll  look  up , 


to  thee  devoutly  pray. 
3  For  thoiTthe  Wrongs  thaTTraltain ,_ 
-  can  ft  never,  Lord ,  approve; 
Who_from  thyjacred  Dwelling-place,  io  But  leT"ali~"thofe  who  mill  in  thee, 

For  they  againftthyrightcous  Laws , 

have  harden'd  Rebels  been." 



all  Evil  doft  remove 


4  Not  long  (hall  ftubborn  Fools  remain 
tinpuniftVd  in  thy  View : 

with  Shouts  their  Joy  proclaim ; 

nrr~r~r*T. — t-^J~ 

orn  Fools  remain,  Let  them  rejoice  whom  thou  preferv'ft , 

and  all  that  love  thy  Name. 

sag— t~»r-^f     ?   t~g 

jAnd  with  his  Favour  all  his  Saints, 

as  with  a'Shield  defend. 

All  fuch  as  ail  unrighteous  Things ,_ 
thy  Vengeance  (hall  purfue. 


5  The  fland'ring  Tongue,  O  God  of  Truth, 

by  thee_jhall  _be_deftroyM  ;__ 
Who  hat'ft  alike  tae&flan  in  Blood, 

and  in  Deceit  employed. 


6  But  when  thy  boundlcfs  Grace  (hall  me, 
~  tcTthy  Tov'd  Courts  reftore, 

~€)n  thee  111  "fix~my  longing  Eyes3 


ii__T_o  righteous  Men ,  the  righteous  Lord , 
~ha  BleflinTwtll  extend; 


1  Hy  dreaZfurAnger ,  Lord,  reftrain" 


and  humbly  there  adore. 


7  Condud_me  by  thy  righteous  Laws, 
~for~watciiful  is  my  Foe, 

Correct  me  not  in  thy  fierce  Wrath, 


too  heavy  to  be  born. 

>o  heavy  to  oe  corn. 

TalHaye3ieTcvT"Lord7"for" I  "grow  faint, 

Therefore,  OLord,  make  plain  the  Way 
'therein"  l"oughrto  g67 

The  AnguifiTof  my  aking  Bones , 

which  thou  alone  canft  cure, 


P    S    A    L 

m    vi.  vir. 1 

|4   ,    1  A   '^_ 

Bu^fordThowTong  wmfthou  "delay 
"to  grant  mFrtr£j*elief? 
4"Thy~wbnt^d  Goodnefs ^  Lord,  repeat, 

"    andeafe  my  troubled  Soul ;    T 

"Xo^^ortfivwond^rbtis ;  Mgrcyjsj^Egz--. 

voachfafe  to?inake  me  whole. . 

5_For_  after J^eath  jo_more_can_I , 

Thv  glorious  A&s  proclaim ; 

No  Pris'ner  of  the  Merit  Grave , 

can  magnify  thy  Name.  _  


Shall  blulh  and  rage  to  fee,  that  God 
protects  me  from  them  all. 




V/  Lord ,  my  God  a  fince  I  have  plac'i 


_  my_ truft,  alone  in  thee ; 


From  all  my  Perfecutors  Rage, 
do  thou  deliver  me. 
2  To  lave  me  from  my  threading  Foe~7~ 

Lord,  interpofe  thy  Pow'r, 

)fa    J>ilf.   rt~7^ 

Left  like  a  favage  Lion ,  he 

ny  fowr , 

my  helplefs  Soul  devour, 

6  Quite  tir'd  with  Pain,  with  groaning  faint, 

no  hope  of  Eafe  I  lee  j__ 

~The^ighT"thatJqvi_iets  common  Griefs, 
"~IsTpent  in  Tears  by  me. 

7  MyBeauty  fades;  my  Sight  grows  dim , 

my  Eyes  with  Weaknefs  clofe;_ 
"OTcfAge  overtakes  me  whilft  I  think . 

%  iilsili=ii?^l=§ 


3  If  I  am  guilty ,  or  did  e'er 


againft  his  Peace  combine ; 

Nay,  if  I  have  not  fpar'd  his  Life,  : 

who  fought  unjuftly  mine; 


4^et_then  to  perfecuting  Foes , 

my  Soul  become  a  Prey ; 


on  ray  invoking  Foes. 

8  Depart,  ye  Wicked;  in  my  "Wrongs 
ye  in  all  no- more  rejoice; 


Let  them  to  Earth  tread  down  my  Life  , 

_in_Duft  my  Honour  lay. 

For  God,  I  find,  accepts  my  Tears. 

"ancTliftens  to  my  Voice.  _ 
p  He  hears  and  grants  my  humble  Pray'r,"" 
"nd^eyTEaTwilFmy  TalTT" 

5  Arife,  and  let  thine  Anger,  Lord, 

in  my  Defence  engage ; 

Exalt  thy felf  above  my  Foes, 

and  their  mfulting  Rage : 
6  Awake,  awake,  in  my  behalf, 

"""the  Judgment  to  difpenfe^"" 

A  3  Which} 

PSALM      VII.    VIII. 

Which  thou  haft  righteoufly  ordain'd, 
Tor  injur'd.  Innocence. 

7  So  to  thy  Throne  adoring  Crowds , 

""l^UftiriTorJuftice  fly; 
O  therefore  for  their  fakes  refuine, 
____Judgment-Seat  on  high. 

8~fmpartial  Judge  of  airtlie~WorIdT~ 

I  ffljft  ffly  Caufe  to  thee  ; 

According  to  my  juft  Deferts, 

fo  let  thy  Sentence  be. 

PART    II. 

Pf  »     I  .  l~^^=g 

p  Let  wicked  Arts  and  wicked  Men , 
together  be  o'erthrownT"* 
But  guard  The  juft.  thou  God,  to  whom 
_  the  Hearts  of  both  are  known. 

10  God  me  protects,  nor  only  me, 

but  ail  of  upright  Heart: 

And  daily  lays  up  Wrath  for  thofe , 
^who  from  his  Laws  depart.  _ 


1 1  If  they  pcrfift  _jejwhets_his  Sword , 

hjs_Bow  ftands  ready  bent ;_ 
~Ev'n_now  with  fwift  Deftrudtion  wing'd , 

his  own  untimely  Grave. 

13  On  his  own_ Ilead_ his_ fpite  returns, 

~~whi!ft~I  from  Harm  arn~~free"7~ 
On  him  the~Violence  ____l'__T_ 
which  lie  defigjjld -  forjne.  _  ~ 

14  Tho^forcwilT  I  "the  righteous  Ways, 

of  Providence  proclaim; 
T,llTmgThe~Praife"of Godnioft  high, 

and  celebrate  his  Name. 






Thou  to  whom  all  Creatures  bow., 
~wltJur7This  earthly  Frame ,__ 

Thro*  all  "the  WolkflBvf  ftreat  an  thoir, 

how^jonouslsjjrv  Name !  _________ 

alHTfeav'h  thy  wond^rous^Afts  arc  __ng_ 

nor  fully  reckon'd  there : 


his  pointed  Shaftsare  fen^  _ 
12  The  Plots  are  fruitleft  which  my  Foe , 


unjuftly  did  conccivej 

"The  Pit  he  digg'd  for  me ,  has  prov'd 

And  yet  thoFmak^^ihfantJTongue_ 
ttiyWtndlels  Pra^dee_ariv           ,./    ._ 
^Thro^'the'e  the  Weak^onfoundj^ejSjg^ng^ 
"_____T«_i___>rhaugh^I '  ocsj_  _. „ 

thajj^cejndlhirj^ppofe.    __ 

4j¥hen  Hlav^thyHauteouj_W^i_,^g^ 

employslhywond'nng  bight;      

The  Moon  that  nightly  rules  the  Sky , 




with  Stars  of  feebler  Light. 

5_What's Man  (fay  I)  that ,  Lord,  thou  lov' ft 

Whjlft  to  thy  Name,  O  thou  moft  High, 

triumphant  Praife  I  fing. 

I  &*—*— r 

_to_kecp  him  in~thy~Mmd  ?__  3  Tho 

jOr  wEiThirOffjpririg^  that  thou~prov7ft" 

to  him  fo  wond'rous  kind  ? 
djifm  "Hex  t_in_  Pow'r  ,lhou~didlTcreat~" 


_to  thy  celeftial  Trainj 4  Againft 

3_Thou  jnad'it  my  haughty  Foes  to  turn , 
their.  Backs  hi  fha&efol  ,  fights  _  , 

Struck  with  thy  Prefence  down  they  fell , 

_  th_ey_peri(h'd  at  thy  iight._ 
"  ^§=f=¥=S=^=iiii=3========:i 

Ordain'd  with  Dignity  and  State, 

4  Againft  infulting  Foes  advanc^d_ 

^ ,  ^ —     c?  j 1 j  | 

O'er  all  thy  Works  to  reign. 
7  They  jointly  Own  his.  pow^rTul.  S'wiy  j 

_the_Beafts  that  prey  or  grazed 

The  Birdjhat  Wjrigs  its  airy  Way;.. ■< 
7th"e"Fj(h  thaTcutsThe  Seas. 
8  "O  Thou  to  jwhom  all  Creatures  bow \ 

\ wjthjnjln^arTh^Frame", 

how  glorious  isthyHamei  === 



thou  didft  my  Cauie  maintain , 

My  right  aflgrting  from thyThrone,  _ 

Sway ,  _  where  truth  and  Juftice  reign. 

5  The  Infolence  of  Heathen  Pride ,  _ 
thou  haft  redue'd  to  ihame ; 

Their  wicked  Off-fpring  quite  deftroy 'd , 

_  and  blotted  out  their  Name. 

6  ^iftaken_FoesJ_your  haughty  Threats 

_are  to  a  Period  come ;       _  _ 
Our  City  ftands  y  h'ieh  you  dejjgjfa? ,_ 


1  -  JL    O  celfibrat^y  Praife^ LordT" 



I  will  my  Heart  prepare: 

v~=£Ut±~-n  JSjl  World_thy  Works , 
■^^royiros  Works  declara. 

gL2~i^^~2CjhemlHa^o^fgruI       = 
exalt?d~r^afure~b=rfni7==        ===== 

to  make  our  common  Tomb. 
PART    II. 

7  The  Lord  ToFcveFlives",  who  has  _ 

his  righteous  Throne  prepar'd ; 
Impartial  juftice"  todrrfenfe , 
_to_punifti_or  reward."" 

8  God_  is  a  conftant  fure  Defence , 

ag^nft  oppreffing  Rage:  • 

As  Troubles  rife  his  needful  Aids. 


PSALM      IX.  X. 

in  our  behalf  engage. 

p  All  thofc  who  have  his  Goodnefs  prov'd,- 


will  in  his  Truth  confide ; 
Whofe  Mercy  ne'^r  forfook  the  MarT^ 

that  on  his  help  rely'd. 

lo  Sing  Praifes  therefore  to  the~Loid7"~ 
from  Sion  his  Abode ; 
ProcIainThis  Deedstill  all  the  World~ 

the  mighty  Lord  is  known: 

While  wicked  Men  by  their  own  PlodT 

^arN    _are  fhainefully  ^'erthrown. 


confefs  no  other  God.__ 
ii  When  he  enquiry  makes  for  Blood , 
he  calls  the  Poor  to  mind ; 


The  injur'd  humble  Man's  Complaint , 

relief  from  him  (hall  find.         

12  Take  pity  on  my  Troubles,  Lord, 

which fpiteful_Foes  create,  _  

Thou  that  haft  refcu'd  me  fo  oft, 

from  Death's  devouring  Gate. 

1 3  Jta  Sion  ^eiTrilfins'tiiy'Praife,    ~" 

to  all  that  love  thy  Name ; . 

*~And  with  loud  Shouts  ofgratefaljoy, 

~~thy  faving  Pow'r  proclaim. 

14  Deep  in  the  Pit  they  digg'd  for  me, 


the  Heathen  Pride  is  laid;_ 

by^nvacy"ob(cur;d7~  ===== 

Nor  Nation  from  rfis2]uft^evengeV~ 

_  k)L  Numbers  be  fecur'd. 
1 7^j^#'ring~Saints,  when  molrTdiftreftT" 
he  ne'er  forgets  to~aidl 
Their  Expedition  flia^e~crown'd7~" 
though  foFalimcTdelay'd. 

1 8  Arife,  0_Lord,  afij2rt_thyPow'r , 

2      E=E 

and  let  not  Man  o'ercome; 
_Defcend  to  Judgment,  and  pronounce 
_the_guilty  Heathens  DoomT" 

ip  Strike  Terrorthro^  the  Nations  round , 
ti]l_  byconlenting  Fear, 

_Tliey_to  each  pjher_and  themfelvcs , 
but  mortal  Men  appear. 

PSALM    X. 


Thei r  gu i lty  Feet_to_ thei  r  own  Snare, 

arc  hcedlefiy  betray'd. 

i  -I  HY  Pretence  why  withdraw'^  thou,  Lord/' 

~~  why  hidMTthou  now  thy  Face  ? 

When  difmal  Times  of  deep  Diftrefs 


PSALM      X. 


"The  wicked  fwell'd  with  lawleft  Fnde, 

—  =      ■      Eg 

and  all  their  Art  employ; 

The  Innocent  and  Poor  at"  once, 
1— — <*— *»--?- 

have  madTthe  Poor  their  Prey: 

p    Not  Lions  couchingjr^h^eirJDens, 

furprife  their  heedlefs  Prey 

With  greater  Cunning ,  or  exprefs 

"their  thriving  Crimes  attend ; 

~AndTordid"W retches  whom  God  hates, _ 


perveifcty  they  commend. 

4    To  own  a  Pow'r  above  themfelves , 
"their  haughty  Pride  difdains : 
And  therefore  in  their  ftubborn  Mind, 
■no  thought  of  God  remains. 

more  favage  Rage  than  they.  

i o  Sometimes  they  act  the  harmlefs  Man, 
"and  modeft  Looks  they  wear , 

That  fo  deceiv'd ,  the  Poor  may  left , 

their  fudden  Onfetfear. 
PART    II. 

L-O— .. L 

Y     t  ».?:.      ^1 

5  _Oppreffive  Methods  they  purfue, 
and  all  their  Foes  they  flight : 
Becaufe  thy  judgments  unobferv'd , 


ii  For  God  they  think  no  notice  takes, 

of  their  unrighteous  Deeds; 


He  never  jninds  the  fufTring  Poor , 

nor  their  Oppreffion  heeds. 


are  far  above  their  Sight. 

=     P$y — V    'T   T      f=^F=F:^1. 


6__They  fondly  thinktheir  profp'rous  State 

fhall  unmolefted  He 

^iPlJhj^jhcir  vain  Defigns  fhall  thrive^ 

1 2  But  thou ,  Q  Lord ,  at  length  arife , 
**1fretch  forth  thy  mighty  Arm ;  ~~ 

Anq^by  me  ureatneis  oi  tny 

from  all  Misfonune"free. 

7 Vain  and  deceitful  Sjheir  Speech", 

with  Curies  fill'd  ancPXiSs: 
Jfrjngfaich  the  Mifchief  of  their  HeartT] 
-  _tIILiyJttidy~to"difguife.  === 

8    Near  publick  Roa^s  they  |he  conceal'd , 

defend  the  Poor  from  harm. 

=    g^g^f=g 

13  No  longer  let  the  Wicked  vaunt, 


and  proudly  boafting  fay;    ; 

~„  Tufh,~God~regards  not  what  we  do~ 

ft — ttttw 

he  never  will,  repay 

i4_But  fure  thoufeelt,  and  all  their  Deeds, 

impartially  dolt  tr»  < 



P    S    A    L 

M      X.  XI. 

TheOrphaiTtheFefofe  arid_the  Poor , 
onthcc ,  for  Aid  rely._ 
15  Defencel cfs  leTthe  Wicked  "fall , 

of  all  thi?ir  Strength  bereft: 

Confound,  0  God,  their  dark  Defigns, 
till  no  remains  are  lefF. 
16  Aflert  thy  juft  Dominion,  Lord, 

r  which  (hall  for  ever  ftand ;  ^ 

Thou7"who~the  Heathen  didft  expel , 

from  this  thy  chofen  Land. 
17  Thou  dolFthe  humble  Suppliants  hear, 
that  to  thy~Thione  repair ; 
_Thou  firft  prepar'fl:  their  Hearts  to  pray, 
_  and  therTaccept'ft  their  Praj^r* 


and  ready  fix  their  Dart; 

T/u r king _in  Arfibulh  t'o~deft roy_, 

the  Man  of  upright  Heart. 

3  "When  once  the  firm  AfTurance  fails , 

which  publick  Faith  imparts, 

'Tis  time  for  Innocence  to  fly, 
from  fuch  deceitful  Arts^ 


4  The  Lordhath  both  a  Temple  here, 
and  righteous  Throne  above; 
~Where~he~furveys  the  Sons  of  Men," 

limn " 

and  how  theiFCounfels  move. 

5  If  God  the  Righteous  whom  he  loves,  

foT"trial~does  correc-t ;_ 


:■& —± 

18  Thou  in  thy  righteous  judgment  weigh' ft, 


_  the  Fatherlefs  and  Poor;_  

Tliat  Iblhe  Tyi-an  ts'o'f  the  Earth , 
may  perfecute  no  more. 

P  S  A  L.  M    XI. 

1  wIN.CE  iTiavc  plac'd  my  Truft  in  God, 
a  Refuge  always,  nigh : 


What  muj^tl^_Sons_ofViolence^, 

~\^onTjieibjiors,  expect? 

Why  Ihould  1  like  a  tim'rous  Bird, 

~"to_di]ta_nt  Mountaiiis_fly_?__ 
a  Behold  the  Wicked  bend  their  Bow , 

6~SnarcT,— Fire  and  Brimltone  on  their  Heads, 
^arrjT£on£Tempeft  fhow'r ;  ~"~ 

This  j^e^l^Mixture",  his  Revenge" 

7  "The"  I^gWoi«Tord7  wjlLriS^i^lP^l? 

~~^dn'igTarFa  v£t_u^Gnice ; ~ 

And  R7_the"uplMgl7fMandifcloie",  ' 

tlielirightnels  of  his  Face. 







7  The  Promife  of  his  aiding  Grace, 

INCE  godly  "Men  decay,  O  Lord, 

(hall  reach  the  purpos'd  End; 

do  thou  my  _Caufejefcnd  • 

a JL: 

"For  fcarce  thefcwretched  times  afford ,    

*.!A    —  «  ,-3     £Z*1  *-Vi  ^-i-i  1     T?ni/mn 

one  ^»TaBd  faithful friend 

2  One  Neighbour_now  can  fcarce  beheve , 


w'hat  t'other  does  impart  [_ 

With  flatt'ring  Lips  they  all  deceive  , " 

— and  with  a  double_Heart.  ■ 

^can  never  profper  long^_ 
"God's  righteous~Vengeance  will  confound  3 

His  Servants  froirrthis. faithlefs  Race, 
he  ever  TRall  defend 

8 "Then  fnall  the  wicked  be  perplex'd , 

noTknow  which  Way  to  fly ; 

~WTien""thofe  whomlhejdefpis'd  and  vex'd, 
Ihail'be'advaricTd  on  high. 



OVV  long  wilt  thou  forget  me,  Lord?    . 

mull  I  for  ever  mourn  ? 

tp  proud  blafpheming  Tongue]__  How  long  wjltjhou  withdrawTrorn  me?__ 

t:a   y... 


4  In  vain  thofe  foolilh  Boallers  fay , 

_ 2L  our  Tongues  are  lure  our  own; 

„  With  doubtfuTvVords  we  will  betray, 

„  and  be  controul'd  by  none._ 

5_For  God ,  who  hears  the  fun" ring  Poor , 

and  their  Oppreffion  knows ,__ 
Will  foon  arife,  and  give  them  Reft  7"" 


oh !  never  to  return  ?  _ 
2  How  long  lhall  anxious  Thoughts,  my  Soul, 

a¥d~Grief,_ng^ean,jp^prds? ~__~ 

a~How"long~Tiy  Enjmjesjnfiik,__ 

and  I  have  w^Redrefsf 


3  0  hear  ,_andto  my  longhTgJj^es_, 

jinfpite_of  all  their  Foes. 


6  The  Word  of  God  thaliftill  abide;,: 

and  void  of  Falfehood  be: 

_As_is  the  Silver  teven'times  try'd,  ~ 
ironi  Jrclfy"lvilxiurclree» 

*      reftor^hy^_onted_Light_; 


In~e  v_eri.ajtm g  N_ight. 

~  '^     4 jRJffore  meTlcIF  jhe^roudl v  boalt ,  _         ^ 

'twas  their  own  Strength  o'ercame^ 

£—=:?=:— 3£: 


"Permit  not  them  that"  vex  my  Soul, 

'   B    2 


PSALM     Xlli  XIV.    XV. 

to  triumphjn_my  Shjrme 

That  they  like  Bread  my  People  eat , 

;  Since  I  have  always  plac'd  my  Truft,      _^  and  God's  Almighty  Pow'r  difown  ? 


bene'aththy^Mercy's  Wing_;__  ~  5~How  will  they  trembre~th^nV"foT"fearT 

^^y^vmgjHealth  wjll^ome,  and  then , 
~rny~Healt~with  Joy  fliainfiing^:  ■ 

^♦—  * 

when  his  tuft  Wrath  (hall  them  o'er  take7 

*  a= 

6  'Then  (hall  mySong  with  Praife  infpir'd, 
toThee,  ray  God,  afcend, 


Who  to  thy  Servant  in  Diftrefj^, 
"udTBounty  did' it  extend 


For,  to  the  Righteous,  God  is~near, 
and  never ,  will  their  Caufe  forfake. 
6  111  Men  in  vain  with  Scorn  exrx>fe7~ 

Since  God  a  Refuge  is  for  thofe , 


[  ^URE,  wicked  Fools  muft  needs  fuppofe , 

thaffGod'js  nothine  but  a  Name , 

Corrupt  and  lewd  their  Pra&ice  grows, 


no  Breaft  is  warm'd  with  holy  Flame. 
a  The  Lord  looked  down  from  Heaven's  height 
~and~aH  "the  Sons  of  Men  did  view , 
"TfoJeeifany  own'd  his  Might, 

if  any  Truth  or  Juftice  knew. 

3_But  all  he  faw  were  gone  afide, 

whom  his  juft  Eyes  with  Favour  view. 
7  Would  he  his  faving  Pow'r  employ! 
to  break  his  People's  fervile  Bandj__ 
.Then  ihouts  of  nniverfal  Joy, 
Ihould  Toudly~ecTho~thro>  the  Land. 



i    I-  ORD ,  who^s  the  happy  Man  that  may, 
"HtoThy  Weft  Courts  repair? 

all  were  degen'rate  grown  and  bafe, 


"Not  Stranger-like  to  vifit  them , 

but'to  inhabit  there? 
l  T'is  he , _who_fc_ ev'ry  Thought  and  Deed , 

None  took  Religion  for  their  Guide, 


m  miPi=i=ifi 

not  one  of  all  the  finful  Race. 


4  But  can  thefe  Workers  of  Deceit, 


be  all  fo  dull  and  fenielefi  grown  ? 

"^pyRtrtes -ofVirtue  moves; 

~  Whole"TgeT^uTToHgue]d]  fdai  nsto  fpcak~~~" 

tlTtcTTh in7^'iili~Hear t  difbroves. 

*  Who  never  dTdTa^lander  forge, 

a  his 

PSALM      XV  XVI.  is 

"Nor  hearken  to  a  falfe  Report,_ 

"all  Gods  but  thee,  difown; 

^^yJ^lirpj^V^er^r^nd. ^ 

Yet  can  no  Deeds  of  mine  requite , 

Wh^^e^TirtK^mpjnd^ow^_J=  the  Goodnefs  thou  haft  fhown. 

can  treat  with  juft  NegjecT: : 



3    But  thofe  that  ftri&ly  virtuous  are , 
ancMove  the  Thing  thaFs~righTT~ 

5_Who  to  his  plighted  Vows  and  Trait  9 

To  favour  always  and  prefer, 
fhall  be  my  chief  Delight. 

has  ever  firmly  ftood : 


•*  — — —      ,  -  .     4  _;/%_      ^~      l-,,n      T     f\(ri 

=g       |£gES=i=|^p§=§4 

4    How  fhall  their  Sorrows  be  increas'd , 
~~who  other  Gods  adore  ? 

And  tho'  h&  promile  tonis  Lofs,  ___■_-+-__       

^^e'rnSfigF^m.^  u.     Their  ^lpy^rm^Td^g 

^^ho^^SyTOrT&feis,  _^    ^^FvSy  Name  a>fe- 

his  Treafure  to  employ : 


Whom  no_Reyfards_can_ever  bribe , 


the  Guiltlefs  to  deftroy, 

5    My  Lot  is  fall'n  in  that  bleft  Land , 

7  The  Man  who  by  this  fteady  Courfe, 

has  Happinefs  enfur'd; 
When  Earth's  Foundation  (hakes,  fhall  ftand 

where  God  is  truly  known; 
Tie2_fins  my  Cup  with  lib'ral  Hand,- 

'tis ,  he,  fupports  my  Throne. 

6    In  Nature's_moft_delightful  Scene , 



by  Providence ,  fecur'd. 

my  happy_  Portion  lies; 
_The_Place_of  my  appointed  Reign , 


all  other  Lands  out-vies. 

7    Therefore  my  Soul  (hall  blefs  the  Lord, 

whole  Precepts  give  me  Light, 

_And  private  Counfel  fti  11  afford, 

a~nd  fhield  me,  Lord,  from  harm,  in  Sorrow's  difmal  Night. 

~Becaufe_my  Truft  I  ftjll  rcpofe,  ~  8  "Tftrive  each  Action  to  approve , 

""on  thy  Almighty  Arm.  "io  his  AU-fceiDg  £ye;~~ 

B  i  No 

a  ROTECT  me  from  my  cruel  Foes, 


No  Danger  (hall  my  Hopes  remove , 
becaufe  he  ftill  is  nigh.       ~ 
9  Therefore  my  Heart  all  Grief  defies, 


PSALM      XVL    XVII. 

and  vifited  by  Night: 

And  on  the  ftri&eft  Trial  found, 



my  Glory  does_rejoicej_ 

My  Flefh  fliall  reft  in  hope  to  rife , 


wak'd,  by  his  pow'rful  Voice. 

to=± L^mEE^i 

10  Thou,  Lord,  when  I  refign  my  Breath, 


my  Soul  from  Hell  fit  alt  free: 
Nor  let  thy  holy_one  in  Death, 
the  lead  Corruption  feeT 
ir~Thou~ThaIt  "the  PlthYorUfF  difplay  . 

that  to  thy_  Pretence  lead ; 

Where_ Pleafures  dwell  without  allay, 

and  Joys  that  never  lade. 

its  fecret  Motions  right. 
fjj^lftifll  thyJuSiceTLord1;  alone- 

my  Heart's  Defigns  acqultT"' 

J^  J  have  mrposNiiharfny  Tohgiiey" 

fljalj_no  Qffence^omrniT. 

5  I  know  what  wic^gdjden^wguld  do', 

their  Safety  to  jparntain7~ 

But  me,  thy  juft  andjnild~T3onm7ands , 
_  from  bloody  Paths  rdlraln. " 

6  That  I  may  ftill  in  fpitFoTWrongs  ~ 
my  Innocence  fecure:_ 



O  guide  me  in  thy  righteous  Wavs, 

and  make  my_  Footfteps_fure1_ 
7  Since  heretofore ,  I  ne'er  in  vain , 


i    1    O  my  juft  Plea  and  fad  Complaint, 

attend,  0  righteous  Lord, 


And  to  my  Pray'r,  as  'tis  unfeign'd, 

to  thee  my  Pray'r  addreft: 
~0  now,~my  God ,  incline  thine  Ear , 

to  this  my  juft  Requeft. 


a  gracious  Ear  afford. 

a  As"  in  thy  fight  I  am  approved , 
fo  let  my  Sentence  be; 

8  The  Wopdets^f  thyTTruth.  and,Ipvi^~"7j 

~in~m^Defcnce  engage,       _ 

Thou ,  wToIFRight-hand  preferves  thy  Saints 



And  with  impartial  Eyes,  0_Lord1_ 
my  upright  J3ealing  fee. 

3  For  thou  haft  fearch'd  my  Heart  by  Day , 

from  their  oppreflbrs  Rage. 
PART    II. 

g  Qlceep  me  inj^yjtciidj-eft  Care, _^ 

"thy  ihelt'ring  Wings  ftrctch  out, 



To  guar  J  me  lafcTrom  favage  Foes,, 

that  compaS  me"  about.     

IO_01ergrown  widi  Luxury  >  enclos'd 
_  uTtheir  ownltfat^  theyjie : 


A nd""wi th~  a~proud  blafpheming  Mouth , 
~boch:Gbd  and  Man  defyr 
ii   Well' may  they  boaft,  for  they  have  now 
_  my  PathTencompals'd  round ; 

With  Eyes  at  watch',  and  Bodjes  bowMj 

and  couching  on  the  Ground. 

12  In  Pofture  oFa  Lion  let, 

_when  greedy  of  his  Prey: 
Or  a  young  Lion  when  he  lurks , 

within  a  covert  Way. 
13  Arile,  O  LordVdefcliTTlK?TFplots7 

l=i£=ii§=ji=IIS~ " 


their  1  welling  Rage  controul  : 
From  wicked  Men  who  are  thy  Sword^- 
^deHver_tliQU_my  SouT." 
1 4  J^rom^yojldjy  _Mcn ,  thy_lliarp^Il^<Jourge  ~ 
^wRoie  Fortloif  ^ITere  below  -; 
W^JBIMlritlr  e'arthlj"Smres,':deu7e 
_no_otlier  BlilS  to  know."" 
15 _T heir  Race  js  num'rous  that  partake  ~ 
their  yubrtapcej-'while  they  'live"; 


16  But  I,  in_uprlghtn ejs , _thy_ F_ace _ 

IrialTview,  without  controul] 

.AncTwakLng  (hall  its  Image_find 

reflected,  in  my  Soul. 




Change~of  Times,  (hall  ever  lhock 


..Their  Heirs  furvive ,  to  whom  they  may 

the  valt  Remainder  g^ve. 

my  firm  Affe_c.~tion_,  Lord ,  to  thee; 

For  thoj  haft  always  been  my  Rock_,_ 
~~ a  Fortrefs,  and  Defence  to  me. 

1  Thou  my  Deliv'rer  art ,  my  God, 

my  Trull  is  in  thy  mighty  Pow'r ; 
'"Thou  art  my  Shield  from  Foes  abroad, 

~&t  home  my  Safeguard  and  my  Tow'r. 
3  To  thee  I  will  addrels  my  P*ay*r, 




_(to  w_hom_a_ll  Praife  we  juttly  owe,) 

So  (hall  I  by  thy  watchful  Care, 
be  guarded  from  my  treacherous  Fpe.     ~~ 
4_By  Floods  of  wicked  Men,  difiif effd ''_ 

_with  Seas  of  Sorrow  compals'd^ round ; 
*  With  dire  infernal  Pangs  oppreftM, 
in  Death's  unweildy  Fetters  boiindi " 


5  To  Heav'n,  1  made  my  hiournfuLPray1!',"" 




~t0_^.°42.  ^diJrefsM  my  humble  LVloan.^ 
Who  gracioufly  inclin'd  his  Ear , 

""and  heard  me  from  his  lofty  Throne. 



P    S    A    L 

PART    II. 

M       XVIII. 

12  His  fharpen'd  Arrows  round  he  threw, 

6  When  God  arofe  my  part  to  take  „ 

rhT^conTelouTEarth ,  was  ftruck  with  fear ; 
The~Hills,  did  at~his  Prefence  (hake, 

nor  could  his  dreadful  Fury  bear.  " 

7  ThTclcTToudTof  Smoak  difpciil  abroad , 
Enfigns  of  Wrath  before  him  came; 


=====  which  made  his  fcatter'd  Foes  retreat ; 

Like  Darts  his  nimble  Light'nings  flew, 

_  and  quickly  hniuVd  their  Defeat, 

1  3  The  Deep  its  fecret  Stores  difclos'd, 
the_  Wo^ki^]^unda^on^kcJ^y7~ 

_?Xj2is _gy_eqging  Wrath  expos'd , 

Devouring  Fire  around  him  glow'd, 
that  Coals  were  kindled  at  its  Flame. 
8~He  left  tticTbeautcous  Realms  of  Light, 

whilft  Heav'n  bow'd  down  its  awful  HeadY 
^BeneatTThis  FeetTubftantial  Night," 

which  fiercely  rag'd  thaTSreadful  Day 

-t  , 


wasjike^  ajable  Carpet  vjpjead. 


9  The  Chariot  of  the  King  of  Kings, 

which  aftive  Troops  of  Angels  drew, 
On  a  ftrong  Tempeffs  rapid  Wings, 

with  moft  amazing  Swifmefs  flew, 
io  Black  wat'ry  Milts, "and  Clouds confpir'd, 
with  thickeft  Shades  his  Face  to  veil ; 

But  at  his~B~nghtncfs  foon  retir'd, 

fromlleav'nChisTlitfone)  my  cauleopheld; 

And  match'd  me  from7he^nouTllaie~ 
of  threatening  Waves  thatTproudiy  fweU'dT 

15  God  his  refiftlefs  Pow'r  employ 'd,~ 

my  ftrongeft  Foes  attemptsto break ; 

Whoelfe  with  Eale  hadHfoornjeltToy^~7~ 
the  weak  Defence  that  I^ould  make.  ~ 
16  Their  fubtile  Rage  had  neaTTrevaiFdT- 

when  I  diftrePs'd  and  friendlefs  lay : 
But  ftill  when  other  Succours  fail'd , 

and  fell  in  (how'rs  of  Fire  and  Hail. 


11  Thro,  Heav'ns  wide  Arch ,  a  thundering  Peal, 
~Go~d's  angry  Voice  did  loudly  roar; 
While  Earth's  fad  Face  with  heaps  of  Hail, 
and  flakes  of  Fire ,  was  cover'd  o'er.  " 

God ,  was  my  firm  Support  and  Stay. 
i7_From  Dangers  that  enclos'd  jne_round , 
he ,  brought  me  forth  and  feTme  freeT"" 
For  Tome  juft  Caufe~his  Qoodnelslound , ~~ 

18  Be- 

that  mov'd  him  "to  delight  >n  me. 

P    S    A    L    M    XV III. 

iS'Becaufe'in  me  no  Irak  ■'remains, 

God  does  his  gracious  Help,  extend;, 

My  Hands  are  free  from  ^odyjfoms, 

therefore  the  Lord  is  ftill  my  Friend. 
i9_For  .I_bis  Judgments  keep  in  light ,      

llThiFfufpaths  I  always  trod^ ^ 

UT  never~didJirs~Statutes  flight, 

noFIo^^an^Tdtonlny  God1__~ 
20  But  ftWmy^ouTTfiricere  and 1  pureT- 


did  ev'njrom  darling  Sins  refrain ; 

His  Favours  therefore  yet  endure , 

"becaufe  my  Heart  and  Hands  are  clean. 
PART    IV. 

21  Thou  mit'ft,  0_Lord ,  thy  righteous  ways  7 
to  various  Paths  of  humari  kind ; " 
They  who  for  Mercy  men t  Prai  fc^ 

__with_  thee ,  lhall  wonT,rouTMercy~nnd.~ 
22  Thou  to  the  juft  (haTTjutTice  fhewT "~ 
__the  pure  thy  Purity  (halT  fee"-" 

t  Such  as  perverfely_choofe"to  go 


and  did  o'er  num'rous  Foes  prevail ; 

==*      H=^=y 


"ftiall  meetjwjtj^duF  returns  fronTthee. 

23  That  he  the  h u  mble~Sour~wiirfa\'e~r"" 

and  crufti  the  haughty?s  boafted; Mjghi y^ 
_ln jne  the  Lord  an  Inftance  gave,"- 
whofe  Darknefs  he  has  turn'd  tp,  Light.-" 

24  On  hirfirm~SuccouTllelyTd^ 

Nor  fear'd  whilft  he  was  on  my  Side 

faritz— z5 

the  belt  defended  Walls  to  fcale. 

25  For  God's  Defigns  (hall  ftill  fucceed , 


his  Word  will  bear  the_utmoft  Teft: 

He's  a  ftrong  Shield  to  all  that  need , 

randofl  his  fure  Protection  reft. 

16  Who  then  deferves  to  be  ador'd^ 


but  God ,  on  whom  my  Hopes  depend  ? 

~  HHllliillliUlitir 

Or  who,  except  the  mighty  Lord , 

can  with  refiftlefs  Pow'r  defend  ? 
PART    V. 


'Tis  God  that_girds  my  Armour  on , 
'"and  all  "my  juft  De^^^BlsL  ". 

jnjrqugh  TmiTmyTeeTcan  fwiftly  rui" 
"anTnimbiyTlinftTthe  fteepeft  Hills.' 


28  Leflons  of  War  -from  him  I  take ,__ 

" a'ndmanl y~Weap7)n"s~le"arn_to  wield ; 


"sFrong>Bows. of^eetrwitS  eafe_I  break ,__ 

~forc^by"i^y_ftr_OTg^r_^ms  to  yield. 

2 9~The~BuckIer  "otTiIrSaving  Health , 

protects"  meTromjuTaulting  Foes ; 

;  l^Ts"lTanTfuftai  »ilne~ftiir£my2WeiItli ~ 

anT"GTelimef^fr_onT"Bs  Bounty ,  flows. 
3o~Myljom'gs"jireiilarg,d  abroad , 

tillthen  to  narrow  ?vM  cunrin'd ; 

C  And 


And ,  when  in  flipp'ry  Ways  I  trod , 
~the  Method  of  liySteps  defign'd."" 

PART    VI. 

&        fc 

37  Our  factious  Tribes ,  at  Strife  till  now, 

3L  Through  him,  I  num'rous  Hofts  defeat ,  by  God's  Appointment,  me  obey 

and  flying  Squadrons  captive  take : 

Nor  from  my  fierce  purfuit  retreat , 
FiTl  I  a  nnal  Conqueft  make.  _ 


32  Covered  with  Woundsjn  vain  they  try,_ . 

~their  vanquifh'd  Heads  again  to  rear] ~ 

Spight  of  their  boafted  Strength  they  lie, 

The  Heathen  to  my  Scepter  bow , 
and  foreign  Nations  own  my  Sway. 


38  Remoteft  Realms  their  Homage  fend, 

when  my  fuccefsful  Name  they  hear 


Strangers  for  my  Commands  attend , 


_ beneath  my  Feet,  and  grovel  there. 

?3  God,  when  frefh  Armies  take  the  Field , 
recruits  my  Strength ,  my  Courage  warms  ; 

He  makes  my  ftrong  Oppofers  yield, 

fubdu'd  by  my  prevailmg_Arms: 

34  Through  him,  the  Neck  of  profliate_Foes , 
_my  conqu'ring  Feet  in  Triumph  prefs; 
Aided  by  him,  T  root  °ut_tr_)ie_ 

charm'd  with  Refpedt,  or  aw'd  by  Fear. 


39  All  to  my  Summonsjamely  yield , 

"or  foon  in  Battle  are  difmayjd ;  _ 

jf§":Ipp=E% -$      — j^=^^^=g^==g 

For  ftrongcr  Holds,  they  quit  the  Field, __ 

and  full  in__trc__ge___ic___s  afraid 
4o~Let  thTeternalToi-dbe  praised, 


the  Rock ,  on  whofe  Defence  I_reJ__ 

who  hate,  and  envy  my  Succels. 

35  With  loud  Complajnts,all  Friends  they  try'd, 

O'er  highelt  Heav'ns  his  Name  be  rais'd , 

who  me  with  hisjalvation  blefs'd. 
4i^TTs~God,  that  J^fi^p^i^m^jght7 

but  none  was  able  to  defend ; 

At  length  to  God3  for  Help  they_cry'd, 

_  but  God,  would  no  Affi  fiance,  lend 
36  Like  flying  Dult  which.  Winds  purfue, 


_t_hcir  broken  Troops  __  fcatter'd  round : 
JThcjr  llaughter'd  BodleTibrth  1  threw , 

~'Tis  he  "that  with  refiltlefs  Mighty 


tierce  Nations_to___y___oke,  fubdues^ ^ 

42l^V"^TverlaTS^e"juardj  He ! 

from  whom  my  lafting  Honours  flow ; __ 

nHeT"made"me_i_^ejHr_^fct_m£to , 

from  my  remorlelelsj_toody_Fc__ ~ 

like  loathfome Dirt  that  clogs  the  Ground.      43  Thefeibre ,  to  eejebrate  his  Fame , 


xvin.  XIX. 

my  grateful  Voice  to  Heav'n  I'jl  raife; u 

"And  Natrons,  Strangers  to  his  Name, 

(hall  thus  be  taught  to  fing  his  Praife: 

44  „  God,  to  his  King  Deliverance  fends, 

(hews  his  anointed,  fignal  Grace; 

His  Mercy  evermore  extends , 

„  to  David  and  his  promis'd  Race. 

5  No  Bridegroom,  on  his  Nuptial-Day, 

has  fuch  a  chearful  Face; 

"N o  Giant,  does  like  him  rejoice, 

to_run_his_glorious  Race. 


6  From  Eaft  to  Weft ,  from  Weft  to  Ea 

his  reftlefs  Courfe  he  goes, 



HE  Heav'ns  declare  thy  Glory,  Lord, 


which  that  alone  can  fill ; 


And  through  his  Progrefs,  chearful  Light , 

and  vital  Warmth  beftows. 
PART    II. 

"7~God's  perfect  Law  converts  "the  Soul ,  _ 
'reclaims  from  falfe  Defires ; 

"The  Firmament  and  Stars  exprefs , 

their  great  Creator's  Skill. 

i  y  r  -*-  = 

~J.     ȣ== 

the  Ignorant  infpires. 

-  The  Dawn  of  each  returning  Day 


8  TTie  Statutes  of  the  Lord  are  juft, 

frefh  Beams  of  Knowledge  brings ; 

And  from  the  dark  returns  of  Night , 

Divine  Inftru6tion  fpnngs. 

and  bring  fincere  Delight_;_ 

His  pure  Commands,  in  fearfch  of  Truth, 


aflift  the  feebleft  Sight. 

3  Their  pow'rful  Language  to  no  Realm , 


or  Region  is  confin'd ; 
'Tis  Nature's  Voice ,  and  underftood 

alike,  by  all  Mankind. 

9  fils  perfedt  Worlhip  here  isiixfd. 


on  lure  Foundations  laid: 

=|     Hl?=f=!=|E 

His  equal  Laws  are  in  the  Scales, 

*^~T ?=[         J      \'        "l1=f=== 

and  Tuftk 

4  Their  Do6trine  does  its  facred  Senfe , 

through  Earth's  extent  difplay; 


_  Whofebright  Contents  the  circling  Sun , 
docs  rounTthe~WorId~convey. 

or  Gold  refined  with  Skill: 

More  fweet  than  Honey  »  or  the  Drops, 

— ■ —      °— — rr~»  ir'. — ,  »Ua  n^. 

that  from  the  Comb  diftul. 
C  a  ii  My 

2o  PSALM      XIX.  XX. 

ii  My  trufty  Counfellors  they  are,  thy  Sacrifice" receive 

and  friendly  warnings  give;  3  To  compafs  thy  own~H"ear?s~DefiFe"7~ 

Divine  Rewards  attend  on  thofe ,  thy  Counfels  ftill  dire"cYi 

who"  by~thy  Precepts_  live.  Make  kindly  all  events  co"nrpTrc"7"~ 

i^ButTwlTatirail  Man  obfervcs  how  oft.,  ~to~bring  thcmlo  effect.  ~~ 

he  docs  "from  Virtue  fall  ?  4  To  thy  Salvation ,  Lord  ,~foF~Aid 

O  cfeanfe  me  from  my  fecret  Faults ,  _  we.  cheat-fully  repair , 

thou  God~that  know'ft  them  all.  With  Banners  in  thy^m^irp^y*d~ 

1 3  Let  no  prelumptuous  Sin  ,0.  Lord ,  ^~"the  _Lord  accept  thy  P ray _'r.  _" 

■    "J     _=__; r    — ~  v    -    ■■■";   1 a  —    v— — D— —      —    —  -  _— _3  T— 

.,  nee. 

the  great  JTranfgrefllon ,  flee.  From  Hea^ti  refifijels  Aid_  afford 

14  So  fhall  my  Prayjr  an~d  PraTfes  _be~  "~and_to  his  Pray'r  attend. _ 

"^TtlTlhy"~AcccpTan"ce~bIeftT""  ^^SolruTtruirin  Steeds  for.  War  ;defign'd? 

~And  I  fecure  on  thy  Defence,  on  Chariots  forge  rely^: ',_ 

— «* 

my  Strength  and  Saviour,  reft.  "Agamft  them  aU_we_call  _to  mind,__ 

^!l^©i^C^^J>:iC^IC^;€^tS.  '   the~Pow7r  of'God  molt  high._ 


PSALM    XX.  7  But  from  their  Steeds  and  Chariots  thrown  v 

TggiF^Iss   '}  '  ■TtTT^   '      2  be%ld^enrthroi_  the_  Plain, "         ~~ 

JIC3^rd"to"thv~Rcquclt  "attend, ~_  §EJE|t=|i===f==f==j=£=Si=== 

^^=i=^==p=j=§||iEgE=r:i^^r=z:^  pi [orderd ,  broke,  and  trampled  down. 

|g=g==::?==:|F=3j^^ — ry~=%=^     /    T"    $  " "^hilfriTr^ou^nwps"  remain : 

The  Name  Of  jfe&vDbd  defend , "~  |Hil=|^|=ii^iEi^=iiEi=i===i 

gr^g=!|^i=j|=iE^g^======;  g  Still  lave us, Xord,  and  ftjll-  proceed,  y^ 

and  grant  'thy  Arms  Succcfs.  p^^sg 1=;$=5^=^--— =¥=-    -=:^^=^5 

^i^^i^l^l^l^^^g^^^^^^gg  oiu^rigJrd"'ul_Caule_to  blefsj _^ 

8_To  aid  thecjrom  on  hlglTrcpair ,  l=|^=§l£Eil^Ei^==i===?==i=5i^5HE 

^=  ;^^^=s^£^se=^e^^  llear,_Kmgj^_He£v'n,_m_t]mes_ofneed,_ 

and  Strcngt  rTirdni '  ^Sfoti '  Sve7?"            "  g^5l±=^=tz^^^^S$==^^^^=s^ 

§^J=yii=i=;Iiliili==lillP=ll=  tlie  Pray'rs  that  we  addrefc. 
Rciaemoer  all  thy  OfPrings  there :  "" 



HE  Kmgro Lord » wit^Songs of Praifc, 

WltlTthy^SalyatlonTrown'd.,  Ihall  raife 

—  ml%^~%"^jjcartiir  Voice.        _ 

'  noTofily  do^impart;   ,''.■' 

:BuThaftwitirthy  A^ptancebkft»  ~~~ 

9  Thy  Gobdncf&:ahd^yrteiB4^jgaJig  - 

~iiave~airhi7"H"opcT  out-gone : " 

-A~cro vnT of  G old  j.hou  mad]rt_ him  wear , 


4~HTpriy18  loijLlfe ,  and  tho  a ,  O  Lord  ,_^ 

~~ djcffif  to" hTTFray'r  attend:  ~ 
_AnTgi^rou(T^t^hi_m_aflbrd ,__ 
""aXifetiis:  ne'e*  (hall  end. 
5  Thy  ftire  Defence^  through  Nations  round, 
has  thread  his  glorious  Name: 
And  his  fuccefsful  Actions  crown'd, 
wTttTMajefty  and  Fame.  _ 
6'  Eternal  Bl effi n gs  thou  "beftow'lt , 
~ andmak'lt  his  Joysjncreafe,  _ 
"WhlWthou" to  him ,  uncloudeu,  fHow^ft""" 


The"T3rightneIs  of  thy  Face. 
PART    IT. 

7-  Becaufe  the  King  on  God  alone, 


His  Mercy  ftill  fupportshis  Throne," 

_  and  all  his  Wants  fuppTies. 

8  Bint ,  righteous  Lord,  thy  ftubbqrn  Foe~~ 
(hall  feel  thy  dreadful  HandT 

Thy  vengeful  Arm  (hall  find  out  thofe  ., 
that  hate  thy  mild  Command.  ■ 

9  When  thou  againlt  them  doit  engage , 

thyjuft,  but  dreadful,  Doom 
Shall ,  "like  a  glowing  Oven's  rage, 

_  their  Hopes  and  them  confume. 
K>  Nei  (hall  thy  furious  Anger  ceaic, 
__or_with  Aeir^uin_encL^ 
But  root  out  all  their  guilty  Race_,_ 
_  and  to  their  Seed  extend._ 

11  For  all  their  Thoughts  were  let  on  ill , 

their  Hearts  on  Malice  bentj 
the  ill  Effects  prevent.- 

12  While  they  their  fwil't  retreat  IhaHSake^T 

to  Tcape  thy  dreadful  Might; 

"Thy~rw'ifteF Arrows  lhall  o'ertakeT" 

C  1  and 



_and  gaul  them  in  their  Flight. 
1 3 _Thus,  Lord, thy  wondrous Sfrengthdilclole^ 

and  rhus_exalt  thy  Fame: 

Whilft  we_glad_Songs  of  Praife  compofc,, 
~to— thyAlmighty~Name~ 


Not  only  by  the  great  re"vil'd~ 
but  made"the  Rabble's  Mirth.  " 
5~With  L^gjjteFalljthe  gazing  Crowd, 



_  ™y_  Agonies  fu  r vey ; 
They  (hoot  tb£  L  ?p ,  they  fhake  the  Head , " 
and  ffius4emdingH[ay.  ~~ 
7  y,  Iii  God  hejrufted ,  boaiting  oft, 

_  "  Ji!at  ~  was  Heav'ns~Delight7 ~ 
-  Y  God,  njy  GoA,.whyIeav'ft  thou  me,      il=p!=i§=ii==^=^Ep=l=FE 

"when  I  with^Anguifh  faint? 



Let  God  come  down  to  fave  him  now . 

0  why  fo  far  from  me  remov'd. 

„  and  own  his  Favourite. 
PART    II. 

and  from  my  loud  Complaint?        

a_All  Dag x  ijat  air Qie  Day  unheard^ 

to  thee  do  I  complain , 


8  Thou  mad'ft  my  teeming  Mother's  Womb , 

a  living  Ojfspring_bear;__ 

With  Cries  implore  Relief  all  Night, 
_but  cry  all  Night  in  vain. 

When  but  a  Suckling  at  the  Breaft , 

=^:— < 

I  was  thy  early  Care. 

Yet  thou  art  rtill  the  righteous  Judge,  $  Thou,Guardian  like.didft  lhield  from  Wrongs^ 

And  therefore ,  V/rVs  Prajfes  are 


of  right ,  to  thee  addrefs'd* 
4  On  thee  our  Anceltors  rely'd, 

and  thy  Dcliv'rancc  found: 
With  pious  Confidence  they  pray'd, 
and  with  Succels  were  crown'd. 

my  helpTefs  Infant  Days; 
And  fince^,  haft  been  my  God  and  Guide, 

thro'  Life's  bevvilder'd  Ways. 

io~Withdraw  not  then  fo  far  from  me, 

when  Trouble  is  fo  nigh : 
"Q~ifen3"me  Help !  tHy2Hdp^^_which_ 
~T~only  can  rely, 


5  But  I  amjreated  like  a  Worni,  _  JlJI'S11  pam£er]d_Bulls,  a  frowning  Herd. 


like  none  of  human  Birth: 

from  JBaJa/i's  Forclt  met: 




and  to  my  Succour  halte. 

1 8_From  their  lharp  Sword  protect  thou  me, 

With  Strength  proportion'd  to  "their  Rage, 
have  me  around  befet. 

1 2_They_gape  on  me ,  and  ev'ry  Mouth ,  _(o? _all  but  Life  bereft!) 

_a  yawningjJrave  appears ;  Nor  let  thy  darling  in  the  Pow'r       ~ 

The  DeJartLion's  favage  RoaT7  of  cruel  Dogs,  be  lejt.  _ 

lejjjreadt'ul  is  Than  theirs.                     "~"  i9~To  lave  me  from  thTLion's  jaws"7~ 

13  My  blood,  like  Waters  fpill'd,  my  Joints-  th^TprelbnFSuc^uMendT- 

are  racked ,  and  out  of  frame; '  As  once,  from  goring  Unicorns, 

~MyTieart jrtl^e7w7fi5r7my  Bread ,  thou  didit  my  LitcTdefend :  ~               y 

~    hke~^IFbejbrT~the~Flame:_  __J~  2o"f^e^rmy^reTh7einrird^al:e'-"" 

HJMy  ^reng^likTPotteWjarth"  is~parcFJ7  ^~ThT"TriumphTonHy~Name7~ 

l=t=§==i=^=I     ^^^g 

_  my  Tongue  cleaves  to  my  Jaws 

In  Prefence  of  aflembled  Saints, 

And  to  the  illent  Shades  of  Death, 
my  fainting  Soul  withdraws. 


igJ^kgftlood-hQunds  to  lurround  me,  they 
id  pack'd  Aflemblies  meet; 


thy  Glory,  thus  proclaim._ 

21  w  Ye  Worlhippers  otJ^acoVs  God, 

„  all  you  of  jJFePs  Line, 


„  U  Praile  the  Lord,  and  to  your  Praife 


_  „  fmcere  Obedience,  join. 

they  piere'd  my  harmlefs  Feet. 

22  „  He,  ne'er  difdain'd  on  low  Diltrefs, 


w  to  call  a  gracious  Eye: 

i5J^^d^'|rack^^albmy  Bones 3 __^°LHEn'd  from  Poverty  _his_Face, 

„  but  hears~its  humble  Cry. 

diftinctly  may  be  cold  : 
Yet  fuch  a  Spectacle" of  Woe, 

as  Paftime  they  behold 

i7_As  Spoil,  my"Gamiemnhey~divIdeT 


PART    IV. 

2%  Thus  in  thy  (acred  Courts  will  I , 
-  -. — »—-- tea=z — 


_Jots  lor  my  vefture  call: 
^g^j^^ I L. f 

Therefore  approach  ,0  Lord ,  my  Strength , 

_my  chearful  Thanks  exprels ; 

In  Prefence  of  thy  Saints ,  perform 

^!P!llliiHliH§=!iz "" 

the  Vows,  of  my  Diftrefs. 

34.  The 



24~The  meek  Cbmganions_af  my  Gf ief , 

"    (hdlnncTm  vr_TabTeJ^ircad  i~_  "         ~~ 
^InJ'^rthanecFth^ordljialT  be7~      ~~~ 

"Tvrthjo^-s 7m mortal_,  fcd^ 

ag  'fhenThalf  t1ie"gladTOTive^d]TVorlAi      " 

~toTrol~tliei"rHomagc  payj 

*^~d~fcatter,d  Nati^^f^e  Earth,    __ 



i     1     HE  Lord  himfelf,  the  mighty  Lord, 
jv^^fi^sw^bejiiv  guide:_ 

"one  Sov'reign  Lord  obey 

~'eirSl.rbTcin?in"gr^_rcign_; '_ 

"^ho^^rthe^orBTu  ftain. 


"fEe~Sons  of  Want  by  faimjseliey'.dv  . 

""their"  gen^uyPatronbleft*,  _^_        y 

2  In  tender_Grais  hejnaftes ime  reea  , 

and  gendylhere jgEgfeT"      T 

'    Tlicrrreads""mc~to~cool_Sha"dcs;  and  where, 

"^"refrelhing  Water  flows. 

g~^"lloeTniy~wa^ln|jouLroclaim ; 

and,  ;to  his~e^gf|graife». _^__ 



4^^^th^loomy2^ ||l||5|fcy^^^ 
U     from  tear  a^jOa^rfreer^    ""~~      , 


~caiT^lyjl2emJupport-_  ____,. •      j 

39"fhenlialT  a"cBo?el^^fj--i£g^ .^3 

HevQted;to  his  Namg^ _^ 

~lFo7he]r^dm|rin]rH"elrsliis  Truth  ^ 

~  and  glonouiTUts  proclaim. 

defend  and  com^Lme.    <       ^  ' 


^o"|wn^%  CHP  wj^d^arfulWine:^ 

^f aftife ,  tojiim 1 [wpTevoteT"__^__ 
^anT  inTiiF  l\*mptc"l^ndl'"        p  s  A  L  M 


HIS  fpacious  Earth" is  all  the  Lord's, 

4  E reft  your  Heads,  eternal  Gates, 
~unfold7~to  entertain- 

the  Lord's  her  Fulnejs  isj 

"The  Kingof  Glory :  See,  he  comes 

""IliJLl.   i.  =~~ 

with  his  celeftial  Train. 

1  The  World,  and  jhey  that  dwell  therein,/     "  Whois  this  King  of  Glory?  who?" 

"He  fram'd  and  fix'd  it  on  the  Seas, 

_and  his  AJmighjyjHand 

_the_Loni  for  ftrength  renown'd : 
nfn_BatEre~rnTghtv  o^er  his  Foes , 


eternal  Vfftor  crown'd. 


J^mjnconftant  Floods jias  made,  5  Erefl:  your  Heads,  ye  Gates  unfold ," 

the  (table  Fabrick  ftand. 


2  But  for  himfelf  this  Lord  of  all, 

~~in  State  to  entertain  ~ 

The  King  of  Glory,  fee,  he  comes,  _ 
ITtoTfiatjacrcdHill,  _"       _WhollThl^KTryof"GloFy_rwhoT'' 

onechofen_S_eat  jefign'dj ^5  atl_  his  fining  Train. 

nri  P  "         6=-=^±^=3 

__ jte(^^dmmncegrid?_ _____  _.___^     ^    the  Lord'of  Hofts  renown'd ' 

^hjM^n^holTHal^slind  Heart  are~pure7        (Qfl}loly~he-aTone~rs:^Tng7 

whofe  Thoughts  from  Pride  are  free, 


"*;■  _~"*i "  ■     7     j.r  "_*  __ 

"who  is  with  Glory  crown'd. 


HiVhinionlTrPover'ty  prefers, 
— to  gam fjul^ Perjury .__ 
3  ~This"7Thisls~Tie7"on  whom  the  Lord , 

~TrmTTThow'r1Vis~Blefrmgs  down 
"Whom  God  his  Saviour  (hall  vouchfafeT"-  nTlFmy-Tfeart~and  Voice ; 

withRighteoufnefs  to  crown.  O  let  me  not  be  put  _t_o  Shame, 

Such  is  the  Race  of  Saints,  by  whom_J  nor  let  my" Foes  rejoice 

5 1 *     O  God  in  whom  I  truft, 

the  facred  Courts  are  trod 


And  fuch  the  Profclytes  that  feck , 
— the  Face  "of  Jacob's  God. 

2  Thofe  who  on  thee  rely, 

reT~no"dirgrace  attend ; 

Be  that  the  ihameful  Lot  of  fuch, 



P    S    A    L    M     XXV. 


as  wilfully  offend. 

g  To  me  thy  Truth  impart, 


andjead  me  in  thy  Way; 
For  thou  art  he  that  bnngs'me  help,  "* 
on  thee  I  wait  all  Day. 

4  Thy  Mercies  and  thy  Love , 
_  O  Lord ,  recal  to  niindj_ 
And  gracioufly  continue  ftill, 

as  thou  wert  ever  kind. 

5  Let  all  my  youthful  Crimes, 


be  blotted  out  by  thee 

And  for  thy  wond'rous  Goodnefs  fake, 
in  Mercy  think  on  me. 

6  His  Mercy  and  his  Truth , 


the  righteous  Lord  difpays , 
In  bringing wand'ring  Sinners  home, 


and  teaching  them  his  Ways, 


7  He  thofe  in  JulUce  guides, 


who  his  direction  feck : 

And  in  his  facredPams  lhall  lead, 
~thVHttmJ9ie  andtfie'l^ieek. 

8  Tii  rough  all  the  Ways  of  God ^ 

"both.  Truth  and  Mcrcy_lhine,_ 


To  fuch  as  with  religious  Hearts , 
to  his  Well '  VV  ill  incline. 

p  Since  Mercy  is  the  Grace . 

that  mod  exalts  thy  Fame. 

_  -at* ^—r&z 

_Forgiye  my_heinous Sin,  0  Lord, 


and  fo  advance  tHy  Name. 
~J~1     Y/  1^=5 

io  Whoe'er  with  humble  Fear, 

_  tp_GpdJ1'^J?luy  pavs* 

Shall  find  the  LorTafoithtiiTTfuideT-" 


in  all  his  righteous  Ways. 


1 1  His  quiet  SouJi_wnh_Peace , 
fliall  be  for  ever  6jeft7 
And_by  his  numerous  Race  the  Land^ 
fucceffTvely  pofteft. 

12  For  God  to  all  his  Saints, 

his  fecret  Will  imparts^ 
And  does  his  gracious  Cov'nant  write, 
in  their  obedient  Hearts. 

i  s_To  him  I_  lift  my  Eyes , 

and  wait  his  timely  Aid, 

Who  breaks  the  ftrong  and  tveach'rous  Snare, 

whichjbr _iny  Feet  was  laid. 
1 4  O  turn,'  aiuf  all  my  Grj&s"'" 

' in  Mercy, _Lord ,  redrefs ;_ 

For  I  am  compafs'd  round  with  Woes, 

"nd  plunged  in  deep  Diftrefs. 

15  The  Sorrows  of  my  Heart , 




ii  immiiiiiiiii 



j:ojmighty__Sums  increafe;  of  Righteoufnefii  have  trod; 

O  from  this  dark  and  difmaTstateT-  T  cannot  fall ,  who  alFmy^Truft 

my  troubled  Soul  releafe! 

1 6  Do  thou  with  tender  Eyes, 


Acquit  me.  Lord,  and  from  my  Guilt, 
entirely  let  me  free; 
17  Confider,  Lord,  my  Foes, 


how  valt  their  Numbers  grow! 

What  lawlets  Force  and  Rage  they  ufe. 

repofe  on  Thee,  my  God. 
1  Search  thou  my  Heart,  whole  Innocence, 
_\v  1 1  Mh i ne  the  more  'tiTtfy'dT- 

For  1  have  kept  thy  Grace  in  view , 

and  made  thy  Truth  my  Guide. 

3  T  never  for  Companions  took , 


the  Idleor  Prqphanej; 
No  Hypocrite  with  all  his  ArtsT" 



what  boundlefs  Hate  they  (how ! 


18  Protedt  and  fet  my  Soul, 

from  their  tierce  Malice  free ;  who  make  diftra&ed  times : 

Nor  let  me  be  afham'd,  who  place 

could  e'er  my  Friendfhip  gain. 
4  I  hate  the  bufy^plqtting  Crew, 


my  iledfait  Truft  in  thee."  " 

ipJLet  all  my  righteous  Adts 

And  fhun  their  wicked  Company, 

as  I  avoid  their  Crimes. 

r »    t    7t — Y^ 

'*  ±L 

_   tofuT]  Perfection  rife, 

_Becaufe  myHmiTand  conltamHope , 

onFhee  alone  relies. 
20  ToVyF^rcholbnTi^aceT  ===== 

5  I'll  wafh  my  Hands  in  Innocence . 
__  and  bring  a  Heartfo  pure,_ 


continue  ever  kind, 
And  in  the  midlt  of  all  their  Wants, 

That ,  when  thy  Altar  I  approach , 
my  Welcome  Thall  fecure._      _ 
6  My  Thanks  rUpyHIth  there ,  and  "tell, 

12  mi 

how  thy  Renown  excels: 

lee  them  thy  Succour  rind. 

That  Seat  affords  me  molt  Delight, 

_in_which  thy  Honour  dwells. 



7  Pafs  not  on  me  the  Sinners  doom ,_ 
TE5H~mr •^--W=r:  j-^ «: _who  Murder  make  their  Trade ; 

J  JUDGbme,  OLordT'foTllhe~PaFh77"'  Wha others  RigEe^i^tSnbesT- 

D  2  or 



or  open  For ce,    invade. 

9  But  I  will  walk  in  Paths  of  Truth, 

and  Innocence  purfue : 
Protect  me  therefore,  and  to  me 
~thy_Mercies ,  Lord ,  renew. 
p  In  fplte  of  all  affaufting  Foes, 
I_ftill  maintain  rny_Ground: 

JHisj^ond'rous  Beauty  there  to  view," 
and_  of  his  Will  enquire! 
5Forthere  may  I~wlth~Tgmfort_reIU 

in  times  of  Deep  Diftrefs;  ~  ' 


AndTafe  as  on  a  Rock  abide , 



And  (hall  furvive  amongft  thy  Saints, 
~~ thy"PralieJ"to  refound. 

6  Woilft  God  o'er  all  my  haughty  Foes," 

nts,  my  lofty  Head  lhall  raife  " 


I    VV  HOM 


M  (hould  I  fear,  fince  God  to  me^ 

is  faving  Health  and  Light ; 
Since  ftrongly  he  my  Ljfejupports^ 
what  can  my  Soul  affright  ? 


a  With  fierce  intent  my  Flefh  to  tear , 

_  when  Foes  befet  me  round , 
_They  ttumbled,  and  their  lofty  Crefts , 
^Vere_made  to  ftnke  tlie  Ground 

3  Through  him  my  Heart,  undaunted ,  dares 

with  mighty  Hoft  to  cope ; 
Through  him  in  doubtful  Straits  of  War, 
for  good  Succefs  I  hope. 

4  Henceforth  wj thin  his  Houfe  to  dwell, 

I  earncftly  defire» 

_And  I  my  joyful  Tribute  bring , 

with  grateful  Songs  of  Praife 
PART    II. 


7  Continue,  Lord , _to  hear  my  Voice , 
Whene'er  to  thee  I  cry; 

In  Mercy  mv  Complaints  receive, 
nor  my  Requelt  deny. 
8  When  us  to  feek  thv  glorious  Face 

thou  kindly  doit  advife: 

w  Thy  glorious  Face  PH  always  feck, 

my  grateful  Heart  replies. 
p  Then  hide  not  thou  thy  Face,  Q  Lord , 
nor  m^in_Vyrath_rejeit£_ 

"My  God  and  Saviour_leave  not  him, 

rliou—did it  io_t>ft  protect. 

io  Tho'  all  my  Friends  and  Kindred  too, 

their_h_elplefs  Chargc_forfake_, 

""Yetthou  ,  wnofc  Love"  excels  them  all , 


P    S    A    r.    M     XXVIL  XjXVIII. 

wilt  Care  and  Pity  take. 

1 1  Jnftruft  mejnjhy  Paths ,  O  Lord ,      

my  Ways  directly  guide; 


Left  envious  Men  who  watch  my  Steps, 

gg_— ^JjZJ- ■    X  -  X-  4=SSfl  =? 

"Thould  fee_me_tread  afide. 

ra  Lord ,  dlfappqinT  my_cruel  Foes , 


"^Ithyveeping  Eyes  and  lifted"lTa"nds~" 
before  ttiylVlercy-Seat. 

Fr^-t  i  f  ill    *        .    fi 

3  Let  me  efcape  theSinners  Doom, 

who  make  a  Trade , of  ill, _ 
And  ever  fpeak  the  Perfon  fair, 

whofe  Blood  they  mean  to  fpill. 

"de'feaTtheir  illjDefire;  _  

"Whole  lying  Lips  and  Sloody  Hands, 

again  ft  my  Peace  confpire. 

13  I  trufted  that  my  future  Life, 

fhould  with  thy  Love  be  crown'd  ; 

Or  eTfe  my  fainting  Soul  had  funk, 

with  Sorrow  compafs'd  round. 


14  God's  time  with  patient  faith  expect, 

who  will  ihfpn:e_thy_BrcaTl7— 
_^^h_inj^ard_Strerjgth_|_ Do  thou  thy  Part, 
and  leave  toTum  thereft. 

1  v>f    Lord,  mv  Rock,  to  thee  I  cry, 


in  Sighs  confume  my  Breath ; 
JJ  ?n  [wer^rFffialT  become^™ 
likethofc  thatfleep  in~Death.  ~~ 

the  CrTeTthaTT "repeat;  === 

^^3  mum^i 


4  According  to  their  Crimes  extent , 

""let  Juftice  have  its  Courfe:  ~" 

ReTentlefs  be  to  them  ,_as  they  _ 
have  finn'd,  without  Remorfe. 
5~Since  they  the  Works  of  God  delbife, 
nor  will  his  Grace  adore_. 

His  Wrath  fhalT  utterly  deftroy 

and  build  them  up  no  more^ 


6  But  I,  withdue  Acknowledgement, 

his  P'raifes  will  refound, 

_From_whom_  the  Cries_  of  my  Diftrefs , 

a_gracious  Anfwer  found.    _ 

7  My  Heart  its  Confidence  rejpos'd  _ 

in  God,  my  Strength  and  Shield; 
Jn~hinT I_  trufted ,  _and  returned 
triumphant,  from  the  Field. 

8  As  he  has_  made  my  Joy_s_<;pn2p|cat,__  ^      ~ 
_  'm  jtuft^jhat  I_Jhouldraife2_ 

^TheTheari ul  Tribute  oJ^my_Thanks ^ 

and  thus  reibund  his  Praile. 
D  3  9  .Hi 



9  »  His  aidjng_PowVfupportsj:he  Troops, 

and  ftrews  their  fcatter'd  Branches  round. 

-l-wjhatjpju^^^mmttm;  ~"    5  "TheyT  and^FHi^^y^i^jh^gr^^ 

^^^^_ad^^Jme"^th^^^^;~     "      are  forr^mcThurrleTfar^ayr^ 

io^^^thygiofer^aj^r^jd^^IZ^  iZ2£^^r"^^°^uI!?iX:_Zl!Z 

r_- pSgj^^g.g^^;     t       _        ^^  6^W]En^TinJ[fiu^Flo^ly  ipjakF,~~ 

^-yj^J1^^  profper  tr^n  m  Peace,  anaVcatter'd  Flames  of  Lightning  tends,  " 

in  Battle  with  Succefs.  ~  T 

PSALM    XXIX.    Cr«a»PyCi4,1 


The  Forelt  nods ,  the  Defart  quakes , 
and  ftubr. 
7  He  makes  the  Hinds  to  caft  their  young, 

1    1    E  Princes  that  in  Might 'excel. 

=§      g=-^-=^ 

?3gceJ;, While  thofe  that  to  his  Courts  belong. 

__y49^r_  grateful  Sacrifice  pj-errarej_ 

his  wondrous  jfow'r,  to  al]_dcclare 

2  To  his  great  Name  ftefli  Altars  raiJeT" 


dcyoutly,  due  refpedt  afford; 

fecurely  ling  his  Praifes  there. 
8  God  rules  the  angry  Floods  on  lhgh ,_ 
his  boundfefs  Sway  fhall  never  ceafe: 
His  faints  with  Strength  he  will  luppiy, 
and  bfefs  his  own  with  cohftant  Peace. 

Him  jnhis  holy_  T_emple_pra_ife_1_ 

wherFhe's  with"  ToTemriTtatFadoPd.  ~ 


9    'TlS   hf   thnt  with    QvnnTinir   V 

3  ^Tjs  he  thaFwithjinazing  Noife, 

— u 


'LL  celebrate  thy  Praifes,  Lord, 

■  The  Ocean  trenJbles  at  his  "Voice,  _vvho_did,(l_thy  Pow,r  employ^ 

wjtenhe  from  HeaVh  m  Thunjjer  fge^aks!      "TToTaWmy  droopir^Head,  andJ3jgck_ 

^  How  full  of  Ppw'i  his  Voice  appears!"-  —  my  Foes"  infulting  Joy. 

__wKh_w hal^ajejlu-kjreiTor  crown'd  P        a  In  ni y_I )iTtrefs"i "cryjd  to  theej 

Which  from  their Kooti  tail  (Sedars  tears , "  whFkTridly~dTd7t  relieve, 


PSALM      XXX.   XXXI. 

And  from  the  Grave's  expecting  J  a  ws_, 

my  hopelefs  Life,  retrieve.       _        , 

3  Thus  to  his  Courts^  ye  Saints  of  his  , 

with  Songs  of  Praife  repair;  


p  2  Hear  me ,  0  Lord ,  in  Mercy  hear, 

„  thy  wonted  Aid  extend ; 

Do  thou  fend  Help,  on  whom  alone. 

With  me  commcjnorate  his  Truth , 

and  providential  Care._     __ 

4  His  Wrath  has  but  a  Moment's  Reign, 
his  Favour  no  Decay :_ 

B  I  can  for  Help  depend. 
io__„  Tis  doneJ_thou_ haft  my  mournful  Scene" 
~~t~o~Songrand  DanceTturn^d";- 

Inverted  me  in  Robes  of  State, 


Your  Nightpf  Grief  is  recompene'd , 


::a        m — 

5  But  I  in  profp'rous  Day  prefuir.d, 
no" fudden~Xhange  1_  feared ,  _ 
Whilft  in  my  SunlHlnc  of  Succefs , 
no  low'ring  Cloud  appear'd. 
6_But  foon  I  jound  thy  Favour, _Lord, 
jny  Empire's  only  Trutt ; 
for  jwhen  tholThio'lt  thyT'ace,  I  i aw 
_my_Honour  laid  in  Dull. 
7  Then,  as  I  vainly  had  prefum'd,_ 

who  late  in  Sackcloth  mourn'd. 
1 1  Exalted  thus,  PlFgladly  lTngT" 
.thy  Prafef n  grateful  VerfeT" 
And,  as  thy  Favours  endlefs  are, 


thy  endlefs  Praife  rehearfe. 

1    D 



my  Error  I_confefs'd. 
And  thus  with  liipplFcating  VoiceT~ 
^jhjTMercy^s  Throne  ad^efs'd :  ~ 

f  i  =5iiE^iiii=i§!l=MliE=iiE 

8  „_What  Profit  is  there  in  my  Blood, 

^  cpngeaPd  b3Tpeari?s  coWJVi"ght?~ 

_>1_Caii  (Beat  AlHerfpealc  thy  Praife, 

n  thy  wond^ouTl^ud^reateT- 


_j DEFEND  me ,  Lord,  from  Shame , 

for  ftill  I  trull  m  thee;  ~ 
As  juft  and  righteous  is  thy  Name , 
from  Danger  let  me  free._ 

Bow  down  thy  gracious  Ear, 

and  ipecdy  Succour  icndj  _ 
'  "Do  thou  my  itedfaft  Rock  appear y 

—  to  {"Belter  and  defend. 
2~Since  thou ,  when  Foes  opprei^._ 
my  Roek  and  Fortrejs  artJ,__ 

To  guide  me  forth  from  this  Dillrels . 
"thy~vvonted  help  impart. 


?i  PSALM     XXXI. 


Releafe  me  from  the  Snare, Sad  Thoughts  my  Life  opprefs , 

which  they  have  clofely  laid: 
Since"  I  ,~Q~Godlny~Strength ,  "repair 

_my  Years  are  fpent  in  Groans  f 

Mycins  have  made  my  Strength  decreafe , 

to  thee  "alone,  for  Aid. 


3  To  thee,  the  God  of  Truth , 

my  Lire,  and  all  that's  mine , 

and  ev'n  confum'd  my  Bones. 

»- — 

6  My  Foes ,  my  Suft'rings  mock'd , 

|    HiiiT 

my  Neighbours  jid  upbraid ; 

(For  thou  preferv'dft  me  from  my  Youth , )       _My_  Friends  at  Sight_of  me  were  IhocFd", 

l"willjngly— refign. _and Jed  as  Men'ditmay^d! 

~Xll  vanTTJefigosT  hate,  Forfook  by  All  a"m  T, 


of  thoie  that  truft  in  Lies, 


as^dead , _and  out  of  Mind  / 

'  And  ftill  my  Soul,  in  ev'ry  State,  And  like  a  ftiatter'd  Veffel  lie ,, 

~  to" God  "tor  SuccouFfliesi  whofe  Parts  can  ne'er  be  join'd. 

7  Yet  fiandring  Words  they  fpeak , 

PART    II. 

gggg"T  "f  ■  JZIPi*    .; 

Thofe  Mercies  thou  haft  fhown , 

_  and  feem  my  Pow'r  to  dread , 

Whilft  they  together  Counfel  take, 2 

_  I'll  chearfully  exprefs ;         my  guiltlefs  Blood  to  (Bed. 


But  ftill  myftedfaft  Truft ,__ 

For  thou  haft  feen  my  Straits,  and  known 
my  SoiiT7"in  deep  Diftrefs.  *~~         ~Ton~thy  help  repofe ; 

"When  Keilalfs  treach'Tous  Race ,  "That  thouT Iny  God ,  art  Good  and  Juft , 

did  all  my  Strength  indole : 

my  Soul  with  Comfort  knows. 


Thou  gav'ft  my  Feet  a  larger  Space 
to  Ihu n  my  watcht'u  1  Foci 

5  Thy  Mercy,  Lord,  difplay,  8  Whatever  Events  betide , 

and  hear  my  julFComplaint;  thy"VVifdom  times  them  all: 

llliilill=l=i=£=!lJIIilPil  II^=H=?HlliiiIiiIl^^i 

For  both  my  Soul  and  Fjelh  decay ,  Then,  Lord,  thy  Servant  jafcly  hide,  _ 

with  U fief  and  HungerTaintT"  from  thofe  that  feek  his  tall. 


PSALM    XXXI.  XXXill. 

1-fh^r1g&lF^hy_Face_===_====  Yet  ftill  thou  kepfltme  m  thy.  Sight,     ___ 

^ITarthyMeTcTeFffilTmcre^^  _    J2  U  alj_ye  Saints,  the  Lord 

Who  "to  the  Juft  will  Help'afford ,  " 

9~Me  fi-om  iMffioj^jfJave ?_ j 

^^Tt"S^S:=^e"ce"ip  theGrave,     .  "Yp'FhaT^.TTfnd'Tphr- 

the  Sinner's  Portion  be. 
Do  Jhou  thai:  Toggues  reftrain. 

Ve  that  on  God  rely 

Whofe  Breath  in  Lies  is  fpent: 

W hVfal(b\ejojs7wlthl)roud  difdainT" 

run    ^~  i  "~t~  7  it        ~~ 

againft  the  righteous  vent. 

g,;,  T    v    t  tttv       .    mug 

10  How  gr&t  Ttfay  Merges,  are  ^ 

~To~(lich"as~7ear"thy  Name ! 

Which  thou,  for thofe  thattruft thy  Care~ 


doll  to  the  World_proclaim. 
Thou  keep'-ft  them  m  thy  Sight , 

couragioufly  proceed: 
"For  he  will  ftill  jyour  Hearts  fupply~ 
with  Strength,  in  Time  of  needT 

i  Ll  EVbleft whofe Sinsha^ePar^ngain-'d, 

no  more  in  Judgment  to  appear,  ~ 

Whofe  Guilt  RemTfiion  has  obtain^"" 


from  proud_Opj£eflbrs  £ree^_ 

~Froln~Ton~gues  that  do  in  Slrife  delight.  " 

_  and_whofe_Repentance  js  fincere. 

a  While  I  concealed  the  fretting  Sore ,  ^ 


jawju^ii  my  Bones_conRim]d  without  Relief, 

icy  are  preferv'd  by  thee.  All  Day  did  I  with  Anguifli  roar, 

"Vag'd  my  Grief. 

*i  i  With  Glory  and  R«ggwnj_ ,  but  no_ Complaints  "aflwag'd  my  Grief 

"God's  Name  be  ever  blefs'd;  '  3  Heavy  on  me  thy  Hand  remain'd," 

"Whofe  Love  in  Keilab's  well-fenc'd  Town" 

was  wond'roufly  exprefs'd ) 

lfaid  in  haltv  Flight, 
j^Tm.' banith'd  from  thine  Eyes ; 

'Till  quite  of  vital  Moifture  o. 

like  Land  with  Summer's  drought  oppreft. 

4  No  fooner  I  my  WTound  difclos^dl-" 

E  the 



the  Guilt  that  tortur'd  me  within^ 
But  thy^Foipvenefs  interpos^T, 

and  Mercy's  healing  Balm  pour'd  in. 
5  True  Penitents  (hall  thus  i'ueceed,  __ 

who  fcek  thee  whilft  thou  may'ft  bofound; 
They  from  the  commond  Deluge  freed , 
_  HisP  J?e  rernprfelefi  Sinners  drown"d.  ~" 
o_Thy  FavoinT7Lord ,  in  all  Diftrels, 
my  Tow'r  of  Refuge  I  muft  own ; 
Thou  (halt  my  haughty  Foes  fupprels ,  _ 
.    _and  me_,  with  Songs  of  Triumph  crown. 


7  In  my  Inftruction  then  con  tide, 

you  that  would  TrutlTs  fat'e  Path  difcry:^ 

Your  Progrets  I'll  Tecurely  Guide_. 

in  grateful  Raptures  Ihout  for  Joy. 



\^  V,  T  "rill  the  ,u(V  ro  dnc\  wit-Vi  T™ 

I  JLvET  all  the  juft  to  God  with  Joy, 

_jtheir_chearful  Voices  raife, 

For  wefl  the  righteous itbecomes~,~ 

to  fing  giad  SongTorPraifeT 
2  Let  Harps,  and  Pfalte~ries",  and  Lutes, 

_and  keep  you  in  my^waj:chful_Eye. 

8  Submit  your  fclvcs  to  Wil'dom's  Rule, 

6=^1=^1=111= " ' 

like  Men  that  keafun  have  attain'd; 

Nor  like th'ungovern'd  Horfe  and  Mule,  ~ 

gf    .-»~^-~=^ 

_  whole  Fury  mult  be  curb'd  and  rcin'd._ 
oSorrows  on  Sorrows  multiply 'd,_  _ 

__  the  hardened  Sirmerjhall  conlounu ;_     ^ 
But  them  who  in  his  Truth  confide,  _ 
_ Bleffings orMercy"iHalI  i'urround. 
io  His  Saints  that  have  peribrm'd  his  Laws,' 

their  uie  in  Triumphs  [hall  employ: 

XeTfhem  (aVtiwy  alone  have  fcauife) 

_m  joyfulConfort  meet; 
"And  new  made  Songs  of  loud  Appla"ufe",~~ 

"the  Harmony  Compleat. 
3~for  faithful  is  "the  WouT  of  God" 

""his  Works  with  Truth  abound ; 

He  jultice  loves  j_and^h  the  Earth 

—  is  with  his  Goodncfs  crown'd. 
4  By  his  Almighty  Vvord  at  firlt, 
*      the  heav'nly  Arch  was  rear'd ;  _  " 

Ana  all  the  beauicousHofts  of  Light, 

at  lis  Command  appear  0. 

5~The jwllTing  Hoods  td&ether  roll'd,  _ 

he  makes  in  heaps  to  lye; 

"And  lays,  as  in  a  Store-houfc ,  fafe,  _ 

the  wat'ry  Trealures  bv. 

6  Let  Earth,  and  all  that  dwell  therein , 

beloriTnim  trembling  itand: 




For  when  He  (pake  the  Word,  'twas  made ,  in  time  of  Dearth ,  fupplies.  _ 


'twas  rlx'd  at  his  Command.  ~  13  Our  Soul  on  God  with  Patience  waits, 

§iili^§i§iigtffii§iPfif§§i^H^i  &=r==!f^Ezx-yir^  '■'■-* 

7  He  whenthe  Heathen  dofcly  plot,  our  Help  and  Shield  is  he !  _ 

for »      T  ~?"*    *  "  • "                 ^  §l^I=£l=iiyii^II§l=i=I^=I 

their  Cbunfels  undermines ;  Then,  Lord ,  let  ftill  our  Hearts  rejoice . 



_His  Wifdom  ineffectual  makes ,  _becauie_we  truft  in  tliee. 

the  People's  rafh  Defigns. 


8  Whatever  the  mighty  Lord  decrees , 

14  TheJRichesof thy  Mercy,  Lord, 

Jhall  ftand  for  ever  fure; 

The_fettled_purpq(e  of  his  Heart, 

to  Ages  fhalfendure. 

PART    II. 

do  thou  to  us  extend ; 
Since  we ,  for  all  we  want  or  wifh , 


On  thee  alone  depend. 

5>^How  happy  then  are  they,  to  whom  " 

the  Lord  for  God  is  known ! 

*'  y  \      v— n — ■•* 

Whom ,  he  from  all  the  World"  befides 

has  chofen  for  his  own ! 


1    1  HRO'  alfthe  changing  Scenes  of  Life, 
in  Trouble  and  in  joy . 

The  p'raifes  of  my  God  fhall  ftill, 


10  He ,  all  the  Nations  of  the  Earth , 

my  Heart  and  Tongue,  employ. 
from  Heav'njbis  Throne  furvey'd;  _  a  Of  his  Deliverance  I  will  boaft, 

_He  faw  theirworks,and  vie w'd  their  thoughts,  till  all  that  are  diftreft , 

by  him  their  Hearts  were  made 

From  ray  example  Comfort  take . 

irm  their  Griefs_to_re(l. 



the  Lord  with  me ; 
^^ma^gHOTfc^^^c^fSpg^  with  pe.|xalt  hjs  .Name; = 

_  hjs  Warlike_"Rider  favesj_  ~        When  in  Diftrefe  ife  Sim  I  call'S, 

i^iXiIiioa\  wno  tbofeThat  tnaft~in  frirh , 

He  to  my  refcue  came. 

g J^o]dswith_gra^^veTr ~    4~fnei7droopi  ng^~earETwcrFIbon"  reuvihM"'" 

He  trees  then?  SotiFSom,  Death ,  their  Wa§t  wTolook'd  to  ftim;  for  Aid;  " 

E  2  De^ 

3*  PSALM 

ui  uii  naigiuus  rear. 
II  Let  him  who  length  of  Life  defires, 

and  profp'rous  Days  would  (ee, 


JDefir'd  Succefs  in  cv'rv  Face,  of  his  religions  Fear 

a  ch earful  Air  dijplaid. 

g~  T  Behold  7  (fav~tb"ey)  behofd  the~Man7     ~ 

" ' „  whom  Providence  relic v'd ; 
_7  fo Vond'rouftv_ retrieved !_ 
6 V The~Hofts~of  God  encamp  aro"und,~~ 
""the^Dwellings  ofjhc  Juft; 

"Deliv'rance  he  affords  to  all, 

~who"on~hlijiKCoiir  trufh 

7~Olnalce""buFTrval  of  his  Love, 

his  Lips_from  FalO-ood  free____ 

12  The  crooked  Paths  of  Vice  decline,  ■ 

raid  Virtue's  Ways  purfue; 
~E"ftabiifli  Peace  whcre~,tis~begun~7'~ 
and  where  'tis  loft,  renew. 

i  a  The  Lord  from  Hcav'n  beholds  the  juft , 
with  favourable  Eyes; 

experience  will  decide  _ 

^HavTblcfydlhey^ ^jr^djonl  Y_^cy  /_ 

who  in  hiFTrath  confide.  _      

8 ~Fear  him ,  ye  Sai ntsTin d  you  will  then,  ^ 

have  nothing  elfe  to  fear ;    . 

^akFyoaUsServke  yovlff  TJelightj 

— y~our^Vam7__nall  be  his  Care. 

p  While  hungry  Ljns_lack_the|r_ Prey, rf 

~the  Lord~will_Food  provide; 

F6rfuclTas~pttt  their__Triift  in  hirn, 

— andTee~theiFNcedrfupply'd. 

10  Ap~prc_ich,  ye  piouflv  difposVL, 

And  when  diftrefs'd  his  gracious  Ear, 

is  open  to  their  Cries:  

14  But  mriJThis  wrathful  Look  on  thole , 

whom  Mcrcy_  can't  reel  a  i  m ,__ 
To cutlhem off,  arid  frotathe  Earthy 
blot  out  their  hated  Name  _ 

i  ^ITJ-lTv^rancTto^hi^iin^brgives^,  ^ 


~H?s  nigh  to  heaHfce  broken_Heart_L 

and^contrity~Spirit _j__^_|r_   __            ■     ^ 
i6Thc^[cke(foft7burftill  in  vain, d 


IftiFundcFjhc  initiation's  vyeig'u^_ 

nelce"cp&  tiidTT^eTcntire. 

17  'Hie- VVicl^edTraiu  cEeir  wicked  Arts , 
4  cilejjf 



~their~Ruin  fhall  derive; 

=::lBall  themT  andtheiis,'  forvive._ 

1 8~  FoFGod  prcjervpsjhe~Souls  of  ~tho"fe7~  ~~\, 
~who~on  his  Truth  depend; 

o  then] :  nd  their  Pofterity , 

"jxirnTcflbgrThall  defcend. 



G AINST_ all _tho^ that  ftrive  with  me , 

~  6TofdT"aflerTlriv  "Right ;_ 

With  fuch  as  War  unjuftly  wage,_ 

_  Jkn:hou  my  Battels  fight. 

2  Thy  Buckler  take,  and  bifid  thy  Shield,"- 

upon  thy  warlike_Arm;__  _ 

Strnd  up,  mv_God7in  nv7  Defence. 

_  iiPi!_  ^C£P  i}ie  ~^e  frorrL  Harm.  _ 
5  Bring Jbrththv S~pea7,ari\A ftopjbejrCourfe,""" 

that  haft^m^lood^~HpTnT"J 

Sav  to  my  SouJ7~T anTthyTfeflthT" 
_and  will  preferve  thee  ftilfT 

UlsefHI  if=§iiif=^rtli  Piiiii 

4  Lee  them  with  Lhamc_be  cover'd  o'er, 
_who  mv  Dcftrliftion  fought ; 
Acd  ftich  as  d:.d  my  Hi.rm  devife, 

be  to  Conl'ufioF brought 

~before~the  d rr v in g  W  ind  ,_  _ ' 

~God^~verigerui  friinifter  of  Wrath"7*~ 
fhall  follow  clofe  behind. 

6  And  when  thro'  dark  and  fiipp'ry- WavI7-" 

they  ftrive  his  Rage  to  (hun , 
His  vengeful  Minifters  of  Wrath  r 
JTnall  goad__thcm  as  thjey  run. 


7  Since  unprovok'd  by  any  Wrongs 
"they  b'd_the'>  trcach'ruus  Snare: 
And  for  my  harmlefs  Soul_a  Pft_, 

did  cauflefsly  preparej_ 

8  Strrpriz'd  by  Mifchiefs  unforefecn, 

bv  their  own  Arts  betray'd; 

jl  heii-_ feet  fhall  fall  mtojhe  Net. 

which  they  for  me  hadlaid. 

p~  W  hi  lft"  my  gl  adSouTlEallG  od'sgreatNaSe^ 

for  this  Deliv'rance  blels :  _ 

a     tte— 

_a  grateful  Joy  e(xprefs. 

io  Myvery JfoneJThall  fay  »  O  Lord , 
who  can  compare  with  Thee? 
Who  fett'ft  the  poor  and  helplefs  Man , 
from  ftr0ng  Oppreflbrs  free, 




P    f 

PART    II. 



A    L    M     XXXV. 

17  Scoffers  ,_that  noble  Tables  haunt, 

II ''Saab  Witncfies ,  with  forg'd  CornplaTntF" 
jagainft  my  Truth  combined ; 
And  to  my  charge  fuch  things  they  laid , 
as  I  had  ne'er  defignM. 

1  a  The  Good  which  I  to  them  had  done, 

wit~h  Evil  they  repaid ; 

~and  earn  their  Bread  with  Lies, 
a~Didjna(h  their  Teeth,  and'Hand^n^eft'sT" 
maTiobufly  devife.     _ 

1 8  But ,  Lord ,  how  long  wilt  thou  look  on  ? 

on  my  Behalfappear ; 


And  lave  my  guiltlcfs  Soul ,  which  they, 

like  rav'ning  Beafts  would  tear. 

And  did  by  Malice  undeferv'd , 

p— ri=rrrrr — == 

my  harmlefs  Life  invade. 

pirr^l  j   i    -vr~ri~~^. — * — *  iniiIii^ilESB!=iH 

i3_But  as  for  me ,  when  they  were  fick , 

I  ftiliin  Sackcloth  mourn'd ; 
I  prayed  and  fatted,  and  my  Pray'r, 
to  my  own  Bread  retiirr?d.,~ 
1 4  Had  they  my  Friends  or  BrethFelTbecnT"" 
1  could  have  done  no  more ; 

_Nor_with  more  decent  figns  of  Grief, 
~"a~Mothcr]_s  Lofs  deplore.  ~ 


15  How  dilPrcnt  did  their  Carriage  prove, 
in  times  of  my  diftrcfs  ? 

19  So  I  before  the  hft'ning  World , 

fliall  grateful  Thanks  expre~l¥-~" 
"And  where  the  great  Aflembly  meets,  "" 
— "thy  Namejwith  Praifes_blefs. 


20  Lord,  futfer  not  my  caufelefs  Foes, 


who  me  unjuftly  hate ;_ 

'With  open  joy,  orjecrct  Signs, 

When  they  in  Crowds  together  met, 
did  favage  Joy  exprels. 
16 .The  Rabble  too  in  mighty  Throngs^ 

by  their  Example  came; 

to  mock  my  fad  Eftate. 

21  For  they  with  Hearts  averfc  from  Peace, 

induftrioufly  devife, 
AgainLt  the  Men  of  quiet  Minds, 

to  forge  malicious  Lies. 

a2~NoFwlth  thefe  private  Arts  content, 

i  ilHi 


_And  ceas'd-not  with  reviling _Words, 
to  wound  my  fpotleis  Fame."" 

aloud  they  vent  their  Spitej 
"And  fay,  „  At  lift  we 'found  hi  m  out , 

„  -lie  did  if  in  our  light. 

23  But 


22  But  thou ,  who  doft  both  them  and  me 

■J ^i a — 

with  Righteous  Eyes  Purvey, 
"Aflert  my  Innocence,  O^Lord^;_ 

smfpf=l  ini=fiii 

And  chearful  Hymns  in  praife  of  thee 


and  keep_not_far_away._ 




g^  Stir  up  thy  felf,  in  my  behalf^ 

to~Judgment,  Lord,  awake; 


Thy  righteous  Servant's  Caufe,  O  God, 
to  thy  Decifion__takc, 


35  Lord_as  my  Heart  has  upright  been  t 
Let  me  thy_juftice  find; 
Nor  let  my  cruel  Foes  obtain, 
_the  Triumph  they  defignjl 

a5_0_let  them  not  amongll  themselves, 
in  boafting  Language  fay3 
^_ Atjength  our  Wifhes  are  compleat, 

,  at  laft  he's  made  our  Prey. 

27  _Let_Puch_as  in  my  Harm  rejoyc'dj 

for  ihan]e  their  Faces  hide; 


And  foul-  bifhonour  jwait .on  thofe 
__that_proudTy~me  defy'd: 

28  JWhilft  they  with ••cheiarfiri  Voices  lhoiit, 

_jwho  my  jult  Caufe  befr.end; 
.Ajadblefs  the  Lord,  who  loves  to  make,_ 


2S_^0_^la^L1l"iy  Tongue  thy  ju dg m ems Ti n~g~I~~ 


infpn'd  with  grateful  Joy 

(hall  all  my  Days  employ. 


1  IV 1  Y   crafty  Foe,  wiTh"flatt,rin'g~Art7~ 

his  wicked  purpofc  would  difguife; 
"— BuTTleafon  whifpers  io_my  Heart ,  _ 
he  ne'er  fets  God  before  his  Eyes. 

2  He  fooths  himfelf,  retir'd  from  fight, 

fee nre  he  thinks  his  treacherous  Game, 
~riirh^arkJPk^ts_,_expos'd_to_  Light A  _ 

Their  falfe  Contriver  brand  with  (hame. 

2  In  Deeds,  he  is  my  Foe  confefs'd, 

%} a ■/ * _|         — j. 1 j ^ 

whilft  with  his  Tongue ,  he  fpeaks  me  fair : 

True  Wifdom's  banilh'd  from  his  Breait, 

"and  Vice"  has" lble  Dominion  there, 
4-HiIwakefuTMj\licenpends  the  NjghT,        ~~ 
in~forging_his  accuis'd  Defigns; 
^HiTcTbitmate  ungen'rous  Spite  » 
no  execrable  mean^  declines. 

5~BuFrLord7  !^O^^y_2_5^lfflre  Hgg_e>    rf 
above  the~heaVIy  Orb  aPccnds, 
Thy  ikcred^mthj^nrneatur'd  fcqpe,  _ 

beyond  the  threading  Sky _  extends. 

<TThy~  JuItice"Lk^tEe~B~iTs_remainsr' 



unfathom'd  Depths  thy  Judgments  are ; 

Thy  Providence  the  World  fuftains, 

the  whole  Creation  is  thy  Care! 

7  Since  of  thy  Goodnels  all  partake , 


with  what  Aifurance  fhould  the  J  u  ft , 
Thy  jheltring  Wings  their  ReFuge  make , 
and  Saints  to~thy~Protc6tion  truft?        ~" 
8  Such  Guefts  fhall  to  thy  Courts  be  led~  _    fhaTT  all  thy  earneft^Vlihes~gran~tr" 

to  banquet  on  thy  LoveVRepaft, 

Or  Hlcejroung  Flow'rs  away  fhairpaTsT 
vvhofe  blooming  Beauty  foondecays.  " 
a  Depend  on_God,  and  him  obey^ 
"  So  thouwithin  the  Land  fhalFftay, 

fecure  from  Danger,  and  from  Want: 
JVIake  his  Commands  thv  chiefTjeTight, 
And  he,  xhy  Duty  to  requite 

And  drink  ,~as  from  a  F^ujitairfs  head, 

_of  Joys  that  (hall  for  ever  laft. 

p  With  Thee  the  Springs  of  Life  remain , 

3  In  all  thy  .ways  truft  thou  the  Lord. 
— 5=*r— 

_And  he  will  needful  Help  afford , 
to  perfect  ev'ry  juftjbefign; 

like  Light,  ferene  and  clear, 

Thy  clouded  Innocence  appear . 

thy  Prel'ence  is  eternal  Day ;      _ 
0!  let  thy  Saints  thy  Favour  gain , 
to  upright  Hearts  thy  Truth  "difplay. 
io  Whilft  Pride's  infulting  Foot  would  (burn. 

And_patiently_for  him  attend; 

and  as  a  mid  -  day  Sun  to  fhine. 

4  With  quiet  mind  on  God  depend, 

and  wicked  Hand  my  Life  furprize : 
Their  Mifchiefs  on  themfcTves  return] 

down ,  down ,  they'r  fall'n  no  more  to  rife." 

nor  let  thy  Anger  fondly  rife : 

Tho*  wicked  Men  with  Wealth  abound, 

"And  with  Succefs  the  Plots  arc  crowiVd , 

~  which  they_  malicioiifiy  devife. 

hr^  tT'-rm 




_  HO'  wicked  Men  grow  rich  or  great , 

"Yet  let  not  ^eir_fuccefsful~S"tate7~ 

_tliy  Anger  or  Fhyllnvyl-ai fc7~~ 

For  they,  cu  dowiTkkelender  Grafs, ;" 

5_From  Anger  ceafeand  Wrath  forfake, 
"Xet  no  tmgovern'd  Paffion  make , 

thy  wav'ring  Heart  efpoufe  their  Crime; 

For  G04  (hall  fihful  Man  deftroy, 

"Whilift  bn5r"they  the  Land  enjoy, , 

— wh^TtfulFon  him,  and  wait  his  time. 

6  How 

P    S    A    L 

6  How  foon  (hall  wicked  Men  decay ! 

Their  Place  fliall  vanifli  quite  away^_ 

",    nor  by  theHriaeft  feareh  be  found: 


==witii^acTar7dPient;y  always crown'd. 
PART    II. 

1  Wftilft.  finful  Crowdsjwith  falfe  Defign . 

Againft  the  righteous  few  combine ., 

~and^nalh~their  teeth  and  threatningftandj, 
' jSbd jhajUhelr  empty  Plotsgeri^"e ,  • ; , ; ;_' '  ^ 
^rTdllugh'aTtheiFdefeated  Pi'ideT^ 

hTfeesThe ir_Rui n  near  at  hand. 
8"~They^"r^w~thFs'word  and  bend  the  Bow^~ 
"TheT'oor  jnd_Needy  to  o^rthrow, 
~a"nd~Men  of  Upright  Lives  to  flay :__       " 
Euftheir  ftrong  Bows  fliall  foon  be  broke,"" 
"Their  fharpen'd  Weapon's  mortal  Stroke ,  ~ 
— th ro'  their  own  Hearts  lhall  force  its  way! 
^  A" little,  with  God's  FavouY  blefc ,  '*" 
"And"T3y>"one  Righteous  Man"  pjflc-ft~7~ 

tEe  Wealth  of  many  Bad  excels:  _ 
~Fo"r~God Tupports  the  juft  Man's  Caufe, 
"But  as  for  thofe  that  break  his  Laws, 


their  unfuccefstul  Pow'r  he  quells. 

M      XXXVII.  41 

io  His  conftanFCare  the  upright  guides, 


And  over  all  their  Life  prefides ; 
their  Portion  (hall  foe  ever  laft: 
^Phpy^ben^rke^tfemlielmsthe  Earthy 

Shall  be  unmov'd  ,"-andcv,rrin~Dearth ,~ " 

the  happy  Fruits  of  Plenty  taftc. 


ii  Not  fo  the  wicked  Men,  and  thofe 


-S...   9  -te 

Who  proudly  dare  ,God^s  Will  oppofe; 

deftruction  is  their  haplefs  fhare: " 

Like  Fat  of  Lambs,  their  Hopes  and  they 


Shall  in  an  inftant  melt  away, 


and  vaniln  into  Smoak  and  Air. 



12  Whilft Sinners  brought  to  fad  Decay, 

E=s*=*i*r^Tirri  i  r  — ■ — f 

Still  borrow  on ,  and  never  pay , 


The  Tuft  have  Will  and  Pow'r  to  give : 
Forjuch  ?.s_God  vouchflfes  to  blefs , 
"Shall  _pj^aceably_tFe_  Earth  poffefs ; 

ii=^— ri~ inr~~7! 

And_  thofe  he  curies  lhall  not  live. 

13  The  good  ManVway  Ts~God's  Delight7~ 

He  orders  ah  the  Steps  aright 


of  him ,  that  J}2P_yes_by  _bjs  Command ;  ~~ 

Though  he  fometimes_niay_  be  diftrcls'd^ 

Yet  fliall  he  ne'er  be  quite  oppreiFd"" 

""for  God  uphold^ tan  widji  his  Hand. " 
F  14  From 


PS    A-  L    M      XXXVII.   XXXVIII; 

i4_From  my  firft  Youth  till  Age  prevail'd, 

HI  llli 


I  never  law  the  Righteous  fail'd, 
or  Want  o'ertake  his  numerous  Race; 
2Bcrarffe~Co^affion_fiU'd^s_Hc^rti_       ~~ 
And  he  did  chearfully  impart; 

God  made  his  Offspring's  Wealthjncreafe. 
15  JWTch  Caution  fliun  each  wicked  Deed , 

In  Virtue's  ways_with_Zeal  proceed^, 

And  thou  exaltedjn  the  Land, 
The  Wicked  foon_deft_roy'd  uhalTbe7~ 
And ,  a*t  his  difmal  Tragedy"      '  " 

thou  (halt  a  Rite  Spectator  fit. 

ip.Thg  V^icked  j.jn  Pov/,r  have  fecn ,  = 

And  like  a  Bay  - J'reefrefti <and  green , 


and  fo  prolong  your  happy  Days: 
For  God  who  Judgment  loves,  does  Itifl 

that  fpreads  ks  plcafant  Branches  round. 
_But  he  was  gone  as  (Vift  as  Thqrigtit^""- 

Andthougft  m  ey'ry  place  I  ib_ghl~ 

'TFeTeFve  his  Saints  fecure  from  111,  _  _no  lign_or_ track  oHiiinTjoundT*4" 

"^IulTio7)irthc^icTccd^TcTde"cavs.   "  20  Obferve  thePcrfcdt  Man  witrTCarc™ 

16  The  UprightJhaU'poffef^theLand,  .  Aod mark  all Tuen  as  Upright-  are, 

His  Portion  (hall  for  Ages  ftand ;  _  their  rougher!:  Daysin  Peace  fhall  end:  _~ 

"While  on  the  latter  cnToTthoTeT" 

XJLIO      1  V"5UV-      V  J      1\  UJI.O    \Jl  J  Ll\-i^lilCAJL    llJUVV.O^  *■     *J_^       _______       _____        "___       _________" i     .Li  * 

"His  Heart  ffieTaw  orDoTapproves ,  ~a^ommon  Ruin  Ihall  attend! 

,        rhe7eTor^¥is^ooTifer^~ne^'eFflTdeT  aF*God~tb  the  J  u  ft  will  Aid  afford,  ~ 

PART    IV.  "TliTiFonly'SaicguarcTis  the  Lord~7~ 

17 ^n^aiFthe^waFcbfuTSi nncr  HesT"  ~thei-  Strength  in  times  ol  Need-  is  lie. 

Jin"  vain  tSe  ffigMeoug~tb  futprize ;  J3ecaufeon  him  dleyjtm  depend ,_ 

^jnVai n l^sJlum^pcTdeFree';-"  ~fbe~Lord  wiHjimejy  ^ccOu.  Tend , 
Gold/  -will  not  him deibficeTefiT_a-e ,;  ""and  from  the  Wicked  let  them  free; 


To  his  Revenge  cxpob'd ,  but  iave , 
_and  when  he'sTentcnc'd ,  let  him  free. 

1$  W^t"lfi_TSi'G6dJ,  fcefcp-  hiS-Co_ama_td,  1    X  iFY^ttiart'hitig  Wra'^O-Lofd'iferTi'aTn'J 


— u 

PSALM     xxxvnr. 


though  I  deferve  It  aft;  "  _And  fure  my  Groans  have  been  too  loud, 

Nor  let  at  once  on  me  the  Storm. 

not  to  have  reach'd  thine  Ear. 

*    ■  -of  thy  Di^lSfore  lajl^  ' ^     8~MyJ^rt'_s  gpiggft j,i1"1ZJ!lg1llin  ^^f^L 

my  Eyes  depriv'd  of  LijgiiEF  ~ 


Friends  ,_Lovers ,  Kin  (men ,  gaze  abof , 

_on_fuch  a_difmal  Sight. 
9    Mean  while  the  Foes  that  jfcckmy  LiTcT" 
their  S_nares_to"take  me  fct"; 



aTn  ev'iy~wretchedj^rt_of_rne, 

thy7\iTo\vs"deep  remain;  

~Thy~hea"vy~Handrs  afflicting  weight , 

I  cafl  no  more  (uftain.  _  . 

3 ~My~FleTH1s"qne_ continued  VVound , 

~~  thy~Wradr(blierceTy_glows;_        ~  ^ Vent  Slanders,  and  concrive  all  Day, 

"Betwixt  myPliniinment  and  Guilt,  _i?_^°l§£j^He_I2^,:r  }}?cc2k_                  _^ 

my~Bones  have  no  repofe.  roJBut  T,  as  iF  both  deaf  and  dumb,_ 

4"My~SinT that_to  ^Deluge  (well,  nor  heard,  nor  once  reply'd: 

my  fi^kmg  Hc^^erflow^  J^it^deafan3  dumb ,  like  one  whofe  tongue^ 

And  Tor  my  feeble  Strength  to  bear"  ~  witFconfcious  Guilt  is  ty'd. 

*  "IJbfrvaft  a~  Burthen  grom?—  1 1  For7Uord~~to1hce~ I ~d~6~ap"pe"aT7~ 

5  Stench  and  Corruption  ffirmy~Wo~u"nd7~  '~"ny*lli~no^nce"t^TearT~" 

my  Fpl I y's  jn ft  Rtfurn  7~  "AfTur'd  t£at"  tHott^^e'RighteouTpodT^ 

With  Trouhte  I  am  warp'd  andbow^T""  HrayTinjur'd  Caufe  .witthearT"               ~ 

and  ail  day  long  I.mournT  "  '  12  ,7Hear~nie77aid~l7TelFmy  proud  Foes, 

g~  Afl  loath'dmeafe^i^^J^oms ,_     7~  T   „  a  fpitefSFfoy  dffpTiy  f^ 

"With  Sicknefs  J^j^^oan'anJ^th^^  ~~^ut^nc¥~to~go~altra7~'  "" 

thro'  Anguifh-  of  my  Heart,  13 ~w  -And,  with  cOnfirfitaT^rief oppfeiFr" 

'_ _          _  _to  fink  I  now~begiti :  _        

2_  B\}L^^l^^^reJhy_fea^r^iJ^E~ycs~  *  To  thee,  O^Lord,-!-  Will~confiefs-j 

all  my  Dc  fires  appeirT"  ~toThee~bewairmy"Sin.— 

Fa  14  But 



tnv  niVMir?  I?,*™  *"*         ~  ..  j~i ■*— ; . — y-^r^* rr:-     — 3 

il^Slfi^l^WiSMEis  „  wMch  a^^^^S1       : 

niy  Kindncls,  witli_DerpTg!iFr_ 

=     l*lg=l 

_     "     i'     _  _-*__ 

-iz:IzJ;~J4HiS'— t—^'-^^S      -^ibJigg^ijggg.^  vatnly  walks, 
wholiiy  Salvation  arE"  "  J-r^?-=5-:^iT::frrr:--*=r=- 


"P  If  f  5liiii§=i 

I   I^  ESOLV'D  to  wate 

watch  o^er  aU  my  Ways , 
•T kept  my  Tongue  in  awe ; 
_I_curb'd  my  hafty  Words  when~l7~ 

the  Wicked  profp'rous  Paw^ 

Like  oneThat's  Dumb  I  iilent  ftood7~ 

and  did  my  Tongue  refrain  r 
From  good  Dlfcourfe;.  but  that  rcftraint, 

Jncreas^d  my  inward  Pain. 
a  My  Heart  did  gl(>w~wrth  working  TlioughTs" 

He  heaps  wg_W"_£alth,  but  cannot  tell 
by  whom  'twill  be  poflets'dT" 

PART    IL. 

4   ~WIiy~thenThouId" I  on  worthlefTToysT 

with  anxious  Care  attend  ? 

On  thee  alone,  my  ftedfaft  Hope 

(hall  evc?7Xord ,  "depend. 

Forgive  mv  Sins,  nor  let  me  fcorn'd, 
by  foolilh  Sinners^ be; 
^Forrwas"dumb7"and  murmur'd  n~ot7~ 

becaufe  'twas_dqne_by_  Thee_ 
5    The  dreadful  Burthen  of  thy  Wrath, 

JinJVteFcy  (bon  remove; 

§llf^flflill§l^g£^§§ill=§  - 

Left  my  irail  Flcfn ,  too  weak  to  bear 



5ieteayy_Load, ,  thould prcjgj~V____ 
For  wheiT&ott.chaft'neft  Man_for  Sin, 


~f So^ai n~ aThmg jsjhe "~)"~Ii ke  Cloth 


"  Wholbjo_um  like  aStrangcr  here ,  

as  all  myFathirs.were. 

O  fpare  me  yet  a  little  time , 

my  wafted  Strength  reftore ; 

Before  I  vaniflr  quite-ftpm; hence , 

and  (hall  be  feen  no  more. 



:   j.  Waited  meekly  for  the  Lord 
till  ne  vouehafd  a  J<md  replyf 
Wh"o  dlcThis  gracious  Ear  afford , 


and  heard  from  Heaven  my  humble  Cry : 

2    He  tookme  from_thc  difmal  Pit,   _ 
when  foundcr'd  deep  inmiry  Clay ; 
On  folid  Ground,  he  plac]d_my  Feet"! 

^n^fuffer^d^not^my  Step^to_llray._ 
3    The  "Wonders  he  for  mc-has  wroughT"" 
ih"aJl  fiU  my  mouchTwith  Songs_ofTraJfe7"~ 

XXXIX.    XL:  4j 

And  others  to  his  Worfhip  brought,- 
to  hopes  of  like  Deliv'rance  raife.  _ 

4  'For  ffleflings  (naiT^rAferi  reward"!" 
who  on  th' Almighty  Lord  relies ;  " 

Who' treats  th eTi-"oud"wi th TJifregardT" 
~~and  hates  the  Hypocrite's  Dilguife.- 

5  Who  can  the  wond'rous  Works  recount/" 
which  thou ,  O  God ,  for  us  harV wroughtT" 

The  Treafbres  of  thy  Love-j  fiirmount 

the  Pow'r  of  numbers,  fpecch ,  and  thought! 

g-   I've  learnld ,  that:  Thou  haft-  riot  defir'd ,- 

OB'rings  and  Sacrifice  alone  ; 

-Nor  Blood  of  guiltlefs  Beafts_reqiiir^d?_ 

""IbFMan's  Tranfgreffions  to  atone. 

7    F therefore  come  —  come  to  fulfil  "" 

the"bracTes ,  thy_Boo!cs  impart: 

?Tis  my  defight  to  do^thy  Wdll;  _ 

~~tEy  Law  is  written  in  my  Heart. 
PART    II. 

?    Ei?ulT'AFelnWe"s  F  have  jofa""!*"' 

"  thy  Truth aniR^^eoulhefs  at  large!*" 
~NoF  did~"thou  kno w'lt ,  my  Lips  with-hoTd~* 

from  utt'ring  what  thou  gav'ft  in,  charge. 
i    NoFke'pT  withirTmy  Breait  conrin'"d , 

thy  Eakhiumeis  and  laving  Grace, .__ 

But  prc-ic'n\I  thy  Love?  lor  ail  defi^Va., 

t  %  that 


PSALM      XL:    XLI. 


that  all  might  that,  and  Truth  embrace, 
io  Then  let  thole  Mercies  I_declar'd_ 

to  othersT" Lord, "extend  to  me'->  "^ 

Thy  lovingllSndnefs ,  my  Reward, 
~thy  Truth,  my  fafe  Protection  be.~ 
ii  For  I  wlthjroublcs  am  ^reft,_ 
too  niuiTbeFlefF Tor  nTe_to_bear  ;  _ 

_Nor  Ids  with  loads  of  Guilt  opprelt ^ 
that  plunge  and  fink  me  to  defpair 

1 2  As  Toon ,  alas!  may  I  recount 

r  t"hoJ_Iairs7  on  t_h^"afflISed_Head_;_ 
my  vanquifht  Courage  they  furmount. 

and  fill  my  drooping  Soul  with  Dread 

i3_But_,  Lord,  to  my  Relief  draw  near, 

for  never  was  more_ preffing  Need! 


Jn  myJDeliv'rance,  Lord,  appear, 
' '  and  add  tolhliTDcli^,rancFJ~SpccdT  " 
14  Confufion  on  their  Heads  return; 

_  who  to  dcilroy  jrny_ Soul  combine; 
Let  tliemjdefeatcd ,  bluih  and  mourn , 

enPnar'd  in  their  own  vile  defign. 
15  Their  JJoolrrjeriJeloIat~ion  "be"- 

with  Shame  their J^allc^bel-cpaidT-    ~~. 

Who  mock'd  my^ojifid^ncelnTTiee^-" 
and  fport  ol  jny"  Alfflidiou~~madci 


16  While  thofe  who  humbly  feck  thv  Face, 


to  joyful  Triumphs  (hall  be  rais'd; 

And  all  who  prize  thy  laving  Grace, 

"with  me  refound ,  The  Tjardbi  pr'aWd- 

17  Thus,  wretched  thV  I  am  and  poor^ 

of  me  th*Almighty~Lord  takes  care: 

_T  ho u ,^G od,  who  only "can ft  reftpre , 

to  my  relief  with  fpeed  repair 


===?  ©» 



APPY  the  Man  ,  whofe  tender  Care , 

=  rlX4 

relieves  the  poor_diftreft;_ 

When  Troubles  compafs  him  around, 

the  Lord  fhallgiyc  him  Reft. 
a~Tl5e~Lord  his  Life ,  with  BTcflTngs  crownM  v 
— in  Safety  tliall  prolong ; 
~And  difappoint  the  Will  of  thofe, 

~~ that"feek_to  do  him  wjrong.__ 
3     If  he  in  languithing  efta"te,_ 

opprelt  with  Sickne/sjye;_  a 

•*     — 

The^Lord  wilTeafy  make  his  Bed , ~ 

and  inward  Strength  jhpply_. 

4    Secure  of  This ,  _tb  thee,  my  God ,__  

— I  "thus  my  Pray  'r  addrels'd ;  ^ 

"jTCord ,  ^aTSTy  Mercy,  heal  my  Soul , 

»  the* 

PSALM      XLI.    XLII. 

„  tiro'  1  have  much  tranfgrelVd. . 

-""1li„   n«iiAl    T?s\r\c       -nvitfi   fl'inr,' 


ii  Thy  tender  care  fecures  my  TTfc^ 

5    My  cruel  Foes,  with  flandVous  words ,___^ 

attem  pt  _to_  woimd_my_  Fame: 

--— «<     o=- 


^^rgetT  |g"vgy^ jmgj— ZZ— — - 

S^uppofclHgOyq^  gfitsmake, a 

"'tis  al]_  bin  empty  jhow ; 

from  Danger  and  Difgjrace;  '  ~~ 

"And  thou  vmichfaPft tplfet  me  RjILT" 
_ beforettiy  glorious  Face. 


12  Let  theTfeforej^rys  Lord  and  God , 
froni -Age  to  Age  be  bTefs'd;- 
^And  alljhe _Peo^e^g]^~AYpJauft7"" 
with  loud  Jkme/is  exprefiftL  ~ 


They  gather  Miichief  m  nieirHearts, 

anTvemli  wn**Tthey  go. 
PART    II. 
P — F — rrg^TSgEf     6l        *  PSALM    XLII.  C^wPyrs.] 

7     With  private  Whifpers,  Rich  as  thefe, 

to  hurt  me  they  devife, 

I    jt\s  pants  the  Hart  for  cooling  Streams, 

„  A  fore  Djfeafe  afflicts  him  now, 

_  r,  he's  falPn  no  more  to  rife, 
9 My  own  familiar  Bofom  -  Friend. 

on  whom  I  moft  rely'd , 
Has  me ,  whofe  daily  Gueft  he  was , 
with  open  Scorn  defy'd. 


%    But  thoiv,  my  fad  and  wretched  State, 
_  in  MercyTXord ,  regard jT 
And  raife  me  upT^etaTl  theiFCrimes 
may  meet  theirjuft  Reward? 
io_  By  this^  t  know ,  thy  gracious  Ear , 
is  open  when  I  ell" j- 
_B_ecaufe  thou  fufPreft  n ot .my  Foes,- 
to  tnuniph"  iFmyTaiiT" 

i    jL  JL s  pants_  t„^  j.^-.  B  Wx  wv»V6  »^>,.u,a, 

~when  heated  in  the  cfaace', 

""Solongs  my  SouL7"Q~God ,  for  thee ,_ 

and"thy  refrelhing  Grace.__ 
2    For  thee,  n?yjGod3_the  living  God, 

my  thirfty  Soul_do_th  pmej 

~0  wFenHiair I~behold  thy  Face,  _ 


ThovTMajefty  Divine! 
3 "Tears lirc~my"ronftanrFood ,  while  thus, 

lnjulfangToes  upbraid^ 

„  DeluieTWpgtcb^wher«rs  bow  t&y  (jod? 

"ancTvvhere  Tm8  promis^d_Aid_? 

4_  IJigh,  w he n-_g er  m y_mu ang  Fho u gh t s , 

~ ^lolFhli^py^ays  prgfegt> . 

*  When-  I"wl3i  l7aopi  of  pious  Friends 




thy  Temple  did  frequent. 
5  When  I  advane'd  withSongs  of  Praife, 

~ my  Solemn  Vows  to  pay,  "" 
. ^AnoTledThcloyful  facred  Throng 

_that  keprthc  Feftaljiay^ 
6    Why  reftlets,  wh~y_caft  down ,  my  Soul  ? 

_truft  God^  who  will  employ 

His  Aid  for  thee;  and  change  thefe  Sighs, 

to  thankful  Hymns  of  joy. 
PART    II. 

•  ii  My  Heart  is  piere'd  ,~as  with  a  Sword , 
whilfF"thus-my  Foes  upbraid]! 
„  Vain  Boafter_,_  where  is  now  thy  God  ? 
„  and  where  his  promised  Aid?- 
12  Why  reftlefs,  why  caft  down ,  "mySouT? 

hope  ftillj  and  thou~4nain"ng,' 
"The  Praife  of  him  who  is  thy  God, 
"Thy  Health's  eternaiSpring. 



— ^.ju-^g 


1  _  My  Soul's  caft  down ,  O  God ,  but  thinks 

on  thee ,  and  Sion  ftill ; 
_From  Jordan^  Bank, from  Herman's,  Heights, 

8  _  One  Trouble  cal Is  another  on , 

and  gath'ring  o'er  my  Head , 



Fall Tpouting  down,  till  round  my  Soul 

a  roaring  Sea  is  fpread. 

9    But  when  thy  Prefence ,  Lord  of  Life, 
has  once  difpell'd  this  Storm , 


To  thee  I'll  Midnight  -  Anthems  fing, 

ijf  UST  JudgFof  Heav'n'lgTihWlnyToesT 
~~do~thou~ afTer  t  my  injured  Right:  : 
*0  fet  me  free,  my  God ,  from  thole""* 
that  in  Deceit  and  Wrong  delight. 
2~Sin"ce"Thbu  art  ftill  my  only  _Stay ,  ' 

Why  leav'ft  thou  me  in  deep  Diftrels  ? """ 

and  all_my_Vows  perform. 
io  God  of  my  Strength,  how  long  fhall  I , 
like  one  forgotten  mourn  ? 
Forlorn ,  forfaken ,  and  expos'd "" 
to  my  Opprefi^r's  Scorn. 

Why  goT  mourning  all  the  Day, 

"~\vihlft~me  infufting  FoeS:,opprels? 
3~Lef""me~wTth  Light  and  Truth  be  bleft, 
"~ be"The"(e^y- Guides^,  to  lead  the  w~ay',J 

]Tm~bjrihyJioly~Hin"jn:eft ,  ' 

"""and  m  thy  fleered.  Temple  pray. 


4  Then  will  1  there  Irelh  Altars  raife 

"~to~God7~who  is  my  only  Joy, 

*AnTwelHun'~r~Harps  with  bongs  ofJRraife 




"(hail  all  my  grateful  Hours  employ. 


O  therefore,  as  thou  gidft,  to  them, 

5    Why  then  caft  dawr^mySoul^ndjyhy 

_to_us.  Deliverance  bring. 

fo.  much  oppreft  with  anxious  Care  ? 6 Thro^thy^ yjftoriOTj_Narne_oiir_Arms , 

"OrTGoQ^thTGodTfor  Aid  rely^ 

"who  will  thy  ruin'd  State  repair.  . 

thcj^-oudeftFoe  mall  quell, 

And  crafh.  them  with  repeated  Strokes, 

7    111  neither  truft  my  Bow  nor  Sword , 

PSALM    XLIV.         LTunePf.%.-] 

when  I  in  Fight  engage 

i  vJ  Xord,  ouFFathers  oft  have  told7~  But  Thee ,  who  h 


haft  our  Foes  fubdu'd, 

"in  our  attentive  Ears, 

Thv  Wonders  in  their  Days  perform'd. 

"and  elder  Times  than  theirs : 

a  How_Thou_,  to  plant  them  here,  didft  drive 

the  Heathen  nJVom  this  Land ; 

Difpeopled_by  repeated  Strokes, 

_and  Qiara'd  their  fpiteful  Rage.  _ 

8~To"TIiee"~thFTriumph  we  afcribe~ 
from  whom  the  Conqueft  came ; 
In  God",  we  will  rejoyce  all  Day, 

and  ever  blefs  his  Name. 
PART    II. 

p    But  Thou  haft  caft  us  off* ,  and  now , 


~~of  thy  avenging  Hand. 
3    FoTTnot  their  Courage  nor  their  Swo~rd"7"* 
~tolheTn~Pofleffion  gave ; 

moft  fliani^tilly_we_yisM-L_ 

For  Thou  no  more  vouchfaf 'ft  to  lead . 

"Nor  Strength ,  that  from  unequal  Force ., 

their  fainting  Troops  could  fave ; 

4    But  thy  Right-Hand,  a"nd  po^fiur~A"rn" 
whofe  Tuccour  they  implor'd, 
--Thy  Prefehce  with  the  chofen  Race"7~~ 
who  "thy  great  Name  ador'd. 
5~  As  Thee,  their  God  our  Fathers  ownM,""" 
""thou  art  our  Sov'reign  Kuigs 

our  Armies  to  the  Field. 
IO  Since  when ,__to_ ev'ry  upftart  Foe, 


we  turn  our  Backs  in  Fight;  _ 
And  with  our  Spoil  their  Maljej^eaft^ 
who  bear  usancient  _S"pitc._ 
i F~7'o"yiau^iter~doom;d7  we  fall  like  Sheep,"* 
into  their  butcrrring  Hands ; 

Or  (what's  more  wretched  yet)  furvivc, 
G  dif. 

the  trench' rous  Crime  defcry.? 


1 8  Thou  feeft  what  Sufferings  for  thy  fake , 
and  let  their  Price  fo  low ,  _  we  ev'ry  Day  fuITain: 

"ThaFnoFFhy  Treafure  by  the  Sale ,  jUrffijagluej^^r_refe^M2ike^e^^r" 

difperft  thro^Heathen_Lands._ 
12  Thy  People  Thou  hall:  fold  for  Slaves , 


buFTheir  Difgrace  may  grow. 
ig~Reproachrd~  by_ainhe"N¥tibns  round7_ 

3^^?£^^By-^^r^  grown , 

"WholFsTonTofus  is  both  in  Speech, 
and  Inocking  Geftures  (hown. 

i^XonfufionTbikes  me  blind,  my  Face 

~in~confcious  {hame,  I  hide ; 
""WEIcTwe" "arelcofrd!,~a"nd God  blafphem'd , 

_ appointed _to_be  flain^ 


i9_Awake-,  ari^ ; Jetjeemmg  Sleep, 
__no_  longer  thee  detain ; 
Nor  let  us ,  Lord  r  -wbo  fue  to  Thee* 

for  ever  fue  in  vain. 

20  0  wherefore  hideft  Thou  thy  Face 
~from~ou  Fafflidted  JS  tate_?__ 
^toleSouIs  and"  Bodies  fink  to~Earth, 

by  their,  licentious  Pride. 


15  On  us  this  Heap  of  Woes  is  fall'n , 

with  Giiefs  oppreffive_Weight. 

t — f~  f  i^m 


all  this  we  have  endur'd; 



21  AnfeTOXord_,_and jiimely  Hafte , 

'""taour  0cljyrance  maker 

"Redeem  usT'LordTp'il  notjbrjou?s^_ 
^"ye^lbTthy^MeTcy^s  iaYe.. 

Yet  have  not,  Lord,  renounced  thy  Name, 

or  Faithj£jtheeabjur'd._ 


""our  HeartTand  Steps  with  Caiej. 

Tho'  thou  haft  broken  all  our  Strength, _ 

and_we  jilmoft-  defpain. 

xjTouldwe,  forgcltinglh^'gi-cat  Name,  _ 

on.  other  Gods  rely  y 

^7^a~XerthcrSeaTcher  oi  all  Hearts , 

PSALM    XLV..        \Tuw  Pf.  ai.J 


1    W  TilLE  1  the  King's  lou^Praifcrehearle;, 

"^^d~  by~my  _Heart ,  _______ 

Tf3^ongjIe^Jil^_ThT"Pen  ofjiim. 

rhaTwri^FwTtTTrcady  Art.____ 

^lw"Mouth"wilH"  Gracoo'erflo  ws  >, 

1  3e* 

PSALM      XLV. 


Becaufe  frclh  Bleffings  God  on  thee, 
""eternally  bellows. 



§    Gird  on  thy  Sword ,  raoft  mighty  Prince, 
~ anTciad  IrTrich  Array,, 


advane'd  thy  lofty  Head, 
p     With  Callia3  Aloes~and  Myrrh ~ 
Thy  Royal  Robes  abound; 


'With  glorious  Ornaments  of  Pow'r, 

Majeftick  Pomp  dilplay.      

_Wlucb^rom_thTftateiy*Wardrobe  brought," 

_  fpread  grateflTl^d^urFreiundT  " 
io_Among  the  honourable  TrakTJ 
did  Princely  Virgins  waitT" 


the  Meek ,  the  Juft,  and  True; 
I_WhTlinhy^]ghNHand"wirh  fwift  Revenge^ 

does  all  thy  Foes  gurfuff 
5    HowTharpI thy~Weapons  are  to  them ~ 

TjieJ^uwn^asj^acM  atjliy  R-'ght  -  Hand , 
in  golden  Robes  of  State. 

PART    II. 


that  dare  thy  Pow'r  defpife, 


Down,dovvn  they  fall,while  through  theirHeart, 

the  feather'd  Arrow  flies. 
^~~ButTh"y~hrm  Throl^,~"Q~God7~is"fix"rdl7~ 

for  ever  to  endure ; 

111  _ 

1 1  _But_thou ,  Q  Royal  Bride ,  give  ear , 


and  to  my  Words  attend ; 

ForgetThy  native  Country  now, 
_  and  ev'ry  former  Friend. 
li  So  lh all  thy~~Beau~ty  charm  the  King ,  _ 

_nor_(hall  his  Love  decay  K 
Thy  Scepter's  Sway  (hall  always  laft"7~~  JFor  He  jj  qow  become  thy  Lord , 


__by  Righteous  Laws  fecure, 
7 __Becaufe  thyTReartT" bjTju  ltice~red~ 
did  upright  _WayTap"prove"7'~ 
And  hated  ftill  th  ecrookedTat  h  s^ 
where  wand'ring  Sinners  rove. 


8 Therefore  did  God ,  thy  God ,  on  thee 

the^lofGladnefi ,  (hedT 
And  haTaBovcTiiy  FelTowTroun'dl  = 

__to  Him  due  Rev'rence  gay. 
i%  ThQ~]JFian  Matrons  rich  and  proud," 
lliall  humble Prefents  make; 


And  all  the  wealthyJNations  fue, 
thy  Favour  to  partake. 

1 4_l'Tie  King's  fair  Daughter's  fairer  Soul, 

all  inward  Graces  fill ; 

fat'    J      *-' 


Her  Rayment  is  of  purelt  Gold , 

G  2  adorn'd 

52  PSALM 

adorn'd  with  coffily  Skill. . 

15  She,  in  hcFmTptial_Garment  drefsyd",~ 

XLV.  XL VI-' 


with  Needles  richly  wrought, 

Attended  by  her  Virgin  Train , 
fhalljto  the  King  be  brought. 
16  With  aTrthe~State~ot* folemnjoy, 

the  Triumph  moves  along,  

Till~with~wlde  Gates  the  Royal  Court," 

pli  9-f: 

receives  the  pompous  Throng. 

17  Thou,  in  thy  Royal  Fathers  Room , 

muft  princely  Sons  expect ; 


Whom  thou  to  difl'rcnt Realms  may'ft  fend, 
to  govern  and  protect :_ 

18  Whilft  this  my  Song  to  future  times 


tranfmits  thy  glorious  Name; 


And  makes  the  World,  with  one  Confent, 

thy  lafting  Praile  proclaim. 


f^  m&4-&-JUj  1   \  \    r — ~* 

1  ■  J  OD  is_our_Reruge_in  Diftrefs ^ 

A prefent HeVwhenTDangera  psefs;, 

In  him  undaunted  we'll  confide : 

~Tho,T?a"rth~were~from_her  Centre  toft77 

And  Mountains  m  the  Ocean  loft^,_ 
U/rn  piecemeal  by  The  roaring  Tide,. 

a    s 


2    A  gentler  Stream  with  Gladnefs  ft  ill, 
The  City  of  our  Lord  lhall  fill, 

Br  ♦  f  t    -t-r-riT"" 

the  Royal  Seat  of  God  mod  High:  ~ 
God  dwells  in  Slon ,  whofe  fair  Tow'rs , 

_Shall_moclc  th'AfTaults  of TJartHy'Pow^rT, 

while  his  Almighty  Aid  is  nigh. 

3_  In  Tumults  whenH:he~HeEher77ag,dT~ 

'And  Kingdoms ,  War  againft  us  wag'd , 
~Hcthund"er'd  and  diTpers'd  Fheir  Pow,rsT~ 

"The  Lord  of  Hofts  conducts  our  Arms, 

"Our  Tow'r  of  Refuge  in  Alarms, 


our  Fathers  Guardian-God  and  ours. 


4    Come,  fee  the  Wonders  He  hath  wrought, 
On  Earth  what  Defoliation  brought , 

How  He  has_calm'd  the  jarring  World ; 

"He  broke  the  warlike  Spear  and  Bow ; 

With  them,  their  thand'ring  Chariots  too, 


into  devouring  Flames  were  hiuTd. 

5:   SmBbitto  God'sjUmighty Sway\, 

For  Him  theHelithen  (hall  obey,. 

andl&rWhlr^jpra^  ~ 

"ThTG^TofTTofts  conduces  our  Arms, 

ri  ___  i"~rrTT"r"7   — zz==:a 

our  Towrr  of  Refuge  in  Alarms , 
"  As  to  bur  Fathers  in  Diftrefs- 





and  greatly  to  be  prais'd, 


In  Sio a ,  on  whole  happy  Mount 

i  vJ     All  _ye  People  clap  your  hands , 

*~AnT^^rium'5BanrVoices  fing_j_      __ 
""No  forcTthe_mighjty  Pow]r  withftands,  _ 
~"OFGod7"the  universal  King. 
2    He  (hall  oppofing  Nations  quell , 

and  with  Succefs  our  Battles  fight; 
""Shall  fijTthe  Pl_ace_ wherejwc  muft  dwell/ 
~~ ThePride  of  Tacob ,  his  Delight.. 

his  facred  Throne  is  rats'd. 

3    God  is  gone  up,  our  Lord  and  King, 

with  Shouts  of  Joy,andTruinpets_Sound ; 

To  Him  repeated  Prates  ting ,__ 
and  let  the  chearful  Song  go  round. 


4    Your  utmoft  Skill  in  Praife  be  (hown , 

__for  Him  who  ail  the  World  commands; 
_^Who~fits  upon  his  Righteous  Throne^ 
and  fpreads  his  S  way_o,cr_Heathen  TandsT 
5__OTir  Chiefs  and  T  rites ^hat_fer^mhence^ 
__to  fcrve  the  GodoF^tbr'am  came,"         "~ 
Found  Him  thelr^onftan t  fure  Defence  3 
How  great  andglonous  is  his  Name! 

B'ULI   XLVHi:.     [Tims  Pf.^J 
*   *  H£-: Lord ^ the.  only  God 9  is  great,. 


2    Her  Tow'rs  the  Joy  of  all  the  Earth ,_ 

with  beauteous  Profpedt  rife: 
"Onlier  North  Side  th'  Almighty~K]ng^~' 
"Imperial  City  lies. 

3     God  in  her  Palaces  is  known ,  

his  Pretence  is  her  Guard ; 


Confed'rate  Kings  withdrew  their  Siege , 


and  of  Succefs_defpair^d. 
4    They  view'd  her  Walls,  admir'd  and  fled 



with  Grief  and  Terror  ftruck, 

Like  Women  whom_the  fudden  Pangs, 

of  Travel  had  o'ertook. 

5    No  wretched  Crew  of  Mariners, 


appear  like  them  forlorn 


When  Fleets,  from  Tar]hijh_  wealthy  Coafts, 


by  Eaftern  Winds  are  torn. 

6    In  Sim  we  have  feen  perform'd , 

a  Work  that  was  foretold ; 
In  Pledge  that  God,  for  Times 'to  come, 


;jsl=§lr§zrtt ,  ■-,." 

his  City  will  uphold. 


7 Not  in  our  Fortrcijes  and  Walls, 


did.  we.,  O  God,  confide 


But  on  the  Temple  nx'd  oar  Ho^c, 
G  J; 




__m_which  Thou  doft  refide. 
8    Aca3rdii^toThy~SoVrejgn  Name, 


:4       B= 

_ thyPraife  til  rough J2ar£h_ex£ends, 

Thv^ow'TfuTArm ,  as  Juftice  guides, 

chaftifes  or  defends. 

o    Let  Sion's  Mount  with  Joy  refound ,        _ 

her  Daughters  all  be  taught; 

In  Songs  his  Judgments  to  extol, 

who  this  Deliv'rance  wrought. 
io _Compafs  her  Walls  in  fbfcmn  Pomp. 

your  Eyes  quite  round  her  call , 

Conn  t  all  her  Tow'rs,  and  fee  if  there, 
_  you  find  a_Stone  difplac\i._ 

1 1  Her  Forts_and  Palaces  furvey, 


obferve  their  Order  well ;  _ 
"That,  with  AlTurance,  to  your  Heirs  , 
this  Wonder  you  may  tell. 

12  This  God  is  ours,  and  will  be  ours, 

whilft  we  in  Him  confide; 
_^i?2. ?_5S  Be  has  preferv'd  us  now, 
"ill  Death ,  will  be  our  Guide. 

_.I^ET  all  the  lj ft'ningWorld  attend , 

and  my  Inltructions  hear; 

Let_H2gh  and  Lo  w ,  jmdRich  and  PooFT* 

with  joint  Confelu  gTve~Ear:  ==a 

2~  My~MouTh~,~^t¥facFeTw  i  fdonTE  lTdT^ 
._  ^a^  g00^  Advice  impart , 

The  founcTKefult  of  pj,^enT^fhou"ghts"==::: 

_digefcdjnjnyjTeaFt7  === 


S    Toparables  of  weighty  Senfe, 

I  will  my  Ear  incline"-  === 

Whilit  to  my  tuncfulHarp  I  firig^ 
dark  Words  of  deep  Dc~figm  =^ 

4    Why  Ihould  iuy  Com:agelaiT"in  timesT 


of  Danger  and  of  Doubt  ? 

When  Sinners ,  that  would  m¥  fap]pTant7~ 
have  compafs'd  me  about. 
5    Thole  Men  that  all  their  Hope  and  Truft," 

_  in  Heaps  of  Treafure_pl_ace_? 

And  boaft  and  tnumph_whcn_they  fee, 

their  ill-got  Wealth  increafe ; 


6    Are  yet  unable  from  the  Grave 

their  dearell  Friend  to  free ; 

Nor  can  by  Forced  nor  Bribes  reverfe, 

th' Almighty  LorcTs  Decre_e.__ 
7 Their  vain  Endeavours  they  mult  q uit. 


_  the  Priccis  held  too  high; , 

No  Sums  can  purchafe  fuch  a  Grant, 

that  Man  Ihould  never  die. 

8  Not 

PSALM      XLIX.  L; 


8    Not  Wifdom  can  the  Wife  exempt, . 

nor  Fools  their  Folly  five ; 

But  both  rouft  perifh ,  and  in  Death, 

t±ieiTWeaith~to-  others  leave. 

g'ToFtlTo^l^^Hmk^riejrlWely  Scats , " 
ihilT^?eTlo_Rumjall_; _^ 

14 _ Then  fear  not  thou  when  worldly  Men," 
i nenvy'd  Wealth  abound",- 
Nor  tho'_ their  profp'rous  HoulelncrealeT  " 


But  their"Remembrance  lalt  ,JJ}_Laiids 

"— whTclibyiEeirl^^es^rhey^cilk 

iojfet  fhall  theirj^ame  be  fbon  forgot, 

how  great  lbe'er  their  State ; 

With  Beafts  their  Memory  and  they ., 
lEilTIhare  one  common  Fate. 


ii__Hovy  great  their  FoBy  is  who  thus, 
abfurd  Conclusions  make ! 
And  yet  their  Children  7~unrecTalmM^~~ 

repeat  (the-groIS  Miftake. 
12  They  all,  like  Sheep  toTflaughterJedj 
the  Prcy~(7tT3^Itirareirrjd"e~ 
Their  Beau  tyw  h  i  kTthe  JuTTFejoTceT" 
'^ahhini  the^ravelEall  fade.. 


i-3_^i;\t_ Godjwi  11  yet, redeem  my  Soul, 
and  fan,  the  greedy  Gravey 

His  gre^rPogrt:  ifeaU  fcc  meiee",,  

and  to  HnaMirrecelve-- 

_  with  State  and  Hor^ui^o"wnTd." 
1 5  Foiywhen  they^refunTmon^d  hence  byTJeaFh"^, 

they  leave  aTljhjs jjehind] 
No  Shadow  of  thciT  former  PompT" 
_  within  the  Grave  they  findT" 


16  And  yet  they  thought  their  State  was  bleit ; 
caugjit  in  the  Flatt'rers  Snare,- 

Who  with  their  Vanity  comply'd, 

and  prais'd  their  worldly  Care. 

17  In  their  Forefathers  Steps  they  tread , 
and  when ,  like  them ,  they_die, 
Their  wretched  Ancestors  and  they, 



in  endlefs  Darkncls  he._ 
iti  For  Man  how  great  foe'er  his  State,  ' 

uhlels  he's  tculy'wifeg, 

As,_like_a  fenliial  Beaft,  he  lives, 

fo,  like  a  Beait,  he  dies, 


_Hath_  fent  hfe  Summons  all  aVoad ,-  _ 

FrcTO^duwnFn^IghTlUrDsi)'  declines : 


f6  P    S    A    L    M      L! 

THnifVnrngEartirhis  Voicehath  fieard7~         '""~thaTbrTalhbuj^d_Mliare  kept.  ~~~~™~ 

And  He  from  Sion  hath  appear'd, 

6    1  know  the  Fowls ,  that  build  their  Nefts 
WHcreBeautyin  PegcgtionKfiines.""  |  In  craggy  Rocks ;  and  lavage  gggfts^J^II!"" 

aOSFGod  (hall  come,  ancTkeep  no  mere  "That  loofely^haunt  the  open  Fields!" 

""MHconftru^  Silence,  as  before, "        Iffeiz'd  With  Hunger  I  could jje,        

But  waftmg  Flames  SelofeTIirnllnch-'  Tneed  not  feek Relief  from  thee. 


""Around ,  (hall  Tempefts  fiercely  rage,  Since  the  Worldj  mme,and  all  it  yields".^ 

WhlteHedoes  Hx^ffi^d~E-arth engage,  '  ?  "Thiflk'ft  thbul^aTlhay-e  any  need , . 
""HirfurOTjibunal  to  attend. 

On  flauzhter'd  Bulls  and  Goats  to  feed. 

3"  Aflemble  all  my  Saints^to  Me 

To  eat  their  Flefh  and  drink  their  Blood  f 

(Thus  ransjhegreat  Divine  Decree^"  _~        The  Sacrifices  i  require,  ., 

"Are  Hearts  which  Love  and  Zeal  infpire, 

That  in  my  lading  Cov'nant  live;  ■*"*  ■*> 

And  OiKrings  bring  with  conftant  Care, 

gs^^t^gnt  .<  _A     1-i 

(The  Heav'ns  his  Juftice  (hall  declare,) _ 

and  Vows  with  ftrictelt  Care  made  goo 
PART    II. 

For  God  liimfelf  fhall  Sentence_give.__ 

n  lliiii^i^iiiiiiii 

4_  Attend ,jny  People ;~  ffr'e/,  hear;                   8~{£-P p^J^£^    y  *  °n  Mf  '           :       1 
Thy  ftrong  A^uFi^PirappelTT  ~~    p^^l^^^glSg---"— -1 r 3 

"^hyGod^  thy"  onIy~Gbd  "atnT  V^  And  thou  Returns  ofgnufe  (halt  make^~ 

'Tis  not  of  OfPrings  1  complain. 

Which,  daily  in  my  Temple,  flain, 
My  facred  Altardid  fupply 


But  to  the  Wicked  thus  faith  God, 

How  dar'ft  thou  teach  my  Laws  abroad, 

,"  T5       ~~Q"innThy^"oul^m^^nan^talv^?~ 

S?T==:===     ^For  ftubDornTthbu  a  cosafirm'd  in  Sin, 

5  _ y^^j  lhis_alone  Atonement  make?  9 ; 

E^Bufo'kTrom^thpl^f^k^^^2    ^Halt  Proot  a^Bro^Mjb^^^r 
~WlfcG5at  from^yW^gEtr"^    __gn_d_of  my  Word  didttjtghtly.fpeak:     ^ 

the  Cattci  too  arc  all  my  own. 

Thou  gladly  didlt  with  him  agree. 


PSALM      L,  LI. 


Andwith  Adult'rers  didft  partake. 

io~VTle~Slander  i|~tby  chief  Delight ; 

Thy  Torrg^byjny^^gvJg_gnd  Spight, 
gceitfuTTaleTaoes  hourly  fpre"ad~7~_~~ 

2     WaflToirmy"  foul"  Oflc"nce7" 
andcleanie  melom  my  Sin ; 

For  i  conf^n^ctjine » an^  ^ce 

how  gfea t  my  Gu i It  h"as"been.'~ 

~Th^u^61Fw7tfa  hateful  Scandals  wound 
Thy  Brother, _and_ with  Lies  confound, 
Thejfflpring  oFtEy  Mothei!^8^ ^ 

—- 1 — 

3     Againft  ThelT^ToTd^lone^ 
andonly  in  thy  fight 
Have  I  tfahjfgrei^d  ,_and  dio7"Coi^mn\l7"~ 

ii  Thefe  Things  didft  thou  ,  whom  ftill  I  ftrove  •  muft  _own_thy  judgment  right. 


To  Bam7"with  Silence  andwith  Love; 

Till  thoudidft  wickedly  furmife, 
That  I  wiSluch  a  one  as  thou ; 


But  I'll  reprove  and  Ihame  thee  now, 


AndleFthy  Sins  before  thine  Eyes.' 
1 2~Mark  this ,  ye  wicked  Fools,  left  I , 
T,"eTaTr_my_Bolts  of  Vengeance  fly, 

Whilft  none  (hall  dare  your  Caufe  to  own. 
"Who  praifes  Me.,  due  Honour  gives, 
""And  to  the  Man  that  jultly  lives, 
~~ My  ftrong  Salvation  mail  be  fliown. 

4__In_Giiilt  each  part  was  form'd" 
_of  ail  this  (infill  Frame ; 
_^_Guik_I_was_conceiv'd ,  and  born 
the  Heir,  of  Sin  and  Shame. 

5 Yet_Thou,  whole  fearching  Eye 

does  inward  Truth,  require, 



In  Secret  didft  with  Wifflom's  Laws . 
myjtender  Soul  inlpire.  _ 
6     With  HylTbp  purge  me,  Lord^- 



.  and  Co  I  clean  (hall  beT~ 
*•  I  (hall  with  Snow  jrTWhiteneGTvley" 

when  purify'd  by  Thee.  ~~t 

7     Makefile  to  hear  with  joy, 

I  JtlAV 



_A VE  Mercy,  Lord,  on  m e_. 

as  Thou  wen  ever  kind; _ 

Let,  me,  opprcft  with  Loads  of  Guilt, 

thy  \vonted  Mercy  find. 

_thyjcind  forgiving  Voice, 
That  fo  the  Bones  which  Thou  haft  broke," 
may  with  frefh  Strength  rejoice. 
8    Blot  out  my  crying  Sin 


nor  mc  m  Anger  view : 



PSALM     LI.     LIT, 

5  Create  in  me_a_Heartjhat,'s  clean, 

PART    II. 

noFcaft~Tne"from  lhv_Sjgh_tj_ 

W         "!_.._    ^t-~ TT~1-»      Ovx!*!*-     *-n\rrh 

to  cad  a  gracious  Eye: 


Nor  let  thv_H]ol_y_Sph:it  take, 

r. £ 


T^he~J()y~tJiy"_Favoar^[ves, ^ 

let  me  again  obtain  ; 

lA^lnX frcefSpriVs" firm  fcppojt, 

iF'So  ilhy^ligh"teouI"Waysj 

~toSinners  will  Jrn  pan: -==3 

"~i&Tb  y~]}ift  XawrconveTt. ■, 

1 2  "My  ^ujk^oTBlooT  rernoye, ^_____ 

""lajTSaf  ioSF^  andjgy  God;    T 

~£fi4giy  glaTtongueThal^u^rytell. 

15  A  broken  Spirit  is-.. 

^~6y~Go3r7SoS  highly  prFz'd ; 
By  biffl pa , broken  contrite  H]irt~~" 

(hall  never  bc_  delpis'd. 
16  Let  ~Sion  Favour  find, 
'*^rtfy~Good^'^ill  affbjr^^ 

"Andlhy "o wn_City  flour i lhTong",~ 

by  loftyWdls  fecur'd. 
-  and "pieafing  Tribute  pay ;_ 

And  Sacrifice  oj'choic_e_ft_kind, 
upon  thy  Altar  lay. 

:=======  PSALM    LIL 

[Tune  Pfi  io."} 

1   I  N  vain,  O "Man  onawjefsMigjit ,  ~ 

thy  righteous  A&s  abroad 

13  Do  Thott-  unlock  my  Lips^ 

~ wltrTSorrow  cWd  and  feam^J 

Solfi  alTmy  MoBtlTti  r7  wondrous  Pralfe ,___ 
~te  aS  fJeW  oiTcTproclaira . 

i4_~Could^amfe_atone  1_ 

~^h^TFlT)cE"aria^Hci^sjhoiild_  die ; 

"  K  ut"inTu";l7uif  'ringTTliou  "dlfdaaTIlT" 

^t^ujoarVf thy  felfj^;  ^_        t 

^"STricF^od^  theggdjttjjjjgg.  I jjrgft » 

^Thywckeg  Tong^^ll^^rin"i^Ig^ 

"A^d^lharpcFthan  1  Razor  fct->__ 

^^1  woundllyitljreac^oTO  Ljc&__ _^ 


ol  ticHim  truth",  clvp-.oy'd, 


TKy 'TongueT,  delights  in  Wordl  by  wbjchj 

~  theGuiltlofTarc^eftroy  'd. 

4  God,  (hall  for  cver_blaft  thy_Hopes,  _j 
_ and  Hiatch  thee  foon_a way;; __   ^ 

^^FjiTd^dweflTng^piace  peFmjt,        

"~nor  in  the  World,  to  ftayT" 

thai  God,  is  but  a~NameY~ 
This  grofs  Miftake  their  Pra">Itice~lhows7~~ 
lince  Virtue  all  difclaimT 
2J-^C  Lordlook'd  down  from  Heaven's  height , 
the  Sons  of  Men"to~vTew; 

To  fee  if  any  qwnM  his  Might 

5    The  Juit_with  pious_Fear  fhall  fee , 

the  downfal,  of  thy  Pride; __Y 

And  at  thy  fudflea  Rum  laugh. 

"andTlrus" thy  fall  deride  :_ 

6  ^ee^heFe~~the  haughty  Man  that  was, 
~~who  proudly  God  defy'd , 

„  Who  trufted  in  his  Wealth,  and  ftill 
_  ^  on  wicked  Arts ,  rely'cL  " 

7  But  I  am  like  thole  Olive-  Plants , 

that  (hade  God's  Tcmplc~roundr7~ 
jk'^kope  _with  h  i  s J^ulgenT~GTace , 

to  be  for  ever  crown'd. 
§__Sofhatl ."my  Soiti  withPraife ,  0  God ,  L "~ 
_  extoUhy^on^wsTove--- 
_4^.2n  thy  Name  with'  plttience  waiti"~ 
ibr  this  thy  Saints~approvc7  " 


PSALM    LIII.         ZTumP/: 22.1 

or  Truth  or  jfuftice  knew. 
3    ^ut  all,  he  fawTwere  backwards  g6"ne7~ 



degen'rate  grown  and  bafe; 


None  for  Religion  car'd ,  not  One 
of  all  the  -finfnl  Race. 

4  JButarethofe  Workers  "of  Deceit^ 
To  dulfand  fenfiefs  grown ,  _ 
That  they  like  Bread_rny  People~eat~ 
_  and  G~od_'sJjuft  Pow'r  difown  ?      -  ~ '' 
5__  Their  cauflefs  Fears  fhallrtrangcly  grow ; 



__ and_they ,  defpis'd  of  God  ,  

Shall  foon"be  foil'd;  his  Hand  flialTThrow™ 

ES ~ 


their  (hatter'd  Bones,  abroad.  _ 


He  wicked  Fools  mull:  lure  fuppofe, 

6 Would  He  his  Paving  Pow'r  employ, 

to  break  our  fervjle  Band ,_ 
Loud  Shouts  of  univerfal  Joy  j 
lhould  eccho  through  the  Land. 

PSALM    LIV.  [TutkPfii.l 

filial     t  to*  i   ■?    1   y-  !'y 

uppofe,  i  J—Ord,  faveme,  for  thy  glorioi 

H  2 

iorious  Name , 


PSALM      LIV.    LV, 

and  Jn_ tb y  Strength  appea r , 

To  j udgc  my  Caufe:  accept  my  Pray'r, 
and  to  my  Words  give  Ear. 
2~_Mcre  StrangerTTwhom  I  never  _wrong'd,~ 
"to  ruin  me  defign'd; 
"And  cruel  Men  that  fear  no  God, 



again  ft  my  Soul  combined.  _ 

3  But  God ,  takes  part  with  all  my  Friends : 
||  Hi  1^1  |=  §=|= J=t?  =EEj==E=E=E| 

and  He's ,  the  fureft  Guard ; 

~The~God~of  Truth ,  (hall  give  my  Foes, 
their  Fal (hoods  due  Reward. 


4  \\  hjle  I  my  grateful  Qfl'ring  bring, 
..and  Sacrifice  with  Joy, 

And  in  his  Praitc  my  Time  to  come,  _ 

delightfully  employ. 


5     from  dreadful  Danger  and  Diftrefs, 

the  Lord  has  let  me  free ;. 
Through  Him,  THall  Iar*all  my  Foes , 

thejuft  Deftruition,  fee. 


a    Attend  to  this  my  fad  Complaint , 

and  hear  my  gricvou7Moa"nT;"~" 

Whilft  I  my  mournful  CafFdedareT 
_with  artlefs  Sighs  and  GroansT- 

3  Hark !  how  the  Foe  inftilts  aloud, 
how  fierce  OpplieflbrTrageT" 

Whole  flancfaing  Tongtteswith  wratJffirfHate 
again  ft  my  Fame  engage.  '' 

4  My  Heart  is  radt'¥withj>ajj^1^  Soui '  & 

with  deadly  Frights  diitrefVd;- 
With  Fear  and  Tjrenabling  conTpafs^d  round"! 
with  Horror  quite  opprefs'd. 

5 How  often  wi fiYd  I  then , ~t h aTl— 

the  Doyens  fwift  Wings  could  get] 
Tnat  I  might  take  my  Ipeedy  Flight  ^ 

and  feek  a  fafe  Retreat ! 

6    Then  would  I  wander  far  from  hence] 
and  in  wild  Defarts  ftray ,  _ 

_Till  all  this  furious 'Storm  were  fpcnt, 



PSALM    L|V.         [Turn  Pf.  12.] 

1  VJ IVE  ear,  Thou  J  udgc  ofjdljhcJ<;arth^ 

and TilFcn  when!  pray; 
JNor  ileum*  thy  humble  Suppliant  turrji,  ~ 
""thy  &loriou7Fa^away~ 

tius  Tempeit  part  away. 
PART    II. 

7_jbcrtroy ~_ O  Lord_,  their  ilfDefigns, 

their  Counfelsjbon  divide ; 

For,  thjough_the_Oi,ty  my  gric^d "Eyes" 

_  have  Strife  and  Rip]  ne_]py",d~ 

8~  By  Day  and~JNigTit~oia  ev'rylVair,- 


PSALM      LV. 


they  walk  their  conftarit  Round; 
And  in  the  midTFof ajl  h  :r  Strength^ 

~aTe~GrTcf"and  Mjfchicf  fbund. 
5>     WhoTVrlbnTugircv'ry  Part  mail  roamTJ 
~~ withTre ■n^D7^rders_meet ;  ~~ 

"DeccTtTandljuilc  their  conftanF  Pofts , 

~~ main  Fain  in  ev'ry  Street.^ 

loJFor  'twas  not  any  open  Foe,, 

that  falie  RefleflroSTmade ;  _  ~ ~ 

"For  then ,  I  could  with  Eafe  have  born ,  _ 
~~the  bitter  Things  he  laid: 

ii  'Twas  none  who  Hatred  had  profeit, 


that  did  again  ft  me  rife ; 


For  then,  1  had  withdrawn  my  felt", 
fromhis  malicious  Eyes. 
12  But  'twas  ev'n  thou,  my  Guide, my  Friend^ 
_whom_ j  end' reft  "Love  did  join  ,J^_ 
Whofe  fweet  Advice  Ivahfd  moft,  ~ 


jwh_oieJPray'rs  were  mixt  with  mine. 

13  Sure  Vengeance  equal  to  their  Crimes, 


fuch  Tray  tors  muft  furpnze; 


And  fhdden  Death  requite_thole  iils, 
they  wickedly  deviie ' 


14  Bat  I  will  call  on  God,  who  ftill 
fliall  injny  Aid  appear; 


At  Morn,  and  Noon,  and  Night  I'll  pray. 

and  He,  my  Voice  (hall  hear.  ~ 


15  Qod  has  releas'd  my  Soul  from  thofe3 
_ _t hajF d i<i_ AA^kh jti e  contend; 

And  made  a  nurn'rous  Hoft  of  Friends"!, 
mv  Righteous  Caufe  defend! 

-     - ; t    _0 .T    .     . 

16  For  He,  who  was  my  Help  of  olo\ 

fliall  now  his  Suppliant  hear ; 


_And  punifh  them  whofe  profp'rous  State , 

makes  them  no  God  to  fear. 

vj  Whom  can  I  truft,  if  faithlefs  Men 

perridioufly  devife 


To  rujn  me ,  their  peaceful  Friend , 

and  break  the  ftrongeft  Ties! 

18  Tho'  foft  ancTmelting  are  their  Words  ~ 

their  Hearts  with  War  abound ; 


Their  Speeches  are  more  fmooth  than  Qyl . 
_  and  yet  RkeTwords  they  wound. 
it)  Do  thou,  my  Soul,  on  God  depend , 
and  He  (hall  thee  faftain,_ 

_He_aids  thej'uft  whom  to  fupplant, ' 

the  Wicked  ftrive  in  vain.       _ 

20  My  Foes,  that  trade  in  Lies  and  Blood , 

_(hall  all  untimely  die; 

"~Wh i IftTfor  Health  and  Length "oTDays , "" 

*4  — 


on  Thee ,  my  God ,  relv. 
H  3 



PSALM      LVfc 

PART    IT. 


1  b  A  l  w  >,H -  J^juiKjrinjuftice  KtU  drape?  . 

DlilPilllPiiIIlli=l=§^=i  fcxi^^^A— 1^==l  r-      =1 

O  Thou,  0  God ,  in  Mercy  help_, 

for  Man  my  EJfejiffis; 

O  Righteous  God ,  arife; 


for  Man  my  LTfepuifi^;            "LeFthy  juft  Wrath^C  ^olongprovok'd  )  ~ 

To^Yuniliie^it^repeaTedW'fbngs ,  ~"this  impious  Race  chaftife.      r 

he"3aily  Strife  renews]            "Thou  numbreft  all  my  SFeps  fince  firft,     J" 

ContinFaTly-n^rp^fiiTFoe^2 I  was  compel Pd  to_fiecj 

"=to~nunTueTj6mbineT       __]"_ "       J^ very  Tears  are  tTeafur'd  up~ I 

TbTmT&ft  who  fitgft  enthroned  on  high,  "  and  regiffer'd  by  Thee:       ______Z~ 

t:^^^igiEty~Numbersloin.    ~J  5^^^^heTrforo" Ijnvoke  /thy  Aid, 

2    BuTTThoMbmetimes  iurpriz'd  by  Fear,  nr 

vmettmes  iurpriz'd  by  Fear, * myj^fhall  be jo^r thrown^ " 

^"^^TSanger'THHraarmO-  Z        ~f^Qn^OfuT*d~tfiaTGod ,  ~ 

UOU  S  iaunrui   rroume  x  mau  yirtnc, ^_    -  '    — '--^=4£^ri3~i===^======3 

"in  God  I  n-uft ,  'and  trufting  him. 

'  to  Thee  I'll  render  Praife  l 
Fie^niT"oT^nrMy~3_"7  ^jrtejiaitj^igv^dm|^^m_^a^ 

g^^wre^yW^^^^Ve  tbemTgelic      ^^and^Hgjj^tBi}.feg^e"B  ' 

"TScrife,  thcy'never  meant: 

"Tliejjb,  Thou  haftjb  oftjrefciVd^      , 

Oil  Illy   l^L'ltlUOLiUii   ui-m- ■^J£**  jT"^  *tt  LI  a"  ■  -  -===3 

^^ofe^^^^gTheT'comblne,  .  -=5^tM--S^"iS=^EEE^^E^p 

to  make  my  Soul  their  PreyT 


P    S    A    t    M      LVII.  LVIIT. 


I      1    HY  Mercy ,  Lord ,  to  me  extend , 


On  thvProteaion  I  depend ; _—_--. 

"And" tolhY~Wing"tbr~Shelter  hafte , 

Till  this  outragious  Storm  is  pair, 
a     Trc7diy"TrTbimarrLovdT  1  fly? 
"Thl)TrSo^eignJadgc_aiid_  God_moft_high  ;_ 

"WhtTWondcrlFhaft  for  me  begun, 


Into  the  Pit  they_made  tor  meTJ 
7    O  God  my  Heart  is  fix'd ,  'tis  bent , 

Its  thankful  Tribute  to  prefent, 

_And ,  with  my  Heart  s  "my  VoiceTll  raifc_ 

To_Thee,  ™y_*£od_,  m  Songs  ofPraife. 
8     Awiike  my  Glory ;  Harp  and  Lute, 


—     -f  1>W     1U»b". 

No  longer  let  your  Strings  be  mute; 
And  1,  my  tuneful  Fart  to  take, 


=5  7=1.7=5 


And  wilt  notkave  thy  Work ,  Undone. 
3     FromHcav^i,  protect  me  by  thine  Arm, 


And  (hame  ah'_tho(e  who  leek  my  Harm ; 
to  my~Relief"thy  Mercy  fcnd , 
jAiici^Truth 3  on  which  my  Hopes  depend ; 

_Will_with  the  early  Dawn ,  awake. 

9    Thy  Praife&j  Lord,  i  "Will  refound , 
To  all  the  lilVning  Nations  round: 
"Thy  Mercy,  higheft  Heav'ntranfcends , 

Thy  Truth  beyond  the  Clouds  extend, 
i  o  ~Be^ho¥7"0~GodVexSedJijghj 


4    For  I  with  lavage  Men  converfe, 
Like  hungry  Lions  wild  and  fierce, 

And  as  thy_Glory_fills  theJJky, 


Till  thou  art,  here,  as,  there,  obey'd, 

With  Men  whofe  Teeth  are  Spears,  their  Words 

ii!l^E^^li=ifeiiiSi!l§    ®sc^s©®h©©si©^i®ki©skks 

Ihvenorrfd_Darts,  and  two-edg'd  Swords. 

Be  Thou,  Q  _God ,  exalted  high  ; 
And,  as  thy  Glory  fills  the  Sky,_ 

So  let  it  be  on  Earth  difplay'd ,___ 
Till  Thoo  ail?_heI'e_?  as,  there,  obey'd. 
B__To_take  me^they  tSeir_N^prep"arTd~r"" 
_And  haft mmoft  my" Soul  enfnar'd~7~ 

^utieUThfil^el^rby'IuitlJeu-ccT  ? 



[  u  PEAK,  O  ye  Judges  of  the  Earth, 


if  juft  your  Sentence^  be. 


Or,  muft  not  Innocence  appeal 

to  Heav'rt ,  from  your  Decree  ? 
2    Your  wicked  Hcarts_and  Judgments  are, 

alike  by  MaUee  Cway'd; 




Your  griping  Hands  by  weighty  Bribes ,  9    E'er  Thorns  can  make_the  Flefh-pots  boil ,~ 

to  Violence  betray'd. 

tempeftuous  Wrath  fliall  come 

3     To  Virtue  Strangers^ from  the  Womb;  From  God,  and  (hatch  them  hence, "alive, 

"their  infant  Steps  went  wrong:  _  to  their  Eternal  Doom. 

They  prattled  Slander,  and  in  Lies  10  The  Righteous  (hall  rejoice  to  fee_, 

~ employ'd_,  their  lifping  Tongue, 

4  "No"; Serpe^ot^pJrdf d  sJfrick's  breed , 

"does  rarikerPqyfon  bear ; 

their  Crimes  fuch  Vengeance  meet; 

And  Saints  in  Perfecutors  Blood 

fh  all  di  p  their  harmlefs  Feet. 

nvfy  Adder  will  as  foon , 
ock  ins  fallen  Ear._ 

5  Unmov'd  by  good  Advice,  and  deaf 

as~Adders^  they/jremain ;__  

From. whom  the  skilful  Charmer's  Voice, 
can  no  Attention  gain. 

6  _Defeat, jO  God ,  their  threat'ning  Rage_,_ 

" and^^Ty^Freair^irJl'ow^r. 

"Difarm  thefc  growing  Lions  Jaws, 

""e'er  praciis'd  to  devour. 

1 1  Tranfgreffors  then  with  Grief  fliall  fee  , 
juft  Men  Rewards  obtain;   _ 


A  lid  own_a  God ,  whole  jultice  will 

the  guilty  Earth ,  arraign. 




i  JL/elIVER  me?  O  Lord  my  God,  - 

~rroj^rinyTp}tcful  Foes ; _ 

In  my  Defence  oppofe  thyPow'r 
7    LeFnqw  their  ] nfblence.,  at  height, 


like  ebbing  Tides  be  lpent; 
"Their  Kniver'd Darts  deceive  their  Aim, 

\o  theirs  ,_Who  me  ogpofe, 

Preferve  nie  from  a  wicked  Race 9 _^ 

"who  make  a  J  jade  qTIU;, __  '  _  ■ 

8     l.iKt'  onaus  let  cnem  mnuivc  m  omuc, --~t— V—    r -t =-gJ=5==_^.    ■-■-=3 

Sun7         "     ■■ '    -=g!^j|gLyIE^gM^-=^E=i==^s=a 
i        S^SwD^odL j        ^  Impkcable;yeF,"Lord,  Thouknow'lt, 



"In  Halle  they  run  about,  andjwatch^ 

y    S    A    L    M    LIX.  6  s 

E==^V6flS^fmmeTL __"____!_,      ^^^^MS^^^JLMZ—l 

'from  Danger.,  feTme  free,  ~ 

"ShalTcrown  my  Wifhes,  and  fubdue 

"'my  haughty  Foes,  Fo  me. 


6    Deftroy  them  not,  O  Lord,  at  once , 


"my  guiltlefs  Life  to  take_:_ 

arid  "toln^THelp  awake !        

l?__E_i_____i-^§i^liil§?^i==i  1 

°~~ThouTLord  of  Hofo  and  ffs  God,^_ 
~" fteir  Heathen* Ragelupprels ;  _ 

reftrain  thy  veggeftri  Blow, 


Relentlefs_  Vengeance  take_on  thofe,_ 


who  ftub^m7hjy^an^j-_el^ 
*^_t  Ev^opig  to frefet my_ goufe,,  .    '     .       f 
"^"In<e"growjIngT)ip^jhey  meetj_ 

*"Wh"Ie  others  through_the  City  range , 

a"n"d"rantack  iv'ry  Street. _ 

4~^heh^I~fo^Tenve^m,d  Slander  breathe, 
their  Tongues,  are  iharpen" d  Swoi^s|^ 
^h® -Te^sTfairtbeyyor Kearing",  dares 

reprove,  our  lawlefs  Words? 
^utfro^r^y^hrone  Thou  malt,  O  Lord, 

their  bafiieS  Piots  deride ;_ 
^AndToon  to~Scorn  and  Shame  expofe , 

"their  boaiied  Heathen  Pride. 
PART    II. 

5    On*  Theel jwait ,_ [fiTon  thy  Strength 



for  Succour ,_I  depend ;  _ 

~'TirThou7"Q~God7"art  "my~DeTc1Tc"e"~"*~" 
who  only  canft  defend. 



Left  we,  ungratefully,  too Jbon_ 

forget,  their  Overthrow.      

Difperfe  them  through  the  Nations  round  " 

by  thy_avenging  Pow'r; 
~Do_Thou  bring  down  their  haughty~PrTde~7" 
O  Lord  our  Shield  and  Tow'r" 


7    Nowm  the  Hejght  of  all  their  Hopes , 

their  Arrogance  chaftife; 

WhofeTongueshave  finn'd  \yldiolJt^eftrarnt^ 

and  'Curies  join'd  with  Lies. 
Nor  lhalt Thou, whillt  their  Race  endures,"* 

thine  Angef,  Lord"7  fupprefs ;  ~ 

That  diftant  Lands ,  by  their  juft  Dwm~j 

may  JJ'fefs,  God  confefs^ 

8~T  At  Evfoibg let thetia  ftUlperfiftT" 

like  growling  Dogs,  to  meet; 

"Stul  wander  all  die  City  round ,  _ 

and  traverfe  ev'ry  Street. 

_Then ,  as  for  Malice  now  they  do. 

for  Hunger ,  let  them  ftray  \ 




And  yell  their  vain  Complaints  aloud . 
~~ defealed~ofThei  r~Prey. 

9    Whilft  early"  I  thy  Mercy  fing ,  " 

""thy  wond'rous  Pqw'r  confefi;  5~ToTheeT"nTFo~momTlRlvTd(r~ 

LIX.    LX. 

Lord  Hear  the  Pray'rs  that  we  direct. 
The  Holy  God  has  fpoke :  and  I 


O'er-joy'd,  on  his_firm  Word,  rely. 

For  Thou  haft  been  my  fure  Defence, 


=-*7T-4 y 

my  Refuge  in  Diftrefs. 

To  Thee_with_nc\rer_ceafing ^_Praile_?__ 


"O  God  my  Strength,  I'll  fing; 


Thou  art  my_God,  the  Rock  from  whence , 
my  Health  and  Safety ,  fpring. 

_Fair  Sjcbents  Soil,  Samaria's  Pride : 
To  Sichem,  Succcth  next  KHoinT"* 

_And  mcal'ure  out  her  Vale  byTine :  ' 
6  ManaJJeb^  Gi/ead,  both  tubicrlbe 
*~T"o~my  Commands ;  ^^EpbrailPTTx^c^ 
EpbraiiiJ^Joy  Arms  mppor^^}Tclmfe~~' 


And  Judab_  by  religious  Laws. 
7  ^MoaVmySk  ve  and  J>udgelh~aTTbe 

As  we  thy  juft  Difpleafure  mourn , _ 

To  us  in  Mercy,  Lord ,  return. 

a  Our  Strength,  that  firm  as  Earth  did  Hand , 

Is  rent  by  thy  avenging  Hand , 

yr — r  \   L-j    t    if    *  "    / 

O  !  heal  the  Breaches  Thou  haft  made, 
We  lh,akeT"we  fall »  wi thoutlh yAid! 

3  Our  folly's  lad  Effects  we  feci, 
~For~d~r"u"nF  with  Difcord's  Cup  we  reel , 

But  nowfor  them  who  Thee  rever'd  , 
Thou  haft  thy  Truth's  bright  Banner  rear'd, 

p!glfT=f-=§?     T"  -3""^~»  - — =j 

4  Let  thy  Right-Hind  thy  Saints  Protect  j 

Nor  Edom  from_my  Yokej$cUree7~ 
~Yxo^FaJefin(&  mipenouTStateJ- 
"SlialThumbly  on  our  jriTumr^"wai"tT 

8  But  who  fliaU_quell_thefe_mighty  Powers, 

And  clear  my  Way  to  Edom^s  Tow'rs? 
|'|  I        EST"*      f  f       •       i 

Or  through  Iier  guarded  Frontiers,  tread 

The  Path,  that  does  to  Conqueft  lead  ? 

gjxjL»       T  =T=5i*.'_     T      T  T~»====^ 
p  Ev'n  Thou,  ^)_God ,  who  haft  difperft 

"Our  Troops^  for  we  forfook  TheetirftQ  ~ 

~Thoie~w"hom  Thou  didft  in  Wrath  TorTake"*" 

"Aton'd ,  Thou  wilt  victorious  make. 

io  Do  Thou  our  fainting  Caufc  fuftain  , 

"For  human  Succours  are  but  vain. 

Frefli  Strength  anl  Courage, God  btftows f 


PSALM      LX.LXI.LXiI. *7 

-»>«  thiTVowT,  of  my~Diftrefs. 

PSALM   LXI.  ^ICSI^C^^^^©I^^3€^I^ 

^_  -     _ . j  PSALM    LXI  I. 

i  _J^ORD ,  hear  my  Cry,  regard  iay,Pra^f  ,r  |5_-&:f =$=l_=il§f=_£__-=I 

^^^m^felT^  ^^^gTSttt  haften  on-ypnr  own?__ _ 

EftTee^ly^eWrnfTow^            ^  "ToW"totte7likTaJe^nXW_ajL     JJZ 

gi=ip§$l§||^M____i____________^  l^l=|^E|pEl=|^i=i^E^^ 

^^^rarCo vert  of^^S",    '3a5~  t^1^5eyftHvewith  Lies ,th^^^D^|^ 

*  jajl  ftitnre^ms jefy.    =^=^^^^  ^ortfacy ,^^^»is they h^^ 

^   In  Ggn  my  Vows  are  heard »  oncTSoreT"  rH2°g^e-  curfe  with  inward  Spite, 

S      I  o'er thy  Chofen  rejgn~T"  ^uFTh7m7myToiUj^^Godrdy_;  ._ 

^tE^rn^Thou^I'o&h^f^  ~T^  l^|oc^Td^H|aW,^wT5^^^^^^ 

5^^^rmT^rfluo^lindliiakFhTs^Tgn"  =3Z^^5^^^j£5i~^£r-=====^ 

acceptedTlnlhylight;  3    GodTdgeshis  faving  Health  ^^.Slli--^ 

And'letthy  Truth  and  Mercy^bolh7=  ~AnTflowln^le^ngTd^l_^fendj _^ 

m"hisl)eFcn"cc ,  united  He,  is  r_y  Pftttrefs  and  Defence »■ _____ 

^r^olha^evciMlnfthyTraiIeT~"  ^nHi_x^lip^u[^iaU  M^depgnd^ 

ThTl^an^orcYer^er^^        ■■•  "ln~Hi7„7  ve_ People rahvays  uult, 



Before  his  Throne  pour  out  pour  Hearts, 
For  God  the  Merciful  _and_Juft , _ 
His  timely  Aid  to  usnnparts. 

4 The  Vulgar  j_  fickle  are  and  frail ,  _ 

The  Great,  dlflembie  and  betrayj 

And  laid  in  Truth's  impartial  Scale ,  _ 
The  lighteft  Things  ,wiITbotrl9  outweigh. 

Then  truit  not  -in  opprcffive  Ways, 

By  Spoil  and_Rapine  grow  not  vain ;_ 

Where  I  refrefhing  WaterTwant. . 
i  0!  to  my  longing  Eyes~once~moreT~ 
That  View  of  glorious  Pow^'reTtore-^ 

Which _thy  inajeftkk^Iou(e~dinplayl$7~ 
Becaufe  torneTthy  wondrous  love,  - 
Thatf  Lifejtfelf,  does^elrer  proved 
My  LipslfiSr  always  ffleaicthv  PraTfe. 

Nor  let  your  Hearts,  if  Wealth  increafe , 

Be_fet_too  much ,  upon  your  Gain. 
5    For  God  has^fFhis~Will'exp~refs"'d , 

3  My  Life  jJjvMel  jhalLif£erfjoy , 
In  bleffinFGod,  I  will  employ, 

With  lifted  Hands,  adorehis  Name ! 

And  T  this  Truth  have  MlyHEhown ;    7~ 
To  be  of  boundlefs  Pow'Tpoffels'd, 

Belongs  oTRighf  to  God,  alonfeT" 
Tho'  Mercy  is  his  darling  Grace* 

My  Soul's  Content ,  (hall  be_as  great 

As  theirs,  who  choicer!:  Dainties  eat, 

In  which  He  chiefly  takes  delight ; 

Yet  will  He  all  the  human  Race, 
According  to  their  Works ,  requite. 

While  1  with  Joy  his  Praife  proclaim.  "- 
4  When  down  I  liefweet  Sleep  to~find~ 
Thou ,  LoTd ,  art  prefcnt  Fo  myMindT"" 

And  when  Lwake  in  dead- of  Night , 
Becaufe  thou  ftili  dott  Succour  bring, 
Beneath  the  Shadow  of  thyWmg, 

I  reft,  with  Safety  and  Delight.- 


My  Morning  Pray'rs  (hall  offer'd  be; 
For  Thee  my  thirfty  Soul  does  pant: 

b1'  J  J   yn   t  „^^m 

My  feinting  Fle(h  implores  thy  Grace, 

5  My  Soul ,  when  -Foes  would  me  devour, 

CleavesTaS  to  Thee,  whole  matchlcfs  Pow'r 

_  In  her  Support,  is  daily  fnown: 

But ,  thole  the  Righteous  Lord  (hall  flay,  . 

That  my  Deftr u  it  ion  wifh;  and"  they,. 

That  leek  my  Life ,  (hall  loleTheir  own.-" 

6  They 



6  "They  bylintimeY  Ends   nail  die_,_ 
"Their  Flcin~a  j^reyjc  voxcs_li_cj__ 

^l^Ttiee~ConfefslhirrftiIl , rejoyecy^^" 
^^iilTthe  fal^Tonguc  apd'TyTngTmG^" 

~~Tliou7  Lord~7"  thak  iilence  and  deftroy . 

P  S  A  L  M    LXIV.        £Tum  Pf.  5.-} 

r  JL  Ord ,  hearThe  Voice  of  my  Com 

my  Complaint, 

to  mj^ Jlequei^_give_Ear ; 

Prcferve  my  Life  from  cruel  Foes, 

and  free  my  Soul  from  Fear 

2    O!  hide  me ,  with  thy  tend'refl:  Care , 

in  fome  fecure  Retreat, 
■  From  Sinners,  that  againk  me  rife , 

and  all  their  Plots  defeat. 

3 See ,  how  intent  to  work  my  Harm7~" 

' Jthey  whet  their  Tongues ,  Tike's  words , 

And  bend  their  Bo ws"  t(TlhocTTheir  DarFs~~ 

(harpJLieT'a'nd"  bTtefTVordsT 
4  _Lurking  inprivate,  at  "the  Juft~" 
they  take  their  Jecret  A7m7~~ 
And  fuddenly  ,_at  Em  they  ihoot, 

quite  void  of  Fear  and  Shame. 

they  mutually  agree ; 

5    To  carry  on  their  ill  Defigns , 

_They_fpeak_of  lay lag  grivate  Snarei7~ 

and  think  that  none  (hall  ieeT  " 
their  wicked  Plots  they  lay; 
The"  deep  Defigns  of  alTTneiFHearts,  " 
arc  only ,  to  betray. 


7__But_God ,  to  Anger  juftly  mov'd , 
his  dreadTul  Bow  {hall  bend" 

14      C=^5 

And  on  his  flying  Arrows  point , 

n^iaUTwllFETeftniftioirferid.  ~ 

8__Thofe  Sjanders  which  their  Mouths  did  vent , 

~uporrth!SeTves  (hall  fall ;     _ 
p-.  »~~y~       ^   ^^f=^=-^==^-     v  * 
Their  Crimes  difcios'd ,  (hall  make  them  be""" 

dcfpis'd  ,_and  |hunn^d_by_all:_  _ 
ST  The  AVoHdlhall  tl^Ood'sPo'w'rconfel; 
~and  Nations  trembling  ftand_3_ 
Convinc'd,  that 'tis  the  mighty~Work"~ 

of  his  avenging  Hand. 


io_Whilft  righteous  Men,  whom  God fecurcs , 
"In  Him  lhail  gladly  tr  uft; 

And  all  the  lirVning  Earth  fhall  hear, 
lond.TriumphTbf  the  Jult. 



-T  OR  Thee ,  0  God,  our  conftant  Praife 
1  3  la 

LXV.  LXVf. 

In  S:o/i  waits,  thy  chofen  Saat; 
Our  promis'd  Altars"  we  will  raifc7~ 

And  there,  our  zealous  Vows  compleat. 

:    0  Thou  ,_who  _to  my  humble  Pray'r, 

Each  other's  Track,  by  turns  purfue. 
8    From  out  thy  urlexhaufted  Store, 

§2    IS 

Didfi:  always  bend  thy  lifVning  Ear, 

Thy  Rain  relieves  ±e^rfty_Groundj" 

and  "at  thy  gracious  Throne  appear. 
i    Our  Sins  ( tho'  numberlefs )  in  vain 

With  Corn  and  ufeful  Fruits,  abound^ 

Ili^il^lIIIIilF* = 

To  ftop  thy  flowing  Mercy,  try; 


Whilft  Thou  o'erlook'ft  the  guilty  Stain, 
And  watheft  out  the  Crimfon  Die. 


4   JSlelr.  is_the  Man,  who  near  Thee  plac'd , 
Within  thy  facred  Dwelling" lives! 

Whilltwe,  at  humbler  Diftance ,  tafte 

The  vaft  Delights,  thy  Temple  gives._ 
*?  ~By~vvond'rous  Acts,  OjGod ,  moft  juft , 
~Ha~ve  we  thy  gracious  Anfwer  found ;~~ 
"In  Thee  remotelt  Nations  truft, 

And  thofe  whom  ftormy  Waves  furround. 
__And_does_his  matchlefs  Pow'r  engage , 
""W^ith  which  tire  Sea's  loud  Waves7Hc  ftifis"; 

Thou  rrfak'lt  them  foft  with  gentle  Show'ri! 


In_\vhich_,  ableft  Increafe_diftills. 

io  Thy  Goodnefs  (foes  t&#circBng  Yea£ ,~ 
_ With  ftefli  Retoriig  ffipfeniy,  erowg; 

_And  where  thy  glorious  Paths  appear, 

Thy  fruitful  Clouds  drop  Fatnefs,down.  . 
1 1  _Jhey  drop  on  barren  Forefts,  changed 

-     n^ 

By  them ,  to  Pafturcs  frelh  and  green; 
The  Hills  about  in  order  rang'd, 

Ifr  «   f    i  s^^^s^y '  ■[•  ||  ■  , 

In  beauteous  Robes  of  Joy,  arc  feen. 

ttlif  ft       ■  i    .       A~r^f= 

And  angry  Crouds ,  tumultuous  Rage. 
PART    II. 

1 ~  ]  iiou ,  Lord ,  doit barb'rous  Lands  difmay, 

"When  they  thy  dreadful  Tokens  Yiew;  " 

i2_Large  Flocks,  with_fleecy  Wool,  adorn 
The  chearful  Downs  ;H±e~V"aTIics  bring_ 

A  plenteous  Crop,  of  fuil-ear'djCorn, 

~~ Andleem  for  Joy,  to  lhout  and  ling. 

PSALM    L  %  V  I.         ITum  Pf.  19.] 

,LT  all  the  Lands  with  Shouts  of  joy , 



P    S    A    L 

M     LXVL 


to  God,  their  Voices  raife; 

"SJngPTalms  in~H~ono~ur  of  hisTJame^ 

alnd^reliThTs-glorious  Praife.  , 


2~~Ari3  lefthegrfayThow  dreadful,  Lord^ 
""""in  alfffiy  Woflksart  Thou ! 
~T(Tthy~great~P7)W,r  thy  ftubborn  Foes, 

fliall  all  before"^"  tojSow. 

3 ~~TlTrora] l~the Earth  the NaTiomroundr' 

conlirms,  our  itcuiall  Ways. 
8    For  Thou  haft  try'd  us ,  LorcTT  as  Flre-^ 

does  try  ~the  precious  Ore ; 
Thou  brought'ft  us  into  Straits,  where  we , 

oppreifing  Burthens,  bore.  ~~ 

9~  infulting  Foes  did  us ,_theIFsTaves7~ 


^^r- —£==^1 

lhall  Thee  their  God,  confefs; 


f — fT^M — 1  r    ,t_J! 

thro'  Fire  and  Water  chafe ; 
"But  yet  atTlaft  Thou  brough t' it"  uslo r th~7~ 
*      into  a  wealthy  Place. 

And  with  glad  Hymns,  their  awful  Dread" 
"of  thy  great  Name ,  exprefs. 
4    O  come ,  behold  the  Works  of  God , 

and  jhen  with  me  you'll  own  ^ 

PART    II. 


That  He , _to_  all  the  Sons  of  Men , 

has  wond'rous  judgments  fhdwn.  ~~~ 

5    He,  made  the  Sea  become~dry  Land^ 
_  thro'  which  oufFathers  walk'd ; 
Whilftj  to  each'otheFof  his  Alight  7~ 
__wit_hjoy,  hiFPeople~ta1k'd.  ■ 

'     ~2^= 

6 He,  by  his  Pow'r,  for  ever  rules;" 

„^is_liYel?_  the  World  lb  ryey  j 

Let  no  prefumptuous  Man  rebel , 


io  Burnt-ofF'rings  to  thy  Houfe  FU  bring, 
and  there  my  Vows  will  pay, 

Which,  I  with  folemn  Zeal  did  make. 

in  Trouble's  difmal  Day. 
ii  Then  (nail  the  richeft  Incenfe  fmoke , 
the~faEe"ft  RamTfliall  fall"-"" 


The  choiceft  Goats  from  out  the  Fold , 
and  Bullocks  from  the  StalL~ 
i2_U  come7"all  ye  That  fear  the  Lord~7~" 

attend  with  heedful  Cjre;_ 
"Whillt  I,  what  GkxMEbr  me  has  done ,  ~ 

?     11 

with  grateful  Joy  declare. 

_againlt  his  Sov'reign  fvvay 

7    Q,all_y e_Nations  blefs  our  God~ 

13  As  I  before,  his  Aid  implor'd 



_  and  loudly  fpeak  his  Praife ; 

rrrry rv~       £-~ 

fo  now,  Ipraifc  his  Name; 

Who  keeps  our  Soufalivc,  and  (till 

Who,_if_  niy  Heart  had  harbour'd  Sin, 

would  alTBy  Pray'rs  difclalm.  " 

14  But 


i4~But God~to  me7~when  c'crT  cry'd," (hall  govern  all theEatrdL 

his  gracious  Ear  did  bend  j__  5  Let  dift'ring^  Nations  join , 

~And"to~the~Voice  of  my  Requelt,  ""to- celebrate  thy  Fame  f~ 

With  coliftanTLove  attend".  ~ "        Let^all  the  World,  0  Lord",  combine- 

ETf;-     1     rTrr  Y  *-=g^M  r~7~~t — n^r — nri 

15  Then  blefs'd-  for  ever  be  my  God,  _to  praife^  thy  glorious  Name. 

who  never ;  when  I  pray ,  6  1  ben  (hall  the  teeming  Ground, 

~ With- holds  his  Mercy  from  my  Soul, a  largelncreafe  dTfclofe; 

nor  turns  his  Face  away.  And  we  with  P[c  _yjhaU  be  crow'ad-, 

„  „    ,   r   ,/,    TVT7TT  7  "Then"  God  upon  ourTand, 

PSALM    LXVI  I.  g^^g=i^=ii:~i^t=r==^^EEigi=iz:irzr 

IHairconftant  Ble  flings  thowV, 

i_J[^J3""bTc?^}^hoTcn=r^ac^  J      ^ldglt^^^^^^e  (hall 

~m3ie7cyTLord"rincirne ;  -  of  hlsrefiftlefs  Pow'r. 

~on  all  thy  Saints  to  (hine.  _  .    .   T    ..    T  V,7TTT 

EgS^Sfe^rSgsSggSSgggS       1=—  ^=^=1  PSALM     La  VIII. 

2~That  To  thy  wond'rous  Ways,  _ , 

~m~iyThroTThe~World~brkno"wnr~  1   -L  ET"GodTjh^y4^L%Ii^\I'iJb. «. 

Whllft  "diftant  Lands  their  Tribute  pay ,  "Ana Tcatter Wprefumptuous  Foes i;   " 

^~a^lh"y"Sa[vati  onown .  nLTffharnctuTRouFtneir  Hoftsfurpnze , 

3 ~urdiftTnng"Nationsjolnl  g~who  foitefu"Ilv¥is  Pow'r oppofe.     ■;       ;. 

~to  celebrate  thy  "Fame;  2  ]As~SjnToak  niJTcTm  peft'gRage  is  loft,    .  __  .. 

^Tet^^^^gdTioToi^?  combine      __       '     ^r~W.agnjo  theTurnac> eaft.,      '    .___. 

topraifej  thy  glorious  Name.  "So'kTt  their  Pac  n  1  cgious  f lo  (I , _____ 

4  O,  let  them  lhout  and  fing7=  ' [_„ J_£___SS___§__S[_^^^i 

^"witlTjoy  and"piou7TlTrtir,~  3  JfuYTeTthe  Sen-anis  of  his__\V ill,  .    _JC 

Tof  Tfibu ,  the  Rightepus  Judge  .andJjrTg .  HOaypur'sfgentle'lteams  enjoy;  ; 

1  hen 



"Thelr'upright  H eartTierGiadnefTfi  11 , 
Andchearful Songs thelrTongues ,  employ. 
4  To  Him »  youFVoice'm  Anthems  rajfe,~":  -. 
-  ygjyopfl^s'awefiil  Name  He  bears;- 
"InHim  rejoice,  extol  his Praifc , 
~Who~rides  upon  high  rowling  Spheres. 
5nH7m7fi"om  his  EmpiFe  of  the  Skies  ~~ 

— To  this  low  World ,  Companion  draws  ,™ 
"ThiTOrphan's  Claim_tcTpatronize 

And  when  thy  Heritage  was  faint, 
Altwag'd  the  Drought,with  plenteous  Ihow'rs. 



10  Where  Savages  had  rang'd  before ; 

At  EafeThou  mad]ft  qur_  Tribes  refide ;" 

And  in  the  Defart  for  the  Poor, 
=r~ttX~~T   T    I     h  "  if 

1=^— rzi-   t  "ff-t— rm. 

Thy  gen'rous  Bounty  did  provide. 

-t     j[     ?-z3=zIee; 

1 1  Thou  gav'ft  the  Word ,  we  fally'd  forth, 
And  in  that  powerful  Word ,  o'er  came"; 





And  judge  the  injured  Widows  Caufe, 

While  Virgin-Troops  with  Songs  of  Mirth, 

PA  R  T     II. 

6  'Tis  God,  who,  from  a  foreign  Soil, 

Reftores  poor  Exiles  to  their  Home ; 
Makes  Captives  free,  and  fruMelsToil, 

Their  proudJ3pprep5s,  righteous  Doom. 
7  Twas  f6~ofoldT"wh^rTTTioTrdidurread~ 
In  Perfon,  I^rdV  our  Armies  forth, 

— £5E— 
_In  State,  our  Conqueft  ,  did  proclaim. 

12  Vaft  Armies,  by  fuch  Gen'rals  "led , 

As  yet,  had  ne'er  receiv'd  a  Foil,  * 

JForfook  their  Camp,  with  fudden  DreacTp"* 

And  to  our  Women ,  left  the  Spoil. 


i  g  Tho'  Egypt's  Drudges  you  have  been 

\r      — * 


'_ — * 

Strange  Terrors  thro'  thjeJDelartffiread, 
Convulfion  flioo¥Tl?^nffli^Earth."~ 
8~Thel>reakmg  aouds"dTd  Rain  djjgU" 
'     And  Heay'ns  high  Arches  (Hook^nhFearl 

_  How  t'hen  Iho'uld  ^V^TSumbleTliflT"" 

Your  Army's  Wings,  (hall  fhine  as  bright 
As  Dove's," in  golden  Sunfhine  feen~7~~ 

Of  ItfePs  God,  the  Prefencg  bear  ^ 

9  Thy  Hand ,  "at  famiftit  EartrT^"Corripjgnu 

Reliev'd  her  from  Ccleftial  Stores;" 

Or  filver'd  o'er  with  paler  Light. 
i4_^Twas  fo_,  when  God's  Almighty  Hand, 
O'eFfcatter'd  Kings,  the  Conquer!:  won] 

Our  Troops ,  drawn^up  on  'Jordan's  Strand^ 

Ih^TSa/rn'ofTs  glittering  Snow, "but- fhone. 

i?  From  thence" to  ~Jor  darts  farther  CoaftI      , 


And  Balkan's  Hill  we  did  "adyajige : 
K  No 


PSALM      LXVriL 


No  more  her  Height  (hall  Bajhan  boaft., 

But  th at  (lie's  God's  Inheri tan_ce1_ 

1 6  But  wherefore  (tho'  the  Honour's  great)  ~ 
~Should  this  ,0  Mountains,fweli  your  Pride? 
For  Slon,  is  his  chofen  Seat, 

Where  He  for  ever  wiH  refide.  _ 

17  His  Chariots  numberlefs,  his  Pow'rs 

Are  heav'nly  Hofts,  that  wait  his  Will; 
,  His  Pretence  now,  fi\\s~Sion's  Tow'rs_,_ 
As  once ,  it  honour'd  Swat's  Hill. 

PART    IV. 

Tajyou^the  Hoary  Head  of  ^j§7 
■_Who ;  i^prefumgtuous  CnmesTproceetU 
P^The^^ias' thus ,  in T^ndUT^^^ 

T  *  °I1^lnK^!l£S  ^^ my PrepieVgogeT 
aj_3»_Tfa^;igi'aiiTyitn  a  cnmlb'n  FlLrf 

i8_  Afcending  high,  in  Triumph  Thou, 

Captiyityjiaft  CaptiveTcd ;_ 

_Andon  thy^Pepple  didft bellow ,_ 

,_Z_?jSpoil_ of  Armies,  once  their  Dread". 

19.  jy'ijrRebelJ^alTparTake  thy  Graced    ~~ 
_   AndJiumble~Proleiylcs ,  repair 

To  worfBp  at  thy~D*welTinJ- Place, ~ 

And  all  the  WorTd~pay~ Homage,  there.  ~ 


20  For  Benefits,  each  Day  beffow'd,  , 
Be- daily ,  has  great-  Name  ador'd;  _ 

Who  is  ouFSa7iou7and"ouT  God~" 


OfLife-and  Death,  the  Sov'rcign  Lord. 

Jti  But  fa^jceySr  Ris  baSen'FFoes7~ 

i 'roponion'tf  V  engeahce-,,  hath  decreed,""^ 

2£When  marchmg_to_thy  blcft  Abode, 

the  wond'ring  Multitude,  furvev'd 
JThe_Pompous_State_of  Thee ,_  our  God , 
in  RobeTof  Majefty~a rTay 'd.- 

25  Sweet Imging Leottes ledthe  Van, 

Loud  Inlirumcnts,  broughfup  the  Rear;," 


JBetwccn Jooth ^1'roops ,  a  Virgin-Train 
__V^tn  Voice  and  Timbrel, charmed  cheEac, 

26  This  was  the  Burden  of  their  Song, 

__„  In  full  Aficmblies  blels  the T7ord,  ~ 
»  All,  _\\  ho  to  Jj  ;•'<?  ATri  bcTbclong" 
_ji  ^c  Q0^  of/fi^fs  Praife  records 
27^  Nor  little  Benjamin^  alone, 

I'rom  nSghb'nng Bounds  did  thcrcatteiid". 




Like  that  of  warring  Winds  and  Tides.  ■" 


~r~r    y 

"fi^FCqunfellors,  m  State  did  fend ;  v      r     34  Afcribe  ye  Povfo  to  God  moft  High, 
awT^tj^^/flg's  remoter  Seat , 

Of  humble  //rV  He  takes  Care : 

1  jThe  grand  Pr^e^jjo^omgeat )^     ^  ».." 

Whofe_Strength  from  out  the  dusky  Sky, 

Darts  Alining  Terrors  through  the  Air. 
35  How  dreadful  are  the  facred  Courts" 

'—-. 4t 

aoTluisGod^to  Strength  and  Union  brought^       _<Where  God  has  fix'd  his  caruijy_Throne; 


^ui^-ib^'at^rifeTtnrthat  bleft  hour : 

'"This  wor^hichThoulQ  God^aftwrough^ 
1==Conmin7wilhnnx4TnrecruTtFbf  Pow'r. 

His  Strength,  his  feeble  Saints,  fuppprts ; 
To  God  give  Praife ,  and  Him  aloneT 



30  To  vifit  Salem,  Lord_,  defcendj_J 
And  Sion  thy  terreftrial  Throne ; 
•  Where  Kings,  with  Prefents  ihall  attend ,_ 

~ And  Th~ccTwith  oflePd  Crowns,  atone. 


2  r  Break  down  the  Spcarmens  Ranks.,  who  threat 
~Gke"pampcr'd  Herds  of  lavage  Might , 
Their  filver-armour'd  Chiefs  defeat, 


C  lllliiifilii=iiililiilllPillllii 
r  ^J  AVE  me,0  God , from  Waves  that  rowl^ 

And  prefs  to  overwhelm  my  Soul. 

W ith  painful  Steps  in  Mire  I  tread  ,  _        ~ 

And  Deluges  o'erflow  my  Head. 


Wkhreftlefs  Cries  my  Spirits  faint. 
My  Voice"  ^  "hoar  fc,  with  long  ComplumT;" 
MySight  decays ,  with  tedious  PainT" 
Whflfl  for  my  God  I  wait,  in  vain. 
a~My  Hairs,  tho*  nunTrous^T are  but  Jew, 
The  fcatter'd  Kingdoms  of  the  Karth~7"  "C"orripli?d  with  Foes,  that  melpuFrulT" 

Their  common  Sov'reigh's  Praites/iing.  "         W  ith  grouEdlets  HatcTgrown  now  oflVilghtT 

13  \    lie  mounted ,  on  the  loftieft  Sphere^ 

W ho  in  deftructive  War  delight. 



32  Egypt  ihall  then,  to  God  ftretch  forth 
HerHandsyand  Afrlck  Homage  blTngT~" 

Of  ancient  Heav'n,  fublimely  rides: 

From  whence,  ins  dreadful  Voice  we  hsul 


_To  execute, "their  lawlefs  Spite. 

JI ' hey  force  me  gujMefs  toj[efigp , 

~ArRaplne7"wlja.T byU.ijjlu %  wasTiiiirier" 
K  s  Thou, 


P    S    A    L 

Thou,  Lora\,  my  Innocence  doft  fee ;     

"Nor  are  my  Sins  concealed  from  Thee, 
3-Loi-d~God^of  Hofts,  take  timely  Care, 
Left  for  my  lake  thy  Saints  defpair ; 
Since,- 1  have  fuffer'd  for  thy  Name , 

M      LXIX 

Difplay  thy  Truth^T  prefcrv ing  Pow>n  " 
"    6  From~teayTng^an^^,  me  relleve7" 


Reproach,  and  hid  my  Face  in  fhame. 


_A  Stranger, jo- my  Country  grown, 


Nor  tcTmyjieareft  Kindred  known ; 
A  Foreigner ,  expos'd  to  Scorn , 
"ByjBrethren_of  my  Mother,  born. 
4  For- Zeal ,  to  thy  lov'd  Houfc  and  Name,""" 
Confumes  me ,  like  devouring  Flame, 

_And  from  the  Mire  my  Feet  "retrieve ; 
From  (piteful  Foes  in-; SafetyTceepT" 


And  match  me  from  the  raging  Deep. 
Oontroul  tSel)eluge  e*&r  it  fbread,"" 

Nor  deep  DeftiaTftionTopen~Prt7~ 

_Concern'd_at_thei£Affionts  to_Thee,_ 

_Mqr_c  than  at  Slanders  caft_on  me. 

My  very  Tears  and  Abftinence , 
They  con ltrue,  in  ji  Tpi teful  Senfe 

When  cloath'd  with  Sackcloth  for  their  fake, 

They  rne  their  commoiTProverb  make* 
P  A  R  T    II. 

.5  Their  Judges  at  my  Wrongs  do  left , 


Thofe  Wrongs,  they  ought  to  have  red  reft! 
JiowJhQuld_I_thcn_expe(it_to  be ,_ 
From  Libels,  of  lev/d  Dl-iml<ards~fi:eeT~ 
But,  Lord,  to  Thee,  I  will  repair 


For  Help,,  with  humble  timeTy  Pray'I- :   '    , 
Relieve  me,  from  thy  Mercy's  iiore, 


To  clofe  her  Jaws  on  "me,  permit. 

7  Lord,  FelrTthTFumlSIeT^a^FllnalceT^^2 
For  thy  tranfeend'ing  G"oodneisTakeT~ 
Relieve  thy  Supplicatn^nce^ofeT- 
From  thy  abounding  Mercy's  ft~ore~ 

Nor  from  thy  Selrvant  hide  thyTace-; 
_Make  hafte ,  for  defph'atelsluy~CafeT~ 

Thy  "timely  Succour  interpofe , 
_And  fHield  me  fromremorfelefs  FoesT" 

8  Thou  know,ft  what  Infamy  and  Scorn, 
1  from  myJEnemies,  have  born; 

JNor  can_  their  clofe  diflembled  Spite^ 
1)r  darkeft  Ploti'elaipe  thy  Sight. 


Reproach  and  Grief  have  brokemy  Heart, 
TTook'd  Tor  fome  to_take  my  part , 

But  (look'd  alas! ;  ibi  both  is  vaini 


PSALM      LXIX.    LXX. 


9  With  Hunger  paired,  for  Food  I  call, 

Inftead  of  Food  they  give  me  Gall; 

And  whenjwith^Thirft  my  Spirits  fink , 

They  give  me  Vinegar  to  drink. 

Their  Table  therefore .,  to  their  Health 

Shall  proye  a  Snare,  a  Trap ,their  Wealth : ^ 
Perpetual  Darknefs  feize  their  Eyes , 

And  fudden  Blajts  their  Hopes  furprife. 
rojoii  them  ,  Thou  (halt  thy  Fury  pour.T_ 

Till  thy  fierce  Wrath  their  Race  devour ; 

And  make  their  Houfe  a  difmaf  Cell , 

_Where  none  will  e'er  vouch fafc  to  dwell. 
For  new  Afflifl:ions~7~they  procur'd 
For  him ,  who  had  thy  Stripes  endur'd, 

And  made  the  Wounds  thy  Scourge  had  torn . 

To  bleed  afrefh,  with  tharper  Scorn. 

u  Sin  (hall  to  Sin  their  Steps_betray , 



Till  they  to  Truth  have  loft  the  Way. 

From  Life  Thou  (halt  exclude  their  Soul , 
Nor  with  the  Jaft  their  Names  enro!L~ 

But  me,  howe'er  diftrefs'd  and  poor, 

Thy  ftrong  Salvation  (hall  reftore: 
_Thy  Pow'r ,  with  Songs  I  then  proclaim^"" 

And  celebrate  with  Thanks  thy  Name, 


is  Our  God,  ihall  this. more  highly  prize 


JThanffrds  or : Hocks ,~m  SacriffceH" 

_Which  hti_pbTe_Saints_  wiriiJoyihaTfTee" 
And  hope  Tor  like  redrefs  with  "me. 



_Fojr^odjegard£_the ^Poors  Con^l?mt7~ 
_ Se^jT^nerTfre^from  clo"fo~RcftrainTr~ 
LctTlieav^l!!^^  \ 

"And, alr^jWorid-  refcmndHKrPraife.  " 
i  3  For  God  wiO/^'s  W~aT!s~erecf7 


Fair  jadaFs  Cities  will  prote6t; 


_Till_all  her  fcatter'd  Sons  repair, 

To  undifturb\T  PofleffioiTtlTere. 

To  their  Rehgiojas_  Heirs,  bequeath ;~ 

And  they ,  to  endlefs  Ages  more . 

as  his  bleft  Name  adore. 


It—-  ~  °  — i -1-  r^L ^ene^ dra^y  near , 
For  jieyer  was  more  preffing^elTdj- 

j?nd  ad^jo^T^peH^i^^peed. 

2  Confufion  on_  thch  HeaWreTurrT^ 

Who  to  deftroy  my  SouTcombme"-"""' 
Let  them ,  defeated ,  blurh_and^i7olIrnT~ 

5.  Their 

inlhar'd  in  their  own  Yiie'Deflgn, 



3  Their  Doom ,  let  Defolation  be,  __ 

~~With  Shame  ~their_Malice  be  repaid^"" 
Who  mock'd  "my  Confidence  in  Thee, 


~  And" Sport  of  my  Affiftion  made.  _ 
4  "While  Fhofc,  who  humbly  feek  thy  Face"," 
~Tojo}^7u1  Triumphs  (hall  be_raisj_;__ 
"And~airwho  p"nze"thy  faving  Grace 

Wkhrae  (hall  fing ,  The  Lord  be  praised. 

5  Thus  wretched  tho'  I  am,  and  poor,  ~_ 

|_^ i     t."T     f      »  f     t      ft7~r"~^ 

_ The  mighty  Lord ,  of  me  takes  care; 
Thou  God,  who  only  can'ft  reftore, 
to  my  relief  with  fpeed  repair. 


PSALM    LXXI.    {.Tuns  Pf.  15.  54- J 

i_l  NTheeT  l"puFniy~ftedtaft  Truft", 

"defend  me,  Lord ,  from  Shame, 


"Incline  thine  Ear,  and  faye  my  Soul , 

"for  righteous  is  thy  Name. 
2  Be  Thou  my  ftrong  abiding  Place, 
to  which  I  may  refbrt; 
'Tis  thy  Decree  that  keeps  me  (are , 
Thou  art  my  Rock  and  Fort. 

g~From  cruel  and  ungodly  Men , 

protect:  ana*  let  me  free, 
For,  from  my  eaiiicit  Youth  mFnow^ 


my  hope  has~been^~inT  hee. 


4  Thy  conftant  Care,  did  fiife_ly_gua"rd 
my  tender  Infant  -  Days"7~~ 
Ttfou  took'ft  me  from  my~MoTherVW'omb, 
to  fing  thy  conftant  Praife. 

5  While  Ibme  on  mcTw i t iTWondeF^azeT" 
^%y_Hand  Pup~ports  me  ffa'U; 

ITiy  Honour  thercforF¥^thy~Prai!(e~^ 
my  Mouth  (hall  always  fill. 

6  Reject  not  then  thyScrvant,  Lord, 

when  I  with  Age  decay  7"" 
Porfake  me  not 9  when ,  worn  wi tlTYeaTs7 

my  Vigour  fades  away. 
iJ^lX-  Foes,  againft  my  Fame  and  me  ~ 

with  crafty  Malicejpcak , 
Againft  my  Soul  they  lay  their  Snares, 

and  mutual  Counfel  take. 
8~fIis~GodTray  they,  forfakes  him  now, 

on  whom  he  did  rely ;_ 

"Purfue  and  take  him,  whilft  no  hope 

"of  timely  Aid,  is  nigh. 


9  But  Thou,  my  God ,  withdraw  not  far, 

"Tor  fpeed v  Help,  I  call; 

To  Shame  and  Ruin  bring  my  Foes,  _ 

that  feek  to  work  my  Fall.    _ 

ig  BuFaslbr  me,  myftcdiaft  Hope, 


PSALM  LXXI.  LXXII.                             79 

^^fonjh^ow^depenJT-""""  thy  Grace  ^fhaJTyT  relieve;      ' 

—  mv^f  im^tb^comcT wHTpnX  with Tenler'CareTrctrieve:"  " 

part    II  1 7  T]2£5l_T^e^_9_  iriy_2^nH_t2^?tB-<L2-ill^l  ^L 
_^_             with  Pow'r  and  Greatncfs7'ci,o\vnrd , 

1  r~Th yTi ghtebus~A6ts~a"iid  ^vin_gj^eakh_,___  "And  me7~w7i^"dlfmaITeli7sliave~pair7~ 

my  Mgoth_ (fialTftill declare; Thy"Comfor^(hairfurround'. 

Unable  yet  tcTcountjhemaU, _____  1 8~Then~  I~vith7fairciy~andTlIrp7~ 

tho»  fumm'd ,  with  utmoft  Care.  _^_ " ~~thy~TnuF,~Q  Lord,  wilfpraHei" 

1  j^H^S^^1-^ -— — ____i g_gPjjggj_  ^~o^li^7Then3orofyi?o^rllce7~ 

IZZ^-]^^^  bg-g!2J—.              niy"Voicc711TAmhcms~ra1fer  "' 

I5lLj?___£^^__^^5_ilIl^£!^====^=-  1 9  fheiTfoy.  (hall  fi]pbY"Mouth ,  and  Song:3 

IZiPi_i_!^l1_La'='-  =±~  _______  r^mrioy7Tmy^Tarfiil  Voice; 

Z~^l^JW3^2^¥&mS '»    __ _,  '       HiliTrinThy~Strength 'rejoice"/" 

____|__||_§S  aoJVly Tongue ,,  thy juftand  righteous  MtsT 

"^ ftavFbeen, ,,  my__eoaftagt  Theme.. "^~/~  ^ThalriFffie  Day,  proclMmy 

_i-llen  P_w_f__tfi6e  me  not ,  when  • _____  _  Becaufe  fhoTldlt  confound  my  Foe_;~~ 

p^m  gr^^feehj^qwnj      -—-—I  ""anTBrougEt'I'thenf  all  VTlTaine"  "==• 

Till  I  to  thefe,  and  future  times,  *,B**„^«,.,  *• , n^«.^J««krryn^«>« 

thy  Strength  and  Pow'r  have  (hown. 

||lff___l^__i|__3il__||_|||ili_|_|||  PSALM    LXXI  I.       lTuneP£&.J 
*_.  How  high  thy  Jullice  {bars , _QGod ! 

how  great  and  wond 'rous  are  r _ |__ QRD^  let  thy  juft  Decrees ,.  the  King  y  " 

"The  mighIy^Qrks,whic¥ThoTrhaITdone:p  uTaHhig-  Wayi ,  direct ~~~~ 

who- may-  with  Thee  y  compare ?  Andlet"his  Sen,  t^rougqout^as  Reign ,  _ 

16  Me*  whom  th-y  Hand  has  fitoely  _>rd§2d, ""  Iny'r^teous-  Laws  refrje4t  """ 

8   SO 



2  So  fhall  he  ftill  thy  People  judge, 
with  pure  and  upright  Mind  ,  _ 


Begin ,  atRroud_a^a/«Strearas , 

at  Nature's  Limits ,  end. 


Whilft  all  the  "helplefs  Poor,  (hall  him 
~~their  juft  Protestor  ^find.  ^      ~      ~     ?  Jj^~*"m ,  thelfeyage  Nataoag  round" 

g  i'henHills  and  Mountains ,  fhall  bring  forth 
the  happy  Fruits,  of  Peace;      _ 
"Which,  all  the  Land  fhall  own  to  be, 


11  bring  forth ^njboj^jbeirjervjle  HeadsT 

the  Work  of  Righteoufhefs :_ 


4  Whilft  he ,  the  poor  and  needy  Race 
fhall  rule,  with  gentle  Sway; 

io  ThelCmgs  of^^gand  the  Ifles.' 


.  And  from  their  humble  Necks,  fhall  take 

Fromjpicy  Sbeba,  Gifts  fhall  come," 

opprcffive  Yokes,_away 
5_In  ev'ry -Heart  thy  awful  Fear, 
fhall  then  be  rooted  fall,  __ 
As  long  as  Sun  and  Moon  endure , 

_and  wealthy  Saba>&  King 

1 1  To  him  fhall  "evrn 

____, I 1    l  o  hun  Ihallev^ry  Kipg_on_Earth  , 

hishu  mfale  j  Iomage~pay ; 
^nT^lfTnngNatibns  gladly/ JoTf^     ===2 

to  own  his  Righteous  Sway. 
12  For  he 9  (hall  fetjt he  Needy  free, 

or  time  it  fell*  lhall  laft. 

6  He,  fhall  descend  like  Rain ,  that  cheats  when  theylbr  Succour  cry, 

"~the~Meado"ws  lecond  Birth ,       ~ _ 
~OrJike  warm  Sho w'rs ,  whofc  gentle  Drops" 

refrefh ,  the  thirfty  Earth  _ 
7  In  his  blefl  Days  the  Jufl  and  Good , 
fhall  be  with  Favour  crown'd; 

Shall  lave  the  Helplefs  aod  the  Poor,, 
and  all  their  Wantsfupply. 
arth.  i  g  His  Providence ,_  for  needy  Souls , 

Shall  due  Supplies  prepare ; 
And  over  tTicir  dcfcnceTefs  Lives^ 
~*fhall  watch,  "with  tender  Care. 
14  He  fhall  preferve,  antfkeep  their  SotiTs  "' 

The  happyLand  (hall  ev'ry  where, 

with  endlefl  Peace  ,  abound. 

8  His  uncontroul'd  Dominion,  lhall  from  Fraud  and  Rapine,  free, 

from  Sea  to  Sea  extend ; "~  And  in  ins  SighF^TEeir  guiltlefi  Blood , 




^msFty~PricelhaTI  beT  jji  Then  blejs'd  be,  GtodTthe  migfity  Lord , 

gS Therefore,  (haB  God  his  Life  and  Reign_~      The  God  whonijffiW  fears; 


to  many  Years  extend_, 

Whilft  Eaftern  Princes  Tribute  pay, 


'  Who  only  wond'rous  in  his  Works 

!z5      fi=ps==a 

"and  Golden  Prefentsjend 

i gToFhirrTThaTr  conftant  Pray^rTbe" made ,~ 

thro*  all  his  proffcftous  Days:  

_Hjs_Ju  lT^DomTmorilljg^afjbrd 


beyond  Compare  appears. 
32  Let  Earth  be  with  his  Glory  fill'd; 
and  ever  blefs  his  Narnel 

alafting  Theme  of  Praife. 

1 7  Of  uteful  Grain vtljjtfj^tfte ,  Lind,  '•■;•}•- -^  •' 

grCat  Plentylh  all_  appear ; 


WhilflTto  his  Pj-arfe_the_lift'ning_ World , 
'"their  glad  Aflent  procIaimT  " 


T^eng^,bj^^rta]n_ProofsJtis  plain , 

_A  Handful  fowii  jon  Mountain  Tops,  That  God  will  to  his  Saints  be  kind; 

a  mip-hrv  r.rnn .  fhnll  bear:  Thnt-  all  whnO  Hearts  are  nure  and  Hr>nn 

__a_ratling  Noife  fliall  yield , 
JTJieCity^oo  ^all_thrive,  and  vie  ~My^iggvrTng  Feet  had  almoft  fail'dTT" 

,  protecting 

"I  griev'd  the  Sinners  Wealth  to  view, 

for  Plenty,  with  the  Field. 

1 9  The  Memrry  of  hisgloripus  Name,  -  ~A"nd"envyTd ,  when _the  Fools  prevailed.  ~~ 

_  r thro*  eridleft  Years  (hall  ran ; 2  ~TTTey_wlheTj7aveTn  Peace  defcend, "" 

_His_fpotlefi  Fame^  (hall  (Tunc  as"  bright  AnTwhThTthev Tivearc  heal  an JTErong";'" 

and  Tatting.,  as  the  Sun._  NoPJagues  or^roubles  them  offend ~ 

so  In  llim,  thc"T\ ations_ of  the  World ,     "~~~~  which  oftjtp JH&r Men  J^ojig, 

•-*•      __J^|)1  be  coinpieatly^bieit ,  -With  Pride,  a^with'al^Saittj  they'rhejd, 




They  grow,  beyond  their  Wilhes_great. 
3  ~  WTtlH^arlTcomT pt~  ancTfoTty  Taik7~ 


GpfcrefEye  Methods  they  deleiid ; 



Their  Tongue  ,Jhro>  all  the  Earth  does  walk , 

PART    II. 


6  To  fathom  this,  my  ThoughtsI  bent, 

but  found  the  Cafe  too"  hard~fbrme7~" 

Till  to  the  houfc  of  God  I^went^ 

Their  Blafphemies ., 

,  to  Heav'n  afcend. 
And  yet  admiring _Gro~wds  are  found, 
~w hojervile" Vi fi ts~duly  make,  ~ 

Bccaufe  with  PientylTiey  abound , 
~Of_  which  their  flatt'nhg  Slaves  partakeT 
4~TheiE  fond  Opinions  thefe  purfue , 


Till  they  with_them_ profanely  cry, 
„  How  fhould  the  Lord  our  Adtions  view, 
"^~Can~H~e  perceive  who  dwells  fo  high  ?  "* 

— * 

Then ,  I  their  End  did  plainly  fee. 

How  high  foe'er  advancM,They~all~ 

Gn  flippVy"P~Iaces,  lo6Tely~ftand;" 

Thence  into  Ruin  headlong  fall, 

Behold  the  Wicked !  thefe  are  _they 


Gaft  down,  by  thy  avenging  Hand. 

7  How  dreadful ,  and  how  quick ,  their  Fate  I 

Defpis'd  by  Thee,  when they're~deftroyrdT 
As  waking  Men,  with  Scorn~do~t~reat~" 
The  Fancies, that  their  Dreams  employer 

who  openly  then*  Sins  profefs ; 

Thus  was  my  Heart  with  Grief  oppreft , 
My  Reins  were  rack'd  with  reftlefs  Pains ,  . 

And  yet  their  Wealth's  increas'd  each  day,  bo  ftupid 

So  "ftupid  was_L,_^ike_a_Beajti 

And  all  their_  Adtionsjneet  Succcfs._ 
<>~Thcn~have'l  cleans'd  my  Heart ,  t  laid"  I )~" 
And  wain'd  myHands  from  Guilt,  in  vain,^ 
If  all  me  day  opprefs*cLI  lie, 

Who  no jgnedting_ Thought  retains. 

And  ev'ry  morning  fuffer  Pain. 


Thus  did  1  once  tojbeak  intend, 
But  if  flick  Things  1  ralhly  fey*  ~Z 


Thy  Ghild'ren ,  Lord,  Lmuft oflfend, 

"And'bafely  lliould  their  Gaufe  betray,. 

8  Yet  ftill  thy  Prefence  me  fupply'd, 
And  thy  Right-Hand  Affiftance  gave: 

Thou  fir  ft,  (hall  with  thy  Counfel  guide, 
And  then"to~Glory,  me  recoive.       _ 

W  hom  Then  in  Heav'n ,  but  _I  nee,  alone 
Have  I,  whofe  Favour  I  require.-'' 

Throughout  the  fpacious  Earth ,  there's  none 

That  1.  befides  Thee  ,_can_dcjire 

g§il^lPi=ilIlfeil  ' 

9  My  trembling  i'lclh  and  akiug  Heart, 



May  often  fail , _to  fuccour  me ;  _ 
"l&rGodT^aTInward  lirengthlmpart,      ^ 

For  they,  that  jar  from  Thee  remove, 

[ShaTrintoTuddenRuin  fall; 
If'TjlteFotheF Gods  they  rove, 
~Thy~Teageance  fltall"deItroy  them  all. 


10  But  as  for  me,  'tis  good  and  juft 

Thy  Foes  blafpheme  thy  Name,  where  late, 


_  thy  zealous  Servant,  pray'd; 

The  Heathen ,  there ,  with  haughty  Pomp" 

their  Banners ,  have  difplay'd. 
5  Thofe  curious  Carvings,  which  did  once 

advance ,  the  Artilt's  Fame 

With  Ax  and  Hammer  they  deftroy 

_  like  Works_of  vulgar  Frame. 


That  I  fhould  ftill  to  God  repair; 

In  Him,  i_  always  put  my  'iruft, 

And  will  his~wond'rous  Works  declare.  ~ 



t_W    HY  haft  Thou  caft  us  off,  0~G 

~S      Ess 


6  Thy  holy  Temple  they  have  burnt; 

and  what  efcap'd  the  Flame, 
Has  been  profan'd,,  and  quite  deTac'd  7 
thoMacred  to  thy  Name. 
7-=Thy  WoHhlp  wholly^to  cieftrby , 
~malicioufiy"they  aim'd ; 

wilt  Thou  no  more  return? 

3>T '  why  M«ng_th|j^^j  Flock  ,_  8_Yet  of  thy  Piefence,  Thou  vouchfaPft 

And  all  the  facred  Places  burn'd, 

does  thy  fic;rop  Anger  burn? 
a  Thjmkon  t^'atjc[enTPurcTialiF7Lord7~ 
_  the  Land ,  thatls  tbiy  own ;  === 

wSrejDnce^^^Fy^ionef3        ===== 
|_0  come , _and_vje^^uTruln^Sta"te~ 


_  no  tcnder_Signs  to  lend ; 
We  have  no  Prophet  now,  that  knows , 

when  this  lad  State  lhall  end. 
PART    II. 

9  But,  Lord,  hovv  lonff  wilt  Thou-  permit^ 

_  tli*  infuhlngToejo  boa  ft  ? 

i=3^&1^=S^^S^L=~=======s*  Z^5S^Steg^J^^M^--w-^ 

L>   2 




and  on  thy  patient_bre_aft, 

When  Vengeance  calls  to  ftretch  it  forth~ 

~To~caImlyler'ft~iT  reft  ? 
1 1  Th  ( m  "heretofore  r  with  Kingly  Pow,i%~ 

~~m  our  Defence  haft  fought ;_ 

For  us,  through!) utThe  wond'ring  WorkLT* 
haft~great"SalvaHon  wrought.  _ 
isPT^yaFTbou.,  O  God,  that  didft  the~Sea~' 

_by  thy  own  Strength^  divide ;_ 


Thou  brak'ft  the  watry  Monfter's  Head, 
the  Waves  9  o'erwhehrTd  their  PrideT 
1 3  The  greateft ,  fierceft  of  them  alL7~ 
_  that  feem'd  the  Deep  to  fway ;  _ 
Was  by  thy  Pow'r  deftroy'd,  and  made"" 

attend  on  thy  Command. 

i7_ Remember 2_Lord,  how_fcornful  Foes, 
_  have  daily  urg'd  our_Shame~i 
And  how  the  ibolilh  People  have"~ 
bl^phem'dVlh^hoiyiSrameT  " 
i8_0_!  free  thy  mojarnmg  Turtle-dove, 

_  by  finfuFCrowdsbefeT;- 
_Nor  the  Aflembly  of  thy  poor, 
for  evermore  forgeE 

ipJThy  ancient  Covenant,  Lord,  regar"d"7~ 

and  make  thy  Promife  good ; 
_For  now,  each  Corner  of  the  Land 
'~iTfirird7wi  th~Men"WBloodr 

to  lavage  Beafts ,  a  Prey. 

14  Thou  clav'ft  the  folfd  Rock,  and  mad'ft 


2o_  0 ,  let  not  the  Oppreft  return 

The  Waters  largely  flow ; 

With  Sorrow  cloath'd,  and  Shame; 
But  let  the  Belplefs  and  the  Poor , 

thy  wond'ring  People  go. 
1  I_X.h™:  ■>  is  the  cbearturDay,  anclthme,""" 

Again,  Thou  mad'ft  thro'  parted  Streams ,  for  ever  praife  thy  Name. 

a  1  Anfe,  0  God,  i%bur  behalf, 
~thv  Caufe  and  ours  maintain ; 

gznt^iz^    1  1  j     1 

Jlem ember,  how  in falang  Fools , 

"each  Day  thy  Name  profane ! 
22  MakeT-hea  the^Boaftings  ofthy  Foes , 
for  ever morejo  ceajle.  

the  black  Return  of  Night  _; 
Thou ,  haft  prcpar'J  die~gloriouslkuT 

aod  ev'ry  feebler  Light. 
16  By  Thee,  "the  Bordcr7oFtheFarth~' 
__  in  pejleTnjr JerJhmdT7~ 
The:  SuDtoertTWaiT^7«n^:' Winier*s  Coic£ 

W hofe  Infolence_,jf  unchaftiz'd^ 

"wBTmorc  and  more ,  mcreail\ 





the  Humble,  to  a  Throne:" 



PSALM    LXXV.      [77/^  P/:  1 9. 65,] 

~tb^he77^thlirank^epair;     -^ ..■■" 

I'orTjhat  thy  Name  F6~ui  is  nigh , 

"thy~wond7rous  Works,  declare. 

2  Jay/r^Jwh^n.' myljforonejsjjjfo, 

"with  me  (hall  Juftfeejjgjgrj ^_ 
The"  Land  with  "Difcord  lh'alies ,  but  I 
"The .finking  Frame,  fuftain. 

7  Hw  Hand ,  holds  forth  a  dreadful  Cup , 
with  purple  Wine  'tis  crown'd; 

deals  out,  to  Nations~round. 
8  OF  this  his  Saints  fometimes  may~tafte~7~ 
bin  wicked  Men  (hall  fqueeze- 
The  bitter  Dregs,  and  be  condemned" 

3  Deluded  Wretches  I  advis'd, 
~h"el7Errors  to  redrefs, 

"And  warn'd  bold  Sinners ,  that  they  fhould 
"TlieirlweTring  Pride ,'  mpprefe" 
4~fiear  not  your  jllves  fo  high ,  as  if 

•  to  drink ,  the  very  Lees. 
9  His  Prophet  I,  to  all  the  World 

_  this  MefTage ,  will  relate ; 

The'^i^^dienv-ofj^o^s  God~"7~ 

~~  my  Song  fhaU  celebrate.  ~~" 
ioThe  Wicked's  Pride  I  will  reduce ,~" 
'their  Cruelty  Diiarm ;. 
; "Exaltt'he  Juft,  and  feat  him  high , 


no  Powfr  could  yours  reltrain ; 
"SuTTmit  yoiir  Ihibborn  Necks,  and  learn" 
~"to  fpeak , _wlth  lefs  Difdain.  _ 
5~For  that  Promotion,  which  to  gain", 

your  vain  Ambition  ftrivesy 
"FrorrTneither  Eaft3  nor  Welt,,  nor" ye~ 


above  the  Reach  of  Harm 


yii==    ©§§©3«3©3€i®KS©©§2<Sl©2<£a€i©. 


1  N  Judah  "the  Almighty's  known, 

*— =* 

From  Southern  Climes,  arrives. 
6~FoFGodi_the  great  Difpofcr-  is , 
"""and  So v^rei gnj udge , jalo ne_,_ 
~Who~caftsThe~Proud  tc^Earth^lind  JiftT- 

^"AImigh^"Se"rFby  JWondersfhown  ) , 

~^\%YCz^t\xT Jacob  does  excel : 
Ijfs  SaScraary  in: Salem  fends, 

The  Majefty-  that  Heav'n  commands 
~"  ilT&wrcorldefiTends'to  dwell. 



2  He  brake  the  Bow  and  Arrows  there, 

f»    S    A    L    M    LXXVI.  LXXVII. 

Thus  to  his  Name  due  Rev'rence  pay, 

The  Shield ,  the  tempered  Sword  and  Spear,      *  Who  proudeft  Potentates  ean  quell , 

smwmmgmmm^=mk  i,  _  ■    ii     '^ 

_  There  flain,  the  mighty  Army  lay; 

Whence  ^Yea's  Fame  thro*  Earth  is  fpread , 
6f greater  GJory,  greater  Dread ,~ 

Than  Hills,where  Robbers  lodge  their  Prey. 

To  earthly  Kingsmore  terrible, 
Than  to  their  trembling  Subjefts  they. 

3  Their  valiant  Chiefs,  who  came  for  Spoil'7" 


Securely  down  to  deep  they  lay. 
But  wak'd  no  more;  their  ftouteft  Band 
Ne'er  lifted,  one  refilling  Hand" 


PSALM    LXXVIL      ITune  Pf.  ij.-] 

em reTveiluet_ther¥  ajjpmeful"  FoiI7~"         I    1  lj)  G^lfl-ry^,'  wlioJ-Q  my  Help 

did  grackmfiy  repair ; 
In  Troubled  difmal  Day  I  fought 
my  God  with  humble  Pray'r. 


2  All  Night  my  left'ring  Wound  did  run  3 
no  Med'cine  gave  Relief ;__  "^ 

/*My  Sonl,  no  Comfort  would  admit, 
my  Soul ,  indulg'd  her  Grief. 

3  I  thought  o"n~God7~and  Favours  part, 

'Gainft.His,  thatdid  their  Legions  flay. 

4  When  Jacob's  God  began  to  frown, 


Both  Horfe  and  Charioteers ,  o'erthro  wn , 

Together  llept  in  endlefs  Night :  _ 
When  Thou,  whom  Earth  and  Heav'n  revere^ 


JJoft  once  with  wrathful  Looks  appear 

but  that  incrcas'd  my  Pain ; 

:— =35- 


I  found  my  Spirit  more  oppreft, 

What  mortal  Pow'r  can  lband  thy  Sight  ? 
5Pronounc'd  tromHeav^Earth  heard  its  Doom.         ~the  more  I  did  complain. 

Grew  huflit  with  Feaiywhen  Thou  didft  come, 
The  Meek  withjultice  to  reiloreT" 


The  Wrath  of  Man  (hall  yield  Thee  Praife, 

It's  lad  Attempts,  but  fcrve  to  raife 

4  Thro'  ev'ry  Watch  of  tedious  Nightj!_ 

"My  GriefSTwell'dlo  that  Excefs ,__ 

I  figh ,  but  cannot  fpeak._ 

-the  Tnumims,  of  Arm^ght^Pow'r. 

p  Vow  to  tSe  LorT^ycT^'Uions,  bring"" 
a  o~\  \l  Preremsf  to»tfa*  -Eternal  Krngjr" 

1  call  to  Mind  the  3?)ays  of  Old , 

"""with"  I  i  gnafMercy  crown  ;d ,  _ 

Thofc  fsmotts  Ycais  oTanckat  TSics-, 


P    S    A    L    M      LXXV1L  87 

12  Longjlnce  a  God  of  Wonders ,  T     2_ 

for  Miracles  renown'd. 
6_ByJNight,  I  recollect  my  Songs~7 

_on  former-  Triumphs  made  ; 

Then  fearch ,  confult ,  and  ask  my  Heart , 
wbere's  now  thy  wond'rous  Aid  ? 
7~Has~God~for  ever  caft  us  off, 


thy  refcu'd  People,  found ;_ 
"Long  lince  haft  Thou  thy  chofen  Seed  y 



with  ftrong  Deliv'rance  crown'd.- 



1 3  W hen  Thee^O  God,  the  Waters  law, 
~th~e~frighted  Billows  fiSrnnk; 

withdrawn  his  Favour  quite  ? 
_Are  bo^ii"slMeixy"and~his^i:uth"" 

The  troubled  Depths  thenucives  for  Fear, 

__retir'd_,  to  endlefs  Night' 
8  ^.aiiil^  long  praftis'd  Lo"velorget7~ 

ifs  wonted  Aids  to  bring? 
Has  He,  in  wrath- (Hut  up~7~and  feal'd  ~ 

beneath  their  Chann els_ fun k . ■_ 
1 4  The  Clouds  pour'd  down,while  rending  Skies, 

did  with  their  Noife  confpire; 

|j    »    '1    I    LS^         ~g 

Thy  Arrows  all  abroad  were  fent , 

wing'd  with  avenging  Fire. 

his  Mercy's  healing  Spring? 
9_l_[ajd_my  Weaknefs  hints  thefe  Fears, 

mm  E>.  t  ■  y  *  ^p 


15  lleav'nwith  thy  Thunder's  Voice  was  torn, 
"whilft"  alf  the  lower  World . 

but  I'll  my  Fears  disband; 

Will  yet  remember  the  molt  High 


and  Years  of  his  Right-Hand. 

10  I'll  call  to  Mind  his  Works  of  old , 
the  Wonde^_qf"his  MighT; " 

Wkhlightning  blaz'd;  Earth  fhook,and  feem'd 
from  her  Foundation  huri'd , 
1 6  Thro'  rolling  Streams ,  Thou  find'ft  thy  way, 

thy  Paths  in  Waters  lie  ^ 


On  them,  n^Heart  ihall  meditate, 

my  TonguTihalTtHein  'recitel 
PART    II. 

vi  Safe  lodg^Oromj  human.  Search"on~higE7"'' 
"^jOGod,  thy- (fooafeis  are~F 
^■h^fo^ta^Ged  amours  V- "  J* ' ' 
wlio~canwuhTiTm  wmparcT* 

Thy  wond'rous  Paflage,  where  no  Sight 

thy  Footfteps,  can  defcry. 

17  Thou  led'it  thy  People,  like  a  Flock. 

fafe  thro'  the  Defart  Land, 


By  Mofes,  their  meek  skilful_Guide , 

And  Aaron 's,  iacred  Hand, 




PSALM    LXXVIII.     {Tune Pf.  24.] 

1  11  Ear ,  O  ray  People ,  to  my  Law , 

devout  Attention  lend; 

Lerthelriftruftion  ofrn y Mouth , 
deep  in  your  Hearts  defcend. 

and  they  again ,  to  theirs. 
4  To  teach  them,  that  in  God  alone 

f     »  -y    ^-f~r~;~'7==^-*-=* 

their  Hope,  fecurely  ftands; 


~My~Tongue7  by  kifpiration  taught , 
fhall  Parables  unfolB,  _ 
"  J .)ark  Oracles;  but  underftood ,_ 
and  own'd,  for_  Truths  of_old._ 

That  they  jHouk^^eFfo^ef^A^fksT"1 
but  keep,  his  pTtl^ommandsr" 

Lgft> lj§  their  Fathers^  they  mighTproveTT 
a  ftiff  rebellious  Race;  ~= 

Falfe  -  hearted ,  fickle  to'  thgFjjjod 

~ unfledfaft  in  his  Grace.- 

2  Which  we,  from  facred  Regifters 

PART    II. 

5  Such  \\rere  rLn'oltin^^7£/^"s6nT7==~~= 

--*      H= 

_  of  ancient  Times ,  have  known, 


And  our  Fore-fathers  pious  Care , 

_  to  us,  has  handed  down. 

We  will  not  hide  them  from  our  Sons; 

_  om  Offspring,  lhall  be  taught 

The  Pr aid's  of  the  Lord  ,_whofe  Strength 

has  Works  of  Wonder,  wrought. 
3  F°r  '^ncob  He this_La w  ordain'd , 

tli Is  League  with  iffiWaiacie; 

vvith  Charge,  to  be  fronTAge  to  Age7~ 

from  Race  to  Race,  convcy\h 
Thai:  Generations  yet  to~c"o~mc~7~~ 

lhould" to  EHeiFunborn  Heirs, 

who  tho'  to  Warfare  bred ; 

And  skilful  Archers  armM  with  Bowj     ;     ^ 


Religioufly  tranfmit  the  fame, 

"_from  Field,  ignobly],  fled 
Tney^fltfi'd  their  LeagoFwich  GodT"" 

hus_ Orders  disobey 'd ; 
_Fprgonns_Works_and  Mirdides^ 
before  _their  Eyes  difplay'd.  ~ 
6  Nor  Wonders,  \y2iicr£t^eiirFaThersn!lnvT~ 
did  they  in  mind  retain] 
Prodigious  Tilings  mjEgyptdoric', 

and  ~Zoatf&  fertile  Plain. 
lie,  cut  the  Scjas  to  lct_thenTpaii~ 

rcftrain'd  the  preffinsTIood ; 
While  pilMon  Heaps^OD  cither~~Side7~~ 
"The  folid  Water's  flood. 

PSALM      LXXVIII.  *9 

io~HelmotFd^llin^~R"oc¥7rrt:Js  true~"~ 

*?'  A  wondrous  Pillar  led  them  ony • rf     ro  w  He  fmote_ tfoeijiny  Rock  j; \  ~g>  i 


„  and  gufhing  Streams  enfu'd; 

(£mpos'dof  Shade  and  Light; 

'"XffieTFrinf  Cloud"7rpro7,d ,  by  "Day7;  Tjurcar7HeT"C"orn  and  Flefli  provideT" 

^aleain^WeTby  Nigbt.  for  fuch  a  _Mii 

"J     I    >>t  '  '«      """"""  I 

WhenDroughtbpprefl:  them,  where  no  Stream,         I  he  Lord,  with  Indignation  heard: 

the~WlBeme¥fupp"Iy*d ,  FronTHeav'n , "avenging  Flame      ~~~~ 

renew'd,  the  Miracle. 

8 "Streams,  from, the  foIuTRock  He  brought,"*     1 1  Becaufe ,  their  unbelieving  Hearts ,"~ 
wEcEdownj  in  Rivers  feU,  in  God  would  not  confide; 

."•That,  trav'Hng  with  their  Camp,  each  day         "Nor  trufthis  Care,  who  had  from~l""eav"'n""",'"" 

""heir  Wants  fb  oft,  fupply'd. 


Tho'  He ,  had  made  his  Clouds,  difcharge"" 
'""Frovirions  down ,  in  Shpw'rs  ;~~ 
~And7"when  Earth  fail'd ;  reliev'dlhelFNeedsT 




Yet  there,  they  finn'd  againft  Him  more 

provoking  the  molt  High;     _ 

T«*     *rl^*v*-      Fm-*-,r\     lifl/.inf  -rrrh  Afrt     Uq      A  i  r\ 

"In  that  fame  Defart ,  where  He  did 

"their  fainting  Souls  fupply. 


from  his  celeftial  Stores.  _ 
i7"Tn"o""rtaftel'ul  Manna  was  rain'd  down,  " 
their  Hunger  to  relieve; 

=  i^iiili^iiiiiiipii^il^PI 

|  The/  y  ^qgffl  fii?  ^^  Hearts?  .  ..,    "  Tho* ,  l^onTthe Stores of  Heav,n)lh6ydi"d 


^^||g|gTu^-^~-  ^^l^rafnTfls^ie^^^^-- 

|=SSfES|ll?^|-¥-SS^I  „  Not  Ib'ariDkly,  for  ftill  they  found 

iiii^llSillSSif^iE^E^a  ^ipIaSSS^ttie,  fpread.  * 

IL5  TJb]^n"t}rjrWi"dernels,  ■ 

»  fet  out  with  various  Fare  ?  ' 





PART     IV. 

16  But,  this  wasjfeign'd  Submiffion  all , 

then  didthe  South  command, 


gtnCTQiaTne-ooum:eomm^qr        _ ^       __ j^  ^  his  Le_aguTabgc7" 

Ikeleas  unmnpbej'd  SandT"  ~=^1^d^\^fTM^fcM^^-~:==:=£~ 

-Within  their  Treqches,  He  let  fall 


_  thejufcious,  eafy  Prey; 
~And~ all  around  their  fpreading  Camp, 


the  ready  Booty  lay,. 

_   Nor  did  with  Death~ch~a~ftT(e7 

"But  turn'd  his  kindled  Wrath  afide.,      ""~"*5 

"""or  woulTnbTleritirieT"  ~"=== 

PART    V. 

I4_X^^y/ec^  1  were  filld,_He  gave  them  Leave ,       17  For  He  remembred  they  were  Flelh , 


their  Appetites  to  feaft;.  

Yet  ftill,  their  wanton  Luft  crav'd  on, 

nor  with  their  Hunger,  ceas'd. 


But ,  whilli  in  their  luxurious  Mouths ,_ 

they  did  their  Dainties  chew  3 

that  could  not  long  remain; 
A  murm'ring  Wind  that's  quickly  part, 
__and  ne'er  returns  again. 

_How  oft,  did  they  provoke  Him  there, 

How  oft ,  his  Patience  grieve, 

f=^F=^=f==t-y^-%     f     i     ^  H=ii=l=iil^ii=iII==li 

The  Wrathof  God ,  fmote  down  their  Chiefs, 


ands  /Jr'e/s  Chofen  flew.. 
15  Yet  ftill  they  fmn'd,  nor  would  aiford 

In  that  lame  Dcfart,  where  He  did , 


==*     c— 


his  Miracles  Belief, 

their  fainting  Souls,  relieve? 
18^  They_  tempted  Him  ,  by  turning  back, 
and  wickedly  repin'd; 


Therefore a  t^tffruitlelS Travels,  He_ 


When  J/r'e£s  God,  rdiis'd_to_be 

^eonfttm'd  their  Lives,  in  Grie£~  "Iz?1?!1"  Pf^esi  CC)nl2£'4.-_ 

"When  i6me~were  flain ,.  the  reft  return'd  "Is or  call'd  To  mind  the  Hand  and  bay 

\ »=-? 



"to'God,  with  early  Cryj^       _  that  their  Rcdemption_brought_;__ 

Uv.  n'd  liim  iheUoek'of  their  l)ctence,~  Jlis  Signs  in  Egypt),  wond'rous  works 

""their  SavruuI^ljoJ_uwiTHigh.  ~~jn  2Ws  Valley,  wrought. 

39  He 

?^HeU  tgnfd  their  Rivers  into  Blood,   ■ -.,.:        ^brg.^ifr?^2il|^Leli 

"that  Man  and  Beaft  forbore . 


And  them  conduced ,  like  a  Flock, 

throughout  the  Wildernefs. 

^^h^oITtpbToTThirft^  tg^^mc 



than  drink,  the^tridGore^ 

S^?-^^==V-r,T^^c^crm<!"nf  Flips .  "  no  Caufe  of  Fe 

Heled  them  on,  and  in  their  Way, 


=5=== — j — ^"in^Ts  warms  of  Flies  no  uauie  ot  tear  tncy  round  ; 

He^ fen t  devourmg_^warms_or_ ___ut_>, ^     m   ■_"    -^    '■■'£■•£    =S~TT: — '  i        V   s?=fll 

^^^^^S"^n^AafSoil;         __      "jBottm^^gairely,  thrtfthafe  Deeps 

^^he^^veftToTAej^To^L __^ 

in  which  3  their  Foes___  were  drown'd. 
23  N or  ceas'd  his  Care ,  till  them  He  brought", 



^^||__^oft^e^f-^5:^C^Il2  J^^^^^^i^^MiIIZIl 

^_^^^^_^^^_m____pbcWand^g  of  hiaj^oigirpnd,    ,^„  -^.~7 

_We^Fr^l£^e|1^og^£|^~^  He  did  bj  Lot  divide; ■f!-__i-  -■  - '  ~^ 

noTlmeToF'it ,  to~ccafe ;                  "«  "And  intheir  Foes  abandon^  tents, 

And^^it^jyiTjIalueTrjad  Ar7gelsTen~,~  ~~^de  ^r*¥^^ribes^  refide.    *  ■  ;■        « 

24  Yet  ftill ,  they  tempted ,  ftill ,  provok'd 


"their  Torments  to  increafe. 
^P_A3Z  -I— the  W^ath'ofGoaT^bSlE^T, 

2!  He ,  clear'd  a  Paffage  for  his  Wrath,    

— to  ravage  uncont__ou___d  •  

The  Murrain .,  <m  their  Firftlings  feiz'd,  ~ 
— in  ev'ry  Field_and  Fold. 
Zffeg  deadly  Peft ,  frqm  BeaTt  to  Man , 
from  Field  to  City,  came  ; 

Nor  would,  to_practife_his  Commands, 
their  ftubborn Hearts,  apply.  __ 


But  in  their  faithleis  Father's  Steps, 

|=||ll|_|||§_f__E_Sil_E_EE_______y  __=E__=__| 

perverfly  ehofe  to  go; 

They.turn'd  afide ,  like  Arrows  (hot, 

It  flew  jheir  Heirs ,  their  eldeft  Hopes, 
~  th2o'~_alJlh  e^Tems  ~oTWmi1 
_a  But  his  ptfn  Tribe  ;  HfcefoBed  Sheep !_"""*" 

_  1'rom  ibme  deceitful  Bow. 
85 -. -For -Hiqa  >  to  Fury  they  provok'd , 

with  Altars  let  on  highj 

And  with  their  graven  Images 

M  2 





inflam'd ,  his  Jealoufy.  _ 
~When~God  heard  this,  an  /fr'ePs  Tribes"" 
^Ts^WratrTand  Hatred  fell; 

He  quitted  Shilo,  and  the  Tents, 


where,  once,  He  chofe  to  dwell. 
PART     VII. 

_The  Lord  rejected  Jofeph\  Tents, 

and  Epbrabri's  Tribe  forlook7~ 


But  J ud ah  chofe ,  and  Siou's  Mount, 
_for  hisjov'd  Dwellin^jtookT" 

29  His  Temple ,  He  eredted  there  ," 

_  _L _. with  Spires  exalted  high ;  _ 

gO^l^g-gff' '  his ^fcT"  Z^        While  deep  anfl U,,^thatoCEaith^."    "^ 

~firs"~Glory7  to  Difdain; tffelb-or^Fomidauomllr^^         ===== 




His  faithful  Servant^  David  too,. 

His  People ,  to  the  Sword  He  gave, 

~ RoFwould  his  Wrath  rcftrain<  ~fTr^rhlfT^oirf>=Hi^v^=^=~===== 

==1iiiilil==ililiii— 3====* 

_  He  for  his  Choice  did  own.. 
~^?|1^4iCci^foJ||LlI  ~"       '"  to  fit 9  bn_  j^^Vl^roneJ  ' "       ' 

with  Nuptial  Anthems  crown'd. 
27TnTIght ,  ~th"e"Sacrificer  fell , 

the_  Pneft  ,_a_  Viftirnblcd ; 

And  Widows,who  their  Death  lhould  mourn, 

themfelves ,  of  Grief,  were  dead. 

He,  brought  him  forth ,  to  feed 
His  own  inheritance,  the  Tribes 
of  JJFeSs  chofen  Seed. 
"L^altedThusT'theTlonarch  prov7^-" 


-±         n— 


Then,  as  a  Giant ,  rowzM  from  SJcep 

a  faithful  Shepherd,  fell;  _         


whom  Wine  had  throughly  warm'd, 
=l=zf=llI=|gEg  §=|l=5==r==§ 

He  fed  them,  with  an  uprightjleart , 

and  guided  them  3  with  Skill. 

Shoutsoutiloud;  the-Lordrawak^^_     3«§®^§(3®gS©3«;«®i§QWIC^l® 

and  his  proud  Foe  alarm 'd. 
|jr- *  —  -^a^-P 'fHgf f-jgg       PSALM    LXXIX    [^^22.53.3 

p  He^  fmote  their  HoTt^that  from  th=TicTd~ 

a  fcatter'd  Remnant  came, 


Z-4-f  J^^'li.O.Ppd  'Jl2^  Heathen  Hofls 

With  Wounds  imprinted  on  their  Backs ,  have  thy  Pofieffion ,  feiz'd ; 

EE^ill^l=I^S==^==^====3  §P— =^~^f!Eit===ll^ll!— !zza 

of.everlaftmg  Shame.  "  Thy.  facred  Houfe ,  they  liaYc'dctil'd ,  ■ 




~~ Thy  "holyj^Z  2  — a  -'- '  — 
2~The~mangled"Bodics  of  thy  Saints 3 

abroad ,  unburicd  lay ; 

,n  •*,-** 

PART    II. 

5  Q  !  think  not  on  ourjbrmer  Sins, 


but  fpeeailv,  pre'vefit\  _ 

:""TficirT]cnT"cxp5'd  t"o~iavageEeaft7~  The  utter  Rnin^  of  thy  Saints  ~ 

h      anXra^ngu^n'ds  of  Prey. 

3  Quite  thro'  Jerusalem ,  was  their  Blood, 
~fike  common  Water,  fhed; 

"And  none  were  left  alive ,  to  pay 

almoft,  wjth_S_orrow  fpent. 
9_X^oti»-  God  of  our  Sa1va"fion7"h"eUT! 

;      like  common  Water,  fhed; a»^fige  our-Souli  from  blame ; 


lart  Duties,  to  the  Dead. 

4~The  neighb'ririg  Lands,  our  (mall  Remains 

jlllllilllliil^p^^^* eeeeee;! 

with  loud  Reproaches ,  wound, 


And^e^  a  Laughingstock,  are  made 

~to~airThe]Nations7"rou"n^'-  " 
5~H owTongjyjlt  Thou  be  angry,  Lord, 

muff  we,  for  ever ,  mourn? 
"SliallThy  devouring  jealous  Rage 
Like  Fire ,  for  ever  burn? 
6~ OnloreignTands  that  know  not  Thee, 

"  thy  heavy  Vengeance  jhow'r ;  _ 
"Th^TeTinTufKTingdoms  let  it  crufh, 

that  have  not  own'd  thy  Pow'r. 

7  For  their  devouring  Jaws,  have  prey'd 

'on  Jacob's  chofen  Race; 

And  to  a  barren  Defart  turn'd, 
their  fruitful  Dwelling-Place.  • 

_So  fhalT.our  Pardon  and  Defence 

_  exalt  thy  glorious  Name. 
ioJLet  Infidels ,  that  fcoffing  "fay~^ 
where  is  the  God  they  boa(F?~ 
In  Vengeance ,  for  thy  flaughter'd  Saints, "" 
perceive  Thee  to  their  Coft. 
1 1  Lord  hear  the  fighing  Pris'ner's  Moan ; 

=1  iiniiiii^iiiili 



thy  laving  Pow'r  extend ; . 


Preferve  the  Wretches ,  doom'd  to  die, 

from  that  untimely  End, 


.  i.lV^lJ.1 

12  On  them,  who  us  opprefs,  let  all 

our  Suff'rirjgs^be  repaidj_ 

Make- their  Confufion,  lev'n  times  more 

than  what,  onus  they  laid. 



13  So  to  thyJPeople^,  andthy  Flock, 

(hall  ever, _praife_thy.  Name ;_  _ 
*~And~with  glad  Hearts,  o^r  grateful  Thanks  7 

from  Age  to  Age ,  proclaim. 







:   v  j  ;  yy/-e;>i~Shepherd ,  Jo/epFs  Guide, 
"Ourpray'rs to  Thee j  vouchfafe  to  hear; 
^^lI7^ha^o^^theT3herobs  rideT" 
"A^^i^roIenTirState  appear. 
2  BcholdT^ow  Benjamin  experts , 
"With  Ephrahn  and  ManaJJeh  join'd, 

In  our  Deliverance,  the  Effects 
~Ot*  thy  refifllefs  Strength,  To  find. 

3  Do  Thou  convert  us,  Lord,,  do  Thou ,  _ 
the  Luftre  of  thy  Face,  dlfplay; 


And  all  the  ills  we  fuffer  now. 

Like  fcattefd  Clouds,  thajl  pafs  away.  _ 

A~Q"!~Thon ,  whom  Hcav'nly  Hoils  obey ,  _ 

~How~Tong  ihall  tEy  fierce  Anger  burn  ? 

"llowTongTthy  fuft'ring  People  pray ,_ 

^nd'tcTtheiFPray'rs ,~have  no  Return? 

5  When  hungry,  we  ar^fore'd  to  drench 

""OuFfcanty  Food ,  in  Floods  of  Woe ;_ 


When  dry,  our  raging  Third:  we  quench 
With  Streams  of  Tears,  that  largely  flow. 
6  For  us ,  the  Heathen  Nations  round , 
As  for  a  common  Prey,  come  ft; 
Our  iocs,  with  fpiteful  Joy  abound,- 

And  at  our  loft  ConditionTjefL- 
7  Do  Thou  convert  us ,  LorcT7"doThou ,  "' 
_The  Lutoe_of^hj_FJ£e ,_3Tiplay7"~ 
And  "alFthe  ills  we  fuffer  now7_ 
Like  fcatter'd  Clouds,  (nail  pafs  away." 


8_Thou  brought'ft  a  Vine  ¥rom~Ejrypt's  Lana\~ 


And  calling  out  the  Heathen  Race, 
Didft  plant  it,  with  thy  own  RighTTiandT 
And  firmly  fix  it,  in  their  Place. 
9 "Before  it,  Thou,  prepar'dft  the  WayT~~ 


And  mad' ft  it  take  a  l^j^gRoot^ 

Which,  bleft  with  thy  inEulgent  Ray, 

"O'eFalT  the  Land,  did  widely  flioot. 
tf=~± f I"" TTT      T^l      »       -i-3 

i©  The  HiDs  were  cover'd  with  its  Shade ,  _ 
"~lts"~goodly~Bough s ,  did  Cedars  feem;  , 

^HT?ranchc¥7To~the  Sea  were  fpread ,__ 

And  reach'd ,  to  proud  Euphrates  Stream. 
1 1  WhyThe"nThanVThou  its  Hedge  o'erthrown. 
Which  Thou  hatPrTmadeTo  firm  and  llrong  T 

Whilft  all  its  Grapes,  dejencekts  grown , 

ATe  pnack'd  by  thcrfeT'thai  pajsalong, _ 

i a  See,  howj^briftllnyForeT Boar , 

^^th^^Suf_Fury_,  la£sjt_  wafte£_ 

Hark,  how  the~Savage  Nfonfters  roar , 





Snd"  to  their  helplcfs  Prey,  make  hafte.. 

il^o^heeT'Q'ifeof  ^oftfr, •  yrc  pray;; " 
^^T^nmpHT^^rdnpftTLoi^_rcnewT-  I     '    O  God ,  pur  never  failing 


I  Turn  P/:  1 1.  J 

rjTtiy  wonted:  Goodnefo*  Xtflro»  renew.: 
•  FTonrHnv'n^hyThropejtihisj  ine  farvey" 
And  her  fad  State,  with  Pity  view- 

1 4^ehoId"the~Vin"eyard ,  made  by  Thee, 

And  keep  that  Bjranriy  from  Danger  free 

with  loud  Applaufcs  fing-; 
And  jointly  make  a  chearful  Noife, 

to  Jacob's  awful  King. 


which,  for  thy  felf,  Thou,  mad'ft  fo  ftrong. 


15  To  wafting  Flames ,  ?tis  made  a  Prey , 


And  all  it's  fpreading  Boughs  cut  down ; 
~AFthy  Rebuke,  they  foon  decay , 
And  perilh,  at  thy  dreadtul  frown. 

2  Compofe  a  Hymn  of  Praife,.  and  touch 
your  Inftruments  of  Joy; 


_Let  Pfalterics  and  pleafant  Harps ; 
your  grateful  Skill^^employT- 
3  Let  T^mripets^  at  the  great  new  Moon"7 

their  joyful  Voices  raife. 

16  Crown  Thou  the  King,  with  good  Succefs, 
By  thy  Right-Hand  feeur'd  from  Wrong; 
The  Son  of  Man,  itt MercyTBlefs 3  ' 

_Whom,_for  thy  felf,  Thou  mad'ft  fo  ftrong. 
17  So,  (hall  we  llill ,  continue  free 

Prom,  whj^oJ^eFdcf^veFliriy^Tame";"- 

And,  if  once  more  reviv'd  by~Thee,. 

.  .Will  always  praife,  thy  holy  Name:. 
J&  Do; Thou  convert  us,  Lord,  do  Thou, 

^AnT^irthlllirwJju^Fnow ,_  _J 

^iFelcatter^Clou^rlTaTplil  iwayf 

To  celebrate,  th'appointed  Time , 
the  iolemn  Day,  of  Praife, 

4  For  this ,  a  Statute  was  ofold , 

which ,  Jacob's  God  decreed 
_To_be  withpious  Care,  oblcrv'd  ^_ 
by  V/rVs  chofen  Seed. 

5  This ,  He,  for  a  Memorial  fix'd, 

when  freed  from  LgypfsLzn&\_ 


_Strange  Nations  barb'rous  Speech  we  heard, 
__biit ,  could  not  und erltand.- 

6  w_Your  burthen'd  Shoulders  ^_1  reliey'd ,_ 

__(. thuTTecms  our  God  to  lay  _)_ 

"^YouTTervile  Hands,  by  Me  werelrecd* 



PSA  r;  m    i/xxxr.  lxxxr 

from  lab'ring,  in  the  Clay. 

7  _XPulA  2£££2j| '  with  Wrongs  oppreft7"  TTtoev^ryLuft^  nTFey^==:=:==  :~~~" 

to  Me,  for  Aid,  did  call; 

And,  m  their  own  perverfe  Defigns, 

W^JPkj^ljhei^uff^inj^^^ __,peimitS?therhlo~^^ 

and  let  them  free  from  all.  _ 
8  They  fought  from  Me,  and  from  the  Clouds 

i4_0  that  3ny_Feop'le_wifcl'y  would/ 

my  juft  Commandrnr>n7<j~~hp7>rn  '      = 

In  Thunder,  I  reply'd ; 

their  Farth  and;  JDuty,"t^iU  g^^^^^^^he^T^Sefea^2 

~  WhiF  lln^foiemlTWlOe'cTareT"  A  mf",w"!l^^f JFl=f  ^^^i 

V     „      beforejny  r'w^Joo!^bend7~~ 

wilt  lend,  thy  lift'ning  Ear; 

io  Then,  (hall  no  God  befides  my  felf,  "  *~^17T<r|r^™fr^r^-^=^?==^= 

te=gzii=|=a=:ff?^s=^==^=~Sg     p1^Hi  JL^Jthem,  their  h_appyState_ 

fhould  never  know~an~End. 

within  thy  Coafts,  be  found; 

"Nor  fhaltThou  worlhip  any~God7~"  i7~XlTT^irff=:Til7^T,lf,f^^^,!fl^i^^^^= 

p?— ==5— -^z±~^=z-n—-->i —==: — ■  ^LJl1} L™EE2  rwitn  Pjentyjnouki  abound; 

~"bTall  the  Nations  round?  "  fi-===^.^=?>r:-?:::==s  :^=P==sI^:F=:feeee=sI 

'fhould  richeftf  Honey,  yield.  •" 


PSALM    LXXXIL      [ 7Jw<? />/•  7. ] 

Tisij  that  all_thy  juft  Dcfires 

fupply~vith  lib'ral  Hand. 

12  Butttrey,  my  cholcn  Race  ,~"refus'd 

.^^peF,  tolny^Voice^    ■■    ==ZZ'T:  *  _2;Z  _°D  i  i if  th e^^^nTmblyTUndT^8 

Nor  would,  rebbilious ^rV^s  Sons^  "^lTc^^hj?  impartiaf  cje,    •.                "~~ 

~niakcMQ7^cu7lFppy"Choice;  "in  Statcibiyey  f the"  earffiy~Gii7r~:=^= 



~ and"does~thcir  Judgments  try.  

2  How  dare  youjthen,unjuftly  judge ^ 

or  be  to  Sinners  kind? 

"DeTeTidlhF  Orphans  and~the  Poor  - 

let  fuch  j_  your  Jufticefind. 

3"Protea"thFhiTmble  hclplefs  Man, 

reduced 1  to  deep  Diftrets,  _ 
And  Jet  not  him ,  become  a  Prey 

to  fuch ,  as  would  opprefs. 

fTE?"»     Tit*    '    ?,^&:g==g=^ 

4  Theyneither  know,  nor  will  they  learn  ^ 

but  blindly  rove  and  ftray ; 


Jufticeand  Truth,  the  World's  great  Props ; 

Thro'  all  the  Land"  decay. 
5  _  Well  then ,  may  God ,  in  anger  lay , 

„  I've  cafi'd  you  by  my  Name. 

_g_Pye  faid  y'are'GodsT"  and  airally'd- 

g  to  the  moft  High,  in  Fame. 
<J_«_Butjie'erthelejs,  your  unjuft  Deeds 

__j,  to  fact  Accounr,~I,ll~call ; 

_ You_all  (hall  die,  like  common  Men, 

like  otherTylintsTTair 

LXXXa  LX  XXIII.  97 

PSALM    LXXXIII.     tTunePf.  10.52.] 

Old  not  thy  Peace,  O  Lord  our_God, 

no  longer  Went  be; 

Nor  with_confe_nting  quiet  Looks 

our  Ruin  calmly  feel    '' 


2  For  lo!  the  Tumults  of  thy  Foes, 

~ c?cr  all  the  L~and  are  fpread  ;~ 
~And~tho(b7*who  hate~thy  Saints i,  andThee7 
~~  lltFup  j]2^U'J.|}£eatning  _Head7 
3~Againft  thy  zealous  People ,  Lord~7 

they  craftily  combine^  ' 
~And7~to  deftroy  thy  chofen Jaints  ~ 
"haveTaid,  their  cfofe  DefignT^ 
4~"ConTe~let  us  cut  themToff,  fay  7hey7~~ 


„  their  Nation  quite  deface: 

„  That  no  Remembrance  may  remain , 

off/PePs  h£ted_Race1_ 



5  Thus,  they  againft  thy  People's  Peace _ 
~oln^uir7wTth  one  Coriept; 


7_Arife.,  and  thy  juft  Judgments ,  Lord , 

___throughout  the  Earth  difplay. 
And  all  the~NaTionToTThe~WorTd~ 


"And  djff'ring  Nations , _j°intly  leagu^d^^ 
thei7"co"mmon  Malice , vent. 
6  The  J  Jim?  elites  .>  that  dwell  in  Tents , 




own  thy  righteous  Sway. 

with  Warlike  Edom  join'd, 


And  Moan's  Sons;  our_Ruin_vow,_ 

>ltfT7JV/^VRacc  combin'dT 

N  7  Proud 


PSALM     IXtffcllf.  tXXXlV. 

7  Proud  Ammorts  Offspring,  Gebal  too, which  downwards,  fwiftly  move; 

~~wiih~J4»ia/ek  confpire_; "        LilceXhaff,  before  the  Winds,  let  alT 

The  Lords  of  Paleft'me^  and  all 

the  wealthy  Sons,  of  Tyre : 

their  fcattei-,d  Forces,  prove. 


14  As  Flames  confume  dry  Wood  or  Heath , 
S~ATl~thefe,  the  tixori%~AJ]yrian  King,  thaton  parch'd  Mountains  grows , 

~~heiTfiFrr7Xlly77have^ot ; t        Soviet  thy  fierce  purfliing  Wrathy 

~  WhoVwith 'alrow'TfuTArmy ,  aids  with  Terror  ftrike  thy  FoesT 

15  Lord,  fhroud  their  Faces i  with  DilgraceT"" 

th'inceftuous  Race ,  of  Lot. 
PART    II. 

that  they  may  own  thy  Name ; 
9~Bu~t7"iet  fach  Vengeance  come  to  them ,  Orthem  confound ,  whofe  h"ar^i7d~iTearts^~ 

asonce,  to  Midian  came] "thy  gentle  Means,  difclaim. 

~To"jabm~2^d.  proud  Si/era ,  igj^lhall  the  Wond'ring  World  confefs" 

atJf tfiotfs  fata!  Stream.  that  Tripp . :  wTio  claim' ft  alone 

10  When, thy  Rig_ht-Hand,their  num'rous Holts      '  Jehovah's  Name,  o'er  all  the  Earth 
near  I&utof^  drd\topfcftindg~  ~  EalFFaTs^^thy  lofty  Throne. 

"AndTcft  their  Carcafles  for  D ung_,_ 
"tofcedlhe  hungry  Ground. ■ 
iT'L^rair^cjfnughtyMen,  the  Fate 

PSALM    LXXX1V.    [Tune  PJ  26.3 

7>r~Ze~jM^0rebA  {harej_  _2~'_       ~~  1  yf  Godof/HotW^aiig^yTIo'td;,,  •     . 

''KTZibliJ'^'ZJlmumiair^^ ,  ~ho wlovely  islhe  Place ;  % 

IctaTllhelFT^ncesTTare]        "  Where  Thou,  enthroned  frQjjrcyT fhew'lt 

1  i  J?  hoTw  i  thl  hFftmTDefign  mTpIFcT, 3=='  ~thc~Brightneg7of  thy_Face !                ~ 

Sius'vairfly' _boaftmg  frjake,~               ~~  a^^fo_ngm^ovu^jamts  with  Defire , 

12  "io  Rain  let  them  hafte,  like  Wheels,  for  Thee,  the  living  God. 

S  The 


3  The  Birds,  more  happy  far  thanT,  can/lL  timelyAAid  difpcnfe; 

__^round3hy^rnpJe_throng;  _ ! 

On  thy  anointed  Servantjook , 
Securely  ,_there  they  buildTand  there  be_ Thou  his  ftrong  Defence : 

fecurely  hatch,  their  Young. _  io_For  in  thy  Courts  one  fingle  Day , 

j,  O  Lord  of  Hofts ,  my  King  and  God, 
~how~highly  bleft^are  they" 

'tis  better  to  attend  ., 

Than ,  Lord,  in  any  Place  betides, 

Who  in  thy_Temple  always  dwell , 

and  there,  thy  Praife  difplayi 
5  Thrice  hlip^yThev,wliofencToice7hisThee~ 
their  fare' Proteftion. ,  made; 

a  thoufand  Days  to  fpend_. 

ii  Much  rather  m~(TO(Ps"Houfe ,  will  I 

__the  meaneft  Office  take, 

Than  in  the  \vealthy_Tents  of  Sin,  _ 

__my  pompous  Dwelling  make. 

Who  long  to  tread  the'facred  Ways , 
that  to  thy^DweTling  lead-!  ial^TG^TwhTis^uFSunlnOhleld ,  " 

yej_no^efrejbmc£Fwaht"r^       ~  '^AndlTogood  Thing  wTlThe~wTtT>hold3 

TheirPools  arejjFdwjtOalnTwHcFTlTou       7~^"1^"hcmThaTjurtly~"irve.  ~™ 

^hejrJ|e^ueOoft^antT  ~  1 3~Thou  Gody  whomYeav'nTy  Hofts"obey7" 

7^«s  the  y_proceedfrom  S^n|^tFStrength"  howliigh!y~bieir]slae~ 

and  ftilUipj^oadrmore^earT"- 

Till  all  on  S/on's  holy  Mount, 

Whole  Hope  and  'fruit,  fecurely  plac'd , 
is  rap  reposed" orTThee! 

before  their  God  appear.  e^®S@S®3l^®^®Sl®M®S^® 

PART     II. 

||^H^g^^=j^^$gfg=~==gg  PSALM    LXXXV.      [Tune  Pf  ill 

gJ^Lord  jJTfregghty^d^rHoIST^"^^ 

■■•-     "yi"  ?[R^u^r"efardT~  ~~~  2  J^^V^^^Kii"^^  jE^^SI 

gJS^li  0LJj^F^c^y^f^.._ ZIZ  theFjiyo^rnvelm'pIor'd; 

o — ^-^  witfi^^uTheagT  *        ~TZZ^  *~A"d TaithTuTf flco^TapuvFRace , 

9  BcholdT'o  GoITftFF 'hoTalone  " 

And  faithtul  Jacob's  captive 


halt  grapioufly  reftorU 
N  a 

a  Thy 



a  Thy  People1^  Sin  Thou  haft  forgiv'n . 

and  all  their  Guilt  defac'd ; 


Thou  haft  not  let  thy  Wrath  flame  on , 

nor  thy  fierce  Anger  laft._ 

S_0_God  our  S^viour7"all~our  Hearts 

to  thy  Obediencelurn ; 

_Ljke  kind  Companions  abfent  long , 

with  friendly  Arms  embrace. 
gTra$ jromthe  Eg^^^j^npjg^iift^aY^n 

fhall  Streams  of  Juftice  pour; 


And  God ,  from  whom  all  Goodnefs  flows ,'"" 
flialTendTefsT^enty  fhow'r.  ]_ 

__andjijs  juft  PithTprepaire; 
Whilft  we.fajs  holy  Steps puriue, 

That  quench t  with  our  repenting  Tears, _ 
~thy~Wrath  no  more  m ay  burn. 
4  For  why  fhouldMl  Thou  "be  angry  ftill , 
~ andn^FaThJolong  retain"?-  with  conftant  ZeaTandCare. 


Re^y£j|^  I^,_a_|d_l||t^  ^__     8>f5|^I©3>gS©«§©^l©S 

thy  wonted  Comfort  gain.  •     „    .   ;    ,,    r  ,r,r,^,,        ~ 

frlS  7l     y     p-    %*-^=y=:=E^       PSALM    LXXXVI.     (T^-P/"  12.55.3 


5  Thy  gracious  Favour ,  Lord ,  difplay, 

which  we  have  long  iroplor'd; "     1  _  1  6"m>M^oiuplainT^O~Lord  rny~God~7~~ 

_And  for  thy  wond'rous  "Mercies  fake ,__  ~thy_graciouJ"F^r-ljTcl7ne7— 

thy  wonted  Aid  anord.  '  "Hear  rfley  diftreft  and  deftitute~ 

6  God's  Anfwer  patiently  I'll  waits 


— * 

•for  He  with  gjad  Succefs, 

(^  If  they  no  more" to  Folly  turn  ) 

_his  mourning~Saints  will  bids. 

7  To  all  that  foaTliis" holy  Name, 

J  Tt  ■ 

ofall  Relief,  but  thine ; 
2_Do  Thou~0  God,  preferve  mv  Soul, 
that  does" thy  Name  adore: 
Thy  Servant  keep ,  and  him  ,  whofe  Truft" 
relies  on  Thee,  reftore. 

"hjil m-cjSal va t fo"nVne~a~r ^~  3 ~T^i^eV^whb  daily  Thee  invoke , 

"And  in  its_former  happy  State  _ 
our  Nation  (hall  appear 

thy  Mercy , "Lord  extend, 

_Refre(i  tliy  Servants  Soul ,  whofe  Ropes 
"on  Thee  alone  depend. 

8 _For  Mercy  now  with  Truth  is  joined; 
"and  RightcouTnels^uirFeacel- 

4  Thou,  Lord,  art  good,  not  only  good, 


^  but  prompt  to  pardon  too  ;_J  _And  to  thy _everlafting  Name ,_ 

Of  plenteous  Mercy  to  all  thofe 

!.  "   I    \    f  k  *l      ' 

eternal  Trophies  rear. 


who  for  thy  Mercy  fue. i]JThy_boundlePs_Mercy  (hewn  tome, 

5  To >  my  repeated jiumble  Pray'r, 

OLord,  attentive  be! _  

^heTTfoubledT  lTm^hlTwiircau%~" 
for  Thoa  wi  It  anfwer  me. 

6~ABOTg~the_ GodTthere's  none  like  Thee , 
0  Lord ,  alone  divine .' 

tranfeends  my_Pow'r  to  tell; 

For  Thou  haft  oft  redeem'd  my  Soul  , 
from  loweft  Depths  of  HefiT  " 


1 2  0  God ,  the  Sons  of  Pride  and  Strife , 


To  Thee,  as  much  inferiour  they, 
as  are  thejr  Works  To  thine.  Y  3  "BufThouVthy  conftam~G^ddne(Fdidft7 

have  my  Deftruction  fought: , 

~Regardlefs  of  thy  Pow^FJ  thiFoft~~ 

has  my  DehV ranee  wrought. 

=i=niii=i===Ei  &— «  *  n  1    *   — 

7_Therefore  their  great  Creator  Thee, 

the  Nations  fhall  adore ; 

_Their  long  mifguided  Pray'rs  and  Praiic , 


to  thy  bleft  Name  reftore.  

8  AH  fhall  confefs  Thee  great7jnd~greaT~' 
mm    the  Wonders  Thou  haft  done: 


_Confefs  Thee  God,  the  God  fupreme; 

conlefs  Thee  God  alone. 
PART    II. 

_  to  my  AfTillance  bring; 
_OfPatience ,  Mercy ,  and  of  Truth , 
Thou  cverialting  Spring ! 


1 4  jOJxainteous  Lord ,  thy  Grace  and  Strength, 
to  me  thy  Servant  fhow ; 
Thy  kind  Protection,  Lord,  on  me  _ 

u        _    --4         ~ .I__j-  l:lri-r__.2 in  mi:  mmuinaiu  a  oujj,    uenuw. 

15  Some  Signal  give,  which  my  proud  Foes 

9  Teach  me  thy  Way,  O  Lord,  andl 
from  Truth  fhall  ne'er  depart ; 
In  Rev'renccTto  thy  facred  Name , , ' 
devoutlv  fix  my  Heart.' 

10  Thee  will  I  praife  ,  0  Lord  my  God, 
praife  Thee  witTHeaHTmcere]-- 

_When  Thou,_0_Lord,_for_my  Rcl;cf_ 
and  Comfort ,  doft  engage. 

PSALM    L  X  X  X  V 1 1.    [  Tur.e  PA7-3 

GSc'  j;f,    f-      f  )  H==^M 
OD's  Temple  crowns  the  Holy  Mount ; 
N  3  the 







_  the  LordTherc  condcfcends  to  _dwellj 

HlT'J/W's  GatcsV "in_his  account , 
our  f/r'ePsfcurctt.  Tents  excel. 


Fame  glorious  things  of  Thee  (hall  fing, 
O  City  of  th'Alnvghty  King! 


2  I'll  mention  Rabab  with  due  Praife, 
in  Babylon 's  A  p  pi  a  u  fes  join ,  _ 

_By  Day  and  Night  addrefs  my  Cry_;__ 
Vouchfafe  my  mournful  Voice  to  hear,      I 

r~rrTi~L,i — L 

To  my  Diftrcfs  incline  thine  Ear. 
2  For  Seas  of  Trouble  me  invade, 





My  Soul  draws  nigh  to  Death's  cold  Shade; 
Like  onc_whofe  Strength  and  Hopes  are  fledT" 

Fliey  number  me  among  the  Dead. 

The  Fame  of  ^Ethiopia  raife,  "  _~     |JUkejhofe  wly>  (tomded  in  the  Grave , 

witfajthat  pi  Tyre  and"pfl^ffi>«gj^        ~        From  Thee  do  nJoreTfemembrapce  have ; 


And  grant  that  fbme,  amongft  them  born , 

their  Age  and  Country  did  adorn. 
3  But  (till  of  Sion  I'll  averr, 


that  many  fuch  from  her  proceed ; 

Call  off  from_thy  luftaining  Care, 

"TJownTto  the  Confines  of  DefpairT^ 

4~fhy  Wrath  has  hard  upon  me  Iain, 


Th' Almighty  (hall  eftablifh  her, 

His  gen'ral  Oft  (hall  (hew ,  when  read , 
That  fuch  a  Perfon  there  was  born, 


_  and  fuch  did  fuch  an  Age  adorn. 
4  He'll  Sion  find  with  Nutiibers  fill'd 

of  fuch ,  as  merit"high~~Renown ; 

"Afflicting  me  with  reftlefs  Pain; 

~Me^lf  tEy~Mountain  Waves  have  prefl: , 
~Too~weaE^  alas ;  to  bear  thejeajb  _ 
5  Remov^i  fromTriends,  OgFjajeng^ 

1  In  a  loatFd"  Dungeon  laid ,  where  none 
A  Vifit  will  vouchfafe  to  me, 





For  Hand  and~Voice  Muficians  skuTd, 

_  £_nc^_CjlcLE!'an^cen^'nS  Fame  to  crown  ) 
OrmchShe_ fcaU  Sttcceffions  brings 

like  Waters  from  a  living~Spring. 







O  Thee ,  my  God  and  Saviour,  I, 

Conhn'd ,  paft  Hopes  of  Liberty. 


6  My  Eyes  from  Weeping  never  ceafe, 


They  wafte,  but'ftfll  my  Grieft  mcreafe; 
'  Yet  diul/y  Lord,  to  [pgg^Ijjrayji^  -^ 

Withl)iu^retcTKHands7invok'd  thy  Aid. 
PART    II.  __ 

7 - WilTTl^  py_]feracle re^ve  i—— rf 

"^fHnJealT  w^nomThoiiTbTfpoFft  Alive? 




From  Death  reftore  thy  praife  to  fing, 
"Whom  Thou  from  Prifonwould'ft  not  bring? 

_My  Song_on_them  (hall  ever  dwell; 

8  Shall  the  mute  Grave  thy  Love  confefs? 

_A  mould'ring  TombjhyJF^^vUneTsj 

~T~h~Truth  andTow'r  Renown  obtain ,  _ 

_To_Ages  yet  unborn  myTongue , 
"Thy  neveFfaUmg  Truth  (hall  tell. 

Where  Darknefs  and  Oblivion  reign  ? 


9  To  Thee,  O  Lord,  1  cry,  forlorn., 
*~My  Pray'r  prevents  the  early  Morn ,~~ 
Why  haft  Thou,  Lord,  my  Soul  forfook, 
~~Nor  once  vouchfaf'd  a  gracious  Look  ?  " 
io  Prevailing  Sorrows  bear  me  down, 

Which  from  my  Youth  with  me  have  grown, 


jrhy_Te^rors_paft_cUtoa6t_my  Mind, 
And  Fears  of  blacker  Days  bphmd. 
ir  Thy  Wrath  hath  burft'upon  myTleadT 


Thy  Terrors  fill  my  Soul  with_Dread ; 
jrnvji-on^as_with_  Waves  conibi AM , " 
And  for  a  general  DeTugeJomU" 
i2_  My  Lovers,  Fnends_,  Farhilianrsji  all 
Remold'  jfbgj  Sight  j  andout6fca"llj 


To  dark  ObTivion_all  retir'd, 

Dead,  or  at  lealf " to  nie~expTr1dr4    T— 

PSALM    LXXXIX.  .  [  Turn  Pf.  14.29.] 

1    1  ^Yldercies7Cord7MTe==mFlor5T 

2  I  have  affirm'd  and  (till  maintain , 

Thy  Mercy  (hall  for  ever  laft; 


Thy  Truth, "that  does  the  Heav'ns  fuftain. 

Like  them,  (hall  ftand  for  ever  faft. 
3  Thus  fpak'ft  Thou  ,"by  thy  Prophet's  Voice ,  ^ 
"With  Z)tfz«/  I  a  League  have  made ; 

g— +—f — xgz3rrf-— T^f~  ^ — ^j 

„  To  him ,  my  Servant  and  my  Choice,  _ 

„  By  folemn  Oath  this  Grant  convey'd ; 
4  „  While  Earth,  and  Seas , and  Skies  endure 

'  „  Thy  Seed  (hall  in  myjjjght  remain ; 

„  To  them  thy  Throne  I  will  infure , 


_£hey_(hall_to  endlefs  Ages  reign 
5  ForTuch  ftuperTdous  Truth  and  "Loye~7"~ 
Both  ifeav'n  and  Earth  juft  Praifes  owe, 
By  Choirsof  Angels  fu_ng_above ,  _ 
And  by  affembled  Saints  below. 
To  vie  with  J/FePsGoa  IhaU  dare  ? 

Or  who  among  the  God's  of  Earth, 

With  our  "Almighty  Lord  compare  ?  . 

7  With  Rcv'rence  and  religious  Dread,_ 

_fiis  Saints  (houldto  his  Temple  prcls;  " 

llisTcarlliro'  all  thelFrfe^n^rhouIdfpread^ 



"^Who~his~Almight"v  Name  confets. 
f~Lord~Gocf  of  Armies  who  can  boaftT- 
^fStfength'or  Pow'r  ,]jke  thine  renownVl?" 
"OffuclTa  num'rous  faithful  Hoft, 
"As  that  which  does  thy  Throne  furround?" 

PART    II. 

$ ~Thou"do"ft""thcTawiefs v  Sea  _co ntroul,"" 
"AncTchange  the  Profpedt  of  the  Deep ; 
Thou  mak'll  the  flceping  Billows  rowl,~ 
Thou  mak'ft  the  rowling  Billows  llcep.  _ 

io"TTiou~braI^ft  jn  pieceg  Ratals  Pride, 




=    s 


And  didft  opprefllng  Pow'r  difarm; 


Thy  lcatter'd  Foes  have  dearly  try'd 

The  Force,  of  thy  refiftlefs  Arm. 

ii  In  Thee,  the  fov'reign  Right  remains 


Qf  Earth  and  Heav'n;  Thee,  Lord  alone, 
The  World  and  all  that  it  contains , 

g-  »    t  t  ?-/  i  t  »— r-^^ 

Their  Maker  and  Preferver ,  own. 
12  The  Poles  on  which  _the  Globe  does  reft , 
_Were  form'd  by,  thy  creating  Voice ; 

Tabor  and  Hernton.  Eaft  and  Weft; 


In  thy  fuftaining  Pow'r  rejoyce. 

fit  »     Liiyr"  r-r^ai 

1 3  Thy  Arm  is  mightyTflrong  thy  Hand , 
Yet,  Lord,  Thou  dolt  with  luftice reign; 


Polfcft  of  ubfoiute  Command," 

_  rhou  Truth  and  Mercy  doft  maintain. 
14  Happy,  thrice  happy  they g_who  hear  _ 
^T hy "JBuCTed  Trumpeft  joyful  Soimd ; 

Who  may  at  Fcftivals  appear, 

With  thy  moll;  glorious  Prefence  crowrFdi 
i5__Thy  Sajnts  niall~alw"a3"rbe~o,erjoy'd7~ 
Who  on  thyjacred  Name"  rely"; 

_And  in  thy  Righteoufnefsemploy'd , 


Above  their  Foes  be  rais'd  onhigh. 

gth  they  (hall  acfranceT- 
Whofe  Conqucft  from  thy  Favour  fpring. 

16  For  in  thy  Strength  they  (hall  advance, 

The  Lord  ol  Hofts  is  our  Defence, 

And  ///-V/'s  God  our  ///-V/'s  King. 


17  Thusfpak'ft  Thou  by  the  Prophet's  Voice, 

T>  Amigjhty  Champion  T  will  fend, 
~F"rom  ^7^'sTribe  ,_haye_T  made  Choice 
~Ofone7"who  fhall  the  reft  defend. 

i8~My"Servant_Z)«'w^I  have  found~ 

"ITWith  hol^Qil  anorn^d  h imj  " 

*w  Him, (hall  the Handlupport  that  crowriffi 
"And  guard,  that  gave  the  Diadem. 

19 _*  NoTrincc  from  him. (hall  Tribute  force ?" 

~Ro~Son  of  Strife  ffiill  him  annoy ;_ 

^HiTfr^lurFoes  T^TlI  difperic , 




„  And  them  before  his  Face  deftroyT 
2o"~M~y  Truth  and  Grace  (hall  him  (Main ;  J 

~His  Armies ,  in  well  order'd__Ranks, 

w  "Shall  conquer,  from  the  1$™**  Main 

yt  To  Tfgm~mi.Mupbrates  Banks.     

0.1  „  MeTTor  ps  Father  he~foafl~taice , 

w  His  God  and  Rock  of  Safety  call; 

„  Him,  I  my  Firft-bom  Son  will  make , 

„  And  earthly  Kings  hig  Subjects  all. 


22  „  To  him ,  my  Mercy  I'll  fecure, 

r>My  Cov'nant  make_for_ever  faft: 
„  His  Seed,  for  ever  (hall fendure, 

~HTsThrone  "till  Heav'n  dilToTves^Ihaff  laftT 
23  w  But  if  his  Hei  rs  m  y_  La  w  for  lake ; 

_w_ And  from  my _facred  Pi^cepts^ftray;""' 

v  If  they  my  righteous  Statutes  break , 
„  Nor  ftriclly  my  Commands  "obey:- 
34_5_Xhpir  Sms  I'll  vifit  with  a"  Rod ,_ 
»  And  _for_their  FoH v  make":them  TrnirF: 
»  Yet  will  not  ceafe  to  be  jifaeir  God , 
»  Nor  from  my  Truth,  likeThem,  depart! 

-  Shall" in  eternal  Force, 

^remaim . 

26  „  Once  have  I jVorn,^ but  once  for  all , 
_j,_And  made  my  Holinels  the  Tie, 

„  That  I  my  Grant  will  ne'er  recall , 

„  Nor  to  my  Servant  David  lie. 



Whofe  Throne  andRace,the  conftantSun 

S_hall_,  like  his  Courfe , 

eftabltfht  3eef 

Of  this  my  Oath  ,  thou  confeious  Moon  3 
„  In  Heav'n ,  my  faithful  Wrtriefs  be. 
28  Such  was  thy  gracious  Promife,  Lord. 


But  Thou  hall  now  our  Tribes  forfook , 
Thy  own  anointed- haft~ablaorr'd  ~ 
_And  turn'd.  on_him_thy_  wrathful  Look". 
29  Thou  feemeit  to  have  render'd  void 
The  Cov'nant,  with  thy  ServTntrmadel 
Thou  haft  his  Dignity  deftroy'd , 
And  in  the  Duft  his  Honour  laid. 

30  Of  ftrong  Holds  Tliou_ haft  him  bereft," 
And  brought  his  Bulwarks  to  Decay-" 

His  Frontier  Coalts  defencelefs  left ^ 
A  publick  Scorn ,  and  common  Prey. 

PART    IV. 

PART    V. 


Hl|ej=l  Et  *"*  !•-  "t    4    t'>    =»= 

|5_„_My  Cov'nant  I  will  ne'er  revoke,  3  i^i^uMee^ladTf ninths  yield. 

^  »  BuFinJRemenuSnrpFfaftTcTaTn"^  _  ^~(TFoeTTdv^?d~"b}rfEe^Tol\fight~ 

„  TheThlng,  that  once  myXTpslVavTfpoke       Thou  haft  his conqu'ring  Sword  unfteel'd, 

O  kl'u 


P    S    A    L    M 

His  VaToivFmrn'd  txTThameful  Flight 
3 2_  HiTGlory  is~tQjDarkncls  fled ,    ~~~      ~~ 

His  Throne  is  lcvell'd  withjhe  Ground  P~ 
*"Iiis?  Youth  to  wretched  Bondage  lcdT" 
with  Shame  o'erwhelm'd^nd  Sorrow  dro  wn'd/ 
33  How  long  {hall  we_thy  Abfence  mournT" 

Wilt  Thon'for  ev£i~Lord  ^"retireT" 

Shall  thy  confuming  Anger  burn ,__ 

Till  That  and  We  at  once_expirc? 

34  Confider,  Lord ,  how  fhort  a  Space, 

JThou  dolt  for  mortal  Life  ordainf" 


,  Jja^  m^^fesgmtt'S'  Hope  theirfeftl" 

2'cfth^  j  ^S^^']T^7ocI^^:=====: 

"And  everfing  ,JJ'ie&RJill^~-  : — 

'  Aram  Amen.  ~= 

The  Lord  bfblejF,,  ■    -   ■  ." 



_No  Method  to  prolong  the  Race., 

But  loading  it  with  Grief  and  Pain  ? 
35  What  Man  is  he_,  that  am  controuT" 
"jDeathjs  ltridt  unalterable  Doom  ? 

~Or  refcue  from  the  Grave  his  Soul 3 


The  Grave,  that  mult  Mankind  entomb V 
s6  LordTwhere's  thy  Love,  thy  boundlefs  GraccT 
The  Oath ,  to  which  thy  Truth  did  feal , 
Conflgn'd  to  David  andhis  Race ;  _ 
The~Grant,  which  Time  fhould  ne'er  rcpeaT? 
37  Sce,_how~ thy  Servants  treated  are 

"With  Infamy,  Reproach  and  Spite; 

"Which  in  my  lilent  Brealt  I  bear ,  _ 


i  ^-^  Lo»£jhe  Saviour  andDefeneg  ■ 
oFus>+thy  chofiin  Raee^    " 

•  IEi?^Z§^o^c7]Ih^ftiirHft^en2''=5; 

our  fare  Abiding-placeT  "       "• 
aBeforeThoubroughigft  the.  Mountains  forth , 

or  th'JEaxth.  and  World  jdidft  name  'r  ' 
Thou  always  wert  the  Mighty  God^       "~* 

and  ever  _art  die  lame. 
3  Thou  turnelt  ManVoTToi-dT  to~pJuft7~ 

of  which  he  firit  was  madeT" 

Prom  Nations  of  licentious  Mjght. 


8,8  liow  they,  reproaching  "thy  great  Name," 

And  when  Thoujpeak'ft  the  word  ,A?toy« , 

'tis  inltantIy_obey'd. 
4_T'or  in  thy_  Sight  a  Thoufand  Years %  . 
arc  like  a  P)ay  that's  paft , 
"OiTiricia  Wateh  indead  of  Night,  ; 

whole  Hours  uwnin.ded  walte. 

5  Thou 

P    S    A    L  M       XC                                   io*] 

IP'^Pi^^ii^ili^lS^i  part   ii. 

5  Tlir>uj\yecp_'ft  us  off  as  with  a  Flood, ^         ; _..   _____ 

"^w^^iflTheiice^Tl^ams ;      _£__"  * J  BuTwhoThy  A^gs"di-ead£{Teas~       "^ 

Auirif  wf^owlijce^rafsTthatgls       *  ^doesTartie  ojigtit Revere  ?   ..,,,„  ^  ^ 

^J"^iVrevlvmggcamir           "  ,  And  yet  thy-  Wrjjih  docs  fall  or'fiie^          T 

6~luf  Ro  w  foe  veF  fajhanTTairT  g^o^eQ^gs  we.fear.,    f  ^  -^ 

ifs^oTninyB"eautylF6\v^       ~~  12  So  teach  us,  Lord,  th\TiTcertaiirs"um7"~" 

^JTs~aircuFdo'vn~and  wTtheToHiuTtes         ""  of  jur  Ihort  Days  to  mind, 

^T&fore  the>  Ev'nTng  clofe._                      '  '"That  to  true  \Vifdom  alFbuTTlearts"^ 

7_We_b)~UiTiTe~Arrgeral-e^onRu^_~  _may  ever  be  inclined. 

and~F}^hy^yraTh~difma"y'or;~~  13  0  to  thy  Servants ,  Lord ,  return"7~ 

"OTaT'publiciTCnmci"  and  fccretSins,  and  fpeedily  relent ! 

Before  thySigh]t  are kM-"                    ~  ~As~we  of  our  Mifdeeds,  do  Thou"" 

8~Belie'ath~thy""AFger,s  fad  Effects,  '  " "        oTour  juft  Doom,  repent. , . 

oiu~d~rooping  Days  we  fpend :  14  To  fatisfy  and  chear  our  Souls , 

"Our  lih regarded  Years  break  off, thy  early  Mercy  fend ; 

li.Ee  Tales  that_quickly_end. ~"  "That  we  may  all  our  Days  to  come,"" 

9  Our  Term  of  Time  is  fev'nty  Years ,         '"  m  Joy  and  Comfort  fpend. 

an. Age  that  few  furvive ;          _^  15  Let  happy  Times^with  large  Amends, 

j3ut  if  \vkh_morc  than  common  Strength ,  ~dry~up  our  former  Tears; 

to'  ejghty_  we  arrive ; "  Igrjqual  at  the  leait,  the  Term, 

1  o  Yet  then ,  our  boafted  Strength  decaysT"  oTour  affli&ed  Years.                              _. 

_to  Sorrow  turn'a  and  Fain ,  _  itf.Toall  thy  Servants ,  Lord,  let  this 

Siftfoon  the  flender  Thread  is  cut ,          ~  uTy^on^roul_Worl^bc_]ai_o\yn7^ 

sua  we  ho  more  remain.  AndTto  oiir  Offspring  yet  unborn , 

trty •glorious Pow'r  t»e  fhown.  _ 


17  Lct'thv  bright  Rays  upon  us  flime, 

0  a  give 

i>8  'PSALM 


give  Thou  our  Work Juccefs;  _ 


The  glorious  Work ,  we  have  in  hand, 

do  Thou  vbuchfafe  to  blefs. 


While  thy  firm  Health  untouch'd  "remains: 
Thou  only  (halt  look  on ,  and  fee 

i   11  E~that~harGod  his  Guardian  made, 


Shall  under  the  Almighty's  Shade, 


Secure  and  undifturb'd  abide. 
Thus  to  my  Soul,  of  Him  I'll  fay, 
He  is  my  Fortreis  and  my  Stay . 


My  "God  in  whom  1  will  confide. 


2  His  tender  Love  and  watchful  Care, 
"Shall  free  thee  from  the  Fowler's  Snare 
And  from  "the  noifome  Peffilence : 

He,  over  thee  his  Wings  fhall  fpread 

_The  wicked's  difmal  Tragedy," 

Androun^tn^^nnerj mcrornful  Gainst^ 
5_Becau^  witk  well-plac'd  Confidence, 
JTjiou  mak^tfe  Lord  thy  fore  DeTenceT"" 
~~2ygy3nthe  HTgheft  doft  rely; 
~~1 '  h  ercforeno"l  irft"aTTthec  "befaliT" 

_Nor_to_thy  healthful  Dwelling  fhalL 

_  Any  infectious  Plague  draw~nigF. 

6  For  ffe ,  fhrooghout  thy"  happy  Days , 

To  keep  thee  fafe  in  allThy"Way77~ 

Shall  give  his_ _Angcls  ftrict  Commands, 
And  they,  left  thou  fhould'ft  chance  to  meet 
With  fomc  rough  Stone,  to  wound  thy  Feet. 



Shall  bear  thee  fafely  in  their  Hands 

And  cover  thy  unguarded  Head ; 


His  Tram  fhall  be  thy  ftrong  Defence. 
3~No  Terrors  that  furprize  by  Night, 


7  Dragons  and  Alps  that  third  for  Blood 



__AndLions  roaring  for  their  Food, 

Shall  thy  undaunted  Courage  fright, 

Ki,  t  frrrrr; ~ 

\^=E==i  im 

Beneath  his  conquering  Feet  fhall  lie: 


"Nor_dcadTy  Shafts  that  fly  by  Day ; 
_Nor  Plag"ue",~of  "unknown  Rife s  that  kills 
In  Darkncfs,  nor  infectious  IlTsj 
That itt  thTHSteft  Seafon  flay." 
4  A  Thouiand*at  thy  Side  lhall  die"7~~ 
ATtiiy  Kight-hajiTten  llioufiindlleT" 

Bccaufe  he  lov'd  and  honour'd  me, 
"Therefore "(fays  God)_rn_ let  him  free, 
"Arid  fix  hjs  glorious  Throne  on  high. 

8  He'll  call.  I'll  anfwer  when  he  calls, 
And  rclcue  him  whenjll  befallsj  _ 
Increafchis  Honour  and  his  Wealth: 

And  when,  with  undifturb'd  Content, 


His  long  and  happy  Life  isfpent. 
His  End  I'll  crowrTwith  favingfHealth. 

PSALM    XCII.  ITumPfg.-] 


OW  good  and  pleafant  rauft  it  be. 


toThanTc^theTord  moft  high ; ^ 

8^nd7~wTth7epe¥t'ed_Hy  m  njL^LPBl^ , 

his~Name  to  magnijje. 

~EIs  Goodnefs to  relate;  _  _ 

^nd~orhTsTo"nftanTl>nth ,  each  iSfight  3 

the"gladTffedts  repeat. 
g~To"terniring,d  Inltrum et^weMi~lnTg7"~ 

— witlft u neful  Pfliit'ries  joi n'd ;  ~  ~ 

"AndTo  the  Harp  with  "folemn  SoundsT" 
for  facred  Ufe  defign  d. 
4~FoFthroTThy  wondrous  Works ,  Q  L~ord~7~ 
Thou~mak,ft  my_  Heart  rejoice  ; 
~The~Thoughts  of  them  fhall  make  megiadT" 

and  fhout  with  chearful  Voice. 
5~How~wondrous  arejhy  Works ,"~~Q  Lord!" 

how  deep  are  thy  Decrees!     _ 


Whofe  winding  Tradts,  in  fecret  laid, 
no  ftupid  Sinner  fees. 



6  He  little  thinks,  when  wicked  M"en. 

XCI.  XCII.  lop 

_  like  Grafs  look  frejElmd^gayT" 
_jk>w"ISo5  their  fhort-liv'd  Splendor  mult/ 

for  ever  pafs  away." 

PART    II. 

and  all  thy  Mty~Foes~  ~       = 

ffiall  be  oTerwMtri^wSrWoesr       "     ■ 


8  Whilft  Thou  exalt'fl;  my  fov'reign  Po\vTF,~" 

and  ma^ftTtlargelyJpread  j~         ==3 

And  with  relfelHng  Oil  anoTrit*^       = ==? 


PJMb^npia]Tfe_em^ftubbornT^eI7""     ===3 
to  utter  Ruin  brought; 

And  hear  the  djfmal_End  of  thofe , 

_  who_J^ve_againft_me  fought. 

i e>  But  righteotis  Men,  lifeefruitfiifp^^ir""^ 

_fhall  make  a  glorious  Show"7~  ~= 

As  Cedars  that  in  Lebanon~ 

_in  ftately  Order  grow. 
1 1  Thefe ,  planted"  in  tlTc~HoiIfe~orGod7"      = 
withinHis  Courts  thai  1  thrive"; "" 

Their  Vigour  and  their  Lullre  both 3 

~"  fliall  in  old  Age  revive. 

i a  Thus  will  the  LordhLs  Juftice  friew": 

""and  God  my  ftrbpg  defence., 

0  £  Shall 



— <i 

Shall  due  Rewards  to  ail  the  World, 
impartially  difpcnfc. 



__and  crulh  thy  hiugbty~Foes.  _ 

a  How  long ,  0  Lord,  (hainfnTurKfcnT-    ~" 
their  folemn  Triumphs  make? 
How  long  their  wicked  Aelions  boaftT""" 


W  ith  Glorv  clad ,  with  Strength  arr'ay'd       g  Not  only  they  thy  Sair 

_  4P^ _ ' nfolently  fpcak  ? 

* The  Lord  that  o*eJaUNature  reigns  3 * 

3  Not_only  they  thy  Saints  opprefs. 


•all  Nature  reigns, '         _  but  unprovok'd ,  ttiyfpill 

"The  World's  Foundations  ftrongly  laid, 
And  the  varFFabffck  ftill  fiiftainsT        _^ 

2nHow~m7elyltaBlfhlTs~thy  Throne  [ 
"WhicTTf^alTncTclialige  or  Period  fee7  ~ 
For  Thou,  Q  Lord,  and  Thou  alone, 
Art  God  ,  from  all  "Eternity, 

The  Widow's  and  the  Stranger's  Blood , 
_and  helplefs  Orphans  kill. 

p£=g— ^    t     f  ■  ■  ■  f — t     f  » ■     ■  * 

4  *  And  yet  the  Lord  fhaTl  ne'er  perceive ,  ■ 
(profanely  thus  they  ibeak) 
jf,  Nor  any  Notice  of  ourJDecds, 

gTheTloods ,  0  Lord,  lift  up  their  Voice, 
And  tofs  the  troubled  Waves  on  high ; 
~Bu"tGod"  above  can  ftill  their  Noife, 

_And  make  the  angry  Sea  comply.  _^ 

4  Thy  Promife,  Lord,  is  ever  furc ; 

„  the__God  of  Jacob  take. 

5~At  length  ye  ftupid  Fools ,  your  Wants 
endeavour  to  difcern, 
In  Folly,  will  y6u  ftill  proceed, 
and  Wifdom  never  learn  ? 

6  Ca_n  He  be  deaf  who  form'd  t_he_Ear , 


__An_d  they  that  in_thy  Houfe  would  dwell , 

That  happy  Station  to  fecure , 

Mult  ftill  in  Holincfs  cxcelL 

Cod ,  to  whom  Revenge  belongs, 

thy_  \  engeance  nowTlilcioIe;-" 

Arife,  Thou  Judge  ofali  the  Earth~J 

or  blind  who  fram'd  the  Eye? 

Shall  Earth's  great  Judge  not  punilh  tho'fe, 
~~" who  his  known  VVill  defy  ? 


7  He  fathoms  all  the  Thoughts  of  Men, 
to  Him  their  Hearts  lie  bare ,  _ 
His  Eye  furveys  them  all,  and- fees 
l)Ow~vain~their  Cbunlels  arc 


PSALM      XCIV.    XCV. 

PART     IT. 

8  Bleft  is  the  Man  whom  Thou,  Q  Lord, 

"in  kindnefs  doft  chaftife,    _ 

And  by  thy"laFred~R.i3des  to  walk, 

their  finful  Throne  fuftain. 

Who  make  the  Law  a  fair  Pretence, 


their  wicked  Ends  to  gain  ? 


15  Ajpunft  the  Lives  of  Righteous  Men , 

doft  lovingly_advife. 


E£=^^3      g± 

9-This_Man  jj^ljteft  and  Safety  find ,       "    ^ 

"in  Seafons  of  Diftrefs ; 

they  form  then-  dofe  Defign  5 
And  Blood  of  Innocents  to  TpilTj~~ 


li^liltlfliiilll=lllll  IlHi 

"Whilft  God  prepares  a  Pit  for  thofe 


thaTfHbbomly  tranfgrefs._ 

io~Fl)7GoT^lTneveFfrom  his  Saints, 
his' Favour  wholly  take;  

in  folcmn  League  combine. 
1 6  But  my  Defence  is"  firmly  plac'd, 
"in- God  the  Lord  rriorF! high-; 


'His  own  PofTeffion  and  his  Lot , 

He  will  not  quite  forfake. 

llll=il=|l=l=ilt  _ 

1 1  The  World  fhall  then  contefs  Theejuft, 
~"m~airthat  Thou  haft  done ; 

"And  thofe  that  chnfe  thy  upright  Ways, 
fhall  in  thofe  Pj^h^go_on._ 

12  Who  will  appear  in  my  Behalf, 

_He  is_ niyjlock,  to  which  I  may 
Tor  Refuge  always  fly! 


17  The  Lord  fhall  caufe  their  ill  Defigns, 

on  their  own  Heads  to  fall : 


He  in  their  Sins  (hall  cut  them  ofF? 
~our  God  fhall  flay  them  all- " 


when  wicked  Men  invade? 


Or  who ,  when  Sinners  would_opprcfs , 

le?  1  W   Come,  loud  Anthems  let  us  final. 

3 — rrft 

-■      ,    P» 

my  righteous^ Caufe  fhall  plead'? 

13  _L<3ngJince  had  I  in.  Silence  flept, 

Loud  Thanks  to  our  Almighty  King; 

For  we  our  Voices  high  lhould  raife., 

but  that  the  Lord  was  near,. 



— «*-. 

To  ftay  me-^when  I  flip,,  when  fad:,  " 

my  troubleTHearFto"chear 


14  Wilt  Thou  j "who  art  a  God  nioit  juft, " 

When  our  Salvation's  Rock  we  praife. 
rintinii7Pre7e"nce~lerus  hafte,.. 
"To  thanlFHnnJ'or  h is_Favours- Pal t ;  _ 
'  Ta Him^ddrefl in  Joyluj  Songs, 

The  Pnufc  to  to-  his  Name,  belongs. 

i  Fear 



3 Tor  God  the  Lord,  enthron'din  State"" 
Is,  with  unriyalM_Glory_,_  G rent ; 
A  King  frperiour  far  "to  all , 

Whom_Godslhe  Heathen  falfly  call. 
4~The~Depths  of  Earth  are  in  his  Hand ,~~ 
"Her  ifecreFWcalth  at  his  Command ;__ 
The  Strength  of  Hills  that  threaTthe  Skies , 

Subjected  to  his  Empire  hes._ 
5~The"rouling  Ocean's  vail  Abyfs5  " 

By  the  fame  Sov'reijm  Right  is  His; 

Tis  mov'd  by  his  Almighty  Hand 

K    f    ■■  l'     i— T-Y  ft    4    IB 

That  form'd  and  fix'd  the  folid  Land 
6  0  Let^us  to  Uis  Courts  repair , 

And  bow  with  Adoration  there, 

jDown_on  our  Knees  devoutly  all , 
Before  the  Lord  our  Maker  fall.  ~~ 

7  For  He's  our  God ,  our  Shepherd  He, 
His  Flock  and  Pafture- Sheep  are  we ; 
LF  then  you'll  (likeJTis  Flock)  draw  neaF 

_To_Day,  if  you  HU  Voice  will  hear ,_ 

8  Let  not  your  hardened  Hearts,  renew- 
_  Your  FaUicr^Crknes^nd_]udgments~Too~ 

Nor  liexe_provoke  my  Wrath ,  as  they 
"inDefart  Plain!  of'  Mitibab\ 


o=S~y~  '_throilgh  JLMbeljef^rebclPdT-^ 

E — a     i    J>      ]  :==^^ML,'jfr   J  If = 

Whilejhey  my  wond'rous  WorHbeTJeTdT 
rJOj^»!y^^Jin^WTn^rclTe^gr  ~ 

p^Whofe^H^tfrem  MeTaTalwiryrftr^^ 
i^Tf  g^j^wTu  tread  myj^eonsjgh; 


That  they  thould  never  enter  there.    — T 

i  j£lB£  to  the ^^ j^ jj^g^gnjt"^*1 

Let  Earth,  in  one  aflembled  Throne  ~~ 

jgjjv. I ^    .,     "HeTcornmon 'Patron's  'Praite  rdo'iino* 

2phcrd  He,  _§»"£  to  the_Lord  and_blcjs  His  flfaffiet = 

f  frrom  dayladay  fits  jrafcjtK^alm>  f     ' 

W ho  us  has_with  S^afipn^cTownVT     ~= 

"To  Heathen  Lands  His  Namerihearle,.  *~==s 

— J. 

p_Whcn  thro'  the  Wjldernefsjhey_rnov'd ,' 


-2 JL 

And  Me  with  IVcfli  Temptations  prov'd ] 

Jfn TJVlajefty  and  BJ*V;raS»d'  •■=« 

_ Above  airbther  Deities"! 

_For  Pageantry  and  Idols' all 

Are-they,  ^bxjmllods  the  Heathen  caiT; 


P    S    A    L 





With  Juftice  to  reward  and  doom  . 

With  Majertv  and  Honour  crown'd, 


Beautv  and  Strength  his  Throne  Surround : 


3_Be  therefore  both  to  Him  reftorti , 

i  auen&ui  ins  imuni-ounuuuu.  d  c    a   t    t\<t     vryn  r  rr.       «/, 

^E5=^=|^|=|i^=^==  ACVII.       c^^P/^47.3 

,ave  falfe  Gods  ador'd,  !  «[    Ehovah  reigns,  let  all  the  Earth,  ~ 

E==-a  gli^iiiiliii^iiiiiiip==^2 

In  his  juft  Government  rejoyce;  "* 

Ey  you,  who  hay 

~Afcribe  due  Honour  to  his  NanieT"       ~~ 
"TeTc^~olTringsan~his^AlFar  lay  , 
"BeFoTe~his  Throne  your  Homage  pay, 
'      ^HiTch"He71ind"He~alone  can  claim. 
^o"^VoFflup~at  his  facred  Court , 
Let  all  the  trembling  World  refort. 
4  Proclaim  aloud.,   Jehovah  reigns ,  _ 
Whofe  Pow'r  the  Univerfe  fuftains , 


Let  all  the  Ifles  with  facred  Mirth ," 
In  his  Applaufe  unite  thelFVoice. 
a  Darknefs  and  Clouds  of  awful  Shade,       ""^ 

His  dazling  Glory  Ihroud  in  State; 


Juftice  and  Truth  his  Guards  are  made,""    "* 

_And  banifnt  Juftice  will  reftore ; 
Let  therefore  Heav'n  new  Joys  confels , 
And,  heavn'ly  Mirth  let  Earth  exprels, 

Its  loud  Applaufe  the  Ocean  roar, 
Its  mute  Inhabitants  rejoyce , 
And  for  this  Triumph  find  "a  Voice. 
5  For  Joy  letTertile  Valleys  fine , 
'  The  chearful  GrQves  their  Tributejbrlnil~' 

The  tuneful  Quire  of  Birds  awake 
JTJ:e_Lord^s_Approach  to  celebrate^- 
Who  now  fets  ourwTtlTawful  State] 

And  fixt,  by  his  Paviliion  wait. 
3  Devouring_Fire  before  his  Face, 


His  Foes  around  with  Vengeance  ftfook; 
His  Lightnings  fet  the  World  on  blaze~7 

Earth  faw  it ,  _and_witli  Terror  (hook. 

4~The~proudeit  Hills  his  Prefence  feltj 
"TlieiFTJelght  nor  Strength  could  Help  affordT 
~T Ti ITproudeft  Hills  like  Wax  d id_m el  t, 
""in~Prefe"nc"e  of  th'Almighty  Lord.  J 

5  The  Heavens,  his  Righteoufiiels  tolEowT" 

With  Storms  "of  Fire  our  Foes  purfu'd; 


His  Circuit  through  the  Earth  to  take. 


FromHeav'n  to  judge  the,  World  He's  come 7 

And  all  the  trembling  World  below ,  _ 
"Have  his  defcending  Glory  view'd. 

5  (^nfounded^^thejr_irrmious  Holt, 

"WhoTnake"The_GoaTro  whom  theypray, 
P  Ai; 

1,14.  PSALM 

""Ail~\v"ljo]orpagear.t  Idols  boaft; , 
ToHHim ,.  ye  -Gods ,  ^iFWm-fiiip~payi  ~ 

^GTaOw^.of  thy.  Tjiumph  heard/,,, 

And  ;^^^Daugh"ters  were  o'er-joy'd ;~~ 

Bccaufe  thy  righteous  Judgments  ,_Lord  9  - 
~Have"P^an-Prjde  and  Pow'i'  deftroy'd", 
81  FofTh^To  God.,  arUeatedhighT" 

xgvii.  xcvin. 

who  wond'rous  Things  has  done; 
W  ltfrr  his  Right  Hand  and  holy  AimT"" 

the  Conqueft  He  has  won. 

2  The  Lord ,  has  through  th'aftonifht  World" 
drfplay'd,  his  laving  Might,  _ 


Above  Earth's: Potentates  enthroned,, 
^ThBuvI^rd^,  upmaU^liimesfee,  " have  ever  mind fui 


Supreme,  by  all  the  Gods  art  own'd.        _ 


5)"" You .  who  to  fer-ve  the  Lord  afpirc  , 

"AbhorTwhWs gllTand  Truth  efteem : ~" 

'And  them..from,wicke4  Hands  redeem...   ^ 

io~For~Seeds  are  fbwn  of  glorious  Light, 

rA  future  Harveft  for  the  Juit ; ~ 

'T6-reconvp~e^ce_its  _piou_s_Trult1_ 

HwHiiorials  of  his  Holinefs , 

TJJep  in  yoitr  faithful  Breafts  record ,_ 

4'And^rtn^our"tHa!TI^iul  Tongues  conlcfs. 

And  made  his  righteous  Acts  appear, 
_ m  aH  the  Heathens  Sight. 
3  Of  l/rePs  Ho  life  his  Love  and~T7uth"",       *~~ 
have  ever  mindful  been ; 

Wide  Earth's  remotcft  Parts,  the  Pow'r 
otJ/PePs  God,  hayc  fcen. 

4~Lct  therefore  Earth's  Inhabitants, 

tlicir  chearjul  Voices  raile; 

"And  "all  with  univerfal  Joy3| • 

relound  their  Maker's  Praile. _." 

*r.  WFtlTTfarp  and  HymnTToft  Melody , 

~ into  the  Confort  bring, 

"ThTTgumpgt:  anQirlSXornet'jS  Sound ,  _ 


tfTcTffieTQud.  Oceanjrpar  herJo£* 

— vTillT'aU^rScaTcon  tain^ 

"ThcHIai^andjier  inhabitants, 

MmMtK&il^QMEtiWail  m 

foyn  Confort  with  the  Main. _._ 

7~WTth "loylerRiv'TetTKyeTfto  Streams , 
PSALM    XCVIII.       ITuna  PJ',%1.-}     g|lll§§l||t|§|ili;=^===r 


j  XJ  In;'  to  the  Lord  a  new-made  bong , 

\o_jpraidjngjror rents  they;       . 

"And  ec^oing~^^7Ti:om  HiUToTlill, 



redoubling  Shouts  convey] 

8  ~To~  weTcmi^d"own"thc~\  Vo  rIdTs~grcatJj:idge , 

who  does  with  Juftice  come , 

"And,  with  i m partial  C_q ui ty , 

— botlf  to~7e~ward  and  doom. 



And _with  his  unrefittcd  Might, 

P  S  A  L  M     XCIX. 


I  *}     Ehovah  reigns,  let  therefore  nil 


his  _H°lin£fs_extol._ 

p  Mtfos  e^Jlaron  thus  of  old, 

~^nong^hls^rie^ador|dJ~  ~J 

Amongft  his  Prophe^7^w/^~tfiuF,~ 
his  lacred  Name  impTor'd.  , 
7  Diltreft,  uporTthe  LordlheycaTl7d~ 
who  ne'erJEheij*  JTuit  deny'dT 

the  guilty  Nations  cjuake;  _ 
nplTChcTirb^W i ngs~~He  Iks  enthronM  : 
Let  Earth's  Foundations  fhake. 

2  On  Siorfs  Hill  He  keeps  his  Court, 

his  Palace  makes  her  Tow'rs ; 
Yet  ^henrc  hi^Sov^rcjgnty^ extends ,_ 
fupreme  o\}r  eanhlyHPowFs  7~ 

3  _Let  therefore  All  nntlTi^^il^addreisT"    ~~ 

his  great  and  drcadfurNamcT^" 
And  with  his  unrelu|ed  Mlg'ht^ 
his  Iiolinefs  proclaim. 

4  For  Truth  and  JuTtlceln  his  Reigri7~ 
_  c^rengtiijind^^ 

His  J  udgn^j^'arelvjtMilglrtro  u?ncls~ 

But  3  as  with  Rev'rence  they  implored , 


He  gracioully  reply'd. 
8  For,  with  their  Camp, to  guide  their  March? 

the  cloudy  Pillar_ruov'd ;  

_Jhe  y  kepT his  Lj*W;s^~ind  to^ his  Will, 

obedientJSeryjants  pfov'd. 
9~He  aFiwertlUhem,  forgiving  oft  _ti 

his  People ,  ibr _thjeir_Sakc , _        

^nd^'olF,- ^vlio_raflily  them  bppos'd, 
did  ifdExamples  make. 

io  With  Worlhip'at  his  facred  Courts, 


exalt  our  God  and  Lord; 

For  He,  who  only  Holy  is_, 

~alone7"fliall  be  ador'd. 

PSALM    C. 

before  his  Footitool 'fall;         "  \Y 


It-h  one  Content  lei  all  the  Earth, . 
P  a  To 

,l6-  P    S    A    L    M      C.  CI.  CIL 

To'GolThclFclygurv^ceslarie'"  3  No  iTl~Defign~wiir  I"purfue7"     ^ 

GiadTiorrra^T'av~;; "da~awful_Mirth^  Nor  thofe  my  Fav'rites  make,  that  do" 

~\             tee"™ Songs  of  Frajfe WTho ,  to'Reproofbear  po  Regard , 

s  ConvTnc'd thatf  Iirjs^God~alone_,  ___    ~^       J?.JHL™l!L  I  tota*ty  difcard. 

n-OTTWhomT"  boll^ve_and~a]rpr^cd^__  4~The  private  Slanderer  (hall  be.  " 

XVe^wtolnT^                                 In  publick  jufcic^ooir/a"by  nfer" 

The  Flock ,  thatHe~vouchfafesjfo  feed.  JE :rom_ haughty  Looks  I'll  turn  a;idc,  _ 

f ^n^pntirlrten  his  f  empTe~G^te,  I^PAS^ff0  ^c  Hc^o?"Pnde"f                ' 

^TlTenl-e~to""  his  Courts  devoutly  prg[s^___  5~BurHonelV , 1  £affdfroni_her^  Cell^            ~ 

And  frill  his  Name  witli  rraiiespieis. .Ay10  ^[UCi_i.L_ 

4  F^r~He^^egrdTu£remejy_gw^_ _^  ^IJ-lEi^^l1"^---0^1^!^^!!^ 

^.^c^yris=foT^v^uI-c_;_  g^Noj^j^ks  (haU  recommend  ■    n         <     ^ 

^^s"l^thTwhfe"alwaysfir^£ftood,  [HKCountrey's  Foe,  to  be  my  FrTendT^ 

to  endlefs  Ages  (hall  endure. 

None  e'er  (hall  to  mv  Favour  rife 

=3— — 


By  flat'ring,  or  malicious  Lyes. 

7  All  thofe  who  wicked  Courfes  take, 
PSALM    CI.  LTunePf.%2^     fe^^^$E^g^^==^^^ 

An  early  Sacrifice  Fjl  make, 

^GaifaAraSentn^rSEig ;_ Z  ^YhoiyCity  to profane 

J^^S&^^^^^^^^^i  PSALM    CIL         ITunePfisa-l 

2  When,  Lord,  Thou  ifiak  with  me  refute  »  , —  •      ■  ■■*    .. 

^^^^HT^y^iuntoto?  =:=====  To  thy  eterHaTThroiTof  orac"c7"      ~~~ 

PSALM      CII. 

let  my  fadCry  afcend. 

O!  hide  not  Thou  thy  glorious  Face, 

in  Time  ofdecp  Di!lrcTs,_ 
Incline  thine  EafjTan3  when  I  call, 



^thgjSnBfedt  offcelrScorn ;~ 
"Who,  airpoffeft  wfihTuriouFRageT"" 

have  my  Deftru^ionTworh  . 


mv  Sorrows  foon  rcdrefs. 

2~Each~doudyTortion  of  my  Life, 
~like"fbartcr'd  Smoke  expires ;_ 
My  [hriyel'd  Bones  are  like  a  Hearth, 

parched  with  continual  Fires.      


of  lome  infectious  Wind, 
Does  languifh  io  with  Grief,  that  fcarce 
my  needful  Food  I  mind. 
3  By  Reafon  of  my  fad  EftateT" 
I  fpend  my  Breath  in  Groans: 
My  Flelh ,  is  worn  away,  my~Sk"i7i~ 

fcarce  hides,  my  ilarting  Bones. 
I'm  like  a  Pelican  become,  ~~ 

that  does  in  Defarts  mourn : 

Or  like  an  Owl  that  fits  all  Day, 
in  hollow  Trees  forlorn. 
4  In  Watching j  or  in  reftlefs  Dreams , 
the  Night  by  me  isfpent; 
As  bylhofe  f6iitarVBirds3 

that  lonefomc  Roofs  frequen ". 
All  Day,  by  railing  Foil 

5  When  grov'lTng"  on~thcT?roIimid~I  lie"  ' 

oppreft  with  Grief  and  Fears, 

my  drink  islnixt  wlthTearsT" 

Becatife  on  me  with  double  Weight","- 
thy  heavy  Wrath  doeTIie'f" 
_  For  Thou  to  make  my  FalTmore~grcat~" 

didfl  lift  rne  up  on  high. 
6  My _pays  juft  hall' ning  to~their  End~ 

are  like  an  ev'ning  Shade ; 
_ My  Beauty  does^'ljlce" wTtl!er'd~GralF,~ 

with  waning  Luftre  fade. 
But  thy  eternal  StateT~Q~Ll.:n,q~7~ 
_  no  Length  of^irnelhall  wafte"7~ 
The  Mem'ry  of  thy  won'drous  Works ; 

from  Age  to  Agelhall  laft [9, 
7  Thou  fhalf  arifc  and  Sion  view, 

with  an  unclouded- Face ; 
_For  now  her  Time  is  come,  thy  own- 
_  appointed  Day,  of  Gr; 


Ilcr  fcatFerM  Ruins,  _by  tlr>. 

with  Pity  are  llu-ve\'dj 
P  3 


PSALM      CII. 

They  grieve  to  fee  her  loftv  Spires, 

the  Lord  their  God  confels. 

in  Duftand  Rubbilhjaid. 

8  The  Name j  and  Glory  of  the  Lord, 

all  Heathen  Kings  (hall  fear; 

_When  He ,  (hall  Sion  build  again , 

_and ,  in  ful  1  State  appear. 

— —        ts- 

1 i_ But  e'er my  Race  is  run,  my  Strength 
through  his  fierce  Wrath  decays;  _ 
He  has^,  when  all  my  WiThes  bloom'd"7~ 


cut  fhort  my  hopeful  Days. _ 


When  He,  regards  the  Poor's  Requeft, 


Lord,  end  not  Thou  my  Life,  faid  I, 
when  half  is  fcarcely  part ; 

_  nor  flights  their  earneft  Pray'r , 

Our  Sons  for  this  recorded  Grace, 

(hall  his  juft  Praife  declare. 




==3     p= 

Thy  Years,  from  worldly  Changes  free, 
to  endiels  Ages  laft. 
12 "The  ftrong  Foivndations  of  the  Earth , 
of  old  by~Tiiee~were  laid ; 

5>  For  God  from  his  abode  on  lugh_, 

his  gracious  Beams  difplay'd  ; 

Thy  Hands,  the  beauteous  Arch  of  Heav'n, 

The  Lord  from  Heav'h,  his  lofty  Throne, 

has  all  the  Earth  furvey'd. 
He,  hjVned  to  the  Captives  Moans,  _ 

He,  heard  their  mournful  Cryj_ 
And  freed ,  by  his  rciiftlcfs  Pow'r , 
the  Wretches  j  doom'd  to  die. 
-1  —  'f hat  they  in  ffiw,  where  lie  dwells, 

might  celebrate  his  Fame. 

And  thro' jha holy_  City,  fin'g 
loud  Praiies  JTto  BiFN  ame. 


When  all  the  Tribes,  aflembling  there ,  ~ 

_  their  fblemh  Vows  addrefs,  *"" 

And  neighboring  Lands  j-  witbTglad  Gonlent^ 

with  woncFrous  Skill,  have  made, 

Jg^LT^ThouTfor  ever"" lhalt  enduTe,   ' 

~ they  foon  (hall  pals  away; 

~And~7"like  a  Garment "often  worn , 

fFvill  tarniffi  Imd  decay. 

i  gJLike  thauwhen  Th"ou^ain1fttheir  Change, 

toHthy]Comman5  EheyTaend; 

""But,  Thou  continuTrTftill  tbJfame;, 

nor  haveThy  Y^j^jgj|nd.  "~ 

"Thou  tothe  Chijdrcn  of  thy  Saints_, t 

■      ilafrTng^uietgive; 

Wh( ^eljappygacej  fepuieiy'fixt , ^ 

il     p= 

flwll  in  thy  Prclence  five. 


F ■  S    A    L    M      CIII. 



_Morc  by  his  Love,  than  our  Defert. 


PSALM    CIII.  ZTatie  P/:' tf.l     i=sd 


Y  Soul,  infpir'd  with  iacred  Love , 
"GodVhoTy  Name  for  ever  blefs ; 
"OfaTITiisFayours fli indful  proves 
~And"flilTthy  grateful  Thanks  exprefs. 

2  JTis  He,  that  all  thy  Sins  forgives, 

And  after  Sicknefs  makes  thee  found ; 
From  Danger,  He  j  thy  Life  retrieves^" 

7  As  high ,  as  _Hcav  n  its  Arch  extends, 
Above  thiFJittle  Sp"oTof  Clay]    ' 

So  much ,  his_boundie(s  Love  tranlcends~ 
_T_he  fmall  Refpects  that  "we"  can"  pay. "**' 

8  As  far,  as 'tis  fronTEaft  to  Weft, 

So  far  j  has  lie  our  Sins  remov'd ;  _ 

Who',  with  a  FatherVtender  Brea~ft  _ 

Has  fuch  as  fear  Hkn  5  always  loy'd.  ' 
PART    II. 

By  Him,  with  Grace  and  Mercy  crown'd.        9  lor  God,  who  all  our  Frame  furveys, 



5  He,  \\nth^oodjrhmg^jiiyj^outh_fitpphres7 
My  Vigour,  Eagle-like  renews; 
He,  when  the  guiltlelFSuffVercriesT"" 
_His  Foe,  with  j uft  Revenge,  purfues 

Cbnfiders  that  we  are  but~Clay ; 
How  frelh  Jo'cr  we  feem,  our  Days 
Like  Grafs  or  Flow 'rs,  mull  fade  away. 

^His  Fofr,  f  with  jtilt  Revenge ,  purfues.  10  Whilil  they  arcnipt  with  fudden  Blall , 

4-God^  triade  of  old  his  rigbieous~W  ays ,  "'  "Nor  can  we  find  their  fbrmeFPJace ; 

To  Mofcs  and  our  Fathers  known": 
_His  Works  ,_to_his  Eteiiiai  praife'^ 

Were  to  the  Sons  of  /^coMhownT 
SjThe  Lord,  abolii^wTtlT7cl^e7Lo~v^ 
.  And^unexampled  A(Sfc  of  Grace., 

His  wakened  Wrath ,.  does;  flo wly~move , 

His  willing  Mercy,  rlows~apace~ 


6_Gqd,' will  not  always  harfhly  chide  3 

H-^jtJ^fr"^  Angec^qaieklyTpar^^l 
And,  loves  his  FurSIEnieats  to  gujJejTi 

God's  faithful  Mercy, "ever  falls, 
To  thofe  that  fear-Him ,  and  their  Race. 
1 7  This  (hall  attend  on  fuch~7"as  liill 

Proceed,  in-his  appointed  Way; 

And  who~7~not  only ,  know  his  Will, 

"But>.to  it ,  Yxift  Obedience  pay,  ■ 
1 2  The  Lord ,  the  -univerfal  King ,  _ 
In  Heav'n,  has  fixt  his  lofty  Thronel""^ 
To  Him ,  ye  Angels-,-  Praifes  fi ng , _ 

"in.  whole  great  Strength  his  Pow'r  is  iho\- 

*r  ry      V  a 



""And  hear ,  and  doThislacred  Will ;     . 
~Ye~Hoib"orhis~7"t5is  Tribute  pay~ 
Who  ftfll,  what  He  ordains  fulfil. 
i^TJeTeVfy^reature,  jointly  blefs 
The  Mighty  Lbrd :  "and  thou ,  myHeartT" 
_WJth  grateful  JoyTthy  Thanks  exprefs ; 
^SncTin  this  Confort  bear  my  Part. 



J^iE^H^J:0  ^rvejheir  Sov'reigns  Will. 
3  EarthTon  her  Center  fixt,  He  fet, 
"HerTace  with  Waters  over- (bread ; 
_  Nor  prpudeft  Mountains  dar'dTas  yet, 

To  lilt  above  the  Waves  their  Head! 
But,  when  thv  awful  Face  apncar'cL 


Th'infulting  Waves  difpers'd,  they  fled, 
When  once  thy  Thunder's  Voice  theyheard7 

And  by  their  Hafte  eonfefs'd  their  Dread. 

?f==:rxcy    i     r    ,      if 

■  .JLeis  God ,  my  Soul ;  Thou ,  Ford ,  alone 
~P^uWeft~Lrnpirc,  without  Bounds, 
"With  Honour  Thou  art  crown'd ,  thy  Throne 
Eternal  Majefty,  fhrrounds._  _^ 

With  Light,  Thou  dolt  thy  feif enrobe, 
And  Glory,  for  a  Garment  take, 

4  Thence  up  by  fecret  Tracts  they  creepy 
"AnaTTgu filing  from  the  Mountains  Side, 

"Tiii'oM/aUeyT travel  to  the  Dcep~ 


, Appointed  to  receive  their  Tide. 


Ilcav'ivs  Curtains_,  ltrctcli  beyond  the  Globe, 
Thy  Canopy  of  State  to  make. 


2  God,  builds  on  liquid  Air,  and  forms _ 
His  Palace-Chambers  in  the  Skies; 
_The  Clouds  his  Chariots  are,  and  Storms 
The  fwift-wing'd  Steeds ,  with  which  He  Bies., 
_As  bright  as  Flame_^and  fwift  as  Wind, " 

•s"1  3eav»nsTa1  ace  fill,  '"' 

To  have  their  l'undry  Tasks  affign'dj"" 

There,  halt  Thou  fixt  the  Ocean's  Bounds, 

~T heltFreatnBg  Surges  to  repel ; 


That  they  no  more  o'er-pafs  their  Mounds, 

"  Nor"to~a_i'econd  Deluge  fvvell. 

5  Yet  thence  in  1  mailer  Parties  drawn , 

The  Sea  recovers  her  loft  Hills, 

■  "And  ftartuig  Springs  from  ev'ry  LawnJL___ 

"Sui^rF/ethcrVales  with  plenteous  Rills. 

The  Field'Ftame  Beafts  arc  thither  led, 

^Weary  wnhLabour , fainTwith jfegughtj" 

"And  Affcs  wild  on  Mountains  bred, 

TIaT'e^cnfe_tolmcTlhcle  Currents  out. 

6  Their 

?    S~A    L    -M      CIV. 


6  Their  fhady  Trees,  from  fcorching  Beams, 



Yield  Shelter  to  the  leathered  Throng ;  ___ 
They  drink, and  to  the  Bounteous  Streams 


•Return,  the  Tribute  of  their  Song. 

p  Wild  Goats  the  craggy  Rock  afcend , 

It's  tow'ring  Heights  their  Fortrefs  make , 

'Whofe  Cells  in  Labyrinths  extend , 

Where  feebler  Creatures  refuge  take. 

TiU  Earflysjrarthetf  d  with  her -fiuit;  .-, 


7  "Grafs  Tor  "ouFCauIe"  todevour, 

"lfe"Make?"the  Growth  of  .ev*fy*vFieId;~, 
""HcrbsT  foTManVU  fe  o  fvarioulPb  w'r  , 

That'eithcr  Food*  or  Phyfick  yield. 


With  clufter'd  Grapes  He  crowns  the  Vine, 
"TlTchealHyian's  Heart  oppreft  wi tTTCares",  " 
""Gives  Oyl ,  that  makesliisTace  to  lhine; 

Ai.d  Corn,  that  wafted  Strength  repairs. 



z=g=rlg==:3S rj 

The  Trees  of  God_,  without  the  Care, 

Or  Art  of  Man,  w i th  Sap  are  fed ; 
The  Mountain" Cedar  looTcs~as"fair""~ 


_As_thofe_,  injroyal_Gardcns  bred 


Safe,  in  the  lofty  Cedar's_Arms ," 

The  Wand'rers  of  the  Air  may  reft: 


The  hofpitable  Pine,  from  Harms 


Protects  the  Stork ,  her  pIouTGueft;' 

The  Moon's  inconftant  Afpedt,  (hows 


Th'appointed  Seafons  ofthe  Year; 
~Th'inftruc~ted  Sun,  his  DutylcnowsT"" 
His  Hours  to  rife ,  and  difappearT 
io"Darknefs  He  mikes  the  Eal-T^toThroudT,"-" 



When  Foreft-Beafts  fccurely  ftray ; 
"Young  Lyons  rear  their  WaruTaloud-- 

To  Providence ,  that  fends  them  Prey. 
"They  range  all  Night ,  on  SlaughteFtentT^ 

...      a— -—  A— — ~-+ V — —  <»— ~-x* — -k—  •  ■  — -  m 

"TUllUmmotfd  by  the  rifing  Morn""""" 

To  skulk  in  Dens,  with  one  Confent. 


The  confcious  Ravagers  return. 

1 1  Forth  to  the  Tillage  of  his  Soil , 

fhe  Husbandman  fecurely  goes, 

Commencing  with  the  Sun  his  Toil; 

With  him  returns  to  his  Repofe". 

How  various, Lord, Thy  Works  are  found  ! 
"For  which  thy  Wifdom  we  adore , 

The  Earth  is  W  ith  thy  Treafure  crown'd , 

Till  Nature's  Hand  can  grafp  no  more. 



PSALM      CIV.  CV. 

^J^i^^^^e^eAfesft^tS — 

Whole  Depths,  Inhabitants  contain 

Full  -  freighted  (hips  from  ev'fy  Port . 

— :ft        £        ift— sfc — 

—      E=ES 

There  cut  their"  unmolested  Way;- 


Leviathan ,  w hom  there  to  fport 

J)neTouchjxom  Thee,wit_h  CJoudiof  SmoaS^. 


Thou  mad'ftj  has  compafs  there  to  play 

13  Thefc  various_T  roops  of  Sea  and  Land, 

In  Senie  of  common  Want  agree; 

In  Darknefs Throu^lheTFoudelFHlTls!^^^11 
1 6  In  praifipg,  Gody-  while  Heprrttanffl;a  =~~ 

P3L'—,        MylreathTl  wilUhirBr^g^TployT^"^ 

And  join  Devotion  to  my  Songs  / 
Sincere ,  as_is_in  Him  my"joy^ 

^J^^M^^H3^L^...,  —  ^    ''  "iffifle  Jsknekfr^fS^FL-  are  SSffiZ 

from  Thee.         .        ifv,c^n    7w\cr>  th^T^iTu^uT^r^^z = 

And  have  their  daily  Alms 

thir  <«t-r>vf>c  HtfnprfH  " — ^r" 

^      ^y_Soul^praife_thou  his  holy  Name, 

Wit- limit-"  t-Vioir  TVrmKlo  tn   nrnvirfo  •  ~7~ ■"  7* — I  j   j  T*— f; =7^-' ■— :  "       -— S 

Jom  confort,  and  his  Praife  proclaim. - 


Without  their  Trouble  to  provide 
Thou  op'ft"thy  Hand ,~~ theUniverle- , 


The  craving  World,  is  all  fupply'd. 


14  Thou 3  tor  a  Moment  hid'ft  thy  Face., 
The  num'rous  Ranks  of  Creatures  mourn ;        i  v_-/   Render  Thanks ,  and  blefs  the  Lord , 
Thou 3  tak'ftjtheir  l^eath^~all  Nature's  Race  involve  his  facred  Name~ 



Forthwith  to  Mother  Earth ,_retuxn: Acquaint  the  Nations  With  his  Deeds, 


Again  Thou  fend'ft  thy  Spirit  Jbrth , 

his  Matchlefs  Deeds ,  proclaim 

— ~;a= 

a  Sing  Jp_hi_s  Praife,  injofty  Hymns , 

>  m  Jott7  Hymns , 


T  info he  the  Mats  with  vital  Seed ; 

Nature's  rcTlor'd,  and  Parent_Earth  his  wondrous  Works  rehearfe; 

ltanles^~on  her  new-cieateo  Breed.  "T^aJ^henTtbe  Theme~of  your  Difcouffe.,""" 


PSALM      CV. 



3  Rcjoyce  in  his  Almighty  Name, 

alone  to~be~ador'd ; 

And  let  their  Hearts  o'erflowwithjo^, 


that  humbly  reek  "the  Lord. 

p  That  Ciltfatfy  Land  fhould  be  their  Lot, 

when  yet  but  few  they  were; 


But  few  in  Number,  and  thofe  few, 


all  friendlefs  Strangers  there. 
g*   *    W     ft     'f 

4  Seek  ye  the_Lord,  his  favlng  Strength 
devoutly  ftulimploie ; 


And  where  He's  everprefent,  feek 

10  In  Pilgrimage  from  Realm  to  Realm , 

fecurely  they  remov'd; 
j *      1    fyTTTTT 

Whilft  proudeft  Monarchs  for  their  Sakes , 

_feverely  Hej;eproyJd ; 

S  The  Wionders  ijaat  his  Hands  have  wrropghSj 

"~kee?  thlrnkMlym  Mind j^^ * 

"TherJghteous  Statutes  of  his  Mouth, 

and  Laws  to  us  affignM. 

ll=fZ~iiiBifE  ' 

11  »  Thefe  mine  anointed  are,  faid  He, 

v,  let  none  my  Servants  wrong , 

— * 

*     *m2 

6  Know  ye  his  Servant  AbreCnt%  Seed, 

and  Jacob's  chofen  Race, 

He's  ftill  our  God,  his  Judgments  ftiH 

throughout  the  Earth ,  take  Place, 
PART    15. 

v  His  Cov'iiaftt  He  hath  kept  in  Mind , 
_fqrmim'rous_Ages  pail, 
Which^  yet  for  thoufand  Ages  more"7~ 
in  equal  Force  (hall  _lalt.~' 

Nor  treat  the  pooreft  Prophet  ill , 
'""JTtEaTdoeslo  Me  belong. 


12  A  Dearth  at  lalt ,  by  his  Command , 

dldlhTo'  the  Land  prevail ; 
Till  Corn-  the  chief  Support  of  Life  , 
Suftaining  Corn,  did  fail. 

yButfaisjndulgent  Providence, 

'had  pipas  J*]kpb  fent ,  

~]>M  '^^^S^T^h^P  [r^ath 

~who~fold~  him  ,_to  prevent.__        

1 4  His  Feet-WJth  Jieayy  Chains  'were  crufh'd, , 

with  Calumny  his  Lame ; 

"Till  God's  apgoinwd  "Time  and  Word, 
*'  t    il 

-8  Firlt,  Ijgn'd  to  slbr'am,  next,  by  Oath* 
10'JfaaC)  made Tecure; 
_To  $*col>Jto&  his'  Heirs  ^aLav^-  J5~l'he.  King  his  lbv'reign  Orders  lent, 

~lof  evcr~to  endure. 

to  his  Deliv'rance  came. 
Ef_-_* j_    l-f       T    "T.    f      l-r-l 





and  refcu'd  him  with  fpeed ; 


PSALM      CV. 

W  horn  private  Malice  had  confin'd , 
~~ FlTcTeopTe'rRuler  freed. 

1 6  His  Court,  Revenues,  Realm,  were  all  " 

fubje6ted_,  to_  his  W_illj__ 
His  greateft  Princes  to  controul . 

the  jwond'ring  Fifhes  flewT* 


22  In  putrid  Floods  throughout^ the  Land , 
the  Peft  of  Frogs  wJTbrcd™ 


JFr_om  n(^lbmJ^cjTsjOTt_up_,  to  croak 
_  at^Z^/-Wj's~Bbard~and~BedT~ 
s^J^gav^th^Siin^jand  Swarms  of  Flies      " 

and  teach  his  Statefmen  SkilL 

PART     HI 

• '_ came  down ,_  in  cjoudy_Hofts 

17' To  itgypt  then,  inrited" Guefts , 

"halWamifh'd  //Pel  came ; 
"And  Jf^£_held_,  by  Royal  Grant~ 

i_Whillt  Earth's  enliv'ncdjDuft' below 
_  bred  Lice ,  thro^allTheir  CoaftsV 

24  He  fent  them  batt'ring  Hail  for  Rain , 

the  fertile  Soil  of  Hatn. and  Fire  for  cooling.  Dew : 

18  Th*  Almighty  there,  with  fuch  Increafe  ~He  fmote  their  Vines7"and~Forreft  Plants^ 

his  People  multiply'd. 


and  Garden's  pride  o>erthrew^_ 

Till,   with  their  proud  Oppreffbrs,  they         25  Hefpake  the  Word ,  and  Locufts  came, 

~in  StrengthTand  Number ,  vy'd,  with  ClteipillarTjoyrTd;"*" 

19  Their  vaft  Increafe,  thl Egyptians  Hearts         "  They  prey'd  upon  the  Poor  Remains  , 

with  jealous  Anger_fir'd. 

the  Storm  had  left  behind. 

Till ,  they  his  Servants  to  deftroy  26  From  Trees, "to  Herbage  tnffi  defcend 

_by  treacherous  Arts^  confpir'd 


20  His_Servant  mo/is  then  He  fent, 

no  verdant  thing  they •  Ipare;  

his  chofen  uiaron  too ; 

■  «  \  r   t    1 — ?■  f»  <* 

But,  like  the  naked  Fallow-Field, 

leave  all  the  Paftures_  bare._ 

Empower'd  with  Signs  and  Miracles,  27  From  FieldsV  to  Villages  and  Towns, 

to  prove  their  Million  true.  commiflion'd  Vengeance  flew  ; 

p=g=^^=£==y^E==i^j=i=j=g  lll^i=il=§^flllllillli 

2i  He  callM  for  Darkncis,  Darknefs  came ,__  One  fatal  Stroke,  their  eldelt  Hopes 

— — U. 

i\ature  his  Summons  knew; 
EachStream  and  Lake  3transform'd  to£ioud~j 

and  Strength  of  Egypt,  flew. 


P    S    A    L    M    GV.  CVI. 


PART    IV. 

a8  HetooughtTTis  Servants  forthl  efifich'd  ^ 

~~ ' with  7'^j^_T^r^'d_W"ealth ; ^ 

And,  what  tranfcends_all  Treafures_elfe , 

enrich'd,  with  yj^rous  Health. 


ir<f  Eg;ypt  rejoyc'd_,  in  Hopes  to  jind 

3 4  Quite  rooti ng  out  their  Heathen  Foes , 

from  Can'arfs  fertile  Soil ,  _  ~~ 

To  them ,  in  cheap  Fofieffion  gave 
"he  Fr"uiT7"oT^ther,s^  Tofl|__ 

35  That  they  his  Statutes  might  obferve,, 

his  facred  Laws  obey. 

For  Benefits  fo  vaft ,  let  us 


her  Plagues  with  them  remov'd ;  0ur  Songs  of  Praife  repay, 

Taught  d^rlyjiowjofear_^-orle _Ills_, 


30  Their  jhrouding^ Canopy  by  Day, 
"~"a~  punfinj^loud  was  fipread ; / 


ITi/m  P/?4o.] 

1  V-/    Render  thanks  to  God  above , 

theiFT3elart~Marches  ledT 

'i  They  lqng'dforFlefh;  with  Ev'ning  Quails 
He  furmfhTd  ev'ryTentf-"-  ~~~ 

f  -         r    :~ff    <\  l-.Y-     Y     *'   -' 

From  Heavens  own  Granary,  each  Morn, 
the  Bread,  of  Angels  lent. ~~ 

52  He  fmote_the  Rock ,  whofe  flinty  Bread 

The  Fountain,  of  eternal  Love ; 

~Wliblc~MercvT  fi"nn"thror  Ages  pall 

Has  flood ,  and  (hall  for  ever  lafb 
2  Who  can  hislnishFv  Deeds  cxprefs, 

Not  only  vaft,  but  numberlefs? 



pour'd  forth  a  gufhing  Tide, 

What  Mortal  Eloquence  can  raife 
*  HjsTribtue,  of _immortal_ Praife ? 

3  Happy  are  they ,  and  only  they~ 

Whofe  following  Stream,where'er  they  march'd 

the  DefartVDrought  fupply'd,' 
33  For  ftill  He  did  on  seam's  Faith, 

""and  ancient  League  reflect ;  _  ™ 

^e'bi'ought his  Peoblc~F6rth  with  Joy7~" 

:z!=I~3zrr  f'M..  - 

with  Triumph,  hisEleft: 

^f^Hii  Ei^r~T 't     t=¥^ 

Who  from  thy  Judgments  never  ftray ;  . 
Who  know  what's  right,  nor  only  fb, 

r-B-  ft    rr't  ?  -,f~|p~r 

But  always  practife  what  thy  know. 
4  Extend  to  me  that  Fawur,  Lord, 
^7o1^to~thy^hoTeirdofFalrord ; 

_—  *d 


When  Thou  return'ft  to  let  them  free, 





p  t  r  f  t  iiJLz 

"That  I  tEejoyfg  C~h'oir  may  joyn,      __ 
~Knd  coug^  jhy  j^^*s  tritrmph  miinei ' 
<?~ButahLcan.  we  expeft  fuch_Grace , 


Of  Parents  vile ,  the_yiler_Racejj_ 

Who  thcir_M^fdeedshave  acted  o'er 

That  prov'd  the  rafh  Purfuers  Graves. 

■n  The  watry  Mountains  fudden  jail, 
Overwhelms  pr6uO>^?gZ^~Ro(rand' aTl~  ~" 
_This  Proof,  did  ftupid  j'jr,eJmovQ~ 


:d      »= 

_To  own  God's  Truth,  and  praife  his  Love. 


1 2  But  foon  thefe  Wonders  they  forgot , 


And  for  his  Counfel  waited  not! 


But  lulling  in  the  Wildernels" 

And  with  new  Crimes  incfeas'd  the  Score.  Did  Him  with  frefFTemptations  prefs. 

PART    II. 


E#M-J? — Fl   \    II '»'      i 

7  Ungrateful,  they  no  longer  thought 

_On  _aU  his  Works,  in  Egypt  wrought; 

"The"Red^Sea~ they  no  fooner  viewed. 

But  they  their  baf 

fe  Diftruft  renew'd. 

8  Yet  He,  to  vindicate  his  Name, 

Once  morc,jto  their  Deliv'rancecamej 

To  make  his  Sov'reign  Pow'r  be  known } 
That  He  is  God,  and  He  alone. 


13  Strong  Food  at  their  Requeft  He  fent. 

But  made  their  Sin  their  Punithment. 

_Yet  ftill  his  Saints  they  did_oppofe, 

j=: 6 

The  Prieftand  Prophet,  whom  He  cbofe. 
1 4  But  Earth ,  the  Quarrel  to  decide , 


o  To  right  and  left  at  his  Command , 

T  t     *  r  *  in=ii£i^i^i 

Her  Vengeful  laws  extending  wide, 


Rafh.  Dathan  to  her  Centre  drew  , 

i=!^!i=:liillii^m " 

With  proud  Abiranfs  factious  Crew. 

— t    t-a 

The  parting  Deep  difclos'd  her  Sand; 


Where  firm  and  dry  the  Paffage  lav , 


As  thro'  fome  parch't  and  defart  Way. 

1  o  Thus  refcu'd"  fronr  their  Foes  they  were, 
W  ho  clofely  prefVH  upon  th^£_Rcar_;  _ 

15  The  rel't_of_thofe_.  who_did  confpire_5_ 

To  kindle  wild  Sedition's  Fire, 


With  all  their  impioas  Train ,  became 

APrey ,  to%H£av_,n^ev£urm2_Flame. 

1 6__Near~Zfa^,s_ Mount, "aTJalf  they  made7 
_And  to  the  molten  Image  pra yjdj 

YVhofo  Rage  purlu'd "them  to  thofe  Waves,        Adoring  what  their  Hands  did  frame 


P    S    A    L 

M    cvr. 


^fhi7*ch"anFdlh^iP  Glory  to  their  Shame.  *     aLgl^H^^Ii^^'S?!^^ u 

17  TheirGod  and  Savipj^  the^oj^pjY    .    ., 
^nd.flirhTs"^orkFm~lFy^  wrought j__  ~  ^ 

His  Signs" "in  //7/ra's  altomfh^Coaft^^ 

^Uid  where  prood  PlwrffiVTroopiwere loft. 

i8^hus  urgM,  his_veggeF^  H^^HJgi^.. 
BuTA/o/£f  rfflihe  BTe^_appear]d_; 

The  Saint  did  for  the  Rebels  pray ,_ 

And  turn'd  Heav'n's  kindled  Wrath  away. 


19  Yet_ they  his  Pleafam  Landjefpigd, ^ 

Nor  his  repeatedl^rBfe-  prized ;, 


Nor  did  th'Almighty's  Voice"  obey^_ 


But  w|en_God  faid, ,  go_«g '_,  --2-~ j^--^ 

20  This  feaPd_their  Doom  ,  without  Redreis^ 

^"o~per?Th_in  the  Wildernefs ; • 

"Or""elfe  t"o~be~by  Heathen  hands        _    _ 

Overthrown,  and  fcatter'd  thro'  the  Lands.  _ 
PART    IV. 

pL-&-  ftrjt^rir-^ry-     »    .,:* 

si  Yet,  unreclaim'd,  this  ftubborn  Race, 


Baalpeofs  Worihip  did  embrace ; 
Be£ame  his  impious  Guefts  .,  and  fed 

On  Sacrifices ,  to  the  Dead. 

r~* — r~rrr~Y  t  M  1 

ff  '    ■    y     ji  4  -y-y:  *■  '  g  1=1 

22_  Thus  they  perfilted ,  tq_provoke_ 

God's  Vengeance,  to  theHnal  Stroke.' 
JTis  come:  —  the  deadiyHPeftbcorcieT"" 
To  cxecutc"Thelr~gen''ral  DoomT  " 

( th'Almighty's  Vengeaiicc  toalfwagc) 

DidTTbytwo.  frold  OfffflcterTFalTT*" 

""Th'Atonement  make,  that  ranlbm'd  Ail. 
24~As  him ,  a  Heav'nly  Zeal  had  mov'd, 
"So^Heav'n  the  zealous  Ac~i  approved; 
""To  him  confirming,  and  his  Races" 

"Who ,  Mo/es  for  their  fakes  reproy'd ;~ 
'""Whofe  patient  Soul  they  did  provokeT" 
jFi!I7"ra(rily  the  meek  Prophet  ipoke. 
26  Nof  when  poleft  ofCa«Ws-  Land , 

Did  they  perform  their  Lord's  Command ; 
Nor  his  comrniflion'd  Sword  employ, 

The  guilty  Nations  to  deftrov. 



27  Nor  only  fpar'd  the  Pagan  Crew, ^ 

But  mingling,  learnt  their  vices  too ;__ 
"And  Worthlp  to  thofe  Idols  paidT" 


[hem  to  fatal  Snares  betray'd. 

28  To  Devils,  they  did-  facrifice 

"Their  Children,  with  relent  left  Eyes 


l_l       T1  ,    Jgfr-..*  :,»■■■  ■  SB 

Approach'd  their  Altars,  thro'  a  Flood, 
"Of  their  own  Sons  and  Daughters  Blood. 
aj>.  No  cheaper  VifiimSj .  wou'd  appeafe 

Can' mi's  remorfelefs  Deitie^ 


No  Blood7-_heMdols_reconeilc , 

^u'tha^whiclTdidThcTand  defileT" 

PART    V. 


For^aR^geifyearFFLuft  they  wenTT"" 


3 Qu^§^ffip51nfeijnal  jjue, '  f- 


5  fell  He 3  their  jncejndulgent  Lord, 

His  own  Inheritance  abhorr'd. 

g"£_He_5  them  defenfelefs_didjgPo(e        < ^ 

To  their  infulting  Heathen^Foesj ^ 

"And  made  tlvern^nThrTriu^hswait, 


Of  thofe,  who  bore  them_g~_reatelt  Hate. 

3 3  Nor  tb ushislnci igiwTion  ceasMj^ , a 

'""Their  Life  of  Tyranls~He  increased! 

_But  did  to  Mind  his  PromTlFbiTn^, 
AraTHercy's  inexhaafted  Spring.  " 

36  Companion  too  He  did  impart,  "" 

Ev'n  to  their  FWs  obduratFHear^  ~ 

"And  Pity,  for  their  SulPringFbred 


In  thofe.,  who  them  to  Bondage  led. 

37  Snll^a\T~ul7^oT-dTand~7/9V^i  Bands 
Together  bring,  from  Heathen  Lands ;_ 

_So  to  thy  Name  our  Thanks  we'll  raile, 
And  e ver  triumph  in  thy  Praife.- 
38TeT//?-'g/'s  God  be ever  bleft, 
jHis_Name  eternally  con  felt; 
Let  aU  his  Saints  witlHullTlLccord , 

Sing  loud  Aniens. Praife  ye  the  Lord. "~ 

39~    Prafeyetbt  Lord,  Sing  loud,  """ 

Sing  loud ,  Praife  ye  the  Lord, 

— =-c 





Were  madTthe  yaMoFMaflKind^ 

94  Yet,  wherTdi^reft,  they  tdid  repent; . 

~TIis~Anger  did  as  oft  relent; 

JBut  freed  ,"theyr3Id  his  Wrath  provoke ,__ 
Jtene'vy'd  their  Sins ,  and  He  their  Yoke. 
g5  Nor  yet  lmplacaBlel ib  proVd ,     _ 
TJfiot  heard  their  wretched  Cries  unmov'd; 

Praife  ye  the  Lord ,  Sing  loud, 

A    -     -     - wen 

~~~A    -    -    -    men. 


PSALM    CVII.      [7>/«(?P/'47.97.] 

O  God, 


J  God,  your  grateful  Voices  raife, 



^WHojgwsl^^ylferop  prove, _  ~~      ^  'Goodnefo/  myfoodieneys, 

"A^dTktTyour  never  ceafing  Praife 



-:  =-^— ~-«    pl^^^SkliE^fiiS^^a 



~And~brou^ht"The"nrback  frpm_diftant  Lands, 
~FlblB~NonF,lnd^uTh~,~and  Weft,and  Eaft^ 
3  "T¥i^lonely^etal:t^i^Beyjwent3_ 

In  Death's  uncomfortable  Shade ; 

And  with  unweildyJFctters  bound_j_ 



Nor  could  a  peopled_CityJ^ndj_ 

Till_a^t^_wth_Thirft_and_H ungcr  fpent_, 

"Thiu^ainting^ouTwiTffin  them  pin'd.  ^ 

4  Then  foon,  to  God's  indiilgentJEar^ 

"DlcTtheytlieir  mournful  Cry  addrefs;  " 
"Wh^'gFa^oliriy^ouchfa^djio  hear ,_ 
"AnTfreeTtheiuTromTheir  deep  Diftrefs.     ~ 

B£fc» — TZp^g^fe3=f — * — t=*\ 

5  From  crooked  Paths  Hejed  them  forth  3  _ 
And  in  the  certain  Wn y _did  gu ide ,___ 

By  preffing  Cares  morejieavy  made. 
p~Be<^ufe~GodVCoun fcl  they  defydT" 
And  lightly  priz'd  his  holy  Word, 
They  fell,  and  none  could  Help  afford. _ 


10  Then/oon^jaGocfs  indulgent_Ear 

"Did  they  their  mournful  Cry  addrefs ; 



To  wealthy  Towns  of  great^efbrt,   . 

~Wh^re~all^^IF~WanH"jyre  full  mpply'dT* 
6_OTThen~Tharairthe~Earth  with  me , 



Would  God,  for  this  his  Goodnefs  praife, 
_And?Jbr  the  mighty  Works  which  He, 
Throughout  the  wond'ring  World  difplayg  !^ 
7  For  ^'  fronTIieav'n  ,~"thc  lad  E (late 
Ofjonging  Souls,  witrTTity  views;  _ 
fo~5 angry" S ouls" that  pant  fof~M eat  j 

"Who  gracioufly  vouchlapd  to  hear, 
~And~treed~them  from  their  deep  Diftrefs;    g 
i7  From  difmal  Dungeons  darkas  Nighty -i 
And  Shades  as  black  as  Death's  Abod&, 
He  brought  them  forth  to  chearful  Light ,__ 
And  welcome  Liberty  beftow'd.  . 
ra  O !  then  thatafi  the  Earth  with  me, 
~Woindnjcd_loT~tJurhTs  Goodnefs  praifeT" 
"And  jot  jhe_nfighty  Wm-ks_,_wlucli_  Me_ 

rhroughouFthe  •wond'ring  vVorld ,  ditplays. 
1 3  ToTHeTw^PjjAlj^^ty^and  ,^ 

.  "f he"Gates"of Br alFjnTieces_  broke ; __      J 
N^c^ldj^r^^JBars  withttand,_^ 

^OrtJrnper'd Steel.  refuTEis SCralce.  " 



PSALM     CVll 


PART    IV. 

14  Remorfclcfs  Wretches,  void  of  Senfe 

With  bold  Traftfkreffibns  God  delle ;  ~*     "_Q'er  fwel'ling  Waves  thetr  Trade  piirfuc , 

20  They  that  in  Ships,  with  Courage  bold", 


And  for  their  muhiply'd  Offence , 

1 1 =«H5=||^|i|5iiiiif = 

i5  2i}eir  ^ou* a  ^rcv  to  ^a'n  an^  ^eai 


Abhors  to  talte  the  ehoiceft  Meat; 

And  they,  by  faint  Degrees^  draw  near 

To  Deaths  inhoipitable  Gate. 
1 1  J^?n  krai  t,  to  God's  indulgent  Ear , 

Do_they  their  mournful  Cry  addrefs, 

^Who  gracioufly  vouchfafes  to~hear"7 

And  frees  theni_froin_tnen:  deep  Diftrefs. 
ll  He,  all  their  fad  Diftempers  heals, 

His  Word  ,  both_K^th^nJ_Safety~givei7~~ 

And  when  all  human  Succour"  fails7~ 


From  near  Deftrudtion  them  retrieves. 

38  O!  then  that  all  the  EaTtH^~wkh  me,  " 


Would  God  for  this_his  Goodnefs  praile ! 
~And  tor  the  mighty  Works,  which  He" 
"throughout  the  wond'ring  W  orld ,  difplays. 

10  With  Offerings  let  his  Altar  flame, 



Do  God's  amazing  Works  behol 

_4!l4jP  !^£.Pe.£P^  kis  Wonders  view. 
2L  .§?  ^gefhts-ComniaSdis  paft^r* 

But  forth  a^readfurTempeirflfesT"' 
_ Which  fweeps "tEe  Sea  wTthTapidTHafte; 

And  makes  the  ftormy  BTfiows~rife~ 
22  Sometimes  the  Ships ,  tofs7d~u"p"to  Heav'n^" 

On  Tops  of  mounting  Waves  appear; 
Then ,  down~the  lteep  Abyfs  are  drirla, 


"Whilft  ev'iy  Soul  diflblves  with  Fear. 

2g_They  reel  and  ftagger  to  and  fro , 

Like  Men  with  Fumes  of  Wine  opprelt^ 
"lit     T      til      1       .=     E=? 

Nor  do  the jskillful  Seamen  know , 

Which  Way  to  fleer,  what  Courfe  is  beft. 

24  Then  ftrait,  to  God's  indulgent  Ear, 


They  do  their  mournful  Cry  addrefs; 


Who  gracioufly  vouchfafes  to  hear, 
~And~  freest!}  cm  from  their  deep  Diftrefir 



Whilft  they  their  grateful  Thanks  exprefs, 

And  with  loud  Joy  his  holy  Name, 
For  all  his  Adts  of  W  onder  blcfs. 

35~He~does  the  raging  Storm  appcafc , 

And  makes  the  Billows  calm  and  ftill ; 

""With" Joy  they  Jee  their  Fwy  ceafe; 

"~And~their  intended  Couiie  fulfiL"" 



P    S    A    L'  M      CVII.    CVIIL 


36  O!  then  that  all  the  Earth,  with  me, 


Would  God  for  this  his  Goodnefs  praife ! 

_Expos'd  toScorn  ,_muft  quit  "his  Throne; 




And  for  the_  mighty  works,  which  He_ 

And  over  wild  and  delart  Lands," 

r~*     TIT  Y  *      y   < 

Throughout  the  wond'ring  World ,  difplays 

^  "Where  no  Path  offers,  ftray  alone. 
sOE?^3°d  iJ"rom3llTffhalng^rei7 

27  Let  them ,  where  all  the  Tribes  refbrt, 

Advance  to_Heav'n_  his  glorious^  Name] ~" 

Andln  the  ETders  Sovereign  Court,    ~~ 

"With  one  Confent7"hls  PraiftTpTodaimT  " 
PART    V. 

■28  A  fruitful  Land ,  where  JtreamsabourTdV- 
God's  juft  Revenge,  if  People  fi5T 


Will  turn  to  dry  and  barren  Ground , 
"To  punifh  thofe  that  dwelTtheFeinT" 


ap^The  parchtjmd  defart_Heatli,__He  makes 

m  miwimmmmmmm 

Sets  up  the  humble  Manbn  high; 

And  makes ^_ in  time  his  nunVrous~Heirs"7~ 

With  his  increafing  Flocks  to  vie. 

==$==X=3S==: £ 

34_Then  ?  Sinners  (hall  have  nought  to  fay, 
The  Juft  a  decent  joy  ihall  ihowT 


The  Wife ,  thefe  ft  range  Events  Ihall  weigh ," 
And  thence  God's  Goodnefs  fully" know. 



~±  : 


To  flow  with  Streams ^arid Jjsflnging #e£s; 

And  in jftrong  Cities~faTely^d\vcIIs'. 

|Q  He^fows  the  Field,  the  Vineyard  plants, 
Wh  cb  gi atefullyliTs_Toii  repay] 
Norc  od  his  Blcfling  grants, 

His  frin  u.  ii  Stoe¥  decayT  == 

31  But  when  bis  Sinj^eiv'nsWra^rm^ce^ 
_His  Jlealth  and  SuRbmcelade  away]  ~" 

He  feels  rjgO^rggr^gauTi ng~Yoke7~ 
And  is  of  Grfef  the"^r5che"d*Prey. 
33  The  PKnce,^fialhght^wEat Godcomm^ ds~ 

PSALM    CVIII.        lTunePf.16.~S 

1  y/     God,  my  Heart  is  fully  bent, 
"to  magnifie7  thy  Name ;  m 

~My  Tongue ,~"wTth~c"heari'ul  Songs  of  Prai,e7 
_  fhall  celebrate  thy  Fame. 
2  Awake  my  Lute^  nor  thou ,  my  Harp  3 

thy  warbling  Notes  delay; 

""WhiTft  T^wlth  earTy"Trym"nsgf  Joy , 

prevent  the_  dawning  Day. 

3  To  all  the  hft'nmg  Tribes_,_0_Lordj 

_thy_  Wonders  1  will  tell , 

A nd  to  thole  Nations  iing  thy  Praife, 

that  round  about  us  dwell ; 
R  2 

4  Bd» 

n*                          PSALM  CVIII.  CIX. 

4_Becaufe  thyMercy's  boundlefsTf^ght7~  ^Hei7welT^ly^Cil\~^l^r===:==:===~ 

AndTar^e^ndlli^pinrigCroiids";"  "thnT- EJonTTgn^ae^funn^          ===== 

thy  faithh^rmh^extends._                 __  i  r  Lord,  wilt  not  Thou  affift  durArmT, 

5~Be  ™ojjTft  Q°d.~g^jg jjjfe  whic¥lai^h1^fdTft  forfeke.g       .  „  .    " 

"~abo ve  the  ftarry  Frame;     ~~  I^^djwW noF^hou^^fth^^. ou^^o^7 ="~ 

And  let  the  Worldywith  one  Content]"  oncempice  the.GuidancTtafcef             .   ^ 

.    ' contcT  thy  glorious  Name.               ~~~  iaQ^  to  thy  Servant  in  piftre{g~~     :===- 

6~f  hat  alFthy  "choierTPcople  Thee,"  thy  fpeedy  Succour  fend-: 

thel7toviou7mayliec7a"r"e";                      J  jjfar  van  itis  on. human  AicT^ 

Terthy^lgl^Lina~prot"cdl  meftiil ;  Z~2°fl^y-^Z^P£^"     J=== 

"and^anaver^Ilc^myTray7!7.  ~  13  Then^al^t  AJftslhall  we  -perform  M'   '^ 

PART    II  |£EEkEE=gEsgf=$~^~s:— ===p 

^_.                 ___.         *  __!£Z^0U  thy  Pow'r  chfcloJe;_ 

7^Sliice  GoThirn^lf  .hathfaTd  the  Word,       "  For  God  k=fer^Gcil:  alone  » 

^gOro^fe>cannotfaulr:^          ~"  "^iftFeadTfown  alfourToesT  ~~ 

and  meafare  Succoth's-Yalc; 

l^fEfffEiS^^lliliilfsEEEEzzE^f  psalm  cix. 

8  Gihad  is  mine ,  ManaJpJj  too ,. _ 

and  Ephrahn  owns  my  Caufe ;  1   v^     God,  whofe  former  Mercies  makeF 

'  Thejr  Strength,  my  regal  Bow'r  rapports,  my  cohlrant  Praifc  thy  Due •* 

An?J^^gcves  my  Laws,  "  Hold  not  thy  Peace  ~but_my_ fad  Stated 

g ,  MoaP^Yll  make  rny.fervile  Drudge  ~  with  ^yCTTted^l'avouryiew. 

~~ onTanquijhF  Et/om,  treadl"  "Forffnfor  Men ,  with  lying  Lips~ 

"Arid  through  the  piPU?P^'^/i?rLluads,  _  d^ceittufSpeechei  trame_,_ 

~  my~conqu"' r i nj~Banncrs  rpj^adT_  _A nd  jyv i t^i  _thci r  ft u djed  Slanders  feck™ 

io  By^horc^upporfandFAld~ihair"l.'""~  "to  wound  my  fpodefiFame*  ~ 

2  Their 

a  Their  reftlefs  Hatred  prompts  them  (till , 

PSALM     ClX, 



PART     II. 

_  malicious  Lyes  to  fpread ;"  y  His  Seed  fliall  Orphans  be, "his  Wife' 

"And 'all  "againftmy  Life  combine,  a_  W[dow ,  jalung'd  in  Gri~ef|_ 

by  caufelefs  Fury  led. 
xhofe ,  whom  wJjfeteiMUreft  Love  I ps*d , 

~my~chieFOppofer3  are ; 

jjisvagrant  Chigren_beg.  theirBread , 
where  nonc^aneiVe- ReR'efT 

His  ill-got  Riches  (hall  "be  made . 



Whilft  I,  of  other  Friends  bereft, 
_  rcfurFto  Thce_by  Pray'r. 
S _Since  MifchieT^_foFthe  Good"  I  did, 
their  ltrange  Reward  does  prove ; 

And^Hatredjs  the  Return  they  make, 

~fb£jandjflembled  Love. 

Their  guiltyXeader  fliall  be  made ; 

to  Ufurers  a  Prey ;   . 
"The  Fnm""ofaTni[s~Tonihairbe'~ 
"by  Strangers,  bo~rnjiway~ 
6  None  (half  be  found ,  thaT"toliis~Wanti 
"""their  Mercy _  will  extend^""" 
Or,  tohis  helplefs  0"rphan-Seed7~ 
"TireJeaiFAffiftance  lencL" 
~A  1 wnTDeftru&ion  foo'nlnaTrfazeT'" 

to  IbmejU  Man  a  Slave; 
~And^Teinie¥Ti:y"M^liirmoTtalT'oe~~  ~orihis  tmhajpy  Raee;-~ 

foFhis  AccuTcr  have.  And  the  next  Age  his  hated  Name , 

4  His  Grief,  when  Sentence  is  pronounce,  fliall  utterly  deface 

fhall  meet_a  dreadful  Fate; 
""WhTlfth is~rej etTted  Pray'r  but  fcrves7~ 
~hTs~Crimes  to  aggravate. 
He,  fnatch'd  by  Pome  untimely  Fate, 
~~ flTa'n^t  jive  out  half  h1s_Days7~ 
Another s  by. divine  Decree, 
(hall  on  his  Office  feizc, 

7  The  Vengeance  of  his  Father's  Sins, 
upon  his  Head  (hall  fall ; 

God  "on  his  Mother's  Crimes  fhall  think", 

and  punifh  him  jbr_alL 

"AlTthele  m"horrid  Order  rank'd  ~ 

"before  the  Lord  fliall  itand ; 
"TuThis  fierce Anger ,  quite  cuts"off~ 
tJieiTMem  rj,  from  the  LancF  " 



P    S    A    L 

f>  Becaufe  he  never  Mercy  fhew'd , 
~butlliirThe  Poor  opprefs'd;"- 
And  fought  to"  flay  the  helplefFMan, 
with  heavy  Woes  dhtrcfs'd. 

Therefore  the  Curfe  he  lov'd  to  vent, 
~?hall  his  own  Portion_prove ; 

_My_Heartjs_ wounded  wFDlftrefs", 
___and_quite  piere'd  Thi^wTth~Grierr" 
J^  like  an  j^v'ning  Shade  decline, 

_   which  vamfhes  apace  ; 

Like  Locuft ,  jup  and  downTm  tos'd, 
and  have  no~cercainTlace. 

And  Blefilng,  which  he  Itill  abhorr'd, 
~(ha]l  far  from  him  remove. 
o  Since  he  in  Curjing  took  fuch  Pride, 

Jikc  Water  it  IJhall  fpread 

_7hro'  all_his  Veins^  and  Hick  like  Oyl ,  _ 

with  which  _his  Bones  are  fed. 

~~This,  like"  a  poyfon'd  Rob~e71nall  (till 
h  is  conftant  Cov'ring  be , 
Or  an  enjvcnorrfd  Blot,  from  which 
he  never  fhall  bVfree.       _  _ 
to  Thus  (hall  j±c  Lord  reward  all  tbofeT^  _ 
that  ill  to  me  defign;  

PART    IV. 

i  2jMyJCncrcjwi^  F^^ 

my  ^odj^nFandlcanl  -==== 

fTT~t~Ti,i  "T^T^f^Zl 1 

^^l^tj^t  beholdjne_fiiake  jtheir  Heads~j 
and  treat  me  wTthHDijSairn 

1  hat  with  malicious  fa  He  Reports, 
jigainrt  rnyXjfe  combine. 
I  ^A^^hyJiloyiousNamej  QQod,  ' 

do_1'_hou  deliver  nae; 
_And  for  thy  glorious  Mercy's  fakc^ 

_  prefcrvc  and  fet  nie~fi»ee. 
j  i  1  or  1,  to  utmoll  Straus  redue'd, 

But  "for  thy  Mercy'sjake^  O  Lord^  * 

35  Thoti  my  Foei  withftancTf- 
xriat.aU.  may  fee  'tis  thmc  own  Ait, 
the  W6fFbffriy;R^&t-Han^.         ~===: 
1 1  Then  )zt  thera  cm-le,  &  Tlxm  bat  btefiT" 

jeT  Shame  j  the  Porciofl  b~e 
Jjffjjtf7tfe>t  my  PeftruSan  ieekT" 

while  Irejoyce  in  Thgey 
My Foe,  IKill  with  Diigrace  be  ctoath'd , 

and,_fpite  of  a)l_his  Pride , 
Hisown  Confufion,  like  a  Cloalc .- 
the  gu Ufcy^  WrctchThall  hide.  __JJ 
14  But  1  to  GoaTiri  grateful  Thanks, 

my  cheaiful  Voice  will  raile; 


PSALM     CIX.  CX.  CXI. 

And  where  the  great  AflenibTy~meets7" 
Jet  forth  his  nobTc  PraifeT~" 

For  Him ,  _t_he  Poor  fhall  always  find , 

their  fure  and "conftant  Friend ; 


Aiid  He,  (hall  from  unrighteous  Dooms ,_ 
their  guiltlefs  Souls  defend. 

4  The  "fentene'd  Heathen ,  He  i.  all   -jy ,_ 
"And" fill  with  Carcafies  his  Way, 

iTill  He  3'  hath  ifruckEarth  's  Ty  rantsdead? 
Bat  "in.  the  high.- way  Brooks  (haJlfirft, 
"Like"  a  poor_Pilgrim,  flack  his  Thirit , 
"~ AndThen  in  Triumph  raifc  his  HeacT 

[Tune  Pf  46.^ 




1- J.    HE  Lord,  unto  my  Lord  thus_fpake, 

„  Till  I  thy  Foes  thy  Footftool  make," 

„  Sit  Thou  in  State,  at  my  Right  Hand; 
„  Supreme  in  Sion  Thou  ihalt  he, 
~„  And  all  thy  prraid  Qppoferslieg" 

v,  Subjected,  to  thy  julTCormnandT 
a  w  Theeyin  thy  Po  w  Ys  triumphant  Day-"" 
„  Thewilling. Nations  (halT obey ^  '" 

J»  Shall  all  (redeemed  from  Error's  Night)""" 

» "Appear  as  numberlefs  and  bright, 
w~As  cry  flat  Drops y  of^dojningSewr 


3  The  Lord  hath  fworn ,  nor  fworn  in  vain"; 
That,  like  Mekbizedecb's ,  thylleign 
Aiid.PiieftaoodT  "TTTall  no  Period  knowT* 


At  thyllight Hand  ,  will_He_  permit ;__" 
But  in  his  WratE7cr6wir?d lieadso^erthrow.- 

PSALM    CXI.         [Tune  Pf.  65.-} 

1  t'rJphe~  yo  the  Lord ,  our  God  to  praife , 

My  Soul  her  utmoft  Power  raife, 

"WTriTprlvate Fff£fKpT,  and  in  Se^hrong"" 

Of  Saints;  his  Praife  (hall  be  my  Song.  " 

2~HTs~Works ,  for  Greatnefs  tho'  renown^"" 

"His  wcmd'rousJWorks.,  With  Eafe  are  found 

By  thofe ,  who  feek  for  them  aright , 

"*~And  jn  the  pious  Search  delight.  J 

3  His  Works  are  all  of  matchlefs  Fame , 

I—       £.sz= : 

And  u niverlal  Glory  claim ; 

Has  Truth- confirmed  thro' Ages  palt, 

Shall  to  eternal  Ages.laft. 

4  By_Precepts  Be  has  ^us  enjoy n'd  3 
To  keep_his  wondrous  Works  in  Mind;, 

"And  to  Poltcrity  record , 
That  good  and  gracious  is  our  Lord. 

5  His  Bounty,  like  a  Mowing  Tide, 


Has  all  his  Servants  Wants  fuppiy'd; 



ij5  PS 

"And"  He ,  willever  keep_in_Mind 

A    L    M      CXI.    CXII. 


"HirCov'naik,  with  our  Fathers,  fign'd.  ~~~ 
~TheyTa~\yHiislnatchlefs  Pow'r  employ 'd; "' 

Whereby  the  Heathen  •qfrere  fupprefs'd;,  , i 

~And  we,  their  Heritage  poficfs'd. 

7~JuTl7-are_thcl5ealings  of  his  Hands, 

Imnfutabte,  are  his  Commands; 
.  i  for  eternal  Rules  ordain'd. 

8  _He,  fet  his  Saints  from  Bondage  free , 

"And  then  eltablifii'd  his  Decree , 


For  ever  to  remain  the  fame ; 

"nMy~and"~Rev'rcnd  is  his  Name. 

p  Who  Wifdom's  (acred  Prize  would  win , 

Muft  with  the  Fear  of  God  begin ; 

Immortal  Praife,  and  heay'nly  SkiTf 

Have  they,  who  know,  and  do  his  Will. 





Hat  Man  is  bleft  who  (lands  in  Awe 



Of  God,  and  loves  his  lacred  Law: 

His  Seed  on  Earth  (hall  be  rcnown'd , 
And  with  fuece Hive  Honours  crovvn'd. 

2_His_ Houfe,,  the  Seat  of  Wealth ,  (hall  be " 
"An'inexhauSed  Treafury ;  _ 

His  Juftice,  free  from  all  Decav, 


Shall  Bleffings  to  his  Heirs  convey. 
3~The~SotTtha7rfill^widi^~hTue"VLi  gh~8 
"  Shiners  bftghteft  1x1  Affliction's  Night! 

_To_pity  the_Diftre(i:_inclin'd 
As  well  as  juft  to  all  Mankind 

4  His  lib'ral  Favours  he  extends.. 
To  fomelie  gives,  to  others  lends:- 


Yet  what  his  Charity  impairs ,_ 
~  He  faves  by  Prudence  in  Affairs. 

5  Befet  with_thrcatning  Dangers  round , 

^Lnmov^eU  lhall  he  maintain  his  Ground ;~ 

"The  fweet  Remembrance  of  the  Jult, 
Shall  floorifhj  when  he  (ieeps  in  Duft. 

6  III  Tidings  never  can  furprize 

His  Heart,  that  (till  on  God  relics : 
~On~Safety's  Rock  he  fits  ,v  and  fees " 

"The  Shipwrack,  of  his  Enemies. 

7 HI sUand s ,~w hi  1  e_t  h ey  his"  A 1  ms  bel'tow'd , 

~H iTGlo Fy'F future  Harveft  fow'd , 
Whence  he  fhall  reap  Wcalth,Famc,R~enown, 

"A  teTrip'rarand  eternal  Crown. 

gTr7e~Wlclced  (hall  "hirTriumph  fee"7"" 

"VncTinuQi  their  Teeth  in  Agony ; 

.  While 

P   s 

A    L    M 

CXII.  CXI II.  cxiv. 



And  vanilh  with  themfelves  away. 

Makes  her3  thafa  barren  was ,  to  bear, 

"And  joyfully  her  Fruit_to  rear , 



E~SaTntslH_Se£yants_^_the  _Lord^ 

-ThTTrmm£hs"ofJiis  Naj_u£recc_d_ ^ 

— ffisfacred^nirforTvc^blels. 

Where e'er  the  ard^Sunjifplays 

O  then  extol  his  matchlefs  Fame! 

Wl  ES^— ~£ezs- 
i__VV__  H_n"///'__/,  by  th?Almigh_y"Ied~~ 

(Enrich'd  with  theiTOppreflbrs  Spoil  ) 

Spoil  ) 


"H^ifin^Beams ,  or  fetting  Rays,. 

due  Praife~tohisgreat  Name  addrefs. 

s_GodT^hFc?lhe^^T-kTextends  hjs  Sway  5 


"The  Regions  of  eternal  Day, 


but  Shadows  of  his  Glory_are: 


To  Him,  whole  Mafefty  excels, 
"Who  made  the  Hcav'n  in  which  lie  dwells 

'. JL 

let  no  creatcd_Pow_'r  compare.  _ 

3  Tho  'tis  beneath  his  State,  to  view__ 
In  higheft  Hcav'n ,  what  Angels  do'j 
— yet  He ,  to  Earth  vouchfales  his  Care: 
He,  takes  the  Needy  from  "his  CelTT" 
Advancing  him  in  Court's  to  dwell , 

Companion ,  to  the  Grcafelt  there.  _, 

4  When  childlcfs  Families  dclpa"ir7 
J_e_ Jends  the  Bpffi^oFaiTHcir __ 

to  refcue  their  expinnglName";- 

From- Egypt  march' d ;  and_  _^____s  Secc[7~ 
From  Bondage  in  a  foreign  Soil. 
Jcboyabj  For  his  Refidence , 
Chofe  out  imperial  Judalfj,  Tent,- 
His  Manlion  Royal,  and  from  thenc 
Thro'  __]_/_s  Camp  his  Orders  fent. 
2  The  diftant  Sea  with  Terror  Paw, 

"And  from  'th'Almighty's  Pyefence  fled  ; 

"Old  'Jordan 's_ S t reams,  furpriz'd  wit"h~Awe"7 
Retreated  to  their  Form  tain's  Head. 

~The~taller  Moimtainsj:Jdpp_l_,  li___Ra"msT 

When  Danger  near  the  Fold  they 'hear; 

The  Hills  skipp'd  icm ,  like  La 

Affrighted ,  by  their  LeaHer's  Feat... 

3~0  Se a^whliTmadeypur  Tid_3 _\y  1  ttid r a w_~ " 

And  naked  leave  your  oozy_Bcd? 

Wliy  Jordan,  again  it  Nature's  Law, 

"RecolldMT thqu \  to. thy  Fountain's  Head  ?~" 
S  Why 



""  W hy  Mountains a"8ld"yo u  ^kip  1  ike  Rams , 
_WhcF"l)ange^oe^pproach  the  Fold  ?"~ 

CXIV.  cxv. 

the  molten  Idol  ftands. 


JL-J fe^=g| 

Why  after"youThe  Hills  >  like  Lambs , 
-  When  tbey  their  Le^"er*sFl^fat  behold ?^ 


'   Thy  LprdandMafter's  Face  to  fee; 

~Wh^n~^^o^s~ayfiirGod  draws  near, ^ 

»XZs  tinieTIor  Earth  and  Seas  to  flee, 


To  flee  from  God,_who  Nature's  Law 
"CorTrTrmTand  cancels ,  at  his  Will;  _ 
Who  Springs »  from  flinty  Rocks  can  draw^ 


And  thirfty  Vales  3  with  Water  fill. 

4  The  Pageant  has  both  Ears jmdJNofe ," 
~  but"  neither  hears  nor7fmelIi~;~ 

Its  Hands  and  Feet  nor  feel  "nor  move, 
no  Life  within  it  dwells. 
5  Such  fenfelefs  Stocks  they  are,  that  we 
can  nothing  like  them  findj 

PSALM    CXV.         \_TunePf15.'] 

But  thole,  who  on  their  Help  rely , 
_  and  them  for  Gods  defign'd. 

6  0  Jffd ,  make  the  Lord  your  Truft, 

who  is  your  Help  and  Shield; 
Prielbj  Levites,  tiaift  in  Him  alone > 
who  only  Help  can  yield. 

Li  i   i    rn  t  l    -===- 

7  Let_all_,  who  truly  fear  the  Lord , 
~^on  Him  they  fear  rely; 

_jO_rd^  not  to  as,  we  claim  no  Share,  _w_h_cLt.jiem  j"  Dagggjgndefend , 

but  to  thy  facred_Name  _ 
"Give  GforyTTbr  thy  Mercy's  fake, "~ 

and  "all  their  Wants  ropply.  ' 

;ind  Truth's  ptprnnl  Fame.  and  Jlr,elr, 

8  Of  us,  He  oft  has  mindful  been. 

T"t — Y 



and  Truth's  eternal  Fame.  ""  and  //;'-V/*s  Houle  will  bleis  • 

3=£] J — VI Li 

Tw*hy  fhould  the  Heathen  cry,  Where's  now       ^Pj-jefts_,_  Leykes ,  ProjHyra^^n  M , 

the  God  whom  we  adore? 
Conyjnce  them  that  in  Heav^n_Thou  art, 
and  uncontrolled  thjTPowV. 


3  Their  Gods  but  Gold  and  Silver  are, 
the  Works  of  mortal  Hands: 
With  Jpeechlefs  Mouth,  andfightlefs  Eyes, 

who  his  great  Name  confefs._  _ 
9  On  you  ,and  on  yourHeirs,  He  will 

"incrca?e~oT~BTcfiings  bring; 



Thrice  happy  you ,  who  Fav'ntes  are 

""of  this  ATmighty^  Ki ng. 


10  ileav'iis  highelt  Orb  of  Glory  y  He 


his  Empire[sSrat]dcligtfd ; 
(I,  *      I  ^'V    i    '     '  I    as 


;  And  gave  this  lower  Globe  of  Earth  3 


a  Portion  to  Mankind. 

iF  They  who  in  Death  aad  Silence  fleep , 

to  Hun  no  Praife  |ffbrcy__ 
**n8utwe"will  Mefe for  evermore, 
our  ever  UVing  Lord. 


"BecauTe'the  Lord  vouchfaf'd  to  hear 
the  Voice,  of  my  Reqneft. __ 

"Since- He  has  now  his  Ear  inclin'd, 
I  ^icver  will  delpairj 


But  ltili  in  all  the  Straits  of  Life  3 

~to  Him,  addrefsjiiy  Pray*r. 
ft  With  deadly  Sorrows  compafs'd  round , 
""with  Pains  of  Hell  oppreft ., 

"When  Troubles  feiz'd  ray  akiiig  Heart ,  ~ 

and_thus  to  Him  I  pray'd; 

-— *! 

„  Lord ,  I  befeecK  Thee,  Pave  my  Soul, 
with  Sorirows  quite  dtfin'ay'dT  ' 

CXV.  CXVI.  139 

3~Hovf  juft  and  merciful  h  God! 

how  graciousjs  the  Lord ! 
"Who  faves  the  harmlefs;  and  to  me~~ 
does_timely  Flelp  afford. 


Then  free  from^penfive  Cares ,  my  ~Soul , 

relume  thy  wonted_Relt;_ 
"Tor~God"has~wond,roufly  to  thee"7~ 

his  boundleis  Love  cxpreft, 
PART    II. 

—r T H- 



1  iVI  Y~SouL  wFthgTaTeml  Thoughts  of  Love, 
"jntircly  _is_pofleft : ^__ ^ 


4  When  Death  alarm'cf  me,  He  rcmov'd 

my  Danger  and  my  Fears ;  ~~ 

"SlyEeet  from  ^^^J^J^^I^d^ 
and  dry'd  my  Eyes  from  Tears.  ^ 
Therefore  my  Life's  remaining  Years, 

which  God  to  me  (hall  lend,_ 

Will  I,  in  Praifcs  to  his  Name , 

And  in  his  Service  fpend. 
5  In  God  I  trufted  ,  and  oT  Him 

and  Anguifti  rack'd  my  Breaft, 
On  God's  Almighty  Name  I  call'd 

in  greatelt  Straits  did  boaft; 

(For  in  my  Flight,  alf  Flopes  oTATd 

from  faithlefs  Man  ,  were  loft:  ) 
Then  what  Return  to  Him  (hall  f,"~ 

for  alibis  Goodnels  make? 

I'll  gtaifehis  Name"',  an5  with  glad  Zeal , 


6  I'll  pay  my  Vows  amonglt  his  Saints , 

"S  a  whofc 

2  4° 




~waofe  Blood ,  ( howe'erdefpis'cT" 
By  wicked  Merl,  Jin  God's  Aeeouirt7~ 
"~isTl ways  highly  prized. 



By  various  Ties,  0  Lord,  mult  I  i_j^^Pnafc" the  Lord ,  for '"H<Tis~goo~d 

and  whilft  T  bjefs  thy  Name,  _  let .Aaron \s  IJoule~cxprelFj       -—•———— 

The  juft  Performance  of  my  Vows,  And  that  it  never  fails,  let  all 

_  to  all  thy  Saints  proclaim.  that  Tear  "the  Lord,  eoaieis;             ===== 

'_They,  in  JfenTjalem  (hall  meet,  2JL°  P°^jlJ  made  my~huHible~Moan 

'^and'in  thy  Houfe  IhialTjoyn,  ~  with  Troubles  quite"pppreft:;  — — 

To  bids  thy  Name  with  one  coulent;  "  .  And  He  releas'd  me  from  my~Stral ts 

and  mix  their  Songs  with  mine*  and  granted  my"RequeftT~ 

PSALM    CXVIL    CTW^r.45.]     J^^^Ft^V  ' 

_^Y hy_n^oxi ld_th e .vaTn  AttemplTofMeru 

^SjheaiTulNotes_kt  all  the  gar'^""  *      p^lMlnylfouTw  iUTFcaTf  ::==== 

to  Heav'n  their  Voices  saife;,                ~~  g  Since  God,  with  tEblFthaTaid  myTjauWr3 

Let  alLTInfpir'd  withgodly  Mtctjv^  ""vonehjafes  my  part'to  take;"" 

^--jggJgSgg  jjlgjjj*-  of  Pjjnf/  To  alf^  Foes,  F  need  not  doubT^ 

afiod's  tender  Mercy  knowslao  bound ,  a  juft  Return  to~make. 

^__ j^jTi-uThjIudl  ne'c7"de"cay ;  "ForjDeTt^PHs'^puTrinT^odT-               == 

_Then  let  thewjlhng  Nations  round ,  _  __and  have,  the  Lord  bur  Friend  ] 

their  grateful  Tribute  pay. ~H  THrTo^me^SciniumanPow'r,,. 




for  Safety  to  depend. 

PART    II. 

4~Tho1ln¥ny"rTations7,dgfely  leagtfd, 

"dldofrFeTetlbe  round; 

t~Yeul?y~^t^nd]e¥Pbw,r  fuftain'dT"" 

~I~3id"~t"tie"]F~Strcnguh  confound. 

~TfTcy'fwairmMlil^~Bj^an'd  yet  their  Rage 

wT\T  blt~aTfiort4iv'd  Blaise ; " 

JgorjwlSgn  God  I  ftTlTlreydT"" 

~lTaiKJpitT^tliem~with  Eafe. 

5~ Whe7iJa]I"umTe"dT~p"rers'd  me  hard , 
mHopes  To  make  me  faff, 


The  Lord  vouchfaf 'd  to  take  my  part , 
and  (av'd  me  from  them  all.- 
~The"Honour  ofmy  ftrange  Efcapc , 

to  Himalone  belongs ; 

Tie  is~my  Saviour  and"  my  Strength  >~ 
"  He"  only  claims  my  Songs. 
6~|oy~filli~the  Dwelling" ofthe  JuftT"" 
~whom~God  has  fav'd  from  Harrn"7~ 
.For  wondrous  Things  are  brought  to  pafej" 

by, his  Almighty  Arm. 
""He~7by  his  ownrefiftlefs  Pow^r ,~ 

has  endlels  Honour  won ; 

amazing  Works  h:.s  done.  ** 

7  _G  od  j_  will_n  oFfu  ffeTmcJo  "fall  ~ 

butfftjll  proIongs~my~Days;~ 


- 1  may  advance  hisTFaife.  = 

When.  God  had  foreiyine~chaft"izrdT  = 

till  quite  of  Ho~peFbereav1dr~ 
_Hi_s_Mercy_,  froln~thyGate7"of"Deatli~ 
my  fainting  Life  replrlvecL 


8  Then  open  wide~the  Temple  Gates,  . 
lo  which  the  Juft  repairT~ 

That  I  may  enterln ,  and  pralfe 
my  great  Deli v^reFtliereT 
"Within"  thofe  GatesrofGbdTs  Abode, 

to  which  the  Righteous  prelT; 
JL^£glC!2°LJlaCE^L'  "and~[et~ine~fa"fe , 
IZl?^1^^^^Ti'irblelsr  ' 
0  That  which  the  BT^d^r77)n^rcius,"d7  " 
_isnow  the  Corriei^ftOne£~ 
This  is  the  wond^-ourWork'ofGodV"" 
the  Work  of  God  aloneT- 


.    This  Day  is  God's;  let  all  the  Land 
_ exalt  their  chearful  Voice"! 

Lord,  we  befcech  Thee,  lave~ii5"aow7_ 

S  3  and 



~and  make  us  ftill  rejoyce.  have  ftill  Obedient  been! 

Lii _      i  i    i  T  1    i  r~*    y    t    '  I    r  i    „=■ 

10  Him,  that  approache's  in  God's  Name ,  And  have  with  fervent  humble  Zeal, 

his  Favour  fought  to  win ! 


let  all  thjAflembly  blefs; 

"~,7^vT"thaT belong"  to  God's  own  Houfe ,  a  Snch  Men,  their  utmoft  Caution  ufe, 

~~have  wiuVd  you  good  Succefs. to  fhu n 7adTwickcd~Dee"d~f"" 

"GodVthi^^ Bin  irfthe  PatlTwhicTrHe~dlre"cbT7~ 

both  Ljght  and  Comfort  find;     _  with  C_ontont_C^r^~proceedr" 

"Faft  to  the  Altars  Horn  With  Cords ,  Thou  ftrictly  haft  enjoyn'd  us ,  Lord  , 

the  chpfen  Viftim  bind.  _  to  learn  thy  facred  Will, 


11  Thou  art  my  Lord ,  O  God ,  and  ftill  And  all  our  Diligence  employ, 


Fll  praife  thy  holy  Name; 

thy  Statutes  to  fulfil. 

~oTThelTlvTthlne~rgrve  Thanks  to  God ,  _  ~ And  T  the  Courle  of  all  jny_Lite7"~ 

~wh^itnrdoes^raaoa«  prove;,  ~bylhy jpiredtion  gmde ! _^J"~ 

~A  nd~l"et~the"  Tri  bTueof  ottr  ?jw&__  '~rhen~with  Aflurancc ;  fhould  I  walk7~ 
~~be  endlefs,  as  his  Love.  ""from  all  Confufion  free ; 


d  c   a  t    a/i     pytv  ~wi5""thy~Commaads agree.       " 

psalm  cxix.  11-iiilliliillliliiliiiliiilliiiiiMiI 

4  My  upright  Heart  (hall  my  glad  Mouth, 

k.  al  e  p  il  i.  i^HEil^iiliiii.iisiiiIIiiii 

with  qheai'fttl  Primes  fill ;  _ 

i  lTl.  O^lrieft  are  they  who  always  keep7"  When  bylhy^rlghteouj  Judgments  taught,  ~ 

the  pure  and  periefo  Way!  I  thall  have  learnt  thy  Will. 

Who  never  from  the  facred  f athsT"          ~.  ~So~to'"thy  facTcd  Tlaws,  (haTll 

of  Godj  Commandments  ftray !  all  due  Obfervance  payj^ 

ilow  blclt!  who  to  his  righteous  Laws,  "Ofthen  forfakc  me  not,  my  God, 


P    S    A    L    M      CXIX, 


"Nor  call  me  quite  away. 

3.    B  ET  II.    II 

5  How  (ft all  the  Yoimg_prefcrve_  then:  Ways , 
TronTal  FMlutionTreeT    __ 

By  makmgllitnheir  Courfe  of  <Life 

~Withlhy~Commaiids  agree.,    ^ 

'"^TtlHiSFty'ZeaTIof^b^  I  feek , 

~to~TheeloF  Succour  pray ;__ 

"oTTufter "noTmy  carelefs  Steps,  _ 
~rrorn"thy"right  Paths  to  ftray* 

6  Safe  in  my  Heart,  and  clofely  hid, 

thy  Word,  my  Treafure,  lies;  . 

To  faccour  me  with  timely  Aid,  "         ~~ 


when  finful  Thoughts  arife. 
"Secur'd'byThat ,  my  graTeiurSouT" 

(hall  ever  blefs  thy  Name: 
O!  tseach  me  thefr,  fry  t5y  juft  Laws, 
my  futurcTLife  to.frarae.  " 


7  My  Lips  unlock'd  by  pious  Zeal , 
to  others  have  declared", 
How  well  ^e  Judgments  of  thy  Mouth , 

deferveour  bell"  Regard. 


Whilftmthe  Way  of  thy  Commands, 

more  folid  Joy  \  found ,_ 
Than  had  IbeeFwithyaft Tocreale^ 

_  °f  envy'd  Rjches~crown*c^ 

"8  Therefore  thy  juft  and~uprigh7~La"ws~7~ 
(hall  always _fi^  my_Mind  |~~ 
And  thofe  found  RuIes,whTch  TKou  OTefcflb'ftT 
^aildue  ReTpecTfhalT  7Tnd7~~ 
To  keep  IE  y  Statutes  imdefac'd , 
_fhah  be_my_conftant  joy_; 
The  Uriel:  Remembrance  ofth y^TjVord, 
{hall  all  my  Thoughts  empioyT" 

b    G  I  M  E  L.    II L 

p  Be  gy_acious_to  thy  Servant ,  Lord , 


=±      o= 

do  Thou  my  Life  defend  : 
"That  TTf  ccording  to  "thy  Word~7~~ 
my  future  Time  may  fpend. 


Enlighten  both  my  Eyes  and  Mind  , 
thatTo"!  may  difcern  _ 

Thejwond'rous  Things^,  which  they  behold, 
— whoTFyjuft  Precepts  learn. 

io  Tho'  Ijkea  Stranger JnjffeJ^ancL 

from  Placeto  Place  J[_ftray, 

— *t 

Thy  righteous  judgments  from  my  Sight, 

remove _not  Thou  away.  ^ 
My  fainting  Soul  is  almoft  pin'd,  ~~ 

"with  earnefi  Longing  fpent; 


W'hilft'  always  on  the  "eager  Search" 


Ti,  PSALM      CXIX. 

x44 | 

ft— =^- — 7i~ r?rrrr:i_-  rC"„n  /.»nflrtV,o  dT„,,j"_"        t /i    If  TVinn  wilr  itiqVp  mr>  Irtinw  i-Vnr  1  snara. 

i""fivyTfiarp  Rebuke  (ball  crufli  the  Prouder      14  If  Thou  \viltjpake_me  knowjhyjJaws , 

and  by  their  Guidance  walk , 

prefumptubufly  "refill^ ^ 

^vhom_ftilljh  ^Cm|pttjfig;  •-     m  <_ 

5^ln^5^^^aIFiir^TighTWays7      7       ^h^or^rous^grks,wh  ichTh  ouhaft  done", 

(hall  be  my  ccnftant  Talk. 
But  fee ,  my  Soul  within  me  finks! 

prefs*d~  down  with  weighty  CareT 
Do  Thou  3  according  "to  thy  Word" 

But  far  from  me, "do  Jjiou^OJgrd,      __~       J*!1 
"Contempt  and  Shame  remove ; 

For  I  t'hv  "facred  Laws  affcfi:,_ 
"with" undlffemblcd  Love. 


my  wafted  Strength  repair 

with  unaniempiea_i^jve: _rij_"  —  -^— — 4g;-4^ 4^=5 — — 3 

6====~—- — r- ::=t— r~ r r~vi  *    lint-  l.'inrlWr  &rar\t      T  {Till   ma-u   lrppn 

foF t^piimaliliTIaylg^g^  ~      ^hy  ^hl^^pfhoqTgg^gi^ 
ife^llS^fllff"^^^    _^haj^Choice  I  ma^~j32^ 

tafi^-my  Steps  aright,      \  "  -     \       "^^^meaiwa^d^J;     -  -  ~':  7~ 

16  Mv  Care  has  been  to  make  my  Life, 
"1.    D  A  L  ET  H   IF,  f===i=ii=iP=l^S-i^^|^^l 

with  thy  Commands  agree j 

13 iky ^oul^ppreft^S^dIy_Care,_~ "     ^^Qjjhen  preferve  th y  jcryan t ,  Lord L fc 

^Jffifl0  jj?g  EajhTdoes  cieavel         211^     1.  g,^0"1^!^!^^^  ^'  »— ^- ,» 

1  Revive  me7^o"rd7"andleFmrnow~      "7        So,  in  TheWay  of ^tfyCommi  i  i 

To  Thee- V;  farM  my   ways,_  _And  with alTe7irc,V  y , 

who  didlt  incline  thine  Ei  7~fiTcce5FuUy  go  on. 


U !  teach  me  then ,  my  future  Life , 

IT  ll  E. 



rr.   h  e.  v. 

11  Inftrmft  me  in  thy  Statutes  »  Lordp •-.;     •  j 
flnr  righteous  Paths  difplay ; ^ 

And  I  from  them,  through  all  my  Life, 

^if  Thou"  trlie^Wildorh  from  above , 

~"  wHr~|raciouny_nnpart^_ 
Tokeepth  y^e"rfe^Law7,'Twill 
:  devote"  nry  zealguj  jjgH^ '. 


18  Direct  me  is  the  facrecTWays; 

to"w¥icin"hy~Prccegts  lead; 

Becaufe  my  chief  Delight_  has  been, 

thy  righteous  Paths  to  tread 


"EjQjThQU  to  thy  inbft  jufr  Commands^ 

~mclln'e"~my  "willing  HearTf 
Teifno  Defire  of  worldly  Wealth , 
~from  Thee,  my  Thoughts  divert. 
19  From  thofe  vainjjbjedts  turn  my  Eyes~7 
which  this  faTfe  World"  difplaysT"" 


But  give  me  livelyPow'r  and  Strength, 
~^to  keep  thy  righteous  ways.    _ 
ConfirmThe  Promife  which  Thou~iHad^ 

20  The  foul  Difgrace  I  juftly  fear, 

in  Mercy ,  Lord ,  .remove ; 



For  all  the  Judgments  Thou  ordain'ft, 

are  full  of  Grace  and  Love. 

"Thou  know 'ftJi_o\v,~after  thyCommands^" 

"my  Tonging  Heart  does" pant;  " 
"oTthen  make  Hafte  to  raife  me"~up"7~ 

and  promis'd  Succour  grant. 

%     V  A  U.    VL 

m  m 

1  Thy  coManTSrcTfin"g7"LorQ\"be"ftQw-7~ 
~~to  cheer  myjdrooping  HeartT" 
"To~me,  according  jo  thy  Word7~ 

thy  "Paving  Health  impart. 
So  lhalTl ,  when  my  Foes  upbraid , 

this  ready  Anfwer  make; 
r,  In  God  I  truft,  who  never  will 
g  his  faithful  Promife  break._ 
2  2  Then  letnot  quite  the  Word  ot~Truth7~" 
bj:  from  my  Mouth  remov'd  ;_^ 
Since  ftill  mv  Ground  of  ftedfaft  Hope, 
thy  iuft  Decrees  have  prov'd. 

f— «>— c-wj. *j> » ^ fajt <t- 

andjgiy^thy_Servant  Aid, 

So  I ,  to jceepjhy  righjeou_s_La ws_,__ 

Who  to  tranlgrefsjhy  fecred  Laws. 

will  all  my  Study  bend ;_ 

is  afraid. 

_From  Age  -to Age,  cay  Time  to  come , 

~~  mlbciTObferyance  lpend. 

T  33  E*e 

P    S    A    L 

23  "E'eFTongl  TrujF*to_wa^k_at  Jarge_1_ 
~fi^^iUl_lncumbrance  free ; 

"'"Since "Il'ifolve jo  make  my  Life, 

~wTth~thy  Communds'agree. 
■"iTriy  L^^jfnatfbe  my  conftant  TaTJcT"" 

and  Princes  (hall  attend ,__ 
with  CorintJgf^e.'aefehd. __ 

24  My  longing  Heart  and  raviurd  Soul: 

fhall  botlTo'erflow  with  Joy; 

M       CXf'X. 


and  all  my  Hopes  deride ; 
Ytt  from  thyLaw ,  no_t_all  their "Scoffs"       3 
.could  make  me  turn~ande7~~ 

JQiy  Judgments  then  ,_  of  ancient  Date  Jr 

When  in  thy  lov'd  Commandments  I, 

my  happy  Hours  employ. 


Then  will  I  to  thy  juit  Decrees, 


cbd  lpeedy.  Comfort" find."  ' 

27  Sometimes  1.  Hand  amaz'd,  like  one 
with  deadly  HorroTftruek.V 

To  think  how  all_my  finfuFFoes"^ 
have  thy  lull  Laws  Ibrfook. 

But  I ,  thy  Statutes  and  Decrees , 

my  chearful  Anthems  made; 
_W hi H it_th ro' Jtrange_Lands  andDefarts  wild7 

-  hft  up  my  willing  Hands; 

jMy  Care  and  Bus'nefTthen  Tliall  be, 
to  ITudy  thy  Commands. . 

?..  ZA  in.   ru. 

I  like  a  Pilgrim  ftray'd 


25  According  to  thy  promisd  Grace, 
thy  Favour ,  Lord ,  extend ; 

Make  good  to  me  thy  Word ,  on  which 

thy  Servant's  Hopes  depend. 

That  only  Comfort  in  DiftrcisT" 

did  all  my_Griefs  controul ;  _ 
ThyW  ordjWhcnTroubles  hemm^dlneround^ 
feviy'd  my  famtiDg~SouL~ 

28  Thy  Name,  that  chear'd  my  Heart  by  Day . 
has  mTd  my  Thoughts  by  NighTj" 

1  then  rofolv'd  by  thy  juft  Laws, 

~~ togulde  my  Steps  aright.     "" 
"ThaTFeaceof^JVlind^  which  has  my  Soul"" 

~~ ni"dccp"DirtrefsJuitaiu'd. 
*~By_  ftrict  Ob^£ncFto~h£^vVilI7^ 

~  I  happily  oblaln'd. 

rr.  cheth. 



fi.    CHET&.    VIII. 

«2_To^ fuch_as  fear  thy  holy  Name , 

29  0  Lord,  my  God,  my  Portion  Thou_ 

and  fure  PolTeffion  art:_         

^Thy  Woi^Fllledlaftly~refoIv'e7" 



~W uh  alTThc  Strength"of  warm  De?ircs7~" 
Old-  thy-  Grace- implore ; 


Difclofe ,  t according  to  thy_Word_,  _ 
thy" Mercy's  bovmBlelFStore. 

my  felf  I  clofely  joyn ;  , 

To  all  who  their  obedient  Wills,  _^ 

to  thy  Commands  refign. 

O'er  aU  the  Earthjhy  Mercy ,  Lord , 
abundantly  is  fhed; 


O!  make  me  then  exactly  learn , 

thy  facrcd  Paths  to  tread. 

ft.    T  ET  H,    IX. 

E3     5*= 

50  With  due  Reflexion  and  ltri6t  Care, 
~o7i— alf  my  Ways/I  thought; 

on  all  my  Ways  I  thought; 

And  16,  reclaim'd  to  thy  juft  Paths, 

33  With  me ,  thy  Servant,  Thou  haft  dealt "* 
molt  graciouflyT  OXord;  " 
Repeated  Benefits  beftow'd , 

my  wand' rings  Steps  ib  rough  t.  p_  according  to_thy  Wqrd._ A_ 

I  loll  no  Time,  but  made  great  Halle, 

refolv'd  withoilt  Delay, 
To  watch  ,  that  I  mighty nevcr~morc7 
__from  thy  Commandments  ltray. 
3 1  Tho'  ivum'rous  Troops  of  fini til  Men 

to  rob  me  have  combin'dT" 
Yet,  I  thy  pure  and  righteous" Laws^ 

_^havc  ever  kept  m  Mind. 

JfeBMAefNight  I_  will  anfe,_ 

to _fing_thy  Iblcmn  Praife  ; . 

Convinc'd,  bow  much  I  always  ought- 

to  love  thy  righteous  Ways. 

Teach  me  the  'facrebTSlcill  ■,  by  which 

right  Judgmcntjs  attained ; 
Who  in  Belief  ofThy* Commands , 

have  Itedlaltly  rcmain'd. 
34  Before~ATliicTion~Ilopt~my" Courfe_,_ 
_  ^y-Footlteps  went"  a  it  ray ;  _ 
But  f  have  firice  _bccn~di il-i pi i n'd , 

thy  Precepts  to  obey.  _  ^_ 

Thou  art,  O  Lord_,  fupreainly  gocdJ_ 

and  all  Thou  dolt  is  fo; 
"On~ m e^thy~St aui tes  to  diicei  n , 

thy  laving  Skill  bellow. 

35  The 




35  The  Proud  have  forg'djnahcious  Lyes, 

nTy  fpotlefs  Fame  to  flam, 
.-But  my  fet'd  Heart ,  witttout  Refer ve ,'  1 

~fh~y~ Precepts  -(hail-  retain. L_  ^_ 

TWh i le^pamger^t-heyTwith  profp'rous  fibT* 


in  fenfaal  F^leafu^es  hve^ 
Tily^SouT~can~rcri ftTno  Delight, 

but  what  thy  Precepts  .give.. 

3 5  ' Tis  good  for  me,  that' I  haya'Telt 

Afflljpaon's  chaft'ning  Rod , ~ 

~That~TTuig¥t""duly~learn 7and  keep^ 

^the  Statutes,  ofmv  God. 

— * 

The  Law  that  from  thy  Mouth  proceeds , 
oT  more  Efteem  I  hold, 

Than  untouch'd Mines,  than  thoufand Mines 

of  Silver  and  of  Gold. 

fc     J  0  D.    X. 


37  To  me ,  who  am  the^Wor.ananfhip, 
of  thy  Almighty  Hands , 


38  That  right  Ayjujdgmcrits.are,  I  now,"    ™ 

by  furc  Experience  fee ; 



And  that  in  Faith fulnds,  0  Lord, 


Thou  haft  afflicted  me. 


O  l  let  thy  tender  Mercy,  now 

-,_  £.ff°J[d  me,  needful  Aid  ; 
According;  to  thy"lPromife,  Lord . 

to  me,  thv  Servant,  made 
1=J   " 


39  To  me,  thy  faving  Grace  rertoreT" 
that  Ijfgain  may_  live;: 
Whofe  Squl_can  relilh  no  Delight^ 
but  what  thy  Precepts  give. 

Defeat  the  Proud ,  who,  unprovok'd, 


to  ruin  me  have  fought, 


The  Heav'nly  Underftanding  give,  _ 
to  learn  thy  juft  Commands.  _ 

"*fhy  Prefervation  to  Thy  Saints, 

ftrol^Comfort  will  afford ;__ 
To  fee  Succefs  attend  my  Hopes,  _ 
"~ whcTuufteXiif  thy  "Word7 

Who  only_on  thy  facred  Laws, 
employ  mv  harmlefs  Thought. 
40  Let  thofe  that  fear  thy  Name,  efpoufe 

my  Caufe,  and  thofe_alone, 

Who  haye_by  ft  rift  and  pious  Search^ 
j.  Thy'racred^Precepts  known. 

In  tby  bleft Statutes. let  myHeart ,  " 

continue  always  found, 

ThatjGuilt  and  Shame, _thc  Sinners  Lot , 

may  never  me  confound. 

3..  CAPH», 

PSALM      CXI& 


3.    C  A  P  H.    XI. 

4T  "IV^_Squl^itirbng^xpe5ince,  faints 

•        "toTce,  tfiy  faving  Grace; ^ ^ 

'"YeTSilTon Ih^unerfing  Word ,  _ 

~m>rConfid"cncrrp~hcc. ^_ 

~My"vciT~Eyes  confume  and  fail , 

- '-witfajgaitm^foFthy  Wordj. 

"OT^yhelTwikThou  thy  kind  Relief 

inH^rofflisU  Aid  afford? . 
42^y^arTIik'e^rIvcr,d  PaixhrnentlnowFj" 
ttigt  long  in  Smoke  is  Jet _u 

Yet  no  Affli&ion  me  can  force , 
fpEi§i=I|i=3=i?§3f— ===== 

__ ^thy  Statutes  to  torggt.         ^  _^         _does_ 

How  many  days  muft  I  endure, 

oTSorrow  and  DiftreTs? 

"*WnerTwilt  T-faou- Judgment  execute"" 

44  With  clofe  Dejigiisjigainft  my  Life, 
Fhey  had  almolT  prevail'd ;  ~~ 
But  in  Obedience  to  thy~W"iil~~ 
~fny_  Dluy^ne'verfaFlU"-  ^ 

Thy  wonted  Kindnels,  Lord;,  reftore; 
_  "1Z  drooping  Heart  to  cheer::" 
That  by  thy  righteous  Statutes!  ~ 
my  Life's  whole  Courfe  may  fteerT"* 

%    LAMED.    XII. 

45  For ever.,  and  fbr_ever ,  Lord^ 

unchang'd  Thou  doft_reinai?77" 

~~Thy  WoH^TfHbTrft^nlhe^eJv15s"3~7*" 
does  all  their  Orbs  fuftain. 


Thro'  circling  Ages ,  Lord ,  thy-  Trmfa 
immoveable  (hall  ftand, 

on  them ,  who  me  opprefs  ? 
43  The  Proud  h&ye  digg'd  a  Pit  for  me~~ 

that  have  no  other  Foes; 

But  fuch  as  are  averfe  to  Thee, 

and  thy  juft  Laws  oppofe, 

"^With  iacred  Truth's  eternal  Laws , 

aH  thy  Commands  agree ; 

"Men  perfecuFe  me  without  Caulc , 

Thou  rL«57  Biy"HcIperbe7~" 

As  doth  the  Earth ,  which  Thou  upholder 
by  thy  Almighty  Hand. 
a6  "AH  Things  in  Courfe  by  Thee  ordainM^- 
ev'n  to  this  day  fulfil ; 

innnimmgiiimf  iiiiiiii! 

They  are  thy  faithful  Subjects  all , 


and  Servants  of  thy  will.  _ 
Cnlefs  thy  facred  Law,  had  been 

my  Comfort  and  Delight  ,_ 

iluufThavcTainted,  and  expir'd 

in  dark  AffltfiiQn's  Night.  - 

T  3..  47  Tlw 

ifo  PSALM      CXIX. 

47  Thy  Precepts  therefore  from  my  Thoughts , 
P      — 1> — ^     r  i— — i —  =■—■£ 

(hall  never ,  Lord,  depart; 
[pT ~t_u-t    ■■«TFa-~f-t-»f       «■  "Egg 

50  From  me,  my  former_Teachcrs  now,  ' 

may  abler  Counfel  take; 

ft*      T-^^FfFrf^^ 

»u,  by  them j  haft  "to  new  Life ~        Jfccaufe  thy  facred  Precepts  I, 

reftor'd  ,  my  dying  Heart. 

_As  I  am  thine ,  entirely  thine, 

.  my  conftant  Study  make. 


in  Understanding,  I  excel 

protect  me ,  _Lord ,  from  Harm ;_  I^e J^§?i_°Lc?H.r  Pays} 

Who  have  thy  Precepts  fought  to  know ; 

and  carefully  perform. 
48~Th"e~Wicked~h~ave_ their  Ambufh  laid, 

my  guiltfeis  Life  to  take; 
But  in  the  "midlFofDanger  I, 

thy  Word  my  Study  make. 

Pve  feen  an  End  of  what  we  call ,__ 
Perfection  here  below ;        

But  thy  Commandments  ,Tike  Thy  felf, 
no  Change  oTPeriodlcnovv. 

0.    M  E  M.    XI IT. 

49  ThcLovc  that  to  thy  Laws  1  bear 

no  Language  can  difplay; 

spy  *■■     -=g 

They  with  frefh  Wonders  entertain, 


my  ravifh'd  Thoughts  all  day 

hts  all  day. 

Thro*  thy  Commands  I  wifcr  grow, 

^i_an__aTl  my  fiifotil  Foes ; 

_For _th  y  fu  re  Word  cfaresjne"d»re&3 

and  Si  my  Ways  d Hooter" 

_Becaufe  by  thy  unerring  Rules,  ~~ 
I  order  all  my  Ways7~ 


51  My  Feet  with  Care!  have  lefrairTd^ 
from^ev'ry  fmful  Way; 
Thatto  thy  facred  Word  I  might^" 

entire  Obedience  pay.  "" 

i  have  not  from  thy  Judgments  ftray'd  , 

by  vain  Delires  rniflcd; 

JTor^LoaiLj  Thou  haftlnftrudted  me~ 
thy  nghtcous_Paths  do  tread. 
52~HovvTweetrare  all_th"y_ Words  to  me; 


O !  what  -divine  Repaft ! 

.  .  |  .  cy, __  ^3W- *c  a^ -  1  _.A-«  «*  ■  »  a"" 

How~much  more_gratci'ul  to  my  Soul, 

than  Honey_to  rayjfafte! ^_ 

Taught  b%  thy  |Scrcd_  Fnxepts_,  T^ 

with  heavenly  Skill  am  blclt,     _ 

§l|a|lill=f§ii=^^ §  ^i=pl 

Thro'  which,  the  treach'rous  Ways  of  Sma 
r~utu-rly"  deteic. 

3,  NUN. 


x.  nun  xir. 

53  Thy  Word ,  is  to  my  Feet  a  Lamp  ^ 

the  Wavof  Truth  to  (how; 
A  Watch-light,  to  point  out  the  Path , 


rn  which  "I  ought  to  go. 


I  fware,  (and  from  my  foicmn  Oath 

will  never  ftart  afide ;)  _ 

That  in  thy  righteoiisjudgments,  I 

_  will  rtedfaftly  abide.         

54  Since  I  with  Griefs  am  fo  opprefi'd  - 

that  I  can  bear  no  more ; 
|=g=g^£ggg$EE^E$ ==ag 

According  to  thy  Word ,  do  Thou, 

my  fainting  Soul  reftore. 

Let  Ml  my  Sacrifice  of  praife, 


with  Thee  Acceptance  find ; 



And  in  thy  nghteous  Judgments,  Lord 

inftnicVmy  willing  MindT 
55_Th°'  ghaftly  Dangersme  furround , 
my  Soul  they  cannot  aw, 


Nor  ,_with_continual  Terrors  keep 

^fro^  thinking,  «ntliy  Law." 
_My  wjckcd^and'Tm^rareTocs^ 

j^eUJiave_kept jthe_upright  Path , 
nor  from  Thy"Freccptsltray 'cL       = 

56  Thy  1  eftimonies ,_  I Jiave  made 


— liSz 


_  ™y  J^h^1?^11^  choice  l 

For  thev ,  when~other "Comforts  TaTl" 

Amv  drooping  Heart  rejoice. 
MyTleart  with  c^rly^aTbegarTr^ 

thy  Statutes  to  obey;~~ 

And  "till  my  Courfe  ofLife  is  done, 

{hall  keep  thy  upright  Way. 

D.     S  A  M  EC  H   XV. 

57  Deceitful  Thoughts  and  Practices  3 


I  utterly  deteft; 

But  to_thy  Law  Affection  bear , 

too  great  to  be  expreft. 

"  My  Hiding- Place, "my •  Refuge-Tow'r 
and  Shield  art  Thou,  O  Lord: 

_I_firmly  anchor  all  my  Hopes , 


on  thy  unerring  Word. 

ift     «~~~T   T  ■"!■   i     { ,?,  «.     "  = 


58  Hence  ye  that  trade  in  Wiekednefs, 
approach  not  ray  Abode  ;_ 
For  firmly"l_relblye  to  keep,__ 

The  Precepts  of  my  God. 



According  to  thy  gracious  Word, 

jNor  make  rne  of  ^hofe  Hopes  alham'd, 

"ThacT  regpfe  on  Thee, 

59  Up- 


PSALM       CXIX. 

gpUphold  nie,  fo  thall  I  6el^,  ^~ 

"nfrefcu'dlrom'DHTifefs  ; ~ 

~T~6~thy  Purees  continually, ^~ 

ImTfuiFRcrpcSls  addrefs. 
^he"^^ccd~^hou"Kaft  trodlcTearthT"" 

""whoTromTlw"  S~tatutes_ftray\ij_ 

~f^lr~vile"Dcceirrthe"Jufi:  Re  warc[_ 

olflhelr^v^alrtToqd,  niade-__ 

6o~rhe^i^cked_From  thy  holy  Land 

— TTiou~do(irilke  DroiS,  reinove; 

'"I lherefore"w thjuch  Juftice  charm'd  , 

thy~Teftimonies  loveT" 
— YcTwith  that_Love  they  make  mc  dread 

62  My^ Eyes  alas !  begin  toTail, 
in  long  expectance  held  v 


and  righteous  Word  fulfill'd. 

To  me,  thy  Servant,  in  Diftrefs , 

— thy  wonted  Grace  cfifplay; 


And  Difcipline  my  willing  Heart, 
~fh"y~Sta"tu~tes  to  £beyT~ 
63~On  me,  devoted  to  thy  Fear, 
~thy  facred  Skill  beftow, 
"ThUFof  thy  Teftimonies ,  I"" 


the  full  Extent  may  know.  ■ 



left  I  {houldjb  ojfendj  _ 
When  on  Tranfgreflors ,  _1  bdiold_ 

'Tis  Time,  high  Time  for  Thee,  O  Lord. 


thy  Judgments  thus  delcend. 
y.    A  I N.    XVI. 

61  Judgment  and  Juftice  I  havelov'd; 

thy  Vengeance  to  employ_L_ 
When  Menjvith  o_pen  Violence, 
ThyjTacred  Laws  dcfiroy. 
64"  YeFtheir  Contempt  of  thy  Commands., 

but  makes  their  Value  rife, 

O!  therefore,  Lord,  engage 
In  my  Delence1  norgive  me  up 

to  mv  Onprellbrs  Rage. 
Do  Thou  be  Surety  ^Lord,  forlnc , 

and  lb  fhall_this  DiftTe7s~ 
Prove  good  for_  mcjnoFu^airThe^roudT- 

my  guiltlefs  SouT  op'prcfsT 


In  mv  Efteem ,  who  pureft  Gold __ 

compar'd  withj^m^efp^fe ~ 

^E^Prc^ptFtlTerefore  I  account , 

in  all  llcfpecls  drvine , 

Tiicy'te.Tch  me  to_difccrn  the  right, 
and' all  ialfiTWays  decline. 

fi.  P  E. 

P    S    A    L 


fi.    P  £.    XVII. 

65  The  Wonders  which  thyLaws  contain, 

~~no  Words can_reprefent, ^ 

"ThereTorenEbnicaniandjra(ftife  them,  * 

~myzealous^ag  is  bent^  __^ 
ThTvery Entrance~to"thy  Word , 

celeftial  Light  difjlaysj 

And  Knowledge  ofjxue  Happinefs, 

"""toTimple  Minds  conveys. 
66  With  eager  Hopes  I  waiting  flood, 

and  fainted  with  Defire, 
"That  ofthy  wife  Commands ,  I  might 
~ thefacred  Skill  "acquire. 
With  Favour,  Lord ,  Look  down  on  rne~"~ 
~who~"thy  Relief  implore  ;_~ 
"As  Thou  art  wont  to  vifit"thofe"7~ 
who  thy  bleft  Name  adore. 

Lord  -  make  thy  Face  to  fhine; 

Thy  Statutes,  both  to  know  and  keep , 
~my  Heart_with  ZeaTlnclmeT^ 
My  Eyes  to^weepjing  Fountains  tors, 

whence  briny  Riycrsjow , 

To  fee  Mankind  againft  thy  Laws, 
in  bold  Defiance  goT- 

¥•    T  S  A  D  I    XVIII. 

69  Thou  art  the  righteous  Judge ,  in  whom 

wrong'd  Innocence  may  truft: 
And ,  like  thyfelf ,  thy  Judgment,  Lord , 

in  alfRefpefts  areTTuft.  M 
Moft  juft  and  true  thofe  Statutes  were ,  ~ 

which  Thou  didft  firfYdecree; 
"Andfairwith  Faithfulnefs  perTorm'd~ 

fucceedine  Times  fhall  lee. 

67  Directed  by  thy  heav'nly  Word 

=§===§    p==t--   t~=^T  '   ^7""*    *~f  •'' 

let  all  my  Footfte 

be;  _ 

70  With  Zeal  my  Flefh  confumes  away 

Nor  Wickcdnefs  of  anv  kind, 
Dominion  have  oTer  me. 


Jfaleafe^entirelyjet  me  free 
from  pc^cmmg~Hands~;~" 
That ,  immojefteoVr jiiay  TearrT" 

my  Soul  with  Anguifh  frets, 

To  fee  my  Foes ,  contemn  at  once 

thy  Promifes,Nand  Threats. 


Yet  each  negleited_  Word  of  thine  3 


and  prattifc,  thy  Commands." 

(.howe'er  by  them  defpis'd , ) 
IsjpuTe ,_and  for  eternal  Truth 

by~me,  thy  Servant^  priz,\l. 

V  [  71  Brought, 



71  Brought ,  for  thy  Sake,  to  low  Eftate . 

_  Contempt  from  All  I  find;       

~Yet~n"o  Affronts,  "or  Wrongs,  can~drive~~~ 

~"t^Precepts  from  my  Mind?"       ~ 
~Thy~Righteoufncfs  fhall  then  endure, 
when  Time  ittfelf  is  part ; 

prevented,  while  Icry 'd~~~ 
_To_  him ,  on  whole  engaging  Word""" 
my  Hope  alone~relyTd~ 
With  Zeal,  have" I~ awal?d~beTare~ 

Thy  Law  is  Truth  it  felf ,  that  Truth ,  __ 


which  fhaHJor  ever  laft.     _ 

72  ThV  Trouble,  Anguilh, Don bts  and  Dread , 
to_cojnpafs  me  unite,  ~~ 

Befet  with  Danger,  ftill  I  make  ~ 

__ Jhe  midm^hj^Watch  was  fct r 

That  I  of  thyjnyfterious  Word/ 


gs^  my  Delight. 

Eternal  and  unerring  Rules, 
_ thy  Teftimonies  give: 
Teach  me~the~Wilflom7 that  will  make" 
my  Soul ,  Ibr  ever  live. 

p.    K  0  P  H.    XIX.. 

_  might  perledl  ^Knowledge  get. 
75  Lord,  hear  my  fupplicating  Voice, 

and  wonted  Favour  (hewj- 
0!  quicken  me,  and  fo~approve~' 

thy  J^dg^ments  ever  true. 
My  perfecuting  Foes  advance , 
~and~  hourly  nej^erjfraw; 

What  Treatment  can  1  hope  from  them , 

who  violate  thy  Law? 
76"Thorthey  draw  nigh,  my  Comfort  is~ 

73  With  my  whole  Hcartto  God  1  call'd, 
Lord  hear  my  earnclt  Cry; 


And"  l_thy_  Statutes  to  perform  s  " 

Thou ,  Lord,  art  yet _more  near; 


Thou  ,  whole  Commands  are  righteous  ah, 

~~ thy  Fromiles  lincere. 

will  all  my  Care  apply.  ^ 
Again  more  lervently  1  pray'd, 

O!  fave  me,  that  I  may 

f-T — rrn    r~T 

"Concerning  thy  Divine  Decrees 

— m"y~So~urhas_known_of_old  , 
'^'haTTh'ey^vv erTHrucT/and  lhall  their Troth^j 
to  endlefs~Ages  hold. 

Thy _'lefbmonics_ throughly  know, 
"ioOcdMly  obeyT" 

\  RESCH. 

PSALM       CXIX. 


%    R  E  SC  Hi    XX 


77  €onFidcr  my  Affliction ,  Lord , 

80"  Yet  while  they  fl|ght^  canlider  ,  Lord, 
how  I  thy  Precepts  love ; 



and  me  from  Bondage  draw; 

jThlnk  on  thy~Se7faliTm"DJ(Fej7~        ~ 

~wlw"neTer"forget£ ;  thyTawT  ~ 

"^eadThou  my  CaufeT  to  that  and  me~ 

78  From  hard'ned  Sinners  Thou  remov'ft 
Salvation  far  away; 

Tisiuft  Thou  ihould'lt  withdrawfrom  them , 
who  from  thy  Statu tesltray! 

Since  great  thy  tender  Mercies  are  3 

to  all  whoThee  adore ; 

According  to  thy  Judgments ,  Lord ,  ~ 


my  fainting  Hopes  reftore. 


79_ A_  numerous _HoftofJpkeful  Foes , 
againli:  my  Life  combine"--- 

But  all  too  few  to  force  my  Soul . 


_A of  Mercy  ^frorn  above. 

As  from"  the  Birth  of  Time,  thy  Truth 

has  held  through  _Ages_pa_ft , 

thy  timely  Aid  afford; 


With  Beams  of  Mercy  quicken  me,  _ 
according  to  thy  Word. 

"IPilliltirt^il^lIi  tm 

So  fhall  thy  righteous  Judgments ,  firm,  " 

to  endiefs  Ages  laft. 

Iff.     S  C  H  J  N.    XXI. 

81  Thgjmighty  Tyrants ,  without  Caufe , 
"confpire  my"  Blood  tolhed,- 
"Thy  facrecf  Word  has  Pow'r  alone ,         _t 

"to" fill  my  Heart  with  Dread.    ^ 

M  ^i^ 

,T    T'f-f     :     ■  * 

And  yet  that  Word  my  joyfiil  Breaft, 


"with  heav'nly  Rapture  warms 

~haTeTuchTranTpon:ing  Charms. 

82  Perfidious  Practices  and  Lies, 

1  utterly  detell;  

_But  tolhy  Laws  affection  bear , 

too  vaft ,  to  be  expreft.    ■  _ 

$— f~ r^r* — ^-^ — ~ — * 

Scv'n  times  a  dav,  with  grateful  Voice, 


thy  Statutes  to  decline. 
Thofe  bold  Jj'ranfgrellorsl_beheld , 

Becaufcl ~find~thy  Judgments  all, 

~wlth~~Trutii~and Juftice  crowu'd. 

To  fee  with  what  audacious  Pride 


thy  Cov'nant  they  trunlgrefsU 

V  a 

83  Se- 

15*  PSA 

83  Secure,  mbltantiaTl>eacThavFtIiey~ 
who  truly  love  thy  Law ; 
No  fmiling  Mifchief  them,  can  tempt/" " 


L    M      CX IX. 

85  Then  fhalT  my  gratefurLips^~remrn  = 

the  Tribute,  of  their  Pralfe^ 
When  Thou  thy  CounfeirfiaftTeveaTd 

^NorjTownin^ Danger aw>  , ^_        _oand_taught  me  thyjdft  Ways.  "~ — 

For  thy  Sal_vatIon_l~have  hop'd,  _ 

_and,_t?io'  lb  long  delay 'd , 

My  Tongue  the  Praifes  of  thy  Word^ 

^With  chearful  Zeal  andjtridtcft  Care,_ 

all  thy_Commands  obey'd. 

84  Thy_Teftjmonies  I  have  kept, 
and  conftantly  obey'd; 
Becaufe  the  Love  I  bore  to  them, 

__thy  Service  eafiejnade.       _ 

From  ftricl:  Observance  of  thy  Laws, 


I  never  yet  withdrew, 

_Convinc,d  that  my  moft  fecret  Ways, 
are  open  to  thyV~iew~, 

n.    TAU.    XX I L 

85_  To_my_Requcft_ and  earned:  Cry 
attend,  O  gracious  Lord; 

In  (pi re  my  Heart  wjth  heavn'ly  Skill , 

according  to  Thv  Word. 

_Let  my  £epe_a_ted  Prayer  at  lafl:,. 
befoi  e  thy  Throne  appear";  __ 

_According  to  thy  plighted  Word , 


for  my  Reliei  draw  near. 

Becaufe thy  Promifey areali ,~ 

with  Truth  and  Juftice"cF6wn,"d^ 

87  Let  thy  Almighty  Arm  appear,' 


and  bring  me  timely  Aid; 

==     n 

For  I  the  Laws  Thou  haft  ol-dam'dT" 

_^my  Heart's_freeChoice  have  made. 
My  Sou  1  has~waited  Iong,~t6~fe~e~~ 

thy  faving  Grace  reftor'd; 

Nor  Comfort  knew ,  but  what  thy  Laws, 
thy_  Heav'nly  Laws ,  afford. 

88  Prolong  my  Life ,  that  I  may  fing 

my  great  Reftorcr's  Praile ; 

Whofe  Juftice  from  thedepth  of  Woes^ 

mv  fainting  Soul  (hall  raife. 

Lil^ome~Ioft~SSeep  V ve  ftnfyM  ,~tTir?~ 

def^ir ,  my  W ays  "to  find; 

Thou  therefore ,  Lord_,_thy  ServanTfeekj  ~~ 
""who  keeps~thyXaws  in  rnincT  . 




PSALM    CXX.  PSALM    CXXI.         [Turn^ 

'  deep  DHfreis^J^oft  have  cry'd 

To  God,  who  neveryet  deny'd_ ^ From  thence  expe£tmg_Aid-; 

-  fr™"frn7m»     rTnnrpft  with  Wl'OnefS.  From  tf.wtt's  Hill  and  .Vf/wit  fVid 

O  Sioffs  Hill  I  lift  my_  Eyes1_ 

»  PYnpiftiriCT    A  irl  • 

_FromTyTngXips"mv_Soul  defend, 2  Then  thou ,  my  Soul ,  in  SafctvrfeO:~ 

;"=^ndlrom"The~Rage"^orfland,ring  Tongues.         ~tEyG'uardlan  Will  not  ffeep; ~ 

2  WhaT^leTrofit^Faccrue_, Ifiis  watchful  Care  tbaTjjffty  guards, 

And-yet  what  heavy  Wrath  is  due,_  vnlTJ/PePs  Monarchlceep.-  ' 

O  thou  perfidious  Tongue .'  to  thee ?  3  ShelteVd  beneath  th' Almighty's  Wings, 

_jllliiii§|EsgHii=£i=i^=^Ei  §ii|aiiiiijgpiiiii=iiiiiii= 

Thv  Sting_upon  thy  felf  (hall  turn; " thou  flialt  ifeurely  reft,        ' ~ 


i  m 

Where  neither  Sun  nor  Moon  (hall  thee , 

^lagngTlamesjhat  fiercely  burn ,  

"~jFh¥TOnft"anFFuerthou  (naltb'e.  "by~Day"or"Night" mdeftT" 

•"BuFDThowlvretched  is  my  Doorn^-     ""    4  From  common  Accidents  of  U^T 



his  Care  (hall  guard  thegftifl:     _^_ 

From-the  blind  Strokes  of  Chance ,  and  Foes 

J3-T — T~¥=: 

that  lie  In  Wait  tplcilL. 


5  At  home,  abroad,  in  Peace,  in  War,. 

ft     £ 


Who"lim_a_Sojourner  become, __ 
"in"  barren-  WsfkbJs  ctefart  Soil'!  ■ 
"Wlth'A^rrVWJcked  Tents~i ncl os'd" ~~' 

:  ~To~ra^efFSavages_expos,d , 

"^Wholive  on  nought  by  ThefTand  Spoil.     "~    thy  God  (halt  thee~deTendj 
4  R^hapleffl^lingis  withtftpgy'..^-    ^      l^aucTthee^^nlfe^lgm^gg 

_ Who  Peace  and  Amjg  oppofe , "fafe"to  thy'jburney's  end. 

AndPleafure_^^^rsHarm^~       ^€^^^^^§€^^3^3^12^ 

-SweeTP^~,*is~all  I  court  andfeek;  »»-,  .  „  "«»T*i     r  ^      ^r        o -. 

1^  ,      ,]      r^_ y    ■? — y=^     *     —^       PSALM    CXXII.    £TtmPf.2+fl.l 

'"BuT  when  to  them  of  Peace  I  fpealc  3  _ 


~They  ftrait  cry  out,  To  Arms,  To  Arms.     I  W !  'Twas  a  joyful  Sound,  to  hear 

V  S 




our  Tribes  devoutly  fay,  a  conftant  Gueft  appear. 

Up  //rV,  to  the  Temple  hafte^  But  moft  otall  I'll  feek  thy  Good, 

and  keep  your  Feftal  Day. 

and  ever  wiiEB  thee  well , 

At  Salem's  Courts  we  muft  appear,  For  Sion  and  the  Temple's  fake. 

with  our  aflembled  Pow'rs, 
In  ftrong~and" beauteous  0 refer  rang'd, 
like  hef  united  Tow'rs. 
2  'TlT thither,  by~Divine  Command, 

the  Tribes  of  God  repair  , 
Before  his  Ark  to  celebrate  

where  God  vouchfafes  to  dwell. 


PSALM    CXXIII.      iTmsPfSbi 

N  Thee,  who  dwell'ft  above  the  Skies, 
For  Mercy  wait  my  longing  Eyes ; 

-As  Servants  watch  theiTMafters  Hand~ 

~ATid~Maids  their  MiftrefTesTSommandsI 

bis  Name,  with  Praife  and  Pray'r. 

Tribivrkllft'and  erected  there,"  ji|^^^=J^^P:^^%^-=g= — H % 

=rr^=^:aE$S$^Eg^=Ei      ,     =====*     2  O !  thcn_have  ]Vlercy_on_us^,  Lord, 

where  Equity  takes  place ; 

There  ftand  the  Courts,  and  Palaces~ 

of  Royal  David's  Race^ 

3  Oj,  pray  we  then  tor  d'a/em's  Peace ,  _ 

for_thcy  lhall  profp'rous  be_, 

_(  f  hou  h oly  City  oTou r_God I  J" 
who  bear  true  Love  to  thee. 

Thy  gracious_Ai3~to  us" afford, 

To  us  whom  cruel  Foes  opprefs. 
Grown  rich  and  proud  by  our  Dmrefs. 

PSALM    CXXIV.       \_TiwePf.2i.'} 
I   LX  AD  not  the  Lord  (  may  //Pel  fay  ) 

K     »  ■  ^—L^t   it      »  ,  ,..,     •*    js:,--,,     V    ^pi 

May  Peace  wi  thin  thy  facred  Walls 

a  conltant  Gueft  be  found , 

been  pleas'd [tojntcrpofe ; 

Had  He  not  then  ePpous\i_  our  Caufc, 

With .Plenty  and  Profperity , 
_  f_ky  Palaces  be  crown'd.""" 
4~For  my  dear  Brctlrren's  fakTj7a"nd~Friends"," 

_  no  teS  than  Brethren  dear»  ~  ?"Their~Spite  and  PncieY united  Flood$a 

when  Men  againft  ua  rofe : 

3~fhelFw"rath"had"_^ai  1  o w \1  ju  s  alivej 

'and  rag'd  without  Controul; 

I'll  pray  —  May  Peace  m  baton's  Tow'rs 

had quite  o'er whelm'd  our  Soul. 


F    S    A    L    M      CXXIV.    CXXV.    CXXVI.  s^p 

3  But  praisM  be_our  eternaTLord ,  _^a%^?c£^ '  for  his  Redrefe 

Hmr  A     Tip  cmnH        O  rirrli  forme  f^rvrl        tn   «-Vir\(r« 

Who  refcuyd  us  that.  Day,  4  Be  good ,  6  righteous  God ,  to  thofiT 
Nor  to  their  lavagejaws ,  gave  up  who  righteous  Deeds  aiTeft;' 

_our_  threatnedXives,,  a  Prey*  The  Hear cjhat  Innocence  retains ,_ 

n„r  iT^rzcnoroA  fet  Innocence  protedt 

_ from  out  the  Fowler's  Net;  _ 
"The  Snare  is  broke ,  their  Hopes  are  croii'd" 


and  we  at  Freedom  fet. 


5  Secure  in  his  Almighty  Name, 
our  Confidence  remains  3 
Who_,_as  He  made_both  Heav'n  and  Earth , 

5  All  thofe  who  walk  in  crooked  Paths, 
the  Lord  will  Toon  dettrqy ;__ 
Cut  off^h^njuft ,  but  Crown  the  Saints 
with  lafting  Peace  and  Joy. 

PSALM    CXXVI.     [_Tune  Pf.  41.3 

of  both,  fole  Monarch  reigns.  1    W  Hen  Sags  God,  her  Sons  "recal  I'd" 


PSALM    CXXV.]     |e= 


It  feem'd  at  firft,  a  pleafing  Dream 

of  what,  we  wiih'd  to  fee. 

WHl^iifiiflt=i=f^fP=?  lllliiiiilfliiPi^Pl^i^^li 
_  HO  place  on  Siott's  God  their  Truft ,       2  But  foon  in  unaccuftom'd  Mirth., 

like  Sio/fs  Rock  lhall  lia~nd~7~~  ~~we~did~ouFToTcTem"pIoy^ 

: by  his  Ajjmigbty Jiand.     .  ~nTfha"nlcfuTHyim^ofJoyr~  ' 

g  LooJ^  tiow^jhejgaifrgp  ev'iy  fide  ,. '"  gJOar  HeaiSen Foes  repining ftood , 

7^iif^mJ^^T~^Z~'.IZIZIZr  ^yeV¥erFcompeTl,d~to"own ,  ~^ 

So  ftands  the  Lord"  around  his  Saints , 

That  great  and  wond'rous  was  the  Work, 

__iz.    "!— IT— -.1  "^__    l^i____ir  '  1  Hat  gicui  ctiju   wuuuiuus  was  llil;    VVU1K, 

jo  guard  them  from  their  Foes.  ===  our  God  for  us. nad/dmST 

i-^P£^J^^^^jffl<^  the  Juft,  jfrTwayyttE,  fey  they ;  'twas wmfrous  great,- 

»==-^Ln~  to£To^^prels^ "  r*       ~m^lnorelhmi]d~we~con"leis;~" 

"Nor  force  him  by  Deipa]r7"to  feek       "■*"*      =fle  Lord  hai"d6nTgrea^.ThTi^r~whereo7::: 



we  reap  the  glad  fuccefs. 




j_To  us_bring  back  the  Remnant,  Lord, 

of  f/rWi  captive  Bands;- 
^MOTe^e^me^^efrefting  Show^  are  pjracntsjrom  tiie  Lord ; 

■      toparctfd"anrarftyLanda.    '    "     "~~  jfe^eTal^^mirlfcfff^c^ 

_He_crowns  FhcIFLabouTwTth  SuqyfTI — 

their  N ightFwitTlbu^RrepoleT^         ~ 
Children  ?JtHoji^Cc^forIs^fomrLite7 
are  pjrefents  from'tlfeTord ;  ~ 

li _,,,     3  As  Arrows  in" a  GJantVHand . 

Till  finifh'd  with  Succefs ,  to  make 

out  drooping  Hearts  revive. 
7^rho'_]ie_defbond  that  lb ws~h is~GFain"T~ 
yetjdoubtlefsjie^fliall  come , 
To  bind  his  full-ear'd  Sheaves,  and~brlng 
the  joylufHarveft  home. 

•when  marchhjg_forth  to'WarT^  ~ 


their  Parents  SafcguaKTarer"                   " 
Happy  the  Man  whoje~Qu i"veFs~fiIl,d::== 

with  thefe  prevailing  Arms; 
He  needs  not  fear  to  meetThisToeT"" 


at  Law ,  or  War's  Alarms. 


|^3^^^^Jg51I^j^£Coft*  nnlejT"      i     1  jtejjfe^D^ftwho  fearsThe  Lord; 

TJnlefc theTord  the City k ee~p,  gutkeips WSteps confined  wk&  Care, 

the  Watchman  wakeslnvain.  M&        to  his am^medTVays. ~~ 

Jn  vain  we  rigbeforg  the  Day,  2  J. le  {halfupon_ the  fweet  Returns, 

c=~3nP^?jcftjgpj»L^__Z              "  ~fliis~ow"n~LabouTfeed ;       ~~ 

r^Uow^oReipiK  to"our  Toil,  ■_    =  '  Without  DepenHanceJiye,  ahTJeFT 

p—J^?  |a^E^|d_^Care':  _™ hTIWijHes  all  fucceed7                   ~ 

AJSj^^J^Jg^aftLSgl^sT^     ""  3  HJTwJcT^jjrji fainertile  Vine , 

.  He  on  hi* Saints  b§$ows-  ^  fier  lavelyTruirlTairbBog; 




~ab^uTW"Wblelpring^  _'_f        Whit^oolrflich  Baat^ndjylnTof  Root, 

4  Who  feanBieUord7feai rpj-otpeFdiusJ__ u      IZl!is  M|fednnlheJBla& ;  ~ 

^^m'sJofprGbdWaTti^T'  5_Wbich  in  hisTf  ms n6~Reaperlikes , 

AnJgfanfh  irajST  h  is  JDa  vs,  tofee 

Jeru/ale^s  Succefs. 

5TrclhaIljTve"on7  ^tUl  HeirTTfom  him     ^ 

■  deRsenct^  with  VaftJLncreaTe;  _    u 

^uch"~bleft'in~ hirownprofp'rous  State , 
mdffloreta.^Ws  Peace. 


i   JT  Rom  rav  Youth  up,  may  ffr'el  fay, 

_  but_unregai*d^  Teaves ; 

Not  .Binder  thinks  it  worth  his  pains, 

to  Told  it  into  Sheaves. 
6  No  Traveller  that  pafles  by^~ 

vouchfafes  a  Minute's  Stop, 
To  givejt  one  kind  Look,  or  crave 

Heav'n's  Bleffing  on  the  Crop. 




they  oft  have  me  aflaii'd , 

Rcduc'd  me  oft  to  heavy  Straits^ 
but  never  quite  pi  evail'd. 
a~Thev  oil  have  plow'd  my^tient  Back 
\irrowsdecp  ancLong; 

JBiu  -  -  ■  s  broke  fheiFChains,- 

i_X~*  Rom  loweft  Depths  of  Woe , 
~~to  God  T  fent  my  ;Cry ;_  " 

Lord,  hear  my  fupplicating  Voice 

_  and  gracioufly£ep]y._  # 


2  Should'ft  Thou  fevercly  judge, 

and  relcu'd  us  from  Wrong. 

§mi=ii  >•*#=*  .-7  t=ill 

j  Defeat,  umlltfion,  fharndful  Rout, 

_who  can_  the  Tryal  bear  ? 
But  Thou  forgiy^ft ,  left:  \yjTdciponi7~~ 


_  jmd  quite  renounce  thy  Rear. 


3_My  Soul  with  Patience  waits 

_be  ftill  the  Doom  of  thofe , 
_Their  righteous  Doom,  who  Shn  nti 

and  Shfs  Cod  oppoleT-^ 

4  Like  Corn  upon  our  Hoiiles  Tops, 

for  Thee,  the  living  Lord; 
jviytfopes  are  on  thy  Promife  built, 
thy  never- failing  Word. 

=     ggfgg:f=3; 

4  My  longing  Lyes  Look  out, 


***  PSALM      CXXX.   CXXXI.   CXXXIL 

_for_thy  enjiyjning_  Ray_,_ 

More  duly  than  "the  Morning  Watch , 


PSALM    CXXXIL      mmtptoQ 

~ToTPytTe"la^infD^^Zr~"~  ^W^;  Lafitf^fi&^p^ 

5  Let  V/PS?  tfaft  iri?Gpd -y m  thy  Re_niembrance~findv '==:=-=- 

no  Bounds  his  Mercy  knows";  Let  all  tife-SCTww^h^endur'tf'  '"- 

_Suppliesjn  Wjmtjronvcy; ~Jl2]?!LJ^2£_Mighty  Godhevow^ 

A  healing  Spring,  a  Spring  to~cleanfF~  jwh^nr^^^Soni~adore~~     — ~ — "^ 

and  walh  our  Guilt  away.  2  I  will  not  go  into  "mine  Houfe  ===s 


nor  to  my  Bed^afccnd  ; 

PSALM    CXXXI.       [TunePf.61.-]     g^g=la^^^^^ 

nor  Sleep  my  Eye-  lids  bend-"" 

"*  -""ftgT^y*   *"~  *• '~  nign. for  jmui/  a  uuu  nave  luunu. 

2I^.' ^" infant- liifto^iiee,  ThoulSow'ffT"^"    g^Tplppointefflace ,  with  ShouticS^^^ 

IJi^vejiiy_felF^emean^d_; at  .^r^yfe  tbtinlt  ==^== 

""Compos'd  to  Quiet,  like  a  Babe; 

Jjhat  from  the  Breaft  is  wean'd. 
3~Like_me ,  let  7/Pef  hop~e~m"G~6d^~ 
his  AkTaJone  implore ;    _ 

And  made  the  W^dJin^felghb'rln^^dT 

~   our^adA^lau^refoun^J]      ~=== 

OTwith^due R~^rf^ce  let  urthenT~  r_:=:= 

Both  now  and  ever  "truft  in  him  , 


Viio  lives  Tor  evermore,- 

_to_his  Abode  repair; 

_And_proltrate  at  his_Foot-ftool  fall'n, 


4  Arife 


4~Arifc"OToT-dTan06w"  poflefs  s 

~  thylionftant  Place_of_Reft  ;__            ===»! 
nBc~tliatTnoFonly  with  "thy_Ark^__ _ 

but  with  thy  Prefepce  bigg 


"Cloath  Thou  thy  Priefts  with  Rightcoufogjs, 
make  Thou  thy  Saints  rejoice ; 

"Andfor  th^erva^^^w/'sjakeo 

hear  thinTAnointed's  Voice. 

PART     II. 

5  God  fware  to  David  va.  his  Truth, 

One  of_thy. Offlprag  after  thee. 

upon  thy  Throne  (hall  reign:  _ 
And  if  thy  feed  my  Covenant  keep ,  _ 
~andlo  my  Laws  mbinit, 

"Their  Children  too,  upon  thy  Throne 


6  For  $0//  does ,  in  God's  Efteem 


all  other  Seats  excel ; 


His  place_of_cverlafting  Reft, 

_  where  He  defires  to  dwell 


_her  Poor  with  Plenty  bled; 
"  **?*L52?J?ts  iML^°lll  f°£  J^  ■>  her  Priefts 

my  faying  Health  coeIcIS." 

cxxxii,  cxxxnr.  rfz 

^rjfKere  "Davtd^s  Pow'HhWTon]fr'emain, 
in  his_Succeffive  Line, 

And  my  anointed  Servant  there, 

t,    fttail  ~wli:h  frelh  Miftre  (nine.- 
The  Faces  ofJusj^nquiuTTFoes; 

Conl'ulion  (hall  o'er  fpread ; 
Whilft  wrth  confirm'd  Succefe  his  Crown 
(hall  ftouriTlT,  on~his~Head. 

PSALM    CXXXIII.    ITumPfz^ 

i  1 "1  O  W~vaft~muft  their~Advantage "bel     ~ 

how  great  their  Pleafure  prove_! 

^WhoTive  like  Brethren ,  and  confent 
in  Offices  of  Love  !^__ 

2  True  Love  is  like  that  precious  Oyl, 
_  which ,  pour'd  on  Aaron's  Head , 

RarTdown  his  Beard,  and  o'er  his  Robes, 
its  caflily  Moifture"  (bed. 

3  HTs  like  refrgthing  Dew,  which  does, 
on  Henmrfs  Too  diftil ;  _ 

Or  like  the  "easily  Drops  that  fall ,  _ 
on  Eton's  fruitful  Hill. 

4  For  jifow  isjlie^hofen  Seat, 

__  where  the  Almighty  King  t 

TK  promis'd  BTelTing  has  ordam'dj  ~ 

X  2  and 

_,_^    a___  .  — -— -i— --i 


psalm     cxxxnr.  cxxxrv.  cxxxv. 

and  Life's  eternal  Spring. 



PSALM    CXXXIV.    [Turn  Pf.  2. 42^ 


ji-vrl-g l=^at 

For  God  his  own  peculiar' Choice , 

__the  Sons  of  ffi^oft  makes ; 

And  IJr'eFs  Offspring  ^foMiis  own 

Left  God,  ye  Servants,  that  attend 

==5= ^S^*- 

~2     »=---^ 

moft  valued  Tr-eafure  ,  'takes. 



upon  his  folemn  State, 



a"  w  ithin  hts  Houfe  Liftug  your  Hands , 
_and_ biers  his  holy  Name; 

3_That_Gbd%  great;  we  often  have 

by  glad  Experience  foundj- 
j^ndjeenjiovv  He^d^vond]Vous  Pow'F7~* 

S==E==^=5  above  all  Gods  isj:rowr7d. 

T^'or  He,  with  unrefifted  Strength, 


From  Sion  blefs  thy  JJr'el  3  Lord 
"who  Earth. and  Heav'n  didit  frame." 


performs  his  Sov' reign  Will 


PSALM    CXXXV.       [TimeP/.i\6.-] 
Praifcthe  Lord  with  one  Confen~ 




and  magnitie  his  Name; 

In  Heav'n  J}nd_Earth ,  and  wat'ry  Stores 

That  Earth's  deep  CavernTrHir-  ~ 

PART    II. 

4~He ,  raiies  Vapours  from  the  Ground^ 
whichjpois'd  m  liquid  Air ., 
^FalFdownat  lait  in  Show'rs,  thro'  which" 

Let  all  the  Servants  of  the  Lord 

his  dreadful  Lightnings  glare : 

his  worthy  Praife  proclaim.  "lie,  from  his  sTore-houle  brings  the  Winds ; 

PfSJegim .  all  Ye.  that  in  fas/iHoufe ,  ~and  Fte,  with  vengeful  Hand , ~~   u 

attend  with'contbuTCarc;  JlheTrrft-bbrn  flew  of  Man  andJJcjjtT^ 

WitiTSofe  that  toTus  outmolftCourts, "  T^?^^JT^H^i1gJ'lnd---IIlZZZ~ 

with  humbte  Zeal  repairs  5  He , .  dfeadruTslgnrand  Wonders^lhew'd, . 


2  For  this  ourtruefi  int'reft  is,  thro'  ftubborn  Egypt's  Coalb; 

glad  Hymns  of  l'raife  to  Ting; 

^     "  Nor  Phar'ob  could  his  Plagues  efcape, 

nor  all  his  num'rous  Hofts. 

And_with  loud  Songs  to  blefs  his  Name, 

~~a  mylt  deBJn.tiul  Jiang.  ?T  "^Twas  Be,  teTmioitf  Nations  flnote^ 




~Sibbn "and  Og7^^  aUbeCijes,^ 

~wh^CV.7/Ws^f/jn J  poflqfPd- ______*. 

ff'ThelFTTand  ^ponJ^,5Sofcn~Riicc^_  _____ 

""nTySS^THalTnever  fail 

rui  vjuu  ,  man  ^iy_ii  "_.\_.r        ".nr^?_— 
~  "wltF  p  tymgj^jur  vey  j ,/ 

"his  kindled  Rage  away. 


7 ~Tholb"Id^sTjitfhofelaIfe  WortlTip  threads , 

'o'er  all  the  Heathen  Lands, 

^e~made~of~Silver  and  of  Gold , 

the~Work~of  "himiarT  Rands"" 
"They "mo ve~not  their  fictitious  Tongues, 

noTTee^with^poTilh'd  Eyesj__  ~^ 

"^jlieir  counterfeited  Eacs  are,  deaf-, 

no  Breath  their  MouthTupplieT.- 


8  As  fenfelefs  as  themfelves,  are  they 

'   that  all  their'Skiiy  apply 
"TTTmalcelhem ,  or  in  dangerous  Times , 

on  themfo^Aidjely^ 
-Their  juft  ReUirnsof  Thanks  to"Go"d^~" 
let  gritefiil  jJrW  pay; 

"Nor  let  the  Priefts  of^Tw? 
"to  blefs  The  Lord  delay.  • 

p_Their  Scnfc  of  his  unbounded  L.o~vc~7~ 
_jGf  Z^i*s  EToufe  exprefs;  ~~ 

^ndj_cTaIjjhoreTharte&7ThF  Lord ,  ~ 

bis  Name  for  ever  blcfs! 
Let  all  with  Thanks  his  wond'rouTlVoriciT 

iff  SjZ>h\  Courts  proclaim ; 

_Let  them  or\~Salem^  where  He  dwells," 

exalt  his  hely  Name. 


1     -1    O  God  the  mighty  Lord,  " 

~ Your  joyful  Thanks  repeat"^" 
~Tb:  Hmrdlie Pjr  ailVafiorcTT" 

As  goof  as  He  is  greatj 

For  God  doesjprove 

Our  content  Friend, 

__His_bound]eis  Love__ 
"  fliall  never  end.        _  _ 
2_To  Hinfwhofe  wond'rous  Pow'r,  ■ 

all  other  Gods  obey , 
Whom  earthly _Kings~adore, 
_This  grateful_Homage  Payj 

For  God  does  prove 




Our  conftant  Friend', , 
""His  Boundlefi  Love 



"  Shall  never  end/ 


3  By  his  Almighty  I  land , 


=—  & 

"Amazing  Works  are  wrought ; 

The  HeavrTs  by  his  Command ,, 

Shall  never  end. 

ff  He  ftruck  th^Fft-born~dead7 

Of  Egypt's  "ftubborn  Land" 

And thencehli  PeopleledT- 



For_  God_  does  prove 

—      J     t         » 

Our  conftant  Friend, 

__For  God  does  prove 
Oaar  coafiant  Frierid,== 

_His_boundlefs  Love 

Shall  never  end. 

his  boundlefs  Love 

PART    II. 

Shall  never  end 
4  "He~fprcad  the  Ocean  round , 
About  the  fpacious  Land; 


7_By  Him_  the  raging  Sea  , 

^Andjnade  the  "riling  Ground , 
""Above"  the"  Waters"  ftand. 


As  if  in  Pieces  rent, 


— =* 

For  God^  does_  prove 
~~OuT conftant  Friend , 
""TiTsjDOiindlels  l^*V£__" 
"Shall  neyer  end. 
5 JThro^  Ilcav'n  He  dl5"  qn^ayT 

EUfelos'd  a  midd_le_Way, ~~ 

"  Thro'  whichjhis  PeopTe  went" 

For  God  docs_provc_ 
3^1co"ruTant  Friend , 
"HTs  tToundlefs  Love 

Shall  never  end. 


8  Where  foon  He  overthrew, 

His  num'rous  Hoft  of  Light 
The  Sun  to  rule  by  Day , 
The  Moon  and  Stars"by"~ NightT 

Proud  Pbar'ob  and  his  Hoft  _ 
JWho  daring  to  purine, ^ 

For  God  does  prove 

Were  in  the  Billows  loft. 

__Our_  conftant  Friend!! 

His  boundlefs  Love 

_For  God  _docs_  prove 

Our  conftant  Friend ,_ 

"His  boundlefs  Love- 



""Shall  never  end. 



g.  Thro'  Delaf  ts  vaft  and  wild  , 

On  us  with  Favour  thought; 

And  from  our  cruel  Foes 

"Hejc'd  the  chofeg  Seed;; 

~AndHfanous  Princes  foild. ^ 

AirdlnadF^reaTMonarchs  bleed. 

"Tor~God"dqes_  pro; ve 

~l)ur~con"ftant  Friend , 

r— $= 

"  His  boundlefs  Love         . 

"ShalTnever  end.    _ 

ro  Sihotty  whole  potent  Hand 
~Gre~aT3^wwQ«i,s  Sceptre  fvvay'd ; 

— 4 

And  Og. 

whole  ftern  Command 

Rich  Ra!h arts  Land  obey'd. 

For  God  does  prove 

His  boundlefs  Love 

Shall  never  end 


ri  Ancfofhis  wond'rous  Grace_, 

Their  Lands  whom  He  deftroy^dT 
"lie" gave  to~JfrreH  Race^ 

To  be  by  them  enioy'd. 

For  God  does  prove 

_Our  conftant  Friend , 
__His  boundlefs  Love 
Shall  never  end. 
3  a-  He  in  our  Depth  of  Woes., 


For  God  does  prove 

His  bound  Ids  Love  _ 

Shall  never  end 

n  He  does  the  Foodfupply, 

On  which  all  Creatures  live: 

To  God  who  reigns  on  high . 

_  J§i=i=f!i_ 

Eternal  praifes  give. 

For  God  will  pro  ve 

Qui  conftant  Friend, 

Hisjpoundlefs  Love 

Shall  never  end. 
PSALM    CXXXVII.      [  Tune  Pf.  8o.  3 


i__VV  HEN  we,  our  weary_'d  Limbs  to  reft* 
_^at_down  by  Proud  Euphrates  Stream , 

We  wept7~withdoleful  Thoughts  oppreft  T. 

And  Sion  was  our  mournful  Theme.  _ 
2  Our  Harpi7  that  when  with  Joy  we  fung", 

VVere  wont  their  tuneful  Parts  to  bear., 

With  lUent  "Strings_,_negle£ted  hung 

On  Willow -Trees,  that  wither'^  there. 

3  Mean 


P    S    A    L    M      CXXXVII.   CXXXV1II. 

3  Mean  whileou  r  _Foes  ^  win  )_all  confpjrM_  ^JiajMnatchthy  "Infants  from  theBreaftJi 

To  rri urnph^jn  jiur  flavilh Wrongs, 

""TmTick'aiid  Mirth'of  usi^oitM:  *        , 

ComeTTirig  vs  one  of  Sion's  Songs.  _ 

jl  How7ii^3~wi"tune  our  Voice  to  fing? 

~Or  touch  ouF HarFg*with  skilful  Hands? 

^jjUHymns  pfjoy  to^od  rorjfing^,  ' 

"TteTtmg ,  fr  yjjlayes"  in  foreign  Lands  ?~ 

^""^"j^rrouToncFhappy  Seat"! 

1 r  WhclTj^oT±ee3T()rgetful_  proye , 

3  TI'Ftheli^myjtrembJjng  Hand ,  forg"et     ~ 

'^'hcTpeliYm^Strings,  with  Art  to  move!  ~ 

5~If  I  femen'tionthee  forbear, 

And  dafh  their  Heads  agaihlt  the  Stones, 


PSALM    CXXXV11I.    ZTumPf.  121.1 

Jth  mv  whole  Heart,  my  God'and  King! 

— !?r^£in?Jf^d^with7oy"wiirfing7====::=" 
and  blefs"  thy  holvl^irneT- 

and ,  with  thyJLove  TnfpIPd^-" 

T]i  e_  Prai  fes_  o£t  h^YudrrepeTtT- 

Eternal  Silence  feize  my  Tongue;  = 
"Or  if  1  fing  onTchearEl  Ai re., 

o'er  all  thy  Works  admir'd." 



2  Thou  gracioufly  inclin'ft  thine  Ear. 


when  1  to  Thee  did  cry;  " 

~T7lT?ny-I)divJnmcejs  my  Song!__  And  when "my-Soul  waFpre(s|d3a3rFear; 

7  Reroe^bifyLord ,  how  Edam's  Race ^  .did  it.  inwardStrcngthTu^iyT- 

In  thy^wn  City's  tataFTbay_, _        ^Therefore  (hall  ev*ry  earthly  Prinqe7~ 

"^yM^outTjThefftately  Walls  deface.,  J  _Jji_y3Nramy[with~l>rane  pvFft7c~7~' 

_Whqm  thefe  admir'd  Events  convince^ 

»  And^ith~the~Ground  quite  level  lay. 
"8~Prbujd  Babiri  Daughter,  doom'djo  be" 
OfijHefa nd"Woe7jhe _W retched  Prey ;  " 
"Blcil  is~thc  Man  who  fhall  to  thee, 
"The  Wrongs  thou  laia'it  on  us,  repay. 
p  Thrice  blelt ]  who  with  juft  llagc^'pofleftT"" 
And  deal'  to  all  the  Parents  MoauTJ" 

that  all  thyJWorks  are  true. 

3  They  ail  thy  wond'rous  Ways,  O  LoTdT" 

_  with  ch earful  Songs  fhall  blefs; 

And  all  thy  glorious  Adts  rca 

thy  "a  wfnl  Pow  'r  eon  fell! 

for  God,  altho'  cuthron'd  olfhighT- 


P  -5  'A    L    IS     CXXXVIIT.  CXXXIX. 

Epsi=§pii^=^:g  lllSillilililf 


I   -v-  \±l 

does  thence  the  Poor  refpecT; 

~The~Proud~far  off7  his  fcornful  Eye 

4  O  could  J  lb  perfidious  be,_ 

To  think  of  once  deferring  Thee! 

_ beholds ,_with  juft  Negledt 


Tho'  I  with  Troubles  am  opprefs'd , 

_Wliere_,  Lord,  cou'd  I  thy  Influence  fhun. 
Or  whither  from  thy  Prefenee  run  ? 

He  (hallmy  Foes  difarm : 

Relieve  my  Soul  when  molt  diftrefs'd , 

and  keep  me  fafe  from  Harm. ■■_ 

The  Lord,  whole  Mercies  ever,  laft , 

(hall  fix_my  hapjy_j>tatej_ 


And  mindful  of  his  Favours  paft. 

fhall  his  own  Work  compleat. 

PSALM    CXXXIX.     [TumPf.iii.~} 
1    JL_  I-IoujLord,bv  ftrifteft  Search  haft  known 

5  IF  up_to  Heav'n  lTake"my~fTighT7~ 
"_2Tis_thcre  Thou d well'ft , enthroned  in  Ligfat; 
"Or  dowivto  Hell7!  infernal  Plains^ 
'Tis  there,  Almighty  Vengeance  reigns.  ~ 
6^f_l2the^ornmg^s  _Wings  cou'd  gainT" 
_And  fly  beyond  the  Weftern  Mah"i7~ 
Thy  fwrftgr  Hand  wou'd  firft  IrriveT" 

And  there  arrcft  thy  Fugitive. 


7_Or  (hou[d  I  try  to  fhun  thy  Sight_ 


Beneath  the  fable  Wings  of  JSJight; 

My  rifing  up,  and  lying  down ; 

My  fecret  Thoughts  are  known  toJThee , 
Known  long,  before  conceiv^cTby  nil™ 

a  Thine  Eye ,  my  Bed  and  Path  fur.veys3 

One  glance  from  Thee^one  piercing  Ray^ 
Wou\3  kindle  Darknefs  into  Day. 
8  The  Veil  of  Night  is  no  difguile  , 
t_  No  Screen  from  thy~A~il- {earthing  Eyes ; 

^vey_s_, jrhroMnidnight  -  Shades  Thou  find'lttheway, 

-SE^is^jss^HiPili^i^gr^  ^iTthriiliHg^oof  ofkf:     ^^ 

Thou  know' ft  what  'tis  my  Lips  would ventl 
"My  yet  nnuttghi  Wqrdslnteht. 

3  Surrounded  by  thy  Pow'r  I  (land 
On  ev'ry  Side  I  find  thy  Hand. 


•  PART     1L 

9  Thofrknow'ft  the  Texture  oJmyHeart, 
_My_  Reins  and  ev,ry~^ml~Part7"" 
Each  fragfe  Thiregd  ,  Iff  NaWeYToom 

E2      f=«~ 

—--§5  gLJ?HmaDfR£^  toohidi! -   By  the^w^cover'd'in  the.Wombf 

Too  dazling  bright  lor  mortal  Ey< 

10  I'll  Praife  Thce,from  whofe Hauds'l  came. 




~The  Wonders  Thou  i  nlneh  aft  fliown*~ 
~My~So"nl ,  with"grateful  joy  rnuft  ownT  _ 

While  yet  a  lifelefs  Mafs'it  lay;  " 

iTTfecretTEow  exaft^wroughtj 

E'er  from,  if s  dark  E^loC"^j^^Sk_ 

1 2~Thou-drd^thc_Tl-iapelers  Embryo  fee, 
~Its~parts~werc  regiftred  by  Thee ,_ 
>~Fo7mTd~by~the  Model  of  thy  Book. 


13  Let  me  acknowledge  too ,  0  God  , 
~ThaFfmc"e"the  Maze  oTXife  I  trod, 

"l  hy  Thoughts  of  Love  "to  me,  furmount 

When  Reprofag£es  thy  Laws  oanfrrett  ?    "" 
nWho  practice  Enmity  tojrhee7:====== 

Shall  iitmoIT HaIred~h^Tfi^:m=meT:==:=:='" 
•Such  Men  I  utteriydeteft,  ====== 

As  if  they  ■were  my"Fmsjpp^T t==:==: 

fhePow'r  of  Numbers  3  to  recount. 

14  Far  fooner_,  could  1  reckon  o^r 

The  Sands ,  upon  the  Ocean's  Shore; 

Each  Morn  revifing  what  I've  done, 
^7~Hrid  th'Account  but  new  begun. 
25""The  wicked  Thou  Thalt  flay,  O  God , 


Depart  from  me,  ye  Men  of  Jilood ;J 
Whofe  TongucsTTeav'ns  Majefty  profane , 
~And  take  IfaVAlmighty's  Name  in  vain.  ' 
16  Lord,  hate  not  1  the  impious  Crew, 

Who  Thee  with  Enmity  puifue  ? 

~And~d"ocs  not  Grief  my  Heart  opprefs, 


:=       fe 

PSALM     CXL.        lTumPf.9or± 

1  JReferye  me,  Lord ,  from~cra7ty~Fo"es^ 
of  treacherous  intent ; 

*  And  from  th e  Sons  of  Violence^"- 
qrTopen  Mifchief~bent. 

2  Their  lland'ring  Tongue, "the  Serpent's  Sting 


m_  Sharpneft ,  does  exceed ; 
Between  their  Lips  the  Gall  of  Afps ,  _ 
"and"  Adders  Venom  breed. 


3  Prefer ve  me,  Lord, _ftom_wi.cked_ Hands ,_ 

noTlcaycmy  Soul  forlorn, 
TA~p"rey*to  Sons  of  Violence , 

wnoTiavFmyJRui n  fworn." 

4~TheTroud  for  mc  have  laicTthcir  Snare"7"~ 

"and  ftread  theiT  wily  Net';  • 



"With  Trapsjmd  Gins  where  e'er  f  move, 
~"1  "find  my  Steps  befetT"  -  - 

5  But_thus  inviron'd  with  Diftrefs,, 

Thou  art  my  God,  I  faid ;  __ 

TJ^oTdTrear~niy"Supplicarigg_  Voice , 


6  O "Lord ,  the  God,  whofe  javing  Strength , ~ 

_  kind  Succour  did  convey  , 

And  cover'd  my  advcnt'rous  Head , 
~in~BattIe,s"doubtrul pliy";  ~ 

7  Permit  not  their  unjuft  Deilgns 

_  to  an  Twer  their  Defire; 

.  Left  .they  y  eficotirag'd  by~S~ucceis~ 

tp.  bolder  Crimes  i!plr&~ 


of  their  Ir^uitic^m7)un7[_ 

~ jgheljiafo bftBir  eiivfenom\i:Br<i5tlT~  ~^ 



11  God  will_affert  jhe  Poor  Man's  CaufcT 
and  fpeedy_ Succour "gfveT  ~ 

The  Juft  fhall  celebrate  his  Praife, 
and  in"hisTi:efence~liveT    ~  ■■'■' '"'-' 


PSALM    CXLL        [TnnePf.iog.-] 


upon  themfelves  return. 

£  Let  tlxerj^h^^IeB^firff^^Iam^ 

its  Sacritice^ecOme ; 

OJiaftejto_my^cTief:  ====== 

"And.  wjth^accu]tonf'dT^7Ti~cl^;:=^ — =" 

the  XccentJ^o^y"Gricl!  =2: 

I nibad  bfT^rTnlTg^eFm yTra yY^===:=:=: 
like  i\JorniBg"lncenfe~rifel  ===== 

l^yMedlTand^up^y*lh£^ce7=  =====~ 

_  ofEv'jiing  Sacrifice""  ========= 

^Frog*-  B^^'L^n^ge^u£fJ^"To^ue^ 

and  leFa  corTibYnTGuaFdV" 

wjth^afy'SilFrlcebarr'cr      ~ 

~A=-_i=-s~ ,        l?rom  wicked  Men's  deTfghTand  Deeds 

__The  Pit  they  digg^i  for  meTBiSrtdS^™ 
Their  own  untlrn^Ty^omb.  ~~  ====: 




_  -"_/> 

that  bears  themielves~away~ 

my  He^tan^fen^r^alnf^ 

of  th_ehNLmj|gJKeo^iFGa!n7~" 

and,  f  fli  alTT  hi  11  k^cnfk" i  nd ; 

Like  Balm ,  thatneS  a  w^undeS^ead  s 
Y  a  ' 



"I  their  Reproof  lh all  find. 



And ,  in  return ,  my  fervent  Pray'r , 

I IhalTfor  thenTaddrelsT" 
"When  they~arc  tempted  and  reduc'd , 


_  like. me  »  to  fore  Biftrefi , 

JAade  hirgtSe- Umpire- of  my  Caufc, 

my  Wrongs  befoW  Km  laufT 

a  Thou  dldftmy  St_eps~direa~~" 
]g£j^rn£gr"iev'd  SouTjefpair'd  ;■ 

J?or  where  1  thought"_to_  walk  fecarer 

4_W  hen  Pculking  \nE}igeM'ls  Rock,, 

~ Tlo"TheIFChieJs_app_eal ,_ 

Jff  one  reproachful  Word  I  fpoke ,  _ 

"when  I  had  Pow'r  to  kill. 


•  tney  ha|  their  Traps  prepartL_ 
g  I  lookrd3ufc  found  ne  Friend,  ~ 

to  own  mc  inTPiTErefs~7~~ 


"YeT  iisTthey  perfecute  to  Death  , 

our  fcatter'd  Ruins  lie; 
As  thick  as  from  the  Hewer's  Ax, 

_Alj_Refnge  fail'd,  no  Man  vouchfaf'd  " " 

his  Pity ,  "oTRedrefo 

4  To  God  at  laft  I  prayrd,. 

Thou,  Lord,  my  Refuge  art^ 
Fhelever'd  Splinters  flie._  My  Portion  in  the  Land  of  Life, 

5~Bu~Ll)7d^to' The^  lWlTdireft~  ~"tilI~Life  it  fe"ITdepart.~ 

my  Tupplicating  Eyes; 
Q!  leave  not  deilitiue  my  Soul, 

5_Redu£'d_to  greateft  Straits^ 
toTKee  I  make  my  Moan,._ 

O !  fave  me  from  oppreffing  Foes, 
tor  me  too  pow'rtul  grown. 

_whofe_Truft_on  Tnee  relies. 
Do  Thou  prefcrve  me  from  the  Snares  , 

that  wicked  Hands  have  laid ; o  That  I- may  praife  thy  Name, 

Let  them  in  their  own  Nets  be  caught,  _ 
while  my  Efcape  is  made. 


'  my~Soul_  from  Prilon  brirjff 
Whilft  ofchy  kind  Regard  td  me, 

"aflemtyed  Saints  (hall  ling. 

O _CJod  with  mournful  Voice, 

in  dejp  Diitrefs  1  pray'd ;. 

P  S  A  L  M    CXLIII 

ORDj  hear  my  Pray'r,  and  to  my  Cry 




thr  wonted  Audience  lend ; 

Left  I  become  forlorn ,  like  them 

In  thy  accuftom'd  Faith  and  Truth.     a 

a  gracious  Anfwcr  fend. 


2  Nor  at  thy  ftri&  Tribunal  bring 

"jhj_Se_rvant ,  to  be_tryjd ;_ 

j|of  i^th£Sighl"nyUving_Man ,   __         _• 

can  e'er  be  juftffid. 


"^hofeComfortTan  arefledy 

~HTd>i^in^to^Caves"ras  dark 

' '  as  ManfionsT"of ta  el?  ead .  _ 

4~lMy  Spirit  therefore  is  o,erwheknrd, 

and  fiiiks  within  my  Breaft;  

"My  moulmf^T^arTjr^s^efolate2__ 

wTth~heTvy~Woes  oppreft. 

that  in  the  Grave  jeTide^ 
8  Thy  Kindnefs  early  let  me  hear, 


_  whofe  Tru|t_on  Thee  depends ; 
Teach  me  the  way  where!  (hall  go": 
my  Soul  to  Thee  afcendsT 
c)  Do  Thou  „  O  Lord ,  from  all  m"y~Foes~' 

_preferve,  and  fet_me  free;. 
_A  fafc  JteFreat  agaisft  theti_Ragc,  _ 

my  Soul"  implores  from  Thee- 
io_Thou  art  my  God ,  thy  righteous  Will 
Inftrudt  me,  to  oFev; 


_Let  thy  Good  Spirit  lead ,  and  keep_ 
my  Soul,  in  thy  right  way.         _ 
1 1  _0|  for  the  fake~of  thy  great  Name , 
revive  my  droopin g, Heart: 

5~f  cairto~Mind~the  Days  ofoTd;. 

anT  Wonders  Thou  halt  wrought: 

kfly  formeFpangess  and  Efcapes 

~^e^Toy~my~muTlni"fhought.         ""  12  In  pK^ro~nYy^ullTing^p^oi:d  > 

6~To"~Thee~my  Hands,  in  humble  Pray'r 

For  thy  Truth's  fake,  to  me  diftrefs'd , 
thy  promis'd  Aidjmpart. 

Be*  U  fT3Z1     ^^^= 



T  fervently  ftretch  outj 

"MySoul  fo_r  thy  Rcfrelhment  thirlts, 

-Uk^ITan_d"op^reft~\\ath  DroughtT- 
PART    II. 

7~Hear jm  e  w  i th  fpeed-;  m y  Spirits  fail;. 

~Thy"Facc  no  longer  hideT™ 

reduce  my  Foes  to_fliame^_ 


Slay,  them  that  perlecute  a  Soui , 
"devoted  to  thy  Name.  ~ 

PSALM    CXLIV,        ITMKP/.jorj 

i  X  OR  ever  bleft  be  God  the~Lord , 

Y  5  Vi  ho 



Who  does  hj^eedju_l_Aidjim part, 

_ SFonce^tFStrengAjir^SkiU  afford~"~ 

(o  \veild  my  Arms  with  wavlike  Art. 

2 "  H  is  Goodneiisli  inyr  ForFand  Tbw'r,_ 

^^vlrroigDeliy'rancg  and  my  SkiekT; 

In  Him- 1  trufr*  whofematchlfcg  Pow^r_^ 

And  (hatch  me  from  the  ftormy  Rage 3__ 
(Tf  threatning  Waves  that  proudly  (well. 
8  Fight  Thou  agaihft  my  foreign  Foes , 
W"ho  utter  Speeches  falfe  and  vain ;  ~ 
Who  tho'  in  folcmn  Leagues,  they  cfofeT" 
Their  (worn  J^gagemehts"~ne'er  maintain.  ~ 

IVl'akes  to  my  Sway,  fierce  Nations  yield.         P_So_I  to  Thee,  O  King  of  Kings, 
g^LordT'w  hat  is  Man  thatThou  flaouldft  love.        ~W  new-  made  Hy^ns^Ty^oicTfn^lITalfe^ 
0 rhmTrihcTTtelld^Fcare  to~tak.e  P  J-i^L ^fbu  merits  of  various  Strings 


4  The  Life  of  Man  does  quickly  fade, 

„  To  them  his  fure  Salvation  fends; 

His  Thoughts  but  empty  are,  and  vain-; 

"Tils  Days~are  like  a  flying  Shade, '      hIs  Servant  D/rei^  ftill  defends. 

Tis  lie  that  from  the  murd'ring  Sword, 


5     111    lUltUUl    OLULCj    \J    OOU,    HClVCHVt, VV    UU    IAH.WX    ^h»-»~^»  *~~w   y^~     "7~> 

C=W5  mTTIeavTn'its7o"ttyTIcadl  ndm~es7~~~~       "WItoT  Ih gl^_je  mnj^gj^sjhey_ cjofe , 
=fEMmoli&rg7ffl&^  +jnfen^ 

P  ART    II.   .  ThlUWandoars -withTlenty  feed ;   ■:-;••;- 

7  Do  Thou,  0  Lord,  from  Hcav'n  engage.  Our  Sheepjjncrwimg  more  ana  huh j 

Thfbouailel  i'o  w  ^myFoes~to=qu^Tj  "slfaUthoufands,  and  ten'thouSSai  breed. 

14  Strongj 



14  Strong,  (hall  our  1  aVnng_Oxen_ gro w ^ ^ 

^oTiHlhcFFConrYant  Labou^  faint ; 




I_JL  HEE  will" I  blefs,  my  God  and  King , 

thy  endjels_Pi"aife_procla_i_m_-/_ 
This  TributeBaily  will  I  bring , 
and  eveFbleiFthy  Name.  _ 
Thou,  Lord,  beyond  comparTartTGreat,  ^ 

and  hi§hl}M:o^e~pTaisTQr";~      ~^ZZZZ 
T]iy  Majefty,  _withj3ound]ef¥Hei{pir~ 
above  our  Knowledge  raisMT 

2  Rcnown'd  for  mighty  Adts,  thy  Fame 
to  future  Times  extendsT 
From  Age  to  Age  thy  glorious  Name, 
Whilft  I  dry  G^oiy"andTlcnown","~ 
and  wond'rous  Works   ex~prefs"T~ 
'  The  W  orkT wl tlHiic^thy^iTghrilKiiro ~w n , 

Whilft:  vre  no  War,  nor  Slav'ry_Know_ ,__ 
^nd1n"ourTtteetshe^TO~Complaint.      _rf 
1 5TR rice~ha,ppy"K  that  People's  Cafe, 
Whofevar^us  Bleffings  thus  abound,      """ 

^"Wbo^^s  true  W^r^hlp^rgmbrace^ 


and  thy  great  Pow'r  confcfs 

3  The  Praife  that  to  thy  Love  belongs, 

they  fhall  with  Joy  proclaim  ; 
Thy  Truth ,  of  all  their  gratefol  Songs, 
~fhafi~be  the  conftanPfTicrne.- 
The  Cord  is  good  j_Jre(li  Adts~qfGrace^ 

"his  Pity  ftill  fupplies ;   _ 

_Hjs  Anger  moves  with  floweft  pace, 

~His~willing_  Mercy  flies.  _ 
4  Thy  Love ,  thro'  Earth  extends  its  Fame,  " 
~to~aTnhy  Works  expreft; 
Thefc  (hew  thy  Praife,  whillt  thy  great  Name, 

is  by  thy  Servants  bleft. : 
~T "he"y7"with  the  glorious  Prolp^dTfir,d7~ 

(h  alTof  thy"  Kingdom  fpeakj,- 
"And  thy  great  Pow^r,  by  all  admir'd , 
— their  lofty  Subjedt  make. 

5  God's  glorious  Works,  of  ancient  Date 

fhall  thus  to_all_be  known ; 

"And"thlil  hjs  Kingdom's  Royal  State,       _^ 

~~ wfth~piibhck  Splendor  fhown. 
Jji^fte^llTThyol^^^^  ,     " 

.lhall  ftand  for  ever  ^j^ 

T^Ts_Toun_cTfdFSway_no , End  (Kail  fee! 


"but  Time  it  fell'  out-laft. 

5  Ths 

L    M      CXLV.  CXLVI. 

1 — Sdrma5^ejroftraterife:   ^   •  _^ 

ToFHrkind  Aid.  all  Creatures  call, 


"What  e'er  their  various_Wants  require, 


&=^T^-fi^kTv.P  iuft  Peure  •      ,- 

y^ '  ^rTh^hatTives.  j 

^^"h^V^eI^rd1^0W  juft  L,.^,,, 
5  = — -« — — — tzcz: ~  rrr^Ti~h ;  «  wiTvsi 

1 — tor  im_Affiftan^prav_sJ_ 

iSffeTrant9  theTull  Defire^ofthofe , 

_Praife  the  Lord ,  and  thou  my  Soul , 

for  ever  blefs  hjsj^me ; , 

His  wond'rous  Love,  while  Life  (hall  laft, 
my  conftant  PraHe"(hall  claim-  _ 
2~0n~Kings ,  The  greatelFSons  of  Men ,  ~ 

let  none  for  Aid  rely ; 


They  cannot  faye  in  dang'rous_times ,_ 

nor  timely  Help  apply.     _  \ 

3  "Depriv'd  of  Breath,  to  Duft  they  turn,  _ 

and  there  neglected  lie ; 

"And  arftheE'r hough ts  and  vain  Deiigns, 
~ together  with  them  die.        

f Th eTo^^r'y^airaofc^h^rc^  ___ 
— :i^m"gratefal  Liove  employs; 



gjEEEXEj  Fff==^g^-y  I =L^ 1 £-3 

Who  ftill,  with  well-placed  Hope ,  the  Lord 


5~thcLord7  whoTnade~bolh~Heav'n  and  Earth, 
and  all  Sat  theycontam, , 

"Will  never  quit  h|sjftedfartJTruth, 

and"  fets  the  Pris'ners  free. 

7 "By "Bun  the  BlindTeceive  their  Sight, 

J  the 



the  weakjinti  Jall'n_He  rearsj  _ 



G reat  is^ the_LordA  and  great  his  PowVT- 

"With  kind  Regard  and  tender  Love. 

He  for  the  Righteous  cares. 

8  The  Strangers ,  He  preferves_frojnJrjarm,_ 
— theOrphan,  kmdly _treats_,__ 

"Defends  the  Widow,  and  the  Wiles 
of  wicked  Men,  defeats. 

p  The  God  that  doesjn  S'wn  dwell , 

is_our  eternal  King: 
From  Age  to  Age  his  Reign  endures , 

let  all  his  Praifes  fing. 


his  Wifdom  has  no  Bound; 

The  Meek  he  raifes ,  but  throws  down 

~thc  Wicked,  to  "the  Ground." 

g~To  God,: the  Lor^-aTHynWofSrSfe^    ~~ 

~with_gratejiil  VoicesTmg-;-" 

To  Songs  of  Triumph  tune  the  Harp , 
and  ftrike  each  warbling  String!"- 
~He~covers  Hcav'n  withCfouds ,  and  thence"" 

Te~frefhing~Rain  beftows, 
Through'mm  3  on  Mountain;-  Tops^theGraf? . 
~with~wond,rous  Plenty  gro ws. 
4~He7fiivage  Beafts,  that  loofely  range 



with  timely  Food  fupplies ; 

r^^P^pp^^^  mmmmwmimmmmmi 

V_^    Praife  the  Lord  with  Hymns  of  Joy ,__        He,  feeds  _the  R averts  tender  Brood , 

and  celebrate  his  Fame ; 

For  pleafant,  good,  and  comely  'tis 

and  flops  their  hungry  Ciies. 

He,  values  not  the  warlike  Steed ; 

His  Holy  City  God  will  build , 

tho'  levelT'djwith  the  Ground ; 
Bring  back  his  People,  tho'  difpers'd 
thro'  all  fiie  Nations  round. — 
2  He  kindly  heals  the  broken  Hearts , 
_and_a]l  their  wounds  docTciofe7~ 
_He  terg-the  numberof  the  Stars, 

their  fey'ral  Names  He  knows, ' 

but  does  his  Strength  difdahi;_ 


The  nimble  Foot  that  fwiftly  runs , 

— ncTPrife  from  Him  can  gain. 
PART    II. 

5~BuTHe~~to~him  that  fears  his  Name, 


his  tender  Love  extends, 



To  him  that  on  his  boundlels  Grace , 


— 3£:- 

__with  ftedfaft  Hope  depends.  _  _a 

Xct  Bton  and  'Jeraflehi  then  3 

Zi  to 



WhoTebc'dtH  ar  dateswith  tfts^TBarsT" 

'"~ind-d6es~theiFChirdreh  blefsT 


£i]dJCnowIedge_o£ his  Word." 
Hal    -    ~Te~^~Ji7~^~~Jdfi\ 

6~Thro^~aH~their  Borders  He  gives  Peace 
— with fineft^Wheatthey^  feJT" 
He  ^eakithFWotdy  atdwfaatjfe  wifls 

is  done,  as  foon  as  faid. 


Large  Flakes  "of  Snow,  like  fleecy  Wool,  ' 

Hallelujah ,  Hallelujah. 

"defcend  at  his  Command  \ 


E  boundiefiJRealms _of  Joy , 

And  hoary  Froft,  like  Alhes  fpread" 
""isTcatter'd  o'er  the  Land. 


7  When  joyn'd  to  thefe,  He  does  his  Hail 
in  little  Morfels  break. 

Exalt  your  Maker's  Fame ; 

His  Praife  your  Song  empToy7 
Above  the  ftarry~FralneT~ 
Your  Voices  raife~7~ 

Ye_  Cherubim , 


Who  can  agamft  his  piercing  Cold, 

iecu  re_  Defencesjnake. 

_IIe  lends  his  Word,  which  melts  the  icej" 

And  Seraphim,      

To  ling  his  Praife. 


He  makes  his  Winds  tojplow , 
Andjoon  the  Streams ,  congealed  before, 

2_Thou  Moon ,  that/urft  the  Night , 
_And  SunT'tliat'guid"^  thTT3ay7~~ 

in  plenteous  Currents  flow. 

8  By  Him  his  Statutes  and  Decrees 


Ye  glitt'nng  Stars  of  Light 

To  Him  3  your  Homage  pay 

to  Jacob's  Sons  were  lhown ; 

His  Praife  declare r 

jVndjlinjo_7>vy^s  cliofen_Seed,  ~ 
__his  righteous  Laws^are^iowu.  •. 

NcTothcr  Nation  this  can  boaitT- 

1   1 

_I e_ Hca_v ' ns  above , 


And  Clouds  that  move, 

In  Jiquid  Air; 

3      Let  them  adore  tBe  Lordr 

uof  did  He_e'er_affbrd  ,. 




Xtt  heathen.  Lands  hj,s  Uragles. 

And  praife  his  holy  Name , 


By  whofe  Almighty  Word; 


PSALM      CXLVin.   CXLIX. 


Let  Youths  with  Maids, 

~~~And  hoary  Heads ,__ 

With  Children  join. 

7      0  ni  ted~Zejilj3eJ1iown^— 

Stands  ever  faftL 
4      Let  Earth  her  Tribute  pay; 

"Praife  Him,  ye  dreadful  Whales 

His  wond'rous  Famejo  raile, 
"Whole  glorious  Name  aloneT" 

^"AndTHrTlSt:  throupnfejg^  Deforces  ina  cnTleiTPraifer  7 

"Glide  fw^\y]^  jlit^n|Scales_:_ 

Earth's  utmoft  Ends  _ 


Fire,  Hail,  and  Snow, 

His  Pow'r  obey: 


"His  glonous~S\vay. 

The  Sky  tranfcends. 

And  Winds  that,  where 

"**          Hebi3ilhem7"blw.                  "  ft-    His  ehofen  Seants  to  grace  9  _^ 
"  A  R  T    II. He  fetJtKem  up  on  high, 

5      By  Hifls  and  Mountains,  (all 

"In  grateful  Confort  joyn'd,) 
By^edliriTFately  talff" 

If      .J   A.T7T7"..-  ■-    —  f 

_And  favours  J/Fjjy  Race, 


Who  frill  to  Him  are  nigh 


And  Trees  for  Fruit  defign'd, 

And  lrill  rejoyce. 

_0  therefore  raife  1 

Your  grateful  Voice; 

The  Lord  to  praife. 

His  Name  be  blelt. 
6      Let  all  of  Royal  Birth, 

with  thole  of  humbler  Frame , 

And  Judges  of  the  Earth, 
His  rnatchleis  Prajle  proclaim  j 

i  KJ   ] 

prepare  _y  our  glad  Voice,  

His  Praife,  in  the  great 



P    S    A    L 


Afiembly  to  fing. 



In  our  great  Creator, 
_  fct  J  fret  rejoyce; 
_And  Ch  i  Id ren~~6f ~Sion '. 
be  glad  in  their  King. 


to-tie  their  KlngilaftT" 

_With  Fetters  of  Iron 
their  Nobles  To~bmd." 

5 jrjHls  foafttfrey  make  good . 


2  Let  them  his  great  Name , 

_extol  in  the  Dance, 

Wnk  TimbreTand  Harp""" 


his  Praiies  exprefs ; 


.__when_thern  they  deftroy, 
JThe  dreadfUl  Decree"' 

==3     E====5=~S===5===K 

Who  always  takes  Pleafure 


bis  Saints  to  advance , 


And  with  his  Salvation 

=_J?hjdi_GocTdocs  proclaim  ~ 
Such  Honour  and T^umDhJ 

i  -~~t — — * — *»=&====  - 

__his  Saints  fl^irjnjoyJ 


u  therefore,  for  ever 

exalt  his  great  Name. 


__the_Humble  to  blcis. 

g  With~Glo"ry"adorn,d,_ 
£"~T*^jze"  'ft    ' »'      ft^^ 

his  People  fhall  ling 
rFo  God-,  whoTheir  Beds 

with  Safet~y~db"es  fhield ;  ' 

Their- Mouths  filPd  with  Pr-altesT" 
-of-hira  tbetf  great  Kingj 


i  V_>/     Praife  the  Lord  in  that  bleft  Place," 

From  whencehis  Goodnels.  largely  flows  3 

Praiflf  Him  in  Heav'n ,  where  He  his  Face" 
^Lnvcirdj  in  perfedt  GlSry  (hows. 

WhilH  a  two-edged  Sword, 

their  Right  Hand  (hall  weild. 

Praife  Him  for  all  the  mighty  Adts  s 

Which  He  in  our  Behalf  has  done; 

iiI=JHHiii!iHi!II  ' 

His  Kindnefs'this  Return  cxadts. 

4  J uft  Vengeance  to  take 
for  Injuries  palf; 



To  punifh  tlioje_Lands_ 

for  Ruin  defign'd; 
With  Chains,  as  their  Captives, 

With  which  our  Praife_fhojjld  equal  run. 
2~Lct_the  fhnll  'lrumpets_wrarlilce  Voice x 
•  Make  Rockl"and~H"ills  his  Pri^e£cJboundj 

Praife  Him  with  Harps  melodious  Noife, 

And  gentle  Plaltry's  iilver  Sound.. 


fTftl^frTwIicT  joyful  Hjmnsrompofe,       ~        In  j^Tftretum^of_grajfe employ;  __     ___ 
5^o^rabaff ieTtHeiJrSor|s:of  Praifep  Let  ev'iy  Creature,  praHTthc  LordT 

£    I    N    I    S. 







ADAPTED      to 


CtUeOeifrm  J.  STENNET;Js.  IV ATT  S, 
S.  BROPTNE:   and  J.  MASON,  as  ufed 
in  the  Englifb  eftablifbed  CHURCH  in 





jTo  finfui  Men,  contonM2  foriora!_ 

*~Ak> ud'cejeftialTTofts  proclaim^ ? ^ ' 

~^~A~Savfou7^'Cbtift  the  Lord,  is  born.  _ 
afHieir  Sovereign  throws  his  Beams  aficle, 

And  ftepslromjus  im pcrial  Throne,      ~ 

^In  Human  Form  the  God  to  hide, 

And  our  frail  Fiefh  to  make  his_own. 


3  How  many  Wonders  here  combine, 
~TlTdTaw~and"fix~"believing  EyesJ 

Ancf  fill  "all  Heav'n  with  Joy  divine. 

With  awful  Mirth-,  "&  dear  Surpnie  ? 



4  The  Angels  croud  in  (hming  Bands, 
Towait  onthis  aufpicious  Birth 


And  loud  proclaim  their  God's  Commands , 

„  His  Praije  on  bigb,  'bis  Peace  on  Earth. 
5  Let  us  too  try  our  utmorr.  Skill, 


"And  loud  with  thankful  Hearts  reply, 
~On  Earth  be  Peace ,  to  Men  good  Will, 
~And  higbejl  Praije  to  God  on  bigb7  ' 

S.  Browns. 

HYMN    I. 

Ark, the  bed  News_th_a_t  ever  came ! 

HYMN    II. 

[Tune  Pf.  16. 


\D  Alvatim !  0_the  Joyful  Sound  ! 


'Tis  Pleafure  _to  our  Ears ; 
A  Sov'reign  Balm  for  ev'ry  Wound 
A.  Cordial  for  our  Fears. 
3~Bury'd~in  Sorrow  and  in  Sin, 


=*=r— ; 

At  Hellas  dark  Door  we  ]ay_^ 

But  we  arife  by  Grace  divine. _ 
~To~See~a"  hea"v^nly_Day . 
%~Sabation !  lefthe~Ecctio  fly_ 



Thejpacious  Ear^h_al'oun_d^_ 
While  alTthe  Armies  of  the  Sky,  _ 

Confpire  to  raife_the_Sound. 

4  Nozv  Let  the  Father  and  the  Son , 


And  spirit  be  ador'd^ 

J  inhere  there  are  works  to  make  him  known , 

Or  Saints  to  Love  the  Lord. 

Js.  Watts. 




,  CMn  allThe  glorious  Names  _ 
3       OrWiTd_o7TT7^Lov^uT^oVr,~ 

That^everMor  tajs  tew  9 

A  a  That 


HYMN      III. 

~That~AtTge]s_cvcr  Jborgj 

"All"af&  too  mean 

Too  mean  to  let 

M  y  Savio nr  forth._ 
~W  hat  condeTccn dlri g  TV  ays ' 

D"th"r)ur"Rcd're"meF  life , 
To~teach"hTsheav,nly  Grace* __%_ 

"  And  Wonder  fee,. 

What  Forms  of  Love 
"Tie  bears  for  me. 

«£"  zSE=E± 


Array'd  in  mortal  Flefh 

y       Aiuy  u  iiJ  iii<Ji  loi^  luii} ^ 

~H]TO&"e"an  AngcHjindis, , 

*       Aliid.hplds.the  Promifes  ^ 

~And'lrfiFdorjs~in  his  Hands"  t 

CommiffionM  from 

H  isTither's.  Th  rone . 
To  make  his  Grace 


To  Mortals  known. 


Of  Sins  for°iv'n_, 


_  And  Peace  with  Heav'n. 

Be  thou~my  CounjHlor, 

MvJPattern  and  my  Guide ; 
And_  thrc£  this  defart  Land  r 

Still  keep  me  near  thy  Side. 

"       Nefler  run  aftray ,  _  . 

Nor  rove ,  nor  feek  _      

i  :>c  crooked  way! 
6      I  love m£]SrIephe£^i  Voice ,  _u 

His  watchful  Eyes jjj  alL!E££P  _ 
My^wa5d^rTng  Soul,  among 
The~thouTands  of his  Sheep: 

Ifelced  sJl'S_Pk)cJ5» 

He~caUs"Thejr'  Names ; 

Bis  Bofonr  bear&     ■ 

TheTtender  La^bjs. 

4 Great  >-'rophct_of  my jGod ,, ^  ^ 

~m£  i  '<  >  ogue  *^uTd"bjefs  thy  Name.,, 

By  'Phee-  the  joyful  Newa  

__Of 'ouFsabraQor^eame %    . 

7"    To  this  dear  Surety's  Hand,_  " 

WlIT  I Tom  mi  t  jny_  Cauie ; 

He~anfvyers  an d  fulfils 

jj^FatTicr^s  broken  Law s > " 

^'hoTdTnyjoul % 

At  Fteedorn  Set  I 
""   "=SiySumy"pai<i 


HYMN      III.' 


» mi_.    j"l JCl-1    T-v.i.^.       ""  A  r\A   ti'onrl   tY\t*  Tomnh/x-  /^/->tt7»-»  . 

The  dreadful  Debt. 

8      Tefiis  my  Great  High-Pricft,  ,. 

f~^Fte?d'jTs^ood~and"dy,'dT~         •    •  . 

1      My~guifty  Confciencc  feeks, 

_And_  tread  the  Tempter  down ; 
My~Clptain  leads  me~tor"th~" 

To  Conqueft  and  a_Crown. 

"No  Sacrifice  befide. 

"'  His"  pow]rfijfBl~ood^ , 

Shall  win  the  Djay , 



— >A 

Did  once_atone ; 

JL        ++ 

Tho]  Death  and  Hell 

And  no\y_it_pleads  _  

""Before  the  Throne. 

lliiplllliiii^:  >~=: 

p      My  Advocate  appears. 

'Should  alUhe  Hofts  of  Death , ' 


For  my  Defence  on  high ; 
The  Father  bows  his  Ears, 

And  Pow'rsofHell  unknown, 
'  Puttheir  moft  dre_a_dfol^Fo7-rnJ7"" 
' Qfi&ige  and_  i\rifchiefon~ 

And  lays  his  Thunder  by. 

I  Ihall  be  Safe , 

Not  all  that  Hell 

For  Chrift  difplays, 

Or  Sin  can  fay, 

Shall_turn_his  Heart, 

I  i 


~_And  Guardian  Grace. 


13     To  God  the  Father's  Throne  5 

His_Loye  away. 

io— 1v5y~dear  Almighty  Lord, 

~^5j^    :.,»;.t 



SUl  Si 


MyConqu'ror  and  my  King,  To  God  the  Spirit  Fraije^  

Thy  Scepter  and  thy  Sword  3  ~"        jind  while  our  lips    .  ■ 

Thy TeTgnm^Gracc "I  Img"  ~~~  "  7Mr  ttibuipnwg^  _^ 

Thine  is  the  Pow'r; 

.  Jehold  1  fit. 

Our  Faith  adores __ 
The  Name  -weftng. 

la  willing  Bonds 

_Iiefore  thy  Feet; 
11 Now  let  my  SouTanfe^ 

Aa  2 

Js.  Watts. 



HYMN      IV    V.' 


HYMN    IV. 

I     JL    He  Jezvijh  (hades  are  all  withdrawn , 

7  That  great  Atonement  we  reeei  ve, 

Which  Prophets  did  forteH:         __ 

"ThaTwill  from  Senfe  ofGniltreEevc, 


s  s§E^§i?=i 

Redeem  from  Wrath  and  Hell 

:Beforc  the  Blazeof  Day, 
a  N^nw^"devoted"leafcmuftdie , 

For  all  this  Light  and  Love: 

=    n-==^= 


^TTm^O-iurf  coftly^cenfe  fry,  __ 

~U^BlooT"61^~ul^b£|ie"H,  ~^  _^ 

3  The"  priFftfy^o^^aT-e"uIelegjix)wn , 

^5t-e  CKrlTto  aft  the  Png  carnedowri, 
^"    AnTFrrS^e^n  dyU.      ft      '      . 

4  AnS^rmlefiLBeaiSjBVgnhadWed, 

"=^TAltarJ^5cM~ii^ani :      ^ 

~Had~ HenoTmthe  jmjer>  Stead 

^=^i^nTc~d"to"bellai^ir_      =g„  «. 

5-i5uniisTicOToodTtraes  ^^'1^- ___-._ 

^tiurgafpigg  Hopes  revive  Again, 

S"this  great  Sa£i^£_.  __^,li      ■  *. 

?Prrms  by  "tlicTh i ne  of  (jofEgOfey 7     _-~-~l 
^^gj^rn^^hTr^^P^  _____  \—4 
TEe""ancieat  Mifts  are  deaf  gavray^ 

iid'airure'iyperiuiiiii^ " 

Thou  Source  of  all  our  Hopes  below, 

And  all  our  Biifs  above.' 

S.  Browne. 

H  Y  M  N    V. 

i  H 

XTl  AftThou ,  my  Soul ,  thy  Saviour  view'd 
As  on  the  CrofsHe  hung  and  bled  ?__ 
Haftteen  his  Bruifcs7 VVou nds,  and  Tears, 
"Seen  himTx>w  down  his  dying  Head  ? 
a  Haft  hearjljjw  rudely  He  wasleer^d , 
"^y^thofelhat  made  him  groan  and,  die  g 


Heard  hinTjitnid  their  cruel  Scofrs,. . 

~Ev,,nTcn"d~theTlea"vens  with  his  Ciy. 
g  That  dolefaiLCry,. myGod^jGody ~~ 

0~wby  Ba£l.'im}  by  bon  ft  rjooH 

'  Haft  mark'djhe  . \ nauj^of  hjTvVords ,     . 

Tlte  mof^Itiorroi^LHj^ Look  ?_ 

4  A UJ h isTslnuch,  ffe t/tis  n ot  ah ; ^ 

But  thou  no  proper  Terms  caul,  tind , 

"To  paint  CHe  '1'oroicjits  of  his  Soul  > 

1  lie 

HYMN      V- 

g^All  thiilmd  more  thanthou ,  my  Soul, ^ 





— -W 

6  Lookl^ckor^mojgj jndjgew^sjgg^ 
~mTBackr  YvTHands,  hlsTeg?,  his  Side^_- 

^n  Jldrn'miySlghFin^Sis ,  __  _____ 

J?  foin^Tifainbe'^bWpefide. 

7  No,  alFm me  isT)un|  and  Profs , 

jtatmTTdear  Jefiis  Cxttcify'd : 

-T^^Z.^!1!^  their  Hands  "in'facred  Blood? 
3_Thc_Sun  aftonifh'd  hid  his  Face, 

The  Heav'ns  a  fable  Garment  wore; 
^Th^frigh^e^I^th's  Founda^i_oiis_^ok , _ 

And  Folid  Rocks  afundeFtoreF 
4  The  Temple's  veil  was  rerltTTo  (hew  ~ 

Heav'ns  Throne  unveil'dto  our  High— PricnV, 



The  op'ning  Graves  and  riling  Saints 


The  Virtue  of  his  Death  confer!:. 

J.  Stennet. 



Under  the  Shadow  of  his  Crofs 

I'll  fit  me  down,  and  there  abide. 

HYMN    V I L 



His  Beauty  too  I  there  fli.ill  fee, 
"Darting  thro' nis  reproachful  Veil. 



.  Then  lowly  bows  his- fainting  Heady 

jAndJbon  tl:f  expiring  Sacrifice   . 

Its  fweet  and  pow'rful  Beams  on  me. 

J.  Stennet. 


M  N    VL 

to  the  Regions  of  the  Dead. 


a  *Tis  dans —  the  mighty  Work  is  done ! 

For  Men  or  Angels  much  too  great; 



Which  none,  but  God's  eternal  Son; 

t    W  Hilc  to  thy  Crofs  we  turn  our  Eyes,         _Or  would  attempt,  or  could  complete 

And  there  thy  Agonies  review ; 


_  W  hut  we  deferv'd  but  Thou  hart  born 

•g  *2  'is-  done 


his  Tears ,  his  Groans ,  &  Wound;  , 

His  Sweat  and  Blood,  his  Paths 9  &  Toils 



Thy-  teowft/j ,  thy  Gn>i«j,thy  'J  or  meats  IhcwT        "Vicl'ry  with  deathlefs  Glory  crowns,  _ 

2_W_hile ■  Terror_o'_er  thy  Soul  was  fpread, 

Thy  cruel  Foes  reviling  Stood ;' 

_  With  Trophies ,  and  Triumphant  Spoils.. 


4  Hell's  broken  Troops  find  no  defence :. 
A  a  \ 


HYMN      VII.    VIII.    IX. 

'  Sin  dies  sndJDpijijtrclf  is  ill'ILL. 

a    gii=5=3 


Return,  to  dwell  on  Earth  again. 

5  'TJs  done  —  Old  things  are  patt  away , 

*~And"a'newrState  of  things  be g a n]  " 

2  _B_Pa~rdon  .^nd  Grac^^BoqjBlels  Love, ." 
n  Streamij^jtopg  a ~S avTop r's  Blood ,    ^ 

_w_And  Life ,  and  Joys ,  and  Crowns  "above" 
■  ._»J3&y!^urchaj^  §Z  a  bfeellrrg  GoaT"" 

:s       fe>:=r, 

_A World  whofe  Age  fecls'noDecay , 
^inhaJToilt—^aftlhe  circling  Sun, 


6' A  new'  Account  of  Time  begins, _ 

WherTour  dear_Lord  refi^ftftthis  breath , 
""Charg'd  with  our  Sojrqws"and_  our  SlnsT" 



Our  Lives  to  ran  Torn  by  his  Death. 

Hark!  how  He  prays ,  j^the  charming  Sou n"d 
DweUson  His  dying  Lips) "T5j^fvgj 
And  ev'ry  GroalTr^nd~pping^WOTndT 
Cries;  „  JFatbir*  let  th.6 Rebels  live. 
3  Go,  you  that  rell  upon  the  LawT™ 
And  toils  feek  Salvation  there , 

j£r=3E^S— ~=5 

Lookjo  the  EJames  that  Mo/t^  few, 

7  Once  He  was  dead;  now  lives  and  reigns,  And  Ihrmkand  ^embje_&  dejpair. 

^Wheri  Angels  his  great  Deeds  procFaim : 

ButJ'U  retire  beneath  the  Crof&V 

Let's  tell  our  Joys  in  pious  Strains  ,"* 

"And  fpread  the  Glory  of  his~Name. 

J.   St  EN  NET. 


Saviour,  at  thy  dear  Feet  1  lie ; 

And  the  keen  Sword  that  J ultice  draws, 



t  „  v_y  Urll  be  the  Man ,  for  ever  curft , 
„  That  doth_thc  finalleft  Sin  commit;      __t 
-  „  Deatfr  and_  Damnation  for  the  firft, 

"Without  Relief  and  Infinite. 

Thus  »&*#j:oars;  andTound  the  Earth  And  Leave  his  Lait  at 

Thunder  and  Fire,  and  Vengeance  flings; 

Flaming  &  red  Ihall  pafs  me  by. 

J«.  Watts. 

II  Y  M  N    I  X. 

L  cit  Morning,whofe  young  dawning  Rays 

Beheld  ourjrifigg  God]-" 


That  faw  him  triumph  o'er  the  Duit,^ 

And  Leave  his  Lait  abode. 

2  in  the  coid  l  riion  of  a  Tombj 

And  Calvary  ,  lays  Rentier  Things. 

'Till  "the  revolving  Skies  had  brought 



To  hold  our  Ga^fa^ajnj '  '     * 

IX.    X.     XI.  191 

Thus  the  belicv-ing  Jaylor ,  gave""" 

His  Houshold,  to  the  Lord. 




The  swpinp;  nnnqnerorr  arofa^ 

And  burft  their feebl^Chain^^ 

4"foThy"great  r^meTAlmighty^Lord , 

4  Thus  later  Saints ,  Eternal  King, 

~  Thine  ancfent  Truth  embrace,                , 
To  Thee  their  Infant  "OrF-fpring  bring, 


And  Humbly  claim  the  Grace. 


~Theie"Tacred_  Hours_  wepay^ 

=AW LoudJJoJcwna  jlhairpfod  ainy^ 

'"  The  Trramph  oTttaa^y*. ^ ^ 

5  Salvation  and  immortal  Praife, ^ 

To  our  Victorious  King  ;  _ 

~nTlTm^and~Earth ^iid  Rocks ,  and  Seas , 

WTiFgTad  Hozannas  ring. 

Js.  Watts. 

5  Now  let  the  Father  and  the  Son 


and  Spirit  be  adored , 


JVhere  there  are  U^orks  to  make  him  known , 

or  Saints  to  Love  the  Lord. 

Js.  Watts. 







1   jL)  Elcend  , "of  Saints ,  defcend ,~ 

HYMN    X. 

By  thy  free  Spirit^vital  Heat :_ 


Hus  faitE~theMercy"of  the  Lord , 
77/  he  a  "God  tot  bee  ; 
~~Jyd  bhfs  thy  numerous  Race ,  and  they 
~~Sba~!l  be_a  Seed  fir  me. 

2,  Sibra'm  believ'd  the_promis'd  Grace, 

And  gave  his_  Sons  to  God; 
•  RutW-ater  feals  the  Eleffing_now, 
__Thatonce_was  feaPd  with  Blood. 

3,  Thus .Lydia  Sanftity'dlier  Hdufe r _ 
~~Wheji  ihe  receiv^heTWoTd; 

Frcfh  Jovs_to  ev*fy  Soal .extend  3 

'  "ThaFat  tbv  Table^jjnds  a  Seat. 


2  O  Prince  of -Peace,  blefs  Thou  this  Board, 


Withthofe  fweet  Smiles  which  Angels  Chear^ 
~0~gi vFull^ace^ndTcl I  u^Lord^ 

We're  pardon?dj_and^  accepted  here. 

3  As  Thou  o"ur_ha_ngry_SouIs  halt  fedy 

~OurlWfly~S"ouTsTu^MTT,"d"with  Wine;  ~ 
"SouHlSl^with  thls^heay'nlyjBread^ " 

And  with  -this  facfed  Bloodof  tliinc^ 
4  Amazing  Love  i  '^sjntimtej: 



HYMN      XI.   XII.    XIII, 

— No  Thoughts  its  cndlefs  Depth  can  Sound ; 
~~Arid"forExrcnt7^1^e  W orld's  vaft  Round.  ~ 

5  Lord ,  to  advance  thy  Praifes  here, 
"Increafeour  Light,  inlarge  our  Love; 
"And  bythy  Grace  our  Souls  prepare ,  ^ 

For  better  Song_s  and  Tunes  above. 

6  Thus  God'tbe  Father  Crod  the  Son , 
yind  God  the  Spirit  ue  adore , 

Tbat_Sea  of  Life  and  Love  unknown, 

"Tint bout  a  Bottom ,  or  a  Shored' 

J.  Stennet. 

~J&%£  k£f»ss«%is«i 

4j^revcnt_me,  O  Almighty  Grace' 
Nor  let  me  e'er  fo  treach'rous  prove, 
/To  crucify  my  Lord  afrefh 
And  render  Hate  for  ail, his  Love! 

5  His  Life~J]hcM~dcrb^nmnej_ 
HisWord*  the  Rule  to  guide  mv  ways; 
His  Crofis  tfieT5eath  of  aTTmy  Crimes;      * 
His  Love,  tTe  SubjeQToY" irTyHPraTieT  ===== 

6  jljid_  let  the  Church  zutb  otic "accord    ' 

Refiuiid  Amen  1  and  praTfe~th~Lo}~d~; 
Hallelujah,  Hallelujah,.  = 

Halielujab,  Hallelujah. 

J.  Stennet. 


Ome ,  let  us  go  and  die  with  Him, 

Who  was  content  to  die  for  us;  

Let's  wound  and  crucify  thofe_Sins, 

That  nail'd  our  Saviour  to  his  Crofs. 

2_May  Holy  Indignation  raife,  _ 
_A  Jurfllevenge  in  ev'ry  Breaft?     " 
IVfay  ev'ry  Soul,  that  Jesjjs  loves,  _ 
The  very  Thoughts  of  Sin  detefti 

Shall  I  again  \vith_ Blots  deface? 
~My  SouT'by  Grace  advanc]d_to  1  leav^nT"" 
Stall  I  again  to  Hell  debafe? 


i_J-j^  Omore,  my  God  ,  I  boa  It  no  more^ 
"Of  aUlhe"Tjiuies~  I~have  done; 
J  quit  the  Hopes  I  held  "before , 

2  Now  for  the  Love  I  bear  his  Name% 
_What  was  my  Gain  f  count  m /  I >ois ; 

My  former  Pride  T~callmy_Sh  ,  me , 
And  nail  my  Glory _toJnsvCrofs. 

3  Yes^~and~I  muft"§  will  cftecm  " 

All  things  but  Lofs  for  Jeju?  fake: 

TTmaxTiTy  Soul  be  found  in  iiirn", 


HYMN     Xin.   XIV.    XV. 

And  of  his  Righ_teou_snefs  pamkef  _ 

4  The  beft_obedience  of  my  Hands, v 

"Dares^oTappear_before  thy  Throne,       ^ 
^uTT^Fcalfl^^erFhy^emands^  _____ 
=^pBng"wh_t^Lord  hj^done.  ^ 

^z=%for£7baTi^irjrbou^bts  or  JVisbes  know, 

B^ Bu^Ta§ng'Honours  (/one, 

ifJTrt/7 ibiChlTrcb,  tBTClrifl'hirSon.'' 

Is.  Watts. 


A  P^=lillili^ 

XX  T  P^^^ca^^UiA^ioMjDay! 



"With  one _ A"ccord~thrApofl:les  metT" 
"There , j^hel^tTieirl^after  bid  them  ftay;"~ 
^nd~fofthe  Father's  Promile  wait. 

i  Nor  did  they  fit  in  long  Sufpenfe , 

From  Heavjn  a  fudden  Sound  was  hear'd, 

Like  Wind  impetuous  mfhing  thence, 

And  Cloven  Tongues  of  Fire  appear'd. 

9  With  flowing  Speech  in  foreign  Tongues , 


The  Tongue  of  Medes  a  of  Lyblmsxfiz . 

oman . 


Arabic,  Per/Ian, 
5 ZD}H?  did  the~Holy  Ghoftlnfoire~ 
And  fit  Them ,  Chriftian  TruIhTto  fpread, 


Fill  ev'ry  Heart  with  Light  and  Fire, 


Teach_  ev'ry  Tongue  to  preach  &  plead. 
6  Thus  did  He  open  Witnefs  bear^ 

To  their  Authority  divineT" 

Make  ftupid  Lands  attentive  heai% 
~And_aTl  _heirjKods_and  Lufts  refignT 
7~Thui  Tidings  of  Salvation  run , 

Through  ev'ry  Nation  far  and  near, 

And  ev'ry  where  beneath  the  Sua* 

The  Triumphs  of  the  Crofs  appear. 

S.  Browne. 

HYMN    XV. 

I    Hj  'Re  long  the  awful  Day  wilFcomel 
When  Chrift  in  Glory  (hall  appear , 
_And_all  the  World  their  final  Doom , 


God's  wondroj_s_Works  they  now  proclaim : 
Whilft  of  all  Nations  num'rous  Throngs", 


To  witnefs  to  the  Wonder  came. 


4j>urprjzM  fhj^heaj'djto'rate  Jews,  ' 

From  his  moft  Righteous  Lips  mull  hear 
2~In~God — like  State  He'll  then  deicend, 

A- =^ 

With  Glory  crown'd  and  clad  in  Light: 


The  Language  of  each  Country  ipcak; 

His  heav'nly  Hoft  will  all  attends 
With- Looks  and  Robes  divinely  bright. 


3  He'll  mount  his  dazling  Judgment  Seat . 

Bt>  Anp 


HYMN      XV.    XVI.    XVIL 


And  bid  the  great  Arch— Angel  found ,  _ 
r  n  Wake "all  ye  deadboth  finaB  and~G~rcat7~ 



„  "Eiitomb'd  in  Earth ,  in  Waters  drown'd. 
4  The~dreadtlil  Blaft  will  (hake  the  SkyT" 
^ThFEartb  and  Seas  give  "up  their  Dead , 

Each  Grave  unlock  and  open  fly, 


He  God  of  Mercy  bejidor'd",  = 
Who  cjillFouFS^j^orTDe1i^:====:= 

And  ev'ry  Sleeper  lift  hTs  Head.. 

5~TheDead  Teviv'd  and  all  alive  ,__ 
~BeToFe~Trim  then  jhall_be  eonven'd ; 
And  their  laft  Sentence  to  receive  , 
Jioth_Good  and  Bad  (ball  there  attend. 

6  The  Volumes  Shall  be  open  thrown, 

Where  all  their  Deeds  are  on  Record^"" 
By  his  own  Hand  there  written _down  ,_ 

"Their  Righteous  Judge ,  &  fov'reign  Lord. 

7  Jult  as  their  fcv'ral  Works  have  been , 
DecitTve  Sentence  will  be  giv'n _:_ 
They'll  be  condemn'd  who  Tiv'd  in_Sin , 
The  Righteous  wclcom'd  into  Heaven. 

8_OhJ  may  I  find  my~little  Name, 
In  God's  own  Book  of  Life,  fet  down ; 

And  new  —  creating  Breath." 

— :*- 

Myjudgewill  then^  Well  done,  proclaim. 

And  with  his  HanBTput  on~myTJrown7~ 

S.  Browne. 

To_^jfe  the  Father  g„d  the  Son  '  = 

utind  Spirit  all  Divine, 

TbeOm_  in_Tbree*~&  Three ~hi_  One, 
Let  Saints  §  fdngelTjoin.  ===== 

Js.  Watts. 


??» f-j-f-4^'  'i1'    i    in.       = 

[  l_j  Et  Pharifees  of  high  Efteeny' 
~  Their  Faith  and  ZTafdedare-"-" 
All  their  Religion  is  a  Dream"7~ 

z_Love  Juifevs  long  with  patient  Eye , 

Nor  is  provoked  in  hafte,  _ 

"She  lets  the  grefent  Injury  die,_ 

~And_long  forgets  the  pafty_ 
[g  Mahceafld  Rage,  thofe Fires  ot  Hdly     ~~ 

~~ Sh^ueiK^rwlt^hherJI'ongue ;~~ 

^HopcT, 7md~belie"ves7and  thin ks_no  ITfTJ 

"^h^flicTridjare  the_wrong.]_ 

USheiioFdcliies  nor  leeks  to  know,-"" 


HYMN      XVII.    XVIII.    XIX. 


'ThiTcandals'of  the~Tirnc ;__ 

~NoFTQoks~\vith  Pride  on  thofe  "below, 

Nor- envies  thofe  that  climbL3_ 

5  She  lays  her  mvn  Advantage  by, ^ 

Tofeek  ]fcr^elghbou?s"Good , 


So  God's  own  Son  came  down  to  die 


And  bought  our  Lives  with  Blood. 
6lZov~\s  the~Grace~tharkeeps  herTowY,- 

"Dear  Lord !  and  fhal]_we_cyer  lie, 

At  this  poor  dying  rate ; 
l3ur^o7e"fo~faTnT7  fo  cold~to~TheeT~ 
And  thine  to  us  fo  great  ? 

5  Come,  Holy  Spirit,  Heav'nly  Dove, 

~ Withall thy  quiclFninFPow^rTT" 

J^ome^  fhed  abroad  a  Saviour's  Love, 


In  all  the  Realms  above 

*s     tj== 

j-    >    «-^g 

There  Faith  and  Hope  are  known  no  more , 

"But  Saints  for  ever  Love. 

Js.  Watts. 


t    Vy  Ome ,  Holy  Spirit ,  HeaV^IyT3ove"7~ 
With  all  thy_quick[ning  Pow'rs^ 
Kindle  a  Flame  of  facred  Love, 
In  thefe  cold  Hearts  of  ours. 

_  Andjhat  fhall  kindle  ours.  _ 
6  Glory  to  God  the  S^ritiQwej _ 
From  whoje  Almighty  Pciv'r, 
Our  Souls  their  Heav'nly  -Birth  derive, 

And  bkfs  the  happy  Hour. 

Js.  Watts. 



i  v^ !  Might  I  once  mount  up  and  fee  ^ 


The  Glories  of  th'eternal  Skies, 

What  little  Things  thefe  Worlds  wou'd  be! 


2_Look ,  how  we  grovel  here  bclow~7~ 
Fopd  of  thefe  trifling  Toys;  ~ 
Our  Souls  can  neither.  fly~noFgo","  t 

How  defpicablejo  my  Eyes! 

2  Had  1  a  Glance  of  Thee ,  my  God ,    

Kingdoms  and  Men  would  vanilh  foon3 


To  reach  eternal  Joys, 
gjfn  vain  we  tune  our  formal  Songs,  " 
.  In  gain  we  ftrive.tQrife; 
And  our  DcvoubiTdiesT 

_Vanifli  as  tho'  1  faw  them  not, 

_As  a  dim  Candle  dies  at  Noon.         _ 

fUTlEAT  ALlTlN^L77r&e™dlLmg~ 

"jpztrae  but  view  thy  Lovely  Face, 

"And  alfmy  Pow'rs  fhall  bow~and"fingT 

Bb  a  Thine 


HYMN      XIX.    XX.    XXI.    XXII: 

Thine  Endlefs  Grandeur,  and  thy  Grace. 
Arvto  Father,  Son,  atidHofy  Gboft, 

Be  Glory ,  as  it  was ,  is  now, 

And flail  be  ,  evermor«* 

]s.  Watts. 

1  By  Saint  sjn  Earth, _ai?d_all  the  Hufis_, 

^'zOfgJoFiiuT7Por}ljij>ers  itrHeavytu 

]s.  Watts. 


HYMN    XX. 

t  iH=iifiIi^li=!Piii§liH 

r    l^Ord,  Thou  haft  bound  us  to  believe, 
If  we  would  be  forgiven!" 

Ot  the  Malicious  or  Profane, 

The  Wanton  or  the  Proud  ," 
~N"or~TliieveT,.norNSland,rers,  fliaU  obtain""" 

We  muftby  Faitinhy^Sorrre"ce"ive"7~ 
To  be  made  Heirs  of  Heav'm  ~ 
2  Juft ,  fit,  &  Kind  is  this  Demand- 
And  fpeaks  thy  Goodnefs ,  JLordT"" 

"The~TCingdom^of  our  God 
2~Sm^T-izinTgr_aceT"And  fudTwcre  we 

By^Jiature  and  by  Sin , 

T?cnV"6f~h^io"it"aT~Mrfery , 

~Unlio~ly~and  unclean.         __ 

3 "FuTwe" "ar cTwafh^m  Jfe/"*'  fii°°dJ ^ 

~  W  e'rTpardon^tirr^ln^amie ; "* 

"And Tn"e~joodl)pirit  of  our_God_, 

Has  lanftify'd  our  frame! 

4  O  for  a  perfevering  PowT, " 

TTn^el^h-HuffcJommands ! 

Wc  would  detileour  Hearts  no  more, 


5~TrF^erj^<^al^Hol> [Obo/i±_ ^ 

U~fc~Uod,  whom  we  Adore; 

When  Pardoji  jhus_niayj)e  Obtained , 

_  And"  forfeit  Lite  reftor'd. 
3 ^rFTliovTarTprompt  to  Pardon  Siri~ 

~~ And_q uit  our  guilty  Score: 

"!JiThy~Demandsliad  higher  been,  ~ 

And_we  ^[g,d^_more._      _ 


4  'Tis glorious  Grace,  thus,  Lord,  to  give, 

l^Tblfi^rjg  Sognielief  i      JZIZIH 

_Iwo\ild  with  all  mme  Heart  believe," 


S.  Browne. 


i  x     An 


zither,  the  P£odiga_l_atJaft_ 




"Arid "owning  ah  his  Follies  part, 

HGeVproftrate  at  thy  Feet.  

~FaThe77~ho\v  tender  is  the  Name! 


If 'tis  too~niuch_tobe~a  ~SofT,~~ 

How  foft ,  Jiow_£weetjt_founds ! 

Let  me  a  Servant  be : 

I  wou'd  on  any  Terms",  be  one 

That  appertains  to  Thee. 

And  yet  it  covers  "me  with  Shame, 

S.  Browne. 

^AnT'openrgrmy"  Wounds. 

zTFatber!  wilt  Thou  Relation  own, 





Who  have  refused  tobe  thy  Son , 
~And"lefFthy  Family ! 

i   L  Ord ,  all  th'efe  Works  of  thine" 
Become  ^hy  Hand  Divin"e"7*~ 


And  Pious  Thoughts  infpire  : 



Ain~w"h~aT a~Monfter  have  1  been? 
"  To  turn  my  Back  on  Th  cc_[  _ 
"And  for  the  row  Delights  of  Sin, 
— Fjroir^Lo^jtMFToflee  t_ 
3  Nor  have  I  only  JPu_ri\y_^hv  Grace , 
I  have  thy  Pow'r  defy'd ,  '_ 
And  broke  thy  Laws  before  thy  Face, 


While  all  thy_Greatnefs  prove 
Thee  I  admire  and  Love"7~ 
Love  and  admire. 
2  The  World's  a  Temple,  wlwe 

Thy  Creatures  all  appear, 

To  Offer  Praife  and  PrayV: 
The  Rocks,  and  Hills  and  Trees, 


With  moft  contemptuous  Pride . 
Can  I  have  any  Room  to  H-ope 



On  Earth,  in  Air,  in  Seas, 

For  any  Good  from  Thee  ? 
Hell  mult  my  Portion"  be" 

Thy  Altars  are 
3 _TheJcaly_  Troops_  that  fweep 

'i'hro'  Regions  ofjhc  Deepj_ 


The  Bcafts  that  Iced  and  ltray 


4  Yet  will  ^hope^Shoujd  1  defpair? 
I  cannot  live  abroad : 

My  Saviour's  Merits  boundlefs  are, 
'A'huu  arra"pirymg~G'odr~ 

Thro'  Mountains  Woods  and  Plains, 

_Con fefs  Jehovah  reigns ,_ 


And  Homage  pay. 


4  The  leaiher'd  Tribe  Uiatlwuus. 




In  Air,  with  various  Hymns ^ 

Sound  tftro_jhe  Groves  thy  NameT" 
1  While  impiguTMen  alone,     ; 
7%y  Name*  ifoTVutbj,  Ihy  Throne 

Bare  to  blaspheme. 

J.  Stennet. 

H  Y  M  N    XXIV. 

1    W  J_Ic6mFfweeTDay  ofRcft , 

That  faw_the  Lord  arife; 
"Welcome  to  this  reviving  Breaft7_ 

And  thefe  rejo^ng  J_ygsT 

a  The  King  himfelfeomes  neirT" 
~And^aj__rhis~Saints  to  Day ; 

"Y       t    y   *  J 

JVorflAp  the  Father ,  Praijl  the  Son  I 

-dfa^  &ife/5  the  Sprit  too. 

Js.  Watts. 


YGod,  how  endled  is  thy  Love? 

Thy  Gifts  are  eyfty  Ev'ninjfnew"^ 

And_ Morning  Merries  from  above," 


"Gently  diftill  like  early  Dew7  _ 
2~Thou  fbf eadft  the  Curtains  of  the  Nighl~ 

King  himfelfeomes  near,  And  quickens  all  my  drowzy  Powers. 


Here  we  may  fit,  and  fee  hlmhere 

And  Love,  and  Praife,  and  Pray, 
g  One  Day  atmdft  the  Place , ^ 

3  I  yield  my  Powjrs  to  thy  Command } 

Where  my  dean  God  hath  been-, 



To  Thee  I  conlecrate  my  Days ;     , 

^~Pci~peTu7rBieWgJli-om  thine  Hand ,  * 

"Demand  perj_ema__Songs  ofPr^^ 

4  To  God  the  'father  ,jGod  the  Son, ^ 

~^4nd God the~S^i^^Tbree in  One , 

~ By  all  on~Earth ,  and  all  in  Heaven, 

Js.  Watts. 
In  Rich  a  Frame  as  this, 

And  (it  and  J_ng  herlclr  ajvy_ay_ 

To  everlafting  Bins.  

K^e  Angels  round'tbe  Throne,         F=1_______J     *   ^AAn '         ^_E^S^^^-__t:r=a 

J^rf  Saint st hat  dwell  below  3 

Is  fweeter  than  'Ten_T_houfand  Days , 

Of  pleafureable  Sin.  

4  My  willing  Soul  would  ftay 



He  burns  within  withrclticls  Fires, 


It,  I  ~rz^l^ 

"Toft:  to:  an5  fro  his  Paffions  fly^_ 

From  Vanity  to_V  arj i  t ] . 
gjjP_v^n  on"Ea7tlTwe  hope  -to  find 
"Some  '^^'Go^d^mTthe^MiflS ,  ( 

^J^^ewTic^rc^b^wefei el___ 

If  one  more  Year  is  loft ! 
If  yet  beneath  thy  Curfe  I  he. 


And  to  thy  Wrath  expos'd! 
if  I  get  deeper  in  Arrear, 

f  hciiaward  Thirft  tadJTormentJiI^_ 
S^o  when  a  rajjng  j^er  bjrns^  ^ 

Wei  [ft  TroinjTdTtD  Side^Ti5:ns?         , 

~AncT't"is" a "pooFRgjSf  jyjgai n ___  __  _ 

A  Great  God » fabdue  this  vicious  Thirft, 
'"This  Love  to  Vanity  and  boftj 

Cure  the  vfle  Fever  "of  the  Mind_, 

'  And  feed  our  Souls  with  Joys  refin'd. 

Js.  Watts. 


1  /\  Nd  now,  my  Soul,  another  Year, 
Of  my  fhort  Life  isjpaft : 
I "cannot  long  continue  here, 
~~And  "this  may  be  my  Taft.__ 
Much  of  my  dubious  Lite  is  done, 

__As_Life  ftill Ihorter  grows! 
_More  diftantlrom  my  God,  Mor-e  near7~ 

To  never  dying  Woes ! 
3  Awake,  my  Soul,  with  utmoft  Care 

Thy  true  Condition  learn : 


What  are  thy  Hopes,  how  lure,  how  fair  ? 
And  what  thy  chief  Concern  ? 

:  -%: -%- + — = 

Roufe  all  the  Man  ,_thy  Work  is  great, 
~AndluTthe~Man  "demands : 
Thine7/gdtt/,thine  Hearj)xhyBr7atb^iySwe~af^ 

Thy  Strength. &  both  thine  Ham's. 
4  Now  a  new  Scene  of  Time  begins" 
_  Set  out  therewith  for  Heav'n: 

Seek  Pardon  for  thy  former  Sins , 

In  Chriftjb  freely  giv'n. 
rJevputly_yield  thyfelFto~God, 

And  to  his  Care  commend :_ 


Nor  will  return  again ;: 

And  fwift  my  gaffing  Momentsjum~7~ 
_The  fe wlhat  yeTlemalru 
aTtoid,  whatTa  Fob77a  Wretgh"am"i7" 

And  ftill  purfue  the  heav'nly  Road,_ 

Nor  aoubt  an  happy  JLnd, 

S,  Brown jb. 





H  Y  M  N    XXVIII. 

I   ITXABcTlromlhe  Tombs  a  doleful  Sound! 
My  Ears  attend  the  Cry^  _ 

~Ye  jiving  Men  ,  come  viewjhe  Ground 
"~„  Where  yon  muft  (hortly  lie. 
3  ,7i>n«^Fthis  Clay  mud  be  your  Bed~7~ 

3,  In  Ipite  of  all  your  Tow'rs; 
"ITThe  7W/y the  Wjjtl t\^R^reii4WSd~ 
„  Muft  "lie  as  _low  as  ours._ 

3  Great  GodJ  is  this  our  certain  Doom  ? 

And  are  we  ftill  Pecure ! 
StiU  walking  downwards  to  our  Tomb , 

_^_An^floi^irtiBright_and  Gay; 
A  blafting  ^n^JWe^^^er^he^a"nd7~ 

And  fades  the  Grafs  away.  " 

g_Our  Life  cojKmnTT^^TfajofSr^mgs7~ 

And  dies  if  one  be  gone : 
StranjeTthat_a  ^pofl^oulanl^^^ 

To  fit  our  Souls  to  fly, 
Then,  when  we  drop_this_dying  Flefn"7~ 
We'll  rife  above" the~SlcyT 

Should  keep  in  Tunelolong!  — — — 

4_But  'tis  our^odju^rtrourFrarne , 
Z~  T^e  Gdd^hj^uilFusTrft ; 

"Salvation  to  ttf  Jfim}jj^ty~Name~~ 
"  That  reai^iTsn!ronrthe~Duft. 


rSj^crpoke^and  ftrait  our  Hearts  and Braim\ 
In  all  their  Motions  rofe"*- 
Let  Blood,  faid  He ,  flow  round  'the  Peitis , 
__And  round  the  VeinTiTflows" 

Js.  Watts. 


6  While~we  have  Breath", or  ufcour Tongues7 
Our  Maker  we'll  acTore ; 
His  Spirit  moves  our  heaving  Luiigs, 
Or  they  would  breathe  ho  more.] 

Js.  Watts. 

t    -L>   Et  others  boaft  how  ftrong  they  be, 
Nor  Death  nor  Danger  fear ; 
But  we'll  confefs,  O  Lord,  to  Thee, 
What  feeble  Things  we  are. 
a  Frem  as  the  Grafs  our  Bodies  Stand , 

ConveiTe'a  while  with  Death 

Think  how  a  gafping  mortal  lies, 


And  pants  away  his  Breath, 

a  His 


2ffis=quiv_;n]_Ti p_hangs  feebly  down , 
""HiifPnlfes  faint  and  few , 
Then,  fpeechlefs7"^tha  doleful  Groan, 



And  Plcafnres  baniih  Pain 


3~But  ,0  the  Soul  that  never -dies ! 

Xt=onc^lJvSThe^ay  P~ 

yTt noughts  7^FrueTrw^re  kjies^ 

"""Aiidlrack  it__wond_re>tis  Wa__T_~     _ 

4~U plolhe  Cou rtTwh ere  Angels  dwell , 

=it  mounts  triumphing  there_ 

"OFDev H_plunge"it  down  to  Hell, 

Inln^nTtelDeTpaii^        _ 

There  everlafting  Spring  abides , 
And  never  withering  Flow'rs: 
Death  like  a  NaiTow  fea  d1vidcs"7~ 
This  Heav'hly  Land  from  ours.- 
[2  Sweet  Fields  beyond  then\veningTiood~ 

Stand  dreft  in  living  Green: 


So  to  the  Jews  old  Canaan  flood , 

While  Jordan  roll'd  between. 


5  And  muft  my  Body  faint  and  die  ? 
AnTmuftThis  Soul  remove  ? 


O  for  fome  Guardian  Angejmigh _, 


But  Tim'rous  Mortals  ftart  and  (brink, 

To  crofs  this  narrow  Sea, 
And  linger  (hiyTring  on  the  Brink, 

And  fear  _to  launch  away.  J 
3  O  could  we  make  our  Doubts  remove! 

-*t  IT 


To  bear  it  fafe  above ! 

— vt 

Thofe  gloomy  Doubts  that  rile; 
And  fee  the  Can'an  that  we  love , 

6_J^7^~tolhydear  fakhft_I]^n_i7'~ 
~^fy~naked  Soul  I  trulTT"   _  __ 
_And"my  Flelh  waits  for  thy  Command , 

With  unbeclouded  Eyes. 


Could  we  but  climb  where  Moles  ltood  __ 


To  drop  into  my  Dull. 

And  view  the  Landskip  o'er. 


js.  Watts. 


H  Y  M  N    XXXI. 

1      J Here  is  a  Land  of  pure  Delight, 

Where  Saints  immortal  re  gn;_ 
JmfiHte  Day  excludeHae  Nrght^ 


Not  Jordan's  Streams ,  nor  Death's  cold  Flood , 

Should  fright  us  from  the  Shore. 

Js.   Watts. 

H  Y  M  N    XXXII. 

1   LOrTafthy  Fcct_a_Slnner Ties  y ~ 

And  knocks  a1:  Meicy^i  Door, 

Cc  With 



_With  hcavyllcartlind_do wa - caft  Eyes,  TirG'oodnefs  afTdivine"- 

_  Th^Pavoiirjo  imptore. A  Worm  ,  aWmchlo  be^abhorr'd ,        " 

~0"n  mc  the  vafl  Extent  dflpiay^  Vet  madeTa  Child  wTthlfteT 

Ofthy  forgiving  Love :_  2  Will  GodTo  neaFReiatTon~o\\ai 

_Tli'cc  all  my  heinous  Guilt  away ,_  ~Toluch  an  one  as  I  ? 

This  heavy  Load  remove.  Vouchsafe  to  love  me  as^hiTSon^ 

2  FSink  with^airthis~Weight  appreft'd.,  And  lay  RefeotmeDtlayf                         ' 

Sink'  down  toDeath  and  Hell: r  Can  He  lb  vile  a^thiDg~emhraee, *"" 

_0!  give  my  lab'ring  Soul  Tome  reft ,  _Qr  to  his  Arms  invite  ? 

_  My  num'rous_I;rears_diipei.__  Smile  on  me  with  a-ffather's  Face  , 

"f  implore ;  _ABdjnake  m£  *H?  flight  ?_"  ~ 

., ».    1 — 7»l_.. _._  1    ■   ~~i 

'Tis  Mercy,  Mzrcy ,Jymplore ;_ 
Iwou'S  thy  Bowels  move ;• 

Thy  Grace  is  an  exhauftleis  Store , 

4_Lord,  what  an  happy_ Change  L>  .  hisi 

A  Rebel  made  a  bon ! 

iljy        VJ1LH.U      jj     Clll       VAliUlMLH-lO      V<\S*\,    3  __ — , j __ 

iJ^ri^^^0J^^~y^E^Q>—JZI^  Who  w  as  bySmnnd^T^  ~      ___ 

"My^nanyCSns1orgi|:eT=  5  Oh !  let  this  Loveenklnlte  nuiie, 

^m^lG^e^y^kjjSrtjia_^flk,      ^      __ Se^tdjny  Soul  on  fire_; 

"•^y"^breaSg  Heart  fefieveT"    " ""       ^jiniiy^(^e  m  Strams^iyine, ^ 

thus  melt  me  down ,  thusjriake  me  bend ,        _^  And  utmost  PraUe^inipire^ --==y 

^^M^^^^^^^ZZ^j    6^ndj^lft^h_u^gTJngue, 

And  thy  Dominion. own; 
J\or  let  a  Rival  more  pretend,  _ 

1. celebrate  this  Grace, 


^Kre^^Bf^-one.""^      ==       LerajTmine  AflioijKeai: ^^ZTTTI 

S.  Browne, 
II  Y  M  N    XXXIII, 

And  my  whole  Liie'be  Piaife.. 

:i    J,   Bit  is  furpnfin^  Grace ,  dear  J-ura.v 

S.  Buowne. 




i  D  Egin ,  my  Tongue,  fo'me  heav'nly_'rhcme, 

HYMN      XX  XIV. 



And  fpeak  fome  boundleft  Thing,  / 


The  mighty  Works ,_ or  mightief  Name, 
Ofour~Eternal  -    -    -    -  King, 

"Of  our  Eternal  King. 
2  "fell  of  his  wond'rous  Faithfulnefs, 

And  found  his  Pow'r  abroad, 



Sing  the  fweet  Promife  of  his  Grace, 
And  the  performing  -    -    -    -  God, 


And  the  performing  God. 

a  Proclaim  Salvation  from  the  Lord 



iV  wretched  dying  Men; 



His  Hand  has  writ  the  Sacred  Word 
With  an  immortal  -    -    -    -  Pen. 

With  an  immortal  Pen. 

4  Engrav'd  as  in  eternal  Brafs 

5  His  very  Word  of  Grace  is  ftrong 
P^EE^eJeIeI-  II^S 

As  that  which  built  the  Skies, 

The  Voice  that  rolls  the  Stars  along 



Speaks  all  the  Promt  -  -  fes, 

IeeIIeeI  illiliiii 

Speaks  all  the  Promifes. 


6  He  faid,  let  the  wide  Heav'n  be  J  bread , 

EfEEE=3=E£^.*EE  E_EJEg 

And  Heav'n  was  ftretch'd  abroad; 


Abrah'm  PU be  thy  God,  He  faid, 

-    -  God, 

And  He  was  Abraham's  - 




And  He  was  Abrah'nPs  God. 

7  O  might  I  hear  thine  hea-v'nly  Tongue 

But  whifper  Thou  art  mine 

Thefe  gentle  Words  (hould  raile  my  Song, 
"El  E  ggp|l^g|^Eg 

To  Notes  almoft  Di 


vine , 


To  Notes  almoft  Divine. 

8  How  would  mv  leaping  Heart  rejovce, 
Fi=  fe  fE*EEE -EEEEE 


And  think  my  Heav'n  (ecu  re! 
iE  ft         fftf-E^EEE^ 


The  mighty  Promife  fhines 



~£         I  trnft  the  Al— creating  Voice 
=±:  And  Faith  defires  no    -    - 

- -< 

-    more, 

Nor  can  the  Pow'rs  of  Darknefs  raze 

Thofe  evcrlafting; 

-  Lines, 

And  Faith  defires  no  more. 

Js.  Watts. 

Thofe  evcrlafting  Lines.  J 

CC  2 





"How  Charming  is  the  Sound! 

HOW  tnaimuisnjii^"^- ^ 

Wfa^1oyful"Ngws!  what  heaj_'nly~Senfe"~ 

'"inltoFcIeltfl^aiWJjs  found! _ 


OUT  SOUiS  Willi  IHUil  iuua  *Juia  uv-yiav  u,  

^^TDelS'andlfen  a.  ^ey- 
•"jp^^to^uri^away  this  Guilt,        

"X^flBFWtimlclfr           __                 j 
Xn^mrhisXi-olsjnumphant  broke 

^Thp  Ban^s"ofDeath  and Hell.  - 

4H0uf  Focs'werTn^tytb  deftroy :  

~H~elulg^ler3'i^::^v_^:__ ..      j 

Hedfy'clT bu t~c"ouHn^Jong ;  be  held       

ilPris'nerj  njheGrave. . 

5  JefusT~^to^®j^iiig/ave '      — — =, 
Still  pulh'thy  Conqugfts  on-:  ^ 

^^^g^^nu^TofthyJ^fi_~       ~ 

WEwPer  thVSun~has  (hone, 

J.  Stennet. 


j    V\    lib  Joy '  we'mcditatc  the  brace 

i   .»  y   .t    ^^ 


Of  our  High-Prieft  above; 
His  Hearus  made  of  TenderncfsT^ 
His  Bowels  melt  with  Love. 
i  Touch'd  with  a  Sympathy  within 
He  knows  our_  feeble  Frame;  _ 

He  knows  what  fore  Temptations  mean , 

For  He  has_  felt  the  fame. 
3  But  Spotiefs,  innocent  and  pure 
~The~greaTRedeemer  Hood ,_ 
While^/ggV  fie^  Darts  He  bore,_ 
"And^dlelift  to  Bloody  ~  " 


~Poui^~ojrrnslJries  and  Tears , 

And  in  his  Meafare  feels  a  frefh 

Wl^Ijv^-y~M£mbeT bears. 

V-k  He*U  never  quench  the  Smoaking  Flax, 

But  raife  it  to  a  Flamej 

^JTbruifedReed  He  never  breaks, 
~Nor  ^rnT^mea^ft_Name.3 

6 "ThcnleFour  humbleFaith  addrefs 

IJis  Mercy  and  his_P_ow_'r,_.  _____ 

We  Shall  obtain  de'liv'ring  Grace_ 

In  the.  JJlftreffing  Hour. 

Js.  Watts. 




H  Y  M  N    XXXVII. 

I   OJJiVdlnThlilou^oFrhTNjghi, 


Praffi  Father  y  Son ,  and  Holy,  G/jofi, 

J  s.  Watts. 

HYMN    XXXVIII.        [TunePfoi.] 

i  J-\   OT  to  condemn  the  Sons  of  Men 




3TJaFguritv~Sol^£^^own'd  in  fears  __ 

' ~TiTl^jjornnsJBloqd_ appears ; ;_ 

Thlinjye^i^Trqm  deep  Diftrefs, 

~ And  Smg~tTsXon^ur^i^bteoitsiie/s.      

2  OuFvery  Frame  is  mix'd  with  Sin, 

"Hisspirit  makesjour  Nat  ares,  clean;,'' 
~STich  Virtuesfi'om  his  Sufl'rings  flow,_^ 

At  once  to  cleanfe  and  pardon  too., 

Yefits  beholds  where  Satan  reigns 

Binding  his  Oaves  in  heavy  Chains ; 

He  fets  the  Pris'ners  free  ,  and  breaks 

The  Iron  Bondage  from  our  Necks. 

3  Poor  heip'efs  Worms  in  Thee  pofiefs 
_Giace,_Wjsdom,  Pow'r  and  Righteousnefs ; 
_Thou  art  our  mighty  All,_and  we_ 

Gave-oiir  -whble  lclves,  O  Lord~7"to  Thee.  " 

_Did  Chnftjthe  Son  of  God"appcarT" 
NjoJWeapons  in  his  Hands  are  feenT"" 
~No  flaming  Sjword,  nor  Thunder  there"" 
2  Such  was  the  Pity  of  our  God, 

He  lov'd  the  Race  of  Man  fo  well, 
He  fent  bus.  Sob  to  bear  our  Load 
OfSins,  and  fave  our  Souls  from  Hell. 

3  Sinners  ,_believe  the  Saviour's  Word , 
Truft  in  his  mighty  Name,  and  live; 
A  thoufand  Joys  his  Lips  afford , 

"His  Hands  a  thoufand  Bleffings  give.  _ 

4  But  Vengeance  &  Damnation  lies 
On  Rebels  who  refufe  the, Grace; 

_Who  God's  eternal  Son  defprfe,_ 

rhe  hotteit  Hell  lhall  be  their  Place. 

Js.  Watts. 


Praife  bim,  allCredtures  ben  below; 
Pr.aije  him  aim ,  &  towtyyjtijl, 

i    I  L.  I  ft  up  your  Eyesjo  W  Keav'nly  Seats 

Where  your  Redeemer  ftays;__ 

Kind  Intcrceilbr,  there  He  fits, 

Cc  3  And 



And  loves ,  "and  pleads  ,_and  jirays, 
'  ^wa^jU  J'mySoulThe  dY'd  for"  theeT^' 

An"d""flied~hirvjtal~Mood ; ' 

*~ Appeas^dftern  Juftice  on  the  Tree, 


And  then  arofe  to  God 

March  .tojheGatgs  of  endlefs  Joy, 

_Where  thy  great  C aptai n  — Sa \no"uVs~g~o"h" eT" 
2_H ell  and  thy  Sinsrelift  thy  C~ourie"7~ 
_But  Hell  &T Sin~aFe~vancuifliM  Foc"s"7~ 
_Thy  J'g/^^aiPd~riienTtoTheC"rols7'" 

g  ~Petition"s~n"o"w~and  Praife  my  jifc AndTbrig^eTrmyph  wfaenHe  rofe.1  " 

AndTaln^hcjFOfiVings  bring  j__ "   -[g~What  tho^thePrince  of  Darichefer^eT" 

~TEe ^WeE^E^h^^Sacrifcie  ~An  dwStetiie  FuxyThasSpl^TI 

~Prcfents_thern_to  the  King. Eternal  Chains  confine  him  do wn~" 

r^erPap"iftTtrul~what  Names  "thy  pleafe,"       ""TcnieryT3c"q^,lm^ 

"Their  Saints  and  Angels  boat!:;  _      4.  WhatTho'  thine  inward  Lute  rebel;"""" 

We~;ve  no  Such  Advocate  as  thefc  _  ~Tis" buTa TtruggIirig~Ga"fpToiTLite ; 

— NoT~pray_to  th^  heavenly  Holt.] ~The~W eaponTof  v ictonous  Brace" 

5_^y^7a|mTelhan  bear_my_Cries_  _  Shall  flay~thy  Sins  ancTena  the  StHfejL  """"" 

"~tTp~~to~hTs  Father's  Throne.; 5  Then  tet  my  SouTmurch  6oldly~on  t 

PrefeforwaroTto  tlTc  heavily  Gate, 

"ThereTPfeace  and  Joy  eternal  reign , 

^SriJglitL'nngJlobeTFor  Conquerors  \\ ait. 

6  "The  1-eTh  alTl  "wear  aTTfcar  r  yCy uw  n, 


He  CDearell_ Lord)  perfumes  my  Sighs, 

And  fwcetens  eyfry  Groan; 

[6  Ten  thoofand  BrjQcs  to  .the  King , 

~~Rojaima,_  injhe  high'ft ;  _  

Ten  thouTandTT.hariks.dur  Spirits Jpring  

TtAjrbft  ank  to  his  CbriJLjT1 

Js.  Watts. 


HYMN    XL. 

jO'l'amlup,  my  Sou]_,  Aralce  ofthyTears , 
A-ndYird  the  Gofpcl- Armour  on, 

[And Tn uin pTTIn  A lmi ghtv  G [rlcS.\=..—-=== 
'^hlle'allhe  .ATmies j>fthejkjcs_  ZZ-—. 

"Joua  la my  glorious  Leader's  Praife. 

Js.  Watts. 




Ow.toft  have  Sin  and  Satan  ltrove 


H    Y    M    N      XLI.     XLII.    XLIIf. 

to  rcndjny  Soul  from  TIice,^my_God? 

But  everlafting  is  thy  Love, 

■DUL^_-        »      °i    —  -   -—  -4  ™=?-==r±==3===:: 

The  Oath  ana  rromiic  oyu^^j 

fi=joln  to^^mT^he^^^l^c^:^ 



| jG^ffTein^gotMTfigpmd long 

M  vSbip^tm^eaT^efuge  Jjes; 

^o*fis^f'Ajdio^lTi^MdJtrong^=^  _~ 
"WEn^TempeftsJ^ow,  jnd  Billows  rile. 


2  Thou  who  canft  raging  winds  Controul , 
'"'"Subdue  The  rebel  in  my  Soul: 

Thou  who  canft  calm  the  furious  flood, 

_Reprefs  the  tumults  of_  my  blood. 

With  equal  mind  may  1  fuftain ,_ 

My  Lot  of  pleafure,  or  of  pain ; 

4  T^e^oTpeT^a^smg;  SgTits_up 
°:     ^ut^Und^mchaiTging  God^ 
Lavs  the  Foanda5on~for  myHopeT"" 


In  Oaths,  and  Promifes,  and  Blood. 

Js.  Watts. 



1  W  Thou  wliolefcales  the  Mountains  weigh, 
"Whole  will  the  raging  Seas  Obey ,__ 

"Whofeword  can  turn  thole  floods  to  flame, 
That  flame  to  ftorm,  that  ftorm  can  tame;  , 



Let  ah  my  paffions  ebb  and  flow   _ 

At  thy  command ,  Great  God ,  and  know 
"No"  other  motive  but  thy  praife , 
What  >er  thofe  fiery  ferments  raife. 

Nor  rife  too  high,  nor  fink  too  low. 

5     I$<£$E=< 


3_Lct  but  thy  Grace  my  pow'rs  Controul, 
And  reign  unrival'd  in  my  Soul , 
_Then,_with  what  ever  ftorms  opprcft , 



Center'' d  in  thee^  lTie  is  at  reft. 

O,  wheh~QTalHny  unwav'ring  mind 

"This  ftvecteft  felf-  pofleflions  find ! 

Fountain  of  Love,  I  long  tojee  _ 

"in  thee  my  peace  3  my  lieav'n  in  thee. 

J.  Mason. 

HYMN    X  L 1 1 1.        [Time  Pf.&l 

_E  nee  from  my  Soul,ja_dj:lioughts  begone, 

A^  lgaveme  to  my  Joys ,  _ 

"My  Tongue  fhaU  triimiphjjimy  God , 

And  make  a  Joyful  ripife. 

a"DarkEtefs-and  Doubts  had  ve^^Mgd*, 

And  drown^jnQjeadjp  Tears, i 

~>T'fUr Sov'reiguGr jcewrinfrinTrig  Rays     ; 



HYMN      XLIIL    XLIV.   XLV. 

Difpell'd  my  gloomy  Fears._ 

3  Q  what  immortal  Joys  I  felt, 

~And]Raptures  allT)ivine_ 
W"b  en~Je~iu  sTold  me,  I  was  his , 

And  my  beloved  mine. 

4  In  vai'  the  Temper  frights  my  Soul , 


[    X    Rqduc'd  at  firft  byTow'r  divine       =S 
_  The  human  Nature  flood : 

^_A_<acred_ Building  in  Defign, 

A  dwelling- Place  for  God. 

_ A n cl  breaks_ my  Peace^in_yain_, 

ie  Glimp 


_With  finifirtL  An  j:he_Pile  was  reaPcL = 

OneGlimpfc,  dear  Saviour,  of  thy  Face  Andjitted  for  its  Ufe: 

J  uj^SyjmrTetry^d^i^houT  'a^^T^z===~ 
Js.  Watts.  And Gioryfill'd the HoulF 

Revives  my  Joys  again. 


[Tune  Pf.23 
Ur  God,  how  firm  his  Promife  ftands, 

2  God  fnuTdjr^  friendly  Vitus  there, 
Andlhusjiis  pj^enTng~bIeih 

Ev'n  when  He  hides  his  Face; 

omile  itands^  And  folemn  Ac-ts  of  Praife  &  Prayer 

-yr       « — 

Jie  truftsjn  our_Redeemer's  Hands 

His  Glory  and  his  Grace. 
2  Then  why,  my  Soul [a  thefe  fad  Complaints" 
Since  Cbrifi  and  we  arc  One  ? 

The  Creature's  Love  expreft. 
But  Sin  defac'djts  Form,  and  broke  " 
This  ftately_Struelure  down?- 


^di^riun'd  Temple  God  forfook_ 

_J'hy_God  is  faithful  to  his  Saints 

Is  faithful  to  his  Son. 
3  Beneath  his  Smiles  my  Heart  hashy'd , 

^— — —  i- — Ig— ^b=5=EEg$=:gg^£^^^EEE3 

And  ParFoTHeav^n  poflei"t~ 

I  praife  his  Name  for  Grace  receiv'd,      ' 

~And  truft  hiuTibr  TheTcft , 

Js.  Watts. 

__And  left  it  with  a  Frowm__ 

3  Polluted  thus,  ancfthus  abhorr'd," 

_  'Fhe  Place  in  Ruins  lay : 


*Till  'twas  again  by  Chrift  reftor'd, 

His~Glories  to  difplay. 

_Laid  deep  in_l.ove  his  Building  ftands, 

_  Cemented  w  ith  his  Blood  : 

Work'd  all  witli_ unpolluted  Hands, 

~~And  fitted  up  tor  God.  ~ 

4  Here 


4~Hcre jTis~tragsforming  Spirit  dwells^ 

,  To  beautify  the  Plac?T  

^WTth~ki ndly ~Infl uence  Sin  expells^ 

"^SndlKeds  forth  LFfefe  Gracet 

l:bi^rienis~b~h_i____oper  Ufe, 

OuffelveTdevoutly  yleldj _ 


With  us  thine  Habitation  chufc , 

i=:Thv_Teniple_  LorH7  retwi[c____ _____i 

5~HereTet~thy"Sp^  __u 

"NorTu ftT__^S;n7^rought  bclidc",  ' 

~Prov:okc~Thce  to  remove. 

Honour  io  Thee  ^'jAlmighty  Three , 


We  now  molt  fblemnly  renew. 
3  "Command  and  w'cll  Obey  thy  calI7~ 

Well  take  our  Crols,  and  follow  Thee 




To  Prifon  to  the  Judgment-Hall, 

Without  the  GateTo  CalvaryT" 
4^Since_Thou_art  ours  may  wg  retain 
_Thy_facred  Image  which  we  beaFf 
Since  we  are  thine,  may  we  remain 

_Ever  devoted  to  thy  Fear. 
5_Ourfelves  to  Thee,  Lord ,  we  refign 
All  we  poflefs  to  Thee  belongs ; 
Thou  hair  our  Vows ,  our  Hearts  are  thintP 
And  Thou  (halt  ever  have  our  Songs. 




And  Ever  taping  Onej 

Till  Glory  to  the  Father  be , 

The  'Spirit ,  and  the  Son. 

S.  Browne. 


I  JL-'  Or"? ,  when  we  gave  ouTfelvcs"to~Thee  \ 
Prawn  by  the  Charming  Bands  of  Love; 
We  vow'd  for  ever  thine  to~be~ 
Andby  thy  Grace  will  conftanTpfove. 

3  Thee  we  have  always  gracious  fejiid^ 
Thy  Promifes  a"re_jrm"and~ti~ue: 
The  Tyeswherewith out  SouITare  bouijd y 

J.  Stennet. 



Ature  with  open  Volume  Stands 


_To  fpread  her  Maker'sPraiie  abroad ; 

And  cv'ry  Labour  ofhjs_Hands 
Shows  fomething  worthy  of  a  God. 
2  Buthi  the  Grace  that  reicu'd  A  Fan 
HlsHbrTghteft  Form  of  Glory  (hincs ;  _ 
Here  oh  the  Crofe  'tis  faireft  drawn 
In~preciqus_  Blood ,  and  Crimfon  Lines. 

F3  Here  his  whole  Name  appears  complete; 

Nor  Wit  can  guefs,  nor  ReaGm  prove 

Dd  Which 


HYMN-     XLVIL    XLVIII.    XLrX. 

* Wiikhroflfae Letters beft  is  writ,  ~And^Gloi:y~fl-iaTrbe~minc:; 

|g  Here  I  beFoid  his  inmoft  Heart , ~  ~ ~And  aU  myTov?rs"be  t^ — ~""""a 

-W^ereGrace  and  Vengeance  ftrangcly  Join ,  4_I^inharLegTicy  mpwnTJ- 

Pierangjiis  Soil  with  (Farpeft  Smart,  W hicFjetu"s"did~ bequeath~~" 


To-  make  the  purchased  Pleafurcs  mine. 

.'Twas  purchaf  ^_witF  a  dymg-Groan , 

And  ratify 'd  in  Death. 

5  U  the  fweet  Wonders  of_that_Crojs 

~Where~God" thcSayiour  lov'd  and  dy'd  J 

"Hernobielt  Life  my  Spirit  draws  _         t  _^h^k}7s^us~m~hTs_W]irj      == 

From  his  dear  Wounds  and  Bleeding  Side.  ^         And_to  his  Tellan^ent^TTove 
6jT would  for  ever  fpealc  Fis  Name 


In  Sounds  to  mortal  Ears  unknown , 

WitFAngels  join  to  praife  thc_Larnb, 

And  worlliip  at  his  Father's  Throne. 

Js.  Watts, 

f    'M1* 




I    _JL_  He  Fromlfe  of  my  Father's  Love 


Made  liis  own  lite  the  Seal! 

Js.  Watts. 


Was  on  that  dark,  that  doleful  Night7 

When  Pow'ts  of  Earth  and  Hell  aroie 
'~Agamft~the  fon  of  God's  Delight^" 
~And~Friends  betrav'd  him  to  his  foesT" 




Before  the  mourn  Jul  lecne  began , 

~ffe~Sa"d7and."gave"his"SoFl  to~Death^~  Tie~Foo1clhFBread^,  and  blels*d ,_^and"bralce" 

~~A^d^al^the^ra^witF"BToodT  ""  What  Lovj_tb ro'  all  his  Anions  ranT"~* 

B  TFtblj  dear  Cov'nant  of  tfry  Wotd.  "W ha Fwo^rom~\ V ordsjrf  (3 \  ace  h e  lpake ! 

"JT^ermy^ortHelTName ;  g  Thfris  tnyjfody,  brok»forJ}in_1_ 

I  Seal  th'  EbgagemeEFto  my  Lord,.  ~Receive  and  eat  the  thing  Food 

And^make  my  humble  Claim. 

%  TheLight j aadStrength-, aM pard'mn^^-ace"      ^iinheliewCo^/iMt  n  my  Mod, 

Then  took  the  Cup ,  and,  blejs'd  the  Wine; 


H    Y    M    N      XLIX.    L.   LI. 


[Tor^s"hirFlefh~wi  th  N  ailswas  torn_3__ 

"AnT Jufiice  pour'd  upon  his  Head 
~Its~helwy"Vengeancc^  in  our  (bad. 

Where  lies  our  Strength  to  do  his  Will. 

giiiii^lii§iilipiiil^=^  =* 



| g~Forjiniis~VijarBiood_was  rpilt^_ 

:IWbuyih£Pard^^f'oujL- ^u^l' _^ 

^!i7^fo1r_blac^nm^of"^)ggefl:  Size,__ 

•*"j^W^e  his  Soul  a_Sacrifice.  ]  


tx       ,;:,    /U«  ^i.^^^s   ***//  +**vta    flt/itf  />w/] 

The  Law  difcovcrs  Guilt  &  Sin, 
AncTThews  how  vile  our  Hearts  have  been: 
Only  the  Gofpel  can  exprefs 

Forgiving  Love  and  cleanfmg  Grace. 


2  What  Curfes  doth  the  Law  denounce 
_Againft  the  Man  that  fails  but  once? 
But  in  the  Gofjpel  Qhrifl  appears 
•Pard'ning  the  Gjiik  ofnu m'rouTYears!        ■  * 
My  Soul ,  no  more  atFempt  to  draw™ 

.ij.'Cf  (it  my   *J*"n  w\      *r,      J ,. , 


^^^ZTlhyFcalF^^  Celebrate _L 

_ We^e^hy]Death  OYeAnSjhy  i^a™^~~ 
~TTlTlhoa~remrn7'and  we  fhall  eat 
~fhc~Mamage  flipper  of  *  ne  Lamb/] 
'  All  Glory  to  thy  Wondrous  Name, 
Father  of_Mercy,  God  of  Love, 

Thy  Life  and  Comfort  from  the  Law , 

Fly  to  the  Hope  the  Gofpel  gives  : 

The  MalHhaTtFuits  the  Prorhife,  livek  ' 

Js.  Watts. 


HYMN    LI. 

nly  Dove. 
Js.  Watts. 

Es,  Lord,  this  great  Command  is  rights 
Our  Neighbour  as  ourfelves  to  love. 
'Twill  carry  KindriefTto  the  Height , 

And  make  this  World  like  that  above. 
Q_Oh_!__could  we  fee  the  heav'nly  Flame 

HYMN    L.  lTuneHymn.%.-}     l=fi=l§l=i=i£=l 

I_JL  Jfe  Law  commands  ,_&  makes_us  know' 
What  Duties  to  oaf" God  wc  owe;  ' 


But  'tis  the  Gofpel  mull  reveal 

Each  at  the  common  Welfare  aimy 

And  all  in  this  Purfuit  combin'd ! 

3  This  were  indeed  to  dwell  in  Love, 

"And  with  each  Breath  take  Plcafure  in : 

Dd  a  Thus, 


H    Y    M    N      LI.    LIT.    LIII.    LIV. 


_Thus,  Eartha  Paradife  would  prove. 
~OF  P^li^aliTBTeirthe  propcrjkene. 

A^^yj^^m^dloy^_PeBce.   ..;         And  ^hou^EfGod7b£Kear  my  Heart: 

Nor  can  lli^on~l^n^foviIel     :=== 

Home" tolFe^orld^oTpeitfe^FIoTe. '  ^And  Hope, "^dT^It^l^^r^^^ 

.  Browne..       Ii|fi^^iii=S=r^=^=l=^==^ 
g_Then  ,_dej3rcjt_Lord  *Jn  jhme  Embrace 

Eej:_me_refign  _my  J^eetingbreath , 
[Tune  Hymn.  1 2.3     H=!=i=idl=i=iil=!!Si!Ii^=g 
_^p- . _^njL>  with  a  finite  upon  my  Face, 

i\s Ome,  deareft  Lord 1 ,  defend  and dwelT      "P^he~imfol^tWu'r"of?Featii.      ^^ 

By  Faith  and  Love  in  cv'ry  Breaft;  _  J s»   Watts; 

Then  fhall  we  know_/and  tafte^and teeT~" 

]\4ore  like  the  glorious  Church  above ; 
Or  fetch  my  longing  Spirit  Home, 



1  he  Joys  that  cannot  be  exprclt. 

M0BMmmm=£M$mm^mm     t\/t ^*  t    *  *  *  m  «     =i 

a_Come  till  our  Hearts  with  inward  Strength        i_1V1Y  God,  permit  me  not  to  be 

Make  our  enlarged  Souls  poflcls ; 

Aik [  learrTthe  Height ,  andBreadth ,  &  Length 

Of  thine  unmeafurcable  Grace. 

3  JNow  10  the  God  wboje  Pow,r  can  do 
More  than  our  7  aougbts  or  JViJbes  know 
Be  everlaji'mg  Honours  dom 

My  uU  tke  Church,  thro  Chrift  bis  Son. 

J&  Watts* 

A  ltrangcr  to  my  felf  and  Thee_; 
jAmidlc  a  thotriand  Thoughts  I  rove" 

Forgetful  of  my  highel't  Love. 
_Why_  tliouldjny  Palhons  mix  withEarth, 

And  thus  Debafe  myheay'nly  BirthT^ 
_Why  fhould  I  cleav^_tojhings_below^ 

And  let  my  God,  my  Saviour,  go? 

a  Call  me  away  from  Flefh  and  Senfe, 


HYMN    LIV.    LV.    LVH 

T would'obey  ttie_Voice  Divine,  __ 

^n^alflFfenouTjoy&jdign^ -^  ---* 

=BeTar  t^jwu "hjal  fher^e^^«^drawn ; 

I^feaiFfijej^^thF^nd^,  _____ 

iMyHeav^Dj  andThere  my  God  y  I  find. 



g  Oh!  frightful  pride!  my  Soul" abhor 
This  Monftrous  lfrctch  Ee^'oiidThy'laFr" 


HYMN    LV. 


*       -«-»*  r>  %  (^ -^t*    ll.irvTTi^/^nrtQ   •' 

The  Sov'reign  fw_yy  of_^ovk]ejicj____ 

Angels  about  the  tbrone_adore 

A  theme  too  high  for  human  Senfe 

In  awful  deeps  j3urjGj}d^C^nceals_ 

n^is~greaTdeligns  from  mortal  eyc^, 

;|||si||i|J__|i|_F|l__E_|_5__i =E 

'Till  he  by  Time  the  fcheme  reyea]s_, 

"~And"ncrIl<es~beholders  with  furprize. 

"Or  lhould  no  Obvious  fbotrteps  ihew 

"The  track  in  which  he  will  proceed 


The  more  I  fearch  the  lefs  I  know , 

With  thicker  gloom  hull  overfpread  : 
"Shall  Worms  extend  beyond  theTTTpan  ? 

And  Ceni'ure  art  or  adts  djvine_? 

Shall  God  be  limited  by  Man  ? 

Qr  nuift  his  thoughts  conform  to  mine  ?. 

Prefcribe  to  providence  no  more  , 

But  __no^Thy^ieam"rc7nd  be~WileT~" 

With  humble  deference" refligrr- 

Thinc  own  fond  f_m^_f71md~fub"inTE 
The  worlds  affairs  to  fkill  divine 



Leave  God  to  aft  as  he  thinks  ut 7~ 

4  Tho'  deep  Conceal'd  his  puFp~ofe~  lTvT, 

_And lar  remote  from  human  fight  ™ 

_Yet  all  his  thoughts ,  and_ways  are  wife 

"God-like,  and  trueVanTgood7 and  rightT- 

S.  Browne. 

HYMN    LVI.        {Tune Hymn  lid 

Lhold  How  jmners_  dis  agree 


The  Publican  and  Pharifeei 

One  doth  his  Righteousnefs  Proclaim, 

The  other  owns  his  Guilt  and  Shame. 

2  This  Man  at  humble  Diitance  ltands, 

_And  cries  lor  Grace  with  lifted^Hands; 


_That  boldly _rifes  near  the  Throne, 
_And  talks  of  lTutics  he  has  donev 
3_The_Lord  their  different  Language  knows," 

And  dift Tent  Anfwers  he  bellows;.  ^ 

^rHeTrumbre~^oin^rtirGracelie  Crowns,"" 
Dd  %  WiiiUl 

2H  HYMN      LVI.    LVII.    LVIII.    LIX. 

"Wgjftcmthe  Proud' m|j|hj^frow^     £      S 

==EEEE— =  HYMN    LVIII. 

* ^ea^Fath^,  Letjne  never Tae ^ 

iMiiMMiiiiS^^mE^  i_L|9^^giP^g=g 

I  have  no  Merits_Qf  my  own, . 

*~But  plead-iie  futTrings;  taFffcy  So&-  ' 

Js.  Watts. 

lJ  Road1s~tbe  Road  tha^adTFoTJiith, : 

~Anj^h_oufands  walk  together  there; 

Put  off  the  fpots  that  "Nature  gives  •" 
Then  may  the  wicked  turn  to  God , 


And  change  their  Tempers ^  and  their  lives. 
2  As  well  might  Ethiopian  flaves 
""WajhouFthe  Dari<neisoTt~heiFlHnT~~ 
~ThTT3ead~as  weU  may  leave_their  Graves7~ 

=^=*^$=fc:i^=:==:^=Eg        As  Old  TransgrefTors  ceafe  to  fim 



~6u7Wisdom  (hews  a  narrower  Path. 

j^:=^^^^^|=E:ip^jE:|=s^==^^£     3  Where  Vice  has  held jt| Empire  long, 

^Tth=tocandln"ere' a  THyi^rT"  ""     f£s£E3El£-^X  "*"    \-L±-L-l-±l 

f =S=l^^^ii=|sii=?^==ii=       llgMot  endure  the  le^JConjtroul^ " 

"Deny  thy  felf\  andtake  thy  Grofi , 

Is  the  Redeemers  great  Command! 

*^^r7^uft^wnThir^old.  but.  Profs. , ilp|^ip:S^i=|i^|||^E^I 

jar "  •  z 

"None  but  a  Pow'r  divinely  ftrong 
Can  turn  the  Current  of  the  Soul. 

EEfEEEi     4  Great  Godfl  own  thy _Pow[r  Divine, 

|||         That  works  "to  change  this  Heart  of  mine ; 
TKeTforlSFSoul  tnaTmesandJ^tsr^ ~    |||==ii=|=p£=E£li==t^^= 


Isbute^emMalmoftaSaint,                   f  js    Watts. 

^^rikt^aTlgyHo^b^vainj _^  HYMN    LIX.        [Tarn Hymn 28.] 

^_e^y-Fkaptn|y^g— —^  ^  j  -g^^j^.             ^ 

b3Whlch_nyjocme_s  could  ne^atgin,^ |^^|=|ip|^|^^^^==| 

Js.  WATTS.  ~f  nTonlTB^m*is  fovTeign  grace  j 

And  the  Phyiician ,  God. 

a  Oux 

H    Y    M    N      LX5C    LX.     LXI. 

XI 5* 

2  Our Be^tvjmdour_ftrcngth  ^fled,      ^ 

And  wetewnwr  to  Death; __=3« 

^FT^/Tthe  Lord  recallT^eDe^x— 



g  Madnefs ,  by  Naturey  ^nsjwithin ^ 

7TOt  Godyo-wn_Son_with  Skill  divine 

Tfreinward  Fircjffwage. 

S  We-Kck  the  Duft,  wejrafp  thFWind ,  ^ 

"And'folid^jdjgpfej^        _  _a 

"SuchFthe^fly ~of^th£Mrid , 

Till  Jeju£m^es_us_wilej. 

5~WFgf^our~Souls  theTWounds  they  feel 



We  drink  the  pois'  nous  Gall , 

And  ruflTwith  Fufy  down  to-Hell; 

Bur  iteav'n  prevents-  the  Fall.]        

6  The  Man  poffefs'd  amongft  the  Tombs , 

Cuts  his  own  Flefh  and  Cries :  _ 

Hcfoams  and  raves,  'till  'fej'us  comes, 

And  the  foul  Spirit  flies.  3 

Js.  Watts.. 

HYMN    LX. 

W  Ho  laughs  at  finjaughs  at  his  makers  Browns; 


aughs  at  thefword  of  Vengeance  o'er  his  head  y 


La  ugh  sat  the  great  Redeemers  tears  Si  Wounds , 

Who  but  for  fin  had  never  wept  or  bled, 
a  Who  laughs  atlin,laughs  a"t  the  num'rous  Woes", 


That  have  the  guilty  world"  lb- oft  betel ; 
Laughs  at  thew hole  creatiori?sTgFoan8'&  throw s >. 

At  all  the  Spoils  of  death7  "S"p~alns~ofheT!r 
3  Who  Jau  gh  s_  at_fin  ^laughs  aXHsow  n  di  1 1 
Welcomes  approaching"torments  with  hTsTmllesT. 


_Dares  at  his_SouPs  expence  his  fancy  pleafe , 
Affronts  his  God,  himfeTf  ofblifs  beguilcsT-* 

4  Who  laughs  at  (m/ports  with  his  guilt  &  ihamey 
Laughs  at  the  errors  of  his  fenfeleis  mindlT" 


_I?or_fo_abfurd  a  fool,  there  wants  a  name 

Exprelfive  of  a  folly  fb  retin'cL 

J.  Stennet, 


Eceitful  Sin,  with  fawning  Arts, 


Our  heedlefs  Souls  too  oft  beguiles ; 


Steals  unperceiv'd  unto  our  Hearts 
*"  And  wounds  toDeath  with  treach'rolJVSrnTles" 

§i§iill=f^llli^liilil^  ^ 

2  We  catch  the  Bait  e^re  we're  aware , 
The  Specious  PoHon  fwallow  down , 

Nor  once  fufpe6t  the  hidden  Snare , 

Not  fear  to-  urge  our  Maker's  Frown. 

3  Be- 


HYMN     LXT.    LXII. 

3  Bewitefafrfby  her  adtiilt^rous  Charms, 

"iiiTaths  of  Vice"  we~blindly  rovcT~ 
Avoid  our  Sov'reign's  open  Arms , 
Nor  heed  his  Threats  ,_nor  feek  his  Love! 

4  Oh,  fatal  Error!  thus  we_  (Turn 
The  living  Spring  of  pure  Delight:  _ 

5  Arid  ihallwe  rtill  keep  on_this  Road ! 
This  fatal  Road!  and  ne'er  return! 


Oh!  turn  us,  turn  us,  mighty  God, 


No_w,  not  for  ever  let  us  _mourn. 

Our  long  Transgreflions  wejieplore: 

Accept  our  Tears ,  our  Sins  forgive: 

Save  us  by  thine  Almighty  Pow'r , 

Speak  Thou  the  Word  we  yet  fhall  live. 

S.  Browne. 


i     Y_jAln_  World  ,thyTcmpting~Arts  forbear, 


Hide  all  thy  falfc  and  trait'rous  Charms : 
Too  long  l,ve~Ted7o"ji"e"mpty~A i r7~~ 
"AnjTIfi^J  rn^y_A^"crVbTeT^fuI~Arius.        " 
2_j\iuc_h_  nobkr  0 bj cdTsl^^'irTsTghtT"" 
Engage  mine  Ly  w^lnlnel^an'pone^i 

u  My  Wings  are  faeteh'd  for  heav'nly  Flight, 

_We  fondly  feek  to  be  undone, 
"AndlTeadlong  ru(h  on  endlefs  Night. 

IH=IIIiIll=i=liil=l^=i   ee 

3_^hp_n_He  appears,  thy  Laftre's  loft, 
As  twmkli ng  Stars  in  blazing  Day? 
JToJiim  ^wto^^^^elieav'iriyHoft, 
_gev"otion  bears  my  Soul  away."    - 

^In  Him  confummate  Beaaties  lhine . 
_No_S_pqts  deform  his  radiant  Face: 

'f  is  Life  to  hearTlmFH"e"is"mineT~ 

And  Heav^ito  dwell  in  his  Embrace: 

5  From  Him  n^l^yJO^cft'more-' 
ShaUe'er  fed^e-my  faithfal  HearTT" 

Vain  World  thy Jpn^Vt^mpTgi\;c~o'er7"~ 
With  Him  I'll  never,  never  part. 

6  Shine  ouTmyGodwi  tjLT^dlEFiZ^ZT 
Refreth  mine  Eyes ,  my  Heart  rejoyce: 


My  Mind,  niyJPaffions^  &  ray  Voice. 

7  Chafe  all  the  Mi  ft^nd^loom"  a  way" 

ThatEide  thy  Glories  from  mine  Eyes; 

Fk  me  to  bear  celeftial  Day, 

And  fetch  mc  to  my  Native  Skies. 

S.  Browne. 


HYMN      LXIII.     LXIV.    LXV. 


H  Y  M  N    LXIII. 

jl^  Ead  be  rnyJHeart_to  all  below, __ 
"To* mortal  Joys  and  mortal  Cares 

^"To~fe1ilaaOlifrFhaTT%n^_s7fo  " 

I"^e"""lirr"^m^yei7"bc~c1eaf a  my  Ears? 
2~HereTrenbunce  my  carnal  Tafte 
Of  the  fair  Fruit  that  Sinners  prize: 
Thel'TPafadife  lhall  neveVlrafti^" 
One  Thought  of  miaF"  but  to"~d"""pife. 

All  earthlyjoys  are  overweigh'd  _ 

With  Mountains  of  vexatious  Care ; 


A5l?  where's  the  Sweet  that  is  not  laid, 
A  Bait_to  fome  deftrudtive  Snare  ? 


4  Be  gone  for  ever,  Mortal  Things! 
Thou  mighty  Mole— HilU  Earth,  farewell 

_Angels  afpire~onHoJty~^mlrs^~ 
_And  leave  the  Globe  15r~Arits  to  dwell. 

5  Come  Hgav*ol j"and~filFmy  valTiiMires" 
JWy_^uj_pmfues  the  fov'reign  Good: 

Nor  can  The  live  oh  metoeiTFoddT  ~~ 

Js.  Watts. 

HYMN    LXIV.        ITune  Hymn  29-2 

Y  Sbul7oifake?neFYa]nT)ehght7=" 


And  bids  the  World  fore  well ; 

JBalc  as_the_Dirt_  beneath  my  Feet, 

And  itiifchievons  as  Hell. 
a'No  longer  will  T&kTyotlir  Lovq, 
~_Nor  ifedj^our  Friena^fh^more;  ' 

The  Hjippm_eJ^tha^_T^p]prove"7- 

Lies  not  within  your  Pow'r. 

3  There's  nothing  round  thisTpacious  Earth 

That  fuits  my  large  Dejire~j"~ 
To  boundlefs  Joy ,  ano!"foI"d~Mir"h7~ 
My  nobler  Thoughts  afpireT 

4  Had  I  the  Pi nionsof  a  Dove, 

I'd  climb  the  heav'nly.Road, 
There  fits  my  Saviour  dreftin  Love, 

fp"^£      r~~T^T    f    4 -'1=5-=- 

And  there  my  Trailing  God. 

Js.  Watts. 


i    J^    Roductof  reafon,  &  of  faith  Combin'd  - 

The  life,  the  Health ,  the  beauty  of  the  mind; 

God's  Image  on_an  human  Soul  impreft , 

The  Source  of  JoyT^  glory  of  the  bieft; 

a  Thatmakes  'em  lovely  s  &  that  makes  'em  love, 

Brings  heay'n  to^r'th'^formstheir  heav'nabove" 

~0~how Tdo~tlry-wd-llke charms  admire" 
Ee  0 


HYMN      LXVI.    LXVII. 

0  how  I  to  thy  god-like  Joys  atfpire !  ~ 

J.  Stennet.. 


was  by  an  Order  from  the  Lord 

The  "ancient  Prophets  (poke  his  Word;- 

*nhlis~SprrTtdTd  their  'fohgues  infpire , 

"Andwarm'd  their  Hearts  with  heay'nfyFirek 

2 The Works  and  Wonders  which  they  wrought 

*_Confirm''d  the  Meflages  they  brought; 

_The  Prophet's  Pen  fucceeds  his  Breath , 

To  fovelthe~n~oTy~Words  from  DeathT  " 

_Trearures  of  Gracejo  them  are  giv'n  , 

_Ard  Crowos  offoy  laid  up  in  Heav'i.H 
|a"Bleft  are^thfrMe  a  ofbro ^er^e<artj====::=^ 

Thy  Blood  ofCImfl  divinely  flows 

^"Oe^HrTfBaWforSllhejFWoes.]         === 




j  Great  God ,  mine  Eyes  with  Plcafure  look 

On  the  dear  Volume  of  thy  Book ;- 
_There  my  Redeemer's  Face  T|ce,_ 
And  read  his  Name,  who  dy'cT  for  me. 


4_Let  the  faiie  Raptures  of  the  Mind; 

Ije"  foftj  and  vanilhin  the  Wind;. 

flcre  1  can  fix  nvMIopeJecure,._ 

This  is  thy  Woru,  and  mult  endure. 

Js,.  Watts.. 

H  Y  M.N.   LXVII: 

[;D  LFST,  arc,  the  humbloSouls,"tliat' 
'JkiJftr  LurpUncfs  andl'oYcrtyX' 



CgJMeft  are  the  Meek,  j^ho_ftarTd^ 
^od^ilH^c_ure_±eir_ happy^tate  ,. 

Andpleadtheir .  Caufe  again  ft  the  Great] 

[4  Bleft  are  the  Souls  _that  thirft  for  Grace, 

I—-— ^slr-rjL-^.     Y       *     -Tn — ^ 1 


They  lnall  be  well  fupply'd  and  fed 
With  living  Streams  and  living  Bread.] 


[5  Bleft  are  the  Men,  whofe_Bowels_ifloye  ~*" 

_And_melt  with  Sympathy  andXovc; 

From  Chrift  the  Lord  flaall.  thcyj3btain~ 

Like  Sympathy  and  Love'again.J' 

[6_ Blell_arc_the  Pure ,.whole  Hearts" arcCie^inf 

From,  the  defiling.  PowTs  of  Sin ;; 

With  cndTefc  PleafunTthey  (halllee~ 

* _A~G od" of,  fpotiefs_Pu r ity.] .__    "7"~~  ' 

[7_  Bleft.  are  the -Men  of  peaceful  Life, 

"wffi)  quench  theToals  of  growing  Strife;* 

They. fhall  be_caU'd  vMlieira.^fiBhl$,._ 

ThiTaons'of  God  3  the  Sons  oi'-Pcace.]" 

[8  Bleft. 

HYMN      LXV 


r8  Bleft  are  the  SufTrers ,  who  partake 

~df_Pain  &  Shame  ^fol~%/^,  Sake;        ~ 
"ThelFSoulsJhanTriumph  in~lheJ-ord_,_ 

"Glorylnd  joy  are  their  Reward.] 

Js.  Watts. 

II.    LXV1II.   LXIX.  219 

We  would  be  ablent  from  the  Flelh , 

~And  prefent,  LbrdVwith  Thee. 

Js.  Watts. 

HYMN    LXIX.        lTimePf.41.-} 






1     X    HereTsTa  Houfe  not  made  with  Han 
~E^ernal7~and^n~hjgh ,     ^    _." 
AnOJi-e^rSpTnt  waiting  ftands~V~ 



Hen  we  are  rais'd  from  deep  Di  It  reft , 
Our  God  deferves  a  Song; 

Till  GodJhaU  bid  it  fly. 

2~^oFtlyTmTPrrfon"of  my  Cla"y~ 

M^Ttte^Tfiolv'd  and TalTT' 


Then,  0  my  Soul ,  with  Joy  obey_ 

"Thyheav^rTly  FatherVCaTTT 

3  'Tis  He  by  his  Almighty  Grace 

That  forms  the  fit  for  Heav'n, 

And  as  an  Earner!:  of  the  Place 

r-ry-tr-T— ■== 

JWe  take  the  Pattern  of  our  Praife, 

_  From  Hezekiab's  Tongue. 
2~The  Gates  ofthe  devouring  Grave- 

~Are_open>d  wide  in  vain, 
TfHe~tliIt  holds  the  Keys  ofDeath7~ 

Commands  them  faft  again. 
3  yetovaFlyeciks  the  healing  Word,"         ~ 

f? ^y^^^^^F:  T= — -J , — Z—\ ~= j-z — r-1— -a 

And  no  Difeafe  withftands : 

Fevers  and~  Plagues  obey  the  Lord , ~ 

And  fly  at&is  Commands. 

Has  his  own  Spirit  giv'n. 

%r*— t   t    r  j  1 ,  j      == 

4  We  walFby  Faith  of  Joys  to  come, 

Faith  lives  upon  his  JWord ;  _ 
But  while  the  Body  is  our  Home"^ 
We're  abfent  from  our  LorcL 

4  IfhaTf  the  Strings  of  Life  fhould  break, 
He~can  our  Frame  reftore : 
He  calls  our  Sins  behind  his  Back, 

And  they  are  found  no  more. 

Js.  Watts. 


5  'Tis  pleafant  to  believe  thy  Grace," 

But  we  had  rather  iee ; 





HYMN      LXX,   LXXI.   LXXII. 

H  Y  M  N    LXX. 



I     JL   lice  we  adore,  Eternal  Name, 

jlnd liumblv  own  to  Thee~7~ 

"How  feeble  is  our  mortal_Frarne_T] 
What  dying  Worms  arc  we  [ 
2~Dangerijfandrthick  thro'  all  the  Ground" 
■Topufii  tis  to the  Tomb 

"And  iierce  Difeajes_wait  around 

^~To~hurry  mortals  Home.~~ 

g_Good  God !,  on  what  a  "Pender  Thread !  ~ 
"Hang  everlafting  Things'™ 

"TlmernarStatjs  oT  all  the  Dead 

▼  V    Hv  fhould  we  ftart  and  fpnr't 


£__VV   Hy  fliould  we  ftan  and"  fear  "to  die  ?'■ 

What  tJm'rQuTWorms  we  Mortis  are?     = 

Death  is  the  Gye  of  EndieS. Joy  „ 

__And_yet_w_e  dreggy  to. enter  there; 

yp.Qq,Life's  feeble  •String&y 

4  Infinite  Joy , m-- endlefs_\VoeJ_ 

Attend  on  ev'rv  Breath ;__ 


And_yet  how_imconcern,djwe  go_ 
~U  poiTthe  Brink'  of  Death  i>     __ 
5  TvV;kLn~^oTorT7  oui^ jrowjy  Senfe 

To  walk  tifis  dang -rous- Road; 

^A^d  i  fTmrSoulFaf  c"  h  u  med.  hence  _ 

Hpay  They  bT$Rund.  with  Godi 

Js.  Watts. 

a  The?  Pains,  the  Groans,  and  dying  Strife 

Erigfot  our  agproachin^SwLs  awayT" 

Still  we  fhrink  bacFagam  t^Ufe»"] 

Fond  of  our  PriforTand  our~Clay. 

3  O,  if  niy  Lord  would  come  &  meet, 


My  Soul  fliould  ftretch  her  Wings  in  hafte, 


Fly  fearlefi  thro'  Death's  Iron  Gate , 


_Nor  feel  the  Terrors  _as_flie  pais'd. 

4  .¥e/us  can  make  a_ dying  5Pk1 
Feel  folt  as  downy_PiUows_are , 


While  on  his  Brealt _I_ lean  my  Head, 

"  And  breathe  my  Life  out  fweetlylhei-eT" 

J  5. .  Watt  s. 


JVlarble  the  officerFtBat  guard  him  round:  , 
'  Marble  by  nature  that;  by  patience  HI.'; 

Aftd  thefeby  unrelenting  cruelty. 


H    Y    M    N 

"Wonder  will  turn  thee  into,  marble  too. 

J.  StennetI 

H  Y  M  N    L  X  X I H.        ITuns  Pf.  tf .] 
The  Lords  Prayer 

i  r  SltfgiqfAUlT Etejnal^ndT2~~r_^3 

InlincFear^n^rinjhrin'd ,.^ ^ 

Lxxn.  Lxxin  221 

With  joyful  haitc^fcnd  ardent Tove, 
Thy  bleft  Commands-,  Attend « TuffilT 

_vSo]et  thy  Creatures  here  below, 

As  far  asjhou  haft  giv'n  to  know 
Terform  thy  golSdTnd"faa,cdr\Vi!L  ~ 

5  On  thee ;  we  day  by  day  depend  ," 
Our  Beings  Author,'  and  its  End; 

jS*gg~g==      ^B 

Immenfely  good^.Jmmen^_Great i___._a     ^,Wj 

"Thy  children  form'd  ,.  and  blefs'd by.  Thee , 

I  ny  cmiaren  iormu  >.<*uu  uiu^u  vy  i  u> 
^TthllUaWewTand  'homag&j  vve. 

Our  dayly  wants,  and  need  fupply: 
With  healthful  meat  ou7bodics~fed~ 
Our  fbubTfufiain  with  living  bread""" 


1=1  li=?=l^i^i^B^=i^= 


"Fall  jfroftrate  gt_thy.  awful  1  feet. 

Our  precious  fouls  which  never  die. 


d  Extend  thy  Grace  to  ev'ry  fault; 
Each  finful  action,  word,  and  thought ~ 

it,      »«»,•;'«) .p ,  ^^ 



In  the;CeIeftial  Concert  Join  ^ ^ 

"In  Loving,  Serving,  praifing  thee_ 

We  find  our  Chief  felicity; 

But  cannot  add  One  Jot  to  thine. 

3~Thy, Righteous ,  mild,_and  Sov'reign  Reign , 
'I'hroughout  Creations  Ample  plain, 

Oh !  let  thy  love  our  Sins  forgive ; 

— * 


Let  ev'ry  thinking  Being  own. 

_JLord_?_in  our  hca rts ,  jwhere  pa itions  rude" 

\Vith  fierce  "tumultuous  Rage,  intrude y. 
_Ered  diy_F^ow'rftti  peaceful  Throne. 
4  As  Angels  round  thy  feat  Above~7] 

l'or_thou  halt  taught  our  hearts  to  (how 
1  _Diyjne  Jbrgivenels  to  our  lbe , 

"Nor  longer  let  refentmentlive. 

7   Where  tempting  Snares  beltrew  the  Way",""* 

To  lead  unwary  minds  aftray, 

PennTFTus  not  therein  to  tread,.; 

JJjilefs  thy  Gracious  aid  appear 

_T'avcr t  theThrcat'n i ng_dan ge r  near; 

"~From~mrirungua"rd'cd  ;  heedleli  head. " 

8_Thy_Sacred  Name  we  thus  adore, 

"And  thus  thy  Choicer!:  gilts  implore^- 

Ee  3  Wftfc 




Tfi'ySiqgSbmJbuilt  on  fPisiom  L  pyve_x_ 

9  0  Lord  to  whomjwe  iM  repair,  J_\  Q\V  let  thySeryant ,  Lord ,  depart  in  peace ; 

^Acceptia^s'ofcfearty  PrayTr* 


Tbi  Song  of  SIMEON. 

Amen.  Amen,  we  allExprefs, 

With  one  Accordjhy  Name  we  blefs,    

"Tnou  art  our  fafeguard  and ~6ur  Tow'i 

T  hepatriarchs  diftant_faw3  to  me  is  nigh: 
Thcfe  languid  eyes  behold  my  Saviour's  Face, 

Prai/e  yejbe^Lord^ 

Thcfe  wither'd  arms  the  heav'nly  babe  imbracel 
Since  I  at  laft  my  bleit  Redeemer  fee , 

4rg4't---T7inr  t     l   ^ 

No  other  light  below  has  charms  for  me. 
Now  clofe  thcfe  aged  eyes :  for  after  this, 


Nothing's  worth  viewing ,  but  immortal  blifi. 

J.  Stinnet. 

A   - 


T    A    B    L    E. 

To  find  any  Pfalm  or  Hymn  by  the  firfi  Line. 


AGainft  all  thofe  that  tfrive  with  me,      35 
As  pants  the  Hart  for  cooling  Streams ,  42 
At  length ,  by  certain  Proofs  'tis  plain ,         73 

BEliold ,  O  God ,  how  Heathen  Hofts     79 
Biers  God,  My  Soul ;  Thou,Lord,al<?ne  104 
Bids  God ,  ye  fervants  that  attend  1 34 


DEfend  me  Lord,  from  Shame,. 
Deliver  me ,  O  Lord  my  God ,', 
Do  Thou ,  O  God  in  Mercy  Help, 





FOr  ever  bleft  be  God  the  Lord',  144 

For  Thee,  O  God,  our  conftantPraife  65 
From  lowed  Depths  of  Woe,  1 30 

From  my  Youth  up,  may  Ifr'el  fay,  129 


Give ,  ear  ,  Thou  Judge  of  all  the  Earth ,  55 
God,  in  the  great  AfTcmbly  ftands        82 
God  is  our  Refuge  in  diftrefs,  46 

God'a  Temple. crowns  the  Holy  Mount-,      87 


HAd  not  the  Lord ,  (may  Ifr'el  fav)  1 24 
Happy  the  Man ,  whofe  tender  Care ,  41 

Have. Mercy,  Lord,  on  me,  51 

He  that  has  God  his  Guardian  made,.  01 

He's  bleft  .whole  Sins  have  l'ardon  gain'd,  32 

Hear, ..0  my  Pe  pie  to  my  Law,  78 

Hold  not  thy  Peace;  O  fiord  our  God,  83 

How  bleft  are  they,  who  always  keep,  ij£ 

How.  bleft  is  he  who  ne'er  contents-,  1 

How  good  and  pleafant  muft  t  be  92 

How.  long  wiit  ihou  forget  me  Lord  ?  13 

how  n.any,  Lord?  of  late  are  grown?"  3 

How  vuft  muft  their  Advantage  be  i .  z  33 


I  "Waited  meekly ,  for  the  Lord , 
Jehovah  reigns,  let  all  the  Earth, 
Jeiiovah  reigns,  let  therefore  all 
I'll  celebrate  thy  Praifes,  Lord, 
In  deep  Diftrefs,  I  oft  have  cry'd 
In  Judah  the  Almighty's  known, 
In  Thee,  I  put  my  ftedfaft  Truft,. 
In  vain,  O  Man  oflawlefs  Might, 
Judge  me,  O  Lord ,  for  I  the  Paths 
Juft  Judge  ofHeav'n,  againlt  my  Foes. 


LEt  all  the  Juft  to  God  with  Joy, 
Let  all  the  Lands  with  Shouts  of  Joy 
Let  all  the  lift'ning  World  attend, 
Let  David,  Lord,  aconftant  Place, 
Let  God  the  God  of  battle  rile. 
Lord ,  bear  my  Cry ,  regard  my  Pray'r-, 
Lord ,  hear  my  Pray'r ,  and  to  my  Cry 
Lord,  hear  the  Voice  of  my  Complaint, 
Lord,  hear  the  Voice  of  my  Complaint, 
Lord,  let  thy  juft  Decrees,  the  King, 
Lord,  not  to  us,  we  claim  no  Share, 
Lord,  Thou  haft  granted  to  thy  Land, 
Lord ,  fave  me ,  for  thy  Glorious  Name , 
Lord,  who's  the  happy  Man  that  may, 









,    66 










MY  crafty  Foe,  with  flatt'ring  Art,      35 
My  God,  my  God,why  leav'ft  thou  me,  22 
My  Soul' for  Help,  on  God,  relics,  62 

My  Soul,  infnir'd  with  facred  Love,  103 

My  Soul,  with  grateful  Thoughts  of  Love,  iicj 



0  Change  of  Times,  fliall  ever  fhock  iS 



OAll  ye  People  Clap  your  hands, 
O  come,  loud  Anthems  let  us  fing, 
O  God,  my  gracious  God,  to  Thee,  6$ 

0  God)  my  Heart  is  fully  bent.  10I 

0  Godj 

A     B      L      E. 


O  God ,  of  Hods ,  the  mighty  Lord ,  84 

O  God ,  to  whom  Revenge  belongs ,  94 

O  God ,  who  haft  our  Troops  difperft,  60 

O  God,  whole  former  Mercies  make,  109 

O!  Ifr'el's  Shegherd,  Jofeph's  Guide,  80 

O  Lord,  I  am  not  proud  of  Heart,  131 

O  Lord,  my  God,  fince  I  have  plac'd  7 

O  Lord ,  my  Rock,  to  thee  I  cry,  28 

O  Lord ,  our  Fathers  oft  have  told ,  44 

O  Lord,  that  art  my  righteous  Jud^e ,  4  . 

O  Lord,  the  Saviour  and  Defence,  90 

O  Lord,  to  my  Relief  draw  near,  70' 

O  Praife  the  Lord,  and  thou  my  Soul ,  145 

O  Praife  the  Lord,  for  he  is  good,  118 

O  Praife  the  Lord,  in  that  bleft  Place,  150 

O  Praife  the  Lord,  with  Hymns  of  Joy,  147 

O  Praife  the  Lord,  with  one  Confent,  135 

O  Praife  ye  the  Lord ,  149 

O  Render  Thanks,  and  blefs  the  Lord,  105 

O  Render  Thanks,  to  God  above,  106  . 

O    'Twas  a  joyful  Sound  to  hear  122 

0  !Thou  to  whom  all  Creatures  bow,  8 

Of  Mercy's  never  failing  Spring ,  101 

On  Thee,  who  dwell'ft  above  the  Skies,  123 


PRaife  ye  the  Lord  ,our  God  to  Praife ,  in 
Prefcrve  me,  Lord,  from  crafty  Foes,  140 

Protect  me  from  my  cruel  Foes ,  16 


XV Efolv'd  to  watch  o'er  all  my  Ways,    39 


SAlve  me ,  0  God ,  from  Waves  that  rowl ,  69 

Since  Godly  Men  decay,  0  Lord,  12 

Since  I  have  plac'd  my  Truft  in  God,  11 

Sing  to  the  Lord  a  new  made  Song;  96 

Sing  to  the  Lord  a  new-made  Song ,  98 

Speak ,  O  ye  Judges  of  the  Earth ,  58 

Sure,  wicked  Fools  muft  needs  fuppofe,  14 


THat  Man  is  bleft  who  (lands  in  Awe  113 
The  Heav'ns  declare  thy  Glory,  Lord ,    19 

TneKing,  O  Lord,  with  Songs  of  Praife,  21 

The  Lord  hath  fpoke,  the  mighty  God,  50 

The  Lord  himfelf,  the  mighty  Lord ,  33 


The  Lord,  the  only  God,  is  great,  48 

The  Lord  to  thy  Requeft  attend ,  20 

The  Lord,  unto  my  Lord  thus  fpake,  no 

The  Man  is  bleft,  who  fears  the  Lord;  128 

The  wicked  Fools  muft  fare  fuppofe,  .  53 

Thee  will  I  blefs,  my  God,  and  King,  145 

This  fpackms  Larth  is -all  the  Lord's,  24 

Tho'  wicked  Men  grow  rich  or  great,  37 
Thou,  Lord,  by  ftricteft  Search  haft  known ,  1 39 

Thro'  all  the  changing  Scenes  of  Life,  34 
Thy  chaft'ning  Wrath,  0  Lord,  reftrain,  38 

Thy  dreadfull  Anger,  Lrrd,  reftrain,  6 

Thy  Mercies,  Lord,  ihall  be  my  Song,  89 

Thy  Mercy ,  Lord ,  to  me  Extend ,  57 
Thy  Prefence  why  withdraw'lt  thou  Lord?  13 

To  blefs  thy  chofen  Race,  61 

To  celebrate  thy  Praife,  O  Lord,  9 

To  God,  I  cry'd,  who  to  my  help  nn 

To  God  in  whom  I  truft ,  25 

To  God,  our  never  failing  Strength,  81 

To  God  the  mighty  Lord,  135 

To  God  with  mournful  Voice,  142 

To  God,  your  grateful  Voices  raife,  107 

To  my  Complaint,  O  Lord  my  God,  8(5 

To  my  juft  Flea  and  lad  Complaint,  17 

To  Thee,  my  God,  and  Savionr,  I,  88 

To  Thee,  OGod,  we  render  Praife,  75 

To  Thee,  O  Lord,  my  Cries  afcend,  141 

To  Zions  Hill  I  lift  my  eyes.  121 


WE  build  with  fuitlefs  Coft,  unlefs  127 
With  chearful  Notes  let  all  the  Earth,  1 17 
With  Glory  clad,  with  Strength  array'd  93 
With  my  whole  Heart,  my  God  and  King,  138 




With  one  Confent  let  all  the  Earth, 
With  reftlels  and  ungovern'd  Rage , 
When  I  pour  out  my  Soul  in  Pray'r, 
When  Ift'el,  by  th' Almighty  led, 
When  Sion's  God,  her  Sons  rccall'd, 
When  we,  our  weary'd  Limbs  to  reft, 
While  I  the  King's  loud  Praife  rchearfe, 
Who  place  on  Sion's  God  their  Truft, 
Whom  (hould  I  fear,  fince  God  to  me, 
Why  haft  Thou  caft  us  of,  0  God? 


YE  boundlefs  Realms  of  Joy , 
Ye  Princes  that  in  Might  excel, 
Ye  Saints  and  Servants  of  the  Lord, 







B      L     E. 




Nd  now  ,  my  Soul ,  another  Year  ,       27 

,  At  Pentecoft,  Illuftrious  day/  14 


Egin  my  Tongue,  Tome  heav'nly  Theme  34 
„  Behold,  How  finners  disagree  56 

Bleft  are  the  humble  fouls  that  fee  67 

Bleft  Morning,  whofe  young  dawning  Rays,    9 
Broad  is  the  Road  that  leads  to  death ,  5? 

Bury'd  in  Shadows  of  the  Night,  37 


COme,  deareft  Lord,  defcend  and  dwell.  52 
Come,  Holy  Spirit,  Heav'nly  Dove,   1.8 
Come,  let  us  go  and  die  with  Him ,  12 

Curft  be  the  Man ,  for  ever  curft ,  8 

DEad  be  my  Heart  to  all  below, 
Deceitful  Sin,  with  fawning  Arts, 
Defcend,  0  King  of  Saints,  defcend, 


ii'Re  long  the  Awful  Day  will  come, 


FAther  of  All !  Eternal  mind, 
Father  3  the  Prodigal  at  laft, 





H  Ark !  from  the  Tombs  a  doleful  Sound !  28 
Hark,  the  beft  News  that  ever  camel  1 
Halt  thou ,  my  Soul  \  thy  Saviour  vie  w'd ,  5 
Hence  from  my  Soul ,  fad  Thoughts  be  gone ,  43 
How  oft  have  Sin  and  Satan  ftrove ,  41 

I  Cannot  bear  thine  Abfence,  Lord, 
Jefust  O  Word  divinely  fvveet! 
Join  all  the  glorious  Names, 





LEt  others  boaft  how  ftrong  they  be ,      29 
Let  Pharifees  of  High  Efteem  , 
Let  the  Wild  Leopards  of  the  wood , 
Lift  up  your  Eyes  to  th' heav'nly  Seats, 
Lord,  all  thefe  Works  of  Thine 
Lord  at  thy  Feet  a  Sinner  lies , 
Lord,  thou  haft  bound  us  to  believe, 
Lord,  when  we  gave  ourfelves  to  thee, 



MAn  has  a  Soul  of  vaft  Defires , 
Marble  the  pillar;  marble  he  that's 
My  God,  how  endlefs is  thy  Love? 
My  God ,  permit  me  not  to  be , 
My  Soul  forfakes  her  vain  Delight, 





NAture  with  open  Volume  Stands,        47 
No  more ,  my  God ,  I  boaft  no  more ,    1  jz 
Not  to  condemn  the  Sons  of  Men,    •  35 

Not  the  Malicious  or  Profane-.  20 

Now  let  thy  Servant ,,  Lord  depart  in  peace  74 



!  Might  I  once  mount  up  and  fee,        r«j 
O  thou  whofe  (cales  theMountains  weigh,42 


Our  God,.how  firm  his  promife  Hands. 


1  Roduc'd  at  firft  by  Pow'r  divine ,  45 

Product  of  Reafon ,  and  of  faith  Combin'd  65 


SAlvation!  O  the  Joyful  Sound  S 
Sin,  Like  a  Venemous  Difeafe, 
Stand  up,  my  Soul,  (hake  of  thy  fears, 


,rTp  Is  fmifh'd  the  Redeemer  crys, 
X  The  God  of  Mercy  be  ador'd, 
The  Jewilh  (hades  are  all  withdrawn, 
The  Law  commands ,  and  makes  us  know 
The  Promife  of  my  Fathers  Love 
Thee  we  Adore,  Eternal  Name, 
There  is  a  Houfe  not  made  with  hands, 
There  is  a  Land  of  pure  Delight , 
This  is  furprifing  Grace,  dear  Lord, 













Thus  faith  the  Mercy  of  the  Lord, 

'T  was  by  an  Order  from  the  Lord , 

»T  was  on  that  dark  3  that  doleful  Night, 





Ain  World ,  thy  Tempting  Arts  forbear  ,62 
Vile  thought  be  gone ,  I'll  doubt  no  more  55 


WElcome  fvveet  Day  of  Reft ,  24 

When  we  are  rais'd  from  deep  diftrefs,  69 
While  to  thy  Crofs,  we  turn  our  eyes,  6 
W  ho  laughs  at  findaughs  at  his  makers  frowns;6o 
Why  ftiould  we  ftart,  and  fear  to  die,  71 
With  Joy  we  meditate  the  Grace.  36 


X  Es  3  Lord ,  this  great  Command  is  Right ,  51 



Of  the  Pfalms  &  Hymns  to  be  Sung  to  the  fame  Tune- 
pfaims  Pfalms 

5.  64: 
7.  82. 

8. 105.  &  44  Hymn. 
9.  92. 

10.  52.  83. 

11.  81. 

12.  55.  85. 
13-  85. 

14.  29.  89. 

15.  54.  71. 
16.108.  &  2  Hymn. 
17.  77. 

19.  66.  75. 

21.  45.117. 

22.  53.  79. 

23.  98. 

24.  78.122, 
26.  14. 

33- 145- 

8.  50.I 

12.  52. 

13-  5& 



•  36-io3- 

37-   87. 

40. 106. 

41.126.  &  69.  Ilvmn. 

43.  88. 

46.110.  &,73.  Hymn. 

47.  97.i©7- 

57.123.  &  38.Hymn. 

58.  72.  &  43.  Hymn. 


6r.  131. 

65.  in. 

70. 144. 

73-  &  55- Hymn. 
90. 140. 
R09. 141-. 
112. 139. 
116. 135. 

28.  5g. 

39.  H 

1.  49' 

2.  42.J34. 








C  BR  I  ST  I  A  N    RE  L  I  G  10  N. 

TVitb  Prkikdge  for  the  Benefit  of  the  Poor 


Printed   by  HENRY  GARTMAN,  Bookfeller. 


It  is  to  be  obferved  that  this  Book  confiding  of  the  Catechifm,  Confeffion 
of  Faith,  and  Forms  is  approved  by  the  reverend  Claflis  of  Amfterdam. 

Voor  den  Armen. 



V   A    N      D    E 

P  R  I  V  I  L  E  G  I  E. 

DE  Staaten  van  Holland  en  Wertvriefland ,  doen 
re  weeten:  Alio  Ons  re  kennen  is  gegeeven 
by  Diaconen  van  de  Cereformeerde  Ortho- 
ioxc  Engelfche  Gemeente  binnen  de  Siad  Amfter- 
dam,  dat  in  den  Jaare  17?).  door  Kerkenraad  van 
de  zelve  Gemeente,  zo  als  die  te  diertyd  acftueelyk 
in  dienft  en  buiten  fundtie  waren ,  zynde  goedge- 
vonden  om  de  Pfalmen  Davids,  zo  als  die,  door 
Tate  en  Brady  in  Engelfche  Dichtmaat  gebragt ,  met 
eenige  Lofzangen  in  hun  lieder  Gemeente  gezon- 
gen  wierden :  (dewyl  de  zelve  als  toen  zig  geheel 
zonder  Mufiecq-Noten  of  eenparig  geftelde  wyze , 
tot  veele  verwerringe  en  merkelykc  ergernifle  in 
zo  een  plegtig  ftuk  van  den  Godsdienft,  bevon- 
den:)  op  hunne  koften  met  Noten  en  Zangwyzen 
te  laaten  voorzien:  der  Supplianren  Prsedeceifeurs 
a&ueelyk  door  Lieden,  de  Mufiecq  kundig  ,  had- 
den  laaten  componeeren  zodanige  Voyzen,  als  waar 
op  de  gemelde  Pfalmen  en  Lolgezangen  met  meer- 
der  flichtinge  van  de  Gemeente  konden  gezongen 
worden;  met  oogmerk  om  na  het  af  drukken  der 
voorfz:  Pfalmen  en  Lofgezangen ,  met  de  Noten, 
daar  op  gecomponeert,  den  druk  daar  van,  bene- 
vens  het  recht  der  Copie,  te  ftellen  in  handen  van 
Diaconen  der  gemelde  Kerke,  om  door  hen  lieden 
gedebiteert,  verkogt,  en  het  voordeel  daar  op  val- 
lende  ten  nutte  der  Armen  van  de  zelve  Gemeente 
gebruikt  te  worden.  Dat  der  Supplianten  Praede- 
cefleurs  tot  het  drukken  of  doen  drukken  van  dit 
zelve  Werk  in  den  Jaare  1753  van  Ons  Oftroy 
met  Seclufie  van  alle  anderen  bekomen  hebbende, 
het  zelve  00k,  tot  merkelyk  voordeel  en  foulaas  van 
hunne  Armen  gedrukt  zynde,  was  gedebiteert  gewor- 
den;  dan  gemerkt  het  voorfz:  Octroy  in  den  Jaare 
1768  was  komen  te  expireeren,  en  dat  00k  inmid- 
dels  het  gemelde  Gezang-boek  door  der  Supplianten 
Kerkenraad  met  byvoegingen  van  aieuwe  Lofzan- 
gen ,  alle  met  Voyzen  en  Mufiecq-Noten  verrykt, 
merkelyk  was  veimeerdert,  en  dat  tot  verdere  com- 
pleteering  van  hun  Kerkelyk  Gezang-boek  00k  wel 
vereyfcht  wierde:  (gelyk  zy  Supplianten  00k  me- 
nigmaal  ondervonden  hadden,  dat  zy  het  zelve 
niet  anders  konden  verkopen  als:)  dat  daar  by  ge- 
voegt  wierden  de  Heidelbergfche  Catechismus  , 
mitsgaders  de  Geloofs-BelvdenifTe  en  Kerkelyke 
Formulieren,  in  maniere  als  die  achter  der  Supplian- 
ten Engelfche  Kerk-Bybel  gevonden  wierden,  en 

met  veele  moeytc  en  kofien  door  hunnen  Kerken- 
raad van  mcrkelyke  fauten  van  quaade  Overzettin- 
ge  gezuivert  en  door  de  Eerwaarde  Claffis  van 
Amfterdam  geapprobeert  waren  ;  en  dat  dierhalven 
de  Supplianten  van  voorneemen  waren  om  dc 
zelve  Catechismus ,  Geloofs-Belydenifie  en  Formu- 
lieren ,  vermits  die  uitverkogt  waren ,  op  nieuws 
te  doen  drukken  in  zodanig  Formaat,  dat  de  zelve 
gezamentlyk  met  de  Pfalmen  en  Lofzangen  tot 
gebruyk  van  hunne  Ledemaaten ,  en  afzonderlyk 
van  de  zelve  tot  nutte  van  de  Jeugt  kon'den  ver- 
ftrekken.  Dog  dat,  dewyl  de  Supplianten  bedugt 
waren ,  of  niet  wel  fommige  baatzoekende  men- 
fchen  mogten  onderneemen ,  om ,  tot  Prsejudicie 
van  der  Supplianten  Armen ,  en  van  hunne  Kerke, 
het  voorfz:  Werk,  waar  toe  zo  veele  moeyte  en 
koften  waren  aangewend,  te  doen  drukken,  na- 
drukken  en  uitgeeven.  Zo  keerden  zy  Supplianten 
zig  tot  Ons,  gantfeh  onderdanig  verzoekende,  dat 
het  Ons  geliefde  aan  de  Supplianten  op  nieuws  te 
verleenen  Privilegie,  voor  den  tyd  van  vyftien  eerft- 
komende  en  agtereenvolgende  Jaaren  ,  om  het  bo- 
vengemelde  Engelfche  PfalmHoek  en  Lofzangen  met 
de  daar  op  gemaakte  Mufiecq-Noten  ,  mitsgaders 
der  Supplianten  verbeeterde  Overzettinge  van  de 
Heidelbergfche  Catechismus,  Geloofs-Belydenifie  en 
Kerkelyke  Formulieren ,  't  zy  te  zamen  of  afzon* 
derlyk,  in  wat  formaat  het  00k  zyn  mogte,  al- 
leen  en  met  Seclufie  van  alle  anderen,  te  mogen 
drukken,  doen  drukken,  uytgeeven  en  verkoopen; 
met  verbod  aan  een  iegelyk  buiten  hen  Supplianten 
op  zeekere  groote  pcene,  by  Ons  daar  tegen  te  ftel- 
len, om  binnen  den  voorfz:  tyd  het  gemelde  Pfalm- 
boek  en  Lofzangen  met  de  daar  op  gecomponeerde 
Mufiecq-Noten,  mitsg.iders  der  Supplianten  verbe- 
terde  Overz.ettinge  van  de  Heidelbergfche  Catechis- 
mus, Geloofs-Belydenifie  en  Kerkelyke  Formulie- 
ren ,  het  zy  te  iamen  of  afzonderlyk  ,  in  deefe 
Landen  in  eenig  Formaat,  onder  wat  voor  pre- 
text het  00k  zoude  mogen  zyn,  te- drukken, 
te  doen  drukken,  uitgeeven  en  verkopen,  of 
elders  buiten  dceze  Landen  gedrukt  zynde  in  te 
voeren  en  te  verkopen,  en  daar  van  te  verleenen 
OcVoy  in  ordinaria  forma:  ZO  IS  'T,  dat  Wy, 
de  zaake  en  't  verzoek  voorfz:  overgemerkt  hebben- 
de, en  geneegen  weefende  ter  bede  van  de  Sup- 
plianten, uit  Onze  regte  wetenfehap  ,  Souveraine 
*  ^  raagt 

magt  en  anthoriteit,  de  zelve  Supplianten,  by  Am- 

f)liatie  van  het  Octroy  aan  de  zelve  op  den  7den  Ju- 
y  1768.  door  Ons  verlcent,  geconfenteert ,  geaccor- 
deert  en  geoctroyeert  hebben ,  conienteeren ,  accor- 
deeren  en  octroyeeren  hen  by  deeze,dat  zy  geduu- 
rende  den  tyd  van  vyftien  eerft    agtereenvolgende 
Jaaren,   der  zelver  verbeeterde  overzetting  van  de 
Heidelbergfche    Catechismus  ,    Geloofs-BelydenilTe 
en  Kerkelyke  Formulieren  ,  het  zy  te  zamen  met 
der  zelver  Engelfch  Pfalmboek  en  Lofzangen,  ofaf- 
zonderlyk,   in    vvat   Formaat  het  00k  zyn  mogte  , 
binnen  den  voorlz:  onzen  Lande,  allecn  en  met  Se 
clufie    van  alle  anderen  ,   zullen  mogen    drukken  , 
doen  drukken  ,  uytgeeven  en  vevkopen;  verbieden- 
de  daarom  alien  en  een  iegelyk,    de  voorfchreeve 
verbetcrde  Overzetting  van  de  Heydelbergfche  Ca- 
techismus, Geloofs-Belydenis,  Kerkelyke  Fo;mulie- 
ren  ,  Pfalmboek  en   Lofzangen ,  in  *t  geheel  of  ten 
deeien  te  drukken,  na  te  drukken  ,  te  doen  nadruk- 
ken,  te  veihandelen  of  te  verkopen,  of  elders  nage- 
drukt  binnen  den  zelven  omen  Lande  te  brengen, 
xiit  te  geeven,  ofte  te  verhandelen  en  verkopen,  op 
verbcurte   van    alle   de   naargedrukte  ,    ingebragte, 
verhandelde  of  verkogteExemplaaren  ,ende  een  boe- 
te  van  drie  duyzend  guldens  daarenboven  te  verbeu- 
ren,  te  appliceeren  een  derde  part  voor  den  Officier 
die  de  Calange  doen  zal,  een  derde  part  voor  den 
Armen  ter  plaatze,  daar  het  Cafus  voorvallen  zal, 
en  het  refteerende  derde  part  voor  de  Supplianten, 
ende  dit  t'elkens  zo  menigmaal ,  als  dezelve  worden 
agterhialt  :   Alles  in    dien   verftande  .   dat  Wy  de 
Supplianten  met  deezen  Onzen  Oclioye  alleen  wil- 
lende  gratificeeren  tot  verhoeding  van  hunne  ichade, 
door  het  nadrukken  van  de  voorfchreeve  verbeterdc 
Overzetting  van  de  Heydelbergfche  Catechismus ,  Ge- 
loofs-Belydeniffe  en  Kerkelyke  Formulieren,  Pfalm- 
boek en  Lofzangen  ,  zonder  daar  door  in  geenigen 
deele  te  veiftaan  den  innehouden  van  dien  te  authori 
feeren  ofte  te  advoueeren  ,  ende  veel  min  dtzelve 
onder  onze  protectie  ende  befcherminge  ecnig  mecr- 
der  credit,  aanzien  ofte  reputatie  te  geeven,  nemaar 
de  Supplianten,  in  cas  daar  inne  ietwes  onbehoorlyk 
zoude  influeeren,  al  het  zelve  tot  hunnen  lafte  zul- 
len  gehouden  wefen   te  verantwoorden  ;    tot  dien 
einde  wel  expreffelyk  begeerende,  dat,  byaldien  zy 
deezen    Onzen    Octroy    voor  de  zelve   verbeterde 
Overzetting   van    de  Heidelbergfche  Catechismus  , 
Geloofs-BelydcniiTc     en    Kerkelyke    Formulieren  , 
Pfalmboek    en    Lofzangen  ,    zullen   willen    flellen', 
daar  van  geene  geabbrevieerde  ofte  gecontraheerdc 
jncntie  zullen    mogen   maaken,   nemaar   gehouden 
wezen  ,  het  zelve  Octroy  in  't  gehee!  en  zonder  ee- 
nige  Omiffiu"  daar  voor  te  drukken  ,  of  te  doen  druk- 
ken, ende  dat  zy  gehouden  zullen  zyn  een  Exem- 
plaar    van    de  voorfchreve  verbeterde    Overzetting 
van  de  Heydelbergfche  Catechismus,  Geloofsbelyde- 
jiifle  en  Kerkelyke  Formulieren,  Pfalmboek  en  Lof- 

zangen, op  groot  Papier,  gebonden  en  wel  gecon-- 
ditioneett,  te  biengen  in  de  Bibliotheecq  van  Onze 
Univerfiteit  te  Leyden  ,  binnen  den  tyd  van  zes 
weeken,  nadat  zy  Supplianten  de  zelve  zullen  heb- 
ben beginnen  uit  te  geeven,  op  een  boete  van  zes 
honderd  guldens  na  expiratie  der  voorfi:  zes  wee- 
ken  ,  by  de  Supplianten  te  verbeuren ,  ten  behoeve 
van  de  Nederduytfche  Armen  van  de  plaats,  alwaar 
de  Supplianten  woonen  ,  en  voorts  op  poene  van 
met  'er  daad  verfteeken  te  zyn  van  het  effect  van 
deezen  Octroye;  en  dat  00k  de  Supplianten  ,  fchoon 
by  het  ingaan  van  dit  Octroy  een  hxempiaar  gele- 
verd  hebbende  aan  de  voorfz:  Onze  Bibliotheecq  , 
by  zo  verre  zy  gedurende  den  tyd  van  dit  Octroy 
de  zelve  verbeeterde  Overzetting  van  de  Heydel- 
bergfche Catechismus ,  Geloofs-Belydeniffe  en  Ker- 
kelyke Formulieren  ,  Pfalmboek  en  Lofzangen,  zou- 
den  willen  herdrukken  met  eenige  Obfervatien,  No- 
ten  ,  Vermecrderingen  ,  Veranderingen  ,  Correctien  ,' 
of  anders  hoe  genaamt,  of  00k  in  een  ander  for- 
maat, gehouden  zullen  zyn  wederom  in  een  ander 
Exemplaar  daarvan  ,  geconditionecrt  als  voven,  te 
brengen  in  de  voorfz.  Bibliotheecq,  binnen  den  zel- 
ven tyd  en  op  de  boeten  en  pcenaliteit  als  voorlz. 
Ende  ten  einde  de  Supplianten  deezen  Onzen  Con- 
fente  ende  Octroye  mogen  genieten,  als  naar  beho- 
ren,  laften  Wy  alle  ende  eenen  iegelyken,  dien  het 
aangaan  mag,  dat  zy  de  Supplianten  van  den  inhou- 
den  van  deezen  doen,  laaten  ende  gedoogen,  rufte- 
lyk  ,  vrcedelyk  ende  volkomentlyk  genieten  ende 
gebruyken  ;  ceffeerende  alle  belet  ter  conirarie.  Ge- 
geeven  in  den  Haage  onder  Onzen  grooten  Zcgele 
hier  aan  doen  hangen  op  den  vyfriende  October  in 
't  Jaar  onzes  Heeren  ende  Zaligmakers  duizend  ze- 
venhonderd  een-en-zeventig. 

P.    S  T  Y  N. 

Ter  Ordonnantie  van  dc  Staaten 

Aan  de  Supplianten  zyn  nevens 
dit  Octroy  ter  hand  geftelt ,  by 
Extract  Authenticq  haar  Ed.  Gr. 
Mog.  Refolutien  van  28^"  Juny 
171 5.  en  3often  April  1718.  ten 
eynde  om  zig  daar  naar  te  regu- 



a  i  Cor.  6". 
19    20. 
bRoni.  14. 

7.  8.  9. 

c  1  Cor.  3. 

d  1  Pet.  1. 
18.  19. 
eiloh.  1.7. 
f  1  lull.  3. 
8  Hcb.  2. 

14-  IS 
p  lob.  6. 

30. 10.  28 . 


h  Luc.  21. 

IS.  Matt. 

10.  30. 

i  Rom.  3. 

k  2  Cnr.  1. 
22.  and  5. 

1  R.OOT.  8. 
1  \.  and  7. 

m  Luk. 
24.  47. 
I  Cor.  6. 
10.   11. 
n  Iiih.  9. 
41.  Rnrn. 

8.  io.  19. 
o  lob.  17. 






Lord's  Day. 

1.  Queftion. 

If  bat  is  thy  only  Comfort  in  Life,  and  Death? 


THat  both  in  Soul  and  Body  a  , 
whether  I  live  or  die  b,  1  am 
not  mine  own,  but  belong  «  wholly 
unto  my  mod  faithful  Lord  and  Sa- 
viour tefus  Chrifl:  ,  who  by  his  pre- 
cious d  Blood  moll  fully  *  fatisfying 
for  all  my  Sins,  hath  delivered  f  me 
from  all  the  Power  of  the  Devil  , 
and  fo  preferveth  me  g  that  without 
the  Will  of  my  heavenly  Father,  not 
fo  much  as  an  Hair  h  may  fall  from 
my  Head  :  But  rather  on  the  contra- 
ry all  things  mud  be  »  fubfervient  to 
my  Salvation.  Wherefore  by  his  Spi- 
rit alfo  He  aflureth  me  k  of  everlaft- 
ing  Life  ,  and  mukcth  1  me  ready  , 
and  prepared ,  that  henceforth  I  may 
live  to  Him. 

2.  Quell.  How  many  things  are  ne- 
cejjary  for  thee  to  know,  that  thou  en 
joying  this  Comfort,  mayjl  live  and  die 
happily  ? 

Anf  Three ;  m  The  firft  ,  what  is 
the  n  Greacnefs  of  my  Sin  and  Mife- 
ry.  The  fecond ,  how  I  may  be  de- 
livered o  from   all   Sin  and   Mifery. 

The  third ,  what  Thanks  I  owe  p  un-   p  Eph.  5. 
to  God  for  this  Deliverance.  8.  9- 10. 

1  Pet.  2.9. 


Of  the  Mifery  of  Man. 
2.  Lord's  Day 

3.  Queftion. 
Whence  knowejl  thou  thy  Mifery? 

^-J  Anfwer. 

vJUt  of  the  Law  of  God  «.  a  Roaii  3# 

4-  Quell.    IV bat  dotb   the  Lflxu   of  =0. 
God  require  of  us  ? 

Anf.  That  doth  Chrifl;  briefly  teach 
us,  Mat.  22. 

Thou  fhalt  love  the  Lord  thy  God 
with  all  thy  Heart ,  with  all  thy  Soul , 
with  all  thy  Mind,  and  with  all  tby 
Strength.  K  This  is  the  firfi  and  the  j,, 
great  Command ,  and  the  fecond  is  like  -?• 
to  this:  Thou f bait  love  thy  Neighbour 
as  tby  Self.  On  thefe  two  Commands 
bang  the  whole  Law  and  the  Prophets. 

A  5.  Quell. 

Of  the  Mifery  of  Man. 

c  Rom.  3. 

1  Ioh.  1.  8. 
<1  Rom.  3. 
7. Tit.  3.  3. 

c  Gen.   1, 

f  Gen.  1. 
26.  27. 
Col.  3.  10. 
Epb.  4  -4 


1  Cor.  6. 

h  Gen.  3, 
12.  iG.  19. 
iPr.51.  S- 
Gen.  5.  3. 

Jc  Gen.  6. 
5.  lob  14. 
4>&  IS. 

14.   lfi. 
1  Iohn  3.  s< 
and.  15. 
4    5. 

m  Ex.  7. 
n  Eph.  4. 

04  Color. 

3-    10. 
o  Gen.  3. 
A   7. 
P  Roin.5- 



r  Rom.  1 , 
18.  Dcuc. 

•-o.    15. 

Hcb.  9.  27 

5.  Queft.  Art  thou  able  to  keep  all 
tbefe  things  perfectly? 

Anf.  By  no  Means'  c :  for  by  Na- 
ture I  am  prone  to  the  Hatred  of  God , 
and  of  my  Neighbour  d. 

-  • 

3.  Lord's  Day, 

6.  Quell.  Did  God  then  make  Man 
Jo  wicked  and  perverfe  P 

Anf.  By  no  Means,  but  on  the  con- 
trary He  made  him  good  e  and  alter 
his  own  Image  f,  that  is,  endued 
wich  Rightcoulhefs  and  true  Holinefs , 
that  he  might  rightly  know  God  his 
Creator,  heartily  love  Him,  live  hap- 
pily with  Him,  for  ever,  and  that  to 
praile  and  magnifie  Him  g. 

7.  Quell.  Whence  then  proceedeth  this 
Depravity  of  the  human  Nature  ?  ' 

Anf.  From  the  Fall  and  Difobcdi- 
ence  of  our  firft  Parents  Adam  and 
Eve  h :  hence  is  our  Nature  become 
fo  corrupt,  that  we  are  all  conceived 
and  born  in  Sin  l. 

8.  Queft.  Are  we  then  fo  corrupt, 
that  we  are  not  at  all  apt  to  do  well, 
and  are  prone  to  all  Viet? 

Anf.  Indeed  we  are  k ;  except  we 
be  regcucrated  by  the  Holy  Ghoft  1. 

4.  Lord's  Day. 

0.  Queft.  Doth  not  God  then  do  an 
Injury  to  Man,  who  in  the  Law  re- 
quiretb  that  of  him  ,  which  be  is  not  able 
to  perform'? 

Anf.  By  no  Means  m.  For  God 
mule  Man  fuch  n  a  one  ,  that  he  might 
perform  it  :  But  Man,  by  the  Inlti- 
gation  c  of  the  Devil  ,  and  his  own 
Scubboninefs ,  bereaved  p  Himfclf ,  and 
all  his  Poftericy  of  thole  divine  Graces. 

10.  Queft.  Doth  God  leave  this  Stub- 
bornnefs  q?  Backjliding  of  Man  unpu- 
nified  ? 

Anf.  By  no  Means  ;  q  but  on  the 
contrary  is  angry,  «"  in  a  moft  dread- 
ful Manner ,  as  well  for  the  Sins  where, 
in  we  are  born  ,  as  for  thofe  which 
wc  ourfelves  commit  ,  and  in  mod 
juft  Judgment  pun  iheth  them  with 

temporal  and  everlafting  Punifhrncnts, 
as  Hjmfelf  pronounceth:  Curfed  be  be 
that  continuetb  not  in  all  the  Words  of 
the  Law  to  do  them  s. 

1 1.  Quell.  Is  not  God  then  alfo  mer- 

-  /'.  Yea  verily,  He  is  merciful  *, 
but  io,  that  He  is  alio  jull  v.  Wac- 
refore  his  jufiice  requireth  w  t  th;it 
the  fame  which  is  commuted  againft 
the  moft  high  Majcfty  of  God, mould 
ailo  be  rccernpt-nfed  with  extreara, 
thru  is,  evei railing  x  Punilluncntsboth 
of  Body  and  Soul. 


Of  Mans  Deliverance, 

5.  Lord's  Day. 

12.  Quellion. 

Since  then  by  the  fujl  Jugdment  of 
God,  we  are  fuljeck  both  10  temporal 
and  eternal  Punijbments  ;  is  ti.eie  yet 
any  Means  or  Way  remaining,  w:ere. 
by  we  may  be  delivered  from  tbefe  Pu- 
nijbments t  and  be  reconciled  to  Uod? 


Od  will  have  his  JulTce  a  fatis- 
tied:  wherefore  it  r$  noc.fu.-y, 
that  b  we  futisf'y  either  by  ourfelves, 
or  by  another. 

13.  Quell.  Are  we  net  able  to  fatis- 
fu  by  ourfelves  1 

i    Anf.  By  no  Means  c,   but  rather, 
.we  do  every  Day  J  increafc  our  Debt. 

14.  Quell.  Is  there  any  Creature  in 
Heaven  or  in  Earth  ,  which  is  only  a 
Creature,  able  to  fatisfie  for  its'? 

Anf.  None.  For  firft,  God  will  note 
punifh  that  Sin  in  any  other  Crea- 
ture, which  Man  hath  committed.  And 
further,  neither  can  that  which  is  no- 
thing but  a  Creature ,  fuftain  the  Wrath 
of  God  againft  Sin,  and  f deliver  o- 
thers  from  it. 

6.  Lord's 

s  Dent.  27.    : 
c6.  Gal.  3, 

tF.x.34  6- 
v  Ex.  zo-   I 
S     2  Cor.    J 
6.  14. 
w  l'l  5  5. 

x  Gen.  2. 
\7.  Rom. 
6.    Ij. 

n  Ex.   i->. 


b  Rom.  8. 


dob  9.  1. 
3-  &  JS. 
14.  15.  10. 
(1  Mm.  6. 
12.  Ma.  64. 

0  I! fbr.i. 
14,  ib. 

fpr.  130. 

3.  >'l-i  cfi. 

a.  9. 

0/  Man's  Deliverance. 

6.  Lord's  Day. 

g  i  Cor. 
15.  u. 
Rom.  8.  3. 
Mlom.  9. 
5.  If  a.  7. 
a  4. 

i  Rom.  5. 
12.  15. 

!c  1  Pet.  3. 



I  1  Pot.  3. 
18.  Aft.  2. 
=4.  Ifa.  53. 

m  1  Ioli. 

1.  a.  Aft. 

JO.    2,'!.      2 

Tim.  1. 10. 
John.  6. 

II  Mat.  1. 
23-1  Tim. 
3. 16.  Luk. 

2.  11. 

q  1  Cor.  1 . 

p  Gen.  y 

q  Gen.  22. 
17.  if!,  and 
28.  14 
Rom.  1.  2. 
Hebri.  1. 
r  loll.  s. 
46    1Kb. 
10.  7.  8. 
sRoin.  10, 
4.  Ilcb. 
13-  3.  21. 

Ifa.  S3-  11. 
v  loll.    1.. 

12.    I3. 

Rom.  11. 
20    Hcb. 

10.  39 
vvlo.  6. 
69.  lob. 
17.3. Heb. 

11.  3-  6. 

15.  Que  ft.  What  manner  of  Media- 
tor and  Deliverer  mujl  we  feek  for  ? 

AnJ.  Such  a  one  who  is  very  Man , 
g  and  perfectly  juft ,  and  yet  in  Pow- 
er above  all  Creatures,  that  is,  who 
at  the  fame  Time  alfo  is  very  h  God. 

16.  Queft.  Wherefore  is  it  necejfary 
that  he  be  very  Man,  and  perfectly  jufl 

AnJ.  Bccaufe  the  Mice  of  God  re 
quireth ,  that  the  fame  Nature  of  Man 
which  hath  finned  ,  fliould  it  fclf  > 
likewife  make  Recompenfe  for  Sin: 
but  be  that  is  himfelf  a  Sinner  ,  \ 
cannot  make  Recompenfe  for  others. 

17.  Que  ft.  Why  mufl  He  at  the  fame 
Time  alfo  be  very  God? 

AnJ.  That  He  might  by  the  Power 
of  his  Godhead  I  fuftain  in  his  Flcfh 
the  Burden  of  God's  Wrath  ,  and 
might  recover  m  and  reftcrc  unto  us 
that  Righteoufnefs  and  Life  which 
we  had  Iqft, 

18.  Queff.  But  who  is  that  Media- 
tor, who  is  together  both  very  God  , 
and  a  true,  perfectly  jufl  Man? 

AnJ.  Even  our  Lord  Jefus  Chrift  n, 
who  is  made  0  to  us  of  God  Wifdom, 
Rigbteousnefs  ,  Sanclification  and  Re- 

19.  Queft.  Whence  knowefl  thou  this? 
AnJ.  Out  of  the  Gofpe! ,  which  God 

fit  ft  made  known  in  Paradifep,  and 
afterwards  did  fpread  abroad  by  the 
Patriarchs  q  and  Prophets:  fhadowed 
it  r  by  Sacrifices  and  other  Ceremo- 
nies of  the  Law:  and  laftly  accom- 
plished it  s  by  his  only  begotten  Son. 

7    Lord's  Day. 

20.  Qucft.  Is  then  Salvation  reftored 
by  Cln  ift  to  all  Men ,  who  periled  in 
Adam?  ' 

Anf.  Not  to  all  t ;  but  to  thofe  on- 
ly, who  by  a  true  Faith  are  engiaf 
fed  into  Him  v  ,  .and  receive  all  his 

21    Qucft.  What  is  true  Faith? 

AnJ  It   is   not   only  a  w  KnOW- 

is  Rom.  2. 
18.  19.20. 
y  Rom.  4. 
16.  20.  21. 
lam.  1.  o. 
zRo.  1. 16. 
1C0  1. 21. 
Act.  16.14. 
Mm.  16. 
a  Rom. 
10.  14.  17. 
cRo.  5.  1. 
a  Gal.  2. 

e  Rom.  3- 
24.25.  -(>• 

Math.  2(i. 
19.  20. 

ledge,  whereby  I  firmly  afser.t  to  all 
things,  which  God  *  hath  revealed 
unto  us  in  his  Word,  but  alfo  an  af- 
fured  y  Truft  or  Confidence  kindled 
in  my  Heart,  by  the  Holy  *  Ghoft, 
through  the  Gofpel ;  a  whereby  I  ac- 
quicfee  in  God,  being  afluredly  per 
i waded  ,  that  Remiflion  b  of  Sin  , 
eternal  Rightcoufhefs  c  and  Life,  is 
given  not  to  others  only,  but  to  me  <* 
alfo  ,  and  that  freely  through  e  the 
Merits  of  Chrift  alone. 

22.  Queft.  14' hat  are  thofe  things 
whichs  are  necejfary  for  a  Chrifiian  to 
believe  ? 

Anf.  All  things  which  are  promi- 
fed  f.  us  in  the  Gofpel  :thcSum  where- 
of  is  briefly  contained  in  the  Creed 
of  the  Apoftles;  or  in  the  Articles  of 
the  catholick  and  undoubted  Faith  of 
all  Chriftians. 

23.  Queft.  Which  is  that  Creed  ? 

J  Believe  in  God,  the  Father  ahnigh. 
■*■  ty  >  Maker  of  Heaven  and  Earth. 

ii.  And  in  Jejus  Chrifl  his  only  be- 
gotten Son  our  Lord: 

jii.  Who  was  conceited  by  the  Holy 
Ghcjl:  born  oj  the  Virgin  Mary. 

iv.*  Suffered  under  Pontius  Pilate  : 
was  crucified,  dead  and  buried:  He  de- 
Jc elided  into  Hell. 

v.  The  third  Day  he  rcje  again  from 
the  Dead. 

vi.  He  afcended  into  Heaven  ,  and 
fittetb  at  the  right  Hand  oj  God  the  Fa- 
ther Almighty. 

vii.  From  thence  J: all  He  come  to 
judge  the  Quick  and  the  Dead. 

viii.  /  believe  in  the  Holy  .Ghofl. 

ix.  1  believe  an  Holy  catholick  Church : 
the  Communion  of  Sawls. 

x.   The  Forgivenefs  of  Sins. 

xi.  The  Rejurrection  of  the  Body. 

xii.  And  the  Lije  everlafling,  Amen. 

8.  Lord's  Day. 

24.  Queft.  Into  how  Parts  is 
this  Creed  divided? 

Anf.  Into  three  Parts:  The  fit  ft  is 
of  God  the  Father  and  our  Creation 
g:  The  ftcond,  of  God  the  Son  and  s  Gen.  1, 

A  2  our 

Of  God  the  Father. 

18  ;  19 
i  1  Petr.  1 

SI.    22. 

kDeut.  <> 

hi  Petr.  1.  our  Redemption  h.-The  third,  of  God 
the  Holy  Ghoft ,  and  our  Salification  k 
25.  Queft.  Since  there  is  but  one  k 
only  divine  EJJence  ,  why  namefl  thou 
tbefe  three,  We  Father,  the  Son  t  and 
the  Holy  Cost? 
1  Gen.  1.  ^nI'  Becaufe  God  hath  fo  1  revea- 
s6  ifa. 61.  led  Himfelf  in  his  Word,  that  thefe 
i.MaTc.3.  tiiree  diftinct  Pcrfonsare  that  one  true 
clrAs'.  13".  and  eternal  God. 
1  toll.  5. 7. 


9.  Lord's  Day. 

q6\  Quell.  What  believefl  thou ,  wKen 
thou  fayeft ;  I  believe  in  Goo  the  Fa- 
ther almighiy,  Maker  of  HEAvtN 
AisD  Earth? 

An  fwer. 

I  Believe  the  everlafling  Father  of 
our  Lord  lefus  Chrilb,  (who  *  hath 
made  of  nothing  Heaven  and  Earth, 
with  all  that  are  in  them,  who  like- 
wife  upholdeth  and  t>  governeth  the 
fame  by  his  eternal  Counfel  and^ Pro- 
vidence) to  be  my  c  God  and  my  Fa- 
ther for  Chrift's  Sake:  and  therefore 
I  do  fo  truffc  in  Him,  that  I  may  not 
doubt ,  but  He  will  provide  all  things 
ueceffary  d  both  for  my  Soul  and  Bo- 
dy. And  further  whatfoever  Evils  He 
fendeth  en  me  ,  in  this  troublefome 
Life,  He  will  e  turn  them  to  my  Safe- 
ty, fnee  both  He  is  able  to  do  it, 
as  being  f  God  /ihnigbty;  an  J  willing 
to  do  it ,  as  being  g  a  bountiful 

10.  Lord's  Day. 

a  Gen.  i.  & 
».ri'.  35-6. 

bPC  115. 

3.  Mat.  10. 
39.  Heb. 
j.  3.  loh. 
S     17- 
clobi.  n. 
Kora.  3. 
15.  16. 
Ga!at.4  5. 
Tph.  i    5- 
ildlm  3.1. 
fl  Pf.  55- 
a2   Maun. 
6.  2<5. 
f  Rom.  8. 


J' Rom.  10. 


g    Mat    6. 

a*.  &  7. 

9.  10.  II. 

27.  Queft.  What  is  the  Providence  of 


Anf.  The  Almighty  Power  of  God, 

h  Aft.  17.   every  where  prcfent,  h  whereby  He 

ns. 26.27.  doth,  as  it  were  with  is  Hand  >  up- 

iiicb.i. 3.  ^10''^  and  govern  Heaven  and  Earth, 

with  all  the  Creatures  therein:  So  that 

thofe  things  which  grow  in  the  Earth, 

k  icr.  5.    as  likewife  Rain  *  and  Drought,  Fruic- 

fulnefs  l  and  Barrennefs ,  Meat  and 
Drink,  m  Health  and  Sicknefs,  n  Rj. 
ches  and  Poverty,  in  a  Word,  all  ° 
things  come  not  rafhly  ,  or  by 
Chance,  but  by  his  fatherly  Counfel 
and  Will. 

28.  Queft.  Wloat  doth  this  Know- 
ledge of  the  Creation  and  Providence  of 
God  profit  us? 

Anf.  That  in  Adveriity  p  we  mav 
be  patient,  and  q  thankful  in  Prolpe- 
rity ,  and  *  have  hereafter  our  chiefell 
Hope  placed  in  God  our  moft  faith- 
ful  Father;  being  Cure,  that  there  is 
nothing  ,  which  may  f  withdraw  us 
from  his  Love  ,  for  as  much  as  all 
Creatures  are  fo  in  his  Power,  that 
without  his  Will  they  are  not  *  able, 
not  only  to  do  any  thing,  but  not  fo 
much  as  once  to  move. 



I  A&    14. 


m  Iohn.  9. 


n  Pro.  zz. 

2.  lob.   1. 


o  Mat.  10. 
29    3°- 
Kph.i.  11. 

pRom.  5. 

3-  P:-   $9. 


qDeut.  8. 
10. 1  I'hef, 
5.    18 
r   Keftl.  Si 

4-  5.   0 

s  Ri-ni    S. 
38.  39- 
t  tub   1. 
1  2   Mid   2. 

0.    Mat.  S. 

31  I  a.  10. 


b  .\a.  4. 



11.  Lord's  Day. 

Queftion  20. 

Why  is  the  Son  of  God  called  ,  Ie- 
sus,  that  is t  a  Saviour? 


BEcaufe  Hcfiveth  us  from  all  oura  a  mi  1 
Sins  :  neither  ought  any  S  ifety   "• 
to  be  fou 5 lit  for  from  any  other ,  nor  b 
can  ejfewhere  be  found. 

30.  Quel.  Do  they  then  believe  in 
the  only  Saviour  lefus  ,  who  feek  for 
Happinefs  and  Safety  of  the  Saints ,  or 
of  themfclv-'S  ,  or  el  je  where? 

Anf.  N>>.  For  although  in  Word 
they  boaft  themfelves  of  Him  ,  as 
their  Saviour,  yet  in  Deed  they  deny 
the  only  Savour  c  Jefus.  For  it  muft  AlConl 
needs  be  that  either  Jefus  is  not  a^^,',3''" 
perfect  Saviour,  or  that  they,  who 
embrace  him  as  their  Saviour  with  a 
true  Faith,  poflefs  all  things  in  him, 
which  d  are  required  unto  Salvation. 

12.  Lord's  Day. 

31.  Queft.  Why  is  He  called ,  Christ  , 
that  is.  attainted? 

A  Hob.  13.. 
2  If..  9  5. 
ft.  Col.  1. 
19.  20.. 

Of  God  the  Son. 

2.  6. 

Anf.  Becaufe  He  was  orchir.ed  of 
cHeb.  i.  lne  Ji\nher,  and  anointeJ  <•■  of  the  Ho- 
ly Ghoft ,  the  f  chief  Prophet  and 
Teacher :  who  hath  opened  unto  us 
the  fecrec  Counfel,  and  all  the  will 
of  his  Father  concerning  our  Redemp- 
tion :  And  the  High  Pried  ,  g  who 
with  that  one  onlv  Sacrifice  ot  his 
Bsdy ,  hath  redeemed  us ,  and  doth 
continually  make  h  Intercdlion  with 
Ins  Father  for  us.  And  the  eternal  \ 
King,  who  ruleth  us  by  his  Word  and 
Spirit  ,  and  defendeth  and  ^  main- 
taineth  that  Salvation  .which  He  hath 
purchafed  for  us. 

32.  Queft.  But  why  art  thou  called  a, 

Anf.  Becaufe  through  Faith  I  am 
a  m  Member  of  J  ejus  Gbrijl ,  and  Par- 
taker n  of  his  Anointing,  that  both  I 
may  °  confefs  his  Name,  and  preient 
myfeif  unto  him  a  lively  p  Sacrifice 
of  Thankfulncfs.  AHb  may  in  this  Life 
fight  againft  Sin  and  i  Satan  ,  with 
a  tree  and  good  Confcience,  and  af- 
terward enjoy  an  eternal  Kingdom  * 
6-  with  Chrift,  over  all  Creatures. 

f"  Deuc. 
lG.   l!!. 
Att.  3. 22. 
loll.  1.  18. 
and  15. 
15    Mat. 
ii.  27. 

■;    Pf.    !IO. 
4  H'-'ir.  7. 
si.  and 
jo     14. 
h  Rom.  U. 


i  l'l 
Luke  L. 


k  Mat.  1 
18.  lob, 
I/O.  21. 

m    1  Cor 
6    IS- 

I;   l  loll.   2, 

27.  loci  a 

ti  Mat,  10. 

j>  Rom.  12 
1.  Apo. 
1.  6. 
c]  Ephe 
ii,   12 
1  Tim 
18,  "i9- 
v  a  Tim 

t.    12. 

<nA«h.  r.  1 
Meb;  i  2 
b  Rom  G 
i?  16.  1-  1.  5 

«  1  Pet.  1. 
18,   JO- 
1.  Cor.  6. 

13.  Lord's  Day. 

33-  Queft.  For  what  Caufe  is  Chrift 
called  ,  The  only  begotten  Son  of 
God,  <iu '.'£72  we  alfo  are  the  Sons  of  God? 

ylnf  Becaufe  CHRIST  alone  is  the 
eternal  and  natural  Son  of  the  eter- 
a  Faiher  ,  and  wc  l>  are  but  Sons 
adopted  of  the  Father,  by  Grace, 
for  his  Sake. 

34  Queft;  Wherefore callejl thou  him, 
Quit  Lo-kd? 

/Jnf  Becaufe  He  hath  redeemed 
both  our  Body  and  Soul  from  Sin  , 
not  with  Gold  nor  Silver  ,  but  with 
his  precious  Blood,  and  hath  delive- 
red us  from  all  the  Power  of  the  De- 
vil, and  hath  hereby  acquired  a  Right 
to  c'aim  us  as  his  own  Property  c. 

14.  Lord's  Day.. 

35.  Qneft.  What  believejl  thou ,  when 
il.ou  fayfi  ,  He  Was  Conceived  By   I 

The  Holy  Ghost  ,  And  Born  Of 
Ihe  Virgin  Maky? 

Anf.  That  the  Son  of  God  ,  who 
is  d  and  continueth  true  andj  'everlanV 
ing  e  God  ,  f  aflurned  the  very  Na- 
ture of  Mag ,  of  the  Flefh  and  g  Blood 
of  the  Virgin  Mary ,  by  the  Opera- 
tion of  the  Holy  Ghoft ;  h  that  He 
might  alfo.  be  the  true  Seed  of  Da- 
vid ,  »  like  unto  his  Brethren  in  all 
Things,  k  Sin  excepted. 

36.  Queft.  What  Profit  dojl  thou  en- 
joy ,  by  Ctrifl's  holy  Conception  and  Na- 
tivity ? 

Anf.  That  He  is  our  1  Mediator, 
and  doth  cover  with  his  Innocence 
and  per  feci:  Holinefs  my  Sins  ,  in 
which  I  was  conceived  ,  that  they  may 
not  come  in  the  Sight  of  m  God. 

15.  Lord's  Day. 

37.  Queft.  What  believejl  thou }  when 
tboufayjt,  He  Sifferiid? 

Anf.  That  He,  all  the  Time  of  his 
Life,  which  He  hv'd  upon  Earth, 
but  eipecially  at  the  End  thereof,  n 
luftained  the  Wrath  of  God,  both  in 
Body  and  Soul,  againft  the  Sin  of  all 
Mankind,  that  He  might  by  his  Pa- 
fion ,  as  the  only  «  propitiatory  Sacri- 
fice, deliver  our  Body  and  Soul  from 
everlafting  Damnation ,  and  pm  chafe 
unto  us  the  Favour  of  God  ,  Righ- 
teotifnefs ,  and  everlrfting  Life. 

38.  Queft.  For  what  Caufe  fhould  He 
fujfer  under ,  Pilate,  as  his  Judge? 

Anf.  That  He  being  innocent  and 
condemned  a  before  a  civil  Judge  , 
might  b  deliver  us  from  the  fevere 
Judgment  of  God,  which  remained 
lor  all  Men. 

39-  Qutft.  But  is  there  not  fome what 
more  in  it,  that  He  was  fajlned  to  t:  e 
Cross,  than  if  He  had  fujfer  ed  any  other 
Kind  of  Death? 

Anf.  There  is  certainly  more.  For 
by  this  1  am  allured,  that  He  took 
upon  Himfcif  the  Curfe  ,  which  did 
lie  on  me.  For  the  Death  of  the  Crois 
was  c  curfed  of  God. 

d  lull.  1.  ft 
Col.  1.  is,. 
Mat.   16. 


c  Rom.  9. 
5.  1  Job. 
5.  20. 
f-joh.  1. 
14.  Gal. 
4.  4. 

g  Mat  1. 
18.  Luke. 
i-  35. 
h  PL  134. 
11.  Afts 
2.  30.  &c. 
Rom.  1.  3. 
i  Phil.  2. 7. 
k  Heb.  4. 

1  Heb.  2. 
16,  17. 
m  Pf  32  1. 
1  Cor.  1. 

Rom.  8. 

111  Petr.  s, 
Ifa.53. 12. 

o  1  Joh. 

Rom.  3. 

a  Luk.  23.. 
14.  Joh. 
19.  4.  PC 
69    4. 
b  Cal    3,. 

A.  3 

16.  Lord's 

c  Dent. «.. 
2-3.  Gal.  3- 

0/  Cod  the  Son. 


Lord's  Day. 

cl  Cen.  2. 


e  Heh.  2. 
9,  10.  Phil. 

f  Aft.  V- 
29.  Job. 
19-  38. 

e  Joh.  5. 

24.  jihii. 
I.  23. 

li  Rom.  6. 
6,  7,&c, 
Rom.  6. 

k  Rom. 
12.  1. 

1  Ifa.  S3- 
10.  Mat. 

27.  46. 

m  1  Cor. 
15.  i<5. 

a  Rom.  6. 
4.  Color. 

1.  &c. 

40.  Queft.  T^/'j  was  it  nccejjary  for 
Cbrift  to^humble  Himfelf  unto  Death? 

Anf.  Beeaufe  the  Juftice  and  Truth 
of  God  could  by  no  <i  other  Means  be 
fatisfied  for  our  Sins ,  than  by  the  ve- 
ry Death  of  the  <;  Son  of  God. 

41.  Queft.  To  what  End  Was  He 
PjUKIED  alfo? 

Anf.  That  thereby  He  might  dc- 
monftrate,  that  He  f  was  really  de?d. 

42.  Queft.  But  fine e  that  Cbrift  died 
for  us,  why  mufl  we  aljo  die? 

Anf.  Our  Death  is  not  a  Satisfac- 
tion for  our  Sins,  but  the  Abolifhing 
of  Sin,  and  our  Paflage  into  g  ever- 
lafting  Life. 

43.  Queft.  Wmt  other  Benefit  do  we 
receive  by  the  Sacrifice  and  Death  of 
Cbrift  ? 

Anf  That  by  the  Virtue  of  his 
Death  ,  our  old  Man  is  crucified  3 
flain,and  l>  buried  together  with  Him;* 
that  henceforth  corrupt  Inclinations 
and  carnal  Defires  may  not  i  reign  in 
us,  but  that  we  may  k  offer  onr- 
felves  unto  Him ,  a  Sacrifice  of  Thanks- 

44.  Queft.  Why  is  there  added,  He 
Descended  Into  Hell? 

Anf.  That  in  my  greatcft  Pains  and 
mofi  grievous  Temptations  ,  I  may 
fupport  myfelf  with  this  Comfort  ; 
that  my  Lord  left's  Chiift  hath  deli- 
vered 1  me  from  the  Sorrows  and  Tor- 
ments of  Hell ,  by  the  unfpeakablc 
Diftreffes ,  Torments  and  Terrors  of 
his  Soul  ,  into  which  He  was  plun- 
ged, both  before,  and  then  cfoeci  il- 
ly, when  He  hung  on  the  Crofs. 

j 7.  Lord's  Day. 

45.  Queft.  What  doth'  the  Resur- 
rection of  drift  profit  tts  ? 

Anf.  Fivfr,  by  his  RcfuncClion  He 
vainquifhod  Death,  that  He  might  m 
make  us  Partakers  of  that  Rijrhrcouf- 
nefs,  which  He  had  purchased  for  us 
by  his  Death.  Again  we  arc  now  al- 
fo a  excited  by  his  Power  to  a  new 

Life.  Laftly,  the  Refurreclion  of  our 
Head  Chrift,  is  a  t  Pledge  unto  us 
of  cur  glorious  Refurreclion. 

18.  Lord's  Day. 

46.  Queft.  Flow  underftand  you  that , 
He  Ascended  Into  Heaven? 

Anf.  That  Chrift  (his  Difciples  loo- 
king on)  was  c  taken  up  from  Earth 
into  Heaven,  and  is  ftill  tl  there  for 
our  Sakes  ,  and  will  be  ,  untill  He 
come  again  to  judge  the  Quick  and 
the  Dead. 

47.  Quell.  Is  not  Chrift  then  with  us 
untill  the  End  of  the  World,  as  He 
hath  promijed? 

Anf.  Chrift  is  true  God,  and  true 
Man,  and  fo  according  to  his  e  hu- 
man Nature,  He  is  not  now  on  Earth: 
but  according  to  his  f  Godhead  ,  Ma- 
jefty,  Grace,  and  Spirit,  He  is  at  no 
Time  abfent  from  us. 

48.  Queft  Are  not  by  this  Means  the 
two  Natures  in  Cbrift  pulled  afunder ,  if 
I  is  human  Nature  be  not  wterefoever 
his  divine  Nature  is. 

Anf.  Not  at  all :  For  fince  the  Divinity 
is  incompvehenfible,  and  every  where 
e  prefent ,  it  followeth  neceflarily  , 
that  f  the  fame  is  without  the  Bounds 
of  the  human  Nature,  which  He  aflu- 
med,  and  yet  is  neverthelefs  in  it, 
and  abideth  perfonally  united  to  it. 

49.  Queft.  What  Fruit  doth  the  Af- 
ccv.fion  of  Chrift  into  Heaven  bring  us  ? 

Anf.  Fiifit,that  He  g  maketh  Inter- 
ceffion  with  his  Father  in  Heaven  for 
us.  Next,  that  we  have  our  Flefh  in 
Heaven,  that  we  may  be  confirmed 
thereby,  as  by  a  fure  Pledge,  thai  it 
(hall  come  to  pafs ,  that.  He  who  is 
our  Head,  will  a  "lift  up  us  his  Mem- 
ber? unto  Him.  Thirdly,  that  He  b 
fendcth  us  his  Spirit  in  Head  of  a 
Pledge  between  Him  and  us,  by  whole 
Ffficacy  we  feek  after ,  not  earthly ,  but 
heavenly  things,  where  He  Himfelf  is 
fitting  at  the  right  Hand  of  God  c. 

19.  Lord's 

b  i  Cor. 

15.  Her.:. 

a.  11. 

C  hdi.  1.  9, 

Mane.    16 


d  liehr.  4 

14.  Rom. 

8.  34-Epli 

4.  10. 

e  Aft.  3. 

21.  Mat.  ' 

16.   2tt.       I 

Joh.  16. 


f  Mat.  28. 


e  Act.  7. 
49.  Matt. 
24.  30. 
fMatt.  48, 
20.  Joh. 
16.  28. 
run!  1 ;.  1  1. 
Jul).  3.13. 

p  Hcli.  9. 
24.  1  Joh. 
;.  i.  Ruin. 
8.  34- 

a  Toll.  14. 
b.  Efh.  2. 
bjoh.  14. 

16.  2  Cor. 
1.  2;.  1 
Cor.  5.   5. 

cCol.  31. 

Phil.  3  io. 

0/  God  the  Holy  Ghofr 

d  TpTi.  i. 

10.  Col. 
1.   IP,, 
c  M:\tt.28. 

ig  joh.5. 


r  Eph.  4- 






hLuk.  21. 

28  Rom. 
};.  :3,2J.. 
Pi'.  3-    -»• 

i  a  The  P. 
I.  6.  7. 

i  h.  25- 


to.  Lord's  Day. 

50.  Oueft.  Why  is  it  further  /aid, 
Hb  Sitteth  At  The  Right  Hand 
Of  God?  n       .     r 

Anf.  Becaufe  (Thrift  therefore  is  at- 
tended into  Heaven, to  (hew  d  there, 
t hat  He  is  the  Held  of  the'  Ghorch , 
by  whom  the  Father  *  governeth  all 
things.  .       .  . 

5 1.  Queft.  JTto  W "  ^"  ^0,7  V 
otir  fiend  Ciriji  unto  us? 

/Inf.  Firft,  tftW  through  his  Holy 
Spirit,  He  f  pourcth  out  upon^us  his 
hh-mbers,  heavenly  Graces.  Then, 
that  He  fhiekteth  and  g  clefendeth  us 
bv  his  Power  againft.our-Enemies. 

52  Qaeft  What  Comfort  ball  thou 
by  the  Coming  Again  Of  Christ  To 
Judge  The  Qpick  Akd'Ihb  Dead? 

Ar>j.  That  Ifl  all  my  Miferies  and 
Perfections ,  h  1  look,  with  ray  Head 
lifted  up,  for  the  very  fame  Saviour, 
who  before  offered  -Himfelf  unto  the 
Judgment  of  God  for  me,  and  took 
away  all  Malediction  from  me ,  to  come 
come  ludge  from  Heaven.  To  throw  all 
his  «  and  ray  Enemies  into  cvcrlafting 
Pains,  but  to  tranflate  k  me  with  all 
his  Gheferv,  unto  Himfelf ,.  into  ce- 
Icftial  Joys,  and  e-vev lifting  -Glory. 







a  Gen.  1 
2.  Ifj.  48. 
16.  1  Cor. 
3-   16. 

jy.  2  Cor. 

I.   21. 

c  Gill.  3. 

14.  1  ret. 

1.  2. 

<!  Aft.  9. 


c  |oh.  14. 

3(5    1  Pet. 

4.  14. 

53    Queft.   Wlat  believefl  thou  con- 
cerning the  Holy  Ghost? 


^  Irft,  that  He  is  true  and  cneterna! 

God  with"  the  eternal  Father  , 
and  the  a  Son.  Secondly ,  that  He  is 
.alfo  given  b  unto  me,  to  c  make  me 
through  a  true  Faith  Partaker  of  Chrift 
and  all  his  Benefits,  that  He  may  A 
comfort  me,  and  -  abide  with  mc  for 

21.  Lord's  Day. 

54,  Queft.  What  believejl  thou  con- 
cerning the  Holy  Catholick  Church 
of  Chrijt? 

.  Anf.  1  believe  that  the  Son  of  God 
f  do tn  from  g  the  Beginning  of  the 
World  h  to  the  End,  gather,  defend 
and  \  preiervc  unto  Himfelf  by  His  k 
Spirit  and  Word ,  out  of  I  whole  Man- 
kind,  a  Society  m  chofen  to  everlaft- 
ing  Life,  and  agreeing  in  true  Faith. 
And  that  I  am  a  lively  n  Member  of 
that  Society  ,  and  fo  lhall  o  remain 
for  ever. 

55.  Queft.  What  mean  thefe  Words, 
The  Communion  Of  Saints? 

Anf.  Firft,  chat  all  and  every  one 
who  believeth,  arc  in  common  a  Par- 
takers of  Chnft,  and  all  his  Graces, 
a3  being  his  Members.  And  then  , 
that  every  one  otight  readily  and  b 
chcarful'ly  to  bellow  the  Gifts,  which 
they  have  received,  to  the  common 
Benefit  and  Salvation  r,f  3II. 

56".  Queft,  What,  believejl  thou  con- 
cerning they  Remission  Of  Sins? 

Anf.  That  God ,  for  the  Satisfaction 
made  by  c  Chrift,  hath  put  out  all 
the  d  Remembrance  of  my  Sins,  and 
alfo  cf  that  Corruption  within  mc, 
wherewith  I  muft  fight  all  my  Life 
Time.  And  doth  freely  beftow  on  me 
the  Righteoufnefs  of  Chnft,  that  I  e 
may  not  at  any  Time  come  into 

22.  Lord's  Day. 

57.  Qucft.  What  Comfort  tajl  thou  by 
the  Resurrection  Of  The  Flesh? 

Anf.  That  not  only  my  Sou! ,  after 
It  lhall  have  departed  out  of  my  Body , 
Body,  Ih ill  prefently  be  taken  f  up  ro 
Chrift  its  Head; but  that  this  my  FIcfh 
alfo,  being  raifed  up  by  the  Power  of 
Chrift,  (hall  be  again  united  to  my 
Soul ,  and  lhall  be  g  made  like  unto 
the  glorious  Cody  of  Chrift. 

58.  Queft.  What  Comfort  take  ft  thou 
from  the  Article  o/Everlamtnc  Life? 

Anf.  That  for  as  much  as  a  1  feci 


f  Joh.  10. 

1 1. 

g  Gen.  26. 


1)  Rom.  ;. 

ro.  I'.ph, 

1.   10. 

i  Man.  16. 


k  ll'a.  59- 


IDJUt.  10. 

14,   15. 

m  Aft.  13. 


n  1  John 

2.  19. 

o  1  Cor.  1. 

S,  9.110m. 

8.  35-  &c. 

a  1  Joh.  1. 
3. Rom. 8. 
32.  I  Cor. 
12.  13. 
b  1  Cor.  13. 
5.  Phil.  2. 
4;  5.  6. 

C  I  Jph.  2. 
2.  2  Cor. 
5.  19-  2*. 
cl  Jer,  31, 

34.  rf.103. 

3. 4- lo.n. 
Rom.  8.1. 
2.  3|      ■ 
e  Joh.  3. 

fLuk. 23. 
43.  Phil.  1, 

g  1  Cor.  is. 

25,  26. 
a  2  Cor.  5. 
2.  3.   6. 
Rom.   14. 
i  7- 


0/"  Jujiification  by  Faith. 

already  in  my  Heart  the  Beginning  of 
tpf.16.11,    everlafting   Life,  it  fhall  b  come  to 
pafs,  that  after  this  Life  1  fliali  en- 
joy full  and  perfect  Blifs ,  wherein  I 
may  magnify  God  for  ever;   which 
1 1  Cor. 2.   Bleffednefs  ,   neither  Eye    hath  feen  , 
9-  nor  Ear  hath  heard  ,  neither  batb  any 

Man  in  Thought  conceived  it. 

23.  Lord's  Day. 

59.  Queft.  But  when  thou  believefi 
■all  tbefe  things ,  what  Profit  redoundetb 
tbence  unto  tbeeS 

Anf.  That  I  am  righteous  in  Chrift 
before  God,  and  an  Heir  of  eternal 
Life  c. 

60.  Queft.  How  art  thou  righteous  be- 
fore God? 

Anf.  Only  J  by  true  Faith  in  Chrift 
Iefus.  So  that  ,  although  my  Con- 
fidence accufe  me,  that  I  have  grie- 
voufly  trefpafsed  againft  all  the  Com- 
mands of  God,  and  have  not  e  kept 
one  of  them ,  and  further ,  am  as  yet  f 
prone  to  all  evil:  yet  notwithftanding 
(if  g  I  embrace  theie  Benefits  of  Chrift 
with  a  true  Confidence  of  Mind)  the  h 
perfect  Satisfaction ,  Righteoufnefs  and 
Holinefs  of  Chrift,  (without  any «  Me- 
rit of  mine ,  from  the  mere  k  Mercy 
of  God)  is  1  imputed  and  m  given  un- 
to me, and  that  fo,as  if  neither  [  had 
committed  any  Sin,  neither  any  Cor- 
ruption did  inhere  in  me:  yea  as  if  I 
myfelf  had  perfectly  "  accomplifhed 
that  Obedience,  which  Chrift  accom- 
plifhcd  for  me. 

61.  Queft.  Why  affirmcjl  thou,  that 
thou  art  made  righteous  by  Faith  efly'i 

Anf.  Not  that  I  plcafc  God  through  * 
the  Worthinefs  of  my  Faith  :  but  bc- 
caufe  only  the  Satisfaction  ,  Kiglv.coui- 
nefs  and  Holinefs  of  Chrift  is  my 
Righteoufnefs  before  °  God  :  and  I 
cannot  embrace  p  or  apply  it  unto 
myfelf  any  other  Way  than  by  Faith. 

C  Heb.  2. 
4.  Rom.  1. 
17.  J0I1.  3. 

it  Rom.  3. 
22.  &c. 
Gal.  2.16. 
Eph.  2.  8. 


e  Rom.  3. 
«j.   &c. 
f  Rom.  7. 


g  Rom.  3. 

28.  Joh.  3. 


li  1  Joh.  2. 


i  Rom.  3. 


k  Tit.  3-  5. 

Eph.  2.  8. 


1  1  Job.  2. 


m  Rom.  4. 

4.  5.  2 

Cor.  5.  19. 

n  2  Cor.  5. 


•  i  Cor. 
13.  9- 
Eph   2.  8. 


o  1  Cor.  1. 
30  1  Cor. 

2.  2. 

P  1  Joh.  5. 


24.  Lord's  Day. 
62.   Queft.    Why    cannot    our   good 

Works  be  Righteoufnefs ,  or  fome  Pars 
of  Righteoufnefs  before  God? 

Anf.  Becaufe  that  Righteoufnefs 
which  muft  ftand  before  the  Judgment 
of  God ,  muft  be  in  all  Points  perfect, 
and  q  agreeable  to  the  Law  of  God. 
But  our  Works  ,  even  the  beft  of 
them  ,  are  imperfect  in  this  Life  , 
and  r  defiled  with  Sin. 

63.  Queft.  How  is  it  that  our  good 
Works  merit  nothing ,  fince  God  promi- 

fes  that  He  will  give  a  Reward  for 
them ,  bdtb  in  this  Life ,  and  in  the  Life 
to  come? 

Anf.  That  Reward  is  not  given  out 
of  Merit,  but  of  s  Grace. 

64.  Queft.  But  doth  not  this  Doc- 
trine make  Men  fecure  and  profane  1 

Anf.  No.  For  it  is  impoffible  that 
they  who  are  incorporated  into  Chrift 
through  Faith,  frnuld  not  bring  forth 
the  Fruits  of  t  Thankfulnefs. 

1  Gi!.  3. 

10.  Deuc 
2-.  26- 


s  Luk.  i". 

tM.itth.  7. 
18.  John. 
15-  5- 

Of  the  Sacraments. 

25.  Lord's  Day. 

6j.  Queft.  Since  then  that  only  Faith 
maketb  us  Partakers  of  Cbrifi  and  all  his 
Benefits ,  whence  doth  this  Faith  proceed? 


FRom  the  holy  Ghoft ,  who  a  kind- 
leih  it  in  our  Hearts  by  the  Preach- 
ing of  theGofpel,  and  b  confirmcth  it 
by  the  Uie  of  the  Sacraments. 

Q"t  ft.  What  are  the  Sacraments  ? 

Anf  They  are  holy  vifiblc  Signs 
and  Seals  ordained  by  God  for  this 
End,  that  He  may  more  fully  declare 
and  leal  by  them  the  Promife  of  his 
G'ofpel  unto  us  ,  to  wit ;  that  not 
only  unto  all  Believers  in  general, 
hut  unto  each  of  them  in  particular, 
He  freely  giveth  Remiffion  of  Sins 
and  c  Life  eternal,  upon  the  Account 
of  that  only  Sacrifice  of  Chrift  which 
lie  accomplifhcd  upon  the  Crofs. 

67.  Queft.  Do  then  both  the  Word 


n  F.nh.2  8. 
nnd  6.  23. 
Phil.  1  29. 
b  Mat.  29. 
]y  Rom. 
4.  II. 

cCen.  if, 
1 1  Ronj. 
4.  11. 
Dent.  30. 
6.  Levi  6. 
25.  Ifa.  C. 

Of  the  Sacraments.    Of  Baptifm. 

d  Rom.  6. 
3.  Gal.  3. 

e  1  Cor. 

a  Mat.  56. 
19.  Afls 
2  38. 
b  Mar.  16. 
l6.Mat.  3. 
11.  Rom. 
6.  3. 

c  Marc.  1. 
4-  Luc.  3. 

cllleb.  12. 
24.  1  Pet. 
1. 2.  Apoc. 
1.  5. 

«  Ioh.  1. 
33.  Rom. 
6.  4   Col. 
2.  12. 

and  Sacraments  tend  to  that  End,  to  lead 
our  Faith  unto  the  Sacrifice  of  Cbrijl 
finifhed  on  the  Crofs ,  as  the  only  Ground 
of  our  Salvation  ? 

Anf.  It  is  even  Co,  For  the  Holy 
Ghofl  teacheth  us  by  theGofpel,  and 
affureth  us  by  the  Sacrameots  ,  that 
the  whole  of  our  Salvation  dependeth 
upon  the  holy  Sacrifice  of  Chrift  , 
d  offered  for  us  upon  the  Crofs. 

68.  Queft.  How  many  Sacraments 
hath  Cbrijl  ordained  in  the  new  Cove- 
nant  ? 

Anf  e  Two,  holy  Baptifm,  and  the 
holy  Supper. 


26.  Lord's  Day. 

€9.  Queft.  How  art  thou  admonifoed 
and  ajjured  in  Baptifm  that  thou  art  a 
Partaker  of  that  only  Sacrifice  of  Cbrijl? 


BEcaufe  Chrift  a  commanded  the 
outward  Wafhing  of  Water ; 
adjoyning  this  1»  Promife  therunto  , 
that  I  am  no  lefs  affuredly  wafhed  by 
his  Blood  and  Spirit  from  theUnclean- 
nefs  of  my  Soul  ,  that  is ,  from  all 
my  Sins ,  than  I  am  c  wafhed  ontwardly 
with  Water,  whereby  all  the  Filthi- 
nefs  of  the  Body  ufeth  to  be  purged. 

70.  Queft.  What  is  it  to  be  wafloed 
with  the  Blood  and  Spirit  of  Cbrijl  ? 

Anf.  It  is  to  receive  of  God  For- 
givenefs  of  Sins  freely  for  the  Blood 
of  Chrift,  which  He  d  fhed  for  us  in 
his  Sacrifice  on  the  Crofs.  And  alfo 
to  be  renewed  by  the  Holy  Ghofl, 
and  through  his  Sanclifying  of  us,  to 
become  Members  of  Chrift ,  that  we 
may  more  and  more  die  unto  Sin, 
and  « live  holy  and  without  Blame. 

71.  Queft.  Where  hath  Chrift  pro- 
mised that  He  will  as  certainly  wafh 
us  with  his  Blood  and  Spirit  ,  as  we 
have  been  wafted  with  the  Water  of 

Anf.  In  the  Inflitution  of  Baptifm ; 
the  Words  where  of  are  thefe. 

f  Go  and  teach  all  Nations ,  baptizing  r  Matt,  as, 
them  in  the  Name  of  the  Father,  the 
Son  ,  and  the  Holy  Ghost,  g  He 
that  believetb  and  is  baptized  [hall  be 
fayed:  but  be  that  believetb  not,  ftall 
be  damned.  This  Promife  is  repeated 
again  ,  where  the  Scripture  calleth 
Baptifm  ,  The  h  wafhing  of  the  new 
Birth,  and  >  Forgivenefs  of  Sins. 


g  Marc. 

16.  16. 

27.  Lord's  Day. 

72.  Queft.  Is  then  the  outward  Baptifm 
of  Water  it  felf ,  the  wajhing  away 
of  fin? W 

Anf  It  is  not.  For  the  k  Blood  of 
Icfus  Chrift  alone ;  and  the  Holy  Ghofl 
cleanfeth  us  from  all  1  Sin. 

73.  Quefl.  Why  then  doth  the  Holy 
Gbojl  call  Baptifm  ,  The  Walling  of 
tbe  new  Birth ,  and  Cleanfing  from  Sin? 

Anf.  God  fpeaketh  fo  not  without 
great  Cauferto  wit,  not  only  to  teach 
us  ,  that  as  the  Filthineffes  of  our 
Body  are  purged  by  Water  ,  fo  our 
Sins  alfo  are  m  expiated  by  the  Blood 
and  Spirit  of  Chrift.  But  much  more 
to  a  flu  re  us  by  this  divine  Token  and 
Pledge  ,  that  we  are  no  lefs  truely 
wafhed  from  our  Sins  with  the  inward 
Wafting,  than  we  are .  n  wafhed  by  the 
outward  and  vifible  Water. 

74.  Queft.  Are  Infants  to  be  bapti- 
zed alfo? 

Anf.  By  all  Means.  For  fince  they 
belong  as  well  unto  the  0  Covenant 
and  Church  p  of  God,  as  they  who 
are  of  full  Age.  And  fince  alfo  unto 
them  is  prom i fed  q  Remiffion  of  Sins , 
by  the  Blood  of  Chrift  and  the  *  Holy 
Ghofl,  the  Worker  of  Faith;  as  well 
as  unto  thofe  of  full  Growth.  They 
are  by  Baptifm  (as  a  Seal  of  the  Co- 
venant) to  be  engrafted  into  the 
Church  of  God  ,  and  to  be  diftin* 
guifhed  s  from  the  Children  of  Infi- 
dels, in  like  Manner  as  was  done  by  l 
Circumcifion  under  the  old  Covenant, 
in  Place  whereof  v  Baptifm  fucceeded 
under  the  new  Covenant. 

B  Of 

h  1  it.  3.  5. 

1   Aft.  2». 


k  Matt    3. 
11.   1  Pec. 

3.  ci. 
I   1  Ioh.  1, 
7-   1    Cor. 
6.  n. 

m  Rev.  1. 

5.  1  Cor. 

6.  ii. 

n  Marc  iff. 
16.  Gal.  3. 

o  Gen.  1?. 

7.  Acts.  2. 


p  1  Cor.  7. 

14.  [oc I  2. 
qMatt.  19. 

rLuc.  r.  14. 

15.  rf.22. 

10.  Ad.  a. 


s  AcTr.  10. 

47.  1  Cor. 

12.  13. 

and  7.  14. 

t  Gen.  17. 


v  Col.   2. 

11.  12.13. 


Of  the  holy  Supper  of  the  Lord. 

w  Mat  16. 
Marc.  14. 
22  23  24. 
Luke  22. 
J  9.  20. 
1  Cor.  10. 
16.  17-  & 

a  loh.  6- 
35-  4°-47- 

53-  54- 
b  loll.   6. 

55.  56. 
c  Aft.  3. 
Si.  and  1. 
9.  10.  11. 
j  Cor.  11. 

dEph.  5. 
59.30-  3i. 
32.  1  Cor. 
«.  »5-  17. 
j  9.  1  loh. 

S-  =4/ 
e  loh.  (•>, 
56  57-  S5. 
Eph.  4.  J  5. 

Of  the  holy  Supper  of  the  Lord. 

28.  Lord's  Day. 

75.  Quefl.  How  art  thou  in  the 
Lord's  Supper  admonifloed  and  affured, 
that  thou  art  a  Partaker  of  that  only 
Sacrifice  of  Chrifl  offered  on  the  Crofs , 
end  of  all  his  Benefits  ? 


BEcaufe  Chrifl  hath  commanded 
me  and  all  the  faithful  ,  to  eat 
of  this  Bread  broken,  and  to  drink  of 
the  Cup  diflributed  in  Remembrance 
of  Him,  with  thefe  Promifes  w  adjoi- 
ned. Firft ,  that  his  Body  was  as  cer- 
tainly broken  and  offered  for  me  on 
the  Crofs  and  his  Blood  (lied  for  me  , 
as  I  behold  with  my  Eyes  the  Bread 
of  the  Lord  broken  unto  me,  and  the 
Cup  communicated  to  me.  And  fur- 
ther, that  my  Soul  is  no  lesf  affuredly 
fed  to  everlalling  Life  with  his  Body 
which  was  crucified  fcr  us,  and  his 
Blood  which  was  (bed  for  us ;  than  I 
tafte  by  the  Mouth  of  my  Body  the 
Bread  and  Wine,  the  Signs  of  the 
Body  and  Blood  of  our  Lord ,  received 
from  the  Hand  of  the  Minifter. 

7<5.  Quefl.  What  is  it  to  eat  tie 
Body  of  Chrifl  crucified  ,  and  to  drink 
bis  Blood  which  was  {hid? 

Anf.  It  is  not  only  to  embrace  by 
an  allured  Confidence  of  Mind,  the 
whole  Paffion  and  Death  of  Chrifl  , 
and  thereby  to  a  obtain  Forgivencfs 
of  Sins ,  and  eternal  Life;  but  alfo  by 
the  Holy  Ghofl,  who  dwelleth  both 
in  Chrifl  and  us ,  more  and  more  to 
be  b  united  to  his  facrcd  Body  :  fo 
that  though  He  be  in  c  Heaven  ,  and 
we  on  Earth ,  yet  nevertheless  arc  we 
Flefh  of  his  Flefh,  and  Bone  of  his  <* 
Bones.  And  as  all  the  Members  of 
the  Body  are  quickned  «  and  govcrn'd 
by  one  Soul  fo  are  we  alfo  by  one  and 
the  fame  Spirit. 

77.  Quefl.  Where  bath  Cbrift  promifed 

f  1  Cor.i  1. 
23.  Marc. 

16.  16. 
Man.  14. 
22.  Luc. 
22.  19. 

Heb.  9. 

h  Exo.  13. 
9.  1  Cor. 
11.  26. 

i  1  Cor. 
16  16. 17. 

that  He  will  as  certainly  give  his  Body 
and  Blood  fo  to  he  eat  and  drunk  ,  as 
we  eat  this  Bread  broken,  and  drink 
tbis  Cup? 

Anf.  In  the  Infli union  of  his  Sup- 
per ,  the  Words  whereof  are  thefe. 

f  The  Lord  lefts  in  the  fame  Night 
in  which  He  was  betrayed,  took  Bread: 
and  when  He  had  given  Thanks ,  He 
brake  it,  and  f aid,  Take,  eat;  this  is 
my  Body ,  which  is  broken  for  you :  tbis 
do  in  Remembrance  of  me.  After  the 
fame  Maimer  alfo  He  took  the  Cup , 
when  He  had  flipped  ,  faying,  g  tbis  gExo.  2. 
Cup  is  the  New  Teflament  in  my  Blood :  h  ' 
Tbis  do  ye ,  as  ojten  as  ye  drink  it ,  in 
Remembrance  of  me.  for  as  often  as  ye 
eat  this  Bread  ,  and  drink  tbis  Cup,  "ye 
do  floe w  the  Lord's  Death  till  He  come. 

ThisPromife  is  repeated  by  S.Paul, 
when  he  faith  « ,  The  Cup  of  Bleffwg 
which  we  blefs  ,  is  it  not  the  Commu- 
nion of  the  Blood  of  Chrifi  ?  The  Bread 
wbicb  we  break,  is  it  not  the  Commtt' 
nion  of  the  Body  of  Chrifl  ?  For  we 
being  many,  are  one  Bread  and  one  Body; 
becaufe  we  all  are  Partakers  of  that  one 

29.  Lord's  Day 

7R.  Qued.  Are  then  the  Bread  and 
Wine ,  become  the  very  Body  and  Blood 
of  Cbrill  ? 

Anf.  Not  at  all.  k  But  as  the  Wa- 
ter  of  Baptifm  is  not  turned  into  the 
Blood  of  Chrifl  nor  is  ic  the  Waihing 
away  of  Sin  itfelf  but  is  a  Sign  and 
Pledge  of  thole  things  ;  So  neither 
is  the  Bread  of  the  Lord's  Supper  the 
very  Body  of  l  Chrifl,  although  accor- 
ding to  the  Manner  of  Sacraments  , 
and  that  "»  Form  of  fpeaking  of  them 
which  is  ufual  unto  the  Holy  Ghofl, 
the  Bread  is  called  the  Body  of 

79.  Qued.  Why  then  doth  Chrifl  call 
Bread  his  Body,  and  the  Cup  his  Blood, 
or  the  new  Covenant  in  his  Blood?  and 
Paul  alfo  calletb  Bread  and  Wine ,  the 
Communion  of  the  Body  and  Blood  of 


k  1  Cor. 
10.  1.  2. .",. 
4.  1  Pet.  3. 
21.  Foh.  6. 

I  1  Cor.  10. 

16.  &c. 
a:ul  J  I. 
c.6.  &c. 
m  Gen. 

17.  10  11. 
14.  Exo 
12. 16.  27. 
43.  4»- 
Aft.  7.  8. 
Matt.  cf>. 
26.  Marc. 
14.  24. 

Of  the  holy  Supper  of  the  Lord. 


b  I  Cor. 
10.  16.  17. 
and  1 1.  26 
■2.7.  aU. 
Lph.  5.  31. 
cRom.  5. 
9.  iS.  i</. 
and  8.  4. 

12.  26, 

Matt.   26. 

ab.  Lufc. 

22. 19  20. 

a  Cor.    5- 


e  1  Cor.  6 

1 7    and 

12.   13. 

f  Her..  1. 

3.  &  li.   I. 


g  loh.  4. 

ei.22.  23. 

Col.  3.  1. 

Phil.  3.  20. 

Luc.  24. 

52.  53- 

Act.  7.  55. 

ll   In  ca- 

none   Ulif- 

fit  :  &  de 


dijtintt.  2. 


T,  id  Seft. 
13-  5 
ilfa.   I. 
II-  14- 
Matt.  15. 
9.  Col    a. 
22.  23. 
Ier.  2.  13- 
a  Matt.  5 
3.  6.  Luc. 
7-  37-  38- 
and  15. 18. 

>ffli|f.  Chrift  fpeaketh  fo  not  without 
greac  Reafon  :  to  wit  not  only  to  teach 
us.,  that  as  the  Bread  and  Wine  fuftain 
the  Life  of  the  Body  ,  fo  alfo  his 
crucified  Body  and  lhed  Blood  are  in- 
deed the  Meat  and  Drink  of  our 
Souls  ,  whereby  they  are  a  nourilhed 
to  eternal  Life  :  but  much  more  that 
by  this  vifible  Sign  and  Pledge  He 
may  allure  us,  that  we  are  as  verily 
Partakers  of  his  Body  and  Blood  , 
through  the  Operation  of  the  Holy 
Ghofl ;  as  we  do  b  receive  by  the 
Mouth  of  our  Body  thefe  holy  Signs 
in  Remembrance  of  Him.  And  furchcr 
alfo,  that  his  Sufferings  c  and  Obedience 
are  fo  certainly  ours,  as  though  we 
ourfeives  had  fuffered  Punifhment  for 
our  Sins,  and  had  fatisficd  God. 

30.  Lord's  Day. 

Fo.  QUeflr.  tVhdt  Difference  is  there 
between  the  Supper  of  the  Lord,  and 
tie  popifb  Mafs  ? 

Anf  'The  Supper  of  the  Lord  tefti- 
fieth  to  us,  that  we  have  perfect 
Forgivenefs  of  all  our  Sins  d  for  that 
only  Sacrifice  of  Chrift ,  which  He 
himie'f  once  finifhed  on  the  Crofs. 
Then  alfo ,  that  we  by  the  Holy  Gholt 
are  ingrafted  e  into  Chrift,  who  now 
according  to  his  human  Nature,  is  f 
only  in  Heaven  ,  at  the  light  Hand 
of  his  Father  ,  and  there  will  be  g 
worfhipped  by  us.  But  in  the  Mafs  it 
is  denied  ,  that  the  Quick  and  the 
Dead  have  Remifllon  of  Sins  only  for 
the  Paflion  of  Chrift  ;  except  alfo 
Chr'ifl  be  daily  offred  for  them  by  the 
Sacrifices  Further  alfo  it  is  taught, 
that  Chrift  is  bodily  under  the  Form 
of  Bread  and  Wine,  and  therefore  is 
to  be  h  worfhipped  in  them.  And  fo 
the  very  Foundation  of  the  Mafs  is 
nothing  elfe  than  an  utter  »  Denial  of 
that  only  Sacrifice  and  Paflion  of  Chrift 
Iefus,  and  an  accurfed  Idolatry. 

81.  Qucft.  Who  are  to  be  permitted 
to  come  unto  the  Table  of  the  Lord? 

Anf.  They  only    who   are    truely 
forrowful  a,  that  they  have  offended 

God  by  their  Sins  :  but  who  truft 
that  thofe  Sins  are  pardoned  them  for 
ChrihVs  Sake  :  and  what  other  Infir- 
mites  b  they  have  ,  that  thofe  are 
covered  by  his  Paflion  and  Death. 
Who  alfo  c  defire  more  and  more  to 
go  forward  in  Faith  and  Integrity  of 
Life.  But  Hypocrites,  and  they  who 
do  not  truly  repent ,  do  eat  and  d 
drink  Damnation  to  themfelves. 

82.  Queit.  Are  they  alfo  to  be  admit- 
ted to  this  Supper  ,  who  in  ConfeJJton 
and  Life  declare  themfelves  to  be  infi- 
dels and  ungodly  ? 

Anf.  Not  at  all.  For  by  that  Means 
the   Covenant   of  God   is  profaned  , 
and  the  Wrath  of  God  is  e  ftirred  up 
againft  the  whole  Affembly.   Where- 
fore the  Church  by  the  Command  of  Ifa.  1.  u. 
Chrift  f  and  his  Apoftles  ,  ufing  the   ^-Ip^,7* 
Keys  of  the   Kingdom  of  Heaven,  5V16. 22. 
ought  to    hinder    their    approaching  f  Matt.  18. 
this  Supper,  till   they  fhall  have  re- 
pented and  changed  their  Manners. 

b  1  Cor. 
13.  5. 
c  Pf.  n5. 
12.  t3. 14. 
1  Pet.  i. 
11.  12. 
d  1  Cor. 
10. 20.&C, 
and  1 1.28. 

&C  Tit.  1. 

16.  Pfal. 

50.15. 16* 

e  1  Cor. 

10.21.  and 
11.30  31. 

31.  Lord's  Day. 

Keys  of  gMat.  10. 

83.  Qucft.   What  a*e  the 
the  Kingdom  of  Heaven  ? 

Anf.  Preaching  b  of  the  Gofpel  , 
and  ecclefiaftical  Discipline  * :  by  which 
Heaven  is  opened  to  Believers,  and 
is  fliut  againlt  Unbelievers. 

84.  Queft.  How  is  the  Kirgdom  of 
Heaven  opened  and  flmi  by  the  Preaching 
of  the  Gofpel? 

Anf  When  by  the  Command  of  k 
Chrift  it  is  publickly  declared  to  all 
and  every  one  of  the  Faithful  ,  that 
all  theirSins  are  pardoned  to  them 
by  God",  for  the  Merits  of  Chrift, 
fo  often  as  they  I  embrace  the  Pro- 
mife  of  the  Gofpel  by  a  lively  Faith. 
But  on  the  contrary  is  denounced 
againft  all  Infidels  and  Hypocrites, 
that  the  Wrath  of  God  and  eternal  m 
Condemnation  doth  lie  on  them  fo 
long ,  as  they  n  go  on  in  their  Wicked-  n  ioh 
nefs.  According  to  which  Teftimony  -J;*2 
of  the  Gofpel,  God  will  judge  them 
as  well  in  this  Life  ,  as  in  the  Life 
to  come. 

B  2  8j.  Queft. 

h  Ioli.  ao. 


i  Mat.  18. 


k  Mat.  2». 

1  Ioh.  J. 
18.  36. 
Marc.  16. 

m  2  Thef. 
1.  7.  8.  9. 

19.  Rom. 

2.  2.  17. 


Of  tie  Keys.    Of  Thankfuhefs. 

oMit.  in. 


p  i  Cor.  5. 


qMat.  1 3. 
15-  18. 
rRom.  n. 
7-  8.  9. 
1  Cor.  12. 
23.  i  Tim. 
5.   17- 
5  a  Thcf. 
3.  i4.Mar. 
IS.  17.  2. 
Ioh.  10. 11. 
1  Cor.  5. 
2.  4-  5. 
ta  Cor.  2. 
6.7.  8.  10. 
11.  Luk. 
J  5-   18. 

a  1  Cor.  <5. 
79.  20.  6. 
J3-  &  ii« 
I.  a.  1  Pet. 
•s.  5-  9. 10. 
b  Matt.  s. 
16.  1  Pet. 
«.  12. 
c  2  Pet.  1. 
30.  Gal.  5. 
*>.  24. 

d  1  Pet.  3. 

3. 2.  Malt. 

5-  16. 

Horn.  14. 


85.  Queft.  Ho-w)  U  tie  Kingdom  of 
Heaven  opened  and  Pout  by  ecclefiajlical 
Difcipline  ? 

Anf.  When  according  o  to  the  Com- 
mand of  Chrift,  they  who  in  Name 
are  Chriftians ,  hur  in  their  Doftrine 
and  Life,  (hew  thcmfelves  p Strangers 
to  Chrift,  after  they  have  been  for 
fomeame  admonifhed  in  a  brotherly 
way,  will  not  depart  from  their  Er- 
rors and  Crimes ,  are  made  known  unto 
the  q  Church,  or  unto  them  r  that  are 
appointed  for  that  Matter  ,  by  the 
Church.  And  then,  if  they  are  not 
obedient  to  their  Admonition ,  s  they 
are  by  the  fame  Men  to  be  forbid- 
den the  Ufe  of  the  Sacraments ,  whe- 
reby they  are  excluded  from  the  Con- 
gregation; and  by  God  Himfelf ,  from 
the  Kingdom  of  Heaven.  And  again  , 
if  they  profefs ,  and  in  Deed  difcover 
Amendment  of  Life  ,  they  are  *  to 
be  received  as  Members  of  Chriil  and 
his  Church. 

Of  Tbankfalnefe. 

32.  Lord's  Day. 

86.  Queft.  Since  we  are  delivered 
from  all  our  Sins  and  Miferies,' without 
any  Merit  of  ours  ,  by  the  Mercy  of 
Cod,  through  Chrifl  :  for  what  Cauje 
are  we  to  do  good  Works? 


BEcaufe,  after  that  Chrifl  hath  re- 
deemed us  with  his  Blood,  He 
renewcth  us  alfo  by  his  Spirit  after 
his  own  Image.  That  we  being  deeply 
affected  with  fuch  great  Benefits  fhould 
teftify  our  a  Gratitude  to  God  all  our 
Lifetime;  and  •>  that  He  fhould  be 
magnified  by  us.  And  alio  that  every 
one  of  us  might  be  c  allured  of  his 
own  Faith  by  its  Fruits.  And  laftly , 
that  by  our  honeft  and  good  Conver- 
fation  wc  may  win  <*  others  uuto 

87.  Quell.  Cannot  tley  then  be  fated 
who  are  unthankful,  and  remain  fecure 
in  their  Sins  ,  and  are  not  converted 
from  their   Wickednefs  unto  God? 

Anf.  By  no  Means.  For  ,  as  the 
Scripture  teftifieth  e,  neither  unchaft 
Pcrlbns ,  nor  Idolaters,  nor  Adulte- 
rers ,  nor  Thieves ,  nor  covetous  Men  , 
nor  Drunkards  ,  nor  Slanderers,  nor 
Robbers  ,  {hall  obtain 
of  God. 

the  Kingdom 

C  I  Cor.  0. 

9-     ID. 

l'.pl).  5-  5. 
1  lohu  3.1 

14-  >s. 


33-  Lord's  Day. 

.88.  Queft.  Of  what  Parts  conflfletb 
the  Converfion  of  Man  unto  God? 

Anf.  In  the  f  Mortification'  of  the 
old  Man  ,  and  the  Quickning  of  the 
new  Man. 

89.  Queft.  What  is  the  Mortification 
of  the  old  Man  ? 

Anf-  To  be  truely  and  g  heartily 
forry  that  thou  haft  offended  God  by 
thy  Sins,  and  more  and  more  to  hate 
and  fly  from  them. 

90.  Queft.  What  is  tie  Oidckning  of 
the  new  Man? 

Anf.  True  Joy  in  God  trough 
Chrift  h,  and  an  earncft  and  ready  » 
Dcfire  to  order  thy  Life  according  to 
the  Will  of  God,  and  to  do  ali  good 

91.  Queft.  What  are  good  Works? 
Anf.  Tbofe  only  which  are  done  by 

a  true  k  Faith  ,  according  to  1  the  Law 
of  God,  and  m  are  referred  only  to 
his  Glory.  And  not  thole  which  are 
either  imagined  by  us ,  as  fecming  to 
us  to  be  right',  or  which  are  n  deli- 
vered and  commanded  by  other  Men. 

34.  Lord's  .Day. 

92.  Queft.  Which  is  the  Law  of  God? 
Anf.  God  fpake  o  all  the  fe   Words 

J  Am  the   Lord  thy  God  ,  which  hatb 
■*■  brought  thee  out  of  the  Land  of  Egypt , 
out  of  the  Houfe  of  Bondage. 

I.  Com.    Thou  jhalt  have  no  other 
Gods  before  me. 

II,  Com.    Thou  flmlt  not  make  to 


f  Rom.  6. 
4    5-  6. 
Eph.  4.  23. 

23.  Coi,  r. 

3.  5. 1  Cor. 
5-  7. 

gPTal.  5:. 
3-  8.   17. 
Lnk.    is- 
Ift.   Rom. 
G.  18.  loOl 
12.   13. 

h  Rom.  s. 
1.  2.  \  14. 

17.  lfa  57. 

i  Rom.  6. 
10.  1  (.  1. 
Pet.  4.  2. 
Gal.  2.  20. 
k  Rom. 

14-  -3- 
1  1  Sam. 
15.  22. 
E;>li.  2.  IO. 
m  1  Cor. 
10.  31. 

u  Deuce. 
12.  32. 
Ezecli.  2Q. 

18.  Matt. 
IS.  9- 

o  Exotl. 
20.  Deut. 

0/  the  Commands. 

a  ExoJ. 
34-  28.  29. 
Deut.  4. 
J  3.  &  10. 
3,  4- 
b  Matt.  .22, 

37>38, 39 

thy f elf  any  graven  Image,  nor  the  Like- 
nifs  of  any  thing  that  is  in  Heaven 
above,  or  in  the  Earth  hmeath  ,  or  in 
the  Water  under  the  Earth.  Thou  foalt 
not  bow  down  to  them,  nor  ferve  them: 
for  I  the  Lord  'thy  God  am  a  jealous 
God,  vifitirtg  the  Inquity  of  the  Fathers 
upon  the  Children  ,  unto  the  third  and 
fourth  Generation  of  them  that  hate  me : 
and  fcewing  Mercy  unto  thoufands  of 
them  that  lave  me,  arid  keep  my  Com- 

III.  Com.  Thou  (loalt  not  take  the 
Name  of  the  Lord  thy  God  in  vain  : 
for  the  Lord  w: II  not  hold  him  Guiltlefs , 
that  taktth  his  Name  in  vain.. 

IV.  Com.  Remember  the  Sabbath 
Day ,  to  keep  it  holy  ,  fix  Days  Jhalt 
thou  labour  ,  and  do  all  thy  IVork ,  but 
the  feuentb  Day  is  the  Sabbath  of  the 
Lord  thy  God  :  in  it  thou  fljalt  do  no 
Manner  of  Work  ,  thou ,  nor  thy  Son  , 
nor  thy  Daughter  ,  <tby  Man-Servant , 
nor  tby  Maid- Servant,  nor  thy  Cattel, 
nor  the  Stranger  that  is  within  tby 
Gates.  For  in  fix  Days  the  Lord  made 
Heaven  and  Earth  ,  the  Sea ,  and  all 
that  in  them  is ,  and  refied  the  feventh 
Day  ,  wherefore  the  Lord  blejfed  the 
Sabbath  Day,  and  hallowed  it. 

V.  Com.  Honour  tby  Father  and  tby 
Mother,  that  tby  Days  may  be  long  in 
the  land)  which  the  Lord  thy  God  gi- 

VI.  Com.   Tboufhalt  not  kill. 

VII-  Com.  Thou  Jlalt  not  commit 

VIII.  Com.   Thou  flmlt  not  fled. 

IX.  Com.  Thou  jhalt  not  bear  falfe 
Witnefs  againft  tby  Neighbour. 

X.  Com.  Thou  flmlt  not  covet  tby 
Neighbour's  lloufe,  thou  [halt  not  covet 
tby  Neighbour's  Wife,  nor  his  Servant , 
nor  bis  Maid  ,  nor  his  Ox ,  nor  bis  Afs , 
nor  any  thing  that  is  tby  Neighbour's. 

93.  CHieft.  How  are  tbefe  Commands 
devided ? 

Anf.  Into  two  a  Tables  ,  whereof 
the  b  former  delivcreth  in  four  Com- 
mands ,  how  we  ought  to  behave 
ourfelves  towards  God.  The  latter  in 
fix  Commands ,  what  Duties  we  owe 
unto  our  Neighbour. 


94.  Qu.'fr.  What  doth  God  require 
in  tie  firjt  Command! 

Anf.  That,  as  dearly  as  I  value  the 
Salvation  of  my  own  Soul,  fo  earneftly 
fliould  I  fhun  and  fly  all  Idolatry  c, 
Sorcery ,  d  Enchantment }  Superftition , 
e  Invocation  of  Saints,  or  any  other 
Creatures.  But  fliould  rightly  f  acknow- 
ledge the  only  and  true  God,  g  truft 
in  Him  alone,  h  fubmit  and  fubjtct 
myielf  unto  Hiro  with  all  i  Humility 
and  Patience  ;k  look  for  all  good  things 
from  Him  alone.  And  laftly  with  the 
entire  Affection  of  my  Heart l  love, 
m  reverence,  and  «  worfliip  Him.  So 
that  I  Ihould  renounce  °  and  forfake 
all  Creatures  rather  ,  than  p  commit 
even  the  leaft  thing  that  may  be  againft 
his  Will. 

95.  What  is  Idolatry? 

Anf.  It  is  in  Place  of  that  one  God, 
or  befides  that  one  and  true  God  , 
who  hath  manifcfted  Himfelf  in  his 
Word ,  to  contrive  or  effeem  any  other 
thing, wherein  thou  fhould  repofe  thy 
1  Hope. 

35.  Lord's  Day. 

96.  Quefr.  What  doth  the  fecond  Com- 
mand require  ? 

Anf.'L'hat  we  fliould  nor.  a  reprefcnt 
God  by  any  Image,  or  Figure,  nor 
worfliip  b  Him  in  any  other  Manner 
than  He  hath  commanded  Himfelf  to 
be  worfliipped  in  his  Word 

97.  Queft.  Are  no  Images  orResfem- 
blances  to  be  made  at  all  then  ? 

Anf.  God  neither  fliould,  *  nor  can 
be  reprefented  by  any  Means.  But  as 
for  the  Creatures  ,  although  it  be 
lawful  to  exprefs  them,  yet  notwith 
{landing  God  forbiddcth  their  Images 
to  be  made  or  kept ,  fo  as  thereby  to 
worfliip  or  c  honor  either  them  >  or 
God  by  them. 

98.  Queft.  But  may  not  Images  be 
tolerated  tn  Churches ,  which  may  ferve 
for  Books  unto  the  unknowing  Fart  of 
the  People? 

Anf.  Not  at  all.  For  we  fliould  not 

prefume  to  be  wifer  than  God,  who 

B  3  will 

c  1  Cor.  6. 

9 ,  10.  and 

10.  7.  14. 
d  Lev.  19, 
41.  Deut. 
iO.  10,  Hj 

e  Mitt.  4. 

10.  Rev. 
19.  10. 

f  lob.   17. 


¥  Iere.  17. 

5-  7- 

hlleh.  10. 

36.  Cu>.  1. 

11.  Rom. 

5.  3»  4- 
Phil.  2. 14. 
i  1  Pet.  5. 
5,  6. 
kPf.  104. 
27.  Ifa.4S« 
7.  lam.  1. 

1    Oout.  (J. 
5.  Matt. 
22.  37. 
mOeut.  6. 
2.  Matt. 
10.  28. 
n  Matt.  4. 

o  Matt.  5* 
29,  30. 
Ml  5.  29- 
Matt.  10. 


p  Matt.  5. 


q  2  ChrtML- 

16.     12. 

Phil.  3.  I9» 
Gal.  4  8. 
Eph.  a.12. 
a  Deut.  4. 
15.  lfa.40. 
18.  Rom. 
1.  23.  &c. 
Aftc  17- 

b  1  Sam. 
IS-  23. 
Deut.  12. 

*  Deut.  4. 
IS  1  16. 
J  (a.  46.  5» 
Rom.  i. 


cExo.  23. 
241  and 

34-  I3>  14* 

Num  33. 
52.  Deut. 
7.  5. 


0/  the  Commands. 

6  a  Tim. 
3-  16    i 
Pc     1.  i9. 
e   1  r.  io. 
1.  &c. 
llab.  2. 
18,  19. 

f  Lev.  24 
1 1    and 
19.  ii. 
g  M.wt.  S. 
37-  Lara. 
5-   12. 

'1  Ifa.  45. 
23,  24. 

i  Rom.  4. 

24. 1  Tim. 

6.  1. 

k  Mate. 10. 


1 1  Tim.  2. 


m  Col.  3. 

16,  17. 

n  Lev.  5. 

eLev.  24. 

will  have  rtfs  Church  to  be  d  taught 
not  by  dunn  Images  ,  *  but  by  the 
lively  Preaching  or'  his  Word. 

36.  Lord's  Day. 

99.  Queft.   What  doth  God  decree  i:i 
the  third  Command? 

Anf  Tnat  not  only  by  Curfing  or  f 
Perjury,  but  alfo  by-  g  rafh  Swearing 
we  fhould  not  ufe  his  Name  deipite- 
fully  or  irreverently.  Neither  fhould 
by  Silence  or  Connivence  be  Parta 
kcrs  of  thofe  horrible  Sins  in  others. 
But  fhould  never  ufe  h  the  facred  and 
holy  Name  of  God  except  with  great 
Devotion  and  Reverence  :  that  He 
may  be  >  worfhipped  by  us  with  a 
true  and  ftedfaft  k  Confeffion  and  l 
Invocation  of  his  Name,  and  laflly 
in  all  m  our  Words  and  Actions  what- 

100.  Queft.  Is  it  then  fuch  an  heinous 
Sin  to  take  the  Name  of  God  in  vain 
by  Swearing  or  Imprecations ,  that  God 
is  alfo  angry  with  them  who  do  not 
forbid  or  prevent  it  as  much  as  they  can  ? 
Anf.  Surely  it  is  a  molt  n  heinous 
Sin.  For  neither  is  there  any  Sin 
greater,  or  more  offenfive  to  God, 
than  the  Contempt  of  his  facred  Na- 
me. Wherefore  alfo  He  would  °  have 
this  Crime  to  be  punifhed  with  Death. 

*  Exo.  22 
u.  Neh. 
13.  25. 

t  Dcut.6. 
13.  Heb. 
6.  16. 
p  Gen.  21. 
24.  iof.  9. 
15    19-  * 
Sam.  24. 
21.  2  Cor 
t.  23. 
Rom.  1,?, 

37.  Lord's  Day. 

101.  Queft.  May  not  a  Man  Swear 
religioufly  by  the  Name  of  God  ? 

Anf  He  may  :  when  either  the 
Magiftrate  demandeth  it  ,  or  other- 
wife,  when  Neccffity  requireth  that 
by  this  Means  *  Faith  may  be  con- 
firmed and  Truth  cftablifhed  :  whe- 
reby both  the  Glory  of  God  may  be 
illuftrated,  and  the  Safety  of  others 
confultcd.  For  this  Kind  of  Swearing 
is  \  founded  upon  the  Word  of  God, 
and  therefore  was  juftly  p  ufed  even 
by  the  Saints  ,  both  id  the  old  and 
new  Teftament. 

102.  Queft.  Is  it  lawful  to  fw:ar  by 
Saints  or  other  Creatures  ? 

[  Anf  No.  For  a  lawful  Oath  is  an 
Invocation  of  God  ,  whereby  we 
dcfue,  that  He,  as  the  only  Searcher 
of  Hearts ,  bear  witnefs  unto  the  Truth, 
and  punifh  the  Swearer,  if  he  know- 
ingly  q  fwear  falfly.  But  this  Honor  «*«•*■!. 
r  is  due  to  no  Creature.  r3;. 

r  Matt.  5. 
34  >  35. 

38.  Lord's  Day. 

103.  Queft.  What  dotb  God  require 
in  the  fourth  Command  ? 

Anf.  Firft ,  that  the  Minifrry  of  the 
Gofpel,  and  the  Schools  of  Learning 
mould  s  be  maintained:  and  that  I, 
efpecially  on  the  Sabbath  t,  frequent 
ftudioufly  divine  Affemblies  ;  v  hear 
the  Word  of  God  diligently ;  ufe  the  * 
Sacraments,  y  join  my  Prayers  with 
the  publik  Prayers  of  the  Aflembly; 
and  beftow  fomething,  according  to 
my  Ability ,  *  on  the  Poor.  'And 
further  ,  that  all  my  Life  I  be  free 
from  evil  Actions ,  yielding  myfelf 
unto  the  Lord,  that  He  may  by  his 
holy  Spirit  work  in  me  his  own  Work  ; 
and  fo  I  may  *  begin  in  this  Life, 
that  cverlafting  Sabbath. 

39.  Lord's  Day. 

sTir.  1.5. 

1  Tim.  3. 

r4.  i  Cor. 
9-  11.  2. 
Tim.  i.  2. 
an  1  3.  15. 
&  40.  9. 

10.  Art.  2. 
42.  46. 
v  1   Cor. 
14.  19.  29, 
x  1  Cor. 

11.  33. 
y  1  Tim. 

2  1. 
/■  1  Cor. 
16.  2. 

*  Ifa.  66. 

104.  Queft.    What  doth   God  enjoin 
in  the  fijih  Command  ? 

AnJ    That     we    fliould    yield   due 
Honor,   Love  ,    and  Fidelity  to  our 
Parents  ,    and  alfo  to  all  ,  who  bear 
Rule  over  us.     And   fliould  fobmit  a  a  Epb.  e. 
ourfelves,  to  their  faithful  Commands    V  -■  &c- 
and  Chaftifements  with  fuch  Obedience   ™' 3-  ,8' 
as  becomes  us.  And  further  alfo,  that   Epii. 5  22. 
by  our  Patience  we  ihould  bear  with  h   R(,m-  h 
their  Vices  and  Manners, ever  reflect-  |3'j>rov- 
ing  upon  this,  that  it  is  the  Will  c  of  13.  22.'  r. 
God  to  lead  and  govern  us  by  their  l>«-  2-  s- 

TJ„„J  CEph.6.4. 

9-  Col.  3. 


40.  Lord's  Day. 

joj.  Queft.  What  doth  God  require 
in  the  fixtb  Command  ? 

Anf  That  neither  in  ThoughtWords , 
Gefturcs,  or  Deeds,  fhould  I  either 


19. 21. 

Rom.  13. 
Matt.  22. 

Of  the  Commands. 


d  Matt.  5 

21.    22. 

Cen.  9.  (5, 
Mace.  26. 

e  Eph.  4, 
26.  Rom. 
12.  19. 
Mat.  5. 39  • 

(Rom.  13. 
14.  Col.  2. 


g  Gen.  9. 
6.  Matt. 
26.  52. 
Rom.  13. 

h  lam.  1. 

20.  Gal. 

5.  20. 

i  Rom.  1. 


U  1  Ioh.  2. 


1 1  Iohn.3. 


m  Matt. 
2  •  39.  & 
7    12. 
n  Rom. 
12.  10. 
o  Eph.  4. 
2..  Gal.  6. 
1.2.  Matt. 
5  5.  Rfm. 
12.  1  a. 
p  Exod. 
23-   5- 
qMath.  5. 

r  Rom.  1;. 

s  Lcvit. 
18.  27. 

t   lud.    22. 

Y  I  Thef. 

4-  3-  4- 
xlich.  13. 
4.  0. 

affront  ,  hate ,  hurt  or  <J  kill  my 
Neighbour,  either  by  myfelf,  or  by 
another;  but  e  caft  away  ali  Defire 
of  Revenge.  Moreover  ,  that  I  hurt 
fnot  myfelf ,  or  call  myfelf  knowingly 
into  any  Danger.  Wherefore  alfoGod 
hath  armed  g  the  Magillrate  with  the 
Sword  that  Murders  fliould  not  be 

106.  Queft.  Butthi s  Command  Jeemeth 
to  forbid  Murder  only. 

Anf  But  in  forbidding  Murder  , 
God  doth  further  teach  that  He  hateth 
the  Root  and  Caufe  of  Mnrder  ,  to 
wit,  h  Anger,  »  Envy,  Hatred  k  and 
Defire  of  Revenge,  and  doth  l  account 
them  all  for  Murder. 

107.  Que  ft.  But  is  it  enough  that 
we  kill  no  Man  in  the  Manner  men- 
tion d  above  ? 

Anf.  \i  is  not  enough.  For  when 
God  condemneth  Anger,  Envy,  and 
Hatred ,  He  requireth  that  we  lhould 
love  m  our  Neighbour  as  ourfelves, 
and  that  we  fhould  ufc  n  Humanity, 
Lenity,  Courtefy,  °  Patience,  and  p 
Mercy  towards  Him  :  end  q  fliould 
divert  whatever  might  be  hurtful  to 
him  ,  to  the  utrooft  of  our  Power.  In 
a  Word ,  that  we  lhould  be  fo  difpofed 
in  our  Minds,  as  to  make  no  i  Scruple 
to  do  good  ,  even  to  our  Enemies. 

41.  Lord's  Day. 

ic?}.  Qucft.  What  is  the  Meaning  cf 
the  feven lb  Command? 

Anf.  That  God  holdeth  in  s  Execra- 
tion all  Uncleanncfs  and  Filthinefs  , 
and  therefore  we  alfo  muft  utterly  t 
hate  and  deteft  it ,  and  on  the  contrary 
that  it  becomes  us  to  live  temperate- 
ly, modedly,  and  v  chaftly,  whether 
we  x  live  in  holy  Wedlock  ,  or  in 
Angle  Life. 

109.  Queft.  Doth  God  forbid  nothing 
elfe  in  this  Command  ,  but  Adultery , 
and  fuch  Kinds  of  Uncleannefs? 

Anf.  Since  both  our  Body  and  Soul 
are  the  Temples  of  the  Holy  Ghoft, 
God  will  have  us  to  polfels  both  in 
Purity  and  Holinefs.    And  therefore 

He  wholly  forbiddeth  all  Deeds  , 
Geftures,  ySpeches  Thoughts, zfilchy 
Lufls  ,  and  wharfoever  *  enticeth  a 
Man  unto  thefe. 

42.  Lord's  Day. 

no.  Queft,  What  doth  Cod  forbid  in 
the  eight  Command? 

Anf.  Not  only  thofe  t> Thefts ,  and  c 
Robberies,  which  the  Magiftrate  pu- 
nifheth:  but  under  the  Name  of  Theft 
He  comprehended!  whatfoever  evil 
Crafts,  and  Tricks,  whereby  we  feek 
after  other  Mens  Goods,  and  endeavour 
by  Force ,  or  with  fome  fhew  of  Right , 
to  d convey  them  over  unto  ourfelves: 
of  which  Sort  are  falfe  e  Weights, 
falfe  E!rs,  unequal  *"  Meafures,  de- 
ceitful Merchandife ,  counterfeit  Coin, 
g  Ufury,  or  any  other  Way  or  Means 
of  furthering  o'ur  Eftate,  which  God 
hath  forbidden.  To  thefe  we  may  add 
all  h  Covetoufnefs ,  and  the  manifold 
Wafte  and  abufe  of  God's  Gifts. 

lit.  Queft.  What  are  thofe  things 
which  God  here  commandeth? 

Anf.  That  according  to  my  Power 
I  help  and  further  the  Benefit  and 
Advantage  of  my  Neighbour  :  and 
that  I  deal  fo  with  him,  as  I  would  « 
defire  to  be  dealt  with  myfelf:  That 
plying  my  own  Bufinefs  faithfully  and 
induftriously ,  I  k  may  be  able  to  re- 
lieve the  Necefiities  of  others. 

y  Eph.  5. 

3-  it'or.6. 


z  Matt.  5. 


a  Eph.  5. 
18.  1  Cor. 

is.  33. 

b  1  Cor.  <5. 


c  1  Cor.  5. 


d  Luc.  3, 
14.  iThef. 

4.  6. 
eProv.  11. 

f  Eze.  45. 
9.  10.  11. 
Deut.  25. 


g  Ffai.  15. 

5.  Luc.  6. 

h  1  Cor.,6. 

i  Matt. 



k  Prov.  5. 

43.  Lord's  Day. 

112.  Queft.   What    doth    the    ninth 
Command  require  P 

Anf.  That  I  fhould  not  .bear  falfe   ]Pf°v-  wn 
1  Witncfs  againft  any  Man  :  neither 
m  falfify  any  Man's  Words  ,  neither 
backbite  or  n  reproach  any  Man  ,  nor 
o  condemn  any  Man  rafhty  or  unheard ; 
but  moft  carefully  p  avoid  ail  Kind  of 
Lies ,  and  Deceit ,  as   the  proper  q 
Works  of  the  Devil :  unlefs  I  would 
ftir  up  againft  myfelf  the  moft  grievous    p'iob.  i 
Wrath  of  God.  And  that  in  Judgments    44- 
and  other  Affairs  I  lhould  follow  the    Jjjjj^ 
Truth,    and   freely   and  conftantly   jj,"^- 


5.9.  and 

21.  28. 

mPfal.  IJ. 


n  Rom.  i. 


o  Matt.  7, 

1.  &. 

Luc.  6. 



Of  the  Commands.    Of  Prayer. 

riCor-13.  profefs  r  the  Matter,  as  it  is  in  Deed: 
j^Eph.  4-  an(j  moreover  fhould,  defend  and  pro- 
s^'pet.  4.  pa.^te  s  as  much  as  1  am  able,  the 
good  Name  and  Reputation  or  others. 


t  Rom.  7 

7.  &c 

v  Rora.  7, 

xRoin.  7. 
22.  15.  &c. 
Iiim.  2.10. 

a  iToh.  1. 

b  Rom.  7. 

c  1  Cor.  0. 

84.  Phil.  3. 
la.  13, 14. 

44.  Lord's  Day. 

113.  Queft.  What  doth  the  tenth 
Command  forbid? 

Anf.  That  our  Hearts  fhould  not 
at  any  Time  be  drawn  afidc  by  the 
lead  Defire  ,  or  Thought,  from  any 
Command  of  God  ;  but  that  conti- 
nually and  from  our  Heart  we  dcteft 
'  all  Sin,  and  on  the  contrary,  tdehgh: 
in  all  Ri^hteoufncfs. 

114.  Queft.  But  can  they  who  are 
converted  unto  God}  perfectly  keep  tbefe 
Commands  ? 

Anf.  Not  at  all.  But  even  the  holieft 
Men  as  long  as  they  live  have  only 
fmall  Beginnings  of  this  v  Obedience: 
yet  fo  ,  that  they  begin  x  vriih  an 
earneft  and  unfeigned  Defire  and  En- 
deavour ,  to  live,  not  according  to 
fome  only,  bot  according  to  all  the 
Commands  of  God. 

115.  Queft.  Why  will  God  then  have 
his  Law  to  be  fo  exactly  and  feverely 
preached,  fince  there  is  no  Man  in  this 
■  Life ,  who  is  able  to  keep  it  ? 

Anf.  Firft,  that  all  our  Life-Time 
we  may  more  and  more  a  acknow- 
ledge the  great  Propensity  of  our  Na- 
ture to  Sin ;  b  and  fo  much  the  more 
earneflly  pray  for  the  Remiflion  of 
Sins  and  Righteoufhefs  in  Chrift.  Mo- 
reover, that  we,  perpetually  doing  the 
laft,  c  and  reflecting  upon  the  firft, 
fhould  alfo  implore  from  the  Father, 
the  Grace  of  his  holy  Spirit ,  by  which 
we  may,  Day  by  Day  ,  be  more  and 
more  renewed  after  the  Image  of  God, 
until  at  length,  after  we  are  departed 
out  of  this  Life  ,  we  may  joyfully 
attain  unto  that  Perfection,  which  is 
propofed  unto  us. 

45.  Lord's  Day. 

116.  Queft.  Wherefore  is  Prayer  ne- 
ceffary  for  Cbrijlians  V 

Ecaufe  it  is  the  chief  Part  of  that 
d  Thankfuinels  which  God  re- 
quired of  us.  And  alfo  becaufc  God 
vouchfafeth  his  Grace  and  holy  Spirit 
only  to  thofe  ,  who  with  unfeigned 
Groanings  beg  them  continually  of 
Him,  and  e  render  Him  Thanks  for 

117.  Queft.  What  are  required  in 
that  Prayer  ,  which  will  pleafe  God, 
and  be  heard  of  Him  ? 

Anf.  That  we  fhould  ask  of  the 
only  true  God,  who  hath  a  revealed 
Himfelf  in  his  Word  ,  all  things  , 
which  He  hath  commanded  to  be 
asked  b  of  Him,  with  a  true  AfFettion 
of  Heart.  And  through  an  inward  c 
Feeling  of  our  Need  and  Mifery , 
d  fhould  humbly  proftrate  ourfelves 
in  the  Prefcnce  of  the  divine  Ma- 
jtfty.  And  «  reft  ourfelves  on  this 
lure  Foundation  ,  that  we  ,  though 
unworthy,  yet  for  Chrift's  Sake,  are 
certainly  f  heard  of  God ,  even  as  He 
hath  g  promifed  us  in  his  Word. 

118.  Queft.  What  are  thofe  things, 
which  He  commandeth  us  to  ask  of  Him  ? 

Anf.  All  h  things  neceflary  both  for 
Soul  and  Body:  which  our  Lord  lefus 
Chrift  hath  comprehended  in  thac 
Prayer  ,  which  He  Himfelf  «  hath 
taught  us. 

119.  Queft.  What  Prayer  is  that? 


OUr  Father,  wbicb  art  in  Heaven: 
1.  Hallowed  be  thy  Name. 

2.  Thy  Kingdom  come. 

3.  Thy  Will  be  done  in  Earth,  as 
it  is  in  Heaven. 

4.  Give  us  ibis  Day  our  daily  Bread. 
j.  And  forgive  us  our  Trefpajfes ,  as 


d  Pfal,  50. 

e  Matt.  -. 
7.  3.  Laic. 

11.  9-    13. 
Mutt.  13. 

12.  Pfal. 
50.   15. 

a  loh.  4. 

b  Rom.  8. 
20.   1  loh. 
5.   14- 
c  loh.  4. 

23.  24  Pi". 

145-   IS. 
d  2  Chrou. 
20.  12. 
e  Pfal.  2. 
II.  flt  34. 
18.    19. 
Ifa.  66.  2. 
fRnm.  10. 
14.  &  8. 
15-   16. 
lam    1.  6. 

g  I0I1.  14. 
13.  Dan. 

9.  17.  18. 
Matt.  7.  3. 
Pfal.  143. 

h  lam.  r. 
17.  Matr. 
6.  33; 
iMar.  6.  9. 

10.  &c. 
Luke  11. 
a.  &c. 
Matt.  6. 
9.    10.  j  1. 

0/  Prayer. 


Mat.  6.  9. 

*  M:itr.7. 

9.  10.  11. 
Ink.   11. 

it.  ir«. 

49.  IS- 

J  Jer.    23. 
34.  A£t. 
17.  24. 
ni  Rum. 

10.  11. 

Mr.ft  6  9. 
njoii.  17, 
3.  ler.  9. 
23-  =4. 
Wart.  tfi. 
17.  lam. 
I.  5. 

0  Pi".  119. 
137-   138. 
Luke  1. 
46.  Pfal. 

ns-  8.9. 

a  rr.  us. 
i-  and.  71. 

we  forgive  them  Jhattrejpafs  againjl  us. 

6.  And  lead  us  not  into  Temptation: 
But  deliver  us  from  Evil. 

For  thine  is  the  Kingdom ,  the  Power , 
and  the  Glory ,  for  ever ,  and  ever. 

46.  Lord's  Day. 

120.  Queft.  Why  dotb  Chrifl  teach 
us  to  addrefs  God  thus,  OUR  FATHER? 

Anf.  That  imroediatly  in  the  very 
Beginning  of  Prayer  He  might  excite 
in  us  fucha  Reverence  for,  and  Con- 
fidence in  God  as  becomes  the  Sons 
of  God  ,  which  ought  to  be  the 
Ground  and  Foundation  of  our 
Prayer:  to  wit,  that  God  is  become 
cur  Father  through  Chrifl:,  and  will 
much  lefs  deny  unto  us  thofe  things, 
which  we  ask  of  Him  with  a  true 
Faith,  than  our  Parents  *  will  deny 
unto  us  earthly  good  things. 

1 2 1 .  Queft.  Why  is  it  added ,  WHICH 

Anf.  Left  we  fhould  conceive  any- 
thing low  or  earthly  concerning  the 
heavenly  Majcfty  of  Godr  and  alfo 
that  we  m  fhould  expect,  from  his  Al- 
mighty Power ,  whatever  things  are 
necelTary  for  Soul  and  Body. 

47.  Lord's  Day. 

122.  queft.  Which  is  the  firjl  Pe- 
tition ? 

NAME.  That  is  ,  grant  us  firft  to 
know  n  Thee  aright,  and  to  worfhip, 
prnife  and  o  magnify  thy  Almighti- 
ncfs,  Wisdom,  Goot'n?fs  ,  Juftice, 
Mercy,  and  Truth,  (Inning  forth  in 
al!  thy  Works.  And  further  alio  that 
we  may  always ,  order  our  whole  Life , 
Thoughts  ,  Words,  and  Works  to 
this  End,  that  thy  moft  holy  Name 
may  not  be  reproached  upon  our 
Account,  but  rather  be  »  renowned 
with  Honor  and  Praifcs. 

48.  Lord's  Day. 

123.  Queft.    Which    is   the  feconi 
Petition  ? 

That  is,  rule  us  fo  by  thy  Word  and 
Spirit,  that  we  t>  may  fuhmit  ourfcl- 
ves  more  and  more  unto  Thee.  Pre 
ferve  and  incrcafe  thy  c  Church. 
Dcftroy  the  J  Works  of  the  Devil , 
and  every  Power  that  exalteth  it  felf 
againft  thy  Majefty.  Fruftrateall  thofe 
Counfels,  which  are  taken  againfl  thy 
Word  ,  until  at  length  Thou  mayeft 
reign  e  fully  and  perfectly,  when  Thou 
(hale  be  **  all  in  all. 

49.  Lord's  Day, 

124.  Queft.    Which    is     the    third 

VEN. That  is ,  grant  that  we  and  all 
Men  renouncing  g  our  own  Will  * 
may  readily  and  without  any  Murmu 
ring  h  obey  thy  Will,  which  is  only  ^Luk* 
holy  :  and  that  fo  every  one  of  us 
may  faithfully  and  chearfully  i  per- 
form that  Duty  and  Charge  which 
thou  haft  committed  unto  us,  even  as 
the  Angels  do  in  k  Heaven. 

Mr.  6.  it* 

b  Matt.  tf. 
S3  Pr.119, 


c  Pfal.  S«. 


el  !  I0I1.  j. 

y.  Rom. 
16.  to. 

e  Rev.  is, 
I?.  20. 
t  1  Cor. 
1$.  28. 
Mat.  6  i*. 

gMst    16. 
24.  Tit.  ^> 


i  1  Cor.  ft 
24.  liph. 
4.  1. 

It  PC.  109, 

50.  Lord's  Day. 

125.  Queft.  Which  is  the  fourth 

DAILT  BREAD.  That  is,  provide 
us  with  all  things  neceflary  1  for  this 
Life ,  that  by  them  we  may  acknow- 
ledge and  confefsThee  to  be  the  only 
Fountain  from  whence  all  good  things 
m  flow;  and  that  all  our  Care  and  In- 
duftry  ,  and  even  thine  own  Gifts 
would  be  unhappy  and  n  hurtful  unto 
us ,  except  thou  fhouldeft  blefs  them. 
Wherefore,  grant,  that  withdrawing 
our  Truft  from  all  Creatures ,  we  °  place 
it  in  Thee  alone. 

$1.  Lord's 

Mat.  6. 1 1. 

1  Pfa!  14s. 
15.  Mat.  d. 
25.  &c. 

mAft.  17. 

25.  and  14. 


n  1  Cor. 

15.  53. 

Dent.  8.  J. 

Pfal.  127. 

1.  2., 

and  53. 



Of  Prayer. 

5T.  Lord's  Daj\ 

126.  Queft.  Which  is  the  fifth 
Petition  ? 

AGAINST  US.  That  is,  for  the 
Sake  of  the  Blood  of  Chrifl  do  not 
impute  0  unto  us  moft  miferab'e  Sin- 
ners ,  all  our  Offences ,  neither  that 
Corruption,  which  ftill  cleaveth  unto 
us: even  as  we  alfo  feel  this  Teftimo- 
ny  of  thy  Crace  in  our  Hearts  ,  that 
we  are  firmly  refolved  to  p  forgive 
from  the  Heart  all  thofe,  who  have 
offended  us. 

52.  Lord's  Day. 

127.  Queft.  Which  is  the  ftxtb  Pe- 
tition ? 

Mat. 6. 13.  Anf.  LEAD  US  NOT  INTO 
US  FROM  EVIL.  That  is,  becaufe 
we  ourfelves  are  fo  feeble  and  weak 
by  Nature  ,  that  we  q  cannot  (land 
fo  much  as  one  Moment  but  our  molt 
deadly  Enemies , '  Satan ,  the » World , 

Mat.  6\ 1 2. 

oIV.  si.  1. 
1  lob.  a.  1. 

p  Mat.  6. 
14.  15. 

qloh.  15. 

5.Pf.  103. 


r  1  Pet.  5. 

$,Eph.  6. 


slohn,  I5> 

and  our  own  «  Fkfh,  do  conftantly 
aflaulc  us.  Uphold  thou  us,  and  cfta- 
blifl]  us  by  the  Might  of  thy  Spirit, 
that  we  may  not  yield  in  this  fpiri- 
tual  Combat  «  ,  but  may  fo  long 
ftrenuoufly  rcfift  them,  until  at  length 
we  *  obtain  a  complete  Viftory. 

128  Qaeft.  How  concludefl  thou  thy 
Prayer  V 

GLORY,  FOR  MER.  That  is, 
we  ask  all  thefe  things  of  Thee  , 
beeaufe  ,  fince  Thou  art  both  our 
King,  and  Almighty,  Thou  art  both 
willing  and  able  to  y  give  ihem  all 
unto  us.  And  thefe  things  we  there- 
fore ask,  that  out  of  them,  all  Glory 
may  *  redound  ,  not  unto  us  ,  but 
unto  thy  holy  Name. 

129.  Queft.  What  meanetb  this  par- 
ticle Amen. 

Anf.  AMEN  fignifies  ,  let  it  be 
done,  or  let  it  be  truly  accornplilhed. 
For  my  Prayer  is  much  more  cer- 
tainly heard  of  God,  than  I  feci  in 
my  Heart ,  that  I  unfeignedly  *  de- 
fire  the  fame. 

t  Rom.  7. 
23-  Gal.  5. 

v  Mat.  16. 
41,  Marc, 
13-  33. 
x    1  T  hef. 
3-   13.  & 
5-  ^3. 

Mat.  6. 13 

y  Rom. 
20.  12. 
1  Pet.  2. 9. 

z  Ioh.   I  .Jo 
13.  Pfal. 
115    r. 
ler.  33.  8. 

»aCor.  1. 


2  Tim.  i. 



<®r  <®r  <@r 








The  Reformed  Churches  in  the 


The  Forms  which  they  ufe 


The  Adm'miflration  of  the  Sacraments, 

The  Exereife  of  Ecclefiaftical  Difcipline. 

The  Confirmation  of  Ecclefiaftical  Officiers9 
Mini/Ires  9  Elders  and  Deacons. 

The  Celebration  of  Marriage  before  the  Church, 







Revifed  in  the  National  Synod  lajl  hell  at  Dort ,  in  tbe  Tear  of  our 

Lord  1618.  and  161 9. 

The  I.  Article. 

WE  all  believe  with  the  Heart  and  confefs 
with  the  Mouth,  that  there  is  one  only 
and  fimple  ipiritual  Being ,  which  we  call  God  : 


We  know  Him  by  two  Means.  Firft  by  the 
Creation,  Prefervation  ,  and  Government  of 
the  whole  World;  ilucc  it  is  before  our  Eyes 
as  a  moil  beautiful  Book ,  in  which  all  the 
Creatures  ,  both  great  and  fmall  ,  are  as  fo 
many  Characters  ,  leading  us  unto  the  Con- 
templation of  the  invifible  things  of  God,  viz. 
bis  eternal  Power  and  Godhead,  as  the  Apoftle 
Paul  faith  ,  Rom.  1.  20.  Ail  which  things  are 
fufficient  to  covincc  Mankind  ,  and  to  leave 
them  without  excufe.  Secondly  He  makes  Him- 
ielf  known  unto  us  much  more  plainly  and 
fully  by  his  boly  and  divine  Word,  to  wit,  as 
far  as  it  is  neceflary  in  this  Life  for  his  Glory 
and  our  Salvation. 


We  confefs  that  this  Word  of  God  was  not 
fent  nor  delivered  by  the  Will  of  Man,  but 
iioly  Men  of  God  fpoke  as  they  were  moved  by 
tbe  Holy  Gbofi  ,  as  the  Apoftle  Peter  tell  us. 
But  God  afterwards ,  from  a  fpecial  Care  which 
He  takes  for  us  and  our  Salvation,  comman- 

ded his  Servants,  the  Prophets,  and  Apoftles, 
to  commit  thefe  his  Oracles  to  Writing.  And 
He  Himfelf  wrote  with  his  own  Finger,  the 
two   Tables  of   the  Law.    Therefore  we  call 

fuch  Writings,  holy  and  divine  Scriptures. 


W.he  comprehend  the  Holy  Scriptures  in  the 
two  Volums  of  the  old  and  new  Tefhiment, 
which  are  canonical  Books,  without  all  Con- 
tradiction. Thefe  are  fummed  up  in  the  Church 
of  God  after  this  Manner.  The  Books  of  the 
Old  Tcflament  are  the  five  Books  of  Mofes, 
viz.  Gene/is,  Exodus,  Leviticus,  Numbers,  Deu- 
teronoviy;  tbe  Book  of  Jo'lma,  Judges,  Rutb , 
two  Books  of  Samuel ,  and  two  Books  of  the 
Kings  ,  two  Books  of  tbe  Chronicles  ;  the  firjl 
Book  of  Ezra,  Nebemiab  ,  Ejlber  ,  Job,  tbe 
Pfalms  of  David ,  the  chrec  Books  of  Salomon, 
viz.  the  Proverbs,  Ecckfiafles ,  and  tbe  Song  of 
Songs;  the  four  greater  Prophets,  viz.  Jfaiab, 
Jeremiab  ,  Ezekiel  and  Daniel;  and  the  other 
twelve  leiTer  Prophets,  viz.  Hofea,  Joel,  Amos, 
Obadiab,  Jonab,  Micab,  Nabum,  Habbakuk, 
Zepbaniab ,  Haggai ,  Zechariab ,  Malacbi  Thofe 
of  the  New  Teftament  are  the  four  Evange- 
lifts ,  viz.  Matbew  ,  Mark  ,  Luke,  John;  the 
ASts  of  tbe  Apoftles ,  the  fourteen  Epiftles  of 
the  Apoftle  Paul,  viz.  to  tbe  Romans,  two  to 
tbe  Corinthians ,  to  the  Galatians ,  to  tbe  Epbe- 
fians ,  to  the  Pbilippians ,  to  tbe  ColoJJians ,  two 
to  the  Tbeffalonians ,  two  to  Timothy,  to  Titus, 
to  Philemon,  to  \he  Hebrews ;  the  feven  fcpift- 
Ics  of  the  other  Apoftles ,  viz.  tbe  Epijlie  of 
James »  rbe  two  Epiflles  of  Peter ,  the  tor  eg 
C  3  Epiflles 


Epifiles  of  John  ,  lie  Epijlle  of  Jude  ,  and  the 
Revelation  of  the  Apojlle  John. 

Ccnfejfton  of  Faiib. 


All  thefe  Books  and  thefe  only,  we  receive 
as  holy  and  canonical  ,  for  the  regulating  , 
grounding,  and  confirming,  of  our  faith  be- 
lieving without  any  doubt  all  thefe  Things  which 
are  contained  in  them,  not  lb  much  becaufe 
the  Church  doth  receive  and  approve  them  for 
fuch  ;  buc  more  Specially  beciufe  the  Holy 
Ghoft  bears  Witneis  in  our  Hearts  that  they 
are  come  from  God ;  fince  they  carry  the  Evi- 
dence  of  it  along  with  them: for  the  very  blind 
are  able  to  perceive  the  fulfilling  of  thofe  Mat- 
ters, that  are  fore-tol^  in  them. 


Whe  diftinguifh  thofe  holy  Books  from  the 
Apocryphal,  viz.  The  third  and  fourth  Book  of 
Ezdras ,  the  Booh  of  Tobie  and  Judith,  the  Books 
of  Wisdom,  ffefus  Syrach,  Baruch ,  the  Appen- 
dix to  the.  Book  of  Eflber  ,  the  Prayer  of  the 
three  young  Men  in  the  Furnace,  the  Hiftory  of 
Sufonna ,  that  of  the  Image  of  Bell  and  the  Dra- 
gon, the  Prayer  of  Manaffe  ,  and  likwife  the 
two  Books  of  the  Maccbabees.  All  which  the 
Church  may  read,  and  take  Inftru&.'on  out  of 
them ,  in  as  much  as  they  do  agree  with  the 
Canonical  Books.  But  they  have  by  no  Means 
fuch  a  Power  and  Efficacy ,  as  to  confirm  by 
any  of  their  Teftimonies,  any  Point  of  Faith 
or  chriftian  Religion  ;  much  lefs  ,  to  detract 
from  the  Authority  of  thofe  other  holy  Books. 

V  II. 

We  believe  that  thefe  holy  Scriptures  do  fully 
contain  the  Will  of  God,  and  that  every  thing, 
which  a  Man  ought  to  believe  unto  Salvation  , 
is  fufficicntly  taught  in  the  fame.  For  fince 
the  whole  Manner  of  divine  Worfhip  which 
God  requires  of  us ,  is  writ  down  in  them  at 
large  ,  it  is  unlawful ,  for  any  one  though  an 
Apofllc,  to  teach  Othcrwife  than  we  are  taught  ' 
by  the  holy  Scriptures  ;  nay  though  it  was  an 
Angel  from  Heaven,  as  S.  Paul  fitith.  For  fince 
it  is  forbidden  to  add  unto  ,  or  take  away  any 
thing  from  the  Word  of  God  ,  it  doth  thereby 
evidently  appear  that  the  Dottrine  of  it  is  very 

perfect,  and  compleat  in  all  Rcfpefts.  Neither 
ought  we  to  compare  the  Writings  c  (  ?ny 
Men  ,  tho  never  fo  holy  ,  unto  thofe  divine 
Scriptures ;  nor  ought  we  to  compare  Cuftom 
or  the  great  Multitude,  or  Antiquity,  or  Suc- 
ccilion  of  Times  or  Perfons ,  or  Councels  ,  De- 
crees or  Statutes  ,  with  the  Truth  of  God,  for 
the  Truth  is  above  all.  For  all  Men  are  natu- 
rally Liars,  and  more  vain  than  Vanity  itfelf. 
Therefore  we  reject  with  our  very  Heart , 
every  thing  which  doth  not  agree  with  tnis 
infallible  Rule  ,  as  the  Apoftles  have  taught 
us,  faying.  Try  the  Spirits  whether  they  are  of 
God.  And  ,  //  there  come  any  unto  you  ,  and 
bring  not  this  Do&rine  ,  receive  him  not  into 
your  Houfe, 


According  to  this  Truth  and  this  Word  of 
God,  we  believe  in  one  only  God  ,  who  is 
one  fingle  Effence,  in  which  there  are  three 
Perfons  really,  truely,  and  eternally  difHngui- 
fhed,  according  to  their  incimmuijicaole  Pro- 
perties ,  viz.  The  FATHER,  and  the  <ONt 
and  the  HOLY  GHOST.  The  FATHER  is 
the  Caufe ,  the  Original  ,  and  the  Beginning  of 
all  Things,  both  vi)i;le  and  invijible.  The  SON 
is  the  Word,  the  Wisdom,  and  iht  Image  of  the 
Father.  The  HOLT  GHOST  is  the  eternal 
Strength  and  Power  proceeding  from  the  Father 
and  the  Son.  Nevertheless  God  is  not,  by  this 
Diftin&ion,  divided  into  three,  fince  the  holy 
Scriptures  teach  us:  That  the  FATHER,  the 
SON,  and  the  HOLT  GHOST,  each  of  them 
hath  his  Subftance,  diftingu'fhed  by  their  Pro- 
perties; but  in  fuch  Manner,  that  thefe  three 
Perfons  are  but  one  only  God.  Hence  then  it 
is  plain,  that  the  Father  is  not  the  Son,  and 
that  the  Son  is  not  the  Father,  and  that  the 
Holy  Ghoft  is  neither  the  Father,  nor  the  Son. 
In  the  mean  Time  thefe  Perfons  thus  diftingui- 
fhed  ,  are  not  divided  nor  confufed  among 
themfclves ,  nor  mixed  together.  For  the  Father 
has  not  aflumed  the  Flelh  ,  neither  hath  the 
Holy  Ghoft  done  it;  but  only  the  Son.  The 
Father  hath  never  been  without  his  Son  ,  or 
without  his  Holy  Ghoft;  for  they  are  all  three 
coeternal ,  and  coeflential.  There  is  no  firfl 
nor  laft  here;  fince  they  are  all  three  ONE, 
as  in  Truth,  and  Power,  fo  in  Goodnefs,  and 


Confefton  of  Faith. 



All  this  we  know  as  well  from  the  Tefli mo- 
nies of  the  holy  Scriptures ,  as  from  their  Ope- 
rations, and  chiefly  by  thofe  which  we  feel 
in  ourfelves.  The  Testimonies  of  the  holy 
Scriptures,  that  teach  us  to  believe  this  holy 
Trinity,  are  held  fouh  in  many  Places  of  the 
Old  Teftament;  which  it  is  not  fo  needful  to 
film  up,  as  judicioufly  to  chufe  them  out ,  and 
diftinguifh  them.  In  Genef.  1:  26  God  faith, 
Let  us  make  Man  in  our  Image  ,  after  our  Li 
kenefs,  &c  and  vs.  27.  So  God  created  Man  in 
bis  own  Image  ,  Male  and  Female  created  He 
them  And  Gen-  3:  22.  Behold  the  Man  is  become 
as  one  of  us.  From  this  faying  viz.  Let  us  make 
Mm  in  our  Image  it  appears,  that  there  is 
more  than  one  Perfon  in  the  Godhead ;  and  he 
Points  at  the  Unity,  when  he  faich,  God  created. 
It  is  very  true  indeed,  he  doth  not  fay  in  thefe 
Places,  how  many  Perfons  there  are ;  but  that 
which  feems  foraewhat  obfeure  unto  us  in  the 
Old  Teftament,  is  very  plain  in  the  New:  for 
when  our  Lord  was  baptized  in  Jordan  ,  the 
Voice  of  the  Farher  was  heard,  faying,  This 
is  my  beloved  Son;  the  Son  was  feen  in  the 
Water ,  and  the  Holy  Ghoft  appeared  in  the 
Shape  of  a  Dove.  Likcwife  in  the  Baptifm  of 
all  Believers  this  Form  is  inftituted  by  Chrift. 
Baptize  all  Nations  in  the  Name  of  the  Father , 
and  of  the  Son,  and  of  the  Holy  Gbojt.  In  the 
Gofpel  of  St.  Luke  ihe  Angel  Gabriel  fpeaks 
to  Mary,  the  Mother  of  the  Lord,  afcer  this 
Manner;  The  Holy  Ghoft.  Jhall  come  upon  thee, 
and  the  Power  of  the  Higbefl  floalt  over-Jhadow 
thee :  therefore  alfo  that  holy  thing  which  (hall  be 
born  of  thee,  jhall  be- called  the  Son  of  God.  In 
another  Piace  it  is  faid.  The  Grace  of  our  Lord 
Jefus  Cbrijl  ,  and  the  Love  of  God  ,  and  the 
Fellowflnp  of  the  Holy  Gboft  be  with  you  And 
there  are  three  that  bear  Retard  in  Heauen ,  the 
Father ,  the  Word ,  and  the  Holy  Gboft ;  and  thefe 
three  are  ONE.  In  all  thefe  Places  we  are  fully 
taught  that  there  are  three  Perfons  in  one 
Divine  Effence;  and  tho  this  Doftrine  far 
furpaffes  the  Understanding  of  Man,  neverthe- 
lefs  we  now  believe  it  from  the  Word  of  God; 
but  we  expeft  a  more  perfect  Knowledge  and 
Enjoyment  of  it  in  Heaven.  Furthermore  wc 
muft  confider  the  particular  Offices  and  Ope- 
rations of  thefe  three  Perfons,  towards  us.  The 
Father  is  called  our  Creator  by  his  Power;  the 

Son  is  our ,  Saviour  and  Redeemer  ,  by  his 
Blood  ;  the  Holy  Ghoft  is  our  Sandlifier  by 
his  Dwelling  in  our  Hearts.  This  Do&rine  of 
the  holy  Trinity  hath  always  been  maintained 
and  prcferved  by  the  true  Church,  ever  fince 
the  Times  of  the  Apoftles,  to  this  very  Day, 
againft  the  Jews ,  Mahometans ,  and  fome  falfe 
Chriftians  and  Hercticks,  as  Marcion,  Manes, 
Praxeas  ,  Sabellius,  Samofatenus  ,  Arrius  and 
fome  others  who  have  juflly  been  condemned 
by  the  orthodox  Fathers.  Therefore  in  this 
Point  we  do  willingly  receive  the  three  Creeds, 
viz.  that  of  the  Apoftles ,  of  Nice  ,  and  of 
Athanaflus ;.  and  alfo  that  which  (conformable 
thereunto)  is  agreed  upoa  by  the  ancient 


Wc  believe  that  Jefus  Chrift  according  w 
his  divine  Nature  is  the  only  begotten  Son  of 
God  ;  born  from  Eternity  ;  not  made  ,  nor 
created  (for  then  He  fhould  be  a  Creature)  but 
co  lfential  with  the  Father  ,  alfo  coeternal  , 
the  exprefs  Image  of  his  Father's  Perfon  ,  and 
the  Brightness  of  bis  Glory ,  equal  with  him  in 
all  things.  Who  is  the  Son  of  God  not  only 
from  the  Time  that  He  hath  affumed  our  Na- 
ture ,  but  from  all  Eternity  ,  as  thefe  Tefti- 
monies teach  us  ,  when  compared  together; 
Moles  faith  that  God  bath  created  tbe  World; 
and  St.  John  faith  ,  that  all  things  are  created 
by  that  Word  which  he  likewife  calls  GOD  ; 
the  Apoftle  laith,  that  God  has  made  the  Times 
by  his  Son,  alfo  that  God  created  ail  things  through 
Jefus  CbriH ;  then  conl'equently  he  that  is  called 
GO  >,  the  WORD,  the  SON,  and  JESUS 
CHRIST,  muft  neceffarily  have  then  exifted, 
when  all  things  were  created  by  him.  And 
therefore  faith  the  Prophet  Micah,  His  Goings 
forth  have  been  from  of  Old,  from  Everlajling; 
and  the  Apoftle  fays ,  That  He  bath  neither  Be- 
ginning of  Days ,  nor  End  of  Life.  He  there- 
fore is  that  true,  eterna1  and  omnipotent  God 5 
whom  we  invoke,  worfhip  and  ferve. 


We  believe  and  confefs  alfo  that  the  Holy 
Ghoft  proceeds  from  tbe  Father  and  the  Son 
from  Eternity  ;  and  therefore  is  not  made  , 
nor  creared  ,  nor  born  ,  but  only  proceeding 
from  both ;  who  is  in  Order  the  third  Perfon 



Confejjlon  of  Faith. 

of  the  Trinity ;  coeffential ,  and  equal  inMajefty 
ard  Glory  with  the  Father  and  the  Son :  and 
therefore  is  true  and  eternal  God,  as  the  holy 
Scriptures  do*  teach  us. 


Wc  believe  that  the  Father  by  the  Word, 
that  is,  by  his  Son  hath  created  of  Nothing, 
the  Heaven  ,  the  Earth  ,  ard  all  Creatures , 
which  it  fcemed  good  unto  Him  ,  giving;  unto 
every  Creature  its  Being  ,  Shape  and  Form, 
and  feveral  Offices  to  ferve  its  Creator.  That 
He  doth  alfo  uphold  and  govern  them  at  all 
Times  by  his  eternal  Providence  and  infinite 
Power,  for  the  Service  of  Mankind  ;  that  fo 
Man  may  ferve  his  God.  He  hath  alfo  created 
the  Angels  good ,  to  be  his  Meifengers ,  and 
Minifters  unto  his  eleft  ;  fome  of  which  are 
fallen  from  that  Excellency,  in  which  God 
created  them  ,  into  everlafting  Deftruftion  ; 
and  others  have  remained  ftedfaft  ,  by  the 
Grace  of  God ,  and  continued  in  their  primi- 
tive State.  But  the  Devils  and  evil  Spirits 
are  fo  far  corrupted ,  that  they  are  become 
Enemies  unto  God  and  every  good  thing:  who 
like  Robbers,  do  employ  all  their  Powers  to 
enfnare  the  Church  and  every  Member  thereof, 
that  by  their  wicked  Stratagems  they  might 
ruin  and  deflroy  all.  And  fo  they  are  adjuged 
by  their  own  Maliciousnefs  unto  eternal  Con- 
demnation ,  daily  expecting  their  horrible  Tor- 
ments. Therefore  we  abhor  the  Error  of  the 
Sadducees,  who  deny  the  Exiftcnce  of  Spirits 
and  Angels;  as  alfo  the  Error  of  the  Manichces , 
who  affirm  that  the  Original  of  Devils  is  of 
themfelves,  and  that  they  arc  evil  from  their 
own  Nature,  without  having  corrupted  them- 


We  believe  that  the  fame  good  God,  after 
having  created  all  things  ,  hath  not  dismift 
them  ,  nor  given  them  up  to  Chance  or  Fortune; 
but  governs  and  rules  them  according  to  his 
holy  Will,  fo  that  Nothing  fhould  fail  out  in 
this  World  without  his  Direction;  ncvcrthelefs 
God  is  neither  the  Author  of  Sin,  nor  guilty 
of  any  that  is  commuted.  For  fo  great  and 
incoinprchenfiblc  are  his  Power  and  Good/iefs , 
that  He  orders  and  executes  his  own  Work  in 
the  rrvoll  excellent  and  juil  Manner,  even  then 

when  Devils  and  wicked  Men  do  acl:  injuftly. 
And  as  to  his  ailing  of  any  thing  which  l'ur- 
p:ifTes  the  Underltanding  of  Men  ;  we  will  not 
be  too  nice  in  Searching  any  futher,  than  our 
Capacity  will  admit ;  but  rather  with  all  due 
Refpeet  and  Veneration  we  humbly  adore  the 
righteous  Judgements  of  God,  which  are  hid 
from  us  ;  contenting  ourfeives  that  we  are 
Difciples  of  Chrifh ,  only  to  learn  thofe  things, 
which  He  difcovers  to  us  in  his  Word,  without 
palTing  beyond  thofe  Limits.  This  Doctrine 
affords  us  unfpeakabie  Conlblation  ;  fince  we 
are  taught  thereby ,  that  nothing  can  befal  us 
by  Chance  ,  or  without  the  Direction  of  our 
moft  bountiful  and  heavenly  Father  ,  who 
watches  over  us  with  a  paternal  care,  keeping 
all  Creatures  f6  under  his  Power  >  that' not  a 
Hair  of  our  Head  (for  they  are  all  numbrcd) 
nor  a  Sparrow  ,  can  fall  upon  the  Ground  , 
without  the  Will  of  our  Father.  In  whom  we 
do  entirely  trull  ,  being  pcrfwaded  that  He 
holds  the  Devils,  and  all  our  other  Enemies 
fad,  as  it  were  in  Chains,  fo  that  without  his 
Will  and  Permiffioti  they  have  no  Power  to 
hurt  us.  And  thus  we  rejeft  that  detefhble 
Error  of  the  Epicurean's,  who  fay,  that  God 
doth  not  trouble  Himfelf  with  any  thing,  but 
permits  all  to  be  afted  by  Chance. 


We  believe  that  God  created  Man  out  of 
the  Duft  of  the  Earth,  and  that  He  made  and 
formed  him  after  his  own  Image  and  Likenefs, 
good,  righteous  and  holy,  being  able  to  make 
his  Will  agree  in  all  things  with  the  Will  of 
God.  Hut  being  flated  in  Honour  he  himfelf 
did  not  underftand  ir  ,  ncicher  knew  he  his 
Excellency  ;  biit  fubje&eJ  himfelf  wilfully  into 
Sin  ,  and  confequently  unto  Death  and  the 
Curfe ,  giving  Ear  unto  the  Words  of  the  Devi). 
For  he  transgrcfTed  the  Command  of  Life  , 
which  he  had  received ,  and  by  Sin  feparated 
himfelf  from  God  ,  who  was  his  true  Life  , 
having  corrupted  his  whole  Nature:  whereby 
he  hath  expofed  himfelf  to  corpora!  and  Spiri- 
tual Death.  Being  thus  become  wicked,  per- 
verted, and  corrupted  in  all  his  Ways,  he  has 
loft  all  thefe  excellent  Gifts,  which  he  had 
recived  from  God  ;  having  nothing  left  him, 
but  fome  fmall  Remnants  thereof,  which  how- 
ever are  fufficient  to  leave  Man  without  Ex- 


ConfeJJton  cf  Fahb. 

cufe  :  for  ail  the  Light  which  is  in  us  ,  is 
changed  into  Darknefs  ;  as  the  Scriptures  do 
teach  us ,  faying  The  Light  ffnneth  in  Darknefs , 
and  the  Darknefs  comprehended  it  not.  Where 
St.  John  calls  Men  Darknefs.  Therefore  we 
reject  whatever  is  taught  ,  contrary  to  this , 
concerning  thee  Free- Will  of  Men  ,  fince  Man 
is  but  a  Slave  to  Sin  ,  and  has  Nothing  of 
himfelf  but  what  is  given  him  from  Heaven. 
For  who  may  prcfume  to  boaft  of  any  good 
which  he  is  able  to  do  of  himfelf ;  fince  Chrift 
faith  No  man  can  come  unto  me,  except  the  Fa- 
ther, who  has  fent  me  ,  draws  Mm.  Who  can 
glory  in  his  own  Wi7i,  who  undetftands  that 
to  be  carnally  minded  is  Enmity  againfl  God? 
Who  can  fpeak  of  his  Knowledge,  fince  the 
natural  Man  receivetb  net  the  things  of  the  Spirit 
of  Cod?  In  a  Word,  who  may  venture  to  al- 
ledge  lb  much  as  one  Thought,  fince  he  knows, 
that  we  are  not  able  out  of  ourfelves  to  think  any 
thing,  as  jrom  ourfelves,  but  that  our  Ability  is 
from  God.  And  therefore  what  the  Apoflle  faith 
ought  juftly  to  remain  fure  and  firm;  That  God 
tuorketb  in  us  both  to  Will  and  to  do ,  of  bis  good 
Pleafure  :  for  there  is  no  Understanding  nor 
Will  in  Man  conformable  unto  the  divine  Will 
andUndeiftanding  but  what  Chrift  has  wrought 
in  them  ;  which  He  teacheth  us  ,  when  He 
faith,  Without  vie  ye  can  do  Nothing. 


We  believe  that  through  the  Disobedience 
of  Adam  original  Sin  has  (bread  it  felf  over  all 
Mankind:  which  is  a  Corruption  of  the  whole 
Nature,  and  an  hereditary  Difeafe  wherewith 
Infants  thcmfelvcs  are  infected  even  in  their 
Mothers  Womb,  and  which  producer!)  in  Man 
all  Sorts  of  Sin,  being  in  him  as  .a  Root  thereof; 
ahd  is  therefore  fo  vile  and  execrable  in  the 
Sight  of  God  ,  that  it  is  ftifneient  to  condemn 
all  Mankind  ;  neither  is  it  quite  abolilhed  or 
deftroyed  by  Bap ti fin  :  fkfce  Sin  doth  always 
iffue  forth  from  this  woeful  Source  as  Water 
from  a  Fountain:  yet  it'is  not  imputed  to  the 
Children  of  God  unto  Condemnation,  but  by 
his  Grace  and  Mercy  it  is  forgiven  them:  not 
however  J  that  they  fhould  reft  fecurely  in 
Sin  ;  but  rather  that  Believers  fhould  often 
groan  under  the  Scnfe  of  this  Corruption, 
df  firing  to  be  delivered  from  this  Body  of  Death. 
And  therefore  we  reject  the  Doctrine  of  the 


Pelagians  ,   who  aflfert  that   this  Sin  proceeds 
only  from  Imitation. 


We  believe  that  after  the  whole  Pcfterity  of 
Adam  was  thus  fallen  into  Perdition  and  Ruin 
by  the  Sin  of  the  firft  Man ,  God  hath  ihewed 
Himfelf  fuch  as  He  is  viz.  Merciful  and  Juft: 
Merciful,  without  all  Doubt,  fiince  He  delive- 
red and  preferveth  all  theft:  from  this  Perdi- 
tion ,  whom  He  hath  elected  in  his  eternal 
and  unchangeable  Council,  from  his  own  un- 
deferved  Gooduefs  in  Chrift  Jefus  our  Lord; 
and  that  without  any  Regard  unto  their  Works. 
J'ujl  alfo,  by  his  leaving  others  "in  the  Fall  ad 
bt  ftruction ,  whereinto  they  have  caft  thcm- 


We  believe  that  our  mod  gracious  God  by 
his  admirable  Wisdom  and  Goodncfs ,  feeing 
that  Man  had  caft  himfelf  into  a  corporal  and 
fpiritual  Death  ,  and  fo  was  become  a  moft 
miferable  Creature,  hath  even  fought  for  him 
and  conforted  him  when  he  fled  away  from 
him  with  Trembling  ;  promifing  him  to  give 
his  Son  ,  who  fhould  be  born  of  a  Woman  , 
who  fhould  bruife  the  Head  of  the  Serpent,  and 
thereby  reftore  him  to  Happinefs. 


We  confefs  therefore  that  God  hath  fulfilled 
the  Promifes  which  He  made  unto  the  Fathers 
by  the  Mouth  of  his  holy  Prophets,  in  Sen- 
ding his  own  only  begotten  and  eternal  Son 
into  the  World  in  due  Time,  v/ho  took  upon 
him  the  Form  of  a  Servant  ,  and  became  like 
unto  Man  ,  having  really  affirmed  the  true 
human  Nature,  with  all  its"  Infirmities,  Sin 
only  excepted  ;  being  conceived  in  the  Womb 
of 'the  bleffed  Virgin  Mary,  by  the  Virtue  of 
the  Holy  Ghofl  without  the  Means  of  Man. 
And  Pie  haLh  not  only  taken  upon  Him  the 
human  Nature  ,  as  to  the  Body  ,  but  alfo  a 
real  human  Soul,  that  fo  He  might  be  a  real 
Man.  For  fince  that  both  the  Soul  and  the 
Body  were  loft,  it  was  needful  that  He  fhould 
take  them  both  upon  Him,  that  fo  they  might 
both  be  faved.  Therefore  in  Oppoficion  to  the 
Herefy  of  the  Anabaptifts  ,  who  deny  that 
D  Chrift 


Confeflion  of  Faith, 

Chrift  took  human  Flefh  from  his  Mother, 
we  confefs ,  that  Chrift  is  become  Partaker 
of  the  Flefh  and  Blood  of  Children  ;  that  He 
is  a  Fruit  of  the  Loins  of  David  after  the 
Flefh  ;  proceeded  from  the  Seed  of  David 
after  the  Flefh;  the  Fruit  of  the  Virgin  Ma- 
ry's Womb;  made  of  a  Woman,  a  Branch  of 
David ,  a  Shoot  from  the  Root  of  JeiTe ,  defen- 
ded from  the  Tribe  of  Judah;  proceeded  from 
the  Jews  after  the  Flefh,  of  the  Seed  of  Abra- 
ham ,  fince  He  took  upon  Him  the  Seed  of 
Abraham  ,  and  is  become  like  unto  bis  Brethren 
in  all  things  ,  Sin  excepted;  fo  that  by  this 
Means,  of  a  Truth  He  is  our  Immanuel ,  that 
is,  God  with  us. 


We  believe  that  the  Perfon  of  the  Son  , 
through  this  Conception,  is  united  and  joined 
infeparably  with  the  human  Nature;  fo  that 
there  are  not  two  Sons  of  God,  nor  two  Per- 
fons  ;  but  two  Natures  united  in  one  fingle 
Perfon,  whereof  each  retains  its  own 
Properties.  For  as  the  divine  Nature  hath 
always  been  uncreated,  without  Beginning  of 
Days  or  End  of  Life  ,  filling  Heaven  and 
Earth;  fo  alfo  the  human  Nature  did  not  lofe 
its  Properties, but  remained  a  Creature,  having 
Beginning  of  Days,  and  a  finite  Nature,  re- 
taining all  that  which  belongs  to  a  true  Body. 
And  although  He  conferred  Immortality  upon 
it,  by  his  Refurreftion,  yet  He  hath  not  chan- 
ged the  Reality  of  his  human  Nature:  becaufe 
our  Salvation  and  Refurreclion  alfo  depends 
upon  the  Reality  of  his  Body.  Moreover  thefe 
two  Natures  are  united  fo  clofe  in  one  Perfon , 
that  they  have  not  been  feparated  even  by  his 
Death.  Therefore  that  which  at  his  Dying  He 
committed  into  the  Hands  of  His  Father  , 
was  a  real  human  Spirit,  Departing  from  his 
Body:  neverthelefs  the  divine  Nature  was  al- 
ways united  with  the  human,  even  when  He 
laid  in  the  Grave:  And  the  Godhead  did  not 
ceafe  in  Him,  ("any  more  than  it  did  when 
He  was  a  little  Child,)  tho  it  did  not  appear 
fo  manifeftly  for  a  while.  Therefore  we  con 
fefs  Him  to  be  real  God  and  real  Man;  real 
God,  to  overcome  Death,  by  his  Power;  and 
real  Man>  that  by  the  Infirmity  of  his  Flcfli 
Me  might  be  in  a  Condition  to  die  for  us- 


We  believe  that  God  ,  who  is  perfectly 
merciful  and  juft,  hath  fent  his  Son  to  take 
upon  Him  that  Nature,  in  which  the  Difobed- 
ience  was  committed:  that  io  in  it  He  might 
give  Satisfaction  for ,  and  fuffer  the  Punifli- 
ments  of  Sin  by  his  bitcer  Paffion  and  Death. 
Thus  God  hath  exercifed  his  Juftice  againft 
his  Son,  when  He  laid  our  Sins  upon  Him; 
and  hath  poured  forth  his  Goodnefs  and  Mercy 
upon  us  ,  who  were  guilty  and  worthy  of 
Condemnation  ;  in  giving  his  fon  up  unto 
Death  for  us,  through  a  perfect  Love;  and 
railing  Him  up  from  the  dead  for  our  Juftifica- 
tion  ,  that  to  by  Him  we  might  obtain  Im- 
mortality, and  Life  eternal. 

xx  r. 

We  believe  Jefus  Chrift  to  be  by  Oath  or- 
dained an  eternal  High-Prieft  after  the  Order 
of  Melchiledcc,  who  hath  prefented  Himfelf 
to  the  Father  in  our  Name,  in  order  to  pacify 
the  divine  Wrath  by  his  complete  Satisfaction, 
Offering  Himfelf  upon  the  Tree  of  the  Oofs, 
and  pouring  forth  his  own  molt  precious  Blood 
to  purge  away  our  Sins,  as  the  Prophets  had 
foretold.  For  it  is  written,  He  was  wounded 
for  our  Transgreffwns ,  He  was  bruifed  for  cur 
Iniquities  :  tie  Cbajlifement  of  our  Peace  was 
upon  Him  ,  and  with  bis  Stripes  we  are  healed: 
He  was  brought  as  a  Lamb  to  the  Slaughter  : 
and  He  was  numbred  wicb  the  TiansgreJJors. 
That  He  was  condemned  as  a  Malefactor  by 
Pontius  Pilate  ,  although  he  had  formerly 
pronounced  Him  innocent.  Thus  He  reftored 
that  which  He  took  not  away  ,  and  fuffered  , 
though  juft ,  for  the  unjufi ,  both  in  Body  and 
Soul ,  feeling  the  horobte  Pun.fhmcnt  which 
our  Sins  deierved  ,  infomuch  that  his  Sweat 
became  like  unto  Drops  of  Blood  jailing  upon  the 
Ground.  And  at  length  he  cryed  out ,  My 
God ,  my  God ,  why  bajl  thou  forfaken  Me  ? 
Suffering  all  this  for '  the  Remiffion  of  our 
Sins.  Therefore  we  juffJy  fay  with  the  Apoftle 
Paul ,  That  we  determine  to  know  Nothing  but 
Jefus  Cbrijt,  and  Him  crucified;  yea  we  count 
all  things  but  loff  and  Dung ,  Jor  the  Excellency 
of  the  Knowledge  of  our  Lord  Jefus  Chrifi:  in 
whufe  Wounds  we  find  all  Manner  of  Confo- 
1.  lation  ,  aud  we  have  no  Need  to  feek  or  in- 

Confejfion  of  Faith. 


vent  any  other  Means,  to  be  reconciled  unto 
God,  but  this  one  Sacrifice  once  offered  up, 
through  which  Believers  are  made  perfeft  for 
ever  This  alfo  is  the  Caufe  why  He  was 
called  bv  the  Angel  of  God,  JESUS,  that  is 
SAFIO'UR,  becaufe  He  Jbould  fave  his  People 
from  their  Sins. 


We  believe,  That  for  the  Attaining  to  the 
true  Knowledge  of  this  Myftery  ,  the  Holy 
Ghoft  kindles  in  our  Hearts  a  true  Faith  by 
which  we  embrace  Jefus  Chrift  with  a  1  his 
Merits,  and  appropriate  Him  to  ourfelves  , 
feeking  Nothing  befides  Him.  For  it  mult 
needs 'follow,  that  either  every  thing,  which 
is  required  to  our  Salvation  ,  is  not  in  Chnlt 
Jefus;  or  if  all  things  are  in  Him,  then  he, 
who  enjoys  Chrift  by  faith  ,  mult  have  his 
Salvation  entire.  Now  to  fay  that  Chrift  is  not 
fnfficient  ,  but  that  there  wants  fomethmg 
befides  Him,  would  be  too  grofs  a  B'afphemy 
againft  God;  for  hence  it  would  follow,  that 
Chrift  was  but  half  a  Saviour.  Therefore  we 
have  jtift  Caufe  to  fay  with  St.  Paul,  that  we 
an  jujlified  only  by  Faith,  or  by  Faith  without 
Works.  Yet,  to  lpeak  more  properly,  we  do 
not  mean  Faith  to  be  that,  by  which  we  are 
juftified ,  for  it  is  but  an  Inftrument,  by  which 
we  embrace  Chrift  ,  our  Righteousnefs.  But 
Jefus  Chrift  imputing  to  us  all  his  Merits,  and 
fo  many  holy  Works  as  he  as  done  for  us  and 
in  our  Room  is  our  Righteousnefs ,  and  Faith 
is  an  Inftrument  by  which  we  are  made  Parta- 
kers of  all  his  Bleffings ;  which  when  they  are 
become  ours,  are  more  than  fufficicnt  to  ab- 
folve  us  from  our  Sins. 


We  believe  that  our  Happinefs  confifts  in 
the  Remiffion  of  our  Sins,  for  Jefus  Chrifts' 
Sake;  and  that  our  Righteousnefs  before  God 
is  contained  therein  ;  as  David  and  Paul  do 
teach  us,  declaring  this  to  be  the  Happinefs 
of  Man,  that  God  imputes  to  him  Righteous- 
nefs without  Works;  and  the  fame  Apofile  faith 
that  we  are  jujlified  freely  ,  or  through  Grace , 
fry  the  Redemption  which  is  in  Chrift  Jefus.  And 
therefore  we  do  always  build  upon  this  firm 
Foundation ;  giving  all  Glory  unto  God ,  and 

humbly  acknowledging  ourfelves  to  be  fuch, 
as  really  we  are :  without  prefuming  any  thing 
of  ourfelves ,  or  upon  our  own  Merits  ,  but 
only  relying  on  the  Obedience  of  Chrift  cruci. 
fied;  and  acquiefce  therein,  which  Obedience 
is  ours,  if  we  believe  in  Him;  this  being  fuf- 
ficient  to  cover  all  our  Iniquities,  to  give  us 
Boldnefs  ,  and  to  free  the  Confidence  from 
Terror  ,  Aftonifhment  and  Fear  in  our  Ap- 
proaches unto  God;  without  doing  like  our  firffc 
Father  Adam  ,  who  trembling  attempted  to 
cover  himfelf  with  Fig- Leaves.  And  truly  if 
we  were  to  appear  before  God,  relying  upon 
ourfelves,  or  any  other  Creature,  though  never 
fo  little  ,  alas  !  we  would  be  immediately 
devoured.  And  therefore  every  one  ought  to 
pray  with  David  :  Lord  do  not  enter  into 
Judgment  with  thy  Servant ;  for  in  tby  Sight , 
no  Flefl)  living  can  be  Jujlified. 


We  believe,  that  this  true  Faith  being  wrought 
in  Man,  by  the  Hearing  of  the  Word  of  God, 
and  the  Operation  of  the  Holy  Ghoft  ,  doth 
regenerate  and  change  him  into  a  new  Man, 
by  which  he  is  quickened  to  live  a  new  Life, 
and  is  made  free  from  the  Bondage  of  Sin. 
This  juftifying  Faith  therefore  is  fo  far  from 
making  Man  grow  floathful  in  an  honeft  and 
holy  Life  ;  that  on  the  contiary  without  it 
they  will  never  do  any  thing  out  of  Love 
unto  God ,  but  only  out  of  Love  unto  them* 
felves ,  or  from  Fear  of  Condemnation.  It  is 
therefore  impoffible  that  this  holy  Faith  fhould 
be  unfruitful  in  Man;  for  we  do  not  fpeak  of 
a  vain  Belief  ,  but  of  fuch  an  one  which  in 
the  Scriptures  is  called  a  Faith  that  worketb  by 
Love,  and  ftirreth  Man  up  to  the  excercife  of 
thofe  Works,  which  God  hath  commanded  in 
his  Word.  Which  Works,  if  they  proceed 
from  the  good  Root  of  Faith,  are  good  and 
acceptable  unto  God  ,  becaufe  they  are  all 
fanftified  by  his  Grace;  in  the  mean  while  they 
are  of  no  Account  towards  our  J  unification. 
For  it  is  by  Faith  in  Chrift  that  we  are  juftified, 
even  before  we  do  any  good  Works;  otherwife 
they  could  not  be  good  ,  no  more  than  the 
Fruit  of  a  Tree  can  be  good,  before  the  Tree 
itfelf  is  good.  Thus  we  do  good  Works ,  but 
not  that  we  may  merit  by  them-,  (for  what 
can  we  merit?)  Nay  we  are  beholding  unto 
Da  God 


Confeffion  of  Faitb. 

God  for  thofe  good  Works  which  wc  do,  and 
not  He  unto  us ;  (incc  it  is  He  tbat  worketh  in  m 
both  to  "will  and  to  do,  according  to  bis  own  good 
Pleafure.  Let  us  therefore  take  of  this  Saying 
which  is  left  upon  Record :  When  ye  fiall  have 
done  all  thefe  Things ,  which  are  commanded  you , 
fay ,  we  are  unprofitable  Servants :  we  have  done 
tbat  which  was  our  Duty  to  do.  Yet  we  do  not 
deny  that  God  rewards  good  Works ,  but  it  is 
through  his  Grace,  that  He  crowns  his  Gifts. 
Moreover  though  we  do  good  Works ,  yet  we 
do  not  build  upon  them  as  the  Ground  of  our 
Salvation  :  for  we  can  do  Nothing  which  is 
not  defiled  by  our  Fcfh  ,  and  confequently 
■worthy  of  Punifhmcnr;  and  though  we  could 
perform  were  it  but  one  perfect  Action,  yet 
the  Remembrance  of  one  Sin  is  fufiicient,  to 
make  God  reject  it.  And  therefore  we  ihould 
always  be  doubtful  and  floating  to  and  fro, 
without  any  Certainty,  and  onr  poor  Confiden- 
ces be  vexed  continually,  if  they  did  not  rely 
on  the  Merits  of  the  Sufferings  and  Death  of 
our  Saviour  alone. 


We  believe  that  the  Ceremonies  and  Figures 
of  the  Law  ceafed  at  the  Coming  of  Guilt , 
and  that  all  Shadows  are  finiihed  :  wherefore 
the  Ufe  and  Practice  of  them  ought  to  be 
abrogated  among  Chriftians  :  yet  the  Truth 
and  Subftance  of  the  fame  remains  with  us  in 
Qui  ft  Jefus,  in  whom  they  are  fulfilled,  in  the 
mean  while  we  (till  make  Ufe  of  the  Teftimo* 
nies  of  the  Law  and  the  Prophett,  to  confirm 
us  in  the  Gofpel ,  that  we  may  order  our  Life 
and  Converfation  in  all  Honrfty ,  to  the  Glory 
of  God,  according  to  his  Will. 


We  believe  that  we  have  no  Accefs  unto 
God,  but  by  the  only  Mediator  and  Advocate 
Jefus  Cbrijl  the  righteous :  who  for  this  Caufe 
is  become  Man,  having  united  together  the 
divine  and  human  Natures ,  that  fo  we  might 
hive  accefs  unto  the  divine  Majcfty:  for  other- 
wife  our  Accefs  was  barred  up.  But  this  Me- 
diator ,  whom  the  Father  hath  appointed  , 
between  Him  and  us,  ihould  not  deter  us  by 
his  Majefty ;  nor  caufe  us  to  feek  for  another 
according  to  our  Fancy.   For  there  is  none  in 

Heaven  nnr  in  Earth  among  the  Creatures  , 
who  lovcth  us  more  entirely  than  Jefus  Chrifi; 
who ,  tho  He  was  in  the  Form  of  God,  yet  made 
Himfelf  of  no  Reputation  ,  and  took  upon  Him 
the  Form  of  a  Man  and  a  Servant ,  for  our  Sakesf 
and  is  made  like  unto  his  Brethren  in  all  things. 
Now  if  we  were  to  feek  for  another  Mediator, 
that  might  be  favourable  unto  us  ,  pray , 
whom  could  we  find  that  would  love  us  more, 
than  He  who  laid  down  his  Life  for  us  ,  even 
whiljl  we  were  bis  Enemies  ?  And  if  we  took 
for  one  who  excels  in  Power  and  Majcfty; 
who  is  more  confpicuous  in  thefe  than  Hi  wbi) 
fits  at  the.  right  Hand  of  lis  Father,  having  all 
Power  in  Heaven  and  Earth  ?  And  whom  will 
God  fooner  hear  than  his  own  ,  only  ,  and 
well  beloved  Son  ?  It  was  therefore  only  a 
Miftrufting  of  this  which  introduced  the  Piacticc 
of  Diflionouringthe  Saints  inftoad  of  Honouring 
them,  doing  that  which  they  never  have  done 
nor  required,  but  confiancly  and  according  to 
their  Duty  rejected  ,  as  appears  from  their 
Writings.  And  it  ought  not  to' be  object ;d 
here  that  we  are  not  worthy;  for  it  is  not 
intcuded  that  we  ihould  offer  up  our  Prayers 
on  the  Account  of  our  Worthinefs,  but  only 
becaufe  of  the  Excellency  and  Worthinefs  of 
our  Lord  Jefus  Chrift,  whofe  Righteoulhcfs  is 
become  ours  by  Faith.  The  Apoftle  therefore, 
to  take  away  from  us  this  foolifli  Fear ,  or  rather 
Miftruft,  tell  us,  that  Jefus  Chrifi  is  made  like 
unto  bis  Bretberen  in  all  things;  tbat  He  might 
be  a  Merciful  and  faithful  High  Prieji,  to  mike 
Reconciliation  for  the  Sins  of  the  People  Fo:  in 
tbat  He  himfelf  hath  fuffered ,  being  tempted , 
He  is  able  to  fuccour  them  that  are  tempted.  And 
to  give  us  more  Encouragement  to  go  to  Him  , 
he  tells  us.  Seeing  then  that  we  have  a  great 
High  Priefl  that  is  paffed  into  toe  Heavens, 
jfefus  the  Son  vf  God ,  let  us  bold  fafl  our  fro- 
fefjion.  For  we  have  not  an  High  Priefl ,  which 
cannot  be  touched  with  the  Feeling  of  our  Infir- 
mities :  but  was  in  all  Points  tempted  like  as  we 
are ,  yet  without  Sin.  Let  us  therefore  come 
boldly  unto  the  Tbrone  of  Grace  ,  that  we  may 
obtain  Mercy  ,  and  find  Grace  to  help  in  Time 
of  Need.  The  fame  Apoftle  faith,  that  we  have 
Liberty,  to  enter  into  the  Holieft  by  the  Blood  of 
Jefus  ;  Let  us  draw  near  ,  faith  he  ,  in  full 
yijfurance  of  Faith  ,  &c.  dlfo  Chrifi  hatb  an 
unchangeable  Prieji-hood:  wherefore  He  is  able  to 
fave  them  to  the  Uttermoft ,  tbat  come  unto  God 


Confeffton  of  Faith, 

by  Him;  feeing  He  ever  liveib  to  make  Interces- 
fion  for  them.  What  more  then  do  we  wane , 
lince  Chrift  Himfeif  fays,  /  am  the  Way,  an.i 
the  Truth,  and  the  Life ;  no  Man  cometb  to  the 
Father  but  by  Me.  Why  thenfhould  we,  look- 
in-  another  Advocate  ,  fince  it  hath  pluafed 
God  to  give  us  his  own  Son  for  an  Advocate. 
Let  us  not  therefore  leave  Him  to  take  another , 
or  rasher  to  feek  for  another,  whom  we  can 
find  no  where  eife  :  for  when  God  did  give 
Him  unto  us,  He  knew  very  well  that  we  were 
Sinners.  Therefore  according  to  Chnft's  Com- 
mand ,  we  call  upon  our  heavenly  Father 
through  Jems  Chrift  our  only  Mediator,  as  we 
are  Eaught  in  the  Lord's  Prayer;  being  firmly 
allured  that  whatever  we  pray  for  to  die  Father 
in  his  Name,  it  (hall  be  given  us. 


We  believe  and  profefs  one  only  Catholick 
or  univc-rfal  Church ,  which  is  a  holy  Congre- 
gation of  true  Chriftian  Believers ,  who  expect 
their  Salvation  altogether  in  Chrift  Jafus  and 
in  him  alone  ,  being  wafhed  by  his  Blood  , 
and  fanclified  and  fealed  by  the  Holy  Ghoft. 
Now  this  Church. hath  been  from  the  Begin- 
ning of  the  W7orld  ,  and  will  continue  to  the 
End  of  it:  as  doth  appear  by  this ,  that'  Chrift 
is  an  everlafting  King,  who  cannot  be  without 
Subjects.  And  this  holy  Church  is  kept  and 
prelerved  by  God  agai'nft  the  Rage  of  the 
whole  World  :  although  fomtimes  ihe  may 
become  very  fmall  ,  and  appear  to  be  almoft 
excinguifhed  in  the  Eyes  of  Men :  as  when  the 
Lord,  during  the  dangerous  Reign  of  Achab, 
bad  kept  feven  tboufand  Men,  <wbo  bad  not  bowed 
their  Knees  before  Baal.  Moreover  this  holy 
Church  is  not  fituated  in,  or  limited  to  a  cer- 
tain Place  ,  or  confined  to  certain  Perfons , 
but  is  fpread  and  difFufed  through  the  whole 
World  ,  being  nevcrthclefs  joined  together 
and  united  in  Heart,  in  Will  and  the  fame 
Spirit,  by  the  Power  of  Faith. 


We  believe  that  fince  this  holy  Congrega- 
tion is  an  AiTembly  of  thofe  that  are  faved, 
and  that  without  it  there  is  no  Salvation  , 
that  therefore  none  ,  of  what  Condition  or 
Quality  foever  ,  ought  to  withdraw  himfeif  | 


from  it  ,  or  to  live  contcntendly  alone  in  a 
feparate  State  from  it ;  but  that  it  is  equally 
the  Duty  of  all  Men  to  join  themfelves  to  and 
unite  with  it ;  preferving  the  Unity  of  the 
Church,  fubmitting  themfelves  to  the  Doctrine 
and  Difciple  thereof;  bowing  their  Necks  un- 
der the  Yoke  of  Chrift  Jefus ,  and  ferving  to 
the  Edification  of  the  Brethren ,  according  to 
the  Gift  which  God  hath  afforded  them;  as 
mutual  Members  of  the  fame  Body.  And  to 
the  better  Compafiing  of  thefe  Ends ,  it  is  a 
Duty  incumbent  on  all  Believers  ,  according 
to  this  Word  of  God,  to  l'eparate  themfelves 
from  thofe  that  are  without  the  Church ,  and 
to  join  themfelves  to  this  Congregation  ,  in 
what  Place  foever  God  hath  conftitu:ed  the 
fame,  although  ic  were  contrary  to  the  De- 
crees of  Magiftrates  and  Princes  ,  even  tho 
one  fhould  be  expofed  to  fuffer  Death  or  any 
other  corporal  Punifhment  for  it.  Wherefore 
all  thofe  ,  who  feparate  themfelves  from  this 
Church ,  or  do  not  join  with  it ,  aft  againft 
the  Ordinance  of  God* 


We  believe  that  it  is  requifite  ,  to  fearch 
diligently  ,  and  with  a  circumfpect  Care  to 
difcern  from  the  Word  of  God,  which  is  the 
true  Church  ;  fince  all  Seels  that  are  in  the 
World  now  adays  do  cover  themfelves  with 
the  Name  of  of  the  Church.  But  here  we- do 
not  at  all  fpeak  of  the  Company  of  Hypocri- 
tes ,  who  are  mixed  in  the  Church  amongft 
the  good  ones  ,  without  belonging  to  the 
Church,  tho  outwardly  they  are  in  it:  but  we 
diftinguilh  the  Body  and  Communion  of  the 
true  Church,  from  all  Seels  who  call  themfelves 
the  Church.  The  Marks  to  know  the  true 
Church  by  are  thefe  :  viz.  If  in  the  Church 
the  Gofpel  is  purely  preached  ;  If  the  pure 
Adminiftration  of  the  Sacraments,  fo  as  they 
are  inftituted  by  Chrift  Himfeif,  is  made  ufe 
of;  If  the  ecclefiaftical  Difcipline  is  exercifed 
for  the  Punifhment  of  Sins ;  In  a  Word,  if  all 
Things  are  managed  according  to  the  Word 
of  God,  rejecting  all  things  contrary  thereun- 
to; and  finally,  Acknowledging  jefus  Chrift  r.s 
the  only  Head.  By  thefe  "Tokens  one  may 
certainly  know  the  true  Church  ,  and  none 
ought  to  feparate  themfelves  from  the  fame. 
And  as  for  thofe  who  are  Members  of  the. 
D  3;  Church., 


ConfeJJion  of  Faith. 

Church ,  they  may  he  known  by  the  Marks  of 
Chriflians ,  viz  by  their  Faith,  and  that  when 
they   have  received   the  only  Saviour ,   Jefus 
Chrift,  they  avoid  Sin  ,  and  purfuc  Righteous- 
Dels;  loving  the  true  God  and  theirNeighbour, 
not  declining  neither   to  the   right  or  to  the 
left  Hand;  and  crucifying  their  Hefh  with  its 
Deeds.    This  however  is  by  no  Means  to  be 
fo   underftood  as   if  they   were  not   attended 
>with  great  Weaknefs,  but  they  fight  againft  it 
through  the  Spirit. all  the  Days  of  their  Life, 
having    continually    recourfe   to    the   Blood  , 
Death  ,  Sufferings  and  Obedience  of  our  Lord 
Jefus  Chrift,   in  whom  they  have  RemiJJion  of 
Sins,  through  Faith  in  Him.     As  for  the  falfe 
Church  >  flie  afcribes  unto  herfclf  and  her  Or- 
dinances  more  Power  and  Authority,  than  to 
the  Word  of  God;  and  refufes  to  fubmit  unto 
the   Yoke  of  Chrift  ;   neither   adminifters  the 
Sacraments  after  fuch  a  Manner  as  Chrift  hath 
inftituted   in    his  Word  ;  but  adds  and    takes 
away,  according  to  her  Pleafure:  She  relyeth 
more  upon  Men,  than  upon  Chrift:  and  pcrfe- 
cutes  thofe  who  live  a  holy  Life,  according  to 
the  Woid  of  God,   and  rebuke  her  Faults, 
Coveteousnefs  and  Idolatry.    By  thefe  Marks 
then ,  it  is  eafy  to  know  the  true  and  the  falfe 
Church,  and  to  diftinguifh  the  one  from  the 


We  believe  that  this  true  Church  muft  be 
governed  according  to  the  fpiritual  Policy 
which  our  Lord  hath  taught  us  in  his  Word: 
viz.  That  there  muft  be  Minifters  or  Paftors  to 
preach  the  Word  of  God,  and  to  adminifter 
the  Sacraments;  as  alfo  Elders  and  Deacons  to 
make  up  together  with  the  Paftors  an  eccle- 
fiaftical  Counfel;  that  by  this  Means  the  true 
Religion  ,  may  be  prefcrved  ,  and  the  true 
Doctrine  propagated  every  where  ;  likewife 
that  the  Transgreffors  be  punilhcd  and  rcftrai- 
ried  by  fpiritual  Means ;  that  the  Poor  and 
D'ftreiTcd  be  alfo  relieved  and  comforted,  ac 
cording  to  what  they  ftand  in  need  of.  Through 
thefe  Means  all  things  will  proceed  well  and 
orderly  in  the  Church,  when  fuch  Perfons  are 
chofen  who  arc  faithful ,  and  according  to  the 
Rule  which  St.  Paul  prefcribes  in  his  Epiftle 
to  Timothy. 


We  believe  that  the  Minifters  of  the  Word 
of  God,  and  the  Elders  and  Deacons,  ought 
to  be  chofen  to  their  refpeftive  Offices  by  a 
lawful  Election  of  the  Church  ,  with  Invoca- 
tion of  the  Name  of  the  Lord  ,  and  in  that 
Order  ,  which  the  Word  of  God  teacheth. 
Every  one  therefore  muft  take  Care  of  Intru- 
ding himfelf  by  undecent  Means  ;  but  ought 
to  ftay  until  he  be  called  by  God  ,  that  fo 
he  may  have  a  Teftimony  of  his  Calling,  and 
be  certain  and  allured  that  it  is  of  the  Lord. 
And  as  for  the  Minifters  of  the  Word ,  where 
ever  they  are,  they  have  an  equal  Power  and 
Authority,  being  all  Minifters  of  Jefus  Chrift, 
the  one  general  Bifhop  and  only  Head  of  the 
Church.  Moreover,  left  this  holy  Ordinance 
of  God  be  violated  or  difpifed,  we  fay,  that 
every  one  ought  to  have  a  fpecial  RcfpecTt 
unto  the  Minifters  of  the  Word  and  the  El- 
ders of  the  Church  ,  for  their  Works  fake, 
and  to  live  in  Peace  with  them,  without  Mur- 
muring ,  Strife,  or  Diflention  ,  as  much  as 
poffibly  can  be. 


In  the  mean  while  we  believe ,  although  it 
may  be  ferviccable  and  good,  that  thofe  who 
govern  the  Church  ,  do  inftitute  among  them- 
felvcs  certain  Ordinances  for  the  Maintenance 
and  Supporting  the  Body  of  the  Church,  yet 
that  they  ought  to  take  Heed  of  Departing 
from  any  thing  which  Chrift  our  only  Mafter 
hath  inftituted.  And  therefore  we  reject  all 
human  Inventions  and  Laws,  which  any  might 
inrroduce  in  the  Worfhip  of  God,  thereby  to 
bind  and  compel  the  Confcience  in  any  Man- 
ner. Therefore  we  admit  only  of  fuch  Things 
as  may  ferve  to  the  Nourifhing  and  Prefer va- 
tion  of  Concord  and  Unity,  and  to  keep  all 
in  the  Obedience  of  God,  unto  which  Purpofe 
Excommunication  is  required  ,  according  to 
the  Word  of  God ,  with  the  feveral  Circum- 
ftances  belonging  to  it. 


We  believe  that  our  gracious  God,  having 
Regard  to  our  Dulnefs  and  Infirmity ,  hath 
inftituted  the  Sacraments,  to  be  Seals  of  his 


ConfeJJlon  of  Faith. 


Promifes ,  and  Pledges  of  Kindnefs  and  Grace 
of  God  unto  us ;  and  thereby  alfo  to  nourifh 
and  iuflain  our  Faith  ;  having  joined  them 
with  the  Word  of  the  Gofpel  ,  that  lb  He 
might  more  effectually  propound  to  our  out-. 
wardSenfes,  boch  that  which  He  Signifies  unto 
us  by  his.  Word ,  and  that  which  he  Works 
inwardly  in  our  Hearts,  alluring  us  of  the  Sal- 
vation, which  He  doth  impart  unto  us.  For 
they  are  vifibie  Signs  and  Seals  of  an  inward 
and  invisible  thing  ,  by  which  Means  God  wor- 
keth  in  us  through  the  Power  of  the  Holy 
Ghoft.  Therefore  the  Signs  are  by  no  Means 
vain  or  empty,  nor  instituted  with  Defign  to 
fruurate  and  deceive  us ;  for  Chrift  Jeius  is 
the  true  Object  reprefented  by  them  ,  without 
whom  they  would  Signify  nothing  at  all.  Mo- 
reover we  are  content  with  the  Number  of  the 
Sacraments  ,  which  Chrift  our  Matter  hath 
instituted,  being  but  two,  viz.  the  Sacrament 
of  Bapiifm ,  and  that  of  the  Holy  Supper  of 
our  Lord  Jefus  Chrift. 


We  believe  and  confefs  that  Jefus  Chrift, 
who  is  the  End  of  the  Law  ,  hath  made  an 
End  by  the  Shedding  of  his  Blood, of  all  other 
Sheddings  of  Blood,  that  might  be  made  for 
the  Propitiation  and  Satisfaction  of  Sin  ;  and 
that  having  abrogated  Circumcifion  which  was 
done  with  Blood,  hath  instituted  inftead  there- 
of the  Sacrament  of  Baptifm,  by  which  we 
are  received  into  the  Church  of  God  ,  and  are 
feparated  from  all  other  People  and  Strange 
Religions ,  that  fo  we  may  be  wholly  conle- 
crateJ  to  him  ,  whofe  Mark  and  Enfigns  we 
bear.  And  it  ferves  us  for  a  Testimony,  that 
He  will  be  our  God,  and  a  Gracious  Father 
unto  us  for  ever.  Therefore  He  has  given  a 
Charge  to  Baptize  all  that  are  his  in  the  name 
of  the  Father,  the  Son,  and  the  Holy  Ghoft , 
only  with  pure  Water,  giving  us  thereby  to 
undcrftand  ,  that  as  the  Warer  cleanfes  the 
Filth  of  the  Body,  when  it  is  is  poured  upon 
us,  wlvch  may  be  feen  upon  the  Body  of  him 
who  receives  Baptifm,  being  fprinkled  there- 
bv  ;  fo  the  Blood  of  Chrift  performed!  the 
fame  inwardly  upon  the  Soul,  by  the  Holy 
Ghoft  ,  fp'inkling  and  cleaning  them  from 
their  Sins,  and  regenerating  us  from  Children 
of  Wrath  unto  Children  of  God.    However 

this  is  not  done  by  the  outward  Water  but  by 
the  Sprinkling  of  the  precious  Blood  of  the 
Son  of  God  ,  who  is  our  red  Sea  ,  through 
which  we  mud  pafs,  to  efcape  the  Tyranny 
of  Pharaoh,  that  is  the  Devil,  and  to  enter 
in  to  the  Spiritual  Land  of  Canaan  Likewife 
the  Ministers  give  us  on  their  Part  the  Sacra- 
ment, and  that  which  is  vifibie:  but  our  Lord 
gives  that  which  is  Signified  by  the  Sacrament, 
viz.  the  invisible  Gifcs  and  Graces,  Wafhing, 
Cleanfing,  and  Purifying  our  Souls  from  all 
Filthinefs  and  Iniquities  ,  and  Renewing  our 
Hearts  ,  and  filling  them  with  all  Comfort, 
giving  us  a  true  Aflurance  of  his  fatherly 
Kindnefs,  Enduing  us  with  the  new  Man, 
and  putting  away  the  old  Man  with  all  his 
Deeds.  Therefore  we  believe ,  that  whofoe- 
ver  intends  to  enter  into  Life  eternal,  he  muft 
be  baptifed  but  once  with  the  only  Baptifm, 
without  ever  repeating  the  fame:  for  we  can- 
woe  be  born  twice.  And  this  Baptifm  is  not 
only  ufeful  whilft  the  Water  is  poured  upon 
us;  and  received  by  us  but  alio  through  all 
our  Life  Time;  therefore  we  reject  the  Error 
of  the  Anabaptifts,  who  are  not  content  whh 
the  one  only  Baptifm  ,  which  they  have 
received  once,  but  condemn  alfo  the  Baptifm 
of  the  Infants  of  believers;  which  we  believe 
ought  to  be  baptized  and  fealed  wich  this 
Sign  of  the  Covenant,  as  the  Infants  in  Ifrael 
were  circumcifed  upon  the  fame  Promifes 
which  are  made  to  our  Children.  And  indeed 
Chrift  has  Shed  his  Blood  no  lefs  for  the 
Waihing  of  the  Children  of  the  Faithful  , 
than  He  hath  done  for  adult  Perfons  And  there- 
fore they  ought  to  receive  the  >igu  or  Sa- 
crament of  that  which  Chriit  has  done  for 
them:  as  under  the  Law  the  Lord  co  nman- 
ded  the  Sacrament  of.  the  Sufferings  and  Death 
of  Chriil  to  be  given  to  Infants .  Shortly  after 
their  ,  by  Offering  for  them  a  La-^b  , 
which  was  a  Sacrament  of  Jefus  Chrift.  Be- 
sides, what  Circumcifion  did  unto  the  Jews, 
the  fame  is  done  by  Baptifm  unto  our  Children; 
which  is  the  Caufe.why  St.  Paul  calls  Baptifm 
the  Circumcifion  of  Chrift. 


We  believe  and  confefs  that  our  Saviour 
Jefus  Chrift  has  instituted  ad  ordainei  the 
Sacrament  of  the  holy  Supper,  to  nourifh  and 



Confcljlon  of  Faitb. 

fuftain  thofe  whom  He  hath  already  regene- 
rated, and  incorporated  into  his  Family  which 
is  his  Church;  thofe  now  who  arc  regenera- 
te. I  have  a  twofold  Life  in  them,  the  one 
corporal  and  temporal,  which  hath  accompa- 
nied them  from  their  very  Birth,  and  is  com- 
mon to  all  Men;  but  the  other  is  fpirituai  and 
heavenly,  which  is  given  them  in  the  fecond 
Birth  proceeding  from  the  Word  of  theGofpel , 
in  the  Fellowship  of  the  Body  of  Chrift ;  and 
this  Life  is  not  univerfal,  but  belongs  only  to 
the  Elect  of  God.  Thus  God  hath  afforded  us 
earthly  and  material  Bread  ,  proper  for  the 
Support  of  the  corporal  and  earthly  Life  which 
is  common  to  all,  even  as  Life  itfelf  is.  But 
for  the  Sustaining  of  the  fpirituai  and  heavenly 
Life,  which  Believers  now  injoy,  He  hath 
fent  that  living  Bread,  which  came  down  from 
Heaven,  to  wit,  Chrift  Jefus,  who  feeds  and  the  fpirituai  Lite  of  Believers  ,  when 
He  is  eaten ,  that  is ,  when  He  is  applied  by 
the  Spirit  and  received  by  Faith.  Aud  that 
He  might  reprefent  unto  us  this  fpirituai  and 
celeftial  Btead,  Chrift  hath  ordained  an  earthly 
and  visible  Bread  ,  which  is  a  Sacrament  of 
his  Body,  and  the  Wine  for  a  Sacrament  of 
his  Blood;  that  by  thefe  He  might  tcftify  unto 
us,  that  as  really  as  we  receive  and  have  in 
our  Hands  the  Sacrament ,  and  do  eat  and 
drink  the  fame  with  our  Mouth  ,  by  which 
our  Life  is  afterwards  fuftained:  fo  cerrainly 
likewife  by  Faith  (which  is  the  Hand  and 
Mouth  of  our  Souls,)  the  true  Body  and  true 
Blood  of  Chrift  our  only  Saviour,  is  received 
in  our  Souls,  for  our  fpirituai  Life.  And  besi- 
des, it  is  certain  and  without  all  Doubt,  that 
Jefus  Chrift  has  not  commanded  us  the  life 
of  his  Sacraments  in  vain  :  Therefore  He 
worket'n  in  us  whatever  He  reprefents  unto 
us  by  thefe  holy  Signs,  although  his  Method 
furpaffeth  our  Underftanding  ,  and  is  incom- 
prehensible to  us,  even  as  the  Operations  of 
the  Holy  Ghoft  arc  hidden  and  'ir.coftfprchen- 
lible.  In  the  mean  while  we  Should  not  at 
all  err  if  we  fhould  fay  that  that  which  we  have 
eaten  and  drunk,  is  the  proper  and  natural 
Body  and  true  Blood  of  Chrift ;  but  that  the 
Manner  of  our  Partaking  of  the  fame  is  not 
by  the  Mouth  ,  but  by  the  Spirit  through 
Faith.  Wherefore  then  Chrift  Jefns  fits 
always  a't  the  right  Hand  of  God  hi?  Father 
in  the  Heavens;  yet  notwithrtanding  He  com- 

municatcth  Himfelf  to  us  by  Faith.  This- 
Feaft  is  a  fpirituai  Table  ,  ac  which  Chrift 
distributes  Himfelf  unto  us,  with  all  his  Bene- 
fits ,  and  caufes  us  to  enjoy  both  Himfelf, 
and  the  Merits  of  his  Sufferings  and  Death  ; 
rjourifhing,  Strengthening  and  comforting  our 
poor  diftreffed  Souls  by  the  Eating  of  his 
FleSh,  and  refreshing  and  cherishing  thera  by 
the  Drinking  of  his  Blood.  Further  tho  the 
Sacraments  are  joined  with  the  things  Signified  , 
yet  both  are  not  received  by  every  one  :  for 
the  Wicked  receive  the  Sacrament  to  their 
Condemnation  ,  but  they  do  not  receive  tire 
Truth  of  the  Sacrament;  fo  Judas  and  Simon 
the  Sorcerer  both  did  receive  the  Sacrament, 
but  not  Chrift,  who  was  Signified  by  it;  for 
only  Believers  are  made  Partakers  of  Him. 
LaStly,  we  receive  this  holy  Sacrament  in  the 
Congregation  of  the  People  of  God  with 
Humility  and  Reverence,  celebrating  the  holy 
Remembrance  of  the  Death  of  Chrift  our 
Saviour,  with  Thanksgiving,  making  there 
ConfelTion  of  our  Faith  and  the  Christian  Re- 
ligion.  None  therefore  ought  to  approach 
unto  this  Table  without  a  previous  due  Exa- 
mination of  himfelf,  Icaft  eating  of  this  Bread 
and  drinking  of  this  Cup,  they'fhould  eat  and 
drink  Judgment  to  themfelvcs.  Lpon  the 
whole  we  are  jointly  admonifhed  in  the  USe 
of  this  holy  Sacrament  to  a  fervent  Love  to 
God  and  our  Neighbour.  Therefore  we  reject 
all  Mixtures  and  damnable  Inventions  which 
Men  have  mixed  with  ,  and  added  unto  the 
Sacraments ,  accounting  them  but  Profanations 
of  the  fame:  afirming ,  that  we  ought  to  be 
content  with  this  Ordinance  as  it  is  delivered 
unto  us  by  Chrijl  and  his  Apofiles  ;  and  that 
we  ought  to  fpeak  in  the  fame  Terms  as 
thev  did. 


We  believe  that  our  gracious  God,  becaufe 
of  the  Corruption  of  Mankind  ,  hath  ordained 
Kings,  Princes  ,  and  Magistrates  ,  intending 
that  the  World  lhould  be  covcrned  by  Laws 
and  Policy,  that  fo  the  difiblutc  Manners  of 
Mankind  might  be  restrained  ,  and  all  things 
proceed  orderly  among  Men.  For  that  Pur- 
pofe  He  hath  given  the  Magistrates  the  Sword, 
in  their  Hands ,  for  the  Punifhment  of  the 
Wicked  ,  and  the  Protection  of  the  Godly ; 
And  their  Office  is,  not  only  ,  to  take  Heed 


Confusion  of  faith. 


onto,  and  to  watch  over  politick  Affairs;  but 
alfo  to  maintain  the  holy  ecclefiaftical  Service; 
to  hinder  and  extirpate  all  Idolatry  and  falfe 
Worfhip ;  to  throw  down  the  Kingdom  of 
Antichrift,  and  to  exalt  the  Kingdom  of  Jefus 
Chrift ;  and  to  take  Care  that  the  Gofpel  be 
preached  every  where,  that  fo  God  may  be 
honoured  and  ferved  by  every  one,  as  He  has 
commanded  in  his  Word.  Moreover  every 
one  ,  of  whatfoever  Quality  ,  Condition  or 
State  he  may  be,  is  bound  to  fubmit  Himfelf 
to  the  Magiftrates  ;  to  pay  Taxes  ,  to  give 
them  all  Honour  ,  and  due  Refpecl  ,  and  to 
obey  them  in  all  things,  which  are  not  con- 
trary to  the  Word  of  God;  praying  for  them 
in  their  Prayers  ,  that  the  Lord  may  guide 
them  in  all  their  Ways,  and  that  we  may  live 
quietly  and  peaceably  in  all  Godlinefs,  and  Ho- 
nejly.  And  therefore  we  deteft  the  Errors  of 
the  Anabaptifts  and  other  ieditious  People, 
and  in  general  the  Errors  of  all  thofe  who  do 
rejeCt  Magiftrates,  and  the  higher  Powers; 
who  would  fubvert  Juftice  ,  introducing  a 
Communion  of  Goods ,  and  confounding  chat 
Decency  which  God  hath  eftabbfhed  among 


Laftly,  we  believe  according  to  the  Word 
of  God,  that  when  the  Time  ordained  of  the 
Lord  (tho  unknown  to  all  Creatures)  (hall  be 
accomplifhed,  and  the  Number  of  the  Elect 
compleated,  our  Lord  Jefus  Chrifl  will  come 
down  from  Heaven  corporally  and  vifibly,  as 
He  afcended  ,  with  great  Glory  and  Maje- 
fty,  to  declare  Himfelf  Judge  both  of  the  Li- 
ving and  the  Dead  ;  appointing  this  old 
World  to  be  burnt  with  Fire  and  Flames,  for 
irs  Purification:  and  then  fhall  all  Men  perfo- 
rally  appear  before  this  great  Judge  ,  both 
Men,  Women,  and  Children,  that  ever  ha- 
ve been  from  the  Beginning  of  the  World  un- 
to the  End  of  it,  being  fummoned  for  this  ve- 
ry Purpcfe  by  the  Voice  of  the  Archangel , 
and  the  Sound  of  the  divine  Trumpet.  For 
all  the  Dead  fhall  be  raifed  out  of  their  Gra- 
ves and  their  Souls  fhall  be  joined  and  united 
with  their  own  Bodies,  in  which  they  former- 
ly lived.  And  as  for  thofe  who  fhall  then  be 
alive,  they  fhall  not  die,  as  the  others,  but 
f.iall  be  changed  in  the  Twinkling  of  an  Eye,  and 
from  corruptible  become  incorruptible.    Then  tbe 

Books  (that  is  of  every  ones  Confclcncc)  will 
be  opened,  and  the  Dead  fhall  be  judged  according 
to  their  Deeds  done  in  this  World ,  whether  they 
be  Good  or  Evil;  Nay  Men  floall  give  an  account 
of  every  idle  Word  which  they  bavefpoken,  which 
hath  been  accounted  by  the  World  but  Spore 
and  Paftime:  And  then  every  hidden  Thing 
and  all  the  Hyprocrify  of  Men  wil  be  made 
manifeft  and  laid  open  before  the  World.  And 
therefore  the  very  Remembrance  of  this  Judg- 
ment is  juftly  terrible  and  dreadful  to  evil 
Doers  and  the  Wicked;  but  moft  highly  defi- 
rablc  and  full  of  immenfe  Confolation  to  the 
Godly  and  Elect;  fince  then,  their  full  Deli- 
verance (hall  be  accomplifhed,  an  they  fhall 
there  receive  the  Fruits  of  their  Labours  and 
Troubles,  which  they  have  undergone:  their 
Innocency  whill  then  be  openly  acknowledged 
by  all,  and  they  fhall  fee  the  terrible  Venge- 
ance ,  which  God  will  execute  again  ft  the 
Wicked  who  have  moll  cruelly  perfecutcd  , 
opprefled  and  tormented  them  in  this  World. 
They  will  be  convicted  even  by  the  Teftimo- 
ny  of  their  own  Confciences,  and  fhall  be  im- 
morcal;  but  for  this  Purpofe ,  that  they  may 
be  tormented  in  that  everlafting  Fire ,  which 
is  prepared  for  the  Devil  and  his  Angels.  But 
on  the  contrary  the  Faithful  and  Elect  fhall  be 
crowned  with  Glory  and  Hononr.  And  the 
Son  of  God  will  confefs  their  Names  before 
God  his  Father  and  the  elect  Angels.  All 
Tears  fhall  be  wiped  away  from  their  Eyes. 
And  their  Caufe  which  now  is  condemned 
by  many  Judges  and  Magistrates,  as  heretical 
and  impious,  will  then  be  known  to  be  the 
Caufe  of  the  Son  of  God.  And  for  a  gracious 
Reward,  the  Lord  will  eftablifh  them  in  the 
Pofleflion  of  fo  great  a  Glory  as  none  of  the 
Sons  of  Men  have  ever  been  able  to  conceive. 
Therefore  we  expect  that  great  Day  with  a 
moft  ardent  Defire,  that  fo  we  may  fully  en- 
joy the  Promifes  of  God  in  Chrift  Jefus  our 
Lord.    Amen. 

Revel.  22.20. 

Even  fo  come  Lord  Jefus. 




0/  Baptifm, 


For    the   Adminiftration 

of  the  holy  Sacramenc  of 
Baptifm  to  Infants  of  Believers. 

THE  Do&rine  of  Baptifm  ,    confifteth  of 
thefe  tree  Points : 

Firjl ,  That  we,  with  our  Children,  are 
conceived  and  born  in  Sin,  and  are  therefore 
Children  of  Wrath  ,  infomuch  that  we  cannot 
enter  into  the  Kingdom  of  Heaven  ,  except 
we  be  born  again.  This  is  fignified  unto  us 
by  Dipping  or  Sprinkling  the  Child  with  Wa- 
ter; whereby  the  Uncleannefs  of  our  Souls 
is  ffet  forth  unto  us;  and  we  are  admonhhed 
to  loath  ourfelves,  and  to  be  humbled  befo- 
re God,  and  to  feek  our  Cleanfing  and  Sal- 
vation  out  of  ourfelves. 

Secondly,  Baptifm  doth  fignifie  and  feal  un- 
to us  the  Wafhing  away  of  our  Sins  through 
Jefus  Chrifl  ;  therefore  are  we  baptized  in 
the  Name  of  the  Father,  the  Son,  and  the  Holy 
Cbojl.  For  when  we  are  beptized  in  the  Na 
me  of  the  Father,  God  the  Father  doth  wit- 
nefs  and  feal  unto  us,  that  He  hath  entred  in 
to  an  everlaftiug  Covenant  of  Grace  with  us, 
that  He  h;ith  adopted  us  to  be  his  Children  and 
Heirs,  and  will  provide  for  us  all  Manner  of 
Good,  and  remove  from  us  all  Evil,  or  turn 
k  to  our  Good. 

When  we  are  baptized  in  the  Name  of  the 
Son,  the  Lord  Jefus  Chrift  doth  feal  unto 
us ,  that  He  wafheth  us  in  his  Blood  from 
all  our  Sins  ,  Incorporating  us  into  the  Fel- 
Jnwfhip  of  his  Death  and  Refurreclion  ,  fo 
that  we  arc  freed  from  all  our  Sins,  and  ac- 
counted jufl  before  God. 

In  like  Manner,  when  we  are  baptized  in 
the  Name  of  the  Holy  Ghojl;  the  holy  Spirit 
of  God  doth  affure  us  by  this  Sncrament ,  that 
He  will  dwell  with  us,  and  fanctifie  us  to  be 
Members  of  Chrift,  applying  unto  us  what 
we  have  in  Chrift,  namely  ,  the  Wafhing 
away  of  our  Sins,  the  daily  Renewing  of  our 
Souls,  till  we  be  prefenccd  at  laft  among  the 

reft  of  the  Eleft,  without  Spot  to  partake  of 
everlafting  Life. 

Thirdly  ,  Whereas  in  alle  Covenants  there 
are  contained  two  Parts;  therefore  are  we  by 
God  through  Baptifm  admonifhed  of  ,andobli- 
ged  unto  new  Obedience  ,  namely,  that  we 
cleave  to  this  One  God ,  Father  ,  Son ,  and 
Holy  Ghojl,  that  we  truft  in  Him  ,  and  love 
Him  with  all  our  Heart,  with  all  our  Souls, 
with  all  our  Mind  and  with  all  our  Strength; 
that  we  forfake  the  World,  crucify  our  old 
Nature,  and  walk  in  a  new  and  holy  Lite. 

And  if  through  Weakenefs  fomtimes  we 
fall  into  Sin,  we  muft  not  defpair  of  God's 
Mercy,  nor  continue  in  Sin,  confidering  that 
Baptilm  is  a  Sign  and  Seal  of  our  everlafting 
Covenant  wich  God. 

And  although  our  Children  underftand  not 
thcie  things,  yet  may  they  not  therefore  be 
excluded  from  Baptifm;  for  as  they  are  with- 
out their  Knowledge  Partakers  of  the  Con- 
demnation through  Adam,  fo  are  they  again 
received  to  Mercy  in  Chrifl ;  as  God  fpeaKS  to 
Abraham,  the  Father  of  all  the  Fa.thfui,  and 
confcquently  to  us,  and  our  Children,  Genef. 
17.  7.  faying :  I  will  ejiablifb  my  Covenant  he- 
tween  me  and  t;  and  toy^Seed  after  thee  in 
their  Generations ,  for  an  everlafling  Covenant 
to  be  a  God  unto  thee ,  and  tby  Seed  aiter  thee. 
This  alfo  the  Apoftle  Peter  teftifieth  Aft.  2.  39. 
in  thefe  Words,  For  t.e  Promife  belongs  to  you 
and  to  your  Children,  and  to  as  many  as  are 
afar  off,  even  as  many  as  the  Lord  our  God 
(bail  call.  Hci.ce  it  u  ,  'hat  God  hath  of 
old  commanded  that  Infants  fhould  be  cir- 
cumcifed,  which  Circumcifion  was  a  Seal  of 
this  Covenant  ,  and  the  Highreoufnefs  of 
Faith  ;  and  therefore  alfo  C;.rifl  received  the 
little  Children,  laid  lis  Hands  upon  tbem,  and 
bleffed  them.  Marc.  10.  16.  Since  then  Bap- 
tifm is  put  in  the  Place  of  Circumcifion, 
therefore  Infants  are  to  be  Bap  ized  as  Heirs 
of  the  Kingdom  of  God ,  and  of  the  Cove- 
nant; And  Parents  are  admondhed  to  inftrudl 
their  Children  in  thefe  things  ,  wheu  they 
are  come  to  Years  of  Difcretion. 

That  therefore  tnis  holy  Ordinance  of  God 
may  at  this  Time  be  adminiftred  to  the  Glo- 
ry of  God  ,  to  our  Comfort ,  and  the  EJifi- 
eation  of  his  Church,  lex  us  call  upon  the 
Name  of  our  God. 


Of  Baptifm. 


O  Almighty  and  Eternal  God,  (who,  accor- 
ding to  tby  fevere  Judgment ,  duljl  punish 
with  the  Flood  the  impenitent  and  unbelieving 
World,  and  according  to  thine  infinite  Mercy 
didjl  fave  Noah  with  his  Family  ;  who  didjl 
drown  bard  hearted  Pharaoh  with  all  his  Peo- 
ple in  the  red  Sea,  and  didjl  fafely  lead  thy 
People  Ifrael  through  the  fame,  by  which  Bap- 
tifm was  fignified  unto  us , )  we  befeech  Thee  , 
that  Thou  wilt  be  pleafed  out  of  thine  infinite 
Mercy  ,  gracioujly  to  look  upon  thefe  Infants 
[this  Infant}  and  incorporate  them  [it}  by  thy 
boly  Spirit  into  thy  Son  Jefus  Chrifi ,  that  fo 
they  [it]  may  be  buryed  with  Him  into  his 
Death',  and  alfo  rife  with  him  to  Newnefs  of 
Life,  that  tbey  [it]  may  take  upon  tbem  [it] 
daily  [Ms]  Crojs  ,  follow  Him  ,  and  cleave 
unto  Him  with  a  true  Faith ,  firm  Hope ,  and 
fervent  Love ,  and  willingly  leave  this  Life 
(which  is  nothing  elfe  but  a  continual  Death) 
and  at  the  lafi  Day  may  appear  without  fear 
before  the  Tribunal  -  Seat  of  Chrifi  thy  Son  , 
through  Jefus  Chrifi  our  Lord ,  who ,  with  Thee , 
and  the  Holy  Gbojl,  one  God,  lives  and  reigns 
for  ever. 

An  Exhortation  to  the  Parents, 

and  tbofe  that  come  with  tbem  tn 

Beloved  in  the  Lord,  ye  have  heard  that 
Captifm  is  an  Ordinance  of  God  to  feal 
unto  our  Seed  his  Covenant,  therefore  we 
mud  ufe  the  fame  to  this  End ,  and  not  of 
Cuftom  or  Superftition.  That  it  may  then 
be  manifefl  that  ye  are  thus  minded,  you  are 
to  anfwer  fincerely  upon  thefe  Queftions. 

Fir  (I  |  Whether  you  do  not  acknowledge 
that  however  our  Children  are  conceived  and 
born  in  Sin  ,  and  therefore  are  fubject  to  a'l 
Manner  of  Mifenes,  yea  to  Condemnation  it- 
felf ,  yet  that  they  are  fanftifled  in  Chrift, 
and  therefore  as  Members  of  his  Church  ought 
to  be  baptized  ? 

Secondly,  Whether  you  do  not  acknowledge 
the  Doctrine  contained  in  the  Old  and  New 
Teftament,  and  in  the  Articles  of  the  chriftian 
Faith  ;  (which  is  alfo  taught  in  thefe  chriftian 
Churches  here)  to  be  the  true  and  perfect  Doc- 
trine of  Salvation? 

Thirdly,  Whether  you  do  not  promife,  and 
intend  to  fee  your  Children,  when  they  come 
to  Years  of  Oifcrction ,  (every  one  whereof 
he  is  either  Father  or  Witnel's  ,)  to  be  inftruc- 
ted  and  brought  up  in  the  forefaid  Doctrine, 
to  the  uttermoft  of  your  Power?  ifc 

Anfwer.    Yes. 

Then  in  baptizing  ,  the  Minifter  of  the 
Word  of  God  (hall  fay  :  N.  /  baptize  thee  in 
the  Name  of  the  Father,  and  of  the  Son,  and  of 
the  Holy  Ghofl. 

A    Thankfgiving. 

O  Almighty  and  mofl  merciful  God  and  Fa- 
ther; we  blefs  and  praife  Thee,  that  tlou 
baft,  forgiven  all  our  Sins  to  us  and  our  Chil- 
dren ,  through  the  Blood  of  thy  beloved  Son  Jefus 
Cbrijt ;  and  through  thy  Spirit  received  us  as  Mem- 
bers of  tby  only  begotten  Son ,  and  adopted  us  to 
be  tby  Children ,  fealed  and  confirmed  the  fame 
by  this  boly  Baptifm:  We  befeech  Thee  ,  alfo 
through  the  fame  Son  of  thy  love ,  by  thy  holy 
Spirit  always  to  rule  thefe  [this]  baptized  In- 
fants [Infant]  that  they  [it]  may  be  educated  in 
true  Piety  and  Cbriflianity ,  and  grow  up  in 
the  Lord  Jefus  Chrifi, ;  acknowledging  thy  father- 
ly Goodnefs  and  loving  Kindnefs  floown  to  them 
[it,]  and  to  its:  And  may  live  in  all  Righteouf- 
nefs  under  our  Only  Teacher,  King  and  High 
Priefl  Jefus  Cbrijl ;  fighting  manfully  againjl 
Sin,  Satan  and  bis  whole  Kingdom  and  conque- 
ring the  fame;  to  laud  and  praife  Thee,  and 
tby  Son  Jefus  Chrifi,  with  the  Holy  Gbojl , 
the  one  true  God  to  all  Eternity.    Amen. 


For   the   Adminiftration 

of  Holy  Baptifm  to  Perfom  of  Tears. 

HOwever  Children  of  chriftian  Parents  fal- 
tho  they  underftand    not  this  Myftery) 
muft  be  baptized  by  Vcrtuc  of  the  Covenant; 
yet  it  is  not  lawful  to  baptize  chofe  who  are 
E  2  co- 


Of  Baptifm. 

come  to  Years  of  Difcretion  ,  except  they 
firil  be  fenfible  of  their  Sins,  and  make  Con- 
feflion  both  of  their  Repentance  and  Faith 
in  Chrift.  For,  for  this  Caufe  hath  not  only 
John  the  Baptift  preached  (according  to  the 
CommandAf  God ,)  the  Baptifm  of  Repen- 
tance, and  baptized,  for  the  Remiffion  of  Sins 
thofe  who  confefled  their  Sins,  Marc.  i.  & 
Luk.  3.  But  our  Lord  Jefus  Chrift  hath  alfo 
commanded  his  Difciples  to  teach  all  Nations, 
and  then  to  baptize  them  in  the  Name  of  the 
Father,  Son-,  and  Holy  Ghoft,  Math.  28.  Marc. 
16.  adding  this  Promife:  He  that  bclievetb,  and 
is  baptized,  floall be faved.  According  to  which 
Rule,  the  Apoftles,  as  appcareth  out  of  Aft,. 
2.  10.  6?  16.  have  baptized  none  who  were 
of  Years  of  Difcretion ,  but  fuch  who  made 
ConftfTiou  of  their  Faith  and  Repentance  ; 
therefore  is  it  not  lawful  now  a-  Days  to  bap- 
tize thofe  of  Years,  except  they  have  been 
taught  the  Myftenes  of  holy  Baptifm  by  the 
Preaching  of  the  Gofpel,  and  are  able  to  give 
an  Account  of  their  Faith  by  aConfefiion  of  the 
Mouth.  Since  therefore  you  are  alfo  defirous 
of  holy  Baptifm,  to  the  End  it  may  be  to  you 
a  Sea!  of  your  Ingrafting  into  the  Church  of 
God,  that  it  may  appear  that  you  do  not  only 
receive  the  chriftian  Religion  ,  in  which  you 
have  been  privately  inftructed  by  us,  and  of 
which  alfo  you  have  made  Confeffion  before 
i:s.  But  that  you  f  through  .the  Grace  of  God) 
intend  and  purpofe  to  lead  a  Life  according  to 
the  fame,  you  are  (incerely  to  give  Anfwer  be- 
fo're  God  and  his  Church: 

Firfl ,  Whether  you  believe  in  the  only  true 
God  diftinct  in  three  Perfons,  Father,  Son, 
and  Holy  Gbojl :  Who  out  of  Nothing  hath 
made  Heaven  and  Earth,  and  all  that  is  there- 
in; and  that  He  fuftaineth  and  governeth  the 
fame  ,  in  fo  much  that  Nothing  can  come 
to  pafs  in  Heaven  or  in  Earth  ,  without 
fcis  Will? 

Anfwer.    Yes. 

Secondly  ,  Whether  you  believe  that  you 
are  conceived  and  born  in  Sin,  confequently 
that,  yon  are  a  Child  of  Wrath  by  Nature, 
altogether  unfit  for  any  thing  that  is  Good,  and 
prone  to  all  Evil,  and  that  you,  in  Thoughts, 
Words  and  Deeds,  have  many  Times  trans- 
^relTed    the    Commandments    of   God  ,   and 

whether    you    be    heartily    forty    for    thefe 
your  Sins? 

Anfwer.    Yes. 

Thirdly,  Whether  you  believe,  that  Chrift, 
who  is  true  and  Eternal  God  and  a  true  Man , 
and  hath  taken  his  human  Nature  out  of  ths 
Flelh  and  Blood  of  the  Virgin  Mary ,  be  alfo 
given  of  God  to  you  as  your  Saviour :  And  that 
you  do  receive  by  Faith  in  his  Blood  Forgive- 
nefs  of  Sin.  And  that  you  are  Members  (a  Mem- 
bcr)  of  Chrift  and  his  Church ,  through  the  Pow- 
er of  the  Holy  Ghoft  ? 

Anfwer.    Yes. 

Fourthly ,  Whether  you  aflent  to  all  the  Arti- 
cles of  the  chriftian  Religion  ,  as  they  are 
taught  in  thefe  Churches  out  of  the  Word  of 
God  ,  and  do  purpofe  contftantly  to  perfiffc 
in  the  fame  Doctrine  to  the  End  of  your  Life; 
and  alfo  reject  all  Herefies  and  Errors,  which 
are  repugnant  to  this  Doctrine,  and  promife 
to  perfevere  in  the  Fellowfhip  and  Commu- 
nion of  this  Church  ,  not  only  in  the  Hear- 
ing of  the  Word,  but  Lfirjg  of  the  Supper 
of  the  Lord? 

Anfwer.    Yes. 

Fifthly  ,  Whether  you  have  purpofed 
from  your  Heart  to  lead  always  a  Chriftian 
Life,  to  forfake  the  World  and  all  the 
evil  Lufts  thereof  (according  as  it  becometh 
Members  [a  Member]  of  Chrift  and  his 
Church)  and  fubmit  yourfelves  to  all  Chris- 
tian Admonition  ? 

Anfwer.     Yes. 

The  good  and  great  God  out  of  his  Bounty  give 
bis  Grace  and  Blefjing  to  this  your  Pourpoft , 
through  Jefus  Cbrifl.    AMEN. 


Of  the  Lord's  Supper. 



For   the   Adminiftration 

of  the  Supper  of  the  Lord 

BEloved  in  the  Lord  Jefus  Chrift :  hearken 
to  the  Words  of  the  Id# > tution  of  the  ho- 
ly Supper  of  our  Lord  Jefus  Cbrift ,  as  they  are 
delivered  by  the  Apo/tle  Paul,  i  Cor.  n,  verf. 
23«  —  30. 

For  I  received  of  the  Lord  that  'which  alfo  I 
delivered  unto  you ,  that  the  Lord  Jefus  the  fame 
Night,  in  which  He  was  betrayed,  took  Bread, 
and  when  He  had  given  Thanks,  He  brake  it, 
and  faid:  Take,  eat,  this  is  my  Body  which 
is  broken  for  you;  this  do  in  Remembrance  of  Me: 
after  the  fame  Manner  alfo  He  took  the  Cup, 
when  He  bad  fupped ,  faying ,  This  Cup  is  the 
New  Teflament  in  my  Blood,  this  do  ye,  as  often 
as  ye  drink  it  in  Remembrance  of  Me :  For  as  of- 
ten as  ye  eat  this  Bread,  and  drink  this  Cup,  ye 
do  flew  the  Lord's  Death  till  He  come:  where 
fore  whofoever  fliall  eat  this  Bread  ,  and  drink 
this  Cup  of  the  Lord  unworthily ,  floall  be  guilty 
of  the  Body  and  Blood  of  the  Lord.  But  let  a 
Man  examine  himfelf,  and  fo  let  him  eat  of 
that  Bread,  and  drink  of  that  Cup,  for  he  that 
lateth  and  drinkefh  unworthily ,  eatetb  and  drin. 
ketb  Damnation  to  himfelf ,  not  difcerning  the 
Lord's  Body. 

That  we  may  now  to  our  Comfort  celebrate 
the  Supper  of  the  Lord,  it  is  above  all  things 
neceffary,  that  we  firft  try  ourfelves  aright: 
And  fecondly,  that  we  direct  it  tho  that  End 
for  which  Chrift  hath  inflitured  and  ordained 
the  fame ,  namely ,  to  the  Remembrance  of 

The  true  Examination  of  ourfelves  confifts 
of  thefe  three  Parts, 

Firfl,  That  Every  or.e  conGder  by  Himfelf 
his  Sins,  and  the  'Curfes  of  God  due  unto 
him  for  the  fame,  to  the  End  that  he  may 
abhor  and  humble  himfelf  before  God;  confi 
dering  that  the  Wrath  of  God  ngainft  Sin  is 
fo  great,  that  rather  than  it  fhould  go  unpu- 
nilhcdj  He  hath  punifhed  the  fame  in  his  belo- 

ved Son  Jefus  Chrifr.  with  the  fhameful  and  bit- 
ter Death  of  the  Crofs. 

Secondly , That  everyone  try  his  own  Heart, 
whether  he  doth  believe  this  faithful  Pro- 
mife  of  God,  that  all  his  Sins  are  forgiven  him 
only  for  the  Paflion  and  Death  of  Chiift,  and 
that  the  perfect  Righteoufncfs  of  Chritt  is  im- 
puted, and  freely  given  to  him  as  his  own ,  yea 
fo  perfectly  as  if  he  himfelf  in  his  own  Perform 
had  fatisfied  for  all  his  Sins,  and  fulfilled  all 

Thirdly,  That  every  one  examine  his  own 
Confcience,  wether  he  purpofeth  with  himfelf 
to  lhew  true  Thankfulnefs  to  God  here  after 
in  his  whole  Life,  and  to  walk  uprighly  before 
the  Face  of  God:  As  alio,  whether  he  hath 
laid  afide  unfeignedly  all  Enmity  ,  Hatred  ,  and 
Envy,  and  doth  firmly  refolve  to  walk  in  true 
Love  and  Peace  with  his  Neighbour. 

All  thofe  that  are  thus  minded  ,  God  will 
certainly  receive  to  Mercy,  and  account  them 
worthy  Communicauts  at  the  Table  of  his  Son 
Jefus  Chrift :  On  the  contrary  thofe  who  have 
not  this  Witnefs  in  their  Hears ,  they  eat  and 
drink  to  themfelvcs  Judgment. 

Wherefore  we  according  to  the  Command 
of  Chrift  and  the  Apoftle  Paul,  admonifh  all 
thofe  ,  who  are  defiled  with  thefe  following 
Crimes,  to  keep  themfelvcs  from  the  Table 
of  the  Lord ,  and  do  declare  unto  them  thac 
they  have  no  Part  in  the  Kingdom  of  Chrift : 
10  wit, 

All  Idolaters;  AH  who  invocate  Saints  decea- 
fed  ,  and  Angels,  and  other  Creatures  ;  All 
who  worfhip  Images;  All  Enchanters,  Divi- 
ners, Charmers,  and  thofe  who  give  credit 
to  fuch  Enchantments:  AH  Defpifrrs  of  God 
and  his  Word,  and  his  holy  Sacraments:  All 
Blafphemers:  All  thofe  who  are  given  to  make 
Strife  ,  Sedition  and  Mutiny  in  Church  and  State : 
All  perjured  Perfons  :  All  difobedient  to 
Parents  or  Magistrates;  All  Murderers,  con- 
tentious Perfons,  who  live  in  Hatred  and  En- 
vy agakft  their  Neighbour;  All  Adulterers  , 
Whon  mongers  ,  Drunkards,  Thieves,  Ufu- 
rers  ,  Robbers  ,  Gamefters  ,  Covetous  ,  and 
all  who  live  a  fcandelous  Life.  All  thefe,  fo 
long  as  they  continue  in  fuch  Sins,  are  tc 
abftain  from  this  Meat  (which  Chrift  hatt. 
ordained  only  for  the  Faithful)  left  their  Jud- 
gement and  Condemnation  be  made  the  hea- 
vier and  encreafed. 

E  3  But 

Of  the  Lord's  Supper. 


But  Beloved  in  the  Lord,  this  is  not  to  cafl 
down  or  to  dejeft  the  contrite  Hearts  of  the 
Faithful,  as  if  none  might  come  to  the  Ta- 
ble of  the  Lord  but  fuch  as  are  free  from  all 
Sin.  For  we  come  not  to  this  Supper  to  tes- 
tify that  we  in  ourfelves  are  perfect  and  juft , 
but  on  the  contrary  coDfidering  that  we  muft 
feek  our  Life  out  of  ourfelves  in  Chrifl,  we 
acknowledge  here-with  that  we  lie  in  Death. 
Therefore  notwithftanding  we  feel  many  In- 
firmities and  WeaknefTes  in  us,  namely;  that 
we  have  noc  fuch  a  perfect  Faith,  that  we 
do  not  give  ourfelves  to  ferve  God  with  that 
Zeal  as  we  arc  bound;  but  muft  fight  daily 
againft  the  Weaknefs  of  our  Faith  and  the 
Lufts  of  our  Fie  Hi;  yet  fioce  by  the  Grace 
of  God  we  are  forry  for  thefe  Weakreffes, 
and  earneftly  defire  to  fight  againft  our  Un- 
belief, and  to  walk  in  all  the  Commands  of 
God ;  Therefore  we  reft  allured ,  that  no  Sin 
or  Infirmity,  which  (againft  our  WiU)  yet  re- 
maineth  in  us,  can  hinder  us  from  being  re 
ceivcd  of  God  in  Mercy,  or  from  being  Parta- 
kers of  this  heavenly  Meat  and  Drink. 

Let  us  now  alfo  conflder  to  what  End  Chrift 
hath  inftituted  his  Supper ;  namely ,  that  we 
do  it  in  Remembrance  of  Him.  Now  after  this 
Manner  are  we  to  remember  Him  by  it. 

Firft,  That  we  are  confidently  perfuaded 
in  our  Hearts ,  that  our  Lord  Jefus  Chrift , 
according  to  the  Promife  made  to  our  Fore- 
Fathers  in  the  Old  Teftament,  was  fent  of 
the  Father  into  the  World ;  And  hath  taken 
upon  Him  our  FleiTi  and  Blood  ,  and  born 
for  us  the  Wrath  of  God  (under  which  we 
fhould  have  perifhed  cveriaftingly)  from  the 
Beginning  of  his  Incarnation  to  the  End  of 
his  Life  upon  Earth;  And  hath  fulfilled  for 
us  all  Obedience  to  the  Law  of  God,  and  all 
Righteoufncfs;  chiefly  when  the  Burden  of  our 
Sins .  and  the  Wrath  of  God  preft  out  of  Him 
that  bloody  Sweat  in  the  Garden ,  where  He 
was  bound  that  we  might  be  freed  from  our 
Sins  :  And  afterwards  fuftained  innumerable 
Injuries  that  we  might  never  be  confounded: 
Was  innocently  condemned  to  Death,  that  we 
mi.'h;  he  abfolvcd  before  the  Judgment  Seat 
of  God;  yea,  fuffered  his  bleflcl  Body  to  be 
nailed  to  the  Crois,  that  He  might  fallen  upon 
it  the  Hand -Writing^f  our  Sins;  And  hath  alfo 
taken  upon  Himfclf  the  Cnrfe  (}uc  to  us,  that 
He  might  fill  us  with  his  Blefltog:  And  hath 

humbled  Himfelf  into  the  deepeft  Reproach 
and  Pangs  of  Hell  in  Soul  and  Body  on 
the  Tree  of  the  Crois,  where  He  cryed  one 
with  a  loud  Voice,  My  God,  my  God,  Why 
haft  tbou  forfaken  Me?  that  we  might  be  re- 
ceived of  God  and  never  forfaken  of  Him. 
And  finally,  confirmed  with  his  Death  and 
Bloodihed  the  new  and  everlafting  Covenant 
of  Grace  and  Reconciliation,  when  He  faid, 
It  is  finished. 

And  that  we  might  firmly  believe  thet  we 
belong  to  this  Covenant  of  Grace,  the  Lord 
Jefus  the  fame  Night  in  which  He  was  betrayed 
took  Bread,  and  when  He  bad  given  Thanks, 
He  brake  it,  fcf  gave  it  to  his  Difciples  and  faid, 
Take ,  eat ,  this  is  my  Body  which  is  broken  for  you  ; 
do  ibis  in  Rtmembrance  of  Me.  In  like  Man' 
ner  alfo  after  Supper,  He  took  the  Cup,  gave 
Thanks,  and  faid  Drink  ye  all  of  it:  This  Cup 
is  the  new  Teftament  in  my  Blood ,  which  is  ftoei 
for  you  and  for  many ,  for  the  Remiffton  of  Sins : 
This  do  ye ,  as  oft  as  ye  drink  it  in  Remembrance 
of  Me.  That  is,  as  often  as  ye  eat  of  this 
Bread,  and  drink  of  this  Cup,  ye  (hall  there- 
by, as  by  a  certain  Pledge  and  Remembrance, 
be  admonifhed  and  allured  of  this  my 
hearty  Love  and  Faithfulnefs  towards  you. 
That  whereas  you  fhould  have  fuffered  eter- 
nal  Death,  I  have  given  my  Body  unto  the 
Death  of  the  Crofs,  and  lTied  my  Blood  for 
you;  and  as  certainly  as  you  fee  this  Bread  bro- 
ken before  your  Eyes,  and  this  Cup  given  to 
you,  and  you  with  your  Mouth  do  eat  and 
drink  the  fame  in  Remembrance  of  Me,  fo  do 
I  feed  and  refrefh  your  hungry  and  thirfty 
Souls  with  my  Body  and  Blood  to  everlafting 

From  this  Inflitution  of  the  holy  Supper  of 
the  Lord  Jefus  Chrift,  we,  fee  that  He  directs 
our  Faith  and  Confidence  to  his  perfect  Sacrifice 
(which  was  once  offered  on  the  Crofs)  as  to 
the  only  Ground  and  Caufe  of  our  Salvation, 
that  He  is  become  to  our  hungry  and  thir- 
fty Souls  the  true  Food  to  eternal  Life.  For 
by  his  Death  He  hath  taken  away  the  Caufe 
of  our  everlafting  Death  and  Mifery,  namely 
Sin ;  and  hath  merited  for  us  the  quickening 
Spirit,  that  we  by  the  fame  (which  dwelleth 
in  Chrift  as  the  Head,  and  in  us  as  his  Mem- 
bers) might  have  true  Communion  and  Fel- 
lowfhip  with  Him,  and  be  made  Partakers 
of  all  his  Bleffings  to  everlafting  Life  and  Glo- 

Of  tbe  Lord's  Supper. 


ry.  Befides,  that,  we  by  the  fame  Spirit  may 
alfo  he  united  together  into  brotherly  Love, 
as  Members  of  the  fame  myftical  Body;  For- 
as  the  Scripture  faith,  we  being  maDy  are  one 
Bread  and  one  Body ,  for  we  are  all  Partakers 
of  t.  at  one  Bread;  F<>r  as  out  of  many  Grains 
being  grinded,  one  Bread  is  made;  and  out  of 
mauy  Berries,  being  prefl;  together,  one  Drink 
floweth ,  fo  (hill  we  all  (who  by  a  true  Faith 
are  ingrafted  into  Chrift,)  be  one  Body ,  through 
brotherly  Love  for  Chrift  his  Sake,  who  hath 
fo  exceedingly  loved  us  ;  manifefting  the 
fame  brotherly  Love  one  towards  another, 
not  only  in  Words,  but  alfo  in  Works  and 

Hereto  afiift  us  the  Almighty  Father  of  our 
Lord  Jefus  Chrift,  through  his  Holy  Spirit. 

And  that  we  may  obtain  this,  let  us  humble  our- 
felves  before  God  ,  and  in  trqe  Faith  call  upon 
Him  lor  his  Crace. 

OMoJl  merciful  God  and  Father,  we  lefeecb 
Thee,  that  in  this  Ordinance  in  which  we 
celebrate  the  bleffed  Memory  of  the  mojl  bitter 
Death  and  Pajfion  of  thy  Son  Jefus  Cbrifl;  thou 
wilt  be  pleajed  to  work  in  our  Hearts  through 
the  Holy  Gboft  ,  that  we  may  give  ourfelves 
more  and  more  with  true  Confidence  to  thy  Son 
Jefus  Chrifi;  that  fo  our  broken  and  burdened 
Hearts  may  be  fed  and  comforted  through  the  Po- 
wer of  the  Holy  Spirit  with  bis  true  Body  and 
Blood;  yea  with  Him  true  God  and  Man,  the 
only  Bread  of  Heaven;  And  ibat  heme  forth  we 
may  m%  live  any  longer  in  our  Sins ,  but  He  in 
us ,  and  we  in  Him :  And  be  alfo  really  Par- 
takers of  that  new  and  everlafiing  Covenant  of 
Grace;  no  ways  doubting  but  that  Thou  wilt 
for  ever  be  our  Gracious  God,  not  imputing  our 
Sim  unto  us,  and  that  thou  wilt  provide  us 
with  all  Good  Tilings  jor  Body  and  Soul,  as 
iby  beloved  Children  and  Heirs.  Gram  alfo  un 
to  us  thy  Grace,  that  we  may  take  upon  us  our 
Crofs  cbear fully,  deny  ourfelvcs,  conjefs  our  Sa- 
viour,  and  in  all  our  Tribulations  with  uplift 
ed  Heads  expeft  our  Lord  Jefus  Cbrifl  out  of 
Heaven  when  He  will  make  our  mortal  Bodies 
conformable  to  bis  mofl  glorius  Boody  ,  and  take 

us  to  Himfelf  to  be  with  Him  to  all  Eternity. 

\_/  Ur  Father ,  which  art  in  Heaven. 

1.  Hallowed  by  tbe  Name. 

2.  Thy  Kingdom  come. 

3.  Thy  Will  be  done  in  Earth  ,  as  it  is 
in  Heaven. 

4.  Give  us  this  Day  our  daily  Bread. 

5.  And  forgive  us  our  lre/pajjes9  as  we 
forgive  them  ,  that  trefpafs  againfl  us. 

6.  And  lead  us  not  into  lemptation:  But 
deliver  us  from  Evil. 

For  thine  is  tbe  Kingdom ,  tbe  Power ,  and 
the  Glory ,  for  ever ,  and  ever.     Amen. 

Strengthen  us  alfo  by  this  Holy  Sacrament 
in  the  Articles  of  our  cbriftian  Faith,  of  which 
we  make  Confefiion,  faying  with  Heart  and 

I.  T  Believe  in  God,  tbe  Father  Almighty  y 
-■-  Mahr  of  Heaven  and  Earth, 

II .  And  in  Jejus  Cbrifl  his  only  begotten 
Son  our  Lord. 

III  Who  was  conceived  by  the  Holy  Ghoft: 
Bom  of  tbe  Virgin  Mary. 

IV  Suffered  under  Pontius  Pilate  ,  was 
crucified 3  dead  and  buried:  He  dejeended  into 

V.  Tbe  third  Day  He  rofe  again  from  the 

VI,  He  afcended  into  Heaven  ,  and  fit- 
eth  at  the  right  Hand  of  God  the  Father 

Vil  From  thence  fhall  He  come  to  judge 
tbe  Quick  and  the  Dead 

VIII  /  believe  in  tbe  Holy 

IX  /  believe  an  Holy  Cathotick  Church  : 
The  Communion  of  Saims. 

X  Tbe  Fo>givenefs  of  Sins. 

XI  The  Rcfurrcction  of  the  Body, 
XII,  And  Lfe  everlafling. 




That  we  may  be  now  fed  with  the  true 
heavenly  Bread  ,  the  Lord  Jefus  Chrift ,  fo 
let  not  our  Hearts  cleave  to  the  outward 
Elements  of  Bread  and  Wine  ;  but  let  us  lift 
them  up  unto  Heaven ,  where  Chrift  Jefus 
our  Advocate  is,  fitting  on  the  right  Hand 
of  his  heavenly  Father;  whether  alfo  we  are 
directed  by  the  Articles  of  our  chriftian  Faith, 
not  doubting  but  we  fhall  be  fed  and  re- 
frefhed  with  his  Body  and  Blood  by  the  Po- 
wer of  the  Spirit,  fo  certainly  as  we  receive 
this  holy  Bread  and  Wine  in  Remembrance 
of  Him. 

In  Breaking  and  Diftributing  of  the  Bread, 
the  Miniltcr  fhall  fay: 

The  Bread  which  we  break ,  is  the  Commu- 
nion of  the  Body  of  Cbrijt. 

[And  when  he  giveth  the  Cup:] 

The  Cup  of  BleJJing,  wherewith  we  blefs  y 
is  the  Communion  of  the  Blood  of  Chrift. 

During  the  Communion,  there  fhall  either 
\be  fung  fome  Pfalm,  or  fome  Chapter  read,/ 
<which   may  ferve  to  the  Remembring  of  theV 
/Paflion  of  Chrift,  as,  Ifa.  Chap.  53.  Joh.   13. \ 
14.   15.  16.  18.  or  the  like. 

^     After    the    Communion  ,   the    Mini  fieri 
if  hall  fay:  S 

Beloved  in  the  Lord ,  becaufe  the  Lord  hath 
fed  nur  Souls  at  his  .Table  ,  let  us  all  with 
Thanksgiving  praife  his  Name,  and  everyone 
fay  in  his  Heart  thus: 

1.  Blefs  the  Lord,  O  my  Soul,  and  all  that 
is  wit' -in  me  blefs  his  holy  Name. 

2.  Blefs  the  Lord,  O  my  Soul,  and  forget  not 
all  his  Benefits. 

3.  Who  forgiveth  all  thine  Iniquities ,  who  heal- 
etb  nil  thy  Difeafes. 

4  Who  redeemetb  thy  Life  from  Deftruftion , 
wl-o  aowneth  thee  with  Loving- Kindnefs ,  and 
tender  Mercies. 

5.  Who  fatifieth  thee  with  good  Things. 

6.  The  Lord  is  merciful  and  gracious ,  flow 
to  anger ,  and  plenteous  in  Mercy, 

Of  the  Lord's  Supper. 

7.  He  hath  not  dealt  with  us  after  our  Sins , 
nor  rewarded  us  according  to  our  Iniquities. 

8.  For  as  the  Heaven  is  bigb  above  the  Earthy 
fo  great  is  bis  Mercy  towards  them  that  fear 

P.  As  far  as  the  Raft  is  from  the  Weft,  fo  far 
hath  He  removed  our  Transgreffwns  from  us. 

10.  Like  as  a  Father  pitieth  his  Children,  fo 
the  Lord  pitieth  them  that  fear  Him. 

Who  alfo  bath  not  f pared  his  own  Son  ,  hut 
hath  given  Him  for  us  all ,  and  with  Him  bath  freely 
given  us  all  things :  Therefore  doth  God  floew  his 
Love  towards  us  thereby,  tbat  Chrift  dyed  for  us 
when  we  were  yet  Sinners ;  therefore  floall  we  be 
the  morefaved  by  Him  from  his  Wrath,  fince  we 
are  jufiified  through  his  Blood.  For  if  when  we 
were  Enemies ,  we  were  reconciled  to  God  by  the 
Death  of  bis  Son:  Much  more  being  reconciled , 
<tue  fball  be  faved  by  bis  Life ;  Therefore  (ball 
my  Heart  and  Mouth  proclaim  the  Praife  of  the 
Lord  form  this  Time  forth  and  evermore. 


Let  every  one  therefore  fay  with  an  attentive 

O  Almighty  and  mofl  merciful  God  and  Fa- 
ther, we  render  Thanks  to  Thee  with  all 
our  Hearts,  that  Thou  haft  given  unto  us ,  out  of 
thine  Infinite  Mercy ,  thine  only  begotten  Son  to  be 
our  Mediator  and  a  Sacrifice  for  our  Sins,  yea, 
to  be  our  Food  to  everlajling  Life;  And  baft  alfo 
given  unto  us  a  true  and  lively  Faitb,  whereby 
we  are  made  Partakers  of  all  his  Benefits :  And 
that  Thou  baft  caufed  thy  Son  to  inftitute  this  Ho- 
ly Supper  ,  for  tbe  Confirmation  of  our  Faitb : 
Grant  we  befeecb  Thee ,  mofl  faithjul  God  and 
Father ,  tbat  through  tbe  Operation  of  tby  Holy 
Spirit,  this  Commemoration  of  tbe  Death  of  our 
Lord  Jefus  Cbrijl ,  may  tend  to  tbe  Encreafe  of 
our  Faitb ,  and  faving  Fellowship  with  Him , 
through  Jefus  Chrift  tby  Son  our  Saviour,  in 
whofe  Name  we  conclude  our  Prayers ,  faying : 

Our  Father,  &c. 


Of  Excommunication. 



Of  Excommunication. 

BEloved  in  the  Lord  Jefus  Chrift  ;  It  is 
known  unto  you,  how  that  at  feveral  li- 
mes, and  by  feveral  Decrees:  we  have  pro- 
pounded  unto  you,  what  a  hamous  Sin  ant. 
great  Scandal  hath  been  committed  by  our  fel- 
low-Member R ,  and  what  great  Offence  there- 
by is  given  ;  to  the  End  that  he  ,  through 
the  Help  of  your  Prayers  and  chriftian  Admo- 
nition ,  might  be  brought  to  Repentance  , 
and  fo  be  freed  from  the  Bonds  of  Satan  where- 
in he  is  kept,  and  awakened  to  the  Will  of 
the  Lord.  Now  ,  we  can  not  conceal  from 
you  with  great  Heavinefs,  that  there  is  no  Bo- 
dy yet  come  to  us  who  hath  in  the  lead  Meai'ure 
given  us  to  underftand,  that  he,  through  the 
manifold  Admonitions  which  have  been  given 
to  him,  both  apart  by  himfeif  aione,  and  before 
Witnefs  in  the  Prefcnce  of  many;  is  come  to 
any  Sorrow  or  Remorfe  for  his  S.n ,  or  to  the 
Manifestation  of  the  leaft  Token  of  Repen- 
tance: Since  therefore  that  he  doth  aggravate 
his  Sin  (which  yet  in  itfelf  is  no  fmall  one)  by 
his  Stiffnefs  and  hard-Heartednefs;  and  fince 
we  have  (ignifyed  unto  you  the  lad  Time,  that  in 
Cafe  he,  afcer  fuch  Patience  fhewed  towards 
him  by  the  Church,  do  not  repent,  that  we 
fhould  be  forced  yet  further  to  be  grieved  for 
him,  and  to  come  to  the  laft  Remedy;  there- 
fore we  are  neceffitated  for  the  Prefent  to  pro- 
ceed to  his  Excommunication  ,  according  to 
the  Power  and  Command  given  unto  us  in  the 
Word  of  God :  To  the  End  that  he  by  this 
Means,  if  it  be  poffible,  might  be  brought  to 
Shame  and  Remorfe  for  his  Sin,  and  chat  the 
whole  Body  of  the  Church  may  not  be  put  in 
Danger  by  this  rotten  fand  as  yet  incurable) 
Member,  and  that  the  Name  of  the  Lord  may 
not  be  blafphemed. 

Therefc  re  we  Miniftcrs,  and  Elders  of  the 
Church,  being  met  in  the  Name  and  Authority 
of  our  Lord  Jefus  Chrift ,  declare  before  you 
all ,  that  for  Reafons  above  mentioned  ,  we 
have  excommunicated ,  and  by  thefe  do  excom- 
municate N.  from  the  Chujch  of  the  Lord, 

and  from  Fellowfhip  with  Chriff.  and  his  Sacra- 
ments, and  all  fpiritual  B'cffmgs  which  God 
hath  promifed  and  doth  fulfil  to  his  Church  ,fo 
long  as  he  perfifts  in  his  Stubbornnefs  and  Im- 
penitency;  and  therefore  is  to  be  efleemed 
of  you  as  an  Heathen  and  Publican,  according 
to  the  Command  of  God  Matth.  18.  who  faith, 
that  that  is  bound  in  Heaven,  which  his  Mi- 
niflers  bind  here  on  Earth. 

Further  ,  we  do  admonifh  you  ,  beloved 
Chriflians  ,  that  you  keep  no  Company 
with  him,  that  he  may  be  afhamed  ;  yet 
hold  him  not  as  an  Enemy,  but  admonifh 
him  fometimes  as  you  do  a  Brother  In 
the  meanwhile  let  every  one  take  to  Heart 
this  and  th^  like  Example  ,  to  fear  the 
Lord,  and  if  he  thinketh  he  ftonds  ,  to  be 
careful  that  he  may  not  fall.  But  ha- 
ving true  Fellowfhip  with  the  Father  and  bis 
Son  Jefus  Chrift,  as  alfo  with  all  true  belie- 
ving Chriflians;  may  perfevere  therein  to  the 
End  ,  and  partake  of  everlafling  Salvation. 
You  have  feen,  Beloved  Brethren  and  Sifters, 
in  what  Manner  this  our  excommunicated 
Brother  hath  begun  to  fall,  and  by  little  and 
little  is  come  to  Ruin;  obferve  therefore, 
how  fubtile  Satan  is  to  bring  People  to 
Deftrucfion  ,  and  to  take  them  off  from  all 
wholefome  Means  to  Salvation  :  Therefore 
take  Heed  of  the  lead:  Beginning  of  Evil , 
and  according  to  the  Admonition  of  the 
Apoflle,  laying  afide  every  Weight  and  the  Sin, 
which  doth  fo  eajily  befet  us ,  let  us  run  with 
Patience  the  Race  which  is  fet  before  us ,  look* 
ing  unto  Jefus ,  the  Author  and  Finifher  of  our 
Faith.  Befober,  watch  and  pray,  that  you  en- 
ter not  into  Temptation.  To  day  if  you  hear 
the  ^oice  of  the  Lord,  harden  not  yourl  Hearts, 
but  work  out  your  Salvation  with  Fear  and. 

And  let  every  one  repent  of  his  Sins,  that 
God  do  not  again  humble  us,  and  we  be  for- 
ced to  be  grieved  over  any  of  you,  but  that 
you  living  godly  with  one  Accord,  may  be  our 
Joy  and  Crown  in  the  Lord. 

But  fince  God  mufl  work  in  us  both  to  will 
and  to  do  according  to  his  good  Plcafure,  let 
us,  with  Confeflion  of  our  Sins,  call  upon  his 

Omojl  rigHeous    Goi  and  merciful   Father, 
Wi  bewail  our  Sins  before   thy  mofi  high 
F  Ma- 


Of  Excommunication. 

Majefly,  acknowledging  that  we  bave   deferred 
tbat  Sorrow  and  Grief  which  bath   been  caufed 
by  the  Cutting  of  this  Perfon,  once  a  fellow- 
Member;  yea,  we  all  deferve  in  Regard  of  our 
great  Sins ,  if  thou  fhouldfi  enter  into  Judgment 
with  us ,  to  be  eternally  feparated  from  Tbee. 
But  thou,  O  Lord,  art   gracious  unto  us  for 
Chrijl   bis  Sake.   Pardon  unto  us  our  Sins ,  /or 
woe  are  heartily  forry  for  the  fame:  Work  in  us 
a  greater  Meafure  of  Sorrow  for  them ,  tbat  we 
fearing    thy   Judgments    which    thou    executefi 
cgainjl  ftubborn  and  impenitent  Sinners,  may  la- 
lour  fo  much  the  more  to  pleafe  Thee.    Grant 
tbat  we  may  keep  ourf elves  from  all  Pollutions 
and  Defilements  of  the  World ,  and  of  all  thofe 
who    are  cut  of  from    the    Communion   of  the 
Church;  tbat  we  may  not  make  ourf  elves  Parta- 
kers of  tbeir  Sins,  and  tbat   thofe  who  are  cut 
cf,  may  be  brought  to   Shame  for   tbeir   Sins. 
Jlnd  fince  Tbou  takejl  no  Pleafure  in  the  Death 
fif  Sinners;  but  tbat  they  return  and  live;  and 
fettefi  always  open  the  Bofom  of  tby  Church  to 
receive  penitent  Sinners;  be  pleafed  to  kindle  in 
us  a  right  Zeal,  tbat  both   by  our  Admonitions 
and  Examples  we  may  labour  to  recover  this  ex- 
communicated Perfon ,   and  all  fucb  who  through 
Infidelity    and   Wickednefs    of  Life    are  going 
cflray.    Blefs  our  Admonitions  ,   tbat  we   may 
bave  Caufe  to  rejoyce  over  him ,  for  wbofe  Sake 
we  are  now  in  Heavinefs ,  that  tby   holy  Name 
may  be  glorified  through  the  Lord  Jefus  Chrifi, 
■  nxbo  bath  taught  us  to  pray. 

Our  Father,  &c\ 

FOR     M 

For  the  Receiving  and  Admitting 

again    of  excommunicated 


BEloved  in  the  Lord,  it  is  known  unto 
you  ,  that  fomctime  pad  our  fellow- 
Member  N.  hath  been  excommunicated  and 
cut  off  from  the  Church  of  Chrifi.  Now  we 
can    not   Conceal   from  you  ,   how    that   he 

through  the  fore-named  Remedy ,  as  alfo 
through  good  Admonitions  and  your  Prayers, 
is  come  fo  far,  that  he  is  afhamed  of  his 
Sins,  and  defireth  to  be  received  again  into 
the  Fellowfhip  of  the  Church. 

Since  therefore  we  are  by  God's  Command 
bound  to  receive  fuch  with  Joy  ,  and  yet  to 
keep  alio  good  Order  Therefore  we  give  you 
here  to  undcrftand,  that  we  are  refblved  to 
loofe  again  the  fore-named  excommunicated 
Perfon  from  the  Bond  of  Excommunication  at 
the  next  Time,  when  by  the  Grace  of  God 
we  fhall  celebrate  the  Supper  of  the  Lord  , 
and  to  receive  him  again  into  Fellowfhip 
with  the  Church,  except  there  be  feme  who 
in  the  mean  while  fhall  ihew  any  lawful 
Caufe,  wherefore  this  ought  not  to  be  done; 
which  you  are  to  iignify  to  us  betimes.  In 
the  mean  Time  every  one  of  you  is  to  praife 
the  Lord  for  his  Mercy  manifefled  to  this 
poor  Sinner,  and  to  intreat  Him,  to  perfect 
His  Work  in  him  to  his  everlafting  Salva- 

r  If  no  Impediment  be  brought,  the  Minifter) 
j is  to  proceed  to  the  Receiving  of  the  excom-L 
^municated  Perfon  again  after  this  following (* 
(Manner.  } 

Beloved  Christians,  we  have  the  lafl  Time 
acquainted  you  with  the  Repentance  of  our 
fellow  Member  N.  that  he  with  your  Confent 
may  be  received  again  into  the  Church  of 
Chrifi:  Since  therefore  no  Body  hath  brought 
any  thing  whereby  his  AdmifTion  fhould  be 
deferred,  therefore  we  intend  at  this  Time  to 
proceed  to  the  Same. 

The  Lord  Joins  Chrifi,  Math.  18.  having 
confirmed  the  Sentence  of  the  Church  in  the 
Excommunication  of  an  impenitent  Sinner,  de- 
clared! thereupon  prefently,  that,  what  foever 
his  Minifters  fhall  loofe  on  Earth,  fhall  be  loo- 
fed  in  Heaven.  Whereby  he  gives  to  under- 
Hand  ,  that  when  any  Body  is  cut  off  from 
the  Church,  that  thereby  he  is  not  bereaved 
of  all  Hope  of  Salvation,  but  that  he  can  be 
loofed  again  from  the  Bond  of  his  Condemna- 
tion. Therefore,  fince  God  doth  declare  in 
his  Word  ,  that  he  hath  no  Pleafure  in  the 
Death  of  a  Sinner;  but  that  he  be  converted 
and  live;  the  Church  in  like  Manner  hath  hope 


Of  Receiving  excommunicated  Perfons. 

of  the  Converfion  of  the  Excommunicated 
Sinner,  and  keeps  her  Bofom  open  to  receive 
again  the  Penitent.  Therefore  doth  theApoftle 
exhort,  1.  Cor.  5.  that  the  Corinthian  (whom 
he  had  declared,  fhould  have  been  cut  off 
from  the  Church;  be  received  and  comforted 
again,  fince  that  after  he  had  been  reproved 
by  many,  he  is  come  to  the  Knowledge  ot 
his  Sin  ,  left  he  be  fwallowed  up  by  overmuch 
Heavincfs  ,  2.  Cor.  2.  Secondly ,  Chnft  in 
the  forewarned  Place  doth  teach  ,  that  the 
Sentence  of  Abfolution,  which  is  pronounced 
to  fuch  a  Penitent  Sinner  according  to  the 
Word  of  God,  is  accounted  ftedfaft  and  firm 
with  the  Lord,  therefore  ought  no  Body  who 
doth  uprightly  repent  ,  make  any  Queftion 
but  thac  he  is  received  of  God  ,  as  Chrift 
faith  Joh.  20.  IVhofe-foever  Sins  ye  remit,  they 
are  remitted  unto  them. 

To  come  therefore  to  the  Bufinefs  in  Hand , 
I  ask  you  N.  whether  you  declare  here  be 
fore  God  and  his  Church,  from  your  Heart ,  that 
you  are  truely  forry  for  your  Sins  and  Ob- 
ftinacy  ,  for  which  you  have  mod  juftly 
been  cut  off  from  the  Church ;  and  whether 
you  do  unfeignedly  believe  that  God  hath 
forgiven  and  doth  forgive  your  Sins  for 
Chrift  his  Sake,  and  therefore  are  defirous 
to  be  received  again  into  the  Church,  pro- 
mifing  from  hence-forth  to  carry  yourfelf  in 
all  Piety  according  to  the  Word  of  God? 

Anfwer.    Yes. 
[Hereupon  f hall  the  Minifter  fay  further.] 

We  who  in  the  Name  and  Authority  of  the 
Lord  Jefus  Chrift,  being  met  here,  declare 
you  N.  to  be  loofed  from  the  Bonds  of  Ex- 
communication,  and  do  receive  you  again  in- 
to the  Fellowfhip  of  the  Church,  the  holy 
Sacraments,  and  all  other  fpiritual  Blefiings 
and  Benefits  which  God  hath  promifed,  and 
makes  good  to  his  Church ;  in  which  may 
the  eternal  God  preferve  you  through  his  on- 
ly begotten  Son  Jefus  Chrift. 


Reft  therefore  affured  ,  beloved  Brother , 
that  the  Lord  hath  received  youjagain  in  Mer- 
cy: Be  careful   to  take  Heed   of  the  fubtile 


Temptations  of  Satan,  and  the  Wickednefs 
of  the  World,  that  you  fall  not  again  into 

Love  the  Lord  Jefus  Chrift,  for  many  Sins 
are  forgiven  you. 

And  ye,  beloved  Chriftians,  receive  this 
Brother  with  hearty  Affeclion :  Rejoyce  that 
he  who  was  dead,  is  made  ahve  again;  who 
was  loft,  is  found  again:  Rejoyce  with  the 
the  Angels  in  Heaven  ^over  this  Sinner,  who 
repenterh:  Hold  him  no  longer  as  one  who 
is  a  Stranger,  but  a  fellow- Citizen  of  the 
Saints ,  and  of  the  Houjhcld  of  God.  And 
whereas  we  can  have  no  good  Thing  from 
ourfelves,  let  us  blefs  and  thank  the  Lord 
Almighty  for  this  his  Mercy,  and  further 
call  upon  his  Name,  thus. 

G  Rations  God  and  Father  ,  <we  blefs  Thee 
through  Jefus  Chrifl,  that  thou  hajl  given 
to  this  our  fellow  Brother  Repentance  to  Life; 
and  us  Caufe  to  rejoyre  in  his  Converfion :  We 
pray  Tuee,  affure  him  more  and  more  of  the 
Forgivenefs  of  his  Siris ,  that  be  may  receive 
Fulnefs  of  Joy,  and  greater  Willingnefs  to  ferve 
Thee.  And  whereas  be  hath  offended  many  by 
his  Sin ,  grant  that  be  may  edify  many  by  bis 
Converfion ,  that  he  may  walk  in  thy  Ways  jled- 
fajlly  to  the  End  :  And  let  us  learn  by  his 
Example,  that  there  is  Mercy  with  Thee,  that 
thou  mayefl  be  feared:  And  efleeming  him  our 
fellow-Brother,  and  co-Heir  of  eternal  Life, 
we  may  ferve  Thee  together,  with  a  child- like  Fear 
and  Obedience  all  the  Days  of  our  Life ,  through 
our  Lord  Jefus  Chrifl,  in  wbofe  Name  we  con- 
clude our  Prayers,  faying: 

Our  Father,  &c. 

!••  2 



Of  Confirmation  of  Miniflers. 


For  the  Confirmation  of  the  Miniflers 
of  the  Word. 

t     After  Sermon  and  Prayers  are  ended ,  the  I 
I  Minifter  fhall  fay  thus  to  the  People.  > 

BEloved  Brethren:  It  is  known  to  you, 
how  that  we,  three  feveral  Times  have 
publickly  propounded  unto  you  the  Name  of 
our  fellow- Brother  N.  here  preient;  to  un- 
derftand  if  there  was  any  Body  who  had  any 
Thing  againft  him  either  in  Doftrine  or  Life, 
whereby  he  might  be  hindied  from  beiog  con- 
firmed in  the  Miniftry  of  the  Word :  beeing 
now  that  no  Body  hath  (hewed  any  lawful 
Exception  aginft  his  Perfon,  therefore  are  we 
now,  in  the  Name  of  the  Lord,  to  proceed 
to  his  Confirmation.  For  which  Caufe  you 
N.  and  all  ye  who  are  prcfent,  are  to  hear- 
ken to  a  Short  Declaration  from  the  Word  of 
God  touching  the  Inftitution  and  Work  of 
the  Pallor,  or  Minifter  of  the  Word. 

Where,  in  the  fir  ft  Place  you  are  to  obfer- 
ve:That  God  our  Heavenly  Father  having  pur- 
pofed  to  call  and  afTemble  from  amongft  finful 
Mankind,  a  Church  to  everlafting  Life;  ufedi 
hereunto  out  of  his  fingular  Grace,  the  Mi- 
niftry of  Men;  therefore  faith  Paul:  That 
Cbrijl  bath  given  fame  to  be  Apojlles ,  fome  to 
he  Prophets ,  fome  Evangelijls ,  fome  Paflors  and 
Doctors  for  the  Perfecting  of  the  Saints ,  for  the 
Work  of  the  Minijlry;  namely ,  the  Edification 
of  the  Body  of  Cbrifl.  Out  of  which  we  fee 
that  the  Apoftle  faith,  that  among  others,  the 
Pallor's  Office  is  an  Inftitution  of  Chrift. 

Now,  what  belongs  to  his  holy  Office,  we 
can  cafily  fee  out  of  the  very  Name  given 
unto  it  :  For  as  the  Charge  of  a  common 
Shepherd  is  to  feed  the  Flock  committed 
unto  his  Charge,  to  lead,  rule,  and  protcft 
the  Same;  So  is  it  with  the  fpiritual  Pallors, 
who  tre  fet  over  the  Church  which  God  calls 
unto  Salvation  and  efteems  as  the  Sheep  of  his 
Failure.    The  Paftures  wherewith  thefe  Sheep 

are  to  be  fed,  are  Nothing  elfebut  the  Preach- 
ing of  the  Word  of  God,  with  the  Service 
of  Prayer,  and  Adminiftration  of  the  holy 
Sacraments:  The  fame  Word  of  God  is  alfo 
the  Staff  wherewith  the  Flock  is  led  and  ru- 
led; confequently  the  Office  of  the  Paflors 
and  Miniflers  of  the  Word  of  God  confifts 
herein : 

Firfl;  That  they  faithfully  propound  the 
Word  of  God  containec  in  the  Writings  of 
the  Prophets  and  Apoftles,  and  apply  the 
fame  both  in  general  and  particular  to  the 
Edification  of  the  Hearers:  Inftrucling,  Ad- 
monifhiug.  Comforting  and  Reproving,  ac- 
cording to  every  ones  Ncceffity:  Preaching 
Converfion  to  God,  and  Reconciliation  with 
Him  through  Faith  in  Chrift;  as  alio  refuting 
with  tl  e  Word  of  God  all  Errors  and  Here- 
fies  which  are  repugnant  to  found  Dottrine. 
All  this  is  plainly  difcovered  unto  us  in  holy 
Scripture;  For  the  Apoftle  Paul  faith,  that 
tbefe  labour  in  the  Word;  and  elfewhere  he 
faith,  that  this  ought  to  be  done  according  t'o 
the  rule  of  Faith,  that  a  Paflor  mtfl-bold'~fafi 
that  faithjul  mid  fine  ere  Word  which  is  accord- 
ing to  Dottrine ,  and  divide  it  aright:  AHo, 
be  that  propbefyetb  (that  is  ,  who  teacheth 
God's  Word;  muft  fpeak  to  Edificition, 
Admonition  and  Comfort.  In  another  Place, 
he  doth  fet  Himfelf  as  a  Pattern  to  Paflors, 
declaring  that  he  openly  and  in  Houfes  hath 
taught,  and  teftifkd  the  Converfion  to  God 
and  Faith  in  Jefus  Chrift.  But  we  read  in 
an  cfpecial  Manner  a  true  Defcription  of 
the  Office  and  Miniftry  of  the  Gofpcl, 
2.  Cor.  V.  iS  19.  wherein  the  Apoflle  fpcals 
after  this  Manner:  All  Things  are  of  God, 
who  bath  reconciled  us  to  Himfelf  through  Je- 
fus Cbrijl,  and  bath  given  to  us  (namely  to 
the  Apojlles  and  Paflors-)  the  Minijlry  of  Re. 
conciliation ,  to  wit:  That  God  was  in  Cbrijl, 
Reconciling  the  World  unto  Himfelf,  not  impu- 
ting their  Trefpajjes  unto  them,  and  hath  com- 
mitted to  us  the  Word  Reconcilation.  Now  then , 
we  are  Ambaffadors  for  Cbrijl ,  as  though  God 
did  befeech  yon  by  us,  we  pray  you  in  CbrilVs 
Siead  to  be  reconciled  to  God. 

Touching  Refutation  of  unfound  Dodlrine 
faith  the  Apoftle  to  Titus,  Chap.  1.  vcrf.  <5. 
That  a  Minifter  muft  bold  fafl  the  faithful  Word 
of  God,  that  be  may  be  able  by  found  Do&rine  10 
convince  and  put  to  Sile.nce  the  Gainfayers. 


Of  Confirmation  of  Minijlers 

Secondly,  The  Office  of  thePaftorispublickly 
to  ihvocate  the  Name  of  God  in  the  Behalf  of 
the  whole  AlTembly.  For  what  the  Apoftles 
fay ,  We  will  give  our/elves  to  Prayer ,  and  the 
Minijlry  of  the  Word;  the  fame  is  common  to 
thefe  Paftors  with  the  Apoftles:  To  which 
End  the  Apoftle  Paul  thus  exhorteth  Timothy. 
Wherefore  I  exhort ,  that  firfl  of  all  Supplications , 
Prayers ,  Inter cejfions ,  and  giving  of  Thanks  be 
made  for  all  Men;  for  Kings ,  and  for  all  in 

Thirdly  ,  Their  Order  is  to  adminifter  the  ho- 
]y  Sacraments  which  rhe  Lord  hath  ordained 
and  inftituted  as  a  Seal  of  his  Grace; as  appea- 
red! out  of  the  Command  which  Chrift  hath 
given  to  his  Apoft'es,  and  in  them  to  all  Pas- 
tors: Baptize  tbem  in  the  Name  of  the  Father, 
and  oj  the  Sow  and  of  the  Holy  Ghojt.  In  like 
Manner;  /  received  of  the  Lord  that  which  I  alfo 
delivered  unto  you.  That  The  Lord  Jefus  the 
Night,  &c. 

Fourthly,  The  Office  of  the  Minifler  of  the 
Word ,  is  to  keep  the  Church  in  good  Difcipline , 
and  to  rule  them  after  that  Manner  which 
the  Lord  hath  ordained.  For  Chrift  having  fpo- 
ken  of  Reproof,  faith  thus  to  his  Apoftles, 
What  you  (Imll  bind  on  Earth ,  Jhall  be  bound  in 
Heaven:  And  Paul  will  haveMinifters  to  be  able 
to  govern  their  own  Houfes  well,  becaufe 
otherwife  they  fhould  not  be  able  to  govern 
well  the  Church  of  God  For  this  Caufe  alfo  the 
Pallors  are  called  Houfholdcrs  of  God,  and 
Bifhops,  tfat  is,  Overfeers  and  Watchmen; 
for  they  have  the  Inlpection  of  the  Houfe  of 
God,  wherein  they  convcrfe,  to  the  End  that 
all  things  may  be  done  decently  and  in  Order, 
and  that  they  open  and  fhut  with  the  Keys  com. 
milted  unto  them  the  Kingdom  of  Heaven,  ac- 
cording to  the  Charge  given  unto  them  of 

Out  of  thefe  Things  it  doth  appear,  what 
an  honorable  Work  the  paftoral  Office  is ,  fince 
that  fuch  .  great  Things  are  done  by  the 
Same;  yea,  how  neceffary  it  is  ro  Men  for 
the  Salvation  of  their  Souls:  Which  is  the 
Reafon  a'fo,  why  God  would  have  this  Office 
always  to  remain.  For  thus  fpeaks  Chrift  to 
his  Apoftles,  when  He  fends  them  abroad  to 
cxercife  this  holy  Fnnction  :Lo,  1  am  with  you 
always ,  even  to  the  End  of  the  World. 

Where  we  fee,  that  his  Will  and  Pleafure 
is,  that  this  holy  Office  (hould  be  kept  and 


maintained  always  upon  Earth,  unto  the  End  of 
the  World:  For,  thofe  Perfons  to  whom  Ho 
ipake,  can  not  live  to  the  End  of  the  World, 
and  therefore  Paul  eshorteth  Timothy,  that/.e 
would  commit  that  which  he  heard  of  him  to  faith' 
ful  Men,  who  are  able  to  teach  Others  alfo.  And 
to  this  End  alfo  he  ordained  Titus  to  be  a 
P^ftor,  and  commanded  him  that  he  fhould  or- 
dain Bifljops  and  Elders  in  every  Place. 

For  as  much  therefore,  as  we,  for  the 
Maintaining  of  this  Office  in  the  Church  of 
God,  are  now  to  ordain  a  new  Minifter  of  the 
Word ;  and  having  fufficiently  fpoken  of  the 
Charge  thereof:  Therefore  you  N.  are  to  an- 
iwer  to  that  which  (hall  be  propounded  unto 
you,  that  fo  it  may  appear  to  every  one 
that  you  are  minded  thus  to  receive  this 

Firfl ,  I  ask  you ,  whether  you  feel  in  your 
Heart  that  you  are  lawfully  called  of  the 
Church,  and  confequently  of  God  Himfelf ,  to 
this  holy  Office  V 

Secondly ,  Whether  you  hold  the  Scriptures 
of  the  Old  and  New  Teftament  to  be  the 
only  Word  of  God,  and  perfect  Doctrine  to 
Salvation:  And  whether  you  reject  all  Opi- 
nions which  are  repugnant  to  the  Same? 

Thirdly ,  Whether  you  promife  to  difcharge 
your  Office  faithfully  according  to  the 
fame  Doctrine  with  a  godly  Life;  fubmitting 
yourfelf  to  the  Admonition  of  the  Church,  (if 
you  Ihould  come  to  mifcarry  either  in  Doc- 
trine or  Life,  according  to  the  received  Order 
of  the  Churches? 

Hereupon  he  fhall  anfwer; 

Yes,  from  my  Heart. 

'    Then  fhall  the  Minifter,    who  demanderh' 
(thefe  Queftions  of  him,  or  an< 
jbe  more  than  one,  lay  his  Hands 
,and  fay  thus: 

vho  demandeth  \ 
lother,  if  theref 
inds  upon  him;f 

[NOT A.  This  Ceremony  fhall  not  be  ufed  in 
the  Confirmation  of  thofe ,  who  have  been  in 
the  Miniftry  before.'] 

God  our  heavenly  Father,  who  hath  called 

you  to  his  holy  Office ,  enlighten  you  by  his 

holy  Spirit,  ftrengthen  you  by  his  Grace,  and 

fo  govern  you  in  your  Miniftry,  that  you  may 

F  3  walk 



0/  Confirmations  of  Minijlers. 


walk  therein  decently  and  fruitfully,  as  you 
ought;  to  the  Glory  of  his  Name,  and  Enlarge- 
ment of  the  Kingdom  of  his  Son  Jefus  Chrift, 


r  Afterwards  f  hall  the  Minifter  from  the  Pulpit 
<admonifh  the  Minifter  confirmed,  and  the 
*  whole  Church  in  the  following  Manner. 

Take  heed  therefore,  beloved  Brother  and 
fellow  Servant  in  Chritl,  unto  your  felf,  unto 
your  Doctrine,  and  to  the  whole  Flock,  ever 
which  the  Holy  Gbojl  bath  made  you  Overfeer; 
to  feed  the  Church  of  God,  which  He  hath 
purcbafed  with  bis  own  Blood.  Love  the  Lord 
Cbrifl,  and  feed  his  Sbecp,  taking  Overfight 
thereof  not  for  filthy  Lucre's  Sake,  but  with  a 
wiliing  Mind;  not  as  being  Lord  over  the 
People  of  God ,  committed  to  you ;  but  as  one  who 
is  made  a  Pattern  to  the  Flock.  Be  an  Exam- 
ple to  the  Faitbfnl,  in  Wordy  in  Converfaiion , 
in  Love,  in  Faith,  in  Purity.  Hold  on  in  Rea- 
ding ,  Admonifhing ,  lnftrutting :  Neglect  not 
tbe  Gift  which  is  given  unto  you:  Be  diligent 
that  your  Progrefs  may  be  viade  manifeft  to 

Take  heed  to  the  Doctrine,  and  be  confiant 
therein;  bear  patiently  all  Sufferings  and  Op- 
prefftons  as  a  good  Soldier  of  Jifus  Cbrifl.  If 
yon  do  tbefe  Things,  you  fhall  fave  yourfelf ,  and 
tbofe  that  hear  you;  and  when  the  chief  Sb& 
herd  fhall  appear,  you  ftmll  receive  tbe  ij^f 
ruptible  Crown  of  Glory.  ^ 

And  ye,  beloved  Chriflians ,  receive  this 
your  Minifter  in  the  Lord  with  all  Joy,  and 
hold  fuch  in  Efteem ;  remenber  'that  God 
through  him  fpeaks  to  you  and  befecches  you. 
Receive  his  Word,  which  he  according  to  the 
Scripture  fhall  declare  unto  you;  not  as  the 
Word  of  Man ,  but  as  it  is  indeed  the  Word  of 
God:  Let  the  Feet  of  tbofe  who  preach  unto 
you  the  glad  Tidings  of  Peace,  be  welcome  unto 
you :  Be  obedient  to  tbofe  who  are  fet  oxer  you 
in  the  Lord,  for  they  watch  for  your  Souls  as 
tbofe  who  mufl  give  an  Account  thereof',  that 
they  may  do  it  with  Joy  and  not  with  Grief, 
for  this  is  not  profitable  for  you.  If  you  do  Tbefe 
things,  it  floall  come  to  pnfs  that  the  Peace 
$f  God  jhall  enter  into  your  Houfes,  and  that 
Receiving  this  Man  in  tbe  Name  of  a  Prophet, 

ye  fhall  receive  the  Reward  of  a  Prophet ,  and 
through  bis  Word  believing  in  Cbrifl ,  flail  in- 
herit eternal  Life  through  Christ. 

Yet  fince  no  Man  is  of  himfelf  fit  for  thefe 
things;  let  us  call  upon  the  Name  of  God, 
with  Thankfgiving. 

MErciful  Father ,  we  blefs  Thee ,  that  thou 
bajt  been  pleafed  out  0/  lofl  Mankind,  to 
gather  a  Church  to  everlafling  Life  through  the 
Mmiftry  of  Man,  and  that  thou  haft  fo  gracuufly 
provided  a  faithful (  Minifter  for  this  Courcb 
in  this  Place:  We  befeech  Thee,  to  fit  him  more 
and  more  witb  tby  Spirit  for  the  Miniflry  to 
which  thou  haft  called  him.  Enlighten  bit  Mind 
to  under Jland '  the  holy  Scriptures :  Give  him 
Utterance  to  publifto  and  adminifter  the  Myfle- 
ries  of  the  Gofpel  with  an  undaunted  Spirit: 
Fumiflo  him  witb  W;fdom ,  and  Courage ,  to  rule 
aright  tbe  People ,  over  w'jom  tbcu  bafl  fet 
him,  and  to  keep  t;.,em  in  Curiftian  Peace;  that 
fo  tby  Church  may  under  his  Miniflry  and  by 
his  good  Example  encrrafe  in  Numl  er  and 
Vertue:  Give  bim  Courage  in  all  Difficulties  and 
Troubles  which  he  may  meet  with  in  bii  Mi- 
niflry; that  be  being  ftrengtbened  through  the 
Comforts  of  thy  Spirit  remaining  fledfaftly  to 
the  End,  may  be  received  with  all  thy  faithful 
Servants  into  bis  Mafter's  Joy.  Grant  alfo  to 
jpbz'f  People  tby  Grace,  that  they  may  carry 
^tbemf elves  aright  towards  this  their  Minifter; 
acknowledging  him  fent  of  Thee ;  receiving ,  and 
Submitting  tbemf elves  to  bis  Exhortations:  That 
fo  believing  in  Cbrifl  through  bis  Word,  they 
may  be  9made  Partakers  of  everlafling  Life. 
Hear  us,  gracious  Father,  for  tby  dear  Son 
bis  Sake,  wbo  hatb  taught  us  to  pray  after 
this  Manner. 

Our  Father,  &c. 


0/  Confirm,  of  Elders  and  Deacons. 


For  tbe  Confirmation  of  Elders  and  Dea- 
cons ,  when  they  are  confirmed  at  the 
fame  1 'hie;  and  if  Elders  and  Deacons 
be  confirmed  feparately ,  then  j hall  this 
Form  be  ufed  according  to  Occafions. 


Eloved  Chriftians  ;  you  know  that  we  now 
at  feveral  Times  have  propounded  unto 
you  the  Names  of  our  fellow- Brethren  here 
prefent,who  are  called  to  the  Office  of  Elders 
and  Deacons  to  his  Church,  to  know  whether 
there  be  any  that  hath  any  Thing  againft  them 
why  they  lliould  not  be  Confirmed  in  their 
Offices.  Since  that  no  Body  is  come  before 
us,  who  hath  brought  any  lawful  Exception 
agiinft  them,  therefore  we  are  to  go  on  at 
this  prefent  with  the  Confirmation  of  the  Same. 
For  this  end  ye  N.  N.  ,  who  are  to  be 
confirmed,  hearken  firft  to  a  111  or  t  Declaration 
concerning  the  Institution  and  the  Offices  of 
Elders  and  Deacons. 

Concerning  the  Elders:  It  is  to  be  obferved, 
that  the  Name  of  Elders  (which  Name  is  taken 
out  of  the  Old  Teftament ,  and.  fignifieth  a  Pcr- 
fon  who  is  phced  in  an  honourable  Office  of 
Government  over  others)  is  given  to  two 
Sorts  of  Perfons  who  fevve  in  the  Church  of 
Chrift.  For  the  Apoftle  faith,  Tbe  Elders  who 
rule  well ,  are  worthy  of  double  Honour ,  e [penal- 
ly tbofe ,  who  labour  in  the  Word  and  Doftrine : 
Out  of  which  it  is  manifeft,  that  in  the  Apo- 
ftolical  Church  there  have  been  two  Sorts  of 
Elders ;  whereof  the  firft  have  laboured  in  the 
Word  and  Do&rinc,  and  the  others  not;  The 
former  were  the  .Minifters  of  the  Word,  the 
Paftors,  who  preached  the  Gofpel,  and  ad- 
miniftred  the  Sacraments,  but  the  others  who 
did  not  labour  in  the  Word,  yet  ferving  the 
Church,  had  a  fpecial  Charge;  namely,  that 
they  took  Over-Sight  of  the  Church,  and  with 
the  Minifter  of  the  Word  did  rule  the  Same. 
For  after  the  Apoftle  Paul  had  fpoken  Rom.  12. 
of  t4*A  Miniftry  of  the  Word,  as  alfo  of  the 
Office  of  the  Deacons ,  he  fpeaks  of  this  Of- 


fice  afterwards  feparately  ,  faying  :  He  that 
ruletb,  let  him  do  it  with  all  Diligence,  and  fo 
in  another  Place,  1.  Cor.  12.  Among  other 
Offices  which  God  hath  ordained  in  his  Church, 
he  reckons  Government  :  infornuch  that  this 
Sort  of  Minifters,  is  given  as  a  Help  and  As- 
fiftance  to  the  others  who  preach  the  Gofpel; 
as  in  the  Old  Teftament  the  Levites  were  joy- 
ned  to  the  Priefts  in  the  common  Service  of 
the  Tabernacle,  to  be  Helpers  unto  them  in 
thofe  Things,  which  the  Priefts  alone  could 
not  perform,  remaining  notwithftanding,  di- 
ftinft  Offices.  Befides  this,  it  is  neceiTary  that 
to  the  Minifters  of  the  Word  fuch  Men  be 
joyned  in  the  Government  of  the  Church;thac 
all  Lording  and  Tyranny,  which  can  creep  in 
fooner,  if  the  Government  lie  in  the  Hand 
of  one,  or  few,  may  be  kept  out  of  the 
Church  ;  and  fo  the  Minifters  of  the  Word  and 
the  Elders  make  up  oue  Affembly,  being  as 
a  Senate  of  the  Church ,  and  rcprefenting  the 
whole  Church;  whereunto  Chrift  hadrefpect, 
when  He  faith;  Tell  tbe  Church,  which  can  noc 
be  meant  of  particular  Members  of  the  Church 
apart,  but  very  well  of  thofe,  who  by  the 
Church  are  chofen,  to  govern  the  Same. 

The  Office  of  the  Elders,  confifts  herein. 

Firft.  To  take  with  the  Minifters  of  the 
Word  the  Over-Sight  of  the  Church  committed 
unto  them:  Carefully  to  look  to  it,  that  every 
one  carry  himfelf  aright  in  his  Confeflion,  and 
in  his  Converfation  :  To  admonifh  thofe  who 
carry  themfelves  fcandaloufly  ,  and  to  take 
heed,  fo  much  as  lies  in  them,  that  the  Sacra- 
ments be  not  prophaned:  As  alfo  to  deal  with  the 
impenitent  according  to  Chriftian  Difcipline, 
and  to  receive  them  again  when  penitent, 
into  the  Bofom  of  the  Church;  as  is  manifeft 
not  only  out  of  the  forenamed  Saying  of 
Chrift,  but  alfo  out  of  other  Places  of  Scripture  , 
1  Cor.  5.  2  Cor.  12.  wherein  it  is  apparanr 
that  thefe  Things  belong  not  to  one ,  or  a  few , 
but  to  Many,  who  are  ordained  thereunto. 

Secondly.  Whereas  the  Apoftle  com  man- 
deth  that  among  Chrftians  all  Things  be  done 
decently  and  in  Order,  and  no  Body  ought  to 
minifter  in  the  Church,  but  fuch  as  are  law- 
fully called  thereunto,  according  to  Chriftian 
Conflitutions  concerning  the  Same:  Therefore 
it  belongs  alfo  to  the  Office  of  Elders , 
to  take  Care  thereof  and  of  all  Things,  which 
concern  the  good  Eftace  of  the  Church:  to 




0/  Confirm,  of  Elders  and  Deacons. 

affifl  the  Minifler  with  their  Counfel  and  Ad- 
vice;  yea,  ail  Chriftians  with  Advice  and  Con- 

Thirdly,  It  belongs  alfo  to  the  Charge  of  El- 
ders to  look  to  the  Doclrine  and  Life  of 
the  Miniftcrs  of  the  Word,  to  the  End  all 
may  be  ordered  to  the  Edification  of  the 
Church;  and  that  no  ftrange  Doctrine  be 
propounded  ,  according  to  that  which  we 
read  Adb  20.  where  the  Apoftle  admonifheth 
to  watch  diligently  againft  the  Wolves  who 
might  come  into  the  Sbeepfold  of  Chrift: 
And  that  they  may  do  this  the  better,  the 
Elders  are  bound  to  fearch  diligently  the 
Scriptures,  and  to  exercife  themfelves  conti- 
nually in  Meditating  upon  the  Myfteries  of 
the  Faith. 

Concerning  the  Deacons  :  of  the  Original 
and  Inftitation  of  their  Office  we  may  read 
Aft.  6.  where  we  find,  that  in  the  Begin- 
ning, the  Apoflles  themfelves  did  ferve  the 
Poor ,  at  tvbefe  Feet  were  laid  down  the  Price 
of  thofe  Goods  that  were  fold ,  and  by  whom  Di- 
stribution was  made  to  every  one  according  to 
bis  Need;  but  when  afterwards  there  arofe  a 
Murmuring ,  becaufe  the  Widows  of  the  Grecians 
were  neglected  in  the  daily  Minijlration ,  there- 
fore there  were  elected  (by  the  Advice  of 
the  Apoflles)  Men  who  fhould  make  it  their 
Work  to  ferve  the  Poor,  that  fothe  Apoflles 
might  give  themfelves  continually  to  Prayer  and 
the  Minifiry  of  the  Word'.  And  this  hath  been 
kept  from  that  Time  forward  in  the  Church, 
as  doth  appear  Rom.  12.  where  the  Apoflle, 
fpeaking  of  this  Office,  faith,  thatTbofe  who 
dijlribute,  jhall  do  it  witb  Sincerity;  and  I  Cor. 
12.  fpeaking  of  Helpers ,  he  doth  thereby 
undeifland  thofe  who  are  ordained  by  the 
Church  to  help  the  Poor  and  miferahle  in 
their  Neceffities.  Out  of  which  Places  it 
doth  fufficlently  appear  what  belongs  to  the 
Office  of  the  Deacons;  namely 

Firfl,  That  they  collect  and  keep  with  all 
Faithfulnefs  and  Diligence  the  Goods  which 
are  given  to  the  Poor;  yea,  to  do  their  ut- 
moft  Endeavours,  that  many  good  Means 
may  be  found  out  for  the  Relief  of  the 

The  fecond  pnrt  of  (heir  Office,  confifls  in 
the  Diflriburion  and  Prudence ,  r.ot  only  to  give 
the  Alms  to  none  but  where  there  is  need; 
but  alfo  Simplicity  and  Chearfuluefs  to  dif- 

tribute  the  Alms  with  an  hearty  Affe&ion  to 
the  Poor,  according  to  that  of  the  Apoftle 
Rom.  12.  1  Cor.  12.  For  which  End  it  is 
neceflary  that  they  do  not  only  relieve  the 
Poor  with  outward  Gifts ,  but  alfo  with  com- 
fortable Words  out  of  the  Word  of  God. 

To  the  End  therefore  ,  beloved  Brethren 
N.  N. ,  that  every  one  may  fee  that  you  are 
willing  to  take  upon  vou  the  forcnamed  Offi- 
ces, every  one  in  his  Place,  you  fhall  give 
Anfwer  to  that  which  fhall  be  propounded  un- 
to you. 

Firft.  I  afk  you,  both  Elders  and  Deacons, 
whether  you  do  not  feel  in  your  Hearts  thac 
you  are  lawfully  called  to  thefe  holy  Offices, 
each  to  his,  by  the  Church,  and  confequcntlv 
by  God  Himfelf?  y 

Secondly.  Whether  you  promife  to  perform 
your  Offices  as  they  have  been  now  defcri- 
bed,  with  all  Faithfulnefs  according  to  vour 
Power?  y 

Ye  Elders  N.  N.  in  the  Governement  of  the 
Church  with  the  Miniflers  of  the  Word;  and 
ye  Deacous  N.  N.  in  the  Minifying  to  the 

Further,  do  ye  promife  both  together,  to 
carry  your  felves  in  all  Godlinefs;  fubmitting 
your  felves  alfo  the  .Admonition  of  the 
Church,  in  Cafe  you  fiiould  come  to  Mi- 
fcarry  ? 

Hereupon  ye  fhall  anfwer,  Tes. 

[Whereupon  the  Minifler  flmll fay ,] 

The  Almighty  God  and  Father  give  unto 
you  all,  his  Grace,  that  you  may  wallc  in 
thefe    your    Offices   faithfully    and  "fruitfully. 


r  The  Minifler  flmll  further  admtmflo  them.'S 
)  as  alfo  the  whole  Church  ,  in  this  following  S. 
( Manner.  J 

Wherefore  ye  Elders,  be  diligent  in  Go- 
verning the  Church,  which,  with  the  Mi- 
niflers of  the  Word,  is  commitred  unto  you. 
Be  alfo  Watchmen  over  the  Houfe  and  City 
of  God ,  to  admonifh  every  one  faithfully, 
and  to  warn  them   of  their  Perdition.    Take 


0/  Confirm,  of  Elders  and  Deacons. 


heed  that  the  Purity  of  Doftrine  and  Godlinefs 
of  Life  be  maintained  in  the  Church. 

And  ye  Deacons,  be  diligent  in  Colle&ing 
of  the  Alms,  prudent  and  chearful  in  Diftribu- 
ting  of  the  Same.  A  (Tift  the  oppretfed,  relieve 
the  true  Widows  and  Orphans ,  (hew  Merci- 
fuinefs  to  all,  but  efpecially  to  the  Houfliold  of 
Faith.  ;'       , 

Be  ye  all  faithful  in  your  Offices,  and  hold 
the  Myjleries  of  Faith  in  a  pure  Confiience,  and 
be  good  Examples  in  all  Things  to  tbe  People.  In 
fo  doing  you  [ball  pur  chafe  to  your  f elves  a  good 
Degree ,  and  great  Boldnefs  in  tbe  Faith  which  is 
in  Chrift  Jefus ,  and  here-  after  enter  into  your 
M  after' s  Joy. 

On  the  other  Side,  beloved  Chriitians,  re- 
ceive thefe  Perfons  as  Servants  of  Chrift;  count 
the  Elders  who  difcharge  well  their  Office, 
worthy  of  double  Honour:  Give  yourfelves 
willingly  to  their  Over-Sight  and  Government: 
Provide  good  Means  for  the  Deacons  to  the 
Relief  of  the  Poor:  Be  Charitable,  ye  Rich, 
give  liberally,  and  contribute  willingly.  And 
ye  Poor,  be  Poor  in  Spirit,  and  carry  your- 
felves refpecT:  fully  towards  thofe  who  provi- 
de for  you:  Be  thankful  towards  them,  and 
murmur  not:  Follow  Chrift  for  the  Food  of 
your  Souls,  and  and  not  for  the  Loaves.  Fie 
who  bath  fiolen  Cor  been  burdenfome  to  his 
Neighbour)  let  him  fleal  no  more  ,  but  work 
with  bis  Hands ,  that  be  may  give  to  thofe  who 
are  in  Want.  If  ye  do  this,  every  one  that 
which  belongs  to  him,  ye  fhall  receive  of 
the  Lord  the  Wagc6  of  Richteoufnefs.  But 
iince  we  are  not  able  of  ourfelves  to  do  this , 
let  us  call  upon  the  Name  of  our  God. 

OLord  God ,  Heavenly  Father  ,  we  thank 
Thee  that  for  tbe  better  Edification  of  thy 
Cburcb ,  Thou  baft  been  pleafed  to  ordain  with 
the  Minijlers  of  the  Word,  Rulers  and  Hel- 
pers ,  by  whom  thy  Church  may  be  kept  in  Peace 
and  Profperity  ,  and  tbe  Poor  be  maintained  : 
And  that  Thou  haft  given  us  into  this  Place, 
Men  ef  good  Teftimoniet ,  who  are  furnished 
witb  tby  Spirit.  We  befeecb  Thee  give  unto 
them  more  and  more ,  fucb  Gifts ,  as  are  Neces- 
Jary  for  them  in  their  Miniftrations ,  tbe  Gift 
tf  Wifdom ,  of  Courage ,  of  Difcretion  and  of 
Coodnefs ;  that  fo  each  of  them  may  carry  him- 
felf  arigt  in  bis  Office:  Tbe  Elders,  in  taking 
a  careful  Over- Sight  of  the   Doctrine  of  Life, 

in  Keeping  out  of  the  Sbeepfold  of  Chrift  all 
Wolves,  and  in  Reproving  and  Admonishing  all 
Perfons  who  are  going  ajtray.  In  like  Manner 
tbe  Deacons,  in  a  diligent  Receiving,  and  free 
and  prudent  Diftributing  of  the  Alms  to  the 
Poor,  and  in  Comforting  of  the  Same  witb  tby 
boly  Word.  Give  Grace  both  to  the  Elders  and 
Beacons ,  that  they  may  perfevere  in  their  faith- 
ful Labour ;  and  not  [brink  back  or  grow  wea- 
ry through  any  Trouble  or  Pain ,  or  Love  of  tbe 
World.  Grant  alfo  thy  fpecial  Grace  to  this 
People ,  over  whom  tbey  may  fubmit  tbemfelves 
willingly  to  the  good  Exhortations  of  the  El- 
ders ,  counting  them  worthy  of  Honour  for  their 
Office  Sake.  Grand  to  the  Rich  liberal  Hearts 
towards  the  Poor,  and  to  the  Poor  tbankfnl 
Hearts  towards  thofe  who  are  helpeful  to  them, 
and  ferve  tlem;  that  fo  every  one  carrying  him- 
felf  aright  in  his  Office ,  tby  boly  Name  may  be 
magnified,  and  the  Kingdom  of  tby  Son  Jefus 
Chrift  enlarged:  In  whife  Name  we  conclude 
our  Prayer  with  that  Form  of  Prayer  which 
He  hath  taught  us. 

Our  Father,  &c. 


For  the  Confirmation  of  Marriage 
before  the  Church. 

Since  that  married  Perfons  are  by  Reafon 
of  Sin  fubjett  to  many  Miferies  and 
Crofles:  To  the  End  that  you  N.  and  you  N. 
(who  defire  here  openly  to  have  your  Marri- 
age Bond  confirmed  in  the  Name  of  God  be- 
fore his  Church")  may  be  allured  in  your 
Heart  of  the  Affiftance  of  God  in  ycur  Cros- 
fes;  therefore  hearken  out  of  the  Word  of 
God,  how  honourable  the  married  Stare  is, 
and  that  it  is  an  Ordinance  of  God  which  is 
pleafinc;  to  Him :  Therefore  alfo  will  he  blefs 
and  affift  married  Perfons ,  according  to  his 
Promife;  on  the  contrary  judge  and  punifh 
Whoremongers  and  Adulterers. 

Firft,  therefore   ye  fhall   know,    that   God 

our  Father  (after  He  had  created  the  Heaven, 

the  Earth,  and  all  that  is  therein)  bath  alfo 

created  Man  after  his  Image,  that  he  might  be 

G  Lord 


Lord  over  all  the  Beads  of  the  Field ,  the 
Fifties  fin  the  Sea,  and  the  Birds  of  the  Air: 
And  after  He  had  created  Man ,  He  faid ,  It  is 
not  good  that  Man  fhould  be  alone ,  I  will  make 
bim  a  Help  meet  for  bim;  and.  the  Lord  God 
caufed  a  deep  Sleep  to  fall  on  Adam,  and  be 
flept ;  and  He  took  one  of  bis  Ribs ,  and  clofed  up 
the  Flefb  inflead  thereof;  and  the  Rib  which 
the  Lord  God  had  taken  from  Man,  made  He 
«  Woman ,  and  brought  her  unto  the  Man.  And 
Adam  faid,  This  is  now  Bone  of  my  Bones, 
and  Fleflj  of  my  hlefr ,  foe  floall  be  called  Wo- 
man, becaufe  floe  was  taken  cut  of  Man;  there- 
fore ftiall  a  Man  leave  his  Father  and  bis 
Mother,  and  floall  cleave  unto  bis  Wife,  and 
they  twain  fhall  be  one  Flejh. 

Therefore  ye  are  not  to  doubt  but  the 
married  State  doth  pleafe  the  Lord  God;  for 
He  hath  made  Adam  his  Wife,  brought  her 
unto  him;  and  gave  her  to  him  to  be  his 
Wife:  Thereby  witntfllng,  that  he  to  this 
Day  doth  bring,  as  with  his  Hands,  to  eve- 
ry Man  his  Wife:  For  this  Caufe  alfo  the 
Lord  Jefus  Chrift  hath  honoured  this  State 
with  his  Prefence  ,  Gifts,  and  Miracles  in 
Cana  of  Galilee  ,  (hewing  thereby  that  the 
married  State  is  to  be  kept  honourably,  and 
that  he  will  aflift  married  Perfons,  yea  then; 
when  they  lead  of  all  are  thinking  upon  it. 

But  that  ye  may  live  godly  in  this  State, 
you  muft  know  the  Reafons  wherefore  God 
hath  inftitutcd  the  Same. 

The  firft  Reafon ,  is  ;  that  each  faithfully 
affift  the  other  in  all  Things  that  belong  to  this 
Life,  and  a  better. 

Secondly.  That  they  bring  up  the  Children 
which  they  fhall  get,  in  the  true  Knowledge 
and  Fear  of  God,  to  his  Glory,  and  their  Sal- 

Thirdly.  That  each  of  them  avoiding  all  Un- 
cleannefs  and  evil  Lufts,  may  live  with  a  good 
and  quiet  Confcience.  For,  to  avoid  Fornica- 
tion ,  let  every  Man  have  his  own  Wife ,  and 
every  Wife  her  own  Husband;  infomuch  that 
all  who  are  come  to  their  Years,  and  have 
not  the  Gift  of  Continence,  are  bound  by 
the  Command  of  God,  to  enter  into  the  mar- 
ried State,  with  Knowledge  and  Con  fen  t  of  Pa- 
rents,  or  Tutors  and  Friends;  that  fo  the  Tem- 
ple of  God .  which  is  our  Body ,  may  not  he  defiled , 
for,  whnfoerer  defileth  the  Temple  of  God,  lim 
fball  God  deflroy. 

Of  Celebration  of  Marriage 

Next,  you  are  to  know,  how  each  is  bound 
to  carry  refpedtively  towards  the  other,  accor- 
ding to  the  Word  of  God. 

Firft.  You  who  are  the  Husband  ,  fhall 
know,  that  God  hath  fet  you  to  be  the  Head 
of  your  Wife,  that  you,  according  to  your 
Ability,  fhall  lead  her  with  Difcretion  ;  In. 
ftru&ing,  Comforting,  Protecting  her,  as  the 
Head  rules  the  Body;  yea,  as  Chrift  is  the 
Head  ,  Wifdom  ,  Confolation  and  Affiftence 
to  his  Church.  Befides,  you  are  to  love  your 
Wife  as  your  own  Body,  as  Cbrijl  bath  loved  bis 
Church:  Toujball  not  be  bitter  againft  ber ,  but 
dwell  with  ber  as  a  Man  of  Under/landing  giving 
Honour  to  the  H-ife  as  the  weaker  Veffel ,  cenfi- 
deringtbatye  arejoynt  Heirs  of  the  Grace  of  Life, 
that  your  Prayers  be  not  hindered:  And  Sin- 
ce it  is  God's  Command,  that  tbe  Man  frail 
eat  his  Bread  in  tbe  Sweat  of  bis  Face ,  therefore 
you  are  to  labour  diligently  and  faithfully  in 
the  Calling-  wherein  God  hath  fet  you ,  that 
you  may  .maintain  your  Houfhold  honeftly  , 
and  likewife  have  Something  to  give  to  the 

In  like  Manner  fhall  you  ,  who  are  the 
Wife,  know  ,  how  you  are  to  carry  your 
'  felf  towards  your  Husband  ,  accord'ing  to 
the  Word  of  God  :  You  are  to  love  your 
lawful  Husband  ,  to  honour  aud  fear  him , 
as  olio  to  be  obedient  unto  him  in  all 
lawful  Things ,  as  to  your  Lord ,  as  the  Body 
is  obedient  to  the  Head ,  and  tbe  Church  to  Cbrijl. 
Ton  fly  all  not  exercife  any  Dominion  over  your 
Husband,  but  befiltnt;  for  Adam  was  firft  crea- 
ted, and  then  Eve  to  be  an  Help  to  Adam;  and 
after  the  Fall,  God  faid  to  Eve,  and  in  her  to 
all  Women  ;  Tour  Will  fiall  be  fubjecl  to  your 
Husband:  You  fhall  not  refift  this  Ordinance 
of  God  ,  bus  be  obedient  to  the  Word  of  God, 
and  follow  the  Examples  of  godly  Women  , 
who  trufted  in  God,  and  were  fubjeft  to  their 
Husbands;  as  Sarah  was  oledimt  to  her  Hus- 
band, calling  him  ber  Lord:  You  fhall  alfo  be 
an  Help  to  your  Husband  iu  all  good  and 
lawful  Things,  looking  to  your  Family,  and 
walking  in  all  Honcfty  and  Vertue  without 
wordly  Pride,  that  you  may  give  an  Example 
to  others  of  Modcfty. 

Wherefore  yon  N.  and  you  N.  havins?  now 
undcrftood  that  God  hath  inhitutcd  Mairiage, 
and  what  He  commands  you  therein:  Are  ye 
willing  thus  to  carry  yourlelves  in  this   holy 


Of  Celebration  of  Marriage. 

State  ,  as  you  here  do  confefs  before  this 
chriftian  Ailernbly,  and  are  dellrous  that  you 
be  confirmed  in  the  Same? 

Anfwer.    Yes. 

Whereupon  the  Minfter  fhall  fay  to  the 
Afjembly  , 

I  take  you  all,  who  are  met  here,  to  wit- 
ncfs,  that  there  is  brought  no  lawful  Impedi- 

[Further  to  the  married  Perfons.'] 

Since  then  it  is  fit  that  you  be  furthered 
in  this  your  Work:  The  Lord  Cod  confirm 
your  Purpofe  ,  which  He  hath  given  you; 
and  your  Beginning  be  in  the  Name  of  the 
Lord,  who  made  Heaven  and  Earth. 

f  He 

J  her 
(  Bri 

Hereupon  they  /ball  joyn  Hands  toget- ") 
,  and  the  Minifter  /peak  fir  ft  to  the  > 
de groom.  j 

N.  Do  you  acknowledge  here  before  God , 
and  this  his  holy  Church  ,  that  you  have  ta- 
ken ,  and  do  take  to  your  lawful  Wife  N.  here 
prefent,  promifing  her  never  to  forfake  her, 
to  love  her,  faithfully  to  maintain  her,  as  a 
faithful  and  pious  Husband  is  bound  to  do  to 
his  lawful  Wife;  that  you  will  live  holily  with 
her;  keeping  Faith  and  Truth  to  her  in  all 
Things  according  to  the  Holy  Gofpcl  V 

Anfwer.    Yes. 

\_Aftcrivards  to  the  Bride."] 

N.  Do  you  acknowledge  here  before  God , 
and  this  his  holy  Church,  that  you  have  ta- 
ken, and  do  take  to  your  lawful  Husband  N. 
promifing  to  be  obedient  to  him,  to  ferve 
and  aflift  him ,  never  to  forfake  him ,  to  live 
holily  with  him,  keeping  Faith  and  Truth 
to  him  in  all  Things,  as  a  pious  and  faith- 
ful Wife  is  bound  to  her  Husband,  according 
to  the  HoTy  Gofpel  ? 

Anfwer.    Yes. 

[Then  the  Minifler  fhall  fay  f] 


The  Father  of  Mercies,  who  hath  called 
you  out  of  his  Mercy  to  this  holy  State  of 
Marriage,  knit  you  together  with  true  Love 
and  Faithfulnefs ,  and  give  you  his  holy 
Blefiings.    Amen. 

Hearken  now  how  firm  this  Bond  of  Mar- 
riage is,  as  Mattb.  defcribes  Chap.  19.  Verf. 
3>  4.  5,  o",  7,  8,  9. 

The  Pbarifees  came  unto  Chrijl  ,  temp- 
ting  Him ,  and  faying  unto  Him ;  Is  it  lawful 
for  a  Man  to  put  away  his  Wife  for  every 
Caufe  ?  and  He  anfwered ,  and  faid  unto  them , 
have  ye  not  read,  that  be  winch  made  them  at 
the  Beginning,  made  tbem  Male  and  Female? 
and  faid;  For  this  Caufe  flail  a  Man  leave  Fa- 
ther and  Mother ,  and  fhall  cleave  to  his  Wife ; 
and  they  twain  fhall  he  one  Fleflo.  What  there- 
fore  God  bath  joyned  together,  let  no  Man  put 
a/under.  J  bey  fay  unto  Him:  Why  did  Mofes 
then  command  to  give  a  Writing  of  Divorcement , 
and  to  put  her  away?  He  faid  unto  tbem;  Mofes , 
becaufe  of  the  Hardnefs  of  your  Hearts ,  fuffered 
you  to  put  away  your  Wives ,  but  from  tl  e  Be- 
ginning it  was  not  fo:  And  1  fay  unto  you, 
whofoever  fhall  put  away  his  Wife  except  it  be 
for  Fornication,  aud  fhall  marry  another,  com- 
mittetb  Adultery  ;  and.  whofoever  marrietb  her 
which  is  put  away ,  doth  commit  Adultery. 

•  Afterwards  fhall  the  Minifler  command  the 
[married  Perfons  to  kneel  down,  and  exhort 
•the  Church  to  pray  for  them. 

ALmighty  God ,  who  flieweft  thy  Power  and 
Goodnefs   in  all  thy   Works  and  Ordinan- 
ces ,  who   hajl  faid  from   the   Beginning  that  it 
is  not  good  that  Man  fl:ould  he  alone,  and  for 
that  Caufe  bafl  made  a  Help  meet  for  him,  and 
haft  ordained  that  tbefe  two  flwuld  be  one ;  who 
alfo    doll  punifb  all   Uncleannefs  :    We    befeech 
Thee ,  fince  thou  bafl  called  tbefe  two  Perfons  to 
the  State  of  Marriage,  and  knit  them  together , 
that   tbou  wilt  give   unto  them  thy  holy  Spirit, 
that  they  may  live   holily   together  with  a   true 
and  firm   Faith,   according   to   thy   holy    Willi, 
and  fet   themfelves  againjl  all  Manner   of  Sin. 
Blefs   them,    O   Lord  ,   as    Thou    blejf  d/t   tbofe 
faithful    Fathers ,    thy    Friends    ani    Servants  , 
G  2  Abra- 


0/  Celebration  of  Marriage. 

Abraham,  Ifaack,  and  Jacob;  that  being  Par- 
takers of  that  Covenant  -which  thou  confirmidfl 
to  tbofe  thy  Servants,  they  may  educate  in  a 
godly  Manner ,  the  Children  which  thou  floalt  be 
tleafed  to  give  them ,  to  the  Honour  of  thy  holy 
Name,  to  the  Edification  of  thy  Church,  and 
Propagation  of  the  Gofpel.  Hear  us ,  Father  of 
all  Mercies,  through  Jefus  Chrifl,  in  wbofe  Na- 
me we  pray  further, 

Our  Father,  &c. 

Hearken  now  unto  the  Promife  which  God 
made  in  the  128  Pfalm. 

1  Bleffed  is  every  one  who  fearetb  the  Lord, 
and  walketb  in  bis  Ways. 

2  For  thou  floalt  eat  the  Labour  of  thine  Hands : 
Happy  floalt  thou  be ,  and  it  fhall  be  well  with 

3  Toy  Wife  floall  be  as  a  fruitful  Fine  by  the 
Sides  of  thine  Houfe;  thy  Children  like  Olive- 
Plants  round  about  thy  Table. 

'  4  Behold,  thus  fhall  the  Man  he  bleffed   that 
feareth  the  Lord. 

5  The  Lord  floall  blefs  thee  out  of  Zion,  and 
thou  floalt  fee  the  good  of  Jerufalem  all  the  Days 
of  thy  Life 

6  Tea,  tbou  floalt  fee  thy  Childrens  Children, 
and  Peace  upon  lfrael. 

Our  bleffed  Lord  God  fill  your  Hearts  with 
bis  Grace ,  and  grant ,  that  ye  may  live  long 
together  in  all  Piety  and  HolineCs. 

A       M 






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