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University  of  North  Carolina  at  Chapel  Hill 



Meredith  College 
Raleigh,  NC  27607-5298 


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A  combination  of  humor  and  intelligence.  A  desire  to  impart  wisdom  coupled  with  a  willingness  to  take  time 
out  for  a  laugh.  Numerous  hours  devoted  to  work  outside  the  classroom  on  student  life  and  curriculum  com- 
mittees. The  serious  times  spent  charting  courses  for  a  student  advisee  or  observing  the  product  of  a  well- 
taught  methods  class.  Time  spent  helping  Meredith  students  realize  the  scope  of  United  States  foreign  policy, 
and  time  spent  helping  the  Meredith  student  grasp  important  world-wide  happenings. 

A  combination  of  Roosevelt,  Muskie,  and  Mae  West.  Anticipation  of  the  little  "heh,  heh,  heh"  at  the  end  of 
each  joke  told  in  class.  The  personality  joined  with  another  which  is  equally  energetic.  Positive  action  joined 
with  a  readiness  to  listen  to  any  of  the  numerous  problems  which  confront  the  student  teacher.  Suggestion  of 
reform  where  reform  is  possible  in  order  to  help  develop  the  Meredith  community. 

A  combination  of  personalities.  Two  individuals  vitally  and  integrally  a  part  of  student  life.  Unique,  but  a 
pair.  This  uniqueness  is  a  part  of  the  dedication  of  the  1972  Oak  Leaves— to  the  "one-of-a-kind"  pair.  Dr.  Frank 
and  Mrs.  Carolyn  Grubbs. 

CLASS  OF  1972 

ienior  Class  Officers:  Carol  Anne  McLaney.  President;  Jeanie  Brown.  Vice  President;  Meredith  Elam,  Secretary;  |o  Ann  Hickr 


Judy  Abner 

Susan  Adams 

Margaret  Alexander 

Betsy  Allen 

Cathy  Asbill 

Joanne  Baker 

Nancy  Barnhill 

Percy  Beane 

Carol  Boyd 

Barbara  Boyette 

Mary  Elizabeth  Bradley 

Patsy  Brake 

Martha  Susan  Brown 

Jo  Ann  Bryan 

Connie  Burleson 

Susan  Butchart 

"Woodie"  Byrd 

Connie  Cahoon 

Carol  Ann  Callahan 

Marcia  Clancy 

Sandra  Clemmons 

Margo  Council 

Sandra  Crandell 

Nancy  Crews 

Katherine  Crockett 

Cassandra  Crump 

Dale  Cunningham 

Vivian  Currier 

Rebecca  Damewood 

|  I     ■    g 

Elaine  Dawkins 

Nancy  Dawson 

Susan  Eagle 

Ruth  Edwards 

Meredith  Elam 

Charlotte  Ellis 

Winkie  Earp 

Emory  Farris 

Kathy  Fenters 



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Edna  Sue  Floyd 

Delores  Floyd 

Beverly  Fox 

Penny  Gallins 

Beth  Garrison 

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Patricia  Green 

Liz  Gregg 

BiJlie  Hampto 

Claire  Hamrick 

Becky  Hance 

Carolyn  Harrelson 

Mary  ]o  Harrison 

Betty  Ann  Hask 

Jo  Ann  Hickman 

Miller  Holbrook 

Becky  Hooper 

Jody  House 

Nancy  Huff 

Jane  Huntley 

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Susan  Hutchins 

Mary  Jane  Hyatt 

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Renee  James 

Patsy  Johnson 

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Linda  Kimbrall 

Libby  Kizer 

Gail  Knieriem 

Gail  Knapp 




Libby  Knott 



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Betty  Lev 

Carolyn  Lewis 

Nancy  Liesfield 

Lura  McCain 

Carol  Anne  McLan 

Karen  McCrary 

Susan  Carter  McDonald 

Mary  Alice  McGee 

Hulene  McLean 

Gail  Magruder 

Betty  Sue  Manning 

Genevieve  Manooch 

Carol  Matthews 



Marcia  Miller 

Rosemary  Moore 

Joy  Munden 

Mary  Anne  Nifong 

Angela  Pace 

Bonnie  Page 

Caroline  Parham 

Betsy  Pearson 

Emily  Pennington 

Marsha  Perkins 

Margaret  Person 

Laurie  Peterson 

Suzanne  Pomeranz 

Mary  Beth  Pruette 

Lynn  Pullen 

Mary  Rascoe 

Susan  Redding 

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Nancy  Reveley 

Marsha  Saunders 

Holly  Schertz 

Lydia  Senter 

Jenny  Seykc 

Mary  Jo  Sheridan 

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Mary  Anne  Schulken 

Nan  Simpkins 

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Kitty  Sparks 

Becky  Stanelli 

Martha  Stephenson 

Shelor  Stricter 

Mary  Teague 

Mary  Emily  Thompson 

Elizabeth  Triplett 

Laura  Turner 

Brenda  Upchurch 


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Anna  Vaughn 

Susan  VanWageningen 

Karen  Voelker 

Tina  Vaughn 

Barbara  Walker 

Rachel  Warner 

Kathy  Watkins 


Sandra  Whatley 

Martha  Whitfield 






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Ernestine  Williams 

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Joan  Wilson 

Vickie  Wimberly 

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Shelley  Womack 

CLASS  OF  1973 

Junior  Class  Officers:  Cindy  Giorges,  President;  Sally  Welling,  Vice  President;  Ann 
Pitman,  Secretary;  Browie  Williams,  Treasurer. 

Jane  Allen 
Nancy  Alvis 
Beth  Ankers 
Linda  Armentrout 

Linda  Armstrong 
Patricia  Barber 
Connie  Sue  Barfield 
Betty  Barker 

Susan  Barnes 
Claudia  Barnhill 
Sara  Barrow 
Phyllis  Barwick 

Nancy  Bass 
Patti  Battle 
Christian  Becker 
Beverly  Bickley 

Christie  Bishop 
Lynn  Christian  Boykin 
Linda  Maria  Braxton 
Nancy  Dianne  Brewer 

Terry  Brim 
Marta  Smith  Britt 
Julia  Bryan 
Mary  Bryant 

Jackie  Burney 
Becky  Burris 
Carolyn  Carter 
Patricia  Lynn  Carte 

Cindy  Capps 
Becky  Carraway 
Carol  Cauley 
Sue  Cauley 

Susan  Cherry 
Angie  Clinton 
Dianne  Compton 
Jane  Coone 

Claudia  Copeland 
Mary  Anne  Corey 
Susan  Pierce  Dalton 
Marcia  Dark 

Carolyn  Jo  Davis 
Krista  Ann  Dedman 
Susan  Derby 
Susan  Gale  Dilday 

Melanie  Verlann  Dohm 
Donna  Dowdy 
Mary  Drake 
Gloria  Ovelia  Drew 

Ginger  Eades 
Joanna  Neely  Eckert 
Gladys  Evelyn  Edwards 
Linda  Ehrlich 

Jean  Falkner 
Joan  Lee  Farinholt 
Karen  Farless 
Kay  Finger 

Mary  Penn  Fitzsirnmons 
Beverly  Fowler 
Marilyn  Fowler 
Connie  Frazier 

Gloria  Fussell 



Donna  Gabriel 



Nan  Hart  Gardner 


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Cindy  Louise  Giorgis 
Betsy  Godwin 
Janette  Carol  Goehring 
Linda  Goodrich 

Teresa  Green 
Cathie  Jane  Greene 
Deborah  Haddock 
Hope  Hall 

Angela  Hanckey 
Jacquelyn  Hardy 
Laura  Jean  Hawkins 
Claudia  Jean  Hayes 

La  Donna  Hedge 
Pamela  Hendrick 
Susan  Herring 
Emily  Ann  Hill 

Gini  Hilton 
Marie  Hollingsworth 
Theresa  Holt 
Janis  Hooper 

Sallie  Elaine  Horton 
Debbie  Hudson 
Carolyn  Hutchinson 
Elaine  Irvine 

Dona  Sue  Isley 
Susan  Jackson 
Faye  Jacobs 
Becky  Johns 

Connie  Johnson 
Judy  Johnson 
Mary  Marvin  Johnson 
Becky  Johnston 

Anne  Jones 
Blanche  Jones 
Rose  Marie  Jones 
Sally  Jordon 

Deborah  Lee  Lakin 
Susan  Lassiter 
Martha  Jane  Leggett 
Faye  Lennon 

Buffy  Lentz 
Mary  Glenn  Lilly 
Carol  Lindley 
Patricia  Little 

Myra  Luton 
Josie  McBride 
Martha  McClutchen 
Francis  McCracken 

Janet  McNeill 
Patricia  Matthews 
Susan  Neal  Mayberry 
Ann  Elizabeth  Middleton 

Laura  Misenheimer 
Pam  Mitchell 
Lynn  Moore 
Kay  Morris 

Diane  Gardner 
Gwen  Noble 
Debra  Nobles 
Robin  Noel 

Carolyn  Nooe 
Barbara  Ann  O'Brient 
Libby  Owen 
Vicki  Cole  Owen 

Carol  Sue  Parks 
Debbie  Pearce 
Elizabeth  Pickard 
Mary  Allen  Pickett 

Anne  Pittman 
Sarah  Powell 
Cynthia  Jane  Ramsey 
Diane  Reavis 

Michelle  Rich 
Brenda  Richardson 
Rachel  Richardson 
Rita  Richie 

Renee  Rigsbee 
Laura  Robinson 
Andrea  Rodler 
Linda  Mauline  Ross 

Treva  Rouse 
Paula  Rowe 
Donna  Maria  Salem 
Sharon  Ann  Schultz 

Pat  Scott 
Sue  Shepherd 
Sue  Sherlock 
Claudia  Sherman 

Dorothy  Louise  Sink 
Kathy  Sluder 
Theresa  Smith 
Mary  Ann  Stackhouse 

Louise  Stanback 
Debra  Sugg 
Jeanne  Sugg 
Judith  Ann  Suich 



Camille  Swindell 
Mary  Ann  Tadlock 

Mary  Wynone  Taltor 
Judy  Faye  Thompson 

Jeanne  Tilley 
Deborah  Anne  Tingle 

Lola  Towles 
Mary  Jo  Towles 

Sherry  Turner 
Jeannie  Tynes 

Carolyn  Van  Hoy 
Susan  Waldron 
Janet  Sue  Walker 
Judy  Walker 

Diane  Wall 
Deborah  Karen  Ward 
Dianne  Warren 
Linda  Weeks 

Salley  Welling 
Shirley  Whitehurst 
Ann  Wilborne 
Patricia  Wilson 

Marsha  Wilson 
Isabele  Williams 
Elaine  Wilkerson 
Betty  Gail  Wise 

Ricki  Wisenburg 
Kathy  Withers 
Debbie  Yates 
Melanie  Younce 

CLASS  OF  1974 

Kathlyn  Adams 
Emily  Jean  Alexander 
Jean  Ellen  Alford 
Betsy  Laura  Ames 

Mary  Beth  Andrews 
Mary  Warren  Ayers 
Genie  Bailey 
Belinda  Baker 

Jane  Baker 
Laura  Anne  Baker 
Carla  Ann  Barber 
Barbara  Anne  Barnhardt 

Elaine  Bartholomew 
Debbie  Bayles 
Martha  Beale 
Ann  Bender 

Judy  Benton 
Susan  Berry 
Emily  Anne  Bingham 
Susan  Biddy 

Maureen  Blankenbecker 
Mona  Marie  Blevins 
Christina  Boles 

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\\   —  -     I:  Miriam  Bowman 

1  i  Elizabeth  Boyd 

I  Sharon  Brady 

I  Kitty  Brewer 

Jane  Britt 
Kathe  Brittian 
Peggy  Bryan 
Mary  )ean  Burton 

Vivian  Cabe 
Susan  Cagle 
Caroline  Campbell 
Kay  Carlisle 

Davis  Cauble 
Cathy  Chambers 
Elizabeth  Anne  Cheatham 
Phoenix  Chen 

Vicki  Clinard 
Linda  Diane  Coleman 
Sylvia  Cooper 
Kathy  Anne  Council 

I  Tambrey  Cox 

I  Donna  Lynn  Covert 

I  Vivian  Craig 

1  Karen  Elizabeth  Cravens 

Susan  Creager 

Vickie  Crim 

Jeanne  Elizabeth  Crosland 

Dorothy  Virginia  Crouch 

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Martha  Currence 
Glenda  Currin 
Betty  Davenport 
Beth  Davis 

Jane  Davis 
Susan  DeLeon 
Beth  Dickie 
Woody  Dicus 

)eanie  Dimmick 
Sherrill  Doggett 
Cathi  Drake 
Pam  Eaddy 

Peggy  Easton 
Bonnie  Edwards 
Carol  Ann  Edwards 
Carole  Ellsworth 

Coleen  ]oyce  Erdman 
Marlene  Ezell 
Hope  Faircloth 
Pamela  Faison 

Christine  Farrior 
Dean  Fearing 
Deborah  Fields 
Sidney  Fisher 

Kathy  Fleetwood 
Norfleet  Fleming 
Marylu  Flowers 
Paige  Foster 

Diane  Foushee 

Michelle  Alverda  Francis 

Betty  Frye 

Catherine  Elaine  Gambke 

Sherl  Gantt 

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B.J.  George 

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Cindy  Godwin 

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Susan  Carol  Goforth 






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Kathryn  Goodman 



Mary  Ruth  Granger 


Norma  Gray 

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Mary  Elizabeth  Grantham 



Peggy  Griffen 
Nita  Griffin 
Alice  Guirkin 
Glenda  Gunnells 




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Willa  Lynn  Gupten 
Frances  Gurganus 
Cookie  Guthrie 
Phyllis  Elaine  Hales 

Elizabeth  Hall 
Kay  Hall 
Martha  Hance 
Karen  Hanna 

Mary  Ann  Harden 
Betty  Jean  Hargrov 
Susan  Harrell 
Marjorie  Harris 

Kathy  Leigh  Harrison 
Belinda  Hartman 
Susan  Dale  Helm 
Margaret  Jane  Henderson 

Theresa  HerrLn 
Doris  Anna  Heustess 
Mary  Hill 
Lynn  Holloway 

Barbara  Hollowell 
Donna  Sue  Hopewell 
Barbara  Jo  Horton 
Allison  House 

Frankie  Houser 
Martha  Howard 
Debra  Hudson 
Katie  Humphries 

Libby  Hunt 
Judy  Ivey 
)ane  Jackson 
Joan  Lee  Jackson 

Susan  Bess  Jenning 
Ann  Johnson 
Genevieve  Johnson 
Jody  Lee  Johnson 


Kathryn  Johnston 
Joyce  Owen  (ones 
Teresa  Gaye  Jones 
Deborah  Elizabeth  Jordan 

Beth  Judd 
Meredith  Keever 
Linda  Keith 
Beth  Kimball 

Marilynn  Kornegay 
Ann  Laney 
Marilyn  Lawrence 
Jane  Lee 

Kitty  Lee 
Jane  Lewis 
Mary  Carol  Lewis 
Cynthia  Jane  Lilley 

Renee  Lindsey 
Deborah  Liner 
Barbara  Lou  Longest 
Bette  Len  Love 

Diane  Lovelace 
Mary  Elizabeth  Loving 
Ruth  Annette  Lowery 
Louise  McCaskill 

Mary  Pat  MacDermut 
Maureen  Susan  McCauley 
Joy  McLamb 
Karen  McLean 

Alison  Maready 
Meredith  Marr 
Joyce  Marie  Martin 
Sally  Howell  Martin 

i       Karen  Howard  Marx 
Susan  Gail  Mason 

I       Jane  Meadows 
Rosebud  Melvin 

Janet  Bates  Mercer 
Jean  Middleton 
Sue  Ann  Milan 
Debbie  Millard 

Jennifer  Miller 
Bernice  Equilla  Minga 
Linda  Moore 
Pat  Nathan 

Meredith  Neill 
Rosemary  New 
Linda  Gray  Newlin 
Mary  Niebur 

Carolyne  Norman 
Mary  Susan  Norman 
Jeanne  Nunn 
Jane  Norwood  Oakes 

Suzanne  Jane  Oakley 
Cecile  O'Brien 
Becky  Olive 
Lynn  Oliver 

Sarah  Oliver 

Cissy  O'Neal 

Beverly  Owens 

Daphne  Alameda  Owens 

Vickie  L.  Owens 
Lisa  Parham 
Anne  Parson 
Charley  Ann  Peale 

Beverly  Ann  Poe 
Kim  Poole 
Becky  Porterfield 

Nancy  Price 
Meg  Pruette 
Deborah  Gwen  Pugh 
Emily  Polhill 



Candy  Murrill  Purvi 
Susan  Query 
Sara  Reirson 
Betty  Reveley 

I      Donna  Susan  Rhode 
|      Cathy  Rodenberg 
|      Cindy  Rosser 

Sue  Rogers  Royal 

Beverly  Sales 
Janice  Sams 
Marcia  Louise  Samson 
Linda  Saunders 

Peggy  Schafer 
Melanie  Rae  Shaffer 
Angelique  Sharpe 
Mary  Jane  Sherrill 

Catherine  Louise 
Helen  Slater 
Mary  Sloop 
Gloria  Smith 

Gretchen  Douglass  Smith 
Lynn  Smith 
Jennifer  Smith 
Leigh  Steele 

April  [anette  Strickland 
Catherine  Stover 
Louise  Watkins  Sullivan 


Marie  Swindler 
Carol  Taylor 
Shearin  Teague 

Betlina  Marie  Thomas 
Martha  Thomason 
Diane  Timm 
Lee  Townsend 

Wynette  Louise  Turlington 
Linda  Lou  Veazey 
Kathy  Vessells 
Ann  Wagoner 

Rosemary  Waldron 

Lynda  Wall 

Margaret  Laura  Watser 
Carol  Sims  Watson 
Wendy  Watson 

Candace  Waugh 

Linda  Weaver 
I      Martha  Elizabeth  White 
'      Teresa  Wiggins 

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Debbie  Wilkins 
Ann  Williams 
Lucile  Williams 
Mary  Elaine  Williams 

Vicki  Williams 

Mary  Alice  Will 

Terry  Wilson 

Alice  Christine  Winn  off 

Barb  Wyalt 
Susan  Yancey 
Anne  Young 
Sally  Young 

CLASS  OF  1975 

Freshmen  Class  Officers:  Jean  Jackson,  President;  Carol  Grant, 
Vice  President;  Rhonda  Strickland,  Secretary;  Brenda  Privette, 

Leslie  Alexander 
Marty  Allen 
Mary  Carlyle  Allen 
Denise  Almond 

Pam  Alkire 
Charlotte  Amos 
Cheryl  Anderson 
(an  Apple 

Sandy  Anderson 
Laura  Ann  Bailey 
Nanette  Barham 
Beth  Barr 

Jo  Anne  Baum 
Sue  Ellen  Beal 
Kathryn  Jean  Bell 
Daisy  Beck 

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Patricia  Dianne  Barker 
Lorraine  Batchebor 
Laura  Batts 
Beth  Baugh 

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Becky  Benton 
Clair  Boatwright 

Phyllis  ; 
Bryan  Bridgers 
Theresa  Carolyn  Brooks 
Anne  Brower 

Mary  Brown 
Dorothy  Marie  Bryant 
Kathy  Buckley 

Becky  Buffaloe 

Ellen  Carpenter  Bullington 

Sybil  Burgess 

Amanda  Burton 

(Catherine  Butler 
Marsha  Butler 
Cathy  Cameron 
Mary  Walter  Campbell 

Jan  Carrigan 
Markie  Carringer 
Kathy  Carter 
Susan  Carter 

Lynn  Champion 
Linda  Chappell 
Babs  Chesson 
Elizabeth  Gay  Chesson 

Judy  Fay  Childers 
Diane  Elizabeth  Childress 
Helen  Butler  Clancy 
Ginny  Clark 

Marsha  Clarke 
Susan  Cobb 
Clark  Cole 
Toye  Page  Collii 

Jennifer  Comas 
Sandra  Combs 
Tammy  Cooke 
Becky  Cooper 

Helen  Copeland 
Gretchen  Corbitt 
Chris  Cornwell 
Em  Corr 

Kay  Cottle 
Kim  Crawford 
Sherrill  Crawford 
Laurie  Cressman 

Debbie  Crumpler 
Donna  Culler 
Jackie  Cullifer 
Mary  Lynn  Currie 

Karen  Cvetko 
Millie  Dale 
Ann  Darden 
Pam  Davenport 












I      *    ^ 

Amanda  Davis 
Ann-Marie  Davis 
Elizabeth  Davis 
Gail  Davis 

Leary  Davis 
Claudia  Denny 
Anita  DeSio 
Cathy  Dick 

Nancy  Carole  Dorton 
Deborah  Amelia  Drew 
Sharon  Dukeshire 
Pat  Dulaney 

Susan  Dunstan 
Donna  Earwood 
Debbie  Edge 
Julie  Mac  Edwards 

Hilda  Elizabeth  Edwards 

Melinda  English 
Gail  Falkner 

Valerie  Glenn 
Winkie  Goblet 
Debbie  Godwin 
Beth  Goldston 

Carol  Grant 
Sue  Grant 

Elizabeth  Powell  Gray 
Jane  Haislip 

Patty  Hakan 
Kathy  Hall 
Judy  Hamilton 
Susan  Hamlin 

Mary  Beth  Hardy 
Frances  Harrell 
Mary  Catherine  Harrell 
Sheryl  Harrell 

Karen  Harris 
Nan  Harris 
Betty  Hart 
Marlene  Hart 














Jane  Marshall  Hartley 
Paula  Hartman 
Kathleen  Haskins 
Susan  Havnaer 



Dale  Hawkins 
Rina  Marie  Head 
Norma  Heath 
Roberta  Helsabeck 

Gale  Roselyn  Helton 
Deborah  Hess 
Amy  Hill 
Jo  Ann  Hill 

Lisabelh  Ann  Hilton 
Janice  Hocutt 
Joy  Gwynne  Hodge 
Cindy  Holbrook 


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Janet  Helms 

Marilyn  Brenda  Homey 
Sherri  Ellen  Houchens 
Marsha  Ellen  Howard 

Amelia  Huff 
Linda  Hunt 
Teresa  Ilderton 
Jane  Inabinet 

Eloise  Jackson 
Jean  Jackson 
Yvonne  Jackson 
June  Jamison 

Mary  Lou  Jernij 
Anne  Johnson 
Emily  Johnson 
Jan  Jones 

|       Kathy  Jones 
Luanne  Jones 
Lynn  Jones 
Marilyn  Liles  ] 

Dodie  Ellen  Kane 
Ann  Kelly 
Nancy  Kelly 
i      Patricia  Dashiell  Kiley 

Beth  Kirby 
Debbie  Kizer 
Gail  Kluttz 
Mary  Kroncke 

Patricia  Laney 
Rose  Langston 
Andrea  Michelle  Lee 
Rachel  Lee 

June  Leggett 
Gail  Lewis 
Vickie  Lewis 
Angela  Lindsey 

Laura  Lineberger 
Kathy  Lloyd 
Cindy  Long 
Susan  Lowder 

Martha  Marie  McBrayer 
Patty  McBride 
Myra  McCachren 
Cathy  Parker  McCaskill 

Nancy  Jane  McClure 
Miriam  McDonald 
Audrey  Lynne  McDowell 
Micki  McDougall 

Amanda  Sherri  McGee 
Kathy  McGrath 
Sharon  Mclntyre 
Susan  Mcintosh 

Linda  McKinnish 
Anna  McLeod 
George  Ann  McNeill 
Anna  Jean  McPhail 

Silvia  Mackars 
Sarah  Elizabeth  Manning 
Carol  Hamilton  Marshall 
Margaret  Martin 

Roberta  Martin 
Suzanne  Martin 
Catherine  Matthews 
Cheryl  Anne  Mattocks 

Tina  Mayo 
Brenda  Kay  Medlin 
Vickie  Merritt 
Debra  Gaye  Miller 

Leigh  Minges 
Janice  Moore 
Leslie  Moore 
Jo  Morgan 

Nancy  Morris 
Barbara  Morton 
Marsha  Muse 
Carolyn  Nance 

Nancy  Jane  Neal 
Patricia  Wood  Nowlin 
Libby  Oakes 
Ada  Karen  Oliver 

Margaret  Ann  O'Sulliva 
Patricia  Lynn  Pace 
Susan  Page 
Liz  Paschall 

Booboo  Parker 
Mary  Susan  Parnell 
Beth  Pate 
Donnell  Peeler 

Lee  Ellen  Pennington 
Alice  Perry 
Debbie  Perry 
Alissa  Peterson 

Deborah  Phillips 
Shirley  Phillips 
Donna  Pickard 
Ann  Pollock 

Jean  Pollock 
Linda  Precythe 
Brenda  Privette 
Susan  Purdue 

Beth  Queen 
Mary  Ratchford 
Martha  Lee  Ray 
Betsy  Reed 

Melissa  Reeves 
Olivia  Reeves 
Julie  Rehder 
Debbie  Reynolds 

Sylvia  Richardson 
Kenna  Richie 
Mary  Lynn  Roberts 
|ane  Robinson 

Kelly  Rodwell 
Ginny  Lou  Rogers 
Debbie  Elaine  Rosenkoetter 
Dae  Rountree 

'  <3i  fit 

Virginia  Lee  Royal 
Carolyn  Dee  Sater 
Rachel  Ann  Scott 
Joy  Seaborn 

Susan  Senter 
Dora  Mona  Shell 
Sarah  Lee  Shell 
Rebekah  Ann  Sheppard 

]ewell  Karen  Small 
Lynn  Smathers 
Camille  Smith 
Coleen  Kay  Smith 

Kathy  Jean  Smith 
Melba  Smith 
Nancy  Smith 
Cindy  Snipers 

Patty  Spangler 
Elizabeth  Spacklin 
Gail  Spellman 
Wandra  Lorett  Stall 

Margaret  Stamey 
Carolyn  Staton 
Debbie  Steele 
Cathy  Stewart 

Rhonda  Strickland 
Gail  Stott 
Jane  Stuckey 
Vivien  Sutherland 

Lenora  Sutton 
Carol  Swain 
Susan  Swift 
Anna  Christian  Tarry 

Donna  Taylor 
]ane  Taylor 
Millie  Teague 
Lindy  Tenser 

Becky  Thomas 
Lynn  Leigh  Thomason 
Carol  Thompson 
Rachel  Thompson 

Celeste  Till 
Elizabeth  Todd 
Sue  Tripp 
Sherry  Rae  Trotter 

Nancy  Carol  Twiddy 
Leza  Wainwright 
Debbie  Jill  Walker 
Ann  Wall 

Patty  Waltung 
Sally  Ward 
Nanette  Warren 
Deborah  Watson 

Susan  Watson 
Ellen  Webster 
Susan  Webster 
Jane  Westphal 

Eleanor  Wheless 
Patty  Whisnant 
Mabel  White 
Mary  Drake  White 

Pam  Whitehorne 
Mary  Charles  Whitehurst 
Anna  Whitesides 
Mary  Beth  Wilkie 

Lisabeth  Anne  Willard 

Mary  ]o  Williams 
Patricia  lane  Williams 

Shelly  Williams 

Jo  Ann  Willilunl 

Mary  Lee  Womble 

Margaret  Anne  Wood 
I      Nancy  Wood 
L      Susan  Wood 

Mary  Lu  Wooten 


Dr.  )ohn  Weems,  President 

Dr.  Allen  Burns,  Vice-President  and  Dean  of  the  College 

Dr.  Marie  Mason,  Dean  of  Students 

Mr.  Joe  R.  Baker,  Vice-President  for  Business  and  Finance 

Mr.  John  T.  Kanipe,  Jr.,  Vice-President  for  Insitutional  Advancement 

Miss  Virginia  Scarboro;  Mr.  Charles  Maynard;  Miss  Virginia  Bagby;  Mrs.  Jani 
Redmond;  Mrs.  Deanna  Podell;  Mrs.  Gloria  Creech:  Business  Staff 

Mrs.  Margaret  Hatfield;  Mrs.  Cathy  Thomson;  Mrs.  Katherine  Kimbrell;  Mr! 
Margaret  Lambeth:  Office  of  Development 

Mr.  John  B.  Hiott,  Registrar 


Miss  Mary  Bland  Josey,  Director  of  Admissions 

Mrs.  Edna  Higgins  and  Mrs.  Sue  Todd;  Registrar's  Secretaries 

Miss  Shera  Jackson;   Mrs.   Audrey   Gardner;   Mrs.   Melissa   Field:   Mrs.    Sue 
Kearney;  Mrs.  Lucille  Thatcher:  Office  of  Admissions 

Mrs.  Marie  Capel,  Director  of  Placement  and  Vocational  Guidance 


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Mrs.  Carolyn  C.  Robinson,  Director  of  Alumnae  Affairs 

Mrs.  Jean  Teague,  Director  of  Student  Activities 

Mrs.  Evelyn  Posey  and  Mrs.  Doris  Wall.  Alumnae  Secretaries 

Mr.  Paul  E.  Holcomb,  Director  of  Estate  Planning 

Mr.  W.  L.  Norton,  )r„  Director  of  Information  Services 

Mr.  Gene  A.  Phillips.  College  Minister 

Dr.  Edward  H.  Pruden.  Pastor-in-Residence 

Mrs.  Lois  S.  Renfrow,  Administrative  Secretary  Mrs.  Pat  B.  Lyles,  Secretary  to  the  Vice-President  Miss  Betty  Jean  Yeager,  Secretary  to  the  Dean  of 

to  the  President  and  Dean  of  the  College  Students 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hoyt  Taylor,  Food  Services 

Hive  Staff;  Mrs.  Dm  M.  Hinsley,  Manager 

Mrs.  Alma  James,  Resident  Advisor  Mrs.  Mabeleigh  Cooper.  Resident  Advisor  Mrs.   Frances   E.   Thome   and   Mary   Elizabeth    Benson,    House 


Mrs.  Dorothy  Quick;  Mrs.  Josephine  Chapman;  Mrs.  Ruth  Wilson;  Mrs.  Lenore  Gardner;  Mrs.  Janice  Blair;  Miss  Jane  Greene;  Mrs.  Mildred 
Millette:  Library  Staff 

Mrs.  Helena  W.  Allen 
Physical  Education 

Mrs.  Audrey  Allred 

Mrs.  Janie  S.  Archer 
Physical  Education 

Mr.  Terry  Babb 

Mrs.  Linda  Bamford 

Mrs.  Martha  Bankston 
Home  Economics 

Dr.  James  E. 

Mrs.  Jacqueline  Be 
Foreign  Language 

Mr.  Vergean  R.  Birkin 

Dr.  Gloria  Blanton 

Mrs.  Martha  Bouknight 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  Brewer 

Dr.  Clara  Ray  Bunn 

Dr.  Allen  Burris 

Mr.  James  Cluburn 

Dr.  Bernard  Cochran 

Mrs.  Ida  Jane  Cook 

Dr.  Helen  Daniell 
Foreign  Language 

Dr.  Charles  A.  Davis 

Miss  Beatrice  Donley 

Mr.  Harry  K.  Dorsett 

Mr.  James  Eads 

Mrs.  Mildred  W.  Everette 

Mr.  Hamilton  William  Fish 

Mr.  Robert  G.  Fracker 

Dr.  Lois  Frazier 
Business  and  Economics 

Mrs.  Kay  Freidrich 
Home  Economics 

Dr.  Katalin  Galligan 
Foreign  Language 

Mrs.  Phyllis  W.  Garris 

Dr.  Rosalie  Gates 

Mrs.  Carolyn  Grubbs 

Dr.  Frank  Grubbs 

Miss  )ane  Greene 
Head  Librarian 

Miss  Isabelle  Haeseler 

Mrs.  Vickie  Ham 

Mr.  John  Colin  Harris 

Miss  Ann  Hi! 


Dr.  Sally  M.  Horner 

Mrs.  Patricia  Howe 

Mr.  Luke  Huggins 
Physical  Education 

Dr.  Mary  Lynch  Johnson 

Mrs.  Helen  H.  Jones 

Dr.  lone  Knight 

Mrs.  Ellen  Koit 

Mr.  James  Lamb 

Dr.  William  Ledford 
Foreign  Language 

Dr.  Sara  Lemmon 

Dr.  Harold  Littleton  Jr. 

Dr.  David  Lynch 

Dr.  Marie  Mason 

Mrs.  Jay  D.  Massey 
Physical  Education 

Dr.  Ralph  E.  McLain 

Mrs.  Ruby  T.  Miller 
Home  Economics 

Mrs.  Mildred  Millette 

Mr.  Robert  Morgan 
Foreign  Language 

Mrs.  Sally  O'Connor 
Home  Economics 

Dr.  Thomas  Parramore 

Dr.  L.  A.  Peacock 

Miss  Ann  Peaden 
Foreign  Language 

Mr.  Julian  Powell 

Mr.  Stuart  Pratt 

Dr.  David  Reveley 

Dr.  Norma  Rose 

Mrs.  Nancy  C.  Sasnett 
Business  and  Economics 

Miss  Judith  J.  Sawtelle 

Mrs.  Barbara  Schlageter 

Mrs.  Evelyn  P.  Simmons 
and  Economics 

Miss  Nona  J.  Short 
Foreign  Language 

Mr.  Donald  R.  Songer 
Political  Science 

Mrs.  LaRose  Spooner 

Mrs.  Edith  Stevens 
Foreign  Language 

Mrs.  Frances  Stevens 
Physical  Education 

Mrs.  Marilyn  Stuber 
Home  Economics 

Mrs.  Jane  Sullivan 

Dr.  Leslie  Syron 

Mrs.  Olive  Taylor 

Dr.  Charles  Tucker 

Mrs.  Phyllis  Tyler 

Mrs.  Frances  Vandiver 
Physical  Education 

Mr.  Leonard  Whil 

Dr.  John  Yarbrough 

Dr.  Mary  Yarbrough 


Jenny  Seydora,  Judicial  Board  Chairman 

Judicial  Board:  J.  Brown,  P.  Incerto.  G.  Knieriem.  E.  Williams,  M.  E.  Tompson,  L.  Craig, 
M.  Pruette,  J.  Seykora. 

Legislative  Board:  P.  Whisnat,  C.  Taylor,  P.  Hendrick.  C.  Hayes,  L.  Ehrlich,  B.  Hooper,  E. 
Dawkins,  L.  Keith,  M.A.  Pickett,  R.A.  Stephenson,  C.  Carter,  G.  Knapp.  V.  Clinord,  D. 
Ward,  D.  Sugg,  L.  Goodrich,  P.  Chen,  P.  Faison,  S.  Turner.  B.  Ankers,  E.  Pennington,  L. 
Owen,  J.  Bryan,  R.  Gilbert,  B.  Burris,  B.  Johnson.  M.A.  Stackhouse,  E.  Minga,  E.  Edwards. 
M.  Jones. 

Elizabeth  Tripled,  Legislative  Board  Chairman 


Gail  Knieriem,  SGA  President 

Executive  Board:  L.  B.  Moore.  P.  Gallins.  G.  Knapp.  J.  Seykora,  G.  Knieriem,  E.  Tripled,  C.  Swarr,  (.  Brown 

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Carol  Swan-,  Chief  Student  Advi 

Student  Advisors:  K.  Fenters.  M.  Harrison,  M.  Neill,  N.  Gray,  E.  Minga,  I 
Sams,  R.  Stephenson,  L.  Saunders.  L.  Smith,  R.  New.  M.  Beale.  L.  New 
lin,  M.  Preutte.  P.  Karstedt,  B.  Davis,  C.  Taylor,  A.  Williams,  M.  Kor 
negay,  P.  Chen.  C.  Purvis,  B.  Olive.  P.  Faison.  J.  Jackson.  K.  Hall.  C.  Ros 
ser,  T.  Jones,  P.  Bostrom,  C.  Godwin,  C.  Peele,  D.  Liner,  C.  Ellsworth,  J 
Davis,  D.  Fields,  C.  Guthrie,  C.  Roberts.  J.  McLamb,  P.  Walser,  K 
McLean,  M.P.  MacDermut,  M.  Samson,  S.  Reierson,  V.  Craig,  S.  Cooper 

Business  Club:  Dr.  Lois  Frazier.  G.  Tie,  B.  Bickl 

Schertz.  L.  Pullen,  J.  Brown,  R.  Jones,  C.  Asbill 

Interdorm  Board:  A.  Porter,  J.  Bailey,  J. 
Brown,  N.  Bass,  S.  Derby,  R.  Ritchie,  B. 
Allen,  P.  Gallins,  F.  Carter,  D.  Sink 

Linda    Bell    Moore,    Student    Activities    Board 

lean  Brown,  Interdorm  Board  Chairman 

Student  Activities  Board:  B.  (.  George,  H. 
Faircloth,  L.  Moore,  E.  Williams,  N.  Gill,  P. 
Bridges,  V.  Craig,  M.  Neill,  S.  Cooper,  S. 
Welling.  |.  Brown,  M.  |.  Sheridan,  C. 
Beeker,  A.  Goodson,  M.  E.  Bradley 

MCA:  B.  Carraway,  C.  Asbill,  R.  Noel,  K.  Haskins,  S.  McCaskill,  K.  Vessells,  C.  Swarr,  J.  Sams,  C. 
Peele,  B.  Upchurch,  D.  Reavis,  ].  Yates,  Miss  Ann  Peaden 


Vann  Officers:  S.  Derby,  B.  Eurris,  C.  Carter,  B.  Ankers,  S.  Turner.     Stringfield  Officers:  C. 
Hayes,  P.  Hindricks,  R.  Ritchie,  J.  Bryan,  L.  Goodrich 

Brewer     Officers:     V.     Clinard.     L.     Ehrlick,     A.     Porter,     R.     Gilbert,     D. 
Ward.     Faircloth  Officers:  N.  Bass,  R.A.  Stephenson,  L.  Keith 

Astro  Marshals:  D.  Sink,  S.  Query.  N.  Barnhill,  N.  Crews.     Astro  Officers:  \.  Davis,  MB.  Andrews,  B.  Dorsett,  J.  Lewis,  C.  Beeder, 
N.  Gill,  M.  Clancey.     Chief  Marshal:  M.E.  Bradley 

Phi  Marshals:  J.  Abnor.  A.  Hanchey,  L.  Keith,  D.  Cunningham.     Phi 
Officers:  MA.  Corey,  C.  Ellis,  P.  Bridges,  E.  Williams,  M.M.  Johnson 

Sigma  Alpha  Iota:  H.  McLean,  C.  Beeker,  L.  Moore,  M.  E.  Bradley,  S.  Clemmons,  L.  Crisp,  ).  Coone.  J.  Tynes,  B.  Barber,  C.  Farrior,  L.  Boone, 
].  Oaks,  L.  Wall,  J.  Phillips,  L.  Wall,  D.  Sink,  J.  Hardy,  P.  Johnson,  A.  Goodson.  B.  A.  Haskins,  E.  Dawkins,  E.  Williams.  A.  Waggoner.  E. 

Silver  Shield:  P.  Johnson,  R.  Ritchie.  B.  A.  Haskins.  M.  Person.  P.  Incerto.  L.  Moore.  E.  Triplette.  B.  Barber,  E.  Williams,  J.  Seykora,  P. 
Gallins,  G.  Knieriem. 

ft/)  ©  A.8  fl 

pa  Nu  Sigma:  Dr.  N.  Rose,  M.  S.  Brown.  G.  Tie.  L.  Simrell,  N.  Kutulas,  J.  Brown,  H.  Schertz,  M.  J.  Sheridan,  L.  Pullen.  S.  Hutchens,  J. 
:h,  H.  McLean. 

S.N.E.A.:  V.  Currier,  M.  Saunder.  E.  Williams,  L.  Senter,  H.  Kline,  L.  Moore,  Mrs.  A.  Allred,  L.  Kizer.  B.  Burris,  M.  Elam.  S.  Cuttino,  M. 
Rascoe,  P.  Battle,  M.  Whitfield.  C.  Barnes,  M.  Harrison,  S.  Smith,  M.  E.  Thompson,  D.  Phillip,  C.  Beal,  S.  Burke. 

International  Relations  Club:  A. 
Rodler,  L.  Marino,  C.  Rodenberg.  M. 
A.  Stackhouse,  C.  Purvis,  P.  Brake, 
N.  Kutulas 

Granddaughter's  Club:  C.  Farrior,  P.  Little,  L.  Grantham,  G.  Nobles,  K.  Garris,  M.  Stamey,  T.  Young,  J.  Olive,  M.  Farmer,  L.  Hawkins,  C. 
McCaskill,  L.  McCaskill,  ).  Byran,  K.  Buckley 

Hoffprint  Club:  ).  Apple.  T.  Mayo,  G.  Knapp.  N.  McClure,  C.  Fulle 
M.  A.  Williamson,  M.  McCutchen. 

Honorary  Math  Club:  M.  J.  Sheridan.  T.  Smith,  P.  Wilson,  M.  J.  Towles,  L.  Simrell  L. 
Dodge,  L.  Goodrich,  P.  Barwick.  E.  Williams,  F.  McCracken,  B.  Dorsett,  L.  Senter,  B. 
Williams,  P.  Brake. 

N.  C.  Pirg,  S.  Query,  S.  Oakley,  B.  Gladstone,  M.  McCauley.  N.  Heath.  A.  Strickland.  C.  Britain,  A.  Rodler.  B.  Fowler,  Dr.  Tor 
Parramore,  J.  Sams,  S.  Whatley,  P.  Incerto. 

Science  Club:  Dr.  Mary  Yarborough, 
Dr.  Sally  Horner,  J.  Finch,  E.  Minga, 
G.  Noble,  P.  Hendrick.  J.  Hargrove, 
L.  Ehrlich,  L.  Goodrich,  C.  Taylor, 
M.  M.  Johnson,  M.  J.  Sheridan,  C. 

Math  Club:  J.  Burney,  S.  Reierson,  T.  Smith,  B.  ).  George,  G.  Eades.  B.  Dorsett,  L.  Senter.  N.  Reveley,  E.  Williams,  F.  McCracke 
Williams,  L.  Dodge,  P.  Barwick,  M.  J.  Sheridan. 

ENSEMBLE:  S.  Tew,  B.  Barber.  C.  Beeker,  N.  Crews.  L.  Wall,  J.  Coone.  P.  Johnson.  S.  Clemmons.  M.  Wilson,  J.  Hardy,  A.  Hanchy,  A. 
Goodson,  E.  Triplelt. 

MEREDITH  CHORALE:  J.  Phillips,  L.  Wall,  G.  Manooche,  C.  Beeker,  F. 
Jacobs,  E.  Dawkins,  B.  Barber,  J.  Coone,  J.  Fraser,  S.  Tew,  N.  Crews,  A. 
Waggoner,  C.  Norman,  J.  Hardy,  S.  Pomerans,  L.  Simrell,  L.  Wall,  S. 
Clemmons,  A.  Hanchy.  H.  McLean,  E.  Williams,  H.  Faircloth.  M.  Wilson, 
F.  Lennon,  C.  Ferguson,  L.  McCaskill,  C.  Swarr,  N.  Gill,  S.  Eagle,  L. 
Sullivan,  A.  Goodson,  P.  Johnson,  D.  Williamson. 

RENAISSANCE  SINGERS:  P.  Bostrom,  C.  Farrior,  C.  Lewis,  M.  E. 
Bradley,  S.  Grant,  D.  Adams,  S.  Arrowood,  N.  Brewer,  L.  Davis,  J.  Alferd. 
G.  Lewis,  S.  Martin,  C.  Peale,  S.  Derby,  R.  Strickland,  J.  Oaks,  D.  Sink.  N. 
Kutulas,  S.  Burgess,  D.  Liner,  P.  Falcon.  J.  Bagley,  M.  M.  Johnson,  C. 
Callahan,  S.  Barnette,  M.  Kornegy.  P.  Barker,  L.  Jones,  J.  Harris. 


Elections  Board:  M.  Allen,  K.  Vessells,  J.  Benton 
E.  Dawkins,  B.  Benton.  V.  Currier,  R.  Gilbert. 


Acron  Staff:  L.  Keith.  C.  Lindley.  V.  Wimberly.  D.  Cunningham.  C.  U'hitake 

Susan  Van  Wageningen:  Editor 

Anna  Vaughn:  Business  Manager 

Colrc-n  Erdman:  Co-editor 



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Elizabeth  Triplett 

EUen  Barney  Williams 

Bonnie  Sue  Barber 

Patsy  John 

Betty  Anne  Haskins 

Outstanding  Seniors 

Hulcne  McLean 

Not  pictured: 
Shelly  Womack 
Ann  Googe 


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THE  '72  OAK 

.  special  thanks  to  those  people  not  on  the  staff,  but  whose  help  made  1 

lak  Leaves  possible:  Libby  Knott,  Robin  Noel,  Lisa  Wainwright,  Gail  Knie- 

em,  and  Dr.  Reveley,  and  all  the  rest. 

Nancy  Reveley,  Senior  Class  Editor 

The  Oak  Leaves  Staff:  Percy 
Beane,  Editor;  Nancy  Reveley, 
Senior  Class  Editor;  Patty  Whis- 
nant,  Camille  Smith,  and  Tricia 
Young,  Club  Editors;  Laura  Batts 
and  Beth  Goldston,  Faculty  and 
Administration  Editors;  Denise 
Almond  and  Mary  Beth  Wilke, 
Feature  Editors,  Jeannie  Brown, 
Business  Manager. 

'And  then  there  were  three!" 

Speical  thanks  to  "Flash"  Norton. 

"This-Oak  Leaves  will  be  the  death  of 

'Some  days  I  think  I'm  going  to  'quack-up' 

The  Fabulous  Freshmen 

It  was  our  pleasure  to  do  the 
Photography  for  the  1972  Oak  Leaves 



115  W.  Hargett  St. 
Raleigh,  North  Carolina