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Oak  Kidge  Story 


GEN.  L.  R.  GROVES,  U.  S.  A.  (Ret.) 
Commanding  General 
Manhattan    Project,    1942-47 

Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliillllllllllllllilllllllll Illlllllllllllllllllllll Illllllllllllllli Illilllll I I 


'Che  Saga  of  a  People  Who  Share  in  Mistory 







Copyright,  1950,  by 

PRINTED    AND     BOUND     IN     THE     U.     S.     A.     BY 


...  to  the  thousands  upon  thousands  of  scientists,  engineers, 
construction  men,  operations  managers,  military  personnel, 
workers  in  the  plants,  laborers  and  administrative  personnel, 
whose  skill,  knowledge,  dogged  determination,  teamwork  and  si- 
lent perseverance  made  possible  the  unprecedented  and  dramatic 
accomplishment  which  brought  a  new  era  to  the  world  .  .  . 

...  to  the  thousands  who  continue  their  labors  to  maintain  the 
leadership  of  the  United  States  in  the  new  field  of  atomic  energy; 

and  to 



IN  World  War  II,  when  the  Japanese  were  in  control  of 
Southern  Luzon,  they  conducted  a  roundup  of  persons 
suspected  of  unfriendly  attitudes.  One  of  these  was  an  elderly 
American  who  had  resided  in  the  Philippines  for  many,  many 
years.  A  Japanese  officer  questioned  him  about  his  nation- 
ality. The  American  replied  that  he  was  from  Tennessee.  A 
perplexed  look  crossed  the  officer's  face.  Then  he  decreed: 
"You  may  depart.  You  are  of  a  non-belligerent  nation.  Japan 
has  no  war  with  Tennessee." 

On  August  6  and  August  9,  1945,  the  Japanese  realized  in 
a  most  dramatic  manner  that  they  did  indeed  have  a  war  with 
Tennessee,  as  well  as  the  rest  of  the  United  States.  On  those 
dates,  two  atomic  bombs  shattered  the  cities  of  Hiroshima 
and  Nagasaki.  One  was  supplied  with  a  new  kind  of  explosive 
material  produced  in  unprecedented  facilities  at  Oak  Ridge, 
Tennessee;  the  other  with  a  new  kind  of  explosive  material 
produced  at  Hanford,  Washington.  The  Atomic  Age  had 
broken  over  an  astounded  world. 

For  sheer,  stark  drama,  no  single  venture  in  the  Twentieth 
Century  approaches  the  development  of  atomic  energy — first 
as  a  weapon  for  use  in  World  War  II  and,  in  subsequent 
years,  as  a  tool  to  benefit  mankind.  Americans  should  not 
only  take  deep  and  grateful  pride  in  the  accomplishment  but 



should  acquaint  themselves  with  the  general  history  of  the 
development  and  its  promises  of  a  brighter  future.  The  good 
to  be  derived  by  humanity  from  atomic  energy  will,  in  time, 
completely  eclipse  the  destructive  character  of  one  of  the 
greatest  advances  made  in  all  the  long  history  of  man's  search 
for  knowledge. 

During  World  War  II,  three  great  main  installations  were 
established  by  the  United  States  Government  to  bring  about 
in  the  shortest  possible  time  the  development  of  a  new 
weapon  to  be  known  as  an  atomic  bomb.  These  were  at  Oak 
Ridge,  in  Tennessee,  Los  Alamos,  in  New  Mexico,  and  Han- 
ford,  in  the  State  of  Washington.  Smaller  development  areas 
were  established  elsewhere.  The  Nation's  great  industrial  or- 
ganizations and  universities,  aided  by  thousands  of  other 
organizations  and  groups  of  varied  description,  led  the  way 
in  breaking  through  many  barriers  to  reach  the  new  con- 
tinent of  atomic  energy.  The  successful  accomplishment  of 
the  atomic  energy  mission  is  attributed  to  what  is  probably 
the  most  comprehensive  cooperative  effort  in  history  on  the 
part  of  Government,  science,  business  and  labor,  and  indi- 
viduals in  all  walks  of  life  working  in  a  common  cause  on  a 
single  project. 

Of  the  three  major  installations,  Oak  Ridge,  Los  Alamos 
and  Hanford,  which  were  built  from  scratch,  including  large 
communities  to  house  atomic  energy  workers,  Oak  Ridge  has 
a  particularly  fascinating  and  unique  place  in  the  modern- 
day  story  of  the  atom;  the  Oak  Ridge  Area,  which  rose  from 
what  was  once  a  sparsely-settled  section  in  the  foothills  of  the 
Cumberland  Mountains  in  East  Tennessee,  has  in  truth  come 
to  be  known  as  the  Symbol  of  the  Atomic  Age. 

Interestingly  enough,  atomic  energy  is  not  as  rare  or  as 
strange  as  generally  thought.  It  is  not  a  thing  of  "black 



Atomic  energy  is  the  basis  of  life  itself.  It  is  with  us  every 
minute,  every  hour.  Consider  the  sun,  in  which  a  nuclear,  or 
atomic,  reaction  has  been  going  on  for  millions  of  years, 
where  hydrogen  atoms  convert  (fuse)  into  helium  under  high 
temperatures  (at  least  1,000,000  degrees  Fahrenheit)  with  si- 
multaneous release  of  enormous  amounts  of  energy.  Energy 
from  the  sun  nurtures  and  sustains  man  and  all  other  life  on 
the  earth.  The  sun  is  the  greatest  of  atomic  energy  "factories." 

But  we  leave  to  others  the  technical  explanations  of  atomic 
energy.  "The  Oak  Ridge  Story"  gives  attention  to  the  his- 
torical phase  of  Oak  Ridge  itself.  It  is  the  story  of  the  birth 
pains  of  a  city  and  a  project,  of  a  people  who  share  in  history, 
the  human  side  of  the  startling  atomic  adventure,  an  account- 
ing of  Americans  at  their  best  when  the  chips  were  down.  It 
is  the  story  of  the  pioneers  of  another  era  giving  up  their 
lands  and  homes  so  that  a  new  type  of  pioneer  coming  from 
every  corner  of  America  could  bring  about  a  New  Age  and 
how  those  who  participated  in  the  ushering  in  of  this  New 
Age  lived  and  worked  as  great  plants  and  a  city  arose  almost 
miraculously  from  once  pine-  and  oak-dotted  terrain. 

And  it  is  the  story  of  how  these  new  pioneers,  under  the 
general  supervision  of  the  United  States  Atomic  Energy  Com- 
mission, are  now  striving  to  bring  to  rapid  fruition  the  great 
peacetime  potentialities  of  atomic  energy.  Oak  Ridge,  some- 
times called  the  "Cradle  of  the  Atomic  Age,"  is  at  once  the 
Crossroads  of  a  New  World. 

In  bringing  into  one  complete  work  the  story  of  Oak  Ridge 
and  its  people,  the  author  wishes  to  make  grateful  acknowl- 
edgment to  Mr.  Clifford  Seeber,  of  Knoxville,  Tennessee,  a 
native  of  the  Oak  Ridge  Area,  for  the  use  of  certain  historical 
facts  contained  in  a  paper  entitled  "From  Acorns  to  Atoms." 
The  author  also  has  utilized  background  information  con- 
tained in  articles  appearing  in  the  semi-official  project  news- 



paper,  the  Oak  Ridge  Journal,  which  served  the  community 
from  1943  until  the  Spring  of  1948. 

Releasable  facts  on  Oak  Ridge  plants  have  been  carried  in 
official  releases  of  the  War  Department's  Manhattan  Project, 
the  United  States  Atomic  Energy  Commission  and  various 
contractors  of  the  Manhattan  Project  and  the  Atomic  Energy 
Commission,  and  in  various  other  public  accounts.  In  addi- 
tion, the  author  has  been  privileged  to  occupy  a  ringside  seat 
for  the  unfolding  of  "The  Oak  Ridge  Story,"  becoming 
associated  with  the  atomic  project  in  June  1943,  when  it 
began  to  burgeon  forth  in  all  its  splendor,  and  has  drawn 
from  his  own  knowledge  and  observations  of  the  develop- 

Oak  Ridge,  Tennessee 
September  27,  1950 

Any  opinions  or  assertions  contained  in  "The  Oak  Ridge  Story"  are  the 
private  ones  of  the  author  and  are  not  to  be  construed  as  reflecting  the  views 
of  the  United  States  Atomic  Energy  Commission  or  any  other  Government 



I.  THE  PROPHET:  An  Old  Man  of  the  Hills,  Many 

Years  Ago,  Predicted  the  Oak  Ridge  of  Today  17 

II.  STRANGERS  IN  THE  VALLEY:  The  Why  and  How 
of  Oak  Ridge;  in  Tennessee,  History  Walks  with 
a  Heavy  Foot  2 1 

III.  OF  THOSE  WHO  LEFT:  The  Sons  of  Pioneers  Re- 
linquish Their  Land  for  New  Pioneers  32 

IV.  OF  THOSE  WHO  CAME:  A  Cross-Section  of  Amer- 
ica Turns  a  Rural  Section  Into  the  Symbol  of  a 
New  Age  42 

V.  THEY  COULDN'T  SAY  A  WORD:  How  the  Secrecy 

Was  Maintained  on  the  Most  Secret  of  Projects       66 

VI.  THE  WONDERS  OF  A  NEW  WORLD:    The  Intri- 
guing Facts  in  the  Building  of  Intricate  Plants          77 

VII.  ATOMIC    CITY    HOUSEKEEPER:    A    Construction 

Company  Meets  a  Unique  Challenge  93 

VIII.  A  STORY  Is  BORN:  The  Story  Behind  the  Story  of 

the  First  Official  Releases  on  the  Atomic  Bomb     100 

IX.  INTO  CIVILIAN  HANDS:  The  United  States  Atomic 

Energy  Commission  and  Its  Blueprint  of  Progress     no 

X.  OAK  RIDGE  AND  THE  FUTURE:  A  City  Begins  to 

Grow  Up  127 





The  home  and  grave  of  John  Hendrix,  the  "Prophet" 


Norris  Dam  and  the  Great  Smoky  Mountains 


Scenes  familiar  to  "Those  Who  Left,"  including  the 
old  Wheat  church,  a  home  and  school 


The  Oak  Ridge  of  the  past  and  the  present 


The  great  plants  in  the  Oak  Ridge  Area 


The  atomic  blasts  and  Oak  Ridge  in  the  headlines 


President  Truman  signs  the  Atomic  Energy  Act  of  1946  and 

a  vast  project  is  transferred  from  the  military  to  civilians; 

radioactive  elements  from  Oak  Ridge  help  humanity 


A  city  is  "opened"  to  the  public  in  a  unique  ceremony; 
Oak  Ridge  and  a  new  era 


the  Oak  Kidgc  Story 


The  Prophet 

NEAR  the  city  limits  of  Oak  Ridge,  Tennessee,  not  far 
from  a  high  wire  fence  running  forbiddingly  along  one 
of  the  main  traffic  arteries  leading  into  the  community,  a  lone 
grave  rests  on  a  grassy,  overgrown  knoll.  It  is  marked  by  an 
inconsequential  little  stone — scratched  and  scarred. 

Resting  beneath  this  forlorn  marker  in  the  shadow  of  a 
city  of  30,000  where  live  the  personnel  who  grapple  daily 
with  the  new  force  of  atomic  energy  are  the  remains  of  one 
John  Hendrix.  Many  years  ago,  John  Hendrix,  an  ascetic, 
roamed  the  fields  and  woods  of  a  sparsely-settled,  isolated  sec- 
tion of  East  Tennessee.  John  Hendrix  had  visions.  He  re- 
cited these  visions  frequently.  Those  who  paused  to  listen 
often  laughed. 

John  Hendrix  assumed  the  role  of  a  prophet  around  the 
turn  of  the  Twentieth  Century,  when  about  50  years  of  age. 
His  visions  manifested  themselves  more  acutely  as  he  would 
return  from  a  communion  in  the  deep  woods  which  stretched 
along  the  ridges  near  his  stark,  weather-beaten  home.  One 
Spring  day,  shortly  after  returning  from  a  meditative  walk, 
he  startled  his  wife  with  the  prediction  that  in  a  few  years  a 
railroad  would  be  built  from  Knoxville,  20  miles  to  the  east, 
through  the  central  part  of  Anderson  County,  their  home. 

The  buxom  woman  looked  at  him  speculatively  and  went 



about  her  business  of  housekeeping.  Her  indifference  did  not 
upset  him.  On  the  contrary,  he  became  more  bold  and  open 
with  his  prognostications.  Well,  he  might,  for  the  Louisville 
and  Nashville  Railroad  within  a  few  years  began  construc- 
tion of  a  new  line  along  the  approximate  route  spelled  out 
by  Hendrix. 

Hendrix  began  to  enlarge  his  horizons.  He  found  his  most 
ready  audiences  at  the  crossroads'  store  near  his  home  and  to 
them  he  solemnly  voiced  his  prophecies.  There  was  no  his- 
torian to  put  his  stories  to  paper  but  fragments  of  informa- 
tion remain  which  give  accountings  of  John's  speculations  of 
the  future. 

Of  two  small  farming  communities  near  his  home,  Scar- 
boro  and  Robertsville,  Hendrix  foresaw  unusual  things.  On 
one  occasion,  he  emerged  from  his  beloved  woods  with  a 
strange  and  wondrous  story. 

"In  the  woods,"  he  said,  "as  I  lay  on  the  ground  and  looked 
up  into  the  sky,  there  came  to  me  a  voice  as  loud  and  as  sharp 
as  thunder.  The  voice  told  me  to  sleep  with  my  head  on  the 
ground  for  forty  nights  and  I  would  be  shown  visions  of  what 
the  future  holds  for  this  land." 

Hendrix  did  what  the  "voice"  told  him  to  do.  He  wan- 
dered through  the  thickets  and  the  briers  until  he  came  to  a 
clump  of  trees  which  satisfied  him  as  a  spot  for  his  tryst.  He 
put  his  head  on  the  ground  and  slept  a  fitful  sleep  for  forty 
nights.  The  rains  came  but  he  was  unflinching.  On  the  forty- 
first  day,  he  came  forth  to  tell  of  the  vistas  which  had  been 
opened  up  to  him.  Part  of  the  time,  he  said,  had  been  spent 
in  Paradise. 

".  .  .  and  I  tell  you,"  Hendrix  said  to  his  neighbors  gath- 
ered at  the  crossroads'  store,  "Bear  Creek  Valley  some  day 
will  be  filled  with  great  buildings  and  factories  and  they  will 
help  toward  winning  the  greatest  war  that  ever  will  be. 


J.  E.  Westcott 

This  was  once  the  home  of  John  Hendrix,  the  "Prophet" 

J.  E.  Westcott 

The  slab  over  Hendrix'  simple  grave  near  the  town  of  Oak  Ridge 


"And  there  will  be  a  city  on  Black  Oak  Ridge.  The  center 
of  authority  will  be  on  a  spot  which  is  middleway  between 
Sevier  Tadlock's  farm  and  Joe  Pyatt's  place. 

"A  rajlroad  spur  will  branch  off  the  main  L  &  N  line  and 
run  down  toward  Robertsville  and  then  it  will  branch  off  and 
turn  toward  Scarboro.  It  will  serve  the  great  city  I  saw  in  my 

"Big  engines  will  dig  big  ditches  and  thousands  of  people 
will  be  running  to  and  fro.  They  will  be  building  things  and 
there  will  be  great  noise  and  confusion  and  the  earth  will 
shake.  .  .  ." 

"I've  seen  it,  it's  coming,"  he  would  mutter  and  then  stalk 
away  to  the  summit  of  Pine  Ridge,  where  he  would  gaze 
across  the  valley  toward  Robertsville  and  meditate  and  pray 

John  Hendrix  died  in  1903,  when  Theodore  Roosevelt 
was  President  and  the  Wright  Brothers  made  history  with 
the  first  successful  mechanical  airplane  flight  from  Kill  Devil 
Hill  on  North  Carolina's  seacoast,  four  miles  south  of  Kitty 
Hawk.  They  buried  the  prophet  in  a  clearing  near  his  home. 
Forty  years  later,  there  arose  a  short  distance  away  the  city  he 
predicted  would  some  day  rest  along  one  of  the  ridges — 
Black  Oak — over  which  he  roamed  and  dreamed. 

In  the  county  of  Anderson  in  the  state  of  Tennessee,  seven 
miles  from  the  Anderson  county-seat  town  of  Clinton,  a  bus- 
tling community  of  30,000  goes  about  its  business  today  along 
Black  Oak  Ridge.  In  every  corner  of  the  world,  Oak  Ridge  is 
the  symbol  of  a  new  era,  the  Atomic  Age. 

The  old  communities  of  Scarboro  and  Robertsville, 
through  which  John  Hendrix  walked  his  weary  way,  and  a 
third  farming  settlement,  Wheat,  several  miles  to  the  south- 
west, have  been  enveloped.  A  railroad  spur  runs  into  the  city 
from  the  main  line  of  the  Louisville  and  Nashville  Railroad. 



A  huge  Administration  Building,  the  center  of  authority  for 
the  new  city,  stands  where  Hendrix  said  it  would. 

In  Bear  Creek  Valley,  there  is  a  great  and  imposing  plant 
known  as  the  electromagnetic  facility,  built  to  produce  ura- 
nium-235.  Here  was  produced  for  the  first  time  in  history  in 
a  significant  amount  the  material  which  went  into  the  world's 
first  atomic  bomb  utilized  in  warfare,  the  devastating  weapon 
which  cascaded  over  Hiroshima,  Japan,  at  8:15  A.M.  on  Au- 
gust 6,  1945,  taking  80,000  lives.  Three  days  later,  another 
atomic  missile  fell  on  Nagasaki,  Japan,  taking  73,000  lives. 
The  Japanese  had  had  enough.  Surrender  followed. 

John  Hendrix  would  not  recognize  his  land  today  if  he 
were  to  return.  He  sleeps  on.  But  his  spirit  must  have  stirred 
uneasily  early  on  the  morning  of  July  16,  1945,  when  in  the 
desert  stretches  of  Alamogordo,  New  Mexico,  a  huge  blast 
shook  the  earth  and  the  sky  became  lit  up  as  if  by  the  noon- 
day sun.  The  test  of  the  world's  first  atomic  bomb  had  been 
successful,  an  event  described  by  Brig.  Gen.  Thomas  F.  Far- 
rell,  an  observer,  as  follows: 

"The  whole  country  was  lighted  by  a  searing  light  .  .  . 
golden,  purple,  violet,  gray  and  blue.  It  lighted  every  peak, 
crevasse,  and  ridge  of  the  nearby  mountain  range  with  a  clar- 
ity and  a  beauty  that  must  be  seen  ...  to  be  imagined.  It 
was  that  beauty  the  great  poets  dream  about  but  describe 
most  poorly  and  inadequately.  Thirty  seconds  after,  the  ex- 
plosion came  first,  the  air  blast  pressing  hard  against  the  peo- 
ple and  things,  to  be  followed  almost  immediately  by  a  sus- 
tained, awesome  roar  which  warned  of  Doomsday  and  made 
us  feel  that  we  puny  things  were  blasphemous  to  dare  tamper 
with  the  forces  heretofore  reserved  to  the  Almighty." 

It  was  a  solemn  moment  in  world  history.  The  roar  re- 
verberated in  time  back  along  Bear  Creek  Valley  in  the  hills 
of  East  Tennessee.  .  .  . 



Strangers  in  the  Valley 

A  PARTIALLY  cloudy  sky  greeted  East  Tennessee  on  Sep- 
1\.  tember  19,  1942.  As  the  day  wore  on,  a  gentle  southeast 
wind  helped  to  alleviate  the  91 -degree  temperature.  In  Eu- 
rope, the  Russians  were  striking  vigorously  at  the  Nazis  on 
the  Volga  in  their  defense  of  Stalingrad,  and  the  late  Wendell 
Willkie  was  a  visitor  in  Russia  as  a  guest  of  the  Soviet  Gov- 
ernment. In  the  Pacific,  General  MacArthur's  heavy  bombers 
and  fighter  planes  were  harassing  key  Japanese  bases  on  New 
Britain  Island  and  in  Northern  New  Guinea.  Announcement 
was  to  be  made  soon  that  Admiral  William  F.  Halsey  had 
been  placed  in  charge  of  the  Navy's  Task  Forces  in  the  South 

An  entire  nation  bit  its  collective  lower  lip  in  grimness. 

Throughout  the  United  States,  the  loins  of  war  were  being 
girded  at  a  faster  pace.  The  know-how  that  is  uniquely  Amer- 
ican was  beginning  to  assert  itself  in  many  places  throughout 
the  land.  Scrap  drives  began  to  get  underway.  The  pinch  of  ra- 
tioning was  being  felt  more  widely.  The  tramp  of  thousands 
of  feet  began  to  be  heard  with  more  regularity  in  training 
camps  from  the  Atlantic  to  the  Pacific  and  Army  maneu- 
vers were  getting  underway  in  Middle  Tennessee.  Simulta- 
neously, Lt.  Gen.  Brehon  Somervell  of  the  War  Department's 
General  Staff  was  telling  Americans  that  "we  are  not  going  to 



win  until  everybody  puts  everything  he  has  into  the  war." 

Life  in  the  farm  homes,  the  schools,  the  churches  and  the 
rural  stores  along  the  ridges  and  in  the  valleys  which  make  up 
Anderson  County  and  the  adjoining  County  of  Roane  went 
on  about  as  usual.  Only  the  departure  of  men  to  volunteer, 
to  answer  the  call  of  their  draft  boards  or  to  leave  for  employ- 
ment at  the  great  sprawling  plant  of  the  Aluminum  Company 
of  America  at  Alcoa,  34  miles  away,  and  at  other  industrial 
plants  in  East  Tennessee,  disturbed  the  normal  life  of  the 

None  knew — actually  only  a  chosen  few  in  Government 
circles  in  Washington  did  know — of  the  establishment  37 
days  before,  on  August  13,  by  order  of  the  Commander-in- 
Chief,  Franklin  Delano  Roosevelt,  of  a  mysterious  segment 
of  the  War  Department's  Corps  of  Engineers  designated  sim- 
ply "The  Manhattan  District." 

Since  August,  however,  residents  of  Anderson  and  Roane 
counties  had  noticed  a  few  strangers  roaming  the  valleys,  the 
ridges  and  the  gaps  which  made  up  their  homeland.  The  new- 
comers were  sighting  through  instruments,  surveying  and 
measuring.  They  were  engineers,  dressed  in  rough  khaki, 
wearing  high  boots,  taciturn  and  noncommittal.  Asked  what 
they  were  running  lines  for,  they  would  answer:  'Tor  seventy- 
five  cents  an  hour."  The  natives  wondered  and  talked  about 
it  among  themselves.  They  made  wry  attempts  to  shrug  it  off. 
"Only  more  Tennessee  Valley  Authority  people,"  they  would 

But  just  as  noonday  came  on  September  19,  five  men,  two 
of  them  high  ranking  officers  in  the  United  States  Army,  with 
the  Corps  of  Engineers'  insignia  on  their  blouses,  stood  at  a 
vantage  point  at  the  railroad  whistle  stop  of  Elza  in  Ander- 
son County.  .  .  . 

The  spot  from  which  they  looked  out  over  a  long  valley 



had  seen  the  tides  of  an  empire  swirl  about  it.  It  had  echoed 
to  the  rumblings  of  the  covered  wagons  from  the  East  and  the 
staccato  sound  of  rifle  fire  as  the  Indians  retreated  before  the 
white  men.  Long  before,  a  race  whose  identity  is  buried  in 
antiquity's  archives  had  built  mound  cities  in  the  blue  grass 
basins  to  the  south  and  southwest. 

The  State  to  which  the  five  had  come  to  make  a  momen- 
tous decision  was  the  seed-bed  of  the  civilization  of  the  Old 
Southwest;  of  the  development  of  that  West,  a  historian  has 
said:  "Its  center  rested  in  Tennessee,  the  region  from  which 
so  large  a  portion  of  the  Mississippi  Valley  was  settled  by  de- 
scendants of  the  men  of  the  Upper  South." 

In  Tennessee,  history  walks  with  a  heavy  foot. 

To  the  northeast  of  the  point  where  the  five  visitors  stood 
on  September  19,  1942,  is  Greeneville,  resting  place  of  the 
country's  iyth  president,  Andrew  Johnson,  the  tailor,  who 
succeeded  to  the  office  upon  Lincoln's  death;  to  the  south- 
west is  Columbia,  home  of  James  K.  Polk,  the  nth  president; 
to  the  west  near  Nashville  is  The  Hermitage,  where  Andrew 
Jackson,  "Old  Hickory,"  the  7th  president,  died  in  1845;  to 
the  south  is  Chattanooga,  near  where  the  famous  Civil  War 
battles  of  Chickamauga,  Lookout  Mountain  and  Missionary 
Ridge  were  fought  in  1863;  to  the  southeast  is  Sevierville, 
named  for  John  Sevier,  Tennessee's  first  governor;  far  to  the 
southwest  is  Memphis,  where  the  Spaniard,  DeSoto,  is  said  by 
some  historians  to  have  first  seen  the  Mississippi  River  in 
1541;  to  the  northwest  is  Jamestown,  home  of  Sergeant  Alvin 
York,  World  War  I  hero,  and  close  by,  a  short  distance  from 
Byrdstown,  is  the  birthplace  of  Cordell  Hull,  former  United 
States  Secretary  of  State,  who  served  longer  in  that  position 
(March  3,  1933 — November  21,  1944)  than  any  other  man  in 
the  nation's  history. 

Illustrious  names  shine  in  the  history  of  Tennessee,  the  six- 



teenth  state  admitted  to  the  Union  (June  i,  1796)  and  first 
settled  by  a  white  man  in  1769,  when  William  Bean  built  a 
log  cabin  near  the  junction  of  Watauga  River  and  Boone's 
Creek  in  East  Tennessee.  These  names  include  Sam  Houston, 
"The  Raven,"  one-time  governor  of  Tennessee  who  later  be- 
came the  Liberator  of  Texas;  David  Crockett,  pioneer  back- 
woodsman and  later  a  Congressman;  David  Glasgow  Farra- 
gut,  the  first  Admiral  of  the  American  Navy,  who  was  born  1 1 
miles  southwest  of  Knoxville;  Nathan  Bedford  Forrest,  the 
Confederate  general  whose  battle  strategy  was  "Git  there  fust- 
est  with  the  mostest  men";  William  C.  Claiborne,  whose  vote 
made  Thomas  Jefferson  president  over  Aaron  Burr,  and  E.  E. 
Barnard,  world-famous  astronomer. 

Nature,  too,  had  erected  monuments  of  its  own  in  Tennes- 
see. To  the  east  and  southeast  of  the  spot  where  the  men  stood 
are  the  Great  Smokies,  the  country's  greatest  mountain  mass 
east  of  the  Black  Hills  of  South  Dakota  and  one  of  the  oldest 
mountain  ranges  in  the  world,  where  mountain  men  still 
scrape  their  fiddles  in  lively  old  ballads  handed  down  from 
generation  to  generation,  and  pioneer  crafts  of  spinning, 
weaving  and  basket  making  still  survive;  to  the  west  is  Reel- 
foot  Lake,  created  in  1811  in  the  spasms  and  convulsions  of 
an  earthquake  when  the  bottom  of  the  Mississippi  River 
seemed  to  fall  through  as  it  flowed  backward  into  a  terrible 
abyss  of  thousands  of  acres;  and  to  the  south  is  Lookout 
Mountain,  a  rock-faced  promontory  carved  by  the  currents 
of  the  Tennessee  River  and  overlooking  Moccasin  Bend  at 
Chattanooga.  .  .  . 

.  .  .  Their  conference  over,  the  five  visitors  to  the  valley 
entered  their  automobile.  Their  destination  was  Knoxville, 
20  miles  to  the  east,  where  a  metal  slab  on  a  building  at  the 
corner  of  Gay  and  Church  Streets  carries  this  legend:  "SITE 




Tennessee  Conservation  Department 

The  Great  Smoky  Mountains  (Gatlinburg  in  the  foreground)  are  near  Oak  Ridge 


ARY i  I-FEBRUARY  6,  1796."  Upon  reaching  the  city,  they  went 
directly  to  their  hotel.  One  of  the  officers  lifted  a  telephone 
in  his  room,  asked  for  long  distance.  When  he  reached  his 
party  in  the  War  Department  in  Washington,  he  said: 

"The  location  tentatively  selected  in  July  and  which  has 
been  under  survey  is  ideal  for  our  purposes.  We  should  pro- 
ceed with  land  acquisition." 

The  other  colonel  and  the  three  companions — they  were 
officials  of  the  Stone  and  Webster  Engineering  Corporation 
of  Boston,  under  contract  with  the  War  Department  to  carry 
out  in  high  secrecy  the  development  engineering,  design  en- 
gineering and  construction  of  certain  plants  for  producing 
uranium-235 — nodded  in  agreement.  Their  faces  were  grim, 
their  demeanor  serious;  another  step  had  been  taken  into  a 
dark,  foreboding  and  uncharted  path. 

The  site  they  had  chosen  for  the  building  of  fantastically 
big  facilities  which  had  no  pilot  plants  to  serve  as  models,  and 
which  at  that  time  existed  only  in  laboratory  conceptions  and 
in  blueprints  being  drawn  under  the  supervision  of  America's 
most  distinguished  scientists — the  proposed  plants  had  no 
counterparts  anywhere  in  the  world — was  a  tract  of  92  square 
miles,  58,800  acres  on  the  Clinch  River  in  Anderson  and 
Roane  counties  18  miles  west  and  northwest  of  Knoxville. 

(The  Oak  Ridge  Area  presently  constitutes  58,762  acres  of 
which  30,315  are  in  Anderson  and  28,447  in  Roane.  The  area 
is  approximately  1 7  miles  long,  averages  7  miles  in  width  and 
runs  from  northeast  to  southwest.  While  additional  acreage 
was  purchased  after  1942,  other  land  has  been  sold  or  relin- 
quished. Of  Anderson  County's  342  square  miles,  the  Oak 
Ridge  Area  occupies  about  one-sixth.) 

In  1933,  another  revolutionary  step  in  the  American  way 


of  life  had  taken  place,  the  authorization  by  the  Congress  of 
the  Tennessee  Valley  Authority.  The  first  of  its  great  dams, 
N orris,  and  the  city  of  Norris,  which  were  built  in  the  middle 
1930'$,  stood  16  miles  northeast  of  the  new  War  Department 
site.  One  of  the  contributing  factors  to  the  decision  made 
September  19  was  the  TVA,  for  great  amounts  of  power  were 
needed  for  what  the  Manhattan  District  proposed  to  do. 
In  addition  to  sufficient  electric  power,  Clinton  Engineer 
Works,  as  it  became  known,  had  to  be  safe  from  air  attack, 
not  too  close  to  large  centers  of  population,  large  enough  to 
accommodate  four  separate  plants  with  flat  building  areas 
separated  by  natural  barriers,  accessible  to  rail  and  motor 
transport,  and  on  land  of  reasonable  value  adjacent  to  a  de- 
pendable water  source.  Specifications  also  called  for  space  for 
a  town,  a  local  labor  supply  and  topography  which  would  fa- 
cilitate security  control. 

For  the  second  time  within  a  decade,  the  wheel  of  Fortune 
spun  toward  Anderson  County,  Tennessee.  Anderson  Coun- 
ty's first  big  drama  was  the  TVA;  the  second,  the  Clinton 
Engineer  Works,  was  so  vast  in  scope  that  it  included  part  of 
Anderson's  neighboring  county  of  Roane,  where  the  first  coal 
was  mined  in  Tennessee  in  1814. 

Shortly  after  the  dramatic  telephone  call  to  Washington, 
the  deluge  fell  upon  the  1,000  families  in  the  area  selected. 
They  were  to  lose  their  homes  and  their  farms.  Their  land, 
they  were  told,  was  needed  immediately  for  the  war  effort. 
They  were  further  informed  that  efforts  would  be  made  to 
relocate  them  satisfactorily,  that  "adequate  compensation" 
would  be  made  for  their  land,  property  and  crops  and  that 
"every  consideration  would  be  given  the  people  by  their  Gov- 
ernment." Among  such  considerations  was  the  taking  over  of 
the  care  of  65  cemeteries  on  the  project  site.  The  plots  are 


still  looked  after  by  the  Government.  By  November  i,  1942, 
all  property  owners  had  received  notices  of  condemnation, 
ordering  them  to  vacate  the  project  site  not  later  than  Janu- 
ary J>  1943- 

The  race  into  the  unknown  was  pressing  on,  men  were 
walking  an  untrod  path  along  the  brink  of  disaster;  time 
could  not  stand  still.  In  Washington,  the  question  of  what 
direction  Germany  might  be  moving  in  scientific  fields  fur- 
rowed the  brows  of  key  officials. 

Concurrently  with  the  initial  trickle  of  official  personnel 
onto  the  project  site  in  October,  Knoxville  newspapers  and 
the  weekly  newspapers  at  Clinton,  in  Anderson  County,  and 
Harriman,  in  Roane  County,  began  to  ask  for  details  of  the 
project,  its  purposes  and  objectives.  After  much  probing  and 
questioning  locally  and  in  Washington,  local  headlines  an- 

"Army  surveys  for  project  in  area.  Telegram  from  Con- 
gressman Albert  Gore  announces  that  about  56,000  acres  of 
land  in  Anderson  and  Roane  counties  will  be  used  as  site  for 
a  demolition  range."  A  demolition  range,  it  was  explained, 
is  an  area  in  which  targets  are  set  up  to  be  destroyed  by  artil- 
lery fire  or  airplane  bombings.  Indeed,  for  several  weeks, 
Clinton  Engineer  Works  was  known  as  the  "Kingston  Demo- 
lition Range" — a  prophetic  designation. 

Kingston,  county  seat  of  Roane  County,  was  the  western 
outpost  of  the  United  States  Army  shortly  before  the  Ameri- 
can Revolution  and  famous  as  the  site  of  a  huge  breastwork 
built  by  the  Indians  in  prehistoric  times.  It  had  a  brief  fling 
in  the  nation's  history  on  September  21,  1807,  when  Ten- 
nessee's General  Assembly  named  it  as  the  State's  capital  for 
one  day,  only  to  move  the  capital  back  to  Knoxville  the  next. 
Again  in  1843,  Kingston  was  named  by  the  Tennessee  Senate 



as  the  State's  permanent  capital  but  the  House  of  Represent- 
atives chose  Murfreesboro.  This  necessitated  a  compromise 
— Nashville,  the  present  seat  of  state  government. 

The  site  having  been  chosen  for  the  Clinton  Engineer 
Works,  the  once  tranquil,  isolated  valleys  of  Anderson  and 
Roane  counties  changed  overnight.  While  Stone  8c  Webster 
engineers  directed  the  cutting  of  ditches,  the  driving  of  stakes 
in  barnlots  and  the  opening  of  roads  across  cornfields,  and  as 
huge  trucks,  the  first  of  thousands  to  come,  bumped  across 
open  terrain,  the  first  official  headquarters  office  for  Clinton 
Engineer  Works  was  opened  in  a  room  in  the  Andrew  John- 
son Hotel  in  Knoxville  at  8  A.M.  on  October  26,  1942. 

First  Government  man  on  the  job  for  keeps  was  Robert  J. 
Dunbar  of  Osceola,  Iowa,  an  engineer  with  the  Corps  of  En- 
gineers, who  arrived  at  the  temporary  offices  15  minutes  be- 
fore Lt.  Col.  Warren  George,  who  served  as  first  construction 
engineer  for  the  project.  Major  Thomas  J.  Rentenbach  of 
Hancock,  Michigan,  was  the  second  Army  representative  to 
report.  First  Stone  &  Webster  official  to  report  was  Talley  W. 
Piper,  personnel  manager,  October  26,  1942;  five  days  later 
he  was  joined  by  a  brother,  J.  P.  Piper,  procurement  officer. 
In  a  few  days,  the  first  shovel  of  dirt  in  project  construction 
was  turned  by  the  firm  of  Walters  and  Prater,  of  Morristown, 
Tennessee,  in  the  building  of  a  railroad  siding  at  Elza. 

Responsibility  was  placed  on  the  Ohio  River  Division  of 
the  Army's  Corps  of  Engineers  for  acquiring  the  land,  which 
eventually  cost  the  Government  approximately  $2,500,000. 
Dissatisfied  with  the  first  appraisals,  most  of  the  landowners 
carried  appeals  to  the  Federal  Court  in  Knoxville,  where  ju- 
ries generally  increased  the  Government's  offers.  In  the  final 
settlements,  average  cost  of  an  acre  of  land  for  the  Oak  Ridge 
Area  was  approximately  $45. 

Preparation  for  construction  and  actual  construction  work 


could  not,  however,  await  determination  of  the  land  suits, 
some  of  which  were  not  settled  until  1944.  On  November  2, 
1942,  the  first  carload  of  materials  arrived.  From  then  on 
until  the  Summer  of  1945,  wondrous  things  happened. 

The  manner  in  which  the  Government  acquired  the  land 
for  its  venture  had  reverberations  in  Washington.  In  the  Sum- 
mer of  1943,  a  House  Military  Affairs  Sub-committee  headed 
by  Representative  Clifford  Davis  of  Memphis  investigated 
complaints  and  reported  that  "fairer  prices  should  be  paid 
those  forced  from  the  area  by  the  Government."  Former  Rep- 
resentative John  Jennings,  Jr.,  of  Knoxville,  who  requested 
the  probe,  told  his  constituency  that  "the  Secretary  of  War 
has  assumed  the  guise  of  an  invader,"  a  charge  which  he  un- 
doubtedly would  have  softened  if  Henry  L.  Stimson  had  been 
officially  privileged  to  discuss  the  matter  with  him. 

But  there  was  at  least  one  person  among  the  1,000  families 
— 3,000  persons — forced  to  depart  from  the  area  who  felt  that 
Mr.  Jennings  knew  what  he  was  talking  about  when  he  men- 
tioned "invader."  He  was  a  part  time  manufacturer  and  dis- 
penser of  the  potent  white  beverage  known  as  "moonshine." 
For  some  years,  it  seemed,  the  Government  had  been  singling 
him  out  for  especial  attention. 

Born  and  reared  in  the  Great  Smokies,  where  he  was  living 
happily  on  Roaring  Branch  and  plying  his  trade  with  great 
finesse,  he  found  himself  evicted  in  1928  when  the  United 
States  Park  Service  condemned  and  bought  up  a  huge  section 
of  land,  including  his  15  acres,  for  a  National  Park.  Casting 
about  for  a  good  location  for  business,  he  selected  Union 
County.  But  he  hadn't  calculated  on  the  Tennessee  Valley 
Authority,  which  condemned  and  acquired  his  land  in  the 
middle  1930*5  to  help  hold  back  the  waters  of  Norris  Dam. 

His  next  stop  was  Anderson  County.  But  he  landed  in  the 
wrong  place  again.  The  Government  needed  his  land  for  the 



Clinton  Engineer  Works.  It  is  not  recorded  if  he  found  a  new 
business  site.  But  he  did  remark  philosophically  as  the  third 
condemnation  notice  in  a  period  of  14  years  arrived: 

"If  I  knew  a  place  where  there  warn't  no  Government  men 
but  only  revenoors  to  dodge,  I'd  shore  go  there." 

For  others,  a  leather-faced  oldtimer  put  the  problem  of 
eviction  into  more  understandable  language.  "The  only  dif- 
ference," he  said  petulantly,  "is  when  the  Yankees  came  be- 
fore, we  could  shoot  at  them." 

— and  That's  Not  All 

In  addition  to  being  the  site  of  the  giant  production  facili- 
ties which  produced  the  first  U-235  in  world  history  for  use 
in  an  atomic  weapon,  Tennessee  has  recorded  other  notable 

In  1801,  Tennessee  passed  the  first  state  law  against  duel- 
ing. The  death  penalty  was  provided. 

In  1819,  the  first  periodical  against  slavery  appeared  at 
Jonesboro,  being  succeeded  by  the  Emancipator  in  April, 

In  1831,  the  first  publication  in  the  United  States  devoted 
principally  to  railroading,  "The  Rail-Road  Advocate,"  ap- 
peared at  Rogersville. 

The  first  town  in  the  United  States  to  be  named  in  honor 
of  the  maiden  name  of  George  Washington V  wife,  Martha 
Dandridge,  is  Dandridge,  in  Jefferson  County. 

In  1866,  the  Ku  Klux  Klan  was  first  organized  at  Pulaski. 

In  1925,  Dayton  was  the  scene  of  the  famed  "Monkey 
Trial"  when  William  Jennings  Bryan  and  Clarence  Darrow 
played  a  great  drama  while  the  world  took  sides  on  the  theory 
of  evolution  and  debated  whether  John  T.  Scopes,  a  high 



school  instructor,  was  in  the  right  when  he  violated  the  Ten- 
nessee law  prohibiting  the  teaching  of  the  theory.  Scopes  was 
fined  $100;  the  law's  constitutionality  was  upheld  by  the  Ten- 
nessee Supreme  Court  on  appeal  and  remains  on  the  statute 


Of  Those  Who  Left 

WHAT  is  now  the  Oak  Ridge  Area  was  settled  in  the  late 
i7oo's  and  the  early  iSoo's  by  hardy  and  rugged  indi- 
viduals who  helped  push  back  the  frontiers  of  America. 

The  majority  were  members  of  that  vast  English,  Scotch 
and  Irish  clan  which  first  followed  the  Quakers  into  Pennsyl- 
vania, then  pushed  down  into  Virginia  and  North  Carolina. 
Later,  they  followed  the  mountain  gaps — Cumberland  Gap 
on  the  Tennessee-Virginia  line  was  one  of  the  first  passage- 
ways— into  the  new,  promising,  free  land  in  the  West.  With 
them  came  the  Dutch  and  the  Swedes,  a  melting  pot  made 
up  of  resourceful,  peace-loving  people,  pioneers  in  frontier 

Land  grants  given  by  the  Government  also  attracted  some 
Revolutionary  soldiers,  among  them  some  who  had  fought  in 
the  famous  battle  at  King's  Mountain,  on  the  North  Caro- 
lina-South Carolina  border  against  the  British.  One  Revo- 
lutionary soldier  who  settled  in  the  Oak  Ridge  area  was  Cap- 
tain John  Harrell,  who  had  accompanied  Washington  when 
he  crossed  the  Delaware.  His  descendants  today  are  scattered 
over  a  broad  East  Tennessee  section. 

In  addition,  a  scattering  of  German  immigrants  appeared 
in  the  area  around  the  turn  of  the  igth  Century.  Probably 



the  most  famous  of  these  was  Frederick  Sadler,  a  wagon 
maker,  who  arrived  in  Pennsylvania  in  the  late  1700'$,  reared 
a  large  family  of  girls  and  then  decided  to  move  westward.  In 
covered  wagons,  he  made  the  trek  with  his  wife,  eight  daugh- 
ters and  eight  sons-in-law  and  settled  in  a  little  valley  near  the 
Oak  Ridge  section.  The  family  names  of  seven  of  his  sons-in- 
law  (the  name  of  the  eighth  was  not  preserved) — Leinart, 
Spessard,  Leib,  Shinlever,  Claxton,  Clodfelter,  and  Bumgart- 
ner — mingle  with  the  more  common  names  of  Smith,  Jones, 
Brown,  Watson,  Gallaher,  Jett,  Standifer,  Cross,  Wilson, 
Browder,  Morton,  Stooksbury,  Haun,  Brennan,  Price,  Har- 
mon, Dunlap,  McKinnon  and  Reed  in  Tennessee  today. 

When  the  War  Department  put  its  finger  on  the  now  fa- 
mous acreage  in  Anderson  and  Roane  counties,  the  contrast 
in  the  way  of  living  was  as  sharp  as  that  found  in  any  section 
where  there  are  green  valleys  and  rocky  ridges.  In  the  valleys 
were  substantial  homes  on  farms  ranging  from  200  to  600 
acres,  rolling  fields,  hard  roads,  electric  power  and  modern 
equipment.  On  the  ridges,  the  foothills  of  the  Cumberland 
Mountains  which  rise  to  the  West,  were  eroded  hills,  tenant 
houses,  sedge  grass  pastures,  scrub  stock,  hound  dogs  and  cab- 
ins perched  on  rock  formations.  But  in  the  entire  58,800  acres 
there  were  only  two  one-teacher  schools,  serving  about  30 
children  each.  In  the  communities  of  Scarboro,  Robertsville 
and  Wheat,  however,  there  were  consolidated  schools  accom- 
modating around  1,100  pupils. 

Along  the  perimeter  of  the  area  selected  stood  other  settle- 
ments known  as  Elza — named  for  another  German  family 
which  pioneered  in  East  Tennessee — Solway,  Blair  and  Edge- 

Elza,  Edgemoor,  Blair,  Solway  and  Oliver  Springs,  named 
for  a  community  six  miles  west  of  the  area,  were  to  become 
especially  familiar  designations  in  the  Atomic  Age.  Through 



the  barriers  which  were  established  at  these  points,  and  at 
two  others — Gallaher  and  White  Wing  Entrances — to  con- 
trol visitors  into  the  town  and  the  vast  plant  areas,  world- 
renowned  scientists  and  the  great  men  in  American  military, 
business,  industrial  and  Government  circles  passed  during 
the  hectic  days  of  construction  and  first  plant  operations.  And 
for  month  upon  month  during  World  War  II,  many  Ameri- 
can manufacturers,  suppliers  and  jobbers  scratched  their 
heads  in  bewilderment,  for  orders  for  materials  from  the  War 
Department  simply  specified  shipments  to  various  engineer- 
ing and  construction  companies  at  Elza,  Tennessee  and  Blair, 
Tennessee.  The  bewilderment  was  understandable;  the 
Postal  Guide  in  1942  listed  neither  settlement. 

William  Tunnell  and  his  family  were  the  first  settlers  in 
what  is  now  Oak  Ridge,  arriving  from  Virginia  around  1792. 
They  occupied  land  where  Robertsville  later  stood.  The 
Tunnell  family  and  that  of  Anne  Howard,  an  English  pio- 
neer, was  joined  by  Isaac  Freels,  an  Irishman  of  Presbyterian 
faith,  who  entered  1000  acres  of  land  adjoining  the  two.  Then 
came  the  Peaks,  the  Lees  and  the  Garners.  A  member  of  the 
Garner  clan  was  former  Vice-President  John  Nance  Garner's 
father,  who  migrated  to  Texas  after  the  Civil  War. 

Two  other  illustrious  men  in  American  life  had  their  roots 
in  the  immediate  vicinity  of  Oak  Ridge.  Sam  Rayburn, 
speaker  of  the  National  House  of  Representatives,  lived  as  a 
young  boy  across  from  Clinch  River  west  of  Wheat  in  Roane 
County  before  his  family  moved  to  Texas.  Just  before  the 
late  William  Gibbs  McAdoo,  U.  S.  Secretary  of  the  Treasury 
(1913-19),  was  born  in  Georgia  during  the  Civil  War,  his  fa- 
ther had  lived  in  Clinton.  After  the  war,  the  McAdoos  re- 
turned, and  Clinton  technically  claims  him  today  as  its  native 

In  the  1840%  the  Gallahers  came  in  from  the  East  to  buy 



up  1500  acres  of  river  bottom  and  gently  rolling  hill  land 
along  Clinch  River  in  the  west  portion  of  the  Oak  Ridge 
area.  The  Gallahers  became  one  of  the  outstanding  families 
in  East  Tennessee  and  through  the  years  have  supplied  bish- 
ops, judges,  ministers,  politicians  and  business  men  through- 
out the  United  States.  The  Gallahers  can  trace  their  family 
tree  back  to  the  moors  of  North  Ireland  and  the  House  of 
O'Gallcobair  and  then  back  into  the  Seventh  Century  when 
old  King  Callack  ruled  Ireland. 

The  name  of  Gallaher  is  synonymous  with  the  community 
of  Wheat,  near  where  there  arose  during  World  War  II  one 
of  the  largest  industrial  buildings  in  the  world — the  gaseous 
diffusion  plant  for  the  production  of  uranium-235.  This 
building  covers  44  acres  and  is  nearly  half  a  mile  long. 

On  February  9,  1947,  the  late  William  Gallaher,  one  of  the 
early  residents  whose  land  was  taken  but  who  remained  with 
others  to  work  on  the  "project,"  told  a  nation-wide  radio  au- 
dience on  the  "We,  the  People"  show  emanating  from  Oak 

"I  was  born  in  the  house  my  grandfather  built  back  in  1846 
(when  the  United  States  and  Mexico  began  war).  This  is 
mighty  pretty  country  around  here — the  Great  Smoky  Moun- 
tains to  the  east  and  the  Cumberland  Mountains  to  the  west. 
Don't  blame  my  grandfather  a  bit  for  settling  here. 

"All  the  folks  in  these  parts  were  farmers.  They  worked  the 
ground  and  minded  their  own  business,  peaceful  folks  living 
a  simple  life.  Of  course,  when  the  Civil  War  came  along,  we 
sent  a  few  of  our  boys  out  to  fight.  And  then  in  World  War  I 
we  did  our  share.  But  other  than  that,  we  didn't  pay  much 
attention  to  the  outside  world  and  they  didn't  bother  with  us. 
That  was  up  to  1942,  anyway,  when  one  day  a  man  came  to 
our  house  and  said  he  was  from  the  Government.  'We're 
going  to  buy  up  your  land,'  he  said  to  me.  'All  of  it?'  I  asked. 



'Yes,  sir,'  he  said,  'we're  going  to  buy  all  the  land  in  this  sec- 
tion. Everyone  has  to  go.' 

"I  went  outside  the  house  with  the  visitor  and  looked 
around  me  ...  up  at  the  green  hills  my  grandfather  had 
come  across  100  years  earlier,  and  I  looked  at  the  farm  I'd 
worked  for  half  a  century.  I  asked  the  visitor  what  the  Govern- 
ment was  going  to  do  and  he  said  he  didn't  rightfully  know, 
but  it  was  for  winning  the  war.  I  had  three  sons  in  the  Service 
— two  overseas — and  I  figured  if  giving  up  my  home  and  my 
land  would  help  bring  them  home  sooner,  I'd  be  happy  to 
do  it.  .  .  ." 

The  hamlet  of  Wheat,  named  for  its  first  postmaster,  Frank 
Wheat,  was  originally  known  as  Bald  Hill.  It  has  furnished 
illustrious  leaders  in  many  walks  of  life  in  Tennessee  and  else- 
where. The  names  of  Cross,  Cox,  Brittain,  Jones,  Christen- 
berry,  Rigsby,  Arnold,  Waller,  Green,  Hembree,  Driskell, 
McKinney,  Young  and  Davidson  and  many  others  figure 
prominently  in  the  life  and  times  of  Tennessee. 

A  subscription,  or  "loud"  school,  so-called  because  of  the 
custom  of  reciting  lessons  aloud  and  in  unison,  was  established 
in  the  Wheat  Community  in  1876  by  the  Rev.  John  P.  Dickey, 
a  Methodist  minister.  The  school  was  held  in  an  old  log  build- 
ing and  marked  the  beginning  of  a  movement  to  provide 
educational  facilities  for  the  section. 

Two  years  after  the  founding  of  the  "loud"  school,  Poplar 
Creek  Seminary  was  founded  and  headed  by  the  Rev.  W.  H. 
Crawford,  Cumberland  Presbyterian  minister.  Some  time 
later,  Dr.  C.  W.  Butler,  Presbyterian  pastor,  who  also  was  a 
skilled  physician  and  a  Princeton  graduate,  was  associated 
with  Mr.  Crawford  as  a  teacher  in  the  Seminary.  Courses  were 
similar  to  those  offered  by  state  high  schools  in  later  years. 

In  1879,  George  Jones,  a  man  of  generous  spirit,  presented 
the  Seminary  200  acres  of  land  encircling  a  four-acre  plot 



owned  by  the  local  Baptist  Church.  The  deed  contained  the 
unique  stipulation  that  the  Seminary  Board  of  Trustees  allow 
all  persons  in  whose  homes  a  student  or  students  stayed  to 
build  on  and  enjoy  full  use  of  one-acre  lots.  If  students  no 
longer  lived  in  the  home  or  if  the  householder  committed  an 
act  detrimental  to  the  school,  the  resident  was  obliged  to  sell 
his  house  to  a  qualified  person.  Many  persons  were  attracted 
to  the  Seminary  through  this  building  policy. 

In  1 886,  Poplar  Creek  Seminary  was  chartered  by  the  State 
of  Tennessee  as  Roane  College.  Students  were  attracted  from 
over  Tennessee  and  neighboring  states  to  the  four-year  liberal 
arts  college  which  offered  both  Bachelor's  and  Master's  de- 
grees. Roane  College  virtually  ended,  however,  in  1908  when 
Wheat  High  School  was  established,  but  the  Board  of  Trus- 
tees continued  in  control  of  the  property  until  1916  when  it 
was  transferred  to  the  Roane  County  Board  of  Education. 
After  34  years,  the  old  Wheat  High  School,  which  replaced 
Roane  College,  was  demolished  in  1950. 

What  was  once  Wheat  and  the  site  of  a  college  is  today  in 
the  restricted  portion  of  the  Oak  Ridge  Area.  Visitors  gen- 
erally are  not  allowed  within  these  confines.  There  is,  how- 
ever, one  exception.  In  the  shadow  of  the  massive  gaseous 
diffusion  plant,  a  reunion  is  held  each  year  at  the  George 
Jones  Memorial  Church,  which  adjoins  a  cemetery  in  which 
are  buried  some  of  the  early  settlers.  The  annual  Homecom- 
ing of  former  Wheat  residents  is  probably  the  most  unusual 
gathering  held  in  the  United  States.  Those  attending  are 
admitted  through  the  barriers  to  the  restricted  area  of  the 
atomic  energy  plants  only  through  passes  approved  by  the 
United  States  Government.  And  near  the  scene  of  the  festivi- 
ties, armed  guards  patrol  the  roads  and  an  eerie  calm  hangs 
in  the  atmosphere. 

Clinton,  county  seat  of  Anderson  County,  from  which 



Clinton  Engineer  Works  derived  its  name,  became  a  com- 
munity in  1801.  Shortly  after  the  State's  General  Assembly 
approved  an  act  taking  enough  territory  from  Knox  County 
to  form  two  new  counties,  Anderson,  named  for  Joseph  An- 
derson, then  a  U.  S.  Senator  from  Tennessee,  and  Roane,  a 
commission  composed  of  William  Lea,  Kinza  Johnson,  Wil- 
liam Standifer,  William  Robertson,  Joseph  Greyson,  Solomon 
Massengale  and  Hugh  Montgomery  was  appointed  to  select 
a  county  seat  for  Anderson.  The  site  chosen,  it  was  named 
Burrville,  in  honor  of  Aaron  Burr.  When  Burr  fell  into  dis- 
repute, the  General  Assembly  of  1809  changed  the  name  to 
Clinton  in  honor  of  DeWitt  Clinton  of  New  York. 

In  1942,  Anderson  County  had  a  population  of  27,000; 
today  it  is  60,000.  Clinton,  with  a  population  of  2765  in  1942, 
rose  to  7,000  during  the  war  years  and  now  has  a  population 
of  3800.  Census  Bureau  figures  reveal  that  the  dollar  volume 
of  retail  sales  in  Anderson  County  increased  851  per  cent 
from  1939  to  1948,  a  total  of  $29,700,000  in  1948  compared 
to  $3,100,000  in  1939 — a  direct  result  of  the  building  of  Oak 

Scarboro,  one  of  the  three  small  communities  in  the  Oak 
Ridge  area  in  1942,  was  founded  in  the  late  1700'$  by  three 
brothers  from  Virginia — Jonathan,  David  and  James  Scar- 
boro. They  were  joined  later  by  the  Peters,  Keith  and  Eng- 
land families  and  Scarboro  flourished  as  a  farming  community 
until  the  fateful  Fall  of  1942. 

Even  the  legend  of  gold  pervades  the  Oak  Ridge  area.  The 
story  persists  that  $20,000  in  gold  coin  remains  hidden  to  this 
day  in  the  vicinity  of  what  is  now  Grove  Center,  one  of  the 
principal  business  sections  of  the  new  Oak  Ridge. 

Shortly  before  the  Civil  War,  Collins  Roberts  drifted  down 
from  Connecticut,  received  a  land  grant  of  between  3,000  and 
4,000  acres  from  the  Government  and  began  the  development 



of  a  community  which  came  to  be  known  as  Robertsville. 
There  he  built  his  home  with  the  help  of  slaves.  Just  before 
the  War  Between  the  States  broke  out,  Roberts  decided  to 
sell  his  slaves.  In  the  transaction,  he  demanded  gold,  which 
he  received  in  pieces  of  ten  and  twenty  dollars. 

He  had  hoped  to  keep  the  transaction  quiet  but  the  news 
spread  that  he  had  the  money.  He  became  so  disturbed  over 
the  possibility  of  theft  that  he  hid  it.  He  disclosed  the  hiding 
place  to  no  one.  A  short  time  later  he  died,  carrying  the  secret 
of  the  gold  to  his  grave. 

The  gold  has  never  been  found,  although  many  years  ago 
people  came  from  all  over  the  South,  some  with  strange  di- 
vining rods,  camping  out  on  a  wide  expanse  of  land,  to  search 
for  the  treasure.  Where  modern  apartments  now  stand  in 
Oak  Ridge,  mercenary  persons  once  burned  barns  and  other 
buildings  searching  for  the  treasure. 

The  treasure  found  at  Oak  Ridge  was  of  another  type. 

U.  S.  Boom  Town  of  the  1890*5 

Harriman,  largest  town  in  Roane  County  with  a  popula- 
tion of  7,000,  once  was  America's  Number  One  "boom  town." 

In  the  fabulous  iSgo's,  a  group  of  prohibition  advocates 
led  by  General  Clinton  B.  Fisk,  who  received  half  a  million 
votes  for  President  in  1888  on  a  Prohibition  Ticket,  deter- 
mined to  create  an  industrial  city  free  of  liquor  traffic,  a  city 
in  which  a  moral  principle  was  to  be  successfully  combined 
with  a  profitable  commercial  venture.  Between  1890  and 
1893,  great  hordes  of  people  from  the  United  States  were 
attracted  to  the  new  city. 

General  Fisk  and  other  Northern  capitalists  who  formed 
the  East  Tennessee  Land  Company  in  1889  with  a  capital  of 
$3,000,000  envisioned  an  industrial  city  of  half  a  million. 



The  group  bought  275,000  acres  of  coal  lands,  250,000  acres 
of  farm  and  timber  lands  and  leased  or  purchased  all  the 
known  iron  ore  beds  in  East  Tennessee;  they  foresaw  growth 
of  industry  because  of  "rich  iron  beds"  around  the  site,  con- 
tending that  enough  coal  to  supply  what  they  thought  would 
be  the  largest  steel  center  in  the  south  was  available  in  the 
nearby  mountains. 

Harriman  also  was  to  be  a  textile  center,  they  claimed, 
chemical  tests  having  proven  that  water  from  Emory  River 
was  the  softest  and  purest  in  the  United  States.  And  virgin 
forests  sufficient  for  operation  of  giant  woodworking  plants 
were  nearby. 

The  Land  Company,  in  addition  to  General  Fisk,  had 
among  other  officials  W.  C.  Harriman,  of  Warner,  N.  H.,  son 
of  Gen.  W.  C.  Harriman,  former  governor  of  New  Hamp- 
shire, for  whom  the  town  was  named;  I.  K.  Funk  and  A.  W. 
Wagnalls,  of  the  publishing  firm  of  Funk  and  Wagnalls; 
Ferdinand  Schumacher  of  Akron,  Ohio;  W.  H.  Russell,  one- 
time owner  of  the  Boston  Braves  baseball  team;  John  Hope- 
well,  Jr.,  and  J.  R.  Leeson  of  Boston;  A.  A.  Hopkins  of  Roch- 
ester, N.  Y.;  James  B.  Hobbs,  Chicago;  Francis  W.  Breed, 
Lynn,  Mass.;  William  Silver-wood,  Baltimore;  E.  M.  Goodall, 
Sanford,  Maine,  and  Frederick  Gates,  New  York. 

Harriman  was  chartered  in  February  1 890.  First  land  sales 
began  February  26,  1890,  more  than  5,000  men  from  15  states 
attending.  Before  turning  the  city  over  to  corporate  authori- 
ties— the  first  city  government  was  elected  in  June  1891,  on  a 
prohibition  platform — the  East  Tennessee  Land  Company 
spent  $50,000  building  streets,  an  electric  plant  and  water- 
works, a  school  building  and  a  meeting  hall.  By  the  end  of 

1891,  there  were  15  industries  in  Harriman.  On  January  i, 

1892,  the  population  was  3,672  and  there  were  27  corporations 
with  a  total  capitalization  of  $7,335,000. 



In  1893,  the  American  University  of  Harriman  was 
founded,  chartered  on  the  principles  of  temperance  and  pro- 
hibition. The  co-educational  college  attracted  students  from 
25  states.  It  soon  passed  into  oblivion. 

The  Panic  of  1893  ended  the  grandiose  schemes  for  Harri- 
man, envisioned  as  a  Pittsburgh-on-the-Emory.  The  promot- 
ers did  not  return.  The  large  coal  deposits  have  never  been 
worked  out;  the  iron  contains  too  much  phosphorus  for  ex- 
tensive use.  One  blast  furnace  still  operates,  however,  in  Rock- 
wood,  in  Roane  County.  And  a  large  hosiery  mill,  using  the 
pure  water  of  Emory  River,  is  still  operating  in  Harriman 
after  37  years. 



Of  Those  Who  Came 

WITH  the  establishment  of  the  Manhattan  District  Au- 
gust 13,  1942,  a  time  limit  of  three  years  was  set  for  the 
development  and  use  of  atomic  energy  as  a  weapon  of  war. 
This  objective  was  off  schedule  by  only  two  weeks,  an  in- 
credible achievement.  The  accomplishment  in  construction 
has  been  described  as  the  equivalent  of  building  a  Panama 
Canal  each  year  for  three  consecutive  years. 

Simultaneously  with  the  selection  of  the  Tennessee  site, 
determination  had  been  made  to  obtain  uranium-235  for  use 
in  an  atomic  weapon  through  two  methods,  the  gaseous  diffu- 
sion and  the  electromagnetic  processes.  These  plants  were  to 
be  at  Oak  Ridge.  A  third  plant  for  obtaining  11-235,  tne 
thermal  diffusion  method,  was  authorized  for  Oak  Ridge  in 


On  December  2,  1942,  in  an  experiment  beneath  the  West 
Stands  of  Staff  Field  at  the  University  of  Chicago,  a  small 
group  of  scientists  under  the  leadership  of  Dr.  Enrico  Fermi 
and  Dr.  Arthur  H.  Compton  witnessed  the  advent  of  a  new 
era  as  man  first  initiated  a  self-sustaining  nuclear  chain  re- 
action and  controlled  it.  Through  the  medium  of  such  a 
chain  reaction,  production  of  plutonium,  another  element 
for  use  in  an  atomic  weapon,  was  possible  on  a  large  scale. 



Plutonium  is  a  man-made  element  not  occurring  naturally 
on  earth. 

The  successful  step  resulted  in  a  decision  of  the  Manhattan 
District  to  establish  a  plutonium  pilot  plant  at  Clinton  En- 
gineer Works.  To  carry  out  plutonium  production  on  a 
massive  scale,  400,000  acres  near  Pasco  in  the  State  of  Wash- 
ington were  selected  for  construction  of  plants.  This  became 
known  as  the  Hanford  Engineer  Works,  now  called  the  Han- 
ford  Works. 

This  installation  cost  $382,000,000  and  was  built  and  man- 
aged during  wartime  by  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  and 
Company.  It  is  now  operated  by  General  Electric  Company. 

Early  in  1943,  the  Manhattan  Project  established  in  New 
Mexico  its  most  secret  installation — Los  Alamos.  The  site  of 
45,000  acres  is  a  pine-dotted  mesa  towering  nearly  7500  feet 
above  sea  level  where  young  men  once  attended  the  exclusive 
Los  Alamos  Ranch  School  35  miles  northwest  of  Santa  Fe,  the 
state  capital.  This  became  headquarters  for  developing  the 
techniques  and  mechanisms  of  atomic  bombs  using  uranium- 
235  from  Oak  Ridge  and  plutonium  from  Hanford.1 

1  The  atomic  energy  undertaking  begins  with  uranium  ores  and  ends  with 
uranium-235  and  plutonium,  the  fuels  of  atomic  energy.  Uranium  first  ac- 
quired a  commercial  interest  around  the  beginning  of  the  Twentieth  Century 
when  radium  was  discovered  and  put  to  use.  Radium  always  is  associated  with 
uranium,  both  coming  from  pitchblende,  which  is  heavier  than  iron,  about 
as  hard  as  steel  and  is  grayish  black,  sometimes  with  a  greenish  cast. 

Major  fields  of  pitchblende  are  in  Canada  and  the  Belgian  Congo.  They  are 
the  source  of  most  high-grade  uranium  ores.  Our  own  country  has  so  far  pro- 
duced little  high-grade  uranium  ores,  although  progress  is  being  made  in 
processing  low-grade  uranium-bearing  metals,  of  which  carnotite  ore  found 
in  the  Western  United  States  is  one. 

Uranium  ore  is  mined  like  any  other  element,  gold,  silver,  copper,  iron. 
The  ore  is  then  processed  through  large  rolling  mills,  where  it  is  crushed  and 
refined.  Reasonably  pure  uranium  is  then  delivered  to  other  plants  within  the 
United  States  for  further  chemical  processing  as  feed  material  for  the  units 



The  course  set,  1943  dawned  over  Tennessee  amid  a  ca- 
cophony of  bulldozers,  caterpillars  and  other  earth-moving 
equipment;  the  whirr  and  the  whine  of  machines  and  saws 
clearing  the  valleys  and  the  ridges,  the  sounds  of  blasting  and 
the  clicks  of  the  time-pieces  in  clock-in  alleys  with  the  mount- 

at  Oak  Ridge  which  produce  uranium-235,  an(*  for  those  at  Hanford,  which 
produce  plutonium. 

This  feed  material  takes  the  form  of  a  gaseous  uranium  compound  (for  the 
Oak  Ridge  0-235  production  plants)  and  solid  pieces  of  pure  uranium  of  cer- 
tain size  (for  the  Hanford  plutonium  production  plants  and  for  other  ura- 
nium chain-reactors). 

The  amount  of  uranium-235  in  natural  uranium  is  very  small — about  one 
part  in  140.  Even  more  serious  than  its  scarcity  is  the  difficulty  of  separating 
it  from  the  more  abundant  uranium-238,  which  makes  up  about  99.3  per  cent 
of  the  pure  uranium.  Both  U-235  and  0-238  are  atoms,  or  isotopes  (from  the 
Greek  "iso,"  same,  and  "tope,"  place)  which  go  to  make  up  the  pure  uranium; 
that  is,  they  do  not  differ  chemically  one  from  the  other,  but  they  do  differ 
very  slightly  in  mass  or  weight.  Of  the  two  atoms,  0-235  and  0-238,  only 
0-235  is  suitable,  because  of  the  rules  of  nature,  as  atomic  energy  fuel.  0-238 
will  not  fission  in  the  manner  desired  for  a  chain-reaction  blast. 

Three  ways  were  developed  at  Oak  Ridge  in  World  War  II  to  obtain  the 
rare  0-235  from  the  more  abundant  0-238.  These  are  physical  and  mechani- 
cal separation  methods — like  separating  cream  from  milk.  The  thermal  dif- 
fusion process  used  tremendous  quantities  of  heat  to  bring  about  a  separation 
of  0-235  from  0-238.  The  electromagnetic  separation  process  whirled  uranium 
atoms  in  large  semi-circular  arcs  in  a  magnetic  field.  0-235  atoms  followed  a 
slightly  different  path  from  that  followed  by  the  heavier  0-238  atoms.  0-235 
and  0-238  then  were  collected  at  different  points  at  the  end  of  the  arc. 

The  third  process,  gaseous  diffusion,  has  proven  the  most  efficient  and  eco- 
nomical and  is  now  the  major  source  of  0-235.  In  this  process,  a  gas,  uranium 
hexafluoride,  is  circulated  and  re-circulated  under  great  pressure  through  bar- 
riers containing  billions  of  holes  much  smaller  than  the  point  of  a  pin — each 
one  actually  being  only  around  two-millionths  of  an  inch  in  diameter.  As  the 
gas  is  pressured  through  thousands  of  successive  stages  into  these  invisible 
holes,  0-235  g°es  one  waY»  the  heavier  0-238  another.  At  the  end  of  the 
"line,"  0-235  is  collected. 

An  entirely  different  method,  a  combination  transmutation-chemical  sepa- 
ration process,  was  developed  to  obtain  plutonium,  the  fissionable  material 
produced  at  Hanford.  Plutonium  is  not  simply  extracted  or  separated  from 
the  feed  material,  which  are  slugs  of  pure  uranium  metal.  It  is  a  new  element 
created  by  nuclear  fission — a  transmutation  of  one  basic  element  (uranium) 



ing  flow  of  construction  workers  who  were  to  reach  a  peak  of 
47,000  in  Oak  Ridge  in  the  Spring  of  1944  shortly  before 
D-Day  on  the  beaches  of  France.  The  peak  operating  force 
was  40,000  in  May  1945.  The  overall  peak  employment  on  the 
project,  construction,  operating  and  other,  was  82,000  in  May 

into  another  (plutonium),  which  is  then  chemically  separated  from  the  parent 
uranium,  since  it  is  a  different  chemical  element.  The  transmutation  occurs 
in  huge  reactors,  or  so-called  atomic  "furnaces."  A  substance  far  more  pre- 
cious and  useful  than  gold  is  produced  by  this  modern  alchemy.  Once  pro- 
duced, plutonium  also  has  properties  of  fission,  or  breaking  up,  under  certain 
conditions,  with  release  of  great  amounts  of  energy. 

One  type  of  a  plutonium-producing  reactor  is  a  huge  "pile,"  or  solid  mass, 
of  graphite  pierced  at  intervals  by  tubes  that  run  from  one  side  of  the  pile 
to  the  other.  Uranium,  in  the  form  of  slugs,  is  placed  in  these  tubes  in  cer- 
tain geometric  designs.  Nuclear  fission  then  transmutes  a  small  portion  of  the 
uranium  into  plutonium. 

Chain  reactions  occur  in  both  chain  reactors,  or  "piles,"  and  in  atomic  ex- 
plosions. In  a  "pile"  operation,  the  reaction  is  controlled  by  skilled  operators; 
in  an  atomic  explosion,  the  reaction  is  uncontrolled,  and  runs  its  course. 

Both  U-235  and  plutonium,  under  certain  man-made  conditions,  will  fission 
— that  is,  break  up  and  actually  lose  part  of  their  mass  with  release  of  great 
amounts  of  energy  in  a  chain  reaction,  such  as  in  an  atomic  bomb.  Fission  is 
a  particular  kind  of  disintegration  of  an  atomic  nucleus  and  an  explosion  can 
be  produced  by  bringing  sufficiently  large  masses  of  fissionable  material  to- 
gether rapidly.  An  atomic  weapon  is  a  device  for  doing  this. 

A  chain  reaction  is  any  chemical  or  nuclear  transmutation  in  which  some 
of  the  products  of  a  particular  change  assist  the  continuation  of  that  change. 
In  the  atomic  bomb,  or  the  power-producing  uranium  "pile,"  fission  is  caused 
by  the  capture  of  a  neutron  by  a  uranium  atom.  Then,  when  fission  occurs, 
more  neutrons  are  released,  which  in  turn  produce  fission  in  additional  ura- 
nium atoms,  and  so  on.  Thus  a  chain  reaction.  A  neutron  is  a  particle  with 
no  electric  charge.  Because  of  that,  neutrons  can  move  rather  freely  through 
solid  matter. 

Atomic  energy  itself  differs  radically  from  ordinary  types  of  energy  since 
it  involves  a  fundamental  change  in  the  atom's  nature.  In  this  change,  some 
matter  is  converted  into  energy.  In  burning  coal,  for  example,  carbon,  hydro- 
gen and  oxygen  atoms  are  regrouped  into  new  molecules  forming  new  sub- 
stances. The  atoms  remain  unchanged — they  are  still  carbon,  hydrogen  and 
oxygen.  They  do  not  lose  mass  of  any  consequence. 

In  releasing  atomic  energy,  however,  through  splitting  or  breaking  up  of 
the  atom,  the  atom  changes  identity  completely.  It  loses  part  of  its  mass,  which 



1945.  A  total  of  110,000  construction  workers  were  hired 
from  1942  through  1945  to  build  the  town  and  plants;  around 
400,000  construction  workers  were  interviewed  with  only  one 
out  of  three  being  employed. 

Those  who  came  in  a  steady  stream  in  1943  as  the  pace  of 
building  mounted  worked  amid  scenes  having  all  the  frontier 
trappings  of  a  Western  movie.  The  slow-paced  voices  of 
Southerners  mingled  with  the  twang  of  the  Midwesterner,  the 
sharp,  direct  speech  of  the  Easterner  and  the  deliberate,  color- 
is  converted  into  energy.  The  energy  liberated  is  in  proportion  to  the  amount 
of  atomic  mass  destroyed. 

Elements,  the  basic  substance  of  the  universe,  make  up  all  matter.  Each 
element  is  made  up  of  atoms  which  are  alike  in  chemical  behavior  but  may 
have  different  weights.  Furthermore,  the  atoms  of  each  element  are  structur- 
ally different  from  atoms  of  other  elements.  Virtually  all  of  the  98  elements 
discovered  by  mankind  to  date  contain  some  types  of  atoms  which  undergo 
spontaneous  "atomic  explosions,"  but  all  such  "explosions"  in  atoms  of  ele- 
ments below  uranium,  element  92,  are  very  minute  when  compared  to  ura- 
nium-235  or  plutonium  as  they  undergo  fission,  or  break  up. 

The  difference  is  one  of  degree,  in  that  some  of  the  atoms  of  the  common 
elements  break  up  so  slowly  over  so  many  thousands  and  millions  of  years 
that  the  energy  released  is  practically  negligible.  It  is  this  slow,  almost  con- 
stant, rate  of  breaking  up  of  all  the  elements  in  nature,  plus  the  cosmic  radia- 
tion from  the  sun,  which  is  commonly  referred  to  as  background  radiation 
(that  radiation  found  to  be  normally  present  in  any  given  geographical  loca- 
tion). Background  radiation  in  any  location  is  dependent  on  the  kinds  and 
abundance  of  the  elements  present  in  that  location.  Mankind  is  constantly 
being  bathed  in  background  radiation;  it  is  part  of  our  daily  lives. 

Why,  one  may  ask,  cannot  fission  of  major  proportions  as  that  occurring 
in  uranium-235  or  plutonium  be  accomplished  with  atoms  of  ordinary  stable 
elements — tin,  zinc,  aluminum,  sodium,  copper,  iron? 

The  answer,  simply  stated,  is  that  the  "excitement"  or  "energy  level"  within 
the  atoms  of  common  elements  is  too  low.  When  uranium-235  or  plutonium 
soaks  up  a  neutron,  a  very  high  degree  of  "excitement,"  or  energy  level,  is 
reached.  To  relieve  this  excitement,  a  major  change  in  the  atom  occurs,  such 
as  the  splitting  into  two  more  or  less  equal  parts  and  the  release  of  a  great 
deal  of  energy.  When  atoms  of  the  more  common  elements  take  in  a  neutron, 
the  same  high  degree  of  excitement  is  not  reached,  and  the  energy  is  released 
in  a  less  spectacular  and  much  more  deliberate  manner.  In  other  words,  the 
nuclei  of  fissionable  materials  must  have  a  great  amount  of  excess  energy. 



ful  talk  of  the  Westerner.  License  plates  of  the  thousands  of 
automobiles  (25,000  daily  at  one  time)  which  poured  into  the 
project  and  ofttimes  ran  virtually  bumper  to  bumper  during 
the  mornings  and  the  afternoons  between  the  project  and 
Knoxville,  Clinton,  Lenoir  City,  Maryville,  Harriman,  Oliver 
Springs,  Rockwood,  Lake  City,  Kingston  and  other  nearby 
communities,  were  from  every  state  in  the  Union. 

A  cosmopolitan  city  which  was  to  be  7  miles  long  and  from 
1 1/2  to  2  miles  wide,  approximately  9,000  acres  or  14  square 
miles,  began  to  take  roots  in  the  northeast  corner  of  the  area; 
in  once  isolated  valleys,  foundations  for  great  new  structures 
were  beginning  to  take  form. 

The  original  builders  and  workers  were  drawn  from  every 
stratum  of  American  life.  From  Pittsburgh  came  the  iron  and 
steel  workers;  from  Grand  Rapids  the  woodworkers;  from 
Detroit  the  machinists;  from  the  TVA  the  electrical  experts. 
Truckers,  riveters,  crane  operators,  carpenters  and  other 
craftsmen,  and  clerks,  stenographers,  auditors,  accountants 
and  general  help  came  from  everywhere.  The  little  and  the 
big — the  laborer  to  the  scientist — worked  in  a  common 

Their  sacrifices,  their  perseverance,  their  will  to  get  a  job 
done  rivalled  the  resoluteness  and  strength  of  the  pioneers 
who  had  come  into  the  same  valleys  150  years  before.  The 
newcomers,  65  per  cent  of  them  from  the  states  comprising 
the  great  Tennessee  Valley  and  adjoining  states  in  the  South, 
came  for  the  purpose  of  building  a  city  with  a  purpose,  al- 
though at  the  time  they  knew  not  why. 

Simultaneously  with  the  surge  of  people  into  the  new  area, 
stores,  shops  and  various  other  commercial  enterprises  moved 
into  hastily-assembled  structures — awaiting  the  building  of 
more  permanent  facilities — to  serve  the  needs  of  the  new- 
comers; prominent  in  the  vanguard  was  the  famous  Fuller 



Brush  "man,"  his  wares  prominently  displayed,  with  an  ap- 
propriate sign,  in  front  of  a  "hut"  in  the  midst  of  the  thriving 
new  business  section. 

Those  who  came  learned  to  live  in  deep  mystery,  isolating 
themselves  along  with  the  project,  all  the  while  hoping  they 
were  making  some  tangible  contribution  to  the  war  effort. 
They,  too,  were  following  an  uncharted  path.  Many  felt  as 
the  old  Negro,  who,  showing  his  identification  badge  as  a 
laborer,  requested  a  bus  driver  to  "please,  suh,  look  at  my 
badge  and  tell  me  where  I  want  to  go." 

All  in  all,  they  came  for  patriotism.  Between  January  1 943 
and  June  1945,  5500  persons  in  various  occupations  were  de- 
ferred from  the  Armed  Forces  for  work  with  the  Manhattan 
District,  at  Oak  Ridge  and  elsewhere.  And  the  tough  Ameri- 
cans, those  who  build  the  skylines  of  America,  came  because 
they  like  to  beat  tough  assignments.  Oak  Ridge  enticed  them 

Site  preparation  for  the  community  began  in  October  1942 
immediately  after  Stone  &  Webster  construction  personnel 
reached  the  site.  The  first  structure  begun  was  the  main  ad- 
ministration building  of  the  Manhattan  District  which  was 
started  November  22,  1942,  and  completed  March  15,  1943, 
enabling  key  persons  of  the  District  to  move  from  New  York. 
Meanwhile,  in  Washington,  War  Production  Board  officials 
became  familiar  with  the  strange  words  "Manhattan  District." 
Throughout  the  building  of  Oak  Ridge  and  other  atomic 
facilities,  the  WPB  gave  valuable  assistance  in  obtaining  vital 
supplies  and  equipment  for  a  project  about  which  they  knew 

The  first  phase  of  Oak  Ridge  community  planning  evolved 
early  in  1943  for  a  town  of  around  13,000  residents.  The 
second  phase,  initiated  in  the  Fall  of  1943,  provided  for  a 
population  of  around  42,000  and  the  third  phase,  initiated 



in  the  Spring  of  1945,  provided  for  a  population  of  66,000. 
Even  this  latter  estimate  proved  too  low;  the  peak  popula- 
tion of  the  Oak  Ridge  Area  in  September  1945  was  75,000 
(the  fifth  largest  city  in  Tennessee,  exceeded  only  by  Mem- 
phis, Nashville,  Knoxville  and  Chattanooga),  occupying  10,- 
ooo  family  dwelling  units,  13,000  dormitory  spaces,  5,000 
trailers  and  more  than  16,000  hutment  and  barracks  accom- 
modations. In  the  1950  Census,  Oak  Ridge  had  a  population 
of  30,205,  maintaining  its  place  as  Tennessee's  fifth  largest 

During  one  period  of  the  construction  of  the  family  dwell- 
ings known  as  Cemestos,  units  were  turned  over  to  the  Gov- 
ernment by  the  contractors  at  the  average  rate  of  one  every 
thirty  minutes — fully  equipped  with  refrigerators,  stoves, 
heating  equipment  and  all  the  facilities  necessary  for  imme- 
diate use. 

The  first  of  the  Cemesto,  or  semi-permanent-type  houses, 
built  under  supervision  of  Stone  &  Webster,  were  constructed 
south  of  Tennessee  Avenue — six  months  before  only  a  field 
dotted  with  pines — in  what  was  designated  the  Elm  Grove 
Community.  All  the  foundations  in  a  given  area  were  laid  at 
once,  the  chimneys  coming  next — the  red  brick  looking  like 
strange  trees — and  then  the  Cemesto  siding  was  slipped  into 

In  July,  prefabricated  wooden  huts  were  ready  for  occu- 
pancy by  construction  workers  and  trailers  were  obtained 
from  the  Federal  Public  Housing  Authority  and  wheeled 
into  place  at  Middletown.  Looking  across  from  the  Man- 
hattan District's  main  administration  building  at  night  in 
July,  few  patches  of  light  designating  houses  could  be  seen. 
But  week  by  week,  they  spread  on  and  on  and  Black  Oak 
Ridge  sparkled  like  so  many  stars. 

By  August,  plans  for  the  project  were  revised  upward. 



More  housing  units  were  needed  for  the  construction  forces 
which  were  simultaneously  working  on  the  huge  plants  four, 
10  and  12  miles  away  and  for  the  increasing  number  of  op- 
erating and  technical  personnel  who  were  beginning  to  move 
in.  To  save  time  and  labor,  prefabricated  houses  were  brought 
in  by  trucks,  clogging  the  highways  for  months.  Panelized 
duplex  houses  constructed  at  other  war  plants  were  knocked 
down,  shipped  to  the  area  and  reassembled.  Two  and  four- 
family  units  and  1 2-family  apartments  were  built.  More  Gov- 
ernment trailers  were  obtained  and  accommodations  pro- 
vided for  privately-owned  trailers.  Along  with  the  housing, 
schools,  stores,  recreation  and  general  facilities  were  enlarged 

The  first  family  moved  into  its  trailer  home  in  Middletown 
on  July  13,  and  on  July  27,  1943,  the  first  Cemesto  house  was 
occupied  on  Thornton  Road,  off  Tennessee  Avenue.  In  the 
same  month,  Col.  Robert  C.  Blair,  then  in  charge  of  Clinton 
Engineer  Works,  asked  for  suggestions  from  employees  for  a 
name  for  the  new  community.  Oak  Ridge  was  chosen  because 
the  site  on  which  the  town  was  being  built  was  known  as 
Black  Oak  Ridge  and  its  rural  connotation  held  outside  curi- 
osity to  a  minimum. 

Earlier,  in  January  of  1943,  ground  had  been  broken  for 
the  first  fire  headquarters,  for  the  first  dormitory,  and  for 
recreation  buildings.  On  February  i ,  construction  of  the  great 
electromagnetic  plant  was  begun.  On  the  same  day,  grading 
was  begun  at  the  site  for  Clinton  Laboratories,  site  of  the  first 
uranium  chain-reactor  which  was  to  supply  the  initial  signifi- 
cant amounts  of  plutonium  for  research  leading  to  the  build- 
ing of  the  great  Hanford  plants.  Rigid  control  over  project 
entry  was  established  April  i,  1943,  when  armed  guards  were 
placed  at  "gates"  at  Elza,  Edgemoor,  Blair,  Solway  and  other 
road  points.  Wire  fencing  began  to  appear  at  strategic  places 



and  mounted  patrolmen  began  to  watch  the  stretches  of 
Clinch  River  which  meanders  35  miles  around  the  project 

The  family  of  Capt.  Philip  Anderson  of  Little  Rock,  Ar- 
kansas, an  officer  assigned  to  the  Manhattan  District,  was  the 
first  to  move  into  a  semi-permanent-type  home  in  Oak  Ridge. 
Like  thousands  of  other  families  who  came  later,  the  Ander- 
sons underwent  experiences  seldom  seen  since  the  Gold  Rush. 

"It  was  raining  the  day  we  moved  in,"  Mrs.  Anderson  re- 
calls, "and  the  truck  with  the  furniture  got  stuck  in  the  mud. 
When  we  finally  struggled  into  the  house,  the  painters  were 
still  in  the  kitchen.  There  were  no  phones  in  the  houses  at 
that  time  and  when  they  had  trouble  with  the  electricity  they 
had  no  way  of  letting  you  know.  I'd  be  in  the  middle  of  get- 
ting dinner  ready  for  company,  when  the  lights  and  the  stove 
would  go  off,  twice  when  I  was  washing  my  hair  the  water 
went  off.  .  .  .  We  weren't  born  soon  enough  for  the  Gold 
Rush,  but  we  made  up  for  it  at  Oak  Ridge." 

The  new  city's  first  drug  store  opened  August  i,  the  first 
grocery  store  made  its  first  sale  August  4  and  the  Guest  House, 
the  local  hotel,  welcomed  its  first  guest  August  5.  This 
wooden  structure  was  to  serve  as  a  stop-over  for  many  of  the 
world's  leading  scientists  and  executives — among  them  Dr.  J. 
Robert  Oppenheimer,  Dr.  Ernest  O.  Lawrence,  Dr.  Harold 
Urey,  Dr.  G.  T.  Seaborg,  Dr.  Enrico  Fermi,  Dr.  J.  B.  Co- 
nant,  Dr.  George  T.  Felbeck,  H.  D.  Kinsey,  Crawford  H. 
Greenewalt,  James  A.  Rafferty,  T.  J.  Hargrave,  James  C. 
White,  P.  S.  Wilcox,  P.  C.  Keith,  Jr.,  Dr.  Eugene  Wigner,  Dr. 
Vannevar  Bush,  Dr.  Charles  A.  Thomas,  Dr.  W.  H.  Zinn, 
Dr.  Arthur  H.  Compton  and  the  Englishman,  Dr.  M.  L. 
Oliphant — all  moving  like  shadows  through  the  mysterious 
recesses  of  the  plants,  unrecognized  by  the  thousands  who 
were  building  what  they,  the  scientists,  had  planned.  For 



security  reasons  the  scientists  went  under  assumed  names — 
Dr.  Fermi,  for  example,  was  "Farmer,"  Dr.  Compton  "Co- 
mus"  and  Lawrence  "Lawson." 

The  first  movie  "In  Which  We  Serve"  was  shown  in  the 
Center  Theatre  August  31,  fifteen  days  after  the  U.  S.  Post 
Office  was  opened  by  the  first  postmaster,  George  E.  Bowling, 
and  the  first  letter  was  dispatched  bearing  the  Oak  Ridge 
cancellation  stamp. 

"We  opened  the  first  grocery  and  made  our  first  sale  even 
before  the  construction  crew  got  the  doors  up,"  Horace 
Sherrod,  the  manager,  states.  "I  started  filling  my  shelves  in 
1943  and  didn't  manage  to  get  them  completely  filled  until 
1946.  When  I  asked  the  big  shippers  to  send  me  food,  they'd 
say  'We  never  heard  of  Oak  Ridge,  it  can't  be  a  priority  city.' 
A  carload  of  merchandise  I  ordered  hadn't  arrived  in  four 
weeks  and  I  inquired  about  it.  The  shipper  wrote  back  and 
said  nobody  could  tell  him  where  Oak  Ridge  was;  he  said  he 
didn't  believe  there  was  such  a  place.  A  flour  salesman  lost 
hundreds  of  dollars  in  commissions  because  his  company 
couldn't  locate  Oak  Ridge  after  the  orders  arrived,  and  they 
refused  to  ship." 

In  the  Summer  of  1943,  Oak  Ridgers  began  looking  for 
recreation.  The  residents  needed  some  place  to  shake  the  mud 
off  their  feet  and  the  grime  off  their  hands.  With  the  comple- 
tion of  the  first  cafeteria,  this  was  utilized  for  dances  under 
the  direction  of  the  Oak  Ridge  Recreation  and  Welfare  Asso- 
ciation, which  was  activated  July  2 1  and  which  eventually  had 
230  full-time  employees  supervising  social,  welfare  and  recrea- 
tional activities  encompassing  a  "teen-age"  center,  athletics, 
library  services,  folk  dancing,  music,  art,  drama,  handicraft, 
outdoor  dancing  and  other  diversified  undertakings.  The 
association  was  dissolved  in  1947.  ,*• 

The  first  issue  of  a  small  four-page  mimeographed  publica- 



tion  known  as  the  Oak  Ridge  Journal  (it  eventually  grew  to  a 
regular  size  newspaper  of  12  pages  under  the  editorship  of 
Mrs.  Frances  Smith  Gates,  a  graduate  of  Mt.  Holyoke  College, 
assisted  by  Richard  B.  Gehman,  Dixon  Johnson  and  Thomas 
F.  X.  McCarthy),  came  to  the  attention  of  residents  Septem- 
ber 4  with  Army  Warrant  Officer  Murray  Levine  of  Brooklyn 
as  editor.  He  was  succeeded  a  short  time  later  by  Carl  Jealous. 
The  Journal's  second  issue  called  for  the  organization  of  clubs 
and  associations.  The  reception  was  enthusiastic.  By  the  Sum- 
mer of  1945,  Oak  Ridge  had  more  than  100  organized  groups 
ranging  from  a  Rabbit  Breeders  Association  to  a  Folk  Dancing 
Group  to  a  Civic  Music  Association.  The  first  civic  organiza- 
tion in  Oak  Ridge,  the  Junior  Chamber  of  Commerce,  was 
formed  in  May,  1945;  the  Rotary  Club  was  second,  being 
organized  in  December,  1945.  The  Lions,  Kiwanis  and  Ex- 
change Clubs  followed.  The  Masons,  Elks,  Eagles  and  Moose 
and  other  groups  developed  Oak  Ridge  organizations  at  in- 

On  September  12,  the  Interdenominational  Young  People's 
Fellowship  Union  staged  a  campfire  sing  at  a  pond  close  by 
the  new  community.  A  Civil  Air  Patrol  was  organized  Sep- 
tember 14  and  plans  were  well  underway  for  a  full-fledged 
Red  Cross  chapter.  Army  enlisted  men  and  members  of  the 
Woman's  Army  Corps  began  arriving.  On  September  18,  Boy 
Scouts  were  signing  up  for  organizations  of  Troops  and  a 
Little  Theatre  was  formed.  Bowlers  organized  an  association 
on  September  30  with  86  men's  and  27  women's  teams. 

On  September  23,  the  Army  announced  a  contract  with  an 
organization  which  was  to  become  a  close  part  of  the  daily  life 
of  every  Oak  Ridge  resident — the  Roane-Anderson  Company, 
the  housekeeper  for  the  Atomic  City  (Chapter  VII). 

The  frontier  atmosphere  of  Oak  Ridge's  early  days  is  re- 
flected in  a  letter  to  the  residents  from  the  first  Town  Mana- 



ger,  Capt.  P.  E.  O'Meara  of  the  Manhattan  District,  appear- 
ing in  the  mimeographed  Oak  Ridge  Journal  September  25, 
1943.  The  letter  said: 

"Yes,  we  know  it's  muddy.  .  .  .  You  think  prices  are  too 
high  in  the  grocery  store.  .  .  .  Coal  has  not  been  delivered. 
...  It  takes  six  days  to  get  your  laundry.  .  .  .  The  grocer 
runs  out  of  butter  and  milk.  .  .  .  Your  laundry  gets  lost.  .  .  . 
The  post  office  is  too  small.  .  .  .  There  are  not  enough  bowl- 
ing alleys.  .  .  .  Your  house  leaks.  .  .  .  Everyone  is  not  cour- 
teous. ...  It  takes  too  long  to  get  your  passes.  .  .  .  The 
water  was  cold.  .  .  .  The  beer  ran  out.  .  .  . 

"The  telephones  are  always  busy.  .  .  .  You  can't  get  all  the 
meat  you  want.  .  .  .  Your  house  isn't  ready.  .  .  .  There's 
confusion  in  the  cafeteria.  .  .  .  The  dance  hall  is  crowded. 
.  .  .  There's  no  soda  fountain.  .  .  .  The  guest  house  is  full. 
.  .  .  Employees  are  inexperienced.  .  .  .  You  don't  like  the 
way  things  are  run.  .  .  .  You  could  do  better.  .  .  .  Someone 
said  someone  asked  someone  who  told  them  someone  said 
they  knew  something,  and  you  don't  like  it.  ...  Your  win- 
dows aren't  clean  in  your  house.  .  .  .  You  have  seen  the 
movie.  .  .  .  Your  floors  aren't  waxed.  .  .  .  The  butcher 
didn't  wait  on  you  in  turn.  .  .  .  You  want  more  sugar.  .  .  v 
The  roads  are  dusty.  .  .  .  Your  shirts  come  back  without 
buttons.  .  .  .  Things  were  different  'back  home' ....  You 
would  have  planned  it  differently.  .  .  . 

"What  you  want  to  know  is  ...  WHAT'S  BEING  DONE 

"Well  .  .  .  Roads  WILL  be  paved.  .  .  .  The  grocer  is  ob- 
ligated to  not  charge  prices  in  excess  of  those  in  Knoxville. 
.  .  .  Coal  WILL  be  delivered.  .  .  .  Sidewalks  WILL  be  laid. 
...  A  third  shift  will  be  started  in  the  laundry  as  soon  as  we 
can  get  help.  .  .  .  Milk  WILL  be  imported,  maybe  butter.  .  .  . 
The  townsite  WILL  be  restricted.  .  .  .  An  officer  is  in  Wash- 



ington  now  arranging  for  the  change  from  a  fourth  to  second 
rate  post  office.  .  .  .  More  bowling  alleys  WILL  be  built.  .  .  . 
Workmen  WILL  come  by  and  ask  where  your  house  leaks. 

"Town  Management  personnel  has  been  instructed  that 
YOU  are  always  right.  .  .  .  Personnel  estimates  increased  faster 
than  dorms  could  be  built,  more  WILL  be  built.  .  .  .  They 
ran  out  of  beer  in  Knoxville  and  'back  home'  the  same  night 
it  ran  out  here.  .  .  .  More  telephones  are  coming.  .  .  .  Meat 
is  rationed.  .  .  .  3,000  people  cannot  be  fed  in  two  hours  and 
not  have  confusion. 

"Every  effort  is  being  made  to  get  your  houses  ready.  .  .  . 
Construction  must  go  on,  even  when  you  are  asleep.  .  .  . 
More  dance  space  WILL  be  made  available.  .  .  .  The  guest 
house  will  be  full  for  months.  .  .  .  Soda  fountain  equipment 
is  almost  unobtainable,  but  we  WILL  have  one.  .  .  . 

"Some  employees  will  ALWAYS  be  inefficient.  .  .  .  Someone 
will  always  be  saying  someone  asked  someone  who  told  them 
someone  said  they  knew  something,  that  DOESN'T  make  it  a 
fact.  .  .  . 

"We  WILL  get  more  first  run  movies.  ...  A  plan  is  ready  to 
furnish  clothes  line  posts  and  tools  and  you  put  them  up.  .  .  . 
The  butcher  didn't  mean  to  pass  you  up.  .  .  .  The  barbers 
are  busy  back  home  during  rush  hours.  .  .  .  Sugar  is  rationed. 
.  .  .  Your  shirts  will  continue  to  come  back  without  buttons; 
we  would  put  them  on  if  we  had  help  enough.  ...  A  shoe 
repair  shop  WILL  be  opened  soon.  .  .  . 

"Your  dormitory  WOULDN'T  be  noisy  if  everyone  were  as 
considerate  as  he  would  like  his  neighbor  to  be.  ...  Were 
you  ever  ANYWHERE  that  you  liked  everyone.  .  .  .  Things 
WEREN'T  different  back  home.  .  .  .  Everything  can't  be  done 
at  once,  because  we  need  more  help.  We  would  have  planned 
it  differently  too  if  we  had  thought  of  it  in  '33." 

Early  in  October,  1943,  Oak  Ridge's  first  school  sessions, 



where  the  engineer's  boy  from  Nebraska  sat  next  to  the  ac- 
countant's son  from  Brooklyn,  got  underway. 

The  Oak  Ridge  Hospital  was  completed  later  in  the  month, 
with  formal  opening  November  17,  1943.  The  first  staff  mem- 
bers under  the  supervision  of  Dr.  Charles  Rea,  a  Minnesotan 
and  a  Colonel  in  the  Army  Medical  Corps,  had  arrived  in 
July.  The  hospital  was  under  the  direction  of  Col.  Stafford  L. 
Warren,  chief  of  the  Medical  Division  of  the  Manhattan  Dis- 
trict, with  Lt.  Col.  H.  L.  Friedell  as  Executive  Officer.  Colonel 
Rea  was  director  of  clinical  services. 

With  construction  on  all  sides,  the  dust  created  a  major 
problem  in  hospital  operations  and  the  job  of  keeping  oper- 
ating room  instruments  sterile  was  a  major  difficulty.  Between 
July  and  October,  while  the  hospital  was  nearing  completion, 
the  hospital  staff  conducted  what  was  almost  a  mobile  hospital 
unit,  setting  up  clinics  and  giving  typhoid  and  smallpox 
inoculations  in  the  cafeterias.  A  key  figure  at  the  hospital  was 
a  psychiatrist,  for  the  mental  health  of  the  worker  was  of 
prime  concern.  The  long,  critical  hours,  the  elaborate  secu- 
rity and  safety  rules,  the  unreality  and  the  need  to  produce 
at  top  efficiency  and  speed  brought  about  pressure  of  great 

In  November  1943,  the  hospital's  bed  capacity  was  50;  by 
the  summer  of  1945,  it  had  grown  to  337;  today  260  beds  are 
utilized.  The  hospital,  now  operated  by  a  nonprofit  corpora- 
tion composed  of  seven  representative  Oak  Ridge  citizens,  is  a 
member  of  the  American  Hospital  Association  and  is  ap- 
proved by  the  American  College  of  Surgeons  and  the  Ameri- 
can Medical  Association  for  intern  training.  A  completely 
equipped  dental  clinic  is  nearby. 

House-to-house  milk  delivery  also  began  in  October,  1943. 
Housewives  with  children  were  the  first  to  get  delivery.  Con- 
densed milk,  recombined  with  water,  augmented  the  local 


t'    iff  &£*, 






supply  and  milk  sheds  as  far  away  as  Wisconsin  were  con- 
tacted for  supplies.  Even  then,  there  was  no  laboratory  ex- 
amination of  milk  sold  on  the  area — most  of  it  came  in  bulk 
in  large  cans — until  January  1944,  when  the  Department  of 
Public  Health  was  set  up.  During  the  building  of  Oak  Ridge 
and  in  peacetime,  the  community  has  established  an  enviable 
health  record.  There  has  never  been  a  serious  outbreak  of  any 
disease  or  an  epidemic  in  Oak  Ridge. 

October  also  saw  the  establishment  of  Oak  Ridge's  first 
banking  facility,  an  extension  of  the  Hamilton  National  Bank 
of  Knoxville.  On  November  18,  1942,  the  first  telephone  was 
installed  on  the  project  by  Southern  Bell;  in  1945,  the  total 
was  almost  10,000.  Today,  approximately  14,000  telephones 
serve  Oak  Ridge. 

The  women  who  came  to  Oak  Ridge  with  their  husbands 
to  help  share  the  pioneering  in  a  new  land  were  distressed 
over  what  they  found.  Security  demanded  silence  and  silence 
was  golden  in  Oak  Ridge.  The  wives  were  upset  when  they 
first  saw  the  drab  countryside  of  Oak  Ridge.  But  they  learned 
to  take  it  in  stride.  This  transition  was  aptly  described  by  a 
young  stenographer,  a  dormitory  resident:  "You  either  catch 
on  here  fast,  or  you  don't  catch  on  at  all." 

Even  fun  had  an  awkward  time.  Young  girls,  immaculately 
dressed  for  dances,  often  removed  a  mud-caked  pair  of  hip 
boots  at  the  door,  stacked  them  in  racks  in  the  hall  with 
others  and  then  slipped  on  their  dancing  shoes.  Furthermore, 
it  was  considered  proper  to  remove  one's  shoes  before  enter- 
ing a  house. 

As  related  by  Mrs.  Stafford  Warren,  a  columnist  for  the 
Oak  Ridge  Journal,  housewives  confined  their  conversations 
to  lighter  topics  and  were  discreet  in  inquiring  as  to  their 
husbands'  destinations  on  trips.  They  got  used  to  a  "left-out" 
feeling.  For  the  wives,  1943  through  a  part  of  1945  was  a  two- 



and-a-half-year  period  of  a  concentration  of  curiosity.  In  the 
"outside"  world,  relatives  and  friends  also  had  their  doubts 
about  Oak  Ridge. 

"It's  all  right,  son,"  one  mother  wrote,  "if  you  can't  tell  me 
what  you're  doing  in  Oak  Ridge,  but  I  do  hope  it's  honor- 
able." A  friend  in  another  city  wrote  to  a  housewife:  "For  a 
bright  young  engineer,  your  husband  certainly  knows  less 
about  what  he  is  doing  than  I  would  have  expected"  and  a 
relative  in  Chicago  put  it  this  way:  "If  you  and  John  don't 
care  to  correspond  with  your  old  aunt  any  longer,  just  let  me 

On  the  other  hand,  those  on  the  outside  couldn't  properly 
sympathize  with  Oak  Ridgers  on  the  agony  of  shopping  for 
food  in  the  early  days  because  the  new  resident  couldn't  ex- 
plain that  one  grocery  store  was  attempting  to  serve  10,000 
persons,  nor  could  they  appreciate  why  church  members  were 
not  chagrined  at  the  sign  over  an  Oak  Ridge  movie  theatre 
entrance:  "NOW  SHOWING:  METHODIST  CHURCH."  The  church 
was  happy  to  have  the  accommodations. 

One  scientist  worked  out  his  own  technique  for  avoiding 
discussions  with  his  wife  on  the  nature  of  his  work.  He  said  to 
her:  "I'll  give  you  a  choice.  I'll  tell  you  exactly  what  I'm  do- 
ing, but  then  you  can't  breathe  a  word  of  it  to  a  soul.  Or  I'll 
continue  to  keep  you  in  the  dark  and  you  can  make  up  all  the 
stories  you  want  to  tell  your  friends."  She  thought  it  over,  and 
being  a  woman,  took  the  choice  of  not  knowing  and  being 
able  to  speculate. 

During  the  hectic  period  when  Oak  Ridge  was  born,  tem- 
pers flared  and  tensions  mounted  in  the  wake  of  the  thousands 
upon  thousands  of  persons  who  swelled  the  populations  of 
Knoxville  and  adjoining  communities  during  rationing  and 
tightening  of  the  belts.  Quarrels  developed  between  the  na- 
tives and  the  newcomers.  The  Knox  County  Court — made 



up  of  "squires" — adopted,  22  to  3,  a  resolution  seeking  a  Con- 
gressional investigation  of  reports  that  some  Clinton  Engineer 
Works'  employees  were  paid  for  work  they  did  not  perform. 
The  action  was  dropped  but  it  was  a  reflection  of  the  times. 

The  confusion  was  contagious.  One  workman,  on  the  job 
only  five  days,  insisted  to  his  superior  that  he  wanted  to  "ter- 
minate." The  superior  asked  why  he  was  dissatisfied. 

"Well,"  the  worker  said,  "it's  that  paper  they  wanted  us  to 
sign,  sign  up  for  the  'fire  squad.'  I'm  willing  to  do  all  I  can 
here  but  I  don't  like  killing  Americans.  I  don't  want  to  have 
to  fire  on  anybody  in  Oak  Ridge."  He  was  in  the  same  mental 
state  as  the  Negro  who  called  the  Oak  Ridge  Hospital:  "Please 
send  an  ambulance  to  the  colored  huts;  this  man's  havin'  a 
confusion"  and  the  Mounted  Patrolman  who  aimed  at  a 
skunk  and  shot  a  perfectly  good  Government-owned  horse 
through  the  head. 

At  5  A.M.  on  the  morning  of  November  4,  1943,  a  historic 
first  step  in  Oak  Ridge  operations  was  taken.  At  that  time,  the 
first  uranium  chain-reactor  in  the  world  with  a  production  po- 
tential was  placed  in  operation,  the  famous  atomic  "furnace" 
at  Clinton  Laboratories,  to  be  known  later  in  peacetime  as 
the  Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory.  The  "pile"  had  been 
completed  in  eight  and  one-half  months  by  E.  I.  du  Pont 
de  Nemours  and  Co.  and  turned  over  on  October  16  to  the 
Metallurgical  Laboratory  of  the  University  of  Chicago,  which 
originally  operated  the  completed  plant  under  the  leadership 
of  Dr.  A.  H.  Compton. 

Meanwhile,  construction  of  the  main  process  building  for 
the  gaseous  diffusion  U-235  plant  was  started  September  10 
by  the  J.  A.  Jones  Construction  Company  of  Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Oak  Ridge's  first  Christmas  in  1943  was  a  painful  one  for 
most  families.  They  were  away  from  relatives  and  old  ties  and 
Security  did  not  encourage  visitors.  Work  went  on  apace,  for 



the  loss  of  only  one  day  in  construction  meant  a  one-day  delay 
sometime  in  the  future  in  the  use  of  mankind's  newest 
weapon.  And  the  children  did  not  ask  Santa  Glaus  to  bring 
the  usual  toys.  They  were  interested  in  what  they  lived 
around — bulldozers,  dump  trucks,  caterpillars,  wheelbarrows 
and  cranes. 

Oak  Ridge  was  a  city  of  boardwalks,  badges  and  some  boot- 
leggers but  never  boredom.  There  was  a  touch  of  the  Klon- 
dike, the  fervor  of  a  boom.  Friends  one  hadn't  seen  in  years 
would  suddenly  appear  and  as  suddenly  disappear.  Scientists 
and  mountaineers  worked  side  by  side,  but  the  only  people 
really  at  home  were  engineers  who  had  experienced  construc- 
tion before. 

Early  in  1944,  Stone  and  Webster  completed  the  first  opera- 
tions building  in  the  production  area  known  as  ¥-12  and  on 
January  27  a  select  group  of  Manhattan  District  personnel 
and  officials  of  Stone  and  Webster  and  the  Tennessee  East- 
man Corporation,  a  subsidiary  of  Eastman  Kodak  and  plant 
operator,  witnessed  the  epochal  first  "run"  of  uranium-235 
on  a  mass  basis  by  the  electromagnetic  method.  The  run  was 
marred  by  discovery  of  foreign  matter  in  certain  pipes  which 
had  to  be  immaculately  clean  for  successful  operations,  but 
the  ingenuity  of  engineers  and  technical  personnel  quickly 
solved  the  problem  and  in  February,  first  full-time  produc- 
tion was  under  way.  The  uncharted  path  was  beginning  to 

Few  Oak  Ridgers  were  aware  of  an  event  transpiring  in 
1943  which  was  to  affect  each  and  every  resident. 

Early  that  year,  the  Tennessee  Legislature,  alarmed  by  the 
growing  number  of  Federal  projects  in  the  State  and  the  sub- 
sequent loss  of  state  lands  and  taxes  from  such  lands,  declined 
to  cede  sovereignty  to  the  Federal  government  over  the  land 
taken  over  by  the  War  Department  for  the  Oak  Ridge  project. 



Prentice  Cooper  of  Shelbyville  was  Governor  of  Tennessee  at 
the  time. 

Thus,  Oak  Ridge  is  not  a  Federal  Reservation,  merely  a 
Federal  area,  and  the  people  who  lived  there  during  the  war 
years  and  who  live  there  now  were  and  are  beholden  to  the 
Criminal  and  Civil  laws  of  the  counties  of  Roane  and  Ander- 
son and  the  State  of  Tennessee.  Until  the  community  becomes 
an  incorporated  municipality  of  the  state,  laws  will  be  en- 
forced by  Oak  Ridge  policemen  deputized  by  the  sheriff  of 
Anderson  County. 

As  residents,  however,  of  an  area  in  which  state  laws  pre- 
vail, the  citizens,  after  residence  in  Tennessee  of  a  year,  can 
vote  in  state  and  county  elections.  The  decision  of  the  Legis- 
lature in  1943  not  to  cede  sovereignty  eventually  brought  a 
healthier  condition. 

When  peace  came  and  Oak  Ridge  started  on  the  road  to 
normalcy,  the  transition  in  becoming  a  more  integral  part  of 
Tennessee's  civic,  business,  political  and  community  life  was 

Cost  and  Layout  of  Oak  Ridge 

The  cost  of  building  the  town  of  Oak  Ridge  alone  was  $96,- 

Its  construction  as  a  service  to  the  atomic  energy  plants  was 
accomplished  by  Stone  and  Webster  Engineering  Corpora- 
tion to  provide  living  quarters  for  personnel  necessary  for 
plant  operations. 

Also  assigned  the  construction  of  the  huge  electromagnetic 
facility,  Stone  and  Webster  turned  over  the  town  planning 
and  housing  phase  to  the  architect-engineer  firm  of  Skidmore, 
Owings  and  Merrill  of  Chicago,  which  prepared  building 
plans  and  town  layout.  The  John  B.  Pierce  Foundation  of 



Raritan,  New  Jersey,  developed  the  designs  for  semi-perma- 
nent housing  units. 

Stone  and  Webster  was  responsible,  however,  for  coordina- 
tion of  all  work,  procurement  of  materials,  supervision  of  sub- 
contractors building  the  homes,  and  construction  of  roads 
and  utilities.  Principal  sub-contractors  in  building  the  town 
were  John  A.  Johnson  &  Sons,  Inc.,  New  York;  Clinton 
Home  Builders,  Charlotte,  N.  C.;  O'Driscoll  and  Grove,  Inc., 
New  York;  Harrison  Construction  Co.,  Pittsburgh  and  Mary- 
vine,  Tenn.;  Foster  and  Creighton  Co.,  Nashville;  A.  Farnell 
Blair,  Decatur,  Ga.,  and  Rock  City  Construction  Co.,  Nash- 

The  layout  of  the  nearly  200  miles  of  streets  for  the  city 
was  controlled  mainly  by  the  contours  or  grades  of  the  area. 
Thus  there  are  no  "blocks"  or  "squares"  as  in  other  cities. 

Several  main  roadways  run  east  and  west.  Oak  Ridge  Turn- 
pike was  once  the  southern  limits  but  new  neighborhoods 
have  now  been  developed  south  of  the  Turnpike.  Tennessee 
Avenue  runs  through  the  main  section  of  the  town.  Continua- 
tions to  the  west  of  Tennessee  Avenue  are  Pennsylvania, 
Hillside  Road  and  Robertsville  Road.  Outer  Drive  runs  near 
the  top  of  the  ridge. 

Main  "Avenues,"  which  generally  run  north  and  south  or 
up  and  down  hill,  connect  these  three  main  east  and  west 

Roads,  Lanes  and  Places  branch  off  the  Avenues.  These 
branches  are  called  "Roads"  when  they  form  connections  be- 
tween other  roadways;  "Circles"  when  they  form  short  loops 
which  return  to  the  same  road  from  which  they  started,  and 
"Lanes"  or  "Places"  when  they  have  dead  ends. 

Except  for  the  main  east  and  west  connecting  roads,  all 
Avenues  of  the  town  as  originally  laid  out  have  names  with 
first  letters  progressing  alphabetically  from  east  to  west.  For 


example,  "Alabama"  and  "Austin"  on  the  east,  "Georgia"  to 
"Kentucky"  near  the  center,  and  "Vermont"  and  "Victoria" 
toward  the  west.  Later  expansion  of  the  town,  west  of  Penn- 
sylvania Avenue,  started  with  the  street  names  beginning  with 
"H,"  "I"  and  "J,"  and  continued  alphabetically  to  the  west 
with  other  letters  not  used  in  the  original  half  of  town. 

Similarly,  the  names  of  "Roads,"  "Lanes"  and  "Circles" 
progress  alphabetically  from  south  to  north  or  east  to  west, 
but  with  the  same  first  letter  as  in  the  name  of  the  "Ave- 
nue" from  which  they  start.  Thus  all  Roads  and  Lanes  lead- 
ing from  Florida  Avenue  begin  with  "F,"  while  all  which 
lead  from  Outer  Drive  begin  with  "O." 

Highest  point  above  sea  level  in  Oak  Ridge  is  1204  feet  on 
Outer  Drive;  lowest  is  775  feet  along  Clinch  River,  which 
serves  as  an  area  boundary. 

The  average  mean  temperature  in  the  Oak  Ridge  Area 
over  a  period  of  the  past  78  years  has  been  approximately  60 

Schools,  Churches  and  Babies 

First  school  sessions  in  Oak  Ridge  began  October  4,  1943, 
with  an  enrollment  of  830  under  the  direction  of  Dr.  A.  H. 
Blankenship  of  Columbia  University,  superintendent,  who 
arrived  in  July  1943  to  build  a  school  system  which  was  to 
accommodate  pupils  from  every  state  in  the  Union  and  from 
every  conceivable  background  and  which  later  was  to  be 
chosen  one  of  the  40  most  modern  school  systems  in  the  na- 
tion. High  point  in  Oak  Ridge  school  enrollment  was  8,223 
on  October  5,  1945;  present  day  enrollment  approximates 
6,300.  Dr.  Blankenship  left  Oak  Ridge  in  1946  and  was  suc- 
ceeded by  Dr.  R.  H.  Ostrander  January  i,  1947. 

First  baccalaureate  service  in  Oak  Ridge  school  history 


was  held  June  18,  1944,  in  the  high  school  auditorium.  In- 
vocation and  benediction  were  given  by  the  Rev.  W.  A.  Rule 
of  the  Baptist  Church;  the  sermon  was  delivered  by  Father 
Joseph  H.  Seiner  of  the  Catholic  Church.  On  June  20,  the 
first  senior  class  was  graduated  from  the  high  school.  Dr. 
Blankenship  presented  the  diplomas.  The  invocation  was 
given  by  the  Rev.  B.  M.  Larson.  Carolyn  Lakin  and  Stafford 
Warren  tied  for  first  honors;  second  honors  went  to  Barbara 
Lee  Wensel. 

There  were  1 6  churches  in  the  Oak  Ridge  Area  when  it  was 
selected  for  building  of  atomic  energy  plants  in  1942.  Of 
these,  five  were  in  the  section  where  the  town  was  built  and 
they  were  used  by  new  congregations  made  up  of  the  families 
of  men  who  came  to  build  and  operate  the  town  and  plants. 
Church  bells  were  removed  from  those  remote  from  the  resi- 
dential section  and  installed  in  fire  headquarters  throughout 
the  area. 

Two  new  churches,  Chapel-on-the-Hill  in  the  central  part 
of  the  city  and  another  in  East  Village,  East  Chapel,  were 
built  by  the  Army.  Two  of  the  structures  already  in  the 
Townsite  area  in  1942,  West  Chapel  and  Iroquois  Chapel, 
were  set  aside  for  services  but  later  it  was  necessary  to  utilize 
the  high  school  auditorium,  the  grade  schools,  recreation  halls 
and  theatres  for  the  29  different  church  groups  which  even- 
tually were  established  at  Oak  Ridge. 

The  first  formal  church  services  were  conducted  in  Oak 
Ridge  July  25,  1943,  in  the  Central  Cafeteria  by  the  Rev. 
B.  M.  Larson,  a  Presbyterian,  of  Knoxville  at  the  request  of  a 
United  Church  group  totaling  154.  Father  Joseph  H.  Seiner 
said  the  first  Catholic  Mass  in  Central  Recreation  Hall  Au- 
gust 22,  1943,  with  85  attending.  As  the  population  of  Oak 
Ridge  increased,  other  denominations  organized  and  by  the 


time  Chapel-on-the-Hill  was  dedicated  October  19,  1943,  the 
Baptist,  Episcopal,  Methodist,  Jewish  and  other  congregations 
were  prepared  to  conduct  services. 

In  the  present-day  Oak  Ridge,  church  groups  are  building 
their  own  churches  on  land  purchased  from  the  Government. 

The  first  child  born  in  the  Oak  Ridge  Hospital  was  Robert 
William  O'Neal,  son  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  O'Neal,  at  8:34 
o'clock  on  the  night  of  November  11,  1943,  six  days  before 
the  hospital  was  formally  opened.  Since  that  time,  more  than 
6,700  children  have  been  born  in  the  hospital. 

Birth  rates  per  1000  population  in  Oak  Ridge  generally  ex- 
ceed Tennessee  and  U.  S.  rates.  In  1948,  for  example,  Oak 
Ridge  rates  were  27.4  per  1000  population;  Tennessee  was 
26.4  and  the  U.  S.  24.2. 

Death  rates  per  1000  population  in  Oak  Ridge  for  1948 
were  2.7  as  compared  to  9.4  for  Tennessee  and  a  slightly 
higher  figure  for  the  U.  S. 


They  Couldn't  Say  a  Word 

late  John  Sharp  Williams,  United  States  Senator 
X  from  Mississippi,  once  appeared  on  the  same  platform 
with  a  tiresome  opponent,  who,  when  he  made  his  speech, 
filled  it  with  such  expressions  as  "Dame  Rumor  says  that  Sen- 
ator Williams,  etc.,"  and  "Dame  Rumor  hath  it  that  Senator 
Williams,  etc."  On  completion  of  his  opponent's  address,  Sen- 
ator Williams  would  arise  and  say  "Dame  Rumor  lies"  and 
then  sit  down. 

Those  in  charge  of  building  Oak  Ridge  found  Dame  Ru- 
mor operating  at  peak  efficiency  in  1943,  1944  and  part  of 
1945.  So  irritating  and  at  times  threatening  to  the  completion 
of  certain  operations  did  the  rumors  and  gossip  become  that 
in  1944  the  Manhattan  District  ordered  a  full-dress  publicity 
campaign  to  arouse  the  South  to  the  danger  of  loose  refer- 
ences to  operations  at  Clinton  Engineer  Works. 

The  campaign  was  directed  at  such  remarks  as: 

"Thousands  of  kegs  of  nails  are  stacked  up,  run  over  by 
caterpillar  tractors  and  covered  up  with  bulldozers"; 

"Buildings  erected  according  to  blueprints,  complete  with 
expensive  plumbing  fixtures  have  been  faced  the  wrong  way, 
then  saturated  with  gasoline  and  burned  to  the  ground  so  as 
to  hide  the  mistake  from  the  general  public"; 



"Wire  sufficient  to  put  a  1 5-foot  fence  around  the  City  of 
Knoxville,  but  never  unrolled,  has  been  dumped  into  ditches 
and  covered  over"; 

"Hinges  costing  $70  per  door  are  put  in  many  buildings; 
similar  practices  in  construction  are  followed"; 

"Millions  of  feet  of  first-class  lumber  have  been  saturated 
with  kerosene  and  gasoline  and  burned  up";  and 

"A  Social  Security  project  of  unparalleled  waste  not  neces- 
sary to  the  war  effort  is  being  constructed." 

The  last  charge  was  particularly  obnoxious  to  the  few 
who  knew  the  project's  objective  since  President  Roosevelt 
had  approved  in  the  Summer  of  1942  a  $2,000,000,000  gam- 
ble on  the  word  of  several  eminent  scientists  that  they  be- 
lieved atomic  energy  could  be  developed  on  a  large  scale  for 
use  as  a  weapon  of  war.  But  among  the  rumors  which  contin- 
ued to  envelop  the  project  were  such  as  these: 

"It's  a  Roosevelt  boondoggle  merely  to  have  men  at  work," 

"It  will  be  a  home  and  a  place  for  returning  service  men 
to  live  and  work." 

One  observer  has  remarked  that  the  only  mystery  to  native 
Tennesseans  was  not  the  project  itself  but  the  mystery  of  why 
it  was  a  mystery.  He  concluded  that  because  they  could  see 
nothing  tangible  coming  out  of  the  smokeless,  mysterious 
plants,  even  after  operations  had  begun,  they  formed  their 
judgments  on  a  few  fragmentary  details.  "They  couldn't  un- 
derstand," he  said,  "why  their  Government  just  didn't  an- 
nounce in  the  beginning  what  it  was  trying  to  do  and  then 
proceed  to  do  it,  without  all  the  fuss  of  secrecy." 

But  in  a  special  memorandum  from  the  White  House  in 
the  Fall  of  1942,  President  Roosevelt  told  General  Leslie  R. 
Groves,  the  Commanding  General  of  the  Manhattan  Project, 
that  "secrecy  and  security"  were  to  be  paramount.  To  carry 



out  that  mandate,  there  was  set  up  in  the  Manhattan  District 
an  Intelligence  and  Security  Division  which  was  later  de- 
scribed as  "having  successfully  accomplished  the  outstanding 
security  mission  of  the  war." 

This  group  which  clothed  and  guarded  with  extraordinary 
care  the  objective  of  the  project  was  comprised  of  chemical, 
mechanical,  civil,  electrical  and  fire  protection  engineers, 
physicists,  lawyers,  accountants,  school  teachers,  public  offi- 
cers, newspapermen  and  linguists.  The  group  operated  in- 
dependently of  the  Army  Intelligence  Organization  but  in 
close  cooperation  with  it  and  the  Federal  Bureau  of  Investiga- 

Oak  Ridge  was  headquarters  for  the  special  detachment 
which  carried  out  various  assignments  throughout  the  coun- 
try under  the  direction  from  Washington  of  two  men  hand- 
picked  for  the  Project  from  the  Army  Military  Intelligence 
Division — Col.  John  Lansdale,  Jr.,  of  Cleveland,  Ohio  and 
Col.  W.  A.  Consodine  of  Newark,  N.  J.  In  Oak  Ridge  the  de- 
tachment was  first  under  the  leadership  of  Major  H.  K.  Cal- 
vert  of  Oklahoma  City,  Oklahoma,  assigned  to  Col.  K.  D. 
Nichols,  district  engineer  of  the  Manhattan  District.  Calvert 
later  was  sent  to  London  to  handle  foreign  aspects  of  the 
bomb  development  and  was  replaced  by  Lt.  Col.  W.  B. 
Parsons  of  Seattle,  Washington,  with  Capt.  B.  W.  Menke  as 
Executive  Officer. 

In  maintaining  secrecy,  Manhattan  Project  agents  traced 
rumors  and  speculations  to  their  source.  No  serious  sabotage 
occurred;  what  did  happen  could  be  attributed  to  personal 
spite.  But  espionage  always  was  in  the  air.  So  well  was  the 
secret  guarded,  however,  that  the  Germans  believed,  even  to 
the  war's  end,  that  the  United  States  had  not  progressed  be- 
yond the  early  research  stages  in  development  of  the  atomic 
bomb.  With  success  of  the  project  dependent  upon  the  safety 



of  key  scientists,  elaborate  measures  to  protect  their  identity 
and  whereabouts  were  carried  out  and  agents  who  were  safe 
automobile  drivers  and  who  would  never  lose  a  briefcase 
were  assigned  as  constant  bodyguards. 

The  agents  went  half  way  around  the  earth  to  check  on  and 
plug  leaks.  They  went  to  the  front  lines  in  Belgium  (an 
American  officer  wrote  a  friend  in  Oak  Ridge  asking  if  he 
were  working  on  atomic  energy),  to  France  and  the  British 
Isles  and  to  the  uranium  ore  fields  of  the  Belgian  Congo  and 
Canada.  They  even  chased  a  case  of  skin  rash  to  South  Amer- 
ica; a  workman  formerly  employed  at  Oak  Ridge  who  may 
have  been  allergic  to  some  common  acid  or  to  Tennessee 
poison  ivy  was  rumored  to  believe  his  rash  was  from  queer 

Their  work  carried  them  into  many  different  fields.  Stocks 
and  bonds  to  be  issued  on  the  great  exchanges  by  companies 
having  contracts  with  the  Manhattan  District  had  to  be 
worded  so  as  not  to  reveal  the  atom  secret.  Education  of  thou- 
sands upon  thousands  of  workers  in  how  to  talk  and  act  with 
outsiders  was  necessary,  as  was  the  reading  of  hundreds  of 
newspapers,  the  scanning  of  science  reports  and  attendance 
at  scientific  meetings  to  see  there  were  no  inadvertent  slips 
of  the  tongue.  They  even  examined  books  in  libraries  to  de- 
termine whether  sections  on  uranium  and  atomic  energy  had 
been  thumbed  too  frequently.  They  fingerprinted  over  300,- 
ooo  persons  who  came  to  work  on  the  project. 

They  even  denied  a  Bible  salesman  entrance  to  Oak  Ridge 
in  the  Spring  of  1944  because  indiscriminate  peddling  was 
not  allowed,  and  in  Washington,  Superman  of  the  comic 
strips  met  his  match  when  the  Office  of  Censorship  asked 
Superman's  creator  to  delete  mention  of  atom-smashing  cyclo- 

The  full-time  efforts  of  a  large  number  of  agents  were  re- 


quired  to  combat  loose  talk,  rumor  and  gossip,  much  of 
which,  as  it  turned  out  upon  investigation,  was  innocent  spec- 
ulation. They  trailed  honest  remarks  through  churches,  ser- 
mons, columns,  editorials,  and  wayside  restaurant  conversa- 
tions, not  because  the  speakers  were  suspected  but  because  it 
was  necessary  to  head  off  conversation  if  the  world's  greatest 
secret  was  to  be  kept.  An  Oak  Ridge  bus  rider  once  found 
himself  the  subject  of  an  investigation  after  he  had  innocently 
asked  a  companion,  while  working  a  cross-word  puzzle,  the 
symbol  for  Uranium. 

On  one  occasion  in  1944,  a  report  reached  the  Intelli- 
gence Unit  at  Oak  Ridge  that  a  preacher  at  Maryville,  35 
miles  from  Oak  Ridge,  had  dangerously  skirted  the  subject 
of  the  atom  in  a  sermon.  An  Agent  called  upon  the  pastor.  He 
discovered  that  the  preacher,  having  read  a  speculative  article 
on  atomic  energy  in  an  old  magazine,  had  used  it  as  a  sermon 
topic,  stressing  the  relationship  of  the  Divine  Being  to  the 
mysteries  of  the  possible  new  force  of  the  atom.  The  Agent 
and  the  pastor  reached  a  gentleman's  agreement  that  the  topic 
would  not  be  used  again. 

This  incident  was  not  as  perplexing  as  another  which  oc- 

From  Kansas  City,  Missouri,  one  day  in  1944  came  a  long 
distance  telephone  call  to  Oak  Ridge  from  a  woman  seeking 
to  locate  a  brother  working  on  the  project.  The  operator  re- 
ported his  name  not  listed  and  asked  the  caller  if  she  was  sure 
she  was  calling  the  right  place. 

"Sure,"  the  woman  replied,  "Oak  Ridge  is  the  place  where 
they're  smashing  those  atoms,  isn't  it?" 

That  was  probably  the  first  time  the  operator  had  ever 
heard  the  word  "atom"  mentioned  in  connection  with  the 
project.  But  she  notified  Security  immediately.  Within  a  few 
days  Agents  had  found  the  woman,  who  said  she  was  merely 



passing  on  rumors  her  brother  had  written  her  from  Oak 
Ridge.  Agents  reprimanded  both  her  and  the  brother  and 
they  agreed  to  be  more  circumspect. 

One  mountaineer  was  at  one  time  positive  he  had  discov- 
ered the  project's  objective  by  keeping  his  ears  open  and  his 
mouth  shut.  "I  know  what  they're  making,"  he  confided  to  a 
friend.  "It's  sympathetic  rubber."  Such  deductions  were 
mingled  with  such  comment  as  "they're  making  fourth-term 
buttons"  and  "suit-cases  for  Eleanor." 

In  1944,  an  article  appearing  in  an  Atlanta  newspaper  fur- 
rowed the  brows  of  Security  Agents.  Knoxville  was  then  rid- 
ing the  crest  as  the  hottest  war-boom  town  in  the  South.  The 
newspaper  sent  a  reporter  to  check  on  Clinton  Engineer 

"It's  hush-hush  all  the  way,"  his  article  said,  "in  a  manner 
to  make  writers  of  fiction  despair  of  their  imagination. 

"A  weird  picture  emerges  out  of  the  welter  of  rumor,  con- 
jecture, guesses  and  attempts  to  put  two  and  two  together 
with  the  logical  result  of  four. 

"There  are  thousands  of  workers  at  the  plant,  all  pledged 
to  unnecessary  secrecy  for  the  simple  reason  they  do  not  know 
what  they  are  working  on.  They  go  about  like  orderly,  well- 
paid  ghosts. 

"The  'heart'  of  the  plant  is  said  to  be  a  building  sur- 
rounded by  three  bar  bed- wire  enclosures.  The  wire  is  charged 
with  electricity.  Guards  sit  atop  towers  near  the  barbed-wire 
walls,  rifles  ready,  prepared  to  shoot  intruders. 

"The  latter,  too,  seems  to  be  carrying  precaution  a  bit  too 
far.  Because  intruders  couldn't  possibly  get  near  the  so-called 
heart  of  the  plant.  Why?  Because  workers  are  finger-printed 
when  they  go  from  department  to  department.  It  has  been 
reported  that  one  worker  was  finger-printed  27  times  in  a 
single  day. 



"What  goes  in?  And  what  comes  out?  Mystery  again.  No 
one  has  ever  seen  materials  go  in  or  products  come  out.  Yet 
the  plant  covers  vast  acreage,  and  its  edges  have  the  aspect  of 
a  construction  camp  deep  in  a  South  American  jungle. 

"The  plant  is  in  operation.  Yet  workers  see  no  smoke,  hear 
no  noises,  feel  no  rumbles,  touch  no  tangible  evidence.  The  l 
place  is  said  to  be  alive  with  military  intelligence  men,  check- 
ing, guarding,  observing,  keeping  the  deep,  dark  and  doubt- 
less deadly  secret. 

"Rumors  run  rife,  however.  Folks  conjecture  all  the  way 
from  new  gases  to  new  ammunition,  to  synthetic  rubber,  to 
new  explosives,  to  rockets  to  the  moon,  to  smashing  of  the 
atom,  to  fourth-term  buttons  for  Roosevelt." 

The  reference  to  the  atom  brought  the  steam  of  the  Intelli- 
gence Division  to  a  full  head. 

A  news  commentator  for  the  Mutual  Broadcasting  Com- 
pany also  caused  much  consternation  in  Washington  and  Oak 
Ridge  in  August  1944  when  he  mentioned  Columbia  Uni- 
versity (a  key  point  in  the  project's  research  phase),  Oak 
Ridge,  atomic  energy  and  new  explosives  on  his  broadcast. 

An  investigation  revealed  that  a  radio  reporter  had  ob- 
tained a  few  basic  facts  from  a  scientist  who  had  been  asso- 
ciated in  a  minor  way  with  the  work  at  Oak  Ridge.  With  the 
meager  information,  the  reporter  called  upon  his  imagina- 
tion. The  commentator's  staff  thought  the  material  so  im- 
probable, however,  that  they  laid  it  aside  until  one  night 
when  copy  was  short.  Then  it  went  into  the  news  script 
merely  as  a  "filler."  The  reporter  who  originated  the  mate- 
rial explained  on  being  interviewed  that  he  was  a  pacifist  and 
had  written  a  seemingly  exaggerated  script  in  the  hope  it 
would  reach  the  Germans  and  terrify  them  into  requesting 
an  armistice.  But  his  exaggeration  was  too  near  the  truth. 

The  editors  and  the  radio  newsman  in  these  two  incidents 



obviously  were  either  not  aware  of  or  had  overlooked  the  fol' 
lowing  confidential  note  which  had  been  sent  out  by  the  Of' 
fice  of  Censorship  in  Washington  on  June  28,  1943,  to  20,000 
news  outlets  over  the  country: 

"You  are  asked  not  to  publish  or  broadcast  any  informa- 
tion whatsoever  regarding  war  experiments  involving: 

"Production  or  utilization  of  atom  smashing,  atomic  en- 
ergy, atomic  fission,  atomic  splitting,  or  any  of  their  equiva- 

"The  use  for  military  purposes  of  radium  or  radioactive 
materials,  heavy  water,  high  voltage  discharges,  equipment, 

"The  following  elements  or  any  of  their  compounds:  Polo- 
nium, uranium,  ytterbium,  hafnium,  protractinium,  radium, 
rhenium,  thorium,  deuterium." 

Many  editors,  reporters  and  commentators  undoubtedly  as- 
sociated this  memorandum  with  the  elaborate  goings-on  at 
Clinton  Engineer  Works,  but  for  the  individual  without  ac- 
cess to  such  warnings,  the  project  became  somewhat  of  a  fan- 
tasy. Two  occurrences  in  1943  and  1944  pointed  up  the  pre- 
vailing confusion. 

Shortly  after  barriers  and  admission  gates  were  established 
at  Elza,  Edgemoor,  Solway  and  Oliver  Springs  entrances  on 
April  i,  1943 — they  were  to  remain  until  March  19,  1949, 
when  the  community  of  Oak  Ridge  itself  was  opened  to  the 
general  American  public — a  curious  old  gentleman  turned 
up  at  Elza.  He  was  an  herb  doctor.  His  pockets  were  as  full 
of  roots  as  country  new  ground. 

He  eyed  the  guard  furtively  and  then  approached  him. 

"I  understand,"  he  said  to  the  man  barring  his  way,  "that 
they're  building  a  new  White  House  in  there,"  explaining 
that  he  desired  to  file  for  a  position  with  the  White  House 



"Beat  it,"  the  guard  informed  him  gruffly.  "We  don't  know 
what's  being  built  in  there." 

The  answer  didn't  please  the  old  man  at  all.  "Well,"  he 
said  most  pointedly,  "if  you  don't  know  what's  being  built, 
how  do  you  know  it  isn't  the  White  House?" 

The  old  gentleman  was  as  confused  as  one  of  the  many 
Anderson  County  farmers  who  left  their  workaday  world  to 
obtain  employment  on  the  "project."  This  particular  em- 
ployee was  a  farmer  who  also  peddled  eggs  to  residents  of  Nor- 
ris,  near  Oak  Ridge.  For  a  long  time,  his  customers  missed 
him  but  one  day  in  1944  he  showed  up  again. 

One  of  his  customers  asked  where  he  had  been. 

"I've  been  working  on  the  project,"  he  confided. 

"Were  you  discharged?"  the  customer  asked. 

"No,"  the  farmer  replied.  "I  just  quit.  And  I'll  tell  you 

"There  they  were,  all  those  thousands  of  people.  They 
were  all  getting  good  money,  same  as  I  was.  And  there  were 
more  buildings  than  you  can  imagine,  and  a  lot  of  new  roads 
and  a  lot  of  other  new  things,  and  they  were  costing  a  heap 
of  money. 

"I  thought  it  all  over,  thought  it  over  long  and  hard.  And, 
to  tell  you  the  truth,  I  had  in  mind  that  whatever  it  was  the 
Government  was  making  over  there,  it  would  be  cheaper  if 
they  went  out  and  bought  it." 

A  simple,  frugal  man  of  the  hills,  the  scope  of  the  project 
had  overwhelmed  him. 


Two  spy  cases  involving  atomic  energy  stirred  the  Ameri- 
can people  in  post-war  years. 

In  1946  a  British  scientist,  Dr.  Alan  Nunn  May,  was  sen- 



tenced  to  10  years  in  prison  by  a  British  court  for  slipping 
samples  of  uranium  to  a  Russian  agent.  He  was  accused  of 
violating  Britain's  official  secrets  act  while  engaged  in  atomic 
research  in  Canada  in  1945,  work  which  also  brought  him 
in  contact  with  atomic  energy  developments  in  the  United 

On  February  i,  1950,  another  British  scientist,  Dr.  Klaus 
E.  J.  Fuchs,  was  arrested  by  his  Government  on  charges  of 
passing  atomic  energy  information  to  the  Russians  and  sen- 
tenced to  a  prison  term  of  14  years. 

Fuchs,  member  of  a  British  wartime  mission  to  the  United 
States,  held  an  important  post  at  the  Los  Alamos  project,  wit- 
nessed the  test  explosion  of  the  first  atomic  bomb  at  Alamo- 
gordo,  New  Mexico,  in  July,  1945,  and  had  access  to  a  great 
deal  of  information  on  atomic  matters,  according  to  the 
charges  filed  against  him. 

Fuchs  was  accused  of  twice  passing  atomic  secrets  to  for- 
eign agents — once  in  the  United  States  in  1945  and  again  in 
Britain  in  1947.  In  1947,  Fuchs  visited  the  United  States 
again  as  a  member  of  a  British  delegation  to  participate  in 
discussions  of  atomic  energy  information  with  the  United 
States,  Canada  and  Britain. 

May  and  Fuchs  did  not  work  at  atomic  energy  plants  at 
Oak  Ridge;  their  activity  carried  them  elsewhere  in  the 
United  States. 

The  Fuchs  case  led  to  the  arrest  by  the  Federal  Bureau  of 
Investigation  of  several  Americans.  They  included  Harry 
Gold,  a  Philadelphia  research  chemist;  David  Greenglass,  a 
machinist  who  served  at  Los  Alamos  during  World  War  II  as 
an  Army  technical  sergeant;  Alfred  D.  Slack,  a  chemist  who 
worked  during  World  War  II  at  both  Oak  Ridge  and  King- 
sport,  Tennessee;  Julius  Rosenberg,  a  New  York  engineer, 
and  Morton  Sobell,  a  New  York  electrical  engineer. 



Lie  Detector 

In  post-war  years,  Security  has  been  strengthened  at  Oak 
Ridge  through  the  use  of  a  machine  called  the  Lie  Detector, 
known  technically  as  a  Polygraph. 

In  use  by  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission  at  Oak  Ridge 
since  1946  through  an  arrangement  with  the  firm  of  Russell 
Chatham,  Inc.,  the  Lie  Detector  has  been  used  to  give  more 
than  20,000  examinations  in  the  interest  of  national  security. 
Of  all  persons  who  successfully  passed  the  Polygraph  exami- 
nations, none  has  been  denied  security  clearance,  and  in  no 
case  has  a  subsequent  investigation  contradicted  the  findings 
of  the  Polygraph.  The  Polygraph  does  not  supplant  any  other 
means  of  investigation,  but  is  another  tool  in  a  well-rounded 
security  program. 

The  Lie  Detector  is  used  by  banks,  jewelry  stores  and  other 
commercial  establishments  over  the  country  to  check  em- 
ployees. In  Oak  Ridge,  the  Lie  Detector  examinations  are 

To  detect  in  employees  motives  or  intentions  inimical  to 
security  and  not  otherwise  disclosed; 

To  detect  a  change  in  an  employee's  motives  and  inten- 
tions from  those  compatible  with  the  security  requirements 
of  the  job  to  those  inimical  to  security  of  the  project; 

To  prevent  and  detect  any  unauthorized  disclosures  of  in- 

To  prevent  and  detect  any  theft  or  improper  handling  of 
classified  material  or  equipment;  and 

To  determine  whether  an  unauthorized  disclosure  of  in- 
formation was  the  result  of  inadvertence  or  was  intentional 
and  to  determine  whether  a  report  of  improper  handling  of 
classified  material  was  inadvertent  or  intentional. 



The  Wonders  of  a  New  World 

THE  word  "amazing,"  when  used  in  connection  with  the 
building  of  the  town  of  Oak  Ridge  and  the  atomic  en- 
ergy plants,  loses  its  luster  of  description.  It  has  been  said  that 
the  work  was  performed  on  a  "time  schedule  only  slightly 
short  of  impossible." 

Some  strange  and  wondrous  facts  emerged  in  the  building 
of  the  unprecedented  facilities.  For  instance: 

Twelve  million  square  feet  of  blueprints,  a  number  which 
would  furnish  a  reader  with  his  favorite  newspaper  for  650 
years,  if  that  newspaper  averaged  28  pages  on  weekdays  and 
was  three  times  that  size  on  Sundays,  were  used  by  Stone  and 
Webster  Engineering  Corporation  alone  in  drafting  plans 
and  specifications  for  the  electromagnetic  plant; 

Planning  for  the  gaseous  diffusion  plant  by  the  Kellex  Cor- 
poration required  20,000  pages  of  specifications,  12,000  draw- 
ings and  10,000  pages  of  operating  instructions; 

Because  copper  was  short  and  time  was  more  valuable  than 
gold,  14,000  tons  of  silver  having  a  monetary  value  of  over 
$500,000,000  was  borrowed  from  the  United  States  Treasury 
and  used  for  electrical  conductors  and  bus-bars  in  the  electro- 
magnetic plant; 

Hundreds  of  East  Tennessee  high  school  girls,  with  not  the 



faintest  idea  of  what  their  jobs  were  about,  were  trained  by 
the  Tennessee  Eastman  Corporation  to  operate  complex  dials 
on  electronic  equipment  used  to  control  delicate  machinery 
in  the  production  of  uranium-235; 

A  total  of  6,200,000  linear  feet,  or  1175  miles,  of  piping — 
water  lines,  oil  lines  for  cooling  purposes,  chemical  lines,  vac- 
uum piping  and  nearly  nine  miles  of  glass  piping — and  al- 
most one  quarter  of  a  million  valves  were  installed  in  the 
electromagnetic  plant; 

Magnets  nearly  100  times  as  large  as  any  previous  magnet 
ever  built  and  containing  thousands  of  tons  of  steel  were  in- 
stalled; they  were  scores  of  feet  long,  so  powerful  that  their 
pull  on  the  nails  in  a  pair  of  shoes  sometimes  made  walking 
difficult  and  snatched  wrenches  from  workmen's  hands  if  the 
tools  were  loosely  held; 

Pumping  equipment  was  designed  and  built  capable  of 
producing  a  vacuum  30,000,000  times  that  commonly  used  in 
standard  power  plant  practice; 

Essential  tolerances  necessary  for  successful  operation  of 
equipment  in  the  gaseous  diffusion  plant  and  the  uranium 
chain-reactor  at  Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory  are  much 
finer  than  the  works  in  the  finest  watch; 

Leak-proof  pumps  were  developed  for  use  at  the  gaseous 
diffusion  plant  to  operate  at  velocities  greater  than  the  speed 
of  sound;  the  time  spent  in  research,  development  and  design 
of  the  pumps  alone  totaled  250,000  man  hours  or  the  equiva- 
lent of  one  engineer  working  every  day  for  100  years; 

Porous  barriers  for  the  concentration  of  uranium-235  by 
the  gaseous  diffusion  method  were  developed  which  not  only 
contained  billions  of  holes  smaller  than  two-millionths  of  an 
inch  in  diameter  but  had  to  be  amenable  to  manufacture  in 
large  quantities,  measured  in  acres; 



Cleanliness  is  so  vital  in  the  gaseous  diffusion  operations 
that  a  thumbprint  represents  contamination;  so  critical  was 
the  problem  of  producing  welded  joints  to  meet  tightness 
and  cleanliness  specifications  that  special  welding  schools  had 
to  be  held;  total  welding  machines  in  simultaneous  operation 
were  1200,  the  total  length  of  welding  was:  Arc  welding,  400 
miles,  atomic  hydrogen  welding,  100  miles  and  airtight  weld- 
ing on  enclosures,  100  miles; 

A  total  of  3800  miles  of  electrical  conductors  and  825  miles 
of  electrical  conduits,  involving  more  than  90,000  separate 
tests  on  electrical  systems,  were  built,  and  half  a  million 
valves  installed,  together  with  thousands  of  precision  instru- 
ments requiring  4,000,000  feet  of  copper  tubing  and  3,000,- 
ooo  feet  of  copper  wire — all  in  the  gaseous  diffusion  plant, 
the  largest  continuous  chemico-physical  process  in  the  world; 

The  operating  floor  of  the  gaseous  diffusion  plant  is  so  vast 
that  technical  personnel  use  bicycles  to  reach  recording  in- 
struments stretching  for  a  distance  of  nearly  half  a  mile; 

The  37,562,000  board  feet  of  lumber  used  in  building  the 
electromagnetic  plant,  if  utilized  for  homes,  would  equal 
7,680  average-sized  individual  dwelling  units,  enough  for  a 
town  of  23,040;  the  350,000  cubic  yards  of  concrete  used  in 
the  gaseous  diffusion  plant  is  equal  to  a  solid  block  of  con- 
crete 105  feet  high,  the  size  of  a  city  block;  the  40,000  tons  of 
structural  steel  used  in  the  gaseous  diffusion  plant  would 
build  a  railroad  line  303  miles  long;  the  5,000,000  bricks 
used  in  the  same  plant  would,  if  placed  end  to  end,  stretch 
632  miles  and  the  15,000  tons  of  sheet  steel  used  in  the  same 
plant  would  provide  cooking  utensils  sufficient  for  600,000 
average  families; 

A  steam  power  plant  costing  $34,000,000  to  serve  the  gas- 
eous diffusion  plant,  the  largest  steam  plant  ever  constructed 



in  one  operation,  has  generating  equipment  with  a  maximum 
capacity  of  238,000  kilowatts  (twice  the  capacity  of  Norris 
Dam  of  the  Tennessee  Valley  Authority). 

These  are  but  a  few  of  the  strange  statistics  on  the  building 
of  the  atomic  energy  facilities. 

The  present-day  main  operating  plants  at  Oak  Ridge  are 
the  gaseous  diffusion  plant,  the  electromagnetic  plant  and  the 
Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory,  nuclear  research  center,  but 
another  plant  which  made  a  vital  contribution  to  the  war  ef- 
fort by  supplying  additional  quantities  of  uranium-235  was 
the  thermal  diffusion  plant. 

On  June  26,  1944,  the  H.  K.  Ferguson  Company  of  Cleve- 
land, Ohio,  was  retained  as  architect-engineer-manager  for 
the  building  of  the  thermal  diffusion  plant  after  Dr.  P.  H. 
Abelson,  of  the  Navy's  Research  Laboratory  at  Washington, 
proved  the  operability  of  the  thermal  diffusion  method  for 
obtaining  11-235. 

Ferguson  Company  officials  estimated  that  the  plant  could 
be  designed  and  built  in  six  months  if  given  top  priority. 
Manhattan  District  officials  instructed  that  it  be  finished  in 
four  months,  later  revising  the  completion  schedule  to  three 
months.  Actually,  the  plant  was  in  operation  in  75  days  flat, 
furnishing  feed  material  to  the  electromagnetic  units.  Among 
material  used  in  the  thermal  diffusion  plant,  which  cost  $10,- 
500,000,  were  50  miles  of  nickel  pipe  and  20  miles  of  iron 
pipe.  Sub-contractors  included  the  Edenfield  Electric  Com- 
pany, Turner  and  Ross  Co.,  Pittsburgh  Pipe  and  Equipment 
Co.,  the  National  Valve  Co.,  the  Tri-State  Asbestos  Co.,  the 
Tennessee  Roofing  Co.,  the  Pacific  Pump  Co.,  Westinghouse, 
Mehring  and  Hanson  Co.,  and  the  Grinnel  Corporation.  The 
Fercleve  Corporation,  a  subsidiary  of  the  H.  K.  Ferguson  Co., 
operated  the  unit. 

Having  made  its  contribution  to  the  war  effort,  the  thermal 


OriqinaJ  Sample  Of 
UFe  Which  Is  Tne 
Gaseous  Compound  Of 
Uranium  Used  tr»  The 
Diffusion  Method. 

J.  E.  Westcott 

This  small  unit  served  as  a  model  . 

THE    WONDERS    OF    A    NEW    WORLD 

diffusion  plant  was  placed  in  standby  October  18,  1945,  and 
later  discontinued. 

The  Gaseous  Diffusion  Plant 

Design  work  on  the  gaseous  diffusion  plant  was  started  in 
1942  by  the  Kellex  Corporation,  a  unit  of  the  M.  W.  Kellogg 
Corporation  of  New  York  City,  which  also  handled  the  super- 
vision of  construction  and  procurement  of  equipment.  Fun- 
damental research  for  the  gaseous  diffusion  plant  was  carried 
on  principally  at  Columbia  University  under  the  leadership 
of  Dr.  H.  C.  Urey  and  Dr.  John  R.  Dunning. 

The  J.  A.  Jones  Construction  Company  of  Charlotte, 
North  Carolina,  built  the  main  plants  while  Ford,  Bacon  & 
Davis,  Inc.,  of  New  York  City  designed,  constructed  and  for 
a  time  operated  a  huge  auxiliary  plant  to  condition  equip- 
ment before  placement  in  the  process  plant.  The  main  gas- 
eous diffusion  process  building  is  a  huge  U-shaped  structure, 
2,450  feet  long  and  averaging  400  feet  in  width  and  60  feet 
in  height.  The  total  area  of  the  main  building  is  44  acres. 
Close  by  are  other  huge  gaseous  diffusion  process  areas,  one 
of  which  was  completed  after  World  War  II  ended  and  two 
others  on  which  construction  was  begun  in  1949  and  1950  by 
the  Maxon  Construction  Company,  of  Dayton,  Ohio. 

The  plant  area  contains  many  additional  buildings,  bring- 
ing the  total  area  to  around  1,000  acres.  Special  warehouses 
contain  tens  of  thousands  of  different  types  of  spare  parts.  A 
special  railroad  spur  branching  off  the  Southern  System  was 
built  to  serve  the  area.  It  was  operated  during  the  war  by  J.  A. 
Jones  Company;  the  Southern  Railroad  now  operates  it. 

Construction  of  the  main  process  plant  was  started  Septem- 
ber 10,  1943,  by  the  Jones  Company  and  the  first  units  for  the 
production  of  U-2$5  began  operating  February  20,  1945.  The 


construction  forces  on  this  plant  reached  25,000  in  May,  1945. 
The  entire  gaseous  diffusion  plant,  which  cost  around  $500,- 
000,000,  is  operated  by  Carbide  and  Carbon  Chemicals 
Division,  Union  Carbide  and  Carbon  Corporation.  Carbide 
and  Carbon  signed  a  contract  with  the  Manhattan  District 
effective  January  18,  1943,  to  operate  the  plant.  Carbide  fur- 
nished technical  consultants  and  service  to  aid  in  the  design, 
engineering,  construction,  and  finally  to  operate,  upon  its 
completion,  the  gaseous  diffusion  plant.  Clark  E.  Center  is 
general  superintendent  for  Carbide  in  Oak  Ridge. 

The  Chrysler  Corporation,  Allis-Chalmers,  the  American 
Machine  Defense  Corporation,  the  Valley  Iron  Works,  Apple- 
ton,  Wis.;  the  F.  J.  Stokes  Machine  Co.,  the  Beach-Russ  Co., 
New  York;  Westinghouse,  the  National  Research  Corpora- 
tion, the  Midwest  Piping  and  Supply  Co.,  Houdaille-Her- 
shey  Co.,  the  Taylor  Instrument  Co.,  General  Electric,  the 
Pacific  Pump  Works  and  the  Wolverine  Tube  Division  of  the 
Calumet  and  Hecla  Consolidated  Copper  Co.  were  among 
the  many  industrial  organizations  which  contributed  to  solv- 
ing the  extremely  complex  problems  of  design  and  manufac- 
ture. Du  Pont,  Harshaw  Chemical  Co.,  Hooker  Electrochemi- 
cal Co.,  and  Columbia  University,  Johns  Hopkins,  Ohio 
State,  Purdue  and  Princeton  also  made  significant  contribu- 
tions, as  did  the  Mallinckrodt  Chemical  Works  of  St.  Louis, 

Principal  structural  sub-contractors  under  J.  A.  Jones  Co. 
were  D.  W.  Winkleman,  Syracuse,  N.  Y.;  Oman-Creighton 
Co.,  Nashville,  Tenn.;  Wolfe-Michael  Construction  Co.,  St. 
Augustine,  Fla.;  Bethlehem  Steel  Co.,  Bethlehem,  Pa.;  Vir- 
ginia Bridge  Co.,  Roanoke,  Va.;  Lambert  Brothers,  Knox- 
ville,  Tenn.;  Birmingham  Slag  Co.,  Birmingham,  Ala.; 
Cooney  Brothers,  Tarry  town,  N.  Y.;  Bryant  Electrical  Co., 
High  Point,  N.  C.;  Midwest  Piping  8c  Supply  Co.,  St.  Louis, 


THE    WONDERS    OF    A    NEW    WORLD 

Mo.;  Poe  Piping  &  Heating  Co.,  Greenville,  S.  C.;  G.  G.  Ray 
&  Co.,  Charlotte,  N.  C.;  Kerby-Saunders  Inc.,  New  York, 
N.  Y.;  and  the  Ce-Mas-Co  Floor  Co.,  Chicago,  111. 

Sixty  thousand  carloads  of  materials  were  used  to  build 
this  plant  alone. 

The  gaseous  diffusion  plant  provides  large-scale  separation 
of  the  uranium  isotope  235  from  a  chemical  compound  of 
uranium  by  gaseous  diffusion  through  porous  barriers — bar- 
riers which  must  contain  billions  of  holes  smaller  than  two- 
millionths  of  an  inch,  withstand  a  pressure  head  of  1 5  pounds 
per  square  inch,  and  can  not  become  enlarged  or  plugged  up 
as  a  result  of  corrosion  or  dust  coming  from  elsewhere  in  the 

The  process  involves  several  thousand  stages  in  which  half 
of  the  gas  processed  in  each  stage  diffuses  through  the  porous 
barriers  as  enriched  U-235  product  and  is  then  sent  on  to  the 
next  higher  stage  for  further  concentration.  The  impover- 
ished half  is  re-pressured  and  re-cycled  through  the  next  low- 
est stage.  The  volume  of  gas  re-cycled  is  enormous — over 
1,000,000  times  the  volume  of  the  enriched  gas.  The  princi- 
pal behind  the  separation  of  U-235  fr°m  natural  uranium 
(11-238)  is  to  convert  the  solid  metal  into  a  gas  and  make  use 
of  the  difference  in  the  velocity  of  the  two  isotopes  in  diffus- 
ing through  the  porous  barriers.  U-235  being  the  lighter,  it 
has  a  faster  diffusion  velocity,  so  the  gas  eventually  diffused 
through  the  barrier  is  richer  in  U-235  than  the  feed  gas.  After 
passing  through  the  several  thousand  stages,  an  appreciable 
concentration  of  U-235  *s  realized. 

Essential  tolerances  and  complexities  of  the  plant  were 
such  that  many  advisors  considered  the  plant  impossible  to 
build,  and  many  more  felt  that  even  if  built  it  would  not 
work.  Indeed,  one  eminent  American  physicist  requested 
Manhattan  District  officials,  after  $100,000,000  had  been 


spent  on  construction,  to  discontinue  construction  since  he 
felt  certain  technical  problems  could  not  be  overcome.  The 
problems  were  reconciled,  however,  through  the  ingenuity 
of  American  industry,  as  were  other  problems  that  called  for 
excursion  beyond  any  known  method  of  design  and  construc- 

Industry  will  eventually  reap  rich  rewards  from  technical 
advancements  made  in  the  development  of  this  plant. 

Industrial  applications  of  techniques  developed  in  the  con- 
struction of  the  U-235  plants  seem  pertinent  for  the  petro- 
leum and  chemical  and  processing  industries  (improved 
pumping,  possible  new  methods  for  gasoline  fractionation, 
new  type  of  heat  exchanges  and  improved  automatic  con- 
trol); manufacture  of  pressure  and  vacuum  vessels  (pre-test- 
ing  vessels  for  leaks  and  improved  vacuum  techniques);  high 
vacuum  industries  (improved  methods  for  vitamin  distilla- 
tion, new  method  of  maintaining  high  vacuum  and  low  pres- 
sure, low  temperature  dehydration);  industries  employing 
corrosive  chemicals  (new  pump  and  valve  lubricants,  new 
treatment  of  metal  surfaces,  and  induction  operated  pumps); 
refrigeration  industry  (increased  safety  in  equipment  and 
improved  handling  of  fluorides)  and  electrical  industry  (new 
electronic  techniques  in  high  vacuum  and  improved  micro- 
sensitive  instrumentation). 

The  Electromagnetic  Plant 

The  Stone  and  Webster  Engineering  Corporation  of  Bos- 
ton designed  and  constructed  the  electromagnetic  plant  in 
co-operation  with  technical  experts  from  the  Radiation  Lab- 
oratory of  the  University  of  California.  The  cost  was  approxi- 
mately $427,000,000. 

Ground  was  broken  for  the  first  plant  building  on  Feb- 


ruary  i,  1943.  The  first  production  building  was  put  into  use 
by  the  operating  company,  the  Tennessee  Eastman  Corpora- 
tion of  Kingsport,  Tennessee  (a  subsidiary  of  Eastman  Ko- 
dak) in  January,  1944.  The  Tennessee  Eastman  Corporation, 
which  entered  into  a  contract  with  the  Manhattan  District  in 
January,  1943,  collaborated  with  Stone  and  Webster  and 
University  of  California  personnel  to  check  and  perfect 
equipment  designs  and  furnished  technical  consultants  and 

Peak  employment  of  construction  workers  totaled  13,200. 
The  peak  of  operational  personnel  was  22,000  in  1945.  The 
plant  has  a  total  of  170  buildings  with  a  floor  area  of  4,500,- 
ooo  square  feet  and  covers  approximately  500  acres. 

Principal  construction  sub-contractors  under  Stone  and 
Webster  were  Harrison  Construction  Co.,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 
and  Maryville,  Tenn.;  Ralph  Rogers  Company,  Nashville, 
Tenn.;  Transit-Mix  Concrete  Corp.,  New  York,  N.  Y.;  D.  W. 
Winkleman,  Syracuse,  N.  Y.;  C.  O.  Struse  &  Company,  Phila- 
delphia, Pa.;  Fluor  Corp.,  San  Francisco,  Calif.;  Bethlehem 
Steel  Co.,  Bethlehem,  Pa.;  Watson-Flagg  Engineering  Co., 
New  York,  N.  Y.;  Hanley  &  Company,  Chicago,  111.;  Rock- 
wood  Sprinkler  Co.,  Worcester,  Mass.;  Tennessee  Roofing 
Company,  Knoxville,  Tenn.;  Bristol  Steel  &  Iron  Works, 
Bristol,  Va.-Tenn.;  Drainage  Contractors,  Inc.,  Detroit, 
Mich.;  and  Sullivan,  Long  &  Haggerty,  Bessemer,  Ala. 

On  May  5,  1947,  the  plant  operations  were  taken  over  by 
Carbide  and  Carbon  Chemicals  Division,  Union  Carbide 
and  Carbon  Corporation,  after  the  Tennessee  Eastman  Cor- 
poration, which  received  a  War  Department  salute  for  its 
splendid  work,  asked  to  be  relieved  of  its  responsibility  be- 
cause of  the  end  of  the  wartime  emergency. 

The  electromagnetic  plant  involved  problems  of  design 
and  construction  never  before  encountered.  Since  it  became 



the  first  and  only  plant  of  its  kind  in  the  world,  there  was  no 
time  to  construct  even  a  small  pilot  plant  to  carry  out  the 
methods  of  separating  the  uranium  atoms  (U-235  from  0-238) 
under  the  electromagnetic  process  as  developed  by  Dr.  E.  O. 
Lawrence  of  the  University  of  California,  who  receives  the 
largest  share  of  credit  for  the  scientific  development  which 
made  possible  the  remarkable  transmutation  of  a  laboratory 
model  into  a  great  industrial  plant. 

General  Electric,  Westinghouse,  Allis-Chalmers  and  Link 
Belt  Co.,  among  many  others,  were  the  manufacturers  and 
suppliers  of  equipment. 

The  theoretical  operation  of  the  electromagnetic  type  of 
plant  involves  ionizing  uranium  particles,  accelerating  a  con- 
tinuous stream  of  these  particles  in  a  closely-defined  path  to  a 
speed  approaching  that  of  light,  bending  this  stream  into 
semi-circles  by  means  of  a  powerful  magnet  field  in  an  almost 
absolute  vacuum,  and  then  catching  the  particles  of  U-235 
and  U-238  in  different  containers  as  soon  as  they  become  sep- 
arated. The  semi-circular  paths  of  these  ionized  particles  have 
radii  proportional  to  their  momenta.  Accordingly,  the  U-235 
is  mainly  in  an  arc  which  has  a  greater  radius  than  the  arc 
containing  U-238. 

The  electromagnetic  plant  was  flexible — one  reason  for  its 
selection.  Units  were  built  in  groups,  although  most  of  the 
controls  were  separate  from  each  unit.  Thus,  it  was  possible 
to  build  the  plant  in  steps  and  start  operating  the  first  unit 
before  the  second  was  begun.  Design  of  subsequent  units  was 
changed  as  construction  proceeded.  So  successful  was  this  pro- 
gram that  obsolescent  equipment  was  replaced  rapidly  by  new 
designs,  which  ultimately  resulted  in  such  an  improvement 
in  process  that  it  was  possible  to  carry  on  operations  with 
much  less  personnel  than  the  peak  operating  force  of  22,000 



The  U-235  produced  in  the  electromagnetic  plant  during 
the  war  was  so  precious  that  Stone  &  Webster  designed  a 
chemical  salvage  plant  100  times  as  large  as  any  test  plants 
that  could  be  used  as  guides.  Every  possible  grain  of  U-235 
was  reclaimed — from  work  clothes,  from  water  and  steel,  and 
even  in  the  air  in  the  plants.  And  all  of  the  production  units 
had  to  be  controlled  through  amazing  automatic  mechanisms 
operated  by  personnel  of  average  intelligence  (many  of  the 
employees  were  high  school  girls),  who  had  not  the  faintest 
idea  what  their  jobs  were  about,  but  who  operated  dials  to 
produce  the  material  which,  when  used,  liberated  a  part  of 
the  power  of  the  universe. 

Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory 

The  Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory  was  designed  and 
built  by  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Company.  It  was 
originally  a  small  pilot  plant  on  which  the  design  of  the  huge 
plutonium  separations  units  at  Hanford  Engineer  Works  in 
the  State  of  Washington  was  based. 

Construction  began  February  i,  1943,  and  operations  of 
the  first  uranium  chain-reactor  in  the  world  with  a  produc- 
tion-potential began  at  5  A.M.,  November  4,  1943.  First  sig- 
nificant amounts  of  plutonium  for  research  leading  to  the 
building  of  the  Hanford  Plant  were  obtained  here. 

The  plant  covers  more  than  150  acres  and  cost  approxi- 
mately $13,000,000.  Peak  construction  employment  reached 
3,247.  Peak  operating  employment  in  wartime  was  1,234; 
now  it  is  much  larger. 

From  the  time  of  completion  until  July  i,  1945,  the  plant 
was  supervised  by  the  Metallurgical  Laboratory  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  Chicago.  It  was  then  taken  over  by  the  Monsanto 
Chemical  Company  of  St.  Louis,  for  operation  as  a  nuclear 



research  center.  On  December  31,  1947,  the  Atomic  Energy 
Commission  announced  that  Carbide  and  Carbon  Chemicals 
Division,  Union  Carbide  and  Carbon  Corporation,  would  op- 
erate the  Laboratory  beginning  March  i,  1948.  On  February 
i,  1948,  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission  announced  that  the 
new  name  for  the  facility  would  be  Oak  Ridge  National  Lab- 
oratory. It  was  formerly  known  as  Clinton  Laboratories. 

This  area  contains  more  than  160  buildings.  These  include 
three  chemistry  buildings,  a  technical  laboratory,  a  pile  (ura- 
nium chain-reactor)  building  (a  pile  of  specially  designed 
graphite  into  which  slugs  of  0-238  are  placed),  a  physics  lab- 
oratory, a  power  house,  an  instrument  laboratory,  research 
development  shops,  a  lead  shop,  a  metallurgical  building,  a 
medical  building  (headquarters  for  the  Health  Physics  group 
which  controls  and  studies  radiation  hazards)  and  several  ad- 
ministration buildings  and  warehouses. 

The  Laboratory  has  been  enlarged  in  the  past  few  years  in 
keeping  with  its  designation  as  a  permanent  National  Lab- 

The  pile  at  Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory  is  the  source 
of  production  and  distribution  of  radioactive  isotopes  which 
are  now  being  widely  used  for  research  in  medicine,  biology, 
agriculture  and  industry.  Since  August  2,  1946,  thousands  of 
shipments  have  gone  to  various  research  groups  over  the 
country — and  abroad.  The  distribution  of  these  radioisotopes 
(radioactive  isotopes  are  variations  of  common  elements  with 
the  same  chemical  properties  as  the  stable  element  but  having 
a  different  atomic  weight  and  exhibiting  the  property  of  ra- 
dioactivity) is  one  of  the  most  important  peacetime  applica- 
tions in  the  development  of  atomic  energy. 

Other  peacetime  work  being  carried  on  at  Oak  Ridge  Na- 
tional Laboratory  in  nuclear  research  include  studies  in 
tracer  chemistry;  biological  research;  a  health  physics  pro- 



gram  which  not  only  controls  but  continues  to  study  improve- 
ments on  the  control  of  radiation  hazards,  and  research  on 
uranium  chain-reactors  looking  toward  eventual  use  of 
atomic  energy  for  commercial  power  purposes.  Increased  em- 
phasis has  been  placed  on  basic  research  and  chemical  process 
development  work  at  the  Laboratory. 

The  Steam  Power  Plant 

A  high-temperature,  high-pressure  steam  power  plant  lies 
near  the  gaseous  diffusion  process  and  is  an  important  ad- 
junct in  the  process  carried  on  in  the  production  of  11-235. 
The  plant  was  designed  and  developed  by  the  Kellex  Corpo- 
ration and  Sargent  and  Lundy  of  Chicago  and  constructed  by 
the  J.  A.  Jones  Construction  Company  at  a  cost  of  $34,000,- 

Sub-contractors  included  A.  S.  Schulman  Electric  Co.  of 
Chicago,  William  A.  Pope  Co.  of  Chicago,  The  Foundation 
Co.  of  New  York,  the  Bethlehem  Steel  Co.,  Combustion  Engi- 
neering Co.,  Research  Corporation,  Allis-Chalmers,  General 
Electric  and  Westinghouse. 

It  is  the  largest  steam  plant  ever  constructed  in  one  opera- 
tion and  has  generating  equipment  with  a  capacity  of  238,000 
kilowatts  (twice  N  orris  Dam  of  the  TV  A).  The  paradox  of 
this  gigantic  steam  plant  in  the  heart  of  the  TVA  region  is 
explained  by  plant  requirements  for  variable  frequency  cur- 
rent and  the  necessity  for  minimizing  possibilities  of  inter- 
ruption of  power.  The  use  of  the  steam  plant  is  in  addition 
to  such  power  as  is  available  from  the  TVA,  the  general 
source  of  supply  for  all  of  the  Oak  Ridge  Area. 

The  power  house  contains  three  boilers,  each  designed 
to  produce  750,000  pounds  per  hour  of  superheated  steam 
at  a  pressure  of  350  p.s.i.  and  a  temperature  of  950  degrees 


and  14  turbo-generators  ranging  in  size  from  1500  to  35,000 
kilowatts.  Adjacent  to  the  power  plant  there  is  a  main  switch 
house,  and  an  auxiliary  switch  house,  a  pump  house,  a  154 
KV  switchyard,  a  service  building  and  the  necessary  facilities 
for  storage  and  handling  of  coal. 

Construction  of  the  power  plant  started  June  i,  1943,  and 
initial  operation  was  begun  April  13,  1944.  It  reached  its  full 
generating  capacity  in  July,  1945.  Until  1950,  coal  was  used 
solely  as  fuel;  now  natural  gas  from  the  Texas  fields  also  is 
utilized  under  a  contract  between  the  Atomic  Energy  Com- 
mission and  the  East  Tennessee  Natural  Gas  Company.  The 
plant  is  operated  by  Carbide  and  Carbon  Chemicals  Division, 
Union  Carbide  and  Carbon  Corporation. 

A  Potent  Factor 

Carbide  and  Carbon  Chemicals  Division,  Union  Carbide 
and  Carbon  Corporation,  is  the  most  powerful  single  factor 
in  present-day  Oak  Ridge  operations. 

This  great  industrial  organization  entered  the  atomic  en- 
ergy program  early  in  the  history  of  the  activity  when,  effec- 
tive January  18,  1943,  its  officers  signed  a  contract  with  the 
Manhattan  District.  The  terms  called  for  Carbide  to  "furnish 
technical  consultants  and  service  to  aid  in  the  design,  engi- 
neering, construction,  and  finally  to  operate  upon  its  comple- 
tion, the  gaseous  diffusion  plant  at  Oak  Ridge."  In  carrying 
out  this  obligation,  the  people  of  Carbide  made  significant 
contributions  to  many  phases  of  the  facility.  Similar  work 
was  done  by  Carbide  on  the  huge  steam  power  plant  nearby. 

In  May  of  1947,  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission  requested 
Carbide  to  accept  the  further  assignment  of  operating  the 
facilities  of  the  ¥-12  electromagnetic  separation  plant.  In 
March,  1948,  an  additional  facility  at  Oak  Ridge  was  placed 


THE    WONDERS    OF    A    NEW    WORLD 

in  their  hands  to  operate  and  manage,  the  Oak  Ridge  Na- 
tional Laboratory. 

Thus  the  production  and  research  facilities  of  these  three 
operations  are  now  coordinated  under  a  single  management. 

The  technical  know-how  and  skill  of  Carbide  personnel  has 
brought  many  improvements,  greater  production,  and  nota- 
ble progress  in  Oak  Ridge  operations. 

Participation  by  Union  Carbide  and  Carbon  Corporation 
in  the  atomic  energy  program  in  World  War  II  went  far  be- 
yond operation  of  the  gaseous  plant  by  one  of  its  units. 

The  Corporation  built  and  operated  plants  for  the  process- 
ing of  raw  materials  and  assumed  management  of  laboratories 
formerly  under  university  supervision.  The  United  States 
Vanadium  Corporation  and  The  Linde  Air  Products  Com- 
pany, both  Corporation  units,  built  and  operated  certain  stra- 
tegic plants;  Electro  Metallurgical  Company,  a  unit,  man- 
ufactured special  alloys;  Bakelite  Corporation,  a  unit, 
produced  important  plastic  materials;  and  National  Car- 
bon Company,  Inc.,  another  unit,  developed  and  manufac- 
tured certain  critical  carbon  products. 

Billions  and  Billions 

Of  the  more  than  $5,000,000,000  that  has  been  spent  or  ap- 
propriated for  atomic  energy  developments  in  the  United 
States  since  1942,  a  total  of  over  $2,000,000,000  has  been 
for  Oak  Ridge  building  and  operations. 

When  the  atomic  story  was  released  to  the  world  in  August 
1945,  a  total  of  $1,106,393,000  had  been  spent  on  Oak  Ridge, 
$382,401,000  on  Hanford,  and  $59,429,000  on  Los  Alamos. 

From  1942  until  August  6,  1945,  Congressional  appropria- 
tions for  the  work  were  obtained  by  the  War  Department 
through  requests  which  covered  up  the  actual  description  of 



the  project;  in  fact,  neither  the  Manhattan  District  nor  its 
objective  was  mentioned.  A  few  key  Congressional  leaders, 
having  been  made  aware  by  Secretary  of  War  Stimson  of  the 
purpose  of  the  development,  guided  the  "covered-up"  re- 
quests through  Congress.  Among  them  were  Senators  Alben 
Barkley,  Kenneth  D.  McKellar  of  Tennessee  and  Styles 
Bridges  of  New  Hampshire,  and  Representatives  Sam  Ray- 
burn  of  Texas  and  Clarence  Cannon  of  Missouri. 

X-JG,  Y-i2  and  K-2j 

The  strange  combinations  of  letters  and  figures  as  designa- 
tions for  two  of  the  Oak  Ridge  facilities,  X-io  and  ¥-12,  have 
no  particular  significance.  For  the  third,  K-25,  there  is  a 

The  X  as  applied  to  Clinton  Laboratories  (now  Oak  Ridge 
National  Laboratory)  came  from  the  fact  that  "X"  was  used 
by  the  University  of  Chicago  in  its  original  description  of  the 
site.  The  addition  of  the  "  10"  had  no  significance. 

The  "Y"  as  applied  to  the  electromagnetic  plant  was  used 
because  it  was  equally  unlikely  to  have  any  particular  mean- 
ing. The  "12"  was  added  for  no  particular  reason,  except  for 
the  purpose  of  confusion. 

The  "K"  as  applied  to  the  gaseous  diffusion  plant  was  used 
because  the  plant  was  designed  by  the  Kellex  Corporation. 
Because  "25"  was  used  throughout  the  project  to  designate 
U-235,  it  was  added  arbitrarily.  With  the  building  of  other 
gaseous  diffusion  plants,  K-27,  K-2g  and  K-gi  were  applied  as 
designations  to  identify  them  as  separate  units. 

During  the  war,  the  Oak  Ridge  Area  as  a  whole  was  known 
as  "Site  X,"  the  Hanford  area  as  "Site  W"  and  the  Los  Ala- 
mos area  as  "Site  Y."  The  letters  were  utilized  simply  for 
cover-up  purposes. 



Atomic  City  Housekeeper 

IF,  on  May  6,  1902,  when  a  young  engineer  by  the  name  of 
Henry  C.  Turner  launched  the  Turner  Construction 
Company  in  New  York  City,  he  had  been  told  that  a  strange 
adventure,  entirely  outside  the  sphere  of  normal  construction 
activity,  would  befall  his  firm  in  1943,  he  probably  would 
have  reacted  as  did  a  workman  at  Oak  Ridge  when  the  news 
of  the  atomic  bomb  blast  over  Hiroshima  struck  the  world. 
Said  the  workman:  "I  am  doggoned." 

But  the  Turner  Construction  Company,  which  had  for  its 
first  contract  in  1902  the  building  of  a  small  reinforced  con- 
crete vault  for  the  Thrift,  a  savings  institution  in  Brooklyn, 
and  since  that  time  has  produced  close  to  a  billion  dollars  in 
construction  in  this  country  and  abroad,  had,  like  many  other 
firms  in  the  United  States,  a  date  with  destiny. 

In  1943,  the  Army,  its  hands  full  fighting  a  war  and  creat- 
ing an  atomic  bomb,  had  neither  the  time  nor  the  inclination 
to  operate  and  manage  a  community  which  was  beginning  to 
rise  in  the  hills  of  East  Tennessee.  When  the  need  developed 
for  a  private  organization  to  operate  Oak  Ridge,  the  Man- 
hattan District,  which  had  been  impressed  by  the  job  the  com- 
pany had  done  for  the  Army's  Corps  of  Engineers  at  an  Air 
Depot  at  Rome,  New  York,  turned  to  Turner. 



Thus  was  born  the  Roane-Anderson  Company,  which  en- 
tered the  Oak  Ridge  scene  September  23,  1943,  under  a  con- 
tract with  the  Manhattan  District  as  landlord  and  house- 
keeper of  the  Atomic  City.  Turner  Construction  Company,  a 
firm  headed  by  Quakers,  organized  Roane-Anderson,  named 
for  the  two  counties  in  which  the  project  is  situated,  as  a  man- 
agement firm  under  Tennessee  charter  to  relieve  the  Army  of 
the  details  of  running  a  community.  The  company  estab- 
lished its  project  office  October  7,  1943. 

A  great  and  imposing  array  of  America's  construction  and 
industrial  organizations,  together  with  the  country's  leading 
universities,  helped  bring  about  the  miracle  of  Oak  Ridge. 

But  the  organization  which  affected  the  day-by-day  life  of 
each  Oak  Ridge  resident,  especially  the  housewife,  most  di- 
rectly, was  Roane-Anderson. 

The  average  housewife  might  not  have  known  the  facts  on 
plant  construction  and  operations,  but  she  was  acutely  aware 
of  Roane-Anderson.  For  Roane-Anderson  collected  the  rent, 
delivered  the  coal,  picked  up  the  garbage,  fixed  the  faucet,  re- 
placed the  fuse,  repaired  the  loose  plank,  replaced  the  win- 
dow pane,  supplied  the  maid,  and  carried  out  myriad  other 
duties  in  catering  to  the  needs  of  75,000  persons  in  times  of 
great  secrecy  and  security. 

Roane-Anderson  did  not  build  Oak  Ridge.  But  as  rapidly 
as  facilities — houses,  stores,  utility  and  water  systems,  dormi- 
tories— were  completed  in  1943,  1944  and  1945,  Roane-An- 
derson assumed  the  responsibility  of  managing,  operating  and 
maintaining  the  "secret  city."  Its  assignment  was  to  keep  the 
residents  in  a  reasonably  satisfied  state  of  mind;  the  whims  of 
a  tenant  thus  had  high  priority.  In  time,  an  Army  officer  at- 
tached to  the  Manhattan  District  described  Roane-Anderson 
as  "the  best  whipping  boy  the  Army  ever  had." 

Turner  officials  themselves  declare  that  "the  management 



of  the  city  of  Oak  Ridge  didn't  come  any  closer  to  being  a 
construction  job  than  Hirohito  came  to  riding  his  white  horse 
through  the  streets  of  Washington,"  but  it  was,  however,  a 
vast  and  complicated  undertaking. 

An  idea  of  the  scope  and  variety  of  functions  Roane- Ander- 
son carried  out  in  meeting  the  unique  challenge  of  Oak 
Ridge  can  be  gleaned  from  the  fact  that: 

It  organized  and  operated  a  transportation  system  of  over 
800  busses,  the  ninth  largest  in  the  United  States  during  the 
war  years,  covering  over  2,400,000  miles  a  month  and  carry- 
ing an  average  of  120,000  passengers  per  day  during  peak  op- 

It  supervised  the  operations  of  1 7  cafeterias  and  food-eating 
establishments  which  served  a  million  and  a  quarter  meals  a 
month,  or  40,000  a  day; 

It  operated  a  cold  storage  plant  which  handled  1,200,000 
pounds  of  perishable  merchandise  a  month,  of  which  75  per 
cent  was  meat; 

It  ran  a  farm  on  the  Oak  Ridge  Area  which  had  a  herd  of 
3,000  cattle  and  also  operated  a  chicken  ranch  to  supply  meat 
during  the  wartime  shortages; 

It  operated  a  35-mile  railroad  line  with  five  locomotives 
and  a  crew  of  105  men  in  keeping  3,000  cars  of  construction 
materials  and  equipment  rolling  to  the  plants  each  month 
(officials  of  the  Louisville  and  Nashville  Railroad,  which 
brought  the  cars  to  the  area  boundary  and  delivered  it  to 
Roane-Anderson  crews,  were  puzzled  by  the  fact  that  they 
saw  thousands  of  loaded  cars  going  in  but  only  empties  com- 
ing out); 

It  operated  a  million-dollar-a-year  laundry  business,  han- 
dling 2,500  dry  cleaning  and  9,000  laundry  customers  a  week 
in  addition  to  100,000  pounds  of  flatwork; 

It  supervised  the  assignment  of  more  than  500  housemaids 



and  other  common  labor  to  the  homes  of  residents  and  com- 
mercial establishments,  and  for  a  time  employed  a  group  of 
hostesses  to  assist  newcomers  in  becoming  oriented; 

It  served  as  landlord  for  over  35,000  housing  units  which 
were  in  the  city  of  Oak  Ridge  proper  at  peak  operations,  ran 
a  hotel  which  had  as  its  guests  many  of  America's  most  dis- 
tinguished men,  purchased  the  supplies  for  a  337-bed  hos- 
pital, and  paid  the  salaries  of  hundreds  of  patrolmen,  police- 
men and  firemen; 

It  carried  out  what  was  undoubtedly  one  of  the  most  com- 
prehensive "hotel"  management  jobs  in  history — the  shelter- 
ing of  15,000  dormitory  residents,  almost  equally  divided  be- 
tween men  and  women; 

It  sought  out  and  brought  in  nearly  200  private  business 
cestablishments  and  service  organizations — department  stores, 
drug  stores,  shoe  shops,  barber  shops,  grocery  stores,  a  bank, 
dry  cleaners — to  serve  Oak  Ridge  residents; 

It  maintained  the  nearly  300  miles  of  roads  of  a  new  com- 
munity which  grew  to  such  size  that  if  you  start  from  the 
Empire  State  Building  in  New  York  as  one  end  of  the  city  of 
Oak  Ridge,  the  other  end  will  be  Passaic,  New  Jersey;  and 

It  employed  1 0,000  persons  at  peak  operations  to  carry  out 
its  varied  duties. 

In  addition,  it  maintained  schools  and  other  public  build- 
ings, operated  directly  such  public  services  as  water  supply, 
the  electric  system,  central  steam  plants  and  sewage  and  gar- 
bage disposal  and  supervised  activities  which  in  any  other  city 
would  be  performed  by  all  the  various  individual  property 
owners,  real  estate  operators  and  commercial  operators. 

As  in  all  landlord-tenant  relationships,  there  were  at  times 
discordant  notes.  A  telephone  conversation  in  1944  illustrates 
the  attitude  of  some. 

One  afternoon  the  wife  of  a  Carbide  and  Carbon  official 



telephoned  the  Roane-Anderson  project  manager's  wife  to  in- 
vite her  to  a  party.  The  operator  informed  her  the  telephone 
was  unlisted. 

"But,"  the  wife  of  the  Carbide  official  said,  "I'm  not  calling 
on  business  and  I  am  sure  they  will  not  object.  Besides,  I'm 
one  of  their  friends." 

The  operator  was  courteous  but  firm. 

"Madam,"  she  replied,  "for  your  information,  Roane-An- 
derson has  no  friends." 

The  telephone  operator's  analysis  of  the  situation  was  no 
doubt  extreme,  yet  the  mushrooming  of  Oak  Ridge  during 
the  war  years  presented  complex  problems  of  management. 
But  at  the  war's  end,  high  praise  went  to  Roane-Anderson 
from  the  Manhattan  District  for  the  company's  contributions 
to  the  atomic  project. 

In  the  past  few  years,  Roane-Anderson  relinquished  many 
of  its  functions  in  Oak  Ridge,  although  it  retained  opera- 
tional responsibility.  Many  of  its  operations  were  turned  over 
to  private  enterprise  during  the  transition  of  the  community 
from  a  war-born  Government-dominated  city  into  one  having 
more  of  the  aspects  of  the  normal  American  community  of 
the  same  size. 

For  example,  the  railroad  into  the  city  is  now  an  L  &  N- 
operated  line,  the  restaurants  and  cafeterias  are  under  private 
management,  the  tenants  have  certain  maintenance  responsi- 
bilities, the  200-bus  transportation  system  is  operated  by  a 
private  firm,  American  Industrial  Transport,  Inc.,  which 
took  over  in  February  1945;  laundry  and  dry  cleaning  is  ac- 
complished by  private  firms,  and  the  principal  hotel  is  under 
private  management  of  Alexander  Hotels,  Inc.  Many  other 
similar  steps  directed  toward  normalcy  have  been  taken. 

Roane-Anderson  Company  has  done  its  complex  manage- 
ment job  under  a  contract  prescribing  a  certain  fixed  monthly 



fee  for  the  company,  which  turns  over  all  funds  collected  to 
the  Government. 

The  contributions  of  Turner  Construction  Company  in 
World  War  II  were  not  confined  to  running  the  community 
of  Oak  Ridge  through  its  subsidiary,  the  Roane-Anderson 
Company.  The  firm  was  a  part  of  the  far-flung  construction 
forces  which  built  vital  Naval  bases  in  the  Pacific.  It  also  con- 
structed many  important  plants  for  private  companies  and 
branches  of  the  Armed  Forces.  Among  such  contracts  were 
plants  for  the  Atlas  Powder  Company,  Atlas  Point,  Del.;  Elec- 
tro Metallurgical  Company  (a  subsidiary  of  Union  Carbide 
and  Carbon  Corporation)  Ashtabula,  Ohio;  Hercules  Powder 
Company,  Belvidere,  New  Jersey;  General  Electric  Company, 
Everett  and  Lynn,  Mass.;  Higgins  Aircraft,  Inc.,  New  Or- 
leans; Naval  Shipyard,  Brooklyn;  Pratt  &  Whitney  Aircraft 
Corporation,  Kansas  City,  Mo.;  the  Glenn  L.  Martin  Com- 
pany, Middle  River,  Maryland;  the  United  States  Rubber 
Company,  Chicopee  Falls,  Mass.,  and  the  U.  S.  Air  Base  at 
Rome,  N.  Y. 

In  the  latter  part  of  1943,  an  elderly  woman  approached 
the  Roane-Anderson  employment  office  in  Oak  Ridge  seeking 
a  job.  She  called  it  the  "Rogue  and  Angerson  Company." 

Asked  what  she  could  do  and  why  she  wanted  to  work  for 
Roane-Anderson,  she  replied  that  she  was  interested  in  ' 'get- 
ting that  money  time  and  time  again."  Slightly  confused,  she 
had  heard  that  good  pay  was  available  through  "time  and 

"Time  and  time  again,"  the  Turner  Construction  Com- 
pany has  made  significant  contributions  in  helping  to  build 
up  the  nation's  industrial  capacity. 

As  one  of  its  projects  during  World  War  I,  Turner  built 
the  War  and  Navy  Office  Buildings  in  Washington  under  a 
contract  approved  by  the  then  Secretary  of  the  Navy,  Frank- 

.  [98] 


lin  D.  Roosevelt;  in  World  War  II  it  managed  a  "secret  city" 
as  part  of  a  $2,000,000,000  "calculated  risk"  approved  by 
President  Franklin  D.  Roosevelt. 

Turner  Construction  Company,  in  two  World  Wars,  has 
built  and  managed  for  the  arsenal  of  democracy. 



A  Story  Is  Born 

IN  April  1945,  events  moved  swiftly  in  the  saga  of  the 
A-Bomb.  A  few  days  after  his  inauguration  following  the 
death  of  President  Roosevelt  on  April  12  at  Warm  Springs, 
Ga.,  President  Truman,  who  as  a  United  States  Senator  and 
Vice-President  had  been  aware  of  the  project  and  its  implica- 
tions, was  given  a  complete,  up-to-date  picture  of  the  atomic 
program  at  a  White  House  conference  by  Secretary  of  War 
Stimson  and  General  Groves. 

Simultaneously,  the  5ogth  Composite  Group,  31 3th  Bomb 
Wing,  20th  Air  Force,  was  completing  its  tests  on  runs  with 
dummy  bombs  at  its  secret  base  at  Wendover,  Utah,  where 
training  had  started  in  the  Fall  of  1944,  and  was  preparing  to 
leave  for  the  Pacific. 

On  Tinian,  in  the  Pacific,  from  which  point  the  "Enola 
Gay,"  a  6-29  with  Col.  Paul  W.  Tibbetts,  Jr.,  of  Miami,  Fla., 
at  the  controls  was  to  take  off  on  August  5  with  its  nose 
turned  toward  Hiroshima,  construction  was  well  under  way 
on  the  Atomic  Base  under  the  direction  of  Col.  Elmer  E. 
Kirkpatrick,  who  later  was  to  serve  as  commanding  officer  at 
Oak  Ridge. 

And  in  a  ceremony  in  April  at  the  Knoxville,  Tenn.,  Air- 
port, a  6-25  bomber,  purchased  with  $250,000  contributed  by 


workers  in  Oak  Ridge's  K-25  Area,  was  christened  ' 'Sunday 
Punch"  before  being  flown  to  combat  in  the  Pacific. 

Earlier  in  April,  the  first  step  was  taken  in  making  arrange- 
ments for  developing  the  background  information  for  the 
newspaper  releases  which  were  to  fall  on  a  startled  world  in 

At  that  time,  General  Groves  and  Col.  W.  A.  Consodine, 
press  relations  advisor  to  the  General,  requested  Jack  H. 
Lockhart,  assistant  to  Byron  Price,  Director  of  the  Office  of 
Censorship  in  Washington,  which  collaborated  closely  with 
the  Manhattan  District  during  the  war  in  maintaining  the 
secrecy  of  the  atomic  venture,  to  take  the  War  Department 
assignment  of  writing  the  official  story  of  the  A-Bomb.  Be- 
cause of  other  commitments,  Mr.  Lockhart,  now  Assistant 
General  Editorial  Manager  for  the  Scripps-Howard  Newspa- 
pers, declined,  but  recommended  William  L.  Laurence,  em- 
inent science  writer  for  the  New  York  Times  and  a  Pulitzer 
Prize  winner  in  1937,  whose  familiarity  with  the  possibilities 
of  the  atom  had  been  revealed  as  far  back  as  May  5,  1940,  in 
a  Times  article.  Mr.  Laurence  also  had  written  an  article  for 
the  Saturday  Evening  Post,  September  7,  1940,  entitled  "The 
Atom  Gives  Up,"  a  stirring  look  into  the  future. 

When  actual  work  on  the  atomic  project  started  in  1942, 
the  Post  was  requested  by  Intelligence  officials  to  take  the 
September  7,  1940,  issue  out  of  circulation.  Similar  requests 
were  made  of  libraries  over  the  country  and  all  persons  in- 
quiring for  that  particular  issue  were  investigated. 

Mr.  Laurence,  who  was  to  be  the  only  newspaperman  pres- 
ent at  the  Alamogordo  test  explosion  in  New  Mexico  July  16, 
and  later  an  observer  of  the  Nagasaki  blast,  reported  for  duty 
with  the  Manhattan  District  in  Washington  on  May  8  after 
General  Groves  and  Colonel  Consodine  had  discussed  his 
availability  with  Edwin  L.  James,  managing  editor  of  the 



Times,  in  a  New  York  conference.  To  Mr.  Laurence,  it  was 
"one  of  the  biggest  stories  of  all  time." 

The  job  of  putting  the  official  War  Department  story  of 
the  atom  on  paper  began  May  10  in  Oak  Ridge  when  Mr. 
Laurence  reported  to  Col.  K.  D.  Nichols,  District  Engineer 
for  the  Manhattan  District.  On  the  previous  day,  Colonel 
Nichols,  in  a  statement  concerning  the  German  surrender 
May  6,  had  informed  Oak  Ridge  employees  that  "the  opera- 
tions at  Clinton  Engineer  Works  will  continue  in  full  force 
until  complete  victory  over  Japan."  At  that  time,  the  total 
strength  of  the  Japanese  Army  was  estimated  at  5,000,000. 

Mr.  Laurence  began  his  quest  for  official  facts  with  visits 
into  the  huge,  restricted  Oak  Ridge  plants.  The  quest  then 
took  him  to  Los  Alamos,  Hanford,  Berkeley,  California;  Chi- 
cago and  New  York,  and  back  again  to  Oak  Ridge,  where  he 
wrote  the  majority  of  his  stories  in  a  special  office  set  aside 
for  him  in  District  headquarters.  In  all,  Mr.  Laurence  trav- 
eled over  50,000  miles  on  his  A-bomb  itinerary,  a  tour  cli- 
maxed as  he  rode  in  an  escort  plane  when  the  second  bomb 
fell  over  Nagasaki  August  9. 

By  July,  details  had  been  synchronized  for  the  handling 
and  distribution  of  the  atom  story.  In  Oak  Ridge,  Lt.  George 
O.  Robinson,  Jr.,  formerly  of  the  Memphis  Commercial  Ap- 
peal, and  Public  Relations  Officer  for  the  Manhattan  District, 
set  up  a  restricted  reproduction  room,  where  12  hand-picked 
members  of  the  Woman's  Army  Corps  Detachment  at  Oak 
Ridge  cut  the  stencils  and  produced  thousands  upon  thou- 
sands of  mimeographed  sheets  which  were  to  go  to  the  public 
after  the  first  use  in  world  history  of  an  atomic  bomb  in 

Meanwhile,  in  Washington,  Colonel  Consodine  was  enlarg- 
ing his  staff  in  preparation  for  the  big  break.  Assigned  to  him 
there  were  Lt.  Col.  Clyde  Mathews,  formerly  with  the  Jackson 


(Mississippi)  Daily  News;  Major  John  F.  Moynahan,  formerly 
with  the  Newark,  N.  J.,  News  and  Capt.  Kilburn  R.  Brown, 
former  magazine  writer.  At  Hanford  Engineer  Works,  Lt. 
Milton  R.  Cydell,  formerly  with  the  Seattle  Times,  was  as- 
sisting in  the  preparations.  All  aided  in  writing  and  develop- 
ing the  first  releases. 

Shortly  after  the  arrival  of  Mr.  Laurence  in  Oak  Ridge, 
James  E.  Westcott,  staff  photographer  for  the  Public  Rela- 
tions Office,  was  assigned  to  take  aerial  and  ground  pictures 
throughout  the  Area.  Westcott  made  over  200  exposures  from 
a  chartered  plane.  Assisted  by  the  late  H.  B.  Smith,  another 
official  Oak  Ridge  photographer,  Westcott's  office  processed 
over  5,000  prints  of  the  33  pictures — Oak  Ridge  and  Han- 
ford  scenes  and  pictures  of  Manhattan  District  officials — 
which  had  been  selected  for  official  distribution  after  clear- 
ance by  Manhattan  District  Security  and  War  Department 
officials.  Legends  for  the  photographs  were  prepared  in  Oak 
Ridge  and  the  pictures  assembled  there.  On  July  18,  two 
days  after  the  Alamogordo  test  blast,  Westcott,  entirely  un- 
aware of  the  significance  of  his  mission,  made  the  last  of 
the  official  pictures,  photographs  of  General  Groves  and  his 
assistant,  General  Thomas  F.  Farrell,  in  Washington. 

A  few  days  before  the  end  of  July,  all  was  in  readiness. 
Thousands  of  mimeographed  pages  of  14  separate  press  re- 
leases had  been  prepared  and  together  with  hundreds  of  sets 
of  the  33  official  pictures  had  been  flown  to  Hanford,  Los 
Alamos  and  Washington  in  an  Air  Force  plane  under  heavy 
guard  to  be  held  for  distribution. 

Simultaneously,  the  last  shipment  of  U-235  for  the  Hiro- 
shima bomb  left  Oak  Ridge  July  25,  arriving  at  Tinian 
July  27.  And  on  July  25,  a  directive  was  prepared  for  the 
signature  of  General  Thomas  T.  Handy,  acting  in  the  absence 
of  General  George  C.  Marshall,  who  was  in  Potsdam,  author- 

.  [  "03  ] 


izing  the  5ogth  Bomb  Group  to  attack  Hiroshima,  or  as  alter- 
nates Kokura,  Niigata  or  Nagasaki. 

With  the  completion  July  27  of  the  reproduction  of  the 
first  press  releases  and  pictures,  Intelligence  and  Security 
agents  were  dispatched  from  Oak  Ridge,  armed  with  the 
official  handouts,  to  key  Southern  cities — among  them  Nash- 
ville, Memphis,  Chattanooga,  Atlanta  and  Birmingham — to 
await  word  of  the  dropping  of  the  bomb.  Releases  for  the 
Knoxville  newspapers  and  radio  stations  were  held  in  readi- 
ness at  Oak  Ridge  and  arrangements  made  to  service  other 
news  media  directly  from  Oak  Ridge. 

The  14  written  releases  embraced: 

1.  Account  of  the  July  16,  1945,  New  Mexico  test. 

2.  General  news  story  based  on  President  Truman's  an- 
nouncement of  the  use  of  the  atomic  bomb. 

3.  Story  of  the  discovery  of  uranium  fission. 

4.  Atomic  energy,  derivation  and  theory. 

5.  The  gaseous  diffusion  plant  at  Oak  Ridge. 

6.  The  electromagnetic  plant  at  Oak  Ridge. 

7.  The  thermal  diffusion  plant  at  Oak  Ridge. 

8.  The  town  of  Oak  Ridge. 

9.  Hanford  Engineer  Works. 

10.  Labor  aspects,  including  recruitment,  of  the  project. 

1 1 .  Biographical,  General  Leslie  R.  Groves,  commanding 
general  of  the  Manhattan  Project. 

12.  Biographical,  General  Thomas  F.  Farrell,  Assistant  to 
General  Groves. 

13.  Biographical,  Colonel  Kenneth  D.  Nichols,  District  En- 
gineer, Manhattan  District. 

14.  Biographical,  Colonel  Franklin  T.  Matthias,  officer  in 
charge  of  the  Hanford  Engineer  Works. 

The  basic  work  completed,  key  officials  of  the  Manhattan 
District  and  the  War  Department  stood  at  alert  for  a  week  as 

U.  S.  Armed  Forces 

World's  first  atomic  bomb  blast  (inset)  was  at  Alamogordo,  New  Mexico;  Nagasaki 
blast  (top) 




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V4    XT5«<5L  '»»  «tt<K   .  •&*•<<  ^>*  ' 

A   STORY    IS    BORN 

the  S-i,  the  code  name  for  the  new  weapon,  neared  its  ren- 
dezvous with  destiny. 

As  of  August  5,  President  Truman  was  somewhere  in  the 
Atlantic  aboard  the  USS  Augusta  on  his  way  home  from  the 
Potsdam  Conference.  (On  January  27,  1947,  in  a  letter  to 
Dr.  Karl  Compton  of  the  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technol- 
ogy, President  Truman  said  he  had  personally  made  the  de- 
cision to  use  the  bomb.)  In  Washington,  where  the  War  De- 
partment Public  Relations  Department  had  been  advised  by 
the  Manhattan  District  to  be  prepared  for  the  big  story,  Colo- 
nel Consodine,  Colonel  Mathews  and  Captain  Brown,  to- 
gether with  Robert  Ebbinger  and  Edmund  Durkin,  were 
standing  by  and  Lt.  Robinson  at  Oak  Ridge  and  Lt.  Cydell 
at  Hanford  were  awaiting  the  go-ahead  signal. 

Major  Moynahan  was  with  General  Farrell  on  Tinian 
awaiting  word  from  the  crew  of  the  "Enola  Gay,"  already 
winging  its  way  toward  Hiroshima,  with  Admiral  William  S. 
Parsons,  Naval  ordnance  expert,  who  was  as  responsible  as 
any  military  man  for  the  bomb's  development,  as  the  " weap- 
oneer" who  armed  the  new  machine  of  destruction.  After  the 
Hiroshima  drop,  Major  Moynahan  and  General  Farrell  wrote 
leaflets  which  were  scattered  over  Japan  cautioning  surrender 
lest  still  more  cataclysmic  events  befall  the  homeland. 

On  Monday,  August  6,  Washington  was  quiet.  The  first- 
comers  to  the  White  House  press  room  had  no  way  of  know- 
ing that  the  dawn  of  the  atomic  age  was  about  to  burst  upon 
them.  The  President  was  still  away.  At  10  A.M.,  Eben  Ayres, 
assistant  press  secretary,  informed  the  newsmen  that  "there 
might  be  something  later." 

At  1 1  A.M.,  the  more  than  two  score  newsmen  who  were  by 
that  time  present  were  met  by  Maj.  Gen.  Alexander  D.  Surles, 
War  Department  Public  Relations  Officer.  Before  him  was  a 
press  release,  the  official  announcement  of  the  President,  who 


had  radioed  his  approval  from  the  USS  Augusta.  Additional 
press  releases  were  on  hand  at  the  Pentagon  Building. 

Mr.  Ayres  read  the  first  paragraph,  handed  out  copies.  In 
a  few  seconds,  press  wires  throughout  the  world  were  hum- 
ming with  the  story  of  the  atomic  bomb;  little  else  was  to  oc- 
cupy the  attention  of  the  press  for  some  time.  On  August  9, 
the  second  atomic  bomb  fell  on  Nagasaki,  delivered  by  a  6-29, 
the  "Bockscar,"  piloted  by  Major  Charles  W.  Sweeney,  of 
North  Quincy,  Mass.  Russia  entered  the  war  against  Japan 
and  surrender  was  near.  November  i  was  the  date  which  had 
been  officially  set  for  the  invasion  of  the  Japanese  homeland 
by  American  troops.  The  estimates  of  the  expected  Amer- 
ican casualties  varied,  but  they  ran  as  high  as  a  million.  Be- 
cause of  the  atomic  bombs,  thousands  of  American  boys 
whose  fate  would  have  been  otherwise  were  safe  and  no 
longer  in  danger. 

President  Truman's  dramatic  August  6  announcement  .  .  . 

"Sixteen  hours  ago  an  American  airplane  dropped  one 
bomb  on  Hiroshima.  That  bomb  had  more  power  than 
20,000  tons  of  TNT.  It  is  an  atomic  bomb  ...  a  har- 
nessing of  the  basic  power  of  the  universe." 

.  .  .  fell  on  Oak  Ridge  with  a  strange  impact. 

Persons  with  access  to  radios  were  the  first  to  hear.  The 
men  in  the  plants  who  had  helped  to  produce  the  first  U-235 
to  be  used  in  warfare  received  the  news  when  their  wives 
telephoned  to  tell  them  of  what  Oak  Ridge  had  done. 

"I  felt,"  explained  one  employee,  "that  when  my  wife  said 
some  mention  had  been  made  of  the  atom,  she  might  be  split- 
ting up  herself." 

For  several  hours,  there  was  a  strange  stirring  in  the  com- 
munity, and  talk  was  hushed — some  men  instinctively  whis- 
pered "sh-sh-shush" — as  if  further  details  were  necessary  to 

A   STORY    IS    BORN 

make  people  believe.  By  midafternoon,  however,  the  shock 
had  worn  off.  Great  rejoicing  coursed  through  the  business 
section,  the  plants  and  the  homes.  Oak  Ridgers  were  so  anx- 
ious for  information  that  "extras"  of  Knoxville  newspapers 
sold  for  $1.00  a  copy;  one  circulation  man  disposed  of  1600 
papers  in  35  minutes.  In  New  York,  the  wife  of  an  official  of 
Union  Carbide  and  Carbon  Corporation  greeted  her  husband 
at  the  door  of  their  home  on  his  return  from  work:  "On  the 
radio  today  I  heard  about  a  place  called  Oak  Ridge,  Tennes- 
see. Is  that  Shangri-La?"  Some  Carbide  people  had  used 
"Shangri-La"  as  a  code  word  for  Oak  Ridge  during  the  hush- 
hush  days. 

Oak  Ridgers,  at  last,  could  talk.  Certain  words  once  re- 
corded "secret"  were  no  longer  secret.  After  many  months  of 
toil  and  stress  and  "buttoned"  lips,  they  could  mention  the 
atom  and  they  rolled  out  the  word  with  great  relish  and  ex- 
hilaration. The  workers  who  had  talked  about  everything  but 
their  work — "your  wife,  the  school  system,  Heaven  and  hell, 
even  the  price  of  babies" — could  now  discuss  the  project. 

With  the  dropping  of  the  bomb,  Oak  Ridge  became  the 
focal  point  for  scores  of  newspaper,  radio,  newsreel  and  maga- 
zine representatives.  From  special  press  rooms  set  up  in  a 
dormitory,  Casper  Hall,  by  the  Public  Relations  Office,  200,- 
ooo  words  of  copy  were  moved  the  first  four  days  alone.  Rep- 
resentatives of  the  press  and  radio  who  have  visited  Oak 
Ridge  since  that  time  and  continue  to  visit  one  of  the  world's 
most  unusual  cities  are  numbered  in  the  hundreds. 

The  revelation  of  the  bomb  was  an  exhilarating  experience 
for  Oak  Ridgers.  They  had  said  "no"  for  so  long  that  they 
found  it  difficult  to  say  "yes."  Sworn  to  silence,  the  force  of 
habit  had  become  second  nature.  Never  before  had  so  many 
people  said  so  little  about  so  much. 

They  confined  their  discussions  to  information  officially  re- 

[  107] 


leased  and  to  the  official  statements,  one  of  which,  from  Colo- 
nel Nichols,  eased  the  fears  of  Tennesseans  that  there  might 
be  danger  of  an  atomic  explosion  in  Oak  Ridge  itself.  "The 
safety  records  achieved  are  superior;  many  industries  have 
far  greater  hazards,"  the  jittery  were  advised. 

The  exuberance  of  the  occasion  reached  far  and  wide. 

On  the  morning  of  August  7,  when  the  Southern  Railroad's 
train  from  Washington  rolled  into  the  Knoxville  station,  a 
Pullman  porter  announced  to  his  passengers: 

"You  are  now  entering  Knoxville,  the  gateway  to  Oak 

Today,  Oak  Ridge  is  the  gateway  to  a  bright,  new  world  in 
constructive  uses  of  atomic  energy. 

Roosevelt  and  Oak  Ridge 

President  Roosevelt  did  not  get  to  see  Oak  Ridge. 

On  April  10,  1945,  however,  two  days  before  the  Presi- 
dent's death,  Secretary  of  War  Henry  L.  Stimson  made  a  tour 
of  the  plants.  Special  ramps  were  built  in  one  of  the  plant 
areas  to  accommodate  Mr.  Stimson;  because  of  the  ramps, 
word  spread  that  Mr.  Roosevelt  was  en  route  to  Oak  Ridge. 
Instead,  he  was  at  Warm  Springs. 

Mr.  Roosevelt,  it  is  recorded,  was  given  his  last  information 
on  the  status  of  the  A-Bomb  program  on  March  25,  1945,  by 
Secretary  Stimson  at  the  White  House. 

Significant  Dates 

Three  significant  events  occurred  during  World  War  II  on 
the  Sixth  of  the  Month. 

On  June  6,  1944,  General  Dwight  Eisenhower's  forces 
stormed  the  French  Coast  on  D-Day;  on  May  6,  1945,  the 

A   STORY    IS    BORN 

Germans  surrendered  and  on  August  6,  1945,  the  first  atomic 
bomb  used  in  warfare  was  dropped  on  Hiroshima,  Japan. 

Oak  Ridge  also  apparently  has  an  affinity  for  the  month  of 
August.  In  addition  to  the  first  atomic  bomb  being  dropped 
August  6,  1945,  the  Manhattan  District  was  established  Au- 
gust 13,  1942;  the  bill  establishing  a  Civilian  Commission  to 
take  over  the  atomic  project  from  the  War  Department  was 
signed  into  law  by  President  Truman  on  August  i,  1946,  and 
the  first  radioactive  materials  for  purposes  of  peacetime  re- 
search in  biology,  medicine,  agriculture  and  industry  were 
shipped  from  the  atomic  "furnace"  at  Oak  Ridge  National 
Laboratory  on  August  2,  1946. 

[  109] 


Into  Civilian  Hands 

THE  miracle  of  the  atomic  bomb  was  wrought  by  the  most 
unusual  combination  of  fundamental  scientific  research, 
of  technical  development  both  in  and  out  of  the  laboratory, 
of  mass  production  and  of  management  and  labor  ever 
achieved  in  American  history.  The  results  were  obtained 
through  the  most  zealous,  active  and  self-sacrificing  coopera- 
tion, by  hundreds  of  thousands  of  Americans  in  numerous 
different  walks  of  life,  that  this  country  has  ever  known,  all 
carried  out  in  absolute  secrecy  and  seclusion. 

In  a  stragetic  race  against  time,  a  generation  of  national 
effort  was,  in  effect,  compressed  into  a  period  of  barely  five 

When  the  hostilities  ended,  the  Manhattan  Project,  at  a 
cost  of  nearly  $2,000,000,000  had  developed  two  atomic 
bombs  which  helped  hasten  the  fall  of  Japan.  The  military 
objective  of  the  project  had  been  reached.  In  the  American 
tradition,  the  time  had  come  for  transfer  of  the  vast  enter- 
prise into  civilian  hands. 

The  transfer,  however,  was  slow  in  evolving.  The  Congress, 
with  the  national  and  international  implications  of  the  new 
force  of  atomic  energy  weighing  heavily  upon  it,  was  immedi- 
ately indecisive  as  how  best  to  set  up  a  civilian  organization 



which  would  assume  responsibility  for  utilizing  atomic  en- 
ergy for  improving  the  public  welfare  and  promoting  world 
peace.  The  powers  to  be  granted  such  a  civilian  organization 
and  the  extent  to  which  the  military  would  participate  in  its 
program  brought  on  lengthy  debate. 

After  long  examination  by  a  special  Committee  of  the  Con- 
gress established  in  the  Fall  of  1945  to  examine  the  nature 
and  implications  of  atomic  energy  and  to  frame  the  basic  law 
under  which  atomic  energy  would  be  controlled  and  devel- 
oped, an  Act  was  finally  written  and  agreed  upon  in  July 

On  August  i,  1946,  almost  a  year  to  the  day  after  the  first 
atomic  bomb  fell  on  Hiroshima,  President  Truman  signed 
into  law  the  Atomic  Energy  Act  of  1946,  better  known  as  the 
McMahon  Act,  named  for  Senator  Brien  McMahon  of  Con- 
necticut, who  introduced  the  legislation  as  first  chairman  of 
the  Senate-House  Joint  Committee  on  Atomic  Energy. 

On  October  28,  1946,  President  Truman  announced  the 
members  of  the  five-man  Atomic  Energy  Commission  as  pro- 
vided in  the  Atomic  Energy  Act.  As  chairman,  he  designated 
David  E.  Lilienthal,  former  chairman  of  the  Tennessee  Valley 
Authority,  who  also  had  served  as  chairman  of  a  Board  of 
Consultants  to  the  Secretary  of  State's  Committee  on  Atomic 
Energy.  The  Board  prepared  a  report  which  was  used  in  the 
development  of  the  American  proposals  for  atomic  energy 
control  to  the  United  Nations'  Atomic  Energy  Commission, 
commonly  referred  to  as  the  Acheson-Lilienthal  Report. 
(Dean  Acheson,  later  to  be  named  Secretary  of  State  by  Presi- 
dent Truman.) 

Others  members  named  were  Dr.  Robert  F.  Bacher,  a  lead- 
ing U.  S.  physicist  who  participated  in  the  development  of 
the  atomic  bomb;  Sumner  T.  Pike,  business  executive  and 
former  member  of  the  Securities  Exchange  Commission; 


Lewis  L.  Strauss,  New  York  business  leader  and  a  Rear  Ad- 
miral in  World  War  II;  and  William  W.  Waymack,  editor  of 
the  Des  Moines  Register-Tribune. 

On  January  i,  1947,  the  Manhattan  Project,  which  owned 
or  leased  more  land  than  all  of  Rhode  Island  and  had  in  its 
possession  more  material  and  equipment  than  could  be 
stored  in  the  Empire  State  Building,  was  officially  transferred 
to  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission.  But  the  Commission  it- 
self was  not  to  be  formally  cleared  to  take  office  until  April 
9,  1947,  when,  after  lengthy  and  spirited  hearings  before  the 
Senate  Committee  on  Atomic  Energy  on  the  qualifications  of 
Mr.  Lilienthal  and  the  other  nominees,  the  Senate  confirmed 
them  by  a  vote  of  50  to  31. 

From  the  hearings  emerged  what  is  generally  regarded 
as  one  of  the  most  dramatic  and  forceful  enunciations  of  its 
kind  on  record  of  an  individual's  conception  of  the  meaning 
of  democracy  and  the  American  way  of  life.  The  speaker  was 
Mr.  Lilienthal.  Questioned  on  his  political  views  and  phi- 
losophy, Mr.  Lilienthal,  in  an  oral  statement  delivered  ex- 
temporaneously under  the  pressure  of  a  public  hearing,  said: 

"I  believe  in — and  I  conceive  the  Constitution  of  the 
United  States  to  rest  upon,  as  does  religion — the  fundamental 
proposition  of  the  integrity  of  the  individual;  and  that  all 
government  and  all  private  institutions  must  be  designed  to 
promote  and  protect  and  defend  the  integrity  and  the  dignity 
of  the  individual. 

"Any  form  of  government,  therefore,  and  any  other  institu- 
tions, which  make  men  means  rather  than  ends,  which  exalt 
the  state  or  any  other  institutions  above  the  importance  of 
men,  which  place  arbitrary  power  over  men  as  a  fundamental 
tenet  of  government,  or  any  other  institutions,  are  contrary 
to  this  conception;  and  therefore  I  am  deeply  opposed  to 



"The  Communistic  philosophy,  as  well  as  the  Communistic 
form  of  government,  fall  within  this  category,  for  its  funda- 
mental tenet  is  quite  to  the  contrary.  The  fundamental  tenet 
of  Communism  is  that  the  state  is  an  end  in  itself,  and  that 
therefore  the  powers  which  the  state  exercises  over  the  indi- 
vidual are  without  any  ethical  standards  to  limit  them.  That 
I  deeply  disbelieve. 

"It  is  important  to  believe  those  things  which  provide  a 
satisfactory  and  effective  alternative.  Democracy  is  that  satis- 
fying affirmative  alternative. 

"One  of  the  tenets  of  democracy  that  has  grown  out  of  this 
central  core  of  a  belief  that  the  individual  comes  first,  that  all 
men  are  the  children  of  God  and  their  personalities  are  there- 
fore sacred,  carried  with  it  a  great  belief  in  civil  liberties  and 
their  protection  and  a  repugnance  to  anyone  who  would  steal 
from  a  human  being  that  which  is  most  precious  to  him,  his 
good  name;  either  by  imputing  things  to  him,  by  innuendo, 
or  by  insinuation. 

"I  deeply  believe  in  the  capacity  of  democracy  to  surmount 
any  trials  that  may  lie  ahead  provided  only  we  practice  it  in 
our  daily  lives." 

In  taking  over  the  atomic  energy  project,  the  Atomic  En- 
ergy Commission  found  that  the  uncertainty  at  the  end  of  the 
war  and  the  delay  in  the  development  of  a  clear,  concise  di- 
rective on  future  policies  for  the  great,  new  enterprise  had 
dulled  the  momentum  of  the  Manhattan  Project.  The  per- 
sonnel problem  as  it  related  to  key  scientific  workers,  many  of 
whom  desired  to  return  to  the  universities  and  the  classrooms, 
was  especially  acute.  The  massive  production  and  research 
facilities  had  been  unable  to  go  forward  with  the  full  speed 
necessary  to  maintain  this  country's  pre-eminence  in  the  field 
of  atomic  energy.  The  War  Department,  acting  as  custodian 
of  the  properties  until  proper  civilian  control  could  be  estab- 


lished,  had  been  given  no  decisive  order  enabling  it  to  de- 
velop a  long-range  program. 

Thus  it  came  about  that  when  the  Atomic  Energy  Com- 
mission assumed  jurisdiction  in  1947,  it  was  faced  with  a  tre- 
mendous task.  But  once  confirmed  by  the  Senate,  the  Com- 
mission advanced  rapidly  in  its  reorganization  of  the  project 
and  in  formulating  long-range  plans  designed  to  obtain  the 
maximum  benefits  from  atomic  energy.  By  August  15,  1947, 
when  the  Manhattan  District  was  dissolved  by  the  War  De- 
partment— almost  five  years  to  the  day  since  it  had  been  es- 
tablished— the  Atomic  Energy  Commission  was  making  swift 
progress  in  the  development  of  sound  programs  for  the  peace- 
ful application  of  atomic  energy. 

Today,  the  Commission,  which  under  the  Atomic  Energy 
Act  maintains  its  headquarters  in  Washington,  guides  the 
destinies  of  a  great  enterprise  which  has  made  and  continues 
to  make  rapid  advances  in  the  atomic  energy  field. 

Under  its  jurisdiction  come  a  General  Manager  with  of- 
fices in  Washington  and  separate  offices  of  operations  in 
different  parts  of  the  country.  A  Manager  is  in  charge  of 
each  Office  of  Operation.  The  offices  are  Oak  Ridge,  site  of 
the  production  facilities  for  uranium-235  and  the  Oak  Ridge 
National  Laboratory,  nuclear  research  center;  New  York, 
which  has  as  its  primary  function  the  preparation  of  feed 
materials  for  the  plants,  and  also  supervises  the  contract  for 
the  operations  of  Brookhaven  National  Laboratory  on  Long 
Island;  Hanford,  site  of  the  production  facilities  for  pluto- 
nium;  Los  Alamos,  the  center  of  weapons  research,  develop- 
ment and  production;  and  Chicago,  which  administers  the 
contract  for  the  Argonne  National  Laboratory,  the  third  of 
the  Commission's  national  laboratories.  In  addition,  Chicago 
administers  the  contracts  for  research  activities  at  Ames, 
Iowa;  Berkeley,  California;  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  and  Schenectady, 


N.  Y.,  and  Oak  Ridge  administers  the  contracts  for  research 
activities  at  Miamisburg,  Ohio,  and  Marion,  Ohio,  in  facili- 
ties operated  for  the  Commission  by  the  Monsanto  Chemical 

The  Atomic  Energy  Commission's  program  is  basically  con- 
cerned with  the  production  of  fissionable  and  special  mate- 
rials, military  applications  of  atomic  energy,  the  development 
of  nuclear  reactors,  research  in  the  fields  of  biology  and  medi- 
cine and  research  in  the  physical  sciences.  Nearly  1300  plants, 
laboratories,  research  centers  and  participating  institutions 
are  engaged  on  this  work  under  contract  with  the  AEC. 

Production  activity  ranges  from  the  exploration  for  ura- 
nium ores  to  the  refinement  of  plutonium.  The  discovery, 
development,  mining  and  extraction  of  uranium  from  ores 
requires  extensive  geological  exploration  and  the  stimula- 
tion of  activity  by  private  prospectors  and  mining  companies. 
A  great  deal  of  this  activity  centers  in  the  area  of  the  Colorado 
Plateau.  In  addition,  large  quantities  of  uranium  ore  are  pro- 
cured from  the  Belgian  Congo  and  from  Canada. 

The  New  York  Operations  Office  supervises  the  contracts 
for  converting  the  uranium  concentrates  into  two  principal 
types  of  feed  material  for  the  production  plants.  One  is  pure 
uranium  metal  required  for  the  giant  nuclear  reactors  at 
Hanford.  The  other  is  uranium  in  the  form  of  gaseous  ura- 
nium hexafluoride  which  is  the  feed  material  for  the  Oak 
Ridge  production  plant.  Purity  standards  normally  found 
only  in  pharmaceutical  materials  are  demanded. 

The  final  product  at  Oak  Ridge  is  Uranium-235,  an  in- 
gredient essential  either  for  atomic  bombs  or  for  special  nu- 
clear reactors  useful  for  a  variety  of  purposes  and  ultimately, 
it  is  hoped,  for  the  production  of  power  for  commercial  pur- 
poses. The  product  at  Hanford  is  plutonium,  a  man-made 
element  produced  by  the  transmutation  of  Uranium-238 


atoms  into  plutonium,  an  ingredient  also  essential  for  atomic 

Los  Alamos  is  the  headquarters  for  the  research,  develop- 
ment, production  and  tests  of  atomic  weapons,  which  are 
complicated  pieces  of  machinery  and  involve  many  other  com- 
ponents beyond  U-235  and  plutonium  and  many  activities 
beyond  these  conducted  at  Los  Alamos. 

Many  laboratories  over  the  United  States  are  involved  in 
the  development  of  nuclear  reactors,  the  first  major  atomic  en- 
ergy machine  developed  other  than  the  bomb.  In  this  field 
lie  the  real  hopes  for  the  future  peaceful  applications  of 
atomic  energy  in  the  form  of  power  and  the  production  of 
new  and  useful  materials.  A  few  years  may  pass  before  re- 
actors will  be  built  which  provide  useful  energy  for  the  gen- 
eration of  electricity — power  for  factories,  lights  for  homes 
and  propulsion  for  ships  and  planes — but  the  problem  has 
been  attacked  with  vigor  by  the  Commission  in  the  establish- 
ment in  Idaho  of  a  national  nuclear  reactor  testing  station 
comprising  around  400,000  acres.  Users  of  this  field  facility,  a 
proving  ground  for  the  national  reactor  development  pro- 
gram, include  the  Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory,  the 
Brookhaven  National  Laboratory,  the  Los  Alamos  Scientific 
Laboratory,  the  General  Electric  Company  and  the  Westing- 
house  Electric  Corporation. 

In  the  field  of  biology  and  medicine,  the  Commission's 
three  national  Laboratories,  together  with  many  schools  and 
universities  working  under  contracts  administered  by  the 
Atomic  Energy  Commission,  are  pursuing  research  programs 
having  far-reaching  implications.  The  effects  of  radiation 
upon  living  organisms  and  abnormal  cell  reproduction  (can- 
cer) and  the  effects  of  radiation  on  heredity  are  being  studied. 
At  Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory,  a  program  involving 
100,000  mice  is  being  carried  out  to  determine  radiation  ef- 


fects  and  the  mutation  rate  caused  by  measured  doses  of 
radiation.  Fruit  flies,  fish,  corn  and  bread  mold  also  are  being 
utilized  in  radiation  studies  in  other  programs  over  the  coun- 
try. The  field  of  biology  and  medicine  also  includes  programs 
for  protection  of  personnel  engaged  in  atomic  energy  work, 
how  best  to  control  radioactive  wastes  and  extensive  courses 
in  the  training  of  people  in  the  new  arts  developing  from 
atomic  energy. 

In  the  Commission's  program  for  research  in  the  physical 
sciences,  the  National  Laboratories  at  Oak  Ridge,  at  Brook- 
haven  and  at  Argonne  are  playing  leading  roles.  Other  major 
laboratories  also  are  making  vital  contributions  toward  en- 
larging the  still  meager  understanding  of  the  mysteries  of  the 
atomic  nucleus. 

Other  important  phases  of  the  atomic  energy  program  are 
being  carried  on  at  Oak  Ridge  by  the  Oak  Ridge  Institute  of 
Nuclear  Studies,  Inc.,  the  University  of  Tennessee,  the  Re- 
search Project  for  the  Application  of  Nuclear  Energy  to  the 
Propulsion  of  Aircraft  and  the  Massachusetts  Institute  of 

The  Oak  Ridge  Institute  is  composed  of  26  member  uni- 
versities in  the  South  and  Southwest  and  chartered  under 
Tennessee  law.  General  purposes  are  (i)  to  stimulate  coopera- 
tion between  the  Government  and  participating  universities 
in  undertaking  fundamental  research  in  atomic  energy  (2)  to 
foster  increased  improved  programs  of  graduate  studies  and 
education  in  nuclear  energy  in  southern  educational  institu- 
tions and  (3)  to  aid  in  the  unique  facilities  in  Oak  Ridge  for 
graduate  research  and  instruction.  The  Institute  also  con- 
ducts courses  for  scientific  and  medical  personnel  from  over 
the  country  in  the  handling  of  radioactive  isotopes  and  car- 
ries forward  a  long-range  study  of  the  treatment  of  malignant 
diseases  using  radioactive  materials. 


Member  universities  are  Alabama  Polytechnic  Institute, 
University  of  Arkansas,  Catholic  University  of  America,  Duke 
University,  University  of  Florida,  Emory  University,  Georgia 
Institute  of  Technology,  University  of  Georgia,  Louisiana 
State  University,  Mississippi  State  College,  North  Carolina 
State  College,  Rice  Institute,  Tulane  University,  University 
of  Alabama,  University  of  Kentucky,  University  of  Louisville, 
University  of  Mississippi,  University  of  North  Carolina,  Uni- 
versity of  Oklahoma,  University  of  South  Carolina,  Univer- 
sity of  Tennessee,  University  of  Texas,  University  of  Vir- 
ginia, Vanderbilt  University,  Texas  A  &  M  College  and 
Virginia  Polytechnic  Institute. 

On  a  3,ooo-acre  tract  in  the  Oak  Ridge  Area,  a  program  of 
general  agricultural  research  has  been  developed  by  the  Ex- 
periment Station  of  the  University  of  Tennessee  under  con- 
tract with  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission.  The  program  in- 
cludes both  animal  and  horticultural  work.  Studies  have 
involved  a  herd  of  cattle  which  suffered  radiation  damages  in 
the  atomic  bomb  test  explosion  at  Alamogordo,  New  Mexico, 
July  16,  1945.  Various  experiments  on  animals  and  crops  are 
being  made  using  radioactive  materials  as  laboratory  tools  of 

The  Research  Project  for  the  Application  of  Nuclear  En- 
ergy to  the  Propulsion  of  Aircraft  (NEPA)  is  a  combined  op- 
eration of  nine  selected  companies  from  the  aircraft  industry, 
operating  as  members,  and  the  NEPA  Central  Group,  headed 
by  the  Fairchild  Engine  and  Airplane  Corporation,  prime 
contractor  under  a  contract  jointly  sponsored  by  the  Depart- 
ment of  the  Air  Force  and  the  Navy  Bureau  of  Aeronautics. 
The  Atomic  Energy  Commission  and  the  National  Advisory 
Committee  for  Aeronautics  are  cooperating.  The  NEPA  proj- 
ect comprises  investigation  of  the  application  of  nuclear  en- 



ergy  to  all  possible  systems  of  propulsion  of  aircraft.  It  in- 
cludes studies  of  closed  cycle  turbines,  open  cycle  turbines, 
turbo-jets,  ram  jets  and  rocket  devices. 

A  practice  school  is  conducted  in  Oak  Ridge  by  the  Massa- 
chusetts Institute  of  Technology  for  certain  students  in  its 
School  of  Engineering. 

At  Argonne  National  Laboratory  near  Chicago,  31  Mid- 
western universities  and  organizations  are  participating  in  an- 
other far-reaching  research  program.  They  are  Battelle  Me- 
morial Institute,  Carnegie  Institute  of  Technology,  Illinois 
Institute  of  Technology,  Indiana  University,  Iowa  State  Col- 
lege, Kansas  State  College,  Loyola  University  of  Chicago, 
Marquette  University,  Mayo  Foundation,  Michigan  College 
of  Mining  and  Technology,  Michigan  State  College,  North- 
western University,  University  of  Missouri,  University  of  Ne- 
braska, University  of  Pittsburgh,  Notre  Dame  University, 
Ohio  State  University,  Oklahoma  A  &  M,  Purdue  University, 
St.  Louis  University,  University  of  Chicago,  University  of 
Cincinnati,  University  of  Illinois,  University  of  Iowa,  Uni- 
versity of  Kansas,  University  of  Michigan,  University  of 
Minnesota,  University  of  Wisconsin,  Washington  University 
of  St.  Louis  and  Western  Reserve  University. 

At  Brookhaven  National  Laboratory  on  Long  Island,  nine 
universities  of  the  Northeast  are  participating  in  atomic  re- 
search programs  as  members  of  Associated  Universities,  Inc., 
operator  of  the  Laboratory.  They  are  Columbia  University, 
Cornell  University,  Harvard  University,  Johns  Hopkins  Uni- 
versity, Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology,  Princeton 
University,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  University  of  Roches- 
ter and  Yale  University. 

Other  important  atomic  research  facilities  are  Ames  Lab- 
oratory (Iowa  State  College),  the  University  of  California 


Radiation  Laboratory,  the  Knolls  Atomic  Power  Laboratory, 
Schenectady,  N.  Y.;  and  the  University  of  Rochester,  Roch- 
ester, N.  Y. 

Vigorous  comprehensive  programs  in  all  fields  of  atomic 
energy  are  being  pursued  in  many  different  places  under  the 
auspices  of  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission.  Production  of 
vital  materials  has  been  increased,  research  programs  have 
been  expanded  and  great  strides  have  been  made  in  the  de- 
velopment of  nuclear  reactors  for  the  ultimate  production  of 
useful  power.  In  tests  of  atomic  weapons  in  the  Pacific — at 
Bikini  in  July  1946  and  at  Eniwetok  in  April  1948 — new  and 
important  facts  were  learned  concerning  the  national  de- 
fense and  security. 

Resignations  of  four  members  of  the  original  five-man  Com- 
mission occurred  in  1949  and  1950.  First  to  leave  was  Mr. 
Waymack.  His  resignation  was  followed  by  that  of  Dr.  Bacher, 
and  on  November  23,  1949,  Mr.  Lilienthal  ended  20  years  of 
public  service  by  resigning  as  Commission  chairman.  Mr. 
Strauss  left  the  Commission  April  15,  1950.  In  a  letter  to  Pres- 
ident Truman,  Mr.  Lilienthal  said: 

"Although  this  resignation  does  bring  my  work  as  a  public 
servant  to  a  close,  it  does  not  mean  that  I  do  not  intend  to 
continue  to  be  active  in  public  affairs,  for  this  is  the  first  re- 
sponsibility of  all  citizens  in  a  democracy.  Indeed,  one  of  my 
chief  reasons  for  wishing  to  return  to  private  life  is  that  I 
may  be  able  to  engage  in  public  discussion  and  public  affairs 
with  a  greater  latitude  than  is  either  feasible  or  suitable  for 
one  who  carries  public  responsibility." 

"You  have  indeed/'  the  President  replied  in  accepting  the 
resignation,  "through  almost  20  consecutive  years  of  public 
service  in  tough  pioneering  jobs — always  under  tremendous 
pressure — earned  the  right  to  retire  to  private  life." 



Named  as  successors  in  the  summer  of  1949  to  Mr.  Way- 
mack  and  Dr.  Bacher  were  Gordon  Dean,  Professor  of  Law  at 
the  University  of  California,  who  served  as  Assistant  to  Su- 
preme Court  Justice  Jackson,  United  States  Chief  of  Counsel 
for  prosecution  of  the  major  Nazi  war  criminals;  and  Dr. 
Henry  DeWolf  Smyth,  Chairman  of  the  Department  of  Phys- 
ics at  Princeton  University,  and  author  of  the  famous  "Smyth 
Report,"  the  historic  technical  document  on  the  development 
of  atomic  energy  released  August  12,  1945,  under  War  De- 
partment auspices. 

(Of  the  document,  which  became  a  controversial  issue  as  to 
the  extent  it  furnished  pertinent  information  for  the  develop- 
ment of  atomic  weapons,  Dr.  Smyth  told  the  Joint  Congres- 
sional Committee  on  Atomic  Energy  May  12,  1949:  "I  would 
hate  to  be  the  director  of  a  project  that  was  handed  that  re- 
port and  asked  to  make  atomic  bombs  on  the  basis  of  it,  be- 
cause I  don't  believe  I  would  get  very  far.") 

In  1950,  President  Truman  named  Mr.  Dean  as  Commis- 
sion chairman  and  Mr.  Pike,  Dr.  Smyth,  Thomas  E.  Murray, 
New  York  industrial  engineer,  and  T.  Keith  Glennan,  presi- 
dent of  Case  Institute  of  Technology,  Cleveland,  Ohio,  as 
other  Commission  members. 

Atomic  Energy's  First  Great  Gift 

Radioactive  isotopes  have  been  described  as  the  most  useful 
research  tool  since  the  invention  of  the  microscope  in  the  i7th 
Century.  As  atomic  energy's  first  significant  contribution  to 
the  development  of  peacetime  welfare,  they  have  become  ex- 
ceedingly useful  in  biological,  medical,  agricultural  and  in- 
dustrial research.  They  are  speeding  the  fight  against  disease; 
they  are  enabling  scientists  to  gain  a  better  understanding  of 



the  working  of  the  human  body  and  they  are  helping  man  to 
make  more  efficient  use  of  nature's  materials,  to  grow  more 
food  and  to  produce  better  goods. 

Radioactive  isotopes  assist  science  as  sources  of  radiation 
for  many  important  uses,  including  the  treatment  of  disease, 
and  as  "tracers"  of  biological  and  physical  processes  formerly 
difficult  or  impossible  to  observe.  Isotopes,  already  at  work  in 
hundreds  of  laboratories  and  hospitals  in  the  United  States 
and  abroad,  are  adding  much  to  man's  knowledge  about  him- 
self and  the  world  around  him. 

What  is  an  isotope  and  how  is  the  isotope  of  an  element 
made  radioactive? 

The  word  isotope  is  derived  from  two  Greek  words:  "iso," 
meaning  same,  and  "topos"  meaning  place.  Isotopes  are 
atoms;  in  fact  the  word  isotope  is  merely  used  to  identify 
different  kinds  of  atoms  of  the  same  element.  Most  elements 
have  families  of  atoms.  The  element  carbon,  for  example, 
has  four  members  in  its  family,  carbon  1 1,  carbon  12,  carbon 
13,  and  carbon  14.  Some  elements  have  more,  some  less.  Each 
member  of  a  particular  element  is  called  an  isotope  of  that 
element  and  it  can  be  distinguished  by  its  individual  and 
characteristic  weight.  In  the  case  of  carbon,  the  isotopes  car- 
bon 1 2  and  carbon  1 3  occur  in  nature  and  are  stable,  whereas 
carbon  11  and  carbon  14  are  "man-made"  and  radioactive. 
Because  carbon  1 1  and  14  are  radioactive  they  will  emit  radia- 
tions by  which  scientists  can  also  detect  their  presence.  All 
isotopes  of  the  same  element,  regardless  of  whether  they  are 
radioactive  or  stable,  behave  chemically  in  the  same  way.  Be- 
cause this  is  so  and  because  some  isotopes,  the  radioactive 
kind,  can  be  identified  by  the  radiation  which  they  give  off, 
they  can  be  mixed  with  ordinary  stable  isotopes  of  the  ele- 
ment and  used  to  trace  the  atoms  of  this  particular  element 
through  any  chemical,  biochemical  or  physical  process.  The 



identity  and  location  of  the  radioactive  isotope,  invisible  but 
potent,  is  determined  by  sensitive  instruments. 

Most  elements,  that  is,  the  stable  isotopes  of  the  element, 
can  be  made  radioactive  by  bombarding  them  with  tiny  par- 
ticles called  neutrons.  Millions  upon  millions  of  these  neu- 
trons are  produced  every  second  in  a  nuclear  reactor  or 
"atomic  furnace"  by  the  splitting  or  fissioning  of  uranium- 
235  atoms.  In  the  reactor  at  the  Oak  Ridge  National  Labora- 
tory, the  source  of  most  of  the  radioactive  isotopes  being 
made  available,  about  a  million  times  a  million  neutrons  are 
formed  every  second  in  a  space  the  size  of  your  little  finger- 
nail. For  this  reason,  a  nuclear  reactor  is  the  best  device  yet 
found  for  making  radioactive  isotopes. 

The  atomic  rays  in  the  "atomic  furnace"  are  confined  by 
a  huge,  protective,  concrete  shield  which  surrounds  the  "fur- 
nace," which  is  a  huge  "pile"  of  graphite  in  which  uranium 
slugs  of  pre-determined  size  are  arranged  in  a  certain  manner 
to  bring  about  a  chain  reaction.  If  a  sample  of  some  stable 
element  such  as  phosphorus,  copper,  zinc  or  iron  is  inserted 
in  the  "furnace"  to  be  bombarded  by  the  rays,  they  are  made 
radioactive,  or  teeming  with  radiation. 

This  is  what  takes  place.  A  sample  of  a  stable  element  is 
placed  in  a  small  aluminum  can.  This  is  then  inserted  in  a 
graphite  carrier  and  shoved  through  a  special  opening  into 
the  "furnace."  The  whole  operation  may  be  likened  to  put- 
ting biscuits  into  an  oven  to  cook — in  this  case  an  "atomic 
oven."  The  sample  is  "cooked" — actually  irradiated  by  the 
intense  breaking  up  of  the  uranium-235  atoms  in  the  chain 
reaction — for  some  specified  length  of  time,  usually  a  week  to 
over  a  month.  It  is  now  radioactivated;  the  result  is  a  radio- 
active isotope  from  the  original  stable  element  placed  in  the 

The  fact  that  radioisotopes  of  most  of  the  elements  can  be 


made  in  the  uranium  chain-reactor  has  made  possible  a  wide 
scope  of  use  in  such  fields  as  medical  therapy,  animal  and 
plant  physiology,  bacteriology,  physics,  chemistry,  industrial 
and  agricultural  research  and  metallurgy. 

In  the  medical  field,  radioactive  iodine  is  being  used  to 
treat  persons  with  overactive  thyroid  glands,  or  with  cancer 
of  the  thyroid,  because  the  gland  absorbs  almost  all  the  iodine 
taken  into  the  body.  Radioiodine  is  similarly  being  used  to 
trace  out  new  cancers  that  have  spread  from  a  thyroid  root. 
Radiophosphorus  is  being  used  to  curb  the  excessive  pro- 
duction of  red  blood  corpuscles  in  patients  with  the  disease 
polychthemia  vera  and  has  gained  relief  for  patients  with 
leukemia,  a  disease  marked  by  the  cancerous  overproduction 
of  white  blood  corpuscles. 

Medical  workers  are  using  radioactive  iodine  in  tagged 
radioactive  dye  (diiodofluorescein)  to  locate  brain  tumors  be- 
fore surgery.  The  dye  is  taken  up  more  selectively  by  brain 
tumor  tissue  than  by  normal  brain  tissue.  The  radioactive  io- 
dine's radiations  penetrate  the  skull  of  the  patient's  head  and 
show  the  surgeon  where  the  tumor  mass  is  located.  Some  in- 
vestigators also  are  using  radioactive  phosphorus  or  P  32  as  a 
supplementary  tool  in  brain  tumor  surgery.  The  radiation 
from  P  32  cannot  penetrate  through  the  skull  and  therefore 
cannot  be  used  in  the  same  way.  If  the  patient  is  given  P  32 
before  surgery,  however,  it  also  is  selectively  absorbed  by 
brain  tumor  tissue.  After  the  surgical  incision  has  been  made 
the  surgeon  can  insert  a  small  Geiger-counter  tube  (about 
one-eighth  inch  in  diameter)  through  the  incision  into  the 
mass  of  the  brain  and  determine  by  the  concentration  of 
radioactivity  what  part  of  the  tissue  is  tumor. 

Metallic  cobalt,  when  irradiated,  emits  radiations  very  sim- 
ilar to  those  of  radium.  Radiocobalt  is  being  used  as  a  substi- 
tute for  radium,  one  of  the  established  tools  for  destroying 

J.  E.  Westcott 

are  shipped  throughout  the  world  to  help  humanity. 


cancer  cells.  Radiocobalt,  much  cheaper  in  price  than  radium, 
can  be  made  up  in  various  pliable  shapes  having  more  potent 
radiation  than  radium  and  can  be  stored  with  proper  protec- 
tion as  a  fine  wire  on  a  spool  and  clipped  off  in  quantities  as 
desired.  Irradiated  cobalt  plaques  equivalent  to  million-volt 
X-ray  machines  have  been  developed.  A  powerful  new  tool  is 
now  available  in  the  fight  against  cancer. 

These  uses  are  indicative  of  the  wide  value  of  the  new  re- 
search tool — radioactive  materials.  The  first  shipment  of 
radioactive  materials  for  research  and  medical  purposes  left 
the  Oak  Ridge  National  Laboratory  August  2,  1946,  almost 
a  year  from  the  time  the  first  atomic  bomb  used  in  warfare 
fell  on  Hiroshima.  Since  that  time,  thousands  upon  thou- 
sands of  shipments  of  radioactive  isotopes  of  various  elements 
have  gone  to  research  institutions  and  hospitals  in  this  coun- 
try and  abroad. 

An  isotope  helped  make  history;  uranium-235,  used  in  the 
first  atomic  bomb,  is  one  of  the  isotopes  of  uranium.  From 
the  constructive  uses  of  the  new  "man-made"  radioactive  iso- 
topes will  unfold  new  knowledge  which  will  give  comfort  to 
all  mankind. 

American  Museum  of  Atomic  Energy 

The  American  Museum  of  Atomic  Energy,  the  world's  first 
permanent  museum  devoted  exclusively  to  telling  the  story 
of  the  atom,  is  situated  in  Oak  Ridge.  It  is  operated  by  the 
Oak  Ridge  Institute  of  Nuclear  Studies,  Inc. 

Through  scale  models,  pictures,  maps  and  diagrams,  the 
Museum  shows,  among  other  things,  the  massive  plants  for 
the  separation  of  uranium-235,  the  model  of  a  uranium 
chain-reacting  pile  (atomic  "furnace"),  the  production  of 
radioactive  isotopes,  the  possibilities  for  production  of  power 


from  nuclear  energy,  a  25o,ooo-volt  generator  used  in  atomic 
energy  work,  a  model  of  a  pitchblende  mine  and  the  first 
small-scale  model  for  the  production  of  U-235  DY  tne  gaseous 
diffusion  method.  These  and  many  other  processes  and  prin- 
ciples of  atomic  energy  are  explained  in  exhibits  occupying 
18,000  square  feet  of  floor  space. 
The  Museum  is  operated  for  the  benefit  of  the  public. 


Oak  Ridge  and  the  Future 

CHANGE  is  the  only  tradition  that  Oak  Ridge  has  known 
in  its  brief  but  dramatic  existence. 

Oak  Ridge  is  taking  deep  root  in  Tennessee  soil — green 
grass,  rose  bushes  and  well-kept  lawns  bespeak  of  community 
pride  and  permanency — but  the  changes  continue.  The  tran- 
sition is  from  a  town  wholly-owned  and  operated  by  the 
United  States  Government  to  one  administered  by  its  own 
citizens  under  established  procedures  of  local  self-rule — a 
self-governing  and  self-financing  community. 

An  objective  has  been  set  for  the  city.  It  is  for  a  community 
which  will  provide  good  living  for  people  depended  upon  to 
do  good  work;  it  is  to  give  Oak  Ridge  as  great  a  degree  of 
normality  as  can  be  achieved  within  the  bounds  of  national 
defense  and  security  and  the  efficient  operation  of  the  pro- 
gram it  is  built  to  serve — leadership  in  all  fields  of  atomic 

In  1948,  the  Atomic  Energy  Commission  set  its  sights  on 
three  major  steps  to  make  Oak  Ridge  a  self-governing,  self- 
supporting  municipality  occupying  a  normal  place  among 
other  cities  and  towns  of  Tennessee. 

They  were  (i)  the  elimination  of  barriers  guarding  Oak 
Ridge  and  the  opening  of  the  community  proper  to  the 



general  public  with  a  simultaneous  elaboration  of  security 
measures  for  the  atomic  energy  production  and  research 
facilities;  (2)  private  ownership  of  real  property  within  Oak 
Ridge,  either  on  the  basis  of  sale  or  long-term  lease  of  land, 
thereby  stimulating  development  of  needed  facilities  by  pri- 
vate enterprise  and  stimulating  home  ownership;  and  (3)  in- 
corporation of  the  city  under  Tennessee  charter. 

The  first  of  these  objectives  has  been  accomplished.  The 
second  step  has  been  developed.  Until  the  third  problem  is 
reconciled,  Oak  Ridge's  city  functions — police,  fire  and 
health  departments,  schools,  street  work  and  repairs  and 
other  activities — will  continue  to  be  administered  by  city 
officials  appointed  and  employed  by  the  Atomic  Energy  Com- 
mission. The  city  has  no  tax  structure,  nor  many  other  mu- 
nicipal features  of  the  normal  American  community.  Incor- 
poration of  the  city  is  the  prime  requisite  in  this  direction. 

From  the  Spring  of  1943  to  March  1949,  the  entire  Oak 
Ridge  Area  was  closed.  All  entrances  to  the  Area  were  re- 
stricted and  passes  to  enter  any  portion  of  the  Area,  including 
the  town  itself,  were  necessary.  For  all  intents  and  purposes, 
Oak  Ridge  was  a  forbidding,  isolated  place  for  the  general 
American  public. 

But  at  8:47  A.M.  on  Saturday,  March  19,  1949,  the  commu- 
nity of  Oak  Ridge  entered  a  new  era.  At  that  moment,  in  a 
ceremony  at  Elza  Entrance — near  the  spot  where  five  men 
stood  on  September  19,  1942,  and  made  definite  selection  of 
a  site  for  the  building  of  secret  atomic  energy  plants — a  sig- 
nal was  given  for  the  opening  of  the  city.  The  signal  was  a 
small  mushroom  of  smoke  as  an  electrical  impulse  generated 
in  the  uranium  chain-reactor  at  Oak  Ridge  National  Lab- 
oratory 13  miles  to  the  Southwest  ignited  a  tape  which  had 
been  treated  with  potassium  chlorate  and  magnesium. 

From  1943  to  1949,  a  total  of  32,243,000  passes  had  been 



written  for  admittance  of  persons  into  the  city;  now  passes 
were  no  longer  required.  Of  the  Oak  Ridge  Area's  58,762 
acres,  24,000,  including  the  community,  were  opened  for 
access  to  the  public  through  Elza,  Edgemoor,  Solway  and 
Oliver  Springs  entrances.  New  security  fences  were  built  to 
protect  the  new  controlled  area  of  34,762  acres,  not  open  to 
the  general  public,  in  which  stand  atomic  energy  production 
and  research  units. 

Seventy-five  thousand  persons  crowded  into  the  city  on 
March  1 9  for  the  festivities.  They  heard  Vice-President  Alben 
Barkley  take  note  of  the  unique  "opening"  of  an  American 
town  to  warn  that  "the  United  States  does  not  propose  to  be 
fenced  in  by  any  nation  in  the  world";  they  heard  Senator 
Brien  McMahon  of  Connecticut  describe  the  event  as  "con- 
trary to  the  current  of  the  times;  elsewhere  in  the  world,  areas 
of  freedom  are  contracting,  while  here,  in  the  least  likely  of 
places,  the  boundaries  of  freedom  are  expanding";  and  they 
heard  David  E.  Lilienthal,  then  Chairman  of  the  Atomic 
Energy  Commission,  declare  that  "it  is  not  natural  and  nor- 
mal for  Americans  to  live  behind  barriers;  guards  and  fences 
and  secret  stamps  on  documents  in  themselves  do  not  pro- 
mote real  security." 

They  heard  not  only  these  men,  but  others,  including 
Senator  Estes  Kefauver,  Governor  Gordon  Browning  and 
Congressmen  Albert  Gore  and  John  Jennings,  Jr.,  all  of 
Tennessee,  and  mingled  with  movie  stars,  among  them  Lee 
Bowman,  Marie  McDonald,  Rod  Cameron  and  Adolphe 
Menjou,  who  expressed  the  hope  that  "never  again  in  the 
history  of  mankind  will  it  be  necessary  for  Oak  Ridge  to 
unleash  the  genii  of  atomic  energy  for  the  destruction  of 

For  Oak  Ridge,  it  was  the  biggest  day  since  August  6,  1945. 
Being  different — living  behind  wire  fences  and  guards — had 



become  tiresome  for  most  of  the  residents.  The  fears  of  a  few 
dissenters  that  the  opening  of  the  city  would  increase  crime, 
encourage  prowlers,  and  endanger  children  through  non- 
observance  of  safety  rules  by  an  influx  of  visitors,  have  not 
been  realized. 

Many  factors  are  giving  impetus  to  the  movement  of  Oak 
Ridge  toward  normality.  Serving  the  community  is  a  five-day- 
a-week  afternoon  newspaper,  The  Oak  Ridger,  and  a  radio 
station,  WATO,  both  independently  owned  and  operated. 
A  Chamber  of  Commerce  is  active;  the  city  has  a  Golf  and 
Country  Club. 

Hundreds  of  new  homes  and  apartments  to  replace  emer- 
gency shelter  built  during  wartime  have  been  constructed, 
as  have  new  schools.  The  site  for  a  new  central  business  dis- 
trict, on  which  private  businesses  have  been  encouraged  to 
erect  their  own  buildings,  has  been  developed.  A  Master 
Plan  for  the  orderly  transition  of  the  city  from  its  camptown 
atmosphere  to  one  having  permanent  aspects  has  been  used 
as  a  guide  for  the  city's  future  physical  growth. 

Land  already  has  been  sold  to  churches  for  construction  of 
their  own  buildings.  Two  funeral  homes  are  in  operation 
but  so  far  no  cemeteries  for  use  by  Oak  Ridge  residents  have 
been  set  aside;  the  65  cemeteries  in  the  Oak  Ridge  Area  are 
those  taken  over  by  the  Government  in  1942.  Oak  Ridge 
has  no  railroad  station  or  airport,  but  these  have  been  dis- 
cussed. Management  of  residential  and  business  property  re- 
mains in  Government  hands  but  it  is  anticipated  that  private 
interests  will  eventually  handle  all  the  properties. 

When  World  War  II  ended,  opinions  differed  as  to  what 
had  been  hatched  in  Oak  Ridge  besides  the  material  for  the 
atomic  bomb.  Some  felt  it  was  a  "hellish"  place,  others  re- 
garded it  as  "heavenly." 

[  130] 


Those  sharing  the  latter  view  subscribed  to  the  prediction 
made  around  the  turn  of  the  Twentieth  Century  by  John 
Hendrix,  the  prophet  of  the  East  Tennessee  hills,  that  the 
great  city  he  saw  in  his  visions  and  which  he  said  would  be 
built  on  the  ridges  and  the  valleys  now  constituting  the  Oak 
Ridge  Area  would  be  known  as  "Paradise." 

But  Oak  Ridge  is  no  "paradise."  The  people  who  make  it 
up  are  the  same  as  those  who  make  up  the  thousands  of  other 
American  cities  and  towns. 

The  future  of  Oak  Ridge  depends  on  many  minds  and 
hearts.  On  September  23,  1949,  President  Truman  an- 
nounced to  the  American  public  that  "we  have  evidence  that 
within  recent  weeks  an  atomic  explosion  occurred  in  Russia." 

With  agreement  on  international  control  of  atomic  energy 
still  undetermined  on  that  date,  the  immediate  reaction  of 
the  United  States  Government  was  the  authorization  of  con- 
struction of  giant,  new  facilities  for  the  production  of  fission- 
able materials  at  Oak  Ridge  involving  an  expenditure  of 
millions  of  dollars.  Research  facilities  also  have  been 

Then,  on  January  31,  1950,  President  Truman,  in  a  world- 
shaking  announcement,  revealed  that  "I  have  directed  the 
Atomic  Energy  Commission  to  continue  its  work  on  all 
forms  of  atomic  weapons,  including  the  so-called  hydrogen, 
or  super-bomb  .  .  .  until  a  satisfactory  plan  for  interna- 
tional control  of  atomic  energy  is  achieved."  Congress  ap- 
propriated millions  for  the  project  and  a  site  other  than  Oak 
Ridge  was  selected  for  the  building  of  plants  for  production 
of  certain  materials. 

So,  of  Oak  Ridge,  the  city,  and  of  Oak  Ridge,  the  atomic 
center,  at  least  one  accurate  prediction  can  be  made: 

Oak  Ridge  will  never  be  an  entirely  normal  place.  For  not 


only  are  the  30,000  persons  who  make  up  its  population  con- 
cerned with  it  but  150,000,000  other  Americans  as  well.  Oak 
Ridge  can  never  live  unto  itself  alone. 

Safety  in  the  Atomic  Age 

From  its  inception,  Oak  Ridge's  record  in  all  fields  of 
safety  has  been  remarkable.  Despite  the  great  hazards  of 
radiation  during  the  building  and  operation  of  the  atomic 
energy  facilities,  there  have  been  no  known  overexposures 
to  radiation  in  Oak  Ridge.  The  Manhattan  District  program 
of  protection  against  radiation  hazards  was  developed  by 
Col.  Stafford  L.  Warren,  chief  of  the  District's  Medical  Divi- 
sion, and  Dr.  Robert  S.  Stone,  of  the  University  of  Cali- 
fornia, who  served  as  Associate  Project  Director  for  Health. 
The  program  has  been  carried  forward  and  improved  on  by 
the  Atomic  Energy  Commission,  so  successfully  that  in  1949 
a  representative  of  the  insurance  industry  said  that  "from  the 
standpoint  of  health  and  safety,  the  records  of  the  atomic 
plants  and  laboratories  are  excellent.  It  is  as  safe  to  work  in 
any  atomic  energy  plant  as  it  is  to  work  in  any  heavy  or 
chemical  industry." 

On  December  5,  1945,  the  Manhattan  District  and  its  con- 
tractors were  presented  the  National  Safety  Council's  Award 
for  Distinguished  Service  to  Safety  for  "achieving  and  main- 
taining low  accident  rates  at  the  Manhattan  District  facilities 
throughout  the  country  under  the  urgent  demands  for  speed 
in  the  unique  processes  attaining  the  development  of  the 
atomic  bomb  and  thereby  making  a  signal  contribution  to 
early  victory." 

Oak  Ridge,  the  city,  won  the  National  Safety  Council's 
Award  of  Merit  Plaque  in  1945  for  its  record  of  traffic  safety. 
In  1946,  1947  and  1948,  the  city  received  the  National  Safety 
Council's  Citation  for  Achievement  in  traffic  safety.  An 

Atomic  Energy  Commission 

and  new  apartments  .  .  . 

J.  E.  Westcott 

.  of  modern  design  .  .  * 

Atomic  Energy  Commission 

as  it  travels  .  .  . 

Atomic  Energy  Commission 

toward  a  new  era 


Award  of  Recognition  from  the  Tennessee  Safety  Council 
also  went  to  the  city  in  1948. 

At  3:15  A.M.  on  November  5,  1949,  one  of  the  most  im- 
pressive records  in  the  history  of  American  safety  campaigns 
— for  cities  of  over  15,000  population — 1,423  days  without 
a  traffic  fatality  in  Oak  Ridge — came  to  an  end  with  the 
death  of  an  automobile  driver  as  his  car  left  the  fog-shrouded 
Oak  Ridge  Turnpike  and  overturned. 

In  1945,  1946,  1947,  1948  and  1949,  Honor  Roll  Certifica- 
tions from  the  National  Safety  Council  went  to  the  eleven 
schools  in  Oak  Ridge  for  their  safety  accomplishments. 

In  1949,  American  Industrial  Transport,  Inc.,  operators 
of  the  Oak  Ridge  bus  system,  was  awarded  first  place  in  the 
nation  by  the  National  Safety  Council  for  its  safety  record  in 
the  city  suburban  division  contest  for  the  period  July  i,  1948, 
to  June  30,  1949.  American  Industrial  Transport  also  placed 
first  in  safety  in  1947  in  Group  One,  City  Buses  Division, 
National  Safety  Council  contest  and  was  second  in  the  same 
division  in  1948. 

The  city  also  has  received  several  awards  in  fire  prevention 
campaigns,  placing  first  in  1947  and  1948  in  the  United 
States  and  Canada  in  contests  sponsored  by  the  National  Fire 
Prevention  Association.  In  1948,  the  city  also  received  a  Cer- 
tificate of  Merit  in  the  Fire  Waste  Contest  sponsored  by  the 
United  States  Chamber  of  Commerce. 

The  K-25  and  Y-12  plants  of  Carbide  and  Carbon  Chem- 
icals Division  tied  for  first  place  in  1948  in  the  National 
Industrial  Competition  of  the  National  Fire  Prevention  As- 
sociation and  Roane-Anderson  Company,  management  con- 
tractor for  the  community,  placed  fourth. 



Organizations  Receiving  Army-Navy  "E"  Awards. 

Personnel   in   Manhattan   District   Receiving   Significant 
War  Department  Awards. 

An  Accounting  of  the  World's  First  Atomic  Bomb  Blast. 

Scientific  Developments  Leading  to  the  Formation  of  the 
Manhattan  District  and  the  Building  of  Oak  Ridge. 

The  Provision  of  Manpower  for  the  Manhattan  Project. 

Tribute  to  Manhattan  District  Personnel. 

An  Accounting  of  the  Successful  Operation  of  the  First 
Self-Sustaining  Nuclear  Chain  Reactor  in  World  History. 

Organizations  and  Churches  in  Oak  Ridge. 



"E"  Awards 

In  a  ceremony  at  Oak  Ridge  September  29,  1945,  at  which 
Secretary  of  War  Robert  Patterson  was  the  principal  speaker, 
the  following  contractors  who  participated  in  the  building 
and  operations  of  Oak  Ridge  facilities  were  presented  the 
Army-Navy  "E'*  Award  for  "excellence  in  war  production": 

Carbide  and  Carbon  Chemicals  Division,  Union  Carbide 

and  Carbon  Corporation 
Tennessee  Eastman  Corporation 
Stone  &  Webster  Engineering  Corporation 
Monsanto  Chemical  Company 
H.  K.  Ferguson  Company 
The  Fercleve  Corporation 
Ford,  Bacon  and  Davis,  Inc. 
J.  A.  Jones  Construction  Company 
Kellex  Corporation 

Other  organizations  which  also  received  "E"  Awards  as 
participants  in  the  Manhattan  District  program  were: 

Hooker  Electro-Chemical  Company,  Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y. 
Electro  Metallurgical  Company,  Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y. 
Linde  Air  Products  Company,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 
Harshaw  Chemical  Company,  Cleveland,  Ohio 
Chrysler  Corporation,  Detroit,  Michigan 
Houdaille-Hershey  Company,  Decatur,  111. 
Mallinckrodt  Chemical  Works,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 
Iowa  State  College,  Ames,  Iowa 
Scientific  Laboratory,  University  of  California, 

Los  Alamos,  New  Mexico 

McKee  Construction  Company,  Los  Alamos,  New  Mexico 
E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  and  Company,  Richland, 




Certificates  of  Merit  signed  by  the  Secretary  of  War  also 
were  presented  the  University  of  California,  the  University 
of  Chicago  and  Columbia  University. 

Awards  to  Army  Personnel 

Special  War  Department  recognition  went  to  the  follow- 
ing Army  personnel  in  the  Fall  of  1 945  for  their  work  on  the 
A-Bomb  Project: 

Distinguished  Service  Medal 

General  Leslie  R.  Groves  (Washington) 
General  Thomas  F.  Farrell  (Washington) 
Col.  Kenneth  D.  Nichols  (Oak  Ridge) 
Col.  Stafford  L.  Warren  (Oak  Ridge) 
Col.  Franklin  T.  Matthias  (Hanford) 

Legion  of  Merit 
(Oak  Ridge  personnel) 

Col.  Walter  J.  Williams 

Lt.  Col.  Richard  W.  Cook 

Lt.  Col.  Charles  Vanden  Bulck 

Col.  Earl  H.  Marsden 

Col.  W.  B.  Parsons 

Lt.  Col.  John  S.  Hodgson 

Lt.  Col.  John  R.  Ruhoff 

Lt.  Col.  Arthur  V.  Peterson 

Lt.  Col.  Hymer  L.  Friedell 

Lt.  Col.  Charles  E.  Rea 

Lt.  Col.  Mark  C.  Fox 

Lt.  Col.  Alfonso  Tammaro 

Lt.  Col.  W.  P.  Cornelius 

Lt.  Col.  Curtis  A.  Nelson 

Major  Harry  S.  Traynor 


Capt.  Arlene  G.  Scheidenhelm 
Warrant  Officer  Murray  S.  Levine 
Lt.  George  O.  Robinson,  Jr. 

Legion  of  Merit 
(Other  Manhattan  District  personnel) 

Col.  Donald  E.  Antes 
Col.  Clarence  D.  Barker 
Major  H.  K.  Calvert 
Col.  William  A.  Consodine 
Col.  John  A.  Derry 
Lt.  Col.  Peer  de  Silva 
Major  Harold  A.  Fidler 
Lt.  Col.  Allan  C.  Johnson 
Major  Wilbur  E.  Kelley 
Col.  John  Lansdale,  Jr. 
Brig.  Gen.  James  C.  Marshall 
Capt.  James  F.  Nolan 
Lt.  Walter  A.  Parish 
Major  Claude  C.  Pierce,  Jr. 
Col.  Lyle  E.  Seeman 
Major  Francis  J.  Smith 
Lt.  Col.  Stanley  L.  Stewart 
Lt.  Col.  James  C.  Stowers 
Col.  Gerald  R.  Tyler 
Major  John  E.  Vance 
Lt.  Joseph  Volpe,  Jr. 
Major  Robert  J.  Wier 

An  Accounting  of  the  World's  First  Atomic  Bomb  Blast, 

Alamogordo,  New  Mexico,  July  16,  1945,  Official 

War  Department  Release — August  6, 1945 

Mankind's  successful  transition  to  a  new  age,  the  Atomic 
Age,  was  ushered  in  July  16,  1945,  before  the  eyes  of  a  tense 


group  of  renowned  scientists  and  military  men  gathered  in 
the  desertlands  of  New  Mexico  to  witness  the  first  end  re- 
sults of  their  $2,000,000,000  effort.  Here  in  a  remote  section 
of  the  Alamogordo  Air  Base  120  miles  southeast  of  Albu- 
querque the  first  man-made  atomic  explosion,  the  outstand- 
ing achievement  of  nuclear  science,  was  achieved  at  5:30  A.M. 
of  that  day.  Darkening  heavens,  pouring  forth  rain  and 
lightning  immediately  up  to  the  zero  hour,  heightened  the 

Mounted  on  a  steel  tower,  a  revolutionary  weapon  des- 
tined to  change  war  as  we  know  it,  or  which  may  even  be  the 
instrumentality  to  end  all  wars,  was  set  off  with  an  impact 
which  signalized  man's  entrance  into  a  new  physical  world. 
Success  was  greater  than  the  most  ambitious  estimates.  A 
small  amount  of  matter,  the  product  of  a  chain  of  huge  spe- 
cially constructed  industrial  plants,  was  made  to  release  the 
energy  of  the  universe  locked  up  within  the  atom  from  the 
beginning  of  time.  A  fabulous  achievement  had  been 
reached.  Speculative  theory,  barely  established  in  pre-war 
laboratories,  had  been  projected  into  practicality. 

This  phase  of  the  Atomic  Bomb  Project,  headed  by  Major 
General  Leslie  R.  Groves,  was  under  the  direction  of  Dr. 
J.  R.  Oppenheimer,  theoretical  physicist  of  the  University  of 
California.  He  is  to  be  credited  with  achieving  the  imple- 
mentation of  atomic  energy  for  military  purposes. 

Tension  before  the  actual  detonation  was  at  a  tremendous 
pitch.  Failure  was  an  ever-present  possibility.  Too  great  a 
success,  envisioned  by  some  of  those  present,  might  have 
meant  an  uncontrollable,  unusable  weapon. 

Final  assembly  of  the  atomic  bomb  began  on  the  night  of 
July  12  in  an  old  ranch  house.  As  various  component  assem- 
blies arrived  from  distant  points,  tension  among  the  scien- 
tists rose  to  an  increasing  pitch.  Coolest  of  all  was  the  man 


charged  with  the  actual  assembly  of  the  vital  core,  Dr.  R.  F. 
Bacher,  in  normal  times  a  Professor  at  Cornell  University. 

The  entire  cost  of  the  project,  representing  the  erection  of 
whole  cities  and  radically  new  plants  spread  over  many  miles 
of  countryside,  plus  unprecedented  experimentation,  was 
represented  in  the  pilot  bomb  and  its  parts.  Here  was  the 
focal  point  of  the  venture.  No  other  country  in  the  world 
had  been  capable  of  such  an  outlay  in  brains  and  technical 

The  full  significance  of  these  closing  moments  before  the 
final  factual  test  was  not  lost  on  these  men  of  science.  They 
fully  knew  their  position  as  pioneers  into  another  Age.  They 
also  knew  that  one  false  move  would  blast  them  and  their 
entire  effort  into  eternity.  Before  the  assembly  started  a  re- 
ceipt for  the  vital  matter  was  signed  by  Brigadier  General 
Thomas  F.  Farrell,  General  Groves'  deputy.  This  signalized 
the  formal  transfer  of  the  irreplaceable  material  from  the 
scientists  to  the  Army. 

During  final  preliminary  assembly,  a  bad  few  minutes  de- 
veloped when  the  assembly  of  an  important  section  of  the 
bomb  was  delayed.  The  entire  unit  was  machine-tooled  to 
the  finest  measurement.  The  insertion  was  partially  com- 
pleted when  it  apparently  wedged  tightly  and  would  go  no 
farther.  Dr.  Bacher,  however,  was  undismayed  and  reassured 
the  group  that  time  would  solve  the  problem.  In  three  min- 
utes' time,  Dr.  Bacher's  statement  was  verified  and  basic  as- 
sembly was  completed  without  further  incident. 

Specialty  teams,  comprised  of  the  top  men  on  specific 
phases  of  science,  all  of  which  were  bound  up  in  the  whole, 
took  over  their  specialized  parts  of  the  assembly.  In  each 
group  was  centralized  months  and  even  years  of  channelized 

On  Saturday,  July  14,  the  unit  which  was  to  determine  the 

[  139] 


success  or  failure  of  the  entire  project  was  elevated  to  the 
top  of  the  steel  tower.  All  that  day  and  the  next,  the  job  of 
preparation  went  on.  In  addition  to  the  apparatus  necessary 
to  cause  the  detonation,  complete  instrumentation  to  deter- 
mine the  "pulse  beat"  and  all  reactions  of  the  bomb  was 
rigged  on  the  tower. 

The  ominous  weather  which  had  dogged  the  assembly  of 
the  bomb  had  a  very  sobering  effect  on  the  assembled  experts 
whose  work  was  accomplished  amid  lightning  flashes  and 
peals  of  thunder.  The  weather,  unusual  and  upsetting, 
blocked  out  aerial  observation  of  the  test.  It  even  held  up  the 
actual  explosion  scheduled  at  4  A.M.  for  an  hour  and  a  half. 
For  many  months  the  approximate  date  and  time  had  been 
set  and  had  been  one  of  the  high  level  secrets  of  the  best  kept 
secret  of  the  entire  war. 

Nearest  observation  point  was  set  up  10,000  yards  south  of 
the  tower  where  in  a  timber  and  earth  shelter  the  controls 
for  the  tests  were  located.  At  a  point  17,000  yards  from  the 
tower  at  a  point  which  would  give  the  best  observation  the 
key  figures  in  the  atomic  bomb  project  took  their  posts. 
These  included  General  Groves,  Dr.  Vannevar  Bush,  head  of 
the  Office  of  Scientific  Research  and  Development,  and  Dr. 
James  B.  Conant,  president  of  Harvard  University. 

Actual  detonation  was  in  charge  of  Dr.  K.  T.  Bainbridge 
of  Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology.  He  and  Lieuten- 
ant Bush,  in  charge  of  the  Military  Police  Detachment,  were 
the  last  men  to  inspect  the  tower  with  its  cosmic  bomb. 

At  three  o'clock  in  the  morning  the  party  moved  forward 
to  the  control  station.  General  Groves  and  Dr.  Oppenheimer 
consulted  with  the  weathermen.  The  decision  was  made  to 
go  ahead  with  the  test  despite  the  lack  of  assurance  of  favor- 
able weather.  The  time  was  set  for  5:30  A.M. 

General  Groves  rejoined  Dr.  Conant  and  Dr.  Bush  and 



just  before  the  test  time,  they  joined  the  many  scientists 
gathered  at  the  Base  Camp.  Here  all  present  were  ordered  to 
lie  on  the  ground,  face  downward,  heads  away  from  the  blast 

Tension  reached  a  tremendous  pitch  in  the  control  room 
as  the  deadline  approached.  The  several  observation  points 
in  the  area  were  tied  in  to  the  control  room  by  radio  and 
with  20  minutes  to  go,  Dr.  S.  K.  Allison  of  Chicago  Univer- 
sity took  over  the  radio  net  and  made  periodic  time  an- 

The  time  signals,  "minus  20  minutes,  minus  fifteen  min- 
utes," and  on  and  on  increased  the  tension  to  the  breaking 
point  as  the  group  in  the  control  room  which  included 
Dr.  Oppenheimer  and  General  Farrell  held  their  breaths,  all 
praying  with  the  intensity  of  the  moment  which  will  live 
forever  with  each  man  who  was  there.  At  "minus  45  sec- 
onds," robot  mechanism  took  over  and  from  that  point  on 
the  whole  great  complicated  mass  of  intricate  mechanism 
was  in  operation  without  human  control.  Stationed  at  a  re- 
serve switch,  however,  was  a  soldier  scientist  ready  to  attempt 
to  stop  the  explosion  should  the  order  be  issued.  The  order 
never  came. 

At  the  appointed  time,  there  was  a  blinding  flash  lighting 
up  the  whole  area  brighter  than  the  brightest  daylight.  A 
mountain  range  three  miles  from  the  observation  point  stood 
out  in  bold  relief.  Then  came  a  tremendous  sustained  roar 
and  a  heavy  pressure  wave  which  knocked  down  two  men 
outside  the  control  center.  Immediately  thereafter,  a  huge 
multi-colored  surging  cloud  boiled  to  an  altitude  of  over 
40,000  feet.  Clouds  in  its  path  disappeared.  Soon  the  shift- 
ing substratosphere  winds  dispersed  the  now  gray  mass. 

The  test  was  over,  the  project  a  success. 

The  steel  tower  had  been  entirely  vaporized.  Where  the 


tower  had  stood,  there  was  a  huge  sloping  crater.  Dazed  but 
relieved  at  the  success  of  their  tests,  the  scientists  promptly 
marshalled  their  forces  to  estimate  the  strength  of  America's 
new  weapon.  To  examine  the  nature  of  the  crater,  specially 
equipped  tanks  were  wheeled  into  the  area,  one  of  which 
carried  Dr.  Enrico  Fermi,  noted  nuclear  scientist. 

Had  it  not  been  for  the  desolated  area  where  the  test  was 
held  and  for  the  cooperation  of  the  press  in  the  area,  it  is 
certain  that  the  test  itself  would  have  attracted  far  reaching 
attention.  As  it  was,  many  people  in  that  area  are  still  dis- 
cussing the  effect  of  the  smash.  A  significant  aspect,  recorded 
by  the  press,  was  the  experience  of  a  blind  girl  near  Albu- 
querque .many  miles  from  the  scene,  who,  when  the  flash  of 
the  test  lighted  the  sky  before  the  explosion  could  be  heard, 
exclaimed,  "What  was  that?" 

Interviews  of  General  Groves  and  General  Farrell  give  the 
following  on-the-scene  versions  of  the  test.  General  Groves 
said:  "My  impressions  of  the  night's  high  points  follow: 
After  about  an  hour's  sleep  I  got  up  at  0100  and  from  that 
time  on  until  about  five  I  was  with  Dr.  Oppenheimer  con- 
stantly. Naturally  he  was  tense,  although  his  mind  was  work- 
ing at  its  usual  extraordinary  efficiency.  I  attempted  to  shield 
him  from  the  evident  concern  shown  by  many  of  his  assist- 
ants who  were  disturbed  by  the  uncertain  weather  condi- 
tions. By  0330  we  decided  that  we  could  probably  fire  at 
0530.  By  0400  the  rain  had  stopped  but  the  sky  was  heavily 
overcast.  Our  decision  became  firmer  as  time  went  on. 

"During  most  of  these  hours  the  two  of  us  journeyed  from 
the  control  house  out  into  the  darkness  to  look  at  the  stars 
and  to  assure  each  other  that  the  one  or  two  visible  stars  were 
becoming  brighter.  At  0510  I  left  Dr.  Oppenheimer  and  re- 
turned to  the  main  observation  point  which  was  17,000  yards 
from  the  point  of  explosion.  In  accordance  with  our  orders 



I  found  all  personnel  not  otherwise  occupied  massed  on  a  bit 
of  high  ground. 

"Two  minutes  before  the  scheduled  firing  time,  all  persons 
lay  face  down  with  their  feet  pointing  towards  the  explosion. 
As  the  remaining  time  was  called  from  the  loud  speaker  from 
the  10,000  yard  control  station  there  was  complete  awesome 
silence.  Dr.  Conant  said  he  had  never  imagined  seconds 
could  be  so  long.  Most  of  the  individuals  in  accordance  with 
orders  shielded  their  eyes  in  one  way  or  another. 

"First  came  the  burst  of  light  of  a  brilliance  beyond  any 
comparison.  We  all  rolled  over  and  looked  through  dark 
glasses  at  the  ball  of  fire.  About  forty  seconds  later  came  the 
shock  wave  followed  by  the  sound,  neither  of  which  seemed 
startling  after  our  complete  astonishment  at  the  extraordi- 
nary lighting  intensity. 

"A  massive  cloud  was  formed  which  surged  and  billowed 
upward  with  tremendous  power,  reaching  the  substrato- 
sphere in  about  five  minutes. 

"Two  supplementary  explosions  of  minor  effect  other  than 
the  lighting  occurred  in  the  cloud  shortly  after  the  main  ex- 

"The  cloud  traveled  to  a  great  height  first  in  the  form  of  a 
ball,  then  mushroomed,  then  changed  into  a  long  trailing 
chimney-shaped  column  and  finally  was  sent  in  several  direc- 
tions by  the  variable  winds  at  the  different  elevations. 

"Dr.  Conant  reached  over  and  we  shook  hands  in  mutual 
congratulations.  Dr.  Bush,  who  was  on  the  other  side  of  me, 
did  likewise.  The  feeling  of  the  entire  assembly,  even  the 
uninitiated,  was  of  profound  awe.  Drs.  Conant  and  Bush  and 
myself  were  struck  by  an  even  stronger  feeling  that  the  faith 
of  those  who  had  been  responsible  for  the  initiation  and  the 
carrying  on  of  this  Herculean  project  has  been  justified." 

General  Farrell's  impressions  are:  "The  scene  inside  the 



shelter  was  dramatic  beyond  words.  In  and  around  the  shel- 
ter were  some  twenty  odd  people  concerned  with  last  minute 
arrangements.  Included  were  Dr.  Oppenheimer,  the  Director 
who  had  borne  the  great  scientific  burden  of  developing  the 
weapon  from  the  raw  materials  made  in  Tennessee  and 
Washington,  and  a  dozen  of  his  key  assistants,  Dr.  Kistiakow- 
sky,  Dr.  Bainbridge,  who  supervised  all  the  detailed  arrange- 
ments for  the  test;  the  weather  expert,  and  several  others. 
Besides  these,  there  were  a  handful  of  soldiers,  two  or  three 
Army  officers  and  one  Naval  officer.  The  shelter  was  filled 
with  a  great  variety  of  instruments  and  radios. 

"For  some  hectic  two  hours  preceding  the  blast,  General 
Groves  stayed  with  the  Director.  Twenty  minutes  before  the 
zero  hour,  General  Groves  left  for  his  station  at  the  base 
camp,  first  because  it  provided  a  better  observation  point 
and  second,  because  of  our  rule  that  he  and  I  must  not  be 
together  in  situations  where  there  is  an  element  of  danger 
which  existed  at  both  points. 

"Just  after  General  Groves  left,  announcements  began  to 
be  broadcast  of  the  interval  remaining  before  the  blast  to  the 
other  groups  participating  in  and  observing  the  test.  As  the 
time  interval  grew  smaller  and  changed  from  minutes  to 
seconds,  the  tension  increased  by  leaps  and  bounds.  Everyone 
in  that  room  knew  the  awful  potentialities  of  the  thing  that 
they  thought  was  about  to  happen.  The  scientists  felt  that 
their  figuring  must  be  right  and  that  the  bomb  had  to  go  off 
but  there  was  in  everyone's  mind  a  strong  measure  of  doubt. 
The  feeling  of  many  could  be  expressed  by  'Lord,  I  believe; 
help  Thou  mine  unbelief/ 

"We  were  reaching  into  the  unknown  and  we  did  not 
know  what  might  come  of  it.  It  can  safely  be  said  that  most 
of  those  present  were  praying  and  praying  harder  than  they 

[  144] 


had  ever  prayed  before.  If  the  shot  were  successful,  it  was  a 
justification  of  the  several  years  of  intensive  effort  of  tens  of 
thousands  of  people — statesmen,  scientists,  engineers,  manu- 
facturers, soldiers,  and  many  others  in  every  walk  of  life. 

"In  that  brief  instant  in  the  remote  New  Mexico  desert, 
the  tremendous  effort  of  the  brains  and  brawn  of  all  these 
people  came  suddenly  and  startlingly  to  the  fullest  fruition. 
Dr.  Oppenheimer,  on  whom  had  rested  a  very  heavy  burden, 
grew  tenser  as  the  last  seconds  ticked  off.  He  scarcely 
breathed.  He  held  on  to  a  post  to  steady  himself.  For  the  last 
few  seconds,  he  stared  directly  ahead  and  then  when  the  an- 
nouncer shouted  "Now!"  and  there  came  this  tremendous 
burst  of  light  followed  shortly  thereafter  by  the  deep  growl- 
ing roar  of  the  explosion,  his  face  relaxed  into  an  expression 
of  tremendous  relief.  Several  of  the  observers  standing  back 
of  the  shelter  to  watch  the  lighting  effects  were  knocked  flat 
by  the  blast. 

"The  tension  in  the  room  let  up  and  all  started  congratu- 
lating each  other.  Everyone  sensed  "This  is  it!"  No  matter 
what  might  happen  now  all  knew  that  the  impossible  scien- 
tific job  had  been  done.  Atomic  fission  would  no  longer  be 
hidden  in  the  cloisters  of  the  theoretical  physicists'  dreams. 
It  was  almost  full  grown  at  birth.  It  was  a  great  new  force  to 
be  used  for  good  or  for  evil.  There  was  a  feeling  in  that  shel- 
ter that  those  concerned  with  its  nativity  should  dedicate 
their  lives  to  the  mission  that  it  would  always  be  used  for 
good  and  never  for  evil. 

"Dr.  Kistiakowsky  threw  his  arms  around  Dr.  Oppen- 
heimer and  embraced  him  with  shouts  of  glee.  Others  were 
equally  enthusiastic.  All  the  pent-up  emotions  were  released 
in  those  few  minutes  and  all  seemed  to  sense  immediately 
that  the  explosion  had  far  exceeded  the  most  optimistic  ex- 


pectations  and  wildest  hopes  of  the  scientists.  All  seemed  to 
feel  that  they  had  been  present  at  the  birth  of  a  new  age — 
The  Age  of  Atomic  Energy — and  felt  their  profound  respon- 
sibility to  help  in  guiding  into  right  channels  the  tremen- 
dous forces  which  had  been  unlocked  for  the  first  time  in 

"As  to  the  present  war,  there  was  a  feeling  that  no  matter 
what  else  might  happen,  we  now  had  the  means  to  insure  its 
speedy  conclusion  and  save  thousands  of  American  lives.  As 
to  the  future,  there  had  been  brought  into  being  something 
big  and  something  new  that  would  prove  to  be  immeasurably 
more  important  than  the  discovery  of  electricity  or  any  of  the 
other  great  discoveries  which  have  so  affected  our  existence. 

"The  effects  could  well  be  called  unprecedented,  magnifi- 
cent, beautiful,  stupendous  and  terrifying.  No  man-made 
phenomenon  of  such  tremendous  power  had  ever  occurred 
before.  The  lighting  effects  beggared  description.  The  whole 
country  was  lighted  by  a  searing  light  with  the  intensity 
many  times  that  of  the  midday  sun.  It  was  golden,  purple, 
violet,  gray  and  blue.  It  lighted  every  peak,  crevasse  and 
ridge  of  the  nearby  mountain  range  with  a  clarity  and  beauty 
that  cannot  be  described  but  must  be  seen  to  be  imagined.  It 
was  that  beauty  the  great  poets  dream  about  but  describe 
most  poorly  and  inadequately.  Thirty  seconds  after,  the  ex- 
plosion came  first,  the  air  blast  pressing  hard  against  the 
people  and  things,  to  be  followed  almost  immediately  by  the 
strong,  sustained,  awesome  roar  which  warned  of  doomsday 
and  made  us  feel  that  we  puny  things  were  blasphemous  to 
dare  tamper  with  the  forces  heretofore  reserved  to  The  Al- 
mighty. Words  are  inadequate  tools  for  the  job  of  acquaint- 
ing those  not  present  with  the  physical,  mental  and  psycho- 
logical effects.  It  had  to  be  witnessed  to  be  realized." 


Scientific  Developments  Leading  to  the  Formation  of 
the  Manhattan  District  and  the  Building  of  Oak  Ridge 

The  phenomenon  of  uranium  fission,  the  fact  that  absorp- 
tion of  a  neutron  by  a  uranium  nucleus  (11-235)  sometimes 
causes  that  nucleus  to  split  into  approximately  equal  parts 
with  the  release  of  enormous  quantities  of  energy,  was  con- 
firmed early  in  January  1939  in  Denmark  by  Lise  Meitner, 
a  woman,  and  O.  R.  Frisch,  both  refugees  from  Hitler's 
Germany  and  colleagues  of  Dr.  Niels  Bohr,  eminent  physi- 
cist of  Copenhagen.  They  confirmed  experiments  originally 
made  by  Otto  Hahn  and  Fritz  Strassman  at  the  Kaiser  Wil- 
helm  Institute  in  Berlin. 

Dr.  Bohr,  who  at  a  later  date  in  World  War  II  was  spirited 
from  under  the  Nazis'  noses  in  Denmark  by  British  Intelli- 
gence and  taken  to  England  to  assist  in  certain  phases  of 
atomic  energy  development,  communicated  the  fact  of  ura- 
nium fission  to  a  former  student,  J.  A.  Wheeler  and  others 
at  Princeton  University,  while  on  a  visit  to  the  United  States 
in  the  latter  part  of  January  1939. 

The  news  reached  other  physicists,  including  Dr.  Enrico 
Fermi,  Italian-born  physicist,  at  Columbia  University.  Fol- 
lowing conversations  between  Dr.  Fermi,  Dr.  J.  R.  Dunning 
and  Dr.  G.  B.  Pegram,  also  of  Columbia,  arrangements  were 
made  for  additional  experiments. 

Experiments  at  Columbia  not  only  confirmed  uranium 
fission  and  the  implication  of  a  chain  reaction  but  simultane- 
ous experimental  confirmation  came  from  other  research 
groups  at  Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington,  Johns  Hop- 
kins University  and  the  University  of  California. 

The  possible  military  importance  of  uranium  fission  was 
called  to  the  attention  of  the  Navy  in  a  conference,  arranged 


through  Dr.  G.  B.  Pegram  in  March  1939,  by  Dr.  Fermi,  who 
suggested  the  possibility  of  achieving  a  controllable  uranium 
chain  reaction  for  explosive  purposes.  The  Navy  asked  to  be 
kept  informed  on  developments. 

Dr.  Leo  Szilard  and  Dr.  Eugene  Wigner,  also  foreign-born 
physicists,  made  the  next  move  to  stimulate  Government  in- 
terest. In  July  1939  they  conferred  with  Dr.  Albert  Einstein. 
A  short  time  later  Drs.  Einstein,  Szilard  and  Wigner  dis- 
cussed the  problem  with  Alexander  Sachs,  a  New  York  econ- 
omist and  friend  of  Roosevelt.  That  Fall,  Mr.  Sachs,  sup- 
ported by  a  letter  from  Dr.  Einstein,  explained  to  President 
Roosevelt  the  urgency  of  the  matter.  The  President  then  ap- 
pointed an  "Advisory  Committee  on  Uranium"  consisting 
of  L.  J.  Briggs  as  chairman,  Colonel  K.  F.  Adamson  of  the 
Army  Ordnance  Department  and  Commander  G.  C.  Hoover 
of  the  Navy  Bureau  of  Ordnance. 

First  funds  for  the  purchase  of  necessary  materials — graph- 
ite and  uranium  oxide — for  certain  measurements  was  a 
sum  of  $6,000  from  the  Army  and  Navy.  When  the  Commit- 
tee next  met  on  April  28,  1940,  new  factors  pointing  to  suc- 
cessful use  of  atomic  energy  for  bombs  had  been  developed 
and  arrangements  were  already  underway  with  the  Union 
Miniere  of  the  Belgian  Congo  looking  toward  obtaining  a 
large  supply  of  uranium  ore. 

With  the  organization  of  the  National  Defense  Research 
Committee  in  June  1940,  President  Roosevelt  directed  that 
the  Uranium  Committee  be  reconstituted  as  a  subcommittee 
of  the  NDRC,  reporting  to  Dr.  Vannevar  Bush,  NDRC 
chairman.  First  contracts  for  research  from  the  NDRC  went 
to  Columbia  University,  where  in  time  the  first  U-235  was 
obtained  through  the  gaseous  diffusion  process  on  a  labora- 
tory scale.  (This  laboratory  model  now  rests  in  the  American 
Museum  of  Atomic  Energy  at  Oak  Ridge.) 


Other  research  contracts  went  to  Princeton  University, 
Standard  Oil  Development  Company,  Cornell  University, 
Carnegie  Institution  of  Washington,  Johns  Hopkins  Univer- 
sity, Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology,  University  of 
Virginia,  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  the  University  of 
Chicago,  the  University  of  California,  and  the  University 
of  Minnesota,  where  Dr.  A.  O.  Nier  first  obtained  U-235 
through  the  mass  spectrograph  method,  which  stimulated 
Dr.  E.  O.  Lawrence  of  the  University  of  California  to  de- 
velop the  electromagnetic  separation  of  U-235,  feasibility  of 
which  was  confirmed  by  Lawrence  on  December  8,  1941,  the 
day  after  Pearl  Harbor. 

By  November  1941,  $300,000  had  been  allotted  for  re- 
search. In  December,  with  interchange  of  information  with 
the  British  already  underway,  Dr.  Bush  and  associates  felt 
that  the  possibility  of  obtaining  atomic  bombs  was  great 
enough  to  justify  an  "all  out"  effort. 

This  led  to  the  formation  of  a  separate  organization,  the 
Office  of  Scientific  Research  and  Development.  At  a  meeting 
December  16,  1941 — nine  days  after  Pearl  Harbor — of  the 
Government's  Top  Policy  Committee  composed  of  Vice- 
President  Henry  A.  Wallace,  Secretary  of  War  Henry  L.  Stim- 
son  and  Dr.  Bush  (General  George  C.  Marshall  and  Dr.  J.  B. 
Conant  of  Harvard,  other  members,  were  absent),  decisions 
were  reached  which  gave  great  impetus  in  1942  to  research 
on  the  gaseous  diffusion,  electromagnetic  and  thermal  diffu- 
sion methods  for  obtaining  U-235  and  the  uranium  chain- 
reactor  program  for  obtaining  plutonium. 

On  June  13,  1942,  a  report  recommended  expansion  of 
the  atomic  bomb  program.  President  Roosevelt  approved  it 
on  June  17.  On  June  18  Colonel  J.  C.  Marshall,  Corps  of 
Engineers,  was  instructed  by  the  Chief  of  Engineers  to  form 
a  new  Engineer  District  to  carry  on  special  work  (atomic 


bombs)  in  behalf  of  the  United  States,  Britain  and  Canada 
and  their  allies.  Great  supplies  of  uranium  ore  were  to  be 
furnished  by  Canada  from  its  Great  Bear  Lake  region. 

Formation  of  the  Manhattan  District  followed  on  August 
13,  1942.  On  September  17,  1942,  Secretary  of  War  Stimson 
placed  Brig.  Gen.  L.  R.  Groves  of  the  Corps  of  Engineers  in 
complete  charge  of  all  Army  activities  relating  to  the  secret 
DSM  (Development  of  Substitute  Materials)  Project. 

The  Provision  of  Manpower  for  the  Manhattan  Project, 
Official  War  Department  Release — August  6,  1945 

Once  the  magnitude  of  the  atomic  bomb  project  had  been 
established,  manpower  immediately  was  recognized  as  one  of 
the  key  ingredients  which  would  spell  the  difference  between 
success  or  failure.  The  Army  was  faced  with  its  two  largest 
construction  jobs,  the  largest  in  modern  times  and  possibly 
the  largest  in  history.  In  addition  to  the  usual  obstacles,  a 
stepped-up  schedule  had  to  be  met,  time  being  of  the  essence 
in  a  grim  race  against  the  unknown  schedule  of  the  Germans. 

The  project  had  an  unusual  obstacle  to  face.  Security  was 
paramount.  At  this  time,  national  competition  for  manpower 
was  acute.  Industries  and  war  projects  were  vicing  with  each 
other  in  this  competition,  citing  the  key  part  their  people 
were  playing  in  the  war  effort.  No  such  inducement  could 
be  made  to  attract  labor  to  the  Atomic  Bomb  Project.  Noth- 
ing whatsoever  could  be  told  in  recruitment  beyond  the  fact 
that  the  work  would  be  in  the  top  interests  of  the  war  en- 

At  first,  the  general  attitude  was  that  the  project's  con- 
struction was  just  another  job — or  that  ' 'business  as  usual" 
was  the  order  of  the  day.  Trade  unions,  the  War  Manpower 
Commission,  plus  the  Manhattan  District's  expediters, 



teamed  to  achieve  what  at  times  seemed  impossible  provi- 
sion of  adequate  manpower.  Heading  this  program  was  Colo- 
nel Clarence  D.  Barker,  chief  of  the  Labor  Division  of  the 
Office  of  the  Chief  of  Engineers. 

By  the  time  the  Manhattan  District  began  its  large  scale 
recruiting  activities,  the  War  Manpower  Commission  and  its 
agencies  were  well  established  and  labor  recruiting  was  car- 
ried on  primarily  through  their  services.  The  U.  S.  Employ- 
ment Service  utilized  the  American  Federation  of  Labor  to 
recruit  and  move  skilled  tradesmen.  The  common  laborers' 
union,  however,  did  not  have  sufficient  membership  to  sup- 
ply demands  and  these  were  recruited  through  the  U.  S.  E.  S. 
from  the  general  labor  market. 

Types  of  personnel  necessary  to  man  the  project  covered 
practically  all  occupational  skills.  These  ranged  from  com- 
mon laborers,  carpenters  and  plumbers  to  glass  blowers, 
chemists  and  physicists.  The  mass  of  personnel,  however,  fell 
into  two  general  classes:  construction  laborers  and  mechan- 
ics and  plant  operators. 

Recruitment  of  special  skills  such  as  chemists,  physicists, 
laboratory  technicians  and  others  presented  many  problems. 
As  a  whole,  they  were  as  difficult  to  find  as  the  larger  num- 
bers of  the  more  common  skills.  The  most  difficult  problems 
in  this  phase  were  handled  personally  by  Dr.  Samuel  Arnold, 
Dean  of  Men  at  Brown  University,  himself  an  eminent 

Much  of  the  supervisory  and  technical  personnel  were  re- 
cruited by  the  many  contractors  of  the  Manhattan  District 
within  their  own  organizations.  Many  of  the  top  scientists 
were  brought  to  the  project  through  contracts  placed  with 
various  universities. 

The  recruiting  of  operations  people  was  particularly  a  dif- 
ficult problem  because  of  the  necessity  of  training  all  new 


people  for  the  work.  It  necessitated  the  stripping  of  the  op- 
erating contractors  of  a  great  many  of  the  key  men  of  their 
organizations  which  in  view  of  the  increased  activities 
brought  on  by  the  war  programs  other  than  that  connected 
with  the  Manhattan  District  had  made  the  situation  more 

This  was  the  overall  personnel  procurement  program  of 
the  Manhattan  Engineer  District.  But  there  were  many  prob- 
lems which  at  times  seemed  to  defy  solution.  Had  it  not  been 
for  the  complete  coordination  of  the  whole  problem,  several 
situations  could  have  progressed  to  disastrous  proportions. 

The  construction,  by  reasons  of  its  immensity  and  unique- 
ness and  also  because  of  a  great  many  new  practices  devel- 
oped which  had  never  been  used  in  the  industry  before  ne- 
cessitated the  support  of  the  top  labor  leaders.  On  several 
occasions  it  was  necessary  that  Judge  Robert  Patterson,  the 
Under  Secretary  of  War  call  in  the  leaders,  including  the 
President  of  A.  F.  of  L.,  Mr.  William  Green  and  the  General 
Presidents  of  several  Building  Trades  Unions  to  seek  their 
cooperation  and  to  give  them  a  better  understanding  of  the 
problems  involved. 

They,  in  a  great  many  instances,  broke  down  conditions  of 
long  standing  in  order  that  the  completion  on  schedule  be 
not  interfered  with.  Judge  Patterson  also  gave  a  great  deal  of 
his  personal  time  to  this  phase  when  it  was  required. 

By  June  15,  1944,  the  shortage  of  electricians  at  the  Han- 
ford  Engineer  Works,  Washington,  and  the  Clinton  Engi- 
neer Works,  Tennessee,  had  become  so  acute  that  work 
schedules  were  seriously  endangered.  Twenty-five  hundred 
electricians  had  to  be  recruited.  A  plan  was  worked  out  by 
the  Under  Secretary  of  War  and  Edward  J.  Brown,  president 
of  the  International  Brotherhood  of  Electrical  Workers. 
Electricians  would  be  borrowed  from  other  employers  for  a 


period  of  go  days.  The  National  Electrical  Contractors  As- 
sociation was  called  in  and  a  carefully  worded  news  release 
for  security  reasons  was  issued  by  the  War  Department  stat- 
ing the  project's  predicament.  In  two  months'  time,  the  bot- 
tleneck was  completely  and  satisfactorily  broken.  The  plan 
was  continued  throughout  construction. 

An  acute  shortage  of  machinists  and  toolmakers  late  in 
1943  resulted  in  stringent  measures.  The  New  Mexico  in- 
stallation urgently  needed  190  men  in  these  skills.  The  War 
Manpower  Commission  issued  instructions  to  its  regional 
directors  on  October  21,  1943,  authorizing  them  to  certify 
certain  workers  as  available  to  the  Manhattan  District  even 
over  the  protests  of  their  employers,  many  of  whom  were  in 
other  essential  war  programs.  With  this  authority  as  a  basis, 
special  recruiting  teams  composed  of  an  Army  officer,  a  re- 
cruiter, and  a  security  agent  procured  the  workers  needed  in 
one  month. 

The  Manhattan  District  experienced  more  unusual  prob- 
lems of  turnover  and  absenteeism  than  other  war  industries 
and  installations.  This  was  directly  due  to  the  isolation  of 
the  projects,  the  extended  length  of  the  construction  period, 
expansions  in  the  construction  program,  security,  and  lim- 
ited housing  and  crowded  transportation  facilities. 

A  rigorous  campaign  was  set  up  to  solve  these  problems. 
Exit  interviews  salvaged  many.  In  hundreds  of  cases,  com- 
petent employees  were  either  persuaded  to  go  back  to  work 
or  to  take  other  jobs  on  the  same  project.  Employees  made 
available  by  reduction  in  force  were  also  picked  up  in  this 
manner  and  directed  to  other  jobs  on  the  project  or  in  some 
cases  returned  to  essential  industry.  These  interviews  also 
determined  why  workers  were  leaving  and  set  up  a  basis  for 
corrective  action. 

Companion  problem  to  turnover  was  absenteeism.   Re- 



peated  absenteeism  was  the  greatest  single  cause  for  termina- 
tions. War  economy  with  its  larger  incomes  resulting  from 
higher  wages  and  longer  hours  provided  less  compulsion  for 
steady  work  than  the  lower  incomes  of  peace  time.  There- 
fore, every  effort  was  made,  within  the  limits  of  the  isolated 
areas  where  the  projects  were  established,  to  better  living 
and  working  conditions. 

It  was  soon  found  that  job  dissatisfaction  as  a  whole 
hinged  on  lack  of  facilities  present  in  normal  American 
communities.  To  the  seasoned  construction  worker,  condi- 
tions were  average.  To  the  men  having  their  first  fling  at 
construction  and  to  the  men  and  women  who  took  produc- 
tion jobs,  life  was  markedly  different.  The  Army  attempted 
to  make  conditions  more  normal  by  providing  recreation 
facilities  as  movie  houses,  baseball  diamonds,  tennis  courts 
and  recreation  halls.  These  facilities  greatly  assisted  in  keep 
ing  workers  on  the  job. 

The  Army  also  provided  subsidized  transportation,  nursery 
schools  for  working  mothers,  tire  and  gasoline  rationing 
boards  and  conveniently  located  shopping  facilities. 

The  following  unions  were  associated  with  the  construc- 
tion phases  of  the  project: 

Int'l  Ass'n  of  Heat  and  Frost  Insulators  and  Asbestos  Workers 
Intl  Brotherhood  of  Boiler  Makers,  Iron  Ship  Builders  and 


Bricklayers,  Masons  and  Plasterers'  Int'l  Union 
United  Brotherhood  of  Carpenters  and  Joiners 
Int'l  Brotherhood  of  Electrical  Workers 
Int'l  Union  of  Elevator  Constructors 
Int'l  Union  of  Operating  Engineers 

Int'l  Ass'n  of  Bridge,  Structural  and  Ornamental  Iron  Workers 
Int'l  Hod  Carriers,  Bldg.,  and  Common  Laborers  Union 

[  154] 


Wood,  Wire  and  Metal  Lathers'  Int'l  Union 

Brotherhood  of  Painters,  Decorators  and  Paperhangers 

Operative  Plasterers  and  Cement  Finishers  Int'l  Ass'n 

United  Slate,  Tile  and  Composition  Roofers,  Damp  &  Water- 
proof Workers  Ass'n 

United  Ass'n  of  Journeymen  Plumbers  and  Steam  Fitters 

Sheet  Metal  Workers'  International  Ass'n 

Int'l  Brotherhood  of  Teamsters,  Chauffeurs,  Warehousemen 
and  Helpers 

Building  Trades  Dept.  of  AFL 

Int'l  Ass'n  of  Machinists 

Int'l  Brotherhood  of  Firemen  and  Oilers 

Tribute  to  Manhattan  District  Personnel,  Official  War 
Department  Release — August  9,  1945 

OAK  RIDGE,  Term,— Col.  Kenneth  D.  Nichols,  District 
Engineer  of  the  Manhattan  Engineer  District,  has  paid  trib- 
ute to  the  hundreds  of  organizations  and  thousands  of  per- 
sons whose  coordinated  efforts  have  made  possible  the  utili- 
zation of  atomic  power  within  the  time  span  of  this  war  for 
use  in  bombs  against  Japan. 

Explaining  that  the  progress  of  fundamental  research  in 
physics  and  chemistry  prior  to  the  war  indicated  that  utiliza- 
tion of  atomic  power  might  have  been  feasible  in  15  to  20 
years,  Colonel  Nichols  declared  that  the  combined  effort  of 
the  many  different  people  and  organizations  connected  with 
the  project  has  compressed  the  time  to  three  years,  an  ac- 
complishment which  will  endure  as  a  monument  to  the 
ingenuity  and  vision  and  determination  of  all  those,  from 
scientists  to  laborers,  who  have  had  a  part  in  the  work. 

"These  people  and  organizations — scientific,  engineering, 
contracting,  manufacturing,  procuring  and  others — working 

[  155] 


in  harmony  among  themselves  and  with  Government  agen- 
cies deserve  unlimited  credit  for  the  successful  accomplish- 
ment of  an  almost  impossibly  vast  and  complicated  task," 
Colonel  Nichols  declared. 

In  addition,  he  pointed  out  that  the  District's  staff  of  spe- 
cially selected  officers,  WACs,  enlisted  men,  and  civilians 
deserve  a  large  measure  of  credit  for  the  success  of  the  Army's 
part  in  the  project.  Paying  tribute  to  the  work  they  have 
done,  Colonel  Nichols  declared  that  "each  assistant  has  spent 
long  hours  of  work  each  day  and  collectively  have  made  it 
possible  for  the  Manhattan  District  to  control  the  large  vol- 
ume of  research,  construction,  and  production  necessary  to 
complete  the  project." 

Colonel  Nichols  said  it  is  impossible  to  list  the  several 
hundred  names  of  military  and  civilian  personnel  assigned 
to  the  Manhattan  District,  but  added  that  he  wished  to  men- 
tion a  few  of  those  who  "have  made  exemplary  contributions 
to  the  success  of  the  project." 

Among  these,  he  said,  are: 

Col.  E.  H.  Marsden,  of  New  Haven,  Conn.,  Executive  Of- 
ficer for  the  District;  Col.  F.  T.  Matthias,  of  Curtis,  Wiscon- 
sin, Area  Engineer  for  the  Hanford  Engineer  Works  at  Rich- 
land,  Wash.;  Col.  G.  R.  Tyler,  of  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Area 
Engineer  at  Santa  Fe;  and  Col.  S.  L.  Warren,  of  Rochester, 
N.  Y.,  Chief  of  the  Medical  Section,  who  was  formerly  Pro- 
fessor, School  of  Medicine  and  Dentistry,  University  of 

In  addition,  Colonel  Nichols  said,  there  are: 

Lt.  Col.  R.  W.  Cook  of  Muskegon,  Mich.,  Operations  Of- 
ficer for  one  of  the  production  areas;  Lt.  Col.  W.  P.  Cor- 
nelius of  Ennis,  Texas,  Construction  Officer  on  one  of  the 
production  plants;  Lt.  Col.  M.  C.  Fox,  of  Brooksville,  Ohio, 


Construction  Officer  on  one  of  the  production  plants; 
Lt.  Col.  H.  L.  Friedellof  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  Executive  Of- 
ficer of  the  Medical  Section; 

Lt.  Col.  P.  L.  Guarin,  of  Houston,  Texas,  Area  Engineer 
in  one  of  the  New  York  Areas;  Lt.  Col.  J.  S.  Hodgson,  of 
Montgomery,  Ala.,  Construction  Officer  on  one  of  the  pro- 
duction plants;  Lt.  Col.  A.  C.  Johnson,  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y., 
who,  as  liaison  officer  in  Washington,  D.  C.,  was  in  charge  of 
procurement  for  the  District;  Major  W.  A.  Bonnet,  Assistant 
to  Colonel  Hodgson; 

Lt.  Col.  H.  R.  Kadlec,  now  deceased,  of  Chicago,  who  was 
Chief  of  Construction  at  the  Hanford  Engineer  Works;  Lt. 
Col.  R.  W.  Lockridge,  of  Hyattsville,  Maryland,  technical 
assistant  to  the  Area  Engineer  at  Santa  Fe;  Lt.  Col.  C.  A. 
Nelson,  of  Pine  Bluff,  Ark.,  Director  of  Personnel  for  the 

Lt.  Col.  W.  B.  Parsons,  of  Seattle,  Wash.,  Chief  of  the 
Security  Division  of  the  District;  Lt.  Col.  A.  V.  Peterson,  of 
Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  former  Area  Engineer  on  the  research  and 
development  of  the  Hanford  Project  and  now  chief  of  the 
Production  and  Combined  Operations  Section  of  the  Dis- 
trict; Lt.  Col.  C.  E.  Rea,  of  St.  Paul,  Minn.,  the  head  of  the 
Oak  Ridge,  Tenn.,  hospital; 

Lt.  Col.  B.  T.  Rogers,  of  Eau  Claire,  Wis.,  Chief  of  Con- 
struction and  Deputy  Area  Engineer  at  Hanford  Engineer 
Works;  Lt.  Col.  J.  R.  Ruhoff,  of  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  who  partici- 
pated in  the  early  scientific  developments  for  the  manufac- 
ture of  basic  materials  and  became  Area  Engineer  for  the 
supply  of  such  materials;  Lt.  Col.  S.  L.  Stewart  of  Bisbee, 
Ariz.,  Area  Engineer  for  procurement  at  Santa  Fe; 

Lt.  Col.  J.  C.  Stowers,  of  Natchez,  Miss.,  Area  Engineer  on 
the  design  of  one  of  the  production  plants;  Lt.  Col.  A.  Tam- 



maro,  of  Providence,  R.  I.,  who  was  Area  Engineer  on  the 
manufacture  of  certain  materials  for  one  of  the  production 

Lt.  Col.  C.  Vanden  Bulck,  of  Lincoln  Park,  N.  J.,  Chief 
of  the  Administrative  Division  of  the  District;  Lt.  Col.  W.  J. 
Williams,  of  Spaulding,  Ala.,  who  was  construction  officer  in 
charge  of  one  of  the  production  plants;  Major  J.  O.  Acker- 
man,  of  Hastings,  Minn.,  Technical  Officer  on  some  of  the 
operations  at  Santa  Fe; 

Major  E.  J.  Bloch,  of  St.  Louis,  who  was  Unit  Chief  on 
coordinating  the  design,  construction  and  administration  of 
the  town  of  Oak  Ridge;  Major  T.  J.  Evans,  of  Florence,  Ala., 
Unit  Chief  on  construction  and  operation  of  one  of  the 
production  plants;  Major  J.  L.  Ferry,  of  Whiting,  Ind.,  head 
of  the  industrial  division  of  the  medical  section;  Major  H.  A. 
Fidler,  of  Cambridge,  Mass.,  Area  Engineer  on  the  research 
and  development  for  one  of  the  production  processes; 

Major  O.  H.  Greager,  of  Wilmington,  Del.,  who  was  re- 
search division  head  at  the  Clinton  Laboratories  at  Oak 
Ridge  with  full  responsibility  for  the  development  of  one  of 
the  main  processes  to  be  used  on  the  Hanford  project;  Lt. 
Commander  T.  M.  Keiller,  USNR,  of  Houston,  Texas,  who 
was  in  charge  of  naval  personnel  serving  in  a  technical  ca- 
pacity at  Clinton  Engineer  Works;  Major  W.  E.  Kelley,  of 
New  Albany,  Ind.,  who  was  unit  chief  on  one  of  the  produc- 
tion plants  during  design,  construction  and  initial  operations; 

Major  E.  J.  Murphy,  of  New  York  City,  who  was  opera- 
tions officer  of  the  Clinton  Laboratories  and  related  research 
and  experimental  work;  Major  G.  W.  Russell,  of  Teaneck, 
New  Jersey,  who  assisted  in  the  procurement  and  manufac- 
ture of  certain  basic  materials;  Major  J.  F.  Sally,  of  Mal- 
verne,  Long  Island,  who  was  Area  Engineer  on  the  design 


and  construction  of  one  highly  specialized  phase  of  opera- 

Major  W.  T.  St.  Glair,  of  Nashville,  Tenn.,  assistant  to  the 
construction  officer  on  one  of  the  production  plants;  Major 
W.  O.  Swanson  of  Jamestown,  N.  Y.,  Area  Engineer  on  the 
design  of  one  of  the  production  plants  and  also  chief  of  the 
Utilities  and  Maintenance  Branch  at  the  Clinton  Engineer 
Works;  Major  H.  S.  Traynor  of  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  Production 
Officer  on  one  technical  phase  of  the  project  and  also  chief 
of  the  Historical  Section;  Major  J.  E.  Vance,  of  New  Haven, 
Conn.,  Executive  and  Technical  Officer  on  the  procurement 
of  basic  materials; 

Capt.  S.  S.  Baxter,  of  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Area  Engineer  on 
medical  and  scientific  research  at  the  University  of  Roches- 
ter; Capt.  J.  H.  King  of  Anniston,  Ala.,  who  was  area  en- 
gineer on  one  production  phase;  Capt.  A.  G.  Scheidenhelm, 
of  Mendota,  111.,  Commanding  Officer  of  WAG  personnel  as- 
signed to  the  District;  Capt.  B.  G.  Seitz,  of  Buffalo,  N.  Y., 
statistics  officer;  Lt.  J.  J.  Flaherty  (JG)  USNR,  of  Battle 
Creek,  Mich.,  deputy  chief  of  the  personnel  division  and 
Chief  Warrant  Officer  M.  S.  Levine  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  who 
supervised  the  administration  of  selective  service  deferments. 

Colonel  Nichols  said  that  civilian  personnel  with  the  Dis- 
trict who  made  outstanding  contributions  are: 

J.  C.  Clarke  of  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  assistant  to  the  chief  of 
the  Administrative  Division;  J.  G.  LeSieur  of  Lilbourne, 
Missouri,  chief  of  the  general  administrative  branch  of  the 
Administrative  Division;  J.  R.  Maddy,  of  Enid,  Okla.,  chief 
of  the  safety  and  accident  prevention  branch  of  the  District; 
E.  A.  Wende,  of  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  chief  of  the  engineering  sec- 
tion of  the  Central  Facilities  Division  at  the  Clinton  Engi- 
neer Works  and  Dr.  H.  T.  Wensel  of  Washington,  D.  C., 

[  159] 


technical  advisor  to  the  District  Engineer  on  research  under 
the  supervision  of  the  District. 

An  Accounting  of  the  Successful  Operation 

of  the  First  Self-Sustaining  Nuclear  Chain 

Reactor  in  World  History  *—  Officially 

Released  December  i,  1946 

On  December  2,  1942,  man  first  initiated  a  self -sustaining 
nuclear  chain  reaction,  and  controlled  it. 

Beneath  the  West  Stands  of  Stagg  Field,  Chicago,  late  in 
the  afternoon  of  that  day,  a  small  group  of  scientists  wit- 
nessed the  advent  of  a  new  era  in  science.  History  was  made 
in  what  had  been  a  squash  court. 

Precisely  at  3:25  P.M.,  Chicago  time,  scientist  George  Weil 
withdrew  the  cadmium  plated  control  rod  and  by  his  action 
man  unleashed  and  controlled  the  energy  of  the  atom. 

As  those  who  witnessed  the  experiment  became  aware  of 
what  had  happened,  smiles  spread  over  their  faces  and  a 
quiet  ripple  of  applause  could  be  heard.  It  was  a  tribute  to 
Enrico  Fermi,  Nobel  Prize  winner,  to  whom,  more  than  to 
any  other  person,  the  success  of  the  experiment  was  due. 

Fermi,  born  in  Rome,  Italy,  on  September  29,  1901,  had 
been  working  with  uranium  for  many  years.  In  1934  he  bom- 
barded uranium  with  neutrons  and  produced  what  appeared 
to  be  both  element  93  (uranium  is  element  92)  and  also  ele- 
ment 94.  However,  after  closer  examination  it  seemed  as  if 
nature  had  gone  wild  .  .  .  several  other  elements  were  pres- 
ent, but  none  could  be  fitted  into  the  periodic  table  near 
uranium — where  Fermi  knew  they  should  have  fitted  if  they 
had  been  the  transuranic  elements  93  and  94.  It  was  not  un- 
til five  years  later  that  anyone,  Fermi  included,  realized  he 

*  Written  for  the  Manhattan  Project  by  E.  R.  Trapnell  and  Corbin  Allar- 



had  actually  caused  fission  of  the  uranium  and  that  these 
unexplained  elements  belonged  back  in  the  middle  part  of 
the  periodic  table. 

Fermi  was  awarded  the  Nobel  Prize  in  1938  for  his  work 
on  transuranic  elements.  He  and  his  family  went  to  Sweden 
to  receive  the  prize.  The  Italian  Fascist  press  severely  criti- 
cized him  for  not  wearing  a  Fascist  uniform  and  failing  to 
give  the  Fascist  salute  when  he  received  the  award.  The 
Fermis  never  returned  to  Italy. 

From  Sweden,  having  taken  most  of  his  personal  posses- 
sions with  him,  Fermi  proceeded  to  London  and  thence  to 
America  where  he  has  remained  ever  since. 

An  outsider,  looking  into  the  squash  court  where  the  ex- 
periment took  place,  would  have  been  greeted  by  a  strange 
sight.  Shrouded  on  all  but  one  side  by  a  grey  balloon  cloth 
envelope,  was  a  pile  of  black  bricks  and  wooden  timbers. 
During  the  construction  of  this  crude  appearing  vitally  im- 
portant "pile" — the  name  that  has  since  been  applied  to  all 
such  devices — the  standing  joke  among  those  working  on  it 
was:  "If  people  could  see  what  we're  doing  with  a  million- 
and-a-half  of  their  dollars,  they'd  think  we  were  crazy.  If 
they  knew  why  we  were  doing  it,  they'd  be  sure  we  were." 

In  relation  to  the  fabulous  atomic  bomb  program,  of 
which  the  Chicago  Pile  experiment  was  a  key  part,  the  suc- 
cessful result  reported  on  December  2  formed  one  more 
piece  for  the  jigsaw  puzzle  which  is  atomic  energy.  Confirma- 
tion of  the  chain  reactor  studies  was  an  inspiration  to  the 
leaders  of  the  bomb  project,  and  reassuring  at  the  same  time, 
because  the  Army's  Manhattan  Engineer  District  had  moved 
ahead  on  many  fronts.  Contract  negotiations  were  under 
way  to  build  production-scale  nuclear  chain  reactors,  land 
had  been  acquired  at  Oak  Ridge,  Tennessee,  and  millions  of 
dollars  had  been  obligated. 


Three  years  before  the  December  2  experiment,  it  had 
been  discovered  that  when  an  atom  of  uranium  was  bom- 
barded by  neutrons,  the  uranium  atom  sometimes  split,  or 
fissioned  into  two  parts.  Later,  it  had  been  found  that  when 
an  atom  of  uranium  fissioned,  additional  neutrons  were 
emitted  and  became  available  for  further  reaction  with  other 
uranium  atoms.  These  facts  implied  the  possibility  of  a  chain 
reaction,  similar  in  certain  respects  to  the  reaction  which  is 
the  source  of  the  sun's  energy.  The  facts  further  indicated 
that  if  a  sufficient  quantity  of  uranium  could  be  brought 
together  under  the  proper  conditions,  a  self-sustaining  chain 
reaction  would  result.  This  quantity  of  uranium  necessary 
for  a  chain  reaction  under  given  conditions  is  known  as  the 
critical  mass,  or,  as  more  commonly  referred  to,  the  "critical 
size"  of  the  particular  pile. 

For  three  years  the  problem  of  a  self-sustaining  chain 
reaction  had  been  assiduously  studied.  On  a  cold  afternoon 
nearly  a  year  after  Pearl  Harbor,  a  pile  of  critical  size  was 
finally  constructed.  It  worked.  A  self-sustained  nuclear  chain 
reaction  was  a  reality. 

Years  of  scientific  effort  and  study  lay  behind  this  demon- 
stration of  the  first  self-sustaining  nuclear  chain  reaction. 
The  story  goes  back  at  least  to  the  fall  of  1938  when  two 
German  scientists,  Otto  Hahn  and  Fritz  Strassman,  working 
at  the  Kaiser  Wilhelm  Institute  in  Berlin  found  barium  in 
the  residue  material  from  an  experiment  in  which  they  had 
bombarded  uranium  with  neutrons  from  a  radium-beryllium 
source.  This  discovery  caused  tremendous  excitement  in  the 
laboratory  because  of  the  difference  in  atomic  mass  between 
the  barium  and  the  uranium.  Previously,  in  residue  material 
from  similar  experiments,  elements  other  than  uranium  had 
been  found,  but  they  differed  from  the  uranium  by  only  one 
or  two  units  of  mass.  The  barium  differed  by  approximately 


98  units  of  mass.  The  question  was,  where  did  this  element 
come  from?  It  appeared  that  the  uranium  atom  when  bom- 
barded by  a  neutron  had  split  into  two  different  elements 
each  of  approximately  half  the  mass  of  the  uranium. 

Before  publishing  their  work  in  the  German  physical 
journal  NATURWISSEN-SCHAFTEN,  Hahn  and  Strass- 
man  communicated  with  Lise  Meitner  who,  having  fled  the 
Nazi  controlled  Reich,  was  working  with  Neils  Bohr  in  Co- 
penhagen, Denmark. 

Meitner  was  very  much  interested  in  this  phenomenon 
and  immediately  attempted  to  analyze  mathematically  the 
results  of  the  experiment.  She  reasoned  that  the  barium  and 
the  other  residual  elements  were  the  result  of  a  fission,  or 
breaking,  of  the  uranium  atom.  But  when  she  added  the 
atomic  masses  of  the  residual  elements,  she  found  this  total 
was  less  than  the  atomic  mass  of  uranium. 

There  was  but  one  explanation:  The  uranium  fissioned  or 
split,  forming  two  elements  each  of  approximately  half  of  its 
original  mass,  but  not  exactly  half.  Some  of  the  mass  of  the 
uranium  had  disappeared.  Meitner  and  her  nephew  O.  R. 
Frisch  suggested  that  the  mass  which  disappeared  was  con- 
verted into  energy.  According  to  the  theories  advanced  in 
1905  by  Albert  Einstein  in  which  the  relationship  of  mass  to 
energy  was  stated  by  the  equation  E  —  me2  (energy  is  equal 
to  mass  times  the  square  of  the  speed  of  light),  this  energy 
release  would  be  of  the  order  of  200,000,000  electron  volts 
for  each  atom  fissioned. 

Einstein  himself,  nearly  35  years  before,  had  said  this  the- 
ory might  be  proved  by  further  study  of  radioactive  ele- 
ments. Bohr  was  planning  a  trip  to  America  to  discuss  other 
problems  with  Einstein  who  had  found  a  haven  at  Princeton 
University's  Institute  of  Advanced  Studies.  Bohr  came  to 
America,  but  the  principal  item  he  discussed  with  Einstein 


was  the  report  of  Meitner  and  Frisch.  Bohr  arrived  at  Prince- 
ton on  January  16,  1939.  He  talked  to  Einstein  and  J.  A. 
Wheeler  who  had  once  been  his  student.  From  Princeton 
the  news  spread  by  word  of  mouth  to  neighboring  physicists, 
including  Enrico  Fermi  at  Columbia.  Fermi  and  his  associ- 
ates immediately  began  work  to  find  the  heavy  pulse  of 
ionization  which  could  be  expected  from  the  fission  and 
consequent  repulse  of  ionization  which  could  be  expected 
from  the  fission  and  consequent  release  of  energy. 

Before  the  experiments  could  be  completed,  however, 
Fermi  left  Columbia  to  attend  a  conference  on  theoretical 
physics  at  George  Washington  University  in  Washington, 
D.  C.  Here  Fermi  and  Bohr  exchanged  information  and  dis- 
cussed the  problem  of  fission.  Fermi  mentioned  the  possibil- 
ity that  neutrons  might  be  emitted  in  the  process.  In  this 
conversation,  their  ideas  of  the  possibility  of  a  chain  reaction 
began  to  crystallize. 

Before  the  meeting  was  over,  experimental  confirmation 
of  Meitner  and  Frisch's  deduction  was  obtained  from  four 
laboratories  in  the  United  States  (Carnegie  Institute  of 
Washington,  Columbia,  Johns  Hopkins,  and  the  University 
of  California).  Later  it  was  learned  that  similar  confirmatory 
experiments  had  been  made  by  Frisch  and  Meitner  on  Janu- 
ary 15.  Frederic  Joliot-Curie  in  France,  too,  confirmed  the 
results  and  published  them  in  the  January  30  issue  of  the 
French  scientific  journal,  COMPTES  RENDUS. 

On  February  27,  1939,  Walter  Zinn  and  Leo  Szilard,  both 
working  at  Columbia  University,  began  their  experiments 
to  find  the  number  of  neutrons  emitted  by  the  fissioning 
uranium.  At  the  same  time,  Fermi,  and  his  associates, 
Herbert  L.  Anderson  and  H.  B.  Hanstein  commenced  their 
investigation  of  the  same  problem.  The  results  of  these  ex- 
periments were  published  side-by-side  in  the  April  edition 


of  the  PHYSICAL  REVIEW  and  showed  that  a  chain  reac- 
tion might  be  possible  since  the  uranium  emitted  additional 
neutrons  when  it  fissioned. 

These  measurements  of  neutron  emission  by  Fermi,  Zinn, 
Szilard,  Anderson  and  Hanstein  were  highly  significant  steps 
toward  a  chain  reaction. 

Further  impetus  to  the  work  on  a  uranium  reactor  was 
given  by  the  discovery  of  plutonium  at  the  Radiation  Labor- 
atory, Berkeley,  California,  in  March  1940.  This  element, 
unknown  in  nature,  was  formed  by  Uranium-agS  capturing 
a  neutron,  and  thence  undergoing  two  successive  changes  in 
atomic  structure  with  the  emission  of  Beta  particles.  Plu- 
tonium, it  was  thought  might  undergo  fission  if  the  rare  iso- 
tope of  uranium,  0-235  did. 

Meanwhile,  at  Columbia,  Fermi  and  his  associates  were 
working  to  determine  operationally  possible  designs  of  a 
uranium  chain  reactor.  Among  other  things,  they  had  to  find 
a  suitable  moderating  material  to  slow  down  the  neutrons, 
since  uranium  235  is  most  readily  fissioned  by  neutrons  trav- 
eling at  relatively  low  velocities.  In  July  1941,  experiments 
with  uranium  were  started  to  obtain  measurements  of  the 
reproduction  factor,  (called  "K")  which  was  the  key  to  the 
problem  of  a  chain  reaction.  If  this  factor  could  be  made 
sufficiently  greater  than  i,  a  chain  reaction  could  be  made  to 
take  place  in  a  mass  of  material  of  practical  dimensions.  If 
it  were  less  than  i ,  no  chain  reaction  could  ocur. 

Since  impurities  in  the  uranium  and  in  the  moderator 
would  capture  neutrons  and  make  them  unavailable  for 
further  reactions  and  since  neutrons  would  escape  from  the 
pile  without  encountering  uranium  atoms,  it  was  not  known 
whether  a  value  for  "K"  greater  than  unity  could  ever  be 

One  of  the  first  things  that  had  to  be  determined  was  how 


best  to  place  the  uranium  in  the  reactor.  Fermi  and  Szilard 
suggested  placing  the  uranium  in  a  matrix  of  the  moderating 
material,  thus  forming  a  cubical  lattice  of  uranium.  This 
placement  appeared  to  offer  the  best  opportunity  for  a  neu- 
tron to  encounter  a  uranium  atom.  Of  all  the  materials 
which  possessed  the  proper  moderating  qualities,  graphite 
was  the  only  one  which  could  be  obtained  in  sufficient  quan- 
tity of  the  desired  degree  of  purity. 

The  study  of  graphite-uranium  lattice  reactors  was  started 
at  Columbia  in  July  1941,  but  after  reorganization  of  the 
entire  uranium  project  in  December  1941,  Arthur  H.  Comp- 
ton  was  placed  in  charge  of  this  phase  of  the  work,  under 
the  Office  of  Scientific  Research  and  Development,  and  the 
chain  reactor  program  was  concentrated  at  the  University  of 
Chicago.  Consequently,  early  in  1942  the  Columbia  and 
Princeton  groups  were  transferred  to  Chicago  where  the 
Metallurgical  Laboratory  was  established. 

In  a  general  way  the  experimental  nuclear  physics  group 
under  Fermi  was  primarily  concerned  with  getting  a  chain 
reaction  going,  the  chemistry  division  organized  by  F.  H. 
Spedding  (later  in  turn  under  S.  K.  Allison,  J.  Franck,  W.  C. 
Johnson,  and  T.  Hogness)  with  the  chemistry  of  plutonium 
and  with  separation  methods,  and  the  theoretical  group  un- 
der E.  Wigner  with  designing  production  piles.  However, 
the  problems  were  intertwined  and  the  various  scientific  and 
technical  aspects  of  the  fission  process  were  studied  in  what- 
ever group  seemed  best  equipped  for  the  particular  task. 

At  Chicago,  the  work  on  sub-critical  size  piles  was  con- 
tinued. By  July  1942  the  measurements  obtained  from  these 
experimental  piles  had  gone  far  enough  to  permit  a  choice 
of  design  for  a  test  pile  of  critical  size.  At  that  time,  the  dies 
for  the  pressing  of  the  uranium  oxides  were  designed  by 
Zinn  and  ordered  made.  It  was  a  fateful  step,  since  the  entire 



construction  of  the  pile  depended  upon  the  shape  and  size  of 
the  uranium  pieces. 

It  was  necessary  to  use  uranium  oxides  because  metallic 
uranium  of  the  desired  degree  of  purity  did  not  exist.  Al- 
though several  manufacturers  were  attempting  to  produce 
the  uranium  metal,  it  was  not  until  November  that  any 
appreciable  amount  was  available.  At  that  time,  Westing- 
house  Electric  and  Manufacturing  Company,  Metal  Hy- 
drides Company,  and  F.  H.  Spedding,  who  was  working  at 
Iowa  State  College  at  Ames,  Iowa,  delivered  several  tons  of 
the  highly  purified  metal  and  it  was  placed  in  the  pile,  as 
close  to  the  center  as  possible.  The  procurement  program 
for  moderating  material  and  uranium  oxides  had  been  han- 
dled by  Norman  Hilberry.  R.  L.  Doan  headed  the  procure- 
ment program  for  pure  uranium  metal. 

Although  the  dies  for  the  pressing  of  the  uranium  oxides 
were  designed  in  July,  additional  measurements  were  neces- 
sary to  obtain  information  about  controlling  the  reaction,  to 
revise  estimates  as  to  the  final  critical  size  of  the  pile,  and  to 
develop  other  data.  Thirty  experimental  sub-critical  piles 
were  constructed  before  the  final  pile  was  completed. 

Meantime,  in  Washington,  early  in  1942  Dr.  Vannevar 
Bush,  Director  of  the  Office  of  Scientific  Research  and  Devel- 
opment, had  recommended  to  President  Roosevelt  that  a 
special  Army  Engineer  organization  be  established  to  take 
full  responsibility  for  the  development  of  the  atomic  bomb. 
During  the  summer  the  Manhattan  Engineer  District  was 
created,  and  early  in  September  1942,  Major  General  L.  R. 
Groves  assumed  command. 

Construction  of  the  main  pile  started  in  November.  The 
Chicago  project  gained  momentum,  with  machining  of  the 
graphite  blocks,  pressing  of  the  uranium  oxide  pellets,  and 
the  design  of  instruments.  Fermi's  two  construction  crews, 


one  under  Zinn  and  the  other  under  Anderson,  worked  al- 
most around  the  clock.  V.  C.  Wilson  headed  up  the  instru- 
ment work. 

Original  estimates  of  the  critical  size  of  the  pile  were  pessi- 
mistic. As  a  further  precaution,  it  was  decided  to  enclose  the 
pile  in  a  balloon  cloth  bag  which  could  be  evacuated  to  re- 
move the  neutron-capturing  air. 

This  balloon  cloth  bag  was  constructed  by  Goodyear  Tire 
and  Rubber  Company.  Specialists  in  designing  gas-bags  for 
lighter-than-air  craft,  the  company's  engineers  were  a  bit 
puzzled  about  the  aerodynamics  of  a  square  balloon.  Security 
regulations  forbade  informing  Goodyear  of  the  purpose  of 
the  envelope  and  so  the  Army's  new  square  balloon  was  the 
butt  of  much  joking. 

The  bag  was  hung  with  one  side  left  open,  in  the  center 
of  the  floor  a  circular  layer  of  graphite  bricks  was  placed. 
This  and  each  succeeding  layer  of  the  pile  was  braced  by  a 
wooden  frame.  Alternate  layers  contained  the  uranium.  By 
this  layer-on-layer  construction  a  roughly  spherical  pile  of 
uranium  and  graphite  was  formed. 

Facilities  for  the  machining  of  graphite  bricks  were  in- 
stalled in  the  West  Stands.  Week  after  week  this  shop  turned 
out  graphite  bricks.  This  work  was  done  under  the  direction 
of  Zinn's  group,  by  skilled  mechanics  led  by  millwright  Au- 
gust Knuth.  In  October,  Anderson  and  his  group  joined 
Zinn's  men. 

Describing  this  phase  of  the  work,  Albert  Wattenberg,  one 
of  Zinn's  group,  said:  "We  found  out  how  coal  miners  feel. 
After  eight  hours  of  machining  graphite,  we  looked  as  if  we 
were  made  up  for  a  minstrel.  One  shower  would  only  remove 
the  surface  graphite  dust.  About  a  half-hour  after  the  first 
shower  the  dust  in  the  pores  of  your  skin  would  start  oozing. 

"Walking  around  the  room  where  we  cut  the  graphite  was 


like  walking  on  a  dance  floor.  Graphite  is  a  dry  lubricant, 
you  know,  and  the  cement  floor  covered  with  graphite  dust 
was  slippery." 

Before  the  structure  was  half  complete  measurements  indi- 
cated that  the  critical  size  at  which  the  pile  would  become 
self-sustaining  was  somewhat  less  than  had  been  anticipated 
in  the  design. 

Day  after  day  the  pile  grew  toward  its  final  shape.  And  as 
the  size  of  the  pile  increased,  so  did  the  nervous  tension  of 
the  men  working  on  it.  Logically  and  scientifically  they  knew 
this  pile  would  become  self-sustaining.  It  had  to.  All  the 
measurements  indicated  that  it  would.  But  still  the  demon- 
stration had  to  be  made.  No  matter  how  well  planned,  there 
is  always  a  chance  that  an  experiment  will  not  fulfill  expec- 
tations. So,  as  the  eagerly  awaited  moment  drew  nearer,  they 
gave  greater  and  greater  attention  to  details,  the  accuracy  of 
measurements,  and  exactness  of  their  construction  work. 

Guiding  the  entire  pile  construction  and  design  was  the 
nimble-brained  Fermi,  whose  associates  describe  him  as 
"completely  self-confident  but  wholly  without  conceit." 

So  exact  were  Fermi's  calculations,  based  on  the  measure- 
ments taken  from  the  partially  finished  pile,  that  days  before 
its  completion  and  demonstration  on  December  2,  he  was 
able  to  predict  almost  to  the  exact  brick  the  point  at  which 
the  reactor  would  become  self-sustaining. 

But  with  all  their  care  and  confidence  few  in  the  group 
knew  the  extent  of  the  heavy  bets  being  placed  on  their 
success.  In  Washington,  General  Groves  had  proceeded  with 
negotiations  with  E.  I.  du  Pont  de  Nemours  Company  to 
design,  build,  and  operate  a  plant  based  on  the  principles  of 
the  Chicago  pile.  A  "pilot"  plant  at  Oak  Ridge  and  the 
$350,000,000  Hanford  Engineer  Works  at  Pasco,  Washing- 
ton, was  to  be  the  result. 


At  Chicago  during  the  early  afternoon  of  December  i ,  tests 
indicated  that  critical  size  was  rapidly  being  approached.  At 
4  P.M.,  Zinn's  group  was  relieved  by  the  men  working  under 
Anderson.  Shortly  afterwards,  the  last  layer  of  graphite  and 
uranium  bricks  was  placed  on  the  pile.  Zinn,  who  remained, 
and  Anderson  made  several  measurements  of  the  activity 
within  th«  pile.  They  were  certain  that  when  the  control 
rods  were  withdrawn,  the  pile  would  become  self-sustaining. 
Both  had  agreed,  however,  that  should  measurements  indi- 
cate the  reaction  would  become  self-sustaining  when  the  rods 
were  withdrawn,  they  would  not  start  the  pile  operating  un- 
til Fermi  and  the  rest  of  the  group  could  be  present.  Conse- 
quently, the  control  rods  were  locked  and  further  work  was 
postponed  until  the  following  day. 

That  night  the  word  was  passed  to  the  men  who  had 
worked  on  the  pile  that  the  trial  run  was  due  the  next 

About  8:30  on  the  morning  of  Wednesday,  December  2, 
the  group  began  to  assemble  in  the  squash  court. 

At  the  north  end  of  the  squash  court  was  a  balcony  about 
ten  feet  above  the  floor  of  the  court.  There  the  largest  part 
of  the  observers  stayed.  Fermi,  Zinn,  Anderson  and  Compton 
were  grouped  around  an  instrument  console  at  the  east  end 
of  the  balcony.  The  remainder  of  the  observers  were 
crowded  on  the  rest  of  the  balcony.  R.  G.  Nobles,  one  of  the 
young  scientists  who  worked  on  the  pile  put  it  this  way: 
"The  control  cabinet  was  surrounded  by  the  'big  wheels';  us 
'little  wheels'  had  to  stand  back." 

On  the  floor  of  the  squash  court,  just  beneath  the  balcony, 
stood  George  Weil,  whose  duty  it  was  to  handle  the  final 
control  rod.  In  the  pile  were  three  sets  of  control  rods.  One 
set  was  automatic  and  could  be  controlled  from  the  balcony. 
Another  was  an  emergency  safety  rod.  Attached  to  one  end 



of  this  rod  was  a  rope  running  through  the  pile,  weighted 
heavily  on  the  opposite  end.  The  rod  was  withdrawn  from 
the  pile  and  tied  by  rope  to  the  balcony.  Hilberry  was  ready 
to  cut  the  rope  with  an  axe  should  something  unexpected 
happen,  or  in  case  the  automatic  safety  rods  failed.  The  third 
rod,  operated  by  Weil,  was  the  one  which  actually  held  the 
reaction  in  check  until  the  rod  was  withdrawn  the  proper 

Since  this  demonstration  was  new  and  different  from  any- 
thing ever  done  before,  complete  reliance  was  not  placed  on 
mechanically  operated  control  rods.  Therefore,  a  "liquid- 
control  squad,"  composed  of  Harold  Lichtenberger,  W.  Nyer 
and  A.  C.  Graves,  stood  on  a  platform  above  the  pile.  They 
were  prepared  to  flood  the  pile  with  cadmium-salt  solution 
in  case  of  mechanical  failure  of  the  control  rods. 

Each  group  rehearsed  what  they  had  to  do  during  the  ex- 

At  9:54  Fermi  ordered  the  electrically  operated  control 
rods  withdrawn.  The  man  at  the  controls  threw  the  switch 
to  withdraw  them.  A  small  motor  whined.  All  eyes  watched 
the  lights  which  indicated  the  rods'  position. 

But  quickly,  the  balcony  group  turned  to  watch  the  count- 
ers, whose  clicking  stepped  up  after  the  rods  were  out.  The 
indicators  of  these  counters  resembled  the  face  of  a  clock, 
with  "hands"  to  indicate  neutron  count.  Near-by  was  a  re- 
corder, whose  quivering  pen  traced  the  neutron  activity  with 
the  pile. 

Shortly  after  ten  o'clock,  Fermi  ordered  the  emergency 
rod,  called  "Zip,"  pulled  out  and  tied. 

"Zip  out,"  said  Fermi.  Zinn  withdrew  "Zip"  by  hand  and 
tied  it  to  the  balcony  rail.  Weil  stood  ready  by  the  "vernier" 
control  rod  which  was  marked  to  show  the  number  of  feet 
and  inches  which  remained  within  the  pile. 


At  10:37  Fermi,  without  taking  his  eyes  off  the  instru- 
ments, said  quietly: 

"Pull  it  to  13  feet,  George."  The  counters  clicked  faster. 
The  graph  pen  moved  up.  All  the  instruments  were  studied, 
and  computations  were  made. 

"This  is  not  it,"  said  Fermi.  "The  trace  will  go  to  this 
point  and  level  off."  He  indicated  a  spot  on  the  graph.  In  a 
few  minutes  the  line  came  to  the  indicated  point  and  did 
not  go  above  that  point.  Seven  minutes  later  Fermi  ordered 
the  rod  out  another  foot. 

Again  the  counters  stepped  up  their  clicking,  the  graph 
pen  edged  upwards.  But  the  clicking  was  irregular.  Soon  it 
levelled  off,  as  did  the  thin  line  of  the  pen.  The  pile  was  not 
self-sustaining — yet. 

At  11  o'clock,  the  rod  came  out  another  six  inches;  the 
result  was  the  same:  an  increase  in  rate,  followed  by  the 

Fifteen  minutes  later,  the  rod  was  further  withdrawn  and 
at  11:25  was  moved  again.  Each  time  the  counters  speeded 
up,  the  pen  climbed  a  few  points.  Fermi  predicted  correctly 
every  movement  of  the  indicators.  He  knew  the  time  was 
near.  He  wanted  to  check  everything  again.  The  automatic 
control  rod  was  reinserted  without  waiting  for  its  automatic 
feature  to  operate.  The  graph  line  took  a  drop,  the  counters 
slowed  abruptly. 

At  11:35,  the  automatic  safety  rod  was  withdrawn  and  set. 
The  control  rod  was  adjusted  and  "Zip"  was  withdrawn.  Up 
went  the  counters,  clicking,  clicking,  faster  and  faster.  It  was 
the  clickety-click  of  a  fast  train  over  the  rails.  The  graph  pen 
started  to  climb.  Tensely,  the  little  group  watched,  and 
waited,  entranced  by  the  climbing  needle. 

Whrrump!  As  if  by  a  thunder  clap,  the  spell  was  broken. 
Every  man  froze — then  breathed  a  sigh  of  relief  when  he 



realized  the  automatic  rod  had  slammed  home.  The  safety 
point  at  which  the  rod  operated  automatically  had  inadvert- 
ently been  set  too  low. 

"I'm  hungry,"  said  Fermi.  "Let's  go  to  lunch." 

Perhaps,  like  a  great  coach,  Fermi  knew  when  his  men 
needed  a  "break." 

It  was  a  strange  "between  halves"  respite.  They  got  no 
pep  talk.  They  talked  about  everything  else  but  the  "game." 
The  redoubtable  Fermi,  who  never  says  much,  had  even  less 
to  say.  But  he  appeared  supremely  confident.  His  "team" 
was  back  on  the  squash  court  at  2:00  P.M.  Twenty  minutes 
later,  the  automatic  rod  was  reset  and  Weil  stood  ready  at 
the  control  rod. 

"All  right,  George,"  called  Fermi,  and  Weil  moved  the 
rod  to  a  predetermined  point.  The  spectators  resumed  their 
watching  and  waiting,  watching  the  counters  spin,  watching 
the  graph,  waiting  for  the  settling  down  and  computing  the 
rate  of  rise  of  reaction  from  the  indicators. 

At  2:50  the  control  rod  came  out  another  foot.  The  count- 
ers nearly  jammed,  the  pen  headed  off  the  graph  paper.  But 
this  was  not  it.  Counting  ratios  and  the  graph  scale  had  to  be 

"Move  it  six  inches,"  said  Fermi  at  3:20.  Again  the  change 
— but  again  the  levelling  off.  Five  minutes  later,  Fermi 

"Pull  it  out  another  foot." 

Weil  withdrew  the  rod. 

"This  is  going  to  do  it,"  Fermi  said  to  Compton,  standing 
at  his  side.  "Now  it  will  become  self-sustaining.  The  trace 
will  climb  and  continue  to  climb.  It  will  not  level  off." 

Fermi  computed  the  rate  of  rise  of  the  neutron  counts 
over  a  minute  period.  He  silently,  grim-faced,  ran  through 
some  calculations  on  his  slide  rule. 



In  about  a  minute  he  again  computed  the  rate  of  rise.  If 
the  rate  was  constant  and  remained  so,  he  would  know  the 
reaction  was  self-sustaining.  His  fingers  operated  the  slide 
rule  with  lightning  speed.  Characteristically,  he  turned  the 
rule  over  and  jotted  down  some  figures  on  its  ivory  back. 

Three  minutes  later  he  again  computed  the  rate  of  rise  in 
neutron  count.  The  group  on  the  balcony  had  by  now 
crowded  in  to  get  an  eye  on  the  instruments,  those  behind 
craning  their  necks  to  be  sure  they  would  know  the  very  in- 
stant history  was  made.  In  the  background  could  be  heard 
William  Overbeck  calling  out  the  neutron  count  over  an 
annunciator  system.  Leona  Marshall — the  only  girl  present 
— Anderson,  and  William  Sturm  were  recording  the  readings 
from  the  instruments.  By  this  time  the  click  of  the  counters 
was  too  fast  for  the  human  ear.  The  clickety-click  was  now  a 
steady  brrrr.  Fermi,  unmoved,  unruffled,  continued  his  com- 

"I  couldn't  see  the  instruments,"  said  Weil.  "I  had  to 
watch  Fermi  every  second,  waiting  for  orders.  His  face  was 
motionless.  His  eyes  darted  from  one  dial  to  another.  His 
expression  was  so  calm  it  was  hard.  But  suddenly,  his  whole 
face  broke  into  a  broad  smile." 

Fermi  closed  his  slide  rule — 

"The  reaction  is  self-sustaining,"  he  announced  quietly, 
happily.  "The  curve  is  exponential." 

The  group  tensely  watched  for  twenty-eight  minutes  while 
the  world's  first  nuclear  chain  reactor  operated. 

The  upward  movement  of  the  pen  was  leaving  a  straight 
line.  There  was  no  change  to  indicate  a  levelling  off.  This 
was  it. 

"O.K.,  'Zip'  in,"  called  Fermi  to  Zinn  who  controlled  that 
rod.  The  time  was  3:53  P.M.  The  rod  entered  the  pile. 
Abruptly,  the  counters  slowed  down,  the  pen  slid  down 
across  the  paper.  It  was  all  over. 



Man  had  initiated  a  self-sustaining  nuclear  reaction — and 
then  stopped  it.  He  had  released  the  energy  of  the  atom,  and 
controlled  it. 

Right  after  Fermi  ordered  the  reaction  stopped,  the  Aus- 
trian-born theoretical  physicist  Eugene  Wigner  presented 
him  with  a  bottle  of  Chianti  wine.  All  through  the  experi- 
ment Wigner  had  kept  this  wine  hidden  behind  his  back. 

Fermi  uncorked  the  wine  bottle  and  sent  out  for  paper 
cups  so  all  could  drink.  He  poured  a  little  wine  in  all  the 
cups,  and  silently,  solemnly,  without  toasts,  the  scientists 
raised  the  cups  to  their  lips — Fermi,  Compton,  Wigner,  Zinn, 
Szilard,  Anderson,  Hilberry  and  a  score  of  others.  They 
drank  to  success — and  to  the  hope  they  were  the  first  to 

A  small  crew  was  left  to  straighten  up,  lock  controls,  and 
check  all  apparatus.  As  the  group  filed  from  the  West  Stands, 
one  of  the  guards  asked  Zinn: 

''What's  going  on,  Doctor,  something  happen  in  there?" 

He  didn't  hear  the  report  which  had  gone  to  General 
Groves  nor  the  message  which  Arthur  Compton  was  giving 
James  B.  Conant  at  Harvard,  by  long  distance  telephone. 
Their  code  was  not  prearranged. 

"The  Italian  navigator  has  landed  in  the  New  World," 
said  Compton. 

"How  were  the  natives?"  asked  Conant. 

"Very  friendly." 

List  of  Those  Present  at  "Chicago  Pile"  Experiment, 
December  2,  1942 

H.  M.  Agnew,  Denver,  Colo. 

S.  K.  Allison,  Chicago 

H.  L.  Anderson,  Chicago 

H.  M.  Barton,  Bartlesville,  Okla. 

T.  Brill,  Chicago 



R.  F.  Christy,  Pasadena,  Calif. 
A.  H.  Compton,  St.  Louis 

E.  Fermi,  Chicago 

R.  J.  Fox,  Bentonville,  Ark. 

S.  A.  Fox,  Bentonville,  Ark. 

D.  K.  Froman,  Denver,  Colo. 

A.  C.  Graves,  Los  Alamos,  N.  Mex. 

C.  H.  Greenewalt,  Wilmington,  Del. 
N.  Hilberry,  Chicago 

D.  L.  Hill,  Corinth,  Miss. 
W.  H.  Hinch,  Denver,  Colo. 

W.  R.  Kanne,  Schenectady,  N.  Y. 

P.  G.  Koontz,  Fort  Collins,  Colo. 

H.  E.  Kubitschek,  Maywood,  111. 

H.  V.  Lichtenberger,  Chicago 

Mrs.  L.  Woods  Marshall,  Chicago 

G.  Miller,  Chicago 

G.  Monk,  Jr.,  New  York  City 

H.  W.  Newson,  Lawrence,  Kans. 

R.  G.  Nobles,  Willow  Springs,  111. 

W.  E.  Nyer,  Chicago 

W.  P.  Overbeck,  Richland,  Wash. 

H.  J.  Parsons,  Chicago 

L.  Sayvetz,  New  York  City 

G.  S.  Pawlicki,  Chicago 

L.  Seren,  Schenectady,  N.  Y. 

L.  A.  Slotin,  Winnipeg,  Can.  (deceased) 

F.  H.  Spedding,  Ames,  Iowa 
W.  J.  Sturm,  Chicago 

L.  Szilard,  Chicago 

A.  Wattenberg,  New  York  City 

R.  J.  Watts,  Denver,  Colo. 

G.  L.  Weil,  New  York  City 

E.  P.  Wigner,  Oak  Ridge,  Tenn. 
M.  Wilkening,  Chicago 

V.  C.  Wilson,  Chicago 
W.  H.  Zinn,  Chicago 




ARTHUR  HOLLY  COMPTON,  now  chancellor  of 
Washington  University  at  St.  Louis,  and  former  dean  of  the 
division  of  physical  sciences  at  the  University  of  Chicago,  is 
probably  the  world's  foremost  experimentalist  in  the  field 
of  radiant  energy.  He  received  the  Nobel  Prize  in  Physics 
in  1927,  making  him  the  third  physicist  in  American  history 
to  receive  the  award.  He  joined  the  University  of  Chicago 
in  1923,  and  in  1940  was  made  dean.  For  the  period  of  1941- 
45  he  was  in  charge  of  the  Metallurgical  Project  of  the  Man- 
hattan Project. 

ENRICO  FERMI,  self-exiled  Italian  physicist,  consultant 
to  the  Argonne  National  Laboratory  and  professor  of  physics 
at  the  University  of  Chicago,  received  the  Nobel  Prize  in 
1938.  He  was  cited  by  the  War  Department  as  the  first  man 
to  achieve  nuclear  chain  reaction.  During  the  war,  he  was 
associate  director  of  the  Los  Alamos  Laboratory.  Fermi  was 
born  in  Rome  and  was  professor  of  theoretical  physics  at  the 
University  of  Rome  from  1927  to  1938,  when  he  left  the 
country  because  of  opposition  to  Fascism.  He  was  the  first  to 
systematize  the  science  of  physics  in  Italy.  Mr.  Fermi  studied 
at  the  University  of  Pisa,  Italy,  from  1918-22,  and  has  honor- 
ary degrees  from  the  Universities  of  Utrecht  and  Heidelberg. 
Before  coming  to  Chicago  with  the  Metallurgical  Laboratory, 
Fermi  worked  at  Columbia  University,  New  York. 

WALTER  H.  ZINN,  director  of  the  Argonne  National 
Laboratory,  was  one  of  the  original  members  of  the  Fermi 
group  to  work  on  chain  reactors.  Zinn  was  born  in  Kitchener, 
Ontario,  Canada,  in  1906.  He  received  his  bachelor's  and 
master's  degrees  from  Queen's  University  in  Canada  and  his 
doctor's  degree  from  Columbia  University,  New  York,  New 
York.  He  taught  at  Columbia,  and  City  College,  New  York, 
before  coming  to  Chicago  with  the  Metallurgical  Laboratory. 



With  Leo  Szilard  he  performed  early  experiments  showing 
that  neutrons  are  emitted  in  the  fission  process;  this  work 
became  fundamental  in  studies  on  atomic  energy.  Zinn  was 
in  charge  of  a  group  which  constructed  the  first  chain  react- 
ing pile  and  later  supervised  the  design  and  construction  of 
the  first  pile  using  heavy  water  as  the  moderator. 

HERBERT  L.  ANDERSON,  assistant  professor  in  physics 
in  the  Institute  for  Nuclear  Studies,  University  of  Chicago, 
received  his  bachelor  of  science,  bachelor  of  arts  and  doctor 
of  philosophy  degrees  from  Columbia  University.  On  the 
atomic  bomb  project,  Anderson  did  research  on  nuclear 
chain  reactors  with  the  original  Fermi  group  at  Columbia 
University  at  Chicago  and  Los  Alamos. 

LEO  SZILARD,  internationally  known  physicist,  who  was 
instrumental  in  getting  President  Franklin  D.  Roosevelt  in- 
terested in  the  atomic  energy  field,  is  professor  of  biophysics 
and  professor  of  social  sciences  at  the  University  of  Chicago. 
He  began  his  work  in  the  field  of  nuclear  physics  in  1934  in 
London  and  later  continued  his  work  at  the  University  of 
London.  Szilard  worked  with  Enrico  Fermi,  Nobel  Prize 
physicist,  on  the  early  phases  of  work  on  chain  reaction  at 
Columbia  University  and  at  the  Metallurgical  Laboratory  at 
the  University  of  Chicago.  He  was  born  in  Budapest,  Hun- 
gary, in  1898.  Szilard  received  his  Ph.D.  from  the  University 
of  Berlin  in  1922  and  served  on  the  University's  faculty  there 
from  1925  to  1933.  He  became  an  American  citizen  in  1943. 

NORMAN  HILBERRY,  associate  director  of  the  Argonne 
National  Laboratory,  was  one  of  the  scientists  who  worked 
on  the  December  2  pile.  His  was  the  responsibility  for  pro- 
curing moderator  material  and  uranium  oxide  for  the  re- 
actor. Born  in  Cleveland,  Ohio,  in  1899,  Hilberry  received 
his  bachelor's  degree  from  Oberlin  College,  Ohio,  and  his 
Ph.D.  in  physics  from  the  University  of  Chicago.  He  taught 



at  the  University  of  Chicago,  and  New  York  University.  He 
is  a  fellow  of  the  the  New  York  Academy  of  Spectroscopy, 
and  has  carried  on  extensive  studies  of  the  discharge  of  elec- 
tricity through  gases;  physical  optics;  cosmic  ray  showers; 
and  the  constitution  of  primary  cosmic  rays  and  their  second- 
ary radiations. 

Oak  Ridge  Organizations 

African  Violet  Club 

Alcoholics  Anonymous 

Altrusa  Club 

American  Cancer  Society 

American  Ceramic  Society 

American  Legion 

American  Legion  Auxiliary 

American  Physical  Society 

American  Institute  of  Electri- 
cal Engineers 

American  Red  Cross 

American  Society  of  Chemical 

American  Chemical  Society 

American  Society  of  Civil  En- 

American  Society  for  Metals 

American  Society  for  Mechani- 
cal Engineers 

American  Society  of  Safety  En- 

Am  Vets 

Association  for  Childhood  Ed- 

Association  of  Life  Underwrit- 


Association  of  Engineers  and 

AEC  Employee's  Association 

Air  Reserve  Association 

Atomic  Trades  and  Labor 
Council  (AFL) 

Bar  Association 

Berea  College  Alumni  Club 

Beta  Sigma  Phi  Sorority 

Boy  Scouts  of  America 

Business  and  Professional 
Women's  Club 

Chamber  of  Commerce 

Camera  Club 

Cat  Fancier's  Club 

Cedar  Hill  Parents  Association 

Central  Labor  Union  (AFL) 

Chess  Club 

Children's  Theatre 

Children's  Museum 

Cinema  Club 

Citizens  Fund  Raising  Screen- 
ing Committee 

Civic  Music  Association 

Civil  Air  Patrol 

Community  Chest,  Inc. 



Community  Chorus 

Community  Playhouse 

Community  Singing 

Conversation  Club 

Coon  Hunters 

Dance  Club 

Daughters  of  American  Revo- 

De  Molay 

Disabled  American  Vets 

Duplicate  Bridge  Club 


Eastern  Star 


Eye  of  Americans 

Exchange  Club 

Fishing  Club 

Fraternal  Order  of  Police 

Georgia  Tech  Alumni  Associa- 

Girl  Scouts  Council 

Gray  Lady  Corps 

Hiking  Club 

High  School  Service  Club 

Holy  Name  Society 

Instrument  Society  of  America 


Junior  Chamber  of  Commerce 

Junior  Red  Cross 

Kennel  Club 

Kiwanis  International 

Knights  of  Columbus 

League  of  Women  Voters 

Library  Board 

Lions  Club 

Lioness  Club 


Medical  Society 

Medical  Society  Auxiliary 

Men  of  the  United  Church 

Michigan  Alumni  Club 

Ministerial  Association 

Model  Airplane  Club 

Model  Railroad  Club 


Municipal  Band 

Music  Listening  Group 

National  Council  of  Jewish 

National  Federation  of  Federal 

National  Guard 

Nurses  Association 

Oak  Ridge  Golf  and  Country 

Oak  Ridge  Education  Associa- 

Oak  Ridge  Sportsman  Associa- 

Oak  Ridge  Yacht  Club 

Oak  Ridge  Advisory  Planning 

Parent  Teachers  Association 

P.  E.  O.  Sisterhood 

Pistol  Club 

Photographers  Association 

Power  Engineers 

Power  Squadron 

Public  Health  Advisory  Coun- 

Radio  Operators  Club 

Rainbow  Girls 


Recreation  Board 

Reserve  Officers  Association 

Riding  Club  and  Horse  Show 

Rifle  Club 

Rotary  Club 

Ski  Club 

Shrine  Club 

Stamp  Club 

Symphony  Orchestra 

Tennis  Club 

Town  Council 

Trap  and  Skeet  Club 

Trade  and  Industrial  Club 

Tuberculosis  Association 

United  Gas,  Coke  and  Chemi- 
cal Workers  (CIO) 

United  World  Federalists 
Veterans  of  Foreign  Wars  of 

the  United  States 
United  Veterans  Association 
Veterans  of  Foreign  Wars 
Virginia  Polytechnic  Institute 

Alumni  Association 
Virginia  Alumni  Association 
Welfare  Council 
Welfare  Services  Advisory 

Wildcats  Den 

Women's  Bowling  Association 
Women's  Club 
Women's  Democrat  Club 
Young  Democrats  Club 
Young  Republican  Club 


Baptist,  Calvary 

Baptist,  First 

Baptist,  Freewill 

Baptist,  Glenwood 

Baptist,  Highland  View 

Baptist,  Mt.  Zion 

Baptist,  Robertsville 

Catholic,  Saint  Mary's 

Christian  Science 

Church  of  Christ,  Cedar  Hill 

Church  of  Christ,  Highland 

Church  of  Jesus  Christ  of  the 

Latter-Day  Saints 
Church  of  the  Open  Door 
Church  of  God,  Iroquois 

Community  Church 

Episcopal,  St.  Stephens 

First  Christian  Church 


Lutheran,  Faith 

Lutheran  (Grace  Evangelical) 

Methodist,  First 

Methodist,  Kern  Memorial 

Methodist,  Trinity 

Methodist  Episcopal  Church 

Nazarene,  Church  of  The 

Presbyterian,  First 

United  Church 

United  Church,  Oak  Valley 

Unitarian,  Tennessee  Valley 



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