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Full text of "Observations upon the present state of the Scotch fisheries [electronic resource] : and the improvement of the interior parts of the Highlands : being an essay on these subjects, given in to the Highland Society of Scotland ..."

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Robert  E.  Gross 

A  Memorial  to  the  Founder 
of  the 

Business  Administration  Library 
Los  Angeles 












or  THE 






^ad  fa  tvuiciJ  the^  tuere  pl'cfed  to  at^jfidge  their  Highfjt  Frizc* 
Midalfar  ihi  Year  1790. 

Br     P.  WHITE,  ESqK 




Anno  i7yi. 

P  R  E  F  A-  C  E,' 

It  has   been   ufual   for  perfons 
vvliom   the    Commonwealth   of 
Letters  did  not    recognize,   and 
who  have  mbinitted   their  opi- 
nions to  the  ordeal  of  the  Pub- 
lic,  to  introduce  themfelves  to' 
thcirRcader  with  an  apology  for 
their   conduct.     This   mode  of 
a  3  pro^ 

6  Preface. 

proceeding  has  the  refemblance 
of  humility  and  modcfty :  It 
may  be>  however, doubted,,  (con- 
fidering  the  natural  pronenefs 
there  is  in  mankind  to  felf-ap- 
probation,)  whether  in  general 
there  is  much  fincerity  in  fuch 
apologizing  introductions.  At 
any  rate,  there  is  certainly  a  de- 
gree of  ^bliirdity,  and  perhaps 
of  unfairnefs,  in  fuch  feeming 
lowliaefs  :  It  is  unfair,  becaufe  it 


Preface^  ^ 

IS  a  kind  of  befpeaking  the  Read- 
er's favour,  by  praclifing  upon 
his  paffioRS:  And  it  is  abfurd, 
becaufe  the  author  is  thereby 
taking  blame  to  himfelf  before 
any  one  imputes  it  to  him.  For 
thefe  reafonS;,  the  Author  of  the 
prefent  perfonnance  has  not  fol- 
lowed the  method  ufualiy  adopt- 
ed in  Prefaces. 

It  will  be   learned  from  the 

title  page  of  the  folio v/ingj[heets, 


9-  Preface: 

that  they  were  originally  wrote 
for  the  information  and  parti- 
cular ufe  of  the  Hi'^hland  So- 
eiety  of  Scotland.  It  is  with 
the  permiffion  of  that  Society,- 
that  they  now  come  abroad,  and 
are  fubmitted  to  the  judgement 
of  the  Public. 

The  information  upon  which 
the  arguments  made  ufe  of  in 
the   prefent   tract  are  founded, 


Preface,  9 

has  been  acquired  by  the  expe- 
rience of  a  ten  years  refidence 
upon  the  North- Well  coafl  of 
Scotland  ;  and  is  likewife  the  re- 
fult  of  a  good  deal  of  confide- 
ration  bellowed  upon  the  fub- 
jectofthe  Fiilieries.  Cur  Read- 
er will  fee,  that  the  inferences 
which  we  have  drawn,  are  almoft 
totally  difFerentfromthofewhich 
have  been  drawn  by  others  who 
have  wrote  before  us,  fo  far  as. 


jro^  Preface. 

the  fubjed  refpedsthe  Fiflieries. 
We  however  truft,  they  will  be 
found  to  be  juft,  and  to  merit 
fome  degree  of  confideration. 

^      ^'     *^      * 

The  Author,  in  difcuffing  hia 
fubjecT,  had  not  any  pleafing 
profpe6l  of  praife  before  him: 
He  was  obliged,  confiftent  with 
truth,  and  his  own  ferious  con- 

Preface*  ^     11 

vlctloiij  to  reprefent  a  fabjecl, 
which  had  become  popular,  in  a 
iefs  favourable  point  of  view 
than  it  has  been  treated  of  by  o- 
thers.— As  Praife  was  not,  there- 
fore, the  Author's  aim,  Cenfure^ 
he  hopes,  will  the  more  readily 
fpare  him. 

In  thefe  fentiments,  he  fub- 
mits  his  Obfervations  to  the 

Edinburgh^      1 
JuLT  iSl/jy  1 79 1.  J 





The  Highland  Societt  of  Scotlaxd. 

X  HE  Society  having,  in  an  advertiie- 
ment  figned  by  their  Secretary,  and 
publifned  in  the  Edinburgh  Papers,  de- 
fired  information  from  fuch  perfons  as 
were  willing  to  give  it,  as  to  the  Pre- 
fent  State  of  the  Scotch  Fishery,  and 
the  bed  means  of  promoting  and  im- 
proving the  fame  :  And  the  Society- 

14  Ohfervatlons  upon 

htiYing  alio,  in  their  advertifeni en t,  de- 
iired  that  it  might  ht  ilated  by  fuch 
perfons,  "  vVhat  the  circumilanc  c .  were 
**  which  fhoiild  determine  the  lituatioii 
'*  of  the  villages  intended  to  be  built 
'*  upon  the  coafls,  and  in  the  inland 
*^  parts  of  the  Highlands  ; — the  proper 
*'  meafures  to  be  adopted  by  Govern- 
*'  ment,-~by  the  Joint-Stock  Com- 
*'  panv  lately  cftabliilied  by  acl  of 
**  Parliament, — by  the  Society, — or  by 
*^  the  proprietors  of  lands  in  the  High- 
**  lands,  in  forming  fuch  eft ablifhments, 
"  — the  encouragements  proper  to  be 
"  given, — the  beft  method  of  provid- 
"  ing  the  fettlers  with  ground  for 
**  building,  and  otherpurpofes, — andfcr 
<*  fecuring  to  them  a  fupply  of  necef- 
*'  faries  during  the  infancy  of  Tuch 
"  eflabliUiment ;"  the  prefent  paper  is 


7'he  Sxotch  fybenes.  15 

meant  aa-tin  endeaTOur  to  convey  to  the 
Society  the  information  deiired  :  Eat 
the  author  miiH  crave  liberty  not  to 
confine  himfelf  barely  to  the  quefdonS 
above  propofed  :  and  like  wife  he  hopes 
the  Society  will  pardon  him,  if,  in  fpeak- 
ing  to  thefe  qiieftions,  he  fhail  depart 
fomewhat  from  the  order  in  v;hich  they 
are  dated.  It  will  readily  appear,  to 
every  gentleman  into  whofe  hands  this 
paper  may  come,  that  in  detailing  fads^ 
and  making  obfervations,  upon  a  iah^ 
jecl  where  the  detailer  can  have  no  in- 
tereft,  and  has  no  intention  to  miflead, 
the  bed  way  fully  to  underRand  him, 
and  to  profit  by  his  information,  is  to 
allow  him  to  deliver  the  account  in  fuch 
order  as  is  mod  conformable  to  his  own 
train  of  ideas.  The  author  of  the  ob- 
fervations now  to  be  on^ered  fhall  de- 
A  2  tain 

1 6  Qhfervatlons  up 


tain  the  Society  with  no  farther  preface 
or  apology  :  If  any  of  his  remarks  fhail 
be  deemed  worthy  of  its  attention,  or 
.ihall  be  in  any.  jdegree  conducive  to 
the  welfare  of  the  Filhery  and  the 
Goiintry,  he  attains  his  whole  aim  in 
the  prefent  addrefs. 

To  a  feeling  and  rational  mind,  the 
fubjecl  now  before  us  will,  appear  of 
the  greatefi  magnitude  and  importance, 
and  replete  with  matter  well  worthy  of 
the  molt  ferious  inveftigation.  Whe- 
ther the  fubj.ed:  is  confidered  as  affedl- 
ing  individuals,  or  as  affeding  the  com- 
munity at  large,  it  is  equally  interell- 
ing.  It  concerns  the  well-being  of  near- 
ly two-thirds  of  the  inhabitants  of  this 
part  of  the  United  Kingdom,  men  who 
are  by  no  means  behind  their  neigh- 
bo  un 

'The  Scotch  lyljcrles.  ly 

bours  in  either  the  qualities  of  body  or 
mind,  but  whofe  labours  are,  at  prefent, 
of  very  little  ufe  to  the  public,  and  of 
ilill  lefs  to  themfelves. — It  was  referved 
for  good  men,  lovers  of  their  country, 
to  meet  and  confult  together,  for  the 
humane,  munificent,  and  patriotic  pur- 
pofe,  of  benefiting  their  country,  and 
cherifliing  her  ufeful  and  forgotten  Sons* 

The  order  in  which  we  pfopofe  td 
treat  the  matter  nov/  in  hand,  is,  frjl. 
To  give  a  detail  of  the  Frefent  State  of 
the  Scotch  Fifiiery  ;  in  which  v/e  fiiall 
fatisfy  ourfelves  with  a  Ihort  view 
of  that  on  the  Eaft  Coafl,  as  not  be^ 
ing  the  imm.ediate  objedl  of  our  en- 
quiry, or  affording  fo  much  field  for 
obfervation  ;  but  fliail  dwell  pretty 
largely  upon  the  Fifhery  on  the  Weit 
A  3  Coail, 


Ohfervations  upon 

Coafl,  as  being  1;he  major  point  in  view  ; 
in  the  coiirfe  of  makin<5  our  obfcrva- 
tions  upon  whicli,  we  will  take  notice 
of  the  cii'cumftances  which  fliould  de- 
termine the  fituation  of  the  intended 
villages,  the  encouragement  proper  to 
be  given  to  the  fettlers,  and  the  other 
requiiitions  contained  in  the  Socie- 
ty's advertiiement,  intermingling,  as 
v/e  go  along,  fuch  remarks  and  ftric- 
tures  as  fhall  arife  out  of  the  fubjed  : 
And  to  the  whole  we  lliall  fuperadd  re- 
marks upon  the  interior  parts  of  the 
Highlands,  with  a  propofai  for  the  im- 
provement of  that  part  of  the  country. 

We  might  probably  be  excufed,  w-ere 
we  to  omit  altogether  faying  any  thing 
of  the  Fifhery  upon  the  coail  betwixt 
Ecrwick  upon  Tweed,  and  the  entrance 


Ihe  Scotch  Fijljeries,  tp 

to  the  Murray  Frith.  The  coafl  of 
that  tradt  of  country  is  populous  and 
rich  :  there  is  a  conftant  market  for 
ail  the  frelh  fiHi  caught  there,  and 
the  inhabitants  hare  the  command  of 
fViipping  at  all  times,  to  tranfport  fuch 
filh  as  they  find  it  their  accourit  to  fend 
abroad  or  coaflvvife.  Were  the  coails 
of  the  Highlands  as  populous  and  fer- 
tile as  this  part  of  Scotland,  the  tafK 
would  be  eafy  to  improve  the  Fifh- 
eries  there  :  The  coaft  we  are  fpeaking 
of  is  the  bell  improved  in  the  kingdom  : 
there  are,  however,  feme  of  its  advan- 
tages for  carrying  on  the  Filhery  trade 
which  are  neglec^led.  At  Stirling,  Perth, 
Aberdeen,  and  Spey,  the  Salmon- Filh- 
ery is  profecuted  with  much  attention, 
and  a  pretty  good  fupply  fent  from  the 
two  firil  places  to  the  Edinburgh  mar- 

20  Ohfervatiom  'Hf'oTf 

ket ;  a  much  larger  of  boiled  falmon  is^ 
'however,  fent  from  all  thefe  places  to 
the  London  market,  preferved  in  vine- 
gar, and  packed  in  fmall  tubs  called 
kitts.  Sometimes  this  fifh  has  fold  in 
London  at  two  fliillings  and  fixpence 
a  pound  ;  at  other  times  it  has  been 
fold  as  low  as  fixpence.  When  the 
price  falls  in  London,  they  beghi  at  the 
falmon-river^to  fait  their  fifh-  for  expor- 
tation :  The  ordinary  average  price 
thefe  iifli  bring  abroad,  is  about  four 
pounds ^<?;'  barrel  of  forty  two  gallons, 
with  the  further  advantage  pf  a  premi- 
um from  Government  of  4w^  Hiillings 
and  lixpence  per  barrel. 

At  Dunbar,  and  upon  a  fmall  extent 
of  the  coail  on  each  fide  of  the  Frith  of 
Torth;    a  llioal  of  herrings   very  often 


n^  Scotch  Fi/Jjeries,  21 

]c:t  in  about  the  beginning  of  Karyefl, 
the  greatefl  part  of  which  are  fold  freih, 
(mollly  at  Edinburgh)  and  fetch  great 
prices.  The  Mellrs  Falls  at  Bunbar 
followed  this  filhery  with  great  induf- 
try.  Some  of  their  herrings  they  fmoah- 
ed  in  the  Yarmouth  way,  Thefe  iifn 
do  not  feem,  however,  to  be  fo  fit  for 
curing  into  white  or  pickled  herrings.: 
they  have  not  that  fapid  oily  quality 
which  the  herrings  on  the  V/eil  Coafl: 
lochs  poiTefs  :  When  falted  and  kept  for 
any  length  of  time,  they  become  ratliex 
infipid  and  dry. 

It  is  perhaps  needlefe  to  mention, 
that  within  thefe  few  years  great  exer- 
tions have  been  made  in  the  Whale 
trade ;  and  the  towns  of  Leith,  Aber- 
deen;,   Dundee,    Montrofe,    S^c.    have 


'-22  Ohjervat'ions  upon 

made  very-  encouraging  adventures  in 
that  way.  Lqfily^  Although  there  are 
few  herrings  caught  in  the  Frith  of 
Forth,  or  upon  thp  coaft  of  the  diRridl 
betv>7ixt  that  and  the  Murray  Frith^ 
yet  there  are  a  good  many  biiffes  fitted 
out  from  that  part  of  the  coafl,  particu- 
larly from  Leith,  for  the  Herring-fifh- 
eryonthe  Weil  Goad.  Abbut  the  time 
of  Charles  I.  the  inhabitants  of  the 
coafts  of  tlie  Frith  of  Forth  carried  on 
a  brill?:  trade,  and  fitted  out  a  great  num- 
ber of  bufles,  the  cargoes  of  which  they 
exported  mofily  to  theBaltic.  Some  of  the 
towns  which  enjoyed  this  trade  exhibit 
at  this  day  fpedacles  of  mifery  and 
wietchednefs.  The  troubles  which  pre- 
ceded and  followed  the  King's  death 
ruined  the  circumftanceSj   and  damped 


^'he  Scotch  Fifo cries,  '2j 

the  aclventrous  fpirit  of  thefe  merchants. 
But  there  was,  and  ftili  is,  amongil  their 
fuccelTors,  a  remain  of  that  fpirit  for 
which  their  forefathers  were  fo  remark- 
able ;  and  it  is  only  of  late  years  that 
they  have  totally  loft  the  trade  of  fend- 
ing herrings  to  the  ports  in  the  Baltic, 
by  thefe  fiili  appearing  upon  the  coails 
of  the  countries  there,  of  which  the  in- 
habitants availed  themfelves. 

There  is  no  part  of  Scotland  where 
the  white  fiihery  for  the  frefh  markets 
there  is  carried  on  with  more  induftry, 
or  better  underftood,  than  v/ithin  the 
diftrict  we  have  mentioned :  We  will 
even  venture  to  go  farther,  and  to  aflirm, 
that  there  is  not  in  any  part  of  Europe, 
(Holland  excepted)  better  white  fifiiers 
than  tliofe  v*'ho  follow   that  profeflion 


t4'  Ohfervations  upon 

upon  the  Eaft  Coail  of  Scotland.  Is  it 
not  therefore  to  be  wondered  at,  that  the 
merchants  upon  that  coaft,  particularly 
at  Aberdeen,  Montrofe,  &c.  have  never 
made  an  attempt  to  fend  haddocks,  cod, 
&c.  to  the  London  market  ?  Such  a 
trade  would  cerainly  yield  great  proiit : 
The  Ml  to  be  fprinkled  with  the  purefl 
of  fmall  fait,  and  might  be  either  bought 
from  the  boat-fifliers,  or  caught  on 
board  the  fwift  failing  fmacks,  (in 
which  they  might  le  carried  feafonably 
to  London)  as  beft  fuited  circumftances: 
but  the  fifliing  on  board  the  fmacks 
would  be  the  moil  certain  method,  be- 
caufe  they  could  keep  the  fea  to  fifli 
when  the  boats  could  not.  It  is  the 
more  furprifing  that  this  trade  is  not 
attempted,  when  it  is  confidered,  that 
the    famous   fifliing- bank,    called    the 



The  Scotch  Fi/Jjcrks,  25 

Long  Forties,  runs  along  ft  this  part  of 
the  coall.  W^z  do  not  know  that  the 
inhabitants  of  the  call  coail  of  Scotland 
neglecl  any  other  local  advantage  they 
polTefs  from  their  fliores,  excepting  that 
we  have  now  mentioned,  unlefs,  per- 
haps, that  they  do  not  pay  that  atten- 
tion to  their  lobiler-flfliing  which  it  d-e- 

We  fliall  now  fpeak  of  the  fifliery 
on  the  ccail  of  that  track  of  country, 
which  lies  between  the  entrance  to  the 
Murray  Frith,  and  the  promontory  cal- 
led Cape  Wrath,  in  the  county  of  Su- 
therland ;  in  which  we  lliall  include 
the  Orkney  Iflands.  Wc  iliall  omit 
faying  any  thing  of  the  Shetland  filli- 
ing,  as  probably  not  being  particularly 
f  mbraced  by  the  Society,  whofe  pa- 
C  tronage. 

^6  Ohfervations  upon 

tronage,  if  we  apprehend  right,  has 
the  Highlands  and  Iilands  adjacent 
thereto,  for  its  more  immediate  objects. 
Indeed,  it  is  fo  far  convenient  to  our 
purpofe,  that  little  remains  to  be  pro- 
pofed,  for  improving  the  fiiliery  car- 
ried on  upon  the  coaft  of  Shetland  : 
the  induliry  of  the  inhabitants  is  great, 
and  their  fuccefs  not  difproportioned  to 
it.  We  hope  the  day  is  at  no  great 
diftance,  when  we  fhall  fee  the  like  at- 
tention to  the  curing  of  good  and  mer- 
chantable fiHi  among  the  natives  of  the 
Highland  coaft,  as  is  amongil  the  inha- 
bitants of  Shetland,  and  their  induilry 
.equally  rewarded.  Much  praife  is  due 
to  the  gentlemen  in  Shetland  ;  they  are 
the  very  foul  of  the  fifliing  there  ;  it 
was  firft  foflered  by  them,  and  they 
maintain  it  to  this  day,  to  the  great  aid- 

Ihe  Scotch  Fi/Jjcries,  27 

vantage  of  themfclves,  and  the  natives 
their  dependents,  who  are  amongil  the 
bell  carers  of  cod,  ling,  and  other  white 
filh  in  Scotland.  The  cod-fnliing  is 
more  certain  at  Shetland  than  the  her- 
ring, and  the  inhabitants  of  courfe  turn 
their  attention  moflly  to  the  former. 
At  fame  time,  fuch  herrings  as  they  do 
cure  are  the  bed  of  this  country.  This 
is  an  effecl  of  their  frequent  communi- 
cation with  the  Dutch., 

The  only  fiiliing  carried  on  in  the 
Murray  Frith,  excepting  the  white 
fiihing  for  the  frefli  markets  at  the 
towns  of  Cromarty,  Elgin,  Forres, 
Nairn,  and  Invernefs,  is  the  falmon- 
tifhery  at  the  rivers  of  Nefs  and  Beau- 
He,  and  a  lelTer  falmon-fifliing  at  the 
nver  of  Findhorn.  There  is  indeed  a 
C  2»  fmall 

!28  Ohjer'vations  upon 

fmall  flioal  of  lierrings  ufually  appear 
(at  leail  once  a  year)  in  the  Frith  ;  and 
"for  fome  years  back  have  conltantly  ap- 
peared at  a   narrow  ilrait,   which  di- 
vides   Invernefs-niire  from  Rofs-fhire, 
called  the    Ferry   of  KefTock.     Thefe 
fifli  are,  however,    of  fo  fiTi-all   a  lizc^ 
and  fo  poor,  as  to  be  altogether  imEt 
for   curing  ;     they    are  therefore    fold 
anoftiy  at  the-  market  at  Invernefs,  and 
are,  in  fome  fcarce  feafons,  a  welcome 
fupply  to  the  inhabitants  of  that  coun- 
try.    The  continuance  of  thefe  fifh  is 
Tcry  uncertain ;  fcmetimes  only  a  few 
days,  at  other  times  for  a  month  \  but 
they  never  appear  in  any  confiderable 
quantities. — The   Socrety  vvill  perceive 
tl>at  this  account  of  the  KeiTcck  her- 
rings is  very  different  from  that  given 
by  a  late  writer  of  a  neighbourmg  Idng- 


Ihe  Scotch  Tiperles.  29 

flom.  He  feems  throughout  to  have 
viewed  every  thing  in  this  country 
through  a  favourable  glafs.  But  the 
account  here  given  is  the  truth,  which, 
though  not  always  fo  pleafant  as  fi6lion, 
is  yet  in  the  end  more  whole fonie.  But 
we  return  from  this  digreffion  to  our 
fubject,  and  have  to  obierve,  that 
the  filliing  for  falmon  in  the  rivers  a- 
bove  mentioned,  is  pufiied  with  great 
induilry  ;  and  the  tackfmen  of  thefe  ri- 
vers, who  are  fometimes  alfo  tackfmen 
of  part  of  the  falmon  rivers  in  Angus, 
Aberdeen  and  BanfF-lliires,  follow  the 
fame  plan  of  boiling  for  the  London 
market,  or  faking  for  exportation,  at 
Invernefs  and  Beaulie,  as  is  done  at  the 
other  rivers  in  Scotland. — It  appears  by 
the  cuilom-houfe  books  at  Invernefs, 
that  about  the  1743,  ten  thouilmd  bar- 
C  3  rels 

30  Ohfervations  upon 

rels  of  herrings  were  caught  and  cured 
in  the  Murray  Frith,  near  the  place 
where  Fort  George  now  ftands  :  Since 
that  time  there  has  been  no  confider- 
able  take  of  herrings^  fit  for  curing,  in 
that  Frith. 

Within  the  Frith  of  Dornoch,  and 
upon  the  whole  of  the  eail  coall  of 
Sutherland,  there  is  not  any  fifhing  car- 
ried on  that  deferves  alnioft  to  be  men- 
tioned. We  know  of  no  falmon  river 
of  any  note  within  that  diitricl :  An  in- 
Goniiderable  falmon-fifliing  is  carried 
©n  at  the  Bonar,,  at  the  head  of  the  faid 
Frith ;  another  one  at  Brora,  and  one 
at  Helmfdale.  Herrings  have  not  ap- 
peared upon  the  eafl  coail  of  Suther- 
land, in  any  great  number,  for  a  long 
time  back :  Indeed,  fliould  they  appear, 



The  Scotch  Fi/heries,  ^z 

tciQ  natives  are  not  polTefTed  of  tackling 
to  kill  them.     This  part  of  the  coaft  a- 
bounds,   however^   in  excellent   white 
fiih,  particularly  off  Tarbett-nefs,   and 
in  a  line  from  the  fouth   fide  of  the 
Murray  Frith  to  the  north  fide  of  the 
Frith  of  Dornoch,,  and  down  towards 
the  coaft  of  Caithnefs.     A  good  fupply 
is  afforded  for  the  ufe   of  the  country 
thereabouts.     Much  profit  would  arife 
to   perfons  AAho   would   employ  fmaU 
vefTels   in   fifliing  on  that  part  of  the 
coaft  for  the  London  market ;  the  fifh 
to  be  fprinkled  in  the  way  vv^e  have  al- 
ready mentioned.      This   is   the  only 
improvement  the  filhery  will  admit  of 
upon  this  part  of  the  coafl ;  but  the  at- 
tainment of  it  would  be  of  great  confe- 
quence  to  the  country. 


32  Ohfervations  upon 

The  northeail  coall  of  Caithnefs  is 
not  remarkable  for  a  refort  of  herrings. 
White  fifh  are  plenty  enough  in  com- 
mon with  the  reil  of  the  eaft  coafh  of 
Scotland.  Before  we  fpeak  of  the 
north- weft  coaft  of  Caithnefs,  which 
lies  within  the  Pentland  Frith,  we  fhall 
juft  mention  the  Orkney  lilands  ;  and, 
with  regard  to  them,  we  have  only  to 
obferve,  that  herrings  do  not  ufually 
embay  themfelves  amongft  thefe  iflands, 
at  leaft  not  in  any  coniiderable  num- 
bers ;  they  have  white  fifh  enow  there, 
and  they  have  a  very  clear  navigation 
for  carrying  them  to  London,  if  they 
inclined  fo  to  do.  It  would  be  no  cb- 
jedion  to  the  fale  of  thefe  fifh  that  they- 
were  powdered  with  fait ;  on  the  con- 
trary, fuch  fifh  are  very  agreeable  when 
boiled,  to  the  tafte  of  moft  people. 


The  Scotch  Fi/J: erics.  '^y 

Upon  tiic  north- vv'efl  coail  of  Caith- 
nefs,  tliere  is  ufiialiy  a  good  fifning  for 
herrings  :  Thcj  appear  there  ordinari- 
ly in  fummer.  At  Wick  and  Staxigo, 
fome  buildings  have  been  ere  died  for 
curing  red  herrings,  by  merchants  from- 
Duubar  and  Aberdeen.  We  do  not 
know,  however,  that  they  have  had 
much  fuccefs.  The  coaft  there  is  fo 
dangerous,  and  tlie  weather,  even  in 
fummer,  fo  bcifterous^  that  it  is  not  fafe 
to  fiih  in  either  boats  or  velTels  upon 
that  coail,  efpecially  as  there  is  not  a 
proper  harbour  upon  tlie  whole  of  it. 
It  is  certainly  a  great  objecl,  to  the  gen- 
tlemen of  the  county  of  Caithnefs,  to 
attempt  to  get  at  leafl  one  good  land- 
ing place  made  upon  that  coail,  which 
v;ould  greatly  facihtate  the  filliing 
there,  which,  in  our  opinion,  v/ill  nevei> 


34  Ohfervatlo7is  upon 

do  much  good  until  tliat  happens.  It 
is  the  more  to  be  regreted  that  there 
is  not  harbours  iipon  that  coafl,  that  the 
Caithnefs  herrings  are  a  good  deal 
larger  than  any  got  upon  the  refl  of 
the  ^vhole  coafl  of  Scotland. 

We  are  now  arrived  upon  the  v/efl 
coafh  of  Scotland,  which  may  very  pro- 
perly be  denominated  the  Great  Fifn- 
mg  Grounds  of  Britain.  This  appella- 
tion belongs  to  the  fnores  of  the  whole 
track  of  country,  which  lies  between 
the  north-weftern  extremity  of  the 
coafl  of  Caithnefs,  and  the  Mull  of  Gal- 
loway, including  alfo  under  that  name 
the  whole  of  the  Hebrides.  It  is  no 
part  of  our  purpofe  in  this  paper  to  en- 
ter into  geographical  or  hiilorical  ac- 
counts of  thefe  coafls  and  iilands,  as  be- 


Ihe  Scotch  FiJJjenes.  35 

ing  a  thing  extraneous  to  the  fubjecl. 
Were  it  indeed  allowable  to  introduce 
fiich  defcriptions  here,  they  are  already 
anticipated,  in  the  large  accounts  pub- 
iilhed  in  the  works  of  Pennant,  John- 
lion,  Anderfon,  Knox,  6^0.  In  ihort, 
fo  much  has  of  late  been  wrote  and  faid 
(fome  true,  fome  falfe)  about  the  He- 
brides, that  it  w^ould  be  almofl  an  im- 
pertinent talk,  to  attempt  a  farther  de- 
icriptioii  of  them.  The  geography  of 
thefe  remote  countries  and  illands  is 
now  more  familiar  to  fome  perfons  even 
in  England,  than  that  of  the  county  of 

We  fliall  here,  by  the  way,  take  the 
liberty  to  obferve,  that  it  is  a  pity  that 
little  benefit  has  accrued  to  the  filhery 
or  the  country,    from  the  (probably) 


36  Ohfcrvations  upon 

well-meant  endeavours  of  fome  of  the 
writers  above  mentioned.  There  were 
two  great  reafons  for  their  failure  in 
this  refpecl :  The  firfl  was,  that  the 
accounts  they  publiflied  were  picked 
up  by  them  in  the  courfe  of  their  fly- 
ing excurfions,  v/hen  they  neither  had 
time  nor  opportunity  to  lludy  the  ge- 
nius and  difpofition  of  the  natives  of 
that  country,  to  coniider  its  trade,  or  to 
weigh  its  local  advantages  or  difadvan- 
tages.  Founded  upon  information  thus 
obtained,  voluminous  produclions  have 
been  obtruded  upon  the  world  full  of 
inferences,  as  falfe  as  the  proportions 
they  flowed  from,  and  containing  ex- 
travagant exprelTions  and  contradic- 
tions. This  laft  is  the  other  caufe  of 
thefe  writings  not  being  attended  to  by 
the  great  in  the  other  kingdom.,  and,  ol 

courfe  J 

Ihe  Scotch  Yij'heries,  37 

,€Ourfe  tlie  fabjecl  of  them  not  being 
taken  up  as  a  national  concern.  Knox 
fays,  in  his  View  of  the  Britiili  Empire, 
Vol.  ill.  page  I2ifi:,  "  The  tenants  are 
"  opprelfed  by  the  proprietors  of  lands 
"  in  the  Highlands." — A  gain,  page  123d 
of  fame  volume,  ''  That  the  proprietors 
^'  of  lands  in  the  Highlands  are  Gam- 
blers and  Horfe-Jockies,"  and,  page 
127th,  fame  volumie,  **  That  Highland 
**  eftates  are  the  feats  of  opprelfion, 
-^*  anguifh  and  wild  defpair." 

^We  fhall  fuppofe  an  Eng-  ifh  gentleman, 
a  Member  of  Parliament ,  ''ttlng  in  his 
clofet,  with  Mr  Knox's  book  in  his  hand: 
when  he  comes  to  the  pafTages  cited,  he 
lays  down  the  book  for  a  moment :  his 
meditation  will  be  very  lliort;  and  its 
jf)dds  but  it  produces  the  following  foil- 
D  loquy : 

38  Ohfervations  upon 

loquy  :  "  If  what  is  here  faid  be  tru€, 
(and  from  the  confident  manner  in 
\vhich  t  IS  afierted,  I  would  incline  to 
believe  it  is  true)  I  think  I  perceive 
this  buiinefs  to  be  a  bite.  If  Parlia- 
ment fhall  proceed  to  give  away  the 
public  money  to  encourage  thofe  oppref- 
fed  men  to  fiih,  why,  what  benefit  to 
them  fliall  it  be  ?  it  will  only  increafe 
t,he  rapacious  de^^ands  of  the'e  gamb- 
lers and  horfe-jockies  upon  them."  The 
Englifh  member  mufes  a  ittle,  perhaps, 
?md  begins  to  get  rid  of  this  4i^^culty, 
by  refleding,  that,  in  good  policy,  a  par- 
tial evil  may  be  permitted,  when  it 
draws  along  w^ith  it  a  general  good. 
That  is  to  fay,  no  matter,  v^^hether  the 
^dliial  catchers  of  the  fiili  ai-e  benefited 
r>x  not :  If  they  are  encouraged,  fifh 
,will  be  caught ;  and  of  courfe  the  trade 


Tfje  Scotch  Fi/Jjeries.  39 

^nd  profperity  of  tlie  country  promoted. 
The  gentleman,  thus  again  reconciled 
to  the  fubjedl,  takes  up  the  book,  and 
reads  on,  perhaps,  till  he  cames  to  page 
377.  of  it,  where  the  author  fays,  "  That 
"  the  want  of/ale  was  one  of  the  prin- 
"  cipal  caufes  of  the  failure  of  the 
*'  Britiih  White  Herring  Company,  ef* 
"  tablifliedin  i750yby  men  ofunlimit- 
**  ed  property,  aided  by  a  bounty  of 
"  50  s.  per  ton  from  Government, 
"  without  the  riralfliip  of  Ireland." 
The  Member  is  flartled,  and  a  fecond 
time  lays  down  the  book:  He  immedi- 
ately fays  to  himfelf,  "  I  have  now  read 
377  pages  of  this  author  ;  and  I  have 
been  all  along  underitanding,  his  drift 
to  be,  to  llimulate  a  fpirit  of  adventure 
in  the  Fifliery. — I  did  not  well  under- 
ftand  him,  I  confefs,  when  he  enabled 
D  2  me 

40  Ohfervations  upon 

me,  by  his  fiatement  about  the  oppref^ 
lions  of  Highland  proprietors,  to  draw 
a  conclulion  unfavourable  to  his  own 
(\^^igD..     I  thought  indeed  I  had  reliev- 
ed myfelf  from  that  difficulty  ;  but  he 
has  fnatched  the  hope,  by  railing  an  in- 
fiiperable   objedlion  ;  for  he  tells   me, 
UP  equivocally,    that  there  was  not  a 
market  for  Britifn  herrings,  even  when 
Ireland  caught   none.      I   know  that 
now  prodigious  quantities   of  herrings 
are  caught  by  the  Irilh  ;  I  know,  like- 
wife,  that  nnce  the  1750,  we  have  aC' 
quired  no    new    colonies  to  v»'hich  we 
may  export  our  herrings ;  nor  have  we,, 
by  any  new  and  fuperior  modes  of  cur- 
ing them,  procured  to  ourfelves  a  pre- 
ference in  the   European   markets.     I 
perceive  the  whole  buiinefs  to  be  a  mif- 
take.     If  v/e  have  not  a  proper  market 


The  Scotch  Fipjcrles,  41 

fcr  even  thef  Herrings  wc  now  catch, 
why  give  money  to  encourage  the 
catching  more,  until  new  markets  are 
difcov.ered  ?  That  would  be  needlefs,. 
indeed :  I  will  read  no  more :  This 
author  either  does  not  underiland  his 
fubjedl,  or  is  endeavouring  to  impofe 
upon  his  reader."  With  this,  the  well 
meaning  gentleman,  who  probably 
would  have  given  his  fupport  in  the 
Senate,  to  any  proper  plan  for  encou- 
raging the  Plighiand  Fiflieries,  throws 
down  Mr  Knox's  book,  never  more  to 
take  it  up,  or  to  fpeak  favourably  of 
the  fubjccl  of  it* 

Inconfiflencies    and     mif-fcatements 

could  like  wife  be  pointed   out,    in  the 

writings  of  the  other  gentlemen  who  have 

yifited  that  country,  but  it  "would  anfwer 

D  3  ao 

42  Ohfervations  upon 

no  particular  purpofe  to  do  fo  here. — 
Mr  Knox  having,  however,  exceeded 
them  all,  in  the  heedlefs  and  ranting 
manner  of  his  detail,  we  thought  it  not 
improper  to  flep  afide  a  little  from  our 
fubject  to  mention  him.  We  are  much 
afraid  he  has  done  hurt  to  that,  which 
(we  have  the  charity  to  believe)  he 
meant  to  ferve.  At  the  fame  time,  it 
may  not  be  improper  to  obferve,  as  a 
necelTary  caution  in  reading  his  perfor- 
mances, that  Mr  Knox  was  originally 
a  bookfeller  in  London,  in  which  pro- 
feJ[iion  he  was  very  fuccefsful. — After 
having  realifed  ic,cool.  he  quitted 
Bookfelling,  and  commenced  Bookmak- 
ing.  Mr  Knox  knew  from  experience,, 
that  the  fale  of  a  book  did  not  fo  much 
depend  upon  its  containing  truth,  as 
upon   its  being  judicioufly    decorated 

wi  th 


Tbe  Scotch  Fijljeriss.  43 

with  matter  which  would  excite  curio- 
fity.  It  is  to  be  feared  that  his  anxiety 
for  the  fale  of  his  book  has  kept  pace 
with,  if  not  exceeded,  his  anxiety  for 
the  Fifhery,  ahhough  the, latter  was  his 
great  cry.  Nothing  can  ^\^\n  this  more, 
than  the  wanton  manner  in  which  he 
attacks  the  charadlers  of  individuals. — 
Knox  knew,  as  a  bookfeller,  that  fcan- 
dal  is  always  read ;  and  that  plain 
truth  is  too  uniform,  to  pleafe  the  talle 
of  an  age  fo  remarkable  for  the  purfuit 
of  variety. 

Having  taken  the  liberty  to  make 
this  digrellion,  we  proceed  again  to 
take  notice,  that  the  whole  Weil  coafl 
of  Scotland  abounds  with  fiflx  of  dif- 
ferent kinds,  and,  in  the  proper  feafon, 
with  iaaumerabie  quantities  of  her- 
rings.— . 

44  Ohfervations  upon 

rings. — As  the  herrings  are  more  eaii- 
ly  catched  than  any  other  kind  of  Fifli^ 
are  fitter  for  receiving  fait  fo  as  to  keep, 
and  are  to  be  found  in  greater  numbers 
than  any  other  kind  of  fiili,  of  courfe, 
from  the  very  earlieil  accounts  of  civi- 
lization in  this  country,  the  catching^ 
thefe  fifh  has  drawn  attention  from 
the  inhabitants  of  the  country;  not  only 
from  thofe  reiident  upon  the  coafts  where 
they  are  caught,  but  from  thofe  upon 
the  Eaft  coafl  of  the  kingdom,  who  have 
failed  thither  to  take  them,  from  very 
early  periods  of  the  Scottifli  hiilory.  It 
is  apprehended  that  it  would  be  a  need- 
lefs  tafk  to  defcribe  minutely,  here,  the 
method  of  catching  the  herrings'.  It~ 
is  generally  known,  ihat  it  is  in  the 
night  time  they  are  eaiieft  killed,  by 
means    of    very     long    nets,    reaching- 


The  Scotch  Fifieries.  45 

almoilto  the  bottom  of  the  water :  When 
thefe  nets  are  drawn  up,  the  herrings 
>are  ordinariy  found  llrangled  in  the 
mafhes  or  loops  of  them  :  When  thus 
found,  they  prefent  perhaps  the  moil 
beautiful  appearance  in  all  animated 
nature, being  enamelled,  gilded,  painted, 
infinitely  beyond  every  thing  which  the 
moil  glowing  colours/and  happy  pencil 
can  defcribe  :  Thus  fecured,  they  are 
deprived  of  their  guts  :  the.:nelt  and 
roan  are  however  allowed  to  remain  : 
Then  they  are  ialted  and  barrelled  up  ; 
and,  v/hen  fo  cured,  with  cleanlinefs  and 
care,  are  an  acceptable  boon  from  the 
all-gracious  Author  of  Nature. — Unhap- 
pily, however,  in  this  country,  we  have 
not  yet  learned,  or  are  unwilling  to 
learn,  how  to  prcferve,  to  the  greateil 
advantage,    this  gift  of  the    Creator. 


46  Ohfervatlons  upon 

There  is  as  much  difference  to  the- pa- 
late, in  eating  a  herring  taken  out  of  a 
barrell  at  Amflerdam,  and  one  t.ikea 
out  of  a  barrell  at  Greenock,  as  is  be- 
tween the  relilh  of  a  piece  of  pork, 
part  of  a  fwine  fed  at  a  meal-mill  in 
Aberdeeniliire,  and  a  piece  of  the  like 
creature,  fed  amongil  the  fea  wreck 
and  fhell-iiih,  on  the  coail  of  Ireland^ 
On  the  caufe  of  this  difference,  we  fhali 
have  occalion  to  fpeak  hereafter* 

We  now  proceed  to  flate  to  the  So- 
ciety, in  a  brief  manner,  the  prefent 
pofture  of  the  Fiihery  for  herrings 
upon  the  coafts  of  the  Weil-Highlands ; 
but,  in  doing  this,  it  will  perhaps  be 
better  to  go  a  little  back.  It  is  with 
very  great  pleafure  that  w^e  begin  by 
acquainting    the    Society,     that    from 


^yje  Scotch  Fi/heries»  47 

good  information,  it  appears,  that  the 
inhabitants  of  ^fe- the  town  of  Stornaway 
in  the  Iiland  of  Lewis  (a  property  of 
the  Seaforih  family,)  have,  with  great 
induftry  and  perfeverance,  followed 
the  fiihing  ever  fince  the  union 
of  the  two  kingdoms,  and  with 
exemplary  fuccefs.  Their  anceftors 
followed  this  buiinefs  from  very  early 
times,  of  which  there  are  fufficient  mo- 
numents remaining :  but  it  was  after 
the  Union  that  the  merchants  in  Stor- 
naway had  full  fcope  for  their  laudable 
purfuits  -.then  it  was,  that  the  herrings 
which  they  caught,  might  lawfully  b^ 
fent  to  tiie  Britifli  Weft-India  Iflands, 
a-nd  be  exported  thither,  and  to  all 
other  lawful  places,  attended  with  the 
x.ncouragement  of  a  bounty  :  from  that 
time,  the  people  of  Stornawayhave  been 


/L%  Ohfervations  upon 

gradually  advancing.  Some  twenty* 
five  or  thirty  years  ago,  all  the  fifU 
they  caught  were  carried  for  them  to 
their  port  of  deflination  by  hired  vef- 
fels.  Now  they  can  fliew  in  their  har^ 
bour,  in  the  fifliing  time,  upwards  of 
thirty  fail  of  flout  handfome  velTels, 
from  twenty  to  feventy  tons  burden^ 
all  their  own  property.  Their  town  is 
a  pattern  of  neatnefs  and  cleanlinefs ; 
and  when  a  ilranger  enters  their  con- 
Tenient  manlions,  he  w^ill  have  fet  be- 
fore him  a  piece  of  well-drefTed  High- 
land mutton,  fome  choice  fifh,  and  a 
bottle  of  port,  the  produce  of  the  hof- 
pitable  landlord's  induftry.  To  the 
everlafting  credit  of  thefe  induilrious 
fiihers  and  merchants,  it  fails  to  be  re- 
corded, that  they  have  made  their  plea- 
iant  hamlet  rife  into  view,  and  difplay 


ne  Scotch  Flffjcries,  49 

upwards  of  an  hundred  fiated  houfe?, 
belides  inferior  one$,  from  their  gain 
from  the  fea.  Thus  Stornoway  flourifn- 
-ed,  though  it  even  laboured  once  under 
fome  difadvantages,  the  particulars  of 
which,  as  they  would  bring  the  names 
-of  individuals  above  board,  we  choofe  to 
avoid.  But  the  cafe  is  widely  dif- 
ferent now;  Stornoway  has  for  its  Lord, 
fuch  a  one  as  it  long  Jias  wdilied  for 
and  defeived  ;  even  the  noble  gentle- 
man who  loves  his  country  and  his 
friends.  The  firft  thing,  in  our  opini- 
on, which  v/ill  interrupt  the  profperity 
of  this  rifmg  fettlement,  will  be  the 
•overdoing  of  the  Herring  Fifhery  upon 
.the  coafts  of  Britain,  of  which  there  is 
great  danger.  Of  this  we  will  have  oc- 
^aiion  to  fpeak  more  largely  hereafter. 

E  Thhs 

50  Ohfervations  upon 

Thus  Stornoway  flood  alone  for  a 
long  period,  as  the  only  fifliing  ftation 
upon  that  part  of  the  coafl:  But  in  the 
year  1776,  certain  merchants  from  Li- 
verpool and  the  lilc  of  Man,  began  to 
erecl  houfes  at  Ifie  Martin  in  Loch- 
broom,  in  the  county  of  Rofs,  and  at 
Loch-Inver  in  the  county,  of  Suther- 
land, for  cudng  herarings  after  the  Yar- 
mouth way;  that  is,  fmoaking  th^m  in- 
to red  herrings :  At  fame  time,  a  cuf- 
tomhoufe  with  proper  officers,  was  ef- 
tablifhed  at  Ullapool,  two  miles  from 
.the  firll  mentioned  place.  Five  or  hx 
years  after wards^  fome  merchants  at  In- 
vernefs  ereded  houfcs  for  the  like 
purpofe  at  Gairloch  in  Roii-ilii-re,  and 
alfofhades,  and  other  convenient  houfes 
for  curing  cod,  which  are  caught  in 
great   numbers    upon    ^   bank   which 


The  Scotch  Fijh erics.  5 1 

begins  at  the  mouth  of  that  loeh  :  and 
five  years  ago,  a  merchant  at  Storno- 
way,  with  fome  partners  in  London, 
erected  confiderable  buildings  upon  the 
Ifland  Taurera,  a  fmall  hohn  upon  the 
coafl  of  the  Cromarty  eftate  in  Wefter 
Rofs,  about  eight  miles  from  the  new 
village  of  Ullapool.  Mr  Rodrick  Mo- 
rifon,  the  acting  partner  of  this  com- 
pany, has  great  merit,  for  having  plan- 
ned and  condudled  this  undertakings 
which  bids  fair  to  be  a  thriving  fiihing 
ftation,  being  in  the  centre  of  the  beft 
of  the  Lochbroom  fiiliing  grounds. 
Indeed  this  piece  oi  fervice  done  to  that 
country,  is  the  leaft  part  of  Mr  Mo- 
rifon's  merit :  the  public  are  indebted 
to  him  for  his  general  zeal  and  induf- 
try,  which  holds  forth  an  excellent  ex- 
ample to  the  inhabitants  of  that  part  of 
E  2  the 

52  Ohfervations  upon 

the  coaft ;  and  as  he  carries  on  different 
branches  of  trade^  he  has  introduced  in- 
to that  neighbourhood  a  fpirit  for  deal- 
ing, and  has  given  them,  bv  his  example, 
a  pattern  of  punduality  in  making  pay- 
ments. The  good  conducl  of  a  man  of 
note,  is  of  vail  confequence  in  the  High- 
lands. This  is  well  known  to  every 
one  who  is  acquainted  with  that  coun- 

It  would  be  of  little  fervice  to  the  views 
of  the  Society,  for  tiie  author  of  this  paper 
to  defcribe  to  tliem  all  the  different  leffer 
lifaing  nations  upon  the  Weil  coail,  with 
which  he  is  acquainted :  there  are  num- 
])ers  of  fliades  for  curing  filh,  and  fmall 
llore-houfes  for  fait,  calks,  &c.  all  a- 
long  the  coaft,  and  in  the  iilands  of  the 
Weft  of  Scotland  ;  particularly  at  Loch- 

Ihe  Scotch  Tifheries,  53 

Torridon,  a  little  to  the  fo.uthward  of 
Gairloch.  In  the  ifland  of  Lewis, 
many  of  the  fanners  in  the  remote  parts 
of  it  iifh  for  cod  S^c.  which  they  fell 
to  the  Stornoway  merchants  ;  thefe 
have  convenient  houfes  eredled  upon 
their  refpedlive  farms  for  facilitating 
the  trade. 

The  mofl  coniiderable  fifhing  upon 
all  the  coafts  of  Britain,  for  cod  and  ling, 
is  in  the  neighbourhood  of  thefe  illands, 
viz.  upon  that  ground  called  the  Mo- 
ther Bank.  This  bank  runs  between 
the  lHand  of  Mull  on  the  eaft,  and 
Barra  and  South  Uiil  on  the  weiL. 
The  bell  fifhing  is  off  Barra- head,  whe- 
ther a  number  of  veffels  refort  every 
feafon.  The  merchants  at  Peterhead, 
and  fjme  people  at  Aberdeen,  have 
E  \  made 

54  Ohfervations  upon 

made  confiderable  profit  of  this  fifhing. 
The  people  in  Campbeltown  and  Roth- 
faj,  and  in  the  Clyde,  rather  prefer 
fifhiing  for  herrings  than  for  cod  S^c  ; 
whereas  on  the  Eafh  coail  they  prefer 
the  white  fiihing.  The  reafons  for  the 
condud:  of  each  are  plain,  viz.  in  the 
Clyde  and  other  places  in  the  weft,  the 
demand  for  herrings,  owing  to  their 
Weft  India  trade,  is  brilker  than  for 
white  fifti ;  while,  upon  the  Eaft  coaft, 
w^here  there  is  no  American  trade,  it  is 
vice  verfa.  The  falnion  fifliing  upon 
the  Weft  coaft  is  of  no  great  confequence : 
this  is  owing  to  the  fhort  run  of  their 
rivers.  There  may  be  fome  of  that 
fifli  caught  in  the  river  Nith,  and  in  the 
Solway,  and  at  Air  ;  but  they  are  no 
conliderable  objedl. 


Ibe  Scotch  Fijloenes,  55 

The  moil  of  the  herring  iiihing  trade 
of  Scotland,  is  carried  on  by  means  of 
velTels  called  buffes,  fitted  out  from 
Campbeltown, Rothfay,  Greenock,  Port- 
Glafgow,  and  other  places  in  the  river 
Clyde  and  its  vicinity.  There  has  been 
confiderable  profit  derived  to  thefe 
towns  from  this  trade,  which  is  en- 
couraged by  a  bounty  from  Govern- 
ment, of  thirty  fliillings  per  ton  mea- 
furement  of  the  veffels. — A  further 
aid  is  granted  by  the  public,  in  a  pre- 
mium of  2  s.  8  d.  for  each  barrel  of 
wdiite  herrings  exported  to  foreign  parts, 
and  other  premiums  upon  different  kinds 
of  fiAi,  which  it  would  be  needlefs 
here  to  enumerate. 

At  the  clofe  of  the  American  war, 
thetrade  of  fiiliing upon  the  Weft  coaft 


56'.  Ohfervations  upon 

flood  much  ill  the  way- we  have  defcrib- 
ed  it.  The  troubles  of  the  then  pre- 
ceding times,  had  damped  the  trade 
of  the  Weflern  fifhing  towns ;  and  at  the 
end  of  the  faid  war,  this  country  alto- 
gether could  reckon  but  few  bufTes  up- 
on the  fifhing.  Since  that  time,  the 
number  of  buffes  are  almoft  doubled. 
This  was  partly  an  effedl  of  the  peace, 
and  partly  owing  to  the  laudable  en- 
deavours of  certain  patriotic  individu- 
als, who,  by  their  talents  and  influence, 
called  forth  public  attention  to  the  Fifh- 
er}  :  Hence  a  meafure  arofe,  which 
throws  a  luilre  upon  the  annals  of  the 
prefent  day:  This  was  the  eilablifh- 
ment  and  incorporation  of  the  Joint- 
flock  Company,  for  the  fpecial  purpofe 
of  extending,  protedling,  and  encourag- 
ing the  Fiiliery — and  the  incorporation 


I'he  Scotch  Fj/J^eries.  57 

of  the  Society,  to  \vhich  the  prefent 
paper  is  addreiTed.  By  the  exertions  of 
the  members  of  thofe  aiTociations,  both 
in  their  individual  and  colleiflive  capa-, 
cities,  certain  laws,  which  were  juftly 
deemed  impolitic,  as  tending  to  cramp 
the  Fifliery,  (though  meant  at  iiril  to  fe- 
ciire  the  revenue),  were  abrogated  and 
annulled,  and  fome  very  liberal  indul- 
gences were  granted  by  Parliament  to 
the  trade,  v»'hich  have  been  productive 
of  good  confequences.  What  thefe 
were,  it  is  needlefs  here  to  recapitulate ; 
it  is  prefumed  they  are  known  to  every 
member  of  the  Society,  and  therefore, 
we  Ihall  not  here  enter  upon  them.  We 
ihall  like  wife  refrain  from  entering  in- 
to a  minute  defcription  of  what  has 
been  done  by  the  Joint- flock  Company, 
at  their  villages  of   Toppermorry   and 


58  Ohfervations  upon 

Ullapool,  as  things  already  known  ta 
the  Society,  and.  therefore  needlefs  to 
trouble  it  with. 

Under  the  appreheniion,  that  the  in- 
tentions of  the  Society  in  requiring  in- 
formation regarding  the  Fiihery,  would 
be  better  anfwercd  by  making  remarks 
upon  the  moil  important  parts  of  it,  and 
pointing  out  improvements,  than  by 
long  and  minute  details  of  iis  prefent  ii- 
tuation,  we  have  abridged  our  accounts 
of  it  as  much  as  we  could,  confident 
with  our  faid  purpofe  y  and  we  now 
proceed  to  clofe  this  part  of  our  defigUy 
by  taking  notice  of  the  prefent  flate  of 
the  Fifhery  in  general. 

Thefilliery  of  mofl  importance  to  Scot- 
land is  undoubtedly  the  herring.     We 


llje  Scotch    Fiji  cries.  59 

have  afligned  our  reafcns  for  this  im- 
-controverted  opinion,  upon  the  4 -^d  and 
44th  pages  of  this  paper.  If  ever  there 
was  a  game  of  chance  in  the  world,  it 
is  in  filhing  for  herrings.  To-day  they 
ure  to  be  found  in  fwarms  baffling  Ihe 
power  of  numbers  to  reckon,  or  ahiioil  the 
iiiind  to  cGnccive :  to-morrow  they  are 
^one,  and  their  place  knows  them  no  more. 
How  idk  then  is  the  doclrine  of  fome, 
who  have  lately  had  the  hardinefs  to 
advance  in  their  publications  this  pofi- 
tion,  vi:?:.  **  That  that  trade  which  can- 
**  not  he  carried  on  without  the  aid  of 
'*  aGovernment,  ought  to  he  abandoned,'''* 
Some  who  have  brought  forth  thefe 
dodrines  think  themfelves  philofophers. 
It  may  be  fo :  But  the  world  now-a- 
days  has  more  wit,  than  to  allow  clofet 
fpeculatiits  to  fyilemize  for  it,  in  matr 


6o  Ohfer'vaticns  upon 

ters  of  trade.     Has   it  been  out  of  any 
treatife  on  trade  by  any   philofopher  or 
pbilofophers,  that  fuccefsful  merchants 
have  learned  their  lelTons  ?  or  will  any 
miniiler  of  ftate  ever  be  mad  enough 
tcf  adopt  the  maxims   of  fuch  fpphifls  ? 
We  have  happily  no  ufe   for  their  phi- 
lofophy   in  this  queftion :  it  is  fo  plain 
that  the  fimplell  man   imderilands  it. 
There  cannot  be  a  doubt,  that  if  there 
was  not  an  aid  from  Government,  two 
thirds  at  lead  of  thofe  perfons  who  fit 
out  herring  bulTes,  would  drop  the  trade. 
If  this  fuppolition  is  granted,  (and  there 
is  the  bell  reafon   to  think  it  will,)  it 
follows,  that  by  the  plan  of  the  pbilofo- 
phers, this  country  (the  independence 
of  v/hi-ch,  is  fo  nearly  allied  to  the  re- 
fpedlable  flate  of  its  navy),  would  for 
the  fake  of  faving  a  paltry  fum,  forgoe 



1'be  Scotch  FiJIo cries.  ()i 

the  advantages  arifmg  from  the  fupply 
of  feamen,  which  the  fiilif  ly  nurfes  up, 
and  the  advantages  which  the  Communi- 
ty at  large  derive  from  the  fifhery,  as  at 
prefent  carried  on.  It  is  to  be  hoped 
the  wifdom  of  the  Government  of  this 
country,  will  avoid  the  adoption  of  fuch 
G  pernicious  meafure.  The  lofs  which 
w^ould  thereby  .^r  fe  to  the  country, 
whether  coniidered  in  a  political,  cr 
commercial  view,  is  fo  plain,  that  it  re- 
quires no  philofophy,  but  only  a  little 
common  undcrflanding,  to  pronounce 
the  pofition  advanced  by  thefe  grave 
fages,  to  be  fo  abfurd,  as  not  to  deferve 
a  ferious  refutation. 

We  have  faid,  that  the  fifhing-trade 
is  precarious :  Our  obfervation   is  veri- 
fied, in  the  indifferent  fuccefs  of  it  for 
^  fome 

62  Obfervatiofis  upon 

fome  years  back.  There  is  no  body 
however  can  doubt,  but  the  bounty  paid 
for  encouraging  the  herring-fifnery  in 
veiTels,  is  well  compenfated  to  the  coun- 
try, by  the  ilrength  derived  to  our  na- 
vy, from  the  fervices  of  the  feamen 
nurfed  up  in  the  faid  trade,  although 
a  fingle  herring  was  never  to  be  catched 
by  thenio 

There  has  not  been  any  great  fludu- 
ation  in  the  price  of  herrings,  for  the 
laft  feven  years.  Upon  an  average, 
"white-herrings  may  have  fold  for  24  s. 
per  barrel,  and  red  for  30  s.  The 
quantity  of  white-fifli  taken  for  the  lafl 
feven  years,  has  been  much  the  fame  as 
for  the  feven  years  preceding.  And 
the  average  price  of  mud-fifli,  (or  bar- 
relled faked  cod,)  in  London^  has  been, 


The  Scotch  FiJJjcries,  63 

in  that  period,  about  a  guinea  and  a  half 
per  barrel.  The  quantity  of  dry-fifii 
exported  from  this  country  is  not  very 
conliderable  :  They  may  have  fetched, 
upon  an  average  for  the  lail  feven  years, 
20  s.  per  cwt* 

We  have  now  finilhed  all  we  mean  ts 
fay,  in  this  flagc  of  our  defign,  by  way 
of  detailing  the  prefent  ftate  of  the 
Scotch  Filuery  :  What  will  hereafter 
follow,  fhall  principally  contain  our 
opinion  and  obfervations  upon  the  fub- 

In  refiecling  deliberately  upon  this 
buiinefs,  it  will  be  found  to  be  involved 
in  much  more  difficulty,  than  at  firll 
would  be  apprehended  :  The  refult  of 
a  careful  confideration  of  the  fubjed:, 
r  2  ia 

64  Obfervations  upon 

is  not  fo  flattering  as  we  would  wiilu 
Truth  ought,  however,  to  be  fuperior  to 
every  confideration  y  and  we  are  impell- 
ed  by    it  to    acknowledge,  that  after 
weighing  all  arguments,  ^ro  and  con^  the 
following  uncomfortable  paradox  arifes, 
viz.  Mucb  farther  encouragement  given 
to  the  herring-nfliery,   will  not  at  pre- 
fe?it  beneiit  that  fiihery  ;    and,    if  the 
encouragements  are  carried  a  great  deal 
farther,  they  will  utterly  ruin  the  trade. 
But  the  fame  refearch  into  the  fubje(ft:, 
which  prefents  this  gloomy  pidure,  af- 
fords us,  in  return,  the  following  plea- 
fing  propofition,  viz.  The  encouraging 
the  fiilieries,  though  even  carried  too  fa?\ 
will  moil  certainly  benefit  the   High^ 
lands  and  its  coails.     The  latter  is   a 
very  clear  pofition,  and  is  fatisfadlory  fa 



"The  Scotch  Fi/heries,  65 

Certainly  it  was  the  belief  of  tliofe 
gentlemen,  who  compofe  the  Honourable 
Societies  which  have  taken  fo  laudable  a 
concern  in  the  matter  now  before  us,  that, 
while  they  benefited  theHighland-coaft, 
they  at  the  fame  time  advanced  the  filli- 
eries ;  and  their  inllitution,  purpofe,  and 
intention,  was  to  embrace  both  objeds, 
which  were  judged  to  be  reciprocal : 
But  upon  a  narrow  examination  of  the 
bulinefs,  we  are  humbly  of  opinion,  that 
thefe  two  intereils  at  prefent  almoil 
feparate,  and  that  it  will  require  a  ileady 
hand  to  prevent  the  former  from  en- 
croaching upon  the  latter;  an  event,  the 
evil  confequences  of  which  the  High- 
lands itfeif  would  (hare  in  at  lait ;  this, 
too,  may  feem  paradoxical. 

To  come  to  the  point,  then,  we  fiiail 

£rit  obferve,   that   it  is  perfedly   well 

F  3    '  known^ 

66  Ohfervations  upon 

known,  that  the  profits  ariiirg  from  the 
trade  of  catching  and  barreling,  what  is 
called  pickled  herrings,  are  not  very 
great,  even  although  the  bufinefs  is  at 
prefent  upheld  by  an  aid  from  Govern- 
ment, which  is  a  natural  confequence  of 
the  very  limited  fale  for  thefe  fifh  ;  ex- 
cepting at  home,  and  in  our  own  Weft- 
India  ifiands,  we  have  no  market  for 
them.  The  merchants  upon  the  conti- 
nent of  Europe  will  not  look  at  them,  if 
there  is  a  Dutch  herring  in  the  market ; 
and  when  there  is  no  Dutch  competitors, 
the  Danes,  Swedes,  and  other  Northern 
fifhers,  are  always  at  hand,  ready,  infi- 
nitely to  underfell  us.  Even  the  Irifh, 
when  their  own  herring-fiihing  fails,  do 
not  apply  to  us,  but  to  the  Danes,  &c. 
who  ferve  them  cheaper.  The  onlyBritifh 
herrings  which  can  ihew  their  face  in 


The  Scotch  Fijheries.  6j 

the  European  markets,  (and  even  the  fc 
only  within  the  Mediterranean,  for  the 
Dutch  and  our  other  neighbours  have 
plenty  of  them,)  is  that  manufacture 
of  them  called  red  herrings.  Before 
however  thefe  can  be  cured,  confide- 
rable  and  expenlive  buildings  nmil  be 
eredled,  which  is  very  unfuitable  to 
the  circumftances  of  the  greateft  part 
of  thofe  people,  who  carry  on  the 
Scotch  Herring  Fifhery. 

This  account  it  is  impoffible  to  con- 
trovert; and  the  refledion  which  natu- 
rally follows  it  is,  that  by  too  fondly 
giving  way  to  the  heedlefs  clamour, 
and  ill-grounded  expedations,  which 
the  Fifheries,  as  a  popular  fubjedl,  have 
given  rife  to,  and  exceflively  encourag- 
ing the  trade   in  queflion,   the  mark 


68  Ohfervatlons  upon 

may  be  over-fhot,  and  the  child  onlj 
meant  to  be  fondled,  may  be  cruflied  to 
death  in  the  over  eager  embrace. 

It  is  a  truth,  and  it  demands  the  moll 
ferious  conlideration,  that  there  is  not 
a  market  for  even  the  filh  that  are 
caught  in  fome  years  under  the  prefent 
encouragements :  even  the  Dutch  them.- 
felves,  fuperior  as  their  herrings  are, 
find  difficulty  enough  in  difpoling  of 
them  ;  it  is  an  undeniable  fad,  that 
-their  herring  trade  is  much  upon  the 
decline.  All  Northern  Europe  is  now 
engaged  in  the  herring  Filhery  :  hence 
the  market  is  glutted,  and  the  profits 
gone  to  almoft  nothing.        i 

Let  it  be  afi^ed  at  a  bufs-fifher,  and  he 
will  frankly  tell  you,  that  in  a  bad  fifn- 


Ibe  Scotch  Fijheries.  69 

ing  year,  when  he  has  made  only  half 
a  cargo,  he  cleared  more  money  by  the 
adventure,  than  when  the  herrings 
were  plenty,  and  a  full  cargo  has  been 
made  by  him.  Thus,  the  trade  may, 
and  is  in  danger  of  being  over- done. 
It  would  be  well  if  Rich  meafures  were 
taken,  as  to  make  the  interells  of  the 
Highlands  and  the  Fifheries  reciprocal ; 
and  this  we  think  could  be  fully  efFed:- 
ed,  by  a  v/ife  and  moderate  protedlion 
and  encouragement,  given  to  both.  It 
is  very  allowable  to  fuppofe,  that,  allur- 
ed by  an  exceffive  encouragement,  fuch 
numbers  will  attempt  the  fifhing  trade, 
that  the  profits,  if  any,  will  be  too  in- 
conliderable  to  induce  any  perfon  to  fol- 
low it  ;  of  courfe  the  trade  will  be  loft 
to  the  country.  In  this  cafe,  although 
the  Highlands  behoved,  for  ever  after, 


70  Ohfervations  upon 

to  feel  the  good  effeds  of  what  has  al* 
teady  been  done  th^re  by  the  Joint- 
ftock  Company,  in  colleding  the  people 
together  in  towns,  yet  the  falling  off 
of  the  Fiihery,  would  be  a  mortal 
wound  to  the  profperity  of  thefe  young- 
fettlements,  in  a  country  where  there 
is  no  great  fcope  to  puQi  agriculture, 
and  where  they  muft  expedi:  to  improve 
their  capitals,  rather  out  of  the  fea  than 
out  of  the  land.  How  happy  would  it 
be,  were  things  carried  to  the  point  of 
propriety  and  no  farther;  then  would 
both  the  Highland  villages  and  the  Fifh- 
ery,  live  and  grow  up  together,  to  the 
immortal  honour  of  thofe  good  patriots, 
whofe  virtue  firft  led  them  to  turn  their 
attention  to  their  forgotten  fellow-men,  in 
thofe  remote  and  uncomfortable  regions. 
But  even  the  difaftrous  event  we  have 


Ihe  Scotch  Fijherits.  71 

been  fuppoiing,  lliould  it  ever  happen, 
%vould  not  totally  root  up  the  good  ef- 
fects of  the  meafures  already  taken  for 
improving  the  Highland  coafls :  indi- 
viduals might  lofe  by  the  failure  of  the 
Fifhing,  but  the  Community  at  large 
would  derive  the  greateft  benefit  from 
the  civilization  of  that  country,  which, 
whether  the  Fiilieries  fucceed  or  not, 
will  in  all  probability  be  the  confe- 
quence  of  the  experiments  now  making, 
of  colleduig  the  people  there  together 
in  towns. 

In  all  the  publications  which  have 
been  of  late  Iported  upon  the  fubjed  of 
the  Fifhery,  the  great  cry  has  been — 
Get  fifh  at  any  expence, — The  country 
will  never  be  right  till  its  Aquatic  trea^ 
fares  are  produced. — Pti/Jj  the  Fijhery  to 


72  Ohfervations  upon 

its  utmojl  extent :  it  is  a  mine  of  national 
wealth  ij^c.  One  of  thefe  writers,  {Mr 
Knox,  as  we  have  already  flated),  awk- 
wardly and  inconiiilently,  (though  very 
truly)  blunders  out  the  important  fad:, 
that  the  want  of  market  for  our  fifh  is 
fadly  to  be  apprehended.  There  is  the 
rub.  If  this  is  true,  all  the  enthufiafm 
which  has  been  djfplayed  about  pufh- 
ing  the  fifhery  goes  for  nothing,  and 
only  Ihows,  that  thofe  Gentlemen,  who 
have  wrote  fo  much  upon  it,  would  have 
done  better,  had  they  refledled  more, 
and  wrote  lefs.  Luckily  for  the  coun- 
try, every  body  was  not  fo  fanguine  as 
thefe  gentlemen  were,  or  at  leail  pre- 
tended to  be.  The  Fiflieries  are  no 
doubt  a  nloft  important  object  to  this 
country,  and  every  proper  indulgence 
and  encouragement  ought  to  be  given 


71)6  Scotch  Fijljeries.  72 

X^  the  profecuting  them;  but  every  ju- 
dicious per  foil  will  at  onc§  fee,  from 
the  hints  we  have  given,  that  caution 
is  as  much  neceiTary,  in  fixing  the 
bounds  of  ihat  encouragement,  as  in  ad- 
miniilring  a  medicine,  of  which  a  cer- 
tain quantity  would  preferve  the  patient's 
life,  but  more  than  that  might  kill  him. 

in  this  place,  it  may  not  be  improper, 
in  defence  of  the  concluiions  we  have 
been  drawing,  to  introduce  certain  ad- 
ditional premifcs,  which  w,e  imagine 
v/ill  not  be  controverted.  They  are 
thefe:  The  Americans  have  p^'^nty  of 
herrings  upon  tkeir  coafts :  they  can 
fail  freely  to  any  part  of  Europe  for 
fait ;  and  their  country  abounds  with 
wood  fit  for  curing  red  herrings.  Thus 
provided,  it  may  be  foon  looked  tor, 
G-  that 

74  Ohfervations  upon 

that  they  will  attempt  to  fupply  Europe 
with  fiih,  and  ruin  our  market  for  the        j 
?ibove  mentioned  herrings  in  the  Italiau 

Thus  we  arc  of  opinion,  (contrary  to 
the  current  of  popular  buzz)  that  it  is 
poflible  to  do  too  much  towards  encou- 
Xfiging  the  Fifheries.  But  we  beg  to  be 
imderflood,  that  it  is  by  no  means  inli- 
iiuated  that  the  fteps  already  taken  for 
that  purpofe,  are  all  that  the  trade  de- 
mands, and  that  the  country  fhould 
there  Hop.  At  fame  time,  we  freely 
own  our  opinion,  that  there  is  not  a 
great  deal  to  do,  of  all  that  is  necef- 
fary,  or  even  fafe,  in  the  prefent  Hate 
of  the  trade^  towards  encouraging  th^ 

Having  faid  thus  much,  it  behoves  us 


Ihe  Scotch  Fij7je?nes,  75 

to  fiibmlt  to  the  Society  our  opinion,  a;i 
to  the  kind  of  encouragements  proper 
to  be  given  to  the  trade,  and  the  extent 
of  thofe  encouragements. 

In  the  hiilorical  accounts  of  popula- 
tion and  trade,  we  find  that  mankind, 
(not  only  individuals  but  nations) 
have  ordinarily  been  benefited  by  the 
examples  of  each  other, — ^Venice  aim- 
ed to  be  what  Carthage  once  was : 
zndi  the  feven  United  Provinces  made 
Venice,  as  much  as  they  could,  their 
model,  not  in  Government  only,  but 
in  trade  and  manufadures,  and  in 
maxims  in  trade.  No  one  can  doubt, 
that  the  Dutch  are  at  this  day  better  ac- 
quainted with  the  methods  of  curing 
fifh,  efpecially  herrings  vv^ith  fait,  than 
any  other  people  in  the  world  :  we 
G  2  havft 

76  Ohfervations  tipon 

have  flated   that   the  Britifli  herrings 
liave  a  confined  flile  \  the  firfi  reafon 
for  this,  is,  that  the  Dutch  herrings  are 
always  preferred  to  ours  at  market,  far 
their  goodnefs  ;    and  the  fccond,    that 
the  herrings  of    ether   foreigners    get 
preference  for  their   cheapnefs.     The 
endeavouring  to  do  away  the  firfl  men- 
tioned evil,  (which  will  virtually  relieve 
us  alfo  of  the  fecond)  is  th^efore,  iii 
our  opinion,  a  firft  flep  in  the  irmprove- 
ment  of  our  Fiflieries ;  for,  as  has  been 
faid,,  to  what  purpofe  do  we  catch  fifli, 
if  we  cannot  vend  them  ?  although  our 
flfli  curers  were  able  to  fend  fuch  her- 
rings to  market  as  the  Dutch  do,  there 
would  ftill  be  occalion  for  the  cautio4i 
we  have  recommended  in  encouraging 
the  Fiflieries ;  for  even  in  that  cafe,  the 
Dutch  w^ould   ilill   get  preference  by 


Ihe  Scotch  FiJJjeries,  77 

tinderfelling  us.    This  they  are  enabled 
to  do,  from  their   national  genius  for 
pariimony   and   fobriety.      Thus,    the 
Dutch  will  always  have  the  upper-hand 
of  us  in  the  herring  trade.     The  only 
mark  therefore  left  for  us,  is  to  endea- 
vour to  beat  the  Danes,  Swedes,   &.c. 
out  of  the  market  (as  the  Dutch  at  pre- 
fent  do  both  us  and  them)  by  bringing 
better  (for  we   cannot  bring  cheaper) 
commodities   there.     If  our  fifh-curers 
wiih  to  iilh,  it  would  be    wifdom   in 
them  to  endeavour  to  learn  to  cure  their 
fiflr  ;  feeing  their  doing  ^o,  is  the  only 
chance  they  have  to  fell  them  to  llran- 
gers,  or  to  induce  our  Well  India  plan- 
ters to  enlarge  their  orders  for  herrings. 
Were  the  Britifh  as  good  as  the  Dutch 
herrings,  the  fugar  planters  would  or- 
der double  the   quantity  they  do  :  net 
C  3  only 

^8  Ohfervatians  upon 

only  the  negroes,  but  the  white  people 
in  the  Weft  Indies,  would  think  them 
good  food. 

The  Society  will  probably  be  furprif- 
ed  to  be  informed,  that  the  fuperiority 
which  the  Dutch  have  over  us  in  the 
filli  trade,  is  owing,  in  great  part,  to  the 
cleanlinefs  and  care  with  which  they  pack 
their  fifti,  and  the  want  of  thefe  requi- 
fites  in  our  fifli-curers.  To  be  brief^ 
the  whole  matter  is  this:  In  Holland 
the  vrifdom  of  the  Government  has  ap- 
pointed, at  the  principal  ports  in  the 
territories  of  the  republic,  ofticers 
with  fuitable  falaries,  whofe  bufinefs  it 
is  to  fee  certain  laws  of  the  country,  re- 
lating to  the  packing  of  fifh  duly  exe- 
cuted. Thefe  jaws  ordain,  that  when 
herrings   arrive   in  Holland  from  the 


The  Scotch  FiJJjeries,  79 

lifhing,  they  fliall  be  all   unpacked  out 
of  the    barrels    in  which  brought,  and 
cleaned    and   afforted.     It  would  only 
confume  time,  to  enter  here  into  a  mi- 
nute account  of  the  Dutch   procefs    of 
curing.     Suffice  it  to  fay,  it   is  nmple  ; 
and  the  whole  fecret  is,  cleanlinefs  and 
exaclnefs ;  cleanlinefs,  in  refrefliing  the 
herrings  from  all  the  blood    and    dirt, 
which  the    firfl    faking  had    extracted 
from  them ;  and   exaclnefs,  in  forting 
them   into   calks,    according   to  their 
feveral  qualities  and  fizes.     The  calks 
are  marked  by   the   proper  officers  on 
the  head,  to  authenticate  their  quality, 
contents,  and  country  ;  and  thus  made 
ready    for   market,    they    recommend 
themfelves     wherever  they    are    fent. 
So  wifely  jealous  are  the  Dutch,  of  the 
charader  of  their  fiih,  that   it    is  un- 

8o  Ohfervations  upon 

lawful  for  any  of  their  fubjedls  to  carry 
fifli  to  market  from  the  fifliing  grounds, 
without  firft  landing  and  repacking 
them  in  Holland,  in  the  manner  de- 
fcribed.  The  Scotch  pra6lice  forms  a 
complete  contrail  to  that  here  defcrib- 
ed ;  of  which  any  one  may  fatisfy  him- 
felf,  w^ho  lliall  ever  fee  the  dirty  me- 
thod of  managing  herrings  at  Green- 
ock, the  principal  mart  forthefe  fifh  in 
the  kingdom.  In  our  opinion,  an  atten- 
tion to  this  important  circumitance,  is 
a  Hep  abfolutely  necelTary,  in  the  very 
firfh  inftance,  for  encouraging  ths 
Filheries.  The  neceifity  of  it,  after 
what  we  have  faid  upon  the  confined 
fale  of  Britiih  herrings,  mull  flrike  every 
one  :  it  is  clear,  from  what  has  been 
faid,  that  additional  encouragements 
bellowed  upon  the  Fifliery,  would  ope- 

The  Scotch  Fijheries.  8i 

rate  contrary  ways,  until  markets  are 
opened  for  the  fifli :  It  is  as  clear,  that 
markets  cannot  be  found  for  the  fitli, 
until  they  are  able,  by  their  quality, 
to  recommend  themfelves.  Therefore 
we  argue,  that  an  attention  to  the  cir- 
cumftance  in  queflion,  muft  precede  e- 
very  farther  encouragement  of  moment. 

In  confidering  how  the  purpofe  here 
aimed  at  could  be  brought  about,  we 
can  fee  no  plan  more  feafible,  than 
the  bringing  over  into  this  coun- 
try, and  fettling,  at  the  Joint-flock 
Company's  villages,  a  it\N  natives  of 
Holland,  who  have  had  experience 
in  curing  herrings,  for  the  purpofe 
of  inflrudling  the  cures  there  in  the 
Dutch  method.  As  there  would  not 
be  occafion  for  many  of  thefe  Dutch, 


$2  ObfervatiGus  upoft- 

it.  might  be  clone  in  a  private  manner, 
and  offence  to  the  Govern incnt  of  that 
country  accordingly  avoided.  Indeed^ 
fo  few  would  be  needed,  that  the  mea- 
fnre,  fliould  it  ever  be  known  ifi  Hol- 
land, could  hardly  excite  any  jealoufy. 
We  fuppofe  th€  expence  necefTary  to 
entice  thefe  people  to  come  over,  and 
to  remain  in  this  country,  could  not  be- 
a  great  inconveniency  to  the  funds  of 
the  Joint  Stock-Con^ipany,  efpecially  if 
(as  is  not  to  be  doubted,)  the  Company 
received  the  aid  of  the  Society.  If 
thefe  Dutchmen  did  their  duty,  and  if 
the  curers  upon  the  Wed  Coafl  paid 
proper  attention  to  the  diredlions  of  the 
foreigners,  the  probable  confequences 
would  be,  that  better  herrings  would 
foon  appear  at  the  Scotch  market,  from 
the    Company's    villages,    than    thofe 


The  Scotch   Tifi cries.  §3- 

caught  by  the  bufles  belonging  to  the 
merchants  at  Po.rt-Glafgow,  Greenock, 
Campbeltown,  &.c. ;  and  this  again 
would  bring  it  about,  that  thefe  people 
would,  in  felf-defence,  be  obliged  to  have 
recourfe  to  alluring  fome  Dutch  curers 
to  come  in  amongfi:  them.  This  lait 
would,  be  a  falutary  meafure  for  the 
country,  iind  would  flow  from  the  plan 
>ve  have  now  recommended.  It  is  natural 
to  fiippofe,  that  it  v/ould  be  only  gra- 
duallyy  that  the  curers  in  Scotland 
would  difcover  the  neccility  of  procur- 
ing Butch  teachers  j  which  would  be  a, 
convenient,  circumftance,  as  by  that 
;means  the  Dutch  could  be  brought  in- 
to this  country  by  piece-meal  unnoticed, 
and  fo  offence  to  the  Government  of 
itheir  country  avoided, 


g^  Ohfervations  upon 

We  have  already  declared  our  fenti- 
ments,  that,  in  the  prefent  ft  ate  of  the 
trade,  more  exertions  in  favours  of  the 
filliery,  are  almoft  precluded.  There  is 
very  little  more  left  for  us  to  fay  upon 
that  part  of  our  fubjedl,  hy  iff  elf.  As 
has  been  already  ftated,  various  hin- 
drances and  obilru6lions  in  the  way 
of  the  fiihery,  contained  in  former  re- 
venue-laws, are  now  cleared  away.  The 
bounty  from  Government,  upon  the 
tonage  of  the  bufTes,  is  equitable  and  li- 
beral, as  is  the  premiums  upon  the  fifli 
exported  :  The  trade  was  never  lefs 
cramped  than  it  is  at  this  day.  The 
encouragements  are  fitting,  and  ought 
to  animate  the  fiiliers  to  aim  at  curing 
their  fifli  properly,  as  the  bell  means  to 
preferve  a  trade,  which,  from  the  com- 
bined circumflances  of  great  indul- 

7he  Scotch  Fijfjcries.  85 

gences  granted  to  it  at  home,  and  the 
indifferent  character  of  our  herrings 
abroad,  is  in  fome  danger  of  being  over- 
done or  loil. 

We  noxv  come  to  {peak  of  the  High^ 
land  coaft,  and  that  country  in  general, 
and  its  concerns,  v/hich  immediately 
brings  to  our  view,  tlie  eftabliflinrents 
fet  on  foot  by  the  loint-llock  Company, 
in  their  villages  of  Toppermorry  and 
Ullapool.  And  liere  we  cannot  re- 
frain from  droping  our  fubjecl  for  a  lit- 
tle Vv'hiie,  to  exprcfs  our  warm  and 
hearty  approbation  of  the  truly  vir- 
tuous condu6l  of  thofe  worthy  patriots, 
vrho  have  thrown  luftre  on  the  times 
v/e  live  in,  by  their  generous  and  ami- 
nble  conduct  ;  evincing  themfelves  at 
<Hice  the  friends  of  mankind  and  of  their 
H  country. 

86-  Ohfervations  upon 

country.  Their  names  will  be  men- 
tioned by  grateful  poilerity,  when  the 
bleffings  which  their  wife  and  praife- 
worthy  counfels  have  planted,  are  ma- 
tured and  ripened,  and  when  they 
themfelves  are  no  more. 

The  Author  of  this  paper  is  not  ac- 
quainted with  the  fituation  of  the  vil- 
lage of  Toppermorry.  The  fituation 
of  the  other  fettlement  at  Ullapool,  he 
lias  had  occaf^on  to  know  well :  he  has 
traverfed  a  great  part  of  the  Weft  coaft, 
and  refided  ten  years  in  that  country. 
He  muft  certainly  fay,  that thofe  who  ad- 
vifed  the  Company  to  fet  down  a  village 
at  Ullapool,  did  not  miflead  it ;  for  the 
circumftances  which  fliould  determine 
the  fituation  of  a  village  upon  the  coafts 
of  the  Weft  Highlands,  from  our  know- 
led  ii:g 

H'he  Scotch  Fi/JjcricT.  87 

ledge  of  that  country,  meet  ail  together 
in  the  ntuiiticn  of  Ullapool. 

But  to  be  better  underllood,  and  to 
anfwer  in  this  place  one  of  the  requiii- 
tions  of  the  Society's  faid  advertife.nient, 
we  fliali  ilatc,  what  in  our  opinion  are 
th^  circumjlances,  which  ihould  deter- 
mine the  utuation  of  a  village  on  the 
•coails  of  the  Highlands. 

The  firjl  thing,  therefore,  in  our 
judgment,  which  fliould  determine 
the  preference  in  favours  of  any  one 
place  as  the  fiance  of  a  fifning  village, 
upon  the  coafts  of  the  Weil  Highlands, 
-is,  that  fuch  place,  or  its  vicinity,  fhall 
be  noted,  by  long  experience,  as  the 
principal  refort  of  fiHi  (particularly  of 
herrings,  upon  that  part  of  the  coafh). 
H  2  This 

88  Ohfervations  upon 

Thia  cordideration  ought  to  out-weigh 
every  other  one ;  and  though  other 
places  might  poiTefs  all  other  requifites 
for  the  fiance  of  a  village,  yet,  if  not  in 
the  neighbourhood  of  a  good  fiihing 
ground,,  a  village,  in  the  prefent  flate  of 
the  Highland  coaft,  Ihould  not  be  bulk 
there,  but  at  the  befl  fiiliing  place,, 
provided  it  be  not  impracticable,  from 
the  face  of  the  country,  (which  is  tha 
cafe  at  fome  places  on  the  Weft  coail)- 
to  fet  down  a  village,  and  to  accommo- 
date the  fcttlers  ^vith  even  iinall  gar- 
dens there. 

Next^  if  there  are  two  or  more  places^ 
equally  remarkable  for  the  greatefl  re- 
fort  of  herrings  upon  that  part  of  the 
coad,  furely  the  preference  fhould  be 
given  to  that  place,  where  there  is  the 


"I he  Scotch  Fi/Jjcries^  8q 

greatefl  quantity   of  arable^   or  at  leail 
improveable,  level  land* 

Again,, if  there  are  two  or  more  places 
upon  any  one  part  of  the  coafl,  equally 
noted  for  thefe  two  advantages,  the  pre-* 
ference  no  doubt  Ihould  be  given  to 
the  one,  from  which  a  road  to  commu- 
nicate Vr'ith  the  Low-country  could  be 
cheapeil  made.  Oeconomy  is  highly 
necelfary:  and  therefore  preference 
ihould  be  given  to  the  cheapeil  road, 
though longeil,  provided  the  difference  of 
diflance  be  not  attended  with  any  con- 
liderable   difadvanta^e    to  the  inhabi- 


tants  of  the  propofed  village.  It  is  al- 
moil  needlefs  to  explain  .  here  how  the 
longefl  road  may  be  cheapeil.  Every 
gentleman  of  the  Society  knows  that 
the  Highland  country  is  incumbered 
H  3  with 

C)6  Obfirvations  upon 

with  rocks,  and  interfe(5led  by  many  ri- 
vulets, and  that  a  mile  of  road  in  fome 
places,  will  coil  more    money  than  to 
•make  twenty  in  other  places.    But  from 
TiVhat  we  have  find,  it  mull  not  be  infer- 
ed,  that  we  propofe  placing  the  villages 
at  a  diilance  from  the  Lovz-country,  ra- 
ther than  near  it.     This  is  the  fartheil 
thing   imaginable  from    our  meaning. 
V/hat  we   urge    is,  that  a  cheap  long 
road,  would  probably  be  more  conve- 
nient for  the  funds  deftined  to  the  en- 
couragement of  the    Fifhery,    than   a 
lliort,  but  expenlive  one  :  If  any  place 
upon  the  Weft  coaft  is  found,  poiTelTed 
of  the  two  firft  qualificatiors   we  have 
mentioned,    and   from  whence    a  road 
could  be  made,  cheaper  than  from  any 
other  part  polTefTed   of  like  qualifica- 
tions, the  fliortnefs  of  the  road  would 


^Ihe  Scotch  Fijhcries,  ()t 

enhance  the  value  of  the  lituation,  and 
k  ought  immediately  to  be  made  choice 
of  for  the  iite  of  a  village. 

Next,  n  there  are  two  or  more  places 
upon  that  part  of  the  coafl,  v>'hich  fhall 
be  equally  in  poiTeilion  of  all  thelocal  ad- 
Vantages  we  have  meMion'ed,  we  would' 
prefer  the  one  for  building  our  village 
upon,  which  fnouid  be  know^n  to  be  bell 
frequented  b}  -haddocks,  and  other  fmall 
fifli  ;  becauie  thefe  would  afford  fome 
fubiillence  to  the  inhabitants  of  the  vil- 
lage, when  the  herring- fiPning  fnouid 
happen  in  any  one  year  to,  fail. 

Lajlly,  we  reckon  the  neighbourhood 
of  peat-mofs  in  one  place,  and  not  in  ano- 
tlier,  if  both  are  equally  polTelTed  of 
the  local  advantages  already  mentioned, 


92  Ohfervations  upon 

a  good  reafon  for  preferring  the  place 
where  mofs  is  found,  to  the  other,  foe 
building  a  fiiliing  village  upon. 

Should  all  thefe  local  advantages 
meet,  in  any  lituation  upon  the  High- 
land coaft,  we  may  fafely  pronounce, 
that  fuch  lituation  is  the  very  place 
proper  for  building  the  propofed  village 
upon.  To  the  great  credit  of  the  ad- 
vifers  of  the  meafure  of  building  there, 
the  village  of  Ullapool  will  be  found 
to  be  poiTeiTed  of  all  thefe  advantages. 
It  is  not  only  the  bell  fituation  for  a 
village,  upon  the  northern  diilridl  of  the 
Well  coaft,  but  (if  we  are  not  mifni- 
formed)  it  is  the  very  bed,  from  at  lead 
Toppermorry  all  along  the  whole  range 
of  the  Weft  coaft,  to  the  North-eafter- 
moil;  point  of  this  part  of  the  united  king- 

The  Scotch  F'l/heries,  Q3 

dom.  Ullapool  is  in  the  very  centre  01 
the  beil  iilhing  grounds  for  herrings  in 
Scotland  :  there  is  a  fine  fiat  of  land 
there,  moil  of  it  arable,  and  the  refl 
very  improveable.  The  making  a  road 
from  it  to  the  Low- country,  will  be 
cheaper  and  eaiier,  than  from  any  o- 
ther  part  of  the  North-Weil:  coail  we 
know.  In  the  bay  of  Ullapool  (a 
fmooth  land-locked  corner  of  Loch- 
broom)  feme  of  the  fmefl:  haddocks 
and  other  kind  of  fifli  are  to  be  found  at 
almoft  all  feafons  of  the  year,  within 
two  or  three  hundred  yards  of  the  doors 
of  the  refidenters  there  ;  and  there  is, 
in  the  hills  at  the  back  of  the  level  land 
at  Uilapoo],  mofs  inexhauflible.  .  If, 
therefore,  the  village  of  Ullapool  does 
not  thrive,  there   mAifl  be   very  fmall 

hopes,  that  one  built  upon  any  other 


'54  Ohfervations  up  on 

part   of  the   Weil   coafl   will   fucceecl. 

In  what  we  have  faid  refpedling  the 
circuniftances,  which  ilioiikl  weigh 
principally  in  letting  down  a  village  up- 
on the  Weil  Highland  coail,  Vv-e  ap- 
pikjhend  our  reafons  for  the  eftimation 
in  which  we  have  held  each  circum- 
ilance,  and  the  confequent  priority  of 
t>rder  we  have  placed  it  in,  are  obvious^ 
•without  any  farther  explanation  ;  hut 
our  making  fo  fmall  account  of  mofs, 
for  the  neceiTary  article  of  fuel,  as  to 
confider  it  as  the  Jajl  and  leajl  objedv 
to  be  taken  into  the  reckoning,  in  fclecl:- 
ing  a  fituation  for  a  village,  may  re- 
quire to  be  accounted  for. 

The  Society  is   not   to  be  informed, 
that   the   climate  of  the  whole  of  the 


^he  Scotch  Fijheries,  95  > 

Weil  coafl  of  Scotland,  is  boiilerous, 
and  fubjed  to  great  rains.  This  cir-- 
cumflance  is  very  unfavourable  to  the 
gaining  of  peats:  The  making  of  fuel 
from  mofs  is  one  of  the  hardeil  pieces 
of  work  the  Highlanders  have  to  en- 
counter. They  dig  their  peats  to-day  : 
Some  days  after  they  lift  them  from  the 
ground  to  dry  :  next  day  a  hurricane  of 
wind  and  rain  throws  them  all  down  :. 
They  are  fct  up  again,  and  again  fliare 
the  fame  fate.  By  this  time  the  feafon 
is  gone,  and  the  poor  people  are  oblig- 
ed to  put  the  peats  in  a  wet  flate  up  in- 
to flacks.  Thus  their  time  is  confumed, 
their  bodies  toiled,  and,  after  all,  their 
purpofe  is  not  attained  ;  for  the  peats 
Hacked  wet  will  not  burn,  and  they  are 
confequently  in  great  mifery,  with 
fmoke  and  cold,  through  the  winter. 


9^  Ohjervatlons  upm 

For  thefe  reafons,  we  look  upon  the 
neighbourhood  of  mofs,  to  be  the  very 
leajl  confideration  in  chooUng  the  fiance 
of  a  village.  Coals  maybe  furniflied 
to  the  inhabitants  of  fuch  village  per- 
haps cheaper  (every  thing  confidered) 
than  peats,  though  they  fhould  even 
have  the  mofs  at  their  doors.  But,  at 
any  rate,  it  would  be  extremely  proper 
in  the  Joint-ilock  Company,  in  the  pre- 
fent  infancy  of  their  village,  to  lay  in  a 
Hock  of  coals  at  Ullapool.  Were  a 
coniiderable  fifliing  to  ftrike  up  there, 
during  the- time  the  people  were  at  work 
with  their  peats,  (which  very  often  hap- 
pens) they  would  be  reduced  to  the 
dilemma,  of  either  lofing  the  fifning, 
or  flarving  with  cold  through  the  win- 
ter ;  both  thefe  inconveniencies  would 
be  prevented,  by  the  Company  having 


The  Scotch   FIJI) cries.  97 

oji  hand  a  quantity    of  coals,  ready  to 
anfwer  fuck  an  emergency. 

We  fh  all  now  beg  leave  to  make  fome 
obfervations  upon  what  the  Joint- flock 
Company  has  done  at  its  two  faid  vil- 
lages. The  Author  of  this  paper  has  no 
view  in  communicating ^his  fentiment-s 
upon  the  m.atters  now  in  hand,  but,  from 
a  hearty  wiili  for  the  profperity  of  his 
native  country,  to  endeavour  to  put  in 
bis  mite  of  fervice,  to  the  laudable  de- 
ftgns  of  the  Society.  This  is  not  to  be 
done,  by  writing  iine  iiovv^ery  languan-e, 
or  fmooth  turned  periods,  but  by  faith- 
fully ftating  his  opinian,  derived  from 
an  experience  acquired  by  a  reiidence 
in  the  Highlands.  Truth  is  at  all  times 
falutary.  Burnifhed  falfehoods,' (which  • 
have  been  too  much  ufed  upon  this  fub- 
I  jecl 

98  Ohfervations  upon 

jecl  of  the  Fiihery,)  while  they  dazzle, 
ure  fure  to  blind  and  millead. 

The  Author  of  this  paper  left  that 
country  fome  years  ago,  and  before  the 
undertakings  were  begun   at  Ullapool, 
From  the  information  he  has  received, 
he  finds  that  very   confiderable  build- 
ings are  already  eret^ed  there  ;  a  pier, 
an  inn,  a  place  of  worfhip,  and  a  fchool- 
houfe;  befides.a  number  of  fmall  houfes 
for   filhers   and  tradefmen,  have   been 
ereded  by  individuals,  aided,  as  we  are 
informed,  by  the  funds  of  the  Company. 
Too  much   praife  cannot  be  bellowed 
upon  thofe  perfons,  who  fet  on  foot  and 
encouraged  this  plan,  of  civilizing  and 
improving  that  negleded  corner  of  our 
native  country.    When  we  refledl  upon 
the  noble  motives  by  which  thefe  per- 


The  Scotch  FiJIjeries,  cj^ 

fons  were  aduated,  it  is  exceeding  dif^ 
ficult  to  find  fault  with  any  thing 
which  has  been  done  under  their 
directions,  or  to  touch  upon  any  thing 
unpleafant  to  them.  Candour,  however, 
and  our  profeffed  defire  of  giving  our 
undifguifed  opinion,  obliges  us  to  ob- 
ferve,  that  it  were  to  be  wifhed  the 
Company  had  proceeded  more  flowly, 
in  the  laying  out  its  money,  and  done 
fome  of  its  v/orj-cs  upon  a  fmaller  fcale, 
particularly  the  inn  at  Ullapool,  which 
is  moil  unneceiTarily  large.  Probably 
it  would  have  been  better,  had  the 
Company  oecononiiled  as  much  as  it 
could,  in  order  that  it  might  be  the  bet- 
ter enabled  to  advance  the  conliderable 
fums  which  will  be  wanted  for  that 
abfolutely  neceffary  meafure,  of  making 
and  keeping  up  roads  of  communica- 
I  2  tioa 

100  Ohfervaticns  upon 

tlori  betwixt  their  villages  and  the  Low- 

The  eftablilhing  feme  ufeful  manii-» 
faciure  in  the  villages,  and  the  makin^^ 
of  thefe   roads,  we   look  upon  as   the 
principal  coniiderations  in  the  whole 
buiinefs  of  thefe  new  er^dtions,  Jo  far 
as   the   Highlands   is  concerned,     Tho, 
failure  of  the  iifhing  upon  that  coaft  for 
a  tracl  of  years,  (as  has  been  fornieriy 
known  to  have  happened)   would  have 
the  effed  to  draw  off  all  the  adventurers 
in  the  fifliing  upon  a  large  fcale,  which 
had   fettled    there.      The   only  thing, 
therefore,    which    would  be  left  as  an 
inducement  to  the  lower  order  of  people 
to  remain  at  the  villages,  would  be  the 
manufaclure  mentioned,  and  the  facili- 
ty with  which  they  could  communicate 


The  Scotch  Fijljeries,  lOi 

with  the  Low- country.  The  poor 
people  \Wio  remained,  would  be  thus  e- 
nabled  to  carry  on  fome  little  trade ;  and, 
by  maintaining  their  hold,  prevent  all 
which  the  Company  fliall  do  from 
being  totally  loft,  which  would  other^ 
wife  inevitably  happen,  if  the  herrings 
ill  Old d  abandon  the  Weft  coaft  for  any 
confiderable  fpace  of  time  ;_^tliefe  fiib 
have  been  known  to  difappear  upon 
that  coaft,  for  upwards  of  twenty  years. 
Til  us,  roads  would  be  a  great  benefit 
to  the  villages,  in  cafe  of  the  worft  hap- 
pening. If  the  villages  are  profperous, 
roads  would  inanitely  increafe  their 
profperity,  by  putting  it  in  the  power 
of  the  lefler  fifners  in  thefe  hamlets,  to 
convey  their  filli  freftito  the  towns  in 
the  Low- country,  where  they  would 
fetch  great  prices.     Upon    the  fubjecl: 


ic/i  Ohfervations  upon 

of  the  manufadlure  proper  to  be  intro- 
duced into  the  fiiliing  viUages,  we  fhall 
referve  ourfelves,  until  we  come  to 
fpeak  of  the  improvements  which  the  in- 
ferior parts  of  the  Highlands  will  admit 
of ;  becaufe  the  kind  of  manufacture 
proper  to  be  eftabliihed  there,  and  the 
manner  of  conduding  it,  will  equally 
apply  to  tiie  Coails  of  the  Highlands. 

It  is  a  melancholy  coniideration,  when 
one  retletSts,  that  in  a  country,  famous 
throughout  the  World  for  the  wifdom 
and  liberality  of  its  civil  polity,  the  max- 
ims which  that  polity  Hiould  dictate, 
are,  in  the  cafe  we  are  now  fpeaking  of, 
{o  much  departed  from,  that  the  fettling 
irad  civilizing  the  remote  parts  of  tlie 
Empire,  is  not  done  under  the  direc- 
tion, or  at  the  expence,  of  the  Govern- 


Ihe  Scotch  Fipj cries,  103 

ment  of  the  country,  but  is  laid  upon  the 
fhoulders  of  individuals,  who,  anxious 
for  the  public  welfare,  do  it  voluntarily 
out  of  their  own  eftates,  rather  than 
fruitlefly  apply  for  the  aid  of  the  State. 
A  Frenchman  or  a  Swifs,  would  hardly 
give  credit  to  this  relation.  In  thefe 
countries,  even  w^hen  one  of  them  Vvas 
fliackled  under  an  arbitrary  Monarchy, 
works,  the  carrying  on  of  which  would 
bring  advantage  to  the  whole  Communi- 
ty, were  done  at  the  expence  of  that 
Community.  Sorne  Fre  ich  authors 
have,  w^ith  great  fuccefs,  fnown  in  their 
writings,  that  the  fettling  remote  parts^ 
in  a  kingdom,  and  opening  communi- 
cations betvven  thefe  and  the  more  ci- 
vilized parts,  ought  to  be  the  buiinefs 
of  every  well-ordered  State. 


•104  Ohfervations  upon 

Eat  if  our  Governors  are  io  torpid, 
as  not  to  trouble  themfelves  about  fuch 
public  fervices  as  that  we  are  now 
fpeaking  of,  but  to  allow  the  charge  of 
doir.g  it  to  fall  upon  the  virtuous  indi- 
viduals, vvhofe  Zealand  anxiety  for  their 
country  has  led  them  to  take  the  bu- 
linefs  upon  themfelves,  yet  furely  they 
will,  for  very  fliame,  now  that  they  fee 
fo  much  done,  give  their  confeiit,  that 
the  expence  of  making  thefe  j-ieceiTary 
roads,- fhali  be  defrayed  out  of  the  pu^ 
blic  purfe.  This  is  an  event  devoiatly  to 
be  wifned  for ;  and  the  Society,,  and 
all  the. friends  of  the  Fiflieries,  and  of 
the  Highlands,  iliould  ufe  their  bed  en- 
deavours to  bring  it  about.  It  would 
relieve  the  Joint-ftock  Company  of  a 
very  heavy  burden,  ^nd  lighten  tlie 
lofs,  which  it  is  not  impofuble  may  a- 


The  Scotch  Fineries*  105 

rife,  when  the  Company  fhall  come  to 
balance  accompts  with  thefe  eilablifh- 
ments  it  fnall  have  foilered. 

It  will  cod  the  minifler  very  little 
trouble  to  do  this  favour  to  the  Com- 
pany, and  this  duty  to  his  country.  The 
bcfl  way  for  him  to  do  it,  v/ould  be  to 
lay  a  fmall  tax  upon  the  ton  of  every 
veffel,  employed  in  the  herring-fifheries 
in  Scotla,nd,  for  the  fpecial  purpofe  of 
making  and  maintaining  thefe  roads ; 
the  Company,  or  a  committee  of  it,  to 
be  the  truftees,  under  the  ad:  impofing 
the  tax,  for  feeing  the  money  duly  ap- 
plied. No  body  would  grumble  at  this 
tax.  A  Ihilling  a  ton  upon  the  bufles, 
might  produce  about  800  1.  per  annum,, 
upon  the  credit  of  which,  the  Compa- 
ny might  borrow   6000 1.  or  7000  1.  ;  a. 


ic6  Oof erv aliens  upon 

fum,  it  is  apprehended,  fufficient  to  make 
the  roads  at  prefent  needed.  The  roads 
once  made,  the  tax  might  be  mitigated, 
except  fo  much  as  was  necefiary  to  lieep 
them  in  repair.  It  woukl  be  bad  poli- 
cy in  the  prefent  fiate  of  that  country, 
to  propofe  a  turnpike  upon  thefe  roads. 
We  are  fenlible,  that  the  fum  above 
mentioned  is  not  fufficient  to  make  the 
roads  in  queilion,  aiiii  alfo  the  bridges 
which  would  be  rcvquifite  upon  thefe 
ro-ad'i ;  but  the  making  the  roads  is  the 
firfl  thing  to  be  done  ;  which,  if  found 
of  utility,  there  v;ill  then  be  encou- 
ragement to  build  bridges.  It  may  be 
objeded,  that  a  tax  upon  the  buffes 
would  be  improper ;  but  as  it  would  be 
but  a  fmall  one,  and  as  the  owners  of 
the  buffes  would  be  much  benefited  by 
thefe  roads,  it  may  be  fuppofed  they 


'Ihe  Scotch  FJjljeries,  loy 

ivould  think  the  payment  of  the  tax  no 
hardfliip.  At  prefent,  v/hen  a  bufs  has 
caught  as  many  herrings  as  will  load 
her,  Ihe  departs  for  her  port ;  and,  let 
the  fifh  be  ever  fo  plenty,  fhe  can  de- 
rive no  farther  benefit  from  them  ;  but 
if  the  roads  in  queftion  are  once  made, 
the  bulTes  will  find  fale  for  fuch  her- 
rings  as  they  may  catch,  after  they  have 
made  their  cargoes  ;  for  not  only  the 
country  people,  but  flrangers  from  the 
Lowlands,  will  buy  their  furplus  her- 
rings, when  they  can  take  them  away 
in  carts,  which  at  prefent  they  cannot 
•do.  Befides  this,  by  means  of  good 
roads  from  the  v/ellern  fiihing-grounds, 
to  Invernefs,  &c.,  any  bufs  which  may 
come  by  a  misfortune,  can  be  fupplied 
with  fails,  cordage,  &cc.  from  thefe 
^places,  inftead  of  being  obliged  to  go 

.      ta 

io8  Obfervations  upon 

to  her  port  (at  the  diftance  perhaps  o- 
an  hundred  miles)  for  that  purpofe,  by 
which  delay  fhe  might  lofe  the  fifhing 
for  that  feafon. 

We  have  already  difclofed  our  fenti- 
ments,  that  in  the  prefent  fcarcity  of 
market  for  Britifli  herrings,  by  unne- 
ceiTarly  pufliing  the  Fiihery,  and  la- 
viihing  encouragements  upon  it,  an 
evil  may  arife  to  the  country  inftead 
"bf  a  good  :  for  this  reafon,  we  think  the 
Joint-itock  Company  Hiould  proceed  in 
their  buildings  with  cautious  fteps. 
We  do  not  fay  that  they  have  already 
built  enow  of  houfes  at  their  two  faid 
villages,  but  our  fmcere  belief  is,  that 
it  would  neither  be  for  the  Com- 
pany's own  interefl,  nor  for  that  of  the 
Community,  to  proceed  very  much  far- 

Ihe  Scotch  Fijh€ries,  1 00 

llier,  until  more  markets  are  fecured  for 
Biitilh  herrings.     A  town  in  a  fertile 
country,  may  be  fupported  alone  by  the 
relidence  of  gentry  in  it,  a  retail  trade, 
and   public    hollelaries ;     but,    in  the 
Highlands,  it  is  a  manufadure  or  fifliery 
which  muft  fupport  any  appearance  of 
a  collected  focicty  ;  therefore,   inilead 
of  expending  money   upon  buildings, 
which  may  never  be  inhabited,  or  which, 
if  inhabited,  will  only  help  to  fill  the 
market  with  a  commodity  in  no  great 
requeft  ;  we   would  humbly  incline  to 
think  the    Company  fnould  very  foon 
fufpend  its  operations,  until  the  efre(fl:s 
of  the  experiments   it  is  now  making 
fhali  be  a  little  known.     At  the  fame 
time,  we  are  under  no  difficulty  in  fay- 
ing, that  we  think  the  befl  application 
of  the  Company's  funds  nozv,  would  be, 
K  frji 

a:  10  Ohfervations  upon 

jitjl,  to  encourage  Ibme  Dutch  curers 
to  fettle  at  the  two  villages,  for  the  pur- 
pofe  of  teaching  the  people  there  the 
true  method  of  preferving  herrings: 
Andi,fecondIy,  (if  no  aid  can  be  obtain- 
ed from  Government)  to  apply  part  of 
thefe  funds  to  the  making  and  up- 
holding proper  roads,  betwixt  the  faid 
"villages  and  the  Low-lands.  In  the  pre- 
fent  ftate  of  the  fiihing  trade,  thefe  two 
meafures,  in  our  opinion,  are  what  the 
Company  fhould  dired  its  principal  at- 
tention to. 

Having  faid  thus  much,  regarding 
what  the  Joint-Hock  Company  have 
with  the  mofx  laudable  intentions  done 
for  this  country,  it  falls  next  to  be  con- 
sidered, by  what  encouragements  the 
fcttlements  already  ellablifhed  by  the 


The  Scotch  Fi/heries.  iii 

Company,  may  be  befl  preferred  during 
their  infancy,  and  until  full  time  is  gi- 
ven to  make  a  fair  experiment  of  their 

We  fliall  not  hefitate  to  fay,  that,  in 
our  opinion,  the  fooner  thefe  villages 
are  left  to  uphold  themfelves  by  their 
own  exertions  and  induilry,  the  better 
for  the  Company  and  the  Community. 
Encouragements  do  not  always  produce 
the  good  effecls  they  aim  at,  efpecially 
when  beftowed  by  public  bodies ;  al- 
though encouragements  engage  the  fo- 
ber  and  induftrious,  they  are  alfo  baits 
for  the  n^edy,  the  defperate,  and  the 
idle.  That  induflry  depends  as  much, 
if  not  more,  upon  the  fpirit  and  difpo- 
iition  of  the  people,  as  upon  the  encou- 
ragements held  out  to  them,  is  fairly 
K  2  exempliSed 

112  Ohjervatloiis  upon 

exemplified  in  the  hiflory  of  the  towa 
of  Stornoway  ?Jready  mentioned,  which 
has  thriven  and  grown  rich,  although 
for  a  coniiderable  time,  and  till  of  late, 
in  the  hands  of  even  feverity  and  ex- 
adion.  At  the  fame  time  that  we  fay 
this,  we  are  clearly  of  opinion,  that  all 
the  individuals  who  are  already  invit- 
ed, or  whom  it  would  be  prudent  here- 
after to  invite  to  thefe  villages,  fhould 
liave  liberal  inducements  held  out  to 
them,  to  remain  or  fettle  there.  The 
offering  a  houfe  and  garden  to  a  fettler 
gratis y  may  be  an  inducement  to  a 
wretch,  who  rather  intends  to  beg  than 
work,  and  he  will  be  glad  of  the  offer 
without  any  farther  encouragement ; 
.but  if  the  Company  wifn  for  induf- 
trious  men,  it  mufl  not  only  oifer 
them   a   free  houfe  and    garden,   but 



Ihe  Scotch  FiJJjerles,  113 

filfo  a  boat,  nets,  Sec.  upon  credit : 
Even  tills  is  not  enough  :  The  accom- 
phfnment  of  the  Company's  purpofe 
(mz\  keeping  the  fettlers  in  the  vil- 
lages) will  never  be  brought  about,  un- 
kfs  it  ill  all  fmd  a  market  at  their  doors 
for  the  hill  caught  by  their  fettlers. 
We  do  not  mean  by  this,  that  the  Com- 
pany iliould  claim  the  pre-emption  of 
all  fifn  fo  caught ;  on  the  contrary,  the 
fettlers  Ihould  be  encouraged  by  the 
Company  obliging  itfslf  to  take  from 
oiT  their  hands  all  fach  hfli  as  they 
cannot  difpofe  of,  and  that,  not  at  an 
under,  bu4:  at  a  medium  price.  Thus, 
the  Company  rnuH  for  fome  time  be  the 
purchafers  of  hlli  :  It  muil  do  more  : 
for,  with  the  price  fo  given  by  the 
Company,  to  a  fcttler  for  his  fifli, 
he  cannot;  in  the  prefent  ilate  of  the 
K'3  Yillr.ge5 

114  Ohjervations  upon 

villages  and  the  country,  procure  the " 
neceflaries  of  life  ;  therefore  the  Com- 
pany, to  effedt  its  purpcfe,  mud  engage 
itfelf  to  fupply,  at  moderate  prices,  the 
fettlers,  at  all  times,  for  a  certain  pe- 
riod of  years,  with  meal,  butter,  cheefe, 
falt-beef,    Ihoes,    linen,     ready  -  made 
fifher-jackets,  Sec.  and  coals,  if  demand- 
ed.    Coals,  it  will  be  abfolutely  neceC- 
fary  the  Company  fhould  provide,   for 
the  reafons   we   have    given  upon   the 
96th  page  of  this  paper.     Without  fuch 
encouragements  are  granted  to  the  vil- 
lagers for  feme  time,  we  are  of  opinion, 
the  fettlements  will  only  languifli,  and 
at  lait  die.     It  is  almcfl   needlefs   here 
to  obferve,  that  the   Company,  in    its 
mercantile  capacity,  mnil  provide  build- 
ings for  iheltering,  and  alfo  materials 
for  curing  fach  full  as  may  be  fo  ofTer- 


.    The  Scotch  FiJJjeries.  115 

ed  by  the  fettlers,  as  well  as  ilore-houfes, 
for  the  articles  of  confumption  we  have 
mentioned..  The  Company  ihould  not 
however  engage  itfelf  to  thefe  condi- 
tions long.  If  the  Fifliery  fucceeds, 
and  Britiih  herrings  iliall  open  a  market 
for  themfelves,  by  the  improvements 
which  may  be  hereafter  made  in  curing 
them,  the  confequent  profperity  of  the 
villages  will  open  refources  to  the  fettlers 
for  fupplying  themfelves,  upon  perhaps 
better  terms  than  the  Company  could 
afford. — Upon  the  whole,  we  are  of  o- 
pinion,  that  the  Company,  while  it  on 
the  one  hand,  for  the  reafons  we  have 
urged,  proceeds  with  caution,  in  not 
bringing  too  great  a  number  of  people 
into  its  villages,  it  fhould,  at  the  fame 
time,  on  the  other  hand,  grant  due  en- 
couragement to  thofe  pcrfons  it  may  be 


Ii6  -  Ohfervations  upon 

proper  to  bring  there,  to  induce  them 
to  come  to,  and  remain  in  thefe  fettle- 
ments.  This  laft  is  a  meafure  abfokite- 
\y  neceflary,  being  the  only  chance  for 
effecting  the  Company's  purpofe  ia 
any  degree  at  all. 

But  there  is  a  great  difficulty  remains, 
\4z.  What  is  to  become  of  fuch  of  the 
fettlers  as  live  alone  by  fifhing,.if,  unhap- 
pily (as  has  been  often  experienced,) 
the  herrings  fliould  defert  the  coalt  for 
fome  years  running.  In  fuch  a  cafe,  it 
would  be  impofTible  for  the  Company 
to  purchafe  their  continuance  at  the 
yillage,  at  the  dear  rate  of  fubfifling 
them  upon  the  Company's  credit  all 
that  time,  in  profpedl  of  being  paid  by 
the  after  fiihings  of  fuch  fettlers : 
Even  doing  fo  for  one  or  two  years, 


The  Scotch  Fi/heries*  117 

would  be  too  ereat  a  riik  for  the  Com- 
pany  to  run.  We  own  this  is  a  very 
great  dilemma. 

The  difiiculy  here  flated,  has  often 
employed  the  thoughts  of  the  Author 
of  this  paper  ;  he  has  confidered  it  with 
great  attention,  and,  after  the  matured 
deliberation,  he  can  only  think  of  one 
thing,  which  would  provide  againll  it ; 
Unfortunately,  it  is  almoft  impollible 
to  procure  it :  Its  name  is,.  The  Li- 
berality of  the  Government  of  Great  Bf^i- 
tain,  to  that  part  of  the  Kingdom  called 

As  we  before  noted,  the  facilitating 
the  improvement  of  remote  and  uncul- 
tivated parts  of  any  kingdom  is  furely 
the  proper  bufinefs  of  the  Government 


liS  Ohfervatlons  upon 

that  flate  or  kingdom.  It  would  be 
fortunate  for  the  Communit} ,  if  the  ma- 
nagers of  ilate- affairs  in  this  country  were 
of  alike  opinion  with  us.  The  building 
the  villages,  making  the  roads,  purchaf- 
ing  the  fifli,  and  fuppljing  the  fettiers,. 
ought  in  good  policy  to  have  been  done 
at  the  expence,  and  under  the  dire6lion 
of  Government :  If  any  profit  accrued 
by  the  buiinefs,  the  public  revenue 
would  have  been  encreafed  by  it :  If 
any  lofs,  it  would  juflly  have  fal- 
len upon  the  Community  at  large.  The 
idea  of  a  Government  purchaiing  her- 
rings from  its  fubjedrs  is  not  a  new  one : 
■In  Engknd,  Edward  the  3d  did  fo ;  and 
the  pradlice  was  continued  by  his  fuc- 
ceiTors  down  to  Qiieen  Elizabethi 
Should  it  ever  unfortunately  happen,, 
that  the  herring-fifhing  fnould  fall  off, 


"The  Scotch  Fi/heries,  119 

•owing  to  there  being  too  many  caught 
for  the  markets, — from  the  debafement 
of  the  charader  of  our  fiili,  or  from  o- 
ther  circumllances  now  unforefeen,  a 
minifter  would  be  obliged  to  have  re- 
courfe  to  this  meafure,  if  he  meant  not 
to  lofe  the  ftrength  which  is  derived  to 
our  navy  from  the  numbers  of  feamen 
which  the  Filhery  nurfes  up. 

Though  we  are  not  fanguire  in  our  ex- 
pedations,  that  Government  will  either 
aid  the  J  oint-ftock  Company,  to  enable 
it  to  retain  the  fettlers  in  the  villages 
during  unfuccefsful  fifhing  years,  or 
appropriate  money  for  making  and  man- 
taining  the  roads  we  have  been  fpeak- 
ing  of,  yet  it  is  impoffible  for  us 
to  allow  ourfelves  for  a  moment  to 
think,  that  any  minifter -of  this  country 


12®  '     Ohfervations  upon 

will    ever    go     about    to     endeavour 
to   put  a  negative  upon    any   motion 
which    may     be    made     for     indem- 
nifying the  Joint-ilock   Company   for 
fuch  loHes,  (if  any  fuch  there  are)  which 
it  fhail  appear,  upon  taking  leave  of  the 
faid.  ellablilhments,  the  Company  ihali 
have  bona  fide  fuftained.     The  honour 
and  juitice  of  this  country  would  be  en- 
gaged   in  this  meafure,  and  certainly 
the  reprefentatives  of  this  part  of  the 
kingdom  inParliament,  will,  whether  of 
the  miniller's  party  or  not,  to  a  man  join 
in  fupport  of  fo  juft  and  equitable  a  pro- 

We  have  already  taken  notice  of  the 
negledl:  which  every  thing  relating  to 
this  country  meets  with  in  the  Britifh 
Parliament  :  At  whofe  door  does  this 


The  Scotch  Fineries-,  121 

e»/il  originate?  We  may  cliarge  it  upon 
the  indifFerency  of  the  Englifh  members 
about  Scotch  affairs :  But  candour  ob- 
liges us  at  fame  time  to  fay,  that  we 
are  afraid  part  of  the  evil  is  chargeable 
upon  our  own  members,  who  are  rather 
paffive  in  matters  which  concern  their 
native  country. 

While  we  thus  blame  Government 
for  being  carelefs  about  the  concerns  of 
Scotland,  it  is  however  no  more  than 
juflice  to  fay,  that  the  extravagant 
propofals  for  taking  money  out  of  the 
public  purfe,  for  the  particular  benefit 
of  this  country,  which  has  been  made, 
might  very  probably  affrighten  minif- 
ters  at  the  Vv  hole  buiinefs  of  the  Scotch 
Fifheries.  The  Committee  of  the  Houfe 
of  Commons  upon  the  Fiftiery,  amcngfl 
L  other 

123  Ohfervatiojis  upon 

other  tilings,  which  in  our  opinion 
Vt^ould  have  created  a  moil  needlefs  ex- 
pence,  reported  to  the  Houfe,  that  it 
was  neceiTary  to  eftablifh  a  Board  of 
fub-commiffioners  of  the  revenue  at 
Invernefs ;  and  that  fundry  new  She- 
rifflhips  were  neceiTary  in  Scotland. 
Surely  thefe  demands  had  better  been 
let  alone  :  The  fadl  is,  that  too  much 
has  been  wrote  and  faid  about  the  Fifh- 
ery.  Every  one  has  it  in  his  mouth  ; 
but  we  may  fay  (we  hope  without  of- 
fence or  arrogance)  that,  comparatively 
fpeaking,  few  underfland  it.  Hence 
the  fcheme  is  diilrafled  with  the  plans 
of  every  idle  projector,  who  v/ith  his 
propofals  increafes  the  mountain  of  fpe- 
culative  fluff,  and  ilill  farther  deters 
thofe  in  power  from  meddling  with  a 
bulinefs  fo  unfliapely.      Inilead  of  the 



7 he  Scotch  Fijh erics.  123 

Society  therefore  advertifmg  for  infor- 
mation, we  doubt  not  but  it  would  be 
more  for  the  benefit  of  what  it  yifhes 
to  promote,  if  the  Society  fliall  hereaf- 
ter, without  fuch  precarious  alTillance, 
tliink  for  itfelf  upon  the  fubje,6l  of  the 
Fiflieries,  and  the  improvement  of  the 
Highlands,  which  moll  of  the  members 
of  the  Society,  from  their  knowledge 
of  that  country,  are  very  competent 
to  do. 

Before  we  leave  off  concerning  the 
fifhing  villages,  v/e  ill  all  beg  liber- 
ty to  miCntion  to  the  Society  a  mat- 
ter Vv'hich  in  our  humble  opinion  de- 
ferves  its  attention, — It  is  an  improve- 
ment in  the  power  of  the  Society  or  the 
Joint-flock  Company  to  compafs. 

L  2  Upon 

124  OhfervatiGiu  upon 

Upon  the  Weft  coaft,  during  the'fifliing 
feafon,  when  a  body  of  herrings  efitei-s 
one  of  the  lochs,  it  is  not  long  before 
the  whole  fleet  of  herring  bufles  follow 
them.  There  is  not  any  thing  better 
known  by  the  fifhermen,  than  that  her- 
rings are  not  fond  of  remaining  in  a  loch 
where  they  are  molefted  with  the  fre- 
quent dafhing  of  oars,  and  toa  many 
vefTels  and  boats  pafhng  and  re-pafhng  ; 
and  that  accordingly,  when  thus  treated, 
they  foon  depart.  This  evil  (and  a 
great  one  it  is)  might  be  ealily  prevent- 
ed :  We  think  it  would  be  an  objedl 
for  the  Joint-ftock  Company  or  the  So- 
ciety, to  alk  from  Government  the  fer- 
vice  of  a  fmall  Admiralty  cutter  durijig 
the  hilling  feafon.  On  board  of  this 
velTel  a  fuperintendant  fliould  be  fent, 

who  Ihould  be  a   man  of  charader,  of 



The  Scotch   Fipjsries.  123 

experience  and  abilities,  and  whofe  or- 
ders the  commander  of  the  ciitter  fhould 
be  obliged  to  obey.  This  fuperinten^ 
dant's  bufmefs  fhould  be,  to  judge  what 
number  of  veiTels  and  boats  ought  to  be 
allowed  to  enter  any  loch,  where  there 
is  a  flioal  of  herrings.  He  fhould  be 
invefted  with  an  authority  from  the 
vice-admiral  of  Scotland,  to  take  cog- 
nizance of  trefpalTes  upon  the  water, 
and  to  commit  offenders  by  his  own 
warrant :  His  powers  fliould  aifo  ena- 
ble him  to  determine  upon  any  difpute, 
which  may  arife  amongft  the  fiilicrs  a- 
bout  the  fituation  of  their  nets,  or  other 
difierences.  The  Author  of  this  pa- 
per has  been  an  eye-witncfs  of  the  ne- 
ceifity  of  fuch  a  meafure  as  he  is  now 
recommending  :  He  has  feen  the  crews 
of  the  buffes  from  the  Clyde  &c.  at-< 
L  3  tack 

126  Obfervatlons  upon 

tack  the  poor  natives  of  the  Weft  coail 
in  their  miferable  canoes,  drive  them 
from  the  beit  iifning  places,  deilrov  their 
nets,  cruelly  maltreat  them,  and  then 
let  down  their  own  tackling,  in  the 
places  of  which  they  had  thus  robbed 
the  poor  natives.  The  faperintendant 
might  have  the  benefit  of  an  afiiflant, 
and  two  or  three  inferior  officers  ;  and, 
that  the  public  might  be  as  much  bene- 
fited as  poffible,  in  return  for  the  ex-^ 
pence  whicli  falaries  to  this  ellabliHi- 
ment  would  create,  both  the  principal 
fiiperintendant  and  his  colleague,  iliould 
be  veiled  with  powers  to  lit  and  a<^  at 
the  villages,  as  ordinary  judges,  in  dif- 
putes  about  property,  to  a  certain  extent : 
And,  if  it  was  thought  neceiTary,  they 
might  be  farther  intrufled  with  a  power 
to  judge  of,  and   pronounce   fentence 


The  Scotch  Fi/heries,  iij 

upon,  leiTer  crimes  committed  at  the  vil- 
lages and  upon  the  coaft. 

We  are  not  unacquainted,  that  there 
is  at  preient  an  ofhcer  appointed,  under 
the  Board  of  Truitees  for  Fiflieries  and 
manufadures,  called^^zV;^  haillie,  with 
authority  to  fettle  difputes  amongil  the 
fiihers ;  but  we  are  afraid  his  powers 
are  too  limited,  and  he  has  no  aihilance 
to  enforce  the  execution  of  his  own  a- 
wards.  It  may  be  proper  for  us  here 
by  the  by  to  obferve,  that  we  doubt  if, 
without  an  exprefs  law,  the  meafure  of 
hindering  an  improper  number  of^buiTes 
from  entering  a  loch  into  which  a  fhoal 
of  herrings  had  got,  could  be  defended* 
But  we  think  the*  adopthig  fuch  a  regu- 
lation is  of  fo  much  confequence,  that 
It  is.  even  m  the  prejsnt  ilate  of  the  her- 

128  Ohfervations  upon 

ring-fifliery,  an  object  to  endeavour  to 
get  an  enadtment  of  the  Legiflature  to 
author ife  it. 

It  may  perhaps  be  expeded,  that  mc 
fliould  here  fay  fomething  about  the 
the  queflion  which  has  been  broached. 
Whether  a  deep  fea  filliing,  or  a  loch 
fiiliing,  is  the  bed  ? 

After  having  already  declared  our  opi- 
nion, that,  by  the  prefent  modes  of  fifh- 
ing,  there  are  at  leail  as  many  herrings 
caught  as  the  market  demands,  it  would 
be  an  unbefitting  tafk  for  us  to  enter 
upon  recommending  any  particular  plan 
as  the  hejl  for  catching  herrings  ;  but, 
for  the  information  of  fuch  of  our  read- 
ers as  may  have  perhaps  never  heard  of 
the  queflioU;  we  Ihall  ilate  as  briefly 


The  Scotch  Fi/beries*  129 

as  poffible  what  occurs  to  us  upon  the 

Some  have  vehemently  argued  for  a 
deep-fea  fiiliing,  as  infinitely  prefer- 
able to  fifhing  in  lochs.  This  dodrine, 
upon  which  much  has  been  faid,  af- 
fords a  very  proper  inflance  in  proof  of 
our  aiTertion,  that  more  has  been  wrote 
upon  the  Fifhery  than  has  been  under- 
flood  about  it. 

The  advocates  for  a  deep-fea  filhing 
quote  the  example  of  the  Dutch,  who 
fifh  in  this  manner.  It  is  very  true  the 
Dutch  do  fo :  But  when  we  enquire, 
Why  ?  we  find,  it  is  becaufe  they  have 
it  not  in  their  power  to  do  otherwife 
with  profit.  The  Dutch  have  only 
two  choices ;  that   is,  either  to  fifli  in 


130  Ohfervations  upon 

the  deep  upon  the  coafl  of  Shetland, 
or  fail  throu  ',h  the  Pentland  Firth,  and 
fifh  in  the  weftern  lochs  of  Scotland. 
This  lalt  would  be  fo  long  a  voyage, 
and  the  navigating  the  difficult  ftrait  of 
the  Pentland  F:rth,  fo  hard  for  veirels 
of  the  conilrutflion  of  their  buifes,  that 
this  rhethod  would  not  anfwer  them. 
Of  the  two  evils,  therefore,  annexed  to 
the  fituation  of  their  country  for  fiih- 
ing,  they  wifely  make  eledlion  of  the 
lealt,  viz.  fifhing  in  the  deep-fea,  bc- 
caufe  the  ihallow  fifhing- grounds  are 
too  far  off  for  them.  The  Dutch  have 
upon  their  own  coafts  no  lochs,  bays, 
or  in-lets  of  the  fea,  to  which  the  her- 
rings refort ;  they  are  therefore  obliged 
to  feek  them  in  the  deep,  at  double  the 
rilk  and  expence  at  which  they  could 
fiih  them  in   embayed  fliallow  places, 



The  Scotch  Fiffjeries,  131 

fuch  as  the  lochs  of  Scotland.  The  in- 
habitants of  this  country  (more  efpeci- 
ally  thofe  upon  the  Weil  coail)  would 
be  extremely  unwife  indeed,  were  they 
to  be  at  the  great  expence  of  materials 
for  a  dcep-fea  iifliing,  and  expofe  their 
buiTcs  to  fo  much  tear  and  wear,  when 
every  purpofe  they  aim  at  is  better  an- 
fwered  by  their  fifningin  the  lochs  uf- 
ually  haunted  by  the  herrings  with  their 
fhort  nets,  at  a  lefs  expence  by  one 
half  at  leaft,  layhig  cut  of  the  qaeilioa 
the  riflv  of  loiing  both  veffel  and  nets 
in  the  winter  time  in  the  open  fea ; 
a  fate  which  the  Dutch  often  experi- 
ence. The  Dutch  would  never  hunt 
the  fiih  through  feas,  which  are  fome 
times  tempeiluous  even  in  Summer, 
were  it  not  impoffibie  for  them  (with. 
any  advantage)  to  fail  to  tlie  Well  lochs 


132  Ohfervatlons  upon 

Scotland,  where  (when  they  fliould 
arrive  there)  we  have  fome  doubts  if 
they  v/ould  be  allowed  to  fifli.  The  decp- 
fea  fi filing  is  not  only  very  expenfive 
and  perilous,  but  alfo  very  uncertain  ;* 
for  the  herrings,  while  in  deep  water, 
are  for  the  moft  part  in  an  itinerant 
difpoiition.  It  is  well  known  that  ow- 
ing to  this,  the  Dutch  are  very  often 
unfuccefsful ;  a  fadt,  which  the  gentle- 
men who  argue  for  a  dcep-fea  fifhing 
pafs  over  in  lilence.  It  is  a  ftrange  ar- 
gument, indeed,  that  becaufe  the  Dutch 
are  good  fiihers,  therefore  we  are  to 
imitate  them  in  all  things  regarding  the 
Fifhery,  even  in  that  which  they  them- 
felves  confider  as  a  y^ry  great  difadvan- 
tage.  The  doing  fo  would  be  as  vm- 
wife  as  the  conducl  of  a  perfon,  who, 
wifhing  to  imitate  the  drefs  and  exte- 

7he  Scotch  Fijfjeries,  155 

rior  of  fome  beau,  would,  in  order  to 
conform  exadly  to  his  pattern,  break  a 
limb,  becaufe  the  perfon  he  wilhed  to 
copy  had  come  by  that  misfortune. 

It  may  be  here  proper  to  obferve, 
that  the  advocates  for  a  deep-fea  fifli^ 
ing,  have  not  only  quoted  the  example 
of  the  Dutch,  but  alfo  that  of  the  Yar- 
mouth people,  in  inflance  of  this  prac- 
tice. The  latter  do  not  however  make 
a  choice  of  that  method  any  more  thMi 
the  former:  their  doing  fo  is  the  effe(?c 
of  neceffity,  becaufe  the  herrings,  which 
ufually  appear  once  a  year  upon  the 
Yarmouth  coaft,  do  not  come  into  ilial- 
low  water.  It  i-s  the  peculiar  adTanta^e 
of  the  Highland  coail,  to  be  cut  and 
indented  a;ll  along  with  ■  in-lets  and 
bays:  to  thefe  the  herrings  are  fond  of 
"""'^  JVI  re^ 

134  Ohjervations  upon 

reforting :  on  the  coafl  of  England,  there 
are  no  fuch  in-iets :  the  fifli,  accordingly, 
which  appear  there,  keep  a  coniiderahle 
way  from  the  ill  ore  in  deep  water,  and 
the  fifhers  muft  take  them  there  or  not 
at  all. 

If  it  {liali  be  faid,  that  the  reafon  givea 
for  the  Dutch  not  going  to  the  High- 
land lochs,  gannot  be  afligned  as  the 
caufe  vch.j  the  Yarmouth  people  do  not 
go  there,  feeing  they  are  almoft  as  near 
thefe  locks  as  fome  of  the  fifkers  on.  the 
cad  of  Scotland,  who  go  ;  We  anfwer. 
That  the  Yarmouth  people,  preferring 
fifliing  upon  their .  own  coafl  for  her- 
rings in  deep  ,water^:  tp;  going  to  the 
Weft  lochs  for.  thefe  .  ftfn,  does  by  -  jio 
jneans  prove  that  ^hey,  efteem  the  de^.r 
fea]  pftiing   as  fupei'ior  to  tlie  Q.ther ;,  it- 

M  ^^^^^ 

The  Scotch  Fi/ljcries.  135 

only  iliev.'s,  that  the  Yarmouth  people 
give  preference  to  that  mode,  which  is 
not  only  eafieil  for  them,  but  aUb  (con- 
fidering  their  great  diilance  from  the 
Weil  coad,  and  the  expenfive  way  in 
which  the  Englifa  vidual  their  veiTels) 
the  cheapefl.  Thus  we  fee,  that  both 
the  Dutch  and  Yarmouth  people  follov/ 
that  method  of  iifhing  w^hich  is  Inyl  a- 
dapted  to  their  refpeclive  fituations. 
The  Scotch,  by  fiihing  in  fliallow  wate.-, 
do  the  fame.  If  thefe  premifes  arc 
granted,  (and  we  think  they  nuifi)  w^a 
are  logically  entitled  to  fay,  that  all 
idea  of  the  fiihers  of  this  country  adopt- 
ing any  other  method  of  fifhing  for  her- 
rings is  precluded  \  for,  being  already 
in  pofTeliion  of  the  hejl,  their  choice  can 
go  no  higher.  We  fliall  only  farther 
obferve  on  this  branch  of  our  fubjecl, 
M  2  that 

1^6  Ohjervaticns  upon 

that  however  fitting  it  might  be  for  the 
iifners  on  the  Eafl  coail  of  Scotland  to 
follow  the  Dutch  and  Yarmouth  me- 
thods, and  avoid  the  troublefome  navi- 
gation of  the  Pentland  Firth,  yet  fure- 
ij  no  judicious  man  will  fay,  that  the 
lilliers  upon  the  Weft  coaft  ought  to 
pradife  the  deep-fea  fifhing.  So  well 
aware  of  the  expence  and  riik  of  a 
deep-fea  fifhing  are  the  Eaft  coaft  her- 
ring fifhers,  that  they  take  their  chance 
of  the  Pentland  Firth,  for  the  fake  of 
the  eafy  and  fafe  fiftiing,  which  they 
iind  in  the  lochs  to  the  weft  ward  of  it. 
The  advocates  for  a  deep-fea  fifhing  re- 
commend their  plan  to  the  eaftern  and 
weftern  Scotch  fiftiers  alike:  How 
improperly  they  have  done  (o,  we  have 
endeavoured  to  fliow. 


The  Scotch  Fi/heries.  137 

We  fhall  here  beg  permhTion  to  pro- 
duce another  proof  of  our  alTertion, 
that  too  much  has  been  raflily  wrote 
and  faid  upon  the  Fiilicry.  This  is  ex- 
emplilied  in  a  perfon  of  no  lefs  learning 
and  confequence  than  Dr  Adam  Smith, 
who  maintained,  That  G  overnment  ought 
to  withdraw  the  bounty,  paid  upon  the 
tonage  of  bujfes  employed  in  the  Fiih- 
cry,  and  give  it  to  boats  ofily,.  fo  em- 
ployed. It  is  not  eafy  to  conceive  how 
fuch  a  notion  could  enter  into  the  head 
of  any  man  of  Dr  Smith's  abilities  and 
informatiom  We  have  no  way  of  folv- 
ing  the  difEculty,  but  in  fappofmg  that 
the  Doclor  has  not  been  well  informed  : 
He  took  up  a  notion,  that  the  bufs>. 
owners  upon  tlie  Weft  coaft  fent  out 
their  veffels  on  pretence  only  of  fifujng, 
but  in  reality  with  an  intent  to  co?n§  at 
M  3  the 

133  Ohjervations  upon 

the  bounty.  Certainly  in  this  cafe  Dr 
Smith  drew  his  ccnclufions  from  fake 
premifes  :  for,  had  he  fairly  informed 
himfelf  of  the  adlual  coit  of  the  out- fit 
ofabufs,  he  would  have  found  that 
fuchavefTel,  equipped  according  to  law, 
returning  into  port  without  any  fifli, 
would  take  every  fhilling  of  the  bounty 
to  defray  her  charges  :  Where  then  was 
the  temptation  to  fraud?  No  matter:  the 
Docior,  would  not  part  with  his  opinion  : 
He  made  ufe  of  a  pun,  which  he  thought 
fettled  the  bufinefs :  They  don't  go  out, 
fays  he,  (meaning  the  buiTes)  to  catch 
theft/Jj,  but  to  catch  the  bounty.  Lucki- 
ly for  the  country,  the  Dodor's  advice 
\vas  not  wholly  taken :  He  fav^  the  boats 
encouraged  with  a  bounty,  or  at  lead 
an  indulgence  -  equal  to  it;  but  the 
Legillatare  prudently  continued  the  en- 

The  S^'otch  Fi/heries,  139 

couragenients  to  the  bufs-fiiliing  upon 
the  old  footing,  where  it  at  prefent  re- 
mains. We  lliall  reqiiefl  of  our  reader 
to  refierl:  what  the  confequences  would 
have  been,  ha,d  Dr  Smith's  advice  been 
taken :  no  lefs^  we  may  fafely  pronounce, 
than  the  total  annihilation  of  the  trade 
of  fiiliing  in  the  whole  tov/ns  in /the  ri- 
ver Clyde  and  its  vicinity.  The  giving 
the  bounty  to  boats  only  w^as,  to  be  furc, 
well  calculated  for  the  Eail  coail  of 
Scotland,  where  the  Docler  refided,  and 
Vv'here,  it  would  appear,  he  obtained  ail 
his  knowledge  concerning  the  Fifhery  , 
becaufc  fuch  herrings  as  do  appear 
there,  come  for  the  mofl  part  within  a 
mile  or  fo  of  the  doors  of  the  merchants 
ftorehoufes ;  fo  that  boats,  in  their  ^\t\\2i- 
tion,  would  have  anfwered  without  any 
bulTes  y  by  which  means    the  v/hole  Cr 


140  Ohfervations  upon 

normous  expence  of  building,  equipping^ 
and  manning  the  latter,  would  havebeeb 
iaved.  This  however  would  not  have 
anfvvered  one  of  the  great  purpofes  of 
granting  a  bounty  to  the  buffes,  viz* 
breading  up  feamen ;  and  therefore  the 
Legiflature  very  properly  refilled  the 
propofal.  Were  a  bounty  given  only 
to  boats,  the  fifhers  from-  Clyde,  6tc. 
would  be  virtually  cut  off  from  the  be- 
nefit of  it  y  becaufe,  as  the  herrings 
very  feldom  appear  in  the  neighbour- 
hood of  ^Z?Wr  towns,  (where  their  fait 
and  cafes  are  depoiited)  but  at  the  dif- 
tance  often  of  an  hundred  miles  from 
thcfe  places,  they  would  be  under  the 
neceffity,  in  order  to  reap  the  benefit  of 
a  bounty  upon-  boat  fifhing,  of  fitting 
out  and  mantaining  large  veiTels  to  ac- 
company   flich    boats    to   the   filliing 


The  Scotch  Fi/Jjenes*  1 41 

grounds,  as  a  kind  of  floating  llore- 
iioufes  and  lodging  lioufes  for  their 
men.  The  boat-bounty  would  not  in- 
demnify this  expence.  The  Doctor's 
meafure  would  therefore  in  eifedl  have 
cut  off  the  Clyde  fiihers  from  miy  boun- 
ty at  all  to  encourage  them  to  fifh; 
which  we  are  well  perfuaded  would 
have  put  an  end  to  their  attempt^ 
ing  it. 

Such  we  fee  has  been  the  giddinefs^ 
with  which  not  only  leiTer  writers,  but 
alfo  the  luminaries  of  commercial  re- 
fearch,  have  run  on,  in  writing  and 
fpeaking  upon  the  Fifhery,  a  fubjed, 
as  we  have  already  faid,  which  has 
been  much  perplexed  by  the  hideous 
fchemes  of  falfe  reafoners,  and  others 
unqualified  to   fpeak   properly  upon  it. 


142  Ohfervaticns  upon  - 

The  lucubrations  of  'the  different  at- 
tempt ers  to  fet  the  country  right  about 
its  Fifnerv,  became  at  lail  io  vohimi- 
nous,  and  tlieir  difTerent  fchemes,  none 
of  which  hit  the  point,  were  fo  irrecon- 
cileable,  that  the  whole  formed  a  jumble, 
enough  indeed  to  afrighten  miniflers 
from  looking  into  it :  of  courfc  it  has  been 
parti}  negleded  by  them,  as  a  fathom- 
lefs  bulinefs ;  a  grand  Elixir,  always  ta 
be  attempted,  but  never  to  be  produc- 
tive. From  the  fame  caufes,  fome  nio- 
derate  and  feniible  men  have  drawn 
nearly  the  fame  conclufions ;  and  thus 
unhappily  an  objccl,  undoubtedly  de- 
ferving  a  due  degree  of  national  atten- 
tion, has  not  yielded  the  benefit  which 
might  have  been  reafonably  expected 
to  accrue  to  the  country  from  it. 


Jhe  Scotch  Fyheries.  143 

We  have  now  fin i (lied  all  we  intended 
to  fay  refpedling  the  FiHieiy,  through- 
out which  we  have  regarded  truth,  ei- 
ther according  to  our  own  particular 
knowledge,  or  the  befl  of  our  informa- 
tion :  and  have  given  our  opinion  after  a 
thorough  examination  of  the  fubjecl, 
-Recording  to  thebeil;  of  our  judgement. 

We  fliall  now  clofe  our  defign,  by 
fubmitting  to  the  Society,  our  obferva- 
tions  upon  the  Utility  of  vmking  fome 
EJlabliJJjments  in  the  Interior  Farts  of 
the  Highlands,  the  only  requifite  of  the 
Society's  faid  advertifement  which  we 
.believe  remains  to  be  fpoken  to. 













The  Society,  it  is  prefumed,  are  not  to 
be  informed,  that  about  thirty  years  a- 
go,  and  during  the  lafl  reign,  no  lefs  a 
fum  than  3000 1.  per  annum  was  grant- 
ed by  Parliament  for  nine  years,  for  en- 
couraging the  fpinning  of  yarn  and 
making  of  linen  in  the  Highlands  of 
Scotland,  and  for  other  purpofes,  for 
N  3  thQ 

148  Improvement  of  the 

tlie  benefit  of  this  country.     The  ma- 
nty,  we  believe,  was  granted  out  of  the 
equivalent,  which  Scotland,  at  the  Uni- 
on claimed  from  England,  for   fubjecl- 
ing  herfelf  to   the   debts   of  the  lattex. 
The  management  of  this  dcfign  fell  un- 
der the  Board  eflablifhed  in  this  coun- 
try for  conferving  and  encouraging   it? 
Fiflieries  and  Manufactures :  In  purfu- 
ance  of  the  intention  above  mentioned', 
certain  buildings  were  ereded  at  Glen- 
morrifon  in    Invernefs-fhire,     and     at 
Iioch-broom  and  Loch-Carron  in  Rofs- 
•jliire.     Owing  to  what  caufes  we  know 
not,  but  at  the  expiry  of  the  period  li- 
mited by  the  act  which    granted   the 
inoney,  fo  little  was  the  defign  of  giving 
it  found  to  be  anfwered,  that  Govern- 
ment did  not  think  fit  to  continue  the 
encouragement,    and     the  experiment 


tnterlor  parts  of  the  Highlands,     149 

has  never  lince  been  again  tried.  Tiio 
hoLifes  eredted  for  the  purpofes  we  havG 
mentioned,  which  were  very  expenlive 
(and  magnificent  for  that  part  of  the 
country)  are  at  this  day  occupied  to 
various  purpofes,  very  different  from  the 
original  deii gn  of  them,  and  prefent  a 
very  melancholy  pidlure  to  a  perfon  of 
refiedion,  who  iliall  happen  to  pafs  by 
them.  One  cannot  help  feeling  fome 
vexation,  upon  coniiderirg  that  fuch  ca- 
pital fums  have  been  expended-,  with- 
out producing  any  of  the  good  purpofes 
for  which  they  were  granted.  The 
people  of  the  country,  in  the  neighbour- 
hood of  thefe  eilablifn meats,  know  as 
much  at  ihis  day,  and  no- more,  about; 
fpinning,  weaving,  flax-raifmg,  &c.  as. 
they  did  fifty  years  ago.  Surely  (ii; 
we  :::ay  expr^fi  ourfelves  fo)  tlicre  has- 
N  3  beea 

150  Improvement  of  the 

been  bad  cookery  here  ;  for,  in  remote 
places  in  the  Highlands,  where  women 
may  be  hired  at  a  very  cheap  rate,,  pro^ 
Jit,  inflead  of  lofs,  fliould  have  arifen 
from  their  work.  However,  the  fate  of 
thefe  undertakings  is  in  conformity  e- 
nough  to  pall  experience  in  things  of 
the  like  nature  :  All  encouragements,  in 
which  third  parties  mufl  be  employed 
between  the  giver  and  the  receiver  of 
fuch  encouragements,  are  lefs  or  more 
liable  to  the  evils  of  fraud  or  job- 
bing ;  on  which  account,  every  mode 
of  granting  public  encouragement,  whe- 
ther by  the  State,  or  individuals,  which 
drav^s  after  it  the  necelTity  of  erecting 
buildings  for  account  of  the  party 
granting  the  encouragement,  employ- 
ing agents,  clerks,  &.c.  Ihould  as  much 

as  poflible  be  avoided. 


Interior  Parts  of  the  Highlands,     151 

.  Having  faid  thus  much,  we  are  now 
to  propofe  to  the  fociety  our  plan  of  en- 
couraging the  population  and  profpe- 
rity  of  the  interior  Parts  of  the  High- 

We  enter  with  real  fatisfadion  upon 
this  part  of  our  defign.  What  we  are 
to  propofe,  we  think  a  pradicable 
fcheme,  which  ought  to  engage  in  its 
behalf  every  v^^ell-v/ifher  of  our  country. 
It  needs  no  gilding  or  falfe  reprefenta- 
tion  to  recommend  or  fupport  it,  and  a 
trial  at  leaft  may  be  made  of  it.  It  would 
be  an  impertinent  talk  to  enter  here  in- 
to a  defcription  of  the  vafi:  extent  of  this 
part  of  the  united  kingdom,  to  which  the 
appellation  of  Highlands  properly  be- 
longs. This,  as  well  as  the  great  popu- 
lation of  thofe  parts,  is  perfedly   well 


1^2  Improve fuent  of  the' 

known  to  every  gentleman  of  the  So- 
ciety. We  believe  we  do  not  exaggerate, 
when  we  fay, that  the  inhabitants  of  thofe- 
parts  of  Scotland,  known  by  the  name  of 
the  Highlands,  make  up  nearly  two  thirds 
of  the  whole  of  the  population  of  that 
kingdom.  What  a  pity  it  is,  that  their 
labours  are  not  more  ufeful  to  them- 
felves,  and  the  community  of  which 
they  are  members.  No  people  in 
the  ^vorld  are  apter  fcholars  at  every 
thing  which  may  be  aiirgned  them  to 
do,  or  difcover  more  fagacity  in  the  cx- 
ercife  of  their  reafon:  They  arc,  for  the 
mofl  part,  faithful  fervants,  and  prudent 
judicious  mailers :  The  common  people 
are  fober  and  Heady,  and  entire  llran- 
gers  to  the  diiTolute  and  wretched  lives, 
which  people  of  the  fame  rank,  in  the 
more  fertile  parts  cf  the  kingdom,  are 


Interior  Parts  of  the  Highlands.     153 

known  to  lead  :  There  is  not  fuch  a  con- 
tented fet  of  beings  in  the  whole  world, 
(if  we  except  the  happy  peafants  in  the 
vallies  of  S\^  itzerland)  as  the  fmall  te- 
nantry of  the  Highlands.  Let  us  here, 
in  fupport  of  our  obfervation,  bring  to 
the  recoliedlion  of  fome  member  of  the 
Society,  the  fatisfadlion  and  peace  he 
has  feen  within  the  walls  of  fome  poor 
Highlander,  to  whofe  houfe  he  has  per- 
haps been  driven  by  the  ilormy  night. 
The  focial  fire,  the  woman  of  the  cot- 
tage fpinning  upon  the  rock,  the  fpare 
but  whoiefome  meal  in  preparation  up- 
on the  fire  for  fupper,  the  landlord' 3 
little  live  property  fecured  from  the 
threatening  ftorm  in  the  other  end  of  the 
cottage,  and  within  view  of  the  owner, 
who,  to  chear  his  wife  and  little  ones, 
beguiles  the  folitary  liour  with  the  re- 

154  Lnprov  erne  lit  of  the 

cital  of  the  atchievements  of  fome  va- 
liant anceftor  in  a  fong.  To  find  fuit- 
able  employment  for  thefe  poor  virtu- 
ous citizens  and  their  progeny,  is  fure- 
\y  an  object  worthy  of  public  attention. 
Great  are  the  obligations  which  the 
Community  is  under  to  thofe  patriotic 
individuals  who  have  generoufiy  under- 
taken this  talk :  we  hope  that,  while 
they  thus  ferve  their  country,  their 
laudable  zeal  will  at  fame  time  be  com- 
penfated,  by  the  increafe  in  value  which 
their  property  mult  experience  in  con- 
fequence  of  the  meafures  taken  by 

In  the  hiflories  of  civilized  coun- 
tries, well  adapted  for  cultivation,  we 
find  that  tillage  has  ufually  been  the 
firit  thing  which  has  occupied  the  at- 


interior  Parts  of  the  Highlands*     153 

tention  of  the  inhabitants :  manilfadu- 
res  and  trade  came  afterwards.  On  the 
other  hand,  in  countries  lefs  fertile, 
manufactures  and  trade,  inflead  of  being 
confequences  of  an  improved  ftate  of 
the  country,  have  therafelves  been  in 
effedt  the  caufcs  of  the  cultivation  of 
the  foil. 

The  inland  parts  of  the  Highlands 
of  Scotland  are  not  fertile:  they  are 
however  pretty  populous  ;  which  cir- 
cumftance,  by  due  management,  might 
be  made  amply  to  compenfate  both  the 
want  of  foil  and  climate.  The  way  in 
tvhich  this  is  to  be  done,  is,  by  introdu- 
cing into  thofe  parts  fome  kind  of  ufe- 
ful  manufacture. 

The  Highlands  at  prefent  does  not  reap 


1^6  L}it>rovement  of  the 

the  benefit  of  its  confiderable  popuk- 
tion  :  there  are  more  people  there  than 
the  produce  of  the  land  can  well  main- 
tain :  they  are  on  that  account  obliged 
to  wander  to  other  places  in  quell  of 
employment,  and  to  become  a  kind  of 
vagabonds  upon  the  earth.  "What  re- 
lief, then,  fo  natural,  as  to  find  them  em- 
ployment at  home,  in  a  manufacture, 
which  if  well  conduclcd,  would  not  only 
make  individuals  live  comfortably,  but, 
by  means  of  the  money  fuch  manufac- 
ture would  bring  into  the  country,  the 
foil  would  be  improved,  the  value  of 
land  raifed,  and  employment  found  for 
numbers  of  the  natives  in  agriculture. 

Though  there  are  feme  obfiacles  in 
the  way  of  effecling  this  happy  purpofe, 
yet  they  can  be  removed  at  an  expence 


Interior  Farts  of  the  Highhmds.     137 

inconfiderable,  when  compared  to  the 
advantages,  which  would  be  derived 
from  fuch  a  meafure  :  The  firjl  of  thefe 
obftacles  is,  that  the  people  in  the  in- 
land parts  of  the  Highlands  are  not  at 
prefent  collected  into  towns  or  villages ; 
and  ihQfecond,  that  there  are  not  pro- 
}>er  roads  of  communication  betwixt 
that  country  and  the  more  populous 
parts  of  the  kingdom. 

Having  fatisfied  ourfelves  with  re- 
gard to  the  practicability  of  what  we 
have  propofed,  as  well  as  its  utility, 
^ve  fhall  proceed  to  obferve  to  the  So- 
ciety, that,  in  confidering  the  fubjecl  be- 
fore us,  we  have  no  lielitation  in  declar- 
ing, that  we  queflion  if  it  would  be  ad- 
vifeable  to  attempt  a  village  in  any  of 
the  interior  parts  of  the  Highlands,  (or 
O  even 

15S  Improvement  of  the 

even  if  it  would  be  pradlicr.ble  to  keep 
the  people  together  in  fiich  village) 
without  fome  kind  of  manufadlure  were 
efLablilhed  in  it.  A  parcel  of  poor 
people,  to  be  fure,  might  be  brought  to- 
gether, allured  by  the  advantage  of 
having  a  houfe  and  a  bit  of  ground 
gratis,  or  fuch  like  encouragements  : 
Eut  what  benefit  would  t\\Q  country 
at  large  derive  from  fuch  a  meafure? 
Even  the  neighbourhood  of  a  village 
%vithout  a  manufacture  in  it,  would 
have  very  little  advantage  by  it,  far- 
ther than  the  convenieaice  of  being 
near  perhaps  a  fin  all  retail  fliop,  or  an 
•artificer'  part  of  the  earnings  of  thefe 
tradefmen  might  probably  find  its  way 
into  the  pockets  of  fuch  farmers  in  the 
^neic^hbourhood  as  coukl  frare   of  their 

O  i 

produce  to  fell  to  the  village  :    but  if 


Interior  Parts  cf  the  Highlands,     159 

every  fhilling  fo  earned  was  to  be  fpent 
in  the  fame  way  (a  fuppolition  not  very 
probable)  this  would  not  be  bringing 
any  money  into  the  country. 

Allowing,  however,  fuch  an  inter- 
courfe  VfOuld  be  an  advantage  to  a 
neighbourhood,  we  doubt  if  a  place 
Gould  be  found  in  the  inland  Highlands^ 
whofe  neighbourhood,  in  its  prefent 
iVdte,  could  afford  bufinefs  to  fupport 
fach  a  village  as  we  have  mentioned. 
In  a  cultivated  country,  a  town  may 
be  up-held  by  its  immediate  neighbour- 
hood, or  by  enjoying  the  benefit  of  ly- 
ing at  the  entrance  to  a  Highland 
country;  but,  in  an  uncultivated  coun- 
try like  the  inland  Highlands,  fuch  an 
idea  is  entirely  precluded.  If  a  village 
in  the  inland  Highlands  in  the  prefent 
O  2  Hate 

i6o  hnproTement  of  the 

itate  of  that  country,  could  not  "be  fap- 
ported  by  its  neighbourhood,  it  is  ft  ill 
leis  fuppoieable  that  fiich  village  could 
fupport  itfclf :  Therefore,  in  oar  hum- 
ble appreheniion,  every  idea  of  erec- 
ting a  village  in  the  country  in  quef- 
tion,  without  eftablifninga  manufaclure 
in  it,  is  a  wrong  one,  and  will,  we  ima- 
gine, be  fou-id  not  lo  anfwer.  Wem^ay 
lay  it  down  as  a  maxim,  in  this  cafe, 
that  if  a  village  in  the  inland  parts  o£ 
the  Highlands  does  not  benefit  its  neigh- 
bourhood more  than  its  neighbourhood 
benefits  it,  the  intention  of  building 
fuch  village  {v\%,  to  find  employment 
for  the  people,  and  to  improve  and  raife 
the  value  of  the  land)  is  not  anfwered. 
We.  have  feen  that  a  village  without  a 


Interior  Parts  of  the  HigJAands,     1 6 1 

nianufadare  could  not  iupport  itfelf, 
far  lefs  better  the   country;  therefore 
it  is  clear,  that  the  e reding  fuch  a  vil- 
lage would  not   anfvver  the  end  which 
undoubtedly  the  Society  aim  at.     We 
may  add,  that  not  only  ought  a  village 
in  the  country  in  queflion  to  be  inde- 
pendent of  its  neighbourhood,    in   the 
prefent  Itate  of  that  country,  for  trade 
to  fupport  it ;  but  alfo  meafures  iliculd 
be  taken  to  render  fuch  a  village  inde- 
pendent of  its  neighbourhood,  for  the 
chief  articles  of  fubfiftence  ;  a  precau- 
tion abfolutely  neceifary  for  the  prefer- 
vation    of  a   fettlement  of   this    kind, 
until  the  country  around  it  ihall  be 
in  fome  fort  fit  to  fupply  it  with  ne- 

O  3  Kavin 

l6l  liiiprovernent  of  the 

Having  thus,  as  we  imagine,  raffici- 
ently  proven,  that  the  bringing  money 
into  the  inland  Highlands,  by  means  of 
fome  manufadure,  is  the  bcfl  way  in 
which  the  Society's  great  endof  em.ploy- 
ing  the  people,  and  improving  the  foil-, 
can  be  brought  about ;  and  having  alfo 
endeavoured  to  fhow,  that  the  eredt* 
VA^  villages  without  eftablifliing  fuch 
manufadures  in  them,  would  fall  fhort 
of  effecting  the  Society's  faid  purpofes  ; 
vre  come  next  to  pronofe  the  kind  of 
manufadlure,  in  our  opinion  proper  to 
be  firfc  fo  introduced,  the  fcale  it 
fiiould  be  taken  up  upon,  and  the  man- 
ner, in  our  opinion,  in  which  it  fliculd 
be  conducHied. 

In  confidering  this  fubjed,  we   are 
not    perplexed    with    many    choices: 



Interior  Parts  of  the  Highianch     163; 

There  are,  in  our  bumble  opinion,  only 
two  manufadtures,  wbicb,  in  the  pre- 
fent  Hate  of  the  interior  part  of  the 
Highlands,  it  would  be  proper  to  intro- 
duce into  thefe  parts.  The  one  the. 
linen, — the  other  that  of  the  woolen. 
We  have  flvirlv  adjufled  the  balance^ 
and  thrown  our  reafons  in  favours  of 
each  of  thefe  branches  of  trade,  into 
oppoiite  fcalcs  :  thofe  in  favours  of  the' 
woolen  inanufadure,  foon  infinitely 
preponderated.  It  behoves  us  to  give 
feme  account  of  thefe  reafons. 

In  judging  of  the  matter  before  us^ 
one  of  our  reafons  for  preferring  the 
ivoolen  manufaclure,  is,  that  the  High- 
lands itfelf  affords  great  quantities  of 
the  raw  material  of  that  manufacture^ 
the  confumption   of  whichj  at   home, 


164  Improvement  of  the 

would  be  a  great  attainment  to  the 
Country.  Although  this  circumflance 
was  very  favourable,  we  do  not  know, 
(confidering  the  quick  market  there  is 
at  prefent  for  wool,)  if  it  would  have 
determined  us,  had  we  not  been  alfo  of 
opinion,  that  of  the  two  manufa^lures 
mentioned,  the  woolen  was  the  one  of 
which  an  experiment  could  be  made 
in  t?ie  Highlands,  at  the  leaft  expence  ; 
in  aid  of  which  opinion,  the  circum- 
flance of  the  wool's  being  ready  at  hand 
in  the  Highlands  comes  in. 

For  making  a  fair  experiment  of  the 
trade  we  have  been  recommending,  it 
is  our  opinion,  that  the  Society  fliould, 
(if  it  does  not  choofe  to  make  the  trial 
at  its  own  expence,)  flrain  every  nerve 
to  obtain  public   aid,  to   enable  it  to 


Lit erior part  of  the  Highlands,       165 

build  a  fmall  village  upon  a  favourable 
jpot  in  the  inland  parts  of  fome  of  the 
Highland  counties.  Some  of  the  inland 
parts  of  Argjlefnire  are  well  adapted 
for  fuch  a  village  ;  but  as  that  county 
has  already  a  deal  of  trade,  and  is  in  a 
fair  way  of  having  more,  probably  it 
would  be  as  well  to  favour  fome  place 
of  lefs  trade,  and  farther  north,  with 
the  village  ;  perhaps  fome  part  in  the 
heights  of  Perth,Rofs,or  Invernefs-fbires. 
The  local  advantages  principally  to  be  fe- 
cured,  in  fetting  down  fuch  a  village, 
are  fo  obvious,  that  it  is  almofl  walling 
time  to  mention  them.  The  leading  ob- 
jects are,  the  choice  of  a  place  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  a  flieep  country,  in  a 
fpot  capable  of  improvement,  and  from 
whence  a  road  could  be  cheapeft  made, 


i66  Improvement  of  the 

to  communicate  with  the  nearcil  fca- 

We  fliall  be  extremel)  cautious  in 
adviiing  the  Society  to  launch  out  large 
fums  of  money  upon  fpeculation.  We 
are  fenfible  that  the  moil  laudable  in- 
tentions^ for  the  wifefl  purpofes,  and 
proceeding  upon  the  bell  grounded  ex- 
pe6lations,  may,  and  fometimes  have 
been  defeated  through  mifmanage- 
ments,  or  the  intervention  of  \'^ayv\7ard. 
circumftances,  arifing  out  of  the  conca- 
tenated train  of  events  beyond  the  eye 
of  human  foreiight.  The  beft  way,  in 
our  opinion,  in  cafes  of  the  nature  now 
before  us,  is  not  to  proceed  altogether 
upon  mere  hypothelis ;  but  where  it  rs 
in  our  power,  (as  in  this  cafe  it  certain- 
ly  is,)  to  pofTefs  ourfeives  of  fome  argu- 

Interior  Parts  cf  the  Highlands.    iGj 

meiit  derived  from  fad,  as  a  refling- 
place  in  our  fpeculative  journey  :  Hav- 
ing got  Jiold  of  fucli  a  place,  we  can 
there  breathe  a  little,  and  not  only  look 
to  what  is  before  us,  but  alfo  to  what  is 
behind,  and  make  choice  of  advancing 
or  retreating  as  is  moft  convenient. 

Now,  in  this  village,  fo  to  be  built  by 
way  of  experiment,  we  would  propofe, 
j/?,  To  erccl  fmall  houfes  for  the  recep- 
tion of  poor  families  ;  the  number  of 
thefe  not  to  exceed  fifty,  and  the  ex- 
pence  of  each  houfc,  not  to  exceed  25L 
idlj;  A  better  kind  of  houfes,  with 
fmall  fliops  facing  the  flreet,  not  ex- 
ceeding the  value  of  50 1.  each  ;  the 
mimber  of  thefe  v.e  would  prcpcfe 
fnould  be  fix.  3^%  Buildings,  in  vvhich 
7ilay  be  carried  on  the  kind   of  woolen 


1-68  Improvement  of  the 

raanufadure  hereafter  to  be  mentioned, 
to  the  extent  in  value  of  350 1.  \  and  a 
houfe  and  offices  for  the  perfon  who 
fjiall  carry  on  fuch  manufadure,  of  the 
value  of  200  1.  Athly^  A  houfe  for  a 
dyer,  with  a  dye- houfe  adjoining,  to- 
gether of  the  value  of  80  1.  5^/^/v,  A 
place  of  worfhip,  with  a  fmall  public 
clock  therein  ;  together  of  the  value  of 
200  1.  Gthly,  A  public  houfe  of  the  va- 
lue of  150 1.  7^/^/f,  A  wauk-mill,  with 
a  houfe  adjoining  for  the  waulker,  to- 
gether of  the  value  of  60  1.  ^tbly,  A 
public  Well,  of  the  value  of  50 1.  gtbly^ 
A  fchool-houfe,with  accommodations  for 
the  fchool-mailer,  of  the  value  of  70 1. 
lothly,  A  houfe  for  the  preacher,  of  the 
value  of  60 1.  And,  iithly^  ^nd  Iq/llyy 
a  flore-houfe  of  the  value  of  150  1.  The 
exp.ence  of  inclofmg  with  a  dry-ilone 


Interior  parts  of  the  Highlands,    167 

dyke  the  fmall  gardens  of  the  fettlers 
we  eilimate  at  50 1;  and  for  inclofing 
thofe  of  the  other  fettlers  we  reckon 
20 1.  will  be  neceifary,  making  toge- 
ther 70  1.  We  reckon  200  1.  would  be 
fufficient  to  defray  the  expence  of  fu- 
perintending  the  building  of  the  vil- 
lage, and  500  1.  may  be  ilated  as  the 
purchafe-money  of  a  piece  of  muir- 
ground,  for  the  lite  of  the  village,  and 
for  a  fmall  territory  about  it,  upon 
which  it  might,  if  needful,  be  extend- 
ed :  and  we  Hate  460  1.  for  carrying  on 
any  other  building  which  may  be  found 
neceifary,  and  for  incidents  and  contin- 
gencies; making  the  whole  out-lay  for 
the  village  the  fum  of  4150  L 

Having   given   this    abilracl   of  our 

fcheme  of  building  the  village,  it  is 

P  next 

170  Improvement  of  the 

ferred    as  the  firjl    upon    which  thie 
experiment  Hiould  be  tried^  whether  miy 
manufa^iire  at  all  in  thefe  parts  would 
anfwer.  In  mod  of  the  manufadures  of 
this  country^  coals  are  neceflary ;  but  as 
thefe   (even    although     found   in  the 
Highlands)  could  not  be  obtained  but 
at  a  very  great  expence,  we  fliould,  for 
the  reafons  above   mentioned,   think  it 
very  unadvifcable,  to  make  the  experi- 
ment in  queilion  upon  any  manufadlure 
in  which  the  ufe  of  that  fuel  was  abfo- 
lutely   neceiTary.      The   (lockings,  we 
would  propofe  fliould  not  be  manufac- 
tured in  the  loom,  but  knitted  upon 
wires,  as  is  pradifed  in  the  country  of 
Aberdeen-iliire  :  this  method  is  net  on- 
ly beil  fuited  to  the  Highlands,  as  tend- 
ing to  anfwer  one  of  the  chief  purpofes  of 
the  Society  viz.  the  employing  the  peo- 
ple ^ 

Interior  Parts  of  the  Highlands.   171 

pie  •  but  the  ftocldngs  fo  manufaclurcd, 
though  not  fo  fliewy,  are  yet  more  fub-^ 
ftantial  than  loom  (lockings,  and  have 
accordingly  preference  in  Holland^ 
which  is  the  beft  market  for  flockings 
we  know.  At  fame  time,  if  cireum- 
ftances  juftify  it,  the  loom  flocking- 
weaving  might  be  tried. 

The  next  thing  for  our  conlidera- 
tion,  is,  to  fix  upon  that  plan  of  intro- 
ducing this  manufacture  into  the  inte- 
rior Highlands,  which  fhall  be  leaft 
liable  to  abufe  or  difappointment.  We 
own  this  is  not  fo  ^?Sy  to  judge  of:  for, 
on  the  one  hand,  Vv'e  find  that  to  at- 
tempt it  upon  cheap,  terms  would  only- 
produce  the  evils  we  dread  ;  on  the  o- 
ther  hand,  v/e  find  the  encouragementL^ 
neceflary  to  do  it  to  purpofe  v.'ill  be  a 
F  3  heavy 

2  7^  Impro'vefnent  of  the 

heavy  expence.  We  have,  however,  no 
alternative,  as  it  is  clear  that  that  method 
which  fhall  be  found  to  bring  the  So- 
ciety's intentions  beft  about^  though 
moil  expenlive  at  firft,  will  alfo  be  found 
in  the  end  to  be  the  cheapeft,  and  to  it^ 
therefore,  we  give  the  preference.  The 
Society's  purpofes  can  never  be  brought 
•about  by  taking  the  manufadure  into 
its  own  hand,  and  appointing  people  to 
fuperintend  and  conducSl  it.  Needy  or 
defperate  men  might  offer  themfelves 
upon  eafy  terms ;  but  experience  fhews^ 
that  the  execution  of  public  purpofes^ 
trulled  into  the  hands  of  fuch  people^ 
has  not  produced  any  good  ;  unlefs  ad- 
miniitering  to  the  neceffities  of  the  par- 
ties fo  employed  can  be  called  fo.  If 
therefore  the  Society  fhall  ever  think 
of  adopting  the  meafures  we  are  recom- 

Interior  parts  of  the  Highlands,  173; 

mending,  if  they  are  to  be  well  ferved^ 
it  mutt  be  by  perfons,  not  only  of  cha- 
radler  and  probity,  but  of  known  pro- 

The  encouragements  necelTary,  on 
the  one  hand,  to  procure  the  fervices  of 
a  perfon  or  perfons  of  this  defcription, 
and  the  engagements  he  or  they  ought 
to  come  under  in  return  for  thefe  encou- 
ragements, on  the  other  hand,  is  what 
we  fliall  now  ft  ate. 

To  make  the  Society's  intentions  in 
this  refpecl  public,  the  beft  way  would 
be,  to  advertife  in  the  newfpapers  the  of- 
fers of  the  Society,  which,  in  our  hum- 
ble opinion,  ought  to  be  as  follows,  viz. 
That  to  any  perfon  or  perfon?,  indivi- 
duals or   companies,  converfant  in  the 


1/4  Improvemeni  of  the 

woollen  manufadure,  who  lliall  fatisfy 
the  Society,  that  he  or  they  are  polfef- 
fed  of  a  capital  of  at  leaft  1500I.  and 
who  fliall  be  willing  to  fet  up  the  faid 
buiinefs  in  faid  village,  and  to  come 
under  the  conditions  hereafter  to  be 
mentioned,  the  Society  will  procure 
the  following  encouragements  to  be 
given :  Firjl,  That  there  Ihall  be  paid  to 
fuch  perfonSy  upon  the  amount  of  the 
capital  employed  by  him  or  them,  each 
and  every  year,  a  clear  premium  of  15 
per  cent,  per  annum,  idly,  That  the 
Society,  for  the  farther  encouragement 
of  fuch  perfon  or  perfons,  will  procure 
accommodations  to  be  built  for  carrying 
on  the  fiiid  buiinefs,  and  accommodations 
alfo  for  the  family  of  fuch  perfon  or 
perfons,  to  the  extent,  together,  of  at 
leaft  550I. ;  fuch  buildings  to  be  exe- 

Interior  Parts  of  the  Hlihlamh.    173 

cuted  according  to  the  plan  of  the  faid 
perfon  or  perfons,  but  under  the  infpec- 
tion  of  the  Society  or  its  agent,  '^dly^ 
That  the  faid  perfon  or  perfons,  fhall, 
befides  thefe  encouragements,  be  entit- 
led tp  the  exclulive  privilege  of  carry- 
ing on  the  faid  bufinefs  in  the  faid  vil- 
lage, for  the  term  of  fourteen  years,  du- 
ring all  which  time  he  fhall  be  free  of 
rent  for  the  faid  buildings,  and  be  en- 
titled to  the  faid  i^per  cent,  and  alfo 
the  other  encouragements  herein  after 
mentioned,  ^thly.  That  the  Society 
fhall  engage  itfelf  to  have  ahvays  upon 
hand  in  the  faid  village,  a  fufficient 
quantity  of  oat  or  bear- meal,  ready  to 
be  fold  to  the  people  employed  in  the 
faid  manufacture  by  fuch  perfon  or  per- 
fons, at  the  average  price  which  it  fliall 
appear  from   the   m.odes  prefcribed  by 


17^  Improvement  of  the 

law,  for  fixing  the  prices  which  regu- 
late the  importation  and  exportation  of 
vidlual,  fuch  meal  fliall  bear  at  the 
time,  in  the  county  where  the  aid 
.village  fliall  be  iituated.  S^hly,  The 
Society  ihould  offer,  for  facilitating  the 
trade  of  fuch  perfon  or  perfons,  to  pro- 
cure, that  good  and  palTable  roads  fnall 
be  made  between  fuch  village,  and  the 
fea-port  town  nearqfl  thereto,  tthly,  The 
Society  fhould  offer  to  procure,  that  fuch 
perfon  or  perfons  fhall  be  accommodated 
during  the  currency  ofthefaid fourteen 
years,  with  a  quantity  of  land  rent- 
free  in  the  near  vicinity  of  fuch  village, 
fufficient  for  the  maintenance  of  three 
horfes  and  two  cows ;  two  of  the  former 
of  which,  with  a  proper  waggon,  the  So- 
ciety fnould  engage  to  procure  to  fuch 


Interior  Parts  of  the  Highlands,  177 

perfon  or  perfons  gratis.  For  the  far- 
ther encouragement  of  fuch  perfon  or 
perfons,  the  Society  fiiould  engage  it* 
felf,  that,  at  the  expiry  of  the  faid  four* 
teen  years,  it  fhould  be  optional  to  the 
faid  perfon  to  continue  the  bargain 
with  the  Society  for  feven  years  more, 
with  this  dedudlion  of  circumltances  in 
favours  of  the  latter,  that  at  the  expiry 
of  the  faid  firil  term  of  years,  and 
during  the  currency  of  the  faid  fe- 
ven years,  the  faid  perfon  or  perfons 
iliould  not  be  entitled  to  the  exclufive 
privilege  of  carrying  on  the  faid  manu- 
facture in  the  faid  village,  nor  to  any 
more  than  10  per  cent,  per  annum  upon 
the  fum  employed  by  him  or  them  in 
each  year  during  the  faid  feven  years. 
And  lajlly.  For  the  ftill  farther  en- 
couragement of  fuch  perfon  or  perfons^ 


178  Improvement  of  the 

it  fhould  be  optional  to  him  or  them,  to 
continue  the  bargain  with  the  Society 
for  flili  feven  years  more,  v/ithout  any 
exclufive  privilege  infavom's  of  the  for- 
mer, and  upon  a  premium  of  only  5  per 
cent,  per  annum,  upon  the  fum  he  or 
they  fhall  fo  employ,  fubje6l  to  a  de- 
duction in  name  of  rent,  of  5  per  cent, 
of  the  fum  the  buildings  and  land  occu- 
pied by  fuch  perfon  or  perfons,  Ihall 
have  coft  the  Society  or  the  public.  For 
the  additional  encouragement  of  fuch 
*perfon  or  perfons,  the  Society  ihould  en- 
gage itfelf,  that  T\"ith  every  apprentice 
the  faid  perfon  or  perfons  fliall  take  to 
teach  the  weaving,  dyeing,  waulking, 
or  wool-combing,  for  feven  years,  the 
Society  will  procure  to  be  paid  to  fuch 
perfon  or  perfons  the  fum  of  50  1.  in 
name  of  apprentice-fee,  upon  th€  maf- 


Interior  Parts  of  the  Highlands,  179 

t-er,  becoming  bound    to   maintain  and 
clothe,  in  a  fiiitable  manner,  fuch  appren- 
tice during  the  whole  time  of  his  faid  fer- 
vice  ;  and  the  Society  ihould  farther  en- 
gage itfelf  to  build  for  the  accommodation, 
of  the  trade  of  fuch  perfon  or  perfons,  a 
dye-houfe,  a  comb-fliop,  and  a  waulk- 
mill,  together  with  free  houfes  and  gar- 
dens, to  each  of  the  perfons  w  ho  fhall 
occupy  the  faid  works ;  and  to  accommo- 
date, alfo  in  Tike  manner,  the  perfons 
hereafter   to  be  mentioned,  which  the 
faid  perfon  or  perfons  fhall  by  his  or 
their  bargain  be  obliged  to  bring  into 
the  faid  village  for  teaching  the  country 
people.      The   Society    iliould   at  the 
fame  time  offer,  in  like  public  manner, 
to  fuch  perfons  as  are  willing  to  fettle 
in  the  faid  village,  and  to  furnifh  out  of 
(^  their 

i8o  Improvement  of  the 

their  refpe6live  familes  five  people  able 
to  work  at  the  faid  manufadure,  a 
houfe  and  garden,  fre€  of  rent  for 
feven  years,  and  to  fupply  fuch  families 
at  all  times  with  meal,  at  the  prices  al- 
ready mentioned.  To  perfors  willing 
to  carry  on  any  ufeful  craft,  or  a  retail 
trade  in  the  village^  the  Society  Ihould 
offer  one  of  the  50  1.  houfes  and  a  gar* 
den,  rent-free  for  three  years. 

In  return  for  thefe  encouragements, 
the  Society  fliould,  in  xki^firjl  place,  take 
fuch  contrader  or  contradlers  bound  by 
iiimfeif  or  themfelves,  and  two  fufficient 
fecurites,  in  afum  equal  to  double  his  or 
their  capital,  that  he  or  they  fliall  imple- 
ment everycondition  he  or  they  may  en-, 
ter  into  with  the  Society  or  the  publicw 


Inter-tor  Farts  of  the  Highlands,     i8l 

Next,  the  faid  perfon  or  perfons  fliouldbe 
taken  bound  to  bring  into  the  faid  village, 
and  keep  there  at  all  times,  during  the 
currency  of  his  or  their  faid  bargain, 
ten  young  women  from  Aberdeen- fliire, 
and  as  many  weavers  of  ferge  from  Stir- 
ling, the  former  for  the  purpofe  of 
teaching  the  fpinning  of  woolen  yarn, 
and  knitting  of  {lockings;  and  the  lat- 
ter, for  teaching  apprentices  the  ferge- 
weaving  :  And  alfo,  to  bring  into  the 
faid  village,  and  keep  there  as  aforefaid, 
four  wool- combers,  one  dyer,  and  one 
waulker,  for  inllruding  apprentices. 
Next,  the  faid  perfon  or  perfons  Ihould 
be  taken  bound,  to  keep  employed,  du- 
ring the  currency  of  his  or  their  faid 
-bargain,  within  the  manufacluring-houfe^ 
the  following  number  of  perfons  .in  each 

0^2.  of 

i82  Improvement  of  the 

of  the  branches  of  the  manufacture,  viz. 
Eleven  ferge- weavers,  thirty  fpmners  of 
wool,  and  as  many  knitters  of  llockings, 
including  apprentices  and  women-learn- 
ers :  In  the  comb-fhop,  five  wool- com- 
bers, including  an  apprentice :  In  the 
dye-houfe,  three    dyers,  including    ap- 
prentices 5    and  at  the  waulk-mill,   two 
waulkers,    including     an     apprentice. 
And  moreover,  fuch    perfon   or  perfons 
Hiould  be  obliged  to  engage  himfelf  or 
themfelves,  to   employ   at  leafl  fifty  of 
the   country   people  without  doors,  in 
fpinning  w^ool,  or  knitting  {lockings,  if 
as  many  w^ill  accept  of  employment. 
At  fame   time,  there   fliould   be  no  re- 
llraint  upon  fuch  perfon  or  perfons,  to 
employ  as  many  more   as   he  or  they 

Ihall  think   proper.      Such   perfon   or 


ihterior  Parts  of  the  Highlands,    i  S  3 

perfons  fhould  be  farther  taken  bound, 
to  take  at  lead  one  apprentice  each  year, 
daring  the  faid  fourteen  years,  to  the 
weaving  bufinefs  ;  one  each  third  year 
to  the  wool-combing;  two  every  fifth 
year  to  the  dyeing  bufinefs ;  and  one  e- 
very  feventh  year  to  the  vvaulking  : 
The  faid  apprentices  to  be  natives  of 
the  Highlands. 

Thefe  are  the  outlines  of  what  ap- 
pears to  us  proper  to  be  done,  for  mak* 
ing  trial  of  introducing  the  woollen  ma- 
nufadure  into  the  interior  Highlands. 
We  do  not  recollect  any  farther  regu- 
lations of  confequence,  which  we  ima- 
gine would  be  necefTary,  except  the  ap- 
pointment of  fome  proper  perfon  at  faid 
village,  with  a  faitable  allowance,  ux 
0^3  quality 

1S4  Improvement  of  the 

quality  of  agent  for  the  public,  to  be 
a  check  upon  the  nianufa<Slurer,  and  to 
fell  the  meal  to  the  villagers  out  of  the 
public  flore-houfe.  This  perfon  ought 
to  be  in  the  commillion  of  the  peace,  to 
enable  him  to  decide  any  little  differen- 
ces which  may  arife  in  the  village. 
We  might  have  mentioned  fundry  lef- 
fer  regulations,  which  may  be  necef- 
fary,  but  they  would  have  only  fwelled 
our  paper,  already  perhaps  long  enough*^ 
We  have,  as  we  imagine,  pointed  out  the 
way  to  avoid  the  greatefl  difficulties^ 
When  fuch  a  village  is  eilablifhed  for  a 
year  or  two,  it  will  be  eafy,  by  throwing 
out  little  baits,  to  allure  fmall  country 
dealers  and  others,  to  come  and  fettle 
in  it ;  to  obtain  a  fl:iare  of  the  money 
which  the  manufadure  will  circulate, 


Interior  Parts  of  the  Highlands,     185 

will  of  itfelf  be  a  fufHcient  inducement 
to  fome. 

But  the  greateil  obflacle  to  our 
icheme  yet  remai?is.  We  have  been 
all  along  fpeaking  of  introducing 
the  manufacture  in  queilion  into  the 
Highlands,  without  faying  who  Ihall 
be  at  the  expence  of  doing  fo.  In 
treating  of  the  Filheries,  we  took  occa- 
fion  to  remark,  that  a  bulinefs  of  the 
nature  before  us  was  in  our  opinion 
properly  the  province  of  the  State.  We 
refled:,  with  almoil  indignation,  upon 
the  wafle  of  money  (no  lefs  than  27,000  L 
in  nine  years)  which  toak  place  in  con- 
fequence  of  the  plan  for  carrying  on  a 
manufadlure  in  the  Highlands  in  the 
lafl  reign  :  What  amazing  things  might 
have  been  done  with  that  money  by  due 


tS6  Improvement  of  the 

management?  but  that  is  not  now  a 
matter  for  confideration  :  The  pomt  is, 
to  endeavour  to  find  out  means  where- 
by money  could  be  raifed  to  make  the 
experiment  we  are  fpeaking  of:  We 
do  not  think  it  could  be  made  upon  a 
fmaller  fcale  than  that  we  have  propof- 
ed  ;  fome  will  perhaps  think  the  fcale 
propofed  too  fmall ;  but  if  the  fchemc 
is  found  not  to  anfwer,  enough  of  mo- 
ney will  be  loll,  and  if  it  fucceeds,  it  is 
eafy  to  enlarge  the  undertaking. 

Comparatively  fmall  as  the  fum 
needed  is^  yet  we  doubt  if  minifters  will 
go  into  the  meafurc  of  granting  it :  It 
would  interfere  with  the  plan  of  oeco- 
nomy  which  they,  it  appears,  would 
wifli  to  lay  down  to  themfelves :  there- 

Interior  Farts  of  the  Highlan  ds*     187 

fore,  in  the  worll  event,  we  do  not  think 
it  would  be  very  difficult  to  raife  the 
liim  wanted,  by  private  contribution. 

In  confidering  this,  there  is  no  plan 
which  it  appears  to  us  would  anfwer  fo 
well,  as  for  the  gentlemen  in  Scotland, 
who  have  landed  property  in  the  High- 
lands, to  aiTefs  themfelves  voluntarily 
in  a  fmall  pondage  upon  the  real  rent 
of  their  refpedive  eftates,  which  would 
raife  all  that  would  be  needed,  without 
falling  very  heavy  upon  any  indivi- 
dual. We  fuppofe  a  fund  rather  under 
lOjCOol.  would  anfwer  for  building  the 
village,  paying  the  premium  to  the 
manufadurer,  the  falaries  to  the  minif- 
ter,  fchoolmafler,  and  fuperintendant, 
making  the  road,  and  floring  meal  for 


iE8  Improvetnent  of  the 

the  villagers.     There  is  no  doubt,  that 
no  immediate  profit  would  arife   to  any 
individual  contributer  to  this  plan,  (the 
proprietor  or  proprietors  of  the  land  in 
the  neighbourhood  of  the  village  ex- 
cepted,) but  rather  lofs  ;  at  lead,  for  a 
longtime,  no   money  would  come  in  ; 
though,  if  the   village  throve,  there  is^ 
no  doubt  but  in  time  the  fubfcribers  or 
their  heirs  would  be  indemnified.     But 
the  confideration,  that  the  objecSt  aimed 
at  is  not  fo   much  immediate  profit,  as 
the  diffufing  of  general  good,  (in  which 
even  individual  contributors  may  even- 
tually Ihare)    will,    in   the  opinion  of 
every  well-wifher  of  his  country,  more 
than     compenfate    any   temporary  lofs 
fuflained  by  him  in  the  profecution    of 

the  plan  propofed. 


Interior  JParts  of  the  ttigllands,    189" 

After  all,  aid  from  Government 
fhould  not  be  defpaired  of.  The  influ- 
ence of  the  Highland  Society  is  great^ 
and  its  exertions  no  lefs  fo :  perhaps  by 
flrenuous  efforts,  the  fum  mentioned, 
and  probably  more,  might  be  obtained 
for  the  purpofe  in  hand :  That  this.. 
may  be  the  cafe,  we  moil  devoutly 

We  have  now  gone  over  a  good  deal 
-of  ground,  and  probably  from  our 
manner,  as  well  as  our  matter,  have  tired 
^our  reader.     All  we  can  fay  is  that  we 


190  Improvement  af  the 

meant  wel],  aud  fhall  be  extremely 
happy  if  any  thing  we  have  faid  will 
be  found  ufeful.  The  truth  we  have 
made  our  ftandard  ;  and  in  our  opinions, 
as  well  as  in  our  details  have  had  regard 
to  that  alone.  We  fliall  conclude  with 
briefly  recapitulating  our  chief  topics. 



Interior  Parts  of  the  lUglland:.     i  o i 





FinsT,  we  have  argued,  That  there  is 
already  as  much  encouragement  given 
to  the  Rerring  Fifhery,  as,  in  the  pre- 
fent  confined  fale  of  that  fifh,  is  con- 
fident with  the  fafety  of  the  trace  : 
That  before  much  farther  encou- 
ragement be  given,  new  markets  muil 
be  found  out,  or  thofe  already  l:ncv  n 
fecured  to  us  by  the  fuperiority  of  cur 
fifli:  That  our  herrings,  being  at 
prefent  inferior  to  cur  great  rivals  the 
Dutch,— therefore,  the /r,/?,  and  almcft 

R  only 

192  Ohfervations  upon 

only  encouragement  to  be  given  the 
Fiiliery  for  them,  is,  to  bring  over 
Dutch  curers  into  this  country,  to  teach 
our  people  their  method.  This  is  our 
opinion  as  to  the  Herring- Fifhery. 

With  regard  to  the  improvement  of 
the  inland  parts  of  the  Highlands,  we 
think  it  very  practicable,  and  that  it  is  an 
objed  well  worthy  of  public  attention: 
That  the  introdudion  of  fome  ufeful 
manufadlure  would  be  the  bell  means 
of  attaining  that  delirable  purpofe ;  and 
that  the  woollen  manufacture  is  the  one 
bed  adapted  to  the  inland  parts  of  the 
Highlands,  in  the  prefent  ilate  of  that 

We  have  in  the  foregoing  paper  faid 

little  about  the  Fifliery  for  cod,  ling, 


The  Scotch  FiJJjerie^,   l^c.  193, 

atid  other  grav.fifli:  The  people  of 
Scotland  can  cure  thefe  kinds  of  fifli,  at 
leaft  equally  well  with  any  foreigners ;, 
but  there  are  fuch  prodigious  quantities 
caught  by  the  Dutch,  Danes,  Swede^-^ 
See.  that  the  markets  are  generally  glut- 
ted ;  and  beiides,  thefe  nations  un- 
derfell  us  \  which  they  are  enabled  to 
do,  from  the  cheap  way  in  which  they 
condudl  every  thing  about  the  Fifher} . 
There  is,  however,  great  room  yet  to 
profecute  the  Gray  Fillicry  to  a  confide- 
rable  extent ;  for  we  have  a  very  good 
market  for  thefe  fifli  in  the  Britilht 
capital:  The  encouragements  given^ 
through  the  hands  of  the  truilees  for 
Fiilieries  and  manufactures  in  Scotland, 
to  that  trade,  we  think  are  very  liberal, 
as  well  as  the  bounty  paid  by  Govern- 
ment upon  the  exportation  of  fuch  fifh  ; 
R  2  and 

104  Ohjcrvations  upon 

and  both  ought  to  ftimulatc  adventu- 
rers in  that  way. 


We  take  leave  of  the  whole  fubjedl,  by 
candidly  confefung,  that  the  FiJJjcry 
itfelf,  unconneded  with  the  circum- 
fiances  of  its  being  a  nurfery  for  fea- 
nien,  is  by  no  means  fo  confiderable 
an  objecl  as  has  been  imagined.  A 
great  deal  has  been  faid  about  our  ex- 
cellent fituation  for  fifhing  \  and  there 
is  no  body^  can  doubt  but  our  fliorcs 
are  frequented  by  all  kinds  of  fifli.  The 
enthufiafis  upon  this  fubjecl  have  how- 
ever forgot,  that  a  great  many  countries 
in  Europe,  efpecially  upon  the  coafls  of 
the  Baltic,  are  nearly  equally  well  fltu- 
ated  for   lifliing.     Thefe .  people  have 


The  Scotch  Fi/J:feries,  i^c.  195 

argued  in  faA^ours  of  unHmitedly  puflv 
ing  the  Fiilieiy,  in  fame  manner  as  if 
there  were  not  a  fifli  to  be  fomid  upon 
any  of  the  coafts  of  Europe,  except  thofe 
of  GreatBritain.  But  the  egregious  folly 
of  fuch  advice  is  apparent,  when  it  is 
well  known,  that  the  coafis  of  great  part 
of  Europe  are  as  well  frequented  by  lilh 
as  ours,  and  that  the  natives  there  can 
meet  us  at  market,  fome  of  them  Vv^itli 
better  cured,  and  ail  of  them  withcheap- 
er  hill  than  ours,  to  the  almoil  total  e» 
clunonof  us  from  any  fhare  of  the  trade 

The  truth  feem&  to  be,  that  the  mat* 

ter  has  not  been  fo  well  digeiled  or  un-- 
derilood  as  was  neceiTary,  before  it  was- 
publicly  embarked  in  :  This  was  ow- 
ing to  too  much  confidence  having  been 
put  in  the  plaufible  averments,  contain- 
ed in  certaia  writings  with  vvhich  the 
R  3  public 

Tg6'  Ohfervations  upon- 

public  were  entertained,  fome  time  be- 
fore the  bufinefs  of  the  Fifheries  was 
taken  up  by  Parliament :  who  thefe  wri- 
tings came  from,  every  one  knows,  as  well 
as  how  much  the  fplendid  conclufions 
therein  drawn,  and  tlie  mighty  things 
there  promiled,  have,  by  experience, 
lince  that  time  been  found  to  fall  Ihort, 

If  therefore  thofe  virtuous  individuals, 
who  have,  from  the  befl  of  motives,  llept 
forward  in  this  bulinefs,  wifli  to  avoid 
mi  (lake  and  difappointment,  they  will 
read  every  line  of  thofe  romantic  fcrib- 
blers,  who  have  propofed  numbers  of  Fijh- 
ingTowns,  (nay,  fome  of  them,  Fishing 
Cities  !)  with  caution;  and,  without  re- 
garding their  clofet- reveries,  judge  for 
themfelves,  and  bellow  that  pains  and 
expence  upon,  the  Fifnery  which  it 
iliall  have  a  good  claim  to,  and  no  more. 

The  Scotch  Fifieriesy  Is'c.         197 

We  fliould  be  wanting  to  the  inten- 
tion which  we  have  profeiTed,  of  giving 
our  lincere  and  undilguifed  opinion  up- 
on the  matters  in  hand,  if  we  jQiould 
finally  conclude  thefe  our  obfervations, 
without  recalling  to  the  attention  of  the 
Joint-itock  Company,  what  we  have 
faid  concerning  the  neceffity,  which,  in 
our  opinion,  there  is,  for  that  Society 
endeavouring  to  find  out  fome  other 
employment  belides  fiihing,  for  the 
people  who  may  fettle  at  their  new  vil- 
lages upon  the  Well  coait.  Without 
this  point  is  attended  to,  what  has  been 
fo  nobly  and  generouily  done  by  them 
for  that  country  will  be  loft :  A  few 
years  of  ill  fuccefs.  in  the  fiiliing  would 
defolate  thefe  villages.  This  evil 
llrikes  at  the  very  root  of  the  Company's 
good  purpofes  -.Indeed,  for  our  part,  we 
do  not  fee  how  the  poor  people,  who  may 


19  3  Ohftrvafions  upon 

come  to  refide  in  thefe  villages,  and  who 
have  no  ether  means  of  fubfiftence  but 
by  the  Fiflicry,  can  remain  there  even 
during  the  yearly  intervals  of  the  fifli.- 
ing  feafuns :  We  took  the  liberty,  in  a 
former  part  of  thefe  flieets,  to  propofe  a 
remedy  for  this  inconveniency  :  It  was^ 
that  the  Company  ihould  endeavour  to 
efiabliih  fome  kind  of  manufacture  in 
thofe  villages :  It  has  been  an  objedlion, 
(and  we  think  it  a  good  one)  that  upon 
the  Weft  coaft,  the  Mier  and  the  farmer 
are  often  one  and  the  fame  perfon,.  by 
"vvliich  means  juilice  is  not  done  to  either 
of  the  profeiTions :  But  no  cbjedion  of 
that  fort  can  be  made  againft  the  plan 
of  fetting  up  a  manufadure  in  each  of 
the  new  villages  ;  becaufe,  if  it  is  a 
woollen  one,  (as  we  formerly  propofed 
it  ihould  be)  the  work  at  it  would  fall 
to  the  fiiare  of  the  women  of  the  fami- 


"The  Scotch  FiJJjcrkSy  bV.         199 

ly,  and  not  to  the  men.     By  means  of 
the  money  fo  earned   by  the  women, 
and  the  occalional  fiihing  and  induftry 
of  the  men,  the  families  of  the  fettlers 
would  be  fabfiiled  during  the  intervals 
of  the  herring- feafon, — be   enabled  to 
live  in  comfort, — and  at  lafh  becom.e  at- 
tached to  the  village,  as  a  place  where 
they  would  be  always  lure  of  a  living,- 
In  fkort,  if  the  Joint-It ock  Company  are 
to  look  for  fuccefs  in  their  laudable  en- 
deavours, it  is  our  moil  fmcere  opinion,, 
that  they  muil  have  a  very  tender  care 
of  their  new  eilabliHiments  at  their  out- 
fet :  All  will  depend  on  this.    To  what 
purpofe  will  it  tend,    if  the  Company 
fnould  lay  out  ever  fo  much  money,  or 
occupy   ever   fo    large    an    extent   of 
ground,  in  theerecvtion  of  buildings?  To 
be  furc,  a  town  will  be  foon  produced  in 
that  way  \  but  a  town,  without  inhabit- 


200  Ohfervations  upon 

tants,  will  make  but  a  woeful  appear- 
ance, and  do  little  good  to  its  neigh- 
bourhood, or  to  the  country  at  large. 
But  if  the  Company  fliall  proceed  up- 
on rational  principles,  and  extend  its 
foftering  hand  to  its  new  eiVabiifhments ;, 
that  is  to  fay,  take  fuch  fteps^  and  make 
fuch  proyilion'Sj  as  that  no  poor  man,  who 
fhall  come  to  relide  in  thefe  villages^ 
will  ever  be  obliged  to  leave  them  foe 
want  of  employment  and  fubfiftence,. 
the  Company  will  foon  fee  tliefe  efla- 
blifhments  ftand  upon  their  own  legs, 
even  totally  independent  of  the  Fifhery. 
In  proportion  as  the  true  intereil  of  the 
new  villages  is  attended  to  at  their 
commencement,  in  proportion  will  they 
the  fooner  relieve  the  Company  of  the 
tafk  of  providing  for  them:  A  col- 
lected fociety  is  what  is  wanted  up- 
on  the  Weft    coaft   above  all   things, 


The  Scotch  Tlffjeries^  Iffc,         201 

To  effed:  this  purpofe,  the  Companv 
have  taken  the  firil  natural  Hep,  mz. 
The  laying  out  and  encouraging  the 
building  of  a  town.  But  furely  it  re- 
quires little  penetration,  to  fee  that 
this  is  only  doing 'the  one  half  of  the 
bulinefs  ;  and  it  requires  as  little  fore- 
light  to  pronounce,  that  if  the  other 
part  {yi%.  Finding  employment  for  the 
people  who  may  come  to  refide  in  the 
-towns)  does  not  ihortly  accompany  the 
iirfl,  what  is  already  done  will  be  loll. 
But  if  meafures  are  taken  to  hold  out 
advantages  to  poor  people  to  fettle  at 
ihefe  villages,  by  alluring  them  of  con- 
flant  employment,  the  confequence  will 
be,  that  thefe  fettlements  will  foon  be 
populous  enough. — A  Society  once  col- 
leded,  will  tend  to  draw  more  people 
there  to  fupply  its  wants :  mutual  wants, 
and  mutual  dependencies,  will  unite, 


202  Ohjcrvatlons  upon 

mix,  and  increafe  this  fociety  *  In  ^'i 
iliort  time,  individuals  will  ftep  in,  to 
iliare  with  the  Company  the  benefit  of 
the  people's  labour,  by  eilablifhing  ma- 
nufadlories  upon  their  own  account  •,  and 
at  lad,  the  Comp>any,  and  the  people  of 
-this  country,  may,  even  in  our  own 
•times,  have  the  ine^prelTible  fatisfa^ion 
-ofv feeing  thefe  eftablifaments  {landing 
.upon  their  own  bottom,  the  Company 
relievedof  their  charge,  and  their  aim  of 
ciylUzing,  fettling,  rmd  improving  the 
•Weit  Highland  coail,  fairly  attained,  to 
the  comfort  and  bleffrng  of  thoufands, 
and  to  the  everlafting  honour  of  thole 
whofe  patriotiGii  and  virtue  firft  led 
them  to  undertake  the  glorious  talk  of 
.exciting  their  fellow- fubjedls,  and  fel- 
low-men, to  activity,  and  relieving  thein 
from  the  pre  "ure  ci  want. 

F   I   N    I    s. 





