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fume  34,  Number  4^Winter  1991/92 





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Index  to  Volume  34  (1991) 

Number  1,  Spring 

Ocean  Engineering  &  Technology 

Introduction:  Ocean  Engineering,  Albert  J.  Williams  3rd 
High  Resolution  Optical  and  Acoustic  Remote  Sensing  for 

Underwater  Exploration,  W.  Kenneth  Stewart 
SOFAR  Floats  Give  a  New  View  of  Ocean  Eddies, 

Philip  L.  Richardson 

Robotic  Undersea  Technology/,  Dana  R.  Yoerger 
A  Telescope  at  the  Bottom  of  the  Sea,  George  Wilkens, 

John  Learned,  and  Dan  O'Connor 
Ocean  Data  Telemetry:  New  Methods  for  Real-Time 

Ocean  Observation,  Daniel  E.  Frye,  W.  Brechner 

Owens,  James  R.  Valdes 
The  Role  of  the  Microcontroller  in  Ocean  Research 

Instruments,  Albert  M.  Bradley 
The  History  of  Salinometers  and  CTD  Sensor  Systems, 

Neil  Brown 

Underwater  Technology  in  the  USSR,  Deam  Given 
Toward  a  Global  Ocean  Observing  System,  D.  James  Baker 
Modernizing  NOAA's  Ocean  Service,  Virginia  K.  Tippie 

and  John  H.  Cawley 
Artificial  Reefs:  Emerging  Science  and  Technology, 

Iver  W.  Duedall  and  Michael  A.  Champ 
Douglas  Chester  Webb:  A  Profile,  Henry  M.  Stommel 

Number  2,  Summer 
An  Open  Door: 
Soviet-American  Cooperation 

From  the  Editor:  An  Open  Door:  Soviet-American 

Cooperation  in  Marine  Science,  Vicky  Cullen 
Diving  the  Soviet  Mir  Submersibles, 

Cindy  Lee  Van  Dover 
The  Oceans  and  Environmental  Security, 

James  M.  Broadus  and  Raphael  V.  Vartanov 
The  History  of  Soviet  Oceanology,  Leonid  M. 

Brekhovskikh  and  Victor  G.  Neiman 
Living  Marine  Resources,  Viatcheslav  K.  Zilanov 
The  USSR  and  the  International  Law  of  the  Sea, 

Yuri  G.  Barsegov 

Soviet  Polar  Research,  Arthur  Chilingarov 
Exploring  Pacific  Seafloor  Ashore:  Magadan 

Province,  USSR,  Wilfred  B.  Bryan 
Developing  a  New  Soviet  Ocean  Policy, 

Raphael  V.  Vartanov 
Dynamics  of  Ocean  Ecosystems:  A  National  Program  in 

Soviet  Biooceanology,  Mikhail  E.  Vinogradov 
Satellite  Oceanography,  Vladimir  V.  Aksenov 

and  Alex  B.  Karasev 
Good  Morning,  Comrades,  Hugh  D.  Livingston  and 

Stella  J.  Livingston 
Physical  Oceanography:  A  Review  of  Recent 

Soviet  Research,  Yuri  A.  Ivanov 
A  History  of  USSR-US  Cooperation  in  Ocean  Research, 

N.A.  Ostenso,  A. P.  Metalnikov,  and  B.I.  Imerekov 

Number  3,  Fall 

Reproductive  Adaptations 
in  Marine  Organisms 

An  Introduction  to  Reproductive  Adaptations 

in  Marine  Organisms,  Lisa  Clark 
Caribbean  Reef  Corals,  Alina  M.  Szmant 

and  Nancy  J.  Gassman 

Mating  Strategies  of  Coastal  Marine  Fishes,  Phillip  S.  Lobel 
Sex  (and  Asex)  in  the  Jellies,  Katherine  A.C.  Madin 

and  Laurence  P.  Madin 
Larval  Forms  with  Zoological  Verses,  Walter  Garstang, 

illustrated  by  Rudolph  Scheltema 
The  Story  of  the  Coelacanth,  Keith  S.  Thomson 
Elasmobranch  Fish:  Oviparous,  Viviparous,  and 

Ovoviviparous,  Carl  A.  Luer  and  Perry  W.  Gilbert 
Challenging  the  Challenger,  Craig  M.  Young 
Hydrothermal  Vent  Plumes:  Larval  Highways?,  Lauren  S. 

Mullineaux,  Peter  H.  Wiebe,  and  Edward  T.  Baker 
Photoessay:  A  World  of  Art  Beneath  the  Waves, 

Kathy  Sharp  Frisbee 

Number  4,  Winter 
Mid-Ocean  Ridges 

Introduction — Mid-Ocean  Ridges:  The  Quest  for  Order, 

Ken  C.  Macdonald 

The  Segmented  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge,  Jian  Lin 
Modeling  Ridge  Segmentation... A  Possible  Mechanism , 

Hans  Schouten  and  Jack  Whitehead 
RIDGE:  Cooperative  Studies  of  Mid-Ocean  Ridges  (plus 

Box  on  InterRIDGE),  Donna  Blackman 
Map  of  Mid-Ocean  Ridges  and  Research  Locations 
Ridges  and  Rises:  A  Global  View,  Peter  Lonsdale  and 

Chris  Small 
Onions  and  Leaks:  Magma  at  Mid-Ocean  Ridges,  A  Very 

Personal  View,  Joe  Cann 
From  Pillow  Lava  to  Sheet  Flow,  Evolution  of  Deep-Sea 

Volcanology,  Wilfred  B.  Bryan 
Tectonics  of  Slow-Spreading  Ridges,  Jeffrey  A.  Karson 
Mid-Ocean  Ridge  Seismicity,  Eric  A.  Bergman 
Hydrothermal  Vent  Systems,  Margaret  K.  Tivey 
The  Biology  of  Deep-Sea  Vents  and  Seeps 

Alvin's  Magical  Mystery  Tour,  Richard  A.  Lutz 
Megaplumes,  Edward  T.  Baker 
Tomographic  Imaging  of  Spreading  Centers, 

Douglas  R.  Toomey 
Bruce  C.  Heezen,  A  Profile,  Paul  J.  Fox 


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9    Introduction 
Mid-Ocean  Ridges:  The  Quest  for  Order 
Ken  C.  Macdonald 

The  last  decade  has  brought  significant  advances  in 
understanding  of  the  seafloor  and  its  spreading  processes. 

nThe  Segmented  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge 
Jian  Lin 
A  recent  Mid- Atlantic  Ridge  expedition  and 
other  studies  contribute  to  expanding  knowledge  of 
ridge  segmentation. 

page  11 

Ridge  Segmentation:  A  Possible  Mechanism 

Hans  Schouten  and  Jack  Wlritehead 

A  laboratory  experiment  with  glycerine  and 

water  provides  a  model  for  ridge  segmentation  resulting 

from  the  rise  of  hot  mantle  material. 

RIDGE  and  InterRidge 

Donna  Blackman  and  Trileigh  Stroh 
RIDGE  is  a  cooperative  effort  to  study  the  mid- 
ocean  ridges  and  InterRidge  is  its  international  counterpart. 

Ridges  and  Rises:  A  Global  View 

Peter  Lonsdale  and  Chris  Small 
An  overview  of  current  knowledge  of  the 
patterns,  mechanisms,  and  the  relief  of  mid-ocean  ridges. 

page  68 

Onions  and  Leaks:  Magma  at  Mid-Ocean  Ridges 

"%  Joe  Cann 

\^S\J  A  35-year  review  of  a  dynamic  period  of  Earth 
science  and  ridge  models  succeeding  ridge  models. 

M  ^%    From  Pillow  Lava  to  Sheet  Flow 

J    Evolution  of  Deep-Sea  Volcanology 

"^—  Wilfred  B.  Bryan 

An  historic,  current,  and  future  look  at  knowledge  of  the 
rocks  that  make  up  mid-ocean  ridges. 

page  84 

Copyright  ©  1991  by  the  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution.  Oceanus  (ISSN  0029-8182)  is  published  in  March,  June, 
September,  and  December  by  the  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution,  9  Maury  Lane,  Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 

02543.  Second-class  postage  paid  at  Falmouth,  Massachusetts  and  additional  mailing  points. 
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Headings  and  Readings 


Tectonics  of  Slow-Spreading  Ridges 

Jeffrey  A.  Karson 

Slow-spreading  and  fast-spreading  ridges  build 
structure  that  are  quite  different  from  one  another. 

Mid-Ocean  Rise  Seismicity 

Eric  A.  Bergman 

Seismic  waves  signal  earthquake  locations  and 
expand  knowledge  of  ridge  structures. 

page  75 

"\    Hydrothermal  Vent  Systems 

Margaret  K.  Tivey 

In  the  15  years  since  the  first  "black  smoker"  was 
sighted,  much  has  been  learned  of  hydrothermal  vents. 

The  Biology  of  Deep-Sea  Vents  and  Seeps 

Richard  A.  Lutz 

\te>'    Extensive  submersible  work  in  the  past  two 
years  has  brought  new  knowledge  of  deep-sea  vent  and 
seep  communities. 

fc  / 1 ...  Edward  T.  Baker 

The  megaplume  dectectives  are  on  the  case 
studying  a  recently  discovered  vent  phenomenon. 

page  100 

Editor's  Note  I 

Glossary  ', 

Map:  Ridges  &  Rises  24 
Books  &  Videos  108 
Creature  Feature  112 

The  Oceanus  Annual  Index 

may  be  found  on  the  inside 

front  cover. 

"\  ^^    Tomographic  Imaging  of  Spreading  Centers 

J    Douglas  R.  Toomey 

^X  sLum   A  new  tool  yields  three-dimensional  images  of 
Earth's  dynamic  processes  working  deep  within  mid-ocean 
ridge  spreading  centers. 


Bruce  C.  Heezen 

Paul  J.  Fox 
A  man  of  extraordinary  vision  and  enormous  research 

capacity  changed  thinking  about  the  seafloor. 

ON  THE  COVER:  An  artist's  concept  of  the  mighty  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  and  a  glimpse  of  the 
Pacific  Ridge  are  highlighted  in  the  colors  scientists  use  to  indicate  elevation. 
(Watercolor  by  E.  Paul  Oberlander,  WHOI  Graphics) 

Winter  1991/92 

Vicky  Cullen 

Lisa  Clark 

Assistant  Editor 

Kathy  Sharp  Frisbee 

Editorial  Assistant 

Robert  W.  Bragdon 

Advertising  &  Business  Coordinator 

Lisa  Poole 

Publishing  Intern 

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Oceanus  Magazine 

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International  Perspectives  on  Our  Ocean  Environment 

Volume  34,  Number  4,  Winter  1991  /92  ISSN  0029-8182 


Published  Quarterly  by  the 

Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution 

Guy  W.  Nichols,  Chairman  of  the  Board  of  Trustees 
James  M.  Clark,  President  of  the  Corporation 
Charles  A.  Dana,  III,  President  of  the  Associates 

Craig  E.  Dorman,  Director  of  the  Institution 
Sallie  K.  Riggs,  Director  of  Communications 

Editorial  Advisory  Board 

Robert  D.  Ballard, 

Director  of  the  Center  for  Marine  Exploration,  WHOI 
James  M.  Broadus, 

Director  of  the  Marine  Policy  Center,  WHOI 
Henry  Charnock, 

Professor  of  Physical  Oceanography,  University  of  Southampton,  England 
Gotthilf  Hempel, 

Director  of  the  Alfred  Wegener  Institute  for  Polar  Research,  Germany 
John  Imbrie, 

Henry  L.  Doherty  Professor  of  Oceanography,  Brown  University 
John  A.  Knauss, 

US  Undersecretary  for  the  Oceans  and  Atmosphere,  NOAA 
Arthur  E.  Maxwell, 

Director  of  the  Institute  for  Geophysics,  University  of  Texas 
Timothy  R.  Parsons, 

Professor,  Institute  of  Oceanography,  University  of 

British  Columbia,  Canada 
Allan  R.  Robinson, 

Gordon  McKay  Professor  of  Geophysical  Fluid  Dynamics, 

Harvard  University 
David  A.  Ross, 

Senior  Scientist  and  Sea  Grant  Coordinator,  WHOI 

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From  the  Editor 

On  Mid-Ocean  Ridges 

he  theory  of  plate  tectonics,  the  idea  that  the  surface  of  the  earth  is 
made  up  of  eight  large  and  several  small  rigid  plates  that  are  in 
constant  motion  (at  least  in  geologic  time),  was  born  in  the  late 
1960s,  a  synthesis  of  the  concepts  of  continental  drift  and  seafloor 
spreading.  Observations  on  the  apparent  fit  of  the  bulge  of  eastern  South 
America  into  the  indentation  of  Africa  date  back  at  least  300  years.  The 
first  detailed  theory  of  continental  drift  was  proposed  in  1912  by  Alfred 
Wegener,  a  German  meteorologist.  He  suggested  that  a  single  supercon- 
tinent  he  called  Pangaea  existed  through  most  of  geological  time  and 
that  it  began  to  break  up  about  180  million  years  ago.  In  1937,  Alexander 
DuToit,  a  South  African  geologist,  suggested  that  rather  than  one  pri- 
mordial continent  perhaps  there 
were  two,  Gondwanaland  in  the 
south  and  Laurasia  in  the  north. 
Neither  proposed  a  mechanism  for 
continental  motion. 

New  work  in  the  1950s 
brought  mounting  evidence  for 
continental  drift.  During  the  early 
1960s  the  theory  of  seafloor 
spreading  was  advanced  by  US 
geophysicist  Harry  Hess,  who 
suggested  that  new  crust  is  con- 
tinually being  generated  by 
volcanic  activity  at  the  crests  of 
mid-ocean  ridges. 

In  a  1970  paper,  US  scientists 
Robert  Dietz  and  John  Holden 
reconstructed  Pangaea  and  de- 
scribed a  plausible  sequence  of  continental  dispersion,  depicted  overleaf, 
over  the  past  200  million  years.  "Continental  drift,"' they  wrote,  "is  a 
necessary  consequence  of  plate  tectonics  in  that  the  continents  would  be 
passively  rafted  on  the  backs  of  the  conveyor-belt-like  crustal  plates.  The 
drift  of  the  continents  may  be  conveniently  thought  of  as  a  summation  of 
sea-floor  spreading." 

Plate  motion  and  the  tectonic  forces  that  create  and  destroy  the 
plates  are  still  being  defined  and  understood,  and  we  share  with  you  in 
this  issue  of  Oceanus  some  of  the  continuing  excitement  among  Earth 
scientists  about  these  forces  and  the  phenomena  they  create.  It  is  along 
the  mid-ocean  ridges,  as  Harry  Hess  surmised,  that  the  crustal  plates  are 
created  as  molten  material,  called  magma,  from  deep  beneath  the  surface 
rises  to  fill  the  gaps  or  rifts  created  between  plates  that  are  moving  or 
"spreading"  apart.  Our  authors  tell  us  that  different  spreading  rates 
result  in  different  surface  expressions:  The  slowly  spreading  Mid- 
Atlantic  Ridge,  where  about  30  millimeters  of  crust  are  created  annually,  - 
rises  steeply  from  surrounding  seafloor  and  has  a  characteristic  depres- 

Boundaries  of  the  large 

and  some  of  the  small 

crustal  plates  are 

diagrammed  here. 

Winter  1991/92 

PERMIAN  -225  million  years  ago 

TRIASSIC  -200  million  years  ago 

JURASSIC  -135 million  yearsago 


The  Oceanus  staff 

thanks  G.  Michael 

Purdy,  Woods  Hole 

Institution  Depart- 
ment of  Geology  and 
Geophysics  Chairman, 
for  his  advice  on 
this  issue. 

sion  at  its  crest  that  is  called  a  rift  valley,  while  the  fast-spreading  East 
Pacific  Rise  that  expands  some  60  to  170  millimeters  per  year  presents  a 
more  gently  rolling  topography  and  no  rift  valley.  Seawater  circulates 
down  through  the  porous  new  volcanic  crust,  heating  as  it  moves  and 
accumulating  elements  absorbed  from  the  rock.  Eventually  the  heated, 
altered  water  rises  again  to  erupt  through  vents  in  the  seafloor  and 
support  colonies  of  unusual  animals. 

The  new  crust  being  created  at  ridges  is  balanced  by  destruction 
of  crust  on  the  opposite  sides  of  the  plates  where  deep-sea  trenches  mark 
subduction  zones,  areas  where  the  heavier  of  two  colliding  plates  is 
shoved  back  down  toward  the  center  of  the  earth.  Characteristics  of 
theses  zones  include  curving  island  chains  or  island  arcs,  such  as  the 
Aleutian  Islands  and  the  islands  of  Japan,  and  volcanoes  born  of  the 
melting  edges  of  subducting  plates.  Alternatively,  when  there  is  no 
subduction,  mountains  result,  such  as  the  Himalayas  that  mark  the 
colliding  boundaries  of  the  Indian  and  Eurasian  plates. 

Readers  new  to  these  concepts  may  find  it  helpful  to  begin  with  a 
review  of  the  glossary  that  begins  opposite  and  the  profile  of  Bruce 
Heezen  (page  100)  in  which  Heezen's  student,  Jeff  Fox,  describes  the 
meticulous  assembly  of  mid-ocean  ridge  topography  by  Heezen  and 
Marie  Tharp.  Their  successive  "physiographic  maps"  revealed  the  sharp 
relief  of  a  seafloor  previously  thought  to  be  largely  flat  and  uninterest- 
ing. A  world  map  on  pages  24  and  25  shows  ridges  and  research  areas  to 
help  readers  follow  this  issue's  wide-ranging  discussions  of  ridge 

Author  Joe  Cann  (Onions  and  Leaks. .  .on  page  36)  notes  that  early  in 
his  career  it  was  still  possible  to  become  well  acquainted  with  every 
scientist  working  in  marine  geology  while  now  that  would  be  quite 
impossible. "Thirty-five  years  ago,"  he  writes,  "most  geologists  were 
secure  in  the  knowledge  that  continents  did  not  move."  As  we  mark  just 
over  two  decades  since  the  theory  of  plate  tectonics  gained  wide  accep- 
tance, we  invite  you  to  join  us  for  a  review  of  the  exciting,  and  still  new, 
realm  of  a  planet  in  motion. 


CRETACEOUS  -65  million  years  ago 

CENOZOIC  Present 


accreting  plate  boundary— the  border  between  two  separating  crustal 

plates  where  new  oceanic  lithosphere  or  crust  is  being  created 
asthenosphere-the  layer  of  the  earth  that  extends  roughly  from  100  to 

300  kilometers  below  the  surface  where  temperature  and  pressure 

cause  the  rock  to  flow  plastically. 
axial — relating  to  a  line  that  bisects  a  mid-ocean  ridge.  For  example,  an 

axial  rift  valley  runs  down  the  center  of  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge. 
basalt — medium  gray  to  black  igneous  rock  that  constitutes  the  upper- 
most 2  to  3  kilometers  of  oceanic  crust  and  is  the  chief  component  of 

isolated  oceanic  islands,  rich  in  iron,  magnesium,  and  calcium 
bathymetry — measurement  and  charting  of  ocean  depths  using  echo 

soundings  plotted  on  a  chart  to  show  seafloor  contours 
crust — the  outermost  layer  of  the  earth,  6  to  8  kilometers  thick  beneath 

the  ocean  and  30  to  35  kilometers  thick  beneath  the  continents 
diapir — a  vertical  columnar  plug  of  less  dense  rock  or  magma  that  has 

risen  through  more  dense  rock 

dike — a  tabular  body  of  igneous  rock  that  intrudes  pre-existing  struc- 
tures (see  photo  page  38) 
echo  sounding — generation  of  sound  in  water  and  recording  the  time 

lapse  of  the  return  or  echo  of  the  sound  from  a  reflecting  surface  as  a 

measure  of  depth 
fault — rock  fracturing  that  displaces  the  sides  of  the  fracture  relative  to 

one  another.  Fault  movement  may  be  continuous  creep  or  a  series  of 

abrupt  jumps  (earthquakes). 

fault  scarp — steep  cliff  formed  by  movement  along  one  side  of  a  fault 
fissure — an  extensive  crack  in  a  rock  formation 
fracture  zone — area  surrounding  a  large  fault  that  crosses  and  displaces 

a  mid-ocean  ridge,  often  the  site  of  intense  seismic  activity 
gabbro — a  group  of  granular,  dark-colored  igneous  rocks  composed 

largely  of  plagioclase  and  clinopyroxene 
graben — a  crustal  block  that  is  depressed  relative  to  neighboring  blocks, 

which  are  called  horsts 
horst — a  crustal  block  that  is  raised  relative  to  neighboring  blocks,  which 

are  called  grabens 
hot  spot — heat  source  from  deep  within  the  earth's  mantle,  surface 

manifestation  of  a  rising  plume  of  hot  mantle  material 
hydrothermal — relating  to  heated  water  and  its  actions  or  products 
igneous  rock — rock  of  several  types  formed  of  molten  material  (magma) 

that  upwells  from  the  deeper  part  of  Earth's  crust  and  comprises 

most  of  the  oceanic  crust 

World  maps  similar  to 

these  were  published  in 

1970  by  Robert  Dietz 

and  John  Holden 
depicting  the  breakup  of 
the  primordial  super- 
continent  Pangaea  and 
subsequent  dispersion 
of  continents  over  the 
past  200  million  years. 
The  action  began  when 
the  southwest  Indian 
Ocean  rifted,  splitting 
West  Gondwana  (South 
America  and  Africa) 
from  East  Gondwana, 
and  India  lifted  off 
Antarctica.  Then 
Laurasia  (Nortli 
America  and  Eurasia) 
separated  from  South 
America  and  the  bulge 
of  Africa.  Later  South 
America  and  Africa 
split.  Spain  rotated  to 
form  the  Bay  of  Biscay, 
and  Madagascar  split 
from  Africa.  India 
continued  its  north- 
ward trek,  and  Austra- 
lia separated  from 
Antarctica.  As  Antarc- 
tica rotated  westward, 

Australia  made  a 

remarkable  northward 

flight  and  New  Zealand 

dropped  off  its  east 

coast.  The  North  and 

South  Atlantic  oceans 

continued  to  open, 

Greenland  parted 

company  with  Europe, 

Africa  moved  slightly 

northward  and  rotated, 

and  India  collided  with 

Asia,  raising  the 
Himalayan  Mountains. 

Winter  1991/92 

hydro  thermal- 
relating  to 
heated  water 
and  its  actions 
or  products 


isostasy — state  of  equilibrium  with  the  earth's  crust  buoyantly  sup- 
ported by  the  plastic  material  in  the  mantle 

lithosphere — Earth's  outer  shell  including  the  crust  and  uppermost  rigid 
layer  of  mantle.  In  plate  tectonics,  the  lithospheric  plates  move  over 
the  plastic  asthenosphere  below. 

magma — molten,  mobile  rock  that  is  the  product  of  melting  deep  within 
the  earth's  crust  or  upper  mantle,  the  source  of  igneous  rocks.  Lava 
is  magma  that  reaches  the  earth's  surface.  Magma  that  solidifies 
below  the  surface  is  called  intrusive  or  plutonic  and  that  emerging 
and  solidifying  above  the  surface  is  called  extrusive  or  volcanic  rock. 

mantle — zone  of  the  earth  extending  from  below  the  crust  to  the  core. 
The  upper  mantle  extends  to  400  kilometers  depth  followed  by  a 
transition  zone  from  400  to  1,000  kilometers  and  the  lower  mantle 
from  1,000  to  2,900  kilometers. 

Moho — abbreviation  of  Mohorovicic  discontinuity,  the  boundary 
between  the  crust  and  the  mantle 

offset — horizontal  displacement  of  a  topographic  trend,  commonly 
along  a  fault;  also  a  spur  or  branch  from  a  mountain  range 

ophiolite — masses  of  igneous  rocks  of  oceanic  crustal  origin  that  have 
been  pushed  up  onto  continents  by  plate  collisions 

peridotite — coarse-grained  igneous  rock  thought  to  be  the  primary 
component  of  the  upper  mantle,  often  associated  with  ophiolites 

rift  valley — the  deep  central  cleft  with  a  mountainous  floor  in  the  crest  of 
a  mid-ocean  ridge.  The  valley  results  from  plate  separation;  at  fast- 
spreading  ridges  upwelling  magma  fills  the  rift  and  smooths  the 
topography  while  at  slow-spreading  ridges  the  upwelling  magma 
does  not  fill  the  rift  but  adheres  to  the  trailing  edge  of  the  separating 

rift — a  narrow  opening  in  a  rock  caused  by  cracking  or  splitting 

Ring  of  Fire — chain  of  volcanoes  occurring  in  a  rough  circle  around  the 
perimeter  of  the  Pacific  Ocean 

scarp — sequence  of  cliffs  resulting  from  faulting 

seep — place  of  contact  between  deep-sea  sediments  and  limestone  walls 
where  hypersaline  waters  seep  onto  the  seafloor  and  feed  sulfide- 
dependent  biological  communities 

seismic  waves — the  form  (like  sound  waves)  of  the  energy  released  by 
fracturing  or  abrupt  slipping  of  rock  along  fault  planes  during  an 
earthquake.  Seismic  waves  provide  valuable  information  about  the 
regions  they  travel  through;  most  importantly  they  map  reflecting 
discontinuities,  and  measurement  of  the  velocity  at  which  the  waves 
travel  through  different  layers  of  rocks  allows  inferences  to  be  made 
concerning  the  extent  of  various  rock  types  within  the  earth. 

sheeting — ruptures  in  massive  rocks  characterized  by  tabular  surfaces 
that  are  slightly  curved  and  parallel  to  the  topographic  surface 

shield  volcano — gently  sloping  volcano  built  by  flows  of  very  fluid 
basaltic  lava  erupted  from  a  large  number  of  closely  spaced  vents 
and  fissures 

strike — the  direction  taken  by  a  structural  surface,  directional  trend 

strike-slip — movement  parallel  with  the  strike  of  a  fault 

Glossary  continues  on  page  112 




Mid-Ocean  Ridges: 
The  Quest  for  Order 

Ken  C.  Macdonald 

very  year,  the  chain  of  active  volcanoes  that  comprises  the  mid- 
ocean  ridge  erupts,  on  average,  ten  times  as  much  lava  as  the 

dramatic  and  disastrous  Mt.  St.  Helens  eruption  in  1980.  This  is 

enough  lava  to  pave  the  entire  US  Interstate  freeway  system  with  a  layer 
of  rock  10  feet  thick.  The  largest  and  most  volcanically  active  chain  of 
mountains  in  the  solar  system,  the  mid-ocean  ridge  wraps  around  the 
globe  for  over  70,000  kilometers,  much  like  the  seam  of  a  baseball.  Along 
the  ridge,  brittle  plates  that  comprise  Earth's  surface  separate  at  rates  of 
10  to  170  millimeters  per  year.  As  the  plates  move  apart,  rock  melts, 
separates  from  the  solid  residuum,  and  wells  up  from  tens  of  kilometers 
deep.  Some  of  the  molten  rock  ascends  all  the  way  to  the  seafloor,  pro- 
ducing extensive  volcanic  eruptions  and  building  volcanoes,  while  the  rest 
adheres  to  the  edges  of  the  parting  plates.  The  late  Bruce  Heezen  (see  profile 
on  page  100)  aptly  called  this  world- 
encircling  system  of  ridges  "the 
wound  that  never  heals." 

Over  the  last  decade,  an  ex- 
traordinary confluence  of  diverse 
observations  at  mid-ocean  ridges 
has  led  to  a  series  of  advances  in 
our  understanding  of  the  seafloor 
and  its  spreading  processes. 
Swath-mapping  tools  have  been 
developed  that  can  image  large  ar- 
eas of  the  deep  seafloor  accurately. 
Structural  maps  based  on  these 
charts,  combined  with  geochemical 
studies  of  rock  samples,  seismic 
and  gravitational  studies  of  veloc- 
ity and  density  variations  beneath 
the  ridge,  seafloor  magnetization 
studies,  and  near-bottom  imaging 
of  hydrothermal-vent  distribution, 
have  revealed  a  fundamental  parti- 
tioning of  the  ridge  into  segments 
bounded  by  discontinuities.  These 
segments  behave  like  giant  cracks 
in  the  seafloor  that  can  lengthen  or 
shorten,  and  have  cycles  of  in- 
creased volcanic,  hydrothermal, 
and  tectonic  activity. 

Most  observations  support  the 
concept  of  a  hierarchy  in  the 

Merging  Sea  Beam  and  SeaMARC  II  swath  bathymetry 
produced  this  shaded-relief  image  of  the  Office  of  Naval 
Research  East  Pacific  Rise  Natural  Laboratory.  In  the  fore- 
ground is  the  Siqueiros  transform  fault  (a  first-order  disconti- 
nuity) and  the  8°20'N  seamount  chain;  the  fast-spreading 
East  Pacific  Rise  and  the  9°N  overlapping  spreading  centers 
are  in  the  middle;  and  the  Clipperton  Transform  Fault  is  in 
the  background.  Notice  the  numerous  seamount  chains.  The 
actual  image  is  approximately  300  by  300  kilometers,  viewed 
toward  the  northeast.  (This  image  is  based  on  data  from 
expeditions  funded  by  the  US  Office  of  Naval  Research.) 

Winter  1991/92 

Is  the 
architecture  of 

the  global 

mid-ocean  ridge 

system  really  so 

orderly,  or  is 

this  concept 

of  a 


merely  a  human 


segmentation  of  mid-ocean  ridges.  First-order  segments  are  generally 
hundreds  of  kilometers  long,  persist  for  millions  to  tens  of  millions  of 
years,  and  are  bounded  by  relatively  permanent,  rigid,  plate-transform 
faults  (first-order  discontinuities).  A  first-order  segment  is  usually 
divided  into  several  second-order  segments.  These  segments  are  shorter, 
survive  for  less  than  several  million  years,  and  are  bounded  by  nonrigid, 
second-order  discontinuities  that  can  migrate  along  the  length  of  the 
ridge.  Thus  second-order  segments  lengthen,  shorten,  and  even  disap- 
pear. There  are  third-  and  fourth-order  segments  (and  discontinuities 
bounding  them)  that  are  increasingly  short,  short  lived,  and  peripatetic. 
For  example,  fourth-order  segments,  approximately  10  kilometers  long, 
may  survive  as  distinct  structures  for  only  100  to  10,000  years.  The 
longevity  of  individual  segments  and  associated  cycles  of  volcanic/ 
hydrothermal/ tectonic  activity  must  influence  the  distribution  and 
survival  of  exotic  faunal  communities  that  flourish  at  mid-ocean  ridge 
hot  springs  (see  The  Biology  of  Deep  Sea  Vents  and  Seeps,  page  75).  For 
example,  a  violent  eruption  on  the  East  Pacific  Rise  near  9°50'N  in  March 
and  April  1991  wiped  out  a  large  community  of  tube  worms,  mussels, 
and  other  benthic  fauna  (and  might  have  done  the  same  to  divers  in  the 
submersible  DSV  Alvin  who  arrived  only  hours  to  days  later!). 

Thus,  amidst  frequent  volcanic  eruptions  and  seafloor  temblors, 
there  seems  to  be  an  orderly  spatial  and  temporal  pattern  to  magmatic, 
volcanic,  hydrothermal,  and  tectonic  processes  associated  with  the  birth 
of  new  ocean  floor.  Is  the  architecture  of  the  global  mid-ocean  ridge 
system  really  so  orderly,  or  is  this  concept  of  a  "segmentation  hierarchy" 
merely  a  human  construct?  To  be  sure,  this  model  may  be  vastly  modi- 
fied or  even  abandoned,  as  new  information  and  new  minds  contribute 
to  the  ongoing  debate.  In  his  superb  book,  The  Principles  of  Physical 
Geology,  Arthur  Holmes  recalled  the  words  of  Alfred  North  Whitehead, 
which  are  still  appropriate  to  our  exploration  of  the  Mid-Ocean  Ridge 
today:  "There  can  be  no  living  science  unless  there  is  a  widespread 
instinctive  conviction  in  the  existence  of  an  Order  of  Things  and,  in 
particular,  of  an  Order  of  Nature." 

Ken  C.  Macdonald  is  Professor  of  Marine  Geophysics  at  the  University  of 
California,  Santa  Barbara,  and  a  member  of  the  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic 
Institution  Corporation.  Over  the  last  20  years  he  has  focused  on  the  tectonics  on 
mid-ocean  ridges  and  has  been  fortunate  enough  to  participate  in  some  of  the 
first  explorations  of  the  ridge,  using  swath-mapping  systems,  remotely  controlled 
vehicles,  and  submersibles. 



The  Segmented 
Mid- Atlantic  Ridge 

Jian  Lin 

early  three  decades  ago,  in  1964,  an  Oceanus  article  by 
Richard  M.  Pratt  described  an  exciting  R/V  Chain  expedi- 
tion to  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge.  On  echo-sounding  profiles 
across  the  ridge  crest  some  2,500  meters  beneath  the  ocean 
surface,  Pratt  and  his  colleagues  saw  familiar  mountains 
and  valleys  on  the  ocean  floor.  But  a  peculiar  feature  caught  his  eye:  The 
rift  valley  in  one  area  had  shifted  laterally  for  tens  of  kilometers.  Pratt,  a 
Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution  (WHOI)  scientist,  speculated  in 
his  article  (Volume  11,  Number  2,  December  1964)  that  the  shift  of  the  ridge 
may  have  been  caused  by  a  "transverse"  feature  of  unknown  origin. 

In  the  early  1960s,  H.  William  Menard  and  Bruce  Heezen  discovered 
similar  features  on  other  parts  of  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  and  on  the  East 
Pacific  Rise.  In  1965,  J.  Tuzo  Wilson  identified  these  transverse  features 
as  "transform  faults:"  boundaries  formed  perpendicular  to  the  length  of 
the  Ridge.  The  anomalous  transverse  feature  noted  by  Pratt  is  now 
known  as  the  Atlantis  Transform  Fault.  It  is  just  one  of  many  that  offset 
the  60,000-kilometer-long  global  mid-ocean  ridge  system.  The  discovery 
and  recognition  of  transform  faults  played  an  essential  role  in  the  develop- 
ment of  the  plate-tectonic  theory  in  the  late  1960s  and  early  1970s. 

In  plate-tectonic  theory,  Earth's  outer  100  to  250  kilometers,  called 
the  lithosphere,  breaks  up  into  a  set  of  rigid  plates  that  move  with 
respect  to  each  other.  The  lithospheric  plates,  such  as  those  of  North 
America  and  Africa,  drift  over  underlying,  less  rigid  asthenosphere, 

According  to  the  theory 

of  plate  tectonics, 
Earth's  lithosphere  is 
broken  into  plates  that 
move  with  respect  to 
each  other.  The  plates 
originate  at  mid-ocean 
ridges  (A),  subduct  into 
the  underlying  astheno- 
sphere at  trenches  (B), 
and  slide  by  each  other 
at  transform  faults  (C). 




Winter  1991/92 


A  computer-generated 
relief  image  of  the  rift 
valley  of  the  Mid- 
Atlantic  Ridge  near 
29°50'N  (view  towards 
the  south).  The  rift 
valley  is  20  to  30 
kilometers  wide  and  a 
few  kilometers  deep. 
The  inner  rift  valley  is 
covered  by  elongated 
volcanic  hills  and 
circular  volcanoes. 
Large  steplike  normal 
faults  run  along  the 
ridge  axis,  here  shown 
at  three-times  vertical 


Rift  Valley 

Rift  Valley 




Speading  Center  Axis 

PR.  Shaw/WHOI 

much  like 
floating  in  the 
ocean.  Plates 
are  created  at 
ridges,  are 
consumed  at 
trenches,  and 
slide  by  each 
other  along 

transform  faults.  When  plates  interact  at 
their  boundaries,  earthquakes  strike, 
volcanoes  erupt,  and  mountains  grow.  The 
plate-tectonic  theory  provided  a  fundamen- 
tal link  between  global  tectonics,  from  ridges 
to  trenches  and  from  continents  to  ocean 
floors.  It  unified  geology  in  the  same  way  that 
the  principle  of  evolution  unified  biology. 
The  development  of  the  rigid-plate  concept  and 
early,  sparse  observations  of  ocean  ridges  led  to  a  simple 
idea  of  how  the  ridges  worked.  They  were  thought  to  be 
linear  spreading  segments,  periodically  offset  by  trans- 
form faults.  Each  spreading  segment  was  hundreds  of 
kilometers  long  and  had  the  same  two-dimensional 

In  this  computer-generated  relief  image  of  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge 
between  28°N and  30°45'N,  thin  red  lines  along  the  rift  valley  approxi- 
mate spreading  axes  based  on  magnetic  data.  Note  the  prominent  rift 
valley,  deep  Atlantis  Transform  Fault  trough  (just  below  43°  W),  and 
small  non-transform  offsets  (regions  where  red  lines  do  not  meet). 



Atlantis  Transform  Fault 


cross-sectional  view  along  its  strike. 

Today,  two  decades  after  the  birth  of  plate-tectonic  theory,  this  view 
is  rapidly  changing.  This  article  begins  with  a  report  on  a  recent  expedi- 
tion to  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge,  where  Pratt  visited  30  years  ago.  Using 
this  and  other  recent  studies  as  background,  I  will  review  current  ideas 
on  seafloor  spreading  at  mid-ocean  ridges  and  explain  how  the  earlier 
two-dimensional  ridge  model  must  be  expanded  to  allow  for  variations 
along  strikes  and  with  time. 

The  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge 

The  huge  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  (MAR)  mountain  range  runs  down  the 
middle  of  the  Atlantic  Ocean  from  Iceland  in  the  north  to  near  Antarctica 
in  the  south.  Since  it  was  first  studied  in  1873  by  the  British  survey  ship 
HMS  Challenger,  the  ridge  has  been  the  focus  of  intense  scientific  curios- 
ity. Perhaps  the  most  detailed  survey  was  Project  FAMOUS  (French- 
American  Mid-Ocean  Ridge  Undersea  Study)  of  the  early  1970s,  in  which 
oceanographers  investigated  a  100-kilometer-long  stretch  of  the  rift 
valley  near  37°N. 

Early  exploration  of  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  only  identified  trans- 
form faults  of  very  large  offsets.  From  observations  of  Earth's  magnetic 
field,  however,  oceanographers  in  the  early  1980s  proposed  that  the 
MAR  was  composed  of  a  string  of  about  50-kilometer-long  spreading 
segments  separated  by  small  "zero-offset"  transform  faults. 

To  look  closely  at  these  "zero-offset"  features,  in  1988  and  1989, 
scientists  from  WHOI  and  the  University  of  Washington  examined  a  900- 
kilometer-long  stretch  of  the  ridge.  Our  survey,  which  started  near  the 
Atlantis  Transform  Fault,  included  detailed  ocean  floor  mapping  and 
precise  measurements  of  Earth's  gravitational  and  magnetic  fields.  Our 
sonar  sounding  system,  called  Sea  Beam,  was  much  more  capable  than 
that  used  by  Pratt  in  the  early  1960s:  It  can  map  a  2-kilometer- wide 

This  relief  image  of  the 

Atlantis  Transform 
Fault  is  viewed  toward 

the  east.  The  deepest 
parts  of  the  trajisform 

valley  are  more  than 
six  kilometers  below  sea 
level.  The  vertical  relief 

from  the  top  to  the 
bottom  of  the  valley  is 

more  than  four 
kilometers,  and  is 

shown  at  three-times 

vertical  exaggeration. 

The  red  vertical  bars  on 

the  top-right  corner  are 

an  imaging  artifact. 

Winter  1991/92 





7.8-8.4     1 

Below  a  ridge,  the 

mantle  of  the  astheno- 

sphere  (orange)  rises  to 

fill  the  gap  between  two 

separating  lithospheric 

plates  (blue).  As  they 

rise,  some  rocks  melt  to 

form  magmas.  The 

buoyant  magmas  or 

melts  then  surge  into  a 

magma  chamber  (red). 

Material  in  the  magma 

chamber  further 
segregates  into  various 

layers  of  the  oceanic 
crust  (dark  green).  The 
crust  is  less  dense  than 
the  mantle.  In  the 
mantle,  density 
decreases  with  increas- 
ing temperature  and 
with  depth. 

swath  of  the  seafloor  in  a  single  pulse.  Never  before  had  oceanographers 
seen  such  a  long  stretch  of  a  slow-spreading  ridge  with  such  high- 
resolution  sonar. 

With  Sea  Beam  sending  back  numerous  ocean-floor  images,  we  soon 
recognized  many  familiar  features.  The  central  rift  valley,  which  is  20  to 
30  kilometers  wide  and  a  few  kilometers  deep,  runs  nicely  along  the 
ridge  crest.  Volcanic  hills  and  circular  volcanoes — each  tens  to  a  few 
hundreds  meters  tall — blanket  the  rift  valley's  inner  floor.  The  crust 

cracks  along  steep  steps  of  normal 
faults,  some  of  which  run  along 
the  ridge  for  tens  of  kilometers. 

We  were  intrigued  by  the  im- 
mense size  of  the  trough  inside  the 
Atlantis  Transform  Fault.  This  fault 
offsets  the  ridge  axis  by  almost  70 
kilometers,  and  the  deepest  parts  of 
its  floor  are  more  than  six  kilome- 
ters below  sea  level.  Its  vertical  relief 
from  top  to  bottom  is  more  than 
four  kilometers,  or  twice  the  depth 
of  the  Grand  Canyon. 

Further  down  the  ridge  axis, 
however,  we  were  totally  sur- 
prised: The  "zero-offset"  features 
that  we  were  searching  for  were 
not  transform  faults  after  all.  The 

ridge  breaks  into  many  20-  to  80-kilometer-long  spreading  segments,  but 
these  segments  often  overlap  one  another  at  "nontransform"  offsets. 
Unlike  a  transform  fault,  a  nontransform  offset  does  not  contain  a  trough 
perpendicular  to  the  ridge  axis.  By  themselves,  these  nontransform 
offsets  constitute  a  new  type  of  unstable,  transitory  plate  boundary. 

Why  do  the  MAR  volcanic  chains  break  into  short  spreading  seg- 
ments? Is  this  phenomenon  related  to  deep  structures  of  the  earth 
beneath  the  spreading  axis?  To  answer  these  questions,  we  must  first 
examine  how  oceanic  crust  is  generated. 

The  Origin  of  Oceanic  Crust 

The  mantle  beneath  lithospheric  plates,  known  as  the  asthenosphere, 
creeps  plastically  because  its  temperature  stays  near  its  melting  point. 
Below  a  ridge,  however,  the  asthenosphere  rises  to  fill  the  gap  between 
two  separating  plates.  While  ascending,  some  mantle  rocks  fuse  to  form 
basaltic  magmas,  or  melts,  and  the  buoyant  magmas  float  to  the  top  of 
the  mantle  to  form  oceanic  crust.  Meanwhile,  the  unmelted  mantle 
residual  accretes  to  the  oceanic  lithosphere  bottom.  From  studying  the 
chemical  composition  of  rocks  dredged  from  the  ocean  floor,  oceanogra- 
phers have  determined  that  melts  are  produced  at  depths  of  20  to  80 
kilometers  and  at  temperatures  of  1,150°  to  1,400°C.  Theoretical  models 
further  suggest  that  the  rising  asthenosphere  reaches  its  maximum 
velocity  in  a  partial  melting  zone,  inside  which  the  mantle  has  its  mini- 
mum density  and  viscosity. 

Buoyant  melts  from  all  depths  surge  into  a  magma  chamber  at  the 



Transform  Zones 



base  of  the  crust.  Inside  the  chamber,  melts  further  separate  into  layers 
according  to  their  densities.  The  least-dense  lava  erupts  to  form  volca- 
noes on  the  ocean  floor.  The  most-dense,  called  gabbro,  accumulates  at 
the  chamber  floor  to  form  the  lower  crust.  Between  these  two  layers  lies 
a  layer  of  vertical  dikes,  narrow  slabs  of  cooled  melt  that  have  risen  to 
fill  fissures  in  the  crust.  The  end  product  of  the  melt  segregation  process, 
therefore,  is  a  stable  layering  of  light  crust  (its  density  is  expressed  as  2.5 
to  2.8  grams  per  cubic  centimeter)  overlying  heavy  mantle  (3.1  to  3.3 
grams  per  cubic  centimeter). 

On  the  other  hand,  the 
partially  molten  astheno- 
sphere  under  the  lithospheric 
plates  is  not  stable.  This  is  be- 
cause its  density  and  viscos- 
ity are  less  than  that  of  the 
overlying  lithosphere,  a  situ- 
ation analogous  to  a  layer  of 
high-density  fluid  overlying 
low  density  fluid.  Laboratory 
experiments  show  that  if  the 
density  and  viscosity  con- 
trasts between  two  fluids  are 
great  enough,  the  less-dense 
fluid  will  rise  and  protrude 
into  the  upper  layer,  in  the 
form  of  regularly  spaced  dia- 
pirs  (see  Box,  page  19).  In  the 

mid-1980s,  oceanographers  proposed  that  diapirs  may  occur  below  mid- 
ocean  ridges.  They  reasoned  that  the  partial  melting  zone  of  the  astheno- 
sphere  can  develop  gravitational  instability,  inducing  regularly  spaced 
diapirs  of  melts.  The  melt  diapirs  then  percolate  toward  the  surface  to 
form  discrete  magma  chambers  that  feed  individual  spreading  segments. 

Such  diapir-induced  segmentation  models  predict  that  ocean-floor 
topography  should  be  shallowest  at  segment  centers  and  deepest  at  seg- 
ment boundaries.  The  models  also  predict  that  crustal  thickness,  which 
is  a  measure  of  melt  production,  should  be  greatest  at  segment  centers 
and  decrease  toward  segment  edges.  The  first  prediction  was  confirmed 
readily  by  detailed  ridge-crest  topography,  including  that  obtained  in  our 
survey.  To  confirm  the  second  prediction,  however,  techniques  for  prob- 
ing into  the  earth  are  required.  Two  commonly  used  techniques  are  the 
studies  of  Earth's  gravitational  field  and  of  seismic  waves. 

Gravity,  Seismic,  and  Faulting  Evidence 

Geophysicists  often  use  sensitive  gravity  meters  to  probe  unseen  mate- 
rial below  ground.  To  examine  the  crust  and  mantle  below  spreading 
segments,  we  must  first  employ  modeling  to  remove  the  gravitational 
effects  of  seawater  and  a  model  crust.  The  leftover  signal,  called  the 
mantle  Bouguer  anomaly,  should  then  reveal  information  about  the 
mantle.  Using  this  technique,  researchers  have  detected  an  unusual 
"bull's-eye"  shaped  gravity  low  over  a  spreading  segment  in  the  South 
Atlantic.  During  our  1988  to  1989  survey,  we  found  a  string  of  such 






In  this  model  of 

magma  diapirs  beneath 

a  ridge,  the  partially 

molten  asthenosphere 

(red)  is  not  stable 
under  the  cold  lithos- 
phere (green).  The 
gravitational  instabil- 
ity of  this  partial 
melting  zone  will 
induce  regularly 
spaced  diapirs  of 
magmas.  The  magma 
diapirs  then  percolate 
toward  the  surface  to 
form  discrete  spreading 

Winter  1991 J92 




•  III 


Gravity  data  reveals 

gravity  lows  beneath 

the  spreading  segments 

of  the  North  Mid- 
Atlantic  Ridge.  This 
pattern  may  be  caused 
by  thicker  crust  or  less 
dense  mantle  beneath 
the  midpoints  of  the 
spreading  segments. 

bull's-eyes  in  the  North  Atlantic. 

In  both  the  North  and  South  Atlantic,  most  of  the  circular  regions  of 
gravity  lows  are  centered  near  the  shallow  middle  points  of  the  spread- 
ing segments.  In  contrast,  large  positive  values  are  located  over  the 
Atlantis  Transform  Fault  and  the  nontransform  offsets.  There  are  two 
possible  explanations  for  this  gravity  pattern.  The  first  is  that  the  crust, 
which  is  less  dense  than  the  mantle,  decreases  in  thickness  from  segment 
centers  to  segment  edges.  The  second  is  that  the  mantle  beneath  the 

42°W  segment  mid-points  is  of  unusu- 

ally low  density,  most  likely  due 
to  a  combined  effect  of  high 
temperature,  the  presence  of 
limited  melts,  and  density  changes 
in  the  melted  mantle.  Both  possi- 
bilities are  consistent  with  the 
concept  of  diapir-induced  seg- 
mentation. Similar  gravity  pat- 
terns have  now  been  observed  in 
other  sections  of  the  Mid-Atlantic 
Ridge,  although  substantial  local 
variations  exist. 

The  study  of  seismic  waves 
provides  another  powerful  tool  for 
probing  the  deep  structure  of 
ridges.  In  the  1980s,  seismologists 
studied  a  half-dozen  large-offset 
transform  faults  and  a  few 
nontransform  offsets  at  the  Mid- 
Atlantic  Ridge.  Their  results 
generally  confirmed  that  the 
oceanic  crust  is  abnormally  thin 
beneath  segment  boundaries, 
especially  under  large-offset 
transform  faults.  The  gravity  and 
seismic  data  together,  therefore, 
confirmed  that  the  punctuation  of 
the  ridge  topography  by  offset 
features  is  indeed  indicative  of 
deep-seated,  along-axis  periodicity  in  the  melt  supply. 

In  addition  to  the  gravity  and  seismic  data,  imprints  of  segmentation 
were  found  in  the  pattern  of  tectonic  faulting  and  earthquakes  on  the 
ocean  floor.  Based  on  deep-sea  observations  from  submersibles,  re- 
searchers in  the  1970s  and  1980s  determined  that  lithospheric  plates  do 
not  spread  steadily;  instead,  they  move  in  a  "stop-and-go"  fashion,  with 
long  periods  of  tectonic  stretching  interrupted  by  short  periods  of 
volcanic  construction.  During  prolonged  periods  of  stretching,  tectonic 
faults  developed  at  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge.  Recently  we  observed  that 
tectonic  faults  are  quite  linear  within  spreading  segments,  indicating  that 
the  crust  of  each  segment  breaks  in  parallel  fault  arrays.  In  contrast, 
oblique  faults  are  common  near  segment  offsets,  suggesting  that  the 
tectonic-volcanic  cycles  of  neighboring  segments  are  not  synchronous 
with  each  other.  The  major  faults  of  each  spreading  segment  are 










seismically  active,  as  indicated  by  large  numbers  of  moderate-sized 
modern  earthquakes  (See  Mid-Ocean  Ridge  Seismicity,  page  60). 

The  Spreading-Rate  Factor 

The  overall  magma  supply,  as  well  as  the  style  of  segmentation,  vary 
dramatically  from  slow-  to  fast-spreading  ridges.  From  early,  sparse 
observations,  oceanographers  noted  that  the  gross  axial  topography  of  a 
mid-ocean  ridge  depends  on  the  plate-spreading  rate.  The  crest  of  the 
slow-spreading  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge,  with  full  spreading  rates  of  about  30 
millimeters  per  year,  is  rugged,  with  faulted  crust  and  a  median  valley. 
In  contrast,  the  axis  of  the  fast-spreading  East  Pacific  Rise,  with  full  rates 
of  60  to  170  millimeters  per  year,  is  much  smoother,  and  is  defined  by  an 
elevated  crust  a  few  hundred  meters  high.  Theoretical  models  suggest 
that  the  rift  valley  of  a  slow-spreading  ridge  may  result  from  thinning  of 
the  lithospheric  plate  similar  to  the  "necking"of  a  plastic  beam  under 
tension.  For  fast-spreading  ridges,  topography  is  caused  mainly  by  the 
upward  push  of  the  buoyant  magma  chamber. 

There  are  other  major  differences  between  slow-  and  fast-spreading 
ridges.  Geophysicists  have  imaged  the  top  of  magma  chambers  at  the 
fast-spreading  East  Pacific  Rise  and  the  intermediately  fast-spreading 
Juan  de  Fuca  Ridge  and  the  Valu  Fa  Ridge  of  the  Lau  Basin,  but  no 
comparable  structure  was  found  at  the  slow-spreading  Mid-Atlantic 
Ridge.  The  lithospheric  plate  at  the  MAR  has  a  3-  to  10-kilometer-thick 
brittle  lid  in  which  moderate  to  large  earthquakes  can  nucleate;  at  the 
fast-spreading  ridges,  the  brittle  lid  is  thinner  than  2  kilometers,  and 
moderate  and  large  earthquakes  are  essentially  absent.  Other  differences 
include  gravity  and  bathymetry,  which  vary  substantially  along  the 
slow-spreading  ridges,  but  only  slightly  along  intermediate-  and  fast- 
spreading  ridges.  There  is  mounting  evidence,  then,  that  overall  magma 
supply  is  greater  at  fast-spreading  ridges  than  slow  ones. 

Despite  major  differences  in  magma  supply,  both  fast-  and  slow- 
spreading  ridges  break  into  spreading  segments.  Various  types  of  ridge- 
crest  offsets  have  been  found  at  the  East  Pacific  Rise,  including  transform 
faults,  overlapping  spreading  centers,  and  deviations  from  axial 
lineality.  Chemical-composition  studies  of  seafloor  rocks  indicate  that 
even  small  ridge  offsets  mark  boundaries  between  two  distinctive 
magma-supply  units. 

Global  variability  in  ridge  magma  supply  is,  in  some  ways,  analo- 
gous to  global  variability  in  climate.  The  mean  air  temperature  (or 
overall  climate)  of  Earth's  polar  regions  is  substantially  lower  than  that 
of  the  equatorial  oceans.  In  both  the  cold  polar  and  warm  equatorial 
regions,  however,  the  temperature  varies  from  one  local  area  to  another. 
Similarly,  the  mean  magma  supply  at  the  slow-spreading  Mid-Atlantic 
Ridge  is  lower  than  that  of  the  fast-spreading  East  Pacific  Rise.  But  in 
both  ridges  the  magma  supply  varies  locally  from  one  segment  to 
another,  and  from  one  part  of  the  segment  to  another  part. 

The  geophysical  evidence  discussed  above  and  the  present  segmen- 
tation theories  illustrate  only  the  gross  structure  of  ridge  segmentation 
on  length  scales  of  a  few  to  a  few  hundred  kilometers.  Smaller,  shorter- 
lived  segmentation  features,  which  are  beyond  the  detectabilitly  of  current 
instruments,  are  certainly  possible.  To  further  understand  and  eventually 

Tlie  overall 

magma  supply, 

as  well  as  the 

style  of 



from  slow-  to 



Winter  1991/92 


Why  do  slow- 
spreading  ridges 



from  fast  ones? 

How  do 


segments  evolve 

in  time  over  tens 

of  millions  of 


predict  the  global  pattern  of  magma  supply  and  ridge  segmentation,  we 
must  develop  better  instruments,  expand  the  data  base,  and  formulate 
new  theories. 

The  Future  of  Ridge-Magma  Dynamics 

In  the  past  decade,  theories  of  ridge-magma  dynamics  have  advanced 
rapidly  in  conjunction  with  new  oceanographic  instruments  and  discoveries 
of  exciting  ridge  features.  As  a  result,  we  have  a  better  understanding  of 
how  two-thirds  of  Earth's  solid  surface  —  the  oceanic  crust  —  was  created. 

The  1990s  promise  even  greater  understanding  of  ridge  dynamics,  a 
system  once  described  by  the  late  Bruce  Heezen  (see  the  Profile  on  page 
100)  as  "the  wound  that  never  heals."  Oceanographers  have  designed 
and  are  implementing  an  international  decade-long  program  called 
RIDGE  (Ridge  Inter-Disciplinary  Global  Experiments;  see  the  article  on 
page  21)  to  study  the  interactions  among  complex  ridge  processes  from 
magma  dynamics  to  earthquakes,  water  column  chemistry,  and  biology. 
In  particular,  the  RIDGE  program  has  designed  specific  oceanographic 
experiments  to  continuously  explore  the  origin  of  mid-ocean  ridge 
segments,  posing  such  questions  as,  Why  do  slow-spreading  ridges 
differ  dramatically  from  fast  ones,  but  both  break  into  segments?  How 
do  spreading  segments  evolve  in  time  over  tens  of  millions  of  years? 
Why  are  transform  faults  longer  and  stable  while  nontransform  offsets 
are  shorter  and  transitory?  Does  segmentation  in  the  volcanic  ridge 
correlate  with  changes  in  ridge-crest  hydrothermal  vents,  or  even  with 
the  biological  population  at  the  ridge  crest?  These  and  many  other 
questions  await  exploration  in  a  new  era  of  oceanographic  studies. 

Acknowledgments:  The  research  reported  in  this  article  was  supported  by  the 
National  Science  Foundation  and  the  Office  of  Naval  Research.  G.  Michael  Purdy 
and  Hans  Schouten  of  WHOI,  and  J.-C.  Sempere  of  the  University  of  Washington 
were  the  leaders  of  the  1988-1989  Mid-  Atlantic  Ridge  expedition.  Thanks  to 
Brian  Tucholke  and  Tom  Reed  for  permission  to  use  the  previously  unpublished 
images  at  the  top  of  page  12  and  on  page  13  and  to  P.R.  Shaw  for  permission  to 
use  the  previously  unpublished  image  at  bottom  of  page  12.  The  figure  on  page 
11  is  after  Isacks,  Oliver,  and  Sykes,  1968;  that  on  page  14  is  modified  after 
RIDGE  Steering  Committee,  1989;  on  page  15  after  Whitehead,  Dick,  and 
Schouten,  1985,  and  Dick,  1989;  and  on  page  16  after  Lin,  Purdy,  Schouten, 
Sempere,  and  Zervas,  1990. 

Jian  Lin  is  an  Assistant  Scientist  at  the  Department  of  Geology  and  Geophysics, 
Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution.  He  was  born  when  H.  William  Menard 
and  Bruce  Heezen  discovered  the  first  transform  faults  in  the  world's  ocean 
basins.  Today  he  enjoys  the  opportunity  to  further  develop  and  challenge  aspects 
of  the  great  theory  of  plate  tectonics.  His  research  activity  ranges  from  oceano- 
graphic measurements  at  sea  to  building  quantitative  ridge  models  on  super 
computers.  When  not  exploring  undersea  volcanoes,  he  studies  earthquake 
faults  in  southern  California  and  their  threats  to  metropolitan  areas.  He  is  an 
Associate  Editor  of  the  Journal  of  Geophysical  Research. 




ALL  MID-OCEAN  RIDGES  seem  to  be 
segmented.  In  many  places  the  ridges 
consist  of  a  series  of  relatively  straight 
segments  divided  by  fracture  zones.  In 
other  places  they  are  divided  by  overlap- 
ping spreading  centers.  The  spreading 
plates  display  a  pattern  of  fairly  orderly 
cellular  structure,  with  spacing  between 
the  cells  of  approximately  30  to  80  kilo- 
meters. The  spacing  varies  with  the  speed 
of  spreading  of  the  ridge.  Those  study- 
ing the  ridge  had  often  suggested  that 
ridge  segmentation  was  due  to  thermal 
contraction  of  the  cooling  plates  as  they 
spread  apart. 

In  1984  and  1985  we,  along  with 
Henry  Dick,  hypothesized  something 
quite  different — that  the  segmentation 
results  from  forces  produced  by  hot 
mantle  material  rising  under  spreading 
centers  and  liberating  melt.  We  knew 
that  a  layer  of  material  with  either  en- 
hanced melt  or  a  higher  temperature 
tends  to  develop  a  lower  density,  and 
there  was  reason  to  believe  that  it  would 
also  have  a  lower  viscosity  than  the  sur- 
rounding regions.  We  also  knew  that 
such  a  region  is  prone  to  develop  fluid- 
dynamic  instabilities.  One  example  is 
called  Rayleigh-Taylor  instability.  This 
happens  when  a  layer  of  lower-density 
fluid  underlies  a  layer  of  higher-density 
fluid.  The  interface  between  the  two  flu- 
ids develops  undulations  so  that  the 
lower  density  fluid  can  float  upward 
through  the  denser  fluid. 

To  demonstrate  this  we  conducted 
some  simple  experiments  in  which  a 
water-glycerine  mixture  was  quickly  in- 
jected into  glycerine  with  a  hypodermic 
syringe  along  a  horizontal  line.  Although 

this  line  gradually  rises  because  the  wa- 
ter-glycerine mixture  is  less  dense  than 
the  glycerine,  an  instability  also  devel- 
ops (see  the  photos  overleaf)  and  leads  to 
the  formation  of  semi-spherical  pockets. 
It  is  reasonable  to  expect  that  a  linear 
region  of  partially  molten  mantle  in  the 
earth  will  behave  in  a  similar  manner 
and  will  lead  to  fairly  regularly  spaced 
protrusions  from  which  the  melt  will 
ascend  to  form  magma  chambers.  We 
suggested  this  example  as  a  possible 
model  of  what  might  be  happening  un- 
der oceanic  ridges.  To  be  specific,  the 
idea  was  that  segmentation  was  pro- 
duced by  buoyancy-induced  instability 
(which  ultimately  leads  to  volcanism) 
rather  than  by  thermal  contraction  of  the 
cold  plates. 

Clearly,  the  model  was  too  crude  to 
apply  to  ridges  in  detail.  However,  at 
that  time  numerical  models  of  spreading 
ridges  were  always  taken  to  be  two  di- 
mensional for  simplicity  and  ignored  seg- 
mentation. Unfortunately,  if  the  segmen- 
tation is  a  process  that  enhances  up- 
welling  the  two  dimensional  models 
would  be  incomplete.  Recently,  observa- 
tions indicate  that  segmentation  is  in- 
deed not  just  a  surface  feature  of  cooling 
plates  but  extends  "deep"  (tens  of  kilo- 
meters) under  ridges.  In  addition,  recent 
three-dimensional  numerical  models 
have  been  developed  with  flows  that  do 
break  up  into  segments.  Thus  the  crude 
idea  that  segmentation  has  deep  origins 
seems  to  be  borne  out  even  though  the 
detailed  mechanics  of  the  break  up  may 
be  different  in  detail  than  our  Rayleigh- 
Taylor  models.  "^N 

(continued  on  next  page) 



Winter  1991/92 


.A  Possible  Mechanism 

These  two  photographs  were  taken  30  seconds  apart.  In  the  upper  photo- 
graph, the  injecting  needle  was  dragged  from  right  to  left.  The  gravitational 
instability  of  a  horizontal  line  of  water  I  glycerine  mixture  in  a  bath  of  pure 

glycerine  is  shown  below. 

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International  Perspectives  on  Our  Ocean  Environment 




Cooperative  Studies  of  Mid-Ocean  Ridges 

Donna  Blackman  and  Trileigh  Stroh 

he  Ridge  Inter-Disciplinary  Global  Experiments  (RIDGE) 
Initiative  is  a  cooperative  effort  to  study  the  mid-ocean 
ridges  as  a  dynamic  global  system  of  focused  energy  flow 
from  Earth's  interior  outward.  The  National  Science  Founda- 
tion supports  the  RIDGE  Initiative,  part  of  the  US  Global 

Change  Research  Program,  through  both  its  Global  Change  and  Ocean 

Sciences  divisions. 

The  program's  key  goals  include: 

•  characterizing  the  global  ridge  structure, 

•  understanding  crustal  accretion  and  upper-mantle  dynamics, 

•  charting  the  variability  over  time  of  volcanic  and  hydrothermal 

•  mapping  biological  colonization  and  evolution  at  ridge  crests, 

•  determining  the  properties  of  multiphase  materials  at  ridge  crests,  and 

•  developing  technology  for  ridge-crest  experimentation. 

By  characterizing  the  ridge  structure,  researchers  intend  to  provide  a 
global  perspective  for  the  mechanics  of  plate  separation,  variable  lava 
types,  circulation  of  hot  seawater,  and  biological  characteristic  of  indi- 
vidual ridge  sections.  Swath  bathymetry,  sidescan  sonar  imagery,  and 
widely  spaced  geologic  and  hydrologic  samples  will  be  used  to  develop 
large-scale  maps  of  the  ridge  system.  This  will  provide  a  basis  for 
estimating  the  total  flux  of  materials  through  ridge  crests  (hydrothermal 
input  to  the  oceans,  for  example),  as  well  as  for  making  site-location 
decisions  for  more  detailed  study. 

Crustal  accretion  results  from  convective  upwelling  of  the  mantle 
beneath  a  spreading  center  (see  Onions  and  Leaks. ../page  36).  Basaltic 
melt  segregates  from  the  rising,  decompressing  mantle,  and  is  delivered 
to  a  magma  chamber  at  the  ridge  axis  where  it  solidifies  to  form  oceanic 
crust.  Understanding  this  process  requires  a  variety  of  information:  the 
mantle's  flow  geometry,  temperature,  and  composition  beneath  mid- 
ocean  ridges;  the  nature  of  the  subaxial  magma  chamber  and  the  mode 
of  volcanic  extrusion  on  the  seafloor;  and  the  role  of  hydrothermal 
circulation  in  cooling  the  crust.  Constraints  on  the  upper-mantle  struc- 
ture are  obtained  from  computer  modeling  and  seismic-  and  electromag- 
netic-imaging studies  that  use  large  arrays  of  seafloor  instruments.  A 
magma  chamber's  size  and  shape  are  revealed  by  geophysical  measure- 
ments including  seismic  refraction /reflection  and  gravity  data;  geo- 
chemical  studies  of  rock  samples  from  the  ridge  axes  help  determine  the 


Winter  1991/92 



Megaplume  ^p 

^  "- 

-  ;'J*t*-?-  ?«»  SHS^J 



Basaltic  melt  arriving 
from  the  mantle  either 

reestablishes  or 
replenishes  a  crustal 
magma  chamber  that 
solidifies  to  produce 
gabbro,  diabase  dikes, 
or  basaltic  lava  flows. 
The  geometry,  longev- 
ity, and  circulation  of  a 

subaxial  magma 

chamber  are  topics  of 

active  inquiry. 

history  of  the  basaltic  melt  as  it 
separates  from  the  mantle  and 
cools  within  the  crust.  Mapping  the 
hydrothermal  vent  fields  at  ridge 
axes  and  the  associated  faulting  of 
the  seafloor  illustrates  the  seawa- 
ter-circulation  pattern  in  the  upper 

Although  seafloor  spreading  is 
continuous  on  a  geologic  time 
scale,  individual  earthquakes, 
eruptions,  and  venting  episodes 
affect  only  a  short  length  of  the 
ridge  for  a  short  time.  Neither  the 
spatial  nor  the  temporal  scales  of 
specific  ridge-axis  events  are 
currently  known  in  detail,  but  both 
play  critical  roles  in  shaping 
seafloor  morphology,  local  seawa- 
ter  properties,  and  biological 
diversity.  Two  important  means 
for  studying  temporal  variability  in 
ridge  processes  are  event  detection 

and  response  and  long-term  deployment  of  instruments  in  a  seafloor 
observatory.  When  a  ridge-crest  volcanic  event,  such  as  an  earthquake 
swarm,  is  detected,  airborne  and  shipboard  instruments  can  be  deployed 
to  chart  the  activity  pattern  and  map  any  new  eruptions.  Long-term 
monitoring  can  reveal  linkages  among  complex,  interrelated  physical, 
geological,  and  biological  processes  at  ridges.  Diverse  coordinated 
measurements  made  at  permanent  ridge-crest  observatories  will  be 
essential  in  studying  these  relationships  and  developing  improved 
theoretical  models  for  ridge  processes. 

Mapping  biological  communities  along  mid-ocean  ridge  crests  is 
fundamental  for  understanding  the  thermal  and  chemical  requirements 
of  these  unique  ecosystems.  Sampling  and  laboratory  studies  will  reveal 
the  physiological  and  genetic  requirements  for  living  without  sunlight  at 
water  depths  exceeding  2,000  meters.  Integrating  biological  and  chemical 
studies  will  elucidate  the  dependence  of  different  organisms  on  the  tem- 
peratures and  the  chemical  characteristics  of  hydrothermal  vents.  Determin- 
ing a  biological  community's  response  time  to  changes  in  volcanic  and 
hydrothermal  activities  will  be  an  important  aspect  of  this  research. 

Multiphase  materials  are  present  in  virtually  every  part  of  the  mid- 
ocean  ridge  system,  from  the  upwelling  mantle  that  contains  basaltic 
melt,  through  the  magma  chamber  where  molten  rock  is  crystallized,  to 
the  hydrothermal  systems  in  which  both  liquid  and  gas  aqueous  solu- 
tions are  likely  to  exist.  Laboratory  experiments  on  silicate  aggregates 
under  various  temperature  and  pressure  conditions  are  needed  to  define 
the  behavior  of  the  ascending  mantle  (viscosity,  melt  content,  and 
composition).  The  chemical  properties  and  crystallization  sequences  of 
mid-ocean  ridge  basalts  must  be  determined  at  pressures  appropriate  for 
a  crustal  magma  chamber.  Modeling  the  effects  of  combined  vapor  and 
fluid  phases  in  hydrothermal  circulation  should  aid  in  understanding 



interactions  between  the  cooling  crust  and  seawater. 

Developing  extended-deployment  seafloor  instrumentation  that  can 
accurately  measure  the  changing  conditions  at  the  ridge  crest  is  an 
integral  part  of  many  of  the  above  research  topics.  Examples  of  new 
technological  advances  include  chemical  sensors  that  detect  minute 
changes  in  trace  elements  and  compounds  (such  as  hydrogen  sulfide, 
methane,  iron,  manganese,  and  oxygen),  geodetic  instruments  to  mea- 
sure uplift  and  tilt  of  volcano  flanks,  broadband  ocean-bottom  seismom- 
eters, and  deep-water  temperature  and  chemical  profiling  systems. 
Systems  that  can  deploy  and  manipulate  these  sensitive  instruments  will 
also  be  required  and  may  take  the  form  of  remotely  operated  seafloor 
vehicles  or  manned  submersibles. 

Donna  Blackman  is  a  post-doctoral  research  associate  at  the  University  of 
Washington  studying  mid-ocean  ridge  processes.  At  the  time  of  writing,  she  is 
assisting  with  several  projects  at  the  RIDGE  office. 

Trileigh  Stroh  has  been  the  RIDGE  Coordinator  and  Editor  of  RIDGE  Events 
newsletter  since  1988.  In  1992  she  will  instead  serve  as  Executive  Administrator 
for  the  InterRidge  office. 


INTERRIDGE  IS  an  international  effort 
to  coordinate  and  expand  ridge-crest  re- 
search. Representatives  from  scientific 
communities  in  Australia,  Canada, 
France,  Germany,  Iceland,  Japan,  Nor- 
way, Portugal,  UK,  USA,  and  USSR  have 
been  meeting  since  1989  to  establish 
means  for  effective  communication,  pro- 
gram coordination,  and  data  exchange 
among  various  national  programs  for 
mid-ocean  ridge  research.  Ratification  of 
an  InterRidge  program  plan  and  estab- 
lishment of  an  InterRidge  office  are  ex- 
pected in  1992.  The  Program  Plan  will 
propose  three  primary  program  elements: 
global  studies,  observatory  development, 
and  regional  dynamics  studies. 

A  recent  response  to  events  south- 

west of  Iceland  showed  that  international 
cooperation  can  produce  insights  into 
ridge-crest  processes  and  their  transient 
oceanographic  signals.  In  November 
1990,  Icelandic  scientists  reported  a  se- 
ries of  earthquakes  on  the  Reykjanes 
Ridge.  Their  report  was  followed  by  de- 
ployment of  sonobuoys  and  expendable 
bathythermographs  from  a  US  Navy  P3 
aircraft.  British,  Icelandic,  and  American 
scientists  used  an  Icelandic  research  ship 
to  conduct  several  days  of  on-site  map- 
ping and  sampling.  Using  the  combined 
assets  of  several  countries  enhances  the 
ability  to  quickly  assemble  a  team  of 
investigators  at  an  eruption  site,  provid- 
ing valuable  opportunities  to  document 
ongoing  ridge-crest  activity. 

Winter  1991/92 

Earth's  RiftS,  Ridges  &  Rises:  Areas  of  interest  referred  to  within  this  issue 

1-Albatross  Plateau 
2-Atlantis  Transform  Fault 
3-Aleutian  Trench 
4-Carlsberg  Ridge 
5-Chile  Rise 
6-Clipperton  Fracture 
7-Cox  Transform  Fault 

8-East  Pacific  Rise 
9-Easter  Island 
10-Galapagos  Rift 
11-Gorda  Ridge 
12-Guaymas  Basin 
13-Guaymas  Transform  Ridge 
14-Gulf  of  Aden 

15-Gulf  of  California 
16-Hawaiian  Islands 
17-Juan  de  Fuca  Ridge 
18-Kula  Rise 
19-Labrador  Sea 
20-Lesser  Antilles  Arc 
21-Louisiana  Slope 



This  computer-generated  map  is  courtesy  of  Peter  W  Sloss,  NOAA  National  Geophysical  Data  Center.  Boulder.  CO. 

22-AMAR  Area 

23-TAG  Area 
24-MARK  Area 
25-Mariana  Trench 
26-Mathematician  Rise 
27-Mendoza  Rise 
28-Mid-Atlantic  Ridge 

29-Middle  America  Trench 
30-Monterey  Canyon 
31-Pacific-Antarctic  Ridge 
32-Red  Sea 

33-Siqueiros  Transform  Fault 
34-South  Shetland  Arc 
35-Troodos  Ophiolite 
36-Valu  Fa  Ridge 

37-West  Florida  Escarpment 


39- Azores 

40-Tristan  da  Cunha 

41-Vema  Transform 

42-1 5°20'  Transform 

43-Kane  Transform 

Winter  1991/92 


Slow  spreading 

relatively  steep- 
sided  "ridges," 
while  fast 
produces  more 
gently  sloping 


Ridges  and  Rises: 
A  Global  View 

Peter  Lonsdale  and  Chris  Small 

eafloor  spreading — the  process  that  creates  new  material  to  fill 
in  gaps  between  Earth's  separating  crustal  plates — results  in 
broad  elevations  with  spreading  centers  along  their  crests.  This 
is  simply  because  crust  formed  by  volcanic  activity  deepens  as 
it  moves  away  from  the  axes,  cools,  and  contracts.  The  young- 
est, hottest  crust  stands  highest,  and  the  rate  of  deepening,  which 
determines  the  regional  slope  gradients  away  from  the  spreading  center, 
is  proportional  to  the  horizontal  rate  of  crustal  aging.  Slow  spreading 
produces  relatively  steep-sided  "ridges,"  while  fast  spreading  produces 
more  gently  sloping  "rises."  The  regional  side-slopes  of  spreading  ridges 
and  rises  are  concave  curves,  flattening  out  to  imperceptible  gradients 
where  the  crust  is  about  100  million  years  old.  Even  on  the  steepest, 
youngest  part  of  slow-spreading  ridge  flanks,  the  regional  gradients  are 
actually  so  low  that  "ridge"  may  seem  a  misnomer;  the  popular  concept 
of  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  as  a  mighty  chain  of  undersea  mountains 
seems  somewhat  overblown  given  that  the  regional  slope  halfway  down 
its  flanks  is  no  steeper  than  the  eastward  slope  of  the  North  American 
Great  Plains.  Of  course,  the  small-scale  topography  of  the  Mid-Atlantic 
Ridge  is  rougher,  but  it  took  the  truly  global  perspective  provided  by  the 
very  low  resolution  of  exploratory  bathymetric  data  (piano-wire  sound- 
ings, hundreds  of  kilometers  apart)  for  19th-century  oceanographers  to 
recognize  this  "ridge"  as  a  major  feature  of  Earth's  surface. 

Long  before  oceanic  crust  attains  an  age  of  100  million  years,  the 
cooling-induced  slope  of  its  upper  surface  is  altered  by  other  seafloor 
processes;  the  outer  margins  of  mid-ocean  ridges  are  generally  defined 
by  the  topographic  boundary  between  the  landward  structural  slope  of 
cooling  lithosphere  and  the  seaward  depositional  slope  of  continent- 
derived  sediment.  In  the  Atlantic  Ocean,  this  boundary  usually  occurs 
where  the  crust  was  created  about  70  million  years  ago,  so  the  Mid- 
Atlantic  Ridge  is  a  1,500-  to  2,000-kilometer- wide  structure  that  includes 
all  the  crust  created  since  then.  It  covers  half  of  the  seafloor.  Narrower 
basins  have  proportionately  narrower  mid-ocean  ridges.  Young  ex- 
amples are  in  the  Gulf  of  Aden  and  the  mouth  of  the  Gulf  of  California, 
where  the  ridges  are  less  than  100  kilometers  wide.  Ridges  may  even  be 
disproportionately  narrow  where  basins  are  exposed  to  the  rapid  influx 
of  sediment  from  adjacent  continents,  and  in  extreme  cases  (such  as 
within  the  Gulf  of  California  and  the  Red  Sea)  smothering  sediment 
completely  inhibits  ridge-building  volcanic  eruptions,  and  seafloor 
spreading  proceeds  without  construction  of  a  mid-ocean  ridge.  Rapid 



burial  of  a  ridge  and  obliteration  of  its  characteristic  relief  can  also  occur 
if  spreading  stops  because  of  a  change  in  continental  drift  patterns.  A 
buried  mid-ocean  ridge  underlies  a  sediment  plain  in  the  center  of  the 
Labrador  Sea,  where  spreading  between  Greenland  and  Labrador 
stopped  45  million  years  ago. 

Mid-Ocean  Ridges  and  Ocean  Basins 

These  examples  can  be  arranged  in  sequence  to  illustrate  a  familiar 
model  of  the  development  and  demise  of  mid-ocean  ridges  in  growing 
"Atlantic-type"  intercontinental  ocean  basins.  Such  basins  have  been 
abundant  on  Earth  for  the  last  300  million  years,  as  the  supercontinent 
Pangaea  broke  up  and  its  fragments  drifted  apart.  There  are  other  types 
of  ocean  basins,  with  other  types  of  spreading  ridges,  especially  in  the 
whole  hemisphere  occupied  by  the  Pacific  Ocean. 

Speculative  reconstructions  of  supercontinents  that  preceded 
Pangaea  suggest  that  the  Pacific  Ocean  may  have  originated  by  spread- 
ing at  a  mid-ocean  ridge  between  North  America  and  Antarctica,  but 
that  was  in  late  Precambrian  times,  about  700  million  years  ago,  and  all 
the  crust  formed  during  this  expansionary  phase  has  long  since  been  re- 
cycled into  Earth's  mantle  at  subduction  zones.  None  of  the  Pacific 
Ocean's  present  floor  is  older  than  250  million  years,  and  all  the  time  it 
was  being  created  the  ocean  basin  was  getting  smaller  as  adjacent  conti- 
nents converged  on  it.  During  this  prolonged  contractional  phase,  two 
distinctive  types  of  spreading  ridges  have  been  active:  Pacific  rises  (typi- 
fied by  the  East  Pacific  Rise),  and  back-arc  ridges  (such  as  the  Mariana 
Trough  Ridge).  Rises  are  generally  considered  variants  of  mid-ocean 

Rift  Valley 

New  Ocean  Basin 

Mid-Ocean  Ridge 

Fossil  Ridge 






Jack  Cook/WHOI  Graphics 

Winter  1991/92 

The  development  and 

demise  of  a  mid-ocean 

ridge.  A:  Incipient 

separation  of  two 

continental  blocks 

causes  faulting  and 

thinning  of  the 

continental  crust,  and 

development  of  a  rift 

valley  (e.g.,  East 

African  Rift). 

B:  Continued  crustal 

separation  produces  a 

gap  that  is  partly  filled 

by  sediment  washed  off 

the  continents  and 
partly  by  melting  of  the 

mantle  to  produce 
oceanic  crust  (e.g.,  Gulf 
of  California).  C:As 
the  gap  between  the 
separating  continents 
increases,  oceanic  crust 
formation  by  seafloor 
spreading  at  the  crest  of 
a  rifted  mid-ocean  ridge 
becomes  fully  developed 
(e.g.,  North  Atlantic). 
D:  If  continental 
separation  stops, 
seafloor  spreading 
ceases  and  the  mid- 
ocean  ridge  subsides  as 
it  cools  and  gradually 
becomes  covered 
with  sediment. 


These  equal-area 
projections  reveal  the 
global  distribution  of 
spreading  centers  on 

mid-ocean  ridges, 
Pacific  rises,  and  back- 
arc  ridges.  The  relative 
importance  of  the  three 
types  varies  from 
region  to  region. 

ridges,  mere  components  of  the  same 
global  ridge  system  that  connects 
divergent  plate  boundaries, 
though  they  neither  originate 
as  intercontinental  rifts  nor 
occupy  mid-ocean  posi- 
tions. Back-arc  ridges  are 
not  even  connected  to  a 
global  ridge  system,  and 
instead  of  straddling 
boundaries  between  major 
diverging  plates  they  adjoin 
zones  that 

of  plate 

and  destruction  of  oceanic 
crust  or  lithosphere. 
Whereas  authors  with  an 
"Atlantic  fixation"  have 
adopted  Pacific  rises  as  an 
eccentric,  errant  variety  of 
the  familiar  mid-ocean 
ridge,  to  the  amusement  of 
researchers  studying 
nearshore  parts  of  the  East  Pa- 
cific Rise  or  the  Juan  de  Fuca 
Ridge,  back-arc  ridges  are  often 
slighted  as  isolated  second-order  com- 
plications to  the  global  scheme.  The  striking 
contrasts  in  the  geographic  distributions  of  the  three 
types  of  spreading  ridge  encourages  such  parochial 
assessments  of  their  relative  importance,  and  the 
view  from  Tokyo  or  San  Diego  can  be  quite  differ- 
ent than  that  from  Boston  or  London. 

•—  Mid-  Ocean  Ridge 

Back-Arc  Ridge 

•  •  •  •  •  Inactive  Back- Arc  Ridge 
Pacific  Rise 

Pacific  Rise  Spreading  and  Destruction 

Pacific  rises  are  concentrated  in  the  eastern  half  of 
the  ocean,  where  multiple,  branching  rise  crests  have 
developed  at  the  boundaries  of  purely  oceanic  plates. 
They  tend  to  spread  faster  than  mid-ocean  ridges, 
because  oceanic  plates  move  faster  than  partly  continental 
ones.  Despite  this  faster  rate  of  crustal  accretion,  there  is  a 
net  loss  of  Pacific  crust  each  year,  because  the  rate  of 
recycling  into  the  mantle,  by  the  process  of  subduction  at 
marginal  trenches,  is  even  greater.  As  oceanic  plates 
descend  into  subduction  zones,  one  or  both  flanks  of  the 
rises  that  grow  on  their  trailing  edges  eventually  enter  the 
trenches  and  are  destroyed.  If  one  flank  is  completely 
consumed,  the  actively  spreading  rise  crest  may  collide 



with  the  continental  margin,  as  parts  of  the  Chile  Rise  are  now  doing  off 
southern  Chile. 

More  commonly,  a  rise  crest  drifting  toward  the  margin  of  the  ocean 
basin  ceases  spreading  before  it  ever  enters  the  trench,  and  it  is  an 
inactive  or  "fossil"  rise  crest  that  is  consumed.  The  northernmost  part  of 
the  Pacific  Basin  is  now  occupied  by  the  south  flank  of  a  rise  (Kula  Rise) 
that  was  2,000  kilometers  long  and  2,000  kilometers  wide  when  it 
stopped  spreading  42  million  years  ago;  since  that  time  the  Aleutian 
Trench  has  consumed  almost  all  of  its  north  flank,  and  all  but  75  kilome- 
ters of  the  fossil  rise  crest.  In  the  same  period  a  trench  along  the  western 
margin  of  North  and  Central  America  has  consumed  most  of  the  east 
flank  of  the  northern  East  Pacific  Rise.  Along  parts  of  this  margin,  off 
northern  and  southern  California,  there  was  a  collision  between  the 
active  rise  crest  and  the  continent,  but  off  central  California  and  Baja 
California,  spreading  ceased  when  the  rise  crest  was  within  50  to  100 
kilometers  of  the  trench.  Fortunately,  subduction  (removal  of  oceanic 
crust)  ceased  at  the  same  time,  so  the  record  of  20-  to  10-million-y ear-old 
fossil-rise  crests  is  preserved  on  the  present  ocean  floor.  Further  north, 
off  Oregon  and  Washington,  part  of  the  East  Pacific  Rise  that  had  been 
approaching  North  America  began  to  move  away  from  it  about  20 
million  years  ago,  thereby  escaping  subduction  and  surviving  as  the  rise 
system  now  called  the  Juan  de  Fuca  Ridge. 

The  Juan  de  Fuca  Ridge  acquired  its  new  identity,  and  a  unique  rate 
and  pattern  of  spreading,  when  it  became  isolated  from  the  main  rise 
system  by  continental  collision.  Some  altogether  new  rises  got  started 
with  the  fission  of  an  oceanic  plate  that  was  being  pulled  in  two  different 
directions  toward  trenches  along  different  parts  of  its  margin.  About  25 
million  years  ago  this  was  the  fate  of  the  largest  eastern  Pacific  plate, 
which  split  into  the  "Cocos  Plate"  moving  toward  the  Middle  America 
Trench  and  the  "Nazca  Plate,"  which  built  a  rise  that  extends  east-west 
just  north  of  the  equator.  A  more  common  origin  is  when  new  spreading 
centers  open  up  along  the  flanks  of  existing  rises,  generally  in  response 
to  changes  in  plate-motion  direction.  After  a  few  million  years  with  both 

Crest  of 
Mature  Rise 

Incipient  Spreading 
Center  on  Rise  Flank 




Rift  Valley 


New  Rise 



Jack  Cook/WHOI  Graphics 

Winter  1991/92 

The  development  of  a 
new  Pacific  rise  by 
replacement  of  an  old 
one.  A:  A  Pacific  rise, 
producing  crust  that  is 
reentering  the  mantle 
at  a  marginal  trench, 
develops  a  new 
extensional  plate 
boundary  (with  rifted 
oceanic  crust)  on  its 
flank.  B:  The  site  of 
seafloor  spreading 
shifts  to  the  new  plate 
boundary,  where  young 
hot  crust  forms  a  new 
rise  (e.g.,  East  Pacific 
Rise),  right.  This  new 
rise  may  in  turn 
become  inactive, 
especially  if  it  ap- 
proaches a  trench  too 
closely.  The  original 
rise  crest  becomes 
inactive  and  its  axis 
forms  a  rift  valley  (e.g., 
Mathematician  Rise), 
left.  The  color  key  is 
identical  to  the  one  for 
the  figure  on  page  27. 


The  origin  of  a  back-arc 

ridge.  A:  Crust 
overlying  a  downgoing 

slab  of  old  oceanic 

crust  is  thickened  by 

arc  volcanism.  B:  The 

seaward  movement  of 

the  trench  and  adjacent 

part  of  volcanic  arc 
causes  rifting  of  the  arc 
and  growth  of  a  back- 
arc  ridge  in  a 
new  basin. 


rise  crests  active,  the  older  one  is  generally  replaced  by  the  new  one  and 
becomes  extinct. 

This  process  commonly  recurs  at  different  times  along  various  parts 
of  the  same  rise,  making  these  parts  of  different  age,  and  thereby  confus- 
ing the  nomenclature.  Some  authors  consider  almost  all  the  Pacific  floor 
east  of  the  Hawaiian  Islands  to  be  the  partly  subducted  remnant  of  the 
East  Pacific  Rise,  while  others  restrict  the  term  to  crust  that  has  formed 
since  the  most  recent  new  start  and  reorientation,  which  occurred  20 
million  years  ago  at  latitude  20°S  (replacing  the  now-fossil  Mendoza 
Rise),  10  million  years  ago  at  10°S  (replacing  the  Galapagos  Rise),  and  5 
million  years  ago  at  18°N  (replacing  the  Mathematician  Rise).  As  further 
illustration  of  this  rise's  hybrid  origin,  the  northernmost  and  youngest 
part  of  the  present  East  Pacific  Rise  crest,  in  the  mouth  of  the  Gulf  of 
California,  is  an  exceptional  200-kilometer-long  mid-ocean  ridge,  where 
intercontinental  spreading  between  Baja  California  and  the  Mexican 
mainland  has  occurred  for  the  past  3.5  million  years.  This  local  expan- 
sion of  the  Pacific  Basin  occurred  when  the  tip  of  the  spreading  center, 

which  had  intersected  the 
continental  margin,  propa- 
gated a  short  distance  into  the 
interior  to  link  up  with  fault 
systems  developing  in  the 
Gulf  of  California. 


Mantle  melts 

to  supply 
volcanic  arc 



ceases  on 

this  fragment 

of  the  former  arc 

Back- arc 

Arc  Platelet 


Arc      -Trench 

Mantle  supplies 

both  volcanic  arc 

and  back-arc  ridge 



Back-Arc  Ridges: 
Episodic  Rifting 

The  Pacific  Ocean's  complex 
western  margin  is  the  locale 
for  most  "back-arc  ridges,"  a 
phrase  that  describes  their 
tectonic  setting  at  the  back  or 
landward  side  of  the  rows  or 
arcs  of  subduction-zone 
volcanoes  that  form  the  "Ring 
of  Fire,"  where  oceanic  plates 
underthrust  the  Pacific  Rim  at 
marginal  trenches.  Around  a 
contracting  ocean  basin,  the 
subduction  zones  must 
migrate  seaward.  As  they  do, 
a  narrow  sliver  of  the  rim, 

^ including  the  landward  side 

of  the  trench  and  the  volcanic  arc,  migrates  with  them.  Detachment  of 
this  "arc  platelet"  and  its  subsequent  drift  away  from  the  parent  land- 
ward plate  causes  back-arc  spreading.  The  process  is  characteristically 
episodic.  Rifting  begins  in  the  volcanically  weakened  arc  crust,  which  is 
split  lengthwise,  and  the  landward  half  becomes  inactive.  Spreading 
between  the  volcanically  active  and  inactive  halves  of  the  arc  opens  up  a 
back-arc  basin,  with  a  spreading  ridge  whose  crest  migrates  seaward  at 
only  about  half  the  speed  of  the  arc  platelet,  thereby  becoming  increas- 

Old  Oceanic 

New  Oceanic 


Jack  Cook/WHOI  Graphics 



ingly  distant  from  the  trench.  The  back-arc  ridge  generally  becomes 
inactive  after  spreading  and  building  the  basin  floor  for  several  million 
years,  but  if  subduction  and  arc  volcanism  continue,  the  process  may 
repeat,  with  rifting  renewed  in  the  arc.  In  this  manner,  a  series  of  succes- 
sively younger  back-arc  basins,  floored  by  extinct  or  actively  spreading 
ridges,  has  been  added  to  the  western  margin  of  the  Pacific.  Exceptions 
to  the  rule  that  back-arc  ridges  are  features  of  contracting  trench-ringed 
ocean  basins  are  two  isolated  examples  associated  with  Atlantic  island 
arcs:  an  inactive  (and  sediment-smothered)  one  behind  the  Lesser 
Antilles  Arc  in  the  eastern  Caribbean,  and  an  active  back-arc  ridge 
behind  the  remote  South  Shetland  Arc. 

Characteristics  of  Spreading  Ridges 

How  do  mid-ocean  ridges,  Pacific  rises,  and  back-arc  ridges  differ  in 
gross  topography?  Their  diverse  histories  and  tectonic  settings  result  in  a 
variety  of  sizes,  sediment  covers,  and  symmetries.  Short-lived,  back-arc 
ridges  tend  to  be  narrower,  their  ocean-margin  location  makes  them 
more  vulnerable  to  sediment  smothering,  and  an  asymmetric  sediment 
supply  (mainly  from  adjacent  volcanic  arcs)  threatens  that  even  if  ridge 
development  is  not  suppressed,  the  seaward  flank  may  be  buried  by 
sediment  fans.  In  many  back-arc  basins  there  is  even  evidence  for 
encroachment  of  arc  volcanism  onto  the  seaward  flank  of  the  ridge. 
Asymmetric  topography,  in  contrast  to  the  striking  bilateral  symmetry  of 
mid-ocean  ridges,  is  also  a  feature  of  some  nearshore  Pacific  rises  that 
have  unequal  sediment  loading  on  the  two  flanks;  for  example,  most  of 
the  landward  east  flank  of  the  Juan  de  Fuca  Ridge  lies  beneath  a  thick 
lens  of  sediment  brought  by  turbidity  currents  from  the  nearby  continen- 
tal margin,  whereas  the  west  flank  is  sheltered  from  the  effects  of  such 
currents  by  the  relief  of  the  rise  crest  itself.  A  more  fundamental  cause  of 
asymmetry  on  many  Pacific  rises  is  varying  amounts  of  flank  removal  at 
marginal  subduction  zones.  Once  a  whole  flank  has  been  consumed  and 
the  crest  collides  with  the  continental  margin,  the  "rise"  is  merely  a 
steadily  deepening  ramp  leading  from  the  margin  to  the  continental 
interior,  as  exemplified  by  the  westward  slope  of  the  seafloor  between 
California  and  Hawaii. 

The  processes  of  sediment  burial  and  plate  consumption  that  cause 
some  gross  differences  between  the  three  genetic  types  of  spreading 
ridges  are  secondary  to  the  volcanic,  tectonic,  and  hydrothermal  pro- 
cesses that  create  oceanic  crust  and  shape  the  medium-  and  small-scale 
topography  at  ridge  and  rise  crests.  These  processes  seem  to  work  in 
remarkably  similar  ways  at  all  three  types.  Variations  in  ridge-crest 
structure  and  relief  are  more  clearly  related  to  the  rate  of  crustal  accre- 
tion than  to  the  origin  and  history  of  the  spreading  center. 

The  current  spreading  rate  (the  width  of  the  crustal  strip  added  per 
unit  of  time)  at  the  divergent  boundaries  of  major  plates,  varies  from  12 
to  14  kilometers  per  million  years  (or,  12  to  14  millimeters  per  year) 
along  mid-ocean  ridges  in  the  Arctic  and  between  the  slow-moving 
African  and  Antarctic  plates.  It  is  more  than  10  times  this  speed  along 
most  of  the  East  Pacific  Rise.  Active  back-arc  spreading  centers  cover  a 
similar  spectrum  of  spreading  velocities,  and  geologic  study  of  old 

The  Pacific 


complex  western 

margin  is  the 

locale  for  most 

ridges/'  at  the 

back  or 
landward  side 
of  subduction- 
zone  volcanoes 

Winter  1991/92 


oceanic  crust  indicates  that  the  same  range  of  rates  has  prevailed 
throughout  the  past  200  million  years,  though  the  worldwide  average 
rate  has  fluctuated  significantly  during  this  period.  The  spreading  rates 
of  the  mid-ocean  ridges  and  Pacific  rises  that  are  now  active  fall  into  four 
classes:  slow,  medium,  fast,  and  ultra-fast.  The  longest  ridges  are  in  the 
slow-spreading  class,  which  includes  many  Atlantic  and  Indian  mid- 
ocean  ridges;  but  the  most  productive  in  terms  of  total  area  of  crust 
added  each  year  is  the  ultra-fast  class,  which  only  includes  the  central 
part  of  the  East  Pacific  Rise. 

Unrifted  Rises  and  Rifted  Ridges 

Although  there  are  four  speed  classes,  and  speed  of  opening  affects  ridge 
crest  structure,  we  recognize  just  two  fundamental  structural  types: 
unrifted  rises  and  rifted  ridges.  The  former,  characteristic  of  both  the  fast 
and  the  ultra-fast  classes,  have  narrow  100-  to  300-meter-high,  2-  to  10- 
kilometer-wide  "axial  ridges"  along  their  spreading  axes.  The  elevation 
of  the  axial  ridge  is  readily  explained  by  its  location  over  a  body  of  hot, 
partly  molten  rock,  including  a  thin,  narrow  magma  chamber  (see 
Tomographic  Imaging  of  Spreading  Centers,  page  92).  Despite  the 
"unrifted"  apellation,  the  axial  ridge  contains  a  volcanic  rift  zone  much 
like  the  rift  zones  on  Hawaiian  volcanoes:  an  elongated  zone  of  weak- 
ness into  which  vertical  bladelike  sheets  of  molten  rock  are  injected  from 
underlying  magma  sources.  When  the  sheets  freeze  within  the  ridge, 
tabular  intrusions  known  as  "dikes"  are  formed,  and  gaping  fissures 
open  up  in  the  overlying  seabed.  If  the  magma  pressure  is  great  enough, 
the  sheets  reach  the  seafloor  and  lava  erupts  from  fissures  along  the  axial 
ridge  crest.  The  remarkably  narrow  zone  of  intense  dike  injection  and 
fissure  eruptions,  typically  less  than  1  kilometer  wide,  is  usually  marked 
by  a  shallow  "axial  summit  graben"  only  10  to  100  meters  deep  and 
formed  by  collapse  of  the  axial  ridge  crest  between  major  eruption 
events.  The  fissured  floor  of  this  summit  graben  is  a  favored  site  for 
mineral-precipitating  discharges  of  hydrothermal  fluids  that  are  heated 

Both  rifted  ridges  and 

unrifted  rises  occur  in 

this  gravity  anomaly 


•  Axis  of  Rifted  Ridge 

•  Axis  of  Unrifted  Rise 

Gravity  Anomaly        (mgal) 

,  Normal  Fracture  Zone 
t  Oblique  Fracture  Zone 









270  E 

180  E 



by  contact  with  the  hot  frac- 
tured seabed. 

Rifted  ridges  are  those  mid- 
ocean  and  back-arc  ridges  on 
which  the  plate  boundary  does 
not  crop  out  along  the  crest  of  the 
highest  volcanic  ridge,  but  along 
the  floor  of  a  100-  to  3,000-meter- 
deep  axial  rift  valley  that  is 
typically  10  to  40  kilometers 
wide,  and  bordered  by  uplifted 
fault  blocks  called  rift  mountains. 
Much  has  been  written  on  the 
nature  and  origin  of  axial  rift 
valleys  since  they  were  discov- 
ered by  reconnaissance  echo 
sounding  more  than  50  years  ago 
(see  Onions  and  Leaks. . .,  page  36 
and  Tectonics  of  Slow  Spreading 
Ridges,  page  51  for  some  of  the 
newer  ideas  and  observations). 
The  discussion  here  summarizes 
their  global  distribution,  which 
has  recently  been  clarified  by 
satellite  observations. 

Radar  altimeters  carried  by 
some  mapping  satellites, 

notably  Seasat,  Geosat,  and  ERS-1,  measure  variations  in  the  shape  of  the 
sea  surface,  which  is  affected  by  seafloor  topography  because  water  piles 
up  over  ridges  that  exert  a  gravitational  attraction.  After  processing  to 
remove  the  influence  of  waves,  tides,  and  long-wavelength  variations, 
altimeter  profiles  can  be  displayed  as  maps  of  sea-surface  gravity 
anomalies,  with  positive  anomalies  over  axial  ridges  and  negative 
anomalies  over  the  floors  of  axial  rift  valleys.  Data  from  systematic 
global  coverage  by  satellite  altimeters  combined  with  more  patchy 
mapping  by  ships  equipped  with  echo  sounders  shows  that  axial  rift 
valleys  are  most  impressive  on  slow-spreading  ridges;  at  spreading  rates 
of  15  to  60  millimeters  per  year,  there  is  a  crude  negative  correlation 
between  spreading  rate  and  rift-valley  depth.  However,  a  rift  valley's 
presence  and  size  are  probably  controlled  by  the  rate  at  which  molten 
rock  is  supplied  from  the  mantle  to  the  accreting  plate  boundary,  and  not 
necessarily  the  correlated  spreading  rate.  Where  the  magma  supply  is 
voluminous  and  steady  (a  prerequisite  for  fast  spreading  and  a  feature  of 
slow-spreading  ridges  that  happen  to  be  near  unusual  "hot  spot"  magma 
sources),  a  permanent  reservoir  of  partly  molten  rock  underlies  the 
spreading  axis  and  creates  an  axial  ridge.  At  spreading  centers  with 
smaller,  more  episodic  magma  supplies,  like  most  slow-spreading  ridges 
that  are  far  from  unusual  "hot  spot"  magma  sources,  plate  separation 
and  crustal  extension  leads  to  rift  valley  formation.  In  the  medium- 
spreading  speed  class,  many  axes  have  well  developed,  albeit  shallow, 
rift  valleys,  but  axial  ridges  similar  to  those  of  fast-spreading  rises  also 
occur,  sometimes  on  adjacent  parts  of  the  same  spreading  center.  At 

90  E 


T/7/s  map  depicts  the 
gravity  field  of  the 
Southern  Ocean,  as 
derived  from  Geosat 
altimetry.  The  south- 
ernmost portions  of  the 
Pacific-Antarctic  and 
SoutJieast  Indian  ridges 
appear  as  a  complex 
chain  of  positive 
gravity  anomalies 
between  150°  and 
210° E.  This  map  is 
available  in  both  digital 
and  poster  form  from 
the  NOAA  National 

Geophysical  Data 
Center  (Report  MGG- 

6,  Marks  and 
McAdoo,  1992). 

Winter  1991/92 


South  America 




Continent  & 


Mid -Atlantic 



Fault  Offset 



Where  the  overall 

strike  of  the  ridge  is 

highly  oblique  to  the 

spreading  direction,  as 

in  the  equatorial  part  of 

the  Mid-Atlantic 

Ridge,  the  offsets 

between  spreading 

segments  are  longer 

and  more  closely 


these  intermediate  spreading  rates  (60  to  80  millimeters  per  year)  the 
presence  or  absence  of  a  rift  valley  is  probably  sensitive  to  local  and  spatial 
and  temporal  changes  in  the  magma  supply  rate. 

Ridge-Crest  Segmentation 

Fracture  zones,  and  the  rise-crest  offsets  that  create  them,  are  also 
essential  features.  Ridge-crest  segmentation  is  one  of  the  most  funda- 
mental features  of  spreading  centers  and  one  of  the  most  active  areas  of 
current  research.  The  crustal-accretion  belt  along  a  ridge  crest  is  not 
continuous,  but  is  broken  by  several  types  and  sizes  of  ridge  offsets  into 
laterally  displaced  segments  tens  or  hundreds  of  kilometers  long. 
Individual  spreading  segments  are  oriented  at  right  angles  to  the  spread- 
ing direction,  and  are  frequently  arranged  in  a  staircase  with  offsets 
systematically  stepping  left  or  right.  In  such  cases  the  relative  lengths  of 
spreading  segments  and  offsets  is  determined  by  how  oblique  the  ridge 
is  to  the  spreading  direction;  for  instance,  the  equatorial  part  of  the  Mid- 
Atlantic  Ridge  strikes  almost  east-west,  and  has  long  left-stepping  offsets 
linking  short  spreading  segments,  while  further  south,  where  the  overall 
strike  is  more  nearly  north-south,  lateral  offsets  are  shorter  and  more 
widely  spaced.  There  is  also  empirical  evidence  of  an  inverse  correlation 
between  segment  length  (offset  spacing)  and  spreading  rate.  Only  a 
small  fraction  of  the  global  ridge  system  has  been  surveyed  with  the 
high-resolution  tools  needed  to  locate  small  offsets,  however,  so  their 
mapped  abundance  partly  reflects  the  relatively  small  survey  effort.  The 
spreading  rate  certainly  influences  the  structure  of  the  ridge  offsets.  On 
slow-spreading  ridges,  all  but  the  shortest  offsets  contain  transform 
faults,  which  are  narrow  zones  of  "strike-slip"  (horizontally  sliding) 
faulting  at  right  angles  to  the  spreading  segments.  Similar  transform 
faults  subdivide  fast-spreading  rise  crests,  but  only  where  offsets  are 
longer  than  50  to  100  kilometers.  Shorter  steps  in  the  plate  boundary  are 
much  more  abundant,  and  have  broad  zones  of  deformation  that  are  said 
to  be  "nontransform"  because  they  lack  strike-slip  faults.  Both  transform 
and  nontransform  offsets,  known  as  "fracture  zones,"  leave  recognizable 


trails  on  the  rise  flanks,  belts  of  distinctive  topography  that  interrupt  the 
abyssal  hill  pattern  because  they  have  spread  from  disruptions  of  the 
spreading  center.  Fracture  zones  produced  at  long  transform  faults  have 
high  relief  that  was  easy  to  discern  even  with  early  echo  sounders. 
Conversely,  locating  fracture  zones  produced  at  nontransform  offsets 
generally  requires  high-resolution  mapping  of  abyssal-hill  or  crustal-age 
patterns,  because  their  subtle  relief  is  unpredictable:  Nontransform 
offsets  migrate  along  the  rise  crest  at  variable  speeds  and  directions, 
rather  than  maintaining  a  stable  location,  as  transform  offsets  do.  The  V-- 
shaped feature  in  the  middle  is  a  good  example  of  a  pair  of  oblique 
fracture  zones  produced  by  a  migrating  nontransform  offset,  in  this  case 
one  that  has  migrated  steadily  southwest  at  a  rate  about  twice  that  of  the 
spreading  rate. 

Much  remains  to  be  learned  about  the  origin  of  ridge-crest  segmen- 
tation, and  the  reasons  for  segmentation-pattern  changes.  Why,  for 
instance,  do  some  spreading  segments  grow  in  length  at  the  expense  of 
their  neighbors,  causing  the  offsets  between  them  to  migrate  along  the 
plate  boundary?  Different  approaches  being  used  to  tackle  this  problem 
include  making  detailed  studies  of  the  rise-crest  processes  at  a  few 
convenient  locations  and  preparing  a  global  inventory  of  all  such  offsets, 
to  see  how  their  directions  and  rates  of  migration  correlate  with  such 
factors  as  spreading  rate,  segment  length,  rise-crest  depth,  etc.  For  the 
latter  task,  a  much  more  complete  description  of  the  global  ridge  system 
is  needed,  implying  many  more  months  of  survey  effort  with  the  sophis- 
ticated multibeam  mapping  sonars  now  available  on  research  ships. 
Satellite  observations  may  have  sufficient  resolution  to  partly  supple- 
ment the  shipboard  work,  and  provide  an  immediate  global  perspective. 
Unfortunately,  the  best  satellite  data  now  available  has  been  classified  as 
a  military  secret  (except  in  the  "nonstrategic"  Antarctic  region),  and  is 
therefore  unavailable  to  most  researchers,  just  as  the  results  of 
multibeam  sonars  were  a  decade  ago.  This  impediment  to  understanding 
the  pattern  and  relief  of  spreading  ridges  will  disappear  as  military 
satellites  are  replaced  by  civilian  ones,  like  the  ERS-1  that  is  now  in  orbit 
and  busy  collecting  altimeter  profiles  across  all  the  world's  ridges. 

Peter  Lonsdale  is  a  Professor  of  Oceanography  and  Research  Geologist  with  the 
Scripps  Institution  of  Oceanography  (SIO).  He  has  spent  two  or  three  months  in 
each  of  the  past  20  years  examining  the  ocean  floor  with  echo  sounders, 
cameras,  and  submersibles,  about  half  of  this  effort  being  on  Pacific  rises  and 
back-arc  ridges. 

Chris  Small  is  a  graduate  student  at  SIO,  with  a  special  interest  in  using  satellite 
altimeters  for  structural  studies  of  mid-ocean  ridges. 


segmentation  is 

one  of  the  most 


features  of 


centers  and  one 

of  the  most 

active  areas  of 

current  research. 

Winter  1991 /92 


Thirty -five 
years  ago,  most 
geologists  were 

secure  in  the 

knowledge  that 

continents  did 

not  move. 

Onions  and  Leaks: 

Magma  at 
Mid-Ocean  Ridges 

A  Very  Personal  View 


Joe  Cann 

n  1992  we  see  mid-ocean  ridges  clearly,  forming  a  complex, 
50,000-kilometer-long  web  of  seafloor  mountain  chains  that 
encircle  Earth.  Along  the  mountain  crests  there  is  a  narrow  belt  of 
activity,  marked  by  shallow  earthquakes,  seafloor  volcanic 
eruptions,  and  hot  springs,  where  new  ocean  crust  is  constructed 
at  the  rate  of  a  few  centimeters  every  year  (about  as  fast  as  fingernails 
grow).  Recent  intense  study  of  this  zone  has  sharpened  our  picture, 
refocused  it  here  and  there,  brought  sudden  insights,  and  revealed  errors 
of  perception,  until  we  have  reached  new  levels  of  clarity. 

This  year  seems  especially  propitious  for  reviewing  mid-ocean 
ridges.  We  are  pleased  that  our  new  models  are  good,  that  our  under- 
standing is  secure.  There  are  difficulties  to  be  sorted  out,  but  most  are 
within  our  grasp.  Now  we  should  settle  down  to  explain  what  we  know. 
And  in  that  spirit  we  write,  and  you  read,  this  issue  of  Oceanus. 

Our  certainty  is  not  new.  Thirty-five  years  ago,  most  geologists  were 
secure  in  the  knowledge  that  continents  did  not  move,  that  the  oceans 
were  permanent,  unchanging  features  of  Earth's  surface,  containing 
sediments  as  old  as  ocean  water  itself  and  interleaved  here  and  there 
with  lava  flows.  Mid-ocean  ridges  might  be  fold-mountain  belts  like 
submarine  Rockies,  or  rift  mountains  like  submerged  East  African 
highlands,  but  were  certainly  explainable  in  sensible  continental  terms. 
Within  a  few  years  this  comfortable  picture  was  to  be  turned  upside 
down  by  the  very  people  who  then  possessed  such  certainty  of  belief. 

Thirty  five  years  ago  I  was  a  geology  undergraduate.  Our  first-year 
text  was  by  Arthur  Holmes  who,  in  about  1930,  focused  attention  on  the 
mid-ocean  ridges  with  his  concept  that  Earth's  deep  interior  might  be 
slowly  convecting  as  it  was  heated  by  the  radioactive  decay  of  potas- 
sium, uranium,  and  thorium.  He  thought  that  deep-Earth  convection 
currents  might  move  the  continents  apart,  and  that  upwelling  currents 
might  rise  in  the  centers  of  those  oceans  that  had  matching  coastlines  on 
either  side,  such  as  the  Atlantic  and  Indian  oceans.  At  first,  Holmes 
thought  that  the  Mid- Atlantic  Ridge  was  a  strip  of  continent  left  behind 
as  Africa  and  America  split  apart,  but  in  our  1944  textbook  he  replaced 


the  continent  with  oceanic  crust.  That  diagram  looks  very  much  like  the 
sketches  we  draw  today. 

In  student  seminars  we  talked  about  Wegener  and  du  Toit,  pioneers 
of  continental  drift  theories.  We  argued  whether  the  oceans  might  be 
young,  as  they  said,  or  ancient,  and  whether  animals  had  crossed  the 
oceans  on  land  bridges  or  floating  tree  trunks,  or  maybe  had  wandered 
from  place  to  place  when  the  continents  were  joined  to  form 
Gondwanaland,  Laurasia,  or,  earlier, 
Pangaea.  Our  professors  cautioned  us 
against  believing  Holmes  too  literally, 
indicating  that  ideas  about  drift  were  based 
on  woolly  speculation.  Harold  Jeffreys,  the 
most  eminent  geophysicist  of  the  time,  had 
proved  that  drift  was  impossible.  How  could 
we  disagree?  The  pioneers  of  rock  magne- 
tism certainly  did  so.  They  showed  that 
ancient  rocks  are  magnetized  very  differ- 
ently from  recent  ones,  suggesting  that  they 
originated  at  latitudes  other  than  those  they 
now  occupied.  Could  Earth's  spin  axis  have 
changed?  Or  had  the  continents  moved? 
Jeffreys  skeptically  pointed  out  that  iron 
could  be  remagnetized  by  striking  it  with  a 
hammer,  a  tool  traditional  with  geologists. 

Then  marine  geology  and  geophysics 
began  to  take  a  hand.  Inspired  by  service  at 
sea  and  trained  in  antisubmarine  warfare, 

young  marine  scientists  brought  new  talents  and  instruments  to  the 
oceans.  It  was  a  curious  time.  Marine  scientists  were  few,  and  nearly 
everyone  knew  nearly  everyone  else.  Even  when  I  came  into  marine 
geology  in  1962  as  a  young  post  doc,  I  was  able  to  rapidly  meet  almost 
all  of  the  players  in  the  game.  That  would  be  quite  impossible  today. 
Many  of  the  leaders  in  the  field  worried  more  about  their  next  expedition 
than  about  publishing  the  results  of  their  last,  but  all  were  willing  to  talk. 
Ideas  developed  by  word  of  mouth,  shortcutting  publication,  so  that  often  it 
was — and  still  is— difficult  to  lay  credit  where  it  properly  belongs. 

Harry  Hess,  one  of  the  most  charismatic  scientists  of  his  time,  was  a 
reluctant  but  remarkable  speaker:  Quiet,  with  a  cigarette  dangling  from 
his  fingers,  he  was  seemingly  casual,  yet  profoundly  convincing.  He  first 
took  a  semi-fixist  view,  in  which  convection  currents  stirred  the  mantle, 
but  continents  did  not  move.  He  ascribed  the  existence  of  mid-ocean 
ridges  to  transformation  of  dense  mantle  peridotite  to  light  serpentinite, 
by  way  of  water  seeping  up  from  the  rising  convection  currents.  Soon  he 
moved  into  the  mobilist  camp,  and  allowed  that  convection  moved 
continents.  In  the  first  breakthrough  since  Holmes,  Hess  suggested  that 
new  ocean  crust  is  continually  created  at  mid-ocean  ridges  and  spreads 
away  as  the  ocean  grows. 

This  became  the  theory  of  ocean-floor  spreading,  and  from  it 
emerged  the  first  model  of  mid-ocean-ridge  processes.  Hess  thought  that 
the  rising  limbs  of  deep-Earth  convection  currents  not  only  split  the 
ocean  floor  apart,  but  also  contributed  basalt  magma  and  water  to  the 
growing  crust.  Magma  would  be  erupted  at  the  ocean  floor  to  form  the 

Drum  Matthews  (red 

shirt),  Tony  Laughton 

(blue  hat),  and  Ron 

Oxburgh  work  amid 

basalt  lavas  at  the  Gulf 

ofTadjura,  Djibouti,  in 

Janitan/ 1967.  The 

Gulf  ofTadjura  is 

where  the  Gulf  of  Aden 

spreading  center  comes 

ashore,  and  is  splitting 

apart  slowly.  The  lavas 

come  from  magma 

chambers  below  the 


Winter  1991/92 


:-,     - ./     •--:_  --  ,,,  :. 

,        ...    iA    -   , 


-    jg- ;  •  -.  ^ '-+-  :-•  , 

V^;>  ^|^ 

--'      -       ^:'3: 
-^'f.  -.-    -  /    "^^'  ^X 


'  £-''' 


ophiolite  complex  in 

Cyprus,  a  road  cut 

shows  the  top  of  a 

seafloor  magma 

chamber  formed  1  to  2 

kilometers  below  the 

ancient  seafloor.  The 

pale  rocks  are  gabbros 

and  trondhjemites 
produced  by  crystalli- 
zation of  the  top  of  the 
magma  chamber.  The 
gray  stripes  are  dikes 
intruded  from  another 
chamber  nearby.  Hazel 
Prichard  is  the  figure, 
once  a  student  of  the 
author  and  now  at  the 
Open  University  in  the 
United  Kingdom. 

seafloor  lavas  that  were  now  being  collected  regularly,  and  water  would 
circulate  down  through  the  porous  lavas  to  alter  the  uppermost  mantle 
to  serpentinite,  creating  the  lower  part  of  the  crust.  The  base  of  the  crust 
would  thus  mark  the  lowest  level  that  serpentinite  could  form  at  the 
ridge  axis,  representing  the  temperature  at  which  serpentinite  dehy- 
drates back  to  peridotite. 

The  demonstration  that  Hess  had  been  broadly  right  was  a  triumph 
of  the  1960s.  From  data  gathered  by  towing  a  magnetometer  across  the 

oceans,  Fred  Vine  and  Drum 
Matthews  explained  that 
magnetic  anomalies  were 
created  as  the  result  of  ocean 
floor  spreading,  while  Earth's 
magnetic  field  periodically 
reversed.  Tuzo  Wilson 
invented  the  concept  of 
transform  faults  to  account 
for  the  great  oceanic  fracture 
zones.  A  sequence  of  other 
important  papers  trans- 
formed ocean-floor  spreading 
to  plate  tectonics  and  con- 
vinced all  but  the  most 
recalcitrant  oil-company 
geologist  that  the  mobilist 
view  was  correct.  But  that  is 
all  part  of  a  different  story,  and  shed  no  further  light  on  what  is  happen- 
ing at  mid-ocean  ridges. 

That  revelation  was  already  being  achieved  elsewhere,  namely  in  the 
Cyprus  Geological  Survey.  In  Cyprus  (and  in  other  places  such  as 
Newfoundland,  Oman,  and  Papua  New  Guinea,  a  combination  that 
accounts  for  some  curious  stamps  in  my  passport),  there  is  a  thick  slab  of 
rock,  an  ophiolite  complex,  made  up  of  basalt,  peridotite,  and 
serpentinite,  containing  seafloor  lavas  and  deep-sea  sediments.  Smaller 
fragments  of  similar  rocks  had  long  been  known  from  mountain  belts, 
and  had  been  studied  by,  among  others,  Harry  Hess.  Now  the  Cyprus 
Survey,  spurred  by  the  discovery  of  iron,  copper,  and  zinc  sulphides, 
and  chrome  ore,  decided  to  map  the  Troodos  ophiolite,  which  was  100 
kilometers  long  by  50  kilometers  wide.  The  first  map  was  started  by 
R.A.M.  Wilson.  His  work  was  a  masterpiece  of  acute  observation  and 
justified  interpretation  that  is  a  pleasure  to  read,  even  today. 

Within  the  ophiolite  structure,  which  forms  a  gently  warped  and 
eroded  sheet  several  kilometers  thick,  he  found  a  unit  composed  entirely 
of  dikes  soon  called  the  sheeted-dike  complex.  Dikes  are  thin,  vertical 
sheets  of  magma,  relics  from  when  magma  intruded  into  vertical  cracks 
and  became  frozen  there.  They  are  common  in  the  rock  record,  and  show 
that  the  rock  has  been  stretched  when  magma  was  around.  In  some 
places  on  the  continents  they  make  up  perhaps  five  percent  of  the 
terrain,  which  up  to  that  time  had  been  considered  a  large  amount.  In 
Cyprus,  Wilson  showed  that  they  make  up  100  percent  of  one  unit  that  is 
1  kilometer  thick  and  stretches  for  70  kilometers  across  the  mountains. 


Ocean  us 

Here  was  ocean-floor  spreading  frozen  into  geology,  70  kilometers  of  it, 
though  Wilson  did  not  make  the  connection  at  first. 

By  the  mid-1960s  the  link  had  been  made,  and  the  oceanic  and 
ophiolitic  strands  of  evidence  became  inextricably  tangled.  In  the  oceans 
it  is  possible  to  observe  active  mid-ocean  ridges,  especially  using  geo- 
physical methods,  but  very  difficult  to  see  what  is  happening  below  the 
seafloor,  except  by  inference.  In  ophiolites  the  processes  ceased  long  ago, 
but  it  is  possible  to  wander  over  the  countryside,  passing  deeper  below 
the  ancient  seafloor  at  will,  and  reconstruct  past  events  using  the  stan- 
dard tools  of  geology.  The  two  approaches  are  complementary,  but 
communication  between  them  presented  problems.  Certainly  there 
seemed  to  be  a  conflict  between  what  Hess  predicted  for  mid-ocean 
ridges  and  what  was  observed  in  ophiolites. 

When  I  first  came  into  marine  science,  I  trod  warily,  watching  in 
admiration  as  my  geophysical  colleagues  manipulated  mathematics, 
patched  instruments  at  sea,  and  set  apparently  arbitrary  constraints  on 
what  was  and  was  not  possible.  After  all,  I  was  an  impeccably 
orthodoxly  trained  microscope  man.  Some  moments  were  magical,  as 
when  Tuzo  Wilson  first  propounded  his  transform-fault  theory,  grinning 
like  a  Cheshire  cat  that  had  swallowed  the  cream  and  snipping  newspa- 
pers with  a  large  pair  of  scissors  to  show  how  his  theory  worked.  Other 
moments  were  more  prosaic,  and  I  gradually  realized  that  geophysicists 
did  not  hold  a  monopoly  on  truth — or  perhaps  I  just  learned  some 

Was  it  possible  to  make  a  simple  model  of  ocean-crust  construction 
at  mid-ocean  ridges  that  drew  on  all  of  the  evidence  available,  ophiolitic 
and  oceanic,  geophysical  and 
geological?  I  had  a  false  start: 
My  first  model  was  undone 
by  a  graduate  student's 
simple  question,  "What 
determines  the  position  of  the 
Moho,  the  boundary  between 
crust  and  mantle,  in  your 
model?"  I  said  something  in 
reply,  floundering,  hoping 
that  he  wouldn't  notice.  I 
expect  he  did. 

Then,  a  month  or  so  later, 
digging  the  sandy  soil  of  our 
garden  in  Norwich,  I  sud- 
denly saw  what  was  wrong- 
perhaps  also  what  was  right. 
Suppose  that  magma  rose  up 

from  the  mantle  as  the  plates  moved  apart.  Suppose  it  rose  high  in  the 
crust,  not  far  below  the  seafloor,  and  collected  there  as  a  magma  cham- 
ber, stretching  along  the  axis  of  the  mid-ocean  ridge  at  a  shallow  depth. 
When  the  crust  cracked  above  it,  magma  could  rise  along  the  crack  to 
make  a  dike  and  then  feed  seafloor  lava  flows.  The  dike  would  intrude 
older  dikes,  and  in  turn  cut  yet  older  ones.  When  the  magma  chamber 
froze  it  would  make  a  layer  of  gabbro  in  the  lower  crust.  Crust  produced 

Author  Cann  cooking 

porridge  over  a  steam 

vent  in  northern 

Iceland  in  August 

1991.  The  vent  is  part 

of  the  Theistareykir  hot 

springfield,  lying  in 

the  Theistareykir  rift 

zone,  and  heated 

(almost  certainly)  by  a 

magma  chamber  deep 

below  the  rift.  Note 

that  Iceland  marks 

where  the  Mid- 
Atlantic  Ridge  comes 
ashore,  though  it  is 
anomalous  in 
many  ways. 

Winter  1991/92 









The  " infinite  onion" 
model  (above)  for 
magma  chambers 
beneath  fast-spreading 
ridge  segments  is 
compared  to  the 
"infinite  leak"  model 
(below)  for  magma 
storage  beneath  slow- 
spreading  ridge 

this  way  would  have  the  same 
structure  as  the  Cyprus  (and  now 
the  Oman)  ophiolites,  and  a 
shallow  magma  chamber  might  fit 
the  geophysical  observations,  too. 
This  outline  evolved  into  the 
infinite-onion  model,  since  in  its 
ideal  form  it  required  a  magma 
chamber  that  was  onion-shaped  in 
cross  section  and  as  long  as  that 
part  of  the  ridge.  Soon  I  was 
involved  in  stout  defense  of  the 
onion.  It  proved  very  difficult  to 
make  the  seismic  observations  that 
would  test  it  properly,  and  inconclu- 
sive tests  were  regarded  by  skeptics 
as  negative  evidence.  Soon  it 
became  clear  that,  in  its  simplest 
form,  the  model  did  not  hold  at 
slow-spreading  ridges  such  as  the 
Mid-Atlantic  Ridge.  Euan  Nisbet 
and  Mary  Fowler  devised  an 
alternative,  punning  infinite-leak 
model  to  cope  with  that.  Recently 
Debbie  Smith  and  I  have  come  up 
with  observations  that  support 
infinite  leaks  in  the  Atlantic. 

But  in  the  Pacific,  where 
spreading  rates  are  faster,  there 
seemed  every  reason  to  expect  the 
infinite  onion.  People  looked  for 
and  found  hot  mantle,  but  no 
magma;  they  were  looking  for 
magma  in  the  wrong  place,  it 
turned  out.  John  Orcutt  said  he 

could  see  the  magma.  I  liked  his  evidence,  perhaps  naturally,  but  many 
others  stonewalled.  Eventually,  Bob  Derrick  (I  simplify — John  and  Bob  will 
have  to  stand  for  the  teams  they  led)  managed  to  image  the  top  of  the 
magma  chamber  for  tens  of  kilometers  along  the  ridge,  using  seismic 
reflection,  just  as  the  oil  companies  do  to  find  oil — oil  and  magma  look 
surprisingly  similar  by  seismics.  The  chamber  was  much  thinner  than  I  had 
originally  predicted,  but  the  top  was  just  at  the  right  level  (1  to  2  kilometers 
below  the  seafloor),  as  could  have  been  predicted  from  ophiolites. 

And  the  onion?  So  far  Bob  and  John  stand  out  against  the  spike  on 
the  top  of  the  chamber  that  would  make  the  onion  complete,  but  one  day 
in  the  future...?  Do  I  need  to  say  that  I  still  feel  it  is  there?  And  what 
then?  There  is  no  space  to  tell  of  the  other  successful  models  of  mid- 
ocean  ridges,  of  George  Constantinou  in  Cyprus  showing  that  the  ore 
deposits  there  were  formed  from  hot  springs  on  the  ocean  floor,  thus 
leading  the  way  toward  black  smokers;  or  the  recent  recognition  that  the 
third  dimension,  the  variation  of  ridges  along  the  axis,  has  as  much  of  a 

Temporary  High-level 

Gabbros  and 





story  to  tell  as  the  across-ridge  models  we  started  with.  But  models  are  there 
to  be  overthrown:  Perhaps  the  second-best  experience  as  a  scientist  is  to  see 
a  model  elegantly  destroyed.  The  best?  To  do  it  yourself  by  creating  a  new 
one,  of  course.  In  spring  1992,  Debbie  Smith  and  I  will  be  leading  an  expedi- 
tion to  the  Mid- Atlantic  Ridge,  trying  hard  to  do  just  that. 

Joe  Cann  is  Professor  of  Earth  Sciences  at  the  University  of  Leeds  in  the  UK  and 
Adjunct  Scientist  at  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution.  He  took  his  Ph.D.  in 
1962  and  is  thus  one  of  the  old  fogies  of  marine  geology,  but  he  is  still  trying  hard 
to  destroy  his  and  other  people's  models  of  mid-ocean  ridges.  For  the  last  few 
years  he  has  been  worrying  more  about  black  smokers  than  magmas,  but  recently 
he  has  come  back  into  seafloor  volcanoes.  He  works  happily  at  sea  or  on  land  (in 
Greece  or  Cyprus)  with  a  microscope,  or  a  computer,  or  an  X-ray  set,  especially 
on  figuring  out  how  the  different  aspects  of  mid-ocean  ridges  knit  together. 








isotropic  gabbro 



layered  gabbro 



Lava  Thickness  TL 
Dike  Thickness  T. 

Cumulate  Thickness  T 

Magma  chamber  Blob  of  primitive  melt 

deflated  volume  V0  volume  V 

In  the  last  35  years, 
geological  "certainty" 
has  changed  enor- 
mously. Models  are 
created,  proved,  then 
sometimes  disproved— 
with  the  end  result, 
ultimately,  of  better 
understanding.  Simple 

diagrams  of  models 
from  the  last  20  years 
illustrate  (in  a  punctu- 
ated manner)  this 

Winter  1991/92 


The  first 
volcanic  rocks 

from  a 


ridge  were 


sampled  during 



in  the  North 


in  1874. 

Sketches  for  this  article 
are  by  the  author. 

From  Pillow  Lava 
to  Sheet  Flow 

Evolution  of  Deep-Sea  Volcanology 

Wilfred  B.  Bryan 

he  black,  fine-grained  volcanic  rock  called  basalt  has  long 
been  associated  with  ocean  basins,  though  sometimes  for  the 
wrong  reasons.  Today,  basaltic  lava  is  a  familiar  sight  to 
millions  of  tourists  who  have  visited  Hawaii,  and  millions 
more  have  watched  it  flowing  into  the  sea  on  television  news 
programs.  But  200  years  ago  in  western  Europe,  basalt  was  known 
mostly  by  its  association  with  sedimentary  rocks  containing  marine 
fossils,  and  so  was  widely  regarded  as  a  chemical  precipitate  from 
seawater.  A  few  practioners  of  the  new  science  of  geology  at  that  time 
recognized  the  similarity  of  basalt  to  the  lavas  of  nearby  volcanoes  such 
as  Vesuvius.  This  led  to  one  of  the  first  major  controversies  in  geology, 
between  the  so-called  "neptunists"  and  the  "plutonists,"  who  believed 
that  basalt  was  the  product  of  volcanic  eruptions.  That  issue  was  eventu- 
ally solved  when  one  of  the  supposed  basalt  precipitates  was  traced  back 
to  its  source  at  an  obvious  volcanic  vent.  But  the  nature  and  extent  of 
volcanic  rock  on  the  deep  seafloor  would  not  be  known  for  many  more 
years.  Prior  to  the  mid-1960s,  scientific  papers  on  this  subject  still  were 
largely  constrained  to  rocks  observed  and  collected  on  land;  their 
association  with  sedimentary  rocks  typical  of  the  deep  seafloor  contin- 
ued to  be  the  principal  evidence  for  their  deep-sea  origin. 

The  first  volcanic  rocks  from  a  mid-ocean  ridge  were  accidentally 
sampled  during  cable-laying  operations  in  the  North  Atlantic  in  1874, 
about  200  nautical  miles  east  of  what  we  now  know  to  be  the  Mid- 
Atlantic  Ridge  (MAR).  The  dark  basalt  was  dismissed  as  having  been 
dropped  from  a  drifting  iceberg,  although  the  27.5-ton  tension  required 
to  recover  the  cable  would  seem  to  suggest  this  was  not  a  loose  fragment. 
In  1898  P.  Termier  described  basaltic  glass  also  recovered  from  the  MAR 
at  about  47°N,  during  cable  repairs.  He  correctly  deduced  that  this 
material  indicated  a  volcanic  origin  for  the  seafloor  at  this  location,  but  it 
would  require  another  60  years  of  study  before  the  true  extent  and 
nature  of  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  would  be  known.  Meanwhile,  in  the 
Pacific,  widely  scattered  dredges  recovered  by  the  Challenger  Expedition 
included  samples  of  dark  basaltic  rock,  also  indicating  a  likely  volcanic 
origin  for  the  deep  seafloor. 

Throughout  the  first  half  of  the  20th  century  the  seafloor  was  widely 











assumed  to  be  basaltic,  but  evidence  for  this  assumption  was  still  sketchy 
and  indirect.  A  "basaltic"  and  therefore  "volcanic"  seafloor  was  consis- 
tent with  the  arguments  based  on  isostasy  and  bathymetry  that  remain 
valid  today:  The  continents  must  stand  high,  because  they  are  composed 
of  relatively  thick,  light  granitic  rock  that  literally  floats  higher  on  the 
underlying  mantle  than  does  the  thinner,  heavier  rock  comprising  the 
oceanic  crust.  Also,  petrologists  generally  assumed  that  basalts  of 
volcanic  islands  such  as  Hawaii  or  Iceland  were  representative  of  the 
rocks  to  be  found  on  the  deep  seafloor.  Although  there  are  often  striking 
differences  between  continental  volcanic  rocks  and  the  deeper  crustal 
rocks  on  which  they  have  been  erupted,  the  shaky  logic  of  this  analogy 
as  applied  to  the  seafloor  does  not  ever  appear  to  have  been  challenged. 
Finally,  with  the  recognition  of  the  reality  of  seafloor  spreading  and 
plate  tectonics  in  the  mid-1960s,  mid-ocean  ridge  volcanism  became  a 
logical  geometric  necessity  for  creating  new  seafloor.  The  spreading 
model  predicted  that  seafloor  of  similar  basaltic  composition  but  of 
regularly  increasing  age  should  extend  to  the  margins  of  the  ocean 
basins,  a  relation  that  was  soon  confirmed  by  basement  samples  recov- 
ered during  legs  2  and  3  of  the  Deep  Sea  Drilling  Program.  Attention 
could  now  be  redirected  toward  defining  the  nature  of  volcanic  pro- 
cesses on  mid-ocean  ridges  and  the  nature  and  extent  of  compositional 
variation  in  volcanic  rocks  erupted  there. 

Locations  are  plotted 
from  which  oceanic 
basalts  were  dredged 

as  early  ridge 

petrologists  defined 

compositional  and 

structural  boundaries 

between  oceanic  and 

continental  crust. 

Marker's  "Pacific" 

boundary  and  Hobbs  's 

"andesite  line"  bracket 

the  circum-Pacific 

"Ring  of  Fire." 

Winter  1991/92 


Chemical  Variations 

Some  of  the 

most  intriguing 


features  of 


basalts  are 

found  in  their 


and  isotopic 


Because  of  their  very  fine-grained  or  glassy  nature,  volcanic  rocks  are 
most  easily  studied  quantitatively  by  their  chemical  composition. 
Chemical  analyses  of  volcanic  rocks  in  and  around  the  major  ocean 
basins  began  to  appear  in  the  latter  half  of  the  19th  century.  By  the 
beginning  of  the  20th  century  there  were  already  enough  data  to  support 
speculation  on  the  global  distribution  of  volcanic  rock  types;  in  these 
schemes  it  was  implicit  that  the  volcanic  rocks  somehow  reflected  the 
nature  of  the  ocean  floor  with  which  they  were  associated.  One  of  the 
best-known  global  distributions  was  proposed  by  the  British  petrologist 
Alfred  Marker  in  1909.  He  recognized  three  main  groups,  which  were 
named  for  the  ocean  basins  in  or  adjacent  to  which  they  were  first 
identified.  The  "Atlantic"  type  was  characterized  by  the  dominance  of 
soda  (sodium  oxide),  the  "Mediterranean"  type  by  potash  (potassium 
oxide),  and  the  "Pacific"  type  by  lime  (calcium  oxide).  Marker's  "Pacific" 
type,  however,  was  based  entirely  on  data  from  volcanoes  and  volcanic 
islands  from  the  "Ring  of  Fire"  around  the  Pacific  margin.  Almost 
immediately,  new  data  from  various  Pacific  Islands  proved  similar  to 
those  from  the  Atlantic,  and  Marker's  scheme  was  discredited. 

About  20  years  later,  W.H.  Hobbs  called  attention  to  the  composi- 
tional differences  between  volcanic  rocks  from  islands  within  the  Pacific 
Ocean  basins  and  those  of  the  volcanic-island  arcs  and  continental 
volcanoes  along  the  Pacific  margins  of  Asia  and  North  and  South 
America.  It  is  interesting  to  compare  this  boundary,  which  Hobbs  called 
the  "andesite  line,"  with  the  boundary  drawn  by  Marker  between  the 
"Pacific"  and  "Atlantic"  rock  groups.  Following  Hobbs,  most  geologists 
and  volcanologists  quickly  accepted  the  andesite  line  as  the  structural 
and  compositional  boundary  between  oceanic  and  continental  crust.  It 
was  not  until  detailed  mapping  and  sampling  of  some  of  the  circum- 
pacific  volcanic-island  arcs  in  the  1950s  and  1960s  that  Harker's  bound- 
ary was  rediscovered. 

Chemical  analyses  of  rocks  specifically  associated  with  mid-ocean 
ridges  were  not  published  until  the  1930s  in  papers  by  C.W.  Correns  and 
J.D.H.  Wiseman.  Their  samples  came  from  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  and 
the  Carlsberg  Ridge  in  the  Indian  Ocean.  Both  authors  recognized  the 
unusually  low  potash  contained  in  these  rocks  compared  to  both  the 
island  basalts  and  continental  rocks,  and  correctly  deduced  some  of  the 
chemical  effects  of  seawater  alteration  on  basalt.  Wiseman's  paper 
contained  the  first  carefully  detailed  drawing  of  crystal  forms  observed 
with  a  petrographic  microscope;  Correns  recognized  the  similarity  of  his 
sample  to  those  collected  in  the  Pacific  by  the  Challenger  Expedition,  and 
suggested  that  these  might  be  typical  of  the  seafloor  as  a  whole. 

Some  of  the  most  intriguing  compositional  features  of  ocean-ridge 
basalts  are  found  in  their  trace-element  and  isotopic  signatures,  but  these 
data  had  to  await  the  mid-1960s  development  of  more  sophisticated 
analytical  technology.  Analyses  of  basalts  dredged  both  from  the  Mid- 
Atlantic  Ridge  and  the  East  Pacific  Rise  showed  that,  compared  to  typical 
basalts  of  continents  and  oceanic  islands,  ocean-ridge  basalts  are  highly 
depleted  not  only  in  potash  but  in  many  trace  elements  chemically 
similar  in  behavior  to  potash,  such  as  lanthanum,  rubidium,  thorium, 



and  uranium.  Because  these  elements  are  concentrated  in  typical  volca- 
nic rocks  on  Earth's  surface  and  upper  lithosphere,  geochemists  refer  to 
them  as  "large-ion-lithophile  elements." 

Based  on  these  data,  some  geochemists  emphasized  the  depleted  and 
homogeneous  nature  of  ocean-floor  basalt.  This  view  was  quickly 
challenged  when  new  analyses  of  basalts  from  the  northern  Mid-Atlantic 
Ridge  that  were  enriched  in  these  same  chemical  elements  were  pre- 
sented. However,  the  most  extensive  early  collections  of  samples  from  a 
mid-ocean  ridge  were  recovered  from  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  between 
22°  and  30°N,  and  the  "depleted"  chemical  character  of  these  basalts 
became  established  as  the  definitive  signature  of  "normal  MORB"  (mid- 
ocean  ridge  basalt). 

At  the  University  of  Rhode  Island,  Jean-Guy  Schilling  published  a 
series  of  pioneering  papers  that  first  conclusively  showed  the  gradational 
nature  of  geochemical  variability  along  ocean  ridges.  First  demonstrated 
in  the  North  Atlantic,  these  along-ridge  variations  are  now  known  to 
continue  through  the  equatorial  region  into  the  South  Atlantic,  and  are 
also  present  along  the  Galapagos  Rift  and  southern  East  Pacific  Rise. 
Sections  of  ocean  ridges  enriched  in  potash,  trace  elements  such  as 
lanthanum,  thorium,  and  uranium,  and  with  high  strontium-87/stron- 
tium-86  were  shown  to  be  associated  with  shallow  bathymetry  or  island 
platforms  such  as  Iceland  and  the  Azores.  This  appeared  consistent  with 
the  idea  that  these  are  "hot  spots,"  characterized  by  extensive  melting  of 
a  mantle  source  enriched  in  these  elements  and  in  radiogenic  isotopes 
such  as  strontium-87. 

Hot  Spots:  How  Normal  is  Normal? 

Although  models  remain  sketchy  and  highly  speculative,  a  popular  view 
is  that  hot  spots  are  the  locis  of  upwelling  "mantle  plumes"  that  bring 
new,  hot,  and  previously  undepleted  mantle  from  a  deep,  previously 
untapped  source  to  a  sufficiently  shallow  level,  permitting  partial 
melting  and  the  escape  of  basaltic  magma  to  the  surface.  On  the  other 
hand,  depleted,  supposedly  "normal"  mid-ocean  ridge  basalt  is  pre- 
sumed to  be  derived  from  relatively  shallow  mantle,  perhaps  the  "low- 
velocity  zone"  defined  by  seismic  surveys,  which  may  have  been  de- 
pleted by  partial  extraction  of  magma  in  previous  melting  events.  Mixing 
between  melts  derived  from  these  two  sources  may  account  for  much  of 
the  intermediate  isotopic  and  trace-element  variability.  Major  hot  spots 
are  now  recognized  along  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  at  Iceland,  near  45°N; 
the  Azores,  near  15°N;  and  near  Tristan  da  Cunha,  at  about  36°S  in  the 
South  Atlantic.  The  chemical  signature  of  the  larger  plumes  extends 
hundreds  of  kilometers  along-ridge,  and  it  can  be  asked,  at  least  in  the 
Atlantic,  if  "plume"  MORB  isn't  actually  more  normal  than  "normal" 

In  the  Pacific,  the  Galapagos  Rift  crosses  the  best-documented  hot 
spot,  but  another  must  exist  on  the  East  Pacific  Rise  near  Easter  Island, 
and  there  are  several  small  ones  along  the  Gorda-Juan  de  Fuca  Ridge 
systems.  Ridges  have  been  less  systematically  sampled  in  the  Indian 
Ocean,  but  the  available  dredges  and  Deep-Sea-Drilling-Program 
basement  samples  indicate  both  "normal"  and  "plume"  chemistry  in 

Major  hot  spots 

are  now 
along  the  Mid- 
Atlantic  Ridge 
at  Iceland,  the 
Azores,  and 
near  Tristan 
da  Cunha. 

Winter  1991/92 


Author  Bryan  (left) 

and  T.H.  Pearce  (riglit) 

on  an  expedition  in 

Quebec  stand  in  front 

of  classic  Archean 

pillow  lavas. 

basalts  recovered  there.  There  now  is  even  a  "cold  spot"  recognized 
along  the  Pacific-Antarctic  Ridge,  characterized  by  extreme  depletion  in 
large-ion-lithophile  elements.  Most  recently,  researchers  at  the  Lamont- 
Doherty  Geological  Observatory  have  shown  that  systematic  along-ridge 
variations  can  be  demonstrated  in  major-element  chemistry  as  well  as  in 
trace  elements  and  isotopes,  and  also  can  be  correlated  with  bathymetry 
and  the  location  of  hot  spots. 

Petrography  and  Mineralogy 

Much  of  the  early  work  on  ocean-floor  basalts  was  based  on  chemical 
analyses  and  ignored  mineralogical  details  of  the  rocks.  In  1972, 1  described 
in  detail  for  the  first  time  the  sometimes-bizarre  crystal  morphology  that 
results  from  rapid  underwater  quenching  of  magma.  An  unexpected  result 
of  this  paper  was  the  recognition  of  similar  quench-crystal  morphology  in 
Archean  pillow  lavas  that  are  up  to  3.5  billion  years  old.  Previously  these 
morphologies  were  believed  to  have  been  caused  by  chemical  changes  over 

time,  accompanied  by  recrys- 
tallization.  Now  it  was  obvious 
that  these  basalts  had  changed 
little  since  they  originally 
erupted  on  ancient  seafloor, 
and  both  their  chemistry  and 
morphology  could  be  used  to 
interpret  volcanic  processes  in 
some  of  the  oldest  seafloor 
known,  now  uplifted  and 
exposed  on  land. 

While  many  of  these 
ancient  basalts  resemble  their 
modern  counterparts,  others 
do  not,  including  some 
unique  varieties  that  are  very 
enriched  in  magnesium, 
nickel,  and  chromium. 
Mineralogically,  these  rocks, 

known  as  komatiite,  are  unusually  rich  in  olivine,  the  major  mineral 
component  of  the  upper  mantle.  One  possible  interpretation  of  these 
komatiites  is  that  they  were  derived  from  an  oceanic  lithosphere  much 
thinner  and  with  a  much  steeper  thermal  gradient  than  that  observed 
today,  resulting  in  more  complete  melting  of  the  mantle  source. 

Morphology  and  Volcanic  Processes 

The  size,  shape,  and  other  morphologic  details  of  ocean-ridge  lava  flows 
and  associated  volcanic  structures  provide  important  clues  to  the  loca- 
tions of  eruptive  vents,  rates  of  eruption,  flow  mechanisms,  and  lava 
distribution  on  the  seafloor.  As  for  deep-sea  basalt  compositions,  the 
question  whether  deep-sea  lavas  had  a  unique  morphologic  character 
was  heatedly  debated  for  nearly  a  century. 

Exposures  of  these  lavas  in  cliffs,  road  cuts,  or  on  glacially  eroded 
and  smoothed  outcrops  on  land  were  largely  two-dimensional,  and  left 
much  room  for  arguments  about  the  lateral  extent  of  individual  flows, 



their  three-dimensional  forms,  and 
the  nature  of  the  larger  volcanic 
structures  they  built.  In  cross  section 
many  of  these  lava  flows  consist  of 
elliptical  to  circular  masses,  2  meters 
to  over  1 .5  meters  in  diameter;  these 
classic  "pillow  lavas"  have  been 
cited  as  proof  of  eruption  underwa- 
ter at  least  since  the  first  half  of  the 
19th  century.  However,  whether 
these  pillows  are  spherical  or 
tubular  in  three  dimensions,  and 
whether  they  uniquely  indicate 
underwater  eruption,  was  argued 
for  many  years. 

Central  to  these  debates  was  a 

Tlie  sizes  and  shapes  of 

lava  flows  reveal 

information  about  the 

mechanics  of  eruptions. 

Sheet  flows  from  the 

East  Pacific  Rise  (above) 

and  a  layered  lava  tube 

in  subglacial  pillow  lava 

in  Iceland  (left)  are 

vastly  different 

morphologically.  A 

typical  flow  from  the 

FAMOUS  area  (below, 

left)  is  further  illustrated 

with  a  schematic  cross 

section  that  reveals  the 

draining  of  lava. 

Winter  1991/92 


This  "elephant  seal" 

pillow  formed  at  the 

end  of  a  Hawaiian 

pahoehoe  lava  flow. 

question:  Should  the  term  "pillow  lava"  be  reserved  only  for  circular  or 
spherical  structures  in  lava  erupted  underwater  (or  at  least  in  wet  mud), 
or  should  it  also  be  applied  to  morphologically  similar  lavas  formed  on 
land?  The  case  for  purely  descriptive  use  of  the  term  "pillow"  was  well 
argued  as  long  ago  as  1938  by  J.  T.  Stark,  who  pointed  out  that  in  his 
even  earlier  1914  review  of  the  subject,  J.V.  Lewis  had  cited  98  descrip- 
tions of  "pillow  lava"  dating  back  to  1834,  of  which  more  than  half  were 
probably  formed  on  land.  Nevertheless,  questions  continued  to  arise  as 

to  whether  similar  morphologies 
could  be  produced  in  different 
ways.  For  example,  in  1968,  J.G. 
Jones  documented  "pillow  lava" 
composed  of  interconnected  and 
elongated  tubular  lava  fingers 
analogous  to  the  tubular 
"pahoehoe"  lava  commonly 
observed  in  Hawaiian  lava  flows 
(as  also  advocated  by  Lewis  in 
1914!).  This  interpretation  was 
challenged,  and  the  issue  would 
not  be  put  to  rest  until  the  mid- 
1970s,  when  scuba  divers  ob- 
served pillows  forming  on  the 
submarine  extension  of  an  active 
lava  flow  in  Hawaii,  and  the  first 

direct  observation  of  deep-sea  lavas  was  made  by  diving  scientists  in  the 
Project  FAMOUS  (French- American  Mid-Ocean  Undersea  Study)  on  the 
Mid -Atlantic  Ridge  in  1974.  These  lavas  were  indeed  composed  of 
elongated  tubes,  which  grow  downslope  by  budding,  as  Lewis  long  ago 
deduced.  Recent  observations  of  new  submarine  flows  in  Hawaii  also 
confirm  that  they  are  fed  by  master  feeder  channels  that  are  direct 
extensions  of  the  adjacent  island's  pahoehoe  lavas. 

Diving  scientists  have  provided  abundant  photographic  records, 
direct  observations,  and  descriptions  of  the  great  variety  of  morphologic 
details  in  lavas  of  the  mid-ocean  ridges.  These  observations  make  it  clear 
that  elongated,  tubular  lava  units  are  common  on  steep-flow  fronts,  but 
pillows  take  many  forms:  On  the  upper  flow  surfaces  some  are  hollow 
bubbles,  but  others  are  highly  ornamented  sculptures  that  resemble 
animal  or  human  forms.  Many  similar  forms  are  also  found  on  land  on 
pahoehoe  lava  flows 

The  first  submersible  dives  on  the  East  Pacific  Rise  showed  that 
many  lavas  are  not  pillowed  at  all,  but  are  composed  of  slabby  plates 
ornamented  with  swirls  and  wrinkles  suggestive  of  drapery  or  a 
wrinkled  tablecloth.  These  "sheet  flows"  form  when  lava  is  temporarily 
ponded.  The  lava  sheets  are  produced  by  quenching  against  the  overly- 
ing seawater.  When  lava  pressure  breaks  the  barrier  and  lava  drains 
away,  successive  layers  form  as  the  level  of  the  pond  drops.  Hollow 
columns  of  lava  surrounded  by  "bathtub  rings"  form  within  these  pits, 
where  trapped  water  vapor  has  risen  through  the  lava  and  quenched  it. 
On  land,  analogous  features  are  found  in  "shelly  pahoehoe,"  where  lava 
has  temporarily  ponded  around  trees,  and  in  collapse  pits  formed  in  lava 



that  erupted  onto  wet  ground.  It  is  now  obvious  that  this  diversity  of 
form  can  be  related  to  a  variety  of  factors,  including  the  steepness  of  the 
flow  surface,  the  rate  and  volume  of  lava  extrusion,  and  the  influence  of 
the  underlying  seafloor  morphology,  and  that  the  morphologic  differ- 
ences resulting  from  quenching  in  air  or  water  are  relatively  minor. 

Small  conical  or  moundlike  volcanic  structures  form  over  eruptive 
vents  on  the  seafloor  as  they  do  on  land,  but  few  have  been  described  in 
detail.  Some  appear  to  be  typical  extrusive  lava  mounds  similar  to  those 
that  form  over  active  lava  tubes  or  along  eruptive  fissures  in  Iceland  or 
Hawaii.  Larger  cratered  cones  and  mounds,  common  on  the  Mid- 
Atlantic  Ridge  between  22°  and  26°N,  have  been  a  special  focus  of  study 
by  geologists  at  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution.  One  of  these, 
named  Serocki  Volcano  after  one  of  the  Ocean  Drilling  Program  engi- 
neers, has  been  mapped  in  detail,  observed  at  close  range  from  a  sub- 
mersible, and  even  penetrated  by  drilling.  These  studies  indicate  Serocki 
has  a  flattish,  pancakelike  form  and  is  probably  not  a  true  volcano  but 
rather  a  "rootless  vent."  Originally  a  thick  lava  delta,  the  north  flank  of 
Serocki  broke  open,  allowing  lava  trapped  within  to  escape  to  a  lower 
level,  where  it  again  ponded  temporarily  to  form  another  delta.  This 
delta  in  turn  also  broke  open,  and  was  drained;  collapse  of  the  unsup- 
ported surface  crust  on  both  deltas  created  the  central  craters. 

Looking  Toward  the  Future 

About  25  years  ago,  marine  geologists  and  geophysicists  first  became 
aware  of  the  vast  extent  and  importance  of  volcanic  activity  along  mid- 
ocean  ridges.  Following  initial  hopes  that  the  resulting  volcanic  rocks 

Author  Bryan  sketched 
this  cross  section  of  the 
Serocki  volcano  region 
based  on  Sea  Beam 
bathymetry,  Sea 
MARC  sidescan 
images,  and  observa- 
tions by  diving 
scientists  in  DSV 
Alvin.  The  Serocki 
volcano  is  the  large 
opening  at  left. 

Winter  1991/92 


will  be  required 
on  selected  parts 
of  the  Mid- 
Ocean  Ridge 
system  to 
eruptive  events. 

would  prove  to  be  unique  and  homogeneous,  we  are  continually  recog- 
nizing the  great  geochemical  and  mineralogical  variability  in  ocean-ridge 
basalts.  The  morphological  similarities  of  submarine  lavas  and  other 
volcanic  structures  to  lava  flows  on  well-studied  land  volcanoes  indi- 
cates that  processes  of  magma  generation  and  eruption  are  similar  in 
both  environments;  thus,  lessons  learned  in  the  study  of  the  more 
accessible  land-based  volcanoes  can  be  applied  to  volcanic  processes  on 
the  deep  seafloor.  Already,  some  consistent  correlations  are  beginning  to 
appear  between  certain  chemical  parameters  and  first-order  geophysical 
and  morphological  seafloor  properties  such  as  depth,  gravity  field,  and 
spreading  rate.  The  most  profitable  future  work  is  likely  to  come  from 
geophysical  and  petrologic  studies  carefully  designed  to  integrate  both 
compositional  data  and  physical  properties  of  the  ocean  crust  into 
comprehensive  models  for  melt  generation,  ascent,  and  the  "plumbing 
system"  beneath  ocean  ridges. 

Just  as  has  been  true  of  land  volcanoes,  long-term  observatories  will 
be  required  on  selected  parts  of  the  Mid-Ocean  Ridge  system  to  docu- 
ment eruptive  events,  associated  seismic  activity,  and  subsequent 
hydrothermal  processes.  Although  the  long  controversy  about  the 
significance  and  mode  of  pillow-lava  formation  has  ended,  much  re- 
mains to  be  learned  about  the  growth  of  submarine  volcanoes  and  the 
mechanisms  of  lava  distribution  on  the  deep  seafloor.  Individual  lava 
flows  must  be  mapped  and  sampled  in  detail,  and  their  morphologies 
carefully  documented.  Many  morphologically  diverse  small  volcanoes 
and  seamounts  associated  with  active  ridges  must  be  imaged,  sampled, 
and  restudied  as  they  evolve  with  successive  eruptions. 

Such  long-term  observations  are  being  discussed  and  planned  as 
part  of  the  National  Science  Foundation-sponsored  RIDGE  initiative  (See 
article,  page  21),  but  the  magnitude  of  the  commitment  required  for 
definitive  results  is  sobering.  For  example,  observations  carried  on  for 
over  50  years  at  Kilauea  Volcano  in  Hawaii  are  only  now  beginning  to 
yield  a  meaningful  understanding  of  the  volcano's  eruption  mechanics 
and  deep  plumbing  system.  Further,  this  length  of  time  still  has  not  been 
long  enough  for  all  styles  of  activity,  as  deduced  from  older  lava  and  ash 
deposits,  to  have  been  repeated  for  recording  and  analysis  using  modern 
instrumentation.  Emulating  this  work  on  our  largest  terrestrial  basaltic 
volcano,  the  60,000-kilometer-long  Mid-Ocean  Ridge  system,  remains  a 
major  challenge.  ""% 

Wilfred  B.  Bryan  is  a  Senior  Scientist  in  the  Department  of  Geology  and  Geo- 
physics at  the  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution.  He  was  Chief  Diving 
Scientist  in  Project  FAMOUS,  and  has  participated  in  studies  of  volcanic  activity 
on  other  parts  of  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  and  East  Pacific  Rise.  He  was  a  principal 
investigator  in  lunar  volcanic  landform  studies  for  the  Apollo  Program  and  has 
documented  volcanic  morphology  and  processes  in  Hawaii,  the  Southwest 
Pacific,  Iceland,  Italy,  and  the  western  US  and  Canada. 



Tectonics  of 



Jeffrey  A.  Karson 

s  oceanic  plates  diverge  at  mid-ocean  ridge  spreading 
centers,  two  major  processes  produce  and  modify  oceanic 
lithosphere.  The  most  familiar  of  these  is  magmatic  con- 
struction in  the  form  of  volcanic  extrusion  onto  the 
seafloor,  probably  accompanied  by  the  intrusion  of  dikes 
and  larger  bodies  of  coarse-grained,  igneous  material  beneath  the 
seafloor.  Just  as  important,  however,  are  the  effects  of  mechanical 
extension,  faulting  of  brittle  surface  materials,  and  plastic  flow  of  hotter 
material  in  the  lower  crust  and  upper  mantle.  At  fast-spreading  ridges, 
magmatism  nearly  keeps  pace  with  plate  separation,  so  each  increment 
of  separation  is  accompanied  by  sufficient  igneous  activity  to  fill  any 
cracks  and  fissures  in  the  seafloor  and  bury  most  of  the  minor  fault 
scarps  created  since  previous  eruptions.  In  general,  the  wound  inflicted 
along  the  ridge  axis  is  regularly  healed,  resulting  in  the  formation  of  what 
geologists  call  an  "axial  summit  graben  atop  a  very  elongated  shield 
volcano."  At  any  instant  in  time,  the  plate  boundary  resembles  a  series  of 
linked  cracks  in  brittle  material  similar  to  cracks  in  a  pane  of  glass. 

In  contrast,  slow-spreading  ridges  display  a  completely  different 
interplay  of  mechanical  extension  and  magmatism.  Here  the  magma 
supply  is  insufficient  to  completely  restore  the  faulted  axial  crust. 
Magmatism  is  discontinuous  and  episodic  along  the  ridge  axis  despite 
the  relentless  separation  of  the  plate  edges.  The  result  is  that  the  axial 
crust  at  those  edges  is  stretched  and  faulted  in  a  manner  similar  to  that  of 
continental  rifts.  This  article  describes  some  new  insights  gained  from 
submersible  studies  and  continental  rift  analogs. 

Ridges  and  Rifts:  A  Morphologic  Comparison 

In  the  late  1950s  Bruce  Heezen  and  colleagues  at  Lamont-Doherty 
Geological  Observatory  discovered  a  deep  cleft  in  the  crest  of  many  parts 
of  the  mid-ocean  ridge  system.  Based  on  similarities  to  profiles  of  the 
East  African  Rift,  they  considered  this  cleft  to  be  a  rift  valley  produced 
by  extensional  faulting  of  the  oceanic  crust.  Much  that  has  been  learned 
in  the  past  30  years  about  the  geologic  architecture  of  land  and  the 
seafloor  has  stimulated  a  cross-pollination  of  ideas  that  derive  from  the 
different  constraints  and  limitations  of  these  environments. 

At  any  instant  in 

time,  the  plate 


resembles  a 

series  of  linked 

cracks  in  brittle 

material  similar 

to  cracks  in  a 

pane  of  glass. 

Winter  1991/92 




Accomodation  Zones 



The  generalized  geologic  structure  of  the  MARK  Area  on  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  (A)  and  the  Turkana  Rift 

of  northern  Kenya  (B)  allow  a  comparison  of  slow-spreading  oceanic  and  continental  rifts.  Both  are 

composed  of  a  series  of  discrete  rift  segments  several  tens  of  kilometers  in  length  linked  by  accommodation 

zones  (stippled).  Some  segments  have  neovolcanic  ridges  (A)  or  quaternary  volcanic  centers  (B)  (black). 

Hatched  areas  are  rift-shoulder  uplifts;  dashes  are  exposures  ofplutonic  rocks;  squiggles  are  serpentinites; 

bold  lines  with  boxes  are  major  normal  faults;  and  lines  with  or  without  tick  marks  are  normal  faults  and 

fissures.  Bars  labeled  A,  B,  C  indicate  cross  sections  referred  to  in  the  text. 

Although  continental  crust  is  typically  about  35  kilometers  thick 
compared  to  only  about  6  kilometers  for  oceanic  crust,  rifts  in  these  two 
settings  are  very  similar  both  in  scale  and  form.  This  is  a  result  of  the 
dominating  effect  of  temperature,  which  determines  the  lithosphere's 
strength  and  thickness.  The  lithosphere  is  hot,  thin,  and  weak  at  rifts,  but 
becomes  thicker  and  stronger  as  it  cools  or  moves  away  from  a  rift.  As  it 
cools,  the  mantle  beneath  the  crust  becomes  strong  and  controls  the 
rifting  process.  Oceanic  lithosphere  has  a  greater  proportion  of  this 
strong  mantle  than  does  continental  lithosphere  of  similar  thermal 
structure  or  lithospheric  thickness,  limiting  rift  development  in  old 
oceanic  lithosphere. 



If  the  oceans  were  drained,  Earth's  slow-spreading  ridge  systems 
would  resemble  the  well-known  continental  rift  valleys,  for  example,  the 
4,000-kilometer-long  East  African  Rift.  The  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  occupies 
nearly  one-third  of  the  seafloor  beneath  the  Atlantic  Ocean.  It  is  broad 
and  undulating,  with  crests  at  hot  spots  like  the  Azores  and  Iceland.  This 
large-scale  morphology  is  similar  to  the  100-kilometer- wide  topographic 
domes  of  Kenya  and  Ethiopia,  upon  which  the  East  African  Rift  is 
superimposed.  On  a  finer  scale,  the  continental  and  oceanic  rift  valleys 
are  segmented,  that  is,  they  are  made  up  of  a  series  of  discrete  fault- 
bounded  rift  valleys.  Each  segment  is  several  tens  of  kilometers  long  and 
is  linked  end-to-end  with  adjoining  valleys  to  form  a  nearly  continuous 
structure  thousands  of  kilometers  in  length.  Minor  offsets,  misalign- 
ments, and  overlaps  of  the  rift-valley  segments  are  typical  of  both 
oceanic  and  continental  rifts.  This  segmentation  is  also  evident  in  the 
gravity,  magnetics,  and  seismic  characteristics  of  rifts  in  both  settings. 

Viewed  in  profile,  opposing  rift  valleys  are  commonly  asymmetrical; 
one  bounding  wall  is  higher  and  steeper  than  its  mate  across  the  axis. 
Major  faults  with  hundreds  to  thousands  of  meters  of  displacement 
occur  on  the  steep  sides,  and  smaller  faults  and  smoothly  bent  layers 
occur  on  the  lower  sides.  Thus, 
half-graben  forms  are  more 
common  than  the  symmetrical  full 
grabens  with  equal-sized  faults  on 
both  sides  of  the  valley.  The  valley 
depths  are  comparable,  generally 
around  2,000  meters.  Lavas 
partially  fill  both  types  of  rift 
valley,  and  sediments  deposited  in 
rivers,  lakes,  and  deltas  reach 
several-kilometer  thicknesses  in 
the  continental  rifts.  Where  the 
faulted  rift-valley  walls  overlap, 
the  roughly  symmetrical  fault- 
bounded  troughs  called  grabens 
or  uplifted  blocks  called  horsts  are 
created.  Other  areas,  where  no 

overlap  occurs,  may  have  no  rift  valley  at  all,  just  a  rugged,  faulted 
terrane  that  occupies  the  ridge  axis. 

The  Neovolcanic  Zone 

The  neovolcanic  zone  of  the  mid-ocean  ridge  system  is  the  fresh  bead  of 
lava  that  welds  the  ridge  axis  together.  Along  slow-spreading  ridges  this 
most-recent  volcanic  material  forms  an  imperfect  seam,  with  many  large 
globs  and  gaps.  The  globs  are  referred  to  as  neovolcanic  ridges;  their 
lustrous  lavas  and  very  thin  sediment  dusting  indicate  they  are  only  a 
few  thousand  years  old.  The  gaps  are  filled  with  faulted  and  fissured 
lavas  that  erupted  tens  to  hundreds  of  thousands  of  years  ago,  an  earlier 
version  of  the  neovolcanic  zone.  The  discontinuous  nature  of  the  young 
lavas  reveals  that  these  areas  are  fed  by  a  sputtering  magma  supply  and 
that  the  temperature  of  the  lithosphere  along  the  ridge  axis  is  highly 
variable.  The  discontinuity  of  the  neovolcanic  zone,  as  well  as  seismic 




Symmetrical  Graben 

Asymmetrical  Half-Graben 

Symmetrical  rift 

segments  produced  by 

graben  structures  are 

common  in  many  rifts, 

for  example  areas 
marked  by  bars  labeled 
"A"  opposite.  Asym- 
metrical half-graben 
rift  segments  are  also 
common,  for  example 
nrens  marked  by  bars 
labeled  "B"  opposite. 
Note  that  half-grabens 
may  overlap  to  create  a 
symmetrical  graben 

Winter  1991/92 


Various  types  of 

normal  faults  occur  in 

rifts,  including  steeply 

dipping  planar  faults 

(top),  rotated  planar 

faults  creating  a 

domino  fault-block 

pattern  (second),  Hstric 

(curved)  faults  merging 

doumward  into  a 

horizontal  detachment 

fault  (third),  and 

detachment  faults 

cutting  across  the  full 

thickness  of  the  crust 

(bottom).  Steep  planar 

faults  dominate  the 

median  valley  walls  of 

the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge 

creating  a  stair-step 

shape  and  cutting  any 

earlier  faults  of  the 

median  valley  floor. 

Median  Valley  Wall 

Median  Valley  Floor 

studies  of  the  rift  valley,  indicate  that  there  is  no  continuous  magma 
chamber  beneath  the  axis  of  slow-spreading  ridges.  A  similar  scenario 
applies  to  continental  rifts.  Major  differences  exist  in  the  eruptive  styles 
of  typical  oceanic  and  continental  rifts.  In  continental  (subaerial)  rifts, 
extensive  basaltic  outpourings  may  precede  the  formation  of  a  rift  valley, 
and  explosive  volcanism  that  produces  cinder  and  ash  cones  is  common. 
In  contrast,  submarine  rifts  are  dominated  by  monotonous  fields  of 
pillow-lava  mounds  and  ponded  sheet  flows. 

In  both  continental  and  oceanic  rifts,  it  appears  that  young  magmatic 
centers  are  associated  with  the  rift-valley  segments.  Whereas  small 
volcanoes  appear  to  have  reached  the  surface  through  conduits  provided 
by  various  faults,  the  largest  neovolcanic  ridges  appear  to  be  centered  in 
well-defined  grabens  or  half-grabens;  thus  the  spacing  of  volcanic 
centers  appears  to  be  similar  to  that  of  rift-valley  segments.  The  distribu- 
tion of  very  young  volcanic  rocks  along  slow-spreading  ridges  is  known 
in  only  a  few  areas,  but  in  the  eastern  branch  of  the  East  African  Rift, 
extending  from  the  Afar  Triangle  to  northern  Tanzania,  the  young 
volcanic  centers  have  a  remarkably  regular  spacing  of  about  3  to  5 
kilometers  along  the  rift  axis.  Future  seafloor  mapping  will  determine  if 
a  similar  volcanic  chain  exists  along  the  mid-ocean  ridge  axis. 

Fault  Structure 

Axial  lithosphere  stretching  is  accommodated  by  faulting  in  the  upper 
crust.  A  number  of  factors  determine  the  depth  of  faulting;  the  most 

important  is  the  temperature  of  the  lithosphere.  In  some 
places,  where  the  lithosphere  along  the  ridge  axis  is  very 
cold,  and  where  there  has  not  been  a  recent  (less  than  1 
million  years)  magmatic  event,  faulting  marked  by 
earthquakes  affects  the  entire  crust  and  even  the  upper 
mantle  beneath  the  spreading  center.  Because  the  axial 
lithosphere  is  relatively  thick  and  strong  in  such  cases, 
faulting  affects  a  wide  area,  including  the  rift-valley 
walls.  In  ridge  segments  where  magmatic  events  have 
occurred  recently  (perhaps  marked  by  neovolcanic 
ridges),  the  lithosphere  is  relatively  thin  and  hot  and 
faulting  affects  only  the  narrow  axial  region.  It  is  likely 
that  some  ridge  segments  vacillate  between  these  two 
situations  as  axial  temperatures  wax  and  wane.  Almost 
certainly  a  similar  variation  occurs  in  continental  rifts,  but 
it  is  complicated  by  the  breaking  of  thicker,  less  uniform 
continental  crust  with  its  many  preexisting  zones  of 
weakness.  Still,  hot,  weak  areas  are  expected  to  develop  a 
rift  architecture  distinct  from  that  of  cooler  areas. 

Scientists  participating  in  the  first  submersible 
studies  of  the  mid-ocean  ridge  in  the  early  1970s  de- 
scribed rift-valley  walls  with  numerous  closely  spaced 
faults  separating  narrow  blocks  of  crust  and  displacing 
them  to  form  a  stair-step  structure.  Subsequent  studies 
have  shown  that  this  is  just  one  of  a  family  of  ridge  fault 
10  km  structures  that  includes  simple  planar  faults,  curved 





Dike  injection 


"teth^olphere  Chamber 

Uplifted  Rift 
Shoulder        Detachment      Minor  (lateral?) 

Lavas  &  Dikes 
in  Upper  Crust 

Lower  Crust 






Shear  Zone 

Shear  Zone 

10  km 

"listric"  faults,  and  very  large  continuous  fault  zones.  All  of  these  have 
been  studied  in  great  detail  in  continental  environments,  but  links  between 
processes  of  plastic  flow  and  magmatic  intrusion  in  the  lower  crust  and 
upper  mantle  are  poorly  understood  at  present. 

Although  only  a  few  examples  of  rift-valley  faulting  have  been 
studied  to  date,  they  appear  to  follow  a  relatively  simple  pattern.  Areas 
with  relatively  high  magma  supplies  that  do  not  display  large  amounts 
of  extension  have  simple  planar  fault  structures,  and  tend  to  form 
symmetrical  rift  valleys  where  only  basaltic  rocks  are  exposed.  Good 
examples  are  known  from  the  FAMOUS  and  AMAR  rift  valleys  of  the 
Mid-Atlantic  Ridge.  Areas  with  somewhat  larger  amounts  of  stretching 
and  less  magmatism  become  asymmetric  as  faulting  on  one  side  of  the 
rift  valley  begins  to  dominate.  Listric  and  low-angle  detachment  faults 
occur  in  some  limited  areas  such  as  the  TAG  site.  More  stretching  results 
in  extreme  extension  along  gently  to  moderately  inclined  fault  zones, 
and  may  result  in  the  exposure  of  materials  once  deeply  buried.  In  the 
most  extreme  situation  known,  a  chaotic  faulted  assemblage  of  mixed 
upper-crustal  and  mantle  materials  occurs  across  a  ridge  axis  in  the 
MARK  area.  Although  some  cross  sections  in  this  area  lack  a  clearly 
defined  rift  valley,  the  ridge  axis  is  nevertheless  very  highly  extended. 
This  spectrum  of  fault  structures  mimics  that  of  continental  rifts.  In  both 
settings,  the  amount  of  crustal  stretching  and  displacement  that  indi- 
vidual faults  have  sustained  can  be  read  in  the  types  of  rocks  exposed 
just  beneath  the  fault  surfaces.  In  the  oceans,  small  amounts  of  extension 
result  in  exposure  of  only  basaltic  rocks  of  the  upper  crust,  while  large 
amounts  can  expose  once  deeply  buried  lower  crustal  rocks.  In  oceanic 
areas,  where  the  crust  is  only  6  kilometers  thick,  even  upper-mantle 
rocks  can  be  exposed. 

Ductile  stretching  of 
the  crust  and  mantle  is 
punctuated  by  periodic 

injection  of  basaltic 

dikes  beneath  a 
symmetrical  rift  valley 

with  a  neovolcanic 

ridge  (A).  A  deeper, 
broader,  asymmetrical 
rift  valley  is  created  by 
concentrated  slip  on  a 
major  detachment  fault 

in  cooler  lithosphere 
(B),  for  example  section 
"C"on  the  left  figure  on 

page  52.  Episodes  of 

magmatic  (A)  and 
amagmatic  (B)  spread- 
ing may  alternate  over 
periods  of  a  few 

hundred  thousand 
years  in  the  same  ridge 

segment.  Adjacent 

spreading  segments 
may  be  as  different  as 

these  two  extreme 
examples  or  an 

intermediate  stage. 

Winter  1991/92 


In  the  past  few 
years,  seismic 

studies  have 



new  images  of 

the  oceanic 

crust's  internal 


Highly  Extended  Terranes 

In  both  oceanic  and  continental  rifts,  prolonged  periods  of  plate  separa- 
tion with  little  or  no  magmatic  activity  result  in  extreme  stretching  of  the 
crust  and  upper  mantle  as  described.  Such  highly  extended  terranes  are 
well  known  in  continental  areas  such  as  the  Basin  and  Range  Province  of 
the  western  US,  where  faulting  has  been  localized  along  individual  fault 
surfaces  called  "detachment  faults."  These  gently  inclined  dislocation 
surfaces  cut  across  rock  units  and  smaller  faults  of  the  upper  crust  that 
are  free  to  rotate  in  a  fragmented  upper  plate.  Beneath,  more  plastic  flow 
occurs  in  a  lower  plate. 

There  is  continuing  debate  concerning  the  inclination  of  these  faults 
when  they  were  actually  slipping.  One  school  of  thought  argues  that 
only  steep  faults  are  mechanically  feasible,  and  that  the  detachments 
were  formed  by  the  rotation  of  steep  fault  segments  that  coalesced  into  a 
single  longer  segment.  Others  propose  that  low-angle  detachments  have 
maintained  their  near-horizontal  attitude  as  fault  blocks  rotated  above 
them,  allowing  the  detachment  fault  and  lower-plate  rocks  to  come 
closer  to  Earth's  surface.  Still  another  hypothesis  holds  that  the  detach- 
ments are  individual  giant  faults,  along  which  lower-plate  rocks  have 
been  pulled  from  deep  beneath  the  overlying  upper  plate.  In  this  case, 
the  detachment  surface  would  be  warped  by  vertical  movements  driven 
by  gravitational  adjustments,  maintaining  a  gently  inclined  attitude. 

Regions  of  significant  stretching  also  appear  to  exist  along  mid- 
ocean-ridge  spreading  centers.  Like  continental  detachment  faults,  they 
are  marked  by  major  fault  surfaces  that  expose  deep  crustal  or  even 
upper-mantle  rocks  at  the  surface,  or  juxtapose  them  with  shallow-level 
rocks.  In  these  areas,  faulting  must  have  been  localized  along  single-fault 
surfaces  for  long  periods  of  time  as  plate  separation  continued.  As  a 
result,  2  to  5  kilometers  of  crustal  rocks  have  been  stripped  of  underlying 
deep-crustal  and  upper-mantle  materials. 

Unfortunately,  areas  of  such  exceptional  faulting  are  difficult  to  find. 
At  present,  there  is  no  unambiguous  link  between  the  morphology  of  the 
rift  valley  and  the  type  of  fault  structure  and  rocks  exposed  there.  This  is 
because  numerous  steep  faults  often  cut  and  break  up  the  large  detach- 
ment surfaces,  giving  even  highly  extended  rift  valleys  a  form  not  unlike 
their  less-stretched  cousins.  Studies  of  continental  rifts  show  that  earth- 
quakes detectable  with  conventional  instruments  occur  only  on  steeply 
inclined  faults.  Slip  on  buried,  low-angle  detachments  is  known  to  occur 
in  some  areas  from  the  study  of  surface  structures,  like  upper-crustal 
faulting.  Although  required  to  link  upper-crustal  faulting  to  flow  in  the 
lower  crust,  slip  on  such  surfaces  appears  to  occur  without  major  earth- 
quakes. In  the  oceans,  such  seismically  quiet  displacement  could  be 
taking  place  undetected,  because  we  have  no  detailed  seismic  studies  or 
maps  of  surface  faults. 

In  the  past  few  years,  seismic  reflection  studies  have  provided 
remarkable  new  images  of  the  oceanic  crust's  internal  structure.  One 
surprising  feature  of  these  sonograms  is  that  they  reveal  numerous  low- 
angle  reflectors  cutting  across  the  entire  crust  and  sometimes  intersecting 
the  surface  at  probable  fault  scarps.  These  structures  appear  to  be  major 
detachment  faults  in  the  oceanic  crust,  spaced  at  about  30-kilometer 



intervals.  This  translates  to  a  periodicity  for  major  faulting  and  magmatic 
events  of  about  300,000  years,  some  30  times  longer  than  estimates  based  on 
the  apparent  ages  of  lavas  in  the  median  valley  floor.  At  present,  the 
interpretation  of  these  features  (as  well  as  other  intracrustal  reflectors  )  is 
still  debated;  however,  considering  the  rift  valley's  presently  known 
geology,  detachment  faulting  is  the  most  logical  explanation. 

Detachment  faulting  is  also  the  most  likely  means  of  exposing 
coarse-grained  gabbroic  and  peridotitic  rocks  of  the  deep  crust  and 
upper  mantle  along  oceanic  rift  walls.  The  conditions  that  result  in 
extension  with  little  or  no  magmatism  could  conceivably  occur  in  any 
ridge  segment.  However,  persistently  cool  spots  along  the  spreading 
centers  would  be  very  likely  places  for  these  conditions.  The  intersec- 
tions between  rift  segments  and  oceanic  transform  faults  where  a  ridge 
axis  abuts  a  cold  transform-fault  wall  are  thought  to  be  lithospheric  cool 
spots  that  may  have  very  limited  magma  supplies.  They  are,  therefore, 
likely  places  for  this  type  of  extreme  faulting.  If  cool,  stretched  crust 
were  formed  at  a  ridge-transform  intersection,  it  would  pass  laterally 
along  a  transform  fault  and  become  the  wall  of  an  oceanic  fracture  zone. 
This  may  explain  the  common  occurrence  of  deep-level  rocks  along 
fracture  zones. 

Connecting  Structures 

Individual  rift  segments  are  connected  end-to-end  by  various  types  of 
linkages.  Some  are  discrete  crustal  faults  while  others  are  more  diffuse 
regions  of  bending  or  shattering.  These  features  can  be  considered 
collectively  as  "transfer  zones,"  a  term  first  used  to  describe  linkages  in 
compressed  and  folded  rocks  of  mountain  belts,  and  useful  to  describe 
the  geometry  and  kinematics  of  rift  linkages  as  well.  Transfer  zones  in 
continental  rifts  take  many  different  forms,  depending  upon  the  charac- 
ter of  the  faults  in  the  rift  segments  they  join.  The  diversity  of  fault 
structures  along  slow-spreading  ridges  suggests  that  transfer  zones  are 
important  components  of  rift  valleys.  For  example,  different  types  of 
transfer  zones  link  rift-segment  pairs  that  differ  in  amount  of  crustal 
stretching,  amount  and  timing  of  magmatic  events,  rate  of  stretching, 
and  style  of  faulting.  In  many  cases  asymmetrical  rift-wall  faults  overlap 
to  create  a  class  of  transfer  structures  referred  to  as  "accommodation 
zones"  that  are  typical  of  continental  rifts.  If  small  amounts  of  extension 
have  occurred,  simple  ramps  or  folds  may  suffice  to  transfer  the  effects 
of  faulting  from  one  rift  segment  to  the  next.  This  geometry  appears  to 
be  typical  of  many  oceanic  and  continental  rifts.  However,  major  faults 
with  large  horizontal  displacements  may  be  required  if  large  amounts  of 
extension  occur  in  even  one  segment.  The  well-known  transform  faults 
that  occur  along  spreading  centers  can  be  regarded  as  just  the  largest  of 
a  family  of  these  transfer  structures. 

The  asymmetry  of  the  median  valley  of  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  and 
the  geometry  of  steep  linear  slopes  that  suggest  major  faults  create  a 
pattern  very  similar  to  that  of  continental  rifts.  At  present,  however,  the 
details  of  fault  geometry  and  slip  directions  for  mid-ocean-ridge  spread- 
ing-center  segments  and  possible  linking  transfer  zones  are  almost 
completely  unknown.  The  morphologic  similarity,  however,  suggests 

Jlie  diversity 

of  fault 
along  slow- 
ridges  suggests 
that  transfer 
zones  are 
components  of 
rift  valleys. 

Winter  1991/92 



crust  is  likely  to 

be  uniform  and 


crust  is  apt  to 
be  much  more 

that  the  growing  body  of  detailed  information  on  continental-rift  faulting 
can  be  applied  at  least  in  a  general  way  to  slow-spreading  ridges. 

It  is  important  to  recognize  that  the  morphology  of  oceanic  and 
continental  rifts  is  not  necessarily  a  reliable  indicator  of  their  fault 
structures.  In  particular,  low-angle  faults  and  strike-slip  faults  that  do 
not  produce  significant  topographic  or  bathymetric  relief  are  difficult  to 
detect  with  remote  mapping  systems  such  as  multi-beam  echo  sounders, 
including  Sea  Beam,  or  sidescan  sonar  systems  like  Sea  MARC.  Thus,  the 
present  perception  of  oceanic  rift  structure  is  strongly  biased  by  steep 
faults  with  significant  vertical  offsets.  These  are  certainly  important 
components  of  oceanic  rifts;  however,  in  some  cases  they  represent  only 
a  small  amount  of  the  total  extension  revealed  by  fault  structures  and 
lithologic  associations  documented  by  detailed  near-bottom  investiga- 
tions. It  is  clear  that  mapping  seafloor  morphology  with  remote-sensing 
systems  will  not  be  sufficient  to  evaluate  the  geometry  and  extent  of 
faulting  for  segments  of  the  mid-ocean  ridge  system.  Much  more  de- 
tailed near-bottom  sampling  and  mapping  from  submersibles  such  as 
Alvin  or  remotely  operated  vehicles  like  Argo-Jason  will  be  required. 

Implications  of  Major  Faulting  on  Slow-Spreading  Ridges 

The  recognition  of  major  faulting  in  the  median  valley  of  slow-spreading 
ridges  has  some  important  implications  for  understanding  seafloor- 
spreading  processes  and  oceanic-crust  production  in  these  environments. 
First,  the  extreme  faulting  found  in  some  places,  like  the  MARK  area  and 
some  transform-valley  walls,  suggests  that  long  periods  (perhaps  as  long 
as  1  million  years)  of  plate  separation  occur  with  little  or  no  magmatic 
construction.  This  implies  that  long  magmatic  "droughts"  occur  at  least 
locally  along  the  ridge  axis,  contrasting  sharply  with  observations  on 
fast-spreading  ridges  that  suggest  a  persistent,  robust  magma  supply.  It 
follows  that  the  end  products  of  accretion  of  fast-  and  slow-spreading 
ridges  may  be  very  different  geologically.  Whereas  fast-spread  crust  is 
likely  to  be  characterized  by  a  generally  uniform  and  continuous  geo- 
logic structure,  slow-spread  crust  is  apt  to  be  much  more  heterogeneous. 
Swaths  of  slow-spread  crust  tens  of  kilometers  across  probably  resemble 
that  created  at  fast-spreading  ridges.  However,  if  the  geology  of  the 
present-day  median  valley  of  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  is  a  valid  guide  to 
slow-spreading  processes  in  general,  there  must  also  be  patches  of  highly 
disrupted  and  broken  crust  that  might  be  essentially  a  jumbled  mass  of 
faulted  oceanic  crustal  and  upper-mantle  blocks  that  are  locally  welded 
together  by  intrusive  dikes  and  lava  flows.  This  inference  must  somehow 
be  reconciled  with  the  well-documented  fact  that  the  seismic  structures 
of  fast-  and  slow-spread  crust  are  nearly  identical.  It  is  probable  that  the 
seismic  structure  is  dictated  by  fractures  and  rock  porosity  rather  than 
rock  compositions,  a  possibility  that  would  limit  the  usefulness  of 
seismic  studies  in  oceanic  geology  investigations. 

The  extreme  type  of  faulting  described  above  also  raises  some 
questions  regarding  the  origin  of  lineated  marine  magnetic  anomalies. 
How  can  they  persist  if  the  basaltic  layer  of  the  crust,  generally  thought 
to  be  the  source  of  magnetization,  is  highly  faulted  and  even  discontinu- 
ous? Typical  lineations  are  found  over  several  areas  where  basaltic  rocks 



have  been  faulted  away  to  expose  deep-crustal  or  even  upper-mantle 
rocks.  These  occurrences  suggest  that  magnetic  lineations  can  also  be 
produced  by  the  magnetization  of  metamorphosed  deep-crustal  and 
upper-mantle  material.  This  seems  feasible  if  the  magnetization  is 
acquired  during  faulting  close  to  the  median  valley,  the  same  place  the 
basalts  have  their  magnetization  frozen-in  during  normal  spreading. 

Faulting  produces  the  major  fracture  porosity  in  all  parts  of  Earth's 
crust.  If  the  fault  patterns  of  continental  rifts  can  be  used  as  a  template 
for  slow-spreading  ridges,  it  should  be  possible  to  predict  the  fault  and 
porosity  patterns  of  the  seafloor  at  least  in  a  general  way.  Faulting  and 
fracture  porosity  are  likely  to  control  the  locus  of  magmatism  and 
hydrothermal  venting  along  spreading  centers,  just  as  they  do  in  conti- 
nental settings.  This  relation  could  help  explain  patterns  of  volcanoes 
and  black  smoker  vents  that  are  just  beginning  to  emerge  from  near- 
bottom  studies,  and  might  even  prove  important  as  a  prospecting  tool 
for  spreading-center  ore  deposits. 

There  is  a  growing  awareness  that  fast-  and  slow-spreading  ridges 
function  in  very  different  ways.  The  sputtering  magma  supply  of  slow- 
spreading  ridges  results  in  substantial  periods  of  plate  separation  that 
involve  stretching  and  faulting  of  relatively  cool  oceanic  lithosphere  with 
little  or  no  magmatism.  The  fault  patterns  of  the  median  valley  appear  to 
mimic  those  of  continental  rifts;  however,  at  least  locally,  very  highly 
stretched  and  thinned  masses  of  crust  and  upper  mantle  occur.  The 
median-valley  geology  and  fault  structure  documented  by  near-bottom 
studies  predict  a  very  heterogeneous  geological  structure  in  slow-spread 
crust.  This  result  is  yet  to  be  clearly  defined  or  reconciled  with  the 
geophysical  expression  of  the  crust  away  from  spreading  centers.  Future 
studies  of  the  geometry  and  kinematics  of  faulting  on  slow-spreading 
ridges  will  determine  the  nature  of  faulting  over  much  larger  areas  than 
have  been  studied  to  date,  and  will  help  contribute  to  the  overall  under- 
standing of  how  the  lithosphere  is  pulled  apart  to  form  rifts  in  both  the 
continents  and  the  seafloor. 

Jeffrey  A.  Karson  is  an  Associate  Professor  in  the  Department  of  Geology  at 
Duke  University.  He  is  a  field-oriented  structural  geologist  who  has  studied  the 
nature  of  faulting  on  the  seafloor  at  both  fast-  and  slow-spreading  ridges  and 
associated  transform  faults  during  seven  diving  programs  using  DSV  Alvin  and 
other  submersibles.  He  maintains  a  parallel  research  program  in  the  East  African 
Rift  and  ophiolite  terranes. 

There  is  a 

awareness  that 

fast-  and  slow- 

ridges  function 
in  very 

different  ways. 

Winter  1991 192 



soon  realized 

that  a  relatively 

narrow  band  of 


could  be  traced 

through  many 

of  the  world's 

ocean  basins. 

Mid-Ocean  Ridge 

Eric  A.  Bergman 

he  earliest  observations  of  earthquakes  in  deep-ocean  basins 
were  reported  by  seamen  whose  ships  were  rocked  by 
undersea  disturbances,  and  by  residents  of  oceanic  islands 
such  as  the  Azores  and  Iceland.  Scholarly  studies  based  on 
eyewitness  accounts  of  so-called  "seaquakes"  began  in  the 
late  19th  century,  but  systematic  investigations  of  oceanic  seismicity  did 
not  begin  until  a  global  network  of  earthquake  observatories  was  estab- 
lished in  the  early  decades  of  this  century.  By  the  1920s  the  International 
Seismological  Summary  (ISS)  was  routinely  compiling  data  from  cooper- 
ating stations,  and  publishing  earthquake  locations.  Seismologists  soon 
realized  that  a  relatively  narrow  band  of  earthquakes  could  be  traced 
through  many  of  the  world's  ocean  basins.  The  earthquakes  were 
associated  with  the  mid-ocean  mountains  that  had  been  revealed  by 
early  oceanographic  surveys,  but  the  global  continuity  of  mid-ocean 
ridge  seismicity  was  not  demonstrated  until  the  mid-1950s. 

For  several  decades  after  these  initial  discoveries,  mid-oceanic 
earthquakes  attracted  relatively  little  research  interest.  Most  seismic 
stations  were  in  the  northern  hemisphere  and  most  instruments  recorded 
at  low  gains  (that  is,  the  signals  were  not  magnified).  As  a  result,  the 
long-distance,  or  teleseismic,  detection  threshold  varied  dramatically  in 
different  regions,  and  the  accuracy  for  locations  in  remote  oceanic  areas 
was  poor.  Magnitudes  could  be  estimated  only  for  the  largest  earth- 
quakes. Limited  knowledge  of  the  geology  of  the  mid-ocean  ridge 
system  also  inhibited  seismological  research. 

This  humble  status  began  to  change  in  the  late  1950s.  Seismology 
was  invigorated  by  the  emphasis  on  global  geophysical  observations 
during  the  1957-58  International  Geophysical  Year  (IGY)  project.  Also, 
deployment  of  new  seismic  stations  to  monitor  tests  of  nuclear  explo- 
sions resulted  in  improved  detection  and  location  capabilities  for  earth- 
quakes as  well.  In  addition,  the  introduction  of  computers  for  data 
processing  and  earthquake  location  made  global  monitoring  of  smaller 
earthquakes  possible. 

The  importance  of  mid-ocean  ridge  seismology  soared  in  the  late 
1960s,  when  it  provided  compelling  evidence  for  the  plate- tectonic 
hypothesis.  Growing  catalogs  of  accurately  located  earthquakes  brought 
clear  delineation  of  plate  boundaries  on  seismicity  maps,  and  first- 
motion  studies  confirmed  predictions  regarding  the  geometry  of  faulting 



at  different  types  of  plate  boundaries.  This  success  can  largely  be  attrib- 
uted to  the  establishment  in  1963  of  the  World-Wide  Standardized 
Seismograph  Network  (WWSSN),  a  global  network  of  about  100  seismic 
stations  equipped  with  well-calibrated  and  standardized  seismometers. 
The  improved  global  distribution  of  these  stations  and  their  relatively 
high  magnification  of  seismic  signals  significantly  lowered  the  detection 
threshold  in  oceanic  regions.  A  notable  advance  was  establishment  of  a 
central  archive  from  which  complete  seismograms  from  all  the  WWSSN 
stations  could  be  obtained  quickly.  For  the  first  time  it  became  relatively 
easy  for  a  researcher  to  collect  all  the  data  needed  for  a  detailed  source 
study  of  an  earthquake  almost  anywhere  in  the  world. 

Analytical  techniques  for  digitized  wave-form  seismic  data  (both 
body  and  surface  waves)  were  developed  in  the  1970s.  Except  that  they 
had  to  be  hand-digitized,  the  long-period  WWSSN  data  were  well-suited 
for  studies  on  the  moderate-sized  earthquakes  typical  of  mid-ocean 
ridges.  At  the  same  time,  the  first  digital  seismometers  were  deployed. 
These  stations  eliminated  the  unpleasant  task  of  digitizing  analog 
records  for  analysis,  but  the  early  instruments  were  best  suited  to 
earthquakes  that  were  larger  than  is  typical  for  mid-ocean  ridges.  Also, 
there  were  simply  too  few  stations  deployed  to  use  them  exclusively  for 
source  studies  in  most  areas.  This  situation  is  changing  rapidly:  Broad- 
banded  digital  stations  are  being  deployed  by  institutions  and  countries, 
with  the  goal  of  obtaining  global  coverage  at  least  as  good  as  what 
WWSSN  provided.  Seismologists  will  soon  have  the  luxury  of  working 
exclusively  with  digital  data  for  global  earthquakes  studies. 

With  the  proliferation  of  digital  seismic  stations,  digital  analysis 
techniques  for  earthquake  source  studies  have  become  quite  sophisti- 
cated. It  is  now  standard  practice  to  perform  a  formal  inversion  for 
source  parameters  such  as  depth,  focal  mechanism,  and  seismic  moment 
(a  measure  of  earthquake  size  that  has  many  advantages  over  magni- 
tude). Systematic  studies  of  mid-ocean  ridge  earthquakes  have  produced 
many  insights  concerning  the  tectonics  of  accreting  plate  boundaries. 
Application  of  these  techniques  is  still  limited  to  the  largest  mid-ocean 
ridge  earthquakes,  however;  further  progress  depends  on  improvements 
in  our  ability  to  study  smaller  earthquakes. 

Establishment  in  1964  of  the  International  Seismological  Centre  (ISC) 
stimulated  global  seismology  significantly.  The  ISC  collects  phase 
readings  from  thousands  of  seismic  stations,  associates  them  with 
particular  earthquakes,  locates  the  earthquakes,  and  publishes  the  data 
and  results  in  a  widely  circulated  bulletin.  A  whole  new  class  of  seismo- 
logical  research  is  based  on  the  availability  of  the  entire  ISC  data  set  since 
1964  in  machine-readable  format  (magnetic  tape  and  CD-ROM). 

Techniques  are  now  being  applied  to  mid-ocean  ridge  earthquakes 
that  improve  epicenter  location  for  smaller  earthquakes  and  help  to 
correlate  epicenters  with  geological  features.  These  techniques,  which 
simultaneously  locate  many  earthquakes  in  a  region,  provide  useful 
information  about  the  location  of  mid-ocean  ridge  earthquakes  with 
magnitudes  as  low  as  4.5  on  the  Richter  scale  (a  logarithmic  scale  of 
earthquake  magnitude  from  -3  to  9 — the  highest  recroding  to  date  is  8.9). 

In  the  1970s  we  began  to  study  smaller  oceanic  earthquakes  using 
temporary  (up  to  a  few  weeks)  deployments  of  sonobuoy  arrays  and 


studies  of  mid- 
ocean  ridge 
earthquakes  have 

produced  many 

concerning  the 
tectonics  of 

accreting  plate 

Winter  1991/92 


Tlie  maximum 

magnitude  of 



in  close 


with  spreading 

segments  is 

correlated  with 
spreading  rate. 

ocean-bottom  seismometer  (OBS)  and  hydrophone  arrays.  Epicenters 
and  focal  depths  can  be  determined  with  great  accuracy  for  microearth- 
quakes  occurring  within  the  array,  but  the  relatively  low  rate  of  occur- 
rence of  earthquakes  on  mid-ocean  ridges  and  the  technical  difficulty  of 
deploying  (and  recovering)  enough  instruments  to  permit  useful  seismo- 
logical  analysis  has  doomed  many  such  studies  to  disappointment. 
Progress  in  battery  and  data-storage  technology,  however,  is  extending 
deployment  times.  Technology  that  permits  rapid  deployment  of  seis- 
mometers on  targets  of  opportunity  will  play  a  significant  role  in  the 
future  of  mid-ocean  ridge  seismology. 

A  Note  on  the  Importance  of  Thermal  Structure:  Before  discussing  the 
characteristics  of  mid-ocean  ridge  earthquakes,  it  is  worth  emphasizing 
that  the  depth  distribution  of  earthquakes  is  closely  linked  to  the  thermal 
structure  of  the  lithosphere.  Earthquake  faulting  is  commonly  considered 
to  be  analogous,  if  not  identical,  to  the  phenomenon  of  brittle  failure, 
which  is  the  usual  mode  of  deformation  of  small  samples  of  crustal  and 
upper-mantle  rocks  at  low  temperatures.  At  sufficiently  high  tempera- 
tures, ductile  deformation  relieves  an  applied  stress  before  the  brittle- 
failure  limit  is  reached,  and  no  earthquakes  occur.  In  any  given  tectonic 
environment,  therefore,  the  depth  distribution  of  seismicity  provides 
information  about  the  thermal  structure.  Conversely,  prior  knowledge  of 
the  thermal  structure  can  be  used  to  interpret  the  seismic  data  more  fully. 

Earthquakes  on  Spreading  Ridges 

Given  the  difficulty  (so  far)  in  observing  an  actual  spreading  episode  on 
any  deep-ocean  ridge  segment,  earthquakes  are  perhaps  the  most 
dramatic  indicators  of  the  tectonic  processes  involved  in  the  creation  of 
new  oceanic  crust.  A  major  issue  in  mid-ocean  ridge  seismology  has  been 
the  extent  to  which  earthquakes  signal  active  magmatism  at  shallow 
crustal  levels.  The  observations  summarized  below  are  beginning  to 
reveal  the  answer  to  this  question,  but  much  work  remains  to  be  done. 

The  maximum  magnitude  of  earthquakes  occurring  in  close  associa- 
tion with  spreading  segments  of  the  mid-ocean  ridges,  so-called  "ridge- 
axis"  events  even  though  few  probably  occur  in  zero-age  (true  ridge  axis) 
crust,  is  strongly  correlated  with  spreading  rate.  At  slow-spreading 
ridges  with  well-developed  rift  mountains  and  a  median  valley,  such  as 
the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  (MAR),  earthquakes  reach  a  maximum  magni- 
tude of  about  6.0,  while  at  the  fast-spreading  ridges  of  the  East  Pacific 
Rise  (EPR),  very  few  earthquakes  reach  even  the  teleseismic  detection 
threshold,  about  4.7,  and  the  ridge  segments  appear  to  be  aseismic  on 
global  seismicity  maps.  Microearthquake  surveys  show  that  these  ridge 
crests  are  seismically  active  at  lower  magnitudes,  however. 

Ridge-axis  seismicity  frequently  occurs  as  swarms  of  earthquakes 
that  usually  last  a  day  or  two,  although  a  few  sequences  lasting  weeks 
are  known.  As  much  as  50  percent  of  the  ridge-axis  seismicity  is  esti- 
mated to  be  associated  with  this  sort  of  cluster,  so  understanding  the 
tectonic  significance  of  this  seismicity  is  an  important  research  goal. 
Because  swarm  seismicity  is  frequently  observed  in  terrestrial  volcanic 
centers,  ridge-axis  swarms  are  sometimes  thought  to  reveal  ongoing 






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Winter  1991/92 

The  seismically 
active  portion 
of  the  ridge  is 
about  10  to  20 
kilometers  wide, 
comparable  to 
the  median- 
valley  width. 

volcanism.  Many  characteristics  of  swarm  seismicity  on  the  MAR  are 
more  consistent,  however,  with  the  view  that  most  such  earthquakes  are 
expressions  of  extensional  tectonics,  in  particular,  formation  of  the  steep 
scarps  bounding  the  median  valley.  With  few  exceptions,  seismicity 
directly  related  to  ongoing  volcanism  probably  occurs  at  magnitudes 
below  the  teleseismic  detection  threshold;  this  is  one  of  the  reasons  for 
the  current  emphasis  on  monitoring  mid-ocean  ridge  seismicity  at 
microearthquake  magnitudes. 

Ridge-axis  seismicity  is  well  correlated  with  the  segmentation  of 
slow-spreading  ridges,  which  is  revealed  by  bathymetric,  magnetic,  and 
gravity  data.  The  larger  swarms  sometimes  extend  for  several  tens  of 
kilometers  along  the  axis,  but  the  length  of  individual  fault  scarps 
seldom  exceeds  about  10  kilometers.  Together  with  the  limit  on  depth  of 
faulting  discussed  below,  this  fact  largely  explains  the  upper  limit  on 
magnitude  (about  6.0)  for  MAR  ridge-axis  earthquakes.  The  seismically 
active  portion  of  the  ridge  is  about  10  to  20  kilometers  wide,  comparable 
to  the  median-valley  width.  Few  earthquakes  are  located  beyond  the  rift- 
mountain  crests,  except  for  relatively  rare  intraplate  events  farther  from 
the  ridge. 

Studies  of  the  depth  ranges  of  seismic  activity  show  that  earthquakes 
of  all  magnitudes  are  generally  confined  to  the  upper  8  to  10  kilometers 
of  slow-spreading  ridge  segments,  and  the  depth  limit  becomes  shal- 
lower with  increasing  spreading  rate.  The  depth  limit  on  ridge-axis 
earthquakes  reflects  the  depth  of  a  limiting  isotherm  that  is  determined 
by  the  balance  between  heat  input  from  the  upper  mantle  and  heat 
removal  from  the  upper  few  kilometers  of  the  crust  by  hydrothermal 
circulation.  At  higher  spreading  rates,  the  increased  heat  input  reduces 
the  volume  of  crust  capable  of  supporting  brittle  failure  to  the  point 
where  no  earthquakes  that  can  be  detected  from  land-based  seismic 
stations  occur. 

To  explain  the  seismological  observations  summarized  here,  as  well 
as  other  types  of  geophysical  studies  on  mid-ocean  ridges,  a  current 
hypothesis  holds  that  the  median  valley  of  slow-spreading  ridges  is 
formed  by  the  necking  of  a  mechanically  strong  brittle  lithosphere  under 
regional  horizontal  extension,  and  that  the  thickness  of  this  necking  zone 
corresponds  to  the  maximum  depth  of  seismic  activity.  When  mid-ocean 
ridge  seismicity  is  analyzed  with  this  model,  seismogenic  extension  in 
the  median  valley  is  found  to  account  for  about  20  percent  (at  most)  of 
the  plate-separation  rate.  The  remainder  must  be  taken  up  by 
nonseismogenic  processes,  notably  the  creation  of  new  ridge-axis  crust 
by  volcanic  activity. 

Transform  Fault  Earthquakes 

Transform  faults  are  the  most  seismically  active  portions  of  the  mid- 
ocean  ridge  system.  Even  at  high  spreading  rates,  where  ridge-axis 
seismicity  apparently  vanishes,  transforms  are  usually  well  defined  by 
earthquake  epicenters.  Transform  faults  also  produce  significantly  larger 
earthquakes  than  ridge  segments,  commonly  up  to  about  magnitude  7. 
Perhaps  the  most  important  parameter  controlling  earthquake  size  on  a 
transform  is  the  age  offset,  that  is,  the  age  of  the  lithosphere  opposite 
each  ridge-transform  intersection.  Given  two  transforms  with  equal 



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Oceanus  magazine 

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Oceanus  magazine 

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lengths  but  different  age  offsets,  the  transform  with  the  greater  age  offset 
should  support  larger  earthquakes  because  the  isotherm  that  limits  the 
maximum  depth  of  faulting  on  the  transform  will  be  deeper. 

Early  first-motion  studies  of  transform  earthquakes  revealed  strike- 
slip  faulting  on  near-vertical  fault  planes,  striking  parallel  to  the  direc- 
tion of  plate  motion.  Detailed  source  studies  using  wave-form  inversion 
methods  generally  confirm  these  results.  All  known  strike-slip  events 
have  a  sense  of  slip  that  is  consistent  with  the  transform  hypothesis,  but 
it  appears  that  there  are  exceptions  to  the  "near-vertical  fault  plane" 
observations:  two  large  events  on  the  western  end  of  the  Vema  Trans- 
form (10°N  on  the  MAR)  both  have  fault  planes  that  dip  into  the  north, 
toward  younger  lithosphere,  at  angles  of  50°  to  60°  from  the  horizontal. 
Also,  several  cases  of  transform  earthquakes  with  largely  compressed  or 
extensional  focal  mechanisms  are  known,  and  complex  rupture  histories 
are  rather  common  in  the  larger  strike-slip  earthquakes.  The  main  pulse 
of  rupture  is  often  preceded  or  followed  closely  by  smaller  pulses  that 
sometimes  appear  to  have  a  faulting  geometry  different  from  that  of  the 
main  rupture.  Dip-slip  faulting,  whether  expressed  as  a  subevent  during 
a  dominantly  strike-slip  transform  event,  or  as  an  individual  earthquake, 
is  thought  to  be  caused  by  heterogeneities  in  the  fault  system  on  which 
transform  motion  occurs.  These  narrow  (less  than  about  5  kilometers) 
zones  apparently  migrate  within  the  larger  transform  valley  in  response 
to  variations  in  the  regional  crustal  structure  and  stress  system. 

The  observed  segmentation  of  many  transforms  raises  the  issue  of 
whether  an  entire  transform  ever  slips  in  a  single  earthquake.  Such 
events  appear  to  be  rare.  Shorter  transforms  with  relatively  linear  fault 
zones  would  be  the  most  likely  candidates  for  a  "home  run"  of  this  sort, 
but  the  largest  earthquakes  generally  occur  on  the  longest  transforms. 
Long  transforms  are  likely  to  develop  heterogeneities  that  would  tend  to 
prevent  a  rupture,  once  initiated,  from  propagating  to  both  ends  of  the 
fault  zone.  For  example,  the  largest  transform  earthquake  in  the  last 
three  decades  on  the  northern  MAR,  a  magnitude-7  event  on  the  Vema 
Transform  in  1962,  has  a  rupture  length  of  about  40  kilometers,  com- 
pared to  the  300  kilometer  length  of  the  transform.  It  is  not  even  clear 
that  the  entire  length  of  all  transforms  produces  large  earthquakes.  Most 
transforms  contain  sections  that  have  not  slipped  during  the  few  decades 
for  which  reliable  records  are  available. 

The  depths  of  large,  shallow,  strike-slip  earthquakes  are  especially 
difficult  to  determine  using  wave-form  analysis  techniques.  The  trans- 
form events  that  have  been  studied  with  these  methods  all  appear  to 
rupture  through  to  the  seafloor,  but  for  some  events  only  an  upper 
bound  on  the  maximum  faulting  depth  can  be  assigned.  Large  transform 
events  on  the  MAR  north  of  the  equator  appear  to  involve  rupture  no 
deeper  than  15  to  20  kilometers.  The  depth-limiting  isotherm  appears  to 
be  900°  plus  or  minus  100°C  for  most  of  these  transforms.  Depths  of 
transform  earthquakes  in  the  Gulf  of  California  are  consistent  with  a 
limiting  isotherm  of  about  800°C.  Recent  large  earthquakes  on  the  15°20' 
Transform  appear  to  be  an  exception  to  this  pattern,  however;  they  have 
maximum  depths  of  faulting  of  about  10  kilometers,  corresponding  to  a 
nominal  isotherm  of  about  600°C.  One  explanation  for  this  observation  is 
that  the  limiting  isotherm  for  this  transform  may  be  at  shallower  depths 
than  calculated  from  a  standard  thermal  model;  this  could  reflect  recent 

The  largest 


earthquake  in 

the  last  three 

decades  on 

the  northern 


Ridge  ivas  a 


event  on  the 

Vema  Transform 

in  1962. 

Winter  1991/92 











Several  approaches  are 
being  investigated  for 

deploying  high- 
dynamic  range,  broad- 
band seismometers  in 
deep  ocean  basins  for 

the  Ocean  Seismic 
Network.  These  types 
of  instruments  would 

greatly  enhance  the 
ability  to  monitor  mid- 
ocean  ridge  seismicity. 

changes  thought  to  have  occurred  in 
the  geometry  and  location  of  the 
North  America-South  America- 
Africa  triple-plate  junction. 

Few  microearthquake  surveys 
are  available  for  transforms,  but  a  re- 
cent study  on  the  Kane  Transform 
produced  two  surprising  results:  the 
microearthquake  activity  was  con- 
centrated off  the  expected  zone  of 
transform  motion,  both  to  the  north 
and  south;  and  the  focal  mechanisms 
of  the  microearthquakes  indicated 
normal  faulting  and  strike-slip  fault- 
ing (inconsistent  with  transform  mo- 
tion) with  the  axis  of  horizontal  ex- 
tension oriented  across  the  transform. 
Proposed  geodynamic  models  pre- 
dict stress  fields  in  the  vicinity  of 
oceanic  transforms,  but  the  underly- 
ing theory  is  controversial  and  there 
is  little  evidence  available  to  test  the 
hypothesis.  Further  microearthquake 
studies  are  needed  to  determine 
whether  the  observations  on  the 
Kane  Transform  are  representative  of 
oceanic  transforms. 
Transform  faults  are  an  end  member  of  a  spectrum  of  geologic 
features  associated  with  offsets  of  mid-ocean  ridge  spreading  segments. 
Little  is  known  about  the  seismicity  associated  with  very  small  offsets. 
From  a  seismological  point  of  view,  it  is  natural  to  define  a  transform  as 
an  offset  capable  of  producing  an  earthquake  with  the  characteristic 
strike-slip  focal  mechanism.  This  definition  may  not  be  consistent  with 
one  based  on  morphology;  the  issue  has  yet  to  be  investigated.  Obstacles 
to  such  a  study  include  obtaining  sufficiently  accurate  epicenters  to 
unequivocally  place  earthquakes  on  small  ridge  offsets  and  the  lack  of  a 
reliable  means  to  determine  focal  mechanisms  for  earthquakes  with 
magnitudes  less  than  about  5. 

The  Future 

The  continued  application  of  modern  seismological  analysis  techniques 
for  improved  location  and  source  studies  will  undoubtedly  help  to 
clarify  some  of  these  issues.  The  next  significant  pulse  of  activity  in  mid- 
ocean  ridge  seismology  is  likely  to  be  driven,  however,  by  technologies 
and  observing  programs  that  allow  earthquakes  to  be  studied  at  lower 
magnitudes  than  is  possible  with  any  conceivable  land-based  seismo- 
graph system,  and  for  longer  times  and  over  wider  areas  than  is  possible 
with  the  current  ship-deployed  OBS  technology. 

One  current  plan  for  monitoring  the  seismicity  of  selected  mid-ocean 
ridge  segments  at  magnitude  levels  well  below  the  teleseismic  threshold 
makes  use  of  waterborne  T-phase  data  recorded  at  permanent  hydro- 



phone  arrays  operated  by  the  US  Navy.  These  data  would  be  especially 
valuable  for  monitoring  swarm  seismicity  that  may  indicate  active 
volcanism.  Researchers  are  also  discussing  strategies  for  responding 
rapidly  and  effectively  to  such  events  when  they  are  observed.  A  recent 
successful  response  to  earthquake  swarms  on  the  Reykjanes  Ridge 
included  dropping  sonobuoys  and  other  geophysical  instruments  from 
long-range  military  patrol  planes  flying  from  Iceland,  and  diverting 
oceanographic  research  vessels  that  happened  to  be  in  the  area  (see  Box 
on  page  23). 

Permanent  seafloor  geophysical  observatories  are  also  on  the  hori- 
zon. In  some  plans,  instruments  would  be  deployed  autonomously  on 
the  seafloor  or  in  boreholes,  in  others  they  would  be  attached  to  old 
undersea  telephone  cables  that  have  been  converted  for  scientific  use. 
One  such  cable  crosses  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  in  the  FAMOUS  region  near 
37°N.  If  these  technologies  are  developed  and  deployed,  they  will  undoubt- 
edly spark  a  new  round  of  interest  in  mid-ocean  ridge  seismology. 

Eric  A.  Bergman  is  a  Geophysicist  at  the  National  Earthquake  Information  Center 
of  the  US  Geological  Survey.  His  research  interests  include  the  seismotectonics 
of  oceanic  mid-ocean  ridges  and  intraplate  regions,  analysis  techniques  for 
improved  determination  of  earthquake  locations  and  source  characteristics,  and 
the  state  of  stress  in  the  lithosphere.  He  is  currently  active  in  the  International 
Seismological  Observing  Period  Project,  a  program  to  coordinate  and  enhance 
the  observational  activities  of  seismic  observatories  worldwide. 

Seabeam  Maps  of 
the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  Available 

A  limited  number  of  copies  are  available 

of  a  map  series  that  covers 

the  crest  of  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge 

between  latitudes  24°-31°N. 

The  Seabeam  data  are  presented  at  a  contour  interval  of  50  meters  and  a  scale  of  30  inches  per 
degree  of  longitude  in  a  series  of  eleven  color  plates  each  measuring  approximately  36  by  42  inches. 
These  are  reprints  of  the  maps  published  in  Marine  Geophysical  Researches,  Volume  12,  pages  247- 
252,  1990.  They  are  suitable  both  for  original  studies  of  the  morphological  characteristics  of  slow- 
spreading  ridges  and  for  teaching  practical  classes  in  the  understanding  and  interpretation  of  high 
resolution  multibeam  bathymetry  data. 

Upon  request,  copies  of  these  maps  will  be  mailed  at  no  cost  to  U.S.  academic  institutions  or 
Government  agencies,  providing  a  brief  statement  is  supplied  that  describes  their  intended  use. 
Multiple  copies  are  available  for  teaching  purposes  if  a  clear  statement  of  the  nature  of  the  course  is 
provided.   Requests  from  outside  the  U.S.  will  be  honored  only  if  resources  permit.   Please  send 
requests  to: 

Dr.  G.M.  Purdy,  Department  of  Geology  and  Geophysics, 
Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution,  Woods  Hole,  MA,  02543. 

Winter  1991/92 




transfer  large 

amounts  of 

heat  and  mass 

from  Earth's 

interior  to 

the  oceans. 

Vent  Systems 

Margaret  K.  Tivey 

t's  difficult  to  imagine  that  just  15  years  ago  no  one  had  ever  seen 
a  "black  smoker  chimney;"  now  they  seem  to  be  found  at  mid- 
ocean  ridge  crests  whenever  we  take  a  close  look.  Black  smoker 
chimney  is  the  term  used  to  describe  a  smokestacklike  structure 
composed  of  sulfide  and  sulfate  minerals.  "Black  smoke"  refers 
to  the  abundance  of  dark  particulates  that  form  when  extremely  hot 
(350°C)  hydrothermal  fluid  rapidly  exits  the  chimney  opening  and  mixes 
with  cold  (2°C)  seawater.  These  chimneys,  which  would  draw  attention 
no  matter  what  the  setting,  are  all  the  more  spectacular  since  they  cap 
seafloor  hydrothermal  vent  sites  that  are  oases  of  activity  on  the  other- 
wise rather  barren  terrain  of  mid-ocean  ridge  crests. 

Hydrothermal  systems  transfer  large  amounts  of  heat  and  mass  from 
Earth's  interior  to  the  oceans.  Fluids  exiting  the  chimneys  are  metal-rich, 
hot,  and  acidic,  and  vent  at  velocities  on  the  order  of  meters  per  second. 
A  striking  feature  of  black  smoker  chimneys  is  how  remarkably  thin 
their  walls  are:  They  vary  in  thickness  from  about  5  inches  to  as  little  as 
.25  of  an  inch.  Across  this  thin  layer  is  a  temperature  difference  of  300°C 
or  greater,  and  similar  steep  elemental  composition  gradients  also  exist. 
Chimney  structures  are  thus  fascinating  subjects  for  scientific  study. 
Many  questions  come  to  mind  when  first  seeing  these  chimneys  in  action 
such  as, 

Where  is  all  the  fluid  coming  from? 
Why  is  it  flowing  so  fast? 
How  did  it  get  so  hot? 
Where  did  all  the  particulates  come  from? 
How  do  the  chimneys  form?  And  equally  puzzling, 
Why  did  it  take  so  long  to  find  them? 

The  existence  of  large-scale  hydrothermal  convection  (fluid  circula- 
tion) within  oceanic  crust  near  mid-ocean  ridges  was  predicted  in  the 
mid-1960s,  more  than  a  decade  before  the  first  discoveries  of  active 
vents.  It  was  recognized  that  oceanic  crust  could  act  as  a  porous  me- 
dium, a  magma  chamber  or  newly  solidified  rock  as  a  heat  source,  and 
seawater  as  a  convecting  fluid.  But  at  this  time,  ridge  crests  were  not  well 
explored  on  the  scale  of  tens  of  meters,  the  size  of  most  vent  fields.  In 
1977,  active  hydrothermal  vents  on  mid-ocean  ridge  crests  were  first 
discovered  on  the  Galapagos  Rift,  venting  warm  (25°C)  fluid.  The  first 
discovery  of  high-temperature  fluids  actively  forming  chimneylike 



mineral  deposits  occurred  in  1979  on  the  East  Pacific  Rise  at  21  °N.  Since 
then  numerous  additional  seafloor  vent  sites  have  been  discovered  in  both 
the  Pacific  and  Atlantic  oceans.  All  detailed  studies  of  vent  sites  have 
employed  submersibles  to  photograph  and  map  vent  fields,  measure 
temperatures  of  fluids,  collect  fluids,  and  recover  fragile  chimney  samples. 

Where  Is  All  the  Fluid  Coming  From? 
Why  Does  It  Circulate? 
How  Does  It  Get  So  Hot? 

At  all  of  these  locations,  the  general  processes 
of  porous  media  convection,  interaction 
between  fluid  and  rock,  and  mineral  deposi- 
tion are  similar.  The  schematic  cross-sectional 
view  across  a  ridge  axis  shows  the  ridge  axis 
underlain  by  a  heat  source,  either  a  magma 
chamber  or  newly  solidified  hot  rock.  The 
overlying  crust,  formed  by  volcanic  activity,  is 
permeable,  owing  to  contraction  and  cracking 
as  it  cools.  Seawater  percolates  down  into  these 
cracks,  and  circulates  through  hot  basalt.  Heat 
is  transferred  from  the  hot  rock  to  the  fluid. 

As  water  is  heated,  its  physical  properties 
change.  It  expands,  becoming  less  dense,  and 
its  viscosity  decreases,  so  that  it  flows  more 
easily.  If  this  circulation  occurred  on  land, 
drastic  changes  would  occur  when  the  tem- 
perature of  the  water  reached  100°C,  the 
boiling  point  of  water.  But  at  the  depth  of  mid- 
ocean  ridge  crests,  2,000  to  4,000  meters  below 
sea  level,  at  pressures  of  200  to  400  bars,  the 
boiling  point  of  seawater  is  much  higher.  Fluid 
can  reach  temperatures  as  high  as  350°C 
without  boiling.  (The  boiling  point  of  seawater 
is  370°C  at  a  pressure  of  200  bars,  and  404°C  at 

300  bars.)  Fluid  of  this  temperature  is  extremely  buoyant,  with  a  density 
less  than  seven-tenths  that  of  seawater.  If  this  fluid  finds  an  open  path  to 
the  seafloor,  for  instance  a  large  open  crack,  or  a  series  of  interconnected 
cracks  and  void  spaces,  it  will  rise  rapidly  to  the  surface. 

How  Do  the  Fluids  Become  Metal-Rich?  Where  Do  the 
Particulates  Come  From?  How  Do  Chimneys  Form? 

As  the  fluid  circulates  within  the  crust,  it  interacts  with  basaltic  rock  at 
high  temperatures.  Clay  and  sulfate  minerals  precipitate  from  seawater 
as  it  is  initially  heated,  resulting  in  a  modified  fluid  with  little  to  no 
magnesium  or  sulfate,  ions  that  are  abundant  in  seawater.  At  higher 
temperatures,  metals,  silica,  and  sulfide  are  leached  from  the  rock.  The 
result  is  a  hot,  acidic  (low  pH)  fluid  with  abundant  silica,  hydrogen 
sulfide,  and  metals,  relative  to  seawater. 

The  hot,  buoyant,  metal-rich  fluid  exits  the  seafloor  at  velocities  on 
the  order  of  meters  per  second.  When  hydrothermal  fluid  mixes  with 

A  black  smoker 

chimney  from  the  East 

Pacific  Rise  at  21° N 

vents  350°  fluid  at 

velocities  on  the  order 

of  1  to  5  meters  per 

second.  Tlie  plume  of 

black  particulates 

(smoke)  forms  when  the 

hot,  low  pH  vent  fluid 

mixes  turbulent!}/  with 

the  surrounding  cold, 

higher-pH  water. 

Winter  1991/92 



Fluid/  Rock 





A  schematic  cross 

section  of  a  sen  floor 

hydrothermal  system 

shows  an  impermeable 

heat  source  (magma 

chamber  or  hot  rocks) 

overlain  by  permeable 

ocean  crust  at  an 

unsedimented  ridge 

crest.  Fluid  circulates 

within  the  crust,  driven 

by  temperature 

differences.  During  this 

circulation  seawater  is 

modified  by  fluid /rock 

interaction  to  hot, 

metal-rich  fluid  that  is 

buoyant,  and  vents  on 

the  seafloor. 

seawater,  changes  in  pH  and 
temperature  result  in  the  precipi- 
tation of  minerals,  the  formation 
of  black  smoke,  and  black 
smoker  chimneys.  Black  smoke  is 
composed  dominantly  of  fine- 
grained sulfide  and  oxide 
minerals  (pyrrhotite,  chalcopy- 
rite, sphalerite,  and  amorphous 
iron  oxides).  Black  smoker 
chimneys  are  concentric  hollow 
spires  up  to  20  feet  high,  with 
inner  channels  .5  to  4  inches  in 
diameter,  that  vent  fluid  in 
excess  of  300°C.  Early  stages  of 
black  smoker  chimney  growth 
involve  emplacement  of  an 
anhydrite-rich  wall  around  the 
vent  opening.  Anhydrite  (cal- 
cium sulfate)  precipitates  when 
seawater,  rich  in  calcium  and 
sulfate,  and  hydrothermal  fluid, 
rich  in  calcium  but  depleted  with 
respect  to  sulfate,  mix.  Anhydrite 
is  an  unusual  mineral  that  is 
more  soluble  at  low  tempera- 
tures than  at  high  temperatures.  In  seawater,  it  is  saturated  (and  there- 
fore should  precipitate)  at  temperatures  above  approximately  150°C. 
Once  a  wall  is  formed  around  the  vent  opening,  mixing  between  hydro- 
thermal  fluid  and  seawater  is  restricted.  The  wall  gradually  becomes  less 
permeable  as  hydrothermal  fluid  and  seawater  mix  through  the  wall, 
and  sulfide  and  sulfate  minerals  precipitate.  The  inner  side  of  the  wall  is 
in  contact  with  hydrothermal  fluid  and  chalcopyrite  is  deposited  on  this 
surface.  The  result  is  a  concentrically  zoned  structure  with  an  inner 
channel  lined  with  chalcopyrite,  and  outer  layers  composed  of  varying 
amounts  of  anhydrite,  and  iron,  copper-iron,  and  zinc  sulfide  minerals  (such 
as  pyrite  and  marcasite,  chalcopyrite,  bornite,  sphalerite,  and  wurtzite). 

Variations  Among  Vent  Sites 

Black  smoker  chimneys,  and  fluids  with  temperatures  in  excess  of  300°C, 
are  found  at  most  active  vent  sites,  reflecting  the  similarities  in  the 
general  processes  of  fluid  circulation  and  mineral  deposition  occurring  at 
unsedimented  mid-ocean  ridge  crests.  Details  of  these  processes,  how- 
ever, vary,  resulting  in  distinct  fluid  compositions,  and  differences  in  the 
mineralogy,  size,  and  gross  morphology  of  the  hydrothermal  deposits. 
Sizes  of  vent  deposits  range  from  relatively  small  (fields  about  10  meters 
in  diameter)  to  those  that  resemble  ore  deposits  exposed  on  land  (up  to 
200  meters  in  diameter).  Variations  also  exist  in  fluid  composition, 
maximum  fluid  temperature,  mineralogy,  shape  of  deposits,  and  geo- 
logic setting.  While  the  past  decade  of  research  focused  on  sampling  the 
highest  temperature  fluids  present  at  each  site  and  the  associated  min- 



eral  precipitates,  the  focus  is  now  shifting  toward  understanding  the 
causes  of  variations  and  differences  among  vent  sites. 

Fluid  Composition,  All  of  the  solutions  sampled  at  vent  sites  on 
unsedimented  ridge  crests  are  acidic,  sulfide-rich,  and  capable  of  carry- 
ing large  amounts  of  ore-forming  elements.  Fluid  composition  differs 
from  site  to  site  with  respect  to  concentrations  of  chloride,  metals, 
hydrogen  sulfide,  silica,  and  carbon  dioxide,  as  well  as  pH  and  tempera- 
ture. These  variations  reflect  differences  in  fluid/rock  interactions, 
including  the  amount  of  fluid  being  seen  by  each  piece  of  rock  during 
fluid  circulation,  depth  of  circulation  and  reaction,  mineral  assemblages 
present  at  each  depth,  and  temperatures  of  reaction.  Fluid  composition 
can  also  be  affected  by  processes  occurring  near  the  surface:  Fluid  can  be 
cooled  and  minerals  deposited  directly  beneath  the  seafloor,  either  by 
conduction  (heat  loss,  with  no  addition  of  cold  seawater)  or  from  mixing 
with  cold  seawater. 

Within  each  vent  site  there  is  a  range  of  exiting  fluid  temperatures, 
compositions,  and  velocities.  Scientists  hypothesize  that  at  each  vent  site 
there  is  one  highest  temperature,  or  end-member  solution,  and  that 
ranges  in  temperature  and  composition  within  the  vent  field  can  be 
accounted  for  either  by  conductive  cooling  of  the  end-member  solution, 
or  mixing  of  the  solution  with  seawater. 

Size  and  Shape  of  Deposits.  Vent  sites  on  the  East  Pacific  Rise  at  21  °N 
were  the  first  ones  analyzed  for  both  fluid  chemistry  and  mineralogy, 
and  are  (to  some  extent)  the  type  of  vent  system  that  all  other  systems 
are  compared  to.  At  21  °N,  chimney  structures  are  up  to  6  meters  high, 
and  have  open  channels  1  to  10 
centimeters  in  diameter  that  are 
lined  with  chalcopyrite.  Maximum 
fluid  temperatures  are  350°C,  and 
flow  velocities  range  from  1  to  5 
meters  per  second.  The  chimneys 
sit  on  top  of  low-lying  basal 
mounds.  The  surfaces  of  these 
mounds  are  comprised  of  fine- 
grained sulfide-rich  mud  and 
partially  oxidized  sulfide-rich 
fragments,  some  of  which  appear 
to  be  pieces  of  fallen  chimneys.  The 
interiors  of  the  mounds  have  not 
been  sampled  or  studied  in  detail.  When  they  are  ruptured,  small  black 
smokers  form,  suggesting  that  the  temperature  of  fluid  circulating  within 
the  mounds  is  high.  The  vent  deposits  are  spaced  along  the  center  of  a 
narrow  (5-kilometer  wide)  axial  valley  at  100-  to  1,000-meter  intervals, 
and  are  located  on  fresh  lava  flows.  At  each  of  these  sites  the  amount  of 
heat  being  transported  from  Earth's  interior  to  the  ocean  is  very  large, 
yet  the  amount  of  metal-rich  minerals  deposited  is  small  relative  to  ore 
deposits  exposed  on  land.  It  is  not  clear  whether  these  deposits  will  ever 
grow  to  a  large  size;  whether  they  are  truly  analogous  to  ore  deposits  is 
thus  open  to  question. 

The  vent  sites  with  fluid  chemistry  most  different  from  21  °N  are 
those  on  the  southern  Juan  de  Fuca  Ridge.  These  vent  sites  are  both 

Location  of  known 
seafloor  Jn/drothermal 

vent  sites  (dosed 
triangles)  are  shown 
below.  Solid  lines 
indicate  ridges.  The 
lack  of  known  sites  on 
ridge  crests  in  the 
South  Pacific  and 
Indian  oceans,  and 
along  much  of  the  Mid- 
Atlantic  Ridge,  is 
indicative  of  areas  that 

have  not  been  ad- 
equately explored.  SJFR 
indicates  Southern 
Juan  de  Fuca  Ridge, 
EPR  indicates  East 
Pacific  Rise. 




Winter  1991/92 


Tlie  vent  site 

most  analogous 

to  ore  deposits 


on  land  is  the 

active  TAG 

mound  located 

at  26°N  on  the 



similar  and  different  when  compared  to  those  on  the  East  Pacific  Rise. 
On  the  southern  Juan  de  Fuca  Ridge,  chimneys  and  spires  are  the 
dominant  form  of  mineral  deposition,  and  vent  sites  are  located  in  the 
center  of  the  axial  valley  on  fresh  basalt.  The  morphology  and  mineral- 
ogy of  the  chimneys,  however,  differ  from  those  at  21  °N.  In  general  the 
chimneys  are  small  (2  to  6  feet  tall),  and  instead  of  exhibiting  strong 
concentric  zonation  around  a  large  open  channel,  they  are  texturally 
more  complex  and  contain  multiple  small  (1-  to  10-millimeter-diameter) 
fluid  channels.  Flow  rates  are  less  than  at  21  °N.  Mineralogy  is  dominated  by 
zinc  sulfide  (wurtzite  and  sphalerite)  instead  of  copper-iron  sulfide,  and  the 
innermost  copper-rich  layer  that  is  common  in  East  Pacific  Rise  chimneys  is 
absent.  Some  of  these  differences  are  accounted  for  by  the  lower  tempera- 
ture (less  than  300°C)  and  different  composition  of  the  venting  fluid  that  is 
forming  the  deposits,  the  most  striking  of  which  is  the  chlorinity:  Chloride 
concentration  is  up  to  twice  that  of  sea  water,  and  metal  concentrations 
(except  copper)  are  also  high  since  metals  are  present  in  solution  as  chloride 
complexes  (for  example,  iron  chloride,  lead  chloride,  and  zinc  chloride). 
Low  copper  content  could  reflect  that  either  the  temperature  of  the  fluids 
never  got  high  enough  to  leach  copper  from  basaltic  rock  during  fluid 
circulation,  or  that  copper-iron  sulfides  had  been  deposited  in  the  subsur- 
face directly  beneath  the  vent  sites.  Again,  as  with  the  deposits  at  21  °N,  the 
amount  and  distribution  of  material  deposited  on  the  southern  Juan  de  Fuca 
Ridge  is  not  currently  analogous  to  ore  deposits. 

The  vent  site  most  analogous  to  ore  deposits  exposed  on  land  is  the 
active  TAG  (Trans-Atlantic  Geotraverse)  mound  located  at  26°N  on  the 
Mid- Atlantic  Ridge.  The  irony  of  this  is  that  in  the  early  1980s  research- 
ers felt  that  the  slow-spreading  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  could  not  sustain 
high-temperature  hydrothermal  activity.  Hydrothermal  systems  transfer 
large  amounts  of  heat  from  magma  or  newly  solidified  rock;  on  slow- 
spreading  ridges  (spreading  at  a  half-rate  of  13  millimeters  per  year  as 
opposed  to  30  millimeters  per  year  at  21  °N),  such  heat  was  not  thought 
to  be  available.  The  TAG  mound,  however,  is  not  only  active,  but  larger 
in  diameter  by  an  order  of  magnitude  than  mounds  at  sites  in  the  faster- 
spreading  Pacific  Ocean. 

The  active  TAG  mound  is  200  to  250  meters  in  diameter  and  is 
located  at  the  east  side  of  a  wide  axial  valley  that  is  coated  with  carbon- 
ate sediment.  The  outer  low-lying  portion  of  the  mound  is  composed  of 
carbonate  ooze,  metalliferous  sediment,  sulfide  blocks,  and  basalt  talus. 
The  inner  portion  of  the  mound  is  150  to  170  meters  in  diameter,  and  is 
covered  entirely  with  hydrothermal  precipitates.  The  edges  of  the  inner 
mound  are  steep  talus  slopes  of  sulfide  and  iron-oxide  material  that  rise 
20  meters  above  the  outer  mound.  The  center  of  the  mound  is  dominated 
by  a  cluster  of  black  smoker  chimneys  venting  fluid  at  temperatures  up 
to  363°C.The  composition  of  this  fluid  is  similar  to  fluids  from  the  East 
Pacific  Rise  vent  sites.  The  chimneys  are  chalcopyrite  and  anhydrite  rich, 
and  sit  atop  a  10-  to  20-meter  high,  40-  to  50-meter-diameter  cone  of 
sulfide  and  sulfate.  The  surface  of  the  cone  is  platelike.  It  is  composed  of 
chalcopyrite  and  pyrite  with  interspersed  blocks  of  corroded  massive 
anhydrite.  Black  smoke  seeps  from  small,  fingerlike  protrusions  and 
cracks  in  the  cone  surface  and  flows  upward  along  the  surface  into  the 
plume  of  black  smoke  above. 








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Winter  1991/92 


How  the 
active  TAG 
mound  grew 

to  such 
large  size  is 

a  current 
study  topic. 

At  a  lower  elevation  in  the  southeast  quadrant  of  the  mound,  lower 
temperature  fluids  (300°C  and  lower)  exit  "white  smoker"  chimneys. 
These  chimneys,  which  are  mineralogically  and  structurally  very  similar 
to  spires  from  the  southern  Juan  de  Fuca  Ridge  site,  are  composed 
dominantly  of  sphalerite  (zinc  sulfide)  and  exhibit  numerous  millimeter- 
diameter  flow  conduits.  The  fluid  venting  from  this  portion  of  the 
mound  is  not  only  cooler  than  fluid  venting  from  the  cluster  of  black 
smokers,  but  is  copper  poor  and  has  a  low  pH  relative  to  the  higher 
temperature  fluids.  The  lower  temperature  fluid  may  form  as  a  result  of 
conductive  cooling  of  the  363°C  end-member  solution.  Diffuse,  low- 
temperature  fluids  emanate  from  the  remainder  of  the  top  of  the  mound, 
which  is  composed  of  fragile  amorphous  iron-oxide  and  silica  crusts  and 
blocky  to  bulbous  lobes  of  mixed  zinc,  iron,  and  copper-iron  sulfides. 
The  overall  size  and  concentric  zonation  of  the  mound,  with  highest 
temperatures  in  the  center,  and  lower  temperature  sulfides  and  iron- 
oxides  distributed  near  the  outside,  are  similar  to  ore  deposits  exposed 
on  land.  How  the  active  TAG  mound  grew  to  such  large  size  is  a  current 
study  topic,  and  whether  or  not  deposits  in  the  faster  spreading  Pacific 
will  ever  attain  this  size  is  unknown.    ""% 

A  New  Set  of  Questions 

Studies  done  in  the  last  decade  on  seafloor  hydrothermal  systems  have 
led  to  an  understanding  of  the  basic  processes  involved  in  hydrothermal 
circulation  and  mineral  deposition — and  have  also  shown  how  little  we 
know.  The  next  decade  of  research  will  address  such  questions  as, 

•  What  is  the  extent  of  hydrothermal  venting  at  mid-ocean  spread- 
ing centers  and  back-arc  basins? 

•  What  is  the  significance  of  variations  in  fluid  composition,  tem- 
perature, flow  rate,  and  composition  of  solid  precipitates  among 
hydrothermal  sites? 

•  How  long  are  vent  sites  active? 

•  Does  fluid  composition  change  with  time,  and  if  so,  on  what  time 

•  What  proportion  of  minerals  is  deposited  at  the  vent  site  versus 
dispersed  into  the  water  column  as  black  smoke? 

All  of  these  questions  must  be  answered  to  estimate  the  contribution 
from  hydrothermal  processes  to  global  heat  budgets  and  geochemical 
cycles.  While  we  now  have  a  general  understanding  of  hydrothermal 
vent  systems,  we  still  have  much  to  learn,  and  large  sections  of  the  mid- 
ocean  ridge  system  have  yet  to  be  explored. 

Margaret  K.  Tivey  is  an  Assistant  Scientist  in  the  Chemistry  Department  at 
Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution.  Her  research  focus  is  mineral  precipita- 
tion at  seafloor  hydrothermal  vents. 



The  Biology  of 

Deep-Sea  Vents 

and  Seeps 

Alvin's  Magical  Mystery  Tour 

Richard  A.  Lutz 

ver  the  past  12  years,  the  biology  of  deep-sea  hydro  thermal 
vents  and  cold-water  seeps  has  been  discussed  in  Oceanus 
several  times.  (For  example,  see  Summer  1979,  Fall  1984, 
and  Winter  1988/89.)  Here  I  provide  an  overview  of  a 
number  of  recent  DSV  Alvin  expeditions  to  the  East  Pacific 
and  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  that  have  expanded  our  knowledge  of  biological 
communities  present  at  deep-sea  vents  and  seeps  in  these 
oceanic  regions.  From  May  1990  through  August  1991,  we  (Bob 
Vrijenhoek  and  I,  both  of  Rutgers  University)  organized  several 
biological  expeditions,  collectively  known  as  the  "Magical 
Mystery  Tour,"  as  part  of  an  ongoing  National  Science  Founda- 
tion-funded project  to  study  the  genetics  and  dispersal  mecha- 
nisms of  organisms  inhabiting  vent  environments.  During  this 
"tour,"  Alvin  visited  14  deep-sea  hydrothermal  vent  fields  and  4 
cold-water-seep  areas.  In  April  1991  an  additional  expedition, 
known  as  the  ADVENTURE  (Alvin  Diving  in  the  VENTURE 
hydrothermal  fields)  cruise,  led  by  Rachel  Haymon  (University 
of  California  at  Santa  Barbara)  and  Dan  Fornari  (Lamont- 
Doherty  Geological  Observatory),  visited  an  extensive  series  of 
hydrothermal  vents  located  between  9°  and  10°N  along  the  East 
Pacific  Rise  (EPR).  A  number  of  observations,  ranging  from 
faunal  changes  that  had  occurred  at  sites  previously  visited  by 
Alvin  to  the  nature  of  communities  encountered  at  new  areas, 
are  summarized  below. 

Hydrothermal  Vents 

Galapagos  Rift 

Rose  Garden.  Scientists  diving  in  Alvin  visited  the  Rose  Garden  hydro- 
thermal  vent  site  (named  for  the  abundance  of  red-plumed  tube  worms 
found  there)  in  1979, 1985,  and  1988.  Bob  Hessler  (Scripps  Institution  of 
Oceanography),  who  dove  extensively  at  this  site  during  each  of  these 

SEEP  CRUISE  SERIES    •    199O/1991 

An  oceanographic 

expedition  without  a 

proper  T-shirt  is  just 

another  cruise — this  is 

the  logo  for  the  Magical 

Mystery  Tour  T-shirt. 

Winter  1991192 


Deep-sea  hydrathermal 

vents  and  cold  seeps 

visited  by  Alvin 
between  March  1990 
and  August  1991  on 
the  Magical  Mystery 
Tour  are  plotted  here. 

The  Rose  Garden  vent 

site  along  the 

Galapagos  Rift  as  it 

appeared  in  1979  (left) 

and  1985  (right). 




West  Florida 

Galapagos  Rift 
(Rose  Garden 
&  Mussel  Bed) 

Juan  de  Fuca  Ridge 

North  Endeavor  (vent) 

Axial  Volcano  (vent) 

South  Cleft 

Monterey  Canyon  (seep) 
Guaymas  Transform  Ridge  (seep) 

Guaymas  Basin  (vent) 

East  Pacific  Rise  21  °N 
(Clam  Acres,  Hanging 
Gardens,  Nat'l  Geographic 
Site,  DBS  Site,  Northern 


9-  10°N 







previous  visits,  returned  to  the  site  in  May  1990.  From  Bob's  perspective, 
while  significant  faunal  changes  had  occurred  between  1979  and  1985 
(notably  a  decrease  in  tube  worm  abundance,  an  increased  dominance  of 
mussels  and  clams,  a  crash  in  anemone  and  serpulid  populations,  and 
increased  numbers  of  galatheid  crabs  and  whelks),  the  community 
structure  had  not  changed  significantly  between  1985  and  1990. 

Mussel  Bed.  During  May  1990  the  vent  area  known  as  Mussel  Bed  was 
also  revisited.  In  1979  this  area  was  inhabited  by  an  extensive  population 
of  large,  living  mussels  (Bathymodiolus  thermopliilus),  numerous  speci- 
mens of  the  giant  clam  Cah/ptogena  niagnifica  (as  well  as  significant 
numbers  of  empty  clam  shells),  brachyuran  crabs  (Bi/thograea 
thermi/dron),  galatheid  crabs  (Munidopsis  sp.),  whelks  (Phymorhynchus 
sp.),  pink  bythitid  vent  fish  very  close  to  vent  openings,  two  or  three 
small  tube  worms  (Riftia  padn/ptila)  in  the  narrow  vent  openings,  and 



many  species  of  limpets.  The  1990  visit  found  a  vent  environment  that 
had  changed  remarkably  little  since  1979;  mussels  remained  the  domi- 
nant megafaunal  constituent,  live  and  dead  clams  were  present  in 
significant  numbers,  bythitid  vent  fish  were  still  present  around  vent 
openings,  and  two  or  three  small  tube  worms  were  seen  in  narrow  vent 
openings.  In  contrast  to  the  marked  changes  that  had  occurred  at  Rose 
Garden  since  1979,  time  appeared  to  have  stood  remarkably  still  at  the 
Mussel  Bed  site  over  the  same  12-year  period. 

9°  to  10°N  Along  the  East  Pacific  Rise 

Rachel  Haymon,  Dan  Fornari,  and  their  co-workers  have  recently 
described  a  series  of  established  and  newly  formed  hydrothermal  vents 
between  9°16'  and  9°54'N  along  the  East  Pacific  Rise.  Sampled  vent 
organisms  include: 

•  three  species  of  tube  worms  (Riftia  packyptila,  Tevnia  sp.,  Oasisia  sp.), 

•  the  clam  Catyptogena  magnified, 

•  the  mussel  Bathymodiolus  thermophilus  (with  an  associated  com- 

mensal polychaete  living  in  the  mantle  cavity  of  over  75  percent  of 
the  collected  specimens), 

•  nine  species  of  limpets 
(Eulepetopsis  vitren,  Lepetodrilus 
cristatus,  L.  elevatus,  L.  ovalis, 
L.  pustulosus,  Neolepetopsis 
densata,  Peltospira  delicata, 

P.  opcrcnlata,  and  Sutilizona  theca), 

•  six  coiled  archaeogastropods 
(Batln/margarites  symplector, 
Cyathermia  naticoides, 
Melanodn/mia  n.sp.,  and  three 
unidentified  species), 

•  the  mesogastropod  Provannasp., 

•  one  unidentified  turrid  gastropod, 

•  one  or  possibly  two  species  of 
galatheid  crabs  within  the  genus 

•  the  brachyuran  crabs  Bytliograea  thermydron  and  Cyanograea  pracdator 
(and  possibly  a  third  new  undescribed  brachyuran  species), 

•  at  least  two  species  of  barnacles  (one  stalked), 

•  several  species  of  bacteria  occurring  in  thick  mats  and  thin 
coatings  on  basalt  and  sulfide  substrates, 

•  the  polychaete  Amphisamytha  galapagensis, 

•  the  Pompei  worm,  Ahrinella  pompejana, 

•  one  or  possibly  two  species  of  tubiculous  polychaetes  within  the 
genus  Paralvinella , 

•  an  unidentified  serpulid  polychaete, 

•  the  commensal  polychaete  Branchipolynoe  symmytiUda  (which 
inhabits  the  mantle  cavity  of  the  mussel  Bathymodiolus 
tliermophilus),  and 

•  numerous  other  unidentified  polychaetes,  amphipods,  brittle  stars 
(ophiuroids),  sea  stars  (asteroids),  leptostracans,  anemones, 
sponges,  copepods,  and  benthic  foraminifera. 

Tube  worms,  mussels 

and  a  zoarcid  vent  fish 

at  the  9°  to  10°N 

In/drothermal  vent 

fields  along  the  East 

Pacific  Rise. 

Winter  1991/92 


The  Genesis  hydrother- 

mal  vent  at  1 3° N  along 

the  East  Pacific  Rise  as 

it  appeared  in 

June  1990. 

Zoarcid  vent  fish  were  commonly  observed,  although  not  sampled, 
in  several  vent  areas  throughout  this  stretch  of  the  EPR  ridge  axis. 

11°  24.9'N  Along  the  East  Pacific  Rise 

Biologists  dove  to  this  site  for  the  first  time  in  June  1990  to  find  a  vent 
environment  characterized  by  one  active  black  smoker  and  a  few  areas 
with  low-temperature  venting.  Dominant  members  of  the  vent 
megafauna  included  mussels  (Bathymodiolus  thermophilus),  tube  worms 

(Riftia  pachyptila),  galatheid  crabs 
(Munidopsis  sp.),  and  brachyuran 
crabs  (Bythograea  thermydron). 
Many  empty  shell  valves  of  the 
clam  Cdlyptogena  magnified  were 
present,  but  only  one  living 
specimen  was  observed  through 
the  submersible's  viewport.  Other 
sampled  characteristic  vent 
organisms  include: 

•  four  species  of  limpets  within 
the  genus  Lepetodrilus 

(L.  cristatus,  L.  elevatus,  L.  ovalis, 
and  L.  pustulosus), 

•  the  "transparent  limpet" 
Eulepetopsis  vitrea, 

•  the  slit  limpet  Ch/peosectus 

•  two  coiled  archaeogastropods  (Bathymargarites  symplector  and 
Melanodrymia  aurantiaca), 

•  the  brachyuran  crab  Cyanograea  praedator, 

•  the  tube  worm  Tevnia  sp., 

•  two  polychaetes  within  the  genus  Paralvinella  (P.  grasslei 
and  P.  pandorae), 

•  the  ampharetid  polychaete  Amphisamytha  galapagensis, 

•  an  unidentified  serpulid  polychaete, 

•  the  commensal  polynoid  Branchipolynoe  symmytilida,  present  in  the 
mantle  cavity  of  over  75  percent  of  the  mussels  sampled, 

•  amphipods,  leptostracans,  and  several  unidentified  species  of 
polychaetes,  which  were  also  abundant  in  sieve  washings  and 
appeared  to  be  associated  with  clumps  of  Riftia  and  Tevnia 
tube  worms, 

•  numerous  anenomes  and  brittle  stars,  which  were  abundant 
throughout  the  hydrothermally  active  areas,  and 

•  one  specimen  of  an  unidentified  turrid  gastropod. 

Numerous  specimens  of  a  stalked  (goose-necked)  barnacle,  presently 
unidentified,  were  attached  to  basaltic  rocks  throughout  the  vent  field. 
Colonial  siphonophores  ("dandelions")  were  observed,  but  not  sampled, 
in  peripheral  areas  of  the  vent  field,  and  zoarcid  vent  fish  were  relatively 
common  among  tube  worms  attached  to  the  side  of  the  active  black  smoker. 



13°N  Along  the  East  Pacific  Rise 

Three  major  expeditions  in  1982, 1984,  and  1987  explored  a  variety  of 
vent  fields  in  the  vicinity  of  13°N  along  the  EPR.  During  this  five-year 
period,  marked  changes  in  vent  activity  and  associated  faunal  composi- 
tion, ranging  from  total  cessation  of  vent  flow  and  mass  mortality  of 
constituent  vent  organisms  to  the  "rebirth"  of  an  inactive  field,  have 
been  reported  by  Daniel  Desbruyeres  (IFREMER,  Institute  Franchise 
pour  Recherche  et  Exploitation  de  la  Mar)  and  his  co-workers.  In  1990, 
three  vent  fields  in  the  13°N  area  (Totem,  Genesis,  and  Parigo)  were 
revisited  and  sampled.  Noteworthy  observations  made  during  this 
cruise  include: 

•  a  vigorous  level  of  vent  activity  and  lush  biological  community 
present  at  the  Genesis  site,  which  was  once  known  as 
"Pogomort,"  a  vent  field  that  had  previously  shut  down  and  was 
named  for  the  large  number  of  associated  dead  tube  worms  (the 
vent  tube  worms  were  originally  considered  members  of  the 
phylum  Pogonophora  but  were  later  placed  in  the  recently  erected 
phylum  Vestimentifera), 

•  an  increased  dominance  in  1990  (in  contrast  to  1987)  of  the  tube 
worm  Rift  in  relative  to  the  tube  worm  Tevnin  at  the  Genesis  site; 

•  newly  formed  smokers  heavily  colonized  by  alvinellid 
polychaetes  in  the  Genesis  hydrothermal  field;  and 

•  a  few  isolated  living  mussels  with  no  associated  vent  megafauna  at 
the  Parigo  vent  field,  where  no  heat  anomalies  were  encountered. 

21  °N  Along  the  East  Pacific  Rise 

A  number  of  hydrothermal  vent 
fields  at  21  °N  along  the  EPR  were 
visited  during  major  geological 
and  biological  expeditions  in  1979 
(RISE — Rivera  Submersible 
Experiments  Expedition),  1981, 
1982  (Oasis  Expedition),  and  1985. 
In  1990,  Alvin  visited  five  separate 
21  °N  vent  areas,  four  of  which  had 
been  previously  visited. 

Clam  Acres.  Nineteen  dives  were 
devoted  in  1982  to  a  variety  of 
biological  studies,  most  at  an 
extensive  vent  field  known  as 
Clam  Acres.  At  the  beginning  of 
this  dive  sequence,  the  area  was  dominated  by  large  populations  of 
Catyptogena  magnified  and  occasional  isolated  clumps  of  the  tube  worm 
Riftia  pachyptila.  As  a  result  of  the  extensive  sampling  required  by  the 
multidisciplinary  Oasis  program,  virtually  every  clump  of  tube  worms 
had  been  "harvested"  by  the  final  dive  of  the  series.  When  this  area  was 
revisited  in  June  1990,  biologists  were  struck  by  the  dramatic  rejuvena- 
tion of  the  tube  worm  population;  considerably  larger  and  more  numer- 

Clam  Acres,  at  21°N 

along  the  East 
Pacific  Rise. 

Winter  1991/92 


These  tube  worms  were 

attached  to  a  sulfide 

edifice  in  Guaymas 


Photo  by  Richard  A.  Lutz 


ous  Riftia  clumps  were  present  than  had  been  encountered  even  during 
the  beginning  of  the  Oasis  Expedition,  and  many  of  the  tube  worms 
within  the  clumps  were  more  than  a  meter  long.  The  clam  population  at 
this  site  remained  extensive,  and  associated  organisms  collected  were 
similar  to  those  sampled  in  1982. 

Hanging  Gardens.  Visits  in  1979, 1981,  and  1985  revealed  a  lush  biological 
community  and  one  active  black  smoker  at  this  site.  During  the  return 
visit  in  1990,  no  dramatic  changes  in  community  structure  were  appar- 
ent. The  black  smoker  was  still  active  and  the  vent  field  was  dominated 
by  two  species  of  tube  worms,  Riftia  pacln/ptila  and  Oasisia  alvinae,  and 
numerous  clams,  crabs,  and  limpets,  all  of  which  had  been  encountered 
during  previous  dives  to  the  site. 

National  Geographic  Smoker  (NGS)  Site.  This  vent  area,  named  after  a 
photograph  of  the  site  that  appeared  in  the  November  1979  issue  of 
National  Geographic  magazine,  appeared  to  have  changed  little  over  a  10- 
year  period.  Notes  in  Alvin  pilots'  records  from  1981  described  dead 
clam  shells,  inactive  sulfide  deposits,  a  tall,  warm  vent  with  white  and 
dark  smoke,  and  a  few  living  clams,  tube  worms,  and  crabs.  Numerous 
inactive  sulfide  deposits  were  found  during  the  1990  return  visit  along 
with  a  small  (less  than  2-meter  high),  Alvinella-covered  smoker  with 
temperatures  exceeding  300°C.  Other  biological  and  geological  observa- 
tions were  consistent  with  the  conclusion  that  little  had  changed  at  this 
vent  site  since  1979. 

OBS  (Ocean  Bottom  Seismometer)  Site.  In  1981  this  site  was  characterized 
by  three  tall  chimneys,  several  dead  clam  shells,  and  a  few  large 
galatheid  crabs  (Mnnidopsis  sp.),  but  no  other  specific  vent  megafauna. 
During  both  the  Oasis  Expedition  in  1982  and  the  return  visit  in  1990,  at 
least  one  of  the  three  chimneys  was  vigorously  active  and  the  only 
indication  of  vent-associated  organisms  was  again  the  presence  of  dead 
clam  shells  and  occasional  large  galatheid  crabs. 

Northern  Vent.  Approximately  2  kilometers  northeast  of  Clam  Acres,  this 
previously  undescribed  vent  field  was  encountered  by  Rich  Lutz  and 
Daniel  Desbruyeres.  While  few  characteristic  vent  organisms  were 
observed,  tremendous  numbers  of  an  attached  jellyfishlike  organism 

(within  the  coelenterate  order  Stauromedusae)  were 
concentrated  around  low-temperature  vents  and 
were  also  present  in  reduced  numbers  on 
adjacent  basalt  surfaces. 

Guaymas  Basin 

Unlike  each  of  the  other  vent  sites,  the 
hydrothermal  fields  of  Guaymas  Basin 
are  characterized  by  several  hundred 
meters  of  soft  sediment  (with  occasional 
outcropping  sulfide  edifices)  through  which 
vent  fluids  percolate.  This  region  was  exten- 
sively studied  using  Alvin  in  1982  (10  dives),  1985 
(40  dives),  and  1988  (24  dives).  In  June  1990  the  Magi- 
cal Mystery  Tour  returned  to  find  the  region  had  not  under- 



gone  substantial  changes  over  an  eight-year  period.  Bacterial  mats, 
infaunal  vesicomyid  clams,  and  tube  worms  (Riftia  padn/ntila)  on  sulfide 
edifices  remained  the  most  conspicuous  organisms  associated  with  the 
vent  fields.  Empty  shells  of  dead  clams  were  scattered  in  localized 
regions  throughout  the  areas  of  active  (or  previously  active)  hydrother- 
mal  venting,  and  black  corals  with  associated  terebellid  polychaetes  were 
retrieved  from  box  core  samples. 

Juan  de  Fuca  Ridge 

South  Cleft  Segment.  Organisms  previously  associated  with  vent  fields 
along  this  ridge  segment  were  described  by  Verena  Tunnicliffe  and  A.R. 
Fontaine  (University  of  Victoria)  from  photographs  and  limited  samples 
taken  during  a  1984  Alvin  cruise.  During  August  1991  two  of  the  de- 
scribed vent  areas,  Vent  1A  and  IB,  were  revisited,  and  associated  vent 
organisms  were  sampled  or  photographed.  While  many  tubes  of  the  tube 
worm  Ridgein  sp.  were  seen  at  Vent  1A  (as  they  had  been  during  the  1984 
cruise)  none  appeared  to  contain  living  organisms  and  there  was  no 
evidence  of  active  hydrothermal  venting  at  the  site.  Similarly,  there  was 
no  evidence  of  living  vesicomyid  clams  at  this  site,  despite  the  presence 
of  many  empty  clam  shells.  Occasional  spider  crabs  (Macroregonia 
macrochirn)  were  the  only  living  vent-associated  organisms  observed  at 
the  site.  Approximately  100  meters  north  of  this  inactive  vent  area,  a 
small  amount  of  low-temperature  venting  was  seen  percolating  through 
sulfide  deposits  along  the  west  wall  of  the  axial  summit  graben.  Collec- 
tions at  this  site  included: 

•  a  few  living  tube  worms  (Ridgein  sp.), 

•  two  species  of  limpets,  Lepetodrilus  fucensis  and  Ctypeosectus  citrvus, 

•  one  coiled  archaeogastropod  species,  Depressigi/ra  globulns, 

•  one  species  of  mesogastropod,  Provanna  variabilis, 

•  one  mussel  species,  Idasola  sp., 

•  palm  worms,  Paralvinella  palmifonnis,  and 

•  several  unidentified  polychaetes,  a  pycnogonid,  and  one  specimen 
of  a  living  vesicomyid  clam. 

Several  crabs  (Macroregonia  sp.)  were  seen,  though  not  sampled,  and 
relatively  sparse  bacterial  mats  coated  the  surrounding  basalt  and  sulfide 
rock  surfaces.  Vent  IB,  which  was  approximately  300  to  400  meters 
north,  was  characterized  by  numerous,  tall  sulfide  chimneys,  several  of 
which  were  vigorously  active.  Temperatures  as  high  as  334°C  were 
measured  at  one  of  the  smoker  orifices.  Tube  worms,  other  unidentified 
polychaetes,  and  sponges  were  common  on  the  sides  of  active  smokers, 
and  numerous  sponges  were  also  seen  around  the  base. 

Axial  Volcano.  The  Ashes  Vent  field  within  the  caldera  of  Axial  Volcano 
(Axial  Seamount)  was  visited  in  1984, 1986, 1987,  and  1988.  Biological 
community  changes  occurring  between  1984  and  1988,  particularly  at  an 
active  sulfide  mound  known  as  "Mushroom  Vent,"  have  been  described 
by  Verena  Tunnicliffe  and  are  attributed  largely  to  effects  of  sampling 
efforts  and  submersible  maneuvering.  In  August  1991,  this  vent  field  was 
revisited;  with  the  exception  of  an  undescribed  limpet  species  that 
appeared  restricted  to  previously  discharged  submersible  dive  weights, 
all  species  sampled  had  been  encountered  during  previous  expeditions 

Tube  worms, 




and  sponges 

were  common 

on  the  sides 

of  active 


Winter  1991 192 


Tube  worms  (upper 

left),  mussels  (center) 

and  poh/chaetes  (lower 

right)  at  the  West 

Florida  Escarpment 

cold  seep. 

to  this  hydrothermally  active  region.  Observations  from  the  1991  dive 
revealed  a  previously  unreported  substantial  quantity  of  bacteria  on 
basaltic  and  sulfide  surfaces  that  may  have  reflected  a  recent  increase  in 
hydrothermal  activity  or  a  decrease  in  the  rate  of  bacterial  consumption 
by  a  variety  of  benthic  invertebrates  in  the  area. 

North  Endeavor  Segment.  A  smoker  (nicknamed  "Godzilla"),  the  size  of  a 
16-story  building  (50  meters  high),  numerous  smaller  smokers  (one 
affectionately  called  "Bambi"),  and  isolated  pockets  of  sediment  in  low- 
lying  areas  along  the  ridge  axis  characterized  the  North  Endeavor 
Segment  in  August  1991.  Sampling  efforts  on  the  sides  and  at  the  base  of 
Godzilla  yielded: 

•  three  species  of  limpets  (Clypeosectus  curvus,  Lepetodrilus  fucensis, 
and  Temnocindis  euripes), 

•  one  coiled  archaeogastropod  species, 
Depressigi/ra  globulus, 

•  the  mesogastropod  Provanna  variabilis, 

•  two  neogastropod  species,  Buccinna  viridum 
and  an  unidentified  cancellarid, 

•  one  aplacophoran,  Helicoradomenia  juani, 

•  tube  worms,  Ridgeia  sp., 

•  numerous  polychaetes,  including  three 
species  of  Paralvinella  and  the  ampharetid 
Ampliisann/tha  galapagensis, 

•  soft  corals, 

•  hexactinellid  sponges, 

•  anemones, 

•  a  pycnogonid,  and 

•  crabs  (Macrooregonia  sp.)  with  caprellid 

amphipods  attached  to  their  legs. 

Many  specimens  of  an  unidentified  vesicomyid  clam  were  also 
collected  from  low-lying,  sedimented  regions  of  the  axial  graben  just 
south  of  Godzilla. 

Cold  Seeps 

West  Florida  Escarpment.  Alvin  visited  this  cold-water  sulfide/methane 
seep  site  during  geological  and  biological  expeditions  in  1984  and  1986. 
Barbara  Hecker  (Lamont-Doherty  Geological  Observatory),  the  sole 
biologist  to  dive  at  the  site  in  1984,  returned  to  the  seep  area  in  1990  to 
find  little  change  in  the  biological  community  structure  over  the  six-year 
period.  Sampled  or  observed  organisms  included  two  unidentified 
mussel  species  (one  of  which  was  collected  during  both  of  the  previous 
expeditions;  the  other  was  represented  in  the  extensive  1990  samples  by 
only  a  single  individual),  vesicomyid  clams,  the  limpet  Paralepetopsis 
floridensis,  an  undescribed  coiled  trochid  gastropod,  a  turrid  gastropod, 
numerous  tube  worms  (Escarpia  laminata),  ophiuroids,  and  commensal 
polychaetes  found  within  the  mantle  cavities  of  sampled  mussels. 

Louisiana  Slope.  While  the  first  Alvin  dives  to  the  hydrocarbon  seeps  of 
the  Louisiana  Slope  took  place  in  April  1990,  these  methane-rich  areas 
had  previously  been  studied  extensively  by  Jim  Brooks  (Texas  A&M 



University)  and  co-workers  using  Johnson  Sea-Link,  Pisces  II,  and  NR-1. 
Sampling  efforts  during  the  Magical  Mystery  Tour  portion  of  the  1990 
expedition  were  restricted  to  collecting  two  species  of  vesicomyid  clams 
(Vesiconn/a  cordata  and  Calyptogena  ponderosa)  and  several  new  species  of 
mussels,  which  are  being  described  and  systematically  classified  as  part 
of  ongoing  genetic  and  taxonomic  studies. 

Guaymas  Transform  Ridge.  Approximately  30  kilometers  north  of  the 
active  hydrothermal  fields  visited  in  Guaymas  Basin,  a  transform  ridge 
rises  above  the  seafloor  and  crests  at  a  depth  of  approximately  1,600 
meters.  In  1985,  chemist  John  Edmond  (Massachusetts  Institute  of 
Technology)  and  geologist  Peter  Lonsdale  (Scripps  Institution  of  Ocean- 
ography) explored  the  region  and  found  buoyant  hydrocarbon  plumes 
and  associated  assemblages  of  biological  organisms.  In  March  1991  Luis 
Soto  (Universidad  National  Autonoma  de  Mexico)  and  I  returned  to  the 
area  and  sampled  several  seep-associated  organisms  from  large,  depressed 
"pochmark"  regions  along  the  ridge  crest.  Retrieved  specimens  included: 

•  two  species  of  vesicomyid  clams, 

•  numerous  specimens  of  a  protobranch  bivalve  Nuculana  sp., 

•  two  limpet  species,  Lepetodrilus  guaymasensis  and  an  unidentified 

•  two  species  of  mesogastropods,  Provanna  goniata  and  Provanna  laevis, 

•  several  specimens  of  a  heterobranch  gastropod  "Melanella"  lomana, 

•  two  unidentified  species  of  tube  worms, 

•  galatheid  crabs  Munidopsis  sp., 

•  ophiuroids,  and 

•  a  variety  of  miscellaneous  polychaetes. 

Monterey  Cam/on.  Alvin  first  visited  the  Monterey  Canyon  cold-seep  area 
(located  at  a  depth  of  approximately  3,400  meters)  in  October  1988,  and 
returned  two  years  later  in  September  1990.  During  both  expeditions,  the 
restricted  areas  of  hydrocarbon  seepage  were  characterized  by  dense 
populations  of  large  vesicomyid  clams  with  shells  more  than  20  centime- 
ters long.  While  few  other  organisms  appeared  to  be  attached  to 
or  living  among  the  clams,  several  empty  shells  of  the 
protobranch  bivalve  Soleyma  sp.  were  present  in  adjacent  sedi- 
ments, as  were  numerous  small  pogonophorans  (phylum 
Pogonophora,  former  subphylum  Perviata)  that  were  likened  by 
observers  within  the  submersible  to  "fields  of  grass."  "^N 

Acknowledgments:  I  ivish  to  express  my  sincere  gratitude  to  the  pilots  and 
entire  crew  of  the  Atlantis  II/ Alvin  whose  untiring  dedication  and 
competence  made  the  Magical  Mystery  Tour  a  tremendous  success.  This  is 
publication  number  D-32402-6-91  of  the  New  Jersey  Agricidtural  Experi- 
ment Station  and  contribution  number  91-52  of  the  Institute  of  Marine  and 
Coastal  Sciences,  Rutgers  University,  and  is  supported  by  state  funds  and 
NSF  grants  OCE-8716591  and  OCE-8943896. 

Richard  A.  Lutz  is  a  Professor  in  the  Institute  of  Marine  and  Coastal 
Sciences  of  Rutgers  University.  He  has  been  involved  in  a  variety  of 
ecological  studies  of  deep-sea  hydrothermal  vent  communities  since 
the  initial  discovery  of  the  Galapagos  Rift  vent  fields  in  1977.  Pres- 
ently he  is  Project  Coordinator  of  a  large  interdisciplinary  study  of 
temporal  changes  in  biological  community  structure  at  newly  formed 
hydrothermal  vents  at  9P  to  10°N  along  the  East  Pacific  Rise. 

Note:  The  author  has 

prepared  an  informative 

chart  listing  the  various 

vent  and  seep  regions 

and  their  known 
resident  fauna.  If  you 
would  like  a  copy,  free 

of  charge,  write  to 

Oceanus  at  the  address 

on  page  4. 

The  author  (right)  and 

Howard  Sanders 

(center)  prepare  to 

enter  Alvin  during  an 

early  dive  to  the 

Mussel  Bed  vent  along 

the  Galapagos  Rift. 

Winter  1991/92 



story  has 

all  the 

plot  devices 

of  a  good 




Edward  T.  Baker 

he  megaplume  story,  like  other  engaging  scientific  puzzles, 
has  all  the  plot  devices  of  a  good  detective  yarn:  a  continuing 
investigation  cracked  by  a  provocative  and  unanticipated 
event,  a  patient  assembling  of  evidence  from  new  clues,  and 
a  logical  trail  that  leads  to  the  suspected  but  long-elusive 
perpetrator.  But  since  this  is  science,  not  Sam  Spade,  the  puzzle  solved 
leads  not  to  a  case  closed  but  to  newer,  more  intriguing  puzzles. 

The  question  at  the  heart  of  the  megaplume  story  is  one  central  to 
marine  science:  How  does  Earth's  mantle  evolve  into  rigid  crust,  and 
how  does  this  evolution  affect  the  deep  oceans'  heat  and  chemical 
budgets?  The  investigation  began  during  the  plate-tectonics  revolution 
of  the  1960s,  when  oceanographers  first  recognized  the  Mid-Ocean  Ridge 
(MOR)  as  the  birthplace  of  new  ocean  crust.  Filtered  by  the  broad  time- 
and-space  scales  of  geologic  history,  this  creation  process  appears 
continuous,  driven  by  the  relentlessly  separating  plates  of  Earth's  crust. 
On  a  human  scale,  however,  the  actual  production  of  new  ocean  crust 
along  plate  boundaries  is  highly  intermittent,  and  has  been  observed 
only  at  those  few  places,  such  as  Iceland,  where  the  MOR  emerges  above 
sea  level.  Less  than  3  square  kilometers  of  new  crust  is  added  yearly 
along  the  70,000-kilometer  length  of  the  MOR.  This  increase  is  equivalent 
to  only  5  percent  of  the  MOR  widening  by  just  1  meter  every  year. 

Snippets  of  new  crust  are  added  to  the  axial  crest  of  the  MOR  as  the 
broad  upwelling  of  mantle-derived  magma  is  focused  into  a  narrow 
ribbon  of  volcanic  activity  that  is  usually  no  wider  than  a  few  hundred 
meters.  As  the  new  crust  cools,  it  shrinks  and  cracks.  Seawater  percolates 
downward  through  the  cracks  and  porous  new  crust  to  where  magmatic 
heat  can  raise  its  temperature  to  over  400°C.  The  transformed  seawater 
gushes  upward  as  geysers  of  "black  smoker"  hydrothermal  fluids, 
building  chimneys  of  precipitated  metal  sulfides  and  supporting  a 
unique  ecosystem  of  animals  totally  dependent  on  chemosynthetic 
bacteria.  Oceanographers  now  realize  that  hydrothermal  venting, 
unknown  just  15  years  ago,  largely  mediates  the  exchange  of  heat  and 
chemicals  between  the  Earth's  crust  and  the  ocean. 

Marine  scientists  knew  that  studying  a  very  recently  active  piece  of 
the  MOR  would  promote  their  investigation,  but  how  could  such  a  spot 
be  found  along  its  largely  unexplored  length?  Since  hydrothermal 
venting  is  powered  by  magmatic  heat,  some  oceanographers  reasoned 
that  mapping  the  active-vent-field  distribution  on  selected  portions  of 
the  MOR  might  speed  the  search  for  sites  of  active  spreading.  Over  the 
last  few  years  the  Vents  Program  of  the  National  Oceanic  and  Atmo- 
spheric Administration  (NOAA)  has  searched  for  vent  fields  along  more 



than  80  percent  of  the  Juan  de  Fuca  Ridge  axial  crest,  a  500-kilometer- 
long  spreading  center  in  the  northeast  Pacific  that  consists  of  six  separate 
tectonic  segments.  It  is  now  one  of  the  few  lengthy  portions  of  the  MOR 
where  we  know  with  confidence  the  distribution  of  vent  fields. 

We  locate  vent  fields  by  slowly  towing  a  conductivity/temperature/ 
depth  (CTD)  sensor  in  a  sawtooth  pattern  through  the  deep  waters  above 
the  ridge  crest.  Hot  hydrothermal  fluids,  diluted  and  cooled  as  they  rise 
and  mix  with  the  surrounding  seawater,  form  tenuous  clouds  that  hang 
100  to  300  meters  above  the  vent  fields,  like  chimney  smoke  from  a  19th- 
century  steel  town.  Investigators  exploring  small  pieces  of  the  East 
Pacific  Rise  and  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  in  the  early  1980s  hypothesized 
that  vent  fields  should  preferentially  develop  above  the  shallowest  part 
of  each  tectonic  segment,  because  injections  of  hot,  low  density  magma 
would  cause  the  crust  to  inflate.  The  Juan  de  Fuca  Ridge  results  provide 
the  most  comprehensive  support  yet  for  this  prediction. 

In  the  course  of  these  hydrothermal  explorations  of  the  Juan  de  Fuca, 
we  serendipitiously  discovered  a  plume  so  remarkable  in  its  size,  shape, 
and  distance  above  the  seafloor  that  it  could  only  have  been  the  product 
of  fluid  discharge  far  greater  than  any  yet  witnessed  or  anticipated.  This 
plume,  quickly  dubbed  the  "megaplume,"  was  found  during  an  explor- 
atory CTD  tow  along  the  northern  end  of  the  Cleft  segment  in  August 
1986.  Although  baffling  at  first,  its  discovery  was  quickly  recognized  as 
an  opportunistic  break  in  an  investigation  that  was  of  increasing  interest 
to  a  variety  of  scientific  detectives. 

The  first  and  most  startling  new  clue  in  the  case  was  the  unprec- 
edented rise  height  of  the  megaplume.  The  rise  height  of  a  buoyant 
plume  increases  with  the  discharge  rate  of  its  source  fluid,  and  all 
previously  observed  hydrothermal  plumes  had  been  found  no  more  than 
a  few  hundred  meters  above  their  sources.  The  megaplume  reached  a 
stunning  1,000  meters  above  the  ridge  axis  depth  of  2,300  meters. 

Abandoning  a  meticulously  planned  cruise  agenda,  we  devoted 
several  days  to  sampling  this  unexpected  phenomenon.  Subsequent  data 
processing  and  laboratory  analyses — forensic  oceanography — estab- 





§"   2300- 


Hydrothermal  plumes 
along  three  tectonic 
segments  of  the  junn 
de  Fucn  Ridge  in  the 

northeast  Pacific 

Ocean.  Mixing  of  hot 

hydrothermal  fluids 

with  ambient  seawater 

produces  tempera t lire 

anomalies  that  identify 

the  plumes.  Normal, 

steadily  discharging, 

plumes  rise  about  300 

meters  above  the 
seafloor  and  are  most 

intense  above  seg- 
ments (such  as  Cleft) 
or  parts  of  segments 
(such  as  the  midpoint 
of  Endeavor)  that  are 


elevated.  Megaplumes, 

shown  in  yellow,  were 

found  above  the  Cleft 

segment  in  1986  and 

above  the  Vance 

segment  in  1987. 

2800-1 1 1 1 1 1 TJLT 1 1 1 1 1 r 

44.5      44.7       44.9     45.1  45.0    45.2       45.4       45.6    47.6       47.8       48.0       48.2 

A0  (°C) 

ABOVE  0.050 

0.040  -  0.050 

0.030  -  0.040 

0.020  -  0.030 

0.010  -  0.020 

BELOW  0.010 

Latitude  (°N) 

lished  three  important  facts.  First,  a  hydrothermal  origin  for  the  plume 
was  confirmed.  The  plume  waters  were  rich  in  several  elements  that  are 
also  in  hydrothermal  fluids,  including  manganese,  iron,  silicon,  and 
helium-3,  a  rare  isotope  of  the  much  more  common  helium-4.  Second, 
abundant  anhydrite  crystals  in  the  plume  indicated  a  very  recent,  and 
thus  local,  origin.  Anhydrite,  which  can  crystallize  only  during  the  initial 

Winter  1991/92 





Megaplume  1 
Temperature  Anomaly 


8       10      12      14 
Distance  (km) 


20     22 

A  mug  shot  of  a 
megaplume  in  cross- 
section  shows  density 
surfaces  (dotted  lines) 

superimposed  on 

temperature  anomaly 

contours.  The  zig-zag 

line  is  the  path  of  the 

CTD  tow-i/o. 

Temperature  Anomaly  °C 
—  -12-.20 
.04-.  12 


mixing  of  hot  hydrothermal  fluids 
and  ambient  seawater  (before  the 
temperature  of  this  mixture  falls 
below  125°C)  subsequently 
dissolves  within  a  matter  of  days 
in  cold  seawater. 

Third,  and  most  exciting,  the 
plume  was  the  residue  of  a  brief 
but  very  massive  discharge  event, 
quite  unlike  the  familiar  steady 
flow  from  small  chimneys.  The 
megaplume's  history  was  gleaned 
from  detailed  mapping  that 
revealed  an  almost  perfect  three- 
dimensional  symmetry.  In  geo- 
metrical jargon,  the  megaplume 
formed  an  oblate  spheroid — a 
Frisbee — with  a  diameter  of  more 
than  20  kilometers  and  a  thickness 
of  700  meters  at  its  center.  "Nor- 
mal" plumes  issuing  steadily  from 
a  collection  of  chimneys  in  a  vent 
field  are  imperfectly  mixed  and 
habitually  asymmetric,  growing 

erratically  more  dilute  as  deep  currents  sweep  them  away  from  their 

sources,  like  wood  smoke  from  a  lazy  campfire. 

The  megaplume's  precise  symmetry  implied  a  bomblike  event, 

lasting  only  several  hours  to,  at  most,  a  few  days. 

Searching  for  a  Motive:  Two  Possibilities 

With  these  clues  in  hand,  the  researchers  working  on  the  case  next 
sought  to  construct  a  picture  of  the  physical  processes  that  created  the 
megaplume:  the  suspect's  modus  operandi.  Because  the  megaplume  had 
known,  symmetrical  boundaries,  we  could  confidently  calculate  its 
burden  of  hydrothermal  heat  and  chemicals.  Even  though  its  average 
temperature  increase  above  the  surrounding  seawater  was  only  about 
0.1  °C,  its  volume  of  over  130  cubic  kilometers  contained  about  2  x  1016 
calories  of  hydrothermal  heat,  or  enough  energy  to  electrify  New  York 
City  for  almost  a  year.  By  knowing  the  hydrothermal  heat  content,  it  was 
possible  to  calculate  the  original  volume  of  hydrothermal  fluids:  100 
million  cubic  meters  at  a  temperature  of  350° C. 

The  megaplume  event  unleashed  a  staggering  volume  of  hydrother- 
mal fluid.  By  comparison,  it  would  take  100  to  200  years  for  100  million 
cubic  meters  to  escape  from  a  single  familiar  "black  smoker"  chimney. 
New  ideas  about  fluid  discharge  from  the  seafloor  were  thus  needed.  A 
geologically  attractive  alternative  proposed  that  the  megaplume  fluids 
erupted  not  from  a  forest  of  standard  chimneys,  nor  from  one  yawning 
megachimney,  but  rather  from  a  long  but  narrow  fissure  cleaving  the 
vent  field.  Fissuring  is  common  along  the  crest  of  the  MOR,  and  pictures 
returned  by  a  deep-towed  camera  sled  revealed  a  prominent  band  of 
fissures  cutting  through  the  megaplume  area. 



45  N 



44  30' 

/      i^//r         \     l 



130  30' 

The  fissures  imaged  by  the  camera  sled  were,  of  course,  only  the 
exit  ways  of  the  kilometers-deep  and  tortuous  paths  through  which 
hydrothermal  fluids  must  slowly  percolate  to  reach  the  seafloor.  The 
normal  concentration  of  pores  and  microcracks  deep  in  the  MOR's  vol- 
canic rocks  is  far  too  low  to  permit  the  fluid  flow  rate  required  by  the 
megaplume.  Ideas  about  what  triggered  the  megaplume,  therefore,  had 
to  have  a  common  thread:  the  catastrophic  rupturing  of  the  crust  beneath 
an  ordinary  vent  field. 

To  speculate  how  crustal  permeability 
can  catastrophically  increase,  consider  the 
megaplume  fluids  from  two  points  of  view: 
active  and  passive.  An  active  model  views 
hydrothermal  fluids,  circulating  deep  in  the 
crust,  as  soup  simmering  in  a  pressure  cook- 
er afflicted  with  a  stubborn  safety  valve. 
Crustal  fluids  fracture  the  imprisoning  vol- 
canic rocks  when  fluid  pressure  increases 
faster  than  normal  venting  can  release  it. 
Pressure  can  be  raised  past  the  critical  point 
by  a  pulse  of  magmatic  heat  that  raises  the 
temperature  of  the  fluids,  or  by  a  sudden 
release  of  magmatic  gas. 

The  alternate  view  holds  that  a 
megaplume  is  the  passive  result  of  an 
impatient  chef  cracking  open  the  pressure 
cooker  while  the  soup  is  still 
boiling.  An  earthquake  on  the 
MOR  fractures  the  crust,  tem- 
porarily opening  deep  and 
spacious  fluid  pathways,  re- 
leasing the  trapped  fluids  as  a 
gushing  megaplume.  This 
view  evolves  from  a  long  his- 
tory of  observations  at  terres- 
trial volcanic  sites.  Most  inter- 
esting are  those  from  Iceland, 
a  segment  of  MOR  obligingly 
lifted  above  the  concealing  ocean.  Records  kept  almost  since  the  time  of 
the  Vikings  show  that  every  100  to  150  years  a  years-long  episode  of 
crustal  rifting  and  volcanic  outpouring  assaults  Iceland.  Careful  mea- 
surements collected  during  the  1975  to  1982  episode  indicate  that  inter- 
mittent crustal  stretching  was  accompanied  by  subcrustal  movements  of 
magma  and  subaerial  eruptions  of  molten  lava. 

Expanding  the  Investigation 

Several  pieces  of  the  puzzle  were  now  in  place,  enough  for  tantalizing 
speculations,  but  too  few  to  convince  a  sober  jury  of  scientific  peers.  To 
find  the  crucial  pieces  needed  for  an  airtight  case,  several  investigators 
decided  on  a  long-term  stakeout  of  the  megaplume  area.  After  several 
years  they  hit  pay  dirt,  in  the  form  of  two  first-of-their-kind  discoveries 
on  the  MOR. 

Vance    /  i    y 

Segmenl  /  ', 

'•••!    Cleft 


134C  130  126  122- 

130  OO'W 

DSVAIvm/Robert  Embley.  NOAA 

A  plan  view  of  the 

comparative  extent  of 

the  1986  megaplume 

mid  the  underlying 

"normal"  plume  along 

the  axis  of  Cleft 
Segment  is  shown 
above.  The  size, 
symmetry,  and 
hydrothermal  tempera- 
ture anomaly  of  the 
megaplume  are  all  in 
sharp  contrast  to  the 
steadily  emitted  normal 
plume.  At  left  is  the 
sea  floor  fissure  the 
megaplume  may  have 
erupted  from.  Taken 

from  DSV  Alvin 

(whose  instruments  are 

in  tlie  foreground),  the 

fissure  is  several  meters 

wide  and  perhaps  10 

meters  deep. 

Winter  1991/92 


Within  an  hour  of  the 

beginning  of  two 

Kmfla  eruptions,  a 

photographer  in  an 

airplane  captured  the 

image  at  right  and  the 

one  on  page  2.  The 

eruptions  began  on 

October  18  and 
November  18, 1990, 
and  lasted  five  days 

each.  Both  were 

similar,  occurring  on 

an  8-kilometer-long 

fissure  extending  from 

the  center  of  the  Krafla 

caldera,  northwrd 

along  the  rift  zone,  and 

were  part  of  a  series  of 

rifting  and  magmatic 

events  at  the  divergent 

plate  boundary  in 
nortlieast  Iceland  that 

lasted  from  1975  to 

1984.  Sudden  decreases 

in  the  elevation  of  the 

Krafla  caldera  often 

corresponded  to 

instances  ofcrustal 

widening  and  volcanic 

eruptions  (below). 

Volcanologists  believe 

magma  flows  out  of  the 

caldera  of  the  Krafla 

volcano,  filling  and 

sometimes  overflowing 

the  newly  widened  rift 

zone  as  the  crustal 

plates  separate.  (After 

Bjornsson,  1985,  and 

Tryggvason,  1984.) 

The  first  solid  evidence  that  the  megaplume  was  a  signal  flare  for 
magmatic  activity  appeared  in  annual  analyses  of  water  samples  from 
the  "normal"  plume  that  always  blankets  the  megaplume  site.  In  August 
of  1986,  immediately  after  the  megaplume  release,  the  ratio  of  helium-3 
to  hydrothermal  heat  in  the  normal  plume  exceeded  by  several  times  any 
value  previously  measured  anywhere  on  the  global  MOR.  The  ratio  then 
decreased  every  year  until  1988,  when  it  reached  a  level  typical  of  other 
MOR  vent  sites,  and  of  the  megaplume  itself.  Such  variability  was  no 

than  the 

from  the 
mantle  is 
the  sole 
source  of 
and  heat, 
and  work 

on  the  MOR  had  found  no  evidence  of  a  changing  ratio.  These  new 
observations  had  an  exciting  explanation:  a  sudden  change  in  a  pocket  of 
fluid  magma  had  injected  a  surge  of  helium-3  into  the  hydrothermal 
fluids  feeding  the  vent  field.  Laboratory  experiments  have  demonstrated 
that  magma  can  be  rapidly  stripped  of  helium-3  and  other  volatile  gases 
both  by  bubble  formation  as  rising  magma  depressurizes  and  by  crystal- 
lization as  magma  cools. 

The  second  discovery  provided  definitive  evidence  of  the  magmatic 
activity  needed  to  produce  a  burst  of  helium-3.  Magma  can  suddenly 
depressurize  and  cool  when  it  intrudes  into  deep  cracks  opened  in  the 
upper  crust  by  the  retreating  plates.  Occasionally  these  dikes  of  intrud- 
ing magma  overflow  their  cracks,  spreading  in  shimmering  lakes  or 
piling  up  in  blocky  mounds  of  fresh  basalt  on  the  seafloor.  We  know  this 
happens:  The  evidence  is  the  MOR  itself.  But  not  until  1989  at  the 
megaplume  site  had  oceanographers  been  able  to  identify  and  sample  a 
specific  lava  flow  newly  emplaced  upon  the  seafloor.  Careful  bathymet- 
ric  mapping  in  1987  and  1989,  repeating  survey  lines  originally  run  in 

Cumulative  Rift 
Widening  (m) 


Ocean  us 

1981  and  1983,  revealed  a  series  of  new  lava  mounds  stretching  for  16 
kilometers  along  the  trail  of  fissures  that  runs  through  the  center  of  the 
megaplume  area.  The  volume  of  the  mounds  is  roughly  0.5  cubic  kilome- 
ters, somewhat  less  than  half  the  volume  extruded  during  the  Icelandic 
eruption  episode  of  1975  to  1982. 

Revealing  the  Crime — and  the  Collaborators 

The  discovery  that  the  cataclysmic  megaplume  event  of  1986  was  closely 
associated  with  both  an  escape  of  magmatic  gas  and  an  eruption  of  fresh 
lava  supplied  enough  pieces  of  evidence  to  make  the  case  decipherable. 
A  closing  argument  might  sound  like  this:  The  separating  tectonic  plates 
on  either  side  of  the  Juan  de  Fuca  Ridge  had  been  raising  the  tension 
along  the  axis  of  the  Cleft  segment  for  some  time,  perhaps  decades.  In 
mid-August  of  1986,  its  crust  failed  and  the  width  of  the  axial  crest 
increased  by  a  few  meters.  A  huge  mass  of  hydrothermal  broth  impris- 
oned in  pores  and  crevices  was  released  almost  instantly.  A  several- 
kilometers-long  line  of  hydrothermal  heat  and  chemicals  surged  1,000 
meters  above  the  seafloor,  turbulently  mixing  seawater  over  a  300- 
square-kilometer  area.  The  megaplume  discharge  ended  abruptly  as  cold 
seawater  filled  the  emptying  fissures. 

On  the  heels  of  this  release,  a  slab  of  molten  magma  pushed  upward 
through  the  cracked  crust,  lumping  up  mounds  of  fresh  lava  wherever  it 
breached  the  seafloor.  Helium-3  and  other  volatile  gases  dissolved  in  the 
magma  were  liberated  as  the  magma  rose  and  cooled.  Newly  forming 
hydrothermal  fluids  absorbed  these  gases,  and  soon  afterwards  the  flow 
from  seafloor  chimneys  contained  extraordinary  concentrations  of 
helium-3.  The  magmatic  dike  reaching  up  from  the  base  of  the  crust  was 
only  a  few  meters  wide  and  stretched  perhaps  20  kilometers  along  the 
fissure  line  running  through  the  north  end  of  the  Cleft  segment.  By  1988 
it  had  completely  solidified,  and  extraction  rates  of  helium-3  and  heat 
were  once  again  similar.  New  communities  of  vent  creatures  colonized 
the  lava  mounds,  attracted  by  warm,  chemical-rich  water  leaking  up 
through  the  lava  from  the  buried  fissure  system.  A  new  sliver  of  ocean 
crust  had  been  added  to  the  seafloor. 

This  hypothesis  of  the  events  surrounding  the  megaplume  release 
satisfied  our  puzzlement,  while  stimulating  our  curiosity  with  new 
questions.  How  common  are  megaplume  events,  and  how  important  are 
they  in  the  global  budget  of  hydrothermal  venting?  Does  volcano- 
tectonic  activity  on  segments  of  the  MOR  follow  the  Icelandic  pattern  of 
several  years  of  concentrated  vigor  separated  by  long  quiescent  periods? 
And,  most  basically,  how  can  we  test  our  hypothesis? 

The  importance  of  episodic  events  relative  to  the  more  familiar 
steady  venting  can  only  be  surmised  until  we  know  more  about  the 
frequency  of  megaplumes.  Megaplume  observations  are  still  under- 
standably scarce.  A  second  megaplume,  somewhat  smaller  than  the  first, 
was  found  over  the  Juan  de  Fuca  Ridge  in  1987.  The  precise  origin  of  that 
plume  is  unknown;  when  found,  the  plume  was  several  weeks  to  months 
old  and  may  have  drifted  far  from  its  source.  Researchers  have  also 
claimed  evidence  of  a  megaplume  in  the  Fiji  Basin  just  southwest  of 
Samoa.  More  extensive  evidence  may  actually  exist  in  the  geologic 
record,  where  the  prevalence  of  hydrothermal  breccias,  deposits  of 

A  huge 

mass  of 



in  pores 
and  crevices 
was  released 


Winter  1991/92 


Cartoon  of  the  hydro- 
thermal  and  geological 
observation  program  of 
the  Vents  Program  at 
the  megaplume  site. 
The  geometry  of  the 
magma  chamber  and 
magma  dike  are 

fractured  and  fragmented  debris,  suggests  that  cataclysmic  releases  of 
hydrothermal  fluids  have  not  been  uncommon  along  the  MOR. 

A  few  simple  calculations  can  yield  a  rough  estimate  of  the  relative 
importance  of  large  hydrothermal  events.  In  terms  of  the  power  released 
by  hydrothermal  discharge  on  various  scales,  the  megaplume  is  an 
awesome  force.  During  its  short  lifetime,  it  releases  heat  at  a  rate  equal  to 
perhaps  10  percent  of  steady  venting  along  the  entire  global  MOR  axis. 
In  terms  of  global  budgets,  however,  we  should  more  appropriately 
compare  the  supply  of  hydrothermal  emissions  over  a  longer  time 
period.  On  an  annual  basis,  the  contribution  of  hydrothermal  elements 
such  as  iron  and  silicon  from  a  single  megaplume  is  about  equal  to  that 
of  an  entire  vent  field,  or  about  0.1  percent  to  0.01  percent  of  the  global 
total.  As  a  first  estimate,  then,  the  global  supply  of  hydrothermal  fluid 
from  megaplumes  would  equal  that  from  steady  venting  if  every  vent 
field  produced  a  megaplume  each  year.  What  little  experience  we  have 
suggests  that  this  schedule  is  too  ambitious,  so  megaplume  events  are 
unlikely  to  dominate  the  global  budget.  They  may,  however,  be  a 
principal  contributor  to  the  hydrothermal  supply  from  MOR  segments 
undergoing  spreading  episodes. 


Plume  Monitoring 

Steady  Venting 


Volcanic  System 

Magma  Dike 

Magma  Chamber 



Vents  to  Remain  Vigilant 

The  progression  from  simple  detection  of  megaplumes  to  a  test  of  the 
complex  hypothesis  in  which  we  have  embedded  them  requires  the 
establishment  of  a  long-term  observational  program.  The  NOAA  Vents 
Program  is  currently  developing  such  a  program  at  the  site  of  the 
original  megaplume.  The  seafloor  observational  system  will  initially 
include  three  components.  Sensors  on  moorings  along  the  ridge  axis  will 
monitor  temperature  and  current  velocity  above  the  vent  field,  looking 
for  perturbations  that  signal  a  sudden  change  in  the  distribution  or 
intensity  of  steady  venting,  or  the  occurrence  of  hydrothermal  events 
such  as  megaplumes.  Volcanic  system  monitors  resting  on  the  seafloor 
will  contain  seismic  recorders  tuned  to  detect  tremors  indicative  of 
magma  rumbling  through  the  crust,  and  sensitive  inclinometers  and 
pressure  gauges  to  measure  seafloor  deformation  caused  by  swelling  or 
contraction  of  the  magma  chamber.  Pilot  deployments  of  these  first  two 
components  began  in  1991.  The  third  component,  an  acoustic  extensom- 
eter  network,  will  be  added  in  1992.  Acoustical  beacons  on  either  side  of 
the  rift  zone  will  search  for  evidence  of  crustal  spreading  events  by 
continuously  monitoring  the  distance  between  themselves,  much  as  a 
land-based  laser-ranging  system  currently  monitors  movement  along  the 
San  Andreas  Fault  system  in  southern  California.  In  addition  to  these 
seafloor  monitors,  the  Vents  Program  will  tap  into  an  existing  array  of 
military  hydrophones  throughout  the  Pacific  to  listen  for  the  telltale 
underwater  sounds,  called  T-phases,  made  by  the  cracking  of  earth- 
quakes and  the  rumbling  of  magma. 

In  the  world  of  pulp  detective  novels,  the  criminal  always  returns  to 
the  scene  of  the  crime.  Nature,  however,  may  not  so  obligingly  furnish 
another  megaplume  to  the  scientific  Sam  Spades  now  on  a  stakeout  at 
the  Cleft  segment.  But  even  without  one,  a  long-term  study  of  its  birth- 
place will  increase  our  understanding  of  the  interrelationships  of  crustal 
rifting,  magma  movement,  and  hydrothermal  activity,  providing  new 
puzzles  and  clues  for  the  next  detectives. 

The  NOAA 
Vents  Program 

is  currently 
developing  a 


program  at 

the  site 
of  the  original 


Edward  T.  Baker  is  a  Research  Oceanographer  at  the  National  Oceanic  and 
Atmospheric  Administration's  Pacific  Marine  Environmental  Laboratory,  Seattle, 
and  an  Affiliate  Associate  Professor  in  the  School  of  Oceanography,  University  of 
Washington.  He  presently  serves  on  the  RIDGE  Program  Steering  Committee 
and  has  been  mapping  hydrothermal  plumes  since  1984. 

Winter  1991 /92 


will  help  us 



Imaging  of 

Spreading  Centers 

Douglas  R.  Toomey 

ince  we  cannot  observe  the  vast  regions  beneath  the  seafloor 
directly,  we  must  use  remote-sensing  methods  such  as  sound 
waves  to  help  us  answer  fundamental  questions  about  the 
structures  that  make  up  mid-ocean  ridges.  We  want  to  know 
the  size,  shape,  and  location  of  spreading-center  magma- 
storage  zones  and  the  physical  properties  of  the  solid  and  molten  rocks 
beneath  the  axis  of  accretion.  We  need  to  know  the  strength  of  ridge- 
building  materials  and  the  spatial  and  temporal  relationships  of  various 
ridge  components.  Seismic  tomography,  a  powerful  method  for  mapping 
three  dimensional  physical  properties  within  Earth's  interior,  promises 
to  help  us  gain  this  knowledge,  which  in  turn  will  help  us  understand 
plate-boundary  mechanics.  By  analyzing  the  propagation  of  vibrational 
waves  generated  by  earthquakes  or  man-made  sources  such  as  explo- 
sions, we  can  map  seismic  structure,  that  is,  the  travel  speeds  of  different 
types  of  vibrational  or  seismic  waves  and  their  attenuation  with  distance 
due  to  frictional  energy  loss.  One  of  the  most  frequently  studied  seismic 
waves,  the  P-wave,  is  similar  to  the  acoustic  waves  we  hear.  A  shock 
wave  generated  by  a  large  explosion  is  a  graphic  analogue  of  a  P-wave. 
By  measuring  the  transit  time  of  P-waves  passing  around  and  through 
an  active  spreading  center,  we  can  develop  a  three-dimensional  image  of 
the  seismic  structure  beneath  the  plate  boundary. 

Seismic  tomography  can  be  used  to  image  three-dimensional  physi- 
cal properties  over  a  wide  spectrum  of  length  scales,  including,  for 
example,  images  at  a  scale  of  hundreds  of  meters  of  the  upper-oceanic 
crust  near  regions  of  hydrothermal  venting,  reconstruction  of  kilometer- 
sized  velocity  anomalies  characterizing  axial  magma  chambers,  and 
maps  of  physical  properties  within  the  zone  of  mantle  upwelling  and 
melt  generation,  located  deep  (10  to  100  kilometers)  beneath  seafloor- 
spreading  centers.  Several  fundamental  improvements  in  the  descriptive 
and  theoretical  models  of  oceanic  ridges  await  detailed,  three-dimen- 
sional mapping  of  velocity  structure. 



The  Importance  of  Seismic  Imaging 

Within  a  spreading  center,  the  geology  and  morphology  of  the  sea  floor 
and  the  thermal  and  mechanical  structure  of  the  newly  formed  oceanic 
plate  are  controlled  by  the  complex  interplay  of  magmatic  injection, 
tectonic  rifting,  and  hydrothermal  cooling.  These  dynamic  processes  all 
exhibit  pronounced  spatial  and  temporal  dependencies.  Moreover,  while 
an  individual  process  may  express  itself  on  the  seafloor  as  a  volcano,  an 
uplifted  mountain  range,  or  a  hydrothermal  vent  field,  the  majority  of 
the  dynamic  activity  invariably  occurs  at  some  depth  beneath  the 
seafloor.  Understanding  the  nature  of  oceanic  spreading  centers  requires 
knowledge  of  the  behavior  of  these  dynamic  processes  as  they  evolve 
directly  beneath  the  axis  of  accretion. 

In  recent  years,  working  models  of  oceanic  spreading  centers  have 
evolved  from  two-dimensional,  steady-state  idealizations  to  more 
realistic  three-dimensional,  time-dependent  systems  (see  the  segmented 
Mid- Atlantic  Ridge,  page  11).  The  new  dimension  added  to  the  working 
models  is  the  pervasive  along-strike  variability  of  mid-ocean  ridge 
processes,  notably  in  the  production  of  melt  beneath  the  spreading 
center.  Current  hypotheses  suggest  that  ascending  melt  within  the 
mantle  is  focused  into  magmatic  centers  separated  on  the  order  of  tens  to 
a  hundred  kilometers.  Each  magmatic  center  supplies  the  greater  portion 
of  melt  and  heat  to  a  single  ridge  segment.  Within  an  individual  ridge 
segment,  processes  such  as  faulting,  hydrothermal  circulation,  and 
magmatic  accretion  vary  systematically  as  a  function  of  distance  from  the 
magmatic  center.  The  hypothetical  structural  unit,  consisting  of  a  local 
maximum  of  magmatism  bounded  by  along-axis  minima,  became 
known  as  a  spreading-center  segment  or  cell.  This  simple  model  of 
cellular  segmentation  provides  an  improved,  but  controversial,  working 
hypothesis  for  mid-ocean  ridge  studies. 

What  follows  is  a  review  of  results  of  seismic  tomography  studies 
used  to  investigate  the  spatial  variability  of  physical  properties  and 
processes  deep  within  spreading  centers.  Divergent  plate  boundaries 
display  several  different  structural  forms,  including  the  classic  rift  valley 
of  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge,  the  pronounced  en  echelon  or  steplike  structure 
of  the  Reykjanes  Peninsula  within  southwest  Iceland,  or  the  more 
morphologically  subdued  East  Pacific  Rise.  Each  of  these  different 
spreading  centers  is  the  topic  of  a  tomographic  study.  These  investiga- 
tions are  unified  by  a  common  purpose:  furthering  our  knowledge  of 
physical  structure  beneath  ridge  axes,  and  using  these  observational 
constraints  to  improve  working  hypotheses  of  the  mechanics  of  diver- 
gent plate  boundaries. 

Tomographic  Images  of  Rifts  and  Rises 

Mid-Atlantic  Ridge 

The  cellular  model  of  focused  magmatic  accretion  is  particularly  apt  for 
characterizing  the  rugged,  slow-spreading  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge.  Undula- 
tions in  the  ridge-parallel  profile  of  axial  seafloor  depth  are  thought  to 
result  from  variations  in  melt  production.  Magmatic  centers  presumably 
coincide  with  the  shallower  portions  of  the  ridge  axis,  while  the  far  ends 
of  magmatic  cells  (regions  of  low  melt  production)  are  thought  to 

The  majority 
of  the  dynamic 



occurs  at  some 

depth  beneath 

the  seafloor. 

Winter  1991 192 


Tliis  cross-section  of  the 

Mid-Atlantic  Ridge 

median  valley  along-axis 

deep  near  23°N,  shows 

hypocenters  (circles)  and 

contours  of  P-wave 

velocity  (in  kilometers 

per  second)  obtained 

from  two-dimensional 

tomographic  imaging. 

The  seafloor  bathymetry 

reveals  the  rift's 

relatively  flat  inner  floor 

and  rugged  mountains 

to  the  east.  A  conjectural 

fault  plane  for  recent 

large  earthquakes  is 

shown  (see  Mid-Ocean 

Ridge  Seismicity,  page 

60).  At  the  far  end  of 

th  is  40-kilometer-long 

ridge  segment,  tomogra- 

phy  data  shows  nearly 

normal  oceanic  crustal 


correlate  with  the  deeper  parts  of  the  ridge  profile.  Two  recent  studies 
conducted  on  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  by  researchers  from  the  Massachu- 
setts Institute  of  Technology  (MIT)  and  the  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic 
Institution  (WHOI),  one  within  an  axial  low  near  23°N  and  the  other 
astride  an  axial  high  near  26°N,  demonstrate  the  utility  of  tomographic 
imaging  for  characterizing  crustal  seismic  structure  throughout  spread- 
ing-center  cells. 

The  first  application  of  tomographic  methods  to  the  study  of  mid- 
ocean  ridge  crustal  structure 
occurred  during  an  investigation 
of  the  seismicity  and  seismic 
structure  of  the  Mid-Atlantic 
Ridge  near  23°N,  south  of  the 
Kane  Fracture  zone.  The  micro- 
earthquake  study  was  located  in 
an  along-axis  deep  at  the  far  end 
of  a  ridge  segment  approximately 
40  kilometers  long.  During  a  two- 
week  deployment  within  the  rift 
valley,  hundreds  of  microearth- 
quakes  were  recorded  by  ocean- 
bottom  receivers.  In  addition  to 
locating  the  earthquakes,  a 
tomographic  analysis  of  travel- 
time  data  was  conducted;  the  P-wave  data  comprised  transit  times  from 
earthquakes  and  several  man-made  explosions  (seismic  refraction  data) 
to  the  ocean-bottom  receivers.  By  analyzing  variations  in  the  transit 
times  among  many  different  paths,  images  of  anomalous  volumes  of 
seismic  velocity  were  obtained.  The  two-dimensional  seismic  structure 
across  the  rift-valley  inner  floor  and  transecting  the  axial  deep  was 
similar  to  normal  off-axis  oceanic  crustal  structure,  excepting  a  small 
decrease  in  mid-crustal  (1  to  4  kilometers  beneath  the  seafloor)  velocities 
at  zero-age  crust.  These  low  velocities  quickly  evolved  with  age  (or  with 
off-axis  distance)  within  the  first  few  hundred  thousand  years  of  crustal 
formation.  The  similarity  in  structure  between  axial  crust  within  an 
along-axis  deep  and  normal  off-axis  oceanic  crust  that  had  undergone 
extensive  cooling  as  a  result  of  aging  was  remarkable.  From  these  and 
other  observations  we  hypothesized  that  at  this  far  end  of  a  ridge  seg- 
ment, considerable  time  (about  10,000  years)  had  elapsed  since  an 
episode  of  significant  magmatic  accretion.  Without  the  addition  of  new 
crustal  material  that  results  from  magmatic  injection,  we  also  inferred  that 
this  rift-valley  deep  had  undergone  horizontal  extension;  in  effect,  the 
spreading  of  oceanic  plates  at  the  end  of  a  ridge  segment  was  accommo- 
dated by  stretching  and  thinning  of  the  axial  crust. 

A  second  study  near  the  Transatlantic  Geophysical  Profile  (TAG) 
hydrothermal  field  at  26°N  was  located  close  to  an  along-axis  high  near  a 
ridge-segment  center  also  approximately  40  kilometers  in  length.  In 
contrast  to  the  magmatically  quiescent,  cool  crust  beneath  the  along-axis 
deep  at  23°N,  the  axial  high  of  the  ridge  segment  at  26°N  is  characterized 
by  high-temperature,  black  smoker  chimneys.  At  26°N  the  two-dimen- 
sional seismic  structure  along  the  rift  valley,  including  the  region  of  the 
axial  high,  was  remarkably  heterogeneous  in  comparison  with  the 



structure  near  23°N.  Anomalously  high  velocities  in  the  upper  crust  were 
detected  near  the  axial  high,  and  a  low  velocity  anomaly  was  detected 
beneath  an  axial  volcano.  Both  of  these  crustal  velocity  anomalies  were 
interpreted  to  be  the  result  of  recent  magmatic  intrusion.  In  contrast, 
toward  the  axial  deep  at  the  southern  end  of  the  TAG  ridge  segment,  the 
seismic  structure  is  comparable  to  normal  oceanic  crustal  structure, 
similar  to  the  axial  deep  near  23°N.  The  axis-parallel  velocity  patterns  near 
26°N,  including  complex  structures  near  the  ridge  segment  center  and  a 
transition  to  more  homogeneous,  almost  normal  crustal  structure  near  the 
segment's  far  end,  appear  consistent  with  the  hypothesis  that  crustal 
accretion  is  focused  centrally  beneath  a  slow-spreading  ridge  segment. 

We  don't  yet  know  whether  or  not  the  observed  variations  in  axial 
seismic  structure  are  fundamentally  related  to  axial  segmentation  and 
focusing  of  magmatic  accretion.  Current  models  of  mid-ocean  ridge 
processes  suggest  that  slow-spreading  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  segments  of 
equal  length,  such  as  the  23°N  and  26°N  ridge  segments,  are 
magmatically  fed  by  either  upwelling  plumes  of  similar  size  or  volu- 
metrically  similar  amounts  of  melt.  If  the  model  predictions  hold  true, 
the  tomographic  images  resulting  from  these  two  microearthquake 
experiments  may  begin  to  characterize  the  seismic  structure  near  the 
axial  high  and  axial  low  of  a  40-kilometer-long  ridge  segment. 

Reykjanes  Peninsula,  Iceland 

A  tomographic  study  of  the  Hengill-Grensdalur  volcanic  field  in  south- 
western Iceland  provides  further  indication  of  the  power  of  seismic 
methods  for  imaging  the  interior  of  active  spreading  centers.  Working 
with  Gillian  Foulger  of  the  UK,  we  resolved  the  anomalous  three- 
dimensional  crustal  structure  underlying  the  magmatic  center  of  a  slow- 
spreading  Icelandic  rift  segment.  Geologic  maps  of  the  area  show  that 
the  magmatic  center  or  central  volcanic  region  incorporates  the  recently 
active  Hengill  Volcano,  the  inactive  Grensdalur  Volcano,  and  the  high- 
temperature  geothermal  field  associated  with  these  features.  To  either 
side  of  the  Hengill  central  volcano,  and  extending  to  the  far  ends  of  the 
rift  segment,  are  a  set  of  fissure  swarms  indicating  the  locus  of  past 
eruptions.  Our  scientific  objective  was  to  tomographically  image  the 
seismic  structure  of  the  center  of  this  magmatic  cell.  These  results  also 
aided  the  Icelandic  Energy  Authority  in  their  search  for  volumes  of 
anomalously  hot  rock  beneath  the  spreading  center  and  to  evaluate  this 
volcano's  geothermal  energy  potential. 

A  significant  advantage  of  land-based  surveys  is  the  ease  of  record- 
ing seismic  data  for  a  longer  period  of  time  than  is  typically  possible  for 
marine  seismic  experiments.  A  longer  recording  period  provides  a  larger 
data  set,  and  thus  more  extensive  sampling  of  the  study  volume;  as 
expected,  higher  resolution  tomographic  images  are  obtained  when 
larger  quantities  of  data  are  available.  Using  P-wave  travel  times  re- 
corded during  a  four-month  period  by  over  20  seismometers,  we 
tomographically  imaged  seismic  velocities  within  a  14-by-15-by-6-cubic- 
kilometer  volume  that  underlies  the  high-temperature  Hengill- 
Grensdalur  geothermal  field.  A  dense  distribution  of  sources  and 
receivers  permits  structural  resolution  to  within  approximately  1  and  2 
kilometers  in  the  vertical  and  horizontal  directions,  respectively.  The 

A  dense 


of  sources 

and  receivers 



resolution  to 


1  and  2 

Winter  1991/92 


tomographic  image  of 

P-wave  velocity 
beneath  the  Hengill- 
Grensdalur  volcanic 
complex,  Iceland.  The 

color  scale  denotes 
percentage  difference  in 

velocity  from  the 

regional  structure.  For 

display  purposes,  the 

model  is  represented  by 

constant-velocity  cubic 

blocks  of  dimension 
0.25  km.  Two  views  of 
the  tomographic  image 
are  shown;  both  views 
are  from  the  northeast. 
Positions  of  the  surface 

expressions  of  the 
Grensdalur  and  Hen- 
gill  volcanoes  (red 
circles)  and  the  axis  of 
crustal  accretion  (solid 
bar)  are  shown . 

final  model  of  the  area's  structure  is  charac- 
terized by  distinct  bodies  of  anomalously 
high  velocities:  Two  of  these  bodies  are 
continuous  from  the  surface  to  about  3 
kilometers  depth,  and  each  is  associated 
with  a  site  of  past  volcanic  eruption;  the 
third  body  of  high  velocity  lies  beneath  the 
center  of  the  active  geothermal  field  at  a  3- 
to  4-kilometer  depth. 

The  volcanic  features  we  directly  ob- 
serve on  the  surface  are  clearly  the  expres- 
sion of  igneous  processes  occurring  at  great 
depths.  They  include  the  crustal-level  stor- 
age of  molten  magma  and  the  cooling  of 
such  bodies  to  form  magmatic  intrusions  or 
plutons.  For  crustal-level  rocks,  the  P-wave 
velocity  varies  little  at  temperatures  below 
500°C  and  decreases  rapidly  at  tempera- 
tures in  excess  of  500°  to  800°C  (basalt  be- 
gins to  melt  at  about  800°C).  We  thus  infer 
that  neither  molten  magma  nor  rock  hotter 
than  about  500°C  exist  presently  in  large 
volumes  beneath  the  Hengill-Grensdalur 
volcanic  and  geothermal  field.  The  presence 
of  hot  springs  and  fumaroles  at  the  surface 
with  water  temperatures  between  300°and 
370°C,  however,  indicates  the  presence  of 

intrusive  rock  at  similar  temperatures.  We  interpret  the  tomographic  images 
of  anomalously  high  velocity  to  be  the  result  of  recently  solidified  magmatic 
intrusions  into  the  upper  crust.  Furthermore,  those  intrusions  beneath  active 
geothermal  fields,  while  solid,  are  most  likely  hot  enough  (about  400°C)  to 
provide  a  usable  source  of  thermal  energy. 

The  tomographic  image  of  the  Hengill-Grensdalur  volcanic  field  may 
provide  an  analog  to  the  type  of  three-dimensional  seismic  structures 
possibly  present  beneath  the  TAG  area  of  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge.  Both  sites 
are  coincident  with  the  center  of  a  ridge  segment,  and  both  are  characterized 
by  profound  structural  heterogeneity  suggestive  of  recent  crustal-level 
intrusion  of  magma. 

East  Pacific  Rise 

Long-standing  fundamental  questions  surround  models  of  the  size, 
shape,  and  physical  properties  of  mid-ocean-ridge  axial  magma  cham- 
bers. Mid-ocean  ridge  magmatism  is  a  significant  function  of  spreading 
rate,  and  at  faster  spreading  rises,  such  as  the  East  Pacific  Rise,  the 
volume  of  melt  and  the  amount  of  heat  delivered  to  the  crust  greatly 
exceeds  that  of  the  slower-spreading  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge.  Consequently, 
thermal  models  for  mid-ocean  ridges  predict  that  shallow  crustal  tem- 
peratures are  generally  higher,  and  axial  magma  chambers  are  generally 
larger  and  more  long-lived  along  faster  spreading  rises.  To  test  these 
models,  a  seismic  tomography  experiment  was  recently  conducted  on 
the  East  Pacific  Rise  (EPR)  near  9°30'N  by  MIT  and  WHOI.  It  employed 



A  mn}]  and  his 

charge:  Beecher 

Wooding  of  WHO/ 

prepares  to  launch  tin 

explosive  charge 

(in  the  cardboard  box) 

during  the  1988 

East  Pacific  Rise 

seismic  tomography 

experiment  aboard 

R/V  Washington. 

2  km  South 







West-East,  km 

1  km  West 

15  ocean-bottom  receivers  and  over  450  shots  to  image  for  the  first  time 
the  three-dimensional  seismic  structure  of  an  axial  magma  chamber.  The 
15  receivers  included  ocean-bottom 
hydrophones  and  seismometers, 
designed  and  built  by  engineers  and 
technicians  at  WHOI  and  MIT. 
Unlike  the  so-called  passive  tomog- 
raphy studies  of  the  Mid- Atlantic 
and  Icelandic  rifts  that  used  P-waves 
generated  by  local  earthquakes,  the 
EPR  experiment  was  an  active 
seismic-imaging  experiment  that 
used  P-wave  energy  generated  by 
explosives.  We  deployed  the 
individual  explosive  shots  in  a  dense 
grid  to  ensure  good  sampling  of  the 
crustal  volume  beneath  an  18-by-16- 
square  kilometer  area  centered  on 
the  EPR  axis.  Over  7,000  seismo- 
grams  were  recorded,  each  provid- 
ing some  measure  of  the  crustal 
seismic  structure  along  a  different 
path  connecting  a  source  to  a 

A  vertical  section  (at  right)  of 
the  EPR  tomographic  reconstruction 
shows  the  anomalous  P-wave 
structure  across  the  rise  axis  and 
cutting  through  the  axial  magmatic 
system,  which  appears  primarily  as 
the  anomalously  low  seismic 
velocities  (orange  and  red  areas) 
about  2  to  4  kilometers  beneath  the 
seafloor.  From  laboratory  studies  of 




South— North,  km 

Tliese  vertical  cross  sections  through  the  P-wave  velocity  structure 
were  obtained  by  tomographic  imaging  of  the  East  Pacific  Rise.  The 
top  and  bottom  sections  are  transverse  and  parallel  to  the  rise 
summit,  respectively.  The  colors  show  departures  of  the  three- 
dimensional  model  from  an  average  one-dimensional,  depth- 
dependent  velocity  structure:  blues  are  faster  than  average  and 
greens  to  reds  are  slower  tlian  average.  Tlie  contour  interval  is  0.2 
kilometers  per  second.  Two  deviations  in  the  along-axis  trend  of  the 
rise  summit  (devals)  are  shown  on  the  rise  parallel  section.  Both 
images  pass  through  the  axial  mag)natic  system. 

Winter  1991/92 


Juxtaposing  the  EPR 
seismic  tomography 
results  and  the  seafloor 
bathymetry  permits  a 
perspective  view.  Two 
map-view  sections 
through  the  three- 
dimensional  model  are 
shown,  one  near  the 
seafloor  and  the  deeper 

one  at  a  depth  of  2 
kilometers  beneath  the 
rise  summit;  the  deeper 
section  passes  through 

the  lowest  seismic 
velocities  of  the  axial 
magrnatic  system.  The 
colors  show  variations 
in  seismic  velocity 
structure;  blues  are 
faster  than  average, 
greens  to  reds  are 
slower  than  average. 
The  three-dimensional 
mesh  depicts  undula- 
tions of  seafloor 
bathymetry;  the  axial 
summit  is  depicted  by 

shallowing  of  the 
seafloor.  The  location  of 
two  devals  are  noted,  as 
is  the  vertical  projec- 
tion of  these  seafloor 
features  down  to  the 
depth  of  the  axial  low- 
velocity  volume. 

P-wave  velocity  with  increasing  temperature  we  infer  that  the  subaxial 
crustal  region  comprising  low  seismic  velocities  is  extremely  hot,  with 
temperatures  well  over  500°C  We  think  the  concentration  of  lower  seismic 
velocities  near  a  2-kilometer  depth  results  from  the  accumulation  and 
storage  of  molten  magma  within  a  thin  melt-filled  sill;  this  magma  lens  is 
frequently  observed  by  other  types  of  seismic  experiments  and  its  maxi- 
mum cross-axis  width  and  thickness  are  inferred  to  be  1  to  2  kilometers  and 
less  than  a  few  hundred  meters,  respectively.  The  estimated  volume  of  melt 




stored  within  this  sill  is  comparable  to  that  of  a  typical  seafloor  lava  flow, 
suggesting  that  a  volcanic  eruption  along  a  fast-spreading  ridge  draws  melt 
from  this  region.  The  tomographic  images  also  show  a  large  region  of  low 
seismic  velocities  that  presumably  envelope  the  much  smaller  magma  lens 
near  a  2-kilometer  depth.  In  general,  the  seismic  velocities  throughout  the 
larger  volume  encompassing  the  melt  lens  are  consistent  with  elevated 
temperatures,  but  not  necessarily  with  molten  rock.  The  size  and  shape  of 
the  seismic  anomalies  across  the  rise  axis  strongly  constrain  the  size  and 
shape  of  the  axial  magrnatic  system. 

A  vertical  section  parallel  to  the  EPR  axis  shows  a  variation  in 
seismic  velocity  suggestive  of  an  along-axis  segmentation  of  the  crustal 
magma  chamber  and  the  axial  thermal  structure.  Again,  the  elevated 
temperatures  associated  with  crustal-level  magmatism  are  effectively 
mapped  as  the  regions  of  lower  seismic  velocity.  Along  this  section  of  the 
EPR,  the  observed  seismic  structure  is  noticeably  segmented  on  a  scale  of 
about  10  kilometers,  with  the  lowest  velocities  observed  immediately 
south  of  the  experiment  center;  from  this  we  infer  that  thermal  structure 
is  segmented  in  a  similar  manner. 

The  along-axis  segmentation  of  the  axial  magrnatic  system  gives  rise 
to  an  observed  segmentation  of  seafloor  morphology.  During  the  experi- 


ment,  we  mapped  seafloor  bathymetry  over  a  3,600-square-kilometer 
area.  Inspecting  these  maps  we  found  that  along  axis  the  trend  of  the 
EPR  axial  summit  was  variable;  within  the  aperture  of  our  seismic 
experiment,  the  rise  summit  was  easily  divided  into  three  adjacent  linear 
segments.  Our  seismic  tomography  images  included  one  complete  12- 
kilometer-long  linear  segment  and  parts  of  the  bordering  rise  sections.  At 
either  end  of  this  linear  segment,  the  axial  summit  deviates  from  linear- 
ity, a  seafloor  morphologic  feature  referred  to  as  a  deval.  The  along-axis 
tomographic  section  shows  that  the  axial  devals  coincide  with  a  relative 
increase  in  along-axis  seismic  velocities  near  a  depth  of  2  kilometers.  The 
interpretation  is  that  at  mid-crustal  depths  the  temperature  is  highest  in  the 
center  of  the  morphologically  defined  linear-rise  segment,  and  lowest  at  the 
segment  ends.  The  correlation  of  seafloor  bathymetry  with  subseafloor 
thermal  structure  shows  that  magmatic  processes  occurring  at  great  depths 
strongly  affect  surface  geology. 

A  perspective  plot  (opposite  page)  shows  a  different  view  of  the 
seismic  tomography  results  including  anomalous  seismic  velocities  near 
the  seafloor  and  2  kilometers  beneath  the  seafloor;  variations  in  seismic 
velocity  are  indicated  with  color.  As  in  the  other  figures,  anomalously 
low  and  high  seismic  velocities  are  indicated  by  warmer  and  cooler 
colors,  respectively.  Seafloor  bathymetry  undulations  are  represented  by 
a  three-dimensional  mesh,  clearly  showing  the  shallowing  of  the  seafloor 
that  demarcates  the  axis  of  seafloor  spreading.  Seismic  velocities  near  the 
axial  summit  seafloor  are  notably  high  (shown  as  blue  colors).  Two 
bathymetrically  defined  devals  are  shown  as  vertical  lines  penetrating 
the  seafloor  and  continuing  downward  to  the  horizontal  section  at  a  2- 
kilometer  depth.  The  deeper  section  lies  near  the  depth  of  the  melt-filled 
sill  and  through  the  core  of  the  axial  magmatic  system.  Our  interpreta- 
tion is  that  melt  generated  in  the  mantle  tens  of  kilometers  beneath  the 
seafloor  is  injected  into  the  shallow  crust  at  intervals  of  about  10  kilome- 
ters along  the  rise  axis,  giving  rise  to  magmatically  defined  rise  segments 
of  similar  length.  The  segmentation  of  crustal-level  axial  magmatism  and 
its  relationship  to  segmentation  of  seafloor  morphology  is  an  important 
new  observation  made  possible  by  seismic  imaging. 

Tomographic  studies  of  seismic  velocity  structure  beneath  local 
segments  of  the  East  Pacific  Rise,  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge,  and  the 
Icelandic  rift  represent  a  new  and  powerful  approach  to  the  seismologi- 
cal  study  of  divergent  plate  boundaries.  Future  seismic  tomography 
experiments  will  continue  to  provide  images  of  the  physical  properties 
deep  within  spreading  centers,  and  the  study  of  these  images,  in  con- 
junction with  other  geological  and  geophysical  data,  will  greatly  im- 
prove models  of  the  tectonic,  magmatic,  and  hydrothermal  processes 
responsible  for  the  formation  of  oceanic  regions.  "*\ 

Acknowledgements:  Much  of  the  research  reported  here  was  done  in  collaboration 
with  G.  Michael  Purdy  (Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution)  and  Sean  C. 
Solomon  (Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology).  The  results  from  the  TAG  area 
of  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  are  from  the  Ph.D.  thesis  of  Laura  Kong  (MIT/WHOI 
Joint  Program  in  Oceanography /Oceanographic  Engineering). 

Douglas  Ft.  Toomey  is  an  Assistant  Professor  in  the  Department  of  Geological 
Sciences  at  the  University  of  Oregon,  and  a  graduate  of  the  MIT/WHOI  Joint 
Program  in  Oceanography/Oceanopgraphic  Engineering. 


of  seafloor 

bathymetry  with 



structure  shows 
that  magmatic 


occurring  at 

great  depths 

strongly  affect 

surface  geology. 

Winter  1991/92 


Bruce  Heezen,  aboard 
Vema,  ///  the  1970s. 

Bruce  C.  Heezen 

A  Profile 

Paul  J.  Fox 

nice  Heezen  died  prematurely  at  the  age  of  54  in  June  of  1977, 
as  he  was  preparing  to  dive  aboard  the  Navy  research  subma- 
rine NR-1 .  His  intended  destination  was  the  Mid-Atlantic- 
Ridge  axis,  a  limb  of  the  world-encircling  ridge  system  where 
oceanic  crust  is  created.  Bruce  had  been  fascinated  with  the 
Mid -Atlantic  Ridge  since  he  first  studied  and  explored  it  30  years  before, 
as  an  undergraduate  research  assistant  for  Maurice  Ewing  at  Woods 
Hole  Oceanographic  Institution  (WHOI).  Bruce's  passing  was  untimely, 
and  marine  geology  and  geophysics  lost  one  of  the  great  visionary  minds 
of  the  science,  but  the  way  he  died  was  in  a  sense  heroic:  He  was  at  sea, 
poised  to  enter  the  abyss  in  his  never-ceasing  quest  to  better  understand 
how  Earth  works.  If  asked,  I  cannot  imagine  that  he  would  have  scripted 
his  death  any  differently. 

It  is  a  daunting  task  to  adequately  profile  the  depth  of  character  of  a 
man  who  contributed  more  than  300  publications  and  two  books  to 
marine  geological  literature,  who  was  the  mentor  and  colleague  of  13 



Ph.D.  students,  who  spent  more  than  eight  years  at  sea  pursuing  knowl- 
edge about  the  seafloor,  and  who,  through  these  achievements,  changed 
the  way  we  think  about  the  processes  that  create  and  modify  the  sea- 
floor.  I  will  try,  however,  to  focus  on  a  few  highlights  of  his  early  years, 
his  science,  the  particular  gifts  that  allowed  him  to  see  further  than  most, 
and  the  generosity  and  wisdom  that  made  him  such  a  memorable  teacher. 

As  the  son  of  a  successful  turkey  farmer  in  Iowa,  Bruce  Heezen  spent 
a  great  deal  of  his  childhood  outdoors, 
rambling  about  the  countryside  attending 
to  agrarian  chores  and  developing  a  keen 
interest  in  the  natural  sciences,  a  focus  en- 
couraged by  one  of  his  grandfathers.  He 
entered  the  University  of  Iowa  as  World 
War  II  drew  to  a  close,  with  a  desire  to 
study  science  and  an  intention  to  never 
have  anything  to  do  with  turkeys, 
whether  it  be  their  care  or  their  consump- 
tion. I  cannot  help  but  believe  that  Bruce's 
intense  dislike  for  these  creatures  contrib- 
uted to  his  desire  to  distance  himself  from 
the  Iowa  turkey  pens  and  seek  the  sea's 
far  shores  and  mysteries. 

His  path  to  the  sea,  however,  was 
indirect,  and  conditioned  by  serendipi- 
tous twists.  His  initial  focus  while  an 
undergraduate  geology  major  was 
paleontology,  the  study  of  fossil  plants 
and  animals.  An  outstanding  under- 
graduate, he  was  selected  to  spend  a 
summer  in  the  western  US  helping  a 
graduate  student  collect  specimens  for  his 
Ph.D.  thesis.  Bruce  later  said  that  at  this 
stage  he  had  no  doubt  he  would  go  on  to 
graduate  school  seeking  a  Ph.D.  in 
paleontology  and  spending  his  summers 
out  west  in  search  of  fossils. 

By  the  1940s  the  study  of  the  fossil  record  was  a  mature  science  with 
a  100-year  record  of  scholarship;  advances  came  slowly  and  only  after  a 
great  deal  of  careful  work.  This  characteristic  was  clear  to  Bruce  during 
the  winter  term  of  1947,  as  he  labored  on  a  study  of  toothlike  fossil 
elements  called  conodonts,  sampled  from  300-million-year-old  rocks 
around  Iowa.  When  Maurice  Ewing,  a  geophysicist  from  Columbia 
University,  arrived  on  campus  as  a  visiting  lecturer  and  spoke  about  the 
vast  terra  incognita  that  lay  beneath  the  obscuring  blanket  of  the  world's 
oceans  and  the  exciting  science  to  be  done  at  sea,  Bruce  was  intrigued  at 
the  seemingly  great  opportunities  for  discovery  in  this  young  science.  It 
was  no  coincidence  that  Ewing  emphasized  the  romantic  qualities  of 
oceanographic  research:  He  was  looking  for  undergraduates  to  join  him 
for  a  summer  of  work.  During  a  tour  of  the  geology  department  after  the 
lecture,  Bruce  was  introduced  to  Ewing  over  a  tray  of  fossils.  Out  of  this 
came  a  seductive  invitation  to  join  a  National  Geographic-sponsored 

Aboard  Atlantis  in  the 
North  Atlantic,  Bruce 
Heezen  arms  a  surplus 
World  War  II  bomb  for 

a  seismic  refraction 
experiment.  This  photo 

was  taken  in  the  late 
1940s  or  early  1950s. 

Winter  1991/92 


Again  on  Atlantis  in 

the  North  Atlantic, 

Bruce  Heezen  (right, 

facing)  with  Maurice 

Ewing  (left,  facing) 

arms  an  explosive 


cruise  aboard  WHOFs  R/V  Atlantis  to  explore  a  long  linear  swell,  the 
Mid-Atlantic  Ridge,  that  lay  along  the  North  Atlantic's  center  line. 

The  opportunity  to  participate  in  an  investigation  of  the  first-order 
properties  of  an  unknown  mountain  range  beneath  the  sea  offered  a 
refreshing  change  in  perspective  and  scale  from  the  microscopic  study  of 
subtle  changes  in  conodonts.  Bruce  accepted  the  invitation  and  arrived  in 
Woods  Hole  in  June  to  join  Ewing's  team  preparing  for  the  cruise.  For 
the  first  several  weeks,  they  worked  feverishly  to  fabricate  equipment  for 

the  voyage.  Bruce  constructed  a 
photographic  laboratory  on  Atlantis, 
helped  to  build  several  deep-sea  cam- 
eras, and  searched  Harvard  libraries  for 
literature  about  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge. 
At  that  time,  almost  nothing  was  known 
about  the  Mid- Atlantic  Ridge  excepted 
that  it  existed. 

It  came  as  a  shock  and  a  surprise 
to  Bruce  when  Ewing  told  him,  during 
a  walk  home  late  one  evening  in 
Woods  Hole,  that  he  was  not  to  go  on 
Atlantis  to  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge. 
Instead,  he  was  to  be  chief  scientist 
aboard  a  small  Navy  ship,  Balamis,  that 
had  unexpectedly  become  available. 
He  was  to  use  one  of  the  newly 
constructed  bottom  cameras  to  take 
photographs  of  the  submerged  conti- 
nental margin  off  the  east  coast,  an 
environment  that  had  never  been 
photographed.  Even  in  those  expan- 
sive days  of  oceanographic  science 
following  World  War  II,  it  was  most 
unusual  to  be  chief  scientist  on  one's 
first  cruise.  Ewing  must  have  sensed 
that  despite  his  inexperienced  state, 
Bruce  could  be  counted  on  to  do  the  job. 

This  change  in  plans  proved  providential:  It  set  the  stage  for  Bruce's 
uncompromising  love  for  the  seafloor  and  the  processes  that  shape  it. 
The  stomach  of  a  flatlander  from  Iowa  was  in  no  way  prepared  for  the 
lively  nature  of  a  small  ship  at  sea,  and  Bruce  experienced  terrible 
seasickness.  He  reflected  later  that  had  he  gone  to  the  ridge  with  Ewing 
aboard  Atlantis,  he  would  have  been  the  youngest  of  a  large  number  of 
students  and,  as  just  one  of  many  under  Ewing's  tutelage,  would  have 
lacked  the  incentive  to  rally  against  relentless  seasickness.  Instead,  he 
was  put  in  charge  of  a  ship  and  given  the  responsibility  of  carrying  out  a 
program.  He  persevered  that  summer,  successfully  taking  200  bottom 
photographs  of  the  uncharted  abyss.  He  took  these  photographs  home 
with  him  that  fall,  and  spent  his  senior  year  at  the  University  of  Iowa 
trying  to  understand  and  interpret  them.  Bruce  found  that  he  had  more 
questions  than  he  had  answers,  and  the  photographs  became  a  catalyst 
for  dedicating  his  professional  career  to  the  study  of  the  seafloor.  The 



Bruce's  disdain  for  all  things  turkey  remained  inviolate  for 

over  20  years  until  an  oceanographic  cruise  in  the  late 

1960s.  The  cook  aboard  the  ship  had  his  roots  in  southern 

cuisine  and  all  animal  and  most  vegetable  products  were 

fried  in  a  cavernous  deep-fat  fryer  that  seemed  never  to  be 

turned  off.  After  six  days  of  nothing  but  fried  foods,  one's 

interest  in  meals  was  low  indeed.  Finally,  at  lunch  on  the 

sixth  day  we  arrived  in  the  mess  to  find  a  roasted  turkey  on 

the  menu;  roasted,  because  the  20-pound  bird  was  too  big 

for  the  fryer.  Bruce,  who  had  not  eaten  turkey  for  over  20 

years,  hesitated,  stared,  poked,  and  then  descended 

ravenously  upon  his  portion. 

following  summer  he  returned  to  the  sea  with  Ewing,  this  time  as  a 
beginning  graduate  student,  and  spent  two  months  aboard  Atlantis 
continuing  the  Mid- Atlantic  Ridge  investigation.  In  the  fall  of  1948  he 
joined  Ewing  and  his  growing  entourage  of  graduate  students  at  Lamont 
Geological  Observatory  at  Columbia  University  to  begin  his  formal 
training.  Marine  geology  was  never  to  be  the  same. 

Like  many  talented  people,  Bruce  was  blessed  with  a  very  quick, 
multidimensional  mind  and  an  exceptional  memory.  He  had  an  insatiable 
appetite  for  books  on  all  aspects  of         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
Earth  science.  These  characteristics 
combined  to  form  an  ability  to  see 
and  think  imaginatively  about  link- 
ages both  between  and  across  dif- 
ferent, but  complementary,  investi- 
gative results. 

One  of  the  great  break- 
throughs in  our  understanding  of 
the  Mid-Ocean  Ridge  system  pro- 
vides a  good  example.  When  Bruce 
started  working  with  investigators 
at  Lamont  on  the  data  from 
Atlantis  cruises  to  the  Mid-Atlantic 
Ridge,  the  existence  of  a  world- 
encircling  ridge  system  was  un- 
known. However,  a  ridge  of  some  kind  was  known  to  extend  the  length 
of  the  Atlantic  based  largely  on  results  from  English  and  German 
oceanographic  studies  carried  out  before  World  War  II.  These  investiga- 
tions showed  the  bottom  water  of  the  eastern  and  western  basins  to  be 
different  and,  therefore,  separated  by  a  barrier  with  unknown  properties. 
Also,  investigators  sailing  under  flags  of  a  variety  of  countries  before 
World  War  II  had  documented,  with  widely  spaced  soundings,  the 
existence  of  the  Albatross  Plateau  in  the  equatorial  eastern  Pacific 
(known  today  as  the  East  Pacific  Rise)  and  the  Carlsberg  Ridge  in  the 
northeastern  Indian  Ocean. 

Bruce's  initial  project  at  Lamont  was  to  compile  all  the  available 
sounding  profiles  across  the  ridge  in  the  Atlantic,  in  an  attempt  to 
characterize  its  spatial  properties.  He  was  assisted  in  this  task  by  Marie 
Tharp,  a  new  research  assistant,  who  had  recently  completed  an  M.S.  in 
geology  at  the  University  of  Michigan.  Marie  tackled  the  tedious  and 
demanding  task  of  creating  coherent  profiles  from  noisy  sounding  data. 
She  compiled  six  widely  spaced  profiles  across  the  ridge  in  the  North 
Atlantic  and  made  the  interesting  observation  that  on  each  profile,  the  crest 
of  the  ridge  appeared  to  be  notched  by  a  several-thousand-meter-deep 
valley  that  was  40-  to  60-kilometers  wide.  Bruce  was  skeptical  about  the 
existence  of  such  a  valley  at  a  regional  scale,  but  intrigued  by  the  notion. 

Coincidentally,  Bruce  was  working  with  Ewing  on  another  project 
evaluating  the  linkage  between  underwater  avalanches  of  sediment, 
called  turbidity  currents,  and  earthquakes.  For  this  study,  Bruce  created 
a  plot  of  earthquake  epicenters  on  a  North  Atlantic  map  drawn  to  the 
same  scale  as  Marie's  sounding-profile  map.  This  was  no  coincidence; 
Bruce  believed  that  plotting  different  kinds  of  data  at  the  same  scale  facili- 

Winter  1991/92 


Marie  Tharp  (in  about 
1956)  working  with  the 


physiographic  map  of 

the  North  Atlantic. 

The  famous  six  profiles 

across  the  Mid- 
Atlantic  Ridge  are  on 
her  right,  two  sound- 
ing records  on  her  left, 
and  an  early  globe  that 
she  and  Bruce  created 
of  ridges  in  North  and 
South  America  is  at 
center.  In  collaboration 
with  National  Geo- 
graphic, Marie  and 
Bruce  made  a  physi- 
ographic globe  of  the 
earth  in  the  late  1960s 

tated  comparisons.  Laying  the  epicenter  map  over  the  profiles  revealed  that 
the  earthquakes  defined  a  broad  belt  of  activity  down  the  center  of  the 

North  Atlantic,  and  in  the  six  profiles  Marie  plotted  across  the 
ridge,  the  earthquake  locations  fell  within  the  bounds  of 
the  axial  valley.  The  occurrence  of  earthquakes  along 
the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge  had  been  recognized 
previously,  but  the  association  of  the  seismic 
events  and  the  axial  valley  Marie  proposed  was 
startling.  Bruce  became  convinced  that  Marie's 
insightful  observation  about  the  existence  of  a 
rift  valley  was  correct. 

The  coincidence  of  the  valley  and 
earthquake  activity,  which  is  an  indicator  of 
rupturing  of  the  earth's  brittle  yet  elastic 
outer  shell  in  response  to  forces  that  exceed 
the  shell's  strength,  indicated  to  Bruce  and 
Marie  that  this  feature  was  dynamic  and 
shaped  by  currently  active  processes.  The 
earthquake  belt  was  continuous  along  the  length 
of  the  North  Atlantic,  leading  them  to  speculate  that 
the  earthquake-belt  location  could  be  used  to  predict 
the  axial-valley  location  in  the  absence  of  sounding  data.  As 
they  slowly  accumulated  sounding  profiles  across  the  North  Atlantic, 
their  plots  began  to  reveal  a  deep  axial  valley  coincident  with  the  seismic 
belt  along  the  crest  of  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge.  Ewing  and  Heezen  then 
embarked  on  a  project  to  plot  the  locations  of  earthquakes  in  ocean 
basins  throughout  the  world,  and  noted  once  again  the  coincidence 
between  belts  of  earthquakes  and  the  crests  of  known,  but  seemingly 
separate,  ridge  segments  scattered  about  the  ocean  basins.  In  addition, 



the  earthquake  locations  defined  a  diffuse  but  continuous  belt  that  linked 
the  known  ridges  in  the  Atlantic,  Indian,  Arctic,  and  Pacific  oceans, 
leading  them  to  suggest  that  the  world  was  encircled  by  a  mid-ocean 
system  of  ridges  that  by  their  very  existence,  scale,  and  continuity,  were 
central  to  the  history  of  the  ocean  basins.  They  also  observed  that  when 
sounding  profiles  crossed  a  branch  of  the  ridge  system,  earthquake 
epicenters  fell  within  the  boundaries  of  the  axial  valley  that  was  inter- 
preted to  be  an  active  rift  zone.  In  1956,  they  published  their  idea  for  a 
continuous  ridge  system,  and  were  met  with  some  skepticism.  Cruises 
were  planned  to  test  their  predictions  by  surveying  unexplored  portions 
of  the  southern  Pacific  and  Indian  oceans  to  see  if,  indeed,  a  ridge  existed 
where  proposed — and  a  ridge  was  always  found. 

During  this  global  synthesis,  Bruce  noticed  that  a  limb  of  the  mid- 
ocean  seismic  belt  could  be  traced  across  the  northwestern  Indian  Ocean 
into  the  Gulf  of  Aden,  where  it  linked  with  a  north-south  trending  zone 
of  continental  seismicity  in  East  Africa.  This  belt  of  continental  seismicity 
was  associated  with  the  network  of  East  African  Rift  valleys  that  con- 
tained the  great  lakes  of  Africa,  such  as  Victoria  and  Rudolf,  and  where 
fieldwork  by  British  and  German  geologists  had  documented  that  the 
earth's  crust  was  being  extended  in  an  east-west  sense  to  create  a  north- 
south  trending  rift  system.  Bruce  and  Marie  constructed  topographic 
profiles  across  the  rift  valleys  of  East  Africa  and  compared  them  with 
profiles  across  the  Mid-Atlantic  Ridge.  The  similarity  of  the  profiles  was 
striking.  This,  along  with  the  continuity  of  the  seismic  belt,  indicated  to 
Bruce  that  the  axial  terrain  of  the  ridge  and  the  rift  valleys  of  East  Africa 
are  genetically  related.  He  proposed  that  the  crust  along  the  axis  of  the 
Mid-Ocean  Ridge  system  is  stretched  at  right  angles  to  the  axis.  By  the 
late  1950s,  evidence  for  large  displacements  of  the  continents  (based  on 
paleomagnetic  studies  of  rocks  by  British  investigators)  was  compelling. 
Bruce  suggested  that  these  displacements  were  accommodated  by  the 
creation  of  crust  at  the  ridge  axes,  and  that  the  history  of  continental 
displacements  were  recorded  in  the  seafloor's  structural  fabric.  With  this, 
a  major  pillar  in  our  understanding  of  how  the  earth  works  was  in  place. 

During  this  phase  of  exploration  and  insight,  Bruce  and  Marie 
realized  that  it  was  difficult  to  create  improved  maps  of  the  seafloor 
because  of  the  vast  scale  of  the  underwater  terrain  and  the  slow  rate  of 
sounding  data  acquisition.  Following  the  techniques  developed  by 
continental  cartographers,  they  created  physiographic  diagrams  of  the 
seafloor.  Unlike  a  contour  map  that  links  points  of  similar  depth  with 
lines,  a  physiographic  diagram  creates  an  interpretive  three-dimensional 
view  of  the  seafloor.  Such  a  presentation  also  allowed  Bruce  and  Marie  to 
extrapolate  the  seafloor's  textured  variations  between  widely  spaced 
sounding  lines.  They  finished  their  first  physiographic  diagram  of  the 
North  Atlantic  in  1956,  and  it  was  followed  over  the  next  20  years  by  a 
series  of  physiographic  maps  that,  in  one  form  or  another,  covered  all  the 
world's  oceans.  These  maps  are  remarkable  because  Bruce  and  Marie 
had  an  ability  to  visualize  seafloor  morphology  in  three  dimensions  and 
intelligently  extrapolate  trends  and  relationships  into  areas  of  sparse 
data  to  create  depictions  that  have  since  been  shown  to  be  remarkably 
accurate.  This  collection  is  probably  the  most  widely  distributed  set  of 
seafloor  maps.  As  such,  it  has  provided  a  pictorial  gateway  to  the  earth's 



defined  a 

diffuse  but 


belt  that 

linked  the 

known  ridges 

in  the  Atlantic, 

Indian,  Arctic, 

and  Pacific 


Winter  1991 /92 


last  frontier  and  captured  the  imaginations  of  students  and  researchers 
around  the  world. 

Bruce  was  happiest  when  he  was  at  sea  learning  something  new.  He 
was  indefatigable  in  this  environment,  where  he  seemed  to  derive  the 
strength  he  needed  to  work  night  and  day  by  feeding  off  the  realization 
that  a  major  discovery  was  in  the  making  if  he  could  collect  the  right 
kinds  of  data  in  the  right  way.  Given  the  great  expanse  of  unexplored 
^^_^_^_^^___^^^^_^^_     ocean,  more  was  always  better— 

and  Bruce  worked  himself,  his 
colleagues,  the  ship,  and  its  crew  to 
the  limit.  Data  were  not  mindlessly 
accumulated;  each  new  observation 
of  interest  was  studied  and  as- 

sessed for  telling  clues  about  the 

Bruce  became  an  avid  and  enthusiastic  user  of 
submersibles  in  the  late  1960s  when  this  technology 
became  available  and  permitted  manual  presence  in  the 
deep  sea.  One  day,  during  an  explanation  to  a  graduate 
student  about  what  to  expect  when  this  student  made  his 
first  dive,  Bruce  found  his  descriptions  about  the  experi-       seafloor.  With  each  new  insight 
ence  to  be  lacking.  In  mid-sentence,  he  jumped  up  from  his      came  hypothesis  testing  and  cruise- 
desk,  turned  off  the  lights,  grabbed  a  flashlight  and  crawled     plan  modification  to  create  a  more 
under  his  desk.  From  his  confined  quarters  under  the  desk,     effective  investigative  strategy.  To 
Bruce  held  the  flashlight  above  his  head  and  pointed  the        be  a  student  working  with  Bruce  at 
narrow  beam  out  across  the  floor  slowly  sweeping  the 
shaft  of  light  across  one  partially  illuminated  object  after 
another.  About  this  time  his  secretary  opened  the  door  to  a 

darkened  room  to  find  Bruce  squeezed  under  his  desk, 

shining  a  light  about  the  room  with  a  silent  but  bemused 

graduate  student  standing  off  to  one  side.  Her  look  was 

incredulous,  but  before  she  could  say  a  word,  Bruce 

announced  that  he  was  diving  in  a  submersible 

and  was  not  to  be  disturbed. 

sea  under  these  conditions  (which  I 
had  the  fortune  to  be  during 
several  cruises)  was  at  once  exhila- 
rating and  fearful:  exhilarating  in 
that  I  learned  so  much  because  the 
arrival  of  new  information  in  the 
form  of  a  sample,  photograph,  or 
profile  always  precipitated  lively 
and  intense  discussions  about  all 

the  data's  aspects  and  implications, 

and  fearful  because  Bruce  asked 

penetrating  questions  and  expected  intelligent  answers.  I  knew  when  I 
had  run  aground  with  an  idea  if  Bruce  likened  me  to  one  of  his  feathered 
friends  from  his  early  days  in  Iowa. 

Bruce  was  a  marvelous  advisor  to  his  graduate  students.  He  under- 
stood and  respected  the  sanctity  of  research  and  the  freedom  to  follow 
one's  own  ideas.  He  exposed  incoming  students  to  the  broad  venue  of 
research  possibilities  that  lay  between  the  shorelines  of  the  world's 
oceans,  and  gave  them  free  reign  to  choose  problems  of  interest.  He 
recognized  the  importance  of  exploring  unknown  and  untested  avenues 
of  research  and  the  time-consuming  nature  of  this  process.  He  had  as 
many  as  11  Ph.D.  students  at  one  time,  all  working  on  a  broad  range  of 
problems,  and,  given  his  many  involvements,  he  only  had  time  to 
measure  a  student's  research  progress  every  few  months.  When  the  call 
did  come,  however,  his  students  knew  they  had  better  be  prepared, 
because  Bruce  would  expect  to  be  challenged  by  new  observations  and 
ideas.  The  sessions  were  often  lengthy,  as  Bruce  explored  every  aspect  of 
the  student's  work.  I  always  left  these  encounters  exhausted  but  enlight- 
ened, because  his  probing  questions  and  great  depth  of  knowledge  had 
provided  new  insights  about  my  results,  opening  up  new  avenues  of 
exploration.  No  matter  how  thoroughly  I  had  analyzed  a  problem,  Bruce 
always  seemed  to  see  farther. 



The  science  of  the  seafloor  was  Bruce's  life,  and  the  boundary 
between  his  work  and  everything  else  that  constituted  his  being  was 
invisible.  When  your  goal  is  to  map  the  world-ocean  floors  and  under- 
stand how  this  great  expanse  was  formed,  you  need  a  great  deal  of 
space,  more  than  Bruce  found  available  at  the  Lament  Observatory,  so 
certain  mapping  and  writing  projects  were  carried  out  at  his  or  Marie's 
homes.  Over  a  period  of  years,  both  homes  evolved  into  laboratories 
with  drafting  tables,  a  multi- 
tude of  maps,  and  books  piled 
everywhere.  Because  these  en- 
vironments were  quieter  than 
the  chaos  of  his  offices  and  la- 
boratory space  at  Lament, 
where  technicians  and  graduate 
students  swirled  about,  he 
would  often  work  at  one  house 
or  the  other,  and  this  is  where  a 
student  might  go  to  work  with 
him,  especially  when  preparing 
a  manuscript.  These  gatherings 
could  go  on  for  hours  as  Bruce 
probed  every  sentence  for  clarity 
and  insight,  oblivious  of  the  time. 
I  remember  that  when  projects 
were  under  way,  there  was  al- 
ways a  welcome  place  at  the 
dinner  table.  After  dinner, 
typically  a  very  rare  meat  and  an 
excellent  bottle  of  Bordeaux,  the 
manuscript  honing  would 
continue  long  into  the  night. 
Bruce  would  reluctantly  loosen 
his  grip  on  our  text  when  he 
observed  that  I  had  fallen  asleep. 

During  his  career  Bruce  received  awards  from  many  scientific 
societies  for  his  fundamental  contributions  to  marine  geology  and  our 
understanding  of  the  earth.  He  was  a  man  for  his  time,  because  his  wide- 
ranging  interests  and  probing  intellect  were  free  and  unconstrained  by 
the  lack  of  disciplinary  boundaries  found  only  in  new  fields  of  science. 
Today,  marine  geology  and  geophysics  is  a  much  more  mature  science 
with  rigorously  defined  investigative  disciplines,  and  it  is  difficult,  if  not 
impossible,  to  work  on  and  contribute  to  the  range  of  problems  that 
Bruce  examined.  We  were  lucky  to  have  him  when  we  did. 

Paul  J.  (Jeff)  Fox  is  Professor  of  Oceanography  at  the  University  of  Rhode  Island 
Graduate  School  of  Oceanography.  He  was  one  of  Bruce's  graduate  students  at 
Lamont-Doherty  Geological  Observatory  of  Columbia  University  and  worked  with 
him  at  sea  and  in  the  laboratory  from  1964  until  Bruce's  death.  Under  Bruce's 
tutelage,  he  was  introduced  to  the  intriguing  mysteries  and  romance  of  the  Mid- 
Ocean  Ridge  system;  it  is  a  love  affair  that  continues  to  this  day. 

On  an  expedition  to  the 

Caribbean  in  the  early 

1970s,  Bruce  Heezen 

discusses  a  dredged 

limestone  sample  with 

students  aboard 

R/V  Eastward. 

Winter  1991/92 



Fire  Under  The  Sea 

By  Joseph  Cone,  1991.  William  Morrow  and 
Company,  Inc.,  New  York,  NY;  286  pp.  -  $25. 

The  discovery  of  hot  springs  on  the  seafloor  is 
one  of  the  most  dramatic  findings  in  marine 
science  in  the  last  15  years.  From  the  for- 
mation of  mineral  deposits  to  the  existence  of 
previously  unknown  biological  communities, 
studies  of  these  hot  springs  have  had  profound 
effects  on  our  understanding  of  ocean  floor 
processes.  In  Fire  Under  The  Sea,  Joseph  Cone 
traces  their  exploration  in  an  action-packed 

story  that  not  only 
conveys  the  chal- 
lenges and  excite- 
ment of  exploring 
the  ocean  bottom, 
but  also  provides  a 
glimpse  into  the 
lives  and  work  of 
sea-going  scientists. 
Addressing  the 
field  in  general, 
Cone  concentrates 
on  the  exploration 
of  hot  springs  on  the 
northwest  coast  of 
the  United  States. 
The  book  opens 

aboard  the  research  vessel  Atlantis  II  off  the 
Oregon  coast  on  a  typical  morning  as  scientists 
prepare  to  dive  in  the  submersible  Alvin  to  the 
ocean  floor  for  a  day  of  observations  and 
sampling.  This  is  the  first  of  many  "dives"  the 
reader  makes  during  the  book's  course  and, 
through  the  thoughts  and  comments  of  the  sci- 
entists, the  story  captures  the  essence  of  being 
part  of  an  oceanographic  expedition. 

Cleverly  interwoven  into  the  story  of  hot 
springs  on  the  Gorda  and  Juan  de  Fuca  Ridges 
is  an  account  of  the  development  of  modern 
ideas  of  seafloor  spreading  and  continental 
drift.  As  in  any  good  mystery  story,  a  number 
of  unconnected  pieces — in  this  case,  studies 
done  independently  by  continental  and  marine 
geologists  and  geophysicists — have  been  fitted 
together  to  produce  a  model  of  the  Earth's 

surface  plates  created  at  mid-ocean  ridges. 
From  the  time  when  Alfred  Wegener  first 
noted  the  "fit"  of  the  continents  of  South 
America  and  Africa  early  in  this  century,  the 
reader  is  led  through  scientists'  work  as  they 
developed  new  ideas,  designed  experiments, 
and  debated  their  results.  Although  the  story  is 
full  of  information,  Cone  manages  to  keep  the 
reader's  interest  with  anecdotes  that  illustrate 
the  personalities  of  those  involved.  By  the 
1960s,  the  plate  tectonics  paradigm  had  gained 
general  acceptance.  Against  this  background, 
scientists  predicted  the  occurrence  of  hot 
springs  on  the  ocean  floor  and  took  on  the 
challenge  of  proving  their  existence. 

Apart  from  the  highly  visible  aspects  of 
scientific  discovery,  there  are  many  other 
important  facets — from  the  technological 
developments  that  frequently  pave  the  way  for 
exploration,  to  the  policy  decisions  necessary 
when  new,  potential  mineral  resources  are 
found.  Whether  describing  the  development  of 
sophisticated  echo-sounding  techniques  or 
Law  of  the  Sea  negotiations,  Cone's  writing  is 
authoritative,  easy  to  read,  and  without  jargon. 

In  writing  fire  Under  The  Sea,  Cone  inter- 
viewed an  impressive  list  of  scientists  and 
consulted  a  large  number  of  references,  both  of 
which  are  presented  in  the  book.  The  inclusion 
of  a  chronology  of  events  at  the  beginning  is 
helpful,  and  eight  pages  of  color  photographs 
illustrate  the  strange  chimney  structures  and 
unusual  organisms  associated  with  seafloor  hot 
springs,  fire  Under  The  Sea  is  an  entertaining 
and  compelling  account  of  discoveries  in  a 
young  and  exciting  field,  and  should  be  of 
interest  to  anyone  curious  about  the  ocean. 

— Susan  Humphris 

Dean,  Sea  Education  Association 

Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts 


Oceanus  welcomes  and  occasionally 

publishes  letters  from  readers 
regarding  editorial  content  or  other  ocean- 
science  issues.  Please  write  to 
the  address  on  page  4. 




4000  Meters  Under  the  Sea 

By  Films  for  the  Humanities  and  Sciences, 
Princeton,  N.J.  1991.  28  minutes  -  purchase 
$149/rent  $75. 

This  28-minute  video,  made  by  NHK  (Japan 
Broadcasting  Corporation)  and  distributed  by 
Films  for  the  Humanities  and  Sciences,  con- 
cerns a  1987  joint  US-Japan  expedition  to  study 
the  geology  and  biology  of  the  Marianas 
Trough  spreading  center.  The  film  depicts  the 
findings  of  hot  vents  and  associated  fauna  at 
the  accreting  plate  margin  in  the  trough  using 
the  deep  submersible  Alvin  and  R/ V  Atlantis  II. 
It  is  aimed  toward  the  lay  audience. 

The  film  nicely  captures  the  essence  of  a 
multidisciplinary  expedition  and  the  use  of 
Alvin  as  a  research  tool.  A  voice-over  commen- 
tary identifies  the  principal  investigators,  Bob 
Hessler  and  Jim  Hawkins  of  Scripps  Institution 
of  Oceanography,  and  their  Japanese  col- 
leagues, but,  regrettably,  with  the  exception  of 
a  closing  sentence  from  Hessler,  we  do  not 
hear  first-hand  from  the  scientists.  The  film 
quality  is  good  with  some  excellent  close-ups 
of  the  vents  and  the  vent  communities.  The 
development  of  the  film's  theme — the  finding 
of  and  questions  regarding  hot  vents — is  well 
done  (with  some  reservations  that  I  will 
discuss  later),  and  draws  the  audience  along 
nicely.  It  makes  for  an  interesting  28  minutes. 

There  are  a  few,  minor  irksome  aspects: 
Principally  I  found  it  most  annoying  to  be 
continually  told  in  the  introduction,  and  near 
the  end,  that  the  expedition  was  to  the 
Marianas  Trench.  Presumably  this  assertion, 
accompanied  by  continual  references  to  the 
deepest  part  of  the  world's  oceans,  is  an 
attempt  to  add  glamour  and  excitement— 
certainly  not  needed  here.  In  actuality,  some 
excellent  graphics  clearly  show  the  Marianas 
Trough  and  its  relative  position  to  the  Trench. 
These  graphics  were  so  good  and  visually 
striking,  I  regretted  that  they  didn't  spend  a 
couple  of  minutes  more  explaining  the  spread- 
ing center  and  its  relevance  to  the  Trench,  plate 
motions,  etc.  The  other  irksome  aspects  were  in 
the  commentary:  Generally  it  was  well  done, 

but  a  little  better  quality  control  could  have 
avoided  small  things  like  referring  to  the  Alvin 
manipulators  as  "magic  hands"  or,  more 
importantly,  reference  to  the  planktonic  food 
falling  to  the  seafloor  and  being  converted  into 
bacteria  (rather  than  by). 

On  the  whole,  the  scientific  aspects  were 
well  covered  and  well  explained.  A  few  errors 
slipped  through:  References  to  "magma  in  the 
venting  solutions  making  them  cloudy,"  rather 
than  products  of  rock-water  interaction;  the 
chimneys  or  smokers  being  alluded  to  as 
"cooled  molten  lava,"  rather  than  precipitates 
of  sulfides  and  sulfates;  the  observed  minerals 
being  "crystals  of  iron,  copper,  and  zinc," 
rather  than  sulfides  of  these  elements.  I  think 
the  interaction  of  seawater  with  the  rocks, 
subsequent  extraction  of  metals,  gases,  etc., 
and  how  they  reach  the  sea  surface  had  the 
weakest  coverage,  but  the  main  points  did 
come  through. 

While  recognizing  the  educational  and 


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Secret  Sea  tours  scheduled  for  1992  include 
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Texas,  78716;  (512)  328-1201. 

Winter  1991/92 


entertainment  aspects  needed  for  this  kind  of 
video,  I  was  most  disturbed  by  the  implicit 
(and  at  times  explicit)  suggestion  that  this  was 
the  first  discovery  of  vents,  and  the  expression 
of  great  "surprise"  to  find  life  at  this  depth; 
similar  vents  and  life  had  been  discovered  and 
investigated  in  many  locales,  and  at  similar 
depths,  before  this  expedition.  The  questions 
being  addressed  (implicitly  for  the  first  time): 
Where  does  the  hot  water  come  from?  Could 
the  cloudy  waters  be  the  key  to  life?  How  does 
it  sustain  life?  How  do  the  animals  feed?  All 
these  have  been  previously  investigated  at 
other  vents  and  are  known  to  some  degree.  The 
really  important  aspects  of  the  Marianas 
Trough  vents  were  not  made  clear — their 
setting  in  a  back-arc  basin  as  opposed  to  a  mid- 

ocean  ridge,  and  their  biological  community 
that  is  slightly  different  and  dominated  by  new 
species  (hairy  gastropods)  compared  to  other 
vents.  This  is  never  spelled  out,  and  previous 
work  is  not  properly  referenced,  except  for  one 
comment  from  Hessler  about  how  exciting  it 
was  to  find  "new  friends"  (animals)  as  well  as 
"old  ones"  (previously  discovered  vent  fauna) 
at  the  Marianas  vents. 

All  in  all,  in  spite  of  my  minor  misgivings, 
I  found  it  an  interesting  video.  It  should  excite 
the  lay  audience,  and  the  shots  of  the  vent 
communities  are  certainly  worth  a  look  by 
serious  submarine-hot-spring  researchers. 

—Geoffrey  Thompson 

Senior  Scientist,  Chemistry  Department 

Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution 

Special  offers 

for  Students 

and  Teachers! 

A  student  Oceanus  subscription  is  only  $20  a  year, 

a  savings  of  $5  off  the  cover  price. 

For  teachers,  we  offer  a  25  percent  discount  on  bulk 

orders  of  five  or  more  copies.  A  discount  also  applies  to 

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continued  from  page  8 

strike-slip  fault — a  fault  showing  predomi- 
nantly horizontal  movement  parallel  to  the 
strike;  vertical  displacement  is  absent 

subduction  zone — area  of  crustal  plate  colli- 
sion where  one  crustal  block  descends 
beneath  another,  marked  by  a  deep  ocean 
trench  caused  by  the  bend  in  the  submerg- 
ing plate.  The  downward  movement  of  the 
subducting  plate  results  in  earthquakes, 
volcanos,  and  intrusions  on  the  far  side  of 
the  trench. 

swath  mapping  tools — instruments  installed 
on  a  research  vessel  that  use  sound  re- 
flected from  the  seafloor  to  map  the  shape 
of  the  seafloor  along  a  band  or  swath  that 
extends  as  far  as  1  to  5  kilometers  on  either 
side  of  the  vessel's  track.  Common  instru- 
ment names  are  GLORIA,  Hydrosweep, 
Sea  Beam,  and  Sea  MARK. 

tectonics — the  forces  and  movements  that 
create  Earth's  larger  features 

terrane — the  area  or  surface  over  which  a 
particular  rock  or  group  of  rocks  prevails 

transform  fault — a  strike-slip  fault  of  a  par- 
ticular type  where  displacement  stops 
abruptly,  especially  associated  with 
offsetting  of  mid-ocean  ridges 

transverse  feature — a  geological  feature  whose 
strike  is  generally  perpendicular  to  the 
general  structural  trend  of  the  region 

vent — place  where  water  heated  and  altered 
by  circulation  through  porous  volcanic 
rock  erupts  from  the  seafloor,  precipitating 
minerals  and  supporting  sulfide-depen- 
dent  biological  communities 

The  Oceanus  staff  acknowledges  the  valuable  aid  in 
assembly  of  this  glossary  of  The  Facts  on  File 
Dictionary  of  Geology  and  Geophysics  (©  1987  by 
Dorothy  Farris  Lapidus,  Facts  On  File  Publications, 
New  York,  New  York,  and  Oxford,  England). 

Be  a  Member  of 
The  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic 


Join  the  growing  number  of  people  who 
care  about  our  ocean  environment  as  it  is 
today. ..and  could  be  tomorrow. 

For  almost  forty  years,  WHOI  Associates 
have  helped  make  possible  the  Woods 
Hole  Oceanographic  Institution's 
cutting-edge  research. 

You  can  share  the  excitement  of  our 
research  through  our  magazine  Oceanus, 
newsletters,  tours,  and  special  visits  to 
the  Institution. 

For  more  information,  please  contact: 

E.  Dorsey  Milot,  Director  of  the  Associates 

Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution 

Woods  Hole,  MA  02543 
or  call  (508)  457-2000,  ext.  2392 

The  Young  Associates 

^W  ,;_,    1 

Let  Ocean  Explorer  introduce  a  child  to  the 

excitement  and  challenge  of  ocean  science. 

Recommended  age  group:  11  to  13. 

For  information  about  membership  in  the  Young 
Associates  Program,  write  to  E.  Dorsey  Milot, 

Director  of  the  Associates,  Woods  Hole 

Oceanographic  Institution,  Woods  Hole,  MA 

02543,  or  call  (508)  457-2000,  ext.  4895. 

Winter  1991/92 



CREATURE  FEATURE:  These  photographs  represent  the  many 
interesting  animals  found  in  the  colonies  that  thrive  around  mid-ocean 
ridge  hydrothermal  vents.  (For  a  broad  look  at  recent  work  on  vent  communi- 
ties, please  see  The  Biology  of  Deep-Sea  Vents  and  Seeps... by  Rich  Lutz  on 
page  75.)  The  large  photo  is  a  field  of  tube  worms,  Riftia  pachyptila,  on  the 
Galapagos  Rift,  and  the  upper  right  inset  is  a  closeup  of  these  animals.  The 

lower  left  inset  is  an  Alvin  camera  view  of  giant  clams,  Calyptogena 
magnified,  and  scavenging  galatheid  crabs,  Munidopsis  sp.  At  upper  left,  a  line 

of  crabs  marches  along  the  edge  of  a  bed  of  mussels,  Bathymodiolus 

thermophilus.  At  lower  right,  the  Pompeii  worm,  Alvinella  pompejana,  was 

photographed  on  the  surface  with  the  tube  it  calls  home.  (Large  photo  by 

Kathleen  Crane,  small  photos  clockwise  from  lower  left  by  Alvin  exterior 

camera,  Robert  Hessler,  Dudley  Foster,  and  John  Porteous.) 




1992  in  Oceanus:  Ocean  Sciences — Four  Disciplines 

•  The  four  issues  of  Oceanus  for  1992  will 

make  up  a  volume  on  four  basic  disciplines  in 

oceanography.  Each  will  offer  a  summary  of 

the  discipline  and  articles  that  expand  on 

several  topics.  •  The  Spring  Issue  features 

Marine  Chemistry,  including  an  update  on 

carbon  dioxide  and  climate,  how  tracers  aid 

the  study  of  marine  processes,  a  look  at 

natural  marine  chemicals  and  their  uses,  and 

the  chemistry  of  seafloor  vents.  •  We  will  also 

bring  you  several  regular  departments- 
Focus  on  the  Coast,  Toolbox,  Issues  in  Ocean 
Law  &  Policy,  and  Creature  Features.  •  Our 
Summer  Issue  will  revolve  around  Physical 
Oceanography,  Biological  Oceanography  will 
follow  in  the  fall,  and  Marine  Geology  & 
Geophysics  will  wrap  up  the  series  next 
winter.  •  Don't  miss  this  interesting,  educa- 
tional review  of  oceanography  in  the  '90s! 


What's  Still  Available? 

•  Reproductive  Adaptations 

Vol.  34/3,  Fall  1991 

•  Soviet- American  Cooperation 

Vol.  34/2,  Summer  1991 

•  Naval  Oceanography 

Vol.  33/4,  Winter  1990/91 

•  The  Mediterranean 

Vol.  33/1,  Spring  1990 

•  Pacific  Century,  Dead  Ahead! 

Vol.  32/4,  Winter  1989/90 

•  The  Bismarck  Saga  and 
Ports  &  Harbors 

Vol.  32/3,  Fall  1989 

•  The  Oceans  and  Global  Warming 

Vol.  32/2,  Summer  1989 

•  DSV  Alvin:  25  Years  of  Discovery 

Vol.  31/4,  Winter  1988/89 

•  Sea  Grant 

Vol.  31/3,  Fall  1988 

•  and  many,  many,  more... 

To  place  your  order,  send  a  check  or  money 
order  (payable  to  WHOI)  to: 

Oceanus  Back  Issues 

Woods  Hole,  MA  02543 

Please  enclose  $8.00  plus  $1.00  shipping  and  han- 
dling for  each  magazine  ordered,  and  include  a  street 
address  and  daytime  telephone  number  with  your 
order.  Allow  3  to  4  weeks  for  delivery.  All  payments 
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Canadian  addresses. 

For  information  on  other  available  back  issues,  con- 
sult the  Oceanus  editorial  offices  at  the  address  listed 
above.  Back  issues  of  Oceanus  are  also  available  on 
microfilm  through  University  Microfilm  International, 
300  N.  Zeeb  Road,  Ann  Arbor,  MI  48106. 


Educational  Programs 

at  the 

Woods  Hole 



With  a  commitment  to  the  future,  the  Woods  Hole 

Oceanographic  Institution,  one  of  the  world's 

leading  Oceanographic  centers,  offers  unique 

experiences  in  graduate  and  post-graduate  studies. 

WHOI  sponsors  numerous  fellowship  and 
traineeship  programs,  and  offers  graduate  degrees 
through  a  Joint  Program  with  the  Massachusetts 

Institute  of  Technology,  providing  a  first-rate 

education  through  both  hands-on  experience  and 

classroom  instruction  by  many  of  the  world's  leading 

oceanographers.  WHOI  also  offers  select  educational 

outreach  programs  for  the  K-12  grades. 
Find  out  today  what  WHOI  can  do  for  you. 

For  more  information  contact  the  Education  Office  of  the 
Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution. 

Applied  Ocean  Sciences  &  Engineering, 

Biology,  Chemistry,  Qeology  & 

Qeophysics,  Physical  Oceanography... 

Postdoctoral  Awards,  Summer  Student 

Fellowships,  Research  Fellowships,  Summer 

Study  and  more . . . 

/        Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution 


Education  Office 
86  Water  Street 

Woods  Hole,  Massachusetts  02543-9903 

Telephone  (508)  457-2000,  ext.  2200 

Fax  (508)  457-2188