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Full text of "Old Silltown Stillwater: something of its history and people; being principally a brief account of the early generations of the Sill family .."

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'^^'^HY  i^ND  PEOPLE 




This  book  is  one  of  100  copies  printed 

for  private    circulation   by 

Mr.  W.  G.  Burt. 

Presented  to 

111 r S  m] a r  l^  oTci  h  \/\/ ooc{  U io  n  ^ ^ 


^  Old  Silltown 




Sarah  Sill  Welles  Burt 

Great  Grand-daughter  of  Lieutenant  Colonel  David  Fithian  Sill, 
Grand-daughter  of  Captain  Thomas  Sill. 

Being  principally  a  brief  account  of  the  early 
generations  of  the 


Their  settlement  in  Connecticut  and  their  accomplishments,  gleanings 
from    old    letters    heretofore  unpublished,    early    histories,    rem- 
iniscences   and    traditions  —  also    appreciations  of    those 
decendants  of  recent  generations  who  were  well 
known   to    the    writer    in    their  life   time. 

Copyright  1912 


IT  T> 





In  memory  of  my  Progenitors 

TO    MY    SON 



Inscribed  this  little  volume 





Sarah  Sill  Welles  Burt,  born  in  Utica,  N.  Y.,  in  1839, 
was  the  oldest  daughter  of  Alfred  Lee  Welles  and  Sarah 
Griswold  Sill,  daughter  of  Captain  Thomas  Sill,  of  Lyme, 
Conn.  (See  Thomas  Sill,  Sixth  Generation).  Mr.  Welles, 
her  father,  was  for  thirty  years  a  prosperous  merchant  of 
Utica,  a  leading  citizen  of  that  city,  and  highly  esteemed  by 
the  community. 

The  family  residence  at  the  time  of  the  birth  of  Sarah 
Welles  was  located  on  Devereaux  street,  later  on  Broad  street 
and,  still  later  the  family  moved  to  a  suburb  of  the  city, 
Whitesboro,  in  order  that  Mr.  Welles  might  be  near  to  the 
Utica  Cotton  Mills,  of  which  he  at  that  time  was  proprietor. 

The  childhood  education  of  Sarah  Welles  was  acquired 
at  a  private  school  in  Utica.  At  the  age  of  fifteen,  she  was 
sent  to  the  Maplewood  Seminary  at  Pittsfield,  Mass.  Later 
she  went  with  a  friend  (Sarah  McCurdy  Lord  of  Lyme)  to 
the  Spingler  Institute  of  New  York  City,  Fourteenth  street 
and  Broadway,  conducted  by  Rev.  Gorham  D.  Abbott 
(brother  of  John  C.  Abbott,  the  historian,  and  Uncle  of  Lyman 
Abbott,  our  present  noted  divine).  Here,  with  much  happi- 
ness, she  acquired  the  finishing  of  her  education.  At  that  time 
her  older  brother,  Thomas,  was  in  Hamilton  College,  in  the 




same  class  with  the  present  Honorable  Elihu  Root.  After 
the  completion  of  her  studies,  and  until  her  marriage,  she 
divided  her  time  quite  equally  between  her  aunt,  Mrs.  Mary 
Sill  of  Lyme,  Conn.,  and  her  Utica  home.  It  was  thus  by 
reason  of  such  close  association  with  and  her  love  for  her  Aunt 
Mary  that  she  came  to  so  highly  cherish  and  revere  the  tradi- 
tions and  memories  of  the  old  Sill  family,  and  to  love  and 
respect  so  many  of  their  friends  amongst  the  Lyme  people. 

Previous  to  the  death  of  Mrs.  Mary  Sill  in  1903,  Sarah 
Welles  Burt  came  from  her  home  in  Chicago  each  season  to 
spend  part  of  the  summer  with  Mrs.  Mary  Sill,  and  in  later 
years  to  stay  a  few  weeks  at  the  Inn  or  Boxwood.  Her  old 
Lyme  associations  were  always  dear  to  her  and  she  took  a 
proud  interest  in  the  lives  of  its  people,  generations  past  and 
present.  As  a  descendant  of  the  old  Sills,  who  had  lived  pros- 
perously and  honorably  in  the  locality  known  as  Silltown, 
who  had  faithfully  served  their  community,  state  and  country 
in  civil  and  military  capacities,  she  found  pleasure  in  locating 
and  acquiring  the  geneological  data  of  the  family  and  its  con- 
nections, the  stories  and  anecdotes  of  their  lives  and  in  doing 
what  she  could  to  preserve  their  traditions,  relics  and  land- 
marks. The  old  Thomas  Sill  homestead,  still  standing  in  Sill- 
town,  where  Mrs.  Mary  Sill  lived  and  died,  the  old  farm  at 
the  head  of  Lieutenant  River  with  its  boat  landings  and  sur- 
rounding hills  were  scenes  of  her  childhood  that  were  always 
fresh  in  her  mind  and  ever  were  the  source  of  happiness  in  her 

In  18^  Sarah  Welles  was  married  to  William  Burt  of 
Chicago,  and  for  the  remainder  of  her  life  resided  in  the  city 
of  Chicago  itself  or  its  North  Shore  suburb  of  Evanston. 


Her  husband  for  thirty-five  years  was  a  well  known  busi- 
ness man,  esteemed  for  ability  and  integrity,  and  beloved  by 
men  for  the  strength  and  force  of  his  character.  For  the  past 
twenty-nine  years  Sarah  Welles  Burt,  with  husband  and 
son,  resided  in  their  Evanston  residence.  Mr.  Burt,  died  of 
old  age  on  June  6th,  1912,  aged  84  years.  For  four  years  his 
wonderful  New  England  constitution  withstood  the  oncom- 
ing of  the  inevitable.  During  these  trying  years  those  who 
were  close  to  Sarah  Burt  saw  in  the  flesh  the  spirit  of  the 
Divine  Master,  whom  she  served.  Seven  weeks  after  the  death 
of  her  husband,  with  whom  she  had  for  forty-five  years  trod 
the  path  of  life,  that  Divine  Master  called  her  also  to  her 
everlasting  rest. 

The  Lord  is  my  Shepherd 
He  restoreth  my  Soul 

Though  I  walk  through  the  valley  of  the  shadow 
of  death  I  will  fear  no  evil. 

Obituary  as  Published  in  The  Index  of  Evanston,  III., 

July  27TH,  191 2. 

Mrs.  Sarah  Welles  Burt. 

Mrs.  Sarah  Welles  Burt,  widow  of  William  Burt,  who 
for  twenty-seven  years,  has  been  a  resident  of  Evanston,  died 
suddenly  Sunday  evening,  July  twenty-first,  at  the  Mohican 
Hotel,  New  London,  Conn.,  where  she  was  stopping  in  ex- 
pectation of  proceeding  to  Old  Lyme,  Conn.  Her  remains 
were  brought  back  to  the  Evanston  home  she  so  dearly  loved 
where  kind  friends  gave  her  their  final  earthly  tributes. 



The  funeral  service  Wednesday  afternoon  was  conducted 
by  her  pastor,  Rev.  David  Hugh  Jones  of  the  First  Presby- 
terian church  of  this  city  and  she  was  laid  to  rest  at  the  side  of 
her  husband  and  children  in  the  family  lot  in  Graceland  ceme- 

From  the  days  of  her  girlhood  she  had  derived  much 
pleasure  from  oft  repeated  visits  to  the  old  New  England  home 
of  friends  and  ancestors  and  was  looking  forward  to  her  antici- 
pated visit  there  this  summer. 

On  Friday  night  an  attack  of  acute  indigestion  induced 
by  fatigued  condition  affected  her  heart.  However  by  Satur- 
day evening  she  was  much  better  and  on  Sunday  she  was  con- 
sidered to  be  rapidly  regaining  her  normal  condition,  but  at 
seven  fifteen  o'clock  Sunday  evening  during  the  hour  of  twi- 
light her  brave  heart  suddenly  ceased  to  beat  and  her  soul  took 
flight  to  its  Heavenly  home. 

Sarah  Welles,  born  in  Utica,  N.  Y.,  was  the  daughter  of 
Alfred  L,  Welles,  who  for  many  years  was  a  prosperous  mer- 
chant of  that  city.  Of  the  family  two  brothers  still  remain, 
Mr.  George  S.  Welles  of  Park  Ridge  and  Chicago,  111.,  and 
Mr.  Samuel  M.  Welles  of  Chicago.  Sarah  Welles,  being  the 
second  child  and  oldest  daughter  of  a  family  of  ten  children, 
many  responsibilities  fell  to  her.  For  the  welfare  of  brothers 
and  sisters  she  was  ever  mindful  and  after  their  death  her  deep 
affection  continued  unto  their  children. 

In  1867  she  was  married  to  William  Burt  of  Chicago,  to 
whom  she  bore  four  children,  first  a  son  who  died  when  eigh- 
teen months  old  and  successively  two  baby  daughters  who  died 


in  earliest  infancy,   lastly  a  second  son,   Mr.  W.   Griswold 
Burt,  who  was  with  her  at  the  time  of  her  death. 

Mrs.  Burt  survived  the  death  of  her  husband  by  scarcely 
eight  weeks.  Never  failing  was  her  devotion  to  him  during 
his  four  years  of  illness.  As  a  daughter,  as  a  sister,  as  a  wife, 
as  a  mother  her  flow  of  sympathy  was  inexhaustible. 

For  those  she  loved  no  effort  was  too  great,  no  service  too 
small,  no  sorrow  severe  or  trifling  but  that  her  devotion  and 
sympathy  went  forth  to  alleviate  it. 

With  a  faith  in  her  God  and  Saviour  that  was  certain  and 
unshakeable,  with  steadfast  adherence  to  principle  of  right- 
ness  she  fought  the  Battle  of  Life  midst  all  circumstances  with 
a  smile  on  her  face  and  a  spirit  that  was  brave.  Truly  could 
she  have  said 

"I  have  fought  a  good  fight, 

I  have  kept  the  faith. 

Henceforth  there  is  laid  up  for  me  a  crown  of  righteousness 

Which  the  Lord  the  righteous  judge  shall  give  me  at  that  day." 

The  death  of  Mrs.  Sarah  Welles  Burt  comes  as  a  shock  to 
all  who  knew  her,  especially  to  the  friends  who  bade  her  good 
bye  ten  days  ago  at  her  departure  in  company  with  her  son, 
on  a  visit  to  her  old  home  in  the  East. 

Mrs.  Burt  has  been  a  member  and  regular  attendant  of 
the  First  Presbyterian  church  for  the  past  twenty-two  years 
and  has  always  been  interested  in  its  various  activities.  In  her 
church  circle  she  leaves  a  vacancy  which  cannot  be  filled. 


She  will  also  be  missed  at  the  gatherings  of  the  University 
guild,  of  which  she  has  been  a  member  since  its  organization. 

Mrs.  Burt  was  a:  descendant  of  the  Sill  family  on  her 
mother's  side  and  of  the  Welles  on  her  father's.  These  fami- 
lies were  among  the  early  settlers  of  these  states  and  figured 
prominently  in  their  development.  Being  of  this  descent  she 
was  naturally  interested  in  genealogical  lore  and  historical 
events  in  connection  with  old  New  England,  and  especially  in 
those  events  in  which  her  forefathers  were  participants. 

These  associations  led  her  to  a  keen  interest  in  the  organ- 
ization of  the  Fort  Dearborn  chapter  of  the  Daughters  of  the 
American  Revolution  of  which  she  was  a  charter  member. 
She  has  also  been  affiliated  for  many  years  with  the  Chicago 

Mrs.  Burt  was  a  woman  of  rare  refinement  and  delicacy, 
of  high  intellectual  qualities, — capable,  sympathetic,  gracious. 
As  her  pastor,  Mr.  Jones,  stated  at  her  funeral  service,  there 
are  heroes  in  life,  who  endure  burdens  with  fortitude  and  re- 
serve, and  as  truly  give  their  lives  for  others  as  do  the  heroes 
of  the  battle-field.  Mrs.  Burt  was  one  of  these,  assuming  with 
uncomplaining  cheerfulness  and  unswerving  fidelity  all  de- 
mands which  the  circumstances  of  life  made  upon  her.  Amidst 
many  exacting  duties,  she  found  time  to  think  and  act  for 
others.  Many  were  her  deeds  of  kindness  and  thoughtfulness 
which  endeared  her  to  her  neighbors  and  friends.  By  these 
her  loss  is  deeply  grieved;  by  these  she  will  be  sorely  missed; 
among  these  her  memory  will  linger  long,  for  to  know  her 
was  to  love  her. 




Genealogy  of  Sarah  Sill  Welles  Burt,  as  Descendant  of 

John  Sill  of  England.  , , 

Sarah  Sill  Welles  Burt,  daughter  of 

Alfred  L.  Welles  and  Sarah  Griswold  Sill,  daughter  of 

Mahitable  Mather  and  Thomas  Sill,  son  of 

Sarah  Griswold  and  David  Fithian  Sill,  son  of 

Phoebe  Fithian  and  Lieutenant  John  Sill,  son  of 

Phoebe  Lord  and  Joseph  Sill  the  2nd,  son  of  ^ 

Sarah  Marvin  Clark  and  Joseph  Sill  the  ist,  son  of 

John  Sill  of  England. 


Genealogy  of  Sarah  Sill  Welles  Burt,  as  Descendant  of 

George  Clark. 
George  Clark  (1610-1690),  among  the  original  proprie- 
tors of  the  town  of  Milford,  Connecticut,  Deputy  to  General 
Court  of  Connecticut — 1666. 

Sarah  Sill  Welles  Burt,  daughter  of 
Alfred  L.  Welles  and  Sarah  Griswold  Sill,  daughter  of 
Mahitable  Mather  and  Captain  Thomas  Sill,  son  of 
Sarah  Griswold  and  Captain  David  Fithian  Sill,  son  of 
Phoebe  Fithian  and  Lieutenant  John  Sill,  son  of 
Phoebe  Lord  and  Joseph  Sill  the  2nd,  son  of 
Joseph  Sill  the  ist,  and  Sarah  Clark,  daughter  of 
George  Clark,  of  Milford,  Connecticut. 


Genealogy  of  Sar.ah  Sill  Welles  Burt,  as  Descendant  of 
Judge  Nathanl^l  Lynde. 

Sarah  Sill  Welles  Burt,  daughter  of 
Alfred  Welles  and  Sarah  Griswold  Sill,  daughter  of 
Mahitable  Mather  and  Thomas  Sill,  son  of 
David  Fithian  Sill  and  Sarah  Griswold,  daughter  of 
Thomas  Griswold  and  Susanna  Lynde,  daughter  of 
Sarah  Pratt  and  Nathanial  Lynde,  son  of 
Susanna  Willouby  and  Judge  Nathanial  Lynde,  son  of 
Hannah  Newdigate  and  Simon  Lynde,  son  of 
Elizabeth  Digby  (related  to  Earl  of  Windsor)  and  Enoch 
Lynde  (of  England). 

Note. — Lieutenant  William  Pratt  died  1678,  early  settler  of  Saybrook, 
Conn.,  Deputy  from  Saybrook  to  General  Court  of  Connecticut  twenty- 
three  times,  Soldier  in  Pequot  War  1637,  County  Magistrate  in  1666,  Lieu- 
tenant of  Saybrook  Band  Oct.  3d,  1661.  See  Connecticut  Colonial  Records, 
Pratt,  General. 

Hartford  in  the  Olden  Times,  pp.  117. 

Hinman's  Early  Settlers. 

Bodges  Soldiers  of  King  Philh'p's  War. 


Genealogy  of  Sarah  Sill  Welles  Burt,  as  Descendant  of 
Thomas  Lee  (or  Leigh). 

Sarah  Sill  Welles  Burt,  daughter  of 
Sarah  Griswold  Sill  and  Alfred  Lee  Welles,  son  of 
Alfred  Welles  and  Abigail  Lee,  daughter  of 
Betsy  Elizabeth  Smith  and  Seth  Lee,  son  of 
Hepzibah  Lee  and  Elisha  Lee,  son  of 
Elizabeth  Graham  and  Thomas  Lee. 

Thomas  Lee  was   representative  to  the   General   Court 
from  Lyme  sixteen  times  and  repeatedly  Justice  of  the  Peace. 

.Elisha  Lee  (above  mentioned),  born  in  1714,  served  in 
the  Indian  Wars  as  paymaster.  A  great-grand-daughter  of 
his  writes  that  Elisha  Lee,  having  been  captured  by  the  Indians 
and  sentenced  to  be  burned  at  the  stake,  a  friendly  Indian  took 
him  on  his  back  at  midnight  when  there  was  snow  on  the 
ground,  carried  him  to  a  river  and  leaving  him,  returned  alone. 
As  only  one  set  of  foot  prints,  and  those  an  Indian's,  were  to 
be  seen  the  white  man  could  cross  the  river  without  being 
traced,  which  he  did. 



Genealogy  of  Sarah  Sill  Welles  Burt,  as  Descendant  of 
Rev.  Richard  Mather  of  England. 

Rev.  Richard  Mather   of    England    married    Catharine 


their  son 
Timothy  Mather  married  Catharine  Atherton 

their  son 
Richard  Mather  married  Catharine  Wise 

their  son 
Samuel  Mather  married  Deborah  Champion 

their  son 
Richard  Mather  married  Deborah  Ely 

their  son 
Samuel  Mather  married  Lois  Griswold 

their  daughter 
Mahitable  Mather  married  Thomas  Sill 

their  daughter 
Sarah  Griswold  Sill  married  Alfred  L.  Welles. 

Sarah  Sill  Welles  was  their  daughter. 

Note. — Rev.  Richard  Mather  came  to  this  countr}-  in  the  vessel  Angel 
Gabrial,  born  in  Lancashire,  England,  1596,  was  schoolmaster  at  Toxeth 
Park,  near  Liverpool,  at  the  age  of  fifteen ;  studied  at  Braymore  College, 
Oxford;  161 8  was  ordained  in  the  English  Church  and  became  Minister  of 
Toxeth,  in  which  position  he  remained  fifteen  years.  He  was  suspended  for 
non-conformity  to  the  ceremonies  of  the  Established  Church  in  1633.  He 
therefore  emigrated  to  New  England,  arriving  in  Boston  in  1635;  the  next 
year  he  became  pastor  of  the  church  in  Dorchester  and  remained  in  that  posi- 
tion until  his  death,  1669.  He  was  one  of  the  compilers  of  the  Bay  Book 
Psalms.     (See  Mather  Genealogy  and  Savage's  Genealogy  and  History.) 







Genealogy  of  Sailah  Sill  Welles  Burt,  as  Descendant  of 
Major  General  Humphrey  Atherton. 

Catharine  Atherton  (daughter  of  Humphrey  Atherton) 
married  Timothy  Mather,  ' 

their  son 
Richard  Mather  married  Catharine  Wise 

their  son 
Samuel  Mather  married  Deborah  Champion 

their  son 
Richard  Mather  married  Deborah  Ely 

their  son 
Samuel  Mather  married  Lois  Griswold 

their  daughter 
Mahitable  Mather  married  Thomas  Sill, 

their  daughter 
Sarah  Sill  married  Alfred  Welles 

Sarah  Sill  Welles  was  their  daughter 



Genealogy  of  Sarah  Sill  Welles  Burt,  as  Descendant  of 
Deputy  Governor  Francis  Willouby. 

William  Willouby  of  Portsmouth,  Hampshire,  England, 

his  son 
Francis  Willouby  married  Margaret  Locke  Taylor  (2nd 
cousin  to  Queen  Elizabeth  of  England).     He  was  Deputy 
Governor  of  Massachusetts  from  1665  to  1675. 

their  daughter 
Susanna  Willouby  married  Judge  Nathanial  Lynde 

their  son  \\\ 

Nathaniel  Lynde  married  Sarah  Pratt 

their  daughter 
Susanna  Lynde  married  Thomas  Griswold 

their  daughter 
Sarah  Griswold  married  David  Fithian  Sill  'V 

etc.,  etc.     (See  Genealogy  by  Greenwood-Frothing- 

ham's  History  Wallinghampshire.) 

Note. — William  Willoub\-  was  commissioner  of  the  British  Navy  from 
1648  to  1 65 1,  when  he  died.  His  son,  Francis  Willouby,  came  to  New  Eng- 
land in  1638  and  returned  to  England  in  165 1.  In  1652  he  was  appointed 
successor  to  his  father  as  commissioner  of  the  navy,  and  in  1658  chosen  mem- 
ber of  parliament  from  Portsmouth.  In  1662  he  returned  to  New  England 
and  became  Deputy  Governor  of  the  Massachusetts  Colony  in  1665  and  con- 
tinued so  until  his  death  in  1675. 





Genealogy  of  Sarah  Sill  Welles  Burt,  as  Descendant  of 
Matthew  Griswold  of  England. 

Matthew    Griswold    of    Warwickshire     (Kennelworth, 
native  place)  married  Anna  Wolcot. 
their  son 
Matthew  (born  1653,  died  1699,  representative  for  Say- 
brook  often,  and  for  Lyme  after  division  of  the  town  in  1667) 
married  Phoebe  Hyde 
their  son 
Judge  John  Griswold  married  Hannah  Leigh 

their  son 
Thomas  Griswold  (brother  of  Gov.  Matthew  Griswold) 
married  Mary  Lee 
their  son 
Thomas  Griswold  married  Susanna  Lynde 

their  daughter 
Sarah  Griswold  married  David  Fithian  Sill, 

etc.,  etc.      (See  Savage,  Sill  and  Mather  Genealo- 


Preface  to  Old  Silltown 

The  contents  of  this  book  were  collected  and  arranged  by 
Sarah  Sill  Welles  Burt  at  the  expense  of  much  time  and  patient 
effort.  It  was  her  expectation  to  have  them  put  into  book 
form  in  order  that  the  descendants  of  the  old  Sill  family  might 
thus  have  the  data  compact  and  systematically  arranged,  that 
their  children  and  their  children's  children  might  thus  the 
more  readily  become  familiar  with  the  record  of  their  honor- 
able ancestors  and  themselves  be  inspired  to  lead  lives  worthy 
of  such  noble  progenitors.  Owing  to  the  sudden  death  of 
Sarah  Sill  Welles  Burt  this  was  not  accomplished  in  her  life- 
time, but  that  her  efforts  may  not  have  been  in  vain,  her  pur- 
pose has,  in  this  volume,  to  the  extent  of  his  ability,  been  car- 
ried out  by  her  son,  W.  Gfiswold  Burt. 

This  volume  is  not  intended  as  a  complete  genealogy  of 
the  Sill  family.  The  reader  will  note  that  parts  of  the  contents 
are  in  the  nature  of  personal  expressions  of  appreciation  and 
love  for  those  mentioned.  The  incidents  herein  related  con- 
cern only  a  very  small  proportion  of  the  descendants,  and  are 
recorded  here  by  reason  of  their  special  interest  to  those  living 
in  this  present  time.  Thus  many  who  have  left  records  of 
good  and  useful  lives  remain  unmentioned  here.  The  writer 
is  indebted  to  many  sources  of  information  for  what  is  related 



Many  of  the  items  were  made  memorandum  of  after  hear- 
ing them  told  by  living  lips,  many  of  whom  have  now  gone  to 
their  everlasting  rest.     Also  certain  books  and  records  have 
served  as  authority  among  which  may  be  mentioned: 
Connecticut  Records  1678,  Sq.,  pp.  195-208-21 1. 
Connecticut  Records  1689,  Sq.,  pp.  23-33-42-69. 
General  Gookins'  History  of  the  Praying  Indians. 
Hubbard's  Narration  of  the  Indian  Wars  in  New  England. 
Page's  History  of  Cambridge. 
Increase  Mather's  History  of  King  Phillip's  War. 
George  Bodge's  Soldiers  of  King  Phillip's  Wars. 
Sill  Family  Genealogy,  by  George  G.  Sill  and  Louisa  P.  Sill. 
Trumbull's  History  of  Connecticut. 
Old  Letters — deeds,  Inventories  of  Estates,  etc. 
Knox's  Campaigns. 
Connecticut  Records  at  Smithsonian    Institute,  Washington, 

D.  C. 
Shurtleft's  History  of  Boston. 
Orcult's  History  of  Dorchester. 
Salisbury's  History  and  Genealogy. 
Connecticut  Colonial  Records  at  Hartford. 
Matthew's  American  Armory  and  Blue  Book. 
Sill-Treadway  Genealogy,  by  F.  S.  Sill. 
Genealogy  of  the  Loomis  Family. 
Hyde  Genealogy. 

Ancient  Windsor,  Connecticut,  by  H.  R.  Stiles. 
Oneida  Historical  Society  Transactions. 
Savage's  Genealogy  Dictionary. 





"Our  ancestors,  a  gallant  Christian  race  of  every 

virtue,  every  grace." 

*  *     *     * 

" — There  is  also  a  moral  and  philosophical 
respect  for  our  ancestors,  which  elevates  the 
character  and  improves  the  heart. — " 

— Daniel  Webster. 

*  *     *     * 

The  Divine  command  to  "remember  the 
days  of  old  and  consider  the  years  of  many  gene- 
rations" (Deut.  32-7),  so  oft  repeated  in  varying 
terms  in  Holy  Writ,  is  an  imperative  argument 
for  the  preservation  of  memorials  of  the  past. 

















A  demi — (one-half)  griffin — Symbol  of  a  guardian 
of  treasure,  or  one  entrusted. 

Rampant — Showing  courage  and  generosity. 

Proper — i.  e. — colored  like  a  mythical  griffin,  bronze, 
green  and  glistening. 

Collard  argent — silver — (honor  and  clear  con- 
science) . 




Argent — Silver,  symbolizing  honor  or  a  clear  con- 

A  fesse  engrailed — Indicating  the  sash  or  belt  of  a 

Sable — black^ — Meaning  fame. 

In  chief — or  top  part  of  shield. 

A  lion — Signifying  courage,  majesty  and  strength. 

Rampant  passing — or  progressive. 

Gules — Red,  the  royal  color,  denoting  zeal. 




In  New  London  County,  Connecticut,  on  the  road  leading 
from  North  Lyme  and  Hamburg  to  Old  Lyme,  there  lies  be- 
neath the  hills  an  especially  charming  and  fertile  valley,  em- 
bracing a  few  hundred  acres. 

Its  western  boundary  is  Lieutenant  River,  whose  source 
is  amidst  the  hills  and  whose  waters  (about  a  mile  and  a  half 
farther  south)  mingle  with  those  of  the  Connecticut  River 
before  its  entrance  to  Long  Island  Sound. 

At  the  east  and  south  of  this  attractive  valley  is  Mill 
Creek,  which,  in  its  turn,  flows  into  the  Lieutenant  River,  and 
thus  serves  as  an  outlet  for  the  Great  Lake  farther  north,  now 
called  Roger's  Lake. 

From  the  Old  Lyme  Station  of  the  New  York,  New 
Haven  and  Hartford  Railroad  this  locality  may  be  reached 
by  driving  up  the  main  street  of  Old  Lyme,  taking  the  North 
Road,  where  it  diverges  from  the  New  London  turnpike, 
when  on  crossing  Mill  Creek  bridge  at  the  foot  of  the  hill  one 
arrives  at  its  southern  boundary. 

For  generations  this  locality  has  been  known  as  Silltown. 

It  was  on  this  tract  of  land,  nearly  surrounded  by  hills, 
that  Captain  Joseph  Sill  settled  more  than  two  hundred  and 
fifty  years  ago.  He  was  the  son  of  John  Sill  of  England  (First 



.,i)iiw...iA.liil«^.w  Grossy  Mill 

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First  Generation 

John  Sill  of  England. 

John  Sill  of  England  came  to  this  country  with  his  family 
in  the  year  1637  and  settled  in  Cambridge,  Massachusetts, 
about  eighteen  years  after  the  landing  of  the  Pilgrims  at  Ply- 
mouth, seven  years  after  the  settlement  of  Cambridge  was  com- 
menced, and  the  same  year  in  which  Harvard  College  was 

Mr.  Sill  was  admitted  to  the  privileges  of  a  freeman  at 
Cambridge  in  the  year  1638,  and  was  received  as  member  in 
full  communion  of  the  Congregational  Society  of  Cambridge, 
Rev.  Thomas  Shepherd  pastor. 

The  earliest  genealogist  of  the  family,  Henry  A.  Sill,  of 
Cuyahoga  Falls,  has  stated  that  a  tradition  in  the  family  was 
that  John  Sill  came  from  Lyme  Regis,  Dorchestershire,  Eng- 
land. History  states  this  to  have  been  a  seaport  town  located 
on  the  Linn  River,  a  summer  resort  of  the  kings  of  England, 
a  royal  manor  from  the  time  of  Edward  the  First,  and  a  place 
mentioned  in  history  from  "The  Doomsday  Book"  onward. 

The  eldest  daughter  of  John  Sill,  born  and  baptized  in 
England,  was  Elizabeth,  born  in  1637,  married  Zachariah 
Hicks  in  1652,  died  in  1736,  according  to  the  gravestone  still 
standing  in  Cambridge. 

A  second  daughter,  born  in  Cambridge,  Mass.,  married 
Abraham  Shepherd,  of  Maiden,  Mass. 



In  1838  John  Sill  owned  property  at  the  corner  of  Eliot 
and  Winthrop  streets,  and  in  1842  he  owned  a  house  and 
several  acres  of  land,  and  in  1845  he  had  an  additional  grant 
of  land.  He  was  living  in  1647,  when  he  was  among  the 
creditors  of  a  certain  estate,  and  in  1648-9  he  was  named  among 
the  proprietors  of  land  in  Cambridge,  but  he  died  before  1652, 
for  at  that  time  his  wife  is  spoken  of  as  a  widow.  It  is  prob- 
able that  his  birth  took  place  in  about  t6io,  in  the  early  years 
of  James  the  First.  (See  Sill-Treadway  Gen.,  by  Frederick 
S.  Sill.) 

Mrs.  Joanna  Sill  survived  her  husband  about  twenty 
years.  She  received  allotments  of  land  in  1652.  (See  Paige's 
History  of  Cambridge.)  Her  will  was  presented  for  probate 
in  1671,  so  she  probably  died  in  that  year.  (See  Sill-Tread- 
way Genealogy.) 

The  year  in  which  this  young  emigrant,  John  Sill,  and  his 
wife,  Joanna  with  infant  children,  came  to  New  England  was 
the  one  in  which  John  Hampden  was  condemned  for  resisting 
the  levying  of  ship  money.  It  may  well  have  been  that  they 
were  induced  to  leave  their  English  home  by  reason  of  the 
persecutions  which  arose  at  that  time,  and  the  trouble,  which 
between  1630  and  1640,  had  led,  as  Green  says,  to  the  sailing 
of  two  hundred  emigrant  ships  with  twenty  thousand  English- 
men, who  sought  a  refuge  in  the  West. 

Charles  the  First  was  then  king,  and  William  Laud  Arch- 
bishop of  Canterbury. 

Milton  was  the  poet  of  the  day. 

The  Earl  of  Strafford  w^as  Prime  Minister. 

It  was  seventeen  years  before  Oliver  Cromwell  became 
Lord  Protector  of  England,  and  twelve  before  the  death  of 



Charles.  It  was  the  time  of  great  political  and  religious 
changes,  which  materially  aided  the  success  of  the  settlement 
of  New  England.     (See  Sill-Treadway  Gen.) 


V.  Z.  *' 


Second  Generation 

Joseph  Sill,  The  First. 

Captain  Joseph,  the  only  son  of  John  Sill  the  ist,  was 
born  in  England  in  1636,  married,  in  1660,  Jemina  Belcher,  a 
niece  of  Lieutenant-Governor  Thomas  Danford,  of  Massa- 
chusetts, also  aunt  to  Governor  Johnathan  Belcher  of  the  same 

Sons —  T  Andrew 

2  Joseph 

3  Andrew 

4  Thomas 
Daughters — 5  Jemina 

6  Elizabeth. 

Of  these  several  children  born  to  them  two  sons  are  sup- 
posed to  have  been  lost  at  sea,  others  were  married  and  left 
descendants.  However,  the  name  of  Sill  became  extinct  in 
Massachusetts  after  Joseph,  the  first  removed  to  Connecticut. 
His  wife  died  in  1675.  He  later  became  actively  engaged  in 
the  defense  of  the  colonies,  in  the  suppression  of  the  Northern 

The  public  records  found  in  the  Newberry  Library  of 
Chicago,  Illinois,  published  by  the  order  of  the  General  Court 
of  Massachusetts,  states  that,  "On  the  roster  of  officers  of  the 
first  American  army  as  organized  for  the  Narragansett  Colony, 
mustered  at  Pettiguamscot,  December  19th,  1665,  (General 
Josiah  Winslow,  Governor  of  Plymouth  Colony,  Commander 
in  Chief),  was  the  name  of  Captain  Joseph  Sill. 



A  partial  record  of  his  service  states  that  at  the  outbreak 
of  King  Phillip's  War  in  1675  he  was  a  lieutenant. 

In  September  of  that  year  he  was  commissioned  Captain 
of  one  hundred  men  under  Major  Pynchon.  '  In  November,  by 
order  of  the  Court,  he  was  commissioned  Captain  of  a  com- 
pany raised  at  Charleston,  Watertown  and  Cambridge.  Dur- 
ing the  whole  of  this  war  he  rendered  valuable  service  to  the 
colonies  and  was  engaged  in  numerous  expeditions,  being  sent 
as  far  as  Saco,  Maine.  Among  his  most  famous  exploits  was 
one  at  Lancaster,  February  21st,  in  1675,  where  he  captured 
three  hundred  Indians,  and  another  where  he  conducted  a  long 
train  of  wagons,  bringing  the  inhabitants  of  Groton  to  Boston 
is  safety  with  a  single  company  of  troopers,  fifty  in  all,  success- 
fully resisting  the  attacks  of  the  Indians  along  the  route. 

The  war  closed  when  King  Phillip,  that  brave  son  of 
Massasoit,  was  massacred  on  August  12th,  1676,  by  one  of  his 
own  followers  while  hiding  from  his  enemies  in  the  marshes. 
This  locality,  near  South  Kingston,  Rhode  Island,  where  the 
fiercest  and  most  decisive  battle  was  fought,  where  history 
states  a  thousand  Indians  were  killed  and  their  stronghold 
demolished,  has  in  recent  years  been  marked  with  a  granite 
monument  by  the  inhabitants  of  the  town  that  the  event  may 
be  commemorated  and  the  locality  designated  for  future  gener- 
ations. The  monument  is  visible  at  a  distance,  and  can  be 
seen  from  the  train  when  passing  from  Providence  to  Boston, 
via  the  Shore  Line  of  the  New  York,  New  Haven  and  Hart- 
ford Railroad.  The  first  attention  of  the  passerby  is  attracted 
to  this  locality  by  signs  on  the  roadside  which  read  thus:  "The 
Great  Swamp  Fight." 




In  an  old  volume,  "History  of  America,"  by  Henry 
Trumbull,  published  in  Norwich  in  1810,  copy  owned  by  Mr. 
Daniel  Ingraham  Lay,  is  recorded  on  page  62  as  follows: 

"On  the  1 2th  of  December,  1679,  a  party  of  Indians  at- 
tacked and  killed  several  of  the  inhabitants  of  Bradford.  The 
Governor  of  Massachusetts  Colony,  for  the  protection  and 
defense  of  the  inhabitants  on  the  Merrimack,  ordered  the  rais- 
ing and  equipping  of  four  companies  of  cavalry,  to  the  com- 
mand of  which  were  appointed  Captains  Sill,  Holyoke,  Cutler 
and  Prentis."  Thus  showing  that  Captain  Sill  was  called  in 
emergencies  to  come  into  the  service  of  the  colony  in  command 
of  horse  as  well  as  foot  soldiers.  The  historical  records  of  his 
service  are  too  lengthy  for  more  than  reference  here.  They 
may  be  found  in  Hubbard's  Narrative  of  the  Indian  Wars  in 
New  England,  Paige's  History  of  Cambridge,  Mass.,  in  Gen. 
Gookin's  History  of  Praying  Indians,  and  especiallv  in  George 
M.  Bodge's  Soldiers  of  King  Phillips'  War. 

Influenced  by  his  friends,  who  feared  lest  he  might  be- 
come the  victim  of  the  vengeance  of  the  remaining  Indians, 
Captain  Sill  removed  from  the  Narragansett  to  the  Connecti- 
cut Colony.  Before  leaving  Massachusetts  he  appealed  to  the 
General  Court  of  that  colony  for  a  grant  of  land;  the  original, 
ably  drawn  petition  is  in  possession  of  the  Boston  Historical 

George  Bodge  in  his  volume.  Soldiers  of  King  Phillip's 
War,  has  introduced  a  copy  of  this  document  as  follows : 







'to  the  honorable  general  court,  assembled  at  boston^ 
the  petition  of  joseph  sill  humbly  showeth,  viz: 

"that  your  petitioner  accounts  it  a  great  privilege 
that,  from  his  childhood  he  hath  been  trained  up  and 
hath  spent  so  many  of  his  days  under  your  govern- 
ment, and  cannot  without  singular  content  and  com- 
placency, call  to  mind  that  he  hath  been  honored  to 
be  called  forth  under  your  commission  to  appear  in 
the  field  against  your  enemies  in  pursuance  of  which 
he  did  accordingly  to  his  mean  ability  serve  you 
faithfully  and  for  length  of  time  and  number  of  ex- 
peditions, may  (without  ostentation  be  it  spoken)  j 
compare  with  most  if  not  any  who  were  listed  in  ' 
your  service,  and  accounts  no  part  of  his  days,  next  to 
those  which  have  been  improved  in  the  immediate 
service  of  God,  so  well  spent  as  those  which  have 
been  employed  in  the  service  of  his  country  and  the 
government,  remaining  still,  devoted  in  all  that  he 
hath  and  still  in  your  service  without  any  selfish 
aims.  Yet  being  well  assured  that  your  noble  and 
generous  inclinations  are  not  inferior  to  his  who  ac- 
counted that  day  lost  in  which  some  one  or  other  were 
not  benefitted  by  him  nor  to  his  who  was  displeased 
with  such  as  asked  no  kindness  from  him,  he  must 
confess  that  he  hath  some  ambition  that  it  may  be 
manifested  that  he  is  not  forgotten  amongst  those 
that  have  tasted  of  your  beneficence  and  humbly 
craves  of  the  honored  court  that  you  would  please 
grant  him  a  small  number  of  acres  of  that  land  which 
hath  been  recovered  from  the  enemy  so  that  a  little 



part  of  what  he  hath  seen  with  his  eyes  and  trod 
with  his  feet  in  your  service,  may  be  committed 
into  his  hands,  and  that  he  may  the  more  comfortably 
share  in  the  blessing  of  these  peaceful  days  wherein 
man  may  beat  their  swords  into  plow  shares,  and 
your  petitioners  shall  pray,  etc.,  etc." 

Joseph  Sill. 

The  Court  granted  to  him  the  tract  of  land  where  now  is 
located  the  town  of  Salem.  This  was  inherited  by  his  daugh- 
ter Jemima,  who  married  John  Hall  of  Medford,  whose 
descendants  are  now  living. 

His  removal  to  Lyme  occurred  about  the  time  of  the  di- 
vision of  Saybrook,  which  had  occupied  both  sides  of  the  Con- 
necticut River  near  its  confluence  with  the  Sound.  Joseph 
Sill,  coming,  as  tradition  states,  from  Lyme  Regis,  England, 
and  being  a  landed  proprietor,  he  probably  had  an  influence 
in  giving  the  town  the  name  of  Lyme.  The  settlement  of  the 
locality  commenced  in  about  1664,  and  in  about  1667  the 
town  was  incorporated,  having  thirty  families,  and  able  to 
support  a  minister.  The  community  had  enjoyed  the  serv- 
ices of  Rev.  Mr.  Noyes  from  1666,  but  no  church  was  organ- 
ized until  1693,  there  not  previously  having  been  sufficient 
members  to  constitute  a  church.  Mr.  Noyes  died  in  1729, 
aged  86  years,  having  spent  63  years  with  his  people.  (See 
Trumbull's  History  of  Connecticut  and  Sill  Genealogy.) 

In  1677  Capt.  Joseph  Sill  married  his  second  wife,  Sarah 
Clark  Marvin,  the  widow  of  Lieutenant  Renolds  Marvin. 
She  was  the  daughter  of  George  Clark,  of  Millford,  Conn., 





one  of  the  early  settlers  of  that  town,  who  erected  a  massive 
stone  bridge,  which  still  bears  his  name. 

In  an  old  volume  entitled  "Colonial  History,"  by  John 
W.  Barber,  published  in  New  Haven,  1830,  in  page  231 
Joseph  Sill  is  recorded  as  having  been  appointed  AFTER 
PLANTER  in  the  town  of  Millford,  Conn.  By  the  term 
PLANTER  was  meant  one  holding  property,  and  conse- 
quently being  recorded  as  being  entitled  to  a  voice  in  town 
afifairs.  The  prefix  AFTER  meaning  that  other  people  had 
been  recorded  before  him. 

Captain  Sill  erected  his  home  in  Lyme  on  one  of  the  hills 
overlooking  his  farm,  having  an  extended  view  of  the  sur- 
rounding country,  and  a  distant  view  of  the  Connecticut  River 
and  Long  Island  Sound. 

The  tax  records  for  those  early  years,  1677,  found  in  the 
archives  of  the  Newberry  Library  of  Chicago,  give  Mr.  Sill's 
list  to  be  as  follows : 

"Two  persons  i     yearling 

housing  and  lands  10  swine 

6  oxen  3     geldings 
12  cows  2     yearlings 

7  horses  Lbs.  143 — 1406  being  1  per 
I     gelding  cent. 

The  grist  mills  on  Mill  Lane,  and  saw  mill  in  Laysville, 
important  plants  in  those  days,  1688,  in  which  Captain  Sill 
was  interested,  were  managed  by  him  and  his  descendants. 
Colonel  David  Fithian  Sill  of  the  fifth  generation,  being  prin- 
cipal owner  in  them,  as  the  inventory  of  his  estate  records. 





Aside  from  his  farming  interests,  Joseph  Sill  was  a  pro- 
moter of  the  interests  of  the  town.     He  was  frequently  elected 


to  office  in  Connecticut  and  was  deputy  to  the  General  Court 


several  times  in  1686,  169 1  and  1693.     He  held  commissions 
in  both  Connecticut  and  Massachusetts. 





Captain  Joseph  Sill  was  sixty  years  of  age  at  the  time  of 
his  death,  which  occurred  October  6,  1696.  His  widow  sur- 
vived him  nineteen  years.  Savage,  the  genealogist  and  his- 
torian, calls  him  "The  distinguished  officer,"  "The  Fierce  In- 
dian Fighter."  George  Bodge,  compiler  and  editor  of  "Sol- 
diers of  King  Phillip's  Wars,"  devotes  an  entire  chapter  to 
his  service  in  the  Colonial  Wars. 

I  give  here  his  quaint  old  signature  in  1688,  taken  from 

^^^/7^^jf    ^*^^.^^  ancient  document  in  the  town  record 

/y  U//        d^  at  Hamburg,  Conn.,  traced  by  William 

Marvin,  town  clerk,  from  the  original  as  found  upon  old 

records  in  connection  with  a  town  distribution  of  land. 

In  the  early  records  of  the  Congregational  Society  of 
Old  Lyme  frequent  mention  is  made  of  Joseph  Sill,  and  in 
the  Old  Lyme  town  records  of  early  times,  now  kept  in  Ham- 
burg, are  recorded  transactions  with  Joseph  Sill  in  transfer 
of  land,  etc.  In  town  meeting  book,  under  date  of  March  6, 
1676,  Captain  Sill  is  recorded  as  one  of  three  appointed  to 
run  the  town  bounds  between  Lyme  and  Haddam. 

The  following  is  taken  from  a  letter  written  at  Lyme, 
Conn.,  September  28,  1910,  and  signed  by  William  Marvin, 
Judge  of  Probate,  Town  Clerk: 

"The  highway  which  leads  past  the  former  residence  of 
Colonel  Matson  was  not  laid  out  until  1719,  but  at  that 
time  Joseph  Sill,  Jr.,  owned  land  adjoining  it  on  the  south. 
It  is  probable  that  Joseph  Sill,  Sr.,  owned  this  land 
before  his  death;  it  is  certain  that  he  owned  land  east  of  the 
main  highway,  north  of  the  millstream  and  an  interest  in  the 



corn  and  saw  mill,  which  were  very  important  plants  in  those 
early  days,  for  the  carrying  on  of  which  he  was  given  special 
grants  by  the  town.  Joseph  Sill,  Sr.,  was  not  as  large  a  land 
holder  as  his  sons,  Joseph  and  Zachariah,  who  gradually  pur- 

A  Marble  Slab  Above  His  Tomb  with  Record  of  Service. 

chased  all  of  the  lands  north  of  the  millstream,  east  of  the 
Lieutenant  River  and  southwest  of  the  highway,  as  well  as 
a  tract  east  of  the  highway,  stretching  nearly  from  the  mill- 
stream  to  the  Matson  cross  road.  They  also  owned  lands, 
now  held  by  Robert  Hall,  on  the  north  shore  of  Lieutenant 
River,  as  well  as  tracts  on  Grassv  Hill  and  Beaver  River." 



To  those  familiar  with  the  country  around  Old  Lyme 
and  Silltown  the  principal  point  of  interest  in  the  above  quota- 

tion is  contained  in  the  last  sentence,  which  shows  that  Cap- 
tain Joseph  Sill's  holdings  in  lands  included  part  of  that 
region  now  known  as  the  Billy  Coult  Hills. 



Third  Generation 

Third  Generation  Second  Generation  First  Generation 


Joseph  Sill,  2nd  John  Sill 

Phoebe  Lord  Joseph  Sill,  ist  r  i' 

Zachariah  Sill  Sarah  Clark  Marvin  °  ',  ? 

Elizabeth  Mather  England 

Captain  Joseph  Sill,  the  first  settler,  by  his  second  mar- 
riage had  two  sons  named  Joseph  2nd  and  Zachariah,  who 
were  18  and  14  years  of  age  respectively  at  the  time  of  their 
father's  death.  Rev.  George  Griswold  Sill,  another  historian 
and  genealogist  of  the  family,  has  called  them,  in  a  letter  to 
his  cousins  preserved  by  the  family,  "The  Patriarchs  or 
"Heads"  of  branches  of  the  family. 

From  these  are  descended  all  the  Sills  of  this  country  as 
far  as  are  now  known.  Joseph  had  twelve  children,  Zachariah 

Eighteen  children  of  the  name  of  Sill  in  the  neighbor- 
hood at  one  time  was  not  unusual,  and  the  same  genealogist 
says  of  these:  "Like  the  Israelites  of  old,  not  a  feeble  one 
among  them."  Their  homes  were  erected  about  sixty  rods 
apart  in  Silltown,  while  some  of  the  later  generations  built 
farther  down  the  street.  The  number  of  families  of  this  name, 
in  what  was  originally  the  town  of  Lyme,  was  eight  or  ten. 
This  locality  was  then  first  called  Silltown.  HI 

The  nine  sons  of  these  two  branches  first  settled  in  Sill- 
town, some  removing  later  to  other  settlements.  North  Lyme, 
Grassy  Hill,  Saybrook,  Middletown,  Windsor,  Groton  and 
other  towns  in  Connecticut. 

Joseph  2nd  and  Zachariah  were  more  extensive  land 
owners  than  their  father  before  them,  having  large  holdings 



in  Grassy  Hill  and  in  different  parts  of  Lyme,  also  in  Ohio 
on  Beaver  River. 

Joseph  2nd  lived  for  thirty  years  in  the  home  of  his 
father,  when  he  purchased  improved  lands  in  North  Lyme 
and  removed  thither  in  1733,  leaving  the  homestead  to  his 
oldest  son.  Lieutenant  John  Sill.  Joseph  Sill  was  a  member 
of  the  Congregational  Church  under  the  ministry  of  Rev. 
Moses  Noyes  of  Lyme.     He  died  in  1765,  aged  88  years. 

Joseph  2nd,  married  Phoebe  Lord,  daughter  of  Lieuten- 
ant Richard  Lord  of  Lyme.    Their  children  were: 

Sons — 

Daughters — 






Zachariah  ist  married  Elizabeth  Mather,  daughter  of 
Richard  Mather  of  Lyme,  niece  of  Increase  Mather  of  Boston, 
President  of  Harvard  College.    Their  children  were : 



Sons — Andrew 

David  j 

Daughters —  Sarah 

Elizabeth  I 

The  descendants  of  the  two  sons  (Joseph  2nd  and  Zacha- 
riah) intermarried  with  families  in  Lyme,  the  Lords,  Matsons, 
Noyes,  Mathers,  Griswolds,  Lays  and  others. 




Fourth  Generation 

First  Generation 

Second  Generation 

Third  Generation 

John  Sill 


Joseph  Sill  1st 

Joseph  Sill  and 

Fourth  Generation 

John   Sill 

Joseph,  3rd 











Lieutenant  John  Sill. 

Lieutenant  John,  born  in  1710,  the  eldest  son  of  Joseph 
2nd,  inherited  of  his  father  the  home  on  the  hill.  He  was  an 
owner  of  vessels,  and  when  trading  along  the  coast  must  then 
have  met  his  first  wife  (he  had  three).  In  this  way  at  least 
G.  G.  Sill,  the  historian,  accounts  for  his  marrying  his  first 
wife,  Phoebe  Fithian,  of  Bridgehampton,  Long  Island. 

He  passed  much  of  his  life  on  the  farm  where  he  was 
born.  He  was  a  man  much  loved  and  respected,  was  patri- 
otic and  loyal,  and  recorded  as  being  a  member  of  the  "trained 
band,"  which  no  doubt  answered  to  the  militia  of  the  present 

Lieutenant  John  Sill  was  appointed  Lieutenant  of  the 
first  company  or  "trained  band''  in  the  town  of  Lyme  in  Oc- 
tober, 1758,  by  the  Colonial  Assembly  (see  Colonial  Rec- 
ords of  Connecticut,  1757-1762,  page  209),  and  is  an  accept- 
able ancestor  to  the  "Colonial  Society."  He  died  in  1796, 
aged  86  years. 



He  was  a  member  of  the  Congregational  Church  for 
sixty-three  years,  having  united  in  1733,  during  the  ministry 
of  Johnathan  Parsons. 

His  second  and  third  wives  were  Hepzibah  Lee  and  Lucy 
Peck.    There  were  ten  children,  six  sons  and  four  daughters. 
Sons — 

David  Fithian 
Joseph  4th 
John  3rd 
Daughters — 


"Some  of  these  sons  were  to  become  famous  and  take  a 
part  in  the  Revolutionary  War;  indeed  daughters,  as  well  as 
sons,  had  something  to  do  to  help  on  with  the  War  of  Inde- 

Joseph  Sill  the  Third. 

Joseph  3rd,  second  son  of  Joseph  2nd,  erected  his  home 
across  the  street  from  his  fathers.  His  first  wife  was  Ruth 
Matson,  a  neighbor's  daughter.  His  second  wife  Azubah 
Lee,  in  some  manner  never  accounted  for,  contracted  small- 
pox, which  resulted  in  her  death.     Ten  years  later  her  hus- 








band  died  of  the  same  disease  in  a  manner  equally  mysteri- 
ous. Their  graves  laid  side  by  side  in  the  lot  adjoining  the 
one  where  their  home  once  stood,  the  spot  marked  by  tablets 
with  inscriptions  thereon.  In  1910  these  stones  were  removed 
to  the  Sill  lot  in  Lyme  cemetery,  the  fourth  generation  of 
Sills  thus  being  represented  in  the  old  Sill  burying  ground  in 
Old  Lyme.  Their  children  were  Giles,  Nathaniel,  William, 
Joseph  Lee,  Rheubana,  Lucy,  Ruth,  Phoebe,  Azubah, 

Thomas  Sill,  Fourth  Generation. 

Thomas  Sill,  third  son  of  Joseph  Sill  the  2nd,  settled  in 
Grassy  Hill. 

Richard  Sill,  Fourth  Generation. 

Richard  Sill,  fifth  son  of  Joseph  Sill  the  2nd,  settled  in 

JABEZ  Sill,  Fourth  Generation. 

Jabez  Sill,  fourth  Son  of  Joseph  Sill  the  2nd,  settled  in 
North  Lyme. 

Elisha  and  Elijah  Sill,  the  youngest  sons  of  Joseph  2nd, 
were  graduates  of  Yale  College.  Elijah  graduated  in  1748. 
He  studied  theology  and  became  a  Congregational  clergyman, 
and  settled  at  New  Fairfield,  Connecticut.  Elisha  graduated 
in  1764.  In  1777  Elisha  was  surgeon  in  General  Wolcot's 
brigade  of  Connecticut  Volunteers.  He  was  present  at  the 
capture  of  Burgoyne's  army  at  Saratoga.  He  was  one  of  the 
magistrates  of  Litchfield,  Conn.,  for  many  years,  dying  at  the 
age  of  78  years. 




Savage,  the  genealogist  and  historian,  states  that  eight  of 
this  enterprising  family  were  graduates  of  Yale  College,  then 
located  on  the  shores  of  Long  Island  Sound  at  Saybrook.  The 
early  history  of  Yale  College,  as  published  in  1893,  by  Harper 
Brothers,  in  "Histories  of  the  Four  Prominent  Universities," 
is  of  interest. 

It  states,  "Yale  was  founded  at  the  beginning  of  the  last 
century  along  the  shores  of  Long  Island  Sound.  For  many 
years  it  was  difficult  to  say  what  it  was  or  where  it  belonged. 
It  was  a  "Collegeiate  School"  and  was  established  (Dr.  Cary 
states  in  his  "Historic  Memorial  Discourse  of  the  First  Con- 
gregational Church  of  Lyme,"  in  1870)  by  a  young  man.  Rev. 
James  Pierpont  of  New  Haven.  The  General  Assembly  of 
Connecticut  was  afraid  to  attract  the  notice  of  England  to  any 
undertaking  of  this  kind.  Such  notice  would  have  cost  the 
college  its  charter.  Its  teaching  force  did  not  at  first  receive 
the  names  of  President  and  Professor,  but  was  obliged  to  con- 
tent itself  with  Rector  and  Tutor.  The  Rector  lived  at  Mil- 
ford,  the  Tutors,  at  Saybrook;  the  senior  class  at  the  former 
place,  and  the  professors'  class  at  the  latter.  It  was  not  till  the 
removal  of  the  school  to  New  Haven  in  1706  that  it  success- 
fully attained  a  local  habitation  and  a  name." 







Fifth  Generation 

David  Fithian  Sill. 
///  David  Fithian  Sill,  oldest  son  of  Lieutenant  John  Sill, 

served  his  country  at  intervals  over  a  period  of  twenty-one 
l  years.  He  w^as  born  in  1733,  and  served  in  the  French  and 
Indian  Wars.  He  received  a  commission  from  Governor 
Fitch,  of  Connecticut,  in  1759  as  lieutenant  in  the  reign  of 
of  George  Second,  and  was  in  service  on  Lake  George  and  at 
Crown  Point,  and  took  the  first  French  prisoner  at  the  open- 
ing of  the  campaign.  In  1760  he  reinlisted  in  the  army,  went 
up  the  Mohawk  River  with  Lord  Amherst  and  to  Oswego, 
from  thence  to  Oswegatchie  (now  Ogdensburg),  was  with 
Commodore  Loring  on  board  the  Onondaga  at  the  attack  on 
Isle  Royal.  He  descended  the  St.  Lawrence  River  with  the 
army  to  Montreal,  where  the  French  surrendered  to  Lord 
Amherst.  The  war  closed  and  Lieutenant  David  Fithian  Sill 
returned  to  his  native  town. 

i^r^  He  then  married,  in  1760,  Sarah  Griswold,  daughter  of 

Deacon  Thomas  Griswold,  brother  of  Governor  Matthew 
Griswold,  of  Black  Hall,  Conn.  Her  mother  was  Susanna 
Lynde,  of  Saybrook,  daughter  of  Judge  Nathaniel  Lynde.  In 
an  article  recently  published  on  the  treasurers  of  Yale  College, 
it  was  stated  that  Judge  Lynde  was  the  first  treasurer  of  Yale, 
"Custodian  of  the  Keys  of  the  Treasury"  in  1701,  then  located 
at  Saybrook. 




Again,  in  1775,  Lieutenant  David  Fithian  Sill  entered  the 
Continental  Army.  He  commanded  a  company  of  one  hun- 
dred men  raised  in  three  days  in  Lyme,  and  marched  to  Rox- 
bury  near  Boston.  In  1776  he  proceeded  with  the  army  in 
their  campaign  against  Lord  Howe,  who,  with  the  British 
force  was  located  in  and  near  New  York  City.  A  letter  writ- 
ten by  him  dated  from  New  York  in  August,  1776,  is  preserved 
by  the  author,  in  which  he  states  as  follows: 

"I  am  well,  though  'tis  sickly  here.  I  cannot  write  anything 
concerning  affairs  here,  only  to  say  that  we  expect  an  attack  within 
three  or  four  days  at  the  farthest.  General  Howe  has  about  fifteen 
thousand  troops ;  we  have  a  much  superior  number,  though  many  are 
sick,  however,  we  think  there  is  enough  to  engross  him." 

He  soon  rose  to  the  post  of  Lieuten- 
ant Colonel  of  the  First  Continental  Line, 
and  served  in  the  Revolutionary  War 
under  his  uncle.  General  Samuel  Holden 
Parsons,  also  under  Jedidiah  Huntington. 
After  the  war  Colonel  Sill  was  frequently 
elected  to  the  Legislature,  and  held  the 
office  of  Justice  of  the  Peace  and  Town 
Clerk  for  fifty  years. 

He  was  a  charter  member  of  the 
"Society  of  the  Cincinnati,"  that  depleted 
band  of  army  oflicers  of  the  Continental 
Army,  which  gathered  on  the  banks  of  the  Hudson  at  General 
Baron  von  Steuben's  headquarters  (that  brave  Prussian  officer) 
in  the  old  Verplank  house  at  Fishkill,  which  is  still  standing 
and  preserved  by  the  Sons  and  daughters  of  the  American 
Revolution,  and  there  formed  a  society  to  promote  the  prin- 
ciples as  stated  below. 



This  society,  named  from  the  distinguished  Roman,  Lu- 
cius Quintus  Cincinnatus,  adopted  these  principles  as  its  basis: 

First.  An  increased  devotion  to  preserve  inviolate  the  ex- 
alted rights  and  liberties  of  human  nature,  for  which  they  had 
fought  and  bled. 

Second.  An  unalterable  determination  to  promote  and 
cherish  between  the  respective  states  union  and  national  honor. 

Third.  To  render  permanent  the  cordial  affection  ex- 
isting among  the  officers,  to  cultivate  brotherly  kindness  and 
substantial  acts  of  beneficence  towards  the  officers  and  their 

Some  of  the  commissions  of  Colonel  David  Fithian  Sill 
have  been  lost,  but  two  are  preserved ;  one,  which  was  signed 
by  Governor  Fitch,  of  Connecticut,  and  yvas  given  in  the  33rd 
year  of  the  reign  of  his  Majesty,  King  George  2nd,  1759,  and 
was  in  the  possession  of  Nettie  Sill,  of  Oklahoma,  not  a  lineal 
descendant,  who  lately  has  donated  it  to  the  Historical  So- 
ciety of  the  city  of  Oklahoma;  the  other  in  the  possession  of 
W.  Griswold  Burt,  of  Evanston,  a  great  grandson,  which  was 
signed  by  Governor  John  Trumbull,  of  Connecticut. 

His  powder  horn  and  gun,  carried  through  the  war,  are 
preserved.  John  Sill,  of  Ashtabula,  Ohio,  a  great  grandson, 
who  has  the  former,  states  in  a  letter  that  his  father  informed 
him  before  his  death  that  it  was  made  and  given  to  Colonel 
Sill  by  an  Indian  scout  and  is  a  relic  of  the  French  War  in 
1759  and  1760.  It  has  drawn  on  its  surface  maps  and  names 
of  places  in  the  eastern  part  of  New  York  state  and  the  western 
part  of  Massachusetts  and  Connecticut.    The  gun  is  owned  by 



IS, '" 

X  .-•"•■"'.v.vv 

.  ,  ,>m  \>^"''  '-'^  ■   '. ./ 




Note-This  is  a  Very  Poor  Dra^^•ing.  ^The  g^^^'^"g  "" 

the  Horn  Itself  is  Wonderfully 


a  great  grandson,  W.  G.  Burt,  Evanston,  111.  George  Bodge, 
the  historian,  says  this  pattern  of  gun  was  called  a 

Colonel  David  Fithian  Sill's  service  in  connection  with 
the  war  of  the  Revolution  began  at  the  very  start  of  the  trouble, 
as  indicated  by  records  in  the  adjutant  general's  office  at  Hart- 
ford.   The  following  letters  briefly  specify  of  his  services: 


Adjutant  General's  Office. 

Hartford,  Oct.  14,  1892. 

Mrs.  Sarah  Wells  Burt— 
Madam: — 

This  may  certify  that  the  name  of  David  F.  Sill  appears 
on  the  record  in  this  office  as  Lieutenant  in  Captain  Joseph 
Jewett's  company,  Lexington  Alarm  list,  town  of  Lyme, 
served  nine  days. 

Next  appears  as  Captain  ist  company  6th  Continental 
Regiment.  Commissioned  May  ist,  discharged  December 
loth,  1775,  re-entered  service  in  1776. 

Next  appears  as  Captain  loth  Continental  Regiment,  re- 
organized from  the  6th  Continental  Regiment,  for  the  year 

Next  appears  as  Lieutenant-Col.  ist  Regiment  Conn., 
line.  Commissioned  Major  January  ist,  1777.  Promoted  to 
Lieutenant-Col.,  commission  dated  March  13th,  i778^paid 
from  March  5th — continued  in  '81. 



Next  appears  in  Connecticut  Cincinnati  Society,  1783,  as 
Lieutenant-Colonel  from  Lyme.  Time  of  service,  May  5th, 
1778,  to  October,  '80.  No  records  in  this  office  as  early  as 
1759.    These  might  be  found  in  Colonial  History. 

Very  respectfully, 

Wm.  H.  Tubes, 
Asst.  Adjt.  Genl. 


Smithsonian  Institution. 

Washington,  D.  C,  Sept.  27,  1892. 

Dear  Madam: — 

Mrs.  Keim  has  referred  to  me  your  letter  of  inquiry  con- 
cerning service  in  the  Revolutionary  War  by  David  Fithian 
Sill,  of  Lyme,  Conn.  I  have  examined  the  official  record  of 
Connecticut  men  in  the  Revolution  as  published  by  the  state 
and  find  that  David  Fithian  Sill  w^as  Lieutenant  of  the  Lyme 
company  called  out  at  the  time  of  the  Lexington  Alarm  in 
April,  1775.  On  May  i,  1775,  he  was  commissioned  Captain 
of  ijt  Company,  6th  Continental  Regiment  of  Connecticut, 
under  Colonel  Samuel  Holden  Parsons,  serving  during  siege 
of  Boston.  He  was  mustered  out  of  service  December  10, 
1775,  and  re-entered  in  1776  as  Captain  in  Colonel  Parsons' 
loth  Continental  Regiment  of  Connecticut  as  re-organized; 
this  regiment  marched  with  Washington's  command  to  New 
York  and  served  in  Battle  of  Long  Island,  etc.  In  January, 
1777,  he  was  commissioned  Major  of  ist  Regiment  Connecti- 




cut  Continental  Line,  under  Colonel  Jedidiah  Huntington, 
and  promoted  to  Lieutenant-Colonel  on  March  13,  1778,  serv- 
ing until  October,  178 1.  He  is  enrolled  as  a  member  of  the 
Society  of  the  Cincinnati  in  Connecticut. 

It  is  probable  that  other  detailed  record  of  service  may  be 
obtained  if  you  write  to  the  Adjutant  General  of  Connecticut 
at  Hartford. 

I  hope  that  the  above  information  may  prove  interesting 
to  you  and  will  gladly  render  further  assistance  in  preserving 
the  memory  of  such  a  soldier. 

Very  truly  yours, 

A.  Howard  Clark, 
Secretary-General  Sons  American  Revolution. 

Mrs.  Sarah  Welles  Burt, 
1723  Chicago,  Ave., 

Evanston,  111. 

Lieutenant-Colonel  David  Fithian  Sill  died  in  1813  at 
the  age  of  eighty.  He  was  extensively  known  throughout  the 
state  and  designated  Colonel  Sill. 

The  following  obituary  appeared  in  the  "Connecticut 
Gazette,"  printed  in  New  London  the  week  after  his  death. 
It  is  supposed  to  have  been  written  by  Judge  John  Griswold, 
of  Black  Hall: 

"Died  at  Silltown,  Lyme,  the  9th  of  January,  18 13, 
Colonel  David  Fithian  Sill,  Town  Clerk,  aged  80  years,  an 
officer  of  the  Revolutionary  War.  He  possessed  a  clear  head 
and  a  sound  heart,  was  brave  almost  to  temerity,  yet  prudent 



as  brave,  possessed  the  frankness  of  the  officer  and  the  suavity 
of  the  gentleman,  with  a  mind  peculiarly  adapted  to  business. 
He  received  all  the  honors  of  office  his  native  town  could  be-  i 
stow,  and  having  lived  a  life  of  usefulness  to  the  last,  was 
gathered  to  his  fathers  among  the  regrets  and  respect  of  his 
numerous  relatives  and  friends." 

The  Colonel's  wife  died  in  1815.    Their  children  were: 
Thomas         John         David         Mary         Louis  k\\ 

George  Griswold  Sill,  historian  of  the  family,  was  inter- 
ested in  having  a  monument  erected  to  the  memory  of  this 
distinguished  officer  and  ancestor.  He  said,  "there  were  none 
in  the  cemetery  who  deserved  this  remembrance  more  than 
he,"  a  brave  defender  of  his  country,  yet  there  is  but  a  simple 
tablet  with  inscription  to  mark  his  grave.  He  was  not  known 
as  "David  Fithian,"  but  all  over  the  state  as  "Colonel  Sill." 









Fifth  Generation 

Richard  Sill. 

Another  Revolutionary  soldier  was  Richard  Sill,  fifth 
son  of  Lieutenant  John,  who  graduated  from  Yale  College  in 

1775.  He  entered  the  Continental  Army  as   Lieutenant  in 

1776,  was  on  Long  Island  at  the  time  of  the  battle  there  and 
was  with  the  army  at  King's  Bridge.  He  spent  the  winter 
with  the  army  at  Valley  Forge.  In  1782  he  was  appointed 
Aide-de-camp  to  the  American  General,  Lord  Sterling.  He 
was  known  as  Major  Sill  and  was  in  the  American  Army 
from  1876  to  close  of  war.  After  the  war  he  studied  law  with 
Aaron  Burr  and  settled  in  the  practice  of  that  profession  at 
Albany,  N.  Y.  Tradition  says  he  was  one  of  the  council  to 
try  Andre. 

He  was  Counselor  of  Law  for  the  County  of  Albany,  and 
Representative  of  the  General  Assembly  of  New  York.  He 
married  the  daughter  of  Colonel  Francis  Nicol,  of  Bethlehem, 
N.  Y.,  a  worthy  gentleman  who  adopted  him  as  his  own  son. 

Their  sons  were  William  Nicol  Sill,  who  married  Mar- 
garet Mather,  daughter  of  Samuel  Mather  of  Lyme,  and  John 
Lee  Sill,  who  married  Abigail  Leverett  Noyes,  daughter  of 
William  Noyes,  Esq.,  of  Lyme,  who  built  and  occupied  the 
Colonial  home  now  owned  by  Miss  Florence  Griswold.  John 
Lee  Sill,  his  son-in-law,  built  the  original  of  the  residence  on 
Lyme  street,  now  owned  and  occupied  by  Joseph  Huntington, 



Failing  in  health,  Mr.  Richard  Sill  had  a  keen  desire  to 
see  some  of  his  own  family,  and  so  sent  for  his  father  in  Lyme 
to  come  and  visit  him.  However,  before  the  day  had  passed 
he  was  taken  worse  and  died  in  a  few  hours.  Ill 

His  death  occurred  June  4th,  1790,  in  the  34th  year  of  his 
age.  There  were  many  eulogies  of  him  at  the  time  of  his 
death.  V\ 

The  following  notice  is  from  the  Albany  Gazette  of  June 
7th,  1790: 

"On  Friday  afternoon  at  three  o'clock  departed  this  life 
at  Bethlehem,  the  seat  of  Col.  Francis  Nicol,  in  the  34th 
year  of  his  age,  Richard  Sill,  Esq.,  counselor  at  law  and  Rep- 
resentative to  the  general  assembly  of  this  state  for  the  County 
of  Albany,  and  yesterday  his  remains  were  interred  in  the 
family  burying  ground  at  that  place,  attended  by  a  number  of 
his  connections  and  friends  from  this  city.  It  would  be  a  piece 
of  injustice  not  to  observe  on  this  occasion  that,  independent 
of  the  services  of  this  gentleman  in  the  army  of  the  United 
States  during  the  late  war,  his  good  sense,  affable  manner  and 
amiable  disposition,  added  to  the  strictest  integrity  in  public 
as  well  as  private  life,  render  his  character  in  the  highest  de- 
gree respectable  and  his  death  a  public  misfortune  as  well  as 
a  most  distressing  loss." 

Richard  Sill's  descendants  intermarried  with  the  early 
families  of  Albany,  N.  Y. ;  Van  Renslers,  Ludlows,  Russels 
and  Livingstons. 

In  1854  ^^r-  Geo.  G.  Sill  wrote  as  follows: 




"In  1804  his  sons,  William  Nicol  Sill  and  John  Lee 
Sill,  of  Albany,  came  to  Silltown  to  hunt  up  their  cousins,  and 
were  highly  pleased  with  their  visit.  At  that  time  their 
father's  three  brothers  and  two  sisters  were  living  and  every- 
body seemed  glad  to  see  them  for  their  father's  sake,  as  he  was 
one  of  the  few  men  of  whom  it  might  be  said  "he  was  univers- 
ally beloved." 

A  descendant  of  Richard  Sill,  of  the  American  Revolu- 
tion, through  his  son,  William  Nicol  Sill,  is  Mr.  Howard 
Sill,  a  prominent  architect  of  Baltimore,  Md.  He  is  eligible 
in  eighteen  different  lines,  and  is  an  active  member  of  the 
Society  of  Colonial  Wars.  He  has  collected  much  historical 
data  concerning  the  achievements  of  his  Colonial  ancestors. 



John  Sill,  the  Third. 
John  Sill,  the  3rd  (who  was  son  of  Lieutenant  John,  the 
2nd),  was  the  ancestor  (through  his  son,  Henry  Sill),  of  Lieu- 
tenant-Governor George  Griswold  Sill,  of  Hartford,  Conn. 
He  (John  Sill,  the  3d),  married  Elizabeth  Griswold,  daugh- 
ter of  Mr.  George  Griswold,  sister  of  George  and  Nathaniel 
Griswold,  of  New  York  City.  For  an  account  of  the  above 
mentioned  Lieutenant-Governor  George  Griswold  Sill  see  7th 
generation.  fjlj, 







Silas  Sill  and  His  Sons. 

Silas  Sill,  fourth  son  of  Lieutenant  John,  built  his  home 
on  Sill  lands  near  the  entrance  to  Hamburg  Road.  His  wife 
was  Hannah  Griswold,  of  Giant's  Neck,  daughter  of  Rev. 
George  Griswold  and  sister  of  George  and  Nathaniel  Gris- 


wold,  successful  merchants  in  New  York  City  in  the  line  of 
ship  chandlery. 

His  three  sons  were:  Richard,  George  and  Horace. 
Richard  removed  to  Albany  and  became  a  successful  mer- 
chant. He  died  young  at  the  age  of  29  years.  It  is  recorded 
of  him  that  his  strict  attention  to  business,  his  exemplary  moral 
deportment  obtained  for  him  the  esteem  of  all  his  acquaint- 
ances, and  there  was  none  that  knew  him  but  greatly  lamented 
his  loss. 



George  Sill,  Second  Son  of  Silas  Sill, 

Of  Silltown,  became  a  clergyman  of  the  Dutch  Reformed 
church.  A  genealogy  and  history  of  the  Sill  family,  which 
he  compiled  was,  after  his  death,  published  by  his  daughter 
in  1859,  Mrs.  Louise  Sill  Betts,  now  of  Denver,  Colo.  The 
author  is  indebted  to  this  genealogy  for  much  guidance  in  se- 
curing incidents  related  in  this  book- 
It  is  recorded  that  "Mr.  George  S.  Sill  was  a  man  of  large 
frame  and  vigorous  constitution,  genial  temperament  and  a 
heart  empty  of  selfishness,  full  of  warm  sympathy  and  good 


will    towards    all   mankind.      He   seemed    more   desirous    of 
'growing  heavenward'  than  of  growing  rich,  and  has  doubt- 



less  found  his  recompense  better  than  gold  or  silver.    He  was 
remarkable  for  his  power  of  memory.  His  last  end  was  peace." 

He  died  at  the  home  of  Mr.  Horace  Sill  (his  brother), 
Lyme,  Conn.,  May  20th,  1859,  aged  58  years,  and  interment 
was  in  the  Lyme  cemetery. 

Horace  Sill,  Third  Son  of  Silas  Sill. 

Horace  Sill,  3rd  son  of  Silas  Sill,  engaged  in  business  in 
New  York  with  his  uncles,  George  and  Nathaniel  Griswold, 
in  1853.  In  1858  he  removed  to  Lyme,  purchasing  Mr.  John 
Hart's  homestead,  where  he  remained  till  his  death.  The 
death  of  an  only  son,  Richard  Griswold  Sill,  aged  10  years,  in 
1853,  who  was  drowned  in  the  Connecticut  River,  was  a  seri- 
ous blow  to  both  him  and  Mrs.  Sill,  from  which  they  never 
recovered.  Mrs.  Sill  survived  the  death  of  her  husband 
several  years. 




Sixth  Generation 

1st  Generation    2nd  Generation    3rd  Generation     4th  Generation 









5th  Generation 

6th  Generation 














Two  sons  of  David  Fithian  Sill  died  young — David  in 
infancy,  John  by  drowning.  His  two  daughters  married  Mat- 
sons,  Louise  married  David  Matson  and  Mary  married  Dea- 
con Nathanial  Matson.  This  latter  union  was  strongly  op- 
posed by  their  parents;  for  what 
reason  is  not  known.  But  Na- 
thanial and  Mary  were  obdu- 
rate. The  deacon  placed  a  lad- 
der at  the  window  and  Mary 
availed  herself  of  this  means  of 
escape  and  they  were  married. 
Her  high  rufifed  cap,  the 
fashion  of  those  days,  and  beau- 
tiful gown  of  the  style  now 
known  as  empire,  ornamented 
with  a  tasteful  ribbon  bow  at  the 
waist,  was  most  becoming,  en- 
hancing the  beauty  of  her  bright, 
youthful  countenance,  as  is 
evidenced  in  her  portrait  still 
preserved  by  a  grand-nephew,  George  Sill  Welles,  of  Park 
Ridge,  111. 








Thomas  Sill  was  the  only  surviving  child  of  Colonel 
David  Fithian  Sill.  He  inherited  his  father's  estate  and  pur- 
chased lands  of  the  other  Sills  as  they  removed  to  other  towns 
and  states.  He  was  born  in  1769,  erected  his  commodious 
dwelling  on  inherited  land  near  where  his  father's  stood,  situ- 


ated  at  a  slight  bend  in  the  road  leading  up  the  hill  in  Sill- 
town.  This  Colonial  mansion,  now  more  than  a  hundred 
years  old,  is  still  standing  and  in  a  good  state  of  preservation. 
It  is  said  to  have  been  built  by  ship  carpenters.    The  floors  of 



this  house  are  of  solid  oak  planks,  short  in  length;  the  outer 
doors  divided,  built  after  the  Dutch  style  of  architecture;  the 
lintels  grooved  in  the  columns  and  otherwise  ornamented  in 
fret  work.  The  tall,  stately  elms,  maples,  horsechestnuts  and 
catalpa  trees  adorning  the  lawn,  have  now  grown  to  such  enor-  Ilk 
mous  size  and  their  branches  so  wide-spreading  that  driving  « 
up  the  main  road  in  summer  one  scarcely  discerns  the  stately 
old  colonial  mansion. 

Into  this  attractive  home  Captain  Sill  took  his  bride  in 
1799.  She  was  the  daughter  of  Samuel  Mather,  of  Lyme,  and 
was  the  namesake  of  her  aunt,  Mehitable  Mather,  her  father's 
sister,  who  married  that  distinguished  Revolutionary  officer 
of  the  First  Continental  Line,  Major-General  Samuel  Holden 
Parsons,  whom  the  family  records  state,  lost  his  life  when 
visiting  the  Connecticut  Western  Reserve  Lands  in  Ohio, 
where  he  was  accidentally  drowned  in  the  Big  Beaver  River, 
and  was  buried  on  its  banks  near  its  confluence  with  the  Ohio. 
It  is  not  known  if  his  grave  is  marked  with  even  a  tablet  or 
inscription,  much  less  a  monument  suitable  to  his  rank  as  an 
officer.  Investigation  does  not  discover  his  last  resting  place. 
In  the  family  lot  at  Middleton,  Ohio,  is  erected  a  monument 
to  his  memory  with  inscription  of  his  service  to  his  country. 

Mrs.  Sill  was  a  grand-daughter  of  Deacon  Thomas  Gris- 
wold,  son  of  Judge  John,  a  descendant  of  the  first  Matthew 
Griswold,  who  married  Anna  Wolcott.  She  was,  through  her 
father,  a  descendant  of  Rev.  Richard  Mather,  of  Dorchester,  lli 
Mass.,  who  came  (history  says)  to  this  country  on  the  ship 
"Angel  Gabriel,"  from  Toxeth  Park,  England,  to  escape  re- 
ligious persecution. 





Mrs.  Sill's  father,  Samuel  Mather,  had  become  wealthy 
through  his  trade  with  the  West  Indies,  exchanging  home 
products  for  the  products  of  the  Islands.  Her  wedding  dowry 
of  $30,000  was  a  fortune  in  those  days.  Her  trousseau  was 
elaborate  and  costly.  It  included  rich  silk  gowns  with  high 
healed  slippers  to  match,  high  back-combs,  beaded  bags,  fans 
and  many  accessories  of  dress.  Some  of  these  were  preserved 
by  her  daughters,  Misses  Nancy  and  Mary  Sill,  even  to  the 
advent  of  her  grandchildren  who,  when  visiting  the  home- 
stead, were  interested  in  studying  their  style  and  listening  to 
tales  of  this  dear  grandmother  long  since  passed  away. 

She  left  her  young  and  numerous  family  at  the  age  of 
forty-one  years.  These  young  housekeepers,  not  knowing  the 
value  of  old  documents,  laid  away  in  the  attic  for  preserva- 




|»  ttj 


tion,  destroyed  deeds  and  grants  of  lands,  given  by  the  Na- 
hantic  and   Pequoit   Indians,  the  original  occupants  of  this 
region,  which  would  be  highly  valued  at  the  present  time. 
Old  household  effects  and  jewels,  preserved  by  the  loving 



aunts  and  handed  down  through  generations,  proved  the  de- 
scendants' connection  with  early  ancestors  four  generations 
and  more  back,  establishing  eligibility  to  membership  in  the 
Societies  of  the  Colonial  Sires  and  Dames  of  America,  should 
they  so  desire.  ij 

The  author  remembers  seeing  the  old  Franklin  stoves 
stored  in  the  barn  of  her  grandfather,  that  were  in  use  long 
before  her  time  in  her  grandfather's  home.  There  were  large 
and  small  pewter  platters,  which  must  have  been  in  possession 
of  our  ancestors  brought  from  foreign  lands;  the  old  Dutch 
clock  is  still  preserved  by  a  great-granddaughter;  there  were 
also  high-post  bedsteads,  now  so  much  valued,  high  boys, 
which  were  later  converted  into  modern  bureaus  and  dressers. 
There  were  also  tusters  for  high-post  bedsteads  in  the  attic 
used  by  our  grandmother,  Mrs.  Thomas  Sill.  There  were 
draped  hangings  of  English  cretonne  cloths  in  varied  color- 
ings, with  landscapes  and  beautiful  birds  in  decoration.  In 
the  upper  hallway  of  Captain  Sill's  home  was  a  portrait  of  a 
colored  boy  painted  on  wood.  A  grandson  of  Captain  Thomas 
Sill  tells  the  author  his  Aunt  Mary  (Mrs.  Mary  Sill,  daughter 
of  Captain  Thomas)  said  this  was  a  likeness  of  a  slave  boy 
named  Daniel,  a  descendant  of  a  slave  owned  by  Lieutenant 
John  (Fourth  Generation),  who  had  been  owned  and  brought 
up  by  the  family.  He  was  drowned  in  an  attempt  to  save  one  /// 
of  the  younger  members  of  the  Sill  family  who  fell  overboard 
from  a  scow  in  the  river,  which  was  bringing  hay  from  the 
salt  meadows.  This  portrait  was  painted  by  William  Ban-  ,,, 
ning,  of  Laysville.  \\\ 

Captain  Thomas  Sill  was  a  genial  companion,  generous 
hearted,  a  man  of  strict  integrity.    He  inherited  the  patriotism 




of  his  father,  Colonel  David  Fithian  Sill;  was  Captain  in  the 
State  Militia.  It  was  in  the  spacious  front  upper  chamber 
of  his  home  that  he  entertained  his  company  of  one  hundred 
men  when  they  met  for  consultation  in  the  interests  of  this 
organization.  The  floor  of  this  apartment  has  ever  since  been 
sunken  from  their  weight. 

View  From  Farm  Yard. 

The  following  pictures  were  taken  after  alteration  of 
the  home.  The  Colonial  entrance  has  been  lost  by  the  large 
porch  addition — rear  buildings  have  been  torn  down. 



Captain  Thomas  Sill  was  a  Mason.  His  Masonic  apron 
is  still  preserved  by  a  great-grandson,  William  Griswold  Burt, 
of  Chicago  and  Evanston,  III. 

He  led  principally  an  agricultural  life,  cultivating  his 
farm  in  Silltown  and  in  Black  Hall.  Both  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
Sill  were  owners  in  the  Connecticut  Western  Reserve  Lands, 
a  tract  lOO  miles  in  width.  This  he  visited  on  horseback  be- 
fore railroads  were  in  existence.  A  letter  written  by  Mr. 
Thomas  Sill  from  Warren,  Ohio,  in  1821,  to  his  wife  at  the 

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^■^milM  .11   |l"ili.^|^|H 

View   From   Main   Street. 

time  of  his  trip  to  his  Western  Reserve  Lands  is  now  in  the 
possession  of  William  Griswold  Burt.  In  this  letter  he  speaks 
of  the  difficulty  of  realizing  any  money  on  the  sale  of  any  of 
these  lands. 

In  a  late  memorial  of  William  C.  Young,  of  New  York 
City,  a  civil  engineer,  one  of  the  early  surveyors  and  promo- 
ters of  railroads  in  this  country,  who  also  developed  plans  with 
others  for  the  Groton  Water  Works  of  that  citv,  is  an  account 





of  the  Connecticut  Reserve  Lands,  which  I  quote.  He  pur- 
chased five  thousand  acres  himself,  and  laid  the  foundations 
of  the  city  now  named  after  him,  "Youngstown." 


"A  proper  understanding  of  this  strange  mingling  of 
Connecticut  and  Ohio  involves  a  bit  of  Colonial  history  which 
is  very  interesting  and  but  little  known.  In  1662  King  Charles 
II  granted  a  charter  to  the  Connecticut  Colony.  The  limits 
of  this  colony  were  to  be  bounded  by  Massachusetts  on  the 
north,  Long  Island  Sound  on  the  south,  Narragansett  River 
on  the  east,  and  the  Pacific  Ocean  on  the  west;  virtually  a 
strip  of  territory  less  than  100  miles  wide,  running  like  a  nar- 
row ribbon  right  across  the  continent.  It  is  amusing  to  lay 
this  bit  of  ancient  history  upon  a  modern  map  and  find  Chi- 
cago within  the  Connecticut  limits.  Salt  Lake  swallowed, 
until  crossing  the  Sierra  Nevadas  and  California  the  Pacific 
boundary  is  reached.  There  was  a  long  controversy  in  rela- 
tion to  this  claim,  which  was  finally  settled  by  the  assigning 
by  Connecticut  to  the  United  States  of  all  lands  west  of  Penn- 
sylvania, reserving  only  a  tract  120  miles  long  and  a  mean  of 
50  miles  wide  between  Lake  Erie  and  the  41st  parallel  of  lati- 
tude. This  tract  was  known  as  the  "Connecticut  Western 

Mrs.  Thomas  Sill,  whose  maiden  name  was  Mahitable 
Mather,  daughter  of  Samuel  Mather,  of  Lyme,  was  also  de- 
scended, through  her  father,  from  Major  General  Humphrey 
Atherton,  of  the  Continental  Army  of  1665,  whose  daughter, 
Catherine  Atherton,  married  the  son  of  Rev.  Richard  Mather 



A  Reduced  Copy.     Original  ,s  in  Bright  Colors-Gold  and  Silver  on  Fine  Sheep  Skin. 


and  removed  to  Lyme,  they  being  some  of  the  first  settlers. 
Major-General  Humphrey  Atherton,  whose  accidental  death 
occurred  when  reviewing  his  troops  on  Boston  Common,  was 
noted  for  his  bravery.  Shurtcliff's  history  of  Boston  says  of 
him,  "He  was  a  man  of  considerable  importance  in  the  colony, 
having  held  important  offices  and  at  the  time  of  his  death 
being  an  incumbent  of  the  highest  military  position  in  Massa- 
chusetts.   Orcult's  History  of  Dorchester  says  of  him: 

"He  was  energetic  and  firm  in  character.  As  an  incident 
illustrating  his  great  courage  and  presence  of  mind,  he  was 
sent  to  Percassuss,  an  Indian  Sachem,  with  twenty  men  to  de- 
mand three  hundred  fathoms  of  wampum.  Percassuss  refused 
to  allow  him  to  come  into  his  presence.  Finally  Atherton  led 
his  men  to  the  wigwam  of  Percassuss  and  entered  himself, 
pistol  in  hand,  seized  Percassuss  by  the  hair  and  dragged  him 
out,  threatening  to  kill  the  first  man  who  interfered.  He  may 
be  said  to  have  died  in  the  service  of  his  country  for,  return- 
ing home  on  September  i6th,  1661,  from  Boston  Common, 
where  he  had  been  reviewing  his  troups,  he  was  thrown  from 
his  horse  and  killed  instantly." 

He  was  buried  with  great  pomp  and  ceremony.  His 
epitaph  is  carefully  cut  upon  the  marble  tablet  resting  on  the 
sarcophagus  in  which  his  body  is  entombed,  under  the  image 
of  a  naked  sword,  an  emblem  of  the  highest  honor.  The  fol- 
lowing epitaph  is  placed  upon  his  tablet: 





''major-general    HUMPHREY    ATHERTON. 

"Here  lyes  our  Captaine  and  Major  of  Suffolk  was  withall 
A  Godly  magistrate  was  he  and  Major-General 
Two  troups  of  hors  with  hime  here  came 

Such  worth  his  love  did  crave. 
Ten  companyes  of  foot  also  movering 

Marched  to  his  grave. 
Let  all  that  read  be  sure  to  keep  the  faith  as  he  hath  done. 
With  Christ  he  lives,  now  crowned  his  name 

was  Humphrey  Atherton. 

He  dyed  the  i6th  of  September,  1661." 

Thomas  Sill  died  in  1852.  His  children  were  Phoebe, 
John,  Margaret,  Nancy,  Henry,  Sarah,  Mary,  and  Francis. 

In  1853  Mr.  Oliver  Lay  and  Mr.  Israel  Matson,  who 
had  been  appointed  as  distributors  of  Mr.  Thomas  Sill's  estate, 
drew  off  and  retained  copies  of  Mr.  Thomas  Sill's  will,  of  the 
inventory  of  his  estate,  of  the  administration  account  as  proved 
and  allowed,  of  the  expense  account  of  H.  M.  Waite  for  ex- 
penses made  in  settling  the  estate  and  a  copy  of  the  record 
of  distribution  of  the  estate  as  made  by  the  distributors.  These 




copies,  by  reason  of  the  kindness  of  Mr.  Daniel  Lay,  of  Layes- 
ville,  are  now  in  the  possession  of  Mr.  W.  Griswold  Burt,  of 
Evanston  and  Chicago,  111.  It  is  interesting  to  note  the  care, 
the  neatness  and  the  exactness  with  which  these  papers  were 

The  western  boundary  of  the  old  Sill  farm,  operated  by 
Captain  Thomas  Sill,  was  the  Lieutenant  River,  which  was 



at  that  time  navigable  at  high  tide  as  far  up  as  his  farm  by 
small  vessels.  There  were  three  landings  on  Captain  Sill's 
shores,  known  as  the  Board  Landing,  the  Hay  Landing  and 
the  Log  Landing.  An  old  resident  of  Lyme,  the  late  Captain 
John  Lester,  stated  in  1907  that  he  remembered  when  these 
vessels  were  built  across  the  river  from  Mr.  Sill's  farm,  for  use 
in  the  Coast  Trading  in  which  the  Sills  were  owners,  and  his 

r  ^. 


father  had  stated  that  the  Connecticut  River  shad  were  caught 
as  far  up  Lieutenant  River  as  Log  Landing,  and  that  a  fish- 
house  was  once  situated  there. 

George  Griswold  Sill  states,  in  a  letter  to  one  of  his  cous- 
ins, that  immense  logs  were  floated  down  the  Connecticut 
River  from  New  Hampshire  and  Vermont  and  up  the  Lieu- 
tenant River  to  the  Log  Landing  and  from  there  conveved 


overland  to  the  saw  mills  located  farther  north,  where  Lays- 
ville  now  stands.  They  were  there  converted  into  building 
material  and  brought  back  to  Board  Landing  and  from  there 
shipped  to  Long  Island  and  other  points  along  the  Sound.  He 
also  tells  of  a  grove  (which  has  long  since  been  cut  down)  on 
a  knoll  overlooking  the  river,  then  called  Harmony  Grove, 
where  the  family  held  their  reunions  and  4th  of  July  celebra- 



tions  in  which  he,  as  a  boy,  participated.  Frequently  Indian 
arrow  heads  have  been  turned  up  when  plowing,  thus  indi- 
cating that  Indians  traversed  this  land. 

The  long  range  of  high  hills,  covered  with  dense  forests, 
which  border  the  Lieutenant  River  on  its  western  shore,  are 
also  recorded  in  the  town  records  of  Hamburg  as  having  been 
Captain  Thomas  Sill's  possessions.  Their  reflections  in  the 
waters  of  the  river  form  an  attractive  back-ground  for  this 
secluded  spot.  Now,  as  then,  the  eagles  and  fish-hawks  here 
have  their  eyries  in  the  tall  treetops  and  hover  over  the  river 
watching  for  their  prey,  seizing  it  in  their  talons  and  bearing  it 
away,  even  as  they  did  in  the  days  of  old  Silltown.  A  few  years 
ago  a  descendant  of  Captain  Sill  shot  one  of  these  huge  birds 
which  measured  within  two  inches  of  six  feet  from  tip  to  tip. 
In  recent  years  these  hills  on  the  western  shores  of  Lieutenant 
River  have  been  in  the  possession  of  Wm.  Coult,  and  are  now 
generally  spoken  of  as  the  "Billy  Coult  Hills,"  but  they  are 
now  mostly  owned  by  Mr.  Robert  Hall.  Mr.  George  Gris- 
wold  Sill,  in  a  letter  to  Mrs.  Mary  Sill,  has  said,  "But  ancient 
Silltown  is  an  interesting  place  when  we  go  back  in  imagina- 
tion and  look  at  the  people  who  lived  in  those  early  days. 
Many  are  the  changes  that  have  taken  place  since  those  days, 
but  no  changes  can  deprive  old  Silltown  of  its  history." 





Seventh  Generation 

John  Sill,  son  of  Thomas  Sill,  left  descendants.  His  old- 
est son  and  namesake,  John  Sill,  served  in  the  Civil  War  in 
America  and  resided  on  a  portion  of  the  Western  Reserve 
Lands  in  Ashtabula,  Ohio. 

Henry  Sill,  son  of  Thomas  Sill,  died  at  the  age  of  22 
years,  is  recorded  as  having  been  a  talented  young  man.  He 
gave  promises  of  a  brilliant  future  and  was  a  student  and  an 
able  writer.  He  was  a  great  favorite  with  his  sisters  Mary 
and  Nancy.  Mary  Sill  always  believed  that  he  was  not  actu- 
ally dead  at  the  time  he  was  buried,  that  he  was  in  a  deep 
stupor  and  that  he  was  in  reality  actually  buried  alive.  Mary 
Sill's  belief  in  this  could  never  be  dislodged.  His  last  illness 
was  yellow  fever,  for  which  he  was  given  the  then  customary 
treatment  of  severe  bleeding.  ,ki 

Miss  Nancy  Sill,  fourth  child  of  Captain  Thomas  Sill, 
was  possessed  of  a  quiet,  retiring,  modest  nature,  who  was  ex- 
ceptionally gracious  and  always  devoted  to  the  poor,  who  ever 
found  in  her  their  benefactor.  She  was  a  devoted  disciple 
of  her  Divine  Master.  She  died  in  1852;  she  had  never  been 
married  and  lived,  in  company  with  her  sister.  Miss  Mary 
Sill,  in  the  old  family  homestead  of  her  father.  \.. 




Mary  Sill. 

As  above  stated,  Mary  Sill  had  lived  in  the  old  house  erected 
by  Mr.  Thomas  Sill,  with  her  sister,  Nancy  Sill,  and  after  her 
sister's  death,  for  many  years  she  lived  here  alone  with  an  at- 
tendant, during  which  time  she  superintended  the  management 
of  her  properties.  She  married  Mr.  Schadrach  Sill,  of  Grassy 
Hill,  a  distant  connection  and  descendant  of  the  Thomas  Sill 
(fourth  generation)  branch  of  the  family.  An  old  letter 
states,  "On  the  occasion  of  her  wedding  she  was  attended  by 
a  few  intimate  friends  and  her  pastor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Brain- 
ard.  A  small  reception  was  held  at  her  home,  where  she  re- 
ceived the  congratulations  of  her  friends."  Mr.  Sill  lived 
only  four  years,  and  again  Mary  Sill  was  left  alone  in  the  old 
home  of  her  father.  Here  she  lived  with  her  servant  to  the 
ripe  old  age  of  ninety-one  years,  surviving  all  her  brothers  and 
sisters.  The  beautiful  tribute  to  her,  published  in  the  Lyme 
paper  by  Bishop  Sabine,  of  New  York  and  Lyme,  so  perfectly 
described  her  that  we  quote  it  here  below: 

"Mrs.  Mary  Sill,  whose  death  we  chronicled  in  our  last  issue, 
was  a  life-long  resident  of  this  town. 

"It  is  an  interesting  fact  she  was  born,  lived  and  died  in  the 
same  dwelling  which  had  been  owned  and  occupied  by  her  father 
and  with  which  we  are  so  familiar.  There  are  very  few  persons  of 
whom  it  can  be  said  in  our  country,  with  its  constantly  increasing 
and  rapidly  changing  population  that  for  nearly  a  century  they  found 
a  home  in  one  house. 

"Mrs.  Sill,  being  born  in  i8i2,  was  upwards  of  91  at  the  time 
of  her  death.  She  was  a  daughter  of  Captain  Thomas  Sill  and  a 
descendant  of  the  noted  Mather  family.  She  was  religiously  brought 
up  and  the  results  of  early  training  were  apparent  through  her  use- 



ful  life.     She  united  with  the  Congregational  Church  here  at  an 
early  age,  in  which  she  retained  her  membership  until  the  last. 

"We  may  not  close  this  notice  of  a  long  and  well-spent  life 
without  a  word  of  its  kindness  and  Christian  character.  Mrs.  Sill 
was  no  half-hearted  servant  of  her  Divine  Master.  She  was  gener- 
ously concerned  for  the  welfare  of  those  about  her.  Many  acts  of 
kindness  testified  to  this  concern.  As  to  her  faith  in  God,  in  Christ, 
in  her  Bible,  in  prayer,  it  was  clear,  simple,  firm,  strong,  and  thus 
was  the  source  of  much  that  was  good  and  beautiful  in  her  attractive 


character.  Her  smile  was  a  benediction  and  her  sweet  and  kindly 
face  will  not  soon  be  forgotten  by  those  who  had  come  to  know  and 
love  her. 

"She  was  most  decided  in  her  Christian  character  and  zeal.  So 
has  passed  to  her  eternal  reward  and  rest  one  for  whose  life  and 
example  our  town  may  be  grateful  and  whose  memory  should  be  long 
cherished  among  us  with  loving  respect." 


^'.\  *» 






The  following  is  taken  from  "In  Memoriam"  of  Mary 
Sill,  published  by  Sarah  Sill  Welles  Burt: 

"Mary  Sill  was  educated  at  Mrs.  Phoebe  Noyes'  private  home 
school  at  Norwich  and  the  Kellogg  Seminary,  N.  Y.  Her  mother 
dying  in  1831  and  her  brother  John  moving  to  Ohio,  and  sisters 
Phoebe  and  Margaret  married  to  Mr.  Chas.  and  Mr.  John  Hart  of 
Saybrook,  and  Sarah  to  A.  D.  Welles,  of  New  York  City.  The  two 
sisters,  Nancy  and  Mary,  occupied  the  homestead  with  their. father, 
who  died  in  1852.  Miss  Nancy  Sill  died  in  1862.  Miss  Mary  Sill 
then  married  Mr.  Shadrack  Sill,  of  Grassy  Hill,  who  lived  but  four 


f>C),  "During  her  entire  life  Mrs.  Sill  resided  in  the  old  home  of  her 

(g  father. 

fy  "Mrs.  Sill  had  a  bright  and  active  mind,  with  high  and  noble 

'■  aims.     She  was  public-spirited,  interested  in  events  occurring  in  the 

world,  was  decided  in  her  opinions,  was  of  a  deeply  religious  nature 
and  early  in  life  united  with  the  church  of  her  fathers  (the  Congre- 
gational). She  was,  during  all  her  life,  devoted  to  missions,  and 
gave  in  her  youth  her  simple  girlish  jewels  for  the  cause,  and  could 
never  be  persuaded  to  accept  a  gift  of  that  nature  in  after  life. 

"The  companionship  of  relatives  and  friends  was  a  great 
pleasure  to  her;  she  was  always  hospitable  and  entertaining  in  con- 
versation. Letters  (of  which  she  received  many  were  her  solace,  and 
she  continued  to  write  those  she  loved  best  almost  to  the  very  last. 
"She  was  of  a  cheerful  and  happy  disposition  and  patient  under 
every  trial.  Several  periods  of  illness  were  borne  with  a  patience 
-  •    t  which  never  failed.     The  last  illness  from  a  fall  and  broken  limb, 

\\\  was  painful  in   the  extreme.     When  suffering  thus  she  said,   'Let 

I  me  go!     Let  me  go!'     Thanking  the  loved  ones  bending  over  her, 

I  and  kissing  them,  she  bade  each  one  good-bye  gently,  waving  her 

I  hands,  saying  she  hoped  to  meet  them  in  a  Better  Land.     It  was  not 

//|  long  ere  the  Lord  took  her  to  himself.     Her  noble  countenance,  calm 

in   death,   wearing  almost   a  smile,  bespoke  the   peace  of  the  soul 
released  from  its  earthly  fetters  to  join  the  company  of  the  redeemed 
*^'^  in  Heaven. 




"Services  were  held  at  her  home,  Rev.  Chas.  Villiers,  her  pastor, 
officiating ;  speaking  appreciative  words  with  reading  of  scripture  and 
singing  of  her  favorite  hymns,  'Jesus,  Lover  of  My  Soul,'  'Nearer, 
My  God,  to  Thee.' 

"The  casket,  draped  with  flowers  in  lavish  abundance,  express- 
ing the  love  of  many  friends,  was  borne  to  the  cemetery  by  her  grand- 
nephews  and  friends,  Messrs.  William  and  John  Peckham  and  Mr. 
Richard  Hart  of  New  York ;  Prof.  Bartlett,  Mr.  Thomas  Farwell, 
Mr.  Charles  Sill.  Dr.  Villiers  then  repeated  the  burial  services  when 
our  revered,  aged  and  honored  friend  and  citizen  was  laid  to  rest  in 
'The  Sill  Enclosure,'  amid  the  ancestors  of  seven  generations." 


We  all  (myself  and  sons)  loved  Mrs.  Sill  and  I  dare  not 
think  what  Lyme  will  be  without  her  and  my  beloved  brother. 
I  already  begin  to  dread  a  visit  there.  Mrs.  Sill  seemed  well 
when  I  saw  her  last  summer;  I  little  thought  I  was  bidding  her 
good-bye  for  the  last  time. 

She  was  always  thinking  and  planning  some  way  of  doing 
good  to  others.  I  remember  so  well  when  but  a  child,  hearing 
her  with  a  neighbor  contrive  ways  to  help  the  needy  and  desti- 
tute at  home  and  abroad,  and  denying  themselves  that  they 
might  give  to  missions.  They  have  "entered  into  rest"  and 
heard  the  glad  welcome,  "Good  and  faithful  servants,"  but  the 
results  of  their  labors  still  go  on. 


Dear  Aunt  Mary  is  laid  away ;  "her  day  is  gone,  her  deeds 
are  done."  It  makes  me  feel  very  sad  that  I  shall  never  see  her 
more.  How  many  grand  and  pleasant  things  we  can  remember 
of  her.     Her  life  on  this  earth  was  one  well  lived.     She  "so 




lived  that  when  her  summons  came  to  join  the  innumerable 
caravan  that  moves  to  that  mysterious  Realm"  she  could  gladly, 
cheerfully  sing: 

"Just  as  I  am,  without  one  plea, 
But  that  Thy  blood  was  shed  for  me. 
And  that  Thou  bid'st  me  come  to  Thee ; 
/  O  Lamb  of  God,  I  come,  I  come." 

Women  of  her  stamp  are  very  few  in  this  day  and  generation. 
Such  an  example  of  hardihood,  strength,  fortitude.  Christian 
spirit  is  monumental.  She  never  faltered  at  any  obstacle  that 
,^'^  beset  her  walk  in  life  because  of  her  confidence  in  the  guiding 
hand  of  Him  whose  angels  had  charge  over  her  to  keep  her  in 
all  her  ways. 

Aunt  Mary  dwelt  in  the  "secret  places  of  the  Most  High" 
and  "abode  under  the  shadow  of  the  Almighty."  Death  had 
no  sting  nor  the  grave  any  victory  over  her,  still  we  must  not 
weep  for  her.  We  would  not,  if  we  could,  call  her  back  into 
this  world.  Let  us  take  pleasure  in  the  thought  that  she  is 
^\\  through  with  earthly  cares  and  has  reached  her  heavenly  home 
beyond  the  skies. 


Note. — ^As  the  final  compilation  of  this  volume  was  being  made  (Novem- 
ber, 191 2)  word  comes  of  the  passing  away  of  Caroline  Ann  Matson  Terry, 
aged  91  years.    During  the  summer  just  closed  the  writer  had  the  pleasure  of 
seeing  this  dear  old  lady  with  her  same  characteristic  smile  which   he   can 
|jj  vividly  remember  seeing  so  often  during  the  time  of  his  boyhood  when  visit- 

l\\  ing  her  in  company  with  his  mother  Sarah  Sill  Welles  Burt  and  Mrs.  Mary 

;•  Sill.     For  the  notice  of  the  death  of  Mrs.  Terry  see  final  chapter  in  this 





The  members  of  the  Leucretia  Shaw  Chapter,  of  New 
London,  Conn.,  "Daughters  of  the  American  Revolution," 
passed  the  following  resolutions  at  their  last  meeting: 

WHEREAS,  God  in  His  wisdom  has  taken  Mrs.  Mary 
Sill,  a  charter  member,  at  an  age  which  she  attained  by  reason 
of  strength  and  which  we  reverence, 

RESOLVED,  That  we  pay  a  tribute  to  that  patriotism 
that  prompted  her  to  enroll,  in  1892,  her  name  on  our  honored 
list  and  that  we  remember  with  sympathy  the  surviving 

RESOLVED,  That  these  resolutions  be  entered  upon  the 
minutes  of  the  Chapter  and  that  a  copy  be  sent  to  her  friends. 

Mary  Cook  ComSTALK,  Historian. 

Mrs.  Mary  Sill  was  greatly  beloved  and  admired  by  her 
many  nephews  and  nieces,  many  of  whom  are  now  living  who 
can  tell  of  the  weeks  and  months  spent  with  her  during  their 
summer  vacations.  Memory  of  her  keen  understanding  of 
their  youthful  pains  and  pleasures  with  her  trite  words  of 
wisdom  will  always  remain. 

On  her  headstone  in  the  Lyme  cemetery  is  inscribed  the 
following  verse  of  Scripture  truly  appropriate  to  her: 

"She  openeth  her  mouth  with  wisdom  and  on  her  tongue 
is  the  law  of  kindness."    Prov.  31 :26. 

Mrs.  Mary  Sill,  on  her  mother's  side,  was  descended  from 





Governor  Francis  Willouby,  whose  wife,  Margaret  Locke 
Taylor,  was  second  cousin  to  Queen  Elizabeth  of  England,  as 
follows : 

Mary  Sill,  daughter  of  Thomas  Sill,  son  of  David  Fithian 
Sill  and  Sarah  Griswold,  daughter  of  Deacon  Thomas  Gris- 
wold  of  Black  Hall,  whose  wife  was  daughter  of  Judge 
Nathanial  Lynn  and  Susanna  Willouby  of  Saybrook,  (?)  sister 
of  Governor  Francis  Willouby. 

Governor  Willouby  was  the  owner  of  large  interests  in 
Boston  Harbor;  his  shipyards  were  where  the  Fitchburgh 
freight  station  now  stands  and  his  wharves  were  upon  both 
sides  of  the  Ferry.  He  was  Deputy  General  of  Massachusetts 
from  1665  to  1 67 1.  The  Reverend  Simon  Bradstreet  of  New 
York,  says : 

"Governor  Willouby  desired  to  be  buried  one  foot  deep 
and  to  have  'ye  top  of  grave  plain,  only  covered  with  ye  tops  of 
ye  grass.'  " 

The  location  of  his  grave  is  not  accurately  known  and  it 
is  presumed  that  this  is  owing  to  a  request  of  his  that  his  grave 
should  be  left  unmarked. 

From  the  Memorial  History  of  Boston,  volume  i,  page 
520,  we  quote  the  following  advice : 

"When,  in  1670,  Deputy  General  Francis  Willouby  died 
and  was  buried,  we  were  told  that  there  were  eleven  full  com- 
panies in  attendance  and  that  with  the  doleful  noise  of  trumpet 
and  drum  in  their  mourning  posture,  three  thundering  volleys 
of  shot  were  discharged,  answered  by  the  loud  roaring  of  the 
great  guns  rendering  the  heavens  with  their  noise  at  the  loss  of 
so  great  a  man." 



Below  is  shown  a  picture  of  an  old  relic  formerly  belong- 
ing to  the  Willouby  family  and  now  preserved  by  one  of  their 
descendants.  It  is  claimed  that  this  relic  was  presented  to  her 
second  cousin,  Margaret  Willouby,  by  Queen  Elizabeth, 
together  with  some  items  contained  in  it  (including  a  table- 
cloth embroidered  by  the  princess  during  her  imprisonment  in 

r   ^  I      «  f     it,      » 




the  Tower)  as  a  mark  of  appreciation  of  her  loyalty  as  shown 
by  her  having  shared  with  the  queen  her  captivity  in  the  tower 
of  London.  It  will  be  remembered  that  the  imprisonment  of 
Queen  Elizabeth  in  the  tower  of  London  occurred  before  she 
became  queen,  brought  about  through  the  influence  of  King 
Philip  of  Spain  in  order  to  prevent  her  becoming  queen.     It 





is  said  of  Queen  Elizabeth  that  before  entering  the  tower  as 
she  landed  at  the  gate,  she  called  on  the  soldiers  to  bear  witness 
that  "I  come  as  no  traitor."  She  flung  herself  on  the  stones  in 
the  rain  and  refused  to  enter  the  palace,  and  said  "Better  sitting 
here  than  in  a  worse  place."  It  was  finally  definitely  recog- 
nized that  she  was  not  an  accomplice  to  the  conspiracy  for 
which  she  had  been  accused  and  was  later  set  free. 

The  chest  is  a  massive  affair,  seven  feet  in  length,  two  feet 
seven  inches  in  width  and  two  feet  seven  inches  high.  It  is 
made  of  a  peculiar  hard  wood,  originally  very  light  in  color, 
but  darkened  exceedingly  by  age.  The  quaint  old  carvings 
on  the  front  and  on  the  inside  of  the  cover,  the  handwrought 
massive  iron  hinges  and  handles,  the  cumbersome  lock  and 
huge  keys,  are  eloquent  testimony  of  its  age.  The  carvings  on 
the  outside,  which  are  nearly  worn  ofT,  evidently  represent 
horsemen  riding  through  a  forest.  At  either  end  of  the  three 
front  panels  is  a  gallant  of  the  Elizabethan  period,  long- 
haired, plume-hatted  and  a  mass  of  rufifs  and  laces  from  neck 
to  knees.  The  carvings  on  the  inner  side  of  the  lid  represent 
two  scenes,  one  of  Sir  Walter  Raleigh  spreading  his  cloak 
before  Queen  Elizabeth;  the  other  of  a  gay  pleasure  party  in 
boats  among  small  islands,  with  a  turreted  castle  in  the  back- 
ground. Between  the  two  scenes  is  a  coat  of  arms.  The  shield 
has  either  a  crest  or  lines  to  make  four  quarterings. 

The  tradition  that  this  chest,  with  the  tablecloth  embroid- 
ered in  the  tower  and  other  valuable  gifts,  was  given  by  Queen 
Elizabeth  to  Lady  Margaret  Willouby  is  claimed  to  be  suffi- 
ciently well  authenticated  as  to  be  beyond  dispute. 

The  Raymonds,  Lyndes,  Griswolds  and  Sills  of  New 
England,  trace  their  ancestry  back  to  Colonel  William  Wil- 



louby,  who  was  commissioner  of  the  British  Navy  from  1648 
to  165 1,  when  he  died.  His  son,  Francis  Willouby,  came  to 
New  England  in  1638  and  returned  to  England  in  1651.  In 
1652  he  was  appointed  successor  of  his  father  as  commissioner 
of  the  navy  and  in  1658  he  was  chosen  member  of  parliament 
for  Portsmouth.  In  1662  he  returned  to  New  England  and 
became  Deputy  Governor  for  the  Massachusetts  Colony  in 
1665,  continuing  in  oflice  until  he  died  in  1675. 

The  great  chest  which  had  come  into  the  Raymond  family 
by  reason  of  marriage  with  the  Willoubys  was  brought  from 
Block  Island  to  New  London  in  1704  by  Mrs.  Mercy  Ray- 
mond, widow  of  Joshua,  who  was  a  grandson  of  Richard,  it 
was  then  known  as  the  "Great  Willouby  Chest"  and  as  the 
"Elizabethan  Chest."  From  generation  to  generation  it  was 
handed  down,  it  finally  was  bequeathed  to  Theodore  Raymond 
of  Springfield,  Mass.,  the  present  owner,  by  his  grandfather, 
Theodore  Raymond  of  Norwich,  Conn. 





\\i  Lieutenant  Governor  George  Griswold  Sill. 

I'll  George  Griswold  Sill,  fourth  son  of  Henry  Sill  of  Wind- 

sor, Conn.,  who  was  the  son  of  Lieutenant  John  Sill,  who  was 
the  son  of  Joseph  Sill,  the  Second,  son  of  Joseph  Sill,  the  First, 
son  of  John  Sill  of  England. 

George  Griswold  Sill  was  born  Oct.  26th,  1829.  He  set- 
tled in  Hartford  as  an  attorney-at-law  and  resided  there  until 
his  death  in  1907  after  a  long  illness.  He  was  prominent  for 
many  years  and  distinguished  as  a  lawyer  and  statesman  and 
held  a  high  public  office. 

He  was  prepared  for  college  by  private  tuition,  graduated 
at  Yale,  A.  B.,  1852,  attended  lectures  for  a  year  at  Yale  Law 
School  and  afterwards  became  a  student  in  the  law  office  of  the 
late  Governor  Richard  D.  Hubbard  at  Hartford.  Admitted  to 
the  bar  in  1854.  For  thirty-six  years  was  Justice  of  the  Peace, 
for  many  years  was  prosecuting  grand  juror  and  a  side  judge  of 
Hartford  city  court.  1871-73  was  recorder  or  judge  of  the 
same  court,  served  three  years  in  Hartford  common  council, 
part  of  the  time  as  alderman.  Elected  lieutenant-governor  in 
1873,  ticket  headed  by  C.  R.  Ingersoll;  re-elected  1874-75-76. 

511  It  has  been  said  that  it  was  difficult  to  find  a  lawyer  who 

would  take  a  case  in  opposition  to  him.  He  was  Lieutenant- 
Governor  of  Connecticut  and  United  States  District  Attorney 



under  President  Cleveland's  administration.  There  were 
many  eulogies  of  him  after  his  death,  one  of  which  I  quote 



Cunyj^  ^.iUJ^ 


"It  was  my  privilege  to  know  Lieutenant  Governor 
George  G.  Sill  fifty-two  years.  Will  you  kindly  give  me  space 
for  a  brief,  humble  tribute  to  his  memory.  The  year  he  began 
the  practice  of  law,  I  began  the  study  of  it.  I  well  remember 
how  awe-inspiring  to  a  young  person  was  his  majestic  presence 




and  manner;  how  terrifying  to  such  a  person  was  his  blunt 
speech,  his  sober,  stern  countenance,  but  acquaintance  with  him 
proved  that  beneath  that  austere  exterior  was  a  kind  heart. 
My  intercourse  with  him  the  last  ten  years  has  been  close  and 
intimate,  having  had  an  office  on  the  same  floor  with  him,  and 
until  a  few  months  ago,  when  he  became  confined  to  his  home, 
I  saw  and  talked  with  him  most  every  day. 

"There  is  sincere  mourning  today  among  the  lawyers  and 
others  occupying  the  floor,  for  like  the  Israelite  'in  him  was 
no  guile,'  and  to  know  him  thoroughly  was  to  esteem  him 
highly.  His  infirmities  of  late  have  prevented  his  carrying  on 
the  extensive  practice  he  had  for  years.  His  faltering  step 
about  the  street  and  his  marked  appearance  of  physical  feeble- 
ness have  excited  the  commiseration  of  his  acquaintances. 
There  is  probably  no  man  at  the  bar  who  has  the  respect  and 
confidence  of  his  brethren  and  the  community  to  a  greater 
extent  than  he.  There  survives  but  one  lawyer  who  was  a  resi- 
dent in  Hartford  when  he  came  to  the  bar,  the  Hon.  Charles 
E.  Perkins.  May  the  day  be  distant  when  obituary  words  shall 
be  spoken  of  him. 

"Mr.  Sill  was  a  very  impressive  public  speaker.  I  recall 
a  very  striking  illustration  of  this  on  the  occasion  of  the  meet- 
ing of  the  bar  to  take  notice  of  the  death  of  Governor  Richard 
D.  Hubbard,  his  former  instructor.  I  think  I  hazard  nothing 
in  saying  that  in  tender  affection  for  the  subject  of  his  remarks, 
in  eloquent  just  eulogy,  and  classical  finish  of  language,  his 
address  was  a  gem  not  surpassed  by  that  of  any  of  the  dis- 
tinguished speakers  on  that  occasion.  I  recall  how  touching 
were  his  closing  words,  "His  halting  faith  no  longer  darkens 
his  existence.    What  he  longed  so  much  to  believe  and  know 



he  has  realized  in  that  unknown  and  mysterious  future  which 
lies  beyond  the  confines  of  this  mortal  life."  These  grand 
words  carry  the  implication  that  his  own  faith  was  in  no  wise 
weak.  Until  he  became  too  feeble  to  attend  church  his  hearty 
participations  in  the  beautiful  Episcopal  service  at  his  church 
home  (Trinity  Church)  showed  him  to  be  a  humble  worship- 
per of  the  Unseen  One,  and  a  believer  in  immortality. 

"Mr.  Sill  had  sore  family  trials,  prominent  among  which 
was  the  accident  to  his  beloved  namesake,  a  son  whose  imme- 
diate escape  from  death  seemed  miraculous.  The  death  of 
that  son  after  a  few  years  of  professional  association  with  his 
father  was  a  blow  from  which  the  father  never  recovered  and 
he  aged  more  rapidly  after  that  shock,  etc.,  etc.,  etc." 

When  Governor  of  the  State  he  was  presented  with  a  set 
of  silverware  by  the  Connecticut  Senate  in  1868.  Concerning 
the  long  disappearance  of  this  silver,  I  quote  the  following 
from  a  recent  article  in  the  press : 




After  being  held  in  a  pawn  shop  for  31  years  a  set  of 
silverware  stolen  from  the  house  of  Lieutenant  Governor  Sill 
of  Connecticut,  was  recovered  last  week  by  the  police  of  Hart- 
ford and  turned  over  to  William  Raymond  Sill  of  New  York, 
a  son  of  the  governor. 

In  1877,  burglars  stole  several  thousand  dollars'  worth  of 
silverware  and  jewelry  from  Governor  Sill's  house,  including 
a  highly  prized  set  of  silver  presented  by  the  Connecticut 




Senate  in  1868.  Governor  Sill  offered  a  reward  at  the  time 
and  the  police,  according  to  the  old  Hartford  records,  spent 
much  time  on  the  case. 

The  silver  service  is  in  almost  perfect  condition.  The 
chest,  made  of  leather  and  carrying  the  coat  of  arms  of  Con- 
necticut, was  slightly  cut.  Each  piece  of  silver  bears  the  date 
of  1867  and  the  inscription  of  Lieutenant  Governor  Sill 

The  son  of  Lieutenant  Governor  Sill  referred  to  by  Judge 
Barbour  was: 

Born  in  Hartford,  1862,  struck  down  in  the  midst  of  his  career 
at  the  early  age  of  about  forty  years.  He  graduated  from  the 
West  Middle  School  in  his  native  city  and  was  a  freshman  at 
the  Hartford  High  School  when  he  was  seriously  injured  in  a 
railroad  accident  at  Stony  Creek  during  the  summer  of  1877, 
in  which  both  of  his  feet  were  severed.  Everything  known  to 
medical  science  was  done  to  restore  him  to  comparative  normal 
condition  but  the  infirmity  always  preyed  deeply  on  his  mind 
and  produced  in  him  a  very  retiring  disposition.  He  entered 
high  school  a  year  or  so  later  and  graduated  in  1882.  He 
matriculated  at  Amherst  and  in  1886  received  a  Degree  of 
Bachelor  of  Science.  He  studied  law  with  his  father,  then 
Lieutenant  Governor  and  was  admitted  to  the  Hartford 
County  bar  in  1888.  His  general  ability,  especially  in  law, 
made  him  always  in  demand.  Mentally,  he  was  very  active 
and  received  many  honors.  He  was  delegate  to  many  conven- 
tions. The  position  of  Collector  of  Customs  was  offered  him 
through  Congressman  Sperry  of  that  State,  but  he  declined, 
preferring  to  practice  law  with  his  father  who  needed  him  in 
conducting  the  large  law  practice  of  his  office. 



His  last  case  was  before  the  Court  of  Common  Appeals 
where  he  appeared  on  the  morning  of  the  day  in  which  he 
was  taken  ill  and  died  after  an  illness  of  ten  weeks'  duration. 

He  was  a  member  of  many  patriotic  societies — The 
Reform  of  New  York,  The  Press  Club,  The  Society  of  Colon- 
ial Wars,  Sons  of  American  Revolutions. 




Silltown  Chapel 

On  the  side  of  the  road  running  by  the  Sill  farm  lands 
about  three  hundred  yards  from  Thomas  Sill's  homestead  there 
stands  the  old  district  school  house.  It  has  many  times  been 
repaired  yet  has  not  lost  its  original  design.  There  the  chil- 
dren of  the  neighborhood  received  their  education.     Among 


the  teachers  of  those  early  days,  my  own  aunt,  Mrs.  Mary  Sill, 
has  stated  there  were  such  instructors  as  the  late  Governor 
Buckingham,  then  a  young  man,  who  rose  to  distinction  in  later 
life.  It  was  customary  in  those  days  that  the  teacher  be  taken 
into  the  home  and  cared  for,  given  room  and  lodging  by  the 
various  residents  of  the  district  in  turn. 


This  school  house,  ten  or  more  years  ago,  was  repaired 
by  Mrs.  Mary  Sill  and  the  other  residents  of  the  neighborhood 
and  was  converted  into  a  chapel  where  religious  services  and 
social  gatherings  of  the  people  of  the  neighborhood  have  since 
been  held.  The  building  is  no  longer  used  as  a  school  house, 
the  district  schools  having  all  been  consolidated  with  those  of 
the  town  and  removed  to  a  central  building  in  the  town  of 
Lyme.  At  the  present  writing  ( 1912)  this  old  Silltown  Chapel 
is  in  fairly  good  repair,  and  it  is  the  expectation  of  the  resi- 
dents of  the  locality  to  use  it  for  prayer  meetings  on  Sunday 
afternoons  during  the  coming  fall  and  winter.  It  is  also  serv- 
ing a  good  purpose  as  a  place  of  meeting  of  the  new  organiza- 
tion of  Boy  Scouts  which  has  recently  been  formed  in  the 


The  house  of  Captain  John  Sill  was  situated  about  where 
the  present  home  of  Mr.  Daniel  Davidson  now  stands.  John 
Sill  left  this  house  to  his  only  son,  Joseph  Sill,  the  ist,  who  in 
turn  left  this  house  to  his  son  Joseph  Sill,  the  2nd,  who  resided 
there  thirty  years  and  removed  to  North  Lyme.  Joseph  Sill, 
the  2nd,  in  turn  left  this  house  to  his  oldest  son,  Lieutenant 
John  Sill,  the  2nd. 

John  Sill,  the  3d,  second  son  of  Lieutenant  John  Sill,  the 
2nd,  built  his  house  across  the  street  from  his  father's  and  next 
to  his  was  built  the  home  of  Silas  Sill,  which  house  is  now 



On  the  brow  of  the  hill  was  the  home  of  Andrew  Sill,  son 
of  Zachariah.  It  has  been  described  as  being  two  stories  high 
in  the  front  and  one  story  high  in  the  rear,  the  sides  covered 
with  shingles,  a  commodious  home.     It  is  not  now  standing. 

Below  the  hill  was  the  home  of  Zachariah.  Still  farther 
down  the  street  on  a  knoll  at  a  bend  in  the  road  in  1799  Captain 
Thomas  Sill's  home  was  erected,  which  is  now  standing. 
Across  the  street  from  the  home  of  Thomas  Sill  were  the  homes 
of  Reuben  Tinker,  also  the  Dorr  family,  ancestors  of  Edward 
Dorr  Griffin,  former  president  of  Williams  College,  and  Mrs. 
Jaspar  Peck,  who  was  Mrs.  Phoebe  Dorr. 

Below  Captain  Sill's  home  was  that  of  Captain  Joseph 
Sill,  the  4th,  who  married  Miss  Elizabeth  Lee  of  Grassy  Hill. 
This  house  was  removed  by  Mrs.  Thomas  Sill  in  her  day  as 
being  unsightly.  However,  in  the  old  garden  may  still  be 
found  the  old  well  covered  with  a  stone  slab. 

There  are,  at  present,  two  Sill  homes  left  standing  in  Sill- 
town,  all  others  having  disappeared. 

The  residence  of  the  Sills'  farther  down  the  street  in  Lyme 
are  now  owned  by  other  families  than  those  bearing  the  name 


History  states  the  neighbors  in  Silltown  in  the  olden  times 
as  being  the  Dorrs,  Wades  and  Matsons,  Edmund  Dorr  was 
born  in  Roxbury,  near  Boston,  in  1692.  He  was  a  cloth  dresser. 
He  settled  in  Silltown  and  established  his  business  on  Mill 
Creek  in  1716.     He  married  Miss  Mary  Griswold  of  Lyme. 



The  family  removed  to  East  Hadam  at  the  time  of  the  Revolu- 
tionary War.  In  1854  Mrs.  George  G.  Sill,  in  writing  to  Mrs. 
Mary  Sill  in  Silltown,  said  : 

"Opposite  your  house  was  the  so-called  'My  Sarvant 
Dorr'  with  his  sensible  and  talented  family  of  children, 
Edward,  who  became  a  minister  and  settled  in  Hartford, 
George,  a  lawyer  and  settled  in  Mantee  Parish  near  Four  Mile 
River,  and  Matthew,  a  farmer  who  lived  on  the  homestead, 
and  his  daughter  Eve,  the  mother  of  Edward  Dorr  Griffin." 

The  Wades  settled  on  the  same  stream  and  established  a 
millsite  farther  up  the  creek. 

Nathaniel  Matson  came  from  Boston  in  171 5  and  located 
north  of  Silltown,  dying  in  1776,  aged  92  years.  He  was  the 
ancestor  of  the  late  Colonel  Israel  Matson,  that  greatly 
esteemed  gentleman  whose  death  occurred  in  1903.  His  estate 
is  called  "Matson  Hill,"  adjoining  Silltown,  now  the  residence 
of  his  sister,  Mrs.  Catherine  Ann  Matson  Terry,  and  her  sons, 
Charles,  Nathaniel  and  James  Luther  Terry,  M,  D.,  who  are 
known  and  beloved  by  the  present  Old  Lyme  residents. 

A  resident  in  Silltown  in  the  childhood  days  of  the  author 
was  Dr.  Shubell  Bartlett.  He  came  to  reside  there  with  his 
lovely  bride,  who  was  Miss  Fannie  Griswold  of  Black  Hall. 
She  was  a  delicate  blonde  with  silken  curls  falling  about  her 
face,  neck  and  shoulders,  complexion  of  lily-whiteness,  with 
sparkling  hazel  eyes.  I  do  not  remember  having  seen  her 
dressed  in  anything  but  white.  She  was  my  ideal  of  a  beautiful 
woman.  The  doctor  was  a  great  favorite  of  my  grandfather, 
and,  in  fact,  with  the  whole  family.  He  was  a  frequent  visitor 
at  the  old  colonial  home.  Dr.  Bartlett  purchased  lands  of 
Captain  Thomas  Sill  (nearly  opposite  the  residence  of  John 



Sill,  now  belonging  to  Judge  Huntington) ,  and  built  the  home 
now  called  "Cricket  Lawn."  When,  in  1849,  the  gold  fever 
broke  out,  he  went,  with  others,  to  the  gold  fields  of  California 
and  never  returned,  having  lost  his  life  when  crossing  "The 
Isthmus."  Professor  Charles  Bartlett,  principal  of  the  Black 
Hall  Preparatory  School  for  young  men,  is  his  son. 


In  Laysville  at  the  outlet  of  Rogers  Lake,  near  Lyme, 
north  of  Silltown,  stands  a  large  stone  factory,  most  artistic  in 
appearance,  which  was  owned  and  operated  for  many  years 
by  Captain  Thomas  Sill  and  Deacon  Nathaniel  Matson  in  the 
manufacture  of  woolen  goods.  Here  were  manufactured  the 
Satinet  cloth  for  men's  apparel,  fine  woolen  yarns  and  other 




&»K . 

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material.    Later  it  was  purchased  by  Mr.  Oliver  Lay,  always 
called  Squire  Lay,  whose  antecedents  were  the  earliest  resi- 
dents of  that  locality,  and  after  whom  the  locality  was  named. 
Squire  Lay's  ancestor,  John  Lay  was  one  of  the  first  set- 



tiers  in  Laysville;  tradition  states  he  erected  the  first  house  in 
town  on  his  lands  near  Duck  River.  Mr.  Daniel  Lay,  a 
descendant  now  living,  states  that  John  Lay  came  from  Long 
Island  in  1637.  His  lands  extended  from  the  Connecticut 
shore  on  the  west  to  Duck  River  on  the  north  and  to  Black 
Hall  River  on  the  east. 









Brigadier  General  Joshua  Woodroe  Sill. 

Brigadier  General  Joshua  Woodroe  Sill,  military  officer 
and  commander,  was  born  in  Chillicothe,  Ohio,  and  graduated 


in  1854  at  the  United  States  Military  Academy  at  West  Point 
with  distinguished  honors;  was  professor  there  until  1857.  He 
was  stationed  at  Ft.  Vancouver,  Washington  Territory,  in 
1859.     He  resigned  from  the  army  in   1861,  re-entering  the 



volunteer  service  as  brigadier  general,  July  1863.     He  was 
killed  at  the  battle  of  Murfreesboro. 

Comte  de  Paris'  History  of  the  Civil  War  says  of  him. 
"Just  as  Vaughn's  troops  were  beginning  to  give  way,  Sill 
boldly  resumed  the  offensive,  chased  them  at  the  head  of  his 
brigade  and  drove  the  enemy  back  in  disorder.  But  the  heroic 
Sill  fell  mortally  wounded  in  the  battle  in  the  very  midst  of  the 
enemies'  battalions,  a  victim  of  his  zeal. 

Brigadier  Gen.  Joshua  Woodroe  Sill  was  a  descendant  of 
Zachariah  Sill  ist  through  Mr.  Joseph  Sill  of  Chillicothe, 
Ohio,  of  the  sixth  generation,  who  graduated  from  college  in 
1809  at  Montpelier,  Vt.,  studied  law  with  Hon.  Cyrus  Ware 
of  Montpelier,  removed  to  Philadelphia  and  was  admitted  to 
the  bar  in  1814.  He  settled  in  the  practice  of  his  profession 
at  Chillicothe,  Ohio;  was  one  of  the  celebrated  lawyers  of  this, 
the  first  capital  of  Ohio. 

His  son.  Brigadier  General  Joshua  Woodroe  Sill,  was 
the  idol  of  the  family  as  well  as  the  community,  his  name  is 
revered  wherever  he  was  known.  His  body  was  found  after  a 
month  of  search  on  the  battlefield  of  Murfreesboro  and  buried 
in  the  beautiful  Hills  cemetery  at  Chillicothe,  Ohio.  Some 
years  ago  a  man  in  Texas  wrote  that  he  had  in  his  possession 
General  Sill's  sword,  which  he  found  on  the  battlefield.  He 
came  north  with  it,  presented  it  to  his  relatives  in  Chillicothe, 

There  was  a  great  meeting  of  war  veterans  and  the  Sill 
Guards,  a  local  company  named  in  his  honor;  Judge  Clifford 
Douglas,  a  nephew,  received  the  sword,  and  presided  over  the 
occasion  of  its  presentation.    A  connection  who  is  not  a  blood 




relation  in  giving  this  interesting  account  to  the  author  writes 
that  "the  Sill,  as  well  as  the  Douglas  blood,  ranks  the  best  in 
the  state  and  stands  for  the  best  in  all  things." 

The  daughter  of  Joseph  Sill  and  sister  of  Brigadier  Gen- 
eral Joshua  Woodroe  Sill  was  Anna  Sill  who  married  when 
quite  young  Albert  Douglas,  whose  father,  Hon.  Richard 
Douglas,  was  a  noted  lawyer  of  Ohio.  Her  daughter  is  Mrs. 
Stanley  Sedgwick  of  London,  England,  who  is  mother  of  the 
authoress,  Anna  Douglas  Sedgwick. 

The  sons  of  Anna  Sill  Douglas  are  the  Hon.  Albert 
Douglas,  a  late  member  of  Congress;  Judge  Clifford  Douglas, 
who  has  retired  from  "The  Bench ;"  Joshua  Douglas,  living  in 
Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  who  was  named  for  his  uncle. 

The  only  daughter  of  Anna  Sill  Douglas  was  Anna  Sill, 
who  still  lives  unmarried  in  Princeton,  N.  J.  She  is  an  emi- 
nent authority  on  many  subjects.  She  is  in  demand  by  such 
institutions  as  the  Metropolitan  Art  Museum  of  New  York, 
which  sends  her  abroad  on  missions  of  investigations  of  pic- 
tures, manuscripts,  etc.  In  her  possession  is  a  fine  portrait  of 
General  Joshua  Woodroe  Sill,  also  the  general's  swords,  which 
are  reported  to  be  always  hanging  crossed  above  his  portrait. 


General  Mansfield,  who  achieved  renown  in  the  Civil 
War  in  this  country,  was  a  Sill  descendant  through  one  Hub- 
bard of  Middletown,  Conn.,  who  married  a  Sill.  This  vigor- 
ous old  man,  at  the  head  of  his  troops,  hastened  to  reinforce 
General  Hooker  at  the  battle  of  Antietam,  near  Durfees 




A  noble  representative  of  the  Sill  family  through  Andrew 
Sill,  son  of  Zachariah  Sill,  son  of  Joseph  2nd  of  Silltown,  was 
Miss  Anna  Peck  Sill.  She  was  born  in  Burlington,  N.  Y., 
August  9,  1 8 16,  the  youngest  of  ten  children.     She  inherited 

^^~2^yi^      ^yz^i,--^--6V_ 

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the  intellectual  and  moral  qualities  of  a  long  line  of  Puritan 

In  1849  she  operated  a  school  at  Rockford,  111.     She  set 
up  a  standard  in  the  wilderness  with  a  courage  that  knew  no 





faltering,  with  a  ceaseless  vigilance,  she  patiently,  hopeflUy, 
prayerfully  wrought  out  her  dream  of  life.  In  the  year  of 
1884,  after  thirty-five  years  of  successful  leadership.  Miss  Sill 
resigned.  She  died  in  her  seminary  room  June  18,  1889.  At 
the  alumni  reunion  Mrs.  Matie  T.  Perry  paid  her  this  able 
tribute : 


"She  was  gifted  with  a  wondrous  endowment  of  head  and 
heart  and  an  indomitable  will,  to  carry  out  her  scheme  for  the 
betterment  of  mankind." 



Eighth  Generation 

Henry  Sill  Hart. 

Henry  Sill  Hart  of  New  York  City  was  a  descendant  of 
Captain  Joseph  Sill  through  Captain  Thos.  Sill  whose 
daughter  Phoebe,  married  Mr.  C.  B.  Hart,  a  prominent  citizen 
of  Saybrook,  Conn.,  and  descendant  of  a  family  of  that  town. 
Henry  Sill  Hart  died  in  February,  1903,  aged  78  years.  The 
Brooklyn  Eagle  states  of  him:  "He  was  especially  endeared 
to  his  friends  for  his  sterling  qualities."  He  was  born  in  East 
Hadam,  Conn.  His  early  childhood  was  passed  in  Lyme.  He 
removed  to  Utica  and  was  in  the  employ  of  his  uncle,  Mr.  A. 
L.  Welles  in  the  retail  dry  goods  business.  He  removed  to 
New  York  City  and  became  well-known  there  in  dry  goods 
circles  as  a  resident  buyer  for  western  jobbing  houses.  He 
continued  in  this  business  for  the  remainder  of  his  life.  He 
was  always  actively  interested  in  the  general  development  of 
every  enterprise  which  tended  to  promote  the  general  interests 
of  New  York  City  as  a  dry  goods  market.  He  was  a  member 
and  director  of  the  Brooklyn  Club  and  also  a  member  of  the 
Union  League,  Marine  and  Field  Club  of  Brooklyn  and  a 
member  of  the  Merchants  Club  of  Manhattan,  also  a  member 
of  the  New  England  Society.  All  of  these  organizations  con- 
tained devoted  friends  of  many  years'  standing  and  his  death 
was  recognized  to  be  a  severe  loss  to  acquaintances,  friends, 
relatives  and  the  community  at  large.  Mr.  Hart  had  always 
been  a  good  friend  to  Mrs.  Mary  Sill  who,  for  so  many  years, 







lived  alone  in  the  Thomas  Sill  homestead  in  Silltown.  To  her 
he  always  gladly  extended  sympathy  and  assistance  and  upon 
her  death  he  became  owner  of  the  property. 






Thomas  Hale  Sill  of  Erie,  Pennsylvania,  a  descendant  of 
the  line  of  Richard  Sill,  the  ist,  of  Saybrook,  Conn.,  was  attor- 
ney general  of  the  United  States  in  1819. 

Rev.  Frederick  Shrader  Sill  of  Cohoes,  N.  Y.,  born  New 
York  City,  1848.     Graduate  of  Stephen's  College,  1869  and 


General  Theological  Seminary,  1872.  Deacon,  30th  June, 
1872.  Priest,  2ist  September,  1873.  Registrar  of  Diocese  of 
Albany.  Archdeacon  of  Albany.  Rector  of  St.  John's  Church, 
Cohoes,  N.  Y.    Married,  February  6th.,  1879,  to  Mary  Power. 



He  is  a  descendant  of  Thomas  Sill  of  Middletown,  Conn., 
and  of  Joseph  Sill  the  ist.  He  is  a  gifted  minister  of  the 
Episcopal  Church.  He  has  three  sons;  his  namesake,  Freder- 
ick DeVeter,  is  a  civil  engineer  employed  in  the  construction 
of  the  Panama  Canal,  and  has  been  thus  engaged  for  three 
years  (1910). 


Thomas  Henry  Sill  of  New  York,  died  April  6th,  1909. 
Established  a  mission  in  a  neglected  region  of  the  city  near 
39th  street,  and  after  many  years  of  good  service,  he  had  the 
satisfaction  of  seeing  a  ehurch  erected  in  that  neighborhood 
which  was  completed  shortly  before  his  death.  He  was  vicar 
in  charge  for  forty-four  years.  At  the  time  of  his  death  he 
was  the  oldest  clergyman  of  any  sort  in  office.  He  was  a 
descendant  of  Thomas  Sill  of  Connecticut.  His  eldest  son, 
Henry  A.  Sill,  graduated  from  Columbia  College,  New  York, 
in  1888,  studied  at  Oxford,  England,  and  at  the  University  of 
Halle  from  1893  to  1900,  and  took  his  P.  H.  D.  there  under 
Professor  Meyer.  He  has  been  a  professor  in  the  History 
Department  at  Cornell  University  for  several  years.  Another 
son  of  Thomas  Sill  of  New  York  was  Reverend  Frederick  H. 
Sill,  best  known  as  Father  Sill,  who  was  also  a  graduate  of 
Columbia  College,  New  York,  in  1895.  ^^  was  ordained  to 
the  ministry  as  Deacon  in  1898  and  as  Priest  in  1899.  He  has 
been  a  member  for  many  years  of  the  order  of  the  Holy  Cross 
in  the  Episcopal  Church.  He  started  a  school  for  boys  at 
Kent,  Conn.,  in  1906,  of  which  he  is  head  master. 





Another  son  of  Thomas  Sill  is  James  B.  Sill,  also  a  gradu- 
ate of  Columbia  College  in  1892.  Became  Deacon  in  the 
Episcopal  Church  in  1897  and  Priest  in  1898  in  the  diocese 
of  New  York.  Was  connected  with  the  Church  of  the 
Redeemer  for  several  years,  afterwards  a  missionary  in  the 
diocese  of  Albany,  New  York. 


Edward  Rowland  Sill,  a  descendant  of  Elisha  Sill  of 
Windsor,  Conn.,  a  gifted  writer  of  both  poetry  and  prose  and 
whose  death  was  greatly  mourned.  It  is  said  of  him :  "Edward 
Rowland  Sill  stood  very  high  in  breadth  of  thought  and 
falicity  of  expression;  he,  in  his  writings,  pours  forth  lavishly 
the  treasures  of  heart  and  head." 


Edward  Everett  Sill,  formerly  of  New  Haven,  now  of 
New  York,  an  active  member  of  "Order  of  the  Founders  and 
Patriots"  of  Hartford,  whose  eulogy  on  the  Reverend  Stephen 
Johnson,  delivered  some  time  ago  at  one  of  the  anniversaries 
of  this  society  in  Hartford,  gave  due  credit  to  that  fine  old 
patriot.    We  quote  it : 

"History  says  there  were  many  genuine  patriots  in  the 
early  days  of  the  colonies.  Among  them  was  the  Reverend 
Stephen  Johnson  of  Lyme,  Conn.  He  took  up  the  side  of 
liberty  about  ten  years  before  the  Revolutionary  War  broke 
out,  at  the  time  of  the  infamous  Stamp  Act.  He  wrote  essays 
for  the  Connecticut  Gazette,  published  in  New  London,  and 
sent  them  secretly  to  the  printer.    Three  or  four  of  them  were 




published  and  the  eyes  of  the  people  began  to  open,  and  when 
war  did  come,  Mr.  Johnson  had  the  satisfaction  of  seeing  patri- 
otic and  faithful  men  engaged  in  the  service  of  the  colonies, 
and  went  himself  as  chaplain  when  Boston  was  the  seat  of 


Elisha  Mather  Sill,  M.  D.,  of  New  York  City,  is  a 
descendant  of  Captain  Joseph  Sill  through  Joseph  Sill  the 
2nd,  through  Dr.  Elisha  Sill  who  settled  in  Goshen,  Conn. 
Elisha  Mather  Sill  is  prominent  in  medical  circles  and  a  mem- 
ber of  many  medical  societies. 


Herbert  Ralph  Sill,  son  of  Charles  Henry  Sill  (descend- 
ant of  Thomas  Sill  of  Middletown,  Conn.,  son  of  Joseph  Sill 
the  2nd  of  Lyme),  resides  at  Bayonne,  N.  Y.,  is  interested  in  a 
Spanish  firm  and  has  large  interests  in  Brazil  and  South 


^  Howard  Sill  of  Baltimore,  Md.,  is  a  descendant  of  Cap- 

*  tain  Joseph  Sill  in  the  following  order: 

Howard  Mather  Sill,  son  of 
Judge  William  Nicol  Sill,  son  of 
Ij,  Major  Richard  Sill,  son  of 

^j;  Lieut.  John  Sill,  son  of 

Joseph  Sill,  son  of 
Captain  Joseph  Sill 

Mr.  Howard  Sill  has  collected  much  data  concerning  the 




Major  General  Alfred  Elliot  Bates,  U.  S.  A.,  a  dis- 
tinguished descendant  of  Captain  Joseph  Sill,  ist,  was  Major 
General  Alfred  Elliot  Bates,  U.  S.  A.  His  line  of  descent 
comes  through  Joseph  2nd,  who  removed  to  North  Lyme. 
Jabez,  the  fourth  son  of  Joseph  2nd,  married  Elizabeth  Noyes, 
daughter  of  Rev.  Moses  of  Lyme,  the  first  pastor  of  the  First 
Church  of  Christ.  Their  daughter,  Mary  Sill,  married  James 
Gould  of  North  Lyme  and  their  daughter,  Sarah,  married 
Phineas  P.  Bates,  whose  son,  Alfred  Gould  Bates,  married 
Betsy  Ann  Elliot.    Major  General  Bates  was  their  son. 

He  was  born  in  1840  and  was  graduated  from  West  Point 
in  1865.  In  1869  he  married  Caroline  McCorkle.  After  serv- 
ing in  the  west,  where  he  distinguished  himself  as  an  Indian 
fighter,  he  was  appointed  as  instructor  at  West  Point,  but  took 
the  field  again  in  1874  and  was  in  the  Big  Horn  expedition. 
In  command  of  a  troop  of  cavalry,  with  two  hundred  Sho- 
shone Indians,  he  defeated  the  Arapahoes  at  Snake  Mountain. 
In  1875  he  went  on  the  stafif  as  Paymaster  General  U.  S.  A. 
In  1898  he  was  appointed  military  attache  at  the  Court  of 
St.  James.  He  was  retired  January  22,  1904,  as  Major  Gen- 
eral U.  S.  A.,  a  rank  conferred  upon  him  by  Secretary  Elihu 
Root,  in  recognition  of  his  long  and  unusually  meritorious  ser- 
vice to  his  department. 

In  May,  1906,  he  was  sent  to  San  Francisco  to  look  after 
the  accounting  of  the  Red  Cross  and  Government  funds  con- 
tributed for  the  relief  of  earthquake  sufiferers. 

He  is  survived  by  Mrs.  Bates  to  whom  I  am  indebted  for 
the  accompanying  portrait  of  the  general  taken  in  London. 




His  two  daughters,  Mrs.  F.  R.  Swift  and  Mrs.  M.  D. 
McKee  of  162  East  Seventy-fourth  street  and  two  sisters,  Mrs. 




Wellington  and  Mrs.  William  Laurence  of  969  Fifth  avenue. 
New  York  City,  have  kindly  furnished  the  writer  with  this 
record  of  the  general's  eventful  life. 




Another  illustrious  descendant,  now  living,  is  Major 
General  James  Franklin  Wade,  U.  S.  A. 

His  line  of  descent  was  as  follows — as  taken  from  the 
Register  of  Members  and  Ancestors  for  1901  of  the  Society  of 
Colonial  Wars  in  the  State  of  Minnesota: 

Captain  Joseph  Sill  1639-1696  married 

Sarah  (Clark)  Marvin,  their  son 

Joseph  Sill  1687  married 

Phoebe  Lord  1686,  their  daughter 

Sarah  Sill  1728-1814  married 

Nehimiah  Hubbard  1721-1814,  their  son 

Colonel  Nehimiah  Hubbard  1753- 1834  married 

Cornelia  Willis  1754-1781,  their  daughter 

Sarah  Hubbard  1780-1862  married 

Depire  Roseneraus,  their  daughter 

Caroline  M.  Roseneraus  1805- 1889  married 

Benjamin  Franklin  Wade  1800- 1878  and 

Major  General  James  Franklin  Wade,  U.  S.  A.,  is  their 

He  served  in  the  Civil  War,  the  Cuban  War,  and  the 
Philippine  War.  He  was  a  graduate  of  West  Point  and  his 
service  covers  the  period  from  1861  to  1907,  over  forty-six 

James  Franklin  Wade,  Major  General,  U.  S.  A.,  son  of 
Benjamin  T.  Wade,  senator  from  Ohio,  was  born  in  Jefferson, 
Ohio,  April  14,  1843.  When  eighteen  years  of  age  he  was 
appointed  First  Lieutenant  of  the  6th  U.  S.  Cavalry  from 








Ohio  in  1861,  Lieutenant  Colonel  U.  S.  Cavalary,  May  i, 
1864,  Brigadier  General  1864,  entered  the  regular  United 
States  Army  1866  as  Major  9th  Cavalary,  Lieutenant  Colonel 
1897,  Brigadier  General  1897,  Major  General  1898,  Major 
General  U.  S.  A.,  1903,  and  was  commander  of  Atlantic 
Division  in  1904. 

He  rendered  gallant  and  meritorious  service  at  the  battle 
of  Beverly  Ford,  Va. ;  at  Marion,  East  Tennessee  in  the  cam- 
paign in  southwestern  Virginia  in  the  Civil  War  in  1865. 

He  was  head  of  the  Cuban  Evacuation  Committee  in  1898, 
served  in  the  Philippines  in  1901,  commanded  a  division  in 
the  Philippines  in  1903-4. 

Major  General  Wade  resides  in  Jefferson,  Ashtabula 
County,  Ohio.  His  photograph,  kindly  donated  to  the  author 
by  the  general  himself,  presents  his  fine  presence  and  apparent 
health,  prosperity  and  happiness. 





This  volume  contains  a  record  of  events  obtained  from  a 
great  variety  of  sources  as  mentioned  in  the  preface.  Various 
items  have  been  supplied  from  time  to  time  by  connections, 
descendants  and  friends  of  the  family,  a  few  of  whom  are  now 
living  and  some  of  whom  are  now  dead.  The  nature  of  the 
text  of  this  volume  implies  absolute  certainty  of  statement 
where  dates  and  events  are  positively  matters  of  record  and 
are  therefore  authentic  or  when  the  events  recorded  are  mat- 
ters of  tradition  or  observation  by  the  writer  or  by  those  whom 
the  writer  has  known  in  their  lifetime,  the  text  again  so 
implies.  The  records  and  histories  of  the  progenitors  of  the 
family  testify  to  their  sterling  worth  of  character,  also  their 
refinement  and  their  religious  zeal.  They  were  men  of  posi- 
tion, of  learning  and  of  means.  They  were  devoted  to  the 
church  of  which  they  were  members  and  interested  in  estab- 
lishing a  government  and  schools,  of  protecting  their  institu- 
tions of  liberty  and  in  giving  of  their  means  to  the  interests  of 
their  town  or  community.  They  leave  us  a  priceless  heritage 
of  uprightness  and  honor.  It  remains  for  us,  their  descendants, 
to  maintain  this  high  standard  and  ever  to  bear  in  mind  the 
example  thus  set  before  us.  We  would  not  claim  for  them 
perfection  or  infallibility,  but  it  was  their  general  desire  to 
live  godly,  brave  and  virtuous  lives  and  to  establish  govern- 
ment of  civil  and  religious  liberty  in  their  native  land  in  which 
their  early  ancestor  had  established  the  family. 

The  Sill  enclosure  in  Duck  River  Cemetery  in  Lyme 
conserves  the  bodies  of  over  thirty  of  these  ancestors,  those 
descending  through  the  oldest  son,  Joseph  the  ist,  representing 
eight  generations. 

I  lO 


At  the  solicitation  of  Sarah  Welles  Burt  their  resting 
place  has  been  suitably  enclosed,  many  headstones  have  been 
reset,  names  which  were  about  to  be  obliterated  by  time,  have 
been  re-cut  and  a  marble  slab  has  been  placed  over  the  tomb 
of  Captain  Joseph  Sill,  which  gives  an  indication  of  his  record 
of  services.  In  doing  this  the  ancient  headstones  have  not  been 
disturbed  but  have  been  preserved  for  posterity.  On  a  corner- 
stone of  the  enclosure  is  inscribed  "Erected  by  the  Sill 

As  attesting  to  the  general  interest  of  the  present  living 
generations  of  descendants  in  the  restoration  and  preservation 
of  the  old  Sill  family  lot,  we  here  record  as  completely  as  pos- 
sible, the  names  of  those  who  contributed  : 

Richard  Townsend  Peckham 

John  S.  Peckham 

William  Peckham 

Mrs.  Maria  Martin 

Louisa  Peckham 

Josephine  Welles  Richardson  /'' 

Mr.  Henry  Hart 

Frank  Sill  Rogers,  Albany,  N.  Y.  '^^ 

Mr.   Richard  Hart  '  ^''' 

Mr.  William  Sill 

Mr.  William  Welles  /// 

Mr.   Samuel  Welles  |f( 

Miss  Nettie  Sill 

Mrs.  Mary  Hart-Pixley  n, 

Mr.  George  Sill  Welles  %^ 

Mrs.  George  Sill  Welles 

Miss  Mary  Pixley 



Mr.  George  Sill 

Mrs.  Mary  Sill 

Rev.  Frederick  Sill 

Mrs.  Amelia  Huntington  Sill 

Miss  Leonora  Sill 

Mrs.  Sarah  Louisa  Newton  Hickox 

Mr.  Edward  Everett  Sill 

Mrs.  S.  M.  Sill  Burt,  Hartford,  Conn. 

Mrs.  Harriet  Baldwin  Davidson,  Jamaica,  L.  L 

Miss  Caroline  Baldwin,  Middletown,  Conn. 

Mr.  Henry  Sill  Baldwin,  Middletown,  Conn. 

Miss  Carrie  Eyke  Sill,  Hartford,  Conn.  | 

Dr.  John  Sill,  Argyle,  N.  Y. 

Mary  Sill  Snow,  Old  Saybrook 

Fanny  M.  Sill 

Jennie  A.  Sill 

Sarah  E.  Sill 

Charles  A.  Sill 

Mrs.  Jennie  M.  Peck 

Mrs.  A.  P.  Simpson 

Mr.  John  Sill,  Ashtabula,  Ohio 

Mrs.  Sarah  Hart  Bradley 

Mr.  Clinton  Bradley 

Mr.  Harry  Bradley 

Mrs.  Sarah  H.  Taylor  . 

Miss  Selden,  Erie,  Penn.  ' 

Major  General  James  F.  Wade,  U.  S.  A. 

Lieut.JohnP.Wade,  U.S.  A. 

Mrs.  S.  Laurence  ^ 

Dr.  John  C.  Sill  't 



.  W^.   \\\ 

















































Helen  Sill,  Argyle,  N.  Y. 
'\j\  Sarah  Seldon,  descendant  of  Anna  Sill 

j^i  Florence  Virginia  Sill 

jj  William  Griswold  Burt 

i\  Mrs.  Sarah  Sill  Welles  Burt 

On  Memorial  Day  the  flag  of  our  country  is  placed  to 
wave  over  the  graves  of  Captain  Joseph  Sill  and  Colonel 
David  Fithian  Sill;  thus,  though  years  have  passed,  the  Colon- 
ial and  Revolutionary  soldiers  are  not  forgotten.  May  their 
memory  be  ever  kept  fresh  by  descendants  of  present  and 
future  generations.  We  here  take  the  liberty  of  quoting  from 
''The  Hidden  Village"  by  Hamilton  Mabee,  in  1908,  which 
appropriately  may  preceed  the  final  illustration  in  this 
volume : 

"The  ancient  churchyard  lies  in  the  very  lap  of 
nature  and  has  been  cherished  into  a  touching  and 
tender  loveliness  of  ripe  age.  The  paths  between  the 
graves  are  sweet  with  memorial  turf  so  that  the  living 
are  as  quiet  as  the  dead  in  this  sacred  place.  The 
stones  are  gray  with  age  and  time  has  erased 
the  names  of  those  that  sleep  below;  in  a  general 
i'ij  beneficence  that  enfolds  the  place  there  is  no  need  of 

I  individual     remembrance.       They    that    sleep     are 



enfolded  by  a  great  blessedness  of  peace.  Centuries 
ago  they  went  out  of  the  tumult  and  the  storm  and  are 
now  at  rest  in  this  sweet  haven!" 


/J .; 






WAR  OF  l8l2. 

An  interesting  instant  in  connection  with  Lyme  and  its 
history  about  the  year  1812  was  related  to  the  writer  by  Mr. 
Chas.  Harvey  of  Marquette,  Mich.  Mr.  Harvey  was  a  man 
of  world-wide  reputation  and  public  benefactor  for  he 
invented  and  constructed  the  first  elevated  railroad  in  New 
York  City,  and  his  wife  was  the  first  lady  who  rode  on  it.  In 
northern  Michigan  he  engineered  and  constructed  the  canal 
and  locks,  at  Sault  Ste.  Marie  the  semi-centennial  celebration 
of  which  occurred  in  1905  in  which  the  then  Vice-President 
Fairbanks  and  prominent  Canadian  officials  took  part.  Mr. 
Harvey  was  born  in  the  town  of  Colchester,  parish  of  North 
Chester,  and  was  a  native  of  Connecticut.  He  was  the  son  of 
a  Congregational  minister  who  afterwards  became  a  Presby- 
terian and  established  the  First  Presbyterian  Church  in  Con- 
necticut, which  is  now  the  large  Theological  Seminary  in 
Hartford.  His  son  Charles,  as  a  youth  in  1840  was  oflered  a 
position  (which  he  accepted)  with  John  Hart's  store  in  Lyme, 
Conn.,  which  was  situated  at  the  lower  end  of  the  main  street 
of  Lyme  on  the  green,  opposite  Squire  McCurdy's  home.  This 
store  was  about  200  feet  to  the  right  of  being  directly  in  front 
of  where  Dr.  Griffin's  house  stands.  Mr.  Harvey  was  an  own 
cousin  of  the  late  Chief  Justice  Waite  of  the  Supreme  Court 
of  the  United  States,  their  mothers  being  sisters,  the  Misses 
Selden  of  Hadlyme.    While  in  John  Hart's  employ,  Charles 



Harvey  undertook  the  renovation  of  the  cellar  of  the  store  and 
there,  deeply  buried  in  an  accumulation  of  debris,  he  found  a 
quantity  of  cannon  balls,  the  story  of  them  being  as  follows: 

"During  the  war  of  1812  a  fleet  of  British  vessels  came  up 
the  Sound  and  anchored  off  the  mouth  of  the  Connecticut 
River.  At  that  time  both  the  towns  of  Essex  and  Lyme  (espe- 
cially Essex)  were  noted  for  being  the  centers  of  shipping 
industries  and  it  was  the  purpose  of  the  British  to  destroy  the 
shipyards  in  these  places.  They  accordingly  equipped  an 
expedition  for  this  purpose.  They  embarked  from  their  men- 
of-war  and  rowed  up  the  river  to  Essex  where  they  burned 
part  of  the  town  and  all  of  the  shipping.  (At  the  present  time 
the  remains  of  an  old  hulk  which  was  burned  to  the  water's 
edge  and  sunk  may  be  seen  at  Essex  and  visitors  can  be  shown 
the  old  fire  place  in  an  old  colonial  house  near  the  river,  from 
which  live  coals  were  taken  to  start  the  conflagration  in  the 

"In  the  meantime  the  citizens  of  Lyme  had  made  prepara- 
tion for  defense.  They  called  their  men  together  and  placed 
a  field  gun  with  ammunition  on  the  top  of  Hoyes  Hill  over- 
looking the  river.  They  discerned,  however,  that  the  British 
forces  were  much  stronger  than  their  own  and  concluded  that 
to  begin  action  would  surely  draw  upon  Lyme  an  attack  by  the 
British  and,  therefore,  concluded  they  would  begin  action  only 
after  being  attacked.  Accordingly  the  British  boats  passed 
quietly  down  the  river  without  so  much  as  a  gun  having  been 
fired  by  the  Lyme  men." 

Thus,  the  cannon  balls  which  had  been  provided  come  to 
be  stored  in  the  basement  of  John  Hart's  store,  and  there 
remained  until  Mr.  Harvey  found  them,  as  stated  above. 




The  following  is  a  copy  of  a  clipping  taken  from  the  Deep 
River  New  Era: 


Mrs.  Matthew  Griswold  Passes  the  Century  Mark. 

An  event  of  unusual  interest  to  all  in  our  community,  and 
indeed  to  many  not  citizens  of  our  town,  took  place  on  Sunday, 
July  17th,  1904.  An  esteemed  resident  of  Old  Lyme,  Mrs. 
Matthew  Griswold,  of  Black  Hall,  reached  the  good  round  age 
of  100  years.  Probably  never  in  the  history  of  Old  Lyme, 
nor  in  the  history  of  the  several  municipalities  which  are  its 
neighbors,  and  which  were  once  comprehended  as  the  town 
of  Lyme,  has  a  citizen  reached  so  ripe  an  age. 

Mrs.  Griswold  was  born  in  Lyme  in  the  township  north 
of  the  present  town  of  Old  Lyme,  July  17th,  1804.  It  may, 
therefore,  be  said  that  during  her  whole  life  she  has  been  a 
resident  of  the  same  town.  Mrs.  Griswold  was  the  daughter 
of  Col.  Seth  Ely.  Her  birthplace  has  always  been  known  as 
Mount  Archer. 

On  July  5th,  1827,  she  was  married  to  Mr.  Matthew  Gris- 
wold, and  the  Griswold  homestead  at  Black  Hall  (which  has 
for  more  than  two  centuries  been  the  birthplace  of  men  emi- 
nent in  affairs  of  town  and  state) ,  has  ever  since  been  her  home. 

To  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Griswold  eight  children  were  born,  all 
of  whom  were  daughters  except  one.  Seven  children  are  now 
living.  One  daughter  died  some  years  ago.  The  son,  Mr. 
Matthew  Griswold,  lives  at  Erie,  Pa.,  and  conducts  a  very 



successful  manufacturing  business  in  that  city.  For  several 
terms  he  was  a  member  of  Congress  from  Pennsylvania. 

Mrs.  Griswold  united  with  the  Old  Lyme  Congregational 
Church  in  April,  1828.  It  is  doubtful  if  in  any  church  in  our 
state  or  even  in  our  country  is  to  be  found  a  living  member 
whose  membership  antedates  hers. 

To  the  busy  bustling  outside  world,  it  might  appear  that 
Mrs.  Griswold's  life  has  been  uneventful.  She  has  been  wont 
in  her  modest  way  to  speak  of  it  in  such  terms  herself.  But  it 
has  been  a  life  strong,  dignified,  gentle  and  influential  for 
the  things  true,  venerable,  just,  pure,  lovely  and  of  good  report, 
and  no  one  who  has  come  in  contact  with  it  but  has  gone  out 
into  the  world  a  better  man  or  a  better  woman  for  its  fellow- 
ship. The  whole  community  gladly  honors  this  noble  woman 
of  Christian  character  and  experience  and  wishes  for  her 
remaining  days  on  earth  freedom  from  bodily  pain  and  the 
peace  that  cometh  from  Him  whom  she  has  loved  and  served 
for  so  many  years. 

What  a  history  hers  has  been.  She  has  lived  through  a 
century,  than  which  the  world  has  not  seen  one  more  wonder- 
ful, a  century  which  has  been  nothing  short  of  miraculous  in 
the  several  realms  in  which  man  lives  and  moves  and  has  his 

Until  within  a  few  months,  Mrs.  Griswold  has  enjoyed 
excellent  health.  Though  now  somewhat  weak  bodily,  she  is 
full  as  well  as  could  be  expected  and  quietly  awaits  in  the  midst 
of  her  loving  family  the  homeward  call. 

About  four  months  later  to  be  followed  by: 

"Mrs.  Matthew  Griswold  died  at  her  home  in  Black  Hall 
on  Saturday,  November  26th,  at  the  unusual  age  of  100  years 




and  four  months.  Mrs.  Griswold  was  born  at  Mt.  Archer, 
North  Lyme,  in  1804  and  in  1827  was  married  to  Matthew 
Griswold,  son  of  Gov.  Roger  Griswold.  Her  maiden  name 
was  Ely.  Mrs.  Griswold  had  never  known  illness  during  her 
whole  long  life  and  retained  her  faculties  almost  to  the  end. 
Her  death  came  from  advanced  age.  Mrs.  Griswold  was  the 
mother  of  eight  children,  four  of  whom  lived  with  her  at  the 
old  family  place.  Her  oldest  daughter  died  some  years  ago. 
She  leaves  to  mourn  her  death  six  daughters,  one  of  whom  is 
Mrs.  J.  C.  Selden  of  Erie,  Pa.,  and  Mrs.  H.  S.  Ely  of  New 
York  City,  and  one  son,  Matthew  Griswold  of  Erie,  Pa.,  a 
prominent  business  man  and  founder  of  the  Griswold  Manu- 
facturing Company  of  that  place.  Her  funeral  was  attended  I 
by  many  friends  on  Tuesday  afternoon  from  her  residence  in 
Black  Hall. 

The  funeral  of  Phoebe  H.  Ely  Griswold,  widow  of  Mat- 
thew Griswold,  took  place  at  her  late  home  at  Black  Hall  on 
Tuesday  afternoon.    The  deceased  was  in  her  one  hundred  and      i 




first  year  and  many  persons  gathered  to  pay  their  last  respects. 
Numerous  handsome  floral  pieces  attested  the  sorrowful 
remembrance  of  her  friends.  Rev.  Chas.  Villiers  was  the 
officiating  clergyman.  Interment  was  in  the  Griswold  burying 
ground  at  Black  Hall.  The  bearers  were  five  grandsons  and  a 
grand  nephew  of  the  deceased  woman.  They  were  Wm.  Gris- 
wold, Roger  Wolcott  Griswold,  Dwight  Griswold,  Horace 
Griswold  Ely,  Matthew  Griswold  Ely  and  Chas.  Griswold 




In  our  last  issue  we  announced  the  death  of  Mrs.  G. 
McCurdy  Griflin  at  her  home  in  Old  Lyme  on  Wednesday, 
September  14th,  1904.  The  news  of  her  death  which  came 
with  great  surprise  to  all  who  heard  of  it,  brought  sadness  to 
many  hearts  in  the  community  and  far  beyond  it.  Though 
perhaps  not  quite  in  her  usual  health,  she  was,  on  the  morning 
of  her  decease,  well  and  cheerful,  and  in  conversation  with 
members  of  her  family  within  a  few  moments  of  her  departure 
from  the  home  which  had  been  hers  from  birth  to  the  land 
which  has  no  shadows.  Gertrude  McCurdy  Lord,  daughter 
of  Stephen  J.  Lord,  and  Sarah  Ann  McCurdy  was  born  at 
Old  Lyme,  March  5th,  1840.  Her  education  begun  at  Mrs. 
Phoebe  Griflin  Noyes'  School,  Old  Lyme,  was  continued  at 
Miss  Drapers'  School  in  Hartford,  and  at  Miss  Haines'  School 
at  New  York  City.  At  all  these  institutions  she  ranked  high 
in  general  scholarship,   and  especially  so   in   higher  mathe- 



matics.  In  September,  1856,  she  became  a  member  of  the  Con- 
gregational Church,  the  church  of  many  of  her  ancestors,  and 
with  which  from  childhood,  she  had  been  associated.  She  was 
married  on  June  nth,  1862,  to  Dr.  Edward  Dorr  Griffin,  son 
of  George  Griffin  and  Ann  Augusta  Neilson  of  Catskill,  N.  Y. 
Dr.  Griffin,  a  product  of  the  College  of  Physicians  and  Sur- 
geons in  New  York,  practiced  medicine  in  Old  Lyme  until  his 
death,  some  twenty-two  years  later.  Mrs.  Griffin  loved  her 
church  dearly,  and  always  gave  of  her  means,  her  time  and  her 
thought,  of  herself,  to  promote  in  every  way  its  interests.  She 
took  a  deep  and  vital  interest  in  missions,  at  home  and  abroad. 
Of  quiet  nature,  a  devoted  love  of  her  home  and  family,  she 
nevertheless  as  a  Christian  woman  did  her  part  in  whatever 
ways  she  could,  for  the  material,  mental  and  moral  welfare  of 
the  community.  Of  superior  intelligence,  her  reading  was 
both  wide  and  varied,  but  the  book  she  loved  and  studied  above 
all  others,  was  the  Bible.  In  it  she  found,  while  reading  it  for 
devotional  ends,  true  nourishment  for  mind  and  spirit.  To 
those  who  knew  Mrs.  Griffin  best — knew  her  as  one  friend 
knows  another — the  impression  made  upon  their  minds, 
through  their  acquaintance  with  her,  was  that  she  was  a  woman 
of  great  sincerity,  of  deep  sympathy  and  of  remarkable  seren- 
ity. Truly,  her  fellowship  was  with  God,  and  the  result  was 
a  life  and  character  quiet,  gentle  and  gracious. 



Mrs.  Catharine  Matson  Terry,  widow  of  Rev.  James 
Pease  Terry,  died  at  her  home,  Matson  Hill,  Lyme,  on  Tues- 
day afternoon,  October  29,  in  the  90th  year  of  her  age.     She 



was  the  only  daughter  of  Israel  Matson  and  Phoebe  Ely 

She  was  born  at  Lyme  January  28th,  1823.  At  an  early 
age  she  attended  school  at  New  London  and  later  at  Mrs. 
Apthorp's  school  for  girls  on  Hillhouse  avenue,  New  Haven. 
She  married  Rev.  James  P.  Terry,  who  was  pastor  of  the  Con- 
gregational church  at  Somers,  Conn.  Later  they  moved  to 
South  Weymouth,  Mass.,  where  Mr.  Terry  was  pastor  of  the 
Second  Congregational  church  for  over  thirty  years. 

After  Mr.  Terry's  death  in  1873  Mrs.  Terry  lived  at  her 
old  home  in  Lyme.  She  then  moved  to  Philadelphia  and 
made  her  home  there  with  two  of  her  sons,  Dr.  J.  L.  Terry 
and  Frank  A.  Terry,  until  about  two  years  ago  when  she  and 
her  son.  Dr.  Terry,  returned  to  Lyme. 

She  was  a  woman  of  exceptional  mental  attainments  and 
beautiful  Christian  character.  She  was  beloved  by  all  who 
knew  her  and  her  long  life  was  filled  with  unselfish  devotion 
to  others. 

Her  brother,  Nathaniel  Matson,  was  graduated  at  Yale 
college  in  the  class  of  1847.  He  died  at  Hartford  in  1851. 
Her  youngest  brother.  Col.  Israel  Matson,  with  whom  she 
lived  at  Lyme  after  her  husband's  death,  was  on  the  staflf  of 
his  cousin.  Governor  Buckingham,  during  the  Civil  War. 

Her  children  now  living  are  Prof.  N.  M.  Terry  of  the 
naval  academy  at  Annapolis,  Dr.  J.  L.  Terry  of  Lyme,  Frank 
A.  Terry  of  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  and  Charles  A.  Terry  of  New 
York.  Her  son.  Rev.  I.  N.  Terry,  D.  D.,  died  in  1908  at 
Utica,  N.  Y.,  where  he  was  for  several  years  pastor  of  the 
Westminster  Presbyterian  church. 

Mrs.  Terry's  memory  will  be  cherished  by  all  of  her  many 



friends  because  of  her  cheerful  disposition,  her  self-sacrificing 
devotion  to  her  family  and  her  townspeople,  and  her  noble 

Mrs.  Terry  united  with  the  First  Congregational  church 
of  Old  Lyme  in  September,  1838,  and  although  her  member- 
ship was  afterward  removed  to  other  churches  of  which  her 
husband  was  pastor,  she  retained  a  warm  interest  in  the  church 
of  her  youth,  and  was  able  to  attend  its  services  within  a  few 
weeks  of  her  death.  She  entered  the  church  under  the  ministry 
of  the  Rev.  Chester  Colton  and  was  probably  the  only  sur- 
vivor of  those  who  united  with  this  church  prior  to  the  pastor- 
ate of  the  Rev.  D.  S.  Brainerd.  A  woman  of  high  faith  and 
genuine  piety,  her  presence  was  an  inspiration  to  her  fellow 
Christians  to  the  end. 

Funeral  services  were  conducted  by  the  Rev.  E.  M.  Chap- 
man at  her  home  on  October  3  ist.  Interment  was  in  the  family 
burial  plot  in  Old  Lyme  cemetery.  The  pallbearers  were 
Thomas  B.  Farwell,  George  Griswold,  Waldo  Banning  and 
John  E.  Noyes. 


Memorial    Discourse 

of  the 


Old  Lyme,  Connecticut 
July  19th,  1876 

By    ^ 
WM.  B.  C0RY 


First  Congregational  Church  % 







In  the  wonderful  disposition  of  Providence,  it  has  fallen 
to  me — a  stranger  to  Lyme  six  months  ago,  yet,  by  descent,  a 
rightful  participant  in  all  that  pertains  to  her  history — it  has 
fallen  to  me  to  prepare  and  deliver  a  memorial  discourse  from 
this  time-hallowed  pulpit. 

What  a  stranger-hand  might  but  mechanically  touch  in 
tracing  the  history  of  this  church,  thrills  me  with  concern 
and  delight  as  from  the  yellow,  time-worn  record  page  the 
events  of  the  past  have  been  discovered  to  me,  for  in  this 
place  my  maternal  ancestors  had  their  birth,  and  from  here 
went  forth  to  fight  in  the  War  of  Independence. 

If,  in  the  pleasure  of  Almighty  God,  your  late  pastor  had 
been  spared  to  this  Centennial  year,  this  church  would  have 
had  a  historical  discourse  rich  in  reminiscence  and  full  in 
detail.  Wanting  his  varied  learning  and  wide  experience, 
and  depending  upon  the  meagre  notices  preserved  in  town, 
society,  and  church  records,  and  some  well-preserved  tradi- 
tions, I  still  find  a  wealth  of  history  that  with  pride  may  be 
cherished  by  this  church  to  the  last  generations. 


An  old  record  reads  thus:  "Lyme,  Mch.  the  27th,  1693, 
at  a  town  meeting  it  was  desired  and  agreed  upon  with  the 
inhabitants  of  this  town,  as  agreed  by  a  unanimous  vote,  that 
there  may  be  a  church  gathered  in  this  town,  and  Mr.  Noyes 
called  to  office,  if  it  may  be  obtained  according  to  the  rules 
of  Christ." 



"Ye  prime  Society  of  Lyme"  was  thus  organized,  and 
the  Rev.  Moses  Noyes  was  installed  its  pastor.  He  had, 
however,  been  preaching  to  the  people  of  Lyme  for  twenty- 
seven  years  prior  to  this,  or  from  the  year  1666,  nor  does  it 
appear  why  a  church  was  not  earlier  organized.  The  un- 
settled state  of  society  at  that  time,  when  the  fathers  were 
attempting  a  settlement  among  wild  and  jealous  tribes  of 
Indians,  may  account  for  it.  Preaching,  however,  was  sus- 
tained by  the  people  of  the  new  settlement  which  took  the 
name  of  Lyme. 


A  meeting-house  was  built  shortly  after  Mr.  Noyes  began 
to  preach,  probably,  before  1668.  Tradition  describes  it  as 
a  small  log-house  erected  by  the  settlers  on  the  brow  of  meet- 
ing-house hill,  overlooking  the  Sound  and  the  surrounding 

The  old  Indian  trail  crossed  the  hill  at  this  place,  and  it 
was  by  this  worn  pathway  that  the  men  on  horseback  with 
the  women  on  pillions  behind  them,  came  to  meeting. 

How  the  aged  eyes  of  the  grandfathers  lighted  up  with 
excitement,  and  the  hot  blood  of  youth  came  again  to  the 
sunken  cheeks  as  they  described  the  scenes  of  those  days! 
The  men  came  with  their  loaded  muskets  in  their  hands,  and 
regularly  detailed  some  of  their  number  to  stand  guard  dur- 
ing the  services  that  they  might  not  be  surprised  by  the  Indians. 

The  women,  by  their  courageous  devotion  in  sharing  pri- 
vation and  braving  peril,  sustained  their  husbands  and  sons  in 
the  laudable  design  of  planting  a  settlement  and  a  church 



In  this  primitive  house  the  early  settlers  held  their  meet- 
ings for  about  twenty-one  years,  or  until  1689,  when  the 
second  meeting-house  was  built.  This  date  appears  to  be 
well  authenticated  from  the  following  minute  of  the  appoint- 
ment by  the  general  court,  of  a  committee  to  locate  the  house, 
and  their  report  there  upon. 

This  committee  visited  Lyme  and  heard  the  "several  alle- 
gations and  reasons"  of  the  people,  and  "saw  reason  to  pitch 
upon  two  places  where  to  set  the  meeting-house,  and  with 
the  consent  of  the  greatest  part  of  the  people  of  Lyme,  we, 
after  calling  upon  the  Lord,  commended  the  decision  of  the 
case  to  a  lot,  which  lot  fell  upon  the  southernmost  we  had 
appointed,  which  is  upon  the  hill  where  the  now  meeting- 
house stands,  more  northerly,  in  the  very  place  where  we 
shall  stake  it  out."  The  report  is  signed  by  Jno.  Talcott, 
Jno.  Allin. 

"This  day  in  Lyme,  June  4th,  1686." 

Also  the  following  minute  on  the  records  of  the  town. 

"September  the  26th,  1691;,  at  the  same  meeting,  Joseph 
Peck  demanded  of  the  town  £2,  19s.  o6d.,  due  to  him  when 
the  new  meeting-house  was  built  in  the  year  1689."  Which 
records  establish  the  fact  that  there  was  a  meeting-house  stand- 
ing before  this  one  was  built,  and  that  this  one  was  built  in 
the  year  1689. 

It  was  a  commodious  and  substantial  building  capable  of 
accommodating  all  the  inhabitants  of  the  town. 

Its  location  was  on  the  brow  of  the  hill,  somewhat  to  the 
north  and  west  of  the  first  one,  and  on  the  other  side  of  the 
Indian  trail,  which  had  by  this  time  developed  into  a  well- 
worn  track  for  horses. 



The  brow  of  the  hill  was  chosen  as  a  site  for  the  second 
house  for  the  same  reason  probably,  as  before,  viz. :  On  account 
of  its  security  from  surprise  by  the  Indians;  also,  because  it 
was  midway  between  the  settlements  at  Blackball  and  the 
region  now  called  Whippoorwill,  and  the  town  of  Saybrook, 
opposite  to  which,  on  the  banks  of  the  Great  River,  was 
another  growing  settlement  that  demanded  church  accommo- 

After  thirty-eight  years  of  service  it  seems  this  house 
needed  some  repairs.  On  the  Society  records  of  January 
4th,  1727,  there  is  this  minute  in  the  quaint  old  language  of 
the  times,  "It  was  voted  yt  they  will  repair  ye  meeting-house 
in  manner  and  form  as  follows:  First,  to  clabord  ye  fore 
side  of  said  hows,  and  part  of  ye  east  end,  and  rectifie  ye 
windows  and  glass,  and  what  els  ye  cometee  for  yt  affair  think 
fit,  not  exceeding  forty  pounds." 

In  the  year  1734,  the  second  house  was  found  to  be  too 
small  to  accommodate  the  increasing  population,  consequently, 
we  find  a  record  to  this  effect,  "Voted,  that  this  Society  think 
it  highly  necessary,  and  convenient  to  erect  or  build  a  new 
meeting-house  in  this  Society."  And  the  next  year  the  Society 
voted  to  build  a  house  "60ft.  long  by  40ft.  wide,  and  24ft. 
between  the  sill  and  the  plate,"  and  a  committee  was  appointed 
to  go  to  the  General  Court  and  ask  the  appointment  of  a 
committee  by  that  body  to  locate  the  site  for  it,  inasmuch 
as  the  Society  could  not  agree  upon  any  among  themselves, 
and  as  the  former  committee  had  acted  so  judiciously  and 

The  site  selected  was  still  the  brow  of  the  hill,  a  little  to 
the  north  and  west  of  the  old  house. 



After  the  second  meeting-house  had  stood  forty-nine  years, 
we  find  by  the  Society  records  in  1738,  the  third  meeting- 
house was  inclosed,  and  a  committee  was  appointed  to  finish 
it.  There  is  also  the  following  minute:  "Sept.  the  19th, 
1738.  Voted,  that  this  Society  will  pull  down  the  old  meet- 
ing-house, and  improve  what  timber  and  boards  that  will  be 
proper  towards  finishing  the  new  meeting-house  in  this 

It  was  not  burned  down  as  some  tradition  has  it,  nor  worn 
out,  but  was  inadequate  to  the  wants  of  the  increasing  popu- 

The  third  house  was  located  on  the  same  hill  as  the  second, 
and  a  short  distance  from  it.  And  from  the  fact  that  this  same 
site  was  chosen,  it  is  apparent  that  the  interests  of  the  people, 
settled  on  the  bottom  lands  between  meeting-house  hills  and 
the  Connecticut  river  were  so  important  as  to  demand  con- 
sideration, as,  otherwise,  the  meeting-house  would  have  been 
located  nearer  to  Blackball. 

In  1754,  one  Barnabas  Tuthill  offered  to  give  a  bell  to 
the  Society  if  the  people  would  build  a  steeple  for  it  to  hang 
in.  A  steeple  was  accordingly  built,  and  the  first  bell  began  to 
summon  the  people  to  meeting,  in  lieu  of  the  horn  or  trum- 
pet, which,  tradition  says,  they  had  been  accustomed  to  hear. 

This  bell  rang  in  the  Independence  of  the  Colonies  in 
Lyme,  and  in  default  of  any  record  as  to  its  final  disposition, 
I  suggest  the  probability  that  it  was  given,  with  others 
throughout  the  Colonies,  to  make  cannon  for  the  Revolution ; 
for  in  the  year  1780,  the  Society  voted  "to  procure  a  bell  for 
the  steeple,"  thus  signifying  that  the  old  one  had  been  disposed 



of  in  some  way.    I  do  not  ofifer  it  as  a  historical  fact,  but  make 
the  suggestion  that  the  bell  was  melted  up  for  war  purposes. 

This  same  year,  1780,  the  third  meeting-house  caught 
fire  in  the  roof  from  the  tow  wad  of  the  old-fashioned  flint- 
lock musket  which  one  of  the  guardians  of  the  house  used  to 
shoot  some  woodpeckers  that  were  boring  holes  in  it.  The 
fire  was  extinguished  by  the  light  horsemen  stationed  in  the 
town — or,  as  tradition  says,  by  the  Hessians,  who  clambered 
on  the  roof  like  squirrels.  The  Society  voted  $100  on  this 
occasion,  "to  such  persons  as  dangerously  exerted  themselves 
to  extinguish  the  late  fire." 

In  the  year  181 5,  after  standing  76  years,  this  house  was 
struck  by  lightning  and  burned  to  the  ground,  very  little  of 
the  material  being  saved. 

The  present  meeting-house,  the  fourth  built  by  this 
Society,  was  erected  in  18 17,  near  the  south  end  of  the  main 
street.  A  model  of  architectural  beauty  in  those  days,  a  beauti- 
ful and  graceful  building  for  any  age. 

The  corner-stone  was  laid  in  181 6,  with  imposing  cere- 
monies, a  copper  plate  being  deposited  in  it,  inscribed  as 
follows : 

"Old  meeting-house  burnt  by 

lightning,  July  3,  A.  D.  181 5. 

This  corner-stone  laid  with 

religious  ceremonies  by  the 

Rev.  Lathrop  Rockwell,  Pastor, 

June  loth,  A.  D.  18 16. 

Sam.  Belcher,  Architect. 

Eben  Smith,  Master  mason." 




The  names  of  the  building  committee  were  inscribed  on 
the  other  side  of  the  plate.  The  house  was  seated  at  first  with 
the  old-fashioned  square  pews  at  the  sides,  and  "slips"  in  the 

The  first  pulpit  was  a  high,  circular  one,  reached  by  a 
flight  of  steps  from  either  side.  Those  who  remember  it 
describe  it  as  a  beautiful  and  costly  mahogany  pulpit,  and 
lament  its  destruction.  In  1836  it  was  first  lowered.  In  1850 
it  was  removed  altogether,  and  a  high  platform  was  built,  and 
the  present  pulpit  set  upon  it.  At  the  same  time,  the  square 
pews  were  removed,  and  the  modern  ones  substituted  in  their 

The  church  was  at  first  surrounded  by  a  picket  fence, 
which  was  repaired  from  time  to  time,  but  was  finally 

In  one  corner  of  the  church  yard  stood  that  old  relic  of 
primitive  times,  the  whipping-post;  the  indispensable  orna- 
ment of  every  New  England  village.  But  all  traces  of  it 
have  long  since  vanished,  and  the  present  generation  has 
fortunately  only  the  memory  of  it,  not  the  fact. 

The  stocks  were  erected  on  the  opposite  side  of  the  main 
street,  but  the  memory  of  the  oldest  inhabitant  serves  only 
to  recall  their  use  as  a  plaything  for  the  boys. 

The  present  church  has  stood  sixty-one  years,  and  is  now 
in  an  excellent  state  of  preservation. 

These  grand  old  elms  that  so  beautify  and  adorn  the 
church  yard,  were  planted  in  the  year  1828,  when  the  Society 
appointed  a  committee  "to  procure  ornamental  trees  to  set 
about  the  meeting-house." 



If  we  have  to  thank  the  fathers  for  anything,  we  surely 
have  to  for  this  beneficent  act.  He  who  plants  a  tree  scarcely 
realizes  the  bounty  of  his  deed;  future  generations  will  rise 
up  and  call  him  blessed. 

The  aggregate  number  of  years  that  this  town  has  had  a 
meeting-house  for  the  worship  of  God,  is  208,  although  the 
society  is  but  183  years  old. 


In  its  183  years  of  life,  the  Society  has  had  eight  pastors. 
And  in  reviewing  the  record,  the  observer  is  struck  by  the 
conviction  that  it  has  been  wonderfully  blessed  in  the  selection. 

First  is  the  veteran  founder  of  the  Society,  Moses  Noyes, 
a  faithful  minister  to  Lyme  for  twenty-seven  years  of  the 
infant  life  of  the  settlement,  and  afterwards,  pastor  of  the 
church  for  twenty-eight  years. 

The  best  blood  of  England  was  the  best  blood  of  America; 
well  illustrated  in  the  case  of  Moses  Noyes,  who  was  the  son 
of  James  Noyes  of  Wiltshire,  who  was  the  son  of  William 
Noyes  of  Salisbury,  who  was  Attorney  General  of  England 
from  about  1608  till  after  1620,  whose  wife  was  sister  of  the 
Rev.  Robert  Parker,  "one  of  the  greatest  scholars  of  the 
English  Nation." 

James  Noyes  came  to  New  England  because,  as  Cotton 
Mather  says,  "he  could  not  comply  with  the  ceremonies  of 
the  Church  of  England."  He  had  two  sons,  James  and 
Moses.  James  ,  the  elder,  was  Moderator  of  the  Saybrook 
Synod  of  1708,  and  Moses,  himself  a  member  of  the  Synod, 
was,  according  to  Dr.  Bacon,  "a  man  of  great  and  extensive 
learning,  an  excellent  Christian,  and  a  judicious  divine." 


r  - 


He  was  followed  by  Samuel  Pierpont,  in  1722,  a  young 
man  of  great  promise,  son  of  Rev.  James  Pierpont  of  New 
Haven,  a  member  of  the  Saybrook  Synod,  the  one  who,  it  is 
said,  drafted  the  articles  of  its  platform;  who  also  laid  the 
foundations  of  a  "collegiate  school,"  which  afterwards  grew 
into  Yale  College.  "His  beautiful  and  gifted  daughter 
Sarah,"  as  Dr.  Bacon  says,  "a  great  granddaughter  of  Thomas 
Hooker,  was  like  a  ministering  angel  to  her  husband  (the 
great  President  Edwards),  that  wonderful  preacher  and 
theologian,  whose  name  is  to  this  day  the  most  illustrious  in 
the  history  of  New  England,  but  who  could  never  have 
fulfilled  his  destiny  without  her." 

Such  were  the  family  connections  of  Samuel  Pierpont, 
whose  short  pastorate  of  three  months  in  Lyme,  closed  with 
one  of  the  most  romantic  yet  sad  incidents  in  history. 

In  March,  1723,  he  crossed  the  Connecticut  river  to  Petti- 
paug,  now  Essex,  to  visit  his  lady-love  living  in  Middletown. 
The  ferriage  was  made  by  the  Indians,  in  canoes,  from  near 
Higgins'  wood  to  Ferry-point.  Returning,  young  Pierpont 
embarked  on  one  of  these  canoes,  and  had  nearly  crossed  the 
river,  when  a  sudden  squall  rendered  the  canoe  unmanage- 
able among  the  floating  ice,  and  finally  capsized  it,  when,  not 
being  able  to  swim,  he  was  lost,  although  his  Indian  guide 
saved  himself. 

This  was  Lyme's  shortest  pastorate. 

Next  came  the  theologian  and  revivalist,  Jonathan  Par- 
sons, in  whose  writings  we  learn  there  were  768  inhabitants  in 
the  parish  in  1735. 

The  parish  comprised  about  the  same  limits  as  at  present, 
the  north  society  having  been  formed  in  1727,  the  east  parish 



in    1719 — so   that,   since    1735,   this   parish   has   increased   in 
numbers  582. 
•  When  Whitefield  preached  in  Boston,  in  1740,  Parsons, 

from  the  strange  accounts  brought  to  him  of  the  man  and 
his  methods,  was  inclined  to  regard  him  with  distrust,  and, 
to  satisfy  himself,  made  the  journey  to  New  Haven,  and 
afterwards  to  other  places  where  Whitefield  preached,  to 
i  hear  him.  Acquaintance  with  the  great  preacher  undeceived 
him,  and  a  close  friendship  sprang  up  between  the  two  men, 
which  lasted  till  death. 

Tradition  says  Whitefield  came  to  Lyme  to  visit  Parsons, 
and  preached  to  the  people,  gathered  beneath,  from  the  great 
rock  in  the  rear  of  the  present  church;  and  this  tradition  is 
probably  correct,  for  he  was  a  great  friend  of  Parsons,  who 
was  dismissed  from  the  pastorate  of  this  church  in  1745,  and 
followed  the  fortunes  of  his  friend  till  his  death,  which 
occurred  in  Parsons'  own  house,  in  Newburyport,  Mass.,  on 
the  30th  of  September,  1770,  and  was  buried,  according  to 
his  own  desire,  in  front  of  the  pulpit  of  the  church  of  which 
Parsons  was  the  pastor. 

A  glance  at  Parsons'  itinerary  work  is  interesting.  About 
the  time  of  the  "great  awakening,"  several  pastors  united  to 
invite  him  to  preach  for  them.  He  did  so.  On  the  8th  of 
June  he  preached  at  Salem;  on  the  9th,  at  the  north  parish 
of  New  London.  From  thence  he  went  to  Norwich — thence 
to  Stonington  on  the  nth.  Returning,  he  preached  at  Gro- 
ton  on  the  12th,  Norwich  on  the  13th;  remained  there  over 
the  Sabbath,  when  there  was  a  powerful  exhibition  of  con- 
trition and  repentance  in  the  congregation.  On  the  15th  he 
preached  to  the  "new  society"  in  Norwich;  on  the   i6th  in 





New  London,  where  he  was  invited  by  Mr.  Adams,  whose 
church  was  divided  by  the  preaching  of  Davenport,  an 
inflamed  orator  against  everybody,  and  everything  not  in 
accord  with  himself. 

Mr.  Parsons  endeavored  to  promote  harmony  in  the 
churches,  and  establish  the  Word  in  its  purity  and  simplicity. 

A  singular  mania  possessed  the  people  of  Lyme  under  his 
preaching,  to  publicly  confess  their  sins.  We  find,  for 
instance,  a  record  of  July  ii,  1733:  one  "Thomas  Graves 
offered  a  confession  for  breaking  the  peace  and  contemning 

the  church,  which  was  accepted;"  "Jan.  9,  1732, 

made  and  offered  a  confession  for  giving  way  to  passion,  evil 
speaking,  and  intemperate  drinking,  which  was  read  and 
accepted."  Another  confession  was  made  by  a  woman  for 
abusing  her  neighbors. 

Many  confessed  the  sins  of  drunkenness,  fornication,  evil 
speaking,  railing  against  neighbors,  etc.,  etc.,  and  Mr.  Par- 
sons himself  read  a  confession  of  some  dereliction  of  duty,  in 
which  he  "severely  reflected  upon  himself." 

These  confessions  being  read  before  the  church,  the 
ofifending  members,  upon  expression  of  their  penitence,  were 
received  again  into  its  charity. 

Next  comes  the  longest  pastorate  of  the  eight,  stretching 
over  forty  years — the  most  trying,  in  many  respects,  of  the 
years  of  its  existence.  They  were  those  between  1746  and 
1786— those  years  that  mark  the  hardships  of  the  French 
and  Indian  war,  and  the  struggle  of  the  colonies  for  freedom 
from  the  oppression  of  the  British  crown. 

This  was  the  pastorate  of  him  whom  Bancroft  well  calls 
"the  incomparable  Stephen  Johnson." 



It  is  the  glory  of  this  town  and  of  this  society,  that  while 
among  its  pastors  it  has  numbered  one  whose  stirring  appeals 
awoke  not  only  the  people  of  this  town  to  righteousness,  but 
also  those  of  a  large  section  of  Connecticut  and  Massachu- 
setts, through  which  he  itinerated,  it  has  also  numbered  one 
whose  clear,  bold  eloquence,  coupled,  as  it  was,  with  a  search- 
ing, irresistible  logic,  discovered  to  the  people  of  New  Eng- 
land, God's  primal  heritage  to  man,  viz.:  freedom  from 
oppression,  and  the  inherent  right  to  worship  Him,  untram- 
meled  by  State  laws  or  the  decrees  of  kings. 

Nowhere  in  this  New  World  was  the  clarion  note  of  a 
people's  freedom  more  fearlessly  or  faithfully  sounded,  than 
from  the  pulpit  of  the  First  Congregational  Church  of  Lyme. 

'Twas  fitting  that  God's  minister,  while  teaching  the 
Fatherhood  of  God,  and  the  equality  of  man  before  him, 
should  proclaim  this  freedom;  and  the  patriot  breast  of  John- 
son, fired  with  a  noble  enthusiasm,  offered  itself  to  the  brunt 
of  regal  tyranny,  in  defending  and  encouraging  the  liberties  of 
the  colonies. 

The  next  longest  pastorate  is  that  which  has  so  lately 
closed.  Davis  S.  Brainerd  began  and  ended  his  ministerial 
life  in  this  church — a  life  which  was  given  to  the  work  of 
quiet  upbuilding  and  strengthening  of  the  kingdom  of  God. 
Under  his  pastorate  it  was  that  the  church  passed  through 
the  trials  of  the  late  war,  and  steadily  prospered  from  first 
to  last.  He  was  a  finished  scholar,  found  worthy  to  be 
enrolled  among  the  Fellows  of  Yale  College,  whose  faculty 
testified  their  deep  sorrow  at  his  death  by  their  presence  at 
the  funeral.  He  was  a  man  beloved  in  his  parish,  and  leaves 
blessed  memories  behind  him. 





There  is,  unfortunately,  no  record  of  church  membership 
during  the  ministry  of  either  Mr.  Noyes  or  Mr.  Pierpont — at 
least  none  that  has  come  to  light  as  yet;  but,  from  Mr.  Par- 
son's time  till  now,  the  total  membership  is  i  io8.  % 

The  largest  number  added  at  any  one  time  was  during 
Mr.  Parsons'  ministry,  in  1741,  when  148  members  were 
received,  and  during  his  entire  ministry  of  fifteen  years  he 
received  288  persons  into  the  church.  This  was  the  period 
of  religious  awakening. 

During  Mr.  Johnson's  ministry  of  forty  years,  there  were 
added  to  the  church  204  members.  This  was  the  exciting 
period  of  civil  and  political  commotion;  it  is  marked  by  the 
finger  of  war  in  all  its  length.  There  was  no  special  religious 
awakening  during  these  forty  years  of  colonial  struggle,  but 
a  steady,  slow  growth  throughout. 

In  1 8 17,  during  Mr.  Rockwell's  ministry — in  the  year 
when  the  present  meeting-house  was  finished — there  were  82 
members  received. 

In  1832,  under  Mr.  Colton,  there  were  23  additions. 

During  Mr.  Brainerd's  ministry  of  thirty-five  years,  there 
were  265  additions.  The  largest  number  received  in  any 
one  of  these  years  was  in  1858,  when  61  persons  were  added 
to  the  church. 

Since  January,  this  year,  there  have  been  added  to  the 
church  28  members — the  present  total  active  membership 
being  148. 

Thus  it  will  be  seen,  the  years  of  special  interest  were 
1741,  1817,  1832,  1858,  and  the  present — years  which  marked 
a  religious  interest  in  all  the  country.     1876  is  but  half  gone; 



may  we  hope  that  it  will  not  close  without  witnessing  large 
additions  to  the  church  of  Christ,  here  and  elsewhere,  of  such 
as  shall  be  saved? 

A  few  interesting  notices  in  regard  to  the  membership,  I 
will  cite  in  passing.  In  1740,  the  Society  appointed  a  com- 
mittee to  "seat  men  and  their  wives  together,"  thus  in  the 
year  of  the  "great  awakening"  the  old,  senseless  custom  of 
separating  husbands  and  wives  in  church,  was  broken  up. 

In  1798,  the  Society  set  apart  the  fore  seats  in  the  meet- 
ing-house for  the  use  of  "men  over  72  years  of  age,  and  women 
over  64."  In  reading  such  a  society  vote  as  this,  the  inquiry 
naturally  suggests  itself,  where  are  the  aged  men  and  women 

We  are  apt  to  think  there  was  a  larger  percentage  of  these 
venerable  ones  in  those  days  than  now.  Perhaps  there  was. 
Yet,  on  the  Centennial  4th  of  July,  there  was  one  man  on 
the  grounds,  entering  heartily  into  the  spirit  of  the  day,  whose 
age  is  86. 

Besides  him,  there  were  a  number  who  are  past  80,  while 
those  fathers  and  mothers  present  aged  between  70  and  80 
years  might  easily  be  mistaken,  from  their  youthful  bearing, 
for  men  and  women  in  the  prime  instead  of  in  the  decline  of 

It  seems  as  though  this  air  of  the  mountains  and  verdant 
plains  mingled  with  the  sea  breezes  has  a  wonderful  influence 
in  preserving  the  buoyancy  of  life.  Facts  seem  to  warrant 
the  saying  ascribed  to  Baron  Von  Humboldt,  that  the  health- 
iest district  in  the  United  States  is  the  stretch  of  coast  from 
the  Connecticut  river  to  Narragansett  bay.  Ponce  DeLeon, 
in  his  search  for  the  fountain  of  perpetual  youth,  was  seven 



hundred  miles  too  far  south,  when  he  entered  the  everglades 
of  Florida.  He  never  would  have  made  the  fatal  mistake  of 
entering  behind  "death's  curtains"  in  Florida,  if  his  brigan- 
tine  had  coasted  along  our  shores. 

Our  mothers  in  the  olden  time  braved  the  cold  of  winter, 
to  enter  a  church  unheated.  They  carried  with  them  their 
brass  foot-warmers,  and  ever  as  they  were  cooled,  had  them 
replenished  with  fresh  coals  from  the  neighboring  fire-places. 

Stoves  were  first  introduced  into  the  church  in  1829,  when 
the  stove-pipes  were  run  out  of  the  windows.  Not  without 
opposition,  however,  were  the  stoves  admitted,  yet  the  people 
seem  readily  to  have  become  reconciled  to  an  innovation  which 
soon  proved  itself  a  blessing. 

It  is  not  well  to  make  a  vain  parade  of  our  ancestry,  even 
though  it  be  noble;  nor  to  speak  boastingly  of  our  anteced- 
ents before  strangers;  yet,  in  the  family,  it  is  proper  and 
beneficial  to  recount  the  worthy  deeds  of  our  immediate  pre- 
decessors, and  to  speak  in  praise  of  memorable  men,  if  at  the 
same  time  we  inculcate  the  principles  upon  which  their  lives 
were  founded,  and  exhort  the  hearers  to  emulate  them. 

Inasmuch  then,  as  it  is  in  the  family,  let  me  recall  to  you 
the  fact  that  many  worthy  and  honorable  men  have  sat  in  the 
councils  of  this  church. 

In  the  meetings  of  the  Society,  and  serving  on  its  execu- 
tive committees,  we  read  the  names  of  those  whom  the  State 
and  the  whole  country  delighted  to  honor.  Men  whose  names 
are  linked  with  the  best  of  modern  times. 

That  the  race  of  noble  bloods  is  extinct,  we  cannot  for  a 
moment  believe,  but  alas!  alas!  they  are  very  much  hidden 
in  the  background  of  private  life.     Let  our  prayer  and  our 





endeavor  be  to  bring  them  to  the  light,  that  they  may  take 
the  active  part  in  our  politics  that  their  fathers'  did. 

And  here  let  me  urge  those  who  are  just  entering  upon 
manhood's  duties  to  heed  the  lives  of  these  men  of  old,  these 
giants  of  worth  and  of  work,  whose  deeds  beautify  history's 
page;  let  me  urge  you  to  emulate  them.  The  lesson  of  the 
past  will  be  lost  to  us,  and  our  rehearsal  of  its  worthy  deeds 
will  be  vain  parade,  except  we  profit  by  it  in  shaping  our 
lives  according  to  the  pattern  displayed.  Oh!  let  not  the 
story  of  the  past  be  fruitless.  But  let  the  seeds  of  honesty, 
integrity  of  purpose,  and  virtue  take  deep  root  in  your  hearts 
and  spring  forth  in  fruit,  such  that  the  coming  time  may 
recount  with  pride,  and  say  to  the  children  of  that  day,  as 
we  say  to  ours,  strive  to  imitate  the  virtues  and  the  activities 
of  the  fathers. 

During  the  183  years  of  this  church's  life,  it  has  been  offi- 
cered by  eighteen  deacons,  elected  for  life.  These  officers, 
no  less'  than  the  pastors,  have  contributed  to  the  permanent 
welfare  and  prosperity  of  the  church  by  their  uprightness  of 
character,  and  the  wisdom  and  justice  of  their  dealings. 


As  rapidly  now  as  I  may,  I  will  sketch  the  outline  of  the 
church's  life. 

When  the  country  was  almost  an  impenetrable  wilderness 
from  Saybrook  to  Boston,  and  the  Western  Nehantic  Indians 
associated  with  the  remnant  of  the  once  powerful  tribe  of 
Pequots,  held  this  whole  stretch  of  coast  as  their  own  pecu- 
liar property,  and  the  different  tribes  from  the  interior  came 
6  yearly  down  to  the  beach  to  feast  upon  clams  and  fish  and 



bathe  in  the  waters  of  the  Sound,  crossing  the  country  on  the 
top  of  the  ridge  known  as  Meeting-house  hills. 

When  these  dusky  warriors  battled  with  each  other,  and 
especially,  with  the  white  man  whom  they  regarded  as  an 
unwarranted  intruder,  then  it  was  that  a  party  of  resolute 
men  crossed  the  Great  River  and  formed  a  settlement  here. 
Then  it  was  that  the  pioneer  preacher,  Moses  Noyes,  minis- 
tered to  them  in  the  little  log  meeting-house  on  the  hill,  and 
after  27  years  of  labor,  formed  the  First  Congregational 
Church  of  Lyme. 

By  the  laws  of  Connecticut,  the  church  Society  was 
authorized  to  tax  the  people  for  its  support,  and  empowered 
to  collect  said  taxes  before  the  courts.  There  seems  to  have 
been  no  trouble  about  the  collection  of  these  taxes  until  the 
year  1738,  when  the  Society  excepted  from  its  levy  "all  those 
persons  called  Baptists." 

At  what  time  the  Baptists  were  here  first  in  any  strength, 
it  is  difficult  to  determine,  but  about  the  year  1727  Mr.  Noyes 
was  much  troubled  by  the  preaching  of  their  peculiar  tenets 
here,  and  conferred  with  Cotton  Mather  of  Boston,  who  came 
to  Lyme  at  that  time,  in  regard  to  it,  and  they  jointly  held  some 
discussion  with  the  Baptists,  who,  however,  continued  to 
increase,  and  were  exempted  in  1738  from  taxation  to  support 
the  Congregational  Church. 

Religious  liberty  began  to  dawn  in  the  colonies,  and  the 
right  of  their  own  form  or  method  of  worship  seems  to  have 
been  easily  and  gracefully  granted  to  the  Baptists  in  Lyme, 
by  the  Congregationalists,  who  were  then  the  dominant  sect. 

In  1792,  we  see  a  still  greater  advance  of  religious  liberty. 
Heretofore,  a  tax  had  been  levied  to  support  the  ministry,  but 



in  this  year  the  pews  of  the  church  were  sold  for  this  purpose. 
'^^'  The  idea  was,  that  only  those  who  enjoyed  the  privilege 

should  be  obliged  to  pay  for  the  Gospel.  But  such  was  the 
effect  of  the  good  old  training  of  families  in  religious  ways, 
that  the  church  was  crowded,  and  the  new  method  of  sup- 
porting the  ordinances  gained  in  favor  each  year,  although 
it  was  some  time  before  the  formal  levy  of  a  tax  perished 
from  sight. 

One  important  epoch  in  the  history  of  this  church  was 
that  of  the  "great  awakening,"  in  1740,  to  which  time  we 
can  look  back  with  pride  and  pleasure,  as  we  recognize  in 
the  pastor,  Parsons,  one  of  the  great  preachers  of  that  great 

The  next  great  period  of  the  church's  history  is  that  of  the 

Into  that  struggle  this  church  entered,  with  clear  knowl- 
edge as  to  its  probable  hardships ;  but  the  men  who  had  planted 
the  standard  of  Christ  in  the  face  of  a  savage,  opposing  nation, 
were  not  the  ones  to  draw  back,  or  to  yield  their  liberties. 

This  Society  gave  to  the  Continental  Army  officers  and 
men  freely,  and  among  them  was  one  of  the  four  celebrated 
Connecticut  fighting  chaplains. 

It  is  interesting  and  instructive  to  glance  at  the  financial 
condition  of  the  country  at  that  time,  as  displayed  by  our 
Society  records.  The  depreciation  of  the  currency  of  the 
country,  after  the  late  War  of  the  Rebellion,  has  been  lamented 
by  some  people  in  the  most  extravagant  terms,  they  freely 
asserting  that  no  parallel  could  be  found  in  history.  The  fact 
is,  it  was  as  nothing  compared  with  the  depreciation  of  the 
old  bills  of  credit  issued  during  the  French  and  Indian  War, 




and,  especially,  with  the  depreciation  of  the  paper  money  of 
the  Revolution. 

We  find  that  this  Society  paid  its  pastor,  in  1782,  twenty- 
five  dollars,  in  these  bills  of  credit,  for  every  one  dollar  of 
"lawful  money"  due  to  him,  so  that  a  dollar  of  that  depre- 
ciated currency  was  worth  just  four  cents.  |i~l 

Another  item  of  interest  is  this.  In  1776,  silver  was 
worth  two  dollars  per  ounce.  It  is  now  worth  one  dollar 
per  ounce.  It  has  shrunk  in  value,  in  the  last  hundred  years, 
just  one-half,  and,  at  the  present  rate  of  production,  it  looks 
as  though  it  would  shrink  at  least  ten  times  as  much  in  the 
next  hundred  years. 

The  next  period  was  one  of  peace  and  retrenchment  of 
expenses,  broken  in  upon  by  that  ripple  of  trouble — the  War 
of  1812, 

In  175 1,  wharfs  were  built  on  the  Lieutenant  river,  near 
the  bridge,  for  the  landing  of  the  ships  engaged  in  the  West 
India  trade,  whose  cargoes  were  stored  in  large  warehouses 
built  on  the  shore;  but,  up  to  the  close  of  the  Revolution,  our 
merchantmen  were  constantly  harassed  upon  the  ocean,  after 
which,  however,  Lyme  was  a  thriving  mart  of  trade.  Wealth 
poured  into  the  town,  not  only  from  this  source,  but  also  from 
the  great  transatlantic  passenger  lines  of  ships,  many  of  whose 
captains  were  natives  of  Lyme,  who  adorned  their  town  with 
beautiful  and  commodious  dwellings,  in  some  of  which  their 
children  live;  in  others,  they  themselves  (having  laid  down  the 
burden  of  active  life)  are  now  spending  a  well-earned  time 
of  quiet  and  repose. 

The  next  period  was  one  when  the  tocsin  of  war  again 
aroused  the  people  into  bustling  activity.     This  time  it  was 


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not  a  foreign  foe  who  invaded  our  coasts,  but  one  of  those 
internal  retchings  and  contortions  which  a  nation,  working 
out  its  liberties,  must  undergo,  shook  the  States  from  sea  to 

With  a  quick  patriotism,  worthy  of  any  time,  the  people 
ran  the  Stars  and  Stripes  to  the  masthead;  and,  as  of  yore,  this 
Society  supplied  men  and  money  to  the  government  to  sus- 
tain the  shock  of  war.  She  sent  men  who,  by  their  valor, 
earned  the  shoulder-straps  on  the  field;  and  she  gave  a  coun- 
sellor to  the  nation,  whose  heart  was  so  true,  whose  judgment 
so  clear,  that  his  merits  have  been  publicly  recognized  by  all 
the  people. 

And  now  is  the  time  of  peace  once  more.  Like  a  ship  on 
the  sea,  buffeting  with  the  waves,  and  anon  gliding  over 
crystal  waters,  again  being  tossed  in  the  hurricane,  weather- 
ing the  gales,  and  sailing,  once  more,  the  smooth  sea,  so  this 
Society,  born  in  the  lap  of  struggle,  has  sustained  the  shock 
of  every  trial  that  has  shaken  the  country  for  the  past  200 
years;  and,  constant  to  the  truth,  in  whose  name  it  was  organ- 
ized, has  steadily  triumphed  over  every  obstacle  and  reverse, 
and  stands,  today,  a  united  brotherhood. 

Disruptions  have,  for  a  time,  occurred  to  mar  the  harmony 
of  its  peace;  but  forgivings  and  forgettings,  and  submerging 
of  personal  feelings  in  the  common  central  love  to  Christ  our 
Lord,  have  made  us  one  people — an  inseparable  church. 

The  bond  of  union,  in  the  past,  has  been  Christ  and  his 
love.    Shall  it  not  be  the  bond  for  ever? 

Shall  the  heroism  of  the  fathers,  their  devotion  to  their 
country,  to  their  families,  to  their  God,  die  with  the  record? 
Forbid  it.  Almighty  God! 




Shall  we  not  reproduce  to  the  world,  by  the  help  of  God, 
what  was  noble  and  true  in  them,  and  give  to  future  history 
a  record  as  unimpeachable  as  that  of  the  past?  || 






On  July  Jrd  19U4,  the  church  erected  in  1817  was  burned  to  the  ground 
and  many  of  the  surrounding  elms  were  thus  destroyed,  The  church  was  re- 
erected  in  the  course  of  the  of  the  suceeding  two  years.  The  illustrations  in 
this  book  show  the  old  original  church  and  the  new  replica  as  well. 















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The  following  pages  are  for  the 
purpose  of  making  personal 
memorandum  concerning  tradi- 
tions or  incidents  in  connection 
with  the  Sill  family,  thus  pre- 
serving them  in  condensed  and 
permanent  form. 







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