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^m  M.Macgregor 


Moulton  Library 

Presented  "by  the 
Rev.  Robert  Howard 



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Only  for  Jesus: 




JvII^SIONHRY  m  cpiiNH. 


Li:\vis    MuxRO,   Dingwall. 



Rev.  J.   H.  Wilson,   D.D., 


Only  for  Jesus ! 

Pulse  of  all  cfladness,  and  nerve  of  endeavour, 
Secret  of  rest,  and  the  strength  of  our  strife  !" 

—F.  R.  II  aver  (J  al. 

^Scconb    (Bbltion. 

London:  S.  W.  PARTRIDGE  c^  CO.,  0  Paternoster  Row. 
Dingwall:  LEWIS  MUNRO,  Koss-suire  Journal  Office. 


This  little  Memoir  is  published  in  the  belief  that,  with 
the  blessing  of  God's  Spirit,  it  is  fitted  to  do  good. 
What  is  lacking  in  stirring  incident,  will,  it  is  hoped, 
be  considered  more  than  compensated  for  by  the  whole- 
hearted consecration  and  missionary  zeal  that  breathe 
throughout  the  life  recorded. 

It  has  been  attempted,  as  far  as  possible,  to  make 
the  subject  of  the  book  relate  his  own  stor3^,  and 
express  his  own  sentiments,  the  author's  duty  being 
mainly  that  of  presenting,  in  a  connected  form,  the 
materials  at  his  disposal. 

Whatever  profits  may  be  realised  on  this  edition  will 
be  handed  to  Mrs.  Macgregor,  the  widowed  mother  of 
the  young  missionary. 

DiNCJWALL,    AlKJUst,    1888. 


*'  Only  for  Jesus  "  has  met  with  a  gratifying  reception, 
the  First  Edition  having  been  sold  out  in  two  months. 
The  Second  Edition  is  issued  with  the  prayer  that  the 
book  may  continue  to  be  used  by  the  Holy  Spirit. 

February,  1889. 


II EV.    J.    H.    WI  LSO  X,    D.  D., 


I  HAVE  much  pleasure  iu  complying  with  the  request 
of  my  friend,  Mr.  Munro,  that  I  should  write  a  few 
words  of  preface  to  this  little  book,  which  is  possessed 
of  the  deepest  and  most  thrilling  interest,  and  I  am 
sure  needs  only  to  be  known,  iu  order  to  assert  a  place 
for  itself  among  other  records  of  earnest  and  devoted 
Christian  life  and  work. 

The  •'  Memorials  "  are  necessarily  brief,  and  mere  or 
less  fragmentary,  but  they  amply  suffice  to  show  God's 
wonderful  way  of  accomplishing  His  purpose  in  pro- 
vidence and  in  grace.  It  is  often  remarked  that,  when 
the  children  of  godly  parents  wander  out  of  the  way, 
they  go  further  and  more  hopelessly  astray  than  others  ; 
but  this  allegation  receives  an  emphatic  contradiction  in 
the   case  before   us,  which  shows  the  unspeakable  value 

8  Introductory  Note. 

of  early  Christian  training  in  recovering  to  faith  those 
who  have  lost  it,  and  in  laying  the  foundation  of  high 
Christian  attainment  and  eminent  usefulness  in  after 
life.  I  have  read  few  narratives  of  the  kind,  which  more 
signally  illustrate  the  grace  of  God,  and  His  faithfulness 
to  His  promise. 

The  deliverance  of  the  young  sceptic  from  the  power 
of  unbelief  may  seem  to  some  to  have  turned  on  a  very 
slight  circumstance.  But  it  should  be  borne  in  mind 
that  that  was  preceded  by  an  intelligent  acquaintance 
with  the  Word  of  God,  and  by  many  Christian  influences 
of  a  helpful  kind,  so  that  a  ver\^  simple  occasion,  through 
the  Spirit's  working,  might  suffice  to  turn  the  tide,  and 
bring  about  a  radical  change. 

Tlie  saying- — "Every  Christian  a  missionary  !"  cannot 
be  too  often  reiterated,  or  illustrated  in  too  great  a 
variety  of  instances.  It  holds  good  alike  in  the  case  of 
peer  and  peasant.  It  is  God's  call  to  each  of  His 
redeemed  people.  And  the  way  is  equally  open  to  men 
like  Lord  Shaftsbury  and  to  the  humblest  Christian 
tradesman.  It  is  striking  to  find  a  young  artisan,  in 
a  quiet  country  town  in  the  north  of  Scotland,  without 
anything  beyond  a  common  school  education,  after  his 
heart  has  been  touched  by  the  love  of  Christ,  throwing 
himself  into  the  thick  of  work  in  the  great  world  of 
London,    at    street    corners     and    under    railway    arches 

Introductory  Note.  9 

attacking  the  very  citadel  of  Satan's  kingdom,  pressing 
Christ  on  the  acceptance  of  the  careless  and  ungodly, 
and  dealing  with  the  clever  secularist  on  his  own  ground, 
and  then,  having  his  heart  drawn  out  to  tlie  heathen 
world,  and  ending  his  days  in  the  service  of  Christ  in 
China.  '  What  he  and  men  like  the  late  Dr.  James  Hen- 
derson of  China  accomplished,  any  young  Christian 
peasant  or  artisan,  with  the  requisite  gifts,  may  aspire  to. 
I  am  persuaded  that  some  of  the  Lord's  best  gifts  to  His 
Church,  in  these  days,  will  be  found  among  those  be- 
longing to  these  classes,  largely  self-educated  perhaps, 
but  men  of  energy,  persistency^  and  good  judgment. 

I  do  not  see  how  we  can  hope  to  evangelize  the 
waste  places  in  our  large  cities  at  home — f;ir  less  the 
hundreds  of  millions  of  heathen  and  Mohammedans  and 
Jews  abroad,  except  by  the  utilizing,  to  a  far  larger 
extent,  of  men  of  the  class  and  stamp  of  young  Mac- 
gregor.  One  service  which  ]\Ir.  Hudson  Taylor  has 
done,  in  connection  with  the  China  Inland  Mission, 
apart  from  the  direct  work  itself,  has  been  to  show 
that,  in  addition  to  the  indispensable  staff  of  regularly 
trained  missionaries,  the  door  is  open  to  men  of  strong 
faith  and  competent  gifts,  from  every  class  of  societ3\ 

The  removal  of  such  men,  at  the  very  threshold  of 
what  seemed  a  great  life-work,  is  very  mysterious. 
And  yet  we  are  nut  to  think  of  them  as  having  failed, 

lO  IntrodiLciory  Note. 

as  regards  the  end  to  which  their  lives  had  been  con- 
secrated. It  has  only  been  accomplished  in  a  different 
way.  So  it  was  with  the  beloved  Henry  Martyn.  By 
the  story  of  his  life  and  labours  and  early  death,  Henry 
Watson  Fox  of  Masulipatam,  and  others  of  like  spirit, 
were  led  to  take  up  the  colours  w4iich  had  fallen  from 
the  young  missionary's  hand.  So  it  was  with  Dr.  Alex- 
ander Duff's  early  college  friend  Urquhart,  who  had 
consecrated  his  life  to  the  service  of  Christ  among  the 
heathen.  Urquhart's  purpose  was  unfulfilled,  but  his 
early  removal  called  forth  in  his  stead  one  of  the 
greatest  missionaries  of  modern  times.  And  we  can 
hardly  doubt  that  the  simple  narrative,  which  this  book 
contains,  of  the  brief  life  and  scarcely  begun  missionary 
labours  of  William  Maggregor,  will  fire  the  hearts 
of  other  young  men,  in  his  native  town  and  country, 
and  in  other  lands,  to  serve  themselves  heirs  to  his 
faith  and  zeal  and  burning  desire  to  help  on  the  coming 
of  Christ's  Kingdom. 

The  book  is  fitly  entitled  "  Only  for  Jesus."  That 
furnishes  the  key  to  a  life  that  to  some  may  appear 

"  You  are  going  very  far  away,"  said  a  friend  to  a 
young  missionary's  wife  who  was  leaving  for  Japan. 

'■'•  Yes,"  was  the  reply,  '•  it  would  be  very  fiir  to  go, 
for  anything  else,  but  it  is  not  too  far  to  go /or  Jems  T 

Introductory  Note.  1 1 

The  last  proof  sheets  have  been  sent  to  me  for  perusal, 
while  spending  an  autumn  holiday  in  the  Upper  Engadine. 
I  cannot  well  express  the  deep  emotion  with  which  I 
have  read  the  closing  chapter.  It  is  a  beautiful  story 
of  grace,  and  one  can  but  pray  and  hope  that  in  many 
of  our  family  circles,  as  in  this  case,  one  member  after 
another  may  be  brought  into  the  kingdom  of  God,  till 
"  not  a  hoof  shall  be  left  behind." 

J.  H.  W. 




Birth — Leaving  Home  for  First  Time — Apprenticeship 
— Itinerancy — Death  of  a  Brother — Unreal  Piety 
— Kindness  to  Parents — Groes  to  Edinburgh — 
Becomes  a  Sceptic — Proceeds  to  Newcastle — 
Becomes  an  Abstainer — Applying  for  Work — 
Miraculous  Escape — Proceeds  to  London — Ex- 
tracts   from    Letters,         .  .... 


Visit  Home — Circulates  Infidel  Literature — Sudden 
Conversion  and  Open  Confession — A  young 
Brother's  Scepticism — Progress  in  the  Divine 
Life — Return  to  London — The  Young  Convert's 
First  Letter,         ....... 



Enthusiesm  in  Christian  Work — A  Fellow-Townsman's 
Testimony — Earnest  Remonstrances — How  to 
Read  the  Bible — How  Sabbath  was  Spent — 
Indisposition — Solicitude  for  a  Sister's  Salvation, 


Open- Air    Preaching — Work    in    Common     Lodging- 
Houses — Testifying     for    Jesus     on     Pentonville 

T  4  Contents. 


Road — First  Thoughts  of  Becoming;  a  Missionary 
—  Death  of  a  Christian  Brother — Eldest  Sister's 
Conversion — Strong  Natural  Feelings — How  he 
Spent  his  Time— Flight  of  Time,  and  Reality  of 
Eternity — Changed  Views  on  Baptism — Pleading 
with  his  Younger  Brother — Solicitude  for  Norman 
Ross,    .........         42 


Definite  Decision  to  be  a  Missionary — The  Claims 
of  China — An  Entire  Night  of  Prayer — Not 
Increased  in  Worldly  Goods  —  Pleading  with 
Youngest  Brother — Declining  Interest  in  Ordi- 
nary News — A  Day  in  the  Country — Bitter 
Memories — One  Subject  Occupying  his  Thoughts 
— Testimony  in  View  of  Death,  ...         55 


Time,  Eternity,  and  Perishing  Millions  of  Chinese  — 
Strong  Arguments  with  his  Parents — Letter  to 
his  Sister — Passing  Examinations — Last  Visit 
Home — Final  Parting  with  Friends — Tom's  Con- 
version— Sudden  Conversions — Incidents  at  Edin- 
burgh,   66 


Journey  to  London — Joy  over  Tom's  Conversion — 
Going  to  China  alone,  yet  not  alone — Commission 
and.  Marching  Orders — An  Affecting  Letter — 
Leaving  London — Stormy  Voyage  across  the 
Channel — Arrival  in  Paris,  ...  '         .  76 


A  Sid  Sight — Doing  S(  metliing  for  the  Master  by  the 
Way — Impression    of    Lyons    and    Marseilles — A 

Contents.  1 5 

Sabbath  on  the  Mediterranean — Romanist  and 
other  Fellow-Passengers — Personal  Keflections — 
Naples,  Vesuvius,  and  Etna — Perfect  Peace — 
Preaching  Jesus  to  Fellow-Paasengers,  .         .         85 


A  Joyful  Surpiise — Stay  at  Port  Said — Through  the 
Suez  Canal  pnd  the  Red  Sea— Colombo — Falling 
Asleep  on  Deck — Marvellous  Escape  from  Sun- 
stroke— Sadden  Recovery — Fervent  Gratitude,     .         96 


After-Reflections  on  Escape  from  Sunstroke — Testi- 
mony at  a  Missionary  Meeting  in  China— Earnest 
Letters  to  Tom  and  his  Mother,  .         .         .        104 


Impressions  of  Ceylon — In  a  Buddhist  Temple — The 
Holy  Books — Preaching  Jesus  to  Buddhist 
Priests — In  the  Tropics — Man  Overboard — A 
Sabbath  in  Singapore — Sigon — Setting  his  Eyes 
on  China — European  Influence  a  Curse  to  the 
Heathen — Welcome  at  Shanghai — Arrival  at 
Gan-K'ing, 110 



Can-K'ing — Studying  the  Language — Adopts  the 
Chinese  Dress — Letters  to  Fellow-Labourers  in 
London —  Impressions — Chinese  Superstition 
and  Idolatry — Exceeding  Joy  fulness — Words  of 
Caution — Last  Appeal  to  Youngest  Sister — How 
to  Lead  Meetings — Meeting  with  Mr  Hudson 
Taylor— Prospective  Work,  and  Threatened 
Pangers,        .  , 121 

1 6  Coulenis, 



Anywhere  with  Jesus  — Growing  Sanctification — Hot 
Weather—  The  Lord  Jesus  more  than  Conpensao- 
ing  for  all  Suffering — Progress  in  the  Language — 
A  Devastating  Flood — Holy  Ghost  Power  the  one 
Requisite  for  Missionaries — A  Land  without 
Sabbaths — Joyful  Anticipation  of  going  to 
Euang-Se — Thoughts  of  Friends  and  Home — 
Only  for  Jesus — Foreign  Devils — His  Last  Letter 
— Diligence  in  Study — Postscript  Counsel,  .         .      LJl 


Going  in  to  see  the  King — Illness — Patiently  Endur- 
ing the  Will  of  the  Lord — Departing  Conscious- 
ness— Knowing  Jesus,  and  Pointing  to  the  Skies 
— The  name  of  Jesus — Testimonies  by  Fellow- 
Missionaries — The  Funeral— Letter  from  Native 
Teacher— Letter  from  Mr.  Protheroe — Testimony 
by  Mr.  Broom  hall, 144 


Triumphant  Deaths  of  Father  and  Annie — Illness  of 
Tom — Extracts  from  Tom's  Letters — Christian 
Fortitude  and  Resignation  in  Suffering — A  Pen- 
sive Effusion — Intimating  Seriousness  of  Illness  to 
the  Sufferer — Posthumous  Letter  to  Former 
Companions — Seventy  times  Sevenfold  Forgive- 
ness— Longing  to  go  Home — Triumphing  in  the 
Hour  of  Death — Legacies  of  Comfort  to  Friends 
— Conversion  and  Death  of  Johannah — Closing 
Remarks,      ........       159 





^^ILLIAM  ^lACGUEGOR  was  bora  of  respect- 

^^     able     parents,     at     the     now     well-known 

>]Vf^Vlr)     St^'^tlU^^ffer   Spa,  Ross-shire,  on    April    21, 

X^te~"i      1854,  and  ended  his  earthly  career  at  Gan- 



K'ing,  China,  on  October  29,  1882.  The  family 
removed  from  Strathpeflfer  to  the  neighbouring  town  of 
Dingwall,  when  young  Macgregor  was  in  his  third  year. 
His  early  days  were  passed  uneventfully.  As  a  boy  he 
was  thoughtful,  affectionate,  and  frolicsome.  No  special 
l^ains  were  bestowed  upon  his  education,  which  was 
received  at  the  Dingwall  Free  Church  School.  The  cir- 
cumstances of  the  family,  indeed,  required  that  he  should 
cease  attending  school  at  the  age  of  fourteen,  and  enter 
upon  a  life  of  toil.     As  a  schoolboy  he  took  a  spirited 


1 8  Only  for  Jcs^ts. 

part  in  all  the  games  of  the  playground,  was  a  keen 
cricketer,  and  attained  the  position  of  "  Captain  "  of  the 
'•  Greenhill  Club.*'  A  keen  sense  of  humour,  if  mellowed 
in  later  life,  never  left  him ;  and  he  used  to  relate,  with 
glee,  amusing  incidents  connected  with  his  early  life. 

At  fourteen  years  of  age,  Macgregor  was  hired  to  go' 
to  Aberdeen  to  take  charge  of  a  gentleman's  pony 
and  phaeton.  Here  he  remained  for  eight  months.  It 
was  the  first  occasion  on  which  he  left  home,  and  from 
this  time  forward,  notwithstanding  strong  family  attach- 
ments, he  scarcely  ever  knew  what  it  was  to  live 
with  his  friends  for  any  protracted  period.  On  return- 
ing from  Aberdeen,  he  began  an  apprenticeship,  as  a 
carpenter,  with  his  father,  subsequently  entering  the 
employment  of  another  townsman.  All  who  have  read 
Huo;h  Miller's  "  Schools  and  Schoolmasters  "  know  that 
the  occupation  of  a  Highland  mason  or  carpenter 
involves  much  hardship  and  itinerancy.  Highland 
towns  are  few  and  small,  and  employment  has  to  be 
sought  at  the  numerous  country  residences,  shooting- 
lodges,  and  farm  steadings,  and  in  districts  often 
remotely  situated,  The  conditions  of  life  have  vastly 
improved  since  Miller's  time,  but  the  lot  of  the  Highland 
workman,  who  is  shifted  from  country  place  to  countrj^ 
place,  is  still  far  from  enviable.  Macgregor,  in  following 
his  occupation,  had  a  full  share  of  these  changes,  and  he 
did  not  like  them. 

Still  worse,  he  was  all  the  while  a  wanderer  in  the 
'•  far  country,"  though  it  cannot  be  said  that  "  he 
wasted  his  substance  with  riotous  living."  Morally,  his 
life  was  correct  and  honourable.  He  was  respected  by 
his    employer   and    fellow-workmen    as    a    craftsman    of 

DcatJi  of  Eldest  Brother.  19 

expertness  and  skill,  and  a  very  companionable  fellow. 
As  a  son  and  brother  he  was  kind  and  dutifal — loving 
and  loved.  Probably  had  his  course  ended  at  this 
time  his  friends  would  have  entertained  the  hope  that 
his  latter  end  was  peace.  Not  only  was  his  character 
unblemished,  but  his  letters  were  not  destitute  of  pious 
utterances.  Strong  emotion  often  makes  men  evince  a 
piety  that  is  not  deep-rooted  or  abiding.  They  may  not 
wish  to  deceive  others,  but  they  are  themselves  deceived. 
Macgregor's  piety  of  1882  is  as  wide  apart  from  that  of 
1872  as  the  poles  are  asunder.  Natural  feelings  make 
him  transiently  pious  in  1872  ;  Christ  Jesus,  living 
and  reigning  in  his  heart  by  faith,  makes  a  wholly- 
consecrated  man  of  him  in   1882. 

In  December  of  1872  his  eldest  brother,  Charles,  was 
smitten  down  by  small-pox,  and  the  already  aged  father 
went  south  to  minister  to  the  dying  son.  The  disease 
ended  fatally  in  a  few  days,  and  news  of  the  sad  event 
was  sent  back  to  the  sorrowing  family  in  Dingwall. 
William  Macgregor,  in  replying  to  his  father's  letter, 
after  telling  of  the  grief  experienced  at  home,  writes  : — 

"  We  are  in  such  a  state  we  do  not  know  what  to  do 
or  say.  .  .  .  It  has  been  the  Lord's  will  to  take  our 
dear  one  from  us.  .  .  .  Our  desire  is  to  lay  his  body 
beside  the  loved  ones  who  have  gone  before,  if  that  be 
possible ;  but  the  Lord's  will  be  done.  .  .  .  May 
God  bless,  guide,  and  protect  you,  my  dear  father." 

He  could  also  discuss  preachers.     Writing  on  Novem- 
ber 10,  1873,  t)  his  father,  who  was  then  working  in  the' 
country,  he  says  :  — 

20  Only  for  Jcsiis. 

'■'■  The  Rev.  Mr.  Munro,  Maryburgh,  was  buried  in 
Fodderty  Churchyard  to-day.  There  is  no  word  of  our 
own  minister  [Rev.  Dr.  John  Kennedy,  then  absent  on  a 
tour  in  quest  of  health  in  America]  coming  home  yet. 
We  have  meanwhile  an  excellent  substitute  in  Dr.  Hugh 
Martin.     I  hr>>,ve  never  heard  a  finer  preacher." 

To  his  mother,  about  this  time,  he  wrote  from  the 
country : — 

"  I  hope  the  lassies  are  good  and  kind  to  you.  You 
must  try  to  be  cheerful.  As  our  dear  departed  Charlie 
used  to  say — 

"  '  What  is  the  use  cf  repining-, 

For  where  there's  a  will  there's  a  way?' 

"  Father  was  asking  how  I  liked  this  place.  I  hate  it. 
.  .  .  We  have  had  very  bad  weather  for  the  last 
week.  We  have  been  wet  to  the  skin.  .  .  .  Love 
to  Tom.*  Tell  him  I  am  very  proud  of  his  taking  two 
prizes  at  school.     May  God  bless  you  all." 

Macgregor's  obligations  to  his  parents  were  not  dis- 
charged with  mere  expressions  of  affection.  The  letter 
concludes  with  a  postscript  intimating  the  inclosure  of 
an  order  on  his  employer  "  for  a  few  pounds."  It 
was  thus  with  him  in  his  unconverted  days,  and  after 
his  conversion  there  was  certainly  no  cha-  ge  for  the 
worse.  In  after  life,  in  London,  he  occasionally  ex- 
perienced what  it  was  to  be  out  of  employment.  His 
chief   regret    at    such  times    was    his    inability   to    help 

*  His  youngest  brother— a  lad  of  very  brilliant  parts,  who  died  in  London  in 
1885— and  who  is  frequently  r v.  f erred  to  in  these  pages. 

Becomes  a  Sceptic.  2 1 

his  parents,  who  were  now  becoming  infirm.  When 
his  heart,  at  a  kter  period,  was  set  on  devoting  his 
life  to  missionary  work  in  China,  it  was  the  intensity 
of  his  zeal  fur  God's  service,  and  the  salvation  of 
perishing  millions  of  heathen,  together  with  the  consi- 
deration that  the  .younger  members  of  the  family  were 
growing  np,  and  were  likely  to  bear  the  family  burden, 
that  must  have  enabled  him  to  make  the  heroic  decision 
he  did. 

From  Ross-shire  he  j^roceeded,  in  July  of  1876,  to 
Edinburgh,  there  to  try  his  fortune.  Here  his  earl}'' 
"goodness"  melted  away  "as  a  morning  cloud  and 
the  early  dew."  He  attended  meetings  of  the  Christa- 
delphians — a  sect  who  deny  the  deity  of  Christ — 
and  there  learned  his  first  lessons  in  atheism.  He  caused 
his  companions  intense  concern  by  openly  avowing 
himself  an  atheist,  and  sneering  at  things  he  had  been 
taught  to  regard  as  sacred.  Possessing  a  vigorous 
and  inquiring  mind  he  progressed  rapidly  in  his  new 
views,  and  afifected  a  supercilious  and  boastful  air 
when  religious  questions  were  being  discussed.  Con- 
currently with  his  changed  sentiments  in  regard  to 
revelation,  a  process  of  moral  deterioration  set  in,  happil}*, 
however,  arrested  ere  he  had  pursued  to  any  extent  a 
life  of  folly.  In  this  unsatisfactory  state,  after  spending 
some  time  in  Edinburgh,  Macgregor  proceeded  to  New- 
castle-on-Tyne.  The  irregularity  of  habits  begun  in 
Edinburgh  were  for  a  time  continued  in  Newcastle. 
Here,  however,  becoming  alarmed,  he  became  a  total 
abstainer,  and  remained  such  to  the  end  of  life.  He 
became  a  warm  supporter  of  the  Good  Templar  move- 
ment,  and  it   was  in  connection   with  this  work  that  his 

2  2  Only  fo7^  Jcsiis. 

powers  as  a  fluent  and  imj^ressive  speaker  received  their 
first  development. 

In  applying  for  work  at  one  of  the  Newcastle  shops  he 
met  with  an  amusing  rebuff.  In  the  smaller  towns  of 
Scotland  there  is  of  necessity  less  sub-division  of  work  in 
the  various  trades  than  obtains  in  the  cities,  where  men 
are  trained  to  the  manufacture  of  a  very  limited  class  of 
articles.  Thus,  a  joiner  who  is  an  expert  at  door- 
making,  may  know  nothing  of  window-frame  making. 
Macgregor  had  had  experience  in  all  branches  of  his 
trade,  but  he  had  yet  to  learn  that  it  would  not  be 
advantageous  to  profess  too  much. 

"  What  can  j^ou  do  %  "  asked  the  foreman, 

"  Anything,  sir,"  was  the  ingenuous  reply. 

"  You  are  far  too  clever  for  us  ! "  w\as  the  sarcastic 
retort,  and  the  applicant  walked  away. 

Before  applying  at  the  next  shop,  Macgregor,  with 
characteristic  Scottish  caution,  took  care  to  ascertain  in 
what  particular  line  trade  was  briskest,  which  he  found 
to  be  door-making. 

"  What  can  you  do  %  "  was  again  the  question. 

"  Make  doors,  sir,"  was  the  philosophic  reply. 

After  being  engaged  at  door-making  for  some  time  the 
\York  was  nearly  exhausted,  ^vhen  Macgi'egor  suggested, 
with  some  trepidation,  that  he  could  also  make  window- 
frames.  Whatever  incredulity  this  gave  rise  to  was 
removed  when  he  was  permitted  to  make  the  experiment. 

While  in  Newcastle  he  had,  what  may  be  termed,  a 
miraculous  escape.  He  had  been  fitting  window  sashes 
at  a  height  of  about  seventy  feet  from  the  ground. 
The  slight  scaffolding  on  which  he  was  working  sud- 
denly   gave    way,    and    he    fell    a   distance    of   between 

Miraculous  Escape. 

forty  and  fifty  feet,  on  aii  awning  covering  sculptors 
wiio  were  at  work  underneath.  The  awnino;  was 
crushed  in,  but  it  broke  the  fall,  and  enabled  two 
of  the  sculptors  to  seize  hold  of  him  before  being- 
precipitated  to  the  bottom.  Though  considerably 
bruised  and  shaken  he  was  soon  able  to  be  at  work 
again.  During  the  erection  of  the  same  building  several 
fellow-workmen  were  killed.  What  impression  the 
circumstance  made  on  Macgregor's  mind  at  the  time  is 
not  known ;  but,  in  after  days,  when  brought  to  his 
'•'  right  mind,"  he  felt  profoundly  thankful  to  God  for 
His  preserving  care. 

From  Newcastle,  early  in  1878,  he  proceeded  by 
steamer  to  London,  there  more  fully  to  develop  his 
sceptical  opinions,  He  soon  became  a  well-known 
exponent  of  materialistic  views  to  the  crowds  of  young 
men  who  throng  the  "  Midland  Arches,"  King's  Cross. 

His  letters  home  reveal  no  diminished  affection,  but 
are  in  strong  contrast  with  those  he  was  so  soon  to  pen. 
At  this  time  home  news  and  London  sight-seeino-  filled 
up  the  entertaining  pages  ;  a  little  later,  as  we  shall 
see,  his  letters,  more  copious  and  frequent,  were  toned 
with  intense  and  affectionate  solicitude  for  the  spiritual 
well-being  of  the  individual  members  of  his  family.  The 
local  news  and  the  sights  of  London  gave  place  to 
accounts  of  the  work  of  God,  in  which  he  was  heartily 

One  or  two  brief  extracts  may  be  given  from  his  letters 
in  1878,  as  indicative  of  his  state  of  mind  at  that  time 
(though  he  seems  studiously  to  have  avoided  reference 
to  his  sceptical  opinions).  Writing  to  his  mother  ho 
says  : — 

24  Only  for  Jesus. 

"...  A  thousand  thanks,  dear  mother,  for  your 
kind  present.  They  fit  me  to  a  nicety.  It  was  very 
kind  of  you  to  send  them  all  this  long  way.  I  really 
wish  I  were  in  a  position  to  do  something  for  you — that 
I  could  express  my  feelings  in  acts,  in  fact.  Do  you 
know,  mother,  I  often  feel  sad — grieved — when  I  think 
of  you  all  at  home.  Of  late  I  often  have  an  irrepressible 
desire  to  be  at  home  once  more  among  you.  I  do  not 
think,  if  spared,  it  will  be  long  before  I  do  come  home. 
However,  never  mind  that  just  now  :  it  can't  be  for  a 
little  while  yet. 

''  I  spent  my  holiday  at  the  Alexandra  Palace.  My 
word,  it  is  a  glorious  spot  !  Beautiful  !  I  spent  the 
whole  day  in  the  grounds.  .  .  .  And  there  are  the 
Crystal  Palace  and  grounds  !  Oh,  such  a  grand  building 
and  lovely  grounds  !  The  job  I  am  working  on  just 
now  is  within  a  stone-throw^  of  Buckingham  Palace." 

Here  is  an  extract  from  another  letter.  The  tints  are 
not  so  bright  : — 

"  My  dear  Mother, — Please  excuse  me  for  not  writing 
you  before  now.  I  would  have  done  so,  but  that  I  was 
putting  it  off — as  I  am  out  of  work  for  a  fev/  days — till  I 
get  a  start.  I  have  not  got  one  yet,  but  I  hope  soon  to 
have.  It  is  not  for  the  w^ant  of  looking.  I  have  been 
walking  round  the  houses  all  day,  but  things  are  so  dull 
— nothing  doing  in  the  trade.  However,  I  am  bour.d  to 
have  a  job  somewhere.     .     . 

"  I  was  down  at  Woolwich,  and  saw  the  wreck  and 
scene  of  the  disaster,  and  brouglit  home  with  me  a  bit 
of  the  paddle-box  of  the  rrinccss  Alice,  just  where  the 

A    Terrible  Catastrophe. 


Byivell    Castle    struck    her.     Oh,    it  has  been   an    aAvfiil 
aflfair  !" 

The  terrible  catastrophe  referred  to,  in  which  many 
hundreds  of  persons  lost  their  lives,  took  place  on 
Tuesday  evening,  Sejjtember  3,  1878. 




cJ^^^N  the  31st  of  December,  1878,  Macgregor  sur- 
^|l|j^l|  prised  his  friends  at  home  by  unexpectedly 
AvJy/  appearing  among  them.  While  they  rejoiced 
t^'^'^  to  see  him,  they  were  shocked  at  the  now 
unconcealed  change  in  his  religious  views.  He  ^Yas 
scornful  of  all  things  sacred,  and  though  he  consented 
to  attend  Church  on  the  succeeding  Sabbath,  lie  turned 
his  attendance  there  into  an  occasion  for  jesting  at  the 
truth  preached.  He  had  gone  further  even  than  this. 
He  brought  with  him  from  London  a  parcel  of  infidel 
literature,  with  the  intention  of  disseminating  sceptical 
views  among  his  old  companions,  several  of  whom  had 
come  under  the  influence  of  divine  grace.  Boastful  in 
his  infidelity  and  eager  to  bring  others  under  the  baneful 
spell,  he  at  once  began  the  work  on  which  his  heart  was 
set.      But    Gud  had   other    purposes  in  view,    and    Mac- 

Conversation  with  Norman  Ross.        27 

gregor  was  not  many  days  at  home  when  the  Holy  Spirit 
used  means  to  dispel  his  scepticism,  and  to  bring  him,  in 
genuine  contrition,  to  the  feet  of  Jesus.  The  means 
employed  were  not  such  as  man  would  have  thought  ade- 
quate. The  incident  may  itself  seem  trivial,  '•  but  God 
hath  chosen  the  foolish  things  of  the  world  to  confound  the 
wise ;  and  God  hath  chosen  the  weak  things  of  the  world 
to  confound  the  things  which  are  mighty,  .  .  .  that 
no  flesh  should  glory  in  His  presence." 

With  his  set  purpose  in  view  he  attacked  a  former 
associate  and  school-fellow — Norman  Ross,  then  recently 
converted,  and  studying  at  the  time  for  mission  work  in 

A  remark  made  by  Macgregor  to  Ross  indicates  his 
state  of  mind  at  this  time,  and  also  his  ardent  tem- 
perament. The  remark  has  a  significance,  too,  for 
professing  Christians. 

'•  Do  you  mean  to  tell  mo,"  he  asked,  "'  that  if  you 
I'cally  believed  that  all  who  pass  up  and  down  this 
street  will  be  eternally  lost  if  they  do  not  trust  in 
Jesus  Christ,  you  could  sit  down  so  quietly,  and  show 
no  more  concern  than  Christians  usually  do  ?  Why, 
if  I  could  only  believe  what  you  profess  to  believe  I 
would  go  out  and  stop  the  people  in  the  street  to 
tell  them  of  their  danger." 

This  was  exactly  what  he  did  a  little  while  after, 
and  it  became  a  daily  habit.  In  the  work-shop, 
on  the  street,  and  in  the  railway  carriage,  he  sought 
opportunity  to  interest  his  fellow-men  in  the  concerns 
of  their  souls'  salvation.  "  Many  a  time,"  writes  one, 
"  have  I  seen  him,  Mith  that  sweet,  happy  smile  of 
peace    un    his    countenance,  plead    with    some  passer-by 

28  Only  for  Jesus. 

whose  attention  he  had  previously  secured  by  means 
of  a  tract." 

But  to  resume  the  story.  A  long  but  friendly  argu- 
ment ensued  between  Macgrc-gor  and  Ross,  of  which 
only  the  concluding  part  is  known.  They  had  been 
arguing  on  the  point  of  whether  man  is  wholly  or  only 
partially  sinful.  Ross,  who  had  been  maintaining  that 
''  whosoever  shall  keep  the  whole  law,  and  yet  offend  in 
one  point,  he  is  guilty  of  all,"  recalling  the  fact  that 
Macgregor  was  an  ardent  advocate  of  Good  Templary, 
said — 

"  Why,  man,  you  are  a  Good  Templar,  but  if  you  take 
a  small  sip  of  whisky  what  becomes  of  your  pledge  ]  Arc 
you  a  Templar  any  longer  T 

''I  see  it!  I  see  it!"  replied  Macgregor,  thoughtfully. 

"  Thank  God,"  said  Ross,  surprised  at  the  sudden 
change  in  his  friend's  manner  ]  "  but  what  do  you  see  %  " 

'•  I  see  that  I  am  a  lost  sinner,  and  that  there  u  a 

The  result  was  as  gratifying  to  Ross^  as  it  was  sur- 
prising. There  and  then,  after  further  conversation  and 
prayer,  Macgregor  was  led  to  accept  the  Lord  Jesus 
Christ  as  his  personal  Saviour.  How  comjDlete  was  his 
surrender  to  Christ,  and  how  devoted  his  allegiance  to 
His  service,  succeeding  pages  will  tell.  Between  the 
two  companions,  so  strangely  brought  together  that  day, 
a  deep  brother-like  affection  sprung  up  which  lasted 
throughout  life,  and  which,  we  cannot  help  thinking, 
has  been  perpetuated  and  deepened  in  the  glory,  into 
which  both  were  in  so  short  a  time  to  enter. 

Norman  Ross's  heart  was  full  of  China  and  its  evan- 
gelisation,    and     it     is     touching    to    know    that     amid 

Putting  tJic  Jiand  to  tJic  Plough. 

declining  health  and  the  straitened  circumstances  it 
induced,  he  bravely  strove  with  his  studies,  if  by  any 
means  he  might  be  qualified  for  missionary  work  in 
that  vast  heathen  country.  It  was  Ross's  passion  in  the 
matter,  possibly,  that  give  the  original  bias  to  ^lac- 
gregor's  future  course. 

Macgregor  made  no  secret  of  the  radical  change  in 
his  sentiments,  and  from  the  first  took  up  a  bold 
attitude  in  witnessing  for  Him  whom  he  had  so  lono- 
and  bitterly  blasphemed.  On  parting  with  Ross,  he  at 
once  told  the  good  news  to  his  astonished  friends  at 
home.  They  scarcely  knew  what  to  make  of  it.  They 
were  incredulous,  but  hopeful.  The  change  in  his  con- 
duct was  undoubted,  but  the  transformation  was  so 
sudden  they  dreaded  it  might  prove  ephemeral.  Not 
so  Macgregor  himself.  xA.s  soon  as  he  found  his  feet 
in  the  narrow  way,  he  became  a  swift  runner  in  the 
course,  and  his  pace  never  faltered.  His  career  was 
brief,  but  in  it  there  were  no  loiterings  and  no  back- 
slidings.  That  he  had  his  share  of  imperfection  cannot 
be  doubted,  but  from  the  moment  he  put  his  hand  to 
the  plough  he  was  never  known  to  look  back.  His 
path  from  the  first  was  steadfastly  "  Upward,  onward, 
homeward,  heavenward — looking  unto  Jesus." 

After  informing  his  parents  of  the  change  wrought 
in  his  soul  by  the  Holy  Spirit,  he  at  once  gathered 
together  the  infidel  literature  he  had  brought  north, 
and  consigned  all  to  the  flames — not  all,  however,  for 
his  youngest  brother,  Tom,  a  boy  singularly  pre- 
cocious, and  of  a  speculative  mind,  had  appropriated 
some  of  the  pamphlets.  Tom's  mind  was  at  this  time 
unfortunately    only   too    susceptible    to    confirmation    in 

30  Only  for  Jcsiis. 


sceptical  ideas.  These  ideas  were  originally  suggested 
to  his  own  mind  by  what  he  considered  the  inconsis- 
tency of  the  average  professing  Christian,  as  compared 
with  the  ideal,  and  were  strengthened  by  discussions 
with  others  who  held  more  pronounced  opinions.  What 
Macgregor's  self-reproachings  must  have  been,  may  be 
imagined,  when  he  discovered  that  his  own  young- 
brother,  for  whom  he  entertained  a  peculiar  affection, 
liad,  after  his  departure,  been  too  surely  confirmed  in 
scepticism  by  the  perusal  of  the  booi^s  that  escaped 
the  fire.  It  needed  much  prayer  to  God  and  earnest 
personal  remonstrance  to  undo  the  mischief.  The 
answer  to  prayer  was  for  a  time  delayed,  but  when 
granted,  the  younger  Macgregor  became  as  marked  for 
his  piety  and  zeal  as  his  elder  brother. 

A  few  days  after  his  conversion  Macgregor  called  upon 
the  late  Rev.  Dr.  John  Kennedy,  the  pastor  of  his  boy- 
hood, to  whom  he  revealed  the  change  that  had  taken 
place.  Dr.  Kennedy,  after  conference,  commended  him 
in  prayer  to  the  grace  of  God. 

Macgregor's  stay  at  home  was  prolonged  for  a  week 
or  two,  during  which  he  was  an  earnest  student  of  his 
Bible.  He  was  observed  to  be  much  in  prayer  during 
the  remainder  of  his  visit,  and  occupied  his  time 
mainly  in  taking  long  solitary  walks  in  the 
neighbourhood.  Though  modest  and  retiring  during 
that  period,  his  trust  in  God  was  bright  and  pronounced. 
He  was  making  very  perceptible  progress  in  the  divine 
life,  and  to  intimate  friends  he  spoke  of  little  else  than 
his  newly-found  hope.  Tliose  who  cared  not  for  these 
things    soon    learned    to    shun    his    companionship.      At 

TJic  Convert's  First  Letter,  xi 


home  his  affections  deepened  and  mellowed,  and  his  life 
there  was  characterised  with  abounding  joy  and 
self-forgetfiilness.  The  leave-taking,  on  his  return  to 
London,  was  keenly  felt  both  by  his  parents  and 

The  following  letter,  written  to  his  mother  imme- 
diately after  his  arrival  in  London,  forms  a  contrast  to 
the  extracts  with  which  the  first  chapter  is  concluded. 
We  should  mention  that  his  friend  Norman  Ross  bad 
meanwhile  also  left  Din^-wall  and  returned  to  Ediubur<>h. 
The  young  convert  writes  : — 

*'  21  Mabledon  Place, 
^'EusTON  Road,  London,  W.C. 

"  My  dear  Mother, — I  trust  this  note  may  find  you 
all  in  health.  Tiianks  be  to  God  our  Father,  who  has 
brought  us*  to  our  journey's  end  in  safety. 

"  When  \ve  got  to  Edinburgh  Norman  was  at  the 
station  meeting  us,  and  after  ascertaining  that  wo 
could  break  our  journey,  we  resolved  to  stay  all  that 
day  and  night  in  Edinburgh.  And,  oh,'  I  was  so 
glad  that  I  did  stay,  for  we  had  a  splendid  time  of  it — 
speaking  about  Jesus — and  not  only  about,  but  vAih 
Jesus.  I  could  not  tell  you,  although  I  should  try, 
dear  mother,  how  I  enjoyed  that  short  season,  and  how 
it  strengthened  me  in  the  faith. 

"  Dear  mother,  tell  father  to  be  remembering  me 
when  he  approaches  the  Throne  of  Grace. 

"  I  saw  D.  M.  in  Edinburgh.  He  is  a  find  lad,  and 
a  real  Christian.     I  also  saw  and  had  a  talk  with  A.  M. — 

*  A  companion  travelled  with  him, 


Only  for  Jesus. 

he  is  a  gem  of  a  Christian.  And  poor  dear  Norman 
was  so  kind  to  me.  Oh,  I  love  Norman  as  a  brother. 
He  loves  the  Lord  with  all  his  heart,  and  one  cannot 
help  loving  those  who  love  Him  who  did  so  much  for  us. 
"  We  left  Edinburgh  at  half-past  ten  on  Wednesday 
night,  and  got  into  London  about  half-past  eight  next 
morning.  .  .  .  We  are  just  going  to  bed  ;  we  got 
scarcely  any  sleep  since  we  left  home,  and  are  quite 
done  up." 

The  letter  concludes  with  affectionate  remembrances 
to  all  his  friends  at  home,  and  expressions  of  solicitude 
for  a  companion  in  whose  spiritual  well-being  he  was 
deeply  interested. 









p^RRIVED  in  London,  Macgregor  at  once  plunged 
\iMm^  into  Christian  work  witli  all-consuming  enthusi- 
IM/W  '^^^^^'  ^^  i^'^^ich  so  that  his  fellow- workmen,  and 
companions,  among  whom,  we  have  reason  to 
believe,  he  was  formerly  a  general  favourite,  could  not 
understand  the  change.  One  of  them,  indeed,  wrote  to 
friends  in  the  North,  that  Macgregor,  in  his  earnestness, 
had  ''gone  out  of  his  mind  !  "  It  was  the  old  story.  The 
"  world  "  can  appreciate  enthusiasm  in  ever}'  direction 
but  one.  "  And  wdien  His  friends  heard  of  it,"  we  read 
of  Christ  Himself,  "  they  went  out  to  lay  hold  on  Him, 
for  they  said,  "He  is  beside  Himself"  (Mark  iii.  21); 
others  said,  "  He  hath  a  devil,  and  is  mad  "  (John  x.  20). 
''  Paul,  thou  art  beside  thyself ; "  exclaimed  Festus, 
"  much  learning  doth  make  thee  mad  "  (Acts  xxvi.  24). 


34  Only  for  Jesits. 

"  We  are  fools  for  Christ's  sake,"  is  Paul's  own  admission 
(1  Cor.  iv.  10);  and  his  defence  is — "For  whether  we 
be  beside  ourselves,  it  is  to  God  ;  or  whether  we  be  sober, 
it  is  for  your  cause/'  (2  Cor.  v.  13).  A  few  weeks  pre- 
viously Macgregor  had  left  London  a  boastful  sceptic, 
he  returned  subdued  and  changed^  and  with  his  zQ^al 
running  in  new  channels.  The  change  was  marvellous. 
"  They  went  out  to  see  what  was  done  ;  .  .  .  and 
found  the  man,  out  of  whom  the  devils  were  departed, 
clothed,  and  in  his  right  mind  ;  and  they  were  afraid  " 
(Luke  viii.  35). 

The  thoroughness  of  the  change  is  thus  testified  to 
by  a  fellow-townsman  : — 

"  Our  beloved  departed  brother,  Mr.  William  M.  Mac- 
gregor, and  I  were  brought  up  in  the  same  Scottish 
burgh,  and  attended  the  same  class  in  the  Sabbath 
School.  At  that  time  neither  of  us  knew  the  Lonl. 
When  I  next  met  him  it  was  in  London.  I  had  been 
converted  about  four  years  previously,  and  having  ascer- 
tained his  address,  I  went  to  speak  to  him  of  the  things 
concerning  his  soul's  welfare.  In  our  conversation,  if  he 
mentioned  God,  he  would  add,  '  If  there  be  a  God.' 

"  One  thing  struck  m.e  much.  He  said,  '  If  I  believed 
that  there  was  a  hell  I  would  go  and  tell  every  person 
I  met  of  his  danger.'  I  took  out  my  Testament,  and 
he  took  out  his  '  Tom  Paine.'  After  a  little  time  I  left 
him,  and  thought  his  was  about  the  hardest  case  I  had 
ever  met  with. 

"  A  few  months  subsequently  I  was  surprised  by  his 
calling   on   me.      He  said  he  came  to   apologise   for  the 

Pitblicly  Confessing  Christ.  35 

manner  in  which  he  had  treated  me  on  the  occasion  of 
my  visiting  him.  With  great  joy  he  told  me  of  liis 
conversion,  and  of  the  surpassing  love  of  Christ.  We 
then  fell  on  our  knees,  and  he  poured  out  his  heart 
unto  God  with  such  fervour,  thankfulness,  praise,  and 
humility  that  I  almost  felt  awed  in  his  presence.  I 
had  known  Jesus  long  before  he  had,  but  I  was  humbled, 
and  ashamed  that  I  knew  so  little,  in  comparison  with 
him,  of  the  sweetness  and  gladness  of  the  love  and 
presence  of  Jesus.  He  had  found  not  only  salvation, 
but  also  the  abiding  presence  of  the  Lord  Jesus  to 
comfort  and  sustain  him  at  all  times." 

On  the  first  Sabbath  in  London  after  his  conversion 
he  visited  the  "  Midland  Arches,"  King's  Cross,  where 
he  had  so  frequently  joined  with  others  in  denying  and 
blaspheming  God,  and  there  publicly  declared  that  his 
views  had  been  completely  changed,  that  he  was  now 
converted  to  God,  and  boldly  avowed  his  allegiance  to 
the  Lord  Jesus  Christ  and  His  cause. 

He  joined  the  Goldington  Crescent  Presbyterian 
Church,  of  which  he  afterwards  became  one  of  the 
''•  managers,"  and  under  the  stimulating  j)astorate  of 
the  Rev.  Mr.  Wofi'endale,  whose  self-denying  labours 
and  open-air  preachings  in  and  around  King's  Cross  are 
well-known  in  the  district,  he  threw  himself  with 
great  enthusiasm  into  all  the  aggressive  work  carried 
on  ill  connection  with  Mr.  Woftendale's  congregation. 
Every  Sabbath  afternoon  he  \vas  to  be  seen  telling  forth 
the  merits  of  the  Saviour  he  has  so  recently  learned  to 
love,  to  the  thousands  who  gathered  round  the  Bandstand 
in    Regent   Park.     From    Regent    Park   it    was  his  cus- 


6  Only  for  Jes2i. 

torn  to  proceed,  at  a  later  hour,  to  engage  in  similar 
work  at  tlie  Cobden  Statue,  Camden  Town.  In  the 
winter  months,  when  open-air  preaching  was  impossible, 
Mr.  Woffendale  rented,  for  religious  services  during  week- 
day evenings.  King's  Cross  Theatre,  where  Macgregor, 
under  the  leadership  of  his  pastor,  and  in  company  with 
a  baud  of  like-spirited  Christian  workers,  found  congenial 
employment.  Earnestly  engaged  in  this  and  other  work 
of  a  like  nature,  and  with  many  tokens  of  God's  favour,, 
the  months  passed  happily  by. 

A  few  extracts  from  his  letters  will  indicate  his  rising 
spiritual     temperature.       Writing    to    his    mother,    he 

says  : — 

"  Mother,  when  we  come  to  our  dead-bed,  when 
we  feel  the  coldness  of  death  coming  over  us,  when, 
perchance,  our  friends  who  may  be  standing  around  us 
are  weeping,  and  we  can  scarcely  see  them,  and  their 
voices  are  sounding  as  far  away,  and  we  are  slipping 
away  into  eternity — oh,  mother,  if  in  that  hour  we  are 
going,  we  know  not  where — if  our  weary  souls  are  not 
resting  on  Christ — then,  oh,  what  a  fearful  state  to 
stand  in  before  the  bar  of  God.  .  .  .  God  saj^s, 
'  To-day,  if  you  will  hear  my  voice,  harden  not  your 
hearts';  '  Now^  is  the  accepted  time;  now  is  the  day 
of  salvation.' " 

To  his  youngest  brother  he  writes,  on  April  8th, 
1879,  after  speaking  of  the  unsatisfactory  state  of  trade, 
and  the  long  distance  he  had  to  walk  to  and  from  his 
work  : — 

"It  is,  however,  good  to  have  something  to  do;  and, 

How  to  Read  the  Bible.  3  7 

my  dear  brother,  it  is  a  grand  and  glorious  thing  to 
know  we  have  God  as  our  Father,  and  Jesus  as  our 
Friend  and  Elder  Brother.  .  .  .  Trusting  every- 
thing to  Jesus  we  are  in  a  position  to  feel,  and  to 
understand,  and  to  be  comforted  by  the  many,  many 
promises  in  the  blessed  Word,  that  God  will  never  leave 
us  nor  forsake  us.  .  .  .  Just  read  the  37th  Psalm 
(prose).  .  .  .  Tom,  my  dear  brother,  he  seeking 
Jesus.  .  .  .  Give  my  love  to  David  [the  now  only 
surviving  member  of  the  family,  besides  his  mother] 
tell  him  to  read  the  5th  and  Gth  chapters  of  Romans, 
and  study  what  Paul  says.  Love  to  my  father  and  my 
mother,  and  also  to  Annie  and  Johannie.  I  have  a 
lot  to  tell  3'ou,  but  must  be  done  to-night.  Good  night, 
boys  !  May  God  bless  you  all.  I  am  praying  to  my 
Father  for  you  all  every  time  I  think  of  you." 

Ten  days  later  he  writes  to  his  brothers,  intimating 
that  his  health  was  not  good,  and  that  he  was  out  of 
work  : — 

''  But  '  the  Lord  is  my  Shepherd  ;  I  shall  not  want ' ! 
Thank  God  for  His  loving-kindness  to  us  in  times  gone 
by.  And  we  know  that  whosoever  puts  his  trust  in  the 
Lord  Jesus  Christ  alone  will  never  want  any  good  thing 
(Psalm  xxxiv.  9,  10;  and  again  Phil.  iv.  19).  Praise  God 
for  his  mercy.  .  .  .  Why  I  write  to-day  is  because 
I  noticed  the  paper  (enclosed)  in  the  window  of  the 
office  of  the  Fountain,  and  thought  one  of  you  two 
boys — or  both  of  you — might  try  to  win  the  prize. 
Even  tliough  you  do  not  succeed,  the  searching  of 
the  Scriptures  would  do  ycu  good.  If  you  do  try,  I 
will  give  you    one    advice  :  every   time  you    open  your 


8  Only  for  Jes2is. 

Bibles  to  look  for  anything,  go  down  on  your  knees,  and 
lift  up  your  hearts  to  God  in  prayer  that  He  may  do  for 
you  ^Yhat  Jesus  did  for  the  two  men  with  whom  He 
walked  to  Emmaus — that  he  may  open  the  Scriptures 
to  you.  .  .  .  My  dear  brothers,  trust  in  Jesus.  Do 
not  make  any  preparation,  but  just  say,  'Lord  Jesus, 
save  me,  or  I  perish.'  " 

The  advice  here  given,  to  kneel  down  and  ask  God's 
blessing  before  reading  the  Bible,  was  the  regular 
practice  of  Macgregor  himself,  and  may  have  accounted 
for  his  deep  spiritualit3^  In  learning  the  Chinese 
language,  this  trait  much  impressed  his  native  teacher. 

A  month  later  (in  May)  he  writes  that  he  has  found 
employment,  but  tliaL  its  continuance  is  uncertain. 
The  undercurrent  of  sadness  is  pardonable.  Discipline 
was  doing  its  salutary  work: — 

'•  R.  J.  is  still  with  me.  Oh,  he  has  lots  of  kind 
friends — cousins  and  many  other  relatives — to  whose 
house    he  is  constantly   going  either    to  dinner  or    tea. 

Mr and  Mr are  among  his  backers.     But,  my 

dear  brother,  we  have  One  to  hack  us,  with  whom  such 
as  these  are  not  worthy  to  be  compared — even  Jesus. 
We  have  the  Father,  Son,  and  Holy  Spirit.  Are  we  not 
truly  blessed  1  I  am  always  praying  to  our  Father  that 
He  may  so  bless  you  that  you  may  be  enabled  to  find 
that  true  peace  and  joy  which  pass  all  understanding. 
And,  oh,  Davie,  be  sure  to  ask  our  blessed  Lord  to  save 
every  one  of  our  sisters  and  brothers,  and  all  who  are 
near  and  dear  to  us.  Then  what  a  glorious  future  to 
look  forward  to — when  our  work  on  earth  is  done,  that 

Hozu  Sabbath  zuas  Spf.nt.  39 

we  should  all  meet  together,  and  be  with  Jesus  for  ever 
ill  that  Heavenly  Home,  where  there  will  be  no  more 
sorrow  or  trial.  .  .  .  May  God  grant  that  we  shall 
all  meet  in  the  Celestial  City. 

"  '  In  the.brii;ht  beyond  the  river, 
Where  the  surges  cease  to  flow.' 

"  I  may  tell  you  how  I  employ  my  time  on  the 
Sabbath.  Well,  I  go  first,  at  10  a.m.,  to  the  Young- 
Men's  fellowship  meeting,  in  Regent  Square ;  at  11 
A.M.,  to  Church,  till  1  p.m.  ;  then  at  a  quarter  from  3 
till  4  I  teach  a  class  in  the  Sabbath  School  ;  next  I  attend 
a  teachers'  meeting  ;  then  go  to  Church  again,  and 
2,enerally  end  with  an  open-air  service,  of  which  I  shall 
tell  you  more  again." 

The  foregoing  will  give  an  idea  of  Macgregor's  state 
of  mind  during  the  summer  months  of  1879.  His 
health  was  not  quite  satisfactory  during  this  period,  and 
caused  himself  and  his  friends  some  anxiety.  In 
December  he  writes  : — 

"  I  have  not  gone  to  a  physician  as  yet,  but  I  intend 
to  do  so  as  soon  as  I  can.  I  have  a  bad  cough,  and 
have  had  it,  I  may  say,  ever  since  I  came  back  to 
London.  .  .  .  Oh,  dear  mother,  let  us  take  all  our 
griefs  to  Jesus,  our  dearest  Friend,  who  is  ever  ready  to 
hear  and  to  help  us." 

On  December  15,  1879,  Macgregor  wrote  to  one  of 
his  brothers  as  follows.  A  comj^arison  of  the  extract 
with  his  letters  of  six  months  previous  will  show  that 
lie  was  growing  spiritually  : — 

40  Only  for  Jesus. 

''  I  hope  you  will  forgive  me  [for  delay  in  writing] 
when  you  know  that  I  am  about  my  Father's  business. 
I  hope  you  are  growing  in  grace,  my  clear  brother. 
Oh,  Davie,  keep  close  to  Jesus.  Be  constantly  praying 
to  God.  Prayer  will  make  the  devil  give  way.  Prayer, 
Davie,  is  the  bell-rope  reaching  from  earth  to  heaven, 
and,  if  by  faith  you  lay  hold  ou  this  rope,  you  can 
ring  the  bell  in  heaven.  Oh,  my  brother,  think  of  the 
glorious  privilege  we  have  of  communing  with,  and 
receiving  a  welcome  and  blessing  from,  the  mighty 
and  everlasting  God.  ,  .  .  Oh,  thank  God  that 
Jesus  shed  His  precious  blood  that  guilty  sinners  such 
as  we  miiiht  have  life.  '  Thanks  be  to  God  for  His 
unspeakable  Gift! '  .  .  .  I  send  you  one  of  my  caries. 
.  .  .  I  look  a  little  happier  than  in  the  carte  last 
taken.  Now,  may  the  grace  of  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ, 
and  the  blessing  of  God  the  Father,  and  the  sweet 
communion  and  fellowship  of  the  Holy  Spirit  rest  upon 
and  abide  with  each  and  every  one  of  you  all  evermore. 
Amen,  and  amen." 

In  January  of  1880  he  was  still  anxious  about  his 
health,  and  had  obtained  medical  advice.  The  symptoms, 
he  believed,  were  alarming,  and  for  several  days  he 
thought  his  life  was  in  the  balance.  While  still  in  ill- 
health,  and  out  of  work,  he  did  not  forget  his  friends. 
His  heart  broods  over  their  spiritual  well-being.  He 
wrote  to  his  younger  sister  on  February  10th,  1880, 
that  his  health,  though  unsatisfactory,  was  improving. 
He  begins  the  letter  (as  became  his  almost  invariable 
custom  afterwards)  by  prefacing  it  with  a  verse  of 
Scripture  : — 

Praying  for  his  Sister.  41 

"  Seek  ye  the  Lord,  while  he  may  be  found  ;  call  ye  upon  ) 
Him  while  He  is  near."  )" 

"My  dearest  sister,  Jo,  —  .  .  .  I  am  prajiug  for 
yon,  that  God's  Holy  Spirit  may  work  in  yonr  heart, 
and  make  yon  feel  yonr  need  of  the  Saviour.  Oh,  Jo, 
I  will  never  be  .truly  happy  until  every  one  of  my 
brothers  and  sisters  are  safe  in  the  fold  of  the  Good 
Shepherd.  My  dear  sister,  while  you  are  young  give 
Aoiir  heart  to  Jesus.  He  is  willing,  and  able,  and 
ouxious,  to  save  you  ;  .  ,  .  and  instead  of  your 
old  and  wicked  heart,  He  will  give  you  a  new  and 
clean  heart— a  heart  of  obedience  to  Himself.  That 
God  may  help  and  bleso  you,  Jo,  is  the  prayer  of  your 
affectionate  brother, 

"  Willie. 

"P.S. — I  wish  I  could  say  'your  brother  in  Jesus.' 
Write  me  soon,  and  tell  me  what  you  are  thinking 
about  your  soul." 





>5^^S  1880  sped  Oil  its  wa\',  it  found  Macgregor  '-'in 
w/lW?  l^^^OL^i's  more  abundant."  The  work  of  soul- 
^'NmV  S'^ving  with  him  became  a  passion.  His  interest 
4^J?i  in  the  thousands  of  young  men,  who,  careless 
and  indifferent  as  to  their  eternal  welfare,  thronged  the 
streets  on  Sabbath,  was  very  great.  He  felt  that  the 
most  likely  means  of  reaching  them  was  by  declaring  in 
manly  tones  the  simple  narrative  of  the  i)lan  of  salvation 
at  the  corners  of  busy  thoroughfares.  Whilst  walking 
alung   Pentonvillc    Koad    one    evening  with    a    friend  to 

open- Air  PreacJiing.  43 

■whom  he  was  much  attached — Dr.  Parry,  now  of  the 
China  Inland  Mission,  but  then  a  medical  student  in  the 
London  Hospital — he  suddenly  said  : — 

"  What  a  splendid  spot  for  an  open-air  meeting  ! 
What  do  you  say  if  we  lust  testify  for  Jesus  here*?" 

Mr.  Parry  cordially  assented,  and  so,  without  further 
preliminaries,  the  young  men^  in  felt  weakness, 
but  in  humble  dependence  upon  God's  help,  took 
up  their  stand  at  the  corner  of  Claremont  Square  and 
Pentonville  Pioad.  Taking  off  their  hats,  they  asked 
God  to  send  them  those  whose  hearts  He  had  prepared 
to  receive  the  truth,  and  at  the  conclusion  of  the 
prayer  a  goodly  number  of  people  had  gathered,  to 
whom  they  declared  the  gosj^el  message.  At  the 
close  of  the  meeting  several  persons  came  forward 
to  shake  them  warmly  by  the  hand,  and  to  thank 
them  for  their  words  of  life  and  hope ;  and  at  the 
request  of  several  Christians  they  agreed  to  hold  a 
similar  service  there  every  Sabbath  evening.  Thus  was 
begun  a  work  for  God  v.diich  He  has  blessed  to  the 
salvation  of  many  souls.  Afterwards  they  held  the 
meeting  on  the  other  side  of  the  Pentonville  Road, 
opposite  a  large  public-house,  and  adjoining  the  North 
London  Secular  Society's  Hall,  by  the  members  of  which 
much  hostility  was  shown. 

"I  shall  never  forget,"  says  his  brother,  who  fur- 
nishes the  above  particulars,  "  coming  to  this  meeting 
with  my  dear  brother,  on  the  first  Sabbath  evening  after 
my  arrival  in  London,  in  August,  1881.  This  was  the 
first  time  I  had  seen  him  since  he  had  left  home  after  his 
conversion,  and   the   change   in   him    was  wonderful.     I 

44  Only  for  Jesus. 

felt  the  truth  and  force  of  a  remark  made  by  one  who 
was  led  into  the  liberty  of  the  truth  by  his  preaching, 
"  Ah,  the  glory  of  Heaven  shines  in  that  young  man's 
face  !  " 

Macgregor's  success  as  an  evangelist  v/as  undoubted. 
Mr.  Broomha,!],  secretary  of  the  China  Inland  Mission, 
records  of  him  and  a  little  band  of  companions,  that 
it  was  their  practice,  on  Saturdays,  to  attend,  first,  a 
missionary  prayer  meeting,  have  tea,  afterwards  hold 
a  prayer  meeting  among  themselves,  ''  and  then  sally 
forth  for  open-air  preaching  in  Hoxton.  Ago  in  and  again 
have  they  had  to  rejoice  over  striking  cases  of  clear 
and  decided  conversion  to  God  in  connection  with 
these  services,  and  over  many  backsliders  reclaimed. 
In  this  work  Macgregor  was  pre-eminently  useful,  none 
being  listened  fo  with  more  attention  or  by  a  larger 
number  of  people." 

The  same  incidents,  with  a  few  added  particulars,  are 
referred  to  in  the  Report  for  1880  of  the  Islington  and 
Highbury  Branch  of  the  Young  Men's  Christian  Associa- 
tion : — 

"  In  May  we  took  our  stand,  four  young  w^orkers,  by 
the  New  River  reservoir.  Shortly  some  helpers  joined 
us  in  singing,  and  we  rejoiced  to  see  so  many  staying  to 
listen.  The  services  were  continued  till  the  beginning 
of  October.  The  audiences  became  larger,  and,  though 
near  a  secular  hall,  the  quiet  and  attention  manifested 
were      remarkable.  No     prolonged      and      fruitless 

arguments  disturbed    us,  for   which    we    were    grateful ; 
we    refrained    not    from    speaking    to    the    best    of    our 

Work  in  Lodging- Houses.  45 

ability  upon  unbelief  from  the  moral  and  spiritual 
side.  And  the  thrilling  testimony  of  one  brother,  who 
was  himself  saved  from  infidelity,  has  often  been  most 
eagerly  listened  to  by  the  people;  and  as  we  watched 
the  faces  of  the  listeners,  we  could  see  that  there  was  a 
real  work  of  grace -going  on.     .     . 

"  After  the  brother  above  mentioned  had  finished  his 
earnest  pleadings  for  the  people  to  receive  the  Saviour 
at  once  many  hands  were  held  out  to  grasp  his,  and 
many  a  '  God  bless  you  '  has  come  from  old  and  young. 
One  little  token  in  a  nice,  kind  letter  was  given  from  one 
who  had  found  that  the  services  had  been  a  great 

Next  year  the  entire  charge  of  this  work,  and  also  the 
superintendentship  of  the  "  Lodging-House  Mission " 
was  undertaken  by  Macgregor.  These  "  Common 
Lodging-Houses "  are  the  temporary  abodes  of  men 
and  women  who  by  misfortune  or  misconduct  have 
fallen  low  in  the  social  scale.  In  these  houses — some 
of  which  are  capable  of  accommodating  several  hundreds 
of  persons — a  night's  shelter  can  be  obtained  for  pay- 
ment of  sums  varying  from  threepence  to  one  shilling. 
The  payment  entitles  each  lodger  to  the  use  of 
a  large  fire  and  the  simplest  of  utensils,  with  which 
to  took  his  food.  It  was  Macgregor's  practice, 
with  two  or  three  companions,  to  visit  three  of 
these  houses  everv  Sabbath  evenino-  and  read  and 
expound  a  portion  of  Scripture.  The  work  was  of  an 
exceedingly  difficult  and  trying  character,  but  it  is 
believed  the  efforts  were  not  without  blessing  in  many 

46  Only  for  Jesus. 

To  his  younger  brother  he  wrote,  on  June  15,  as 
follows.  This  letter  contains  one  of  the  earliest  hints 
of  his  desire  to  be  a  missionary  : — 

"  My  dear  Brother, — I  do  wish  we  were  all  here 
too-ether.  I  know  it  would  be  better,  for  a  hundred 
reasons.  It  would  be  better  for  me.  Everything  (jois. 
here — clothes  and  money — and  as  for  comfort  and 
anything  like  home,  these  are  not  to  be  thought  of. 
However,  the  Lord  is  ivith  me.  Glory  be  to  Jesus.  Oh, 
it  is  an  awfully  real  world  to  some — ^this  London.  You 
have  not  the  least  conception  of  \Yhat  real  life  in 
London  is.  Oh,  the  wickedness ;  oh,  the  shams ;  oh, 
the  hollowness  of  everything  !  I  tell  you,  dear  brother, 
I  jast  write  on  it  all,  'Vanity  of  vanities,  all  is 
vanity.'  Really  I  would  not  remain  here  as  I  am,  one 
w^eek  longer,  if  it  were  not  for  the  one  aim  of  my  life  now. 

"  And,  my  dear  brother,  although  you  may  not 
altogether  agree  with  me  in  cherishing  the  thought  of 
my  going  abroad,  I  do  believe  God  intends  sending  me 
out  as  a  missionary  some  day.  However  grieved  I 
might  be,  or  however  much  wounded  your  hearts  might 
be  for  a  season,  still  I  am  willing  to  go,  and  to  lay 
down  my  life,  if  need  be,  fjr  my  dear  Lord  and 
Master's  sake.  I  just  mention  this  to  you  that  you 
may  know  what  keeps  me  in  London.  Do  not  mention 
anything  of  this  to  anybody,  as  I  know  nothing 
definitely  yet. 

''  Love  to  all  the  dear  ones  at  home,  from  one  wdio 
loves  you  all  dearly.  I  commit  you  all  to  the  care  of 
Him  who  neither  slumbers  nor  sleeps. 

"  Willie." 

Deal  It  of  a   Christian  BrotJicr.         47 

This  letter  is  cross-written,  and  the  blank  spaces  are 
filled  up  with  Scripture  texts  appealing  to  his  brother 
to  decide  for  Christ — a  practice  which  he  continued  in 
all  his  letters  home. 

On  the  6th  of  August,  1880,  the  death  occurred  in 
Dingwall,  of  an  earnest  and  consistent  Christian  young- 
man,  whose  example  and  counsel  had  been  very 
helpful  to  young  Christians,  who  loved  to  gather  round 
his  sick-bed.     The  event  caused  Macoreo-or  to  write  : — 

"  So  our  brother,  John  Macdonald,  has  gone  hi  to  see 
the  King !  '  Blessed  are  the  dead  which  die  in  the 
Lord.'  Many,  I  am  sure,  will  miss  our  brother.  That 
is  one  less  in  the  vineyard,  which  means  more  love, 
more  zeal,  in  those  who  are  left  behind.  Oh,  that  the 
Lord  Himself  would  stir  up  the  cold,  dead,  half-hearted 
Christians,  who  are  a,t  ease  in  Zion.  Oh,  that  the 
lips  of  every  true  servant  of  God  were  touched  with  a 
live  coal  from  off  the  altar.  L  do  wish  that  the  glad 
good  news  of  salvation  through  the  blood  of  the  Lamb 
were  carried  from  house  to  house  and  from  shop  to  shop, 
till  at  the  name  of  Jesus  every  knee  shall  bow  and 
every  tongue  confess.  Oh,  may  God  help  us  to  be 
faithful  unto  death  that  so  we  may  win  the 

"  From  your  affectionate  boy, 

''  Willie. 

'•  P.S. — -'We  have  redemption  through  His  blood,  even 
the  forgiveness  of  sins  '  !  (Col.  i,  14). 

"  '  He  that  believeth  hath  everlasting  life.' " 

A  work  of  grace  had  at  this  time  been  in  progress 
in  Dingwall  among  the  young  men  in  connection   with 

48  Only  for  Jesus. 

the  Y.M.C.A.  It  was  a  testino-  time  for  the  A'oun<2: 
converts.  Macgregor,  after  referring  to  the  matter  in 
a  letter  to  his  eldest  brother,  says  : — • 

"  Cling  to  Jesus,  in  spite  of  all  disappointments  or 
crosses.  Pray,  pray — pray  continually,  at  your  work, 
or  wherever  you  may  be.  Be  always  communing  with 
God.  And  do  not  for  a  moment  allow  hard  thoughts 
about  any  one  to  lodge  in  your  heart.  Pray  the  Lord 
our  Saviour  Jesus  to  take  all  uncharitable  thouohts  out 
of  your  mind.  AVe  are  so  apt  to  think  hard  thoughts  of 
others  who  do  not  seem  to  us  to  do  as  they  ought  to  do. 

"  'Ask  Uie  Saviour  to  help  you, 

Comfort,  strengthen,  and  keep  you, 
He  is  willing  to  aid  you  : 
He  will  carry  you  through.' " 

Macgregor's  eldest  sister — Annie— had  about  this 
period  been  converted  to  God,  and  the  event  caused 
him  much  joy.  She  was  desirous  to  proceed  to  London, 
but  this  proposal  did  not  meet  with  her  brother's 
approval,  and  he  wrote  : — 

"  God  sent  you  there  for  a  glorious  purpose.  Do  you 
not  see  the  hand  of  God  in  it  %  He  sent  you  away 
from  home  to  get  converted,  and  He  hrouglit  me  home  to 
get  converted.  Truly  the  Lord  works  in  mysterous 
ways  !     .     .     . 

"  Well  now,  Annie,  I  really  do  not  know  what  to  say, 
or  how  to  advise  you.  Li  the  first  place,  I  am  very 
unsettled  myself.  I  am  far  from  being  as  I  would  like 
to  be.  In  fact,  I  do  not  think  I  would  stay  twenty 
minutes  in  London  were  it  not  for  just  this — God  has 
saved   me ;   I   belong   to  Jesus,   body,   soul,   and  spirit ; 

ProcloAmiiig  the  Glad  Tidings.        49 

and  He  has  a  right  to  do  with  me  jast  as  He  pleases. 
Now  I  have  it  firmly  fixed  in  ray  mind  that  he  wants 
me  to  go  and  bear  a  message  from  Himself  to  the  poor 
heathen,  who  bow  down  to  wood  and  stone — I  believe 
God  wants  me  to  be  a  missionary.  In  order  to  this 
I  believe  he  has  laid  it  on  my  heart  to  try  to  get  into 
a  College  or  Training  Institute,  for  students  of  His 
Word.  I  can  scarcely  think  of  anything  else  night  or 
day.     .     .     . 

'•  Meanwhile  I  am  lifting  up  my  voice  inside  and  out- 
side, in  street  corners  and  everyiuhere  He  leads  me, 
proclaiming  the  glad  tidings  of  great  joy — God's  won- 
drous love  to  guilty  and  hell-deserving  sinners,  and^ 
God  helping  me,  dear  Annie,  I  mean  to  continue  to 
tell  out  the  old,  old  story  of  Jesus  and  His  love.  I  glory 
in  the  Cross  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  and  while  God 
gives  me  strength  to  stand,  and  breath  to  speak,  I  will 

"  '  Tell  of  Hi3  mighty  love, 
Mighty  to  save.' 

"  Oh,  Annie,  pray  for  me,  and  ask  father  and  every 
one  of  the  family  to  remember  me,  as  I  remember  you, 
in  prayer.  Ask  the  Lord  to  make  me  faithful,  and  to 
make  all  crooked  ways  straight  for  me,  and  to  make  and 
keep  me  humble  and  low  down  at  His  dear  feet. 

"  Annie,  dear,  follow  Jesus.  Don't  be  ashamed  of 
Jesus,  but  glory  in  our  dear  Redeemer." 

This  letter  does  more  than  breathe  the  spirit  of  con- 
secration— it  indicates  some  of  the  conditions  necessary 
in  a  life  of  consecration.  The  mind  was  in  him,  in  no 
small  degree^  which  was  also  in  Christ  Jesus,  whom  he 
loved  so  well  :  "  'I'he  zeal  of  thine  house  hath  eaten  me 


50  Only  for  Jcsiis. 

up  ; "  "  Wist  ye  not  that  I  must  be  about  my  Father's 
business'?"  Zeal  for  God's  cause,  however,  did  not 
\Yither  up  natural  feeling.  Rather  it  mellowed  it,  and 
also  deepened  it. 

''  I  ought  to  feel  thankful  to  God,"  he  writes  to  his 
mother,  "  that  I  have  a  father  and  a  mother,  whose 
hearts  yearn  after  their  boy ;  and,  dear  mother,  God 
only  knows  how  often  I  think  over  you  at  home,  and 
how  often  the  remembrances  of  home,  with  all  its  com- 
forts, and  its  cheerfulness,  and  its  peace,  and  all  that  goes 
to  make  up  a  happy  home,  make  me  shed  tears.  I  often 
wish  I  could  recall  those  happy  days  long  gone  by — 
never  to  return — when  as  little  children  we  romped 
about  together,  and  went  to  the  old  school.  I  might 
ask,  Where  are  they  all  now — those  once  happy  children  % 
Ah,  some  are  scattered  the  world  over,  in  every  clime  ; 
the  bodies  of  some  lie  in  foreign  lands  ;  some  sleep  in  the 
ocean's  depths,  and  we  trust  their  souls  have  gone  to 
that  hetter  land.  .  .  .  Ah,  dear  mother,  w'hen  I  look 
back  a  few  years  only,  how  many  instances  of  God's  love 
and  sparing  mercy  can  I  recall.  How  often  has  He 
2)reserved  me  in  the  midst  of  dangers  you  do  not  know 
anything  about.  Oh,  what  ought  I  to  do  for  God  for 
all  His  preserving  mercies — He  preserved  me  in  the 
midst  of  dangers  when  I  was  a  careless,  open  scoffer  at 
His  Holv  Word — a  sinner  hell-deservino:.  But  thanks 
be  to  God  I  can  now  say  with  David — '  He  brought  me 
up  also  out  of  an  horrible  pit,  out  of  the  miry  clay, 
and  set  my  feet  upon  a  Rock,  and  established  my  goings, 
and  he  put  a  new  song  in  my  mouth,  even  praise  unto 
02C7'  God.'     . 

Pj'ogranune  of  JVee/cs  Work.  5 1 

"  Well,  mother,  the  fact  is,  I  give  every  moment  I  can 
spare  to  the  service  of  Him  who  hath  redeemed  me.  I 
will  give  you  an  idea  of  how  I  spend  my  time.  As  the 
Lord  hath  given  me  a  talent  for  speaking,  1  am  always 
engaged  in  trying  to  set  before  perishing  souls  the 
glorious  plan  of  salvation.  ]\ly  whole  soul  is  in  it, 
and  I  wish  you  would  at  home  pray  for  me  that  the 
Lord  miojht  bless  me  in  all  thino-s. 

"  May  God  grant  that  we  all  may  meet  in  heaven — a 
family  united  in  Christ.  It  is  such  a  simple  thing — it 
is  gloriously  simple,  and  simply  glorious  ! — ^just  to  come 
to  Jesus  .as  sinners,  nothing  else — nothing  but  as  hell- 
deserving  sinners — and  His  promise  is  that  '  whosoever 
Cometh  unto  Me,  I  will  in  no  wise  cast  out.' " 

A  programme  of  the  week's  work  in  connection  with 
Goldington  Crescent  Presbyterian  Church,  St.  Prancas 
Ptoad,  is  enclosed  in  the  letter.  It  shows  work  for  e^ery 
night  of  the  week — meetings  for  prayer,  praise,  giving  in 
reports,  &c. ;  open-air  services  in  various  parts  of 
London ;  temperance  meetings ;  Sabbath  schools,  &g. 
Macgregor  adds — 

"  All  of  those  meetings  I  regularly  attend,  and  have  to 
speak  at  the  Monday,  Tuesday,  Thursday,  Saturday,  and 
Sunday  meetings.  Oh,  it  is  glorious,  working  for  Jesus  ; 
and,  remember  all  this  working  is  not  to  obtain  salvation. 
Oh,  no,  for  then  we  would  be  fools.  It  is  simply  because 
w^e  love  Jesus  and  He  has  redeemed  us  and  washed  us 
in  His  precious  blood,  that  we  want  others  to  come  and 
receive  the  free  gift  from  God,  wdiich  is  eternal  life 
through  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ." 

52  Only  for  yestis. 

It  will  be  seen  that  no  value  was  set  on  these  abound- 
ino-  labours  as  a  o-round  of  merit.  It  was  his  love  to 
do  the  will  of  God,  and  his  desire  that  others  should 
receive  the  blessing  he  so  highly  esteemed,  that  nerved 
him  onwards.  He  was  also  impressed  with  the  brevity 
of  time,  and  the  endurance  of  eternity.     He  says — 

''  I  would  write  oftener,  but  wdiat  with  my  daily  work, 

and  one  thing  and  another,  I  am  never  a  moment  off  my 

feet,    except    when    getting    a    little    sleep.       London  is 

such  a  world  in  itself,  and  one  living  in  it  has  so  many 

calls — here,  there,  and  everywhere.     You  want  to  be  in 

more  places  than  one  at  a  time — to  attend  this  class  and 

to  go  to  that  meeting.     Oh,  thank  God  for  such  blessed 

privileges.     I    love    to    be  with  God's  children.     I  love 

to  hear  the  name  of  Jesus,  my  glorious  Redeemer,  who 

gave    Himself  for    me.     .     .     .     The  days,  and    weeks, 

and  years  are  flying — speeding  along  into  eternity  !     Oh, 

the  reality  of  eternity.     All  here  is  but  shadow.     You 

grasp  it,  and  it  is  gone.     There  is  nothiug  real  but  God 

and  eternity.     .     .     .     Oh,  God,  may  none  of  us  be  at 

ease  in  Zion ;  may  God  keep  us  from  having  the  lamp 

of  profession,  without  the  oil  of  the  Spirit." 

During  1880  Macgregor's  views  on  the  question  of 
baptism  underwent  a  change,  with  the  result  that  he 
was  re-baptized,  and,  leaving  the  Presbyterian  Church, 
joined  the  Baptists.  The  wrench  was  keenly  felt,  for  it 
involved  dissociation  from  a  large  body  of  earnest,  active 
Christian  workers,  in  whose  loving  fellowship  he  found 
great  spiritual  joy  and  help.  In  liis  letters  home  he 
spoke  little  of  his  changed  sentiments. 

His  labours  in  London  continued  incessant  and  fruitful, 

Pleading  with  His  Brother.  53 

and  his  letters  to  friends  became  increasingly  fervent. 
Meanwhile  his  friend,  Norman  Ross,  fell  into  decline,  and 
had  in  consequence  to  return  from  Edinburgh  to 
Dingwall.     Macgregor  writes  home — 

"  Dear  brother,  give  me   all  the    news   of  Dingwall ; 
and,  Tom,  priv.atelj,  just  tell  me  all  you  know  of  the 
state  of  Norman  Ross's  health.     Is   he  consumptive]    or 
is    it  just  a  severe    cold  %    or  what  is  the  matter  with 
poor  Norman  ]     Poor,  dear  fellow,  remember  me  kindly 
to  him,  and  tell  him  I  am  to  write  him  shortly.     And 
now,  dear  Tom,  just    allow  me   to    say  a  word  or  two 
to  you,  my  own  dear  brother,  about  your  soul.     Is  the 
great   question   settled    with   you   yef?     You   are    now 
growing  up,  and  this  is  a  matter  we  have  each  to  decide 
for  himself.     We  have    to  deal   with   God  individually, 
and  you  know  the  Lord  Jesus  said,  '  Ye  must  be  born 
again,'  or  '  from  above.'     ...     If  you   look    at    the 
3rd  chapter  of  Romans,  22nd  and  23rd  verses,  you  w^ill 
see  that  God  says,  '  There  is  no  difference.'      There  is 
a    difference    in    degree,   but    not    of  guilt.     '  All   have 
sinned,  and  come  short.'      But,  oh,  dear  brother,  what 
amazina"  love  is  that  of  God  to  us.     Just  think  of  God 
speaking  and  pleading  with  us  to  come  and  be  reconciled, 
as  He  is  satisfied  with  the  death  of  Christ  in  our  place. 
Read  Rom.  v.  8-11;  also  Eph,  ii.  1-10.     Oh,  dear  brother, 
if  3^ou  have  not  as  yet  given  your  heart  to  Jesus  do  it 
now\     Just  tell  Him  all  your  mind,  and  trust  Him  for 
a  full   salvation.     '  He  that  believeth  on  the  Son  hath 
everlasting  life  '  (John  iii.   36).     May  God  Himself  help 
you  to  put  your  whole   trust   in   Jesus,  for  His  name's 
sake.     Amen." 

54  Only  for  Jesus . 

It  was  thus  he  pled  in  many  letters  with  his  much- 
loved  brother,  whose  young  mind  had  been  poisoned  b}'' 
infidelity.  AVe  shall  see  afterwards  how  God  answered 
prayer,  and  blessed  these  tender  appeals,  not  only  in  the 
case  of  Tom,  bat  other  members  of  the  family.  The 
reply  to  his  inquiry  regarding  Norman  Ross  was  not 
satisfactory,  and  he  writes — 

''  I  was  so  sorry  to  hear  that  poor  dear  Norman  is  so 
unwell.  Poor  fellow  :  and  yet,  Davie,  he  is  an  heir  of 
God,  a  joint-heir  with  Christ  (Rom.  viii.  17)  Pray  for 
poor  dear  Norman  that  whatever  our  Father,  in  His 
infinite  wisdom,  sees  best  to  do  with  our  dear  brother,  he 
may  have  grace  given  him  to  say,  '  Thy  will  be  done — 
not  mine  ! '  I  do  hope  that  God  may  be  graciously 
pleased  to  send  our  beloved  brother  to  carry  the  glad 
tidings  to  poor,  far-distant  China.  Oh,  I  should  be  so 
pleased  ;  but  our  loving  Father  knows  best." 




0W(^"]rmf^  ACGREGOR'S  letters  for  several  mouths  make 

^3     \-/-l/     ^^^  reference  to  his  desire  to  become  a  mis- 

jjj j'fj\ll\\  \f     sionary.      The    matter   was    not,    however, 

-i^^^g^^r^     absent  from  his  thoughts,  and  on  November 

16,  1880,  he  wrote  to  his  mother — 

"  Well,  now,  my  dear  mother,  after  very  long  and 
prayerful  consideration,  and  seeking  of  guidance  from 
God,  I  have  felt  constrained  to  apply  to  a  Foreign 
Missionary  Society,  as  a  candidate.  I  wish  to  go  as  a 
missionary  to  China.  I  have  not  done  this  rashly,  as 
I  have  had  a  very  serious  impression  for  a  long  time 
that  God  wanted  me  to  be  a  missionary.  I  did  not, 
however,  fully  understand  my  own  mind  on  the  subject, 
and  I  kept  praying  about  it,  and  in  a  very  mysterious 

56  Only  for  Jesus. 

way  God  led  me  to  a  place  where  a  prayer-meeting 
for  China  is  held  every  week.  This  place  I  have  at- 
tended for  nearly  a  year,  and  now  the  great  need  of 
China  is  laid  on  my  heart,  and  if  God  is  willing  to 
send  me,  I  am  quite  willing  to  go  and  preach  the  glad 
tidings  of  great  joy  to  the  poor  perishing  millions  in 
far-distant  China.  Will  you  all  unite  in  praying  for 
me  that  God's  will  may  be  done  in  regard  to  this 
matter.  I  have  thought  of  the  dangers,  of  the  many 
trials,  and  of  the  possibility  of  my  never  returning  to 
this  dear  land  again  ;  but,  oh,  dear  mother,  I  hope  I 
can  say  with  Paul,  'None  of  these  things  move  me.' 
If  God  will  only  accept  of  me  I  am  willing  to  go,  and, 
my  own  dear  mother,  I  am  sure  you  would  be  willing 
to  give  me  up  to  Jesus  for  His  work.  And,  dear  father, 
too,  would  give  up  his  son  that  he  might  go  and  be 
an  ambassador  for  Christ.  Oh,  dear-  mother,  God  did 
not  spare  His  own  well-beloved  Son,  but  freely  gave 
Him  up  for  us — for  you  and  for  me,  and  also  just  as 
much  for  the  poor,  dark,  idolatrous  Chinese.  The  Lord 
Jesus  poured  out  His  soul  unto  death  to  save  us,  and 
what  is  all  we  can  do  for  Jesus  compared  with  what  He 
has  done  for  us  1  Then  just  think  of  this.  There  are 
400,000,000  of  souls  in  China.  One  million  die  every 
month,  or  over  33,000  every  twenty-four  hours — all,  or 
nearly  all,  perishing  without  having  heard  the  name  of 
Jesus!  Does  it  not  make  your  heart  ache?  And  do 
you  wonder  that  I  feel  constrained  to  ofter  myself  as 
a  missionary  to  these  poor  perishing  millions  %  But 
while  I  am  offering  myself  to  the  China  Inland  Mis- 
SIGN,  I  do  not  know  whether  I  will  be  accepted  or  not, 
and  in  any  case  I  shall  likely  have  to  wait  for  nearly  a 

The  Claims  of  China.  57 

year — or  perhaps  more.  So  you  see  it  is  all  iu  God's 
hands.  I  can  do  nothing  but  wait,  and  I  know  if  God 
wants  me  to  go  I  will  go,  and  if  not  I  will  not.  Will 
you  all  pray  to  God  to  make  the  way  plain  to  me, 
that  I  may  assuredly  know  what  His  will  is  % " 

There  is  no  reticence  in  speaking  of  China  after  this — 

"  I  wish,"  he  asks,  "  you  would  remember  me  always 
in  your  prayers,  that  God  would  guide  me,  and  do 
with  me  just  as  He  wills.  If  it  is  God's  will  to  send 
me  to  China,  and  that  my  way  may  be  opened  up,  and 
that  all  obstructions  may  be  removed ;  and  if  it  is  not 
God's  will,  pray  that  I  may  not  go.  I  do  not 
want  to  go  unless  I  am  sent  out  by  my  God  ;  but  if  He 
sends  me  I  am  willing  to  go  anywhere  with  Jesus." 

In  the  letter  to  his  mother  he  saj^s  he  did  not  choose 
'*'  rashly  "  to  become  a  missionary.  A  fellow-townsman, 
from  whose  letter  a  quotation  has  already  been  made, 
states  that  they  were  together  at  a  public  meeting 
in  Kilburn  Hall,  wdieu  the  needs  of  China  were  laid 
before  the  Lord's  people.  On  leaving  this  meeting 
Macgregor  spoke  of  the  impression  made  upon  him, 
but  was  cautioned  by  his  friend  to  make  it  quite  cer- 
tain the  call  was  from  God.  The  meeting  was  held 
on  Easter  Monday,  1881,  and  the  speaker  on  China 
was  Mr.  Maccarthy,  of  the  China  Inland  Mission. 
"  Some  months  later,"  wrote  Mr.  Broomhall,  in  an  "  In 
Meraoriam "  notice  in  China's  Millions,  for  February, 
1883,  "Macgregor  accepted  an  invitation  to  a  prayer- 
meeting  held  every  Saturday  afternoon  at  No.  2  Pyrland 
Road.      To  his  surprise,  he  found  that  the  meeting  was 

58  Only  for  Jcsits. 

for  pra3^er  for  China.  His  impressions  concerning  his 
call  to  China  were  deepened  ;  he  came  again  and  again 
to  the  meeting's,  and  at  length  offered  himself  for  the 

Before  his  decision  to  become  a  missionary  was 
fully  formed,  he  spent  an  entire  night  with  God  on  the 
subject.     To  use  his  own  words — 

"  While  I  was  bowed  down  in  prayer  before  God, 
abant  four  o'clock  in  the  morning,  He  suddenly  filled 
my  heart  with  the  calm  and  settled  conviction  that 
He  had  accepted  me  for  work  in  China,  ond  from  that 
hour  I  had  not  the  least  doubt  but  that,  in  His  own  time 
and  way,  I  should  be  sent  out." 

He  at  once  intimated  his  desire  to  the  China  Inland 
Mission,  and  received  with  unbounded  joy,  a  short  time 
afterwards,  an  invitation  from  Mr.  Broomhall,  the  Secre- 
tary of  the  Mission,  to  come  and  stay  for  a  week  or  two 
at  the  "  House."  He  interpreted  this  invitation  as  a 
clear  indication  that  his  way  was  to  be  opened  up. 

The  year  was  closing  ;  but  in  worldly  affairs  Macgregor 
had  not  much  increased.  His  only  regret,  however,  was 
that  he  was  unable  to  help  his  friends  at  home.  He 
says  :— 

*'  I  do  wish  I  were  able  to  prove  my  affection  for  you 
all  in  a  more  substantial  way  than  by  words ;  but  I  am 
not,  and  I  cannot  help  it.  I  am  sure  I  try  to  do  my 
best ;  and,  thank  God,  He  is  kind  to  me.  If  I  cannot 
command  money,  bless  His  holy  name,  I  can  have  peace 

Pleading  ivith   Youngest  Brothe7\       59 

and  joy  in  the  Lord,  and  have  the  love  of  Jesus  shed 
abroad  in  my  heart.  .  .  .  May  God  bless  yon  all, 
and  may  you  have  a  very  happy  (I  do  not  say 
'merry')  Cliristmas ;  and,  oh,  let  us,  for  Jesus'  sake, 
begin  the  new  year  with  a  determination  that 
whatsoever  others  may  do,  as  for  us  and  all  our  house 
%ve  will  serve  the  Lord." 

To  his  brother,  Tom,  he  wrote,  on  January  7,  1881, 
an  affectionate  letter,  urging  him  to  decide  for  Christ — 

''There  is  but  one  thing  needful  to  make  1881  a 
happy  3^ear.  let  the  circumstances  we  are  placed  in  be 
what  they  may — and  that  is,  the  love  of  Christ  in  the 
heart.  .  .  .  Take  this  from  me  at  the  beginning  of 
the  year — 

"  '  REMEMBER  '  .  Eccl.  xii.  1. 

"  '  SEEK  '      .        .  Isa.  Iv.  6. 

"  '  COME'      .        .  Isa.  i.  IS  ;  John  vii.  B7  ;  Matt.  xi.  28. 

"  '  BELIEVE  '        .  Acts  xvi.  3  :  John  v.  24  ;  1st  John  iii.  23. 

"  '  TRUST'    .        .  2  Cor.  i.  9  ;  Psahns  xxxiv.  8  ;  xl.  4. 

"  Oh,  my  dearest  brother,  if  you  do  this  then  you 
will  be  able  to  love,  obey,  serve,  and  folloiv ;  in  which 
you  will  find  Peace,  passing  all  understanding;  Joy, 
unspeakable.     .     .     . 

"  Oh,  you  are  all  so  kind  to  me.  My 
Heavenly  Father  has  promised  to  supply  the  needs  of 
all  His  own  children,  and  bless  His  holy  name.  He  is 
faithful  and  unchangeable  who  has  promised.  Is  it  not 
glorious  to  be  able  to  say  in  reality  that  '  The  Lord  is 
my  Shepherd,  therefore  I  shall  not  want  1  .  .  .  Dear 
brother^  Christ  is  the  Good  SiiErnERD.  Do  you  think 
He    will   ever   let   any   of   His    sheep   starve  1      Oh,   no, 

6o  Only  fo7'  Jesus. 

never,  never.  I  do  thank  God  for  the  day  I  was  led 
to  trust  Jesus.  Do  not  be  afraid  to  cast  yourself  upon 
Him.     He  vyill  receive  you." 

The  blank  space  over  the  date  in  this  letter  is  filled 
in  ^Yith  these  texts — 

"  When  a  few  years  are  come  I  shall  go  the  way 
whence  I  shall  not  return  "  (Job  xvi.  22)  ;  "  We  spend 
our  years  as  a  tale  that  is  told  "  (Ps.  xc.  9). 

In  a  subsequent  letter,  he  wa-ites  : — 

''  Now,  dear  brother,  do  not  let  me  close  without 
asking  you  once  again  if  you  have  yet  given  your  heart 
to  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ  %  if  you  have  determined  to 
renounce  the  world  and  its  ways'?  and  the  devil  and  all 
his  works  %  and  be  a  disciple  of  the  Lord  Jesus  % 
Beloved  brother,  do  answer  this  question,  if  not  to  me, 
at  least  to  God,  Oh,  Tom,  do  seek  the  Lord  with  all 
your  heart  and  soul,  and  ask  Him  to  give  you  His  Holy 
Spirit  to  quicken  your  soul,  and  enlighten  your  mind, 
that  you  may  feel  your  need  of  a  Saviour,  and  also  to 
bring  you  to  Jesus,  who  is  just  the  Saviour  you  and  I 

It  must  not  be  thought  that,  though  religious  subjects 
occupied  so  prominent  a  place  in  Macgregor's  letters, 
they  excluded  everj^thing  else.  His  concern  in  all 
the  interests  of  the  family  was  real,  but,  beyond  what 
affected  them,  secular  affairs  possessed  a  decreasing 
attraction.  Now  and  again  there  is  a  passing  allusion 
to  other  matters,  but  this  is  less  frequent  as  his  mind 

Declining  Interest  in  Ordinary  Nezus.  6i 

becomes  absorbed  in  the  one  object  for  which  he  lived. 
He  writes — 

"  Tom  says  I  ought  to  have  plenty  of  news  in  London. 
Well^  yes,  but  really  if  you  only  knew  how  little  interest 
I  take  in  the  things  passing  on  around  me,  you  would 
not  be  surprised  at  my  not  giving  you  a  budget  of  news 
when  I  write. 

"  Thanks  for  the  Ross-sliire  Journal,'^  he  writes  on  .July 
15,  1881,  "I  am  always  glad  to  see  it  for  the  local  news 
it  contains.  I  was  delighted  to  see  that  Tom's  name  was 
mentioned  with  such  honour.  It  w^as  a  surprise  to  me, 
and  I  had  a  good  cry  over  it.  I  felt  so  pleased  that  he 
is  so  persevering  in  his  studies.  .  .  .  T  also  do  not 
cease  night  and  day  to  pray  that  he  may  be  made  a 
partaker  of  the  wisdom  of  which  the  Apostle  Paul  speaks 
in  1  Cor.  ii.  7." 

The  following  shows  that  he  was  keenly  susceptible 
to  forms  of  recreation  in  which  every  health}^  mind  finds 
enjoyment.     He  writes  on  April  19th.  1881  : — 

''  I  had  a  day  in  the  country  last  Friday.  Being  Good 
Friday  it  was  of  course  a  general  holiday  (as  well  as 
Easter  Monday),  and  in  company  with  other  three  young- 
Christians,  I  went  for  a  day's  walking  in  the  country. 
We  spent  a  glorious  day.  "We  took  the  train  (or  rather 
it  took  us  !)  to  a  station  a  few  miles  out  of  London.  We 
then  set  off  and  tramped  all  round  to  Richmond  and 
Kew,  and  other  places.  Oh,  the  country  was  beautiful ! 
It  was  my  first  day  in  the  green  fields  since  last 
summer,  with   the  exception  of  a  week  at   Hastings  at 

62  Only  for  Jesus. 

Christmas.  No  one  who  has  not  lived  in  London  can 
understand  what  delight  is  to  be  found  in  getting  out 
into  the  open  country  and  into  the  pure  fresh  air  again. 
We  did  enjoy  ourselves  !  We  lay  down  in  Ilichmond 
Park,  and  read  from  God's  two  books — nature  and 
Revelation.  We  sang  praises  to  God,  while  around  us 
the  birds  and  all  nature  seemed  to  join  in  the  song. 
We  then  went  into  a  quiet  little  country  churchyard, 
and  had  a  small  prayer  meeting,  lifting  up  our  hearts 
to  God.  We  afterwards  started  for  home,  doing  a  little 
for  the  Master  by  the  way.  Oh,  I  should  so  enjoy  a 
few  days  during  the  summer  up  in  the  dear  old  country. 
I  hope  I  may  be  able  to  have  them,  if  it  is  my  Father's 

"  I  am  sure,  dear  mother,  you  sometimes  think  I 
might  give  you  more  news  than  I  do  when  I  write. 
Well,  yes ;  I  might  fill  sheets  of  paper  with  news  of 
various  kinds,  but  really  I  cannot  take  the  trouble.  I 
do  not  mean  that  it  would  be  a  trouble  for  me  to  write 
to  you,  but  I  do  not  trouble  myself  very  much  with  the 
things  that  are  taking  place  around  me.  Time  is  short, 
and  the  work  is  great,  and  we  who  are  the  Lord's  own 
blood -bought  servants  must  not,  dare  not,  stand  idle  in 
the  market  place.  No,  no  !  We  must  be  up  and  doing 
while  it  is  day,  for  the  night  cometh  when  man  cannot 
work.     So,  dear  mother,  my  time  is  fully  occupied. 

"  I  hear  that  you  are  having  a  great  awakening  in  the 
Highlands.  Oh,  I  do  pray  that  God  may  send  forth  His 
Holy  Spirit  with  power  into  the  hearts  of  all  His  true 
disciples  in  Dingwall.  Oh,  for  a  shaking  of  the  dry 
bones;  oh,  for  a  mighty  revival  of  true  religion  !  May 
God  grant  it  for  Jesus'  sake.     .     .     . 

One  Subject  Occupying  His   Thoughts,  63 

"  You  will  see  by  the  paper  I  send  you  that  Lord 
Beaconsfield  is  dead." 

Page  after  page  is  devoted  to  spiritual  matters,  and 
an  historic  event  that  interested  the  civilized  world  is 
dismissed  with  a  mere  reference.  The  leaven  of  the 
Kingdom  of  Heaven  had  surely  well-nigh  leavened  the 
three  measures  of  meal  (Matt.  xiii.  33). 

Macgregor  often  referred  to  the  time  when  he  was  a 
sceptic.  The  remembrance  of  it  never  failed  to  prompt 
feeliugs  of  profound  gratitude  to  God,  who  raised  him 
out  of  the  horrible  pit  and  from  the  miry  clay.  "Writing 
on  May  17th,  1881,  of  his  brother,  who  was  then  leaving 
home  he  says  : — • 

"  And,  oh,  I  do  pray  that  he  may  never  travel  the 
road  on  which  his  brother  went  so  far,  but  from  which, 
thanks  be  to  our  merciful  and  gracious  God,  he  has 
been  rescued.     To  His  name  be  glory  for  ever." 

On  August  1,  he  wrote  : — ■ 

"  My  dearest  Mother, —  ...  I  never  hear  a  word 
from  Dingwall — I  may  almost  say  Scotland — except 
from  David  and  yourself,  and  one  feels  almost  as  if 
home  were  a  beautiful  dream,  a  dim  recollection  of 
something  that  is  past.     .     . 

"  I  know  that  when  I  write  I  do  not  give  you  any 
news,  or  tell  you  of  what  I  see  and  hear.  But  really, 
my  dear  mother,  I  caunot  help  it.  You  may  think 
that  I  am  always  speaking  about  religion,  and  about 
our  blessed  Lord  Jesus  Christ.      Well,   I  cannot  help 

64  Only  for  Jestis. 

that  either.  If  3^011  knew  how  I  think  of  you  all  at 
home,  and  pi'ay  that  God  may  give  to  each  of  you 
whom  I  love  the  unspeakable  blessing  of  salvation 
through  His  dear  Son,  and  when  I  remember  how  dead 
everything  around  you  is — having  a  name  to  live  but 
yet  dead — oh,  I  feel  I  must  speak  and  determine  to 
know  nothing  but  Christ !  How  long  we  may  be  here 
none  of  us  knows,  and  any  one  of  us  may  be  called 
away  at  a  moment's  notice.  If  so — if  it  were  to-night 
— where  would  we  be  to-morrow]  Surely  nothing 
else  ought  to  engage  our  attention  till  this  all-important 
question  is  settled — blessedly  settled — by  our  receiving 
from  God  that  peace  which  alone  can  come  from  a 
knowledge  of  sins  forgiven,  and  acceptance  in 
the  Beloved.  May  God  the  Holy  Spirit  convince  of  sin, 
enlighten  the  mind  in  the  knowledge  of  the  truth,  by 
leading  all  to  see  in  Christ  Jesus  the  Lamb  of  God  which 
taketh  away  the  sin  of  the  world.  .  .  .  The  fact 
is,  my  dearest  mother,  one  thing  occupies  my  thoughts, 
by  day  and  by  night,  and  I  can  think  of  nothing  else. 
Will  you  try  and  bear  with  me,  and  forgive  me,  when 
I  seem  to  be  careless,  indifferent,  or  unsympathetic." 

In  the  month  of  October,  1881,  he  was  seized  one 
nioht  with  an  attack  of  illness  of  so  severe  a  nature 
that  he  became  apprehensive  that  his  end  might  be 
very  near.  About  midnight  he  said  to  his  brother, 
David,  who  shared  the  same  room  with  him,  ^'  I  feel, 
David,  as  if  I  were  going  home."  He  then  rose  from 
his  bed,  and,  opening  his  desk,  wrote  in  pencil  on  the 
back  of  a  religious  leaflet,  afterwards  found  amongst 
his    papers,    the    following    "testimony."      In  view    of 

Testimony  in    Viezu  of  Death.  65 

what  he  imagined  might  prove  to  be  the  hist  enemy, 
his  anxiety  was  to  leave  behind  some  httlc  memorial 
to  the  faithfulness  of  his  Covenant  God.  This  testimony 
is  of  value  from  the  fact  that,  when,  a  year  later,  the 
Master  did  call  him  home,  the  nature  of  his  illness 
precluded  so  precise  a  declaration  of  his  assurance  :— 

''  If  hefore  morning  1  should  go  home^ 
this  is  my  testimony  : — '  My  Beloved  is 
MINE,  and  I  AM  His.'  Jesus  is  mine  !  '  / 
live;  yet  not  I,  hut  Christ  liveth  in  me.' 
'  /  hioiv  Whom  I  have  believed.'' " 





-,1-==^  IS    love    for    China    slumbered    not,   and    he    had 
"  already  taken  steps  towards  preparation  for  the 

work  on  which  his  heart  was  set — 

"  Oh,  how  time  does  fly  (he  writes  on  October 
4th,  1881),  and  we  are  flying  with  it — and  ivhither? 
Ah,  that  is  the  question — ivJtither  ?  It  flies  with  rapid 
wing  onward — onward  towards  the  judgment-seat.  .  .  . 
''What  of  the  millions— the  800,000,000— of  poor 
dark-minded  heathen,  who  have  never  heard  of  the 
saving  name  of  Jesus,  who  are  living  without  hope 
and  without  God  in  the  world,  and  who,  notwithstanding 
this,  are,  like  ourselves,  hastening  onward  to  the  judg- 
ment-seat of  an  oflended  God  1     Awful  !  awful  Eternity  ! 

'•  '  Outiht  we  whose  souls  are  lighted 
With  wi-dom  from  on  high  ; 
Ought  we  to  men  henighted 
The  Lamp  of  Life  deny  ? ' 

A^'guments  loith  His  Parents.         67 

"  I  am  going  to  ask  you  a  question,  my  dear  mother. 
Do  you  love  Jesus  enough  to  give  one  of  your  boys  up  to 
preach  Christ  Jesus  to  the  poor  heathen  of  China  \  You 
may  say,  '  Oh,  he  might  die  away  out  in  China,  and  I 
would  never  see  him  again.*  Nay  but,  mother,  you 
ivould  see  him  again.  Dear  mother,  to  assist  you  in 
coming  to  a  settled  conclusion  on  this  matter  just  think 
of  this:  the  holy  and  blessed  God  gave  not  one  son  out 
of  a  number,  but  His  only-hegotten  and  beloved  Son  that 
they  (the  heathen)  and  we  might  have  life.  Your  boy 
micjlit  die,  but  Jesus  came  to  die. 

"  '  Oh,  depth  of  love,  how  full  how  free, 
To  make  a  way  to  Heaven  for  me.' 

"  You  know,  dear  mother,  that  I  am  a  candidate  for 
missionary  work  in  the  interior  of  China.  Are  you 
quite  wiUing  to  give  me  up  to  go  there  at  any  time  the 
Lord  may  call,  and  open  the  way  for  me  to  go  ?  Would 
you  say  ^Even  so,  Father,'  if  I  were  to  be  called  away 
very  soon  1  I  do  not  know  that  I  shall  be,  but  if  I 
were,  would  yon  and  father  be  quite  willing  for  me  to 
go  1  Will  father  and  yourself  pray  about  it,  and  ask 
God  to  show  you  and  me  what  His  will  is  concerniuo- 
this  matter ;  and  when  vre  do  know  what  His  will 
is,  to  give  us  grace  to  do  it,  for  Jesus'  sake?  Please 
write  to  me  about  it.  It  would  be  so  cheering  and 
stimulating,  if  (D.V.)  I  should  go  to  a  foreign  land 
to  preach  Christ,  to  know  that  I  had  the  sympathy  and 
prayers,  as  well  as  the  warm  love  of  my  dear  father 
and  mother." 

68  Only  for  Jesus. 

(To  his  sister,  Aimie.) 

"4:  Pyrland  Road,  London,  N., 
"  December  13,  1881. 

"  My  dearest  Sister,  Annie, — I  received  your  very 
welcome  letter  yesterday,  and  if  in  one  way  I  feel  glad 
that  you  are  going  to  a  situation,  yet  I  also  feel  sorry, 
because  I  know,  Annie — and  while  I  write  this  I  feel 
it,  oh,  so  much — that  I  am  not  able,  nor  have  I  been 
able  for  a  long  time  past,  to  help  you  in  worldly  goods. 
I  do  not  think  it  is  at  all  necessary  for  me  to  tell  you, 
Annie,  that  if  I  were  able  I  would  only  be  too  glad  to 
do  so.  But  I  can,  and  will,  help  you  by  prayer,  and  I 
know  that  our  loving  Heavenly  Father  will  both  hear 
and  answer  prayer. 

•'  You  know  that  I  am  staying  at  the  Mission  House 
of  the  China  Inland  Mission,  as  a  candidate  for  becoming 
a  missionary  to  China.  If  it  is  God's  will,  and  if  He 
has  called  me  to  the  work,  then  I  shall  go  to  China, 
and  if  not  I  will  not.  But  my  own  firm  belief  is  that 
I  shall  go.     Pray  for  me.     .     . 

"  I  have  no  idea  how  long  I  may  have  to  stay  here, 

but  I  do  not  think  it  will  be  more  than  a  month   or  two. 

Meanwhile,  with  love  to  you  all   at  home,  I   am  your 

affectionate  brother, 

''  Willie." 

(To  Ids  Mother.) 

"  China  Inland  Mission, 

"6    Pyiiland    Road,    Mildmay, 

"London,  N.,  Dec.  22,  1881. 

"  My  dear  Mother, —  ...  I  think  I  have  passed 
all  the  preliminary  exams.,  and  if  the  doctor  passes  me, 

Letter  to  His  Brother^  and  Sister.     69 

there  is  every  probability  that  within  two  or  three 
months  I  shall  (D.  V.)  be  on  my  way  to  China.  I  do 
not  think  you  need  expect  to  see  me  at  the  New  Yeai-, 
because  it  will  be  the  second  week  in  January  before  the 
next  Council  meeting,  and  then  I  expect  it  will  be  all 
settled  if  I  am  to  go  to  China,  and  when  I  may  have  to 
go.  If  everything  goes  well  it  is  likely  I  will  go  home 
—home,  did  I  say  1  Oh,  dear  mother,  it  is  a  long  time 
now^  since  I  realised  the  import  of  that  word.  Of  course 
all  this  may  be  set  on  one  side  at  any  time,  so  that  1 
am  leaving  it  all  in  the  hands  of  my  blessed  Lord  and 
Master.  I  intend  to  wait  patiently  for  His  time,  and 
then  by  His  grace  and  in  His  strength  follow  wherever 
He  may  lead  me.  Oh,  may  God  give  me  help  and  grace 
to  do  His  holy  work,  for  Jesus'  sake. 

"  Believe  me,  my  own  dear  mother,  to  be  your 
affectionate  son,  wdio  desires  for  you  and  all  loved  ones 
far  more  than  it  is  in  his  power  to  do  or  to  give  ;  but, 
oh,  my  mother,  do  trust  Jesus." 

(To  his  brother,   Tom.) 

''Pyrland  Road,  Mildmay,  N., 
"Jany.  IG,  1SS3,  3  a.m. 

"  My  very  dear  Brother, — I  thank  you  very  much  for 
the  nice  card  you  sent  me.  I  am  so  very  glad  to  get  it 
from  you,  dear  Tom. 

"  Well,  Tom,  I  thought  I  should  have  seen  you  all 
before  now,  but  my  visit  has  been  delayed  for  an 
indefinite  period- — i.e.,  for  a  week  or  more.  There  will 
be  a  Council  meeting  on  the  19th,  when  I  hope  it  will 
be  definitely   settled   when  I  am    to  go   to   China;    and 

7o  Only  for  Jesus. 

then  I  will  (B.Y.)  get  home,  and  have  a  short  time  of 
rest  and  quiet,  I  shall  tell  you  everything  when  I  get 
home.  .  .  ,  You  will  hear  from  me  as  soon  as  I 
know  wdiat  is  to  be  done.  Meantime,  i^raying  that  God 
may  greatly  bless  you  all,  I  remain  your  brother, 

"  Willie." 

Macgregor  passed  his  examinations  satisfactoril}^,  was 
approved,  and  in  a  few  days  afterwards  arrived  among 
his  over-jo3^ed  friends  in  Dingwall.  His  brief  visit  will 
never  be  forgotten  b}^  them.  He  cared  to  speak  of  but 
one  subject,  and  that  subject  seemed  as  if  filling  his  heart 
with  solemn  and  abiding  joy.  He  associated  only  with 
those  who  sympathised  with  active  Christian  work. 
His  very  j^resence  was  felt  to  be  a  rebuke  to  lethargy 
and  worldliness,  and  a  help  towards  holy  resolution. 
He  talked  much  of  "  China  and  its  millions,"  and 
their  conversion  to  God,  and  never  failed  to  ask  for 
prayer  on  behalf  of  his  mission  to  that  great  Empire. 
His  demeanour  was  altoo-ether  fascinatinof  and 
endearing ;  his  greetings  were  so  cordial,  and  he 
evinced  so  deep  and  Christian  an  interest  in  every  one. 
Grace  had  marvellously  transformed  him  into  the  image 
of  Jesus  Christ,  his  Lord  and  Master.  Mr.  Hudson 
Taylor,  of  the  China  Inland  Mission,  speaking  (in  1887)  of 
Macgregor  to  a  friend  remarked,  "  The  fragrance  of  that 
young  man's  life  is  with  us  to  this  day;"  and  so 
among  the  friends  of  Macgregor  in  Dingwall,  the 
fragrance  of  his  last  short  visit  home  has  not  yet  passed 

The  parting  of  Macgregor  and  his  friends  was  very 
affecting.     The   aged   fiither,  bent  down   with   infirmity, 

Last   Visit  Home.  71 

clung  closely  to  his  sou,  and  the  son  showed  an  equally 
affectionate  reojard  for  his  fiither.  However  it  mi'oht  be 
with  the  younger  members  of  the  family,  the  father  and 
son  knew  that  they,  at  least,  would  not  again  see  each 
other's  f\ice  on  earth.  Macgregor's  parting  with  his 
mother  had  already  taken  place,  but  the  father  resolved 
on  accompanying -him  for  a  short  distance  on  his  way  to 
the  railway  station.  His  strength,  however,  failed  him 
before  he  had  gone  the  full  distance  he  had  intended. 
The  old  man's  last  words,  uttered  with  choking  emotion, 
were  words  of  affection  and  encouragement — and  thus 
they  parted.  The  overcome  parent  remained  standing 
till  the  retreating  figure  of  his  son  had  passed  out  of 
sight,  answering  back  farewell  wavings  of  the  hand  by 
raising  his  staff  and  holding  it  aloft.  The  wistful  gazings 
and  falling  tears  of  the  father  were  embarrassing  to  the 

"  I  know,"  he  said  to  a  friend  who  accompanied  him 
to  the  station,  '•  I  shall  not  see  my  dear  father  again. 
This  is  one  of  the  hardest  trials  I  have  yet  had  to 

On  the  station  platform  a  number  of  friends  had 
assembled  to  wish  the  young  missionary  God-speed.  In 
earnest  conversation  with  these  friends  he  spent  his  last 
moments  in  Dingwall — exhorting  the  unconverted  to 
yield  themselves  up  to  God,  and  impressing  upon 
Christians  to  be  true  to  Christ  and  His  cause. 

Before  the  train  had  yet  started  from  the  platform, 
all  unknown  to  Macgregor,  however,  there  was  the 
first  peiceptible  instalment  of  an  abundant  answer  to 
his  importunate  prayers  un   behalf   of   his  brother  Tom. 

^2  Only  fo7'  yesits. 

Conviction  had  already  been  doing  its  work  in  the 
conscience,  but  this  was  not  known  till  afterwards.  In 
the  midst  of  the  leave-takings  Tom  approached  a 
Christian  young  man,  and  a  former  schoolfellow,  and 
laying  his  hand  on  his  friend's  shoulder,  said — 

"  Can  you  meet  me  to-night,  after  business  %  I  wish 
to  see  you  very  particularly." 

An  appointment  was  made  and  kept,  the  Christian 
friend  being  at  once  struck  with  a  persuasion, 
notwithstanding  Tom's  avowed  disbelief  of  revealed 
truth,  that  he  was  in  deep  soul-anxiety.  Tom  afterwards 
cenfessed  to  this  same  friend  that,  while  he  honestly 
sought  to  be  sincere  in  his  in  fidelity,  ho  never  felt  more 
dissatisfied  with  himself  than  when  most  loudly  deriding 
or  caricaturing  Christianity. 

At  the  appointed  hour  that  night  the  two  young 
friends  met,  but  were  embarrassed  till  a  late  hour  by  the 
presence  of  a  third  person,  who  was,  unfortunately, 
unsympathetic.  After  the  departure  of  the  unconscious 
intruder  the  embarrassment  continued,  and  both  young 
men  walked  for  a  time  in  shy  silence.  Once  or  twice  the 
young  Christian  sought  to  draw  Tom  into  spiritual  con- 
versation, but  not  successfully.  At  last  Tom  broke  the 
silence  of  his  own  accord,  but  it  was  of  the  star  constel- 
lations appearing  overhead  that  he  spoke.  They  now 
turned  their  steps  homeward,  and  the  Christian  friend, 
fully  realizing  the  situation,  and  fearing  the  opportunity 
might  be  lost,  summed  up  courage,  and  in  reply  to  a 
remark  by  Tom,  that  astronomy  was  an  interesting  study, 
said — 

''  Yes  ;  but  is  it  not  very  strange  that  men  take  more 
interest  in  the  study  of  the  heavenly  bodies  than  in  the 

Final  Parting  with  Frie^ids.  'j'i^ 

study  of  their  Maker  ;  and  in  trying  to  account  for  the 
existence  of  these  bodies  without  God,  rather  than 
because  of  God  T 

"  No  doubt  ;"  was  the  reply,  "  and  there  must  have 
been  a  Creator,  but  we  can  only  come  to  a  knowledge  of 
the  Unknown  by  reasoning  from  what  we  already  know." 

"  But,  '  Who  by  searching  can  find  out  God  "?'  "  asked 
the  friend. 

"  You  profess  to  be  a  Christian,  and  to  know  God," 
replied  Tom,  his  eagerness  betraying  his  feelings  ; 
"  how  is  it  then  that  you  came  to  know  God  % " 

"  Through  the  revelation  He  has  given  of  Himself 
in  Christ  and  His  Word,"  was  the  reply,  and  this 
was  followed  up  by  an  earnest  personal  application  of  the 
plain  truths  of  the  Gospel. 

Before  parting,  Tom  thanked  his  friend  for  their 
conversation,  and  confessed  that  it  was  anxiety  fur  his 
SDul  that  made  him  ask  for  the  interview.  They  again 
met  on  the  following  night,  and  talked  familiarly  to 
each  other  of  the  subjects  of  sin  and  the  substitutionary 
work  of  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ.  After  the  significance 
and  importance  of  believing  in  Christ  as  a  personal 
Saviour,  were  pressed  on  his  attention,  Tom  walked  on 
in  moody  silence,  and  then  suddenly  said — 

"  Is  that  it  %  " 

"  Yes  ;  '  Abraham  believed  God,  and  it  w^as  counted 
unto  him  for  righteousness.'  " 

This  led  to  closer  personal  dealing,  and  the  decisive 
step  was  at  last  taken,  and  ''  seeing  light  in  God's 
light,"  Tom's  soul  was  illuminated  with  Heaven's  bright- 
ness.    Having  come  to  an  end  of  his  own  reasonings,  his 

74  Only  for^  Jesus, 

astonishment  at  the  simplicity  of  God's  way  of  salvation 
was  g}'eat. 

"  How  is  it,"  he  asked  in  bewilderment,  "  that  people 
won't  believe,  and  it  is  so  jjlain  /  " 

Are  these  sndden  conversions  permanent  1  Let  the 
study  of  the  cases  of  conversion  narrated  in  the  Word 
of  God  answer.  The  lives  of  the  brothers  AVrlliani  and 
Thomas  Macgregor  certainly  did  not  belie  the  conclusion 
that  where  conversion  is  decisive,  the  mere  fact  that  it 
may  have  been  sudden,  need  never  be  a  canse  for 
sceptical  apprehensions  regarding  its  genuineness. 
Reformation  may  be  a  slow,  and  tedious,  and  unsatis- 
factory process,  but  regeneration  is  the  work  of  the 
Eternal  Spirit.  "  For  He  spake,  and  it  was  done  ;  He 
commanded,  and  it  stood  forth  "  (Psalm  xxxiii.  9). 

At  Edinburgh,  Macgregor  was  met  by  Norman  Ross, 
in  whose  congenial  company  he  spent  an  hour  or  two, 
awaiting  the  departure  of  the  London  night  train.  They 
paid  several  short  visits  to  Christian  friends,  the  one 
rejoicing  in  the  prospect  of  so  soon  reaching  China  as  an 
ambassador  of  the  Cross,  and  the  other  hoping  against 
hope  that,  w^ith  a  return  of  health — a  hope  never, 
however,  realised — he,  too,  might  yet  be  permitted  to 
follow  on  the  same  grand  errand. 

"  As  the  father  is  not  able  to  go  to  China,"  said  Mac- 
gregor to  one  friend,  upon  whom  they  called,  "  the  son 
is  going  in  his  stead." 

The  illusion  was  to  the  fact  that  it  was  throuoh  Ross's 
instrumeiitalitv  that  Mac^reiior  was  *'  begotten  throuuh 

Incidents  in  Edinburgh.  75 

the  Gospel  "  (1  Cor.  iv.  15).  Ross  smiled  ;  but  the 
ruling  passion  of  a  desire  to  proclaim  the  Gospel  to  the 
Chinese,  was  strong  upon  him  up  almost  to  the  hour  of 

As  illustrative  of  Macgregor's  ardour  in  season  and 
oat  of  season,  it  may  be  mentioned  that  on  taking  his 
S3at  that  night,  -at  the  Waverley  Station,  Edinburgh, 
and  finding  the  compartment  already  occupied  by  a 
number  of  fellow-passengers,  he  at  once  boldly  unfurled 
his  colours  by  asking  each,  with  much  natural  polite- 
ness, if  he  would  accept  one  of  the  small  books,  pointing 
the  way  of  salvation,  which  it  was  his  practice  to  dis- 
tribute. Handing  one  to  a  newsboy,  at  the  carriage 
door,  he  patted  him  on  the  shoulder,  saying, 

'■'  You  may  never  be  rich  in  this  world,  my  little  man, 
but  if  you  give  your  heart  to  Jesus,  your  head  will  yet 
wear  a  crown  of  gold  in  glory  !  " 

Sowing  beside  all  waters,  he  never  missed  an  oppor- 
tunity to  speak  a  word  for  Jesus,  but  always  so  genially 
and  wisely  that  he  seldom  met  with  rebuffs.  When, 
however,  these  were  received  he  bore  them  meekly, 
and  in  compassion  for  those  who  gave  them. 




^^HE  youHg  missionary's  first  letter,  after  reacluDg 
London,  is  written  in  pencil,  and  "  in  haste." 
It  is  to  his  parents — 

"13  Cross  Street,  Islington, 
^^  Friday. 

"  My  very  dear  Father  and  Mother, — I  arrived  here 
safely  this  morning  as  9  o'clock,  thanks  to  our  gracious 
Father,  who  took  care  of  me.  I  got  to  Edinburgh  at 
6.45  last  night.  ...  I  went  at  once  away  to  find 
Norman  Ross,  in  whose  lodgings  I  enjoyed  a  good  tea. 
Dear  Norman  and  his  brother,  John,  nearly  overwlielmed 
me  with  kindness.  ...  At  10.20  p.m.  I  left  by  the 
night  express  for  London.  In  one  sense  I  never  felt  so 
sad  in  all  my  life  as  I  did  after  parting  with  Tom.  Poor 
Tom !  he  was  so  kind  to  me ;  and  so  also  were  your- 
selves.    I  never   thought   I  loved   you  all  so  much.     It 

Joy  Over   Toms  Conversion,  yj 

is  like  tearing  off  one's  limbs  !  However,  I  believe  we 
shall  all  meet  again  through  God's  good  hand  upon 
us.  Meanwhile  pray  for  me,  as  I  shall  always  do  for 
you  all.     .     .     .     With  much  love  and  gratitude, 

"  Willie." 

What  MacoTco^or's  feelino-s  were  when  he  heard,  before 

CD        O  O  ■' 

his  departure  from  London,  of  the  conversion  of  his 
brother  Tom,  we  learn  from  the  following  letter  : — 

['saiah  x\.vi.  3,  4.] 

"  Pykland  Road,  Mildmay,  K, 
''Feb.  9th,  1882. 

"  My  very  dear  Brother, — I  cannot  tell  you  in  words 
the  joy  and  gladness  that  filled  my  soul  when  I  read 
your  letter.  Oh,  Tom  !  I  am  so  glad  that  you  have, 
by  the  help  of  God's  Holy  Spirit,  seen  your  need  of 
Jesus,  and  have  now^  accepted  of  Him  as  your  own 
personal  Saviour.  Oh,  Tom,  I  have  prayed  and  longed 
for  this  day  after  day.  I  have  asked  God  to  save  both 
you  and  Jo,  and  now  God  has  heard  and  answ^ered  in 
your  case,  and  I  believe  that  Jo  will  also  soon  be 
brought  in.  Well,  Tom,  I  shall  certainly  continue  to 
ask  God  to  strengthen  you;  and  do  Tom — I  ask  it  of 
you  solemnly  and  earnestly — confess  Christ  ojDenly.  Do 
not  fear  men  or  devils.  Confess  Jesus.  Never  mind 
what  man  can  do  or  say — trust  Jesus  for  all  that  you 
need  ;  and,  oh,  be  very  much  in  prayer.  Tell  God 
everything — mind  that.  And  remember  those  words, 
of  the  Lord  Jesus,  in  Mark  v.  36,  '  Be  not  afraid  ;  only 

"I  am  not  to  sail  till  the  5th  of  March.  We  are 
having  meetings  every  night,  so  that  really  I  have  not 

/S  Only  for  Jesus. 

a  minute  to  spare.  To-night  we  have  a  meeting  in 
Exeter  Hall,  and  to-morrow  in  another  part  of  London. 
On  Monday  next  we  have  another,  of  which  I  send  you 
a  copy  of  the  handbill.     .     .     . — Your  brother  in  Jesus, 

"  Willie." 

To  his  mother  he  writes  : — 

'•  Oh,  how  rejoiced  I  am  to  know  that  Tom  has  given 
himself  to  Jesus,  and  that  he  is  now  really  and  fully 
trusting  the  Lord  Jesus  as  his  own  personal  Saviour. 
Oh,  praise  the  Lord  for  this  !  I  am  so  thankful.  How 
I  did  pray  for  Tom,  and  for  Jo,  and  for  all  of  you,  and 
I'll  continue  to  do  so.  I  praise  God  for  so  gracious  an 
answer  to  prayer,  for  I  asked  God,  ere  going  home,  that 
before  I  left  for  China  He  would  bring  to  Himself  both 
Jo  and  Tom.  And  now,  bless  His  gracious  name,  He  has 
brought  in  Tom  ;  I  am  still  praying  for  Jo,  and  I  do 
believe  that  Jo  will  very  soon  be  brought  into  the  fold. 
Oh,  may  it  be  soon,  for  Jesus'  sake. 

"  Well  mother,  the  hour  for  my  leaving  the  old 
country  draws  near.  It  is  settled  that  I  am  to  leave 
London  Bridge  Station  at  8  p.m.  on  Wednesday,  March 
1.  So  far  as  present  arrangements  go,  I  am  to  travel 
alone.  There  is  no  other  person  going  with  me  ;  but, 
mother,  the  Lord  is  with  me,  and  therefore  all  is 

The  following  is  copied  from  the  fly-leaf  of  his  pocket 
Bible  :— 

Connnission  and  Marching  Orders.      79 


Command—"  Go  je  into  all  the  world"  (Mark  xvi.  15). 

Orders—"  Preach  the  Gospel  to  every  creature"  (Mark  xvi.  15). 

Encouragements  to  obedience— "  Lo,  I  am  with  you  all  the  days  "(Matt. 

xxviii.  20) ; 


"All  power  is  given  unto  Me,  both  iu  Heaven  and  in  earth"  (Matt, 
xxviii.  IS) ; 

Besides  which, 

"  I  will  never  leave  thee,  nor  forsake  thee"(Heb.  xiii.  5); 

"And  the  Lord,  He  it  is  that  doth  go  before  thee  :  He  will  be  with 

thee ;    He  will  not  fail  thee,  neither   forsake   thes ;    fear   not, 

neither  be  dismayed"  (Deut.  xxxi.  8). 

Only  Remember, 
"  Thi.^  Book  of  the  Law  shall  not  depart  out  of  thy  mouth  ;  but 
thou  Shalt  meditate  tiierein  day  and  night,  that  thou  may  est 
observe  to  do  according  to  all  that  is  written  therein ;  for  then 
thou  shalt  make  thy  way  prosperous,  and  then-shalt  thou  have 
good  success  "  (Josh.  i.  b). 

The  result  of  such  obedience— " 'iily  Word  .  .  .  that  goeth  forth 
out  of  my  mouth,  it  shall  not  return  unto  Me  void,  but  it  shall 
accomplish  that  which  I  please,  and  it  shallprosper  in  the  thing 
whereto  I  sent  it"  (Isa.  Iv.  11). 


"The  idols  He  shall  utterly  abolish"  (Isa.  ii.  18). 
"  But  as  truly  as  I  live,  all  the  earth  shall  be  fillei  with   the  glory 
of  the  Lord  "  (Numb.  xiv.  20). 


"  Be  strong  and  of  a  good  courage;  have  not  I  commanded  you?" 

(Josh.  i.  9). 
"Be  thou  faithful  unto  death"  (Rev.  ii,  10). 


"  My  GRACE  is  sufficient  for  thee  "  (2  Cor.  xii.  9). 

The  following  letter  is  very  affecting.     It  was  penned 
a  few  hours  before  his  departure  from  London  : — 

"  [Let  not  one  be  missing.] 

'*  2  Pyrland  Road,  Mildmay,  N. , 
''March  1,  ISSS. 

"■  My  dearest  Father  and   Mother,  and  loving  Sisters 

So  Only  fo7'  Jcstts, 

and  Brothers, — I  received  your  very  kind  and  loving 
letters,  and  I  do  thank  you  very  much  for  your  loving- 
words  of  sympathy  and  cheer.  I  know  you  all  love  me 
much  better  than  I  deserve.  I  only  wish  that  I  could 
prove  to  you  that  I  love  you  all  more  than  I  ever 
knew  until  now.  But  I  must  not  say  more.  I  really 
cannot  write  to-day  as  I  should  wish.  In  two  or  three 
hours'  time  I  will  be  leaving  London,  en  route  for  China. 
I  am  going  alone,  but  I  have  no  fear.  The  Lord  is  with 
me.  I  am  going  to  do  His  work  in  His  name  and 
strength,  and  He  has  promised  that  He  ^^ill  never 
leave  me  nor  forsake  me.  He  is  faithful  who  has 
promised.  So,  dear  mother,  do  not  be  sad  at  my 
leaving.     We  shall  meet  again. 

"  Good-bye,  dear  father  !  God,  even  our  God,  bless 
you ;  and  if  we  never  meet  on  earth  again,  we  shall  meet 
in  Heaven.  Good-bye,  my  own  darling  mother  !  God  be 
with  you  :  this  is  my  daily  prayer.  Good-bye,  dear 
Annie  !  Keep  close  to  Jesus.  We  shall  meet  again. 
Good-bye,  my  dear  Johannah  !  I  am  praying  for  you  day 
nnd  night.  Oh  !  do  give  your  heart  to  Jesus  ;  then  we 
shall  meet  again.  Good-bye,  my  own  dear  Tom  !  I  am 
praising  the  Lord  for  you.  Oh,  keep  close  to  Jesus,  and 
trust  and  serve  Him  with  all  your  heart.  (Psalm  xlvi. 

'•  Pray  for  me  all  of  you,  and  write  to  me  regulaily 
the  first  Monday  of  every  month.      With  much  love, 

"  Willie. 

"P.S. — I  leave  London  Bridge  Station  to-night  at  8 

*'  God  bless  you  all.  Oh  !  if  we  never  meet  on  earth, 
see  to  it  that  we  ALL  meet  in  Heaven." 

Departure  for  China.  8 1 

From  an  interesting  diary  kept  by  Macgregor  daring 
his  journey  to  China  (and  which  is  reproduced  in  the 
following  pages),  we  learn  in  what  spirits  he  left  London, 
and  the  incidents  of  his  departure  : — 

"  Hotel  Burgundy,  Rue  Duplot, 
"  Paris,  March  2,  1882. 

"  Left  London  Bridge  Station  at  8  o'clock  last  night. 
Eight  dear  brothers  came  with  me  as  far  as  Croydon. 
Had  a  prayer-meeting  in  the  train  at  Croydon.  All  the 
dear  fellows  stood  upon  the  platform  and  sang, 

"  'There'll  be  no  parting.' 

''  We  then  moved  away,  and  I  had  what  may  prove 
the  last  sight  of  them  on  earth.  Mr  Markwick  [an 
intimate  friend,  who  had  returned  from  mission  work 
in  China;  owing  to  impaired  eyesight],  came  with  me 
as  far  as  Newhaven.  Here  we  found  the  wind  blowing 
a  perfect  hurricane,  and  we  were  met  with  the  cheering 
intelligence  that  the  boat  from  Dieppe,  duo  at  New- 
haven  at  9  A.M.  had  not  then  come  in  ! 

"  Going  on  board  I  secured  the  privilege  of  a  berth 
on  the  floor  of  the  second  cabin,  after  which  I  went  on 
shore  with  Mr  Markwick,  and  saw  him  into  his  room 
in  the  hotel,  where,  after  commending  each  other  to 
God  in  prayer,  we  parted,  and  I  hurried  on  board  to 
find  that  after  consulting  with  some  one  in  authority 
at  the  wharf  the  Captain  had  determined  to  go  out. 
Soon  everything  moveable  was  fastened  down,  and  the 
steward,  after  spreading  a  small  rug  on  tlie  floor  inti- 
mated to  me  that  my  bed  was  all  ready  !  After  I  had 
read  and  committed  myself  to  the  care  of  Him  who 
slumbers  not  nor  sleeps  I  lay  down,  feeling  very  happy 


82  Only  for  Jesus, 

and,  I  trust,  thankful  for  His  sustaining  grace  on  that 
— to  me — eventful  day. 

"  All  was  now  quiet,  and  I  thought  it  was  just 
possible  if  I  went  to  sleep,  I  would  not  waken  till  we 
had  crossed.  Vain  dream.  Presently  the  steward  was 
to  be  seen  flitting  about  the  cabin,  depositing  a  white 
basin  at  the  head  of  each  berth.  This  portentous  pre- 
paration over  he  retired,  and  all  was  quiet  again. 

"At  12.15  we  loosed  from  our  moorings  and  steamed 
away.  We  had  scarcely  cleared  the  mouth  of  the 
harbour  when  we  began  to  ship  great  seas.  We  tossed 
about  and  rolled  dreadfully,  and  now  the  stillness  of  our 
cabin  became  suddenly  broken  by  a  most  peculiar  noise, 
followed  by  sundry  low  moans  and  strange  eerie  sounds. 
Just  then  the  boat  pitched  fearfully,  and  everybody 
came  tumbling  on  to  the  floor.  Then  began  a  scene 
which  can  be  better  imagined  than  described.  Oh,  the 
length  of  that  night  !  How  slowly  the  hours  dragged 
along  !  Oh,  I  was  sick,  but  very  happy.  I  thought 
of  the  conversation  I  had  with  Miss  Whitefield  about 
the  proposed  tunnel,  and  the  wish  came  sneaking 
into  my  heart  that  it  had  been  finished  long  ago. 
However,  morning  came  at  last,  and  with  it  Dieppe. 
We  all  felt  thankful  to  get  our  feet  once  more  on  solid 

"  As  we  were  very  late  and  could  not  get  a  train  for 
some  time,  we  went  to  the  bufl'et  in  the  station  and 
tried  to  take  some  breakfast.  I  had  coffee  and  a 
roll  and  butter,  for  which  I  paid  one  shilling.  Every- 
thing was  very  nice  and  clean,  but  dear.  Our  train 
now  came  alongside  the  buffet,  and  we  all  got  in.  I 
had  a  companion,  who  was  going  to  Paris  for  his  holi- 

Annval  in  Pans.  '^'^ 

days.  I  soon  found  out  that  he  was  not  only  going  to 
Paris,  but  also  to  Heaven.  He  is  an  associate  of  the 
Young  Men's  Christian  Association  at  Aldersgate  Street, 
London,  and  had  a  note  of  introduction  to  the  Secretary 
of  the  Y.M.C.A  in  Paris.  He  knew  a  little  French,  and 
was  of  great  service  to  me. 

"  I  enjoyed  the  ride  to  Paris.  Was  particularly 
struck  with  the  appearance  of  the  trees  all  along  the 
route.  The  branches,  for  a  distance  of  ten  or  fourteen 
feet  from  the  ground,  were  all  lopped  off,  giving  them  a 
uniform,  and,  to  rae,  unnatural  appearance.  The  only 
birds  T  saw  were  rooks  and  magpies.  I  saw  none  of  our 
little  songsters,  although  I  kept  a  good  Jook  out. 

"  Having    reached     Paris,     my    friend     proposed     to 

accompany  me  to  my  hotel,  and  I,  seeing  in  all  this  the 

good  hand  of  my  God,  consenting,  we  came  to  the  Hotel 

Burgundy,    together.     Here    we    had    what    we    greatly 

needed,  a   good    bath.      Finding    we    had    but    a    short 

time  for  letter-writing,  we  set  to  work,  and  soon  had  our 

letters  in   the  post-office.     After  this  we  set  out  to  see 

Paris.     My  friend  had  a  good  guide-book,  and,  with  that, 

and   his  knowledge  of  French,  we  got  along  very  well 

indeed.     I" shall  not  attempt  a  description  of  Paris.     It 

is  a  beautiful  city.     Such  fine  wide  streets,  with  rows  of 

trees    on    each    side.      One    does    not    wonder   that    the 

French    are    so    proud    of    Paris.       Trafalgar    Square, 

London,    is   nothing    to    the    Place-de-la-Boncorde,    with 

the  beautiful  gardens  on  either  side.     We  walked  from 

there  up  to  the  Arc-ue-Triomphe,  which  is  a  magnificent 

piece   of  architecture.     We   called   at   the  Young  Men's 

Christian  Association  in  the  Ptue  Mont  Marche  ([  think 

that  is  how  it  is  spelt).     The  Secretary  was  not  in,  but 


Only  for  Jestts. 

we  spoke  to  a  young  man  who  said  they  were  in  a  very 
flourishing  condition.  Praise  God  for  that.  It  now 
began  to  rain,  and,  being  very  tired,  w^e  made  our  way 
back  to  our  hotel,  and,  after  reading  and  prayer  together, 
we  retired  to  rest,  praising  God  for  all  His  goodness  to  us." 




^0  his  friends  iu  Dingwall,  Macgregor  wrote  from 
O)     Paris,   within   an  honr  after  his  arrival  there, 
'JS^     expressing     the     same     sentiments    as    those 
^^j       contained    in    his  diary,  finishing  off  with  the 
words — 

"Trnly  the  Lord  is  going  before  me,  and  preparing 
everythiDg  for  me.     Bless  His  holy  name." 

To  resnmc  the  diary  : — 

"Hotel  De  Geneve,  Marseilles, 
"  March  4,  1SS3. 

"  Awoke  yesterday  morning  [in  Paris]  feeling  quite  re- 
freshed, and  the  events  of  the  previous  day  seemed  almost 
like  a  dream.  I  could  not  realize  that  I  was  really  on  my 
way  to  China,  and  I  almost  expected  to  hear  the  bell  ring 
for  prayers.     Of  course   I  did  not  hear  it,  but  I  did  hear 

S6  Only  for  yesus. 

a  knocking  at  the  door,  and  upon  opening  it  I  found  it 
was  the  waiter  with  our  breakfast.  That  ivas  real, 
although  my  dream  of  home  was  not  about  breakfast  ! 

"  My  friend  wishing  to  go  to  a  different  part  of  the 
city,   I  went  out  by  mj'self,  and  after  walking  about  for 
some   time   (under   a  pouring  rain  all  the  while)  I  came 
back    and    went    into    the     '  Madalene.'       I    was    quite 
surprised  at  the  number  of  peoj)ie  going  in  and  out.     As 
I  entered,  I  saw  a  large  number  of  priests  and  other  actors 
going    through    some    ceremony.     As  I  wished  to  know  • 
what  it  was  all  about,  I  spoke  to  several  of  those  who, 
like    myself,    were    spectators    of  the  scene.     A^t  last  I 
found    a  young  man,  a  Dane,  who  understood  English, 
and  had  a  nice   talk  with  him.     He  was  a  Protestant, 
and  I  spoke  to  him  of  the  necessity  of  a  personal  dealing 
with   God   through  the   only  Mediator,   our   Lord  Jesus 
Christ.       (He   told    me    that  he  had  been  watching  me 
for  some  time,  and  that  he  knew  I  was  a  Protestant.) 
From    him    I    learned    it    was    St.    Somebody's   Day — I 
forget   the   name — but    the    '  idol '    stands  just   on    the 
right  hand  side  as  you  enter  the  Church.     I  noticed  that 
all    who    came    in    after  dipping  in  the  holy  water  and 
crossing  themselves,  came  over  and  prostrated  themselves 
before  this  '  idol,'  then  rising  up  they  gave  their  gifts  to 
a  woman  in  attendance,  and  she  immediately  lighted  a 
small  wax  candle  and  stuck  it  on  a  stand,  made  for  the 
occasion,  I  suppose,  which  stood,  one  on  either  hand  of 
the    '  idoL'     Oh,    how    my  soul  was  stirred  within  me! 
I  do  believe  that  it  was  a  good  thing  for  me  that  I  did 
not    understand    French,    or    I  might  not  yet  have  left 
Paris.     The  '  idol '  itself  looked  like  a  beautiful  Christ" 
mas  tree.      There   were  also   three  coffins   broujiht  intd 

Impressions  of  Lyons  and  Marseilles,   ^"j 

the  place,  headed  by  j)i'ocessioiis  of  priests  and  others. 
I  never  witnessed  such  a  horrible  sight  in  my  life.  May 
God  have  mercy  on  the  poor  deluded  people,  who  have 
for  their  instructors  such  impostors  ! 

"  Leaving  the  place  I  went  back  to  the  hotel,  and 
after  settling  everything,  and  getting  a  cab,  and  accom- 
panied by  my  friend,  we  drove  to  the  Gare-de-Lyon, 
where  we  parted,  hoping  to  meet  each  other,  if  not  on 
earth,  in  Heaven.  My  train  left  the  station  at  2.50 
P.M.,  and,  after  a  comfortable  journey  through  a  very 
pleasant  country,  we  got  to  Lyons  at  6,10  a.m.  Here 
I  had  some  breakfast,  and  had  time  to  walk  about  and 
exercise  myself.  We  left  Lyons  at  7.35  a.m.,  and  got 
into  Marseilles  at  6.40  p.m.  I  quite  enjoyed  the  journey, 
although  the  carriages  kept  full  all  the  way,  so  that  I 
could  not  lie  down.  Having  a  good  stock  of  French 
tracts  and  '  British  Workmen,'  I  was  able  to  do  some- 
thing for  the  Master,  although  I  could  not  speak  one 
word  for  Him.  The  people,  with  very  few  exceptions, 
received  them  gladly.  Some  of  those  who  w^ere  going 
with  me  as  far  as  Marseilles  w^ere  very  kind  and  polite  to 
me,  and  by  signs  made  me  understand  that  they  wanted 
to  know  if  they  could  help  me  to  get  accommodation 
for  the  night.  I  showed  them  in  the  time-table  the 
advertisement  of  the  Hotel-de-Geneve.  They  seemed  so 
pleased,  and,  when  we  got  to  Marseilles,  conducted  me 
to  the  omnibus  for  the  hotel,  offering  to  carry  my 
luggage,  and,  after  seeing  me  safe  into  the  'bus,  they 
bowed,  and  we  shook  hands  and  so  parted. 

'•  The  journey  from  Lyons  to  Marseilles  was  through 
a  beautiful  country,  richly  wooded  and  well  watered. 
We  passed  several  nice   towns  and  many  little  villages 

88  Only  for  Jesus. 

IDicturesquely  situated,  with  here  and  there  a  gentleman's 
chateau  perched  on  some  lofty  spot,  and  commanding  a 
view  of  the  whole  surrounding  country ;  or  nestled  in 
some  sheltered  nook,  surrounded  with  beautiful  grounds. 
As  we  neared  the  coast  the  country  got  more  and  more 
beautiful.  The  trees  were  all  in  bloom,  especially  one 
kind,  which  I  supposed  to  be  the  almond,  with  beautiful 
white,  and,  in  some  cases,  pink  blossoms.  It  was  really 
lovely.  At  every  station  along  the  route  men  and 
women  were  selling  boiled  eggs,  sweetmeats,  and  wine 
at  1  fr.,  or  lOd,  the  bottle.  They  were  nice  and  clean- 
looking  people  and  had  none  of  the  appearance  of  our 
hawkers.  My  fellow-passengers  were  quite  astonished 
that  I  would  not  take  any  of  the  wine  which  they  very 
freely  offered  me,  or  smoke  the  cigarettes  they  put  at 
my  disposal.  Some  of  them,  I  noticed,  drank  three  or 
four  bottles  of  this  wine  before  we  got  to  our  journey's 

''  Getting  to  my  hotel  I  found  the  attendant,  who 
speaks  English,  and  w^as  soon  conducted  to  my  room, 
away  up  in  the  top  of  the  house — a  very  comfortable  room 
indeed.  As  I  felt  very  tired,  after  writing  a  short  note 
to  some  friends,  I  asked  to  be  woke  up  at  7  a.m.,  and 
to  have  my  breakfast  at  8,  and,  after  thanking  my 
loving  and  gracious  Father  for  all  His  watchful  care  over 
me,  I  lay  down  to  sleep  feeling  very  happy  and  peaceful. 

"  Mardi  6th,  18R2. 

"Out  upon  the  blue  waters  of  the  Mediterranean 
with  a  stiff  breeze  blowing,  every  wave  brings  me  nearer 
to  China.     Praise  God. 

"We  left  Marseilles  yesterday  morning  at  10  o'clock 

Romanists  amongst  Passengers.  89 

— a  lovely  iiiorniDg,  but  everything  liiirry  and  bustle. 
Found  it  hard  to  realise  that  it  was  Sabbath  morning. 
Going  on  board  I  made  my  way  to  the  third-class 
cabin,  and  giving  up  my  paper,  the  steward  showed  me 
my  berth,  and  putting  my  things  in  it,  and  putting 
my  Bible  into  my  pocket,  I  went  away  to  the  bows  of 
the  boat,  and  there,  sitting  down  upon  a  sail,  I  opened 
and  read  the  letters  which  dear  friends  had  sent  to  me 
to  the  boat.  I  had  quite  a  number — six  or  eight  at 
least.  The  whistle  now  blew,  and  the  place  was  quite 
crowded  with  friends  taking  leave  of  one  another,  but 
as  I  had  no  one  to  bid  good-bye  to,  or  even  to  speak  to 
(for  as  yet  I  had  not  met  one  who  could  understand 
English),  I  sat  where  I  was,  and  taking  out  my  Bible 
I  spent  one  of  the  most  blessed  Sabbath  mornings  I 
ever  remember.  I  felt  a  little  lonely  at  first,  which 
led  me  to  look  up  to  Him  who  hath  said,  '  Lo,  I 
am  with  you  all  the  days,'  and  I  did  realise,  in  a  way 
that  I  never  did  before,  what  that  meant.  Oh,  bless 
the  Lord  \  He  filled  me  with  a  joy  and  gladness  that 
has  not  left  me  since. 

"  We  have  a  large  number  of  first-class  passengers. 
Amongst  them  are  some  Priests  and  Sisters  of  Mercy. 
I  have  had  a  conversation  with  one  of  the  priests,  I 
find  he  is  going  to  China  as  a  missionarj^  He  leaves 
me  at  Hong-Kong  (I  wish  he  would  sooner).  He  shuns 
me  now.  H  I  go  down  one  side  of  the  boat  he  crosses 
over  to  the  other  side,  or  goes  below.  Some  of  tlic 
passengers  have  taken  notice  of  it.  He  evidently  does 
not  like  me.  I  do  not  know  why,  unless  he  has  got 
to  know  something  about  me  from  the  steward  in  our 
quarter.     AVc  have  two  Spanish  ladies,  and  two  Chinese 

90  Only  for  Jesus, 

nurses  ;  four  Spaniards,  five  Frenchmen,  and  three  Eng- 
lishmen, including  myself.  The  other  two  are  going  to 
Yokohama,  Japan.  One  is  a  young  lad  going  out  to 
his  father,  and  he  is  in  charge  of  the  other,  who,  I 
think,  is  a  very  bad  man.  I  have  had  a  long  talk  with 
both  of  them,  but  the  elder  one  thinks  I  am  an  enthu- 
siast, and  says  that  after  a  bit  I  will  cool  down,  and 
he  congratulates  me  on  what  he  calls  'getting  the  post.' 
Oh,  God,  my  God,  keep  me  from  ever  growing  cold,  or 
looking  upon  any  work  in  China  as  a  '  post.'  I  am 
praying  for  both  of  them. 

"  On  Sunday  night  the  sea  was  lovely.     It  was  almost 
fall  moon,  and  not  a  cloud  in  the  sky,  while  the  blue 
\vaters  of  the  Mediterranean  were  calm  as  glass.     Away 
on   our  left  w^e  could   see  high  snow^-topped  mountains, 
which  I  took  to  be  the  Alps.     I   walked  the   deck  until 
late,  and  strange  thoughts  passed  through  my  mind  as  I 
paced  to  and  fro  alone — thoughts  of  home — of  my  past 
life — of  all  that  the  Lord  had  done  for  me — how  He  had 
borne  w^ith  me  in  all  my  w^anderings,  in  all  my  sinfulness 
— how^  He  had  saved  me,  and  led  me  on  step  by  step — 
and  how  unfaithful  I  have  been  to   Him.     The  sense  of 
God's  goodness  to  me  was  crushing,  and  I  had  to  do — 
what  I  do  now" — look  away  from  unfaithful  self  to  Him 
whose  mercy  and  love  are  like  Himself — infinite — eternal. 
Oh,  I  do  want  to  be  used  by  Him  !     I  want  to  glorify 
Him  in  all  things,  whether  on  sea  or  land.     In  life  and 
death,  thine  I  am,  oh.  Lord.     Thee  would  I  serve.     Oh, 
take    and  fit    me.       Make    me    a   vessel    meet   for    the 
Master's  use,  for  Jesus'  sake.     Amen. 

Bay  of  Naples  and  Vesnvttis.  91 

''March  7th,  1882. 

"  The  wind  blew  hard  all  day  yesterday.  Quite  a 
number  of  my  fellow-passengers  were  sick,  but  I  felt  no 
inconvenience.  I  was  able  to  take  my  food  with  a  relish 
(this  is  all  in  answer  to  prayer).  The  night  was  really 
lovely.  Although  windy,  a  clear  sky  and  full  moon. 
Retired  to  bed  early.  Awoke  at  2  a.m.,  and  looking  out 
of  the  port-hole — which  I  can  do  lying  in  my  berth — I 
found  we  were  close  to  Naples,  and  half-an-hour  after- 
wards everybody  in  our  cabin  sprung  to  their  feet, 
awakened  by  a  tremendous  noise,  which  we  found  was 
caused  by  the  dropping  of  the  anchor.  I  thought  the 
passengers  made  more  noise  talking  away  in  Spanish  and 
French  than  even  the  anchor  ! 

"  Everybody  rushed  on  deck  to  see  Vesuvius.  And 
theie  it  was,  quite  close  at  hand,  great  clouds  rising  from 
it,  and  a  dull  red  flame  at  times  visible  through  the 
smoke.  As  we  have  been  lying  here  beside  it  all  day  I 
have  been  gazing  at  it  in  w^onder  and  awe.  The  view 
from  where  we  are  just  now  is  really  grand.  The 
city  lies  before  ns  in  the  form  of  a  crescent  built  upon  a 
sloping  ground,  rising  rapidly  as  it  recedes  from  the 
shore,  so  that  the  houses  seem  to  rise  one  above  another, 
giving  it  a  beautiful  appearance.  On  the  right  hand 
horn  of  the  crescent  Vesuvius  rises  like  a  great  sentinel, 
and,  just  opposite,  on  the  left  horn,  there  rises  a  high  hill 
with  a  fortification  on  the  top  of  it. 

''I  had  often  heard  of  the  beautiful  Bay  of  Naples. 
Well,  it  is  beautiful,  but  I  think  the  view  as  we  sailed 
out  of  Marseilles  was  even  more  beautiful.  However,  I 
suppose  that  is  a  matter  of  taste. 

Only  for  JesMs, 

"Wc  left  at  4  P.M.  and  I  had  got  a  good  look  at 
the  railway,  which  raus  iij)  the  moiuitain.  One  of  the 
passengers  allowed  me  to  look  through  his  glass.  It 
seems  a  daring  scheme. 

"Wednesday,  8t]i  March,  18S2. 

"  Awoke  this  morning  at  five,  and  going  on  deck  found 
that  we  had  entered  the  Straits  of  Messina,  which  at  the 
narrowest  point,  I  suppose,  to  be  about  a  mile  and  a-half 
wide.  The  country  looked  beautiful  on  either  side,  and 
we  had  a  good  view  of  Mount  Etna,  bat  the  top  w^as 
covered  with  clouds.  Aw^ay  on  the  left  (the  mainland) 
we  saw  a  great  ridge  or  chain  of  snow-topped  mountains. 

"  March  0th. 

"  Up  at  half-past  five  this   morning — my  usual   time 

since  coming   on  board.     Went  on  deck  to  see  the  sun 

rise,   the  wind  still  blowing  softly.     Since  then   it   has 

increased  to    a  gale,  and  just  as  I  am  holding  on  and 

writing   this,    sea   after    sea    is  breaking   over    us,    and 

coming  pouring  along   the  deck.     It  is  stormy,  and  we 

have  two  days  before  we  sight  Port  Said.     The  noise  is 

deafening.      How   sweet   to    know   that    He  is  with  me 

^  7101V. ^     Have  just    been    reading   the  89th  Psalm,  8th 

and  9th  verses,  also  93rd  Psalm  and  verse  4th.     Per  feci 


''March  10th. 

"  A  lovely  morning,  the  sun  shining  down  upon  a 
beautiful  smooth  sea.  The  storm  of  last  night  has  passed 
away,  for  which  all  on  board  seem  thankful.  Oh,  it  was 
rough  !     Last  night  one  great  iron  ring  which  was  hold- 

Kept  in  Perfect  Peace. 

iug  some  ropes,  snapped  into  four  pieces,  and  the  great 
big  ship  lay  over  on  her  side  just  as  if  she  would  go 
down.  Some  of  the  ladies  were  crying  out,  and  men 
were  shouting.  The  noise  was  deafening.  I  felt  just 
then  how  unspeakably  precious  Jesus  was  to  me  \  and 
the  words  which  dear  friends  at  home  so  often  quoted 
to  me  ere  leaving  England,  viz.,  '  Lo,  I  am  with  you 
alway,'  came  to  me  with  such  a  sweet  and  comforting  and 
cheering  influence.     I  began  to  sing — 

'  The  Lord  is  my  Rock,  and  in  Him  I  trust— 

A  Refuge  in  the  time  of  storm  ; 
Secure  whatever  may  befall — 
A  Eefugfe  in  the  tiaie  of  storm.' 

"  I  have  always  believed  it,  but  now  I  have  proved  it, 
that  in  time  of  storm,  as  in  cahri,  the  Lord  can  o.nd  will 
keep  in  perfect  peace  those  whose  minds  are  set  upon 
Him.     Bless  His  dear  name. 

"  To-day  I  have  been  looking  over  the  bows  of  the 
boat  and  it  is  lovely.  The  sun  shining  on  the  spray 
from  the  bows  causes  a  beautiful  rainbow,  a,nd  at  night, 
when  it  is  dark,  the  flashes  of  phosphoric  light  from  the 
waves  are  very  beautiful. 

"  I  am  glad  that  I  did  not  take  a  great  big  chair  with 
me.  There  are  numerous  coils  of  rope  set  in  the  forepart 
of  the  ship,  on  which  one  can  sit  with  ease,  if  not  com- 
fort ;  but  as  I  am  not  confined  to  one  part  of  the  ship, 
and  there  are  plenty  seats  away  aft,  I  am  never  at  a  loss 
for  a  seat. 

"  As  we  left  the  Straits  I  took  my  last  look  of  Europe, 
for  some  time  I  hope.  We  now  stood  out  to  sea,  and, 
the  wind  rising,  we  began  to  move  about  a  little,  the 
wind   continuing  to  rise  as  the  day  wore  on,  until  now^ 

94  Oiily  for  Jesus. 

it  is  blowing  quite  a  gale,  with  the  sea  running  higli. 
Everybody  in  our  quarter  is  lying  in  his  berth.  This 
is  altogether  different  from  what  I  had  anticipated  in 
the  Mediterranean. 

"Had  a  long  conversation  with  two  of  the  second- 
class    passengers    and     some    others    who     understand 

English.     One    of  them,   Mr.    F ,   who    is   going   to 

Shanghai,  spoke  in  very  disparaging  terms  of  mission- 
aries to  the  heathen,  some  of  whom,  he  said,  were 
better  than  the  men  who  came  to  teach  them,  and  we 
ought  to  convert  the  heathen  at  home  first,  etcetera^ 
etcetera.  At  this  they  all  chimed  in,  and  I  found  that 
all  who  stood  around  were  quite  at  one  in  their  dislike 
of  missionaries.  However,  looking  up,  I  tried  to  speak 
faithfully  and  personally  to  each  of  them  and  preached 
Jesus  unto  them.  Of  course  I  came  in  for  a  good  deal 
of  sneering  and  scoffing,  but  still  I  am  not  without 
hope  that  even  this  feeble  attempt  to  sow  the  seed  may 
receive  the  blessing  of  God,  and  bring  forth  fruit  to  the 
glory  of  His  holy  name.      On  parting  with  them  for  the 

night,  Mr.  F ,  with  whom  I  was  standing  alone,  put 

out  his  hand  and  said — 

"'Mr.  Macgregor,  I  believe  as  firmly  as  you  do  that 
Jesus  Christ  is  the  Son  of  God,  and  that  He  died  for  me, 
but  I  find  it  so  hard  to  do  what  I  know  to  be  right.  I 
have  no  power  over  some  evil  habits,'  etcetera. 

"  I  told  him  of  Jesus,  the  almighty  Saviour,  who 
could  save  him  from  all  his  sins,  if  he  would  but  trust 
Him.  He  really  seemed  to  feel  it  when  I  told  him  what 
a  Saviour  Jesus  was  to  me,  and  bidding  me  good-night, 
he  held  out  his  hand,  and  said — 

"  '  Sir,  I  do  wish  you  every  success  in  your  work,  and 

PreacJiing  J e sits.  95 

hope  that  your  expectations  concerning  China  may  be  all 

"  May  God  the  Holy  Ghost  show  him  the  folly  of 
trusting  to  himself,  or  his  '  filthy  rags,'  and  lead  him  to 
look  to  Him  who  is  almighty  to  save,  and  whose  blood — 
and  that  alone — can  make  a  sinner  fit  to  appear  in  the 
presence  of  a  holy  God. 

"  One  of  the  third-class  passengers  is  confined  to  his 
bed.  Poor  fellow,  he  is  dying  of  consumption — a  j^'oung, 
handsome,  fine-looking  man,  of  twenty-two  years  of  age. 
I  have  been  trying  to  make_  him  understand  me.  He  is 
a  Roman  Catholic,  but  I  think  he  never  prays,  and  I 
think  he  is  quite  careless.  I  am  glad  that  I  took  some 
jam  with  me,  as  his  throat  is  very  bad,  and  he  has 
nothing  to  relieve  him.  Poor  fellow,  he  is  going  home 
to  die.  He  gets  no  sympathy  from  others.  They  say 
it  will  be  a  good  thing  when  he  goes  ashore,  as  he  does 
at  Aden.  Whoever  reads  this  will,  I  hope,  pray  that  God 
may  bless  to  his  soul  the  reading  of  a  tract  in  French, 
which  he  understands,  also  a  '  British  Workman.' 

"  I  hope  we  will  be  at  Port  Said  to-morrow  evening, 
just  as  dear  friends  at  Pyrland  Road  are  praying  for  me. 
Oh,  may  God  answer,  in  my  experience,  every  prayer  put 
up  for  me  from  that  room  in  the  name  of  Jesus.  As  I 
get  nearer  to  China  I  feel  more  and  more  my  insufficiency 
and  unfitness  for  the  work.  Oh,  God,  strengthen  my 

"  This  I  will  post  at  Port  Said^  and  continue  to  keep  a 
rough  journal." 




March  14th,  18S3. 

INGE  writing  my  last  entry  I  have  had  a  joyful 
It  was  SO  o-ood  of  the  Lord  to  thus 

dv/i^^fc  surprise. 
\x^v ))  encourage  and  cheer  me  at  so  early  a  stage  of 
■c^v,"  my  journey.  Bless  His  dear  name.  It  is  just 
part  of  that  goodness  and  mercy  and  love  that  have 
followed  me  every  day  since  leaving  home.  Bless  the 
Lord,  0  my  soul,  and  forget  not  all  His  benefits.  On 
Saturday  morning  we  sighted  the  coast  of  Africa,  and  at 
half-past  one  p.m.  we  came  to  anchor  at  the  mouth  of  the 

Canal,  Port  Said  lying  in  all  its  b ,  — I  had  better  not 

say — beauty — for  according  to  my  Western  ideas  of 
beauty  that  element  was  conspicuous  by  its  absence. 
However,  there  it  was,  with  the  bright  sun  shining  down 
upon  its  streets  and  shores,  crowded  with  swarthy  forms, 
chiefly  Arab,  clad  in  their  long  flowing  dresses  and  turbans. 

A  Joyful  Surprise.  97 

Shoes  or  stockings  they  had  none.     We  had   no  sooner 
come  to  anchor  than  we  were  surrounded  by  Arab  boats 
all  eager  to  take  us  ashore.     I  had  been  standing  at  the 
side  of  the  ship  gazing  at  the  strange  and — to  me — novel 
scene  before  us,  and  now  turned  to  see  if  any  were  going 
ashore,     when,     lo,     there — on      the     deck,     and     not 
three  feet  from  -where   I   was — stood  Brother   Wallace. 
I    could     not     at      first    believe    my     eyes,     but     sure 
enough  there  he  was,  looking  hale  and  hearty,  and  quite 
sunburnt.     I  felt  quite   a   thrill   of  delight  go  through 
me   as   I   grasped   his  hand.     Along  with  him   was  Mr. 
Whitock,  the  only  missionary  here,  who  labours  among 
the   sailors   passing   through   the   Canal.     Finding  that 
we  were  to  sail  in  two   hours'    time    we  got  into   Mr. 
Whitock's  boat,  and   were  soon  rowed  ashore,  and   con- 
ducted to   Mr.   Whitock's    house — a  nice  little   cottao-e, 
quite   near  to  the   harbour.       Here    we  had   prayer   to- 
gether,  and,   oh,   it  was  to    me    a  soul-refreshing    time. 
We  all  felt  it  to  be  a  time  for  praise  and  thanksgiving 
to  our  adorable  Lord  and  Saviour,  who  had  thus  privi- 
leged us  to  meet  each  other  in  this  strange   and  forei^-n 
land.     After  prayer  I  went  into  Brother  Wallace's   bed- 
room, and  it  did  seem  so  strange  to  see  hanging  upon  the 
wall  the  group — Mr.  and  Mrs.  Broomhall  and  family.     I 
was  afraid   I  would  waken  up  to  find  that   I  had   been 
dreaming.     It    seemed  so    strange   that  just   about  the 
time   dear   friends   were   met   together  in   dear  Pyrland 
Road,  and  supplicating  the  throne  of  grace  on  our  behalf, 
we  were  lifting  up  our   voices  and   hearts  to   the  same 
gracious    and    ever-blessed  God  in  this  little  cottage  in 
Egypt.     But  it  was  all  real,  even  to  the  blessing  which  I 
am  sure  we  all  received  in  answer  to  our  united  prayers. 


98  Only  for  Jestis, 

"  Brother  Wallace  led  me  through  some  streets — 
■which  are  a  strange  mixture  of  French  cafes  and  Arab 
bazaars,  with  here  and  there  a  ship-chandler's  shop — to 
a  place  where  we  purchased  some  fine  large  oranges.  I 
have  never  seen  such  large  fruit  in  England,  and  so  very 

''  We  now  went  on  board,  as  they  were  preparing  to 
sail.  I  was  sorry  that  I  had  so  little  time  with  Brother 
Wallace  ;  but  as  w^e  could  not  enter  the  Canal  after  sun- 
set, we  had  to  go  on,  or  wait  until  sunrise  next  morning. 
The  rules  of  the  Canal  oblige  all  vessels  to  lie  from  sun- 
set to  sunrise.  So  we  parted  with  the  mutual  p>rayer 
that  God  would  bless  us,  and  that  in  our  different  spheres 
of  labour  we  might  have  grace  to  glorify  His  name,  who 
has  called  us  out  of  darkness  into  His  marvellous  light. 
And  I  also  pray  that  God  may  be  pleased  to  spare  us 
both  to  meet  in  China,  to  which  land  1  hope  the  Lord 
will  be  pleased  to  send  my  beloved  brother. 

"  Mr  Whitock  was  so  very  kind  to  me  when  I  told 
him  that  I  had  no  Scriptuies  to  give  away.  He  gave 
me  a  good  supply  of  French  Testaments  and  small  tracts, 
and  some  Spanish  tracts  and  Bibles,  also  some  English 
papers  and  small  books.  He  appears  to  be  a  dear,  good 
man,  and  very  earnest.  May  God's  richest  blessing  rest 
upon  his  labours  at  Port  Said. 

"March  15tli,  1882. 

''  We  entered  the  Canal  on  Saturday  at  5  p.m.,  and 
got  to  Suez  on  Monday  at  1  p.m.  It  was  warm  as  we 
came  near  Suez,  but,  oh,  what  a  desert  !  Nothing  to  be 
seen  on  either  side  as  far  as  the  eye  could  reach  but — 
sand,       On  Sabbath  it  was  very  hot,  without  a  cloud  in 

ThroitgJi  Suez  Canal  and  Red  Sea.      99 

"the  sky.  We  had  a  splendid  opportunity  of  witnessing 
that  strange  atmospheric  illusion  the  '  mirage '  of  the 
desert.  I  was  quite  certain  it  was  a  real  scene,  for  I 
could  see  the  water  rippling  on  the  shore  of  what  seemed 
to  be  a  large  lake,  and  I  could  see  the  rocks  on  the 
shore  ;  but  we  were  assured  by  those  who  knew,  and  by 
natives  on  board,  that  it  was  all  an  illusion.  It  set  me 
athinking  of  that  other  desert  in  which  so  many  are 
wandering  and  pursuing  things  which,  with  all  their 
seeming  reality,  in  the  end  prove  to  be  nothing  but 
mirage.  I  thanked  God  that  by  the  power  of  His 
blessed  Spirit  my  eyes  had  been  opened,  and  that  now  I 
look  not  at  the  '  things  that  are  seen,'  but  at  the  '  things 
that  are  unseen,  for  the  things  that  are  seen  are  temporal, 
but  the  things  which  are  unseen  are  eternal.' 

"  We  passed  several  English  homeward-bound  ships  in 
the  Canal,  and  one  troopship,  bringing  home  troops  from 
India.     A.11  were  flying  the  yellow  flag,  being  in  quarantine. 

"  We  are  now  running  down  the  Red  Sea  to  Aden, 
where  we  expect  {D.  F.)  to  be  on  Saturday  morning. 
The  weather  is  very  hot.  We  have  an  awning  covering 
the  whole  of  the  ship.  As  I  am  sitting  writing  this  I 
am  doing  so  without  my  waistcoat  on,  and  perspiring 
freely.  Not  a  breath  of  wind  !  and  the  sea  is  as  smooth 
as  glass.  Oh,  it  is  glorious.  I  do  like  warm  weather.  I 
hear  there  is  cholera  at  Aden.  If  so  we  will  not  be 
allowed  to  go  ashore. 

"  Amongst  our  first-class  passengers  are  General , 

with   his  lady    and  suite,   the   Marquis  of ,  etcetera^ 

but  I  have  been  unable  to  find  one  Christian,  except  the 
Priests  already  referred  to. 

"  I  will  post  this  Aden — all  being  well. 

lOO  Only  for  Jcstts. 

March  28th,  18S2. 

"  Seventeen  hours'  sail  out  from  Ceylon.  '  What 
shall  I  render  to  the  Lord  for  all  His  benefits  towards 
meV  (Psalm  cxvi.  12.)  This  is  my  first  entry  since 
the  15th.  The  reason  may  or  may  not  be  seen  from 
the  diary.  Anyhow  I  have  great  reason  to  be  thankful 
to  my  Heavenly  Father  for  all  his  goodness  and  mercy 
to  me  since  then.  After  two  days  and  a  night  of  very 
stormy  weather  we  got  into  Aden  on  Saturday  night, 
the  1 8th,  and  left  next  morning  at  half-past  ten  o'clock. 
It  was  very  hot,  and  it  looked  such  a  desolate  place — 
with  nothing  to  be  seen  but  huge  rocks.  Not  a  sign 
of  vegetation  could  be  observed  from  the  ship,  and  very 
little  when  on  shore — only  a  few  small  trees  around 
the  English  Church.  The  place  seems  well  fortified^ 
and  there  were  numbers  of  soldiers  to  be  seen ;  but  the 
great  point  of  interest  to  strangers  is  the  huge  water 
tanks,  which  are  cut  out  of  the  solid  rock,  and  are 
capable  of  containing  millions  of  gallons  of  rain  water. 

"  Here,  as  at  Naples  and  Suez,  we  were  boarded  by 
crowds  of  men  selling  curiosities.  I  never  saw  such  a 
dirty,  wretched-looking  crowd  in  my  life.  They  quite 
beat  the  natives  at  Port  Said.  They  could  all  of  them 
have  been  decently  fitted  out  with  two  or  three 
changes  of  raiment  at  any  rag  shop  in  London  ! 

"  We  left  Aden  on  Sabbath  morning,  and,  contrary 
to  expectation,  we  had  a  calm  sea  all  the  way  to  Ceylon, 
entering  the  harbour  at  Colombo  at  8  p.m.  on  Sabbath, 
the  26th,  thus  completing  the  distance — of  over  2100 
miles — in  eight  days. 

"  The  weather  was^,  and  is  so  now,  very  hot,  and,  as 

Coloinbo.  loi 

we  had  no  wind,  the  passengers  could  not  sleep  below  at 
night.  Everybody  slept  on  deck — 1st,  2nd,  and  3rd 
class.  As  the  nights  were  very  dark  it  was  dangerous 
to  walk  about,  as  men  and  women  lay  asleep  all  over  the 
deck.  I  enjoyed  it  very  much.  Not  much  trouble  in 
making  my  bed  !  just  lay  my  rug  down  on  the  softest 
plank  I  can  find,  and  my  pillow  under  my  head,  and 
under  the  soporific  influence  of  the  engine's  monotonous 
thud,  thud,  I  am  soon  fast  asleep,  to  be  awakened  by 
the  boatswain's  whistle  at  4  a.m.,  as  he  calls  the  w^atcli 
to  wash  the  decks.  All  have  then  to  go  below.  It's 
just  take  up  your  bed  and  walk.  AVoe  to  the  poor 
fellow  who  has  crept  into  some  corner  and  cannot  be 
seen,  as  the  hose  is  soon  at  work,  and  is  rather  a  rude 

"  On  Sabbath  last  I  came  well-nigh  losing  my  life ;  but 
thanks  be  unto  God,  who  not  only  forgiveth  all  our 
iniquities,  but  also  healeth  all  our  diseases,  what  seemed 
to  be  a  great  evil  my  loving  Father  made  an  occasion  of 
blessing,  and  of  showing  to  me.  His  unworthy  servant,  His 
great  love  and  tender  mercy.  It  happened  on  this  wise. 
About  eleven  o'clock  a.m.  I  took  my  Bible  and  Mr. 
Spurgeon's  sermon  for  the  day,  and  going  forward  sought 
and  found  a  quiet  spot,  where  I  could  be  alone,  and  so 
commune  with  my  Father  in  Heaven.  I  sat  down  upon 
a  coil  of  rope,  and  as  it  was  very  hot  I  took  off  my  hat 
and  laid  is  beside  me.  I  thought  there  could  be  no 
harm  in  doing  so,  as  there  was  a  good  awning  overhead. 
After  reading  the  sermon  I  took  the  Book,  and  began 
looking  up  parallel  passages.  I  was  so  occupied  that  I 
did  not  notice  how  time  flew,  until  about  one  o'clock  a 
gentleman     came     where     I    was    and    spoke    to     me. 

I02  Only  for  Jesus. 

Immediately  on  standing  up  I  felt  my  head  ache 
dreadfully,  and  felt  quite  ill,  and,  trembling  all  over,  I 
went  below.  The  gentleman  gave  me  his  sponge  with 
cold  water  and  I  had  my  head  sponged  all  over.  I  then 
lay  down,  but  I  soon  got  worse,  and  began  to  be  sick. 
Everybody  was  very  kind  to  me,  suggesting  this,  that, 
and  the  other  thing.  However  I  rose,  and  kneeling 
down  I  told  my  Father  all  about  it,  and  immediately  I 
felt  quite  calm  and  very  happy,  and  in  spite  of  the 
significant  looks  and  gestures  of  those  around  me,  I  felt 
certain  my  fate  was  not  that  of  being  cast  overboard  until 
I  reached  Shanghai. 

"  Two  of  the  Catholic  Priests  brought  the  doctor  to 
me,  and  he  ordered  me  to  have  ice  to  my  head.  During 
the  whole  of  the  night  I  was  quite  feverish,  and  I  had  a 
cloth  rung  out  of  cold  water  kept  on  my  head.  During 
the  night  I  felt  so  happy  that  I  could  not  refrain  from 
singing  at  times.  Of  course  this  was  set  down  for  light- 
headedness, but,  bless  the  Lord,  it  was  from  the  heart, 
not  the  head.  Towards  morning  I  got  some  sound 
sleep,  and  awoke  feeling  quite  well,  though  a  little  weak, 
and  now  I  am  just  as  well  and  strong  as  ever,  if  not 
more  so.  They  were  all  surprised  how  well  I  got 
over  it,  and  the  steward  told  me  that  on  one  of  their 
voyages  a  young  man  was  sun-struck  sitting  in  the  same 
place  in  which  I  sat,  and  died  in  an  hour  and  a-half 
afterwards.  Everybody  said  there  was  no  doubt  if  I 
had  continued  to  sit  a  few  minutes  longer,  it  might  have 
proved  fatal.  There  is  a  double  awning  over  the  whole 
of  the  after-part  of  the  ship,  a  single  one  being  of  very 
little  use  with  such  a  hot  sun  overhead.  I  suppose 
as    m.y    seat    v;as    rather   a   rough    one    I   must  have 

Fervent  Gratztzcde,  lo 

kept  moving  about,  and  so  got  beneath  where  the 
awnings  join,  I  do  not  know,  but  I  have  all  along 
endeavoured  to  be  careful  of  not  exposing  myself  to  the 
sun.  However  this  taught  me  a  lesson.  Will  you  join, 
with  me  in  thanking  our  God  and  Father  for  so 
manifestly  interposing  to  save  me  from  the  effects  of 
what  I  suppose  may  be  called  my  own  carelessness,  and 
sparing  me  to"  bear  witness  to  the  riches  of  His  grace, 
and  serve  Him  in  the  Gospel  of  His  dear  Son  amongst 
the  millions  of  China  %  Oh,  for  grace  to  serve  Him 
faithfully.  Oh,  I  want  to  be  wholly  given  up  to  Him, 
body,  soul,  and  spirit — all  His — only  His.  Oh,  how 
unworthy  of  such  love,  such  condescension,  I  am.  I  am 
indeed  ungrateful  and  full  of  unbelief.  What  a  wicked 
heart  I  have,  and  yet  goodness  and  mercy  follow  me 
every  step.      Wondrous  love  !  wondrous  love  !" 




^HE  striking  incident  referred  to  in  last  chapter 

made  a  deep  impression  on  Macgregor's  mind. 

We  find  him  referring  to  it  afterwards  in 
Pg^j)  China.  In  China''s  Millions,  the  monthly 
organ  of  the  China  Inland  Mission,  for  December,  1882, 
Mr.  A.  G.  Parrott,  gives  an  account  of  missionary  meet- 
ings held  at  Gan-K'ing,  in  China,  in  which  Macgregor 
told  the  story  of  his  wonderful  recovery.  As  the  account 
is  interesting  for.  other  reasons  the  quotation  will  be 
acceptable: — 

"  Two  meetings  a  day  were  held,  from  seven  till  nine 
morning  and  evening.  We  numbered  in  all  twelve  per- 
sons, four  of  whom  were  ladies.  The  first  few  days 
were  given  more  especially  to  the  exposition  of  the 
Canticles.  Friday,  the  fifth  day,  had  been  proposed  as 
a  day  of  fasting  and  prayer  throughout  the  mission,  and 

Reflections  on  Escape  from  Stmstroke.  105 

it  certainly  was  a  time  of  much  blessing  at  Gan-K''ing. 
In  the  afternoon  a  meeting  with  the  native  Christians 
was  held,  and  Mr,  Tomalin  was  duly  installed  as  pastor 
of  the  Church,  in  view  of  Mr.  Pearce's  approaching 
absence  from  China. 

"  In  the  evening,  after  a  few  words  from  Mr.  Taylor, 
the  meeting  was  thrown  open  to  any  who  wished  to 
speak  of  the  way  in  which  God  had  dealt  with  them  in 
the  past — an  experience  meeting  which,  however,  I  can- 
not attempt  to  describe,  nor  one  which  followed  next 
morning.  The  Holy  Ghost  came  upon  us  with  great 
power,  as  one  and  another  told  of  the  wonderful  way  in 
which  God  had  first  saved  them  from  their  sins,  and  then 
led  them  step  by  step  to  give  themselves,  sometimes 
against  their  own  inclinations,  to  the  work  of  preaching 
the  Gospel  in  China. 

"  The  experience  of  one  brother  in  this  respect 
particularly  interested  us.  God  seems  to  have  forced  his 
way  open  before  him,  and  compelled  him  to  come.  On 
the  voyage  out  this  young  missionary  received  a  severe 
sunstroke,  and  the  doctors  and  others  on  board  gave  no 
hope  of  his  recovery ;  but  when  our  brother  became 
sufficiently  conscious  of  his  position,  he  cast  himself 
upon  the  mercy  of  God,  and  prayed  that  his  missionary 
career  should  not  be  brought  to  such  a  speedy  termina- 
tion. He  acknowledged  to  God  that  he  had  perhaps  not 
exercised  sufficient  caution  in  keeping  out  of  the  burning- 
rays  of  the  sun,  and  asked  forgiveness.  This  he  did 
when  he  was  alone,  an  hour  or  two  after  the  stroke. 
The  doctor,  next  morning,  as  well  as  everybody  else  on 
board,  was  astonished  to  find  him  up  and  perfectly  well. 
Instead  of  having  to  drop  his  dead  body  overboard   as 

io6  Only  for  Jesus. 

they  expected,  they  had  rather  to  congratulote  him  on 
such  a  speedy  recovery.  How  many  recognized  the 
hand  of  God  in  it  we  cannot  say,  but  there  is  no  doubt 
whatever  in  the  mind  of  our  brother  himself  that  God — 
JEHOVAH-Rorni — raised  him  up  by  His  own  direct 
interposition.  Immediately  after  prayer,  the  intense 
pain  in  his  head  decreased  so  rapidly  that  in  a  few  hours 
he  felt  perfectly  well,  and,  indeed,  was  perfectly  well. 

'■'  On  Saturday  morning  we  concluded  with  a  meeting 
more  especially  for  prayer.  For  nearly  two  hours  prayer 
continued  without  a  minute's  intermission.  The  prayers 
were  pointed  and  powerful,  everyone  realized  the 
presence  and  power  of  the  Spirit  of  God  upon  us,  and 
much  liberty  in  prayer  was  the  result.  Prayer  for  the 
remainder  of  the  seventy  additional  labourers,  for  whom 
more  than  sixty  of  us  are  banded  together  to  pray  daily, 
was  specially  definite  and  emphatic,  and  we  are  more 
than  ever  determined  never  to  cease  crying  to  the  Lord 
of  the  Harvest  till  we  see  '  the  seventy '  thrust  forth 
into  His  harvest.  Some  wonder  why  we  ask  for 
'seventy.'  We  can  only  here  say  the  work  needs 
seventy  times  '  seventy,'  and  believe  that  in  these  days 
nothing  is  too  hard  for  the  Lord." 

The  following  letters,  written  by  Macgregor  on  board 
ship,  may  appropriately  find  a  place  here  : — 

(To  Ids  brother,  Tom.) 

"  My  very  dear  Tom, — Just  a  line  to  encourage  you 
in  your  daily  holy  war  against  the  world,  the  flesh,  and 
the  devil.  I  know  that  you  are  just  in  the  place  where 
you  will  be  tempted  and  tricd^  and  where,  I  am  sorry 

Letters  to  his  Mother  and  Brother,     107 

to  think,  you  will  see  much  cold-hearted  and  luke-warni 
Laodicean  profession.  Oh,  Tom,  be  much  in  prayer,  and 
never  mind  what  men  may  say  to  you.  Strive  after 
holiness,  after  entire  sanctification.  When  you  discover 
that  your  heart  is  full  of  sin  do  not  be  dis'couraged.  It 
is  because  God's  Holy  Spirit  is  shining  into  your  dark 
heart.  Thank  God  that  He  has  revealed  it  to  you,  and 
put  it  all  away  ;-  and  ask  Him  to  cleanse  you  from  all 
sin.  Before  it  can,  or  will,  be  cleansed,  He  will  show 
you  that  it  is  there,  and  what  a  black,  foul  thing  it  is. 
This  will  humble  you,  and  make  you  hate  self  and 
mourn  before  Him  ;  but  never  let  it  discourage  you. 
Never,  never  believe  the  devilish  doctrine  that 
you  must  expect  to  be  always  falling.  It  is  a  lie,  and  a 
slander  on  the  almighty  Saviour,  who  can  keep  us,  if  we 
only  trust  Him.  I  have  not  time  to  write  more,  and  the 
ship  is  rocking  about.  Good-bye,  my  own  dear  Tom. 
Keep  near  to  Jesus." 

(To  Ms  Mother.) 

"  s.8.  Djemnah, 
"  Red  Sea,  March  IG,  1882. 

"  My  very  dear  Mother, — Although  I  have  written  to 
Tom,  yet  I  know  you  will  be  pleased  to  have  a  letter 
yourself  from  '  Willie.'  God  bless  you,  my  mother.  I 
am  sure  that  j'ou  feel  my  leaving  home  more  than  you 
have  said  ;  but  I  also  feel  that,  believing  God  has  indeed 
called  me  to  this  glorious  work,  you  are  quite  willing 
that  I  should  go  and 

"  '  Tell  out  among  the  heathen 
That  the  Lord  is  King  ! ' 

"  My  prayer  continually  is   that  God  would   give  us 

io8  Only  for  Jesus. 

grace  not  only  to  be  reconciled  to  His  holy  will  in  all 
things,  but  also  to  rejoice  to  do  His  will,  even  should 
it  be  at  the  sacrifice  of  all  our  comforts,  ease,  and 
pleasure.  My  dear  Mother,  unless  in  doing  the  will  of 
our  o-racious  Lord  and  Master  in  this  sinful  world  we 
are  willing  to  sacrifice  and  deny  ourselves,  our  service 
is  not  of  much  account.  As  you  will  have  seen  by  my 
diary,  I  have  had  up  to  the  present  a  very  prosperous 
and  happy  voyage.  Thanks  be  unto  our  loving  Father, 
who  continually  watches  over  us.  We  are  at  the 
present  moment  running  down  the  Red  Sea  at  the  rate 
of  three  hundred  miles  a  day.  Tiie  weather  is  very, 
very  hot,  and  we  never  see  a  cloud  in  the  sky — nothing 
all  day  but  the  hot  sun.  We  are  going  due  South,  and 
so,  of  course,  it  is  getting  w'armer  still.  I  am  sitting 
in  a  thin  alpaca  suit  and  perspiring  freely.  Last  night 
we  were  all  lying  on  the  top  of  our  beds  with  the  port 
holes  open.     My  health  is  very  good,  bless  God. 

"Yesterday  and  to-day  I  have  been  much  interested 
watching  shoals  of  beautiful  flying-fish,  which  rise  out 
of  the  sea  at  the  ship's  side,  and  fly  along  the  surface 
of  the  water  ever  so  far.  Lovely  little  things  they 
appear  to  be.  I  would  very  much  like  to  catch  one  ; 
but  at  the  speed  we  are  going  it  is  impossible.     .     .     . 

"  We  expect  to  be  in  Aden  on  Saturday  morning. 
The  run  down  the  Red  Sea  from  Suez  to  Aden  is  about 
1400  miles.  We  shall  remain  in  Aden  twenty-four 
hours  and  then  go  right  out  to  sea,  not  again  seeing 
land  until  we  get  to  Ceylon,  a  distance  from  Aden  of  over 
2100  miles.  When  we  get  there,  our  journey  will  be 
about  half  over.  .  .  . — Your  ever  loving  and  aff'ec- 
tionate  son,  ''  Willie." 

Ext7'act  from  a  Letter,  109 

In  a  letter  addressed  to  the  family  from  the  Straits  of 
Malacca,  on  April  1st,  he  says  : — 

"  I  hope  {D.  V.)  that  in  seventeen  days  more  I  shall 
reach  Shanghai.     .     .     . 

"  Dear  Tom, — Give  my  l5ve  to .     I  shall  write 

him  from  China.     Love  also  to ,  and  all  the  others. 

.  .  .  Dear  Topo,  I  am  praying  for  you,  day  and 
night.  May  God  bless  yon,  and  keep  you.  Trust  Him 
fully,  Tom." 




'^^^^O  resume  Macgregor's  diary  : — 

"As  we  had  twelve  hours  at  Point  de  Galle 
I  went  on  shore,  and  as  there  was  quite  a  large 
^^j  party  of  us  we  engaged  a  native  guide,  who 
showed  us  all  over  the  European  part  of  the  town. 
But  my  friends  very  soon  got  tired  of  walking  about, 
the  day  being  very  hot,  and  they  proposed  adjourning 
to  the  '  Oriental  Hotel.'  Of  course  I  did  not  go,  and  I 
was  very  glad  to  get  away,  as  I  w^anted  to  see  the 
country  and  the  natives,  and  not  European  things  and 
people.  So  they  paid  the  guide,  and  then  I  engaged 
him,  and  as  he  could  speak  English  very  well  I  told  him 
to  lead  me  out  into  the  country,  and  then  I  asked  him 
if  there  was  a  native  village  near.  He  said  there  was, 
and  he  led  me  to  it,  through  a  thick  wood  of  cocoa-nut 
trees.     The  houses  I  found  were  built  with  stakes  and 

Impressions  of  Ceylon.  1 1 1 

a  kind  of  wicker-work  and  matting  made  from  the  cocoa- 
nut  fibre.  The  roof  is  covered  with  the  hao;e  leaves  of 
the  pUmtain  tree.  They  were  not  built  in  rows,  and  no 
attempt  seemed  to  be  made  to  form  streets — ^just  a  house 
here  and  there  built  against  a  cluster  of  trees. 

"  I  shall  not  attempt  to  describe  the  scene.  It  was 
simply  glorious — not  a  barren  spot  to  be  seen.  Every 
inch  of  ground  wks  covered  with  vegetation  in  rich  pro- 
fusion. There  were  cocoa-nut,  orange,  and  banana-trees, 
all  laden  with  fruit,  pine-apple,  mangoes,  bread-fruit, 
and  I  know  not  how  many  other  kinds  of  fruit  trees,  all 
growing  in  abundance,  besides  which  the  ground  is 
covered  with  beautiful  flowers,  and  the  air  laden  with 
delicious  perfume.  I  thought  of  and  sang  Heber's 
beautiful  hymn — 

"  '  From  Greenland's  icj'  mountains, 

From  India's  coral  strand, 
Where  Afric's  sunny  fountains 

Roll  down  their  golden  sand  ; 
From  many  an  ancient  river, 

From  many  a  palmy  plain. 
They  call  us  to  deliver 

Their  land  from  error's  chain. 

"  '  What  though  the  spicy  breezes 

Blow  soft  o'er  Ceylon's  i?le, 
Though  every  prospect  pleases, 

And  only  man  is  vile? 
In  vain  with  lavish  kindness 

The  gifts  of  God  are  strewn, 
The  heathen  in  his  blindness 

Bows  down  to  wood  and  stone. 
*' '  Can  we,  whose  souls  are  lighted 
With  wisdom  from  on  high  ; 
Can  we  to  men  benighted 

The  lamp  of  life  deny  ? 
Salvation,  0  salvation  ! 

The  joyful  sound  proclaim. 
Till  each  remotest  nation 

Has  learnt  Messiah's  name.' 

112  Only  fo7^  Jesus. 

'  Every  prospect '  is  not  only  pleasing  but  enchanting. 
I  was  escorted  all  over  the  place  by  troops  of  children 
all  of  them  begging  me  to  give  them  something.  Some 
were  quite  naked,  others  had  on  what  I  suppose  was 
intended  to  represent  a  shirt.  But  beautiful  children 
they  were,  notwithstanding — with  such  intelligent  faces 
and  lovely  eyes. 

"  I  sat  down  under  the  trees,  and  they  all  stood  in  a 
circle  round  me,  and  I  spoke  to  them,  my  guide  acting 
as  interpreter.  There  were  three  or  four  elderly  persons 
also  standing  amongst  them.  Oh,  how  my  heart  yearned 
over  the  dear  children.  Poor  little  mites,  they  are 
growing  up  in  ignorance  of  the  loving  Saviour  who  said, 
'  Suffer  the  little  children  to  come  unto  Me,  and  forbid 
them  not.' 

"  After  I  had  refreshed  myself  with  some  oranges  and 
bananas,  and  drunk  some  cocoa-nut  milk,  I  moved  on 

"  My  guide,  I  found,  was  a  Buddhist,  and  he  offered 
to  bring  me  to  the  Buddhist  Temple.  On  our  way  we 
came  to  the  Mahommedan  Mosque.  It  is  a  small  hall 
with  an  outer  court,  where  there  is  a  pool  of  water  full 
of  holy  fish.  Before  going  into  the  Mosque  each  person 
goes  to  the  pool  and  washes  his  feet  and  hands,  his 
mouth  and  teeth.  In  fact,  outwardly  he  must  be 
thoroughly  clean  before  going  in  to  worship.  I  thought 
of  Matthew  xxiii.  25,  26,  and  also  1st  John  i.  7.  Going 
on  further  we  came  to  the  temple,  hid  away  among  the 
trees — a  very  nice  looking  building. 

"  Entering,  I  saw  the  idols  with  the  morning  offer- 
ings of  flowers,  etcetera,  still  before  them.  I  cannot 
describe  to  you  my  feelings  at  the  sight.     There  were 

Ill  a  Buddhist  Temple.  113 

three  priests  in  attendance — one  old  man  with  a 
beantiful  face,  and  two  younger  ones.  At  my  request 
the  old  man  brought  out  the  two  holy  books.  The 
writing  is  on  palm  leaves,  hekl  together  by  string, 
like  a  Venetian  blind.  As  I  held  them  in  my  hand  I 
asked  the  old  man  who  the  writer  of  them  was,  and 
where  did  they  come  from.  He  said  they  were  given  by 
God,  but  I  could  get  no  satisfactory  answer  as  to  the 
manner,  further  than  that  some  one  had  been  taken  up 
to  Heaven,  and  when  he  came  back  he  wrote  them.  I 
found  his  tale  very  simple  and  childish.  I  did  not  argue 
with  him,  but  as  we  had  a  crowd  around  us  I  asked  him 
if  he  would  listen  to  my  doctrine.  He  said  he  w^ould, 
and  I  began  to  preach  Jesus  unto  them,  my  guide 
interpreting  as  I  went  on.  They  all  listened  attentively, 
and  the  old  man  said  it  was  all  good,  and  that  he  would 
like  if  I  could  come  again  and  talk  more  about  it.  He 
said  he  liked  me  very  much,  and  he  was  sorry  he  could 
not  understand  English. 

As  it  was  now  time  for  me  to  return,  I  shook  hands 
with  the  poor  old  man,  telling  him  that  I  hoped  to  meet 
him  in  Heaven.  I  came  away,  praying  that  the  Lord 
would  own  and  bless  the  few  words  I  had  spoken  in 
Jesus'  name.  After  a  good  v,-alk  I  got  back  to  our  boat, 
and  was  rowed  on  board,  tired  but  very  happy.  My 
heart  was  full  of  joy,  although  saddened  by  what  I  had 
that  day  seen  and  heard.  My  guide  told  me  that  there 
are  four  Churches  at  Point  de  Galle,  viz.,  Roman 
Catholic,  English,  Wesleyan,  and  Presbyteiian.  I  saw 
the  Roman  Catholic  Church.  It  is  a  magnificent  build- 
ing. I  also  saw  the  Wesleyan  Chapel.  It  is  a  nice, 
large,  plain  building. 


1 1 4  Only  for  Jesus. 

"  May  God  prosper  every  effort  put  forth  in  Ceylon  to 
rescue  the  perishing. 

"  We  are  now  running  down  to  Singapore,  where  we 
hope  to  be  on  Sabbath  (D.Y.)  the  2nd  day  of  April. 
There  I  hope  to  see  the  Rev.  Mr.  Grant.  I  ara  in 
excellent  health  and  very  happy.  Bless  God  for  all  His 
goodness  to  me. 

"  I  will  post  this  at  Singapore. 

''AjynlMh,  1S82. 

"  We  have  had  a  good  passage  across  from  Point  de 
Galle  to  Singapore.  Two  days  out  from  Ceylon  we 
picked  up  a  Chinese  junk,  with  sixteen  hands  on  board. 
They  had  been  blown  off  the  land  in  a  gale,  and  were 
drifting  about  not  knowing  where  they  w^ere.  They  had 
no  food  on  board.  We  towed  them  within  sight  of  land, 
and  then  left  them,  having  supplied  their  needs. 

"  Early  on  Friday  morning  we  entered  the  Straits  of 
Malacca.  We  are  now  really  in  the  tropics.  Every 
little  island  we  pass — and  there  are  hundreds — is  covered, 
and  even  bare  rocks — or  rather  what  in  other  places 
would  have  been  bare  rocks — are  here  covered  with 
green.  AVe  have  high  hills  on  either  hand  of  us,  and 
they  are  covered  to  their  very  summits  with  rich 

"  On  Saturday  afternoon  we  had  quite  a  sensation. 
Running  down  under  full  steam,  suddenly  there  was  a 
cry — '  Man  overboard  ! '  What  a  rush  of  passengers  and 
crewM  Life  buoys  were  tossed  overboard  and  the  engines 
reversed  ;  but,  before  we  could  turn  round  and  steam 
after  him,  we  had  left  the  man  quite  a  mile  behind. 
Being  a  good  swimmer  he  managed  to  get  hold  of  a  buoy, 

In  Singapore.  1 1 5 

and  so  supported  himself  until  a  boat  was  lowered  and 
he  was  taken  on  board.  1  felt  so  thankful  when  I  saw 
him  brought  on  deck,  as  I  was  told  that  the  sea  all  around 
there  is  swarming  with  sharks. 

"  We  got  to  Singapore  at  half-past  three  p.m.,  on  Sab- 
bath, April  the  2nd,  and  all  my  fellow-passengers  imme- 
diately hurried  on  shore,  and  getting  into  '  garries '  (a 
kind  of  cab)  set-  of  for  the  town,  w^hich  is  some  miles 
distant  from  where  we  anchored,  I  waited  on  board  for 
some  time,  thinking  that  Mr.  Grant  or  some  one  from 
him  would  meet  me,  as  I  knew  that  Mr.  Bailer  had 
written  to  him  telling  of  my  coming.  I  went  ou 
shore  after  dinner,  and  made  inquiries  about  him  ;  but 
nobody,  not  even  a  policeman  to  whom  I  spoke  (a 
Malay)  knew  anything  of  him.  Being  the  Sabbath-day, 
I  determined  not  to  take  a  '  garry  '  but  walk  ou,  and 
make  inquiries  for  Mr.  Grant  or  some  Protestant 
place  of  worship.  I  did  so,  but  found  neither,  and  as  it 
was  now  dark  (half-past  six  o'clock),  I  abandoned  the 
idea  of  seeing  him  that  night,  and  turned  my  steps 
toward  a  sort  of  Chinese  village  I  had  already  passed 
through.  I  had  not  gone  far  when  I  passed  a  European, 
to  whom  I  spoke,  and  found  he  was  a  sailor  returning 
from  a  meetino-  which  a  Miss  Cook  had  been  holdinof 
in  the  Sailors'  Home.  He  was  pleased  when  I  asked  him 
if  he  were  a  Christian.  He  said  he  was,  and  praised  the 
Lord  like  a  real  Methodist.  We  spent  a  nice  hour  to- 
gether, and  then  parted,  expecting  to  meet  again  at — 
Home  ! 

"  Next  morning  I  went  on  shore  early  (about  six 
o'clock),  and  going  up  to  the  town  I,  after  some  difficulty, 
found  Mr.  Hocquerth,  Mr.  Grant's  helper.      He  was  very 

1 1 6  Only  for  yesus. 

glad  to  see  mQ,  and  very  kind.  I  went  to  his  house  first, 
and  had  some  refreshments.  Tiien  we  went  to  Mr. 
Grant's  house  ;  but  as  Mr.  Grant  was  away  at  Penang, 
T  saw  only  Mrs.  Grant  and  family.  I  spent  q,  very  nice 
time  with  Mr.  Hocquerth  in  talking  over  his  work — its 
joys  and  sorrows.  It  is  very  trying  work  at  this  place. 
Singapore  is  a  beautiful  place  indeed,  and  it  might  be 
said  of  it  as  of  Ceylon — '  only  man  is  vile.'  Mr. 
Hocquerth  came  with  me  to  the  ship,  and,  after  com- 
raendinoj  each  other  to  the  Lord  and  to  the  word  of  His 
grace,  we  parted.  They  were  not  expeccing  me  till  the 
P.  and  0.  boat  came  in,  as  they  heard  that  I  was  coming 
out  with  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John,  and  in  this  belief  they  were 
confirmed  by  seeing  in  the  list  of  passengers  by  the  P. 
and  0.  boat  the  name  of  a  '  Macgregor '  going  to  Shang- 
hai. It  would  be  well  they  were  to  know  definitely 
when  anyone  is  coming  through,  as  it  is  a  treat 
to  them  to  see  a  fresh  missionary  coming  out.  They 
told  me  that  by  not  letting  them  know,  so  that  they 
could  meet  us,  Vv-e  deprived  them  of  a  great  j)leasure. 
Mr.  Hocquerth  is  a  very  earnest  man,  and  he  would  like 
an  interest  in  the  prayers  of  Pyrland  Road. 

''We  left  Singapore  at  11  a.m.  on  Monday  the  3rd, 
got  to  Sigon  on  Wednesday  at  3  r.M.,  and  left  next  day 
(Thursday)  at  3  p.m.  for  Hong-Kong.  Sigon  is,  I  have 
been  told,  a  very  unhealthy  place,  and  I  can  easily 
understand  how  that  should  be,  as  it  is  surrounded  by 
swamps  and  rice  fields.  From  the  time  we  entered  the 
river  till  we  reached  the  town — a  distance  of  fortj^-nine 
miles — we  were  passing  through  nothing  but  swamps. 
I  like  the  way  in  which  the  town  is  laid  out,  but  it  is 
fearfully  hot  on  shore.      Being  a  French  colony,  of  course 

TJianking  God  in    View  of  CJiina.       117 

everything  is  French.  I  went  into  a  hirge  new  building 
and  found  it  was  a  Roman  Catholic  Cathedral.  Everywhere 
I  go  I  see  swarms  of  Roman  Catholic  priests  and  nuns. 
The  East  is  full  of  them.  Would  to  God  that  those  who 
have  the  truth,  and  who  by  it  have  been  made  free,  were 
as  zealous  for  their  blessed  Lord,  and  as  willing  to  con- 
secrate themselves  and  all  they  have  to  His  service.  It 
is  strange — very  strange  ! 

"April  1.2th,  1SS3. 

"  From  Sigon  to  Hong-Kong  we  had  it  very  rough,  the 
wind  blowing  quite  a  gale.  I  was  told  it  was  the  last 
blow  of  the  N.E.  monsoon,  ere  it  changes,  as  it  does  this 
month,  to  the  S.W.  We  got  into  Hong-Kong  harbour 
at  7  A.M.  on  Monday  the  10th,  and  we  left  yesterday 
(the  11th)  at  3  p.m.  I  was  quite  disappointed  with  the 
island  of  Hong-Kong;  but  I  cannot  describe  to  you  my 
feelings  when  I  gazed  upon  the  high  hills  opposite,  as  I 
was  told  these  were  in  China  proper  !  I  went  below  and 
thanked  God  that  He  had  brought  me  thus  far  in  safety, 
and  that  now  with  my  very  eyes  I  beheld  Chiaa!  Oh, 
may  God  grant  that  every  hour  I  spend  in  China  may 
be  to  bring  glory  to  His  great  and  holy  name  ! 

"  The  island  of  Hong-Kong  is  almost  destitute  of 
vegetation — nothing  but  huge  granite  rocks  and  bare 
peaks.  The  town  itself  is  in  a  sheltered  position  on  the 
southern  slope  of  a  range  of  high  hills  running  the  entire 
length  of  the  island.  The  town  runs  along  the  seaside 
from  east  to  west  for  about  two  and  a-half  miles;  but 
has  no  width  except  in  the  centre,  where  it  ascends  the 
slope  of  the  hill  to  a  considerable  height.  This  hill  is 
called  Victoria  Peak,  and  rises  at  the  back  of  the  town 

1 1 8  Only  for  Jesus. 

to  a  height  of — I  should  say,  judging  roiighl}' — 1000  feet. 
I  saw  all  that  was  to  be  seen  in  Hong-Kong — the  park, 
a  very  nice  one,  and  the  '  Happy  Valley '  Cemetery, 
where  so  many  Europeans  sleep  to  that  great  day.  I 
found  the  Basle  Mission,  but  Mr.  Lechler  was  away  up 
at  Canton.  I  saw  Mrs.  Lechler  and  several  other  mem- 
bers of  the  Mission.  They  were  very  kind  to  me.  They 
seem  to  be  doing  a  good  work  here.  We  went  into  the 
schools  and  saw  the  young  girls  at  work — some  reading, 
and  others  writing.  They  look  such  intelligent  chil- 
dren, and,  although  kept  by  the  Mission,  they  do  every- 
thing for  themselves — cook  their  own  food,  and  do  their 
own  washing.  There  cannot  but  be  fruit  from  such 
an  effort  to  rescue  the  dear  children.  While  I  was 
there  a  gentleman  came  in  whom  I  had  seen  at  our 
meeting  at  Pyrland  Road.  He  is  out  here  from  the 
American  Bible  Societ}^  He  has  been  in  Shanghai,  but 
has  come  down  here  to  try  to  do  something.  His  name 
is  A.  Anderson.  He  was  iu  London  from  September  till 
November  last  year. 

"  He  saw  me  on  board,  and  I  left  him,  feeling  rather 
discouraged  at  things  in  Hong-Kong.  It  is  sad,  sad 
beyond  expression,  to  hear  the  same  tale  from  the  lips 
of  every  missionary  since  leaving  England,  viz.,  the 
Europeans  are  a  curse  to  the  heathen.  Mr.  Anderson 
told  me  he  could  scarcely  sell  a  book.  The  Government 
will  not  suffer  any  mention  of  religion  in  the  schools. 
Kay,  more,  they  warned  the  teachers  against  using  books 
having  anything  relating  to  God  or  religion  in  them. 
And  then  all  the  European  merchants  keep  their 
servants  working  all  day  on  Sabbath,  and  laugh 
at  missionary  effort.      I  am  thoroughly  ashamed   of  my 

Welcome  at  Shanghai.  1 1 9 

country,  and    I  shall  be   glad  when  I  get  into  Chinese 

'^  Shanghai,  A^ril  17th,  1RS2. 

'■  Oh,  magnify  the  Lord  with  me,  and  let  us  exalt  His 
name  together.  Praise  the  Lord,  I  am  at  last  in  China  ! 
I  left  Hong-Kong  on  Tuesday  the  11th,  and  got  into  the 
mouth  of  the  river  on  Friday  evening.  Finding  that  the 
steamer  would  have  to  lie  there  all  night  I  determined 
to  go  up  with  the  steam  launch  wdiich  came  for  the  mail 
bags.  I  did  so,  and  was  landed  at  the  French  settlement 
at  7  p  .M.  I  cannot  describe  to  any  one  what  my  feelings 
were,  as  we  ran  up  the  river  to  Shanghai.  Finding  no 
one  awaiting  me  I  got  a  coolie  to  carry  some  of  my 
things,  and  started  off  in  the  dark  to  try  to  find  Mr. 
Dalziel.  Having  no  address  this  will  appear  ridiculous 
to  any  one  who  knows  Shanghai.  However,  after  a 
little  while  of  wandering  about,  I  found  the  Mission 
House,  and  received  a  very  hearty  welcome  to  China 
from  Mr.  J.  H.  Taylor,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Dalziel,  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Douthwaite,  Mr.  Cameron,  and  Mrs.  Cardwell. 
Some  had  gone  to  meet  me  but  had  missed  me.  I  did 
get  some  hand-shakings  ! 

"  This  is  a  large  city,  walled  all  round.  One  of 
our  places  is  just  by  the  North  Gate  j  the  other  at 
the  West  Gate.  I  had  better  not  try  to  describe  what 
the  city  is  like  internally,  but,  in  the  widest  street,  by 
stretching  out  your  hands,  you  can  almost  touch  both 
bides  of  it.  However,  everything  is  much  better  than 
I  expected  to  see  when  I  came  here,  and  I  like  the 
place  very  well. 

1 20  Only  for  Jesus. 


"On  Wednesday,  the  19tli,  Mr.  Taylor  decided  to  send 
me  to  Gan-K'ing  for  the  present.  So,  having  to  leave 
Shanghai  at  midnight,  Mr.  Cameron  and  I  went  out 
shopping,  and  having  purchased  a  complete  suit  of 
native  dress,  and  being  divested  of  my  superal)undant 
hair,  or  rather  having  had  it  removed  from  the  front 
of  my  head,  I  was  soon  transformed  in  dress  into  a 
quiet,  decent-looking  Chinaman.  I  may  here  say  I  like 
the  native  dress  exceedingly  well. 

"  Mr.  Cameron  and  I,  having  bade  fiirewell  to  Mr. 
Taylor  and  others,  left  Shanghai  at  midnight,  and  next 
morning,  on  going  out  of  our  cabin,  I  found  we  were 
steaming  up  the  Yang-ts'i-Kiang — a  magnificent  river. 
The  scene  was  beautiful  as  we  sailed  up,  passing  cities, 
towns,  and  islands.  At  Chin-Kiang  we  met  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Tomalin,  who  came  on  with  me  to  Gan-K'ing. 
Mr.  Cameron  returned  to  Shanghai,  and  I  was  sorry 
to  lose  his  company — he  is  such  a  nice  good  fellow. 
We  arrived  at  Gan-K'ing  on  Thursday,  and  received  a 
hearty  welcome  from  all  the  missionaries  here — Brother 
I^rotheroe  shouting  '  Glory '  as  a  Methodist  only  can. 
We  did  have  a  praise  meeting  !  For  the  first  few  days 
I  was  very  unwell,  but  am  now  quite  well  and  strong, 
and  very,  very  happy.     Oh,  bless  the  Lord." 




^^^xRAISE  the  Lord,  I  am  at  last  in  China  !"  The 
ilj^^  holy  and  joyful  enthusiasm  of  the  young 
I  'f%r  missionary  knew  no  bounds.  His  first  letter 
^=^  home  (dated  April  26,  1882)  is  addressed  to 
his  mother  : — 

''  Gan-K'ing, 

'•'  My  dearest  Mother, — I  am  sure  that  you  are  again 
longing  to  hear  something  about  djc.  Well,  dear 
mother,  God  has  been  very  good  to  me,  and  brought  me 
to  China  in  safety.  I  got  to  this  city  on  Thursday  last, 
the  20th,  and  since  then  I  have  had  three  days' 
suffering  from  my  old  friend,  neuralgia;  but  thanks  be 
tu  my  Heavenly  Father,  He  has  quite  restored  me  again, 

12  2  Only  for  Jesus. 

This  is  a  large  city,  situated  400  miles  into  the 
interior.  It  is  the  "  fu/'  or  capital,  of  the  pro- 
vince of  Gang-Whey.  I  came  up  here  by  steamer. 
The  Yang-tsie,  or  Yang-tzi,  is  a  magnificent 
river.  900  miles  up  from  Shanghai,  it  is  about  10  miles 
broad.  I  am  not  to  stay  long  here  ;  I  am  going  about 
1500  miles  further  in,  to  the  south-west. 

"  I  have  secured  a  teacher,  and  have  begun  studying 
the  language — and,  oh,  it  is  a  language  !  !  But  I  know 
the  Lord  has  not  sent  me  to  China  to  see  the  country, 
but  to  preach  the  Gospel,  and  I  cannot  do  that  till  I 
have  learned  the  language.  So  1  know  He  will  help  me 
to  acquire  it. 

"  There  are  no  foreigners  here  but  ourselves,  viz., 
three  gentlemen,  and  four  ladies.  I  do  wish  you  saw 
things  as  they  are  here.  It  is  of  no  use  my  attempting 
to  describe  them  just  now.  Everything  is  quite  two  or 
three  thousand  3'ears  behind  time. 

''  I  am  in  the  Chinese  dress  fully,  from  pig-tail  to 
boots,  or  rather  shoes — or  in  Chinese  language,  from 
'  p'ien-tsi '  to  '  a-tsi.'  I  have  also  been  '  christened'  with 
a  Chinese  name. 

"  Kind  love  to  dear  father.  Tell  him  to  pray  always 
for  me.     You  know  not  how  much  I  need  it.     .     .     . 

"  Willie. 

"  I  am  very  hap})y  indeed  in  China." 

(To  Mr.    W ,  London.) 

"  Gan-K'i>-g,  China, 
"  May  12,  1882. 

"  My  very  dear  brother  W- ,     .     .     .     Doubtless 

you    have    already  heard  of  my  safe  arrival,   and  I  am 

Letter  to  Fellow -labourer  in  London.      12 

sure,  my  dear  brother,  that  you  have  ah'ead}^  joined  with 
me  in  returning  thanks  to  our  loving  Heavenly  Father, 
who  so  graciously  cared  for  me  all  the  way  out  to  this 
fiir-auay  laud.  Oh,  bless  the  Lord,  I  would  indeed  be 
ungrateful  if  I  did  not  praise  Him  with  all  my  heart. 
]]rother,  I  have  proved  it  :  the  Lord  has  indeed  blessed 
me  since  leaving  home — blessed  me  a  hundredfold  more 
than  ever  I  have  been  in  England.  I  feel  this  so  much  at 
times  that  I  often  think  the  Lord  is  preparing  me  for 
some  strange,  and,  perhaps,  trying  circumstances  through 
which  He  is  to  lead  me.  Amen,  Lord,  all  I  ask  is  grace 
to  serve  Thee  faithfully  even  unto  death,  that  I  may  in 
life  and  death  glorify  Thy  holy  uan:ie.  '  For  me  to  live 
is  Christ  ;  to  die  is  gain.' 

"  We  are  a  very,  very  happy  party  indeed,  at  this 
station.  We  do  have  some  good  times  even  here. 
Brother  Protheroe  and  I  have  been  making  the  place  ring 
again  with  some  grand  old  Methodist  hymns.  Oh,  it  is 
glorious  !  I  wish  you  were  out  here,  for  you  are  much 

"  Do  not  mistake  me  when  I  write  so  much  about 
what  the  Lord  has  done  and  is  doing  for  me.  There  is 
another  side  to  all  this,  and  an  awfully  real  side  it  is. 
I  shall  not  attempt  to  picture  to  you  all  that  I  have 
already  seen  of  that  foul  thing  idolatry.  It  is  far  worse 
than  ever  I  dreamed  of.  Just  think  of  it,  the  other 
night  I  was  startled  by  hearing  loud  and  plaintive  cries 
almost  underneath  our  window,  and  on  looking  and 
listening,  found  these  proceeded  from  men  who  were 
going  about  with  lights  seeking  the  soul  of  some  sick 
person,  and  inviting  it  to  return  home.  .  .  .  Then 
these  last  few  nights,  both  before  and  after  going   to  bed, 

124  Only  for  Jesus. 

just  close  beside  us,  we  heard  the  beating  of  gongs,  and 
the  chanting  of  pra3'ers  over  some  one  who  had  just  died, 
while  a  strono-  scent  of  buniinsj  incense  came  in  at  the 
windows.  Add  to  this  the  continual  noise  of  fireworks, 
being  let  off  to  frighten  evil  spirits  and  keep  off  evil 
influences.  All  this  is  to  be  seen  and  heard  at  our  very 
doors.  Oh,  it  is  awful  !  I  have  been  into  some  of  the 
temples  here,  and,  oh,  brother,  it  makes  my  heart  ache 
evory  time  I  see  these  horrid  figures — even  the  out- 
side of  the  buildings  where  they  are  kept.  Oh,  the 
misery  and  wretchedness  of  the  people  !  Sin,  filth,  and 
wretchedness  abound  on  every  hand.  We  have  had  as 
many  as  three  cases  of  opium-poisoning  in  one  day — 
miserable  men,  tired  of  life,  and  wishing  to  escape  from 
it  (and  no  wonder).  I  am  sure  that  if  Christians  at 
home  could  only  see  and  hear  for  themselves  they  would 
not,  nay,  could  not,  be  so  indifferent  to  China's  great 
need.     .     .     . 

"  I  do  not  expect  to  remain  here  very  long,  but  I  hope 
to  go  west.  Will  you  join  with  me  in  asking  the  Lord 
to  make  my  way  plain  with  regard  to  my  future  sphere 
of  labour.     .     . 

"  We  are  praying  the  Lord  to  send  out  many  more 
labourers,  but  really  I  do  not  think  the  Council  can  err 
on  the  side  of  over-caution  in  dealing  with  candidates. 
It  is  absolutely  necessary  that  all  who  come  to  China 
should  first  count  the  cost.     .     .     . 

"  Pray  for  me,  and  continue  to  believe  me  to  be  ever 
your  affectionate  brother  in  Jesus'  love, 

''Wm.  M.  Macgregor." 

Letters  to  Fellow-Workers  in  Loiidon,    125 

To  another  fellow-worker  he  writes  on  the  same  date 
(May  12):- 

"  Ps.  xxviii.  7  ;  Ps.  xvii.  14.  .  .  .  Also  pray  for 
poor  China.  Oh,  my  brother,  had  you  but  seen  and 
heard  all  that  I  have,  since  coming  here,  it  would, 
I  am  sure,  cause  you,  as  it  has  done  me,  the  better  to 
appreciate  the  privileges  of  having  been  born  in  a  land 
of  Christian  light  and  liberty,  and  of  having  been  trained 
from  our  youth  to  know  God's  Holy  Word.     .     .     . 

"  This  letter  leaves  me  well  in  health,  and  as  happy 
as  it  is  possible  for  me  to  be,  down  here  below." 

To  another  he  writes,  also  on  the  same  date  : — 

"Ps.  xxxvii.  4,  5.  .  .  .  And  now,  dear  brother, 
the  desire  of  my  heart  has  been  given  to  me,  and  I  am 
really  in  China.  Oh,  hallelujah  !  My  heart  is  full  of 
joy  unspeakable.  I  never  felt  more  certain  that  the 
Lord  hiis  called  me  to  the  work  than  I  do  just  now  ; 
and,  God  helping  and  strengthening  me,  I  mean  to 
spend  and  be  spent  for  Him  in  China.  Bat  let  me  tell 
you,  dear  brother,  there  is  no  romance  in  missionary 
life  and  work  here.  Quite  the  contrary  ;  and  without 
the  firm  conviction  in  your  heart  that  you  had  been 
really  called  to  the  work,  your  life  would,  in  all  proba- 
bility, be  a  very  unhappy  one.  And,  my  brother,  be 
sure  you  count  the  cost  ere  you  come  to  China.  I  do 
not  want  to  frighten  you,  but  I  do  wish,  as  I  love  you, 
to  impress  this  on  your  mind.  .  .  .  But  if  He  has 
called  you,  dear  brother,  come,  and  you  will  see  how 
God   can  and   will  bless  you  far  above  the  utmost    you 

126  Only  for  yesiis. 

have    dared  to  hope  for  or  expect.     Pray  for  me,  dear 
brother,  I  need  it." 

(Lad    Idler    to    his  sister,    Johannali.) 

''  Gang-K'ing,  China, 
''June,  1882. 

"  My  very  dear  sister,  Jo, — As  I  am  writing  home, 
and  I  know  you  will  not  be  at  home  to  hear  my  letter, 
I  just  send  you  a  few  words,  all  to  yourself. 

"  I  have  now  got  fairly  settled  down,  and  am  wearing 
the  full  dress,  not  forgetting  the  all-important  pig-tail  ! 
I  am  sure  you  would  laugh  if  you  could  see  me.  You 
would  not  know  me.  I  like  the  dress  very  much,  only 
my  hair  is  so  short,  and,  of  course,  I  have  to  wear  false 
hair  in  my  tail,  which  reaches  almost  to  my  heels.  It  is 
very  warm  here,  and  daily  getting  warmer.  This  will  be 
a  trying  summer  for  me,  being  my  first  in  China  ;  but 
our  dear  Lord  Jesus,  who  is  with  me,  knows  it  all,  and  as 
He  sent  me  here,  I  know  He  can  and  will  give  me  all 
needed  strength. 

"  Dear  Jo,  I  hope  you  will  not  be  angry   with   me  for 

asking  you  again  if  you  have  yet  given  your  heart  to  Jesus. 

My  darling  sister,  oh,  do,  do  and  make  us   all  happy.     I 

shall  say  no  more,  but  just  ask  you  to  read  St.  John   iii. 

16-18,  and  36  ;  John  vi.  32-37.     I  am   praying  for  you, 

my  dear,  dear  sister.     Oh,  do  ask  Jesus  to  show  you  the 

meaning  of  these  precious  words.     Then  jou  can  and  ivill 

pray  for  me.     .     .     .     With  much  love,  dear  Jo,  I  am 

your  loving  brother, 

"  Willie." 

To  a  Christian  worker  seasonable  advice  is  thus  given  : 

Letter  to  his  Parents,  127 

"  And  now  let  nie  say  a  word  about  your  open-air 
work.  Need  I  say  how  happy  I  am  in  the  thought  that 
you  are  labouring  for  souls  in  England,  while  I  am  doing 
the  same  in  China.  .  .  .  I  am  so  glad  you  lead  the 
P.S.  meeting.  Thank  God  for  this,  but  see  to  it  that 
you  allow  the  Holy  Spirit  to  lead  you.  If  so,  you  need 
not  fear  leading  any  meeting.  Beware  of  the  devil,  and 
beware  of  self,  and  you  need  not  fear  man. 

"  If  you  feel  lonely,  dear  brother,  remember  Jesus 
is  with  you.  Live  for  Him,  live  with  Him,  live  in  Him, 
and  let  Him  live  in  you,  so  shall  you  be  happy,  useful, 
and  glorifying  to  Him." 

(To  Ids  Parents.) 

"  Gaxg-K'ing,  July,  3,  1882. 

''  My  very  dear  Father  and  Mother, —  ...  I  am 
sure  that  even  now,  if  you  could  call  me  back  from 
China,  you  would  not  do  it.  I  am  sure  you  look  upon 
it  all  as  I  do  mjself — that  God  has  conferred  a  great 
honour  upon  our  family  by  choosing  me,  and  sending 
me  forth  to  be  a  witness  for  Him,  and  to  serve  Him 
in  the  Gospel  of  His  grace,  in  this  dark  and  distant 

"  Last  week  we  had  a  small  conference  of  missionaries 
at  this  station — or  rather  of  a  few  from  other  stations 
within  a  radius  of  a  few  hundred  miles  around.  They 
came  to  meet  the  director  of  the  Mission,  who  is  also 
the  founder  of  it— Mr.  Hudson  Taylor,  M.D.,  F.R.G.S. 
Oh,  he  is  a  darling  man  :  I  have  never  seen  or  heard 
of  one  like  him.  He  is  such  a  dear,  good  man — I  do 
love    him.       Well,   I   had    one    or   two  long   interviews 

128  Only  for  Jesus. 

with  him  about  my  future  s]jhere  of  hibour,  aud  I  told 
him,  as  I  had  previously  done  at  Shanghai,  of  my  desire 
to  go,  so  soon  as  I  can  speak  the  language  and  have 
gained  a  little  experience,  to  the,  at  present,  unoccupied 
and  dark  province  of  Kuang-se,  in  the  extreme  south  of 
China.     .     .     . 

"  I  do  not  know  how  many  millions  of  inhabitants 
this  j^rovince  possesses,  but  for  size,  it  is  like  England. 
Just  tliink  of  it — millions  who  are  born,  brought  up, 
and  die,  worshipping  idols,  never  hearing  of  God  or  of 
the  Lord  Jesus  Christ — not  even  having  a  word  in  their 
language  to  clearly  express  the  idea  of  a  God — having 
no  word  for  '  love,'  no  word  for  '  sin,'  etc. — living  with- 
out God,  and  dying  without  hope.  Oh,  it  is  awful  ! 
Well,  Mr.  Taylor,  believing  it  is  the  Lord  who  has  laid  it 
upon  my  heart,  has  set  me  apart  for  that  province.  So 
in  God's  own  time  I  hope  to  have  the  honour  of  be- 
ginning work  in  that  distant  province  ;  but,  in  the 
meantime,  Mr.  Taylor  has  asked  me  to  go  to  tlie  help 
of  a  dear  brother,  the  Kev.  G.  Ckwke,  who  has  travelled 
a  great  deal  in  China,  and  has  lately  opened  a  station 
in  the  province  of  Yu-nan,  away  on  the  south-west  corner 
of  China.  The  station  is  in  a  large  city,  Ta-li-fii.  It 
is  the  most  distant  station  in  the  interior,  l)eing  on 
the  borders  of  Burmah.  Mr.  Clarke  is  there  all  alone 
with  his  wife — two  brave  soldiers  of  Jesns.  Mr.  Ta3l()r 
thought  that  as  they  speak  the  same  dialect  as  at 
Ruang-se,  it  would  be  the  best  place  at  which  I  could 
study  the  language  for  a  year,  while  at  the  san.e  time 
I  would  be  a  comfort  and  help  to  Mr.  aud  Mrs.  Clarke, 
Believing  this  to  be  God's  will  concerning  me,  I  have 
decided  to  go,  and  hope  to  start  as  soon   as  the  great 

Safe  anywhere  zuitli  Jesiis.  129 

heat  is  over,  which  will  probably  be  about  the  beginning 
of  September.  I  am  to  be  escorted  by  Mr  Cameron, 
one  of  the  greatest  travellers  China  has  ever  seen.  .  .  , 
We  expect  to  get  there  about  Christmas  time.  The  first 
five  or  six  hundred  miles  we  can  do  by  steamer,  up 
the  great  river  Yang-tse,  after  which  we  will  take  native 
boats  for  a  month  or  six  weeks;  then  we  will  go  overland 
for  the  next  six  or  eight  weeks. 

"  The  journey  will  be  one  full  of  danger  and  diflicultj', 
but  the  Lord  is  our  Keeper.  I  want  you  to  pray  for  me 
— for  us — continually,  and  He  who  is  the  Hearer  and 
Answerer  of  prayer — He,  whose  we  are,  and  whom  we 
serve — will  hear,  and  will  bring  us  to  our  destination  in 
safety.  Oh,  it  is  a  good  thing  to  have  the  Lord  of 
Hosts  as  our  Captain  going  before  us,  and  also  bringing 
up  the  rear.  Read  the  91st  Psalm,  also  the  27th  and 
62ud.  If  God  be  for  us,  who  or  what  can  hart  us  % 
Well,  dear  parents,  this  is  the  human  side  of  it  :  whether 
or  not  it  will  come  to  pass.  He  alone  knows,  whose  know- 
ledge is  like  Himself — infinite.  Bat,  oh,  it  is  sweet  to 
know  and  feel  that  our  blessed  Saviour  is  with  us,  on 
sea  and  land,  by  day  and  night,  always,  and  under  all 
circumstances.  Oh,  we  are  safe  anywhere  v)ith  Jesus, 
Peter  walked  on  the  foaming  billows  with  Jesus; 
Shadrach,  Meshach,  and  Abed-nego  were  quite  unhurt 
in  the  midst  of  a  great  fiery  furnace  luith  Jesus  ;  Daniel 
in  a  lion's  den,  Jonah  in  the  whale's  belly,  Joseph  in  a 
dismal  prison-house,  were  all  safe,  all  happy,  nil  blessed 
— why  %  Because  with  Jesus ;  and  shall  William  Mac- 
gregor  be  an  exception  ?  Nay,  a  thousand  times.  No  !  I 
am  willing  to  go  anywhere  with  Jesus. 

"  I   am   going   to  write   a  long  letter  to   Toai,  all  to 


Only  for  Jesus. 

liim.self,  next  time.  .  .  .  With  much  love,  I  am, 
darling  father  and  mother,  your  ever  loving  and  praying 

"  Willie." 




f^^HE  lonor  and  dauo-erous  ieurney  referred  to  in 
^  Macgregor's  last  letter  was  never  undertaken. 
^U  J^  The  Master  had  other  purposes  in  view.  "  7 
■^^3  cim  ivilling  to  go  anyivhere  ivith  Jesus.''  He 
knew  not,  when  he  penned  these  words,  in  how  short 
a  time  he  would  be  "  ivith  Jesus.''  His  love  for  China 
was  not  ephemeral.  His  devotion  to  the  cause  that 
brought  him  to  that  great  heathen  country  grew  as  the 
months  passed.  His  love  for  his  friends  at  home  suffered 
no  decrease,  but  his  love  for  Jesus  increased  mightily. 
There  was  much  to  discourge  and  dishearten,  but  his 
joy  in   Jesus  abounded  all  the  more  abundantly.      The 

132  Only  for  Jesus, 

remaining  letters  make  this  plain.  Tliej'^  are  now  nearly 
exhausted,  but  their  ring  is  even  clearer  than  any  that 
have  preceded.  These  letters,  which  are  quoted  at  some 
length,  give  pictures  of  Chinese  life,  and  show  some  of 
the  ditnculties  encountered  in  evangelizing  China  : — 

"WuHU,  Augmt  12tli,  1882. 

"  ]\Iy  dear  brother,  Tom, — Please  forgive  my  writing 
you  with  pencil,  for  I  am  out  on  a  short  journey,  and 
have  not  pen  and.  ink  with  me.  Your  last  letter  from 
home  I  received  ere  I  left  Gan-K'ing,  and  when  (D.V.) 
I  get  back  again,  I  shall  write  you  about  the  books,  and 
what  I  have  studied  ;  but  just  now  you  will  please 
excuse  me,  as  I  only  write  in  case  father  and  mother  and 
all  of  you  might  be  anxious  to  hear  from  me.  Let  me 
at  once  say  that  I  am.  very  well  in  health,  although  this 
has  been  a  very  trying  summer,  and  the  hottest  has  yet 
to  come.  Just  fancy  my  sitting  quite  still  all  day  at  my 
studies,  with  nothing  on  but  a  white  pair  of  cotton 
jxnm-Jcwimas,  as  they  are  called,  and  a  very  thin  jacket, 
with  wide  sleeves,  n.}}d  very  loose ;  no  stockings,  but  the 
bare  feet  slipped  into  loose  shoes.  This  is  my  toilet, 
and  with  every  window  and  door  open,  I  am  soaking 
wet,  as  if  in  a  Turkish  bath.  At  night  often  the  glass 
does  not  move,  and  you  lie  on  a  kind  of  bamboo  mat, 
with  a  handkerchief  and  a  fan,  while  mosquitoes  are 
buzzing  about  and  stinging  you ;  add  to  this  the 
hundreds  of  all  kinds  of  queer  insects,  large  and  small ; 
and  sometimes  you  may  have  to  turn  up  your  bed  and 
search  your  room  in  case  of  snakes,  scorpions,  or  centi- 
pedes being  about.  You  may  think  this  terrible,  but  it 
is  the  case  in  hundreds  of  stations  in  China,  especially  in 

Progress  in  the  Language.  133 

the  south  and  west.  While  this  is  all  true,  we  are 
nevertheless  as  happy  as  we  can  well  be.  Of  course 
where  our  stations  are  in  the  centre  of  a  large  city,  there 
are  not  quite  so  many  of  these  unwelcome  visitors. 
This  is  something  of  the  romance  of  missionary  work  in 
the  interior  of  China  ! 

"  I  shall  say  nothing  about  many  other  things  which 
are  far  greater  hardships  than  those  I  have  mentioned  ; 
but  Tom,  I  do  say  this,  that  if  thinrjs  ivere  ten  thousand 
times  u'orse  than  they  are,  yet  I  looidd  gladly,  joyfully 
serve  the  Lord  Jesus  hi  this  land.  He  Himself  far  more 
than  makes  up  for  all  these  things,  and  He  is,  oh,  so 
fjood  and  kind  to  me  in  China.  Praise  His  dear  name  ! 
I  have  had  a  good  deal  of  neuralgia  and  other  ailments 
since  coming  to  China,  but  these  are  nothing  in  com- 
parison to  the  benefits  with  which  my  blessed  Saviour 
daily  loads  me. 

'•  Believing  a  change  would  do  me  good,  and  help  me 
in  oettino;  accustomed  to  the  Chinese  voice,  I  have  come 
out  with  a  dear  brother  on  a  short  journey  to  two  of  the 
out-stations  from  Gan-K'ing.  The  names  of  these  places 
are  Wu-hu  and  T'ai-p'ing-fu.  Both  are  large  cities. 
The  work  at  each  station  is  in  charge  of  a  native 
evangelist  or  pastor,  who  preaches  every  day  to  the 
people  in  our  chapel.  We  have  been  to  T'ai-p'i;ig-fu, 
and  are  on  our  way  back.  We  expect  to  be  in  Gan-K'ing 
next  week. 

"  I  am  getting  on  with  the  language,  and  am  able  to 
talk  a  little. 

"  The  great  river  Yang-tsi-Kiang  has  this  year  risen 
to  an  unprecedented  height  ;  and,  breaking  over 
hundreds    of    embankments,    has     flooded     the     whole 

1 34  Only  for  Jesus. 

country  for  hundreds  of  miles,  sweeping  away  entire 
towns  and  villages.  Thousands  of  persons  have  been 
drownied,  and  thousands  more  have  been  rendered 
homeless.  Standing  on  the  top  of  a  little  hill  here,  as 
far  as  the  eye  can  reach  it  is  all  one  sheet  of  water,  with 
boats  sailing  inland  for  miles  over  the  tops  of  trees  and 
houses,  and  over  what  only  a  week  or  two  ago  were 
large  villages  with  their  gardens  and  rice-fields.  The 
scene  of  desolation  is  fearful — dead  bodies  of  men, 
women,  and  children  floating  about,  mingling  with  those 
of  cattle,  sheep,  pigs,  &c.,  and  all  decomposing  in  the 
water.     Oh,  it  is  awful ! 

''  Poor  China !  poor  China !  Dear  Tom,  there  are 
millions  of  people  in  this  land,  who  are  miserable  and 
wretched,  having  no  joy  in  their  lives,  and  no  hope  for 
the  wortd  to  come  !  Oh,  pray  for  China,  Tom,  that  the 
people  may  see  the  absurdity  and  sin  of  worshipping 
their  idols,  and  learn  to  love  and  worship  the  one  true 
and  living  God.  The  water  comes  and  sw^eeps  away 
themselves  and  their  gods,  and  yet  they  cling  to  them, 
and  burn  incense  before  them.  Oh,  for  the  power  of  the 
Holy  Spirit  to  open  the  eyes,  and  break  tlie  hearts  of 
these  poor  devil-deluded  people.  Nothing  but  this  will 
do  in  China.  If  we  missionaries  are  not  filled  with  the 
Holy  Spirit  we  are  worse  than  useless  in  Chica.  The 
devil  is  exalted  here,  and  in  fact,  worshipped.  The 
'  old  dragon  '  is  the  Chinese  national  flag,  and  the  dragon 
is  one  of  their  principal  gods.  Pray  for  me,  Tom,  and 
ask  the  Lord  to  fill,  and  keep  me  full,  of  His  Holy 

"  I  hope  you  are  all  well  at  homp.  .  .  .  Every 
day — and   sometimes   more   frequently  than  once  a  day 

Letter  to  Mr.  Brooinhall.  135 

—  I  mention  all  your  names  to  the  Lord,  asking  for 
3^ou  all  that  real  love  can  prompt  me  to  do.  Please 
send  me  the  Ross-shire  Journal  as  regularly  as  you  can. 
It  will  be  nice  to  see  it  out  here. 

"  I  am  not  yet  certain  as  to  the  time  when  I  may 
start  on  my  long  journey  for  Ta-li-fu,  You  will  doubt- 
less hear  acrain  from  me  ere  then.  With  much  love  to 
you  all  at  home,  and  desiring  for  you  every  blessing 
which  our  dear  Father  sees  to  be  good  for  j^oU;  I  remain 
ever  your  loving  brother,  in  the  love  of  the  Lord  Jesus, 

'•'  Willie. 

"  Psalm  xxvii.  1,  2.  Give  my  best  love  to  all  the  dear 
young  brothers  in  Dingwall.     Ask  them  to  pray  for  me." 

About  four  months  after  his  arrival  in  China,  and  two 
months  before  his  death,  he  wrote  the  following  letter  : — 

'"  .     .     .     With  us  is  the  Lord  our  God  to  he'p  ^^ 
us  and  to  fight  our  battles.  '—2  Chron.  xxx'i.  8.       ) 

''Gan-K'ing,  August  26%  1883. 
"  Dear  Mr.  Broomhall, — Please  pardon  my  seeming 
negligence  is  not  writing  you  ere  now  ;  but  really  time 
seems  to  fly  so  fast  in  China — a  week  is  gone,  and  one 
wonders  at  its  close  what  he  has  beinor  doinof.  The 
principal  part  of  my  time  being  taken  up  with  the 
study  of  the  language  may,  to  a  certain  extent,  account 
for  this,  as,  with  the  exception  of  our  own  special  ser- 
vices on  the  Lord's  day,  there  is  nothing  in  the  world 
around  us  to  mark  the  flight  of  time.  There  is  no 
Sabbath-day  in  China,  although  I  often  think  that  is  not 
true,  and  the  better  way,  it  seems  to  me,  is  to  say  we 
have  Sabb.ith-days  in  China,  but  the  Chinese  do  not 
keep    them.     This   I    know,  everything   seems    diff'erent 

136  Only  for  yesits. 

to  me  on  the  Lord's  day  :  hill  and  valley,  river  and 
plain — a}",  all  nature  seems  on  that  day  to  miite  in 
a  general  song  of  praise  to  Him,  in  whom,  and  of  whom, 
and  by  whom  are  all  things,  and  he  alone  is  silent 
whose  voice  ought  to  lead  the  anthems  of  creation. 
Strange  it  seems  that  he  who  alone  was  created  in 
the  image  of  His  Maker  should  be  the  only  work  of 
His  hands  in  this  beautiful  world  upon  which  the  e^^e 
cannot  rest  with  pleasure  or  the  mind  dwell  without 
sad  thoughts  of  a  dread  future.  Oh  !  what  hath  sin 
w^rought — what  misery,  what  wretchedness,  wdiat  sorrow, 
what  darkness  ! 

"  I  do  not  know  to  w^hat  extent  friends  at  home  realise 
the  awful  condition  of  the  heathen,  but  this  I  do  know, 
that  my  ideas  at  home  concerning  the  state  of  the 
Chinese  came  far  short  of  the  reality.  It  is  often  said 
by  some  at  home  that  missionaries,  when  pleading  for 
the  heathen,  in  their  warmth  and  zeal  often  exaofo^erate 
the  condition  of  the  people.  Such  a  thing  may  or  may 
not  have  occurred,  I  cannot  say,  but  I  do  not  think 
they  were  missionaries  to  China.  Looking  at  things  as 
I  do,  and  feeling  as  I  do,  it  seems  to  me  that  that  man 
must  be  possessed  of  a  most  ingenious  and  imaginative 
mind  who  could  exnggerate  the  horrors  of  '  idolatrj^,'  or 
the  degraded  state  into  which  it  has  brought  this  mighty 
nation.  Ah,  it  is  impossible  to  overstate  the  blessedness 
of  the  people  whose  God  is  the  Lord. 

'*  '  Happy  beyond  description  he 

lf7/o  Icnoxvs  the  Saviour  died  for  me.' 

"  It  is  equally  true  that  it  is  impossible  to  describe 
the  w^retchedness  of  the  people  whose  gods  are  wood 
and  clay.     I  have  felt  during  the  last  fortnight  as  if  I 

Praying  to  God  for  Rain.  137 

had  been  living  hard  by  the  gates  of  hell ;  as  soon  as  I 
awake  in  the  morning,  my  ears  are  assailed  with  the 
noise  of  fireworks  being  let  off,  the  beating  of  gongs 
is  heard  on  every  side,  while  cymbals  and  other  like 
instruments  add  to  the  general  din.  Upon  rising  and 
looking  out  of  my  windows,  the  first  things  my  eyes 
rest  upon  are  the  three-cornered  paper  fl;igs  flying  from 
almost  every  house  and  shop  in  the  city  ;  these  flags  are 
all  written  over  with  prayers  or  the  names  of  the  gods. 
Opening  my  windows  to  admit  the  air,  I  am  almost 
sickened  with  the  heavy  smell  of  burning  incense.  I 
go  out,  and,  lo  I  the  idols  are  set  on  every  hand ;  opposite 
the  temple  of  the  '  god  of  rain '  a  large  crowd  is 
gathered,  and  chairs  are  constantly  arriving  and  depart- 
ing with  mandarins  who  have  come  to  pray  for  rain.  A 
fast  has  been  proclaimed,  and  only  certain  kinds  of  food 
can  be  had.  All  this  has  been  going  on  during  the  last 
fortnight,  and  will  go  on,  I  suppose,  increasing  in 
earnestness,  until  rain  comes  to  refresh  the  dry  and 
thirsty  ground.  Now,  can  one  help  feeling  horrified  at 
all  this  r 

*•  We,  too,  are  praying  unto  Him  who  is  the  only 
Hearer  and  Answerer  of  prayer,  who  maketh  His  sun 
to  rise  upon  the  evil  and  the  good,  and  sendeth  rain  on 
the  just  and  on  the  unjust.  As  an  evidence  of  the  need 
of  rain  in  this  place,  I  may  say  that  rice  has  almost 
doubled  in  price  since  last  week ;  however,  from  the 
appearance  of  the  sky  to-night,  I  think  we  shall  have 
rain  before  morning. 

"  And  now,  with  regard  to  myself.  I  know  you  will 
be  glad  to  learn  that  the  Lord  continues  to  help  and 
bless  me,  and   (I  trust)   to   make   me   a  blessing.     The 

138  Only  for  Jesus. 

summer  has  been,  and  still  is,  a  trying  one  :  four  times 
I  have  been  off  study  for  more  than  a  week,  and  on 
several  occasions  for  a  day  or  two  ;  this  has  been  very 
trying  to  me,  as  I  am  anxious  to  get  on  with  the 
language.  Oh  !  the  devil  has  been  making  desperate 
efforts  to  hinder  me — ay,  and  to  discourage  me;  but 
— oh,  bless  the  Lord  ! — all  his  efforts  have  been  in  vain, 
for  I  never  was  happier  than  I  am  just  now,  never 
realised  the  presence  of  the  Lord  Jesus  more  fully  than 
I  do  now.  Glory  to  His  dear  name  !  I  mean  to  live 
to  please  Him.  May  God  help  me  to  do  so  more  and 
more,  for  Jesus'  sake. 

"  You  will  be  glad  to  hear  that  after  quite  two  years 
of  prayer  (I  may  say  more)  the  Lord  is  going  to  give 
me  the  desire  of  my  heart,  and  send  me  to  Kuang-se, 
to  carry  the  light  of  the  Gospel  to  that,  at  present,  dark 
province.  I  used  to  pray  specially  for  this  province 
before  offering  myself  for  work  in  China,  aud  afterwards 
I  changed  the  '  Lord,  send  8ome  one  to  Kuang-se,'  to 
'  Lord,  send  me  to  Kuang-se.'  This  the  Lord  has  now 
assured  me  He  is  going  to  do,  thus  answering  both 
pi-ayers.  1  really  cannot  tell  with  what  joy  I  look 
forward  to  the  time  when  I  shall  be  able  to  go.  Since 
coming  to  China  I  have  been  told  what  kind  of  reception 
I  may  expect  to  get  at  Kuang-se,  and  have  also  learned 
that  there  are  several  reasons  which,  humanly  speaking, 
make  the  opening  of  work  in  that  province  both  difficult 
aud  dangerous.  This  may  be  so;  but,  Mr.  Broomhall, 
I  do  believe  the  Lord  is  going  to  astonish  His  servants 
by  the  way  in  which  He  will  open  Kuang-se. 

"  Continue  to  pray  for  me,  asking  the   Lord  to  prepare 
me  for  all  He  is  preparing-  for  me ;   also  please  ask  the 

Letter  to  his  Parents.  139 

Lord  to  prepare  the  hearts  of  the  people  to  receive  His 
Word.  Ill  this  way,  if  God's  people  at  home,  whose 
hearts  have  been  touched  with  sympathy  for  these 
perishing  souls,  were  to  unite  in  sincere,  fervent,  and 
persevering  prayer,  a  great  work  might  be  done  in 
Kuangse  before  the  missionary's  voice  is  heard  there. 
You  can  easily  understand,  after  this,  how  I  felt  on 
reading  the  account  of  the  annual  meeting  ;  and  Mr. 
Taylor  has  since  informed  me  that  much  interest  has 
been  raised  in  behalf  of  Kuang-se,  and  I  trust  this  will 
be  followed  by  earnest,  believing  prayer." 

{To  his  Parents.) 

''  Gan  K'ing,  iSep.  12tli,  18S.2. 

"  My  very  dear  Parents, — As  the  mail  leaves  here 
to-day,  I  just  take  the  opportunity  of  sending  you  a  few 
lines  as  I  know  how  welcome  a  letter  from  '  Willie  '  will  be 
at  3  Albert  Place.  I  hope  you  ore  all  well  at  home.  I 
believe,  were  it  not  that  I  have  left  you  all  in  onr  Father's 
hand,  I  could  not  bear  the  thoughts  which  sometimes 
force  themselves  upon  me  when  thinking  of  you  all  as  so 
very  far  avvay,  on  the  other  side  of  the  globe.  And  yet 
we  are  not  so  very  far  apart,  for  you  may  often  reckon  on 
my  spirit  being  with  you.  Often  when  at  niglit  I  stand 
gazing  up  at  the  heavens,  and  watching  the  beautiful 
moon  and  stars,  I  think  of  the  beautiful  starry  nights  on 
which  I  had  done  the  same  thing  in  far-away  Scotland. 
Then  I  think  of  you  all,  and  I  believe  often  when  you 
are  perhaps  sitting  and  talking  of  me,  I  am  not  so  far 
away  as  you  may  think  !  And  yet  there  is  something, 
oh,  so  much  better,  and  so  much  more  blessed  than  this, 

1 40  Only  for  Jestis. 

that  He  by  whom  those  stars  were  created,  and  by 
whose  power  they  now  consist,  is  always  with  you,  ay, 
and  always  with  me  !  It  is  so  blessed  to  know  this. 
Life  without  this  would  to  me,  in  China,  be  unsupport- 
able.  .  .  ,  My  prayer  daily  for  both  of  you,  my 
dear  parents,  is  that  you  would,  in  an  ever-increasing 
degree,  realize  this  glorious  fact,  and  that  the  Lord 
Jesus  may  be  to  you  an  e very-day  companion,  an 
ever-present,  loving,  living,  bright,  glorious  reality. 

"  You  will  rejoice  to  hear  that  when  this  leaves  me  I 
am  feeling  better  in  health  than  I  have  done  for  months. 
.  .  .  The  Lord  lias  all  along  been,  oh,  so  good  to 

"  T  am  still  working  away  at  the  language.  It  is  a 
tremendous  undertakino^.  This  I  am  findino-  out  more 
and  more  as  I  go  on  ;  and  knowing  what  I  now  do  of  it, 
upon  no  consideration  whatever  would  I  begin  the  study 
of  it  were  it  not  for  the  object  in  view,  viz.,  that  of 
telling  in  their  own  tongue  to  millions  of  heathens  the 
wonderful  love  of  God  to  me.  Not  for  interest,  nor  for 
name,  would  I  ever  attempt  it— 


— but  for  Him  I  rejoice  to  do  it,  I  know  He  helps  me, 
and  long  before  you  get  this  letter,  I  hope  to  be  able 
to  tiike  prayers  with  the  native  Christian  teachers. 
I  find  I  can  now  fairly  well  understand  the  language 
when  it  is  preached  in  by  any  of  the  missionaries ;  and  I 
am  also  able  to  talk  a  little  with  the  natives  themselves. 
They  all  tell  me  I  have  very  quickly  got  hold  of  the 
sounds  and  tones.  As  yet,  however,  I  have  only 
touched    the  margin  of  what  seems  to  me  a  great  and 

His  Last  Letter.  141 

almost  boundless  ocean.  You  can  form  no  idea  of  what 
a  strange  language  Chinese  is.  It  is  very  rich  and 
expressive,  but  it  has  been  prostituted  to  low  uses.  I 
shall  give  you  an  example  or  two. 

*'  Oh,  do,  for  Jesus'  sake,  pray  for  us  in  China.  We 
live  amongst  a  people  who  hate  us  bitterly,  and  also  hate 
our  teaching,  whose  favourite  name  for  us,  hundreds  of 
times  in  a  day  is,  '  Foreign  Devil ! '     .     .     . 

"  I  intended  sending  Tom  a  long  letter  by  this  mail, 
but  I  must  be  excused.  I  shall  send  it  by  English  mail 
next  week,  if  I  can  get  it  to  the  coast.  I  asked  you 
some  time  ago  to  send  me  the  Ross-shire  Journal  as 
often  as  you  can.  You  cannot  understand  how  news 
from  a  far  country  cheers,  interests,  and  helps  lonely 
toilers  in  this  dark,  strange  land.     .     . 

'•Pray  for  "Willie." 

The  above  letter  occupied  12  8vo.  pages  of  closely 
written  matter. 

(His  last   letter.) 

'•  Gax-K'ing,  September  IStli,  1S82, 

"My  very  dear  brother,  Tom, — You  have,  no  doubt, 
been  expecting  word  from  me,  ere  now.  I  gladly  send 
you  a  few  lines,  and  they  must,  of  necessit}^,  be  few,  as 
to-day  I  am  not  at  all  well  or  strong ;  and  the  mail 
leaves  here  in  an  hour  and  a-half  So,  again,  I  must 
please  ask  to  be  excused  from  sending  a  long  epistle. 
You  have  no  idea,  Tom,  how  close  an  application  to 
study  is  necessary,  if  one  would  make  any  progress  in 
this  most  difficult  language.  Just  now,  while  I  snatch 
time  fur  Vtriting  you  my  head  seems  so  confused,  and  I 

142  Only  for  yesus. 

aDi  almost  writing  Chinese.  Of  course  there  is  no  one 
forcing  me  to  study ;  there  is  no  one  to  say  '  Yes  '  or 
*  No  '  to  me,  even  if  I  neglected  it  all  day.  But,  you 
know,  that  would  not  do,  and  I  think  you  can  understand 
how  I  long  to  be  able  to  preach  Jesus  to  the  poor, 
wretched,  sinful,  dying  souls  around  me  !  So  I  stick  to 
study  as  far  as  health  and  opportunity  will  permit  me. 
My  attempts  at  speaking  have,  with  little  exception,  been 
confined  to  my  teacher  and  servant,  but  I  hope  to  begin 
this  w^eek  taking  evening  prayers  with  the  Christians. 
Pray  for  me,  dear  Tom,  that  I  may  be  strengthened  and 
helped  in  acquiring  a  thorough  knowledge  of  this  won- 
derful language. 

"  Please  not  to  show  hastily-written  notes  such  as  this 
to  any  one,  and  I  shall  (D.Y.)  yet  send  you  letters 
less  hurnedly  written.  Thanks  for  3'our  hints  on  acquir- 
ing the  language,  and,  in  another  letter,  I  shall  tell  you 
to  what  extent  such  a  style  is  practicable.  Chinese 
differs  so  much  from  all  other  languages.  For  instance, 
besides  the  numerals  employed,  as  '■  one  table,'  '  one 
man,'  '  one  door,'  '  one  horse,'  '  one  handkerchief,'  in 
Chinese  you  use  a  '  classifier  '  for  each  class  of  things, 
and  if  you  happen  to  go  wrong  in  the  classification,  you 
will  not  be  understood.  I  give  you  the  above-mentioned 
articles  in  Chinese  in  the  same  order.  They  are. 
Ea€h  syllable  also  must  have  its  proper  tone  and 
aspirate,  or  it  becomes  a  different  w^ord,  and  sometimes 
the  learner  is  ver}^  long  in  the  country  before  he  can 
distino-uish   some    of  the    differences.      Then   the    idiom 


is  also  most  extraordinary,  and,  as  there  is  no  grammar, 
you  have  no  definite  rules  to  go  by.  The  teachers  can 
tell  yoa  such  is  the  idiom  in  this  sentence,  and  so-and-so 

Postscript    Counsel. 


ill  the  other,  but  -why  the  differeuce  they  do  not  know, 
nor  does  anybody  else,  so  far  as  I  can  learn.  I  could  make 
you  laugh  if  I  were  to  tell  you  some  of  our  mistakes  in 
this  way  ;  but  yet  it  is  wonderful  how  God  does  help  us 
an  1  enable  us  to  acquire  a  knowledge  of  the  language. 

"  The  hottest  weather  is  now  past  for  one  season,  and 
I  may  say  I  am  now  over  my  first  summer  in  China. 
Praise  God  ! 

"  I  have,  as  you  see,  not  yet  started  for  the  far 
interior,  but  I  suppose,  ere  you  receive  this  note,  I  shall 
be  far  from  here.  But  it  matters  not,  Tom,  where  we 
are  if  the  Lord  Jesus  is  with  us,  and  if  we  are  where  He 
would  have  us  be. 

"  I  see,  however,  I  must  conclude,  as  the  brother  who 
is  to  take  my  letters  is  sitting  beside  me,  waiting  to  go 
to  preach.  So  please  give  my  best  love  to  dear  father, 
mother,  Annie,  Jo,  and  dear  Davie,  and  much  love  to 
yourself,  dear  Tom,  from  your  very  loving  brother, 

"  Willie. 

"  P.S. — Tom,  keep  close  to  Jesus.  Whatever  others 
do  or  say,  be  you  out-and-out,  whole-hearted,  and  for  our 
dear  Master.  He  is  worthy  of  all  our  love — all  our  love, 
mind — all  our  love,  Tom, 

"  Willie." 




T  HAVE,  as  you  see,  not  yet  started  for  the  far 
interior  ;  but,  I  suppose,  ere  you  receive  this 
note,  I  shall  be  far  from  here." 
6:^  These  words  were  prophetic  in  a  different  and 
hio'her  sense  than  the  writer  of  them  was  aware.  Ere 
the  letter  reached  his  much-loved  brother,  Macgregor 
had  as  he  himself  phrased  it  in  the  case  of  one  of  his 
companions,  "  (/one  in  to  see  the  King "  (p.  47).  His 
eyes  were  beholding  the  King  he  served  so  devotedly, 
and  he  was  an  inhabitant  of  "  the  land  that  is  very  far  off." 
"  But  it  matters  not,  Tom,  where  we  are  if  the  Lord 
Jesus  is  with  us,  and  if  we  are  where  He  would  have  us 
be."  His  heart's  desire  was  to  be  "  v.nth  Jesus "  in 
service  in  the  vineyard  ',  the  Master's  desire  was  that  he 

Illness.  145 

should  be  with  Himself  in  glory — "  Father,  I  will  that 
they  also,  whom  Thou  hast  given  Me,  be  with  Me  where 
I  am  ;  that  they  may  behold  My  glory,  which  Thou  hast 
given  Me." 

"  Willie  "  Macgregor  now  laid  his  pen  down  for  the 
last  time.  The  sequel  is  told  by  the  loving  hinds  of 
feliow-missionarres  : — 

(From  Mr.   Thomas  Protheroe,  to  Tom  ) 

"Inland  Mission,  Gan-K'ing,  China, 
"  Oct.  10th,  1882. 

"My  dear  Sir, — Your  brother  William  has  asked  me  to 
write  you  a  few  lines  for  him,  he  himself  being  too 
unwell  to  do  so  at  present.  For  some  time  he  has 
been  the  prominent  one  in  nursing  our  Brother  Cooper, 
but  since  the  two  doctors,  Messrs.  Wilson  and  Edwards, 
have  been  here,  he  himself  has  been  rather  unwell,  and 
last  Sabbath  he  was  ordered  by  the  doctor  to  go  to  bed 
as  he  felt  so  poorly.  The  doctors  watched  the  symptoms 
as  they  manifested  themselves,  and,  on  Tuesday,  they 
said  he  would  be  ill  for  some  time.  Macgregor  has  wished 
me  not  to  let  you  know  what  it  is  he  is  suffering  from, 
but,  after  some  thought,  I  have  considered  it  best  to  tell 
you  the  nature  of  his  disease,  as  having  a  knowledge  of 
it  you  will  be  the  better  able  to  pray  for  him.  You  will 
please  not  let  the  knowledge  cause  you  extreme  grief. 
May  I  urge  you  to  come  to  our  Saviour  with  this 
heavy  burden,  and  hear  Him — Jesus  our  Saviour,  Jesus  the 
Almighty  God,  say — '  [  will  give  you  rest ;'  '  Casting  all 
your    care    upon    Him,   for    He    careth    for   you.'      Tlie 


146  Only  for  Jesus. 

doctors  connot  at  present  say  whether  the  attack  will 
be  h'ght  or  heavy.  Do  not  be  alarmed  now  when  I 
mention  that  his  illness  is  an  attack  of  small-pox.  He 
has  good  medical  attendance,  Dr.  Wilson  himself  acting 
as  nurse.  Then,  too,  as  to  food  and  medicine,  we  have 
all  that  is  necessary,  and  everything  he  needs  is  prepared 
by  two  of  our  lady  missionaries  at  the  North  Gate,  and 
sent  to  us  here  twice  a  day.  There  is  no  lack  of 
anything,  and  we  are  well  supplied  with  milk  and  all 
that  he  is  likely  to  need.  .  .  .  We  rejoice  because 
we  trust  in  a  living  God,  in  a  God  who  has  in  answer  to 
our  prayers  restored  to  a  very  good  degree  of  health  our 
Brother  Cooj)er ;  and  our  hope  for  your  dear  brother  is 
in  the  same  God.  We  are  in  fliith  praying  to  God,  and 
w^e  trust  Mr.  Macgregor  will  be  restored  to  perfect  health, 
and  will  soon  be  standing  in  China  as  a  herald  of  Christ's 

"  Praying  our  God  to  comfort  your  honoured  and  aged 
])arents  in  this  time  of  trial,  also  to  comfort  yourself  and 
brother  and  sisters.- — Believe  me,  dear  Sir,  to  remain 
the  loving  friend  of  your  dear  brother,  William ;  also 
yours  very  respectfully, 

''  Thos.   Protheroe." 

Another  says  that  when  Macgregor  was  first  informed 
of  the  nature  of  his  tiouble,  his  reply  was,  "  I  want 
patiently  to  endure  the  will  of  the  Lord." 

Dr.  Wilson,  in  a  letter  written  while  he  was 
attending  Macgregor,  says  :  "  Last  night  I  was  reading 
over  my  choice  collection  of  poems,  hymns,  texts,  etc.^ 
the  valued  reminder  of  so  many  at  home.  I  have  read 
many  to  him,  and  rejoice  to  find  he  is  one  who  enjoys 

Departing  Conscioitsness.  147 

'  Ministry  of  Song/  and  other  of  Miss  Havergal's  writings. 
His  is  a  beautifully  chastened,  quiet  Christian  spirit, 
which  is  the  more  interesting  to  me  since  he  told  me 
that  before  his  conversion  he  was  an  avowed  infidel  (or 
rather  Deist). 

''  If  he  should  be  taken,  and  his  missionary  career 
thus  be  cut  off  before  fairly  begun,  I  feel  how  appropriate 
are  these  lines" — I  don't  know  whose  they  are,  but  came 
across  them  in  reading  '  Stephen  Grellett ' — 

"  '  No  service  in  itself  is  small, 

None  great  thou2;h  earth  it  fill ; 
But  that  is  small  which  seeks  its  own, 
And  great  which  seeks  God's  will."* 

(From  Mr.   Protheroe^  to  Tom.) 

"  China  Inland  Mission,  Gan-K'ing, 
"  November  1,  18f^2. 

"  My  dear  Sir, — It  is  with  much  sorrow  that  I  write 
this  letter  to  you.  I  was  hoping,  when  last  I  wrote, 
that  this  letter  would  convey  to  you  tidings  of  further 
improvement  in  jour  dear  brother,  William.  But  I  am 
sorry  to  say  that  the  somewhat  favourable  symptoms 
we  observed  up  to  Thursday,  October  26th,  changed 
later  in  the  day  to  something  of  a  more  serious  nature. 
Later  on  in  the  evening  Dr.  Wilson,  who  had  been 
watcliing  very  closely  during  the  day,  came  into  my 
room  and  told  me  of  these  more  severe  and  dangerous 
sio'us,  adding  that  he  feared  the  worst.  Soon  after  this, 
on  the  same  evening,  your  dear  brother  became  uncon- 
scious and  remained  so,  with  the  exception  of  two  or  three 
intervals,  till  he  died.  The  night  passed  with  no  further 
signs  of  any  kind,  but  on  Friday  morning,  October  27, 
Dr.    Wilson    seemed    to    be    less   hopeful  of    your    dear 

148  Only  J  or  Jesus. 

brother's  recover}^  saying,  humanly  speaking,  and  so  far 
as  medical  skill  was  of  avail,  all  hope  was  gone.  At  Dr. 
Wilson's  suggestion  I  wrote  to  our  brethren  and  sisters 
at  the  North  Gate,  telling  them  how  ill  he  was,  and 
askings  them  to  pray  specially  for  him.  We  all  very 
dearly  loved  dear  Macgregor,  and  several  times  each 
day  did  we  pray  that  our  Father  would,  if  it  were  His 
willj  restore  one  so  dear  to  us  to  full  health.  Later  on 
in  the  evening  of  Friday,  we  went  in,  as  we  often  did, 
to  see  him ;  he  seemed  to  get  much  worse,  and  Dr. 
Wilson  sat  with  him  all  night.  Early  on  Saturday 
morning  Dr,  Edwards  and  I  went  in  to  see  how  he 
then  was.  The  report  was,  '  Still  the  same.'  In  the 
evening  he  seemed  to  be  so  very  ill  that  we  determined 
to  sit  up  and  to  render  any  help  that  might  be  needed. 
The  night  passed,  and  early  on  Sunday  morning  dear 
Macoreaor  seemed  to  become  more  conscious.  From 
Thursday  night  till  Sunday  he  had  known  but  one  person. 
Drs.  Edwards  and  Wilson  asked  him  several  times  if 
he  knew  them ;  he  shook  his  head  in  the  negative. 
Dr.  Edwards  asked  him  if  he  knew  Jesus.  To  this  he 
always  nodded  his  head  in  che  affirmative.  Later  on  the 
morning  of  Sunday,  he  seemed  to  become  rather  more 
conscious.  Dr.  Wilson  asked  him  if  he  knew  him,  and 
he  nodded  his  head  in  the  affirmative,  also  with  his  right 
hand,  being  unable  to  speak,  he  wrote  the  word  '  Wilson  ' 
on  the  palm  of  the  left  hand.  For  this  sign  of  conscious- 
ness we  were  thankful,  and  again  became  hopeful  for 
his  recover3\  But  he  was  soon  to  be  gone.  The  rest 
of  Sabbath  passed,  his  breathing  being  very  fnst  —  sixty 
to  the  minute — but  he  was  quieter,  and  taking  a  little 
nourishment.     After  tea  in  the  evening-,  Drs.  Wilson  and 

Knoiving  Jesus.  149 

Edwards,  and  I  bad  a  prayer  meeting  for  him  and 
others  in  China,  in  the  room  adjoining  his,  and  we 
seemed  to  think  he  would  be  spared.  Dr.  Edwards  and 
I  retired  to  our  room,  intending  to  revisit  your  dear 
brother  again  before  we  finally  retired. 

"Just  before  this  Dr.  Wilson  again  asked  him  if  he 
knew  him.  He  made  signs  in  the  negative,  and  the  Dr. 
then  asked  him"  if  he  knew — Jesus.  He  seemed  to  have 
no  strength  to  respond  by  nodding  his  head,  but,  as  if 
he  knew  he  was  going  home,  he  responded  hy  lifting  his 
right  hand  and  'pointing  to  the  slies.  This  was  the  last 
sign  he  o^ave  us. 

"  That  he  was  going  seemed  to  be  deeply  impressed 
upon  his  own  mind.  He  was  often  saying  '  he  thought 
he  was  going  home.'  Dr.  Wilson  tried  to  encourage 
hope  in  him,  but  he  still  thought  he  was  '  going  home.' 
And  such  was  the  truth. 

"  About  one  o'clock  on  Monday  morning.  Dr.  Wilson 
called  ns  and  we  were  soon  by  his  side,  just  to  see  him, 
apparently  without  a  struggle,  depart  '  to  be  with  Christ, 
which  is  far  better.' 

''  Thus   did  your  dear   brother   William   change    mor- 
tality for  life  in  a  brighter  and  better  world.     The  time 
in  England  would  be  about  a  quarter  to  six  of  Sabbath 
October  29th,  1882. 

"  I  cannot  write  how^  fi^i^ly  we  sympathise  with  3'ou 
and  your  dear  parents,  and  brothers  and  sisters,  in  this 
severe  affliction.  We  shall  be  praying  for  you  all,  asking 
our  God,  the  God  of  all  consolation,  to  comfort  you 
under  this  severe  trial.  Your  dear  brother  William  is 
'  not  lost,  but  gone  before,'  '  with  Christ,  which  is  far 
better.'     AYe  shall  follow  on. 

150  Only  for  yestis. 

"  I  find  it  impossible  to  tell  you  how  he  was  beloved 
by  us.  We  all  loved  him.  I  have  just  received  a  note 
from  the  chief  uastor  here.  He  w^ill  be  writinof  soon  ; 
he  asks  me  to  tell  37^ou  how  he — your  dear  brother 
— w^as  loved  by  us  all.  He  was  indeed  to  us  a  beloved 
brother  in  the  Lord,  a  dear  Ciiristian  friend.  His  life 
was  the  embodiment  of  one  phrase — that  is,  living  for 
Jesus.     .     .     ." 

The  mention  of  the  name  of  Jesus  rallied  the  dvino- 
3^oung  missionary  back  to  consciousness  as  it  had  often 
done  in  the  case  of  others,  when  everything  else  had 
failed.  It  was  a  name  Macgregor  dearly  loved.  On  the 
cover  of  his  Bible  he  had  pasted  tlie  two  little  pieces 
given  below  : — 


"  When  I  can  sf^arcely  read  or  praj\ 
When  troubled  thouj^hts  mj-  soul  dismay, 
His  precious  name  I  softly  say  : 
Jesus  !  Jesus  ! 

"  Oh,  swifter  than  a  mother's  car, 
Her  infant's  feeble  cry  to  hear, 
Is  His  to  catch  the  trembliiij,--  prayer  : 
Jesus  !  Jesus  ! 

"  When  sins  committed  long-  ago. 
Cause  bitter  tears  to  overflow, 
One  thought  alone  can  calm  our  woe  : 
Jesus  !  Jesus  ! 

"  If  sorrow,  like  a  thunder  cloud, 
In  darkest  night  my  soul  enshroud. 
Out  of  the  depths  I  cry  aloud  : 
Jesus  !  Jesus  ! 

'    If  like  a  flooi  the  foe  come  in, 
With  thoughts  of  unbelief  and  sin, 
His  mighty  name  the  fight  shall  win  : 
Jesus  !  Jesus  ! 

The  Name  of  Jesus.  151 

'•  If  worn  by  long-continued  piin, 
I  sij;h  for  rest  and  sleep  in  vain, 
Weary,  I  breathe  this  prayer  aj^ain 
Jesus  !  Jesus  ! 

"  Oh,  let  His  precious  name  he  said 
In  ichispers  o'er  my  dying  bed, 
So  shall  my  soul  be  comfortei : 
Jesus  !  Jesus  ! 

"  And  when  upon  the  other  shore 
We  sin  and  sorrow  nevermore, 
Tlis  praise  shall  echo  o'er  and  o'er  : 
Jesus  !  Jesus  !  Jesus  1" 

'"WHO   LOVED  ME'-Galatiaxs  r.  20. 

"  Three  little  sunbeams,  gilding  all  I  sec, 
Three  little  chords,  each  full  of  melody, 
Three  little  leaves,  balm  fcr  my  agony. 


"  He  loved  me -the  Father's  only  Son  ; 
He  gave  Himself,  the  precious  spotless  One  ; 
He  shed  His  blood,  and  thus  the  work  was  done 

"  'Loved.' 

"  He  loved,  not  merely  pitied  :  here  I  rest — 
Sorrow  may  come— I  to  His  heart  am  pressed ; 
What  shall  I  fear  when  sheltered  on  His  breast. 


"  Wonder  of  wonders  !    Jesus  loved  jie, 
A  wretch— lost,  ruined,  sunk  in  misery ; 
He  sought  me,  found  me,  raised  me,  set  me  free. 

"  My  soul  the  order  of  the  words  approve  : 
Christ  first— me  last  nothing  between  but  love  ; 
Lord,  keep  me  always  doivn— Thyself  above. 

"  Trus'.ii'g  to  Thee— not  struggling  restlessly  ; 
So  shall  I  daily  gain  the  victory  ; 
I,  yet  not  I,  but  Chiist,— '  Who  loved  ine.'—H.W 

152  Only  for   Jesus. 

The  following  letters  from  fellow-missionaries,  who 
witnessed  the  closing  scenes  in  Macgregor's  life  will  be 
read  with  interest.  They  show  how  he  endeared  himself 
to  everyone^  and  afford  graphic  glimpses  of  the  manner 
and  spirit  in  which  the  little  bands  of  God's  ambassadors 
live  and  love,  in  the  heart  of  a  dark  and  unsympathetic 
heathendom — 

Miss  Sonthall  w^rites  : — "  Yon  w^ill  doubtless  already 
have  heard  of  the  sorrow  we  have  passed  through,  in  the 
removal  of  our  beloved  brother,  Mr.  Macgregor;  few, 
indeed,  have  I  met  with,  who  seemed  more  meet  for  an 
inheritance  above  ;  his  whole  soul  was  on  fire  with  love 
to  our  Saviour,  and  in  his  measure  I  believe  it  was  trul}^ 
his  meat  and  drink  to  do  His  will.  We  all  felt  him  to 
be  a  brother  beloved  in  Christ,  and  in  the  power  of  his 
godly  life  he  still  lives  among  us." 

(From  Miss  Hughes,  to  Mrs.  Marr/regor.J 

"  China  Inlajsj)  Mission,  Gan  K'ing, 

"January  5th,  1883, 

"  Dear  Mrs.  Macgregor, —  Most  likely  you  will  be 
surprised  to  see  the  handwriting  of  a  stri\nger,  but  Mr. 
Taylor,  when  here,  requested  me  to  write  for  him,  and 
till  you  what  1  know  of  your  dear  son,  now  in  the 
presence  of  the  Saviour  he  so  devotedly  loved  on 
earth.  .  .  .  His  life  amongst  us  was  so  hoi?/  and 
lappy.  The  one  opinion  of  every  one  is,  that  he  'walked 
with  God.' 

'•  We    used    to     have,     on     Subbatli     uights,     Englibh 

Miss  HtLghes  to  His  Mother.         153 

meetings  amongst  ourselves.  The  last  time  he  spoke 
was  from  these  words,  Act  vi.  4,  "  But  we  will  give 
ourselves  continually  to  prayer  and  to  the  ministry  of 
the  Word."     So  earnest  was  he  :  I  remember  it  so  well. 

"  lu  September  Mr.  Cooper  was  taken  ill  ;  Mr.  Cooper 
and  he  were  like  brothers,  and  loved  each  other 
intensely.  Our  dear  departed  brother  nursed  him  night 
and  day. 

"  About  a  fortnight  before  he  (Macgregor)  took  to  his 
bed  he  was  often  poorl}^  The  Saturday  he  took  to 
bed  he  complained  greatly  of  thirst.  During  the 
evening  he  sang  through  and  through  the  hymn, 

"  Till  a  pilgriiii  and  a  stranger.' 

"  About  9  in  the  evening  I  came  home  ;  next  day 
(Sabbath)  I  went  to  see  him,  but  the  fever  was  high, 
and  his  head  ached.  I  sat  down  by  his  side  and 
changed  the  vinegar  cloths  that  the  doctors  had  given 
him.  He  told  me  he  was  -so  happy!  His  Heavenly 
Father  was  so  good  to  him,  that  now  that  he  was  ill, 
it  w^as  nice  he  was  at  home  with  kind  friends  to  care 
for  him.  1  got  him  all  the  things  I  could,  to  make 
him  comfortable.  On  Monday  afternoon,  while  the 
doctors  were  out,  I  attended  to  him,  and  again  he  said 
how  happy  he  was,  but  he  was  too  ill  to  converse  with  me. 
He  just  asked  me  to  pray  for  him,  and  then  I  left,  Utile 
thinldng  that  in  this  world  I  should  not  gaze  again  upon 
that  loved  face. 

"  Next  day  they  saw  what  his  trouble  was,  and  so  Mr. 
Cooper  was  moved  over  here. 

"  At  last  Dr.  Wilson  wrote  over,  telling  us  that 
theie    was    no    hope    of    Mr.    Macgregor — news     which 

154  Only  for  yesus. 

bowed  us  down  with  grief.  We  spent  nearly  the  wliole 
day  praying,  if  consistent  with  God's  will,  to  spare  his 

''  With  Saturday  came  the  news  '  Nothing  is  wanted 
to-da}'.'  All  day  Sabbath  was  spent  in  suspense,  and  I 
then  quietly  hinted  to  Mr.  Cooper  the  serious  illness  of 
his  loved  brother,  for  he  was  so  ill  that  we  were  afraid  to 
let  him  know. 

''  On  Monday  morning,  Mrs.  Tomalin  came  over  and 
when  I  saw  her  face  I  knew  that  our  beloved  brother 
was  with  Jesus. 

"  In  the  evening  we  made  a  wreath,  and  sent  it  to  be 
placed  on  the  coffin,  with  the  text  '  Blessed  are  the  dead 
who  die  in  the  Lord.' 

"  On  Thursday  he  was  buried.  Mr.  Tomalin  read  the 
funeral  service.  .  .  .  He  is  laid  in  a  pretty,  quiet 
spot,  out  in  the  country.  We  intend  planting  trees  there 
in  the  spring. 

"  We  are  quite  sure  the  Lord  Jesus  saw  him  so  ready 
for  Heaven  that  He  longed  to  have  our  brother  with 
Himself.  Mr.  Taylor  loved  him  so  much,  and  so  did 
everybody.     .     . 

'•'  I  send  you  a  piece  of  poetry  he  liked  very  much,  and 
which  Dr.  Wilson  used  to  repeat  to  him.     .     .     . 

"  May  this  thought  comfort  you  in  the  loss  of  your 
dear  son  :  it  will  not  be  long,  and  you  will  meet  him 
agahi.  May  it  not  comfort  his  loved  parents,  and  his 
young  brother  whom  he  so  often  spoke  of,  and  his  two 
sisters  whom  he  loved  so  well.  Oh  !  what  a  joyful 
meeting  that  will  be — so  real  and  far  morejojous  than 
an  earthly  meeting  could  be.     .     .     . 

''  Mr.  Taylor  thought   it  would  comfort  you  to  know 

Translation  of  Teachers  Letter.      155 

that    he    not    only    had    a    doctor's    skill,    but    all    the 
attention  a  sister  could  render  him. 

''  Katie  Hughes." 

Miss  Hughes,  in  sending  a  translation  of  a  letter  of 
sympathy  by  Mr.  Macgregor's  native  teacher,  says  the 
mutual  love  of  teacher  and  pupil  was  very  strong. 
"  Often,"  she  says,  '•'  when  speaking  of  Mr.  jMacgregor, 
the  tears  come  to  his  eyes." 

(The  Translated  Letter.) 

"  Dear  Mrs.  Macgregor, — May  God  protect  you,  give 
you  happiness,  and  old  age,  and  constant  peace.  I 
belong  to  China  ;  my  name  is  Cu  Fei-Tong,  and  I  wish 
to  tell  you,  respected  parents,  that  your  son's  Chinese 
name  was  Muh  Ci-Kia,  or  the  ^  peaceful  one.'  He  last 
year  arrived  in  China,  and  came  to  this  city,  of  Gan-K'ing, 
to  learn  to  read,  and  learnt  for  six  months.  Every 
day  before  he  read,  he  first,  before  me,  prayed  for  God's 
help  in  learning  the  language.  He  was  a  very  good 
man.  I  loved  him,  and  he  loved  me.  I  did  not  think 
he  would  take  the  disease  of  small-pox,  but  God  w^anted 
him,  and,  though  the  body  is  buried  here,  his  soul  is  in 
Heaven.  He  had  several  friends  to  nurse  him,  neverthe- 
less God  wanted  him,  and  he  listened. 

'•  I  pray  you,  his  respected  parents,  do  not  weep  ;  his 
work  is  finished.  He  has  obtained  his  reward  in 
Heaven,  and  when  the  Heavenly  Father  calls  you,  he 
will  come  and  meet  you  and  us.  I  have  purposely 
written  this,  because  I  truly  loved  him. 

''Cu  Fei-Tong,  Pal" 

156  Only  for  Jesiis. 

Miss  Hughes  adds  that,  in  his  fatal  ilhiess,  Macgregor 
was  nursed  day  and  night  by  Dr.  Wilson,  who  could  not 
have  shown  more  Christian  and  brotherly  kindness  than 
he  did. 

(From  Mr.   rrotkeroc  to   Tom.) 

"  West  Gate,  Gan-K'ing, 
"November  9th,  1882. 

"My  dear  Sir, — You  will  doubtless  be  waiting  anxiously 
for  a  letter  concerning  your  brother  William's  funeral. 
The  Cemetery  we  have  purchased  is  a  little  more  than 
a  mile  from  our  Chapel  at  North  Gate.  Your  brother 
w^as  buried  there  in  a  new  grave,  at  the  south  end  of 
the  Cemetery  last  Friday,  the  3rd  inst.  The  prepara- 
tions for  the  funeral  were  made  by  Dr.  Edwards  and 
myself,  and,  out  of  love  for  my  late  dear  friend,  your 
brother  Willie,  we  saw  that  everything  needful  was  not 
only  done,  but  done  by  ourselves. 

"  It  will  not  be  needful  for  me  to  let  you  know  the 
particulars,  except  those  of  the  service.  There  were 
present  at  the  funeral  service,  the  Rev.  E.  Tomalin,  who 
conducted  the  service  in  Chinese,  also  Mrs.  Tomalin, 
Miss  Findlay,  Miss  Evans,  Dr.  Edwards,  and  I,  besides  a 
goodly  number  of  Chinese.  After  the  Chinese  service  was 
concluded  we  sang  a  hymn  from  the  Wesleyan  Methodists' 
Hymn  Book,  No.  941.     .     .     ." 

A  tombstone,  erected  by  his  fellow-missionaries,  marks 
the  spot  where  the  mortal  remains  of  Macgregor  rest 
till  the  resurrection  morning.  The  inscription  is  in 
Chinese,  of  which  the  following  is  a  translation  : 

Letter  from   Mr,   P  rot  he  roe.  157 

"  British  Missionary 
"W.    M.    MACGREGOR, 

"Died,    October    2  9  t  ii,    1882. 

"  '  Blessed  a^-e  the  dead  which  die  in  the  Lord  from 
Iiencefortli  :  j'ea,  saith  the  Spirit,  that  the3'  uiaj'  rest 
from  their  labours  ;  and  their  works  do  follow  them.' 

"This  stone  was  erected  by  his  fellow-missionaries  in 

This  Memoir  of  \Yilliam  Macgregor  may  be  fitly  closed 
with  the  following  appropriate  sentences  from  the  pen  of 
Mr.  Broomhall,  Secretary  to  the  China  Inland  Mission  : — 

"  As  we  think  of  the  solemn  joy  with  which  our 
brother  Macgregor  went  forth  to  China  ;  of  his  manly 
coarage,  combined  with  so  much  gentleness;  of  his 
earnest  zeal  and  great  prudence,  his  tact  and  kindness, 
his  remarkable  power  to  gain  the  respect  and  confidence 
of  those  with  whom  he  had  to  do,  we  feel  that  he 
possessed  in  no  common  measure  the  qualifications  for 
the  difficult  work  of  missionary  labour  in  the  un- 
evangelised  province  of  Kuang-se.  Upon  this  his  heart 
was  set,  and  his  removal  does  seem  a  mysterious 
providence.  We  cannot  explain  it  ;  China  can  ill  spare 
such   a  man,   but    in   our    sorrow    we    comfort    ourselves 

1 58  Only  for  Jesits. 

with  the  remembrance  that  the  Lord  reigns.  He  can 
make  the  removal  of  our  brother  a  voice  to  every 
member  of  the  Mission,  calling  to  renewed  consecration 
to  the  one  work  of  saving  souls  from  death.  He  can 
inspire  them  with  fresh  determination  to  redeem  the 
time  and  to  work  while  it  is  day.  He  can  enable  each 
one,  with  a  deeper  earnestness  than  ever,  to  say,  in  the 
words  which  were  our  departed  brother's  last  text — 'We 
will  give  ourselves  continually  to  prayer,  and  to  the 
ministry  of  the  Word,'  and  great  and  blessed  results  may 
follow.  He  can  farther  use  our  brother's  removal  to  fix 
the  attention  of  many  a  young  man  on  the  needs  of 
China,  and  especially  of  the  province  to  which  he  had  so 
much  desired  to  go.  Many  may  be  baptized  for  the 
dead,  and  desire  to  take  up  the  work  from  which  he  has 
been  called.      From  such  we  shall  be  glad  to  hear. 

"  To  all,  whether  at  home  or  in  the  foreign  field,  the 
early  removal  of  our  brother  speaks  with  a  solemn  voice 
— Whatsoever  thy  hand  findkth  to  do,  do  it  with 
thy  might." 

'>;^r-  /05. 




^RECEDFNG  pages  have  shown  that  Macgregor 
i^  was  a  man  of  fervent  and  importunate  prayer. 
f^fih  A  closhig  chapter  may  be  j^i'ofitably  devoted 
to  the  consideration  of  the  manner  and  degree 
in  which  God  graciously  vouchsafed  answers  to  his 
prayers  on  behalf  of  those  members  of  the  family  who 
have  already  finished  their  earthly  career.  Of  the  sur- 
viving members  of  the  familj^,  for  whom  Macgregor 
prayed  so  earnestly,  it  would  be  obviously  out  of  place 
to  speak  particularly,  further  than  to  say  that  they  are 
sharers  of  the  same  hope  with  those  who  have  gone  before. 
The  aged  father,  the  elder  sister  Annie,  the  younger 

1 60  Only  for  Jesus. 

brother  Tom,  and,  lastly,  the  youuger  sister  "  Jo,"  have 
all  been  called  away  in  strangely  rapid  succession,  and 
their  bodies  repose  in  Highgate  Cemetery,  London,  in  the 
sm-e  hope  of  a  blessed  resurrection.  The  closing  scenes 
in  the  life  of  Tom  particularly  c  ill  for  attention,  and  the 
remaining  pages  are  mainly  devoted  to  the  narration  of 

The  family  removed  from  Dingwall,  to  London,  in 
May,  1883,  and,  shortly  afterwards,  old  Mr.  Macgregor 
fell  asleep,  testifying,  even  in  the  last  hours  of  extreme 
weakness,  to  the  sustaining  powder  and  full  sufficiency  of 
the  grace  of  God. 

Following  the  death  of  Mr.  Macgregor,  "  Annie  " — not 
long  married — died  on  January  13,  1885.  Her  dying 
testimony  was  bright  and  reassuring.  A  few  minutes 
before  her  end,  and,  conscious  that  she  was  neariug 
home,  she  gave  each  of  her  sorrowing  relatives  round 
her  bedside  a  farewell  kiss.  Her  last  words  were  words 
of  prayer.  They  were — "Take  me!  take  me  !  take 
me  !"     On  the  previous  night  a  companion  called  to  see 

her,  to  whom  she  said,  solemnly — "  M ,  if  you  were  in 

my  place,  would  you  be  prepared  to  die  %  If  not,  be 

Ou  the  21st  September  following,  the  specially  loved 
brother,  "  Tom,"  was  also  called  away,  in  the  22nd  year 
of  his  age.  Never  robust,  his  last  illness  was  very 
protracted.  It  was  brought  on  by  an  injury  to  his  knee, 
occasioned  by  a  fall  on  the  pavement,  on  the  2oth  of 
January,  1885,  while  going  up  Old  Broad  Street,  to  his 
business  (that  of  a  chemist)  in  the  City.     For  a  long  time 

Extracts  from   Torn  s  Letters.        1 6 1 

he  hovered,  ou  the  borderland,  the  fluctuations  in  his 
health  sometimes  encouraging  hopes  of  recovery,  but 
extreme  weakness  invariably  intervening  and  bringing 
the  gentle,  patient  sufferer  down  to  the  verge  of  death. 

Before  coming  to  the  closing  scene,  however,  extracts 
from  two  of  his  letters  will  indictate  his  spiritual  state 
while  still  in  comparative  health.  To  the  friend  who 
led  him  to  Christ  (pp.  71-74)  he  wrote,  shortly  after 
reaching  Loudon  : — 

"  I  must  say  that  never  before  have  I  felt  as  I  do 
now,  the  necessity  of  leaning  on  Christ  for  help  to  fight 
the  battle  of  life.  I  never  before  felt  how  sweet  it  is. 
amid  the  surrounding  loneliness,  to  have  such  a  Friend 
as  the  Lord  Jesus  to  commune  with,  as  I  pass  through 
wildernesses  of  unknown  faces.  Truly  God  has  fulfilled 
the  promise  to  me,  '  My  grace  is  sufficient  for  thee  ! '  I 
left  Dingwall  very  weak  in  body,  and  not  very  bright  in 
spirits,  and,  lo,  contrary  to  my  anticipations.  He  has 
preserved  me  on  my  journey,  and  continues  to  restore 
my  bodily  vigour.  When  I  was  a  week  or  two  here  I 
tried  for  a  situation,  and  laid  the  matter  before  the 
Lord,  and  He  gave  me  my  choice  of  several  places.  .  . 
I  accepted  the  nearest  home,  which  also  was  the 
one  with  the  shortest  hours,  and  which,  of  course,  wns 
the  one  that  suited  me  best.     .     .     . 

"  You  deserve  well  of  me  because  you  showed  yourself 
a  true  friend.  In  fact,  at  a  time  when  I  despised  you, 
you  were  praying  for  me,  and  seeking  my  salvation." 

On  November  lo,  1884,  lie  wrote  : — 


1 62  Only  for  Jesus. 

"  It  seems  rather  hard  that  as  we  grow  up  we  to 
part  company  with  one  another,  perhaps  for  life. 
However,  we  shall  have  plenty  time  up  yonder  to  talk 
over  these  matters. 

"  Since  your  last  letter  one  more  tie  binding  me  to 
earth  has  been  loosed,  and  there  is  one  more  tie  binding 
me  to  heaven.  I  did  not  think  I  should  miss  my  dear 
father  as  I  do.  Scarcely  a  night  passes  but  I  dream  of 
him.  We  all  miss  him  very  much.  '  Till  the  heavens  he 
no  more,  he  shall  not  arise  nor  aivalce  out  of  his  sleep.^ 
That  verse  comforted  me  at  Willie's  death — ^Till  the 
heavens  he  no  more.'''' 

On  the  26th  of  January,  1885,  as  already  mentioned, 
the  shock  to  his  already  enfeebled  system,  brought 
on  complete  prostration,  and  a  long  period  of  intense 
suffering.  The  pain  for  a  time  was  so  severe  that  he 
could  not  bear,  without  shrinking,  that  anyone  should 
touch  his  bed,  but  he  bravely  strove  against  a  murmuring 
spirit.  The  intensity  of  the  pain  gradually  abated,  only 
to  give  place,  however,  to  another  form  of  trial,  which,  in 
its  way,  was  equally  difficult  to  bear.  Possessing  a  keen 
intellect  of  remarkable  power,  he  had  carefully  prepared 
for  examination  with  a  view  to  obtaining  a  Science  and 
Art  Scholarshij^,  in  South  Kensington,  tenable  for  three 
sessions,  and  generously  granted  by  H.  M.  Matheson,  Esq. 
of  Hampstead,  to  the  Dingwall  Science  Classes,  of  which 
Tom  was  for  several  years  the  leading  student.  The 
poor  lad  coveted,  more  than  anything  else  of  a  temporal 
character,  this  Scholarship,  with  its  congenial  and 
extended  course  of  study  in  scientific    subjects.     When 

A   Pensive  Elusion.  163 

at  last  everything  was  ready,  and  it  was  arranged  that 
he  could  take  his  examination  papers  in  London,  his 
kind  medical  adviser — Dr.  Keele — perceiving  the  serious 
nature  of  his  disorder,  forbade  him  absolutely  from 
entertaining  the  prospect  so  dear  to  him.  In  a  letter, 
intimating  this  decision,  on  April  13th,  Tom  says  he  was 
then  still  in  bed,  unable  to  put  his  foot  under  him.  It 
was  at  this  time  he  wrote  the  pensive  lines  given 
below  : — 

"  I've  gazed  upon  these  walls'so  long 
That  they  have  quite  familiar  grown, 
And,  like  some  old,  endearing  song, 
Each  line  and  syllable  is  known. 

"  Or,  like  a  vale,  where  rivers  wemd, 
O'er  plains  of  pink  to  seas  of  blue. 
While  round  the  land  the  coast-lines  stand, 
And  hills,  like  feathers,  lie  in  darker  hue  ; 

"  While  over  all  the  names  are  spread 
Of  countries,  cities,  isles,  and  seas — 
So  on  the  wall  beside  my  bed 
Each  spot  familiar  is  as  these. 

"  Here  have  I  lain  since  winter's  breath 

Chilled  the  damp  street  with  hazy  gloom  ; 
Sweet  snowdrops  nodding  over  death 
Spake  of  white  robes  beyond  the  tomb. 

"  The  winter  waned,  and  welcome  spring 

Spread  the  fair  plains  with  opening  flowers 
The  southern  birds  on  hasty  wing, 
Sped  to  their  decorated  bowers, 

"  Filling  the  trembling  air  with  song  ; 
But  yet  to  me  no  spring  appears, 
Nor  summer  day,  eo  bright  and  long, 
Smilicg,  my  drooping  spirit  cheers. 

"  Though  on  no  summer  fields  I  gaze, 
A  land  of  joy  is  full  in  sight  ; 
Jly  heart  is  full  of  peace  ami  prai.^e  ; 
The  Lord's  my  Sun,  the  Lamb's  my  Light. 

1 64  Only  for  Jesus. 

"  Here  with  my  Saviour  I  am  blest, 
No  other  pleasure  half  so  sweet ; 
His  angels  guard  His  humble  guest, 
And  slow- winged  hours  s?em  almost  fleet. 

"  'Tia  better  thus  with  soul  at  rest, 

While  here  the  aching  flesh  remains, 
Than  roam  the  earth  with  troubled  breast, 
The  body  free,  the  soul  in  chains." 

Mr.  W.  C.  East,  secretary  of  the  Shoreditch  Branch 
of  the  Y.M.C.A.,  who  kindly  helped  to  nurse  Tom, 
supplies  an  account  of  his  last  illness,  from  which 
several  extracts  are  made. 

"  In  May,"  says  Mr.  East,  "  by  God's  goodness  in 
blessing  the  Dr.'s  skill,  and  with  the  aid  of  a  crutch, 
Tom  was  able  to  move  about  the  room.  By  June  he 
was  able  to  take  his  first  walk  out  of  doors,  leaning  on 
my  arm,  supporting  himself  also  on  his  crutch.  We 
had  taken  several  short  walks  of  this  kind,  when  I  had 
to  leave  for  my  holidays.  On  my  return  I  found  that 
he  had  broken  a  small  blood  vessel,  which  again 
prostrated  him.  He  never  again  rose  from  his  bed. 
It  was  a  very  hot  summer,  and  must  have  proved 
very  trying  to  him,  but  he  never  murmured.  Ice  was 
applied  to  his  head  and  breast  day  and  night,  and  he 
was  rarely  left  alone  for  an  hour,  until  his  death  in 
September  following.  None,  next  to  his  mother,  was 
more  assiduous  and  devoted  in  nursing  than  his  sister, 
Johannah — her  touch  soothed  him,  and  her  singing 
afforded  him  much  delight.  In  August  Dr.  Keele  told 
his  friends  that  there  was  no  hope  of  recovery.  One 
lung  had  already  become  consolidated,  and  the  other 
was  seriously  affected.      It    was,  after   a   time,  thought 

Intimating  Seriousiiess  of  Illness.     165 

best  to  tell  him  how  near  the  hour  of  his  departure 
might  be,  and  I  was  asked  to  do  so.  He  received 
the  news  very  quietly,  the  only  symptom  of 
feeling  being  a  slight  flushing  of  the  face.  He 
then  said  quietly  that  he  was  resigned  to  God's  will, 
and  never  after  spoke  of  possible  recovery,  and  neither 
did  he  speak  of  death.  A  week  before  his  end  he  asked 
me  to  write  to  his  dictation  a  letter  to  two  of  his  former 
companions  in  Dingwall.  He  was  much  exercised  in 
prayer  as  to  the  spiritual  condition  of  these  lads." 

It  was  arranged  by  the  dying  lad  that  the  letter, 
which  he  signed  with  his  own  hand,  would  not  reach  its 
destination  till  after  his  death.  The  letter,  which  is 
given  below,  is  at  once  an  assuring  and  happj^  deathbed 
testimony,  and  a  particularly  solemn  and  pathetic  appeal 
to  the  two  young  men  to  decide  for  Christ.  Its  publi- 
cation, in  these  pages,  may  affect  hearts  for  which  the 
humble  writer  never  intended  it : — 

"  135  Rom  AX  Road,  Barnsbury, 
"  London,  31st  August,  1885. 

"  Dear  ,  and  , — I   have  a  very  strong 

desire  to  write  one  more  letter  before  I  pass  away  from 
earth  to  Heaven,  to  plead  with  you  to  give  your  hearts 
to  the  Lord  Jesiis  Christ.  I  am  far  too  ill  to  write  the 
letter  myself,  so  I  get  a  dear  friend  to  do  so  for  me  at 
my  dictation. 

"  I  have  on  former  occasions  pleaded  with  j^ou  to  turn 
to  Christ  Jesus,  who  is  the  only  Saviour,  and  through 
Him  alone  can  you  escape  from  the  wrath  to  come.  To 
me  at  this  time  nothing  can  avail  but  Christ  Jesus. 

1 66  Only  fo7''  Jesus. 

"Soon,  very  soon,  and  before  you  get  this  letter,  I 
shall  have  said  the  last  good-bye  to  my  friends,  and  have 
passed  to  be  with  my  Lord.  Think  of  this,  that  while 
you  are  reading  this  letter,  /  am  with  Christ,  beholding 
His  face,  and  enjoying  the  full  blessing  of  Heaven.  Oh, 
would  it  not  have  been  folly  for  me  to  have  put  off  the 
decision  of  my  soul's  salvation  till  now  %  And  could  I 
lie  upon  my  pillow^  with  ease  of  mind  and  a  desire  to 
depart  if  I  had  rejected  the  Lord's  calH 

"Oh ,  and ,  pray  God  at  once  to  give  you 

His  Spirit,  and  for  Christ's  sake  to  pardon  your  sins. 
Perhaps  soon  you  may  have  to  leave  this  world  and  to 
stand  before  God.  Can  you  with  ease  and  quietude  of 
mind  anticipate  such  a  thing  %  '  I  pray  you,  in  Christ's 
stead,  be  ye  reconciled  to  God.'  '  God  is  love.'  '  He 
w^illeth  not  the  death  of  any,  but  that  all  should  turn  to 
Him  and  live.'  '  The  blood  of  Jesus  Christ,  God's  Son, 
cleanseth  us  from  all  sin,'  and  though  your  sins  be  as  great 
mountains  yet  God,  for  Christ's  sake,  will  forgive  you. 
Turn  to  God  at  once.  Do  not  delay.  Remember  that 
God  hath  not  promised  you  another  day  ;  but  plead  with 
God  now,  and  come  unto  Him. 

"  Will  you  read  John's  Gospel,  chapter  iii.,  and  the 
first  21  verses;    especially  think  of  verse  16. 

^'  I  am  with  Christ,  and  I  w\ant  to  meet  you  there. 
Oh,  do  not  let  me  look  for  you  in  vain  !  This  is  my  last 
word — '  God  is  love,' — Your  old  companion, 

"  T.  G.  Macgregor." 

Mr.  East  writes  : — "  x4t  the  time  of  writing  to  his 
former  companions  I  had  a  talk  with  him  concerning  his 

Seventy -Times  Sevenfold  Forgiveness.   167 

personal  trust  in  Christ,  and  the  clearness  of  his  views 
in  regard  to  pardon  and  acceptance.  His  replies  were 
extremely  simple  and  touching. 

"  He  said — '  I  have  a  full  belief  in  Jesus  Christ  as  my 
personal  Saviour.  I  rest  alone  upon  His  Word,  and 
have  confidence  in  the  power  of  His  blood  to  cleanse 
away  my  sin.' 

"  Asked  if  he  had  any  concern  regarding  the  future, 
he  replied- — '  There  is  an  exception  to  my  complete 
restfulness.  My  sins  of  omission  and  commission  since 
my  conversion,  the  knowledge  of  inconsistency  and 
want  of  conformity  to  His  holy  will,  come  with  force  to 
my  heart  just  now^  and  trouble  me.' 

"  *  But,  Tom,  does  not  the  blood  of  Jesus  Christ 
cleanse  us  from  all  sin  ]' 

"  '  Yes,'  was  his  answer,  '  it  does,  I  fully  believe,  but 
still  I  am  troubled.' 

"  '  But  do  you  not  think  this  mingling  of  gall  in  your 
cup  of  joy  a  potion  from  the  evil  one  V 

"  '  It  may  be  so,  but  my  rest  is  disturbed  by  it,'  he 

"  I  was  sorely  grieved  for  my  dear  friend.  It  was  the 
first  indication  of  unrest  of  mind  or  spirit,  and  I  scarcely 
knew  what  to  say  to  dispel  the  cloud,  when  suddenly 
there  came  to  my  mind  the  question  of  Peter  to  Jesus, 
'  Lord,  how  oft  shall  my  brother  sin  against  me,  and  I 
forgive  him  1  Till  seven  times  ?  Jesus  saith  unto  him, 
I  say  not  unto  thee  until  seven  times,  but  until  seventy 
times  seven  '  (Matthew  xxiii.  21,  22).  I  read  these  words 
to  him,  and  added, 

"  '  Do  you  think,  dear  Tom,  that  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ 

1 68  O^ily  for  Jesus, 

would  teach  His  disciples  to  do  that  which  He  Himself 
is  not  ready  to  do  *?' 

"  His  answer  was  a  silent,  but  inexpressible  look  of 
joy.      In  a  moment  or  two  he  added, 

"  '  Oh,  yes,  I  see  ;  Jesus  will  forgive  me  seventy 
times-seven  times.     Oh,  how  loving  !  how  good  ! ' 

"  The  light  of  the  Saviour's  love  and  compassion  broke 
in  afresh  upon  his  soul,  and  from  that  moment  there 
was  great  readiness  to  depart  and  be  with  Christ.  Two 
or  three  days  before  the  end,  he  elapsed  his  hands 
together,  and  prayed  with  intense  fervour, 

"  '  Oh,  come,  Lord  Jesus  !     Come  !     Make  haste  ! ' 

"  His  peace  remained  calm  as  a  river.  On  the  last 
night  of  his  illness  I  relieved  his  mother  at  midnight, 
and  sat  up  with  him  till  five  o'clock  of  the  morning." 

Mr.  East,  in  detailing  the  experiences  of  the  closing 
hours  of  Tom's  life,  states  that  short  periods  of 
semi-consciousness  occurred  several  times,  in  all  of 
which  the  mind  centred  on  the  Saviour  he  loved  so 
much.  A  few  minutes  before  his  death,  which  took 
place  at  noon,  and  while  his  faculties  were  quite  clear, 
he  suddenly  burst  forth  into  fervent  and  importunate 
prayer  that  God's  name  might  be  glorified  everywhere, 
and  ascribing  all  power  and  glory  to  Jesus  his  Saviour. 
He  then  sang,  unaided,  a  Psalm  from  the  Scottish 
metrical  version  with  great  rapture,  the  vigour  with 
which  he  engaged  in  these  exercises  surprising  and 
over-powering  every  one  present.  Dr.  Keele  afterwards 
went  to  the  bedside,  and  gently  called  Tom  by  name. 
The  d}ing  lad,  in  response,  opened  his  eyes  and  smiled 
a  happy  recognition.  He  then  again  lapsed  into  uncon- 
sciousness, and  without  a  quiver  fell  asleep. 

Scriphtre  Comforts.  169 

Fully  aware  that  his  death  would  be  keenly  felt 
by  the  loved  friends  he  was  leaving  behind,  Tom 
sought  to  console  them  with  the  comforts  wherewith 
his  own  soul  was  comforted  of  God.  "  I  know,"  he  said 
to  his  mother,  "  you  will  miss  me,  but  do  not  think  of 
me  as  being  dead,  for  I  shall  be  with  Jesus."  Towards 
his  end  he  asked  his  friend,  Mr.  East,  to  address 
separately  to  his  mother  and  sister  and  brother,  slips 
of  paper  which  had  been  written  by  himself,  each  con- 
taining a  text  of  Scripture,  the  slips  to  be  retained  till 
after  his  death.     These  slips  were:  — 

"  Comfort  from  the  Lord  to  my  darling  Mother. — 'But 
I  would  not  have  you  to  be  ignorant,  brethren,  concerning 
them  which  are  asleep,  that  ye  sorrow  not  even  as  others 
which  have  no  hope'  (1  Thes.  iv.  13)." 

"  Comfort  from  the  Lord  to  my  darling  sister,  Jo. — 
'Thy  brother  shall  rise  again'  (John  xi.  23)." 

"  Comfort  from  the  Lord  to  my  darling  brother,  Davie. 
— '  Thou,  therefore,  my  son,  be  strong  in  the  grace  that 
is  in  Christ  Jesus'  (2  Tim.  ii.  1)." 

The  funeral  services  were  conducted  by  the  Kev.  Mr. 
Sawday,  now  of  Leicester.  Besides  the  relatives,  a  large 
number  of  former  fellow-Christian  workers  assembled, 
who  before  the  grave  was  closed,  joined  in  singing 
Tom's  favourite  hymn — 

"  Jesus,  thy  blood  and  righteousness 
My  beauty  are,  my  glorious  dress  ; 
'Midst  flaming  worlds,  in  these  arrayed, 
With  joy  shall  I  lift  up  my  head." 

i7o  Only  for  Jesus. 

The  reader  must  have  been  impressed  with  the 
intensity  of  WilHam  Macgregor's  desires  and  prayers  for 
the  conversion  of  his  sister,  "  Jo."  He  had  the  assur- 
ance that  sooner  or  later  his  prayers  on  her  behalf 
would  be  answered.  The  answer,  though  for  a  time 
delayed,  came  at  last.  For  several  years  she  was  in  a 
state  of  anxiety,  more  or  less  deep,  regarding  her  soul  ; 
but  it  was  not  till  the  spring  of  1884  that  she  found 
rest,  in  the  acceptance  of  Christ  as  her  complete  and 
personal  Saviour.  Her  conversion  occurred  under  the 
preaching  of  Mr.  D.  L.  Moody,  the  American  evangelist, 
in  the  great  iron  tent  erected  at  St.  Pancras,  during  Mr. 
Moody's  memorable  mission  to  London.  In  the  full  zeal 
of  her  first  love,  she  at  once  threw  herself  into  Christian 
work  of  a  kind  suited  to  her  talents,  such  as  tract 
distribution,  assisting  the  hymn-singing  at  open-air 
meetings,  and  dealing  with  anxious  inquirers.  Her 
sky  was  not  always  bright,  however,  for  she  was  often 
cast  down  in  spirit  by  a  sense  of  unworthiness,  but  only 
to  be  raised  up  again  by  fresh  realizations  of  the  worthi- 
ness and  love  of  her  Redeemer. 

"  How  unworthy  T  am,"  she  often  said  ;  "  but,  oh, 
how  much  Jesus  does  love  me  !  Oh,  how  good  He  is  to 

After  a  period  of  severe  and  protracted  illness,  fitted 
to  test  the  genuineness  of  her  faith  in  Christ,  and  in 
which  her  chastened  spirit  bore  testimony  to  God's  faith- 
fulness, she  passed  to  her  rest,  to  rejoin  loved  ones  "gone 
before,"  on  the  Queen's  Jubilee  Day,  June  21,  1887. 

Death  of  yoJiannah.  171 

*'  Come,  Lord  Jesus,  oh,  come  quickly,"  was  a  prayer 
she  more  than  once  uttered  during  her  last  night  on 
earth.  To  the  question,  put  several  times,  during  that 
night,  if  she  were  still  trusting  Jesus,  she  had  but  one 

'•'  Oh,  yes  ;  He  is  all  my  salvation,  and  all  my  desire." 

Her  favourite  hymn,  during  her  illness  was — 

"  Fade,  fade,  each  earthlj'  joy  ;  Jesus  is  mine  I 
Break,  ev'ry  tender  tie  ;  Jesus  is  mine  ; 

Dark  is  the  wilderness. 

Earth  has  no  restinjy-place  ; 
Jesus  alone  can  bless,  Jesug  is  mine  ! 

"  Tempt  not  my  soul  away  ;  Jesus  is  mine  ! 
Here  would  I  ever  stay  ;  Jesus  is  mine  ! 

Perishing  things  of  clay, 

Born  but  for  one  brief  daj% 
Pass  from  my  heart  away  !  Jesus  is  mine  ! 

"  Farewell,  ye  dreams  of  night  ;  Jesus  is  mine  ! 
Lost  in  this  dawning  light  ;  Jesus  is  mine  ! 

All  that  my  soul  has  tried 

Left  but  a  dismal  void  ; 
Jesus  has  satisfied  ;  Jesus  is  mine  ! 

*'  Farewell,  mortality  ;  Jesus  is  mine  ! 
Welcome,  eternity  ;  Jesus  is  mine  ! 

Welcome,  O  loved  and  blest. 

Welcome,  sweet  scenes  of  rest. 
Welcome,  my  Saviour's  breast  ;  Jesus  is  mine. 

William  Macgregor's  letters  and  diary,  together 
with  the  devotion  of  his  life,  read  out  with  unwaver- 
ing decisiveness  and  holy  emphasis  their  own  moral. 
They  show  that  the  "  new  birth  " — a  living  faith 
in  a  crucified  and  risen  Saviour — is  the  true  starting- 
point     in     spiritual     life.        They    are    also    calculated 

172  Ofily  for  yesus. 

both  to  stimulate  desires  after  whole-hearted  personal 
consecration,  and  to  teach,  in  no  small  measure,  the 
secret  of  continuous  and  rapid  growth  in  the  Christian 

They  are  fitted,  likewise,  to  fire  w^ith  missionary  zeal 
hearts  that  have  remained  indiff'erent,  or  become 
lethargic  with  regard  to  the  last  great  command  of 
the  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  ''  Go  ye  into  all  the  world,  and 
preach  the  Gospel  to  every  creature  "  (Mark  xvi.  15). 
"  Say  what  3'ou  will  about  the  needs  of  home,  and  the 
claims  of  home,"  said  the  Rev.  Dr.  J.  R.  Wilson,  of  the 
Barclay  Church,  Edinburgh,  a  few  years  ago,  "  the  fact 
is  undeniable,  that  there  are  comparatively  few  at  home 
who  have  not  the  opportunity,  in  some  way,  of  knowing 
as  much  about  Christ  as  may  suffice  for  their  salvation, 
while  three-jourtlis  of  the  whole  'people  of  the  ivorld  are  as 
ignorant  of  Christ,  and  of  the  way  of  life,  as  they  were 
that  day  when  the  Lord  declared  Plis  mind  so  command- 
ingly  to  Paul  "  (Acts  xxii.  21).  Since  these  striking 
words  were  uttered,  missionary  effort  has  been  pushed 
forward  with  an  amount  of  enterprise  and  zeal  unpre- 
cedented since  Apostolic  days.  The  result  is,  that  the 
number  of  those  who  have  never  heard  the  Gospel  has 
been  reduced  from  three-fourths  to  two-thirds  of  the 
entire  population  of  the  world.  The  progress  made  is 
remarkable,  for  not  only  has  the  Word  of  Life  been 
proclaimed  in  the  ears  of  thousands  for  the  first  time,  but 
statistics  show  that,  if  the  number  of  labourers  and 
the  amount  of  means  expended  are  compared,  the 
rate  of  progress  made  by  Christian  Churches 
planted    in    heathen    countries   is   much    greater   than 

Closing  Rejuarks.  173 

is  being  made  by  the  Churches  at  home.  But  the 
appalling  fact  remains,  that  out  of  the  world's 
population  of  1,424,000,000  souls  there  are  856,000,000 
who  have  never  heard  the  name  of  Jesus  !  The  odds 
seem  to  be  overwhelmingly  against  the  Church,  but 
there  is  no  reason  for  despair.  On  the  contrary,  the 
mission  field  is  now  in  a  more  hopeful  state  than  ever  it 
was,  and  the  Churches  are  awaking,  as  never  before, 
to  the  claims  of  Christ  and  the  heathen.  Lady 
Aberdeen,  in  an  address  to  young  women,  delivered  in 
the  town  of  Peterhead  some  months  ago,  made  a  very 
significant  and  suggestive  statement.  It  was  to  this 
effect.  Assuming  the  population  of  the  world  to  be 
as  stated,  and  that  there  was  only  one  Christian  amongst 
those  1,424  millions,  if  that  Christian  brought  one  soul 
every  year  to  Christ,  and  if  all  the  souls  thus  brought 
were  instrumental,  each  in  his  or  her  turn,  in  bringing  in 
others  in  like  manner,  in  thirty-three  years  the  kingdoms 
of  this  world  would  become  the  kingdoms  of  our  Lord 
and  His  Christ.  The  statement  seems  scarcely  credible, 
but  when  tested  it  will  be  found  quite  within  the  mark. 
The  world  for  Christ  in  thirty-three  years  !  The  lofty 
ambition  ought  to  fire  every  Christian  heart.  Lady 
Aberdeen,  however,  assumed  only  one  Christian  to  begin 
with,  in  the  world's  population.  But  matters  being  as 
they  are,  the  suggestion,  made  in  1886,  by  the  Rev.  Dr. 
Somerville,  Moderator  of  the  Free  Church  of  Scotland, 
that  the  ivorld  might  he  evangelised  before  the  close  of  the 
century,  was  sufficiently  modest,  if  the  Churcli  but 
awoke  to  a  full  sense  of  her  duty.  The  heathen  are 
entitled  to  expect  greater  ardour  and  self-denial  in 
missionary  work  than  anything  history  has  yet  recorded. 

1 74  On^  for  Jesus. 

Mr.  Hudson  Taylor,  in  relating  some  of  the  hardships  he, 
along  with  the  late  Rev.  W.  C.  Burns,  experienced 
during  his  early  days  in  China,  tells  the  following 
remarkable  incident.  xVfter  they  had  spoken  one  day  in 
the  city  of  Ningpo  one  of  the  listening  crowd  said  : — 

"  I  have  long  sought  for  the  truth  ;  I,  and  my  father 
before  me.  I  have  found  no  rest  in  Confucianism, 
Buddhism,  Taoism  ;  but  I  do  find  rest  in  what  I  have 
heard  here.     Henceforth  I  believe  in  Jesus." 

Afterwards  he  asked  Mr.  Taylor  how  long  the  Glad 
Tidings  had  beeii  known  in  England.  When  he  was 

"  Some  hundreds  of  years,"  he  looked  amazed. 

"  What  !"  he  exclaimed,  "  is  it  possible,  and  yet  you 
have  only  now  come  to  preach  them  to  us  %  My  father 
sought  after  the  truth  for  more  than  twenty  years,  and 
died  without  finding  it.  Why  did  you  not  come 
sooner  % " 

The  reader  must  have  been  also  struck  with  Macirre- 
gor's  intense  solicitude  for  the  salvation  of  the  individual 
members  of  his  family.  His  earnest  personal  remon- 
strances and  importunate  prayers,  it  will  have  been 
seen,  were  wonderfully  rewarded.  No  one  can  be  fitted 
for  missionary  work  abroad,  or,  indeed,  for  any  form  of 
Christian  work,  who  is  indifferent  to  the  salvation  of 
personal  friends.  That  man  is  likely  to  be  most  owned 
of  God  who  is  deeply  in  earnest  about  the  spiritual  state  of 
his  own  family.  And  no  work  is  more  hopeful.  Sanctified 
natural  affections,  when  wisely  and  zealously  directed, 
are  sooner  or  later — and  oftener  soon  than  late — sure  to 
prove  irresistible.     But  no  work  depends  so  much  upon 

Closi7ig  Remarks.  175 

the  real  "personal  life  of  the  Christian,  for,  in  family  life, 
guises  cannot  long  pass  muster.  Families  complete  in  all 
their  mtmhersliips  in  Christ  ! — there  is  a  sacred  charm 
in  the  thought,  just  as  there  is  unutterable  dread  in 
the  thought  of  family  separations  throughout  eternity. 
The  work,  too,  of  winning  one's  friends  for  Christ,  where 
the  heart  and  life  are  right,  is  the  easiest  form  of  work, 
just  as  it  is  the  readiest  to  hand,  and  needs  less  qualifica- 
tions than  almost  any  other.  It  is  a  sphere  peculiarly 
suited  to  young  Christians  as  a  "  first  field  of  opera- 
tions," and  no  seals  of  accepted  ministry  in  future  and 
wider  service  will  be  valued  more  than  when,  in  the 
enthusiasm  of  first  love,  personal  friends  were  led  to  the 
Lord.  What  the  saintly  Samuel  Rutherford  was  in  the 
habit  of  saying  to  his  congregation  at  Anwoth — "  Your 
salvation  would  be  two  salvations  to  me,  and  your  Heaven 
would  be  two  Heavens  to  me" — is  a  sentiment  that 
might,  with  even  more  appropriateness,  be  entertained 
by  Christian  friends  in  seeking  the  salvation  of  members 
of  their  families.  If  the  life  of  William  MacoTesor  will 
stimulate  to  more  prayerful  earnestness,  and  greater 
exertions  in  this  direction  alone,  it  will  not  have  been 
published  in  vain. 




Dingwall,  Lewis  Munro 





Only  for  Jesus  :  memorials  of  the 


late  William  M.  MacGregor. . . 




