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Full text of "On the variation of species, with especial reference to the insecta : followed by an inquiry into the nature of genera"

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"  No  compound  of  this  earthly  ball 
Is  like  another,  all  in  all." 






"  I  do  not  enter  so  far  into  the  province  of  the  logicians  as  to  take  notice  of  the  dif- 
ference there  is  between  the  analytic  and  synthetic  methods  of  coming  at  truth,  or 
proving  it ; — whether  it  is  better  to  begin  the  disquisition  from  the  subject,  or  from  the 
attribute.  If  by  the  use  of  proper  media  anything  can  be  showed  to  be,  or  not  to  be, 
I  care  not  from  what  term  the  demonstration  or  argument  takes  its  rise.  Either  way 
propositions  may  beget  their  like,  and  more  truth  be  brought  into  the  world." — 
Religion  of  Nature  Delineated,  p.  45  (A.D.  1722). 


•  / /1J  / 




Whose  researches,  in  various  parts  of  the  world,  have  added 
so  much  to  our  knowledge  of  Zoological  geography, 

this  short  Treatise 

is  dedicated. 



To  make  a  dry  subject  entertaining,  is  impossible ; 
but  to  render  it,  at  any  rate,  readable,  has  been 
my  endeavour  in  the  following  pages.  How  far  I 
have  succeeded  in  the  experiment,  it  is  not  for  me 
to  decide. 

It  having  been  suggested,  by  several  of  my 
friends,  that  it  might  be  desirable  to  bring  together 
into  a  small  compass  some  of  the  evidence  on 
Insect  variation  (with  reference  to  external  disturb- 
ing causes)  which  my  researches  in  the  Madeira 
Islands  have  supplied  me  with,  I  have  been  en- 
couraged to  do  so  :  and  I  have  added  numerous 
conclusions  from  other  data  also,  which  have  from 
time  to  time  fallen  in  my  way, — so  as  to  confer 


on  the  volume  a  more  practical  interest,  for  the 
general  naturalist . 

One  of  my  main  objects,  however,  has  been  to 
call  attention  to  the  fact,  that  the  Annulosa  have 
not  been  hitherto  sufficiently  considered,  in  the 
great  questions  arising  out  of  the  distribution  of 
animals  and  plants ;  hoping  that,  by  so  doing, 
some  few  of  our  British  entomologists,  who  have 
not  looked  into  this  branch  of  their  science,  may 
be  induced  to  enlist  themselves  in  the  cause  of 
Insect  geography. 

If  such  a  result  be  brought  about;  or  if  I 
be  fortunate  enough  to  open  for  discussion  any 
of  the  topics  which  have  been  touched  upon,  and 
so  lead  to  a  more  perfect  solution  of  the  problems 
which  I  have  attempted  to  explain,  I  shall  con- 
sider myself  more  than  repaid. 

10  Hereford  Street,  Park  Lane,  London, 
May  10th,  1856. 


CHAPTER   I.  page 

Introductory  Remarks 1 


Fact  of  Variation 7 

As  a  matter  of  experience    8 

As  probable  from  analogy     10 


Causes  of  Variation  19 

§  1.  Climatal  causes  generally   (whether   dependent 

upon  latitude  or  upon  altitude)  23 

§  2.  Temporary  heat  or  cold,  of  an  unusual  degree  ...  42 

§3.  Nature  of  the  country,  and  of  the  soil    46 

§  4.  Isolation ;  and  exposure  to  a  stormy  atmosphere  .  70 


Organs  and  Characters  of  Variation    95 


Geological  Reflections  Ill 


The  Generic  Theory 157 


Conclusion  .181 


Page  90,  for  Pecteropus  Maderensis  read  Pecteropus  rostratus. 






A  VERY  small  amount  of  information  gained  by  the 
student  in  the  field  of  Nature  is  sufficient  to  kindle  the 
desire  to  increase  it.  The  more  we  know,  the  more  we 
are  anxious  to  know ;  though  the  less  we  seem  to  know. 
It  is  one  of  the  distinctive  privileges  of  the  naturalist 
that  he  has  to  labour  in  a  mine  which  is  inexhaustible  : 
the  deeper  he  digs  beneath  the  surface,  the  richer  is  the 
vein  for  excavation,  and  the  more  interesting  are  the 
facts  which  he  brings  successively  to  light.  Dive  he 
ever  so  deep,  Truth,  "  at  the  bottom  of  the  well,"  is 
assuredly  present,  under  some  form  or  other,  to  reward 
him  still;  nor  will  she  even  for  once  elude  his  grasp, 
provided  he  be  content  to  receive  her  as  she  is,  instead 
of  endeavouring  to  mould  her  to  his  preconceived  ideas 

'of  what  she  ought  to  be.  In  these  times  of  patient  re- 
seaVQh,  when  the  microscope  is  disclosing,  day  by  day, 
fresh  wonders  to  our  view,  and  new  lines  of  speculation 
are  springing  out,  as  it  were  spontaneously,  from  the 
regions  of  thought,  it  is  remarkable  that  many  of  the 
commoner  questions  relating  to  the  members  of  the 
external  world  around  us  have  remained  comparatively 
unsolved ;  nor  indeed  have  some  of  them  ever  been  dis- 
cussed at  all,  except  in  a  desultory  manner  and  with 
insufficient  data  to  reason  from.  Foremost  amongst 
these,  numerous  problems  affecting  the  distinction  be- 
tween "  varieties  "  and  "  species  "  (as  usually  accepted) 
of  the  animal  kingdom  stand  pre-eminent, — especially 
in  the  Annulose  Orders,  in  which  those  distinctions  are 
less  easy,  a  priori,  to  pronounce  upon. 

The  descriptive  naturalist,  whose  primary  object  it  is 
to  register  what  he  sees  (apart  from  the  obscurer  phse- 
nomena  which  come  within  the  province  of  the  more 
philosophical  inquirer),  can  have  scarcely  failed  to  re- 
mark the  variation  to  which  certain  insects  are  at  times 
liable  from  the  external  agencies  to  which  they  have 
been  exposed :  and  yet,  in  spite  of  this,  it  is  but  too  true 
that  even  physiologists  have  frequently  shunned  the  in- 
vestigation of  the  circumstances  on  which  such  varia- 
tions do  manifestly  in  a  great  measure  depend,  as  though 
they  were  in  no  degree  accountable  for  the  changes  in 
question,  and  did  not  indeed  so  much  as  exist  except  in 
theory.  In  the  following  pages  I  purpose,  inter  alia,  to 
throw  out  a  few  general  hints ;  first,  on  the  fact  of  aber- 

ration,  as  a  mere  matter  of  experience ;  and,  secondly, 
on  some  of  the  causes  to  which  the  physiologist  would, 
in  many  instances,  endeavour  to  refer  it. 

The  former  of  these  considerations  (namely,  the  fact 
of  specific  instability  as  ordinarily  noticed)  nobody  will 
be  inclined  to  dispute  :  and  yet  it  is  abundantly  evident 
that  it  cannot  be  taken  into  account,  at  any  rate  satis- 
factorily, without  involving  the  latter  also, — it  being 
scarcely  possible  to  attach  the  proper  value  to  an  effect 
without  first  investigating  its  cause.  The  importance 
of  assigning  its  legitimate  weight  (and  that  only)  to  a 
variety,  is  perhaps  the  most  difficult  task  which  the 
natural  historian  has  to  accomplish ;  since  on  it  depends 
the  acknowledgment  of  the  specific  identity  of  one 
object  with  another, — whilst,  to  draw  the  line  of  separa- 
tion between  varieties  and  species  is  indeed  a  Gordian 
knot  which  generations  have  proved  inadequate  to  untie. 
Now  it  is  not  the  object  of  this  publication  to  attempt 
to  throw  positively  new  light  upon  a  subject  which  has 
ever  been  one  of  the  main  stumbling-blocks  in  the  lower 
sciences,  and  which  is  perhaps  destined  to  be  so  to  the 
end ;  still  less  would  I  wish  to  imply  that  the  causes  of 
variation  are  altogether  overlooked  in  these  days  of 
accurate  inquiry, — when  thousands  are  accumulating 
data,  in  all  parts  of  Europe,  destined  to  be  wielded  by 
the  master' s  hand  whensoever  the  harvest-time  shall 
have  arrived :  but  I  do,  nevertheless,  believe  that  there 
exists  a  growing  tendency,  especially  in  some  portions  of 
the  Continent,  to  regard  every  difference  (if  at  all  perma- 


nent)  as  a  specific  one ;  and  hence  I  gather  the  informa- 
tion that  a  reviewal  of  our  first  principles  is  occasionally 
necessary,  if  we  would  not  restrict  (however  gradual  and 
imperceptibly)  that  legitimate  freedom  which  Nature 
has  had  chalked  out  for  her  to  sport  in,  or  strive  to  im- 
pose laws  of  limitation  in  one  department  which  we  do 
not  admit  to  be  coercive  in  another. 

Perhaps,  however,  before  entering  on  the  subject- 
matter  of  this  treatise,  my  definition  of  the  terms 
"  species "  and  "  variety," — so  far  at  least  as  such  is 
practicable, — will  be  expected  of  me.  I  may  state,  there- 
fore, that  I  consider  the  former  to  involve  that  ideal  re- 
lationship amongst  all  its  members  which  the  descent 
from  a  common  parent  can  alone  convey :  whilst  the 
latter  should  be  restricted,  unless  I  am  mistaken,  to 
those  various  aberrations  from  their  peculiar  type  which 
are  sufficiently  constant  and  isolated  in  their  general 
character  to  appear,  at  first  sight,  to  be  distinct  from  it. 

The  first  of  these  enunciations,  it  will  be  perceived, 
takes  for  granted  the  acceptance  of  a  dogma  which  I 
am  folly  aware  is  open  to  much  controversy  and  doubt, 
— namely,  that  of  "  specific  centres  of  creation."  With- 
out, therefore,  examining  the  evidences  of  that  theory 
which  would  be  out  of  place  in  these  pages  (and  which  has 
been  so  ably  done  already  by  the  late  Professor  Edward 
Forbes),  I  would  merely  suggest  that  the  admission  of  it 
is  almost  necessary,  in  order  to  convey  to  our  minds  any 
definite  notion  of  the  word  "  species  "  at  all :  and  that, 
hence,  whilst  I  would  not  wish  to  reject  the  hypothesis 

as  involving  an  absurdity  (which  I  believe  to  be  the 
exact  opposite  of  the  truth),  I  would,  in  the  present 
state  of  our  knowledge,  desire  rather  to  regard  it  as  a 
postulate,  assumed  to  illustrate  the  doctrine  of  species, 
than  as  a  problem  capable  of  satisfactory  demonstration. 
The  second  of  the  above  definitions  may  likewise 
require  briefly  commenting  upon ;  for  I  have  frequently 
heard  it  asserted  that  everything  is  to  be  regarded  as  a 
" variety"  which  has  wandered  in  the  smallest  degree 
from  its  normal  state.  Now  this  I  contend  is  essentially 
an  error  -,  for  a  ' '  variety,"  to  be  technically  such,  must 
have  in  it  the  primd-facie  elements  of  stability, — and  to 
an  extent  moreover  that,  without  the  intermediate  links 
(which,  although  rarer  than  the  variety  itself,  must 
nevertheless  exist]  to  connect  it  with  its  parent  stock 
its  condition  is  such  that  it  might  be  registered  as  speci- 
fically distinct  therefrom.  Thus,  to  take  an  example  for 
illustration,  there  are  many  darkly  coloured  insects 
which,  as  every  entomologist  knows,  vary,  by  slow  and 
regular  gradations,  into  a  pallid  hue,  sometimes  into 
almost  white.  It  also  most  frequently  happens,  in  such 
instances,  that  the  extreme  aberration  is  of  more  common 
occurrence  than  the  intermediate  ones.  Here  then  is  a 
case  in  point :  there  is  but  a  single  variety  involved, 
namely  a  pale  one, — the  gradually  progressive  shades 
which  imperceptibly  affiliate  it  with  its  type  not  being 
regarded  in  themselves  as  "  varieties  "  at  all.  If  this 
indeed  were  not  so,  then  would  our  position  be  far  from 
pleasant,  since  we  should  be  compelled  to  record,  as  a 

variety,  every  separate  degree  of  colour  which  could 
possibly  be  found  between  the  outer  limits, — seeing  that 
(increasing,  as  they  did,  in  an  even  ratio)  no  one  could 
be  tabulated  in  preference  to  another. 

This  however  is  an  example  in  which  the  rate  of  altera- 
tion (so  far  as  colour  is  concerned)  is  equal ;  and  one 
therefore  in  which  the  extreme  end  of  the  series  can  be 
alone  singled  out  as  the  aberration  to  be  specially  noticed. 
It  sometimes  occurs  that,  between  the  two  extremes, 
there  are  several  nuclei,  or  centres  of  radiation,  to  which 
the  name  of  varieties  may  be  legitimately  applied, — in- 
asmuch as  they  may  possess  a  series  of  characters  which 
do  not,  all,  in  combination,  progress  evenly ;  and  which 
consequently  stand  out  as  it  were,  to  a  certain  extent 
isolated,  from  the  remainder. 

As  a  corollary  arising  out  of  these  remarks,  it  would 
seem  to  follow  that  even  small  differences  should  be  re- 
garded as  specific  ones  so  long  as  the  intermediate  links 
have  not  been  detected  which  may  enable  us  to  refer 
them  to  their  nearest  types.  In  a  general  sense,  I 
believe  that  it  would  be  proper  to  do  so :  nevertheless 
there  are  instances,  the  results,  for  example,  of  isolation, 
in  which  abrupt  modifications  may  be  a  priori  looked 
for ;  and  in  which  our  judgment  must  be  regulated  by 
our  knowledge  of  the  local  circumstances  which  may  be 
reasonably  presumed  to  have  had  some  influence  in  pro- 
ducing them.  The  consideration  of  these,  however,  and 
other  kindred  questions,  must  be  deferred  to  a  subse- 
quent chapter  of  this  work. 



IT  is  scarcely  possible  to  survey  the  members  of  the 
external  world  around  us  without  being  struck  with  the 
instability  with  which  everything  is  impressed.  The 
very  shadows,  as  they  pass,  leave  a  moral  lesson  behind 
them  on  the  mountain-slope,  which  the  student  of 
Nature  would  do  well  to  contemplate.  Whatever  be 
our  preconceived  ideas  of  the  ' '  immutability  of  the  uni- 
verse," from  first  to  last  the  same  truth  is  re-echoed  to 
our  mind, — that  here  all  is  change.  Organic  and  in- 
organic matter  are  alike  subjected  to  renovation  and 
decay ;  and,  dependent  on  that  general  law,  variability 
within  specific  limits  would  seem  to  be  an  almost  neces- 
sary consequence.  In  the  animal  and  vegetable  king- 
doms, this  principle  of  fluctuation  is  peculiarly  apparent ; 
and  not  more  surely  do  the  winds  of  heaven  ruffle  the 
forests  over  which  they  rage,  than  does  the  ebb  and  flow 
which  is  perpetually  going  on  amongst  created  things 
mar  their  boasted  constancy. 

The  fact  of  aberration,  to  which  we  would  briefly 
allude  in  this  chapter,  requires  but  little  comment ;  it  is 
patent  a  priori.  As  a  matter  of  experience,  every  ob- 
server who  has  spent  a  week  in  the  field  of  Nature 


knows  it  to  exist.  However  difficult  it  may  be,  in  some 
instances,  to  distinguish  aright  between  species  and 
varieties,  as  rigidly  denned,  there  is  an  instinct  within 
us  which  often  recognizes  the  latter,  even  at  first  sight, 
as  unmistakeably  such  :  and  in  these  cases,  a  well-edu- 
cated eye,  although  of  course  occasionally  deceived,  will 
not  often  be  found  to  err. 

In  the  vegetable  world  this  proneness  to  variation  is 
self-evident;  and  botanists  innumerable,  who  have  in- 
vestigated the  causes  on  which  the  modifications  of  cer- 
tain plants  have  been  presumed  to  depend,  have  not 
been  behindhand  in  acknowledging  it.  Soil,  climate, 
altitude,  and  a  combination  of  other  circumstances  and 
conditions,  have  been  successively  taken  into  account, 
and  to  each  an  amount  of  disturbing  influence  (more  or 
less,  as  the  case  may  be)  has  been  conceded.  "The 
more  powerful  agents,"  writes  Professor  Henfrey,  "  en- 
force their  general  laws,  but  every  little  local  action 
asserts  its  qualifying  voice;  and  we  see  that  all  these 
irregularities  and  uncertainties  (as  we  in  our  ignorance 
call  them,  and  complain  of)  are  necessary  and  important 
parts  of  a  great  whole, — are  but  isolated  features  of  a 
comprehensive  plan,  in  accordance  with  which  all  work 
in  concert  to  bring  about  that  change  absolutely  indis- 
pensable to  the  existence  of  animal  and  vegetable  life 
upon  the  earth's  surface,  and  that  variety  of  conditions 
by  which  is  ensured  a  fitting  abode  for  each  kind  of  its 
multifarious  and  diversified  inhabitants." 

Whilst  exploring  the  barren  moor,  or  bleak  upland 

heights,  the  botanist  would  as  assuredly  look  for  a 
change  in  the  outward  configuration  of  certain  species, 
which  colonize  equally  the  rich  meadows  and  teeming 
ravines,  as  a  geographical  difference  is  a  priori  antici- 
pated between  the  hard,  sturdy  mountaineer  and  the 
more  enervated  denizen  of  the  plain.  A  daisy,  gathered 
on  the  cultivated  lawn,  has  usually  attained  a  greater 
degree  of  perfection  and  luxuriance  than  its  companion 
from  the  sterile  heath;  and  the  bramble  which  chokes 
up  the  ditches  of  the  sheltered  hedgerow,  wears  a  very 
different  aspect  from  its  stunted  brother  of  the  hills. 

Nor  is  this  dependency  on  external  circumstances  less 
apparent  in  the  animal  kingdom  also, — the  domesticated 
races  of  which  every  agriculturist  is  aware  are  capable 
of  modification,  artificially,  to  an  almost  unlimited  ex- 
tent ;  and  which  exhibit,  when  even  in  a  state  of  nature, 
nearly  as  great  a  variety,  from  purely  natural  causes,  as 
they  have  been  proved  to  do  when  subjected  to  the  laws 
and  routine  of  agrarian  science.  Take  the  sheep,  for 
example,  of  Dartmoor  or  Wales,  and  compare  them  with 
those  from  the  wolds  of  Lincolnshire  and  the  downs  of 
Kent ;  or  contrast  the  Hereford  oxen  with  those  of  the 
midland  counties,  or  of  the  Caledonian  breed,  still  extant 
in  Cadzow  Forest,  and  it  will  require  but  little  argument 
to  convince  us  how  important  is  the  operation  of  local 
circumstances  in  regulating  the  outward  contour  of  these 
higher  creatures.  If  therefore  this  general  obedience  to 
influences  from  without  be  self-evident  in  the  vegetable 
world,  and  equally  traceable  amongst  the  Mammalia, 

B  5 


why,  we  may  ask,  are  the  lower  members  of  the  animal 
creation  to  be  denied  analogous  effects  from  the  same 
causes  ? 

We  are  often  told  that  the  Annulosa  present  so  many 
anomalies  in  their  organization,  that  we  cannot  apply 
the  argument  of  analogy,  when  reasoning  on  their  struc- 
ture and  attributes ;  and  that  we  must  consequently  be 
content  to  leave  it  an  open  question,  as  to  whether  or 
not  they  possess  anything  in  common  with  the  Verte- 
brata,  or  can  be  presumed  to  be  acted  upon,  by  external 
agencies,  in  at  all  a  similar  manner.  Now,  whilst  there 
is  clearly  some  truth  in  this  assertion  (especially  as 
regards  the  senses  of  insects,  which  must  ever  remain  a 
subject  of  obscurity),  I  contend  that  to  accept  it  in  all 
its  fullness  would  be  in  the  highest  degree  unphiloso- 
phical;  whilst,  to  endorse  it  to  the  extent  which  even 
its  partial  advocates  do  insist  upon,  would  at  once 
involve  us  in  a  host  of  difficulties  (affecting  other  de- 
partments of  natural  science),  the  very  existence  of 
which  they  have  themselves  tacitly  repudiated. 

"  Creation,"  says  one  of  our  most  intelligent  writers 
of  modern  times,  "  is  full  of  analogies,  pointing  to  one 
general  originator,  and  linking  all  sentient  things  into 
one  great  family  of  related  fellow-  creatures :" — and 
there  is  an  amount  of  sagacity  in  the  remark  which  it 
would  be  wise  for  us  to  digest.  Throughout  the  whole 
of  animated  nature,  it  is  impossible  not  to  perceive  that 
certain  circumstances  do,  in  the  main,  produce  certain 
results.  They  may  often  fail  to  produce  them,  and  the 


results  themselves  may  frequently  be  modified  (or,  ap- 
parently, even  reversed),  from  counter  influences  of 
divers  kinds.  This  touches  not,  however,  the  existence 
of  the  law;  and  the  effect  is  not  the  less  specifically 
dependent  on  its  own  peculiar  cause,  because  those 
"counter  influences"  prevail, — and  because  different 
effects  may  chance,  therefore,  to  be  occasionally  brought 
about  by  causes  which  may  possibly  seem  to  be  identical. 
We  should,  rather,  bear  in  mind  that  the  agents  which 
operate  in  moulding  the  outward  contour  of  organic 
beings  are  various,  and  capable  inter  se  of  permutations 
innumerable;  so  that  it  is  only  on  a  broad  scale  that 
parallel  results  can  be  looked  for  in  creatures  severally 
exposed  to  the  action  of  elements,  which  are  liable  to  be 
differently  compounded  from  what  may  primd  facie 
appear  to  be  the  case :  and  that,  consequently,  where 
opposite  phenomena  are  displayed  under  circumstances 
seemingly  coincident,  our  first  object  should  be  (not  to 
regard  the  phsenomena  as  indicative,  that  no  constant 
result  can  be  anticipated  from  causes  which  are  similar, 
but),  to  inquire  whether  the  circumstances  in  question 
are  really  coincident  or  not, — seeing  that  some  counter- 
acting stimulus  may  have  been,  here  or  there,  unex- 
pectedly at  work,  which  shall  enable  us,  so  soon  as  it  is 
detected,  to  account  for  the  discrepancy. 

It  is  by  this  process  alone  that  we  can  hope  to  make 
real  use  of  analogy,  without  abusing  it :  for  whilst  there 
is  danger,  on  the  one  hand,  of  needlessly  rejecting  the 
argument  which  it  suggests  to  us,  through  opposite 


effects  being  observed  (amongst  the  members  of  the 
organic  world)  from  conditions  which  we  assume  to  be 
co-ordinate,  but  which  in  fact  are  not  so;  we  may,  on 
the  other,  run  a  similar  risk  (and  thus  fail  to  discern  a 
corresponding  modus  operandi  in  the  maturation  of  like 
results),  from  a  mere  a  priori  belief  that  the  lower 
animals  cannot  be  acted  upon,  by  external  influences,  in 
a  manner  at  all  equivalent  to  that  which  is  self-evident 
in  the  higher  ones. 

"To  make  a  perfect  observer  in  any  department  of 
science/'  writes  Sir  John  Herschel,  "an  extensive  ac- 
quaintance is  requisite,  not  only  with  the  particular 
science  to  which  his  observations  relate,  but  with  every 
branch  of  knowledge  which  may  enable  him  to  appre- 
ciate and  neutralize  the  effect  of  extraneous  disturbing 
causes.  Thus  furnished,  he  will  be  prepared  to  seize  on 
any  of  those  minute  indications  which  often  connect 
phenomena  which  seem  quite  remote  from  each  other. 
He  will  have  his  eyes  as  it  were  opened,  that  they  may 
be  struck  at  once  with  any  occurrence  which,  according 
to  received  theories,  ought  not  to  happen ;  for  these  are 
the  facts  which  serve  as  clews  to  new  discoveries*." 

There  can  be  no  doubt  that  amongst  a  large  proportion 
of  our  naturalists,  differences,  as  such,  are  too  exclusively 
studied.  Essential  as  their  investigation  is  (for  we  could 
not  progress  a  step  without  some  presumptive  notion  as 
to  the  specific  identity,  or  not,  of  the  objects  about  which 

*  Preliminary  Discourse  on  the  Study  of  Natural  Philosophy 
(London,  1830),  p.  132. 


we  have  to  treat),  we  should  not  forget  that  there  are 
other  questions,  likewise,  which  ought  to  occupy  our 
attention  in,  at  any  rate,  an  almost  equal  degree, — as 
being  of  eminent  significance  in  guiding  us  to  a  correct 
interpretation  of  the  phsenomena  with  which  we  have  to 
deal.  Such  are,  more  especially,  similitudes  and  ana- 
logies, in  their  widest  sense, — which  are  too  often 
neglected,  even  by  those  who  admit  the  necessity  of 
recognizing  them  where  they  may  be  shown  to  exist. 
Lord  Bacon,  in  referring  to  a  similar  tendency  amongst 
a  certain  section  of  the  naturalists  of  his  day,  remarks 
(though  perhaps  his  love  of  analogies  may  have  led  him 
to  somewhat  overrate  their  importance) :  "  Up  to  this 
time  the  industry  of  men  has  been  great,  and  very  curi- 
ous in  marking  the  variety  of  things,  and  explaining  the 
accurate  differences  of  animals,  herbs,  and  fossils, — the 
chief  part  of  which  are  the  mere  sport  of  Nature,  rather 
than  serious  and  of  use  toward  the  sciences.  Such 
things  tend  to  our  enjoyment,  and  sometimes  to  even 
practical  use;  but  little  or  nothing  towards  an  insight 
into  Nature.  And  so  our  labour  is  to  be  turned  to  in- 
quiry into,  and  notice  of,  similitudes  and  analogies,  both 
in  the  whole  and  in  the  parts  of  things :  for  these  are 
they  which  unite  Nature,  and  begin  to  establish 

*  "  Magna  enim  hucusque  atque  adeo  curiosa  fuit  hominum  in- 
dustria,  in  notanda  rerum  varietate,  atque  explicandis  accuratis 
animalium,  herbarum,  et  fossilium  differentiis ;  quarum  pleraeque 
magis  sunt  lusus  naturae,  quam  seriae  alicujus  utilitatis  versus 


I  believe  that,  if  analogies  were  more  carefully  studied 
in  the  lower  departments  of  the  animal  kingdom,  we 
should  be  less  inclined  to  deny  some  sort  of  uniformity 
to  the  action  of  elements  and  conditions  which,  by  a 
law  of  Nature,  must  at  times  operate  equally  upon  the 
various  and  dissimilar  members  of  the  organic  creation. 
Amongst  the  Insecta,  where  the  individuals  exist  in  such 
multitudes  that  accuracy  in  generalizations  concerning 
them,  becomes,  as  it  were,  peculiarly  within  our  reach, 
this  doctrine  cannot  be  too  rigidly  insisted  upon ;  and  it 
is  not  difficult  to  foresee  that,  should  the  principle  of 
external  disturbing  influences  ever  be  admitted  by  ento- 
mologists to  the  extent  which  it  has  been  accepted  by 
the  students  of  the  Vertebrata,  our  so-called  "  species  " 
will  have  to  submit  to  a  process  of  elimination  and 
inquiry,  which  at  present  would  be  well  nigh  incre- 
dible. The  time  for  such  a  step  is  yet  far  off :  perhaps 
indeed,  considering  the  innovations  of  nomenclature 
which  it  would  necessitate,  it  will  never  arrive  at  all ; 
yet  the  fact  remains  the  same,  that,  if  analogy  with 
creatures  of  a  more  perfect  development  be  not  altogether 
disallowed  us,  during  our  researches  into  the  insect 
tribes,  or  if  similar  causes  may  be  presumed  to  have 
somewhat  similar  effects  in  opposite  sections  of  the 

scientias.  Faciunt  certe  hujusmodi  res  ad  delectationem,  atque 
etiam  quandoque  ad  praxin;  verum  ad  introspiciendam  naturam 
parum  aut  nihil.  Itaque  convertenda  plane  est  opera  ad  inquiren- 
das  et  notandas  rerum  similitudines  et  analoga,  tarn  in  integralibus, 
quam  partibus  :  illae  enim  sunt,  quae  naturam  uniunt,  et  constituere 
scientias  incipiunt." — Novum  Organum,  lib.  ii.  27. 


animate  world,  an  enlargement  of  our  prescribed  limits, 
for  specific  variation,  ought  in  reality  to  follow  (sooner 
or  later)  as  an  inevitable  consequence. 

In  whichever  light,  therefore,  insect  aberration  is 
viewed  by  us, — whether  as  a  matter  of  experience  (which, 
being  self-evident,  will  satisfy  the  practical  observer),  or 
as  probable  from  analogy  (which  will  hardly  be  denied, 
at  any  rate  to  a  certain  extent,  by  even  the  most  theo- 
retical),—  we  affirm  that  it  does,  ipso  facto,  exist. 
"  There  is  no  similitude  in  Nature  that  owneth  not  also 
to  a  difference-,"  let  this  be  constantly  borne  in  mind, 
for  it  is  a  truism  almost  beyond  controversy,  and  one 
which,  to  a  reflective  mind,  will  scarcely  admit  of  a 

It  will  be  perceived,  from  the  above  remarks,  that  I 
draw  a  distinction  between  insects  which  simply  vary 
(that  is  to  say,  which  aberr  from  their  normal  state), 
and  those  which  afford  (in  the  sense  as  enunciated  in 
the  last  chapter)  one  or  more  actual  "  varieties/' — 
technically  so  called:  and  it  will  be  further  gathered, 
that,  whilst  I  regard  the  former  as  universally  to  be  met 
with,  the  latter  are,  on  the  contrary,  of  only  occasional 
occurrence.  That  positive  and  well-defined  varieties,  or 
races,  should  be  confined  to  certain  species,  is  not  re- 
markable ;  but  that  every  individual  insect  should  differ, 
however  slightly,  from  its  nearest  relation  and  ally,  may 
perhaps  require  some  few  words  of  explanation,  even  to 
a  naturalist.  It  is  not  essential  however  to  our  present 
subject  (which  is  merely  a  plea  for  specific  variation 


generally,  as  commonly  understood)  that  any  such 
dogma  should  be  propounded;  nevertheless,  since  all 
analogy  teaches  us  to  anticipate  it,  and  observation  tends 
more  and  more,  as  our  knowledge  advances,  to  corrobo- 
rate the  fact,  I  shall  be  pardoned  for  venturing  a  passing 
thought  upon  a  question  even  thus  difficult  of  demon- 

Perhaps  we  are  too  prone  to  regard  those  specific 
characters,  which  are  so  subtle  that  they  cannot  be 
grasped  by  our  clumsy  faculties  except  in  their  broadest 
and  plainest  features,  as  incapable  of  fluctuation.  Yet  a 
practised  eye  can  detect  discrepancies  innumerable  in 
specimens  which  appear  absolutely  alike  to  one  that  is 
uneducated ;  whilst  a  third  person,  better  qualified  still, 
will  trace  out  other  and  more  delicate  distinctions,  with 
even  greater  precision.  And  thus  it  is  that  we  rise,  step 
by  step,  even  amongst  the  humbler  representatives  of 
the  animal  kingdom,  to  the  comprehension  of  that  great 
truth  which  is  so  conspicuous  in  the  nobler  ones,  and 
which  we  have  already  summoned  to  our  aid,  that  "  there 
is  no  similitude  in  Nature  which  owneth  not  also  to  a 
difference."  Let  us  not  forget  that  the  sphere  of  our 
senses  is  limited;  and  that,  although  tuition  will  do 
much  to  enlarge  their  capacity  for  perception,  we  are  at 
the  best  but  a  dim- sighted  race :  hence,  we  should  be 
careful  to  avoid  conclusions  which  are  not  warranted  by 
analogy,  and  which  our  understanding,  as  it  becomes 
gradually  brighter,  no  less  assuredly  condemns.  True 
it  is,  that  we  may  not  be  able,  as  in  the  higher  animals, 


to  appreciate  the  differences  between  individuals  without 
a  rigid  inspection,  and  that  sometimes  we  may  fail  to  do 
so  even  when  the  objects  are  critically  examined ;  yet 
the  fact  that  new  peculiarities  do  unquestionably  open 
out  upon  us,  as  we  become  more  and  more  trained  for 
the  recognition  of  them,  ought  to  warn  us  that  others 
may  exist  likewise,  despite  our  primd-facie  conclusions ; 
whilst  analogy  with  what  we  know  to  be  the  case  in 
other  departments  of  the  organic  world  should  suggest, 
unless  indeed  there  is  presumptive  evidence  to  the  con- 
trary, that  they  in  all  probability  do. 

The  Alpine  range,  when  seen  from  afar,  appears  a 
monotonous  mass  of  a  dull  uniform  hue ;  and  nothing, 
of  all  the  wondrous  details  which  it  includes,  can  be 
distinguished,  except  perchance  the  outline  of  its  jagged 
peaks  projected  in  faint  relief  against  the  distant  sky. 
One  by  one,  however,  as  we  approach  it,  inequalities 
present  themselves;  the  surface  which  lately  seemed  so 
uniform  and  grey  that  it  could  be  compared  only  to  a 
cloud,  is  found  to  be  cleft  by  ravines ;  and  valleys,  in  all 
their  magnificence  and  breadth,  expand  slowly  to  our 
view.  Yet,  marvellous  as  is  the  change,  this  is  not  all : 
wood  and  water,  without  which  the  landscape  would  be 
barren,  are  in  turn  revealed ;  whilst  the  play  of  light 
and  shade  upon  the  mountain-slopes  proclaims  at  length 
that  the  picture  is  well  nigh  complete.  Still  more  to  be 
disclosed  does  in  reality  remain ;  and  we  must  advance 
nearer  yet  if  we  would  either  fully  realise  the  whole,  or 
enter  into  the  surprising  minutiae  of  each  of  its  com- 


ponent  parts.  And  so  it  is  with  the  objects  which  we 
have  been  just  discussing.  When  contemplated  in  a 
mass,  and  by  an  uneducated  eye,  hosts  of  them  may 
appear  to  be  identical ;  but  as  our  vision  becomes  clearer 
and  more  acute,  differences,  formerly  inappreciable,  are 
gradually  made  manifest, — until  at  last  we  can  detect 
modifications  innumerable,  throughout  the  entire  length 
of  the  living  panorama ;  and  are  enabled  to  endorse  the 
belief  (repugnant  a  priori  though  it  be),  that  individual 
variations,  even  to  the  extent  which  I  have  ventured  to 
suggest,  are  not  incompatible  with  specific  similitudes. 



"  IT  is  not  impossible/'  says  a  writer  of  the  last  century, 
"  that  such  laws  of  Nature,  and  such  a  series  of  causes 
and  effects,  may  have  been  originally  designed,  that  not 
only  general  provisions  may  have  been  made  for  the 
several  species  of  beings,  but  that  even  particular  cases 
(at  least  many  of  them)  may  have  been  provided  for 
without  innovations  in  the  course  of  Nature*."  And 
let  us  not  suppose  that  this  is  a  mere  wanton  specula- 
tion, unsupported  by  evidence  (if  not  actually  circum- 
stantial, at  least)  strongly  presumptive ;  since  the  farther 
we  penetrate  into  the  ramifications  of  the  organic  world, 
the  less  are  we  inclined  to  ignore  the  operation  of  those 
various  modifying  influences  which  our  understanding 
tells  us  do  everywhere  exist. 

To  investigate  the  causes  of  things,  and  to  endeavour 
to  trace  out  by  slow,  inductive  processes  those  second- 
ary agents,  by  the  assistance  of  which  a  large  propor- 
tion of  the  phsenomena  around  us  are  gradually  matured, 
is  no  insignificant  task;  yet  how  much  animadversion 
from  without  have  the  students  in  such  fields  of  research 
frequently  to  endure  !  A  fact  many  times  repeated,  and 
which  comes  within  our  daily  experience,  is  too  often 
*  Religion  of  Nature  Delineated,  p.  103. 


looked  upon  as  a  matter  of  course,  and  as  therefore 
beneath  the  notice  of  an  intelligent  mind :  yet  the  man 
who  regards  truth  as  valuable,  for  its  own  sake,  under 
whatever  aspect  it  may  come,  and  who  can  rise  to  the 
appreciation  of  results,  whether  they  be  of  rare  or  con- 
stant occurrence,  will  have  learnt  to  pronounce  nothing 
as  unimportant  which  may  supply  a  single  link  in  that 
chain  of  knowledge  which  would  be  broken  and  im- 
perfect without  it.  A  spirit  of  inquiry,  however,  is 
becoming,  year  by  year,  more  evident ;  and  we  may  con- 
fidently anticipate  the  period  when  such  reproaches  will 
have  for  ever  died  away.  Natural  history,  in  all  its 
branches,  will  then  advance  more  rapidly  than  hereto- 
fore, and  each  separate  labourer,  in  his  own  peculiar 
province,  will  breathe  a  more  genial  atmosphere ;  whilst 
observation  and  reason,  mutually  dependent  on  each 
other,  will  work  in  concert  more  effectually.  "  Reason 
without  observation"  writes  the  author  above  quoted, 
' '  wants  matter  to  act  upon  :  and  observations  are  neither 
to  be  justly  made  by  ourselves,  nor  to  be  rightly  chosen 
out  of  those  collected  by  others,  without  the  assistance 
of  reason.  Both  together  may  support  opinion  and 
practice,  in  the  absence  of  knowledge  and  certainty." 

In  the  last  chapter  we  offered  a  few  passing  remarks 
on  insect-aberration  generally,  whether  regarded  as  a 
universal  fact  (which,  however,  even  supposing  such  to 
be  true,  it  is  not  the  object  of  the  present  treatise  to 
substantiate),  or  as  an  occasional  one, — that  is  to  say, 
as  existing  at  all  times  to  that  extent  (as  an  hereditary 


principle),  that  it  is  liable  to  manifest  itself,  or  not, 
according  as  external  agencies  may  favour  or  oppose  its 
occurrence.  In  the  latter  case,  which  alone  I  propose 
to  consider,  this  inherent  tendency  may  be  displayed, 
either  through  the  expression  of  "  varieties "  well  de- 
fined, or  by  a  mere  proneness  to  wander,  irregularly  and 
at  large,  from  an  assumed  diagnostic  type.  In  the  fol- 
lowing pages,  the  former  of  these  resultant  conditions 
(namely,  that  in  which  "  varieties,"  technically  so  called, 
though  more  or  less  isolated  in  their  character,  are  appa- 
rent) will  be  especially  discussed;  since  my  principal 
desire  is,  to  point  out  the  influence  of  local  disturbing 
causes  in  regulating,  to  a  greater  or  less  extent,  though 
of  course  within  certain  specific  limits,  the  outward 
contour  of  the  insect  tribes, — and  it  requires  no  argu- 
ment to  prove  that,  where  those  local  elements  (whatso- 
ever they  may  be)  prevail,  the  same  effects  will,  for  the 
most  part  (in  the  same  species),  be  produced ;  and  that, 
therefore,  modifications  which  are  characteristic  of  coun- 
tries and  regions  far  removed  from  each  other  have  an 
a  priori  claim  for  stability,  above  those  which  circum- 
stances less  important  than  geographical  ones,  and 
which  are  consequently  more  fluctuating  in  their  com- 
binations, may  from  time  to  time  (as  it  were,  accident- 
ally) shape  out.  Having  then  examined  our  premises, 
and  prepared  ourselves,  with  an  unbiassed  mind,  for  the 
reception  of  phenomena  which  should  be  constant  (and 
in  some  instances,  also,  conspicuous)  in  proportion  as 
the  conditions  which  unite  in  bringing  them  about  are 


significant ;  let  us  advert  to  a  few  of  the  more  prominent 
cases  in  which,  our  instinct  would  seem  to  warrant  the 
belief  that  aberrations  are  to  be  usually  anticipated. 
And  since  it  will  hardly  be  denied  that,  like  the  repre- 
sentatives of  other  departments  of  the  animate  world, 
insects  may,  in  their  outward  configuration  and  deve- 
lopment, be  in  some  measure  under  the  control  of  the 
external  influences  to  which  they  are  immediately  ex- 
posed, we  will  take  a  rapid  glance  at  a  few  of  the  circum- 
stances and  conditions  which  are  known  to  have  more  or 
less  of  a  qualifying  effect  on  the  members  of  large  and 
opposite  sections  of  the  organic  creation ;  and  then  see 
how  far  we  are  enabled,  by  means  of  facts,  to  trace  out 
results  for  the  Insecta,  corresponding  to  those  which  are 
admitted  to  obtain  in  the  other  groups.  And,  since  the 
existence  of  analogous  results  infers,  to  a  certain  extent, 
the  similarity  of  the  agents  which  have  brought  them 
about,  our  "  causes  of  variation "  (provided  the  effects 
can  be  shown)  may  be  in  reality  almost  demonstrated. 

Amongst  the  numerous  influences  and  conditions,  in 
obedience  to  which  the  members  of  a  large  proportion 
of  the  animate  world  would  appear,  at  times,  in  their 
outward  aspect  to  be  modified  or  fashioned,  the  following 
may  be  selected  as  perhaps  of  primary  importance : — 

1.  Climatal  causes  generally  (whether  dependent  on 
latitude  or  upon  altitude). 

2.  Temporary  heat  or  cold,  of  an  unusual  degree. 

3.  Nature  of  the  country  and  of  the  soil. 

4.  Isolation,  and  exposure  to  a  stormy  atmosphere. 


§  I.   Climatal  causes  generally,  whether  dependent  on 
latitude  or  altitude. 

Perhaps,  judging  superficially,  climatal  causes  gene- 
rally would  appear  to  have  more  effect  on  insect  deve- 
lopment than  any  with  which  we  are  acquainted ;  yet, 
powerful  as  they  unquestionably  are,  experience  teaches 
us  that  such  is  not  the  case.  In  combination  with  other 
modifying  principles,  hereafter  to  be  noticed,  they  may 
be  (and  probably  are)  exceedingly  important ;  yet,  when 
taken  singly  and  alone,  we  have  no  evidence  to  show 
that  their  consequences  are  of  such  primary  significance 
as  might  be  anticipated.  Mr.  Darwin,  in  describing  the 
fauna  (which  includes  many  mundane  forms)  of  the 
Galapagos  Archipelago,  situated  immediately  under  the 
equator,  remarks  :  "  The  birds,  plants,  and  insects  have 
a  desert  character,  and  are  not  more  brilliantly  coloured 
than  those  from  Patagonia ;  we  may  therefore  conclude, 
that  the  usual  gaudy  colouring  of  the  intertropical  pro- 
ductions is  not  related  either  to  the  heat  or  light  of 
those  zones,  but  to  some  other  cause, — perhaps  to  the 
conditions  of  existence  being  generally  favourable  to 

Although  it  is  true,  in  a  broad  sense,  that  the  nearer 
we  approach  the  Line  the  grander  and  more  gorgeous 
are  the  animate  beings  which  tenant  the  surface  of  our 
earth,  there  are  at  the  same  time  so  many  exceptions  to 
this  law,  that  it  cannot  be  regarded  as  by  any  means 
*  Journal  of  Researches  (London,  1852),  p.  381. 


universal;  and  whatever,  therefore,  be  our  ideas  on  a 
subject  which  might  perchance  seem  to  be  self-evident, 
we  are  compelled  to  infer  that  climatal  causes,  of  them- 
selves, will  not  suffice  to  account  for  the  numerous  cases 
of  aberration  which  we  so  constantly  meet  with  in  re- 
presentatives of  the  same  species  exposed,  through  a 
long  series  of  centuries,  to  opposite  conditions  of  atmo- 
sphere. We  need  not,  however,  go  so  far  as  the  Gala- 
pagos to  convince  ourselves  of  this.  The  Madeiran 
Group  is  placed  between  the  32nd  and  33rd  parallels  of 
north  latitude,  off  the  coast  of  Africa,  and  contains  a 
Coleopterous  fauna  (as  hitherto  ascertained)  of  about 
550  species.  Now  240  of  these,  at  least,  occur  also  in 
Europe  (many  of  them  even  in  our  own  country) ; 
hence,  if  a  more  southern  climate  may  be  presumed, 
of  itself,  to  exercise  any  very  decided  modifying  influ- 
ence on  insect  development,  we  have  an  amount  of  ma- 
terial for  comparison  which  should  surely  afford  us  some 
definite  and  tangible  result.  My  own  experience  in 
those  islands  would  tend  to  prove,  that,  amongst  the 
many  aberrations  from  their  northern  types  which  are 
there  everywhere  displayed,  comparatively  few  of  them 
can  be  referred  for  explanation  to  causes  strictly  climatal. 
I  do  not  say  that  none  can  be  thus  accounted  for ;  yet 
I  trust  to  make  it  obvious  in  the  following  pages  that 
there  are  even  greater  agencies  at  work  than  climatal 
ones  in  regulating  (albeit  within  prescribed  limits,  and 
by  slow  gradations)  the  outward  contour  of  the  insect 


When  viewed  geographically,  there   are  two  heads 
under  which  the  insects  of  every  individual  area  may  be 

x  classed :  namely,  those  which  were  created  within  its 
bounds,  and  which  constitute  its  true  aborigines  (in  the 
strictest  sense) ;  and,  secondly,  those  which  have  reached 
it,  either  by  ordinary  migration  over  an  intervening 
land,  or  by  accidental  introduction  through  human  or 

.  other  agencies.  Now  it  is  to  the  members  of  the  latter 
of  these  ideal  divisions  that  we  principally  look  for  any 
positive  evidence,  whilst  discussing  the  causes  of  varia- 
tion :  since,  by  the  nature  of  the  case,  we  must  have 
identical,  or  at  any  rate  closely  allied  species  to  reason 
upon  before  any  sound  conclusions  can  be  drawn  con- 
cerning them  from  the  circumstances  and  conditions 
to  which  they  are  severally  exposed ;  and  it  is  clear, 
that  the  fact  of  creatures  being  specifically  coincident, 
and  yet  under  influences  remote,  does,  for  the  most  part, 
actually  imply  a  transportation  of  them  (from  their 
primeval  centres)  beyond  the  limits  of  a  naturally 
acquired  range.  Moreover,  the  avro^Oove^  of  the  soil 
(if  we  may  be  excused  the  idiom)  are  in  all  instances 
adjusted  to  the  peculiarities  of  the  region  in  which  they 
were  formed ;  and,  consequently,  where  they  have  not 
(as  very  frequently  happens)  diffused  themselves  to  a 
sufficient  distance  from  the  birthplace  of  their  kind  to 
be  acted  upon  in  two  opposite  manners  from  without, 
the  date  which  they  supply,  during  our  inquiry  into 
specific  modifications  as  dependent  on  external  disturbing 
elements,  cannot  be  very  considerable. 



In  spite  of  this  severe  distinction,  however,  which  I 
would  urge  between  the  insect  aborigines  of  a  country 
and  those  which  (whether  by  compulsion  or  not)  have 
colonized  it,  and  of  the  preference  which  (as  just  stated) 
must  be  given  to  the  latter  whilst  investigating  the  con- 
trolling principles  of  aberration,  I  would  not  wish  to 
reject  in  toto  the  testimony  which  the  former  likewise 
may  indirectly  furnish, — especially  under  the  present 
section,  in  which  climatal  causes  on  a  large  scale  have 
to  be  taken  into  account.  True  it  is  that  we  cannot 
hope  to  descry  physical  results  amongst  phenomena 
which  are  due  to  the  creative  force  alone ;  yet  we  may, 
in  the  contemplation  of  them,  recognize  such  an  amount 
of  design,  or  a  primary  adaptation  to  conditions  from 
without,  as  shall  afford,  through  its  permanence  and 
method,  fresh  presumptive  evidence  that  the  "  conditions" 
themselves  may  have  some  inherent  modifying  power  of 
their  own  on  the  aggressors  from  other  districts,  in  which 
a  contrary  influence  may  perchance  prevail,  and  for  the 
overspreading  of  which  they  were,  in  the  beginning, 
more  peculiarly  constituted  and  ordained. 

It  has  been  already  mentioned  (and,  despite  the  ex- 
ceptional cases  which  are  to  be  found,  it  is  in  a  general 
sense  true),  that  the  splendour  and  extravagance  of  the 
insect  world  attain  their  maximum  within  the  tropics ; 
and  that  the  nearer  we  approach  the  central  heat,  the 
more  and  more  unmistakeable  is  the  existence  of  this 
law.  It  has  been  also  hinted,  that  when  viewed  on  a 
very  extensive  scale,  we  shall  not  derive  much  direct 


assistance  (whilst  examining  insect-variation,  with  re- 
ference to  climate)  from  the  consideration  of  a  fact  thus 
seemingly  important, — since  there  are  but  few  species 
whose  range  is  so  comprehensive  as  to  embrace,  at  the 
same  time,  the  equatorial  and  temperate  regions  of  the 
earth ;  and  since,  as  lately  suggested,  it  is  not  from  a 
comparison  of  the  aborigines  of  countries  far  removed 
that  we  can  hope  to  derive  much  positive  information 
during  our  present  inquiry.  It  may  be  useful  however 
to  speculate,  why  the  creative  energy  should  have  been 
thus  lavished,  as  it  were,  in  the  torrid  zone,  whilst  the 
fauna  of  the  cold  north  is  so  unpretending  and  sombre. 
I  believe  that  in  the  actual  number,  both  of  individuals 
and  species,  which  they  contain,  the  difference  is  not  so 
great,  between  the  two  latitudes,  as  might  be  imagined; 
and  that,  were  the  minims  of  Scandinavia  to  be  suddenly 
magnified  into  the  giants  of  Brazil,  the  Laplanders  and 
Swedes  might  stand  a  fair  chance  of  being  temporarily 
alarmed :  nevertheless,  as  regards  the  multitude  and 
eccentricity  of  her  forms,  there  can  be  no  question  in 
which  field  it  is  that  Nature  has  ever  delighted  more 
particularly  to  sport. 

Laying  aside,  therefore,  the  numerical  statistics  from 
our  account,  is  not  the  exuberance  of  the  tropics  at  once 
responsive  to  the  conditions  imposed  upon  them  ?  Do 
we  ask  why  it  is  that  the  insect  population  is  there 
moulded  upon  a  type  comparatively  so  colossal  ? — let  the 
redundancy  of  the  vegetation  reply.  Have  not,  also, 
more  rapid  laws  of  putrefaction  and  decay  been  pre- 


scribed  than  in  our  cooler  clime;  and  can  we  imagine 
that  it  was  not  in  obedience  to  this  decree,  that  larger 
and  more  active  scavengers  were  framed  ?  The  gaudy 
wings  that  float  idly  on  the  breeze,  and  the  coats  of  mail 
which  glitter  in  the  light,  have  they  nothing  to  tell  of 
the  local  circumstances  around  them ;  or,  is  it  too  much 
to  infer,  that  a  more  glorious  and  stimulating  sun  re- 
quired creatures  of  superior  brilliancy  to  bask  in  its 
rays  ?  A  moderate  degree  of  heat,  and  that  only  during 
a  certain  portion  of  the  year,  may  suffice  in  quiescent 
regions  to  keep  up  the  equilibrium  of  the  organic  world, 
the  various  members  of  which,  whether  animals  or 
plants,  are  ensured,  in  such  countries,  their  alternate 
seasons  of  activity  and  rest ;  but  within  the  tropics,  life, 
in  all  its  aspects,  is  ever  vigorous;  and,  though  the 
several  species  may  have  their  appointed  times  of  partial 
repose,  there  is  no  such  thing  as  tranquillity  for  the 
mass.  Hence  it  is,  that  to  meet  the  requirements  of  a 
Flora  *  such  as  there  obtains,  a  less  magnificent  Fauna 
would  have  been  inadequate ;  and  we  cannot  but  recog- 
nize, that,  in  the  wonderful  and  almost  endless  modifica- 
tions of  the  insect  tribes  which  people  those  zones,  a 
special  provision  has  been  made  to  check  the  overgrowth 
of  other  created  things. 

*  The  great  preponderance  of  the  phytophagous  over  the  pre- 
dacious tribes,  in  the  hotter  regions  of  the  earth,  is  a  remarkable 
fact,  and  strongly  suggestive  of  the  relation  which  the  insect  and 
vegetable  worlds  (both  of  which  attain  their  maximum  in  those 
zones)  bear  to  each  other.  "  The  carnivorous  beetles,  or  Carabidte," 
says  Mr.  Darwin,  "  appear  in  extremely  few  numbers  within  the 


But  how,  it  may  be  asked,  does  this  primary  adapt- 
ation to  external  conditions  affect  the  question  of  spe- 
cific development  ?  Perhaps  not  much  :  nevertheless,  as 
lately  urged,  it  is  well  that  such  adaptations  should  be 
borne  in  mind,  not  merely  that  due  importance  may  be 
given  to  influences  in  conformity  with  which  the  creative 
act  was  at  the  first  expressly  regulated ;  but  also  that  we 
may  be  prepared,  if  any  qualifying  power  be  admitted  to 
reside  in  those  influences  themselves,  for  the  kind  of 
aberration  which  reason  and  experience  would  seem 
alike  to  imply  that  we  should,  in  the  various  instances, 

We  have  already  stated,  that  climate,  when  taken 
alone,  does  not  appear  to  produce  any  very  decided 
modifying  effect  on  insect  form,  seeing  that  there  are 
vast  numbers  of  species  of  a  wide  geographical  range 
which  do  not  display,  on  their  northern  and  southern 
limits,  differences  sufficiently  constant  to  be  regarded  as 
purely  climatal  ones;  and  it  is  clear  that,  if  climatal 
causes  of  themselves  were  of  real  primary  significance, 
we  should  probably  seldom  fail  to  trace  out,  from  their 
long- continued  operation,  some  steady  and  positive 
result.  Yet  when  combined  with  other  principles,  there 

tropics.  The  carrion-feeders  and  Erachelytra  are  very  uncommon ; 
on  the  other  hand,  the  Rhynchophora  and  Chrysomelidce,  all  of 
which  depend  on  the  vegetable  world  for  subsistence,  are  present  in 
astonishing  numbers.  The  orders  Orthoptera  and  Hemiptera  are 
peculiarly  numerous;  as  is,  likewise,  the  stinging  division  of  the 
Eymenoptera,  the  bees,  perhaps,  being  excepted." — Journal  of 
Researches,  p.  34. 


is  evidence  that  a  considerable  amount  of  influence  must 
be  conceded  to  the  action  of  mere  heat  and  cold,  work- 
ing permanently  and  according  to  fixed  laws,  on  the 
members  of  the  insect  world.  Such  being  the  case,  it  is 
perhaps  not  surprising  that  a  slight  difficulty  should 
arise,  through  our  employment  of  separate  sections  under 
which  to  examine  the  causes  of  variation ;  for,  since  it  is 
ordinarily  by  the  union  of  several  disturbing  influences 
that  aberrations  are  brought  about,  it  is  for  the  most 
part  impossible  to  refer  the  results,  however  con- 
spicuous they  may  be,  to  a  solitary  controlling  element. 
And  hence,  though  we  may  be  able  at  times  to  point 
out  perchance  the  single  reason  for  certain  phenomena 
with  comparative  precision,  it  will  generally  happen  that 
two  or  three  agents  must  be  appealed  to  before  we  can 
arrive  at  a  conclusion  by  any  means  satisfactory.  I 
would  desire,  therefore,  that  the  examples  hereafter  to 
be  noticed  may  be  judged  of  in  the  mass ;  and  may  not 
be  considered  as  severally  assigned,  of  necessity,  to  an 
isolated  deranging  cause,  through  the  fact  of  their  being 
placed,  for  the  sake  of  convenience,  and  because  of  the 
predominance  which  special  controlling  principles  have 
had  in  maturing  them,  under  sections,  both,  as  it  were, 
exclusive  and  particular. 

That  climate  of  itself  possesses  but  a  limited  modify- 
ing power  on  insect  development,  is  evident  from  the 
consideration  (just  alluded  to),  that  numerous  species  of 
comparatively  wide  distribution  are  totally  unaffected  by 
it.  Thus,  for  instance,  the  Pissodes  notatus,  Fab.,  a  weevil 


which  occurs  in  pine  forests  from  Lapland  to  Barbary, 
and  which  has  been  naturalized  even  in  the  Madeira 
Islands,  passes  through  the  alternations  to  which  it  is 
specifically  subject,  irrespective  of  country.  In  like 
manner,  the  Lixus  angustatus,  Fab.,  so  abundant  in  Cen- 
tral and  Southern  Europe,  the  north  of  Africa,  Malta, 
Madeira,  and  the  Canaries,  and  which  has  been  detected 
in  Persia,  would  seem  to  be  perfectly  free  from  atmo- 
spheric control.  The  Cocdnella  7-punctata,  Linn.,  which 
exists  in  nearly  every  portion  of  the  Old  World,  is 
apparently  unacted  upon  geographically.  Numberless 
beetles  which  follow  in  the  track  of  man,  or  at  any  rate 
are  liable  to  do  so,  almost  everywhere  (such  as  Carpophilus 
hemipterus,  Linn.,  Trogosita  mauritanica,  Linn.,  Lamo- 
phlceus  pusillus,  Schonh.,  Dermestes  vulpinus,  Fab.,  Ano- 
bium  striatum,  Oliv.,  Rhizopertha  pusilla,  ~Fab.,Sitophilus 
granarius  and  Oryzce,  Linn.,  and  Triboliumferrugineum, 
Fab.),  show  little  or  no  tendency  to  variation.  Nor  is  this 
independence  of  climate  to  be  observed  less  frequently  in 
the  aquatic  forms,  than  in  the  terrestrial  ones :  the  Aga- 
bus  bipustulatus,  Linn.,  common  in  the  streams  and  pools 
of  the  whole  of  Europe,  the  north  of  Africa,  and  in  Ma- 
deira, although  naturally  somewhat  inconstant,  offers  no 
aberration,  the  result  of  latitude ;  as  is  equally  the  case 
with  the  Hydroporus  confluens,  Fab.,  which  is  found  from 
Sweden  to  the  Canaries,  and  the  Eunectes  sticticus, 
Linn., — an  insect  literally  cosmopolitan.  The  S  wallow  - 
Tail  Butterfly  (Papilio  Machaon,  Linn.),  the  Clouded 
Yellow  (Colias  Edusa,  Fab.)  and  the  Painted  Lady  (Cyn- 


thia  Cardui,  Linn.), — the  first  and  second  of  which  occur 
throughout  Europe,  in  Siberia,  Syria,  Egypt,  Barbary, 
Nepaul,  and  Cashmere ;  whilst  the  third  (so  general  in 
our  own  country)  has  been  recorded  from  India,  North 
America,  the  Brazils,  Africa,  Java,  and  New  South  Wales, 
— however  irregular  they  may  be,  afford  no  indications'* 
of  undoubted  geographical  instability. 

We  need  not  however  multiply  examples,  since  our 
space  will  scarcely  admit  of  it,  and  numbers  of  them  will 
be  at  once  suggested  to  the  entomologist :  what  it  mainly 
concerns  us  here  to  corroborate,  is  the  thesis,  that  cli- 
matal  operation,  although  by  no  means  invested  with  a 
universal  qualifying  power,  has  an  amount  of  influence  on 
certain  species,  even  whilst  unconnected  with  other  ele- 
ments,— and  therefore,  a  fortiori,  when  in  combination 
with  them. 

The  two  principal  conditions  on  which  climatal  causes 
generally  may  be  said  to  rest,  are  latitude  and  altitude. 
As  regards  the  former  of  these,  however,  whilst  the 
equatorial  and  arctic  regions  of  the  earth  will  of  course 
give  us  the  extremes  of  heat  and  cold,  we  shall  often 
perceive  differences  of  temperature  (the  result  perhaps  of 
local  circumstances)  in  areas  but  slightly  removed  from 
each  other,  sufficient  to  affect  very  materially,  though 
by  what  means  it  is  difficult  to  understand,  the  outward 

*  Mr.  Westwood  states  that  he  possesses  an  individual  of  the 
Papilio  Machaon  from  the  Himalayan  Mountains,  captured  by  Pro- 
fessor Royle,  "  which  scarcely  exhibits  the  slightest  differences 
when  compared  with  English  specimens." — The  Butterflies  of  Great 
Britain,  p.  4. 


contour  of  the  insect  tribes.  Thus,  to  go  no  farther 
than  Ireland,  we  find  that  the  specimens  of  Silpha 
atrata,  Linn.,  so  abundant  throughout  England  and  the 
whole  of  Europe,  have  put  on  (it  may  be  from  the  moist- 
ure of  the  atmosphere,  or  from  some  other  obscure 
influence)  the  appearance  of  a  distinct  race, — so  distinct 
indeed  as  to  have  long  received  another  name,  S.  subro- 
tundata,  from  British  naturalists.  I  think  it  far  from 
improbable  that  the  Tachyporus  nitidicollis,  Steph.,  an 
insect  eminently  characteristic  of  that  country  (and  one 
on  which  I  have  lately  offered  some  remarks*),  is  but  a 
darker  climatal  modification  of  the  common  T.  obtusus  : 
and  it  is  well  known  that  the  examples  of  Pelophila 
borealis,  Payk.,  from  Killarney  and  Loch  Neagh  are  per- 
manently larger,  and  much  more  metallic,  than  those 
from  the  Orkneys.  The  Nebria  complanata,  Linn., 
assumes  a  more  pallid  hue  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
Bordeaux  than  it  does  on  the  sandy  coasts  of  Devonshire 
and  Wales  :  and  I  have  but  little  doubt  that  the  Oma- 
seus  nigerrimus,  Dej.,  of  Spain,  the  north  of  Africa,  and 
Madeira,  is  a  geographical  state  of  the  0.  aterrimus  of 
Central  Europe.  The  Sitona  gressoria,  Illig.,  so  univer- 
sal throughout  the  Mediterranean  districts,  Madeira  and 
the  Canaries,  may  be  but  the  subaustral  form  of  S.  grisea. 
The  Bembidium  obtusum,  Sturm,  is  shorter  and  less 
parallel  in  our  own  latitude  than  it  is  in  the  Madeiran 
group  and  along  the  Mediterranean  shores  :  whilst  the 
Holoparamecus  niger,  Aube,  of  Madeira  and  Sardinia  is 
*  Zoologist,  xiii.  p.  4655. 



very  much  paler  than  the  same  beetle  when  taken  in 
Sicily.  Specimens  of  Pieris  Brassica,  Linn,  (the  White 
Cabbage-Butterfly, — an  insect  of  widely  acquired  range) , 
from  Nepaul  and  Japan,  are  recorded*  to  have  differed 
so  strongly  from  the  ordinary  European  type  as  to  have 
been  referred,  by  Boisduval,  in  doubt  to  that  species. 
Mr.Westwood  has  received  the  Vanessa  Atalanta,  Linn., 
from  North  America,  receding  slightly  from  its  British 
analogue ;  but  which  he,  nevertheless,  does  not  regard 
as  specifically  distinct :  and  such  also  (he  adds)  was  the 
opinion  of  Mr.  Kirby,  who  has  described  his  American 
examples  under  that  name.  The  common  Hipparchia 
of  Madeira  I  believe  to  be  a  fixed  geographical  modifica- 
tion of  the  H.  Semele,  Linn.,  of  our  own  country, — in 
which  the  paler  bars  of  the  upper  surface  are  evanes- 
cent ; — there  are,  however,  I  imagine,  but  few  entomo- 
logists who  would  concur  with  me  in  this  hypothesis. 
The  Madeiran  specimens  of  Lycaena  Phloeas,  Linn,  (the 
Small  Copper  Butterfly),  are  invariably  darker,  and  more 
suffused,  than  the  English  ones  :  and  Mr.  Westwood  re- 
marks that  he  possesses  examples  from  North  America 
which  ' '  differ  in  the  decided  black  spotting  of  the  under 
side  of  the  hind  wings,  in  the  bright  red  streak  near 
their  hind  margin,  and  in  wanting  the  minute  spot  on 
the  costa  of  the  fore  wings ;  but  that  these  characters  can 
scarcely  be  held  to  constitute  a  distinct  speciesf." 
Few  observers  can  have  failed  to  remark,  that  increased 

*  The  Butterflies  of  Great  Britain  (London,  1855),  p.  17. 
t  Id.  p.  94. 


altitude  frequently  corresponds,  both  in  its  fauna  and 
flora,  to  a  higher  latitude ;  and  that,  consequently,  if  we 
ascend  the  mountains  of  a  southern  land,  we  shall  be 
struck,  at  times,  by  the  presence  of  a  host  of  species 
which  obtain  at  a  lower  level  in  more  temperate  zones. 
This  is  peculiarly  traceable  in  the  Madeira  Islands, — 
which,  from  their  subaustral  position,  and  height  (the 
loftiest  peak  of  the  central  mass  exceeding  6000  feet 
above  the  sea),  afford  a  rich  field  to  the  student  of  zoo- 
logical geography.  Yet,  though  the  degrees  of  mere 
heat  and  cold  are  such  as  to  allow,  in  the  two  cases, 
species  positively  identical  to  flourish ;  we  should  surely 
anticipate  some  slight  change  from  the  different  atmo- 
spheric conditions  (especially  when  in  union  with  other 
circumstances)  to  which  they  have  been,  through  a  lapse 
of  ages,  respectively  exposed :  it  may  be  well  there- 
fore to  inquire,  whether  experience  does  at  all  tend  to 
strengthen  what  our  reason  has  an  a  priori  inclination 
to  endorse.  It  must  be  recollected  however  that,  in  the 
instances  to  which  we  would  draw  attention,  small  aber- 
rations are  all  that  can  be  usually  looked  for,  since  climate 
of  itself  does  not  appear  to  be  very  potent  in  its  action. 
We  should  remember,  also,  that  the  boundaries  of  insect 
instability  are  restricted ;  and,  although  we  would  advo- 
cate freedom  of  development  within  limits  which  are 
more  or  less  comprehensive  according  to  the  species,  to 
pass  beyond  them  would  be  confusion,  and  such  as  could 
result  from  a  lapsus  Naturae  only,  rather  than  from  a 
power  of  legitimate  variation. 

In  exact  conformity  with  what  the  above  remarks  will 
have  prepared  us  for,  we  find  that  the  Dromius  obscuro- 
guttatus,  Dufts.,  of  Central  Europe,  has  undergone  on 
the  mountain  summits  of  Madeira  changes  precisely  to 
that  extent  which  we  should  have  calculated  upon ;  and 
although  they  would  seem  in  reality  to  be  referable  to 
climate  and  isolation  combined,  yet,  since  it  is  not 
always  possible  (as  lately  stated)  to  treat  the  elements 
of  disturbance  separately,  and  it  is  my  object  in  this 
short  treatise  to  bring  forward  a  few  prominent  examples 
in  support  of  the  considerations  proposed,  rather  than  to 
accumulate  a  mass  of  material  for  the  registry  of  which 
my  space  would  be  inadequate,  I  will  quote  in  extenso 
the  reflections  which,  during  the  compilation  of  the 
'  Insecta  Maderensia/  suggested  themselves  to  me.  "  The 
Dromius  obscuroguttatus  is  a  common  European  insect, 
and  the  Madeiran  specimens  recede  from  the  ordinary 
ones  in  being  slightly  larger,  and  in  having  their  elytra 
more  obscurely  striated,  with  the  humeral  patch  less 
distinct :  their  entire  surface,  moreover,  is  of  a  deeper 
black,  a  difference  which  is  especially  perceptible  on  the 
legs.  It  occurs  in  the  greatest  profusion  in  Madeira 
proper,  though  only  from  about  5000  to  6000  feet  above 
the  sea.  Although  so  common  throughout  Europe,  it 
is  perhaps,  when  geographically  considered,  one  of  the 
most  interesting  of  the  Madeiran  Coleoptera,  as  affording 
a  striking  example,  not  only  of  the  modification  of  form 
in  a  normally  northern  insect  when  on  its  southern 
limit,  but  as  showing  likewise  how  a  species,  abundant 


on  the  low  sandy  shores  and  sheltered  sea-cliffs  of  more 
temperate  regions,  finds  its  position  here  only  on  the 
summits  of  the  loftiest  mountains.  It  is  true  that  the 
aberration  from  the  typical  state  is  not  in  the  present 
instance  very  considerable ;  yet  when  the  circumstances 
producing  it  are  taken  into  account,  I  am  persuaded 
that  the  difference  is  exactly  of  that  nature  on  which  too 
great  stress  cannot  possibly  be  placed,  when  discussing 
the  general  question  of  geographical  distribution  as 
having  a  tendency,  more  or  less  directly,  to  affect  both 
colour  and  form.  It  is  well  known  to  naturalists  that  a 
multitude  of  insects  from  the  New  World,  receding  from 
their  European  analogues  merely  in  certain  excessively 
minute  characters,  have  usually  been  pronounced  at  once 
as  new  to  science,  first  because  those  differences  are  con- 
stant, and  secondly  because  the  specimens  have  been 
received  from  the  other  side  of  the  Atlantic.  And  yet 
in  instances  like  the  present  one, — in  an  island  which, 
while  it  belongs  artificially  to  Europe,  is  yet  naturally 
sufficiently  distinct  from  it  as  to  form  at  any  rate  a 
stepping-stone  to  the  coast  of  Africa  and  the  mountains 
of  Barbary, — species  similarly  circumstanced  are  not 
necessarily  received  as  new  (and  rightly  so,  I  apprehend), 
though  in  every  respect  affording  differences  not  only 
analogous  to  those  already  mentioned,  but  in  many  in- 
stances positively  identical  with  them.  If,  however,  a 
specific  line  of  demarcation  does  of  necessity  exist  be- 
tween the  creatures  of  the  Old  and  New  Worlds,  the 
problem  yet  remains  unsolved,  so  long  as  intermediate 


islands  present  parallel  modifications,  where  that  line 
is  to  be  drawn.  Meanwhile,  how  far  geographical  va- 
rieties of  this  kind,  concerning  the  non-specific  claims 
of  which  confessedly  but  little  doubt  can  exist,  may  lead 
to  the  explanation  of  the  Transatlantic  ones  just  referred 
to,  I  will  not  venture  to  suggest.  Yet  certain  it  is,  that 
the  one  case  bears  directly  on  the  other ;  and  that,  if 
we  can  prove  that  common  European  insects,  when  iso- 
lated in  the  ocean,  become  in  nearly  all  cases  more  or 
less  modified  externally  in  form,  there  is  at  least  pre- 
sumptive evidence  that  the  law  will  hold  good  on  a 
wider  scale,  and  may  be  extended,  not  only  to  the 
Atlantic  itself,  but  even  to  countries  beyond.  The  dif- 
ferences of  the  present  Dromius  from  its  more  northern 
representatives  are,  as  just  stated,  small;  nevertheless, 
since  they  are  fixed,  those  naturalists  who  do  not  believe 
in  geographical  influence  might  choose  to  consider  them 
of  sufficient  importance  to  erect  a  new  species  upon. 
But  after  a  careful  comparison  of  this  with  other  insects 
similarly  circumstanced,  I  am  convinced  that  the  modi- 
fications in  question  are  merely  local  ones,  and  such 
as  may  be  reasonably  accounted  for  by  the  combined 
agencies  of  latitude  and  isolation,  and  the  consequently 
altered  habits  of  the  creature,  which  is  thus  compelled 
to  seek  alpine  localities  in  lieu  of  its  natural  ones*." 

In  like  manner  the  Calathus  fuscus,  Fab.,  the  Ancho- 
menus  marginatus,  Linn.,  and  the  Anthicus  fenestratus, 
Schmidt,  which  occur  almost  exclusively  in  the  lower 
*  Insecta  Maderensia  (London,  1854),  pp.  7,  8,  9. 


regions  of  northern  latitudes,,  are  found  in  Madeira  on 
the  mountain  tops ;  each,  moreover,  possessing  characters 
which  are  just  sufficient  (although  slight)  to  distinguish 
them  from  their  European  representatives. 

And  if  we  inquire,  on  the  other  hand,  into  the  abo- 
riginal species  of  those  islands, — or,  at  any  rate,  into 
such  of  them  whose  naturally  acquired  range  embraces 
the  opposite  extremes  of  atmosphere, — we  shall  detect  110 
less  surely  (albeit  within  a  narrower  space)  the  result  of 
climatal  action  on  insect  form.  The  Helops  confertus, 
Woll.,  ' '  varies  according  to  the  altitude  at  which  it  is 
found ;  being  usually  deeply  striated  and  rugose  on  its 
lower,  but  subpicescent  and  much  more  lightly  sculptured 
on  its  upper  limits.  I  have  taken  specimens  indeed  on 
Pico  Ruivo,  and  on  the  mountain-plain  of  the  Fateiras, 
which  are  so  far  diminished  in  roughness  as  almost  to 
resemble,  at  first  sight,  the  H.  Pluto*.3'  The  Pecte- 
ropus  Maderensis,  Woll.,  which  ranges  from  about  2500 
feet  above  the  sea  to  the  summits  of  the  loftiest  hills, 
although  usually  with  pale  legs,  is  distinguished  by 
having  its  femora  almost  invariably  dusky  when  on 
its  highest  elevation;  and,  following  out  the  analogy 
with  that  beetle,  the  Trechus  alticola,  Woll.,  should 
perhaps  be  regarded  as  an  alpine  state  of  the  T.  custos. 
The  Calathus  complanatus,  Koll.,  assumes  along  the  up- 
land heights  a  very  different  aspect  to  what  it  does  in  the 
regions  below,  being  generally  more  piceous  and  convex, 
altogether  broader  (in  proportion)  and  shorter,  and 
*  Insecta  Maderensia,  p.  516. 


with  both  sexes  (though,  of  course,  especially  the  male) 

Nor  is  this  principle  of  topographical  variability  (the 
result  of  climate)  less  apparent  in  other  countries  also. 
The  Notiophili,  for  instance,  "  are  extremely  unstable, 
both  in  their  sculpture  and  hue,  being  subject  to  con- 
siderable local  modifications,  though  more  particularly 
affected,  it  would  appear,  by  altitude.  Thus,  in  our  own 
country,  the  N.  semipunctatus,  Fab.,  one  of  the  common 
representatives  of  the  plains,  is  found  likewise  on  the 
summits  of  the  mountains ;  but  at  that  elevation  it  be- 
comes liable  to  great  alternations  of  colour,  ranging 
from  pale  brassy-brown,  with  the  apex  testaceous,  into 
deep  black.  The  sculpture,  however,  perhaps  is  nearly 
as  much  dependent  on  other  circumstances  for  its  mo- 
dification as  upon  altitude,  since  it  seems  tolerably  clear 
that  proximity  to  the  sea-shore,  especially  where  the 
localities  are  saline,  will  frequently  produce  a  more 
faintly  impressed  surface*."  It  has  indeed  been  lately 
suggested,  that  the  Helobia  nivalis,  Payk.,  may  be  per- 
haps, after  all,  but  a  mountain  variety  of  the  H.  brevi- 
collis ;  the  Leistus  montanus,  Steph.,  of  the  L.fulvibarbis, 
and  the  Patrobus  septentrionis,  Dej.,  of  the  P.  excavatus ; 
but  of  this  I  think  farther  proof  is  needed,  seeing  that 
certain  species  do  appear  to  exist  which  are  strictly 
alpine  (that  is  to  say,  which  have  not  been,  severally, 
detected  in  the  lower  regions  of  more  northern  zones) ; 
and,  in  most  instances,  where  aberrations  are  to  be  met 
*  Insecta  Maderensia,  p.  17. 


with  from  the  effect  of  altitude,  we  have  a  right  to 
inquire  (provided  the  types  from  which  they  are  sup- 
posed to  have  originally  sprung  obtain  in  the  less- 
elevated  portions  of  the  same  country),  where  are  the 
intermediate  links  ?  Now  I  am  not  aware  that  any  such 
links  have,  in  the  examples  above  cited,  ever  been  ob- 
served ;  whilst  I  can  vouch  that  in  at  any  rate  many 
districts  where  the  quasi  variety  is  found,  the  descend- 
ants of  its  assumed  progenitor  do  occur  in  the  plains 
beneath.  I  have  remarked  that  the  Cicindelidce  often 
become  inconstant  in  colouring  as  they  approach  their 
maximum  of  height  above  the  sea;  and  I  have  but 
little  doubt  that  the  C.  fasciatopunctata*,  Germ.,  from 
Asia  Minor  and  Turkey,  is  the  C.  sylvatica  modified  by 
a  long  residence  in  elevated  regions.  And  so  it  is  with 
the  Chrysomela,  many  of  which  become,  in  the  loftiest 
altitudes  to  which  they  ascend  (as  I  have  noticed  at  the 
head  of  the  St.  Gothard  Pass  of  the  Swiss  Alps),  subject 
to  unusual  changes,  both  in  lustre  and  hue. 

The  above  examples,  although  few  and  indiscriminately 
selected,  will  serve  to  illustrate  the  principle  which  we 
have  been  contending  for, — that  climatal  influences 
generally,  may  (and  in  most  instances  do)  tend  to  affect, 
more  or  less  directly,  the  outward  contour  of  the  insect 
tribes.  It  will  be  remarked  that,  in  the  cases  hitherto 

*  I  possess  specimens  of  this  insect  captured  on  the  summit  of 
Mount  Olympus  by  my  friend  E.  Armitage,  Esq.,  who  is  also  of 
opinion  that  it  may  be  but  a  mountain  state  of  the  C.  sylvatica, 


cited  no  great  disturbing  power  has  been  made  evident, 
— the  aberrations  to  which  we  have  appealed  being, 
most  of  them,  comparatively  minute.  This,  however,  is 
simply  in  harmony  with  the  belief  which  we  have  already 
expressed,  that  climatal  causes,  when  taken  singly  and 
alone,  are  not  of  primary  importance  whilst  discussing 
the  question  of  specific  modification.  It  remains  for  us, 
in  the  following  sections,  to  inquire,  whether  there  are 
any  other  elements  at  work  from  which  greater  results 
are  to  be  expected.  Meanwhile,  let  us  not  forget  that 
differences  may  be,  in  the  strictest  sense,  significant, 
even  whilst  small ;  and  that  it  is  their  constancy,  rather 
than  their  magnitude,  which  more  particularly  concerns 
us  in  the  present  treatise,  seeing  that  it  is  with  reference 
to  those  distinctions  which  are  less  conspicuous  that  the 
greatest  amount  of  misunderstanding  (through  the  fact 
of  their  being  fixed)  usually  prevails ;  whilst  it  is  our 
main  object  to  show  that  dissimilarities  do  not  neces- 
sarily imply  the  specific  isolation  of  the  creatures  which 
display  them,  merely  because  they  are,  in  their  several 
localities,  permanent. 

§  II.  Temporary  heat  or  cold,  of  an  unusual  degree. 

It  is  perhaps  unnecessary  that  the  action  of  temporary 
heat  and  cold,  of  an  unusual  degree,  should  be  considered 
under  a  separate  head  from  that  of  climatal  causes  gene- 
rally; nevertheless,  since  the  latter  are,  in  a  certain 
sense,  permanent  in  their  operation,  it  may  be  thought 

desirable  that  I  should  offer  a  few  words  on  the  effect  of 
sudden  exceptions  to  the  ordinary  routine  of  things, 
such  as,  for  instance,  seasons  of  peculiar  intensity.  It 
does  not  however  appear  that  any  very  important  modi- 
fications do  often  occur  from  conditions  thus  abnormal, 
and  as  it  were  accidentally  brought  about :  on  the  con- 
trary, indeed,  it  is  a  well-known  fact,  that  the  members 
of  the  insect  world  are  singularly  independent  of  such 
contingencies;  and  that,  in  the  same  manner  as  their 
times  of  maturation  are  neither  hastened  nor  retarded 
by  them,  their  external  development  is  for  the  most 
part  free  from  their  control.  Yet,  in  spite  of  this, 
specific  results  are  wont  to  happen,  ever  and  anon,  from 
such  circumstances,  as  though  it  were  a  fundamental 
axiom,  that  every  agent  which  Nature  can  press  (regu- 
larly or  irregularly)  into  her  service  should  have,  though 
it  may  not  always  exercise  its  privilege,  some  qualifying 

I  believe  that  almost  the  only  deviation  from  the 
typical  state,  in  insect  form,  which  has  been  observed  to 
originate,  par  excellence,  from  the  occasional  continu- 
ance of  undue  heat  or  cold,  is  curiously  enough  an  or- 
ganic one, — having  reference  to  the  enlargement  of  the 
wings.  Every  entomologist  must  be  aware  that  a  vast 
proportion  of  the  Coleoptera  (especially  the  Carabidae) 
are  subject  to  great  inconstancy  in  their  metathoracic 
organs  of  flight.  Many  species,  as  the  common  Calathus 
mollis  of  our  own  country  (to  which  my  attention  has 
been  more  particularly  drawn  by  the  Rev.  J.  F.  Dawson), 


have  the  hind  wings  at  one  time  ample,  at  another  rudi- 
mentary, and  at  a  third  nearly  obsolete.  Now,  although 
other  causes,  hereafter  to  be  noticed,  would  seem  to  have 
far  greater  power  than  climatal  ones  in  permanently 
regulating  the  size  and  capacity  of  these  appendages ;  I 
think  it  will  be  found  on  examination  (and  I  may  add 
that  Mr.  Westwood  is  of  the  same  opinion  *),  that  the 
greater  or  less  development  of  them  may  be  frequently 
explained  by  the  unusual  severity  of  the  seasons. 
own  researches  would  certainly  tend  to  prove,  that  heat 
does  (in  the  main)  favour,  and  cold  retard,  their  pre- 
sence. Exceptions  (often  rendered  intelligible  from 
the  evident  working  of  counter  influences)  will  of  course 
arise  in  abundance  to  this  hypothesis ;  yet  my  impression 
is  that,  upon  a  broad  scale,  it  will  stand  the  ordeal  of  a 
rigid  inquiry. 

Speaking  of  certain  representatives  of  the  Hymen- 
optera  (Chalcididce),  Mr.  Westwood  observes:  "A 
curious  peculiarity  exists  in  one  at  least  of  these 
apterous  species,  which  has  been  noticed  by  no  previous 
author,  namely,  Choreius  ineptus,  Westw.,  which, 
although  ordinarily  found  in  an  apterous  state,  was 
discovered  by  me  in  considerable  numbers  during  the 
hot  summer  of  1835,  with  wings  t".  And,  touching 
the  irregularity  of  the  alary  organs  in  the  Homopterous 
Fulgorida,  he  remarks  :  "  Other  instances,  in  which  the 
wings  undergo  a  deficiency  of  development,  occur  in  the 

*  Introduction  to  the  Modern  Classification  of  Insects  (London, 
1840),  ii.  p.  4/3.  t  Id.  ii.  p.  158. 


genus  Delphax,  the  majority  of  which,  in  our  English 
species,  have  the  upper  wings  not  covering  more  than 
one  half  of  the  abdomen, — the  terminal  membrane 
being  deficient,  as  well  as  the  hind  wings.  In  certain 
seasons,  however,  especially  hot  ones,  the  wings  are 
fully  developed*".  Mr.  Curtis  has  indeed  formed  the 
undeveloped  specimens  into  a  different  genus,  Crio- 

Although  the  result  of  a  more  stimulating  sun  may 
be  often  neutralized  by  that  of  isolation  (which,  as  we 
shall  hereafter  see,  is  a  resistless  agent,  amongst  a  host 
of  species,  in  weakening,  and  frequently  rendering  abor- 
tive, the  powers  of  flight) ;  yet  heat,  when  freed  from 
counter  influences,  may  be  traced  in  its  permanent  effect 
on  the  alary  system  of  insects,  no  less  than  when  tem- 
porarily applied.  The  consideration  of  this,  however, 
belongs  strictly  to  the  preceding  pages,  and  we  will  not 
therefore  discuss  it  here.  The  common  Bed-bug  (Cimex 
lectulariuSj  Linn.)  is  almost  invariably  apterous,  or  with 
very  short  rudimental  hemelytra;  yet  Scopoli  (Ent. 
Cam.  p.  354)  mentions  its  occurrence  with  perfect 
wings.  Fallen,  also,  and  Latreille,  state  that  it  has 
been  found  winged ;  whilst  Westwood  remarks  that  it 
has  been  reported  as  occasionally  winged  in  the  East 
Indies ;  and  it  would  seem  extremely  probable  that,  in 
these  examples,  as  in  numerous  others  which  are  on 
record,  we  may  detect  the  consequences  of  heat ;  either 

*  Introduction  to  the  Modern  Classification  of  Insects,  ii. 
p.  431. 


as  temporarily  applied  (in  an  unusual  degree),  or 
through  the  accidental  transportation  of  the  insect  into 
a  naturally  warmer  atmosphere. 

§  III.  Nature  of  the  country  and  of  the  soil. 

Before  we  proceed  to  inquire  to  what  extent  the  out- 
ward aspect  of  insects  is  liable  to  be  controlled  by  the 
physical  state  of  the  areas  in  which  they  severally 
obtain,  it  may  not  be  altogether  out  of  place  to  offer  a 
few  reflections  on  the  superiority  which  some  regions 
possess  intrinsically  over  others,  both  for  the  increase 
and  diffusion  of  the  animal  tribes.  To  suppose  that  all 
countries  within  the  same  parallels  of  latitude  are 
equally  favourable  for  the  development  of  life  (not  to 
mention  the  after-dispersion  of  it),  is  contrary  to  experi- 
ence ;  for  although  (as  we  have  already  pointed  out)  the 
organic  world  does  certainly,  when  viewed  in  the  mass, 
approach  its  maximum  as  we  near  the  tropics,  there  are 
at  the  same  time  so  many  violations  of  this  law,  that  we 
cannot  admit  its  operation  except  in  a  broad  and  general 

In  a  former  section  of  this  chapter,  I  drew  attention 
to  the  fact,  that  certain  islands,  equatorial  and  subaustral, 
are  anything  but  suggestive  of  their  actual  positions 
with  respect  to  the  line  of  central  heat  on  the  surface  of 
the  earth.  It  was  with  regard  to  climate  alone,  however, 
that  I  wished  them  to  be  understood:  and  it  is  not 
until  now  that  I  have  ventured  to  urge  the  necessity  of 


taking  other  influences  into  account  also,,  if  we  would 
desire  to  recognize  anything  like  design  and  adaptation 
(I  will  hardly  call  it  cause  and  effect)  between  the  con- 
tinent and  the  thing  contained.  It  is  almost  needless  to 
add,  that  there  are  many  elements  to  be  considered, 
such  as  local  atmospheric  conditions,  excess  or  deficiency 
of  electricity,  superabundant  moisture,  diminished  light, 
and  the  geological  composition  of  the  soil,  before  we 
can  hope  either  to  appreciate  zoological  phenomena  as  a 
whole,  or  to  reconcile  the  apparent  inconsistencies  which 
they  are  accustomed  to  display. 

Mr.  Darwin,  to  whom  we  are  indebted  for  so  much 
valuable  information  concerning  the  natural  history  of 
various  portions  of  the  world,  in  his  notes  on  Tierra  del 
Fuego,  observes :  "  Beetles  occur  in  very  small  num- 
bers ;  it  was  long  before  I  could  believe  that  a  country 
as  large  as  Scotland,  covered  with  vegetable  productions 
and  with  a  variety  of  stations,  could  be  so  unproductive. 
The  few  which  I  found  were  alpine  species  of  Harpalida 
and  Heteromera,  living  beneath  stones.  The  vegetable- 
feeding  Chrysomelidce,  so  eminently  characteristic  of  the 
tropics,  are  here  almost  entirely  absent.  I  saw  very  few 
flies,  butterflies,  or  bees,  and  no  crickets  or  Orthoptera. 
In  the  pools  of  water  I  found  but  few  aquatic  beetles. 
I  have  already  contrasted  the  climate  as  well  as  the 
general  appearance  of  Tierra  del  Fuego  with  that  of 
Patagonia ;  and  the  difference  is  strongly  exemplified  in 
the  entomology.  I  do  not  believe  they  have  one  species 
in  common;  certainly  the  general  character  of  the 


insects  is  widely  dissimilar  *."  Now,  it  is  impossible  to 
read  this  account  without  being  at  once  struck  with  two 
primary  considerations  :  first,  that  there  must  exist  some 
great  peculiarity  (apart  from  climate)  in  a  region  the 
fauna  of  which  is  thus  singularly  constituted;  and, 
secondly,  that  latitude  (however  important  it  may  be  in 
a  comprehensive  point  of  view)  must  exercise  in  this 
case  a  very  secondary  influence,  to  allow  of  localities 
separated  only  by  the  Straits  of  Magellan  to  present 
differences  thus  extraordinary. 

Although  so  dissimilar  in  many  respects,  Madeira 
and  Tierra  del  Fuego  have  evidently  much  in  common 
as  regards  the  conditions  which  they  afford  for  the 
increase  of  organic  life.  Mr.  Darwin  describes  the  latter 
as  "  a  mountainous  region,  partly  submerged  in  the 
sea."  So  is  Madeira.  He  also  adds,  that  it  is  "  covered 
to  the  water's  edge  with  one  dense,  gloomy  forest;" 
that  "  to  find  an  acre  of  level  land  in  any  part  of  the 
country  is  most  rare ;"  and  that  "  within  the  forest,  the 
ground  is  concealed  by  a  mass  of  slowly  putrefying 
vegetable  matter,  which,  from  being  soaked  with  water, 
yields  to  the  foot."  Such  was  Madeira,  in  its  normal 
state  f;  and  such  it  still  is  throughout  a  large  district 

*  Journal  of  Researches,  p.  238. 

f  That  I  may  not  be  misunderstood  by  those  of  my  readers  who 
conceive  Madeira  to  be  a  kind  of  "  arva  beata,"  with  the  sky  for 
ever  blue,  and  (as  a  consequence)  an  unclouded  sun ;  I  would  re- 
peat, that  I  am  not  speaking  of  the  vicinity  of  Funchal  only  (from 
which  the  invalids,  who  resort  thither  for  their  health,  almost 
exclusively  draw  their  deductions),  but  of  Madeira, — and,  more- 


towards  the  northern  coast.  I  cannot  indeed  refrain 
from  quoting  the  following,  since  it  portrays  the  cha- 

over,  of  Madeira  as  it  was,  and  not  of  Madeira  as  it  is.  More  or 
less  of  cultivation  during  a  period  exceeding  four  centuries,  in  con- 
junction with  the  overwhelming  fire  which  completely  devastated 
the  entire  south  of  the  island,  immediately  after  its  first  settlers  had 
taken  possession  of  it,  and  which  is  stated  (in  the  accounts  which 
are  transmitted  to  us)  to  have  smouldered  on  for  nearly  seven 
years,  have  so  altered  the  features  of  the  country,  that  it  is  only  in 
the  untouched  regions  of  the  north  (on  which  the  woodman's  axe  is 
nevertheless  encroaching,  season  after  season,  with  lamentable 
rapidity)  that  we  can  catch  even  a  glimpse  of  its  pristine  condition. 
The  dense  forests  which  then  everywhere  abounded  must  have 
caused  an  amount  of  moisture  and  exhalation  of  which  even  the 
northern  districts  as  they  now  are  (though  saturated,  even  yet,  with 
dampness ;  and  at  a  certain  elevation  almost  constantly  enveloped 
with  clouds)  can  give  us  hut  a  faint  idea.  So  tremendous  indeed 
must  have  been  the  aqueous  accumulations  which  then  hung 
around  the  island,  that  even  the  splendour  of  a  southern  sun  cannot 
have  penetrated  the  atmosphere  as  it  does  at  present ;  and,  hence, 
the  historical  fact  that  Madeira  proper  (although  separated  by  a 
channel  of  only  thirty  miles  in  breadth,  and  now  usually  visible  in 
bold  relief  against  the  sky,  during  a  portion,  at  least,  of  every  day, 
from  a  far  greater  distance)  was  not  discovered  for  an  entire  year 
after  the  colonization  of  Porto  Santo,  on  account  of  the  thickness  of 
the  canopy  which  shrouded  it  from  view,  is  at  once  rendered  in- 
telligible. It  is  narrated,  that,  in  the  year  1419,  Prince  Henry  of 
Portugal  organized  an  expedition  to  attempt  the  doubling  of  Cape 
Bojador ;  but  the  commanders,  having  lost  their  reckoning,  were 
driven  ashore  on  an  island, — which  they  named  Porto  Santo,  in 
commemoration  of  their  escape  from  the  perils  of  the  sea.  "  On 
their  return,"  says  Mr.  Harcourt,  "  Prince  Henry  sent  out  Zargo, 
Vaz,  and  Pestrello,  to  plant  a  new  colony  in  the  island.  It  was  not 
long  before  a  dark  spot  was  observed  on  the  western  horizon  of 
Porto  Santo.  This  was  regarded  by  some  with  superstitious  awe ; 
but  Zargo  concluded  it  to  be  %louds  attracted  by  high  land ;  and 


racteristic  features  of  Madeira  so  vividly,  as  to  be,  lite- 
rally, as  suggestive  of  that  island  as  it  doubtless  is  of 
Tierra  del  Fuego.  "  Finding  it  nearly  hopeless/'  says 
Darwin,  "  to  push  my  way  through  the  wood,  I  followed 
the  course  of  a  mountain-torrent.  At  first,  from  the 
waterfalls  and  number  of  dead  trees,  I  could  hardly 
crawl  along;  but  the  bed  of  the  stream  soon  became  a 
little  more  open,  from  the  floods  having  swept  the  sides. 
I  continued  slowly  to  advance  for  an  hour  along  the 
broken  and  rocky  banks,  and  was  amply  repaid  by  the 
grandeur  of  the  scene.  The  gloomy  depth  of  the  ravine 
well  accorded  with  the  universal  signs  of  violence.  On 
every  side  were  lying  irregular  masses  of  rock  and  torn- 
up  trees;  other  trees,  though  still  erect,  were  decayed 
to  the  heart  and  ready  to  fall.  The  entangled  mass  of 
the  thriving  and  the  fallen  reminded  me  of  the  forests 
within  the  tropics ;  yet  there  was  a  difference, — for  in 
these  still  solitudes,  Death,  instead  of  Life,  seemed  the 
predominant  spirit*." 

As  regards  the  paucity  of  species  in  Tierra  del  Fuego, 
there  are  many  instances  on  record  of  other  countries, 
and  in  various  latitudes,  in  which  the  same  anomaly 
(though  perhaps  in  a  less  degree)  prevails.  I  have  my- 
self observed,  in  Madeira,  large  forest  tracts,  at  a  con- 
shaping  his  course  in  that  direction,  in  spite  of  the  endeavours  of  his 
crew  (by  menaces  and  supplications)  to  prevent  him,  he  discovered, 
in  the  year  1420,  the  island  to  which,  from  the  trees  that  covered  it, 
he  gave  the  name  of  Madeira." — A  Sketch  of  Madeira,  London, 
1851,  p.  16. 

*  Journal  of  Researches,  pp.  209,  210. 


siderable  elevation  above  the  sea,  and  which  are  so 
densely  clothed  with  wood  as  to  be  scarcely  penetrable, 
almost  destitute  of  insect  life.  Around  such  altitudes 
however  the  clouds  perpetually  cling,  and  the  rain  is 
well  nigh  incessant;  and  it  would  seem  as  if  the  very 
dampness  which  causes  the  vegetation  (especially  the 
ferns)  to  nourish  in  such  rank  luxuriance,  and  the  timber 
to  rot  with  such  rapidity  that  the  gigantic  trunks  are 
washed,  reeking  with  moisture,  down  the  mountain- 
slopes,  was  too  extreme  for  animal  existence. 

Now,  it  will  be  remembered  that  the  Madeiran  group 
is  situated  at  a  corresponding  distance  from  the  Equator 
as  Morocco,  Algeria,  the  lower  limits  of  Syria,  Texas, 
and  Upper  Florida  are, — all  of  which  literally  teem  with 
life;  and  that  Tierra  del  Fuego  lies  between  the  same 
parallels  of  south  latitude  as  Durham  and  Central  Russia 
do  in  the  northern  hemisphere.  From  which  it  is 
evident,  that  the  equal  removal  of  countries  from  the 
earth's  greatest  heat  does  not  necessarily  imply  an 
equal  exuberance  in  their  Faunas, — seeing  that  in  both 
the  regions  just  appealed  to,  we  not  only  perceive  a  vast 
difference  in  the  numbers  of  the  insects  which  they  re- 
spectively contain,  from  those  in  other  districts  which 
have  a  similar  divergence  from  the  tropics ;  but  we  are 
even  able  to  recognize  a  certain  resemblance  of  physical 
conditions  (and,  therefore,  of  the  creatures  which  have 
been  either  adapted  to,  or  modified  by,  them)  in  lands 
so  far  asunder,  not  merely  with  respect  to  latitude,  but 
longitude  also,  as  Madeira  and  Tierra  del  Fuego. 


Other  instances  might  be  cited,  in  support  of  the  im- 
mediate principle  for  which  we  are  now  contending, — 
namely,  that  many  areas  have  (from  local  circumstances) 
a  natural  superiority  over  others  for  the  increase  of  the 
animal  tribes,  even  apart  from  the  direct  action  of  heat 
and  cold : — but  space  will  only  permit  me  to  glance  at  a 
very  few  of  them.    We  may  detect  evidences  of  this  fact, 
in  Ireland;    which,  in  spite  of  the  narrowness  of  the 
straits  which  separate  it  from  our  own  country,  and  of 
its  independent  commerce  with  all  parts  of  the  civilized 
world,  has  an  insect  fauna  curiously  limited.     From 
what  cause  this  may  arise, — whether  from  some  obscure 
physical  influences  peculiar  to  the  soil,  or  (as  Professor 
E.  Forbes  has  suggested)  from  the  sudden  impediment 
which  the  establishment  of  St.  George's  Channel  pre- 
sented to  the  westward  progress  of  the  various  species 
from  the  Germanic  plains, — it  is  difficult  to  speculate : 
yet  the  fact  of  its  poverty  remains,  and  we  must  explain 
it  as  best  we  are  able.     There  can  be  no  question,  that, 
from  more  frequent  communication  with  England,  its 
entomological  fauna  has  of  late  years  been  considerably 
increased;  and  it  is  equally  easy  to  detect,  through  an 
examination  of  its  less  inhabited  provinces,  that  at  a 
period   geologically  recent  its  insect  population  must 
have  been  singularly  scanty.     I  know  of  few  regions 
(not  even  excepting  the  uplands  of  Madeira)  which  are 
more  deficient  in  insect  life  than  the   mountains  of 
Kerry.     Although  abounding,  throughout  extensive  di- 
stricts, with  wood  and  water,  and  presenting  every  appa- 


rent  requisite  for  its  fall  development;  the  naturalist 
will  often  be  disappointed  by  finding  that  a  hard  day's 
work  has  not  ensured  him  the  same  amount  of  success 
as  he  would  have  reaped  in  less  than  half  an  hour  in 
many  an  English  meadow.  Do  we  ask,  why  this  is  so  ? 
— it  is  impossible  to  reply,  except  on  the  supposition 
that  there  are  real  physical  agents,  independently  of 
heat  and  cold,  which  are  unfavourable  in  Ireland  to  the 
existence  of  these  lower  creatures.  We  may  perhaps  be 
told,  by  the  advocates  of  Professor  Forbes' s  theory,  that 
it  is  the  result  of  isolation, — the  quondam  land  of  pas- 
sage having  been  broken  up  before  the  proper  comple- 
ment of  species  had  reached  this  large  portion  of  their 
western  destination.  But  even  this,  although  I  believe 
it  to  contain  much  presumptive  truth,  will  not  alto- 
gether suffice  to  account  for  the  phenomena  which  we 
see ;  for  Ireland  is  not  only  remarkable  for  the  paucity 
of  its  species,  but  also  for  the  paucity  of  its  individuals, — 
and  the  latter  fact  cannot  be  explained  by  any  stretch  of 
the  migration-hypothesis.  We  are  compelled  therefore 
to  conclude,  that  Ireland,  like  the  other  countries  to 
which  we  have  already  alluded,  presents  conditions 
(altogether  irrespective  of  latitude]  which  must  be  re- 
garded as  adverse  to  the  general  prosperity  of  the  insect 

And  so  it  is  with  localities  (no  less  than  with  larger 
countries), — many  of  which  are  eminently  unproductive, 
when  compared  with  others  situated  at  but  a  short 
distance  from  them.  Thus,  the  south-western  corner  of 


England  is  by  far  the  most  unprofitable  portion  of  our 
island,  unless  indeed  I  am  much  mistaken,  for  insect 
ascendency.  I  have  made  some  remarks  on  this  subject 
in  the  '  Zoologist/ — from  which  I  extract  the  following : 
"  Unlike  the  easy  collecting  to  which  we  are  accustomed 
in  the  more  favoured  East,  miles  of  unprofitable  country 
have  often  to  be  gone  over,  be  it  swampy  moorland  or 
iron-bound  coast,  where  scarcely  an  insect  is  to  be  seen ; 
or,  at  any  rate,  where  the  few  which  exist  are  so  ordi- 
nary, and  so  sparingly  dispersed,  as  to  be  scarcely  worth 
the  labour  of  obtaining  them, — more  especially  since  the 
identical  species  are  many  of  them  to  be  met  with  in 
the  utmost  profusion  in  more  central,  or  eastern  districts. 
Whether  it  be  the  moisture  of  the  climate,  or  the  vio- 
lence of  the  south-west  winds,  which  (continually  sweep- 
ing, as  they  do,  over  the  high  central  mass  of  Devon- 
shire and  the  bleak,  barren  downs  of  Cornwall)  present 
as  great  an  obstacle  to  the  development  of  animal,  as 
they  clearly  do  of  vegetable  life,  I  will  not  venture  to 
suggest ;  yet  certain  it  is,  from  observation,  that  insects 
not  only  become  fewer  in  number  in  proportion  as  they 
are  exposed  to  these  external  agencies  of  wind  and  water ; 
but  likewise,  in  many  instances,  diminish  so  consider- 
ably in  stature  as  to  be  scarcely  reconcileable  with  their 
normal  types *." 

There  can  be  no  doubt  that  islands  are,  for  the  most 
part,  more  unproductive  (even  in  proportion)  than  con- 
tinents ;  and  that,  the  smaller  the  area,  the  less  favour  - 
*  Zoologist,  x.  3616. 


able  will  it  be  for  the  development  of  insect  life.  Mr. 
Darwin  has  noticed  this  fact  in  the  Galapagos  (which  he 
remarks  are  only  equalled  by  Tierra  del  Fuego,  in  bar- 
renness), on  Keeling  Island  (in  the  Indian  Ocean),  where 
he  succeeded  in  detecting  but  thirteen  species,  in  St. 
Helena,  and  at  Ascension;  and  I  have  added  fresh 
evidence  to  the  same  in  the  various  portions  of  the  Ma- 
deiran  Group*.  It  is  however  to  geological  causes  that 
we  must  mainly  look  for  the  explanation  of  this  phaeno- 
menon ;  and,  therefore,  since  I  propose  to  examine  that 
branch  of  our  subject  in  a  future  chapter  of  this  treatise, 
we  will  not  discuss  it  now.  It  will  also  be  better  per- 
haps to  defer  for  the  present  the  general  question  of 
self-diffusion,  which,  at  the  opening  of  this  section,  we 
proposed  to  consider,  along  with  that  of  insect  product- 
iveness (as  dependent  on  other  local  influences,  besides 
climatal  ones), — it  being  scarcely  possible  to  render  the 
problem  of  dispersion  in  any  degree  intelligible  without 
calling  in  geology  to  our  aid. 

*  Considering  that  I  have  already  detected  more  than  one  thou- 
sand species  in  those  islands,  it  may  perhaps  be  questioned  whether 
the  same  truth  is  to  be  gathered  from  the  result  of  my  Madeiran 
researches.  I  would  wish  it  therefore  to  be  understood,  first,  that 
my  statement  refers  to  that  group  as  contrasted  with  countries  in  a 
similar  latitude ;  and,  secondly,  that  its  real  fauna  is  alone  taken 
into  account, — the  host  of  introductions  from  more  northern  regions, 
a  large  proportion  of  which  have  probably  taken  place  within  a  very 
recent  period  (as  may  be  fairly  presumed  from  the  knowledge  that 
fresh  arrivals,  an  almost  necessary  consequence  of  the  importation 
of  plants,  are  occurring  nearly  every  season),  having  been  dismissed 
from  our  present  inquiry. 


Having  then  disposed  of  this  preliminary  appendage  to 
our  inquiry,  by  expressing  our  belief  (which  I  am  satisfied 
that  observation  will  tend  more  and  more  to  corroborate) 
that  certain  countries  and  spots  are  by  constitution  more 
favourable  than  others  for  the  increase  (apart  from  the  after 
dissemination)  of  the  insect  tribes, — and  that  too  through 
local  influences  amongst  which  mere  heat  and  cold  are 
but  secondary  in  importance ;  let  us  proceed  to  consider, 
how  far  the  nature  of  the  several  districts  may  assist  us 
in  accounting  for  some  of  those  numerous  aberrations 
from  the  typical  state  which  various  insects  are  accus- 
tomed to  display,  and  on  which  it  has  too  often  hap- 
pened that  "  species "  (so  called)  have  been  attempted 
to  be  established.  I  may  premise  however,  that,  whilst 
(as  already  urged)  I  would  regard  climate  per  se  as  sub- 
sidiary to  many  other  agents,  I  would  not  wish  to 
ignore  its  action  altogether  even  under  the  present  sec- 
tion, since  in  combination  with  peculiar  circumstances 
and  conditions  it  may  have  (and  probably  has)  consider- 
able controlling  power :  nevertheless  I  would  desire  it  to 
be  looked  upon  here  as,  at  any  rate,  an  inferior  element, 
and  as  working  in  conjunction  with  physical  influences 
of  greater  significance  than  itself.  If  therefore  under  the 
preceding  heads  it  has  been  treated  (so  far  at  least  as  the 
exceptions  would  permit)  as  a  great  geographical  principle, 
possessing  a  certain  modifying  quality  on  a  large  scale, 
let  us  now  merely  recognize  it  to  the  extent  in  which  we 
are  actually  compelled  to  do,  when  dealing  with  areas  of 
smaller  magnitude, — namely  as  a  topographical  one. 


From  amongst  the  many  results  which  I  have  been 
long  accustomed  to  associate  (whether  rightly  so,  or  not, 
I  leave  it  for  others  to  decide)  with  certain  special  situa- 
tions, I  would  draw  attention  to  the  singular  incon- 
stancy which  numerous  insects  are  liable  to  when  ex- 
isting on  the  coast, — and  which  frequently  causes  them 
to  assume  an  aspect  so  permanently  different  from  their 
inland  types,  that,  without  local  knowledge  to  guide  us, 
they  might  be  supposed  at  first  sight  to  be  specifically 
distinct.  Ten  years  ago  I  offered  a  few  comments  on 
this  fact  in  the  pages  of  the  ' Zoologist';  which,  as  I 
have  seen  no  reason  subsequently  to  modify  them,  I  will 
transcribe  at  length : — 

' '  The  extraordinary  changes  which  many  insects  are 
subject  to  when  occurring  near  the  sea,  is  a  fact  worthy 
of  notice,  and  one  which  I  do  not  remember  to  have 
seen  recorded.  The  strictly  maritime  species  must  be 
left  out  of  the  question ;  for  although  many  of  them  are 
exceedingly  variable  both  in  size  and  colour,  still  we 
have  no  means  of  ascertaining  whether  that  variation  is 
referable  to  the  locality  in  which  they  are  placed, — for, 
never  being  found  inland,  nobody  can  have  an  opportu- 
nity of  asserting  that  the  same  changes  would  not  take 
place,  were  they  to  occur  in  positions  far  removed  from 
the  influence  of  the  sea.  When  we  find,  however,  the 
same  insects  in  profusion  both  inland  and  on  the  coast, 
and  observe  also  numerous  and  marked  deviations  from 
the  typical  forms  peculiar  to  the  latter  situation  •  then, 
a  priori,  we  have  strong  presumptive  evidence  that  the 

D  5 


changes  in  question  are  the  result  of  local  circumstances, 
and  not  referable  to  chance.  The  alteration  in  size  I 
have  almost  always  observed  to  be  from  large  to  small, 
and  scarcely  ever  the  reverse;  whereas  in  colour  the 
change  takes  place  very  nearly  as  much  from  light  to 
dark  as  it  does  from  dark  to  light :  nevertheless  the 
majority  of  instances  I  possess  come  under  the  latter 
department.  It  has  been  remarked  that  all  the  speci- 
mens of  Mesites  Tardii,  which  I  captured  in  Devonshire, 
were  much  smaller  than  the  original  series  taken  by 
Mr.  Tardy  at  Powerscourt  Waterfall,  in  the  county  of 
Wicklow ;  and  so  decided  was  the  difference,  that  many 
of  my  friends,  at  first  sight,  concluded  the  two  to  be 
distinct  species.  This,  however,  I  consider  entirely 
owing  to  their  locality,  for  my  specimens  were  found 
only  on  the  coast,  and  Mr.  Tardy's  at  a  considerable 
distance  inland.  And,  inasmuch  as  neither  of  these 
instances  rested  on  mere  individual  examples,  but  on 
long  and  conspicuous  series,  the  certainty  of  the  change 
from  large  to  small  was  the  more  apparent.  Mr.  Holme 
of  Oxford  mentions  having  taken  Olisthopus  rotundatus 
in  the  Scilly  Islands,  in  great  profusion,  none  of  the 
specimens  of  which  exceeded  two  lines  and  a  half  in 
length.  At  Whitsand  Bay  in  Cornwall  I  have  captured 
Gymnaetron  Campanula,  none  of  which  exceeded  three- 
quarters  of  a  line, — the  usual  length  being  from  a  line 
to  a  line  and  three-quarters.  Anthonomus  ater,  the 
average  length  of  which  is  two  lines,  I  have  taken  a 
series  of  in  Lundy  Island,  none  of  which  exceeded  one. 


In  the  same  locality,  also,  the  common  Ceutorhynchus 
contractus  scarcely  ever  reaches  its  natural  size ;  and  is, 
moreover,  so  variable  in  colour,  that  I  was  long  before  I 
could  persuade  myself  that  the  species  was  not  distinct. 
Instead  of  the  bluish-black  elytra  which  I  had  always 
considered  invariable,  they  all  possess  a  yellowish  or 
brassy  tinge ;  and  the  legs,  instead  of  being  black,  are  in 
most  instances  entirely  of  a  light  yellow, — and  in  all, 
more  or  less  inclined  to  that  colour.  I  have  received 
from  Mr.  Hardy,  of  Gateshead,  specimens  of  Haltica 
rufipes*,  captured  by  him  on  the  coast,  in  which  the 
entire  insect  is  of  a  uniform  brownish-red  hue.  Of  the 
rare  Mantura  Chrysanthemi  I  have  taken  beautiful 
varieties  at  Mount  Edgcumbe  and  in  Lundy  Island, — 
many  of  which  inclined  to  a  rich  metallic-yellow,  instead 
of  the  brassy-brown  of  the  ordinary  specimens :  also,  in 
the  latter  locality,  particularly  dark  specimens  of  Tek- 
phorus  testaceus.  In  like  manner,  I  might  enumerate 
other  species  equally  remarkable ;  but  I  trust  that  those 

*  I  perceive,  on  reference  to  the  original  examples,  still  in  my 
collection,  that  this  was  wrongly  quoted  as  the  Haltica  rufipes.  It 
is  the  H.  exoleta,  Fabr.,  and  it  is  thus  entered  in  Messrs.  Hardy  and 
Bold's  *  Catalogue  of  the  Insects  of  Northumberland  and  Durham ; ' 
where  they  make  the  observation,  "  variable  in  colour ;  specimens 
from  the  sea-coast  are  frequently  of  a  dark  mahogany  tint."  I  have 
myself  indeed,  since  I  communicated  the  above  remarks  to  the 
*  Zoologist/  taken  its  precise  counterpart,  in  abundance,  along  the 
Yorkshire  coast, — from  Bridlington  to  the  extremity  of  Flamborough 
Head ;  so  that  it  may  perhaps  be  regarded  as  a  topographical  state 
which  is  more  especially  peculiar  to  the  eastern  shores  of  England, 
north  of  the  Humber. 


already  mentioned  are  sufficient  to  verify  my  observa- 
tions, of  the  extreme  liability  to  change  which,  more  or 
less,  most  insects  possess  when  placed  within  the  imme- 
diate influence  of  the  sea.  How  to  account  for  it,  I 
know  not.  I  mention  it  as  a  mere  fact,  and  leave  it  for 
others  to  assign  a  reason  for  its  existence*"." 

Apparently  dependent,  in  a  large  measure,  on  the 
same  circumstance  (namely  proximity  to  the  coast),  the 
Bembidium  saxatile,  Gyll.,  so  common  at  the  edges  of 
the  mountain  streams  in  the  north  of  England,  in  Scot- 
land, and  throughout  a  portion  of  Ireland,  presents  itself 
along  our  southern  shores  in  the  form  of  a  permanent 
variety ;  being,  as  the  Rev.  J.  F.  Dawson  remarks,  "more 
depressed,  never  narrower  in  front  (the  sides  therefore 
more  parallel),  whilst  the  colour  is  always  much  paler 
and  the  spots  larger, — that  before  the  apex  being  round 
and  very  conspicuous,  and  the  anterior  one  occasionally 
expanding  over  the  surface  very  considerably f."  I  have 
taken  it  in  profusion  on  the  coasts  of  the  Isle  of  Wight, 
Dorsetshire,  and  Devon.  And  so  with  the  Cistela  sul- 
phurea,  Linn.,  which  in  certain  maritime  localities  (as  I 
have  particularly  noticed  on  the  sand-hills  at  Deal)  is 
liable  to  become  so  dark  in  colouring,  that,  without  the 
intermediate  shades  to  judge  from  (which  however  may 
usually  be  obtained  in  situ),  it  might  stand  a  fair  chance, 
occasionally,  of  being  mistaken  for  a  separate  species. 
A  Psylliodes  in  Lundy  Island,  allied  to  (if  not  identical 

*  Zoologist,  iv.  pp.  1283,  1284. 

t  Geodephaga  Britannica  (London,  1854),  p.  186. 


with)  the  chrysocephala,  Linn.,  found  in  abundance  on 
a  Brassica  along  the  ascent  from  the  eastern  landing- 
place,  varies  "in  every  consecutive  shade  between  the 
limits  of  light  yellow  and  dark  metallic-green'*/'  the 
former  of  which  states  (the  normal  one  on  that  rock) 
might  have  been  fairly  set  down  as  specifically  distinct 
from  the  latter,  did  not  observation  on  the  spot  decide 
the  question  for  us  without  doubt. 

Another  curious  example  of  the  effect  of  local  in- 
fluences (amongst  which  proximity  to  the  shore  plays, 
in  all  probability,  an  important  part)  on  the  external 
aspect  of  insects  exists  in  the  Aphodius  plagiatus,  Linn., 
— which  in  this  country  is  generally  deep  black.  "  It  is 
a  circumstance  worth  noticing,"  I  remarked  in  the 
' Zoologist/  in  1846,  "that  the  form  which  is  looked 
upon  by  the  continental  naturalists  as  the  variety,  is  in 
England  evidently  the  typical  one, — for  out  of  about 
sixty  specimens  which  I  captured  [at  Tenby  in  South 
Wales],  only  two  possess  the  conspicuous  red  dashes  on 
the  elytra  which  are  considered  abroad  as  the  almost 
invariable  accompaniment."  I  have  observed  the  same 
peculiarity  in  the  flat  and  damp  spots  between  the  sand- 
hills at  Deal,  where  I  have  never  detected  a  single  in- 
dividual which  is  not  perfectly  dark ;  and  I  believe  that 
the  greater  number  of  the  specimens  which  were  ori- 
ginally taken  at  Wisbeach,  in  Cambridgeshire,  offered  the 
same  geographical  characteristics;  whilst  those  which 
were  found  near  the  more  inland  towns  of  Peterborough 
*  Zoologist,  iii.  p.  900. 


and  Norwich  present  a  larger  proportion  of  the  ordinary 
European  state.  The  blood-red  dashes,  however,  with 
which  the  elytra  of  numerous  insects  are  adorned,  I  have 
constantly  remarked  possess  a  singular  tendency  to  be- 
come evanescent.  It  is  indeed  almost  diagnostic  of  the 
genus  Gymnaetron,  either  that  its  representatives  should 
be  thus  ornamented  typically,  or  else  that  those  which 
are  normally  black  should,  when  they  vary,  keep  in  view, 
as  it  were,  this  principle  for  their  wanderers  to  subscribe 
to.  Thus,  I  have  no  doubt  that  the  G.  Veronica,  Germ., 
is  but  a  variety  of  the  G.  niger, — an  opinion  which  T 
expressed  in  the  '  Zoologist '  nine  years  ago.  Whilst 
commenting  on  the  Coleoptera  of  Dorsetshire,  I  then 
stated,  that  ' '  for  my  own  part  I  must  confess  I  should 
have  doubted  the  G.  Veronica  being  really  distinct  from 
the  G.  niger,  for  red  dashes  on  the  elytra  seem  naturally 
peculiar,  more  or  less,  to  the  whole  genus ;  and  I  should 
therefore  have  suspected  that,  had  occasional  aberrations 
from  a  black  type  existed  (which  is  not  unlikely),  those 
aberrations  would  probably  assume  a  form  which  is  so 
common  in  the  other  species  of  the  generic  group *." 

The  Bembidium  bistriatum,  Dufts.,  is  usually  much 
paler  when  found  in  saline  districts  (under  which  circum- 
stances it  was  described  as  a  distinct  species  by  Mr. 
Stephens)  than  when  occurring  in  more  inland  positions. 
The  Blemus  areolatus,  Creutz.,  I  have  frequently  re- 
marked is  similarly  affected  in  brackish  places :  and  I 
think  it  far  from  improbable  that  the  Stenolophus  Skrim- 
*  Zoologist,  v.  p.  1941. 


shiranus,  Steph.,  is  but  a  local  modification  (though  not 
altogether,  perhaps,  through  marine  influences)  of  the 
S.  Teutonus,  Schr.  The  Dromius  fasciatus,  Gyll.,  not 
being  exclusively  littoral,  may  be  quoted  as  another  case 
in  point, — the  specimens  which  are  collected  near  the 
coast  being  for  the  most  part  singularly  pale.  In 
speaking  of  the  Anthicus  bimaculatus,  Illig.,  M.  de  la 
Ferte  observes  :  "  II  y  a  seulement  lieu  de  remarquer  que 
les  individus  du  bord  de  Pocean  sont  generalement  plus 
pales  que  ceux  des  contrees  orientales  de  PEurope,  et  que 
ceux  des  cotes  de  France  et  de  Belgique  sont  entierement 
depourvus  de  tache  discoidale*."  And  bearing,  in  much 
the  same  manner,  on  the  subject  of  variations,  the  Anthi- 
cus humilis,  Germ.,  "  est  une  des  especes  le  plus  generale- 
ment repandues  en  Europe ;  mais  il  lui  faut  le  voisinage 
de  Peau  salee.  Aussi  on  le  rencontre  non-seulement  sur 
les  rivages  de  toutes  les  mers,  meme  de  la  Baltique,  mais 
encore  aux  bords  des  lacs  sales,  tels  que  celui  de  Manns- 
feld,  en  Saxe.  Ceux  de  cette  derniere  localite  sont  gene- 
ralement noirs ;  ceux  que  j'ai  pris  a  Perpignan  sont  d'un 
rouge  tres-clair,  ce  qui  me  porte  a  croire  que  cette  espece 
est  dans  le  meme  cas  que  quelques  autres  Anthicus,  dont 
les  varietes  les  plus  foncees  appartiennent  au  nord  de 
PEurope,  et  les  plus  pales  au  midif." 

Whilst  touching  on  this  immediate  question  of  varia- 
bility as  dependent  to  a  great  extent,  in  numerous  cases, 
on  proximity  to  the  sea,we  may  just  notice  the  marked  ten- 

*  Monographic  des  Anthicus  (Paris,  1848),  p.  149. 
t  Id.  pp.  127,  128. 


dency  which  even  the  insects  peculiar  to  saline  spots  would 
seem  in  a  large  measure  to  possess,  of  converging,  more  or 
less  obviously,  to  a  lurid-testaceous,  or  pale  brassy  hue, 
in  their  colouring.  True  it  is  that  we  cannot  (as  above 
suggested)  deduce  any  evidence  of  direct  physical  modi- 
fications from  amongst  species  which  are  strictly  mari- 
time,— seeing  that  we  have  no  means  of  judging  in  such 
instances  whether  similar  phenomena  would  or  would 
not  be  produced  in  central  districts  also :  nevertheless 
we  may  perhaps  detect  in  this  general  law  some  slight 
indication  of  the  effects  which  an  atmosphere  and  soil 
constantly  impregnated  with  salt  would  be  likely  to 
bring  about  in  the  external  aspect  of  those  members  of 
the  insect  tribes  whose  range  is  sufficiently  extensive  to 
expose  them  to  its  operation.  The  bare  mention  of 
such  names  as  Nebria  complanata  and  livida,  Calathus 
mollis,  Pogonus  luridipennis,  Trechus  lapidosus,  Aepus 
marinus  and  Robinii,  Cillenum  laterale,  Bembidium  scu- 
tellare,  ephippium  and  pallidipenne,  Ochthebius  marinus, 
Psylliodes  marcida,  Phaleria  cadaverina,  Helops  testa- 
ceus,  and  Anthicus  instabilis,  so  eminently  characteristic 
as  they  are  of  briny  situations,  will  at  once  appeal  to 
our  native  entomologists ;  whilst  the  acknowledgement 
of  the  same  principle  is  no  less  conspicuous  in  a  host 
of  other  species  which  are  not  included  in  the  British 

Hence,  when  we  see  the  tendencies  of  coloration  (not 
to  mention  other  particulars,  often  readily  apparent) 
essentially  the  same,  both  in  insects  which  are  peculiar 


to,  and  in  those  which  have  overspread  (from  without) 
certain  regions  or  localities,  it  is  impossible  not  to  asso- 
ciate some  inherent  controlling  power  with  the  regions 
themselves ;  and  we  are  driven  to  the  conclusion,  that 
either  well-defined  races  have  been  gradually  shaped  out, 
by  means  of  the  physical  influences  to  which  they  have 
been  exposed,  or  else  that  the  species  themselves  (as 
witnessed  by  the  intermediate  geographical  links,  which, 
although  sometimes  rare,  are  in  all  instances  to  be  found) 
do  assuredly  merge  into  each  other. 

In  addition  to  those  which  we  have  been  just  discuss- 
ing, there  are  other  influences  (equally  independent  of 
mere  heat  and  cold)  by  which  insect  modifications  may 
be  brought  about, — modifications  moreover  of  that  pre- 
cise character  which  must  be  referred,  in  general  terms, 
to  the  nature  of  the  country  and  of  the  soil  in  which 
they  severally  obtain  :  a  very  few  examples,  however,  in 
illustration  of  their  action,  must  suffice  for  our  present 
purpose.  The  Tarus  lineatus,  Schb'iih.,  is  slightly  shorter 
in  Madeira,  as  also  somewhat  darker  on  its  head  and 
prothoracic  disk  (and  with  its  elytral  strise  less  deeply 
impressed),  than  it  is  in  Algeria  and  Spain.  The 
Madeiran  specimens  of  the  Aphodius  nitidulus,  Fabr., 
are  usually  a  little  paler,  and  more  distinctly  punctu- 
lated,  than  their  northern  analogues;  as  are  also,  in 
the  latter  respect,  those  of  the  Clypeaster  pusillus,  Gyll. 
The  Scydmcenus  Helferi,  Schaum,  is  permanently  smaller 
in  the  Madeiran  group  than  it  is  in  Sicily;  and  I 
believe  that  the  Achenium  Hartungii,  Heer,  of  those 


islands,  is  but  a  local  state  of  the  A.  depressum,  Grav., 
of  Central  Europe.  The  Bembidium  tabellatum  and 
Schmidtii,  Woll.,  may  be  in  reality  but  geographical 
modifications  of  the  B.  tibiale  and  callosum  of  higher 
latitudes;  and  the  Malthodes  Kiesenwetteri,  Woll.,  of 
the  common  European M.  brevicollis.  Calcareous  deposits 
would  appear,  ever  and  anon,  to  have  considerable  effi- 
cacy in  regulating  the  outward  aspect  of  such  species  as 
are  able  to  adapt  themselves  to  different  geological 
districts ;  and  when  in  juxtaposition  with  the  shore, 
their  effects  are  often  very  conspicuous.  The  Dromius 
arenicola,  Woll.,  is  the  Portosantan  representative  of 
the  D.  obscuroguttatus,  Dufts. ;  and  distinct  as  it  is  in 
colouring  from  that  insect  (as  evinced  both  in  Madeira 
proper  and  throughout  Europe),  I  believe  it  to  be  in 
reality  but  a  local  condition  of  it,  occasioned  by  a  resi- 
dence through  a  long  series  of  ages  on  a  calcareous  soil. 
For  the  same  reason  perhaps  (though  assisted,  in  all 
probability,  by  the  qualifying  power  of  isolation),  the 
Hadrus  illotus,  Woll.,  may  be  specifically  identical  with 
the  Madeiran  H.  cinerascens.  In  like  manner,  the  Bem- 
bidium Atlanticum,  Woll.,  which  in  Madeira  proper  is 
frequently  so  dark  that  its  elytral  patches  are  sub- 
obsolete,  and  which  is  but  seldom  brightly  arrayed  in 
that  island,  assumes  in  Porto  Santo  (which  is  not  only 
more  calcareous  than  the  central  mass ;  but  is  strongly 
impregnated,  as  its  streams  and  rills  everywhere  testify, 
with  muriate  of  soda)  a  permanently  paler  hue, — being 
at  times  almost  testaceous.  Some  districts  seem  to  be 


more  prolific  in  varieties,  generally,  than  others.  The 
neighbourhood  of  Ipswich,  in  our  own  country,  has 
been  cited  by  Mr.  Curtis*  as  possessing  this  peculiarity ; 
and  I  have  remarked  a  similar  tendency  in  certain  parts 
of  Ireland.  The  common  Haliplus  obliquus,  indeed,  of 
the  Blackwater  river,  in  the  county  of  Cork,  is  usually 
so  dark  and  suffused  in  colouring,  that  it  might  be 
almost  taken  for  a  distinct  species, — its  fasciae,  especially 
the  hinder  ones,  being  occasionally  evanescent. 

One  more  example  must  satisfy  us  under  this  section, 
— namely,  the  Harpalus  vividus,  Dej.,  of  the  Madeiran 
group.  So  curiously  is  that  insect  affected  by  the 
nature  of  the  areas  through  which  it  successively  as- 
cends, and  that  too  irrespectively  of  heat  and  cold  (as 
may  be  gathered  from  the  fact  that  its  phases  on  the 
shore  and  upland  heights  are  well  nigh  coincident),  that 
it  may  be  appropriately  singled  out  as  a  concluding  in- 
stance of  the  effects  of  those  obscure  local  influences  to 
which  we  have  been  drawing  attention.  "  Ranging 
from  the  beach  to  the  extreme  summits  of  the  loftiest 
mountains,  accommodating  itself  at  one  time  to  a  low 
barren  rock  of  20  yards  circumference,  at  another  to  the 
deep-wooded  ravines  of  intermediate  altitudes,  around 
which  the  clouds  perpetually  cling,  and  where  vegeta- 
tion and  decay  are  ever  rampant,  or  harbouring  beneath 
the  rough  basaltic  blocks  of  the  weather-beaten  peaks 
(6000  feet  above  the  sea) ;  we  should  naturally  expect, 

*  Proceedings  of  the  Entomological  Society  of  London  (Part  3. 

New  Series),  p.  4. 


a  priori,  to  discover  some  slight  modifications  of  out- 
ward structure,  according  as  the  respective  localities 
differed  in  condition.  And  such  we  find  to  be  every- 
where the  case.  I  am  satisfied,  moreover,  that  it  is 
only  by  a  careful  observation  on  the  spot  that  an  insect 
like  the  present  one  can  be  properly  understood ;  for,  to 
anybody  acquainted  with  it  practically  in  all  its  phases, 
it  is  but  too  evident  how  many  (  species '  (so  called) 
might  be  established  on  undoubted  varieties,  where 
there  exists  a  desire  for  creating  them,  and  where  our 
sole  knowledge  is  gathered  from  a  few  stray  specimens 
collected  by  another  person,  and  unaccompanied  by  local 
information  to  render  the  aberrations  intelligible.  For 
it  must  be  tracked  from  the  shore  to  an  elevation  of 
more  than  6000  feet  before  we  are  enabled  to  discern 
the  causes  by  which  its  development  is  controlled,  or 
even  to  connect  by  slow  and  easy  gradations  its  opposite 
extremes  of  form.  And  it  is  an  interesting  fact,  that 
the  distance  between  its  variations  does  not  increase  in 
proportion  to  the  distance  between  its  altitudes.  On 
the  contrary,  it  would  seem  to  pass  through  its  minimum 
of  size  and  maximum  of  sculpture  at  about  the  elevation 
of  from  3000  to  4000  feet ;  both  above  and  below  which, 
— that  is  to  say,  as  it  recedes  from  the  upper  and  lower 
limits  of  the  sylvan  districts, — it  becomes  gradually 
modified,  and  almost  in  a  similar  manner.  Thus,  to  a 
person  who  had  visited  Madeira  and  had  picked  up 
specimens  on  the  coast,  and  to  another  who  had  per- 
chance penetrated  into  the  interior,  as  passing  visitors 


from  the  vessels  are  accustomed  to  do,  and  had  brought 
away  examples  from  the  wooded  mountain-slopes,  the 
two  insects  would  appear  altogether  distinct.    For,  com- 
mencing on  the  level  of  the  beach,  the  usual  type  is 
broad,   flat,   more   or  less  opake,  with  the  prothorax 
almost  impunctate,  and  the  elytra   soldered  together. 
As  we  ascend  higher,  the  breadth  invariably  diminishes, 
the  brightness,  and  depth  of  sculpture,  seem  (up  to  a 
certain  altitude)  to  increase,  and  the  elytra  are  seldom, 
or  but  very  imperfectly  united ;  until,  on  entering  the 
lower  limits  of  the  forest  region,  at  an  elevation  per- 
haps, ore  rotundo,  of  3000  feet,  we   find  that  it  has 
gradually  put  on  a  very  different  aspect, — being  small, 
narrow,  bright,  convex,  comparatively  ovate  and  deeply 
striated ;  the  legs  and  antennae  have  become  exceedingly 
pale ;  the  prothorax  has  altered  considerably  in  shape, 
being  much  narrowed  behind  and  punctured;  and  the 
elytra  are  nearly  always  free.     In  this  state  it  continues 
for   about  1500  feet;   when  again  emerging  into  the 
broad  daylight   of  the  open  hills,  it  recommences  to 
mould  itself  as  it  did  below ;  until,  having  reached  the 
summits  of  the  loftiest  peaks,  more  than  6000  feet  above 
the  sea,  it  has  almost  (though  not  entirely)  assumed  the 
features  which  characterized  it  on  the  shores  beneath*." 

*  Insecta  Maderensia,  pp.  55,  56. 


§  IV.  Isolation ;  and  exposure  to  a  stormy  atmosphere. 

Having  in  the  preceding  pages  touched  upon  the  sub- 
ject of  insect  variability,,  as  the  occasional  result,  to  a 
greater  or  less  extent,  of  climatal  and  other  influences ; 
let  us  now  proceed  to  consider  the  importance  of  a 
certain  physical  condition,  which  will  be  found,  I  believe, 
on  inquiry,  to  be  accompanied  by  a  more  decided  modi- 
fying power  than  any  which  we  have  yet  discussed. 

Every  one  who  has  examined  the  natural  history  of 
islands,  both  in  theory  and  practice,  must  be  aware  of 
the  many  difficulties  which  have  constantly  to  be  en- 
countered, before  the  several  phenomena  can  be  satis- 
factorily explained.  Laying  aside  those  forms  which 
are  manifestly  endemic  (the  numerical  proportion  of 
which  usually  accords  with  the  distance  from  the  nearest 
mainland),  again  and  again  are  we  baffled  by  the  near 
resemblance  of  the  various  creatures  to  continental 
types, — whilst  the  minute  differences  which  they  display, 
from  them,  are  at  the  same  time  so  permanently  -fixed, 
that  we  are  almost  precluded,  under  the  ordinary  ac- 
ceptation of  a  "  species,"  from  regarding  the  two  as  un- 
doubted descendants  of  a  common  stock  :  and  thus  it  is 
that  insular  faunas  have  frequently  been  magnified,  in 
the  novelties  which  they  are  supposed  to  contain,  far 
beyond  what  is  right.  A  person  however  who  looks  to 
the  causes  of  things,  and  is  prepared  to  recognize  effects 
where  there  are  fair  grounds  for  anticipating  them,  will 
not  be  slow  to  perceive,  that,  in  the  small  deviations 


which  we  are  so  often  accustomed  under  such  circum- 
stances to  behold,  the  results  of  isolation  itself  (as  an 
active  controlling  principle)  may  be  traced  out ;  whilst 
geology,  ever  ready  to  lend  a  helping  hand  when  ap- 
pealed to,  will  seldom  fail  to  supply  those  intermediate 
links  of  probability  which  the  believer  in  specific  centres 
of  creation  must  needs  subscribe  to,  before  he  can  draw 
any  deductions  on  a  broad  scale,  or  be  competent  to 
analyse  even  the  general  bearings  of  a  question  fchus 
necessarily  comprehensive. 

Having  thought  it  desirable  to  defer  to  a  subsequent 
chapter  of  this  treatise  the  few  geological  reflections 
which  our  subject  may  give  rise  to,  it  will  not  be  my 
aim  to  allude  to  them  in  the  present  section  more  than 
is  absolutely  requisite.  I  propose  rather  to  consider 
some  of  the  ordinary  effects  of  isolation,  as  mere  matters 
of  experience ;  and  to  allow  geology  to  tell  its  own  tale 
when  we  come  to  examine  the  problem  of  self -dispersion, 
as  occasionally  interrupted  by  subsidence. 

If  we  except  a  few  of  the  Heteromera  and  apterous 
Curculionida,  which  appear  to  be  influenced  in  a  dif- 
ferent manner,  the  power  of  isolation  over  insect  form  is 
perhaps  more  especially  to  be  detected  in  a  deterioration 
of  stature.  Whether  this  principally  emanates  from  the 
constant  irritation  of  a  stormy  atmosphere,  such  as 
small  islands  are  of  course  exposed  to,  and  which  would 
seem  to  have  stunted  the  development  (during  a  long 
series  of  ages)  of  the  animal  and  vegetable  worlds,  or 
from  a  diminution  of  area  consequent  on  the  breaking 


up  of  a  continuous  land,  it  is  difficult  to  pronounce: 
nevertheless,  it  is  most  consistent  with  both  reason 
and  analogy  to  suppose  that  each  of  those  causes  has 
operated  to  induce  a  similar  result;  and  that  we  must 
therefore  view  them  as  working  in  concert,  if  we  would 
appreciate  their  action  aright. 

It  is  a  law  to  which  a  large  proportion  of  the  organic 
creation  would  appear  to  be  subject,  that  the  exuberance 
of  life  (not  so  much,  however,  as  regards  the  number  of 
individuals  which  the  various  species  may  present,  as  in 
the  grandeur  of  their  size)  has  reference  to  the  magni- 
tude of  the  spot  over  which  it  is  permitted  to  range. 
The  unnatural  breeding-in  of  a  single  race,  which  must 
of  necessity  happen  unless  the  intercourse  with  other 
varieties  of  its  kind  be  possible,  has  always  been  attended 
with  effects  more  or  less  pernicious ;  and  in  the  Annu- 
lose  tribes  I  believe  that  the  reduction  of  space  which 
geological  convulsions  have  at  various  epochs  brought 
about,  has  been  commonly  succeeded  (inter  alia)  by  a 
reduction  of  stature  in  those  species  which  have  been 
cut  off  from  their  fellows.  I  do  not  assert  that  there  are 
no  exceptions  to  this  rule;  for  counter-influences  may 
at  times  prevail  (as  we  shall  shortly  see),  to  neutralize 
the  above  tendency.  I  hold  it,  however,  as  an  absolute 
truism,  in  physics,  that  a  law  without  an  exception  is 
an  anomaly.  If,  therefore,  we  were  once  to  admit  the 
latter  to  negative  the  former,  no  such  thing  as  a  law 
could  exist.  Hence  it  follows,  as  a  corollary  (unless, 
indeed,  we  are  prepared  to  endorse  that  conclusion),  that 


where  there  is  a  law  there  must  be  an  exception  to  it; 
and  that,  consequently,  exceptional  cases,  if  not  exceed- 
ingly numerous,  should  never  pervert  our  belief  from  an 
otherwise  presumptive  truth. 

This  dwindling-down  of  size  has  seldom  failed  to 
attract  my  attention,  more  or  less,  in  almost  every  island 
which  I  have  hitherto  had  an  opportunity  of  exploring : 
space,  however,  will  not  permit  me  to  dwell  upon  many 
instances.  I  have  already  adverted  to  the  diminished 
stature  of  Anthonomus  ater,  Mshm,  and  Ceutorhynchus 
contractus,  Mshm,  in  Lundy  Island, — the  first  of  which 
scarcely  ever  reaches,  on  that  rock,  more  than  half  its 
natural  bulk.  The  late  Mr.  Holme,  of  Corpus  Christi 
College,  Oxford,  in  like  manner,  captured  the  com- 
mon Calathus  melanocephalus,  Linn.,  and  Olisthopus 
rotundatus,  Payk.,  in  Scilly, — the  former  of  which 
seldom  exceeded  two  lines,  and  the  latter  two  and  a 
half,  in  length  :  and  he  also  recorded,  that  the  Bolito- 
chara  assimilis,  Kby,  is  invariably  smaller  in  those 
islands  than  it  is  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Penzance  *. 
The  Vanessa  Callirhoe,  Fabr.  (a  geographical  analogue  of 
the  Red  Admiral  Butterfly  f,  so  common  in  our  own 

*  Trans,  of  the  Ent.  Soc.  of  London,  ii.  pp.  59,  62. 

t  Considering  that  the  true  Vanessa  Atalanta,  of  more  northern 
latitudes,  does  occasionally  occur  around  Funchal,  it  may  be  reason- 
ably contended  that  the  fact  of  its  coexistence  (on  the  same  spot) 
with  the  V.  Callirhoe  is  strong  presumptive  proof  that  the  latter  is 
a  true  species,  and  no  climatal  or  insular  modification  of  the  former. 
And  so,  judging  from  a  distance,  and  without  local  evidence  to  ex- 
plain this  phenomenon,  I  should  have  concluded  myself :  never- 



country) ,  is  permanently  smaller  in  Porto  Santo  than  it 
is  on  the  larger,  more  luxuriant  and  varied,  and  there- 
fore more  protected,  island  of  Madeira  proper.  And,  as 
regards  the  Ptini  of  that  group,  so  completely  are  some 
of  them  "affected  by  isolation,  and  by  exposure  to  a 
perpetually  stormy  atmosphere,  that  they  do  not  attain 
half  the  bulk  on  many  of  the  adjacent  rocks  that  they 
do  in  the  more  sheltered  districts  of  the  central  mass ; 
and  so  marvellously  is  this  verified  in  a  particular 
instance,  that  I  have  but  little  doubt  that  five  or  six 
species  (so  called)  might  have  been  recorded  out  of  one, 
had  only  a  few  stray  specimens  been  brought  home  for 
identification,  without  any  regard  having  been  paid  to 
the  respective  circumstances  under  which  they  were 
found*/'  That  "one,"  Protean,  representative  is  the 

theless,  recollecting  how  easy  of  transport  the  larvae  and  pupae  of 
Lepidoptera  necessarily  are  (of  which  we  have  the  plainest  assu- 
rance in  the  almost  certain  introduction  of  the  Pontia  Brassica, 
Sphinx  Convolvuli,  Acherontia  Atropos,  &c.  into  those  islands), 
especially  in  a  region  which  for  more  than  a  century  has  been 
receiving  a  constant  supply  of  vegetables  and  ornamental  plants 
from  western  Europe ;  I  am  induced  to  believe  that  the  appearance 
of  the  Atalanta  is  a  comparatively  recent  one,  whilst  that  of  the 
Callirhoe  (which,  unlike  the  typical  Red  Admiral,  has  naturalized 
itself  in  nearly  all  portions  of  the  group)  must  be  referred  to  the 
remote  period  when  migrations  over  a  long-lost  continuous  land 
were  in  regular  operation.  The  slowness  of  the  change,  in  external 
aspect,  which  the  isolation  of  insects  from  geological  causes  would 
seem  to  bring  about  (and  which  follows,  as  a  corollary,  if  the  above 
conclusion  be  true),  I  propose  to  discuss  in  a  subsequent  chapter  of 
this  work. 

*  Insecta  Maderensia,  p.  260. 


Ptinus  albopictus,  Woll. ;  and  it  is  so  eminently  a  case 
in  point,  that  it  may  be  admissible  to  quote,  in  extenso, 
a  few  of  the  observations  which  I  have  already  pub- 
lished concerning  it : — 

"  The  P.  albopictus  is  the  commonest  of  the  Madeiran 
Ptini,  and  by  far  the  most  variable,  having  a  separate 
radiating-form  for  almost  every  island  of  the  group, — 
whilst,  at  the  same  time,  the  whole  are  so  intimately 
connected  together  (and  merge  into  each  other)  by 
innumerable  intermediate  links,  that  it  is  impossible  to 
regard  them,  in  spite  of  the  opposite  contour  of  the 
extremes,  in  any  other  light  than  as  different  aspects  of 
a  single  species,  according  as  circumstances  may  favour, 
retard,  or  otherwise  regulate  its  development.  Insta- 
bility in  fact  (in  its  broadest  sense)  may  be  considered 
to  be  one  of  its  most  prominent  characteristics,  since  it 
appears  to  be  more  sensitive  to  isolation  and  altitude 
than  any  of  the  other  members  of  the  genus  with  which 
we  have  here  to  do,— as  may  be  proved  to  a  demonstra- 
tion by  a  careful  study  of  its  habits  on  the  spot,  where 
the  influences  of  position  and  exposure  are,  in  nearly  all 
instances,  more  than  sufficient  to  account  for  the  suc- 
cessive phases  assumed.  Thus,  commencing  with  var.  a, 
which  reaches  its  maximum  in  the  sheltered  ravines  of 
the  central  mass,  the  bulk  is  usually  large,  and  the  tints 
comparatively  intense.  Var.  /3.  is  likewise  brightly 
variegated,  but  it  is  smaller.  Now,  if  our  premises  be 
correct,  that  locality  and  the  action  of  the  external 
elements  have  much  to  do  with  the  changes  in  question, 


we  might  have  expected,  a  priori,  that  this  state,  from 
its  peculiarity  to  the  Dezerta  Grande,  would  not  only 
have  reduced  in  dimensions  (which  it  is),  but  in  colour 
also  (which  it  is  not) .  Here,  therefore,  observation,  in 
situ,  becomes  extremely  important;  since  such  does  at 
once  convince  us  that  its  almost  exclusive  attachment  to 
the  interior  of  the  stalks  of  the  Silybum  Marianum, 
Grtn.  (the  Holy  Thistle  of  the  ancients),  with  which  the 
more  protected  portions  of  that  island  everywhere 
abound,  affords  it  ample  conditions,  even  on  so  bleak  a 
rock,  for  its  completion.  Nevertheless,  its  stature  (as 
already  stated)  is  slightly  diminished  in  spite  of  this : 
and  when  we  come  to  examine  the  individuals  which 
infest  the  lichen  of  more  open  situations  (aberrant  how- 
ever on  the  Dezerta  Grande,  and  answering  to  the  var.  y. 
of  the  diagnosis),  we  immediately  perceive  that  both  of 
our  required  results  are  indicated, — the  reduction  not 
being  limited  to  size,  but  extended  also  to  hue.  In 
Porto  Santo  this  modification  is  the  normal  one, — where 
the  insect  likewise  displays  the  same  lichenophagous 
tendency,  and  where  the  districts  in  which  it  exists  are 
equally  barren.  But,  if  its  maximum  be  attained  in 
Madeira  proper,  and  a  certain  number  of  minor  devia- 
tions range  throughout  Porto  Santo  and  the  Dezerta 
Grande,  it  still  remains  for  us  to  show  where  its  minimum 
is  to  be  obtained  : — which,  true  to  the  modus  operandi  by 
which  we  have  conjectured  its  divers  degrees  of  abortion 
to  have  been  brought  about,  would  seem  to  be  centred 
on  the  Northern  Dezerta,  or  Ilheo  Chao.  When  we  bear 


in  mind  the  minute  dimensions  of  that  flattened  rock, 
which  does  not  include  so  much  as  a  single  valley,  or 
depression,  within  its  bounds,  and  is  consequently  seldom 
free  from  the  violence  of  the  winds  (which  sweep  across 
it  incessantly,  from  whatever  quarter  they  may  arise) ;  it 
could  hardly  be  supposed  that  an  insect  which  is  so  obvi- 
ously subservient  to  atmospheric  control  should  not  have 
become  materially  affected,  in  its  outward  guise,  through 
long  seclusion  on  such  a  spot : — and  accordingly  we  are 
not  astonished  to  find  the  race  which  has  been  thus  cut 
off  for  ages  on  this  extraordinary  little  island,  itself  as 
extraordinary.  It  is  indeed  very  remarkable  to  trace 
out  how  clearly  the  agencies  we  are  discussing  have  here 
operated  on  the  species  under  consideration, — for  both 
sexes  (though  especially  the  male)  descend  on  the  Ilheo 
Chao  to  somewhat  less  than  half  a  line  in  length,  being 
literally  of  scarcely  greater  magnitude  than  some  of  the 
larger  representatives  of  the  Ptiliada  \  "* 

I  stated  above,  that,  although  this  diminution  of 
stature  is  a  very  general  accompaniment  of  isolation, 
amongst  insects  which  have  been  long  cut  off  from  the 
rest  of  their  kind,  there  is  no  rule  without  an  exception 
to  it ;  and  that,  therefore,  we  must  not  always  anticipate 
the  result  which  has  been  described.  We  should  re- 
member that  immense  periods  of  time  are  apparently 
necessary  before  any  perceptible  change  can  come  over 
creatures  from  the  stoppage  of  their  migratory  progress, 
and  the  unnatural  in-breeding  of  their  several  tribes ;  so 
*  Insecta  Maderensia,  pp.  268,  269. 


that  in  islands  geologically  recent  (which  often  implies, 
however,  their  existence  through  epochs  which  would 
sound  vast  indeed  to  ears  unscientific)  we  must  not  in- 
variably expect  to  discover  evidences  of  this  law.  On 
the  contrary,  we  must  first  of  all  take  into  account  the 
age  of  their  formation,  before  we  can  judge  a  priori  as 
to  the  probability  of  its  operation  through  a  sufficient 
interval  of  time  to  have  become  conspicuous  in  its 
effects.  I  say  "  through  a  sufficient  interval  of  time," 
because  the  process  of  deterioration  may  be  silently 
going  on,  even  now,  in  many  an  island,  which  has  not  yet 
shown  any  matured  traces  of  its  action,  except  perhaps 
in  the  case  of  a  few  species  which  appear  to  be  more 
particularly  susceptible  to  contingencies  from  without. 
We  should  then  call  to  mind,  that  an  enormous  propor- 
tion of  nearly  every  insular  fauna  is  composed  of  acci- 
dental colonists  during  the  last  few  centuries,  in  which 
civilization  and  commerce  have  been  unintentionally  at 
work  in  the  cause  of  animal  diffusion ;  and  that,  there- 
fore, if  modifications  in  outward  contour  have  not  neces- 
sarily resulted  during  a  positive  geological  interval,  it 
would  be  absurd  to  look  for  them  in  the  mere  settlers 
(as  it  were)  of  yesterday. 

Thus,  it  will  be  perceived,  how  necessary  it  is  to  take 
every  element  and  contingency  into  account  before  we 
venture  to  pronounce  dogmatically  on  either  the  exist- 
ence or  non-existence  of  any  physical  law;  and  how 
cautious  we  should  be  of  denying  the  legitimate  opera- 
tion of  external  influences  in  one  region,  because  they 


would  seem,  primd  facie,  to  be  contradicted  in  another. 
It  is  surely  more  philosophical  to  endeavour  to  reconcile 
the  two,  by  tracing  out  (as  may  frequently  be  done) 
some  opposing  principle  in  the  latter,  which  shall  enable 
us  to  understand  the  discrepancy,  and  to  believe  that 
the  same  action  may  be  going  on  in  both  cases,  but  that 
in  one  of  them  it  is  either  overruled  by  a  greater  con- 
trolling power  than  itself,  or  else  has  not  had  sufficient 
time  to  bring  its  fruits  to  maturity.  If  a  proposition  be 
true,  we  should  recollect  that  it  is  always  so  (under  all 
the  circumstances  and  conditions  to  which  it  is  appli- 
cable) ;  for,  otherwise,  it  would  be  both  true  and  false, — 
which  is  absurd :  hence,  if  my  premises  be  true,  that 
the  general  tendency  of  isolation  is  to  diminish  the 
stature  of  those  insects  which  have  become  isolated ;  it 
follows  that  that  tendency  must  remain,  so  long  as  there 
are  no  other  special  disturbing  influences  to  absorb  or 
neutralize  it.  "  When  any  observation/'  says  a  writer 
of  the  last  century,  ' '  hath  hitherto  constantly  held  true, 
or  hath  most  commonly  proved  to  be  so,  it  has  by  this 
acquired  an  established  credit :  the  cause  may  be  pre- 
sumed to  retain  its  former  force ;  and  the  effect  may  be 
taken  as  probable,  if  in  the  example  before  us  there  doth 
not  appear  something  particular, — some  reason  for  excep- 
tion*" Hence  it  is,  that,  even  amongst  the  opposite 
phenomena  which  one  island  may  occasionally  present 
from  those  of  another,  I  have  often  been  able  to  recog- 
nize the  working  of  a  selfsame  law ;  and  clearly  to  detect, 
*  Religion  of  Nature  Delineated,  p.  99. 


that  it  is  not  from  its  failure,  in  either  instance,  that 
contending  results  are  brought  about,  but  simply  that 
some  counteracting  agent  has  been  exerting  its  energy 
in  the  one  case,  so  as  to  nullify  what  would  have  other- 
wise come  to  pass. 

The  main  object  however  of  the  present  section  being 
to  show  that  a  considerable  amount  of  power  is  due  to 
isolation  itself,  in  regulating  (after  a  long  series  of  ages) 
the  outward  aspect  of  the  insect  tribes,  it  is  not  strictly 
necessary  that  we  should  so  rigidly  insist  on  deteriora- 
tion of  size  as  one  of  its  primary  consequences, — since 
(whether  it  be  so  or  not)  we  are  merely  concerned  here 
to  demonstrate,  that  its  influence,  in  some  shape  or  other, 
is  absolute  and  real. 

After  the  above  remarks,  we  shall  not  be  surprised 
that  the  phsenomena  displayed  in  certain  islands,  as 
regards  size,  are  sometimes  (though  I  believe  it  to  be  an 
exception  to  the  ordinary  rule)  the  exact  opposite  of 
what  we  have  been  describing.  Let  us  not  however  be 
alarmed  at  this  fact,  on  the  bare  statement  of  it, — as 
though  the  proposition  which  we  have  been  lately  ad- 
vancing were  at  once  disproved ;  since  we  shall  find,  on 
inquiry,  that  the  case  is  not  so  desperate  as  might  be 
imagined;  and  that  in  many  islands  where  even  this 
principle  is  to  be  detected,  we  may  recognize  traces  of 
the  other  also.  But  how,  it  will  be  asked,  can  this  be  ? 
for,  since  the  influences  are  the  same,  creatures  simi- 
larly exposed  to  them  must  be  similarly  affected.  Now, 
although,  on  a  broad  scale,  such  a  notion  contains  much 


presumptive  truth,  on  a  narrower  one  it  does  not  always 
apply ;  for  species  are  differently  constituted  ab  ovo,  and 
will  sometimes  give  a  different  result  from  the  operation 
of  causes  which  are  identical.  Moreover,  there  is  a 
curious  tendency  which  I  have  remarked  in  most  islands, 
that  the  wings  (especially  the  metathoracic  ones)  of  their 
insect  inhabitants  are  liable  to  be  retarded  in  their 
development, — often  indeed  to  such  an  extent  as  to 
become  actually  evanescent :  and  I  believe  it  to  be  a  law 
of  Nature,  that  when  any  particular  organ  is  either 
stunted  or  taken  away,  the  creature  receives  a  compensa- 
tion for  its  loss  either  by  the  undue  enlargement  of  some 
other  one*,  or  else  in  a  general  increase  of  its  bulk.  If 
such  be  the  case,  the  presence  of  two  apparently  con- 
flicting effects  in  a  single  island  is  rendered  somewhat 
more  intelligible ;  nevertheless,  on  the  above  hypothesis, 
the  specimens  which  increase  in  dimensions  should  un- 
doubtedly have  their  organs  of  flight  more  or  less  en- 
feebled, whilst  those  which  diminish  should  be  regularly 
winged.  And  hence  we  arrive  at  the  question,  is  this 
so  ?  My  own  experience  would  certainly  tend  to  prove 

*  Although  the  result  of  a  primary  (or  creative)  adjustment  to 
special  circumstances,  rather  than  of  a  secondary  adaptation, 
brought  about  by  a  self-modifying  capability ;  we  may  just  call 
attention  to  the  fact,  that  most  of  the  blind  insects,  whether  asso- 
ciates within  the  nests  of  ants,  or  natives  of  subterranean  caverns, 
have  either  their  palpi  or  antennae  anomalously  developed, — as 
though,  partially  (although  how,  and  in  what  degree,  we  cannot 
possibly  ascertain),  to  make  amends  for  the  inconvenience  which  a 
total  want  of  sight  must  necessarily  entail. 



that  it  is;  and  I  suspect  that  future  observations  will 
confirm  the  fact.  Meanwhile,  I  must  content  myself 
with  simply  advancing  the  subject  for  consideration,  and 
with  recording  such  few  examples,  in  support  of  the 
theory,  as  space  will  permit,  and  which  occur  to  me 
almost  spontaneously. 

The  Madeiras  would  seem  to  inherit,  as  it  were,  a 
more  than  usual  control  over  the  alary  system  of  their 
insect  population ;  for,  out  of  about  550  species  of  Co- 
leoptera  which  I  have  hitherto  met  with  in  that  group, 
nearly  200  are  either  altogether  apterous,  or  else  have 
their  organs  of  flight  so  imperfectly  developed,  that  they 
may  be  practically  regarded  as  such;  so  that,  if  our 
preceding  conclusions  (from  the  compensation-hypo- 
thesis) be  correct,  we  should  a  priori  anticipate  an  in- 
crease of  bulk  in  those  islands,  rather  than  a  decrease 
of  it.  Unfortunately  the  greater  number  of  these  200 
representatives  are  now,  through  the  submergence  of  the 
once  surrounding  continent,  endemic,  so  that  we  have 
no  means  of  judging  whether  the  obsoleteness  of  their 
wings  is  to  be  referred  to  the  long  action  of  Madeiran 
influences*,  or  whether  they  were  thus  created  severally 

*  This  is  certainly  rendered  probable,  however,  from  the  fact  that 
a  large  proportion  of  these  apterous  species  are  members  of  genera 
which  are  usually  winged, — such  as  Tarus,  Loricera,  Calathus, 
Olisthopus,  Argutor,  Trechus,  Hydrobius,  Ephistemus,  Syncalypta, 
PhloBophagus,  Tychius,  Longitarsus,  Chrysomela,  Scymnus,  Cory- 
lophus,  Helops,  and  Othius, — whilst  the  knowledge  that,  out  of 
twenty-nine  genera  which  I  believe  to  be  endemic  in  those  islands, 
six  only  are  winged  (the  remaining  twenty-three  being  apterous), 


in  the  beginning ;  and,  for  the  same  reason  (that  is  to 
say,  having  no  others  of  their  kind  to  compare  them 
with),  we  cannot  pronounce,  even  if  we  might  assume 
this  partial  organic  decay  to  be  the  consequence  of  their 
isolation  on  these  rocks,  whether  their  general  stature 
has  been  subsequently  augmented  or  not.  Still,  there 
are  some  few,  out  of  the  200  just  alluded  to,  which  are 
of  common  European  distribution ;  and,  as  these  would 
appear  to  have  obeyed  the  principles  to  which  we  have 
been  calling  attention,  it  is  not  unreasonable  to  suppose, 
that  many  of  the  others  (could  we  but  behold  them  as 
they  formerly  were, — emigrants  over  a  vast  continuous 
land)  would  be  found  to  have  done  so  also. 

I  alluded,  in  a  previous  section,  to  the  Dromius 
obscuroguttatus,  Dufts.,  as  presenting  permanent  charac- 
teristics in  Madeira, — the  combined  result  of  latitude 
and  isolation ;  and  I  also  stated  that  it  was  not  always 
possible,  whilst  dealing  with  physical  agents  which  are 
necessarily  obscure,  to  refer  the  respective  phenomena 
(whatsoever  they  may  be),  which  would  seem  to  have 
departed  from  their  types,  to  a  single  disturbing  cause. 
Hence,  whilst  I  there  acknowledged  latitude  as  in  part 
answerable  for  the  changes  which  that  insect  has  under- 
gone, I  may  here  suggest  that  it  is,  in  all  probability, 
to  isolation  that  we  must  mainly  look,  if  we  would  under- 
stand those  changes  aright.  But  what  are  the  distinctive 

will  not  tend  to  diminish  the  probability  that  there  is  something 
peculiar  in  the  action  of  Madeiran  influences  generally  on  the  alary 
system  of  the  insect  tribes. 


features,  it  may  be  asked,  which  the  D.  obscurcguttatus  has 
adopted,  since  its  first  arrival  from  more  northern  latitudes 
over  an  unbroken*  continent  ?  It  has  not  altered  much, 
after  all :  it  is,  however,  the  nature  of  the  alterations, 
and  their  constancy,  which  give  them  their  real  import- 
ance. In  a  few  words  then,  the  insect  is  rather  larger 
and  more  robust  than  its  European  analogue,  and  (to 
omit  other  minor  differences)  its  wings  are  evanescent. 
But  this,  on  our  above  hypothesis,  is  precisely  what  we 
should  have  expected :  for,  since  it  is  self-evident  that 
the  species  cannot  have  been  naturalized  accidentally  on 
these  mountains,  and  since  geology  informs  us  that  a 
vast  interval  has  elapsed  since  the  Madeiran  islands  were 
portions  of  a  continuous  whole,  we  have  at  once  a  suffi- 
cient time  assured  us  for  the  modifications  to  be  com- 
pleted, and  to  appear  at  length  permanently  adjusted  in 
accordance  with  the  conditions  and  influences  which 
locally  prevail. 

There  are  other  examples  which  might  be  quoted  in 
support  of  my  theory, — that  isolation,  when  involving  a 
sufficient  period  of  time,  has  a  direct  tendency  either  to 

*  I  do  not  think  it  necessary  to  apologize  for  the  apparent  dis- 
posal of  this  qucestio  vexata ;  because,  from  the  wildness  of  the 
upland  ridges  to  which  the  D.  obscuroguttatus  is  in  Madeira  ex- 
clusively confined,  I  deem  it  an  absolute  impossibility  that  it  could 
ever  have  been  introduced,  through  any  chance  agencies  whatsoever. 
And  hence,  unless  we  reject  the  doctrine  of  specific  centres  in  toto, 
I  contend  that  it  must  have  migrated,  together  with  other  insects 
similarly  circumstanced,  by  ordinary  means,  and  without  natural 
impediments,  from  its  own  area  of  diffusion. 


diminish  the  stature  of  the  insect  tribes,  or  else  to  neu- 
tralize their  power  of  flight ;  but  that,  in  the  latter  case, 
the  creatures,  when  thus  despoiled  of  a  function,  do,  on  the 
contrary  (instead  of  deteriorating  in  size),  often  receive 
a  compensation  for  their  loss  by  an  actual  increase  in 
their  bulk.  The  common  Brady cellus  fulvus,  Mshm,  is 
another  instance  in  point.  From  its  occurrence  in  the 
almost  inaccessible  districts  of  the  Madeiran  group,  far 
removed  from  cultivation,  I  am  inclined  to  refer  its  entry 
into  this  southern  region  to  that  remote  period  when  a 
connective  land  offered  a  natural  passage  to  wanderers 
from  the  north.  Hence  our  first  stipulation,  that  of 
sufficient  time,  is  satisfied ;  and  what  is  the  result  ?  The 
insect  is  a  trifle  more  robust  than  its  ordinary  European 
representatives,  and  it  is  invariably  apterous.  The  Ca- 
lathus  fuscus,  Fabr.,  is  also,  as  is  clear  from  its  special 
attachment  to  the  mountain  tops,  strictly  indigenous  in 
Madeira  (that  is  to  say,  it  must  have  arrived  there 
during  the  migratory  epoch) ;  and  the  consequence  is, 
that,  although  usually  winged  in  our  own  country,  it  is 
permanently  subapterous  in  that  island.  I  think  it  far 
from  unlikely  that  the  Dromius  negrita,  Woll.,  may  be 
the  ultimate  phasis  (from  isolation)  of  the  common  D. 
glabratus,  Dufts., — from  which  it  may  be  distinguished 
by  its  somewhat  larger  bulk,  more  robust  head  and  pro- 
thorax,  and  by  the  obsoleteness  of  its  wings.  True  it  is, 
that  the  latter  species  flourishes  alongside  it  in  Madeira; 
but,  like  the  Vanessa  Atalanta  (when  considered  with 
respect  to  the  V.  Callirhoe),  may  it  not  be  of  more  recent 


importation  from  the  European  continent,  and  as  yet  in 
a  transition  state  ? — an  idea  which  the  smallness  of  its 
wings,  as  compared  with  those  of  its  British  analogues, 
would  seem  rather  to  corroborate. 

But,  if  this  slight  increase  of  stature  would  appear 
generally  to  accompany  that  gradual  extinction  of  the 
powers  of  flight  which  isolation  is  apt  to  induce,  it 
follows,  on  the  other  hand  (as  indeed  I  have  lately 
intimated),  that  where  wings  are  so  essential  to  the  con- 
tinuance of  a  species  that  they  cannot,  without  its  posi- 
tive destruction,  be  taken  from  it,  the  primary  effect  of 
isolation, — namely  a  diminution  of  bulk, — will  for  the 
most  part  happen  instead.  As  this  fact,  however,  has 
been  already  commented  upon,  we  will  not  discuss  it 

Why  it  is,  in  the  Insecta,  that  islands*  should  pre- 
dispose to  an  apterous  state  more  than  continents,  it  is 
not  easy  to  speculate.  Mr.  Darwin  has  indeed  suggested, 
and  with  much  apparent  reason,  that,  were  wings  fully 
developed,  the  indiscriminate  use  of  them  might  lead  to 
unhappy  results,  by  tempting  the  creatures  to  venture 
too  far  from  their  native  rocks ;  and  that,  therefore,  this 
partial  decay  is,  under  such  circumstances,  a  wise  pro- 
vision in  their  favour :  whilst  it  has  been  urged,  on  the 
other  hand,  that  since  insular  species  are  at  all  times 
liable  during  heavy  gales  to  be  blown  out  to  sea,  they 

*  I  am  informed  by  Dr.  Hooker,  that  the  only  two  insects  (belong- 
ing respectively  to  the  orders  Coleoptera  and  Lepidoptera)  which 
he  detected  in  Kerguelen's  Land  were  wingless. 


should  in  reality  be  gifted  with  stronger  powers  of  flight 
(rather  than  weaker  ones),  to  fortify  them  against  such 
disasters ;  and  that,  consequently,  the  above  phenomena 
are  not  explicable  on  Mr.  Darwin's  hypothesis.  For  my 
own  part,  I  am  inclined  to  accept  that  theory,  in  all  its 
fullness ;  and,  furthermore,  I  do  not  believe  that  the  latter 
consideration  (though  it  unquestionably  contains  much 
presumptive  truth)  does  at  all  interfere  with  the  admission 
of  it, — seeing  that  either  requirement  may  be  fulfilled, 
according  to  the  nature  of  the  several  species  which  are 
destined  to  be  acted  upon.  Thus,  if  flight  is  absolutely 
indispensable,  as  in  the  greater  number  of  the  Lepido- 
ptera,  and  beetles  of  a  flower-infesting  tendency,  we  shall 
find  that  the  wings  remain  unaltered  (if  indeed  they  be 
not  actually  increased  in  capacity,  of  which  I  am  by  no 
means  certain),  and  that  the  effect  of  isolation  is  more 
particularly  evident  in  a  diminution  of  stature.  But  if, 
on  the  contrary,  the  creatures  are  less  dependent  on 
aerial  progression  for  their  sustenance,  as  in  the  pre- 
dacious tribes  generally,  especially  those  of  nocturnal 
habits,  the  reduced  area  in  which  they  are  confined,  in 
conjunction,  it  may  be,  with  the  danger  to  which  they 
would  constantly  expose  themselves  by  the  promiscuous 
employment  of  organs  which  their  modes  of  life  do  not 
positively  need,  would  seem  to  render  the  presence  of 
wings  unnecessary;  and  they  are  accordingly,  by  degrees, 
removed : — in  which  case,  however,  a  compensation  for 
the  loss  is  not  unfrequently  granted  by  an  increase  (more 
or  less  perceptible)  in  bulk. 


In  the  Madeiras,  this  diminution  and  enlargement  of 
stature,  accompanied  for  the  most  part  respectively  by 
the  retention  and  annihilation  of  the  powers  of  flight,  is 
singularly  traceable  on  the  selfsame  rocks,  particularly 
the  smaller  ones  of  the  group.  Thus,  on  the  Flat 
Deserta,  or  Ilheo  Chao,  the  Scarites  abbreviatus,  Koll., 
Laparocerus  morio,  Schon.,  and  the  Helops  Vulcanus, 
Woll.,  attain  a  gigantic  size ;  yet  it  is  on  that  very  island 
that  the  Ptinus  albopictus,  Woll.,  finds  its  minimum  of 
development, — scarcely  exceeding  in  dimensions  some  of 
the  larger  members  of  the  Trichopterygia.  The  Deserta 
Grande  has  some  special  modifying  capability  of  its 
own, — the  Eurygnathus  Latreillei,  Lap.,  Notiophilus  ge- 
minatus,  Dej.,  Zargus  pellucidus,  Woll.,  Calathus  com- 
planatus,  Koll.,  Olisthopus  Maderensis,Woll.,Caulotrupis 
conicollis,  Woll.,  Laparocerus  morio,  Schon.,  Omias  Wa- 
terhousei,  Woll.,  Helops  Vulcanus,  Woll.,  and  the  Ellip- 
sodes  glabratus,  Fab.,  being  also  larger  on  that  rock 
than  is  typical :  all  of  them,  however,  with  the  excep- 
tion of  Notiophilus  geminatus,  are  there,  as  elsewhere, 

Other  qualifying  results,  from  isolation,  are  equally 
apparent.  Take  colour,  for  instance ;  and  we  shall  per- 
ceive that  in  the  Dromius  sigma,  Rossi,  it  is  sensibly 
affected.  The  normal  state  of  that  insect  "  does  not 
occur  at  all  in  Madeira  proper,  but  only  in  Porto  Santo. 
True  it  is  that  the  modifications  in  the  several  islands 
present  but  slight  differences  inter  se ;  nevertheless, 
being  constant,  I  would  lay  particular  stress  upon  them, 


since  they  go  very  materially  to  prove  that  the  effects  of 
isolation  on  external  insect  form  are  even  more  import- 
ant, if  possible,  than  those  of  latitude.  That  this  is 
the  case  in  the  present  instance,  appears  clear  from  facts 
so  minute  as  these.  For,  out  of  the  many  specimens 
which  have  come  under  my  observation  from  various 
countries  of  Europe,  if  there  is  one  point  more  constant 
than  another  in  this  otherwise  variable  species,  it  is,  I 
believe,  under  all  circumstances,  its  immaculate  pro- 
thorax.  Now,  whilst  this  (we  may  almost  say  essential) 
character  obtains  in  Porto  Santo,  in  Madeira  it  does 
not  hold  good :  the  prothorax  there  is  invariably  infus- 
cate  in  the  centre;  and  on  a  small  adjacent  rock  (the 
Ilheo  de  Fora)  it  is  entirely  dark.  Nor  let  anyone  sup- 
pose that  details  apparently  so  trivial  are  beneath  our 
notice,  or  the  mere  result  of  chance,  since  it  is  by  the 
observation  of  such-like  points,  and  by  marking  their 
development  according  to  the  circumstances  of  the 
several  localities  in  which  they  obtain,  that  we  are  alone 
able  to  appreciate  their  importance,  and  so  to  form,  in  a 
wider  and  geographical  sense,  a  correct  estimate  of  their 
value*."  The  Olisthopus  Maderensis,  Woll.,  is  much 
paler,  larger,  and  more  opake,  on  the  Dezerta  Grande 
than  it  is  in  Madeira  proper.  So  great  indeed  is  the 
change  which  it  has  undergone  through  a  long  isolation 
on  that  rock,  "  that,  had  the  case  been  a  solitary  one,  I 
should  not  have  hesitated  in  regarding  the  specimens 
obtained  from  thence  as  specifically  distinct;  neverthe- 
*  Insecta  Maderensia,  p.  6. 


less,  with  the  knowledge  both  of  the  modifying  effects  of 
isolation,  and  also  of  the  kind  of  modification  essentially 
peculiar  to  that  island,  I  am  perfectly  satisfied  that  it  is 
a  mere  local  state,  although  a  very  remarkable  one,  and 
has  no  claim  whatsoever  to  be  otherwise  considered*." 
The  Pecteropus  Maderensis,  Woll.,  is  of  a  greenish- 
brassy  tinge  in  Porto  Santo,  and  much  acuminated  in 
front;  whereas  on  the  Dezerta  Grande  it  is  almost 
invariably  coppery,  and  less  narrowed  anteriorly.  The 
Caulotrupis  lucifugus,  Woll.,  although  ranging  through 
no  very  opposite  phases,  either  of  outline  or  sculpture, 
"appears  to  possess  a  slight  modification  for  every 
island  of  the  Madeiran  Group :  and  hence  small  shades 
of  difference,  which  might  otherwise  be  regarded  as 
trifling,  become  directly  important,  and  cannot  be 
ignored  in  a  local  fauna, — even  though  a  general  col- 
lector may  deem  it  unnecessary  to  recognize  them.  In 
real  fact,  however,  such  distinctions,  when  viewed  geo- 
graphically, are  of  the  greatest  interest,  as  serving  to 
illustrate  what  we  have  so  often  had  occasion  to  com- 
ment upon,  namely  the  influence  of  isolation  and  other 
circumstances  on  external  insect  formf."  The  Psyl- 
liodes  vehemens,  Woll.,  is  permanently  paler  in  Porto 
Santo  than  it  is  in  Madeira  proper,  being  almost  entirely 
testaceous.  "That  the  species  is  identical,  however, 
with  the  Madeiran  one  I  have  not  the  slightest  doubt, — 
the  sculpture  and  colour,  as  I  conceive,  having  merely 
undergone  a  change  since  the  remote  period  of  its  isola- 
*  Insecta  Maderensia,  p.  36.  f  Id.  p.  310. 


tion  on  a  comparatively  calcareous  soil*."  The  Scarites 
abbreviatus,  Koll.,  occupies  the  loftiest  peaks  of  nearly 
all  the  Madeiran  islands,  and  was  probably  once  abun- 
dant over  the  entire  ancient  continent,  whatsoever  its 
limits  may  have  been,  of  which  the  present  group  forms 
but  an  isolated  part.  "There  are  traces  of  it  in  the 
Canaries,  from  whence  occasional  specimens  have  been 
brought,  and  which,  from  the  want  of  local  data  and  of 
sufficient  numbers  to  reason  upon,  have  in  their  turn 
been  severally  regarded  as  distinct.  The  fact  however  is, 
that  the  species  in  question  is  an  extremely  variable  one, 
assuming  differences  of  size  according  to  the  altitude  at 
which  it  lives,  and  differences  of  sculpture  according  to 
the  circumstances  of  the  spot  on  which  it  is  isolated. 
That  such  is  actually  the  case,  a  careful  observation  of 
the  many  minute  changes  which  the  insect  has  under- 
gone in  the  various  islands  and  altitudes  of  the  Madeiran 
group  will,  I  think,  prove  to  a  demonstration.  For  it  is 
impossible  to  suppose  that  every  rock  contains  its  own 
species,  that  is  to  say,  has  had  a  separate  creation  ex- 
pressly for  itself, — a  conclusion  at  which  we  must 
assuredly  arrive,  if  small  and  even  constant  differences 
are  of  necessity  specific.  Rejecting  therefore  this  hypo- 
thesis as  utterly  untenable,  and  as  contrary  to  all  expe- 
rience, we  are  driven  to  acknowledge  that  isolation  does, 
in  nearly  every  instance,  in  the  course  of  time,  affect, 
more  or  less  sensibly,  external  insect  form; — which 
being  admitted,  we  have  at  once  an  intelligible  principle 
*  Insecta  Maderensia,  p.  452. 


whereby  to  account  for  modifications  innumerable,  each 
of  which,  when  viewed  simply  as  a  difference,  indepen- 
dently of  the  circumstances  producing  it,  might  have 
been  regarded  as  sufficient  to  erect  a  '  species '  upon, 
had  the  desire  for  multiplying  them  overbalanced  the 
love  of  truth*." 

Such  are  a  few  of  the  circumstances,  influences,  and 
conditions,  by  which  the  outward  aspect  of  the  insect 
tribes  is  liable,  within  definite  limits,  to  be  more  or  less 
regulated :  and  it  is  impossible  to  view  them  with  an 
unbiassed  mind  and  not  arrive  at  the  conclusion,  that 
physical  agents  generally  have  a  very  decided  control 
over  the  external  contour  of  these  lower  creatures.  In 
selecting  the  examples  which  we  have  lately  discussed,  I 
have  avoided  as  much  as  possible  those  startling  in- 
stances of  variation  which  distant  quarters  of  the  globe 
will  readily  supply,  because  there  are  vast  numbers  of  our 
naturalists  who  will  not  acknowledge  the  validity  of  any 
evidence  which  would  tend  to  amalgamate,  in  a  broad 
sense,  the  species  of  the  Old  and  New  Worlds.  I  have 
therefore  contented  myself  with  such  data  as  must  fall 
within  our  common  experience,  feeling  satisfied  that  if 
the  principle  be  allowed  in  the  one  case,  it  cannot  long 
be  objected  to  in  the  other.  There  are  few  entomolo- 
gists who  would  not  recognize,  in  the  abstract,  a  legiti- 
mate capacity  for  adaptation  in  every  insect  with  which 
*  Insecta  Maderensia,  p.  11. 

they  have  to  do ;  yet  I  believe  there  are  not  many,  who, 
if  modifications  were  to  be  shown  them  as  the  fixed 
result  of  disturbances  from  without,  would  be  prepared 
at  once  practically  to  accept  them  as  such.  The  col- 
lectors of  the  present  day  are  so  prone  to  regard  every 
permanent  difference  as  a  specific  one,  that  a  large  pro- 
portion of  them  do  not  sufficiently  realize,  that  well- 
marked  races,  or  states,  are  no  longer  matters  of  hypo- 
thesis, but  of  fact;  and  that,  therefore,  a  sensible 
amount  of  aberration  should  not  only  be  conceded  to  the 
action  of  certain  physical  combinations  and  elements, 
but  even  anticipated  and  looked  for.  Such  however 
ought  not  to  be ;  and  earnestly  therefore  would  I  advo- 
cate a  greater  latitude  for  geographical  influences  than 
has  been  hitherto  admitted  by  many  of  us.  Especially 
would  I  urge  the  necessity  for  a  more  careful  study  of 
insular  phsenomena,  for  I  am  convinced  that  a  due  allow- 
ance is  seldom,  if  ever,  made  for  the  qualifying  power  of 
isolation,  per  se, — the  most  significant  perhaps  of  all  the 
conditions  which  we  have  attempted  in  the  preceding 
pages  to  examine. 

"  Felix  qui  potuit  rerum  cognoscere  causas "  is  a 
motto  which  the  student  of  Nature  should  keep  con- 
stantly in  view ;  for  it  is  undoubtedly  a  more  honourable 
task  to  discover  the  reasons  for  what  we  see,  than  the 
mere  appearances  themselves.  He  who  has  dived  deeply 
into  the  everyday  circumstances  around  him  will  be 
reluctant  to  ascribe  so  much  as  a  single  item  of  all  that 
comes  within  his  ken,  to  chance ;  for  to  him  the  whole 


system  of  created  things  is,  from  first  to  last,  replete 
with  design.  Natura  nil  agit  sine  causa  is  as  true 
now  as  it  ever  was,  and  it  will  be  so  to  the  end.  Let  us 
not  therefore  be  discouraged  at  the  apparent  smallness 
of  the  data  from  which  many  of  our  conclusions  have  to 
be  drawn,  for  nothing  is  in  reality  trivial  which  is  the 
effect  of  a  wisely  appointed  law ;  and,  even  were  such 
the  case,  it  would  not  be  thereby  proved  that  the  inves- 
tigation of  the  law  itself  (however  liable  it  may  be  to 
exceptions)  is  unimportant.  Nor  ought  we,  on  the  other 
hand,  to  be  discouraged  if  we  cannot  always  reconcile 
conflicting  phenomena,  and  detect  in  each  a  primary 
controlling  cause.  We  should  rather  bear  in  mind,  that 
the  elements  with  which  we  have  to  deal  are  obscure, 
and  subject  to  permutations  from  which  various  results 
must  of  necessity  arise;  and  that  it  is  only,  therefore, 
on  a  broad  scale  that  we  can  look  for  uniformity  of 
action,  even  from  conditions  which  may  appear  to  be 
identical.  "  Nature  is  not  irregular,  or  without  method, 
because  there  are  some  seeming  deviations  from  the 
common  rule.  These  are  generally  the  effects  of  that 
influence  which  free  agents,  and  various  circumstances, 
have  upon  natural  productions*." 

*  Religion  of  Nature  Delineated,  p.  84. 




HAVING  in  the  preceding  chapter  briefly  alluded  to 
some  of  the  principal  causes  by  which  the  outward 
aspect  of  the  insect  tribes  would  seem  to  be  in  a  large 
measure  (though  within  definite  specific  limits)  regu- 
lated, it  may  perhaps  be  desirable  to  gather  into  a 
small  compass,  from  those  remarks,  what  the  chief 
organs  and  characters  are  which  appear  to  be  more 
peculiarly  beneath  the  control  of  the  various  influences 
which  we  have  been  just  discussing.  To  imagine  that 
when  an  insect  has  become  much  altered  in  its  general 
contour,  all  the  parts  of  which  it  is  composed  are 
equally  affected,  is  contrary  to  experience ;  since  obser- 
vation warns  us  that  there  are  but  few  actual  members 
which  are  capable  of  change, — whilst  even  the  external 
features,  or  secondary  diagnostics,  are  only  interfered 
with  according  to  a  fixed  law,  the  workings  of  which  are 
necessarily  modified,  in  proportion  as  the  constitutions 
of  the  several  animals  are  differently  organized  and 
acted  upon. 

As  regards  positive  structure,  indeed,  we  can  have 
but  few  observations  to  communicate, — seeing  that  the 
limbs  and  appendages  themselves  are  usually  of  so  con- 


stant  a  nature,  that  disturbing  agencies  have  little  or  no 
power  to  divert  them  from  their  typical  states.  Still, 
there  are  occasional  facts  on  record,  which  would  tend 
to  prove  that  even  these  are  not  altogether  exempt  from 
the  deranging  force  of  certain  contingencies  from  with- 
out :  the  number  of  the  antennal  joints,  for  instance,  in 
the  tribes  where  those  organs  are  multiarticulate,  is  said 
to  vary ;  but  how  far  this  may  be  dependent  on  physical 
influences,  I  am  not  in  a  position  to  decide.  The  con- 
nateness  of  the  elytra,  again,  is  a  character  which  we 
may  at  any  rate  define  as  5^6 -structural ;  and  this  I 
have  myself  noticed,  at  times,  to  fluctuate,  according  to 
the  circumstances  and  conditions  of  the  respective 
localities  in  which  the  particular  species  obtain.  Such 
is  eminently  the  case  with  the  universal  Harpalus  (the 
H.  vividus,  Dej.)  of  the  Madeiran  Group.  Speaking  of 
this  peculiarity,  in  my  volume  on  the  Coleoptera  of 
those  islands,  I  made  the  following  remarks  :  "  But  per- 
haps its  most  singular  character,  and  in  which  it  differs 
from  every  other  Harpalus  with  which  I  am  acquainted, 
consists  in  the  tendency  of  its  elytra  to  become  united 
or  soldered  together.  I  say  'the  tendency/  because 
it  is  not  always  the  case  that  they  are  joined  (which, 
since  the  law  exists  at  all,  is  perhaps  the  more  remark- 
able), although  in  most  instances,  especially  in  localities 
much  exposed  and  but  slightly  elevated  above  the  sea- 
shore, they  are.  I  have  examples,  however,  from  the 
upper  as  well  as  the  lower  regions,  in  which  both  states 
are  represented ;  and  others  again  in  which  the  elytra 


are  only  partially  connected,  being  free  at  the  apex 
though  firmly  attached  towards  the  scutellum.  In 
every  instance,  however,  even  where  they  are  united 
throughout  their  entire  length,  a  little  force  will  succeed 
in  separating  them,  showing  their  structure,  as  I  have 
indicated  in  the  diagnosis,  to  be  sub-connate  rather  than 
connate.  But  that  it  does  require  force  to  effect  the  dis- 
junction, when  they  are  really  in  the  condition  described, 
is  proved  to  a  demonstration  to  any  one  who  has  seen 
the  remains  of  the  insect  beneath  the  slabs  of  stone  on 
many  of  the  small  adjacent  islands  where  it  most 
abounds,  or  drifting  about  over  the  surface  of  the  rocks, 
— under  which  circumstances  I  have  observed  them  in 
immense  numbers,  apparently  the  accumulation  of  two 
or  three  generations,  which  the  violence  of  the  elements 
had  not  been  able  to  sever.  It  is  rare  in  the  sylvan 
districts  to  find  them  joined;  nevertheless  such  is  some- 
times the  case, — thus  proving  that  the  peculiarity  is  not 
actually  essential,  but  merely  one  which  it  is  the  ten- 
dency of  the  species  to  assume,  and  which  is  more 
developed  in  some  specimens,  and  under  certain  condi- 
tions, than  in  others.*  " 

But  by  far  the  greatest  amount  of  variability  to  which 
insect  structure  is  liable,  is  presented  by  the  wings, — 
especially  the  metathoracic  ones.  The  wings,  indeed, 
unless  I  am  much  mistaken,  are  essentially  (as  compared 
with  other  primary  details)  organs  of  variation,  capable 
of  being  more  or  less  developed,  according  as  the  several 

*  Insecta  Maderensia,  pp.  56,  67. 



countries  in  which  the  creatures  are  placed  may  necessi- 
tate their  action.  I  will  not  recapitulate  the  evidence 
which  I  have  already  adduced,  proving  that  islands  have 
an  especial  capability  of  their  own,  either  for  increasing 
or  neutralizing,  as  it  may  happen,  the  powers  of  flight 
(in  which  latter  case,  however,  a  compensation  is  usually 
made  for  the  loss) ;  but  I  will  point  to  the  data  which 
are  there  brought  together,  in  support  of  the  hypothesis 
for  which  I  am  now  pleading, — believing  that  they  will 
be  found  sufficient,  on  inquiry,  to  establish  the  doctrine 
of  alary  mutability,  so  far  at  least  as  it  is  connected  with 
isolation  as  an  element  of  control.  If,  however  (irre- 
spectively of  its  cause),  the  thing  itself  be  recognized,  the 
principle  is  at  once  established;  and  we  may  reason 
upon  it  as  a  matter  of  fact.  So  that,  if  we  can  ensure 
this  concession  or  acknowledgment,  the  occasional 
proneness  to  variation  of  these  thoracic  appendages  is,  as 
a  law,  admitted.  The  only  questions  which  would  then 
appear  immediately  to  suggest  themselves,  are :  Under 
what  circumstances  do  they  principally  fluctuate  ?  and 
why  should  it  happen  that  organs  which  are  apparently 
so  necessary  as  a  medium  of  subsistence,  should  be 
subject  to  inconstancy  ? 

Both  of  these  have,  in  reality,  been  already  replied  to 
in  the  preceding  chapter.  Nevertheless,  we  may  briefly 
repeat,  that,  so  far  as  the  first  is  concerned,  it  is  in 
islands  that  we  detect  the  maximum  of  instability  to 
which  the  wings  of  the  Insecta  are  liable,  and  that  it  is 
in  seasons  of  extraordinary  heat  that  their  development 

is  everywhere  inclined  (if  at  all)  to  be  especially  stimu- 
lated :  whilst,  as  regards  the  second,  it  will  be  sufficient 
to  state,  that  in  continents,  when  any  decided  alteration 
takes  place  in  the  organs  of  flight,  it  for  the  most  part 
comes  to  pass  that  an  increased  (rather  than  diminished) 
action  is  the  result ;  whereas  in  islands,  provided  that 
the  species  are  not  absolutely  dependent  on  aerial  pro- 
gression for  their  food  (in  which  case,  in  order  to 
prepare  for  the  contingency  of  being  blown  out  to  sea, 
the  capacity  of  the  wings  is  commonly  augmented),  the 
reverse  is  nearer  the  truth.  So  that  the  second  problem, 
— the  reason  why  appendages  thus  apparently  essential 
should  be  subject  to  inconstancy, — is  at  once  rendered 
intelligible  from  the  consideration,  that  it  is  only  under 
circumstances  in  which  the  indiscriminate  employment 
of  those  organs  would  be  apt  to  bring  the  creatures  into 
trouble  that  (when  not  an  actual  sine  qua  non  to  their 
existence)  they  are  liable  to  be  taken  away ;  whilst,  even 
in  that  case,  it  generally  happens  that  some  partial  equi- 
valent for  the  privation  incurred  is  granted,  as  a  recom- 

Mr.  Westwood,  in  his  admirable  Introduction  to  the 
Modern  Classification  of  Insects,  has  recorded  many 
instances  of  alary  variation ;  which,  however,  as  he  does 
not  appear  to  have  noticed  the  peculiarity  of  island 
faunas,  are  principally  in  corroboration  of  what  I  have 
just  insisted  upon  as  the  usual  tendency  in  continents, 
— namely,  an  enlargement  of  the  erratic  powers.  Speak- 
ing of  the  Aphelocheirus  astivalis  (a  member  of  the 


Hemiptera),  he  observes :  "  My  British  specimens  have 
but  short,  rudimental,  oval  hemelytra,  like  those  of  the 
bed-bug ;  but  I  possess  one  of  Bosc's  original  examples, 
described  by  Fabricius,  not  quite  so  large  as  the  others, 
in  which  the  wings  are  fully  developed.  I  do  not,  how- 
ever, on  that  account,  regard  the  former  either  as  pupre 
or  distinct  species,  but  as  undeveloped  specimens  in  the 
imago  state  *."  And  whilst  discussing  the  Hydro- 
metrida,  he  expresses  himself  thus :  "  It  appears  to  me, 
that,  from  causes  of  which  we  are  ignorant,  numerous 
individuals  of  many  of  the  species  of  these  tribes  are 
subjected  to  an  inferior  kind  of  development  in  the 
imago  state,  which  does  not  allow  the  acquirement 
of  wings, — which,  however,  in  certain  cases,  acquire 
their  fall  size.  Hence,  I  consider  that  the  apterous 
specimens  of  Hydrometra  stagnorum,  those  with  very 
short  elytra,  and  those  with  the  full-sized  wings  and 
wing-covers,  are  all  in  the  imago  state,  although  some 
are  more  perfect  than  others  t«"  And,  again,  in  his 
reflections  on  the  Hemiptera,  Mr.  Westwood  says  (and 
most  entomologists  are  aware  of  the  fact) :  "  The  species 
of  Gerris,  Hydrometra,  and  Velia  are  mostly  found  per- 
fectly apterous,  though  occasionally  with  full-sized  wings. 
Chorosoma  miriforme,  Prostemma  guttula,  Pachymerus 
brevipennis,  &c.,  are  generally  found  with  very  short 
wing-covers,  but  sometimes  with  fall- sized  wings  J." 
In  like  manner,  the  Cimex  apterus,  Linn,  (one  of  the 

*  Introduction  to  the  Modern  Classification  of  Insects,  ii.  p.  466. 
t  Id.  ii.  p.  469.  t  Id.  ii.  p.  454. 

101        ,,,    ,    ,     :  ,,,,,,  ...  > 

Lygaida)  "  exhibits,  in  an  eminent  Jdegr*ee;  the"  orclmary" 
occurrence  of  an  imperfect  perfect-state;  whilst  indi- 
viduals are  occasionally  found  with  fully  developed  organs 
of  flight*".  Lyceus  brevipennis,  Lat.,  also  ordinarily 
occurs  with  abbreviated  hemelytra;  but  it  has  been 
found  with  them  perfect  by  Westwood,  as  well  as  with 
metathoracic  wings. 

None  of  the  above  examples  however  would  appear  to 
do  more  than  refer  to  the  alary  instability  of  the  Insecta, 
as  a  matter  of  fact ;  but  this  is  all  for  which  we  are  now 
contending, — the  preceding  chapter  having  been  in  part 
devoted  to  some  of  the  presumptive  causes  of  it.  Whether 
the  specimens  of  Oncocephalus  griseus,  to  which  Spinola 
called  attention,  were  insular  ones,  I  cannot  say ;  but  he 
seems  to  have  noted  an  example  in  which  an  opposite 
phenomenon  to  those  which  Mr.  Westwood  has  cited, 
was  displayed,  and  moreover  to  have  speculated  on  the 
conditions  producing  it,  when  he  suggests :  "  I/influence 
du  climat  septentrional  parait  avoir  arrete  le  developpe- 
ment  des  organes  du  volf."  And,  again,  when  com- 
menting upon  the  other  tendency  in  a  representative  of 
the  Reduviada,  he  says  ('  Essai/  p.  96) :  "  Je  pense  que 
la  presence  des  ailes  et  leur  developpement  dependent 
du  climat."  Whilst  treating  of  two  British  species  of 
the  same  family,  Mr.  Westwood  observes :  "  The  Pro- 
stemma  guttula,  Fab.,  and  Coranus  subapterus,  Curt.,  are 
interesting  on  account  of  their  being  generally  found  in 

*  Introduction  to  the  Modern  Classification  of  Insects,  ii.  p.  480. 
t  Essai,  p.  103. 

,  f,  ccit^  :     ,  102 

an  undeveloped  imago  state,, — the  latter  being  either 
entirely  apterous  or  with  the  fore- wings  rudimental, 
although  occasionally  to  be  met  with  having  the  fore- 
wings  completely  developed*"."  The  common  Phos- 
phuga  atrata  of  our  own  country  has  the  organs  of  flight 
very  rudimentary,  and  much  too  small  for  use :  yet  the 
late  Mr.  Holme  of  Oxford  has  mentioned-]-,  that  he  has 
several  times  taken  it  on  the  wing,  during  the  hot  sun- 
shine. And,  concerning  the  Olisthopus  rotundatus,  he 
states  J  that  every  specimen  which  he  captured  in  the 
Scilly  Islands  was  subapterous. 

But  facts  like  these  are,  after  all,  nothing  more  than 
such  as  we  may  trace  the  counterpart  of  in  higher  ani- 
mals than  the  Insecta.  Mr.  Gould  informs  me,  that  the 
Swallows  of  Malta,  which  have  but  a  comparatively 
narrow  space  to  cross  over,  to  the  African  continent, 
constitute  (although  specifically  identical  with  them)  a 
distinct  race  from  those  of  England, — all  of  which,  he 
believes,  winter  in  Morocco.  But,  what  are  the  differ- 
ences displayed  ?  From  amongst  many  minor  ones,  of 
a  climatal  or  geographical  nature,  the  most  conspicuous 
is  the  length  of  the  wings , — those  which  have  annually  a 
longer  journey  to  perform  having,  through  a  course  of 
ages,  acquired,  as  a  race,  a  superior  capacity  for  flight. 
And,  in  answer  to  a  late  query  on  this  subject,  he  adds 
that  all  the  sylvan  birds  in  Malta,  such  as  the  Black- 
caps, Willow-wrens,  &c.,  though  unquestionably  of  the 

*  Introduction  to  the  Modern  Classification  of  Insects,  ii.  p.  473. 
t  Trans,  of  the  Ent.  Soc.  of  London,  ii.  p.  60.       %  Id.  ii.  p.  59. 

103         / 

same  species  as  those  of  Great  Britain,  exhibit  small 
local  characteristics  by  which  they  may  be  immediately 
distinguished, — such  as  the  length  of  the  wings,  size  of 
the  bills,  and  tints  of  the  plumage.  So  that  the  migra- 
tory birds  generally,  which  pass  to  and  fro  between 
Europe  and  Africa  in  that  particular  latitude,  would  appear 
to  form  separate  races  from  those  which  traverse  the 
ocean  to  our  own  country;  and  to  be,  most  of  them, 
remarkable,  inter  alia,  for  a  slight  shortening  of  their 
organs  of  transit. 

If,  however,  the  members  of  the  insect  tribes  are 
capable  of  but  small  variation  in  actual  structure,  with 
the  exception,  in  certain  instances,  of  the  greater  or  less 
development  of  the  wings ;  we  shall  find  that  their  ex- 
ternal characters  are  much  more  prone  to  instability. 
There  is  not  an  item  indeed  of  all  their  secondary 
diagnostics  which  does  not  admit  of  a  positive  change ; 
and,  though  it  be  only  within  fixed  limits  that  the 
several  modifications  can  occur,  those  boundaries  are 
frequently  far  apart,  and  include  at  times  numerous 
phases  within  their  embrace  which  have  been  too  often 
looked  upon  as  specific.  Thus,  whether  we  regard  their 
bulk,  outline,  colour,  or  sculpture,  anything  like  absolute 
constancy,  under  all  circumstances  and  conditions,  does  not 
so  much  as  exist ;  and  we  are  driven  to  admit,  that  the 
physical  influences  to  which  these  various  creatures  are 
exposed  have  a  very  decided  power  over  their  general 
configuration  and  aspect.  It  would  be  needless,  however, 
to  attempt  to  discuss  the  above  details  of  aberration 
separately ;  because,  where  any  one  of  them  is  especially 


interfered  with,  it  usually  happens  that  the  others  are 
more  or  less  involved  with  them :  but  we  may  offer  a 
few  desultory  remarks,  which  will  tend  to  show  that 
disturbing  agents  are  apt  to  mar  them  both  individually 
and  as  a  whole, — and  not  only  so,  but  to  affect  them  in 
a  permanent  manner  (as  indeed  has  been  already  inti- 
mated), according  as  similar  combinations  of  them  are, 
from  local  causes  (as  it  were),  selected,  to  be  acted 

I  have  stated  in  the  last  section  of  the  preceding 
chapter  that  insect  stature  is  eminently  beneath  the 
control  of  contingences  from  without;  adducing,  amongst 
other  examples,  in  support  of  this,  the  Madeiran  Ptinus 
albopictus, — a  species  which,  whilst  it  averages  more 
than  a  line  in  length  on  the  central  island  of  the  group, 
is  reduced  to  less  than  half  that  bulk  on  a  small  and 
weather-beaten  rock  (the  Ilheo  Chao)  at  a  distance  from 
it.  Judging  indeed  from  many  hundred  specimens  of 
the  Ptini  which  I  have  submitted  to  a  close  comparison, 
"  the  most  constant  of  their  characters  would  seem  to  be 
outline  and  sculpture,  whilst  size  and  colour  are  appa- 
rently the  least  to  be  depended  upon  : — so  that  trifling 
differences  may  be  of  specific  indication  in  the  former 
case,  where  in  the  latter  much  larger  ones  are  worth- 
less*." I  have  in  fact  generally  noticed,  that  size  and 
colour  are  more  peculiarly  liable  to  be  affected  together. 
This,  however,  is  nothing  more  than  what  we  should 
anticipate,  since  the  same  causes  which  have  stunted  the 

*  Insecta  Maderensia,  pp.  260,  261. 


dimensions,  during  a  long  series  of  ages,  of  any  par- 
ticular creature,  will  for  the  most  part  be  found  to  have 
also  impaired  the  brilliancy  of  its  tints.  Luxuriance  of 
vegetation  and  sheltered  districts  are  alike  conducive, 
in  the  Annulosa,  to  the  development  both  of  the  body 
and  its  adornment ;  or,  in  other  words,  where  the  vege- 
table creation  attains  its  maximum  (which  it  certainly 
does  not  do  in  situations  which  are  exposed  to  the  irri- 
tating consequences  of  a  perpetually  stormy  atmosphere), 
there  the  animal  world  will  be  usually  observed  to 

There  are  many  insects  which  appear  to  have  two 
distinct  states,  both  in  magnitude  and  hue,  which  we  are 
seldom  (in  some  instances,  I  believe,  never)  able  to  unite 
by  intermediate  links,  or  grades ;  and  yet  which  are 
universally  admitted,  although  found  in  actually  the 
self-same  spots  (a  fact  which  prevents  their  being  looked 
upon  as  separate,  local  modifications  of  a  common  type), 
to  be  mere  varieties  of  each  other.  They  are,  however, 
exceptions  to  the  general  rule ;  and,  although  infringing 
on  the  strict  definition  of  a  "  variety,"  as  given  at  a  pre- 
ceding page*",  we  nevertheless  feel  an  a  priori  conviction 
that  they  are  by  no  means  specifically  dissimilar  inter  se. 
Such  phases,  as  regards  stature,  are  presented  by  the 
Brachinus  crepitans  and  Lamprias  chlorocephalus  of  our 
own  country ;  whilst,  as  regards  colour,  the  Philhydrus 
melanocephalus,  Aphodius  plagiatus,  and  the  Psylliodes 
erythrocephala  (constituting  in  its  paler  garb  the  P.  ni- 
*  Vide  supra,  p.  5. 



gricollis,  Mshm)  may  be  quoted,  as  cases  in  point.  Thus, 
also,  in  Madeira,  the  Mycetoporus  pronus,  Erich.,  has  a 
large  and  small  form,  living  in  communion, — which  I 
have  never  been  able  to  connect,  and  yet  which  are  un- 
questionably identical  (differing  in  no  respect  except  in 
size) :  and  so  have  the  Stenus  Heeri,  Woll.,  and  the 
Saprinus  nitidulus,  Fab.* 

As  regards  the  instability  displayed  by  colour,  in  the 
insect  tribes,  when  subjected  to  the  action  of  certain 
conditions  and  influences  from  without,  so  much  has 
been  said  in  the  fourth  section  of  the  preceding  chapter, 

*  Although,  in  our  ignorance  of  their  real  nature,  we  cannot  cite 
them  as  actually  analogous  to  these  separate  phases  in  certain 
members  of  the  Insecta,  yet  we  are  forcibly  reminded  by  the  latter 
of  the  distinct  states  which  many  of  the  Terrestrial  Mollusca  pre- 
sent (frequently  in  equal  proportions)  in  the  same  localities.  Thus, 
most  of  the  Pupa  have  at  least  two  abruptly-marked  forms, — a 
larger  and  smaller  one.  Many  of  the  Helices  also  exhibit  this  ten- 
dency in  an  eminent  degree  :  I  have  indeed  been  shown  specimens 
by  Sir  Charles  Lyell  of  the  Helix  hirsuta,  Say,  from  North  America, 
one  state  of  which  is  considerably  more  than  double  the  dimensions 
of  the  other  ;  and  I  believe  it  is  a  well-known  fact  that  intermediate 
links  have  not  yet  been  observed  to  connect  the  extremes.  May 
not  therefore  the  gigantic  H.  Lowei  and  Bowdichiana,  which  are 
now  extinct  in  the  Madeira  Islands,  have  been  but  forms  of  the 
H.  Portosanctana  and  punctulata,  respectively, — co-existent  with 
them,  though  more  sensitive  to  the  great  diminutions  of  altitude 
and  area  which  were  consequent  on  the  breaking-up  of  a  once  con- 
tinuous land  ?  If  such  be  the  case,  however,  it  is  certain  that  they 
were  far  commoner  at  an  early  period  than  their  smaller  colleagues 
(which,  now,  in  their  proper  districts,  absolutely  teem), — seeing 
that  the  latter  are  extremely  rare  in  the  fossil  deposits,  whilst  they 
themselves  literally  abound. 


that  it  is  unnecessary  to  repeat  it  here.  True  it  is  that 
it  was  then  my  sole  province  to  discuss  the  causes  which 
would  appear  to  regulate,  in  a  large  measure,  the  external 
aspect  of  the  Annulosa ;  yet  the  existence  of  inconstancy, 
in  the  several  organs  and  characters  involved  (with  which 
alone  we  are  now  concerned),  was,  by  the  nature  of  the 
case,  implied :  so  that  if  the  disturbing  element  was  de- 
monstrated, the  mere  fact  that  the  thing  (whatsoever  it 
may  have  been)  was  interfered  with,  was  surely  proved 
a  fortiori.  I  there  pointed  out  the  great  proneness  to 
a  change  in  hue  which  divers  circumstances  are  apt  to 
induce;  and  I  particularly  instanced  proximity  to  the 
sea-shore,  and  other  saline  spots,  as  well  as  an  attach- 
ment to  calcareous  districts,  as  amongst  the  most  power- 
ful of  the  deranging  contingences.  In  case,  however, 
that  any  further  evidence  should  be  looked  for,  on  this 
immediate  subject,  I  will  quote  the  following, — relating 
to  the  Bembidium  Atlanticum  of  the  Madeira  Islands, 
which  was  but  just  touched  upon  in  that  chapter, — as  a 
concluding  example  of  the  general  effect  of  physical 
agents  on  the  colour  of  these  lower  creatures.  "  Through- 
out all  the  Madeiran  Coleoptera  there  is  perhaps  no 
insect  which  displays  such  an  extraordinary  range  of 
colouring  as  the  present  one  does ;  and  although  it  is 
true  that  the  section  of  Bembidium  to  which  it  belongs  is 
essentially  a  variable  one,  yet  I  am  not  acquainted  with 
any  Peryphus  in  which  the  paler  patches  of  the  elytra 
are  so  remarkably  unstable,  or  which  appear  to  be  so 
completely  under  the  control  of  external  circumstances, 


as  are  those  of  the  B.  Atlanticum :  and  indeed  unless 
viewed  in  the  mass,  we  should  scarcely  be  inclined  to 
recognize  the  same  species  in  the  many  aspects  which  it 
puts  on  between  its  extremes.  The  examination,  how- 
ever, of  a  very  large  number  of  examples,  and  a  careful 
consideration  of  the  several  localities  and  altitudes  in 
which  they  were  taken,  has  convinced  me  that  there  is 
unquestionably  but  a  single  type  of  form  amongst  my 
entire  series,  since  the  whole  are  so  intimately  connected, 
by  successive  gradations  both  of  outline  and  colour,  that 
it  is  perfectly  impossible  to  isolate  even  a  single  specimen, 
or  to  draw  a  line  of  specific  demarcation  between  any 
two  consecutive  members  of  the  chain.  It  will  be  per- 
ceived, by  a  reference  to  the  diagnosis,  that  the  insect  in 
question  passes  imperceptibly  from  nearly  a  pure  green, 
through  a  well-defined  spotted  state,  into  one  which  has 
the  elytra  almost  testaceous, — the  paler  portions  being 
at  last  so  largely  developed  as  to  become  confluent,  and 
almost  to  cover  the  entire  surface.  In  Madeira  proper 
the  darker  varieties  would  seem  to  be  typical ;  whereas 
in  Porto  Santo  the  brightly  coloured  ones  preponderate, 
and  in  fact  are  all  but  universal.  Both  extremes  do 
nevertheless  occur  in  both  islands,  the  tendency  being 
merely,  in  either  case,  to  assume  the  particular  modifi- 
cation characteristic  of  the  spot*. 

And  so  it  is  with  the  outline  and  sculpture  (no  less 
than  with  bulk  and  hue)  :  they  also  are  equally  liable  to 
disturbance  from  physical  causes,  as  indeed  has  been 
*  Insecta  Maderensia,  p.  78. 


already  insisted  upon.  Like  most  of  the  minutiae  of 
variation,  however,  to  which  we  have  called  attention,  it  is 
more  particularly  on  islands  that  this  is  to  be  observed, 
— isolation,  during  an  interval  sufficiently  long,  appear- 
ing to  possess  some  especial  control  over  the  external 
contour  and  surface  of  the  insect  races.  Thus,  in  the 
Madeiras,  for  instance,  the  Caulotropis  lucifugus  has  its 
prothorax  more  distinctly  punctured,  and  its  elytra  more 
perceptibly  striated,  in  the  principal  island,  than  on  any 
of  the  smaller  members  of  the  group ;  in  Porto  Santo, 
indeed,  it  is  almost  free  from  sculpture  of  any  kind ; 
whilst  its  ally,  the  C.  conicollis,  apart  from  being  some- 
what larger,  is,  on  the  contrary,  both  more  punctured 
and  striated  on  the  Dezerta  Grande  than  it  is  in  Madeira 
proper.  The  Omias  Waterhousei,  again  (in  addition  to 
its  slightly  increased  bulk  and  less  shining  envelope,  in 
that  locality),  is  more  lightly  impressed  on  the  Dezerta 
than  it  is  in  Madeira :  and,  not  to  mention  other  differ- 
ences, the  Ellipsodes  glabratus  is  densely  beset  with 
most  minute  granules  on  that  same  rock — whereas  on 
the  mountain  slopes  of  the  central  mass,  it  is  highly 
polished  and  glabrous.  The  Helops  confertus,  we  have 
intimated  at  a  previous  page,  is  less  coarsely  sculptured 
in  the  lofty  regions  of  Madeira,  than  in  the  lower  ones : 
and  the  H.  futilis  has  its  elytral  tubercles  apparent  in 
Madeira  proper,  but  evanescent  on  the  Dezerta  Grande. 
The  Eurygnathus  Latreillei  assumes  a  permanent  variety 
on  the  Dezerta,  the  insect  having  become  modified 
through  a  long  isolation  on  those  weather-beaten  heights, 


— where  it  not  only  attains  a  more  gigantic  stature  than 
in  Porto  Santo,  but  is  invariably  also  more  parallel  and 
opake,  has  the  sides  of  its  prothorax  more  recurved,  with 
the  punctures  towards  the  lateral  angles  almost  obsolete, 
and  the  striae  of  its  elytra  somewhat  more  evidently 

Such  examples,  however,  might  be  multiplied  ad  infi- 
nitum ;  and  I  will  not  therefore  devote  further  space  to 
the  bringing  together  of  facts  which  it  is  hardly  possible 
will  be  disputed, — especially  as  it  has  been  my  wish,  in 
the  present  chapter,  merely  to  enumerate  what  the  organs 
and  characters  principally  are  which  are  more  peculiarly 
sensitive  to  change,  throughout  the  Annulose  tribes. 
This  I  may  venture  to  hope,  though  briefly,  I  have  in 
part  done ;  and  I  will  consequently  pass  on  to  other 
considerations,  which,  even  if  somewhat  alien  to  the  im- 
mediate question  of  insect  instability,  should  scarcely  be 
altogether  omitted  in  a  treatise  like  this. 

*  Insecta  Maderensia,  pp.  21,  22. 




WE  frequently  hear  it  asserted,  that,  since  the  members 
of  the  Insecta  are  so  numerous  and  minute,  when  com- 
pared with  those  of  other  departments  of  the  organic 
world,  the  entomologist,  whose  province  it  is  to  collect 
and  classify  them,  can  have  but  little  time,  if  he  attempt 
the  real  advancement  of  his  particular  science,  for  ge- 
neralizations on  a  broad  scale.  Now,  whilst  there  is 
necessarily  some  reason  in  this  remark  (for  the  investiga- 
tion of  species  is  a  work  of  such  labour  and  drudgery 
that  it  is  apt  to  monopolize  all  the  leisure  hours  which 
the  greater  number  of  us  are  able  to  command),  we 
should  recollect,  on  the  other  hand,  that  the  soundest 
theorists  have  ever  been  the  most  patient  and  accurate 
observers ;  and  have,  many  of  them,  spent  whole  years 
of  their  lives  as  humble  students  in  Nature's  domain. 
We  need  not  be  afraid  that  an  occupation  amongst 
what  is  microscopically  small  is  liable  to  cramp  the 
mind,  and  render  it  unfit  for  wider  processes  of  induc- 
tion, since  the  very  opposite  of  this  would  seem  to  come 
nearer  to  the  truth.  The  understanding  which  has 
been  well  tutored  by  a  system  of  close  and  steady  obser- 


vation,  which  has  been  trained  to  seize  upon  differences 
amongst  the  objects  of  our  common  experience,  to 
balance  the  importance  of  generic  and  specific  charac- 
ters, as  tested  in  the  acquisitions  of  our  daily  walks ; 
and  which  has  been  gradually  brightened  and  matured 
by  the  habitual  exercise  of  its  judgment  on  the  most 
trifling  phenomena  around  us,  has  usually  gained  strength 
enough  to  form  conclusions  from  such  data,  which  will 
not  only  stand  the  test  of  analysis,  but  will  be  free  from 
those  eccentricities  of  genius  which  too  often  mar  the 
speculations  of  less  practical  naturalists.  The  mind, 
moreover,  having  been  chained  and  fettered  for  a  season 
to  the  mere  detail  of  facts,  breaks  forth,  under  such  cir- 
cumstances, with  all  the  vigour  with  which  the  contempla- 
tion of  truth  has  gifted  it,  and  takes  its  flight  as  it  were 
to  a  clearer  sky;  and,  though  a  reaction  may  at  times 
set  in,  hurrying  it  away  into  regions  beyond  its  sphere, 
it  will  assuredly  return  at  length,  fraught  with  the 
soberness  which  its  vocation  has  inspired,  and  commence 
to  build  up  its  hypotheses,  step  by  step,  in  harmony 
with  the  material  which  it  has  amassed. 

Yet  though  entomologists  may  be  in  reality  as  well 
qualified  as  any  other  natural  historians  for  drawing 
general  conclusions  from  the  result  of  their  researches, 
it  is  impossible  to  conceal  the  fact,  that,  as  a  body,  they 
have  not  ordinarily  done  so.  Whether  this  has  hap- 
pened through  an  accidental  disinclination  on  their  part 
to  occupy  themselves  in  such  matters,  or  (which  is  more 
probable)  from  their  whole  time  having  been  engrossed 


by  the  dry  routine  of  their  science,  I  do  not  pretend  to 
determine :  be  the  solution,  however,  what  it  may,  the 
inference  is  practically  the  same, — that  the  Annulosa 
have  not  hitherto  been  sufficiently  regarded,  in  the 
great  questions  of  zoological  geography.  But  especially 
have  they  been  ignored  during  that  most  significant  of 
considerations  which  has  been  so  ably  brought  forward 
of  late  years  by  some  of  our  keenest  observers, — namely, 
the  distribution  of  animals,  as  affected  by  geological 
changes,  on  the  earth's  surface. 

It  would  be  well  if  the  collector  of  insects  would 
devote  at  least  a  tithe  of  his  energies  to  the  speculative 
branch  of  his  subject.  Certain  it  is  that  much  would 
probably  be  advanced,  at  first,  on  slender  premises ;  and 
would,  as  a  consequence,  fall  to  the  ground,  leaving  no 
record  behind  it.  Yet  such  must  inevitably  be  the  case, 
at  the  outset,  in  every  region  of  inquiry ;  and  we  are 
prepared  to  expect  it.  It  does  not  however  follow  that 
good  would  not  be  developed  also ;  whilst  we  are  confi- 
dent of  the  fact,  that  unless  the  trial  be  made,  it  cannot 
possibly  arise.  No  question  has  ever  yet  been  mooted 
without  beneficial  results  :  it  has  either  been  shown  to  be 
absurd,  and  has  received  its  death-blow  on  the  spot,  or 
else  truth  has  been  elicited  (indirectly  perhaps),  which  has 
at  once  shed  a  new  ray  of  light  on  some  of  its  obscurest 
bearings.  And  so,  assuredly,  it  would  be  in  the  present 
instance.  We  cannot  doubt  that  there  is  much  to  be 
discovered  in  the  past  history  of  insect  dissemination, 
which  would  tend,  when  rightly  interpreted,  to  explain 


many  of  the  occult  phenomena  of  the  present  day ;  and 
we  may  be  equally  satisfied  that  this  cannot  by  any 
possibility  be  attempted  without  the  assistance  of  geo- 
logy. Let  us  therefore  glance  hastily  at  a  few  of  those 
more  undeniable  convulsions  which  we  are  aware  have, 
at  various  epochs,  taken  place ;  and  endeavour  to  catch 
a  glimpse  of  how,  in  the  common  course  of  things,  that 
portion  of  the  insect  world  would  be  affected  which  was 
exposed  to  their  influence. 

First  and  foremost,  perhaps,  in  importance,  of  all  the 
changes  which  it  is  self-evident  have  happened,  may  be 
mentioned  subsidence.  Including,  as  it  does,  both  the 
general  lowering  of  some  countries,  and  the  actual  isola- 
tion of  others,  there  are,  I  believe,  no  physical  crises  to 
which  we  could  point,  through  the  instrumentality  of 
which  the  very  existence  of  the  insect  races  (not  to 
allude  to  their  diffusion)  has  been,  by  the  nature  of  the 
case,  more  seriously  interfered  with.  We  know  that 
there  are  certain  species  of  an  alpine  and  boreal  cha- 
racter, which  cannot  live  except  in  a  climate  of  low  tem- 
perature,— guaranteed  to  them  either  by  elevation  in  one 
land,  or  by  a  higher  latitude  in  another:  and  let  us 
picture  the  consequences  of  the  gradual  sinking  of  a 
mountain  chain,  even  to  a  small  extent,  the  summits  of 
which  only  just  afforded  the  conditions  of  atmosphere 
necessary  for  the  continuance  of  creatures  like  these. 
Now  this  is  an  example  by  no  means  far-fetched,  and 
such  as  must  have  occurred  in  instances  innumerable. 
But,  what  would  be  the  many  results  of  a  diminution  in 


the  level  of  our  imaginary  range  ?  It  needs  no  argu- 
ment to  prove,  that  one  at  least  would  be  manifest  in 
the  total  extinction  of  those  forms  which  could  not 
adapt  themselves  to  the  increased  heat.  Others,  which 
were  able  with  difficulty  to  endure  the  alteration,  would 
in  all  probability,  even  though  they  had  now  emigrated 
to  the  loftiest  peaks,  nourish  less  vigorously  than  before ; 
and  it  is  not  unlikely,  moreover,  that  they  would  become 
somewhat  modified  from  their  normal  states, — states 
which,  be  it  recollected  (for  this  is  an  instructive  lesson), 
would  still  exist  in  more  northern  zones. 

During  my  researches  in  mountain  tracts,  I  have 
usually  remarked,  that  the  highest  points  of  land  either 
teem  with  life,  or  else  are  perfectly  barren.  My  own 
experience  would  certainly  tend  to  prove,  that,  in  a 
general  sense,  one  or  the  other  of  these  extremes  does 
almost  constantly  obtain.  And,  although  I  would  not  wish 
to  dogmatize  on  phgenomena  which  may  in  reality  be  ex- 
plicable on  other  hypotheses,  it  would  perhaps  be  worth 
while  to  inquire  whether  the  geological  movements  of 
subsidence  and  elevation  will  not  afford  some  clew  to  the 
right  interpretation  of  them.  Be  this,  however,  as  it 
may,  I  can  answer,  that  in  many  countries,  where  there 
are  strong  indications  of  the  former,  the  alpine  summits 
harbour  an  insect  population  to  a  singular  extent ;  whilst 
in  others,  where  the  latter  is  as  distinctly  traceable,  the 
upland  ridges  are  comparatively  untenanted.  Now  we 
have  already  shown,  that  where  the  gradual  lowering  of 
a  region  has  taken  place,  there  will  be,  of  necessity,  an 


undue  accumulation  of  life  on  its  loftiest  pinnacles, — 
for,  even  allowing  a  certain  number  of  species  (which 
even  formerly  were  only  just  able  to  find  a  sufficient  alti- 
tude for  their  development)  to  have  perished,  we  shall 
have  concentrated  at  that  single  elevation  the  residue  of 
all  those  which  have  survived  from  the  ancient  elevations 
above  it.  But,  if,  on  the  other  hand,  an  area,  already 
peopled,  be  in  parts  greatly  upheaved,  there  will  be 
either  a  universal  dying-out,  from  the  cold,  of  a  large 
proportion  of  its  inhabitants,  or  else  an  instinctive 
striving  amongst  them  to  desert  the  higher  grounds  on 
which  they  have  been  lifted  up,  and  to  descend  to  their 
normal  altitudes :  in  both  cases,  however,  the  present 
summits  will  display  the  same  feature, — namely,  utter 

Such  are  a  few  of  the  effects  which  elevation  and 
subsidence,  even  on  a  small  scale,  would  seem  (when 
tested  by  theory  and  practice)  to  produce.  It  yet 
remains  for  us  to  suggest,  that  the  latter,  when  carried 
to  its  maximum,  so  as  to  cause  the  actual  separation  by 
the  sea  of  one  district  from  another,  is  a  contingency  of 
immense  significance  in  regulating  the  distribution  of 
the  Annulose  tribes.  Their  outward  contour  and  aspect 
we  have  shown  in  a  previous  chapter  to  be  very  largely 
beneath  the  control  of  isolation,  provided  a  sufficient 
time  can  be  granted  for  the  change :  but  their  ultimate 
absence  from  any  particular  place,  through  the  impedi- 
ment which  it  offers  to  their  migratory  progress,  we 
have  not  yet  touched  upon.  Let  us  conceive,  therefore, 


an  extensive  continent ;  and,  since  the  insects  which  at 
present  inhabit  our  earth  must,  if  the  doctrine  of  specific 
centres  he  true,  have  been  originally  created  in  certain 
definite  spots,  let  us  suppose  a  limited  proportion  of 
them  to  have  been  first  produced  upon  this  tract.  Self- 
dissemination,  we  will  assume,  has  been  going  on  for 
centuries :  those  species  which  were  gifted  with  quick 
diffusive  powers  have  become  pretty  evenly  dispersed 
over  its  surface ;  whilst  those  of  naturally  slow  or  seden- 
tary habits  have  peopled,  comparatively,  but  small  areas 
around  the  respective  localities  of  their  birth.  Such  may 
have  been  the  case,  at  some  fixed  period,  amongst  the 
aboriginal  beings  of  any  country  which  we  choose  to 
select  as  an  illustration.  But  there  is  another  element 
to  be  considered.  If  this  region  be  not  insular,  it  will 
have  received  colonists  from  foci  of  radiation  situated 
beyond  its  bounds ;  and  these,  therefore,  according  to 
their  several  capabilities  for  progression,  will  have,  like- 
wise, in  parts,  overspread,  or  tenanted,  it.  Now  it  is 
impossible  to  cite  a  more  simple  example  than  this. 
But  let  us  endeavour  to  realize  what  would  be  the  neces- 
sary consequence  of  the  breaking  up  of  such  a  district  as 
that  which  we  have  imagined.  If  a  general  sinking  should 
take  place,  causing  its  higher  points  to  be  alone  visible 
above  the  ocean,  or  merely  a  partial  one,  so  as  to  admit  of 
the  sea  encompassing  portions  of  it  which  would  remain 
unaffected  in  their  altitude;  the  result  practically  would  be 
the  same, — namely,  the  constitution  of  a  group  of  islands 
out  of  a  once  continuous  land.  Then,  as  regards  the 


animal  population  of  this  tract,  the  main  phsenomena  are 
almost  self-evident.  Should  any  of  its  isolated  frag- 
ments chance  to  contain  a  portion  of  one  of  those  limited 
areas  which  a  species  of  slow  progressive  powers  had 
succeeded  in  colonizing,  it  would  of  course  harbour  (pro- 
vided that  the  other  portion  has  disappeared)  what  would 
now  be  denned  as  endemic.  Numbers  of  these  small 
areas,  or,  in  other  words,  of  the  species  which  had  over- 
spread them,  would  in  all  probability  be  lost  for  ever ; 
whilst  the  occurrence  of  any  of  the  surviving  ones  in 
more  than  a  single  island  would  manifestly  depend  on 
the  proximity  of  the  islands  inter  se.  Those  forms  which 
had  diffused  themselves  over  the  whole  original  con- 
tinent would  now  be  found  in  all  the  detachments  of  the 
cluster;  whilst  others,  which  had  wandered  over  the 
greater  portion  of  it  only,  might  be  traceable  perhaps  in 
every  island  except  a  few. 

Such  are  the  primary  facts  which  suggest  themselves, 
whilst  discussing  the  question  of  isolation  as  regulating 
the  distribution  of  the  Annulose  tribes.  Its  after  effects, 
on  their  external  configuration  and  development,  we 
have  examined  in  a  preceding  chapter  of  this  treatise; 
and  we  have  also  lately  intimated  what  might  be  a  few 
of  the  presumptive  consequences  of  a  subsidence  (in  a 
general  sense),  apart  from  the  still  more  important 
principle  of  isolation.  Before,  however,  we  dismiss  these 
brief  and  elementary  reflexions  on  the  upward  and  down- 
ward movements  which  geology  testifies  to  have  occurred, 
at  various  epochs,  on  the  earth's  surface,  I  shall  per- 


haps  be  pardoned  if  I  digress  so  far  from  my  immediate 
subject  as  to  trace  out  some  of  the  actual  results  of  iso- 
lation in  the  diffusion  of  the  Insecta  (especially  recogni- 
zable in  the  stoppage  of  a  former  migratory  progress)  in 
a  few  of  the  northern  Atlantic  groups.  I  should  pre- 
mise, however,  that  it  is  from  the  Coleoptera  alone  that 
I  shall  attempt  to  draw  my  inferences;  nevertheless, 
since  that  order  is  more  extensive  than  any  of  the  others, 
and  has  moreover  been  closely  investigated  in  most  of 
those  islands,  it  may  possibly  afford  us  data  of  sufficient 
comprehensiveness  and  accuracy  for  practical  purposes. 

To  commence,  then,  with  the  Madeiras  and  Canaries ; 
the  first  facts  which  isolation  discloses  to  us,  concerning 
the  statistics  of  a  region  which  was  once  continuous 
throughout  that  portion  of  the  Atlantic,  are  the  slowness 
and  the  direction  of  the  ancient  migratory  movements. 
The  former  of  these  is  rendered  evident  from  the  vast 
number  of  endemic  species  which  are  at  present  con- 
tained, not  merely  in  the  two  groups  combined,  but  in 
the  several  islands  of  which  each  of  them  is  composed. 
True  it  is,  that  these  peculiar  forms  are,  most  of  them, 
apterous,  and  of  naturally  sluggish  self-disseminating 
powers;  yet,  still  the  circumstance  remains,  that  these 
various  creatures  had  not  overrun  areas  of  any  extent 
before  the  land  of  passage  was  destroyed, — for  otherwise 
they  must  have  occurred,  now,  on  islands  and  rocks  but 
slightly  removed  from  each  other,  which  they  do  not. 
The  latter  of  the  above  conclusions,  namely,  the  direction 
of  the  migratory  current,  will  become  apparent  in  the 


sequel.  We  may  premise  however,  that,  so  far  as  the 
aborigines  of  this  province  are  concerned,  their  course 
will  be  found,  upon  the  whole,  to  have  been  a  northerly 

As  regards  the  slowness,  and  the  direction,  of  the 
quondam  migration  (questions  which  can  scarcely  be 
treated  apart  from  each  other),  some  light  may  be 
thrown  on  the  subject  from  considerations  like  the  fol- 
lowing. The  Canaries  are  the  head-quarters  of  the 
genus  Hegeter ;  Teneriffe  may  indeed  be  called  the  land 
of  Hegeters.  No  less  than  thirteen  or  fourteen  species 
have  been  recorded  as  indigenous  to  those  islands ;  and 
there  can  be  no  reasonable  doubt  whatsoever  that  that 
ancient  region  (when  continuous  and  entire)  was  the 
primaeval  centre,  or  range,  of  that  Heteromerous  group. 
The  Hegeters  are  an  apterous  race,  and  of  a  sedentary 
temperament ;  hence,  when  the  area  (whether  by  general 
or  partial  subsidence,  it  signifies  not)  was  broken  up,  it 
is  not  surprising  that  those  local  fragments  of  it  should 
have  become  the  nucleus  of  reception,  as  it  were,  for  the 
members  of  that  genus.  Nevertheless,  a  few  of  these 
many  representatives  (of  more  discursive  capabilities  per- 
haps than  the  rest)  had  found  their  way,  before  the 
period  of  dissolution,  to  a  isiderable  distance  from 
their  original  haunts.  Thus,  one  of  them  (the  H.  late- 
bricola,  Woll.)  had  arrived  at  what  now  constitutes  the 
rocks  of  the  Salvages ;  another  (the  H.  elongatus,  Oliv.), 
at  least,  if  not  two,  had  colonized  the  Madeiras,  and  is 
said  (though  I  believe  incorrectly)  to  have  even  reached 


the  present  coast  of  Portugal.  This  latter  species  is 
clearly  of  a  more  adaptive  nature  than  its  allies,  inas- 
much as  it  has,  also,  naturalized  itself  (though  this  may 
be  a  more  recent,  and  accidental,  circumstance)  on  the 
opposite  shores  of  Africa.  One  thing,  however,  is  at  any 
rate  manifest, — that  the  Hegeters  attain  their  maximum 
in  the  Canaries,  and  that  a  few  members  only  have  been 
sent  oif,  in  a  northerly,  or  north-easterly,  direction, 
from  thence. 

In  like  manner,  the  genus  Tarphius  is  distinctively 
Madeiran.  I  have  detected  nearly  twenty  well-defined 
species  of  it  in  that  group;  yet,  out  of  so  large  a 
number,  two  only  have  occurred  beyond  the  central 
island.  Now  the  Tarphii  are,  also,  wingless ;  and  crea- 
tures of  very  sluggish  propensities, — scarcely  ever  stir- 
ring from  the  masses  of  loose  rotting  timber  which  they 
so  assimilate  in  hue,  and  to  the  under  sides  of  which 
they  affix  themselves,  day  and  night.  Although  difficult 
to  investigate  in  their  precise  economy,  it  is  extremely 
probable  (may  I  not  say,  certain  ?)  that  some  important 
and  peculiar  office  is  assigned  to  them  in  the  remote 
upland  districts  to  which  they  exclusively  belong :  and 
there  cannot  be  any  question,  to  a  person  who  has 
studied  them  carefully  on  the  spot,  but  that  the  region 
which  they  now  inhabit  is  the  actual  area  of  their  prim- 
aeval appearance  on  this  earth.  Many  kindred  species 
may  of  course  have  been  lost,  during  those  gigantic 
subsidences  which  caused  the  Madeiras  to  be  shaped 
out,  and  to  tell  their  tale  above  the  waves  as  ruins  of  an 



ancient  land ;  yet  our  existing  cluster  of  forms  could  not 
have  wandered  far  at  that  early  period,  from  the  Serras 
and  ridges  of  their  birth, — perhaps  not  so  far  indeed 
(considering  the  limited  bounds  within  which  they  are 
now   confined,   and  that  time  should  in  reality  have 
increased  their  range  rather  than  diminished  it)  as  they 
have  succeeded  in  doing  at  the   present  day.     Hence 
we  may  reasonably  conclude,  that  Madeira  proper  is  an 
example  of  what  we  have  alluded  to  in  a  preceding  page, 
— namely,  of  the  accidental  retention,  during   a  vast 
downward  movement,  of  a  nucleus  of  small  specific  areas 
of  colonization,  the  colonizers  of  which  had  not  extended 
elsewhere.     But  I  stated,  that  two  of  the  above-men- 
tioned Tarphii  have  occurred  beyond  the  central  mass, 
It  is  in  Porto  Santo  that  they  make  their  appearance ; 
nevertheless,  since  one  of  them  is  apparently  peculiar  to 
that  island,  it  is  only  the  T.  Lowei,  Woll.  (an  insect  of  a 
different,  and  more  active,  nature  than  the  rest)  which 
has  violated  that  local  exclusiveness  which  would  seem  to 
be  almost  a  generic  character,  as  it  were,  of  its  allies. 
That  species,  however,  both  in  its  manners  and  aspect, 
recedes  materially  from  the  remainder.     Although,  like 
them,  nocturnal  in  its  habits,  it  is  able  to  run  with  con- 
siderable velocity ;  and,  instead  of  attaching  itself  to  the 
blocks  of  putrefying  wood,  which  both  fall  and  decay  in 
situ  on  those  elevated  tracts,  it  hides  within  the  bunches 
of  Evernia  scopulorum  and  prunastri  which  clothe  the 
trunks  of  living  trees,  and  fill  up  the  crevices  of  the 
weather-beaten  peaks.     Hence,  when   contrasted  with 


its  comrades,  we  can  easily  understand  how  the  varied 
processes  of  accidental  transportation  would  operate  to 
increase  the  range  of  a  creature  which  differs  so  essen 
tially,  in  many  respects,  from  them.  It  is  indeed,  not 
unfrequently,  brought  down,  at  the  present  day,  by 
human  agencies  from  the  mountain-slopes ;  for,  since 
the  cutting  of  faggots  is  one  of  the  few  sources  of  live- 
lihood to  a  large  proportion  of  the  poor  of  Funchal, 
numerous  insects  of  subcortical  and  lichen-infesting 
tendencies  are  subject  to  be  naturalized  (provided  they 
can  adapt  themselves  to  the  change)  in  altitudes  lower 
than  their  normal  ones  :  so  that  there  are  many  chances, 
even  a  priori,  in  favour  of  the  T.  Lowei  having  over- 
spread, whether  by  natural  or  artificial  means,  a  wider 
area  than  its  congeners.  I  believe  that  there  is  no  such 
thing  as  a  Tarphius  in  the  Canarian  Group  :  neverthe- 
less, singularly  enough,  a  representative,  which  is  more 
akin  to  the  T.  Lowei  than  to  any  other  hitherto  dis- 
covered (and  which  was  imagined  until  lately  to  have 
been  the  sole  exponent  of  the  genus),  namely,  the 
T.  gibbulus,  Germ.,  occurs  in  Sicily.  From  which  data 
we  arrive  at  this  significant  fact :  that,  whilst  Madeira 
proper  is,  without  doubt,  the  original  centre  of  the 
Tarphii,  two  species  (one  of  which  is,  likewise,  Ma- 
deiran)  are  found  in  Porto  Santo,  to  the  north-east  of  it ; 
whilst  a  third  makes  its  appearance  in  an  island  of  the 

The  genus  Acalles  presents  a  nucleus  of  species  in  the 
Canaries,  moulded  on  a  very  large  pattern.     A  closely 



allied  member,  the  A.  Neptunus,  Woll.  (whicli  may  per- 
haps be  in  reality  but  an  insular  modification  of  the 
A.  argillosus,  Schon.,  from  Teneriffe),has  been  detected 
on  the  rocks  of  the  Salvages,  to  the  north  of  them; 
whilst  on  the  Dezerta  Grande,  one  of  the  most  southern 
stations  of  the  Madeiran  Group,  we  have  a  third,  which 
displays  far  more  in  common  with  the  Canarian  type 
than  it  does  with  that  which  obtains  in  Madeira  proper ; 
— which  last  is  gradually,  in  its  turn,  merged  into  the 
ordinary  European  form.  The  genus  Pecteropus,  Woll., 
is  another  instance  in  point.  I  possess  three  or  four 
species  from  the  Grand  Canary,  Fuertaventura,  and 
Teneriffe ;  and  I  believe  it  will  be  found,  on  inquiry,  to 
attain  its  maximum  in  that  cluster.  Unlike  the  others, 
however,  which  we  have  just  cited,  it  is  powerfully 
winged  -,  and  we  should  consequently  expect  to  trace  the 
evidences  of  its  northward  progression  with  comparative 
perspicuity.  Can  we  therefore  do  so  ?  Yes :  in  Ma- 
deira proper  it  has  two  representatives,  and  in  Porto 
Santo  (to  the  north  of  it)  one.  And  so  with  Xenostron- 
gylus,  Woll.  (which  is  likewise  winged),  we  have  two 
species,  at  least,  in  the  Canaries ;  one  in  the  Madeiras ; 
and  a  third,  unless  I  am  mistaken,  in  Sicily.  The  genus 
Ditylus  is  shadowed  forth  in  the  Canary  Islands  by  two 
or  three  singular  representatives  of  a  pallid,  testaceous 
hue ;  and,  although  the  group  is  entirely  absent  in  Ma- 
deira, a  species  (the  D.  fulvus,  Woll.)  is  found  on  the 
'  Great  Piton '  of  the  Salvages,  so  nearly  resembling, 
except  in  its  smaller  size,  one  of  those  from  the  Canaries 


that  I  think  it  far  from  improbable  that  it  is  a  fixed 
insular  state  of  that  insect.  Deucalion,  also,  may  be 
quoted  in  support  of  this  twofold  hypothesis,  of  the 
direction,  and  the  slowness,  of  the  former  migratory 
movements.  It  is  an  apterous  genus,  and  of  eminently 
sluggish  habits ;  and  what  is  the  consequence  ? — we  have 
a  very  remarkable  species  (the  D.  oceanicum,  Woll.)  on 
one  of  the  rocks  of  the  Salvages,  whilst  another  (the 
D.  Desertarum,  Woll.)  has  been  isolated  on  the  two 
southernmost  islands  of  the  Madeiran  Group ;  and  of  so 
sedentary  a  nature  is  this  last,  that,  although  physically 
unimpeded,  it  has  not,  even  to  this  day,  overrun  the 
diminutive  areas  on  which,  when  the  surrounding  region 
was  submerged,  it  was  originally  saved  from  destruction. 
So  strongly  indeed  was  this  fact  impressed  upon  me, 
when  I  first  detected  it,  that  I  shall  perhaps  be  excused 
for  recapitulating  in  extenso  the  few  reflexions  which 
then  suggested  themselves  to  my  mind.  "  There  is  no 
genus,  perhaps,  throughout  all  the  Madeiran  Coleoptera, 
more  truly  indigenous  than  Deucalion.  Confined  appa- 
rently, so  far  as  these  islands  are  concerned,  to  the 
remote  and  almost  inaccessible  ridges  of  the  two  south- 
ern Dezertas,  it  would  seem  to  bid  defiance  to  the  most 
enthusiastic  adventurer  who  would  scale  those  dangerous 
heights.  Its  excessive  rarity,  moreover,  even  when  the 
localities  are  attained,  must  ever  impart  to  it  a  peculiar 
value  in  the  eyes  of  a  naturalist ;  whilst  its  anomalous 
structure  and  sedentary*  mode  of  life  give  it  an  addi- 

*  "  When  we  consider  indeed  the  apterous  nature  of  Deucalion, 


tional  interest  in  connexion  with  that  ancient  continent, 
of  which  these  ocean  ruins,  on  which  for  so  many  ages  it 
has  been  cut  off,  are  the  undoubted  witnesses.  Approxi- 
mating in  affinity  to  Parmena  and  Dorcadion,  yet  pre- 
senting a  modification  essentially  its  own,  it  becomes 
doubly  important  in  a  geographical  point  of  view ;  and 
it  was  therefore  with  the  greater  pleasure  that  I  lately 
received  a  second  representative,  from  the  distant  rocks 
of  the  Salvages, — midway  between  Madeira  and  the 
Canaries.  Differing  widely  in  specific  minutiae,  yet 
agreeing  to  an  identity  in  everything  generic,  they  offer 
conjointly  the  strongest  presumptive  evidence  to  the 
quondam  existence  of  many  subsidiary  links  (long  since 
lost,  and  radiating  in  all  probability  from  some  interme- 
diate type)  during  the  period  when  the  whole  of  these 
islands  were  portions,  and  perhaps  very  elevated  ones,  of 
a  vast  continuous  land.  *****  The  Deucalion 
Desertarum  is  of  the  utmost  rarity,  the  only  two*  speci- 

its  subconnate  elytra,  and  its  attachment  (at  any  rate  in  the  larva 
state)  to  the  interior  of  the  stems  of  particular,  local  plants,  or  its 
retiring  propensities  within  the  crevices  of  rocks;  we  are  at  once 
struck  with  the  conviction,  that,  during  the  enormous  interval  of 
time  which  has  elapsed  since  the  mighty  convulsions  which  rent 
asunder  these  regions  terminated,  it  has  probably  never  removed 
many  yards  from  the  weather-beaten  ledges  which  it  now  inhabits." 
*  Since  the  above  was  published,  I  have  succeeded  in  detecting 
one  more  example, — namely  (in  June  1855)  on  the  summit  of  the 
Ilheo  Bugio,  or  Southern  Dezerta,  within  a  few  yards  of  the  self- 
same spot  where  it  was  found  by  the  Rev.  R.  T.  Lowe  in  May  1850. 
Although  I  searched  diligently  on  the  Dezerta  Grande,  during  my 
late  campaign  in  the  Madeira  Islands,  I  was  not  able  (so  great  is 
its  rarity)  to  discover  farther  traces  of  it  on  that  rock. 


mens  which  I  have  seen  having  been  captured  (the  first 
by  myself,  in  1849 ;  and  the  second  by  the  Rev.  R.  T. 
Lowe,  in  1850)  on  the  respective  summits  of  the  Middle 
and  Southern  Dezertas.  So  local  indeed  does  it  seem  to 
be,  that  it,  apparently,  has  not  extended  itself  even  over 
the  Dezerta  Grande  (where  there  are  no  external  ob- 
stacles to  bar  its  progress) ;  but  retains  the  very  position 
which  in  all  probability  constituted  its  original  centre  of 
dissemination  at  the  remote  period  of  time  when  this 
ancient  continent  received  its  allotted  forms.  Judging 
from  the  slowness  with  which  creatures  of  such  habits 
must  necessarily,  under  any  circumstances,  be  diffused, 
it  is  at  least  unlikely  that  the  present  one  could  have 
circulated  far,  when  the  now  submerged  portions  of  that 
region  began  to  give  way;  and  hence  it  is  not  impossible 
that  the  Southern  Dezerta,  with  the  adjacent  part  (then 
united  to  it)  of  the  Central  one,  may  have  embraced  the 
whole  area  of  its  actual  primseval  range, — the  remains 
of  which  (though  they  be  now  separated  by  a  channel)  it 
still  continues  to  occupy,  and  from  which,  even  when 
physically  unimpeded,  it  has  never  roamed*." 

Although  it  is  not  my  province  in  this  volume  to  draw 
inferences  from  data  which  are  not  strictly  entomologi- 
cal, I  shall  perhaps  be  pardoned  for  adding  a  few  words 
on  the  testimony  which  the  Land  Mollusca  of  the 
Madeiras  would  seem  to  afford,  in  support  of  the  general 
slowness  of  the  animal  migrations  over  that  primseval 
continent.  The  researches  of  the  Rev.  R.  T.  Lowe,  and 
*  Insecta  Maderensia,  p.  435. 


of  myself,  on  every  rock  and  island  of  the  group,  have, 
it  appears,  so  nearly  exhausted  the  whole  number  of 
species  which  lately  remained  to  be  found,  that  the  con- 
chological  statistics  are  perhaps,  at  the  present  time, 
more  accurate  than  those  of  any  other  department  of  the 
fauna :  and,  independently  of  the  modifications  which 
have  been  manifestly  brought  about,  in  some  few  instances, 
by  isolation,  since  the  periods  of  subsidence,  it  is  truly 
singular  to  remark  how  every  detached  portion  of  the 
entire  cluster  harbours  real  species,  which  are  now  pecu- 
liarly its  own.  Thus  (to  select  an  illustration  from 
amongst  the  most  anomalous  of  the  endemic  forms),  we 
have  in  Madeira  proper,  Porto  Santo,  and  on  the  South- 
ern Dezerta,  respectively,  true  representatives,  in  the 
Helix  tiarella,  coronata,  and  coronula, — which  in  all 
probability  still  occupy  the  positions  (or  nearly  so)  of 
their  original  debut  upon  this  earth.  Considering  the 
sluggish,  or  sedentary,  nature  of  the  Terrestrial  Mollusks, 
it  is  extremely  likely  (nay,  almost  certain)  that  many 
intermediate  links,  radiating  from  the  same  type,  were 
lost  for  ever,  when  the  gigantic  movements  which  rent 
this  ancient  region  were  in  course  of  operation :  so  that, 
if  such  were  in  reality  the  case,  we  need  not  be  surprised 
that  one  at  least  of  this  small  geographical  nucleus  should 
have  been  preserved  on  three  of  the  existing  islands  of 
the  group.  That  these  are  actual  species  (saved  alive 
from  their  fellows,  after  the  wholesale  destructions  in 
this  Atlantic  province  had  been  completed),  and  no 
results  of  insular  development,  is  demonstrated  by  the 


fact  that  two  of  them   (for  the  third  has  apparently 
become  extinct)  have  not  altered  one  iota  since  the  fossil 
period,  which,  in  the  opinion  of  Sir  Charles  Lyell,  is 
anterior  to  the  dissolution  of  the  intermediate  land ; — 
whereas,  had  they  been  mere  modifications  of  each  other, 
induced  by  the  local  conditions  and  influences  to  which 
they  have  been,  through  a  long  series  of  ages,  severally 
exposed,  the  difference  between  their  recent  contour  and 
that  of  their  fossil  homologues  would  have  been  doubtless 
at  once  conspicuous.     I  gather,  therefore,  that  like  the 
Tarphii,  to  which  we  have  lately  drawn  attention,  they 
are  veritable  surviving  members  of  an  esoteric  assemblage 
which  found  its  birth-place  on  this  post-miocene  (?)  tract. 
In  a  similar  manner,  the  H.  undata  in  Madeira  pro- 
per, the  H.  Vulcania  on  the  Dezertas,  and  the  H.  Porto- 
sanctana  in  Porto  Santo,  are  representative  species, — 
each  occupying  the  same  position,  and  being  equally 
abundant,  on  their  respective  islands :  and,  although  it 
may  be  a  problem  whether  the  second  of  these  is  not  an 
insular  modification  of  the  first  (or  vice  versa)  •  yet,  with 
the  analogy  of  the  three  already  mentioned  before  us,  I 
am  inclined  a  priori  to  view  it  as  distinct.     These,  also, 
occur  in  a  subfossil  state ;  and  no  alteration  appears  to 
have  been  brought  about,  by  either  circumstances  or 
time.     And  so  it  is  with  numerous  others  (as  the  H.  latens 
in  Madeira,  and  the  H.  obtecta  in  Porto  Santo;    the 
H.  squalida  in  Madeira,  and  the  H.  depauperata   in 
Porto  Santo;  the  H.  Delphinula  in  Madeira,  and  the 
H.  tectiformis  in  Porto  Santo),  which  are  no  less  repre- 



sentative  inter  se.  From  which  we  are  driven  to  con- 
clude ; — first,  that  this  quondam  continent  was  densely 
stocked  at  the  beginning  with  foci  of  radiation  created 
expressly  for  itself* ;  and,  secondly,  that  the  areas  which 
these  various  creatures  had  overspread,  before  the  land 
of  passage  was  broken  up,  was  extremely  limited, — or, 
which  amounts  to  the  same  thing,  that  their  migratory 
progress  was  unusually  slow. 

Touching  the  two-fold  question,  of  the  local  engage- 
ment of  this  Atlantic  district  with  specific  centres  of 
diffusion,  and  the  extreme  slowness  of  their  diffusive  pro- 
gress, much  instruction  may  be  derived  from  a  contem- 
plation of  the  conchological  statistics.  Porto  Santo,  for 
instance,  is  a  very  small  island  (not  more  than  seven 
miles  in  length),  yet  the  number  of  endemic  species 
which  it  includes  is  so  perfectly  astounding  that  it  may 
be  appropriately  termed  a  generic  area  of  radiation. 

*  It  would  seem,  when  viewed  on  a  broad  scale,  as  if  particular 
districts  throughout  the  world  had  been  made  as  it  were  the  special 
fields  for  the  exercise  of  the  creative  force, — or  that,  generic  areas 
of  radiation  were  part  of  the  elementary  design.  Thus,  Professor 
E.  Forbes  records  his  belief  that  most,  if  not  indeed  all,  of  the  ter- 
restrial animals  and  plants  now  inhabiting  Britain  are  members  of 
specific  centres  beyond  its  bounds, — they  having  migrated  to  it  over 
a  continuous  land,  before,  during,  or  after  the  glacial  epoch.  Hence, 
since  the  greater  number  of  them  are  supposed  to  have  come  from 
the  central  Germanic  plains,  we  may  assume  that  those  plains  were 
one  of  the  primary  areas  of  diffusion  for  a  large  mass  of  created 
beings.  There  is  good  cause  for  suspecting  that  the  Pyrenean 
region  may  have  been  another ;  and  certainly  all  evidence  would 
tend  to  prove  that  this  vast  Atlantic  province  was,  also,  well  stocked 
with  aboriginal  forms. 


Nor  does  this  primaeval  excess  of  its  aboriginal  beings 
strike  us  more  forcibly  than  does  the  utter  quiescence 
(if  I  may  so  express  it)  which  has  been  going  on  amongst 
them  since  the  remote  era  of  their  birth.  Although  a 
few  have  apparently  died  out*  since  that  epoch,  conse- 
quent perhaps  on  the  change  of  level  and  diminished 
range  which  took  place  during  the  process  of  subsidence ; 
we  are  amazed  to  find  that  certain  species  which  are  now 
limited  to  particular  spots  (even  whilst  unopposed  by 
physical  barriers)  have  been  absolutely  peculiar  to  them 

*  Assuming  the  Helix  Lowei  and  Bowdichiana  to  be  gigantic 
phases  of  the  H.  Portosanctana  and  punctulata,  respectively ;  four 
only,  namely  H.  fluctuosa  and  lapicida,  Achatina  Eulina,  and  Cyclo- 
stoma  lucidum  (the  first  three  of  which  are  extinct  throughout  the 
entire  group),  seem  to  have  altogether  disappeared.  Nevertheless, 
the  gradual  dying-out,  as  it  were,  of  species,  both  here  and  in 
Madeira  proper,  is  singularly  evident.  Thus,  in  the  latter,  the  Cani- 
9al  beds  show  the  H.  tiarella  to  have  been  once  most  abundant  (it 
literally  teems  in  those  calcareous  formations).  Yet  so  rare  is  it  in 
a  recent  state,  that,  until  the  summer  of  1855,  when  it  was  detected 
by  myself  and  the  Rev.  R.  T.  Lowe  in  two  remote  spots  along  the 
perpendicular  cliffs  of  the  northern  coast,  it  was  supposed  to  have 
been  lost  for  ages.  And  the  same  may  be  said  of  its  counterpart, 
the  H.  coronata,  in  Porto  Santo, — which,  likewise,  swarms  in  every 
fossil-bed  of  that  island ;  but  which  was,  also,  until  I  met  with  it, 
on  the  15th  of  December  1848,  adhering  to  slabs  of  stone  at  a  con- 
siderable depth  beneath  the  ground,  on  the  extreme  eastern  peak 
(opposite  to  the  Ilheo  de  Cima),  imagined  to  have  long  passed 
away.  And  so,  reasoning  from  analogy,  I  think  it  far  from  impro- 
bable that  the  third  representative  of  this  little  geographical  assem- 
blage,— the  H.  coronula  of  the  Bugio  (which  has  hitherto  only 
occurred  in  the  mud  deposits  on  the  summit  of  that  rock), — may  be 
still  alive,  though  perhaps  in  very  small  numbers,  on  some  of  the 
inaccessible  ridges  of  those  dangerous  heights. 


from  the  first, — or,  in  other  words,  that,  whilst  the  fossil 
deposits  extend  throughout  the  lower  regions  of  the 
island,  far  and  wide,  it  is  only  in  those  respective  por- 
tions of  the  beds  which  join  on  to  the  present  "  habitats  " 
that  the  fossil  homologues  of  several  of  the  species  are 
to  be  met  with.  The  H.  Wollastoni  is  eminently  a  case 
in  point.  That  most  interesting  of  the  Madeiran  Mol- 
lusks  was  first  detected  by  myself  on  the  southern  ascent 
of  the  Pico  de  Conseilho,  of  Porto  Santo,  April  22, 1849  ; 
and  the  subsequent  explorations  of  the  Rev.  R.  T.  Lowe, 
in  conjunction  with  my  own,  have,  I  think,  satisfactorily 
proved  that  it  occurs  nowhere  else  except  upon  that 
single  slope.  Throughout  the  large  expanse  of  calcare- 
ous incrustations  which  are  spread  over  the  island  else- 
where, and  on  the  adjoining  Ilheo  de  Baixo,  all  of  which 
teem  with  shells,  I  think  I  may  assert,  without  fear  of 
contradiction,  that  the  H.  Wollastoni  does  not  so  much 
as  exist.  Yet  at  the  Zimbral  d'Areia,  which  the  Pico  de 
Conseilho  directly  overhangs, — a  rich  tract  for  these 
fossil  remains, — as  well  as  in  the  muddy  composition  of 
a  cliff  near  at  hand,  it  literally  abounds. 

In  like  manner,  we  might  recall  many  others  which 
are  peculiar,  recent  and  fossil \  to  the  self-same  precincts. 
Such,  for  example,  are  the  H.  calculus  and  commixta, 
which  swarm  on  the  summit  of  the  Ilheo  de  Baixo,  in 
both  states.  The  H.  attrita,  again,  is  the  Pico  d'Anna 
Ferreira  modification  of  the  H.  polymorpha ;  and  it  is 
only  in  the  beds  towards  the  base  of  that  mountain  that 
its  fossil  homologue  is  found.  But  what  do  these  facts 


indicate  ?  Surely  they  tell  us  plainly  of  what  we  have 
already  so  often  insisted  upon, — namely,  the  redun- 
dancy of  this  once  continuous  land  with  specific  foci  of 
its  own,  and  the  sluggish  or  sedentary  nature  of  those 
primaeval  radiating  forms. 

We  must  not  however  omit  to  notice,  that  some  few 
of  these  endemic  Helices  appear  to  have  been  gifted  (as 
we  should  a  priori  anticipate)  with  more  rapid  capabi- 
lities for  diffusion  than  the  rest.  Thus,  the  H.  erubescens 
and  paupercula  seem  not  only  to  have  colonized  the 
entire  province  of  which  the  Madeiras  are  detached  frag- 
ments, but  to  have  even  found  their  way  to  that  distant 
portion  of  it  which  now  constitutes  the  Azores.  The 
H.  polymorpha  has  also  penetrated  the  Madeiran  region 
throughout ;  and  being,  like  the  H.  erubescens,  peculiarly 
sensitive  to  the  action  of  external  influences,  we  per- 
ceive, in  consequence,  that  almost  every  island  and  rock 
has  now  its  own  especial  phasis  of  it.  So  greatly  indeed 
is  that  species  beneath  the  control  of  local  circum- 
stances, that  the  very  districts  of  an  island  as  insignifi- 
cant as  Porto  Santo  have  each  their  separate  races  to 
boast  of.  On  the  Pico  d'Anna  Ferreira  it  assumes  a 
form  to  which  the  name  of  H.  attrita  has  been  applied ; 
when  on  the  Ilheo  de  Baixo,  it  is  the  H.  papilio ;  at  the 
Zimbra  d'Areia,  on  the  Pico  de  Conseilho,  and  in  the 
Bibeira  da  Coxinha,  it  is  the  H.  pulvinata-,  and,  in 
many  other  situations  widely  removed  inter  se,  it  puts 
on  the  shape  (variable,  both  in  size  and  hue)  to  which 
the  title  of  H.  discina  has  been  given.  But,  if  we  leave 


Porto  Santo,  and  follow  this  Protean  Helix  into  the 
other  divisions  of  the  group ;  we  meet  with  it  on  the 
Dezertas  as  the  H.  senilis  (those  moreover  from  the 
central  island  having  a  much  more  open  umbilicus  than 
is  the  case  in  the  northern  and  southern  ones),  whilst  in 
Madeira  proper  it  constitutes  the  H.  lincta  (with  an 
additional  pale  variety  for  the  calcareous  district  of 
Cani9al), — and  the  H.  saccharata,  from  the  Sao  Lou- 
renjo  promontory. 

In  the  same  may  we  might  pursue  the  H.  erubescens, 
and  show  that  in  the  sylvan  regions,  and  on  the  low 
barren  Ponta  Sao  Louren9o  of  Madeira,  on  the  Pico 
de  Facho  of  Porto  Santo,  on  the  Ilheo  Chao,  on 
the  Central  Dezerta,  and  on  the  Bugio  (where  it  at- 
tains a  gigantic  size),  it  has  its  distinct  and  permanent 
phases, — the  evident  results  of  isolation,  and  other  topo- 
graphical influences,  since  the  subsidence  of  the  inter- 
vening tracts.  And  in  like  manner,  the  Clausilia  delto- 
stoma  is  universal  throughout  the  Madeiran  Archipelago, 
— displaying,  however,  in  Porto  Santo  a  fixed  and 
strongly  ribbed  state,  peculiar  to  that  island.  Thus,  if 
the  examples  which  we  previously  cited  tend  to  establish 
the  extreme  slowness  of  the  migratory  movements  of 
the  terrestrial  mollusca  across  this  former  continent, 
the  present  ones  (which  refer  to  a  few  exceptional 
species  of  quicker  self-diffusive  powers)  will  show,  no  less 
than  the  insects  to  which  I  have  lately  called  attention, 
that  where  sufficient  areas  had  been  overspread  (before 
the  periods  of  subsidence)  for  the  creatures  to  have 


reached  what  now  constitute  the  various  islands  of  the 
cluster,  we  at  once  detect  traces  of  this  fact,  through 
their  more  or  less  altered  aspects, — the  result  of  isola- 
tion, and  diminished  range,  during  the  enormous  in- 
terval which  has  elapsed  since  the  successive  convulsions 
which  caused  the  partial  destruction  of  this  Atlantic 
province  were  brought  to  a  close. 

To  return,  however,  to  the  insects,  after  this  long  con- 
chological  digression, — I  need  not  multiply  evidence,  in 
corroboration  of  my  theory.  Enough  has  been  said  to 
render  intelligible  the  idea  which  I  wished  to  convey, 
concerning  the  general  direction  of  the  migratory  current 
over  that  ancient  tract,  and  the  extreme  slowness  of  its 
progress, — the  former  of  which  I  consider  probable 
from  the  north-easterly  course  in  which  creatures  generi- 
cally  identical  were,  if  we  may  so  express  it,  "given- 
off;"  whilst  the  circumstance  of  their  being  for  the 
most  part  specifically  dissimilar  (or,  in  other  words,  of 
the  islands  harbouring,  many  of  them,  species  which 
are  endemic)  would  seem  as  it  were  to  establish  the 

We  must  not  however  forget,  that  it  is  only  to  the 
aborigines  of  this  quondam  land  that  the  above  specula- 
tions apply.  Assuming  the  region  not  to  have  been 
insular,  that  is  to  say,  to  have  been  connected,  on  its 
outer  limits,  with  a  European,  or  Mediterranean,  conti- 
nent ;  it  would  necessarily  follow,  that  a  certain  number 
of  colonists  must  have  found  their  way  over  its  area, 
and  moreover  in  an  opposite  direction  to  the  living 


stream  (if  we  may  so  call  it)  which  had  been  long  flow- 
ing in  a  north-easterly  course  across  its  surface.  What- 
ever be  the  length  of  the  periods,  however,  during  which 
these  counter  migrations  were  going  on,  I  think  it 
sufficient  to  state  that  I  would  refer  them  to  epochs 
altogether  different, — so  that,  accompanied  as  they  may 
have  been  by  special  geological  phaenomena,  which,  if 
known,  would  in  all  probability  become  at  once  explana- 
tory, we  should  be  the  less  inclined  to  regard  as  absurd 
what  might  appear  at  first  sight  difficult  to  understand. 
In  the  case  of  the  British  Isles  indeed,  no  less  than  five 
of  these  distinct  migratory  eras  have  been  assumed,  and 
specified*,  by  Professor  Edward  Forbes;  therefore  (what- 
ever value  be  attached  to  his  able  and  interesting  theory) 
I  do  not  consider  it  necessary  to  apologize  for  requiring 
at  least  two  in  behalf  of  this  ancient  Atlantic  province. 
Not  to  insist  upon  those  of  his  faunas  and  floras  which 
are  of  a  less  evident,  or  more  questionable,  character, 
he  has  at  any  rate  proved,  I  think,  almost  to  a  demon- 
stration, the  westward  progress  of  the  great  mass  of  our 
British  animals  and  plants,  over  a  then  unbroken  land 
(the  upheaved  bed  of  the  glacial  sea),  from  the  central 
Germanic  plains;  whilst  the  accurate  calculations  of 
the  late  Mr.  Thompson  of  Belfast,  concerning  the  reptile 
statistics  of  Ireland,  England,  and  Belgium,  respectively, 
have  succeeded  in  showing,  with  much  presumptive  rea- 
son, how  the  formation  of  St.  George's  Channel,  before 

*  Origin  of  the  Fauna  and  Flora  of  the  British  Isles  (in  Mem.  of 
the  Geol.  Survey  of  Great  Britain,  vol.  i.  p.  336,  A.D.  1846). 


that  of  the  German  Ocean,  interrupted  the  march  of 
these  wanderers  to  the  far  West,  and  debarred  an  im- 
mense proportion  of  them  from  an  entry  into  Ireland, — 
which  would  otherwise  have  colonized  that  country 
equally  with  our  own. 

As  regards  Professor  Forbes' s  views  of  the  creation  of 
a  vast  continent  (reaching  far  into  the  Atlantic  *)  at  the 
close  of  the  miocene  epoch,  through  the  upheaved  bed 
of  a  shallow  miocene  sea, — a  region  moreover  of  such  an 
extent  as  to  have  connected  the  various  island  groups 
between  the  Fucus  bank  and  the  shores  of  the  Old 
World,  not  only  with  each  other,  but  with  a  Mediterra- 
nean province,  Asturias,  and  even  the  south-west  of 
Ireland, — I  must  be  content  to  pass  them  by,  hazarding 
only  a  few  crude  and  desultory  remarks.  So  large  a 
question,  indeed,  cannot  be  safely  handled  without 
a  corresponding  amount  of  data,  in  all  departments  of 
natural  science,  to  reason  from, — which  I  do  not  possess: 
still,  if  a  speculation  from  entomological  premises,  per 
se,  be  not  altogether  worthless,  I  would  point  to  the 
conclusions  (lately  adverted  to)  which  my  Madeiran 
researches  have  forced  upon  me,  concerning  the  direc- 
tion of  the  former  insect  migrations, — inferences  which 
are,  from  first  to  last,  of  necessity  erroneous,  if  the 
requisite  medium  for  transit  (into  South-European  lati- 

*  "  My  own  belief,"  says  Professor  Forbes,  "  is,  that  the  great 
belt  of  gulf-weed,  ranging  between  the  15th  and  45th  degrees  of 
north  latitude,  and  constant  in  its  place,  marks  the  position  of  the 
coast-line  of  that  ancient  land." 


tudes,  at  all  events)  be  a  mere  conjecture  or  romance. 
Such  a  notion,  however,  I  would  not  for  a  moment 
entertain, — for  there  is   too   much  direct   evidence  in 
support  of  distinct  epochs  of  diffusion,  to  allow  of  any 
hypothesis,   when    endeavouring    to    account    for   the 
phenomena  which  we   now  behold,  to   supersede  the 
assumption  of  a  once  continuous  tract.     No  matter  if 
we  be  compelled  to  suppose,  whilst  attempting  to  in- 
terpret what  we  see,  that  the  disseminating  current  has 
flowed   in   exactly   opposite   courses,   at   different   and 
remote  periods,  over  the  surface  of  that  ancient  land, — 
seeing  that  the  fact  (if  such  in  reality  it  be)  remains 
untouched,  that  the  land  itself  is  at  any  rate  there.     I 
am  not,  however,  prepared  to  assert  that  the  opinion  at 
which   I  had  independently  arrived,  from  the  insect 
statistics,  does  positively  require  a  northerly  prolonga- 
tion of  that  area  beyond  the  line  of  the  central  Mediter- 
ranean districts ;  yet,  after  making  every  possible  allow- 
ance for  accidental  introductions  since  the  subsidences 
have  taken  place,  there  is  still  left  a  large  residuum 
which  I  am  convinced  can  never  be  explained  (unless 
the   doctrine   of    specific   centres  be   a  myth)    except 
through  the  means  of  ordinary  and  regular  migration 
over  an  unbroken  continent.     Nevertheless,  though  I 
would  not  presume,  from  insufficient  material,  to  insist 
upon  an  extension  of  this  Atlantic  region  into  higher 
latitudes  than  those  which  I  have  just  referred  to,  I 
must  express  my  individual  belief  that,  the  more  the 
subject  is  examined,  with  reference  to  the  distribution  of 


the  Ammlosa,  the  less  will  Professor  Forbes's  idea  suffer 
from  the  inquiry.  In  the  '  Insecta  Maderensia/  I  have 
already  thrown  out  a  few  scattered  hints  which  bear  on 
this  immediate  consideration ;  and,  since  no  subsequent 
reason  has  induced  me  either  to  withdraw  or  modify 
them  (but  rather  the  reverse),  I  will  select  the  following, 
— extracted  from  my  preface  to  that  work. 

"Taking  a  cursory  view  of  the  Coleoptera  here 
described,  the  fauna  may  perhaps  be  pronounced  as 
having  a  greater  affinity  with  that  of  Sicily  than  of  any 
other  country  which  has  been  hitherto  properly  investi- 
gated. Apart  from  the  large  number  of  our  genera 
(and  even  species)  which  are  diffused  over  more  or  less 
of  the  entire  Mediterranean  basin,  this  is  especially 
evinced  in  some  of  the  most  characteristic  forms, — such 
as  Apotomus,  Xenostrongylus,  Tarphius,  Cholovocera, 
Holoparamecus,  Berginus,  Litargus,  Thorictus,  and  Boro- 
morphus.  There  is,  moreover,  strange  though  it  may 
appear  to  be,  some  slight  (though  decided)  collective 
assimilation  with  what  we  observe  in  the  south-western 
extremity  of  our  own  country  and  of  Ireland, — nearly 
all  the  species  which  are  common  to  Madeira  and  the 
British  Isles  being  found  in  those  particular  regions; 
whilst  one  point  of  coincidence  at  any  rate,  and  of  a 
very  remarkable  nature,  has  been  fully  discussed  under 
Mesites.  Whether  or  not  this  partial  parallelism  may 
be  employed  to  further  Professor  E.  Forbes' s  theory  of 
the  quondam  approximation,  by  means  of  a  continuous 
land,  of  the  Kerry  and  Gallician  hills,  and  of  a  huge 


miocene  continent  extending  beyond  the  Azores,  and 
including  all  these  Atlantic  clusters  within  its  embrace, 
I  will  not  venture  to  suggest :  nevertheless,  it  is  impos- 
sible to  deny  that,  so  far  as  the  Madeiras  betoken, 
everything  would  go  to  favour  this  grand  and  compre- 
hensive idea.  Partaking  in  the  main  of  a  Mediterranean 
fauna,  the  northern  tendency  of  which  is  in  the  evident 
direction  of  the  south-western  portions  of  England  and 
Ireland,  and  with  a  profusion  of  endemic  modifications 
of  its  own  (bearing  witness  to  the  engorgement  of  this 
ancient  tract  with  centres  of  radiation  created  expressly 
for  itself),  whilst  geology  proclaims  the  fact  that  subsi- 
dences on  a  stupendous  scale  have  taken  place,  by 
which  means  the  ocean's  groups  were  constituted;  we 
seem  to  trace  out  on  every  side  records  of  the  past,  and 
to  catch  the  glimpses,  as  it  were,  of  a  veritable  Atlantis 
from  beneath  the  waves  of  time  *" 

*  Although,  for  want  of  a  better  name,  it  may  be  admissible, 
when  speaking  either  figuratively  or  poetically,  to  allude  to  this 
former  region  (as  I  have  done  in  the  above  quotation)  under  the 
title  of  " Atlantis;"  yet  it  seems  incredible  that  certain  writers 
(assuming  its  quondam  existence)  should  have  recently  referred  to 
it  seriously  as  the  possible  "  Atlantis  of  the  ancients ! "  Consider- 
ing that  there  is  good  reason  to  believe  that  all  these  islands  were 
islands  in  a  miocene  sea,  and  that,  if  (through  a  general  elevation) 
they  were  subsequently  connected,  the  land  of  passage  was  broken 
up  long  anterior  to  the  appearance  of  man  upon  the  earth,  "  the 
ancients"  must  have  assuredly  merited  their  appellation,  if  they 
could  have  thrown  any  light  on  a  problem  which  belongs  to  an 
epoch  thus  remote.  Whether  the  "Atlantis"  had  any  being  at  all 
except  in  the  imagination  of  the  Latin  poets,  or  whether  (as  Lord 


The  Mesites  Maderensis,  Woll.,  to  which  I  alluded  in 
the  above  quotation,  is  undoubtedly  a  strong  case  in 
point.  Although  specifically  dissimilar  from  the  M. 
Tardii,  its  Irish  counterpart,  it  nevertheless  approaches 
it  so  closely,  that  it  might  be  literally  mistaken,  primd 
facie,  for  that  insect ;  and  we  know  that  it  is  one  of  the 
plans  on  which  Nature  commonly  proceeds,  that  species 
which  are  not  merely  representative  of  (or  analogous  to) 
each  other,  but  which  are  actual  homologues,  or  allies, 
should  usually  emanate  at  first  from  foci  not  far  removed 
inter  se ;  or,  at  all  events,  if  distant,  connected  by  an 
intervening  land: — in  other  words,  that  generic  areas, 
no  less  than  specific  centres,  of  radiation,  form  a  sub- 
stantial item  of  the  comprehensive  scheme  on  which  the 
system  of  created  things  was  originally  planned.  We 
detect  traces  of  this  primary  law  in  each  division,  or 
class,  of  the  organic  world ;  nor  is  its  reality  as  a  law 
interfered  with,  through  the  occasional  exceptions  which 
are  liable,  as  in  every  other  instance,  to  present  them- 
selves. Such  deviations  are  often  easily  to  be  accounted 
for,  whether  by  natural  or  artificial  means ;  and  do  not 

Bacon  has  suggested)  it  was  the  New  World,  will  probably  never 
now  be  known ;  yet  the  fact  that  the  Insulce  Fortunate  of  Juba  are 
almost  universally  identified  with  the  present  Canarian  Group  (as 
indeed  the  accurate  description  of  Pliny  well  nigh  demonstrates), 
and  the  Purpurarice  with  the  Madeiras,  ought  at  once,  apart  from 
geological  evidence,  to  point  out  the  absurdity  of  the  hypothesis, 
that  an  Atlantic  continent,  in  the  very  position  which  those  islands 
occupy,  could  have  been  acknowledged  to  have  any  existence  by  the 
literature  of  either  Rome  or  Greece. 


affect  the  subject,  as  a  whole.     Sometimes  indeed  they 
become  at  once  intelligible  from  the  historical  records 
connected  with  them,  proving  that  human  agencies  have 
been  at  work  acting  as  transporting  media,  within  a 
period  comparatively  recent ;  whilst  at  others,  the  fact 
of  the  creature  having  been  endowed  with  self-diffusive 
powers  to  an  extravagant  degree  may  succeed  equally  in 
rendering  the  phenomena  explicable.     But,  even  where 
neither  of  these   solutions  would  seem  to  suffice,  we 
should  still  recollect  that  it  is  only  in  the  mass  that  such 
questions   can  be  pronounced  upon;   and   that,    con- 
sequently, where  we  are  able  to  discover  a  rule  which  is 
for  the  most  part  adhered  to,  it  is  more  philosophical  to 
conclude  that  the  departures  from  it  are  the  result  of 
special   disturbing  causes   (whatsoever  they  may  have 
been),  than  to  permit  them  to  undermine  our  faith  in 
what  would  be  otherwise  universally  true.     Thus,  the 
botanist  tells  us  of  Ixias,    Stapelias,   Mesembrianthe- 
mums,  Pelargoniums,  and  Euphorbias,  as  concentrated 
in  Southern  Africa ;  of  Magnolias  in  Central  America ; 
of  Calceolarias  on  the  Andes;   of  Myrtles,  Banksias, 
Mimosas,    and  Eucalypti,   in  Australia ;    and   of  the 
Bread-fruit  Trees  in  the  South  Sea  Islands :  the  orni- 
thologist points,  inter  alia,  to  the  Toucons  and  Hum- 
ming-Birds from  South  America  and  the  West  Indies  ; 
whilst  the  student  of  the  higher  animals  informs  us  of 
the   Kangaroos  (indeed  of  the  whole  of  the  subclass 
Marsupialia,  except  the  genus  Didelphys)  as  peculiar  to 
Australia  and  a  few  islands  to  the  north  of  it ;  of  Lemur 


proper  to  Madagascar ;  of  the  Sloths,  Armadillos,  Tree 
Porcupines,  and  of  Alligators,  and  of  the  Platyrrhini 
(amongst  the  Monkeys),  to  South  America;  and  of  the 
Ourangs  to  the  islands  of  the  Indian  Archipelago. 

And  so  it  is  with  the  Insecta;  many  of  the  larger 
groups  of  which  (as  Amycterus  and  Paropsis,  in  Australia; 
Pachyrhynchus  and  Apocyrtus,  in  the  Philippine  Islands ; 
Hipporhinus,   Monochelus,    Dichelus,    and  Moluris,   in 
Southern  Africa ;  Macronota,  in  Java ;  and  Naupactus, 
Hypsonotus,  Centrinus,  Platyomus,   and    Cyrtonota,  in 
South  America)   are  confined  to  countries  of  propor- 
tionate magnitude,  whilst  the  smaller  ones  are  more  com- 
monly (as  it  were)  shaped  out  for  special  provinces  or  re- 
gions, according  as  local  circumstances  may  require  pri- 
mary adaptations  to  harmonize  with  them.  Thus,  whilst  we 
frequently  find  an  extensive  genus  diffused  over  the  greater 
portion  of  the  known  world,  we  perceive  that  even  its 
structural  characteristics  are  not  uniform  throughout,  but 
afford  fixed  geographical  modifications  (not,  in  this  case, 
however,  the  effect  of  development), — which  have  often, 
in  their  turn,  obtained  the  name  of  '  genera/  and  have 
been  described  as  such.     Whether  genera,  however,  or 
not,  they  are  undeniably  small  topographical  assemblages, 
satellites   around  their  central  types;   and  they  may 
therefore  be  safely  regarded  as  genera,  if  we  choose  to 
view  them  in  that  light.     Of  such  a  nature  I  have 
already  pointed  out*  is  Saprinus,  as  compared  with 
Hister ;  Atlantis  with  Laparocerus ;  and  Oxyomus  with 
*  Insecta  Maderensia,  p.  214. 


Aphodius;  and,  I  might  also  add,  Mesites  with  Cos- 
sonus.  I  believe  indeed  that  Mesites  will  be  found  to 
attain  its  maximum  on  the  Pyrenees  (I  already  possess 
two  or  three  species,  in  abundance,  from  that  region) ; 
and,  if  such  should  be  the  case,  we  shall  be  able  to  ap- 
preciate the  significance  of  two  representatives  so  closely 
allied  as  the  M.  Tardii  and  Maderensis, — one  of  which 
has  been  given  off  in  the  direction  of  Ireland,  and  the 
other  of  the  Madeiran  Archipelago. 

But  I  will  not  digress  further  on  the  subject  of  this 
Atlantic  province;  since,  however  much  I  may  indivi- 
dually regard  it  as  a  reality  of  the  past    (which  the 
Coleopterous  statistics  have  compelled  me  to  do),  it  must 
of  necessity  remain,  as  heretofore,  a  matter  of  much 
controversy  and  doubt.     I  should  indeed  apologize  for 
having  trespassed  on  the  reader's  attention,  in  wandering 
thus  far  from  the  immediate  results  of  subsidences, — 
which  I  proposed,  at  the  outset  of  this  chapter,  to  exa- 
mine, with  reference  to  the  impeded  diffusion  of  the 
Annulose  races.     Nevertheless,  concluding  that  a  prac- 
tical  illustration  of  the  effects  of  one  of  those  great 
downward  movements  to  which  geology  so  repeatedly 
bears  witness  would  not  be  irrelevant  to  the  assumed 
consequences  which  I  had  previously  ventured  to  define, 
I  have  acted  on  that  judgment;  and,  having  finished 
my  task,  will  now  proceed  to  notice,  briefly,  a  few  other 
considerations    which    should    not    be    omitted,    when 
inquiring  into  insect  distribution  as  influenced  by  geolo- 
gical phenomena. 


Next  in  importance,  perhaps,  to  the  elevations  and 
sinkings  (traces  of  one  or  the  other  of  which  are  more  or 
less  manifest  in  almost  every  region  of  the  world), 
natural  barriers  may  be  cited, — as  presenting,  not  un- 
frequently,  insurmountable  obstacles  to  the  self- dissemi- 
nation of  the  insect  tribes.  By  natural  barriers,  how- 
ever, I  would  be  understood  to  imply  natural  primary 
barriers, — or,  in  other  words,  such  as  have  continued  as 
barriers  ever  since  the  present  animals  and  plants  came 
into  existence  upon  the  earth.  For,  the  ocean  (by  way 
of  illustration)  is  a  natural  barrier ;  and  yet  it  is  not 
necessarily  a  primary  one,  as  may  be  readily  gathered 
from  the  above  remarks,  in  which  the  results  of  subsi- 
dences are  discussed, — subsidences  which  have  had  the 
effect  of  letting  it  in  over  portions  of  an  already  tenanted ', 
and  unbroken,  continent.  Mountain- chains,  also,  are 
barriers ;  but  it  may  happen  that  they  have  not  been  so 
from  the  beginning, — as  in  instances,  for  example,  where 
they  have  been  gradually  upraised  during  periods  geolo- 
gically recent.  But  both  sea  and  alpine  ranges  are 
barriers,  when  (as  usually  happens)  they  have  remained 
as  such  since  the  creation  of  the  several  species  which 
now  inhabit  our  globe.  Mr.  Darwin  has  acknowledged 
this  distinction,  whilst  commenting  upon  the  marked 
divergence  of  the  faunas  on  the  eastern  and  western 
slopes  of  the  Cordillera.  "  This  fact,"  says  he,  ' '  is  in 
perfect  accordance  with  the  geological  history  of  the 
Andes;  for  these  mountains  have  existed  as  a  great 
barrier  since  the  present  races  of  animals  have  appeared ; 



and  therefore,  unless  we  suppose  the  same  species  to 
have  been  created  in  two  different  places,  we  ought  not 
to  expect  any  closer  similarity  between  the  organic 
beings  on  the  opposite  sides  of  the  Andes,  than  on  the 
opposite  shores  of  the  ocean.  In  both  cases,  we  must 
leave  out  of  the  question  those  kinds  which  have  been 
able  to  cross  the  barrier, — whether  of  solid  rock  or  salt- 

Conceding,  therefore,  this  distinction  between  barriers 
of  a  primaeval  and  more  recent  character,  it  is  not  diffi- 
cult to  understand  why  the  opposite  sides  of  an  alpine 
chain,  as  well  as  countries  separated  by  the  sea,  should 
display  different  phenomena  from  each  other.  On  the 
contrary  indeed,  if  we  could  feel  satisfied  that  no  means 
of  accidental  transportation  had  operated  to  take  them 
there,  and  that  the  animals  themselves  were  incapable  of 
enduring  great  diversities  of  temperature,  and  other  con- 
tingencies ;  we  should  be  startled  to  discover  creatures 
specifically  identical  in  such  regions, — so  long  at  least  as 
the  doctrine  of  unique  centres  of  radiation  formed  part 
of  our  zoological  creed.  We  must  not,  however,  be  too 
hasty  in  questioning  (if  I  may  be  pardoned  for  the  com- 
pletion of  a  metaphor  of  which  I  thoroughly  disapprove) 
this  article  of  our  faith,  through  the  occurrence  of  simi- 
lar beings  in  areas  between  which  there  exist  barriers, 
both  primary  and  well-defined;  for  the  methods  of 
diffusion  are  so  complicated  and  numerous,  that,  even 
where  human  agency  (that  most  important  of  elements) 
*  Journal  of  Researches,  pp.  326,  327. 


is  not  concerned,  what  at  first  sight  may  frequently 
appear  to  be  impossible  becomes  clear  enough  when 
more  critically  inquired  into.  Some  species,  we  know, 
are  gifted  with  greater  powers  for  horizontal  and  vertical 
progression  than  their  comrades,  and  can  (though  they 
are  doubtless  exceptions  to  the  general  rule)  pass  through 
extremes  of  atmosphere  sufficient  to  render  even  lofty 
mountain  summits  no  obstacles  to  them.  Others,  as  the 
Calosoma  Syncophanta  of  Europe,  have  been  stated  to 
traverse  the  ocean  unhurt* ;  and  I  believe  that  many  do 
at  times  accidentally  arrive,  in  a  half-drowned  state, 
especially  after  boisterous  weather,  across  channels  of 
considerable  breadth.  Mr.  Kirby,  on  examining  the 
marine  rejectamenta,  during  one  of  these  apparent  oc- 
currences, along  the  Suffolk  coast,  writes  as  follows : 
"  Whether  the  insects  I  observed  upon  the  beach,  wetted 
by  the  waves,  had  flown  from  our  own  shores,  and,  fall- 
ing into  the  water,  had  been  brought  back  by  the  tide ; 
or  whether  they  had  succeeded  in  the  attempt  to  pass 
from  the  continent  to  us,  by  flying  as  far  as  they  could, 

*  Many  of  the  Calosomata  would  appear  to  possess  this  power 
of  crossing,  either  by  flight  or  by  abandoning  themselves  to  the 
waves  (though  more  probably  by  the  assistance  of  both),  even  ma- 
rine barriers  with  impunity.  Numerous  instances  are  on  record  to 
this  effect ;  and  I  am  informed  by  Mr.  Darwin  that  a  Calosoma  flew 
on  board  the  '  Beagle,'  off  the  Bay  of  San  Bias,  in  South  America, 
whilst  they  were  ten  miles  from  shore.  It  seems  likely,  therefore, 
that  the  occasional  occurrence  of  the  C,  Syncophanta  in  our  own 
country,  along  the  southern  and  eastern  coasts,  is  due  to  this  generic 
capability, — and  consequently  (as  indeed  it  is  usually  acknowledged 
to  be),  the  result  of  accident, 



and  then  falling  had  been  brought  by  the  waves,  cannot 
certainly  be  ascertained;  but  Kalm's  observation  in- 
clines me  to  the  latter  opinion*."  And  Sir  Charles 
Lyell  remarks : — "  Exotic  beetles  are  sometimes  thrown 
on  our  shore,  which  revive  after  being  drenched  in  salt 
waterf."  Nor  should  we  forget  that  chance  agencies  of 
every  description,  which  we  are  too  apt  to  overlook,  are 
daily  at  work  (and  have  been  so  since,  at  any  rate,  the 
last  creative  epoch)  to  transport  these  variously  organized 
beings  beyond  their  original  spheres.  Sometimes  they 
are  carried  on,  or  within,  the  bodies  of  larger  animals, 
which  is  especially  the  case  with  the  parasitic  tribes ;  at 
others  on  floating  trunks  of  trees,  and  casual  substances 
of  divers  kinds,  which  are  able  to  resist  for  a  definite 
period  the  destructive  action  of  an  element  saturated 
with  salt.  Unwilling  victims,  again,  are  ever  and  anon 
hurried  to  comparatively  distant  lands  by  the  very 
winds  that  blow ;  and  not  only  to  distant  lands,  but 
over  altitudes  in  which  the  severity  of  the  cold  would 
quickly  annihilate  them,  were  they  (as  perhaps  usually 
happens)  to  be  deposited  there  on  their  headlong  and 
compulsory  course.  "  As  almost  aD  insects  are  winged  J," 
says  Sir  Charles  Lyell,  "  they  can  readily  spread  them- 
selves wherever  their  progress  is  not  opposed  by  un- 

*  Introduction  to  Entomology,  ii.  p.  13. 

t  Principles  of  Geology,  9th  ed.  p.  657. 

J  Although  this  is  true  on  a  broad  scale,  a  reference  to  my  ob- 
servations in  a  preceding  chapter  will  show,  that  in  some  countries, 
especially  islands,  the  reverse  will  frequently  be  found  to  obtain. 


congenial  climates,  or  by  seas,  mountains,  and  other 
physical  impediments ;  and  these  barriers  they  can  some- 
times surmount  by  abandoning  themselves  to  violent 
gales,  which  may  in  a  few  hours  carry  them  to  very  con- 
siderable distances.  On  the  Andes  some  sphinxes  and 
flies  have  been  observed  by  Humboldt,  at  the  height  of 
19,180  feet  above  the  sea,  and  which  appeared  to  him  to 
have  been  involuntarily  carried  into  those  regions  by 
ascending  currents  of  air*."  With  respect  to  the  acci- 
dental conveyance  of  numerous  species  across  the  sea,  it 
is  not  to  the  winds  alone  that  we  must  look  for  an  ex- 
planation. Large  and  rapid  rivers  are  liable  to  inun- 
date their  banks  and  bring  down  insects  in  prodigious 
masses, — which  are  disgorged  into  the  ocean,  and  car- 
ried to  a  distance  from  the  coast,  in  proportion  to  the 
violence  of  the  ejecting  stream.  When  the  body  of 
water  is  considerable,  the  sea  becomes  diluted  to  an  un- 
usual extent ;  and  creatures  which  must  have  otherwise 
perished,  from  the  action  of  the  salt,  are  able  to  survive 
for  a  time,  and  may  be  deposited,  by  means  of  rapid 
currents  into  which  they  are  borne,  on  neighbouring 
islands  and  continents.  Even  the  Hydradephaga  are 
thus  occasionally  transported ;  for  Darwin  mentions 
having  captured  a  Colymbetes  off  Cape  Sta  Maria  (to  the 
north  of  the  Rio  de  la  Plata),  when  forty-five  miles 
from  the  shore.  And,  in  his  '  Journal  of  Researches/ 
he  records  the  following  remarkable  facts,  which  bear 
upon  this  immediate  question.  "  On  another  occasion, 
*  Principles  of  Geology,  p.  656. 


when  seventeen  miles  off  Cape  Corrientes,  I  had  a  net 
overboard  to  catch  pelagic  animals.  Upon  drawing  it 
up,  to  my  surprise  I  found  a  considerable  number  of 
beetles  in  it,  and,  although  in  the  open  sea,  they  did  not 
appear  much  injured  by  the  salt  water.  I  lost  some  of 
the  specimens ;  but  those  which  I  preserved  belonged  to 
the  genera  Colymbetes,  Hydroporus,  Hydrobius,  Nota- 
phus,  Cynucus,  Adimonia,  and  Scarabaeus.  At  first  I 
thought  that  these  insects  had  been  blown  from  the 
shore ;  but  upon  reflecting  that,  out  of  the  eight  species, 
four  were  aquatic  (and  two  partly  so)  in  their  habits,  it 
appeared  to  me  most  probable  that  they  were  floated 
into  the  sea  by  a  small  stream  which  drains  a  lake  near 
Cape  Corrientes.  On  any  supposition,  it  is  an  inter- 
esting circumstance  to  find  live  insects  swimming  in  the 
open  ocean  seventeen  miles  from  the  nearest  point  of 

Accidental  means  of  dissemination,  such  as  those  to 
vyhich  I  have  just  alluded,  and  others  to  which  we  might 
appeal,  will  generally  account,  and  with  much  presump- 
tive truth,  for  the  many  exceptional  cases  which  present 
themselves,  during  our  investigation  into  the  effects  of 
natural  barriers,  as  visible  in  the  distribution  of  the 
Annulose  races,  on  the  earth's  surface.  I  say  "  excep- 
tional cases,"  because  any  one  who  has  laboured  practi- 
cally in  mountain  tracts  cannot  have  failed  to  recog- 
nize the  marked  difference  which  is  often  displayed  by 
the  insect  population  on  opposite  sides  of  some  alpine 
*  Journal  of  Researches,  p.  159. 


chain ;  whilst  he  whose  lot  has  been  cast  amidst  island 
groups,  will  have  become  even  more  conscious  than  the 
former  of  the  permanency  of  those  impediments  which 
have  been  placed  (in  this  instance  by  the  broad  arms  of 
the  mighty  ocean)  as  checks  upon  a  too  rapid  system  of 

But  if  the  sea  and  mountain  ranges,  when  of  a  suffi- 
cient age  in  situ,  are  amongst  the  most  effectual  of 
Nature's  barriers  against  the  self-dispersion  of  the 
animate  tribes ;  it  follows  that,  if  the  two  could  be  (as 
it  were)  united,  we  should  have  found  the  greatest  ob- 
stacle which  physical  conditions  can  ordinarily  present 
against  the  wandering  capabilities  of  the  latter.  The 
question  therefore  arises, — Is  it  possible  for  them  to  be 
so  joined  ?  Undoubtedly  it  is  :  and  hence  we  arrive  at 
the  conclusion,  that  a  mountain  island  should  afford  us 
the  minimum  of  size,  as  regards  the  areas  its  species 
have  overspread,  which  any  country  is  able  to  furnish. 

Madeira  is  a  mountain  island, — its  highest  peaks 
rising,  although  resting  on  so  small  a  base,  to  an  alti- 
tude of  more  than  6000  feet.  Yet  it  is  only  partially  a 
case  in  point;  for,  although  it  was  a  mountain  mass, 
and  perhaps  a  very  elevated  one,  when  its  endemic 
beings  made  their  first  appearance  upon  its  surface,  we 
have  already  intimated  that  it  has  become  isolated  since 
that  epoch :  so  that,  whilst  one  of  the  natural  barriers 
against  dispersion  which  it  involves  (namely,  mountain 
ridges)  may  be  considered  as  primary ;  the  other  (to  wit, 
the  sea,  as  it  now  obtains)  has  played,  as  an  agent  of 


obstruction,  but  a  secondary  part.  Still,  there  is  good 
reason  to  believe  that  the  ancient  tract  of  which  it  is  a 
portion  was  broken  up  at  a  comparatively  early  date 
after  the  creation  of  those  peculiar  organic  forms  which 
found  their  birthplace  within  its  bounds  ;  and  that,  con- 
sequently, the  latter  could  not  have  wandered  far  (if  we 
except  those  species  on  which  unusual  powers  of  diffu- 
sion were  bestowed)  when  the  land  of  passage  began  to 
give  way.  Hence,  even  the  sea,  in  this  particular  in- 
stance, partakes  almost  of  the  character  (no  less  than 
the  mountain  heights)  of  an  original  impediment ;  and 
Madeira  therefore  may  be  safely  quoted  as  an  example 
in  which  two  barriers,  of  a  primary  nature,  are  united ; 
and  where,  consequently,  we  may  anticipate  those  ultra 
phenomena  of  areal  limitation  upon  which  we  have 
been  just  commenting. 

But  let  us  now  inquire,  whether  the  hypothesis  at 
which  we  have  arrived  will  stand  the  test  of  experience ; 
for  unless  it  will  do  so,  we  might  have  been  spared  the 
labour  of  propounding  it.  Madeira  is  a  country  com- 
posed of  narrow  mountain  ridges,  which  radiate  from 
central  crests,  and  form  the  lateral  boundaries  of  deep 
and  precipitous  ravines.  Modifications  of  this  structural 
type  are  of  course  traceable  everywhere;  the  upland 
tracts  are  often  undulating  and  broad,  and  the  buttresses 
which  slope  towards  the  sea  are  sometimes  expansive 
and  irregular  :  yet  upon  the  whole  the  above  description 
is  correct,  and  we  may  accept  it  in  a  generic  sense. 
Now  we  may  premise  that,  even  to  this  day,  it  is  an 


island  of  floods;  therefore,  how  much  more  must  it 
have  been  so  when  its  primaeval  forests,  in  all  their 
splendour,  caused  an  amount  of  exhalation  and  moisture 
of  which  at  present  we  can  have  but  a  remote  conception  ! 
Hence,  it  is  hardly  to  be  imagined,  that  (however  limited 
may  have  been  the  naturally  acquired  areas  of  those  of 
its  inmates  which  are  most  sluggish  and  sedentary)  a 
fusion  would  not  have  taken  place,  in  the  course  of  ages, 
so  as  to  render  its  modern  fauna,  in  a  large  measure, 
homogeneous  throughout.  Yet,  in  spite  of  this  esoteric 
tendency,  it  is  surprising  how  little  amalgamation  has 
been  effected  amongst  the  tenants  of  its  several  districts. 
Scarcely  a  gorge  or  woodland  serra  exists  within  its 
bounds  which  does  not  harbour  some  species  essentially 
its  own;  and  in  many  instances  the  ranges  of  these 
creatures  are  so  local  or  confined,  that  they  might 
be  easily  overlooked  even  in  their  respective  neighbour- 
hoods. It  is  certain,  however,  that  the  floods  (which 
happen  periodically)  have  done  considerable  work  in 
naturalizing  many  of  the  subalpine  forms,  which  could 
adapt  themselves  to  the  climatal  change,  in  altitudes 
below  their  normal  ones :  and,  in  the  north  of  the 
island,  where  the  temperature  is  cooler  than  on  the 
opposite  side,  and  where  the  lofty  defiles  terminate,  even 
at  their  lowest  outlets,  in  abrupt  precipices  along  the 
coast,  so  that  the  rejectamenta  during  the  annual  rains 
are  brought  into  direct  contact  with  the  shore,  this 
gradual  process  of  deportation  is  particularly  evident, — 
a  circumstance  to  which  I  have  already  alluded  else- 

H  5 


where*.  But,  after  making  due  allowance  for  these 
powerful  means  of  dissemination  (which,  in  the  common 
order  of  things,  must  necessarily  obtain  in  mountain 
islands,  as  it  were,  par  excellence),  the  fact  still  remains, 
that  in  the  Madeiran  Group  the  acquired  areas,  even  up 
to  the  present  date,  of  a  vast  proportion  of  the  insect 
inhabitants,  are  wonderfully  circumscribed.  The  real 
state  of  the  case,  however,  would  appear  to  be  simply 
this  :  that  the  floods,  although  they  may  have  tended  to 
diffuse  the  members  of  a  comparatively  uniform  alpine 
fauna  in  the  various  clefts  or  gorges  beneath,  can  have 
had  no  power  to  combine  the  aborigines  of  the  several 
gorges  themselves ;  and,  since  a  large  proportion  of  the 
endemic  species  of  those  islands  are  (as  I  have  previously 
stated)  apterous,  the  perpendicular  edges  of  the  ravines, 
which  in  many  instances  rise  to  an  elevation  of  2000 
feet,  have  acted  (and  ever  will  act)  as  impassable  barriers 
to  vast  numbers  of  the  insect  tribes. 

With  this  single  example  (by  way  of  illustration), 
which  the  Madeiras  have  supplied,  I  will  take  my  leave 
of  the  question  of  natural  barriers,  as  tending  to  regulate 
the  topographical  diffusion  of  the  Annulosa, — feeling  that 
I  have  already  devoted  too  much  time  and  space  to  this 
portion  of  the  subject  (if  such  indeed  it  be)  which  I  had 
proposed  in  the  present  treatise  to  discuss.  Other 
barriers  might  have  been  adverted  to, — such  as  large 
rivers,  extensive  deserts,  and  thickly  set  forests  (espe- 
cially of  pine-trees,  which  frequently  offer  a  very  decided 
*  Insecta  Maderensia,  p.  81. 


impediment  to  insect  progress), — but  they  are  of 
secondary  importance,  when  compared  with  marine  and 
alpine  ones ;  and  their  consequences  may  be,  to  a  certain 
extent,  deduced  from  the  considerations  which  I  have 
just  entered  into.  My  main  object  has  been  to  draw 
attention  to  the  fact,  that  the  great  obstacles  which 
Nature  has  placed  against  the  too  rapid  dispersion 
of  animal  life  should  be  more  strictly  taken  into  account 
(as  a  matter  of  positive  reality)  than  it  is,  during  our 
investigations  into  entomological  geography.  To  be 
aware  that  these  barriers  exist,  and  yet  to  feel  surprised, 
especially  in  a  country  where  the  species  are  principally 
wingless,  that  we  do  not  discover  indications  of  a  general 
uniformity  in  its  fauna,  involves  an  absurdity, — unless 
the  doctrine  of  specific  centres  of  creation  be  a  mere 
coinage  of  the  brain.  But,  if  we  believe  in  that  theory 
(which,  until  it  can  be  shown  to  be  impossible,  I  hold 
that  we  are  a  priori  bound  to  do),  we  must  at  least  act 
consistently  with  ourselves,  and  not  anticipate  phseno- 
mena  where  we  have  neither  reason  nor  right  to  look 
for  them. 

We  are  too  apt  to  draw  a  line  of  imaginary  demarca- 
tion between  the  sciences,  as  though  each  had  its  own 
propositions  to  establish,  and  nothing  more:  indeed, 
some  of  us  would  appear  to  assume  (though  perhaps 
tacitly),  that  what  is  proved  to  be  true  in  one  depart- 
ment may  be,  at  least,  rendered  inconsistent  (if  not 
actually  negatived)  in  another.  But  surely  this  requires 
no  argument  to  refute, — since  a  principle  which  is  true. 


is  true  under  every  circumstance  and  condition;  for 
otherwise,  it  could  be  both  true  and  false.  We  need 
not  therefore  be  afraid  of  comparing  truth  with  truth, 
under  whatever  shape  it  may  arrive,  as  though  it  were 
possible  that  either  of  its  phases  could  ever  suffer  from 
the  ordeal  of  a  close  contact ;  since,  if  they  be  really 
true,  and  free  from  deception,  they  must  needs  go  hand 
in  hand,  and  may  become  (however  opposite  they  be  in 
their  subjects)  directly  explanatory  of  each  other.  The 
astronomer  who  is  not  intimately  acquainted  with  pure 
mathematical  analysis,  in  its  various  aspects  and 
bearings,  is  in  fact  no  astronomer  at  all.  The  geologist 
who  would  interpret  the  grand  phsenomena  of  the  earth's 
crust  apart  from  statical  and  dynamical  knowledge,  and 
without  the  help  which  the  chemist,  mineralogist, 
anatomist,  zoologist,  and  botanist  can  afford  him,  stands 
a  fair  chance  of  leaving  his  problems  unsolved ;  whilst 
the  students  of  zoology  and  botany  who  would  endeavour 
to  understand,  and  account  for,  what  they  see  in  the 
animal  and  vegetable  worlds  around  them,  without 
calling  in  geology  to  their  aid,  must  assuredly  be  pre- 
pared to  fail  signally  in  their  attempts.  All  indeed 
must  work  in  concert,  if  the  whole  is  to  be  advanced, — 
and  not  only  in  concert,  but  as  mutually  assisting  each 
other.  "By  the  help  of  truths  already  known,  more 
may  be  discovered;  for  those  inferences  which  arise 
from  the  application  of  general  truths  to  the  particular 
things  and  cases  contained  under  them,  must  be  just.*  " 
*  Religion  of  Nature  Delineated,  pp.  73,  74. 




How  glorious  to  the  observant  eye  is  the  great  system 
of  the  organic  world,  how  perfect  in  each  separate  part, 
how  complete  and  harmonious  the  whole !  The  unity 
of  the  comprehensive  plan,  amidst  the  infinite  modifica- 
tions which  it  includes,  has  ever  been  a  theme  of  admi- 
ration and  delight ;  for  the  mind,  which  has  once  caught 
a  glimpse,  even  in  physics,  of  what  it  is  not  possible  to 
disprove,  instinctively  clings  to  it,  as  to  a  grand  material 
truth.  The  discovery,  at  all  times,  of  what  we  feel  to 
be  actually  certain  is  in  itself  so  fascinating,  that  the  very 
data  which  it  gives  us  are  scarcely  more  prized  than  the 
mere  knowledge  that  we  have  gained  a  single  additional 
light  to  guide  us  on  our  forward  way :  for,  since  in  the 
inductive  sciences  we  can  but  climb  from  step  to  step, 
at  a  slow  and  even  pace,  we  hail  with  inward  satisfaction 
whatsoever  may  tend  to  lighten  our  task,  and  to  lead  us 
more  quickly  onwards  (gradually  though  we  must  of 
necessity  advance)  towards  its  final  accomplishment. 

But  how,  it  may  be  asked,  is  this  general  harmony  of 
the  organic  creation  to  be  insisted  upon,  when  beings  so 
extravagant  and  dissimilar  are  everywhere  to  be  met 


with  ?  Is  it  possible  to  recognize  anything  like  a  unity 
of  type  amongst  creatures  so  differently  constructed, 
and  so  widely  removed  from  each  other  in  their  habits, 
aspects,  functions,  and  attributes?  Such  questions  as 
these,  however,  though  they  may  occasionally  perplex 
the  tyro,  or  amateur,  are  not  likely  to  be  raised  by  any- 
one who  has  mastered  the  merest  alphabet  of  zoology, — 
and  who  is  aware  that  the  integrity  of  Nature  is  some- 
thing real  and  positive,  as  experience  indeed  is  ever 
tending  more  and  more  to  corroborate,  and  by  no  means 
the  day-dream  of  an  enthusiastic,  or  fertile,  imagination. 
To  trace  out  the  progressive  development  of  animal  life, 
from  its  humblest  phases ;  and  to  mark,  as  they  become 
visible  in  the  intermediate  grades,  the  first  rudiments 
of  organs  and  instincts  which  are  destined  to  attain 
their  maximum  in  the  higher  ones,  embody  but  a  small 
portion  of  what  it  is  the  naturalist's  mission  to  investi- 
gate. To  him  belongs  the  special  privilege  of  inquiring 
dogmatically  into  this  structural  advancement ;  and  of 
suggesting  methods  of  classification  which  shall  accord, 
in  their  several  component  divisions,  so  far  at  least  as  is 
practicable,  with  the  constitutional  change.  We  should 
recollect,  however,  that  this  system,  being  based  upon 
truth,  must,  if  it  would  be  consonant  throughout,  adapt 
itself  to  all  the  various  phenomena  (in  their  respective 
positions,  in  the  scale),  from  the  consideration  of  which 
it  should  be  exclusively  deduced,  or  built.  To  draw 
broad  conclusions  of  any  kind,  or  to  attempt  the  esta- 
blishment of  propositions  and  principles,  from  simple 


dialectics,  without  a  previous  training  in  the  practical 
bearings  of  the  subject,  would  be  absurd,  and  almost 
certain  to  beget  error.  "It  cannot  be  that  axioms 
established  by  means  of  reasoning  [alone]  should  be  of 
any  value  for  the  discovery  of  new  results ;  because  the 
subtilty  of  Nature  far  exceeds  the  subtilty  of  reasoning. 
But  axioms  duly  and  orderly  abstracted  from  parti- 
culars, in  their  turn  easily  point  out  and  mark  off  new 
particulars ;  and  so  render  the  sciences  active*."  Such 
were  the  words  of  the  greatest  philosopher  which  this 
country  has  ever  produced ;  and  it  would  be  well,  whilst 
examining  the  causes  of  what  we  see,  and  endeavouring 
to  obtain  some  faint  and  distant  notion  of  the  vast 
scheme  of  Nature  as  originally  designed,  to  keep  them 
constantly  in  view, — lest,  by  trusting  to  theory  only, 
apart  from  observation  and  facts;  or  by  venturing  to 
pervert  the  latter  (instead  of  being  led  by  them),  so  as 
to  tally  with  our  preconceived  ideas  of  what  ought  to  be, 
we  miss  our  road,  and  become  lost  in  the  mazy  labyrinth 
of  our  own  fanciful  inventions. 

With  this  preliminary  stricture  on  the  express  duty 
which  devolves  upon  the  naturalist  (with  whom  the 
phenomena  of  the  organic  world  principally  rest,  for 
interpretation)  to  make  facts,  rather  than  reason  and 

*  "Nullo  mode  fieri  potest,  ut  axiomata  per  argumentationem 
constituta  ad  inventionem  novorum  operum  valeant ;  quia  subtilitas 
naturae  subtilitatem  argumentandi  multis  partibus  superat.  Sed 
axiomata  a  particularibus  rite  et  ordine  abstracta,  nova  particularia 
rursus  facile  indicant  et  designant;  itaque  scientias  reddunt  ac- 
tivas." — Novum.  Organum,  Aphoris.  xxiv. 


argument,  the  basis  of  his  various  doctrines, — at  any 
rate  of  those  in  which  the  critical  subject  of  arrangement 
is  concerned ;  I  shall  perhaps  be  pardoned,  after  having 
been  drawn,  in  the  preceding  chapters  (however  involun- 
tarily), into  the  question  of  '  species/  as  rigidly  denned, 
if  I  now  offer  a  few  passing  remarks  on  the  theory  of 

There  can  be  no  doubt  that  amongst  a  large  class  of 
ordinary  observers  a  clear  perception  of  the  generic 
system,  in  an  abstract  sense,  does  not  by  any  means 
prevail.  What  the  nature  of  a  genus  really  is,  would 
appear  to  have  been  very  commonly  overlooked,  or  per- 
haps misunderstood,  by  people  of  this  stamp ;  and  the 
consequence  has  been,  that  the  wildest  notions  have 
frequently  arisen,  even  from  men  of  sound  specific 
attainments,  as  to  the  claims  (for  annihilation  or  re- 
tention, as  ' genera')  of  certain  subsidiary  zoological 
assemblages.  The  terms  '  genus 3  and  '  species '  have 
been  conjointly  so  long  associated  in  our  minds  with  the 
selfsame  things  (whatsoever  they  may  be),  that  they 
have  become  almost  part  and  parcel  of  the  objects  them- 
selves; so  that  the  student  who  does  not  sufficiently 
reflect  on  their  true  signification,  is  apt  to  regard  them 
as  of  equal  importance, — or,  rather,  more  often  perhaps 
than  otherwise,  to  make  the  latter  subservient  (or 
inferior)  to  the  former !  This  however  is,  in  reality,  the 
very  reverse  of  what  should  be  the  case,  as  a  moment's 
consideration  will  indeed  at  once  convince  us :  for  what 
are  genera,  after  all,  but  dilatations  (as  it  were)  along  a 


chain  which  is  itself  composed  of  separate,  though  dif- 
ferently shaped,  links  ?  The  links  (or  the  actual,  inde- 
pendent bodies  which  constitute  the  chain)  are  the 
species ;  but  the  knobs,  or  swellings,  which  their  several 
forms  may  tend,  by  degrees,  to  establish  along  its  course 
(through  the  slight  disparity  which  each  of  them  pre- 
sents from  that  which  is  next  in  succession  to  it;  and 
therefore  through  the  gradual  manner  in  which  the 
bulbs,  or  nodules,  may  be  said,  on  the  whole,  to  be  pro- 
duced), are  the  groups  into  which  those  species  naturally 
fall.  It  matters  not  a  straw  whether  these  assemblages 
be  primary,  secondary,  tertiary,  &c., — in  other  words, 
whether  they  be  departments,  families,  or  genera,  as 
usually  understood, — the  principle  is  in  every  instance 
the  same ;  the  difference  being  merely  relative,  and  not 

Or,  if  we  choose  to  vary  the  simile,  we  may  compare 
the  whole  system  to  a  cord,  upon  which  beads,  of  innu- 
merable sizes,  patterns,  and  colours,  have  been  densely 
strung.  Now,  if  there  were  no  such  things  as  natural 
divisions  in  the  organic  world,  these  beads  (which  repre- 
sent the  separate  species)  might  have  been  disposed  of 
anyhow, — their  positions,  with  respect  to  each  other, 
would  under  those  circumstances  have  been  of  no  im- 
portance. But  such  is  not  the  case :  there  is  an  order 
and  method  throughout  Nature,  which  shows  that  every 
individual  portion  of  it  has  been  adjusted  by  the  Master's 
hand,  and  that  nothing  has  been  left  to  chance.  Those 
beads  (to  follow  up  the  metaphor)  of  countless  magni- 


tudes  and  hues,  have  had  their  proper  places  allotted  to 
them, — and  moreover  with  such  care  and  regularity,  that 
a  complete  plan,  or  scheme,  of  distribution  is  at  once 
conspicuous.  Although  there  are  not  even  two,  amongst 
that  enormous  multitude,  which  are  precisely  alike  (for 
every  species,  however  it  may  resemble  its  next  ally,  has 
some  distinctive  feature  of  its  own),  we  immediately  per- 
ceive that  those  beads  which  have  most  in  common,  are, 
as  it  were,  attracted  to  each  other, — so  as,  by  their  close 
approximation,  or  contact,  to  create  excrescences  and 
stripes,  of  divers  kinds,  along  the  entire  length  of  the 
cord.  If  we  assume  now  that  the  red  beads  have  been 
collected  together,  to  the  length  (for  instance)  of  a  yard, 
and  that  within  that  space  a  dozen  protuberances,  of 
discordant  aspects  and  dimensions,  have  (by  the  union 
of  those  beads  which  more  nearly  simulate  each  other) 
been  brought  about ;  we  shall  have  a  very  fair  idea  of 
the  ordinary  grouping  of  the  animate  tribes.  The  red 
beads,  taken  in  the  mass,  may  be  likened  to  a  perfect 
' '  family ;"  the  differing  gibbosities  to  twelve  well -marked 
"genera,"  which  that  family  includes;  whilst  the 
"  species "  (the  real  dramatis  persona,  of  independent 
existence,  which  are  nevertheless  compelled  to  occupy 
the  situations  we  have  described, — thus  causing  the  divi- 
sions to  be  mapped  out)  are  here  typified,  as  everywhere, 
by  the  several  beads  themselves. 

I  have  not  thought  it  necessary  to  pursue  this  reason- 
ing into  higher  divisions  than  "  families  •"  but  of  course 
it  may  be  extended  to  any  amount, — so  as  to  shadow 


forth,  equally,  the  compartments  of  primary  significance. 
Nor  would  I  wish  to  imply,  by  the  above  similes,  that  I 
regard  a  lineal  method  of  arrangement  as  the  correct  one. 
Every  zoologist  is  aware,  that  in  Nature  such  does  not 
exist :  but  the  mode  of  illustration  which  I  have  selected 
is  applicable  to  all  systems  alike,  so  far  as  the  principle 
is  concerned. 

It  will  consequently  be  seen,  from  what  has  been  said, 
that  the  terms  "  genus  "  and  "  species  "  not  only  differ 
very  considerably  in  importance,  but  in  signification  also. 
Whilst  the  former  is  merely  suggestive  of  a  particular 
position  which  a  creature  occupies  in  a  systematic  scale 
(a  position,  however,  which  depends  upon  the  various 
structural  peculiarities  which  it  possesses  in  common  with 
other  beings, — which  thus  more  or  less  resemble  it) ;  the 
latter  expresses  the  actual  creature  itself:  so  that  while 
one  applies  to  several  animals  (of  distinct  natures  and 
origins,  though  bound  together  by  a  certain  bond  of 
imitation),  the  other  belongs  to  a  single  race  alone,  which 
it  therefore  exclusively  indicates.  But  if  such  be  the 
case,  it  will  perhaps  be  asked, — Why  then  insist  upon  a 
generic  name  at  all,  if  the  specific  one  be  sufficient  to 
denote  all  that  is  required,  namely,  the  animal  itself  1  To 
which,  however,  we  may  reply,  that  the  binomial  nomen- 
clature is  demanded  for  two  elementary  reasons, — first, 
because  it  is  founded  upon  a  natural  truth,  which  (to  say 
the  least)  it  would  be  unwise  to  violate ;  and,  secondly, 
because  it  is  convenient,  both  for  simplification  and 
analysis.  We  should  assuredly  be  surprised  were  a  man 


to  object  to  his  surname,  as  unnecessary,  because  he  has 
a  Christian  (or  specific*)  one  which  is  the  exponent  of 
him  alone.  True  it  is  that  his  family  (or  generic)  title 
applies  to  the  rest  of  his  kin  also ;  but,  since  there  are 
other  people  (of  other  families)  who  may  have  the  same 
individual  appellation  as  himself,  it  is  clearly  desirable, 
even  as  a  matter  of  expediency  alone,  that  patronymic 
and  Christian  name  should  be  alike  retained.  We  need 
not,  however,  plead  expediency,  in  favour  of  this  accept- 
ance of  what  has  been  so  long  tested,  and  shown  to  be 
correct ;  we  appeal  to  a  higher  tribunal, — that  of  expe- 
rience,— in  proof  that  it  draws  its  origin  from  Nature 
itself,  and  is  implied  by  the  very  existence,  or  reality,  of 
natural  groups.  The '  Methode  Mononomique '  has  indeed 
been  attempted  f;  and  it  has  failed, — or  at  any  rate  it 
has  shown  itself  to  be  inferior,  both  ideally  and  in  prac- 
tice, to  the  plan  commonly  in  use :  and  if  I  might  be 
pardoned  a  passing  conjecture  on  its  ultimate  success,  I 
should  be  inclined,  since  it'  is  contrary  to  the  canon  of 
the  organic  world,  to  regard  its  case  as  utterly  hopeless. 
Let  us  not  be  unfair,  however,  towards  those  who  have 
sought  to  establish  a  nomenclature  which  they  conceived 
would  be  less  open  to  objections  than  that  which  we  have 
been  hitherto  accustomed  to  endorse.  The  notion  did, 

*  In  selecting  this  simple  method  to  illustrate  the  principle  of  a 
binomial  system  of  nomenclature,  it  is  scarcely  necessary  to  remind 
the  reader  that  I  do  not  intend  to  imply  that  every  man  is  specifically 
distinct  from  his  neighbour  ! 

t  Considerations  sur  un  Nouveau  Systeme  de  Nomenclature,  par 
C.  J.  B.  Amyot  (Rev.  ZooL,  p.  133,  A.D.  1838). 


at  any  rate,  arise  out  of  an  apparent  defect  in  the  bino- 
mial process, — for  the  inconveniences  which  they  com- 
plained of  are  real  ones ;  and,  having  felt  them  practi- 
cally, they  aspired  to  sweep  them  away  by  remodelling 
the  whole  system  afresh.  But,  had  it  not  been  for  an 
evident  misconception  of  the  generic  theory,  in  the 
abstract,  the  trial  would  in  all  probability  have  never 
been  made ;  and  we  should  have  been  spared  the  downfall 
of  a  contrivance  which  has  had  but  little  to  recommend 
it  beyond  the  ingenuity  of  its  machinery  and  detail.  If 
we  analyse  the  motives  for  this  experiment,  we  shall  find 
that  it  originated  from  a  belief,  that  genera  are  either 
purely  imaginary,  or  else  that  they  must  (like  species) 
have  a  definite  and  isolated  existence.  Now  both  of 
these  conclusions  appear  to  be  equally  gratuitous  and 
untenable ;  and  such  as  a  lack  of  observation  could  alone 
beget.  Genera  are  not  mere  phantoms  of  the  brain  (as 
most  naturalists  will  readily  admit) ;  but  they  are,  like- 
wise, by  no  means  abrupt,  or  well-marked,  on  their 
outer  limits  (except  indeed  by  accident, — of  which  here- 
after), but  merge  into  each  other  by  gradations,  more 
or  less  slow  and  perceptible.  Such  being  the  case,  we 
can  easily  understand  why  it  is  that  the  followers  of  the 
'  Methode  Mononomique'  (who,  paralysed  by  the  fact  that 
genera  are  seldom  clearly  defined  at  their  extremes,  would 
seem  to  repudiate  them  in  toto)  have  rashly  regarded  the 
binomial  system  as  intolerable.  Finding  that  it  was 
possible  for  numerous  species,  whose  structural  charac- 
teristics were  less  conspicuously  pronounced  than  those 


of  their  allies,  to  be  enumerated,  and  with  equal  plausi- 
bility, under  two  consecutive  groups ;  they  immediately 
inferred  that  the  groups  themselves  could  not  be  upheld 
on  account  of  these  connective  links :  and  so  it  was  re- 
solved (through  a  new  and  artificial  scheme)  to  ignore 
them ;  and  to  fall  back  upon  the  creed,  that  species  alone 
(and  not  genera)  are  to  be  recognized  in  the  organic 
world.  This  was  but  the  device,  however,  at  the  outset, 
of  a  single  mind ;  and  the  perverts  to  it  have  been  but 
few.  It  is  in  direct  opposition  to  the  first  principles  of 
nomenclature,  and  sets  at  defiance  a  great  natural  truth. 
But  what,  it  may  be  inquired,  is  this  great  primary 
truth  which  the  monomial  system  tends  to  violate  ?  I 
repeat  what  I  have  already  stated,  that  it  is  the  existence 
of  natural  assemblages  which  that  scheme  would,  if  it 
were  practicable,  discountenance.  Order  and  symmetry, 
however  (which  involve  classification,  or  arrangement), 
are  the  law  of  Nature,  and  it  is  not  possible  to  set  them 
aside.  It  matters  not  if  harsh  lines  of  demarcation  are 
undiscernible  between  the  several  consecutive  groups, — 
the  groups  themselves  must  still  remain  (however  equivo- 
cal it  may  be  where  they  exactly  commence  or  termi- 
nate), and  cannot  be  wiped  out.  To  suppose  a  priori 
that  the  allied  divisions  of  the  animate  creation  are  per- 
fectly disconnected  inter  se,  is  in  fact  to  break  the  chain 
on  which  the  unity  of  the  organic  world  depends ;  whilst 
to  assume  that  groups  cease  to  be  groups  when  they  can 
be  discovered  to  merge  into  each  other,  would  no  less 
destroy  the  harmony  of  that  admirable  method,  or 


array,  which  the  naturalist,  above  all  others,  delights  to 
contemplate.  If  things  are  no  longer  to  be  regarded  as 
dissimilar  because  they  unite  on  their  outer  limits, 
differences  may  be  given  up,  as  having  no  special 
meaning,  and  as  therefore  unworthy  of  investigation. 
It  requires  but  a  slight  insight  into  the  physical  universe 
to  be  convinced,  that  nearly  everything  which  we  see 
(and,  moreover,  without  injuring  its  individual  reality]  is 
blended  into  that  to  which  it  is  the  most  akin.  Night 
is  distinct  from  day ;  yet,  so  long  as  the  twilight  inter- 
venes, no  man  can  pronounce  where  the  one  ends,  and 
the  other  begins.  Heat  is  opposed  to  cold ;  yet,  if  by 
degrees  they  be  respectively  diminished,  they  will  at  last 
amalgamate,  in  a  central  temperature.  And  thus  it  is 
with  things  material.  The  sea  and  the  land  are  essen- 
tially unlike ;  yet  the  precise  boundary  between  the  two 
is  never  clearly  denned, — the  ebb  and  flow  are  constantly 
going  on,  and  the  line  of  separation  is  variable.  The 
mountain-range  is  moulded  on  a  different  type  to  the 
level  country  beneath  it ;  yet  the  turning-point  of  them 
both  is,  in  all  instances,  on  neutral  ground.  We  need 
not  however  adduce  further  evidence  in  support  of  this 
fact, — that,  throughout  the  whole  of  Nature,  the  general 
principle  of  fusion  (either  absolute  or  apparent)  is  most 
obvious.  From  first  to  last,  traces  of  it  are  everywhere 
to  be  detected;  not  only  between  clusters,  or  material 
combinations,  of  objects  (in  which  case  it  is  absolute), 
but  even  between  the  objects  themselves, — under  which 
circumstances,  however,  it  is  merely  apparent ;  for,  since 


they  are  specifically  dissimilar,  it  can  only  arise  from 
their  near  resemblance  to  each  other,  and  not  from  their 
positive  coalescence.  But,  admitting  that  this  universal 
blending,  throughout  the  animate  world,  does  not  inter- 
fere with  the  gradual  conformation  of  its  several  groups, 
which  therefore  should  be  recognized ;  we  may  perhaps 
be  told  by  the  believers  in  the  '  Methode  Mononomique/ 
that  they  do  not  intend  to  ignore  the  arrangement  which 
Nature  has  so  broadly  laid  down,  but  that,  on  the 
contrary,  they  tacitly  endorse  it, — their  device  having 
reference  to  the  names  only.  To  this  however  it  will  be 
sufficient  to  reply,  that,  if  they  deem  it  necessary  (of 
which  I  am  by  no  means  convinced)  to  accept  the 
natural  genera  of  the  organic  creation  at  all,  why  not 
acknowledge  them  ?  and  how  can  they  be  so  well 
acknowledged,  either  in  principle  or  practice,  as  through 
the  medium  of  a  binomial  nomenclature?  Such  a 
system  is  the  only  consistent  one,  on  the  hypothesis  that 
they  do  consider  them  of  primary  importance;  it  is 
more  in  unison  with  our  notions  of  what  ought  to  be ; 
more  suggestive  of  what  actually  is ;  more  honest  and 
generous  to  those  who  have  laboured  (as  describers),  with 
such  care  and  diligence,  before  us. 

It  will  be  perceived,  from  the  above  remarks,  that, 
although  professedly  criticizing  the  '  Methode  Mono- 
nomique/ into  the  analysis  of  which  my  subject  has 
unintentionally  drawn  me,  it  is  the  absurdity  of  ob- 
jecting to  genera  because  they  are  not  rigidly  defined 
throughout,  that  I  have  been  mainly  striving  to  con- 


demn.  It  is  indeed  well  nigh  incredible  that  any  such 
strictures  could  ever  have  been  advanced;  for  it  must 
surely  have  occurred  to  the  most  superficial  inquirer, 
that  genera,  after  all,  cannot  be  homogeneous, — seeing 
that  they  are  necessarily  composed  of  detached  species, 
no  two  of  which  are  precisely  similar,  even  in  the  few 
structural  details  which  may  have  been  accidentally 
chosen  for  generic  diagnostics.  How  is  it  possible, 
therefore,  that  mere  groups,  even  though  they  be  in 
accordance  with  Nature,  should  be  so  far  isolated  and 
uniform  in  their  character  as  to  occupy  an  analogous 
position  to  that  of  the  absolutely  independent  species  (of 
distinct  origins)  which  they  severally  contain  ? 

Taking  the  preceding  considerations  into  account,  the 
question  Avill  perhaps  arise, — How  then  is  a  genus  to  be 
defined?  To  which  I  may  reply  that,  were  I  asked 
whether  genera  had  any  real  existence  in  the  animate 
world,  my  answer  would  be  that  they  undoubtedly  have, 
— though  not  in  the  sense  (which  is  so  commonly 
supposed)  of  abrupt  and  disconnected  groups.  I  con- 
ceive them  to  be  gradually  formed  nuclei,  through  the 
gathering  together  of  creatures  which  more  or  less 
resemble  each  other,  around  a  central  type :  they  are 
the  dilatations  (to  use  our  late  simile)  along  a  chain 
which  is  itself  composed  of  separate,  though  differently 
shaped  links, — the  links  being  the  actual  species  them- 
selves, and  the  swellings,  or  nodes,  the  slowly  developed 
genera  into  which  they  naturally  fall.  When  I  say 


' f  slowly  developed,"  my  meaning  may  possibly  require 
some  slight  comment.  It  is  simply  therefore  to  guard 
against  the  fallacy,  which  I  have  so  often  disclaimed, 
that  genera  are  abruptly  (or  suddenly)  terminated  on 
their  outer  limits,  that  the  expression  has  been  employed. 
Though  I  believe  that  a  series  of  species,  each  partially 
imitating  the  next  in  contact  with  it,  is  Nature's  truest 
system;  yet  we  must  be  all  of  us  aware  that  those 
species  do  certainly  tend,  in  the  main,  to  map  out 
assemblages  of  divers  phases  and  magnitudes,  distin- 
guished by  peculiar  characteristics  which  the  several 
members  of  each  squadron  have  more  or  less  in  common. 
So  that  it  is  only  in  the  middle  points  that  these  various 
groups,  respectively,  attain  their  maximum, — every  one 
of  which  (by  way  of  illustration)  may  be  described  as  a 
concentric  bulb,  which  becomes  denser,  as  it  were,  in  its 
successive  component  layers,  and  more  typical,  as  it 
approaches  its  core. 

If,  then,  the  theory  of  genera  be  such  as  I  have  endea- 
voured to  expound,  it  results  from  what  has  been  said, 
that  every  generic  type  is  to  be  looked  for  in,  or  about, 
the  centre  of  its  peculiar  group, — or  at  any  rate  in  that 
region  of  it  which  would  seem  to  be  the  most  charac- 
teristically, or  evenly,  pronounced.  I  lay  particular 
stress  upon  this  conclusion,  because  (if  correct)  it  will 
somewhat  modify  the  notions  which  are  occasionally 
entertained  upon  the  subject.  A  stricture,  however, 
may  here  be  required  upon  what  I  have  advanced,  lest, 


through  using  the  metaphors  which  I  selected  for  the 
elucidation  of  a  principle,  it  be  supposed  that  I  would 
wish  them  to  apply  to  the  smaller  details,  likewise,  of 
the  problem.  If  a  genus  has  been  portrayed  under  the 
similitude  of  a  bulb,  or  of  a  nodule  (formed  by  the  ap- 
proximation of  beads  which  more  or  less  resemble  each 
other  in  their  primary  aspect),  it  does  not  follow  that 
either  bulb  or  nodule  are  to  diminish  in  a  similar  ratio 
towards  their  respective  circumferences, — or,  which  is  the 
same  thing,  that  they  are  to  be  symmetrical ;  whether 
spherical,  ovoid,  or  otherwise.  The  general  method  of 
the  organic  creation  is  a  progressive  one;  and  its  suc- 
cessive types,  therefore,  will  not  always  be  found  to 
radiate  equally  from  their  normal  foci :  so  that  it  is  in  the 
direction  of  the  higher  (rather  than  the  lower)  extre- 
mities of  the  assemblages  that  those  foci  are  usually  to 
be  discerned ; — and  where  the  groups  are  large,  it  is  not 
often  difficult  to  pronounce  which  of  their  ends  are,  as  a 
whole,  the  more  perfectly  developed. 

It  will,  moreover,  be  further  acknowledged  (if  my 
premises  are  allowed),  that,  since  it  is  a  somewhat 
central  position  which  the  typical  member  of  a  genus 
usually  occupies,  the  diagnostic  characters,  although  (in 
combination)  carried  out  to  the  full,  are  more  evenly 
balanced  in  a  generic  type  than  in  any  of  its  associates ; 
or,  in  other  words,  that  a  species  in  which  any  single 
organ  is  monstrously  enlarged,  at  the  expense  of  the 
rest,  is  seldom  typical  of  the  assemblage  with  which  it  is 
placed ;  but  may  be  a  priori  regarded  as  in  all  proba- 


bility  a  transition  form,  leading  us  onwards  into  some 
neighbouring  group *. 

I  will  not,  however,  venture  too  closely  into  this  ques- 
tion in  its  minor  bearings ; — suffice  it  to  have  demon- 
strated that,  whatever  be  the  rate,  law,  or  direction,  of 
the  advancement  of  the  various  groups  towards  a  more 
perfect  model ;  or  in  whatsoever  position  the  several  types 
are  to  be  discerned,  with  respect  to  their  immediate 
associates,  genera  cannot  be  isolated  and  distinct,  but 
must  of  necessity  merge  (each  into  two  or  more  others) 
on  their  outer  limits.  Hence,  if  such  be  the  case,  as  I 
contend  that  it  usually  is  (the  exceptions  to  the  rule 
being,  as  I  shall  hope  shortly  to  prove,  the  result  of 
accident,  and  by  no  means  a  part  of  the  original  design), 
it  may  perhaps  be  a  problem,  how  far  we  are  justified  in 
rejecting  many  large  and  natural  assemblages,  through 
the  fact  that  they  blend,  both  at  their  commencement 
and  termination,  imperceptibly,  with  others, — their  pre- 
cise boundaries  being  dimly  defined. 

That  the  recognition  of  genera  is  necessary,  even  as 
a  matter  of  mere  convenience,  is  self-evident;  for  in 
many  extensive  departments  they  combine  with  each  other 
so  completely  at  their  extremities  (although  sufficiently 
well-marked  in  the  mass),  that,  unless  we  are  prepared 

*  I  may  add,  that  this  suggestion,  as  to  the  evenly  balanced  state 
of  generic  types,  is  in  accordance  with  the  views  of  Mr.  Waterhouse, 
— whose  extensive  knowledge  in  the  higher  departments  of  zoolo- 
gical science  gives  a  value  to  his  opinion,  especially  on  questions 
such  as  these,  which  I  am  glad  to  have  an  opportunity  of  acknow- 


to  accept  them  as  they  are,  we  must  needs  repudiate 
them  altogether :  under  which  circumstances,  our  diffi- 
culties, both  in  determination  and  nomenclature,  would 
be  increased  tenfold.  We  should  also  recollect,  that 
clusters  which  seem  abruptly  chalked  out  whilst  our 
knowledge  is  imperfect,  are  very  frequently  united  with 
others  when  fresh  discoveries  are  made,  and  the  inter- 
mediate grades  brought  to  light :  so  that  their  apparent 
isolation  may  oftentimes  arise  from  our  ignorance  of  the 
absent  links,  rather  than  from  the  fact  itself.  It  would 
surely  be  more  desirable,  therefore,  when  viewed  even 
in  the  light  of  expediency  alone,  to  submit  to  the  possi- 
bility of  a  few  neutral  species  being  conceded,  with  equal 
reason,  to  different  groups,  than  to  amalgamate  the 
whole,  and  so  lose  sight  of  the  general  method  or 
arrangement,  into  which  the  various  creatures  do  un- 
questionably (in  a  broad  sense)  dispose  themselves.  If, 
however,  there  be  any  truth  in  the  generic  doctrine 
as  above  enunciated,  the  question  of  convenience  may  be 
omitted  from  our  speculations  in  toto, — seeing  that  all 
genera  (except  those  whose  present  abruptness  is  the 
effect  of  accident)  fuse  into  others  with  which  they  are 
in  immediate  contact :  so  that  in  reality,  unless  we 
ignore  these  natural  assemblages  from  first  to  last,  we 
have  no  choice  left  us  as  regards  the  equivocal  forms ; 
but  must  consent  to  recognize  them  as  of  doubtful  loca- 
tion, and  as  possessing  an  equal  right  to  be  placed  in 
one  or  the  other  of  two  consecutive  groups, — according 


to  the  judgment  of  the  particular  naturalist  who  has  to 
deal  with  them. 

But  let  us  glance  at  the  subject  through  the  medium 
of  an  example,  and  endeavour  to  realize  what  would  be 
the  consequence  of  that  wholesale  combination  at  which 
we  must  sooner  or  latter  arrive,  if  genera  are  not  to  be 
upheld  because  they  slowly  merge  into  each  other  as  we 
recede  from  their  respective  types.  The  immense  de- 
partment Carabida,  of  the  Coleoptera,  is  eminently  a 
case  in  point.  In  the  details  of  their  oral  organs  the 
whole  of  that  family  display  (as  I  have  elsewhere*  re- 
marked) so  great  a  similarity  inter  se,  or  rather  shade 
off  into  each  other  by  such  imperceptible  gradations, 
that  the  tendency  which  various  clusters  of  them  possess 
to  assume  modifications  of  form  which  attain  their  max- 
imum only  in  successive  centres  of  radiation,  must  often- 
times be  regarded  as  generic,  if  we  would  not  shut  our 
eyes  altogether  to  the  natural  collective  masses  into 
which  the  numerous  species  (however  gradually)  are,  in 
the  main,  so  manifestly  distributed.  It  is  possible 
indeed  that,  as  our  knowledge  advances  and  new  dis- 
coveries take  place,  we  shall  so  far  unite  many  of  the 
consecutive  nuclei  which  are  now  considered  pretty 
clearly  defined,  that  we  shall  be  driven  at  last  either  to 
accept  the  Linnsean  genera  only,  or  else  the  entire  host 
of  subsidiary  ones  (albeit  perhaps  in  a  secondary  sense) 
which  are,  one  by  one,  being  expunged.  And,  since 
*  Annals  of  Nat.  Hist.  (2nd  series),  xiv.,  p.  199. 


under  the  former  contingency  the  determination  of  species 
would  become  practically  well  nigh  hopeless,  it  is  far 
from  unlikely  that  we  shall  eventually  hail  the  latter  as, 
after  all  (at  any  rate  to  a  certain  extent),  the  more  con- 
venient of  the  two.  Look,  for  instance,  at  the  great 
genus  Pterostichus,  which  has  nearly  200  representatives 
in  Europe  alone :  true  it  is  that  its  several  sections 
(Pcecilus,  Argutor,  Omaseus,  Corax,  Steropus,  Platysma, 
Cophosus,  Pterostichus  proper,  Abax,  Percus,  and  Molops) , 
although  easily  recognized  in  the  mass,  do  unquestionably 
blend  into  each  other;  yet  I  believe  that  it  has  arisen 
from  a  too  rigid  promulgation  of  the  generic  theory 
that  they  have  not  been  retained  as  separate.  And  this 
opinion  may  be  rendered  somewhat  more  plausible, 
from  the  knowledge  that  certain  of  the  Pterostichi  (the 
Argutors,  for  instance)  approach  so  closely,  in  their 
trophi,  to  CalathuSj  as  to  be  hardly  discernible  from  it ; 
which  latter  genus  is  scarcely  distinguishable  (struc- 
turally) from  Pristonychus, — a  form  which,  in  its  turn, 
leads  us  on  towards  another  type.  Who  would  have 
imagined,  again,  some  fifty  years  ago,  that  the  widely 
distributed  groups,  Calosoma  and  Carabus,  were  not 
thoroughly  detached  inter  se  ?  yet  what  naturalist  now 
can  draw  an  exact  line  of  demarcation  between  them  ? 
And  so  it  is  with  numerous  others,  which  it  is  needless 
to  recall.  The  practical  inference,  however,  from  the 
whole,  is  this :  that  if  genera  must  be  rejected  because 
they  are  not  homogeneous  and  isolated  throughout,  the 


only  ones  that  will  remain  are  those  which  have  become 
abrupt  from  causes  which  are  merely  accidental. 

Having  now,  however,  examined  the  question  in  its 
broadest  phasis,  that  is  to  say,  on  the  supposition  that 
Nature  is  complete  in  her  several  links  and  parts;  I 
shall  perhaps  be  expected  to  offer  a  few  passing  words 
on  what  I  have  already  hinted  at, — namely,  the  possi- 
bility of  genera  being  absolutely  well-defined,  even  on 
their  outer  limits,  from  accident.  Briefly,  then,  it  is 
through  the  extinction  of  species  that  groups  may,  in 
some  instances,  be  abruptly  expressed:  but,  as  such 
contingences  are  at  all  times  liable  (whether  from 
natural  or  artificial  causes)  to  happen;  it  would  be 
unfair  to  build  up  our  generic  definition  from  examples 
which  are  the  exception,  and  not  the  rule, — and,  more 
than  mere  "  exceptions "  (as  commonly  understood  by 
that  term),  the  result  of  positive  disturbances  from 
without.  Yet,  that  genera  thus  distinctly  bounded,  at 
either  end,  do  actually  occur,  must  be  self-evident  to 
any  one  who  has  attempted  to  study  the  distribution  of 
organic  beings  with  reference  to  the  geological  changes 
which  have  taken  place  on  the  earth's  surface ;  for  it  is 
clear  that  a  vast  proportion  of  the  creatures  which 
inhabit  our  globe  came  into  existence  at  periods  anterior 
to  many  of  those  great  convulsions  which  altered  finally 
the  positions  of  sea  and  land,  apportioning  to  each  the 
areas  which  they  now  embrace :  so  that,  if  generic 
provinces  of  radiation  (no  less  than  specific  centres)  be 


more  than  a  fancy  or  romance,  it  is  certain  that  nume- 
rous members  of  many  geographical  assemblages  must 
have  perished  for  ever  during  the  gigantic  sinkings 
which  have  at  various  epochs  been  brought  about.  From 
which  it  follows,  that  those  groups,  or  clusters,  of  which 
but  few  representatives  (comparatively]  are  extant,  will 
be  more  or  less  abruptly  terminated,  according  as  the 
original  type  to  which  they  severally  belong  was  peculiar, 
and  in  proportion  as  the  number  of  its  exponents  has  been 

Although  there  are  many  means  through  which 
species  may  become  annihilated,  yet,  since  the  sub- 
sidence of  a  tract  into  the  sea  involves  the  maximum  of 
loss  which  a  space  of  that  magnitude  can  sustain,  the 
above  conclusion  gives  rise  to  a  corollary :  that  it  is  in 
islands  that  we  should  mainly  look  for  genera  which 
are  to  be  rigidly  pronounced.  The  question  therefore 
naturally  suggests  itself, — Is  this  in  harmony  with  what 
we  see;  or,  in  other  words,  is  it  consistent  with  ex- 
perience, or  not?  I  believe  that  it  is;  for  I  think  it 
will  be  found,  on  inquiry,  that  the  greater  proportion  of 
those  groups  which  are  more  especially  isolated  in  their 
character  (I  do  not  say,  necessarily,  the  most  anomalous ; 
though  this  in  some  measure  follows  from  the  fact  of 
their  detachment)  are  peculiar  to  countries  which  are 

But,  however  important  an  element,  in  the  eradica- 
tion of  species,  submergence  may  be;  we  must  not 
entirely  omit  to  notice  other  methods  also,  through  the 



medium  of  which  genera  may  become  well-defined.  We 
should  recollect  that  the  removal  of  a  very  few  links 
from  an  endemic  cluster  is  sufficient  to  cause  its  dis- 
junction from  the  type  to  which  it  is  next  akin,  and  that 
where  the  creatures  which  unite  in  composing  it  are  of 
slow  diffusive  powers,  or  sedentary  habits,  the  elimina- 
tion of  such  links  is  (through  the  smallness  of  the  areas 
which  have  been  overspread)  a  comparatively  easy  opera- 
tion. The  accidental  introduction  of  organic  beings 
amongst  others  to  the  interests  of  which  they  are  hostile, 
may  be  a  powerful  means,  as  Mr.  Darwin  has  suggested, 
of  keeping  the  latter  in  check,  and  of  finally  destroying 
them*.  The  gradual  upheaval  of  a  tract  which  has 
been  well-stored  with  specific  centres  of  radiation, 
created  expressly  for  itself,  may  (through  the  climatal 
changes  which  have  been  brought  about)  succeed  in 
extirpating  races  innumerable, — those  only  surviving 
which  are  able  to  adapt  themselves  to  the  altered  condi- 
tions ;  and  which  would  now  be  consequently  looked 
upon  as  abrupt  topographical  assemblages.  The  over- 

*  A  familiar  example  of  this  disappearance  of  a  creature  before 
the  aggressive  powers  of  another,  which  is  either  hostile  to  or  stronger 
than  itself,  is  presented  by  the  Black  Rat  (Mus  rattus)  of  our  own 
country, — which  is  said  to  have  been  extremely  abundant  formerly, 
but  which  is  now  replaced  by  the  common  brown  (or  "  Hano- 
verian ")  one  of  Northern  Europe.  The  British  species,  however, 
although  it  has  become  extremely  scarce,  is  not  yet  quite  extermi- 
nated :  it  has  been  recorded  (vide  '  Zoologist/  611)  in  Essex,  and  in 
Devonshire  ('  Zoologist/  2344) ;  and  it  still  swarms  on  a  small  rock 
off  Lundy  Island,  in  the  Bristol  Channel.  It  is  reported,  moreover, 
to  have  been  lately  re-introduced  at  Liverpool. 


whelming  effect  of  a  volcanic  eruption,  in  a  region 
where  the  aborigines  of  the  soil  have  not  wandered  far 
from  their  primaeval  haunts,  may,  as  Sir  Charles  Lyell 
has  well  remarked,  put  an  end  to  others,  and  so  effect 
the  separation  of  their  allies  from  the  central  stock. 
And,  lastly,  the  intervention  of  man,  with  all  the  various 
concomitants  which  civilization,  art,  and  agriculture 
bring  in  his  train,  is  the  most  irresistible  of  every 
agency  in  the  extensive  (though  often  accidental)  demo- 
lition of  a  greater  or  less  proportion  of  the  animate 

The  whole  of  these  ultimate  assortments,  however,  are 
dependent,  as  it  were,  for  their  outline,  upon  contingency 
or  chance ;  and  we  must  not  deduce  our  ideas  of  genera 
from  the  examples  which  they  supply.  We  should 
rather  reflect,  that  it  is  no  matter  of  mere  speculation, 
that  many  organic  links,  now  absent,  have,  through  the 
crises  and  occurrences  to  which  we  have  just  drawn 
attention,  become  lost.  On  the  contrary,  indeed,  we 
know  that,  in  the  common  course  of  things,  it  must 
have  been  so;  and  therefore  we  are  induced  to  regard 
those  cases  as  exceptional,  and  as  in  no  way  expository 
of  Nature's  universal  scheme.  The  more  we  look  into 
the  question,  whether  by  the  light  of  analogy  or  the 
evidence  of  facts,  the  more  are  we  convinced  that  lines 
of  rigid  demarcation  (either  between  genera  or  species, 
though  especially  the  former)  do  not  anywhere,  except 
through  accident,  exist.  And  hence  it  is  that  we  ascend, 
by  degrees,  to  a  comprehension  of  that  unity  at  which  I 


have  already  glanced ;  and  are  led  to  believe  that,  could 
the  entire  living  panorama,  in  all  its  magnificence  and 
breadth,  be  spread  out  before  our  eyes,  with  its  long-lost 
links  (of  the  past  and  present  epochs)  replaced,  it  would 
be  found,  from  first  to  last,  to  be  complete  and  continuous 
throughout, — a  very  marvel  of  perfection,  the  work  of  a 
Master's  hand. 



Deposita  sarcina,  levior  volabo  ad  ccelum. — S.  Jerome. 

HAVING  now  completed  the  short  task  which  I  had 
undertaken  to  perform,  I  will,  in  conclusion,  offer  a  few 
brief  comments  on  the  results  at  which  we  have  arrived, 
and  endeavour  to  realize  to  what  extent  the  considera- 
tion of  them  is  likely  to  be  found  useful,  during  our 
inquiries  into  the  general  subject  of  entomological 

Commencing  with  the  thesis,  that  specific  variation, 
whether  as  a  matter  of  experience  or  as  probable  from 
analogy,  does  ipso  facto  exist;  I  have  endeavoured  to 
maintain  that  position,  by  evidence  of  divers  kinds ;  and 
I  have  sought  to  strengthen  the  inferences  deduced,  by 
an  appeal  to  some  of  those  external  agents  and  circum- 
stances which  may  be  reasonably  presumed  (if  not 
indeed  actually  demonstrated)  to  have  had  a  consider- 
able share  in  bringing  it  about.  I  have  also  suggested 
what  the  principal  organs  and  characters  are,  in  the 
Insecta,  which  would  appear  to  be  more  peculiarly 
sensitive  to  the  action  of  local  influences;  and  I  have 
then  diverged  to  the  question  of  topographical  distribu- 
tion, in  connection  with  the  geological  changes  on 
the  earth's  surface ;  and,  lastly,  to  some  practical  hints 


arising  out  of  a  proper  interpretation  of  the  generic 
theory.  How  far  I  have  succeeded  in  elucidating  the 
several  points  which  I  proposed  to  examine,  is  a  problem 
which  must  be  solved  by  others ;  meanwhile,  if  I  have 
failed  at  times  to  interpret  what  seems  scarcely  to  admit 
of  positive  proof,  I  shall  at  least  have  had  the  advantage 
of  propounding  the  enigmas  for  discussion,  and  of  so 
paving  the  way  for  future  research.  We  must  remember, 
however,  that,  where  certainty  is  not  to  be  had,  proba- 
bility must  be  accepted  in  its  stead ;  or,  as  an  old  writer 
has  well  expressed  it :  "  That  we  ought  to  follow  pro- 
bability when  certainty  leaves  us,  is  plain, — because  it 
then  becomes  the  only  light  and  guide  that  we  have. 
For,  unless  it  is  better  to  wander  and  fluctuate  in  abso- 
lute uncertainty  than  to  follow  such  a  guide ;  unless  it 
be  reasonable  to  put  out  our  candle  because  we  have  not 
the  light  of  the  sun,  it  must  be  reasonable  to  direct  our 
steps  by  probability,  when  we  have  nothing  clearer  to 
walk  by  *". 

What  my  chief  aim  in  the  present  treatise  has  been, 
will  be  easily  perceived, — namely,  to  substantiate,  as 
such,  those  elements  of  disturbance  (on  the  outward  con- 
tour of  the  Annulose  tribes)  with  which  the  physical 
world  does  everywhere  abound :  and,  thereupon,  to  pro- 
voke the  inquiry,  whether  entomologists,  as  a  mass,  have 
usually  taken  them  into  sufficient  account,  when  de- 
scribing as  "  species,"  from  distant  quarters  of  the 
globe,  insects  which  recede  in  only  minute  particulars 
*  Religion  of  Nature  Delineated,  p.  103. 


from  their  ordinary  states.  My  own  impression  is,  that 
they  have  not  done  so ;  and,  moreover,  that,  if  they 
had,  our  catalogues  would  have  worn  a  very  different 
appearance  to  what  they  now  do :  for,  when  once  the 
subject  is  fairly  looked  into  and  analysed,  it  is  impossible 
not  to  be  convinced,  that  the  primd-facie  aspect  of  these 
creatures  is  eminently  beneath  the  control  of  the  several 
conditions  to  which  they  have  been  long  exposed.  But 
let  me  not  be  misunderstood  in  the  conclusion  which  I 
have  been  thus  compelled  to  endorse,  or  be  supposed  to 
ignore  the  fact  that  truly  representative  species  may 
frequently  occur  in  countries  far  removed  from  each 
other ;  which  cannot  therefore  be  regarded  as  modifica- 
tions of  a  common  type.  I  believe,  however,  that  this 
doctrine  of  representation,  whatever  truth  it  may  con- 
tain, has  been  too  much  relied  upon ;  and  that  we  have 
been  over-ready  to  take  advantage  of  it  (unproved  as  it 
is)  for  the  multiplication  of  our,  so  called,  "  specific 
novelties/'  I  suspect,  indeed,  that  actual  representative 
species  (if  they  may  be  thus  expressed)  are  more  often 
to  be  recognized  on  the  isolated  portions  of  a  formerly 
continuous  tract,  than  in  regions  which  have  been  widely 
separated  since  the  last  creative  epoch ;  and  that,  in  the 
instances  where  beings  of  a  nearly  identical  aspect  are 
detected  in  opposite  divisions  of  the  earth,  it  is  more 
often  the  case  that  members  of  them  have  been  trans- 
ported at  a  remote  period  (either  by  natural  or  artificial 
means)  from  their  primaeval  haunts,  and  have  become 
gradually  altered  by  the  circumstances  amongst  which 


they  have  been  placed,  than  that  the  respective  phases 
were  produced  in  situ  on  patterns  almost  coincident. 

I  have  before  announced  my  conviction,  that  generic 
areas  have  a  real  existence  in  Nature's  scheme;  and 
that,  consequently,  where  species  which  are  so  intimately 
allied  that  they  can  with  difficulty  be  distinguished, 
prevail,  there  is  presumptive  reason  to  suspect  (until  at 
least  the  contrary  is  rendered  probable)  that  the  areas 
which  they  now  colonize  were  once  connected  by  an 
intervening  land, — or,  in  other  words,  that  the  migra- 
tions of  the  latter  were  brought  about,  through  ordinary 
diffusive  powers,  from  specific  centres  within  a  moderate 
distance  of  each  other.  I  say  "presumptive  reason," 
because  there  are  undoubted  exceptions  to  this  law  (as 
to  every  other),  and  it  can  therefore  be  only  judged  of 
on  a  broad  scale.  Still,  I  contend  that  in  a  wide  sense 
it  holds  good ;  and  that,  consequently,  if  closely  related 
"  species "  are  traceable  in  countries  which  geology 
demonstrates  to  have  been  far  asunder  during  the  entire 
interval  since  the  first  appearance  of  the  present  animals 
and  plants  upon  our  earth,  there  is  at  any  rate  an 
a  priori  probability  that  they  are  no  species  at  all, — but 
permanent  geographical  states,  which  have  been  slowly 
matured  since  their  casual  introduction  beyond  their 
legitimate  bounds. 

If  we  except  those  forms  which  are  in  reality  but 
modifications,  from  climatal  and  other  causes  (and 
which  have,  therefore,  been  wrongly  quoted  as  distinct) ; 
I  believe  that  a  vast  proportion  of  the  species  which 


have  been  usually  considered  to  be  "  representative " 
ones,  were  members,  in  the  first  instance,  of  the  self- 
same assemblages, — which  had  wandered  to  a  distance 
from  their  primteval  haunts,  and  were  afterwards, 
through  the  submergence  of  the  intervening  land,  cut 
off  from  their  allies.  I  have  adduced,  in  a  preceding 
chapter,  some  remarkable  examples  in  illustration  of 
this  hypothesis, — an  hypothesis  which  I  believe  to  be 
the  true  clue  to  a  very  large  item  of  the  "  specific 
representation  "  theory.  A  considerable  number  of  the 
Madeiran  Helices  may  be  cited  (which  I  have  already 
done1*)  as,  in  the  strictest  sense,  representative  of  each 
other, — and  as  therefore  specifically  distinct :  and  I 
may  add,  that  it  is  to  island  groups  that  we  must 
mainly  look  for  this  system  in  its  full  development. 

But,  apart  from  the  fact  that  I  would  not  wish  to 
resign  in  toto  the  doctrine  of  (( specific  representation," 
even  as  frequently  understood  (that  is  to  say,  as  recog- 
nizable in  countries  which  have  been  altogether  dis- 
connected since  the  last  creative  epoch),  and  therefore, 
a  fortiori j  in  what  I  conceive  to  be  its  truer  meaning ; 
there  is  yet  another  point  on  which  I  would  desire  to  be 
interpreted  aright,  whilst  endeavouring  to  substantiate 
the  action  of  local  influences  on  the  members  of  the 
insect  world.  It  has  been  my  aim,  in  the  preceding 
pages,  to  call  attention  to  the  importance  of  external 
circumstances  and  conditions  in  regulating,  within  defi- 
nite limits,  the  outward  aspect  of  the  Articulate  tribes. 
*  Vide  supra,  p.  128. 


I  do  not,  however,  assert  that  every  species  is  liable  to 
be  interfered  with  ab  extra ;  that  is  a  question  which 
the  greater  or  less  susceptibility  of  the  several  races,  as 
originally  constituted,  can  alone  decide ;  still  less  would 
I  willingly  lend  a  helping  hand  to  that  most  mischievous 
of  dogmas,  that  they  are  «//-important  in  their  opera- 
tion,— or,  in  other  words,  that  they  possess  within  them- 
selves the  inherent  power  (though  it  may  not  invariably 
be  exercised)  of  shaping  out  (provided  a  sufficient  time 
be  granted  them,  and  in  conjunction  with  the  advancing 
requirements  of  the  creatures  themselves)  those  perma- 
nent organic  states  to  which  the  name  of  species  (in  a 
true  sense)  is  now  applied.  Such  a  doctrine  is  in  reality 
nothing  more  than  the  transmutation  theory,  in  all  its 
unvarnished  fulness ;  and  I  do  not  see  how  it  can  be  for 
a  moment  maintained,  so  long  as  facts  (and  not  reason- 
ing only)  are  to  be  the  basis  of  our  speculations.  I 
repeat,  that  it  is  merely  within  fixed  specific  bounds  that 
I  would  advocate  a  freedom  of  development,  in  obedi- 
ence to  influences  from  without :  only  I  would  widen 
those  limits  to  a  much  greater  extent  than  has  been 
ordinarily  done, — so  as  to  let  in  the  controlling  prin- 
ciple of  physical  agents,  as  a  significant  adjunct  for  our 

It  does  indeed  appear  strange  that  naturalists,  who 
have  combined  great  synthetic  qualities  with  a  profound 
knowledge  of  minutiae  and  detail,  should  ever  have 
upheld  so  monstrous  a  doctrine  as  that  of  the  transmis- 
sion of  one  species  into  another, — a  doctrine,  however, 


which  arises  almost  spontaneously, — if  we  are  to  assume 
that  there  exists  in  every  race  the  tendency  to  an  un- 
limited progressive  improvement.  There  are  certainly 
no  observations  on  record  which  would,  in  the  smallest 
degree,  countenance  such  an  hypothesis.  Many  animals 
and  plants,  it  is  true,  are  capable  of  considerable  modifi- 
cations and  changes,  for  the  better, — very  much  more 
than  is  the  case  with  others.  But  what  does  this  prove, 
except  that  their  capacity  for  advancement  has  a  slightly 
wider  compass  than  that  of  their  allies  ?  It  touches  not 
the  fact,  that  the  boundaries  of  their  respective  ranges 
are  absolutely  and  critically  denned.  It  is  moreover  a 
singular  phenomenon,  and  one  in  which  the  strongest 
proofs  of  design  (or  a  primary  adjustment  of  limits  with 
a  view  to  the  future)  may  be  discerned,  that  the  mem- 
bers of  the  organic  creation  which  display  the  greatest 
adaptive  powers,  are  those  which  were  apparently  des- 
tined to  become  peculiarly  attendant  upon  man.  "  The 
best-authenticated  examples,"  says  Sir  Charles  Lyell, 
"of  the  extent  to  which  species  can  be  made  to  vary 
may  be  looked  for  in  the  history  of  domesticated  animals 
and  cultivated  plants.  It  usually  happens  that  those 
species  which  have  the  greatest  pliability  of  organiza- 
tion, those  which  are  most  capable  of  accommodating 
themselves  to  a  great  variety  of  new  circumstances,  are 
most  serviceable  to  man.  These  only  can  be  carried  by 
him  into  different  climates,  and  can  have  their  pro- 
perties or  instincts  variously  diversified  by  differences  of 
nourishment  and  habits.  If  the  resources  of  a  species 


be  so  limited,  and  its  habits  and  faculties  be  of  such  a 
confined  and  local  character,  that  it  can  only  flourish  in 
a  few  particular  spots,  it  can  rarely  be  of  great  utility. 
We  may  consider,  therefore,  that  in  the  domestication 
of  animals  and  the  cultivation  of  plants,  mankind  have 
first  selected  those  species  which  have  the  most  flexible 
frames  and  constitutions,  and  have  then  been  engaged 
for  ages  in  conducting  a  series  of  experiments,  with 
much  patience  and  at  great  cost,  to  ascertain  what  may 
be  the  greatest  possible  deviation  from  a  common  type 
which  can  be  elicited  in  these  extreme  cases*." 

The  fact,  however,  that  all  areas  of  aberration  (how- 
ever large  they  may  be)  are  positively  circumscribed, 
need  scarcely  be  appealed  to,  in  exposing  the  absurdity 
of  the  transmutation  hypothesis.  The  whole  theory  is 
full  of  inconsistencies  from  beginning  to  end ;  and  from 
whatever  point  we  view  it,  it  is  equally  unsound.  How, 
for  instance,  can  any  amount  of  local  influences,  or  the 
progressive  requirements  of  the  creatures  themselves, 
give  rise  to  the  appearance  of  several  well-marked  re- 
presentatives of  a  genus  on  the  self- same  spot,- — where 
the  physical  conditions  for  each  of  them  are  absolutely 
the  same  ?  Look,  for  example,  at  the  Tarphii  (to  which 
I  have  already  alluded f)  of  Madeira :  I  have  detected 
about  eighteen  abundantly  defined  species;  and,  as 
stated  in  a  previous  chapter,  I  have  but  little  doubt, 
from  their  sedentary  habits,  and  the  evident  manner  in 

*  Principles  of  Geology,  9th  edition,  pp.  583,  584. 
t  Vide  supra,  p.  121. 


which  they  are  adjusted  to  the  peculiarities  of  the  region 
in  which  they  obtain,  that  they  are  strictly  an  esoteric 
assemblage,  inhabiting  the  actual  sites  (or  nearly  so)  of 
their  original  debut  upon  this  earth.  Here,  then,  we 
have  a  sufficient  length  of  time  for  developments  to  have 
taken  place;  they  are  all  exposed  to  the  self-same 
agencies  from  without  (for  they  live  principally  in  com- 
munion) ;  yet,  though  I  have  examined  carefully  more 
than  a  thousand  specimens  (a  large  proportion  of  them 
beneath  the  microscope),  I  have  never  discovered  a 
single  intermediate  link  which  could  be  regarded  as  in  a 
transition  state  between  any  of  the  remainder.  But 
how  is  this  ? — Is  it  possible  to  account  for  differences  so 
decided,  yet  each  of  such  amazing  constancy,  amongst 
the  several  creatures  of  a  central  type  which  have  been 
exposed  to  identical  conditions  through,  at  any  rate, 
generations  innumerable?  They  clearly  cannot  be  ex- 
plained on  the  doctrine  of  transmutation  :  yet  they  are 
no  exceptions  to  the  ordinary  rule, — occupying  an  ana- 
logous position  to  the  members  of  every  other  endemic 

But  I  will  not  occupy  more  space  on  the  transmuta- 
tion theory :  suffice  it  to  have  shown  that,  in  thus  con- 
ceding a  legitimate  power  of  self-adaptation,  in  accord- 
ance with  external  circumstances,  to  the  members  of  the 
insect  world;  and  in  suggesting  the  inquiry,  whether 
the  action  of  physical  influences  has  been  adequately 
allowed  for  by  entomologists  generally  (or,  in  other 
words,  whether  the  small  shades  of  difference  which 


have  often,  because  permanent,  been  at  once  regarded 
as  specific,  may  not  be  sometimes  rendered  intelligible 
by  a  knowledge  of  the  localities  in  which  the  creatures 
have  been  matured),  I  do  not  necessarily  open  the  door 
to  the  disciples  of  Lamarck,  or  infringe  upon  the  strict 
orthodoxy  of  our  zoological  creed.  On  the  contrary, 
indeed,  I  believe  that  the  actual  reverse  is  nearer  the 
truth;  and,  moreover,  that  those  very  hyper-accurate 
definers  who  recognize  a  " species"  wheresoever  the 
minutest  decrepancy  is  shadowed  forth,  will  be  found 
eventually  (however  unaware  of  it  themselves)  to  have 
been  the  most  determined  abettors  of  that  dogma, — see- 
ing that  their  species,  if  such  they  be,  do  most  assuredly 
pass  into  each  other. 

We  must  not,  however,  omit  to  notice,  briefly,  how 
this  perversion  of  Nature's  economy  took  its  rise.  It 
was  from  the  desire,  which  is  almost  inherent  within  us, 
to  account  for  everything  by  physical  laws ;  and  to  dis- 
pense with  that  constant  intervention  of  the  direct  crea- 
tive act  which  the  successive  races  of  animals  and  plants, 
such  as  are  proved  by  geology  to  have  made  their  appear- 
ance at  distinct  epochs  upon  this  earth,  would  seem  to 
require.  Or,  which  amounts  to  the  same  thing,  it 
resulted  through  an  endeavour  to  explain  by  material 
processes  what  is  placed  beyond  their  reach.  But,  if 
this  be  the  case,  it  may  be  reasonably  asked, — Are  mate- 
rial laws  then  not  to  be  inquired  into,  and  should  the 
various  influences  which  operate  in  the  organic  world 
around  us  be  debarred  from  analysis?  Unquestion- 


ably  not.     Truth  is  truth,  under  whatever  aspect  it  may 
come;    and  cannot   possibly  contradict  another  truth. 
To  exercise  our  intellectual  faculties,  by  tracing  out, 
through  slow,  inductive  methods,  the  modus  operandi  of 
even  a  single  natural  law,  is  an  honourable  task ;  nor 
should  the  apparent  smallness  of  the  media  which  we 
are  at  times  compelled  to  employ,  render  it  less  so  (else 
would  this  present  treatise,  like  many  others  of  a  kindred 
stamp,  have  been  best  unwritten)  :  but  it  is  from  the 
conceit  that  our  own  imperfect  interpretations  have  left 
nothing  more  to  be  found  out,  that  the  great  danger  is 
to  be  anticipated.     An  effect  may  be  literally  dependent 
upon  a  certain  proximate  cause ;  and  if  we  be  so  fortu- 
nate as  to  ascertain  that  cause,  we  have  done  something ; 
but  it  does  not  necessarily  follow  that  we  have  done  much. 
On  the  contrary,  it  often  happens  that,  in  so  doing,  we 
have  achieved  wonderfully  little, — seeing  that  the  pro- 
blem may  be  self-evident.     Behind  that  "  cause,"  we 
should  recollect,  others  lie  concealed,  of  a  far  deeper 
nature,  each  depending  upon  the  next  in  succession  to 
it  j  until,  in  the  order  of  causation,  we  are  at  length  led 
back,  step  by  step,  to  the  Final  One, — with  which  alone 
the  mind  can  be  thoroughly  content.     "  We  make  dis- 
covery  after   discovery,"    says  Dr.  Whewell,  "in  the 
various  regions  of  science  j  each,  it  may  be,  satisfactory, 
and  in  itself  complete,   but  none   final.      Something 
always  remains  undone.     The  last  question  answered, 
the  answer  suggests  still  another  question.     The  strain 
of  music  from  the  lyre  of  Science  flows  on,  rich  and 


sweet,  full  and  harmonious ;  but  never  reaches  a  close : 
no  cadence  is  heard  with  which  the  intellectual  ear  can 
feel  satisfied*." 

As  regards  that  most  obscure  of  questions,  what  the 
limits  of  species  really  are,  observation  alone  can  decide 
the  point.  It  frequently  happens  indeed  that  even 
observation  itself  is  insufficient  to  render  the  lines  of 
demarcation  intelligible, — therefore,  how  much  more 
mere  dialectics !  To  attempt  to  argue  such  a  subject 
on  abstract  principles,  would  be  simply  absurd ;  for,  as 
Lord  Bacon  has  remarked,  "  the  subtilty  of  Nature  far 
exceeds  the  subtilty  of  reasoning  : "  but  if,  by  a  careful 
collation  of  facts,  and  the  sifting  of  minute  particulars 
gathered  from  without,  the  problem  be  fairly  and  deli- 
berately surveyed,  the  various  disturbing  elements  which 
the  creatures  have  been  severally  exposed  to  having  been 
duly  taken  into  account,  the  boundaries  will  not  often  be 
difficult  to  define.  Albeit,  we  must  except  those  races 
of  animals  and  plants  which,  through  a  long  course  of 
centuries,  have  become  modified  by  man, — the  starting- 
points  of  which  will  perhaps  continue  to  the  last  shrouded 
in  mystery  and  doubt.  It  would  be  scarcely  consistent 
indeed  to  weigh  tribes  which  have  been  thus  unnaturally 
tampered  with  by  the  same  standard  of  evidence  as  we 
require  for  those  which  have  remained  for  ever  un- 
touched and  free, — especially  so,  since  (as  we  have  already 
observed)  it  does  absolutely  appear,  that  those  species,  the 
external  aspects  of  which  have  been  thus  artificially  con- 
*  Indications  of  the  Creator  (London,  1845),  p.  163. 


trolled,  are  by  constitution  more  tractile  (and  possess, 
therefore,  more  decided  powers  for  aberration)  than  the 
rest.  Whether  traces  of  design  may  be  recognized  in 
this  circumstance,  or  whether  those  forms  were  originally 
selected  by  man  on  account  of  their  pliability,  it  is  not 
for  me  to  conjecture ;  nevertheless,  the  first  of  these  in- 
ferences is  the  one  which  J  should,  myself,  be  a  priori 
inclined  to  subscribe  to. 

In  examining,  however,  this  enigma,  of  the  limits 
within  which  variation  is  (as  such)  to  be  recognized-,  it 
should  never  be  forgotten,  that  it  is  possible  for  those 
boundaries  to  be  absolutely  and  critically  marked  out 
even  where  we  are  not  able  to  discern  them :  so  that  the 
difficulty  which  a  few  domesticated  creatures  of  a  singu- 
larly flexible  organization  present,  should  not  unneces- 
sarily predispose  us  to  dispute  the  question  in  its  larger 
and  more  general  bearings.  Nor  should  we  be  unmind- 
ful that  (as  Sir  Charles  Lyell  has  aptly  suggested)  "  some 
mere  varieties  present  greater  differences,  inter  se,  than 
do  many  individuals  of  distinct  species  •"  for  it  is  a  truth 
of  considerable  importance,  and  one  which  may  help  us 
out  of  many  an  apparent  dilemma. 

But,  whatever  be  the  several  ranges  within  which  the 
members  of  the  organic  creation  are  free  to  vary ;  we 
are  positively  certain  that,  unless  the  definition  of  a  species, 
as  involving  relationship,  be  more  than  a  delusion  or  ro- 
mance, their  circumferences  are  of  necessity  real,  and 
must  be  indicated  somewhere, — as  strictly,  moreover,  and 
rigidly,  as  it  is  possible  for  anything  in  Nature  to  be 


chalked  out.  The  whole  problem,  in  that  case,  does  in 
effect  resolve  itself  to  this, — Where,  and  how,  are  the 
lines  of  demarcation  to  be  drawn  ?  No  amount  of  incon- 
stancy, provided  its  limits  be  fixed,  is  irreconcilable  with 
the  doctrine  of  specific  similitudes.  Like  the  ever- 
shifting  curves  which  the  white  foam  of  the  untiring 
tide  describes  upon  the  shore,  races  may  ebb  and  flow ; 
but  they  have  their  boundaries,  in  either  direction, 
beyond  which  they  can  never  pass.  And  thus  in  every 
species  we  may  detect,  to  a  greater  or  less  extent,  the 
emblem  of  instability  and  permanence  combined :  al- 
though perceived,  when  inquired  into,  to  be  fickle  and 
fluctuating  in  their  component  parts,  in  their  general 
outline  they  remain  steadfast  and  unaltered,  as  of  old, — 

"  Still  changing,  yet  unchanged ;  still  doom'd  to  feel 
Endless  mutation,  in  perpetual  rest." 


Aberration,  perhaps  indicated  universally,  16,  17, 18. 

Aborigines,  insect,  unimportant  for  climatal  modifications,  25, 26, 27. 

Acalles,  the  Canarian  type  of,  apparent  on  the  Salvages  and  De- 
zertas,  124. 

Neptunus,  Woll.,  perhaps  a  state  of  A.  argillosus,  124. 

Achatina  Eulima,  Lowe,  its  extinction  in  Porto  Santo,  131. 

Achenium  Hartungii,  Heer,  a  form  of  A.  depressum,  65. 

Acherontia  Atropos,  Linn.,  its  introduction  into  Madeira  perhaps 
recent,  74. 

Adimonia,  the  capture  of,  out  at  sea,  150. 

Aepus  marinus,  Strom.,  pallid  hue  of,  64. 

Robinii,  Lab.,  pallid  hue  of,  64. 

Agabus  bipustulatus,  Linn.,  unaffected  by  climate,  31. 

Alligators,  their  peculiarity  to  S.  America,  143. 

Alpine  species,  some  peculiarly  so,  40. 

Altitude  and  latitude,  sometimes  reciprocal,  35,  114. 

Amycterus,  its  concentration  in  Australia,  143. 

Amyot,  M.,  his  '  Methode  Mononomique,'  164. 

Analogies,  Lord  Bacon  on  the  importance  of,  13 ;  why  necessary  to 
be  studied,  14. 

Analogy,  argument  from,  10,  11,  12. 

Anchomenus  marginatus,  Linn.,  slightly  modified  in  Madeira,  38. 

Andes,  dissimilarity  of  the  fauna  on  the  opposite  sides  of  the,  146. 

Anobium  striatum,  Oliv.,  unaffected  by  climate,  31. 

Antennae,  joints  of,  said  occasionally  to  vary,  96. 

Anthicus  bimaculatus,  Illig.,  variability  of,  near  the  sea,  63. 

fenestratus,  Schmidt,  slightly  modified  in  Madeira,  38. 

humilis,  Germ.,  variability  of,  in  salt  places,  63. 

instabilis,  Hoffm.,  pallid  hue  of,  64. 

Anthonomus  ater,  Mshm,  very  small  in  Lundy  Island,  58,  73. 

Aphelocheirus  <estivalis,  Fabr.,  the  hemelytra  of,  sometimes  fully 
developed,  100. 

Aphodius  nitidulus,  Fabr.,  paler  in  Madeira  than  in  Europe  gene- 
rally, 65. 


196  INDEX. 

Apkodius  plagiatus,  Linn.,  usually  black  in  England,  61 ;  two 
distinct  states  of,  indicated,  105. 

Apocyrtus,  its  concentration  in  the  Philippine  Islands,  143. 

Apotomus,  common  to  Madeira  and  Sicily,  139. 

Argutor,  always  apterous  in  Madeira,  82;  trophi  of,  almost  iden- 
tical with  those  of  Calathus,  175. 

Armadillos,  their  peculiarity  to  S.  America,  143. 

Armitage,  Mr.,  on  Cicindelafasciatopunctata  from  Mount  Olympus,4 1 . 

Arrangement,  a  lineal  one  is  not  indicated  in  Nature,  163. 

Atlantic  continent,  Prof.  E.  Forbes  on  the  former  existence  of,  137. 

Atlantis  of  the  ancients,  the  impossibility  of  its  being  identified 
with  a  former  Atlantic  region,  140 ;  perhaps  the  New  World,  141. 

Atlantis,  the  genus,  a  modification  of  Laparocerus,  143. 

Azores,  the  colonization  of,  by  two  Madeiran  Helices,  133. 

Bacon,  Lord,  on  the  importance  of  analogies,  13 ;  on  the  Atlantis 
of  the  ancients,  141 ;  on  the  necessity  of  observation  for  forming 
science,  159. 

Banksias,  their  concentration  in  Australia,  142. 

Barriers,  natural,  the  difference  between  primary  and  recent,  145 ; 
their  hindrance  to  insect  diffusion,  145. 

Bembidium  Atlanticum,  Woll.,  paler  in  Porto  Santo  than  in  Ma- 
deira, 66  ;  the  variations  to  which  it  is  subject,  107,  108. 

bistriatum,  Dufts.,  paler  in  saline  districts,  62. 

ephippium,  Mshm,  pallid  hue  of,  64. 

— —  obtusum,  Sturm,  varies  in  southern  latitudes,  33. 

pallidipenne,  Illig.,  pallid  hue  of,  64. 

saxatile,  Gyll.,  variety  of,  on  the  south  coast  of  England,  60. 

Schmidtii,  Woll.,  perhaps  a  state  of  B.  callosum,  66. 

scutellare,  Germ.,  pallid  hue  of,  64. 

tabellatum,  Woll.,  perhaps  a  state  of  B.  tibiale,  66. 

Berginus,  common  to  Madeira  and  Sicily,  139. 

Black  Rat,  nearly  exterminated  in  England,  178. 

Blemus  areolatus,  Creutz.,  paler  in  brackish  places,  62. 

Bolitochara  assimilis,  Kby,  smallness  of,  in  the  Scilly  Islands,  73. 

Boromorphus,  common  to  Madeira  and  Sicily,  139. 

Brachinus  crepitans,  Linn.,  two  distinct  sizes  of,  frequently  indi- 
cated, 105. 

Brady  cellus  fulvus,  Mshm,  apterous  in  Madeira,  85. 

Bread-fruit  Trees,  their  peculiarity  to  the  South  Sea  Islands,  142. 

Calathus,  apterous  in  Madeira,  82;  its  trophi  almost  identical  with 

those  of  Pristonychus,  175. 
complanatus,  Roll.,  varies  from  altitude,  39;  variety  of,  on  one 

of  the  Madeira  Islands,  88. 
fuscus,  Fabr.,  slightly  modified  in  Madeira,  38,  85. 

INDEX.  197 

Calathus  melanocephalus,  Linn.,  smallness  of,  in  the  Scilly  Islands, 


mollis,  Mshm,  variable  in  its  wings,  43 ;  lurid  colour  of,  64. 

Calcareous  soils,  effect  of,  on  the  aspect  of  insects,  66. 

Calceolarias,  their  concentration  on  the  Andes,  142. 

Calosoma,  a  species  of,  ten  miles  from  shore,  147 ;  the  genus,  merges 

gradually  into  Carabus,  175. 

Syncophanta,  Linn.,  its  power  of  crossing  the  sea,  147. 

Canary  Islands,  migratory  direction  of  their  insect  population,  1 19. 
Carabidte,  inconstant  in  their  organs  of  flight,  43 ;  family  of,  nearly 

similar  throughout  in  its  oral  organs,  174. 
Carpophilus  hemipterus,  Linn.,  unaffected  by  climate,  31. 
Caulotrupis  conicollis,  Woll.,  large  size  of,  on  one  of  the  Madeira 

Islands,  88,  109. 

lucifugus,  Woll.,  varies  from  isolation,  90,  109. 

Causes,  never  final  ones  which  we  investigate,  191. 

Centrinus,  its  concentration  in  S.  America,  143. 

Ceutorhynchus  contractus,  Mshm,  smallness  of,  in  Lundy  Island, 

59,  73. 

Cholovocera,  common  to  Madeira  and  Sicily,  139. 
Choreius  ineptus,  Westw.,  on  a  winged  state  of,  44. 
Chorosoma  miriforme,  the  development  of  the  wings  of,  100. 
Chrysomela,  apterous  in  Madeira,  82. 
Chrysomelce,  vary  from  altitude,  41. 
Chrysomelidce,  almost  absent  in  Tierra  del  Fuego,  47. 
Cicindelafasciatopunctata,  Germ.,  a  state  of  C.  sylvatica,  41. 
CicindelidcB,  often  variable,  41. 
Cillenum  laterals,  Sam.,  lurid  hue  of,  64. 
Cimex  apterus,  Linn.,  the  development  of  the  wings  of,  100. 

lectularius,  Linn.,  on  the  development  of  the  wings  of,  45. 

Cistela  sulphurea,  Linn.,  its  variability  near  the  sea,  60. 
Clausilia  deltostoma,  Lowe,  a  Porto-Santan  form  of,  134. 
Climatal  modifications  significant,  although  small,  42. 
Climate,  not  important  as  a  disturbing  cause,  23,  24,  31,  32,  42. 
Clouded-yellow  Butterfly,  unaffected  by  climate,  31. 
Ctypeaster  pusillus,  GylL,  differs  slightly  in  Madeira,  65. 
Coast,  inconstancy  of  insects  in  the  vicinity  of  the,  57- 
Coccinella  7-punctata,  Linn.,  unaffected  by  climate,  31. 
Colias  Edusa,  Fabr.,  unaffected  by  climate,  31. 
Colour,  its  inconstancy  in  insects  found  near  the  sea,  57,  58. 

of  insects,  affected  by  isolation,  88. 

Colymbetes,  a  species  of,  captured  forty-five  milesfrom  shore,  149, 150. 
Compensation,  generally  apparent  when  an  insect  is  deprived  of  an 

organ  or  sense,  81. 

Coranus  subapterus,  Curt.,  the  development  of  the  wings  of,  101. 
Cordillera,  Mr.  Darwin  on  the  fauna  of  the,  145. 

198  INDEX. 

Corylophus,  apterous  in  Madeira,  82. 

Criomorphus,  Curtis,  referable  to  the  genus  Delphax,  45. 

Cyclostom.a  lucidum,  Lowe,  its  extinction  in  Porto  Santo,  131 . 

Cynthia  Cardui,  Linn.,  unaffected  by  climate,  32. 

Cynucus,  a  species  of,  seventeen  miles  from  shore,  150. 

Cyrtonota,  its  concentration  in  S.  America,  143. 

Darwin,  Mr.,  on  the  fauna  of  the  Galapagos,  23 ;  relative  propor- 
tions of  the  insect  tribes  in  the  tropics,  28,  29 ;  on  the  insects  of 
Tierra  del  Fuego,  47 ;  on  the  natural  features  of  Tierra  del  Fuego, 
50 ;  on  the  insects  of  Keeling  Island,  55 ;  on  the  insects  of  St. 
Helena,  55;  on  the  insects  of  Ascension,  55  ;  on  the  apterous 
condition  of  insular  species,  86 ;  on  the  fauna  of  the  Cordillera, 
145 ;  on  a  Calosoma  captured  at  sea,  147 ;  on  insects  captured 
in  the  sea,  149,  150;  on  the  disappearance  of  animals  before 
more  powerful  ones  than  themselves,  178. 

Dawson,  Rev.  J.  F.,  on  a  variety  of  Bembidium  saxatile,  60. 

Definition  of  the  term  *  species,'  4  ;  of  the  term  '  variety,'  4. 

Delphax,  on  the  development  of  the  wings  of,  45. 

Dermestes  vulpinus,  Fabr.,  unaffected  by  climate,  31 . 

Deucalion,  its  occurrence  on  the  Salvages  and  Dezertas,  125. 

Desertarum,  Woll.,  its  sedentary  nature,  125,  126,  127. 

Dichelus,  its  concentration  in  S.  Africa,  143. 

Differences,  when  to  be  regarded  as  specific,  6 ;  too  exclusively 
studied,  12. 

Diffusion,  various  means  of,  which  operate  on  the  insect  tribes,  148. 

Disturbing  agents,  Prof.  Henfrey  on,  8. 

Ditylus,  the  same  type  of,  indicated  in  the  Canaries  and  Salvages,  124. 

Domesticated  animals,  pliable  nature  of,  187,  192. 

Dromius  arenicola,  Woll.,  representative  of  D.  obscuroguttatus,  66. 

fasciatus,  Gyll.,  its  paleness  near  the  sea,  63. 

negrita,  Woll.,  perhaps  an  ultimate  state  of  D.  glabratus,  85. 

obscuroguttatus,  Dufts.,  its  changes  in  Madeira,  36,  37,  38 ; 

apterous  in  Madeira,  84. 

sigma,  Rossi,  its  colour  affected  by  isolation,  88,  89. 

Elevation,  sometimes  corresponds  with  latitude,  35,  114. 
Ellipsodes  glabratus,  Fabr.,  singular  variety  of,  on  one  of  the  Ma- 
deira Islands,  88, 109. 

Elytra,  connateness  of,  a  variable  character,  96. 
'Endemic,'  to  what  species  the  term  is  applicable,  118. 
Entomology,  the  study  of,  does  not  necessarily  cramp  the  mind,  111. 
Ephistemus,  apterous  in  Madeira,  82. 
Eucalypti,  their  concentration  in  Australia,  142. 
Eunectes  sticticus,  Linn.,  unaffected  by  climate,  31. 
Euphorbias,  their  concentration  in  Southern  Africa,  142. 

INDEX.  199 

EurygnatJius  Latreillei,  Lap.,  variety  of,  on  one  of  the  Madeira 

Islands,  88,  109. 

Exceptions,  not  be  allowed  to  negative  a  law,  72,  73. 
Extinction  of  species,  as  indicated  in  the  Madeiran  Helices,  131  ; 

the  only  cause  by  which  genera  may  be  abruptly  defined,  176. 

Forbes,  Prof.  E.,  on  the  origin  of  the  British  animals  and  plants, 
130 ;  his  epochs  of  migration  of  the  British  animals  and  plants, 
136;  on  the  existence  of  a  former  Atlantic  continent,  137. 

Forests,  the  hindrance  which  they  offer  to  insect-diffusion,  154. 

"  Fortunate  Islands  "  of  the  ancients,  probably  the  Canarian  group, 

Galapagos,  fauna  of,  23. 

Genera,  the  nature  of,  often  misunderstood,  160 ;  a  familiar  expla- 
nation of,  160,  161,  162;  cannot  be  abrupt  except  from  accident, 
169;  how  to  be  defined,  169;  the  types  of,  usually  situated 
towards  the  centres  of  the  several  groups,  170;  the  types  of, 
usually  evenly  balanced  in  their  structural  characters,  171,  172; 
may  be  abruptly  defined  from  accidental  causes,  176, 177- 

Generic  areas,  an  important  feature  throughout  Nature,  130, 141, 184. 

Geology,  a  necessary  item  in  the  study  of  insect-diffusion,  113. 

Germanic  plains,  the,  probably  a  primary  area  of  diffusion,  130. 

Germ,  on  the  development  of  the  wings  of,  100. 

Gould,  Mr.,  on  the  Swallows  of  Malta,  102. 

Gymnaetron,  blood-red  dashes  characteristic  of,  62. 

Campanula,  Linn.,  its  smallness  on  the  Cornish  coast,  58. 

Veronicce,  Germ.,  a  variety  of  G.  niger,  62. 

Hadrus  illotus,  Woll.,  perhaps  a  form  of  H.  cinerascens,  66. 

Haliplus  obliquus,  Gyll.,  dark  state  of,  in  Ireland,  67. 

Haltica  exoleta,  Fabr.,  its  variability  on  the  coast,  59. 

Harcourt,  Mr.,  on  the  discovery  of  Madeira,  49,  50. 

Harpalus  vividus,  Dej.,  changes  to  which  it  is  subject,  67,  68,  69; 
variable  in  the  connateness  of  its  elytra,  96,  97- 

Hegeter,  its  maximum  attained  in  the  Canaries,  120. 

elongatus,  Oliv.,  its  migration  from  the  Canaries,  120 ;  of  a 

more  adaptive  nature  than  its  allies,  121. 

latebricola,  Woll.,  its  occurrence  in  the  Salvages,  120. 

Helices,  have  often  two  distinct  states,  106 ;  many  of  them  repre- 
sentative in  the  Madeira  Islands,  128, 129;  those  in  the  Madeiras 
chiefly  of  slow  migratory  powers,  130,  131. 

Helix  attrita,  Lowe,  its  local  character,  132. 

Bowdichiana,  Fer.,  perhaps  a  gigantic  state  of  H.  punctulata, 


calculus,  Lowe,  sedentary  nature  of,  132. 

200  INDEX. 

Helix  commixta,  Lowe,  sedentary  nature  of,  132. 
coronata,  Desh.,  its  peculiarity  to  Porto  Santo,  128 ;  its  occur- 
rence beneath  the  surface  of  the  ground,  131. 

coronula,  Lowe,  its  peculiarity  to  the  Southern  Dezerta,  128. 

Delphinula,  Lowe,  the  Madeiran  representative  of  H.  tectifor- 

mis  in  Porto  Santo,  129. 

discina,  Lowe,  a  form  of  H.  polymorpha,  133. 

erubescens,  Lowe,  its  powers  of  diffusion  greater  than  those  of 

its  allies,  133;  sensitive  to  external  influences,  134. 

• fluctuosa,  Lowe,  its  extinction  in  Porto  Santo,  131. 

hirsuta,  Say,  two  distinct  states  of,  106. 

lapicida,  Linn.,  its  extinction  in  Porto  Santo,  131. 

latens,  Lowe,  the  Madeiran  representative  of  H.  obtecta  in 

Porto  Santo,  129. 
lincta,  Lowe,  the  common  Madeiran  form  of  H.  polymorpha, 


Lowei,  Pfr.,  perhaps  a  gigantic  state  of  H.  Portosanctana,  106. 

papilio,  Lowe,  a  form  of  H.  polymorpha,  133. 

paupercula,  Lowe,  its  powers  of  diffusion  greater  than  those 

of  its  allies,  133. 
polymorpha,  Lowe,  sensitive  to  external  influences,  and  of 

great  diffusive  powers,  133. 

• Portosanctana,  Sow.,  its  peculiarity  to  Porto  Santo,  129. 

pulvinata,  Lowe,  a  form  of  H.  polymorpha,  133. 

saccharata,  Lowe,  a  local  state  of  H.  polymorpha,  134. 

senilis,  Lowe,  the  Dezertan  form  of  H.  polymorpha,  134. 

squalida,  Lowe,  the  Madeiran  representative  of  H.  depauperata 

in  Porto  Santo,  129. 

tiarella,  Webb,  its  sedentary  nature,  128. 

undata,  Lowe,  its  peculiarity  to  Madeira  proper,  129. 

Vulcania,  Lowe,  its  peculiarity  to  the  Dezertas,  129. 

Wollastoni,  Lowe,  sedentary  nature  of,  132. 

Helobia  nivalis,  Payk.,  perhaps  a  state  of  H.  brevicollis,  40. 
Helops,  always  apterous  in  Madeira,  82. 

confertus,  Woll.,  varies  from  altitude,  39. 

futilis,  Woll.,  varies  from  isolation,  109. 

testaceus,  Kiist.,  pallid  hue  of,  64. 

Vulcanus,  Woll.,  large  size  of,  on  one  of  the  Madeira  Islands,  88. 

Henfrey,  Prof.,  on  disturbing  agents,  8. 

Herschel,  Sir  John,  on  the  requisites  for  an  observer,  12. 

Hipparchia  Semele,  Linn.,  has  a  distinct  aspect  in  Madeira,  34. 

Hipporhinus,  its  concentration  in  S.  Africa,  143. 

Holme,  Mr.,  on  Olisthopus  rotundatus  in  the  Scilly  Islands,  58,  102 ; 

on  a  winged  state  of  Phosphuga  atrata,  102. 
Holoparamecus,  common  to  Madeira  and  Sicily,  139. 
niger,  Aube,  different  in  Madeira  and  Sicily,  33. 

INDEX.  201 

Hooker,  Dr.,  on  the  insects  of  Kerguelen's  Land,  86. 

Humboldt,  his  notice  of  Sphinxes  and  flies  high  up  on  the  Andes,  149. 

Humming-Birds,  their  peculiarity  to  S.  America  and  the  W.  Indies, 


Hydrobius,  apterous  in  Madeira,  82;  the  capture  of,  out  at  sea,  150. 
Hydrometridce,  on  the  development  of  the  wings  of,  100. 
Hydroporus,  the  capture  of,  out  at  sea,  150. 

confluens,  Fabr,,  unaifected  by  climate,  31. 

Hypsonotus,  its  concentration  in  S.  America,  143. 

Influence  of  climate  not  important,  23. 
Insect-aberration,  perhaps  a  universal  fact,  16,  17,  18. 
Insults  Fortunatce  of  Juba,  probably  the  Canarian  Group,  141. 
Ireland,  poverty  of  the  fauna  of,  52,  53 ;  the  south-west  of,  has 

something  in  common  with  Madeira,  139. 
Islands,  faunas  of,  often  too  greatly  magnified,  70;  the  species  of, 

generally  more  isolated  in  their  structure  than  those  of  continents, 

Isolation,  effects  of,  on  insect-stature,  71. 

Ixias,  their  concentration  in  Southern  Africa,  142. 

Kangaroos,  their  concentration  in  Australia,  142. 

Kerguelen's  Land,  insects  of,  86. 

Kirby,  Rev.  W.,  on  insects  washed  up  on  the  Suffolk  coast,  147- 

Lamophlceus  pusillus,  Schb'nh.,  unaffected  by  climate,  31. 
Lamprias  chlorocephalus,  Ent.  H.,  two  distinct  sizes  of,  frequently 

indicated,  105. 
Laparocerus  mono,  Schonh.,  large  size  of,  on  one  of  the  Madeira 

Islands,  88. 

Latitude  and  altitude,  sometimes  reciprocal,  35. 
Leistus  montanus,  Steph.,  has  been  supposed  to  be  equal  to  L.fulvi- 

barbis,  40. 

Lemur,  its  peculiarity  to  Madagascar,  143. 
Litargus,  common  to  Madeira  and  Sicily,  139. 
Lixus  anyustatus,  Fabr.,  unaffected  by  climate,  31 . 
Localities,  some  naturally  more  productive  than  others,  53,  54. 
Longitarsus,  the  native  species  of,  apterous  in  Madeira,  82. 
Loricera,  apterous  in  Madeira,  82. 

Lowe,  Rev.  R.  T.,  his  capture  of  Deucalion  Desertarum,  127. 
Lundy  Island,  smallness  of  the  insects  in,  58,  59 ;  occurrence  of  the 

Black  Rat  in,  178. 

Lyccena  Phlceas,  Linn.,  darker  in  Madeira  than  in  England,  34. 
Lyell,  Sir  Charles,  on  Helix  hirsuta,  106 ;  on  the  fossil  period  of 

the  Madeiran  Helices,  129 ;  on  insects  washed  up  on  the  shore, 

148 ;  on  the  effect  of  gales  in  the  transportation  of  insects,  148 ; 

202  INDEX. 

on  the  effects  of  a  volcanic  eruption  in  destroying  species,  179  ;  on 
the  flexible  nature  of  certain  animals  and  plants,  187;  on  the  greater 
differences  which  varieties  often  present  than  do  species,  193. 
Lygaus  brevipennis,  Latr.,  on  the  development  of  the  wings  of, 

Macronota,  its  peculiarity  to  Java,  143. 

Madeira,  has  some  features  in  common  with  Tierra  del  Fuego,  48, 
49,50,  51;  former  state  of,  48,  49;  great  fire  on  the  southern 
side  of,  49 ;  origin  of  the  name  of,  50 ;  the  insects  of,  55 ;  the 
tendency  of  its  insects  to  become  apterous,  82 ;  the  migratory 
direction  of  its  insect  population,  119;  the  local  nature  of  its 
various  species,  152, 153. 

Magnolias,  their  concentration  in  Central  America,  142. 

Malta,  Mr.  Gould  on  the  birds  of,  102. 

Malthodes  Kiesenwetteri,  Woll.,  perhaps  a  state  of  M.  brevicollis,  66. 

Man,  agency  of,  in  the  destruction  of  species,  179. 

Mantura  Chrysanthemi,  Ent.  H.,  variability  of,  in  Lundy  Island,  59. 

Marsupialia,  their  concentration  in  Australia,  142. 

Mesembryanthemums,  their  concentration  in  Southern  Africa,  142. 

Mesites,  a  modification  of  Cossonus,  144. 

Maderensis,  Woll.,  its  near  relationship  to  the  M.  Tardii,  141. 

Tardii,  Curtis,  its  variability  near  the  coast,  58. 

'Methode  Mononoinique,'  the  unsoundness  of,  164 — 168. 

Migratory  powers,  slowness  of,  in  the  Madeiran  Helices,  130 — 132. 

progress,  direction  of,  in  the  Madeiran  animals,  120,  135. 

Mimosas,  their  concentration  in  Australia,  142. 

Mollusca,  Terrestrial,  often  present  two  distinct  states,  106. 

Moluris,  its  concentration  in  S.  Africa,  143. 

Monochelus,  its  concentration  in  S.  Africa,  143. 

Mountain-chains,  their  hindrance  to  insect-diffusion,  145. 

Mountain-tops,  either  very  prolific  in  insect  life,  or  else  barren,  115. 

Mus  Rattus,  almost  exterminated  in  England,  178. 

Mycetoporus  pronus,  Erichs.,  two  distinct  states  of,  indicated,  106. 

Myrtles,  their  concentration  in  Australia,  142. 

Naturalist,  the,  what  his  province  to  investigate,  158. 

Nature,  not  irregular  because  presenting  occasional  anomalies,  94. 

Naupactus,  its  concentration  in  S.  America,  143. 

Nebria  complanata,  Linn.,  unusually  pale  near  Bordeaux,  33 ;  pallid 

hue  of,  64. 
New  World,  some  of  its  insects  perhaps  but  states  of  those  of  the 

Old,  37. 

Nomenclature,  a  binomial  system  the  only  true  one,  164,  168. 
Notaphus,  the  capture  of,  out  at  sea,  1 50. 
Notiophili,  extremely  variable,  40. 

INDEX.  203 

NotiopMlus  geminatus,  Dej.,  large  size  of,  on  one  of  the  Madeira 
Islands,  88. 

Observation,  indispensable  in  natural  science,  20,  159,  192. 

Ocean,  the,  its  hindrance  to  insect- diffusion,  145. 

Ochthebius  marinus,  Payk.,  lurid  hue  of,  64. 

Olisthopus,  apterous  in  Madeira,  82. 

Maderensis,  Woll.,  large  state  of,  on  one  of  the  Madeira  Islands, 

88,  89. 
rotundatus,  Payk.,  very  small  in  the  Scilly  Islands,  58,  73  ; 

subapterous  in  the  Scilly  Islands,  1 02. 
Omaseus  nigerrimus,  Dej.,  a  form  of  0.  aterrimus,  33. 
Omias  Waterhousei,  Woll.,  large  state  of,  on  one  of  the  Madeira 

Islands,  88,  109. 

Oncocephalus  griseus,  development  of  the  wings  of,  101. 
Othius,  apterous  in  Madeira,  82. 
Ourangs,  their  peculiarity  to  the  Indian  Islands,  143. 
Oxyomus,  a  modification  of  Aphodius,  144. 

Pachymerus  brevipennis,  the  development  of  the  wings  of,  100. 

Pachyrhynchus,  its  concentration  in  the  Philippine  Islands,  143. 

Painted-Lady  Butterfly,  unaffected  by  climate,  32. 

Papilio  Machaon,  Linn.,  unaffected  by  climate,  31. 

Paropsis,  its  concentration  in  Australia,  143. 

Patagonia,  insects  of,  distinct  from  those  of  Tierra  del  Fuego,  47, 48. 

Patrobus  septentrionis,  Dej.,  has  been  supposed  to  be  a  state  of  P. 
excavatus,  40. 

Pecteropus,  its  maximum  attained  in  the  Canaries,  124. 

Maderensis,  Woll.,  varies  from  altitude,  39. 

rostratus,  Woll.,  varies  from  isolation,  90. 

Pelargoniums,  their  concentration  in  Southern  Africa,  142. 

Pelophila  borealis,  Payk.,  larger  in  Ireland  than  in  the  Orkneys,  33. 

Phaleria  cadaverina,  Fabr.,  pallid  hue  of,  64. 

Pkilhydrus  melanocephalus,  Oliv.,  two  states  of,  frequently  indicated, 

Phlwophagus,  apterous  in  Madeira,  82. 

Phosphuga  atrata,  Linn.,  taken  with  the  wings  developed,  102. 

subrotundata,  Leach,  the  Irish  form  of  the  P.  atrata,  33. 

Phytophaga,  preponderance  of,  in  the  tropics,  28,  29. 

Pieris  Brassicce,  Linn.,  varies  in  Nepaul  and  Japan,  34. 

Pissodes  notatus,  Fabr.,  unaffected  by  climate,  30. 

Platyomus,  its  concentration  in  S.  America,  143. 

Platyrrhini,  their  peculiarity  to  S.  America,  143. 

Pogonus  luridipennis,  Germ.,  lurid  hue  of,  64. 

Pontia  Brassicce,  Linn.,  its  introduction  into  Madeira  probably  re- 
cent, 74, 

204  INDEX. 

Porto  Santo,  origin  of  the  name  of,  49 ;  a  generic  area  of  radiation 
for  certain  Helices,  130. 

Predacious  insects,  less  numerous  in  the  tropics,  28,  29. 

Prostemma  guttula,  Fabr.,  the  development  of  the  wings  of,  100, 101 . 

Psylliodes,  a  variable  species  of,  in  Lundy  Island,  60. 

erythrocephala,  Linn.,  two  distinct  states  of,  frequently  indi- 
cated, 105. 

marcida,  Illig.,  pallid  hue  of,  64. 

nigricollis,  Mshm,  a  pale  state  of  the  P.  erythrocepkala,  105. 

vehemens,  Woll.,  varies  from  isolation,  90. 

Pterostichus,  its  various  divisions  are  natural  ones,  175. 

Ptini,  their  stature  affected  by  isolation,  74 ;  which  characters  of, 
are  the  most  constant,  104. 

Ptinus  albopictus,  Woll.,  its  changes  on  the  islands  of  the  Madeiran 
Group,  75-77- 

Pupa,  often  two  distinct  states  of,  106. 

Purpurarice  of  the  ancients,  probably  the  Madeiran  Group,  141. 

Pyrenean  region,  the,  perhaps  a  primary  area  of  diffusion,  1 30. 

Reasoning,  not  sufficient  of  itself  for  the  formation  of  science,  159. 

Red- Admiral  Butterfly,  its  introduction  into  Madeira  perhaps  re- 
cent, 74. 

RedumadcB,  on  the  development  of  the  wings  of  a  representative  of 
the,  101. 

Representative  species,  exemplified  by  the  Madeiran  Helices,  128, 
129,  185;  where  frequently  to  be  recognized,  183. 

Rhyzopertha  pusilla,  Fabr.,  unaffected  by  climate,  31. 

Rivers,  their  power  of  transporting  insects  along  their  course,  149. 

Saline  spots,  variation  of  insects  in,  57. 

Salvages,  occurrence  of  a  Canarian  form  on  the,  120,  124. 

Saprinus,  a  modification  of  Hister  proper,  143. 

nitidulus,  Fabr.,  two  distinct  states  of,  indicated,  106. 

Scarabceus,  the  capture  of,  out  at  sea,  150. 

Scarites  abbreviates,  Roll.,  large  size  of,  on  one  of  the  Madeira 

Islands,  88  ;  varies  both  from  isolation  and  altitude,  91. 
Sciences,  the,  should  assist  rather  than  oppose  each  other,  155, 156. 
Scydmcenus  Helferi,  Schaum,  smaller  in  Madeira  than  in  Sicily,  65. 
Scymnus,  an  apterous  species  of,  in  Porto  Santo,  82. 
Sea,  inconstancy  of  insects  in  the  vicinity  of  the,  57. 
Sicily,  the  fauna  of,  has  much  in  common  with  that  of  Madeira,  139. 
Silpha  atrata,  Linn.,  presents  a  distinct  state  in  Ireland,  33. 
Silybum  Marianum,  Grtn.,  its  stalks  the  food  of  a  Ptinus,  76. 
Similitudes,  Lord  Bacon  on  the  importance  of,  13. 
Sitonia  gressoria,  Illig.,  perhaps  a  form  of  the  S.  grisea,  33. 
Sitophilus  granarius,  Linn.,  unaffected  by  climate,  31. 

INDEX.  205 

Sitophilus  oryzce,  Linn.,  unaffected  by  climate,  31. 

Sloths,  their  peculiarity  to  S.  America,  143. 

Species,  definition  of  the  term,  4 ;  familiar  explanation  concerning 
the  nature  of,  161, 162 ;  limitation  of,  how  to  be  attempted,  192  ; 
limits  of,  real,  though  often  difficult  to  trace  out,  193 ;  in  a  cer- 
tain sense  both  unstable  and  permanent,  194. 

Specific  centres  of  creation,  5. 

Sphinx  Convolvuli,  Linn.,  its  introduction  into  Madeira  probably 
recent,  74. 

Spinola,  on  one  of  the  Reduviadce,  101;  on  Oncocephalus  griseus, 

Stapelias,  their  concentration  in  Southern  Africa,  142. 

States,  large  and  small  ones  indicated  in  some  insects,  105. 

Stature  of  insects,  smaller  in  islands  than  on  continents,  70. 

Stenolophus  Skrimshiranus,  Steph.,  perhaps  a  state  of  /S.  Teutonus, 

Stenus  Heeri,  Woll.,  two  distinct  states  of,  indicated,  106. 

Structural  characters,  seldom  variable  in  the  Insecta,  95. 

Subsidences,  the  effect  of,  on  insect  life,  114. 

Swallow-Tail  Butterfly,  unaffected  by  climate,  31. 

Syncalypta,  apterous  in  Madeira,  82. 

Tachyporus  nitidicollis,  Steph.,  perhaps  a  state  of  T.  obtusus,  33. 

Tarphii,  their  economy  in  the  Madeira  Group,  121. 

Tarphius,  its  maximum  attained  in  Madeira  proper,  121 ;  common 

to  Madeira  and  Sicily,  139. 

gibbulus,  Germ.,  the  Sicilian  exponent  of  the  genus,  123. 

Lowei,  Woll.,  of  a  more  adaptive  nature  than  its  allies,  122. 

Tarus,  always  apterous  in  Madeira,  82. 

lineatus,  Schonh.,  assumes  a  distinct  state  in  Madeira,  65. 

Telephorus  testaceus,  Linn.,  its  variability  in  Lundy  Island,  59. 
Thompson,  Mr.,  on  the  reptiles  of  Ireland,  England,  and  Belgium, 


Thorictus,  common  to  Madeira  and  Sicily,  139. 
Tierra  del  Fuego,  insects  of,  47 ;  has  many  characters  in  common 

with  Madeira,  48 — 51. 

Time,  an  important  item  in  the  question  of  modifications,  77. 
Toucans,  their  peculiarity  to  S.  America  and  the  W.  Indies,  142. 
Transmutation-theory,  unsoundness  of  the,  186 — 189 ;  how  it  took 

its  rise,  190. 
Trechus,  always  apterous  in  Madeira,  82. 

alticola,  Woll.,  perhaps  a  state  of  T.  custos,  39. 

lapidosus,  Daws.,  pallid  hue  of,  64. 

Tree-Porcupines,  their  peculiarity  to  S.  America,  143. 
Tribolium  ferrugineum,  Fabr.,  unaffected  by  climate,  31. 
Trogosita  mauritanica,  Linn.,  unaffected  by  climate,  31. 

206  TNDEX. 

Tropics,  exuberance  of  the,  27, 28 ;  relative  proportions  of  the  insect 

tribes  within  the,  28,  29. 
Tychius,  always  apterous  in  Madeira,  82. 

Unity,  indicated  in  the  organic  creation,  179,  180. 

Vanessa  Atalanta,  Linn.,  has  a  different  aspect  in  N.  America,  34 ; 

perhaps  a  recent  introduction  into  Madeira,  74. 

Callirhoe,  Fabr.,  smaller  in  Porto  Santo  than  in  Madeira,  73. 

Variation  in  the  Insecta,  a  matter  of  experience,  7,  8,  15 ;  probable 

from  analogy,  15;  perhaps  indicated  in  every  individual,  16,  17, 

18 ;  restricted,  35. 
Variety,  definition  of  the  term,  4. 
Velia,  on  the  development  of  the  wings  of,  100. 

Waterhouse,  Mr.,  his  opinion  concerning  generic  types,  172. 

Westwood,  Mr.,  on  Papilio  Machaon  from  the  Himalayas,  32 ;  on 
American  specimens  of  Lyccena  Phlceas,  34 ;  on  the  effect  of  heat 
in  developing  the  wings  of  insects,  44;  on  a  winged  state  of 
Choreius  ineptus,  44  ;  on  the  development  of  the  wings  in  Del- 
phax,  45 ;  on  a  winged  state  of  Cimex  lectularius,  45 ;  on  ApJielo- 
cheirus  cestwalis,  100;  on  the  development  of  the  wings  of  the 
Hydrometrida,  100;  on  Cimex  apterus,  100;  on  Prostemma  gut- 
tula  and  Cor  anus  subapterus,  101 ;  on  the  development  of  the 
wings  of  Lygceus  brempennis,  101. 

Whewell,  Dr.,  on  the  natural  causes  which  science  has  to  investi- 
gate, 191. 

White-Cabbage  Butterfly,  varies  in  Nepaul  and  Japan,  34. 

Winds,  the  effects  of,  in  the  diffusion  of  insects,  148. 

Wings  of  insects,  subject  to  undue  development  in  hot  seasons,  43 ; 
liable  to  become  gradually  obsolete  in  islands,  81 ;  more  variable 
than  other  organs,  97. 

Xenostrongylus,  its  geographical  distribution,  124;  common  to 
Madeira  and  Sicily,  139. 

Zargus  pellucidus,  Woll.,  variety  of,  on  one  of  the  Madeira  Islands, 



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