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Full text of "Oration at Valley Forge, June 19, 1878, the one hundredth anniversary of the departure of the army of the revolution from winter quarters at that place"

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June  19,  1878 

The  One  Hundredth  Anniversary  of  the  Departure  of  the 
Army  of  the  Revolution  from  Winter  Quarters  at  that  Place 




A.  J.   DEMAREST,  A.  M., 

Superintendent  of  Public  Schools,  Hoboken,  N.  J. 




124  N.    Eighteenth  Street 

^-    .v 


Copyright,  1911,  by 
Christopher  Sower  Company 




Prefatory  Note  to  the  Teacher 5 

Valley  Forge  :  An  Oration 11 

The  Introduction 11 

The  Occupation  of  Philadelphia 20 

The  March  to  Valley  Forge 30 

The  Encampment 34 

The  Sufferings  of  the  Soldiers 42 

Holy  Ground 55 

The  Troops  and  their  Leaders 56 

Washington  at  Valley  Forge 65 

Steuben   and  Franklin 67 

The  Dawn  at  Last 73 

The  Glory  of  Valley  Forge 79 

Valley  Forge  and  Waterloo 82 

The  Spirit  of  Liberty 86 

The  New  Century 90 




Biographical  Sketch 97 

I.  The   Man — Henry  Armitt  Brown 97 

His  Childhood  and  Early  Youth 98 

His  College  Life 99 

A  Public  Discovery 100 

As  an  Orator 102 

His  Methods 102 

His  Style 102 

A  Man  Among  Men " 103 

II.  The  Place— Valley  Forge 103 

HI.  The  Occasion — The  Valley  Forge  Centennial 

Celebration 112 

Suggestive  Questions 114 


Before  the  reading  of  this  oration  is  taken  up  for  class  work, 
the  teacher  should  make  a  careful  study  of  that  period  of  our 
history  known  as  the  ''Formation  of  the  Nation,"  which  includes 
the  controversy  with  England,  resistance  leading  to  independence, 
and  the  struggle  for  independence,  in  order  to  give  a  correct 
interpretation  of  this  great  masterpiece.  While  this  oration 
will  appeal  to  the  ordinary  reader,  yet  for  a  study  of  it,  such  as 
may  be  required  for  the  class-room,  some  preliminary  work  is 
essential.  This  critical  study  should  be  of  a  two-fold  character: 
first,  the  historical  foundations  upon  which  the  orator  built  his 
framework;  second,  references  to  orations  of  others,  similar  in 
character,  with  which  portions  of  this  oration  may  be  compared 
and  contrasted. 

Outline  for  Class  Reading 

The  appreciation  of  a  classic  improves  with  each  reading,  and 
this  oration  should  be  read  by  the  class  at  least  three  times. 

First  Reading 

The  first  step  in  the  reading  of  any  classic  is  to  read  it  as  a 
whole,  for  the  purpose  of  permitting  the  student  to  get  the  thread 
of  the  discourse.  This  can  best  be  done  by  a  single  rapid  reading. 
In  no  sense  should  this  reading  be  used  as  a  formal  reading  lesson. 
We  shall  make  an  inevitable  failure  if  we  attempt  to  teach  reading 
in  connection  with  literary  appreciation  of  a  classic.  The  first 
lessons,  then,  should  require  merely  an  intelligent  reading. 
It  should  be  read  aloud  in  a  pleasing  manner,  to  get  a  good  under- 



standing  of  the  discourse.  Do  not  stop  to  look  up  words  or  to 
refer  to  the  notes.  Each  day's  reading  should  be  so  planned  that 
it  will  stop  at  some  interesting  place,  in  order  to  keep  up  sus- 
tained interest  on  the  part  of  the  class.  When  we  have  read 
and  have  grasped  the  oration  as  a  whole,  we  are  ready  for  the 
second  reading. 

Second  Reading 

In  reading  this  oration  a  second  time,  we  should  aim  to  study 
the  mechanical  means  by  which  the  orator  secured  his  effects. 
In  this  detailed  study  the  teacher  should  do  all  the  reading, 
planning  each  day's  lesson  so  that  it  will  stop  at  some  logical 
place  in  the  discourse.  During  the  second  reading  the  student 
should  form  clear  conceptions  of — 

(a)  The  Characters. — Are  the  descriptions  of  the  characters 
vivid?  Can  you  see  them?  Can  you  call  up  a  clear  mental 
picture  of  them?  Does  Mr.  Brown  succeed  in  presenting  a 
complete  picture  of  the  various  men — are  they  real  to  you? 
How  and  why  came  Washington  and  his  army  to  Valley  Forge? 
Did  he  come  flushed  with  the  triumph  of  victory?  Did  he 
bring  with  him  a  conquered  army?  Where  was  Howe  at  this 
time?  Contrast  the  Revolutionary  army  at  Valley  Forge — 
poverty  and  patriotism,  rags  and  resolution,  bold,  determined 
men  writing  upon  the  snows  and  ice  of  winter  as  their  parchment 
in  their  own  blood,  their  deeds  of  valor  and  renown — with  the 
British  army  in  Philadelphia,  flushed  with  victory,  fearless  of 
defeat,  wearing  the  winter  away  with  feasting  and  revelry. 

Call  the  roll  of  the  heroes  of  Valley  Forge,  and  comment 
upon  the  services  rendered  by  each — George  Washington, 
Marquis  de  Lafayette,  Baron  Steuben,  Baron  de  Kalb,  Count 
Pulaski,  General  Knox,  Light  Horse  Harry  Lee,  Generals  Sullivan, 
Wayne,  Greene,  Armstrong,  Warren,  and  Hamilton.  Emphasize 
the  fact  that  there  is  another  class  of  heroes,  worthy  of  all  honor 
and  praise — not  the  men  who  bore  commissions  and  wore  epau- 
lets— the  private  soldiers,  the  rank  and  file,  the  noble  men  who 


died  unknown  to  fame,  who  sleep  in  unmarked  graves.  Does 
the  author  reveal  himself  in  his  work?  Can  you  infer  his  likes 
and  dislikes?  his  favorite  study?  his  favorite  books? 

(b)  The  Setting.— Where  is  the  scene  laid?  At  what  time  of 
the  year?  Is  the  encampment  vividly  portrayed?  Is  there 
enough  description  to  give  a  clear  idea  of  the  situation?  Select 
the  best  descriptive  passages.  Can  you  see  the  encamped  sol- 
diers, the  fortifications,  the  entrenchments,  the  log  huts  the 
shoeless  soldiers,  the  hospitals,  the  frozen  ground,  the  cheerless 
campfires,  blood  stains  upon  the  frozen  ground,  and  the  graves 
of  the  unknown  dead?  Lay  stress  upon  the  fact  that,  notwith- 
standmg  the  sufferings  and  privations  endured  by  these  devoted 
troops,  month  after  month,  harassed  by  the  storms  of  one  of  the 
severest  winters  ever  known  in  that  region,  the  love  of  country 
the  hope  of  victory,  and  an  abiding  confidence  in  their  great 
leader  sustamed  them  in  the  darkest  period  of  their  struggle  for 
liberty.  Do  the  descriptions  of  nature  surpass  the  delineations 
of  personal  portraits? 

(c)  The  Structure  of  the  Oration.— Every  well-constructed 
oration  has  an  introduction.  Is  the  introduction  of  this  oration 
clearly  marked?  Where  does  it  end?  What  is  the  purpose 
of  the  mtroduction?  Does  it  properly  introduce  the  subject? 
Does  It  arouse  an  interest  in  the  subject?  The  body  or  framework 
of  an  oration  is  called  the  discourse  or  discussion.  What  is  the 
central  theme  of  the  discussion?  State  it  clearly  in  a  sentence. 
Is  there  more  than  one  theme?  If  so,  are  they  closely  related? 
Does  the  oration  possess  unity?  Are  there  any  digressions? 
Do  these  digressions  violate  the  unity  of  the  oration?  Does 
Mr.  Brown  appeal  to  the  intellect  or  to  the  emotional  nature  of 
his  audience  or  to  both?  The  conclusion  of  an  essay  or  oration  is 
called  the  peroration.  The  purpose  of  the  peroration  is  to  sum  up 
the  mam  pomts  of  the  discussion;  to  restate  some  points  with  em- 
phasis; or  to  make  a  favorable  impression  at  the  conclusion. 
Where  does  the  peroration  begin?  Does  it  serve  the  purpose  or 
purposes  of  a  peroration?  Is  the  style  different  from  the  intro- 
duction  or  the  discussion? 


(d)  The  Style. — Select  words  that  are  strong  and  terse:  ex- 
pressions that  are  highly  polished  or  ornamental.  Read  the  best 
passages  aloud  and  note  the  rhythm  of  the  sentences.  Does 
it  possess  individuality?  Is  the  work  characterized  by  accuracy 
of  statement?  sincerity?  sympathetic  appreciation?  keen  analysis? 
Of  the  three  chief  qualities  of  style — clearness,  force,  and  beauty — 
which  is  most  marked  here?  Are  the  sentences  clear,  short, 
long,  or  of  average  length?  Are  the  paragraphs  short,  medium,  or 
long?  Does  he  use  words  precisely?  Which  of  the  following 
words  best  describe  his  diction:  clear,  simple,  polished,  ornate, 
terse,  polished,  idiomatic,  obscure,  colloquial,  verbose? 

(e)  Memory  Gems. — The  pupils  should  be  encouraged  to  select 
choice  passages  for  memorization  and  to  state  their  reasons  for 
their  selection. 

(f)  Collateral  Reading. — Select  another  oration  and  compare  it 
with  this  one  in  the  chief  points  of  the  outline.  Note  particularly 
points  in  which  there  is  a  marked  difference.  To  what  is  this 
difference  due — the  time,  the  subject,  or  to  the  men  themselves? 
The  number  of  great  orators  whose  orations  survive  as  literature 
is  very  limited.  Burke,  Pitt,  Sheridan,  Fox,  Calhoun,  Clay, 
Webster,  Everett,  Lincoln,  Sumner,  Phillips,  and  Grady  are 
among  the  most  distinguished. 

(g)  Composition  and  Outline  Work. — Brief  compositions  may 
be  written  upon  selected  topics.  The  following  list  of  composition 
subjects  may  be  profitably  used  in  connection  with  the  study  of 
the  oration: 

a.  Lafayette,  the  Lover  of  Liberty. 

b.  The  French  AlUance. 

c.  First  Steps  toward  Independence. 

d.  The  Battlefields  of  Pennsylvania. 

e.  The  Glory  of  Valley  Forge. 

f.  Valley  Forge  vs.  Waterloo. 

g.  The  Military  Services  of  Baron  Steuben. 
h.  George  Washington  at  Valley  Forge. 

i.  The  Many-sided  Franklin. 

j.  Alexander  Hamilton  vs.  Aaron  Burr. 


k.  America  One  Hundred  Years  Ago. 

1.  Was  the  Execution  of  Major  Andre  justifiable? 

Third  Reading 

This  reading  should  be  free  from  all  criticism,  and  should  be 
given  for  the  purpose  of  permitting  the  student  to  enjoy  the 
revealed  beauty  of  the  oration. 


An  Oration  Delivered  on  the  Hundredth  Anni= 
versary  of  the  Departure  of  the  Army  of  the 
Revolution  from  that  Place. 


It  is  an  honor  to  be  here  to-day.  It  is  a  privilege 
to  behold  this  anniversary.  This  unusual  spectacle, 
these  solemn  services,  these  flags  and  decorations,  this 
tuneful  choir,  this  military  array,  this  distinguished 
company,  this  multitude  darkening  all  the  hill-side, 
proclaim  the  general  interest  and  attest  its  magnitude. 
And  it  is  proper  to  commemorate  this  time.  One 
hundred  years  ago  this  country  was  the  scene  of  extra- 
ordinary events  and  very  honorable  actions.  We  feel 
the  influence  of  them  in  our  institutions  and  our  daily 
lives,  and  it  is  both  natural  and  right  for  us  to  seek,  by 
some  means,  to  mark  their  hundredth  anniversaries. 

Why  is  it  an  honor  to  be  here  to-day?  Why  a  privilege? 
Why  should  this  event  be  commemorated?  In  what  way  do  we 
feel  the  influence  of  these  extraordinary  events  in  our  institutions 
and  in  our  daily  lives?  Why  preserve  the  memory  of  other  years? 
Why  should  these  battles  be  named  and  more  highly  honored? 

^  See  sketch,  page  97. 


Those  moments  are  passing  quickly.  Lexington, 
Bunker  Hill,  Germantown,  Saratoga,  have  gone  by 
already.  Monmouth,  Stony  Point,  Eutaw,  and  York- 
town  are  close  at  hand.  It  is  eminently  fit  that  we 
should  gather  here. 

I  cannot  add  to  what  has  already  been  said  about 
this  place.  The  deeds  which  have  made  it  famous 
have  passed  into  history.  The  page  on  which  they  are 
recorded  is  written.  We  can  neither  add  to  it  nor  take 
away.  The  heroic  dead  who  suffered  here  are  far 
beyond  our  reach.  No  human  eulogy  can  make  their 
glory  greater,  no  failure  to  do  them  justice  make  it  less. 
Theirs  is  a  perfect  fame, — safe,  certain,  and  complete. 
Their  trials  here  secured  the  happiness  of  a  continent; 
their  labors  have  borne  fruit  in  the  free  institutions 
of  a  powerful  nation;  their  examples  give  hope  to  every 
race  and  clime ;  their  names  live  on  the  lips  of  a  grateful 

The  battle  of  Lexington  was  fought  April  19,  1775;  Bunker 
Hill,  June  17,  1775;  Germantown,  October  4,  1777;  Saratoga 
(surrender),  October  17,  1777;  Monmouth,  June  28,  1778;  Stony 
Point,  July  16,  1779;  Eutaw,  September  8,  1781;  Yorktown, 
October  19,  1781. 

Why  cannot  the  orator  add  to  what  has  already  been  said 
about  Valley  Forge?  Name  the  deeds  that  have  made  this  place 
famous.  In  this  connection,  emphasize  the  fact  that  "the  path 
of  glory  leads  but  to  the  grave."  Why  can  no  human  eulogy 
make  their  glory  greater?  In  what  respect  is  theirs  a  perfect 
fame?  Recount  what  has  been  accomplished  by  their  trials, 
their  labors,  and  their  examples.  Why  should  their  names 
live  on  the  lips  of  a  grateful  people?  Why  should  their  memories 
be  cherished?  What  is  the  purpose  of  this  anniversary?  What 
is  the  spirit  appropriate  to  the  hour? 


people;  their  memory  is  cherished  in  their  children's 
hearts,  and  shall  endure  forever.  It  is  not  for  their 
sakes,  then,  but  for  our  own,  that  we  have  assembled 
here  to-day.  This  anniversary,  if  I  understand  it 
right,  has  a  purpose  of  its  own.  It  is  duty  that  has 
brought  us  here.  The  spirit  appropriate  to  this  hour 
is  one  of  humility  rather  than  of  pride,  of  reverence 
rather  than  of  exultation.  We  come,  it  is  true,  the 
representatives  of  forty  millions  of  free  men  by  ways  our 
fathers  never  dreamed  of,  from  regions  of  which  they 
never  heard.  We  come  in  the  midst  of  plenty,  under 
a  sky  of  peace,  power  in  our  right  hand  and  the  keys  of 
knowledge  in  our  left.     But  we  are  here  to  learn  rather 

What  does  Mr.  Brown  mean  by  the  following  expressions: 
"by  ways  our  fathers  never  dreamed  of ,"  " in  the  midst  of  plenty," 
"under  a  sky  of  peace,"  "power  in  our  right  hand,"  "the  keys  of 
knowledge  in  our  left"?  In  the  judgment  of  Mr.  Brown,  what 
are  the  purposes  of  the  celebration?  What  are  the  sources  of 
our  country's  greatness?  What  is  the  meaning  of  this  anni- 
versary? To  what  olden  time  does  the  orator  refer?  What  is 
an  inspiration?  Why  cannot  the  orator  do  justice  to  his  theme? 
Name  the  lessons  to  be  pointed  out  to  future  generations. 

Name  the  introduction  to  this  oration.  Compare  this  intro- 
duction with  the  introduction  to  Webster's  Bunker  Hill  Monu- 
ment Oration;  Lincoln's  Gettysburg  Oration. 

Does  this  introduction  prepare  the  way  for  the  discussion? 
Does  it  serve  to  arouse  an  interest  in  the  subject?  Does  it 
indicate  the  manner  in  which  the  subject  is  to  be  treated?  What 
purpose  or  purposes  does  the  introduction  accomplish?  On 
what  subjects  are  orations  usually  delivered?  An  orator  always 
has  some  definite  aim:  what  is  the  aim  in  this  oration?  State 
in  your  own  language  the  purpose  of  an  introduction  or  exordium. 


than  to  teach;  to  worship,  not  to  glorify.  We  come  to 
contemplate  the  sources  of  our  country's  greatness; 
to  commune  with  the  honored  past;  to  remind  ourselves 
and  show  our  children  that  joy  can  come  out  of  sorrow, 
happiness  out  of  suffering,  light  out  of  darkness,  life 
out  of  death. 

Such  is  the  meaning  of  this  anniversary.  I  cannot 
do  it  justice.  Would  that  there  could  come  to  some  one 
in  this  multitude  a  tongue  of  fire, — an  inspiration  born 
of  the  time  itself,  that,  standing  in  this  place  and  speak- 
ing with  the  voice  of  olden  time,  he  might  tell  us  in 
fitting  language  of  our  fathers!  But  it  cannot  be. 
Not  even  now.  Not  even  here.  Perhaps  we  do  not 
need  it.  Some  of  us  bear  their  blood,  and  all  alike 
enjoy  the  happiness  their  valor  and  endurance  won. 
And  if  my  voice  be  feeble,  we  have  but  to  look  around. 
The  hills  that  saw  them  suffer  look  down  on  us;  the 
ground  that  thrilled  beneath  their  feet  we  tread  to-day; 
their  unmarked  graves  still  lie  in  yonder  field;  the  breast- 
works which  they  built  to  shelter  them  surround  us 
here!  Dumb  witnesses  of  the  heroic  past,  ye  need  no 
tongues!  Face  to  face  with  you  we  see  it  all; — this  soft 
breeze  changes  to  an  icy  blast;  these  trees  drop  the 
glory  of  the  summer,  and  the  earth  beneath  our  feet 
is  wrapped  in  snow.     Beside  us  is  a  village  of  log  huts; 

The  dimensions  of  each  hut  were  fourteen  by  sixteen  feet,  with 
chimney,  fireplace,  and  door,  facing  upon  company  streets. 
Quarters  for  field  and  staff  officers  were  erected  in  rear  of  the  line 
of  troops.  The  hills  were  made  bare  of  timber  in  completing  the 
shelter  necessary  for  men  and  animals. 


along  that  ridge  smoulder  the  fires  of  the  camp.  The 
sun  has  sunk,  the  stars  glitter  in  the  inky  sky,  the  camp 
is  hushed,  the  fires  are  out,  the  night  is  still.  All  are 
in  slumber  save  when  a  lamp  glimmers  in  a  cottage 
window,  and  a  passing  shadow  shows  a  tall  figure  pacing 
to  and  fro.  The  cold  silence  is  unbroken,  save  when 
on  yonder  rampart,  crunching  the  crisp  snow  with 
wounded  feet,  a  ragged  sentinel  keeps  watch  for  Liberty ! 
The  close  of  1777  marked  the  gloomiest  period  of  the 
Revolution.  The  early  enthusiasm  of  the  struggle  had 
passed  away.  The  doubts  which  the  first  excitements 
banished  had  returned.  The  novelty  of  war  had  gone, 
and  its  terrors  become  awfully  familiar.  Fire  and  sword 
had  devastated  some  of  the  best  parts  of  the  country, 
its  cities  were  half  ruined,  its  fields  laid  waste,  its  re- 

in which  line  does  the  author  foreshadow  the  general  trend  of 
his  oration?  State  in  your  own  language  why  the  close  of  1777 
marked  the  gloomiest  period  of  the  Revolution. 

"At  no  period  of  the  war,"  writes  Chief- justice  Marshall, 
"had  the  American  army  been  reduced  to  a  situation  of  greater 
peril  than  during  the  winter  at  Valley  Forge.  More  .than  once 
they  were  absolutely  without  food.  Even  while  their  condition 
was  less  desperate  in  this  respect,  their  stock  of  provisions  was 
so  scanty  that  there  was  seldom  at  any  time  in  the  stores  a  quan- 
tity sufficient  for  the  use  of  the  troops  for  a  week.  The  returns 
on  the  first  of  February  exhibit  the  astonishing  number  of  three 
thousand  nine  hundred  and  eighty-nine  men  in  camp  unfit  for 
duty  for  want  of  clothes.  Of  this  number,  scarcely  a  man  had  a 
pair  of  shoes.  Although  the  total  of  the  army  exceeded  seven- 
teen thousand  men,  the  present  effective  rank  and  file  amounted 
to  only  five  thousand  and  twelve." 


sources  drained,  its  best  blood  poured  out  in  sacrifice. 
The  struggle  now  had  become  one  of  endurance,  and 
while  liberty  and  independence  seemed  as  far  off  as 
ever,  men  began  to  appreciate  the  tremendous  cost  at 
which  they  were  to  be  purchased.  The  capture  ol 
Burgoyne  had,  after  all,  been  only  a  temporary  check 
to  a  powerful  and  still  unexhausted  enemy.  Nor  was 
its  effect  on  the  Americans  themselves  wholly  beneficial. 
It  had  caused  the  North  to  relax,  in  a  great  measure, 
its  activity  and  vigilance,  and,  combined  with  the 
immunity  from  invasion  which  the  South  had  enjoyed, 

The  capture  of  Burgoyne  and  his  army  of  6000  men  was  the 
most  substantial  triumph  that  the  patriots  had  thus  far  gained 
in  the  war.  It  spread  dismay  in  England.  France  acknowledged 
the  independence  of  the  United  States,  and  the  two  nations  pledged 
themselves  to  make  a  common  cause  against  Great  Britain.  In 
addition,  France  agreed  to  send  to  our  assistance  a  fleet  of  16 
war  vessels  and  an  army  of  4000  men. 

"A  friend  to  whom  Mr.  Brown  read  this  oration  pointed  out 
the  fact  that  the  capture  of  Burgoyne's  army  had  been  considered 
by  all  the  latest  and  most  accurate  historians  as  the  undoubted 
turning-point  of  the  war,  and  that  Creasy  had  included  the  battle 
of  Bemus's  Heights  in  the  Fifteen  Decisive  Battles  of  the  World. 
Mr.  Brown  said  that,  although  it  had  undoubtedly  proved  to  be 
so,  he  felt  that  in  picturing  the  feeling  of  the  day  he  was  justified 
in  using  the  impression  left  on  the  mind  of  so  distinguished  an 
actor  as  Lafayette;  but  that,  when  the  oration  was  printed,  he 
would  add  a  note  that  would  protect  him  from  any  criticism 
prompted  by  the  supposition  that,  biased  by  local  prejudice,  he 
had  spoken  lightly  of  a  brilliant  event  which  occurred  in  a  neigh- 
boring state  in  order  to  give  prominence  to  the  trials  of  Valley 
Forge." — J.  M.  Hoppin. 


*'to  lull  asleep  two-thirds  of  the  continent."  While  a 
few  hundred  ill-armed,  half-clad  Americans  guarded 
the  Highlands  of  the  Hudson,  a  well-equipped  garrison, 
several  thousand  strong,  lived  in  luxury  in  the  city  of 
New  York.  The  British  fleet  watched  with  the  eyes 
of  Argus  the  rebel  coast.  Rhode  Island  lay  undisputed 
in  their  hands;  Georgia,  Virginia,  and  the  CaroKnas  were 
open  to  their  invasion,  and  as  incapable  of  defence  as 
Maryland  had  been  when  they  landed  in  the  Chesa- 
peake. Drawn  upon  for  the  army,  the  sparse  popula- 
tion could  not  half  till  the  soil,  and  the  savings  of  labor- 
ious years  had  all  been  spent.  While  the  miserable 
paper  currency  which  Congress,  with  a  fatal  folly  never 
to  be  absent  from  the  counsels  of  men,  continued  to 
issue  and  call  money,  obeyed  natural  rather  than  arti- 
ficial laws,  and  fell  four  hundred  per  cent.,  coin  flowed 
to  Philadelphia  and  New  York,  and  in  spite  of  military 
orders  and  civil  edicts,  the  scanty  produce  of  the  country 
followed  it.  Nor  could  the  threatened  penalty  of 
death  restrain  the  evil.     Want  began  to  be  widely 

Argus:  In  the  Greek  legend  Argus  was  the  guardian  of  lo, 
slain  by  Hermes,  and  is  said  to  have  had  a  hundred  eyes. 

The  summer  of  1780  was  the  gloomiest  time  in  the  whole  course 
of  the  war.  Because  Congress  could  not  tax  the  people,  and  could 
not  get  enough  money  from  the  states  by  asking  for  it,  there  was 
great  difficulty  in  carrying  on  the  war .  Some  money  was  borrowed 
from  France  and  Holland,  but  Congress  was  obliged  to  issue  its 
notes  or  promises  to  pay.  Such  notes,  when  issued  by  a  govern- 
ment, are  commonly  called  paper  money.  In  the  summer  of  1780 
this  money  became  worthless.  It  took  $2000  in  Continental  cur- 
rency to  buy  an  ordinary  suit  of  clothes. 


felt,  and  the  frequent  proclamations  of  the  British, 
accompanied  with  Tory  intrigue  and  abundant  gold, 
to  have  effect.  To  some,  even  of  the  wisest,  the  case 
was  desperate.  Even  the  elements  seemed  to  combine 
against  the  cause.  A  deluge  prevented  a  battle  at  the 
Warren  Tavern,  a  fog  robbed  Washington  of  victory  at 
Germantown,  and  at  last,  while  the  fate  of  America' 
hung  on  the  courage,  the  fortitude,  and  the  patriotism 
of  eleven  thousand  iiall-clothed,  half-armed,  hungry 
Contmentals.,.  who .  discomforted  l3ut  not  discouraged, 
b,gaiiSIL..bu.t  not  disheartened,  suffering  but  steadfast 
stilljjay  on  their  firelocks  on  the  frozen  ridges  of  White- 
'.  marsh,  a^ritish  army  nineteen  thousand  five  hundred 

Warren  Tavern:  A  hamlet  of  Chester  County,  Pennsylvania, 
twelve  miles  W.  S.  W.  of  Norristown,  where  the  two  armies  had 
an  engagement  September  16,  1777,  with  an  American  loss  of 
about  one  hundred  men. 

Germantown:  When  Washington  learned  that  Howe  had 
sent  a  detachment  down  the  river  to  seize  Forts  Mercer  and 
Mifflin  he  determined  to  crush  the  British  at  Germantown.  In 
the  early  morning,  October  4th,  his  army,  in  two  columns,  ad- 
vanced upon  the  village.  The  central  column  drove  in  the  British 
outposts  and  was  forcing  back  the  British  hne  opposite.  Greene 
was  also  the  right  flank,  when  an  accident  happened  to  destroy 
the  whole  plan.  Stephen,  who  was  upon  the  right  of  Greene's 
division,  came  on  through  the  heavy  fog,  and,  mistaking  the 
American  left-center  for  the  enemy,  charged  upon  them.  This  at 
once  caused  a  panic,  and  the  Americans  retreated,  Wayne  pro- 
tecting the  rear. 

Whitemarsh:  A  post-township  of  Montgomery  County, 
Pennsylvania,  about  eleven  miles  northwest  of  Philadelphia. 
A  battle  occurred  here  between  the  main  armies  December  3, 1777. 


f  strong,  of  veteran  troops,  perfectly  equipped,  freshly 
recriiited^om  Europe  and  flushed  with  recent  victory, 
marched  into  winter-quarters  in  the  ,chief  city  of  the 

Philadelphia  surely  had  never  seen  such  gloomy  days 
as  those  which  preceded  the  entry  of  the  British. 
On  the  24th  of  August  the  American  army  marched 
through  the  length  of  Front  Street;  on  the  25th  the 
British  landed  at  the  head  of  Elk.  Days  of  quiet 
anxiety  ensued.  On  the  11th  of  September,  as  Tom 
Paine  was  writing  a  letter  to  Dr.  Franklin,  the  sound  of 
cannon    in    the    southwest    interrupted    him.     From 

Thomas  Paine,  generally  styled  ''Tom  Paine,"  was  secretary 
to  the  Congressional  Committee  on  Foreign  Affairs.  His 
services  in  the  Revolution  were  of  undoubted  value.  His  pam- 
phlet, "Common  Sense,"  is  thought  to  have  brought  about  the 
Declaration  of  Independence,  and  in  his  "Crisis"  he  wrote 
"These  are  the  times  that  try  men's  souls." 

Benjamin  Franklin  at  this  time  was  in  Europe.  He  was  in 
London  as  agent  for  several  of  the  colonies  when  the  Revolution 
broke  out,  but  he  immediately  returned  to  America.  He  was 
one  of  the  committee  of  five  to  draft  the  Declaration  of  Inde- 
pendence. He  went  to  France  in  1776  as  ambassador,  and  it 
was  his  skilful  hand  that  negotiated  the  treaty  with  that  coun- 
try, without  which  the  Revolution  could  hardly  have  succeeded. 
He  assisted  in  making  the  treaty  of  peace  with  England  in  1782, 
and  took  part  in  preparing  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States 
in  1787.  He  died  in  Philadelphia  in  1790,  aged  eighty-four  years. 
It  was  said  of  him  that  "he  wrested  the  thunder  from  the  sky 
and  the  scepter  from  tyrants." 


morning  until  late  in  the  afternoon  people  in  the  streets 
listened  to  the  dull  sound  like  distant  thunder.  About 
six  o'clock  it  died  away,  and  the  straining  ear  could 
catch  nothing  but  the  soughing  of  the  wind.  With 
what  anxiety  men  awaited, — with  what  suspense! 
The  sun  sank  in  the  west,  and  the  shadows  crept  over 
the  little  city.  It  was  the  universal  hour  for  the  evening 
meal,  but  who  could  go  home  to  eat?  Men  gathered 
about  the  State  House  to  talk,  to  conjecture,  to  con- 
sult together,  and  the  women  whispered  in  little  groups 
at  the  doorsteps  and  craned  their  necks  out  of  the 
darkened  windows  to  look  nervously  up  and  down  the 
street.  About  eight  o'clock  there  was  a  little  tumult 
near  the  Coffee  House.  The  story  spread  that  Wash- 
ington had  gained  a  victory,  and  a  few  lads  set  up  a 
cheer.  But  it  was  not  traced  to  good  authority,  and 
disappointment  followed.  By  nine  in  the  evening  the 
suspense  was  painful.  Suddenly,  far  up  Chestnut 
Street  was  heard  the  clatter  of  horses'  feet.  Some  one 
was  galloping  hard.  Down  Chestnut,  like  an  arrow, 
came  at  full  speed  a  single  horseman.     He  had  ridden 

Name  several  historical  events  associated  with  the  city  of 
Philadelphia.  Give  reasons  why  Philadelphia  had  never  seen 
such  gloomy  days  as  those  which  preceded  the  entry  of  the 

The  battle  of  Brandy  wine  was  fought  September  11,  1777. 
On  Howe's  advance  upon  Philadelphia  from  the  head  of  Chesa- 
peake Bay  Washington  took  up  a  strong  position  at  Brandywine 
Creek,  though  he  had  but  11,000  to  oppose  Howe's  18,000.  The 
British  were  masters  of  the  day.  Washington  retreated  to 


fast  and  his  horse  was  splashed  with  foam.  Hearts 
beat  quickly  as  he  dashed  by;  past  Sixth  Street,  past 
the  State  House,  past  Fifth,  and  round  the  corner  into 
Fourth.  The  crowd  followed,  and  instantly  packed 
around  him  as  he  drew  rein  at  the  Indian  Queen.  He 
threw  a  glance  at  the  earnest  faces  that  were  turned 
toward  his  and  spoke :  ''  A  battle  has  been  fought  at  the 
Birmingham  Meeting-house,  on  the  Brandywine;  the 
army  has  been  beaten;  the  French  Marquis  Lafayette 
shot  through  the  leg.     His  Excellency  has  fallen  back 

Marquis  de  (Marie  Jean  Paul,  Joseph  Roche  Yves 
Gilbert  du  Motier)  Lafayette,  the  distinguished  soldier  and 
statesman,  was  born  at  Chavagnac,  France,  in  1757.  He  died  in 
Paris,  at  the  age  of  seventy-seven  years.  As  a  boy  he  was  page  to 
the  queen.  He  was  but  nineteen  years  old  when  he  embraced  the 
cause  of  liberty  in  America.  Against  the  command  of  the  King 
of  France,  he  freighted  a  ship  at  his  own  expense  and  landed  in 
America  in  1777,  to  offer  his  services  as  a  simple  volunteer.  He 
quickly  won  the  favor  of  Congress  and  the  life-long  friendship  of 
Washington.  He  was  made  a  major-general,  and  showed  consid- 
erable ability  as  a  commander.  He  was  wounded  at  Brandywine 
while  rallying  the  retreating  Americans.  He  was  engaged  in 
various  battles  during  the  Revolution,  and  it  was  largely  through 
his  efforts  that  the  army  of  Rochambeau  was  sent  to  America 
in  1780.  He  assisted  materially  in  cutting  off  the  retreat  of 
the  British  at  Yorktown,  and  was  present  at  the  surrender  of 
Cornwallis.  For  his  services  he  was  publicly  thanked  by 
Washington  on  the  day  after  the  surrender.  He  was  one  of  the 
board  of  judges  that  tried  Major  Andre.  He  visited  America  in 
1784,  and  was  everywhere  received  with  great  affection  and  res- 
pect. He  again  visited  the  United  States  in  1824  as  the  guest  of 
the  nation.  Congress  voted  him  $200,000  and  a  township  of 
land  for  his  losses  and  expenses  in  the  Revolution. 


to  Chester;  the  road  below  is  full  of  stragglers."  And 
then  the  crowd  scattered,  each  one  to  his  home,  but  not 
to  sleep.  A  few  days  followed,  full  of  contradictory 
stories.  The  armies  are  manoeuvring  on  the  Lancaster 
Road.  Surely  Washington  will  fight  another  battle.  And 
then  the  news  came  and  spread  hke  lightning, — Wayne 
has  been  surprised,  and  his  brigade  massacred  at  the 
Paoli,  and  the  enemy  are  in  full  march  for  Philadelphia; 
the  Whigs  are  leaving  by  hundreds ;  the  authorities  are 

Chester,  the  oldest  town  in  the  state  of  Pennsylvania,  was 
settled  by  the  Swedes  in  1643.  The  provincial  assembly  of 
William  Penn's  government  was  held  here  in  1682. 

Paoli,  Pennsylvania:  Here  the  British,  under  Major-general 
Grey,  made  a  night  attack  upon  Wayne's  detachment  September 
20,.  1777.  Wayne  held  his  position  for  an  hour,  saved  his  artil- 
lery, but  lost  150  men. 

Anthony  Wayne  was  one  of  the  most  active  and  conspicuous 
characters  of  the  war.  He  was  born  in  Chester  County,  Penn- 
sylvania, in  1745.  His  bravery  gained  him  the  sobriquet  of 
"Mad  Anthony,"  but  he  was  discreet  and  cautious,  quick  in 
decision,  and  prompt  in  execution.  His  most  notable  exploit 
was  the  storming  of  Stony  Point  on  the  Hudson.  This  formid- 
able work  he  carried  at  midnight  by  a  bayonet  charge,  the  soldiers' 
guns  being  empty.  For  his  brilliant  achievement  at  Stony  Point 
Congress  gave  him  a  vote  of  thanks  and  a  gold  medal.  In  his 
eventful  life  he  was  a  farmer  and  land  surveyor.  He  served  in 
the  Pennsylvania  legislature,  and  was  a  member  of  the  convention 
of  his  state  that  ratified  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States. 
He  died  in  1796,  less  than  fifty-two  years  of  age. 

Whigs  :  The  name  taken  by  the  party  in  the  colonies  which 
furthered  the  Revolution,  because  their  principles  were  but 
the  application  to  America  of  those  principles  which  the  Whigs 
of  England  had  secured  through  the  Revolution  of  1688. 


going;  the  Congress  have  gone;  the  British  have 
arrived  at  Germantown.  Who  can  forget  the  day  that 

A  sense  of  something  dreadful  about  to  happen  hangs 
over  the  town.  A  third  of  the  houses  are  shut  and 
empty.  Shops  are  unopened,  and  busy  rumor  flies 
about  the  streets.  Early  in  the  morning  the  sidewalks 
are  filled  with  a  quiet,  anxious  crowd.  The  women 
watch  behind  bowed  windows  with  half-curious,  half- 
frightened  looks.  The  men,  solemn  and  subdued, 
whisper  in  groups,  "  Will  they  come  to-day?"  "  Are 
they  here  already? ' '  '  Will  they  treat  us  like  a  conquered 
people?"  It  was  inevitable  since  the  hot-bloods  would 
have  war.  Sometimes  the  Tory  can  be  detected  by 
an  exultant  look,  but  the  general  sentiment  is  gloomy. 
The  morning  drags  along.  By  ten  o'clock  Second 
Street,  from  Callowhill  to  Chestnut,  is  filled  with  old 
men  and  boys.  There  is  hardly  a  young  man  to  be 
seen.  About  eleven  is  heard  the  sound  of  approaching 
cavalry,  and  a  squadron  of  dragoons  comes  galloping 
down  the  street,  scattering  the  boys  right  and  left. 
The  crowd  parts  to  let  them  by  and  melts  together 
again.  In  a  few  minutes  far  up  the  street  there  is  the 
faint  sound  of  martial  music  and  something  moving 
that  gutters  in  the  sunlight.  The  crowd  thickens  and 
is  full  of  hushed  expectation.  Presently  one  can  see 
a  red  mass  swaying  to  and  fro.     It  becomes  more  and 

Explain  the  meaning  of  the  following  expressions:  "hot- 
bloods,"  "hushed  expectation,"  "red  mass,^  "waves  of  scarlet, 
tipped  with  steel." 


more  distinct.  Louder  grows  the  music  and  the  tramp 
of  marching  men  as  waves  of  scarlet,  tipped  with  steel, 
come  moving  down  the  street.  They  are  now  but  a 
square  off, — their  bayonets  glancing  in  perfect  line  and 
steadily  advancing  to  the  music  of  "  God  save  the 

These  are  the  famous  grenadiers.  Their  pointed 
caps  of  red,  fronted  with  silver,  their  white  leather 
leggings  and  short  scarlet  coats,  trimmed  with  blue, 
make  a  magnificent  display.  They  are  perfectly 
equipped,  and  look  well  fed  and  hearty.  Behind 
them  are  more  cavalry.  No,  these  must  be  officers. 
The  first  one  is  splendidly  mounted  and  wears  the 
uniform  of  a  general.  He  is  a  stout  man,  with  gray 
hair  and  a  pleasant  countenance,  in  spite  of  the  squint 
of  an  eye  which  disfigures  it.  A  whisper  goes  through 
the  bystanders:  ''  It  is  Lord  CornwalHs  himself." 
A  brilliant  staff  in  various  uniforms  follows  him  and 
five  men  in  civilian's  dress.  A  glance  of  recognition 
follows  these  last  like  a  wave  along  the  street,  for  they 

What  is  a  grenadier? 

Lord  Cornwallis  served  in  the  Seven  Years'  War.  He  was 
sent  to  America  in  1776,  and  fought  in  the  battle  of  Long  Island 
and  pursued  Washington's  army  through  New  Jersey.  He  was 
defeated  at  Princeton,  decided  the  victory  at  Brandy  wine,  and 
served  at  Germantown  and  Monmouth,  Having  been  appointed 
to  the  command  of  the  southern  army,  he  overwhelmed  Gates 
at  Camden.  Then  followed  his  campaign  in  Virginia  against 
Lafayette,  the  seige  of  his  army  at  Yorktown,  and  its  surrender 
to  the  Franco- American  troops  on  October  17,  1781.  He  was 
the  ablest  of  the  British  generals. 


are  Joseph  Galloway,  Enoch  Story,  Tench  Coxe,  and 
the  two  Aliens, — father  and  son, — Tories,  who  have 
only  dared  to  return  home  behind  British  bayonets. 
Long  lines  of  red  coats  follow  till  the  Fourth,  the 
Fortieth,  and  the  Fifty-fifth  Regiments  have  passed  by. 
But  who  are  these  in  dark  blue  that  come  behind  the 
grenadiers?  Breeches  of  yellow  leather,  leggings  of 
black,  and  tall,  pointed  hats  of  brass  complete  their 
uniform.  They  wear  moustaches,  and  have  a  fierce, 
foreign  look,  and  their  unfamiliar  music  seems  to  a 
child  in  that  crowd  to  cry  '^  Plunder!  plunder!  plunder!" 
as  it  times  their  rapid  march.  These  are  the  Hessian 
mercenaries  whom  Washington  surprised  and  thrashed 
so  well  at  Christmas  in  76.  And  now  grenadiers  and 
yagers,  horse,  foot,  and  artillery  that  rumbles  along 
making  the  windows  rattle,  have  all  passed  by.  The 
Fifteenth    Regiment    is    drawn   up    on   High    Street, 

"It  has  been  said  that,  with  others,  Tench  Coxe  went  out  to 
meet  Howe  to  ask  him  to  protect  the  city.  His  conduct,  however, 
was  such  that  he  was  attainted  of  treason,  and  it  is  also  true  that 
he  surrendered  himself  and  was  acquitted." — J.  M.  Hoppin. 

Hessians:  Early  in  1776  the  British  government  made  treat- 
ies with  various  German  petty  principalities  by  which  it  obtained 
mercenaries  for  the  war  in  America.  Under  this  treaty  the 
Landgrave  of  Hesse-Cassel  sent  17,000  troops,  the  Duke  of  Bruns- 
wick 6000,  the  Count  of  Hesse-Hanau  2400,  the  Margrave  of 
Anspach  2400,  the  Prince  of  Waldeck  and  the  Prince  of  Anhalt- 
Zerbst  about  1000  each.  In  all,  England  paid  the  princes  about 
nine  milHon  dollars.  The  Hessians,  on  the  whole,  fought  well. 
Some  of  them  settled  in  this  country  and  Nova  Scotia.  About 
17,000  returned  to  Germany. 


near  Fifth;  the  Forty-second  Highlanders  in  Chestnut 
below  Third;  and  the  artillery  is  parked  in  the  State 
House  yard.  All  the  afternoon  the  streets  are  full, — 
wagons  with  luggage  lumbering  along,  officers  in  scarlet 
riding  to  and  fro,  aides  and  orderlies  seeking  quarters 
for  their  different  officers.  Yonder  swarthy,  haughty- 
looking  man  dismounting  at  Norris's  door  is  my  Lord 
Rawdon.  Lord  Cornwallis  is  quartered  at  Peter 
Reeves's  in  Second,  near  Spruce,  and  Knyphausen  at 
Henry  Lisle's,  nearer  to  Dock  Street,  on  the  east. 
The  younger  officers  are  well  bestowed,  for  Dr.Franklin's 
house  has  been  taken  by  a  certain  clever  Captain 
Andre.  The  time  for  the  evening  parade  comes,  and 
the  well-equipped  regiments  are  drawn  up  in  line, 
while  slowly  to  the  strains  of  martial  music  the  sun 

Lord  Rawdon  came  to  America  as  a  British  soldier  in  1773. 
He  was  a  captain  at  Bunker  Hill.  As  an  aide  to  Sir  Henry  Clinton 
he  fought  at  Long  Island,  White  Plains,  Fort  Washington,  and 
at  Monmouth.  He  incurred  much  obloquy  for  the  execution 
of  Colonel  Isaac  Hayne.  He  was  afterward  made  Governor- 
general  of  India. 

Baron  Wilhelm  Knyphausen  came  to  America  as  second  in 
command  of  the  Hessians  in  1776.  In  1777  he  was  placed  in 
command  of  the  German  auxiliaries.  He  fought  at  Long  Island, 
White  Plains,  Fort  Washington,  and  Monmouth.  During  the 
absence  of  Sir  Henry  CHnton  he  was  in  command  of  New  York 

Major  John  Andre  (1751-1780)  was  the  Adjutant-general 
of  the  British  army.  He  was  sent  by  Clinton  to  arrange  with 
Arnold  the  details  of  the  latter 's  projected  treachery.  The  two 
had  a  secret  conference  near  Stony  Point.     On  his  way  back  he 


sinks  in  autumnal  splendor  in  the  west.  The  streets 
are  soon  in  shadow,  but  still  noisy  with  the  tramping  of 
soldiers  and  the  clatter  of  arms.  In  High  Street,  and 
on  the  commons,  fires  are  lit  for  the  troops  to  do  their 
cooking,  and  the  noises  of  the  camp  mingle  with  the 
city's  hum.  Most  of  the  houses  are  shut,  but  here  and 
there  one  stands  wide  open,  while  brilliantly  dressed 
officers  lounge  at  the  windows  or  pass  and  repass  in  the 
doorway.  The  sound  of  laughter  and  music  is  heard, 
and  the  brightly  lit  windows  of  the  London  Coffee 
House  and  the  Indian  Queen  tell  of  the  parties  that  are 
celebrating  there  the  event  they  think  so  glorious,  and 
thus,  amid  sounds  of  revelry,  the  night  falls  on  the 
Quaker  City.  In  spite  of  Trenton,  and  Princeton,  and 
Brandy  wine;  in  spite  of  the  wisdom  of  Congress,  and 
the  courage  and  skill  of  the  Commander-in-Chief;  in 
spite  of  the  bravery  and  fortitude  of  the  Continental 
army,  the  forces  of  the  king  are  in  the  Rebel  capital, 
and  the  "  all's  well  "  of  hostile  sentinels  keeping  guard 

was  stopped  by  three  men,  who  refused  all  the  rewards  which  he 
offered  them,  and  delivered  him  and  all  his  papers,  which  were  in 
Arnold's  handwriting,  to  the  nearest  American  officer.  A  military 
court  condemned  him  to  death  as  a  spy,  and  he  was  hanged  at 
Tappan  on  October  2,  1780.  He  was  buried  in  Westminster 
Abbey,  and  a  monument  was  many  years  afterward  erected  at 
Tappan  in  memory  of  the  affair. 

In  1683  Philadelphia  was  chosen  as  the  capital  of  the  colony, 
and  continued  to  be  such  for  117  years.  During  the  earlier 
part  of  the  Revolution  the  city  was  the  capital  of  the  colonies. 
The  occupation  of  the  city  at  this  time  necessitated  the  removal  of 


by  her  northern  border  passes  unchallenged  from  the 
Schuylkill  to  the  Delaware. 

What  matters  it  to  Sir  WiUiam  Howe  and  his  vic- 
torious army  if  rebels  be  starving  and  their  ragged 
currency  be  almost  worthless?  Here  is  gold  and  plenty 
of  good  cheer.  What  whether  they  threaten  to  attack 
the  British  lines  or  disperse  through  the  impoverished 
country  in  search  of  food?  The  ten  redoubts  that 
stretch  from  Fairmount  to  Cohocksink  Creek  are  stout 
and  strongly  manned,  the  river  is  open,  and  supplies 
and  reinforcements  are  on  the  way  from  England. 
What  if  the  earth  be  wrinkled  with  frost?  The  houses 
of  Philadelphia  are  snug  and  warm.  What  if  the 
rigorous  winter  have  begun  and  snow  be  whitening  the 
hills?  Here  are  mirth  and  music,  and  dancing  and  wine, 
and  women  and  play,  and  the  pageants  of  a  riotous 

the  Continental  Congress  to  Lancaster,  and  subsequently  to  York, 
Pennsylvania.     In  Philadelphia  the  preliminary  Congress  of  1774 
met;  the  Continental  Congress  sat;  the  Declaration  of  Inde- 
pendence and  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States  were  adopted,  . 
and  from  1790  to  1800  it  was  the  capital  of  the  nation. 

Sir  William  Howe  served  under  General  Wolfe  at  Quebec 
in  1759.  In  1775  he  succeeded  General  Gage  as  commander-in- 
chief  of  the  British  forces  in  America.  He  commanded  the 
British  troops  at  Bunker  Hill;  was  victorious  in  the  battles  of 
Long  Island  and  White  Plains.  He  defeated  Washington  at 
Brandywine  and  then  entered  Philadelphia.  After  repulsing  the 
American  attack  at  Germantown,  he  went  into  winter  quarters 
in  Philadelphia.  He  was  removed  from  his  command  in  1778  and 
superseded  by  Sir  Henry  Clmton.  He  was  a  well-educated  and 
successful  general,  but  was  indolent  or  perhaps  indifferent. 


capital!     And  so  with  feasting  and  with  revelry  let 
the  winter  wear  away! 


The  wind  is  cold  and  piercing  on  the  old  Gulf  Road, 
and  the  snow-flakes  have  begun  to  fall.  Who  is  this  that 
toils  up  yonder  hill,  his  footsteps  stained  with  blood? 
''  His  bare  feet  peep  through  his  worn-out  shoes,  his 
legs  nearly  naked  from  the  tattered  remains  of  an  only 
pair  of  stockings,  his  breeches  not  enough  to  cover  his 
nakedness,  his  shirt  hanging  in  strings,  his  hair  dis- 
hevelled, his  face  wan  and  thin,  his  look  hungry,  his 
whole  appearance  that  of  a  man  forsaken  and  neglected." 
On  his  shoulder  he  carries  a  rusty  gun,  and  the  hand  that 
grasps  the  stock  is  blue  with  cold.  His  comrade  is  no 
better  off,  nor  he  who  follows,  for  both  are  barefoot, 
and  the  ruts  of  the  rough  country  road  are  deep  and 
frozen  hard.  A  fourth  comes  into  view,  and  still 
another.  A  dozen  are  in  sight.  Twenty  have  reached 
the  ridge  and  there  are  more  to  come.  See  them  as  they 
mount  the  hill  that  slopes  eastward  into  the  great  valley. 
A  thousand  are  in  sight,  but  they  are  but  the  vanguard 
of  the  motley  company  that  winds  down  the  road  until 
it  is  lost  in  the  cloud  of  snow-flakes  that  have  hidden  the 
Gulf  hills.  Yonder  are  horsemen  in  tattered  uniforms, 
and  behind  them  cannon  lumbering  slowly  over  the 
frozen  road,  half  dragged,  half  pushed  by  men.  They 
who  appear  to  be  in  authority  have  coats  of  every  make 
and  color.  Here  is  one  in  a  faded  blue,  faced  with 
buckskin  that  has  once  been  buff;  there  is  another  on 


a  tall,  gaunt  horse,  wrapped  ''  in  a  sort  of  dressing-gown 
made  of  an  old  blanket  or  woolen  bed-cover."  A  few  of 
the  men  wear  long  linen  hunting-shirts  reaching  to  the 
knee,  but  of  the  rest  no  two  are  dressed  ahke, — not 
half  have  shirts,  a  third  are  barefoot,  many  are  in  rags. 
Nor  are  their  arms  the  same.  Cow-horns  and  tin 
boxes  they  carry  for  want  of  pouches.  A  few  have 
swords,  fewer  still  bayonets.  Muskets,  carbines, 
fowling-pieces,  and  rijfles  are  to  be  seen  together  side  by 

Are  these  soldiers  that  huddle  together  and  bow  their 
heads  as  they  face  the  biting  wind?  Is  this  an  army 
that  comes  straggling  through  the  valley  in  the  blinding 
snow?  No  martial  music  leads  them  in  triumph  into 
a  captured  capital;  no  city  full  of  good  cheer  and 
warm  and  comfortable  homes  awaits  their  coming;  no 
sound  keeps  time  to  their  steps  save  the  icy  wind  rat- 
tling the  leafless  branches  and  the  dull  tread  of  their 
weary  feet  on  the  frozen  ground.  In  yonder  forest  must 
they  find  their  shelter,  and  on  the  northern  slope  of 
these  inhospitable  hills  their  place  of  refuge.  Perils 
shall  soon  assault  them  more  threatening  than  any  they 
encountered  under  the  windows  of  Chew's  house  or 
by  the  banks  of  Brandy  wine.  Trials  that  rarely  have 
failed  to  break  the  fortitude  of  men  await  them  here. 
False  friends  shall  endeavor  to  undermine  their  virtue 
and  secret  enemies  to  shake  their  faith;  the  Congress 
whom  they  serve  shall  prove  helpless  to  protect  them, 
and  their  country  herself  seen  unmindful  of  their  suf- 
ferings; Cold  shall  share  their  habitations  and  Hunger 


enter  in  and  be  their  constant  guest;  Disease  shall  infest 
their  huts  by  day  and  Famine  stand  guard  with  them 
through  the  night;  Frost  shall  lock  their  camp  with 
icy  fetters  and  the  snows  cover  it  as  with  a  garment; 
the  storms  of  winter  shall  be  pitiless, — but  all  in  vain. 
Danger  shall  not  frighten  nor  temptation  have  power 
to  seduce  them.  Doubt  shall  not  shake  their  love  of 
country  nor  suffering  overcome  their  fortitude.  The 
powers  of  evil  shall  not  prevail  against  them,  for  they 
are  the  Continental  Army,  and  these  are  the  hills  of 
Valley  Forge  ! 

It  is  not  easy  to-day  to  imagine  this  country  as  it 
appeared  a  century  ago.  Yonder  city,  which  now  con- 
tains one-fourth  as  many  inhabitants  as  were  found 
in  those  days  between  Maine  and  Georgia,  was  a  town 
of  but  thirty  thousand  men,  and  at  the  same  time  the 
chief  city  of  the  continent.  The  richness  of  the  soil 
around  it  had  early  attracted  settlers,  and  the  farmers 
of  the  great  valley  had  begun  to  make  that  country 
the  garden  which  it  is  to-day;  but  from  the  top  of  this 
hill  one  could  still  behold  the  wilderness  under  cover  of 
which,  but  twenty  years  before,  the  Indian  had  spread 
havoc  through  the  back  settlements  on  the  Lehigh  and 
the  Susquehanna.  The  most  important  place  between 
the  latter  river  and  the  site  of  Fort  Pitt,  '^  at  the  junc- 

FoRT  Pitt  :  A  large  fortification,  erected  in  1759  by  the  British 
upon  the  site  of  Fort  Duquesne  at  the  junction  of  the  Mononga- 
hela  and  Allegheny  rivers.  Fort  Pitt  was  so  called  in  honor  of 
the  British  minister.     Its  site  is  now  in  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania. 


tion  of  the  Ohio,"  was  the  frontier  village  of  York,  where 
Congress  had  taken  refuge.  The  single  road  which 
connected  Philadelphia  with  the  western  country  had 
been  cut  through  the  forest  to  Harris's  Block-House 
but  forty  years  before.  It  was  half  a  century  only 
since  its  iron  ore  had  led  to  the  settlement  of  Lancaster, 
and  little  more  than  a  quarter  since  a  single  house  had 
marked  the  site  of  Reading.  The  ruins  of  Colonel 
Bull's  plantation — burned  by  the  British  on  their  march 
— lay  in  solitude  on  the  hills  which  are  covered  to-day 
with  the  roofs  and  spires  of  Norristown,  and  where 
yonder  cloud  hangs  over  the  furnaces  and  foundries  of 
Phoenixville  a  man  named  Gordon,  living  in  a  cave,  gave 
his  name  to  a  crossing  of  the  river.  Nor  was  this  spot 
itself  the  same.     A  few  small  houses  clustered  about 

Harris's  Block-House:  The  site  of  Harrisburg,  the  capital 
of  the  state. 

John  Bull  was  colonel  of  a  Pennsylvania  Regiment  and 
member  of  the  Board  of  War. 

The  proposition  to  retire  the  army  for  the  winter  gave  rise  to 
well-marked  differences  of  opinion.  Within  army  circles  the 
only  question  was  that  of  location.  Whether  it  should  fortify 
and  remain  where  it  was  at  Whitemarsh,  or  to  retire  to  the  Per- 
kiomen  hills,  or  move  south  and  occupy  the  vicinity  of  Wilming- 
ton, was  canvassed  by  the  leading  officers  of  the  army  and  whose 
opinions  were  sought  by  the  commander-in-chief.  In  selecting 
Valley  Forge  for  his  winter  quarters,  it  was  the  purpose  of 
Washington  to  give  the  greatest  measure  of  protection  possible 
to  the  state  of  Pennsylvania,  and  circumscribe  the  operations  of 
General  Howe  within  limits  that  would  seriously  affect  his  source 
of  supplies. 


Potts'  Forge,  where  the  creek  turabled  into  the  Schuyl- 
kill, and  two  or  three  near  the  river-bank  marked  the 
beginning  of  a  little  farm.  The  axe  had  cleared  much 
of  the  bottom-lands  and  fertile  fields  of  the  great  valley, 
but  these  hills  were  still  wrapped  in  forest  that  covered 
their  sides  far  as  the  eye  could  reach.  The  roads  that 
ascended  their  ridge  on  the  south  and  east  plunged  into 
densest  woods  as  they  climbed  the  hill  and  met  beneath 
its  shadow  at  the  same  spot  where  to-day  a  school- 
house  stands  in  the  midst  of  smiling  fields.  It  is  no 
wonder  that  Baron  de  Kalb,  as  he  gazed  on  the  forest 
of  oak  and  chestnut  that  covered  the  sides  and  summit 
of  Mount  Joy,  should  have  described  the  place  bitterly 
as  ''  a  wilderness." 


But  nevertheless  it  was  well  chosen.  There  was  no 
town  that  would  answer.  Wilmington  and  Trenton 
would  have  afforded  shelter,  but  in  the  one  the  army 
would  have  been  useless,  and  in  the  other  in  constant 
danger.  Reading  and  Lancaster  were  so  distant  that 
the  choice  of  either  would  have  left  a  large  district 
open  to  the  enemy,  and  both,  in  which  were  valuable 
stores,  could  be  better  covered  by  an  army  here. 
Equally  distant  with  Philadelphia  from  the  fords  of 
Brandywine  and  the  ferry  into  Jersey,  the  army  could 

"Potts'  Forge"  was  erected  by  Daniel  Walker  and  sold  to 
John  Potts  in  1757.  It  was  called  Mount  Joy  Forge  and  later 
Valley  Forge,  giving  its  name  to  the  camp. 


move  to  either  point  as  rapidly  as  the  British  themselves, 
and  while  distant  enough  from  the  city  to  be  safe  from 
surprise  or  sudden  attack  itself,  it  could  protect  the 
country  that  lay  between  and  at  the  same  time  be  a 
constant  menace  to  the  capital.  Strategically,  then, 
the  General  could  not  have  chosen  better.  And  the 
place  was  well  adapted  for  the  purpose.  The  Schuyl- 
kill, flowing  from  the  Blue  Hills,  bent  here  toward  the 
eastward.  Its  current  was  rapid  and  its  banks  precip- 
itous. The  Valley  Creek,  cutting  its  way  through  a 
deep  defile  at  right  angles  to  the  river,  formed  a  natural 
boundary  on  the  west.  The  hill  called  Mount  Joy,  at 
the  entrance  of  that  defile,  threw  out  a  spur  which, 
running  parallel  to  the  river  about  a  mile,  turned  at 
length  northward  and  met  its  banks.  On  the  one  side 
this  ridge  enclosed  a  rolhng  table-land;  on  the  other 
it  sloped  sharply  to  the  Great  Valley.  The  engineers 
under  Du  Portail  marked  out  a  line  of  intrenchments  four 
feet  high,  protected  by  a  ditch  six  feet  wide,  from  the 
entrance  of  the  Valley  Creek  defile  along  the  crest  of  this 
ridge  until  it  joined  the  bank  of  the  Schuylkill,  where 
a  redoubt  marked  the  eastern  angle  of  the  encampment. 
High  on  the  shoulder  of  Mount  Joy  a  second  line 
girdled  the  mountain  and  then  ran  northward  to  the 
river,  broken  only  by  the  hollow  through  which  the 
Gulf  Road  descended  to  the  Forge.     This  hollow  place 

Louis  Zebeque  Du  Portail,  a  French  officer  who  served  with 
distinction  under  Lafayette.  During  the  Reign  of  Terror  he 
escaped  death  by  exile  to  America. 


was  later  defended  by  an  abattis  and  a  triangular  earth- 

A  redoubt  on  the  east  side  of  Mount  Joy  commanded 
the  Valley  road,  and  another  behind  the  left  flank  of  the 
abatis  that  which  came  from  the  river,  while  a  star 
redoubt  on  a  hill  at  the  bank  acted  as  a  tete-de-pont  for 
the  bridge  that  was  thrown  across  the  Schuylkill. 
Behind  the  front  and  before  the  second  line  the  troops 
were  ordered  to  build  huts  for  winterquarters.  Four- 
teen feet  by  sixteen,  of  logs  plastered  with  clay,  these 
huts  began  to  rise  on  every  side.  Placed  in  rows,  each 
brigade  by  itself,  they  soon  gave  the  camp  the  appear- 
ance of  a  little  city.  All  day  long  the  axe  resounded 
among  the  hills,  and  the  place  was  filled  with  the  noise 
of  hammering  and  the  crash  of  falhng  trees.  "  I  was 
there  when  the  army  first  began  to  build  huts,"  wrote 
Paine  to  Frankhn.  "  They  appeared  to  me  hke  a  family 
of  beavers,  every  one  busy:  some  carrying  logs,  others 
plastering  them  together.  The  whole  was  raised  in  a 
few  days,  and  it  is  a  curious  collection  of  buildings  in  the 
true  rustic  order."  The  weather  soon  became  intensely 
cold.  The  Schuylkill  froze  over  and  the  roads  were 
blocked  with  snow,  but  it  was  not  until  nearly  the 
middle  of  January  that  the  last  hut  was  built  and  the 
army  settled  down  into  winter  quarters  on  the  bare  hill- 
sides.    Long  before  that  its  sufferings  had  begun. 

The  trials  which  have  made  this  place  so  famous  arose 
chiefly  from  the  incapacity  of  Congress.     It  is  true  that 

Tete-de-pont,  head  of  the  bridge. 


the  country  in  the  neighborhood  of  Philadelphia  was 
wellnigh  exhausted.  An  active  campaign  over  a  small 
extent  of  territory  had  drawn  heavily  on  the  resources 
of  this  part  of  Pennsylvania  and  the  adjacent  Jersey. 
Both  forces  had  fed  upon  the  country,  and  it  was  not 
so  much  disaffection  (of  which  Washington  wrote)  as 
utter  exhaustion,  which  made  the  farmers  of  the  de- 
vastated region  furnish  so  Uttle  to  the  army.  Nor 
would  it  have  been  human  nature  in  them  to  have  pre- 
ferred the  badly  printed,  often  counterfeited,  depreciated 
promise  to  pay  of  the  Americans  for  the  gold  which  the 
British  had  to  offer.  In  spite  of  the  efforts  of  McLa^^e's 
and  Lee's  Light-Horse  and  the  activity  of  Lacey,  of  the 
militia,  the  few  supplies  that  were  left  went  steadily 
to  Philadelphia,  and  the  patriot  army  remained  in  want. 
But  the  more  distant  States,  North  and  South,  could 
easily  have  fed  and  clothed  a  much  more  numerous 
army.  That  they  did  not  was  the  fault  of  Congress. 
That  body  no  longer  contained  the  men  who  had  made  it 
-  famous  in  the  years  gone  by.     Frankhn  was  in  Paris, 

Allan  McLane  joined  the  army  under  Washington  in  1776; 
discovered  weakness  of  Stony  Point  and  promoted  its  capture; 
also  discovered  weakness  of  Paulus  Hook  and  took  part  in  its 

John  Lacey  joined  the  army  before  he  was  twenty-three  years 
old;  head  of  a  brigade  of  militia. 

Henry  Lee,  a  member  of  the  distinguished  Lee  family  of 
Virginia.  He  attained  distinction  in  the  Revolutionary  war  as 
major  of  a  corps  called  ''Lee's  Legion,"  whence  he  derived  his 
epithet  of  "Light  Horse  Harry." 


where  John  Adams  was  about  to  join  him.  Jay, 
Jefferson,  Rutledge,  Livingston,  and  Henry  were  em- 
ployed at  home.  Hancock  had  resigned.  Samuel 
Adams  was  absent  in  New  England.  Men  much  their 
inferiors  had  taken  their  places. 

The  period,  inevitable  in  the  history  of  revolutions, 
had  arrived  when  men  of  the  second  rank  came  to  the 
front.  With  the  early  leaders  in  the  struggle  had  dis- 
appeared the  foresight,  the  breadth  of  view,  the  lofti- 
ness of  purpose,  and  the  self-sacrificing  spirit  belonging 
only  to  great  minds  which  had  marked  and  honored  the 
coxnmencement  of  the  struggle.  A  smaller  mind  had 
begun  to  rule,  a  narrower  view  to  influence,  a  personal 
feeling  to  animate  the  members.  Driven  from  Phila- 
delphia, they  were  in  a  measure  disheartened,  and  their 
pride  touched  in  a  tender  spot.     Incapable  of  the  loftier 

John  Adams,  second  president  of  the  United  States.  He  was 
one  of  the  five  that  drew  up  the  Declaration  of  Independence. 
After  a  brief  mission  to  France  in  1778,  he  was  again  sent  out,  in 
1779,  as  one  of  the  commissioners  to  negotiate  a  treaty  of  peace 
with  Great  Britain. 

John  Jay,  Chief  Justice  of  the  Supreme  Court.  In  1780  he 
became  minister  to  Spain,  and  was  soon  associated  with  Adams 
and  Frankhn  in  negotiating  peace.  Jay's  services  in  this  treaty 
were  conspicuous. 

Thomas  Jefferson,  the  third  president  of  the  United  States, 
was  born  in  Virginia.  He  became  active  in  the  Revolutionary- 
agitation,  but  his  activity  was  as  a  writer,  rather  than  a  speaker. 
He  is  remembered  for  his  draft  of  the  Declaration  of  Independence. 
His  political  theories  have  had  great  influence  upon  the  public  life 
of  America. 


sentiments  which  had  moved  their  predecessors,  they 
could  not  overcome  a  sense  of  their  own  importance,  and 
the  desire  to  magnify  their  office.  Petty  rivalries  had 
sprung  up  among  them,  and  sectional  feeling,  smothered 
in  74,  75,  and  76,  had  taken  breath  again,  and  asserted 
itself  with  renewed  vigor  in  the  recent  debates  on  the 
confederation.  But  if  divided  among  themselves  by 
petty  jealousies,  they  were  united  in  a  greater  jealousy 
of  Washington  and  the  army.  They  cannot  be  wholly 
blamed  for  this.  Taught  by  history  no  less  than  by  their 
own  experience  of  the  dangers  of  standing  armies  in  a 
free  state,  and  wanting  in  modern  history  the  single 
example  which  we  have  in  Washington  of  a  successful 
military  chief  retiring  voluntarily  into  private  life,  they 
judged  the  leader  of  their  forces  by  themselves  and  the 
ordinary  rules  of  human  nature.  Their  distrust  was 
not  unnatural  nor  wholly  selfish,  and  must  find  some 

Edward  Rutledge,  who  signed  the  Declaration  of  Independ- 
ence, was  a  South  Carolinian ;  he  was  a  member  of  the  committee 
that  drew  up  the  articles  of  Confederation;  commanded  a  com- 
pany of  artillery  at  Charleston;  at  one  time  Governor  of  South 

Robert  Livingston  was  a  delegate  to  the  Continental  Cong- 
ress; served  on  committee  that  drafted  Declaration  of  Independ- 
ence; was  secretary  of  foreign  affairs  from  1781-1783;  was  chan- 
cellor of  state  of  New  York,  and  in  this  position  administered  the 
oath  of  office  to  Washington  in  1789. 

Patrick  Henry,  noted  for  his  famous  arraignment  of  the 
Stamp  Act.  In  1775  occurred  his  "liberty  or  death"  speech. 
He  was  noted  for  his  eloquence,  but  did  not,  in  constructive 
statesmanship,  compare  with  some  of  the  other  great  Virginians. 


justification  in  the  exceptional  greatness  of  his  char- 

It  was  in  vain  that  he  called  on  them  to  dismiss  their 
doubts  and  trust  an  army  which  had  proved  faithful. 
In  vain  he  urged  them  to  let  their  patriotism  embrace, 
as  his  had  learned  to  do,  the  whole  country  with  an  equal 
fervor.  In  vain  he  pointed  out  that  want  of  organiza- 
tion in  the  army  was  due  to  want  of  union  among  them. 
They  continued  distrustful  and  unconvinced.  In  vain 
he  asked  for  a  single  army,  one  and  homogeneous. 
Congres,sinsisted_on  thirteen  distinct  armies,  each  under 
the  control  of  itsparticular  State.  The  effect  was  dis- 
astrous! The  personnel  of  the  army  was  continually 
changmg.  Each  State  had  its  own  rules,  its  own  sys- 
tem of  organization,  its  own  plan  of  making  enlistments. 
No  two  worked  together, — the  men's  terms  even  expir- 
ing at  the  most  dehcate  and  critical  times.  Pro- 
motion was  irregular  and  uncertain,  and  the  sense  of 
duty  was  impaired  as  that  of  responsibility  grew 
less.  Instead  of  an  organized  army,  Washington  com- 
manded a  disorganized  mob.     The  extraordinary  vir- 

JoHN  Hancock,  of  Massachussetts,  was  the  first  to  sign  the 
Declaration  of  Independence.  He  was  President  of  the  Conti- 
nental Congress  from  1775  to  1777.  He  was  a  man  of  strong 
and  popular  character. 

Samuel  Adams  was  one  of  the  leaders  of  the  Revolutionary 
patriots.  His  influence  in  shaping  public  sentiment  for  absolute 
independence  of  Great  Britain  was,  doubtless,  second  to  that  of 
no  one.  He  was  one  of  the  first  to  oppose  taxation  by  Parlia- 
ment, When  General  Gage  offered  pardon  to  the  Americans,  he 
excepted  Samuel  Adams  and  John  Hancock. 


tues  of  that  great  man  might  keep  the  men  together, 
but  there  were  some  things  which  they  could  not  do. 
Without  an  organized  quartermaster's  department 
the  men  could  not  be  clothed  or  fed.  At  first  mis- 
managed, this  department  became  neglected.  The 
warnings  of  Washington  were  disregarded,  his  appeals 
in  vain.  The  troops  began  to  want  clothing  soon  after 
Brandy  wine.  By  November  it  was  evident  that  they 
must  keep  the  field  without  blankets,  overcoats,  or 
tents.  At  Whitemarsh  they  lay,  half  clad,  on  frozen 
ground.  By  the  middle  of  December  they  were  in 
want  of  the  necessaries  of  life. 


''  We  are  ordered  to  march  over  the  river,"  writes 
Dr.  Waldo,  of  Colonel  Prentice's  Connecticut  Regiment, 
at  Swedes'  Ford,  on  December  12.  "  It  snows — I'm 
sick — eat  nothing — no  whiskey — no  baggage — Lord — 
Lord — Lord!  Till  sunrise  crossing  the  river,  cold  and 
uncomfortable."  ''  I'm  sick,"  he  goes  on  two  days  after, 
in  his  diary,  "  discontented,  and  out  of  humor.     Poor 

The  situation  of  the  camp  was  so  eminently  critical  on  the 
14th  of  February  that  General  Varnum  wrote  to  General  Greene 
that  "in  all  human  probability  the  army  must  dissolve."  On  the 
16th  of  the  same  month  Washington  wrote  to  Governor  Clinton, 
''For  some  days  there  has  been  httle  less  than  a  famine  in  camp. 
A  part  of  the  army  has  been  a  week  without  any  kind  of  flesh  and 
the  rest  three  or  four  days.  Naked  and  starved  as  they  are, 
we  cannot  enough  admire  the  incomparable  patience  and  fidelity 
of  the  soldiery  that  they  have  not  been  ere  this  excited  by  their 
sufferings  to  general  mutiny  and  desertion." 


food — hard  lodging — cold  weather — fatigued — nasty 
clothes — nasty  cookery — smoked  out  of  my  senses — I 
can't  endure  it.  Here  comes  a  bowl  of  soup,  sickish 
enough  to  make  a  Hector  ill.  Away  with  it,  boy — 
I'll  live  like  the  chameleon,  on  air."  On  the  19th  of 
December  they  reached  Valley  Forge.  By  the  21st 
even  such  a  bowl  of  soup  had  become  a  luxury.  "  A 
general  cry,"  notes  Waldo  again,  "through  the  camp~ 
this  evening:  '  No  meat,  no  meat.'  The  distant  vales 
echoed  back  the  melancholy  sound:  'No  meat,  no 
meat.'  "  It  was  literally  true.  On  the  next  day  Wash- 
ington wrote  to  the  President  of  Congress:  ''  I  do  not 
know  from  what  cause  this  alarming  deficiency,  or  rather 
total  failure  of  supplies,  arises,  but  unless  more  vigorous 
exertions  and  better  regulations  take  place  in  that  line 
immediately  this  army  must  dissolve.  I  have  done  all 
in  my  power  by  remonstrating,  by  writing,  by  ordering 
the  commissaries  on  this  head  from  time  to  time,  but 
without  any  good  effect  or  obtaining  more  than  a 
present  scanty  relief.  Owing  to  this  the  march  of  the 
army  has  been  delayed  on  more  than  one  interesting 
occasion  in  the  course  of  the  present  campaign;  and 
had  a  body  of  the  enemy  crossed  the  Schuylkill  this 
morning  (as  I  had  reason  to  expect  from  the  intelligence 
I  received  at  four  o'clock  last  night),  the  divisions  which 
I  ordered  to  be  in  readiness  to  march  and  meet  them 
could  not  have  moved."  Hardly  was  this  written 
when  the  news  did  come  that  the  enemy  had  come  out 
to  Darby,  and  the  troops  were  ordered  under  arms. 
/'  Fighting,"  responded  General  Huntington  when  he 




got  the  order,  "  will  be  far  preferable  to  starving.  My 
brigade  is  out  of  provisions,  nor  can  the  commissary 
obtain  any  meat."  ''  Three  days  successively,"  added 
Varnum,  of  Rhode  Island,  '^we  have  been  destitute  of 
bread,  two  days  we  have  been  entirely  without  meat." 
It  was  impossible  to  stir.  ''  And  this,"  wrote  Wash- 
ington, in  indignation,  "  brought  forth  the  only  com- 
missary in  camp,  and  with  him  this  melancholy  and 
alarming  truth,  that  he  had  not  a  single  hoof  to 
slaughter  and  not  more  than  twenty-five  barrels  of 
flour."  "  I  ainnjaw  convinced  beyond  a  doubt  that 
unless  some  great  .and .^capital  change  suddenly  takes 
place  in  that  line  this  army  must  inevitably  be  re-_ 
duced  to  one  or  other  of  these  three  things, — starve^- 
dissolve,  or  disperse  in  order  to  obtain  subsistence." 

But  no  change  was  destined  to  take  place  for  many 
suffering  weeks  to  come.  The  cold  grew  more  and  more 
intense,  and  provisions  scarcer  every  day.  Soon  all 
were  alike  in  want.  "  The  colonels  were  often  reduced 
to  two  rations,  and  sometimes  even  to  one.  The  army 
frequently  remained  whole  days  without  provisions," 
is  the  testimony  of  Lafayette.  "  We  have  lately  been 
in  an  alarming  state  for  want  of  provisions,"   says 

Jedediah  Huntington,  a  Harvard  graduate;  joined  Conti- 
nental army  near  Philadelphia  in  fall  of  1777;  was  on  the  court 
martial  that  tried  General  Lee;  was  a  member  of  the  first  board 
of  foreign  missions ;  died  at  New  London,  Connecticut,  September 
25,  1813. 

James  M.  Varnum  commanded  a  regiment  at  White  Plains; 
led  the  troops  at  Red  Bank;  served  under  Lafayette;  represented 
Rhode  Island  in  the  Continental  Congress. 


Colonel  Laurens,  on  the  17th  of  February.  "  The  army 
has  been  in  great  distress  since  you  left,"  wrote  Greene 
to  Knox  nine  days  afterwards;  ''the  troops  are  getting 
naked.  They  were  seven  days  without  meat,  and 
several  days  without  bread.  .  .  We  are  still  in  danger 
of  starving.  Hundreds  of  horses  have  already  starved 
to  death."  The  painful  testimony  is  full  and  uncon- 
tradicted. "  Several  brigades,"  wrote  Adjutant-Gen- 
eral Scammel  to  Timothy  Pickering,  early  in  February, 
*'  have  been  without  their  allowance  of  meat.  This 
is  the  third  day."  "  In  yesterday's  conference  with 
the  General,"  said  the  committee  of  Congress  sent  to 
report,  writing  on  the  12th  of  February,  "  he  informed 

John  Laurens  became  an  aide  to  Washington  at  the  outbreak 
of  the  Revolution.  He  fought  at  Brandywine,  Monmouth,  Ger- 
mantown,  Charleston,  and  Savannah.  He  also  fought  at  York- 
town,  and  while  serving  under  Greene,  was  killed  in  a  skirmish. 

Timothy  Pickering,  of  Massachusetts,  was  made  attorney- 
general  of  the  army  in  1776  and  member  of  the  board  of  war, 
and  in  1780  became  quartermaster-general,  materially  aiding 
Washington's  final  movements.  In  1791  he  negotiated  treaty 
with  the  Six  Nations.  In  1795  be  became  secretary  of  war,  and 
a  few  months  later  took  charge  of  the  State  Department.  He  was 
a  radical  Federalist,  and  his  vigorous  opposition  to  the  Embargo 
made  him  at  one  time  extremely  unpopular. 

Adjutant-general  Alexander  Scammel  was  born  in 
Massachusetts  in  1747.  In  1775  he  was  studying  law  with 
General  Sullivan,  when  he  left  his  law  books  and  joined  the  army 
at  Cambridge  as  Sullivan's  brigade-major.  He  was  with  him  in 
the  battles  of  Long  Island,  Trenton,  and  Princeton,  and  was  espe- 
cially distinguished  at  Saratoga.  From  1778  to  1781  he  was  adju- 
tant-general of  the  army.  He  was  mortally  wounded  at  Yorktown. 


us  that  some  brigades  had  been  four  days  without  meat, 
and  that  even  the  common  soldiers  had  been  at  his 
quarters  to  make  known  their  wants.  Should  the 
enemy  attack  the  camp  successfully,  your  artillery 
would  undoubtedly  fall  into  their  hands  for  want  of 
horses  to  remove  it.  But  these  are  smaller  and  toler- 
able evils  when  compared  with  the  imminent  danger 
of  your  troops  perishing  with  famine  or  dispersing  in 
search  of  food."  "  For  some  days  past  there  has  been 
little  less  than  a  famine  in  the  camp,"  writes  Washing- 
ton to  Clinton;  "  a  part  of  the  army  has  been  a  week 
without  any  kind  of  flesh,  and  the  rest  three  or  four 

Famished  for  want  of  food,  they  were  no  better  off  for 
clothes.  The  unfortunate  soldiers  were  in  want  of 
everything.     "  They  had  neither  coats,  hats,   shirts, 

Alexander  Hamilton  was  one  of  the  most  efficient  states- 
men and  founders  of  the  Republic.  As  a  leader  of  the  Federal- 
ist party,  and  with  a  firm  conviction  in  a  strong  government, 
he  made  use  of  his  opportunity  as  Secretary  of  the  Treasury 
to  place  the  finances  of  the  young  nation  on  a  firm  basis.  To 
him,  more  than  to  any  other,  is  due  the  stability  of  the  govern- 
ment, its  honorable  dealings  with  its  creditors,  and  the  busi- 
ness-like methods  of  conducting  its  finances.  In  1774,  while 
the  Revolutionary  fever  was  at  its  height,  he  made  a  speech 
in  behalf  of  the  colonists  which  was  marvelous  for  a  lad  of 
seventeen.  He  followed  this  up  by  a  vigorous  war  of  pam- 
phlets. When  hostilities  began,  he  organized  a  cavalry  com- 
pany, and  so  distinguished  himself  at  White  Plains  that  Wash- 
ington made  him  an  aide-de-camp  on  his  staff.  After  the 
surrender  at  Yorktown  he  studied  law  and  rose  to  eminence  at 
the  New  York  bar.     He  was  a  member  of  the  Federal  Conven- 


nor  shoes,"  wrote  the  Marquis  de  Lafayette.  "  The 
men,"  said  Baron  Steuben,  "  were  Uterally  naked, 
some  of  them  in  the  fullest  extent  of  the  word."  "  'Tis 
a  melancholy  consideration,"  were  the  words  of  Pick- 
ering, ''  that  hundreds  of  our  men  are  unfit  for  duty 
only  for  want  of  clothes  and  shoes."  Hear  Washington 
himself  on  the  23d  of  December:  "  We  have  (besides 
a  number  of  men  confined  to  hospitals  for  want  of 
shoes,  and  others  in  farm-houses  on  the  same  account), 
by  a  field  return,  this  day  made,  no  less  than  two 
thousand  eight  hundred  and  ninety-eight  men  now  in 
camp  unfit  for  duty,  because  they  are  barefoot  and 

tion  in  1787,  and  his  great  work  lay  in  his  efforts  to  persuade  the 
American  people  to  adopt  the  Federal  Constitution.  As  First 
Secretary  of  the  Treasury,  he  held  congress  firmly  to  the  duty  of 
paying  every  dollar  of  the  national  debt  at  its  face  value.  He  also 
prevailed  upon  Congress  to  assume  the  debts  incurred  by  the 
States  in  carrying  on  the  war,  and  thus  he  established  the  credit 
of  the  nation.  He  was  killed  in  a  duel  with  Aaron  Burr,  then 
vice-president,  and  died  July  12,  1804.     (See  page  65.) 

Baron  Steuben,  the  disciplinarian  of  the  American  Revo- 
lutionary army,  was  born  at  Magdeberg.  He  had  fought  in  the 
War  of  the  Austrian  Succession  and  also  through  the  Seven 
Years'  War.  He  became  an  aide-de-camp  to  Frederick  the 
Great.  Congress  appointed  him  inspector-general,  and  his 
services  in  drilling  the  troops  were  invaluable.  He  commanded 
the  left  wing  at  the  battle  of  Monmouth,  and  took  part  in  the 
siege  of  Yorktown.  He  was  a  member  of  the  board  that  de- 
cided the  fate  of  Andre.  He  identified  himself  even  more  than 
Lafayette  with  the  country  to  which  he  had  given  his  aid,  settling 
in  New  York,  and  receiving  from  Congress  in  his  last  years  a  grant 
of  land  near  Utica,  New  York. 


otherwise  naked.  Our  numbers  since  the  4th  instant, 
from  the  hardships  and  exposures  they  have  undergone 
(many  having  been  obUged  for  want  of  blankets  to  sit 
up  all  night  by  fires  instead  of  taking  rest  in  a  natural 
and  common  way),  have  decreased  two  thousand  men." 
By  the  1st  of  February  that  number  had  grown  to 
four  thousand,  and  there  were  fit  for  duty  but  five 
thousand  and  twelve,  or  one-half  the  men  in  camp. 
"  So,"  in  the  words  of  the  Hebrew  prophet,  "  they 
labored  in  the  work,  and  half  of  them  held  the  spears 
from  the  rising  of  the  morning  till  the  stars  appeared." 
Naked  and  starving  in  an  unusually  rigorous  winter, 
they  fell  sick  by  hundreds.  "  From  want  of  clothes 
"  their  feet  and  legs  froze  till  they  became  black,  and  it 
was  often  necessary  to  amputate  them."  Through  a 
want  of  straw  or  materials  to  raise  them  from  the  wet 
earth  (I  quote  again  from  the  committee  of  Congress) 
"  sickness  and  mortality  have  spread  through  their 
quarters  to  an  astonishing  degree.  The  small-pox  has 
broken  out.  Notwithstanding  the  diligence  of  the 
physicians  and  surgeons,  of  whom  we  hear  no  com- 
plaint, the  sick  and  dead  hst  has  increased  one-third 
in  the  last  week's  return,  which  was  one-third  greater 
than  the  week  preceding,  and  from  the  present  in- 
clement weather  will  probably  increase  in  a  much 
greater  proportion."  Well  might  Washington  ex- 
claim: "  Our  sick  naked  and  well  naked,  our  unfor- 
tunate men  in  captivity  naked!  Our  difficulties  and 
distresses  are  certainly  great,  and  such  as  wound  the  feel- 
ings of  humanity."     Nor  was  this  all.     What  many  had 


to  endure  beside,  let  Dr.  Waldo  tell:  ''  When  the  officer 
has  been  fatiguing  through  wet  and  cold,  and  returns 
to  his  tent  to  find  a  letter  from  his  wife  filled  with  the 
most  heart-aching  complaints  a  woman  is  capable  of 
writing,  acquainting  him  with  the  incredible  difficulty 
with  which  she  procures  a  httle  bread  for  herself  and 
children;  that  her  money  is  of  very  little  consequence 
to  her, — concluding  with  expressions  bordering  on 
despair  of  getting  sufficient  food  to  keep  soul  and  boc'y 
together  through  the  winter,  and  begging  him  to  con- 
sider that  charity  begins  at  home,  and  not  suffer  his 
family  to  perish  with  want  in  the  midst  of  plenty, — 
what  man  is  there  whose  soul  would  not  shrink  within 
him?  Who  would  not  be  disheartened  from  persevering 
in  the  best  of  causes— the  cause  of  his  country — when 
such  discouragements  as  these  lie  in  his  way  which  his 
country  might  remedy  if  it  would?" 

Listen  to  his  description  of  the  common  soldier: ''  See 
the  poor  soldier  when  in  health.  With  what  cheerful- 
ness he  meets  his  foes  and  encounters  every  hardship. 
If  barefoot,  he  labors  thro'  the  mud  and  cold  with  a 
song  in  his  mouth,  extolhng  war  and  Washington.  If 
his  food  be  bad  he  eats  it  notwithstanding  with  seeming 
content,  blesses  God  for  a  good  stomach,  and  whistles 

Dr.  Albigence  Waldo  was  born  at  Pomfret,  Connecticut, 
February  27,  1750.  At  outbreak  of  Revolutionary  War  he  was 
made  a  surgeon's  mate  in  the  army,  but  on  account  of  feeble 
health  was  soon  discharged.  He  won  distinction  at  Valley  Forge 
through  his  services  in  inoculating  the  troops  against  small-pox, 
He  died  January  29,  1794. 


it  into  digestion.  But  harkee!  Patience  a  moment! 
There  comes  a  soldier,  and  cries  with  an  air  of  wretched- 
ness and  despair,  '  I'm  sick;  my  feet  lame;  my  legs  are 
sore;  my  body  covered  with  this  tormenting  itch;  my 
clothes  are  worn  out;  my  constitution  is  broken;  my 
former  activity  is  exhausted  by  fatigue,  hunger,  and 
cold;  I  fail  fast;  I  shall  soon  be  no  more!  And  ah  the 
reward  I  shall  get  will  be,  '  Poor  Will  is  dead! '  "  And 
in  the  midst  of  this  they  persevered!  Freezing,  starving, 
dying,  rather  than  desert  their  flag  they  saw  their  loved 
ones  suffer,  but  kept  the  faith.  And  the  American  yeo- 
man of  the  Revolution  remaining  faithful  through  that 
winter  is  as  splendid  an  example  of  devotion  to  duty  as 
that  which  the  pitying  ashes  of  Vesuvius  have  pre- 
served through  eighteen  centuries  in  the  figure  of  the 
Roman  soldier  standing  at  his  post,  unmoved  amid  all 
the  horrors  of  Pompeii.  ''  The  Guard  die,  but  never 
surrender,"  was  the  phrase  invented  for  Cambronne. 
"  My  comrades  freeze  and  starve,  but  they  never  for- 
sake me,"  might  be  put  into  the  mouth  of  Washington. 

A  thousand  years  after  an  eruption  of  Vesuvius  had  buried 
Pompeii  beneath  its  burning  lava  explorers  laid  bare  the  ruins  of 
the  ill-fated  city.  There  the  unfortunate  inhabitants  were  found, 
just  as  they  were  overtaken  by  the  stream  of  fire.  The  Roman 
sentinel  was  found  standing  at  his  post,  his  skeleton  hand  still, 
grasping  the  hilt  of  his  sword,  his  attitude  that  of  a  faithful  officer. 

Count  Pierre  Jacques  Etienne  Cambronne,  a  celebrated 
French  general  who  accompanied  Napoleon  to  Elba.  He  is  the 
reputed  author  of  the  expression,  "The  guard  dies,  but  never 
surrenders,"  incorrectly  said  to  have  been  used  by  him  at  Waterloo 
when  asked  to  surrender. 


"  Naked  and  starving  as  they  are,"  writes  one  of 
their  officers,  "  we  cannot  sufficiently  admire  the  incom- 
parable patience  and  fidehty  of  the  soldiery  that  they 
have  not  been  ere  this  excited  by  their  sufferings  to  a 
general  mutiny  and  desertion."  ''  Nothing  can  equal 
their  sufferings,"  says  the  committee,  '^  except  the 
patience  and  fortitude  with  which  they  bear  them." 
Greene's  account  to  Knox  is  touching:  "  Such  patience 
and  moderation  as  they  manifested  under  their  suffer- 
ings does  the  highest  honor  to  the  magnanimity  of  the 
American  soldiers.  The  seventh  day  they  came  before 
their  superior  officers  and  told  their  sufferings  as  if 
they  had  been  humble  petitioners  for  special  favors. 

Henry  Knox  gave  up  his  trade  as  a  bookseller  and  became  an 
artillery  officer;  fought  at  Bunker  Hill;  was  made  brigadier- 
general  of  artillery;  and  fought  with  distinction  at  Trenton, 
Brandywine,  Monmouth,  and  Yorktown.  Washington  ap- 
pointed him  as  Secretary  of  War  in  his  first  cabinet. 

Nathaniel  Greene,  a  native  of  Rhode  Island,  was  a  farmer 
and  blacksmith.  He  educated  himself  while  working  at  the 
forge.  He  studied  Euclid,  Caesar's  Commentaries,  Marshal 
Turenne's  works.  Sharp's  Military  Guide,  Blackstone's  Com- 
mentaries, etc.  He  was  commissioned  brigadier-general  in  1775. 
He  fought  at  Trenton,  Princeton,  and  saved  the  army  from 
defeat  at  Brandywine  by  a  rapid  march  and  skilful  management. 
He  presided  at  the  trial  of  Major  Andre.  He  succeeded  Gates 
in  command  of  the  southern  forces.  His  celebrated  retreat  from 
South  Carolina  across  North  Carolina  into  Virginia  won  for  him 
a  high  rank  in  the  estimation  of  military  men.  Congress  pre- 
sented him  with  two  pieces  of  ordnance  taken  from  the  British 
as  a  public  testimony  of  his  skill  in  managing  the  southern 
department.  By  his  skill  in  military  movements  he  proved 
himself  one  of  the  most  brilliant  generals  of  that  time. 


Built  by  Letitia  Aubrey,  daughter  of  William  Penn,  in  1705. 
Restored  by  Valley  Forge  Park  Commission  in  1907. 
Used  as  a  hospital  in  winter  of  1777-1778. 


They  added  that  it  would  be  impossible  to  continue 
/    in^camp   any   longer   without  support."     In  March, 
/  /Thomas  Wharton  writes  in  the  name  of  Pennsylvania :  ^ 
^  \/'  The  unparalleled   patience   and  magnanimity  withy 

which  the   army  under  your  Excellency's   command 

_    have  endured  the  hardships  attending  their  situation, 

unsupplied  as  they  have  been  through  an  uncommonly 

severe  winter,  is  an  honor  which  posterity  will  consider 

as  more  illustrious  than  could  have  been  derived  to 

them  by  a  victory  obtained  by  any  sudden  and  vigorous 

\      exertion. '^^  ''  I    would    cherish    these    dear,    ragged 

Continentals,  whose  patience  will  be  the  admiration 

of  future   ages,   and  glory  in  bleeding  with  them," 

cried  John  Laurens  in  the  enthusiasm  of  youth.     ^'  The 

patience  and  endurance  of  both  soldiers  and  officers 

was  a  miracle  which  each  moment  served  to  renew," 

said  Lafayette  in  his  old  a^e.     But  the  noblest  tribute 

comes  from  the  pen  of  ;b^  who  kAew  "them  best: 

/t  Without  arrogance  or  the  smallest  deviation  from 

/  truth,  it  may  be  said  that  no  history  now  extant  can 

/  furnish  an  instance  of  an  army's  suffering  such  uncom- 

^   mon  hardships  as  ours  has  done,  and  bearing  them  with 

'     the  same  patience  and  fortitude.     To  see  men  without 

clothes  to  cover  their  nakedness,  without  blankets  to  lie 

on,  without  shoes  (for  the  want  of  which  their  marches 

Thomas  Wharton  was  a  zealous  opponent  of  the  oppressive 
measures  of  England  toward  the  colonies.  He  was  chosen  a 
member  of  the  Philadelphia  Committee  of  Safety,  and  became 
president  one  year  later.  He  was  president  of  Pennsylvania  from 
1777  to  1778. 


might  be  traced  by  the  blood  from  their  feet) ,  and  almost 
as  often  without  provisions  as  with  them,  marching 
through  the  frost  and  snow,  and  at  Christmas  taking 
up  their  winter-quarters  within  a  day's  march  of  the 
enemy  without  a  house  or  a  hut  to  cover  them  till  they 
could  be  built,  and  submitting  without  a  murmur,  is  a 
proof  of  patience  and  obedience  which  in  my  opinion 
can  scarce  be  paralleled.'^  Such  was  Washington's 
opini©Be-ef-4he-so-ldi^r&  of  Galley  Forge. 


Americans,  who  have  gathered  on  the  broad  bosom 
of  these  hills  to-day,  if  heroic  deeds  can  consecrate  a 
spot  of  earth,  if  the  living  be  still  sensible  of  the  example 
of  the  dead,  if  courage  -be  yet  a  common  virtue  and 
patience  in  suffering  be  still  honorable  in  your  sight,  if 
freedom  be  any  longer  precious  and  faith  in  humanity 
be  not  banished  from  among  you,  if  love  of  country  still 

What  was  Washington's  opinion  of  his  soldiers?  Compare 
the  condition  of  the  American  soldiers  at  Valley  Forge  with  the 
British  soldiers  in  Philadelphia. 

Compare  the  present  condition  of  our  country  with  what  it  was 
at  the  time  when  Washington's  army  encamped  at  Valley  Forge. 

How  does  this  Christmas  compare  with  the  Christmas  cele- 
bration at  Trenton? 

Name  the  heroic  deeds  that  consecrated  Valley  Forge. 

What  is  the  meaning  of  the  expression,  ''If  the  living  be  still 
sensible  of  the  example  of  the  dead"? 

Is  patriotism  a  virtue?  In  what  does  love  of  country  consist? 
Distinguish  between  partisanship  and  patriotism.  What  is 
heroism?  In  what  respect  were  the  soldiers  at  Valley  Forge 
heroes?     What  are  the  lessons  of  this  place? 


find  a  refuge  among  the  hearts  of  men,  "  take  your 
shoes  from  off  your  feet,  for  the  place  on  which  you 
stand  is  holy  ground." 


And  who  are  the  leaders  of  the  men  whose  heroism 
can  sanctify  a  place  like  this?  Descend  the  hill  and 
wander  through  the  camp.  The  weather  is  intensely 
cold  and  the  smoke  hangs  above  the  huts.  On  the 
plain  behind  the  front  line  a  few  general  officers  are 
grouped  about  a  squad  whom  the  new  inspector,  the 
German  Baron,  is  teaching  some  manoeuvre.  Bodies 
of  men  here  and  there  are  dragging  wagons  up-hill 
(for  the  horses  have  starved  to  death)  or  carrying  fuel 
for  fires,  without  which  the  troops  would  freeze.  The 
huts  are  deserted  save  by  the  sick  or  naked,  and  as 
you  pass  along  the  street  a  poor  fellow  peeps  out  at 
the  door  of  one  and  cries,  " No  bread,  no  soldier!" 

These  are  the  huts  of  Huntington's  brigade,  of  the 
Connecticut  line;  next  to  it  those  of  Pennsylvanians 
under  Conway.  This  is  the  Irish-Frenchman  soon  to 
disappear  in  a  disgraceful  intrigue.  Here  in  camp  there 
are  many  who  whisper  that  he  is  a  mere  adventurer, 
but  in  Congress  they  still  think  him  "  a  great  military 
character."     Down^  towards    headquarters    are    the 

Thomas  Conway  came  to  the  United  States  in  1777  and  was 
made  a  brigadier-general.  He  was  leader  of  the  conspiracy 
against  Washington  known  as  the  ''Conway  Cabal,"  on  account 
of  which  he  was  wounded  in  a  duel  with  General  John  Cadwalader. 


Southerners,  commanded  by  Lachlin  Mcintosh,  in 
his  youth  ''the  handsomest  man  in  Georgia."  Beyond 
Conway,  on  the  hill,  is  Maxwell,  a  gallant  Irishman, 
commissioned  by  New  Jersey.  Woodford,  of  Virginia, 
commands  on  the  right  of  the  second  hne,  and  in  front 
of  him  the  Virginian  Scott.  The  next  brigade  in  order 
are  Pennsylvanians, — many  of  them  men  whose  homes 
are  in  this  neighborhood, — Chester  County  boys  and 
Quakers  from  the  Valley  turned  soldier  for  their  coun- 
try's sake.    They  are  the  children  of  three  races :  the  hot 

Lachlin  McIntosh  was  born  near  Inverness,  Scotland,  in 
1727;  emigrated  to  Georgia;  rose  to  the  rank  of  brigadier-general 
in  the  Continental  army. 

William  Maxwell  of  New  Jersey  was  made  colonel  of  Second 
New  Jersey  regiment  in  1775;  appointed  brigadier-general  in 
1776;  fought  in  battles  of  Brandy  wine,  Germantown,  and  Mon- 
mouth; participated  in  Sullivan's  campaigns  in  1779;  died 
November  12,  1798. 

William  Woodford,  of  Virginia,  was  born  in  1735.  In  1775 
was  appointed  colonel  Second  Virginia  regiment,  and  afterward 
became  head  of  First  Virginia  Brigade;  wounded  at  battle  of 
Brandywine;  died  November  13,  1780. 

The  Virginian  Scott  (Charles  Scott)  was  born  in  Virginia 
in  1733;  was  made  a  corporal  of  a  Virginia  company  in  the  battle 
of  Monongahela  when  Bradford  was  defeated  in  1755.  When  the 
Revolution  broke  out,  he  raised  the  first  organized  regiment 
south  of  the  James  River  for  the  Continental  service.  On  August 
12,  1776,  he  was  appointed  colonel,  and  was  distinguished  at 
Trenton  and  Princeton;  just  a  year  later  was  promoted  to 
brigadier-general.  He  was  the  last  officer  to  leave  the  field  at 
Monmouth  in  1778;  took  a  prominent  part  in  the  storming  of 
Stony  Point,  and  the  next  year  was  with  Lincoln  at  Charleston, 
when  he  was  made  a  prisoner;  moved  to  Kentucky,  and  was 


Irish  blood  mixes  with  the  colder  Dutch  in  their  calm 
English  veins,  and  some  of  them — their  chief,  for  in- 
stance— are  splendid  fighters.  There  he  is  at  this 
moment  riding  up  the  hill  from  his  quarters  in  the  valley. 
A  man  of  medium  height  and  strong  frame,  he  sits  his 
horse  well  and  with  a  dashing  air.  His  nose  is  promi- 
nent, his  eye  piercing,  his  complexion  ruddy,  his  whole 
appearance  that  of  a  man  in  splendid  health  and  flowing 
spirits.  He  is  just  the  fellow  to  win  by  his  headlong 
valor  the  nickname  of  "  The  Mad."  But  he  is  more 
than  a  mere  fighter.  Skilful,  energetic,  full  of  resources 
and  presence  of  mind,  quick  to  comprehend  and  prompt 
to  act,  of  sound  judgment  and  extraordinary  courage, 
he  has  in  him  the  qualities  of  a  great  general,  as  he  shall 
show  many  a  time  in  his  short  life  of  one-and-fifty  years. 
Pennsylvania,  after  her  quiet  fashion,  may  not  make  as 
much  of  his  fame  as  it  deserves,  but  impartial  history 
will  allow  her  none  the  less  the  honor  of  having  given 
its  most  brilliant  soldier  to  the  Revolution  in  her 
Anthony  Wayne.  Poor,  of  New  Hampshire,  is  en- 
camped next,    and   then   Glover,   whose   regiment   of 

elected  Governor  in  1808.  His  education  was  limited;  was  blunt 
in  manners  and  decidedly  eccentric. 

Anthony  Wayne:  For  biographical  sketch,  see  page  23. 

Enoch  Poor,  of  New  Hampshire,  accompanied  Schuyler's 
expedition  to  Canada  in  1776;  led  the  attack  at  Saratoga;  served 
under  Lafayette  at  Monmouth,  and  led  a  brigade  against  the 
Six  Nations  in  1779;  in  1780  was  placed  in  command  of  two 
brigades;  was  killed  in  a  duel  with  a  French  officer  near  Hacken- 
sack.  New  Jersey,  September  8,  1780. 

John  Glover  was  born,  in  Salem,  Massachusetts,  November 



Marblehead  sailors  and  fishermen  manned  the  boats 
that  saved  the  army  on  the  night  of  the  retreat  from 
Long  Island.  Learned,  Patterson,  and  Weedon  follow, 
and  then  at  the  corner  of  the  intrenchments  by  the 
river  is  the  Virginian  brigade  of  Muhlenberg.  Born 
at  the  Trappe,  close  by,  and  educated  abroad,  Muhlen- 
berg was  a  clergyman  in  Virginia  when  the  war  came  on, 
but  he  has  doffed  his  parson's  gown  forever  for  the 

5,  1732.  At  the  beginning  of  the  Revolution  he  raised  1000  men 
at  Marblehead,  and  joined  the  army  at  Cambridge.  His  regi- 
ment, being  composed  of  fishermen,  was  called  the  "Amphibious 
Regiment,"  and  in  retreat  from  Long  Island  manned  the  boats. 
It  also  manned  the  boats  at  the  crossing  of  the  Delaware.  He 
was  made  a  brigadier-general  in  1777,  and  joined  the  northern 
army  under  General  Schuyler.  He  led  Burgoyne's  captives  to 
Cambridge.     Died  June  30,  1797. 

John  Patterson  was  an  active  patriot  in  Massachusetts  at 
the  outbreak  of  the  Revolution;  member  of  Provincial  Con- 
gress; after  the  affair  at  Lexington  went  with  a  regiment  of 
militia  to  Cambridge;  in  battles  of  Trenton,  Princeton,  and 
Monmouth;  remained  in  service  to  close  of  war;  member  of 
Congress  1803-1805;  died  in  Lisle,  New  York,  July,  19,  1808. 

George  Weedon,  born  at  Fredericksburg,  Virginia,  1730, 
was  a  tavern  keeper  before  the  Revolution;  had  a  brigade  in 
battle  of  Brandy  wine  and'  Germantown;  dissatisfied  with  his 
rank  and  resigned  service  at  Valley  Forge;  resumed  his  command 
in  1780;  was  in  siege  of  Yorktown;  died  in  1790.  His  orderly 
book  at  Valley  Forge  has  been  published. 

John  Peter  Gabriel  Muhlenberg,  born  at  Trappe,  Pa., 
October  1,  1746;  died  near  Philadelphia  October  1,  1807.  At  the 
outbreak  of  the  Revolution  he  was  pastor  of  a  church  at  Wood- 
stock, Virginia.  He  enlisted  as  a  colonel  in  1775'  "He  won  distinc- 
tion at  Brandywine,  Monmouth,  Stony  Point,  and  Yorktown. 


buff  and  blue  of  a  brigadier.  His  stalwart  form  and 
swarthy  face  are  already  as  familiar  to  the  enemy  as 
they  are  to  his  own  men,  for  the  Hessians  are  said  to 
have  cried,  "  Hier  kommt  teufel  Pete!"  as  they  saw 
him  lead  a  charge  at  Brandy  wine.  The  last  brigade 
is  stationed  on  the  river-bank,  where  Varnum  and  his 
Rhode  Islanders,  in  sympathy  with  young  Laurens,  of 
Carolina,  are  busy  with  a  scheme  to  raise  and  enlist 
regiments  of  negro  troops.  These  are  the  commanders 
of  brigades.  The  major-generals  are  seven, — portly 
Wilham  Alexander,  of  New  Jersey,  who  claims  to  be  the 
Earl  of  Stirhng,  but  can  fight  for  a  republic  bravely 
nevertheless;  swarthy  John  Sulhvan,  of  New  Hampshire, 
a  little  headstrong  but  brave  as  a  lion;  Steuben,  the 
Prussian  martinet,  who  has  just  come  to  teach  the 

Name  the  brigade  commanders.     The  major-generals. 

"Hier  kommt  teufel  Pete!" — Here  comes  devil  Pete. 

William  Alexander,  of  New  York,  called  Lord  Stirling,  was 
born  in  New  York  City.  In  1757,  he  laid  claim  before  the  House 
of  Lords  to  the  earldom  of  Stirhng,  but  in  vain.  In  1775  he 
became  a  colonel  in  the  Revolutionary  army,  a  brigadier-general 
in  1776,  and  a  major-general  in  1777.  He  distinguished  himself 
at  Brandy  wine,  Germantown,  and  Monmouth. 

John  Sullivan,  of  New  Hampshire,  was  a  delegate  to  the 
First  Continental  Congress;  was  appointed  a  brigadier-general  in 
1775;  a  major-general  in  1776.  He  led  the  right  wing  at  Brandy- 
wine  and  Germantown, 

Martinet,  said  to  be  so  called  from  General  Martinet,  who 
regulated  the  French  infantry  in  the  reign  of  Louis  XIV;  it  has 
come  to  mean  a  rigid  disciplinarian,  especially  in  the  army  or 


army;  DeKalb, — self-sacrificing  and  generous  DeKalb, 
— whose  honest  breast  shall  soon  bear  eleven  mortal 
wounds  received  in  the  service  of  America;  Lafayette, 
tall,  with  auburn  hair, — the  French  boy  of  twenty 
with  an  old  man's  head, — just  recovering  from  the 
wounds  of  Brandy  wine;  and  last  and  greatest  of  them 
all,  Nathaniel  Greene,  the  Quaker  blacksmith  from 
Rhode  Island,  in  all  great  qualities  second  only  to  the 
Chief  himself.  Yonder  is  Henry  Knox,  of  the  artillery, 
as  brave  and  faithful  as  he  is  big  and  burly,  and  the 
Pole,  Pulaski,  a  man  "  of  hardly  middle  stature,  of  sharp 
countenance  and  lively  air."  Here  are  the  Frenchmen, 
Du  Portail,  Dubryson,  Duplessis,  and  Duponceau. 
Here  are  Timothy  Pickering  and  Light-Horse  Harry 
Lee,  destined  to  be  famous  in  Senate,  Cabinet,  and 
field.     Here  are  Henry  Dearborn  and  Wilham  Hull, 

Baron  Johann  DeKalb  was  born  in  Bavaria  in  1721,  and  died 
near  Camden,  South  Carolina,  1780.  He  entered  the  French 
service  in  1743  and  the  American  service  in  1777,  and  was  mortally 
wounded  at  Camden,  1780.     He  was  a  peasant  by  birth. 

Nathaniel  Greene  and  Henry  Knox:  For  sketches,  see  p.  52. 
Kazimierz  Pulaski  was  outlawed  for  leading  the  insurgents 
in  Poland,  and  came  to  America  in  1777.  He  was  placed  on 
Washington's  staff,  and  rendered  valuable  assistance  at  Brandy- 
wine  and  Germantown.  He  was  given  command  of  a  body  of 
foreigners,  deserters,  and  prisoners  of  war  which  became  famous 
as  "  Pulaski's  Legion."     At  Savannah  he  was  mortally  wounded. 

DupoRTAiL,  Dubryson,  Duplessis,  and  Duponceau,  French- 
men who  came  to  America  and  espoused  the  cause  of  the  colonies. 

Henry  Dearborn,  captain  at  Bunker  Hill;  distinguished 
himself  at  the  battles  of  Stillwater,  Saratoga,  and  Monmouth. 
He  was  Secretary  of  War  in  Jefferson's  cabinet. 


whose  paths  in  life  shall  one  day  cross  again,  and  John 
Laurens  and  Tench  Tilghman,  those  models  of  accom- 
phshed  manhood,  destined  so  soon  to  die! 

Does  that  silent  boy  of  twenty,  who  has  just  ridden 
by  with  a  message  from  Lord  Stirling,  imagine  that  one 
day  the  doctrine  which  shall  keep  the  American  conti- 
nent free  from  the  touch  of  European  pohtics  shall  be 
forever  associated  with  the  name  of  James  Monroe? 
Does  yonder  tall,  awkward  youth,  in  the  Third  Virginia, 

William  Hull,  for  distinguished  service,  attained  the  rank  of 
major.  In  1812  he  was  placed  in  command  of  the  army  of  the 
Northwest,  with  headquarters  at  Detroit.  He  surrendered 
Detroit  to  the  British  and  was  sentenced  to  death  for  this 
act,  but  was  reprieved  by  Madison. 

Tench  Tilghman,  born  in  Baltimore,  1744;  in  1776  became 
an  aide  to  Washington;  also  became  his  confidential  secretary 
until  the  close  of  the  war.  He  served  without  pay  for  five  years, 
and  was  in  every  action  in  which  the  main  army  was  concerned; 
sent  by  Washington  to  announce  to  Congress  the  surrender  of 
Cornwallis;  was  highly  commended  to  Congress  as  worthy  of 
great  consideration.     He  died  April  18,  1786. 

James  Monroe,  the  fifth  president  of  the  United  States,  at 
the  outbreak  of  the  Revolution  left  William  and  Mary  College 
and  entered  the  Revolutionary  army  at  the  early  age  of  eighteen. 
He  distinguished  himself  in  several  battles.  He  was  minister  to 
France  and  England  and  was  Secretary  of  State  under  Madison. 
As  minister,  his  most  important  work  was  the  negotiation  with 
R.  R.  Livingston  for  the  purchase  of  the  province  of  Louisiana. 
President  Monroe  sent  a  message  to  Congress  in  which  he  an- 
nounced what  has  always  since  been  known  as  "The  Monroe 
Doctrine."  In  substance  this  doctrine  was  a  declaration  of 
independence  for  the  whole  of  America. 


who  bore  a  musket  so  gallantly  at  Brandywine,  dream, 
as  he  lies  there  shivering  in  his  little  hut  on  the  slopes  of 
Mount  Joy,  that  in  the  not  distant  future  it  is  he  that 
shall  build  up  the  jurisprudence  of  a  people,  and  after  a 
Hfe  of  usefulness  and  honor  bequeath  to  them,  in  the 
fame  of  John  Marshall,  the  precious  example  of  a  great 
and  upright  Judge?  Two  other  youths  are  here, — 
both  of  small  stature  and  hthe,  active  frame, — of  the 
same  rank  and  almost  the  same  age,  whose  ambitious 
eyes  alike  look  forward  already  to  fame  and  power  in 
law  and  politics.  But  not  even  his  own  aspiring 
spirit  can  foretell  the  splendid  rise,  the  dizzy  elevation, 
and  the  sudden  fall  of  Aaron  Burr — nor  can  the  other 

John  Marshall,  the  great  American  Jurist,  was  born  in 
Germantown,  Virginia.  He  spent  five  years  in  the  Revolutionary 
arm3^  After  the  war  he  applied  himself  to  the  study  of  law  and 
rose  rapidly  in  his  profession.  In  1801  President  Adams  ap- 
pointed him  Chief  Justice  of  the  Supreme  Court,  which  position 
he  held  till  his  death.  Six  men  occupied  the  presidential  chair, 
and  eighteen  congresses  met  during  his  term  as  Chief  Justice. 

Aaron  Burr,  the  grandson  of  Jonathan  Edwards,  joined  the 
army  at  the  outbreak  of  the  Revolution,  and  served  in  Arnold's 
famous  expedition  through  Maine  to  Canada,  and  afterward 
rose  to  the  rank  of  colonel.  He  was  one  of  the  leading  lawyers  at 
the  New  York  bar.  In  the  presidential  contest  of  1800-01 
Colonel  Burr  and  Thomas  Jefferson  each  received  73  electoral 
votes,  and  the  House  of  Representatives  chose  Jefferson  for 
president  and  Burr  for  vice-president.  A  bitter  political  contro- 
versy between  Burr  and  Hamilton  led  to  a  duel  between  the  two 
at  Weehawken,  July  11,  1804,  in  which  Hamilton  was  mortally 
wounded.  He  spent  many  years  in  exile,  and  when  he  returned 
to  America,  he  was  shunned  by  his  neighbors. 


foresee  that  the  time  will  never  come  when  his  country- 
men will  cease  to  admire  the  genius  and  lament  the  fate 
of  Alexander  Hamilton! 


And  what  shall  I  say  of  him  who  bears  on  his  heart 
the  weight  of  all?  Who  can  measure  the  anxieties  that 
afflict  his  mind?  Who  weigh  the  burdens  that  he  has 
to  bear?  Who  but  himself  can  ever  know  the  respon- 
sibilities that  rest  upon  his  soul?  Behold  him  in  yonder 
cottage,  his  lamp  burning  steadily  through  half  the 
winter  night,  his  brain  never  at  rest,  his  hand  always 
busy,  his  pen  ever  at  work ;  now  counselling  with  Greene 
how  to  clothe  and  feed  the  troops,  or  with  Steuben  how 
to  reorganize  the  service;  now  writing  to  Howe  about 
exchanges,  or  to  Livingston  about  the  relief  of  prisoners, 
or  to  CHnton  about  suppHes,  or  to  Congress  about 
enlistments  or  promotions  or  finances  or  the  French 
AlHance;  opposing  foolish  and  rash  councils  to-day, 
urging  prompt  and  rigorous  policies  to-morrow;  now 
calming  the  jealousy  of  Congress,  now  soothing  the 
wounded  pride  of  ill-used  officers;  now  answering  the 

Alexander  Hamilton  :  For  biographical  sketch,  see  page  46. 

Enumerate  some  of  the  many  arduous  duties  of  Washington. 
Name  officers  of  the  Revolutionary  army  that  were  ill  used  by 
Congress.  How  did  one  of  the  officers  show  his  resentment  for 
his  ill  treatment?  What  complaints  did  the  civil  authorities 
have  to  make?  Name  some  of  the  intrigues  of  Congress;  in 
camp.  How  did  Washington  bear  criticism?  calumny?  Char- 
acterize Washington  as  a  general  and  as  a  stateman. 


complaints  of  the  civil  authority,  and  now  those  of  the 
starving  soldiers,  whose  sufferings  he  shares,  and  by  his 
cheerful  courage  keeping  up  the  hearts  of  both ;  repress- 
ing the  zeal  of  friends  to-day,  and  overcoming  with 
steadfast  rectitude  the  intrigues  of  enemies  in  Congress 
and  in  camp  to-morrow;  bearing  criticism  with  patience 
and  calumny  with  fortitude,  and,  lest  his  country 
should  suffer,  answering  both  only  with  plans  for  her 
defence  of  which  others  are  to  reap  the  glory;  guarding 
the  long  coast  with  ceaseless  vigilance,  and  watching 
with  sleepless  eye  a  chance  to  strike  the  enemy  in  front 
a  blow;  a  soldier  subordinating  the  military  to  the  civil 
power;  a  dictator  as  mindful  of  the  rights  of  Tories  as 
of  the  wrongs  of  Whigs;  a  statesman,  commanding  a 
Revolutionary  army;  a  patriot,  forgetful  of  nothing 
but  himself;  this  is  he  whose  extraordinary  virtues  only 
have  kept  the  army  from  disbanding  and  saved  his 
country's  cause.  Modest  in  the  midst  of  pride,  wise 
in  the  midst  of  folly,  calm  in  the  midst  of  passion, 
cheerful  in  the  midst  of  gloom,  steadfast  among  the 
wavering,  hopeful  among  the  despondent,  bold  among 
the  timid,  prudent  among  the  rash,  generous  among  the 

Intrigues  in  camp:  The  Conway  Cabal  was  an  intrigue  by 
Gates,  Lee,  Mifflin,  Wilkinson,  and  others  of  Washington's 
officers  in  1777  for  the  promotion  of  brigadier-general  Conway 
contrary  to  Washington's  judgment.  Washington  was  accused  of 
incompetence  and  partiality,  and  finally  Congress  was  prevailed 
upon  to  promote  Conway  to  major-general  and  inspector-general. 
In  1778  Conway  was  wounded  in  a  duel.  He  afterward  apolo- 
gized to  Washington,  confessing  his  wrong. 


selfish,  true  among  the  faithless,  greatest  among  good 
men  and  best  among  the  great, — such  was  George 
Washington  at  Valley  Forge. 

But  the  darkest  hour  of  night  is  just  before  the  day. 
In  the  middle  of  February  Washington  described  the 
dreadful  situation  of  the  army  and  "  the  miserable 
prospects  before  it  "  as  ''  more  alarming  "  than  can 
possibly  be  conceived,  and  as  occasioning  him  more 
distress  "  than  he  had  felt  "  since  the  commencement 
of  the  war.  On  the  23d  of  February  he  whom  we  call 
Baron  Steuben  rode  into  camp;  on  the  6th,  Franklin 
signed  the  Treaty  of  Alliance  at  Versailles. 


Frederick  William  Augustus,  Baron  Von  Steuben,  was 
a  native  of  Magdeburg,  in  Prussia.  Trained  from  early 
hfe  to  arms,  he  had  been  Aide  to  the  Great  Frederick, 
Lieutenant-General  to  the  Prince  of  Baden,  Grand 
Marshal  at  the  Court  of  one  of  the  Hohenzollerns,  and 
a  Canon  of  the  Church.  A  skilful  soldier,  a  thorough 
disciplinarian,  a  gentleman  of  polished  manners,  a  man 
of  warm  and  generous  heart,  he  had  come  in  the  prime 
of  life  and  vigor  to  offer  his  services  to  the  American 
people.  None  could  have  been  more  needed  or  more 
valuable  at  the  time.     Congress  sent  him  to  the  camp, 

Characterize  Washington  as  a  man,  showing  the  many  qualities 
that  go  to  make  up  his  character. 

In  your  own  language,  writ(i  a  sketch  of  George  Washington 
at  Valley  Forge. 



Washington  quickly  discerned  his  worth,  and  in  a  Httle 
time  he  was  made  Major-General  and  Inspector  of  the 
army.     In  an  instant  there  was  a  change  in  that  depart- 
ment.    A  disciphne  unknown  before  took  possession  of 
the  camp.  Beginning  with  a  picked  company  of  one  hun- 
dred and  twenty  men,  the  Baron  drilled  them  carefully 
himself  on  foot  and  musket  in  hand.     These  when  they 
became  proficient  he  made  a  model  for  others,   and 
presently  the  whole  camp  had  become  a  military  school. 
Rising  at  three  in  the  morning,  he  smoked  a  single 
pipe  while  his  servant  dressed  his  hair,  drank  one  cup 
of  coffee,  and  with  his  star  of  knighthood  gleaming  on 
his  breast  was  on  horseback  at  sunrise,  and  with  or 
without  his  suite  galloped  to  the  parade.     There  all 
day  he  drilled  the  men,  and  at  nightfall  galloped  back 
to  the  hut  in  which  he  had  made  his  quarters,  to  draw 
up  regulations  and  draft  instructions  for  the  inspectors 
under  him.     And  thus  day  after  day,  patient,  careful, 
laborious,  and  persevering,  in  a  few  months  he  trans- 
formed this  untrained  yeomanry  into  a  disciplined  and 
effective  army.     There  have  been  more  brilliant  services 
rendered  to  America  than  these,  but  few  perhaps  more 
valuable   and   worthier   of   remembrance.     Knight   of 
the  Order  of  Fidelity,  there  have  been  more  illustrious 
names  than  thine  upon  our  lips  to-day.     Like  many 
another  who  labored  for  us,  our  busy  age  has  seemed  to 
pass  thee  by.     But  here,  at  last,  when  after  a  century, 
Americans  gather  to  review  their  country's  history, 
shall  they  recall  thy  unselfish  services  with  gratitude, 
and  thy  memory  with  honor ! 


And  surely  at  Valley  Forge  we  must  not  forget  what 
Franklin  is  doing  for  his  country's  cause  in  France.  It 
was  a  happy  thing  for  the  Republican  Idea  that  it  had 
a  distant  continent  for  the  place  of  its  experiment.  It 
was  a  fortunate  thing  for  America  that  between  her  and 
her  nearest  European  neighbor  lay  a  thousand  leagues 
of  sea.  That  distance — a  very  different  matter  from 
what  it  is  to-day — made  it  at  the  same  time  difficult  for 
England  to  overcome  us,  and  safe  for  France  to  lend  us 
aid.  From  an  early  period  this  alliance  seemed  to  have 
been  considered  by  the  Cabinet  of  France.  For  several 
years  secret  negotiations  had  been  going  on,  and  in  the 
fall  of  1777  they  became  open  and  distinct,  and  the  rep- 
resentatives of  both  nations  came  face  to  face.  There 
was  no  sympathy  between  weak  and  feeble  Louis  and 
his  crafty  Ministers  on  the  one  side  and  the  repre- 
sentatives of  Democracy  and  Rebellion  on  the  other 
— nor  had  France  any  hopes  of  regaining  her  foot- 
hold on  this  continent.     The  desire  of  her  rulers  was 

Louis  XVI  succeeded  to  the  throne  in  1774.  He  gave  the 
American  Colonies  considerable  aid  during  the  Revolutionary 
war,  and  burdened  France  with  a  big  debt  in  their  behalf. 

''It  was  in  this  particular  juncture  of  affairs  and  condition 
of  opinion  and  policy  that  the  genius  of  Dr.  Franklin  shone  with 
peculiar  lustre.  At  the  gay  court  of  Louis  XVI  he  appeared  as  the 
representative  of  his  country.  His  gigantic  intellect,  his  reputa- 
tion in  science,  and  his  personal  manners  soon  won  for  him  at 
the  French  capital  an  immense  reputation.  His  wit  and  genial 
humor  made  him  admired;  his  humanity  and  courteous  bearing 
commanded  universal  respect;  his  patience  and  perseverance  gave 


simply  to  humiliate  and  injure  England,  and  the 
revolution  in  America  seemed  to  offer  the  chance. 
Doubtless  they  were  influenced  by  the  fact  that  the 
cause  of  America  had  become  very  popular  with  all 
classes  of  the  French  people,  impressed  to  a  remarkable 
degree  with  the  character  of  Dr.  Franklin,  and  stirred 
by  the  contagious  and  generous  example  of  Lafayette. 
Nor  was  this  popular  feehng  merely  temporary  or 
without  foundation.  Long  familiar  as  he  had  been  with 
despotism  in  both  politics  and  religion,  the  Frenchman 
still  retained  within  him  a  certain  spirit  of  Liberty  which 
was  stronger  than  he  knew.  His  sympathies  naturally 
went  out  toward  a  distant  people  engaged  in  a  gallant 
struggle  against  his  hereditary  enemies, — the  English; 
but  besides  all  that,  there  was  in  his  heart  something, 
he  hardly  knew  what,  that  vibrated  at  the  thought  of 
a  freedom  for  others  which  he  had  hardly  dreamed  of 
and  never  known.  Little  did  he  or  any  of  his  rulers 
foresee  what  that  something  was.     Little  did  France 

him  final  success.  He  became  at  length  the  idol  of  the  French 
people.  During  the  whole  of  1777  he  remained  at  Paris  and 
Versailles,  leaving  nothing  undone  that  might  conduce  to  the 
cause  of  his  country.  At  last  came  the  news  of  Burgoyne's 
surrender.  A  powerful  British  army  had  been  conquered  and 
captured  without  aid  from  abroad.  This  marked  success  of 
the  American  arms  afforded  the  excuse  for  which  the  French  king 
had  been  waiting.  One-third  of  the  British  forces  in  America 
had  either  been  killed  or  captured,  and  France  hesitated  no  longer 
to  recognize  our  independence.  The  treaty  was  signed  February 
6,  1778.  The  event  was  of  vast  moment,  as  it  presaged  the  final 
success  of  the  American  cause." 


imagine,  as  she  blew  into  a  flame  the  spark  of  Liberty 
beyond  the  sea,  that  there  was  that  within  her  own 
dominions  which  in  eleven  years,  catching  the  divine 
fire  from  the  glowing  West,  would  set  herself  and  Europe 
in  a  blaze.  Accordingly,  after  much  doubt,  delay,  and 
intrigue,  during  which  Franklin  bore  himself  with  rare 
ability  and  tact,  treaties  of  amity,  commerce,  and  al- 
liance were  prepared  and  signed.  The  Independence 
of  America  was  acknowledged  and  made  the  basis  of 
alliance,  and  it  was  mutually  agreed  that  neither  nation 
should  lay  down  its  arms  until  England  had  conceded  it. 
A  fleet,  an  army,  and  munitions  were  promised  by  the 

The  French  Revolution  began  with  the  meeting  of  the  States 
General  in  May,  1789,  and  continued  until  1799.  At  first  Ameri- 
cans were  favorable  to  it,  as  to  a  natural  consequence  of  the  Ameri- 
can Revolution,  and  a  movement  in  favor  of  humanity,  liberty, 
and  progress .  But  the  execu  tion  of  the  king  and  the  ensuing  Reign 
of  Terror  turned  the  feeling  against  it.  It  was  one  of  the  main 
questions  upon  which  our  first  political  parties  were  divided,  the 
Federalists  opposing  it,  the  Republicans  favoring  it.  Because 
Washington's  administration  assumed  a  neutral  position,  it  was 
attacked  with  great  vigor. 

Within  forty-eight  hours  after  signing  the  alliance  between 
France  and  America,  British  spies  carried  the  portentous  news 
to  their  sovereign,  whose  ministers  at  once  sought,  by  well-marked 
measures  of  conciliation,  to  paralyze  the  inevitable  result  contem- 
plated by  the  alliance.  As  an  inducement  Great  Britain  offered 
to  give  everything  that  she  had  refused  three  years  before,  in- 
cluding freedom  from  taxation,  and  according  representation  in 
parliament;  but  the  offer  was  too  late.  The  Americans  were 
firmly  resolved  on  independence  and  snubbed  the  English 
commissioners  sent  to  this  country. 


King,  and,  as  a  consequence,  war  was  at  once  declared 
against  Great  Britain. 


We  are  accustomed  to  regard  this  as  the  turning- ) 
point  in  the  Revolutionary  struggle.  And  so  it  y!i:asr^ 
But  neither  the  fleet  of  France  nor  her  armies,  gallant 
as  they  were,  nor  the  supplies  and  means  with  which 
she  furnished  us,  were  as  valuable  to  the  cause  of  the 
struggling  country  as  the  moral  effect^atjiimie.asja£elt-a&- 
abroaji^_x£.ihe--all4a^ce._  Mopes  Th^  were  built  upon 
the  skill  of  French  sailors  were  soon  dispelled,  the  ex- 
pectations of  large  contingent  armies  were  not  to  be 
fulfilled,  but  the  news  of  the  French  alliance  carried 
into  every  patriotic  heart  an  assurance  that  never  left  it 
afterward,  and  kept  aroused  a  spirit  that  henceforward 
grew  stronger  every  year.  Says  the  historian  Bancroft : 
"  The  benefit  then  conferred  on  the  United  States  was 
priceless.  And  so  the  flags  of  France  and  the  United 
States  went  together  into  the  field  against  Great  Britain 
unsupported  by  any  other  government,  yet  with  the  good 
wishes  of  all  the  peoples  of  Europe."  And  thus  illustri- 
ous Franklin,  the  Philadelphia  printer,  earned  the  magnif- 
icent compliment  that  was  paid  him  in  the  French  Acad- 
emy: "  Eripuit  fulmen  ccelo,  sceptrumque  tyrannis." 

Why  was  this  the  turning-point  in  the  Revolutionary  struggle? 
What  was  the  effect  of  the  French  alliance? 

Eripuit  fulmen  ccelo,  sceptrumque  tyrannis — He  wrested  the 
thunder  from  the  sky  and  the  scepter  from  tyrants. 


And  all  the  while,  unconscious  of  the  event,  the  winter 
days  at  Valley  Forge  dragged  by,  one  after  another,  with 
sleet  and  slush  and  snow,  with  storms  of  wind,  and  ice 
and  beating  rain.  The  light-horse  scoured  the  country, 
the  pickets  watched,  the  sentinels  paced  up  and  down, 
the  men  drilled  and  practised  and  starved  and  froze 
and  suffered,  and  at  last  the  spring-time  came,  and  with 
it  stirring  news.  Greene  wasapp^oinled  Quarter- 
master-General on  the  ^3d  oi''"March,  and  under  his 
skilful  management  relief  and  succor  came.  The 
Concihatory  Bills,  offering  all  but  independence,  were 
received  in  April,  and  instantly  rejected  by  Congress, 
under  the  stirring  influence  of  a  letter  from  Washington, 
declaring  with  earnestness  that  "  nothing  short  of 
independence  would  do,"  and  at  last,  on  the  4th  of  May, 
at  eleven  o'clock  at  night,  the  news  of  the  French  treaty 
reached  the  headquarters. 

On  the  6th,  by  general  orders,  the  army,  after  ap- 
propriate religious  services,  was  drawn  up  under  arms, 
salutes  were  fired  with  cannon  and  musketry,  cheers 
given  by  the  soldiers  for  the  King  of  France  and  the 
American  States,  and  a  banquet  by  the  General-in- 
Chief  to  all  the  officers  in  the  open  air  completed  a 
day  devoted  to  rejoicing.     "  And  all  the  while,"  says 

''On  the  7th  of  May,  1778,  at  9  o'clock  a.  m.,  the  American 
Army  was  on  parade.  Drums  beat  and  cannon  were  fired,  as  if 
for  some  victory.  It  was  a  day  of  jubilee,  a  rare  occurrence  for 
the  time  and  place.  The  brigades  were  steady,  but  not  brilliant 
in  their  formation.  Uniforms  were  scarce.  Many  feet  were  bare. 
Many  had  no  coats.     Some  wore  coats  made  of  the  remnants  of 


the  English  satirist,  ''  Howe  left  the  famous  camp  of 
Valley  Forge  untouched,  whilst  his  great,  brave,  and 
perfectly  appointed  army  fiddled  and  gambled  and 
feasted  in  Philadelphia.  And  by  Byng's  countrymen 
triumphal  arches  were  erected,  tournaments  were  held 
in  pleasant  mockery  of  the  Middle  Ages,  and  wreaths 
and  garlands  offered  by  beautiful  ladies  to  this  clement 
chief,  with  fantastical  mottoes  and  poesies  announcing 
that  his  laurels  should  be  immortal."  On  the  18th 
of  May  (the  day  of  that  famous  festivity)  Lafayette 
took  post  at  Barren  Hill,  from  which  he  escaped  so 
brilliantly  two  days  afterwards.  At  last,  on  the  18th 
of  June,  George  Roberts,  of  Philadelphia,  came  gallop- 

their  winter  blankets.  The  pomp  and  circumstances  of  war  was 
wanting.  There  was  no  review  by  general  officers,  with  a  well- 
appointed  staff.  Few  matrons  and  few  maidens  looked  on. 
There  stood  before  each  brigade  its  chaplain,  God's  ambassador 
was  made  the  voice  to  explain  this  occasion  of  expenditure  of 
greatly  needed  powder.  The  Treaty  of  Alliance  was  read  and  in 
solemn  silence  the  American  Army  at  Valley  Forge  united  in 
thanksgiving  to  Almighty  God  that  He  had  given  them  one  friend 
on  earth.  One  theme  was  universal,  and  it  flutters  yet  in  the 
breasts  of  millions,  'Praise  God  from  whom  all  blessings  flow.' 
Huzzas  for  the  king  of  France,  for  Washington  and  the  Republic, 
with  caps  tossed  high  in  air  and  a  rattling  fire  through  the  whole 
line  terminated  the  humble  pageant." — From  Carrington's 
"Battles  of  the  American  Revolution." 

Byng's  Countrymen. — For  a  description  of   these   tourna- 
ments read  Thackeray's  Virginian,  Chap.  xci. 

George  Roberts,  read  Spark's  Writings  of  Washington,  vol. 
V,  p.  409. 


ing  up  the  Gulf  Road,  covered  with  dust  and  sweat,  with 
the  news  that  the  British  had  evacuated  Philadelphia. 
Six  brigades  were  at  once  in  motion, — the  rest  of  the 
army  prepared  to  follow  with  all  possible  despatch  early 
on  the  19th.  The  bridge  across  the  Schuylkill  was  laden 
with  tramping  troops.  Cannon  rumbled  rapidly  down 
the  road  to  the  river.  The  scanty  baggage  was  packed, 
the  flag  at  headquarters  taken  down,  the  last  brigade 
descended  the  river-bank,  the  huts  were  empty,  the 
breast-works  deserted,  the  army  was  off  for  Monmouth, 
and  the  hills  of  Valley  Forge  were  left  alone  with  their 
glory  and  their  dead.  The  last  foreign  foe  had  left  the 
soil  of  Pennsylvania  forever.  Yes,  the  last  foreign  foe! 
Who  could  foretell  the  mysteries  of  the  future?  Who 
foresee  the  trials  that  were  yet  to  come?  Little  did 
the  sons  of  New  England  and  the  South,  who  starved 

Washington,  feeling  assured  of  the  evacuation  of  Philadelphia, 
prepared  for  the  event,  and  on  the  18th  of  May  directed  General 
Lafayette,  with  a  corps  of  2500  picked  men,  to  occupy  Barren  Hill, 
observe  the  movements  of  the  enemy,  and  in  the  event  of  their 
retreat  across  New  Jersey,  to  fall  upon  their  left  and  rear  while  he 
would  follow  as  rapidly  as  possible  with  the  main  army.  The 
assignment  of  this  youthful  officer  to  the  command  of  an  inde- 
pendent expedition  composed  of  the  flower  of  the  army,  charged 
with  duties  certain  to  expose  him  to  trials  and  perils  of  the  most 
extraordinary  character,  illustrates  the  boundless  confidence  in 
him;  and  the  manner  in  which  he  acquitted  himself  in  discon- 
certing the  plans  laid  by  Howe,  Clinton,  Grant,  and  Sir  William 
Erskine  to  destroy  or  capture  him  and  his  command  marks  him 
as  an  officer  of  quick  and  brilliant  perceptions  upon  the  field  of 
battle  and  brave  to  a  fault. 


and  froze  and  died  here  in  the  snow  together,  think,  as 
their  eyes  beheld  for  the  last  time  the  Uttle  flag  that 
meant  for  them  a  common  country,  that  the  time  would 
come  when,  amid  sound  of  cannon,  their  children,  met 
again  on  Pennsylvania  soil,  would  confront  each  other 
in  the  splendid  agony  of  battle!  Sorrow  was  their 
portion,  but  it  was  not  given  them  to  suffer  this.  It 
was  theirs  to  die  in  the  gloomiest  period  of  their  coun- 
try's history,  but  certain  that  her  salvation  was  assured. 
It  was  theirs  to  go  down  into  the  grave  rejoicing  in  the 
belief  that  their  lives  were  sacrifice  enough,  blessedly 
unconscious  that  the  liberty  for  which  they  struggled 
demanded  that  three  hundred  thousand  of  their  children 
should  with  equal  courage  and  devotion  lay  down  their 
lives  in  its  defence.  Happy  alike  they  who  died  before 
that  time  and  we  who  have  survived  it!  And,  thank  God 
this  day,  that  its  shadow  has  passed  away  forever. 
The  sins  of  the  fathers  visited  upon  the  children  have 
been  washed  away  in  blood, — the  sacrifice  has  been 
accepted, — the  expiation  has  been  complete.  The  men 
of  North  and  South  whose  bones  moulder  on  these 
historic  hill-sides  did  not  die  in  vain.  The  institutions 
which  they  gave  us  we  preserve, — the  Freedom  for  which 

Pennsylvania  ^oiL  refers  to  the  battle  of  Gettysburg,  which 
occurred  July  1-3,  1863.  The  forces  engaged  during  this  three 
days'  battle  numbered  between  70,000  and  80,000  on  each  side. 
The  Federal  loss  was  2834  killed,  13,709  wounded,  and  6643 
missing,  making  a  total  of  23,186.  The  total  Confederate  loss 
was  31,621. 


they  fought  is  still  our  birthright, — the  flag  under 
which  they  died  floats  above  our  heads  on  this  anni- 
versary, the  emblem  of  a  redeemed,  regenerate,  re- 
united country.  The  union  of  those  States  still  stands 
secure.  Enemies  within  and  foes  without  have  failed 
to  break  it,  and  the  spirit  of  faction,  from  whatever 
quarter  or  in  whatever  cause,  can  no  more  burst  its  holy 
bonds  asunder  than  can  we  separate  in  this  sacred  soil 
the  dust  of  Massachusetts  and  that  of  Carolina  from 
that  Pennsylvania  dust  in  whose  embrace  it  has  slum- 
bered for  a  century,  and  with  which  it  must  forever  be 
indistinguishably  mingled. 


Such,  then,  is  the  history  of  this  famous  place.  To 
my  mind  it  has  a  glory  all  its  own.  The  actions  which 
have  made  it  famous  stand  by  themselves.  It  is  not 
simply  because  they  were  heroic.  Brave  deeds  have 
sanctified  innumerable  places  in  every  land.  The  men 
of  our  revolution  were  not  more  brave  than  their 
French  allies,  or  their  German  cousins,  or  their  English 
brethren.  Courage  belongs  alike  to  all  men.  Nor  were 
they  the  only  men  in  history  who  suffered.     Others 

Give  the  history  of  this  famous  place.  In  what  respect  has 
it  a  glory  of  its  own?  Give  instances  where  brave  deeds  have 
sanctified  innumerable  places  in  every  land.  In  what  did  the 
heroism  of  Valley  Forge  consist?  What  momentous  things  were 
intrusted  to  the  keeping  of  the  heroes  of  Valley  Forge?  Show 
how  courage  belongs  alike  to  all  men. 

80  \    VALLEY  FORGE 

have  borne  trial  as  bravely,  endured  with  the  same 
patience,  died  with  as  perfect  a  devotion.  But  it  is 
not  given  to  all  men  to  die  in  the  best  of  causes  or  win 
the  greatest  victories.  It  was  the  rare  fortune  of  those 
who  were  assembled  here  ,a  hundred  years  ago  that, 
having  in  their  keeping  the  most  momentous  things 
that  were  ever  intrusted  to  a  people,  they  were  at  once 
both  faithful  and  victorious.  The  army  that  was 
encamped  here  was  but  a  handful,  but  what  host  ever 
defended  so  much?  And  what  spot  of  Earth  has  had 
a  farther  reaching  and  happier  influence  on  the  human 
race  than  this? 

Is  it  that  which  the  traveller  beholds  when  from 
Pentelicus  he  looks  down  on  Marathon?  The  life  of 
Athens  was  short,  and  the  liberty  which  was  saved  on 
that  immortal  field  she  gave  up  ingloriously  more  than 

Marathon,  a  small  plain  near  the  shore  of  the  Gulf  of  Mara- 
thon, about  20  miles  northeast  of  Athens.  On  the  plain  of  Mara- 
thon, Miltiades,  the  Athenian  general,  defeated  the  Persian  king 
and  saved  Greece,  490  B.  C. 

Pentelicus,  a  mountain  in  Greece,  ten  miles  northeast  of 
Athens,  rises  to  3640  feet  above  the  sea. 

Why  was  the  life  of  Athens  short?  Why  is  the  battlefield  of 
Marathon  regarded  a-s  immortal?  Tell  how  liberty  was  saved  on 
that  immortal  field.  Did  Athens  profit  by  her  great  victory? 
Describe  the  Athenian  civilization.  What  is  meant  by  the  ex- 
pression, "the  boundaries  of  her  tiny  state  were  larger  than  her 
heart"?  Why  was  Athens  a  prodigy  of  short  lived  splendor? 
Why  should  Athens  be  held  up  as  a  warning  rather  than  an 
example?  What  are  the  "forest  cantons"?  What  is  meant  by 
a  "sterile  independence"? 


twenty  centuries  ago.  The  tyranny  she  resisted  so 
gallantly  from  without  she  practised  cruelly  at  home. 
The  sword  which  she  wielded  so  well  in  her  own  defence 
she  turned  as  readily  against  her  children.  Her  civil- 
ization, brilliant  as  it  was,  was  narrow,  and  her  spirit 
selfish.  The  boundaries  of  her  tiny  state  were  larger 
than  her  heart,  whose  sympathy  could  not  include  more 
than  a  part  of  her  own  kindred.  Her  aspirations  were 
pent  up  in  herself,  and  she  stands  in  history  to-day  a 
prodigy  of  short-lived  splendor, — a  warning  rather 
than  example.  Is  it  any  one  of  those,  where  the  men  of 
the  forest  cantons  fell  on  the  invader  like  an  avalanche 
from  their  native  Alps  and  crushed  him  out  of  existence? 
The  bravery  of  the  Swiss  achieved  only  a  sterile  inde- 
pendence, which  his  native  mountains  defended  as  well 
as  he,  and  he  tarnished  his  glory  forever  when  the  sword 
of  Morgarten  was  hawked  about  the  courts  of  Europe, 
and  the  victor  of  Grandson  and  Morat  sold  himself  to 
the  foreign  shambles  of  the  highest  bidder. 

Morgarten,  a  narrow  pass  in  central  Switzerland,  between 
Morgarten  Hill  and  Lake  Egeri,  noted  for  a  victory  of  the  Swiss 
over  the  Austrians,  November  16,  1315.  The  Swiss  were  fighting 
for  freedom  from  the  Austrian  rule.  They  attacked  the  Austrians 
while  they  were  marching  through  the  pass,  hurling  down  great 
rocks  from  the  hills,  and  then  charging  so  fiercely  that  nearly  all 
of  their  enemies  were  killed. 

Grandson,  a  decayed  town  in  Switzerland,  on  shore  of  Lake 
Neuchatel.  It  is  memorable  for  the  victory  achieved  in  its 
vicinity  in  1476  by  the  Swiss  over  Charles  the  Bold. 

Morat,  a  town  of  Switzerland.  Charles  the  Bold  was  de- 
feated  here  by  the  Swiss  confederates  in  1476. 


Or  is  it  that  still  more  famous  field,  where  the  Belgian 
Hon  keeps  guard  over  the  dead  of  three  great  nations? 
There,  three-and-sixty  years  ago  yesterday,  the  armies 
of  Europe  met  in  conflict.     It  was  the  war  of  giants. 


On  the  one  side  England,  the  first  power  of  the  age, 
flushed  with  victory,  of  inexhaustible  resources,  re- 
doubtable by  land  and  invincible  by  sea,  and  Prussia, 
vigorous  by  nature,  stronger  by  adversity,  hardened  by 
suffering,  full  of  bitter  memories  and  hungry  for  revenge, 
and  on  the  other  France,  once  mistress  of  the  Continent, 
the  arbiter  of  nations,  the  conqueror  of  Wagram  and 
Marengo  and  Friedland  and  Austerlitz, — spent  at 
last  in  her  own  service,  crushed  rather  by  the  weight  of 
her  victories  than  by  the  power  of  her  enemies'  arms, — 
turning  in  her  bloody  footsteps,  like  a  wounded  lion,  to 

When  was  the  battle  of  Waterloo  fought?  Name  the  opposing 
generals.  Locate  this  battlefield.  Why  does  Mr.  Brown  call 
it  a  war  of  giants?  What  nations  were  engaged  in  this  conflict? 
What  is  the  modern  interpretation  of  the  term  "Waterloo"? 
What  is  meant  by  the  expression  "redoubtable  by  land  and 
invincible  by  sea"?  Why  did  he  characterize  the  Prussians 
as  "vigorous  by  nature"?  "strong  by  adversity"?  "hardened 
by  suffering"?  "full  of  bitter  memories"  ?  When  was  France 
mistress  of  the  Continent?  What  is  meant  by  "the  arbiter  of 
nations"?  Who  was  the  hero  of  Wagram,  Marengo,  Friedland, 
and  Austerlitz?     Locate  these  battlefields. 

Wagram,  a  village  of  lower  Austria,  eleven  miles  northeast  of 
Vienna.  It  is  famous  for  the  victory  of  Napoleon  over  the 
Austrians,  gained  here  on  July  6,  1809. 


spring  with  redoubled  fury  at  the  throat  of  her  pursuers. 
Behold  the  conflict  as  it  raged  through  the  long  June 
day,  while  all  the  world  listened  and  held  its  breath! 

The  long  lines  of  red,  the  advancing  columns  of  blue, 
the  glitter  of  burnished  steel,  the  roll  of  drums,  the 
clangor  of  trumpets,  the  cheering  of  men,  the  fierce 
attack,  the  stubborn  resistance,  the  slow  recoil,  the  rattle 
of  musketry,  the  renewed  assault,  the  crash  of  arms,  the 
roar  of  cannons,  the  clatter  of  the  charging  cavalry,  the 
cries  of  the  combatants,  the  clash  of  sabres,  the  shrieks 
of  the  dying,  the  confused  retreat,  the  gallant  rally,  the 
final  charge,  the  sickening  repulse,  the  last  struggle,  the 
shouts  of  the  victors,  the  screams  of  the  vanquished,  the 
wild  confusion,  the  blinding  smoke,  the  awful  uproar,  the 
unspeakable  rout,  the  furious  pursuit,  the  sounds  dying 
in  the  distance,  the  groans  of  the  wounded,  the  falling 
of  the  summer  rain,  the  sighing  of  the  evening  breeze, 
the  solemn  silence  of  the  night.  Climb  the  steps  that 
lead  to  the  summit  of  the  mound  that  marks  that  place 
to-day.     There  is  no  spot  in  Europe  more  famous  than 

Belgian  Lion,  the  Mont  du  Lion,  is  200  feet  high  and  about 
1700  feet  in  circumference,  on  the  summit  of  which  stands,  on  a 
lofty  pedestal,  an  immense  bronze  lion,  48,000  pounds  in  weight. 

Marengo,  a  locality  in  Piedmont,  Italy.  It  is  memorable  for 
the  battle  of  June  14,  1800,  between  Napoleon  and  the  Austrians, 
in  which  the  latter  were  defeated. 

Friedland,  a  town  of  East  Prussia.  Here  the  French  defeated 
the  allied  Russians  and  Prussians,  June  14,  1807. 

AusTERLiTZ,  a  town  of  Moravia,  twelve  miles  southeast  of 
Brunn.  It  is  celebrated  for  the  victory  gained  by  Napoleon  over 
the  emperors  of  Austria  and  Russia,  December  2,  1805 


the  field  beneath  your  feet.  In  outward  aspect  it 
is  not  unHke  this  which  we  behold  here.  The  hills 
are  not  so  high  nor  the  valleys  so  deep,  but  the  general 
effect  of  field  and  farm,  of  ripening  grain  and  emerald 
woodland,  is  much  the  same.  It  has  not  been  changed. 
There  is  the  chateau  of  Houguomont  on  the  west,  and 
the  forest  through  which  the  Prussians  came  on  the  east ; 
on  yonder  hill  the  Emperor  watched  the  battle;  beneath 
you,  Ney  made  the  last  of  many  charges,^ — the  world 
knows  it  all  by  heart.  The  traveller  of  every  race 
turns  toward  it  his  footsteps.  It  is  the  most  celebrated 
battle-field  of  Europe  and  of  modern  times. 

But  what  did  that  great  victory  accomplish?  It 
broke  the  power  of  one  nation  and  asserted  the  independ- 

HouGUOMONT :  For  a  graphic  description  of  Houguomont,  read 
"  Les  Miserables  "  by  Victor  Hugo. 

Who  commanded  the  Prussians?  In  what  respect  did  Napo- 
leon's defeat  revenge  the  memory  of  Jena  and  Corunna?  How 
did  it  break  the  spell  that  made  the  fated  name  of  Napoleon  the 
bond  of  an  empire  almost  universal. 

Marshall  Ney,  a  famous  French  General.  Napoleon  called 
him  the  bravest  of  the  brave,  and  for  his  valor  at  Elchingen  gave 
him  the  title  of  Duke  of  Elchingen.  At  Waterloo  he  had  five 
horses  shot  under  him.  When  Napoleon  was  finally  conquered, 
he  was  tried  for  desertion  and  condemned  to  be  shot. 

Why  should  the  whole  world  be  interested  in  the  battle  of 
Waterloo?  Why  is  it  the  most  famous  battlefield  in  Europe?  Is 
the  introduction  and  description  of  the  battle  of  Waterloo  a 
digression  from  the  main  discourse?  Can  you  justify  this  digres- 
sion? Does  the  digression  violate  the  unity  of  the  oration? 
Is  the  description  of  this  battle  vivid?  Have  you  a  clear  mental 
picture  of  it? 


ence  of  the  rest.  It  took  from  France  an  Emperor  and 
gave  her  back  a  King,  a  ruler  whom  she  had  rejected 
in  place  of  one  whom  she  had  chosen,  a  Bourbon  for  a 
Bonaparte,  a  King  by  Divine  right  for  an  Emperor  by 
the  people's  will.  It  revenged  the  memory  of  Jena  and 
Corunna,  and  broke  the  spell  that  made  the  fated  name 
Napoleon  the  bond  of  an  empire  almost  universal;  it 
struck  down  one  great  man  and  fixed  a  dozen  small  ones 
on  the  neck  of  Europe.  But  what  did  it  bequeath 
to  us  besides  the  ever-precious  example  of  heroic  deeds? 
Nothing.  What  did  they  who  conquered  there  achieve? 
Fame  for  themselves,  woe  for  the  vanquished,  glory  for 
England,  revenge  for  Prussia,  shame  for  France,  noth- 
ing for  Humanity,  nothing  for  Liberty,  nothing  for  Civil- 
ization, nothing  for  the  Rights  of  Man.  One  of  the  great 
Englishmen  of  that  day  declared  that  it  had  turned 

Bourbon,  a  member  of  a  family  which  has  occupied  European 

Napoleon,  general  of  the  French  army  in  Italy;  commander  in 
Egypt;  First  Consul  of  France,  Emperor  of  the  French;  an  exile  in 
the  island  of  St.  Helena. 

Jena,  a  town  of  Germany,  twelve  miles  southeast  of  Weimar. 
Here,  on  October  14,  1806,  Napoleon  totally  defeated  the  Prus- 

Corunna,  a  fortified  city  of  Spain  in  Galicia. 

What  was  achieved  by  the  conquerors  of  Waterloo?  What 
great  principles  were  involved  in  the  war  of  the  American  Revo- 
lution? What  great  document  enunciated  a  new  principle  to  the 
world  in  regard  to  the  rights  of  man?  State  that  principle. 
What  great  Englishman  declared  that  the  battle  of  Waterloo 
had  turned  back  the  hands  of  the  dial  of  the  world's  progress  for 
fifty  years?     What   did  he  mean  by  that   expression?     What 


back  the  hands  of  the  dial  of  the  world's  progress  for 
fifty  years.     And,  said  an  Enghsh  poetess, — 

The  Kings  crept  out  again  to  feel  the  sun, 
The  Kings  crept  out — the  peoples  sat  at  home, 
And  finding  the  long-invocated  peace, 
A  pall  embroidered  with  worn  images 
Of  rights  divine,  too  scant  to  cover  doom 
Such  as  they  suffered^curst  the  corn  that  grew 
Rankly  to  bitter  bread  on  Waterloo. 


My  countrymen: — For  a  century  the  eyes  of  strug- 
gling nations  have  turned  towards  this  spot,  and  lips 
in  every  language  have  blessed  the  memory  of  Valley 
Forge!  The  tide  of  battle  never  ebbed  and  flowed  upon 
these  banks;  these  hills  never  trembled  beneath  the 
tread  of  charging  squadrons  nor  echoed  the  thunders  of 
contending  cannon.  The  blood  that  stained  this  ground 
did  not  rush  forth  in  the  joyous  frenzy  of  the  fight;  it 

English  poetess  is  quoted  in  the  text?  Why  have  struggling 
nations  turned  their  eyes  toward  Valley  Forge?  Why  is  the 
memory  of  Valley  Forge  blessed  to  every  liberty-loving  patriot? 
If  history  has  its  lessons,  what  is  the  lesson  of  Valley  Forge? 
Why  is  Valley  Forge  one  of  the  altars  erected  by  our  forefathers 
to  Liberty  and  to  Humanity?  In  what  respect  was  this  encamp- 
ment a  factor  in  the  great  work  of  civilization  in  its  onward  sweep 
of  progress  and  development?  Is  patriotism  a  sentiment?  Is 
it  a  principle  born  in  our  nature  and  part  of  our  humanity? 
For  what  did  the  soldiers  of  the  Revolution  fight?  What  did 
they  defend?  What  did  they  have  in  their  keeping?  In  what 
were  the  heroes  of  Valley  Forge  distinguished  from  the  heroes 
of  Waterloo? 


fell  drop  by  drop  from  the  heart  of  a  suffering  people. 
They  who  once  encamped  here  in  the  snow  fought  not 
for  conquest,  not  for  power,  not  for  glory,  not  for  their 
country  only,  not  for  themselves  alone.  They  served 
here  for  posterity ;  they  suffered  here  for  the  human  race; 
they  bore  here  the  cross  of  all  the  peoples;  they  died 
here  that  Freedom  might  be  the  heritage  of  all.  Tt  was 
Humanity  which  they  defended;  it  was  Liberty  herself 
that  they  had  in  keeping, — she  that  was  sought  in  the 
wilderness  and  mourned  for  by  the  waters  of  Babylon, — 
that  was  saved  at  Salamis  and  thrown  away  at  Chser- 
onea, — that  was  fought  for  at  Cannae  and  lost  forever 
at  Pharsalia  and  Philippi, — she  who  confronted  the 
Armada  on  the  deck  with  Howard  and  rode  beside 
Cromwell  on  the  field  of  Worcester, — for  whom  the, 
Swiss  gathered  into  his  breast  the  sheaf  of  spears  at 

Babylon,  the  ancient  capital  of  the  Babylonio-Chaldean 

Salamis,  an  island  of  Greece  in  the  Gulf  of  Aegina.  On  the 
eastern  shore  the  Greeks  under  Thermistodes  gained  a  memor- 
able naval  victory  over  the  Persians,  480  B.  C. 

Chaeronea,  an  ancient  city  of  Greece,  famous  for  a  victory 
gained  by  Philip  of  Macedon  over  the  Athenians  and  Thebans, 
338  B.  C,  and  for  Sulla's  victory  over  the  general  of  Mithridates, 

Cannae,  an  ancient  town  of  Italy,  memorable  for  the  victory 
which  Hannibal  gained  over  the  Romans  in  its  vicinity  in  216  B.  C. 

Pharsalia,  a  town  of  Greece  in  Thessaly.  It  was  on  the 
Pharsalian  Plain  that  Caesar  overwhelmed  Pompey  in  48  B.  C. 

Philippi,  an  ancient  town  of  Macedonia.  In  the  plain  west  of 
it,  the  battles  took  place  in  which  Octavius  and  Anthony  defeated 
Brutus  and  Cassius. 


Sempach  and  the  Dutchman  broke  the  dykes  of  Holland 
and  welcomed  in  the  sea, — she  of  whom  Socrates  spoke 
and  Plato  wrote  and  Brutus  dreamed  and  Homer  sung, 
— for  whom  Eliot  pleaded  and  Sydney  suffered  and  Mil- 
ton prayed  and  Hampden  fell!  Driven  by  the  persecu- 
tion of  centuries  from  the  older  world,  she  had  come 
with  Pilgrim  and  Puritan  and  Cavalier  and  Quaker  to 
seek  a  shelter  in  the  new.     Attacked  once  more  by  her 

Armada,  a  great  fleet  sent  by  Philip  II  of  Spain  against 
England  in  1588.  It  was  met  and  defeated  by  the  English  fleet 
of  about  180  vessels,  under  Lord  Howard,  in  English  Channel  in 
August,  1588. 

Oliver  Cromwell,  on  the  field  of  Worcester,  September  3, 
1651,  overwhelmed  the  army  of  Charles  II. 

Sempach,  a  town  of  Switzerland.  In  its  vicinity,  in  1386,  a 
body  of  Swiss  routed  a  greatly  superior  force  of  Austrians.  The 
story  of  Arnold  of  Winkelried  is  associated  with  this  battle. 

Socrates,  a  famous  Greek  philosopher,  born  near  Athens, 
about  470  B.  C. 

Plato,  a  famous  Greek  philosopher  and  teacher  of  Aristotle; 
the  founder  of  the  Academic  School. 

Brutus,  a  Roman  politician  and  scholar. 

Homer,  the  poet  to  whom  is  assigned  by  very  ancient  tradi- 
tion the  authorship  of  the  Iliad  and  the  Odyssey. 

John  Eliot  was  one  of  the  few  men  who  treated  the  Indians 
kindly.     He  spent  his  life  in  earnest  efforts  to  Christianize  them. 

Sir  Philip  Sidney,  a  famous  English  author,  soldier,  and 
courtier.  He  came  to  his  death  on  the  field  of  Zutphen,  whither 
he  had  been  sent  by  the  queen  to  aid  those  provinces  in  their 
struggle  with  Philip  II.  While  being  carried  from  the  field, 
wounded  and  faint,  he  called  for  a  drink;  but  as  he  was  about 
to  put  the  bottle  to  his  lips,  he  saw  a  poor  soldier  looking  long- 
ingly at  the  bottle.     Sir  Philip,  before  he  had  tasted  a  drop,  at 


old  enemies,  she  had  taken  refuge  here.  Nor  she  alone. 
The  dream  of  the  Greek,  the  Hebrew's  prophecy,  the 
desire  of  the  Roman,  the  Italian's  prayer,  the  longing 
of  the  German  mind,  the  hope  of  the  French  heart,  the 
glory  and  honor  of  Old  England  herself,  the  yearning  of 
all  the  centuries,  the  aspiration  of  every  age,  the  promise 

once  handed  it  to  the  man  with  the  words,  "Thy  necessity  is  yet 
greater  than  mine." 

John  Milton,  a  famous  English  poet,  author  of  Paradise 
Lost,  etc. 

John  Hampden,  a  celebrated  English  statesman  who,  when 
twenty-seven  years  old,  was  elected  to  Parliament  and  soon  showed 
himself  a  strong  lover  of  liberty.  He  became  the  most  popiilar 
man  in  England.  When  civil  war  broke  out,  he  raised  a  regiment 
and  marched  against  the  king. 

The  Pilgrims  came  to  America  in  1620  to  escape  religious 
persecution.  They  did  not  like  the  ceremonies  of  the  Estab- 
lished Church,  and  went  so  far  as  to  separate  themselves  from  it ; 
hence  they  were  called  Separatists. 

The  Puritans  were  so  called  from  their  desire  to  purify  the 
ceremonies  of  the  Church  of  England.  They  did  not  separate 
themselves  from  the  church  as  did  the  Pilgrims,  but  desired  to 
purify  it  from  within.  The  settlers  of  Massachusetts  Bay  came 
from  this  sect. 

Cavalier,  the  name  given,  from  their  gay  dress  and  de- 
meanor, to  the  supporters  of  Charles  I.  during  the  great  civil  war 
in  England.  The  execution  of  Charles  L,  in  1649,  had  driven 
great  numbers  of  his  friends  to  Virginia.  It  was  the  promised 
land  of  "distressed  Cavaliers,"  as  the  old  narratives  called 
them,  and  they  flowed  to  Virginia  in  a  stately  stream  during 
the  Commonwealth  period. 

The  Quakers;  the  religious  sect  most  severely  persecuted  in 
England  after  the  restoration  of  the  king  was  the  Society  of 
Friends,  whose  members  were  sometimes  called  Quakers. 

90  OA-   "         VALLEY  FORGE  , 

of  the  past,  the  fulfilment  of  the  future,  the  seed  of  the 
old  time,  the  harvest  of  the  new, — all  these  were  with 
her.  And  h«f-€,  in  the  heart  of  America,  they  were 
safe.  The  last  of  many  struggles  was  almost  won;  the 
best  of  many  centuries  was  about  to  break ;  the  time  was 
already  come  when  from  these  shores  the  light  of  a  new 
civilization  should  flash  across  the  sea,  and  from  this 
place  a  voice  of  triumph  make  the  Old  World  tremble, 
when,  from  her  chosen  refuge  in  the  West,  the  Spirit  of 
Liberty  should  go  forth  to  meet  the  rising  sun  and  set 
the  people  free! 


Americans: — A  hundred  years  have  passed  away,  and 
that  civihzation  and  that  liberty  are  still  your  heritage. 
But  think  not  that  such  an  inheritance  can  be  kept  safe 
without  exertion.  It  is  the  burden  of  your  happiness 
that  with  it  Privilege  and  Duty  go  hand-in-hand  to- 
gether. You  cannot  shirk  the  present  and  enjoy  in 
the  future  the  blessings  of  the  past.  •  Y'esterday  begot 
to-day,  and  to-day  is  the  parent  of  to-morrow.  The 
old  time  may  be  secure,  but  the  new  time  is  uncertain. 
The  dead  are  safe;  it  is  the  privilege  of  the  hving  to  be 

What  is  the  heritage  of  the  American  people?  How  was  it 
secured?  How  may  it  be  safeguarded?  What  is  our  civic  duty 
in  regard  to  the  future?  Why  is  the  pohtical  future  uncertain? 
What  is  the  privilege  of  the  living?  How  is  a  country  benefited 
by  great  actions?  In  what  way  may  we  convert  the  honor  of 
Valley  Forge  into  an  eternal  shame?  In  what  way  may  we  make 
the  glory  of  Valley  Forge  ours?  Why  is  it  in  the  interest  of  our 
country  to  keep  the  anniversaries  of  great  events? 



in  peril.  A  country  is  benefited  by  great  actions  only 
so  long  as  her  children  are  able  to  repeat  them.  The 
memory  of  this-spet  shall  be  an  everlasting  honor  for  our 
fathers,  but  we  can  make  it  an  eternal  shame  for  our- 
selves if  we  choose  to  do  so.  The  glory  of  Lexington 
and  Bunker  Hill  and  Saratoga  and  Valley  Forge  be- 
longs not  to  you  and  me,  but  we  can  make  it  ours  if  we 
will.  ^  It  is  well  for  us  to  keep  these  anniversaries  of 
great  events;  it  is  well  for  us  to  meet  by  thousands  on 
these  historic  spots ;  it  is  well  to  walk  by  those  unknown 
graves  or  follow  the  windings  of  the  breastworks  that 
encircle  yonder  hill ;  it  is  well  for  us  to  gather  beneath 
yon  little  fort,  which  the  storms  of  so  many  winters  have 
tenderly  spared  to  look  down  on  us  to-day;  it  is  well  to 
commemorate  the  past  with  song  and  eulogy  and  pleas- 
ant festival, — but  it  is  not  enough. 

If  they  could  return  whose  forms  have  been  passing  in 
imagination  before  our  eyes;  if  in  the  presence  of  this 
holy  hour  the  dead  could  rise  and  lips  dumb  for  a  century 
find  again  a  tongue,  might  they  not  say  to  us:  You  do 
well,  countrymen,  to  commemorate  this  time;  you  do 
well  to  Jionor  those  who  yielded  up  their  lives  in  glory 
here.     Theirs  was  a  perfect  sacrifice,  and  the  debt  you 

Why  is  it  not  enough  to  commemorate  the  past  with  song  and 
eulogy  and  pleasant  festival? 

If  the  heroic  dead  of  Valley  Forge  could  rise  and  speak,  what 
message  would  they  communicate  to  their  countrymen?  Com- 
pare and  contrast  your  country  of  1777-1778  with  your  country 
of  to-day,  as  to  territory,  population,  wealth,  natural  resources, 
blessings,  privileges,  opportunities,  and  power. 


owe  them  you  can  never  pay.  Your  lines  have  fallen 
in  a  happier  time.  The  boundaries  of  your  Union 
stretch  from  sea  to  sea.  You  enjoy  all  the  blessings 
which  Providence  can  bestow, — a  peace  we  never 
knew,  a  wealth  we  never  hoped  for,  a  power  of  which 
we  never  dreamed.  Yet  think  not  that  these  things 
only  can  make  a  nation  great.  We  laid  the  foundations 
of  your  happiness  in  a  time  of  trouble,  in  days  of  sorrow 
and  perplexity,  of  doubt,  distress,  and  danger,  of  cold 
and  hunger,  of  suffering  and  want.  We  built  it  up  by 
virtue,  by  courage,  by  self-sacrifice,  by  unfailing  patrio- 
tism, by  unceasing  vigilance.  By  those  things  alone 
did  we  win  your  liberties;  by  them  only  can  you  hope  to 
keep  them.  Do  you  revere  our  names?  Then  follow 
our  example.  Are  you  proud  of  our  achievements? 
Then  try  to  imitate  them .  Do  you  honor  our  memories? 
Then  do  as  we  have  done.  You  yourselves  owe  some- 
thing to  America  better  than  all  those  things  which 
you  spread  before  her  with  such  lavish  hand, — some- 
thing which  she  needs  as  much  in  her  prosperity  to- 
day as  ever  in  the  sharpest  crisis  of  her  fate.     For  you 

What  makes  a  nation  great?  Under  what  condition  was  the 
foundation  of  our  nation  laid? 

How  was  the  greatness  of  our  nation  built  up?  How  were  our 
liberties  won?  What  is  liberty?  How  can  we  expect  to  keep  our 
liberties?  What  is  the  great  need  of  America  to-day?  What 
duties  have  we  to  perform?  What  should  be  the  aim  and  ambi- 
tion of  every  American  patriot?  Name  some  lofty  examples 
that  should  guide  us  in  our  civic  duty.  Name  the  elements  of 
true  patriotism. 


have  duties  to  perform  as  well  as  we.  It  was  ours  to 
create;  it  is  yours  to  preserve.  It  was  ours  to  found;  it 
is  yours  to  perpetuate.  It  was  ours  to  organize;  it  is 
yours  to  purify!  And  what  nobler  spectacle  can  you 
present  to  mankind  to-day  than  that  of  a  people  honest, 
steadfast,  and  secure, — mindful  of  the  lessons  of  exper- 
ience,— true  to  the  teachings  of  history,- — led  by  the 
loftiest  examples,  and  bound  together  -to  protect-  their 
institutions-at-th^elose -of -the- -century,-  as  their  fathers 
were-tO' win  them  at  the  beginning,  by  the  ties  of 
"  Virtue,  Honor,  and  Love  of  Country," — by  that 
Virtue  which  makes  perfect  the  happiness  of  a  people, 
— by  that  Honor  which  constitutes  the  chief  greatness 
of  a  State, — by  that  Patriotism  which  survives  all 
things,  braves  all  things,  endures  all  things,  achieves  all 
things,  and  which,  though  it  find  a  refuge  nowhere  else, 
should  live  in  the  heart  of  every  true  American?  ^ 

My  countrymen : — The  century  that  has  gone  by  has 
changed  the  face  of  nature  and  wrought  a  revolution  in 
the  habits  of  mankind.     We  to-day  behold  the  da^vn 

How  does  virtue  contribute  to  the  perfect  happiness  of  a 
people?  How  does  honor  constitute  the  chief  greatness  of 
a  state?  Name  some  instances  in  American  history  of  dishonor? 
What  is  the  test  of  true  patriotism?  In  what  way  has  the  face 
of  nature  been  changed?  In  what  respect  has  the  past  century- 
wrought  a  revolution  in  the  habits  of  mankind?  Why  do  we 
stand  at  the  dawn  of  an  extraordinary  century?  In  what  way 
has  man  robbed  the  earth  of  her  secrets  and  has  sought  to  solve 
the  mysteries  of  heaven? 


of  an  extraordinary  age.  Freed  from  the  chains  of 
ancient  thought  and  superstition,  man  has  begun  to 
win  the  most  extraordinary  victories  in  the  domain  of 
science.  One  by  one  he  has  dispelled  the  doubts  ct 
the  ancient  world.  Nothing  is  too  difficult  for  his  hana 
to  attempt, — no  region  too  remote, — no  place  too  sacred 
for  his  daring  eye  to  penetrate.  He  has  robbed  the 
Earth  of  her  secrets,  and  sought  to  solve  the  mysteries 
of  the  Heavens!  He  has  secured  and  chained  to  his 
service  the  elemental  forces  of  nature;  he  has  made  the 
fire  his  steed;  the  winds  his  ministers;  the  seas  his 
pathway;  the  hghtning  his  messenger.  He  has  descended 
into  the  bowels  of  the  earth,  and  walked  in  safety  on 
the  bottom  of  the  sea.  He  has  raised  his  head  above 
the  clouds,  and  made  the  impalpable  air  his  resting- 
place.  He  has  tried  to  analyze  the  stars,  count  the 
constellations,  and  weigh  the  sun.  He  has  advanced 
with  such  astounding  speed  that,  breathless,  we  have 
reached  a  moment  when  it  seems  as  if  distance  had  been 
annihilated,  time  made  as  naught,  the  invisible  seen, 
the  inaudible  heard,  the  unspeakable  spoken,  the  in- 
tangible felt,  the  impossible  accomplished.  And  al- 
ready we  knock  at  the  door  of  a  new  century  which 
promises  to  be  infinitely  brighter  and  more  enlightened 
and  happier  than  this.  But  in  all  this  blaze  of  light 
which  illuminates  the  present  and  casts  its  reflection 

In  what  way  do  you  think  the  twentieth  century  to  be  infinitely 
brighter,  more  enlightened,  and  happier  than  the  nineteenth 


into  the  distant  recesses  of  the  past,  there  is  not  a 
single  ray  that  shoots  into  the  future.  Not  one  step 
have  we  taken  toward  the  solution  of  the  mystery  of 

.e.     That  remains  to-day  as  dark  and  unfathomable  as 
it  was  ten  thousand  years  ago. 

We  know  that  we  are  more  fortunate  than  our 
fathers.  We  believe  that  our  children  shall  be  happier 
than  we.  We  know  that  this  century  is  more  enlight- 
ened than  the  last.  We  hope  that  the  time  to  come 
will  be  better  and  more  glorious  than  this.  We  think, 
we  beheve,  we  hope,  but  we  do  not  know.  Across  that 
threshold  we  may  not  pass;  behind  that  veil  we  may 
not  penetrate.  Into  that  country  it  may  not  be  for  us 
to  go.  It  may  be  vouchsafed  to  us  to  behold  it,  wonder- 
ingly,  from  afar,  but  never  to  enter  in.  It  matters  not. 
The  age  in  which  we  live  is  but  a  link  in  the  endless  and 
eternal  chain.  Our  lives  are  like  the  sands  upon  the 
shore;  our  voices  like  the  breath  of  this  summer  breeze 
that  stirs  the  leaf  for  a  moment  and  is  forgotten. 
Whence  we  have  come  and  whither  we  shall  go  not  one 

Have  we  solved  the  mystery  of  life?  Why  are  we  more  for- 
tunate than  our  fathers?  Why  should  our  children  be  happier 
than  we? 

The  peroration  serves  to  sum  up  the  main  points  in  the  dis- 
cussion; to  make  certain  points  more  emphatic;  or  to  make  a 
pleasing  and  favorable  impression  upon  the  audience.  What 
purpose  does  this  peroration  serve?  Does  it  restate  the  main 
themes  of  the  discussion?  if  so,  what  are  they?  Does  the  per- 
oration match  the  discussion?  Is  the  style  different  from  the 
treatment  of  the  theme?     If  so,  in  what  respect? 


of  US  can  tell.     And  the  last  survivor  of  this  mighty 
multitude  shall  stay  but  a  little  while. 

But  in  the  impenetrable  To  Be,  the  endless  genera- 
tions are  advancing  to  take  our  places  as  we  fall.  For 
them  as  for  us  shall  the  Earth  roll  on,  and  the  seasons 
come  and  go,  the  snowflakes  fall,  the  flowers  bloom,  and 
the  harvests  be  gathered  in.  For  them  as  for  us  shall 
the  sun,  like  the  life  of  man,  rise  out  of  darkness  in  the 
morning  and  sink  into  darkness  in  the  night.  For  them 
as  for  us  shall  the  years  march  by  in  the  sublime  pro- 
cession of  the  ages.  And  here,  in  this  place  of  Sacrifice, 
in  this  vale  of  Humiliation,  in  this  valley  of  the  Shadow 
of  that  Death  out  of  which  the  Life  of  America  rose 
regenerate  and  free,  let  us  believe  with  an  abiding  faith 
that  to  them  Union  will  seem  as  dear,  and  Liberty  as 
sweet,  and  Progress  as  glorious  as  they  were  to  our 
fathers,  and  are  to  you  and  me,  and  that  the  Institu- 
tions which  have  made  us  happy,  preserved  by  the  vir- 
tue of  our  children,  shall  bless  the  remotest  generations 
of  the  time  to  come.  And  unto  Him  who  holds  in  the 
hollow  of  His  hand  the  fate  of  nations,  and  yet  marks 
the  sparrow's  fall,  let  us  lift  up  our  hearts  this  day,  and 
into  His  eternal  care  commend  ourselves,  our  children, 
and  our  country. 



One  of  the  greatest  orators  that  this  country  has  produced 
was  once  asked,  what  are  the  elements  that  go  to  make  up  a 
great  oration?  He  replied,  ^Hhe  man,  the  place,  and  the  occasion." 
Judged  by  this  standard,  Henry  Armitt  Brown's  oration  at  Valley 
Forge,  June  19,  1878,  demonstrates  the  fact  that  as  an  orator  he 
was  the  peer  of  Sumner  and  Phillips;  reaching  up  to  the  plane 
of  Everett;  and,  like  the  great  French  orators,  his  speech  was 
finished,  classic,  evenly  sustained,  and  with  an  elegance  of  style. 
He  had  four  qualities  of  an  orator — a  masterful  will,  personal 
magnetism,  a  flexible  and  musical  voice,  and  an  exquisitely 
finished  elocution.  At  a  little  over  thirty  years  of  age  he  held, 
as  it  were,  entranced  thousands  by  his  great  reasoning  and 
eloquence.  Looking  around  among  the  orators  of  the  day,  we 
see  but  a  few  who  have  not  gained  a  good  ripe  age  before  they 
have  attained  that  great  sublimity  of  mind  and  character  which 
seemed  bound  up  in  him. 

"The  young  men  of  our  country  should  make  his  life  a  study; 
no  more  perfect  model  can  be  found,  for  in  him  they  see  what  a 
young  man  has  done,  and  what  other  young  men  can  do. 
His  example  should  serve  to  stimulate  the  young  and  noble- 
minded  to  exalted  aims. 

"The  young  men  in  our  American  colleges  should,  we  think, 
ever  look  forward  to  becoming  public  men,  the  recognized  ser- 
vants of  the  republic;  and  they  should  act  upon  the  principle 
that,  from  the  very  talents  intrusted  to  them,  they  are  expected 
to  become  the  strong  stays  and  helpers  of  the  commonwealth. 



By  so  doing  they  will  follow  in  his  footsteps,  whose  life  is  im- 
perfectly set  forth  in  these  pages,  and  who  fell  on  the  'high 
places  of  the  field'  to  make  room  for  them  to  follow." 

His  Childhood  and  Early  Youth 

Henry  Armitt  Brown  was  born  in  the  city  of  Philadelphia, 
December  1,  1844.  His  father  was  a  representative  business 
man;  his  mother  was  Charlotte  Augusta  Hoppin,  from  whom  he 
inherited  his  literary  tastes. 

"Harry  was  a  sweet-tempered  child,  delicately  strung  arl 
extremely  sensitive  to  the  touch  and  sight  of  harsh  things,  as  if 
unfit  to  be  stretched  on  this  rough  world,  imaginative,  curious 
in  his  questionings,  sympathetic  and  affectionate,  but  stubborn 
of  will,  and  apt  to  see  things  in  a  very  independent  and  ludicrously 
odd  light." 

"When  an  older  boy,  his  favorite  pastime  was  studying  the 
histories  of  great  battles,  especially  those  of  Napoleon,  and  in 
arranging  and  moving  companies  of  tin  soldiers  and  parks  of 
artillery  according  to  the  changing  plans  of  the  battles.  This 
play  was  carried  on  so  large  a  scale  as  to  attract  the  attention 
of  the  neighbors  and  of  older  people  to  the  extent  of  the  combina- 
tions. One  whole  portion  of  the  garden  thus  employed  would 
become  the  scene  of  a  wide  and  hurrying  conflict,  platoons  of 
soldiers  shifting  across  the  field,  forts  blowing  up,  dwellings  in 
flames,  rivers  crossed,  and  discharge  of  artillery  from  the  flying 

He  became  so  absorbed  in  his  military  plans  that,  until 
he  was  fourteen  years  of  age,  his  one  great  ambition  was  to  be- 
come a  great  captain.  He  was  so  bent  upon  a  military  career 
that  he  importuned  his  father,  time  and  time  again,  to  be  per- 
mitted to  go  to  West  Point  Military  Academy,  but  was  each  time 
refused.  As  his  biographer  has  said,  "This  throws  some  light 
upon  his  character,  which,  as  it  sometimes  happens,  beneath  an 
almost  feminine  delicacy  of  organization,  hid  a  nature  of  sinewy 
ambition  fitted  to  leadership."     He  was  prepared  for  college  at 


the  Burlington  Academy  and  at  Dr.  Lyons  School  in  Haverford, 

His  College  Life 

He  entered  Yale  college  in  1861,  and  it  was  not  long  before 
he  cast  himself  into  the  current  of  student  life  with  all  his  youth- 
ful enthusiasm.  Here  he  found  a  congenial  field  for  his  varied 
talents,  identifying  himself  with  every  social  and  Hterary  effort. 
In  resolutions  drafted  by  class  committees,  in  speeches  delivered 
at  class  suppers;  in  Delta  Kappa,  Alpha  Sigma  Phi,  and  Psi 
Upsilon  lyrics;  in  debates  and  war  songs  of  \.xie  Brothers  in 
Unity;  in  the  organization  and  carrying  out  the  Thanksgiving 
Jubilees  of  sophomore,  junior  and  senior  years,  his  pen  and 
voice  were  foremost.  He  was  soon  recognized  as  a  ready  and 
acceptable  speaker  and  was  in  constant  demand.  During  his 
college  career  he  not  only  developed  a  talent  for  acting,  but  the 
college  songs  from  his  pen  are  sufficient  evidence  of  his  talent 
in  this  line.  Honors  were  being  constantly  heaped  upon  him, 
but,  it  must  be  remembered,  that  they  were  won  by  the  sheer 
force  of  his  intellect.  He  read  much,  but  not  along  any  definite 
lines.  He  was  passionately  fond  of  the  classics,  especially  the 
Latin  poets.  His  independent  reading  included  history,  political 
economy,  and  philosophy. 

Harry  Brown  was  chosen  to  be  class-poet,  a  deserved  tribute 
to  his  popularity  and  abihty.  "His  class-mates  were  satisfied 
that  a  great  poet  had  spoken  and  what  more  could  be  asked?" 
His  college  life  was  irreproachable  and  his  sense  of  honor  ex- 
quisite. It  was  at  Yale  that  he  acquired  the  power  to  think, 
to  reason,  to  write,  and  to  speak — four  great  acquisitions  for  any 
man.     What  college  education  could  do  more? 

Settling  Down  to  Work 

Soon  after  graduation  he  entered  Columbia  Law  School  in 
New  York  city,  and  in  the  following  July,  1866,  he  sailed  for 
the  Continent,  where  he  spent  sixteen  months  visiting  all 
the  countries  of  Europe,  with  the  exception  of  Russia,  Sweden, 


Norway,  and  Spain.  Upon  his  return  from  Europe  he  resumed 
his  study  of  law  in  the  office  of  Daniel  Dougherty,  Esq.,  of 
Philadelphia,  and  was  admitted  to  the  bar  as  an  attorney, 
December  18,  1869.  He  devoted  himself  faithfully  to  his  legal 
business,  but  in  April,  1870,  he  sailed  once  more  for  Europe. 
Upon  his  return  home  he  settled  down  to  his  professional  studies. 
''He  shook  off  the  slight  dilettantism  which  was  the  mingled 
product  of  a  fondness  for  society  and  the  cherishing,  in  a  time  of 
life  betwixt  the  ideal  and  the  actual,  of  something  of  a  Hamlet- 
like spirit  of  thoughtful  inaction.  He  was  a  dreamer,  though  an 
earnest  one.  As  in  college,  while  ever  pondering  it,  he  had  not 
found  his  work.  He  had  not  heard  the  bugle  call.  The  asso- 
ciations of  early  years  clung  about  him,  and  he  was  more  of  a 
loiterer  in  those  green  imaginative  meads  than  a  laborer  in  the 
real  field.  He  had  begun  to  appreciate  the  sensible  words  of 
another,  "Of  all  the  work  that  produces  results,  nine-tenths 
must  be  drudgery." 

Mr.  Brown  became  an  active  member  of  the  Philadelphia 
Shakespeare  Society,  and  his  friends  claim  that  the  influence 
of  his  study  of  Shakespeare  is  perceptible  in  its  power  upon 
his  oratory,  giving  it  elegant  finish,  condensation,  and  tactical 
dexterity  in  dealing  with  mind. 

A  Public  Discovery 

On  the  19th  of  December,  1872,  a  complimentary  dinner  was 
given  to  the  Hon.  Ex-Chief  Justice  Thompson.  The  best  legal 
talent  of  the  city  was  present.  The  eighth  and  last  toast  of 
the  evening  was  "The  Juniors  of  the  Bar."  This  toast  was  as- 
signed to  Henry  Armitt  Brown.  This  announcement  caused 
some  surprise,  due  to  the  fact  that  he  was  so  recent  a  member 
of  the  bar.  But  these  feelings  were  soon  dispelled  as  his  exquis- 
itely finished  elocution  fell  upon  the  ear.  "The  PubHc  Ledger" 
characterized  the  effort  as  "one  of  the  marked  orations  of  the 
evening."  And  so  it  was  discovered  that  Harry  Brown  could 
speak.     From  now  on  his    oratorical    career  was  onward  and 


upward.  Ever  and  anon  he  was  called  to  the  lecture  field  and 
the  political  stump.  He  had  every  qualification  for  the  public 
lecture  field,  and  would  have  rivalled  the  most  shining  names 
upon  the  public  y  ,atform  if  he  had  folk-^^ed  out  this  career. 

In  the  mean  time  he  was  married,  I  ccember  7,  1871,  to  Miss 
Josephine  Lea,  of  Philadelphia — a  union  of  rare  happiness  and 
congeniality  of  mind. 

A  new  field  presented  itself  to  his  claims  and  oratorical  powers. 
It  was  the  Centennial  Epoch  of  memoralizing  the  great  events 
of  the  country's  history.  Harry  Brown  had  not  yet  won  his 
greatest  triumph.  He  was  invited  to  deliver  the  oration  in 
Carpenter's  Hall,  Philadelphia,  on  the  one  hundredth  anniversary 
of  the  meeting  of  Congress  of  1774.  Of  this  address  the  "Phila- 
delphia Press"  said,  "As  the  exercises  continued,  and  the  ora- 
tion of  the  day  was  being  delivered,  the  whole  aspect  of  the 
assembly  changed.  Those  there  seated  were  no  longer  men  of 
business,  but  sons  of  liberty,  who  had  suddenly  realized  the 
grandeur  of  their  birthright.  The  thrilling  oration  fanned  into 
a  white-heat  the  long-smothered  embers  of  patriotism,  until  the 
air  seemed  heavy  with  the  magnetic  influence  of  deep  emotion 
and  mental  excitement.  The  scene  was  one  never  to  be  for- 
gotten. Old  men  whose  years  overlapped  the  nineties  stood 
erect  with  a  renewed  youth,  and  waved  their  hats  in  the  air,  and 
the  young  men,  to  whom  the  word  liberty  had  long  been  so 
familiar  as  to  have  become  an  empty  sound,  seemed  suddenly 
to  realize  the  deep  significance  of  the  term,  and  to  long  for  some 
way  of  proving  their  devotion  to  a  government  which  had  cost 
such  precious  blood  to  gain." 

His  next  oratorical  triumph  was  won  at  the  old  Quaker  town 
of  Burlington,  New  Jersey,  December  6,  1877,  on  the  occasion 
of  its  two  hundredth  anniversary  of  its  formation.  The  style 
of  this  oration,  while  finished,  was  not  highly  rhetorical.  It  was 
in  quaint  good  taste,  as  befitting  the  peaceful  old  Quaker  town 
about  which  its  loving  memories  linger. 

Near  the  beginning  of  the  last  year  of  his  life  Mr.  Brown  had 
been  asked  to  deliver  an  oration  on  the  anniversary  of  the  evac- 


uation  of  Valley  Forge.  The  delivery  of  this  oration  on  June 
19,  1878,  was  the  last  and  most  brilliant  of  Mr.  Brown's  public 
efforts.  From  this  celebration  Mr.  Brown  went  home,  it  might 
be  hterally  said,  to  die.  Low  in  strength,  and  using  up  all  his 
physical  energy  he  had  in  speaking,  he  contracted  a  fever  at  or 
about  the  time  of  the  celebration.  For  eight  weeks  there  was  a 
succession  of  hopes  and  fears.  He  died  August  21,  1878,  at  the 
age  of  thirty-three  years. 

As  AN  Orator 

''Henry  Armitt  Brown,  though  a  man  of  uncommonly  varied 
gifts  was  a  born  orator." 

"With  the  exception  of  Patrick  Henry,  Henry  Clay,  and  Daniel 
Webster,  no  speaker  in  the  land  ever  had  moments  of  completer 
triumphs  than  he  over  the  mind  and  feelings  of  his  hearers." 

"He  was  not  unlike  Edmund  Burke,  ever  espousing  the  cause 
of  justice,  and  had  he  lived  he  would  have  ranked  with  that 
eminent  essayist  and  statesman." 

His  Methods 

"He  always  read  in  advance  of  his  writing,  and  would  search 
indefatigably  in  any  direction  for  matter  bearing  upon  the 
subject.  He  went  to  first  causes.  He  spared  himself  no  pains. 
The  result  was  something  of  rare  and  permanent  value.  He 
liked  to  read  what  he  had  collected  to  his  wife  or  to  a  friend,  and 
their  interest  would  stimulate  him,  and,  while  talking  it  over, 
his  mind  would  become  thoroughly  aroused.  The  committing 
to  memory  never  seemed  to  give  him  the  least  uneasiness,  and 
one  day  usually  sufficed  for  that,  no  matter  how  much  matter 
there  was.  He  thus  filled  his  mind  with  the  subject  and  spoke, 
though  from  memory,  with  the  inspiration  of  the  theme." 

His  Style 
"Not  in  a  massive  style,  like  Bright's  oratory,  nor  in  cumula- 
tive epithet,  like  Sumner's,  nor  in  epigrammatic  brilliancy,  like 


Beaconsfield's,  nor  in  broad  philosophic  discussion,  Hke  Glad- 
stone's, nor  in  the  magnificent  marshalling  of  fact  and  phrase, 
like  Macaulay's,  nor  in  the  coarse,  passionate  vigor,  like  O'Con- 
nell's.  He  did  not  have  all  forces  combined — who  does?  His 
speech  was  more  like  that  of  the  great  French  orators,  finished 
and  classic,  w't>.out  display  of  violence  or  undisciplined  imagina- 
tion. He  hL-^  an  elegance  of  style  not  incompatible  with  the 
highest  vigor.     He  won  by  a  forceful  but  steady  pressure." 

As  A  Man  Among  Men 

"Young,  gifted,  vigorous,  above  all,  pure,  such  was  Henry 
Armitt  Brown." 

''Whatever  he  undertook  he  did  to  some  purpose.  As  a 
politician,  he  was  of  the  highest  stamp;  as  an  orator,  he  had  al- 
ready ranked  among  the  greatest;  as  a  writer,  he  was  forceful, 
graceful,  and  scholarly;  as  a  private  gentleman,  he  was  modest 
and  unassuming,  courteous  and  chivalric — ever  forgetful  of  self 
and  thoughtful  of  others." 

"Though  he  labored  in  different  fields,  like  Burns  and  Byron, 
his  young  life  ended  ere  it  had  scarcely  begun,  but,  to  his  per- 
petual glory  be  it  said,  the  sun  of  his  life  set  without  a  cloud 
upon  it." 

"Politics  did  not  lower  in  him  the  standard  of  high  moij,lity 
and  honor.  His  ambition  was  founded  upon  his  patriotism. 
Nothing  could  have  tempted  his  integrity,  and  no  partisanship 
could  have  made  him  subservient  to  mean  or  narrow  purposes. 
How  safe  would  be  the  Republic,  and  how  glorious  its  destiny, 
were  all  its  sons  like  him!" 


"The  characteristic  event  of  the  day  and  hour,  which  wit- 
nessed the  occupation  of  these  hills  by  the  Continental  army, 
presents  the  immortal  Washington  as  conspicuously  devoted  to 

^  Selections  from  an  Historical  Address  by  Col.  Theo.  W.  Bean. 


the  claims  of  humanity  as  he  was  to  the  more  imperative  de- 
mands of  country. 

''Historians  have  uniformly  signalized  the  arrival  of  the 
army  on  this  ground  as  coincident  with  the  famous  order  of  the 
Commander-in-Chief,  dated  'Headquarters  on  the  Schuylkill, 
Dec.  17,  1777,'  congratulating  his  troops  upon  the  close  of  cam- 
paign, the  results  accomplished,  the  heroic  conduct  of  officers 
and  the  endurance  of  men,  counseling  them  to  continue  in 
fortitude  and  patience,  assuring  his  followers  that,  'while  in 
some  instances  he  had  unfortunately  failed,  that,  upon  the  whole, 
heaven  had  smiled  upon  their  army  and  crowned  them  with 
success;  that  the  end  of  their  warfare  was  Independence,  Liberty, 
and  Peace,  and  the  hope  of  securing  these  blessings  for  them- 
selves and  their  posterity  demanded  a  continuance  of  the  struggle 
at  every  hazard.' 

"This  was  the  pleasing  side  of  the  picture  set  in  the  gilded 
framework  of  war's  seducing  blandishments  and  panoplied  with 
its  field-day  glories.  But  there  was  another — the  shoeless 
soldiers,  the  frozen  ground,  the  cheerless  hills,  the  lowering 
leaden  sky  that  arched  them  ove:  with  gloom.  These  were  the 
sorrowing  and  mute  witnesses  to  the  true  scene  of  the  arrival, 
and  which  the  artist  has  thus  far  failed  to  place  upon  canvas. 
We  are  not,  however,  wanting  the  pen  picture.  I  give  it  in  the 
language  of  Mr.  George  Washington  Parke  Custis.  The  brigades 
had  gone  into  position  upon  the  line  of  defence  indicated  by  the 
skilful  officer  who  drew  it.  The  pitiless  winter  winds  swept  the 
hills  and  valley  with  unceasing  fury,  as  the  December  sun  sank 
into  banks  of  snow-clouds,  presaging  the  coming  storm.  The 
poverty  of  supplies  in  food  and  raiment  was  bitterly  and  pro- 
fanely bewailed  by  shivering  unpaid  officers  and  half-naked 
men,  as  they  crowded  around  the  comfortless  camp-fire  of  the 
bivouac,  when  suddenly  the  appearance  of  the  Horse  Guard 
announced  the  approach  of  the  Commander-in-Chief.  The 
officer  commanding  the  detachment,  choosing  the  most  favorable 
ground,  paraded  his  men  to  pay  their  General  the  honors  of  a 
passing  salute.     As  Washington  rode  slowly  up,  he  was  observed 


to  be  eyeing  very  earnestly  something  that  attracted  his  atten- 
tion on  the  frozen  surface  of  the  road.  Having  returned  the 
salute  with  that  native  grace  and  dignified  manner  that  won  the 
admiration  of  the  soldiers  of  the  Revolution,  the  Chief  reined  in 
his  charger,  and  ordering  the  commanding  officer  to  his  side, 
addressed  him  as  follows:  /'How  comes  it,  sir,  that  I  have 
tracked  the  march  of  your  troops  by  the  blood-stains  of  their 
feet  upon  the  frozen  ground?y  Were  there  no  shoes  in  the  com- 
missary's stores  that  this  sad  spectacle  is  to  be  seen  along  the 
public  highway?'  The  officer  replied :  '  Your  Excellency  may  rest 
assured  that  this  sight  is  as  painful  to  my  feelings  as  it  can  be 
to  yours,  but  there  is  no  remedy  within  our  reach.  When  shoes 
were  issued,  the  different  regiments  were  served  in  turn;  it  was  our 
misfortune  to  be  among  the  last  to  be  served,  and  the  stores  be- 
came exhausted  before  we  could  obtain  even  the  smallest  supply.' 

"The  General  was  observed  to  be  deeply  affected  by  his 
officer's  description  of  the  soldiers'  privations  and  sufferings. 
His  compressed  lips,  the  heaving  of  his  manly  chest,  betokened 
the  powerful  emotions  that  were  struggling  in  his  bosom,  when, 
turning  toward  the  troops,  with  a  voice  tremulous,  yet  kindly, 
he  exclaimed,/ 'poor  fellows!'^/  Then  giving  rein  to  his  horse  he 
rode  rapidly  away. 

"The  purpose  of  the  Commander-in-Chief  in  taking  position 
at  Valley  Forge  was  to  give  the  greatest  measure  of  protection 
possible  to  the  state,  and  to  circumscribe  the  operations  of 
General  Howe  within  limits  that  would  seriously  affect  his 
source  of  supply.  To  this  end,  his  line  was  admirably  drawn. 
On  the  west  side  of  the  Schuylkill  he  extended  his  right  flank  to 
Wilmington,  at  which  point  he  stationed  General  Smallwood,  with 
his  brigade  of  infantry,  covering  the  long  interval  with  Morgan's 
rifle  corps  and  the  squadron  of  cavalry  under  Major  Harry  Lee. 

"On  the  east  side  of  the  river  he  occupied  as  far  as  White- 
marsh,  placing  General  Armstrong  with  a  brigade  of  Pennsyl- 
vania militia,  so  as  to  cover  the  principal  roads  converging 
at  that  point;  the  cavalry,  under  Major  Jameson  and  Captain 
McClane,  guarded  the  highways  in  the  direction  of  Barren  and 


Chestnut  Hills;  and,  to  still  further  prevent  incursions  of  the 
enemy  northward  from  Philadelphia,  he  directed  General  Pulaski, 
who  was  in  command  of  the  brigade  of  cavalry,  to  go  into  camp 
at  Trenton,  New  Jersey. 

''The  line  of  defence  from  the  west  shore  of  the  Schuylkill 
River  to  the  base  of  Mount  Joy,  at  the  angle  of  Valley  Creek, 
occupied  commanding  ground,  and  the  earthworks  and  fortifica- 
tions erected  under  the  direction  of  General  Du  Portail  were  ex- 
tensive in  character  and  skilfully  constructed.  The  interior 
line  of  works  and  abatis  were  semicircular  in  form,  crossing  from 
north  to  south,  with  one  star  and  two  square  forts,  from  which 
the  army  could  have  successfully  covered  a  retreat  westward 
had  such  a  movement  become  necessary.  The  interior  lines, 
with  the  remains  of  the  two  square  forts,  are  still  discernible,  and 
constitute  the  only  landmarks  which  the  crumbling  hand  of  time 
has  left  to  guide  the  pilgrim  over  these  hills.  Fortunately  for 
the  living  of  to-day,  who  have  joined  us  in  these  commemora- 
tive services,  and  thousands  of  our  countrymen  who,  though 
absent,  have  manifested  great  interest  in  the  occasion,  we  are 
not  without  reliable  data  by  which  we  may  indicate  with  accur- 
acy the  position  of  the  fourteen  brigades  of  Continental  troops 
encamped  wuhin  the  fortified  linesj  representing  a  maximum  of 
seventeen  thousand  men,  but  reduced  by  sickness  and  the  paucity 
of  supplies  to  the  pitiable  number  of  five  thousand  and  twelve 
effectives.    / 

"The  extreme  right  of  the  line,  commanding  the  approaches 
from  the  southwest,  was  held  by  Brigadier-General  Charles 
Scott,  of  Virginia,  upon  whose  left  Brigadier-General  Anthony 
Wayne,  commanding  the  Pennsylvania  line,  was  placed;  then  in 
succession  from  right  to  left  came  the  brigades  of  General  Enoch 
Poor,  of  Massachusetts,  General  John  Glover,  of  Massachusetts, 
General  Ebenezer  Lamed,  General  John  Patterson,  of  Massa- 
chusetts, General  George  Weedon,  of  Virginia,  who  connected 
with  General  Peter  Muhlenberg  of  Pennsylvania,  holding  the 
extreme  left  of  the  line,  resting  on  the  Schuylkill  at  a  point 
where  the  village  of  Port  Kennedy  is  now  located. 


"The  second  or  supporting  line  of  troops  were  encamped  im- 
mediately in  front  of  the  interior  line  of  earthworks,  still  dis- 
cernible. Brigadier-General  William  Woodford,  of  Virginia, 
held  the  right,  covering  the  corps  of  Major-General  Henry  Knox's 
artillery,  located  a  short  distance  to  the  left  and  rear;  to  the 
left  of  Woodford,  successively,  the  brigades  of  General  William 
Maxwell,  of  New  Jersey,  General  Thomas  Conway,  of  Irish  birth, 
General  Jedediah  Huntington,  of  Connecticut,  connecting  with 
the  brigade  of  General  James  Varnum,  of  Massachusetts;  on 
the  extreme  left,  covering  the  bridge  over  the  Schuylkill  River, 
built  by  General  Sullivan,  Brigadier-General  Lachlan  Mcintosh, 
of  Scottish  birth,  a  Georgian  by  adoption,  with  the  remaining 
brigade,  was  encamped  in  the  rear  of  the  second  line  of  intrench- 
ments,  a  short  distance  east  of  the  Potts  Mansion,  occupied  by 
the  Commander-in-Chief;  near  by  and  to  the  left  of  Mcintosh, 
Washington's  body-guard,  commanded  by  Major  Gibbs,  of  Rhode 
Island,  was  encamped;  still  farther  to  the  west,  and  on  the  op- 
posite side  of  the  Valley  Creek,  the  artificers  of  the  army  were 
quartered  in  huts  with  large  log  buildings  for  workshops. 

''The  bake-house,  used  for  the  double  purpose  of  furnishing 
food  for  the  army,  and  as  a  place  for  holding  courts-martial, 
was  located  within  a  few  yards  of  these  workshops.  By  the 
20th  of  December  the  army  was  in  position  as  indicated,  and  the 
order  to  construct  huts  for  the  winter  was  issued.  Soldiers 
became  axemen  from  necessity;  before  them  fell  the  forest,  and 
hundreds  of  log  houses  grew  as  by  magic. 

Major-Generals  Lafayette,  DeKalb,  and  Sterling  estabhshed 
their  headquarters  for  the  winter  with  the  army,  and  were  al- 
ternately assigned  to  important  field  and  detached  duty  during 
the  winter.  Major-General  Charles  Lee,  at  the  time  a  prisoner  of 
war,  was  subsequently  '  ^changed  for  General  Prescott  and  re- 
turned to  this  camp,  together  with  Vlajor-General  Thomas 
Mifflin,  of  Pennsylvania,  who  had  been.  Absent  some  months. 

"The  following  staff  officers  established  their  headquarters 
near  the  Potts  Mansion:  Major-General  Nathaniel  Greene,  of 
Rhode   Island,    Quartermaster-General    of    the   Army;    Major- 


General  Baron  Steuben,  Inspector-General;  Brigadier-General 
Du  Portail,  Chief  Engineer ;  Colonel  Timothy  Pickering,  Adjutant- 
General,  and  Colonel  Alexander  Hamilton,  Aide-de-Camp. 
Long  before  the  works  for  defence  were  completed  or  the  huts 
that  were  to  shelter  the  army  were  finished,  the  bitter  cry  of 
hunger,  from  thousands  of  brave  and  heroic  men,  reached  the 
ears  and  heart  of  Washington.  He  appealed  in  vain  to  the 
Government  for  supplies.  The  hasty  removal  of  Congress  from 
Philadelphia  to  Lancaster,  thence  to  York,  had  its  disorganizing 
effects  upon  all  the  departments,  especially  upon  those  of  the 
Quartermaster  and  Commissary. 

"To  overcome  in  some  measure  the  pressing  necessity  which 
threatened  the  dissolution  of  his  army,  as  early  as  the  20th  of 
December,  1777,  Washington  issued  the  following  order:  'By 
virtue  of  the  power  and  direction  especially  given,  I  hereby  enjoin 
and  require  all  persons  residing  within  seventy  miles  of  my 
headquarters  to  thresh  one-half  of  their  grain  by  the  first  day  of 
M-arch  next  ensuing,  on  pain  in  case  of  failure,  of  having  all,  that 
shall  remain  in  sheaves,  after  the  period  above  mentioned,  seized 
by  the  Commissaries  and  Quartermaster  of  the  army  and  paid 
for  as  straw.'  In  the  absence  of  blankets,  the  want  of  straw,  as 
well  as  grain,  was  sorely  felt  by  the  army;  farmers  in  the  imme- 
diate vicinity  had  suffered  great  loss  by  the  presence  of  both 
armies  in  their  midst.  Under  these  circumstances  it  was  not 
surprising  that  those  who  had  stowed  away  the  grain  and  hay 
that  was  relied  upon  to  keep  body  and  soul  together  for  another 
year  were  tardy  in  threshing  it  out.  The  order  of  the  Com- 
mander-in-Chief went  direct  to  the  vital  point.  Tradition  says 
that,  throughout  the  length  and  breadth  of  Washington's  seventy 
miles,  could  be  heard  from  morn  till  night  two  or  three  threshers 
on  every  barn-floor." 

Dr.  Thatcher,  in  his  private  journal,  states,  that  ''it  was  with 
the  greatest  difficulty  that  men  enough  could  be  found  in  a  fit 
condition  to  discharge  the  military  camp  duties  from  aay  to  day, 
and  for  this  purpose  those  who  were  naked  borrowed  of  those 
more  fortunate  in  having  covering  for  their  bodies  and  shoes  for 


their  feet.  Yet  amidst  the  sufferings  and  privations  endured 
by  these  devoted  troops  week  after  week  and  month  after  month, 
pelted  by  the  storms  of  one  of  the  severest  winters  ever  known 
in  this  region,  the  love  of  country,  the  hope  of  victory,  and  an 
abiding  confidence  in  their  great  leader  sustained  them  until,  in 
the  Providence  of  God,  the  cause  found  an  ally,  whose  offices 
of  friendship,  long  and  ardently  hoped  for  by  the  chivalrous 
Lafayette,  was  finally  assured  by  the  diplomacy  of  our  own 
glorious  Franklin." 

Passing  from  the  gloom  of  the  command  we  are  met  with  the 
perils  of  the  Commander. 

The  surrender  of  Burgoyne  on  the  Hudson,  due  primarily  to 
the  comprehensive  direction  of  Washington,  successfully  carried 
into  execution  by  Major-General  Philip  Schuyler,  who,  in  an  evil 
hour,  was  superseded  by  Major-General  Horatio  Gates,  giving  to 
the  latter  officer  easy  honors  and  bringing  to  his  standard  the 
disaffected  spirits  of  the  army,  as  it  did  the  impatient  and  fawn- 
ing politicians  of  the  period.  The  victory  of  Gates  at  Saratoga 
was  the  inevitable  result  of  conditions  precedent  to  his  assuming 
command  in  that  department,  a  fact  well  understood  by  his 
contemporaries  at  the  time;  and  it  would  seem  that  a  proper 
respect  for  the  properties  of  his  profession,  a  due  regard  for 
the  troops  that  served  him  and  the  superior  officers  in  merit  and 
rank,  who  made  his  triumph  a  possibility,  should  have  induced 
subsequent  conduct  upon  his  part  consistent  with  the  highest 
interest  of  his  country.  But  it  was  not  so.  Assuming  honors 
he  never  merited  and  powers  never  conferred  upon  him,  he 
covertly  sought  to  destroy  personal  attachments  and  inspire 
public  distrust  in  his  Commander-in-Chief. 

"Generals  Conway  and  Mifflin,  with  others  of  less  importance, 
served  his  base  purpose  only  too  well,  and  for  a  time  the  cabal 
worked  unseen  mischief  in  the  attempted  alienation  of  friends 
and  disorganization  of  the  army,  which  ultimately  recoiled  upon 
those  most  conspicuously  connected  with  the  movement,  leaving 
the  character  of  him  they  thought  to  asperse  brighter  and  purer 
and  nobler  than  ever  before. 


"When  Washington  was  apprised  of  faction  by  his  personal 
friend,  Mr.  Laurens,  then  President  of  Congress,  he  repUed  with 
a  frankness  which,  while  it  disclosed  a  wounded  spirit,  breathed 
in  every  line  and  sentence  his  unqualified  attachment  to  the  cause 
and  his  unselfish  love  of  country. 

"The  secret  intrigues  within  the  army,  the  violent  criticism 
of  partisans  in  the  civil  service,  the  hasty  appointment  of  a  new 
Board  of  War,  consisting  first  of  Major-General  Thomas  Mifflin, 
Col.  Timothy  Pickering,  and  Col.  Robert  H.  Harrison  enlarged, 
on  the  17th  of  November,  1777,  by  the  addition  of  Mr.  Francis 
Dana  and  J.  B.  Smith,  and  again  on  the  27th  by  the  further 
appointment  of  General  Gates,  Joseph  Trumbull,  and  Richard 
Peters,  Gates  being  chosen  chairman,  and  as  thus  constituted, 
evidently  in  sympathy  with  the  cabal,  these  circumstances 
promptly  induced  a  correspondence  by  Washington  with  Congress 
which  resulted  in  the  appointment  of  a  committee  from  that 
body,  consisting  of  Mr.  Francis  Dana,  General  Joseph  Reed, 
Nathan  Folsom,  Charles  Carroll,  and  Gouverneur  M.  Morris, 
to  visit  the  camp  at  Valley  Forge.  This  committee  remained  in 
camp  for  several  weeks  and  finally  drafted  a  report  embodying 
suggestions  generally  accredited  to  the  foresight,  sagacity,  and 
wisdom  of  Washington.  Their  labor  was  productive  of  the  best 
results.  They  restored  public  confidence  and  hastened  the  work  of 
the  future  by  conceding  to  the  Commander-in-Chief  the  exercise  of 
those  powers  originally  contemplated  by  the  terms  of  his  com- 

"With  the  explosion  of  the  Conway  Cabal,  the  restoration  of 
public  confidence  by  the  patriotic  committee  of  Congress,  the 
induction  of  Greene  into  the  department  of  supplies,  the  assign- 
ment of  Steuben  to  the  task  of  organizing  and  disciplining  the 
army,  a  burden  was  lifted  from  the  shoulders  of  Washington,  who, 
as  he  calmly  surveyed  the  future,  supported  by  the  presence  and 
fidelity  of  Knox  and  Sterling,  of  Hamilton  and  Pickering  and 
Lafayette,  felt  that  the  crisis  of  his  life  and  country  had  been 
reached  and  passed,  and  the  midnight  gloom  of  the  Revolution 
was  broken." 



On  the  19th  of  December,  1777,  at  the  close  of  an  unsuccess- 
ful campaign,  the  patriot  army  of  the  Revolution,  foot-sore  and 
weary,  encamped  upon  the  hills  at  Valley  Forge.  In  the  rude 
huts  of  the  dreary  encampment  was  born  the  unconquerable 
will,  the  courage  never  to  submit  or  yield,  that  proved  to  England 
and  the  world  that,  although  the  country  might  be  overrun 
with  British  soldiers,  the  people  could  not  be  subdued.  During 
those  weary  months  the  Continental  army  received  the  training 
and  discipline  which  afterward  enabled  it  to  meet  the  soldiers 
and  mercenaries  of  Great  Britain  in  equal  fight,  without  ever 
suffering  a  defeat.  Therefore,  on  that  holy  ground,  hallowed  by 
hunger  and  cold,  disease  and  destitution,  on  the  19th  day  of 
June,  1878,  which  marked  the  one  hundredth  anniversary  of  the 
departure  of  the  army  of  the  Revolution  from  winter  quarters 
from  Valley  Forge,  fifty  thousand  people  met  in  gratitude  to 
commemorate  a  fortitude  in  camp  superior  to  courage  in  battle, 
a  steadfastness  more  powerful  than  enthusiasm,  and  a  devotion 
to  a  cause  and  chieftain  utterly  forgetful  of  self. 

Let  us  indulge  the  hope  that  Valley  Forge  will  ever  remain  a 
monument  to  the  loyalty  and  devotion  of  this  brave  band  of 
patriots  who,  in  cold  and  hunger,  watched  from  those  sacred  hills 
for  the  coming  of  the  dawn  of  a  better  day,  and  to  which  the 
people  of  our  beloved  land  may  ever  turn  to  learn  the  lesson  of 
loyalty  and  devotion  to  country. 


1.  What  is  an  oration? 

2.  Name  the  parts  of  an  oration  and  the  purposes  of  each. 

3.  Name  five  American  orators  in  the  order  of  their  standing. 

4.  What  did  the  great  English  victory  at  Waterloo  accom- 

5.  Why  was  Washington  called  the  American  Fabius? 


6.  What  was  the  turning  point  in  the  Revolutionary  struggle? 

7.  Enumerate  the  services  of  Franklin  for  his  country's 

8.  Name  the  soldiers  of  Valley  Forge  who  were  destined  to 
become  presidents  of  the  United  States. 

9.  Which  soldier  at  Valley  Forge  was  destined  to  become  the 
most  illustrious  judge  of  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  United  States? 
to  announce  a  doctrine  that  has  kept  the  American  continent 
free  from  touch  of  European  politics?  to  debase  his  talents  and 
afterward  to  be  tried  for  treason? 

10.  Name  some  of  the  burdens  that  Washington  was  called 
upon  to  bear  while  at  Valley  Forge. 

11.  Give  reasons  why  Valley  Forge  should  be  regarded  as 
holy  ground. 

12.  Who  said  that  "fighting  will  be  preferable  to  starving"? 

13.  Why  was  Valley  Forge  chosen  for  the  winter  e'^campment 
in  preference  to  Trenton  or  Wilmington? 

14.  Who  characterized  Valley  Forge  as  a  ''wilderness"? 

15.  Why  was  the  close  of  1777  the  gloomiest  period  of  the 

16.  Who  was  President  of  the  Continental  Congress  while 
Washington's  army  was  at  Valley  Forge? 

17.  Give  an  account  of  the  "Conway  Cabal." 

18.  What  was  Washington's  opinion  of  the  soldiers  of  Valley 

19.  Whom  did  Mr.  Brown  characterize  as  the  "Knight  of  the 
Order  of  Fidelity"? 

20.  What  was  the  state  of  feeling  in  Europe  about  the  war  in 
the  colonies? 

21.  Why  was  France  interested  in  the  American  struggle? 

22.  Did  the  American  Revolution  have  any  bearing  on  the 
French  Revolution? 

23.  What  were  the  results  with  the  treaty  with  France? 

24.  Why  was  it  a  fortunate  thing  for  the  Americans  that 
between  her  and  her  nearest  European  neighbor  lay  a  thousand 
leagues  of  sea? 


25.  Who  was  the  Virginian  Scott? 

26.  Who  doffed  his  parson's  gown  for  the  uniform  of  a  brig- 
adier-general in  the  Continental  army? 

27.  Locate  the  following  places:  Swedes'  Ford,  Whitemarsh, 
York,  Chester,  Monmouth,  Eutaw,  Paoli,  Phoenixville,  and  the 

28.  Who  was  Dr.  Waldo? 

29.  Name  the  fifteen  decisive  battles  of  the  world. 

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